By Smitty '
The f uture of the Miami Gazette looks pretty unCel'~aill at this ' writing. Probably a new editor will take over , but ttU! date when t hat wi n happen can't be guaranteed At any ' rate, ~hen you rea\! t his: I'll be trying on a khakiuit or being jabbed wit h a tet anu shot ' or, ~Oillg t hrough some othe/' pha. e of mductton ull der · the S lective Service Act. . Since this column won't ·be do ing business at the· ~a me olt! ' un I in 194~, there's no point in making a ny' New Year's ·emark. Bu i might be intel'esti~g to nemio. s ome of t he, t hing s it might have ' . dealt with in 1 ~49 if gi v n Irhe chance. There would have been much pl'~paration for tbe C' nt nn tal 0 t his ' newspaper, whi h will e reached on fe b. 2 1"950 , And lhu(,h to do about the vill l,n:. t own hip, a uci s 1\00.1 boaoo el ' ,tion hex Aull, on which m y adv ie woulll lle simply, \'fa tch wh you ,elect and :\I OU won't ha,ve to to ' much watchhlg after ward. Any y a1' should call , l ' (' ndles pressur e to im pl'ov t he' t lep h'one s y~tem and t o get the t ow n out of its sew~n' dB mma. And of 'course, t he grade. , cho I buildingisgoing to be in next yearis news, good or bad.
No. 4401
'- ----------~~---------------
. Y, DECEMBER 30,1948
Hatchery ,]own's
C:o nner ~rviees . This Afternoon
Newest Business ,
A new business \ being qct up in Waynesville . . Mrs. Leighfee Connel', ~gad 7''. The ti' tle Mia mi Hutchet' v is d14!d at ~er home in Wayne ville being organized ,in l'l nra '~~ at Tuesday after noon , following: , a the h,?me' of James E. Jones, where short illness, ' Water Street ·runs into Rout!:' 42. Surviving are two sons, Rof u , It is eq~ipp e d with Smith incuDlllyton; Ray. Waynesville ; three' , ba tor havi ng a callacit y of 28,000 . &,l~andehi1dren; . a tn'o ther Hugh egg : McKillit, Washington C. H .' , , a sisThe owners are Mr. J ones, who te:r , Mrs, Florence Turr l l', J al'lles- i ea ' hier of Way nesville National town. Bank, and RQbert A n'stow of Funeral services will be held ~l Yl'U , h10, who is moving here Thursday at 2 p. In. a t Stubb . to start the hatchery. Both men Funeral H ome ',i n Waynesville w i th [l'r e fOl'mer employee ' of the Smith burial in Miami C e~ etery, COl'.win, Incubator Co., Mr, J on ' in the - - - - --------. al and S l'v ille de'p art ment a n~l K'ELLER INF ANT VII'. All low fir t workin g on ,the F uneral services were he ld at man ufact ure of in ubatol- all d then, tra velling a a ale and . ert he S tubbs Funeral Home T ues ay ice }'epresentat ive ; for an infant child born M onda~! ' Several val'[eties of i1i k al.'e to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde -Kell el' of expect d t o be available with t he Corwin. . Burial wa in Miami efir. t h' a teh, about Jan. 15, All mletery, chick will be from t~ t d fl ocks. The public is inviwd to vi it the new hatcherY and insp d t he equip ment.
Fire Destroy,s .one-RooDt"House
, 'ff ct~ve immediately a1 Wa r-' l'en coun ty canine will be plne d under 1l .90-day quara ntine "a s a l'e uIt, of tb incr ea d num ber of ra.bies · cases in' Lebanon an ,l~ Warl'en county, Dr. Arch D. H~ rv~y, The one-room home of Mor,r is WaI.'l'en county Health Com.mi Si Oll ( P ad ) C()ok , in the r~ar of the. . el" announced today. . pl'operty of S . Allgl1stine Church Another new rabies case t"eport - off High Street, was nearly desad yesterday brings the t.ot al to troyed by fil'e Tue day evening• eight within the 'past few weeks. The blaze ,was blamed Qn a kero. ~, Two 10l'al l 'esidents \\ra nt to A white and tan female belong- sene lamp expl~it'g . · , know by what authol'ity the viling to A.hur .Doughman of South Th inside of the st r llcture in'f'lag'~ truck was used as a wrccket' L'e banon is the la~est victim of this cluding all Mr, Cook's ' pel'~onal' Mpnday evening ,when two tt'ucks disease . . belongings. was a total loss. It was came" to' grief ' at tlte 40ut h . E'~rl .' .Last week, a cow- anQ calf. be- partial)y insured, It was ' under-' -of town, neal: tbe power,house, ltllDgjng to May Harlan-of Waynes- stood e, JUJU of money was f ound ' O af hie, ~. in ~ '"""_.'~''',t' .' v.jllle. '! l : '~I~ ' o~er. · .s'p..~ie.l ,1III8er. ~ scorched but redeemable ' condi• tion. : ~OUR O,Wll'n~ Dog " Warde~ Oharles B~rbee The Wayne Twp. Fir e. Depanr~ rr~ urge . al~. dog owner·s to noti.fy Dr. ment responded and subdued the _ ..' ... y vey 1f their animals .showed ' blaze. Fifteen case . a~n ,the docket EigM . Warren countians elected any .sips of sym,ptoms of rabies. to date for the .Januarv ~ t~ of Mr• ..and Mrs, John Woodlel of in November' will begin new ~term8 Dogs shoul~ be ' inoculat'ed . £91" Compton Pleaa Court when gra"d Arkanaaa are guests of Mrs. Jeof of; icc Monday · aft~r l'ecei\; g n,bies immediately. jurors co~vene ' here ltl.onday at " ~iah :pavia. ..-!. • _ • 'their OAt ' of office fr om Clerk ,o f , With the quarrantme now in ef9:.3~ a. ' ~. 'ltIa~n E t Young WuMn. SQl Draao .nd infant of Courts Cliff C. Beckett. All are re- ' felct, all' canine o~nel's must keep ren County's new prosecuting at. , publicans. t~leir animals on the premises and ney announced today. ·Jurors New Yo'rl~' C ity are remaining fo!' Four of th-- countty officials were ' . an' not permitted to, run at large ' WA YNESVILLE - The Ra·in.. -selected ' for jury dut, tollow: an indefinite .period of time with J EtliyJ Allard, Clitf Brant, Roxie her ~other, Mrs. George Peterson. r~-elected, \.wo county commission- a!i,. .. any time. Dogs mqst be kept bow Advisory Council enjo'y ed • • • efs are new the . cotm4;y engineer on leash if taken off the premis~, .. their regular Christmas meetinc M. SclUlling, Eleanor May Moler, was elected after· ,his appointment . ,the, dog warden "sta.ted. at the home of ,Mr. and How.. , G.a~y8 .M. IVina, Rebecca Vorhes, Miss Ratlyn Crabbe of .Ohio . to fill an unexpired t erm and the . ard Wertz, during the past week. . /Ru~sell Ray" ~banon; George: The home was beautifully 'decoPlymire, E. y. Earnhart, Hazel ' Sta~e is enjoying ·the holi'days with pr.o secutor js new. her parents~ Mr. a.n;i 'Mrs, J ,' B. , County officials begin,nlng terms .: ! DU\V ' rated for "he Chr,i stmas season aDd Rboa,cis, John Barske, ,Ollve . J a••• ' . of office Mon'd ay follow: an exchange of gifts was a Dl08U . ~bs, Edward Heston, Charles And- ' Orabbe. , ' I C,ommis~ioners, John J. Barl'~ pleas~nt part of. the' evening. R.. erson, Charles Emera~n, Waynes- . Miss Margaret M. Itarl~n o'fthe Mason, Qorwin Nixon, L e b a n o n ; 1 L ~. Mil~~r led in the interestint( \TUle; ,James Bell" Kenneth ' Clles, James, Mack cranshaw, 2.6 Cin-' dlScusslon on 'CHow Can We ' Best. :ney, Minni~ BOW'Je;r, ~nk'· ::E. Washington University" Washing- Engineer; , L.-J'. ' Wertz; Sheriff. ciinnati, .admitted to Sheriff Geral with a ' gr~up of·friends, Gerald WJ Couden; Recorder, Obtain ' Peace?" Hoff, MaBOn; .John Stiles, Pleas- ton, D. W. Coudell ,yesterd~ ;he helped were guests of. Mr. apd Mra. ErPearl G~aham; ' Prosecuting At~ Durin£ the" social hour, most de': ant ,Plain; Irene Pierc~, Olive Sharp, ,Ethel, Gas~il1, Norma,. Jef- " nest Harlan rOlf the , Chris~mas torney, Marvi~ E. Young;' Clerk of stage a holdup of the Belcher licious refreshments were served. - . __ Courts, Cliff C. Beckett; Coronet, Sel1vice Station at Waynesville on by the hostess. " :feri~s" :floy ,qre!Ch,,' Hon,er Sims, , w.eek.. ~nd. _ December . 7. Cranshaw, a former , Dr. B., 'M," Wi11iams • . .Morrow; dhest.e r .I~~ll, Lillian : Mrs. D. C. Ridge was a Christ- . ' These offieials will receive a 30 conviot, is also wanted by allthol'iMrs, Josiah Davis had as Chi'i.~ . Eaton, . Clara Bishop;" M.rgaret tiles in JCarl'Ollton, ~y.~ on a break- . mas, E've gue$ts Mr, and, Mrs. mas E~'6,' o()vernig'h~ and Christmas ,per' cent wage hike based on their Orn~orff, ~lsa' pal'l1ough, Maude Howard ,H urley, Roy H u'i'ley, Mr• :Beelor, Fr,anklirt; Stell. Willough- Day guest 'relatives in Mansfield. : 1~46 salary by a ~ecent act , of the ing and entering charge. Crarishaw the third 'man to be and Mrs. Gi1~ert· King and son" of ,Mr: -..nd Mrs. Williimi" Strouse ,legislature. Salar~~s follow: Com. by, South Lebanon; William StarKey, 'BianchesteJ; and George Light, ' : entertained' with a Chri~tmas ,din.., missiotlel', $2,080 ; Engineer, $2,- ~pprehended on the' atm~d robbery New Bu:rlington, Mr. '. and Mrs. ner and had as guests' Tom Shell- 959; Sheriff, ,$21268.~0; RecOl'der , a,t Waynesville. Arrested in Cin- Cecil Dav:is~ 9f Daytot1, Mr. .and· Cozaddale. .' . worth of Portland, Oregon, Mr. $2,08i>; dlel'k., $2,749; Pro ecuting . ciJlri8lti earlier were ~muel TI'ot- Mrs. Loyd' Davjs, Ml'.' and Mrs~ t er, 21, and James E. Lewis, 21, Clarence J. Davis, Mis MarY' Mr. and Mrs. Charl ~s James had , and Mrs. John J. Burslte, Miss Attorney; $2,080; Coronel', between both ·o f Cincinnati. Trotter is being Sheetz, Bill .Da'v is. Marilytl -Burske and Mrs. Leah , a, $50 and $500, as Chl'i. tmas D~y . guests their fam Commpn Pleas Judge Atto l\ F . 'h eld in the Warren county ja-il unBy, Mr" and Mr..s, . Robert James of Mills. Mrs. Mills was a gue~t for der bond of $5,000. ' Mr. and Mrs. Loyd D .. v·i s had as eniai Mr. ,and Mrs . Ro bel"t Clark the ,week, while enjoying a yaca- Brown and P robate Judge Ralph Cr anshaw is also ,wanted in Day- Christmas breakfa t g lests , Mr~ tHm ~ , H, Carey will not begin' their terms tl1}d chi~dte of, Lebanon, M~. an(i t/on a.nd 'Columbus for questioning • '. " ,of. of'fic~ until F ebruary 9) 1949. ' and M'l'S'. e ecH Davi , Mrs. J osiah )1r . . ~ax b: Harts~od( and so~ in eonnection Mth automobile Davis; Mr. " and Mrs. Clarence ,Mr. and Mrs. Dale Du~rd and County ' Tl'eaSUl'er George B. :M'r, and, Mrs. Ohai-les O. James and t,h efts and in Cineirtnati and Lock- J, Davi.s ) Miss M;;:.l',y Sh~(' tz' and daughtel' ent,eI'wined on. Chtistiiul s Johnson 'will llegin his new ter,m son,' Jbe and Jack ,James. land f oIt j~welry store hu~la:ries : t n Qbert Hym~h of E lgin, I1li'n~i s. Day and ha d as guests, Mr. ~n C1 of offi ce on t he f irst 1\'1 <lay in BlJ:bhoug~ no charges Qave 'been Bill Davis. September. " was a Christm'a s al\d ,' week-end Mr . Al'thur New 'o n of ('h-eehfield filed in those .@ses: Mr. and Mrs, LaMa}' E arnhart g uest of hia In'ot her-m-law and si . Mr. a nd Mr~'. 'Bert Dondaro of Leb~ Mt-, and Ml' . Wal're,n Braddock were Christmas and , week-end tel', Mr , aJ1d M' . 4. T. PoUnsky. .~n~m,_ MI'. and Ml's. Lon B~cl(ett, Mr. a~d MllS. Ray mo~d Bradh ~d as Chri stmas dinner guest s, g uests of the latter's parent s ' in . Ml'. lan'd Mrs. W. E. Stroud atMr. an(l Mr,'. Ray onnel' ,and dock ann daug hters ha~ , as Chl'ist Walt r Benge and Mr . and Mr , ~ende a 'family dinrier at the h OUl a ughtel'. Miss Belva McCa~dless of Spl'i ng - ttias Eve guests, Mr , J nnie Brad- Caldwell. ~ Mr . and Mr s, George Whit e in dI~ck , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock Dr. and 1\ l'Sl. A. E . Stout and Ma son on Chrlstma'$, Mr. tan d Mi· . Mr, and ' Mrs . Lau r~nce Brown, bot'O, 1\11' '. J nnie Braddock an~ ~i11d children, Mr. ' and Mrs . WarStrQ~(l had a their Sunday"guests, Mi ses E ile n and Patt y, Mr. Don- Mr. and 1\'1 ]·s. Bernard D~ l e. and 11'en Bra<ldock, Mr. a~d Mr.'. Bcr-' daughter ' b :.d as ! Chriatnl~S E ve and ~l\ri;ftm ' i Day gu~ t$ ••l\ir. and Mr. and Mrs. TTarold . St~otld a a Brown and Mr. and Ml·S • . Genfl , 'daughtel7. r al'd Da1ey and dllughte1.'. . Lebanon. ' , ltfrFl. dear!!," 1 ye~ of Dalton, , Bl'own ~ttended the ' Walton Mr. anci Mrs . E F, Earnhal't ir, and "' , Ronald Hawke had ' Mr. and M . . n awk.e han as . Chl'i~ as dinner at the Lious Chil D', :.\nd Mrs, Slout and a.ugha' Chril' : . l' gue-ste, ' 'Mrs. Wini; Christmas V' , Mr. and Mrs. room in Sprin . \ alley 1 Ch·'j t~ w eTC Ch i tm8S Eve overni ght antI tel' W.('\'C' among the {! e" nt a Chr'" mns Pay gl' " !; of Mt'. nd ~. a nd 15011, Da'dd; Mr. M.ynard W, . I ehHdren, Mr. m~ Day. in We.;.t Mil nn (In r ad Hart, ' Mrs. J. N: Robina " and children and Ml';: Tris o!her ami )ll'S. C :1.Ylke,J1'9;- N ell lfawke. READ GAZETTE Crnelflect Ad. in Dayton, datlg~ter ~' . ·da , • j
.''1)1,. , '.
r~a!o!~sJ!~:~. t~~~:' dI:~~s~~
Rainbow: COuncil H.. ¥Ule Meeting
. ..
, sey, :: ": ll C - roe- r am w a::. giV Q l by tlie childr en, . aft.<;r w~ich ~~fi llt~ Claus made hlS appea rallce WIt h a gift, candy and orange for each ,ch· ld. ' AI'l exch ange 01 gifts was al' 0 en :oycd b~ veryone a nd ice c~'e am a nd coo!de s were er vcd. '
The Miami Gazette· '. 8T"BLJ8B.D ,.a.
Evet7 Th~"".)f At W.y....vU ... Ohio
CARL _G. SMITH, Editor
" •• 'HOOftCI 01... m.tter 'at the Poet Offlo. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATEr $1.58 • V •• r In
Mrs: J oephine '~7 all\ e r a n: daught er, Barbara Jo, of ·Deh·oit wel'e Chr istmas holiday guests 0'£ her parents, Mr. and "Mrs . Ray Mainous. ~
MEnlODIST 'QlURCH R.B. 'Coleman, Minister E.A. Eamha ~t, Supt. Church School 9 :30 a.~. ¥orship Service to :30 a.m. J. J. Burste, Supt. .\'ening Service ,7:30 p.tR. Worship and Sermon . . to:30 a.m. CAESARS CREEK FRIENDs' Spedal M,usic Ooir Rev. David Stanfield, M i,nister Youth Fellowship Tbursday Sunday School to a.m. . 7,:00 PM W orstiip ServIce 1't -~m. ,
Sunday 'School 9 :10 a.m. Samuel N. Keys, RectOr ,Mrs. James Garrison. Supt. ,.... ' h Sch I 9 t5 A M Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays , ~.urc 00 . : •• ·eadl 'mooth . 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship . 10:30 A. M• . .Evening ~ices 7 :30p.m. " '., I· "~"""" ',~ ~DIST ' ~S . . ..... ' . cr\U_r"'~""
.'.. '
T(>~ , ')le,
with a very large ' Eastern .~ <t 'f wH h their families. Under . the dh'ect ion of Mrs. John Ker ·"r.wd
Mason~ . ,and'
0 r
•• 0
Welch Hardware
,Pflints & Farm Supplies HARVEYSBUlIC,' OHIO PHONE :2 832
FulJ t:ine of Hardware '
. fJOOd IChHr " GOod . 'frieridg " Good FOrtune- , May··~tbe
your lot In tJ. .
Dr~ "Jose,pl""M'yea:s, Minl~er St:nda~ Sdlool , ~~ , '9.:30 a.m., M~~ j~~Uth SaYIor, ~Upl. L. -
. (') " . ~
0' 0
MeitiRr for Worship . ,10:'3Cf ••tn.
th e1\' nn,nu al , Christmas party or. . \ ed J1C~ i r..y evening at the Ma-
u. a. aIlJIldI William Shannon
9 :30 a.m.
\ ' -" ') N ~ ') VILLE - Miami Chapt el.· .l 7 rae'r of Ea's tern StarJ beld
• 6
Eas,t er ~ ~ S'ta r J-Ias . C!u-iatmas Party
, May ' ~is bright Now Year J)ring .;:;/' you all thje '\ 'j':: things, for~ which you,'" have nO:Df~l. We're sure! it will.
MT. HOLLY MEIJIODIST T. M. Scarff, Minister Sunllaj' School 9 :30 a.m.
FarSt Day
, .\ YN IL VI L.LE. OH IO • o. 4401 'rHU RS ".\ Y. J)FY. : ~L 1~ 30, 19"8 '
'f 4ther Krumholtz, Priest Masses 8 and 10 A.M.
Choir Pradice, Thursdav , . 7:45 PM
Wonlup Service , 10:30 a.m.
WAYHESVILLE ,CHURCH OF CHRIST CHURCH OF OIRIST M. H.. Coffe), Mtruster BYfun carver, Mini.stef , Bible School ' 9:3.0A. M. Bible SChool . 'J:30 a.:m.. Morning Worship 10:30 A. M. Mon...., WC!rsbip to:3~ a: m. Young ,People's 6:45 P. M. .,....,er Meetln~ ~:oo ,p.m. Ey~ning ~rvice 7:3Q P. M. "~I "~ople' s Metl D& • , 'Pt-ayer Meeting ~d ", E C!...... !'~:..:..:. ~6 p~ . Bitile Study. Wed., '1:30 ·PM. yeaN' .~ ..~ .~ 7~ ~
--'- I7IRESTONETJRES ' - Truck - T ractors
' Pas~eng,er
Electri<:al ' ARPl"ances' I Auto'motive 'Service , ' , . NEW-l:OCATION Bro~dway_ at Main St ,I (Formerlv ~a~n~or Co.) '
"':ar:':,=to-w;'n':";,:"~':.n-te-rta":"":i-ne-d':""'at-a"';f~a-m-il-y--,"",,-::I-1-"V~'I~~'-"-"""-' J~',-.....;~-
du mer Christmas Dey at tlleir ..' home. ,,- -'I Mr. and MI's. James Park and 'Adult Bible class of Jouh;s d~ughters of CitlCinnati Fri- Run Church met Tuesd'a y evening (J ay evening ,t o ' spend Christmas with Mrs. A. S. Collett at her home. w j!.h, t!1eif parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rey. J, P. Thornbury was devoHarry S. Tu:::~~er. Other guests in tional leader, Mrs. Will Gillam, tb,eir hbme' were Mrs. J enny !Jell, program leader, Ho)Vard Graham Somerville a:ld Mr . and Mrs. was in charge of recreation. ' Ricbard WilJjams and ~amily · were Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Tucker Christmas Day dinner guests. en~rtained with a Christmas I,>arty Mr. a:1d' Mr". W. Ca:-l Er ')w:1 Monday evening at the ' MethoeJis t were 'Ohrist nfas Day dinn,e r guests Church. y~esta were , mepibers of of her. bl'oth,e r-in .. law and sister, Mr. Tuckers ad,ult class. Interest: · M~ and Mrs. Hiram George, of ing, games were piayed and . the • 'Sllgo. group sang seIVeral Christmas . Mr s. Li s!"a C'11' 1 ',: v' ~l L" ng 0 r c~o~ s accompanied at t he piano ~-'--, -"C~h=! Ti' -trna s at ,'II' horne ~. _ ru d by ~rs. Tucker. :Follow;ng ~he 50 - \ Mr s. Hany Orr , in Day on. , cial hour daint y refreshments wer,e ' M ethodis :: d i day • no01 ha I ' ~rved to t hose present: .' el ctio: of .!'~ : l"r ' Su hd:l~ mOl'n Mr . and Mrs. ,Will,i am Doster enung. f l ' t he coming new year. tet: ai 1e t he Doster 'families at T oey 'x' a. follows : SU' er 'ntend- t heir coui try horne Sunday. . Miss Faye K~lle'y and. ·Ur. a7'id , ent, L'lwl'enl!e ,J obs i a S1' ·.nt Tom ' ~el l' h; ll rim ry 1e 'cl el' ,Mrs. John Ander'on ~' ·1 s hi w e r l.:! a te.ll a ile",; adUlt },IT j 0. y" He:~l SU/'lcl y dinner guests of Mr . a nd no e~, l .1 ' 'Y o ng ,e.oplc?, .'fary . - ,1\.[r . F,ran ' Kt;!l1ey of nea r Hillsf ·r d ; a ;lul· . S'ihl class, Ha;-ryboro. ' TUl ;; '~' ; m sl ' 1 ,odel ', Im ~ "" " \' 1r, and Mrs. Ho ard rf!.ham V i -l s i ~ cr ebry, Jo!1'n Smith. a '. entertained at a f allily :nner Chtistmas Dlty Mr. and .'11' , sis an , Glor' a J a 0 ~ tr a 're Olytl Liviey. ' G ore Wall and fami ly, MT~ and Ea tel" and Mis!" Mr. ~nrl 'JUT .' R. M. Tu rner and Ml's. Ch rIc f am 'ly of Cen terville an d ••11'8. C. Kathleen G)·aham. -D. ~lagl1 \l . ta Chri~tm~ <; rlhl l' Mrs. O~ee 'H aT]an . pent Chri t g ue t of Mr. and Mr. ~ ; :' .I. mas wjth her niece, ,M ]:. • ,'&,u ... Hoover. $lum " i.n Dayton . 'Mr. ' and Mrs. W. P. · McCarrell RE AL ESTATE TRANS~El~~ ~ entertained . at ' a f a mily dinne' , Carl and Lena Garrison to Nick Sunday at t heir hom~ here. Those present were Mrs. Pauline Villard. Christos, 1 lot in Leb~non. William P . Miller to Har riet ' and 80ns, of Xenia" Mr . . and Mrs'. E. Miller, 114 aores in Turtlecree'k Charles Gordon and son and Mrs I t · Laura Shirakel. : twp. , Mrs. Reva Picks anti Elradeh Al R. and Alma M. Countr.yman . to Robert A. and Dorothy' Count- spent t.he -week-f;md with relative: in Xenia. rymal'l, 1 lot in .Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Hug h Vance wer~ ', : . " At R. and :Anna M. Countryman guests at a family dinner Christ'to ·Byron C. and Doris' Counttyman, mas day at the home of th,e for1 lot in Franklin. mer's sister, Mrs.J. M. Gretlne and ' W.· Boward JI'alkerth to AusMr. Greene and family in LeD... · • till · JL Juaalta Couer, 1 lot :'W 'I! l 1 DOn. , .... . ~ ,\,.:'. Ill . tep. lIr. aDd Mra. Frok Morrow, of ~ .. ;
13 S: MECHANI~ ST. "LEBANON - PHONE as ' Wide Se1ect1QD of -, Impqr~ a.. Domestic Wines NE ,20 .Beer .& BeveJl.ges to Take Out
~ '
Why' Take Ch~ t " _ :> O" ' Unkn o;~n ~ ..~ , Battef~es ~ , ,
ud wr.JtIeCrIe.
- '
AT ··fll:ES
!.l.. ,' n wi •
, ~
"I~ "' "
n C\i e:r.clusive S: __(.· re llJti 19 reater1&l. l\.znions of t :.0'.1 eCgas grip the road
t · ..,i :v8 you, '81" .&ter " cIrlv-, ., I"; ' : f!::ty. We'll pat theae r..,. ..., - ·~g treads on 70Dr . ' )S or we ca.l turnilb 70Q , . . -; ' nth tlleM tnacll , ~ .. ~ :- apl'~le4.
Thur s. December 30, 1949 :'1"1118 aERIE S ' OF CHUR CH PAGE S
WAIT ES' GARAGE ~'a i te M. Dale Waite s PACKA RD SALE S & ERVI CE Phone 6 7 I Leba non, O hi
FULK ERSO N'S ,S OHIO SERVICE Atlas Tires and Batter ies " YOU R SOHI O D EALE R"
Wayn e ville, O hio
r eI. 3 135
CHARLES DOST ER Farm Supplies - Feel - S ed Coal ~ Harve ysbur g _ hio . Pho ne 2834 ~J EVER ETI ·EARLY INC. , Coal, G rain Hay and F'u'm Su'pplies LYTLE j OHJO Ph o n~ 2961 I WARREN COUNTY TRUC K sALEs I Charl es Shaw, Prop , New and Used Truck ~ln ce 19 37 5 24 N. 'Broa dway , Lebanon 731 HARRY C. SCHWARTZ Memo ri:ll of- Highe t Q uality 22-24 Mt;chanic $t. . Le ano n 59 I
Dodge..'Plymout h Dodge " J ob-Ra ted' Truck s
Ph"on ~ 730
THIR KIEL D'S DEPA RTM ENT STOR E Warr en Coun ty's Shopping Cente r Fran klin, Oh io ' WM. E, CORTELYOU
Wholesale Meats & Custom Butchering Roberts Avenue
Phon e 553
, Franklin, Ohi9 ' j
, COYLE '" SON PACKlNG ' PLA~ Beef~~ork-Veal--Smoked Meats Sausag~Lard
Phon e 2322 ,
W~ynesvi1let Ohio
Established 1·849
~ Large r Everywbere~Bocause. of
BeUer Quality, -ServIce and Price i Waynesvn~e, Ohio Phon e 244i ~H~ , WHA RTO N MOTORS ., I
Your Ford Dealer. I
PtiON E 2,t t t
EX~ 'CO.
"Your farm Supply Headquarters"
BANTA 1MPLEME8T C(). J.O HN DEER E SALES ~D SERVICB, 2-7 W. Mulberry . phOne S~ LEBANON OHIO " JQaN STON LtNI ER CO~ . Roofmg, p~lnts, Glass; and , and Building Material , Lebanon, Ohi .,\ Y
B• • R.~ Quality Dry ntng Pressing a "1:i1~.11
Established , t 87,S . M;EMBER OF THE F. D. 1. C:,
th~ ga~es of ~he New y~.
All of as will enter them soon.: Wha~ shall we carry with us?' The regrets 'for things left undone' in the o1d Or shall we'shoulder our hopes for the New Yea r-an d pass bravely through the ,gate yeu), ' s " •• . Xt is a temptation to carry th~ old regrets with us-t he pla,ns, the drea~', the ambitions ', Il~ver quite realized', It is h~rd to It;a \'\! them behind. ' But the New Year c~lls ' for courage, and' a "free step". We cann ot. carry the old regrets forever, Now is the ,time to drop them, to back up our 'new resoluti~n:s with action, ~n:d ,with the courage ~hat comes frOID the Church, march happ ily 'into this brav" ' New ' Y~ar.. ' ~
, \!
Ilof US stand at
, Carr y your good memorie.s of bygone days, for ,they a~ light , But " tast the regrets aside.:-they can only be burd ens. " Eute r the gates ~f the, New ', 'Yea~ with courage and hope and faith, and the road will be
clear ~t:ad.
METAL SHOP ' -- Heating-- - SpoutinC
the ha~ CI!IUI&w -X-cm.
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· With the hope that you will make this year coun t II one of ~ ou~ best years, and w;ith the thou ght that a lifetime is measured b~ acti on-n ot hout s-yo Ur Chu rch wiabea 1 . mel JOJII' . OlAes
.'~ . '
' .,
~ -
U~ PROBATE Estate of George D. Oglesbee, dee'd, Nettie Oglesbee, administratrix, transfer of real estate. Estate of Henry Brown dec'd Charters D. Maple, admini~trator: inventory approved; ' Estate of Rosa 'E . Bauer, dec'd, Charles C. ' Bauer, administrator, lJlV'entory approved. . '. Estate of Fred J. Hagemeyer., dec'd, BeSsie E. Hagemeyer, 'adminjstratr~, distribution in kind. .
COMMON PLEAS Oharles P. Parent VB. Lauretta Parent, ' . case dismissed without
"or D.t... Phone 2894.· WayndVd ie Ohl•. R.ver. Cura.
.) ~3g
($',,£ '
----_... ._. _. _-- --_P_,,--- - . . WI HOPI YOUR
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HoLos .
mROUGR 1'4'.
~ord. qarage, ,6.76 J.mes;' Service, 3 jack, ~~3 .' 6; ·~cne '~. Sh 11 Service, Betty J. Da'Vis vs. Beruhel W. · sets tire chains $16!}.60 j Newton ~ufler, Anti-freeze, oil, Sealer's car Davis, Sr., defend~nt ordered to Sunoco Service Station, GasoJine, $19.01; Gulf Refining Company, pay $10 ealCh 'week for support of $26.08. Gas for Sealer of Wts. and Meaminor child and to pay plainti'ff Maddox Service Sta.. Gasoline, ures, $8,82; W. E. Lakeman and the sum of ,50 for expenses. and Kerosene, 28.86: Gro.s Service, Company, Paper Towels, 6 gal. Annabelle Gru~r Bennett vs. ~aso1ine, $~2.64; Gene's Shell Sta- 10nJ3 I wax~sope cleaner, $35.87; Anna Gnber WIlliamson, contir- tlon, Gasoltne, $32.63' Henry Lu-' GreR~ A. & 1'. GrocerYJ Food :f or . mation , deed and di&tributic)D. dl.ngton Ser(vic Statjl~n, Gasoline, reli ef iamily, . $297.65; mant's . . $12.83; Long and O'Donnell, 400 Inc., Fuel 'f or relief· family, $19.50; NEW SUITS Gat Diesel Fuel, $7:~.OO; M. and Dr. R. M. Brewer, Medical care Jean Fran.e es Se~ulthei~1 vs, T. Fnendly Service,' GasoJIne, $34..- relief fa~ily, $10.50; Fedders SupJohn M. ~hulthelB6, dlvorce, 64. ply Company, Fuel relief family, change of venue, Dell and WorThe ~i orrow Feed 2,nu Supply ~13.60 ; .Fishel' Coal Co., }<'uel 1'e· cester and Poter and Pote~ attor- Co., Nails and Cement $120.50; lief fa'mily" $6.50; The Kr9ger ·neys. . The. Republk A!'.phaJ t Paving Co., Company, Food relief family. $84. Betty, H':lll, a mmor through her 37 tons Paving MaLarial $185.00 ; 95' <::t: . Elizabeth Hospitl)l, Hos· 'nex~frlen~, ~er mother~ Flora 'Hanagan Brot h rs, in ~., U ed Lum- pital rat· . relief family, $62.50: M~y DeI;lDlS 'Vs. Ra~ph Hall, Jr., a ber, $346.50; Fedders Supply A. B. ){aufmsn. Clothi;\g reiid :~or, dIvorce, gross n~g~ect, J. T. Company, bags 'Cement, ~~2. - f:lInily, ~ J1.80·; l\iiddletow~ Hospi~Y'. 00; T~e Morrow Lumher Com · tal, Hospital t' :u'e relief , per"'on e~rge R. GIrton vs. George pany. Alunli nllrtl~ i'ad .r .. ;n· ·im- '$ L8.00. ' Robeltson, mOney only, amount seed oil $116.00' A:n nitage and D' A E S' t 31 l'. I 'e'ie ~ claimed $18 000 and costs Harry , " 1. • . ( d , .' C .If · I. C. Sch it ' . ' Son, Gr~vel, $5.85; ~h~ Grote M~n- family, . $12.50; East End Dah·y. L ucyoeHt. Ul'S metrOvs J osep ' h H urst dl. ufacturlng Co I:L:::.h{ Lettermg lVll ·• Schil. ' lk l'el1'ef fan U,J ' ...'J:'·60 . . . . 1 t M I' .enamel, $4.75; The Anderson Lurn li ng'" Grocerv Fooel ,r elief family, vorce, gross neg ee ap e and b C I t T t' .J '. Maple. l ' er o~pa.ny , q . urpen me - $3-3.85; Miami Valley HospItal, ~ brushes, .$.90. Hospitalization l' eli e f fam· Herrickts, SlJ pplies, $4.61; The. ily, $624.16; . Orville . Hollh~g~ Van Camp C'ano and . GTavel Co.; worth, Shoes relief family, $4.!)3 BILLS ALLOWED Stanley Earnhart, P. M. Stamps Sand, $101.24 ~ Lebanon ~aTts Com- Amburgy, Food relief family, $]2. ' for Sheriff, $6.00; KRUfn1an's~ pa.ny, Parts. 10 ton weaver floor 75; Kroger 'G rocery o.ompany., Shades for Sheriff's Residence, ger GroceI'y Co., , Food relief famVarnish and Bridge, Court · Rouse, ily, $49.00; Wharton Motors, Parts, $12.90; J. W. Lingo Hardware Co., $.66. Bulbs ·f or Jail, $8.64; The Standard Oil Co., Gas for Sheliff's Mr. and Mr . Raymond Conn r cars, ' $28.85; The W.e stem Stu, had 9 Christmas din ner gue "t . 100'0 ' Letter Heads tOl' Soldi 1":; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conner anrl Relief Commission, $10.00; Pit man. dnHghters, Misses Ruth and Sarah Moore Company; ' Rabies SC):ulil, Conner. $30.00; Ohio C!-"ltraJ Telephone Corp., · Phone and TolJ . N~edy 'Children; $9.1.9; William Lilienthal and Sons, ' Binding Surve1 Record .a nd Canvas Jacket - Co, Engr., ~23 .00; Johnston Lumber Company, Survey Stakes, $1.25 • The Van Camp Sand and Gl'av:;J Co., Gravel, $111.82; Armitage and J Son, Gravel, $68.18; Doeblel' Bros \ Inc., Parts, $.71; The Lebanon Mac:. ~ine Shop, ~bor and Parts, $10162: J. W. Lingo Hardware Co., Sup. NORRIS 8~OCK COMPANY plies, ,IS.DR; The Grote M",nuCiflcinnati Union Stock y.,.d. , facturing Co., 5Q ClSlow n.n.d StoJl:' \";\1. Wire a"d Ptollr...,v6. All Signs: $168'.38; Standard o.vel'~~' .Yet;; Jall·.'1i?!g-a (\"c;an lzat ' n" ucond U non. Dry Cleaning .Qo., to() Shop Tow~ t,r l ctl" .11.... 01'\ the 0N1 ,, ~ ~/ftc", W ... , f'P'OUl'trf ~"""et tn t",. els, ,2.00; Weiler W~lding ~~ ent>;.trv. Irwt, WIll hold pany', 100 Cal'bide and Cyl. Demul'S.ERVICE THAT SATiS"Eft' rage, $8.38; Conover ' nore, lOJIs m st~ for you \~dJ J() Qo yton 1 ~ : /j(t -.:to;, T.. and supplies, $29.23. !J f ~I' tl l ~ JO II : . ., aM joun /:.~/th, Railway Express Agency, Haul.. . " . P ! : : ~.(1 ru . \ ' .. , T.. • . .\! lilt k .. , . fI.~m· ,. ing charges on parts, $2.97; Horace hopp;nesJ and ' ., E. Burnett, Cash Payment of Fl'eig,h t Bill, $1.64; TrUB, of Public Affairs, Light for County Garage, $16.09; Snap-on . Tools Corporation, Tools, $9.39; Null's Radiator Service, 'e Iean and . Repair Radiators, $29.30; ~~anklin Ice and Fuel Company, Lump . Coal for Franklin I
P.AGE. •
Mr. a;~ 3 ~ ;1 s. Cl.'i . 'e~ .'"ns, l\h~ and Mrs. Ll'vi n l£U e, 'M . und Mt· . Roy Ell' !.':1d son, alld Mr. ~l'ld Mrs. Robert Berry and son, were Christmas E"ve dinner guests of Mr and 2\>11' • Frank Bess in Bellbrook. Dr. and Mrs_ . B. E. Hathaway· had a " '}<'riday guests D'l:, and · Mrs: t:rneet Rosnagle and daughter o.f London, and on C~ri8tmas Day, Dr.· and Mrr.. H~th~w:;ly 'were among the gue~ts ~ t .the home (If Mr. and ' Mrs. Hfo ! Q!tl WhitakH in Lvtle
-I ,
This is a good time, we
think, to pledg~ oUrselves' - ~o better servina you. We appreciate past favors and hope .to merit your
continued good will
"'1. \ ,'" ..
Harveysburg' Garage General Repairing Motor Overhaul
Follmer Oli,rer ,Store
m~ont~! · ttin9~
-- 1·E8ANON PHONE 554 .
'W e . Sense •••
. ./. - 9 Sal' . ,
THING IS . . . OUR . ~
JIl '3 ' c:' '. q~t
r l.J.;,l .
.~v ...._ , ~ ~ ,.' . lf
Stubbs FUneral Home ·
... -
. We'r.e ~appy . find ,.
-.. .
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proud . to be a' part o.f it. Best wishes'!
c. E~. Wilkin
Soutb Detroit . . . . X~~.. elBlO
. '11:'
~:~·'4l~ -O-J' 'i ~' ' 0f" this community. .
-:r C: . :'T. ·ng . v· .I\rp. mtrnt:l1t
Optometric ' E74!. SPeclall61 26
.17 " r .i
.:',,1 \vith plenty of gQ9d ~·· fUt~· thi11gs for the· pe6ple .
:T .I EPHO !\~ [ 6~ ~.'
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, ~GE 5 TH£ MIAMI GAZETTE "Oh." said he, C4 Don't you re, WAYNESVIJ JJ, E OD 10 ~~o.- 4401 . ~l"'g nize me? I am the Ghos-t, of ~URSDAY DD, E AU, • ' £I I , MRER 30, h .tS Christmas Past, right ' ou~ ,of • Dickens' Christmas Caro},'" HHmph," said I rather crossly, ICWhat tire you ~oing h re ? I'm hot old Scrooge:" "Well. maybe not, but it seeme~ tv me t 'lat you~' Christmas spirit A FARM DIARY was a 1ittl~ dim and worn down, by 0 .J. ''tAIZER anq 1 thought that you might like to Bee how my new television Ret works." He reached over and De~. 17, 1!l48. j'Hello th En'e." turned a button on the stral)geI opened my eyes sleepily and looking box on the floor beside looked R t the st,'ange lite :f" gure bi m and a sc1"een lighted ~np. .. As I watched, ,the co li lSCC sitting on the tool on he othe' si d of the h ear th. r wa:; vC't~ images "on the screen began to tired from a hard 'tlay of :: hor.rphig clear. I saw a Chl'jstmas morning and not a little disgusted because 1." c. I,fa t table where the chief the Christmas decol'a r:., _. :a:i center of interest was a big ' rag been up so' long th at t hey n at! r! :1 in a baby high chair nex t o lost their fl'eshness and f! r a'fiio a elighted little gt'r} wl~ 1n>- 'wa had played USanta Cla1l'~ '. C m- I:l ughin~ wi,th ' glee because papa ing to Town" ,and a "\\ h He \.:hr'!:t.- ... ' '" (1 t o lH\\'P flJrgott~n 'that mas" so often that, I I1SO u.rned : 1\"" was only a doll and was sayit so Jow that I coul d ba . l ~. h ~'a r ing, "Polly, may I_give you , ome it while I waited for h e n x " ',: this sausage?U aft _I' sene "arne on the uwho-done-it." Th ~ f i "~ ,~ "l gh, . Snene '" 'and I had doze~ off n little. ~cr cen. I4Who are you 'I" said Then it became very dark and 2 "
. d ~. , !.a owy JlgUj'e lipped out of b e d WIt . h something which, in that . , t I'19 h t, 100 k ed like t 0 lumpy lam stoekjngs, which the~ quietly sneaked into the next. room and hung on the foot of papa's and mama's bed, 'Then after a pause and \ a scrambling sound as f children getting back into bed and a few giggles, two childish voi.r s , ang. "It Came Upon a _Midnight lear, that glori us song of Old." The carol . . ended. A mothel"s 'voice :' uid ,1 "Go to " eep ('hnd.' n it lsn'~ morning y~t." S('ene" ft e1' scene f u11 f pack'mg Christnlas boxes, «nd aughter, a.nd cal'ols. Sunday school pagea~ts ~" th ange,s and wise menand
Now the last one was in place ~md the chilJ :'c n _':lfely in bed with
to king s hang'ng limply from lhe ma ntlepie "" Th~n a cene l r ilun'ied activit while Santa's helpers quickly redte s the old (lo11s ,in new clothes, freshen , this ' one and that \vith a touch of paint, knowing that Teddy-bear s new coat, an4 Fritziets new fa('e , , .pI hI'ing as ml)ch joY' the new~ toys that will come later in the day. ' And now a (,andle-lighted church and a midnig ht' ervice with all , tf.i'" beautiful ('91'01. at ' their be t ! a walk horne t hrough the now moon -light inJ!,inlt once at¥ain, (ITt ea me upon a midn' gnt clen-r,t! "And now for a \1orld trip f or Christnlas Pr ~.en e' : aid ' the 8 11 nouncer. ' j ' ''Oh, please, NQ" I, cri d, 'Plea e Mr. Ghost! It \\rm do m, 'be,st-! Th papers snd pirt l',=~ 31' too fn' (if that. Don't nl :l" e m ~ look . at tha NOW! I will put om-:!thin .... in t? keep the pot o'ling, I will give somethin~ to thp mile 0 f ...l' '-lImes, I will use .Chl'istma I'eals, l w.ill wrap up my gifts: g'~il ~' and , rite verses fOl' th m. I will l<', p
l'i, r,> ph rd , rlrc'''~Prl it'! hlanJcet~. A ic t~l'e of two 1ittl~ itirls Plt , in ~~ 111e finishing touches to the a1'· rangemen t 0 f th e l'me of · d 0 11 s an d toy, bping pn t ' before th n fh place to g}'eet their o' !. fri " ll'! SR nta hws When . he came to fill t he !;tockings. The 1"11 toy n'lll "t he all clean ;> nd 1h<! dol!s all in th' <'1ean d-l'e 'sc ' 1'th eu' f a. eF; was11 d' and h~ir neatly brushed o'r Santa would be disappointed.
__________....;..;;;;;:=-_-:-_____________--~~;;...".--~----:..-~_--..-- '.
t ~e
__-I"ioI'::::===-.~.... .. -J:; - ¥~
few , m~re sm~les fOT .~~~ all of u.s as we look , ". , "
forward to another ..:.• " ,eaT ·with you .... - , .
.. 'a&kJ·ust 0
lie .
14 N. Broadway
Mr. and Mrs. Ch:1ric", El~i. . Sunday gue ts of Mr. and . La·,vrencc E!' iott, i'.·h~n th'rly n · tert8ined with a family d:nn'(1' , ~ their hO::1~ in Oakwood.
Ph ne Lebanon 23 Frigidaire
aJes &
Electrical Appliances
In the traditional carnival.atmosphere , of ,New Y~'S'Eve. w~ pause at the ma~ic
stroke of 12 to tum the
Jeaf on Young Mr. 1949. ,
",w.. ,I" .', ............ 4II,sI . . .,. . . . .111"" , , LMly, YD,,'JI !~, ,,111 ~" o,~ ~ l GreyhOMrul t,iI." 'F"" t,r .,., l:t'w ,lui" 'lin."! (1!hwltmn pI 1~:"n;p""';4J'W'If-'l#ns '' ''f:,h ltu fhMt J';;;';"5 y.:;'f#' c.- Ctllf ,
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" ,'. iIIerested h, ~......... ' 'scMol .. w_-cDCIs.~' t T~", ,~ Gn) Q;"'uJ,I II 'S""'~ hl/"Il,.,.!" .-
of Jch,~/J 1I111a colJe&ts i" 1I11-l8 stilUs, very oft", stop. ~;ghl fit Cllrnpti.t !,l1ft , (lpa f¥it, fUll' you, own aoor III ,hom3.
est. . ,..... •• , ..............." 1,:'s l1Wly"", In ';MIl_!. Gffj-.J , ~,.~ "u,1 SI ~.y t_&",i"lp"t/__
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" ' •• salem. . '.•• at all .he Iittl. iowns!"
ha,e Ie ~f., ,
W ell lIt', Greyhouna'. ",oing YOllr u1aJ! JIS S,tP ,-CotKhu. serve "lJ. 'b~ bi,t:, 'ties-sto,. "I ,hollJanJ:r Qf ~lII(ln ' (!Il"U 1111(1 tommllnitie-/
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h~:r; r , "
se' Awltrk,,'s
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fM. Ml.1' "" IHt,Aw.y .
'.., .... :' . 1-1_ II_itt, .........." ~I·.
'"I' ", '"I
TJIm' s ",,1 ria_I, plycMJhi01Ua ,hili,s Ihllt ,"Ji"e tf} My , thsirea ",,&1,. Gt.yhHimfi firi""i lire , WUI~DINGS '
liH1flJ-fMII'~/or SIIf' 'p""tion, mlmry
"4~,\V'A Y .FA~M
'~~lf YO,u r reply is like any of those above '\', u CaD ·sa.~ haw IIl1.etter time -aD most any out-of·town trip! Thal's Grt ): ?Ilnd, where you travel ,in sleek Super Coaches built for, long-riqet $II-weather travel, Yes, your best tr v~l bet is to Sf ()f J)hone your local Greyhound ajtent, next tim~ you plan a trip anvw .~ _ .... .I 0 America ~
IS '
! ' S.U."AN( ~ 1 ' ,
lbo,' bio Fa.I:Uler~ w~ll gjve .Jou broati protO!=ljOO agalntil lo~s.e, ()D your farm. It coveu yOUI' buffding5, your chattd.~ your automobile ' apd your liability for &t~d~oL1l to omen, Wby not ,1ft us toda," 1
You ..... JOU'" uie ' when you',.
, Karl D. Dakin Insurance A'geney· "~ ' PhODe ' 1&3, to_E. MulberQ, ~ANQ~. O.
. ____m.,I.'
0110 " •••_S .....- . ••"AIIY I~"
. ,
GP: '
. The Home is grateful . to Mrs. Robert Ohapman who deeorated our , dining i'oom for the ',Chl'i -tMrs. E!izabeth Sinit h j a ni. ~ m mas season. SantaOlaus mad~ us aU very ber of . elol~le fa 1HY' f ot th e happy Friday. everiing by bringwinte~ j { L •. O li v e Curl wi h heL' broth 1' , Mr. E lmer lH cPne~:son and ing a trea~ for each one from the wife 01 Sabina, pe.nt Sunday in community tree, We thanK most Cincinnati with Mr. Ralph Mc- s incerely all wh~ were resp-onsible Pherson who is very ill in Beth- , f,o r this. . ~ 1 ' , esda hospital. 11'. a. d '7 • E arl Dunham and Mrs. Nellie Madden left Thurl,; entertajned at a ChI'istchildren day to spend Christmas w i th mas ,upper, Mr. am! Mrs. :William :friends in Wilmington, Ki zer and Ml·s . Charlotte MacDr. Emma · Holloway is spend· , Greg l' of Dayton arid Mrs. Pat ' in~ the holiday.s , wi t }1 cousins .in of Florida. McGregor La; Grang&, Ill. . They entertained with a tamily Mrs. Lucile Armitage spent Sunday in' Springfield at t he ho m of g'a~hering on Sunday and had as guests, Mr s. John Lemmon ,and' Mr. hel' daughter, Mrs, Woodr ow Owen HalTY Lemmon ' of Pleasan't Hill and family, . . Mrs. Leah Mills ' has been en- Mi', and Mrs. Ricfiard Rosater ~nd ' joying a week's vacat ior: at the ' childl'en and Mrs. Charlotte MacWe" ~loking home ' o~ her son .M ', . Wi lJam Or,e gor' of Dayton, Mrs. Pat Mac~ Ch- g or "of 'F10l'ida ,' arid 1\11'. and Stl'ouse and wife ill Lyt1e.' fo~rd ~o Ibe. Cl(nning . Miss . Anna Mel'e<iit h of Gin- r,I s. Olarence' Dunham of Lebanon . MTS. Clarence 'Dunham and ' 1\11'5. WIth' optimism. cinn~ti called on s,everal fl'iend , Lemn}cn left on the following day at the Home Sunday ·afternoo n. We urge you IQ tl8 Miss Elizabeth Ohan let oi for Bradenton ' Florida, where they will spend . several weeks with Mr Hampton Institute, Y~ , arrh' w ' -:: ike same, JW ' day to spend the · holidays 'W!t11 Rnd Mrs, Ernest , Har tsock. ~ . __ !":. tel' l\'(iss Rut h Chan dler. Mr. and Ml'S-. Rhodes BupneJ] MI. Irvin Dodson and, wife ,, -; 1 clallg h ter had as Christm~s and Mrs. Anna McPe,tridge, of I.ndial1 ~", dirw el' g'uests M;r~ and Mrs. ,George polis called on Mr. Dod on' a 11t, ull n'lll and r hild ~en of C~ncinnati, Mis Minnie Dodso'n. unda y 'fM)'. arid ~rs. Kellar Ho~k, Misses ternoon. , n ~ e Low e allod Eula Hoak, Mr. Mi,. L. W. Chancner and ~a ll h· ter Miss Ger t ru Ohan lel' w ere S'eth Hoak, Mr: arid Mrs. Sartmce ,Christmas dinner guests of ML ~ . Barker and so n, Mr~. Nellie Bunnell, Mis$ Monimia Bunnell, Mr. '34 Years' Experience Prod4 ,f{ Rut h and Eliiabeth Chandlet,. cin and Mrs. B.e nton Hoak and (chilMrs~ Ella Dakin spe,nt Christmas . Healthy, Liva,ble, Tested day at the home ot ner sQn, -M r, dren. Baby Chicks of the Kad Dakin and wif e j ' Le . an 1;1, .fiigbest QualHy Mr. and Mrs, John Kersey and on attended a family dinner at OREGONIA the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phone LEBANON IC74·R Kersey in Lebandn on Sqnday. . " Mr.' and Mrs. Luther Hartsock and 'sons had as Christmas -guests Mr. and Mrs, Hollis Emery, two aa~ghters . and· sop, of Green Springl!l, and Mr. and Mt:s. ,John Kersey and son:' . Mr. an'd Mrs. HenrY ,Watkins entertain" with a Christmas Eve party and haa guests, Mr. and ~~rs. ~el,p)l \yatkins _and sons, Mr. and Mrs. 'Jesse Malcolm and son, ,M r; and Mrs. Donald Watkins ana daug~ters, Mr. a~_d Mrs. Le~ Conner ami daughters, Mr. and M1'8. Charley , Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blll'to'n, Miss "Shirley , Brackney, Mr. and Mrs. Milo' Miltenberger candofamily, 'Miss Esther ., / Wat1dn~ and Mr. Dale W.tkins.
I " 1'/ .Jrier. (!.J ~Ollll! C;
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Reason entertained on Christmas .Day, Mt's. Sf\ die R~ason, Mrs . ..El!Jie Hockett" 1\ t . a nd Mrs. J" B. Rich and Mr and Mr s. C, E. .ti ~i !l gton and son Mr, and Mrs, Gene , Bl'o\Vn, Miss Mary Brown and. Mr, Morris
Brown, Misses Patty and EileeQ Bro ',':n and 'Mr. Donnld 'Brown' enjo ' 1 Chl'jstmns E~e together at th~ Laul1ence Bro'' 'n home.
Asth NewYeauherub tips the hourglass of time, we exltnd best . ' wishes for your health . and 'hoppilf85S In 1949.
MiJlud Hatchery
".Watch for these 1949 Speei,als '
Emperor Wafts, ,J. . . . to Felt.; I.
w.... St!:a........... II ~, lL
Captaia from ea.tle. .Peh." Mlrael. of ~ Pa J7"a lJuloeeat Af'., II~ Ji-It.
Orthop'edic CArJlections Cork .Extenslons ' . .'
. Beary H. . . . M.......
"AU 7 TH' MIAMI .GAZETTE 'WAYNEf3VILLE, 0810 N~. 4.01 ~ THURSDAY, ~ECEM8ER 30, 19"8
,W ayne Vanity
_ _ _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Pinney, g .... · .. ····.................... 1 HaStings, g .. ·....................... 4 Earnhart, ...........................0 ,Totals .. ·· .. ·............... :.....J8
Mr. and Mrs. Charles; Chapman Mr. and Mrs. It. G. Miller and of Chiea"o, 'and,lfr. and ,M n. Jtob- son, Mr. Jimmy Miller, · were ert Ch:pm~n were ChtistmRs among ,the ;:""'1.~ on (. 1;<:1' 1 III at gues.ts of Mr. and M, ~r~8!:.,.. •. ~ G'!.!.ilb!!.!e~l't!:.......,..,.!:! th~e~h= om~e=Of~'",:"Ml'. and jdrs. Richard ~ye and sons. Miller in West Carl'()11ton.
Edges Alumni
- ' \V AYNESVILLE --- Way n e !). 'Ville's varsity cam~ baek in the 9 final 'quarter Wednesday nig'~t, af-
2" 4 1
tel' trailing all the way, to defeat an ,alumni team, 45 to 43. Dave -Hartsock, playing for the alumn;. Alumni " G F P h Hart$Ock, f ..........................8 1 17 ::~:e~~~ed for 17 points to pace ~ e - Bradley, f .. •·.................~ ........1 J 3 , Waynesville G F P 'Thompson; c ........................4 1 U V' 100 f . 5 0 10 Ie rs·. .:............................ Itickey, g ........ ·· ...·................. 1 . 2 '. . H unt er,. f ., .. ;;........................-.5 1 11 . • Dakin, g .... •.... ·.. ·...................1 2 ". SJ' mP son, c- ............................ 3 3 0. Florence, :l! •• .... •..~ .... •............. 1 ,0 ~ Mulf()rd, g ....··· ..................... 1 0 ~ Shee'han, g ··· ... ·..................... 1 0 2 2
2 9 45
_:rroac .
A,ccording· to size and condition Prompt, Oea" Service All sma)) ' stock_r~moved
PHONE COLLEcr Xenia .1712 ' or WHmiDdoa 2362
Totals ............,............... 18 7 4:3 . Score' by qualters.: Waynesville .......... , 7 17 3J 45 Alumni .......... ;......; 10 '27 3 ' 43 Preliminary .r esult: Alumni Re- . , serves, 66; Wa~esvi1le, 3Q.
Lebanon Auto Parts '
·.ORA KIMMEL, Mar. , , Autonlutive parts and Machine
A'stla., flow .," bppy days th3 . I
"""ugh " NtwYr3f is c"r
Shop Ser,vice.
179 1
ville; Ohio
W A. YNF,sV1LLE, 01fl0 No. 4-tOi
1'8( RSDAY, UEC;EMBER SO, 1948
\ (
DON 'T FORGET TO . CALL us for insurance. All types of
insurance at a savings. Can Francis Ge~e Brown, phone Way n e~vil1e 2472' or call
collect. Wi,l m in~ton '2 1 t 1-
'''-.~ - ,
.,.... . •
StOCk- ~'
holders the Waynellville National As &nk for the purpose of tho _IIll80-tion of a Board of Directors b e, h .ld, -at the '. banking house T\.Ie8day. January 11. 1949 at 1,_·~I:IIJlffl1llm O'OlOClk
p. Ill. .
, _. .'.... ~j:J .
,<~j/ !4t.'· "~
17 \ ;-.......
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,,-,II .
"':-" .';'" -' _. --.
\ ,) .
'r'., ~";;! '1 ,:; . ' il i fJ)
.).'" ...,. .:.. v 'TOLD Bv7" CONSE ' : ,.J.-r/ON . DIVISION
Ii " 'J
...... -
.. -
May your
_ .-
eyery wish ·b .
-~ gra~ted this
,. ~
Jone8, ClUlbter
_mcomins y~ar. o
t 93 7 ton and a half Ford stake trucktwith 19.40 motor. Rea· son able if sold at once. Telephone 2251 :
30 ,
Gal. Coleman Oi l· ll l'ni p: Ito t )¥ater h ntt'f. Brand neW. Ray Iill.:-.r, ,W ay ne will , Tc,ol 25f!3,
- 15
SMALL T~PA U Ln-.' Oil Dec, 21 be~"een Elevator anu tn e Roqte 122. Please relurn ' to elcvatol'." Size ~!Jout 10 .' 12.. Re, ward .
Han~tead' s
~.. We taD 'it ••
~i o~ siooofe ~JOd
. ( Ete trical Appliances ;,
FAU LOANS 4-1,. - LONG TERM Se:curity 'in mind for '49 THE LAND BANK WAY
Phone 'WaynesvUle 3006.
. -ind
through the
.' PHONE 2411
', .
'.,'. __...i PARK AT ICE PLAIn'
Hotpoint Kit" hens, &
for custom butcherinr. Rrompt service. Gail Gordon, Harveys-
) bur,.
"W~ crve Witn ServIce" 9 N. Mechanic St.
~:.. • witi tbe spirit
Homes WantedCOU~LE and 3 welt-behaved '. girls d,esire furnished or unfurnished llouse or apart.. ment. Above old Gazette office. Write Robert · Shipley -12-23 Waynesville. -NOTICE--~ NOW OPEN
King's Grill ... .loao
Noon Lunches. Liquor --' 6" Beer , Beer to Ta~e Out .
Wines -
~or ~ of you., ~n this joyouiof' :.
occasion. we ~ ~
,PHONE 448
. Theft ue .ore riell.. ~
. I
happiness and pJOSperi~
,-. . in the coming year.
iA ,
the JiiDpl., joyous arrival
I' · fM.h~,
a. for ,a Bright @ New Year,
'," ,
o wilA ev~rJ good
~. wish lor JOu~
of I Hew Year ,than AllY golden coffers Can hold. W. choose-'lODl8 of them fOJ you in 1949 - health, _,,,VM"" of mind, secarity and the love and raspect , '. 01 yom friendi. In Short, ." 'BAPPY NEW YEAR.
. R. Scott' Mo~o~. .
sr. ,
Your Warren Co nly
.Farm Bureau 'CO. D~ ~.
'4 ..,5 rtilizer '
, 'A 11 . Farm Needs Phones: , ~ 5 - 749 Lebanon
- - --
. : 18 MaSOn
C~RS "
"A'DIBSvy.t.8 . .
. , onaow
'1"'" 'oW
~9.. . J
· I.&U&NON _0BIeIJ ftI&
'. ~enia o. ,
, PHONE a.R .
Any make. o.r model .Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE SII'
'; HOGS . $~.OO c.t.
B ~.. .
'D ead Stock HORSES ' ~6'~i
Phone 2903
e .·A ·S
BUICK SALES &'SERVICE ' P. L. Reas~n, Local Sales R ep res~ritative Thllrd St. -
Ed. .Fred BU.i ck
Brake Service _ ·-
Motp,r Tune Up -
. ~N, (HfIO
, .
··'Thls--Time U's Hudson" .
) .'
BLACK.TOP DRIV ~ TAll aDef ROAD on;. .
_ .l•
LA WN _ad Flu.. DIRT
Co••rt MumMl Three • • • •
Miami ·Universi--'-
- 8 P. M.
Janoary 11, 1950
Waynesville High School Auditorium
Sel-ving Waynesville Since 1850 ~N'ESVILLe; OHIO '
GLOBAL OUTLOOK ••• "heD YOII to OdDk 01 It. Ute nut.
day .. aofrood time ofto · 1950 climbprobably up OD top the Postoffici Seeks Clerk-Cameer
world alld take a look aroUlld; It mlch' dD a 10* of ,ood If eDoIIgh peo
' ( of
.... .,' .
l ....
Write-In Councilman • .Not· Recognized
Mildred Coleman
>In Oregon
The nesvU les w Depa. Scho torlu Tb
The Quart tembe an.ent 1'c 10
By Mayor
Mildred. tot MI) Rowland of Eugene, Ore· ,Mayor HaITY Sherwood refus- ' Cbrlstmas Day In · Port - ed to swear In Ray l{ler a8 c6un~ eeon. cilman of the VllIngo of Waynes-· lowland gradwrted In the vllle when the oounoll met for Its 19ineerlng Course In Ore· first 1960 session Monday night. :e 'University a.t Conva1118, Tbe admission of Kler to the It post graduate work in council was postponed until ' later vjlrslty of Oreson at Eu- be<lause ot technicalities concern- ' regon and ia In ·the em· Ing the legallty of' his wrlte·in elthe Btale of Oregon w~lh ection. , riers at Eugene. The council ra-employed Cbas. :iowland recei ved ber Il.A. Anderson as city solicitor 'tor the Wesleyan University, B.S. coming year. aUon at Miami University Percy Renson, a hold-over from :I. In Library SCience 'In last years counCil, will serve In verBit)' of 11l1nols. She has Kler's pOSition until he Is acceptaployed (or two years as· ed, n In the City 'Library of LJ.oyd l),a.vls was re' electeti presOregon. Ident of .the council for the year. wiU their bome In lt was announced, that tbe .Qregon. tramc light at Malo and North :;""- - I D I - - streeta la now in operatlon 24 hours n , day ,
Ions. diana
Swearing In Of Ray Kier
~:~c~;· t~~ !'ar~:;:~ D~layed
to be
tern 1>rorlt Mu
O :a
Oenturt Olub ' held "COME TO 'mE STABLE" . ;:'>-~:"''''''.l,\I.. """. 'egular meeting, Dec. 23, COMES TO THE 1WIN Lire CBn be' stranger than flcf..: [.a. A lv~ . TboJD(.«on &8 at the Fur HillS Party ion-and equally dram tic.! A viVo' id example of this is the 20tb . '~. ':.. I,.J.J Century Fox (1100', "Come to tbe lew party bouse. the home Stable." Hcbeduled Sunday and aod Mrs. J. K. Preston, MondllY, January 8-9, at the Twill , of the beautlful old Theatre. In which two penniless . ','j .f th1s area wbere many French nuns armed with only a oold affairs took. place, prayer and a promise perform n .ntirely redecorated In the seemingly imp08.BIble through sile a s&Jle and every .guest the .simple exercise of Ji'AITH! of M In tlie mot ion picture, the two l moet feel the . attra.ctive heart-winning Sisters. . portrayed hono v.h liperlng their happiness by Academy Award Winners, Lotheir of their new beauty, Pine retta Young and Celeste Holm. go frlen capdles were used In 11.11 through a series of experlencel 1D8. filled with drama alld high ~umor rin, the . bUllness session before they 'manage to acquire the Bro , call.. Miss Rutb Cbandler Lhe fund land for a chlldreo'l hOlP Fred enn Borden and Mrs. H. ital. my I . were In cbarge of the . And while Waynesville fans will sock I and introduced 'as their be watohlng tbe two 10vel.Y' atars and 'Mlia E1lzabet ~dler -achieve th~Ir dream. on the, IIc.reen, , high · up In the hills of Lttchfield and Pto~ Institute in H~Pto~. County' In ,O.o nnectlcut, today .ta. • who greatly entertalJ;led nds the Regina Laudls monaatery e with her descriptiOn ot as a monument to the effortl and Ing places In Vlrgln~a and faltb of the two real·lUe slBterl. reryODe on her il.olaginary Motber Benedict Duss and DOona Cbrlltmu carol8, -on the Mary Aline T~lUes de Warren. player, were also enjoyed. Three yea~s ago the two real· MAY .v.Jng adjournment, t be life Sisters arrived in New York BY ' S Ilt. and vice preSident, Mrs. with twenty dollars and tbe deMr. mls and Miss E. V. Barn termination to ' fulfill a wartlme vow to build abbey In ·Allierl t~rtai ere seated at tbe beautiful ca - A vow that was made when with table' and served the del· the vlctorlou8 troops of General Mr. M sandwlchel and tea, wltb EisenhoWlElr liberated . them trom ebratl~" ____~ - -~ --~ ~ - ..--._, - Zana Mae FolkerloD, SallJ Lou Sadie Reason; Mrl. Elale Hockett. nook and Mrs. Harriett Mc(1lnnfl all Christmu appointments ' and tbe Germane at the Abbey of No' 'l'hos~ who enjoyed the , celebrat· tl'e Dam,:e de Jouarre. Fra,nce. Smith. Sally KDlwortb, ~aiia Van Mr. and 111'1 .. J. B. RIch and Mr. . were among the Christmas guelltll' the lovely old tea-leaf cbina. ion together wer.: Their Inexorable struggles to gain of Mr. T. B. Bra·n nock at hla 0 · --'-NU),I, Evonna Bunnell, Elizabeth and Mn. P. L . Reason . Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack BoOn of ~he land for the building and fundi Soutb Lebanon: .• (arlatt and th. bOlte... Mr. Robert BJmazi at Chlcap bome PAUL PICKINQ HONORED with which to conduct tbE!lr work Le~a.non. Mr. and MI'II.. WIU1am o .. the holiday cue.t of hili broth' o ON HI8 .BIRTHDAY . Is flUed with episodes of drama Weltz and Sgt. and Mr.. Thoma ENTERTAIN. AT LUNCHEON er-IIl·law and illt.r.. Mr. and Mrll. Paul Picking entertained and humor that. combine to make .McClung pf Dayton. Re"; and IIr.. Mr.. and 111'11. DiLv •• Furnas opMra. Ronald Hawke ent.rtaiDecl Mrl. A. T•. Pollnlky. Jan. Je.le ened .their honle on Friday even- on Monday ' evenlnr bonorlng' the the undertaking a story of genuSatD .Keys. · · IIr. a~d Mn. II. 1'. on Tuelda,. with a lunc.h· Weltz, Miss Ann Weltz~ Mr. Jim eon. ' He.r InTite4 l\1el&l inclUded H.,.man. who had haen the ruest Ing of the !paatt week for the Dec' birthday annlverury of Mr. ~Ick· tne Inspiration, and one that shoo ~ uld be pleaSing to people of all . Wetlz. Mr. Robert Hunter. MI'II. tbe ArlWlot Bridge Club and Jln. ,of .be,' lon, accompanied blm ember meeting or the South Way- Ing. " Carda were the diversion at rellg~~. Truly lire is stranger home. . De Advisory IDeeting. . with Mr. Nell Anderson and the ' bOlt aDd D. R. SmIth, lira. .J. J[; PNltoD. tban fiction. . IIr. ~d Mrl. J •. K. Preston bad the evening and delicious relresh· aDd Mrs. Rlbodes Bunnell as hostela • .. lin. WinlfreCl Hartaock. III' .. .. Chrletmaa eve dinner rueltl gue~ta, and neW' members. Mr. A . menta were lIerved follow log the (, \ '£lle annml[ gathering at the Alva Tbompson aD4 Kn; lIarie Dr. and lin. ll. H. Preston, Mr. H . Earnhart led In a ceneral dill. games. Mr. and Mrs. Picking had Braddock families was an event YC;>UT,H8 EN,TERTAIINED RUne. a~d Mn. Jamel 'Holmana MIld cuaslo~ on various subjects, after as their guests. Mr. and Mrs. A. at the home or Mr. and Mrs: Ra)· Mr. and Mr.. Ralph Butings o entertalned to 'dlnner Oil . FrIday A It'OUP of former an&! present Mill Jalla March of ClncinnaU which the ' cOlincil aajou111ed to H. Stubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Davl~ mond Braddock on Chrlstmaa Eve. evenlDg. ~ grpup of frlendl of I' lI'. A.. a del.' and Mr. Jack Prelton of Oblo meet with Mr. and Mra. Earnhart Hartllock. Mr. and Mn. Stanley Those present Wllre Mrs. Jennie ~ January. I H . Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Con· Bradd9ck, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Fred Brtheir Ion: Robert, wbo Ie home clOUl turk.y luPper at the. 0014- Stat. unlvenlt7. . Mr. aDd Mrs. B. V. Bmltb were DurlD& the p,l euant social hour. ' .ner and IOn. from Miami Unlv. for lbe boll· eD Lamb Hot.l tD IAbaDoa on addock and children, Mr. Mrs. 0 day •• Tbe peats "ere M~I Batt,. I'rtda,. .Y8D1q with their IJIItIu. Cbrlltmu goelll of their IOn·in· 1Ialnt7 refrelhlDents wer served. , Warren Braddock. Mr. and Mr•• Mr. and BIni. Jobn I'romm bad . NOTI.CE Bernard Daley and daughter. MJaI Ann Vap ~elt•. Mill Carol I'rlIbr. ctor, III'. J. 11. Cnbbe, u an Iaon- Ia" and dauahter. III'. au4 Jln. In . LebanOD. .. Chrlltm&1lI DlDDer put on BI~s ' tor rental of approz- FloramoDd Reed and tbe hOlt and Mill Nita , Lee Smith. Mi'. Donald or put. wbleb ".. to hlI Y8I'J' IIr. aDcl lin. 1.. C. st. lobn, lIonda, IIr. and Mn. Clyde lI'ro- Imate!,. IIIx aCI'8Il of tie ,VWa,. hostess and daughters. RUll)'an. .Mr. OIareDC8 GraII:IID, .....& .urprla.. DarIq the ...... IIr. aDd 111'1 101m SeWeJ11J'1'8 JlUD and ..on of 8prIDlflehl• . ownel!. farm land will ... racelv· aU of .Sabina. and Mr, Robert .... IIr. Crabbe ".. PNMDtecJ o aDd chllll.... uul Mr. Dou14 aD4 .lIn. lIebln Banta or New I eel b)' tile Vwaae Clerk untO 11 wltll • beaIltU1J1 GhaIr. a 111& frOm Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCUlt.ocb BalUn,I. .1It ltIl4atL . 1Ir. Beck or ' BrId_t.cna. ..... ..,. CarIIII_, Mr. Mn. II.Ura o'clock DOOn, l'eblUU'J' 15, 1160. "pent .everal days of the hoUday , Th. ..-oup 'allO enJoJecJ • tile- JUt aDd . ..... t · Cook made the "...... 0Iu1ItaIM .-eta or Mr. aIUl lin. BUlta Clf and lin. .... ClUBId!!8 JAII1il8. Clerk with the former's parent. III LIDatre pari,. lD' DaJ'toD foUowIq. 0IeDD . . . . . . . _ _ _• toll, 11l4lu.. . . . . .Pub.... lID. f. 11 tI!a ........ tile ......
--- --...-_..
J.... 11_.
J UN E " , - I ~ i q 5 '5
1,:, '
Concert Mumber Three • • • •
String · Quartet
Miami Universi January 11, 1950 - 8 P. M.
Waynesville Hjgh School Auditorium
laml •
Sel"ving Waynesville Since 1~50 ~NESVILle; OHlb
tiLOBAL OtlTLOOK • • • W 1a e D you etap to Iblnt o' II, Ule flnt day of 1950 probably .. • ,0oc1
Local Postoffiee Seeks Clerk-Carrier
THURSDAY, JAN. 5,. 1949
Write-In Councilman Is Not Recognized
lime 10 climb up OD lop 01 &he . , wurill allll lake a look .rouDd. II mlchl do 'a 101 or ,ood U eaoucb The U .S, dlvll Service Com· peOple, Inclodln, crpwu-upa, ~a"e 1& a serIous try. miellon today' announced an ex· -----------::--~- ·amlnatlon for Subatitute ClerkMr, and MlI's ,' Charles James hacS Mrs. Walter Clark ·and MH. Rot;. Carrter for duty In the Waynell- ert Channell ViII.ltecl Mr. and Mre. lin tbelr CbJrllltmlls gUeltll, Mr. ville Post Office. Bennie Bchoultherl of Dayton, Ky: 'a nd Mrs. Rober t Clllrk and chlldr~n uf Leballon, Mr. ~d Mrs. R~ The baa1c rate of pay for Sub- last Thursday. belt James ot Xenia, Mr, a nd Mr~. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark eliatltute Clerk-carrier I. ,1.316 an Max llal'ts o(:k and son, Mr . and tertained to a turke,. dinner .on hour. After the performance of Ml's. (.Jluules O. James and chndone year of ai.tlat~tory aervlce, Chrlltmlll Day the follow1ns: Including Ume eerved as a SpecMr. and Mra. Earl Clark and Mr. rell alld Mr, Joe and Mr. Jack ial Delivery Mellenler, the DU1C and Mra. Ilobert Channell or Day- ,hlmes. Rev. a nd Mrs. R , B . Coleman rate of pay Is 1Dcreased ' 10 ·centl tOD. . .MrB. M. F . Weltz eutertalned ·a re announcing tbe marriage of an hour for the lecond year of Mr. and Mrs. E. ,F. 1s.arnhart on ·f ues da.y evening with her brl· ~Ir daughter, Mildred, t o! M'l lljatl,facterfi 'I IIJIb/ltltute servtqe, The third In the current Way· and five cents IlJl bour each sue. · had al New ' Yea.r'B dinner Su.e.t& dre club as h~r guests. Mrs. A. T. JO,h n A. Rowland of Eugene, Ore,Mayor Bal'ry Shel'wood refu s . nesvllle Community Concert Ser- ceedlng year "thereafter until a Mr. and Mrs. Charlee B. Earnhart 1?01l11SIcy and Mrs. S. M. Keys gon, on Christmas Day In . Port- ed to s\\:ea r In Hay Kler as coun. jlia wm be ,presented by the· MUlic )ma.x1mum of '1.816 ' an hour II and daughters Trotwood, an4 recelve. d the prlz'e s from the land, Oregon. , cllma n or t he Village of WaynesDepartment of Waynesvllle High t·ll¥hed.. Thi. five eent lucreaae Mr. and Mra. J. N. Roblnloll and games. after whiCh a dainty Mr. flowland graduated In the Ville wh en the counolL met . t or . its S chool · at .the high. Ichool aud~' Is made at the b~glnnlng of the children . . lunoh, with all Christmas appoint· Civil E ngineering CoUrse In Ore· , first 1950 sess ion Monduy night. t orium Wed., Jan. 11. quarter following the cODi-p\etlon Mr: and Mrl. Ralph Baatlnp we.l.s was ser ved. The feature of the concert will of one year of satisfactory aervgon State Unlv el'8Jty at . Convallls, Th e admission or Kle r to the . opened their home on Wednesday be the Mlaml University Strine lee In the next Iqwer grade. !\ureu, little daughter of Mr, a nd took post gra duate work in CC1UD,cll was postponed unUI later QUllTt et. The event Is scheduled The age llmUI for thele POI_ e.enlng, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy and 1\"'S. hobert Thomas. Is spe- Lhe U,n iverslty , of Oregon at Eu- becliuse of technicalities concern-' to begin at &l' . At , mona a r 41 18 to 60. No lpecUlc Maupin and Mr. and MH. Joseph uUIllg a lew days wttb ber grand· gene,. Uregon and ill in the em- Ing the legalit y of his write-in e lTbe Miami University Strlq education or e xperience Ia requlr- Shutts ,of Lebanon aDd Mr. and ~lI.lo;UUI . Mr. 1<1Id 1'4rlj, :i::rnest BUl" PlOY ot the . Stale of Oregon wlLh ectlon. Quarte t was establl!'hed in . Sep. ed. but all applicants mUlt pasl MrB. ·Walter Sbeeban as thetr t>l',," OI',ll. Lv l •.ow mg II. tollsll opera. .."~u,,ull.l'ters a t Eugene. The council re·employed Chas, tember, 1946, to provide a peim- a written examination deSigned g _es .E. Cardl were · enjoyed' and ~~un. ' 1~1J"8. ttowland received b e l' .B.A, Anderson as city Bollcitor for the anent source of fine chamber mUI- to te.i their abllHy In 10rtlJlg and a dell. ioul aab d courae wall leril.l Ublo Wesleyan Unlversl ty, B.S, coming year. 1111'. lLud Mrs, Fre , d HUnt of Col· .11 I1lducatlon at Miami U niv ersltv 1c for tbe residents of lIouthwes- in followlne · Instructions. ' ved by the host and hostes~. Percy 1leasoll, a hold ~ ov er from tern Ohio. The Quarte~ Is ..; uonAppllcants for tbese POIlIt.lODa UU.IIUd Il' e annou ncing the blrlh Lib S 1 I I Dr, Mary Cook bad as her J:j ~,In rary c ence n aSl years counc 11, will ser ve in profit organization. mUlt , act~1¥ resldJ Within tbe lUeats during tile holiday week. ut a .. Oll , JL'riday, lJecember ao LUll Un.verllity oC Illinois. She hilS Kler's lIoaltion until be Is acceptMusiC critic II throughol1t the dellvery zone ot the WftynesvUle, Mi, and ·Mra. N. W. Powell and ,>l.rS. l'.. unt ·w t ye ar II all ed . ,. a,s the· fo·r mer CaroL ' ween ewp. 10 yed .orwo central 8tate5 h~e acclaimed the Ohio Poat Office or be bona tide daushtel·B, Leah ancS Either, ... "u ,n~ to l1. daughter of MI'. and .o.Jbrarlan In the City LIDrllry of Lloyd .qavls was ra'elected presQuartet for its splendid rendlt· patron I of that office. ' .,l rK. Alva Ludington: ' .I!;ugene, Oregon. ident ot tbe cO\l ncl1 for the year; AppUcatloDl tor thil eu.mlDa. Va}pa~l~o • . Indiana. Ions. Walter Whitworth ot the In'. ne y wlU make their home In It was a nnounced that the ,11'. and. X I's. Ross ~artsocl!. Mr. J s mes Glbbo ns 0 f dlanapolls News has this to lay 110B mUlt be fUri wltb the Sixth .. ogene, Oregon. trl!-ffl c light at Main a nd North . cOllcernlng the group: ~81onal Office, 11. S. , CIVU der- Dakota is tb'e IU8Sl of hie IlIIter, loll'll. Lena 0 atreets Is now in operation 2."It is obviOUS that the quartet vice CoIDJDIuloIl, U. S . Poet Of. 1,{11• . KathfJn Glb!»Ona. ' MI'II. Ohu. hours a d RY. ,>I",W CEhTURY CLUB hili a t h!?l'OUlb uncteHtandlDf at.. f:le4l _ClnotlQlMi 0 ~ fI/.:?f.u M......'rS"."1' ;'ARTV' HOUSE : J what It III a: •••.hl,b!,. attnt· 0410, not later tl1ao January- 1B, • KIa. M& Tbe l\ew Century Club held "COME TO mE STABl£u 'ive ' to the music, ita dynamic Bba- 19960.·, Further uitormatlon md In.ton, D.C. Bpent the chrtatmu holiday· wttb her motber, )(1'8. regul~ r COMES TO THE 1WIN dings. Us ,tempo readings, its gen· aPPUcation forms maf be obtained "'n 11 M H erage in DIlY· ton. tlie,r . . meeting, Dec. 2:1, o.l1and and her bre>".... f e can be 10 t rangor t b an fl c t -' eral mood, • . • . The tone Quality from the Oommlulon'. Local See. .....te e . . with MIS :A lva · Thom)iuOll as Mr. atld Mrs. Ed l'alne and , ' Ion- a nd eQua lly dramtlc ! Aviv" W aS lovely and smooth and lIur· retary, Mr. Leiter H. ' <Jordon 10- tber, Mr. Horace M. 8han~ and cbl.dron or Ch,lIcotbe; Mr, and hOil-eSB at the Far HUla Party Id exampl e ot this is ·the 20th pr1s lngly rich. . • .In brief, till' cated .at ~ayneavUle, or from the ramUy. l Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. Shaner NrlS, l!:lIt ey !'ringle of Duyton and House, . · .ok 1.1.1 Cen tury F ox mm . "Come to the qua rtet j S a sple ndid foursome of information ofUce of the Sixth Reand· little daughter entertalDed to Mr. alld MI'II. Rhodes Bunnell and Tqls new Ilarty houlSe, the ,home stable." schedu led Sunday · and s k1lled musicians ," glon, located on the nlnth floor o of the · F~eral Bunldlng, Clncln- Chrlstmae dinner, Mr. and' Mrs. daughter we re Friday 'evening din. of Mr, a nd Mrs. J , . K. Preston, Monday. J alluary 8·9. at the Twill Sam Meredith and daupter . of Der guests of Mr. aud Mrs. Davis an d 0 n e of the beautiful old T h eatre. In w hi c I1 t wo pennlless JOHN~Y HICKS .HONORED nllotl, Ohio. Xenia, Mr. Rob.rt Bowman of Furnal! 81ld son. of this area where many F rench mms a rmed with only a. ON SIXTH BIRTHDAY ----«0)--- ,- lo·vely social attall'll toOk ·place, praye r and a promise perform · 200 RECEIVE GIFTS Thursday, Dec. 22, from four to FROM, CIVIC CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke anll has been entirely redecorated In the s eemi ngly impossible through Dayton, Mn. Ada F. Bolender of Washington, D. C., Mr: and Mrs. daughter ot Dayton. Dr. and Mis. t he s imple exer .else ot FAITH! six, a patty wall beld at the home CHRISTMAS PROGRAM .colonial style and eyery guest In t he motion picture. the two ot Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hlckll in More than 200 lacb ,or cau';' Homer Wood of Wilmington and n, Ii. Vanc:e and son of Wllmlnl' could a,most feel the attractive ton, Mr. alld Mrs. Clyde 1tromm b earl-winnlng Sisters, ·portrayed honor of the sixth birthday of and goodlell were dlatrlbuted by Mr. and MH. William HoUand, rooms· whispering their happlaess M'r . ancS Ml'e. Louill Fires tad a. 0,1: Sprlngfh!ld, Mr. and Mrs. Melby Academy Award wlnnerB, Lotheir son, Johnny. Hla lIttl" the Civic Club santa ClaUs at the . because of their Dew beauty. 'Pine V retta oung and Celeste Holm, go friends attending were: JaOK and recent commun1~,. liDe and pro- ChrlstmaB eve dinner lUestB, MI'. vln lJanta of New Carlisle, Mr, and and red candleB were useC) In all th roug h , a ser Ies 0 f exper Iences Jer'r y Gross, D,ouglal and Ann aram at the Wa)'llesvllle comm- and'Mre. PAul Harley ·and daugh· Mrs. C. Lee Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. ~ · filled wltb drama and high humor t er. 0 f DB. yton, ... ()henoweth, Bllly and SUllan unity Cbrlatmae · tree r. an d Mre. John Fromm, MI'. and Mrs., M. F. tb~ roomll. Following the hUlllness Benlon betore tlley 'manage to acnulre the Browno- Judy aud Bobby Woolard, The event, .poJlIored bY the Cbarl811 Fire. and IOn, Richard of Weltz and lions, Don and Dick, ' .. Fred and Michael Hubbell, '1'Im. CI"lc Club, .Be flnaDcad by th'e. Toledo, and Mr. and Mrl. Robert and Mr. 8l~d Mrs. Don Hawke ,and roll call, Miss Ruth Chandler the fund In.nd for a chlldren's bOBP . Mrs. GlenD Borden and Mrs. H. ital. my Mlttenberger, Johnny Hart- gift. from local mercliantl. The . Meredith and d.ughter. Gall, of were the guests at a family Chrl. And whlle Waynesvl'le fans wIlL . . C4vic C&11b wlabea to tJl.k all . L. Rye . were in charge of the ' almaa party ' on W~dnllsday nlgbt be watciling the two lovely. star. sock of Waynellville and ~e, · who contrlbu\ed to make the event Xenia. u d ~ Ed Ra b ' d program, and lntroduced as Jhelr an _rl. m y an at the bome of Mr. and Mr.,. Carl a chlev· th e ir dream on the .screen, and Judith Jean Hall of Dayton asuccea.. ---="children, with Mr. and MrB. David Hawke In Dayton. ·, guest, . Mias ElIZabeth ChaDdler hlgb up In t he hills of Litchfield and M~s. floger Drown , ,of W8.'I, 0 . ., ' of Hampton Institute In Hampton, County in Con necUcut. today st .. neBv.llle. '. Will St. John left Monday for Zlnk, and lion of Lebanon and Mr. and Mra. John Kereey and Vi rg I·n i a, w h a greatl y enter taine d nd s the Regina Laudls monastery .Games and glft~ from under a ten da, I~y at the , lilIneral Mrs. Homer Ramby of Lantana, Bqn hud ,UI ChrlBtmas eve guests I h h d l i t I!veryone w t , er eBer pt On 0 us a monum ent to tbe efforts anti. Fin., were Cliiiatmas guests of the Christmas tree 'and blrtlldai aprlngs at Dmlboro, Ind. l',{r\ and Mrs. Luther Hartsock Interesting places In Virginia and raltb o( the t wo real·llfe sisters, and Mr.. Milton Thlmes In Mr. presents fdr Jobnny were enjoyan~ suns, and they were guesta took. everyone on h~r IWlI.glnary Moth er Benedi ct Duss and Donna Middletown. . . '. ed by ·illl. at a family dinne r on Chrlstmaa tours. Chrlstmli8 carol B', -on the Mary Alln e T ~ l1le B de Warren. :Mr. and .lIre. !. B. Rich had all o Day lLt the home of .Mr. and Mrl. record player. were also enjoyed, Three, years ago the two realChriatmaa did1lilr peltll, Mrs. Wlllard K'!raey near Lebanon, O. MAYNARD WE~TZ HONORED ' Following adJournm\lnt, life Sis ters a rrived In New York the Elllie Hockett and Mr. and MrB. Mr. and MIl'S. Ke.rsey·, New Year president and vi ce preSident, 1\Irs, . BY SURP,RISE PARTY w,l th twenty dullara and the deP. L. Reason. ·Mr. and Mr•. ' .iSon Hawke enEve gue' utt were ur. and Mrs. S. 8. ElIls and . Miss E. V. Barn l erm h1 ation to fulfill a. wartime lU Mr. and · Mr.. C, E , Ec1gington Fra·n k SWlirtzel. ter ta ined on ThUrsday e'Veldu« vow to build Un abbey In Amel'l hart. were seated at the bllautltul . ca - , A vow that wns made when and lion had a. Ohrlltmas eve with a , surprise pa~ty h9no rln' Mr. and Mrs; Albert Brannor~ dining ta.ble and served the del· the victorious · troops ot General aupper guelta Mr. and MI'II. lUloMr. Maynard Weltz, who Will cef. and cblldrlSD, Mra. F~ances Bran- iclouB sandwiches · and tea, with EIBenhoW)er liberated them from dell Bunnell ·and Mrl. ebratlng hll ' hlrthday aDnlveHary. p,ook and Mrs. Harriett McGIDDill all Christmas appointments and the Oerma n!! a t the Abbey of NoSadie Reason, Mrll. Elale Ho~kett. : 'l'hose who enjoyed the celebrat· were 'amOlllg the Christmas gueetl the lovelY · 'Old tea'lear china. tre- Dam.e de Jouarre, Fr~ce. ~r. and ,Kr• .. J. B. Wcb and Mr. Ion together wer.: of Mr. T. B. Brannock· at hie ()o. _ Thillr Inexorable struggles to gain and MH. P. L. Reuon. Mr. and Mra. Jack BoUn ot home In South Lebanon. the land lor the buUdlng and funda Mr. Robert Hym&D or Ohlcago' with which to conduct their work PAUL PICKING HQNOREO Lebanon, Mr: and MH. WOllam o I. the holiday guest of bill broth' -~ ON HIS .PIRTHDAV " Is fUled with episodes of drama Weltz and sgt. and Mr•• Tllomu ENTERTAINS ·AT L~NCHEON er·ln-law and al.ter, Mr. and Mr. and Mra. .Davlll Furnas 01). Mrll. Paul Picking entertained and humor tbat combine · to make . McClung of Dayton, Rev. and lin. Mr.. Ronald ~wlte enterta1Ded l\4rs. A. T. PollDlky, Mr... Jesle ened tbelr home on Friday even- on. Monday evening honoring the the unde rtaking a story of genuSam Kefs, Mr_ and Mrl. M. F. on TUelday with a brldl. '1~ch· Weltz. : Miss Ann Weltz, Mr. JbD , eon. Her IDvlte4 gunte included Hyman, Who had been the guest tng of the lP ut week' for the Dec- birthday anniversary ot Mr'. Pick- Ine Inspiration, and one that shoI \lId be ' pleas ing to people of all ' Weuz: Mt: flobert Hunter, Mn. the Argunot Bridie Olub and 1I(H. .of hel' s9n, accompanied him: ember met!ting .o! the Soutb Way- Ing. Card s were the dl vers Ion of . rellg ~o~. Truly lire Is strrunger ne Advtsclry meeting. with MI'. Nell Anderl!on and the hoat and D. R. smtth, 1Il'8. I. Ie. Preston, bome. Mr. 'apd Mrs. ~. K. preewn hB.d and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell as the evening and delicIous refresh· thall fiction . hostelli. lira. WlnUrecl Hartaoelt, M r lI. aa Chrilltmaa eve dinner gueltl gue!lta. and Dew members. Mr: A . ments were served following the '1' 11 a IInnunl gatbering of the o , Alva Thompson al1d Marte Dr. and MrB. R. H. Prelton, Mr, H . Earnhllrt led In a general dill. gameB. Mr, and Mre. Picking had Braddock CamlUes was an event YOUTH8 ENTERTAIINED RUne. and Mra. Jamell Holmaoa MIld cusslon on various Bubjects, atter as their guests. Mr. and Mrs, A. at the hOl1le of Mr. n.nd MTs, Ray, Mr. '~ci Mra. Ralph Hutlnga o " entertained to dinner on FrIday ·A croup of former anc! preseDt. Mlal Jane Marcb or Cincinnati whi~b thel council aCJJouI'ned to H. Stubbs, Mr, and Mrll. David mond Braddock on Christmas Eve. evenlng, a Jl'Pup fnend. of B' 11' , A. atu4ente BDjolec1 & de1l- and Mr. Jack Preaton of Ohio meet with Mr. and Mrs. EarnhlU't Hartsock, Mr. and Mre; S~nley Those I1 reaent were . Mrs. .Tennie In JaDuary. I H. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Con· Braddock. Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Br. their Bon: flobert. who 1B home cloUa turkey aupper at the Go14- State unIY!lnlt,.. Mr. and MH, B. v_ Smith were During t:he pleasant BOCIal hour, ner and Ion. addock and ch'udren. Mr. an Mrll. Lamb Hotel til LebanoD OD from Miami lJnlv. for the boU0 Warren Braddock, Mr. and Mre. dayB. The guesta were MI•• Detty 1'r14ay aveialQ wltb their JDItnIo Chrlatmu pelte of their eon·ln- dainty · retre.hmenta wer eerved. NQTkCE Dernard Daley arid daughter, Mias Mr. and Mre. John Fromm !lad Ann Yap Pelt, Min Carol I'rlaby. ct.or, III': J. B. Cnbbe, u an bon· l&w and dauahter, IIr. and Mri. . . Obrlltlnaa DlDDer Iruut on DldB (or the rental or approx· Floramond fleed and the hOBt &Dd Mills Nita Lee Smith, Mr. Doaa14 or put, wblcb WU to Ida ...etT Jeua ~eqla III lAbanolt. Mr. an4 Un. L. C. St. John, Monda,. lilr. and Ml'II. Clyde ~o- Imately six aerea tbe VlUage- hostess and daughters. ' .R.un1an, .Mr. Qareuce ~ lI'eat IUrprlle. DurIn, Ille ....... aU of Sabina, and Mr. Robert 1111, III'. e.raJibe WU pn.atecl Mr. an4 1Ir1. Job SeWemyrtl mill od 10D or eprlnlfleld, lrr. I owned farm land will be reeelv' 0 wltb a IIeaUtIful ehaIr, a 11ft fI'OIIl an4 ch1l4rea, uu1 IIr. DoDB14 aD4 .111'8. lIelytn Dang ot New I ad by the Vlllaa'e Olerk untO 11 Mr, and MrR . Charles McCUllDch HlltlDll. etullam. 111'. Bect ot Bra4fttoD~ ~, ..... OuU.le, and lire. lIerDa o'clock DODD, Febru&17 15, U50. IIpent eeveral days of the boUda,. Tbe pOup aIao enjoyed a tJae. put aDd CIarIatmu peate of Mr. &lUI lire. BIIlta and lin. CBARr.§ J.uiE8. Clerk with the former's parente ID LID..... t . COok made tbe preMId&" . atre P&I't1 , in DaJtoD toUowlll& BlDtL PublJlb J ... 5. 11 ' tOD, lu4JaDa. 0IMIa . . . . UIl tbe clIDDer.
Concert Features Miami University String Quartet
Miss Miklred Coleman
Weds In Oregon
Swearing In Of Ray Kier Delayed By Mayor
--- 0---
tI!a .,...
Going to Sea Palne's phrase, "sunshine j paTom tr iot." might well apply 10 any Isegment of the Russian army, jslnCe the Soviets halle no IYl\rm water porI Cor winter operallolls; but If tlw authoritative publication, Jane's Fightlng Ships, was ' to bebelieved, the Russians must be planning to chan,e all that. ('F!I)ITOft'S NOTE: IVh>n opinion. a.e up' .... a In Ihe •• eohlmn'l 111., ..".e Ih., • • r W'aler. New.paper UnloD' . ISle ... anaa,.., • • Oil not Dece ••• rU, 01 tbl, nel':'IDaper.) ACCORDING to the , artlQle, Russia Is building three 35,OOO·ton . battleships equipped to fire radioStE~el controlled aerial torpedoes. It PunitiYe. Plenty said the Sqviet navy also' Is speeding construction on a fleet pf 1,000 It was an ironical twist that submarine, Including a type "with American farmers. by producing a great range and a very high subin 1949 the second largest crop In merced speed," all U.S. history, moy have shackled How did Sane's penetrate the tron themselves with broad government curtaln to a degree necessary to controls for years to come. glean that Information? The year:s harvest acreage Wall' The publlcaUon Itself says merely the largest since 1$32 when depres· that a "hitherto rellable source" sian-ridden farmers sought to offr e layed , the report. and added that set declining' prices by expanding it passed along "with reserve . . • produetion. conflicting information in the InExcept for bad weather dlirlng Cormant's report" that one of the the growing season In ' some secthree battleships is still in the tions of the nation, the 1949 crop yards, but "two others of the same total might easily have set a new class are believed to be in comrecord. Even so. the harvest was m ission ." Jane's emphasized that 10 large that the U.S. department It hod "no substantiation 'of this of a griculture felt called upon to report." Invoke production oontrols of varEverett Kassarow, execuTHE ARTICLE noted that the ious kinds to reduce the volume tive sccretary of the CII(), tells United States and Great Britain next year. These controls prob• congressional committee' that have only one battleship In sj!rvlce ably would extend to cotton, peabig steel's hiking the p,rlce of between them-and that Is the nuts, major types of tobacco, rice, steel III a "scandalous sltnaU.S.S. MissourI. B'u t, it added, potatoes and soybeans. tlon" and asks the con~mlttee "there are signs that new fleets The agriculture department S!lld to Investigate It. In the recent the huge harvest was the .result price raise, the steel Industry , are In the ma.king." Continuing. the article declared: of uniformly large · production of lIald recent welfare and pen' 'Warships are being designed not most crops, rather than record sion concessions to labor made as improvements or developments volumes of a few Individual ones. the ,Increase Decessary, of previous classes, but from , first Records were marked up only for principles for a specific role at rice. dry beans and peas. countering a potential enemy type. The figures: . In the next few years we are likely Co~ three billion, 378 million 'One Brood Pottern bushels,; livestock feed· grain. 126 , Probably pointing the way to· to see . . : the atomlc·bomber carmillion tons; vegetable oU·seeds: ward . a general North Atlantic rier, the guided-missile contr01. loybeans, flaxseed, peanuts, cot- pact policy. the Un ited States, vessel. the task-force command, ton-seed, 15.33 million tons; tobac- Great Britain and Canada have ship, the antl·sub.marine cruiser. co, two ,billion pounds; fruit ' pro- worked out procedures tor prac- ro~ket destroyers, fast, low·lying' duction, nine million. 800 thousand tically a complete exchange of In· frigates and gas·turbine ships." Which would indicate that' the ~ns. formation concerning m i li.t a I' y YieldS per acre were above av- weapons and righting techniques navy hasn" been as dormant aa the air force might have ' liked It to erage for most crops, although each country develops. wheat, flaxseed and dry peas were THE OFFICIAL announcement appear in th~ unification row. !.n notable exceptions. Nearly 163 to that effect was a guarded one, congreS8. million tons of the eight -grains but defense del'artment ~pokes were harvested during the year. men said the three nations will, pool all data on just about every.. For 'Fo.rgotten· thing in the, way of conventional According to an lmpreislon prevweapons used by their r'es~ctlve Get Last Laugh fighting forces and to'g ether will alent in the capital, President TruThere may not' be any laughs In study such advanced weapons al ~an intends to presl congren for current comic books-as so many gulded missiles. There was no In- some action to lpUr construction psychologists, psychiatrists, educa- dication of the atomic bomb In of medlum-prlced bouslng. tOl'll and ministers have charged- this "share·the·lmow-how" deal And, al must have been In" evltable, the "lor,otten man" wal But there was, certainly more than The goal, according to the an; again brought Into the picture. The an IIbdominal chuc:kle for the eom- noon cement, was to make· not only capital sources mentioned that Mr. Ic book entrepreneurs, themselves, standard weapons interchan,e- Truman's administration would in a spectacular respectability reo able, but to draw on the Incentlve recommend that thil bOllsin, be cen~ accorded th.e lr products. techniqUe! ot scientists and the For, al amazing as It may seem, ',' operational ' pro c e d u lr e a" de- , delianed to help' the .o-called "for,otten ~aD" In housing-the .m1d~ the U.S. ltate departmelll wal to veloped by military planners. 4' dIe-income worker of the nationincorporate the comle book tech.' THE ,STEP, .' in any manner or to own hi. own home or 'better nlque In Jts latest bid for the minds speaking, was a prudent eme it the rental accomm·odatlons. '01 non-Communist Asiatic •• WITH THEm THEMES based democracies are convin.ced that . IF ANYTHING can be done In at re;pect, the "forgotten man" on the lIvea or American heroes, among the best avenues of"']leace 260,000 copies of the picture-series Is one that le,a ds' to the ult~ate would surely be most grate~l but the manner In which the hoW." books- ball- been scheduled for de-' in preparedness. There Is a most plausible school in, problem hu , 'been It1cked livery ~arly in January. The books were to be sent to of thought among intt!rnatlonal around In ",aahlngton could be South Korea, Th,a lland, French .dlplomatsl that If a consolidation blamed if the "forgotten man'~ Indo-Chlna and Indonesia. The of sUfficient strength Is· mustered adopted an attitude of "I'U be' hope was that through hand·to· by the western powers. there need lieve It When I see it." The new housing program, achand circulation Information about be no fear of World War 111, no the history and background of tbe matter how much ,the Russians cording to reports, will be on the United S~ates would be spread mll/ht deslte one. For whatever "must" list of early consideration widely 1n areas under strong Com- else may be said of Russia's by the lawmakers, but that "must" munist pressure but Which, .as yet, Stalin, he has never been, branded Isn' t as formidable as i, sounds, as a complete Idiot. for most Americans remember had not capitulated. After Stalin, of course. anything that ' Mr. Truma.n was unable to THE SERIES was to inc1ulle 32· page books of the lives of George might happen. for ambitio\ls men get any action on a lot of "must" Washington, Thomas Jefferson, ofttimes let , their ambition cloud legislation In the first session of Walt Whitman, Abraham Lincoln. their vision to the extent that they the 81 st congress. However, no one could be ruled Andrew Carnegie. Jane Addams. can't see where they are going. Thomas A. Edison, and George Give such men enough power" and out for trying, and jf any suceessthe war everyone, fears' n'llght well ful housing venture should ' result, Wa-shington Carver. there would probably be an air Of Libraries and other agencies of be in tlJe making. forglveness al\ 'round. the state department's publlc afTHE LEGISLATION which the fairs division, already on tbe President is reported as ready to the-trooks Rated Outstanning sponsor Is said to reiy mainly on priat public showings of American More than 1.500 newspapermen vate Industry ' to do the job, documentary films and , other such occasions. American libraries op- had been called upon to choose. in erate in all countries where the their opinion. the 10 outstand ing men of the world during 1949'. At books are to be distributed. first blush th at would appear to be a staggerin'g assignment. but there is no newsman worthy , the Ideo Spreading name who won't give you an oplr" A familiar and popular event in ion on anything at any t,lme. THE TEN "outstandi ng men ' of s.ome United States communities, unknown in many more, National , the ·year." as announced in the Pancake aay is beginning to catch 1949 Year News Annual were : Dr. Albert Schweitzer. r eli gion; on in many localities. An ancient as far a s internation· Dean Acheson. U.S. Secrcta ry of al observance goes, the event has state. statesmanship; Dr , Ralph been observed elsewhere in the Bunche. world peace; 01'. Charles world for hundr.!!ds of years. No SeY'>1our. Yale university presiartificial "Johnny • come - lately" dent. education: Walter .Reuther. idea . the day has long been oJ:>· president of ' the CIO·UAW. labor; served ln Great Britain and many Jackie Robinson. Brooklyn Dodgers other countries In Europe-always second baseman, sports; Serge I Koussevltsky. Boston :symphony . on the day before Lent begins. . Tln1 NEXT Pancake day , falls orchestra. music; ArthUir Miller. on February 21, 1950, when here, "Death of A Salesman," . drama: Francia B,. Sayre, former In the Unl~ed States, som,e com· Stanley Kramer, produc,er of the U.S. aSllstant secretary of munlties will mark the dily In city· movie "Horrie of The Brave." .tate, tHUlled lba' Alrer Blu, Wide celebration. a sort of , mid· movies; Milton Berle. Iradlo and . , former itale clepariment a'" winter fair . at which everyone eats television. trial for perpancakes. In many other commu- . CRITICS of these selections. taahe whp fa J1II7 to cODDectioD w1~ doleD nities, church IIroups (frequently might chnrge that the selectors let Here' dOODlDeDts, hacl • "very EplscopalJans) have long observed the headlines of the yenr. rather poclu .rep.bUon for Iutepi17 the day with quiet breaidasts, thart the gentlemen's accomplishaDd veracla, ID 1838 when BI.. ' luncheon. and lIupp~rs-aU of ments, 'get In their eyes when, they . . . Sayre' I "rlCht haad mua." which feature ;.ancakes. made. their choIces.
Huge Crop Surpluses May ariD On Widespread Fe~eral Farm Controls; Three Pact Nations .Unify· Defense
Sixl! Millio~ Worken
MILLioN.JOBS makes ~rica tick. Those jobs create and maintain for us our high standard of UVlng, the highest ever ,known by the people of any nation. Those jobs make possible automo· biles. refrlgerawrs, washing ma o chilies, "ewing machines. radios . television, telephones, e Ie c t ric 11ghts and electric power. bath· rooms with hot and cold water. and many other conveniences and lu,,· urles found In a large , majority oj American homes. Sevent, million American!!!, most of them of comparatively I!man meaDS, bave made those 60 million Jobs pOlllllble by hiTesting their savings In the tool! and ~aotorles of Industry. Such toob and faotories represent an averaKt\ Investment of more than SII1,OOO for eaeh 'of those 60 mUlion Jobs. The vast majority of those who bave provided the' tools and factories are those who have thriftilY saved. and who have demonstrated their faith In the American economic system by Investing their eavings that others of this, nnd oneomlng generaUons, might have the opportunity of profitable employ-ment. To make the millions of small ~ vestments work many are combined Into one company. and the many employ management-officers anil dlrectors-possesslng the essential lmow-how of production and sales. To those who have Invested In tool~ and factories, the management they have selected Is the government of the Industry they have flnanced, just a8 our elected and appointed publJc officials are representative of aU of UI 811 citizens. Mana~ment does DOt OWD the ludlllltry; It represent. UJOIIe who have ' provided the Iools and ',.olodea and Iholle.who are employed at the jobs &be IndUstry provldell. . The wages paid to the 80 million ' workers and the Interest-divldends paid to the '10 million who have prorided the tools are rpent in buying the produots of the factories and the farms. It insures th~ ~ nillllon Americans llving on farma a market for the productl of their farma. Tbat, brl~ftt and mdel1, ta • latatement of the fundamentals of. our American ay8tem of eCOllomJcs, our free competitive enterpme, What Itproduce. Is fairly ~uitably dlvhted tietween all who - exert an effort. No one or no group receives any-Hon'.-ahare. AU who ale wl11!.ng to do their tall' part wiD receive their portion. Through Its operations, we ~an each provide for our own welfare in the future as we have 80 abundantly done ih the past. ~
ft Is eO-Ollentlve; HlflahDes!!! on the )lara of some may sel'l01lsly· atrect the result, to . others •. For example: Laying down on the job on the part of the 60 millIon workers, their faUure to provide a rellsonable amount for the wages they reeelve, will reduce the re~rns of Intcrest..:..dlvldends-to tbe '10 million wbo bave provided the tools of Industry, and without those tools Ihere wonld be DO Jobs. provide a reasonable production leaves not enough commodities to meet all needs, pnd compefltlve bidding for such as there are forces tbe prices ' up, and all sufter. Such ill the system under which America has' prospered, a system ,t hat for all who will work offers and bas oUered opportunity in keeping with their 9bility an'd energy. None, other than the physically or mer.' tal'ly disabled, are ba~red from its advantages. ' Under it we have in th1! past. amI , will in the future. provide mon' weUare for ourselves tnan can b~ expected from that mythical "something tor nothing" to be supplied by gowrnment. That myth. fcal system will, within but a short time, dry up the sources Cram which all of our prosperity,. our con· venlences, our luxuries come, There wiD be nothing left from which government can ~upply that "something for nothing" for which the dreamers are boplng. Let us ' travel along on the weD known. "plainly marked road of free com· .. petltfve enterprise, a road w~ have traveled through all of our national . hiltory. Let us ,plan. each for himI lell, rather than bave an ever Increaaing arm) or bureaucrats to plan for us.
I mealUl
. . questlaa.
Raps Big
Talks for Hiss
In America we deatroy food as a of maintaining B market at For Amphitheatre a reasonable price for our farm Most everyone has speculated products.. ThroUibout the world about It and when It would cbme, I miDionl are clamoring for food to but now, apparently, It has ar· , prevent death by ltarvation, and rived-a revolutionary raln-dety· i die United- Nations debates the inll umbrella fat an amphitheatre. problem of feeding aU the people. AccordIn, to the designers. II Washington bureaucrats eonslder en eover1he amphitheatre In two tile only IOlutlon II to Urn It the and ODe-~aU minutel st the, flick I aeres the fannen are aUowed to or a IWiteb, The device Isn't actual: plant. What II Deeded are lOme 11 011 the market yet. but win be _teamen to work. on both pro~ built lim faD ' to houae activltlel lema. Tbere CAD be a Hl11t1oa. to cl UIe Pltt.burp CIvic LIlbt Open,
N.w Probe Ask.~ DIPLOMACY:
::--.J CIOIHl for Japs
Whatever else might OCiCUPY con,ressmen, there appeared to be no lacking' of probe subjects. FOil Instnnce. Reprelentatlve Buchanan (D., Pa.) announeed th~t a special hoUle lobbying InVestigatIng commltt~e would begin lookln, into real estate and medical issues. Buchanan Is cbalrm I or the comml"ee wblch will the ·Ioot. Tbe comml"" wiD in. "dI,ate ....tller.stde..
AI part of the policy of speedInll readmission or Japan into the world faml17 of nations, U.S. state department offlclala blve dlseloled thal tbb naUon 10011 will .tart tralnln. more "Importanl" lapanele 'diplomats to aid In that dart It was dIlCloled at the same time tIIa' pima bave been made to btlng lever" hUhdred "apane.. mall'l, berl of parliament, newsmen, ,OV ernmeat ofIlelall, and students.
Birds May Be Polio Corriers , WASHINGTON . - Inve stiga . tions ha ve been 10 unched to de· termine whether birds mi ght constitute a source of Infanlile paralysis virus. according to a Los Angeles doctor lIisltmg bere. Dr. R. De Rohan Barondes, said that a recent study at taco tors possibly associated wltb polio epidemics "shows a defin· ite correfation with the harvesting of the fruit and vegetable crop~; and to changes in cU· mate, weatl:ter.. humidity and the presence at animals, Insects and ' birds ." He added: \ "A source of infection apparently overlooked . . . is the contamination of fruit. such I I cherries. grapes. a:;>rlcots, ber~ies, nnd so forth, nnd vegetables ' sucll as lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, and sO ,forth, by bird droppings, mnnure and contamination by wildlife. "One often has observed such rood to be bird·pecked, gnawed and soiled and frequently eaten unwas hed, 'u npeeled and ·un· cooked."
- -
• •flh, 01 (i!l!;
Th t' b lllr:l\I of PII I.tI (' r n ·" I" Is
a utl11 ilv (ur t he s t:l kml'nl that A m ri ('a n III C1 t 0 I \!l' II I('II'S C' (ln!'Ll ll w d :lU .:{;.!:I(ilHl .O(lU ~a II,lnS of m otor fI li'I i n 10111 . I' n!,;RC' n" r ('Drs c un Slll nC'd 2J.(;:W.()()() ono f1 Allons; buses ('o n3u rrwc! 71lU (lou.opn ga llons a nd !I . 189,UUU,U(jO l;ailons by tru lIS.
ForYourCOUGH Creomu\sion relieves promptly because ir goes right 10 the SC3t of Ihe trouble 10 help lonsen and ~pel j;crm Illden pblegm and aid n3lOre 10 sOlllhe a.~d heal r;tw, lcnder, innnl\lcd brondl~aJ mucouS nlembrOUlcs, Tell your drugJ:l'l 10 sell you a bortle of Creomuls"oo with the undemnnuinll )' OU muSI lake the way il quickly alla)'s Ihe cough or )'()\J are to ha"e rour money back.
CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, BronchitiS Gran~ma's
Dentists Are Advised To 1 ~ ~l Kids Truth If Job Going to Hurt MILWAUKEE, WIS. - Dentists halle been called upon by D,r. Alfred E, Seyler. DetrOit, editor of the Journal or Dentistry for Children, to "stop trying to kid the kids." "Play tair with the children," he advllred dentists. "U you're going, to hurt the child." he advised. "tell him you will. When the youngster says you' re hurting him, don·t try to' fool ' him. Tell him you know it hurts I in fact, .that you can't tblnk of anything that hurts worse." The dentist, Dr. Seyler said, can get along far better with the child in his chair if he Is honest about the pain and pays the youngster a compliment tor his ability to "take It." Parents, meantime, should learn, too how to hand1e the child at dental appOintment time. Says Dr. ' Seyler: "Don't Ireet the child after the dentist has worked on him wlth any remtlrk like, 'Oh, you dear, how did you stand all that pain. Now just tell mother about It on the way home.' How much better to 1Iay, 'HI, you took that pretty good, even It it was rough at times.' Then change the ~ubject. " A. lot' of parenti, the denU.t laid, especially those with an only child, like' to keep their children 10 de· pendent upon them that they ai-e jealous' of the dentist who can make their ehUd behave better than they can: That's the kind that Insists upon being at the child's side whlle he II in the dentist chair, when the child would be much better off If ' left alone with \he dentist while be', in the chair.
IT'S lNTERESTiN" to watcb folka and sce how personality allus seems to be an outward expression 0' what they posaess losldo 0' them, 1$ paid atn. IUDO PlelllmMl • • I.nb&ll. N . c.o.J1Ir
IT'S PLAIN to aee the ditrerence In cakos 'D pies when you bake with a. top quality sbortnln·. And that means nqw, Improved Nu·MnJd- the bcttcr-than-evcr margarine that'll good tastln' In Itself. o.J1Ir
AIN'T NO TWO \vAYS -bout It.; the best way 0' makin' a younll'\lD trustworthy la to jeBt trust him.
15 IIOId Iolr.. L. 1II>IDb, But
""'"moodow. IdUL
ALWAYS did think 'Table-Grade"
Nu-Mald WQl jest about pertectno:w they've gone abd made It even better. Yesstr-the new Nu-MalcS'a taaUer 8l\d smoother epreadln', And It'. got a line new package that aeallI In that "Table-Grade" flavor.
will be ;:d upon publication to the ftrst contributor of each accepted. saying or Ide~ Addresa "Grandma" 109 East Pearl Street, Cll1clnna.U 2. OhIo.
Freakish Petroleum Jells When In Contact With Air SALT LAKE CITY.-Freaklsh petr,oleum th<lt jeUs into a solid fl fter r eachin g the surface Is, flow· Ing from a new wildcnt well near Roosevelt, Ul ah, about 150 miles southeast oC Salt Lake City. The well we s drilled two miles deep. It flowed 1.633 ba rrels of oB in Z4 bcurs when brought in. The crude wa il suid to be excellent qualily. but workers stared as if un· a ble to believc their vision as well samples turned from liquid to solid when exposed to air, Oil men hllve called petroleum "nalure's ve ge table soup." · Appar· ently she puts into i't anythil1g that happens to be lying around bandy. When she stirred up this Utah batch some '74 million years ago, I she had a lot ~f wax ,on hand. The oil nOIll flows Crom the earth at a temperature of 1J4, degrees. That make,S it II liqu id. B.ut when It cools below 90 degrees, the wax hardens. With II true Paul BunYan touch. the oil crews !Ire sa ying that. come winter. 'this stuff ca.n be squirted out ot a three inch pipe. chopped Into short lengths and hauled to market like rence posts. . Unfortunately it's not that simple. To trucIC the all to the refincry, heating coils must be 'placed in both storage tanlta and trucks to make It llquld • enough for pumping,
"I hope It's & girl I'm' knittin g th ese baby thlngH tor, Thot woUld mean another member or the Cam· Ill' to supply milk tor making pure. sweet ·Table·Grade· Nu· Mllld."
«'. opr. I04n 1'1''11' ""IAml M_ !"Ruln . Co .
Jack Frost Given Credit For Assist to Pollclme,n ATLANTA. GA.-,Jack Frost W81 credited with a recent assist to the Atlanta police department. When Sgt. Ralph Hulsey of the police mtsllng person. bureau an· swered his phone, an excited man on the other end of the line-hi. I teeth chattering audibly-explained that he liad walked off from , the prllon at Atmore, lola.. where be was aervin, a life aentence. He had hltch·~lked to Atlanta, ~earlng only a shirt. pants. shoes and socka. "It's eold outside," was the IIIlt of bll remarks to the poliee sergeant. The man .ald be hid caDed \he warden at Atmore leWn, him he eoulcln't ,et back to lbe prllOII, and hael been advlled to contact Ibe A.tlanta pollce. I The man,. Thoma. C. Bale, . ...
... promlHd a wann recepUcm.
YEs. In lu.t 7 dsys,•• ;... one short weele 0 o. e group of people who cunled from their old dentlfrlcee 10 Calos Tooth Powder aver•. qed 3B" brl41t'~~ ,eetA 'b,lClenllfic teet. Wh, not chin.. to Caloll J0cmeJf? Bu, Calos today ...... JOUI' feetb CIB Nrt IookiDI 6ri«"'~ lomon:n I
CALOX· wo. . . . . . . .. .~
I ~-------------------------, I
Easily Built Trough . Will Aid ShE~pmen
Economicctl Cough
.Relief!. Try This Home M !xture
Designed to (:ut Labor, Lumber. Spac:e and Feed
Ma kes 1Ii~ 5-''''i1l • T o gf't qllit~ k ~ii,. fyint:: rf"lw f h om r ouS!tu~ fl u~ ' tn ~ol,ls. mi. hi' rN'IP" In your Ldl/;:IIPo . rir~ t. mnl<~ D fiyrup with 2 ('ups granuIl\t ... c1 SU~[\ r an,1 nnr rl IJ' of WaiN N il ('o'\~i"g " f'f!II~d Or yOll f'on u,cr cor " !4y rllP or h Q,lHd No COflking,
A:n easily bum grain or hay trough has proved to be a problem fo r mnny sheep growers, but t his trough designed by H. M. B riggs, dep ar tment of an imal husbandry,
honey . inlll t ri el of s u l>tn~ l yrUJ) Til"n crt 2 ~ O\lnr"l o f Pinp) from any d'U l;~I' t. "h\~ i~ 8 s prc in l (ompf, und of pn)"4.'n 'n~fI·(Ii "n l !'l . In c nr.;:o lllrBl e rl for m. ' W'cll.k no"' n lo r lis 'l\l i,,·k oellOn o~ ·throa t
.nd h H!r1ch llll irnl(ll ions. Pul P ine~ inlo n pinl boltl •. and fill up
• Purchasing fresh food for the nation's armed forces is big business """'7 a 31 - million - dollar ~ amonth business. and it is accomplished by the army quartermaster mar k e t . center system oli a nationwide basis, using h i g hspeed modern communication. The market center' supplies virtually all the perishable subsistence required by the army. navy and airforce. Shown above. Mr. Roberts, fruit and vegetable marketing specialist for the San Francisco QMMC, and Captain John Miller inspect lettuce in a field near Salinas, Calif. At left, marketing specialists in the teletype room at Chicago headquarters are in contact with various market centers throughout the 'U. S.
• Purchasing through a system which ascertains the availability at an item, its quality, price and dis~ tance to be transporte.d, e nab I e s quartermaster market center system to buy the best possible food with which to feed the arm e d .personnel of its · various military forces. 11'1 the photo at right, Capt. John~wles (left) and an army veterinarian inspect a pork carcass at a meat processing company plant in Madi~on, Wis.
.. It h · your "rrup. T hu. you a (u ll p l.~ t of 'llll(·nd id 1l1,c:die inc-llho \l$ "ou r lime'S U much for you r mo ney It neve r fi pOl ls . li nd U s tl1S One. And for qu if'k, bt~SS-NI relief, it is s urprls. Ing Yo u c a n recl It u,k. 100111 in a way tha t . m en ns bU!I; 1ne~s It 100"l"nl l)hl"'Cm, ,oot he'S irrh.2 ted m [llnu ran e.l. f!1\ S t-.s sorrn~ "·1nke. bre. t hing easy, and I... you a.t r •• Hul ,I •• p. Jus t try 11 . • nd If nol pl ••..,d . you,
monoy will b. r.runded.
Pineapple Motif HIS attractive croche ted ba'sk et can be used as a holder for a fa ce c10th in mat ching or. co ntr asting color to t he towel. The popular pinea pple motif works up i ri no .tiri1e.
MAN·SBEST ........
• •
P a tt" rn ND. 11942 consis ts 01 com plet e crocheting (n. t ruc tlons IDr pocke l and ed gi ng, materltll r equireme nts , IIltcb U. lustra't lon a 'Dnd ' Il nlshlnc d lr ocUona ,
SE WIN P cm CLE N EE DI,E wonK IISO Soatb W e l)_ st. Cb lea ro 7, IU, E nclose 20 cents lor Dnllcrn .
win tsave lumber, IIpace and feeil tor the sheep' crower. This trough
Oklahoma agrlcultm:al experiment .s tation, will provide the answer t o th at problem in ' m an y cases. The trough shown in these dra wings is Intended fo r m atute sheep and will save labor, lumber, s'p ac(1 a nd feed. As the drawi ngs show. the trough can be built easily by any farm bandy·man. if the plan Is followed strictly, It should be noted that the trough has its own Ooor . H year ling rams are t9 be fed, the material should' be slightly heavier than is shown in the plan. I The center of the pen, a ccording to Briggs, is the most desir able location for this trough. Or several can be pla ced in a lot or 'pen. If the trough 'is placed on a dirt floor or lot, dig a shallow hole under each leg so the trough cannot be pushed In a bedded pen, the le gs will anchor In the bedding. The trough can be cleaned easily by t1pplnS .it up,
No ••••••••••••• Nn me
•• • • ••••• • ••••••• , • • ••• •• • • •• • • •
Add reBS
•• •• •• • I
•••• , • , • • • • • • • • • • •
.. ,
little Bear Lamp Is After-Dar~ Companion
- -'l-'ty-jft·at our e, poD80...2IU.ablcta 26CI. Buy a bO. Ilt Ilny drug store n nd try it. lf
'. -~--'----
Win,s for 'Wingless'
yo u oro lIu t Com pletely 8Iltiafied, ret-Ut;l' the bUll a nd un UllCd LIlb lets to us. We wID
refund your money plUl! PQAl.3ge.
71~~p:Ear . I", n .... distress of MONTHLY
Folks whu nood belp in keeplnll regular should look to berbs and "lObo-for the belp 'pro vided by Nature. 10 s uch herhe a nd roots, llCientltica1ll compuunded . a re found In Nat ure. Remedy . NI Ta blets. T ho.USIlnda of folb bave found ~ a t. night the ~t WRy *i» ft.8Suro regular. ty In tb e mor llln g, So l i tle-no griping. It is wonderful-leavoo you fooling re fl'C6hed , in vigunlt.ed.
Lamp for a Cblld's Room HIS little bear is ,. jolly after. dark companion. His colors glow brightly when the light over his head is t urn e d on and he stands out clearly in front of the dim night light at his back.
Are you troubled by C1l8tre811 01 fem Dle fun cctoon\ p eriod ic d lsturb · ances? Does thla m nke you Buffer from PlUn, feel BO ".""om, t1red-nt tnleb times? Tbon stArt taking Lydia E, Plnl<ham's Ve\leu.ble Compound allout w n days b elo.... to<? re\l~ve eu ch eymptoma. Pln\tham. baa • ~c1 8OOthln& effect on OM 01 1Doman', MOl' tmpot'tOllt vrgo tul TrUly t he woman'e friend I
That Na~~in~
. . ..
Cut out, po int n nd w i rtl him wltb P a ttorn 309, price :lIIc. Send order 10 ..
Ma, Warn of 'DiIlON_ee1 Kleine, Action
Modem III. wit. It. bUl"7 aad w..", Ir.....lar babl,., Improper .tl", ...0
driD 1dD_1~ rllk 01 •• pooure aDd tlo~hro. . bMVY .\1'.... oa ,b. worlr .;, ~bo ,kldD.,.a. T~.J .r• • pt to beeoID! 4 to lilt.' •• _ aelu and o~ber I.punt_'rom the IU..clvlDl
Dy.,............ ,aU
• Sgt. Matthew T. Barrow (left) · of Madison, MOine, inspecting . f ish , . prior to purchase at the Boston fish market (photo at left) for later distribution to the armed forces by the quartermaster market · center. In picture beh,w, quartermaster-buyer ·Captain Knowles inspects the sacking an4 weighing of potatoes at a shed in Por- . ' ris, · Calif. The Q M M C · buys th~ finest food ever served to any military personnel at a yearly saving of mill ions of do liars.
blood, You ...., . •.urr.. ..,clnl b..,kaebe, beadacb •• d1u1a_
l etUII.
UP a ll bta.
lee pain.. .wellla_feel eDnltandy tlred. nerv""" , all oat. ~bor 11",1 of k idDe), 0' bladde, d1lOrd.r ..,. lOmetim ... bumlDK • .caaty or toO 'requent w1na~lon ,
Try Doo.·1 Pill&. belp &b" kldne),1 to p_ 01 harmful ...... bod" . ..te. The)' bav. bad mo," tbaD bill a eantury 01 pIlbllc approVal· Ar. r• • o. . lIIo"dlid bJ Krato'lIl _ n .v.r)'wb_ Ad, ....' ~~bot I
Wlnp for 110 wingless ohlcken are provided bere by airline etewardel!lS l~arl1yn Crawford. She •• .hown holdine ber very own "wings'.. to one .of P.eter Bauman's .famed "wingless" chlckens, which - BaumaD II holding ~ the photo. Four of·the ehlckens were shipped • lIy air to OleaD, N.T., for breeding PllrpOseS.
Caution UrlJed In. Use . Of ChemicCltls, Sprays Dust IpraYlI, guses and other In· lec:Ucldes will' do much to prom ote the healthy groWth of fruits and vegetables Is .the gist of instructi on being pa~sed out no..... by county agents over the nation. ltowe'ler. these can otten have Just the opposlt,e eftect on people. Even though ttie container moy not beor the Ikull and crossbones label. caution Is ne,cessary since m any SUbstances a re harmful in l ome waYI to man. despite the fa ct. that they may not be definl tely poisonous. The whole story of safety In use of Insectic ides. It was p oi~te d out. II 'simply precaution.
Muscle. -
Technique Is Outlined For Reclaiming Leather
One way to bring mildewed lea ther back Into lIerv ice In short order. lay Itome rri~lDagem ent specialists. is to wipe It with a cloth wrung out ID diluted al~'ohoI. . 'Ule one cup of dena tured aleo!lol to one Clip of water. Then. If _ceu al')', WJ Ih with thick sud. of ·mUd. neutral soap, or l addie loap; wipe with a damp cloth, and dry ID an airy . When drJ pollab with dreaaiDII
~en-Gay. Contains ~"
rub famouS pBin.rehev\~g FOR 'FAST RELIEf. t those twO five other
to 2112 times morel' 0 late and menthol, \han lS methyl sa Ie)' ag:l~ offered rub·ina! M£URALCllA. IlEADACIt£1 W'
AloO to ....... do. toMild a ....on to. Ch"d'• ... COLDS. ••• to.
their prayen could have Iwered, he would have mortal. For me hie
The Miami Gazette
Ental'ed as second clase matter/ at tbe postoftlce al Waynesville. Ohio. ,
Letter 1'0 ,T he Editor Ten. Or Washington'" Death To the E ditor of the Gazel tu:
There has come to my , notice Lbe Ulster Coullty Gazette (New York State) dat ed SatuI·dny. Jan<t . 1800. It IS Inter esting to read a t first hand the bapllenlngs 0\
E.ta""eheel 1860 Published 'everY Thunday mornIng at Waynesville, Warren Co· example Is now complet • unty, Oblo. Edna H. Conover . . , ... Publisher will teach wisdum and vi Ted Conover .. .. ... . .... EdItor Mnglstrluos, Citizens men, U'(It only In the present ag-e, but S ubs rlption Rate: $1.50 per year III future generations . as long In OhiO, Kel;ltncky, . and Indiana, as our hlslol'y shall be read." $2.00 e lsewhere. Tile join t resolution sa id: H 0 \\' IlS firSl' In Wllr. firs t In Donce. presid eul ' congratULating , on the lind I'Irst In the he:u-t of bls sue e!,s£ul effort III, suppressing c9uutr ,," th e second l'~belli on of tbose in - So E. F. Pennsylvania who would nOt pay 0 th e wbl Bk ey l8..", und the problelOs with GI'eat Brllllin' and Frallce.
the weekenll wltb Mn. ADD Lu· ca•. Mr. nnd Mn, HUey Gibson cal. led on Mr.. and Mrs. Harry G!b· i 180D and Mrs. Emma' Gibson of Bel'brook Monday afternoon. (Held From Last Week) .M rM. Mattie SCClIlmahorn ot Ne,,' DUrllngton, Mr. aOd Mrs. Fred Spence r of Dayton. ' Mr: and 1\Irs. Ellrl Davidson of Falrtleld. and MI'. a,nd Mrs. Tom Roberts of Ileal' Xenia called on Mr. and Mrl!. ArLhur Rockhold and ' family Sllnday.
. Q!~urr~
'n. D. Coleman, Minister
D. 1':. JJaugbll. PlllllUr Mr. Unirled Service, 9 : 4ft a. m.
Church SchOOl, 9:80 A.M., Harold Earnhart. Supt. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Worship Service. 1.0 :80 A.M. Youth Jo'elowshl.IV, Sunday, 6:30 'nUl \lei N. K ye. Rector Morni ng Worship, lO:aU A,M. P.M. FEFJRY CHURCH OF CHRIST
Dyroll Carvel', Ministe r Bible School. 9: 30 A.M. Morning WorshIp, 10 :30 A.M. Mrs. Uobert Greene. MI'. and Prayer 'Meeting, 7:00 P.M. Young People's Meeting, 7:00 Mrs. Cbarles Upchurch and famUy Evening Services. 7:30 P.M. or Dayton, M~. and Mrs. Roy Shaw ot Xenia, and ,Mr. and Mrs. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Henry .perges of Beavertown cal- CHRIST ' lod on MI'. alld Mrs. Lue Morgan M. H. CoUey, Minister Bible School, 9: 30 A.M. Sunday. ' Momlng Worship, '10:30 A.M. MI'. an4 Mrs. BUy Gibson ppent Young ~eoples' Meeting, 6:45 Monday afternoon with Mr. and P.M. EvenIng Se rvice, 7 : 30 P.M. Mrs. j·iun·y Gibson and Mrs, E m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ilia GIb son of Bellbrook. Wednesday. 8. P.M.
William Shallnon. MtnlHter Sunday School. 9:30 A.M .• Mra. Jaules Gal'r.l soLl, SUllt. Preaching. 1st. and 3r.d. Sur.days 'of ea cl:. month, 10: 30 A.M. Evening Services, 7 :30 P .M.
Dut mOl'e int oresthlg Is the acST.. AUGUSTINE CHURCH 'ount or George WasbllJgton b By MRS. HILY GIBSON Father R. H. Krumbolt~, Pastor timt ' da.y. lIea~b and buria l, j\ll11 160 yeal:s Mass es, 8 and 10 A.M.- ' Cougress )uLd just opened 't.he ago. I t '\:119 tbe custom in those Mr. a nd Mrs . Joe Morgan and Dlessages of tbe ,I,l resldent and days for elL' h bran ch of congress fa.mily, Mr. and Mrs. Clar,M,CII CAESAR'S CREEK FRIEN,DS Jee Partington, Mlnl8ter tbe ,'e pl y of the congress. are .to o[ficiu.lJy Jnform lue presJelent Mlcbae l spe llt Tu esday evening Worsblp Service, 10 A.M. given, Also In this pape'r Is the wi th SUita ble euolgy of lhe' pass- with Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Clarence ClrnwSunday Scboal, 11 A.M. message of the Senale t o th'e ing of the be loved General Geo. lord:' Mr. and irs. Jilly Gibson spent \\ as hingto n 10. whicb the '1lresld' WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL Sunday With Mr. a;nel Mrs. Ric!Jal'd Miss Clara Daughters, Mr. alld , First Day School, 9 : 3U A_M. nt, John Adams. replled. MT. HOLLY METHODIST STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Hanes ' and daught e~s near XEllIIa.. Mrs. Ernest , Earnhart and son, T . M. Scaft, Minister Mee ting for Worship, 10 ::10 A.M. From 1t r quote hi part : "In The annual meeting of lh e Greene, Mr. Wilbur David, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hes' Mrs. Robert Sunduy School, 9:30 A.M., E. Sell that piece of farm machln. Stock holders of tbe Waynesville the multitude o[ my thoughts anti , Inger, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earn. A. Earnhart, Supt. ery you no longer nted with a GaNational Bank for th e ' ])urpoSe ot l'eflecJons 011 tbls melancboly ev- ::>tepheus, Miss Clar!1 Mae Shaw Worship , Service, 10 :aO A.M. of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Hen- hart nnd Mr. and Mrs.' James zette cla •• lfled act. Evenln-g Service. 7: 30 P .M. th e Election of Bonrd of Direct- ent, you wI\! 'Iermlt me only to . Wild JOlin were dinner guests on l'Y Berges and children of B,sa.v,say, tbAI I have Seen blm In the ors will be hold at the baniling Sunday evenlllg ot Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Wildman Tis' grand to learn ot Ulem, house on Tuesday. J anuary 10, days r 'Ad versity, In ~me of the el'towll spent Sunduy afternoon Anhlll' Kesinger and family. , or Jackson, Oblo spent SUnday ', their Imnge before my eyea appelli' ]960, at 2:0,0 o'clock P.M. tlcen s or. his deepest nnd most willi 1\11'. alld Mrs. Lue Morgaltl, with tbe lr' .parents, Mr. and Mrll. A living emblem. , Mr. and Mrs. Earl , Crawford ot Jomes E. Jones, Cashier trYltlg perplexities ; 1 huve also Mr. and Mrs. Walter Callahan 12-15-ilt IIlf ended ' him in his . hlgbest e1· and tawlly ot Cincinnati Silent near Waynesville and Mr. and Mrs. )]al'Jlluut and son DaVid. --~o--e vatloll and most pro speroos f el- Su uday With Ali-. and Mrs. Th~m Lewis Crawford and dau'ghters. Some men get more tUII out of Do nDa ot Xenia were dlnn .. guest icity; wit h uniform admirat(Oll of as Runyon. THE MIAMI GAZETTE grindin g thell' au. limn In burying MondllY or Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Ills wisdom , mod r lltion and con· . the bat chet. "" MI'. and Mrs. Thomas UUIlYou By Mrs . i E . Wilbam s istancy. , , . . 'fhe attributes , anod IIpeut 'Friday evelling with Mr. and Crawford . ----,----d 'eCOl'lltrOIl of, Royalty, CQuid Mrs . Clarence Crawford. MIKS Na.llcy Lue Berges of DeaNOTICE OF AP~OINTMENT look forward 'with much anxiety Admin Iitrattlr only have served to eclipse the Time On .Your Side Ml'. and Mrs. Monls Le wis and vertuwn nnd Miss SharOn Bunnell For tile paper from my hometown E state of Lulu Miller, Deceased. Maje sty of tl:tpse virtues •. which family called on Mr. and Mrs. Clu. are spending a rew l1ays with ·Mr. Glylng Ilews of old·tlme lIoclet)', (Up to 33 years to re-pay) Not Ice ' Is hereby g lvol.I that made him from being a modest ster Shaw of miar Xenia Su'n«ln:y and Mrs. Arthur Kes inger ond ram .And thoBe of re now~ . lIy . Mamie M. Het~l1ick whose 'post citizen ; II more respl,e ndent lum· afternoon. or the different churCh ~nd Club Int~rest Low 4 per cent . I nary. MIS{0rthne, bod he lived MI'. and Mrs. Earl Lucas and Otrlce Address Ie Lebanon, Ohio, Mrs. James 'Bratten and child· meetings bas been duly appointed lis Adcou ld hereafter have suUh~d bls ren ot Dayton spent SundaY' with fum il y. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ~he Land Bank VVay To whlcb ,,'e did belong, glory '<>"ly WI$ thos,e superNc- Mr. and Mrs. George Bratten. Al- Luclls and family. Mr. and Mrs. minis tratrix of the Estate of Lulu Your famil y deserves the 'best iul minds, who; belJeving that so Mr. Wilbur Dqd of Dayton cal- Lloyd Thompson called On Mrs. Receiving from all the greetlngs- Millel' lat e oC Ha rveyshlll" , WarAfter sInging of the song. ren , County, deceCtst'ld. .Alina Lucas Sunday. cba.ra.cters and actions are mark· led on the Bratten'S Sunday. Contact ed by success alone, rarely deDllted this :lrd iJay or Decem. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill had The way our home town paper MI'. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart presents each event, ber. J!J.l9 . serves to e njoy It. Malice could and Bon David and Mr. and ?tlrs, [or tbelr dinner guesls Monday, never blast bis honour, and envy Heslnger and ~ ss Clara Dauf~ht Mr. and M'·8. Ralph Dill and son, U'ccurlng In OUr town every week. RALPIl H. CAIUJY made him a. slllg~lar excelJ/ll1on ers spent SunOay evening with Tommy, of Spring Valley, and Mr. Since tlistau e, does my. attendance Jlldge oC Ute1:'I'ollu te Co urt ELLIS H. STURN, See'y.Trea •• to tbem prevent, . WaI1rf"lI. "'oullty OhlQ to her universal rule. For himSelf frelnel s In Kil!gs Mills . lind Mr9. Haymond Osborn or L~banon, Ohio Phone 448 he had lived 'e nough, to life and to (10, for home town paper seek.. Maille utld Mlllllo, Altorneys 1 XenIa. , Mrs . Ellsworth Smith of Day. glory. For his fellow citizens, U ton called on frelnds here 00 :I ust . 1\1;,_ and Mrs. Clarence Crawford After IIVlilg there tor so many year PUbJl.s hod Dec. 22, 29, Jan. Ii Wednesday. and daughter. Minnie, were dinner Mrs. Richard Hanes and dangb. guests Sunday ot Mr. and 1'r8. ters, Pamela and Donna ot near .Lewis Crawford and daughter, Xenia, Miss Edna Bunnell ot Lal>. Donna, of XenlL anOn and Mr. and Mrs. Hiley GillMrs. Ernest .Bunnel and cJaugb· FROM THE DA V OUR FUNson spent Saturday with Mr. and ters, Edna and Sharon, of Leba· . ERAL SERVICE WAS ESTABMrs. Morris Le)Vis and family. " _ non, Charles Bunnell, Mr. and Mrs. LISHED In thill field there baa , Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gruhot and Morris Lewis and SOD~. Jerry and Crand ~aughter. Sharon of IIlLdia' Billy, Mr. and Mrs. DICk Hanes been no' occasion tor an~le~y reo na. Mr, and Mrs. Al Calperll of and daughters, Donna and Pam- ' gardlng the cost o( (unemls. Cincinnati spent Sunday with Mr. ela, of Xenia, ~Iss Nancy Berges and Mrs. Clarence Crawford and of Beavertown were dinner guesls dauchter, MiIlDte. Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. HUey Mrs. Clarence TompSOn, Mr. and Gibson. Afternoon . caliera were 'M Kn.Kra, Loyde Tompson spent and Mrs. James Weidman ot Jaok, son, O. and Mr. Virgil Bunnell of fUNEI~L Fairlield. Obto. Mr. Pete Runyon. Mr. and Mrs. , Kenny llerges and lamlly spent Saturday evenlnJ with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morgan and famlly.
- - -0--- -
Farm Loans
Our Coal Supply Is Limited - Take Care Of Your Needs Today. . .
1950 Is Our Bis Year!
WaynesviUe Farmers Exchange
Attention Farmers!
STEEL and METAL Prices Are AdvanC,ing
BIG YEAR TOO! Mr. Businessman
Check Your ,Fence Needs Now' Before, The .Price Advances. We Have , AGood ' Supply OffFence~On Hand, But If. Going ,Fast.
Ybu ~an secure increasedibusines8 by a consistant adv;ertising program in ,T HE MIAMI GAZETTE. "Reasonehle rates~plus a-~co:mple~e, interest-packed newspaper means RESULTS ,for you~ Call Wayrie.~lle 2143, our !e.,rese~tative will be glad)o expl~n our service to you. I
, 10 your !loor ... or al your favorite 'Slore!
Dayton Phone, Hem. t 27
new:! ·
Mr. nnd Mrs. De~rtll Sbeehan attended the funeral service or Mrs. Chl'lrlotte SlJapp at . ber late re~ldence In. Waynesville Friday arternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Loren koutzabn and daughters, Linda Ilnd Lorna, of Frankl:n spent New Y.ear.'s day with Mr. and Mra. Clyde Wharton. The Woml,tll'A So:clety or Lytle
rOIl _pJete. local new.. Yo.,.H4 to b _ ... lhal I. ao! ..t _ w........ U...
Bul II.. .... .. • WORLD wh.... 'It '_ f a ... • the lIIalU... - ...... ,.lIkll n_ III~- . . IIIUO
to ..... to )OW lob, rowr 11_.. ,.n ' ........ Fer
eGallrueti". Nporta . "" • ..",.. hllio... . of _110........ .. ...... 1Ion.1 a ......... II . . . .bIIitvft
Ell.., ............... MInt .... ill....... IDC.Ifr; ~""".""
IlIt.,a.....n, _ wit" . you -'1 :n.. ICIIrIatIe. ,SCIaMe M_Ito,. . .par .. . . .
_tl_. .. cea,.. $1 . ....,.,..;...,.....
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T... Christi•• Sdetoa MMIIw ' OM, " _ . , It........ IS.M.&.U.LA.
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J~Il•• _ Oil
HalDel near Sabrna euts at the PTA meetlnl Wed· ntl~day eveDlnI'. '1:be llh) t11mn Band, aCt-ompanSmltb,Marlanna Bocan led at the plano /by Mary lIopltlns and Mrs. Joe Wblte attended the W: C T . U . meeting a~ tbe bome opened the program with a group of Mary Lou Jones last Tuesday oC ChI istmas song~ : The rest or the program Included presentutafternoon. Ions , by Grades - 2 to 6 Inclusive, Mr. and Mrs . Charles Stanley oaro.s by tho high scbool double and fn.mlly 'were dinner guests of quarte l, and the Junior Band. : Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Whiteside Santa . Claus appeared at the and fam lly of ·Washlngton Court end of the pr.ogr,n m and ussi$ted House On Chilstmas Day. by a ·group of PTA mernbet·s, dis' Mrs. Dorothy Smith and M;ar,lyn tributed the "treat" to the cblld· Sue and Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh rlln. Bogan attended the Christmas enMr. and l\:frs. O. M. MacDonalLl teltalnmnut at the ,Harveysburg and their daughtel', Mrs. Anna Meeling Bouse last Friday evening. Volz and' S~)D, were ' Sunday din· Mr. Gr'sce Ful'nas, Mrs. Jean ner guests of Mr. and Ml's. Chn s. W~lttof\ and .d aughters ' were MacDona.ld of' CinCi nnatI. Mr. and Mrs. , Thomas Welch 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. R a ymond antl ' Mrs. Oba Welch were Sunday Wilson 011 Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. ;Raleigh Dogan, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. 'I HUam Smith and James Thornbury and family. 'rhe members of the Dostor daughter were, guestl! at the 60th famlly enjoyed , tllelr Christmas Wedding cele brat1~n of Mr. and Mrs. C4ar'ley Warwick at the home dinner Sund ay at the hom e or of their Ison, MI'. and Mrs. How· Mr. and Mrs. W1lJ Doster and ard Warwick, Jobnstown Road, in family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bogan and COluml?uB, Monday afternoon. Mr. uno Mrs. Jack Hawk and th eh' daught r,Barbara, were dinner gueBts Sunday e'v enlog of family have moved to a fal'm, reo Mrs. Bogan's motlier, Mrs. Nina cently pun'hased on R . R. 3, Coml1ton of Mason. Lebanon,
wlUl JIn. 'l'ber1e W~ tIaJI
week. Mr. and Mfl. Deartb Sli. .taaD By "MR8. RALEIGH BOGAN and daulbtera . entertained to a Mr. and Mra. naymond WUlon famt1)' dinner of the fOl'lller'. rei· enterlalDed 't o dinner on New allvea on New Year'. da)'. Years Day tbe tol,l owlng guests: Mr. and Mn. Thomas Colllni Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hurley, Mr. and Charles CoUln" of Dayton and MI'8. Edgar Hurley, M·r . and were SlUlday gueata of MT. and Mrs. Ervla Smith, Mr. and Mn. Mrs. Wultel' Kenrick. Mr. and Mra . .T. B. Jones were Wllhur Smltb and daughter, Mra. New Year dinner guests of Mr. Mllry Scott, Mr. ud Mrs. Roscoe and Mrs. Carl Pickering- at (J~n· Beall and daugbter Beverly and terv.UJe. Mrs. Grace Furnaa. Miss Synthla Groves of Cen' MI'. and Mra. Donald Haines terville apent the boUdays wltb lind lion,· attended cbur'ch at the ber ~raDdparenta, Mr. BiIld Mrs. New UurUngton M. E. Sunday and Wllbl!r Foulka. . 'Mr. OrvUle Savage or Oblo were dinner guesta of Mr. and State U,nJverslty, Columb~a, .,.,81. Mre. Vern1e Mathowa and tamliY a hollday guest at the home of Other guests were Mr. and Mra . Kennetb Ueirnwlt 'aDd sons. Mr. and Mrs. Leater Kenrick. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lo-ngacre Mr. and Mrs. WUllam ' smith motored to . HutcheDaon, Kan.aa, and Marilyn Sue, ·.n4 Ratelgh Bo' and brought lIr. and Mrs. VlrgU gan und wife were gllelts ' 01 Mr. Longac'r e bome, returning Tburs- ' alld! Mrs. Weldon WIlBon SUllday day evening. Nfl!. Everett Early attended .. evenlD•• luncheon of the Weater,n College Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanle) alumni at tbe Women's ClUb tn and family called on Mrs. Pearl Dayton on Wedneeday. , Sinclair On New Yeara Day. Mrs. Clyde : W harton spent M.ontbly meetlDg was held at Thursday afternooD with Mr. and tlle home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralr Mrs. Ben James In Lebanon and elgh ,Bo&an laat Wednesday eve. rOlUld Mr. James IDiprovad rroI1} , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines ·en· biB recent serious IIlneaB.' tertained tbe Farm Bureau Coun---Of--Mr. and ?ths. Vernon Pursley cll ' No, 20 at tbelr bomo ono eve·. and aona entertained to dinner nlDg laat week. A turkey lIupper Thursday, Mrl, Bryan Shinkle was enjoyed by all present. and Ion of Portsmoutb, Mr. and Mr. Charley Mendenhall. Mer. Mra. Sbubert t'ursle,. and M.ra. Sylvia Duncanson and daulbter and Mra. WUUam SmltJ,1 and Mar1ll,1l took dinner Saturday with of Franklln. Eiy JA N E FITE Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh BOlaD. (Held FI'om Last Week) . and Bon, Nell of Lebanon were Mrs. Alice HalDes called on h4lf Mrs. Hilram George presented New Year dinner Buesta or Mr. parents, Mr. aDd Mrs. L . U. her pr;m81fy class In a very beand Mrs. Everett Early. Whetstone, In Xenia on Mooda,.. Il.utirul and impressive program, Mr. and Mra. ' Walter Kenrtck Our Mlaalon&rJ' meetiDl was "'rhe Nativity" at the aUditorium had tor their diner guests !fan· held Ilt the bome of )in. Goldie Wednesday afternoon. day, Mr. BiIld Mre. W. G. Halnea, Com taD in New Bur1in ton laat Mr. and' Mra. WllUam Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haines and . P , g sona of DaYton aud Mr. and Mra. Wednelday afternoon. of Xenia are announcing tbe birth Frank A()kermaD and ' children or Mr. aDd Mra.1 Raleigh BoCID, ot a aon at Miami Yalley hoapltYandalla. MI'8. Dorothy Smith ' ud Martlyn aI, TuesdllY. MTB. Rhodes, tbe Nt. and · Mrs. A. D. Sit11th, Mr. Sue attended the funeral of Mr•• former .l'llyl1ls Kerns. waa rearell and Mra. 'Yernon Pursley and Harry Wheeler in Xenia Friday hel'o In tile viUage lind attended aons motored to Mansfield Sun- afternoon at the Neelds Funeral Han e:·s !lurg High Scbo 1. day and IIpeJit the day with Mr. Hom•. l .be ,Il ellhc.dlst Church present· and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart. Mrs. Wllllam Smith aDd MarUYII ed 118 Chlrl.,twaB program 'rhurs· The funny thing about a car- 'Sue aDd Mr•• Raleigh Bogall were Icature ta tbat It looka m'o re ltke 10 Dayton last Thuraday. Ii. very ibeautlful Cbristmas vro' el enllll;. . Mr. lobn Wilson BiIld Robert day gram was [. r~se nted · by the stUd· you than you do. , Wilson were di'Dner pelts of Wei· ..-...dOD WUaoli. aDd wife on: Suuday lillllllillillllllllll lllllllllillilll llllllllll lllllill1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIill llllllllilim Uttle Ronnie Lee Hartman .pent lclQDdey evenlDg with Mr ~ . and Mrs, Raleigh Bogan. Mr. and Mra. , Tbeodore Mc[o· tire and 80ns "pent SUDday even' ing with Mr. and Mra. Raymond WUson.
, ......... .
ImuglllC', It' you cun, what thla world wou ld be like If people had no rulth In one another. Many ot uS' \\ uuld b!l-"e to 1 ve wi hln our lucllm ~ . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT
EHLil l e Or WiIIln lO B .
Ctelgbt oD,
C fl ll ~e (1.
is ll ~ r el) Y gll' on that 'a yl"" tl nd CalVi n Long· acre ;;bOlle Po'SlCJTTl'Ce alldresB Is \\.'1\ ),1I <:' s I11 Ie , Ohio. RF.D. 2, havo IJ ·'ell L1u ly llllllolntcd tiS Executors 'or til gstat· of W'II11a~ 8. Crc' Ighton, lilt 0 of \' IIri' 811 1J0\lll'ty, biD. Ii cell s d . lJut d lh ls 2nd dny of Dccem· bel', 19·19. RALPH H. AREY Jud ge of t b e l'robale Court Warrell . Counf.y Ohio Mnple nnd Marll , Attorneys P ul)lls bt)lI De '. 22, 29 . .Tan . 5
. 'ut III
H l! IIl'Y
Idolatrous Rites Caused Ancient .New Year Ban Altboulh' It 11 not generolly reo called, Christians at one time were prohlblted from participating In the locla) custom. prevoiling at the lea IOn oi the New Year. TIle reason for thl. was thot while the Christian emperors kept up the cUitom of observing the New Year, the people continued so many Idola· troua rites that the church applied II! ban upon 'participation In the rite •. , Finally, after December l5 had been fixed as the date of Christ's nativity, the church made January 1 a religious testlval. This hoa been observed In the Roman church since 487 Dnd In the Anglican church ,Ince 1549. () Maoy a stOI,), gets Its sLart a t
And C:ood nelVs If last year's suit look s worn and shabby! Send It to II!! - we'll restore that trim, s mart lOOk, make 1t look Uke new!
liense oC "rumor" of some .cem. bOI·s.
~:illl~lllllmllllllll llllllllllllllllll l lllllllllllllll11111111111111111 1111111 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 1111111 1111111 1 11111 11111111111111 1 11111111111111 11II1111111111 1 1 ~
. START 1960 Off With' fA BANG
• Our dlaplay. are com. plete - ranlinl from very moderate in price
Sail tbl'QUlli lite with the aaaur8ll1ce that your tlDaDclal troubles will be protected by a regular dlpollit In your aa.~· Ings account at:
to bieher priced mer-
chandise for thOle who wish to Invel~ more.
.1 ....... . --
Itlers~ MAIN & MIAMI aTa.
Garaae ' PHONE WAYNE8.
(Held From Last Week) Tbe Sunday Sellool Chrlltmas Party was held at the bome of Mr. aD4 Mrs. WUllam Smitb an'd dau,hter. Marll7n Sue. Mias HeJen Haines, wbo baa been a student at Ohio Stat Vol· nrslty. spent a part 01 thla week with Luther Haines and wite. Misa ~arUyn Bue Smlth took part in" plano recltal at ilIe home 01 ber teacher, Mill MaT , ~orle ' Street in Xenia Tueaday e~e. Mr. ud Mrs. P.aul Whetstone qr Co)umbu. and Mil. , Jilllen Whet· ltone, .. Itudent at QllIO State Vn.venltJ' were dlnner lUeat8 or Donald HalDe. FrIday. Mr. and Mr.. WeldDn WllIon, Mr. and Mre. WUlIam Smith and MarilYn Sue, and and Mrs. Ralei,h Bogan were . ,uellte ot Mr. and ,Mn. Evan Bogan III Da)'ton on Cbrlatmal Day. Mr. and Mn., Raymond Wllllon attended a dinner at the home of their dau,hter. ' Mra. JCat.br1n. Mc 'Inure aDd ramO), OIl Cbrlatmaa.
THREE 'Piece '.MAPLE Bedroom Suite Regularly Pric~d $78.55 AT YOUR 8ERVICE
We are at ),our se"lce with the flDest of 'pe lind 0118 to leeel) 70ur ear runnlDe In ti~ tOp ahape thla wlDter. TIRE8 - ACCE880RIES BATTERIEI
SmaUwood Store in Waynesville, ' Ohio. Effective Jan. 1, 1950. Stock ~oDsists 'of a comp~ete line of dry goods, clothing, ete. .
--~--~~~ ' ------~--~~~~---
BigSaie .Starts Jan. 7, 1950
10% OFF
Many Items 'Reduced 25 to 50 % A. K• .Day, the manager, desires to ~onta(!t all his old. customers and meet new ones. It wiD,. be to your advantage
. to take advantage of this sale.
For' This Week Only
7EL£PHONE 2422
A. It .Day and RosS, H. Hartsock have purchased tbe Oliver
Mr. and Mre. Luther HaiDee and famO), were gueste of Charley LaInl of Camden laat Saturday. '1'Il. ,BalD_. Chr18tmu · Party wu beld at .the home ot Mr. and
laynesviDe Furniture I App6aace Co.
Inventory 'Mar.kIioDo~n Sale!
Day 8 ·Bartsoak AUCTION: Jan. 17, 1950 - 6:30 P.M. ODI most
articles; robbers, shoes, men and women's clothiag. Boy at your own price! . Sa ' Mon~y, Attend Sale ~ Auction .
I ~~~~!!!!
Basil Becomes a Man
The Questions
1 . How m :lny t hings in a b ake r ' . dOl.en ? By Rlchnrd HID Wilkin!!ou 2. Wha t is th e .capit a l of P e ru? 3. How m a ny ka r a t s in pure ASIL Winthrop' s fa the r ha d alwa ys m a de ,h is d eci~l ons: ha d gold ? 4 . Whe r e I S the Tra n svaal? conduc ted the boy's afrnir s. or· 5. Wha t Is a t y p o~ r a p h er ? ganized hi s life . supcri nlend't'd his 1 ... - - - - - , . ;..... do ings. 'BlIsl) was The An swers a n 0 n 1 y child . 1. T hi rt een . i Minute His .mothe r wa's 2. LIma I Fiction d e a d, and be· 3. Twcn tv· t our ka r a ts . c ause he .h ad In· 4. In flU'1h A fT ica . h er lted his moth5. A pr m le r er's mildness o~ manner. and be· _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ cou se his Cather was a dom ineer ing t ype, Basil, following tbe li ne of least' resistance. h Sid a llowed thE-se SPEEDY LONG-LASTING relief for things to hnppen. His ra ther was WealU1Y and ge ne rous. so \\Ihy. not let the old m a n run the show?' Ba sil thought. He ceas ed to think . thuB when he me t the girl wit.h th e red ha ir ana Don'l 'doae' yuumelf. Rub the achlne blue eyes. She was se lling ki sses a t part we ll with MU8terole. Ita gruat 8 charity bazaa r . F ive dolla rs a pain.relieving mfldication speeds fresh kiss. Basil only ha d $30 in his blood to the pal nru.l a rea. brin.pni pocket. but he stretched out the six amazinlt relief. If pain ta Intense- kis ses tha t amount would buy so buy Elttn. Strone M usterol&. that other customers got ' tited ot' waiting.
~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~:; Aleo h 0'1,."t i C"••s are 8 W .. PEI)PLE ,,, •• d ., prop e r t .. " tment. a to II d a ,.. boapllalbaU... r e quired. tollo .. . d b,. l' we d u of ".,,10.' ne oesla r), tont ca pre a c rlbed by ear Llce"aecl Pl. yst· ol""s. No olla.,. t •• "oole'., or prl· y a t tl allBtloD.
The LEE INSTITUTE 4014 Mo"t,eme ., R .... Claolnn .. U L!,
Obl_Tel.pboDe R E d .. ontl I AIl?
After r, irhe' tod tho rovehote thel gi rl withthe the bazoa r ed ba where she was s tay ing. He d idn·t ask her mime; she didn·t volunteer It. But they made a da te ror the next night. As he entered th e tront hall his tathel; ca lled to him'. Basil hesi· tated. then squa red his shoulders and went towa rd the voice. Winthrop. senior. seem ed In a good mood. "I've just m et an old trlend of mine. lIon. Sara h Morti· mer. She and her daughter, Ela ine. are spending a few da ys In· town. Son, I 'w ant you to meet thein. Nothing would please m e mo. e than to see you and Sa rah's d .lugh· ter married," ' Basil stared: Tbls, he thought was tbe payoff. His. fath er !la d arra nged everything els e In hi li life. but by golly he wasu't goin, to plok bls wife!
Orde rliness Alwa ~dd s Beau ,y, , Sense of Restful n.~ss to ~-I omes
B VSINE'S &: IN VEST. OrpOR. N~ c dR U fnt"h I ~ !\o r t. Ci .lrOlJ·Q, 12 Mod h.k c ~ hll1 & RIb" '" L I\ . qrls. 13 50< 120
By Ertta Haley E RE ASON why we hov!l t ht' O saying, "W,1man' s work I~
never "t>n~ . " is th fa t thl" cnrt nr lor th!' house i~ ev{'r pr s('n t. Tr ue you m~y hove rin ishrd I'lro nin l' )'our home fr l'lm lop to ,bnltnm. nnd ho \'1' ve ry drnw(' r nnd , ~ h e l r il' TI('!'fcct order. bul when Ihe mor· row t"omes, thrrc's a l wA' ~'s dusl to IVipe or thr('uds 10 piC'k rrorr Ihe floor . OC necessity. home 5 hit VI' d U ler ent st<ln"~ .. ds or c l('an li nes~ and orderlin('ss. nnd thesb in n uance 5 ~ ndnrrl s or homl'l(rr ing Homes wit h toddlers will A IWAY~ hove toys on t.he (\oor; those wi th school children n)o have bonk !'. nn d clothing scattered in va r ious pln!'cs. St a ndar ds sholl'ld. howeve r. be kept as high as possibl , beoau sE' we seldom !(n RS hi,p.h as oll r standards. nnd ort cn not A S . hi gh, However . i.vhe n we do ha vc high standa rds. we. at le a st try to a pproa ch them. an d we do ha ve n goa l which keeps 'us str.iving. . Caring' ror th e ho me is not R j ob Jus t tor mothe r . Il's a responslbll. Ity Ihat belongs to e veryone who lives in t he hom e. a nd these duties should be we ll defined. Everyo'ne should contribute to picking up to keep the hOl1se trom looking a s thou gh Item s were eon· sta ntl y tossed a bout. In a home with m any people. it should be a r ule tha t whoe ver looks nt pa pers and m agaZines should pile them afte r use. The s a me ' opplies to cloth ing a nd p er sona l e fle cts. Ke eping the home III good c ondl· tl on is a ha'bit th at d oes n ot come ab out overnight. it· s the result ot yea rs ot practice. and should be star led with sma ll duti es as ea ch child r ea ches a sense or respon· sibility. It s hould neve r be made
"D ad; you're ta king too muc b for granted. I ca p' t m arry Elaine. I - I'm In love wi th someone else." ,1'Som eone else? Wh o?" "[-er-don' t . kn ow he r name ." many old folks "I see." Willthro~. senior. rose patted his son on the a r m . about Rood tasting and "I've arran ged a d inner par ty fo r SCO'rT'S EMULSION tomorrow. You 'll m eet El ai ne then. UT BASIL d idn' t m eet Elaine Tbaa . ... d. ha pP7 then. For the firs t time In his fatka .. now thll I Good· ll1e he felt the electrify ing ql.lalitles IaoUnl Scolt', EmullloD of manhood warming his blood. h.lpi ' OD • • rd 0" eold. -beipi ,OU I . t ...11 fall • • -an~ help. ,ou .... P Instead of attend ing tbe dinner \ 101 .. , IIronl . h.n ,our dl., " e .dl party. he held 8 clandes tine meet. an unple asa nt ·ta sk. but rather one DlO;' nnu,,,1 A"D Vltamlnat Beau', I, ing :with the r edhead. They had a in ' which there is JOY In . seeing • BIOa ENERGY FOOD TON10.well time together, By mutual cleanline ss and order result [rom rloh In ,Wllllftll AaO Vltomlnl and e"."".bulldlal natural and sUellt agreement they de· certain efforts, all. T" If I s.. how ••n " ... e1ded not to coriIld'e to each othe'r Orderl, Home ~leld8 f ..1.. 10 blk•• nd dl._" . their identity. To Tboroucb ()Ieaning :KMnomleal. BU \OCIa, at ,Olll' , Afterward, Balli bad .Iome Do you have to stop to pick up dn.s otorel .....:..l-.n:IC retl • His ..I.I!<.UI!IlL~!§.:.A....J!I!~_j....., papers. ashtra ys and MOIlihan IIIst Ii tonk - . erful Influence. He could make such Items ·bet ore you sta rt i,'ipowenu' l1ClUr/shmen" thlues decidedly aucomfo\1.the thorough cleaning of a room? .ble. ~ the red.headed clrl Somethlng's amiss In your own or wbo, appareliUy, bad beeD used to DIce thlap, mlgbt Dot be .. HIGH ENERG-Y TONIC iaterestea III him If abe kne" be w.s peulleu. Winthro~. senlor, arraneed an· other meetinl with Sarl\h Mortl' mer and dauehter. It WBS. he de·
lo ts. hdc-I Qut tor town slh'. O v c.H'luul',J Il [{.
occu n .
,Ribbon Hat 1-,- - - - - - '
SCR IPT URE : Acls 2:1-4 1, DE VOTIONA L !l E AD ING: J oel :1: 28-
("onll)eU til.i ll,
COl l
buy CO.lsl.
B eul Ol '110r 0 Ill', 'I'om hU5'J en ..t I ,"wn o f Florenoe. F ull p rie(.· ':0.51.;1.1. 'r"'l mS. PhOlOS 011 n 1qllr s t. K E NN E l '" 1» . n01l 1 ~ """ or e ll Ct . Or tno n. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
The Church.Dynamic Lesson for J a nuory 8, 1950 FA RMS A N I) It t\N H l1JS
</ 1 T
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This IImart hat des igned by Florence Reichman uses about rour yard!! ot s ix·luch wld~h ribbon, Around the buckra m head band. the ribbon Is folded neatly. the n s ewed at the top. A Up of the ribbon Is s ewed Into ~hl s at the top aDd then a bow Is *Ied from the same ribbon before cutting. The bow, of course, will have three loops and one end. The other end makes the tip of the hal. If this seems too complicated, s ays Mrs. l.lelohlDaD, you could alwa ys Just tie a bow and sew It on. remove d from the wa lls 'to be du sted in front and back. and to b ave the glass oleaned ;'vlth water Qr n mmori ln s olution. An small p ieces ot furnitur e $uch as coffee tables. sma ll chairs, h ossocks and Ihe like should ' be m ovcd. You c an th en get arou nd t,he floo rs and the rug much more (·ea d ily . If you' re waiting tor the last !Itragg ler to come down to bre ak· f nsl. you can start the a ctua l mov· of these sma ll ite m s a nd be !!O mUl'h ahend OD cleaning. There's n iuch 1'0 do to clean t hese thi ngs I~ roperl y,
HE CHUR CH' Is hot meant to be a club. a. lectu re·ha ll, a deba.t· Ing soc iety. a rest hom e. a mus Ic ha ll. a n entertainment bur eau or a burin l as soc iation . rt ha s som e· th ing to ' do a long a ll these lines. ot cours e. But the Cbur ch is m eant to be a .pla ce and channel 01 powe r . One ot Ole. last things J esus. the Founder of t h e Chur ch. said to his [rle nd s was ; ·'Ye shall rec eive pow·. er when' the Holy Spir it is come ' up· on you." Not- you shall r e ceive com. Dr. Foreman for t, or wealth. or insight, or any other good thing. thou gh a ll of them have the ir pl a ce. What Je sus highlights Is power . , Dr. W. M. Hor ton. in his li tUe book on the Christi an fa ith, asks : When Is a church not a church? His answer Is: When it has los t the Holy Spi ri t.. Tha t Is a good New Testam ent answer. The early Christians could not ha ve Imagined a churc h with· out the Holy ·Splrlt. because lu fac l there had never been ' one without him. It was the c oming of the Spirit on thai aummer day In JerDs alem that a ctually made the cburch, In the tlrst plaoe. True, It W08 not made out ot nothlug.
I'LO"I1'A- Ili\N (, U E~ ~- I""rl1~s\
I.!.:slatc n n d 'ro ur h-II Cq ur ~. G If~ N E Lb S· LIE. n et\ Uo," . !\I ndlso n . F l nrill n. _
lli\is~ ('''TT l .£ e n o l'S O l ~ StJIl"F. lt Sl'OU K I A ~a~ Ill C " '" F I NES T 11 N'(' I NO & f' IS .II NCl T E II H I1'O ltV 'l' h e t e r ri t ory Il Cilf He:l u(a rt, (Iut h C IIl' OUna h ,\s IlIt [dcnl cllmn tc with u $Ulll m ~ r' avp rng e of 70 '" . w int er fi?o . 11 ll.1 p roxlmutc", t h o I of Lo. Ant!e les. Ctlilror nlu , o r Gnlnc~J\·i U c . F lol"l dn , " Iwrc is nbunfl :l l'\cc n r f resh w nte r , F n\'ornb l cc li m a t e nl;1 k t!s poss I ble )' ('n r f(luod gro t..· tn u n nCl produc tl pn of ndcQ ll o te: · h ny \lll d 5 11 19C, .(or 1)f,tZ l!
\ Vc
CD n
w Jnnins:
lI t Ue n ud h()g :J ~
vu rlq u s sl zc
an d
pr,lcc rt
tr uc k f or ms wh ich give lh r ~ o r l o u r crops yea rl y. Good marke l•. ,\.long w it h
m ny fine \fn lu QG 111 (urm s. r anchcs n nd . ho mes. we o l so o[(e r two cxccl hm l u: l nd~ 011 cu mclla ur e \ erJ,lrce n fo r ms . til tt l(' So ~'!h Cnrolln n consl,l pl n ln. All ler,.l·
n e n r .Be auf'1rt ll ffo rd tine d eer . qu n ll , duc k hu nting: . a nd II shl n!! I n f;C{l -
sari. I t ' All properti es a d v e r tised nrc n'"" f owner S
r ec.clvc r e n]ly co m missi ons
,only. No l an d scll\ nEl 5ch l.llltcs. \\ des crIptive de t a tJs,
R efere n ces .
Bank. Benn lor l . S. C . .
l he
~lc TEE It
ItE ALTV COMI'ANY . Pepl. W. gil DRY S lr.ot. Bona' orl . .;, C.
n E Ll' WAN T I!: U-MI!.N . W') l\'U~ N
Wltl ' ~;nl'h ~"--rc ll r~d ", un ur w om a n who wlll 'Invesl \ n a nd p o r t lim.,
lI uper" lse
d nlry form now In op c r a Uon ~
L. O . WRI G HT .
non. loon. Tenn.
MISCELLAN EOUS C:O N VE RT burn." OUI lI, ht r:lob •• 101 0 f ire e>Cllng u l.hcrs. Cosl "boul 10C. s elt n~ yo u r p rIc e . Full p (l r l lcula r l< 1 1.00. 8.M. B •• 4U2t Drl, blon. S"" 01010. CRUI . .'
STA~coneCior ~-;-lknd-n"8;;'o ond nd· dress tor our mon th ly Sla mp M n ll u:tl n~ a n d pr i c e 1101. l IS F REE . M!\UVALLA,
50r. North E n ' al' , DAII • • , Tex :uI. I Sp o.c t .. t: Oregon~ }>Iclu rc . P O ST CA R DS ' 5 differe n t s eeneS. o n ly 250 PI' · W id e \, ,:rICIY. P rom!!t de p end q b le .,," 10.• . , ."" n Co lvin. 2Ulh &:. F ir . R er ds pnr t , () re . - - S-TOKERS=-REC ON DITIO N'.E D D OM ES'r IC-COMMERCIA L TH E D E RR I·fT, M ALONF. •. l Rt5 LorRln A\·e .. Cl evelo nd. O. NO KAAt WA NTED"Ol d- C.ol';;..-l7.d;on I'I-c J d C;en~ : Lorge Cell Is . 2 n nd 3·Ccnl Pice,'s. Oold Coi n s. Eloglc p ennies. W )II Conts. Lib IlrlY N ic kels . H a lf Ulmc.$. ~l n ,,' ln S Gl ov e r . I l!1 ~ \\'. Th ird S t. . D ay to n . 0 : "C ool1 e r n th' e ~lutuH I In" " stu",:n l . , ,' ln t :..,
B ut suppose the Spirit. hod never com e? What wo uld ha ve ha ppened? Soone r or la te r the little ba nd woul d have grown tire d of waiting . would ro.:ru m. Oo,, ' t. r egul :lted. U n'tr(l~t"'n di ... have given up faith In J esus' prom · .... v ldcnd r ec.ords. 4 ': or rno r • Comll(,:luH d :-4 ise. would have dr i!ted oCf one by q Ullrlcrl yl P.O . U ox 4!t, Up t o w n Ilob ola· n . one. a nd the Chri·stian chur ch would N . J . Ou liforn ta-:-J-t o llyWOO(r,- COs An~:el':S': ha ve d lcd after . it W!ls born. R~n d Co r h m u:s ;fbllut t hts \Uont1 9rl u n d ,
p hH\,u'cs gn lorc; Inugo'tin c.: scctlons r lbou ..
• • 0 Ro nds 01 cl ngs lfJt'd lids : ",,,,wrolls lul\ Small pieces ot furniture can be p ago COlOr funn ieR. 'Twn d iffer n l Q 1.1\ • •~u sil' d more pr operly when t hey Ton~u e s of Fire Sund ny ,,<\ lllons ~cnt PQ51pa l,1 .5.• $1. S' ~tll e )1 ., Ser Vlce ,' I c\ ~~'.! lI u. rb o r Uh fd .. I~ rc mo ved. Lamp boses witH china H ER E SEEMS to be something Sn n tn An n. Co lll ._ · .~ r potte ry or m eta llic fin ishes can m yst ic. mysterious a nd unre a l !be .cleaned a nd pollshed more P E R SO N AL about the Holy Spiri t. to most peo· thoroughly. and th e sha des dusted lb r (- l nn D b~ ln OOC ple's m inds. We r ad in Ac ts a bout ~;-pr;y week by the q u lrk c ~ l. O!lSIC8 1 short;.ul tOr clea ned ,with a small va cuum . th e flam ing tongues ot .f ir'e . a b ou~ sys te m In t h e w orld ; t!1"qs n il l rtck · , d eaner atlachment. nd poi nters for p lay in g cOrTce l 1.;1\<: 5 the rushing mighty wind, a boul t1with lell h-a n d , Ihc m ain secTet In plll~ · For the room itself. use a soft Chris tian s talking In strange Ian· In ll l by E A R . W rlle GLE NN B . 1I 00 ~ h l ~ wal1 brush to sweep the wa Us on S pe c la "y C.~ f It.D. t,_ C:ha".!b'ers bur ; . 1''': gua ges; and then we go to our o~, light sur fa ce dust and . cobwebs . church and find there no fir e. nc SE EDS. PLA NTS. ET( ' Windows should be wa shed if windi only ordinary English Is C IlIllSTN UT Tree" , glAIII size. bll t: ht re· needed : otherwise. simply cust spoken by ever yday people. ' the s ls ta n t Chin • • • sw. c l ch os l n lli . b e .. r lnt: them . Curtains and drapes should a\211' l r. cs ond nuts fo r r,llI n ll n tl. ~ame ' people we have been see ing W r ite for Inform ution nnd p r ice I s t. \V est be cleaned with th e vacuum nt· all V.relnlll C he8 tnul ~Nur. e r71 Do. 8.2.2.... week. . tac hment, as should be overstuffed ' Boath V Ia. ,le litoli . " ' . v a t We get to thinking the Holy Spirit pieces . Books In cases ne ed dust ing . Is ' just someth,i ng in' the Bible. some TRAVEL on ce Ii week or once i.n two weeks experience they could .ha ve away depehdlng upon the community In back yonder: but · not h ere and now. Wa,far~r's which you liveL Remove each one After all, looking over the church All Pullman Speci~1 Train trom that day to this. Dnd around and .dust thoroughly. -,0 THE 19110 't he world at the present day. how Care of Floors. Rugs many cases. authentic genuine cases Can be Made Simple of fire-on·the·head or ' storm·in·the· If the room has scatter rugs on .ehurch~house. do you find? Not AT NEW ORLEANS 8 bare fioor: these sho\.lld be reo manyl Does that show the Holy L •• Ie at Thon ODt. l a n .. lnl Fea lur rr moved to I be cleaned out~ide If Spll'lt Is not here any more1 . • , Fall Daya and NI,M•• Nt .. possible . •· II YA)u' prefer. use • Orlean. brush or ' " vacul!m· cleaner on We mDlt remember tbat St. • Roama at lbe ~1.nvlII " Dol.1 • The Mobile. Ala 'Mardi Gr.. them. , Ru gs wlilch are readily PaDI met witb much the same ' .~ Tour of lleUlnrr"th O:ndle n a hfted will be made more fresh in questlona. Did a mail bave to • Recru\lon Car Wllh J on n l"'~ • C ampi .. " N ... Orlun. S li hl .ee lnr: a ppearance If they ' elln be shaken llpeak in strauge lon~es 10 be • Sleamer Trip OD MI. sl.. lppl • O hal oe of Menu 1\1 eal. or hung on Ii Une, 8 0 their nap Is aure be had , Ihe Holy Spirit? • E sperlene e d Etu~ ort. at leas) partially r.e stored. FortuulLtel),. Paul stated In .. AND TilE ENTIR E OA\.tN IVAl. S DOW. I. e a v. Cin cinn a ti n :oo P . \If. Floor4 whlcb ' a re uncar~ted maDY words what the fralls 01 F.b. lOth . n e'orn Clnc lnnRII I ~ :OO m ay be dusted with a mop which the Spirit are: Love, Joy, peace DOOD F e b. :l3rd. 'Is e ither dry 01' ehe mlcally treated, .•• Look up tbe rest of II lu Gal. . RATE8 FnO~1 T~. and used only tor this purpose. 5:22-23. . RES ERVATIONS NOW FOR FI(E E D ESOlllI'TIV Jo: . f · OLD ER Some hQ!!J..!Lmakers pre~er to : go You may take St. Paul's in. . Phone ar Wrlle 5 ha b a round the fl oor with a vaouum , spired word for it;, 11 you ever see a WAYFAREIL TRAVEL S ERVI CE for It de la ys atta chm ent to get lit . the dust .. church, a Christlan ·group. that Is HOTEL JU,M9-0 Inelnhfttl l eI Ohio ing jobs trom five Others like to wa sh the floor. then notabl e for love. JOY. peace .• • hour or more. to go over it when dry with a gentleness. goodness. f a ith .•. you It may see m like a lot 01 wo rk specJa l floor fini sh which giVes It m ay be sure the Holy Spirit Is 'there. to move all iten'l s from a room be· <l gloss C;lI- waxed fin ish. We do not gather gra pes from thornr. Buy U.S. ' S~ving's Bonds! for e doing thorough clea ning. but In a ,room wh ich Is parti a lly ear· nor figs from th istles , J esus says , the re sults oC clea.nli ness a re great· peted. use the above trea tm ent on . You don·t have the fr uits ot the er an d so is the sense of a chieve· the uncover ed pa rt · of the fl oor. Spirit wfLhou t having the Spir it. And ment. T his m eans' the pictures are then go over the la r ge r ugs with that Is Power. Sa id a great Aus tral .. nn electr ic s we ep~r. It th ere are Ian p rea cher: Show me a church stains on the rU Il. was h or treat wh ere the members treat one an· Be Smart! lhese a tLer the dust has been reo other with more real l!fve tban the I moved from the rugs. peopl e outs id e the church tre at one Give Furniture anothel', and you will tind men Prop" r Care' crowding tbe doors of that church to Those hom es with young chUdrel, get ' in. ~EYHJIN$&dON/)S! should have fu r ni ture easy to clean For almost tnstant reliet. put a • and modern tely s imple lines. Care tow Vlc!ql Va-tro-nol Noao' Drops lIo~ Can We Cet .in eacb nostril ' is s o much s impler whe n the finish·nol wqr,k!J does not need special attention. the Holy .Spirit? t't g h t 10 h ~ t' e E CANNOT GET the Spirit by a nd there is not a lot ~f or nament atu'DlI tt'ouble till U opens up coldt o be dusteq thorou'ghly. wishing ourselves back in the clogged nose . , , Many ot the modern woods are tirst c entury . We can ha;ve the HoI)' reUevea stuffiso treated that they can be both Spirit now, on the same terms a s ness . • . and .leta 'you brea·the cleaned a nd dusted simply by wlp· always. There are no new cond i· again. Try it, ill g th9rou ghly wllh a cloth s light tions. no complicate d rules, no ap' ly d lpnpened In clear wa ter . The ir pli.c ation blanlcs to fill out. J e sl'! gloss or finish re ma ins so th ey s aid: God will giVe the Holy Spirl, need DO poli sh . Others need the to them that a s k him : P aul said l poli sh a (ew tim es .a year. but Covet ea,r ncs tly the best gifts. this req l1i r~ S no rubbing and is In any church. ' If there Is not g reasy. ol - fin e ven a small group who wa nt Here ore more Interpreta. Dar k woods require spec ial ca re til e p, o wer of God In their lhres. tlons of ODe of the most flnt. in cle an il1g. Some may be wa shed who wa nt ·hls power fol' the teri II g eollt fashions of the S~,,· with c le a r wa ter, while others chDrch, thn t little group ('on . Order Boote's S Oli. the us e (Jr glowing vel vct. need an' oil or c hem ically treated change tha t churc h and change You' lI rilld coats wlill lal'e'll cloth (or I c lea ning, Polishes a nd Chicks Now' the community. Power p3sses (Jollar!! orte n di spillylnlt a rl;' h waxes used ' for them should be' Avoid nexl , prin,,', ,ush l ' Ta" e ad· through 0 wire when one cnd c:'o'.)la lise or velvet In ot hQr y anrage 01 HOOtC !3 out~ l a n dinM c h ick on]y those reco m mendcd by the o ff"'rJ. Cho os e r Qur del iver), tltu e of II Is atta ched to a dynamo ~a s e s . whe re the collar Itself is dealer wh'o s old you th e furniture. Sp<d.1 No. I - ~(lr."e . hh ~ h'OII. , and the other end to a rna· chick, only $25 : , ~ . w • • k li • • hili., more Intr.cate or Int ended to Lea thers usua 1iy r espond to a . cblne . thl't ~ !1 doing some work, lfU .ra D(oe~ Sped.1 No. Z- 500 ~Iurd, be manlpulate4 there ma y be treatme nt or m il d 'soa p a nd water. chick, •• u ... nleed III hoe. , b .....d l oDI, '~4 .9' . Orden nn I ..edals ..IIl onl), a louch of velvet. Another Prayer- that 'Is the touch wltI With p'cl' rcct dry ing . D o not use DO. e'ICud 20 'll'. pull ... - SP EC:IALS very new, aDd extre me ly mart No. I and Nn. Z SI.OO p« 100 extra oil s on lea ther since they will rare· God. Service- tha t Is the link wltl . tala. Ih. n .00 10... Sqmed poll ... flUlhloD I. the coupling of vol· man. So power will flow throu gl ly absorb them: an" ch i ekl Z '0 IZ ..... nlil AU umlnous ' velvet muIr. with thl' b..,eds. Wrile ror tnm ..le~ pria 1101. For intrica ti! carving and orna. the Church when at one end it Ii velvet collars, Dr you may lurn ment, a spe(\ al1y tre oted IOlt In touch with God. and at the othel IJOoIwtIATCHERlES, ·IDC., 10 tiDY velvet bats a nd berf'Ia, brush Is best for dUs ting. Cloth•• end It is doi ng something real fOI WOII,"INOfON. MIMIUCII. • whlcb are ODe 01 the 'a.blon . &imJlarly trf'B ted, Bre frequenu, buman aeeds. hi. 01 the Rasun, re4!om mend ':1.
4th Annual
m115100 'oe.
Basil continued to see the redheaded girl. and eac h time be saw ber be loved ber more.
• C1l ~
litted alJ.purpo..
, .. b l.~ CLtbbot tlvI Bok"'(1 P<OIDd.. I \6 tH.lJ)OO" .0 It r Cup ."ort"-hIO Sift nour. balOn, P:Owder and uh together, CUI in Ihortening. Stort In tic)u, Iy coverfd container In ,....
fr!&.ratot. '.
Rtf.·. C.bkr
b • • 'nc met hod • • ~
Girl \t.l te' .. ~Ii . htlp. to mak" halcll'l, • Of ' Dlu .. at. . ate aa,. or Naull ..
• 10 SIMPU •• In Clabber Clrl', M u .... Mia YCl u begjn wl\h . ' bl end or b ASic lnCredfnl ta,
",Ixed . 'nd r dtigt-taled. from whith .. Jurprb · ifi ll va rhtty of bakl'd p nxluclS can
tr.Ul1 y mad.
h:::;t~:~h~ad~r!~t:~~ :~~:'ba~:;
'. ", ,,,p.I 'Ii ", ~ co.. ~ fN u.('td. fOIl IIISTAICCZ
For ... klna !>Ow<ler bit·
cu ll" sim ply placto ~ cup of the prepored M.ater .. Ml. in D rnixJ n& bowl and add \~ eup 0 ' Inilk • ( or rnouRh to "'Ike .. 10ft dOURh thbt ("1In t,ot handled). Then m h, IJghtJy JWl until t h ~ flo ut I!I molst~ntd. tum onto a Iltthtly fi OU f ed board. ~ nl"ad
rnU. nnd cut lhto b iscui ts. Nl!lIt , t h ~ h.!
are " taca.od one int.h
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c ided. to be the test. Jl Basil re o fu sed to ta llow his wishes thi s time -well. he'd have to get under ws )'. In taking his dra stic steps . When Basil heard a bout the ar · ran ged m e eting he ca m e to D decl· sian. He would meet th is Ela ine and tell her In ' {ron~ ot hi s ra ther that he loved another. Th en he would keep an a ppointment wilh th e red·headed gi rl and propos e m a rriage . .That, he de cided. wa ~ the only m a illy thing to do .. and Basil had sudde nly become a m an . So ' with his rather Basil went t o the hotel where the m eet ing hnd been arranged. Mrs. Mo rtim er 'a nd Elaine received th em in thei r su ite of rooms. Ba sil took one look ill I Ela ine and lIlmost coll ap sed . She had red ha ir and rrecldes ODd buck teeth . . 'Sbe was about the homeliest looking, c re ilture 8 1!1sIJ bad ever seen, I\loreover. s he glll'"led. Ba s il didn' t wa it lOr t he dinner 10 get under wa y. He mn de his spe ech then and- there. th en hea ded Cor thl! door . His , ra the r a ccompanied him Into t!'le cor ri dor. " Son." said the old ma n. " Cor · give me. I didn' t know whAt I was ge tting y'ou into. Go m a rry your redhea d. She couldn't be an y wor se than th l1 V' "Tha nks. Dad," said Bas U. And he went oU and kept his dal e with the red·hea d. wh05e I' r proved. was Ma ry Smith. He pro posed and she aeccp lt'd aHO ,",t!. Uved bapplly ever arter. .
Heade d
' '1
'5, 1950
-'': m
", '
DI!lllI nlle
In OPt'fU tlOg a spray gun which contains point, varnish or lacquer, always sprfl ,Y at ri):lht angles to the surroC'e , Keep t hl' gun at the saml' d ista nce from the surface .al all times This di IR'n ce should be appr [1 x i~a t e ly eight inches.
Keep Posted on Values By Reading the Ads
"01 D ' , PosII••e · 1 Disappolntlllent ~"
' '1
NOT ALL COLDS are stopped by antihistamine drugs, One type cold that can't be stopped by an tihistamines is the cold in which a cough and' sore throat develop" For such a cold, use Foley's Honey & Tar; the continued use of antihistamines exclusively can lead to needless discomfort, delayed recovery-maybe to serious complications,
Warning f If YO,", NOW have a .or:e throat or cough
or one has developed despite taking antihistamine ••••
lion germs causinll sore throat, bron· , mines have fail ed you, they evidently chial congestion. cou~hing , If you are not what you need So make up for haven't been taking antihistamines but 24 to 72 hours lost , switch at once to have a sore throa t or cough. take Foley', Foley's, P ermeate your system With to ease your throat, check coughing, Foley's cold'abortmg terpenes and pine , Don't delay and let that cough becl/lIle tar oil which combat secondary ,infec- somethlllg worse,
TAKE FOLEY'S whenever you feel a cold coming on your cold ortrcatingi t wrong! Take an tlhistamlnes as well as time· tested Foley's Each docs a job the olher can' t do Take both and you havea 'arbetler chance toaborl colU DON'T RISk HALF· TREATING
FOR 8EU ' RtSULTS. gel t he big ec:onomy SI bollie Con lains plenty ; encouraget you to takt'enough 10 permelltc your SYI' tern Wit h the cold,,,borting ingredients in Filley's Honey & Tar At all druggists,
Hadacol Helps No. Carolina Man Work Long Hours ITS A o\ECK f:0IR . TI-\E MO"tev 1 OWE
_ _.... ,TtiEH WMc-N 1 GOT A GOOO JOB
There \a plenty of t,ard ~ork and long' houfa in the retail grocery l;uaine88, and this is especially true for Paul Earl)hardt, 816 Sout h Church St., in Salisbury, N. C. Mr. Earnhardt work. long houra at the Earnhardt ' Super Market in Salisbury, one of the largest and most modern grocery ator,eB in that thriving .ection of North CarolinlL The grinil began to tell on Mr. Earnhardt about three month. ago and he wondered for a time whether he would be able to carry on at the ume rigid pace. But that waa before h. heard the ·blelled new. about HADACOL.
advise. them " to elv. BADACOL • trial. ' Mr, Earnhardt was auffering from a lack of B Vitaminll and the Minerals ' which BADACOL 'c ontain .. lIADACOL comea to you in liquid form, eallily allsimilated in the blood atream 10 that it can go to worlc right away. " A lack of only 'a IImall amoWlt of B Vitamins and certain Minerala will caule digestive dlsturbancea ••• Your food will not arree with you ••• ' You will have an upaet atomach ... You will suffer from heartburn, paina and your food will lour on your IItomaeh and you will not b. able, to eat the thinga you like f~ tear ot being in mllery afterward.. Many people aleo .uffer from con.Upat[on. And while these aymptoma may be the resulta of other cause•• they are aurely and certainly tb. IIlgnl of lack of B Vitamin. and Minerals which HADACOL contain.. And if you ,suffer from lIuch a deficiency disorder, there is no known cure except the administration of the vitamins and mineral. which your system lacks. It is easy to underst and, therefore, why countless thousands have becn benefited b:v this amazing tonic, HADACOL. So it matters not how old you arO or who you arc ••• it ,matters not where you live or if YOII have tried all the medicines under the suh, give this wond erful preparation HADAcOL a trial, Don 't go on Buffering. Don't cont inue to lead a miserable life. Many p ersons who have 811ffered and waited for 10 to 20 year. or c,!cn l onger" are , allie now to live happy, comfol'table lives because HADACOL supplied the vitamin. "I have been 'taking HADACOL a,nd minerals which their s ystem. 'O f three mOllths," said 1\1r. Earn- ne eded. Be fair to yourself, TempoIIlrdt. "I was weak, run down, rary reli ef is n9t enough fo;r you. ,ervous, had difficul ty sleeping at Give HADACOL a trial! night, nervous il\digll,litiqn, gastric Don't be mis led! accept no Ilubstldisturbances, headaches, Buffered tute! Insist on the genuine HADAwith stomach bloating and gus pains 'COL! around my hUQl't. Afte r the third Sold at all ) eading drug stores. bottle, I started gaining weight, Trial, s ize only $L25, but save was reli eve.!1 of stomach bloatin buy the larll'e family and had 110 gastric disturbances, size, only $3,50, If your aches or gas pRins, I never felt betdo es no t hamlle H'ADACOL, ter anri work long hours. 1 recom- order direct f rom The LeBlanc Corm end HADACOL," poration, Lufayettee, Ln" and when Mr. Earnhardt, li1{e s o many tholl- the postman brin gs your plI,c kage sands of other suHel'jng pMpl e, hUd just pay the amount plus the c. 0 , d, tried ma ny prepapations without and pOlltage, It you remit with the ~eneficiall'esults before he heard the ord er we will pay the postage. ' wond erful news about HADACOL. Then, if you don't feel perf~ctly Mr. Earnhardt puts in long, hard satisfied nfter using HADACOL •• hours at the Earnhardt Grocery directed, just re turn the empty earstore now, but is .a l!"i n bis uSllal ton and your money will be cheercheerful self, and whe n his friends fu lly refunded. Nothing eould be comment on hill impr ovement he fairer.-Adv.
TWOX's ,
B o B B
0 •••• SANO----:ti. .,,,,,,,' y. d,.r.,.. 'W' ' f.
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IV« fVi.KS w.Lt.
Hot News.?
'H ave ·y.ou Beardl , Last Thursc!'llY,> Deeember 80, , . Oarl d. Smith, le~t his . Mial11i Gazette office to wo~k for Uncle Sam. His mother, Mrs. Irene F. : Smith, arrived December 28 from Wa8hin~tot\J 'D: C. to look a~el' his bUliness interests. , With the help of Dave ~ontag, Joe James and Sam' Huffman, la!'t w~ek"s -issue of the l1aper was printed. Mrs. Smith, unfamiliar with the surroundings, knew that t hese good natured helpers had .full time ,jobs, · Rer 1lreYious experience, with her own pubjication, Progress Intel'" preted, which was tor paint · chemistll, is of little ,.assistance in the printing of your ~veckly ne'ws. paper, A co·editol· was essential. Joe HllrtsoCk is the lates~ addition to tbe staff. During ~ur ,tM\~s.itionl\l ; period, The Mtnm! Gazette is hap" ~Y to have 1\ , senior 'journa1i8m • studc.nt fron; Wilmin&-ton CoJ1eg~ .Waynesville's weekly n~w~~r will be printed l'e(I'Ularly: Wa~h lhis column next week! There may be a surprise for you. . Fil'/tt word from Recruit Smith; · at "Old Folt Knox", ' relates th~ "our liiJod uncle!" must be short on footwear. Car) teU. ~ that- aU ' he ~ i. Part of' a, ~
Advisory CoUncil
" ,
No. 4402
. .· __'lIol.6
Hr. and Mrs. Stanley H , Bailey attended a New Year's Eve party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steritz of Lynchburg, when they entertained a Jarge group of friends at a turkey 'dinner. Fred· Gons left during the paat week to join Mrs. Gons in Lo8 An· geles, California, for the winter.
noted Mr. and Mrs. Glenn BOl'den, Mr. and 141'1. Harry 'Smith, Mr. and Mra. M. A. Cornell, Mr, and Mrs. S. S. Ellis, Mr. aDd Mrs. Ernest Butterworth, and Mr. and' Mrs. J. B. Rieh were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs: L. V. Branstrator at 'their home in Wilmington, o'n Saturday evenin'g,
Mr. and , Mrs. John Kersey alld Mr. anq Mrs., Kellel' Ho!!ok, Mr. son, Oharles, ' enjoyed the Ne" and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock apd Mr. Year's holiday in Tawas, Michigan, , and Mrs.. H, L. Itye were New and rvisited the Silver Valley Win. Year's Eve guests of Mr. an~ Mrs. ter Sports _ Arena, w\lere they Alva Tl,omplOn in Dayton. joined in all , kinds of winter spor~8. ' , Mr. aDd Mrs. R. B. HartlWlck, 14r. and Mrs. Wilton Bartsock~ ~r. ~. ~nd Mrs. Don Hawke entil~ . and Mrs. Owen Hartsock, MIsses wined with a . buffet supper on Jean and Jane Hartsock were .New. Sunday ' evening . f~llbwin, ' the Year's Eve guests of Mr.. Lena cantata at the St M&r7~s ObUl'C'li. Hartaoek and all were New' Year'. The &"lleats were Mi. and 1rIn. S. Day' gu'estfS of Mr. and Mrs. ,OweD N. :KeYa, ~Mr. and Mrs .. ·lam.. Hartaoek. Baker, WUlJAm' Baker, lTosePh 1 ~ ·· r -, Sillr, Mr. Ii.Dd IrIn IIaJDUd Welts. Dr. and lira. A. B. Stout'&Del' . Mra."Glad)"l Dalton, ' M~. &Del lrIni daughter enteri:ained,. on . N." John Bolin, Jrlias Anne Weltli and Year'. Eve, _ ...... . GlflDl\ Jamea Weltz. , , B~ ; Loa ~-.,
. . Elects . Officers . .
Fire from an overheated stove WAYNESVrr.LE - The Iilu-;t scorched · a corner oJr, the Miami Wayne Advisory Coun"U ' met Oil Gazette office Wednesday nigltt after hours, Mrs. Smith. mother Tuesday evenln&'; of the past week, , at the home of Mr. and Mr;a. Luth" of the editor, who is operating the Gazette until its final disposal, er Hartsock; Durin&' the. bullin•• had left the office a few minutes session the .:following otrleera warebefore. Joe Hartsock, the .assistant elected for the eomiD&' J8&1': . Pre sid e nt - HalT)' satter·· editor was preparing to leave for the night, when the i'lames flared thwaite; Vice-president-Ell FarnaSi Secretary-,Robert WillJO~.; eeilingward, His impromptll b)lt~ prompt ex.- Dis<!ussion Leader - Rhodes Bun~ ' tinguisher action gaiII.d temporary; . nell; . Lady Representativ8!-Mrs. contl·ol. He dared not leave the Sara Br.addock, and, Legislatl:ve , . scene to telephone,· b1Jthis shouts Repre.solltative - Mr. 'ROSC<l6 Furattracted .Ray Morgall!, who turned nas. ~e Hundred was enjoyed dw'in the alarm and c~rried a hqse to' the building, The fire depllrt- ing the soeial hour. and refresll. ment extinguished a second, minor ment!! were served by the nostesfL .f1areup. ' ., Damage, which is covered by insurance, was confined to' wall sheathing in O1)e corner of tlte The Villu\I'e Council con.vened in building, and Joe Harts~ck " coat which suffered from Iiis frontal regular se~sion Mo~~ay eveni~g. attack on the flames . After transacting the, u.sual routln& business Loyd DlPIVis' ~as. r~.eleeted president tor, the ensuing year. ... On motion duly ' made and seeonded it was passed thai 11 contract be entered inj;o .between thB' Village and the CitY of Dayton fo~ the care of prisoners at the Dayton workhouse. Fire Ohief Cannan Crane wU Frank " Stansberry. age 84. died at his home Thursday morn. present and recommended that thb . ing il!ter a thre~ weeks illness. following be appointed as fireJllen He was a painter a.nd shoemaker, for the present year: WillifUD Sawand ope.tated , a i hoeshop in yer, Ohester Carey, Kieth A~ WaYnesville for many , yens, He mead, Robert Workman, . Everett;. is survived. by bis ' wife. Ella; Johns'on" ,Me1vin Stansben:Y, Vel'three ' sons; John and Wiibur of non Hill, Mack Davia, O. E ., Ander.. Wayne,!lville. and ,Tom. of DaY,toD; . son, Russell M~in, and Carl Coot Leo Coimer as an extra. ~ayor and one daughter, Mary of Waynes. H. 14.. SherwOOd made the appoitqville. ,,' '. Service8 will be helq at the ment llDd Council confirmed til, ' . ;' . , MdOluJre Funeral· Horne $atur-a.y appointments. Mayor Sherwood also -appointed at 2 P .. M; Burial.. will be 'in Miami th,.followinll' standinll' commltt,eea. • ' Cenieter)': : '. . . ' Fire, 'Finance, and Prison - CowicjJ,men ~~ .
Village Ceuncil Meets
,' ,::bea-ih6
Frank S. Stansberry
.''IIe teCiu1ti' are "re·atriCt.d tG barrack. and the ,inell~ : hall until they recei~ eomplete ~nffOrins imd are thoughl, briefed ·on military behavior. Further in Mr. a~d:Mrs. J. N. Robinson and formation next weeki children . of Da,ton, New· Year's guests of Mr. and Mra; E. F. Earnbart, and Mr. and Mrs>' ' CharI. B. Earnhart and <lau,h'FLOODS ...................: .... ters, Joan, ~nd ' Sliaron, were Sun-
Walts and
Gamea were .1I,j'U.ll'~ evenbia an~ at micinlltht, loUR eupper wall served. . , Pal~Y· ..
. Mrs. D. C. Rid,e had · ~ Sun~ guest.> Mr. and .)1rs. Earl pavia DAyton. . ~- . Mr. and .)lra. A. H. Stubbe and, Mias PhyUlI Burnett accompanied
,. -
,'" . . Oft 'lluesday evening, December 28th, twemf members of the Wllnte YOUll& Far:mezw' AAociatiorl, tocether' with their w:ITea and friends, en- · ~ined. ;rith • ,tUrke~r dlJmer And'
Local Soldiers Ia' Japaa -
.theatre party at the ~Vhite dinlnc Richard A. StansOOl'l7. . Bursk~, IJ'OOm and ' MUrphy -In Wil- sonPrivate of' Mr. aDd -Mra. 10hn Stafts.. 'F~ Gr~D, miuctcm~' ..' , berT)' of WaynelJviJle; Ohio, is ""'_unity. ""Barve "I- -........~'"'.. 0 ~ ::'~::; . !!:'ty ~~I':f";=!".!: w!!';.";::'I~"H~d ...... nC with to CorWin and ~ ebI""' ner &'II :-. in .Jllpan .. lb. _~ ,.,... ' day pest..,) liss Yvonne Stubbs and Mill The • • ther!Dan II agAin viait· '; -----'. -" Marjlyn on Sund:lY, to in, vellpaDee on the W'7Deaville Mr. and Mrs. Braddock and BOWling when they re-en'
,bp~ ~",~,
. .......r ' Hartsock. il 80 hip dn 'b ridp and the road that ltoute '18 eut of Mr. ,and Mrs. Wilton Hartaock town q clos,d. Route tit, lOath bave ' returned from
man, 88Cl'etary and pe-t, Ib an Mrs. Hartman, Mr. alld Mrs. Mr. and lira. A. II. Earnhart, DoDaldWatklna, Mi.. Shirley Mr. and MI'II. La ,) far Earnhart and . Braclmey; Dale Watldlll8, Mr. aad tion.
"<tor _ ..
Pvt. Stansberry is at present attending a Range Section Director School being conducted at . the 768d AAA Gun BattalioQ,
~ baD1a\i:J~~;!. u~~~=::~_:___-;~
10 .... "'..... ... .. ........... Maryland, II... ,.,.. _ cuesta . . .at . joIr. Mond., .... W81'8 in Columbaa iDC to .......... " - obi. Mr. Alton EarDbart Mre. Bellr.yV............ Sattertlnridte, " Robert and are Th. on" ........1..... .... II". Do.." ....... • hIo ....1.. .. Ohio.· ..... Unl. · S_ _ ........ a,.., a..... Gn.. . .......... r .... uation Is for lome ' CIvIc minded . -V,el'lity. . David . Furnas, R9bert a helrVY AAA gun 1bjattalion. of ' ' Walter Wbitak4!l' fa veq ill. at _ ., . Glenn $mJth and J. B. 'Crabbe. Pvt. Stan8berry enlisted in .tbl» ' 'indlvidu!'l to order' 8UDa,une. ' Mlanil Valley· Hospital, followin, '.' Mr. and Mra. Max D. Harteock • • • Army in March 1948 and d~ - - - ' - - - - :,' a ' major opera~on on Satu,day. , and aon were amon' the gueats OD from .t1te United ~iea in July . Mr. and Mra. Lord Davis enter- New ¥ear's Eve, when Mr. and MT8. Luther Hartsock entertain- 1948. Upon bis arrival in J~ . .... W.... ........., . W. P. Strod" 1m W;"' .......... bon. h, . . . . .,"""" to th, ..... , . . Education bel4 Ita annual re-or- "tained on Sunday, honoring the wi.t b • 'p arty at 'th4!ir home in Day- oriD,g the birthday annj 170f Gun Battalion in Yokoba!n4. 'l1iia versa .- - -DC " - hI"". h I _ of ton. and 1M New y..... unltp. . . . .. mojor MI, In 110"· Mr. lohn GOIla- W&8 re-elected Cecil Davis. 'l'he dilUler guest. Day. . lIe1' .on Dale. afternoon occupa.tion ' of Japan "by performing Preiidentt Mr, Frye, Viee were Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil·Davis of _ was p eaaantiy spent Dl games and guard d\lty for Important EigbtK . Preefdent, and H'rs. Cathrine W. DaytOn; Mr, and Mra. Clarence J., Mrs. t\, E. entertained her the little honor guellt received Army installations. , ,_ . .. "'..... D&.1a, ..... J ..t.h o..t•. lin; ...... olnb .n· . . . . . . ownno. _ . gil... BI""dayak. ""=It Lor.n.. Q. N_"ll'!i .• 1 Mary Bereman. Mi. M&r7 - . . .. pith two table. iiaplay; Kn.:S. N. ' and ice ereAm were sened 'by the IOn of Mr. 8l1d Mn. Roy Neacei oP ; SUD .'V , . and BUI' , Keys and 'Mrs'. M. We Itz. 1'8ceived the prizes andF.following an hostess." T-hose present were Joan, Waynesville, is no';;'" serving in the 1/ " f' . •. .. , . ' .. Mr: and Mrs: William Strouse exchange of ,Ifts, 4'elieloua . re- Jean and Jackie La Rue, Mrs. JOhn occupation of ,Japan with the 99th.' . 'M ;;':' as S1\nday guest., '1 . B. . freshments, in keeping with the Ket'8ey and Mrs. Eli Furnal ' Field Artillery Batalion, which I. Strouae, Charles Strouae and Mr. season, ",ere served ',b y the bost- and 80n, Mrs. Harry SatterthwaitE. connected to tbe . 1st Cavalry Df.. . " and Mrs. Dan Cline. '. e... '. ,)< .. r, and thehostesl and IOns, 'Vision. . WAYlOlSVlU.E-lir ....d lin. . ., , _ . R _ N..." in \he : WUII'm tho Mr. and " .. St J .... IwI , M,. . .d ..... Loth" H.rteo<k Mr. and "n•. Cook .Army · In . Jul. on' ........ GojatldCb·n. the1 . as Sunday dinner guem; "r. and had as "'''ests on 'Thuradav . even- and chUdren spent the lP&8.t week . '''hi b . '...... ... -' : .......... _---: .. n .......u.rl ay """"00 on" - M GI Bl d d da hte . .. .,. .' . ' .. 'G ' .w. s aSlC ..'..... IIDe w,_ ._ .....c.. '1;'he evening was rs. . . anll an an . Ull' T. ina-. 'the members of the BOarcrql ,and' M;aBatte' , . 84th 'Fleld- Artfllpy Bat- . , Qant In and ... al\d !till Lou, Bland.' Miss Dli'ector ' ....f Warren Flah in Goldsboro, png tal ' t '" t ''n.l_ N . ' J rse "",--,... . " BI d turned to her dud1. at ' . . ". •.... _ .... vi ited .....__ L ••_ Ion a rOl UOA, e\. e v,. ".r G. . .At , _ ". jo........" . -mentnve1le served b)! the lio.ltt,no Ittamt UntveJ:.tIity on MOndI'Y" . :trOIl. .If. KrdOimieyer, Of. n: (J. points Of ;p". t1:'BI ' with 't , d' holteu., ", . '" -,"; .,' . . ' , \ ,,": the· ot. tiIe\;.. . .1Mn. 'l:•. sr', .' an . . 'Thoae nrelel\t :weN &. 1'1. M,T. and Mrs. LaMarrEarnha'r t nin ... "J,' ), ., '. : ......:_ " "1••!::... . 'Cook;'ocwplec't.tllli Oool!:' bOme>cifu.:.t , ., WIll ,J'i .... ........ B. n...,_ .. Y . D i ;"L.J':' ::.u.-1 ... -" , ." ... . -........ """-,-.,. en.telltained with a New Year's freahm ',. . -'i.:,. ng ...... • _ '1'" .',.. :'1\. ..... • ,• .,.".'f",;; • • _ . • , tb' ' " " 1' ' ltiath Connin'; .. .,' ':.___ ". ... . v....·. : " ' . w.;P1l" " ll .ehnnllto,l'cc\9'e e 'u. _ . "&-!Jda. ....... A. B"Eatbhart, Mr.-IndMra, MI'. UId he".r t of the At' my '" ' ' " 1tIld<llti: .JfiInl Dlmbart ' and children, and i' . _1 tritmda In Newtown of Wllmineto? &pellt 8aDoi pr(' , "'1)1. .DnQa,. Alt-cm on Ne·,. • • .... , ' . ., 'eliy Mr. and Jfrs. 0JbIt . .
~':"" School
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"Ppi~~,. n~Jn~, ~oith .~rql~na,
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""_0.,. .......... ..""'~ ~"'I' .n_ . . . . . · Interest: .'ltn\,tatt~ " <;r~ ~ ~ . ~ v~., ~: DiP.viaijRe!ltti~ o):.~,~ c~m , ~n~
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~,. "'~. .m, ~ - ...~."" ~- I~'O tne·tirin~. '"-.~ dinnlll'~d' :hid.;&8guestalir.and ~"...r~;,: ~'.~ ~~J 'O:~ '::~~~,~ rr"~Jl a~,}~',' . "~ '-. ,'~.' " ~Il.! . !tt..t: ~~ Ea~l EfID~I' 'wMr.,~"t;; e" r)~Pi ",'';~'; .:~~::: ,~ 1("';-·'~(t"Cottraa''iitt' . :~
'f\~~ ~
, Pu b ;.heel Ev..-y Thurecl." _ W.yntavill .. Ohio .' CAR.L G. IMITH, Editol' . Entered ••••cond ~I ... matt. .t the Po.. Office , .lr'B~~IPTI'()N R.TEa $1.50 • V.... In A..v.....
IS herman R()~rta to ~orge R. and J..ilIian Wickli ne, 2\ 8cre~ in Clt~arere(!k
twp. AI R. and Anna M. Countryman to Robe::c J. and J Oim Graham, :J
lot:s in F ranklin. , Miriam S. D nlon t o Eh'oy C.
. Estate l'r Lelia Irene Thomas, dec 'd, Walter E. Ay(' l's and MiIured A vel's Behlll. exe cutor", first, :final 8~d dish'ibutive aecount. apr l't1\'cd, :ll'owcd. nnd confirmed. ' . Estatl- of Henry Heiden . de.e'd. HII/'ry Heiden, executor, first and ' final account, approved, allowed,.on. 205.16 arT!'S in HsmiIton twp.'"
:proved, allowed and eonfirmed. Estate of Lelia Irene Thomas, d~'d, Frank E. Thomas adminise trator, tiNt, final anp dIstributive atcoun·t , approved, allowed · and confirmed.
."d conftrme~ ~
} l;:sta te .o( Everett Snider. dGc'd. Howard M. Snider, appointed ad·
Frank C. ' AIIl:cnon Harrell Miral da . J.H' IJC ~ch lct hauf :l !id tloy O' 1-1I<L', ,', ..\ .1 ! r . Mast, foreclosure of mechanics lieu, Meryl B. Gray, C. Donald DiJatush. attorneys. Jamell Mahloll Robison Jr., VB Elizabeth ' Ann RO/>8io~ f a minor, divorce, J. T. , Riley. In the matter' .f the a~propria trion of an Easement for high. . . and for ch.nnel ehange purpOIl.. over the lands of Donald E. DeVOIIII, et ai, and neC8S1&1'Y in the eonstl'ut1tion and improvement of U. S. Route ,No. 22. Sections .( 1704·
E. C. Deil10n to !tIiraD\ ' S. Den- minist rator . Charles Burlile, Walton, 194,95 acres in ' Hamilton twp . ter ~mith RM, C rli s Bowman ap• . AUCUSTINE · Kenneth ~uis ' WOQley ~o . A n- ,pointed app~aJsera. F"ther Krumholu, Priest drew A. W.()(Iley, ,.375 acres in TurF,~tRtC of J. C. Cray, -dee'd, . ,1 27) in Warren County, . Ohio, Masses 8 and 10 A.M. tlE!Creek cwp. Charles ij , and Meryt: B. Gr~y, ad- Highway Easement. . . Rachesl E. Worley to Robert C. .ministrator , ln~,,~y hearillg In ·the matter of the appropna· MT. HOtLy ME'rtlODIST snld Penrl Rainey, 1.875 ures in set for January tA. 1949, at 10. tion of all Easement fQl' highway LE,banon. . T. M. Scadf, Minister . ·· ~t;a.te' 01 Walter E. PiMend • , purpo8es 'over the lands of Charlet M£11fODIST a«JRQI ' .. lIarry Smith t.9 James H, a~d Sunu.. v SchVOl 9:30 a.m. dee'd, Charles E!' Bogan, ,a,p~intecl R. 1I0nner. a)'ld necessary in ~ RH. Coleman, Minister ~argaTet May Stiles, .29 acres In ~.A. ·ean.hart, ,Supt. arlministrato~, ~wrenee J,a,eohs, Construc;t ion a"d Tl1lll'ovemcnt of Ourch School 9 :30 a.m. ~orship Service 10 :30 a.m. Wayne tWII' . , '-L Henry ' Murphy and iI. J. Jaeobs, U.S. Route No. 22. Section!; (1704. J. J, Bursle,' Supt. • H)l1'ry ~mitn. to. -\1001'\ M. and appointed Bpprai!Crs . . . . \·rning Sen'ice 7:3~ p.m. 1727) in Warren County. Ohio, Worship and Sermon , , , Anna Lnmb. 13::18 a('res in Wayne Estate ot Lee C. Smith, dec'o, Highway Easement. to:30 a.m. CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS .t wp. . I,' Bertha C. Smith, . administratrix, EIsi~ Spradlin VI!. CharI.. Spe'd~l Music Oolr t<eli. David Staofkld. Minister .Russell and ~aomi . Dumford t~ estate exempt ' from inbl'l'i tanc~ Spra'!' iii. divo~.ce,' wilful absenee. t. I to H'erOOrt: L . and Mable ~}jce Youth Fellowship 'I1lursday tax. S day Sc qO,O C. Dnnllld Dilatusb. ~ 49.72 acre~ in 'DeeTfleld , . .1;90 PM Wun orsliip service 1 t a.m. a.m. Tlhompson, Estate of Liily Wo~d ward Hard· Aim (Itt Stearee VB ~ Tank Scellrtwp. . Choir Practice Thursdav ,ing, dec'd, Adam E. Bridge, execu· ee, divorce, extreme eruelty, IT. T. U... C2IURaI Josepb D. Fi.~ her to Floyd Bays, tor, go.r oss value of estate $84,727.7:"5 PM U110\ Riley. 'II' Sh 0.24 ac re~ in H,arlall twp. 8& ' ' . I(cy. , WI II,m annon 'l!arie H aUfe ,and AnsQl lJwin !.u . j MARRIAGE I.JCBNSE .Eetat'e of RtrsaeU . T. Spene4!r, ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Sunday School . 9:3.0 :I.m. .. , Mr!>. James Garri!lon. Surf. W i~li.:m !T. h·vin . •r.... 1 erre in !lec'a, Ea,l , J. SpellCeJ', u~r, llenry, Edw~ Nagel OinKe}'s, R.ektQr , . f.1reachin. 1st and 3rd Sunja ... ~ O cerfic~d \'Y~" '" , I , V . · H. " R08~ll, Charles 1. W.... cinnati. miller, Isabelle Diualbre r.. ch C.~h 1 9 t5 AM l'O FI'~ nk :md Ann" Schlake to goner amI Carl Stiles, appointed _.llf , ~. 00 ' : " ' .. euh mooth to:~n :I .m. S~AII 1" C ' .\ . SI Bond 26, Franklin, lec:re1~', . U1 .~ .. ":.''''!l - '30p}1 .., a " e: ; , '('v. :!.C~<l~ In a em appraisers. . M.ormng pors..hip 10'30·' .. n. M •· .~"elUn~ ~~ I. .'" t,~'P. Estate ' of Melissa C. Conover. Y"rLE METHODlS1'.' Jc:lnnctte Hays to . J. ii, an,d dec~, Franki ' C" An _(r50:1. adminFRIENDS '. (~ ,'.. ,t . ·.. Gladys If. Sleet. 0.68 aeres . in iatrato~. 'DBN, WW A. lIale of perFtfs" I ~i!o~J :3~... ~m. Dr. JOil! ~,ers,"-' Uieerficltl I Wp. . _ ~ onal property. ., . • eel in',. for Woithip . ,. -Sl.'t1dav ... 'eo). ' t • \9;~ j1.Jn'. . . : Jt'IlnMI t~, Hay& I to, J . .H . .and E.~te of Myntie M. Keever, . , '~ 1() dO,llidJ) • '" ':If.I"S;' Io&~ ,:~:y ori'~ ~, . G)adys M. :) aeres 1 , Dper- . dec'd r · Everett.· Keev,-r, e~eqJtof, '~' ~ :" " " ,'/ . . Wont"" SerVice to: 0 Lm. field tWIJ. ",C" Illed-his firat. flnal and distribUtive AYIi " -,.. Jeaneth! H ys to Roy and an- McGUrlL . " . " b " • :;UR ~:a~~ .riJliIoay " CHUR "'~' ' .'O·F ~~:M. ~ILlIj SpeneM. &.B7 · a~tes in' DeerIl&t'i'te of·G eey! '~y~t. ~ec'd; . U'lft,U,J.i)... r ~ ~ . . ... ~. 1teld twp.' I . . . l,f. ,Coffey, MiniSter' BYl:un Carver, MinIster ' " Ira arid 'i:lTa .DulI,. to Charles Florence PlTIInt, a]SpOjnted 8dm_nHoulle' '1(;eorae Bible Sehool . 9:30 ,!. M. Bible xt\OOI IJ ;-lm ~m. 'alld Elizabeth St!mpirott 2 lots in jAbatrix. Gatell and Howard L. ClaeDey, aJlMorning WorSliip ·tQ:lo A. M. , "\" Wonh.ip to:lo LDl.~. ' ;'; I', ' • . Y_ourit Pe'!P1e's ~:4'5 , J:\ M. l'ra;'lr'MeetlnJ.' Pran1c W. ,nd E!\na M. ~,1 pointed app~Ie"" £veUlnt,;SUvi~ r.3o P•. M. t "UilJ Pc:op~. s Meet .' • lotltn ~ .~. ~ ; ." ". (: e)$-'. Prli):er _Nl~Uar' / 1. p. ' WJlIlam~!Wt ~ J~n BevaJls, ~ COPON PLEAS, f5ible SUiCly Wed., 7 :30 PM. Eveailll Servaca 1 :~O p.a 2.80 acrell in liI_iil _~' . ~art lj~~ij ~ i P,"I~pl!. == '. Ba..ona' il~nt ~ ,,' lie 'iiiin• case dilbiiliaed .withpJ.l~ « ree<'rd. . . .', ·.L _,';' . I ' • netl.- 19.'11 ~,*, ' In ' ~~~ ' ~:, 'M ilk is rith iii ,,: ' ~ ··'i "! ,.. r. "~~I$, R. .E. 8elairtgeJ. VB. Ray Phillips. ~ j WUl Dr¥t .~'9ed 11, p ... &It, Wilbur W. and Em.maY. Harcompl~l. _. t' d:l~' ,. Cl I", tj ),(" , urda,· afternOon from Aril:ona Ian ,to Claude and ,Alice. Coffman, ease .ilJ~i.-ed without ree<I.l'cl. CiJet .mor. n ~ , ' .•It.! pc ;J :1 d~ uvift, ¥en .ealled here on account 80.20 aCNS in Wayne t~. " V~nt. , 1Cj.b~y l:\(a. Charlea ,E. for just a fl:w cen~! . Thct! ·. ,~t! IF- ., 01 tKe eerioya illn 6!!l8...of hill ~ aSl'd Paulin'e Mallters Kirby to J,fsse , K~bb61. ,;d81elldiint orde~ to pay .tonomy. _the Bordon Vlo)'1 '10 ~iD\on)' 'lId SOO to be ..applieJ sia~er,:M1'II., Alice p.rake, w"~ ,~ W. Kirby, 4 lOb in Springboro. B.ev. C. A. Artbur, pastor of ~ ~p~~ ill , f.o.r ,l4lveral, !d~)'8! on Jllatntlit. IlJal'l e,lgJenaes, . • ISD Gai~r N. and Ma~1 Fi~~rald 1 lor P'IInY, r~-I' the Methodist Ohurch, extended an ,Mr. ~JliI .M ra. ,fames R4d"r. and to Aug-list Hoffman , 62.68 aeres .in defe~ant to pay co,sta of .• uIL , iJavitation to ~ongreptjQn ~Wl da~ght~r.s mo,y ~f'rid,,·..!.rrcm ,Kcl'" Harlan twp. . Dorothy D. SarJrtlant ~IJ • • T!iel~.,.~ lliP.(I, «ley mo:::ninz, to attend the Clillton tucky jritq the ~hel Smi th prop· Bemard Koziol to ::rainps and t;Jlan H. Sargeant, case dismissed CoUnty ¥ethodjst lden's Brother- erl-:f . ~q~' .~~c't,~ by tdr. aM Mary Jane Musen, 1 lot in Frank. witbovt ~cord. , , '[rifo, :'j(:~·n, . lin. DtUlaa' lIar.ton a'nd f.ami,y. ,I, In ' 1tq~J ,whieta meets at Port William ~~rr#! B. J;lill,,\'II, El~rt \\I. ann t j\ I . Metbodillt Cilurch, on Monday eve' JlJ'II. Ida C9,1lI,. returned to her ln a~'d Mattie Reynolds' to J. P. May. lr~s~ ,motions ()II'erruled, Jan"~y1d, , at 8 o!eloek. The ' bOlA' 'lIe~ ~d8y af~r " having plaintIff granted 20 days to file Lamb, 9 lets in Wr.Yne twp. guest spenker' will be H. w. Nispent Chrl.~~lPas al: thy ,tlome or Corda E. and F.loise Muchmore amended petition. 80)1&8:1;'. diredot· of special end her son-in-1I1w ~n.~ daugMer, Mr. to Fred Land Olara Dicter;eh. Ralph H. Bumwll VB. Walter C_ adult edueation of Ohio, State Uni. and Mrs. Sterling Ingal1 I\lId tam· 82.24 aeres in Turtleereek _twp. Krause and Rqy Dowles, Ca5e com. versity. His topic will ~e "Role i1y of near Greenfie]d. promised, settled and dismillsen Which till! Chur:,h ls r· aying in , wi th prejudice, of Gorman · , all.c.1 Rccon• In the matter oJ The Stettie r ~ning g uc. t ' '. PROBATE a Evangelical Lutheran Church , Inr. of her granddaughter, .1Ift'S. " 9ussome time in EUI'ope and hi s ' and The St . Paul Eva'lgelical Luti" rl' ;Mart in anll i a mily. t Estate i Mahel .1 . S arkweathcl', js mu ch in demand. Mrs, Mary S. Picl'S!ln and son. d1ec'd, J. Raymond Law, executpl', e ran Church of F.ranklin. Ohi,>. I Il C., . firs~ mortgage / exec~ted on The local Grange })rcsented a John Sy.ferd were Sunday afrer· · ..gross va1ue of estate $61 ,265.14. ,property In amount of $6800. noon guests of lIfr. and MI'!'\" Ens 'b irthday SUPPCli Monday ev ening in Estate d Ern e t W. Lacy, dee'rI, Bi hop of W."sh·n Mlon 0. H. .. Gr'!! ng.(' hall. W. A I t I' Kenritk, adm in istrator, , NEW SUiTS , : Mr!i. MinnR Mort!" of"Dayton, elstnte exempt (rom i nheritanc;~ T he 11 . ' . h lo ~() \ hI! J ona:,· .. was Sunday guest li hE'.1' s i.;ter, ·Thelfna Monds vs Sam 1\of: ,ds ditax . . RliJl B;. ~! i t \ ~ hurdl h,," • ( n com· Mn. Mary S. Pjcrson. Esta Ie of Inel'. Brown Noble, vorce', gross neglect of duty f n:l. :p1~te ti wh :ch s:tv s as ' a n ex tra dec'd, Evan J. Steddom; admini s- ure to pl'ovide, wilful ab en cl', lI{·r s . Stella Va nc(', te<! by "Ia ; ~ l'oum. trator, file d his first and tinlll acMrs. Flora Jacobs. entertained the Bridge c lub enjoyetl Ii N('w cou.nt, transfer of real € ~f ate . Primal'y .Class of th e M<' thr tlist Yea ':d V l' Ly ·J'll.. ~, · .. . ng at Estate 01 . \.V·8 McCutchcon, ' Church at ,the count r hom e of· the home of :d l·. anti ~h If.. Rho des dec'd, Ho·t·ace . F. Fitzpatric , execuBU~l1ell. Mn ;: Li llum Carl' wal; 'IIS- their teacher. Gues.ts \Ve,e Floyd tor, inventory' II p\;r·()ved. . ~yton Ellis. Low ell C:e.HY, Joan •• • • 1. t hu less: NfEDl l~ S . U .A);'f' ") <' Co'.! 1':1 II ./ Estate of Lilly W oodard HardSmi,th, Mary Ethel Smith, Donald and . h.I:iI,g w n{l ~ '. ;'1 J " 1 1 h . _ rai ladies Inn n . her!'. were Ross, Gloria" Ann Jacobs, Doroth ~T ing, dec'tj, Adll m E. Bridge, execuwake oJ win Jer wc:.l n '.. 11 (,,, .:1\ gue~ t,~ at a carel pa,rtt :i'ue.d, y tor, inven tory approved. Carver, David Broo \<s and Edwin v~'ing a ~ jet·, of ill nell.s n nd d i'en.J,;1 Ig at 1..r;. h ~:nc 01 ),) , S. '.U I Foster Frye. ' The evening was Estate of Thomas Cor"'iri, dec'd, ~l· i.!SS . Varwi ~r Vo rt in"\, il ming on. , W. Chcstae Maple, executor, transspent playing gam('s and (feli~ht We make' s! ecinl eiro. t . ~avoi ll ' Mra. Bruce Wallace and daugh- ful refreshments of iel10, cake ami . fer of real estate. a;r.y un'rtecessv ry exposul'(, to mcm" ten, Karen and Cathy, of Oo&hoc- punch wer serM. Estate of Ella Riddell, dec'd. hel of a fam ily all:(,8 'Z ill extrolnt. ton, were Monday evening and Bpeed· Riddell, administrator. first Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' Sher\,\,ood fatiltUc. Indeed.,· we consider this TUEjsday guests of ·Mrs. Laura Bnd final account, approved, al. lett Wedft~d&y Jor St. Petersbur~, towed and eonftnned. a most ,ill\Por,tant J:csponsibility anlt Shidaker, th eir grandmother: Mr. ~~d ~r8. Hugh .ere Florida; wilel'!il they will ",maID EJ~~ of Luella 1.. SeUel'll, dee'd, winter monthl. :ec r l r i T n d l e it. we week-4!Jlcf<and New Year:~ CUeatl through tlte Dould W- ,Jil.eUen, eseeutor, first. .,,. " r".. lin• .I.... lIeCahtln. a .f or!ller .ind., ft~\; ~Q~Dt.:lapproved, alof Mr.· tn~ lIrll. Earl Willlon and daughter, 11$.&1 Barbara WillloJl of J'Hicleat of tWa YlCinUj' II ~tlr.a1iy I~owed and' ~rmt<L .• ill .t. .....JaoiU:· illl DayWa. She ia CoI~. 'lu " . ' . I Eatate '0; ~&ri B. I'ff~; . <iee:1i. AiaOJJI IJIiI. lick " i,our 'fiU", tile . . . . of Will liee.-. fe. Donald Dilatuih, first • • ... lira. H ... S• . Tucker an~ lmd ftnal .eeoUllt appl'CII\'ed. alan' ~... ~JUG', w~o .. ~ H 10 be i~proyed, ~ ~~. cia........... ..: 1Nil,... ,.~t; 1~ . . . .itwd. ._ ~ l . . ' ,UA ":uJU u'4 ' ~... ~ .. __b. improved' . . An. _~ lc.-..n.Jhe'~ .... am ia atiD oollftMd to lalII , Pan. ... 'wOliUii K4IIIIftIl "sl "i1I;<~
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TWIN ,Le·a ses b! .-- ,FOX,Hall.Y
With a Buckev.' Co'ngrel,.'.•,'
This, the last of Fox Holly's clliumn appearances, will at least have the privilege of beillg the of. . &.\ ...... ficial organ to inform you about '~ ~ CIIJII!!.'IIMt , . au. ~ the Twin's newest equipment, I A spanking new nil-purpose SeveJ'll boiler, iil'et! by u Lennox oil ourner ha>l b 'en instnll cd, Boiler room' urid eli]' shaft!! hav e been gone ' over IInder the (H'itica 1 eye of Carl Cooke (the same eagle eye which served him as the Le,Honorable Sam Rayburn of Bonham, Texas, forIn this first "WITH A BUCKEYE IN CO,N. gion's stnr ' infieldel'!), Th"s' winmer Speaker'of the House,: waa reelected to that ofGRESS" column for the new Eighty-first Co~ss tel' all Twin 'pab'olis, in :ldllition fice to succeed Honorable Joseph W. Martin, Jr., of to enjoying tops in en'tertalnment, we Wish to extend New Year's Greetings to all of Mas. Ilchusette, Speaker -in the Eightieth Congress, wlil be w~ll toasted , so dOll't waH our readers, with the hope that 1949 will bring to Mr, l\lartin in tuxn was chosen by the RepUblicans till spl:ing to te!;t the new ,Iay- them and their's health, happiness and prosperity, ~ s~rve as Minority Leader. Honorable John W. Mc'. .. * outl , , Cormack, of Massachusetts, former Majority Leader, The Eightieth Congres met and adjourned sine,Tho n ' W booth"setup, Iit'st hooth VIa selected by the O'emocrats to again selve in change' in neltl'ly bwo fi('cutie s. will die la t F'riday, December 31st. The only_ business positi on during' the Eighty-first Congress. was the receiving . ana. filing of numer,transacted Jlu t t'hc opeL'llto1' ill heoven , At , ous committee reports 'and the 'adoption of (l Joint le:l.!< ,Sam fTllffmn !l Hay" he will As this colu mn is being 'pl'epared!, President TruResolution extending until MlU'ch 13~h the time settle. EOI' :it 011 tllUt hasi , Th uR, Iimi nol' the filing, of recommendations and finding.s man i 5 'heduled to deliver hi Annual Message on aft"'I' one • el\\', the PI' sent of the C'ommission oli Ol'gunizatioll of the Exec4tiv(l the State of the Union to a ' Joint Session of Conmono emen t ha: tHt'omjlli hed if better known a s, the ' gress on Wednesdll)', January 6th, in which' he is ma i I' !!o~l - ,t l h~jl (> r th" ,te l' Bmllch of the Governmen ve l' ammi sion'. ['he Eightieth Congress oW- expected to call fOl' the enactment of legislation to Hoo th l1n it hn!; ever C"ll, eiallv went out of ex-istence at the stl'oke of twelve p ut into effect practi call y 'all of his campilign ,promises tlnd pl edges, Later in the week the li'l'esident ' oor; on Ionday, January 3rcL will send his ~nnual Budget Message to the Con... ... gress, and the firs t of next week he is expected to Ten IV Eighty-first Congt'e s convened at twelve send another message to Capitol Hill in which he J clock noon on Monday, January Sl'd, with the polihis Economic R-eport. , ti al conn'ol once more being in , the hands of: the will , submit • Democratic J}arty, 1J;l the ~ouse there will be 263, In 'f l ont of the Capitol huge stlln(js have bee~ Dcmocl'atic members; in Republ1cal\ membersj and Oll e American Labor Party member in the n~w erected, and a, platform for thousands of seats has Mr. and Mrs, Davis Furnas , Eighty-first Congress, as compared to 188 Demo. been constructed, while all along ferin sylvania Ave.spent the New Year's holiday wl~ err tic members; 246 Republi <:an members and one nue grandstapds arc being built in ,Pl'epal'ation for their son-in-la~ and dnugh er, MI;', A marican Labor Party member making 'up ~he the Inaugu ral ceremonies on January 20tb for Presi. and , Mrs. Ed, Payne and children , Eightieth Congress. One hundred sixty-two Demo- dent 'Harry S, Truman and Vice-Presid ent Alben W. at Ohillicothe, crats, 156 Republicans, and one American Labor Barkley, The ceremonies will, be followed by a great Pluty member who served in tile Eightieth CO\?- parade. It is estimated . that tlte tota\. cos,t of all , ReV', arid Mrs. R, 'B. Coleman en- g l'ess were reelected to serve in -the Eigbty-first this construction, in which many -thousand ' of feet tainod',the chutch choir at"a ,party C(,llgress. Seventy-five ' Democl'atic ,members wel'~ of seal'ce lumber ' have been used; along \\'ith ,the in thei~home 1081: Thursday 'eve- clectQd to' succeeq Republican,s, and ' twenty-two o'thercosts o~ the lJ)augul'al eel'emahies, \vllJ run Demo rats to, succeed fcUo.w Democrrats\ while one' mpr e than $350,000,00. A huge InaugUral BaH"(w; t.h ning: , .,..--.$10:00 ellch) Will be held on t he ni.!l'ht of Dem.ocrut l\'AS Qho$~ n Lo ucceed IlII ,Amel'ie!lIl Labo.t ~"k t, Mr , Robert Blatt, after finish- Pal'ty Inel~be~t.wo D0ll10cl'ats wert! e cte'l ill ll'" ~,"cn ti !!t h, Hotelt'o ms in Wash ington were all ~p ol'vild '\" t>eks ago at prices runniilg a much as ing his cOIII'ses at Ohio State Un!. newly Cl'eat d Co ngr \1.ssjo ll~ 1 Dishit'ts . 7wc' t) e ~ vorsity, t'eported Tuesday I\t amp publican s were elected to >,ucceerL fe llow n,,· U'. I: . , tIl'lIc> Ul' f oul' times higher than r g ular rate, wi th " .. ,,: mum occupancy l'equil'emc., .of f our (l ays. cnn ; two to :ucc~c, DelTllIrrnls; lind one to :f1I! a Lee, Virg ·nia. With fOUir essional suat. 0 r Lil {o~:1 HOll l: me lllnow Congr t'evj(l US sel'vi~e in the Ail' Corp!!, • bership ,ye ;,/(; he re w lli 1 0 1 ~ new .in tnOl:l' ,, l {ll ~?e t st week Ohairmlln FIugil Scott of the Rehe!' t ' -enters wi h Ute rank of Del1locrat S l,\nd 15 1 1111 ,Jjl'lllIS-lhl! til 'ge~t turn - -publicll ll National Committee issued a call for !l t.i utenant, making the army his VY I' in IlIpny YNI (S. 1l1"l'ti npo of the Conimittee to be held. in Omo he, f'Clll' ar, Ile is ~he g (and!l{)n 0 1 Mr, ~ , . , I,' n ll, In.nual·y 2!1th nnll ' 27th- t h,e firs Ireeting ·u4d JIi 'l 'S, O. R , Unglcsbee, 'I he hew l,nit >(i tato enate, \~i n 4>' ~1t,JO liP of 1\" rh(l O]\l !ni ttee sincf." th(' rlay ioil ()w'ing' the oJ!'!;" ---,.... 54 Detl'.l(l': lat. H lld .2 nc'rllhli ct'll~ , ' Il>' C(') lll)Ureri wil li "f t,he ReplI ))lican, Tatio'lIal Convention iSIlL ,TUlIi', 1' he li'1'fQltd~ hi p ' Cluh will lrIQld tho 51 t~epulJ lj "Ill n111115 )CUUlf:lti<-. '''ml\;(,. ,~, If I it if, e'xpf.'ot'(>ci thn plans for be futllTC of t he GOP if.~, mOllthly ~e~ tinR' II.t th feth - ()n-~d in the ll!hrlltil' h Con ~I ""l\, , t the h~it elt;c- \'o'il "e ~lip.l'll'lSlld at the ;11 E'otin g. .Mltny bOliei.-co ,he·tion ten n(,I1l'lC' I'l\t;,' 111 ,1 e I hli", 'I II . II Po t.l) , f' '1 ( !t'r;~i () I"';'he 'R t>llbUcan Committee m m;t mak(' QIIi ~l, p, t'lwt't age Wednesday, Janwcr ~ , , Dlml!) miic , 'w1 ('1h(,)' the PnI'ty should;; 'i ng f!ll' to U ll1 Left, ~1!\1'Y l.. t 2 p. ,Mrs, OolcmaTI (' (Ii! to)'~ t'llo!>: 1 (iv! ~ ~ " . 1 J1in I'!'- 'Ill ,', ,lies'l ~l'ok smen de~il'e, or if rnol'£' h',,,I;wiilll n host '8.' :'l/!, i~l(>d by ~'Ir., , u ', '!!(l 'ell HCliuhi lt lln I'I ,,,u' .. ,, "bli, I .. " ", 1 n lIuhl; an pl'i ncipl ~s shollitl 'f, folio VI' Tf "/ Hlitl! .. (I(~cfp(1 HlI~ r<.'(!,d('d f ',I" \\ ('fl11hli(o,n ,Ad In aTl,1 l1ehl\ Brndtloe . i q J ' L) po 's,ible that Chail'mll)l Scott mil. fl'l! 1 4 • • 1'I'Qi,rli'lt:ic l1 sln<I a 11 \' C:hBirmnll' ~I'I N ",
Fay 8 a • n t cr, diatmauisheci ', play1fright and aetre.., plays. 'the title role ill "rite 0141 Lad!! , 81ww. H no llell4"~" ODe of the , dramatiutfoDS ill G a E AT SCENES FROM G a E A :PLAYS, Pl'eKI;ltecl b1 the Protestant 'Eplacopal Chureh; Playk I are presented ClJc h Friday :It I '8 p., M., eastern 'standa~~ time,] corresponding per,lod~ ID th e other time zone~, ~ S'e 10.::11 , newspapers for tim e and ~t:L' f tion, The prog ram Urt! \ Ir.: 'scnted all exccp iunaHy b ne; ,,' - , tertainment, with ! .hort IDeS- I 'sa~ from the C '~rch; which I has a real value fur the listener ,:, ~ ." .
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to a!lS\/c r
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d Iv ul Fr·cffj.Y, He was remov A to liUali1' 1,', I1f.'Y H()BI,it I , b&1"1l Ill' mru'lb~ night
.tid ',) he
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$7.47 to $10.50 J
L:._~_---7~,-,' WIlJ ,,21' 'Whl!:akol' [()Ilk ' lIeI ·
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'NOW $15.40 EACH' 011 $10.50 P1:H PAIR
iami Gazette '
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Pu lll•• h'" oE~ Thu......l' -M~IYMWIU.. Ohll 0. aMlTH, 11IIter. Ent. ~etI a. IMlon,l. ella.. at tile P.... Offl. .
, " . ' AUGU~ . . F th KrumholU· ~A" 4 er .w.; r .. ~' Muses : , 8 and to A.M. _ . ....... ~\t .v ,.. ........... nvw..& InC.lnu
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rtf Mlulster T... M. ~I. MEnlQDIST atlJRat RB. Coleman, Minister Sun\lelv 'SCllc,Ol 9:30 a.m. t:: A e ··' .. 's t. a n Church ~, "'''' 1 0 :30 Lm. 110"' ~ ~ 'lJ.r~ up •• • J '1'-U u"/~e. St'iu jit. S ·¥orsb. ip service to. :39 ..... ~ e ! 3 'a.m; J """,t.. and ··Se , "~nrng rVlce 7: 0 p.m.
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TH,IE MIAMI O.ZETTE PAQ~ • proved. allowed ana conftrmed. ' , Estate of Lelia Irene Thomas, W AYlIJESVIL1!E. 01110 No. Uti, dee'd, Frank E. Thomas, ~minie TilURSDA Y, JANUARY 8; III. ) trator, .anal and distributive aeqouJ1<t, apprav~cl, allowed and Frauk 0. ' .o\.l1l:crson , confirmed. ' Harrell -Miralllla, G .l\J~'IJC S~hlell· RB:At. 'iSTATB TRANSFERS < Estate of [;elia Irene Thomas, . 'haul Il'Ild . Roy O'H lll·;. v ~ ,\ d I':. SberDtan Ro~ to ~orge' R~ dec'4, Walter E. ,Ayers and Mil- . ~aat, forectoS!!'" ot m~hanie$ and LiUi,n Wic'¥) lne, 2'Aa aeres in dred, Ayers Behm, ex.ecutor!>, first, lieu, Meryl B•. Gray, C. Donald Clea~'Creek . twp. . , final anel distributive acc<!unt, ap- - DUa~\lali, attc.rne,.. ' AI R. and Anna M. C9untrymrul .Ptl)v('d, allo\1\;~d .and con!ir~~. -, ._ .J,mea Ma~lo!J. RQblson Jr., VII to R,~be:t J. and Joan Graham :1 '. E8tate of Henry Heid.en. dec d, EJizabe~h Ann Robsio!J" • minor. Iota iin }'l'anklin. . ' HarrY Heiden, executor,; ftrat and diyorcej J . '1'. , Riley. I Miriam S. Denlon to Elroy C. fin,,1 aceount, approved, allOwed .• In the matter-.t the appropri... &ion of an ;Easement 'tor Jal,hww Den~iCm! 206.16 aCT~8 in aamiltoll . a~ eonftl'lnfKlt' ,) r'K~ '" ' twp.o" . . ..' state o~ Ever.ett Snider....dec'd. 1114 for c:haJm.1 eb.qe' PUI'pOHl -. S H.ow. al'd M. Snider. ap~IDted ad. . E . 0 \. Danton, to MI~~ • DeD- miniS t ratqr. Ch arIes BurlUe Wat· over the lands of Doiaald 'IJ. n.L. VOla, et aI, and nee_!')' in the ton, 19(Jl5 acret! in H,alpilton twp: ter Smith :t:~('l rlls Bowm~n ..... ~nmuctlon and il'llPl'O'Yemait Qf K~!DDet~S }V.oqley ' 10 AnI :f' rU. B. Route- ·No. 22; See~lun8 4170.drew' A. Wooley, .876 acres ,in Tur. po nted app . el'l. tloclleek twp. · , Fl~tate of J. C~ Qray,' vdec'd 11~7) In W.~n Gount1, 000. Ra h I ' Charles H . all:\Mer~. Or. " ad: Hl.hway Easement. ,e e~ E. 'forley ·to Robert C. ii i',J d P 1 Ra' II m nstratoJl 1ft., hurin. In the matter of the appropri•• 4Ul ear mey, '1''f75 aeresin set for Jan,u·~' 18, 1949, In. tlon of .an Easllment for hlrJa~J Leblnon. . .! " -t.. v. J.m, ;H.; and dee'd, , i!l!tate ' Friend. purpOles 'ovet the: lands of Oharl.. .. t .... S Cbir , les E!' ~ .,.. n,E.a:......I.,·ed JL JIol,lner, and Dace.sat)' in TM 4twa~~" _ay t les~ .29 acres in '>. I r:-. r r - .,~bl CoDltnJction and tmprov.emcnt of a"'r,n 1lti'af1, r ,'t , ," r , '. Hen- "'IlI'D""" ' and J J ' "-b U.S. Ro ute No. ~2. Sections (1704ItITJ S~ith, J;o .&.Ibe~ and .~ 2J._; {.D, ' . -.v S, 172'7) in' Wan eD County, Ohio. 4n;;a Lamb, 'lSR8 ';lre! in W~yne ap~£ed a-pp..aiee'rs.·' . ....... Estate of'l Lee C. Smit1t, dec/d, Hlpway EasemeDt, ·w .. ~. • . '~ . . . ,. " ., ~ " • Berth . R:asseJl ,a.nd ~~omi . ~m~o~ ,~ ta a C, Smith, tdmill\stra,trix, , Elslt' Spradl\n va. dbrl.e Jlerl~r~ L. and Ma,ble ,ft ~~ te . ellempt fro~ inlierltance Spn~nn . divorce, wllf)11 ablenc:e-l' .C. DO.nald Dilatullh. Thompson, 49.72 ,acres in De~ ell) Ahn('rln See&rce vs tl'rank Sccar· twp" • . ., Estate. of Lilly Woodward RardJc~seph D.· Fisher to ~Y<l Bays, ing,' dec'd, Adam ,E. 'B\:~dIe, exacu· ce, di:voree. extreme crue1t~, if. T. O:2~ aer.e~ ill H~rlan"""'. . . tor, .groas value of estate $34,72'7.- Rile,. ~ ...,. 0:.",1n ttl 86;....· _ . ":" , .. .. "'. m~le H8uf;c~.lI.nd Ans~1 k' " I ilABRiAGB I;ICBN8B Willi n T J , .....tatle of HUll ell, T. ~r ." !j"") ' . ' , l&lll <I, r.wl'". "., 1 aere ill ' dec'd . r l Jape " , ~~ , HeDI'f. Dlwanl Nap! ~ OlaDcel'fldd , .]1 . . .. ,.. v,. , ,'ltaiaeli",' IubeU. D,l...... ' Frnnk lind ~nJl'a at. to 't.~".... cjr\Qa~, , Std~ . Ke!!~-. C.(it' :m'\!~ .in Salem !popU:IS:~s. Carl BtUel, appalDteci Bonet 25 PraftkUn, MCHtarf•
. ' ~.,...._ FRI~DS ~~ ~ ' ..... t<C\(. Da~ Stanfield. Minister
,,~IIaUf Smi~b ~' ~rne ~
6~ '~.ltet:
~,-l.'. lp TnU-:t.:. 0 . ,~~y p'. Sunday opi to LID. . outJi r.....511 • . " , ;;. :()O m WorSliip ~ . It LIL Choir Pradlc:e' ~ ,.,.,u..cs~. . .. 7.45 PM lInCA J,. U. ,.a. OA8JI" ,., ~ , ~ J~ ,r .' . k~.~I._ Sbanrio,n ...... ..,S EPISCOP'''. ''f''~ ~ • _ . ,_, .... S V ,SchOOl 9:3.0 un. IT ....~!.L. \Ii il' ''' ""J _a M J r..' ~~l l~ '~eys, ACYqr . "Irs. . ames '4arnson. Surf. ""~lr-~ !~"nQ'I , ej.U .. M '" J.>rea~lnl I,sa and 3rd Sunja~'~ ~{l' ,~ y.o", ~l "''' .. "" , ' . ".. ~ IrieDtII ,o:-~o .,. m. Morn....\VorsJ)ip' ,SQ:30 «. fl., ;,.:.t:.nilllt ~18H ; :30p:.ll. .., ~ f " J' _ • ( --JI!IE"DS. ' . " " _:: _. ' t n1& ~METHb . ' D . JS't.. '-: . .f:', )<.-'-t~. .J4t:mn.ctte ~ 1O"J. Jr .•i,.~ ~ Iliiv ~()ol i)]!30 loa ' ( .IgIIIQIl" . ~ ,~. ' ''''~,'' r' ~JJa .Jr. Sleet, 0.68 atn!1 in
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-~~Q~f':om. .'J~~nne.~ Ha,1I ~,to~ ~. )1, ~.I,1l,. . GWp .M Sleat._&:I8aere\ino.~'t- .
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FnmJV.1CJl.I\n~(rsol1. per~ !dec'" > o~J::~~k...1... , ·M. X~l' E ,....... r-'''''f
Estate ' of Melia.. C. Conover dlo'cI.admln: iltrator"DBN, WWA, we of
.~l ~l. ~~
ant.; ,,,ted
;l:&.~ ~1~i-ott;Jllots In ~tIi~ ~H~
~~,al l~~~~~
*io:-~1I4 . ri., ~e; ? ~r ~ ~ilhtm,"oJ'~ , ~.frtfD.~". "" m'''''''g, to ...... the CII.... .~~ ,!!,lth .... . ~t)' M~hoAi!ft Men's Brother. ' , erQ ~~ .;. DC.t.c'I :ll MJ'~ an,1
~; ~Lt"~ ....... ts at,.Dort .lll1a- ' .ri, . !Jito~".a\iI f"ml l...· - . 'Meth ...-,. Qb ~lIon!!ay 6~~ ... • , ~~. ' "I~ ~A," , .et.urned . -: , ~, I. ~ ~~Chur~h, to her "
ftl8'•.J.1l\l..-y 10.;~t 8 o'cloek. Tile h~ he~. ~y. ~tAlr .,. ha,v! "g
Pra_'~'M!-JI. " * 1 ~.1 ~int.d ~~ lotlbt -llbu 'f'
• :lD 'I"
r W. ad Emma .y :to :lllir-
' Pa1l1hle Masten KIrbY to J ' . e
W. Kirby, 4 Iota in GaIther N. 8J!Cf'1I~lr~~Jd ~ lUA"lst. "!oft'maJl, 62.68 .eres In
]:toziol to ;ramel! and Mal~Y Jane MlllleD, lot in· V-Dll~ lin~:~ ',' .• ,• ., • I
t , ' . . ), . , c' La ,It a9~I , M'te~~'~~nol~l)to·FP.
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~AJ*Ord. m..r..YL.!ta7 PhilUpI.
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'10 SliO to 'ge on ltx.tl1tial kjraJ, ~e__ .• 183 det·~~t to PI'I' ~\B of ,lvlL ,
D. _ . -"",",. H. Sareeant, case dlamiued I' , wi~, ~o,... t I . "',..;. B Vii U' .~~"I,e . ~ JI)YII!·lIlben . W. anri -~r.I'''' ~,,;,.Otiona ,av.ftraJed·, pla":tttt granted 20 da,1 to 111. , ,ameDded petition. 1 ~lph H. Bun",ll vs. W-alter O• Krause and Rq, Dowlea, ease comp~omlled, ..~tJed and dllJDlaleti . Wlth prejudlct,e• • • In the mat~r " 0'/ The Stettler Evangelical , Lutheran Ohul'ch, In 1'. and The St. Paul Evangelical ~ut,t•. er,an.,_ Oh. ureh , of ', F1rankll' n, ""b·I~. l '" ., .'1nc., fUlit mprtgage ' executed prC)p~rty i~ amount ~:f '6800,
. lpent Cihn,~ at l1l. ,-h ome ot 11l't, ,0 In .Wayne twP. '~ her "ii.iD~~. IIPlt dallf~: Mr. ' Qorda 'E. and F.loil!e ¥uehmoro and~: sterling t~al Il " tam,Fred L aDd Clant Dleter,<lh. il)' of near Gteenfl~d. '82.2:4 leres ill Turtlecreek.twp. ' • ., " Mrs. Dolly Fraser, of German'Il town, was satJIl'dny avenin, g.aest'" .-JI' of bel' granddau~hter, Mrs. "Dus- ' ter" Ma;~il1 and {l1mily. · ,. . E,state f Mabel I . S tarkweti.t her , r ' Mr,s. MaV' .~. Pierson . and' son.. d 'd 'I 1)~ ,y 0 d La '· , ', The . -local Gr,ange . PfCS . ented a \ , John S.... erd ."we're . Sun'da" arter- ·gl'!)l1~ ' •• ' yijlue 1': , 'r, m n '. w, ,~eq,ub)r, bit:tbd ' M d ' ~' J ot es~ $6~265, il4. • G ,' ! ay Buppel' on ay eve~~ng in noon guests .0fMr' jand Ml·.~ lill:is E~ta'te of ErMlIt.rW. LacY, .dec'ct, , ran~ h,ll. . / . • Bishop of Wasl1'r\~on Cl ,H. ',.' \Vnlter ken' ri-k ad . . I t · " 'r ' M M' 'i\[ t' f 'n '. " c, mmlStra ot, , . NEW SUiTS The ' lAew editi on 0 t he Jonao',\ ' . rs. ) r 11'\ t) .a?'ttm, . . esti~te exempt from ' inneriianc~ Run B&pti~t Cburch ha~ be!:.n 'com. was Su~day ~est pf her Slater, , tax. , ' . ' , - , ." " Thelin.' Monds V8 'Sam' Mll~ds, cli. pleted wh ~ch s~es, as an extra . MJ:s. Mllry. S., -W erson . Pi,tate of Inez Brown Noble vorce. ,gross neglect ,of duty lnilt;la ; s l·oom.. '. ' Mrs .. Stell~ Vanc(I. ~Bsisted ' by dec'd. EVlm J. St.eddom, adminl!!~ un to provide, wHful a bsen4c, ~rid&e chilJ enjoyetl a j;(ew Mrs. Flora Jacoh,s, ontertained the tra;tor, jiled his fir~,t and final ' ae, Yell!; '; pa.rty ,l<' I'IU~ y . ' ~ n~ a~ Primary ) CI.~I! · of the Mnfhoqist e01ll11t, transfer. of real .e!ltate. " the hom~ of Mr. and Mu ,. Rhodes Church' at ' ilie country hpnle of , . E$~te 01 ~\Usa McCutcheon, . BunJl~ll. I\lr8. Lillian Carr was is. t'heir teacher. Guests were F'loyd aec:' d. , Horace. F. Fitzpatric. l'xecu': · $ 1" ,"11 t hostcs!\.La)'ton ~1Ii81 Lowen - Cleary, Joan tOj'- inventory ·apPl·oved. . " ~ral ladi~~ frGm ,jlQl'e were 'S~th, .ary . Ethel Smith, Donald , . ~state of Lilly Woodard Hardguest: ~t . a., card party .' TuesdIl.Y . II RbJI, Glorh~ ...I\nn .Jacobs, norotl~y lDg' dec'd, A~8 m E. Bridge,' e.xecu~ ~ ~'~. ng -at .t~;!\ hq:nc of ::\tl" . Pau l Carver, Da~)d , ,;sJ'()~ks a~d EdwID >, tor, inven ~ory approved. ' VaDdel' Vert in' ,W ilmingt on. ",F08ter ~•• l.r.he . ev~nmlr • was ,J~tate of Thomas Corwin, dee'd. Itn. J;'ruce :W'al,1ace and daagh. spent . pla~Dg' and deh~ht- ;:. Chest4!l'. Map)e, e~~utOr, transien, ~reJl and Cathy, of Oo&hOc- fill ~¥8hm.enta.of ~~l1o, rake ,'1011 ' . Ji' of.~J... estate. " ton, ...e Monday evenine d pu1!lCh ~, -a.erved. . . il !llta of Ella. Rldilel., dee'd. TUQIICfa, guests of MI'iI. ' lJa':fra )Jr... iu.l Fred \S,h~j)Od , ::~ed Ridd~ll, IIqmlnistratpr, fint ShlslakfJr, thejr granclm...otber• • ' , left Wed~)' JOJ.St..P~bQr.~ , anal aeeount, a~proved, al· guest 8peaker will De H; W~ 'Ni. IIOJItPf. director at special and 'ad~t ~lleatioD of Ohlo 'S'-te UJIi. ..euit)'. Hia topic will be ' "Role W~iC:h . the Chur:h ls ' Playinc in GeI'~nf'8 . and EuroPe', Becan• tr.uction." He ' has spent quij;e ~qIe time In EllrQpe and his tiJf)~ " )8 mucl! ill·"delU(lnd. '
j ••
M. Florida,~'" \he),
JIr'_~8.r ~un V...... will ~D,' . ,,~4J'!' llew Y_~ 'peA throaP ~ --.iiiater' IIIODtb.. , r 01 ifrl- I If.JI1L .Earl ' ...... lin. l __ ~ ~ fOimt' da',,' .r..... B~' wft.Cm~ , ........ of tIIII-"IIIIDtt;I' ~;,
, ) De J' 'f g 0l"ie:k '-';" ....... :- .....,'_ I-DJ& .....·W i .-. "._ ._' . ....~". 1Il~,.or.~:il" CeawIIt", ~j)
!,'. \
:a.II" ...... w~,
sWV' ~J!~l' ~r h~~
fielchhV1l. ' .~ ."•. ' , " 1' 1 \'. . .tt,t·Kee~r, ~" Hay.s to~Jlny and"Can-' tJ.dlhla arid jllatrilJUtive ~Jt!anette S 1IiIDeIall ftrilt, ' ,.f.tif"·,.... l \,.., H ) ~ • f' aul , pe1ICU. &.07 Ic:.rel In Deer~ IIletiIttII .... 'U . " '-_.1 I :ftekl tw'p. qec'ct: ha ariel to •. Jl'hi(enee BP.Pnt, 'adm\n·
·. .~~ed here ODMCOwat ~_to CJa,"!e~!J, ~ Coffman; fill , ~ ' iU ' - - ~ in WaY1le' ljrp.
" iaYitatlOD. to hia "...,;ptiClllllwa-
~ ""aooa from '
,",. C. A. Arthur, p,astor of
'WIllia. Ic~, ~~ JI~JIe~, .. ~~QN P.7.~;\s , ..30 p.& 1.80 aeres ..~ ill ~. • ,'I .Dr :u:~''~~;:! (;. I . -,..... ii8 '~~ ,t .~" • :IIU 1:.::. " 1Ifdl.~••fl , ~ ( ,,: W#lt: • 'I'l. ,n- eaR ." ~ 1, , P llpaj '
.~ W
.~ .,WI1UIIl(/...... ;'.· ... · ' lit......... ...;.'
an4 oOdrmed.
Mllk 'il rich i~ vi a d ,!,.. I\ ...:fil•• complel. ,. ';;oIt\i l1~ •• (I n!; yo" vet .more . n ~ , . .. Ie pc- ~~d~
fOr IUlt a
..... 1.~lhQ!'~ "tt
economy. Ih. Borden Vloyl ,~-
Pel1nr. ~r !'en"" YD#
JW II~ ~'''''J.' r . ,'
• .....
THE .JAMI GAZETTe ~A •• f WAnUaJVtLLE. QBIO, ., l\{o. 4402 'TH,U RSDAY, JANUARY a; 1848
, b· :.,... 'FOX
This, the last ' of ~ox .Holly's 'column appearances, will at le~st have the privilege of being the official organ to inform you about the Twin's newest equipment .• A spankinlf' newall-purpose Severn boiler} 'fIred by a Lennox ' oil burner bas I~cen installed. Boiler l'oom and <1 ;1' shafts have been 4tone o~r mil!ler the ' cr~,tiC;'DI ~y c o~ Carl COo~e ,(the same eaglll eye which ' served him Ill! ~-he . ~ gion'lI atar in1ieJdel'!).- Th :s' wmter , all Twin patrons, in "dlli tiOl{ to enjoYing tops in entertainment, will be well toaated, so don't wai t till SJlring ~o 'tes t. the new ')ay>Olltt , Th(\' new l)ooth setup, fir st booth - change in nearly two decades, will 'l>ut the opemtor in heaven, At Jenst. Sam Ruflman' 8~'S he 'w ill settle , for it Oil fhilt :basi$.• Thus, after one yea-r , . the , pre ent mllnngcmcnt has ae; ornplil1hcd its l1lajol' onl _ n better t heatel' than it has e Vi!t' t e'ltl. ~_
.Ray B' a i ate r, diltb.piJhed play1t'right ucl aetreN. playli. Sam. ' Raybum of B onham, Tuu, forHonorable In this first \'WITH A' BUCKEYE ' IN 'COJ'i·the title iA UTI. OW lAd,: mer Speaker 'of the House, wu reellec'ted to' that of~ GRESS" column tor the new ~il1).ty-first Concreaa 81towi. Hn lI.lim... ODe of the 'fiee to succeed HQnorable Joseph W. Kartin, Jr., of we wish to extend New 'Year's Greetings to all o( dramatiuilo_ Ia G .£ A T 'our readers, with the hope ~hat 1949 will bring to Massachusetts, Speaker in the Eil'·htieth COJlgresa. Mr, Martin in turn was .chosen, by the Republicans SCENES FROM G'a BA them .'n4 their's health, happiness and prosperity. ;PLAYS. praeoted b1 tile .Prot- , to serve as Minority Leader. Honorable Jo&n W. Mc" 1 • • • • • es..nt EpiJcopal. Churda. l»lays I The Eightieth 'Co~ress met and adjo~rned sine~ Cormack, of Massachu/letts, former Majority Leader, are presented .eal'h Friday at l die last Friday, December 31st. The only_ busines!! was selected by the ' Demoera'ts to again serve .in that p~sition dUJ:ing the Eight~-fiJrst Congress, 8 P. M., eastern standard time: tl'ansacted was the receiving ~ filing of numercorres,ponding periods ilr'{he '" \ . ' , ous committee reports qnd the adoption of a 'Joint . otller time zones,~ See I cul r As'.this column is being prepare9i, President TruRe~lutioD extending until Match '18th • the. ,time neWllpaptr.s (or time and ~ta- ! limit for the filing of recommendations and findings 'It\an i scheduled to deliver his ADI~uar Message on tion. "he programs a rt) prc-' of the Commission on Organization of the Executive the State of the Union to , a Joint Session of Con. 'sented .a uceptio~ll:r tine <:ll -' "Branch of the Government-better know,n ,a s the ~re88 'Qn Wednesday, ~January '6th, in Which he is Hoove!' Commission. The Eightieth COJ]gress offi- expe~ted to caU~ for the , enactment 'of legislation to terta1ameat, with •• hort cially went out of existence "t the stroke of twelve put into ~ect practically all of his campaigll pJ'om'8&ge the Church,. ,..hicJ. ises and pledges, Later in the week the Pre~ident nool1 on {onday. January 3m. Itas a real .. aluc lor the listencr. ~ ~. , WIll send his Annual Budget Mess/lge to the Con.\. . The new Eighty-first Congress convened at twelve gre~, and tbe first of next week h,e is expected to ,,'clock noon on Monday, January ard, wit}! the polio send another message to Capitol Hill in which he tical con~rol once more being in the bands of , the will. submit hii Economic Roeport. " . ' Democ:ratic Party, In the . House there will be 263 In !:ran.t o! the Capitol huge s9mds haye been Democratic members; 171 Republtcan me~bers; aud , ; one American Labor Pa,rty member i!1 _the ne~ erected, and a pla~orm. for thousan,ds of eats has Mr. and Mrs. ~ D~vi" F\lrn~ 'E ighty-first Congress, ' as compared to 188 De~o. been constructed, ,while all along Pellnsylv~nia .Ave., " -,peni: the New Y~'s holidaywit.JJ , cl'at-te members; 246 Republican member. and one nue grandstands are being built in preparation for their IOn-In-law and daughter, MJ;:. American Labor Party meplber . makiJIg up ' the the lnaugQral ceremollies on Janual';r 20th for Presi- "and Krs. Ed, PaYne and ehildre!), Eightieth Oonpess: One bundred sixty.two Dem~ dent Harry S. Truman and Viee-Prei,ident Alben W. I'-t Chillicothe•. crats, 166 Republlcau;, and one American Labor Bal'kl~y. The ceremoniel! will be followed by ,. great Party member who served in the Eightieth Con-' parade. It is estimated that tlte total costs of .all gress were reelected ' 'to serv~ In the Eight)',.ft!st this conltructioD,: in "Which many thousands of feet ReV\ and R. B. Colstnafl 'en- COl\greas. Se.! .l!ntt-llve 'Demoeratic: memtie1'll ."'et"e of Seal'el! !'ijrnber.lbave : .J)een used;' 'a long with ,the ebulCb chair at 'a party elected to suceeed Republicans, ' and . twentY-~o o~her i:Q.s~ of -the Inau'I'UJial cel'entomes, will . run Jut Thura(lay 'eve- Demo rata, to succeed fllllow DemocJ'atll. while <fne !pore than ,350,000.00. A huge Inaugural Ball (wi~h ~ ~~-- Demoe]! l; ~cIJ'osen t o sU cec<,l. all Amedcan Labci.t I; k('t ' r:t ~lO:nO eaoh) will be held lon the nigh,t of :ead,Y to 9:tS\'cr 611)1 ---'-" . P~l'ty member a~d ' t~vo DlIilloerats. \ver';., electeJ. ill ' tl'"" t'''~n t1sth. Hofel rooms 'n Washington were ~Il Mr. ~bert Bla~t, after fiplsh- newly cr eated COllgre8siolli1] Distr iCts, ", we've . e- l'eSel'ved weeks ago at prices 'running as much DS ,\ ,;ltK ca ll t'r tt e StUlla ing his, courses at Ohio State T,1nt. publicans were ,el ected 'succeed_ :fellow Rr;- uhl :; .ru'ee or foul' times higher than regular rates, witll , venity, I;eported CaDlJ! cans; two to suecern Democrats; and one _to f ill a ..... ~Il! mum occupancy requirement of 'four days. .,.,\, mCII 01 ~.\ I1b' :' "Lee, Virginia. 1'0• . yean new Congrcssional soat, OJ' Ule t,olQ -House mom.~ lICCiile.,t victim, previous Bervice in the Air COrpt\, bersbip of 485 heJ:e w!1l' bo 16 n~w memb~l's, 1&1 - Late .l8t week Chairman Hugb Scott of the Reh J'e-enters wit h the rank of DemocIIlI,ls and 15 R~publiclll1s-the In'l'ge t tlWT\- pubHcan 'National Committee issued 11 call (or a ) hi " ovcr in Ulllny c-ears. . • n,eet lt,/t (If''t.h Committee to be ,held in OJllaha, Ne} Lk!u tenant, making the army s _. •• • I)) fl'!l.a, .ra nllary 26th -and lirs,t treeting . , , of the com ml-tt.C!e since ,the day follOWing the c»1'(le1'. He Is the gl'andson 01 14r. 7 lId Mn, 'O, ',R, ·Ung~esbee. , ' Tlle,now ,United State!; Senate \Vl ll L> nd, ~ip o! . .£ the RePliblican \'National Convention las~ June, l\nd 01 ~n, 2 ~ef1ubliC'au.s, as C01" p red witlJ It j~ expec, t;e(,l .that ~)f\IWfol', the :£utl)re of 1 the !?OP_ ' - " - " ' " ",'t54 hoDell1!,~rat 51 ,Rf)])llbliCnns 1.,1j Do1t\OC Qtie Sel1l\tbl;; who l th Friilndshi)) 'O\u lJI will h,old " ,. " f h C ..J :t- bh 1 t, 'I \"iIl be discussed Ilt. tho meeting" h-lllny~be ieve e l't~.:Thta .... oJ'··blu meetin'" ,M ,';!.;. u e'l;h·. t'iQl'ved; 1n tl1~ .I!;~gh,t at . ~~gl'I.1S$1 Ii . e , ~ ,.~ et ,~j~~t; decision' t he Repnblic(\R Commitltee ~11!it lO!lke n '" .. emoe 'nf,,'.! <In<1 II e Re III elll ... en;,. ' j" whi.!thel' t )le pa rty 4\hould swing tp ,tllo Left, otiist n t1lonage Wednesday" ,J an1',.\.., to, :!n new De1noCla,tlC 1\8 "orne l'i\.lieal spokesmen d esire, .ot:' if moe tradiUlhy l-2 2. p, 1l'I, Mrs. CoJemRTt' CltllS<ll. ,tWCl' ; ".1 t.tollnl,ltOpll!)lieaJ) p ll ip,les should 1p fQl1o'wed t e man SClobt ml1 ofIN' hi~ . wl 11 Ilc:t 11 hOl;tes~ ns~i. ted by Mrs. "U~"~ dell R~i>uhl1can~, h~ f()~: n " bhll t '~j!; ,8150 possible thatr iOhair Actl in 81~y r.e~a B.rf,l.<lilQck', fet;ll\tot el cted l:Iucceeded f()~I<I~ Rt'f)I(h I ~lnll. . 1'('siguRLion' and a ntoW; Chllil'mall selpf:i to Fel'Ve In tc ..........:... • .his ~ l:ead,
• • •
,~ ~
",.~ .~
Tues~ay ~t
\~l~r ·~L."(I' ~... SU1~tOI'S ~nt~'
, 1;)em~~' ~
., -
" " ' - " .. . ,;.....
.., "
SchedUle Fri., Jan . 7, Carlisle. here
Tues. , .Inn. 1 f, Ki '~maf1, there Fri., Jan.' 14, Ma~oll. there
Tues." Jan. 18, W. C,urollton H Fri., Jan. 21, Open
Fri., J an 28,
Sprjn ~b o ro,
Fri., Feb. 4, Kings . Mills, here Sat., Feb. 5, Sprinj.!' VaHey, T
Wed., Feb. 9, Cel.ltq villc, there
~, ~~~--------..;.----- Fri. , Feb. 1 1" kiltsboro, there I
S'FANLEY and KOOGLER , , • (!'-:::ig d t y ' ph to~rn ~h e 'lI Wl":'e tl ll1 lJl w:,· '0 ' ' ,\Uvli, 4-1 style Wiitner fr" m f('e nvi l e, IOwu. pO. (' " 'It- . ~n~ ltion models. You 're wo ;:.jng which Is Bell/II L\I\J, c.
CASH FOR PEAO !;TOCK COWS $5.00, -H'ORSES $5.00; According to size"and condition Prompt, Clean Service
"or Dates. Phone 289+. W a v"esvill~ , Ohio. Reverae Chara..
.. '.;
All small tock removed
Wilmj~gton ~362
.JANES RENDE{UNG, Waynes . vill.e, Ohio
NOTI CE OF APPOINT l\1RN'r Administrator '.
Es tate of George E. P eterson. deceased. Notice is hereby given that lma Peterson whOle Post Office Addl'el - - - - - -.......--:;--'.::,.-,........;....... is WaYTII,sville,. Ohio bas h een rllll y. ,lippo.i nted ,as Adm inistratrix of the. Balate of Gorge E. P eter 01\ late of r syrie Township, l Wllrl'(!11 County,. Ohio, deceased. · Dated .thi s 5th day 0-( Jannary 1949• •
Alton F. Brown
~cting' Judge of th
W. }'fon County,
P I'obate hio.
Mnl'lt' I'nrl Mnple. . tY!I. G~OC K
Un Ion Stoc k
Ynrd L.ive W ire ;)n( Pron r l" ''JYc . ora i' n iza t lo n 58CQ nd 10 n o n" 't. .. i ~lv ,ellers . on th e ;oe.t 'II hr"ut1 d II1arhot in ; . H IlPuntr v. 'SI~P.V'CE
daughter 1 She'$ th.e one in the center waring her h ·me ~ ... " ~uit in beiae. '
No sport news 'along ' the ' Race Cl'eek' ·has been l'epol'ted .. . J'a ther imagine ·my; lnf-ormants arc Il!l . sleeplY 'with' rkey, :ciJlc'keD e tc, as' I have been . . . , .' oh, yea, .Bill Sawye~' did men~ion that t he .' in · . dependent team form tion, nnnHI still unllnnounc~, is to be o'l'ganiz·t • cd 50011 . While 0 11 bIle (l\lbje li f ba I tball , don't forget to glance at your McCIUl'C sJlon ~o r lld Wnynew ille Hi Le am schedule .. . o" w of the tOll$tllesl; games of t hc :ellson i bi I J Jan . 7, 110 11 Cal'· lisle aoes the Spartane' bf.lil~ wi,'k Better nave Y OU}" chal'g~~ ,ia .' g od,' cori(li~i().n, - Ed Porter, n/l t he ' \'isitors al'e 'Smnrtin~ p1ent from 1hat bl1!leball dcfe~t Y.\?U hnndell , them last O~t01)lll' whQn tlie Wi'l'O (If il -on·f vorite!> to trim ~ou . . • r JOlOW '0 well because alL01' U l l' ir C1vl'l'whelmin ' victory O\'~i- lIIH'~y"h\ll'g, Which I uln pived) 11 C;l.l' ~&Je l'ould think of was 'how ~l?1l\ it ~ol1M be l~nCk.t)f,f Wll.ypesvil le' . . . s k~ep yOI,lt'
,sATl sfIE
\\ 1110 Oavton
2: 60 E. S. T . '\,'ll 1 ~I; 'V' .V ('I~ 't:l: 4(). nl>d ;(\(1. fol' .'lu.. 111l\et r\'lllif' _ .
~r l1l\I' d
. x, ," d h l\Jled to hI va sm nl)I\OUU ~ ., meni , ready fo ' t he -194fl o?tball soo:s on ;. hut let's a d.joUfn , 01'1 thut s ll hjo~~ t (01' al~() hel'
" . edWall. . id yo u ,knuw t hot . Toni J!11C?1·.,
'1C(>. local Contl'iiJutiOfi to pro. f'I's,,-jOl!f1.l llll11; n$ in town for SB'V·
O· l 2 each ffiQrning 1·S·
afternoons except
7-9 aho'ja ' eve ing; . " ath, ; e er in~ by Appointmen l T E"utno F 6 2·R
oeo Service WAYNESl'ILLE, OHIO
.Dr. ,c. E.:Wilkin
Optometric ,.Ey~ 8p~lat. . etrnit 9tT;'~ OHlO
Beds to lie mn~c, hou~e to hlJ clean d, lO Ul' 'c lothing f.nd th A tamily's '" necd pr f\1'N'S1nlS U1d _. clcanilv"! ., No J\cQd to ,,,,'mi'" , h(\ ut (, Ii' r.lo~h1n g llllrt lU!yway,
it '1.0 b,'i nK
to Iclll fQ \1S, We'll a nil, tQ (hiq ll!'o\)lC1n, 11epcf\wi aHh' an' e SCnIOUll,. :llly_ '
I'\"rtl daY!;, F I<>TCllce had 11 stlcee srul SMSOtl ns an it,fi el rkr with , oltlrn hia, : ( S. C. ) , ill Lite , al1y 1.(0)1, whil:b Olu b is .pal't 0:£, our , Ci ncit'lnat i1le dlegs ·chain"!;, <lUI'- .' ing : the 'O~f'MllSon WnYne~v.il1~'.a only ho e ( .. t present) f in' l\1aJor ClI "' U ,]'rcpgnimoJl i s ' !It\:u1ying physiclll 'edu~tion ~t Cohli)'lhin Uni-' "(tl'si t • Ii Van' wis" dee.i .. ion u'a . /l.i l1l) ~"ng <lays are~ 800n andod And tlJll ones ,vho l'llmain' in bus~ hJ('!s ehpClcil;l>s aTe g'l1nern11y t hose , \ 'i tl, good e(IUclltions. ·MI'.nnd ~kl!. Robfort 1\1',,(' mmoll of AtiPleton, Wis';' nd . " ,TIlek Houlrl1toJ, lind df,tuJtllter of , I (J~ . ~~ltde~. BaY~ . / N, Y. !STlent.,)' llo1'{da.ys with '·Mr. 'and M't'~ It Unglcsbee ·a.nd family.
'TEEN.AGE $6.96 to . NOW
Ladies ,you'lI be lIurprised when YOIl Isee t.he smart beautfiful styling of Iheft Red Cr0lllt. bar.aiDII. Come in
and pick a bargain from our stock. '
Reduced to SS.8S 'a n" $6.85 ' WERE $8.95
to $10.95
,·NOW $5.85 and' $6~8S
,')uedes, calf ~ . Wae', 1'1_11, red, . brow .. . and '.. hlte, red a!ttl .... , f
Ladies ","en you cOllie in to eet the heat of .hoes at a bargain prire he "" re to I.-ring tile whole famn, with you. In tIlia' ad you'll aee good buys ,uti in m('n's. ~'()men'l a ..d children". shoes. Come in and help us celebrate , ~~~~__~n:"~r!F~j(~'h~A=U=i:ye:~::~,.~__~__~.____~ ___.....__~~~~-~-----
\\tJM£N'S PEAY sHbts 5"':
i r'
• •
~~~~~~~~,~~~ ~ ~'1 ZOO'PAIRS t}ltss sHots,: - t .._ 1";', vt.. -
. jt.98 ,
.~' .
~, '
. \
~re reall,. tile
allGe .ale
i~'I1 ey. lee! lust t,!ink fII , It
" t'
WERE .US to ~7.N NOW
. ,
Were 12.98
{ ..OW! $1.98
Men • • • ..e~~e aot ' onl~ ' " fe~', pair of tht!l!e' l--raDin ,~olfer8. Come In today ,Sllre ill order to tak.e advaRltage of thil ..rod
8ullii. ' "
fi6 P~ Plen',
OdD':". • • .
. . ..etao. at l"9~. Retlueed to ' ' ' ti.OO',o..e p!ir .t 0t.t e, .. er. WERE 18.'5 ....,....
flS.fI . ,
'7.95 retailei"l HIHnr for on ., .1.... I'Int line quallt,. t"rouilloDt .... Imart ItJUq. Ia ' black ",dent ' and cree... suede or calf.
.\ A Yl 1!:. VJLL F.:. OHIO
No. 44112
DON'T FORGET ' TO CALL ~s for insurance. All types of Insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown phone Waynesville 24 72 'or call collect. . Wilmington 21 11 .
11i1 fVr!e;~ Ohio SlUes
In Farm.lncome Tax This Year ·,
Ohio farmers, busy m'a king out I~ 'lEI. rm ~ ' ..... -r: ~ . t heir 1948 income tax r eturns, are finding that t hel'e are at leas t • thnie m:l.jol· changes whioh affeet WITH A LlrrLE ':EEDINt?tOR SALEhow L!wy will fill' out t1lf~il' ,fOl!m ' " THEY WILt. BEC!.ONI! and how 11111('1\ t ax Uu' y ;1! USt pay. .Wlllfti~ Vii§Iff~J(, § Accord'ing to t he new income tax S() Gal. Coleman Oil·burni ng hot law, ~ays Guy W. Miller; Extenwater hca tc·. 'B rand new. Ray sian fa l'ln ma nagement- specialist Mill er, WaY llCs vilJ~ : Tel :! (.oj, at hit) State University, ' individu-15 a1 incom e taxes are reduced ' LOSTthrough percentage reductions alld i ncreased eXemptions, SM LL TARPAULIN on Dec. 21 This year ,. for the fiL's t ti me , ,b~tween Elevatol' a nd • -,\t ,)I' hus bands and wives may t1ivitle Route i2? Please l'etUl'n to ele·· . '"'" ""~'::l". their combined illcollle equ!llly for vatur. Size ou t to l( 12. Re: • ,,~_.. CH "'o;'c. fili ng jo int tax l'ctur ns, T he new . ward. . . ( , -....-~ -.~~, leg i:l:ati II docs not.change, in a ny ,~ way, h o w ~.\'el', the method of conh ,. ." .. - F,' ,,. , ' 0 1...;;' -NOTICE' ; >A &AY, .~ ).;, ,<$' puting: net profits, Mil le!' explnins. - -~ , t·" "r. FIM Divid intc '1~l~o m es eq ually gl'V~s NOW OPEN . t~"'i;tl'E/(Esr. 'f}/G CON5£/iVllrI0N jarmel' .ulld~tll('il' wives a chance for custom butchering. Prompt At,1l0NS ~ f)/v15/ON 13SlIES to compute the amount of lax (tu service. Ga il Gordon. Harveys- ,'. ., : :,v·" ~,,~ , ,;··;:;.:;::;:o;:·; r;/."A(:J.jJ!.Ea~ Cjj,~C}" at lowet· surtax rate . The divided burg; Phone Waynesville 2006. 60 SOCIr.I I ,'.'VTf}"- ~ :.,"11 :;; , - vn,v income may be used only by per· ' .-.:...tnd ~ ~J '" DI~DS - FP.E,E ons filing joi nt retul'ns, bu t Mill r , [Jl1i~~. , SONfBIl~ -c.oL,~O f". beliQve joint returns are usually N'O TICE OF ntE ANNUAL best even though the taxpay er:s' ~ . _, ' . .' have ha d high medical bills 01' STOCKHOLDERS MEETING , ~ .'; , other unusua l expenses. • . ~ ~ -';t ~~: '. Far mers whose business yoa1' The Annua l meeUng of tb e Stockholders Of! the way~ellVllJe ,N ational: ·t\tlAo.-."""';;: • starts Jan,uary 1, ave until JanBank' for the purpCMIe' of the' Elec~~~ ItOLDF!NCI I uary Hi to file thei~ returns or an tJon of a Board of Dir ectors will estimate of t he tax to l;le paid. The be bflld at tbe ~anklng houee on IIJllOufit of the estimate must be TUesday, January 11,' 1'" lit I~to ~~~~:--:~~~~~~~~~~.;.._ _ _~~~~~~ paid,by Janual'Y 15, if that method ...._I~.., , is used.
IlJ .'i! r" ,
lam.. , m. 30'4':" CUbler'
WE WILL ALLOW. '2.50-" on Old B it: .Jlhur ba ry . A ~ ~ .
. ,.
Klf.I·'S Gara'ge'
NotiCe is . her eby ,p en 'that , .Obin'les E. Bogiul whose ~ost or.' fic.e is It. R. 3, Waynesville, Ohio has been du~ apPointed as Adminietrator of t he Estate of Waltel' E. Friend late-I()f Massie Township, W..rren County, Ohio, de-
Dated this 2~th day of December
Judge of the Probate <fourt
Ph 234t
,~~_~_ _-.;.~-=~.:..:-~...:;...!..;..;;,::_____ .•' r
Main and-Miami Sts
..., . '" Onto ·...ery~ . . Gray,;: :Attorney
.NOTICE OF APPOINTMEi lT ''''' ., Ad!Unilltrator ' . , Estad~ ' of Walter ',E . Ftiead d,~
. cease,
SEI P C,AL ·, ..
............ p.Dl.
" .
.,FARM , LOAN S ';. througl{ ~he
bJi'OU .~ ....... ~
:.r;:,~~:-:- ~~clJa... . v
JOUr to O~Ien.
JOIir ' '' lao"I{ '
" . , . DOt . . _
• ~ --: twa ~ '!"INa"..... Jc~ .. .. 0IiIii; '......,..
.~ LebanOl Na60nal ,farm Loan
... Karl D. Dakii IusarWe
.I.• ,
.... ' .
PARK · .
' .
A t l ee Plant -
rsaI Hits Crane,. , JDanap,r of Hartwood . spe ~ . Fanna, aaid the management was 573,.950' M.•.,. ~ , .well.."Jlleu¥, wi~h the dl..,.,.aJ. "
011& ot the largeet dlapenall of
Holitein cattle ever conducted In this section of the .tats waa flel~
'lIoii~e ~k,: tol,) ',bull to be, ofupt fered In -~, bro $5,400. whU. .t;lle beat.. cow of the Al", Mountain '~b Role , De-kal, told
for ,2,2&5. , " "" at the lairlrroands las~ Wednesday HolBtein tudela hom all Mewhen 87 ~talogued, Holsteina in tlonl of the Umt.d stat. . . . the Ban berd;.• veraged f8&O each. . preaent f~r the ..Ie mana~ b, , . '"
t~r. a cnnd total of '~~50. ,",~I
A. W~ Petenen,.of WleccmRD. . '.
~ Pb~. ~u. 20 E. lIul~, LEBANON. O.
r flY .mak. Or. mod.e l .....~o
, . ,FOR SALE ' ~ N,ew _. . Used - ' . Rebuilt
Hart ' Hl_~ , o ..tew
. ~ · r , j · Kahn Motor 'C ar
At-y ·"
OLD BAN K BLDG. OHIO 'A.MI'~" II. . . . . . . . . . . . .AIIY LEBANON, OHIO ... OlIO 'AIMIU • • •.HIIIY ,_ . +~ :~ PHONE 448 - - -. . .;;-....;.;.----. -~.;...-!!!!5f:!;.!!~~
ted aincd at dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan S tewar~, J. R. Hall of Lebanon and Mr, aud MrS. Rob~ rt Chane II of Dayton. 'rhe ' dinner was in hon&1' of tile blrth. nay.of Mrs, Wa lte r · lark J r .. MI'. a nd Mrs. Lesli Gray alltl M·ll. an.! Mrs: Deat·th, She Iian and families attended t he wedding of Gel II B Urnet and Jenn Hlltt at the Ridgtl"~ ill u Chu l'ch un Fl' idil~' eve· ni·n g al 7:30. T~e reception wa I cld at tile home, of Wilbur Butt. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. J ones entll rtnined at din ner 011 Satu rday evelling the followJng g ~ests Mr. a nd M r s , Ca rl Picke~'i ng ' of Cen· lcrv ille, l\hs. Margaret JO~tIS, Mr . and I t·s. Therle Jone , P aul Joh ns I and ~[\lton J ones. )lr . and Mrs. Fl:ank Brown and C. Boitnott oJ,' Tipp City, MI'. and Mrs, SpclTY Boltn.o tt of Troy , and • 1\11-. and 1\lI-s. William Tinney and chihl1'ell of Waynesville ' were. gu e~ts Qf Mr. anft Mr s. Guy Ront. zn-lm 011 Sl1nday: ' Mr. 'a nd Ml'g: E ar l Thotnas ' of Centerville were din"e!' guests 0 Mrs . Ma rgaret J ohns 'and Paul Johns on Th~rsday evening. Mr. and ',Mrs. Clllrence . ,Hopper • of Dayton spent 'sunday with Mr. . and Mrs. Leslie Gray. . . E. B.: Lo~pcre. returned to his 'holDe fl'om the Miami Vaney Ho!!pital aft.e r havinlr a catarac't' re • ' moved f rom his eye. He is gett ing
copy ,r(1~r the ~xpay~r to keep M.... Nettie Emrick SpeDt last . for hi8~~ords, and , It is good week with her daughter ,Mn. Leon busin.r.~'o keep a ,coPY of ,alLre.-. ~all.b!1nJILWashlnrton C. H. ' tut....;f1••d he, adds. ' " The Woman's Society of Chri!!t-, ' County 'agricuJtural agents ill ian" Samce 'will meet with Mrs. c' each coan~ have reCeived a limited G'eclqe Weller on ' Wednesday. II1IIIPlf 0( ' new booklets, .ntitled . • 1'. and Mrs. Paul Slagle and "The Farmer'lI 1948 Income Tax," children,. of. ~nmington and Mr, which, Miller says, w.itl be of help ·.aDd Mra. Ro.. Roland of Harveys· to any ineome tax advisor will) burl were dinn'er guests of )11'. assists farmerll in making out reo and Mra. P8:ul Shipley on Sundl\Y. turns. ,
(HAnus AurOMOIILES LlAIiLiTY "4 Way FaR. IN. •. , URaNCI" in dI. 0bJ0 Pumera wW
-". '
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark and
~Ir. a nd Mrs. Waltel' Clar k JI' .... n-
!;~ copl~sb of ball, old the fOl'ms ~. .IOAllA'n · nices'~t' h: ' :.'If .d'" . .' I t ' . !nay e' 0 t~me at a post , ' .'. , :' . ,III. . s ~ .er~ ~ para Y Ii! - 'office, ~r bank or from the <::01· . stroke la8~ we~k',b~t I~ ~ml?roved le,etOl'\ ot Internal Revenue. One at this ·ti~e. . . ' .
4% - LONG 'TERM Se,curity In mind
for '49 ntE LAND BANK ~
PHONE' 24 ~
,,Three Changes
. mmitage& Son
WADaiiaua_ )(~' .Oi,.-I
~O", ""'"
'..C, OHIO o., .'
:J)eatlM . '-
,Mrs. Mary. Edwa:i~ds Starbuck
Th Waynesville' Civic Club wiD Frame died at Pasadena, Califor- meet ip the Methodist Church basenia, January - 10, 19411. . , ment t-ooms Monday, January 17, She was 'born into the' Orthodox . at seven o'clock. This · being the Friends ' Ohurch ~ W~elvil1e, Ladies Night meeting, members 'are Ohio and hUd ' lived in Pasadena t o bring their wiVM, After reading the caption 011 the l&at twenty five years. Mack Sauer, bl,1morist and editor She is survived by three sisters, of tbe 4!esblirg ~per will' be l~iB column p,rhaps YOIl, expect ,to , ·,."VINca WAVNUVILL. IINCE ';8aO find choice tidblt& of ioulp herein. Mrs. Iqdia E. Treamlail, and Mrs. the .speaker. . E. E. Greist of P.-.dena and Mrs. :'1'he banquet wiU be serv~ by This is not the ease hOwever I No. "OS FIV,E CENT8 A ,COPY may be able to give you something - - - - - - - . . . . . : . . -_ _ _ _ ._~-----......;~---Mat1w.Ua . Gn st 'Of l .eltat B~h, the women of the ch\Ulh. Florida. ' to talk about. WA¥NIU.~ILi:_E. OHIO ., TRURSDA Y, JANU ARY IS, 19.9 TWo Mondays of the new year , ••----.:..........- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - J Funeral services and interment • have elapsed wit hout a si"Wn ol tho Mr. and MrfI. F~ Rook had a s were in Pasadena. V1illap garbage collection. . Being " Friday afternoon ~... Mr. and a person of eonsiderf\tion ' f~r the Mrs. J. Eo HoOk and two daugllters . CLARENCE R- FRBlSLANDvillage officials I do not WIsh to ., and Hr. and Mrs.. Lealie Hook and Olarence R. FreelllDd 150. died criticize on4y suggest. IOn. Tbe¥ had 8!l S&ttmlay pesta, at bls home WeClnescia7 January . . In past years the fLUI d fol' 1._ a MI'. at,ld Mra.. Frank Hook. 12. He lived on the (;on'. far-m, f) , . . tIli'S sel'vice have run low and la8~ .~ 'tJ1,IIIj _ where he had farmed, for ·the put ."'''\' . year- it was completely depleted. " --~... f District 21, Order of 'Eastern Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm had twelve years. He diecll ........ellly 0 Star, .held the 18th .session at Leb1 expect t hat thlll service is to Mr. and MR. J . William Strouse Jle&rt attaek and pl'l~vioua to this a-n on Tuesdav, with Mrs. Milbegin again soon and I know most were Friday evenine egesta of Mr. as Sunday dinner gU8IItia Mr. and atime had not ' b een UL ' ..... , of the residents will welcome the and Ml'II. Clyde Fromm in Spring- Mrs. Melivin Banta of Jamestown, ' . '<ired Hammond, of Q~ield, 88 and were joined ..t supper, by Mr. Sp.rvWina are bis willi. Elvena, president. The aehool of Inatrucday. Although not entirely without field. son, Charles, at bome, hi. tion ' was held dUiin'g t lie aftera ' collector, the people who subMrs. Charles Mehafne will b~ and MM. BAy Hawke 01 Dalton" one mother, lIrs. Anna ~land of 1'ICribe to this private enterprise hosteelto ··tihe Woman'. Awd11aI7 and Dr. and M.n:t. Ralph Vance of HarVeysburg, two brother. Oilcar noon, in charge of ' the Worthy are Paying twice, oooe to the col· the St. lI.ar7'e Ch\lJ'Ch M her Wil~. iii1'&. Sadie Reason remains quibP. of Kinaman and Cecil 'of Paulding Grand Matron of Ohio, Mn. Della lector and the other time hi taxes. home on Priday ~ .ill at the home of her dang-hiler, County, Ohio, and Qil<E! sister Mrs. Dolby of Ga'oveport, Ohio. The When this eervice resumes this Minnie Klein of Dayjl;on, ,Ohio. Lebanon chapter, exemplified ,1ill' ,Ml'8,_Earl Hockett. ko r . . column suggest, SupervlBlon : ru· Mra. Obarlea~ will Fuiteral aervieea ,lriIl be held w , lIr. · and . Jba. Walter Sheehan ' lea, and Bclledules. home ~ the W. S. C. S. of the had u Sunday evening .upper Friday January i4 at 2 P. II. ,at Ne.w offlc~r8 for 1950 elected 'Cl Fu 'L b . h, were: ' Preetdent, Hrs. Harriett Supervi.ion in ~ mUaf as need- Methodiat OJiurch on Thursday af- pesta, Mr. and Mrs. A. JI, Stubbs the "<r me ure .nera ome Wlt • W t Mart' '11 ' V President es , msVl e , . '. leas time b,,'t paid. temoon, 20. with h.' J . and IOn, and Mia Mildred Bourne. burial in Miami Cemetery, The ' service. will be c1 0 nducted by ,y·ra. Mattie Bolin, Franklin; Seee . J. BuJ'tSke, IIw. A. H. Stubbe, Mrs. Rules 80 that bulky, materia~, R. E. Asbu~ and Mrs ClarenCe ' lfaiottey 'Moss~l'8turDed to bis Chaplin Dallas Donahue of Leb- r~tary, Mrs. Elizabeth Carey, Ne.... 80me which is entirely out of the RYe as assistarlt hosCieues. Vienna : Trea,prer, Hn. II&r)" home from ~t HoaJ)itaJ where anoll sanitation. line handled. ____ . Collett, New Burlington, Mrs. be wa. confined f or ..~I weeb. Mattie Bolin of Franklin Cha.pter Schedules perhaps collection The St. 1.1.".'. Club met .t the CBARLBS RAYMOftlTD SMITH..... was ' appointed the new Grand h' Rectory on Sunday avenine. The Kr. and Lewis Fires were every week and a half or two, t III regular busineea . .slon was held Charles Raymond ' S m i t h , Representative of Soutb Dakota. would be 1l08l1ible' if rule~ were and Dr. BreWton BelT.f, Profeuor' Sunda,. dinner guesta 01 Hr. Mrs. Paul Barley and daughter age 42. died at Miamii Vaijey Hos- The meeting for 1~50 will be held pital. DQton, Ohio, ~rl.U!aday Jan. in Waynesville with NeW Bur-lingmade. of Sociology at Ohio State Unl- Mary Lou, inD&Jlton. on Suz:t<l&y. uary 11. He lived hila entire 111e ton as assistant hosteas. Thoae at;.\. . , venit)', W88 introduced as at . Mt. Holly and ha.d worked in .. i I 1 II'8IJiddl"' " d of ' guest .apeak8r. He mose for his M w~ Farm.... tiranlJV 13 DaYton for tbe Monsanto Chemical tending from Miami Chap~r were ' ~oJ' 0 C l a . . . ~ subject ·'Reee He_tions'," and Mr. and Mrs. '~verett Earl,., Mr. ~oun.e those whoee namee are 011 , " , will regular ~ on and Mrs. J. J. ,'Burske, ,\ lrs. .WU.. our ~ubacriptlon Un are ....onder- , ga~ to bk 1IcteMn, • .,...,. Ine S&~ eTeDiDir. JaoUrr 29, the OomPaDJ. - He died a rhumat ie heart. COD- liam Strouse. ~. Bertie · MtUt, , t Ilalk. A fOCial boar".. enloJed i1!g what s happening 111' the Gu- • With refree1lment. ..ned b)' Mr. ebaIIge due to allMltlnc to be held . ditio.n_tollowing an illness of about M,r a; Minnie Fromm, Mrs. J _ 'in Lebulon on iIlhe 22ud. ..tte ofllc.. In . . bwo wee~a and M Jadt Bobn. • thNe months. Prendergut, Mrs. r. C. St. 1• • the, bave Jlad four diUeNnt edl. . l'S. __ . He ill IIlll'V1ived by biij wife, NeI- Mrs. E. ~. Earnhart. 1m. -8tItaley " ton. Firat Carl G. then lIrs. I. ~. Mr. and lin. R. b. lIoler, BeV'. Mr. aDd 1In_ Thoma Baynie ll" and one ~rother Geol'l'8 of BaU87, Mrs. D. C. lUcIp,. . Smidi and her u.ociate ecltor and MI'S It. B. Colcaan, .Mr. and and Mr. aD4 . ' Rou H. H.rt8ock\ 11m. Frank BIHIk, Jr., ' Dayton, Ohio. .Joe ~oek. now me. All this .; Mrs. K. N. Ho.. lin. Oarltott of wullJDatoD. Com HOQH. 'Mr. Funeral servicea will be held Beckett, Mrs. Paal ~t and , d1ance glvea rile to tbia queatlon: CoOk and.Harian ~ atteDd- an4 )(ra. Boward Ce,M eman, Day. Sat urday arternoon at 2 p. m. in Mrs. M~nin Smitla. : ·'What'. to b;eeoDlL.Ot our. local eel. · ~ at .... I'raU1ln tlCIIa, od J. O. Wood 'Ud daqbter ~he_ 'Mt. H.ollY Methodiet', Church . ne~perT" ' I "oa11 a~mpt to MetbO'dlst 'Obvch OIl Sunday aft~ of oeDtlBmue, were ~ peats with Rev. &arff ~n. chNge. , • IIhecl a little lItbt OIl tile subjeCt. emoon In the 1 - . - of ~M. ot IIr. _ )In. Fftd Hook. Arranrements are il1 charce of In two Weeks a new publilbed &hall VADCe for Christ" .p rofram:. , the McClme Funel·al· Home wi~ be in fall darp per.hape be IIl6J' ~~ interment In Spring Valley Cemewn allow! ~me of the entwbile etat)'. ' . ' edlt.ora to h!ma arouDd bat s~. ina for JQMlf-not ht tbis capacity. AmuI~enta for the sale .are ncnt' bel. eGID,pleted and b, .The Pronut week I will be ' able to gi,• . grealv. BIIIIneu Women enjoyed , the com.,l. -t)'. . tb81~ Jan1laQ ~~ , with lin. w. B. lIadd~ .. h. . . . at her Mr. and Mr.. , 'Ramby,and . home. ...tned b7 . lin. Mr•. and IIrs. Vincent' Jtanl1~yand ' GraUIlWl, Mn. AUoe qron ...:' son of Darton. weN ' reciiiIt caller. t..t week the clJmu of a 111'1_ "a~ Sheeh&. '. , of IIr••nd lira. Ed Ramby ,and one ,year propam in theau. Jm- I Followtilt' the . . . . . . . . . . ., .-t.mUy. : provemeat. A "8ellVU'O" BoUer Mrs. Ra,Iph HaatiftcII ,... m iD8~led by WUlIaIil (BfU. the ~ of tile program. ~ and " plumber) &.,... eomplete with oil DaVid BrowD, in CHfiame, ~ Mr. and Irlra. Jolm J . Baraloe aDd burner rounded ' GIlt ~eomfort ' eel "erro- with. weal dIM, -.,. Mr. and Mre. WiDlam IJtrouse Pl'Olft.1D. Earlier In the rear n...... ~matts." &lid "Juanita." 1Iiw. . ." Sun~y dinner peats of rel- " atives In SPrinl'fteld. ~ . . weN, InatiPlDeed. Baatfnga .P/D - in~:'~:;::~~:i~I~ 'A,ocordiDc. .toBol!ert o~. view of the ,II'" lIon1, , " owner and . . . . . the Twin, By The ~.. and 111M , .~ G...n ~n wiD condUct 801lJId inaurance 'haa. lM~ taken out Moreton plaJed mallt eeleetiouOll ttie ~n • .· and M1'I. 1[. N. to ....1'Ultee '1iI~beel~ .unci pas. the pfi&no .and plared' ee~ nuaBouth .I )IM! chat,. of the PI'O'. ·Db. with the recentl,. lnftalled ben for; i'1'OIIP' sfnc'bIc.
p . I'
Local O.,E. S. _MembenAt
er60 . na
D."stn·ct Meet
r-----------_...;;...______ IN THE NEWS
, Twin Gives Comfort and
Entertaiirinient law
lIew projectOr,. .
Mr. and )[n. Leonard Tinney I ~ 't nn Sunday evening to !pend -, rt'mainder of the wllltt'J' In Florida.
. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Van Winkle of Clo'ftr Bottoms, I~,.., aN an.l\OQ1\cinc ~ enpgement of tJae,r Oaupter, Mlu iJ[a:~ Van Winkle. ci£ Da)'tJon, to IIr. Rt~1Iard Camp. bell, eon of Mr. and lin. ~ Campbell of WaynesviUe.. No da~ h.. been let for the ,..~.
Lt. Col. and IIrs. Gtll'&ld Branch Waahlncton, D. C." 'haft ~ tlJrDed to tWr bome jIfter ~ 11lI' ~ IiOllclaJ'l wI1IIllr, ad lira. L. K; 80uhld andllr. and Mrs. S, . L. RobIa.. .... .... .
Dainty ·~trellhmenta .....ere ~
during the -=ia1 hoar.
The Miami Gazette BBTA.BLI8BBD 1.5D
Publi.hed Every Thunday At Wayne.vllle, Ohio
CARtL G. SMITH, Publisher • JOSEPH .E. JAMES, Editor . • ,"ered . . . . cond 01 ... matter at tb.· Poat Offl.c e. • SUBSCRIPTION RATEI' . ,_ $1.60 a V.... In Advance ,at
With a 'B uckey_ In Congress. e •
By eLI "ENCIt J. POWII "-. " ,,,_
. , Co. . . . ..
It' nil officill] now. Cal'l'~'ing out II Consti t.uti OOlll l'equil'ement, the Congress met in Joint Sesshm .on la~t 'j' lI»t" dI1Y an~ cnn va s eel tIl' ele tornl VOle 1<'1 Pres;.dell t and icc-PI'esidenl. .-\t t he nd 9f th(' fOl'mal cerenlony i t ;was off icially declared that. 30 vote$" halVing h\!e n VII ·t for I{IIl'l'Y S. Truman· for
'I" 0 .... D"....
crea"e i~ the nation'S: 'mi l'ita l y powell. A Civil Righ t~ program to do away wi th all discriminat ion in publie pla c: s, eduoation and socinl contact j contil\ua.tion <>f Ame1;can ai d and coop cr:. tion with foreig n na· iions ; re-ena tment of the !~t' CiPl·O (, l\.1 T l'a~ie Al'gee. F,l mt la w, full suppot:t to I h \! Uni ted Natio ns, Il11d !lUI' more active partici pation in world ,,/filiI'S.
. . ..
Presi-de nt I\no Alben Barkley for Vicc-P resid, nt t{l -(01' th e De wcy- Warren tkket and PI' ; . id II Truman pledgeci his Ad ministration' to a 39 f01' t he 'Th urmond- Wri~h t t iCket, Mr, Tl'llDlan an!! n~ !;ional fUrn! pl'og ram .. t' !' III t ing prosllerity Mr .. Bal'kley WH e elect ed President and Vice-P;resithe Nation" through 111 11''' oIIQu.r tlnnt ll.wc\uct.ioll, dent , l'espectively, While President Tru man l'eceivecl -1 l'i t.y of a gricult ural inc.. mr allll' high standards 0[' a he~vy majority of t he electoral vote-which is t he I "Ing on the f a.rm . He f urther st.utlld: " Farm ,p r ice only vote t ha t re ally co~nts-he w ill, on J~ nuaiy ~ u pports are an esse n ti~ l plfrt of OUI' program' t,~ 20th become one of t.he Jew Presiden in AmellicR ll achieve thel'\e ends," and ('al : d for action to expand hisf~l'y to be elected by a minorit y of t he pOPllla l' the use of fa rm pl'ociu :., Jt home, plU'ticul nt"ly vote-foi· 11 majorit.y of t hose who vot e\1 on No.v.e.mi. m-ong low incom e g r u p" presumably thr ough be)' 2nd marked bheir ballots fo r one of the othpl' w me sort oI 1\ fo&l- tam p plan of dole. F or the gen PI~e sidell tia I candidat es. eThl ,public he called fo I' PII sag-\! of ) ~~sl ati or\ to .. .. ·h ver an additiol\al 'e ight to len milli on pt> !' ems U\l I n his t1 l1l1ual me»sage 'on the Sta te oI t he Uniol1. del' Socii! Sec ur ity, and for grea tly inCl',W !\crl Uc?'Ie.~ li'lel'ed t o a Joi~ t Sessi on of the Congress last cflt paym ents to the ul1 cmp!o),,:d , nged, s ick 0 1' cl i~ Wt'dnesilllY, Pre sid ' nt Truman Ji ved I1P to pre ri(\U~ . nbled. He a!so suggested th a t legislation be en~teti pr edictiQ n" nn d ca lled f or leg islat ive enactment 01 to smoo h out the "boom (\ I'bus~" cycles and to praII ~et' ieF of Ill'OP O ~8 I s which will,- if pu t into effect. I...~t dop.r essions by mald ng busi n s, industry :lIlti swing tili .natio/1 f ll r tc? n.e Ldt. He askee! :f01 ag ricuJt ure, as \vell as t l: o and a Mlf million CovR() \\'Ql' t o (,Qtl ti n u(' cont.r.ol fi ver CilnBumcr and bank ernJl1ent empJr~ ~'Ci!s. a ll haPJlY and prosperqus ill a .(' ·t'd~ ~~ ; ~ o rel\u l a ~~ specul;ltion in comm~itie s , con- land 91 pk<il Y a nd low llr,iees, t l-ol expor ts, cO:ltinue t.l'ans.,or tation priori,ties and /,'" . , . • : p ~tah! isl1 n system of priorities 'and al· ~Accol'dillg to ,Mr. Trumap t.hc cost of the new al 'OCAtion!! '. ;. UGUSTrNE I ot'~ tions f . F.l·~l·~ materials ; contin~ e a ne! UtOpia. pr oposed in his Annual Message- on the Sta te ~ .t ltl(~r t\ runi.hl1ltz. r' n ~.)t of the Union will ,be an additional four billion dol~ V\;bSt" 8 :m j 10 A. M. S I'CI1ll'thpn r elit cOl1t rol; fix Jlr ~ce8 and wag.' adjust.ments, II-nd study ' and authorize governmenl la ~s a year in taxes, ou t ()f which 'he J:eels he can fil)ancing ; ' C ';lstruction . and operation 01 industrial al 0 make worthwhile . ,ments'on our natioT)al debt MT. HOLLY M£mODIST pla\'1'! f or proc\nctton <if 'commo difies 'in shor.t supply. - a,t prer.~ nt two un!':> and ' fifty~o billion dol T. .-" . ,·.carff. MiniSter . . .. • .. . .' •This additional lour billion dollars in taxes. th\), :,unalt v Sch(.oJ 9 :30 a.m. President ' proposed to l'llise througb an ' incre~ in ,. , Presid~nt Truman·. \j'~ .his appearan,!le hef~pc Con~ ' gress, also demanded repeal of the Taft-Bartley La- tax~s ' on corpol'8tkm~. on Ule es~te8 of those \Alh ,) J E_A. Eanlhart, Supt: .\o {)rl'hip ~t'rviCt: : (I ,;3 {) a,m. 001' Law and l'e-enactm!lnt ot t~~ . W~ Act; in ' die and on the ear1lings of those in the middle 1Ill;l •·ttl ~rtg . Sl!r v ice 7 :30 p.m. creasing of minimum wages to !it least 75 cents an higher income brackets who may continue to JIve ,!ll . houl'; streng thening of the~ anti-tru~t law8 so -a8 t o t is gTca.t la nd of Ji ber~y a nd oppol'tun,ity. Students fUl'ther restriat business mergers~ and consolida-. o:! gover nmental costs estimate, however, thot putCAESARS CREEK FRIENDS David Stanfk Id. Minister tion ; vl1'" ·develoRment 01 various river basins along t~ ng into e~et the President'. proposals would r o:l5ch 0) 10, •••• the line 01 the pn~8eT)t TVA, to f.urnil'h power, pre: quire a-n annual expenditure by the Federal ~ Service t t a.m. ve nt flood s, and pr<n"ide water for inigatjonj the ment 01 somewhere );ptw'Y.:n sixty and seventy bilbuilding of' many new public }lOwer plants, publkly lion dollars as against Ule present lorty-tw~ billion U '8. M.II1D(lt owned trans1t1ission linee, to .furnish '1OWer rate!; ' ,loUar budget. The.t . Mr. TrIlman'" new program, • ~'""""'. . to ~e c()nsum er s ; ,adoption ~! a' public bea I~h plan . which he .calls "Fair Deal'~ i.J\Stead of "New Dwl." .~J1annf~~\o ',: ·t~ furni,sh citizens With me~ica,l , ~Jl1'!ling -an~ h\J~- will be 'r a.ther ~x;perlsive .J i~dieated by. one legiala- . " " . ~ ,!l'.m: pital service thou t: !ieJay; Fed~al' :aid to loc.a l ti ve mea sure a.IN8dy introd uC!ecl 'to carry out but one parrlson, ~ upt,. . . seh'flOl systems, mclud:ng construct.on ot new' sehQol his' suggestions-the bill by Senator Ellender ?f, :\ rd SlJnp~ys. buildings nnd hi l;het pay ' for teaehet,fl; a public 10 I .ouisillna ' on public hOll sing which if enacte.d, wI!1 mi)nt[w ' . 1u::JC;I"a.m. hou sing Jlrogram to clear slums alid fltrni&h at leal'lr, :"'l.lone coSt eighteel\ billion dolllll's- s nd d~:I I .., . c r .Ct;S ,~_ ,, /; QP·Jll· a ,million low·rent housing. units, in addition to Fed- lion dolla:'s is a lot of money- in fact, it. is elgltte~I" I ~T' F. I"~ET'HO'Ol~ r . ~r~l,,~id f or priv:\~e' Ilontt~~ion of o,t~er homes: ~s- hundred million dollars-a fa~r sized chunk of c.'Ish ( ~ :; RC.H . ..:~> ,a'" tabllshlJlent of lT 1ver\\lll-tmll tary tral.mng and an 111in lIny language. ! J \ J . " ''[lli.) '\ rers. ~ ini 'k ,r • :- n. ~h :'" h;" L ' \') :yj ~ .m · " Jan.Qary 20 at 2~. M. at the home - - , M ~ , t( llt'~ ~ i'\ hj r .; ~! r r~ ~ 1(" of MT~ ~!abe)' ~vi s , ~.fllll at...:._,_....-....;;;...~ \. ,::-1.0 ' :- c;r 'l' kc! I O, :J O ~. ~.:-.ttlnd,an, I\c', 1~ \ d,esll'ed. ' /... fme ~ro, -'-'-.~.' ., grlfiil IS pelltg' nrt'sn ged, Lnforma: ERHY CHURCH O F' tHRJS1" "'i!rip~' .$atTiered sit the Franklin, meet- . , I • H ' " , - , tr m il be r eported .. I. y ru.!l vC·. ," . ,. ~ ~l , .' '( fI. NO :MILEAG~ BASIS Among t he ' !,d" : ,,:1 , , I \) ,,> 0 a.m. m any ,ch ~ l)ges that hn e over taken '" ' 1)!!1 ' \\' or h i \, 10 :30 a.m. tJ1C~ [u net'al dir ~ 'tO I"S bu ~i1l es s , none. !'rrl , ," \kt! lrn g 7 :0 <) p.m . is more d efin~te thnn the territor y 'lllun ,~ i 'CUI 'l t '~ Ml' ':i in~ he covers. At one time, his \vorl, 7:( 0 p.' in , was local. ' ... Even ill,\( SeT\'l'::~:) 7 ;30 p.m.. 'Our ~"~-; t r" t"'\}n' 'extends mp.r. y iIli ll::; il} 'hl, di l'e',bolls, am] Il. t IcpilOlle call brings ou r 'or gfln& u nhalt. and Rev. a nd Mrs. Coleization immed,t atcl, . ' mall, , 4 \ The ~h:oir will b.e gbl pr actice ~11 t heii' Ellster Cantata this · eVemnlr . ut 7 :30. We request· all who will ~ t a ke an in terest and help sing t,~ be pr esent. ' . , We apprecia.te the growing attendance at the Church School anel t he Worship 'Sel'V)ices and col'dialll7 ',. I invi te others to attend. The Woman's SocIety dt ,O hrls- . tian Service will meet ' Th~y, . 189 electornl vote
't1.,.: MArresIMl~~~ .
N. Ke~, ~ (!:hureh Sc~ool .
{' Mor~ing ' Wo,rship ,
? ;30 a, ijt ,
, '\,' 0 1SII II'
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I t ' ,'> 0 .l.U},
.' - ' - - -
.. ",'A)" N ~~SVILLE , .' 'C L LJ HCH OF ,C \iR1S'l
M. H.
~ c h \ •.. 1
Oar • ..."+---;-,:--:---:---illt7Y1'-.m. C'
Co f:~ :: , ~', . n:~ter
Bible chool , 9 :30 A. M, M orning' \,·4J)rsI11 10: 0 A. M, Y o un ~ p...eople'.s 6:45 P. M. Ev ening erv,ice ' 7 :30 .P. M. Prayer Meeting and Bible S,tJldy W ed., 7 : 3~ PM.
METHODIST ,NOTES , meeting was held at the ffl.nklin Methodlst Chw-ch Sun; '. , : aft ernoon ~n the interest of Jthe " Advance for Christ ", a fOUl ;. real' prog'mm -of. ·the Methodist , 1 Church.. ~e , ~,t~ng . i roOm (/WayuesviIIt ..VJfl're i:r.':" and ~rs. R. C. M'Iller, Mr. and Mrs. ' Kenneth ~ I'Bougll, ~ ,~lton Cook, Harlan
Have You
Til! Miami
After reading the captlo,n 011 this column per~ps you expect to IERVING WAYNE8VILLE' SINCE 1860 find choice tidbits of gossip herein. This is not the case however I No. 4403 ' , <FIV'E CENTS A COpy may be a.ble to give you something WAY,NESVILLE,OHIO THURSDAY. JANUARY IS. 19'9 to talk about. . I Two Mondays of the new year .have , elapsed withou t a sign of tho ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hook had as . village garbage collection. Being Friday a.ft.emoon 8'1188t& ·Mr. and a person of considel'atioh- f~r the . M~. t. E. Hook anjl two ~ughter8 village officials 1 do not Wish to and Mr. and Mrs. LeSlie Hook and cl'iticize only suggest. , eon. Th~ had 1\.8 Saturday guests, In past years the fund for MI'. and Mrs. Frank Hook. t his service ,h ave l'un low and last year it was completely depleted. Ml', and Mrs. J'Olin Fromm har! I expect 'that this sel"Vice is· to Mr. and ,M rs. J. William Strouse as Sunday dinner guests Mr. and begin again soon 'and 1 know most were Friday evening guests 'Of Mr. Mrs. MeMt\ Banta of Jamestown, of the residents will welcome the and Mrs. Clyde 'Fromm in Spring· and were joined at supper by Mr. , dILY. Although not entirely without field. . and MM. Ray Hawke of Dayton, l\ collector, the people who subMrs. Charle!l Mehatrie will ~ and Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Vance ot scribe to this private enterpri!le hostelS8 to the Woman'a Auxiliarr Wilmington. ' are paying twice, once to the col- of the St. ·M ary'. Church ..t her MTS. Sadie Reason remains quioo lector I\nd the other tiJlle in taxes. hol'l'll8. on Friday afternoon. ill at the h'Ome of her daughllel', When this . service Tesumcs t his . !I{rs . Earl Hockett. column suggest, Supel'vis ioll, ruMrs. Charles Davi!l will 'Open her Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheehan les, and schedUles. home lito the W. S. C. S. 'Of the - hlLd as Sunday evening supper Supel-v1sion much II need· Methodist Church all Thut'sday ai- guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs tel'llo'On, January ~O, with Mrs. J . and .son, 8lld Miss Mildred Bou~ne , less time isn't paid. J. Burske, 1'41'11. A. H.·Stl1bbs, Mrs. _ Rules so that· bulky matel·iBI. R. E. Asbury and Mrs. Clarence Hartley Moss has returned to his some which i'8 entirely out of t he Rye a8 aB'sist&nt hostesses. home from Christ H08pital where sanitation line isn't handled. ' he was conflned for several weeks. The St. Mary's Club met at th~ Schedules perhaps collection Rectory 'On sUnday evening. 'Nte Mr. and. Mrs. Lewia Fires were every week and a half ~l' two, thi~ regular business ~s8ion was held Sun~y dinner guests cd MI'. and would be possible' if 1'\Lles were and Dr. Br.e wton Berry, Pr'OfeBS()r Mrs. Paul Harley and daughter made. of Sociology at Ohio StatAl Uni- Mary Lou, in Dayton, on Sunday. versity, was introduced ' 'DB the ' Waynesville Farmers Grange la Many! local a'WIidei1~ nnd of guest ~ker. He chose tGr his ·course those whose names are 011 subject, "Race Relations," and will meet in ~,u\ax' 8e111ion on our subsl:ription list, are wonder· gav.e, to his listeners, .• very fine Saturda)' evening, January 29, the inB' what's ,h appening in the Gaz· talk. . A soCial hour was enjoyed change due ~ • meeting t.o be held -ette cffice. In the two weeks w!·th refreshments served by Mr. in LebanOl\ on ~e 22nd. . they have .bad four different edi· and Mrs. Jack 8ohn. tore. Firat Carl G.. then Mrs. I. F. Mr. and ·Mrs. R. C. Moler,' Rev. Hr. and Mrs. 'l1homaa Haynie Smith and her anoclate ecBtor . and MrI R. B. Qj)leman, Mr. and and Mr. aIld Mrs. Frank Hook, Jr., Joe Hartsock, now .me. All this Mrs. K. N. Hougm, Mia. C&rlton ' 'Of Wuhington Court House. Mr. ,~ gives, riee. to thie question: Cook and Harlan Earnhart att.d- and Mrs. Boward Geaaaman, Day"What's to -become of our local ed a meeting at the FranklIQ '. ton. and J. C. Wood and daqhter neWspaper!" I ahall a!.tempt to Methodia Churcb BundA)'" aft· ~f CentetMlle, ware recent. psts sbed a little lieht on the subjeel ernoon in the interest of the "Ad. of Mr. and lira. tred Hook. In two weeks a new' published ehall vance 'for Chi'iBit" Jlr'ogram. be in lull charge perhl;pe lu~ may evefl allow some of thE! erstwhile editors to ,hang arOund but apeak. Ing for my.aelf-not in this ea· pacity. Arrangements for the !lale are now beine completed nnd by next week I will be able to · give , t he complete story.
Ml" and Mrs. George Ranibyand Mr. and M1'I!I. Vincent Hamby and son of payton, were recent ~al1erl of Mr. -ami Mrs. Ed Ramby and 'family.
. Hl"8. Gle.nn Bor<Ien will conduct the :devotions and Mrs. K. N. Hough wi~l have ehargeoHhe pro· :gram. '
.~·+~.'1 l?i8trict.Meet
Progressive WotnenAt Madtienl
Twin Giv'. , Comfort and ' · ent Entel~tainm ~
Lt. :Col. and Mr&. Gerald 'B ranch . of Washington. D. C., have · returned to home after .pend· inc the holiciays with Mr. and M.... L. M. Scofield and Mr. and MTI. S. L. B9b1Mon ~d 80M. • l
;.1: ", ~?~
"..; WOJIWI'a A~ of at. m ..oh at ~ hOlM fIf· Ollar_ li~ha.lfte PrtdaJ' at
,·.. . ~ ',h , .
Karr'a will
·.... h.."t ~ ~ ~ ) .~ ::
2 Po
Local O. E.,S. Members At
CLARENCE R. FREELANDClarence R. Freeland 60, died at hisbome Wednesday January 12. He lived on the G1>n'!I farm, where he had farmed; for the past twelve years. He died suddenlr of Distl'ict 21, Order of 'Eastern a heart a.ttack and pftvi01l8 to this Star, held the .18th session a.t Leb· time had n'Ot beel~ ill. ' anon on Tuesday, with Ml'S. MiL• dred Hammond, of Greenfield, as Survi~ng are ibis ~e. Jj:}vena, pI'esident. The scliool 0.1 In!ltrucone son, Charleel, at · b,ome,. his tion was held during e aftet'mother, Mrs. Anna Free1Md of noon, in charg ' & • of th Worth), Harve"""burg, two brother, bscar ,,Gran(J M.atTon of Ohio, Mt"s. Della of Kingman and Cecil of Paulding Dolby 'Of 0,0 ~rt, Ohio. Ths County. Ohio, .and ope' sister Mrs. Leban'On l:hante.r exemplified tlle Minnie Klein of lWI>yton, ()hio. "Funeral services .win be held work. . New office.r s for 1950 elec¥ Friday January :14 at 2 P. M. 'th a t weI'e: P reIl·d en·t , M rs. Ha ' •to"'• .t CI F• u~era I home W1 • .:, 'West, t.he. Mcure Martinsville; V .-President, ~ bunal in l\iiami: Cemetery. Th .... M ttl 801' F Id' Sec 111, ran · 111; .services . will ' be condudl'd by en·l'II·. a e Chaplin D IJ 'D h f Leb retary~, Mrs. Elizabeth Carey, New a as . ona lle 0 Vienna; Treas\11'8r~ MrI. Mary anon. Collett, New Burlington, Ml'S. M'a ttie Bolin of Franklin Chaptel' . . CHARLES RAYMOND SMITIf- 'Was appointed ,the new Grand Charles Raymond S m.i t b • Representative of ~outh Dakota. age (2, died at Miami Valley Hos- The meet ing for 1960 will be held pital, Dayton, Ohio, Tuesday Jan· in Waynesville with N~ Burling· uary 11. He ' livild 'hi& 6~tire life ton as assistant lIostess. Those atat Mt. Holly ·and 'had worked in tending from Miami Chapter wel"t , Dayton f~r .~he M:onsanto Chemical Mr. and Mra. Everett Early; Mr. Company. and Mrs. J . J . Burske, ,l ira. Wli. He died of a rh.u matie heart con- liam Strou(e, Ml'8• • Bertil Mill., dition fc!lowing fLn illness ()f about Mrs. Minnie ' Fromm, Mrs. J... e three months. Prendergas t, Mrs. L. C" St. Jobn, He is 8urvdved ~y hi:! wife, Nel- . Mrs. E .. F . Earnhart, JIre. Stanley lie" and one brother George of Bailey, Mrs. D. C. Rlqe, ¥no Dayton, Ohio. Ross H. Jlart8'OCk, lin. Harold Funeral services will be ,h eld Beckett, Mrs. Paul Bbiple,., aDd Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m. in Mrs. Marvin Smith. the .Mt. Holly Methodist Church with Rev. Scarff in charge. Arrllngements are in eharge of - ., the McClure Funeral Home wit, interment in Spring Valley Cemetery.
Mr. and Mrll. Leslie Van Winkle 'Of Clover BottOms, Ky., are an· nouncing the eng:agement of their daugh~, Mias M:abe,l Van Winkle, 'Of Dayton, to' MIl'. Richal'd Campbell, son of Mr. Illncl M!!'I' Richard CalDPbell of, Wa,'1Ie5vIne. No da~ has been set for 1~he we~.
Dr. and lrlrt. · A. 'E. Stout were Sunday evenlD8' 'supper .guests ,,1 Mr. and MN. Glenn Bland. Mrs. Elizabeth SmitQ has talren a ' room at the Fri~ds Ho~ for the rem~der of the winter. .
Mr. and Mrs. Leon'aNi Tinney k't nn S~nday evening to I!pend . L'emainde.r (If the wintfT 'I n Florida. .
MIlS Bonnie 8&tterthwatte a· tertained....t the hOlM cd· her pa!'o ents on Sunday ~~ Ud had .. . her l'Ueeta. Mr. end 1'4.... William Rickey, Mr. and Mnt. Davill .Hartseck 'IUld Mrs. Byrd, ~kAly:
The Waynesville Civic Club \vill meet in the Methodist Church basement rooms 'Monday, J-anu8l')' 17. at seven o'clock. This being. the Ladie ~ Ni g ht meeting, memberll are to bl'ing .their wives. . Mack Sauer, humorist and editor of tbe Lcesbw·g · !Paper ' will be the speaker. • The ' banquet will be served by t he w'Omen of the chu~h.
. Dr. and A. E. .Stout and ' daughter were 'Saturday eWlnlD« dinner 'l'Ueste of Mr. and Mrs. El· mer Grove ~d children In Center~ ville.
Mr. aDd 11ft. 10hri Settlemyre and ohildNn were SU1)dlY dinner guests of Kr...... Mrs. L., O• .at. , JQ1uL , . ;r'~JJI
Mrs. )f'aTy Edwards Starbuck Frame dieCl at P,a sadena, California, Jan\lln'y ' 10, 19~9 . She was born' into tHe Orthodox Friends Church at Way.nesville, Ohio and bad lived in Pasadena the last twenty five · She is survived. by three sisters, Mrs. Lydia E. Tresmall, and Mrs. E. E. Greist 'Of Plas~d.ena and Mrs. Matha.iia · Gliffiit Of~Dell'llr .@ch, Florida. Funeral services a nd interment were in Pasadena.
Last week 88117 the clbDu of a one )'ear frogram iil theatre improvement. · A "SeMwn" Boller installed by WlUlam (Bill, the plumber) SaW78r' complete wlth 011 burner rounded Gut the comfort program. Earlier in the year new upbolBtered seats were insialleed. A.cIcordii1g to Robert O'Repn, owner .nd manllger of :the Twin. Sound insurnoce bas 1Mien taken out to 'gU~rantee beet IOUnd pos. sible with the ·recently. inatalle'd new proj~la.
Mr. and Mrs. John ·J. Bursb and Mr. and Mrs. William. Strouse ~e Su.n day dinner guests of rei. atives in Springfield.
The Progressive Bu.inees Women enjQyed their Janu.., 'meeting wiIth Mre. W. H. Hadden 88 host.e.. at her .home, a.tated b)' lfrII. ·FreeI .Grauman, , Mrs. Alice Crou aad . Mrs. Walter Sheehan. Followhll', the business sesaioD; lIrs. BalPlJ, ~tinp ...,.. in:. charp of ·the Pl'OgTam. Doria and David Brown, in costume, 9lfa4at:.. ed ev~ with a roea! d~, till,. Rheumatis," and "Juanita." H1'II" Hastings gue an ~ view of the II8W By' The lJ61R111lo'l.-aJld-''I(j_-I.1Mdi__--:;-;:-:--.;-c7:7Moreton pi man,. on the piano and played several num.berS for group· slngln&'. ., " Dainty ' refreshments were S8rWd' during the aocial hour. . , ..
J .
The Miami Gazette B8TABLIBJ(BD 1.a4t
Publl.hed Ever,. Thur8d.)' , At W.,."..yllle, Ohio
CARL G. SMLTH, Publisher , E. JAME~, Editor . , i ..t1~red •• aecolkl cl ... m.tter .t th. Po~ Office :JOSEP~
SU50 • V.... In Advance
With a Buckeve In Cong~e8S••• /
8, CLI ,ENCIl J. . . 1do ow.
,..~ ......1 ~,
C1' aSe ill the nation's milit~ T:; power, A, Ch'i1 Right~ It's IlII official now. Carrying out a Constit utional p rogrnm t o dll away with all discriminati()Jl in publie plll::,S. ,education and socin l contacts ; continuation l'equirement, th l,;ongress met in Joint Session 0 I <1f American aid and cooprl'!l tion with fOl'eign nalast 'l' hllrsday and canvass ed t he eledo ral Vote f' l Presi den t and Vice.Presidrnt. At the cnel of t h .. foJ'ti n ; re-enac.tmcnt of the TIt'Ciprocal TI'nde At'gee,1,,1lts. law, fun support to h~ United Na1,ioll s, and nlal eeremonl' it was officially decla;r.erl that, 30 votes h!llv in.g · be 11 ea$t for Hany S, Truman fQr our Illor ad.ive participat ion ill world lllfail's, , President .a nd Alben Bar~l ey for Vice-P re id ~ flt to . •• • 189 electora l V()te fonr th Dewey-Wal'rcll ticket and 11'" irl~ ll i Truman 'pledg cI hi Administl'stion to a 39 :fOoT the Thul'm ond-Wrigh ~ ticket, Mr, Truman aJH! na tion.. 1 furm pl'ogra.m " Inr' la -t.i ng .p rospct'ity of Mr; Barkley \\' ~ e elected President and Vice-Prosithe Natiun" t hrough nPI,(! a bunda ntpl'orluctiO!l, d.e nt, respectively, While President Truman receivt'a j',ll'l ty utri~ulhl1'al inr · n ~I amI high ~tnndni'd s ot a h~a~y majprity of the electoral vote-:which is the livi ng on t he farm, H e fUltite r stated: "FIa)'m price o,n ll' vote t hat l' counts- he ",;11, on January l'upporlls are an essenti:ll rnrt of our program to ' 20 th, become one of t he 'few Presidents in Americall a hieve these ends," and (' lll ~ : I for actio'l to expantl the u c of far m pL'od ,! " ~t home, paJ'ticuI8d~ h istory to be ('\ cted by a minority of the I)opulai' yot e--for a majority of tho e who voted on Nov~m;; mong 11)\\' income gr \l p ~, pres umably throu gh ber 2n.d mlnked lh ir ballot for onc of th e othf'1' orne sort of II food-s tamp pla n of dole, For the gen.. ,Presidential cl\l1d id~tes. '' eral public he called fOI pIt. sage of Ipl!:islation' to .. .;. cover an addi tional eight to ten million pe'sO!'l;8 unIn his annual m ,sa~e on the State of the Un ion , de r Social Security. llnd O!' gre.atly inCl':lI)<;oll b Ilc1~< )i.vered t o a Jo·in t Session of the Congress la st fit payments to t he un clnploY':d, aged, sick or dis · Wedri e~r.DY. 'pr l!id~nt Truman lived up ,to p!e";ou ~ abled. He 81 0 sugjtesterl that legislation be enacted predictions find calleel for 1 gis labive enac Lment of to s mooth out the "boom 01' bost" cycles and to p1'Crl Feri('~ of 1'lro po~81s wh ieh will, if put intQ effect, ~~nt do~l'essions by ma t-inA: busine. s, industry and SV'M g thi!" nui('n 1 8 T t o· t.t ~ 1 ~ 1t, He askC'rl 1.Ol ag l'iculturc, liS well as t vo l' nd 8 h!\lf million GovI'm-'ar ctl nt in 'P control r;, er consumer and banl< ' ernment employees, all happy and prosperous in a '1C~('d' t~ ; \'0 r"5' . k $]le(."Ull\tion 'in commodities, con- .land of plenty and low pri es, ' t"ol exports, c(':1tinue ' trans'])Ortation priorities and .. .. .. a);-'('II ('Ins:' e!'~al:-~: sl: a S'Yst,em of priol'ities and al· Acc01'ding to .!IIr. Ti'uman t he cost of the new ' ~ '. .-\UGUSTIN£ J Qca tjon~ for ~ , liJ'oe, materials; cOIl.liliue an/I , Utopia proposed in his Annual Messag~ on the State ':-1lht'r -Krulllhuitz. l' rH;~t hcn :;th~ n r(\I't t on ' I'ol; fix prices lind limit wag~ J f the Union will be an ~ditional four billion d,o l'IlaSSt"S $ :tnd 1 0 A,M. adjustments, ' and ;s1nldy Iln~ ' au~horize gm'ernment l:l rs a year in taxes, out of which he feols he, can ' financing; c n5 t1"u~i on and opel'ation..()~ i~dullttla L also make worthwhile pnymel,lts on our national debt MT. HOLLY MEmOPlST plans fo:r production i)f commoc!ities i short su:pply; . _ ' l'es .. nt two hynd Nd and ,f\ftJ.-tw.o billion~ T . \~ Scarff, Minister , , .. • • ilil-s. This additional fOUl' billion dollars in taxes, tlil) :,unaa ,v Sl'hr·ol 9 :30 a ni'. President Truman, In his appearan(:e bef01'e Con· Pi'esident proposed to rais,e thro,u gh an IncleBM in gress, also demanded repeal 'o f the Taft-H.artle.y La- . taxes on corporation'II, Oil l,he estates of those who , E,A. EarMut, Sup!. bar Law and l'e·enactment of tbe Act; In- die, and on the earning, of those in the middle and .... rJrshlJl ~en·;.c~ !.O ;j(l n,m. n'!l!flJ;: Service 7;30 p.m • 'creasing of m lni1l'lU1'T1 wages t o' at least 75 cents an higher income brackets who may continue to Jive ~l hour; strengthening of the anti-trust laws so 8a to ti is great land of lib4>rty and opportu~, Students further restric! business mergers and I:(lnsolida. of gtlver nmelltal costs estimate, however, that putCAESARS CREEK FRIENDS t(e\, David Stanfield, Minister tions; tn;- devel pment 01 various river basins along mng' into effect the Preside-nt's propo_la ~o)ild NlSunday School to a.m~ the line of the rn esent TVA. t.o f.urnillh power, pre- quire an alUlual expenditure by die Federal Govet:'Worship Service ' t I a.m. vent ftoOds, and provide water for inigation; the 'ment of somewhere b('twer n sixty and seventy bllbuUding ot manl' new public power planta, publicly Iioll dollars a'l! ~ain8t thl! ' present forty-two billion L1011al' budget. That Mr, Truman'a new propam. owned transmission lines to fumlah lower rateli lTI'ICA E.. O. 8. aiuRCH . ~ the eO\lsu~ers; adoption of a publi~ hea ltll plan which he calls "FaiT Deal" iJ}Stead Of "New tnal,", . !'· c:v. William ~hann " ll ~ ...!lda y Scbbol ' 9 :lo to fumi!<h citizens with medical, nursing anti h,98- will' be rather' ,xpell1live I!; indlated. by one leplapital service without ~lay '; Federal a id ' t.o loC~1 tive measure alj,eady introd1JCed to carry ou~ ,but one Mrs . .lames Garrison, Supt. !Jrt'Hhing 1 st lJnd 3 rd Slanda~s school systems, ;ncl~d ill g C()n~truetion of new ·school ot his sUggeation~-.the hill , by Senator Ellender ?f ~a.: h month 1(0);30 Il.m. bUil dings . and 1l 1;~' er pay for tJeaeheJ'll; a' public Louislan4 on public housing which if enacted, will program to dear 'fIlume and lum~ at )eA..~L ~J()ne co.t eighteen billion doll:l rs--.a nd elRhl ', ·V · · Evc:n/'nK Servlc<.'s 7:30p.m. , oouslng a milUon low-rer: t housing units, in addition to Fed- lion dollars Ws a lot (If, mOIKl.Y- in fllct, it is eigh.tecT: . eral aid for private construction of other homes; es· hundred million dol1ar8-:'8 fair sized chunk of caJ!11 I ITI.E l\'i ETHODlS'T tablishment 01 l'" iver~l m~ry training and~n hI. " in any langua~. ( ~:;RCH '
_ _
MEnlODIST CHURCH Coleman, Minis.~ ;'Ourch RebOol ' 9 :30 a.m.' , J. J. Bu~ Supt.
. WorShip and sermon ,~
~ Spedll Music ~outh
10:30 a.m. '
Fellowshi, :nnnday :, 7:00
Choir' PractIce Thursdav , 1:45 PM ,
5T MARY'S EPISCOPAL. "Sari-uti N. Keys, Rector ' . '(Church &:hool . 9: i.5 A.M. 'Morning Worship 1.:30 A. M. f 'RlENDS
a.m ,
! 'rf .. ' ''l ;,~ ph ~\}'er.;, '\ini~ter rl~--"!:-'----:-..!!J.!~..!!!.'::"'!.!L!.-.!~~~~~",::-:=-....,..~mm" '. .. 1#.., ,! () : ~ 0 , ·M.r~ . I~ut)· " a,ylnr, . ~urt W tJ r~ fl ll l ~cr ·. k: ~. . 10:3u a.m.
'WA Y ~ ESV!LLE ' "
'- --
,a ·:tJi{CH OF CHRIS1 M. H, Cofl . ),' A': ,!idCI
Bible School , '
9:30 A. M.
Morn ing Worshi p 10:30 A. M. Youn g People's 6:45 P., M. Eveni11g Service ' 7:30 Po .M. Prayer Mee1ingand ' , Wble Study w~a., 7.:3'0 f?M.
January 20 at 2 P. M. at the home of Mrs, U abel Davis, A ' fun at'tendan ... is desired, A' fin~ program is being arranged , Inf orma.' tion gatheWd BIt 'the FrankUn meeting 'wil1 be reported. ~
( ~RRY, CHURCH OF CHRIST ::yn.n Carv er . Min ·:; 'er. i,.t· ", '.,'f:,.. • Y :30 a.m, "~r " rll ng \\' o r ~ h i r iO ;30 a.m.
;' :00 p.m, t\\c.:ling . . , , i :110 p.m, Evenitl~ Serv ices 7 do p.m.
I'ra d " Cel i nl.'! ~ i,un~ !'Cl l'k 's
--- .~ -.-- ~---~-----':;-.
IDa~hart, and Rev. anc,l Mrs, Cole.'man, Th e ehoir will begiJI praetiee on their Easter Cantata this. e~ng . meeting was beld at the at 7 :30, We request all who will FliBnklin Me.thQdist Ch\ll'Ch Sun- . take an interest and help sing to aB.1 afternoon in the 'interest of the "Advance for Chri tn, a f~l the School and att~n4ance at the ChUl'Ch ,'year llrogr<im of the Methodist be ' Church, ThOse ' .attending from the W orship S~ees and c:oJldia1ly'Waynesville, were Mr. and .Mrs. invite others to 'a ttend. ]t. C. Moler; Mr. and Mra. Kennet)) , The Woman's Society of GbriaMrs.' Cal'lton Cook, H8l'lan uan Servi,c e will 1lieet ThUNday, ,lJough, , "
T.. B.,;, S.elJ~ ,(
NO ~ILEAGE BASIS Among the many changes that 'have overtakcn !;he :filll~ral" qir.ector s buslne~, none is more definite than the territory he covers, At onc time, his work I , was local: . D ill' · .. ~"T'i~ _~rl a :; e 'te11d . Illnt V mi (:H 'in a il j I' ection~ , and a t;lephone ~l brings our organization: immellfutely,
*:e~-:;;'eciate «ro~nlf
"la"KE-" IT EAS"
M,cClURE .". F~- N ER~L , H~ME WAYNESVilLE. 0"10
~~ ~"'=
T~tEIi.A ZET 'f E·'
.. '
.Court PROBATE , Estate of Robert 1t'l-, Stump, dec'd, Ethel Stump, executr ix, in~ , ventory, approved. Estate af R. E. Minge, dec'd" Irene Nichola, executrix, filed her firllt and final laccount. ' Estate of Emma L. Shultz, dec'd, ~ry B. Shultz, execut rix, fint and :tinal account, approved, allowed and conf'jrm ed. .E.state of Anna M. Shumaker, dec'd. Simmon Shumaker, administrator, ' WWA, f irst, fi nal a nd distributive account, approved, allowed aDd confirmed. Estate of Emma Baldwin, dec'd,
Lucy Baldwin, administratrix, first and final account approved" allowed and confirmed. ' Estate of Michael Hanifen, dec'd, Lora C. Hanifen, adminstratrix, first and final account approved. , allowed and conf~rmed. Estate ,of Loonard Phelps, dec'd, Rena M. Phelps, adminstratrix, Invent ory approved. , Estate of George E. P eter son, dec'd, Alma Peterson a pp.ointed ad· ministratrix, Horce Shaner, E rnest Bing ham and T homas BargeI' ap· pointed appraisers. Estate of Charles C. Couden, " dec'd, Ida Cauden, appointed administratrix. Stephen McDowell, Elgar, Enfield and George Witt , appointed appraiser s . . E state of Nora Clevenger, dec'd, . C. C. Beckett, executor , Loui s Bevan, Herber/; Ross nnd Clarence Han is appointed appraisers. E state 01 Louie Corwin, d1:'c'd,
. , CASH FOR DMD :snKX 'COWS $,&.00; HORSES $5.00; According to size and condition Prompt. Clean Service All small stock removed PHONE cou.ECT Xenia 1112 or WimiDdon 2362
HeDl'y Corwin, executor
G. F .
Bl'OWD, J, W. Goddard and J. A. Schilling appointed appraisere. Estate of Martha E . Forn " h e~l , dec'd, Lawrence H. Forn'!lhell" ex('cu~r, Curt Wade, Jack W~ j(:u:l'(" and Bert Fisher appointed apjl n i,,ers.
Fri., J an. 14"
Fri., J an. 21, Open
l'(·~ ll \· .
' "NT
:. 0 1.;0
Fri., Jan 28, Spr inKboro, .hel;e Fri., Feb. 4, Ki ngs Mills, here Sat., Feb. 5, ~pr' n l! Valley. T Wed•• Fe·b. 9 , . f '1 1ervil!e . th r ~ Fri., Feb. 11, HiIl:;I'oro, there
tjon, SU Cf· ..~, t r u. g i·e ~ t:" 1-..10 Grren , Ma ntua, wt.o relin .1 I'rk r "e rving 15 years. Peulle 111\,' 1",1:1\ a memo ber of the Farm lJu n '.'1U since 1921 , anif bas , held ~ H:Oll responsible I positions. He has ' l!IeM'ed on the ~ . board of ,trustees for seven JeaI'II.
ville, Ohio '
Ill.e ft
Tues., Jan. 18, W. ':~. nr ol1ton ~! J an. 24- 0arJ i Ie at Middl etown.
(arm., , huld, ! i\~ ,,- _S "I ~ ': lfs ga\'el of the Ohio ,F'nr m " Iu'[' n ll F.edera-
M :l~O II .
-J ,
TO Alt:
~~r.. " ;;. :.14 -+"r fI. ~ -'" ' .. . I .. u!lm
ln~.D -.'0 "WITH
Clnelnnatl Unlot' Iotock Yarda L. , v~ \'Ji r~ ",.... PNgr... ill" 0 '
.. Z oO '
Str,rl l"
,v•. to non..
, ...oond . ~ !l or" ." til.
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markrt. in tI'oe ,' , THAT SATIS"",
co .. nt'.v.
BY 104.607 OHIO. IIWON DOlLARS ! O 'FENt fo ,' loce1 or SIal. Rol •• ,hi. Newspaper '
Call, Wire or Wri••• our represent~tlv.1
' . I'
:', 1_ .'
ISO .ual~ 14" AVI"UI . CI.lVElM'I~ QHIO
Su.-rli., '!OO
_.. .\
' U:IO ' III." W.
WLW 'CiIIClillllUl : 00. Tor Our
n .l~()r ••
IIOURS, .9-1·2 each mornfn~
Replace Woro llres Wlth\.New U: S: .Roya's
. ..
24:'.1 -., ~,.
'--- -_._--
- --o!io
Bitte.rit" Auto--f no
Beltlter'sSuooco Service ..HONE
l-S aftemoons except Wednaday 1-9 Saturday evening OdIer evenin.:s
Zerone- T ~I: rmo Dole Therm o~tats for all ~ars Suna ,.'
\' ic k!)!'. , f ............................ imp on, f ... : .................... .. Iiu nter, c ........ ................... : Hu ~ lin , g ........................
6 6 18 2 " B 0 0 0 2 0 " L._l'l ha [, b .. ,..... .. ........ ...... 1 8 ~ • owe II, c ............................ lOB Tinpey, g .... .................... .. .. 1 0 II ' :V:l nil rfi e, g ........,.............. .. 1 0 2
' y()'\l can't be ioo purticullior about
your family's clothjng. Sending ,j t out to be cleaned saves your time and health. but ending it to us !Su,e YOUI' f amily's health, too, f or .:! ver ythi ng is done u J~c r the mo t ~ a n itury
·Ur. C. ' ~. Wilkin ~c
.,. S.,edaI-
IOIItia Detroit ~ DM'A.OJDO
G F P 7 a 17 7 3 17 1 5 7 3 4 10 8 2 18 1 1 3
TOTALS ..... ...........: ....... 27 18 'i~ Score .by quarters: Waymfs'lIiUe ........ :-28 35 41 Carli sle .................... 20 88 62 72 P reliminar y result : Carlisle 27, Waynesville 18.
F ogle. f .............. .................. Smalh"oorl , f ..... : .... .........: .. McQueeli c ......... ......: ........ Ee i1 chl: J', f!' .................; .... .. Long man, g ..........1......_ ...... ..h ybry; g ............................
T TALS ............... ......... 14 13 41
Dynl-Lube Mercury Mad~
Tirls Newsp(J'p ~t
~ ---,---------
Winter 011 Change.
con diti o .lB.
That.'s one o:t t he reasons I nd m ' clea ninlr ~ B&R's.
The best way to forget a sport defeat i~ to go <!ut Bntl win oneat least Conch Ed P()rter Implied ::'5 m ilch~' whil e dismiB!ling the re~en.t Ca rlisle defeat with II- shrug !I nc! " it wa s/just one of'those games where the vi itors coudln't miss th~ hoqp." Ho'wevc!: certain amends were rna,de Tuesday Jiigtht as Bob HastillgS with J 6 points paced the' ~rtans ~o 57 to 29 victory over Kingman on the Jatters court. Kenny Vickers led the local point m~ker s wi t h 18 tallies in t he Carlisle game. We ha','e ment ioned t~e l'eserves but very little this!ll· but 'in 'the near future, we will ~ o hang in .t here, next yest' may be just continul\ hnl'll 1 , {. Last Sunday wauld ' ha ve. been \Veil baseb[lll weat her -'-, at 1t~aS I1 W1I 1"Il16T t han .t hose' bleak October da ys when t he softball loo.p was de peratel:;- tl'ying to fin ish its ,~hedUl e. Anyway, jost a ll ' a rtlminder -: an 14'<'111 y ouths had better tart getting C'llpies - you' ll n ad t v':o - of t.h h' bir fh ~el'ti!i -. ea tes if they want to piny Americ -r. ,e~ i on hall .' When fir st. prae- ' : ~e , ~e!Ys io lls are' a'nnounced in AI)r,il or ' May we wi 11 a sk you for tlo (> certif icates _first so write or' .•;. i t ' tl1e eout1;.'louse o'f y ou" hi J,Lh 0 1' write the State Hdcis. at C{lhim t l1s wher e , e'"Yone's i8 sup~ p ed ta be - t hat III, it the doctor fo llowed through. Remember , (lnly Y.!lllths who wili not be older than- 17 throught .the entir e 1949 season are eligible. Some boys nskeg ,rne '\'~en~Jy hO\\fJ young one , could be a.nd stil1 'b&tor my money if y tJu think you ~n play arid our only 9, 10, 11, 12 etc. show u;p - well decide for you.. JUst like s prin g t ra ining- for the Redlegl of" Cincinnati.
_#J~ - -
• lut . . $t~(
~ '.
I •
Charter No.-t.J220 N
Th.e Waynesville l'lational Bank
for insurance. All types of msura.llce at a savings. Call FranCIS Gene Brown, phone Waynesvjlle 2472 or call c;:olJect. Wilmjngton 2111.
. ·-"'---R-e-s-er-v-e-D-I-st-r-Ic-t-No. 4 REPORT OF CONDITION OF . . .
. OF WAYNESVILLE. OHIO· In t~e. St~te of Ohio. at the lllose of busineas on December 31, 1948 pubhshed ~n response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency. under Section 6211. U. S. Revised Statutes.
NOW OPEN for' custom butchering. Prompt service. Gail Gordo!), Harveys' burg. Phone Waynesville 2006.
Casb, balallces with other' banks, including reserve blalance and cash items in process of eollectij~n ............................. 381.789.69 Uni.ted ~tate G1>vernment obligations, db'ect and guaranteed, ... 868 682.92 Obligations of States ' and political 8u)x\ivisions ........................ 326:104.99 Other bonds, nobes, and debentures .................... .'....................... 4000000 Corporate stocks (including $4500.00 stock of Federal ,. Reserve bank) .......................................... ".......................................... 4 600.00' Loans and discounts (including $116.62 overdrafts) .1-............ 858;509.06 Bank premises owned $16,960.81. furniture and fixtures $7696.88 ....................... ~.. ................ . ................................. 24.646.19
HELP WANT ED-MALE ELDERLY MAN for chores all .. small farm . Adra Lewis, Phone 51 2\'3. Miami burg. I-Iii
w . u; '':; \' . i.l '" OHIO
' 0.
t. ~oll'':I .
MI\ Raymond Smith WIU taken lo the Miami Valll}Y Ho~pital Mon- '
day afternoo.n. !Il l'. (lnd Mrs. McNtlll Rnd Mrs. J .. nlli .. Rlchards of Dayton ca.lled on Mr. and Mrs. Rify Gib$on and Mr. and ~[rs . l\'Iot'l'i. Lewis !LlH1 fUIll i1y Sunday uftel'noon .
MI'. a~ d Mrs. I,tnlph Dill lind son Tommy of Spr~ng Valley cnl-· led on his pal'ents SatUrday, e,e · ning' Mr. .and M_rs. ErneI'. on Dill.
F~l\nk Stnmu ol'l'Y. son of John and Jane S tRnsberry, '':&S i)orn in · . Waynesville. Ohio. April l'7. 18(;4 and pnsrod this life . Jan. (i. 11/49 aged 84 yr. S mo. 19 days. He was married to Ella Burn'S lind W th is u1 ion seven childrcil WeTe bOrn. three have preceded l h~ir fu t H~I' lI\ t! 9utl\ m~d f('u r remain to Ill. 111' 11 his 1'1'1 sir:;". By ~ "aile. 'lie .\V I,\ II s hoemllke r, hut f or 1\1allr YC:II'~ II'US {lll !? ~ged hi I'!lin-ting DIllI (I\. () ill Il l" "nckin~ u n I J h lll i:l g ci.f pOll ltry. H , i ' ~ !·e · 1St or u fil l li'y of fiv ~ h;;l!fron i 1 ll~' ' ~ j'o tl'l' ~ I rother !lll of wbom hu
111111 II
011 0
pn ::"eti
a way mllflY years ago. Du e to H~ aliv!lJlcili or y<',Il' hi Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kisinger, health hegan to fail and 11 few l'oh': alld Mr~ . Arthur Kisinger alld weeks ago a change came. th~ TOTALS ASSETS .................................... ......... ...................... 1.988.182.86 family 01 Dayton called on th il' feeble body could no longer with· stand the rlivilges of disea se and NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT LlABILmlr1S parellts SUllday afternoon. .. . t he WClVY, ~ ou I passe(1 into eterAd,mini trator· Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and lIi ty. , ,corporations .......................................~ ... ;................... ~.............. . .. 1,3&2,8-56.86 Mrs. C,.acl,l Wagner or Spri !l~ He \Va n ~"o d neighbor and Estate of ~or!fe E. Peterson Time deposits of individuals, partnershipis. and friend. kind Valley spent Monday with )1r . (Illd deceased. . corporations ................................................................................ 17560042 He l ea ves hi !! wife, three sons, Ml'~. Raym~nd Smith. Depo~its of United States G1>vernment (including postal , . Notiee is hereby given that Alma . ono daughter. sixteen grand childsavings) .......................................................................................... 24 842.63 ~teraon ,,1I0IIe Post Offi~t' Acldre83 l'en and ten great grand children , Deposits a [States and political subdivisions .............................. 249;675.92 . ' IS Waynesville. Ohio has been ch~ly Mr. lind Mrs. Morris Lewis and three niecl's. ~lIe nephew and Other deposits (certifield and cashier',! checks. etc.) ...... ,.j.. 216.90 appointed as Administratrix of the family llnd Mrs. Rily Gibson llpent many other rell1tives and friends. Total DepOSits ........;.....................................'1.802.692.72 Estate of George E . Peterson latc Other Oh. ""hy s~ould mom!?ry veilecl liabilities .................. ,..,... :........................................................ 1.600.00 Saturday in Oincinnati. o! Wayne Township. Wan II with gloom. County. Ohio. deceased.TOTAL LIABILITIES ............................................................ 1.804.092.72 And like 8 so.rro\Vin~ mOllrner .' Dated this 5th .day ' of January craped. CAPITALS ACC()UN1'S 1949. • . Sit weeping o'er an empty t~mb Miss Eliza beth Chl'nciler retunAlton F. Brown ' Capital ' Stock: Common stock. total par $76,OOO.!)0 , .......... ; .............. ,................ '76,000.00 Acting Judge ot the Probate Court ed on ' New Yem"11 day to her du- Whose captive bas escaped' The joys we 108e are but forecast, Warren County. Ohio. . Surplus ......... :..........................................\'...... ....................................... 76.000.00 ties at Hampton Institute, . VirAnd we shall find them all on(.... Undivided profitS .......................................... ,..................................... 24.678.44 Maple and Maple. Attys. ginia aftel' 11 ten days ~acatwn more; Reserves (and retirement account for preferred stock) ............ 9.411.69 We look behind liS for tbe past, TOTAL CAPITAL ACCPUN'l'S ........................ ~ .........~........ 184,090'.13 at the home. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT But lor 'tie all lMfore. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPTIAL ACCOUNTS .... 1.988.182.85 . Administrator Mr,.' .,..d M~ Tom Loll')' and MEMQR,ANDA Estate of Walter E. Friend deCAIi~ OP TRANK~ Mr. and Mrs. Thomp~on of Spring-ceased. Assets pledged or assigned to seCU1'e liabilities and for fleid, Obt~, called on' Dr. and Mn. Notice is hereby gWen that We deal" to ap.....,4)1D 'siaNn other purposes ' ............ ,................ ~ .............................. ,................ 299.981.25 . F. B. Gregg on Sunday a,fternooD. thanks and grath_ to ou;... ~. . Charles 'E. ~g!,n wh~ Post 0(· fice is R. R. 3, Waynesville. O~o . and relatives for the s1mpath, ad " . State of ·Ohio. County I$f Warren~ S9: , . has been duly appointed as- A.d. Mrs;' Lucile . Al'rriltatre .apen~ Wndnea us ia)' 01dI .... I, Jas. E. Jones. cashier of tlie abo~·named bank. do lolemnly mlnistrator of tbe Estate of Wal, swear that the above statement is true to tbe best of my know- Sunday afterTIllOn with relatives In ber..velB8Dt. . ter E. Friend late of Massie Town. ledge and belief. Lebanon. IIhip. Warren County, Ohio. deJas . . E. J()NES, Cashier. ceased.- . . C.A.RD "I'IDNK8 'Julian F_ Smftl alld Celi:i Smith, Dated tbia 29th day of December S~OrTI to and subscribed, before me this 11th day of January. To mr. Pllpet customers ,,110 father ' ad ,In. ' of .ato• . (BOW' 1948. . 1949. WYMER L. DRAKE, Notary Public RALPH-B. CAREY remembered me ~n "Paper - Boy Recruit) earl SDM1a, .!~r".. i:l Waynarille n.rattSYUle. Judp, 'of the Probate Court Day" and Christmas 'wlth money Maryland on 'I'IMandaJ.,J"'DUJ"6, (SEAL) Correct-Attest: Wa1'l'4n County, Ohio ROSS R. HARTSOCK and cards. I am ~ateful and wiah to 'help II.... s..w. in e.~ on Meryl B. (,rray. Attorney . SETH E. FURNAS ''t ~,. . .~ach of you a PT'OIIerous New . the Miami GUette antll .flnat.· ar· l'lUlgement. 'CP . . made .for traaaEVERE'rl'. EARLY pirecta'rii~ 'Y ear. ' femnlr the PrcH»wt1 ~ to a . . ,.
rr .
:J,.ienJ6 JVomci
FARM LOANS.} " LONG TERM Secufity In mind for '49
4111 -
throu~' the
Lebaoon National ~: .F.m. 'Loan OLD BAN K BLDG.
Any' make olr:model..
. fr .. ~· Kahn Motor Car «0. PHONa:. ~.
Dead I.toole
At Ice PJa.nt - ' PHONE 245tJ
.7-' HOGS
, New - Used - RIt;u!l~ HYDRALIC LIFTS
..... . .
. .a.cEtJi X'E N 'I A · F~enilizer· .'
'"<l' ~lj 4-S~A '
~ •.
t~~ .
"...;J .....
Go ,
~ .o~
!!:..£. --i~
... zowu .·nmw ..... _ Armitage &Son lAND ...,GRAVEL BLAcs,1OP DRlVU
TAR ·... RGAD OIL LAWJtt, ... nu..Dt
DCAlVA""O ... Dt ...
. . . . , . If.. . . . . . .0 . . . . . . . .
·r!eW6 ;.
PROnTE ' Estate .' of Jtobert M. S~ump, dec'd, Ethel Stump, executrix, in· ventory approved. Elltate cf R. E. Minge, dec'd, Irene Nichols, eJlecutrlx. filed her 'first and ' final account. Estate of Emma L. Shultz, dec'd, ¥ary B. Shultz, execu.trix. first ahd linal account, approved, al· lowed ond confirmed. Estate of Anna , 'M:. Shumaker, dec'd, 'Simmon Shumaker, admin· istrator, WW A, first, final and dis~ibutive accoUllt, approved, al· lowed and confirmed. Estate of Emma Baldwin, dec'd,
Lucy Baldwin, administratrix, :first Henry Corwin, exeeator, G. F. and final account approved. allow- Brown, J. W. GoddarA and J. A. ed and confirmed. . . Schilling appointed appraisers. Estate of Michael H·a niten, dec'd, Estate. of Martha E. F01'IL hc11, Lora C. Hanifen; adminstratrix, .dee'd, Lawrence H. Forntihell, e Xi) first and final account approved; 'cutor, aurt Wade, Jack Whittl~ r(> • . allowed and ' confirmed. Estate of Leonarc'l Phelps, dec!d, and Bert Fisher aplfointed alll'.l: bRena M. Phelps, adminstratl'ix, in- ers. ventory approved. Estate of George E. Petel'Son. . dec·d. Alma Peterson-·appointed adNEW PRESIDENT .. . ministratrix, Horce Shaner. Ernest Bingham and Thomas Bal'gel' a'p pointed appraisers .. Estate of Charles C. Couden, deold, Ida Couden, appoin'ted administratrix, Stephen McDowell, Elgar Enfield and George Witt, .~, appointed appraisers. Fri., Jan. 14, M :1'>Oll. th ere Estate of Nora Clevenger, dec 'd. C. C. Becket't, executor, LouiS BeTues., Jan. 18, W. C.lTJollton H van, Herbert Ro~B and Clarence ·i Jan. 24-Carli Ie a't Mi ddl etown. Han'is appointed appraisers. Estate of Louie Cor\vin, dec'd,
.\ S~ORTS -" -\ . LANT '
Fri., Jan. 21, Ope n
Pri., Jan
CASH FOR DtAD :snKS COWS $5.00; HORSES $6.00; According to size and condition Prompt. Clean Service
All small 'stock removed
PHONE COIl ECr Xenia 1112 or WiIIaiDdoD 2362 JANES RENDERING, Waynes ville, Ohio
• : .• • ~j
;, tl t,
:' .
tl ..
/lul ds ;:'C ?~ ~,I t ri l's ga el of the Ollio Fnrm iSll CfllI Fedflnlliol1, Sllr ""'d ing I'c n ·.v L. Green, Ma'utua, Wlill retire i >lrt "r ser\ling 15 years. Pcelle I",,, i. 'en a UlC' IJl, ber of thc Farm BU r CltIlI s ince lSUIUId lias held sc"eral responsible I nrim ~,
. 2~,
Sprin,e:boro, there Fri., Feb. 4, Kings MiI\s. here Sat., Feb. 5, Spr;n!!' Valley. T Wed., Feb. 9, .e'1t:! rvillc, there Fri.. ·Feb. t 1, H iIlliho 1'0. there
Vicker·s . f .......... .. ...... :......... Sim pson, f ...................: ...... Hunter. c ............. ;.............. H us! ings, g .................... " .. Larnhal' t, g ........................
TO An1(:~" :il~ J;~~
positions. He has served on (he board' or tmstees for seven yean;.
" ---
1"01'1 e. f ................ ..... ........... • malh,,'ood . f ................... ,.. McQueen c ........................ en chl :l', K ........................ Longman, g . ........................ 1I1aybl'Y. g ............................
I ~OR R IS r,""'CK COMPAr-I"
Cincinnati Unio~ Mock Verde L. ·vo '.:ire 'Qr,d Prog •• · A~ ..eDlld tc
~tr · r.t h, seller. on the DMt all .. r <> .. .. d mar1l.t In ttl. c" .. ntry.
~ ;.."V · r. E
a 'A TIS""
\ , , .. \ . • ·u\· ton 12:50 E. .. I"
1 )"
Waynesville 18.
Call, Wire or Writ., our represenlotivel
. .,
. , ,_ "
c:.tT~:S uO IUCUID
luiLDINO AViNUI C:lIVILMD' t4, OHIO . , , SUperic" '~
'VLW CIDclaDItoU for Our ~
.1I0tmBa 9- U Clieb m6tnini
Replace Worn llres With New ,-. . .. .' U. s: .Royals
Antl-Freeze Zerone- Thermo Dole Thermostats , for all cars
Belcher's SODOCG _S.ervice
Qtlacr evenin£s by
Appointnt.~.nt TEI .EPHON E'6 2. R
. J3attertoa Auto·ute
exce,t .
4IIIrie . S pecl&llll lOaua Detr<Jlt 8t. . . D"JA. OSlO
~ •
t ,l Wilkin .• · . are
Vou can't -be tOCl particula.r · about your family'~ c1()thing SendiD3 it • out' 1lo be . cleaned saves yoU)' ti~~ 'and health, b'-l t; sending it tis sa ,'es your :;.mll y's heaith, too, lot every Ung is done Uli.der the me) . , sanitury co ndi t' o,os. That" one oJr the l'easons ),:; kCl1d ele~nin~: , .... to B&Ws. .
3 17 ,3 17 6 7 4]0
2 1
18 a
The best way to forget a sport defeat is ·to go out and win oneal. 1~1!8t Coac:h Ed Porter implied
~ _ .tl l l lt .1 ; 00 , • 1, t1, ''''t:l 1. epurl,.
{;-5 . afternoon. WC<1nesda 7.9 Saturday e
7 7 1 3 8 1
TOTALS ........., ..............27 18 72 " ' Score by quarters: W'liyneslVilJe ........ 11 23. 86 ' 41 Carlisle .................... 20 38 62 72 Preliminary res,ult: Oarlisie 27,
RtAD IV "',601 . OHIO FAMI:F.S WITH ~lO BilLION DOllARS '\'0 SPEND f'o, ~ol 01 ' State Ral •• Vblt ,hi. N.w.paper 011
Mercury' Made
G ·F P
0 0 0 2 0 4 1 8 6
TOT ALS .............. ..........14 18 ~1
..-..---"'--- ==~':::::'~--~~;:::::;:::~;:;:=r~~="~
Winter. 011 CbIDge .
6 6 18 2 ,4 8
Towel l, c ............................ 1 0 8 'l'~nn ... y , g .. .......................... 1 ,0 .1 3ic ha ffie, g ........................ 1 0 .2
muoh .while dismissing the reCarlSa·le defeat with a shrug a n4l "it was just one of those gamey '. where the. vi sitors coudln't mias the hoop." H.oweve!· certain amends were ntlide Tuesday night as Bob Hastings with 16 points paced .the . ~l'tani ,to 57 to 29 victory over Kingman on the latten court. Kenny Vickers led the local point 'm akers 'with 18 tallies in the Carlisle game. We ha .e·--m-e-~-,t..,-·o-·n-ed-'-""tb;-e--l'~ e. ~ er ves. but very tittle this se son but in Ithe near tuture, .we. viii o hong in' there. next ~e l\l' mar lie • our jus t contnllu (' ha l'cI [/l'!\ . . • La. t Su nday would ha ve be n · -'( ·ell .baseball 'w eath er .2 lit l eu~ warm er than hose bleak Oc..tpbel· · days woen the softball loop W !l S · cles pcl'ately tryin~ to fini sh its schedule .. Anyway. j ust IlS n rl.!mil).dcl' ~ all loc1\1 youtll S hnct l,er,tel' !fUll' I, ~ et;ti nf:' ~ pi c!\ ' - you'll need two, - oi' t;u!ir .hil'Lb r.ertifi- . ea te!; if th'ey ~ant to play Amerknn Ll"!(ioTi ball, Wlhen fint prac".~e ~ essi <?l!S ' ·.re. annou.nced in ' Apr il or May we will aSk you for h o <j p certifica~s .1irst 0 write <>1' ":'sit tlie 'C u'Tthou$e of your ' hirlh 11 write the State Hdqa.• at Oni um /hel'e \'eT yon~'s is BUp.p(J!:ed to. be - that i~ if th~ ',~ctor f ollowed through . ' Remember, only ycuths who wilJ nat; be o\l1er than 17 throulrht :the e.ntil'e 1949 seaso." are eligible. Some boylt' asked,:m«l. l'ecent;ly ,how young one' could1>e and still be,lor my Kaney if you thin~ ~ can play and our only 9, 10, 11, 12 etc. show 'u p - well decide for 70u, Just like spring tralnlnc f01' the :IS
I!~ n.t
Redlep of Cincinnati.
Vi \. 'J ~ Co:;, /', ~.i:: . OHIO No. 11103. l'UL"ith ~ ~ '. J. N A HY i J. 1!I.
DON'T FORGET TO CALL us for insurance. All types of insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesvjlle 2472 or call .collect. Wilmington 21 t t .
Charter No" 2220 N
Reserve District No.4 REPORT OF CONDITION OF
The Waynesville Natio!,al Bank OF WA YNESVlLLE~ omo In the State of Ohio, at the close of busine8s on December 31, 1948 published In response to call mad1! by Comptroller of the .Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutesi. .
- 'NOT ICEASSETS ----~ Cash, balanceS' with other blUlks, including reserve balance, NOW OPEN and cash items in process of collection ......,'.,....................... $ for custom butcherinr. Prompt United State Government obligations, direct and guarant.eed. ... service. Gail Gordon, ~ Harveys- Obligations States and poli~ical subdivillions .,........... ........... bur,. . Phone Waynesville 2006. . Other bonda.ofnotes; and debentures ............................................ .\ -fnd Corporate stocks (including $4500.00 stock of Federal --~--
HELP WANTED-&fALE ELPERLY MAN 'fol' chores 011 small farm. Adra Lewis, Phone 512V3. Miamisbu·rg. . 1-13
NonCE OF APPOINTl'<IENT Administrator E s tat e of George E. Peter on deceased. NQtice is her eby_given t hat Alma Peterson .hoe Post Otfit'P Addres3 is Waynesvil:e, Ohi o hill; ueen dllly . app ointeq as Administratrix of th~ Estat e of Geo ge E . Pet erson late of ,Wayne Township, Wn 1'l'<:1l Oounty, Ohio, deceased.· • Dated this . 5th day of January 1.949. . Alton F. Brown Acting Judge of the Probate COUl't . . Warren County, Ohio. . Maple and Maple Attys. " NOTICB OF AP~IN'QIENT AdmlDiatntor , Estate of Walter E. Friend deeeaaed . . . Notice is hereby !riven that Cl\artes ·E . -Bogan .whose Post Office is R. R. 8. Waynesville, Ohio . Administra~r of the Estate E . Friend late of Massie To'trn• hip. Warren County, Ohio, deeeased.· Dated this 29th day of December 1948. RALPH H. CARf;Y . Judge of the Probate Cou.r t , Warren Oounty, Ohio lI'e ryl B. Gray, At~orney
Lebanon'. National 'Farm Loan OCO BANK BLDG. LEBANON, OHIO PHONE 448
. WI ' !'lIE PARK Ice pta
Reserve bank) ....................................... ............................................. 4,500.00 Loans aM discounts (including $116.62 oV6rdrafts) ................ 358.509.06 Ban.k premises owned $16,960.31. furniture and . fixtures $7695.88 .. ,.................................. ,...................................... 24.6~.19 TOTALS A~SETS .......................................................:............. 1.988,182.85 LI.ABILlTl~
-mi. JJolI'l
Mr. Raymond Si"nith wa'il taken to the Mio,mi Valley Hospital Mon· day atternoon. ) I l'. and Mrs. McNell lind Mrs. Jen nrl' Richard,,· of Dayton called on Mr'. a nd Mrs. Hily Gibson and . Mr. and !wtrs:' M.o1;r is . Lewis ruIn fa ~nil y Sunday afte1'll0on.
. --
Mr. and Mrs. Ralp); Dill all(f son Tommy. of Spl'ing Valley ~al led on his pnren~s Satul'day eve · ning Mr. and Mrs. Emel'$on Dill. Mr. and Mrs. NOl'man Risinger. Mr. and Mrs. ~l'thur Kisit;lger alld family of Dayton called on theil' pa rents Sunday afternoon.
Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations .......................................................... .'..................... 1,352,356.86Mrs. Gra~e ' Wagner of Sprinjr Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, lind . Valley spent Monday with Mr . allil Dec;,~~ra!}o~~ioo'd·:si;:t;;~·G~~~;~;~i.. ·(r;;~i~di~g ..p~;t;i.. ··.... 176,600.42 ." Mr . Rnymond Suiith. . ' savings) ......................,................................................... ,...... ......... 24.842.63 Deposita 0 fStates a!,~ political subdivisions .............................. 249,576.92 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis and Other depo!!lts (certifleld and cashier's ChEiCks. etc.) ............ 216.90 family a nd ~ rs . Hily Gibs-on spent Total Denosits ....... ,.......................................1.802.592.72 Other liabilities ...... :..•~..... .............. ......................... ........................... 1,&00.00 Saturday in Cincinnati .. TOTAL ' LtASILITIES .............................. ,..... ........................ 1.804,092.72
CAPITALS .ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common stock, total par $76,000.00 .................................... ,..... Surplus .................................................. __............................................ Undivided profits ........................................,....................................... Reserves (and retirement account for pl'I!ferred stock) ............ TOTAL CAPITAL ACqOUNTS ...................................... :...
76,000.00 76.000.00
9.411.69 184,090.13
:J,.iend6 ' fiotno
~1iss Elizabeth Chandler returned on New Year's day to her duo ties at Hampton Imtltute. Virginia after a ten days vacatlol\ at the home. .
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Loll')' and ' Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Spting-
Assets pledged assigned to seC1U'e liabilities and for other pUl'pOses ' .............................................................,..... .........
field, Ohio, called on Dr. and Mn. 299,~1:26 . F. B. Gl.'&gg on Sunday afternoon. -State of Ohio, County of Warren, 118: ( '. Mrs. Lucile ' Armitaa'O . spent I. Jas. E. Jones. cashier of the bank, do loleinn1y Sundaf afternoon with relatives in. _ swear that the above statement is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. LebulOD. .,.
Jas. E. J()NES,
Frnnk Stt!Il'lI)l>':"Y. son of John and Jane StllllSbel'l'Y. 'was boTn in Waynesville, Ohio, April 17. 1864 and passed this life Jan. Il. 19411 aged .84 yr. 8 mo. l it days. He wall ' married to Ella Burns and to . th i!i u.liorl ~l'ven 'cl:\i1dre'll were born. three have preceded th'eir fllt h!!r il' d(, fl lil and f<'ur remain to I~' lII'n hi,. nn :;~}n :" ~ By :nrllt.!1e ",i l II 'huumllker, b.u t for Ill !\lly y :.'!I !· wa. · {\ l,lmged b psin'tl ng ti ml :l l so in Ih" II ~ king li nt.! : ),ip l :::/?' f lloultry. He is ~" c J!\st of u fum i!y of fiva (· h:iI (~ I·oll. tlll'ee istE'I'.; anll one IJrother. all of whom have lll\s~ ed u way many years ago. Du e tu hi ~ ~d ' II! cill~ :V~"{,6 his health be~a'l to fail imd a few weeks ago a cl)nnge cl\me, '~e feeble body . cou ld no longer with· stand the ravages Qr disease and the 'went'y ~o ul passed ~nto ·eter· nity. He was 1\ good neighbor and kind fd end. He leaves hi .. wife, three sons, one daughter. sixteen grand children and .te n great grand ch ilclreD , thTee nieces, on'e nephew and many other relatives and friends. Oh. why should mem»ry veiled with gloom, And lik~ Ii sorrowing mournel' craped.. . Sit weeping o'er an empty . tom~ Whose: cap.tive bas eaeaped' The joy8 we lose are but forecast. And we shall find them all onC(! more; We look bebind us for the past. But.. 101 'til ali ·before. CARD OF THAnS We 'dealre to .",real our slDcere thanks and gratitude to our tl'ieDCla and relativeS for the sympathy and klndneu down ' 111 In ' Our .... bereavement. The ChUdrea. .
Julian F. Smith and Celia Smith,
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th a~y of January, 1'0 my. paper oustomera ",bo fatber and Sister of eclilior (aow ~ T . DRAtI'E N .....-'Llt " R e c r u i t ) Carl $rnith; arrived i:s 1949. " .....ER ,... Do. otary CUD c rem~,~bered me on ~aper. Boy . 'WaynetMlk from HJ8ttll-ritle, (SP:AL) Correct-Attest; , . • Day and ~hriitmas With money - Manland on 'Al\Jraaa" Januaq: 8, ROSS .R . ttARTSOCK and cards. I a~ grateful and wilih to help Mrs. Smith ill cl:nyin, on SETH E . FURNAS each ' of you a : P,,*erous New the Miami Gazette u.rtt11 (blat arEVERETT EARLY Dltector.. Year ' ;. railgement. can be made for t;rau. " • ferrilll the property to. a . . Ronald ~mpeoll owner.
Se.turlty In mind I. . for '49 . THE LAND BANK WAY
381,789.69 863,682.92 326.10..99
~n '1!7Z'n1( I!'illt'ft
- - PHONE 24'51.
Any maik·. ·or m.od.. ,....... . ~r . it Kahn Motor Car Co.
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READY-1l1X COJlCllli'l, . acAVA11"G ... DUMP ~ SiavlCIt
The Miami
./ OtJT This week, however sDulll this paper ~y be it is the official The organ to give B~G DeWS. sold. been has TE GAZET MIAMI The new Editor and Publish er is Mr. Ted Conover (his kibitzing says leave off ~e Mr.) who form. erly published the Twin City News at BaltimOl'e, Ohip. Prior to his ~ming to Waynesville h~ was employed by the Crestli ne Advocate. He is marrie d' and has a . young son David. Edna Conover (Mrs . .Conover that is) will assist in the shop as she is a printer In her own right. Perhap s your first though t when you picked up this paper might have been. Weill Joe James sure lIbort change d us this week. Maybe on the other hand you were pleased enough as this col· umn now inform s you, there will be no more. Yes Joe has - quit - resigne d - been fired ~ given the gate - or what have you. in other words its no longer Editor . Joe. The experie nce has been most interes ting for I have found what an editor's ,job really is and iis no picnic. Your paper last week came about with a great loss of sleep, from .friday 4 :80 to Saturday 11:80 A. M. I firmly be· . lieve that ' it was worth it though , perhap~ the fate of Wayne sville's weekly newspa per since 1850" was held in the balance. Ted saYI what isn't in ,uantit y this week he · hopes to make ' up for in quality in his future issues. He further states that all you good .people will ret 2 extra issues at your' exPirat ion dat&, just for hartlUl: to P!lt up With me. (He really didn't make thiil last re· · ,
The planl lor. ,.Oul' newspa per calls ' for eight pagel each week. We reques \ your help in eencling .In. person all and other newl Items. The shop will also be ' open for Job work and' adverti alng daily from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. and Saturday 8 a. m. to 12 noon. It III r8lrUested that all ne,ra' for a curren t weeks . edition be in by, 4 p. m. Tuesday.
The Youth Fellow ship Mid-Winter Inatitu te of ' the Dayton District will be held in South Park Church , Daytolll Saturd ay, Jlan. report to the' Minilte r .Sunday . . All Youth who will go please .~ SOth. · 'J;'ll§ :W'2l),1fn'§ ~clety of Ohrlattan Service met 'thursd ay.' ~ter noon at 2' P. M. witli Mrs. Mabel _. Davis. . In ,..armony with the progra m of tile church "Advan ce for Christf , tIie ~t~ty has accepted an increas e in mlssonaPy &lving S8% of and to endeav our to entrllt e~ery woman In the church ' as a member of .the society. ., Mr. and M!,s.. Lewis Rlsh of '13 ·and 48 who have been in Eau Gallie, Fla., since last .Septem ber, visiting their daught er . and son· .in·law, Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Sum,mers, was called home by the death of Mrs. Rish's brother , Mr.-Ro bert . . Chaney ,of Dayton.
MI'. Walter Whltak er Is con· 'valescing at hi8 home following a J1lljor op~at10n' at Miami Val' ley J-TosJlit!,\1. Ml', and Mrs: L. V. Branst rator . are now In Braden ton, Flol'ida . where they, will spend the winter.
Civic Club ·H ears Sau er
The Civic Club was att~nded by about 70 members and wives at · Febru ary Meeting 'To Be tlte Me~odist Chul1ch Monday eve. At Home Of John ning. The Iadiel of the church furnish · Settlemyre ed a fine ' banqllet. Mack Sauer, edlt()r and publish er The Farmer-'s Club met on Thurlof the Leesbu rg Citizen. gave a day. Januar y 13 with }{r. and 8ERYIN O WAVN E.VILL E aINCI1 880 very humorous and morally help- Mrs. Paul TomlinlIoOft as host and ful address. ' Sa~r has gained con- hostess in the Method ist ,Church PIY'E C~N:ra A COP.y THURSDAY, JANUA RY •• "49 sid~rable fame as a speake r and dining room. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. editor of the pr;ze-'Wining Citizen , · Coleman, Ria.... and Mrs. S. N.lteya , 4.404 No. WAVN"YI~""" I ' Mrs• . J. E. McClure end AtothIU' Wilde were the 8Uest8 of the club. A delicious baked .ham dinner was eel'Ved. Rc>scoe Fur~, newly elected pNeide nt for 1949, gave the ImA "ARM DIARY · nual preside nts' .address, using the topic "Con.servation." 'R by' D .J. • 'ftAIZEI Arthur Wilde, chief enginee r of JANUA RY 13- Mrs. R;. B. , ft Radiati on at Wriglbt Pi ld Aircra Coleman was h06tess to <the Friend· . Mr. and Mra. Nonna n VanMe ter st speake r of th~ ~r thegue was on afterno sday again, Wedrle on Home Club 1949. . ship Januar y 15 of Dayton, are announcing tih& films on peace showed &lid noon W"!'l" Mrs. the ds in at the parson age, with birth Of a daug.bter, Nol'ms Jean, from Januar y bUzzar and action icturea radar of use Rich Cova Mrs. thaw y and ck Januar to Braddo ins ren Mounts p at Good Samari tan Hospita l, in . Rocky get the as co·hos.tesaea. Twenty ·one memo OV'er Europe . in . Dayton on Januir y 7. ' Mrs. Vlln in Ohio. Denver didn't meet to ed adjourn ciub The two guostill, M'1'8. Owen blizzar d that Meter was the former Hiss Mabel Worst of · the big Wyomi ng and· 'b ars and John Mrs. and MI'. 'V(itb ry Februa Ridge, C. D. HN. and Hartso ck Luding ton, ' daught er of MI'. and burled parts of SeVlem yre . as host and ho6te.s , . Nebras ka in drifts eightee n and were present . . Mrs. Alva Ludington. when they will serve dinner at the' nt, presIde the had ,af only absence We the In Richard Sheehan and Richard twenty fellt high. Branch Church, and the ate.. Olilve Charles 141'8.. weeks about six 01' eight inches on the the . vice-prealdenlt, Bradle y are Ipendm g a progra m will be at their ernoon sesn busme the and ted condue streets y ~8IV'ls, slipper level with in Arizon a .. home conStubbs H. A. Mm. and 8'10n, fast • Mrs. R, E. Asbury le~t on Mon.- stalled cars but there the eight ducted the devotlit)ns. day and will spend a few days with trains were all delayed from , lrUest the was Ridge C. D. Mrs. of 'h er 80n-in·i1lw and daught er, ,\fro hours :to five days for somedied speake r ·a nd gave, ·t o members and and Mrs. John O. Larson and S0118 them and sheep and cattle aceounlt of the Pasby the thousan ds. The winds blew lrUest:a, a line she saw it while on in Verona , New Jerae:v. as Play, 810n. Hrs. Ernest HaTlan left on Mon· a sixty mile an ·hour gale and· her vaeation in the BI8jlk Hilla of day to Vi8it ):Ier daught er, Miss thousan ds of people were stuck South Dakota. Th as usual e ' Women's Auxilia ry of Follow ing adjolln tment to meet Marga ret Harlan , and KaJor and in cars and bUllel butnot I that that, &11 St. Mar y 'sl ~i.pil the! Febin b, l1neles R. O. Mrs. J. N; stockto n in· I ' just missed Mnr. with noon, to fun much not was it lOtty, .&IIl 1M .... ....... ton, D. C. She will Pllns were made to hold the uI'ary, a lOCial hour was enjoyed be buried in a train for five days inaugu ral food sale, in the room ocannw aened menta refll88h no dainty but with Waynesville Farm n Grange as some of the people were, l>y the Wa:vne~vil1e Fumcupied will meet in' regular eesalon on doubt you read about all that in hy the hostess . (Old Miami Gazette Store ture an you . give Saturd ay evenlne. J&DU~ 22, the papers and 1 can't y 29th beginni ng at Januar BIde.) t. acceun l witnes eye in with the newly installe d officers , . M. P. 2 left I when g It was snowin cilarge. the ted conduc r Frazie E. C. Hn. that Ernest Harlan t. ' in OklahQ~ Denver and everyone though t bliz., .devotions an4 Mrs. Ronald Hawke it was going to be anothe r City for a few day.. . the as Christm bef~re Since reaehed I was in charge of the study period time Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Coleman zard but by thethaw weathe r a- children in the F'Irst Grf4,e' have ~ the aubjeet of the "Vi~1\ r... waa it Chicago aon called on ·Mrs. Anna Wllllam From ChieiSP to Dalton been makine pot holders for their liUldtl." and daqhter,~ Milia Grae. . at the rain. FoU~ adjoum meat to meet of all kinds 01 . mother s duriq receas periods . Rahn NUl'IIing Home Yl Miamis ." we had. sample .' Dayton with a Eacn child choo8e18 the design and at the orectory in FelmJa ry, d&inty to ~t and ' r weathe &an~~u. ,b ure, refreeh ments were 8flVed to the some sleet to find color he IIkel. Paul 'Pic)dn e il confined to his little snow and from Bellbrook ' member's and following 1r\MIIta, Bledsoe Gale all is that <"flow but streets icy ,home as' a ,r eeult of an operati on Mrs. Joseph Silk, Mrs. Flahbael'c, air is almost like and . Rub, GiUie, from Lebanon on his latee, ,"-~DU' VJlley HOs· ione and the . the ,Second Grade.. entered have are Gren', Mrs. EmmrD aldrra1 ldbullts Mrs. spring the All sprine. . pital, durine the put week. d finishe has Grade third Charles Stan. The Mt'II. mud, is it and grow Mr. and Mrs. William Strouse startin g to Health ,book whiCh Is used the is There here. everyw mud, mud, observed their weddin e anm\'el'Uthe westem during the lint llemester. We are ry on Sunday , and enjoyed dinner ' one nice thing about during climate, Denver vari~ty, they don'~ going to ltudy Geogra phy in De;vton. of the year. The part lalt the oJten very not least At mud. have The W. C. T. U. he1d their reg. it. It almost ch.ildren will ~ke an imagin ary ular meetin g on FrIda:v evenin g at nor very .much ofwinter time and trip around the world, visitin , the in rains never Mrl. Olive Curl spent Saturd ay the Methqd ist Churd! with I(rs. is so dry that ' any China, Japan. Holland, Africa, the .morni!).g with her brother , Mr. Olivoe Curl a. preekling officer and the ' ground . a, EBkimo the soalea right In and gton. Mis8 Lucy Emley as secreta ry. m.oisture The entir,a 4th Grade now num- Ralph McPherson ' 11\ Wilmin 10 much' of it that abaorbs air was .alMion rson is making a u McPhe buaine Mrs. Th~ usual pupiTs new two bad We 70. bers . quickly slush fades away very apendid · recover y from a servious tteld, and Mill. Jennie Bradle y con· T1iey would lay that they never ent&r last week. .. B R. ~. 8. ~otloD the . ducted The progra m Ipr the Mother 's' operati on recentl y. 'aluah but I had an awful . Mrs. Nell~ Madden is spendin g Coleman read an article 01\ "Glor- have letting across the IrUtter the . Club, Friday , Februa ry 4th will weeks with friends in Wi!. two ious Living" and l\Ira. ' Cuil read time day &00 it wasn't just plain . be furnish ed by Mrs. S~eehan and n. several al'ticles from the "Union other mingto . Grades 4th water either but )-ou don't have Mrs. Weltz ., ~' .. ,-- rn.; Signal." Emma Holloway returne d Dr. start&d ha? r~ 4th:g Weltz ~~. rate. any mud at MT. and Mrs. William Strouse a8 much t is the last night of a. Tiny CoUectu~n, which con- Tuesda y from a visit with e~~~e. Tonigh enterta ined their .card club of C1n- the coon a.nd OPP09Ium' hunting . SIStS of s~ figures , animal s, near Chicago an(l. ln I~t'na, . Mr..Newton . D~rth and daugh~!pna~ 9» ~~~141 evenlq , with last. night bunt of the .ea- bottles, utellf'lIs, and many. other The 'and tlunke ter MISS ~earthofll'rinIl:11""n--' 3. the ~lin In Mr. and Mrs, ,on. I haven' t J>e\lD hunting thil! 1I1'tlotes. It 111 o·n ~ispI,ay calle~ dft br. and Mrs. ,. B. Gregg is t presen at and room, Mr. and Mn. Paul Shipley at l08c:ho~1 to " ' , !. . t.ried· - '. . '. ' Wli1neldaY 'afterno on. 0 7 , about have We small. covered s nth(!J' . .'. cal guests. A deliciou season. One o'l .om: DOY!:· ~ MI . . ';' .: , " .". ( ': .• ' ...... ~"'" ,'" i but dish dinner Was se~d and the get me to gl? last nightsatisfie 9h~ndler attenatid a d pIeces. We WIll welcome anyone ' . ...... _ didn't think he would be tPeeting of alpha imd eveplng was spent in .c arda. n, luncheo it. e e sl to that who wishes Kappa Gamma Mrs. Glen Borden and Mrs. Min- to ' make tha short \circle 80 I Delta , chapter Phi, Several donatio{ls have been reo want nie Muhge r attende d the meetin~ would be all I . would' been too celved and we W~uld we1come any· at the Van. Cleve Hotel in Dayton . of the Dayton Pike Commu nity didn't go. There have this more anyone mIght lik~ to give on Saturd ay. Club · at the home of Mn. Henry coons killed o~ our plaoo ------Harris, near Lebanon, during the winter but not by our boys. One us. of the Mlaml Chapladies' The other. the of them got a new dog week. S. will open the -E. O. 107, ter the of worst the course Of' · he got M'rlf. Jrene Smith and daught er. .day and to his great joynow the winter is y(lt Ito come but the .Masonic Temple dliting room on But· g for an old-tuh of Hyattsv ille, Maryland, were a coon with her; tliey can do ! Ja~uary thaw makes you feel that Saturd ay mornin all and over is season .Mn. and . Mr. . ut-try. Simday . guests of doughn ioned corner the' is think about it until next year. spring is just around ; hostes!! wal' Miller Loyd Da.vI.. , G. R. Mrs. and that . There is a charm a.nd exeitem ent and yet we knovv it isn't Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Prende r- about folloWing the dogs up hill the thing that is just around the to the 'Argun ot Bridge Olub on Mrs. :M'arie .ltl:tfle gast and daught er and MilS Kath- and do·wn with your little lantern corner is the time for income . tax Tuesday, ,with Thompson "as Alva ,Mrs. d an' thing one goes it so And . reports rine Prende rgast visited Bryan and I don't blame them for liking dessert COllrse dainty A guests. Yeaf's after anothe r. New Prende rgast, who is. a 'patien t at it, and it is far 'more wholesome . right two tables were licenses, real was served andthe dog Tax, Income fit afterno' on,' i . ' the Deaconess Hospita l, ht'Clncin- than hangin g aroun d some j o day, more I"n pl·a" y during e!lttnes es t a te t axes, Va 'I AAA s'day, ]I aft , on Sunday .' " Tom Puss has eome bac;I~. He tax. reports , St, lPatrick Rev. and Mrs, R. B. Coleman Mrs. Joseph Tobias of Lynch- hal! been gone since last suml'\'ler reports on what y.ou think yol1 are thi s year, Oounty tax visited on Wednes day ~with 'Mr. ' burg is spendin g a few ' days with but one day before Christm as, going to do and then Sprin'g at JastI Charles Fisher nnd his mothl!r . het 111other, Mrs, Truma n Ward. theJ:G he was b.ack at the barn reports ·six weeks now till the near Port William. about y as big as his Onl .low. g rown almo~t. 'twice first <If March s() get out your seed ,}liss Martha Deathe rage Rnd sister K.itty Puss .. The four pups c~81ogues ·and !tet ~~ work . Ol:t 'litr's .. ~orr~nce I{irkpatl'lck is Da'yton I,ecp IG tty on the move but they that special. ga~ ell pl~n'tha1; you Miss ,Marion Brown Valley) lIospita l be) n ~oing to make, confined at Miami were Sunday, guests of MI'. and didn't dare tackle .Tom. The? just have aLways as. a result 11mb ctured f' a t here "before · with or spring' 'Will Mrs. ·Ross H. Hartso ck and daugh- stooo at a safe distanc e and look- you. get all' !l pet just a-s it of a' ftl II at his home 0:; Main ters. ed' nt 'him. al}Vays d06$~ SI;·1'eet. n ~ " !fit', . cM.A ,,.. •. r: ~ -t . -,=',n" , ~;If'1I).:n l . ' .... - I'\ .,, ~ -m to IIIW .4t to - ....... . .-II 'I. ~U, ..... oi'~').t I . ' •., .T .J•
Friendship ClubF'eted At Coleman'.
AuxiIiary Plan. , For 'Annual Sale
News wade SchO " ll
of '
" ·b'.
. .......
.... .
,; j
The Mia.mi Gazette BBTAB )' J8BBD 1115' Publi.fled Every Thul'lCl.y At W.yneevill .. Ohio 1
MI~. and I\lrs. A. E . Kyte s~nt s evelral days last week In Cin· cinnllti-. SUBSCRIPTION RATE I lI>flrs. Clal'a Stacy has been quite 11.50 • Veer In ill at t he borne of her daug ht er, Mrs. Dearth Sheehan but is im· proved at th is time. Mr . a nd Mrs. Ogle Belville of Spl'ingfield called on Mr. a nd Mrs. A. D. Smith on the Day tOil Pikc and other fr ie nds here on T hurs· day. Mr. Smith is improv ed sin c,' 5ufi lering a stroke on Chris tmll Day.. . '- Ml·. and Mrs. J. B. Jones an, , . AUGUSTINE .M r. T,herle 'J one in compa n ~ ~.i l her Krumholtz, Priest with Mr. an d Mrs. , Raymond 0 . Masses 8 and ~ 0 A.M . bom e of Xenia , visited Mrs. J o eph cousin, Mrs. Flo sie CumMT. HOLLY METHODIS1' mins a nd f a mily in pr ingf ield on Su nday afternoon. T. M. Scarff, Minister METHODIST CHURCH Mr. a nd M rs. n arvey Bu r n ~t SunO a v Schc.ol 9 :30 a. m. R.B. Coleman, MiniSter . an d Mr.' and l\fr S ,t h Fur nas E.A: Eart, na rt, Supt. CIIurch School 9 :30 a.m. Nnrship Service ! 0 :30 a.m. attended the Way ne Towns hi p J. J. Burske, Supt. venmg Service 7 :'3 0 p.m. F a rmer's ' Club, Thursday at the Worship and Sermon . ~1et.hodil!t Church dining-hall in \ 10:30 a.m. CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS \, ay ncsvi ll , ,,,here the lub wa s Special Music Choir t{·~ v , Da vid. ~ta n fi e l d, Minister en tl~rtaill ed by MI'. a nd Mrs. JOhl1 Youth Fellowship Thursday Suriday School so LID. Gon s. . 7:00 PM Worship Service t t a.m. 1IJrr. and Mr s. 'Ph er le Jones, Mr. Gholr Practice Thursdav and Mrs. 'Lowcll Thomas, a nd Mr. , 7:45 PM UTICA Eo U. B. QlUROI and Mrs . Fred Rush, a ttended the Ci vic Club di nner and mee t ing a t I v. ,W ill ia m hannon ·ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL ~ .. n a " S hllol 9: 3.0 a~ m. th e Methodist hu reh at Wa!0es· villu Monda y evenjng. -Mrs. James (~arn on. Sup t. Samuel N. Keys, Rector Preaching 1st and 3rd S unday~ Rev. a nel Mrs. O. E. Vice an d Church Sch 01 9 :1 5 A.M. cCtt:h ml)llth . 1() :3 0 a.m. littl e dau g hb:n' of ) ] iddletow ll M orn ing Wo rsh.ip l ' :3'0 A. M.!l1 il1 ,1: e r V1 Ce " i :30p. m. spen t Sund ay even Ing. a week ago , wit h l\1L' all d 11:s. J . B. J on es. I t"TLE METHODIST fRIENDS ') l\IIr. lin d M)·s. Raymond O' bol'TIe, of lURCH Xenia were th il' tli '1IC1' gue!\\ ' Fa t Day . chou l 9: 30 a.m . ( Dr. J oseph Myers. Mj oister that evening. Meet!n!!' for Worsh ip Sunday School ' 9 :30 a.m, Tho' J anuIIl'Y' nl C'e tillg' of th e , 10 .30 a.m. Mrs, RUlh aylor, ~uJ' t. Wo lan's Societ)' of Lytle Church ' '' ' Iil) Scrv i ~ t t} :30 a.m. was holt.! at th hOllle of IF!' . W A If NESvi LLE Gorge W elle' on W edno!;duy , Cl-.URCH Of 'CHRISl . : ERRY CHURCf{ OF' CHRIST Jan:JH \'Y 5 with a largo!! nllC'nd8l11; M·. tI . Coffe) , M \n l~ter !}" f" " C a r cr. Minisle r ilfj " Mary Wiseman f Lebanon Bible School ~ A. M. I 1·l t, ~Ll I () ( '1 I}: H) a. m, was th~, glu?st paaker·. 'fhe coin .. Mo Worship 10 :30 A. M. . ~'. ( -nm,!; W or.,htr '10 :10 a.lI1. nri t,t (.i in ch a rge wer : ;\h· .. WH~lIr lar k, Mr!l. )l::rnest Harla n. I I i.I I' Me t i ll !' ~ :00 p.m. h:'-.,.::----...J..U.LUI~~"'~.~---I~..,"- P.-M !vll's . Ha r vey Burne t and !\l vs. Hal" Eve ng . 7.30 P. M. . , 'un !!, P 'o pk\ Meeting old \ hi takel\ Th e' Februal'Y meet· . . \". :1 0 p.m. Prayer Me'etinl: and ing will be en~rta i n e d at , t he I : 10 p.m. Bible Study Wed., 7:30 PM. 'EvC'ning Se rvIce home of Mrs. Robert Tul lis.
Theodore E . Conover, pUblisher JOSEPH E . JAM,ES, Editor •• ~tered . . . .cond 01 ••• matt.1' .t the Pod Offl".
yali di ty of will put at issue, jury ~ Charles J., . ad?,iBistra. im pane led and sworn . t or, DBNWWA, fu st, fmal and K. M. A. Federal Credi t Union ' distributive account, .approved , alvs. James C. Brewer, at aI. , judglowed and oonfirmed. ment in favor of plaintiff in th e \ E state of Isaac Fox, dec'd , War. amount of $558.45 with interest r en C. Young, administra tor, first a t 6% from January 12. an d :t;inal account , appl;oved, alF lorence A . Himes vs. Harry H . . lowed a nd confirmed. H imes,· hearing set for Monday , Estate of Blanche A pple dec'd, J anl,lary 24. 1949 at 11 A. M. . George Gates, execubol' filed his Austin Thackar a, et aI, vs. Lee iir st a nd :final Rccou nt . Ma son as. executor of' t he will of E tate of George E. P et ers on. Emer on l\Ia ~on , dec'd, et aI., de· ~ ec'd, Alma P et erson, administra - ., . fendant .orde red to I'eeover costs trix, !lale of personal proper ty. from plaintiff a nd C'C l'tificate of E state ' of John M. Shell y, dec'd, J ud~ rme n t b(> given to .P robate Elta D. Hodgson, n p poi~ted ad- l om ! of \ :ll'rcn County Ohi(). ministratr ix, Wil bur H I! s and The F irst Na t iollll B IB' \'> (' 4' Mor J esse P oe a ppoin\ed apprai s('rs. TOW n. P loyd . F . an d BC1'ni(,E E state of A bbi~ Haseltine, d~'d, ' DOugJlmlll, judgtlmen t In fa , or oj Mo ses B: Haseltme, t l' U te e. f ried . plaintl!!, Ilmotmt of $3 50.16 with hi s fif t:ccntll accou nt . , intel'l'st lit ,." from .Tan ua ry 12. Estate of Alf red A. Scars , d (' d, I F rRnk B. Seal'. ad ministrator .,. PROBATJo, f ir st and f in al accoun t, a pproved'l E tate of Ch ar los MlI1'phy. !l~c d, allowed and C(lnj'irmed. Warren C. Young. ao minist ra tor , E~ta te of CharIeR l\fu,:phy. rlec'd, esta te e. empt fro m in hel'itance W a rren C. Young, n d m i nl~tl'Rtor, t ax. first a nd f innl ae.cou nt approved, ' nl lowed lin d confirmed. E st.ate of Es ic Cobb . clec · . Kathleen M " Bcck. exec utri x~ in· El'tate of Charles R . Stayton, . d c'o, M ryl B. Gray, attonley. ventot·y se t for J l\ n llll~'Y 31 a t C'~ tn l{' x e nl)~t from inh erit a nce. 10. ' . E state of Ch arle s Carroll El1h :~ ·t a x . dec'd, Charter s D. lvIapl e, executor. E stl> h , ! rJ~\l r(! (t • 1•• , 1 "1', I " d , fi rst, f innl ' and di stl'ibutivc a e·. Iiowal'd 1\1. 'n idt' r, I\d li n ·~~·. tot', coun t, a pPl'o\'e,l, allo\';c\l. and con· invent(lry hea ring s'l; f o ; J anuary . 25 a t 10. sale of T'C1'SO nl Pl'Oj) 'ly. f,irllll'd E t a te ' or Ray C. B, I g (' r , c 'd, Esta te o( Genl'J(C E. P !;Cl'.ion , lay 13. -13f.'l'~r , udml n' t r. tl'; x. c1ec'd,Alma P Horson, admini t r::af irs t and liMI c"o ti t . • 11pr~wc, l rix , in" ntory h('. nng ;: t: fo r 31lUIIl'Y 25 at 10. allowed a nd conlit'me!'l. "E. tate of II ~R;h;i~e~lrl~'.:,:..;,~ IC;;:.'~I::. J, _...:.._ _ ~:;;;::;:::;;::;:;::::~
WE WILL ALLOW $ 2.50 On yo ur Old ' Bat ~: rv When vou buy
KlfR'S Garage ~'\ a i n
and Mia mi St ' : I'h .
2 ..H l
' .
Ieebound is Next Church Broadcast , Ct;rrnel ,Wild!!, (list: n-S'uis hed young motion pic· tUl'f' a ctor. will star in. the rad io - dramatization of I cebound, Owen Da vis' Pulitzer Prize play, which will be broadcast t his Fridl,lY eve· ning over Mutual Broadcast ing System, . Ieebound is the story of a yOU!)g . New En gla nller , Ben Jordan (Cor nel Wilde) , who almost r uin s his own happiness an d t he happiness of t hose around him by l cttihg ·old gru(lgos a nd grie\, ance ri m:;lifl . froze,n up-icebound.... jn. side hi s heart. This gripping drama of human emotions rell s how the warmth of human' love and ' com· panionship thawed out . B en J or· d~'s icy inner burden, Icebound is the seventeent,h broadcast in the radio s1!rie!l Grel~t Scene's from Great . PhiYs, . . sponsor ed weekly by famili es of the Protestant ElJ>iscopal ·· C1)ul'ch and the Episcopal Actors' Gui1~ .
.l;·_Wheil You can Relax~ -...:"~~
wise! W hen cold 'winds blow and '$1;10-:1$ the . J\;,..hway, go Gr6ybOlllul. Sit back and relax! Let yom
(;H.'yhound driver shoulder all driving cllrc .as 'Iw :." kes ;'CIU s af~ l y .wJlcre er you waqt to go. Frce ),ourscli of ..n \Vinlcr dri ving and parking wor ries as you shop, u~ ... el o r com mute on dependable schedules. And " . . you SO by Gr~yboUDd at oDe·third the cost vf dri"'~8 yow cu.
OOCI( THESE. MO,EY-SAV' ..r, r.AmtO"PHl F~RES ' TO. .Olacinn'!lti ..................... ........... 1.15 Xenia ................................'........ .46 Lexington . Ky . ................ :....... 2. 93 Columbus ...... ,................... :...., . 2.()7 .. N9I1b'·iI1 e, Tenn .. : ................. . 7.30 ·Lebanon:· .. :............................. :.. .25
PHONE 2121
It'. ;u.t common scns~.
Profit,by the Cl.pcrience DC f8~enl
"T lle Miami Fettl1iHr
Compan)l Ia ~ independent Miami Valle7 _em under dlr""" ~tIon of Ita
who find BI G M brand fe rbllZer brings I!igger and ,better crop. ~
ceuae it'll .lwa},·. m a n u actureil up to rtandarda .' . • n~er down to l>rit'~ . OnIer ,... .".. ........ ""w '0' ""/. ~ OfJIi:E ~ DAYTOM. o illo
'.rtllbar Comliany .TIle Miami . . ,
'AC1'OIT~","rIM, QHI .
NO B Sl N ::.SS· PRE~S tJ RE . The funeral direct()rs profes sio n t ouoh· . as in a personal way ,' al l of a commu,nity's interests - ita ci.vic, industri al and church activities . We r egard them ' all h ig1!ly. Jlut. they are ' never ' a fhlanolal mp. . tive. . Our purpose is to help Uiose whom trouble ov~takes, and to serve thein as we would o\uo:Mlves be ·served .
1 NEW" SUITS Ohio Farmen IlISuranee CiJm· pan" ' . Corp, VI. Louie C('1'Win. for 1IIODI7 Old" emcnmt r..Ialmed
FI~rence A. Himes vs. Hany H . HilILe8, divorce, extreme crutllty, Cl'OISI neglect, C. Donald Dilatush. . ,1:. II. A. Federal Credit Union .... JUles C. Brewer, Frank Tor· ino, Jefferson Abshear, cognovit, Meryl 8. Gray aDd Charters D. MaiPle, attorneys. 1['he Firat Natlonu . Benk of lIlo;rrow n.. Floyd F. and Bernice Doll1ghman. ad'gnovit, FraDk C. Anderson arid Marvin E. ' Young,
The bigger the yield .~ the lowel the crop COlt-the bigger your Qfofit.
frOm lIaj' I, lt4~. Maple aDd Maple. Robert Lee Geak7 ft. Joephble GTa,., for ctanaac- .-out eJ.i1lllei $10,100 . . . . . . 1. T. atJ.r.
IOn- '8. WHIIaiD . . s.rnr D. Witbam, heariq Bet· for Saturday J~a&l7
15, INS ., 10:80 A. M.
.Awatm 'I'IuIebn, et
al, 'ft. Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of tIM WU1 of
...... . . . . et ...
"AYII"V"Lt; " ' 0
Franklin, , Emmett O. and Nettie R. Dale to THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1949 Qarl N. and Pauline J, Kroll, 1 lot in Franklin twp. John W .. and Mary Little to Carl E. and Pearl E, Little, 16,29 acre s in Franklin twp. ' REA~ ESTATE TRANSFERS William E. and Cora E. Hutt to Harry T. and Flora Chasteen to Russell Eugene and Marjorie Jean Tommy and Anna Wilson, 1 lot in Burnett, ,0,40 I\cres in Clearercek
OHIO No. H04
Jesse and MargaJl'8t Mentz to Elmer and Lucy Barger, 1 lot in Frallklin ~. Lee O. Spears to leim'm a Spears, 2 ,lots in Franklin. . , Anderson and 'Ludla Roberson to John Logsdon, 80 Ilcres in Wasington twp. OrvilJe J. Phillips to Ruth Do·d ge, 2 lots in Way,n'Csville. E. R. and Edith Hou sto n to Harry S, Easton, 1 lot in Salem twp. Gustave and Edna M. Sigritz to Myron El and Esther 'V. Sheets, 43.62 acres in Cleal'creek twp. Arnold and Inez Lou Conner to Cole mlln and A nnie Conn er, 2 lots in Salem twp. ' I ey " and ' Loretta Bludan to Hal' Hazel Crosley, 6 lots in Deerfield twp. Fostel' W. and Ru th Pauli to Marion Paulis, 5 lots in Deerfield twp. E , R. Houston to Edward D. aRd ' Mary SWl'ena Mullins, 1 lot In Salem twp. ' , E, R. Houston to Hubert ane! Gladys Singel', 1 lot ' in Salem twp, , Stephen S. Drag'oo to MfII'lowc and Beatrice Rich, 2 lots in Lebanon. ' Stephen S. Dl'a g oo t~ Harvey and Evelyn Drago o, 2 I,o ts ;n Lei anon. ' Columbia Record , Inc. to Mildred Pend e l'Y, trllstee, 2.906 acre~ and 20 sq, ft. in Hamilton twp, and 78 lots in Deerfield twp . Maude S, Cmne to Walter R, and Anne\ E., urface, 1 l ot in Lebanon. ' M, C. and Betty Kirk to "lei ThomplIon. ,320 aeres in Franklin,
tWJI. " Hazel Holli ster Gould to ,Richard E. Gould, 50.74 acres in -Deetfield t wp. Walter W. Ro~ rs to E li.A.rthur Rogers, 2 lots in Spi'ingboro, Arlie T, and Florine Eva ns to Dewey Earl and Amanda Ann Birch, 1 lot in Franklin twp. C. W. Budile to Pauline P. Taylor, 3 acre~ in De erfield ~vp •
CASH FOR Qt:.AD :s ruCK \
Cows,S'7.§O Horles,Sft
According to size and co~dition Prompt Clean Service All ,small stock remove,d PHONE COLLECT Xenia .1112
or WilminKlon 2362 JANES RENDERING, Waynes ville, Ohio
\S~:~s .i Bv
Although t hc \\' \ l'~ v iJI e Spartnns drop ped a a!)·ao tussle to ' J, \V est Canollto n, Tuesday evening, Coach Ed Porter of the locals did derive some satiRf-actio n from th e continued' fine work of his l'oserve squ ad. Defe n. ed 37:30 by' the vi sitors reserves. Porter" ('h nl'~ es we rc in the ga me ' all the' with th e f irs t. stri ng com binatio ll. of Purdu e" Stanley hcehan, Pet 1'5 a lHl C' Banion clild ng in excellent s yhi except for "I'e kness at thil "fl'ce throw la ne ". However, the Varsity was also weak at fo ul tossing, so the Spartan's may get extra w(il'k in thnt department fOl' games . till l'emlli n- ' ing. An intel'esting developm ent of th,e cage season to date ha s been the efforts of ' McKn ig ht. of the grade 'school to get LllI ketball timber started in the 4.Lh nnd 5th grades. La t WednCi;uIl Y these youthful basketcc l's eng aged an l h gl'a de quint e t Ilt Llle higb sell001 . m, We don t k now the l'e u t nor are we I)~\t, tic ula l'ly interested in the se01'e b\J t we al'I! ,glad that, som OIIC \:; 1 r:,'; ng t inoulcate participatIOn i n s po uts down among the junior g r~ J ers as th is co urnn firm ly lJel::!\,\:s t ha t th.e leadel's of t omorl'ow' ..",ill come from those who 'eithel· were active or th orou h y jntt:I'est ed in athletics in genera l. '0 t ulte a bow, Mr. McKn ight an I }I I'. Rettalick! I U's YOUI' id(>a and all we o,yant is more in;l\' r,mation from, ' you, SQ we can publicize It. Have been approach!!!! hy a\ 1'age Legion ballplllyel'S (,f ' ,~ . ~ I' Y a I's - jf you want to conbinueplaying ball let me Kn ow n and Lhe lea st I'll do ' is tell ~' ou ""'hcrl! to report when the Dayton amateur's announce their practice 'cl>,ic,n!l, a I'm int r~s, II too in youI' conti l Il "tlon of bas ball. Don"t n gJeo.t thor a ge CPl'tificuLes OIl. of >,ou • 7 ~' U l: old Legi c l1 a ~ p ' rllntG. ',If you (Wn't u:1,1 n t:I' , "what W o;> , n ~c d I; ntact me fit t.. e Tw'n ':r (I':n a nytime ~ o : i:l r ther infol·m'lt ,o. , • L wn,'t J,n ' It)~ 'J i )' those . ~in~ n :l ,: Re ;e J 'I'" !1 ~ king f ot' i, ei, ,111:1 III , P~"1\,>; t l:11 ;n :'ng well j . ( 0 'r.,; </1.. : 1 .,» ) "". A t 11 ('utra " , IIY :'," 1 ' ,; ", ,11 al ~o cl Cl SIJr :ng ll a: " "" Qo:1th4
Anti-Freeze Zerone- Thermo
- ::,/.. _...
Dt)k Thermostats
for all ca,rs
Batteries Sunoco
-; f~n;itllc
,C.,mpany ' ,.
\\t a1"
\·JeVE: r. \V J, fl.'
g'ue root ers Class A r'o oters fO l ' Dayton, we are e '~n, a'r en't we 1,
\ f
" Wrnter Oil Change pyna-lube ' Mei'cury ,M·ade
9-t l eacQ mornillKt f·S afternoons exeeJd Wednesday 7-9 Saturday ~veniDt otber eveniDp by
, Appointment 'TELEPHONB 62.~
Di. ,t .E . .
OJh ••1l1c __ It d ',4 . . . . . D ..........
•• '. for JOur Clothes &lid thole of 10ur family if you take advantage of our fine cleaning aervfce. No~JI&' len.tbeDli the life of
, elotbm. like the thoroueh, ,et patJe removal of Pit that rubs fl~, of tile, cJII't aDd adcla 't hat
... tl....... Let 111 aerve 'you til Buell. man- ,
' n ...
NOR,.I. B!!OeK COMPANY ' Clnolnnotl Union Stook -Iordo. Llvo 'WI,.. oneS Prollr...'vo. An: orllo'n iution _nd to non... 8triotly .."ora 0 ," tho ..... oil orOund ",.,.kot In ttl. oountry. SERVICE '1:H,AT ,IATI8jrlEe lWUO DqfrDD. U:1t JII. S. w. '
, EqU.~"': ~~
PAGI C .:. .
us for insurance. All types of insurance ' at a savings. Call Francis Gerie Brown, phone WaynesvllJe 2472 Or caU collect. 'Wilmington 2 ', t 1. »
l.OSTDOG, Black,· white, and tan. Fe· male, berrier type. REWARD. Dr. H. F. Dre.
NOW OPEN for custom butcherlnr. Prompt service. Gall 'Gordon, HarveY',bu lY, Pllono WavnesVtlle 2006.
AUTO FOR SALE1941 PLYMOUTH Ma8ter Delue two door IIedan, beattir. defroster. new "eat covers, gOod eon· I ditlon. Cedl Palmer. Corner Rooka Rd. and Spring Valley Rd. MO '7'761.. . 1-20
HOUSE FOR SALEHOME on ThIrd Street, cons Is! ting of '7 rooml and 2 small rOOlDa, two stories, lot 50 ft. by 204%. Bam on lot. The hOlDe cif the late Emerson Mal on. , Call or 8eel Lee Mason. Mason, Ohio. Phon~ 38·K. WANTEDLA'U NDERING to do in my home. Quick service. Phone 2986.
CARD OF THANKS , .• ""' ,--Ind • To my relatives an~ friends who sent me cards and presents during my stay in the Good 'NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Samaritan Hospitel, I am vel'7 Ad.llliatrator grateful and again "I thank ,1'.oy." Estate of George E. Peterson Janet Thompaon. -deceased. Notice Is hereby, given that Alma CARD 9F THANKS :p.~ ..... POet OffItp Adch-etla I wilh to ell]lreaa my apprecla. is Waynesville, Obio bas been duly tion to all my frhulds, nelrhbon, ,appointed ~s Admin\ltra,trl.x of the and dtfferenll. oI'8anlzatlonl fo~ Estate i;lf Georp If., Peteraon late th1! lovely carda and flowers Jlent -of Wayne TOWDIblp, Warren , me during recent illneas. tCounty, Ohio, dec.ated.· , Walter B. Whitaker: , Dated tbla 6th day of Janus!')' FOR SALE' ':lM8. KEROSENE Stove S bumen with Alton F. Brown 2 b1U'll81'l under oven. Wilbur .AetIq Jud. . of the Probate Court Da1dn, R. B. 1, WaynetVille, Warren ColIDty, Ohio. Ohio. ' ,Maple and Kaple, Attys.
of your
Yes. the education
dJDdrel\ their eatlre future wel.
fare. Is ,YOur resP-~I1J, DIsdlar,e ' H. c:olllClllitlously_ IIld EASILY by SlYiIlK REGULAR. LY. We are ready to IIcIp you now. Stop lal .
Waynesville NatioDai Bok II
, Mrs. Laura 'Shid&ker wa. Thun, day dinner gueSt of h,e r brotb1!r, ' Howard Graham and f&mily. Mr. and' Mrs. E. L. Donaldson, of Wtlmi~n, were Frlda,y eve· nine rues~ of their son and, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doualdaoll. .. Several frienda and relatlvetl at· tended Nneral services for Claro ence (Tommy) Freeland- Friday' afternoon at McClure Funeral HOlDe. He _a the Ion of Mra, Anna ' Freeland '~ho rellidea ~re 'ani the late Robem Xn. Thelma Georlre ia taJdnr a leave of abaenee from her teach· Inr at the primary grade In the local s chool and will not reaume her work this , Mrs. Sadie Reason, ,.,ho relides with her ~urhter, Mrs. ' Elite Hockett, Waynesyille. has been seriously iU but ia reported to be slowly improving.
,..t:. ',
IlItata of Wal1.r B. FrieDe! . .
_MARRIAGE LICENSES Onilla Barnhart 60, HarYeys. burl'. ~arae- repairman, Irene . Shafer '7, Barveyabul'lr. Henry P. Greenwald 86: South Lebanon, retl~ contractor, OlUe
Notlot .. ~by pen that Oharl.. 'Il. Dopa wlioN Post Of. 1te. t. R. lL 8, WaynesvU1e, pblo 1au been dill, appointed as Ad· min!ltratar of the £etate of Wal· 'tel' E. Friend ,late 'of MaHta Town· ' .hlp, Warren ComtJ, Oblo, .... ,
. Dated tbis 28th da,. of Deeemhe 1948. RALPH B. CAREY Jude- of the Probate Court , Warre1l County, Ohio 'Me!')'l B. Gra,., Attorney
Security In mind for '49 11m LAND BANK WAY
, through' the Lebin~D "National '
n..:.t efficient •• V"" • vic. 'U our aim. We are 'y ou .t any time.
,Stubbil Funeral ,
, Mr. and lin. Prqh
~ tanill"
of Dayton, were TueacJay eveninr d1n~ lUeata of Mr. and Mrs Howard G~m and daurbter' 1\(1.. Kathleen Grabe.... ' '. • III'. and~ J.Ira. y~"rry Kliile and aUJrhter, Geraldine"of Columpa '
~rp Sunda~ lIleaa of
tll"lr J1ar~
'ents" Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dos. ' '. • ter. .. ,( . l' ~. ~;Mr: and Mr.. G. E. Yaine are ~e8ts of ' 'Mr. ' and Mrs: Hemaa Schmidt of Cincinnat~ !Llld , they , I OLD BANK BLDG. . . ' , STANLEY aDd KOOGLER left.,Saturday. momin~ on a motor "t rip to S. Carolina. , LEBANON, OHIO BROKIIRI L.tclHII ' Tom Welch and 'mother, Mn . . ·PHONE.. ,448 ·.· ..or D• • Phon_ .... WaY"'Y~J" ;. Oba ' Weick; were Dayton callel'\!! , ohl.; R.veN. c:twuw. Friday. ' "
'Farm '[oali .
" I
'SALE· ' New - Used - Rebuilt HYDRA[.JC LIF.fS FOR LONG WHEELBASE . " ~
" .., Community Club met W8dnea. day evenine In the achool nmt\Ulum. The hoats for the ev~mtq were, Haft)' Shldanr and Walter Reynolcll, of WlllDlnrton ' alld Flo~d Book. TIle guest speaker was Rev. Lewil, paatDr ot Clarki. riUe Methodiat Church. Maslle Granp met In rep1ar -alon lIonda~ ~nlnr'WIth In. itilli(lon· of offlcen. The work was p ..... nted h" ~ Lebanon team. Me~ben of Jonah'l Ran Church ana the llUlCh at the WU· mingtoll .toek w. each Monday tor two montha~ , Mr. alld Mrs. CharlH Doater I- 1 enber:talned at a family blrlbclay , dinner Sanday, honm. . lira. Do•• • tera mother, lin. Amo. Cook of 'Waynesville and their claqllter, Barbara Doater 011 her..JIlllth birth· " ,,' .~ ' • • , I I • •clyto aicl day. Tu!,aday eVl'llin, dinner ruelta, 01 Mh. S. S. Collett aDd IOn, Robert, were HOlDer Carey, ·of WaynesYlUe alld G. A. Paine. "
!.r ' ;;;-----~
Lillie Coff~y v.. Carl Caldwell and Fred Patrick, 8~C perlor. manee of contract. J . T. Riley. ~ IMZ Olifford VlI. Violet Brod; for dama, ... amount $10.000 and coati, llarold .Brown, -
'l'rael . . . ad . . . . . . . .... IDDdIna COIICbeI . . ,oar I c:baiceoldepeaclable~ ,
T. Brandenburg' 64, South Leb· anon. Carl C, Dehart 20, FralUr;llin, factory worker; Janet C. Hensley 16. Frankllh.
-1UchmoDd, Ity .............. _ ....... 1.'70 lladiaon, Iud. ......................... Tam", Fla ............................ 18.0&6 Miami, Fla. .......' ....... 18.60 Daytoll, Ohio ....................... _ .8G Tax 1IIe.....
... )
...... 'Goidea CIISt I.... a....
suppll.. thll ' .precIouI ¥lian.lft• proper growth or.. your family ,
10 n.ceSMIIY •
... heel....
Golden c..~~HoiItoD"~
........ _
I ~
A Qommunity' ~nstitution For ~inety-nine Years
M:4 The .aml Gc ze" "e
. .
OHIO THUHSDA:Y, FEB, 3:l lfl4<)
- .- .
I I\,'~ l~nN- rS A COPY'
- --.~.
Edit~r's ypewri~er -- : - -
tt 'R' . " . · ~IO~_r~:to~/!.~eJ~:::e~ ~aze e. ' esumes' Af M ch.pte~ :,n~~~":~~ce comm~ity ' &:er any· D~u ht , S ~r wi~h =::_ffo~~~~"= G,ar,. bage Iek-Up TO· Resume ~
Another chlU'ter In the nlnety-nm.
hope of m. new editorl that thi. wlU be 8 'Ionll 611ec1 with
to lbe
We embark on our car., III pu)? Doea Waynetv"\lle need II I'IIIWI' UIWI\ MWIP8' ? a two-fold ·purpoae., Fil'8t, , • we hope to pr_nt al oompleta II report of l~l bllppeni. 81 pocdble, prdlnl[ ,the n""eSllll' of a communitiY n.,~,.paper in Wayneaville. hal quee" And "condo we intend to CIOOlCantly j toned lIIany citizenl ~urin& me jlaet impwve t e oont.nt and Mnice 01 weelr. the Gazette. 'r ( If re t he resulu th... lrivBltiptionl n our e ortl to P len a newt· reveal one dominant point-WayDeapaper of whim the C!OIIImunity may ville do.., ne&d a newspaper! richtly be proud, we would lUre 1XI On every .Ide local citinnl haw IOllcit your h.lp. We want all ou~ lItat.ld that: th'e 10.. of THE MIAMI I'f'adel'll to fwI free at .lIny ume, to O'AZEJ'TE would be a ..vere 10•• to offu cornmentl or sUUettiom lor the oommunlty. im!,rovenient. We wUl w.lco:n. anY ~OIt penoDl queetJcmed believe . criticiam anyone may wilh to lubmit. thllt il a need In Waynoeeville And whUe it' may not be pOlllbi. to tor a ' media wbere permanent nconI folfow the luar&rtion. of all, we will .nw:y ' be mad. t>f thl> occurrances of &iva 118ch olforing our oomplete con· ,die tOwn. -They 'believe ,th~t the com. .iderotlon. munity nowspeper i. vital tq the The welcome mat wil . always be American w.y of life end thllt II out at the Guette office and WI> excommunlty without a newapape,r i. . fenclan Invitation to eveoryone to vialt the Ihop. Wh~er' It i. to place ~n _verely handgicapped In iu effons to promote tiade and pl'O~e... " I,ave a n~ Item, or . just to ..y hlllo. plNIe ieel 11M to THE ,GAZETTE", con.iderecl by . mmy al WllynetlvitJe'l 'unofficial am• ,top at the Gasette. • • • busador. . Each iuue of ' 'I'HE
tleben of your home
" 1t II qull"t natural tar ~e reade~ GAZETTE roe l,. to nNrly -.Y of ' &publlcatilln 10 contemplate the .tate in the .U,\ion and die IIIOIt im..... portant cities. ElIch inu. policies Jncl beliefl of • IMW r.... m.. to the world that Way".,ville il on In anticipation. of IUc:h COIIteD\P!a· tiona _ wilh to aubmit oW' IntendGd the map. plana for the edltoriai' ~itlon of TJiE GAZETTE, muny loc:aI rell· . , denn statltd,'provldeo cpmmonaround The Gazett.. Our foremost aim will be to for the diKullio.n of loal problem. pree+ril a pic:h.fe ' of .11 aid.. ~ and the preoentatlon of information . 0 c:onremlna ~ p~f¥f Waynelville any . que_tion •• poalible. ur .nd auruiundlnl' oountrylide. duty, III we .... it, is to p _ t Ourinl[ the pall ' month THE l.h.. fliet. aDd let th. ~r Jonn IUa own opinion." ~AZETTE ven' nearly ended ninety. hi.,. yean of ...rvice to Wa)IDeJville. While We may pnMDt our own id..1 in . the editorial c:olumn. of ttl. With the induction of Editor Carl Smith into tire a~y and th .. unavlliIGa~lte. we pledlW ~ k ..p the -new. oj)ility of SOl1leoflll 10 take- hi. placo. columnt u·nboilllKl. W., will. we auu ... IUllfll nsion 'of publication H«Ded ,.. you, w,lcome opiaJont lor 'publica- likelihood. 1:Ion Jrom any reader whether or not . they aro io ~ent with nM 0.However, ~lzinll lbe need for a , _.... D8wq18pM"in die community, many ~ .........00. " . l~-I ."'__ _ .... Tba .. . - - C\......." -...... to IICUI'8 a .. 0uItte ;~Ul _DGt .1)e • !=ftIIjIId, IrI'aaiIi tIit ,Comilllaed publIc.&o Ina ne.'~"paper: \,V. will QCIt t,rY ~ of THE Undoubtedly wnle th_ Pl'OMnt order. DOt' will ~e local busl_en would- have deattempt to pl~a. into nform w,th viNd a method 01 Continuinc the the more vlFr tIlan san.. that dulr. ' . . manY ld--I'~ ne.npapBr II. new publiaher had not act.naea W. wiH prilaeut OUl' ld_ for been rOUlld, Chanp or itnprovamenl when _ believe th".· idea. ara for .... rood of all. Politically. WI pnfer to t'8IUi~ independent. We lint . pledpcl to ,., PArtY. We realize tl1et there IIl'I II;l wronp to be cof18Cted In our A_ic:an eystern. bUt '11'1 ' btll... tN. Mn. John Fromm very hospitabl)! SY'~m to be badcally the bMt yet entertained the New Century Olub 011 dl'vited. And _ believe IndiV\4-, Frjd.y eftemoon at Green 1111 citi"en it d~' ~!!d t9 lupport RoOm . ' , the candlcUlte of hi. cboiee. the man The roll call lliowed .Ix memben he ballev.. ~ lulted to Improve nbunt. After the I'8pIIIto our deinOCftey. • • t~~ prorra m committee was dveo • , • char,e of th_ me.tlna. 'K en ., ,.. PaM",..,.. Mh. Chttpman. hi her introdllCtioa, an effort to cutlUw deficit at paid a weU-d_rvad tritiute til! Mi. the Poetoffice Dapartmlllt ~'I Minnie; who . .". all . . . . win be eked to boott ratH on 1111 lent rav;"'" of l~ of the l.tIe boob, mail e;'~ -lInt ~... AltMdy : ',' Pilrr!ln'l IIF,," by It 1I ~ b. t)l .;pea.1 delivery and .11' mairioataae ?D~I" aod to Mn. RIi1pb HUttine. been' Incraa~ to . . . the' '550, :,ng,l , who pve a . h~ ~ '000,000 los. antlcimded for i949. COO~~n.tien Report, aDd lot lID ~o anyone who " •• studied eAl8 ('ute, ~ the ~..t of Wha~er You . . ~ {It Ave" 01 the Postofflce Depart:ment .. e in, ~~ d' " ' cre'" in posta~ I8Iin ~ttlfted. IUt.,- a ~en~ ft!.e Cub - , KV9D with the hi&ilu coer, U . S. mail l"jo~ .~ .odal . hoW' diUiac wbI~ • win be ne of beat bU18 for the ,h,h..llIlI. ta1~ ~IW ~~ ~ _ _y ~!abl. toda)'. We will beta Ou..te w.z. Mn, Mane iWn. Uul ... ' -~atd but __ M'rt. Relph, HudDp. 10 l8e ..,e pwmy ....... P,. ,- " believe that a..tYto ~t poetcarCI will F~""""'s 1 IItIU ' be a barpIn. " 'IIftiI'
•• •
New Century CluD At Fromm's l.ou.i....
,DEADLINES . T~ lnaure a delinlte publicatiolll
.ch~ul., THE MIAMI OA.tBTTB: muat _force !be followintl de.cUlM" for newt .nd advertlalng copy: New •• noon Wed.-day. Oieplay advertialn&. 5 p. m , 'J'ua., ' day. ' pe • Clllllified edverti.inti. ROOD Wedn..say. · ' Corr .. poadenc:e. 5 p. m . Tuelday. ' The cooperation of all In tumiD& in l'OPY far publication baton the deacHinet wUI .b e lJeatly apprecleted. Help UI tc) make thil a better newt-· Th V W ' U ill ;, e iIIog'e of aY08lVI e w' ,... paper. ' sumo the collection of tr•• h 8JId IIlrbQ&e Monday, .Febrwuy",7. Clerk Charle1l Ja~etI anllOunced this week. ColleetlonB will be made every twO weeks th.rouih the ·montM of Oc:tober ond Much and every week throlllh tho monthl of April and sept~ber. Min " aye Creech. b!"ld ~Ja ll!Ct of .No bTUlh or other trUlh not lD conThe East Wa" ne Advial.lIY coulle,) DouRlas H enderson, wos ' Ihe gU", 1 'tamen .wllI be taken. Viller. oftidllla mill on "'ridsy v n ng at lhu hum of honor on Saturday e von.llg \Nj, r ll The Happy ROlf dub will meet; urg" locel reeldenu to aid the 0011_ o f Mr. Unci Mro, Ray m pnd fjrp dd'.lt.k. lurs So {hat the lervice will aecure on Tueadloy afternoon, February 8, atl Mn. Don Workman ente n hi nL't.1 '1' , 111 F'u ll (JWJII& Lhl' bu~inc.~. ."'~\on, • miJcellanooul bridal aJ.lowel' ot til e lufficient f.. nds to ,CIOl1tinue . daroUJb- .the home of Mn. Rh'od_ . BunnaU" Rhodes Bunnell led in u v ry 1m",· ou l the ye1ilf. after a lIacation t:hrou&b J.... Un. home of Mr. and Mill. George Hen, esting d loh on ' '''J"a d lS'e,, 'n, Luther Hamodr and Mn. Ratpb der.oIL topics. Oames lind oonteatl were &njoyed Th e 0If'loe r. n ow in IFJfg~ are: Shaffer wUl be in 01 the ...... and. Dluch tim. was &Iven to opening p .d tailm*lt pert of the pro,;ram. edmiring the man~ ' .o vely siftl resl e nt, Har'1 S~tt.CrL h .. ,. l~i ;:'':'' Th. Moth"n' bub wW _ t 011 and whim MI.. ClWCb 'found awaiting reteryf Robert WII'<l~; d <II~' 'Ill Flriday, 2 p.m., at the Grade KhiIOI her. OD the dininc table. leader. ~odes BUllnch ; ' 1"~'" lo w iJuildina:, with a PftI.PUD to be ciwall A delicioul lunch, in pink and rellresen~ti"*' Roscoe F urno.; lldy Mr. on'd Mn. Selill FUmaI. Jr. call· " y the fourth , pad_ uudw u.. repr8lentatlv<:, Sora Bradc.lock ot! on their many friend. here Sunday , ~ctt"tl of-M1""M~-Jl."'¥'r.t1t11~UMlj-)jI"~ll!Ihil'8 aRP.!!IDtment.. Wat se~8 Following adjournment, d a inty ~~afternoon. .. ... LoU' Sheehan. .lte hour. frelhmonts' were lIIJI'Ved ' by t:h 0$ _ The Fr.andlh.p c,\ub will IIlMt Guuu of the evenine witl1 the 81.. . ~/l... O"ye WiI, .am, 4nd :, .\; ilednHd .. y at~emUl.ln, Feb, 9••t thl. lonor were: Mr. and Mrs. .. v lo ,. . Bunnell we in t.eb4 M~! .r'm" o. MrIO. O~ k. Unc1Nby. Larldn and son of ~ayoon, ., The Sou'tb I' I U " ~ • • l moon. .f rll. · Marion Bowers ond Mrs. AI'Wayne COtl ncl I m et at J .:; Bower ! ·LebanoD. MrS. R<l; !.he home o( Mr. ' and MA. Joh'1 1 M ' M D B ltd Mr 0 Bunke on ThUnday eve ning for thl! '.' . : no. 'P:llmudre 01 O,,\,tOI • e n, n. . .' a • S, r 8111Dr Ianuary meeting. M r. nnd .. 1 •• ;· j.I " I or Dunt, Miss Jenie G ..r. UnKiesb.ll, Mr~. H arold B, h..rf1 , ,( "'Iod B _. ' .., , ... . ra. '" I . . unn",1 weI'.. lit o gl.l"RtlI i ' II " afternoon ' I , • • ". " .• • . :. \11'3. nnlpl\ , H 'I0I111P-S. Mr', ""IU " tile evenina. ,- . Stuhhs. IIIIrl. Woli l'f' She hOIl, Newly eI eli lor< P .t •• 0/. d D nI '" M ••, ect olltcers fi r t!: r~, i. n. ', I, M lJI~ 8penl Sunday at .on. nowar rum u u, I~S ~r · den J. B . Crnbb ; V'Ct! .,.. \.h ~ hum.. (1I", Mr. William ....... 0 nd ' M .. H ,l t , rO S\(' Clarence R. F ....1IuId we. boT! .... ·3 . lo..' rurnmo, 0 wa r u C. It. Ston. 'rorth; S (:<'l'dJry, M rs. S, M J I' LanI'. Mr d :>trousc anct wife in Lytle. ' . - CICCa· >\prll 2. 1898. nea~ Seamao, ID Adam. a rown,n . 0 Ian w~ • an 1)1'. Ball; dl'Clissiorl i" lIdur, A. H. .non w... " birttllLI~ dinnir for Mn. County. Ohio. iDto tbe famUy of R0b- ,.n . I<"t Malnou. and IOn, Mrfl. Slroul 'II p.... ' rolS, M r, and Mft. 'John ert .nd · Anna GroorDI Fz.eIaDCl. riarIJld Lemnwn, Mt'lI. Alma P~ler. Eamhort. Ilunike. • .w.y Januuy 12. 1049 _ . on nnd gl'llDdlOD. George Peterson, ,Tlil! d lBc:ussl~1I un ··<.;i1ombtl r f III· W'I"",NvlIIl... Ohio. Mn. Clete Dalrin, Mrs. il:St.her Drt- (ormation" was c\l uducted by M r.. Mn. Goldi. Bentley Will II dinner R. wa. IDIImed to E l _ Marie kin and da"ghter. Mr. and Mn A. H. Earnhart. cuesi on Wendnatday of Dr. aDd Mil. Kimball MarclJ 19, 1924. To thiI GIOorj\j, lfen<i..r!lOn and Abns and th'" .Followin lr adjournment i!' m e'l F.B.G..... . .:.. . Wlth14r, an~ , MrI. s. N • . 11 In 1 . ' ~ _I 'horD CIa 8o~ ~ .,...., - - - - - - . ..u~ry. '1 IOCIAI /lQur wits enjoyed ,..... , 1926. a ~ CbarJee DeaD. ¥no C. E. Bratton and ' clauibtar. I)" ",, Mh. J.... 1:... ~a1u , 0111 11 f ,oillty rafreslom ,I" ",,,.. d by the 0 . _ FlHland Will krulwn liS MI.. Mary Brattoo. aDd lOR, Philip ho.! and hoet _. . . Bratton and wife of Daytooa . e "Tom" or '7orruny" for mudJ of !Iii. daub..."r ..... rc S'L.turdIlY 'Iven-rtf> Ill.. ' ""UI;>! of M r. " nd ,M N. Gcorle Wtol x Marne JJJ.o.m. He had a· capacity for bappill8lb ,n uay'toll. ' . ' Mr. a nd Mr •. J.. , C. Sh John ~p"n t _ Jr ri4ay and Sarur~oy ' witll lheir gran<J Sunday cell.,. ·'~_ Amai. aDd that we. aD inapiNtioa l 0811 "1111(0 him. 'HIrcdfi'iiiriil:imiMiiw;oti'lIlilll"t-""-i,VII';:-w.-C:-s:c.-Ji31Ifr'i;'-w;ft;-rr"'ctlu, cbndren, Naney ond Billy l;llllmYf1, K1_ ~ Dod-. aDd Rudl • hoet 01 frlenda. Hi. ItA> .Ohll " tha p~ rent, IIll'. on d M r•. jal n Chandler attmded ·the N_ CeaturY eV6ryone about him "\'U \llllUuaJ In " H .. rv~y" lit lh ~ V,Llory th"Jl r~ 01\ • 'd {t1em Y(lr attl!rlded 'tb", Gra in P efj. Club meetiD& F'ridey --I I ?r . Convention on Cincinnati. talned by Mn. J. P. From at ~_'a this aKe. Ita want about dol.,. thinlP Wednaedey, that toIjowed hi. ~ ioI Q1"I8Il RGom.
Happy Hour , Club at ,Bonnels .
Adltisory lionore.d" With Showe.r Councils Meet
oa- people.
r.A....· th~V:;~~~ = ' , p~aas M. Ii~
J - M. ·
Oona}dIOD hn,\ 100 elate. mad~""o mentloil at .ny ~ to
occaa.OrI __ • Ibowar ...... _
dautbt--in-law. Mn. ~.
oeinc that b. wei ill dID world. itlat hi. f.r laadl 'JIIId
ask aU those ' Who a~e
\': '
'.'1.11 of avililal) le building 'tots 1:1 this community, types of I om ': find the various means , f sc 'urin f . . , . \ J til ~ an anCtng, . ' , . f) () rropertv OWQers 1\ h n have building 10ts avall-
ahle w~ich they ar~ t~ s~ 1l s110uld al 0 onta~)=ra~CIS .(, 'nc Bro\vn a,nd .. 'register lI ' elr 101. with him. It is desir':' I t I
el, (/
l :t Ve
nV:lilable at a Illom-
notice, a Ii. t of all avai...... " ,L!lle Illilding ' 1ot ill the event '1 \1'. r~o n desires to' bull".' ' u • {I . I p~ r ,'1.> W 10 are inter. I I' t I C' " I, III 10 progress of Way-
1,:1 11 ,
nesv ill" ' d • c. lI n w I10 el·th er have l1ull\1i.l1g lots Qr' are interested In. I uildil1g are earnestly ' re,ues~ett , to ' ~ontact the WrJ.y. n ~v\lle CiVIC Club. Through t'.tir cooperatIon may we _build
'.' ~
Farm Loan Plans . .
AJJn~al MeetiDg -
T he rtocIchoId.,. at Th. ~ • National Farm 1,oan AlIa. will _ _ Thunoday. March at p Gran ia Kat! for dlacu..IOIi:·of ArID: e\aUon bllan.. a~ r1adtOD 01 _ clinctor, 21th! Sturm, ~-a.. ur~r, t~ld THE MIAMI O~ lfH' week. ~ ,. MI". . Stllm'l riat~ tha~ the .,.,. noon wUI be made up of, . ~ high ligbtinc the eppe___ 01 au. . Jtlmot, editorial . writft for 'tile tinnati Enquirer••114 otI»r ........ ing tellturel to the membanbIp. Olyidend c:beclr. will be nadi lor all membet11 of nconI 10, /948 .
.' Calliornio.llldrmoni tcts clippcd to 27.9, 'Io wl'~t- on I'ecol'd there .. '. • 'j1hcse plums W I'e d j;iiQet'at Iy , "ict'd" by sPI' in kl el' . system to pl'elect' them. , '
Mr. 8JId Mn. Eldon dUlctr.a of North ~~~:U~L.A.!!!!~""'''''JI1'1r11.....'rmIlQP-ttrilll~''.....IIiI~I-.,.. with tile !attel"e pa--, Mr• ...d lin. IIBrtlett M-. ..~: 8JId ,lin;. Morrie ~ of Miami.· 'SboraII apant Tu~"' _ , iJII ~ dIaIr UDde, .M wife, III', ell4 Mn. wetter x-iclt. " Mr, 8JId lin. ~ Ow""'1 Of • • .. fJ I . ~ _ Sunday db. . ' . . . Mrs. Ralpb Bottini- I. ~f ,Mr. aDd lin. Wei.. <lartt eiid the fint ........ in' the Harv~11'Y
=::. d=
IUId family. III
'{'Ile ~~ro nd meitina ~ Old Sl<l~ti. \V~ ~ heM j8f1\1ar;y, 28. The _ • 81...n o pened with the Oi" ac.ut. H Mlo So~ end
lc:bool , :..aumln. h~r 'duti!re 011 t.tJ!mleIiiily. Mr. IIIIl Yn" A... E. Amold of Day- day 'momln.. M~•. . ,",..I~ .p.'jf~.
• ::..-:; ~y..
who IllId 1Nea , ,the ' u.cher for "I:!"e
T lI e l",ader dilCUlSed varIOua typal of ~\!()\lt' badge. wor~ aDd Iu~ .
tim .., r"s'rned bec:au.. 01 poor r...Jth.
.cd- ,
Qf the Scput.. " SotNt.' _ chosen to r&prelent ~ IIIOUII at.boIb th . Gnld» BJld Hl~ ~. I!i .... I;nfl antio~cemlllta coneiIfalq . fuIIIn. mqetin&•.
evenina all en-
~ tIle".te~ .t j ~ · home ,of
<HIIlaft.....,.. ___ w.;
0 1)
. ol1 tad rr;lI1cis Gene Brown i I'e' . , I.:nt o f thp Waynesville'' r:. il'i,' Club. He will in turn. tell
..... SUNKIST JOICLr.S bloom in this Long Beoch greenhoulic. as
1( . 1) ;
1:J !el'elite I in buying or bUilding 1'(> 1~1C ' in thi~ community to '
cut tha operadon 'coIb hvm WIthin. chaace Co'. will bali! ita ~, Mr. iDiI Mn. A. T. Kyt;'a. , , lUIJIKl that tIlel pOItoffIoa .p.,. .Inc February 19; 'Ur.. Ji:auD.a LacY, 86, ia -a.wbat ~ . lik. J.-t IV'~ ,ifary. 1IlDOUIIC*l1hbl hQpio.~ - - . . aua-.ct ~ ltcbt apnci.., could _n """.. ita ct.:A '~ -.iaa .. pI..a4 ... ~ 1Ja~ at the ~ of h.r . Mr. and Mn. '~y Morpft if. DOlJnciac the birth of a .. ofIcit. b7 ~nI ..... ' 6:'30·p. Ill. at . . 8aboaIo !Ae CIa......., lin. Ked "(ounc· Nr I~ cIuriIIC 1941 'tile Ualt- .• Iec:iioa of aI . . , .,' ...... DaiIaN BeIId of tile K.enrlck IOn on Monda~. JaD~ 24. ed 8ta~ priaIIId aucII ,a ftIYtT. . . DiNdDn will -be bald 1Dd ......... RoaCt .. nl~ , her ,ut.r! Mfl. W. MO'rpJ1, a~ aI ... paraata pI t1I'O IIIJ'dbIa to J.UI'B, OI ·~ atampI _ . 01 the C«npMj. .ut ~ tIP' Q. ~ ~t~ 1'8. ~t _ till .,......,.,.. ..,. __ ~~ , " . . ' , Mr. ~ aun.t ,met ,ritb en fuI8d. & ·1_121&11 29 epedal 1 _ , acCIdaat ~W..... dQ -mlac 01 !a.1 01 t!I...-nt ........... procIlICId - - oIdlIred by . . . . . . .' of die IOdI ,..... .... tile llilbl. t - I at .W ayae.. durillC 1M' pac ~. . \. wtao . . . . . . . . . . . ..., ~ ~ Ilia car , ~ aDll. bit
In Th~ Ne\~s.l
ee... ._Ie ..
lJ . ne" W~. :
the. Civic OLlb,· is goto help in every \:}\ j' p ~s~l b l e to , .bring about t I,; hU1I (hO r of· .additional , re\ ! e '1',~s in !~nd aroijnd Wa;yI : ville .
"N, Lucil. AnDitael _ . . . . . Tom 'oompl~ ~ wortIlY Satwda); Dicbt ill the ~ crf..... In .u till.... put DC -u. It Ruth Sberwaod in ~ rna. the lost of the 8taaIty, ....~ hllllllUl
~da I1lg
'~I~v:l ,ncll th ~ Jlrr)g~ess .C?( W~~ ,
I , CS~ II Ie hy increasing the . .pop.
, In . order ·to ease ·tlle. hOu'~ lng }I t.fJnt iQI1 to n certain degree jn I l,J~ C(l lllmunity and tp . further
·.At the 6nt -Ulill bt14.>~. S~\J11I ~ to 'open ......... the ""lSlo~ with a IOIIIl II~ 1M GIll ~ Scout pled,,!, • "
Ie ,.uuld .. ~ to 1MI'D the ~i.ata - - ~ ~. The, lID' 4ih'etdc: • He 01 . . . i _ I.. _ - be.,. _ t i l W oGJ7 iD Impr h" _ ~ but _ . . . . . . . . bnaaa; ,.,... to 1M ~ 01 ~. aD 'wttb til. . . . . . . ' ...... ~1 D!JiIl I ~ ~ZmrIc:Ir ... Mr• .8JId attaad'ad the "Farm ~ ~ ..... alllllbc ol' die, ~ tIl_ jONjI 'PAt ~ .... ~ , . 11ft. W__ ItMric* 9i1i-S the 1DIIIti1l&1'~ LeLnon on T...-,
~ ...... ' ~FI • ~ ............... dIIIt . . crf • ~ CciiIM.r t..... requlnd """ .... f_ ~.- .....' ha ,"".'" .,. ..................,.... illl! '.
'at .L+n-
Fo'Ur _
Yfadlleaday. '
The W_a'i 'Societ)' ~ ........ Haary _ _ ...... m'urch wa. antertal .... 'W.-~,..., "polk 1IIrNl" paJac:IL tIIaed . . I'Sw Nat F-. BuNau afteraDoD at tile ~ of on. ~ 01 .................. II ~ Cotmdl 00 , Ww'- .day .... TIaIlla. lin. S _ . . iIIIPII'Ml" • IIDI .'b. lor ... til ........ . dlerp of tile wanbIp allow the nport aI ... fI'l '..... un,' w.ttIt ~ ICn. ~I- eollllllittM ill diarp . . .1 ..... i - . ...... to .... ~ • lin. Harft, BunMt, ..... 1fary lie LiDdeur...... J.... Rtilb ... Mr..... lin. . . .. lin. ...... C I' , .
... ~ tid" . "of _. . . .di$i'I'W ,... .. IiIIIIIt - - . . . . . . . ~ ...........
, obutiaD.
~ ..... aot ~ ... dill UttIII .... ~ pi.- • ... fnand ~ ad IIdd til) lb. pcIIIIifac:. ...
. . . crf tIM ..... ..... ....... I
aDd _
",ure introducad to the tftJop. .~ Th... DeW I,aclan bdlidoN IIa Dori. Smith, Un. ·1fIarJo.........~
at once Me ~au}j ht b,Y \:i\mer,"l as .
11I1'n at Calienll' II'aclt "Adot'Llltlt
(extreme lef" cortle (nound outSide 10 Wi n ' _
O·, ..po.
.' Ilr:" 'Cl eve." ':Thun day
Ceal! ~y,
..,..... '1'1' Bdll ll
W I\ynesville,
Conov er ______ Editor and Publis her it Cono'ler __ _,---- . ______ A~iate Editor 'e
__ --. Jr.. ('. , f- f',l
[I bio,
.. eeeond clue Way, Af\,,'!I_, Ohio.
. AUGU STINE K rumholtz, Pril!Sl 8 and .HI A.M 'o'\a·."\t' .• l iI!!,
matter at the
Vfl. HOLLY METH ODIST I' " ~carff. Minj ter METii ODIST CHUR OI 1J:3 II . a. m ~U IIO ij v Sc h(.Ol r 13 Lolem an, MUHste t:. A. Ea rl,113 rt, Supt. . 9 :3q Lm. ·... or:.hlp ServiCI! :0 :30 a.m. .:burch School J, J. Bunke , Supt 7 db. p.m. • t"1I " K ~e rv ice
r---- --
8t. ,, ~ r ' tion Rate: '~.50 per .year in .ohio; $2.00 rear CJ18(, '!theta .
i _.E
N~W8 QrCl;lt<ipa Read SUn';QY ~ .....
I*e.,.w . to Mr, IIi6 ~ eortiIrt or thb ~. ..... _ _ INa .. . ..,..on eo . wbJda ~ tbe _#.1, . . -4lMr NadIacI . . eI 'l'ld1'll' " ".1 • La" At ..,. ••.,.... ... 'I1aInI . II.... elf Mr. Ow ...... . ~ ........ ... _ . . . . . a _ ~
-.v.. .. eou.
. Worship and Sennon 10:30 Lm. CAESARS CJU;EK FRlEN DS Otoir .~ t'\ lJa vid Stanfield, M iniste .. 5Peclal Music : to Lm. Youth Fellowship Ttlursd ay Sunday School 7:00 Ptv' Worstii p Semce t t Lm. Choir Prad\e e 1;bursd1 v 7:45 PM UTICA Eo U. B. OIURC H
• • •
." .. c::ogL
- - -- -.. _-- --- --- --- -Strouse. Mr. and Mn. Eldoll I
Wa,a • ..i11e M.rk.t ' I . . . . Mr. Jobe ·Clwllllltsod. ............. ............ _........... I9c lb. COLDE N' RULE CLA.SS M£ETS .. Colt.. r ".:'e . .It. .~ r" ......... , ~ ........................... ......... 25c ba. .Mr. and M ..... Robe'1 aaltt "eIIller. e ~ .............. ................ _ ..... IOc: lb. _~ .~ P. . . · .. elt.; l amod ~ Golden ~. Cle. Of die
.... .,&1*..-
W....... ... OnIGm ......................... _......:._.75c bu. . . . . . . . . . . Su_ .... "l........... _ ............ ~....... J2e lb. . . . by • I r .... !6Pc 'p l: ...... ...... ..... ~ Ct-. Mot_ ........................... :
Feltner )'
LE, .tran,e .. say.
PEOP SOME don't bcUeve In SundaJ' schools. an Protesta nts
MOIIt North Amerl.c do. beeau.e Jesus did.
'l'be word
ma" not be found In the New Teata· · men\. but the thin, ... there. U J esu. . \ ..... 'IV ilham ::'hannon not believe tha. lid . a.m 9:30 School , _nuiA OPAL ,T MARY'S EPISC . could b8 relliIon l. ~Up 'on, Gam Mrs. James tauaht. then be was _amuel N. Keys. Rector "It'il~hlOl: 1st and .,ha Sunda . ' 9:t 5 A.M. 10 :3(J a. m. 1Uilb' ot waatlnS ":hurch School ("l h m~th tlJile, 7 :JlJp.lII • much of bls VICI!S M. ::'el A. c;nln,l: Mornin r Worship 11:30 for b. worked at
their pnml_ , aDd by othen, that eU kind, of mllChl. ha. . be«! pI'8ctj~ . milch to the :e of pee~.ble .. tbouih the peopl.. It really _ Nee we.. deceneN tlnc in thi. ClOmer I. . of the world. ' w ;' will pay US pel' month and I'lIIPIftIft to .etiw.p ate. R)ie Sew. 1111 Machine eo.. 1Iil.., Ohio. The third -.100 of JDdlaD Sumof ~ ~ -.on, Ia be1ac held In th i, ,,;anity:
r - ....
Willi ..... Rctallick, .Mr. . end Mre: Joba J. Bunke, Mre. Chari.. O. Jam... Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Harper, RrI. IUId MnI. ..,,5 Method .., Chur~ Sunday ~I R. B. Coleman, Mr. Joe' Ja.-• Wo~~y evening. January 26• •t Mr. Gerald McWiJU ....., thm. home neor Lebanon. Aft.w trnnwacti ng routine:l !u,ln_ the IPOIIP r There are about 137~ ...". enjoyed 11'8111" and punl... Leter, reiT'Mh me_ were Nf'Yed by die boat men in the Unitad l!lta~
".chln , In
, (TLE METH ODIST jURCH ( £) : \ 0 :\ ..m. ~cho , l l D ,. Joseph Myers, Ministe r 9 :30 a.m. ~hoO I · "'a.;IIJav v.c:e lml! 101 "" urSh lr \J : ; I .
. Huth Saylor,
Worship Service
pr. Por_ . He wa. • produet or the Sunda,. School, ill • sense. Durin, hli childhood he would go to the 'YI\8 gogue school weekday s and elpechiUy. on Sabbath s; we know that b,. th. time be w.. 11'0_ It w •• hh "custom " to .ttend ona,olU e aervlce,
10 :30 a.1ll
M. H. t:Af!~i, " "nl~ te.
d,V'·lI C ,lrver, Mm lster
\) :30 9 :30 A. M. Bible ~hool Morning Worsh ip 10:30 A. Y . MIJ~QlIlg Worsh Ip 10 :30 7:00 6:45 P. M. • ' it .' 1 M<'!elm~ Young. People 's x Meclln ls People Young M. p, 7:30 Service Evenin g 1 ;00 . Prayer Meeting and 7: .~O Bible Study Well., 7:30 PM, Evening Service!!
Bible School
Uld out of season.
FRIEN DS ",tst L>ay
ADd .. anwr Jewiall e.... tbe _aslty .... "",,011 1. _ ,a..e. wile... ·'.r twa Il1lDdreC ,..... aM, Clbllilre. . . . . and older ,cep.e had bee.
.... IlI p.m
11Je a.m h •• .,.... ~ 011 th. p.Ol of 1t.'ller Cantata, "Joy_ p.m. .....' Ute 1!0r4 01 01\4 • lIII-..:," by <:am. B. ~ 1\Jtu. and ho.tNe. - .~ . ,~--------------------~-----------------. Som. I.uudrl., . u" lUll \empI to and Mr. ""'-; ce .ttendan in .. Tho t . . . . ewal q If Cbri.Ua nl today are fa ithful to lIlT pnctic:e '1'1Nred J(" politicia n had to ItaDd OD I1le tadII.I.. .... , •• ILl _' th...-fou rih, .o f '!. S. publk M .. Han.ock, .Mr. and -Mrs. bl Beh out .corched rrpota Ia example , we ebo will keep OrIA'. would It . pl.tram) . .,.. • 111L1 . . 1.. 7:30. If you OIl. . aDd dell,.. lID help, Mn. party I axpmcI.i tures for educatic a i - for plank. of hi. at the job 01 teaclUni our rell,lCIII ... Y.uIII ...... ...... .. a Ib, • • every clilld wIthin our reach. be oonltnlc:ted better. t_dlers' MIlariA. . . . s' I . . . . . . . 8t ....... ... p l - join ~ .. • ••
'I'bbe Ball, c:..... ~ ~ Lmh,m .....
-1 ~ R
, Chr:lllu.tIo!' will b,e far .dwDoe d ..... • n ." ...... • b the ,tlrllement "there', woltt when ad _ w _ _ _ W . . . . . ' ... qulddy be clone" will Oil OIIe?" thle heard ~ IIdIooI :a...... you ~
.ttrect._ ..
...... a tie ,.. a.. ...... .. ..w, ..... at . . . . . . eI Mr. ... lin. IIoINrt a... ... .' ,"'« III.,.
0-'11 at...,.. . . . . to tnnl lut· ~ tt1e pour-crape¥i~ er . e ... .-. CLEItK OF . . ANNUA L REPOR T OF OlUQ Y, COUNT THE VILLAG E OF WAY:N~SVILLE, WAR REN ,,- ....... .. Ya.. ElMliDL o-be r ~I. 1141 Populati on. 1940 Census 836 W.~IIe,· Ohio, J......ry 24, 1948 IIcreb,. 'certlfy the fol1owinrr to be COI·ree l. Charles J'l D1C-$. ViIf~C ' CI~rl: . SUMM ARY OF FUND BALA.N~E r. , RECEI PTS oVID EXPEN DITUR ES & ....~ Reeeipta '£XJ>e"' clit ure. JA.N. I 85.71 ~jOI .35 4"-3: .\12 20646 1220.57 1450.22 m.l·97 ~ 1:\.00 17~.I8 ..
~ II.
------- --
I~"~~ viii;.;"Fu;;d;-::~: 76S3:~ 21. .95 9J\/.SS
17483.4(; 8 P
.............................. ... . .. 3274 S5 OF RECEIP TS
.-......- ..........·......"·-..r .. . ..~
"oput y.
........... ;:........... .-----...,-........- ............................... ... .
and Sinking
T... Propert)< Tu
..... IJcenaea 1...... ' ......... , - . . . .. _ . 'fetal Llcenaea anel Perm ita' ....... " ............ , .... ud Costs .... - .....................,.:........,..................,.-............. 35.00 t-General .Villa.g~ Funds .,,-•.----... a...b 'and IlItm.[ntuest ............... ...... _ ......_ _ ...._ ... T... Rnlts ' lnd Saaitar, . Sewer ....." ................._ .... _ .......1... ,..... 192627 365.59 Geaenl ' Villap .nd 1>t1\er Funda. ......" .........,,,..........._.... Total Uilcel1.nCOlll Fees Sale. and CbI1'8'a ............. _..-. 628Z.15 !ltblic Sen'ice En;erpri~Wat cr Rentalt, etc. ........ Total Pulllic. Service Enterpr ises ..............
11\'' '
62.00 65.70.
at aIL
35.00 PHON E 2423
t IYA• I I
Tot" Gastral GoYern.ment ...... :........ :................... :...... "...........
671 ,30 704AR 16iB.I ~ >lO.73 278UR 278~· 18
ProIe~1aiI tl) PCfson lind Pro\)ert y-Polic e ... "............. .......
Plfe .. __....,............. ,c ....,................ ,..................................
Total .Protect ion to Person Ilnd Propcr! \' ....... - ..... ,...,...
, Hu11h- Total .......... :......................"...........................................
SulUtio n-Cieneral Village Fun"_ .............:.........."..: .. ,..... Total Sanitati on .............:~ ............................... ,.......... ............... 6958:,8 ......... H ....~7.-General Village Funds .............. ~............. 18 Total Hwhw. ys .-.. ~ ................ ............" ................. ,.......... _...;.. . 6958 37.8Q 31 ....... ............... Works atM i!ts-W Enterpr Service Pabllc Total Public Service En tc rpri<e! ......... 'V .. , . , .............. ...... .. . . ' 8072.88 Funds ....."......... 'e '·' ....· '201..9It W.b«lIanecul-GeneraJ VilJ aR't ............... .................... -........ . 4,00 Firen:tt,\', ) ridemnit y I:tlnd
1r15celta:neous .................. !.........................I._....:. ... . ... .....
::::::::::~~:~:~::~:::: ~;:~:::::::::::' ¥:'~ ~;:d ?:lr~ ~::::::::::::: EN'S INDEM NITY FUND .
.. 8 _ Scn-ice Charge .......:...............'m_,._.......................... .... ..
1 00.00 505::;0 4.00 1(;0').50
!~ble (U " . ~~~~~!.~.~~..~~~t~ l34l2.56 F1.=:n~e~ paid Bills) ... ,........ ......... Gruel Total As5Cts -~_"'15214.68 LIABI LInU OUTST ANDIN G GBNEa AL BONDI
CPatcWe .. a-,.r
o Electrical co.,.".nlonco adds comfort ~nd boaut, to ho .... , old or n.w. Ext.nll on cordi danglin g 'from '-'III"g f1.,Jres· or droped ' around doorw a,. are n.a t j'n the d.cora 'or'. book. At ." ." ~ f 'llY are a malll~lhlft-at w,orlt : 'I ' Y bca a . lately hazard . '} . ~t'llllfadory :wa, 10 o.tond the 1 of el.ctrlc work .av.n, lamp., ,adios and comfort appllan c•• II wIth ' Adequ at. Wiring.
'- ~ ~
4.00 ...,........_.... ,..._,.•,- ....." ......,... -............. J BONI;»ED D~.T . .,." SI, 1", IINItIN G FUND TRUST EES ." VII.,LA GE TREAS URER Sewer ,(Villag e portion) ... .$13500.00 .uSET S WorQ Improyc · W.le.!' MENTS STATE DEBT mellt .............. :.. ~., ...........,... 5800.00 .lana Bond Rdirement --' and Si"king F~nds ........$ 1792.12 Total General and Utility.$19300.00 Total $iakiq Fund A.lets Im.1~ ............... _ Dcbt Ronded
. .
Catefr~ l'ra: _~ ·~
flOS.SO Inlerut' 7'Bond Retire,ntn! and Sinking Funds . ........ ... 505.SO Total Iqterat ..·.._· ..···.. ·_... ··:· ......................1.. _..' ................... ·, 11'00.00 80ftdl and Loana Paid-G en,ral ViUage Fund!> ............ ' 1100.00 Total Bond. Ind Loans Paid ...........................................:...... ' 4-.00 Serwb O.rre ., - ....·..:··..:.................,................;....... ,................. t,r;~JDWditlS~di!ure' ........ ~ .....:.........- ;.......................... 22982.05 Bonds and Notes P~d ... _........................ _ .....:.............. _:.. .. . III'e~lt on Bonds a nd Notes' ............................ ,.... ,..............
, ESUS did not try to teach peOple carPent ry•. or arithme tic, or ... . olraph,. . No doubt h. could bav. done.o . But he bed .omethi n, more Importa nt on hit mind, acmethin, W/llch be aI_e could ieach. He taUlbt rell,iOll, or to other -worcla he tauaht the trutb about .Go4. and about l;I\all, .... about .' rlabt relaUona between Gocl ancl ', . .man.. 80 ·the teachln t chUl'Cb. .1I\'betber In the SlII\day acbool or tn the boob written bj Ita aci;olafl or til ita lChoob and colle,." wUa It foDOft OIra.t'l exampl e: a. .. wan teacbtna reUaton Sr.t and foramol t. We do not beUeve that r81JpOD i, • MCODdary faue, _thin, ,.1IU C.1l ''tab ., leave."
~ .
ZI4.00 886.05
.. _................ Geileral . Gonm1 ,. ; r " :h,J~t i c General Exec: .: .... e. -............. .......... -....................-............ 81ti1d _ (.Town H 311. ele. .. ...:............................. ~.. ...
GoII aDd EdaoaU ..
M ............ ............
tile fIIpIII CI&Il _
At the be,t aeplJn.r 1... ~ mlnllten ·to-be Ire e. retul.l)' taucht how 10 put the l1'elt ChrliUan doc· trlnel to wa,.. th.t the &Implu t pe0ple can underata nd. Teacbln , people'. he.d. II not taacbln , them
2513.00 111.41
Permit.................................... - ..... ~._._
fa aD _ leachlq we try .. _ ... fUPIt" laap.p .Dd Ie Clhrlrila a Ide.. iii tile . .. _
158.51 1153,75
llllllritsaee Tax .• - ...,............ _ ............ ,.--...-.. :.......... . .. ~ 'nax-Int antrt'ble Tax ............... ................................ ..... Tu --_._..;........-............................................ ......... ..
lilt on unlver.l~ audIence•. IDclecd, be never I poke to a unlver· lUI teacbln , wu sib- audlenee. a11n71 III. the 'mJdl t of Il'OUPi of very plain people. There were areal unI"enl Uea ill tho.. day" but It wac not neces.a ry for BIll" one to lie • araduat e of one at them to order to enter J ew.' r eboot, or to Ulldcratand what be tau~t. He UuIbt the plaia people plalDl1.
......... .
.--..~..-..."-,.-...................... ,.... -............. ..
• ••
' _. --- . .---
' ;a~
:li'I? I}(, 1<)18RG
..... Kotor Veldele Tax .-.............. -.......... .................-1,,, .... GuoIIa e Tax _ .......... _-".........................:.......................... -..... ..
r, ;,'~"""'" A
~4 01
1 1 ~8.55
__....".,J.. .................................. , ............... .. , ......... .... If
E FIND that Jell1i did not Ia·
1-'2Q5.67 8072.SQ
1028.86 .00
1472.76 ' F~und .. -._......... 114423 .
-- '
Fund - ._,...,.......,..,
S of the ,Olpea. will note aU Soul EADER that when Je8UI went home trom..the aynagogue on the Sabbath . b1e d ay" work wa. not done. He would s pend hours, lometlm es Ull tar Into the nlght. beatln, people brOupt to him for cure. JelUJ min· latereel' . to mlnd .nd ,ouL was Interest ed in personal ities. wl<ole people. not balf·poople. Our but we live In 1 m.:nds have to be fed. lIcdlel, and bo(Ue. have no lll1le to I do with peraona.1itiel. Je.u. · wu lIot content with teacblng .Ick penpIe: be made sick people well. So the churcb' today. it It I, Wthtlllfto . Chra.t'l principl e.. . will COlI alder people •• complet e persona Utlc•.
Do,f l let cold, .... or Ift01II l:;; ', .. 1 travel bU!;llboo l
warm. wi",.,.,.,.
LOUISV ILLE, .KY .. . $3.35 CH ICAGO , ILL . .... $6.25 DIANA POLlS ...... 3.40
. .
DETR OIT .......... ..... ' .5.10 NEW YORK ...... Iou .po ,3.10 CANTO N, OHIO
'or .
Ohrlsti.. 'elltlreh ... i& II '.ithlul .. Cbrld; ........ ...... lato actaal '1IvIDc eIIe teacbea In ....." tile Ie ...
' ''' QteaJIltIau till.....,.U.1nao1lJl,_ _•
~~ka · "'
.' . nl, What w~ clo, •• OlrI.lltla • lpeaka louder than what _ .a,.. Every SlDId." .ehool ·teacher need, to reo member th.t what '- .cld 'on Sun. ~ le Importa rd. but wh.t the teacher 40es on Morlda" I, more b)' far. The reuon whi Impre.. mor~ el!etltlve than Jobn tile Baptl.t "" that John, after .Ii.
"HIla we.i".
.... • VoIee, "bUe Juu, wa, • ~end. · Are "ou who ... ~ ~ VoIce' A phoabout God walL . IIOInPh could do
U. S. Tu Extra
,Imp., •a.
BIG EXT RA Sav·ings on Roun d Trips GR EYHO UND , TERMIN'}l ~ Phone. Wayne s. %121 Store Drug ville WayneS
~ ed~=ID .......
to Prot..biDt d_~'\I:,:
.., wtnJ...!.~)
Dcbl .......... l1ZS.55
Gr.lld Total Debt. Dec:. 31, 1948 ................... ~Z8..s5
'I'ira ..eet
aus did more th.n tant. HI • Uved. HI.. wbole Iltl .nd CbarlCr fir ware •• nna more I~db' and I\I'~ wbat hi. WOrdl ,.Id.
Ad.·lIila!~ WIring
· .. ',
prol/id .. p.op.rl y placed ou.I.... .011 ne.ded lamp. a,,~ applla nc •• , wi'" circuIts to carry the electri.e l" for .fflclen ' •• ..vice wlthau' voltag. dropi .or poppec t "' •••. I With Ad.qu.... Wlrl~ overy In ,our haiti. can be a mar. llvablo roo"" FI~ ou, ~m ,our oledrlc contrac.or how 11"10 It co••• to Inl.all " .....d drc~ltI and outIotl In your
Avoid aU "'Ilitet clr1\1... and pa:1';'ng ....onies 601., 4eep-ct!S~Ded romCol'" Yo"" by GrdflJJ.0utl4. in "uIMUN "1(oa're heln, ~ "IUI ce experien .. cl!.uffcu red by one of the world'. ~ drlven- ..,b....uft' you trllvd . sch· ble· depen.Ja many Uld'l Grepbol of 'ooe aoy 'l'!Jel"IJ" )·ou go, by .
_~6;; ~ Q\lI IbbN of ~_ . told MIAMI GAZ ETT B tJti. WHIr.
fARM ·N[WS en 10 IIbouJd haw . 'MID thOl e trIId tb. f _ and tba peop le in the III.ble lint row of the blee c:he n IIC1'8 U rinl the nd arou ed beck. He walk , blat If deba tina whlc h aide 110 10 over time they had bit brot !wr by bette r. ,bac:k With liim and ' be lelt ed a. look it ent Tho lllh fM a mom
FAR MER S URC ED TO ORD ER EAR LY vidn ity · (arm.... ar. ilie nUlv W.y
only , Bve ry iladivldua l will pay. not also in dlrec't aDd Indi rect taxe a, but Wel yand s food all of in the price Fadthlna: uaed and conl ume d. Th. 2/S 8 ~y rod app be eral tax will pLiblic timM the Way nesv ille ftal, erty utili ty, and tang ible p enon al prop in the taxe s collectled fO!' aU pu .-' FED ERA L BUD GET com mun ity for 1947_ WO ULD COS T $312 .6"
~ TO Ann ouuc eme nt b 1MbIr .... . bt, week of the .... of die Dot tbr Roc " local \tI'<1ct!ry. by Mr. - ' Mrs. ura. Bem an Stew art to Wal ter Fru . F/-a""re I. now ma~&inl the ~ Mr. and M... SlBw art plan to Unio n mov e in the ,..,. futu re to City . IndJ ana, whe re they will ItEritover tbe' man agem ent of the ; Pric e Manufac turin g Com pany The Stew art's DeW C<>IIC8m epaall dalf les In the man ufac ture of Uea, supp tor jami of o type
in oEach m an, wom an. and child Fort Anc ient, neer by state ' mem oxiappr te ribu cont wiU l.lle nesv Way Bu. lIII Farm pertO Ohio 446 by 182. bein a uraa d by the colt of Fed - rial, wat .vilit<Od A FAR M DJARV . . .rly mately 53 12.63 to the . 1948 reau to plac e farti luer orde . nc duri thl& In s lbl.. and lov" '!l"' ent operation by 0 .J. , ' q"IZ ER and take deliv ery 81 lOOn al poa star', Th,e Farm Bure au expl aim that be• on g loin t Janu ary 21, 1949 -C.J oudy and were them e for ferti lize .. II .hor and thoua;h both . ', ramp age. . Jt co.t the own er abou t "lie spac __ lile. s look it and ' 'i"I freel low ~ delivllriUl mu. t be kept movinll:. doUa,.. for the Hco nd one did ty twen to anow Htt1e had .but 10 far we have the lint. e. The y not brin g the pric . of ~eak 01 elnc:e 1 cam e horn to out .om . new .u.t . put 1 y erda B enja min Fran klill once tried Veat Ena:New r and lay that the Iki relO rt. in I hope the bird ! will oome bacl roil<! l itle WOr ml. ! , IfI beIOIIU Iland are 'l l mill ion. 01 doUI find it. 1 mus t allO put out day The . rowa epar IOnl the c..U · thin g for eaul e they have no anow and 'IIeveral of mil· afte r 1 cam . hom . I law a: loein lowe r are weat the and a fami outa id. The bigg er the yi eld and the CASH FO R DEAD STOCK .eed l grai up "" l.. and them pleki t-th e " i~g"r yo ur profit . cos crop the liOlll of doU a.. fn W1l1'tA1b have t mus 50 ~7_ CO WS' ... \... .... ... u.. my wind ow but they rl~'. jun com mon sen••. citru . ~ruitl. cattl e and ihee p, beeaare deao ed it aU up for [ have n't _ • ... . ~6.oo .. _ S _ h RSE But HO h. Prof it by th e expe rienc e of la rmer ,muc too have , they raVd eya. [pu t the IUlIt G M blan d fe rtili zer I Ileve B lor find them who f COII er, nUt,e fte wim and l MJo.m Ohio size The beAccording to havina: just an or/li nary befo re I had brings bigc er Rnd holtc r crop su p to Comp any il an inderaiD, up in its usua l plac e and ly. mpt Pro pen dent Miam i Valle y l wnYH man uroc l urcd Ved J it"ll m(; up . ... ~ (or tlJ.o Ire~t exce .. of cous Willi Pun y Kitt t cl. direc pnc,,conre m undr r will my 'bac:k tume ston dard s . . _ neve r dow n to and If We <follow that patt ern we eo I o~r 8tion of Ita owne-Q , DERING REN ther e clawina: and bitin g at it ES not, JAN ' . \ r ~o w 'or Sprltt'" do we clftCJ'o JJ ,.our . uary ,,.om r e Febr rd Cll In let oun n arou nd un- 'h ad to put a IOrt of prot ectio , Phone Collect then we Il00, will be hav in, an afra id that it i. am J but tr.. the t I , l unti uaual wint er but we c:eD't tall thet aha can Xen ia. O. 171 2 or It will not I~ aJOu&h and i. over with . Whic:!t patt ern ber WilminalOn. O. 236 2 mil cet patt ~t. I do 'not wan t atiJl ~...::.;ji~ follow. and , lUet s' bint the up ina to ..t ~~~~::~:::~~=~~~~~_...:."":~ =; :': ~-': ~~ ~~ The Com mun ity Sal. I. nmn ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ 1 'do not wan t b.r to eet up bac:k more el In mos Virc il Run IllUaJ . Ch t tile bird .. alon e ..ew U. .. stlU Joe thOu ha'rn in . The !\atu rday Janu ary 31, 1949 . Snow o.f the Jun1r and hou..hold atulr rain .. em • .110 be OD h muc aDO auaa hine . The atten danc e depe nd. very la.t nigh t we bad but pl_ ile the awh fol' alO k OY_ wee A er. the _th wa. too tIIra e or (our inch.. of mow and now ,w.. fuJI to the doo n •• it ltt to do mucfa tbe Wh iten _ ..... .. twic e a .. bria wat anCI rain y (or .any one dark rainy o( th mon II l. IId who a CJ'OU the ~ n .tN, Uy whe ~ ~, froze n, tI- . i. only a I\lIaII iliar y 'Satu rday th. Wom an', Aux ther e, I euppoaa the rwt a~ tha m et. mark food J ellfu .ucc l-.t a at had haul inl fodd er and man ure, it .t ~ to Mr. Stub be who let U5 I)ave that II whe re they Ibou ld have the old Ga. ill .tore iture furn his l. utua We wwe ther e at the .... '. , t ftIU . ral zette office. It was e n ice cent na doub t _ are the ..... . mos cold we sold the of 'Pile in CD and . 4S!!:W plac ever lar patr onl. No work il othe r r_ It's only a sho rt ti me' sinc e all the pieo ·and cake l and lOry Rid le on Thu nda y alm altt in. Tha nk brou were tJuat ;l thina en Big 'lnc h pipe line and its helf ~he .... V ..terd ay "'. bouc ht th . bl Stub MT. , apin un. you of siste r. the Litt le Big ' Inch , to Nt up a coup le of tons of one In tum. _ that wer e car ryin g oil to 'hel p divi ded hay a: it Am erib win Wo rld Wa r the barm. We oonaidered aellin tby The imagination of ever y citi" ,but ther e "'.. a aood deel of timo d let in It and wa deci ded _ coul zen was grip ped by the mag k) (Haold From Lut Wee to _ It ln, fapd by it f~r, more Don ni tud e of' the construction job MI .. Ruth Cha ndle r bear t the and . you n, .toc k than by aallhIe it ... Tu tha t.»'as don e ~o s~retch thes e Can adr Chorwo iq Leba non on that way we wouJd kMp tile _ - p ress ure stee l lines, the hi.:-h to _ day evaa in" on the farm . I do not Hire was ton Day wor ld's ,long es t and larg est, Min Glen na Mar th of our land feed .aId olr the fann whe n . Mn un. c:ou her of t 1U.. fTOm Texas to New Yot;k. a wealrand need . .mic bme nt. aDd on liJunday her , itap Afm le Less spec ta ular but nearly Luci p AIl The y brou Cht two ~ dwoO ... 101 r, job of chte cDu her were !<S diffi cult ha!l been the reel " cuesta bull . into the %ina. fuIe youo c t he dlild raq of Spri Dlt· ng and erti . conv 0 row ully lis «ssf t kucc .bou . tared anim al.. ",.1.,,11\1 . . Raid gas lral natl a a pair I"dl Uro '1~ ill ' 01 hund red a pIac:e. ~ ~ Ml'. and Mn. Calv in Loo per. ttoo d tran spo rtat ion •• you wou ld av.. _. The y a Alici ... 14 _ . Lyt l. CIIUed on tbai t ~unt, syst em. In MaY' th... . quie tly whUe tb. 6nt one of Clar k, Tuaa day ev«lin&. 194 7, Tex as aoId but they mad e the mis tab od. the llllr l_Y Eas tern beg an aM out it 1\I tuni! . . al_ eme rgen cy op· t!w!n w. erat ions to help Whe n be found hlm talf d.. the h. _. --S end tum ad to face relievea criti cal Hi. row of ,t nlde n i_d e the tin.. ~=-- sho rtag e of gas nci hi, taU bap n to twltch. He Iowe lD~lnK in the Ap pa· l. You ;,,~ i Ih3.(1I2 Inch ... .~.J. h_d aDd bep n til paW' th. _ni I'a ch ian are a .
1.,.., '...
!"... ..
11111 strM t. . . . . . . . H. M. ent ware: Mr. and tin. ... . Mh. IDa Balrer, Mao ~ I.uc;r l MIl ~. li. Floe Mn. , nork lin. tI.y, Ben ie Gold Eml ey, Mn. ~ iio J.lm ~". th. Grac e Smi
.. Mr.. Clar a Phil lip' of Leb a-. . the host esiL Mr.. Dell a Ven able
A man who i. rood lor maII:b!c excu tea ian't vwy aood 101' ~
Occasionally we have families who gi ve this blanket order - "W e want the best;,. rega rdless Of the cost." Yet we nev er interpret this as an open door to extra vageance. At our fun eral hom every dollar that goes into, the account has 'served some useful purpose.
BIG M.. .
111c line snee d dcle anin g;th ey , I,"d no com pres sors to boost 1:10 gus alol lg and tney cou ld ic ~ clivel' only 140 million cub (",it a (lay at the stal 't. to ;~ n nmb itious prog ram ll ;d:ll ~j c t ,'01 press\>1' .sta tions .:. t fi O-tll . l~ inte rval s a long the
• Top hat, whi te tie and tails
aw a,
home .e
IJIOIIIlbWt, of a~ ~ for prom pt retun:
of the !4~ .... ell'.
occasions caU for dependability. efficiency and promptness in a 'cleaning service, and ours . is the one that meets every
'I.a!nPS ...Lamps - Lamps S pe c.iill o n T ab le Lam:ps
3~SO to 'S.SO each · 11
AppOuce Ce. WaJiiesville FuStNniiet tur . e' &: , __ _ fraIJi c,. ... Hall SaalllIIaID
WAYNE5VIL1.E. 01 00
... ""'. ., r.. ' '
1. ~
this en·
~h i.·. i T,·..(,~ l·~Uit.t.'rn to cQm ~ rl.,: . :.h~ "''' ')(,'I\ lrI :r i!l mon th. r. ~'" .""'00'1' lhan ..... uli! othe . '''''''' f.... ... ,; " """
' . " .....
~,.'".,.. ! • •~r
• ... VII
,.-n.•. n.,
h3,,~ 239./XoO
!t· ~"t'1lr ry tfle.U
- M! .., hzI\tut'I rafl lu , ~"" : ~. I ~ nJUl \ra! w.. \. " ""~'. l:.w.n l " hol...... I" (n~l
~ig 1lid1 aod till !ltruction prog T:U n l gas ~nim __ ... . . Lit tle Big Inch pip e lines to nat ura nty·oDB gas ww P: "'! . ice. In tha t time we hav e bui lt twe ~ g In nine , stat ion s whi ch mo ve the gll8 alon ~ $28,500,000 .. e Tex as toPetlI¥3ylvanill. We hav S of na~ P8 . ... . ;iet;' c:m make tb~ pip e lines effic ien t bas been spent in ~ ing !;he Qation. Par t of ';ha t mOIJp.y the salariea pG l ... ... / . com mu nitY , and it, 'toGether wit.b buted aad will .... di • employees in this ~, .baS cont;ci welfare _ ...", .. . ., nity to con trib ute to you r com mu
r,n",' \: -rbe fore I',nl ; .JiSWt nce gas
, -"" •• tJ lN'a ·/ u .
THIS month Te:JIas to convert the
0'\ ... , : 0 · " ~ I p h .~
J i
The Hi Winc/} lines e1le -stil11l1/t1.til1g ~xpl()'(Jtion
stru ctio n prog ram s fi.nds its WilY into the local businesses , of thes e com mun ities, and its employe s and thei r purc hast 'Ing power are an inte gral par . , life. of com mun ity As a priv ate ente rprise, owned by mor e
{fir /lew s()l(rces
, ~I t,qS ((nd oil
fN. __I f_ ••
" aU ttl. ... ·un ') ~ ..,~ ,,"m .. ~J fliti.': 'h~n l'6n which thes e InE!a t pipe lines pass. 'The mon ey spe nt in Its con-
~ :;1rted in the,' ~~allof
hit" , ....}.... ..
c()mmllnlty. NEW citizen in YOE8IIII rtem .fuwmed its 1S- mo nth
'.' :7. In 1: (1 f these st;lt ions t ype· of ; . ' i :~.;: ui i,'<.\ n new .j fu•,;..-1 ric:!I1!' I~r i\· n "ce ntti
requirement. ' When you phone us, you ' wilt ~now you r evening wea r be cleaned and pressed per On time. I fectly ;lnd', delivered
Fu ne ra l H om e
" .. ~,; '..' .l.:;
'. -. -
.' .,
h Sys tem encourages 1)( adclltionol gas and t a· 'oil rese rve s ,b y alIo rdin g advl111. and ers duc geo u8 out lets to pro lo lan dow ner s. T exa s'Ea ster n help s ' sing cha pur by too, , con serv e gas y l Der fon as g of es tif~i larg e quj".n " flar ed" or wllsted to the air_
T discB'govelncry HE
Big Inc h SY.tem~ ' rJ1I:IE'vete ran pipe line staff of the to see to ~t tru.t nat ma l 1 stro ng- wo rk aro und the clock pte throuab.' ManY at ~ gas, an ess ent ial s our ce of. energy wa r 9Dlier pe m m d the ing dur s line the th,ese me n 8enr~d a job of equal imp orta Dal ope rati on Tod ay the y are doi ng to the nat ion 's w~lfare.
than 18.000 peo-
pler Tex as Eas t- . e/n also pay\! local, ,stat e and federalt~xes
New Cclmpressor
tha.t help sup ·
por t ~o~ls. roads, and public services. This mes sage is,pu blis hed to tell you abo ut the work TexaS Eas tern is doing. We also wish to exp ress lrI'atitude at you r aClCeptanoe of us ilito you r ge communi~ life and to· pled com r JOu tD tfon our coo pera mqnl~""'n.
e line sysl em. 15 t~ch a nd Littl e Big. Inch pip Ow ner and ope rato r of Ihe Big an~ work. stat es whe re its empl~yees live repr esented in com munity life of f\rn~ ct. Milam Stre et, Slirevwport, Lovisian Home oIIIee ,o f Texas Eostern ii at 306 L~ Nea rest TexOi Easlern Station i. at
- <.
lMe -f~t
UPOD appltea1iloll.
ONE CENT PER WORD l minimum charle, 215
Fifty Orand A Yaar
FOR SALE.:...BuUdoqr ror JabD Dee,.. A or B tractor. WiD alia tit Fa rmall H or M. Idllll1 for dirt and .... ~. Work. with bydraulic nft. Banta ImplemllJlt Co., L banon. Pholl'jl 555.
through the
bear Sup!. Kenny Retallilck REY ·etill ",onde~ ' wh" Johnson or hii coach, Ed Porter, mutterinc in \ e nt mod RO s uddenly atter b. their coffee ... 6out "red INitl," Sat- , got out stlr. Thana. all but Leo, urday morning you'n know that a the Cen ce. color jilUl ,till llunu !l the local ; JOlmson remembered It aU al ha SpartlUis, . atrode fe verishly. throullh the hot, To explain, unl_ my info'rma:ntl breathle.. nlaht. wtOng, Waynesville 'hes lost all Mlnut. The black curta.In 'four garnet to red-<:lad .cbool. (IIlDt of darlmell that Communistic red I' thl. _~ . to ·Flotlon pre I 8 0 d upon \!Ivery . ide could date, "" you can see why our loce! atliletes hope to be red 'hot tJonillht not hid. those things that h ad iOn. wh~ they en,.,e KinK' Mill on 1the before. Even theIr memory· 10· creased his rurlo us pace, and It local court. Was an effort not 10 cast a ~ve Oil, yes, anolller contelt tomorrow alenee over hIs shoulder u he drew nlte' on the Spring Valley hardwc.oo neDI" the .pot on which the area.t . In · .plta of 10m. rlc.nt ciacline. !IO .hop to it yOIl local · lportl\ en oak' ahould IItand. in farm price.. -.rlcultu.ral eCOll· thusialts and support your' te.llm , He remembered the niSht of ten omJata of the U. S. departmaDt of there', nothing like invading a hosttile years ••0 that 'he bad stoleD .t he 1l1' took an optimiatlc JIOlot count and seei ng plenty of your mot- Alameyer jewels. had been a 01 view at their recent outlook coo· era in the . taDch. Sorts curM tbcne deaperato thing 10 do. an~ h. hali ference 10 Waiblnaton. D. C. In 'Ibutterflies" In one's stomach. halt expected to be c:au8ht. m. the p ..t, these ec:onomlat. blve will see · e ,.)()(\ mind's ..,.e saw himself craw~ Basl<etbalt fans cionllned their estimate. of thl outup those precarloua U'acerB of IV7 look to the coming ]2 monu,.. 'l'hit short film at tha local cinema T\:le&- on the high back wall of 'the Ala· tlm~ they 1rled to lopk ftvi yeara day only when RKO's Texas R:e d· meyer mansion. He ' recalled how abead. And, they decided that heedt il acreened . . all about gii rls, cauUoUJly be bad opened the winlook fairl,. ioo4 for tha farm· so ' ouff saidl , dow with a glass-cutter and allIe, .r for lba t Ion,. . c.ri Austin&, a fonner U. of ,eilon. how caretully nil bid placed the Of coUll.e. they mad. two ~t in the 30'" orul .now with Lc)we charge of, explosive a,atnat the , aU\Ul)ptlon. that 80me .,.ople .tln aiK:I -CampeU Athletic Goods ~Co •• cleverly·concealed wall .81e, bow .,. a Ilttle doubtful about-that a feverlsbb' he bad burrled throullh .table peace wW be eltabllllled UId CiDII., i. ,tUl remembered by hi' the acrid smoke to the battered . .' tben wW lie 110 MrlouI de- ' ~ lri.ods In thil area, e.pedi~ny door after the mutned exploslolibad H,rvey.burg, for hll exCt!lIent officiahakeJl the' room. atina: of basketball: Cbaries DoIlter, down that s weep of lV7 Hervey8burg mayor, it high in his a8aill to the ground and over the pl1li .. of "Katz," which ,laddened my heart a. Aurtinpnd ~Url truly both wall and along·the hard road as the w attended Ehler HiP. School In Cion. uproar behind hlm steadlly are • . • the car with the' ftn.erlnl Tite proor ·that basebAll is around darting down, the road the comer wa' proved Monday .ute • • . bia dogllf! d ftlght across the wiih the tint meetln, of the 'T ri- fteld to ~e momentary' haven of the county loop at Centerville. Lett - . hUlle oak • . . His ftn8ers trembled .on ,d ie local Amarican JAPan ruld a convulalvely agaill as they bad dub entered and I have hieb be,.,.. when he bad tumbled the jewell of luuIdlina another club for t1;lem. qute1tly into the leather bac alld The . . Hmit ja the ' _ _ ..• a boy buried 1t aately, ta.r back under the up~led root. He beard a,aill the mUlt DOt pen hit 17th birdlday odUl'deep-throated baying of the bound., inc the entire year of 1949 '10 be srowtna alway. closer, as be bad ~lilPb". jDIInny Sirnpeon, iHa.ro1d beard it that niiht. hour after SSPWYII, )'1" FlOl'llnile, Bm PIope, hour. twistln. and dOdgln, ,and bopEmory Robbins, are first stnri'llers Ina, mowin, in his OWII heart ·that he would be cauabt, and learln' still etilible. ........ _mlo " - - _ bon'tbe IUf'll"'lMCI if " 'Lefty" New· It with hysterical terror. If
Lebanon National Farm ILoaa .
F4DJl Outlook Bright For Coming 5 Years
U. S. ·Economist. Show Optintillll in Foreca.t.
The New Look
Ule the allCpu(pose " Jeep" te) pull ),onr farm , Iml;>lement~: as a Iruck 10 tow S,S~O Ibt. llnd h Clur,SOo 'Iln.; as a runabout 10 cake you to lown or Ih ( )U1l1i Ibe pasture. ~se Ihe "Jeep" power cake-oU. to run your farm equipment.
Good News ' For You!
insurance .t a savinp. CaD
'francis Ge,.e Brown. phone GARDEN TRACfOR WaVDeSVJlte 2472 or call couict. WilmtngtoB 2 t t t. Now on display at bur store. Four New Mod~ a size for ~ . . ~ . . . . . . .. . . - land, who was Centervill.', mClund Au I!J1Il CII""'.' Til. «Ilk. shel' every ,arden. JidML . • star, playa bare in 19491 He ]iye' ~ on ••. til. ,,,p;,l wblM 01 ,h. /."dl#" ••• lb. h,. Jo" J,.,gi"" ,61 .. J _ •.. t H.P. Handi-Ho prua!. II Ume Ibould "WaynarrilJe NUt. and dd. columnBIU they bid nevu found the t t-2 H.P. Power Ho " , . , about CIlIa of the two, the ist alll!feCl N_land ~t the IUD 'ew~. He bad hidden them wall, 3 H.P. Gardener .. . . . IIIU lie ualt1e. ADd the,. better u, this ~I b.a.a. to JIObIt out that 1bHe .,. , Have you ned about the U. C. - IJId for that he had been lP'atefui 5 H.P. ~ld~Master u..I~, 1I0t pft4lvtiODl. X. U. JobJl Wiethe "nil Lew tor 1en ,.eara.' He" elme quite suddenly upon the Complete equipment available TIM, tile OIl to JIOlnt out lllat l i.,lrl, unable'1O ..Iect caPable offi- clump 01 trees. The,. .eemed 10 ITANLEY ... KOOO'D for all modelS. including Plows, ~= ~~;n!: d tb!,or ~~ dty c)wlllpi~lhlp the thick darlene.. to be the lame ."OK."'. ",.o.H,. Seeders. ltlowers. · a :reB pIr IIIIUl'!'OI'Dr 11&2; . that blduatrlal .ash • w_ead .. . ..,. ,the .land 01 ten year. a80. He moved ~ .eatpat wID mere.... CiDc:y tJIlP8R ,rabbed the. story. What abollt qulckl,y with the llaahll&bt . ; 'Dd ...t ,s.lcIl pel' ac;re aDd pel' a ~y ~ ".en" 1M belt pme In 1949 until be tound the pec:uUar root ~at . ~ ~ te.. ~ wa"iMelrlll.e BANTNIMPLEMENT CO~ lIY-toCk _ ~bb' alto will lor -.zthwntem hoop lalla iDRMd of curv,ed outward IlIId ~ooped ·upward otIIe.. ....,.. .Ohu" ~ a,D. 'J.7 W. Mulberry St. ~I". .dnrtiaiD& -the . . - OIl its own mer- aUcbtl.Y, Suat .. It had Be dill back thrlil.\lh the 100.. e~ LEBANON , Plione SS5 _~_~-,-"WaIk. i1s , •• tactics were uMCllast
=JIIIom.. .bJe
Bunb ceI~ their bInbcSq
mp.r lleldl ph aere aDd per an-
UJ!H, will ma'" more _amiamd"....nee imal oaI prodUCtioD for the tarmer.
GIl Priday .... s.t1mIay. On
-me dIey WI .. their suaata: Mr.
ad MIL Omar M~ and Mr. and loin. BID . . . . of Lebanon. . Mr. .D\t, lin. . . . . 'Mr. . Yn. WdlilIiD StroIJ!l8o aad dIeiJ\
1Iaati.,p, ~ 1Iaril1D Banb.· .'.
Market RlIIOr,;
Armitage &Son
AD In aU, tblI Illapel up to jut aboUt tbe Jd/ld of IIve-7ear parIod that 1be fa~'.r. themaalv" would. JIlIe to aldo"." !Ii............. u....on at oJ . . . , . . . . . ..... talr prlcet means a break lor l)I'O4\aeanI Uut cCII1mmel'8 - a ~u.,. '"-t_ .... Ileal' low both. . I piper VOl", ftC. Same policy wa' IIdopt8d iD s-Iltola coupt)! " 'ently and _ n l dIouaaDd. of doUan were
WlFlIO ' Da)·ton 12:10 E. 8 , T. Dta,1tWO. WLW 81ncIDlI,'" 1lI: 40. [)I~ 1~ tor ~ u • . Uu.1I
DIAL 25191 I I
Bob HaItlDta 111 polnu attack. ' Warren CoI1Jity polto otftdal' may mi .. a bet b)' not ~c:itiDc' th" cooperation of aU Warren bi&h IIIchool baaIr:etball lact rth ' . dub c:oa chto "to III . a 100 and IOI1ib oppote each (rtber. Selection of ..lay.. throIi....
CincinnatI Union StOCk -iard. LI". w f.. , and Progra..hl.; A.. oI'Q_n"... tion ._nd to non. ItPIClth, a.lle" on the ..... ..I erOund .. n'lark~ In i, ..
, ~. 11M lira. Bunb .waN ~ -.s tbay, Mari- .....---------~ eon.ct~ .,.., aDd Mra. IAaIl Mil1s _ ' diDtall.., _ cueitl of Mr. and Mra. William
of ___ <Xl
Mr. a!Id 14ft.
lIIaaD a '_IUJ' m ....... for too. . aDd eloth1q. Hlp 7leld W~le notdIed their 81b vicCBLBBRA.TB BIRTHDAYS .... ..- par worm mlaht me... .&xsa. more tory. 57040, 0,", ~ prIcH tor iDdUltrlal _ .....~v -Uy
Waynesville National' Bank
A. lot of " smart " .money is beinE: put into savings accounts th ese days hy ' people who know , the Score . . people who know this is no time t spend ~ oc dollars, thus h el~i\1g to increllse . inf lation . . J oin the " 'n1l1rl el" and ' a~ e here ~c g'lIlarly. ,
IS It Iractor
N'T fOR.CET TO CALL for insurance. An t~ of
- LONG TERM Security In mind for '49 ' 1ltE LAND BANK. W/t.Y
voaaow LDI.\lVON
M.. ,
()ft'tN! . ' ,
~. ' uceptfed
At Ice PlPt - ,PHeNS 2451 .8tIo_
. .
.. . . . . . . .11 upeeW
~ ~
auoes' FROM
On' Vacation
fLOCKS "'I .
March 1.
or. C. E. WilkiJm' oPtom.wk '••
le8oda~'" ~ . OBlO ~
.,• .:.AY ' ·ARM ••,U.A_CI" II . . 0W0 ' - - - will .... ,.... ..... ; . . ' .
. . . . __ .
- ,.. ~ k~ ,.,.lIaHdIap.,a. ~- a •; It"a' .. ,.. _ II_..... _.L..... add 'J .1o odIan. . ._ • __ eM WIap,DDt _ 1DIIq~
y_ ..... , .. . . . . . . , ...............
ow. ......,
NOTBS - ... . ..
South PaIk Qnm:b, Dayton. lalt
~turday:Tobe' Ball •. LiDda ~rlm
WerftIl . 81,,*,, and Rev. R. B, Col..uu. II-'- :Bamhart ' w
alktld pnialcltat lor th. eln'~ 1 011 SaIIda,y IIIOIIIiD&. Febru uy 6, " 10:30. a . . . of more than 20 an t... lie . . . . . IIIIiO W8JI1.wriU. .,~~. ...,.., ~ wiU .be a
.... _..m~
I 'eame to you." .
''You 1aIow that I'm benu""
~, attended the Youth FaiJootnbip ~ Inititll1:e' at
room that he used for bu.ine.. ot WBI .trem~ with· excItement. lohnson paced the 11001'. "Five lI~red grandl" be ·aloated. "That'. lifty &rand a year ill the til' houae, and aWl they lay don't pay. WhY. Leo, J know Jots of bl, CU71 that dOll't matte Ilfty grQd a year; I'm up In ~e bl, mopey DOW and It feel. wonderful." , "You know .wbat these .,. worth?" , "Yeah. Sure I do. So do 1~." Perllapi be ' ollly wanted to bar· Some of the dread died in Jo)lPson's hean. ','Aln't you the beid tence in the Eaat? Thar. ~
_.recy; and Johnson
Phon. ,WaynesVille 2621 Jj a
HOUR lllter they were shimA'Nmering on velvet in Leo's back
~.,Dead ' Stoc'k ' / ,.$6; ~Q"S $l50; Hog~ $1.50 (wt.
iMer H; bIa lingers tin,ied as .the), tluched ' rotten leather,. and there' wve the ,ewel. ap(ead 9ut. The,. _re dull-but they ' were the All. .yer jewels. '
auoes• AVAII.M!LE
w be
Led. query veI'1,
very, grava an4
illwaYI bave bee,"
",.6_ ~,.,.,n 1M r..o I~, M,rIoI' sllt/h, ..... /lUI ~ IkIfu. TJw, ",;,11, b. Ulorlh "......
• B~tter because it's a soft curd .milk, by 'AMA stand~rds, and
'!be)' aWl wODder wIlT JobDIOD WeDt mad IP .1iort.b' after be got out 01 . . . ~t Ia, . all but Leo, 01 coune. Leo would mow, tor be 11 a VU1 Ibrewd judJ. 01 humaD Pl7cbo1op-and j.well. It 11 nId. bl thou wbo know. IUlet Leo mad. almost balf a mIDlOD ~ out of u.. Alane)'tr Sewela.
therefore easier to digest
There·I'. 400 un',. of "sun~
shine" vita~m 0 in. every quart, too. Ask for Golden Crest HomoDee ••• at your 900r or at .~our ltore, .(
., . ' IJ,.)
'1'1)/"1. ~ uU,
r'nr f
.':"~" U I "
T"" l-'
I' \I
, .'
Instituu.. For Ninety-nine Years
v& ..
I Cou~ty A.~.A. FROM THE Head Dies Editir~s' Typewnter
Being an editor is not an ellsy task ;, eRpecially if YOIl must be proof reader, cO,p yboy, 11lnitor and nil the other jobs that go with yOU1' weekly newspaper. Yes Joe Jun\l.!s has r e ~urnctl aa thc editor, Among the tas kll comc the mail. Every day irito ,o ur ,.oBsession come many , circulars promoting someones grellt idoas. To print these would ta~e a 1l8'por four ' or f ive tlnies lho size of th iN pllb. IIcatlon, ' The\lC thing~ 1\.I'e VUI'Y soon ' fihid in our "circulol' file," , the waste· basket.
c. S.
will m e(j~ W ednes· with ' IITra. Em'l
Plea to G~lty; May Lose Both , Feet
1i'To~ t , u ~ h~ stoss.
Cha d~,; Uo. t~r wore h(>st/; to theil' hri llge clu b j"I'i,lay evenilJg. ' 1\1 r.
Chnn~j l1lt his ple ll frc' l11 ill eent to J!;uil ty I)I'l a robbery charge. Fred C,IImpbelJ alld ijon , Wil lill lli .JamoK Po. Crcn1!ha w. 28, wa K M n · , ':l1npbell lI nd fam ily, I1I Ovud r ll·· ten ll ~d !': unclay to the Ohio Stnte "Cl ntiy to t ).-~ Coli tt; f >\1'm, ~ n (lw :1 Peniten t inry loy' Common Pl jla s ,.s th v "1101(' in t he WOOdK: ' ,Judge . Itfll1 1". HI'O WU lo >II' I've a
Oharlcs Collier, wno has been oe.-\ouRly ill, i ~ l'oport, d to he t\uU'h impro\o ed,
,ANm.R IRON USED Sheriff COlldt>n snirl the six m cn who 1''1CRp llli urcd Rn nngI" IrOf\ rro,m ' olle of their' J;,ed~ to 100sen' l,hto VlI'gll ~nnfl, IIton c: No tI)'l1 8 wllrc ~ mu/!J{]ed int." the I~i,J.
\\tTl!. Laul'lI Shidnkcr IrEt Well nesflaytol' Ft. Lallliqrl!'alll, Floridn . w!tere ~hr will hI' t h 11 (,,,t or hO" 1 daughter, Mrs. Will McCanN). . t to 25 yoar term. h"l'iff Gc"n1il Mr. and Ml'lI. flQwnrrl Coon cell" W. Co"dpn, Pros(>cutor ' Malwln Eo their Ilht wedltrng 'anni- Young a'nd Chief Deputy ThomQs vcrftlwy ~ aturday. Fllhrllary 6th: aC(!ompal)ied him tAJ ColumlJuR, and II flintlllT Sunday was enjoyed Crensbaw. who '!I8>I one of six by thl' iT {~mme!l. ' to escape from the Wl\n'en Count y _ jail last Mondll, ~' Tlil/'ht. was carrierl lItrR. J~~e Penninr:tnn is Gon. Into the pen' on II stretchcl'. , tined to hel' ltpme .wlth l~n IIttacl, 1'( nis feet ,w erll :£1·o1.~n \~h on be . of ple~ l'h;y. .' ~lilkod from LIll;an ;'n to Middle~ town follnw lng lli ~ eSC(lpO (tom Mr, a nI! Mr~, Clifforrl WillIon jail. Physicia n!; believe he may and Mrs. OswoOd ' Martin, were lose his f~t, bueiness clill pTS In. Dayton Satur. Charles Rouch. 18, FranJdin. is dav. 'the only ORe of th e ~ Ix who os· •• 'lcaped stll1 at large. Mr. and Mrs. Charle~ Swin~I(,I' - --:'"- - were Sunday ~inner guest., of rola· tives in New Burllngto~. ' • I.
MA . Alty- Mary MI'lIa,ry, 57, dlud nt hllill e Sunday mortl ing Febuary 6 of 11 3uddc/1 hllllvt atta ck. She wus llorn at New Cu~li s l u, OhiQ, andl'esided in Dayton l)ef or e cOlj!I. i ljg h~ re about two yenr ' ag o. S he js survLved by her hu " band, Charl et; U Ol~ djl ughter, M r s, Dor; othy O n l' n e t~, lind th,'ee g l'aut!· chjJ,frorl nil tlr Wnyncsvi lla . 1"un cfB I l' I'vi '( 6 werl! h It! Wed· nesd ay at 2 P. M. at th e reside!1 cc \vith Rev. S, T. Walker oonducting ritelS. Ar rangemcntll w e r~ in chru'ge o( McClure Funeral 1'IOllHl witp rn te rTl1~ 'l t in Miami <::llmc!e l'Y:
,' ,
llr. and Mrs. ' Jamcs Park of Clnci'nnatl were· Sunday dinll1lr ~lIe8t!l of het' pal:'ent's.' M;r. ~:nd Mrs. ~ . : !'I. Tucker, ' Mar,garet ' ''Peggy'' and TerTOII, their daugh. terS. Tcturned horne with tliem after ha,.;n~ sp~t, the week.end w th their tft'~ndf'larents.
trt. .1
to ?tr. IIrld M rs, ~ a ,>on J.1U!hke t. (Barli' .:: Wnlkel') f W , Oc l'ere, WI ~coo . in . Ii 'I lb. 13 1l7. . baby ~aughlt'J;, BRtbliJ'a ,FI·.lpcin'· at Beliin Me'll' rial Rospltu! (,n Jan uary 23l·d. Rorn
Mr. and Mrs. Olarence J, Dav!!; Mr/;. [ .is sa Cilrl WaR a Teeent dlnner.. gue~t of Mrs: A. S. Collett. were week-end jfo!!sb; ' Qf the Jatter~ parents, MI', and ~1'S, Wnlter' Mr. and Mrft. Charlc!! Ooidon ' re- Mallifold o{ Leesburg. Mrl!. Manl· tu rnetl the "alit.' week frnm a two fold ,,"cconipaniell them hOlpc for II ' ' . weeks trip to FIoJida. .;.. few days visit. Mr!!.
t .
Ralph' Il'!lstlngs, of II! fi1lln~ the ~acan~y 01 MTII. Georqe. prlmsTV teacher, in our achool. who " I~ on leave of able11ce, due to illness.
Business Education Department 'The followiDg, girl!! have reCently 'received Junior Order of Artistic mil!ts, Certificates ' from tihe Gre" Eamining Board in New York:
funeral of Mrs. Moomaw reCCl\ ~ Mrs. Moomaw's hUllban'd wall Supt. ot W:ayne8~l1e High School n.o t too many Jears ago.
.Mr. and Mrs. Art 'RlIl,:el of Cincinnati ,and l\1r s Robl'rt Bruel' of Hamilton were S1lnday after. noon callers of Mr. and Mrs, ltov Mainou8 and Ion. .
farmers at
- --
. *
Stanley To ' Speak Here
Peo,ple: Spots In The News
METHODlST ........
ADVISORY COtrNCIL Mr. and M-;. Alva &Ott of nat• ' . . ,ton 'were ~unda1' afternoon and MET ' "BRUARY 3 evenlnJl: ll'Ue~t!l of 'Mr. n~ Mr . The Wa.yne TO_Iblp Advisory Council No. 2 held their February meeting in Smlth!s Green 'Room Thunday evening, February 8. The group enjoyed' a deliclous steak dinner and acljourneid, 'a fter a brief buaines. session, to meet for the Mat'Clh meeting with Mr, and Mrl!, M., A. ' Cornell. Thill fol1owlng W!lre present Mr. and M1'8. Ronald Hawke, Mr. and Mn. Morrll COl1nell. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence JVrnas, ' Mr. and Mrs. , 'Made Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Batterworth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles EllI., Mrs. Francel Gray ' and 1I0nl, Bobby &lid Renn" Gray and ~IcF1umu. , , .
Valentine Party at Mason, Cinc,nnati Judge . To Speak La.d les ~u lie guests alld a valClntiM party will be one of the highFglits of the jlvening at the bimonthly meeting of. t~e Wanen, County Methodist Brotherhood t~ be held Monuy evening 'a.t the Ma:Ion Methodist Cliurch, E. G. Bee~ son, Morrow. preSIdent of the ilrgallizauon, &nnou.nced tolIay. The evening meal will, lbe served at '1 o'clock bf I_dies of the churcll. Judge Otjs R. ,Hesir of Clnclncinnati wi1l headline the IIpeak'ing progr.ain. He baa ' !I'elected for his subject, !'1)elinqu;,\'Icy • . . Adult und Juvenile:" SpeclaJ. .r.nusic will be furnished by the MalMln cnllrell" of w,h\.ch bhC) Rev. Ralph W. Knoop is pastor. All Methodi~t rne!t and tbeir wives nt sweethearts are Invited to this meeting.
Mrs, Alma Peterson , accompanied hel' daughter, lIirA. ,Betty Mrs. Glenn Borden will be host- Drago and Bon to their hQme In , P. '1'. A. "linneI'. )fonrl"v. ll'f'lh..,.~",. ~A , I" 'I1n",,, f'~ "nn"l pot If'l''_ to the W. O. T. U. ror the New Yl'r1!; City dnrln, - the T\IIIt veysbur(!, "<'hool belrinnlng at 1I~80 TOgulaf mt'etlng on Friday arter· week und will rt!msin for a ' few noon. p. m. . days.
Dwight Fowler. : . Ml's. Fowler, was 8 gnnt!daug'h ter of David HU1'ps t er, faun· del' oj' lI a rpBt~ r, Ohio; a hig'hly w\>man of Wyandot clfteem" Coun\y, Ohio a nd co nllcc~cI with the Cburch where Rev. Colleman was minh!ter for silt years.
!1 i~ s Fuye Creec h, daug hter pI Mr, sud i\ip~, Roy CI'L'i!Ch, Il~d Guol'gc Dou.glu s Heodel'soll; lion bt Mr , BUU M l'H . Geol:ge Jl ondcr/ion; we l'e united in mal'1:i age ,at 7: 30 o'cloek Sah a 'day cveillng i In t he presence of ·· t heir Imn)l'1lia1.c 'CamilioK. Re~l.!rend R. B , ole man pur1'or med l h" doub le ri ng ('CI'cu\ooy in the ,\1cthuciillt CIUII'cl; , Mrs, R, B, Colc rml.u pl£ly ed "0, t'romise Me" and " AIways-," pl'ecutllng the ceremony, . l\f Ill'ion Bowers served 1\11'. H~n dCI' ~ oJl liS besL man aoci .Mr s.
'Mra, Delbert Congel·. hO I! reo M ~irion a l/we rs, !lister of th e bride turned to her home ,afte'r s pend- th ' nl lli n m of honor a~ the bl'lde~ ing ~b e pa s ~ two weeks with Mr. Iml " a ttendant, chose a silk print and Mrs, Glenn Lue'bke and d,augh. fr'vc ll, with black accessor-Ies and MIs8 Eula Hoak entertained the R\! )' 'Ice, wc rf II/Jid SliLu 'Ult Y a t t er in W, De Pere, Wisconsin, a pi'1 l< ca niation corsage. Senior Class at her home SUDd&Y Mary Lynn ~w' 2 III m, at th" Me t hodist Chu reh The, br ide was most attructi vely evening. A very lovely time \Vas Norma Pummill for Mrs. LQL'ti c A. aUs hu ry, aged Mr. and Mrs. RO ijS B. Hartsock, gowned in a grey suit, with nlt vy enjoyed by aU. 80, who died III 'h /JT hnmC) Wed· Misses J oan and Jane Hartsock, acce '!!Urics, complimented liy a red Miriam ,Johnson , February l! ,a L 1 :25 1\. m, Mr, and Mrs. Wilton lJartsock, rose corsall'e. The Bookkeeping :r ClaslI will "Don't for~t . onr bask f!t 1\ B urial was mafle in Miami Ollme' Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hnrtaoctt and 'rhe bride's and groom's m~thers begin work on the practice sets team, They tieci {nr t~ " Y, . to • ' M rs. Lena Hartsock were alll~ng t el'Y in c ha n~e or Noeld Funeral wore stree t ' fro cks with carnatio n next week. championship with Carlisle. '.l'bl< the gu f~ts on Sunday whetl Mr. co r ~ lIgcs. · Home, Xc'nili, A native of Spring V u 1l1'y , ~ h lJ and M r~. Ralph Ames entertained Those. who w.i tnessed 'th ~ core· We Ire very glad tG have Mrs. teurnament is well at hand 10 li ved W aynesville [or :lEI yUI\~'I! . w;ith a family llinner at their I\ome mony were Mr. and Mrs, Roy Sawyer as our new Soeial SCience let's get behind our bO}'ll. ' Survi ving iM h er h'\lsbll1\d, near Now VI ~ nna. ' Creech, Mr.' anti Mrs . George Hell' t~cher. Weleome Mrs. Sawyer. , The FUture 'F armers of AmerWilliam : t,hree Bons , Leon, Wl\sh· lea had Future Farmer inithltlon derson and son" Don, ,Miss Patsy Mr, lind 'Mrs, Glenn Da is of Baird. Gerald Creech , 1\lr. and Mrs. ingt on, C .. H., ; Russel. 'l1~nr Wil· Mr., and Mrll. Crabbe and Mr. at the sehool Monday ni,ht. mlngton ; CIllrk. D/lyt on; thl'l:o W ellman ha d as their Sunday' din· Frank Larkin and Mrs. Ray Main· and ' Mrs. Retallick attended the dau g hte l's. 1I1 r g. Mabel Benson; ner gueBts, l\lr. and Mrs, Walker ous, Indiana poli ~, Ind.: !lfl's. Hazel Kratzer , Miss Ruth Kratzer, Mrll. The g ues ts , with the bl'idal Frit7., Oakridge, l' nn, ; Mr!', Mary 1a1'a Dunn, Mr. and Mrs, Leon par ty, wi!re guests' lit th e brides R ye, WayneKvillc; t wo s isters, ono l 1:on8, Ronnie and Linda TroJllS Df parents home for a recepti on, im· brother, tW tllv(' gra nd 'hlld r '1\ a nd L ebanon, Mi ",1'1 Monimi a Bunnell. mediately following the ceremony. Mrs. Nellie Bunnell Qf Wa:rne5- A bea1ltif ull y decorated, thr ee-tier. fl)u r g'N'lI grllJ~dch ildre n , ville Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence :starr ed wedding !=nke, with ice cream Larry ann Carolyn of Wilmington , and coffee, were serVed. Mrs. Charles Tumbleson, ' Mrs. UENTL"EY• Mr. and Mrs. Hender"on left E. B. Longacre, 1!Il'II. J. B. Jonn, The funeral SCl'v'icrui (or 'Elias Paul P irking, wl)o has ,heen con· for a short honeymoori , after which Mrs. P. M. Cornell and Mr., WaII Rus$l!1 BEntl ey, ag o d 83, Five dele· ter Kenrick attended the' Zone who died We<lnesday of a skull f l ned to lli ~ 'homo following a knee they '11\;11 be at home to their many fracture at Gr andview Hc;.!lpital in op eration i~ i.mprl)ving and able f rion.ds in Middletown wher e the gates represented Wayne Y. F. A , meeting ,o f the D1lyton DIstrict g room Is conneetei;l witn the A rm~ at the annual Ol'\il> Young Farmers W. S. C. S. at Springboro. FrIday Dayton, were th eld Sa turday at to he out, co Company and the brid e is in Conference last Friday at Ohio afternoon.. 8:30 p . m.,~ at McClure Funeral Mr, And IIfrR . •J~ !I~ e Prende r~88t the office of the [nterstate Papcr State University. Those attend\ng Home ::. '1' nynesville in c:b~l;ge of were Ben Hisey, David Furnas, Hal'Vey Burnet met with an auth e Re\ ~ . B. Colelllan. Burial was ami dau/!'hlf'T ,and Mis!! Catherine Company , P r ~ nder l!!a~t <:alled on .TesRe 'Pran· in Millr.·; Cemeter y. Convin. Both . the bride and ~room are Charles Rye, Vernon' Shutts; Henry to accldent last -week and Is 1Ilf· An io".er!f\r ilecorat Qr aiJd paint.; r\erl!!ll~ t ' at DeRcone ~s Ho~ pital , graduat~s of Waynesville high Satterthwaite and! advisor, Mr. J . f~ng ~. badly brut. . cheat, SuD· ' school a nil ·they were honored with B. Crabbe. The IIIIIl8ting 'was beld day eallerll at the Burnet home cr, h f ell '>ff t he ~tep s at 'his nome Cincinna ti. on Sunday. II miscellaneous shower e.n Satur. at Ivel Hall with an instructive home "fere Mr. ~ Mn. UarQ Cjl.uSing tne injury. . Brown, M1'!I. Mabel 'Dlnwidde an.d Survivir ... ~ .. , r' '\'ife. Goldie, a Mrs. Charlie Maurice has been day eveninl!' of the past week by and helpful program. Welcome was gtven by William daughter, and Mill!! SaTRh Bume t M.ra, Don WOl'kman. They oleo dau~hter Mrs. Lily Stout. Day- v~ry slcl< and is now hi",roving. ton; a brother, Walter, and a, sia· will be gUllah on Friday evening Neggett, president of Townshend of Da:yton; Mr. and Hi'll. Sallee ' tel', ~ rs. Cliff Anderson, both of Mr. and 'M .,.~ , Gene Ellinl!:ton "f when Mr, and Mr~. David Hart. Agrh;ultural Edut'l&tlonal SOciety McGTUder' of Sprlngoboroi MI.. PL. A.ncient Eaten aro announC'inJl,' the birth of sock will entertaIn with a IIhower. Five 'talks _TO ,given: "Where Anna Honnel ani! MA. Nelltfe Jam. Are We In y. F. IA. Work1~' by rich. ~n eilrht lIound daughter. 'LInda , -- Word ha~ Howard. State Super· Ralph .Tean, lit ' Reid Memorial Bospltal. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Borden hod visor A.Vocational· ,."on J'ccei .. ld hera' ( the rI" ath of Agriculture"; MI'. &IIes'lIl'11. Pa1l1 WIl11ama and Richmond, Indiana, on Fr;~ay . Feb- as Sunday dinner guests Mr, and "SUtfty of Young Fal'Dletll in IIOD of Lebenon, were raeata of~. Mr$, M.l1ry E tf Alel<ande r, 72, at ruary 4.. tfl49. Mr . and MrS. •Wil. Mrs. E~ Eyre and Mr: and M.n. 1948," by R. J. Wooilen, leader of and II~ IDverett EaTl, OIl SuaU,.. al'lI ~ota, Fla., last. Friday. She 1iaJl:l Lukens Bre the maternal Chester Pugh and' daughter of was a fo rmer resident and the wife Department of AgrI cultural JDdu· III'. bel 11ft. Paal 81lf I ad Springboro. ~randp8Tents . of Dr . Horace AI~xander of R~ cation, aesiated by .Tamn Ruh, in. ebIldND spent 8aJIdq : , : Kr. -lIells Point, near Bellefontaine, M'rs. Nem e Runnell '\Va~ ' a recent Mr. and Mrs. Earl Earnha'l't are struetor: of rteua~t Hm; A. W. Mr. ad MR. Scott muter c Sel'vi os will be Saturda~ a t 2 ' week mil visitor of ner Ron. Geo- annoll~cing the birth of a seven Nowjaek, trainee of Wooat8r ad' Wa.hJnwtOn COm lloae. p. m, at the ,lute residence in Rus· pound, four ounce daughter Linda D!lvid IOaDlfotb, tr~1nee of Breemrgi!. anti ;famil~ of St. Reman!. 51)11'8 P oi/it wij,h llurial in a aRI "HIgh Spots In Y. P. A. WorK" Mr. and Ml'II, daY Rontzahn and L6u, on Friday, February 2, 1949. ~ere In'slIleum l\.t Bell efont aine, in gfven by the following young son ~ere pest. of Kr. mid lin. 1\1J', and 'E . . F. E-arnhart . " ~ fai-nKlrs; "OUr 'Yo F. A. Consti- Frank Brown at Tlpp City' on Sull· Chlll'~"8 of IIlcClul'e . Funeral Home, werc guests of 'Mr. and )J1'1i MI'. Theodol'e Conover wall cal· tution BOO Emblem," by Roger day. Bes id s hel' husbai1 d she II I<on, On lO, , Ru sse ll's Point ; a Ch;.\I,ll./s 8. Earnhart and daugh ~ led to ' Crestline because of the Bornhorst of ~Inilter; ,"UllinII' An serious illnesg of his 80n; David. Advllory ,Counell in ProIfl'Bm g r unddau ghl;Pl', t wo brothers, O. terg In Trotwood on Sunday. Mr. and Mn. C. R. Tallibleeon E, Misselri:·\c. W aynesville, anti PlannIng," by Davtd Schnee. of and children vlllited with Mn. VIrMonromlle; ''Improvement!! In goIl Arthur in Deer Park, ctae\n· Bony ,V.isl<cld in • Wi rl~aa, Kan. F'a1'1J1lng,'" by 'Kenneth Motter of natl, on Sunday afternoon. Harrod; itA Y. F. A_ Ads on Pro· Mrs. J . B. Jonlllll was the IQMt posed Legislation." by Alonzo of' Mr. and MTs. W. C. Bel'l'loU In Fleffelinger of Loud.enville: "Sum- Oayton on Thuraday. mer Meetings,", by Ben Hilley of Mrs. Emma ~ remains qutte I W~yneavflle and 'fA Youn~ Farm· c1'8' Swine Sale," by, Harold Knipp ill since haVing" ItrolJe two weeb Tile. W lIYlIe!!vilJe Mjlsonic Lodge ago. She ttl belnr ~ e~ fOr at tf Fremont, will hold a F'lIther ,a nd Son bllqThe 'afternoon seRRlon wa~ con· the home of her daur~, 111'11. qu ot , {O l' rL ~ mcmh ers Wednesdny . ducted by Ohio State University Earl Young. ' ~ v c llin g , l~ bl' UIII'Y J 6, A fuutul'e ~peclalhta as follows: ''Business of the 1ll'ogl'am wi ll be ,an acldl'eris " Mr.' and 311'8. JI'red ttnflh J'f'. '!'rends As Thev Effect Gettln/l' by Dean Stanley, Lebanont ntl'!stahll"h41d In ·Vanninlr." hV Mf'T'~elved word from fllt'!" liN' PII'l' Wrney. "in G. Smith, Department of Rural aId, who Is 'wOl'klng 1n LOI MI'. Ralph 'Hasbingfl is chair· F.eonomle.~; "New Developmenb in Angqletl. man of t he cUntmittce on arraJlgoFarm , Machinery," by R , 0 , Borments, den. Department of Agricultural Mr. and ,Xl'II. Tom lUchar-de an4 F.n~lneerin". ThC) younJ!:' farmen da1!gIItera of Spnl!gboro, called 011 who goavl' "Hl~'h ,Spots" were on,+t!&'c;md-Mn. Will Rws and daurla' the wnSU broadeast at 2 :45, p" m. tel' on Sunday afternoon . , ,
/j t
, -
Rev , • R. B. Qvl,eman went \.0 U rIpe; Sandusky Tu,esday where Colenian wal! eaUred. to conduct t he fonerlLl service 0(' Mrs:
Special degree wor l( IVa "; pre!lellted 'in Masonrc Hall Fliday evening. • '
Nuptails Saturday
As IIuieUy as they ,Clime the local f ortune tellers fold ed Uleir gabds and left our ,to,ilO. Much ... ·auecumbll ·at. 55 talk was wasted about the l&dies who flooked on the window an,1 moti,oned for the mille " \l ~lIllltion Was Fair Boord Member i to enter into their hall ~ , Of all Active-In Democrat tho~e accuRed of entedn" n9 on o Party Here woold adm it their futore had becn fl'retold . In spite (If all dlscuRlIion where they went I ~ n\lt :know but F'ollowin~ two hear t att.ack.s J feel It Is a great improvement. which he suffered Saturday nigM and early Sunday mornin g. Harold Community spirit i certainly Sharp, aged 65, coun t y AAA chairancl W STren CQu:nty fair boarel a g reat help when you feel de. man member, died at his home in pressed. The other evening when Pleasanl Plain ,d 5:30 A. M: Sunmy "wits end" WRS neal' ] had a day. Widely knOW1. t hroughout tb<l kind offer of help, This man said : counLy, he was pasL master of the "I get home at fIve and m:j !lOp. Butlerville Lodgo of Masons Ilnd a {Jers over 'Ilt five·thirty I T don'b member of the Lebanon Lodge of know mu h' about prlntinlr but Elks. He WIlS active in the Demo· herc'!!-.' my telel!hone numhe,' a nll C1'8tic party in the county f o r ,if' can help let me knnw." manYyeara. ' ije is s urvived l)y ' his wife, Alta , postmaster at Pleasant PIli in , three, sons, John o.f Columbus, Thomas Of I''!ar Pleasan t Plain, Darrell of lIil!llter and a daughter. Mrs Connn SehellehgeT. of Columbus . Funera I services I, ha rj{ o f W. ·C. T. U. local i;lStitllt.e was the Rev. It' retl Moore and R I'. presllIIted Thul'stJay ut; tho home of Jpseph Shepherd, will ' lIP heJd Mrs. A. S. Collett. Guests trom Thursday at ,211· 1" , at Hannan FuW&ynesville wen , D Holloway _ .neral B:ome. Bu~"l will be ;11 J. Miss' Lucy E mily, Mn, Lena Hart. 0 , O. ~. {~emet~ry at Blant'h 8te!', I'oc'k , 1\11'1\. Olive CIIl'1 lind I'll'S. Mas?Dlc . rIte!' In charge of But.· Adll Furnace. I\rl.',~, [, T. Wall, o f ~e:V1I1~ ~dgc wen:! l-nlll , Wodne~Clinton County.. was g uest ~Jl()a ke r. YDIg
day afternoon
MAN ~mbine to produce artistie effect, in i~ scene iii New York's Central Park, with skyscra per. ba.~klf1'","~.d highlighting nature's han!liwork. •. It
Mn. Rose Fires celebrated her 79th birthday on Sunday and, in her honor" her daughter, ,M iss Fl08sle Firel entertained with a famtly dinner. Those pTOsent, to enjoy the day with Mt'II- Firel, were Mi. and Mrs. Paul Barley and daughter; Mary Lou KenMdy of DaytOn, Mr. and Mre.. Robert Meredith of Xenia, ~r. and Mrs. Lou" PIree and the hostea •. 1&. and Mn. R. B. Peters aft vllitlng their daughter a:ad fam11" Mr. and Ge,ne Aluanil.,.
Walter Kenrick.
JCennedy. SQper:ln-
tendent of Dayton 'HetJ!odlait dis.' trict, will preach and eonduet com· munlon at the L:ytle Church at
10:80 a. Ill., on ' Sunday, Following worabip, Dr. will ,hold ,the qu~rterJy me,etln&" rolnr on l'BCord ' t.o help
Feb. 20.
Kenned:v: 'b aslness
III fmftJ
,--- - --
__ ....;: .iE __
" r,natter at th(' Entered .. second class Ohio. ,
' arren
postofIke lit
Father Krwnholtz, PrIest "uses 8 and to A.M.
SUb!lClriptioll Rate: $1.50 per year i " Obi(l; ~2,OO per 'oar elsewbere. cz::z::::: -'-
.,l!ews· Grandpa FROM OUR FIIJJI!S
DIIVO'l'IOHAL a&ADnfQ: .... II:
Re~d '... " tb!'
" tO I'~
MT. HOLLY METHODIST T. M. Scarff. Minister Sundav School 9:30 a.m. Inevitable Critics Churcll School 9 ''''0 a.m . E.A. B'anlhart. Supt. J. J. 'Bun~ $upt • 'Vorsllip Service to :30 a.m. Worship and Sermon vening Servlc,e 7 :30 p.m. ~CE UPON a tim. . . . tbe old to:30 a.m. Spedal Music C10lr CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS U atOry ,ee.. thtr. . . . • ella· Rev. David Stanfield, Minister mellon,' a Hurd that CBIl _ _ ita Youth FellO'lVShl, Thunda.y 7:00 PM Sunday School to LDL color 1D match whatAlvw It Mandl! Choir Pradlce Thursdav WorsJjlp ServIce t t a.m. 011. 711117 put him METHODIST afURQI R.B. Coleman, Minister
M(' !:I~r ~.
FOR 8EPT~MBEll ' 1 85J ' C q'IwJlllo,l~r n'nd FRil 't'hild . "' ith th e Int"fttlon,' r>drlC'nr,,: . of tnl>iM PllaehelJ a t'e plenttfl.ll in thi!.' mOlloy: hut n t f inilil1t! uny . th,'~' market. bringing from 7f' t'~n n Tllmnlll:'eO "v~r th~ ~!'I,,,l,. '\lid Ilcbushel upwards. • • • pal' ted . T h ~ . t l!("' VI'S I1l\( I h\ "' " " brll('l' nod 'I,it ,. ",1 .. h i ~ ,' 1 r~tlm tnl' New MlfllatM - '1 ..... W. B. Oe ... ,,;, Ua.l' .rlel> lO tlxplaUl to \lie UlIuall, pallen" cqa rneDd 1\Ioler hllH been 8'PPointoo' to flll !'hop l,r .~". WIIIl, III (1 ,dth lh.l'"l' the IItation' 01 the M. E. Church implement lllllc\C litei,. .. ntmn~~ lBarbnra Eiler) how anotber of his Ifaod Intentlona bas ·CODe - I . , the eoming eonfer ence ye"r. He lB tht'Oll h nne of thl! \\Ii nd(\w.~ hlli.. "be a ntics uf ,," , IntrD Ilnd Dennl_ "re h rard on theIr sbow. "A D_,. aid to be II gentleman ' of flhe tel'll .. 1'ht!\, i.'·ere gcn~rOIl!l e nolllrh In The J,We Of Dennis Day ," Wedne\Cdnys .t It) p.m •• 1ST••, . . ' abilltlell. to 1t'llv{, ·thr.> looh behind Ih,·m. Wl. W- NIlC. ~V. J. J. H\1l ~oes to Falrllelif. tl; ' j. t l t>ltv th()~f' r~ Il,lc,,'o m e o'clo'ck a t the l\Ia50n Church. 1;;He will IU.8 many frleOOIl In this 1'0 Ul'. l'B not b(l ,1!1tpr t A'd, T~ tl)e':~ I,llen are requested to bring th eir commlID\tv *ho, will B~~O"'''''''''' Tlt> n,...nn ~ hv which th ~, may lJ'.! wives. him ~h their since re wishes fol" di ~e:ovl'rcd. '/ , 'rhe ' C hoir is now practicinlC ' hi. prOS'perity In \tit new field of D,'_ Georgc wi t· er. nl'nt i~l. r,f their Eas ter Cantata each Thurs· laOOr. nayton, will vi ..i,. Wit-yo \'illl' n n A class of U werll re.'t:eived day evening at 7:30. A foU "nd .. • • thp .Ol1, of rw·h mt'l ,1 h. IIh'l J'(1. into tlt(· Chllrrh lll,t Sunda y morn· regular attendance is ~uelted. Burglary ~ On Saturday ni,ght mnin n. f",v de ~ . R(lO"'~ ' "t the ing. ,The Children will practice on l83t lome ungodly individual!! R t)J!'cr!l Hon t;.('. The Wom ' n's , 'ociety 01 Chl-r~·1'h url!lqal' afternoons .t the ChUI'ch, t ain Set"\dc(\ m t 'Thursday at tho im mediately IIfter' school CiaIlS.. parsonage" with Mrs. R. B. Cole- Parents are r equested to Mnd BrasU'fI CoI~on t:JqlO'" IIftCIJIDbIc 01 CIuIcoIale Brazilian cottQLl eXPQrt! d!Jrlng man, Mrs Alvin Earnhart. Mrs. tbeir Children as reglllarly ~oeolate WBI ortlloa}b caUed "locolatte," alld "'at tl.rst de· the neltt tew years llfe nQI 'cxpected Cora Rich. 'MrR. George Hendel" possible. son. aDd Mrs. Stanley Baik\y as This practice If for a special veloped in Central ' and 6cuth to b e as high as ,during the past two seasons hostesses. 1'he Yo uth F1:lllowship has elected Amerlca . Th e Warren County Metbodist2 p. m . Sunday afternoons fen's Brotherhood will meet Mon· to hold their regular meetings at rlay evc"iIlK. February 14tb at 7 Easter Program. PEOP LE DEMAND IT_ No funer · al service. is satiafedor', if thore' is any evide nce of imprupor morl · uary p~epa,rat:ion. The favoTabk com'ment Ollr wOl;k hal! received in this plll'ticular il< of cou r e g ratify. ing. . However. it js e?,llcily the kind of work the public lias a right to ex~t, and wis s upply it in every e..e.
7:45, PM
Samuel N. Keys, Redor Olurch School 9:t 5
u-:-iL 0IURiH
tInCA ,Eo
l<ev, William Shannon Sundav School 9 :10 a.m.
Mrs. J:tmes Garrison. Supt. Preaching !St and 3 ~d Sundays M I W hi ' . each month 10:30 :l.m. orn Ilg DrS P ••. 30 A. M. Evening Services 7:30p.m.
FRIENDS • nu MEnfOoJST First Day &:hool 9 :30 a.m. ~fURat . ~eetinr for Worship , Dr. Jo,eph Myers. Minister
. 10'30 am Sunday ScIlooJ 9:30 a.m. " , Mrs. Ruth Savior. Supl Worsbip Service ' to:30 a.m.
, M. H. Coffey. MinISter Bible School 9:30 A. M. Morning' Worship 10:30 A. M. Youn~ People's 6:45 P. M. ~vell!ng Service 1:30' P. M. Prayer Meeting and ' Bitile Study Wed., 7:30 PM.
FERRY aruROi OF aUUST Bvron Carver, Mlnl~e, ,
!J :30 a.m. Worsh ip 10:30 a.m. Pm',erMeetln)t 7:00 p.m. y(lun~ People·, Meetlnr ' . , 1:00 p.m EveninK Services ' 7 :30 IUD. SchOOl
A ' =~
See U. Now For
.j, ' KI~R'S Garage
You~ Plumbing N'eecJ.
Main and Miami Sts. Ph. 2341
eOiLri , n~W~
COMMON PLE" ~ Roy lSBIlC ~ VB Rhoda land ;:" .Knott. motion overruled , Berned. Puckett VII I::li j~h ,'. Puckett. hearlnr set fol' l"e.brU!ll'Y· ii. 1949 at '10 o'clock.
Clarence 1. Brown Congressm~n
The ., of time'bringa many chan~es. A little Le~l!latul'e by the ,ecent ReJlublil''1rt ('''nri'''n''' E,,~ a ~ ago Democratic le~ders in COIl~e~~ PTesident--Gavernol' Dewey-In wh,,,h lip ~.1,"r1 "r
were derll'uDclng a
RepUblleaJi 1I110nftorcil mea~ure to
permit the PrNident to a1nl1'OV~ voluntRry aR'rcementa by mamafacturel'll lor tne allol"R'j;hm of ~ RJ"" eommoditie. and mlttenal-. ' Last weak in. the nQU IIP.. "'l ~ ~ of 1lepreaentatf'fte thel. "elf-lame Dcmonrntic leg· !wIatl". leaclerll lIl'eeented 11 llill to r.(mtinue on the ltatute 'book!! the ury "'Ime ~\1q<:ntion laW'they had 110 I'pU1Idl]J denounce,d, So Reflublkon meinblirs ,bad
a ReId day demanding 8pololrleA from h ei r ,'!mhn'r' l'IUIeed Democratic colJea!n1ee a nil ill Doil\tin~ 0,,1 how Amerfa'. free enterprise ,.y~ ten\ '1)a,l enQll" I'· ' ated "tth the Government on a voluntary h,, ~IK. T 'dnatnal 1I1'Odu~on had ' bee" inoreasllil ' II p,l m·o"t IlCUdtfe. eliminated undeT the law pa.ssed hy' the ~lleall Coner-.
tAure ml ~er ,:~ f 0"
, ... .i'
vitamins ••• Penny P6.11 y' ) C)~. ~ ': J ,food' buy Is Milk r
appJ'()priabions of nine hundred anrl thlootv.slx m'" lion dollars f or the coming year 8n11 n rnl'o~e" Sh.t, ta:re.s be Ine!'ef:lled by' one hUlIdrP<! It n~ IIlxty-ei ... ht m III Ion Ida II ar)!l to h eI J) Iihance h Is ~MII"inl!' llrD~rll"l De~ocrat1c Congre . sslonal leade'rft ,lIre , eJt1)e<!tAl(j t-. point out " ' " t ~ former ltep\li!b~J\,i P1lesldentlnl candidate (s doing '" the St-atll of Nl'w York as iUlItiBoation: for the Truman lrud~t remlest for forty. .Ime billion nine hundred ml11ion dC)lI1\1'1l of Fede~.l funds {or the coming IIlul year. IncldentallY. ' It' Pr\''li(ient Truman's budget I. apprl>ved the eost to ",,(prv mall. womlfn and child in the United States. on .. nn 'lllpitn ·h83is. will be $312.68 to run the Federal (lI)Vl'rflment for just one
telr, 'estate of Maraba Doughman, dec 'd. VII Louie Corwin. cia~e dismiNed without record at co~t of <lelendant. Floyd F. Doughman VB Lo" J orwin, calle diamillled witl'OUt )', ord at COlt of dfltendant Mulne Smith va Vernon Sm ith' __ c:J :heaJ:lDg set for Februal~' 5. lit U) o·clock A. M. : Nonyood Federal Savings :m,l wan J\flIIOIltation VB Frank W . an,I Alma Colem,.~ at aI, defendant gl'Bnted 80 day!' to tllp. an,wer and other P~adiD, in caU!!e, Home Federal Bavinge .nd Loan A.loelatioD Of CtnciDnati VII Murnil WUlard Thompllon et al. cIISe diam4ued with prejudice· at plain-
• • In " rlrlit,,," to All other F.ed81'a1 taxea the average tUf'. coat.
DfI1'elopmmta in the Senate. where hl'nrinll'~ 1,Av, wnrkor in I'h Unit.ed States will ,b e called ,upon to been uti-dar way on ,the A,dmlnbtrRt; nn'~ nro,;n ~"rt TlI1Y 9!'1 m Il h n~ ~2"4.1)O out of elen year's eIlrnfnll,'ll bill to ,~al ~e T.A-Hartlev Ac~ $'rI(f to mr~' 1181'1< to tl, O C'o~t. n~ '~h~ Pl'esldent'l'\ pra])OlIed Seelal "into effect _ revlel!,n .(l,f the old Wal\"ner A \'~" ~"""' - S CUl'1 Y nl'l)ll'rnm. If It IS flnBotpd h,tclll!w. Ea()b em. ' tax 'Plu~ Inll'ly Indicate there Will not ill) a8 mao", c1)anl!e'\ i ll nloyer \vill have t.() rlRY /lrr prtpfI,l !'mnllnt prellent laool' control 1&'1I's all Pre~ iiJd.nt'. Trllli1ll l! IIne mllloym ,mt La,,~ of a ~ Jnuch II~ Sl '44.()O per ' yell~ promlaed ,"" hie CIl~pairit and pemanrlpd il' hi . m,"'- fi\" ~;I<'h wor)tcl': . . , , • _gee to tlIe COnlM'e9!!. 'rhe President hll ::;u("!!~~t'''rl • • • he-wants to continue ill eWect thE! provi~ i.m ", . of J..h~ Prl:1sident, Tf1lman .[~ pXllecfe<l til ~lJb,mit to the T~HarUey Ad.. to 'Prevent jurisdictiollal 1I~ .. i\.'·~ Senat e within t hn next two or tlrr"n weeb a treaty and boYl!otb. There is st1'()n~ ,opposition within l1is. I'r ,I Ir!'repment nrovidi[l~ for antrll'n ~ nf the UDltei own JIIIrtr a~lnst his "roPO$n1 t o brinv bllt:l( Ih~ !'It{lhll! in 1;\ North Atlantic Defe nRe Pllet Under "elOBed I!Iho]l," Mr. Trum!l.n'(I statement t.hnl hr dll"~ t,h~ provjlolons of t his Pact hetween Wfll'lte";' EUTonot need tII;e power provided in th,e TaU-Hartl,e" Ad I tlcun nll~ion~ Mild bhe Unite(l Rt"ltPII, <this eountl"r to obtain caurt In.lQnctions to end "tl;i ke~ en<lan,l!'t'r- woulri furnj ' h militllry !lUllPlies co~ lin~ 'tom Jle to ,ln2' llut"tt weltare nl!lll 81so b'e\ln di'allenp:/,d by bot. 'Iv... nillitt" lbllnr~ " year, and ~Jrrpr, to come to tbe Democl'Btie and lIelluhl l~n .legllllatorl<. 'l'hPY' ~ .\? in· I",r nl!.e of' any forpjP.'ll nati on memQel' of the ' v.rou~ qulrlnl' wby President 'llrumlln 'Is)!I>" fo;r lI. t hnrity whic'1 mlf"h~ ,,,. attllcit"td . Amt'l'icA'" P"try into ' ~uch to draft l'tIilroad W{)t:kel'll into th e ATm¥ ililrin$! lhp 'l military alliane" ,viIi mark II cnmlliete ehan~e in strike. wh\eh ()(!ouned 'ptior U. enactm ~l1t of th "IJr l);lIt·one- rorei~ policy. . Taft-Hartley Act, if )til ,/;lien .hnd more 1 f"H'C'ful ' • • 1 meane with which. to end the eontrQversy. ' Pl'emlcr Stalin's statement ' that hI' is ,willing to • • • 11'l~,·t with P 'n-iifent ~lman to ili ~C1 I ~~ world pellee OveT on the Hou!Ie IIhie of thH CJlpitol it, i, e'\:~ rl'Pltteri u ' f\lro l.,. in Washin!!'!on lllst week. Statln~ pected Admini1ltratllm leaife.r s will , within thr 11l'xt, 1,,, W:lK in poor helilth. S~aljn "ul!'~p~ted ' the meetinll ow, brin!!' to t he Floor {.... vntl' 11 hill Itl "RH' nri 1,<;, h.plrI "Qrlle,vhl'rp. in RU5s1a fir Eastam El1l'Ope. the Wa~e and ROlll' A'e~ so as to ; ncrc,.~~ minimum Prt'Sl< lenl 'l'",mlln i. taKin~ the- 1)0Fitlotl the meetin//: W1l-ft81I fl'\Jm 40 cents an hou1" to 75 ,·cob . A "'lmpl'O' lIhfl uld ho held in Was hinrrl.nn 'lIud that hI' will not mille. 011 B. 60 eent minimum mav bo thr. f iRllI re lilt r1jSt.. ,S> l'el'lCI' term ~ wit h Statin lIntc~!I representa. ()PPOMlltll of the proposal CltJ1ten d linin .. mi'ni mu1l1 tivcR or otlwr intcrl!$Wd nation!! 'AI'e also , prezent. 'wasre~ to ,76 cents an houl" 0 .1' more wil1 res; It in an • • • Inevjtable increalle ~! waie rate~ in ),i ..hel· lm\ kllt. . , , 'the ~~ inult.. " rU6t 01 r CIJI'iritll!: I,he W'h ite Hou u! Illld ~U endanjleT the I1mployment of' old"r or ~Ii~ht- ha o. n w iumpe(!,>to a fi~re . oI between eiJl'ht Bnd ~n ly incapaclt,.ted Ame'!;Bn: i~ case of a. rl"pl'c.~ion. millio,:, ilolhus. and a f'Alflll'resaional Ill vestigation lO~nI/{. In any "v~nt Cohgt'ess will be sloW' to aJlP~ ' Jolanv Republican "[e m bers ot Ct,"gl'r ~!!. whn II ",: .Jmn!c ""ch II lal'!!n Itmoun1 for iho repair job until planning to battle fot: eu ~ in Pr~ 8 i" o ltt 'rrumun'~ Ih~ M <lmll(l,,~ I\Te convinecrf it iSlIhsolutely. nCcl!l!lI8ry epending program. ue oonlirlllrably embarrassed and toul!; the money Is not to he wasted on archl· 0'le1' the ltu~ budget s ubmitted to the N w 'Yc)Tk t ctural frills.
OIaemn att 'OU
P8DJ'. a Corp" VII
It . . . jIIat tb. MIt tI . . . . tlaatl_ ....... ~ .... - . RIa ...... . - -• ., ...... _ at I.... ·'_111, •• 1
.... -.. ........
The,. elaImecI that be . . . ~ phemoua." that III, that maldnJ Blbt d. God', law: ,T be truth ... that be _, .attnr b,. Qod', hlpell law-tbe law o! Jove. He1p1q people ID Deed was more bnportant ' than ,k eaplnl tile latter of the Sabbath r laW. .Jatua' example rna,. belp U8 hare. If our ben moth'ea are mIIuncIentood, _ han ,a rlpt to up1J1n ourweIvw. ,a• .J1IIUa cUd: but _ .... nat obIiC. e4 to ehanie our W8,7I to pa.a.. UlG:M wIIo penJIt 1D ~
Iq ....
• • •
blale4 tbIt mAIl wItb the P!ila1. it WIl' IIOt the care his erniel ·founcl.-talllt with, ,tt ... his ftr.t ...7fna "YOIq aIDa are fait. IiV8ll"· ''Who can torllw ama but God alone?" the)' Iaicl. III abort. ' ihe Pbartleea thoupt - ___ or them perhaps 'llIicerett-Chat J. . wal .teppln, out or boundI. ,... 'tendin, to do lomethlq that be bad no rllbt to attempt and no power
•to aecomplilh. .
N_l_ ............. rlpt BD4 the power Ie .,. ..... 1Ie ..1d &0 . . . . . .11 . . . ....... man. Aa411e . . . . . . ~ .... Iw ..... beJOIIIl U. ..... . tile erlUee set f_ ......
Work. CoIn.
JPred Bellbergnr.
ease dlIi~ with prejudice at defendaJl,te eo.t. " , . ' Itarollt Belcher VII Geraldl:1ll! Bel~~l', jlalnttff ordered to PILl' $10 per' week IUpport of chilld, $50 toward expaDllla. CBt~eiine ;West va Cpl. Edward West, divorce and child to plain. tiff, defendant to ,pay ,45 per month for IIIIpport of, child. V4T\hla KIbbey VII Charles E. Kibbey, dl"9rce to plaintiff. , Be~ty Ball, a miDor vs Ralllh Hall Jr., a minor( dlyorce to, plai'n, tiff. . " Dallal BoirIJII ~ Adelia Bog8ffl. dllJml'llM!d with~i record. . " , l'fBW SUITS . M~jorle IImtllb. a minor by Maxi~/Smith. her nut friend "'~ Denny SmIth, divoree, extr!lJllf cruelty, Maple &lid Maple. .. Maxine SmIth VI Vernon Smith. di.v orce. ~m. cruelty; Mu"lf and Maple. ' Ina , G • .Dlil'ham, VII . David, T . Durba~ '. .,....te m"in'tenan.ce, ' ~-- J T Hit extreme ~.." .... . ey. Elma 'RaJ' ~i~, a .minorj tl,,,u hi, ' iIext' '" , Mend , and moth e" )fattle' ~ VII Betty Jean Den nia, a aaIDar.. cUvorce, grolis nel!'led of cIatF, ~_' T. Blley. Dora JhIrP .,. Floreftee Snydnr i1!.lnnctfDD, B.7- aJld Kal'e~ .
Bernice "Cl~~~=~~~V~S-wlLo~U~i~c4L ~::~~ -Corwin, reeord at cost defendant. . Floyd F. Dourhman, administ\'II'
Ohio Distriot
POINT on whlc:b J . - IMt terrl4c opposItion his attitude 1Dward the Sabbath. Repeat- , edI7 he or hili dt.clplu wouI4 40 ' thin,. lip the Sabbath wb1ch (81 J'~", thin underttoocl Ua~ law) ..... qult. Jf1'(IIlI. ' .
. ........... .
WE WILL ALLOW $2.50 On your Old Batt:ry
' ,U'
on a black cloth •nd h• tUrned black; on a red ,ta· btecloth and he turned, red; on • Ireen blWard t.ble and he turned 1l'8eD. 'DIen .ome mean person •• t blm down ' 011 • ChrI.Una. necktie Dr........ -.nel the poor tittle thJ,n,c qplod..,l 'Mtl. III a parabIB d. the peraon .... to · pili....... . Q'bod,-. It done-an4 tt OIiaht not to ." u. ''Woe'''' )/01.1." ..aid'.} I. , "whe. ' d l _ apuIr:: wel.1 0 ' u, .. .Jatua C w " him.'. dl,· DOt pleu. every I, 1" .. even a per. fact penona" •..• "" 100 par_t popular. Ncr' ~ rubblna pec" t .. ·' \ ~n,. ~. 'DIere ",a. iluutJDg perv_ about him. Be wsa deepJ,y. lincereq friBlldl:r. and to Ioae aJO" friandahtpe must have bean mon painful ~ blm thaD for U8 who are 10 Nevertbe1e.. he did make -mlH. he had bill critics, aDd IQ fqllowvI aped no better.
)lark I:~:L
Carefree Travel!~ ~.
, "i.U.k, tE cs
' .. " .-. ," .
. .
, Ooo'r let mid, .Ieet or IDOW be \lOIU lravel bugaboo! " Avoid .n wlOlet drivfo~ ud I,lUldn. worne. ~6 , 's-. Grl1ho,.~ ill 1VIInII. d~lhJooed cvmfun. Yo.'a wl"!"iIi_.~,.;CI...6 """,,,,.. U you're,being cllau6ewed by OIIe of the world I .Jest drivers-whir...". you travel • . . ."11_",,,, ao. by lOY ooe.of G.eybouod', maoy depeadable $ChI'" , -"
_1_, -
JIlT l.ll- ~O. lU'U fDl l[lS IY IIfJlDUIID : ,17.70 ,6.25 $Q.85
Muncie, Ind. ' Kalam9:.1oo, Mich. Newark, N . . J.
, ·f.,..
Named for '49 The Southw eatem Ohio GueJ'll8l!Y Breeder s' Alleoelation annual meeting held at Jefl'el'llOn Town!lI lp High 8e1l001, with approxi mately 40 attendin g, wa! one of 24 .imllar NOR'RI 8 MOCK COMPA NY • loeal _tin.. being beld during Clnol"n atl Union Sloel! y.,rd. January through out Ohio, aecordLive WI .. and ProGre ••'v-, An inlf to Mrs. Rua!ell Perry, Secreerao"lao tio" _olld til non ~. tary. The purpose of theae mHt"trlotlv -ali-pi on tho bet. ing! Is to coordlu ate among 0.11 .1'0 und market In t ill' - - eey breeder s a unlfted 1949 prooountrv. I\"J'IIm Includin g Golden Guemlle y 8ERVIC E THAT SAT! !: "" . WHI() Dayton 12 : 60 E. S. T. 'mllk marketi ng, lIOund dairy man , agemen t pr~tice5 , DIal I dO WLW r\11I1)n"" II ttle lIalc., di81~ : 40 •. 01n l 700,' tOl" \ \11 Uu t ', Lrlct' shows, junior activitie s, eduMarkal ReDO~' . cation, and publicit y, !tetes JuliUS Foxbow er, preside nt. Huber E . Denlin~er, field 1I1lCrBtary, tile Ohio 'Guem ~ y Breeder s' Au'n. urged loeal G\lern-se y leadCASH FOR DEAD STOCK ers to asaume more re1!poneibillty in their breed, educatio nal and proCOWS ......... ..... S7.50 motion , aetivitie a during the COinHORSES .. . ... $6.00 ing year. The !tate assllciatioil 01Accord ing to size ,an~ confice 'at Wooste r acts as a clearing house for the Guemse y busines s In moved Promptly. Ohio. H4l also announc ed that >L JA~ RENDERING reviaed and streamlined Golden Guernse y milk marketi ng program Phone C911ect ineludin g quality. even llroduct ion Xenia. O. 1712. or of milk of high flavor, coloT, but· WiJm i~. O. 2362 terfat and 10'00 value, hae been ,given top priority in the etate 11'- I....liiil~~~~~~~ • •_ !IOciations 1949 program . I The Americ an Guernse y Ca.ttle AT SEED MEE11 N(i Clllb's new Hound ' film in colQr, John W. Settlem Yre, well known "Man Made Mirscle s," was' sho'wn grower of Ohio Certifie d seed at the conclu8ion of the meeting. It COlD and farm seeds, depicts how man has developed mid -winter meeting attended the of the Ohil) various breeds of livestoc k to meet Gra:ln, Mill and F eed Dealers h.i" modern ncedfl. ' Assocl.atlon \ beld Janul'ry ,28·29 The annual election of local (If· at the ~etherland Plazu ' E10lel in fieers elected and c~mmlttees a]]- Clnelnno.ti. . polnt4!d at the meeting took place An educatio nal prog ram wa ~ in the buslnes aef!sion with the fol- presente d by nationllUy knowli lowing elected: speaker s includin~ Dr. D, F. Bearn. George Mahlerw ein, Preside nt: eeeretarJ'-treaaure-r of the Wendel l Fender, Vice Preside nt; Seed Improvem ent AssociationOhio of M~. Ruasell Perry, Secreta ry- Columbu~. TreaBUrer. Directo rs: Hamilto n County- H. Mr. and Mrs. LaMlir Enrnhll rt H. Metzca r; Warren :County- RuB. were week-en d Kue st~ or the latsell Perry; Clermo nt County - tllr's 1181'cnts j n €8Idwell. Waldo- Gl1IY; _ Clinton Courity Wm: Osterm eier; Butler CountyMre. ChaTles JameR aLlen.le d the Clyde Marsh i Highlan d County- "Fifty .Club" at W. L . W. in Ci nArlhur Milner; Brown County- c innati Wednes da~.
Ringold Lady Dora Tops Hampshire Sows
Raisel Total of 71 Pigs to Weaning Age
FlrsL of bel' Hamplh ire lined to - .DQC5....your-!llntC/tor lac\<. Power? '" it IIlllggi.h and hard to h-tart 1 Does i ~ use excessiv e 011 and fuel? be como a "seven' ltar" sow, Rln. Now i~ tIxI time to gl'>'e it 8 check-up, Avoid delay when Spring gold Lady Dora No. 7113,Olle ba. work starts. . ral~c d a tolal of 71 plga to wean· Arrange today to bring your 'l'ra(,!to r to o,!,. new ~odcrn Trllc~r Ing age, aD avera,e of 10.1 pi,. Service Shop. We have Ilew up-to-d ato preCIIllon equlpme nt to give per II iter, This record 11 more you bolter 8'orvlce. Impressive when compar ed with WE SPECIA LIZE IN: nn tionlll a ve~agel. According to U: Valve 'refaclnll' :a nd crindin g, s , departm ent ot .grlcult ure reCylinde r reborl'n g; ports , the national .vera,e I. &.18 Bearing fitting" ' ' Magnet o and cllrbure lor service, Steam cleaning aDd painting . • OUI' ~Ilrvice men ex]]erienced lInd tra ined tQ restore the original power to your .Tractor . Only genuine , factory replacem ent parts used. Our service rates are reasona ble. All work uncondi guarant eed. Your tractor covered by insuran ce wl\ilc in !lUI' tionally sh~p. Book yoUr repair or tune-up work eurly and you Win aVOid a costly delay tbis Spring, Stop in or call TODA Y fol' our estimate .
Ban ta,Implement Co. (John Deere Sales & Service) 27 W. MULBE RRY ST.•
Bere, with ber aeveDth ....r ..
lamn,., ..
RID.oId Lad,. Dora !fo. '6lI,OS8, champlo D producUoD
HW ID the Hampsh ire breed and tile IIrsl of ber kbId to 1l1llliU7 . . . '''aeven -sta,'' 1o".
Ipring pigs and 6.39 taU pigs per lltter raised to weaning age. To qualify tor a .lar in the Ramp· .bire . producl!on registry a sow mu.t raise a litter of al least ellbt ,pigs, without Cault or detect, to wdgh 320 pounds withln 56 daYI of tarrcwin g. And of course to gain • ' 'leven·s Lar'' record Ringold Lady Dora ha s repealed 1h1! per10'r mance seven times, She is the lint .ow in tIw Rampsh ire breed to be li.ted for either the sixth 01' .eventh "star" UHer,• . In her .cventh "slar" JItter, thil lOW farrowe d 15 p igs, Dlne of which were saved. The eight selected for Elwood, BarbaTil ~nn end Glenn registrat ion" wei~bed 443 pound. Earnha rt are · guests of ' theill at tiG days 'fter farrowing. The production champion WBII ted Irramlp arent.. Mr, lln(1 1111',. /I , n. a ration containing corn, oat., al. Earnha rt. falta and pe;.ietized mWt , by'~ • I/EA!? Mr. Bntl MrR. J ohn f'1'omm were prodllct l prior to farrowi nl. Re.r ' Sunday afterno on gueRtl< of the it pigs were creep fed earq and HIAIIN CI railed on a ration' ot"'.evm part. son. and (Iau~hter-in-law CIPnIlf ! - Mrs. Clyde FJ"Qmm in , Mr. anrl com and three parta oau. with 8 SllJ"inlo!;field , per cent mJlk by-prod uct. added. 320 Rerilschle r Bldg. Rlnlold Lady ba. been owned Hamilto n, ()hio Phone 6-08G2 eu. .. Me&aI ...,. and bred by WUllam PalDtIn , a metal 1:001 ad4' , Jr., of Eaton, 01lio, C. Goodhe art, Ilnce 1SK4. IiId Mail t hill now for free delllonlltra- to Its ll1e. The time lO paint la was to Meadow lark Farma, w ~. , . riot, I . t_ ' f. J' { I lJ l J IDc ., Sullivan , Ind. tion. 1
J erome I!:. Brown, <12, L ebanon, Carmer, Juanita G. ~one K 31, Lebanon . . Robert .1 . Mann 27, painful', Jennie Lou MasoTt, beautici an.
~(9Ue 4IUt-1dt-etp t
Belcher's SODoeO Service WAYNESVILl..E. OHIO
- .
fJ1v DEAF 11ft TELEJ[
.. .
" t
Farm Production Co.ta
•* ..l,
~'--* .
Stu bb s .
!'arm producti on costs bave nearly trIpled sInce the pre-war years of 1935-39, accordin g to U. S. de· partmen l ot I/.grlculture .laUsltc •• These costa lars In 1947, ':-:=:~::-=;':=:=l~~;-'f;;,.-t--,.-~-'1l~". lion ' belore World War II'. outbreak. Farm wnges are now three and a belt times the 1935-39 average .• MeanwhUe. (arm priqel have slumped and many eoohom iats expcct a {urthe.r easing In months ahead. Corn and whoat are already 25 to 40 per cent under the,lr earl)' 1948 peaks. Farmer s can be.t 'm eet 'the iJnI\{odem science has elianged the ,SCe)le 'in 1\ woman' s pact of hlgh!!r prod4ction costa and lower prices by good 'soil mlina;e world. ,It has cORlpletely te\'olutioDheet the world'il 8tendllrds of the, "fork a woman Is 8Upposed tu clo. Freedom , lonse!' lire uuI the IncreaHeeI joy of lI"ing, Ih_ .are the gifbl our cleaning service 11118 brough t you, an~ befit of aU it eoatJi Y04 116 more to en· loy tbelle beneflt. _
Plana. laid In .d.,... " at &he Deed avoid coa.. .fuslon aDd iOm.tllnee span oIhel'll • r. II
(l. . . . of "areeps" Lacldnl enouJih phplpho ru. In tbelr feed, cattl. ma,. develop nu· WiUoaal dlae..ea, tile moet com. . . or wldeb 18 lmoWD u "creepe ."
FUn .fal Hom e' ,
'rELEPHONE 21'aI1 WAYM!:SVllU:., O. ment that .tepi up crop producm . · effiolency and lowers output ~ per unit. Good IOU ,manage ment .lnvolve l no 'magic or myster,. . It .implJ' means playlrig fair wIth th~ IOU b,. returyllng organic matter and 'plant nut~lenta Uled up b,. conltaJl t crop ' produotl on. Organic matter can be . re.tored by growin, deep-rooted legume . sucb as alfalfa or lIWeat clover In the rotation and p~owtna I them \lDder for green manun . I When the loll t. re.tocke d With' . organiC matter and plant food :FOIl 1IIUl get bighl\r 'yields and ~ will cut 10\11' producU.on coati. '
9x12 FELT BASE RUGS 59.95
Dry Skim Milk Retailed NQw in Small Package.
·Wayoesville FunilDre &. Appliance CO , Soutla Main Street .cro. ......
"'t". SPtDd n.. 110M, 'ion _ _ bow Uke To
Tba ea.. and convenience Of 1'-
well a. Ua hith value JunJf3t Ita place along with flour, IUIBr and . .U on th, delf aI .very homema ker, , , . ~==:..::. -.
OIl Y..
much the diMel hill meant tto .: .... ID IDc:reuod .~, comfort and conven, i._1'be~r 1I;f.-baw many more of them OIl Older for e ' ell puatar ImprovellleJlt in !MI&'9b to ,ou. DutDeeClIen dniJD8 or money, ~ueb u tim ,pr.._t d~nd of tho unIolI8 for neecUe. Ill' n on dio.otla, redlla the ability of the nDroa.18 to epeDd money on bette, aerv·
ice lor you.
Now that dry sJdm Jilllk- official. 1), oal,lea non·fat dry, milk .olida11 on ,retaU marketa in 'man pack· ale.' tor bome Ule, \britt,. bom.. makers bave a CODvenieot, economical prOduct to build up the .... tritive value of famiq ine....
~ .. the ratlr ..... are of tbt, di,.al. it i. only a -U of tIaeir bnproVll1ll8llt pro; ; ram, 8Ince \itenU~ biIJIoDa of itol'lr. _ " .,.. . . .t 011 impao, ....-t; of
,.1" the'"
tracJra and lltationa, on
proved aervice.
PeitIJer.1IeddIq &1_ ~ SenIee To Y.. But hruea feUber- b8ddina ..,J,e_ JIb the one DOW propoee d would, illU~ divert Iarp _ of moll8Y tmm our ..-nt 1mproV8llle Jlt program a. Even WOI'II8, \bey malw jmprove meuta lilte the dieiel worthIeea, by ~the cOlt of their operatio n prohibit ive. TheIle demand a are against YOllJ.t intereab l -u well u thoee of the railroad&. They are aChunea to '~ke work". Neither you nor U. ralIroada abould be fom!d to PQ' Reb a penalty for procreu. That'......v the 'taiJroods are re8IatbJc tbeee "maowO'iV- demand ato thelutd 1tcti-u d wby &bey
are teIIinc ~~ aboui .....
I.' .•"
r. ....... ,. aTallf t • N_" ,oall' I, •• ~ We are t'!~lahln, th. and other IdVtll't~menta to tal1t witIa ~ at 1m about mattIn wbiob are iDIpoda nt to e,.,IaO dy.
freight c:an,.u weJl .. on d.loco motive a. aud" on the_~ other 1_ cODipiCUOUI ciataDa of railroad iIlg that ContribUte to lm-
l18e all
railr_ employ ee-real ariatocrabl ' of labor,! . Their ..]. iii hi5h by any ItBDdard. Grantin g oftb_ ....alL.. therefore. woulcl mean that the raIIroada wouJcl be paying out milliOn8 in UMarQlCi 9'aIIIII to thoia In the vary hl&besi pay btecketl .
1!~~~~~~;;~~~~~~::;;~::::::::::=:~~:;~:::::i~1V::e~wi!B~h~~ exp~
tude to tho ne.....n and acta of IClllldDes~i at ~he time of the aeaidelllt death of our hu••1Id bl'(llthelrl! ONB CENT PER WORD; minimun chllrge, ,26 EBpce~lIy we are cent.. Contract rate repeaL adverti ements people of the Fri,'nde upon application. aleo (or the beautiful flowen, comforting womll of Rev. Coleman B, and Rev, Coffey, and to Mr. Me,· Fq,R SALE- John Deere 6-in. Ham· LOUIS CUNNINGHAM Olure and hi, ..~.tant for their ,wAMTBD-Som- to quUt twO mer Mill. rd ~a l for u,e with electric motor. Low priced. "Banta ImplequlIta. I'boDe w.~ 21136. MUST go to him myself. Pili'- efficient service. Goldie Bentley rlsh. I have 10 looked forward. ment Co" LObono~. Phone 555. WANTItD-W••hlnp dooe Its my to .urprlsln, him." Mn. Cliff Anderson Mn, Gerald Iverln., hOm. trom ..... Pbone w~ 2936. Walter Bentley te .Ix month. Its Europe, had reached WILL CARR FOR CHILD-By the THE NEW . New York a 4u dqlll~"-. ~W~ Mlnut. earlier than .ba BOLENS·HUSKI b'a d cabled her 2956. ' GARDEN TRACTOR Flotlon h u ,b. DeL .Her meld hald t~a FOR s.u.a-:-F.rmall 1t·12 with cwbw all l1i 'play at our store. young wife by the arm •• the, d ..liOr - - ' Plow, RecoDdidonedW_ Rubber, Ban~ ImpI_t FOllr ew M dels- ' a ize for went up the ltep.. In the ball Eltty whispered, "Go up and eo.. LebaDon Phone 555. 'very garden, Parrish. r ean ~nd my .ay VII')' well .' . . luat as 11 • • ." FOR ~1tarma1l A '1'ndXIr with I HoP. Hafldi~'Ht;I RHO O'REGAN Parri sh 'miled fondly at her rru.Q4dwtton pd Plow, 1946 Modet, Well the red I!,uited jinx tha l I 1-2 HY. Puwel I/o tre as . , . a face, sweetly catxnacl o-cs Coodltlon, B~ Impl...-nt !,!d Porter's Spartan ~ HY. Gardener by years of ·darkne.. an.d patient followed eo.. IAbeDon Phone 555. c.barj(es was finally ended Boh ') il. 1>. Ride-M a / r aufterln,. Hunt-cr, lanky forward, whipped FOR'SALE - ~~ed '?on "Bli~/Un ,miJ. yo,. .." ".JlIotI,h. in 6 ficldl'Ts and 3 foul tos8ell ti) pd N.., RollaDd Corn Sbellen. p"".;,b. ".If"" ,,"'.. .ompl et e equipment jlvailable ~," lend nil . ,·or\lrs, last FrI!lay when ODe _ Johh ~ Shell- ror ;lll jmodeb, inc.luding Plow$, ... • olbl .., lb." 'Io""J.II. Waynesville defeated KlnKB Mil18I, ... ...... 'lmplemat Co.. Lebanoo "t:cders, Mowers. Parr)JIh 'watched her ' feellnl the 60-44. .. wall to her husband', stud1. I'ta.e 555. However Qn the following eve- I Gerald Iverillg moved haltily ning 1:\ points by Bob Hastin~ !! , FOR SALB-Two UHd John Deere away from the wo~an who sat b&- Was nol enough ' all Wayncs viUp BANTA IMPLEMENT· CO. 14 IDcb Tractor ~ One New aide him. Se put hi. linger to hlr ab~orhcd a 50~:U; 108s al the hand!s '!.7 W . Mulbeny SI. WlRI'd 12 IDcb Plow. Bente 1mUps then touched hlJ eyel to call Phone 55 5 to ~d that ahe who stood III the of the !';pri ng Valley hoopsters. 1IJ.ment Co., Lebe_ Phone 555. I EB A fr e(' throw that hit the marl< door could not see them: by .B ob Hastings tave the 10ea,1 , FOR S~ lIM..,. Duty "KittY I You wired ,ou'd bI on lad!! a IiO·49 win oV'er Centoryme CultlpecbrL See cIl.ptey at our Wednesday'. plane. And ~era with hut 15 seconds remalnil'II: l ,o . . . . aDd order _ , to puetlt8e no ODe to meet you. play. Hastings led an scorer8 In~,t ~~, 'BeDt:e ImplemeQt "I. wanted to walk ill on YOIl UIta niJrht with his. 19 point tally, thl~ wbeil you we,r e aU alona anlS lAbeDciIl I'boIw 555. WAY NF,sVILLE-50 thinking of me," sbe crIed.
for their meat"-
Won the Blind
ne .... ...,..
C - -IIIomI .... s-det ._ ...... Va""1 cIIt«t
___ allta_
On Vacation WIll. RETURN
...... Bta.
March 1
OON'T FORGET TO CA l \II for Insurance. An tVl'es of
Insurance at a savtn,l!s. ' C~II Prancis Gene 'Brown, phone Waynesv;lIe 2472 ' or ca\1
'0"'"_'0'" "..
collect. Wilmington 211 t . • NOW OPEN for cuttom butcherln~. Prompt se~. Gall Gordon. Harve~ bail. Phone Waynesvi1le 2006. , -lnd
·Dr. C. E. Wilkin (l) ptometric Eye Special ""
26 South Detroit Strwte1
AUCTIONEERING STANLEY aael KOOGLER ."OKIlR8 L,CEN8J Ite........ 'Phefltl .... W ... n ..... III • .,..... " - CINIP<I_ w~
"'17 yeartenuu mU1IOIIa of ....
SALE-BuUd,ozer for John Deere A or B lZactor. Will .1eo fit Fannall H or ~ Ideal for m<>vlng dirt and- grading. WOTk, ' willi bydraulic lift. Banta Implement Co., Lebaoon. Ph_ 555. FOR
Oeh are
• •
IS· ie Railroad
Iqr ••
" "
1832, the Brie raU,
road was A",er lc/I' _, 10 •• ,,08t III t851
New -
Used -
PLAN to r c mod I 01' my build 1\ B rn? Stop in and gel your copy .)1 Wilde n's rrc~ Barn Plan BoOk.. W~ E'A VE in s locK a cllm plet.e, lin e (If Louden llltr n ('q uipm ~ nt sopplie", as KtullK, I<tc.nch ions,
- "-
c lI l'I'lol·!!
A 101 of "smart" n:toney is being put into savings accounts these days by people Who know the sepre .. people who know this is time to spend ~Oc
D'e ad 'Stoak-
x..a. o. 4 :" S}~'4
.. -
R.n.-ee CIa......
We asle , 'women and 522 men c............ ..,,1Ie .,,,
~ .,o
ner Ups We1Il,'t.
the man who calls her wite. sSe II a temptress . . . even to one who II stron& In an honest love. She came to me IIgain and . tried to win me back. But what she olfer. II dis· honorable. I told her to You wen! protection. 1 never want to see her again."
woman looked at bUn with T HE hatTed. Then she picked up ber
A' -. '---a---
wrap by 'the door ,and vanllbed.
'l======;;;;O;";=-=---f==-......----"=-...;;"?"==--=====-.3 The girl's ftngers .careased her -;_!i!!~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;;;;;:;;:::;;:;;:;;;;=;;=;::;; . ;;;;;-;~ - husband.'s and lip, want or ' . 1!~o~~e:UddenJy Ibe pointed to bII , . ~ . on"~~ ~:~~ldw~~e~.~ :et ~ ,
".-WAY FARM IN5U~ANCE" III . . Oblo Parmata will ,Ive you broad protec:uoo apin" 10..". , _ , - ,..... k GrYert your buildiogl, ,-our matul., your ilutomobih .... JOG" lIIbiUcy for Bcddl!nu, to others. Wby liot Me w tndll) ' Y_ ...... ,.',. .... ..beD, you',... iouure<l io th. ObJo. far .......
lui D.:Dakin Insurance Agency , OHIO FAIMIIS IMlUU". (
aD. _
Phone '03, z~ E. Mulhern', LEJ:lANON, 0
He stared in wonderment.
___ _
'L:J ;):..), \NN)n he _ed 10 deeitlc a' ~ Ilier lite Go\'enuaeel wiIIlHdld ....... . , eIedrIe power piau, .... of die TV~ .. New , .... TeaII.tee,
1DeII'I~ 01 ~ • ~ ~ NO ......
an the Mlf.,uPportilll eleetrie.comp.miel. eaa compet4; wi~ tn·free
the deelrlldioll of
-,",erameot .....
'01' ao tax'paJUII
2 Your appt'OY.1 of thit pl.nt would pellotice that the tJ. S. Ie ltlmiItIto Sad....
If -soyerament h.. the ript to let into the electric blllla-. it, eaa 'pt iato tit. IIeel. , . _l ••hoe .nd .ny or,.n other bwin~ Maybe eome Ameri.... want Soelal'-- ". belieYe that mo.' do not. beceUMl Sociali,• •eane ...enun~lIllODOpotf ,act ..... powerful .tate where individual, IHtcome Iell .., ,Jell important. , .
." ..1Ii1ll them electricity below real coat. dilerertee M70UlII PH! paid " ,..,,,. .wI"~ ill 011 "..., 1>' 1& eo"""". in lederal taxel on e.vcl'Jlhins from d ........ aad automobile. to w. . . and aa1arie1.
Other COllpeeemellliiYe yoted NO to th'" project. They WI."ed it..,.,. I If n" 4 They helieyedjL.alons atep into SocinTic II.
S Commi,*, of both SeDile and H~ bay. _ propoeecl plmt is ~-
~hone W~ynesv.ille 2627
..WaynesYiUe .
f P'
3 ~. pl.ntwould "~e'epelli.l ptiyileae to tile lnuln_ .nd people i. i.. ~ ...
Little Miami f.l.u,-chery
X E N I A Fertilizer
thus helping to Join the and save here reo
a rlla.bout to take 'OU to lown or throuAh tbe puuue.
Southern Ohio 27 W. Mulberry St., [Jobaoo n, Ohio I Phone 6f>fi PHONE 245t
nrtr_$6; Cows$7.50; HOg5$1.00 Cwl
fI", r
WAYNE P~ Plant -
1 The New Johnmlle plut woUld aet Ii preced_t I. otben. ad .... eIIiIJ I~
Use the "Jeep'· power lake-off, 10 rllii ,our farm equipment.
l.O U:DE · '
I.&MAJiON ~ . .
. • u ..
e!'l timnte of YOUT job, NT I IPL~{E:NT CO. Louden Representative in.
The New Leok
- --
pI'OjeeI. f_ ...,.., ........
SA R 111"nning ,.ervyou I)othing. CalIon us
, ....... 'nll
" . . . . ,...,
che ell-purpose '"Jeep" . . a .ractOf' to pull your fann Imp~lMagl as a truck 10 tOW ,.,00 Ib.. aad baul 800 Ib..l
waleI' 110",1<. It
"through the ' __
WAU. . .-s WoaIWW II. . .
:~:ir:, f":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
[Lehanon 'N!!!~_ Farm''Loanlil
her: Tinney, If ........ .. ............. ..... 3 1 7 "It is late," 8ald the blind ctrL "I Imew 1 would lind ,011 alone, Tot.als .............................. 19 12 60 Have you been very lonesome tor me, Gerald? What did you do wbIlI CENTIlRVILLE--49 I was away?" B F 'r "It bu not been .a,y wlthout 816 you." he laid. Ii 17 Allen, c ................ ,: .. ............ 9 1 1 "Yo,. un' ,.,4 lor _ G".u, tlill ~.1IsUtI Turner. g ............ ... ............. I o 2 Kil". "Tb.,. W.eJ ' ''0 olb. flJorirufllf' Jump. g .............................. 2 o 4 "But there was, Kitty .• • a year Williamson, g .........; .......... 6 o 1.0 , - - -before you. came. 1 thoUlht I.1oved 2D 9 49 Totals her .nd ,be pretended to eare for me. I was jUlt a young lawyer then. I bad nothin, to oller ~ Mrs. Marv ' Earnhart the ahe marded a wealth1 men." "You ceased to love her than, of first 1J8rt of t he week in Dayton her grandcourse. Did you never .ee her l\1;sisting tho ' care son who had undergone a,ain?" "Yes. I saw her . . . recanl17." t'lmy oporatlon. "Tell me. What II Ibe Uk..., II site' prettier thao If . . . Tan, per- r.''IIIlllllllll~llmll1llllll11ll!11 !111!~ill!lllllmllllllllllllllll!lMIIIIII11~ haps, with black hair .nd eyel aod very red lips and a lOulIeaa f.ce • . • a 80rt of wom.n wbom It II ~eath for I man to 10veT" The woman moved anarib'. , A cWrerent erimlon from that which decked ber cliew flooded ber forehead. Gerald g.zed In wonder. H. smiled Cynically. "She II aU 10U describe. Even a. you gue.. . . • for I know yoO never .aw her ••• . she I. soulless: She wa. untrue to
The billler the yield Uld the Iftwer tbe c:rpp ._ -the biqer your prollt. It'a Jlllt COD'Imon IefIIC. Profit by tile experience of f.rme" who find BI OM brand fertililer brinea bigger and better crops be-. cauae it'. alway. l1'I.nufactured up to .tendarda •. • !;lcver dp wn to pnc<;.
Armitage &,Son
B F 'T HE wom.n moved nolaeleu!)' Hunter, f ...: ........................ l} 0 6 and stood by the mentle. KlU;r 'Vlckers. f ............................ 4 2 10 took the place sbe had left. GIro Simpson. c ............... ......... 2 " 8 aid an uneasy frown on hlJ f,CI, Halltinsr .. 17; ........ .. . : .......... .. 7 5 t'9
FOR IIAl& - o.troit Jewen g•• ~ bel 1».- converted to bottred .... US. R.". Samuel Keys, 4tb III
for '49
OHM . . . . , _ _ , ... _
FOR' SAL!= - A few 4 to 6 lb. roasting· -chickens at . 6.oc lb. Phone 2542, Will Gustin.
SeCurity In mind
·4 .. -LONG ......
811 I.,.
HeI.ased by J "
winJ r ..a-.
!, .. ,.('
,',e COI,I\irl:;
. . alit ,.... ..... aD.i II*lleu\en of the Slet Conva" to (uUy inlorm , dale ...~ ~,..... eo........ " ','
,........ 0"
lOTE I. 'e.' ,1M! N_.1"ItIutm.UJ. ".... litE I. eo ita -lolr 'ew erWr
Pi.. JobtollYilie queetion II 'a "UJ complicated 0IIe. It itwolwe, ~ . .
lief., Pawty prop-arne, and aboYe .11-:-wh.t IUlld' of p~ertlIIJeIlt dd. n.'''' Ie '"
~KiI, 1<#1 Wh., iJ thiJl Jt. I SEE: ~ J,III1f111"g' YOM ••• ,'0* ,~ H'''' .MORRIS FVLKERSON ' "I went to a I})eclalist in VieDDI two months ago and, have IOma of WAYNESVILLE, OHIO my sight back. That waa ~ I . carne in surprise. And ob, I am glad that the Orst thillg I .. w about 'you Is the honesty your love. I bad been without the use of PAUL Eo CLARK MOTORlS too tong to trust the value what they Oral .bowed me .... tbal TYTUS 4: VERITY PKWY'. ' woman with ber arm about Tour MIDDLETOWN, OHIO nec;k. I knew 11 I wera b1in4 I would be happier. 10 1 kept up the lIN'" DIAL 21791 tence and in bllndneu I . . . wbat In Ugh! I might bave mlllId."
'i,.,..,....,. ,_ ~ TVA... . , u,.,..,....". 101' the national cIeI_ ·iuUlees ....., ~OI' _ nad....'. ~elfaN
"e • w~tIt .. ..w_ ..........
'OTE I. to SocIoU". 111,.4_ _
. .. , . . . .
• •
. .
. ,
". .... tIda lUnd, DOt that tIIie . . . . . it of immedl.te OOIlCl!rll to ..... CIOIDPillf I hut we 8N oppoeed .. ..,. ..... which II «ot In the beet iatefe.t. of,thil co~uait,.. ·We therelore elpl'lll 01111 Oppoli~oll becalM It will ... ......, dad eYe". individ.uaI aDd huda• .i~ thie ..... tbroaP inereMed toea. HoweYer, the real daapr . . . . _£tlDetat 01 .lIah lesiaJ.tioll i, the lNIId towm pvertUlleQteI eoatrol .r all bluhl..... _ ., ,... tOo, are api,... uufair aped.1 priviJeps wbleh ,wiD lDeIUIII , . . tax.; II , ... too. IN oP......... pewth 01 SoeiaIilDl III Ameri~ we IUgeet that JOU 'fire fOur ~epree&ltatm. In aael npreat ,... . . . . . . . . . ~ .. . . . .tjODr
, ,,I
·...Ii• •AYlCaN POWER AND .---&IOHr· CO", •• NY . . .
.Th Miami Gazette
A Community Institu . For Ninety-nine,Years "
Lebanon,Realtor' To Speak Here~ .
FROM THE EDITORS PEN Since last our minds met IiHle has been observed by or brough~ to' atten~lon of the editor. thus we turn to the mail to form this weeks edlt~ria\. The Ohio Turnpike Cllmmitl<:c prelrents - its program . for our state' t,o have a Ru pur hil:(hwuy. Tn presenting the , Turnpiko Bill they list many reUHons why nnd their arguments are a~ follows: " , 1. Real eijtate lalle~ !uIsellsed a· . gaimt abutting prope rty Br.a hClIIg advocatell lIy sonic authon tloR to
• • •
built b y private capital anti as Ohio's toll bridges will be mad" free when all ,c onstruction bond costs al'e paid off.
4. ? ? '1 '1 (Not Qbote) Truck ~ ~Z operators and fast traveling tou~. II . ists do not 8top to spend money 111 • L. '0 , your town and thei,' wear RlId tear on your highwaya cost you mOlley, l why not by-pass thi6 haUic all ' _ o~e~ tu~pike~ by·pass towns and cities. MI'. and MNI: Lewi s GrawIm'd Governor Frank J. LaulIChe BIll'S: called on lIfr. alit! Mrs. StevenSon "I am in favor of' adoption of of. Xc:ni u SUllduy uftc~no(,n. bMr. Alfred MOl'l,"I1n WI~S iukell permissiv/l Legislation for e'sta to t he Miami Vulley 1l0sp,iLaI Sa t. lishment of toll roac;lll if a thorough u.rday' mornIng. economic study shows th'cir justMr. and Mrs. Alf'ied Morgan uro tflcation. To this I would attach announcing bl1e birth of n 5~!: lb, three onditions; That the roadA· son, R~bert Eugene, boTn 'Friday be self.sustainingi that the 'cost evoMnin g ' " I .•• 1'8. Alinn Llucas rcma .011 qUI.., not 'be an obligation of the S~te ;' ill aL her borne h ere. ' that tunds collected bo used IlilecMr. Wilbur SLcvensui., Ml'~ . Ru· I!icaliy to liquidate tho debt." bert Greene "of Da~, Mr. and " Mrs. ·Hen't'.f Berge~ and 1i~mi1y of Fairly convincing now the quos· Beavert~wn spent Sundny wi th tion is : Do w supporl t he 'rum · M'r: and Mrp. Lu e Morgan. Miss Millnie Crawford oli Day Lon pike Bill? spent t h(l Iveekend witli her l'aranti! Mr, and Mrs. Olaren ~!o Craw· Mrs. L. A. W8 ~ hbu1'll WIIS u Qrd. WednE:sday dinnllr guest or-Dr. Mr. UII [I Mrs. ~url Johnson of and 'hlrs. H. E, Hathawuy. Xen ia Sf/oot tho weeKend with Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfrod Morgan lmd famMl·. (tnd ·Mrs.' F.A.lgar Smit h hnve Ily. returned after a t.WI) weeks YUCUMr. and . Mrs. Norman Kel"llinger of Dayton called on his 'Parents, tion in Florida . . Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Klm~in ger. Mrs. Stanley H. Bnile,v wa~ Sunduy llfternoon. among thc gllestl! on '. ucsday whon Mr. and Mrs. Kemloth Bration the 19. Matl:Ou$ uf Dis trict 2)" and dauthter, Shirley· Ann , or Q. E. S. enjoyed a dinner at thQ, Dayton called on ·l ir. and Mrs. home of Mn. Laurll Kelly in Wil- ~orge Bratten Thu,rsda;"! u,vch mington. ing. Mr. and Ml'~. Hily Gillson a!ltl . and Ml's. J . B. Rich were Mrs . Morris Lewis attended the a&d hostess to the 'G,hooHul' lwed~ing. of Mal'ilynMilJie to Jack Ch,ol* on Saturday evening. .A, Helllnstllle, at bland p~rk Till\' at most. delicious 'fried chicken sup- ·Dayton Saturday evening. The per was , served and the evening ',b ride is Mr. Gibson's niec:e. was spent in playing carda. Those I 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles \House'present were Mr. and M1'8. Glen" holder and plildren 'of Springfield ' Borden, Mr. and · Mrs. S . S. ' Ellis, called on ~I rs. Alfred' Mor'g an and· Mr. and ' Mrs. Ernest Butter- children Sunday evening. wol,'th, Mr. and Mrs, Harry SmitTi. ~ the host alld hOl!teslI. , I .. _AllY .... Mr. and Mrs. Beeman Stewart lind Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rye are 8pend~ng a ~e. w ~ee~s in Florida,.
gn -f
Mts. ' W. ' E . Stroud entert.ained at dinner on Thursday evoning, honori'n g tile birthday anl~iversaries of Mr. Stroud and of their BOil, Mr. Harold Stroud of,'Leba. non. Those who enjoyed the J:oveJy dinner, aDd evening together were Mr. an d 'M~. Harold Stroud of Lebanon, , Miss Leah Margaret White of Batavia, Miss Joyce The w.. C. '1'. U. meeting wall Foote snd 'Mr. and Mrs. Stro,ud. held at the home of Mrs, Glenn Borden Friday afternoon, Febrnary Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Kersey lind son, a nd Mr. lind Mrs. Luther 11 . ". Following Te~lllal' busi nesR ses· Hartsock and son s attended the si(m the devotional 'and study por· wedding of Gale EmLry and MiSs tion of the meeting was iJl charge Boneitll Hoff lit tbe Green Springs of Mrs . Roger Brown, who rend Methodist Cburch on Saturday aftan article. "When Frances WiUaT!f ernoon, . a-nd . the reception which read her B~bl eh •. solected from the followed the cure mony. Mr. E mery l'Union Signal. ·Y ies Lucy Emily is the nep hew of Mrs., Kersey and led a prayer, ufterwhleh I 'Mrs. Mr. Hartsock Bnd has visited here Wal ter Whitllker reod an excellent quite frequently. ~~-,--, article on "Thf! 'Narcotic Menace". Miss Lucy Emily read an article Followi'ng adjournment, a pleas· entit led " Tho Oriminal Aspect of ant social hour was enjoyed with Mal'ijuiana" and Mrs. Sarah Brad· dainty refreshments served by the dock gave a very 'good talk on hostess. 'The Life of Frances Willard." l'hemeetlng was closed with pray'l'he work to be ,done during the er. Lenten season also was the subMrs, R. E . Asbury has l'utur1\ed ject ·of disculsion. aftcr s pendiIlg some time with her Tho ~e prescnt W(lre Mrs. S. S. son·in·lllw 111ld daughter, Mr. and M'rs_ John 0 , Larsen and· famHy El11 s. Mrs. Gilbert Frye, Mrs. Erin New Jersey. While there she nest Blltterworth, Mrs. I1eber made the acquuinwT\ce of her 'new Jackson, Mr,a. Rhodes Bunnell and grandrlaul!'hter, .Jean Phyllis LaT· Mrs , ~urence F~na!,: Hem, who IIrriv'I!d ,duri ng heT $'r'l\nd. O\ othor' ~ viHit. . The- Home Ec?nomics Corumit. , Mr!!, A . K , Day h uer Il R II Thurs. tee of Fa'rml!.rs Grange 13, moet at day guest, her sisteJ:, 1\trs , H. P. the Grange all on }' riday luter-' Godbey, of Oincinnati. , noon for ~e urpose of making M.r. and Mrs. Cnrl Fergason of plana and to discwis their woI'k tor PlcaM nt FJilI ore annoullqing the tho cOmillg year. birth "r u rlaughter on .tanuary ~O. Mr. an d Mrs. F(lrg- u ~on WI're Mr. aud Mrs. LouiN F'ireg had as ,'I'"itlents I)f Wa ynosville .turin!:, SUIUI"y dinner guests, Mr.. and which time Mr. 'FerltU on was It Mrs. E.} lison Larric.k and dEIUgh teaMer in the Waynesville High terA WlinY.ngton JID.d.. Selloo!. ~ . Alman Fr'Tes of Cincinnati. ?tlr. 11', and Mr •. J oh n Ru rske nnd and Mrs.. Paul Harley and Mary Mr. and Mrs, Wi'llIlim StrOUlC at· Lou Kennedy of Dayton, Mary Lou tcnde'ol thei I' card dub meeting i remaining- for a few days. Cin innati 011 Salurday evening. 11fT. lind . ]'lrl\< A. R, Earnhal·t , 1,'. and Mrs. Gilbert l<'rye and were SU(ldllY aft fJlllOn l!'uC'~ ts ..r sons harl as SIIOOIlY guests, Mr. 1011', al1~ Ml·~. Milton She.chan in nnd Mrs. Gl enn F rye and sons of Cen\,(\I'v llle. Vay Lr)l1.
- '
l~1~IAI!I~14Ii' .,
...... a ......
work will be given and a goo~ program is eIPected. The Unit eIPreliS thanks to the Lebanon 'E agles Lodge for their ,100 and the Lebanon Fireman for their donation. They ask for volunteers to fight Cancer, "tb~ dreadful ldller." Any Church, Glub. School, 'or other ,group wishing to have a ict\Jre, or a talk, or any informa',on will be given freely; Write Warren County ~ncer Unit, P. 0 . BoX; 210, Lebanon, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Florence son are spending Borne' t ime with the lattel!s parents, Mr. and Mrs. CI.e ve Conner . Mr. Florence ' will soon start practice with the Columbia Reds at Columbia, South Carolina, ~hi8 making his, second season with them. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis of Wilmington are announcing the birth of their second son on January 23. Mrs. ,Davis was the for~ mer Miss Janice Meredith, daughter -of Mr. anuMrs. Herbert Mere. ditb. Mr .. an~ Mrs. Ross a. Hartsock had a s Sunday dinner guests Mrs. A. z. Hartsock, Miss Helen Hart. sock, Mr. Milo HartsoclC, Mr. W. T. 'Jordan, Mr. 'Frank Jordan of near C~ark5vi\le, M.r. Charles McC;::ullough ot Dayton, Mr. and Mrs, Owen' Har,tsOck an4 Misses Jean and Jane Hartsook. Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock was the honor guest' as 'she was c lil c~rating her birthday anniversary. Mi ss Laura Rosnagle of Cincln··end gpest of Dr. and Mrll. R. E. Hathaway. Mrll. C. Lee Hawke, Mrs. M. F. Weltz, Dr. MaTY Cook, M'f s. Claro ence Rye, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crabbe and Mr. aM Mrs. K"nneth RewlIick were among those who attended the funeral services for Mrs. F. R. Moomaw in Ohillicothe on Tuesday. -
------------------~-----------------.~ .', •• .. I
P,eople, Spots In The Ne~s I
8. \
HOH O'ReGA~ AI~I,,)u~h humbled, 61l t.o ..~, by .
HilJ~boJ,9 1allt "'eek,lQlnny V-Ir~+-I---'(... er''S .26 poiftbt gave him high gamn scoring hOnor for tlie 1948-49 regll,Hu easlm for Wllynesvilie Sparlans. . Luck of the Warren ' CC/unt y toomeY' drnw 'Pits, our SpaJtan's against CarliRle. next M-oT\da.y nite, 8 :1 6,P: M. at Middletown. Perhaps the third 'm eeting will act like a charm for ' Coach Ed Porter's shirt ane. pants athlete!!. Providing Wliynesvil1e Wins their next op· ponent would be ............,............ 1f they l~,' t~ eir wo1l1~ play ........ .'... n8 the toqrnament is condpcted on a tWo and ou·~ . ~8f11. Tovrnall\ent games nre scheduled M'~ndaYI Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday with tbe flnllls Sa'tttrdaY' nite. Tbls column picks the loea]s pl'Oviding they can drop Cal'lisle in. thefr fll'st tourney u1llsh . Tl'(l i1i ~gruntled and even~liy rli f<K uti ~ fi!id R'l'oup of lIottbalJel'!l. renresentatrve of se eral local anil put of tQwn clubs, ShODld crawl l1l\ek in their h~les after reading that Blih Planck, 'Falt'ley's 1IXI!!t quiet. Jllav~r and a sb,ndobt 'P4!r· 'fmn~l' all year, fOJ'\Varded a $25,· 00 ch!)ck ali his fdea of What 'thO leRl!'1lc ' mennt. to him. Bob, who is ~ertalnlv not a 'Publicity seekOT, n t!~d !< , his money,s badly as an:.' of ll R anti the lealrtle heads al'fl Mlling tht 4!noDtb contributions Rrt' recelve.d to enaMe $15.00 to he refunded Planck. It III net be. )il'ved ,;ece!lsary tOI' any player til d&nate excosa.lvely hut a minimum $3.00 or $2.(10 is 81Jrely to ' be elrJlfll!ted fnlm tbe )leJ'llQMl wbll bad the fun - tile 'playeftl! A_ with. many ~tl1er tlllnlfs In this e.~lII1Inity. 1N!01Ite 1ri\1 .tan(! al'OOlid CGl'neft ornthll1" In ,u, louf\ busllle!llleS and I!OIIIp181n 811r.: crab 1IIalre -17 nmarb about
~·i'" OD , ~
This,Is Ohio
Society To 'Hold Meeting
Mr·"and ICn. Kenneth ElzEIY and Lillian Wilkins, President of the dauglfier, ¥arjorie, of 'Dayton, visited llr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey Wllfren County Unit of t he Amer· Sunday afte~oon. iean Cancer Society, informed the Miami Gazette that the Ceul\ty The CliIu~e S treud famil:1' had nJ • h h . liS Sunday evening dinner guests, U t wtll old t elr monthly meetMr. and Mrs. Gene Ahrenll and ing Wednesday, February 28 at daughter, Sandy, and Misses 8:00 P. M. at the Golden Lamb Muriel and Martha Azling of Day· Hotel in Lebanon. The public is ton. invited as reports of the past years
WeT U- Me.l't)S,. AI B' or'den'some H
morc per year to take car ' of today's heavy trl1flie load. U the State carries this ' "tremendous b~rden," it may cost all motorists ~ bl to ten ccnts mOl'e tlor gallon in gasoline' tax. a. The Ohio 'T urnpike would be
2. Ohio must spend $100,000,000
Mr. and Mrs., Laurenc~ Cook a,nd 80nil were Sunday guests of Mr. and T. J. Davis In .LeCllburg.
The Waynesville Civic Club will The WOll'lau'" Au:xiliaty of the hold its regular monthly meeting St. lary'~ Church lllCL 011 Jo'riday at the 'Methodist Church. This will IIfternoOIl at the rectory wltb Mrs be a dinner 1'IlIl eting with, ~lte meul S. N. Keyt; as hOHte..sS, Mr&. Charles served at 7:0Q P. M. " Mehaffie conducted tne devotions The speaker of the evening \v1)l "nd Mrs. Keys was ill (!hlu'ge of be Mt. Russel Horn, rculto~, of the study period -on the subject, LebanoJ;l. "On ()\)r OWIl Dill'" SllJp," in the 'Maynard Wclt~, secre~~ry, toltJ CQUl ltry, IJ,;~ RicCI. tim Miami Gm:ette that II. fill 1 at;.. tendance is desi red.' .. '. ', _ _ .. ~ .. The Execu,tivo Boar d will meet ' ,,; • t tb ' h ~ F ' ..,ns everu/lg ~ cOllie Vl '. Gene Bro'!V n , club pl:csidcnL. • • •• " .. .
finance flh'm I'onds Rnd township highways, however toll highways would' pay tor tit msclves and not cost a penny to those not usi ng them and free road s will still be available.
St. Mary's Auxiliary Met • • ,
THUIRSDAY, FEB. 17, 1949
UI:IJO lAS A I'LACJ!l to live. work and lila IS rl'cugnl:t.e. corners of the world. As a result let.ters written In the """ gue of many countri es srrh'e at the ColumbUS ndrlr9~' Ul .10., I • Development and PllbJicity Commission, the stale'. ollie'l I .1" t ion agt'ncy , Here Will iam 8 "11 11. a sta ff mem-ber of ~h l' (>7' , Il ion, ponders OYer a letter from enulh ot'th e border, snd Up,l l;., 'l be hllvinJr much trouble trnnslatilli{ .It..
Girl Scout .News' Rev. C. A. Arthur delivered the Communion Message in ~ethodl8t Church,' Sunday mOl'lling, and vited those of the conjp'egatllJII for Holy Communion. Civic League met Saturday evenina' in the !home of Mrs. Mary S. Pierson, :her asaistanta were Mrs. Helen Hill and Mrs. f1ranJc Morrow. MTtI. Helen Wall was hostess to the Welcome BibJe Clas\, of Jonah's Run Baptilt Church ,In her home, FrIday evening. Special degt'e!l work. of 'Masons was presented hi Ma80nic ball, Saturday evenirig with gliests of Masons from neighboring to"'!"l' Mrs. Florence Frost WAS hostess to W. ~. C. S. of Methodist Churc:h at her home, Thunday afternoon. 'Mrs. Evelyn Masten entertained a group ot .ladies at ber home Mon· day evenIng, :when Mrs. Hoyle, of Spring Valley presented a demon. stTation Of plastic articles far tht' home. . WUI McCarren returned to his home in . Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, by plane. Robert Gordon acoompanied him for a short vacation in
G~rl 8cuut ',l'roop No., 1 held il.t! meeting Friday, ' Febrn.a ry 11 ut be Grange Hall. The girls, were aividcd into two pntrols, TaUawllnCJas' and ObJokad/lea. An election of officers was held ~nd the following' girls Wllro elected. L Tallawanda Patl.'ol Patrol Leader-Dorlll Br(l'Ml , Treasurer-Nlln l'Y- Bni rl 'Newa Rt'por ter~."·~1" 'l'~m'. ....- -=-=--i Ohicliadee Patrel 'P atrol Leudel'-Lyno ReLallick Treasurer-E1izabllth Marlatt News Reportcl'-Shlrle:y- Rickey A surpl'i8e vs,Ienti)le party wa" given the girls by Dor othy Wool. ard and Marjorie Brown. They' Rer-ved hot chocolate and -valentine C!OOldes. • The meeting was ad journed !ly tonning a "Friendship Circle" and singing t~e "Goodbye SonA'." They plan' choosing various ae ~ ivlties for badge work at' their ellit meeting ",blela will be held FrIday afterl)oon F obrqal'Y 25 'a t 8:80 lit the Grange Ball. ' .
W h·
TasB'mgton F t-.--.".., 0 e ea ore ' AiredId ues ay
Is confined to be; home with a ~t ailment. -'->,--'--'-...!.....,::"'; MM. A. S. Collett attended Waynesville Flarmer's Club at the John Settlomyre home, Thursday. " ' Gerald Paine . left Cincinnati, ' SWlday .-evening', via plane. for New York City, on a ,b usiness triP. ' . Word bas been received 'here an· Ethel Barrymore, ' grand 1!«iy of 11{)unclng the, birth of a ,son to Mr. a great old .American ' acting f am. and Mrs. Charles Osbol'!" (nee Uy,' selects a8 her"Favorite StqrY. L~cille Tucl!:er) w~ reSides in "The Young YeaTS" based <in the Gmcinpati, during the school life o! Geor~ Washington Be =~I, ,where ,' Mrs, ,Osborn is sure ~ tune in , thia ~elt tri: ng. '.. bute to the ''tathllJ:' of our country.. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis of Leb- over WHIO at 9:30 P . M. '(lext al1on~ called on many friends here Tue,aday evening , ]'ebl'11&Q" Satu day evening. Favorite Story pl'ograD\ is lipon- ' Mr. and Mrs. Jesse · Pennington so~ by The Dayton Power and and son, Danny, moved recently In- LIght Company~ . , to the Walter Jordon .proper,ty on Wh,en a l!'I'eat nlember f. '11 East Main .street, recently vacated th trl I d . 0 by Mr. and Mrs. Harold ¥cMiIlan ?B ea YDasty selects her la~~ whG moved tA;I Wa:vnettVille. ' -ont atory ,aDd .~hen ilia .tal- , 81' A family gathering was held popular young Jimmy Lydon, WI Saturday evening In the home 01 ~ure j;o m.ak~ a half-b.o~ of worth· ,Mr. and Mrs. Herblmt Doster ~~Ue radIO lls~ning.~lmmy .Lvd.o n their and: daDa'htor Mr' lis t~e :t~ous HenJ!'Y Aldnch of I and .Mrs. Harry. Cline, and , GeraJ~ notion :pieturel. dine f1f Columbus; their .oDS, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Doster and !amI!y of Springtield, and Mr. an.d Mrs. James Doster of Dayton. The Community Club ' met Th'lll'!lday eVenlng in gymnallum. HOIIts fOT the e~enl1lg were Harry Tucker, C. D. Lmty and Howard Graham. Milcelfee llontgome1T of Wilmington Colle"" _ . peat lpemr. , The "Toy Band" .of our achool was auditioned In Wnminaton ~l. lege, Sunday aft,ulOOD. ' Several of 0111' cltiuns attended funeral IOnleee tor I:ihorud 0117 who pUled 8Wa)' at hili late ~ Tneaday morninc, 'WIlleh 'WIIQ _ cIQCted at- 8t1lbbIF-~ . . . . 'Elunda7 aftenaoou. He had lIMa In tn health tor H1Wal moatIII.
The Miami Gazette
Published every · 'Chur8dn~r ('ounty, Ohio.
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Enter'ed as eE: on d cl M:\
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F:EIJR\l HY '18'7 1.
LOST. either i ll Lebonon , or
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News, Grandpa FOR
, . , ( If 1
• •
LeI'OD '01'
0111 , , ' JJ/EEKU ' 1' 11' ....
ElevenImmortals ESUS believed prayer, but be J did not usually lpend aU nlgbt at . . It.. Wben be did. we may be lure In
~ .
l\1.\RRl (;I';S -- A1' th~ l1. \.: pnr:<'\'IOlI 'f' in W nYII 'ville' 1~,' hrt1u l'~' lIi. 1 71. loy t ho:- R.:I·. r::. ~1,· ll ll ll:h . h . Rk hnl'c! r il' rc\' W,I l\,ulls'lII Clld('I<L 11<;111 of n" . '1-'. Wjll illlll.l1n !Iolld ' M is~ 11 <111 111111 W. 'IU l'kl' , illlugh t ul' of 1\1 re, . utnud dnith. llll of Wa yne ' l'ow nshiJl.
~ UD
·t he foad between Lebanon on . Waynesville. one day las t . week, u double Fur Collar. The finder will be ~wa.rded bf leaving the Sllml' • t t he G.zette otfjce. or Il'ivinr. RiC' hnl'rI hI\!! be~ n \)(','y Iy nnt l lnformll:tion where it ma y be o h. ' Il'nvc l\ 1< th (' lip nicely wltl'n IllC'Kt tRined. ; (If "il\ f ril'nds we re nu t a nlici]llIt· . - ! ing t he hnppy eve nt hut sudd nly Mr. D. R. Ebright ~R ilOUgh t jll.S it cume uJlon tbem. it di ll '1(It ;rohn EdW1lrd'~ ·. addle an >! harnl" s prevent th!>1l1 frolH un it i(l g in , ish . interest., .nd moved his stOOk down ' ing him I!VC1' Y IIQ:siblc I>I('sx ine: into the home of Hain~8 " Ed. ! thnt <;an J'\! ' uH rJ'OIT\ II mnt,rinwn illl wardl. 'lIhil I. D. R.'. Qld stand. alliance. H e u nd his fn'" In·ide and We bope be m.y have tbe old proceeded ut 0:110 to M()rl'oW, I>n 11 Pl'OIIperity there. visit to Ric hlll'eI's mllny I'e lll t iv('s . t here; I\ljd we hopc .the honeymoon NOTICE will be n . foretaste of t i,e long This day, by mutu.l consent the '1' ,,1' hn ppine~s yet befllrc Ihpm , partnel'8bJp heretofore existing in MOUNT II LVi - TI,e RR the. name of Hadden & Janney, is Hunters ar e still sooul'ing t bl' dluolved. J . H. H.dden win con, count ry, hu and aJm ihilnt ing ·ttan. to ~1'l'7 on the business. these most troub lesome pe st..~ ThoM Indebted to the tate firm Thei}' have C8 ught about 2000 rats will please come .nd p.y uP. as within the lust t hree weeks. W, We mult tbe money. The are denth on ra ts u p h e re . If you boOb win be found at the store, don't believe it, and have ,any .nd either party is authOl'ized t o lIdu wa nt k illed. jllst bring them _tie aecount.. . up. I I,
be had IIomethlng of the ,reate!!. Importanee on bJ.J. mind. One Of U!f'iIe occasions was the , nlll~t before he se·
BY 1104,6111 0 1110 , ,\\Ill ES
For l."ttc.o l Of Ro' ''' V;.II \hi, No""popor OR
lected the twelve men he called Apo •. tIel. He had thoU •• andl 01 clisclples. e r 0 ~9' toll owed
CQI!, Wire or Write, our repres enta tive.
We apprecia te this ever i n crc.ll ~· ing preference ; needless to S IIY , we shall milk,· C VCI·~t ~r f"rt to dese rv e it.
~ •
I • • •
• • • .r_ KalUpUeI Blmlell
Choir Pradlce
Two Congressional committees and several Gov, ('an pr oduction or employment. , . emment Dep.rtments became active la!l"t w" ek in on attempt to lltop the doWnward piunA'e of f a r m 1,ate .Iast week the Republi am< in the Sell II te prices. Already a number of farm comll) o ri i ti,,~ a 'e ('''mm ittel' on Education and Labor which has heen ~lIlne for 1eBIL than one"nal! the J'lri cc to r y I)1'Olll! h t ron i,l:.ori nil' Admini~tT ation propOlled legislation to ~ few IIhort month II BgO:- The r1roJ! in ave ra):" fa rm commodity pricrea ill somewhat over thirty pel' rron t r · nrn l fI.''' 'raft-Ha,·t lny Alit. won a .temporary vicTod.y the farmel' la being badly squtezed. HI..: in- b) r ~' h;v r" n 'iog' a continuation of Gmrimlttee hear; 1"3 on th (, m~nsurc until Fehruary 2!1Td. There are been materi.lly reduce.d, . while' th e ~hi"gA ma ll v ; nrl i "nti on~ I)f a I!rowinl\' di scontent in Con, prices. Ther e is a ~l'(iK ~ wi t h 1.1111 'rl'\I rt.n n T>ropo.sals t o e hanll'1l th.., nareal eC!onomie· d.nger for the nation In th e I JJ"C~ n t tionls 11\0111' la w",. Ilfltl it now nn" p "T~ likely a coallliituatton. . tilln <rf Ou'm()l"'rntR ancl llrnn))l ir ' ''" mnv e~ ntinue Ch.irman Lesinski of the '., HO \I ~e Committee on most of t he' intW'l'tnnl "r"vi ~ i"n ~ (I f th" pre~en t 'I'n.Ft-1-! nrtl y A,·t iJl th" law. ' Elfuutton .nd Labor is ' havi.n~ ~ difficult;V . in vnUi nl! bIll bill. wheh would increase· th e nin imllm WR'!" to 76 eenta.m hour and expand eoverall'e hy am ~ n <l n l!: 'I' hp HOI,.,,' r.ol1l", i tt.~ on A rOl~'t R"rvicPR i ~ ..,,the Walle and Hour Act. out of 'his Commith'e. Th'c 1~ ..('te rl l h f ld,t fo r It n InrTpa!lC of jol,!'M, httnrlrl'n mil. Leslnllkl 8m would no~ o~ly increa" c th min im,.m linn ~Io ll n r:. I'~ Ul11" " H'ri ntionH fnr thn Air "'orC'e tn "",ge rate from 40 cents a hour td 7Ft C(! nt~. hut '(' tm ,l. the ",.u mtllnanc·!l ,of a ppvcnt.v f",·~ ... Rir ""'Olin. ,would .1110 require i.1J'!1ost every s mall ser-vl cr> lnel u" j Ch " !t'ml~n VlnH'lfl. who s!'1l~ingly lI "flws the Con·try, neli as local launllriea anel t f11el1honc ('xc I'n l!cs !! re~s ' wI ~1 not "." ~~ t.he "r,·qideni '. tln ivul'!"al Mill, to pay the minimum t'nt e. Tn 'DiI{I ; tl ~ n /I '1rl of '/'mo t I till" ; 'l'r,: m ln tr 13,1 1. wnnt- ttl tr8n ~ Fp I' t.he fundR set impo~.nce to the na t :on'fI nl!ri~11t tl.~ tl) (' minimum "r ' n t h£' bIJrl l!p t for ~l.Ich 8' nrot!" '1 m t.o the .USC of wage rate 'would apply to most f llrm laho or 1.1' the t"'" Ir fo'QI'{'P It loob as i( t r, e Hou se. nt 'en ~ t, will "hired band." .. !!o u long with him . •
• • •
With only nine. votes al!aln~t it. Q bill to nilth" d z~ ~hl! Pre~ldent to l'eor~anl 7.e the F.l:xec utivc BrlJ.n ~ h of the Gov\!Tnment J'la '~ 1'1l th e AOlll'e In . t: WPl'k. '1'hf' me.sure would pe:'-it .).0 Prrs ldllllt to s'l hm it hii' J'eOl'IP:anizlltion 1lIa" ~ t" t!.e COnl!M'''R. wh'cn w ",,1rf become effeet!v.e sixty t!RY~ ther eafter. un l",,' the Congreu officially rli sanprl}ves tI",m Th l' In (>"'"lr(\ was enacted to impl ement th 'l I'Cllt)l·t. of Ill!' 'q,,-,., "''tI HooveT Commission, of whi<:h YOl,r r eporter is Ii ri:er,tllllr. The recommend~til)n ~ und f; ndin ll~ " f the H09ver Commission - if nut irt" ~ ffe ct - " Il l' r c, !lult in ~lItimated to the. tax nllYfOJ'!I of hree. and one-half billion dollars a yeAr in (';ov I' I'nmcnt oPftatior(. • • • Th40 Rou lle has II llflrov,,1l all Arlm ini ptrn1i4>t I-ill"!1 nIOOred 11111 to repeal thl' prl)vlsi'l'nH or th" l l<... ; III·/')l"nl '1'rft e Treatle~ Ad voteri hll t,h" P"n"hl ;,·,,,, Slnt h Co1l~l •• nd to re/ltore the Art tn itl' o,·i '';11 l\l (,1' Peal form whl\!h I.ook Rway front 11111' " .. r iff r.omm\utoll .n :r:-l nowior lint! AlIttllll'ilv . tlnrl .... ' mitl a '! the ~tlory cif Statl' tn nPl"nt;nt~ ,,~ .. ,,~ I ts. ri ff with fO"!!lI~n nntlon ft . p,.h;l'rt . to "T"'\'o "~1 1", the ~Proe.. dtmt. The ~"llhl; ...n· minnrit v f"" l ,,, "" •..n to 1Il'IIIe"e the nnrtion ' '1f' ·th .. I ~ w kll l/ Wll aP the " - P I ed.a..... ' whieh would Jl!'rm it, l'tlllelr'>ti utlOIl at tariff t ...ties 11 U,P. rJltes on fm'pi"'l1 im.::-porte thoall! lIe' found 10 low II! to e.danl!'er Amf'ri ·
. . ..
'Ilt ill Franklin. John and Mile Dunawa y"' to Fl'e ~ Carr. 981,fa acres in Clearcl'cek ~P. '
tJl a t
ff'l C' n,lIy ",\ lll1n~. ill '1Ilding t1H'~ r IV h., may join the " TOnD"I'" Not·tll Atlnnt!r Def(ln, .., Pact. 'l'h., 1l0Mt of tak in g- CAr~ ..r Lh ~ vI't'l·n ns .ni nR !<t war .. no", KtanliR nt II lrnl1t .he ~ nf' no\' . hulf billlnn rI.o llarS a year. w Ith II hl'flV.V in,rn'o -t' in (!xpr'nilitures for veterRn ~ \' ''I'cct 'rl in I he nl)t !;tIn di\.tant (.,ture. In alltl i tio~ t h". int1'I·E/ ·t on th .. ]luhlie debt, a I.rge fIOrtlon or which WR O! incurred "erauM!' of bhe WaTt .mounts to
more thon fi ve billion dollars a year.
for .f arm animals are Junahine. trradlated yeasl', .a nd fish oils.
"are 01 Calvell Ke e pIIl& cahles in the ' IWlDY eor· ner \'II t he ba rn h~lps to protect them <I>:u tns l It 'lec\iou.s dIsease •.
24 HOUR"
, . I
Sde of PaUera
p. Ma
WIllI'" IbeM _ .......
ldeaa IIIIIl ~....
'11le word "elUl UMd for them wa. not bJ. OWl! fnventfoo: ".postIe" .11 the word UI~ III over- IhI clvUIud world In thOle din for an am· b ....dor. ~ perlODal reprelentatfve of ro,alb'. AU CbrbtIana are fn the "aPOltoUc IUccellllon." I f . ChrIstian can trul1 ny•. "I live. :ret not I, but Cbr:Iat liveth ,In me." thea b. ii, a, these men were, Cbrlft'. per. .0000irl'eprelBlltitlve. ·
... IIIate.....
• • •
THEJelUl' ASTONISHING tIIln, about ebolce ol the .. hnlve Ie
bJ. faith In them.. Of coone they had f.lth In bJm-who would not' Bilt who would bave faith In them' nere WIIa not • ·.!nlle "outItand. fn,,' mill In the lot. Not OIIe had ~.t we would alii a eoUe,e educa. tion, not • mlJ1 of them 1-..4 beld JlIIblic oft\ee or was rlcb or famous for anytblnt at aD. There was Peter. an ordln.ry 1IIh. erman. much. liven to pretanltJ; there wa. ·Matthew. a crooked but, Inea Dian It ever then . .I 011•• for no publican eould be bone.t and keep from ,tarvin,; thete wa. Pbll.
Ip••••tupld • min," aver .lkeel • foolish quesUou; there were Jam •• and ,John, Jowl·mouthed (J. .11I alck, named the.~ the Thunder Boy. _ . "~. of TbllJlder"). Il,eed~ I.UOWl whQ eould not be ..tllfled un th., bad elbowed -their w.7 · ahe.d of everyb0d7 ebe; there "'.1 Tboma. the bom pe'llmiIl, the detea tilt. • • Wh.t could have ,ot Into 'Jew.' mind to ,elect aueb ment, .[.
JUBnit~ H. fiancook to Loreln Lebanon. Hancock, 0.198 acres .
Pitterna lold durin_ 1M8 will:..·
ceed 3)() . million, . bome aewtn_ anaJ.yat. repOl't. Compare tbIa with 168 ~on In 11M?, • pnytoua rec· ,
• ••
ord breakil?_ fl,ure.
-ud 6 . . . Ilea..... Sl!}CRl!:'l' of Jllua' oholce WIll
Uncle Sam 'Saya.
ih111:\ He Ielected Ida men not . for what the, were or b.d been, but .. tqr what the;, could become. ftlled ' with ha flPlrit. tr8Dlformecl by bJl . Irlen~ It 11 10 I. al. Win, e Xln,dom Of GOd Ilelda men tromel,l. but the raw hu. m~u m. al fOunci In «II' out 01 the . cburcbe,1 11 too wbby anti we.1t , to bull.t(~ ,lib the Jdnporn
at God.
Yet atlml' aD. It never blllllan wellme.. thet b.1 built the Xln,dum. It 11 men rloiborn, I'I-Inade b7 contact and eomPln!onsbJp with Jesus the Lot-d of men •• . ~ow then. Judaa I, amon, the il'welve. ' Jesus mutt · leen rOod' In Ju. del. otbe~ It WOUld b,ve lMIen mockery to ~ tiJm. ·But tboulb IIWI - . with Cht1lt foao juit loq .. the other.. !iem wh.t tbe1 bearcl IlIId . . . what tbe1 8D4ed b7 hem. • traJtOr, "TwC'lve ,JmmortaJa"-t NAT. but one Js !1'e
• • • tbe milk ,/tDt's
• • ••
n :'?II" r"'~ IIl< to he ~l1l! nt on cl(\l(1rimentntion . s tock. ttl!l llg ..1' "~ l'Ilt(!Kl r mate rilihl. nnrl rOlr lI rm ing of
V I I~m i .. 0
• • •
That. "'a l'!;, and pre paration for wars . cost II ~reat nell l of ' ,"""ey iR berom inr.r mOI'e ,.n.1 more pvirlent. '" url.tli tion In th" 14.» hj1li6n Ilnlilu' it.. ", in the ' PI'exident's h~I'IJrtlt (ur tl1C AJ'my. Nllvy anll Air Fore . tho. !! t.n ChH "ge of our military plana wl11 proba bl v m<t; 1'01' a n nrirlitionnl B.n billion doLiarR or
Souroe" of
MO St' rella/>Ie soul'ce r of vitamin
Rallah, 9.1>4 acres in Franklin tWJ, William Kenneth Campbell Ito Allce lH. Campb(.:l, 1 lot in Spring"
?f1O~i 'lll nt Tru'm un will ~ flnn . ,·ml to. 1 he .Ool1 ~ re.s a ~o·""ll e d nation.a l s ecurity t .III. which w,lI allthol'i7.1' th e Pre" i rf~'lt to P,lfernil'e Fltrl"t control,<- nvel' \v1l~~. nn1l on,·pe. l'rodllctilln. and nllo cnt ion of 1' /l W mRtgria' ~ nnd fini s.hetj T>TI>rl" 1'1., . JullO " un ion H. Nt.rikc~. c:o,'w,n, t illn R. n nd the ril s!-I " lllinnt;ion nr"1lC' yq in r'o '\~ of "-'1n ' or 11 (Ipcll-lr,..d nnt:tll fl H I " tTl l· '·):"'1I' Y h"~ "rl '111 t hr 'h !".r n t '1 f WIl '·. It ~ lr olI1~ III' "n\I""'~i '1 o. 1 tlll;ot Pf1(' C' ,,"r h n luw I' Qr(' l nr'~ "f{ I!~tl" t' he na tloli \\Io ul,! ho a vil'tl.lnl dictator _tate.
i t· iR un,lcrstclf.t1
UL·tl!, J lot in Franklin, Il'rerl Cal'r to Allred ,Kind1·ed. J
Ohi,o .Dis trict
• • •
Be _led CIt_ rrtead8 .. ' him .. CIte onwd. . . . . Ilb enemJee. Defti' 00IIJd _ _ 1lIm.
eou,,.t ne..
Congressman' Seventh
ith ABuckeye'ln Congress Clarence. . , J. Brown
th. world.
Worstilp service t t Lm. _ 1:45 PMtrrlCA Eo U.' B. 'amRa. III Itcrltl ic k , ' 16,78 acres in Salem f(ev. William Shannon twp. ST. MARrs ~ISCOPAL Sunday School 9:3.0 a.m. Wj M., R ll SS ' 1I \10m ,to Max O. lind Mrs. James Garrison. Supt. Gwendolyn f1emJ,hryes, 1 lot i n Samuel N. Keys, Rector 1st and 3rd Sundav~ Church School /):15 A.M . Preaching R.BAL dTATE TRANSFJ~J( S Lebanon. I each month 10:30 a.m, Worship 1e.:30 ,A. M. . Evening Services Raymond T. ~nd hll~elle G. No!(jeurge f;icnkle. 1m'.. to rto l fO 'r! Mornin~ 7:30p.m. . . ",I to Enoch Too ley . l ' lot In M. and Clyda P. Whitehead. 1 I· . VTI..E IlA"'I'UODIST . , ~IENDS f ranklin. . in Clearcreck. Twp. C'''fURaiD;<j· '' , . Jesse Mentz 'to John and Tenme I:lug h Hnd Anna Ka lrn to .1,. 111' , t:jm Day ~choo' Q :30 a.m . Dr. Joseph Myers. Minister -V ilmlilh, ~ lot!; in l"J'Bllklin t wp. c A. Bod aru h E. Cur ne L . I ,1'\ "'~etiriv for Worship , Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. J esse ~f entz toO Erne t a.nd EH- ~cr(ls in Washington twp. '0:30 a.m. Mrs. Ruth Saylor, Supl ther KUnton. 1 lot in Franklin twp. b llrtis Whited tu Edgul' Wh l l~d, Worship Service to:30 1.n:J. ' lal'n S. l',f i tel' La 'H ugh and 2 lots in Deerfield twp. , ~i~Wrne~aoo~~~~~MC~~~~~ FERRY CHURCH OF. autlST to Etbel Greely, 0.63 acres in Tw·· M. H. Coffey, M j ni~t e l' Rvrnn CarVer, Minister Ie ('I'eek twp. • Bible Schonl 9: .~O A 9 :30, a.m. Rut hc.riOl·d C. and Cor. lJ . Moler Mor'1in~ Worship 10:10 A. ~/ Bible SchOOl ~orJlinJ!' Worship 10:30 a.m. I • B.'Fairley. 2 lots in Wayne!!Vo ~n.~ People's ":45 P. M Pra~ ~r Meetin~ 1 :00 p.m. i I. Evening' ~ervice 7:10 P: M Young People's MeeUnr ~ al'l:lIrtlL Wunt! to Lest1lr ' .F'. Prayer Meeting' and 1:00 p.m. .... ~I.(m, .&J au r~ s in SlIlem tWI" Bible Study \.\ed .. 7:1 0 I'M Ev~ning Services 1:JO D.1Il. .Jbniet M. Kinder t o Dorothy K
"PHONE 2174 ,
' .
OOOD aecutiv.. JIIIII mu1!t· pJled bli own penonaUt:r. A rectnt' book bat shown how Harr7 \ '. AUGUmNE . Ha,klna dllr1n,' World W.r n llved Father Krumholtz. "Priest -In CIte WhIte House a. ROQIevelt·, ~aS5~ . 8 and 10 .A.M pe.Nonal eomp.nlon. bavin, ,Iven tip bJ. own all\blUORI and llvlni on· ,MT. HOLLY MEnlODIST ly 10 CarrY out th, Ide •• at bJl cbJef. Without Roolevelt, HopkInl would T. M. Scarff. Minister MEniODIST OfURCH Sunday School 9:30 a.rti. bave been llttle more th.1l an JDferR.B. Coleman. Minister lor poJltlclln; and without Bopldnl. E.A. Eanihart, Supt. Church School 9 :30 a.m. 'Worship man,y of Roosevelt', plans could not Service to :30 a.m hive been c81Tleci oUt. He enabled J. J. Burste. · Supt. 7 :JO p.m. tile prellident to be In two place. at .vening Service Worship and Sermon once. So·1t wal with J ..IIII. '1 Mark to:30 I.m. CAES.ltRS CREEK FRIENDS tellii 111. Jes\JJ wanted thol, twelve Special Music Choir ~. _ VOllth Fellmvshlp Thursday Rev. DaVId Stdnfield, Mh.lister 10 b. with bJm. and then to Hntl . . "00 P~ ' Sunday ,School 1,0 Lm. them out.
See Us Now For
Your Plumbing Needs )IORE AND MORE t he bereav ed fam ilies of ,this "omm un ity choo c the minis tration or ollr fUI1 ero ' home durinl!' t heir LI'uu bletl d!l>'~ .
But It W'OI Importllnt 'to have DI'. POI,...rUt a few with whom he p. .~ l ·cou1d Iiye II. al1.lI1~ale friend. So from th~ I~d" number of tol, lowers. Je..~.elected twelve clot. eat :debdf. Before that fateful ftlOmln, no one outillde Utelr .0. la,e. bad ever heard of them. But now their Dume. uti Imown-and el...n of them .re honored-uOUDd
Wherever bll
Febraar,- !to tIM,
'3efter 3 Ways' -U.~ed
... 'alUN ~ cJe..1JUt 1'_ _, ........ ,eel ' _ ...... ,.,111 DWD Ulde Jail, ,.,111 MI'IIIn... ,oar ........... ,.. aIaa ..... 1liiie ...
11'_.., .. ,...
lecIaD""'", ...1 ......... ... ........ oIU.S.s............. . pncti.:. . , ~ • . . , fa drl ~""""e_pc
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=~=:€1:e ,.. .,...,.......... .....................
ptI.!IIo I
.sm.p .... ,.~ . . . .
IjmmOl'tal httrQ'er- and aulcldl1. Wb7T 'l'be N8IOII ~.. 111 Jud.... DOt fn JBINi. , But be .utl l voltmteera. 'never forced labar. Tbe 0IrI1t of 011,,', '
Botter nutrition, with 400 units of vitQ'lljn D in every quar,1 And mO;'e e~si!y digested because it's a soft n r' ! mllk'i Delivered regularly by your [b ll man ... sold b1 neighborhood stOI "S!
1ft. I r'" tl 'P.ORp.$i:! .-..:.
___ ,..... talnl a 8aliaeial - . . _ ....., E~
s '-;_ , I~.I~I .. ~
", '
Clll be ..~ ~.·tIIe humble: but . the tne a.rtat ... be ~ onJ, ' br he IMD wttfl epa bNrtI. Ju. • • '1IIa7 bep IU IIIIIt II b. wDl: a.rIIt IIftII' IJnea Ida W8J' ID.
..-.Ds;;a, , I_~-- ---------------~..:..__~E"7
....- - -
!(DI!§=.~''il - - F '
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lii lll viltun, Charles J. Wug!\,oncr, h,us. te\" , fl ier! hiK f iHh account. ";statc, lif 'J1hOlllUS Cllnvin dt W.' Mupl', xt!('ulp" 1 fiI,'" hi~ (il' t :i nd Iinul Itcr ounL.
'j'~lo mUf C, Bal'l1c. ~ VB. WillilirP Estate of Vilhfllll I': , Lid liII M H ~n sforcl. et ul. case diemi, s~d d~C'tI, 1.I 1',·i r M , Li dtlilf . ""t'/'n\ 1'1 x Lt ""st 01 plllint j.ff. fiI~,,1 h ~ 1' r >l l ljlHi l iro, t l '" ,'v I " !
n, !(unYll h va.
di~ ()l'cO grulI Lu,1 plaillti ff knot Holes l lo'" n\! :relln H IIII . u mi no r A kllot h o l ~ reduces strength prob. Chu l,'eJi )~a ll , plui nt lll' 't q get' $11) ably 'even ' less lhan a tight inter. pel' week fo~' S UP P01't, IIlso $7& f Oi' grown knot, This IJi duc to the fllct hUlJr r. uyt K ..11"08. . that the IIbers of a knot ara at a t ight . • nglo 10 the genera l direction Ilohnrt Lee Gcntl·y vs, jose"h! ' (: I'llr~, rlefendant g run tc' l 30 'hlY at libel'S of tho tllee and. thereforo. R"U"'y IIII ,
Company Improves
ide Delivery Rake Completely Engineered For Power Operations'
contribute little strength, the lesser dJ stcirtlon of grain around 0 knot A I,"Wfllde·d Iiver:Y rake, eng . bole thon around B knot Intcz:grown '''I c rl'a '!'Orn the ground ' up for . :N ~W SUITS with IIbers ot Ul e wood morc than ~lf'IY(; I' tnk ,oft rlil<iII~ and teddlng, l1affles . [ IUS/ SrI. VB, lJessis W. onset. what strenj!th th e knot would and corn plete j~ designed for mech. MiUs , dIvorce, g ross l1eglect, 0, IIlvf, I!.!.!I.~ed farming is now In produc· Dona.ld Dila.tush. 'HOl'l, ,-' . Altll . Ritter V H. Arthu r Rittet, -k - - - - - - -- - -... MUIIU IIl tu.rer~ declare ' that a dlvor~e. g l'9MB negleut, Maple & "h lS.lvl·Y 01' the sJde·aell very rake. M!lplo. \\'fl lch I. the ' mochille you sea plJinr lip lOll!! l' OWti o! h ~y, ~~~ aw and , M~I·.i.fl h •.Blh,h YR . ,~JIJWIH-4 11111;11, hlilal' crops fa" ballu!!. shoWI tbat ~lv(jrV(), Jj'1'!lKIi HogHJct, MulIwcll Illnkl\!.mll n. lhcI'O JiliN beefl liLlIe or no change III lh!! Oll>chi ffo since th e advent of ,Mc'rlo Surlat'(l VS. 1I0nllid .0. H)e tra ctol'. It £. lhe fir st ~ur(acc. d~lIrJl·Cll. cKtrcm(l cruclty, rakc in 50 years." C, Donuld ' Dllntush. ~ lilxc1ulille Ceutures ' of the ' rake ar~ the Ooatdnr: rcel and blu kel MA R, I~I A GI I ( f:NSm:1 wh Iell perJ'h its usc 01 tb e full length J ohn Booth\ 26, Middletown or Ule 64 pllirs o( raJri ng teeth at NORRIS E !:' . i( c6",fJAN" ~tl1te Jllltrolmul .. Ruth' Ann CI'Il'Il1Q; 1111 tl.tne5 and !\ positive chain pitch I 25, Fran kl!,n, ofl'lce 'worker. (!!Intral wbiLl1 changes tile angle Of /finoln"ati Un lol . Stocl< Yard. th e Leeth f at djfferen~ ~ aking , coDdJ· Robert Hayslett, 25, Daytlln, lid. Live and Progr• •• lve. An Uons. juster , Kathleen J;iielr1er. Frnn~ lill , Two speeds forward and one .r" ... I_lIItlo" •• oond to none. tillepharle operstdl'. speed tor te<lding, or F!V~r8e rak· G e~ald . A. Creech, 22', Waynes8trlotiv i illrfa '. fill Intil perl~t .tht ... ~eratIl;lI ~~... ~.e ville, postal clerk, Patricia Bair d, 18. Waynesville. R8icsla rly. oountry. : mJdl tional to ans we r.
t.... .,...
SATISF IE WiHlO oa,-ton 12 160 E. S . '1'. bioi hJO, '\I'Itl.oW ClJlclnnu ~l
I)RORA'I'E . t state ot Frank M,. Beal, Pearj A. Beal,. eK9IJutrb:, applica. lion fof eoiii iili~ii~clitl tlita bl of Anna Nixon, Jcc'J, W. Chester Mapl e. cxe~u tor, C.. C, Becke tt, J. Raymond J,lIW !lnci G. F . Br own . lI'j lpoin ted- ~llP rD i !!crs. l!l~tnte of Rattle McGoni/!,ul. ~ec!/). Mery.l B. GtJlY. lIttol'Tlev f or ~ljhft l {iir,vtli il.J nllrl!p~;';nt,,~. ~~H~ x@mpb trtlbl It,horitance isx. . ~8ta:te of John M . Shelly, .dec'''. r;inin tift' vs. Flora Shelly, et at', iie;eri~iin t. clidfiriiji~g ,sale.' ordet · inti \lclla i nti dl8ttl bu~itln, sale III teai estatc,.;inyentory approved. ~8taie of ~li%8beth Da~in, dl!<:'d, Ernest Dakin, one of t hcl heirs,
1%:40. DlIIJ 711i).
M;' rket
fo,' :-lur
Reap .. ,
eltc~tlt \nhe~aa~Cil
IlIJnola Share Cropperi Most farm tenancies In Dllnol. are on a crop·share or Ilve.Lock· .hare baill, which means that at .olrte time during tilt! Yfl8r, the crops wIn 'je d1,,1de6 and each t> r tt will take hla ' .bare or. iI they ate ted ,to Jointly owned live. lock. that e ach wW at bnl or more times durinll Ibe year racelve a share of the pro8i.d' tiotnn the utll ot liveslock or il"eltoc:k products.
- CbW
...... .. .. .... ~ 7 ,5U
liMau ot daTil E . Treon, dec'd, . HORSES . . . ... $6.00 Ohnr ors D. Mllple and Zola IIful According to size and contehdore, administrators. gross nJ dved Protl1p,ti,y, 'voille of es~ie. $25,267:.90. E st.ate of Bessie Uie ' JANES RENDERINO ,Uec'd. ,<eRn tk j. ki~by, - Phone CoHed \ 1l~61', lftvenlory h~rl n~ Xenia, O. 1-712. or M~ri:h 2 at } O .P. 'M.,, ·' ,. E state af Pihll G. t amg:an, Oi 236~ actJ.d. D: Ell UtlY'wl1dd, e:ieciito~, tilll\! CIiht!r\, French Smith and IsliI I11'. ._ ~, E. Oh~s~e.f appointed appraill' \l rs. . " I ' E s tate of Rdbert Uorwlhl he \ irefu-y' CO\l~ill, allpoin ted adl1)inis·
E state of Grace V. Br yant, dec'd. Fiot'Cnce Br yant , administratrix, inventori BpjiWvilJ. '
Aromatic Harmony In The \ Home
Does your T~actor lack P OWIIT'? Is it sluggIsh and hard to start ? D oe,~ is usc excessive on anld fllel? ' Now ill too time to give it: a check-up. Avoid delay When Spring work 8tarts. . . Anange today to brillg yo'U1' Tractor to our new modern Tractot' Service Shop. We ha\'e IIew up-to-date precision equipment to give . you better service. . WE SPECIALIZE IN! Valve r,faeing andl I[illdi nlr. C,linde~ reborlnlr' . I Bearing ' fittinr, . Magneto and earblUrelGr Ren'ice, ' . , Steam cleaning and pailltlng. . Our service men are cxperilmce'd and.trail1 ed t9 restore the original power to )l our Tractor. O:nly genuine f actory replacement parts used. Our service rates are reasonable. All work unconditionally guaranteed. Your tractor c~lvcred Ily insurance w:hlle in ?ut' sh~p . Book your repair or tune ..up work early and you WIll aVOid a costly delay this Spring. ., Stop in or call TOD,AY for 'our estimate.
Grade may creat e problems fm
George 'in their hilarious rad"
life, but at bome Ih. caters to he.
'~ubby'. ~lJYDrlte mean. of nla;.
lJanta Implement Co.
,mg - wlfh a cigar. , George' Burns proves t() be a~ apt pupil and' i. mindful ni Gracie Allen', admonitions on the art of. roO<! smoking manners. Gncle IS shown remindin, George of. the steps t h,llt, malCi for aromatIC; har mony - inc.l udi n 8 the use of a cigar pi e ~cer {Ol readying 111. cigar f<lr smoking keeping "king si~e" Rsh trays al hand! and, lastly, refillin g his humidor. ' , ( , The ever·popular George lind Gracie are heard ever·y ThurKda, night ovel' the N BC netwQl'k at 8:30 (EST). These engaging ,re.... erans of vaudeville, Itage, screen and radio n~ver seem to I.c~ lub. , jecta for ,llarmoniou sly huinoroul discussion. 'Gracle, of courle, in. tends her I~seons iri cigaJls mok. Ing technique not only for Gelll:ge but for his pJl11I as' well. So credit another gracious publfe IIfl'vi ce til the. fa,r·see,i ng Grucie.. alwa y~ in. tent, on keeping damutle bli ss III the hou!ehold . · •
(John Dee:r e Sales & Service) 27 W. MUI.. BERRY ,ST.
I~HONE' 555
one just until she haa her next calf and so it goes. However I limed a lot of pasture thiB fall a nd llOW if I fertilize !ind rettOw some of it I may be ,glad that J I ' . cllrned iho~e heifers ov~r 'the win, A FARM OIARV ter. ' Spring Will be he~e soon. Febby D oJ. ,..IIAIZE,R I'UaTY is a short month "nd one , week is gone already but will (O'olayed) , .::Warch he spring or winter? Who l'~cbI' Ua "Y 4, 194.9. C1ttt' briJihl, caD tell? ' . 5par kling weather has gone and tli'€ dun ~ay cloudy sky. Is 'with NOTICE OF , RESOLUTION nEus' again. fhte..8'roundhog saw' his CLARINO .....INTENr TO AP. shadow on.. Wcdnl!sday but by Th T8dy, 'af ternoon it was t1r~"\~i PROPRIA'l'8 rROPERTY , d it look d read" to· Irain Tcr ' Oharles , JamM,. Clerk ,of the Fin& oIIange In Use mechlLrtl.SeIi aga n an e oJ • IIJdc-deUvCry farm since eli!! Of coarse that doesnlt inean that VilIag6 of WaynesviDe:' -----·-th--:-tw--e:xi-:--:ti-:--~ll~I1II=IItI1I=III1::II:::IH:::IIII::::III!: :ln: : I I : :1 1: :1I1 : : I H: :I I: : I I : nl~I 'I : : I I: :l lri~l ; : lh~IIII~III:: 1I1 III~UI" :: l ' advent or tIle tractor Is ShOWD we wan't bave our promised six You are hl.ll 'eby directed to 110tif::~o:n' t~e ;rope~gl':~ed f.!!!IItl\U UII UlliU N II II illl! :111 11"111 here. It bas been 8J)glneercd weeks more of wbt~, it ~ronld f y the owner, eye". peJ'Son.ln posfrom Mae ;MilIer McFlfresb, over lUJew from &he grou'bl up .DeI be a Hurprisin g year jt didn't. session of , or having an Interest aDd atroSSI a strip of Jp"Ound 0 bas OOIlUtJg',cel a Dd bal ket. Fortunately' for us the' ground' lias i n, th, property described In the twenty-five (25) fellt in width, , only thaed on the surfaee anel we r~olotlon 'h ereinafter referred to, • d exten,iing frOm the pro"er. rake ' at high trac'or sJ;)eedl . The have 'been , wo,tlong hard to , - t that tftEt Council of the Village of .. .. b I I V b elt paweted ety leased I aa ,aforellaid - herein. . somo oJ the chores done that 'were Waynesville. OIrio, on the 10th day . our· or ree s from the cbaln· drillen power take· n,egledtcd during the ibr,ief ....ld of Feb";'ary, 1f~., duly 'adGpted a ' ,to the exl"tlng water DUlin locatofJ " , ~ ., • tI ed on W!&ter S~et, ~th the ,The r ake 18 Ihls manufacturer', lI]Ie11, The wagonS w~re both frozen resoluatioll declaring' the In~n on center of ,s aid Tight of way and . /hJtd /:onttfuuUon towarff complete down in the mud and today tltey to appropriate th~ property·therein easement ' running', along '. mechanization at. lilllytDaking • • A wero able to get one of 1bhirtr delClrlbed, of which resoluti()n the IItraight line bearing SOuth' fir~t one·moD, tWlne·tyibr plck·UP loose.. The ground is still harcil en- fortitiri1lg is a copy: Mventy dl!gT'88IJ (700) 'Wet from b,ler produced commerclaUy, and aug'h to hold -the' tractor through WHER.A§, th. VUlage of Wa.yne'" the exl.tfnr welll over and a. the new field bale loader alreadj' it ill iIluddy on tOp. They 'were ville, a Munlalpal Corporation, QI'OII8 .Jand o! H~aret_Edward!l. haV~ 4ut huge ch)1llkt ~m the , aMe t& get tb the com erib and has 1,'eloeated the licnuua o~ It s You will make due return. of ,iarmiJ'll ha'ymllldng Ichedule. , take some <lom tcJ be &'fOund. The ,water !lUpply by drilling ~U- such service In, the manner providsnow is gone and the gras8 I,ooks able wells northweat of -the cor· • quite ireen but I hope it freeze~ parate Iilolts for the benefit of ed by Ia",. H. Mo' SHERIWOOD agu in so that we can lhaui ' s aid' VllIage and .all inhabltantl! JrfaY4r • Use die a11.purpose "jMP" . ......:~;;:::::;.:;:=::::~~:;::;;;;;;;2.l::~l~;~~t~ 80me fodder thereof, arid lf1r the ,b enefit of l .. a Ir&aor 10 pull your fann the w.a-on J>Qggeiil ill all penoN! , UllinI' water furnish. . , ' _ ~, ~\ implemeo..;.1 a Il'Uck I!J lOW Waterworb of B8id , . .ed by llf ",00 ,I bl. and haul BOO lhe.; ' We need a new feetlM iIJf Vlllage, pur8ua~ W a requettt •• \1:~~\il4"\ a. a runaboullo take JOU to birds Who do not eat the !n.tet, made by the Department Of ~•• 41 •• ,.... IOwa Gr,hrou,h die ~ the snow was on the grulQ1\d' tl~"'th State of Ohio ; • " , . ~. ~ ... . )lIe tile "Jeep" power rak~ litlhj/o ~Pllirrows and the jun.cosl WH'ERAk, J;on8ultlng engineet & , _, ,...-1;.... ~...... W ~ ,:.. ' f9 rwl yoW' fana equipateDt; , t have been em~lo;Yed bl' m,e Vii· , - y-. lInowb;rds al/ h' l are olrten lage of WaynesvlUe ~t the pur. - - - _.... , A~e 'here by m}' ~1I,dow ' , og ror s~'6tf ~ I ~~w Oitt a ff:tl~~~~:ir:~~:/J, .:~. CO,'!! meal which wilJ{ t~.r ,t m propel\ eourse of the . ~l!IlIls. H' ,._..;,~.~ thi n!: I ha4 handr. They ate BaTS" • • ter :main ,connecting tht! arfd begJfed lor more; One ·day existing welr. tIP the exis ting lta~ five song sp,a rrows .and IIc,von' . system 8uppl~ng, wate? 10 the ' ' ~. 'I · ~~ ei~b't Juncol! Visit the feed then ,V<II1age and the il\habt~ .~w~~: u "tM~~"'f!' elilc'kc'fIJ: f~ti,t!tt It anil a dDI!en thenaf; ......... timel" there 11 D 8 0 of tl1em ~8it8W§d . ~ tI~mll WIH'EREAS, all 'plans, ~ ~ aboirt it."from a do,.. Yiew1~:nglliSh s parrows made Ilb6M iI'MIt tiona and profil" prepared by ~~ C~ ; it. J: queslI r am going to hi&.vO tbe engineers employed by, th~ d '~ Gam. DO He.; r,aisl) .my 1'eedei· b.u t how can Villa t l!<tf. .waynetiville have ~D ::::11fen~~ ,I'ew York '~.. ~;~'!i;~:ij~~~~tb~e0~~~s~p~a~rrow' ()ut appr oved bY' eaid municipality, neumiserable and 'ua:. jot oD1~ IDaU ,J WE ~ ._ _ ---'+-""" IIhOW.JJL,VDICII ,o...o .hT_ feed all preparatory to layins the nec. • but can abo - -
;])~~ JaJg~~
a team
~ ' '''it\\\\J\rt
1-------I Coldni Nfl
. ..
-~ ~
... 1ft
,,> ,,"":' ~
~. "....
iiidir ilttie
~ciW.~ ae~ \\\It n ,I moti.
vated by • lin. etre feeLI of
\ '" ~ &fodern atlenc:e has C'.omblelel,. chanlJetI t,h e 1\ .. hfl. III " II dmlt.I's wilrl". h rll\~ i:um~l lile ly ~t!vG. lutionb;cd the world's" lilandn r d, uf the work II. womllil ' is ~ UII. pO!<ed 1.11. clo. Freedom, IOllger li re and the incl' clI~ e(1 ' jOY uf livl these. !I re t,he g irlS 'ou'r c)canin ,serviCll hllY brolaghl ~(lu . l\!id t.i!l!t of all it- c08ts you 110 more to en· loy;: thet:le ~efit8. '
1::: ..
Said by the man\lfac~urer to IIIcrea." • cow'a milk .yleld bJ' 15 per cenl, -
.. ... . r
Ne~ 'Anunai Repiliani . , al , W1'll Lessen. Free Mell
~a) wildlife will ~d fiee ' lunche8 felfer ' and tu-lb"UjeiWeeq next year. A itew~ ~'rCi'ifila devetopec! £PHONE ..... ~l ' drlob 'cheml"al L ,by' the B . f' . , AYr&$VILLIt, 0 ; 'comjjan~ and test~d. by the Ita' of ,MaJI!!; fiab and game cfepartm~t ~=====::7::=:;::===~~~~~~~~~~!!~~!~ ~ at: fts Swan Island wlldllte rerule, , lift "e' kin f t ~what~,farmen have ' b ~';;i~7"'---.:--~ ------~....;--. lIeft see , . "', , At Swab i.iand, the Dew ma rial ' sPr'ayed I1ll lea1y Propa 'by , I,h881;$ blolo.lsta who obsent! tIlat It wtD not ",ash ofJ and that a de~r, ,after , nlpplng at the treat~ leave., wm, turn up lila 'nose at tutur. 1m mea is. Cerlaln tyjrel of Itl.fctl, allo .are discouraged , by the actfon O! ' the re~lIent. researChera reve~.d, Cron damage 'by" nldln, wild " • -I"" 000 deer runs In: excess o ... uu, , an· nUDlly 'fn , soma dlstl'l dl of MaiD. and amoullts lo tnilliOlla natlonlll17; The search for satisfactory repel. Well Paper and Paste and Sizing lents bas been a major proi~et.
Funeral Home
..........................;, ;,
BRASS HURRICANE BOUDOIR lAMPS ,M.50 .&ch ',~ '$8.75 ~per pair ·
• ,. II,
, G.· E~ Bulbs -' Nu,' E~amel Kem Tone
, Souda ...... ~ ..... IIOaI~\1WI
is £ol'. Uley g(i irtt6 the chlc'k ~1\ an d even lJ1td '~1ie 11flfd t D1Om.
thete are 1I0ne ,of them 'dUl . .. but ycstel'!fal morning I hElard
t~::- ~~!-.< s~arJ'O~ , Sii ~l!'~
Py t.:..In .......
Good News" .,For 'Y ou! "
cessary water main from the a· l;'lha~~l~'o~~ 'and , . . YOU 1~IATE ,DELIVERY' torementloned wells and existing ... people,8MDl , 'to reallrA that ON concrete piers ~ the existing ftom the annoyance tbe7 ",.ter main at a ~int located' at, CIlIUM the '"dog, 11... CBUM "'¥.!: JEEPS tll!! fnteraeet~~ of Mill Street IIdn lrritaUOJIa and alIo e&rr7 ....
~:,!..,MMfh ~~et;, in said ~il: zr.rt:I~e~ed::a~&'~e14h· PtCK·UP TRUCKS ,,wa one' Of ~'-!._ .....lII wi'.! #111' ..8 didn't WHFJREAS, all mds are avall- nrall~, then may ~1COuu, __- - OIl PA~ :mUCKS sOr;Rt! days has ~~n able ' and approprillted for the tapewbrm md ,-del" , the effects' tbe cord wea1~het purpose of ,completitlg '!laid pro· caUied by thue debWtaUDc interSTATION WAGONS liv,e in the pen ,'ed, an. d ha,ve ~en. 80 a,vall. D&l ~B8i!ea_ Flea contr(,l Is . , liID'pw matter JEEPS1ERS my, ' ~tting out able and appropriated for several' for the dog-owner, now DDT headln g s traIght fot tltl! 1I,arll, months; , la avall8ble in . aoad IUPPlY-. A quite sympathetic all it was WH'~S all funds aTe avaU. thorough powderfitg. ev~ two. 01' i.n there witli ,the co," but able and' appropriated for the three wee~ With fiea power my sO-path , y Is "one and pUPnnlle of completing l!Iai~ pro- wlll talJdng t() ten FOR" IN FORMAlnpN . J ... .. • I" !.eepfive a Clog free P!!reent of fiena aar sbat up again and t~e j ect, lind _ve peen so availal>Ie lug the eJlt~re that bolted .for hat did we lee bnt and appropriated fot' several ~ta are Do'wdlettlq SEB: tne little sow run light up to 'D!olly months; the dog ' th 1 ~\'¢d'ii!tg and talee nold, then i he lIat dlo'WII WHEREAS, all .,neces~ , aaaea.~, MORRIS FlJl.KERSON. anlJ s tarted to suck. The m)'ll~ry menta and rights of way h,a vo Of the mis's ina' milk Was lIollved. been seCured, elD!ept ait Nil!!· \ WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Now If my milker went on a tllrlke mllnt and right ()f way for the r would know what to do If r dildn't, " Tlnrpose 01 laying a water main :::!;~~~a OR: want to milk' her m~e1f, biJ~ r . (lver anI{' ,aerollll. the land here-·, inafter described; and PAUL' E. cLARK-MOTORS hope r W\)l1't ~}taT., to for r pElrIer the _..., - J-. ~ eann'" , I '... te" ,.r,u~EAS, wn"''' .... ~ "" to have the P grJ 'oS"2 sepua" Ullderta1cen or completed, until TYTlJs ~ '~r '""'" '; mille in their such easement and Tight of wily ' Day by day r p1~n to .ge,t to over the lancht heieln&fter deMlQDLETOWN, QH10 ",o~k on acCount. fOI: 1;he inl~om~ scribed hal been obtained. tax. Tel'ort and day by day 1[ put NOW. 'TRER'EFOR, Be It rell()lved DIAL 21791 ' it It Is atl waiting there: In , by the Council of the Vi1Iage I)f large envelope to be copIed ()ff , W.ay:nellvllle~ State of Ohio: into ',0 mce new book. There, will THAT It hereby declarel ita In. not he much profit this tention to appropriate, for the !!llite of hlglt p.;i. for r purpoles of Tlrovidlng for a lapbuy 80 much feed before ply of water fot' itself I'lnd its' any COtll or wlleaot of Inhabltante, and for the protectand just tlie other iOll thereof, 'a rltrht of ,way and buy -l/-ay but that lit _mant over the aeroBS the it you try to raise fanowing deeerfbed real estate than you ' have feed. Ilnd more ~eally described IImart' fanTler to ..n as fo11oWII: 'at-tasr tlt. right-thn"l0 And beln.~a riaht ,of wa~ and feed an4i ~ f ..... will euement (or a wate main, rail. even. ' I I"!~ ~ to of
laynesviUe Furniture ·&App6aDce cO~ ........... 2411
'3c:ie Allen Tutors George \ Burns
1. -.
-- ..
Tlr ;,1 1 I h()~ ~. lIi «1' IW"pl,. ,,," kimi\y r..,\ltm I>I'I'~" 1I1l' with !'S, (·:ml.... IfH~8 IIUd. many 01
CLASSIFIED ADS PER WORD; ninimum c~large, 25 C8nta. Contract rate for l'tlpt: .. t advertisements ONE
Impossible 'Journey
upon application.
_ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - -- - -
S ALE~Joh"
HOUSE FOR SA"~ , 1{l ROOM. Houae - 8 lal:g rooms and 2 small rooms suitable for batbroom. Rellidence f Inte E'moraon Muon. See lA!e Ma· lIOn, Mallon, Ohio, Phone 38·K.
--- -_.---
ITsoWAS tbo /lith morning in Mrs. Laughton wns no t
row sur· prIsM. She sllpped out ot bed qui· etly, reached tor a robe, and put over be.r shoulders. Betore dawn, every morcing at tbat week. her four·year-old daugh· , . - - - - - - - , ter had wakened with genUe Minute her but insistent tugs Fiction 10 tell her about the dream .he'd Jwt "had. Had they been night-m area, l'4rs. Laujlhton wo41d have been eager to ·set UP 10 ~om1ort a !~Ightened ehUd. but they were nev,M' nillhtmares, They were ' aiwaYI gay and fan ciful dreor;ns that made the litUe girl's small fa~ e Clow with wonder and deUght. 8
TRANSPORTA1'ION to Frigidllire Plant 2-For lady working '1 :00 A. M.-8:80 P. M.. Please call 2112 after 4:00 P. M. or see ~l Quietey. L
uu \l
I .;W Ml)
cl .
.1 1 3 .5
dfttvl' .Dd Plow, RecoDditiOllo86New Rubbet. Bcta Implemeut LeIMI_ P'boae 555.
a !)I ZI.! tur
11.1'. Handi-H o 1-2 H~P. Power 110 H.P. Gardener H.P. Ride-Master
omple'te equipment available fot' all models/ including Plow / ,eeder , Mower' . '
POR SAJ.,B-lI'umaIl A Tr8etor with Culdftton ad Plow, 1946 Model, ImpI~
CG., LebII- ~ 555-
?OR SALE - ~ eDd N_ ·B ollaDd Cam SbaUara. ODe ..., John DeMw Pu.- Shell.... BeDta 1JiqJI~ Co.., Lebanon PbOM 55!.
W.· Mulberry St. N h' 5 S _L:;E;::B::A:::O=N==::::::p=o=n=e=-..5_ .27
March '1
CON'" FORGET TO CALI. US for Insurance. An tVl'e of Insurance at a savinis. Call Fran~ Gene BroV(l1, phone WaynesvnJe 2472 or call collect. Wilmington 2111.
Dr•.C. E. Wilkin (1)"tometric
Detroit mr-f't ~~"lA. omo
I~i~ag~ ~SOD~-,:-:~!. GRAVEL
. l
."OK.". L,CEN8~ D.t_ M4, w.v .... vu ••
rond was A""
, ,,.n'
10 185 1
DO YOlt PLA lo r l'mottl'l or build II Rurn'! Stop in Dud get your cen'y of l.A> urlen'a froe ,Barn riM Book. WE I{A ~~ in sto('k a COln'Jllete line (,f Louden bal'n equipnient . FOR SALE sUl'1pli , n5 ' stnllfj. stahchioQ&, Ne. - Used - ' RebJlilt ,w ater bowls. litter cllrne rs and llBY cRrriBr~. . . HYDRAUC llFl'S 1,Cl Ii' "!) R ,6 R N plr,l11 n inK servLONG WHEEt8A~f iN> cn~l . yop ''''' hin~. (',ull on u s TRUCKS . eM ,u r -(!'..ti nHlt'~ \If yuur jpb. itA 'r A "fI'l, Ji: F. 'r CO. ClLL L.. W.LOtNO 8HOF> Vour J :Outl~n ' \ 111 "~\'ntati ve in SnU IWrI, Ohin WAYNE PARK 117 w~ MuH wrr '. SI. L o1,I1I1',n. Ohi Pholll' 1j!j5 At Ice Plant - PH0N E 245 1
Uli£Jer 011iO SlUes
--~ =
- -.- ---- . --- -
Ia die Obio . _ will Ii.. you broed protectJo I aa-i.,.t" Ips ••• . , a . .... k eo... yow INifdiap. J'Out chlltl'l .. fOut IUlOmob.l < . . ,... u.bIlIa, for .rodeo&» to omen. Why nor Ice DI rodlY I Yw ..... J'II1II'n .... -a- J'OU'n iuw-ecI lD m. Oh.lo PlnliLth '
larl:. 'D.:Oakin: Insurance
Agency .
lti3. ~(} E. Mulberry , LEBANON, 0
OHIO filMERS INlUU. . . ~ 'UMaJ •I.., If
, ~
Villa geo! W lly n~VI\le have been approved by lIald munlclpalit,., prnp'a ratory to laying . the nee· cessar.y water m.i~ hom the a· forementioned wella and ell.llltln~ concrete piertl to the e:datlng watel' main atl a lJOint located at tbe intersection of Mill Stftet and Main ' Street, In said Vil-
len didn't no\ic~. . "Arter I clhnbed onto his shaul· der," she said. "we went way up blgb over aU tbe houses and tree •. We woke {he lea.ves and they made shivering noises whenever we passed by. 'We sUrred the dust from th.e streets 60 they would be olean for morning.
I· -· ··~
'l/lH1 R, I~A S. all I" ~ n.s. Rpeelllrl\· tion!! and pr Om!! llrepared by th/!o engineer!! emJlI!'yed bY the
lage; " WHEREAS, all funds Ire available and appropriated for the . purpose of c01,Dpleting said llJ'O· jeet, and have been 110 avail· ' ahle and appropriated for several montbs; WH,mEAS, all funela are avaUable ' and appropriated . for the purpOlle of compl~ting aa~d project. and have been BO Bvailable
my eyes a 6 we, went through the al-r ,'· Mrs. L nugh\un yawned allaln.
e~iBtlng , Y' L(' m • u!lp iyinl!: water to the \ '!" . <rl' a 1111 thll i l1h ~h j tnnt'"
"We weot way up hlib .ver &be IlOuses .nd trees ...
Little "Miami Hatchery
. ,
ex "ting '" wells to tbe
Erie Railroad In 1ll32. the t.r lc
Ohl.. I t _ C.........
FOR S \1 1" .llh'oler for 'J ohn Deere )\ '" n . U • r. W'alJ alto fit Fermall fl' or M. Ideol (tn moying dirt Bnd aradiJ.g. Work. with hydraulic , lift. B ilntu Jmplemenl
AUcnOIfDJUllfC , I STANLEY ..... K~LE"
The New took
serftce. Gaft Gordon, Harve~' .... ___-5' Pbone Waynesvt11e 2006. -fnll
Lebanon National ParDi L,u,
hn ~ hi!cn com mit lel1 or \J lke RtCps h' " ~n01lnc \ccoun l~, why t hall' s to.. muoh trcouble. OLD BANK BLDG. Many copi II of th league's fin· LEBANON, OHIO IIIII'inl s tnnding hllve been distri· PHONE 448 bu t e'd III vilri04~ times-the 'I llist being ar()unil c. ~ Ju. t prior to etc "CII<inK hOIl( s lie th '('fig-lie e)f. {ieillls ha ve certainl y pll1ced the i~s\l~ in ullock a nd white a:nd f\Il' hOI' rna 'c we " ' IlIC-O IUIl nn)lOI1~ to' , olP' min" th' ca n. l,ll\ud checks Bnd 011 t'I' hoo kl:<'eepin~ ' i tom~. Bill SawYf'r Iln el C"rl ,OC)K!1 availed (FINANCIAL) thmn el1(cs uf t hat ofter just re·' S" ;If,.,. uugblo", .. 0 .. lb. olb.., celltlv in ordor to be able to· " cc,n· SAND ·...el WI A lot of "smart" money is mlWfli"gs, look Ell"" ;"'0 ,h. ltilcb ... vlr"'j:" sOt:lle or ~he lellding " doub t· ':'UCK-TOP II/Ill po/lreJ II . gllllS 01 mil" IIW .«b in l 1'hnma. t·~ " who will be being put into savings accounts o'. lbll",. TAR .ad ROAD OIL nc " ? " these days by people who With both small hands wrapped Jn ci" Ki'l l!' this ~\1 h i ·,·t f"r 111!1W I t.A WN .nct FJLL around bel' g ioss, the little girl 'sat k 'ell i ,· mind that finly $'149.00 ' ....1\ \ know the score •• people who READY-MIX CONCRETE on the cage of a too large chair collected on lhe fi el11 Jill ~~IlS01l k,'OW this is no time tn spend and wilb shinIng eyes, eagerly told (T hl. incidently WllS higher than EX cAVA~NC and DUMP TRUCIC ' SERVICE her dream. ~()C dollars, thus helping to 194'1 acC()rriing to bank de posits) -~--'- - ,incre:Lse in-fla tio·n. Join the DREAM E D I was sleeping. while $804 ,00 was paid to unipir'D!!. ~ommy , and that the North S ea~on and l>]ayotf entry fecs a· '.'smart set" and save here re- ' t'h i~ Wind stopped rIght outside my win· m(lUntllri to 1226.\10 liut U ~ tllarly . . dow and called my name. He said. went Cor balls I There forc the 'Ellen-Ellen·-wake up and c.ome total amoll nt col1cctpll for · t;I(li'tbu.1! to the window. Then I'll put YOU pu rpo~es was not Illlie ' Lo CIIrry shoulder nnd take you tor th e leag ue at 1111 wh re did more a ride with me.' " , money come from? Over ,200.00 HORSES · $6.00; COWS $7.50 Mrs. Laughton took B drlnk tram wos either (Ionated by the Twin ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDmON her g lass of milk. This dream was 1'h1~ ulrc O1/!.nll~omenl 01' collected going to be very much like th e oth- uy t hem tionati ng thl! speciRI nights CAlL . er$ SQmething or someone-once a tnat wer'e devoted to the s oftball bluebird,' onCQ a fairy-she couldn't recall what the others were-came I!!Rguc. Ask t he Twin bookkeeper x-ta 'to the wlnd.o w and oll'ered to take whB~hcr t he softball play~rs supEllen on an wlposslble journey. ported t heir own pronrn m! Out of M rs. Laughto n yawned. She would' '72 J1la ycI'~ only 3 or 4 attendtee! liked to have pul he r daulliter to on weekly basia. HQwever, it's the diffel'cllce , of bed Rnd po rt"" the tide at once, but the bwlilil 01 Mr. ,Laughton and opinion make this country aO hls sure·l;o-be· ad disposition made I1!l'and so to t hose softbnllers who her Ilsle patll"lt1.v. ''What did the are determined not tu contTib,lte N rth Wind 16Uk Uke, dear?" all I elm say is that the Ellen waa enthusiastic. will soon force tbe i. s ue to settie " IN· TENTlON TO APPROPRIATE "H~ /f!~> grtuII:' ,bl J.,I4r.J i .. accounts lit which time all known (\~se~s will be dispo~cd of such' RIGHT OF WAY AND EASE. 11"'141"",. ' lightin g system, poles, sc~e~ln· MENT FO W ATEll W,ORKS Mre L~i1ahtoll thought to ber· , PURPOSES self • ';,be doeltn't know one color in... eJ.c, unl ess some money iK As TOLD BY CONS~RVATION DIVISION (ell'Lhco lnll1g b'om outllid(l,lIcourc,e . RESOLUTION ~O. X tr, on anotJler" .Thl\nklt to tl.\n Bailey who pelT' WHERAS, the Vl11ag~ of Waynes~_~_~:::::::::::::~::.::::~::;:_::: ~:::~ q~ T~~ , " ·. ~ e c411d continued. " He had r,-long POinty green shoel and lon, sona11 y rlrOJlpecJ II "rr ve" in the pot I ville a Munidpal Corporation, £r cen hair and a l(log green nOle." IIlf'll!\' with !l check Ifor slime ~rom hns 'relocated the s ources of water supply hy drilling SUIt.The wide eyes and little blonde F"il'l y "urdWOfC !';l;or~:;. J:Jil l bead leaned forward and Ihe small '3rt'\V)'(~J' 11Il ~ also dcp" il/'ll " .. rivp. ' able wella nortbweat of tbe cor· voice tiecame conJIdenUal. "He was I'm ~~ re qthers are on hei r Wily porate limits tor tb~. benefit ,of aD creen except for the buckles 00 said V\l1llge .011 .u mbabl~ntl\ his aboes. Tb ey were sUver and , Ei01TOBS NOTE: The Qllinion.; , ~hereof!, and for tbe ben.e f.t of shaped like stars and they apar· oil pcrsons u s ing water furnis~: kled so brig hi thRt 1 bad to blink Q)CP r('s~ d 1\1'0 not neccs~I1"iJy tho ~.' of .t.I,~ Miam i Ga:6QUe OJ' th j' cd by lhll WlItcrwnrks, 01 saw liE PUfS ON FlESH Editor. Villa~c, lJUfll UUn I to II request IN 7iI& CORI'IFIELDS""- , ADDS SllEE({ HIS made by the DeJl'lrlrncnt PELr EAT/Nt, CIlAWFISH Hcnlth, state of Q\lo; "AND FRCf:S WH F~A!,\, ~ onsulting enl1'in!lc~f hllVe he 0 elTlployed by the V,l. ' Iil ll'n nf WlI YliCsvillo. fot the pur . 1lI)~ " (If providing !llans, specii;i(:ations,. alld lI~file!l at to ,11" ill"II>" r l:CIur~e of t he neees·
B7~ Spedal ....
. .through the
The billler the yield encl the lowel the crop c:ost..- the biRger your pro(it. It'. JUlt common lenoe. . profit by the eapcrience of (.rmers who find BIG M ,b qand fertilizer brinp bluer and bet1er croPI bc· c.ule it'a a1w...,. manufactured up to Itendarda •• , never down to price.
0: 4aS~4 ~ X E N I'A Fertilizer
MJ8IIil ....
for '49 .. 1HE LAND BANK WAY
thnt fu nd ,
Seturity In mind
On Vacation
lOR SALE - 'DemIit J_ell gn ......, bat .... ~~ ~ bottled .... US. R .... 8emuel Keys, 4th •
4% -
( OonI,lnU ~ nwn Page 1) fu ,;," nllt hei ll)( n~'t'''\i lllccl for', e,tc , II') com tI lat urll i
BIG M•••
1/,7, lIU
lNational Buk
FOR SALE - A few 4 to 6 lb. roasting chickens at ~c 11 . , . at Locker or Phone 2542. Will Gustin.
lilY recent the hospitn l,. wU l1l I" .,,,II'l1d I1IY IUn~l lIiul'('I'C Ihnll h . 1 IlOli IIIJ I/I·rc,illli em . Evelyn Wulkill ~ ,
!lOR SALB-Two UIIId John Deere tada ~ PIowL ODe N_ Wbard 12 IDCh Plow. Buta Imp~~ Co., lAbe~ PboIIe '555.
NOW OPEN for custom butcberlnr.
kil1ll nt!N~l''' uurlllir ne ~:; and ~tAy at
• cry garden.
lOR ~ F~la , With CuI·
Ooocl COadlti- Buta
I.>.:...·ro 6-.... ,Ham·
FOR RBNTmor, Mill. Id~.. l for use ' Vilh eloct'ric S FU~SHElI) J1()OMS. Fallis F . motor. Lo\y pricf.od. Bantn Imple. Paine, Main St., Wayneaville. lUen~ Co" ,L ebanon, PJ.o"" 555.
TIlUUDAY, p;i f
and appropriated . for several months; WHEREAS, aUt n~11I&I'1 easetloar. \ menta and, rigbt:s Of way have been secnred, CJlcept an ease'! BUT 8000 he saJd that he must ment Ilnd right of wa,. fol' the Jake me back borne because lIurpoRe ot laying ' • ._tel' ~n ihere were other toWns he ' had ' to' over and aero II tba land here· visit beror the nlght was over. So," (she sou nd ed genuin~13 dis· inafte1' deserlbecl; and appolnled) " we came back to 'my WHEREAS, the project cannot be . window. ife IIfLed me down (ram undertaken or completed until his shou lder. sa I d goodnlgbt and s uch easement and right WILY went oway- wlJ y up In the sky ." over the lands herelnaftel' de"'fllnVs fine. d"sr- 8uch a One serlbed ball been ohlalned. drt!arn." . hl' sa id. a nd added hast. NOW. TJmMlFO.R, Be it resolved Ity, "No \I let '. go back to bed." hy the Council 01 tlle -Vmage of It was morn ing. Mr. Lilughton WaYneBvllle. State of dhlo: had left for the office • couple 0,1 THAT It hereby detlatea ttl! inbours ago, and Ellen W8I playUlg '. tenti01l to apllrGPriate, fo,r the III the yard. pUrposell of providing ,f or a IUPMJ'S . Laugbt.o/l made EDen'1 small ply (If water 10rlbett and its Ilcd. She picked up a rag doD and set It In 8 chOir. She put the two HIARIN ' G inhabitants, and 101' tbe protectmjnlature bedroom sllppera In their ion thereof, a right of way and place III the closet. She picked up • C_NtI. easement over the aerollll ' the 8 rumpled nJghtJe and .tarted to . \ following delcrlbecl real estate hang it a,vay. 320 'RentKchl,r Bldg. and more specltlcally de8crlbed au foUo"",: . 1:lllmiltoll, Ohio rhone 6·686,2 There Wall something 10 the pock·' el~something ,heavy. MrII. Lau,h. And' being a right of way and ton put /ler band inside and tell It Mail t.hill nl'W iUI' ticl! uelnullHL ,r,a eallement for a water main. runwas told Bnd hard. tiOI!. nlnl/: from the two existing well. Sh. (I,ew II (IU' 110"'11 MIll b,U U loeahd ,011 the prollerty leaeed bn h..",1 'lor." lotl( . ,,_. , , _ from '\fat! Miller l'feF1fresb, over '1 ,I III" Jllv",,bu,""~ l" ,,;.~ 01 • ,,,. and _rol. a Itrip of grGIlnd of ReJensf<l t'JI WNU reaturea. twen ~:<,.flve (26) teet in width, I and , . t llndIng from flIe pr0perty I .' eli u atorel!laid herein,
MuUUa C........ Use plenty of lIeddin. to .tleltc!r fa 'ODe wsy .Ito eows trom' cold keep bovll'l'e mutlH. under contt.ol In Infected herdl. MalDtaJnIn, cow. Dn col!! concrete or cS,.mp ~~IIij!CI without adequate bedcllnr alrrll~ VI tea the Infection" a.cordlni ' Ito velerlnary luthorlUel. It polllb)'t. anJmaJ ••h9uld be kept in • loatlJi~ , abed wbere they can m\We at will Ind lie on • warm Soor, When 'a loalln, abed Ia not provided, uU'a heavy bedding mould be' phlced In the '
GOO!)'" HIS F" ;
EXCn '
. •
the existing wateT maln loc:at· tid on Water Street, witb the cen,ter Qf said rigbt 'of "al' and elUlement running along I Itraight line bearing South' seventY riegreea ('10 0 ) weat from tbe existing wella' over and "'cross land of Margaret Edwards. Adopted: Febt'Ual"y 10, 1949 ~ '. , LOYiD DAVI ... ! Prel!d dent ot ' Coun~ 11 Attellt: OHiARLES JAMES Clerk
Wbu ... Fau .. BID'.... When a fuse . "blows" aomethtna iii wronc-too mucb load on the clr-' cult or a "ibort circuit somewhere. Locate and remove the louree 0' lb. trouble before inaerlin, a new fule and then be Ilire to thll proper Ilze.
SafeJy ,In Figures
I j
'm: :--~~ tJ~ 1- - - - - -
• Vic DaIDODI!. WLW.NBC cmtoalnl !I~r. dls"la,~ a 'III&n', ~urprlse wbea tbia bevy .of beaar ' rl'l mo:f"I" I' forml .......t ...
bas \Jeen named oae of tbe ftatlo,," "Ten MMf EU!rIble Ballbelon r.r 1949." ,Iris (left !~ ;igltt l ' ." unae C ......... 8fmnl... SIIOW, L,aa Moore IUId KIa..... C 'lUI. DlIIIIOIle'a_prorrut I, Itl1'ed Bata...,.
"7;11 ...... ...,.
A Community Institution For Ninety-nine Years NJNETY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 4408
'FROM THE EDITOR~PEN SIDELINES ]n our column last week ur "News Grandpa Read" the mar1'iage of Mr. Richard Pierce Wit· liamson, to MISG Hannah W. Clarlc on F ebI' ary 16. 1871 by Rev, E. McHugh was, noticild by Mt·8. R. C, Molel', who informed the Miami GazeLb' that tho 'Rev, Mr. McHugll waB her uncl o. IIATS OFF 'UEPAHTMENT The Village Council has taken action to '.lccu,re a right-of-wny for lhe wutOY main lo ' thc new Kllpply wells nOI·th of town . 'I1Iosc wjllls altho\lg h drilhul I ILpproximately two yellrs ago have not given fOlth that flr'lIt gll;l!!S of "aqua" for thirst quenching. We co mmend the council on this re ~ Dlution for procUI·cmr.nt of thli l'igh t-of- \vay through some mol' think its J;U thor . Glow all things such as appropriation of funds, selHng of the bond ~ , locating and purchasi ng of I,ipe and legal formalitie ~ consiilerell, it ha. comc about in a I'ather ~fCicient nmnne'r and our hAts-off to the ViIlagc Council and BoaM 01 Public Affairs.
ami -Gazette
Local Quintet' Retains Qpakers' To Aid World Relief
T~e Und~rslgnod, as Mayor of the .V,i llllge of Waynesville, State
of OhiO, by .Vlt,tuo of the I)owerll lind d"'tres vl>sted In me l)y law, do hereby conclusively open to public ·use the sanitary sewerage l3ystem within ~h~ Village ,of WayneSVille and hereby announce and prDclaim that It ~III henceforth ~ u!,)lawful fOI' any penon or persons, firm, corporation or other enttty ownl ng 01' having control of an)' building or 8 ~ct~re, or part thereof. or any lund within the minioillal limitrs of said Village, to construct any type C&'jS pool within such corporate limits. where both a public W!lter main and the slLnltary sewerage system IIro rellsonably accessible. In no event will it he lawful to construct s uch C(!'3S /lools except when written permi ssion to that 'effect has been obtained from. the BlIildin~ and SlInitation Commissio)'l, after proof that wutel' ma illS and ~1lD1tat'y sewel'S lire not r ellsonable acce8sible. '' . The UndersignL"II fur·th er procJaiu\$ thll t tllC t ap-Iln 'feu. ur connection fec . heretofore incu rl'cd by' usel's of the sunitary sewerage s~stem. and unpaid lind' outstllnding upon tho offic ial recordl;l of the VIllage 118 of January 1. 1949, together with intoresl.. J)enaltle~ and e~ensO'.i of collection, will be ,certified to thQ Auditor of Warren County. Ohio, for collection, fl S provided hy law. All persons with delinquencies standing against .their r espec ive na mes must pay said connection fee Immediately if s u~h ill creased eXfl el1'3e~ are to be avoided.
Civic Club Monday Night The , Wayne3vill e Civic Club will meet Monday . evening, February 28 at 7:00 o'clock in fhe Methodist Church. The spealrer for the occasion will be Mr. Russel Horn, Realtor, of Lebanon . A more detailed report on the I,rogram for the housing progTam will be given. This is the regular monthly meeting postponed lset week on account of the basketball tournament .
Farmers Exchange
Holds AlnuM
The Uncleni"nerl fUrthul' Jrl'ocJll ims thllt wrJtton 'lUbee wUI be seryed up~n the ownul' ()r own er s of oach lot or parcel of land to whIch sanltllry ~cwer 01' wate r connections. or hoth must ,lIe constructed whenever the Cou noi l of the ViIllIge deems s ucl; corinectio1l3 neCCRBary. as a sanital'y regulutinn or in view of conteml'luted street paving. !Jut in no event will any s uc.h own er 01' own er'S be ',prohibited f~om milking such con nections voluntarily, provitlin~ aU other ptovisions o~ 010 law in s ucb CU'3 US made unci (ll'ovidecJ has becn fully complied With.
Takes Cup With 3 Wins in a Row The WnYlIesville SpartanB 1'0tained th e champions hip crown for the third year in succ0'3sion iIi tbe Warren County basketball tollmament by defeating Springboro 61 to 46 . ' Altbough Qarlisie was believed to be the local lads gTeatest threat ,Morro~ gave.them gave them gl>od battle In t~err encounter. Y~ur edItor could hardy af'preclate the announcer on WPFB as he said Carlisle was upset by Waynesville. for I felt our team irl no way inferior and thut the scalping of 60 to 44 they gavc the Indian(l . in tlle recals !irl!~ e·ncounter of the tourney, was a spendid display of teamwork. The Spartans had 8 succesBful season in lORing only one 1eague game and securing the co-championship leagu e trophy, perhaps they owe milch than1c:G to Mason for their one point edging of the Carlisle boys. Single scoring 110norl belong to Jack Tinney who · plunked a total of 37 points against all opponent!. The sharp shooting, center Dan Simpson showed hill' .kill ~ 1 r trail\' \1;t • ' ,I
Two hun.Ired and fifty guests enjoyed Il delicious dinner at the High School QIo'f'ICE HOURS dining rODm on Saturoay ev'ening when the Waynesville Fanners CoThe Miami f:a)'.lltte iM Jlllhll"h",t II. M. SIHm.WOOD operative Co. entertained the weekly in Wayne-ville although Mayor stockholders. husbands and wives. ma\lu ubMcrlbers B.nd others con!fhe , members of Farmers Grange tinually find our office dosed. The I 1'; prepared and, served lht:! J ill n I T" faat that the Editor holch! down Ronald Hawke. president, pre- phy was [ eCIHHu .. .I two jobs i" the answer, although sided. and during the bushless ses- kerB 8S was t he lengue tropllY. Ken ~ l , others s n~' they "hone in the pvesion. Gilbert Frye, aecret&Q'. Kel- had a good record in the tOllrney nings and are not amlwcl'ed w The need for clothillg abrqad Ie lar Hoak and Rhodes Bunnell were as he made a total of 22 points. can also explain ,thut 0111' phone Although the Millmi Ga~ etl;(, incr easing every month. accord- again elected to the board of di- this swift and smooth pl aying doesn't ring even though it is forward served his teammate!! ably ing 10 rePorts received recently rectors. in working order. We are genor'ally ha ~ ~ived no offi cial .relelil!e by the Friends Meeting of Way- . A double quartet of youni men, as captain of the crew. Bob H~t in the office each day trom 4 :30 from th e Stllte Registrar of Motor 1'hon: will I..: .. Horne ,Econolnics nesviHe. In 1~48 the American ~rected by Don Gahrill. delighted (ngs' and Bob 'Huntler gavM, a go lid to 6:00 P. M. but for mOl'e'l Vehicles as to the appointment of Fri!ilnds ~el'vice Committee ship - the audience with several num- acco1lnt of themselves in 'he tour.. ,solution to your usc o,f the Gazette the local Beputy Regi-:i tral' it wall 11 1I .(Iay mlwth,g' for a 11 latlie~ of nament Icoring 24 points each and ped t .133 tons of clothing and ben. drop 'your news items 01' other learncd tlillt Mrs. E. F. Earnhllrt Fu.r.mer·~ Grang la at thl! home X. D. Peterson. director of rural h~vlng a good , pOTtion to th eir shoes to 14 countrl'O!l. Although 1)u3ino88 in un envelClpe and mail has been deliwred the plates and of Mrs, . Lawrence ' Furnas on Waylnes. this W813 more than WaR sent in economics in Ohio Statle was the credit throuJ,!hou t hp -e. qM necessary forms for the sale. ;t to the Gazette. Thursday March :l. A covered dish ville Lodge jUl$ ..... ana A, M. en· 1947, these American contributions interestinlr eueat s,Peaker. Coach Ed Po rt ~ r ~h .. \. ,I I , As l\'J rs. ' E8rnhlll't hil I! beell lunuheon it .1." be held at t_lve tertainedJ clIL~ hundred and seventy met only 10 to 20 per cent of the The company declared a five per bilityl in keeping' Wayn esville'!! --?gi en no authority to make ' II guests on, W~nellday evening at 8 need in ma~y aNas. · GOOD SAl'lARll'AN cent dividend for all Btockholders. court representatives still with the ,' nou? All Illdie ~ al'o t'Cques~d to "Father'lI and Sons" banquet. having done $610,727 in buainess fint place crown, Porter's first At 2 :46 H. m. last li'riday liS ststement It was l\'/lrned that her The dining tablea were beauti"Do people ovcrocas still ' need thill put ,.ear, an blerealle of $82.- year In ,a coaching capacity speaks • office wo'uld be open from 8:00 u. hring their own table sl!rV'lce. The l'0ur paper was going to ptess a m. to 6:00 p. m. MOMay thru comn;rit.wll will furni Hh J'oll!!, aOO fully d~.ted · and a delicioull gifts of new and uled clothlni' 766 over the p~ceding year. well for itaelf-one yeBr-DlIO ' Clevelander ran out ot 8a& ..on Saturlfay and allY ..."llIhing to pur- coffee~ Following "'the dlofltlC a ·steak. was IIded by thl} BasterD from the United State.'~ "Are ehampi01lshlp team. Route 42 . ncar the Cold, Springs cha90 IIce,nse tagft cool,d do \0 pt'ogram is pllmned, Thole who were not able to atStar' members of Miami Chapter. not th\! governments taking eare of Following the dinner. Irwin SnY- people with the aid of the ECAT" tend aU the ton~y or any cerPark. Securing 'a to'f Irom a on and after March 1. ' der of Bellbrook entertained. both There are, the questi~ns , .heard tainly appreciate the radio broadKroger truck he ret",rnl'd to today when "recovery of Europe" young and old with his magic. . cast sponsored by the local merWaYll,osvillu and being unal.Jle to A double quartet of hi~h school is mentioned. "Recovery of Eu· VALENTINE PARTY chants. find an open gasolino ~t.Iltion stud ~ nts. dlIected by Don Gahr'~ rope" suggests swift progress toThe Spartans neXt encounter, AT GRANGE HALL sang four very lovely selectioJJ J ward a ra3tored economy and the searched out the nearest vlsi ble will be In the Xenia Field H01lse IJ.ea,n Stanley, of, Lebanon. was the self-help of mimons improvished Mr. Kaynar.d RiclJ-4If...P..ett8bU1'i~""""'-"""';f.---Wil1 meet tlI II;ht which W!L3 tbe Gazo~e Build. • The memo guest speaker of the evening and by war. The impression' i8 wide- Penn., spent the weekend with his "Champs" of other cOUiltleft, ing. The man 'relilted the story b~~~ of th., Juvenile Grange en- gave Ii fine talk. an inspiration to ,spread that matarial relief ' In parentll, :Mr. and MTS. J . B_ Rich. Mrs. R. B. .joyed u Val ntine party at the everyone. and after he was inlol'med of a terms of clothing III supplied WAYNESVILLE G F T ColenrHn , assisL ed by M~B. Cora possible solution ho went i9 the RlIlph Hastings , chairman Qf. th" throuJrh ECA. Although aid for lit'unge Hlill on Valentine &flierReverend Dr. Robert Kennedy ViC)kers 328 horne of olle opentor who could Rich, .Mr '. A. H. Earrrhlll't. Mrs. 1100n fl'om a::10 until r. o'clock. committee for the evening. was agTiculture and the rebulldit:lg of and wile, of Dayton. were Sunday , 6 1]3 Tinney not be persuaded to leavc hi b~d George Henderson and Mrs. SilIn- Mllster Richal'd l"rye "tlctlivtld the ma stel' of cere monie ~. Indl1'3try is given, rehabillation of afternoon gueata of Rev. aDd Mrs. Simpson " 4]2 and open his station, retu,r nmg to ley Eai1I!Y. WIlS hostess to the W. lll'izl: fOl' the best homemade Val· people is moving ahead very slow408 R. B. Coleman. Dr. Kennedy Ia Hastings our office he called thl') .01'(>1'11 tor S. C. S. on Thursday . afternoon entlne. Iy..Clothing co\]~ctions and ~lstt:i-' superintendent of the Dayton Dls- Powell 216 and related his stl>l'y and through. for the t'ugular F'ebrulIl'y moomng. (Jume ~ I Ye l ' /) 1l1uyed and lifter s bution for the. ncedy are. stilI In trict of the Methodist .church. He Huntler 204 MTS. Carlton Cook, president of the gClodncss of her h eart :<lent Vll1'Y hllPI]Y time, ice cream and th e hands of: pnvate agencies. One and Mrs. Kennedy recently enter. the ociety, presided IInll Mrs. Ruher husband from hi!! bed in L.ebcookies werll >lurv"d, 'rhil'ty /'\lam· 0.£ the. agencies which provides Te- tuined the 'ministers and wives of Totals 2J , 86() anon to Wayntl~vill e with gallo- fu s Watkins conductL>d the dc \'o- iltlf$ worc pl'esen t. hef WIthout regard to Tace. creed, tb Dayto D·strict t turk line for this "darkness tl'avIlJer," tions. Mrs. Charles b:1I 1!; ' gave II ,.. nationality or politics, Is the Amer- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CARLISLE G F T report lin II meeting which was ican Fri(!nds Service Committee Da':'~ n e wo urc n Fogle 4 210 recently held in Springboro and which serve In 14 conntrie!. Beachler • 4 2 10 Mrs. M. D. Baird was in chaJ:ge 1 1, 8 Paul St. John of Dayton was a Shupert lof the lesson studl' for the dU y. The total Quaker dlstn'butlon McQueen 2 ~ 8 , Following IldjoUmll.lent, Il Bocilll for 1948 consisted of two and one- Sunday dinner ruell; of Mr. and Smal1wood 4 08 h Charl el! Starr. former HarvClYs· MTlI. L. C. St. John, and Mr. and as n i l Ian hllur 'r enjoyed with, dainty I'CMr, II I Mun uy 11II .. daug tor, half million articles of clothing, 2 S' 7 ...-.0-• freshment~ derved by the hostU.SM Mi~s Natalie MUJ'I'ay who ix vi'3it- i>urg l'Csident and now coach at and two million yard! of textiles Mrs. St. John, with ,their guest. Longman . .... . h f CI . 11 d 'Bellbrook High. has accepted thll which wIlre ~hipped to Europe atld were afternoon guests of Mr. ami i IInl I hIll' a. slIls ....nts. Ing ~l'e rom IIcugO., ca e on Totals , Pl-. and lIh's. )". G. , U'l:egg 1\lon- post as organizational director' of Asia to help the dire need for Mrs. J obp Setijemyre and chil_ _ . Ullt ·:afleIIlOOTl. .the Wan'en ,Gounj;y 'Farm BUl'1~au. dren. .-r--------~~~~~----~~~~~~l-~~~ Ralph Qucltian, manager of the chlldren·s. wOll\1ln'(j and men' Carlisle local Farm Bureau· Co-Op announc- heavy worldng shoel!. AFSC clothM, r . and Mn. O. B , Marlatt enM i s~ Huth C'II~ndl ef "t..t~ nd ed a ingo shipments include nearly 26,LebaflollllncJ Wal'l'en G ~F T lunchclIl\ !lncl meeting of Alpha ed tooay. Starr will assume his 000 individual clothing kits made tertained to eb: ,o'clock dinner WAYNESVILLF.. idents contributed generouslY. to Vickers ' neW duties on March 14. 102 Phi Chaptcl', Veltu Kappa Gamma up the the Girl Scouts of Amer- Tuesday ewning Mrs. Cora Rich Mehaffie 011 and Mra. Reba Braddock. Qt, thc Vun Cle e Hotel ill Ihyton ' W:id ely known- in' Warren cOWie;, ica . leo 5 3 13 Tinney Starr gra~ua1!ed from ' Harveys011 Saturday. 2 15 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fl.'Omm ot Powell At present the bulk of Quaker burg high .schooj in 1939. wllere this week, Mrs. R. F. Hatfiel". .:~ 2 8.. are aJInouncing the Springfield Simpson l' --8 Than Year ~ he was a star basketball p ' la' , y er. clothing is dlstributd in A.ustria, " . h s. Wood l'uw Owclh; aud two lhail'man of the cil ,ve ann c'mced Sales aA:lII birth of a son. Kenneth Dale, on Hastings " 2 10 Ago Chairman C. uhildrcil of S),lringfield wer e guests He attended Wilmington College Germany. Hungary, Japan. Pal- Saturday. February 19. 1949. at Hunter : tUllay., 1>lol:e than $2.600' WIIS col6 1 13 estine and Poland. In Palestine aggo . Rer Says 011 ,Suu.9a~ of MI's: Owen's mother, and 'l'rinity at ·· Hartford. Co!)n. ' 1lected ancl some money is still W both the Springfield City Hospital. .Mr Mrs. ,LUCllc Armltag.c. After ~erving four years in the clothing 1'3 distributed to being ropol'l.ed from outlying sec. , '['otalK 210 52 _ U. S. Navy, be taught a yeOl: at Arab and Jewish refugees. Cloth- and Mrs. Frank Snyder of Spring· tions. , " Harveysburg before going to IlIeU- ings 'also , g.lven to needy penon's field are the mate11lal grandpar1'I!sidenis jlUrWarl:en county , Mm. O ~a Welsh IIf Harvcysbul11; , brook. . . " 'After expenSU8 of the campaign G· F T in China, Finland. Fran,ce. In41a ents and Mr: and Mrs. John MORROW chased $11211.894 in Seriel> E. F. and was II dinner guest on ,Sunday of " :;; 2 are deduct,ed. one-half of the aand 'Pakistan; a few tons are sent Fromm are the pa~mal grand: Bennatt during 1048, IIc'col'ding to G Bonds 01'. lind Mn;. F. B. Gregg: Starr. whl! is married and bas parents. !'tir. J, C. Ha.wke is thf K . Schus tel' mount will remain in the county 6 <1 14 two children, expects to mOVE, to to England, Greece an:d Holland a report received'day by paternal great grandfather of the Woods for' use of any cases' reported. 2 2 G -, Lebanon as soon as school Is out and to centen jn the United States. infant• 1 <1 6 Allison . whUe the other half wilt g[) to ChtLI'11I8 J. Waggollol', county a llVMr>;. LeIL}1 Mills spent Sunclay or a house ia available. Tndividuals, churches. ' civic SunnycallJ o 2 2 national headquarters, National Ings bond chajrmim from M. I " ~ft.crnoon ~ith her ~on ••Ml·. ~i1lie succeeds J , M. Greene. who grOUJl'.1 and business firms have Predmore, state bond director. 3 o .6 Mr. and Mrs. Amos Eakins of J. Schooter funds are u1led for research, eplThi~ included $64.1,a22 in Series Ita)n StI'IIUH~ al\d Wlf~ III .Lytle. resigned to take an orranintional donated to the Qu.aker supply of Harveysburg. 'Mr. and Mrs, E. F. demlcaln lIome iooalltiell and In the evening th~y attended the post in Clermont county for the I thO C trib t' f th E bonds and $282;672' in Series supper and ~I!ption for new ' c 0 mg. on ~ lons rom e Earnhart and Mrl. LaM_ Earn, lot 16 ol4 , Totals apeelal projectl, F and 6 bonds. ' The 1048 tote 1 m ern herij of t he Methodist Church. ' Farm Bureau. , local. area will be ~~rted and. pack- hart attended the School of Ined m thaSen-lce lComnuttee's struction for Deputy Registrars at , ' ... ' . 1--"-~--~----"-- was $153.175 leKS tlhan that PUI'" -..,.----'-10:workroom at PhiJadolphia and disl'hMUd by residents of the county the Netlierland Plaza Hotel in CinTtlI'>!. D, C. Ridge will be hoslJ.ess tributed abroad by volunteer field' BROTHERHOOD WEEK ~uring 1947" th~ ~ I'cp~rt s howeil. cinnati on Monday evening. ' the New Century Club on IFrI'workers. ' to Redemptions of Series E bonds FmIUAIIY IOotl, I .... I day afternoon at ,her . home. 'Wltb Mrs. W. E. Stroud entertaille•. ' ,..~._ _..._ _ _ _ _ _...", during ' the year amounted to T.hc Friends' Mee~lng of ·WayMrs. ,Ross H. Hartsoe", Mrs. R. L. "42,511, the new sales ~tOl,ll:\fI Rye anI! Mrs.' H. E. Hathawn~7 In nesville is at this time making a at dinner on We<lnesday evenjng leii8 than the n lllcmptions. "'uno,ral serv- charge of the, program. drive for moro , clothing to send. wit'h , MrB. Ralph Hastings. Mias Nei~hborini counties purchslIe!\ Clothing in , reasollaply ,wearable, Joyce Foote. MillS Dorothy Day iceH for MrlI, Sallie Gl06llip. aged bon,ds all follows: Clinton, .1,241,Mrs. Lura W;;:tz, with hel' condition for men, women, and and Mrs, Winifred Hartsock a8 her 69, who died surid1ly at the home 746; 'Butler, ,6.458,244; ' Greene, of a daughter, Mrs. Je&Bie Brans- brother, Wilbur Tinney, of Day'ton. children. including shoes, are guests. U.'ClO".U"'; Montgomery, ,26,497,comb. New Carlisle, Route I, we1'\! were in Clevelarid from TlJellday needed. Gifts or ,money are always, $~.S78,110; Clel'-, Mr. and Mn. William Stroule. held at 1 p.m., Wednesday, at tli'-!' until Friday with their brother. appreciated. Mr. and ·MTS. William Sawyer. JrIr, residence. Burial was in Spring- Wobster Tinlley. who underwent c Further infol'Jllf,tlon concerning > .J boro Cemetery ' In charge of tho very' 1'sre heart operation at L!lke- this 'may be obtained from the and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart. Mrs. side Hospital. Hal'old Beckett. Mrs. H. B. EarnStub~ Funeral ·Kome . ..,~ nre. 'or IDa. loul committee: , . hart, Mn. Bertie Milla. Mrs. Lu. Scotch Ilte, a naw fabric whIch reMrs. 'Charles B. Earnhart and A. C. Tomlinson, cile Armitage and Mn. L, ' C. St Ilpt like a road lien. CPl b. She ;s survived by her busband, Gordon Foster. John attimd1!d the IUPection of I~'ta~n.. In ta~ forIg- to aHacb to T. ' C. GlolISlp, and three other two' daughters, Sharon and 'l'lIan Mrs. Ellie HoCkett. 16IIOdlreli", jacketa to make an,on. daughters. lb,. Mary Hopkin, and of Trotwood. were supper guelts Vemon Chapter, 0, E. S. at ClarkiMrs. Lawrence.Fumas, to IDOtortata. It II ab1ed 10 Mi.. MrrtIe GIOllip, MI..msb'urg; of their mother, Mn. E. F. Ejarnvi Ie on FrIday nenillC. added attraotion to JOUIIC- l1li. Hattie GIOlsi,p. Dreyful6. ~ on WednellClay eVlDinlr. W!JUI~' Mrl. Fred Braddock. Dr. Em~ Holloway. _ , lanDlllta. It can be cut three ..... Ollie. WaJM'" Mr. Earnhart ",.11 a -pelt of hil Mr . and .;:::Jc;"hn Bunke atOJothlq may he br'Gucht to the tended the Shrine Ci~ lD om.. duItU cd InteTUt to • ICbool cIIUd. vUle: ........ '~rmant"wn, and father at the Muonic Tather an Son banquet. Home of lin. EllIe Hockett. ... WlUud. ·Dnrfau, KJ. chmatt on Frida,. ,
License Plates on Grange Ladies Masonic Sale March 1 All Day Meet Stagts March 3
Lodge Father-
Local Friends Solicit Clothing
Son BanqUtet
w.s.c.s. Meets
Slarr AcceptS Position With
Farm Bureau
March of Dimes cam · T op. I The '$2,600 Mark
'48 BOND' SALES IN ;:~g~nn;~:C~'Bi:Chb:~~~::P~:=~ ~ TV $923,894 ~ountY'J'es-
10, Ky.;
- .
The Miami Gazette ubUthed _~very
Thundey . at
.JOSEPH E • .JAKES, Editor
matter at the
Entered as second clasa Wuynesville, Ohio.
poetoffice at
Suuscription Rate: ar elsew)HH'e.
pel' year in Ohio; $2.00 per
--- - =- - . .
'News Grandpa Read l~Oll I OIl R FILE.Cl .
FrNANCIAL REPORT WAYNE TOWNSHIP W.rren County. Ohio For the Flacal Year Endlnl Dftf!mber 31, 1948. ' Population 2526. 1940 Total S.laries and WR~8 Paid During the Year 1948 '................~,349.76 Tix Valuation ............ :.8,441.0'14.00 Tax Levy ........................ 10.34 mills Investment3 Owned .............. None WAYNESVlLLE. OHIO Feb. 21, 1949 1 hereby -etirtl1y the following report to he COTreCt. MA YN A.R.D F. WEurZ, Township G1~rk. I RECEIPTS General Property Tax .... lQ.2GH,2:3 S.les Tax .......................... 346.00 Gasoline Tax .................... 4,400.00. Inheritance Tax .............:.. 88.41 Cig81'ette Tax .................... 120.49 Mis. Receipts .................... 182.26 Total Misc. Receipts ........ 182.25 S~le of BQnd~ ............,... 12,000.00 Totol Bond 188u6'3. ·Lonns .. 12.000 ..o0 Totol Receipt.s .. ,............. $27.339.38 PAYMENTS _
CO!1nt.Y. Ohio.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T!!!H!i!E!!!!!M!i!JA!!iM!i!Ii!! ' . !!GA!!Zii~!i!i!!!T!!E!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!~r:lI . Le, OHIO
• • •
• vAL
. l
Richnd A. Meara, 20. Franklin, inllpedor, Geraldine Kuhns. ~.2. Miamlsbu~g, typilt. John WOl'ley, 20, Middletown. press o,Perator. Miriam Marie RobeJlts. 18, FrankUn, oft'lc8 Ell'.
N,EW SUrl'S 1\I81'Y Rose Layman. a minor. 19 years of age by her mother alld next friend, Bertha Starkey vs. Edward Dale Layman. di vorce. e.'I:treme cruelty. Marvin E. Young. Evelyn Lnmbert VR. Albert Lall~bert. divorce, gross neglect, J . T. Riley. Florenco Wells' VB. Robert Wells, partition. Carl Ab4Ieeherli. A. Fr. Nelson, dba. Nelson Bros. vs. Henry Greenwald. for mont!y only. amount ch~imed $437.00. Carey and Ston~, Vernon C. Hoffman. attorneys. OWen GroSlJ VII. Green McGuire lind Monnie McGuire. money. IImount claimed $856.66. Fratlk Anderson. Annie Lee Hi-her vS. Clay Hip.. ~ s.b er. divorce, extreme r.rllelty,
~ ' '.
AUGUSTINE l- .ICher KrumholtZ, P.riest Masses 8 and .10 A.M.
MEllfODlST CHURCH fi,.B. Coleman, Mini'ster Church School , 9 :30 ~.m. J. J. Burske, iupt. Worship and Sermon to:30 a.m. Special Music Choir Youth FellowshIp Thursday 1:00 PM Choir Practice Thursda v
MT. HOLLY ME'nIODIST T. M. Scarff, Minister ' Sunday SchOOl 9:30 a,m.
IICRlPTI1RE: Matthew 11:0-1. • DIlVO'l'IONAL READING: Malthew 11:tt-aS.
Ideal World
E.A. c3rJlhart, Supt. Worship Service to :30 a.m. I, venlng Service 7:30 p.m.
Lellon lor ".bl'll&l'1 .7,
NY MAN •with a revoluUonar,.
CAESARS' CREEK FRIENDS A new td41a hal to try to explam key. David Stanfield, Minister It. JeBul was no excepUon. A. a Sunday School to Lm young 'teacher of rellglon. he had 10 Worstiip Service ' t t Lm: Answer the questlon
Sunday Scbool Notice - ,The r Oll t' );-:URUAltV 1862 COllgregation Sabbath Scllool will hereinafter meet at half past three \vhich older teachq "1''''\'f\ ltrf h conduc t- ,,·r1oc'.<- instead of three. in order _ 7:45 PM UTICA Eo aruRat ' ers . were ' &und to . ..t I on t :~ I ., Ulodate th080 who attend put to IlIml U your k ey. William Shannon r. .. ~ " \\ • •. 1 W OI· the ' . .1.. . S hoot ' This wiUbe a MARY'S EPISCOPAL ::, unday School 9 ;].0 a.m. teachi ng Is new, ,.,. 1.. 1 I'~t I",.. " I . S Ilteb ho VCll'y desirable cllange. how call It be true? d1 ~sllcts the ...atches commit ted Mrs. James' Garrison, Supt Samuel N. K~ys, Rector Ancl It It Is true. to IllS c:are, and. whim repaired. Preaching ' 1st and 3rd Sunctay~ Evera"d D. Ro~rts of the 84th 9:t 5 A.M. Church School what can be new , h y the i mpms of a master O. V., is at bomo on ~ furlollgh _ e;t~h month t 0:3'0 a,m; abollt 1.111s was Morning Worshipt. :30 A. M. Evening Services _ \ ur km no's 11and. Mr. S; has of 17 dOY'J. Hc looks exceedingly 7 :30p.m. a . f 0 Jt7 i r que~Uon . adopted t be Cash System, and his well, ' lUId is. of course. in higb The Sermon on the FRIENDS I"YTLE METHODIST }lr icC!i sre reasonable. Call in and spirits. Ev. is a :fine speelmen or Coml'ensation of Trustees $1,487.60 Mount Is J esus' an· Dr. Foreman ('MURal Compensation of Clerk .... GOO.QO First Day ~chool , 9:.30 :I.m. Bce h im. !fiee one "oar above Warren ~ounty grandier. swer 10 It. The Expenses of Trustees Dr. Joseph Myers, Minister . ' . Rogen' s'<lre. Meetinl!' for W orstfip theme of that sumon I. the and Clerks ................. ... 180.12 9 :30 a.m • 1l'1aln kingdom of God. on ancient phrase 10:30 a.m. Sunday School . Ran Away trom the subscriber, Total ExecutivlI Serv o .... $2,267.62 Mrs. Ruth Saylor, Supt. PO T OFFICE HOURS ' but with new mennlngs os Jesus living near Hopkinsville. Warren Town HallWorship Service ' to:30 •• m. 'Ised It. We can say "The Idrn l Letters to be forwarded in the County . Oh10 ' Thomas A . C~hran WA.YN£SVILLE V~ 'Maintenance and Repair.... 67.61 Eastern mail, s hould be at the World" and mean just the 18me an 'indentured apprentiG1l. Rad on Total Town Hall ................ 67.61 ato;O;:l~'er. amino. lly. Ch"URCH OF CHRIST offioo prior to 10 :20 o'clock A. when'he went away. a low crowned Fire Proectiontblng. CHURCH OF aIRJST •., • . . M. H. Coffey. Minister M .• ' lInd th03e for the Southem or W bite hot, brown frock cont, ha1'd "" E' t 860696 Mary Rose Gilmour. \ her next B.Y,ron Carver, Minister .. •1'0 qUlptni!n ................ , . friend v R B I J 11 Bible School 9:30 A. M. Bible !:iChotll down train. prior to 3:60 o·cl.ock P. times 'Pants, 'a nd coune boob!. Other Fire Protection Exp ... 689.26 ,8. any 0 Rer, r., / 9:30 a.m. AI., ./lB t hose Ilre tne ,hours. for Said boy · is 11 years old. light To~l Fire Protection .... .... 9.196.21 Yorce. gro~R negler-t, . MRlll e Rnd Morning Wor~hip fO:30 A. M. Mortung Worship t 0:)0 a.m. ESUS EMPHASIZES, obove aU, Young People's 6:45 P. M. Pr,a.1trMeetin~ d osin8 the mails for the day; the UDeI of people ",ho belong .to hair light compleeted, fair siu for HealthMaple. 1:00 p.m. A. E. Merritt, P.M. his ~ge. . Any 'Person giving inlor- Taxes withheld for District Evening Service 7:30 P. M Young People s ' Meelin, God's Ideal World. Thla would be Post Office open on Sunday 9 matlon so that I can get said boy Board of Health .............. 1.001.02 to some modern plan· .Prayer Meeting and 7:00 p.m. lurprlslng COMMON PLEAS ners. CommunIsts thlDk that If you . A., M. to 12:30 P. M. Bible Study Wed.,. 7:30 PM • Evening Services will be suitably rewarded.. Poor Relief7:30 p.m. can onca get a world in whlcb every Betty Lou Gabbard, vs. James ........ M. H. johnson. Burial Expenses .................. 50.84 ODe has 'enough to eat .nd drink' and defendant ordered to pay ------------~'-w-a-8....:::a::.s-,si:-s~te:-:;d;-;b;::y=-~H;:ar::::ol;:;di1B;;r;:;a::n;-;t. Total Poor Relief ................ 50.84 Murphy, wear. 1\ world where nobody Is poor ~laintiff '25~ for expeDsell and (or everybody Is as poor 011 every· county game protector. , Highways$6.00 per week lor support of child \1ft The {iS80uri rabbits' cost tne Labor and Materials ........ 13.162.66 until child is 18 yean old. bodJ' else, which Is ell the Bame , thing), YOU will have the pertect count)' game association appro:!!i- Road Maohin~ and Tools 1,381.00 Maxine Smith 98. Vernon Smith, world. Jesus would know this 15 Dt'I 1 ~I:' mately $1.69 eaoh and :funds used 't~tal, HighwaYII ............. ...14.54R.66 de.fendant ordered to pay plalnUft' . hu.'I'h SC 'hpol nnd wor~hiJl se rv _ Donlenle. . ~ to pay tor the bunnies comes from Mlsceijaneous-:- ' $16 per .week during pennency of lC ~ ~ nrc Rhowingmnrkc!d In l\r~n Ae ~ , _ the fees from the sale of hunt- GeM nera~ 'lsuD.PPh6'3Exp................ 110.33, also ~ I;qwar<J IlxpenRes in in IItt ncJ8{'ct:. We wer1l wil.hiu GO Bu' Ule flUl' I. 'h.t even atter B . U. t __ , d fiJIbing Ueenlea in War- em01'la ay enSe5.. 25.00 action. of Dill' e Rl ·~'lInient Sn·lltlny . . YOII lOt ),ODr perfcct IIOCIIlI .,.. 240 MisSOlU'a ~ea 81\ t G stin said . Workmen's Compensation 39.20 Lu,:y Hurst V8. Joseph Hurst, 'fh t! holr llllng for the Wo hip __ • with perfect pollilCli Itnd erated County, ren coon y. u .. Advertising Delinquent Service "God So Lova(i thl! WOI·ld" perfed dlalrlbuUon of wenltb. The next meeting of tbe club Lands. ................................... .' 5.28 plaintiff gl'anttld .dlvorce and 'reo' GUStin ·Reports i l'om th o, cantalll. "Vido ry Divln" enD .. perfeot cUmale aDel soli. will be held March 10 at the Total Miscellaneous ........ 179.76 stored to malden name, defendllnt to pay $50 UlIenses in action. hy Mnrk.s. • 1011 _lIld .UII be oowbere ncar Two hundred and fortJ Mia- Granre BirJ1 In Waynesville. RECEIPTS Maxine Smitlh, a minor, vS. VerTIle Youlli. Ft!lIow~ hi ll iM now tile Ideal World we •• 10\1 Im" "__ ..-II Luther Hartsock and Dean Walton Interest Accu-d a.nd Prenon Smith, csse djsmi~ s NI with/lut m 'c ting Suntl ~ Ilftt. r ll ftO Il ~ III 2 ,«),OIIr people. BOuri. rahbits have been ......... a...... . h .~ record. , . in W.arren county thia ~k by are in cbarga of t e proarram . mulm on F.ire Appa~atJ,Js I'. ill. Thll progralll la: t Suodlly Warren County Fish and Game All sporlsmen In the county are and Sale ................................ 62.00 'J ack Schwllrtll VII. Ruby Eltzroth. 'Die wrong kind of people wlU W/IS It .fine service and Wil li u/l<ler AII~oc1ation. Earl Gustin. treanrer invited. " Total Receipts ........ ,........... 62.00 ease dismissed with prejudicll at th e I adcrship of Rob I·t Illl. till If!. IPOn tte best kind of s"stem, So of delendant. A rpceptJon was gh'cn fOI' 28 'We An4' JelUI talldn, not about 'YI~a~nn~o~un~~~~~~_~a~y~.~Th~e~co~m~m~I~~;~____~::;:~::::~__- : - SUlUMARY OF OPERATIONS eost Jean France8 SchultheislI '~s . .: BY FUNDS . ncw mel11bel1l3 recently received In- teDli but about people. • Bal.nce, January 1. 1948-Road John M. Schultheis!, divorce to to th hurch ' \'l ith 1\ !11/1nel' at Funds $)2.oM.61; Genera. Town- plaintiff, children to clo"molll(1t. Well-clCllnl'tI, well-preR pel lothin~ 6 p'. ro. los t SUIl/lay follow",1 by Ie""" Yeti' proclaim to nll that you Rl'e meii (!l1- 1\ p,t'ogram in the Sanctuury. WelWE call the "beatltudu" ship Funlb $1.926M Total of AU agreement approved. Mariah Blch VII. Edward Biu:h. lous ahout you r llT'peal'aDCC and coma n<ldres s 6~ wero made by (Yatt. 5:7·12) it Jeaue' eight Funds $13.9'19.61,. OUR AnI Our reputation 'for a Re!:eipta Dur\Dg Year - . Road defendant to pay plaintiff. $50 poeI' that you are likely to he so ablmt Rev. Bernard Baughn and Church point prqeram for the c':IUzen. lIIIiformly high standard of worl!; Fund 11.026.49; Geberal Township week for min(lf children, $50 cx- your work .. . thut you cun hold School Supt.. J. J. Burske. The or the Ideal World. The Ji,ht peoil not a mere happen-eo. Reputayour own aUlong other s uccess~ul newly r cceived members wm-e re- pIe are happy people, to begin with. . Fund $16.828.89; Bond Retirement penses tor suit. tions don't "just happen". . presented by M.r. Kenneth Retal- (Tbe word translated "Slened" la Betty Lou Bolser, tt. minor. 'vs. men. and Sinking Funds ~2.00: Total In our mortuary prearatlon. in .Us handle your cleaning odbd:!. lick. Sull't. of obools. who gave a relUlar Greek word for "happ),. ") Harry Bolser, JJI'., .defendant orof All Funds $27,411.88. OUl' attention to tbe famil, before a. response and :M.rl!. Don Gahris But the main cWrerenee between Total Receipts and Balance-Road d~red to pay $' week for and after the tane1'&l, and ill our with a solo. ' different ,ldnda of people I. not that support of minor child. during Fund J28,079.10; General Town8hip most mo.d erate schedule of pricel, Th' 10Jlle want to be happy wb1le othert pendency of wit and $110 fol' exFund $18,249.89; Bond Retirement 13 • untlny Laymcn '!! Day will dO not; rather It I. that' the)' are we hope . to deserve ' the kindly penaes In .action. Sinkinw Fund $62.00; Total of and ohse rved and ' local IBymlln will mlde happy by dlfterent IdDila of asteem in ",b.leh our friends ·bave LiUht Coffee vs. .Tames Coft'ee, AU Funds $41,390.99. 'fill .t~ e IJUIJlit'l T)1e choir will thlQp~ . _ __ -= lIeen fit _to hold os. . . rinIrY-ear - Road divorce granted plaintUf. det~nd)ITOVII • lin ant I('m lind tHe 01JelUll' Ideal peop\, are bumble, Fund $15,706.65; General Town- ant to· pay $2750 to plai!\tlft" fo1' ~ !~!!!!!!!!!!!. lowing ntldl'e)!~l'~ will he mode. . not proud; they lee their Ilna Ind . ship Fund $11,001.06; Bond Re- support' of minor cltildren, plainttfr '''rry e Origin and GroWth at' are lorry for them; . lbe, are tirement and SinkinJr Fund. NODe; to have e1istody of chlldl'en. "Wbat or Tomorl'o\v", Kenneth ''D!eu''-that la. the)' are not In I Ina G. Durham VII. David T.' in Hamilton twp. M etllorli ~m'>' M. .A. Fulkerson, butt)" to demand their owo rJlht.a; . Total of All Funds $27,806.,71. ~urham. plaintiff to be paid 'by and Mnnda Ritchie to Bough , "Shull , We Take Up Our &bey 110 not mereb' .dmJre goodBalance. December 31. 1948 Mattie •.Rall, 1 lot in Crosses". It. 0.- Moler. A 8010 will ne... ~er are polltlvel7 huoV7 for Gene1'&l defendant. $15 per week and also Road Fund. $7,873.45; /1e given by Philip Workm.n. tt: tho .... merci1llJ, not carelesl Township Fund, $6.648.83; Bond defend.nt to. pay $50 faT expenses IMorrow ll'1d Betty Elbreeht to or cruel. they .re pu,e In heart 8mt Retirement and Sinking Fund. of action. Frances Fair Vll. F.d. Fall', plalnand AIda ' S. Jngham, DOt 0017 in lpeech and act; the)' ~2.00; Total of All Fund, $14.084tiff gTllnted divorce. Hcrel< in Wnshingt'on twp. 28. . are not mere peace-wlsher. or Betty Han. a minor. VII. Ralph Kin!!, Pnwder Company. peace-Iovel'l <who Im·t?> but ~ace Balance in Depository. Deeember .Ueral they are people who Ire 'lnhl'II"nRIlIJlh F.. and Gracie Lan81, 19.48 Road Fund $7,373,45; H~lI. Jr., plaintiff granted dlvOTI!e'.... ., e\". 2 ~ots in DA~rlield bra:ve eIloo8h to ,do wbat II right not ~eraJ' Township Fund $8.648.8~; Iy EI"., fir. 'ord •• Cow , onl)' wben It. .11 comtorjable .rid. BODd Retirement and Sinking REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Lona Tooley to M. A. nnel Bertha popular but even when It, bring. Fund $62.00; T"tal .01 All Funds , inclre,l, 1 lot in Frnnklin tWJl. . iMm ata,!der and lutte~nr. $14,084.28. Bronson Bolley to Paul arid TiM Roberts to l .eomal· Be~ OUTSTANDING DEB'r Marie Gwinn, 6 . acres In Harl.n alii! Jame& C. Anderson, 2 Pe1\ft~ laB ~eneral Debt Fortwn. ·· in Franklin. DO YOU reaJbl want an Ideal . ire Apparatus Bonds ....12.000.00 .(;1.8 and Anna Donohlle to H. O. Alma AbleR to Hnrry C wOl'Jdr TIle be.t way to begin Total General Deb ........12.000.00- Finkelman, grantee. First National 94 acres in Harlan twp. II to leam .how to \be a eitlun of own Township De1;>t .... $12.000.00 ~an: Building, 2 acrell In FranlkW. and Edna M. StuhhM, web a world. Jesu. uled two Intn WP. S. anti Helen Catherine tereatlur lample worda to de.crlbe . PROBATE Jalll1ls D. and Molly Belle Telm-' IM.()OorTl~iclk. 2 Iota in Lebanon. Ule of people 'be mealJL......You Eatate of Alt~cr . , re R. Johnson, !J KIng Powder Com~ny, all. be .11d. -you are U,hl - --::--- -" J. Clar(!nce and ~ita Snook. ex~ lots in Turtleereek twP· The Board' of EdUcation Balt ..,d Uiht ' at:e. old.falhloned Vi.c tor L. and Eunice P. Wootla'n King" Mills T~ollal School ecutors, filed their first . and final thbIIl but they have never ,one out of .Warren Oounty, Ohi() ' account.' ' to Gerald and Oma Murpby. 1 .of dat•• No one ha.lnvenled I ,ood Estate ' of June Aline Menden- acre 'In Franklin twp. . , .lots in Dcor;field t'WII. IUbiUtute fIlr either one. . hall, dee'd, Kathry1'l ' A. Menden- . Ed}Vard R. and Edith .Houston LIIwrence M. q~ok to Charles Ie 'tllere II _ •.• baUtate r. hall. gUardian, filed their 'first .nd to Lester F. and Marg.nte HoueFrelilol1r1. 1.4'( 1ICl''lS 11'. " As a balanced food, you call't a realI)' ,eodI Lbfinal account. ton, 1 lot in Salem twp. ~ twp. .... Itere 81111 now. Uke 01..... Estate of Clarence E. Mend~nLelltu F. and Margarite Houston raig, et aI., to EUa J. equal milk at anywhere neor it'l eI tile Ideal wOr14 .. came, ecano'r.icol price', Ask for Bar. hall, dee'd, Kathryn A. Menden- to Guy H. and Doris I. Osborn. 1.38 aores in Loveland. ClIIrIdau IInI botll ' lat. 8IICl hall, administratrix. filed her first 1 lot in Morrow. . Ella J. Stouder to Nlcbolas D. ~e.,.s milk, delivered 10 )!Our Uaht. . , and final aecount. Adolphus Tueker to ~Irlam JeuD cciano. U8 ' aC~IlR in Hamilton Cloor or at your ' favorite ' store. E8ta~e 'of Joseph M: Mote, deo'd, Tucker, 1 lot ' in Mason. Miami twp. If ,I \ Bordcns ~alt becau.e tile,. ""e a tall4 to Dora M. Mote•. • dminlstratrix, elAlfred and Myra L. Jackson to E. and Thelma GHesotberwile ' lIat or bitter lUe. Salt of S 0 1 t oodl tate exempt inheritance tax. Courtney Combll, 2 loti In Le'bto John A. GreisRinger; bec.u.. the)' keep human .ocle~ Estate of Walter S. Cowan. anon. aeres in Harlan twp. from roq rollen. TbI. worJ4 II in dec'd, Hilda S. Cowan, ,admlnls. Cecil Grillot to Gera1din'; IE. .grover C, I<napp. to Rose E. to Clint CombA, 1 lot In MorI b.d tDough me.. • ... It b' ~t • No ochu. UfJIlpottati~o .ylte. _ne.-IO mu~ of .tratrixi estate exempt Inheritance Grillot. 6.86 acres in Wayne twp. lCnapp. 0.165 acres i)'l l.ebanon. row. nat It would be If , aU 'the ~t.a America! Gte,bouod ttaftIt over 83.920 miles of die world', tax. George Knapp to Edna Knapp. Rose E. Knapp to Grover C. Oscar E. Smith. et al., . to Ray. tIanI wee removed tropl It at onCl, finest, IDOIC auk hlgbwaya. liilt", you an Kn'a pp, 1 lot in Lebanon. ' mond and Julia Price, 1 lot' in one battl to think. Joe To~o~ to, Alfred ' J. and Waynesville. ttlve1lWifilJ. a&!Jr and c:omfi:mIbIr all .". • IIIItWo-1O > I Loraine Utz, i lot .in Franklin. Harry Burnet. et a!., to ' Ina and 14'" CaDIda, AIub and Kexial, toO. Ao'd. JOlt an 80 by one. Mary Stans1;Jerry to J. M. Me- Calvin Longacre, (1.212 aereR in NO LIGHTI LIke HlIlt, ~ 1O\Ue and retUIIl by aaodIer, -' DO ema eDIt. Wayne twp. Gaha. 2 lots in Waynesville. ' ,wibt not to be t!IO DoUceable., , N_ . .,..1rrINl far /nu;"'SI Of ~~"" 80 Gr-,ho~ Hubert afld Cora Gladys Singer , . ' A ,IIl'bI, I1gbt U bad 011 Ole Qa, '. -whither .croiIe che county. or aaoss die coridaellt.. • al too much lalt la bid on the I tonrua. · So I CbrIltian la DOt lUllAIWI" aD 8r.;JII~undl i~ COlts po..tI to rub hII lOOdne.. In Oft otber people, , 10 to lpeU. lie la .. ~est Palm Beach $17.70 M)lnc!je, Ind. IS.OO IncIIIP-4/DIlbl, al nlt In bre~ancJ , Chfe.go. m. $6.25 Kalamozoo. Mich. $7.0(J . Ihoulcl be UlCOOIJ!.ICllOUl. But Walblnll,'ton D. C. $9.85 ' Newark, N. J. ,12.00 UaIlt. lI1le wI. 11 It' •• , &DT hal( to be appUed cUrec&b'. A 1IrcIq" 11.1. T. Ltr_lU,( ~otrr. S..htfI- I-.IllIfi Daht cOllcealed in • Iteel tube CIotI ;.. 110 load. SwlIhIna the tJall and 0( . the ult-ceDar arodDcl m the IOUP GREYHOUND TERMINAL .' 11".. It DO 'DIe I&lt mUlt WE HANDLE ALL AMERICAN STANDARD FIXTURES WA YNESVILLE DRUG STORE PHONE WaynellYUle 2121 . . fDtIJ the 1OUp, tbI"UIht mUlt
· ' .'
Peftft, tot 10ut lest 0041u1 15 M1\~\
• ••
.re ..
-' :ONWiDE1'ra1tel
W-"."'1 ..
Fir Ltss, To:
1 ", '
See U. Now: For
PHONE 2174
Plumbing Need. •
REY,HaUllr ,NIl
taullb wllat ......
!(. . . .;;:.--;a
mt.JJJIg I
. Almolt
"GffiL reporter. are the buDk,--
1I1'0wled Harriman. tile crlm'. ex.pert, In the n.w.·room of the Comet. The puk!n. pr..... that .nook the buildln, ,ettln, out the I~.t edition bl'ou,ht the toUeri under the eye·sbade. a' pleuurable .enle of .reat litter. hard work _n dODe. It was the , Icceptable , 't im. tor .lrilla theorln and IrlIvanc,.. "A. I ' Will layln.," contIDut4 'Harriman, "wom'en In louraallam -~-----. and men In tire ...
Mr. a nd MfR, Elu:1 JohnHon 01 mlkiDa an OIla -Mlnat. aDd , Xe nia s pent the weekend with t4rll, tha Al:fred Morgan and family Mr. Flotlon Now II Brlcklt,., _ _ _ _ _ .J ordinarily a half. and ' ~rs. Charles HOI1Kehoid of Spring'riehl clllled on M:rs. A1rI',,,1 InteID,ent city editor, had IhOWD Morg an on M'ontiay. any 'en.e, we wouldn't ba baviDa U11a Alicia Delano around, makiD. Mrll. Donald Hancs and ·daugh- tha D,.wlroom a plac. where ,.ou ter, Donna, of 'near Xenia, Mr. lind can' t .wear and • • ." "Crabl" ,Int.rruptlii Dala M1'3. Morris Lewis and 80ns, Jerry and Billy, 'IIpent S"nday with their Harm.wor~, a freah' ,.OUllJ r.port.. parentR, Mr. and MJ'l!. Hily Glb· a,.. Dale bad Imo~ Hlrriman loq eQ/)uih to be In 1Iroper awa' of the son. araat man. ,
BJ'b.u I"• • "OWIII A~ SWldsy visitors of Mr. and Mrs. knI• .."".b 10 b. I" 10". tvIUI 6",. Lawrence Wrig!lt at 'Elnon, I :Further cU.culllon ot AUcla wu Mrs. Rob ert Grllene of Dayton poltponed bl' ,the turbulent entr7 01 imd Mrs. Roy Shaw ot Xenia cal· 1IIa city ' editor. Brickle,.. m. deled on their mother, Mr!\. Lue rllIlv. eya .wept 1he ctowd. "WeD. 1\1 organ, Sunday afternoon. . m,. merry morons," be Jeered. "Ex· Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth' Srutten tend ,"oUr cobwebbed ean to thlI: 'lba Prlriee BartbolcU, a wealthJ' of Dayton, visited his pare n ~3 Mr. Boman, hal arrived In th1lJ city or and Mrs. Gellrge Bratten Thurs- lin. Ba II Rek:\J1l bla dlUlhter, a J'Wl1 wa,. princels. Seema the l~cb' day evening. objected to ber ta1her'. Idea 01 a hUlbaneL Th' old bC!)' ollerl the M1'3. James Wihlmal1. of J ack- 'modelt IUJlI ot 11ft)' thoUiand to tha 80n, Ohio spent II few days last OIle who find. hb Uw. Marlan.. week wltb her pll)',mts . Mr. and Wa',.. ·to ,et bar fOr 111. Mrs. E r nllRt' Eurllhou,t on,1 '!On; &rut. alory ot ·the Comet. U'. a Dllvlil. lenera. alarm. Here'. a piCture or tha reneaade." Mr. and Mrs; Robert Earnhart ''What do .10U tb1Dk of it_ Allcla'" aaked Dale, dl.coverlnl hlI lovelJr teturned home trom Michigan. n.llhbor &rid qu1c:k1, taUln, bu ., Mr. and Mrs. H ily Gibson spent what it wal an about. Saturday evening with Mr. Bnd "PJ/I, ,hfJlnilfUl "ou.,!" h••,/JIII. . Mrs. Harold Rogcl:I3 antI Mrs. -Jill' i1Iu6Hu, IUI4 tIIh", " ' ~o"u Emma Glbllon of Bellbrouk, Jo fIIiIh ,!J.I. IVh, ..."
Mr. and Mn, ~orri s Lewi" and Ilona, Jerry and Billy, and Mrs. Hily Gillaon , called on Mr. and Mra. Earl Crawtortl ot )!ear W,aYJletlvllle Sunday evenln,~ \.
Mra. Ernest Earnhart, Jamel! Wildman, Mrs. Ada Dakin and Mis! OIare Daugbter, vialtec.l in Xenia one day last week.
Later, when b. bad bar alone III tile "elude!! comer of their tavoil~ . re.laUrent, be ' took a d.ep breath. "rm JOInJ ' after that mon.~," h. declared dete~mln~. "I DH4 It. aDd It ' . . . If 1 let it • • . AlIcia, . darllha, bave 1 ever told ',.ou that 1 llova ,.ou' It" I let thl monl), will
,OU ... marrY ma'"
'T'HJI: etrl IDliIed an4 railed hu .l bead. 'nlere wu 1Om.~ III Iba warm blue .)'ea and the .et 01 ' ua., IovelJ .JDoutb. fram" b,. tau reddlah hair, thlt mlda tIM palm
Moiame In _
Much of Ohio's etored eorn will Jlpoll in the crip this spring unlesR properly handled. Farmers wert' advieed today by Ralph Gulckar, QI~r of the local Farm Bureau, to Check on com that will not be led Ot tiold before la.te Mareh. , Com with more than 20 per eent mQlisture content hi in danlflr, he laid. If .tored in poorl)7' ventUated ' cribs e~ht feet wide: or wider, 8JIOJlalfe ill likely to oecur In thll .prin" when tha weather becomeit warmer. Re aaid a mol. turl cheek ean, be tabll by a'iDe an ear probe or by burrowing "nto polnu in the crib where d~lnlr la probably slowest. A half-pound sample of s helled com ~ould be obtained and taken I-_-:----'~_,.. ~.t IP'Illn 'ha!!dlinlf .ta· tion wli'ere- a ~atlilr machine ,is available. ' The 'tnachlDe can detljrmine ,t he exact amount ot molature present in the ~In. Som.8 elevators are equipped wj,t h ez.ain dryiJig faeilitfes. Farmers witb"Wet eorn may ret it dried at thue points at a nominal charge per bushel, Losey, Indicated.
1Il1ller1be 10 . . . . . . . . aN • • e.l,-
.0,,11, •
II G: E. Bulbs .~j
K~m r
. . 1A .... .6 ~_...
Tone ~
1 ~'1FKFF •
TeJephoae 2422
lis follow~;
A od hllin!!: pt\~ement.
right of wa7' anrl
ror a water main. run-
ning from lhe two existing we\l~ locat,ed on the property I~se d [ 1'I )m Mat' Miller lcFllfl'esl1, over and IIllross II st~ip ot ground of twen1y-five (25) feet in width . 111111 extending from the property leosed a8 afor said herein," to tho existing wate r main loca ted on WAter ' Street, with the ~ e ntcr at ~ Illd ri~h t of way and pase me nt running along a ~ I. rnigh t line bea ring SOl1th v'v,mly degrees (70 0 ) west from 't he existi ng wells over and 11_ mtmLhs; rOR!! land of Mar go ret Edwards. WH F::JU~A., nil necesSJlry elise . Y nil will mak e due return of ,m"'Its 111111 rightR of wily hu ,.,. " !It' ll. ~crvice in the manner provid·1 by JIIW. OOt-1I s 'cu r d, except an >I s.:! ment ant! rig ht 01 way for the ' B. SHERWOOD Jjurpose of luying a wuter InOll II over IInQ a cruss the land her" ~a)' ot innrtll r dcsC'l'ihed: anti W III~ RRAR, thO! project c~nnot lI' II IPTtll,kc n Or ('Oltlllictoti un lit ~uc h ca" u mell~ and right of wny ovel' the lands he.reina fwr d\;cow $ 7,5'0 ; HORSES $&.00 seri bed has Leen obtained. According to Size NOW '1'1-1 ~~ HF.Jo'Olt E:, Be iL1'.·Mlv.. tI and Condition. hy ihp. Co nn.,jl of the 'Villll!:'e nl' CaJ I WaYIlp.Aville. l'ltate of Ohin : I THAT it hel'E'lJy dec l are~ its in· I te ntion LO aJlprofl~iale. for hI> ltever sll ChttJ:g1lIl' (lu I'POR",,!! of pro"';rlingtor n au p. J1ly of wa te l' fOI' itMelf aorl i t' in habitant." , al1d fijI.' the prl)tt!ct.. inll therpo f, n r i~ht of way alld 'F:. G. lIuctJlI"ieb, Lnc_
Dead Stock'
Xenia 454
Xenia Fertilizer
; , :I! '''~
~- :
Naiural j:," J "r, ·,.itiShard to r,'alize thll.l the power of 60 rai'~c.ld loeomotlve8, nearly 2-11 , )1' 0 horsepQwer~ is used to can' :,ias to its'destination on th - HI. r Inch pipe line system. <' Yet it ,is this hQrsepower whicli n,akew the Big Ineb bigger, without inereasing the' ~..... size of the pipe. The secret is that '
D , .
t:2 -
gas, unlike. oil
_ s,oliu fuels, ean be c:ompre8llE!d to
of its llormal size. By .
c.11'~re"", ~ 1_ltO"
c:t')mp r~s !1 ion
.. r;,1
(" '"0;
' ~!1 ~
in th'e
C': ' ' i!fC"::' i.1 !o
it throagb 1i!Jei
of aaa d:lily. "here was no pn ". 10 h nst
I~ 0 mi!li('n c~!b fl' ioot , ~o u! rl be ~t:llnRported ~h'.l
gas along. I
NO\Vjwith 2J : "t:ltiODS, thp 'Ialf s' bilh · s< duily . How Li tl e:.:
,Oil, Dale." IaI4 ~,
behind h';
Ire. dance a' before' D.ale '. dre~mlDl ey,•• "I love' ,ou, Dale,.. la!d AIlcla IOle~. ," I .will marr,. you." . Then abe twinkled "Let'l do It ~IJht
Dale ' anel AlIda were marifld that week and their rldlan' JO~ faee. III the IUIwarOGm unrUled th~Jio 'bapplnell. 'llhe marria ••" how.v.... the, kept lecret, al1hoqh the,. m~a,ed to Iod I amID 'apertm4!l\t, 10 be tumI.heel wI~ their joint IRVIn'II. But how 10 keep It a puzale, unlell Dale en.coverecl the prince... ' ''\Jt leeml • bopele.1I la~ Allcla,l' lamented Bale, "EveJ7bodT. ll'YIn, up. TblI Prince.. Mariana ' Ia 1he b..t nttla hldar ImNiDabia."
TiHlr tIIiU
Joe" 114,,,... ..
w.. ..
bar balr. Ber al;" danced With mJacblef.
"nat ... what .. . AUlIla'" -'I told routblnJ. would be cUf. '
'ferIDt III tba mornJna,
... ...
Nu Enamel
till ,I
Q'.l itc,two ye:lrs ll!!O, less than
prophe..... Dale awoke to ftJul a Ilrln,e ,lrl IiWna a' tile root ot Ibe bed. The m,0l'Il.Int. I\IDlIlht . u Do more .01dell ,than
and Sizing
WHEREASl he Village of Waynesville, 1\ ' Muni cipal CorpnruLion, hus relocated the snllrcell 0'£ i t~ ' water s upJlly by drilling 'S Ull· able wells northwest of the cor· porate limite for the benefit 01 said Village and all inhabitant. thereof, and for the benefit 01 1111 J)erRon~ usinK Willer furni shed by the Waterworks of sa id Village, 'pursuant ,to 8 request madll ' by the Departm ent or Heal~h, State of Ohio; . WH EREAS. consu lting cl"gineel's have been emplo)'cd by the VIIIllge Of WayneSVill e t or the pU /'P08e, of providing plans, Specific~tion8, lind pl'ofilo3, a.~ to the proper course of t he neccR· sary water main connecting thO) exiaung welle to the ex.istipg system ~ 1l"flJyln g water to till, Village and the inhllhi taD\:>
rollowinR' dp~~H;;:tI real eatab more lIJ1ec llI oally described
". ~ n 'f exllS ~tern began o 0 )X'ra e-thc Big Inch and the , ,: t~le Dig Inch pipe lines not.
AUcla .
Wall Paper and
,II_ ~ 1m •• ....'11. "D.,."
Funeral Ho~e
' I; ) ,
• Stubbs
Fully Guaranteed Only
otI-Tu1e IIWI
A ., of a dozen dlft'erent b18hll"-ftavored plantt and lab!P!I can dlltort 1ha Il~vor ado, of m1lk It fed 10 eow. bdol e mllldn,. Corn .!fa,a, Icab·
Com Is'High, It. May Spoil
KESOLU'l'rON OJo:, WJJEJlifo~AS, all p1n ns, 8pec~flea. tion" I1n\1 Jlrofil()~ 11I'CPIII'cd 11)' CLARJNG INTENT TO AP. th e eIlKin"'~ I')\ c.mJllnYild by ~h '~ PROPRIATE J'ROPERTY \' iIllll:~' III Wayne""'II., hllve bptl,\ IIpJlI'O otl loy sait! muni('ipa1i t y , 1'0 Ch.rlcs Jumes, Clerk of J.II< pl'epurl\ lory to laying the nc('· tul'DSp', and .lmOar v,e,e- , Village lie Wayn""vllle: ceslUlry water mnin from the Il table. are I frequent caUia of 011 You are hereby directed to not, fo/'e lll~nli911et! wells anti e)cistillj( ftavora tbla tim. 01 the year. The fy the oWr\al', every pm-son in po~ -..L-. ' c:onercte piprs to the e)(isti n) ~ troubla can be avoided lar,ely b7 session of, or having an in'\.ere~l WIlI,"r mllin lit II poi nt lnt'ntNI n', living .uch tHd lmmacUltalJ after WalnllU in, the property described ~n lh~ th,p. jll l pr~.' t.ion o( Mill. trCtlL Walnut. are • iood .ource OJ mlI1dn,-nevar befora. 1'''Holution hereinllfter referred t) vitamin C. and Milln 'treet, in Knld 1\ , that the Council of the Village oi lage; . Waynesville, Oh io, on the ] Oeh 'day of February, 1949, duly adopted a W H.I<; Rl-I A S nit fu nds ' are a vUllahle lind ' a ppropriaLed for t tw fC!!olutio n deciul'ing tile intenLi()n JlllrpoRC or completing said proto appropriate the prop erty therein jllct, anti have been so availllbl.J dC8cl'ibed, of whieb resoluti9n t he and appropri llteri iO ll severu. following is a eopy :
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Runyon were
,raiD or pain mix,
Mr. and Mrs, John MOI'gan of Dayton, Mr. anil Ml's. Rilymond ,Osborne of Xenia a llil Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 'Dill a~ !!Son, Tommy, 01 Sprillg Valley wer e SundllY after. noon callel'S at t he home 'o f Mr, find MrA. l'J'merllon Dill.
fill' ()o_
ture web .. oem Or olita wW b.l· anCa the ratlona for both m11klnl cow. aDd ~lnl helter.. .lu.t to mike lur. the berd ,. ,ettln, Inou,b phOlphOl'Ul, It mtaht be a Idea 10 add 100 to lDO poundl of wheat bran to a l,OOO·pound mixture of com and oat., '
Mona, Fo, LOVI
p.r6ona/lnole~ Mr. and Mrs . W. A. Callahan and ohlldren Patrick and Sharon Jo of Oincinnabi were recent v{,3iters of Mrs. C lll lahnnR parent!!, Mr, and Mrs • .T.-ll Runyan.
·allt It II
atIl1 Allala , • • mlDUi .... Ilalr " " . • • Jlarlana AIlcla Delano ell IIartbaJdI • • • lin, Dal. HaftD.I. wortb. ~ motber wal aD Am.... lca. 80 J 'lOll't mIncl It J'OU tell OIl 1IInf. Dala, but be IIIH aDd 1ft tM iDODeJ from 4ail before I0Il meatlal that rill . ~ ...,.. It far 0lIl' JIaaepm.....
,.r.;.i li w.....
MEN ' Ui~ ..
"! "ll r~s so r
pipe .. a
.tl. Big Inch-system a vital' natural gas artery of the nation, Texas
Eastern people from the Southwest to the Eastern Seaboard have laid I I, -r-.<=I:-------I-...:....~ . of new Il,ipe line 'd uring t\le past 19 ~onthlJ to gather and dis·tribute gas. Despi,t e the difficulties , i~ :.t I'1.i.lhed of securing sciarC4!1 steel pipe, ,and ,, . .:~:"rs~ often in the fa~! of very unfavorable , 1 :-:15 arrives from the weather, this elssential work of lay. , :.(: ; 1I 1~ s Lation at Oran, ing pipe 118S gone fOl'Ward. ' j . I)uri, with the pressure I\own to approximately 650 tH)U His. Jt go~ first- to "scrubbe1'8,"taJl '
tn ,
. ~;
'~7F . ' ,., GI. Selub~
towers where liquids and ,
Men l/olIl;nl schoolt
,are remov~~. Then the P8 is piped through ' eight
;,,.n p ':,C'l id.· rs illlrss than two ' years have ',.\ ...... l ert'l Hr :::.L1 f .,::\~.,,,: g L k of converting ,Lit! Inch lines from wal'tdme oil ~ardt;rs to natural gas service. M t'p ,
,like the master mech; nie above~ who is installing a iuel inject.ul' system on a gas engiJ,e coml>l'essor, are now comple~g adjustments tQ malte the I nch lines as efficient. as possible for trans~ poitation of natural let s. Such 'men, who h ~ve )'ebuilt the Inch lines, a re citizens of your community and similar communities along the Inch 1I11es. Th~ir job js to keep 'n atural gas moving witho~t intet;Tuption; !.heir civio interests will be' t hose of a fj
. oth\lt' impuritieS
?X/ R T' i'1~tl'(l1.hc
n pi3h bor and citizen
~. I~J
the many public "rojects in the communi 'es and ::.mtcs 81 0:' " }lP '1' ;: ~ line route. Thus, throu gll " j Xl'll!
and four on the Big I nc8. ElicIt' I)f the four boosts the preesure ' a little higher until, finally, the natural gas goes )lack Into
. fiew.t". celllll'tSSOl'S'..... lRANSMIS,SION CORPORATION
The maehinea that do thiajob' are new typecentrifupl compressors never before uaed for lona distance 1M traaaml&~ion.
'nleJ are drl'fell ." elee-
ale moto.. ~ et dltrerentatationdrOID 1,260 to 2,000 ~~wer,
Owner ond operator of the BiJ , Inch and LiHle Big I'nch p ipe ' line system. is r~presented In, COf)nIIIUr!lty life of nine, states where Its employees live and work. \
omc. 01
~.m 1', of 306
E~"t prn ps'yrollA, it s f;O;1 I 'u~~it>n elq)enditures, tl)1' a '('s paid hy L;, c ( ';0) pany and its employees, it is par t.ic·patingin t.1 , null,]' "; ~0 r r, ch uo]s,layingofrQnd A, anti-t;le fill. r ' 'r l I "toot' crop ·
main lines at about 760 popDds' pe"lIQuare Inch, ready fOl'fitil next 5O·mile lap.
, at T_ EutinI.tati •••
1mluhity .
that the lncillines are operated as narut'si g•. s Now carriere by a private company_ they are he/ping
fonr ,on the, IJttle Inch
••"VlWlJR, $1"/1 'IINI ' .,
E!l S
. AS part ·of tll.,ir job to JOllke the
ft~t ion W(1l'k·t Well let's take n trilJthrough one of the 14 new, electrically· powered stations (~ ~V , loped by Texas Eastern. r ..,, ':;' Mk j., f1ar1i~ ulal'8tSta
..... "f. "
Mi'am Streef, Shrev.eporf, Louigi"n(J,
1,..-.... 1.](1 . E~f"'", $fofiOll I. of Le&anon ' •
. /'
17. IN.
PAoe FOuli
CLASSIFIED ADS ONE CENT PNR W( R /1 ; m in imum charg . 25 cents. Contract r at e fU l' l'~p III " cl ve J'ti. ments upon application.
c ae
..... _ .. ,.................... ............................. ,........ ...
~~::~:i ~:~(Ia.~.~..:~~:.,.~~,.·:. ···i........... .... ·...." ..··...... ·•....•.. ........... li
.' U8U3
Sa llU'ie~ 'and Wagos ... . ............, ........................................... ,......$66.089.511
Bond n eth'cment Fund ,_ .............................. ......... ,........ ,.................. LunchToFtaUIOd ._ ............. '_.,.................................. "................... .. ...... .. .. ,._ ........... .. :.••, .... ............... u.: ......... ..... ~ ... ' .. ... ................ .
March 5
............. ... -.,: ...... _..... ....... ,.. ...... ............ ....... ............... .I09.M9.61 Bond R-iltirement Fund ._ ...... _......................................................... 1.898.111 Bldg. &. Impro vement \fund .................. :........................ ,............ 202.600.00 I uneh Fund ... _ .............................. ...... ............ ................................. 16.622.118 • . TQtal ,........ _, ... ......:............. ,.......... ............................................,.330.290.70 THE LAND BANK WAY WA~ TQtal Reccipb and Balance ................................,...................3821.842.14 LAUNDERrnr. in rio In mv hnmp ~~ "I' ' nrmur~ . Quiek .~rvlce . Pl,on<- 29 Ii. •en.. rnl Flint! ......... ,...... ._ ....... ......... ............................................ .. ... 100.679.73 R(l1Id Retir('mc ni. Fund ........ ................. ,.......................... .............. EI.09'T.6O l,lI pch Su p ll1ie ~ RJld Salu.:r,iell .............: .............................................. lEI.l'14.40 O()1\J' T FORGET T O r I' TlI r111 otld Improvement (Including tnve ~ tmentll) ...................... 19@1.000.00 us fo r in lIT:'! nc . All t '!'lee; ,, ( . Tot.81 .......... .. ............ _., .. .. .................................. ,... ................ ,..... 82~1.961.63 ·Insurllnce at a silvinr!:. r.a 1 1'\l\lml"\' . Orce mbcr 3Lst. 1945-rnlncls r.en e Rrf)wn. t' ('I" ~ Ge ner,,' l"unrl ........................ ..._.................................. ,.. .. ........ :.,... lQ.9'18.31 Wllvnesvi11~ :1 <172 N c:\11 BQncl U.. ti ... ·mcllt. Fund ,.... ...... _....................................... ............ -.!i1.U4.~7 O LD BANK BLD G. CQlIect. Wnmin ~nn 111. Luncn Fund ................................ - ...... ~......... . . ...... ..... .. ........ ............ -342.~3· LEBANON. OHIO R hl ~ . lind Im provoment Fund .................... ................. .................. . ~.15OO.00 CASH FOR DEAD STOCK Total ............................................................., ..................... .. ... 11.890.151 .PHONE 448 Total Ex penru tur 1\ and Balance ................ .................... 328.643.15
~t!c llrity
!n mind for '49
HORSES ......
6 .00
1 P.M.
ProperLy Tax ........ :........ _........_........:....~ ....... ........... :.. , :'::.2~d* Speed 1 Ton Chain Hoist~wlthout Chalns,12ft. Toll! I Proptry Tax ....................... ,................................... ......... 37.271.59 LoI Cha18ft. Chain, l '. ft. ' Llne~ Shaft !?ou nn atlon Programn, ('osh Received ........................; .................................... ....................... 48.739.85 1 • h J k ,ft . LIne Shaft'r with', 100rll,sIHard' Iffinllction for Teacher" tl lltlTcment ............................................ 3.21'1.00 Wit . ac s, Iffidllrl:inn for Sellool Employes Retirelmmt .............. .................. 991.12 ' Chi k C t 3G Oerl llr.tion for Gounty Boar~ of Education ........... ..................... 1.498.04 Coal Brooder Sto~e, 2 c en ra aso-
Auordint 't " size and cnn· JANES RENDERING oiled '
Waynesvide National Bank
~i:!<~~}'i erl
moved Promptly.
A . lut 0 r .'smart " money is put into sa~ings aCcdunts hese da ys by people who w the' score .. people who this is no time to spend ')oc dollars. thus helping to in-nation. Join the and save here reo
. Lebanon ~ Nati~all t. -- Farm ' toan ''.,'.
1 Over,stuffed Chair, Several Rocklnl Chairs, 1 9x12 RUI, 18Jl1~ Rue, 16 ft.rHall runner, Vlctroia, Typewriter, 2 -.cts,1 Child'. Bed, 1 Hllh . Chalr,Vanlty Dresser, Electric lamps, Toaster, Kitchen Cablnet,Small Churn,Dlshes,Pots and R dl F Pans, Lac. Curtai~s, Cabinet a 0, .rnary, . 5mall Pool Table,!2 1/2 Inch rope' Blocks HI,h~
. through the
COWS ... ...... . ....
The New Look
I will offer at publl~ auction at my residence on 6th street near· hleh school bulldln, on Sat urday.
4 '1. -
C. W. the Board
+:~ i:~uat~~~,.::::~::::::::.. ::: ::::.'.:.'.'::.:::::::::.'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.....;~:..I.••'9~1.1I~1.1
lCLECTR.ICJAN. 1I 0u!<1' " it·h\~. and repairs. Quirk , u r V\C l·. ~;d Laulfhlln ~ 1\ mileR N . F.. oi W uyDCllville at R arm on~' r..rov ~ 8cltool House. Phone New Bur. lington 306.
FINANCIAL RBPoi. For FillC!al Y-ear WAYNE LOCAL Sehool ·[" strlct. Wavne~vil1e. Ohi!). • J certify the follow l", l'elJOrt to be correct.
es, 'nt~I~~tn~:o~ustt:~no~fr~~cibi~..D~bt .. :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::·54.~~:~~ line Lanterns,1/2 I~.' Hand Drill, Several hives "!tnt ~ Aid fot Bus Purchase .............,........................................... 6,5'J1.00 , Depository Interest ..............._ .............,.............................................. 121.88 of Bees and Supplies Chicken Fenceland chlck'l'uitio n from Plltrons ....................................................................... 237.98 . , Vt)rat\('nDI Edllcl'tion and Rellabilitation for Deaf. Blind "oop,"andl N~merous Articles not mentioned _n<.l Cri Jlpteli Chrildren frDm State and U. S. Government .... 1.62J .28 ... ,
Xenl". O. l.,t~ or WDmin2fOn. O. 2362
VeterAn ~
Trainin,g ................. _.. ,........................................................ 7.1\?r;.~!I" r nntrlbutions Lunc.h Sales and State , Subeldy ............................16.1Il!2.58 Other ..... ............... ,..........._.. ,................................................................. fl21 .RI'i Total n evcnue .......:....... _ ......................,..................; ....,......... 126.013.07 on· RevenueSale of Bo'nds ... ............. _.................................................................. 202,500.00 Premium on Bond~ Sold ........................................ ,................... 1,188.00 '('rrued Interest on Bondll Sold .................................................... 690.68 "!alr > nf ProJlerty ........... _................................................................... 1.00 Tob' l ";on· RcV'Cnue ............... ......................................................... 204.277.68 Tot" I Trllnllactions ..................................... ................. .... :................830.290.70 F.
DO YOU PLAN r nmod ..l n" buUd II 'Bam? Stop in a n!! V'n t YOOT COPY' of t.ou<l en ·~ f rop BIl Pllln Book. , W1!l RAVJi: In sto;'k a c mnl" C' line of Londe'l' hl\TTl e (1ui"m~'~ I I'UppIlH. as, "tIIl is. stanrhi()M water bowl!!. litter Nlr riers "~,, hay' earrlenl. LOUDEN'1II RARN Ollll'1ll1n'" ~" lfe eo~ts YQI1 nott, inl!'. r ill! Qn " •. tor 0111' e ettm Rte of VOll~ inh. BANTA TMPT, F!\fflN1' 1'0. Your Louden R ppl'p.Mmt nti v (> in 1 Southern ohjo 2'T W. Mulberry Rt..' TJrhunun . 0 11'" Phone 55!;
O i "c;n" n ~l l '''' ~ " S t a ck Ya r d , L, ve
~.' '''
p c II Nl ~ .l v "
Or Q n.,~ z at on · n d
/I -
ko' !)o n e
A'l m i ll i~tration-
Oram Shoup T.IMartlnr
c. E. Rlesau
" IAl'ie~ /l",1 Wag'-! Adm. Officers and Employes ................... !
2.102.00 tf'WjitJ .....: .... WUJ. RETURN r"'J!/ll Services ............................;........................... .t................ ,............. ,1100:00 . 11 ." o"nd "" "k. , In t l' Tot,,1 Penonal Semce ............................ :................................. 2.602.00 c ountry . ()flir e Supplies ................................ ,.................. ...":........... ,......... '...... 210.38 Total Other Purpo!'.elJ .................................. ,................... ........... 210.3S CLARlN('l IN. ,SE~VtCE THA'- ".J>T ,<;r fL cd on Water Street, with tbe WH IO Dayton l ' au ~ f.' . 1:' Tntllt ArlminiAll'ation ................ ,.............. :.............................. 2.1812.38 RESOLUTION DB PRIATE · con tor of laid right of way anti Inst r uctionTENT ION TO APPRO D11\ I 1 .. ' 0 W J . W (:tl' ~·lnh ,~ \ .'" ~C" ~O "lIl Service .................. r . . . ................ . . . .. I........................... §2,821.27 RIGHT OF wAv AND .BA.SEeasement running alonl' a 12 : 40. n lnl 100. I· r ' ~· It 1'11 11' T ex t Book'3 .................. :................,.......................... ;.......................... !.176.01 MENT FOR WATER 'YORKS strailrbt Une bearing South .'l n rl< t Repo .... Otlwr Educational Suppliell .......................................................... 2.020.SI5 pURPOSmI ' seventy delrl'ee. (70 0 ) 'wel!t from Iteplacement Educational Equipment ................................ ,...........' 394.00 RESOIJUTION NO. X . the existlnlr well a over and K. 1> " airs Educational Equipment ........................... ,......................... l!16.85 VIII f WllyneM' cross land of Margaret Edwards. NOW OPEN Prompt ;. 'I'l'av~1 Expense ................. :........................................................... ,.... I ,M'7.16 WHEREAS the , age a . for custom butcherinr. 1'041 Other Purposes ..............................................." ............... 6.lJ54.37 -ville, a Municipal Corpora:,~~ Adopted : Februa1:y ·10. 1949 0ptometlrfe Bpeclatilt 'aenoa, GaD Gordon, Harveys· 'LOY<D DA VlS - _ . Total tn structlon ........................................ ,....................................... la,IS'rS.64 has relocated the sourcell 0 I buq. PIIOM Waynesvi1te 2006. Pre~jd(!nt 01 Council Ubr~ e!l, water supply by drllllnir 81J t'26' Sout..· DetNIt . . . . . -ind " er9'lhal Serville .................................................................................. :109.13 able wellll northwellt of the cor· AlUlSL: -Cotal Other l"U1'poses .................... ,........................................... ;aou.48 porate limits, for the benefit of CHARLES JAMES DNlA.08l0 'rota.1 Libraries ................................................ ,....~............... .........,... ,t09.4S \laid Village anCi all Inhabltant8 ClerkAUCTIONEERING of Pupilsthereof. lind for ,the , benefit. __ DTe:~:'te~:e s;;~;ii;~ ·:~:::: :::·:::;:::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: f::~:~ all persona u~lnlr -water fumlsb. ~ANLE-,r aDd KOOGLER R.eoairs Motor Vehicles .. _............................... :............................... 1.'nO.03 ed by the Waterworks of IIBtd. ' r•• - - - _ . _ _....b_... FOR SALE r;ar~<!e Rent ................................................................................. ...... 2211.00 Village. 1lUHtlant to a ~e~t aROKERS l.CENSI" '\ c:w Used - Rebuilt Total Other Purpoee ............................... ,.............................. ,..... 11.384.87 made by the Department 0 ~.. D..... Ph_ 18M. Way " , 'T'01 " 1 'rranAriortAtion of PapUs ......................................................... 7,316.1'7 J!el\lth State of Ohio; . .'.' HYDRALIC. UFI'S • Oft... R _ ~Mra .. 'Pnh1 ic Lunches,. ' WHERrJ AS. l,on.~ulting englneel' ~ rQR,lONG WHBELBASE " , ' .., DI>~Fonal Service ........................................................................ 4,SO,1I.60 havl' .nn employed by the Vii· • nn'll! Supplies ..................... :............. 11". 20.60 , '\ ' 11 f th ur TRUCKS: "'" tAl Other PUl'posu' ............................,...................... ......... ,11 ,42060 11\p:(' nf WnvnesV1 e or e p • po~""r nrf'vj,Unll: plnn s. 'spe • '"nl,,1 P"lhHt! LUl;lchell .................................................................... 16,~24.00 r.ILL- L.EE W.ELlnfllU'-"..:1.L""7-t""-F ~ J\uxlliary Ap:enales' . . Ification14. "",I nI·"riIes a~ to \ .dR Lecture:s ..... : .....................,............................. ,.......................... 80.00 the P1'9per ~n"r~ 1l of the n~es. WAYNE PARk '1't)tol Perllomd. Service ............................................................ 80.0f' ""~ water ltJ A' n ron n('~tin!l ~"e S "'- ~ "''',,~hf\r5 IIpt;imment Contribution ............. ,................ ,... ,..... 8 . 217.00 ('lri~tlmr wells t,,, ,hI' elllstinqIce Plant - PH()~E: 2~...!. "".1: lO'mnlClvPs Retirement, Contribution .................................... !l1I' .IP svstom !'upplyin 17 , 1',,1'" to tll ---~---:-----:---'----".Q ~"nntv D ..... rd "f E~dueatlon Contribution .................. .......... 1 .."'IISI Of .vill"",~ Rnd the inl'IAhltanl!l Tot~' l)t.her Ptir1lO8et1 .............................: ..............,........... 5.7(\1\ III , J ........... co.t .~ .-..,••i ... rn",,"~l nth., .. A"1{;);arv Agel'eieNi .......... u............................... .. r;,,'1'Vl· "' , .. 1., "' ~~ l"\ f . . "'~. -"ti nn of School Plant. mREAS. all planF. IIPeelf!~\ . 1" t., -~" inc. Pel.'Sonal Service ................ ,.............. ..................... .. n"~ n ' .'"n" _lWj ' I r "filel' ........ " I • '/ n F'lE11 .......................................................................... .............. .. .... 2 . 40\,/i9 th~ ~n!l'inee1'll emplny .. " , bv t'h ~ ... '" .Tn" l tor~ Simnlies ..........................,...................... ................... 1 .4fi~.10 "ill" "", of Waynel'v\1lp, llo"v" pCt\n ... ,,, nthp," Sunplies ................................... ,...................................... l'MII11> apl'roved by lIald mun·,. i,',,'ih· weller • . an
S tr ict lv
th e
March 1
•• ••
,Dr. tE. Wilia E7.
How to make lu"e Your Farm ....
!.,............................. .............
BIG ,M....
~ w;,,~ec~ri~;tY: .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::t::::::::::::::: ::. l.~~~:~:
:. n ~ _ 11
' '7
1"e1enhnne .•.•...... ,....................................................~ ..........._............ . Ail rti · R
,,~iin:I~~,.::::::::::::::::::::::,: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::;.::::::::;
4fi 24'
In,. , .~. ,,"-. t",- ","m ' . . "' . . . I \' .... , forementloned' wellll and existilHr, r","mte nlAn to the ~xistll) '! pnlhllratory to lay ...... .." ......
Oth ...r Contract anil Open Order 8emce ........................ 2JlO?'.R" water main at a point 1~"ted , l!~ To'. !J Tn~Ul:lIl'1re ..................................... :............................................ 76".7' th .. lr<te1"!lMtlnn n1 )(In ~t>'el't Tot,al Other l'tl!")M~ ....................... ..........,...........................,. !l.644.01 and MaIn Street. In' ,,~ til Vito. . 'P rofi t b the e .. pc<jcnqe of fanncn "'otlll Oneratinn of Seho ...1 Plant ........................... ,.. .................... 12.'117.02 . .' lllsre ~ ' ..... i ~t.e nance Df School Plant-who f,nd HIt; M' 'i rund ( e rtili 1;>rilll(l tlllll:C' nlld halter crops b e· A· IIS to 47 inc. Ref'J!ollal Service ........ .................'........................... 280.00 WRl'lR.'P!,6,S . all funds aTe 8v"l1· cause. it', alw"y m anufactured up to 1';- 1 Materials for MBlnt. BId". and Groutlil.. .. ...... ................. ... 3.619,8.1 a\lle IIna appropriated 1M th·, standard•. . . never down to price. fl · ?, Material for Maint. Elmln. and Furniture ................... '..... l.flI1I.83 U1'P!I~e nt eompletinlf 811irl ~,~n.· n.1I 'Replll.cemenfl Other Equipment ........................................... : 4.211.00 j.!et. and have been "" .'(Allahl10:.2 Re . .. .............................;....................... 64.11'1 and appropriated fn! !!ev.erA: li:·R Rennirs Other EOuipment ................... ,.................. .'..: ..:............... 301'7.49 mont" II: • '!'otal other Purposell .................................:.................................... 5.511'1.110 WHEREAs'. all "eeel'sary ' !!tIse- , "'" t~ 1 1" alntenanee of Rchool Plant ............................................ 11.83'1.60 h ~;'.nl On erati.on I\nd J\fRinten"nce ............. :............. ,.................... 1'7.1564.112 menh and t'llfhtll of wa~ ave "'nlnl I"""pp,nt Sehool Co~t ............................................................ 109;728.25 "heen ReCut'e"l except an e8Sll#!~~~~""..==""""....",..".....--:-~:=-~,.....",,---.......,,.:----· ~ ·I ",,,"t g,·rvice. ' ment "nli r.ight of way for thp '-1 . 1 Hfl11IIs Muturin!!' .. ..................................................................... 1,000.00 TlU1'f)<l~e nf ,l e.vinp: a water rna'" . • T£LEPU~S I.I .? , Tnt,erest on Bond~ .. ........ ,...... ,...................................." ............. ".(}M.M (lver and aeron ' the lnnd herr · ( .....O,.-!S'J)' 'l'nbl' l)"ht , SeMce ...... ..................................................................... 8 .1097.110 Inoftl,l' tlellerlbed: and , ~ ... .."... .. . ("""it,,1 Outlay. ' W.R F.REAS. the project eannot !Ie T.~ 1\!' Vehickl" ......... ................................................ ,..... " .............. '7,1211.88 undertaken 01' com"leted until "'-:--ND-_d G ' RAVEL" . 1·1) Ar('hlt.e<1t on A~colJnt ............. ...........................,.......... .... ,.......... 8.000./10 ,Dn ".S l't\1lJ Total Capital Outlay ................................................... "' ........... 10.'1215.88 . luch eallement anti rlsrbt of way BUCK-TOP DRIVES " EXPENDITURE ' : over the Isnd!! hereinafter., dent,!wr Tnvestmtmts PUrc1/ased ........................,............................... 111.1500.00 ~crlbed haR been nbtained. TAR and ROAD .OIL Tnt,sl l'lxnendl~ure!'. .................... ,................·.,_................. ,............ :.. 820.1'111.68 nOW THEREFORE. Be .lheRDlven LA WN and FILL DlRT Total TrRMaollOns .. ................... ...............................................,....... 820.9151.68 by-t'he ('.oonell of the Vmal\'e of READY-MIX COI'fCRETE ASSETS AJIIl) UABIL1TIB8 Waynesville. S~~ of Oblo: It hereby declares Its inEX.cA VA TING am' DUMP TIn lek !F.RYIC r , '1 vp ntoTV SupoI"les an d Ma terlals · (EIiti IDa"", ~-d) ....... ........;.... 11I .8110.51 ')()o 00 mAT t tI to app~p rlate. 101' the ." . en on , I Land s (l<!stlm'ated) ........ :............................................................... 2.1)00.00 purposes of providing f~ a 1JUl',- - - - ~---. -·-- -- ---::-.....JI . J:l"nllinll!! (F..tlmated) .........:....................................,...,............. 118.\>00.01' ."l:v of ~ter for Itself and ' Its - _ . _ - - -~ - - --,- - - , - "' ... " Ipml>nt (Estimated) ................................................................ to.I)()o.on Inhabltantll, and fClr the protectOther Tnvestm~nts ...................................................! ........~. ........ 1915.000.00 Ion thereof. a rfght of 'Way and TotRI ·AsaetR .............................................................. ;............. ll36.~190.lIl . easement over al'rJ a.:r08S thr r ' . " .i ll hilitie~" T h!: ' b'l;\:e r ,the y ic1i! and the low", the c rop COlt-the bittgcr your profit. It'. Just common . eme.
& S · . " e I' on ArmItao
u;a,w~":! N(E.J~SoVl:,Lr~
' ~::iit~= . . :. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. ,... . . . . . . . . .
II A "
~ "
.n ""
_I!'!_~~ ' ~~~; t.
1, ,
~;:"". o/t,;:y'
• . "'.
Karl D.:Dakin )II3urance !Agency
~ ....==----====:..::.---=----.---...---------=...... :)", Phone lb3 , <='J E. 1ulberry. l£BANO.N' 0
OHIO .aIMEI SINIU"'" . . , OHIO 'UM11l5
lionel.;.i Deht .......... ,......................................... ,...h ................ , ... ...... 202.rlOO. .00 Tollll Liabilities ' .. ................................. ................................ 202.liOO.00 F.]xces3 Assets ............................................... ~ ..... _.......... "............ 1.88,890.5J refresbmmts of iee CreBlft aD , ' cake were _"ed to her IN"ta. "t;J,l'fIe~ UIV.I. Mrs. EIJwatd Rleb -and dausrh· . - If tel'. Dladel. who have been 'rellldP .• T. A. met Wednellday eyenlntl inff ..t the home o,' Edward Dakin, FreRhcorn. 8uperlnt~ndcnt n1 our for .veral monthll, return,1!d to I<choo\' prellentea . on Instructive tbelJ;' home III Xenta, Saturday. tlllk to the parentR of the IIChoal H .... Lottie ,"chenor Is relildtng at bc)~y. on rules and regulations o~ tbe hmne of Hr. Dalrln. t he ~chool. · . IIIn. Thelm. · Georjfe. wl>h ha .. Mr . Mary S. Piertlon and linn. been reeoVeJ!fn. from a recent Hl.fohn .syferd. were hOllt8 to tit. at ,the home of her IlllIter. Young Peollles C1al!~ of lIIethod· III.... IIItldred Brown. 1'I!tumeij to ;Rt Ohurch, Tuesday eveninlr. lira. hfl1' home In BlitrO. Prlday. • Pierson is Instructor the cia... Will "ot'llllhe1l of 1",1 "non. Mrs. A. S. Collett was hMteas to tranueted basin. . In town T "1II'II. Jonab's Run Church lIIil8lon&rJ !'iociety at her hoine. Thureda, arftCarl BroWD ,.tumed bome ernoon, After the buslnells "out'. urd~""'. three weeki' 1ft ., In
Ia . . Oblo I'atmen ,..111 give yuu bro:&d prplecUOO apiDJ;1 loue. - roar farm. It co""a your building•• your cba~eh. yow automobile . . J'IIQI Uabillty for acdd~ou I ', otIJe" . Wby "Qt rod~ , Y- . . . . J'OU'ra ..I.. ""~ you ' • lnaur,..l !JI me Oblo , _ .
and. mol'P. epllcl1II'ally describeit 88 follows:, ' And belnl2 a right of way anrl ' easement for a water main. ru..· 'l'In!!' from the exl~tinJl' wellK '1oeateil on the T11'olle r,ty lea II"!! from Mile Miller McJ.JlfreMh. OVQr ' and aCroll1l a strlJl of srround 'twenty-nve (211) feet In WIdth, and elftendlnl( from the 1lropel'. ty leaaed all aforellBid herein, ,tct the e,xlstln~ water main lout.
,,.............1,.__......... .... .
c___ ,.,., ............ • ...
To Itt the
.. , 1Il0lt WUII
from electiic
aenlca ~ farm DMCII
''4Mflllfl' .. 4deq~l. WIrlnI IIlHIII eooUp oud.... bit eaonp win .Izea accl a widol Ia~t aad iaataUatioa ~t ... IUNI elideacy. ecoaOlll,• • Iet)' aDd CODftDIeace.
H.,. r. . . . Ir." As ·Wumated, the power lIDt .. bloupt fa
flom the ,oad to a ceater meter pole which lernl U a ~ dDD ~t f~ c:aft7lD8 electric current co all cbe ~ beiDI IIInCI. , " ' . . , The mltboclt. mlteriaJa an!l.ji~ of wire inslaUed ia ~ feeder lin. to the nriou. bui\di tlJ:i d.e te rmine che eflideilcy of chI farm wiria.. ~ ,_ I ' .' , plait 'or til. futvr., lao. Ii'. a.fine 'dea to plaa widnl to car" a futule load double dut DOW needed. Blectrical cUatdbnt/on palle.. with .pate tenDiaaIa aU~ for fut;'ft acldidOfll to your equipmeDt witbou~ O' ptelent ~CI. , .
Ito'' '.
ad.,...... 01 ""d,•• 'to make IW't the .-irilll - pliln you work out with your c:oaua~ Ptrmia aU. addidonal . load IDd fuhue ejttlfllloaa likeI, to be IIIIIW. calk Onr fOIl' . electrical .power nNdl with your Cow:tc1 Agent. Vocadood AjdC\lltnre lncher aad the FItIIl Reptelenradft of your eIecufc .... . Ice eOlllpany. 'I'ba COIIlbIDed apid8aca 01 theM autboridel ,wu belp Jo8 -101 die mulmum comfOrCI aad CODvenien~'eS of el~ tricaI U'I'fna 011 your 1II1II.
Termes,.~ . where 'h~ III construrt·
In". " modern home. . (1h .. ,,1ell Collier whn has been 1 ~lIri01J"'Y 111 for ~('ve1'81 wee'kll. IS renorted to be In ~erlou~ condition lit this time. , Mr. Rnd MI'!!. H. C. MUII/Nn of Muon were ca.tlen In town Frl~ day.
II •• IlnoII ",. . . .I I11III, c. .~ ....
--:- _
'A (Xmmunity 'Institution For Ninety-nine Years
In collecting the mind .nd arriving ql A , ...nd of thoUithl ror tllit columfl from week to week: IOm8l:l1n ... i, quite . a problem. We are ' lOII\etimll' remindoed of the worrutn when ..ked by oUicer; "Did you s.,. the number"of ' the car that lmocked you down? pve the reply "No, it wae 1I0ine to fa.t - but .the woman driving wore, a black felt hat trimmed with red and her COIlt waa imitation leopard." Th. one Important wa, mi.1I&d and our thought i, often in the tame .taU. We EJllct
Renect\orll 'o n I':dilOlI Words o'f whldom .. ros of~eri t..ifnvS unheeded by people in the pow... of the Prell," and other times th1t ~eedere a,. too eeilly Iwayed from their orilinal C!pin~~ end actuall.y ~::'.c1cre4icloL on ''1b)ect.t. A mao rom ~ ory . .~ "I~ down" and Grove. . Ilvetl u.e V" • ad ret truth than bare U ' e""reeI mo .. ~~1f.,;,.-.;.-" pa"uy:lI:oulk~ know. "ettin" dawn t<l obnIn tack-_we are a panel of buck palMfL We blame the mayor_Dd CC:~
an~nsUn.::. ~~l;
'il .' We
Robber Of WILLIAM80N-
Mrs. I). C. Ridge opened her home on Friday uf ter noon luI' I he F'(lbruary mootinl( of lh l) 'w CenLu ry C lui) willi a f ine aLLull(IIu'I('c of memlJll .,:; a nd lhl'oo g uellls: M .~ . Puul Sowu sh of MUllsfield Mrll. Mulxd Wellus a l.d Mrs: Sundlly Bulley. ?olrs. R E. Asbtll'Y, 'J I',,~ ide nt , pl'c.l!idud ov'el' the bU K ine~~ sesK intl und 1wfrs. H . L. RYe, :Mrs . R. H. Gil'l Sco ut · Troop No. I will HartslK;j< and MrH. n. E. Hathhold a Chili s uppal: Saturduy evc- aWIlY ,vel'o in 'hurge of t ho pto- BUS1NESS ' ucal:ion dept. -.-,... ning March 12 lit 5 :00 p . Ill. in gl·um. We ore pl~ ased to · h ave two Inew th e Grllllj.,"I! HIIII. C hil i, c l·tlckel' ~, M l's. Hi ue """0 a Il.O!:lt R oyal TYJl'ewTilenl for Ollr Depoettcoffee (,r milk will he ,'o}'V·1i III ~ot~;:~t~:~~. ;h!:~II}W~~r ':r"!h~~~ menl . jU gt 40" /lei: J.l1lr301l. The J)l'ol'ccd ". WliS Jll'epm'eli by M,. . Hathaway. Eiltlull 8m II has b~ award"d " will he 'U Mcil ill 'th e fUl'th ol'lIn~" of thi H very ill tcrtll,l~in g lind worth- hut. who li8 unable to be present: Senior Older f Arti'stic 'rypiats Cere Gregg- ExarninlJlf{ whilc prfll!'l'Hm in oUr ,·(tnllnun it .v, M 1'8. Rye ga ve 0 II interesting lie· t-ilieute b y fo unt of h cr ru 'oot vR!:at iOIl i n B oard , I l"lol'id u u nd Mr.!. BUI '~" ' >ck I'~II (' ,1 Th" Houlfk""p, u\: 1 .ludllut.II "1'. ri ll" IUL!lCj' Oil "P'aI'l1<lU S BirthtlliYs i n F( b/·uf\".v" a11(i als o lnmitil'ncd "njoyi ng Ih it' wor/< 011 the Practice it ci o g the l1I11n tl, Ql lllC'Lhdo ), .el~ now. We 'Ollt' LO com»~Le ill we of h ' 1' lute mother nod (If he/' 'hO>lL- a nnulil I nl.".. utlon .. 1 I'!./Alklceeplng '86. 'l' h~ s l! lonpcr!' were all excellent ·Conteftt. and ".ade a fine prU{l"t'arn. .Fol l owing Ililiournment, 8 T,lon,The Waytl'ljlville quin ~t· did it , n l1t , lICilll hUU I wu S on juy." j 11111 "uinty n :f r '. IIIIICIII " of il" rrl1lllll agai n 8rd lire &&a1'" Warren ~ullly uuke : c al'ol~' a,"1 'orfc, WeT'! ChQm~. I",d ~ to the district lit sC I·Vl!d .
Girl Scouts To Stage .Chili Supper
EV8vry November III lciu:tllll. at least twenty-one year aold and capable ,are given the oportunity ~ callt a ballot. WJ>at do the State Representatives and State Senators w e elect have to do? Through one of our news chanlIels we are fumillhed a bit of enIi&htment on thl. subject. "The Ohio Gilneral A.sembly Jound 851 measure, at the deadline ror the introduction of bills. In u.. House there were 653 and ,in the Senate 198. BIU, continue bJ be dropped in the Senate hopper. Many of thll late bill. have not yet been print'ed. All propoool. will be read, and tho .... directly effecting new.papera will be care(ull;r iltud1ed and their counle clolelY fol lowed. The titles indicate there will be in exc...· or two hundretJ. . 81111 sre qulcldy referred to COIn~ mlttee. which give them early It...• inp. Senatll-COWmitt_ Ilh!o w ....1t {or the lint time tried OU~ wire recordlnia. It i, intended to earpedite hearingl and pllY hac Irt"atimony or. witnes ea when requested by commIttee memo ben. , If .the plan work. out' fully, r~rdlng d~c.. ,~y be uaecS by vavnous commIttees. From th. looks af things our Jegislpton certainly wa!'t to keep their l8yet on thto new.papcrI as It Is nalttd that ove"" two h'undred d ...1 with this bUlin..., .
q:: ~~
fot'Pl bow we voted for pJaylt'OlJ nd . and leap-r~ diflICtIOn, aDd another half do.flIt dams on Cow Creek. Ii
Until this nation lIeel\.llln°verue ': . ' ,totbebarkent II -!!'onctmul it i, on the In,lde-end It ' coste a I\'ere nothlDfl to let ~ are lOing to bave eclt... and pama on tall day. It i. aatty to , ,et Jnto..a1l tbfle .Ide..bowa bu~ gettiDg out, the~ is the ,bad newt--ilur IOld watcb 18 ml-Ift",' Mai If you even slow down an . [l !::treet . ,omebody will ~Iar you Wltb iill i'd_ on bow ta ftll. ewrythlug. And at the lunch dub, If you have no problem (or \lIn &uy to ",Ive, ~e wili OJO~ ono up lind tell bow to fl& at. • .' In on.. month', time, if ..v.. r~ ~r. and Un. Qood Citiaen would wnte their mayor. and congr~mao,.nd tn aJl-end Uncl e Harry--3 postcards -- their . . a..... •~ tell the old sporta to ""'. , "'-rdly walt until, and that you .:an •• - - lon '. . the .~he~ ' the nelrt e Ie<."<1 " I-"C'-==--";w;;o~uld ettar up quiCk. !fhol!e black and yellow (or .is it yelloW and black) tugs arc II~W being- aold lit MaTY Earohlut M. , The deadl\ue for disphay is Allril . 1.. From th~~e already 60ld we, notice that llIany famaliar cal'~ have familiar numblll:s.
Test Results Announced
, Wayne.vllle placed two "Uloog !lIe finrt ten when r..sults of tile General Scholarship Telt for Hilit Sclao'ol
'Seniors were released' by RaymO.. F . Hatfield , County Su~int..ndent of Schoo". Th.. test Wal "iv..n ..t F .... nklin on Febl'Ullry 4th aod ul Lebano ~ on Pabruary 5th. County certificates of recognition will be IIward8d to the seniors wht) .... nked In th e upper twe/tty-five per ce nt of thost: laldn& lhe t ....l . The ronk, SCOI'4! and IId100l of lhill honored group folloW1i: fmlt, 205 .Edith Oonsuch, Springboro; sewn<!, 20.04 ·~hom.s McOratiahaD: L:"baDl>": third, 20 I R.o nald 1.0&100, Spnnaboro, ,fourth. 1911 Robert Hunter. Weyne.. ville' fifth 195 Edwin Smith, Lebasixth 194 Donald ' . • Wayne,vllle; ""vtmth, 193 Donald D . • Kin,worthy, Lel>unan; and 193 War_~ FraukliD;.trintb, 179 Mtorluerite N'oll, X,ing.MDIa; t..onth, 175 E(ean.or Bowen, lAbanoo, ..nd 175 Homer Weaver, Jr., Franklin. BODotable Mention: . 174 10bn ~, Lebanon; 173 Edwina Harbaugh. Mill.,; 172 Olive FlllllDery, Lebanon; 172 Carolyn Young. Labe' non;' Its Ell .... " .Brown, Way"eHviUe; 167 . June Rlldding. Franklin; 164 ' :Turuor .EIben, Lebanon; 163 Harilln McGuino, MalOn; 163 Richard Ruppert, Franklin. Only Iha.e emora who nm.Ic.... iD f th · cl th.e ulIP"r r/Jrty pe1' cent 0 elr were eliaiblc -to take ~e rllllt. SeVeDtythree ,eniora took !the u.t.
,.L. f. ~
'1"1 e.
Harvr;ysburg Group ,To Bf akes Meet Mar. 10 . Honor' Roll
IDDCIII& 11E!. t IlI1!0linl(' fill 'l'JllIrSolll Y nvcn. in/(', lal·o·h 10 L1L tile GI'I1~J('c Hill'! four Warren Countiau, reco&nizlid for in WI,lYlll'svil1c , a~ 'ol'dinl1; tn 'Ell I') outttandiJl& aatdemlc .chievement at Gu~tin . ulfic'r of tho organiza- Wilmintll-O n c:ul1_ , tbi, week wtRID
we,r names WaI'e listed on the HoIllOl' An iJ1t"J'''~L '"!S Itro~j' aHl hus lJl.:lln Roll for t\¥! ' lint .eemeitet. 1:11e
tio n.
of Luther minimum for eli&itriliLx to the HoIIIDI' Hlll'tllOt:k alli1 Dtlll ll Walton of Roll iw ali ave,.." of "B" pUn in all W'Uynll t1.1wn~hl l' , ' COUI'!IM for tbe~. Stllok'r and 1·t!frc:;lIll1'erots ' will Le Thos .. !dudent.dirom Warrell Couutlnjo 'orl af ~l" th", meet,,,).\'. ty wl.o achi""ed this diltlnc:t:lon we,..: H"rold Short; ' Lebanon; P'nDc:iI Oilmore, 1I!:.0 _ ~ Harveyal>uf1l; ..od Datu\1 Bei.:r.... eo...ddale. ill
"h uI')!:!:
Holds Meet.-nil at Bunnel Home ~
~bs. R. H . .Hartsllck enWJ.·tliiM (1 on Thursday honoring the birthd.ay
anniversary of ~1'8, D. C. Rid,~1' with Mis ' Jeuu Hurtsock und M.I·~ - - , ' - Pma l Sowli!!h alilo .el1joyoing til t> OCCIlHio(l; MI'll. Sowl1sh o,t MailS, Thn, Eat<~ W;\Yl1e Advi ol'y COUII- fi eld W1IIIu g uest of' hur Aunt, ci l IIlel al t he hontl> of Mr. and Ri/ll,re, fl'om Wedne!l(lay until Pd· •
Mrs . Rhode!!. Bunnall ;for the regulal' l"ebl'uury scssion, with Mr. IIlId M r8. Davis Furnas- lmd MI'. Illui MI·S. JLu:.u.ul Will+C)11 a l!, "UIll!t.d .. Mr. Bunnell conducted tbu (li!K:us . ilion 011 " IlI su~nce" and _m,a ny t e resting remark!' were· made .· lOwing adjo,u rnment, "a tr)ost de ' li cloy >; . desser COII.l'Sr. wno l!loved j,s thE' host . s.
-day evening.
Cu un ci~
011 'Mon-
day avenin!; at the 'hom" of M:I Ill'ld MI':;'. ltobe l·t Wl41'ick u,u d ant! .l in. WlIIialfl O'Banion, with MI'. uud MI',Ii. Vea:. GephlAl'L of und Ml'!!. Ralillt Guckillli .~ Mjami. Kbur.... called \. 11 Mr. and 1111; t_ .. Kurfi:; 011 SMtul'dll.y 'R 'UW;"". and th~v ILeW M'I Mrs. Frl1nk evening. . "-__ ~~a~n~f~I~)l~,~r~8.~R~(~lbe~,~rt~:~~:~~~~~~_ g l'lle
Mrs. J!}al'l Mendenha,1I of Tip» CitY, spent Revera1 days yith ' he ) parettts Mr. l, ntl, ·'Mrs. Guy Ronl zahll. ' , MI'~. Nettie Emrick WUlI Cl1tlll'!.Iline" on SundllY of last week n ~ the homc 01" !tir~ . Ma l'J~al'et Johll~ .
U8me88 '
l1eld a nd much time wall l1;iven. to Ilstenin'lt" 1.0 thl) Balfkci~11 Tou)'no)Ilcnt oyer the 1 adlo, utUl' wl1 icb , MI': Ralph Miller lllad in the dis c U811ion wbich waf! InoHtly on th' l'a1'111 Buroau. MI'. unci M r>;. S. K Bull WIlI'~ h')!lt and host~ &s to the Solith ' Vayne Advisql'Y CUUl,dl on 'l' hu,I'llllay with sixt~n Mem bt.l"8 Jll'l! ent. MI'. J , B. Crabbe, Jll'el\ident, 111'e sided 'ove.r t~e · DU81n\ls~ flessiol1 ~na A. II. Earnharf I ~d in the 4ill<:us81011 OD ~oInllu[, (/noo". ~-I·. BaU al$O read ,a Farm Burea\\ lettet. 'Following this in · tUl'cHtinjt' aesslon, a soeial hOIll wes enjuycd with dpli ciou~ refcl:lIh IlIeuLs of pia willh ~hi'P)led cl·ca.n and ,:offctl were slIrv,ed . . alld
<'Ml:& 'Ed Burtol1
o.t _~""'o,iIJ •
MIw. I.ah Mill. lIClOOfIIPIIIIilld Mr. and lira. awtft J - to, Mid. . .towD, WedDelday and Thunday lllpu wh. . they wible"" WayneevlUe wiD the WlUWn CourttT Baebt baD
~ '
Mn. E _ Early is II lIuMt at doe Honte whUe I'tllCll)Mrl'lltinc from e raeentro-. "
Mr. ed MR. ClaIre R3IJolt an4 two c:hIJd-. of · OhUJ~ 0IIi0, Calle dOlI Dr. 8IId Mn. P. B. Gna, Setunley afterDoon.
M\B. Elisabeth Smith who has sock and '80na.
' f.8~er of eorwl.n called on Mn. Pennew\t Sunday. Chari... K1!»ler end Liule on SUDday. Mr. P,d,Mra. John Fromm WBl'll Mr. and lira. 'Harry Satterth- Sun~y Qlnner auoatB of their ~'11 • lVaite and daughter were Sunday ill-l~ and daughter, Kr. and MrtI. JUe!lt6. of Mrs. Satterthwaite's ~elVln Banta in J'am~wn, Bud motber. Mrs. R. E. Harbaugh; near in the aftemocm, Mr. and Un.
26th. weighil1J1' 7 II/Junds a nd 15 The .I:.yLle clIl."d ciul) 111 tlt at thll OUIICL'S, at the Springfte)d HOIIpita l. home or J\I.J'II. LnwfOlr ThQfll/u:I Itn M.r~. Routz-IJng is t he I!'I'amldaughThursday 1lftel'lloQl!. tel' of MI' ~. Mal'lrar-et Johns a t
N_ Century Cltlb at die ·Mn. D. 'Co 1HiIp~ a
Mr. and ~ Morrie Coman of Mr. 'and Mft. WIllil Harvwy of Da)'ltOft and' 141.. EcIlth 1Iarve)I ' eDCl Daymn ~ - Mt'. aDd MfL J....
Miami VRlley H"lI pi tal
. MI'. Illid ' M1'6. !tohort Iloutzun~ Il.fte,· Il mn.i "l· lI'1e l'Utiun. Sh..- t~ Cf,tnvaI1l8cinp!' at the FI'ielld M Hom,· t/ f Ytlllow Springs, III'e aIDIOUn!;!I"!!: in WUYlleKvi lle. th~ birth 0:[ K baby girl, Fabrulr'
Mr. aDd Mn. MYrou 'l'h_ of High School Dayton, and M.... Ed Thoma c:.Iled on the ¥/_ JII_ and Annie Student West , Sunday Point Alternate;' , Mi.. Ruth .a....a. S: ' ..
MI'I1. ViDla Haines and 11111 Flllzaheth Phlllip~ and Billie Mr. and M.r... Ro~' .j S~hl ant1 Pounds of Dayton, called 011 lit'. chillhen 01 'Dayton. "114'11 ' Sunda)' a lld Mrs, Walter Kenrlck. Banda,. witb Mr. and MI'II. Willi" m Penuvening. ainaton ~d tamU)'.
th ~
Mn. Alice Clark spent Monday aftetDoon viVllithar Mr, aDd MR. MUton SbeehaD In o,.atemDe.
been at the Friendl'a Home fOl" the Mr. J~n Allen of irnJabon. and winter months, bitS returned to, ber M,.. Meynard RUII,lIOn of WUmlngtnn, home on 'ThIrd -Street. Ohio, called on Mn.' Gladyl FrYe Mrs. S. M. Ball will enterlaln Sa,turday afternoon. ......--with an afternoon tea on Thun·M'rs. F. Earnh.n wall II gUest day ~rnoon, Marclt 10, with the Scout Leaden and Troop Com- at the Journal-Heratd luncheon at mittee as 'gueeta, Plana for future the Van Cleve Hotel in Dayton work will be discussed. The Scout Thursday, and at the theatre partv leaders are Mrs. ~bert O'Rell'BJ\, which 'saw "loan of .Arc'. at tn~ lin. Rocer Brown, MI'8. Earl Co~nlal. Woolard, . )lra. Edpr Sm,itb, and' ') (1'1. Robert (J.hapman.· and tho) Mt". and M'l'!I. WiI,lOti I:f u rbsuck Troop Committee la Mr8. Ball. Mrs. are now occupying t he . apa!fitme.nt M. , A. F'ulke1'8Onj Mn. A. H. 'VIIeatAd by Mr. and. M'l'II. Robert ,Stub))s, Mrs. She~n Tinney and Adams, who 'have left to relilde in Tenneuee. ' MI'II. Boa H. He.rtaock.·
MI', lind Mrs. "l!lllRwQI·th Wiu8lr 'Elyl'ill. ute announcing the ,birth Mtertllinlid, a t ' SundllY dinnor of a G Ilound duught()J' on Sunday their parents. MI'. and MTII. Winks morning, Feb, 27. 1\11'8. Burton W1IB and fo mily Of St. Pori.. and Mr. thll former Dorothy Rye. diiughtl!!l and Ml·lI. Ohal'le:< CORtes of Troy. (1 £ Lhc late Mr. and Mrs. John Rye Wert' w eek-cnd ~tlegt~ 1I11~ El lill M.r. BUI'um is :the ion of ;Mrti. Wink!!. ' I" M. Scofield, IIlld both have many relntivel< nnd friend!! he"", Mn. EVOl'ctt Early returne~
Dr. Emma Bonow~ accompanied Mr. Richard Eamnan an4 &mlIy to Rlc:hmoDd, Indiana, On Sunday. wbm they ettended ' Wlllt.aw9tf!T !Tn" '-' " ,Besides the -daughter, she leaves Meeting. three sons, WllbuJ; and Walter of Mi.. ~_ Mania of DaytDn • Du yton. Howard, of near Lebanon sevaral grand and. great-grand- IIpeIlt the week aDd with her c:ouIin, ch ildren. Mn. Luelle ArmI1aCL
. Col. and JOlleph M. Silk had a ~ Fl'i:dltY evening dinner gu,eats, Ml' _ _-_ and·-IUa...~eorie Slater of Leb anon and MTII. Damelt Walker N Du'nll),,] LUk{ll19, SOli of lb'. ~ nd Oakwood, Mrs . William' tul(en a of Hllrveysburg, is at Camp Knox, Kentuqky Ml'II. C. Lee Hllwke, Mrs. Don ihill wvek taking exe.minationl for Hllwke .nd Mlss Anne Weltz left West Point a s al~rn.te . from the on Sunday and will enjoy a vaca- distri!:t. The principal for the distion in Floriaa. , trkt Ie from Greene county. I UukelUl. a senior it, Wayne3vllle Mi.88 '{volllle Stsbbs, of Bowling high school. rated sixth In the Green Univarllit, WIUl a week end recent sen'lol' seholal'!lhip teats. . gue!lt of her Mr. and MM A.H.
" -
After 1111 illlltl'llS of u month, Ml·S. Emma Lacy, aged 86, died Monday morning at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Eva Young of Lytle. . Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at tho Lytle Methodilt. Church In Lytle. Burial wall in Miami Cemetery in charge of Stubbs Funeral Home. .
A th,r ft - ~P01' ,m v, 1 tlti. weck wlren Dwight Charry, !I!, of Zmeavil!e, an mr-conviat:, admitb(f br08lring into t il" ufe in the Wayn_ ville Hiah School. ' 'CbmT,Y . e;;'ed " 10-,YO;>lr prilOn .enten~.. for all " ",,..d robOOl'y at M t. Veman, Ohio. Since being p Qroled £ruin' Jni- in 1944, Cherry admi~ he 'had looted aafes of hlgb 8chooll in .. 8 Ohio .Dd Indiana eommunlties, Cherry lIIirt h watched the nowspaper alor rel?Ol'tIl of ,...veJlue-producing blgh ~I eII-tertainmenbl and atillet!c events. 1:11e WH wera opened with e drill ed punch. . Shariff Couden i. invwtfgatitlg iii an effort to detennlne ~ .C beny lIRADBURY_. conn~ed with numeroD' other Se~icet fOI' 2 5-day~ld Th __ burRlarift In Warren CouJlty COIIIBradbUry, who diud at bl, home hi munltjes. Oregonia Sunday', were held at 2 P. M. Tu-t.y at ' McClure fuDerat home, W.ynarriUe. Burial _ ha Miami cemetery• , He II IUl'Vived by hit p alWDts, Mr. MR. Olive Curl I'8tumed MoDcIq and Mn. Thoma. Bradbury, one from Bam.viUe. Ohio, wh_ Ihe brother and' 01111 litter. f]MIIIt the ",..k and at a P_ca CDaference. L ACY-
Mr. and M.... LaWlOD WhIted of Rev . :100- rot , Oregonia vivlitod MR. Chad... Kib- 'II'er e v~m illg (\11111 r J,:" ... , ler .nd dauchter, Lizzie, Sunday. Mill"'e" Dorot hy ahfl Loli 1 [ nlll of Daywn TUIl lillY. 'l'h,, ' M ." M~~ M'l·. al}d M'rll. Muck Duvi'll buve Rennie are teliChet'B i/l th" Dayhud with them for the putt t:t'TO lOll IIchools, but t hei!' hOlli t i!f weeks their inlll1lt grandl!aughte'L", in SlJ~lIcel' ville, Ohio. lind returned her to har pa,r ents MI'. 1l1id Mn, La\VI'ImCe Davia in Ml·. uud Ml's. Lc.o ColUlIl~ Ilud Xenia on Sultday,. Mr. and Mn. daughters were Sunday afternoon Davia then · ~t tbe evelltng with ,~ of !rtr: Blld MIS. !)ar id; E o:: thelr daughter, M.r . and Mrs: Les- I'8r ant;! BOn, In Dayton. M~. 9 "r Mrs. Boger will 800n Ie ·e . ~,. ter Sh~er and ehlldren. ton to becOme residents of Indiana· Mr. and Mrs. William Stnru8e polis. were Sunday aunts of Mr. and Mn. J. C. Ywnc and. family III Mr. and ~. Gilber t. Frye and 80nl hlld·u ,Friday evening supper Cincinnati. guelltl!, Mr. ,and Mrs. Luther Hart-
M rHo Puul William" a l1d ~ O!1r Neul of LobatlOI1. wCI'(~ calling on Lytle friends on WI.'(inel!day. Mrs. 'E mma Lacy,. agecl 86 ytlllrs, died at the hom'c of b el' daughtel'. -Mrs. Earl Young. Monday. The funeral sel'vices were held a t LytIc ch'Urc'h on Wednesday nIt.e/·, nu!)n ut 2 :30. .
Tho Wu y ne ~ville Oivie Cl ub held regular' monthly ' me\!ting in the Methodis t Church MondaY! evening February 28. The ladies . of the «'.hureh women's society served the dinner at seven aftll,wllieh the regula r. btl sine~s \vu~ tram8cted . Thu speak "I' of the evening wu s Mr: Russel Hom, who i8 in the I'eal estate I, uaines! in Lebanon. He KliVI! a very intel'e'oiting talk on hou ~illg ' aner situations related. The uttend,mfle was Dot up to the USUI1I number but t he meeting wal:l mo!(t ben'e iieial. '
Mrs. Anna P. Willlnmson, ogllo 87, died 'Monday evening at the Rahn Nursing Home i n ' Miamishurg after all Ilxtended ill ne'ls. She is surv!v('"1:1 hy th)'c~ d tel's, Mt·s. Etht!l HliUk, MIamI. Florida; Mi Hs (il'lice W i lllaUlijOn. Waynesville ; Mj'II. Luella Brown, Franklin; two sq nH, Raymond. Cleveland and Harold, Dayton, five g-randehildren ; a sister, Ml"3. Evil Long Hammond, Oakland, Calif. Funeral services were held thla afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Waynesville Methodist Church in charge of the Rev. R. B. Coleman. Entombment was made in Miami Cemetery at Corwin in charge of Stubb. Funeral Home.
opl~; Spots In The,News
Tllc, ]~inbow Advi60r y lleld theh' J:egullil' meeting
Aguin co n&ratulatlons jUld good luck to th e basketball tejlll1. We'll ~11 "" 'yelling- for you yt X enia.
• The Wane n County Fish and r:am c ASROcil1Uon '\\Ii 11 holll it~ A H .. rvl1y~bur" student wa
1l1'1'al1 ~" d
Xenia. Thory d ... w Sabina and pley Sa,t urda)! afternoon at 1 o' clock. W e had ' two playe.. on ~e lint five of the all County 'J'ouiDament team. They ..... Ken Vicker. aDd DaD Simpson. Jabk Ti nney waf the lixth player selected. Ther.. art! twu ntrw pupil. in !the Junior Cia •• : Katheriue Wallen and DOfot:lY 'chenoweth. M ary L.YIU} Drew had a alumbe-r lJ arty Monday ni~ht for the Senior girls; they were "lcinda" tl:red Ta..d " y at school.
Civic Club Meeting Held
Fish and Game
, Mi~tI SU"ali BUl'Ilt!1 of Dllytotl , WIlH the g'ue~t of 101 I' und tofTS. HlI,l'vcy SUI'nett, "" SutUI·c1I1.'·'
THURSDAY. MARon 3, 1949
New Century' Club At ,Ridge Home Fridayt
EDITORS PEN Obse,r vation :
iami Gazette
Fromm and Mr. tIIId l1InI. Banta were ii, ~ to visit ,V r. Hr. and ,M n. Haxold 'Ebtro and and lin. Olrde ftomm BDd 1IIe1r children have moved to <Jam_, IIlfaDt tJOD. 1tumetla Dale Fromm.
SHE GOT 'El\II-Even ber "two front teeth." th ree weeks beCore this
Ohio. where Mr. Elmo I. ........ in tile ureat elRting buaine..
MtIl. J. B. Chapman Ie quite at her borne in .w"'~L
.._ ...... u_ ~ _n .... OIl'" ' -- --- --
..... IIIIIIrI
~¥IIe ..........
m x-.. CD ........ .
A B TWO -----
The Miami Ga.He I
Publlabed every Thursday at Waynesville,
COllnt)', Ohlo.
Entered as
second WayneB~lIe, Ohio.
clasa matter at the
Subscription Rate: $1.50 per year in year elsewhere.
S . AUGUSTINE f' lither Krumho ltz, Priest Masses . 8 and j 0 A.M.
,2.00 per
MT. HOLLY METHODIST METHODIST CHURCH T. M. Scarfi, Minister R.B. Coleman, Min isle r unda Sc h ool 9 :30 a.m . c; A. Earhh3rt, Supt. Church School 9 :30 a.m. ,
News Grandpa Read. FORM OUR F~
J. J.
Supt. Worship and Sermon
• •
\I"evenue, theu ~.t 'it, CO by the,
DlUITlSTRY-We are DOW lIN- Mr. Jordon-t~ conductor wh?m to mab 1uI1 upper or a- we t'tljlOrtted killed, last week, in IeIJl of teetb 00 Rubber for I1D. W. our notice ot the acci~e~t on the baVe a lq& ttDck ,of ..... Juat n- IJtate was not fatally ll1Jured but celved. Call ud _ them ' ur1 ~ M,. R. -. we ' are happy to ' p . p i 1S now In a fall' way to recover. out your I.t. enons ' DOW weuiDIl . ubber pl~t" tlut do DOt fit CD I ba II a new plate made by uaIDa the HARVEYSBURG ITEMS - I ' llama _u. I~ ouly $8. teD yean or more Mr. !4. of oear Harveyabws, bu 1WIIecI 11M labon of tlMdalDr. pref~ . LEG BRO~ ..-. Clark Smith. doubt, to deYOl'e hii time to ~ while ,.....rdq ill 0an!riD tura! plu.autea, in Wbich .be baa WIUI G YOUDC 11:1.0 ~ BowmaD, almoIt .. CQDIPicuout .. be w.. ill had hi ale& broll_ ill two place.. It ~be prolftliOD at ~ In' ' ~ was aet, by Dr. E. M. Duabam. one But a firit-claea 'tMcher i DOt " ' a perauUlllcl ~ to nIIt ~ ~ the A protest apiDIt !be bill alJl:borW. u-un- oS CbHter ·1iOWDIbjp, ID tbe ina the tuiD& of abe au- oS tWa HaiDes DiItrict, tboue= 8Dd th.y COWIt;y for the .u~ of the.A:plcul. elected that Mr, S. mould teac:b foe turel Socie~, fa abQinlnl • i8r. thwn a ec!Iool durilll the paaiDa WiDnumber of lipatmee 8t. the ~ Of- te~ ecbool difficult to maDII~ too. fiee. Thia Ie CGmICt. W. are aDd wbe1'8 teach.. f_lY It..e hMvily eDCIIIISh .~ IIDd U as c:t:L bello , b'aned out, aDd 0IIC8 0 rtwic:e• a bead ITom tboee ~ att.od .... we believe, I4Illt away. Notblna 01 .m_cer ~tiaD amaualI, ia DOt fIiJI.- the /oDd abe hliw-d thUI far; on , 6daot, betidaa all the ~ dW- the .c oDtrarY,the _cher aDd the comfort eDduNd whiI. tbeno in II» lIupUl have come to liDdenrtaDd ..cb du.t end in tba midst of tba .-Jill ~er plea_Uy, aDd . the Wet of 0.1 a-r-dtlllldD& aud tba biatlbdlau order and cood fMlln&' prevail becaDnOt be ......fnecI _with ita ~ twMD diem. So .y the clIrecton.
Choir Practice TIIursdav
We ' _i dIIa ~ of co-. ad aIWIl)'8 CCIIIIPII*I to pn ...-- ...... u.1.tbe~.
See U. Now For · Your Plmnblq Needs
I ell . David Stanfield MinlsleJ Sunday SclJool . ' to 10m WorShip Service t I a.m:
7:45 PM UTICA E.
CHURat cv. William Sharmon ST. ~Y'S EPISCOPAl. !>unda'{ ' chou l 9 :3.0 a.m. ,Mrs. ~ames Garrison, Su~t. Samuel N. Keys, Rector 1_re h ac 109 I st and jrd Sun ay~ l..hurch S c h ool ' 9 :15 A.M. _ ea~ h month 10:3 0' a.m. Morning WorshIp to :30 A. M. evenln" ,\ c rv_ices 7 .' 3 '\11 ,, V y... 111. I r TLE METHODIST FRIENDS e, I-IURCH First Day ~ch'oo l 9 :3 0 a.m , D J h t. ose p MYl!fS, Minister Mee titil!' for Worshi p 'J :30 a.m. in ., 10:30 :l.In. Sundav School I
prioea, baled 011 proper
1:00 I '
ONE AS BAD AS THE OTHERA IIDIIorm ICbeduIe of prtc. ia juIt II' proper in dIJa ~ .. ill ~ other, To onrcharp dIoeI wbO _ afford it ia just .. impNp8i .. to owrc:bllrp tboae wbo _'t
10:30 a.m.
Youth FellowshIp Thursday '
Solicit Clothing •••
Friends Aid , But 4U%
To Charlea James, ,Clerk of the
- LeMOD for Maroh " 1M.
I\'orshlp Service \,0 :JO a.m. vetting Ser vice . 7 ;30 p.m.
teachen of Je· A LLsus'RELIGIOUS time used parable8, But the gl'eat difference between Je,us'
p'"'lI bl ~s nnd lhose 'or his contempo· rllri/ls. B s Rabbi Kl ALI sner any s, Is tb"t hi!; were reo m e m be red nnd ttl irs w e r e . not. P eOllle will rel11em· b.~ r a story who . cannot take In a lee. lure. Jesus almost n.~ ver lold "wonder· Iules ." His para· bles are not In the ' Dr. Farem'n least liko Grimm's fni.ry tales or 'Allce In Wonderland , Mostly tbey are a bout simple ordl · nllry happenings, nnd pruetically 01W~ys about living people 'or things. It you s oid "Kingdom of God" to the average religious perSall of Je." slls' time. he would huve replied, ·'Oh. yes, that wonde,!'!111 tJmel The tim e whell these Roma n soldiers , will be blllslcd all the eorth by the ICITIbie breath of God, the time when every /lrope will Yi.eld barrels of whle and n single grai n 'of wheat elln bl! groWld Into bu shels of flour _ ·t he MJ rocle Age!" The Ki ngdom 01: God 08 Jesus procla imed Ii God', ldeal World ' - \Vu s some· tblng quite different from lh ut. J eItlS i1lustrnted It not with rnncltul wUd pictures, but with' stories from rul lire, tram the field or (h(' form· house,
The extreme· need of clothil~g Mrs. ~uth Saylor, Supt. the war torn countries of EUrope WorshIp Sc!rvice t 0:30 a.m. was rc il;j:l'atuu in bulletins recei oed WA.YNESVlLLE this week by Pro ElllJUU H.olloway o-~URCH OF CHRIST FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ~Ol' the WaynesYilie Friellds MeetM. H. 'Coffey, Minister B,yron Carver, Min ister mg. Informatioll on housing teJJ.3 9 :30 A. M. albIc ~d; o U I IJ '30 am t~t people by' llecesRity lived Bibl~ .Schoo l "packed" In barr8l.'k" and that Mornmg Wo rship 10 :30 A. M. M '''Ilng 'N orsb ip ' 10:30 .· n· . 6 :45 P. M. ha 0:( Ml!etiol{ 7 :00 . 1. durinll' the rany summer of 1948 Young Peo ple's . 7:30 P. M 'r People's Me t ' p.m. members of a family in one of th~ Evening ervice .. c tng b,a naeks had to take turns get. Praye r Meeting an d 7 :00 p.m. tlng up dudng . the night to empty Bible Study Wed., 7:30 PM. EVl!niDg Services 1 :30 p.m. the paDS set to catch the rain -----------water sa ii came through the roof "111.1, H uIfe~'i ll li w ul'ltl. other church. and , to s!!e that n uw l eaks "S IIIUluUIIIg' ou rs al'e als u uHking needed to ~e cared or, r~I' I lfl o.ffc l-Lnlj Ill ·ll lt .. ut t he ~ ollle The policy of. e ' Ame(ican Lillie . Frie!ld3 Service C mm it t-ee has Our plan, of' l)rugl'om is 'U8 been to help thOse i !ipeuial need roli u wl!~ S un<l!lY JIIarcll l ilth, r~because of war damages, Sail but Lasl May o\lr roen 1'111 o nfm'. gul ll~' hurah . el'v i~ ' Hi 'l'ullHliuy true this Inolulle8 only 40 per cent ence mp,\tlng ill il' t<l n call d upon 'venmg t he 1St ll, Puhlic Se'I'vice Til", Kingdom or God Ia a of th~se whose entire poses ions ~ 1I our 'hurclles;o oheer v· 11 Ilt th e ' hu reh ; We tln o:..duy !!vondam at law, nllt of hapJM'n-so or have been lost, Will' wi~ luW 3 , ' WI!1!k of lJ eliicatiun" M a~ch 13t h InK t h l()th. F ellows hi p me ti ra gs of maglo wands. Jesull \\'11 to March 20th, .1949. 8S a week ill .hoInes, p l"ce~ 10 II orphans, ete. I1llmed fond of comparlnJl God'. Kln:Shop windows, their glass re- of prayer nnn ) or sonal d edi cation l l ltX t week. ~om to crawlnlr plulB. Ever, stored and showing wares even to God IInll h ip Kingdom work. put Is II miraclo, n Ia cvldeno. . Thul'l\i;lay evening the J 7th, ·r e· if few in number, attract cr'u wds Also, that we Lri'IK a 'dedicatory aI Godls erea""e power; but k~ 1111' chO ir pr'llcti(:e wi t h (!V(!l'Y of helps and comiOl'ts nlth",,, .. I,,.oUerlDA' to oue llJ tlthl v n . un- lllllnal)(l\'s pl'!,!stlnt, plants do ' not grow overnight.. WH~EAS, consulting enaineers day J\-fnrch 20th tOl' (l ilT m!edy too often unable to buy the~n , the, 1T0w by 1be la~1I which u.... have been emplored by the VlI• .he I\~i n is t el' Will, condu ct a bl'ief The committee tells us thd fine f'reator made In I.bem. lage of WaYDeavUle fO,r the pur· remembers the faces AS they com o ,Ielhcnl ol'y ~ l'vlce p1'iUl' tu III'IIC' • • • ticll. . POle of providl.Dc plans, IPec· day by dsy .. TIwI small ~l,onrl e , ifications, and profileJo jU . to L.ue-eyed child 'l\'ho pr Q~ sed a· .\! ' l,irl IlY avenill!; l lie 18th, Evon. ,,'ltd ~wlnJl ~ . J the prOper courae of the necel- gainst hor mother'1l f llI coat, gelisLic sorvi cll nt t he ·hurch. WE SAW .Ia~t "feek, 9'e most IIIl'1 wa~ 'main connectina tile "Mutt!, are they really giving that nao-~'njllg 'the I!Oth the Important . feature Of 6)e Ideal exlaWia wella &0 the ubting to YOll" The 17-year old tubercular Sacrulllen~ ol the Lords Supper Woi-ld, OJ< of any world'. Is the qua). ' sYIt.eDl IUPlllylna water to the girl who was able to get a warm will be olnerved and tne dlldlcatory I I~ of the people In It. So moat of VIDaae ADd the . inhabitallt& plaid wiote.. coat for tlie cold oCfllrlllg l'eecived. IJesus" parables were about P!!OPle, tbereot• .,.. months ah.ead. A YOUf/g man re· The Lull 1J1:ogl'um will be ' pulo. '011. at the most famou. belnc thIa Jishj!r\ next week. olle of the "prodlgal Ion." ("Prod· WHEREAS, all piau, s~ cently returned from Russia, comto the bar~acks for shoes, a Th,~ Friends hip Club will meet 118al" of cOl;lrse does not mean wlcik tiona and pl'S!1llea prepared by Wednesday, 2 e. M , with M Or suit. He had borrowed eel or pentant, but wasteful. reck· ' the by the Myrtle Ho.:.k. r s, ell with money or other thln81.) Youth F ellowship, Sundll'y 2 P. 'You could ftnd many 1.aulta In th.a t approved by said' munlcipalit)l, come Ai., hildeen's practice, Monday 'Youn, man. One of them - the pnparatory to l&yin~ th~ nec· are cold legs bound fault that nearly kmed him - wal a flqr ..chuol, cea&arJ water main Uom the a· cause there are no Choir Jjru t ice Tlllrrlu inv 7"10 ~.t if he had II calendar he never for8lD8ntloned wella and dllllgWIf little boy's feet bli Ktered an sore p, M. . . " looked at It. If 'OU take a good concrete plera to the exilltinlf from shoes too small for them. Th\! DOt at a calendar you will alwan watJr inain ...t a ~int located at face.~ we '.3ce are trOUbled, some Ioottce that thera I. another day af. \ the intenection of Mill Street bewil!lered. some hard, others ter th1. one-another month. anoth· and MaIn Street, in uid Vii· show only joy and . gratitude.'; er ,ear. But the prodi,al never lace; From Ellie Myers, in charg~~ of It hlnb alJout tomorrow, onlY about The beginnlilll of a more loclaily nrDED:" "S, all 6..-da are a~- clothing distribut ion, Ludwiga. today. He lOW. II wild oats be. n '" .<W:IA"I"" nafen, Germany. plealurabJ It trip, for t othe friends or callie he hal fun oln, It. He' can Dr. Emma Holloway told the othen ,you meet, spotted or !!Oiled able and appropriated foi the S8, "SO whaU" fllst enoullh but he pUl'pOlle of completing said pro- Miami Gazette that the local m.eet- clothing ' ",bela ' you "uninviting" lind, h.. never asked the Question; ,,_ Ject, ancI have been so available ing does not wish to encroacn 111pon makes 'y oU f' uninvit8dlu 'an~ then what?" ChIldish, lan't It?, 8IId appropriated for Mvera. tne programs of othln' churliliell 88me people ena arpe that montha; in this community but that aU n la a ,ood &bIn. to II1lW wild WBEREAS, all ~lIsary eue• .those who ' have clothing of .mable ..... en the 1beory that &be menta and 'l'lahtll of way have ani! wearable condition which is prodl . .I' ceb It oat 01 hla .Y. been secured, except an ella.!- no longer of need to them and &em and III afterwarda II better ment and ~ht of way for the have no channel for 'liich its m.... purpose of tayiUc a water main further use may be ljI8de 'that the ovv and actOBII the land bere. Waynesville Friend1 M~etlng will NOIIlenBel II It better for your inafter !1escribed~ and be most "leBsed to handle it to .cluoatlbn to spend .evernl year. the most good of ravaged peo},le. l,arnln, thing. wrong? Is it betWiHF;REAB, the project cannen be , Further infol:matipJ) c!Ol~cEffi~iiijrt---...-'"A tljr for II ,arden to let it 1I'0w up ' Do enjoy doing 7O\Ii cnra 1 In weeds for the first three weekI? undertaken or ecmpleted until this may be obtllined from local committee:' . home decoreting! Well, thon .. t auch easement aDd right of way II> It better for a ntan's helllth to ' A, C. Tomlinson, eertalnlJ have .omethlna in com· 81lend hi. ehllllhOod years on a .Ick. over the lands hereinafter de· Gordon Foster, ,lIIOnl I've alway. felt that tile PtI'-' b.!d? That', no more lUiy than to scribed ball been ·obtain~. IOnal ~tt.tllCtlon and senae of· NOW THEREFORE, Be itl'esolvcd Mrs, Elsie Hockett, , achievement In doing m7 own .ay that a man is morally better lIfrs. Lawrence Furnas, palntinc and devllina my own for having been luunoral tor a while · by t;he CouncU 01': the ,Village o! Mrs. J:red Braddbck, color aebemea made mJ ftnlabed ant. Dr. Emma Holloway. '\ rooma doubly enjoyable. And the Waynesville. Sta:te of Ohio: • THAT it hereby declares its in. Clothing may be brought to the Veterans or the postwar Army 111lodern ,pa,inte are ao to apply Prodl", NaUon teDtlQn to appropriate, for the will . hnve their own distinctive Japel that I CUI actually do a 1'OOIIl In no HAS EVEN· been IBid that · we Hom~ of .Mrs. Elsie Hockett. button.. according to Lt. "~Lur ftime at all. . bave a Pt:odiJa)·son . c1vlllzntloo. i ~urpole8 of provid ng for • sup·· n.J '-II For Inltance-I've Just tniahed ply, of water for itself and its ty leased as aforeuld b~nin; Steele, head of -the Air Force rflCl'Uit,. re-palnting living room. '1 wan" ~w: ,eneratlon II pretty bu.y lOW· In, wild oa~. We Wllite the nat. inhabitants, and for the protectto the exllltil)l' watier main liI~cat. Ing statlon in Chicago. I ted . a new deep ahade, and was ion thereof, a right of. way and . ed on Water Street, ' with- the Tho button w.ill be a miniature elated to dlacover that all these ulial ruource. Of &be earth. Drink. ea~m~nt over and acrolls the -center of said rigllt of "JAY . and· Re.volutionar'Y War minute-man on 8 beautlt'ul abades are nQW avail. In, haa become encoura,ed by law and more lJ]IIfCulcally described ease.m ent runn!n~ alonjf . a red enamel di,k 8UI"rOLlnded by 16 able. They're called Kem. Tone elld m~e IIlamorous by the movies. We &penll more on Uquor than .on as foUows'. Sloutb pointed ' Vugue,.that Deepareeclpra - ealY eightto ricb 8tr'a I11: ht. lin e ...... ...,..a·ri".. -e <gold ray., It wiJ be 9/16 of colon ju.t as U84 aebooll. Idore mane7 Ia lpel'lt Oft I ' 0 An'd ' being a rlgjlt of way and . seventy .d egrees ('70 ) wellt :from an Inch in diameter. ' .. th" Kem·Tone pastel ,had... , .lngle da7'a horse'-facin. at a bll easement for .a water main. runthe exiltin~ -,velll over and a· and COIn be ecmbined with th. track than a whole ltete . or provo Ding from the two ezisting wells croslliand of H&r,u,t Edwards. Navy Squadrons ' VR-6 and VR.8 UghWI' BRadee to produce an, hlH Ince lpendJjOll educeUon In a year. located on the property leased You will make due return 01 joined tin! Berlin Airlift last Novem. fO!l may wlab. I-chose a deep ITee1l The tie. of marrla,e have crown 1:111 . h vi i th aR"er pr.ovid. for ~ walh :rwlth • shade or two f rom Mae MI'll er ,. ~uc", resh, over suc ser ce n e m_ , . ber lind were ' kidded considerably for Ulf!!ter. f',r the ceiling .•• and I 10 weak, ..••pe~\ outalde th. · and acroslI a strip of ground of eel by law. their ll8uticaJ tennlnology by ' their WIth that now super - euahlon;i Cilriltlan· chUrch, that It ha, not . twenty.five (26) feet in .wldth, • H. M. SHERWOOD Air Force colleagues. T-he Air Force . f:i':h!ln;.y roller.. I ~~PMel11 bllen Ion. Ilnee one American cl1:7 and extendin&, from the proper. 1 amed . I' room 1D an ou .... moo9 soon e that the deck ia Clbe I IUlt one coat of paint for theliglit w~. boaitin, that Ita murlaae rate Navy term for the runway. that: port I!IOlor and two coate fcir the dark b~d "Clupt up with" ita dlvorca ' dlt.1 " ' is left and' etarboe.d riabt, tbat: an co"ered~e v en mJ wanpapered R5D ' C-54 th . , .,aIlH. ... 11 8 , a t an airp~ il It'. 8urprislng jut iIo1f . WIl4~ whllt they cnD a ,nip, and thet a bead ~ra ting tricks clln be . : : : . fIIIHJIl PRODIGAL I0Il ID 3. . .• is a latrine. pll.~ with ~lnL My Iivlnl' I'OO1D , Ito~ went bom~u& he had to Lt. Ormond C. Fowterfi, USN ceiling is' quate low-Io I paiDted ~ wild baryed ftrat. TIle . , ' , ' It jut a shade or two nIJ:hw than WRECKE~ SERVIGE procItaaJ, wbether ' IndlVl4· le&J1'!ed that U.e JItT Force doeI DOt the "'aliI! ~ make it ' look hieber natlon, aeema to nIlttmderGeileral Repair consider "wheela" to be lin IIIJtomo. If you'd Uke to make ,... etiI~ Je_' _aninI- II God Iii bile, He taxied hli MnI-ItaJId, or aee~ lower-just paint It a deepw Willard Batteries aI at all, be ia pIctured .. ricin ' R!ie" _Del To make a d~ ..... pa II ramp, ~t m-mun l&aDd oat, It a dlfl'..... au.... ben.vO....e BeinI who after all mominlll£ter • f1labt to Berlin; called from the relt 01 the room aDd l& mind ,our ~ C/III' uWe Ihe tower, and requested 1hat a ''Nt actu,dly,.,iIl look lill. a ..pant. "lit wUl forti"." 1814 VoJ.. 01 wheell" be Mnt out to tb8 p1_ room. And now that we an . . ''tIlIl', lila ln1aIneu." '1'IIet The tower "l'ORered" Wbea JI'owJ ~I dllC1J!ator colora In ..bit dia, mlIuna.r1tan4lnl of God, t the '"'~ f b' 5 er - washatile alilt rna, be .... - ... cu < ItD_ 0 laoR D, .be _w, most aDJ .arf-. M11n and .Miami SU. Ph. 214t not the crnI plclrup h. h.d npec:t.d, oar tamllJ P1'OJeet for ~ but. ,.t of ~ and main gear wheel. colilplete new color IdIeme r a ,,";a;;;J;;;;;;;~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _" ' _ _ _ for tb8 IUD. "Wbet1.. , to tU AIr . . . ., _ or II1II' , · .,.;;II P'GJ'II!I .... wheelll }.. . _. .. . Villace of Wayn_,?lle: . You an hereby duected to not.! Ify the owner, ever~ person in ]los, session of, or havlPg an Interest in, the property deacribecl in the resolution hereinl\fter referred w, that the Council of the Village of Waynesville, Ohio, on the 10th day of February, 1949. duly adopted II resolution deollLring the intention to appropriate the property therein .described, 01 which ':resolution tile following i8 a copy: .W.HEREAS the Vi tiage of Wa.y nesville, a Municipal, Corporation, has relocated tn. aource8 of its water 8upply by drilling SUltable weIll northwest 01 the cor· porate limits lor the benefit of said Villale and all inhabitants thereof, and for the benefit of all penOD.l u8inll water furnilb. ed by the Waterworka of aaid Village, pursuant to a recluest iDade by the Department or H~th, State 01 Ohio;
nn D--
-- '~n STIlRT
• •
• ••
24 HOUR '
Th haplIY ,..ounptera "take -onr" the Grand Trunk Weltem .1l B d l.Qr It d ay .. a 'rewar41ol' alert action In laving the ranI •• d fro m e poaslble w.rec:lL When. '&be lIoys lpotted II largl;' piece. at j 'imt>e-dded in a ti~ and OYetlapplJla the track recenUy, they quiclcl,y ~' d thll Grand Trunk and ltood by to lIall oncoming traiN unUl t; , i-on WIIS rem~ '1'0 IIbow tile road'. appreciation, Charlel A. t" ;" vice pre_lclent IlDIIl pneral manager. entertslned the three at 1.:. lJtoIl on bI, priYate ear, wbel'. they were served II turkey with aU U\6 trlrritnln~. A U. •• ..~ boad. waa presented to elch of the IDdS. and Ibq had p d am ~tbe Une'. ~em ~ to r.lCht 11ft: DaDUl 'YM1 - .. Mr. oJ...... • - ' c.rl Kii1_"'~.
_ ••___:0.\ .. .... __ __
' KI~R'S
w.'" ......
That Old
H"~AL ' J!..:IIA'J'E 'J'1ti\.NSI'lJ.nS
Mr. Crane
un;,u ' \ • uud HULh r.;. AYCl'ij ,Lb G. t(.anUull "ud 'M al'ian G. LII.ey,
IOtli In IIlUl'''o~.
J:1al'.Cll W 1,IIC1'allu i>rlltcl' tu W111ANNA E. WILSON tel' and (ioldie 1'1'llter, 1.11 I1Cl'e ~ LD MR. CRANE ut In a pad· In Wusillngton twp. Uenviir UJlfJ aguulI J:lowull tu ded armcbalr before &he ftre III bl. room. The pipe and tobacco .b;verett una MIII'y Huth rlOgUII,
on lb. table bealde blm went un· toUched. Old 141'1. Cranaton bad ,iven blm' the pipe aDd tobacco, the armcha.1r and the baleDlent room. In retum b. tended the furnace ' IUId 1000etlme. awept lb. floor. Old Mr. CrIUlI be,an to thJDk about blm.elf .. be'd bave JiluKI , - - _......- - , to bave bae,n. Be mlibt thea be'd hac!' a 6ne Flotl.n lalber and moth" - -_ _ _~ er. m81be a dootor and a teacher. Someone wboa. mone,. came In relUlar and who'd haVI seen tbat be aot educated; . who could have found wbat be WaS RUed to and ma~be liven blm oa atart. He'd hava married, WIn, lOmeone Uke AIda Rich, ""hI wed to ride her blc~cl. pa.t hi. father' a boua. and wbo .0meUrn.. • topped to .peak to him. Alda wa. Dr_ Rlch'a d.U&bter and .poke to ev.r1bo(ly. A Dice air!. not .tuck· up or proud. The cbildren would bsve been like Alda; too. Two bo,.. and two Ilrh. He'd have called th. elder Jlrl Alda and on. of tha b07' for blm••lf, Milton CrIUle, Jr. People would bave written It that ""a7 on "letters. He'd seen it that wa7 wb.n he'd carried in the maU for old Dr. Bleb tIIat lUIIlmer when be mowed lawna for h1a keep. Dr. Rich had liven blm maD)' a .tra, Quarter on the aJde.
3 ·Mlnute
6/".III,OM .I b.,., b. ~III, b,
,_.In_, ,b. bo,b
"'fr1 ill
II 'II&h •
sJoMIII h' 1Ih,. '0 U-" ,,,,,," YOM_, tl«,or'~
'lWrow/MJ _
Alter A1I7. the amalleat, lot pueumonla and 'CI.Ied. their tather had faJled. Be and SUn had qult ud ,ODe to work, be blm· MIt into the I Tocery bua1D.... But be drUted from job to Job. Sam put it 1D worcll. "Ih not that )'ou doll'. meen rlIht or tbat ,.ou're lu7. but
MOlt !
J.iH'4 pOleM In MWlilill twp. (,;1Ir1 t and Jielen lSercaw LO 'J'huima MOI'jfun, 1 lot in l\'11lllOl1. Wheeler WllIW1CI'C W i"red uliol erUcllU ~liey " 1 IUL ill ltouched-
t,el'. February 25 . 1949. More rain, more c, oudy w~athe r, more mudl Today i~ a IotUe culd';l' but still cloudy and damp. Do you .uppooe gil those Well tern sno\ll drill. are goinll up into the ai r an d then coming down here a 9 I wonder how much .now ell this rain would have made. One paper ""id that on. inch of ' rain Jl LI.users. i!.dtlite of Anna King, dec'lI, would make eight inches of mow. If JCI'rY Junml King. executor, U. I·'. a nyone i. mathematically minded JHUwn. J. Vi. lIoodal'd 111111 Kli rl 111. they can ligur. that out.' ul'O . 1, uP!luHIL~<1 uppraisers. J jUlt look.d out the window and In Lt\e mluiel' of t be Guardianiliare wal a blue bird on the fence. 1 s hip of !tOSS lie \llIn LlO I'll n; J. d . l 'ILLcnuCiu"c appolnwu· gWlr'!ulll was so surpri.ed that 1 looked twic.. to be l ure. I MIlO lI8W a blue jay thi • Imu filed bOnd. b:stllte o[ l:fal1old Sharp, dec'd, morning. i)ut thay ,tay all year Alt.a U. »tuuv \:xeCULl"X, Hoy usually. Tho . ong .perrow. are ain&"~cblleh. VIII)'L"JI \ ; 1"'1'1{ III II ()envel lOll every morning now, but haven'. n.~pnngl!l'. aPPOinted apprllIsel's. Deun here all winter. Spring i. on the ~8tute 01 , II"Z l.>cown NoLie. way, even if we have our .econd windec'd • .li:vaa J. ::.teddOm, udntinis- ler, the ground bob promO.d. It ham't -LraLor. l irSL and ilDul '!lccoun t, apcome yet and the pound Iw:>p are proved. allowed and con.l'irmcd. ' 1!lS1.lIt" of Mynh, ,II!. K.Hl el'. !Jal and playip& lII'Ound. l1el:'l1 t; verelt ~eevcl' , executor. , F arm accounb .... .taking up moat tll'll~: I WUI UII\1 1II.S LI·I LuLI e .I e· tlJ lily Lillie right now. It I, intentldn& cOUllt, upproved, lllloweil unll COll- _'I Ii./) o..,;r all the item~ and compar., • lrmed. .hem \y lh other yean el)d lee where !!.Btatc of H . J!: • •:Minge, dcc'd, we did weU and where not. On die I rc ne NICIl<llS, cxccuU'ix, Lir~L alia whol il wal a bener year than .194'1 unlll IWcuum, a(lpr() vcu, ..ll\)wcll _hou gh most of year we were ,til , ... "a confirmed. , .OV\III\ to b uy the hi"JI priced fe 1n Lhe mlntel' of Lhe guurd ia/l}' CaT , before. If you uae on IIhlJl 01. Curl L. ):ounK. ~lizl1bc ~Jl ' rvl " .,ung, Jitth UCcou'lt, uppro vLlt. " I... ,wo ka gotten OUl by the E.. ud<Jwt:LI lind conllnne!l. tension Dept, you con have lh~ l um · b; . tllI,e o i HIII"cne, API)l e, ot!c'u, .. \I .. I . uo the UnlversilY "no [h I ., \ tieorge, (ja~e s. execuLur, ~ Ir>j~ .u'u th;;y' can te I you JUIl what you mad . tlnal account, approved, 1I.1I0W(:u· n l _ . . " orme ILena aod wlu; ti), .. na l:oniirJllet.. 10& " '01' shlJep were most profitsbl. bSWLe ot Aubie lilllicHillc. dec'!I, for you and how you compare II 1\' M . lS, t{ukltlltlOe, CI' UML/!C, lIL~I!"H 01 form m a n ager with tOe average Obi > aCCOUllt , appoveu, ailowll,1 Ulld coli- .armer, r nevilr have had that don e I.-med. ,~ . becouse m:r-lx> k ' alway• •med _ .'Ito llA'l'J!! ~:;tate of ,IlIuDeI I. Sturk.\Vculh ·r. ojee'd, J. Ruymol1d Law, eXeCULu ( " t rl1n~ler ul r eal t!sLatc. t,Sta~e OJ Nuik t.cWIH, uel:'u, Ida Lc\II>i, _ aJl!,olllL ~' 1 extlcULd x. .tIlYmonu ,"IHqu6,·. 11.111111101 ~ooVcr allll ~onou" KllauurlfY, apPullILed up-
damp, warm weather aDd mucL of the caWe that comea iii at the Community Sal..... 10lina thl~ir hair in patch .. from 01\8 caUMI or aDOther. What we ~__ mo.e than mythlnc i. lOme nice brlCht 1unehiDe, but DOt LOO much. 1 that Southeron Florida and pam of the RocIri....~uth of the ,big Know. Bre cryin, for rain or In~. , We tried to plow a little U1,& other day, know!n ,that ~e were Ilure to have some freezina weather, w, break up the clods, but it wal toO muddy even for .that. The biuer uaCUlt, with I ,the double' wbeel. in front is not al ,nod in the mild a. the u.tt1e old I model B. with it. front whee" wide apart. The double wheel ,eul filled up with mud in the space ' between the two and- you have to clean it out and woe unto you if you don't clean it out and let it dry or freele. We hope our readen will bold on I and be patient. I. for one. believe It'. caUed "honey twlRt," for u h~ney toppin~ n"vorR tills that our paper ia important. ,It may •j col""e cake. Extra-hOlley may be ~"rvoo tn those not be ver ybl&, but it it onl~ thing who like colree cake' dripping w;lh I'wl!e lne~ ·. that i. our 0Wll and seta ua oft ai' a Women who enjoy bakin!r rolis and lI!ofr('" ('ak !I ar nlwaYR tl l~ town not jutt a ."bUlb of .ameplace covering how to make new !rood thin ~s to at from Q bas ir s weet yc'ns t ehe. H_ ' bopine thac thinp will dough. A honey twist is another one tD try. This deli g h ful r olf'e cnk work out to &he. aallidac:tion of evary- results whe n you coil a slender roll of rich yeast dn1lgh ' rouh~ lind 'round In a pan, then brush on the honey tnppi ng. S~l it to ri.e until on•• and fhen bake it. The hbney topping makes the i~in fl, If you have any itama h1'inli them lightSince food should be nutritious as well as taste.8Ilt i! njf, it ;~ in and .tick th en:' in the slot. In order to mention that the honey twis t is full of good fnlHl vI. lul!. En"ich~d flour makes all breads in)Porla nt sourCes of B ·vit ll l'l ln ~ nn,1 lron • Note thn' recipe calls fol' "frplD flv~ til ,qix" cups or Iln ri!!he,1 Oour. This m .. u should add on ly 811 much a ~ is neo·de" I , hlUk' a dough whit·.. " easily handl erl. A d ()\I~ h jURt s tiff "l\C' ugh I.e) holtl ita IIhape wh I'med Into a bnll is th e right onsistenry T o much ft o ur will n\ok ... a stiff doulth tha t ri~ e8 slowly aod pro,luces cnllr~" textured brends: T~o little . mnk e ~ the dough 0 ~o rt th" co lf~() ('Ilk won't hold it s shape. Your famil), will make honey twillt one ot i !)re"kfu~~ fnvorit • It III also a gDod coffee houl' compnniQrl, yet it is pliO;n 'nough t o hI/tv . . luncheon or dinJlel' bread, '. HONEY TW IST . I paciullf\ yeut . cnmprtlR'd V4 rUD hO"f>fI!f'~ fir dry ~fJnular Vz cup SUI'!.1f
-In CODjunctlon with the mOlt ~Ve
modem laclUtie.
eamed I,or us the
. It ..ema like you Jlave aot &0 be reputation we . enjoy lIS movInI," 88m had been J:!Jl!l.UtC 01 Orel E. Garrison, dec d J one 01 thll community'. ,GOd to blm ju.t &be .am. as he ' Oar! l:f .. (,u.rJ·IKon, lldlllillillWlltur, little more com lie led that most InatUutlons. had bean lood to Dad. Sam wu UI'lIt, tlnal. ,.and lIist1:LbuLI c lIe- peoples. My tenant a n,\1 lore like the dead DOW. He'd teU bad wbe.D Sam COUll", appwvcll, ' uLiowed 111111 coli · widower with lome chltdren who m ar· llrmell. ned a widow witb omu chilLlren, I U dlacI. . 'l!:stat.e 0 Laura 8. Skinner, they had ber childre n and pi. chilo f.'4 lIIGVecl around jun u Sam ,AId, and When be was ,0UIII an4 dec'd Allred ti. ttrant, exl>Cutor. dren and their clhldren. We have hi~ I&ralI. tae'd weU- first: !lnal and dlatriot)ut1Ve ik!- . tock and my .tock and our .tocl< so ban.tID.. lumber... ClDce cou\l~ appt'vVlJd, aU~wed anll cOt~- somellime. on paper It J~. a l,i ttl6. • .em • boat It'l a llft tbat'. lwei aD a uaan. bavinl no proper comtorta. fi1':~~e of. o 'bomiell, mixed up t~ugb in ,rulilY. it i.!'IOl . . 'Ollce Bam bad com. out to vllU dec'd. O'UonneH. administra- 'oat too bed. .. first and final account ap · We apent ~. momlDlL onlWalhiztJTELEPHONE 2~ I ~::Ved allowed and '1 onJlrmed. ton'. 'birthda~ in an occupation that I WAYJIIIc':S~LL£; O. "'lIl*te ol Laura Gruber. dec'd, am .ure .would have met the approval ~====== . . Meryl ~. Urny, admllllBtratol~, 'of ;he father of our country wlw:> we. DaN W W A, filed his first, finul said to be lin ~"celent farmer and and distributive account, . • itocic lirower. We sprayed the ~WI r.; tate of Alfred MiliaI'll, dec d, and calve. with lime..ulphur 'Pray James I.- Millard, on~ ot, the heirS, lor ' ring-wonn. (t would .1.., ~ Ike estate exempt lnnerltance ~·lb . if they ru.pPeoe4 to ·bave any. Thi,
~ .,.
1 cup milk ,
l 1f':.I\1)I1 " "" H h :! t .. I.I~. tp."tl!n to 6 (UP~ ,t lhed tnr Ichcd ~t;ur
. - - -.--
With ABuckeye In
nerltance tax. £Staie 01 Grace
V. Bryant, de
Congressman h
l!:state of Richard E , Bullock, ~' reda , G. Bullock, executriX,
inventory hearing set ,fOI' l\fa~h 1i
Estate JOf J. C. GI'UY, daC'a, Meryl B. and Gh'o .rles Ii. Gray, _o-aoministrlltOrs. estate e xemp. inheritance ~ l!:state of • Addie M. WeaVIlI. , dec'd Lucian A. Weaver, executa:-, Whl.~m Miller, Frank Sellal:8 anti R bert Mooney appOinted ap-
aDd I8ttlIDI down."
TIiE end. be'd bad tq,lielp out I N&am: 'It hadn't been much he'd
l!lad to live S~ wben Sam died. bid unW Sam·s 110, ~ew UP. be'd N;red at that elevator anll Q • • worked hlrd: Salli'd alked blm p~-:~ Of A. 1... Watkins, dec'd, to come · and live with tb,m. but . I B W tklTUI admini!ltra~rix ~ had a iIlce bo~ aDd, alter -Ht ~anafe \ f ~I 1::'tate ,ross valu" kDockIDI arountl au over• • man I . er 0 • , I , ... kind cd ro\IIb. It wouldn't of e'itate '16,2la~. . d '<I ·• • 1 Estate 9f Fred M. Young. eo • have be8II Ilttinl. IUId be d a ",.,a St 11 Yonn... administratrix, intried to do what wu Il~ e a -, It wu III the hDaplta1 tbat Mn. ventol'1 app~v,ed. · CraD.ItaD fouDd bJm. Sbe'4 ,Ivtn Fur' Per-lIOnal Noleli ,bbn the -room and tile ebal1' and 2694_ · ;J'Hterda1 .I·d livan blm lb. to- lied, Ads Pllone . ~acco and the ~. ' abbouIb the furllace~vblack ciId. CASH FOR DEAD ' ST~ "N_ ....- III, ,.",.... ~,j , .. 5 11M, pI . _ ,.,.., COWS ............... ~7. 0 . . . IHI-liut- H"!' HORSES •.•••• J6.00 Ibe klMW. &be wu bII Idod. According to si~e "l'IIq muit have tol4 her that be movt;d Promptly. lIadD·t I.oDI to.o. It wu Dice ..... ·4NamIDI ~ AIda b~ the lire, JANES RENDERING UId, maJbe, • kid or two, tbouIb I ...4 ImoWO well, It waID·t a~, Phone Col eet , . 111m to be looldDl at .usa Rleb Xeaia, O. 1712 « fatller died.
t -"'f"- · WiJIDiaItOD, O. 2382
•• .." .... 1::'2 ..., .... ___~------1IiI
, ., "~
- ~."...\ \\
. . . . . . . 6M(IIq . . . . . .,..
;:z.-,. ........ "DrIIIk -
1fI!Il'. bad ....... 1m&,
....... ,I'I . . . . . ......... ,...,.......i
-------,.nll"u, .. a
Use of If 'I , d a li lll (llt. u U8 ' a O~ nil. 't:cn (. t(>rllli~ ln£ rl' ~
y i~ ld 8
"pplicatlon. of 300 '1l)Q w'" nd~ or mnre' per aore have
(; 'll1rl Illls t~'re
mallage ment meana
1:1.ln l{ \':lIry on I,ITnzing Wllli
IV~ I I " I
l nbJlshed. It I. wi •• to rol"'I\.' a ,'olation p illn !o cow. wID 'T1Il V'" frllm onl! neld to another. beItl l'!) thl' pnsllLrc Ie grazed down to th e 14I'Ol.l l1d. &y titls system the p ... lUI'" will have '. chance to renew tt. ,ntf ,.. lie cyws a~e on other 1IeIdI.
III' "
Reverse Irrigation
'''hen It come! to moJ.ture ~
tarn len have a two-tOld problem. ' ~ lit ()cl' ~~ i 9na Uy It Is nece'Ar7 to l~c n1 fJVe
t-'XCp6 8
of a farm While lrrI,aUl!l ndjo' hing dry urca at ~e . . . . ti nlt'. Suclo 'lc ll' JUy II the ca.. em a Virgini a farm. The AtQry b~l\i nd th1a .outhera I=lrmoi r's prop~ In I. simple: JIll Irr l/{oted land WB8 prodUclll, tnctori lY- but the low, wet acre.,. lI\ljnccnt to 'I t was w)loUl' \IIIpl'Oo duc live, The solution til maldai both arCBS equally proc!ucUve . prq ved s!nlple. Her.·.· what . . . done: . No change WBI made III tIIa tm,. /tA llorl. serving tbe hl,b, dri 1an4. , The low lAnd , however. received u " lrrlllnU(,n In a:everae" tr.atri1elrt. W\!I IIBr t
f:n 11,
. . ..
AnotherCol}signment of . MJlrtha Washington Lamps
$5.92 each
=-'-' I. .,.f'" VJP ?"" ".
If !Uter:e is any question in the min~ of an~ Lhin.. medi aLely co m ' I(I th eir ai d in' (Case of n~t[l c.k. lIowI Ing American as to whether the United States il eYer, Mein~e1'R "r the United b\ ell/,L, wJIlti. ,headed down the road toward stale sochdism Lhl lIolly, UIlI) l' tlh~ , ~"t1Ktitu Linl\, Inll \~ • I~ (.. e 'r"'f III ana",er can be found in a new bill-l..H. R .. 27f)6..-0ill' 1 OJ: Punt, "-1'1) cu dl ng utte~tioll 01 III l I 'I ~:<' I(JJ" lmh trod,u ced In the ,House by Representa~lv~ Breot 84!c l'etal'y of St ille Ac heson to I r" J; j~, t haI till! 1.1,1, Spen~ of Ke~ckY last wE:ek 'aa an Admll118tratJ~n Or~J! ovl:rlo<JkfJ lI _<.Jon1lt.i lu~lun (> , till' LJlllt.,ol ' ~UL' ~ meaaure. This bill. If enacte,d into law, would PlJt m· provldell thaL '~/l ly COII~'el!2! < I II ,i" I'''OI' WIl,' .10 to effect," far gJ'eater co?tr,olJed econo~y tha~ "reB' . ~Olll:l~it; OUI' UI' l nea f~rcll" t6 ro , " Jgn mlth,lOY '\I. tI V Iden~ TlUUiAlI propos.ed?n his c!"'!lpalgn for J.'~ Ie', , tty. ,J here I ~ !<"I'\)n~ opposition 10 tho OOllgl'e~1I tu tion laat ralt. Under Its ' provII!JOns th? PreKHJ~lIt , bll1dlllg . tbl ~ C~II'I~I'y to ,.. uton ... ..JCJlJly Joll1 111 UI J may, by regulation or order. fix the ~Imlllr, p :IC~ Wal' which may, de vclOl1 III wel.- trll J!, Ul·BPO. 1)[1 th u' at which any commodity may be sold In, the. Umted pbhel· .hand th e \ '!lwr" JI~ UVOJl'llll1 IIatIUI1K:I~ m 111jfJl' Sta~s. by Bny 'person or coru;ern. If the "price thel'e· want to make co, l' n Am er l~ !I .:arl h<l ¢OUh ~u d on l; ' of has lilian or threatened to risc" at any tlme a :l;lel" dE!!end them 11.1 any time agt.ll nu·L Lliell 1;!"lIIlu •. ~ Decemjler 1948_ Farm prices wo~d be p81!til1l1y ptO- Amerlcall .iPfI,·ovRI ot the ur .. h A ~1:.t1l~IC l J\.'Wllb' \ ' by ~e llroviao that panty prices must be hicL, lUI proP~H 0.1. WOIJ!(J IIlt!UIl l.\ ~l)lJIt')<'1 • l' I"Jl I • III rn.nn'I:R.1DO"a, Vnder this bill th~ Presi dent would have 00\' h' Storlc fori It'n Jloli ;y. the power, through a temporary wage bo~rd, to con· 010 .. • , 'trol waco. Finally. and IV!!n more ,· importnnt, tht. . - . , . ',' , ' proposed measure would authorize the I'rel>a:cnt to .Ples.itlcnt rl'u mlln , 1\ Ridl dl lil undhlli . LI,UL G,J!, · make loans, 'or to use govelmment funds lo r t he ex .- gl'e8s"1I0reas~ , l•.ede~, I taxes lJy ..t l<lu st l'otSl' 1I1l1ll1h panllion or construction of industrial plants' to pro- I ,o olla l K. and :SO~lal :seC~I'l ty ~IIX <l~ by Uppl'c/x llmLL ' Iy duce any im<I 'all commodlt,ieB' which he may decide two bitJlun, ,.t.JII ~ ye a I:. S pcnk'll' 1 ~ IlYI.IUl·I1. JollllI\l 1l1 1{ II are In short s upply. Such loana and conatruction wn ' l White H!).ulle \ /: Slt - '>lKt we!lk , :u.tlilu'n~:cf/ hl ij h ' 1/ ' J be made without regard to any Ihilltatlon1l in exist· t~t U Iou x incl"'u>!o th lis yellt' would lie u p"~"'\IY. ing law. In other words, the Presi!1ent c~uld, jf he ~l\alrma~ ()OU~ (ltOJI Of tile Hou se Ways u n" le tit , plea~ put the Government In eompetltion with ~omru\tl .auu .U haLrman (reOJ·Ke . 0;1 th ' anaL · any ~lnesB enterprise in the eountr:Y, on his ' own 1'Ulam,e COmhlll!t.ce ~re 1'~u8mg to gt ltE Anding and de4!ision alone. Write the Clerk o~ thE< eailY comliucra "ltlll t? nny tax tn:-~e!lac Io~g'lh u.u"n. House of Representatives for'a copy of H. R. 2756 'hey arc wlun,& /I walt lind ~e attl[ud ,mlll ll ,·e .· v,. and study it for )'ouncH. . dentty wO',lderlll.\l' jus~ how high tuXCIj CU ll go Wlt h • • • out wrecking t he natlonal CC!>Q Illy. 'hey ul'll "IHo questioning- the wis'd om of t:l1X 'o.croosci/l wI lin l,u", TIle Ptealdent hal Bent tl~ the Congres8 a messllge! ness acti vities 'nd ' employment arc d 'cli" lila: . , ,requ..ting an ,a ppropriation of. Ave million four hllndred thoull8l1d dollars for t;he ~pair. rebuildi ng lind n' t ·' \ ,. , i1e l'urnalS J ,lllllnls trlltlQn ,PIli ll emo ~ I'nt lit 1(:1101 reconstruction o{ the White House. Wh ile ~he amount'reque.ted is not th,e eight or ten milli on dol· el:s in COngl'CIIK aJ'C duing Il lot. uJ' "pus. illg PI" ~ 80_ publiC officialll claimed would be neces· IrrllveYl1 l'd w'hi H ~ lirog" thesCl day s ubout lJu jflnc!:lll ., 1111 Iary, it,ia more than twic,e what the erection of a employmllnt 'CIl dlLi,o n..~ . 1n SPite of U1C shu~'p ,JC()lIrh l brand ne;, White HouSe o~: the llall)e aize nnJ 8tyle. .In prices, p),(J!IUo tl'Vc actiVity and omploY1l11'Ilt dtu'lu!,:' witll every modern ,facility. would cost. Congress the past few w"Clks, the l't'el!idcnt nnd some Of h l~ muat decide whethel' to pay an additIonal thr<.'e mil- top adVisors stUl Insi-st thO! nabon is tlll'Ga~eJ1e(1 Wll11 lion dol\ara, lor historical"ond aemimental reasons, a dangerous iODation l'ather thun 1\ dl>pre)! sioll. 1'/ »\'IIIMIJ"VII only the present outer wall!! of the Allmi llistration'll legIsLative 1c."\(\'H·s 111 L WO~K WhIt. Houae. Inc:identally, week the Hpuae au· the clCistence of al·IY UUcJOl'loym~lIt 1I1,(I/)II' m, III' t hliL thOrir-f4 fundll for repairlnlg the Capitol I'QOf' which such Ii probhlln is e ven in. prospect. They U1'gIH' LhuL .... .,.lIn In alleh a . state of' collapae lIince before tIIl\ Ulne i* /ltlll a great Kho:rtage Of w"I'k'~rs (\\'CI'!,war all oto rtlC\uire unaightl~', steel BUPPol'tII to keep It where .. Yet Jast, weok the AdminislJ'nLlon-con ll·,.il<''' House ,put ,throllgh Il ,Iou bled ." (? Iil'ic llcy 'llll" '''P''';'' (rom 'amng In' on the ConlrreJllional chamltel'll. tion to pM\-i\lo rOI' n lorgc incl'llose UI th~ IIUll, h,'! • .1 • of Govetnme/lt clerkK uillrigllod Lo jlJ'ax:CSRLlIg unelll· The new Secretary of S,tafe. DI!tlIl ,Acht'Hon, and pioymem. ' c:Othll~tU)/\ IIPJlllc-aLion ~; Incidentally , tile Truman AdmlnlatratiDu are having quite a bit Of the ntunber of penonll drawing Unemployment com. cIurieultr In pining IUPPOI;t tor thla country'll IIIlh'J pel1llltlon the varLows States has mol'\) tha'i bato .... HOI'th AUantic ])efezaae Pad. Euro~ cIoubled Ln In the Jallt few weeks. and is DOW high" .. CIIIIIltrt. . _ been .._ ~ UIIdentand that If the, thaD at any time since belore Ule war. jobl dI4t Pact, AmerIaD 1ia1litar, mlRht. would 1m·
I#er -
0/ a ' ! ~ lI:l
can be proIncreased by top. r\r,,~. ln~ w th pho' p hate or po1a.b In the spring or faU. ~e.ta at Nt. nllricIll\uTtll ex cdment .tation.
~ ''You're ,ettlDa nOYOUD,er. :1 IuW 70U Ihould think of matt7iD&
<1 ,
_ .........
at· 10 A. X.
v ~\unl',I "
Ohio District
administratrix . elltate exenlp~ Inhe-ritance tax. , Estate ol l"ranlt. M. Beal, dec'd, PearJ A. ~elll, executrix. C!aren~ .. Snook, Rudo'ph Uothmlln and W,.Ibur Earnhart appOinted appra's-
t•• ,,,
Clueoce J. Brown
I ----~-
r,, )·
1' ,.. !HI:'
In (lIHn"'" I .. ,11ft" roll i nt . , il t.!: r " il pd " ill f· P l1.1l h(\gin... rli n ' - fit 11\1' ""I~I III , 'd~., 111111 hI '~ rlll~ t hp h, [l nl11 . CI·r.~lh' lo~('lh ... r j,-wrr, d i~"l~ fo r Honey r/lop i n~ anti ilrll" h QYI'r 'r'vi ~t. LH '-;!le \lIIlil dnuhlcol , Rake in rti'1de rlil e /lVen ( 376 dng r,opfl f ', 25"tl) ~n min,,' '',,' ~fake6 t wo T w·i<t.R oi ,. i!lrll (o. ' I .. ,' intl,f'lJ )\
hn v(> ~h " w n thl) t
601l r p"
nre hardiE:-r and better able to reo di~ /',, ~ I's and winter kllUn,. 'I'hoy will ~nnhor their roots firmer onC\ c~l a bLish healliller, ' thicker ""rnwlh ;,bll,ve ground. . .. , T" II' c " 0.1' de ~p ·rooled legumll. 1I 1f," !'" Inl' 'V' I'lr,!p helpings of pho.phllle 1)110:\ pu(aslt out ot the" lOll. Ai.~OI"·>IOI~t~ " c~tlmmcnd lhat heavy [lmmll1U 01 rccltllz r carryjng the.e nl1t.l·I,r n ts be ap p!led, ..1 Ihe Ume oS R I ~t
h f>l ' lI ll~nr r\l!ial.'
~ ~l1'~r~JII,~s
Seed. In . tim u. 8all ' Une ImUI ball Is esllma letl to ' cOlltBln Hve to six million "spores" ofI c,r s"eds.
. I!l8tate lIf C~.. Belle AA e. . . Jameij 1... Millard, one o( the he~s, " a bad year for n n" worm, all thi. I estate exempt Inheritance tax. ______________ Estate 01 Ida Ma), Millard, dec'd. Jamel _1.- Milla'rd, one of , the hell's, estate 'exempt inh,ritance tax. . Estate of Jennie Allce CUmmln&8" dec'd,l'aUl J. Cummin&,~ . adlll1ni~trator, estate exempt. Ill-
A clal'p, long.wea rlng. carpet of Mr" lrl< on rolli ng Held s Is a matter nf ' Ulf1i ng, It\' Iljnlllhe soil's dlnner 1'11 11 \.\ e ll f1l1ed wi lh Jlhosphnte and 11nt. I ~1t "n (/ fo llo wing pasture mario IIl{l' I~'N\l m r lhods thnt prevent pre· In.,hll·1' . 'ha ldnel<' .·' AIfa l!:h w ill l'nVf~ n long lite l1 It Is \\",11 fed :md cared tot'. When Ih,. pln nls arll writ nourl shed they
Soften yeast in I\lkewarm wnt r. Scald milk. Add shortening. sugnr and salt. COlli to luk e wa rm . ~,,,, yeast and "KItS. ,Add Aou,' h, make a s'lfl dough. Turn nut 011 floured board or pcstry (' ctl:_.~n" knead until amooth and slIti n)'. Form into Ii ball and place 11\ Itreased b9WI, Co ver and let r iAl' in , warm pl!tc'e until do ul'frd. Wqen Ifr,h t, r \l r.~ h d ' w-. , ,e '" . hape In fo ' 8 lon g mil about oli"
Funeral Home
V.. cup lult:wum
~ ~~ ~~~T:c~~n~:;~~~~:r
'Well-Nourished Plants Resist Winter Killing
man.,,,, ,..._
Good Feed. Care Mean Long-Wearing Alfalfa
b~iJ'8t ot "II n dllcn waa q I'CION IJI nr~n so ·i bat tbe .xce•• JDGUttll'l! wo"ld drain lnto it. TbeD a ve rticil I type ~ntrl1u,al pump, u .s hown i n the accompaOTinl tlhutr ation, wa s located at 1lI. roaclaliIe ~n d of the ditch. 'Wlth thfI arraq. menl, the farmer lot practicaJb'IJutom atic resulb. Dralpage from the low land i. pumped out liS rapl4b' a. It acc lJrnl.llates ' In the dltch. But 1M moistur e Isn't wasted. It dowa 1Dto 'II creek suppU~s water . . . . ed for thc more o;tbOliox tntp. tiOD system serVin, the fanneIl'a
drier acres. Now, be reporta, ... formerly, neglected 'fet lalid II , . . dIJ.cinll on a liar wJtII tba Irdtated acres.
Low~r Support Pric". <I"'''''iI Goals Set for Potatoa
Lower BUpport prl_ &114 '"'gO/l ls for ItMII ear17 potatoee .... belm announceci b;r abe V. .. ... pnrtmcnt 01 alrlcu1ture. Agt'iculture SecretU'7 1'. Brannan laid the low parU;r ~ bnd been eet. with extreme ...... tlthee. and should not btl relU'llld as a precedent for otber ............. Ities. The goal tor 1", u .-.. will be bro" l'n don·to ........... indiVidual (arm ••
• rAc;
' ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=:lII!!!!~RilE80~Lm;r.o;Nn5i;:{Irmflr;I;N~-r!!!~~-'
ONF, r.ENT P)<;R WOJtrl : rnlJl 1111 1111 1 I'hHrg', 25 cl'nh. CnntTuct rate for rt!(I I:':' n pnn aPTlUcation.
Il ri \·t'rtt. I'll1t'tl ts
McCarren Kiddie. Honored At Party WHEI.U!:AS the ViIIl\ge of Wayne8pURl'08ES '
ill dIedr your wirina Free.-Rolhe Wit. J01D'
wiring sale? 1
bIc aDd ~n. Quick ,Ilervl • Ed 1.aIIaI1a. 5 mila N E. of W." l&nno~ Grove School Roaae. Phol\lll N'ew BurUngtQn Ob,
- ---- -..... 2472
i) r
uu t' lTutk the mOll 6y .. b e llora .nxiOUJ t" Illy a;,; nlun1fY Ub tho locatl, !but
"cyc rth ... u>. tJ'l" Spal1l1nl displayed a wu"derful Imllld of team play on the spocious Middlet0>rn court and capped , t h~ thle going awol'. So no'" ull you 'doubling Thoma_' gut b"hiud our lad. Saturday at 1 P. , M. at Xe nia and root die Spartana to . IlroodW8) l'h"'It' .1'), v,ctory ov"r Sabina. If IU«8l.fw. W"yne.ville will do battle acain next WOO n . dllY und IIpin on Saturday, March II , i£ thel:' win their first two
WHEREAS, (lonHul ting , engille-:I's have been employed by the Vlllage of Waynesvl11e for the pur. pose of providing plana, IIPecificlltiolis. Ilnd I11'0flloo "s til the proper coul'lle of ,t he nMeSIIl1rv water main connecting tho oxl~ting wells to the mlltlng system suppl ying' watel' to th., Villl'lI'c and ' the Inhabitant thereof;
Na']" [ hl' ou!-\,h
Prands Gene Br wn. pMne Waynesyj11e
.11. 1',1,\ II n .V l l lI !! ' 'I' I u. 1 • II H " · " \'~\'nl ~ llt "\l'~'''' '''''~\r .. llllt!1, {')~' 'tI" C\1 1' 11 \.". til}.."
DON'T PORGET TO A' 1 US for Insurance. An typ o( Insurance: Ilt a Sa vin ~. ;! 11
collect. Wilmiu J:1on
"" n. Poner Rrnbbed thi. y .... r·. County tournament title with 3 straight vie'Iorio.. Wayi,,,.ville'li regular ""alOn I.l.,y, .-spC!claUy nltuj".t Cnrlisle. did
Why? \ ',1
vllle, II Municipal Corporation, hils reloeated the lIources of its water supply by drillIng .ui~ IIble wolle northweet of tho cor"orate limits for tlio bene.fU of slIid Village and all Inhabltan~ thereof, and for the benefit 01 an penon. using water furnlshed by the Waterworks ot said Vll1a~o, fllIrsuant to a request made l1y thu Department: of Tlelllth, Stal", 'of Ohio;
5l1'.lmJ nnd fol lowi;,g an in en rl uut sua ..
TIME 'I'o PAIN'I' Iatarior .a,ttd C!xrerior... d ",,,.101 .. ,,... J - booked nbw. A ll work ~Il"h"" tIHd,' PI,on 2725- &lor". 8 , II A. 1'01.,
BOO O'REGAN There'. no doubt about ,t bu~ that Coach Ed Poner i. the "Coach of tho Yeor" in Clan B Warr n County h~p B rcles. All he did W H' to tak .. Over the remnant of 1948'. cluunpion
211 t
.Ae ordi ng' to . iz('
All ha!leLall candidlltol nro a,ain 1Bmindod to get their bil'th rcrtifl· ,·ote. .ready ,;n time for tn t' fical practiees which .are sclleduled for the first week in April unleH the blab
and Condition. Call
Xenia 454
The New L.olk
, Chool f'ield. a l earn.
G. Buchllieb. Inc.. NORR I S B!'>OCI< COMPI'. NV
being put into savings accou nts these days by people who HO\JM: k th I h 9-12 eac .. _ . _ . . now e sC,ore .. peop e w 0 -krtow this is, no time to spend 1·5 aftel'llOOlll ~ WedMedAy
C, n"lnnati Union StOCk V, r '"
''CIiIOti l'l <>1' buDd a Bam'? Stop in II'I~ ~14 7ou.r eopy of Loud ell'~ 11'(1(' R m
I. ~
lot of "smart" money is
W iro. a.I'lIt p, ,,_qrualve, ,. .
WHEREAS. all plana, Ilpedf1cation M and' pro Hes pre I ";'~ d, by tho englnee1'll !lmployed by th'l Village of Waynesvillo hflve heen approved by lIaid murildplIlity. prepuatory to laying the llellces~llry water mllin from the aforementionell 'wells and oxifltlng concrete llie1'l!l to the exlatlng water main at a point located at the inlerllOction of Mill Street and Mllin Street, in .aid ViI-
la~ :
WHEREAS all funds are ava , able and' ~pp~prlate~ fol' the Gra . "lzaiion ~ac('tTl cl to n o".' Plaa Book. pllrpOlle ofh eompl'ltirll~ lIaldflabl pro' 'ioc dollars.• th us h eIrung """ 7-9 Satunley _1 b -me ....... _ be St,.. ,;.tl Doll " h the CUll ' Wl!l HAlVE In stock a c" mpld r' l.,."~lnnau' : -T".... Red• arillOi IIC 1ft ~ • t0 ,.,.• • er .v....ap y jeot, and a.. en so ~". e (or " Idio broadcasting and te1evi.ioo increase inf'iation . Join the TEIlBPHC?NJt 62·R and appropriated for llIvera, line of Louete n' bArn equ l,'nt ".a' kit In t l ' . ..i J ig wily thi. year. Wflerea. they a" • u~lI d "_ lupplf.., as s tall , !ltal'~h l,. fI . count...... . . ormitted oilly 34 gamet to be tal ... "smart ~ct" and save ,here remont_: WIlter bOwls. lHt:er Cl'r ri,.,· :Itt,] b c; R JO E THAT SATISFIE' vised last year, and did not permit tile O'uhirl ' WHEREAs, all neee811ft", .nW'lUO DuTtOn 1 ~ : 50 1!!. B , T. earrieH , ' of home Sunday . - end " {" menta and rightll of wey hive DUll U hO WJ . W Clne ln n," LOUDlIl'N'S DARN IIlan71 "1I' ... ,..,. 'H'1f the nigM games, the 1949 conaeeured eJroept an elllI&tracts specify thoit every ~ at ~' tee _ b you nothin\!'. atl fln .~, H : 40 J'l1U 1 700. Ollr 'On' Cro.ley Field wiU ,be televiVMd, aDd ~ ment and rf~bt of WI), for the for our estimatu of our ill' " Ma r k.,t RaDCJr ... (!)p&ometrric BpedaI... purpotle of laying a water mil.. overy game, at home and abro.d. BANTA IMPI,J~MEN'l' .0 . ,/i ll be broadcnt. over and aerO.. th. land beret Tour Lollden Representatty" .n During ib abort life, televiuoa baa ~b D.tnaat 8tr.e\ I afte deacribed. and ' ee'ome .. mighty handy whippin& boy, n r ,, • • Southern hI ;.alti lllrJy in the caleS where attend. DNIA. OHIO WB'PiR»AS, th!\ project e8nnot.!» !I'T W . Mulberrv " I""ham",. \ l"", nee hilS not reached expe<ltatioru. ' undertaken or completed until plhnne IlI1R _. ____.,. ._ lIueh e..,ment and right of ",a, Warren GiI;,~ p....ld.nt of iIIe _ __ ____ ~_ 7iATE TRANS}'ERI Reds, is not of the place REAL over the landtr hereinafter deNOWO~ u1tilllolltel>in the hal been obtained. •' major I.acue pjctine, will and play the ....... • ~ for custnm hlltch~rfnr:. Profl'l'i 'nents into which hi. club baa entend I ' Thtl1Ung Powder Company, Ino. . ' , c terYice. (jln Gordon. Harvev for 1949 a~" d... ignec1 to help him urI. etVj Lo Glenn and Hyrtlt: Schlagheek. NOW THEREFORE, B e It l'esolvel' tiurr. P1Ione Waynesvlne 20M. FOR SALE I.... n' as much al he poulbly CUI I 1 lot in Deerfield twp. hy the CounCil of the vm .... of , - Inll C. II Borsoh I.ntl E. J. "urph~, WllyneavtDe. State of Ohio: 'lboul video and its e ffect on attend· New - ' Used - Relluilt '1nce. 'l 'bere are many smart people of MARRIAGE LICENSE Lo Walter Harnngton, 6 lo~ ID THAT It hereby deela"s ItII InHYDRALIC LIFf'S ••trch side of the 'fence- for and Deerfield tw:p. tention to appropriate, tor the FOR LONG WHEELBASE "«&111,,,,1. He 1¥anta "Father Time" to William O. Rauch 28. Dayton Ernest and &ly rtle Bingham to of proYiding' for a IIIPAUCTIONEERING lna,ke the decision for him. . farmer, Betty J. Witt, 18, Frank· OJaude anti Banko'll Gregory,:l5 pI, of water for illelf and itl . I TRUCKS . L; ;. personal belier. at th .. mommt lin, wai tress. • h bl ta d f t"..~.. _-t\aat it ia -.1Yiub/e for 8 club . to J,cres in "\Issie \;¥!p. In f\ tan ,an or 'IC pro ___ .... ft'ANLEY aad Koom t:~ .~.. H e IC'pc!C:ts the TftOurcefUlVel'n",n E, Me ' ruw 2{i. Marietta Raymond and DOI'othy E. lacl;Inn thereof. a right of way, Ind Oh 'lo,' IItudent, LOui~e .Helda Ea' ...«>M.". L~I!N8r ne•• of -the televiwion people, who ou ~ Hay~s an d Ethe I Da Ito n,' J elllleme n.t uver aocI acros!! tLOle ha1/9 been able to tranemit p'ictu... vock, 21. Ha~on. lit in Franklin. ,', and more l!PoclIlC"lly dl'aeribed ~e, D.tea. Ph.". 111M. W'avn".lilll WAYNE PARK 1 I' "ir right into your OWD Walter E. Marconllt 21, Leba n" " Hayes Dalton to Raymond , aud ' lIB tolloWII: . ' «)hI• . 1 1 _ Cttal1l"Ice Plant ,....- PH0NE 245 t livitla room. "U - do not make 118_ farmer, .Hilda Stegomoller 19, Lull· .)ol'Uthy ,8. Jtlckson, 1 lot in Frank. And beln .. a right !)f wa)' and At baU evallable to tho,e people, J be. anon. . ' lin. . easement for a water main. run" .l \VIII u.e tl llir ingenuity to Charles J . Richardson 22. F''8nk !Halle Wllnl to Milo. Allruyu,r , 1 nin .. tl'om the two exbtln _f1a oiP develop proarUli that will 8tiII at- lin, oilor, ,Leona Betty Roberta 1ft . . . . of' /' t lne same audience as baaabaJI Maiion. . lot In Franklin. , located on the ,Proporf;y leased Joes. and that then we will not bave " Grllnt and Huu\.ricu CamelS t,) fro m Mile Miller McElfreMh, over !:he advantage of Pie promotion that John R. Butt. l:~. Franklin. in" ay ",,,nrl L. and J uua Price. 1 lot and IICroflll' a eh'ip of ground of ' peetar, Eunice L 1'owell I tI, lrnnk· OJ' ~~·;'Yllc~ville. ' t,wl'nty-tlve (25) feet In ""dth, t he telecasts can g;"e UI. "1 would say Ulla - if it ware poI· " "kkeeper. The King Po~der (;C>1Ilpllny, In . and extending from the ~ '.' ," " I 0 Be\'er ly A. and Etta Bell, 2 ty leUed al n1'o reuld herein. n \ " 'i r _ 11 lJ;:er:fieHI tw]!. to. the eriatfna' water main loc:at- y, baseball or not, we mUit ma!<e ,'\ugU8l Rutf man 1\1 Mntl'hi". TIJIlIMI8CIl . where lui III c(Jnl~ruct.Jp our mind. to get &In... with it Thelma Monds va. Sam Ylon~f .d DOI'othy E:nzqcllcr. 71 OU acl'~~ ill" 1.1 fll'1Clor'l'1 hom e. h . , lor Penny, Your ' i •• r I "<;)h81"1ell CoUle r who bllll lieen and let a. many benefits_... al we pea- plaintiff, granted. nivorce, I~ta ntl il nll antwp. ' . Ie.t Fooi Buy is Milk! ibly can. , I would rather we compete I.!) have cat e and c,a sta(ly ~.I ch .J ,:; L. allll 1Iiartha Ii ud" uil : ~ Aerioullly ill for ~evel'al weelcl 1. ..,ith out own attTact·on. bElrome gelf' reno ' l I_I' ~ l'lcl Hltttle }{a.y JI!I! t, 2 \ j r Cl!orted to' be in senoull condition , competito~ 10 to ipeak, than to ao : ~: R'. I a~"lou;; Toms '1M. Wi!., in Ii'ranklilJ twp. nt t hill ti me. Elmor and ~nttie Moy ,1" "~lI' "~I»' Water Sl;reel; with th" into competition with . om.thing that lia,,1 lint! Ann~ Dl.niolM C Ill5C) dLI" ~llk "a5 c,ornplf:ltI littJt(;ll" , . ~ could he developed /I competitor of ."". III') rl· 'T.. ht A,r wa", alld with as ita as Promotional ve- cniSfle4. I' d ". Coff V v· "Iae Co4 Roy L. [Judson. 1 lot in ' }'l:al1 klll1 •~ valuable minerals. hard- lo . yt:J' ,; More Ihan hide, 1' 71 r hO" , p. .D ,. twp. eallement runnin,g alonl' a "Beside., from what I heve _ fey, dlmllsod wlthO'Lit pI'1! Anthony and GUMill Wrhf1!t I!tTnlght ' line bearing Soath vitaminsl As a balonced food I milk \ \;.1. 2 pounds of televivuvon. and it. inability fA) iudico and Martha P. Hlidlon. Z Iota In !levent)' deg1;ees (700) " . t.from cannot be equalled df anywhere e or ~) , of ~alure'~ give the penoramic picture of a ball Elmo ~1L)' Denni,! w. Ol\tty Je,,;;' SprIncboro. , the ellillijng weill OftI' and ftfield, I do not how ii. can hurt Dennis, plaintiff to' pay rUO Tlhnon IlfId Hazel ·Hel ton tIl , eI'Oft!! land of Marpret Edwards. it'economical~rice! . ~(~ ' osl nearl ucll. It caD't hurt more than ita pro- weekly lind $10 OlIpen_ :for this Walter and Elva Jo};nBon, 1 .\ot in A I "'1' F b 10 1949 , let the Borden man sel ve you perfect food motiQn can help. aclion. ' Salem t1l'Jl • I Op ""l . e ruary , . : . or ask fo t Borden $ in every "My mind i. a\lbject to manle. Olive S. Witllam ,VII. Emma Prate .. to Esther Pratlll', LOY'D' ;DAVrs 1'IIi' thina ia new and 100 big ,to Witham. dlyorce granted p,l alntlff, 0.17 In Lebeno". ' · ."'..... ,. Prellident Coun(lil at your neighbo,rhood store. . . _ -. ~~.~. quart permi' t a~ ,w form dafinite..,.,lnminor .ebllchen to plant!ff" defen; Irma. an, d Reya Stumn to Gllorg~ . . '*_ ~ J ...". ions: That'l wily all 'our alt'tNlDlenta _" k jr •• ~verin&' television will be for Olle dllnt to pay ...., per' wee or l5lIP' t.: D9ugbman, 1 aere in Wayne AtlAllft: ', tw,. , CHARL!lS JAMElS year each. We'll follow that policy (Iort of children. until we know .. much about it a. William D . . alld Elizabeth O. Clerk we do about radio now. . NEW BUITS~nlr to Harold Olinton and Hazel ' _ "If you'h .think back, there waa jult June Bl'OWR, 1 lot In Franklin as much confu.ion about radlo 20 Ex ReI Carlou.. ~I! va: Wi!- twp. ' 'I'BUI:rBOIIfIU year. agoyou as there i. about Ilelevivaion nie18, Ii IIbe II~ ~. C. and, Vlr"inia G10lllllp 14 to now, Do remember when the pitHam and Anna-E. Da '. .. WAnrESV1l.l& . . ture shows would program their f..- COrpUlI, CIi'rl Ahaecherll. 'P reston and , Lecms LakeH" , O. tloaaow .... tures so a. to allow )5 minut... for , Thomali Aibert Hunt V'8. lana . acrea In Fr.anklln ,t\vp. LaltUi'ON om. ... the broadca.t of 'Amo. and Andy'? HUl'llt ' divorce extreme enlelty, ,J. ' Paul J. Cummmgtl to, Robetl , I.MCD ad GRAVEL That was~'t so lo~g ago. either. ~a T. Rtiey. ' ; Neltlon and Ethel AgIIElS. Cum. Florence Wells Vet Robe'r1t Wells,! mlngs ••0.37 'Ilc~ea in .1<"ankhn. of t~e. thln~1 we reo now don,g WIth BIACK.TOP DRIVES t'eleVlslon will seem J~~t 81 antiquated divorce, Sf0811 i1eg~ect of dl~ty anll David L. and EffIe M. Goldey . ' 1i~ aacf ROAD OIL · !lOme years fro~ extreme crudIty . Carl A~ElCh.erll.l to Harvey R. 11m] Mllry B. Sleven~. I LAWN aDd FILL DJaT B c1c. 1 67 h' th Ci . ti Claire Scofield va. EmeJ'!lon Sre- 100 acres In salem twp. a &lllllCI a Estelle Finkelinan. ot a!:, ~ B eb b ,w len. eth nctnnadJ ' {Ield alimony. gl'oss neglec:t" ,CIITl RE.ADY~MIX cOJlfcliETE al u WBI a)'lng e lI'Oun , . A'-d M' Dl1broz!I\ • worl< for the first prof_lonal taem ,\baeeharU. 11 .r ew an d Ma,l'V J EXCAVAnNG and DUMP TRUCk SERVlCf in 1869. machine made baaebaU. WeTe Georgie Alice Campbell.' VII., .01997 acres In Frall~1I1l twp. JlO sCarce that two younl Jadie. wet$ Charle. Porter Campbell. dIvorce, G. Ran,dalJ aD<\ Manon G. LiJley _ ;::::~:;;;;;~~~;;:;;;::;;;;~~~=~;;;:;;::;;g~;;~g~;: _ .J. ~' recruited to mllb them by hand. The ,.gross neglect Harold (I, Dllnce. tp Marilin ~. Beckemeyer, 2 . :', l~b ,- - - - two sisters held a hiah poaition in the ' In Morrow, 11 - - - - -exc:1uaive socia] ranln of Cincinnati. but due to financial revenea, had to seek employment. The name of one of the l istorS wal MARGARET TRU-
ft__ ,
Dr•.C. E.
W NatieonaI 8aD'k
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, "~ribed
~-----------~----~-- -----'
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Armitage &Son
Hl arry~.
ii._WAY FARM INSURAIICE" .. die Obio . _ wUl ,pve YO" broad PlOtaeUoa apm.1 10Qft - ,... .... It ClIJ'tCn )'OW' buHdll1l;1. )'Our chanda, your awomobi1e ... ,.... lIUW" 'o~ acddeol.l 10 other.. Wh, DOt _ _ today, y- - - ~'.. ...,. wbeG 10Ia fQ IMw.J ia cbe 0biD . . . . . .,
• •I11I!• •~!:I-~~:''l~-:g ,!x'
' ,LJ ' ..,
.' .~~
Kaf D. Dakin l surance Agency:, '.:'1, lJ
<18 ' . . OHIO FI,. MIIS •
Phone 153, ~() E MUlberry, LEBANON, O.
..,RAlI. eo_AllY
.. 0lIl0 •..,ws I'_anY... ....~ ~ .
Ken Rnffensbel'ller. the fo,k.bllll throw;ng lIOuthpaW of tho Red •• who huried two one-h., SlUDe. aillinit the , , Cardinals la.t year, i. not one for motion. "Make .1 few pitch... game al pouible." i. hi. u;yJnc. prllctice. what he preaches, •• ,danced ):Iy the official record•. show he wallred only 7 b.tten In innings la.t yea~.
BII ••••
Bt'GG·EST' PROFll Tho blgw the yield IIJ1d the lower the crop CIOft-tbe bluer your profit. It'. 1wt _1lI0II _e. P roBt by the upeneDCe of 'armen who find BIG M brand fertilizer llrinn. bluer and better crops , be{t'e aI_Y1IlDmufllC!tured up tq ItaI; Iarda • • • never down to price.
.... .... ,
-,. ...
. .....l.lf··c...._IOffIC.-.AnoN.OMIO • -
Connie an~ « onnie MrCIII·I·/m. ~ hlld~en of MI' lind MI'H. t:A!win McCarren, werP ,eolol.limunlu, 'Sunday al'ic1J!1On wiLh /I Lil·thllllY party n~ bhe lionlt, 01 Mnl. Beule EUi!. Sevtlral lovely g ifts were recelv~d " and a deco· rated cake Ilnd Ice crea m wei .. SOl'yod to the following 1itt to) gllu~lll II 'HI huir lIIoLhul'M: MrM, MUl'ie ROKcr~ !lhirlcy Ro/-!tlnl, Mnl. . 1lu·gnt'tlt Tuylor 1~1I1 flon 1..a1" 'V ~ I'$. "' aye LlmtllJi a r.: daughter, Lynda, Mrs .• J ean De"noh y ulld gOIl, Stev,le, r.1rs. Ed,,:' Bogall Hnd <Iuughter, Barbara , Ml'S. ' Ruth Tlotm.iyer lul\1 chlldnl ll . Kllit h, J .Yllda, Miriam, MrK. Bc,'tine Bowles and daughter;, Terry Anll ' Meg. A,nlta ~lIIrcto 1Ilid tlOl '. MR~k~ Mr!\. .ShlrlfJl{ Bll wl,,~. IARov Ems. 'Ellh'i.·d Til·l mey(tl· and ," I anrt Mrs. Ed wi n McCarrtlll. Aqvi M OI'Y Coutc~~" ~'l'iday evenfng , with . r ~: A. ~ . Coll e~t 118 host el! ilL IIElI' home. Mr ~. (:h lll'l2" Clluk 11I·'t"· 11:0,] the pro. ~'HIII. M1'S , l~ti7.U'tebh ClUl'k tllikell on, 1').., Cancel' J?lInd. , C ha " le~ Collie,'. on~ of UUI' aged citizens. pl\&.!I!JI ltWI1Y lit hi s home, Pri.lay morn i,,~ nfter a Iing orlnlr illness. Funeral serviceti were cond u<:ted M"ndllv IIfternoon at Fricl1d~ r:hurch witn Luken~ an,1 Reynold . ; 11 ehn rgo. 8uI;al was in Miami Cf-melery. • M,'. a nd Mr~. It . C. Milligan. forlll\.'" citl7.un~, nj)w of MlllIOl' . we,~~ Sundn:y "v"nin" ~ u " dinner e'."estlt 0" MI'. nnd, Mrs. Clint .Taylor, ·Mr~. Tda Bow",, I)f Dayton waH Werlnesr!ov ':venhlll guest of MrR. Berth Gordon MrR Sarah Wl'ilCht moved Satur(iI\Y jr!)m thll Smith double house " In l I) th C !,Toprrty ~eNlntiy vacated . by ( he ·Jes3e .Pennmgton ,family. St've rnl f'nern:l H s urprised Mrs. A. S. Collett Saturday evanlnl!' to rem;n(! h T that Sunday wall her birt11tiav. TI, y w"ro, M.r... U~~I\ Curl. MI'M, ROMil . Gnrdon. IIfr". Bertha CO"rlon, MI'J . tlM'f fb l'llln. Mr". Anna tIoo'ler . M,. . LaUl'1I Shidaket. Mar>h MJ'N. Q "'-fLlm'Y h and t Mrs. Et I ",t.lI\11P. , "'; res men q of ic~ cream I'lld cak., wore ~er<r4lrf 'anti tha dlversion t f tl' too evening was eardp,. '. M,'''. Char-Ius Collier or Wa.hviiiI' . Tenn .. C'lm\, Saturday to fu m-ral for h e ,' tTnclrt .Charley Collier wno, plllt3e!l a",,,y F'" ' " 1 b ~h E rI\llv 1J10rnlnlZ'. , . roo er. ,"_ n est Collier. coul,1 not "",,nd on .' !l"O(" ,n t Clf th Q !lor I0 u 8 Illn~ ~~!! 0f hi.' wlte. · . A' pleulln liT'" .. . ..t t dinner were Qllio'lfl!/J Sunday Ity . GRrr and Emerl!on '"mllv .. p I "_I • h th 'JIh h rt", Ia"" (h t e ""on . I)~U r~-t-Iciolltin'" wer" 1\of". anll M..",. l'1 .r. Gorilon "l1ti :r.. ml1y_ of l Klnlm1ltn, _ Mr. lind 1W'rl<. lhvmnnd Artamot III1It :r"mn:v. 0' C.ol'win . Mr. an" MT"'l. Robert ,,-- 'Va;vnellvlJle aM MI', al1" Wilbur Mobley anrf "un . MII!~8P.1. or r.;umeyvll1.,. • 1\( ... "~'I Mr~ . •r",""'lc Hanrv n Mr. Rnl I U of , T•.. h_ 'f'rs. PUrvey ."" , na anon were I}Rlle,,~ In ~own Sunda'" Ml'!! . Pa uline VillaTH, of Xen!n: W IIi3 . Sun<!ay <'(uel't ot hllr lI!othrr, Mrs. I,upro Rhlrtnkt'l'. M . '.aurR SI,ldakcr I .J, "I ' F~'rf.ay , 'f.rom Pt.. T,IIU< nr"" ,Il. r "..._ Ida, whel''' 'lIhr hatl s l.ent " mOllth with m,r "on~hl-luw and d"ullht.~, .• .M", and 'Mrll • .W, P. M'r..Carrcn , Mr .. and Ml'II. CII~I Brown B" 's pendlDll ,t wo weeks lD Tenn~8. oft , Mr. am! M" II. Bell Gajn\l~. "r , Cincinnati ",erA afteml'l" callel"3 at \ the home of Ill. "S. 0 11kin. ~ , Iflll'man Grlty, nJ. LuImIlOIl callt''' on C;' S. Edwards and Hon anrf Mr8. Bhlnch r:a..r rlnrt fAmily Sun. day afternoon.
]\.r~ -:-uranch Mallter~
M~'R", Ml'~.
A Curnmunity Insti tution For Ninety-nine' Years
1 1
Th Miami Gazette
I·They"11 Appear In EDITORS PEN ' ' ' H Concerl .' 'e re.
. Janitor Replace-
H;red by Sch00I Board'
.2'nd melt
Coanci · Netts
The Village CouncH met In! the Township HoU8e far Its ' reau1ar
SIIITH H.rr., routine buslnea Smith, aged 07, well known conducted Mr. Nielaon of the able to militeh the Wayne township 'farmer, di~ at Dayton Power and Llgbt Camhis 'home early Tuesday morning, . tr d d. H ...&-0...'" firat e ...~' e VI'B'j'ne:svIIUel squad for .L ..... Funeral servicell will be held pany ilia thwas 1D 0 uee half of the ' t e purpose of his v1a1t w .. L··u' a uu • The Wayne Township Board oJ ThufKday at 2 P, ' M. at tile Stubbs to" h tb as to weeI' or not but frOIll1 there Education met in regular session Funeral llome tn eh arge 0 f th e C mqUire cIl .. "_l. d th D_ R B C I ' B ' 1 --tll oun w....ue to. retain e two Warren ..~OUD- Monday night at 7' 30 pm. ....,v... 0 eman. urla w, odi 1 ' game. Guard " be in Miami Cemetery, Corwin. 8 urn ights now on trial on Ikept the Sabina A delegation of ladies from the Sutviving aro hiol wife, Ada, a Franklin Road. Since the cost 01 conto:!sl by hitting Mother's Club WllS present and 80n, Glen at home. a sister, Mra each light ts $65 per year Counfive fielder'S and a presented to the Board a letter Isallelle ,Drummond, Waynesville; .cil was heaitant in their ded8loil. to~ses, Bob Hun- from tho:! organizaLion inquiring ~nd two broth~rH , Roy and Tim 01 But due to the hazardou. condlg8IDel~ scoring hOlllors for as to the action on building the near WaynesvIlle. tion to' traffic on thU hill arid Wllyn,esl/ilIl!i<with 10 mal'kers. new school ~uilding, The Board . , curve it was decided to 'retain the the fh'st point in and the ladies afte. a lengthy dis- " lights and install two more 100 the game sinking a free cussion decided that it might ·b e candle power lamps at' placeS deafouled by best to InCo.,.... the ent;~e orgaru'ignated by the Street CommJttee, throw. af~ was ·. ~ ' I" so that the present rate schedule Wayne t. Bob Hastings zation of problems delaying imDAKIN Military scored one from the corner and mediate action and it would be funaral lIervices will be conducted can be retained. Hunter hit a free throw before satisfactory for the Board to meet Saturday at 2 p. m. at McClure . ' The Mayor IVa!! asked to /":1':1)1 SBblna sco ed its first tally of the Mother's Club on April 1 at Funeral Home here for Pfc. Mel. taCt the State ~ 'Marshall anet the game. •Two riUnutes of the 2 p m The Mother's Club meet- yin Dakin, aged 31, In charge of request him to investigate 110mB Contest h/ld 1elapsed when Wayne lng' ~iIl begin at 1 :30 for ~e ~m:i~~~y~O:~r~!~ ;~~I~ '~m.V; hazarduxistlng In 111. West hit one from way out. usual program but the jomt in Miami Cemetery, Corwin. No ~er buaineM CoIlDGll Do you know that we have 31Dan Simpson retaliated fOl' meeting will be at two. PIc. Dakin waa a member qf stood adjourned. loo candlepower lamps. 7-400 A salesman from the Cincln- the 36th combat engineers &lid EdWUI'd ,Biehn, lIl, ,will he r>n~ ltobel't A. We3trlch. 22, played the Waynesville Spai'tliJUI but can epower lamps and 2 sodIum or , the artists Iipp~llI'ln\:, here on first trumpet in Dr, Fl'ank Simon's West came. right back for the nat! Time RecQrder Company was in service one year and 10 -----lights in Waynesville? 1'hursday Marc,h 23 li S ~ part ~f , Symphonic Blind fOI' two yeal'S, 'He Eagles and poured in another was pl'esent and pre5ented a few months, Be served In the African Do you know we have 292 wa- the COIl~rtel:lclI. A celhst, 'h~ did starte~ hi !! mUllical training when long one. , Simpson zipped facts about program clo~ks. The invasion, Sicilian Campaign and ~ot begin· sel'~ous ·Ktud)' ~f t~c ? .Fl'eslllnan at Hughes High ter cuatomers? through another filelder but Van- Board after discUBSlon and on an- was on dnty In Amio .t the "me Do you know we 'havq 50 con- ln5trulnen~ un~ll he began his sec· JD di~cinna"ti , Taking purt in the Pelt scored to narrow the gap other reference vot~ to purchase of his death. Feb. 18. 19«. The son of MI'S. Ada M. Dalein nections to the sanitarY sewer? ond ~ear In high, Mchool, I1lthDu~h Band and, OrC)h~strn four year8 he to 8 to 6 wlth two and (IDe half a clock for the time schedule op, Do you know that the tax du- he ~d , begln hl8 apprentice~hlp 8~rved a8 StUdent Director during minutes of , . Dlay left in the quar- eration of school classes, .nd the late Franle Daldn he fs oatudy on the cello In the Sixth hiS Junior alWl Senior yrs. Entered .. . survived by elg-ht sisters, Mrs. plicate In Waynesville i& $624640? . tho U. S. Ma.rine Corps in June tel', A representative "'om the Lois Mulford, Mr.. Opal Deal. Do yol,l know that. the,popUia- grade. ~ach year !le ellu,I'lld state 8!,d 19.4 and after Boot camp received Vickers fOuled Carl Stanforth Acme ,Housing Company was Mrs. Hazel Nixon, Mra. Mabel tioq of- Wayna,Vllle in 1940 waB n~~lolial InIlSIC contesb and WI t h appointment Ilo the Pards Island who converted the toss to cut pI'esent and displayed pictul:'ea of Stiles, Waynesville; MM. Madilline 8387 > ~us e.rly. start he ga~Dered hOD01'S Post ·Band, doing military. dance the lead to a narrow rru~ul:: pre':fabrieated steel'buildlngs that Armlltrong, Mrs. Betty Brant. 111'1. Do you know that 5107450 Ital- In ,tfIe fIeld of m\18IC betore his and rlldio work., Previous to ' this one point. VanPelt was 0 are being used in vuious schools Geraldine Young, Mrs. Dorothy lomi of waler were pumped the graduation from Bloomfield hi'l'h he ~lId been a member of the l>y Simpson' /Uld be ma~e both to relieve the over crowded Sargeant, all· of Lebafton; three II.Chool, Bloomfield, Iowa. BrlllSS ~qartet . which took State of the toaIe8 good to Ii:&ve the b 'ldin ~st quarter? bl brothers, Glenn,' Lebanon; Darren , Do you know that the (.'Ontract Chsmplo~shili' In 1942. Clinton COUiltiana their fim, lead U1 g pro ems. .nd Herbert, Waynesville. with the Dayton Power &. Light In the con.... Vickera ltave the Three appliCants for the posiFrtende may eall .t tlIe funeral Co. to £-umll\b cu~t to Waynesback Ito the Spartans by Uon of janitor at the Hlah School home Thunday or Friday eveninlf. 'ville expires In three years? sinldng two charity throws after were interviewed to fill the va-' Do you know that npproxibe was fouIed by Carl Stanforth. caney created by the resignation LACKEY J.mell IAcThe Girl Scout. held their Jut mately ~ was spent in street West d~ in a long Imot and of Harold 'Elstro. After thorough key aged 61, died last Wednes- mHt\ng Friday. February 18. at repair last year? Sabina was~ ' ut in front. ll1 to 10, discuulon Mr. David Parrett day' at St. Eliz.beth Bosllital In the Gl'IlJIIe HaD. Meeting time ill t __ with one one haij DJln.utes re- wa8 hired and Is to lIBSUIIle his Dayton after an IUneiS. ,II: 45, After lingm, their openiDJ fint stanza. Simp- duties Monday morning. Funeral aervice8 were conducted lOng and roll call they 'm ainillg In TRADING PLACES son hit a fly up shot 'Jut Leo , Friday at 2. p. m. at Stubbs Fu-and their craft Work. 'Some Did ~ou eVllr thiflk that ),ou Stanfol-th, ,-N.' ,through for the Through cprmectlons of the neral Home in W.yneavnJe ill are "Ol~- to --'-- bIDfol"'- -_ .. • decided on leather beltL would liko to IllrvU 01. tho School Eagles as ......,.:_ . quarter ended with State Departm e nt 0 f Ed~ea ti on charle of the. Rey. R" Bel . 0 eman. otheJ'll Board? You didl If you think it'll Silbina.ha ~ a '13-12 ad'lrantage. and the War Assets Adlninima- Burial wu an Miami CemeteIT, Ptan. for the chIl1 .. _ _ .n enjQlI.lJle· talk 'now iJ tbtl time t! • tion the school was furnlahed Corwin. to chaD.e YOUI' mind. All J!:ditor of , . .. I " ' 'II/1th ~ "Army. mule." . ...threeSurYiyi.... -" . .. brothar, ~ B7rd '!-~Hall'~.:~~.!2,., ~ tJ.~ chill paper o~tim.. you ..... i&t.u VanPelt stretched Sabmas lead wheeled tractor. It anived Mon- of Wayneeville and Re)' of Callf- u._~ CWRIUIIIM!CI. TIae }'o~ own reporter. this happened anothel' two" points by hitting a day and all that was necessa,ry ornla. Scotlta are golDg to IM!1'Ve ehlU, 1I0ndat evening when the BOIU'd long one-bander 1lB the second /01' the s;'hool to 'pay was "",n and ________ slaw, C!J'8ck~ coffee or milk bew.s in 181810n. Many ill hit I,ro~..,.. tw 5 d8 Th bU 11 blem involwd in the capacity of period opened, :Vickel'& sank a transport it from the depot in 'Co1\11'. Rnd MI'l , Robert Thomas and een an . p~ e pu c . a member, The bill.- for the mall)' .short abot and Hastinis I~otted lurnbus. The bID for this was ap- daughters' and Frank Thom.s had invJted 10 let's ccmie to the purcha.eil and aervien the Hchool the score' at IS-all' by rrulkln& a proved along with others of the as ,Sunda~ dinner gueata M~.,•,-.,an.n:~t-G...ral'h1nglfe"MiHa~lllli'i8Sat11rday:c1iJiiiit' ~. nt:eds must be examined with thu ====~=-Hfoul sh'o t with two m1nut:es and pI'eceding month. Mrs. John Robey of D.yton. . With • baH areateat- scrutiny all it i8n't YOUI' ,15 secon<i5 ·gone in the lIluat'tel'. and Mrs. J . M, Earnhart and fam· hour of flanlel and , the c10slDc money but the money of then.whole Hunter put' the ,Spartans out in Othel·'q tems of routine 'busl- ily of Beavertown, Mr. and , Mrs. aong. tax paying pllbllc YO\l are votlDg to Ward 1.. 'Swingle, Piallist- front by hitting a free thMw but ness were transacled and the Arthur Thomas of Dayton, Mr. 811: The Chickadee poI,1p aJ.o he1cl be apent. The policies you sct liP MhlH Juyce Jones, contralto, 1'1 Accompallist, along with C. Stanfo.rth connected with one meeting was adjourned. lin. Lowell Thomas and Mr. all. their maet1Dg at tJle _ e tim. are for the entire faculty or the a vet4)rslf of World War II; hay· played the ,clarlDlli and from way out and Sabina took Mri. William Riekey of Lytle. at the Grange Hall and dIseuMecl IIChqol to uphold and .bide by. '£he Ing scrved in the ~arinB Wit· Arter , hi<3 g,aduatlon from high over the lead, Four arf th their meetIhg at the IllUDe time .t "eaay"· taalt ,beilll'.1 Ilt IIBven thillty men's ltuserve 'Corp~ 'for twenty· &choul he played with Ted Fio Waynesville eaprs, Hunter,. Hast..- ...... - . .. -.;;..:;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. , the Grange RaD and ~ in t.he evening the first Monda), of one months. During her time in Rito''S Orchcstl'. II!! s.xophonist inga, Simpson and Vickers, made ' , ·theJr eraft work aacl eIo.iI ~ each month and end. at A. 1\1, thel!erviceherworkassoloiatwith and alao vocalist. fielders to p' uttheWarren cOUDt~1,~\J.~.,# ,~ 'lamesandllnlfq. Tu~y.- (or doea Itt). While lIit· the ~arino Corps band brought Was classified IIs 'a ct:ypwg-raher lanS out in front 24 fD 17 at the V Annette'l'lnney; Reporter tin.. getting UrY 'sleepy youI;' her to the attontl0!l .ol the rec~a· (hl\ndUng ~m1 Codes)' while in editor bepn to nod and reel at tlon of the reeleatl0l.' officer of a Air Corpll, He ill now, but :n and halftime, , . 12:46 and pve up the task 'of nearby Na,val Hoapltal, an~ soo \ is furtherllip; hit! mllalcal edues. 'Simpson stretched the'Spll~' completing bill l'eporter task. Per· was ' allleed to ' do a weekly hour· tion at the Cincinnati Conservatory' lead to 25-17 as the second half haps 'If any think it would .be , en· long program. She did solo w?rk . , the .G. I, 8iU. ' .ul"" ....~ by ~tting a fre thro,"" anll joyable to , tak~ to the. School with the Marine. band In QuantiCO, ~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!II_ _'I added two more points Board (. would be most glad to Virginia' and Washington, D. C. , wIth a fielde~. Hastinga poured in 1 ~ave them act a5 Presa ,l;I.epreseil· · , a short one and the ICON! was tative at tilt! next relular sesUpon dlacbatge, she returned to IIU II 29-17, with three minute. 0# pJDV sion. ' ' her studies at the Cineinnati Con· ~ ..., \lcrvatory ·of MURle and in July of gone, Five minutes and ,~r IMIC-' 1948, ,the illness of one of the cast the ~nd half had in tile Summer Opera ,,,he, did ~)te before 5ab!rui' aeared lind ,~ dies of W.:rnenille ,Farmer'. part of M.rtha in FAUST, with . •. Mn. G~J'ald it, was a long shot 'by ,VanP,elt. C. Grsnge 18 anJoyed' n all-da,.. ·the MetropOlitan Opera and re- Cl'eecli, rec;iilt bi1de, ,was ilD ' hon. Stanforth dumped''''one in from meeting o!, Thur~y .t the ,boaae ceived exceliellt >review!!. Critics 01'00 gueso on Frida)' eve~nc when way out for the only othel' IICOr of Mrs. Lawrence Fum", wltil • Mr. anti Mr.. AmUtage of c.1I her voice "natural .. . plells; Mrs. William RicDY .nd Mlaa Bon- Ing.for Sabina in the third p\t!rlod. delicious covvred diab hmeheoD ,at Leb&noff were .dinnel· guests on log . : . competent" and her' per- nie satterthwaite entertained with The Spa1:'tans made a total of ~2 the noon 1I01ll'. This b the tlrst mbceUaneOI18 shower while llmltlng -the l!:aglea S~ of Mrs. Lucile , Armita~!l' fo~Dianj:e "pl'ofes~lonal and hlghof such meetinl'l and W'8I a great I, .pralaeworthy. The baritone, b me f Ml' iN b ,fo .... points. The IICOre lit the pleasure to enTy~lI1e. " ' Mr. Wesley ' Miller of Wooa~. Martial 'Singhel:, wh.o ,an~ with 0 ..... eoeve;:;.'&n·~ deU"htfu' lly .... l.'''; ri ... - D her I'n two prod dlona eald ,he ' '.....~ no ._ -..... • end of the thfrd quarter was, 38 Following the lllnrhll(JD.', f~ .enWi. r. . . . ' spent I!l card. and evvryone joined " Ohio. ' ea Ued on.IWI F'umas exPlained the wo~k of the an.d Mrs. F. Gtegg on Thurs- :~id l:otat~I::~I\~~~i~~nl~O!b:: I,! ad~i~lpg the many beautiful to Bome Economlea Committee for day. , "'-I' >d I e on the o,pllratic giftS which the bride foun4 awaitIn the first 'five minutes of the . the coming arid' intereatfac , ' -, ~ongm.g lUI po ~ ine heron the dining table where period of tlI.e ec'l!.test. ]MIp8n ,on "Health'" and 14N1at:rI_ ~. Norman Brown 'and bro_,Btage... , ' 'a eolol"sc:heme.of trre~D anll white Waynesville made three points tlon". were read 1!Y IJrMat ther, Ed Brown, of Dayton, wu emplo,ed.. , ' whlle Bob Mitchell and C, StanButterworth &lid lira: Gilbert called on theito ' cousins, Mlasea ~ A ye17 deljeloWl .. lad courae eacQ dumped In Frye. ' Annie ' and Mama ~rown on Satwu JlBrved. ' ,;l tosses and west sank a abort Bumoro1b conteata wen CODurday. • ,... TII,e Invited guelts to IIII1JOY ,t he At the automatiC thneout S:ablna ducted and .the maetbac ~ eel until the first Tu8ldaT- ill April , eMv~nl~vI"..ithH_~~k Creec hPh-Ure , val,Jed. 39 to 25. Jack Tlnney ,eonlli l .....:. V-'A McPh K1' of ' ,;( rs . ..,. ~ sa y I ..... _-' -'--ri' ty .-~ and both when' Mrs. Rhodes BUlulell wUl be 'M" eraon eJR 0 e~ Burnett Yv01lJle !:ItubbI' Ven,," a CIU1 ....... hoste., to the &TOQ, . Jndianapolla was ' a pe.t of her , ,Lolllacre. Mi .. Norm~ Gruand Hastings mad~' fUlthdailter. Mrs. Ollve Curl, at dinnefMra. Jamea l\4cC11iI,'e and Mr& ber MiAs Shir:ley I.waon III.s ers for the final scoring· !l11 e ,on Bunay. . . • Eve~ Watldna enjoyed dlimer !tfildrecJ Boume, Mn. ,Doftald ~en- game: The result was ' a 49·29 at the Biltmore 1;I0tei In Dayton deraon; Mfsa .roanne O'Beion, win for Waynesville. on March 2 and then went to M8- Miss Joaft Creach. Ml.. . , Sabina didn't seem able 1'.0 let lmorlal Hall and aaw the Horace Weltz, Mi'III. ~IYn ~, Mrs. many rebounds dUring the conHeldt Oram Shoup, Mi.. Glmna Xleln- tllSt. 'T}ie lame lot by with a h.m, lin. lUchard' Wbltabr, MI.. minimum of fouls as only ~l ~. E. V. Bal'nlui:rt had as aft- FranC8IJ Whltak"". JlJII !JuIa sonals were ealled. The, FAgI. emoon auesta on Tueild&y ot the 'Hqak. Mr•. John s.,ekett, Mias EII- made five of 12 att4!ftlpts .hUe 'I!he qhlo State Unlver,l&7 Bu-' put ---. the Ar-not Brlo!I-e ther lAlkens, 1llu88 lI'ern, ~.. Waynesvill\l made 11 of 19 .treau of Pulillc Relation. told tbIt ---. .... and toutae Cntdi, lira. Jolm Lud. Mlaml GaZette thla week 1IIat Club. with - Mrs. Alva ThomplOn In"'A" 11- Ro'" I ' I - - . ' L U ' _ II tempts. aDd' 1In. lIarl IUftle Two tabl 8-", ••, , ............. 1IUlt. • EdwIn lIIlehener, . . of Mr. and of 'brlcIP ella' with Mr- D. Baird, K,:w. trarrr ,S attertbBox score: • !In.. CUriel It 1«icIhtDer of R. G. JlU1~ n":'.7j,. c~ BI~ waite, Mi!- [.0.,"\1 Tho.s and ~aynesville 43) FG WQIlesvllle, ... ncelftd u • w1nnl~ the lov~ pri_. Follow- the hOlt.eaeea. , Vickers, f .. ,.... - ..... ~.. ,. 3 fratemlty ~ to the ~ In, tlie pma, -.. JiJ¥eIy ..lad Powell, f. ....... ,............ 0 Gamma Slama l'latem1t:r. MIchcouna .... aeI'ftd b, Ule ~teu. f .................... 8 ener II a IOpbcaare III tlae ColMiamt Chspter 10'1, O. E, S, 1riI1 ",.". c .................. . • of ~ lit OhIo ~~. meet In replar ....loa OD )(0... Mr. aad lira. Robert Oabom I .................. 4 day evenl_, Karch 14.8:GO .'clod. IUIDOIIIIce the bk1h of a dauahter. g."...... ,...... ..... 2 Mrs. LiUlan 'Shenrood, Irrancl "PO P..w ~. Boa- O'Brannlon, g ..... " ..... 0 Mr, IteDHth . . reaentati", of N_ on 'l'IwrIday, l'eb~ K, --~:--I and cInPter......... of DQwill be honor put crt the ~ watabt.,t bIriIa ''''' It.. Mr. mel ..J.I aDd members of IAbuaoD ~ Kn. BuoId are tile pa_ . , wUl be lpaaIall'fldl, '~. ~~ ~ , _ ~. . NEW LOOK ••. It hall bllen appI'oximatcly .. no month since The Miami Gaze.tte changed from the labloid style to the regular newspa)){!r size pnge and, public opinion has lie en V01!¥ much in aecord with the change. Some of course look over th'e paper nnd Ray, " you have le1'8 new] than you used to hnlMi." Howevl·r. thi8 ill Il\)t tho CI1~e, in fac~ it is jua;t .the DPI)O ~l te fol' one full tl6l('e ot the f\)rmer 's tyle is now wholly newlI wnere in .the »11'3t it was gl'elltly fUleli with unvcrt iRing material. The task of gat.hcl'ing enough news 1I0metimes is a ' groat ordeal ami J will appreciate any items you may wish to place on n card or in an envelope and' send to the Ga7.~tte, or drop it in the slot at the 'office ,ltnd lut's keep lhe "new look."
Girl Scout News
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MA RY EMMA LAC Y Mrs.. Mar y Em ma Lac y waa bor n nea r L,ytle, Ohi o,.Nov emb er -------~------------------ME THO DIS T CHU RC,H -~----------.------- 17, 1862. She waa the dau ghte r Ent ere d &I IK'cond claM i' ma tter at the pos toff l(!e of Sam uel and Eliz a Beam. Waynesville, Ohio Wa,-n,"ville. Ohio. . . mar ried to Jaco b Lacy on MllY "Weelc of Ded icdt ion" 1882 and to them wer e bom Sub scri ptio n Rat e: $1. 50 'P r ·yea March 13th to Mar ch 20th r in Ohi o ; en children, iOll r of who m are SU' leal ' else wh ere . lda.y, Mtl7'Ch vcth. ' . living. Mrs . Eva Y,o'unS of Lyt le. 9: 30 A.M. Chu rch School. 4. J. Wal ter and Wil bur Lac y of Day Burske. Sup t. Mr . HO LLY ~--,!!!!!!~~~e'!~=="""'''''''''' ton and How ard Lac y of Rou te 2, ME11fODIST oni RC H =-:';:=''''''"'':':"__;''''''==''''' 10:30 A.M. Worship Serv ice and '''''''''''''''''''~ Leb ano n. She T. M. Sca rff. Mfnl'1tl'~ had 17 gran dch llR.B. Col ema n. Minister . Serm on Ant hem by Cho ir. ~un dlv Sch(\oT dr nan d M gn!a t gran dch ildr en Q:30 a.m. . 2: 00 P.M. ·Yo uth Fel low llh ip Cln,lrch School 9 :30 I.m . One ~on , Ern esl, of Lytl e, pass E.A . Ean J lhar J t. B . SUD "De ~ dica t tion ed . Service." • • • away last Aug 'JVnrshlp Sel'vlce to :~ot. I .m. • • U._e. .Up . TII ...~day . Ma.r ch VIIth. . ' - I I for Mar olt ~ 1NI ust. . Worship and Sen non . ventn( Serv ice . 7:'30 r.m. Mrs . Ll\c.y's 'ntir e life 7: 30 P:M. Serv ice at the Chl lfch . ~I ""ROM OUR m.E S I MUsIc spe nt In and al'ou nd Lyt le. 3 tree on Monday Bnd N A STRANGE ciV J'ou ma.,. sud10. ]0 ~R ,MARCH 8 .18'T1 "m·..111 .." . she lvaS high The .Wo man ·, Society of YOl CAESARS CREEK FRI EN D! ly resp hilt ecle sho d. ulde r badly. He was den17 need 10 be IdenWled. Som . lth 'Fel low Ne nd "nlo mu Atn tt has left shIp Thu rsda v or ~ev. Dlv ld Stanfield. Mlnl5fe ,u'lI Chn stia n SefYice sens ibl for sOln e tml afle r r lcl.oU. ' ; wan\a to lInow conl pani on war called by d eath ' 7:0 0 P~ Sun (8) day '" peac e peti tion .at the post ofti re "So Sch me ool In of our Goals"- Choir Pra dlc 10 a.m. ,.our .illl atl 19 genul .. e . It I- if Jan uary 192a "' nd sinc e thal time fal\ ; but e h Th . IS u~ now abl Wo rshl t b J) Semc:e . Mrs . Car lton Cook .nd requ~ aU in favo r oi abo lshe had lived alon e. exce pt at . t t .... . fair chanen.. (0" agai n. (b) "Ou r Mla sion ary Work", 7•.45 PM Ishlni! the sett lem ent by arm s lime s shar ing her home with too mln y JI ~ r' .. o( ANN • . OUN CEM ENT S nati ona l grie van ces. lo go and tm CA E. U, 8.' atU Ra f In clrcu la! Mrs . Ken neth PllNoIRe IInn oun ce ilia HOU ~. Sh Sh l J0 Ded icat ory Add ress , .Rev. ..- , . .... BY' EPI CO ~ev .. William Shannnn mot hed ess gran dch ildren. e a 1.UI b l:l .• el . J to · plac e thei r algn atur es 10 the petl ... - S , S way s PAL enjo yed .Eva havi n ~ ill h 11 can dida te (01' ~d.v SChool het· chll R. B. Col~ lion. " .,:}o a.m. 'fur ni s h Id" , tlll~ ., dren and (nmilies ng ~Imuel N. KeYS, Rec tor . ! fficl ! b( Cou nly t. her on Mn. J.m~ Garrison. SUD catio n. No less a Solo -Mi llS Tob y Bal l No birt hs or mar riag es to re- I t. pen Chu rch Sch ool eilbje t ~o Ihu declslon Preachln~ tst 'and 3rci ~un on thin hi. 014 9:t 5 A.M . Wed dav . cord this wee k. Will the 'pub ' nead SU~~:~;'acy had II keen mind; all, Mare" \lFth trlen lic Nom inillina Election, aud Mom el J 0 h n th. C!lc lnR" h mn Wo nth rsht p t8:3 10: 0 A.. M. 30 a.m . Baptizer , please acco unt for tlW grOI l8 neg whe n assi gned a task in chu rch 7:30 P.M. Fell ows hip Meetings evenln~ Services liad grown - - Man y Vot ers. 7:3 0p.m . in hom led of duty ? . work or elsewhere, ~he did it wiles. Ple ue attend! at I:'RIENDS une u)'. Are you My hRit; ' wm; faUi n off, I the home chec ked on the bul'YT tll! ME 'nfO DIS T 'E sq. Key s has a fine lol tho On, we ling ly and well. . She was a love t'e ~m Day ~hnol of Q:30 R.m rfU Ra i squ are and ovo:l pi<:tllfe 'h ame s, two bott les of Nat ure's Hail' of poet ry and always had a p.lecer . leUn you will ~eive. look lnl for." h f n· Dr. Fon... stor ativ .nnt l it checked it . '1ee tl"v for Wo lluLr rshll1 ed, "or ~ . III Dr. .Josenh Mvers. Min'ste, and they aTe very che ap. in bel' mind th lll was, approp'nate ~r. (1.11 d M"" Harold Shu t" : nev. . Bel'llard once. It. i cio n, s afe and effiwe look for 50~ u l1 el ••1" Josu Sun dav Sdl ool \'h's. B. B. Hay of- X enia is vis~ oj . 10: Bau Hel' '0 0:3 ghn .· 3.m 0 a.m . answ , lead er. All our nt . If YOU!' dl'ug~isl has not will gen tl lovable p~rs ol\.llllty fam ilies ~ er to J ill' vo not to discru.s M" Ruth SlYtor. Suot' ltinp: Mrs. &m h Hay iJ) Cor win living in Cor win and I~ast WAYN long live in the m emory of '!hlt' . gOl it, sen d dire et to Pro theo l!!V logy JLU t Wo Incl .' lSh l Ser vkt ' rnat ion, or ctor her family and friends. Litt le Joh nnie Dav is ~1!lI h-om 10: 30 Lm. anythinl of of the rive r. Bros .. Glo\lcE'st:e r , Mass. 0ftJRCH OF (SI RI! n' t. · He jill! went Afte r an illness of four weeks. My. 4M M". . J. 1. Bu, ~ CH Ibou UR t hi' u ! OI OF CHRIST I'. work. Mr. M. H. Coffey, Mia~r Bur In the cour. . ftvm Ca that el.,. h.. ourecl Mini" on ' the earl y Inom ing o( Feb ru- soutske, lead er. All rura l families Bible Sch ool ":3 0 A. a 100II mal' lick peopl.. and M. " h of tow n and weat 'of the MOl' - " " . rver. ary 28, 19.9. she passed awa y at ",er Jlln~ Wo rshi p to::'IO A. M. 1'ROM OUR FlL~ preaehlld to 1011 Ie very poor peop". BIbIe .SChool • 9:JO Les lie Sate rthw aite , Ear l Cla rk, thc age of 86 y 'ars, 3 mon ths and rive r. _ J M You I.m n" Peo l'le' s 6:4~ P. M. ~OO'IItn, Wn rsb ir to:1 ''No back ," he ,aid, "10 back "OR MARCB tCl. 1920 Geo~e ...Mr. ana "3. R• C• M0 '-.. 0 I.m . and wteU10 John U days . Satt er hwaite. ar1.ICe ....... DOC . Eve nin P,. '. ~r Meetln.. , <::er wha t vlce Mol er, 7:3 ·l~d 7:0 0 er. 0 seen ' P. ".m Tho M . se V on Mai n St. Praver Meetln~ and Pea ceful and sweet, !;he end PI' M (In tile afte moo n of the fou and bea.rd." Wha t th_ have rth ann Owen Rnt ris. mep ..w • OUD( eop e s ee ttnr and side stre -.f March. Miss Beu le -Wa rdlo w ets wes t to 3:rd, Bible Study We d ClIme. that d., "'.. wha t J ••WI at ah,o tber .• 7:3 0 PM hom es lIOuth of MaIn. and rura ~e the brid e of Mr. Afte r a busy life. ' time call1ld til. "1In 1.r ot GOd ~~ ~: l -~.-::'~'~;-""'-__ __ . SYenlar Servfces Har ry R SKR TBA LL," th' !)om es ·on Rou te 42. _'::"'':':':':::~=-==- '':'' =:' ':= pnu ln. divl n. ,llII atun . Falthful to ~vC~y duty done, '..ecey. The cere mon y WIll sole mTheSI1~ Mr:. o-W · tiM ~ yoe vlllf ' Her gA mf', b".. As 10 ~ et the Met hod ist paH a friend, a. rnother and wife . McMiltm. :lna ge be t\ I'h.y d Frid av 1_ . Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Hou gh. atte nda nce so long as abe was IIMI I. _ Ie... niF'hl. _ the Rev: Ratpb Col ton Jon es. was postpont:'d a a late hou r by ters lie wro te hi ao..... lead ers. 1>hy Tho aical se ly on able nort PellCf'rul and swe et a mem ory to h ~ COQ ' parl on! of the pa~nag 4th do and SQ. For AN NA J~ ... Y ,.... acu .... .... ..1aaMwrIt. WILLIAMSON man y yea rs she e 5th stre ets,- nor th aide of Nor th taug ht a class In lent cha rm to 1he ~on. tha sn~o. Coneh Orill~ made ever y . now , lam a. dau ghte r of Jon as and hi III Get . .1 .... ....t1aa. . .effort to Aet /ltlDthel.' gam e but Her kind the St. wes Sun t day of Sch 4th, ool. aU othe . rs hou r beln~ arou nd 6ve . . . wile n , _ ....enct eI'M nor th Mar y Hal e Jann ey. wu bom In was u nab le to do so. Jnstead, a To all, and · r ady aid Wit h the exce ptio n of a ·s horl The brid e la the dau ghte r of who uecded a help ing of Nor th St. Including rw~al Way nesv ille, N9Vember 23. tIIa& WIt..... " .. &ne. .... .... clas 1861 s ~am ; .tlm e spen t In Cleveland, hom el. was l'.ranJ(ed !>elween .... ,.... . wIaa. _ caD IIlIra. Mr. and Mrs. Cha rles. War dlow . die han d,· . Mrs . and died In ihe Hah n Col ime '- Wil liam son had live Jun lor- Sen i!>)' and Freshm an- 0 .. M,thodiat PCIII"SONIg" Those on alee d . . . 1 _ dk1 who are residents of the adjo inin a her serv enti ice. re o'/e cen r t ·paid HOme, Mla milb . g Sophom ore cle s~s. For tl:t~ \lP- Peae .... .... ... leat are. ... eou nty. ef'1.l1 pnd awe et, her eyel ids 3rd St., IOU th aide of North, sou th Feb ruar y 28, 1949. urg, Ohio, Ufe In this community. The fam She bad lIy ' residence on Fou 1>el' cia men fhe line -up was: 4th and 5th Sts. . · an othe r i.w rth stre e, clos ed, 'DIe ~ hav ing alw ays bee n ... .ched the aile of 87 yea r. Wha t b. uka d lohn to aott c. wu ·" ectiona .of town. RII!'l!s. ;R,etaUic1 -. S, Tho mas. 3 bad bee n her hom e for man t . . Din - ~rrl)w and pa in forgot, e resident of thJa com mun ity, mon y limp !)' till.: the bUn ths and S da,y a. d _. the lame Is' wlddle. and Clar k. For the Fre mor Thu e ,..d4 ' yea l1. rs Mar than ch ~ 11th often per- walk ; Jape n are CIlI'e sh- Glali for· the Te .t, so .tru ly earn ed. tike wlle wel l On Mar ch 1, 1882. abe was unJ Con sequ ent- mnn-Sophomol'e: 4. tIW deaf 7:30 tmit1 P.M. Cho ir practice IUld ed In Allen. J-ti'rri!\. tn a quie t and buml;!le · spot "'. they wll 118 Ihowerecl with mar riag e to Har ry H. Wit - mab ed for one individual to re- bear; tile dead I n raise d. and (IT . .Ton es. Car r. M: Thomas and Hen ded t icat In ion. one dwe AU lling , m e m bel 'l liamson. Thla unio n cDm uU tbe poor hear P\mel'lll se", 'lce was held at . eon grat Wat lona by thei r ml'n last ed for flfy del"lon. Her dea th cam e afte r a sIx- 'fb. .lIDatufll ell 00cI. Iood .... .. pres ent pro~ at 7:30. . )~ytl e chw'c1i a t. 2: 30 P . M. ty-elgb~ yea n, beInc brok en frie nda who wU 1re~~lce In thei ill 1IIort, II Wec Iby mon ths' illness caus ed by a F'rid a" Etlmi-nQ, March 18lh r DOt sbee r pow er; it .. ulln l wha Gre at rlva lt·. cxi 'H:d betw 11 sdav. con dud brol l- pow t hap plne aa and wel fare , also will thl' two team s <lIld all exci een liard P :l' lghn ed by Rev. Ber - 7:30 P.~. Eva nieU ltie Serv ille the d.t h of the h~d er one en hip ba., suff ered earl y last Sep tem to beIp PeopJa in 6, 1940. Six chil dren were hom l oE Way nesv ille. Inbe delIIhted to hea r that they bvub Ie. 'l1la t wu tbe eon of per. bert I\t the chu reb. Solo. . Mlus Ram " was the l·e~u1l. Becsuse . _ J'TIU I .... Into the family. alt ho . on. e,. o[ term ~ in .MillIn! Cem eter y. wUl . nia b \I.e ~~ty . Fun eral serv ices wer e held Jean Har tsoc k. Wa piiv Ule ' t1fe1r " ....M hom.. of tbe fact t),al til team had nev er dau ghte r. iIied In Infancy. •• • 'pla yed 1. geth er befo re, good .<:uftdIJ.v, Mtlrek 20th . the A_• ...,~ Sur viv iq her are two 1Ona, Chu WaynesviUe Me t hod I. t N" ",, ,,, , ~ CA RP OF THA NK S ... r • 1 1!t30 b t A.ltf rCh D" . _ . , ~ war ", epes Chu on Thu t grat itud e ~d man y rch Sch ool- ilur ltay mon d I .• of was nol a eatu re, u than ks are .a 1~'''''o:a..~,,", 'tio... W.HJ5. enLakewood, OhIo; with the Rev rsda y, Mar ch 3, ~ EXPIlBSSlON. ''DHdJ PMattendllD.;e goal, ~. exte nded to rela tive s, hJi.CUlls.c of the. j'iva lr cve!'y' ~ uu:,. mm... eren d· R. B. Col e~ . AU and Har man old pie. " aOwadqa ... H., r of " Day b ton; three !?lan in charge. Bur ial ,cr.rta ~ .~ : ~ ~ , at put .,IS est h d nelg hbol 'll and ~riends for 1he 10:30 A.M. Ob8 en'a nce of the dau was mad e wtio 118. .·t IIIOUIb 10 ..,. people 1 to t e game, u ghte rs. an acts of kind n'e n,' sym path y Eth ..t or - . el :tt~~~~Ann.I'lDd .ma M. Hau k, of MiSae arm enlo f the wrd 's Sup - un! ' and de 11 vC~ l·.xcl liNt. , F1o nda ; Gra ce, of Way nea - in the famUy mau sole um 1n: Mitl lIafterth~ ' Sa.t wda y The . lovely floral b'lUqueb rece per and ami dedJ Cem catM eter y offering. vIllej and 'Lue lla (lln y. JGDd weD ....w or IIoc I* 'IIII n i. Ira O. •• ~ ' '1'h,08a wtio 'partlciJ\l!ted Fre J lJoiqr- " nil\!' defe ated the dllr ing the pl\5Sing of Qur belived __._ _ _ _ ov~ .u sbm tile JMIOI' __ tr.D ... 1ft... LjJ ~::.ul Bro ,r'UI wn) ' IJ , l'e of ~y Fra a nkli Mn: Lyd ia Van de" ort and Mr" n, ·OhIo. She Irs ~ ~, ~t wer e; mot hlll;, Emm a Lac y and ' to Rev CAR D OF 'l"HANKS of 30 to ~. J;oll es l~d the . ,... . far .... Baultl1n ror his cOll.salilig wor ds I,ud le Ber ry of Leb anon WV'! ! q1~() leav es six Ilrand~ldren, two ~ J'e,ni17, Dor othy ket Sho 118PP7 We tp'a tefu lly ackn owl edg e the oting bY' cagi ng (i bask ets aad .aou&b. Be dIdn·t waDt CIIotIIa, t P'IlDdchUdren. and her only man ~~.• ~I aJ1~ ~a~l~liil Stub bs Fl nera t Home for Tbu rsda y afte rnoo n eall en of MI'!! . grea _ .... _y ..... d--. J - of ldn dn - the ex- UI4 be ~ Ri'5"sNw a cluse cont~~d- thei r effic \. K. Day . ...... ... LoIll! HaDUDond, now ~ Fra bce a .T~ey. ~ ~ ItroDt ~ to t IJ;elle er With . oCU; ient serv ice and Dr. 1>resaJcina of sym path--. . mor e gllmes .104ve StO ut y, and the aU tile foOcI be could _t. AD.-a be resi Vice .; Mae W.t ldna &m a ding in Oak land . CaU fom lit aIDae. JL ud be~1l .sched?1ed but ther e bea utif t. ul Mr, flora and l BI trib r~ utes H. 1 , rece Stob iVid will lu I-~~ and ~~_~_~~~:':":. lie . . . . . . ~ ~walte: Messrs. Ceo 'on were Sonday dinner coeata of 'The Janney. fll~ wer e mem - dur ing1 he tim e of our poeat . ~lJftb~· -be. on ( bers of Jhe Frie nd. Chu n:h, . but, 10118. .. abO n aD ,... . . . . mlD . B. ~eCl~ Seth !l'homu Walt e~ Lac Mr. y and d. a We Mrs wis h especlaUy to exte nd a IIIID , $[;86011. . Les ter Archer inll afte r her marr . .. d De J.a I!pr 'l'U lr_ aDd ~ . I8 ~e. Mrs. Williain- moat hea rt-fe "Ph";{.,. Ruiiiie't' !(yr on Tbomaa • Howard Lac y Day ton. , lt or ! ~ ''Th ank you " to 1ecl _ a ftl!m 8Dt .1It devO ' son unit ed with the Met hod ist Wil bur Lacy l. the friends and neig hbo rS f"!hur"h I... W"'· '1esvUle . and held WM a l _ tIIrGuIIa witb bIm Wllvn esviUe lor thei r card l In Mr. and Mrs . Leo Conner :an' her m~ber5hip in this chu rch be W8I cJotIMd. but that ... aoII lett ers sen t to our mot her daul rbta rs were Suadily coesU n......1 tile bid pIrl III iL Be wa. ID .. ( or weU ove r s I" ty yea rs. """" Mr. and Mn Rob ert Bill ett IUIId IU 1' y abe was confined mIDd .. 80 Qod to her '. ~t '1ev bed uN .. oted to .hrr chll fch, she IUp - 'lIIS! nat CIIIJT wrlt ttD ill a . . . bcId r"m ~ i~ of C l' lIt, I' ' ;'Ie mon J. It ths. " . :1 ~~i 1 ,,, .,,,,, hv con stan t II JD tile . . i:nIn& AP.ID. at J'erTHE FAM ILY !abo _ _ ." ..... iD'IItaIIldJoM - IOn PB· E . .TAMES. Edl tor
N ew s·G ra nd pa Read.
God's Signature
d; i
You Re'member . . .
n. Jn
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.fta"',ale ..
=='f:a.:.r:': =""".-IIe .....
Mr. n'l,1 M' ·~. A. R. E.m har had all ~lInda y arll"stB Mr. .andt Mra. F.Rrl ~1If'"hart. and c1tlJdren, ElwoOd. B,rb ara :Ann, Glenn Und a Lou , Mr. and , Hr•. LaM Ear nha rt aad Mr. Alton 1!:almhlaar rl. BII... and ' Mrfl . WIlliam and Mr. and ?of..-s. Rlehal'll Olcl of Dayton were Sun day evenham dinn er l'qeBts pf Mrl. Irene AslIn, • t her home on Mai n Stre et. in,
If lilt clIDDU wItb . .t plnW bad ~ Zall cIHW I, dl4 DM ~ for Uti _aL . . _ , 1Iec 10 SUH be Iat. . ilia, Zac _1U I IIM4 Id ~ .. IIIq .
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Lt. Col. and Mrs . RnbloJ't A~h· worth (I~ Patt erlo n ,i!!id !!IUnda~gUp.Bb of Mr. and 1IIn lnlatlaUoa, an bCllle8t OUI A. 1\'u\ eno n and ' daughter. . M. DMded .1Iml" clearance; ancl tIw7 -\ , wa, IOJac to Itn lt to 1bIID. M~, nd Mn Hub ert Mainllua J ' ~"11111 You r "PIJel1ram'u is ve ry ofte Ilnt or aD Zac cba _ bad ....s n • nd Mrs. Mat tie Flannery of Ham . your t,r[tla tc$t Hulli n(l' [,toiII t. Spl'u ce ·bea n.-tM I I . . • ..... llton were l'eC(!nt ~e ~ts of Mr.- ecs • UI' your appeara nce. A 'g(lod crua blm tbat . se Alai n It ,n' Iba .... :f ' ~" H1Itc'~ ." .. and Mrs. Ray Malaons. in his trou llcrs . no wrinkl os in IIil ·" 8'lon. ban ben IIee Iet~1! WM sIPI~ Ot.. Ood. It, her N_ .. dress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-. '::, mem bers .t . . N.... .. ftII I:-. d •• Mr. and Mrs. eari Hawke. Mr. w. , 11 hr:a... . hlt _ . A.... .r ...I. . . . c.. ., at Bri ng 'you r 1'.1 nni ng- anu _ .. &lie)' will ~.... .... .... ~ and . .Mrs _hlp traJ.n lnr. PO. . ,.." .. . .. . Ing 'here toda y. Ray H awk o of . . . . . ., • .JIII.... .... .... .... LL AROUND III .. a lI'etIII1e!l ... 1f",. ,Il. and Dr. and Mra. Ralph 1_.., a 'IlJr h MIIM I .... ... .... ~ .... . 141 . . . J"Ji atII Van ce world. 10m . mID , ~ It. o' cIa" worll Ia IUc1IIand o.n t" ." 1 called on thei r fath er, of Clln ten CO.II~1 chill ~ 1Ihl le II~ .... .... "'~ .. O. .Ha'll'ke. at ;the JohnMr. John tnt. r tIIe n II! IIjI 00cL oa .n . . in!" " fIaItI . . . . Aiw · ·· , From m c1u4. tllat If th.... .. ~ be • co... . and elrb t . , . . ' ' ' ' ' home. on Bun day .ttem oon ; ......;;. be bad ~ weak. 1be trutII 'fa11,at . Mr. and Mrs. Will iam stroll'Je tb. Ii"l ure 01 God Ia .... to tauD4 III tile mr 8nd tile CCIIIfUIIabe ..ueat s at tile home. of .... . of tb. ~Jd. n Ia to be , _ wbt D Gra ce. M. Jone s In Morrow. on Satr.ver ~ Ia standil\l qaI nft urday evening when she :enter. .laf tl7. wbe nve r t"1lth II p\JI talned tho Worthy M.t ron . and bIq back tao nuc e, wh ~! . :: '.... Patrons of Dist rict 21 . NO SUB S'l'l TU' l'Fr -It baa bee n .. bo4I •• an IbeID J ~r"e' ~ _ _ said ther e .Ia no lubs titu te for rap la_ mad n.... qua lity. N6I ther is ther e a aub -/ • Mu le for principl~, . The ..UDder~ . prin cipl e of qat If . . , . . . . . . .. . ~ bua lnen , u we ... .. 1111.'.... .... . Gel . .' De i~ 'is a ~ ~en~ and nelg hpo rly effort· to I . be help ful, to aup ly 'good mat er' W. 08JID0t 1lw ,Q' do tIdiIIs u ial anel 'goOd .w ork at a pric e you WR EC KE R SE RV ICE .lmp IJ .. letU I cUd. feel you .cim afto rd to pay. CIIdaI ~. dJ" a...· II DOt bl ll a ,1m pII mat General Motol' Re pai r tar of fatIDI. Be 1NIL A CIa rIdID-. . Willard Batterte cIiJtnaMd
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PHONE Wa1rieHvllle 2121
KI.~R'S · Garage
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MARCH 10. ~"".9
Ollie Jam es 1'0 Spe ak
A SURPR ISE WHAT WILL IT BET WHO IS HE! WHAT WII,I.I fiE nor Clue : Hi3 initials are M. M, Pill in the missing letters and The LebBnon Nationa l Farm mail to Joseph ' Little, Concinnati Loan informe d the Mlami GaConservatory of Music, Cincinnati zette this week that .OlUe James, 19, Ohio, . Th is will entitie ' you tl) mail in widel,y known sPeake r and colit warm your l'equest for your favor'iie umnist 'will tell who threw the Mrs. overalls in Mrs. Murphy 's Chowa nd led it litUe warm ' milk. II song, A postal card will do. SatuJ:da y in Co,Lulnl> us. der when' the Le"banon N.F,L.A . Do it now! live dthl'ouglr the night and when Mr' and Mrs. Robert "",rotu,,-,I Cannot Afford to Miss This helps St. Patri~ celebra te on mornin g came it was sian ding up M" .i. Emc,.,;on Dill visited .In and Miss Clara Da ughtel's visited March 17th, This is the Annual I Concert in the basket lind even hlld U lVI' last Monday. A FAR'" DIARY Associa tion Meetin g starting at Sal-urda y e vening near Palntel 'ssll'clIgtn enough to giv a weak Minerals, Vitamin. by D -.J•• ' ''AIZER vill\! the home o[ Mr. IJIlld Mrs. 10: 30 A. M. in the Lebano n lltLle baa but when I cume back What ;?OU !e,,t yo~ Uveatoa k toM ' U M" lii! y UJU~'J[ll Cw'l Babb and son, Dean .. Grange HalL in a few minute s with it~ milk it U I· Ull MIs. d Mrs d.;? will determine the pr oftt )'ou . k' kl d The Wh reports I 'ea e on co\'erin g the past make r. an . Harold Febrlla ry 4, 1949. Crocuse~ in was Iymg down IC ng.. w, for experts are en Rogers And Mrs. Emma Gibsol'\ year will be placed befo~e the 'l1'eed tomorro Mrs. Dick Han'e s and d:Bughte r, HORSES '6.00; COWS $5.00 that keeping . livestock triednose to feed It r bloom. They have been up ," 'y - ' and fO.und IS mouth . B e lib 100 ' k S \In da y full of blood, DCIRna, memb " h e~hip of cmm n .o\'ear by Xenia HI officers and di health7 .. a proAtable job-an a to SpE!nt Sat. According to Size d Ing to show I h emse ives [oj' scv- age or some kind and it .. died in a rectors, so says Davis Furnas , .do Ujat, care mud be _ob ••~ed lq UI'day-withGlb her parents , Mr. an and Condition. u:I eral days but today's pale wa~ery little ·while. A {ew days Preside nt. of bdght choo'!na liye.toeJr: teed. MJ·. . aud M'a's. ' Roland Weaver Mrs. ru y son. ' Call /luns. h me open ed th em, Th'Is )' 5 a sunny weathe r would do evel'y- oi BI'o okvilIe culled on ' his ""dID, llveltoc k on a ratioD d.Dividen d ch.ecks totallin g $2432 son, bunch of lavende l' ones. We "have I!olftlt In mlneraia. vitamllla, pro'Don, and MI'. will and be Mrs. ready Earl for Mal'distribu thing tion a to world of good. Mr'. Nfl'ed Morgan r(:turne d none or the 'v ery eHl'!iest one's well . . l'he wbmen of the Gr~ugc hud. laU Satul' da y ._ ,_ _ membe rs from BI'()wn, Clermo nt, t.1oa and cal'boh)fdrat.. , Reverse Charges , home ' fl'om the MiamJ Valley fate. otten I~ads to nutritiOllal dlathe Cloth of . gold . Had we had 'an 'a ll day meetu'19 at til" Hamilto n and Warren h"tll" Countie s, Hospi tal last Friday and is get . •••••. Lack of any of·ui. common I them they. wou Id h~ve b een ou of Mrs. Lawrence Furnas ~ v on ~ Mrs. Anlla Lucas 5jJcnL a ew ting along as of recor dNove~er 30th, 1948. or tr.ce minerai. In b ae k -In F e b ruary. tho fine. hame ~ . II> ml'Id sea- Thursd uy wit.h a oovel'ed dish last week wlLh her !Son RayOne DireciOJ:: will be elected for feedl may be and otten ta, rellPonson. Theyare ye11 ow ones thnt dinner _ and such a dinner a three-y elll' term. ' Lucas .,nd fn.mily of near dble tor terrlllc Hvestoek, (ced. lao the I'e m"nd ' 't" Mr. and Mrs, Eme!!t. .....u " .., " op!!n ,1'1'ght on the gl'ound . bor and investment 1088@a. The was enough rood fol' two or three Wilmin gton . . noon meal will be ' served and' . SOD, David, accomp anied Crocuse s in the yard usually limes as many people. Of TI;le problem or lupplylng rnln<'r' by the Grange Commi ttee under Mr. and Mrs. G . Kerslng er visitall In their righi 'proportloos " only mehn the first wildfto wers II) the it wasn't waste dfor what. wasn't directio n of Mrs. ~yers. ed over the weeken d with MI'. • part of the eompoundlnl of • woods. ' The ~ypaticas should be I ealen was paok~ up ' and ~kcn and Mr$. 'J ames 'Wildmlln of product that wlU .olve the llvestock unrollin g theIr woolly buds along home aguin but uttel' everyon e man's problema. Flrri. no m.tter .J~ck son, .ohio. the r~y gullies, and hillsides had had the -first 'roulid of how lood the ingredients that sam '~~,;;; ;;;~""" ,~"=''= ==...", _ CASH FOR DEAD and In the,Glen at Yellow Sprin~s I pies of everyth ing, il STOOC- IDto the making up of a r..d. Mrs. Etta Blllu' of Xenia, Mr. It · the snow trillium s should be m showed that anythin g lIveateek refuse to eat It the raid I. cows. 16 HORSE • $5. and MI's, Hen ry Ber ges ' and fambloom. The weathe r is just the taken. Spareri bs .and ".....,,· uaele.. .0 tar a. bene.fttln, 1ha ...... u MI:. Wilbur Stephen s, Mrs. According t.o size and condition. urlmal fa concerned. same kin.d of weathe r we. have meat loaf, scallopi!d Rob ert Greene of Dayton , and All Stock removed. promptly. In recent year. mueb \I~ ban having al lwlnter but now friend chicken , chicken Mrs. Roy Shaw and dau!~hter, , dllcover ed' about liveatock dlae.... It ill seasona ble. The wind is blow- noodles, succota sh. SlI usage, NORRIS B~OCK COMPA NY Betty, of Xenia called on MI'. and dIU to dietary Inftuenee •. ' In thJI JANES RENDERING lng and today It is not raining talo sa lad, sevente en Idr)ds connectIon, the U. ~. departm ent of Mrs. L';lc M~rga!l Clnolnn Sunday atl Union .' Stook Vard. In' fal!t three days like this and or less> of lello salads . • l1'll!IIllure aan : , "Whenever I Phone Gonect we could plow in some' places. serts, jam and apple sauce Llv. Wlr. and ' Proar•• ,lv" All vItal fllnctlon .1 • • ta Interrupted Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glthde of Xenia~ O. '1712 or They plowed my garden in th~ preserves, and pie and rice owln' to continued faUure 'af the oraanln tloPl •• oone! 10 non• . Dayton . caUed on Mrs. Alfred diet to .upPly l umclent quantltl e. fall so th.t I am jn hopel! of ping and whippe d ctel.\tn. ' elll!rv.-1 O. 2382 Striotly •• lIe.. On the beat Morgan and cJaildr~ one 111ght of e.. entla] nutrient .. or to the in. plan~g so~e early. peas. Accol'd~ thing you could think vf last we~. all arOund ma.leet In tn . abillty of the body to u~e the." Ing to the moon signs and te nth cake. This .was one dinner' of Ilutrlentll, the ao-called DUtrlttoaal o.untroy. of ~arch and again abou~ the kind whe.·e ne;! one brough t db,a.e, develop." . Mr. and M;-Ea1 '1 JoMso.n · of 8ERVIC E THAT SATISF IEe first week in April, but If you do that is the charm of a Xenia called on Mr. and Mrs. AIWHIO n.,t0ll 11: 10 JI). 8. '1'. not care wether you plant in till' this kind it Is ·unexpe cted. .~organ SaturliaY. DIal n~o. WLW Olllelana U Grand Champ dark or the light of the moon any and coffee were served by Procedures that are 11: 40. Dlal- 700. for Our Dally time in ~aroh or early April that commit tee,' I haven't nam recognized as most MTS. Hily Gn:;;;- ~t 'lh~ . ed ha M ... rI!et ReDor,. you can get tbem in the ground the differen t things but praotical by leaders in if day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Is the time to plant. +he g1'oce1'- are not hungry now yo~ the profession. , O. B, Marlatt in Waynes ville'. les 'have baskets of oni~n sets I how good e verythi ng and the seed l'acks are beIR(( put After eating allthes egood ou~ so spring must be almost here. there was a prQgram on' the No matter what the weathe r says. tivities of the Home I had 'a baby lamb in the house , commit tee one article the othel' night but in- spile Qf all , read on thea nddangers D,ONNA KAY LAWSO N of ge~WJ'1SI1 , my efforte it died. It was cold and Cat; theia the meeting a djoucllE! WA YNESV JI;LE HI': lind dll wet when ~ey brdugh t it to, me to mee t again the first 'l'~,leSCla Mrs . .Dol'Iald LaWfOn are annOUlnc~'I1 'I't:LEI' HONE 2ZlI\ ' but I wraped it up in 811 old ' in Apl'Jl a l Mrs. Brunne lls. ing-the birth of a 'daugbt er, Dolma 'j (. , \ 'A-r: ,,~svliLE, OfUO Kay,' at Grandn ew H03pital In sweate r and put' it in a basket ~========::;:~~~ Dayton MondaT. The new .arrival GraDd champ " _ tile aua Wall Paper and Paste and. Siziit&, tipped the .sealea · &t lIix. POundll, . IDtel'llllt lOll&l Live Itook ...,... Rccordlng to proud grand pap Tony U. . . . Cldcap . . ~'OM Gold." G. E. Bulbi - Nu Enamel Lawson, meat cotter at Krog«r '. • 1•....,.aDC l Blacl! ..... JuI_" in Lebanon. Fond' grandpa renlt s wwa wftb C. E. W-..... Cleft) ., Kem Tone are Mr. and Mrs.' T. O. Lawson, Maoatll le. lows, ... _ _• fa Waynesvflle and Mr. and Mr\!. tile oeader II IfarF .. IIarIIIaU , Jacob Wadc, Spring Valley. pretlhle ld at tile ...... .. aM sh.p... A. D. Wa'" ., KAuu . .Ie OOUe.... tile . _ _ _u Mr. und Mrll. Charle] LeMay - -vtobcl IIIe WIiiiiI'. and children had ai week-enl~ SoI6 Mala Stnet acr'OII tra. IWI ltuests Mr. and Mra. Fred Hcnl~ and chiTdren, Mrs. Josflphlne Benlt 'Lov. App/. ' "opular Telephoae 2422 Mi ijs Marill Hei)z of ClIlVeland. WAYIU.SVILI..E. OHIO we re ' joined Itt Sunday din .. ner by Mr. and Mrs. Fl. U. LeMay The louclty of tomato u iD aa. and Mr. and Mrs. Warren LeMal' pari ,lIr'. otllerwta, alluDdant harvl.t . ncalll .omatb lq aI the and 80n of Lebanon and Mr. and Ml·S. Fr!,nlc LeMay, Jr. hlltory of tIIla romlD' " fndt. ' Ha, A. Ironl, plantlff rranted le. A Ibarp drop Ia IlIOduatIoa in , leave to file amended petItion DI·. lIllll M1'lI. A , E . Stout and - - af the natlm·. prlrio/.pal towithin II daJ'l. ,lllull'ht.Cr wcrll Sun,lay eveniOJr (lin· Ethel Jacoby VII. Ed'IVard M. 'IDIto-l1'owin& arn. me. emaller. n~r g.ll(!sts or ~r. and Mrs. George COMMO N PLEAS Jacoby, caM dillmiesed without '. re - clome.t!C; .tooka of tamato MIIP. Waltz in Deyton. JulOH, .tewi. ketchup ' anel ohW , . " cord. IIlice IhII winter. UnseuonabJe Georgia Allee Campbell VI. _atha' '. »- » Goodloe' Butler. Jr., VI• . Rosle fa &lvan u tile GaU. e. Charles Porter Campbell, caM dia· ani hUlldrild ~an I II Mae Butler. divorce ,ranted to mia8ed without prejudIce and re· ta. mato w.. 'uri ba.illlll n'lDthe uphill cord. , Hammond v8.lJel'ome and IIbt for. re,pecta bWty ... a IIod ,ava WlrthUn , cue dllmiue d for VS.The S. and Y. ConatructJon Co " Charle. snd want of proaecution witho~t re- p rt. v.erdlet (1f Oerrie Ida Wein. jurJ in "'01 III I---~: _o_ .. -;. , corll. . s . plainUff in 10m of ,UlOO. Ada Snowden ye. Man~n . n~w. Ida Harle Humbe rt n. William derr, divorce Irranted plamtif f, Miebael Humbe rt, divoree ~ .platncare of hinda Snowden. to mother, tiff. agreem ent approve d. cUlltody of Arthur re3erved for Clifford T. Diehl VI: The CinelnYou call IJay urI anytime. further order of court, defendant natl Gall and Electric Company, a Long Term 4% No Re:newal ordered to pay $7.50 per week for . defenda nt. granted leave to Kupport of Lind.a ··Snowden. .A Farmer " gu arantee 01 I5lleurity . Claire Scofield V8 . Eme~80n SeoMad e 1'hrolllCh , field , hearing date 'Saturda y It\arch 5, 19(9 at 9:80 A. M. . ' . ,Elsie Spradli n VI. Carlle Spl'lld· • • • "lin divorce to plantiU , 'c are of .' . inl~or children to mother, defen· 11 S. Broadway , dant. ordered to pa, '10 '}ler week Phune 448 1for 8upport of minor children. . • • •• _ . . . ; . . The S. and Y. Cbnatruction Co., va Charles and CarrIe Ida Weln, "Wood Burnen " _ 'rt jurors ordered to view proltIQI. indian. of the ADd. hJ!I. cuI. Earllf!St IQcomotlvea woocl , I,lra · onducted by court ttYated It .lnce about 1000 I/. D. burnerl. Aa they grew . were' In Ilze. the lPe rt.f, In a bod : y. c . . The eban,e trom wood to coal ",a. lIlailiff. AztaCli of' Ma:feo rave it the . name thai Corta' IUD aJ~.recI Into .tarled about 1875. I Carrie B. ' Rill VB. Elbert W. and ''tomato ''-'and ih.,. probab1;J ' laid ''tcIh·mah-to.. '' And tile 'SpaDlarda tout It back to Europa, but* it NcoJD.\zed u a JUlllba r of the clud17 nllht-alWle famU7. · It· . . . wrlnkle d UId amaD ' Mel ' 1ft. kn'own al the ''love apple" tD Buropa aDd. later. iD .1'lorth'A merYIELD,.~ ·Ioa. And lor canturl u tba au~ l~ pollonou6 fruit wal IIOtbJDI more &twa ~ ,ar.~en ornamll lL
Selecti~~_ of Feeds Vital in Stock Health
Bation Must Be Adequate In
Dead Stock
Xenil\ 454
Xenia Fertilizer
- '-
Stu bbs
Fun eral Home
$9.65 and $10.65
Waynesville Funiture &Appliaace Co, c::r....
t-ou rl
' . . ':N LA N D .B,. n pl~~!,!' , .ANS"
", I
III It ..
. MARCH 15,1949
Spring ViDey Hardware CO. Spring Valley, .~hio _~lm._I.
_ _'W.
TRUR~'),\ 'Y, MA~fR. ~li!i"III'.tlii'..
ONE CENT PER WORD: minimum charge, 25
centa. Contract rate for repeat advertisements apon application,
; FOR SALFTwo bottom 12-inch Case Trac-
tor Braking Plow. FIt'm class co,ndltlon. C, E. Michener. Phone 293J.
PROBATE In the matter of the guardian . ship oi Corrie ~oo~le Banghuml at 01 .. Inc., Edith L. Bishop guo'rdf:lON'T FOP(iET TO \.~U · ion. tirst ond tlnal aClCOim~ apus for tn!lIf:1nf'e. All tVT'e! nf proved. allowed and contirme.-J. insurance ltt a savin~. can . E8tate ef .Jennie Ford, dec'd .. Prall cis r,ene Brown. "honr Delln C. Ford and Doris F. Price, Wa~esvl11e 2472 or call eo-admlnistrlltTlces, I'!\tatc IlJrempt 0011ect. Wilmln~ton 21 f 1. inheritance tex. Estste of Robert A . McCuteheon, floo'd, H. Z. Gray, r dminlstrator, DBNWWA, first, fi l1 I and distri · hutive account, IIPpruvl'd, allowud I' nd confirmed. 'E~tate. J (, In P. Barkl'llder. "ee'd, Joseph A. Hnrkrader, ex-' !I~utor. first, final and distributive account, ap,proved. allowed lind / e 'J1firmed. ERtate of Lee COo Smith, doe'l! , Bertha Smith, ' administratrix, t .a ndor of real enat.:·. Estato of Almerta Ml\IlIrtl, ,lec'tI, Roy Millard, ,exet'IJtor, Oliver Chamberlain, PauJ RUPPflrt and , George Gates .ppoln,ed Ipprais· e\·s. Estate or Leonard Pb"lp' ,Jp("(J . Rf,lna M. Phelp8 p' ~dlllinistl'ati'ix,
of '
Estate of Leonard Phelps. dec'd. Rena M.· Phelps, .dminllftratrix, tl'Bnaier 01 real estate. Estate of E. D. WllllOn. dee'd, Carrie L. Wilson. executrlx, est:ate oxempt inherltanee tax, filed her fi rat Ilnd final aocount. Estate of Bessie Lee Kirby .icc'd .• Kenn.eth J. Kirby. adJDln~ katot-, Inventory .pproved. Estate ' of Mary Reelle, ~'I!, "ValTen C. ~oung. executor.. .....'....... Mears, QOIl Boulla ~nd 'Harold Bennett .. appointed appraisers. Estate or Liricoln E. M.n'h.lI. oeo'd, Mugaret D. Marsh.lI. adlJ) inilitnatrix. 'dlltrlbutio~ " in Wnd. t ,·: nsfer of Teal eetete, 'E8tato of Helen F . Wooley. doc'd, R. Z. Gray. adminilltrator. i:" 'cllt8ry cpprond. . EIot:.te oC 'Seymour S., d ' ~·d. , Mary E. TIbbals, executrix. inventory approVed. 'Estate of M.ry C. Beltz. dec'd. f>(apha I. Beltz, executrix, 1I.1'!I~. fuml lind dlstrtbotl.v e .ecount, ape pl'oved, allo.wM .nd confirmed.
..... pea. and pantl" Ibould ... 'prClleded with a cover of 1tl'.W
.. IMftl durlnl b.rd treelf!ll. .
DKI" -·"NT OF HIGHWAYS '"'. Columbw, Ohio Merch !, 1949 EacinIl8l' of set.. LepJ Copy No.
, 4'-15 UNIT PRICE CONTRJ'CT Sealed Pf'OIIOIaII ' will lie ~nc1 at tile office .of the Stat. Hlah"ay DiI1lCtor of Ohio, at CoIumblll, Ohio. until 10:00 A.. M., Ohio ~BtaAdard Time. . Tue.dQ-. March 29. 1949. for 1mpcp._ntI in: No,. I_to
"'- ' ..
.....,_.. .....
win be awaJded - OM c:oeu.ct. Proopoea\ ' . 0.00, Butler Calmly, Ohio;No.1 on 'Section Slide Route No. 100. m Hanowr Townahip, by .pplyq • bllt\llll'-t ~t, IWIII T-32. Panment: Wiclth 20 lwI. 25,344 feet or 4.f1O rail...
~ No. 2Seet1cJa 0.00 Butler County, Ohio. •
- ' l (Part) ;S~ Rout. No. 011 73.2/ ill R8I1)' Townehip, by .pplJiDc • btlllminou. l'-lmant, Item T..3I. Pavamtmt : Width II fNt; Leqth l:'=:N'o.~ 2.71, mn... Butl.r County. Ohio, on 8edion 0.00. . Scat. Route No. 129. in , JIanoftr. . by appIyina • bitulllinoua .Morpia, ~_ and Reily Townahipt,
E.' Wiilkin·
South .Detl'oft ..... ~ OBIO
eo I n •
.........." ........22
7 51 F1' TP Waynesvtlle (41) FG 9 Vickers, ff ......._........... 32 33 H 7 unter, .................... .0 2 Perdue. f ..,................... 1 11 Simpson. c: ...... ,." ........ 5 1 Hastings, g ....,............. 2 0 4 Tinney. g ... ,................ 2 4 8
II[• • ---.. J 0p1o.....c ~~• ....,.... ~
Tow18 ......'"._..........15 Score by ' quartera: New Vielma .... 12 29 WaynesviUe .. 9 22
am:;;. I~ ~Ion ~
51 41
MARRIAGE LlCENSB Robert Charlea lAymon Mauon, alllI8mb1er, Mildred D. MW.r, Opal Dames to J _ Menta, 1 19 Mallo Item ' I. t in FrankHn t". . ,n. v_ 28 M i Pav-: Width 1& feet. The King Powder Compen:r, Jnc. GeoJ'lfe M. ...,;vener. , a ne.: 45,565.4 ferl or 8.63 mil... I'r> Daniel 1. and Lillian ville, buffer, Dorothy M. De ZaID, . PropoaaJ No. .. Bu rge I 2 Iqta in 28, FOiter. . ButJ... Co!mty, Obio, on' Sec:tioa ,9.00• ..II1n.. rme or. . Benny Dec~, 22'£'eOlwr lU.chipe S~. N9· 126. in Molpa• 8ftcI Mildred P dery. ' to Ida Ru th operator, EIIthet' l' 21, Poetar, R_ Rolita Towaabipe, b,. .pplyiaa b1. facto worker.
U 'C AVA11NC and fll]M ;' 'T'F't'rIC ·"pvrcr
Witli ABuckeye In·· Cpngress
dau&hter. PelaY Ann. Bob and Lors OstMJm
".YnIlVlJ.',I; '.... l&B~JlfO. nrn,... ..,.. ~ UYl .!II
CARD OF 1'1lANl<:S We' wish to thank aU thOM who sent carda and other remem:' braneea at the birth ()f our
set the pace for W..ynesviUe. _The ultimate winnem j~ped __ .. into a ' 1~-9 lead .t the end of . til For Per80nal Not~ or CI.a.I· the opening canto. ' 80 th teams fled Au Phaae 269.. really pitched poJnts In e sec• • o· ond period and New Vienna left - -....-----~-~--- the "oo.r at the half holdili'g a 29-22 adVantage. , And aU during 1he iinal two lltanzas the Clinton co\Ulty calera kept out in front. 'ntey weJ'e ahead SS-30 when the third qual'-:oc:::::==- tel' ended and managed to breeze _~.II.. throUft&' the 60.1 elcrht --v -• mlnutn. TP New Vienna (51) FG F1' , HOQRS: Carey, f •. _ ... _.••. M ·._.. ' T 0 14 !"'Z eIICl h-moc D. Clwcton. f .......... 4 1 9 1-5 artarnooa. w~ A. C1UxtoD. C ............ 8 1 17 .,. .........0- _ ...P k O ' 2 2 ., -_._" •• ric ett, g . ............;:.... ~...runp"" ~ McKenzie. II ................ 1 0 2 TELKPHONJt 52·R P. Tumel'. II ................ 2 2 8 F . Tu.rnet'. I ................ 0 1 1
Estate of Grace Matilda Mote,
dec'd , KeJUleth Mote, exeeut~r; 'filed his fir~t and linal .ccollftt.
!.ayblnnaesV.l.U ..~...·.,.·.·..1132
'Officlals-Sitter/e, and Harold Green. , NEW VIENNA .. .. ..... ' ." The ransY New five led all the way 85 it dropped WRyn~ville from the tourney. Tom Carey, with 14 points and Andy Cluxton with 17 led the Olinton county team's offensive. Dan Simpson with 12 markers
TlfE FEIV'Al l'::
l alC.
--------~ .
lIP... ·0 ............. 111M. Wavn .. • , .. 111_ _ _ Cha
LARGE? ,ril'"
-------------------- e3tate exempt In'herl£ance
t.f1 rio
In m:v h.ome, Quiett a"rv\t!tI. PtJone. 29!l6.
tntericw aDiI ellt8tior. and enamallhl. lobe- boohiI - . AU WOTk ruaranIMd. PboM .2'725-Belore 8:30 A, M.
Your Plumbing Needs
See U. Now For
an'VTCBII 7'OW' elactriCU ,min« ..r.? I will etaeCk yOUr wirinl Pree.-Hou.. Wi...
00 YOU PLAN to remodel Ot bond a B.m! Stop in and get :rour copy of Louden'lI ~ree Bllm PJ811 Book. . WE BAVJI: ' In· stock a complete 1\ne of LoucJen barn equipment ~pl\e', a.. ,talis, stanchion' _tar bowll1', litter CltITrier~ and bay LOUD!:N"A BARN planning Her'tee eo,ts you, nothln!t. Call on u ~ for our eattmate of your job. BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. Your Louden Reptesentative in Southern Ohl,o . If W. lIulberry St., Lebanlln, Ohin Phone 15&1i
~ '..-..C(.
Sabina (29) FG JT TP RUlI.)'an. f .................... 0 0 0 Gueat. of MI'. and Mn. Ben ' 0 .~ Beekett Saturday ._ra her '11late.., Colle. f ........................ 0 C. Stanforth, f ............ 2 2 and families. Mr. and Mr.•. David Huffman, f .. :............. 0 0 0 Elbon and dau&,hter of 'Mor~ow L. Stanforth. e .......... 1 0 2 and MI'. and MI"II. ausell Kissel .0 0 and fa Dilly of CincInnati, Cofubs. c .................... !J 2 12 Mrs. Margaret Tucker was hOIltViulPelt, g ...............~ 5 Sheley, g ...................... 0 0 0 elll to the ·W. O. T. U. r~ng , West•. g .""................... 4 0 8 Thuraday with afcohveNd IfhMin. 0 1 1 ncr. T.tIe guest 0 o~ was n. oh II Mit e, g .:... :.... - ...... aha Welch. who was Charter mern. ---5--29- ber. Eleven membere answered to Totals . ...................... 12 roll call and Louise Flte ft. Score at quarters: a gueSt.
~te woman. wants general housework... Emma Crew. R. R. 1,
1111 an4 .......... Quick MrYIce. Ed Lau&hlin, 5 ~U.. N.E. of Wayne. 'liI1. at Ranu~ Grove Sdtool a-; Phone N." Burllncton 306.
c _
RilmodelioM' of Methodist Church III in progfe8S and will be com· pleted in the near future. Attend. ance of t1te Sunday School is ' r.pidly growing. two cl88s roo.m) • are being installed with a. balcony. Mr and Mrs. Charles Swindler attended 'the annu.1 ba8ket IIlnner" B\lnday at the New Burlington Mebhodist Church. Mr. and Mre. Walter Don.ldllon Rnd Marilyn. were SUllmay dinner guests of friends in Wilmington. Mr. .nd Mrl!. Kenneth Fisher and family, ot Walhounding wero weekend guests in the Iloma of their trrandmot.her, Mrs. Laur. ' Shidaker .nd were Sunday dinner guests, of Mr. •lld ~Irs, Charles Gordon. ' The \Tullior ClaJj~ Invited the l~, S. c1asties ot the school .nd ex. tended invitation, to the Juniors of neighboring to t.ttend I party .t the ' school Saturday eve. nlng. Dancing WI' .thl divel"lllon and refruhmenta of .ntl _re se"ed. to their ~uest.s. Mn. Sarah' Wnght .t, wu Ulvlted to attend a 60th nedding A.nnl. "e1'381'1 ~f Mr. and ' Mrs. oJ. W. Morris Sund.y afternoon at their , Home In South~rn HUll, Dayton. Mr. and Mr.. Will WlIllama. of II S d !II Ame.. were un ay u Mer gue.,ta . of Mr, and Mr". K. 8, Tuoker and d.ughter. Evelyn Tucker. ' Gilbert Welch. of Detroit. "' ... over SundaY CU Mra. Oba Welcb..... ..... y. 'S evenl c1t1wM attended the fi nal s. of the 01 a .. B Buketbell tournamen~ held in X.enta Satur. clay. 'nIe W.yqel~lIe team de. feated s.bina. Mr. and Mr!i. Clint T.ylor pleaaantiy slirprieed her II.ter., Raymond Ada..... of Sllftr ....Mrs. rove _. Th,. oc. u .. (.• lIion w¥ Mrl!. Adams birthday IIDnlversary,. 1 The marttap III allnounced 0 MIIIII Teran lUeh and Henl)' Gmitry, ' Which WI. IIOleaaiHd Wedneaday evenlne , MUch at lI,thodi.t p.rllOnage in Nllw Burllncto... Rev . C. A. oftlclatbW. A reeep. tion was held at the ooaae 01 the , M Ch I V' , bride II 1.Ul\.t. ' ra. . , " Oler., .t their eountry home. ' e ~lIbur~ Fertlliler ha • '-n iotereata. Gerald Paine,IIOld-to who loealbeen m.nqer for
es:_~ff~lllll/)ther, '
S"~day evenln~.
nuninoue tIM_to Item T ..n. Evana, I lote In Deertlt'ld tMl. Do:!td E'. Stephens 22 On~nia. the put :rear, nail reported for 'Pavement: Widd, 18 f.... Edward O. Mug. ,to Rleh.rd E . bJ \' Vlvt Ail So th work in ClncinUti. . Length 150,508.8 fNt or'l1.45 mil... .nd Goldie' C. A,hburn, 1.10 aores lluem y Ine. an en. u Je_ Stanfield of Wilmington JI'I'u.poMJ No. 5 ·ltl .Deerfield twp. Lebanon. k' . L tb BuUar ~. OhIo, on Sec:tIoa 0.00. Raymond and .)uU. Pric;e to College, 'WU cum apea er . a~ II "te Route No. 748, iii MortaD aDd ~',ude Price 1 lot In W' I1Q'viltf'. NEW Sun'S Friends Churcb Bunda" mornJn~. ROllI T,wllllbipe, by IIppl:rin& a b'· Carl 8IId Della BIlJ to , W. Gertrude L. Jon" va. Herbert ,A basket dinner .t the noon hour. minou. trMtment. Ibm T--32. , <l Geraldine Squier l ' lnt lro L. Jonn, dI'Yorce, utreme cmaelt)', hODoriq one of th,lr faithful Congressman Seventh i lYemem: Width 14 feet. Franklin _ ' C. QoIIald DIIatuaIa. ' member.. . Mrs. Obe Welsh. who m1J_ lAura to Bo""",,t\ .. .,,1 J , 1t..,afadUtefil aIId Merchante her 86th blrthcia:r anL.. Ohio Dl~t'rict ) ,aler Co~ty. (i)~lo, 011 ~IIIIJ5.91' - "n, lilorkner, a lots ill Dcerfleltf Indemlllty OO,Jllpany, .,1. Bert nlversa,ry, Tlleeda,. M'arcb Z. "0. - ' ) , ~tut(! Route 1119· 129. in PUttwp Lamb, for mOll8J' only, amount field and Llberty ' T _nabIpa, . " . . Arlh"r YCJUnJf, Sr .• to Arlo J elal~ed '166 and, ' COIti upeaded , La.t wee1r. thti Truman AdmIni.'tratton for the bitUminou, H.IBockman. to.91i hel'fln •.C.nny ,and HoWuter. of oleomargarine that Is colorell yellow in imitation .plyinc T·32. a , . ' . treatmellt. ltanl . ani! Z1iEII&etb ... ... tfInt time olficia]\y recognized the decline in businees f b Pavement: Wufth 18 feet. " Sef!!8 I .. \Jleu.:re. !"-J" activity. which bas been apparent to many observel"ll o utter. The dairy tarmers Insiat that lIuch • pz:o. Length. 24.129.6 fNt or 4.5'7 mil... 'rhe KmC Powder·Company. Inc. _. v 7 .. ~ for the l..t two or three inontbs, when tlle Feder.1 . hlliltion is neceuary to protect the peblic ..... inat th '11 I I b .. , --_ _ .no. . to Wfma", V. and. twp. P\earf Potton. Bel8we Bank issued orders easing installment e I ega 8a e. IU stltutlon and Ulle 01 ole olll8rga_ ButI.r County, Ohio. 011 8ec:tion 1!.91 t lot ia Deerfield credit. Under the new ordtu·. whJ,:b had gone forlh rine in. place of butter, and th.t oleo, .1 .. betta" (Part). Stat. RolIbJ No. •129, ,ie LibBeriIclbel an(Gera1dine Toney"' to all Feder&-I Reserve Bankll. 'in an (attempt to lIubstltute, should stand on its own merite on the etty Towalhip .". ~ a bi- Charlel ' P! alld Dora Lon Sherrin etimulate business .ctlvity. thoa.e who wish ,to make ,"atket under its "aturaLco~r o~nder Bome other tuminou, 1t.D T-3ll. '1 .8. I U I _ . purchuee on the installment plan can now obtain 21 co or different from butter P.vement: WWIb 11 1Nt. ;r...~Ip' n K!..onto....J'Sta· I w . ' Lmath 24.139.6 ,. • mba aa....... • ;,_' n 411' .,. JI'lOOthl credit. Previously. under (I\moUII Regulation There Is a great deal of criticism of the lith Semt. l'nIpOIai'"ffo. a Swart•• 116.'TI .acrea In Clearareek . W, on a purch.Si! f:i! oYer one thousand dollars CTedi~ " nnual Report of the Atomic .E nergy Collimlaaion-- Butl.r~, Ol"~ on wOlla.91 ~'I'P. could be olitained for only 18 months, ond (or ol\ly 'Page dOt:U"?ent..Mle.eed leet week. The report ("'rt). . . Route Ito, .1.22, '~ Lonnie SteWl!rt · to Plo:rd p , liS m~ntbl on ll~rc'haaes of 'under o'lle thoqAnd dol. I ~III,2!3 .tIl118tr8t~1 W1tll .many phDtographs and oharts .~ ,T........ _ ~I ' a ' y- Bal" at .1., 110;&9 ac1't!ll ,in CJ~'rJal'll The ne,.. order also reduces from 20 per cent to whIch SavIng is a ,oDd h.atilt. By havl~ give IDforma~lon ,ot the utmost v.lue to .", -tumlnoui ' ._tu~ I~ T,-3'I~ erMk ,twp. . .. , 15 per cent the down ,payment which mUllt' be made ~nemy air torce which might, be inte&lested In bomb. .....maDU. WIdth 18 ~ " Larue _nil RI~ M. Va""radale an ~ccount wlt.h UII, YOI1 have ' on purchuea of h~8S than one thou8ond dollal"ll. 1nF\', ~.ut' atomic energy .plants. Even Pre:!rident TrulAn&th 7,39~ feet t:~ alit.., to HarrY and LllI~n Stanhope. 2 Iccllrity fOl' the futu,r&-Ready , President Truman'lI entire legislative protrrsm is man III rep0r:t.ed B~ h.a~ng 'Iblo,,:,n his top" over thlf Wuren ~o. on ~ID 0.00. lob In Fral1kJin, euh for emergeneiell.-a new car; !UJlnmg into dUl'ieultieli In the Democratic.controlled making ,p qbhc of thl8 Jnf~rmatlon which 'hAS been State R.;::wo.35O. in Turtho CneIr William and Bonllle Bouse to 81,t Congresll. During the President'!) rccent cam• new ' h~me; confident fi~cial guarded. so closely as. a nataonBlaecret In the put. Town.l", tty applyiftl 8 ' bitu~ Ea~l L. Kirk, 1 lot In. Franklin, pall'll, p~omillell were made that the Taft.Hartley The "alit U. ,S, AI~ FOrc~5 bomber which cl~led tl'uun.t, IIIIiil 'T·,.12, ,.' Ulyuea , allc! lean Cockran tn independence. Stop ,in t6hy .nd Act would be repealed .nd the old Wa.gner Act sub .. the earth week , IU a little over 96 hours has Pa~: WIdth I Enoeh f!uttme Ch.mberl.ln 1 lot ol~n th.t' account, 10U~ aaluran~e , Ii,r.' I ,a r.oI food that will ltituted thereto!' within thirty days atter Congress caused a great d,eal ,of discussion here in W.shingJ.aactb 15,259.2 INt or 2;&9' mil... In ' Franklin. \ ' , ' ~f security, itelp yo!, plon ,!1uh-lllou. ' - _ ' ' ''IIIBt. Ia the Senate the Committee on Labor has con, ~i No. 1~ 2.89' Earl 8IId EloiN Mlehael ~ ton. It proves beyond question that modem Amerl· di.h •• ,tho, Dr.e a r.aI delight . . elOdea it'll public tearlngs; but there seem. little w~~~ Lewi. and Ildlth ,Uvlnjltion . 1 Il1cellhOod it ,.-til report an/l I.bor legislation before can bombers can n~w .reach flny I!JIOt on e.rth in 48 ~rren~~, ~ 10 ail th.faml/YI Uie IeNd.n'. hourR 01' lesK. And IncIdentally, I;t ,hould be' remem- and Turtl. T~ a«e In Waahln8'tOi twp. r' Apnl or ,May. On the House sid thu Committee on . Cottage retulorly . • • lAbor .nd !Education. which had been consiilered \xlrell tha.t wha~ qur bomberlfcln flOW do, those· ot plylnc. bitumiaoua, [tItIb ' Mildred Penclery to 'Paul E. and for .alad.,.for d ....rh. for· td.~ o~her !latIons ~II he able to do within a very short T-31. ' , " Clirlene "Harbeugh, 1 ,lot In ne,r.. pro-labor. defeated 16 to 9 a motion to report '. bill mai" COur•••• Dellver.d to ''''~ent: ' Wlddr n lei t .. to repeal the Taft.Jlarlley Ad. It now appears prob. time. ;!oor or 01 yeur favorlt. Ilor•. .James V. Jo ' o.l:,restal. the lllst hold,over trom the T ~.!..tfMt or II RutllWPU01lflIl Wolf to Herman . able !he 'S 1st Congress will' not repeal many-It any Roosevelt Adlllln!8tratlon to 'bIl serving' in .the Tru. ~CIpMaI. Noe. 1 to "iO"iad~m 01 ,and ~ Herlne, 189." aer'8I ": • II 'f \ t.. i. -of the imporw,n t provisions of the Taft-H.rtl,,>, , ,. Act. Wh~le the labor law may be given a new name, man Cabinet. N8\1rned as Seeretiry of NatlOn.l De· till. PrOject to be CIOIIII!Iawd IIO't t.In Bamltton twp. '. (ense last week , effective Mareh 318t. Forrestal than Aucuat I, IIM9. ' Enoeh Eu~e Chamberlain to any eh.ngel In it will prob.bly be only minor ones. Th. minim-"'IB II) lie ~ II) C1are1lte Satfi.ld, l ' lot in ftank. ,. , _ _ __ As thb column is written the 'filibuster being came to Washlngtlln in 194() as en administrative conducted in the Senate by Southern legislator8 Ope assistant to Presidp.nt Roosevelt. w.s liter nalllt'd aU labor. .aplcq.d 01\ ~ aJllllNct Un twit. PJo:rcl Eo and DOrotlly JIarI. posed to the Presldent's Civil Rights PrOgralli' atlll Unrlersecretary of the Na.vy and in 1944 was ap. llhall .I,. ill ~ wi&!:!!e .' oointfl(! Secret:lry nf the N~vy 'to IlUeceed Colonel ~~::.'!.t~':1; BudcllellOn to lIarqut, I .. and JIJII4\ ~ontlnuell, With the' final res\llt very much in doubt 'While Civil Rill'~te legilliation is the direct cause of F'ran~ Knox. wh~ died In office. .Since the Armed The ~ Of ~l. '" II. Bnnm., 11 IICreI In UDton ~. Chari.. 1'. and Do,a W. Bhlll'rit.t the Ifl1lbuJlter, other illlUe., Buch as the hundred . and SetylceB were IJDlfi"d !ind t~e NII-tlpn,,1 DefeMe ell~ I.tiona appIlaJttIe to ..... ~= • to H~I IJlld , aer.tdliae Toney, fifty year old right ot uIllimite4 deb.~ in the Sen. tahh~~menst c:~te'l In '9'7, Mr. Forrestal ~ai D.partnMtit {lIIPNvemeata iii .1 O"'t IIeTW In Wa81llnPn twp. 17 .te are aliso Involved. A. a r.earlJlt iI num l)er of the !K>rv"" ~a ecretary of Defense. He will be 8Ueeeeded IUICtI with ,~ •. 17.s. hy LoUI~ .Johnson of CI.rksburg. Weat Virginia, who ,n-5 ..~, 17.... '01 1M ~ Cadt ('.o\Jrtrley 1. Comti,l to Clarlesa Mem~rll who actually t.vor the PreRidont's Civil .. all.' BcwIJert D. 1IJrU. t lot In Rights ' 'may vote agalnllt the Administra- toro while was Uml!'rseeretary of War during one of 01 Ohio. Tha bidder muet, aut.DIt· wtttlt . . U,..(on twp. , the Roosevelt Aillllfnistra.iionl!. ~n 1948 he"," tho tion'. attempt to end tho filibuster. As the debate bid j ~ Martha," L Watkfnl to Mary ,goea on both the President .nd the Southern- group chief money-ra.iser for the TrUm.n clmp.ign. wee~ the Republican ' Policy Committee of tl\e ::ed - . . bat fa _ . . . t _ 10S.,.'''1I8 8a~t I lota ~n. Leb. beeome more determined. tempers flare higher and I ",....., higher, Ind the split in thu Democratic Party grows Hou so unammously voted to pUBh for paseage of the than ten thNwnd doIlan. bill' b:v Repllbliean Jl'IOOT Leader Martin 01 M.ssft· PIn, . . ap:'" ~.,. _ fda 'Ela B. to David L. .nd wider and 'Wider. The old ~rennial leglill.tlve tight hetw.een , oleo. chusetts to r~81 "ar·time exel!le ,t axes. It enaetecl In the daput'iaent 01 ~. ..... In-ne Ca_. 1 lot In I"ranklln. the meallure will "liminate IIOme excise taxes en~ u,. office 01 tile dl.w. depuit;y .... "nna 1;. "recm to flUe! 1:. 'l"reon ma11f&Jine Interesb and the dairy fal'Rlers or the nUtirelyand reduce (llhllr8 to prewar ratell. Taxe, on ~r. ... 117. 80.18 aerw In Cleaftnek twp. tlon .ll1Iin has the l..-enter of the stolte in the Hou~e 't'he Kinll' P~der Com""r to Committee on Agrlcultu..". Last yeal' the HOUR" t.clepho."B, telegraph, and tran!lPortation IU!rv\eeIl. re 'I'hII J-ct .aIQ'T! J. ~ua. . Charles ~ ."d Clara K. Wet., pused leJriKI.tic)n to repeal a\l tRxe~ alul reslrict!<'JIIi ("ONmetJeH. IUltlt.fl'tl. furs and' :m.ny other lteml . ftoM J.U.,',. . . .~, LDAJ1ION. 0. W(lulrl he m!teriaUv redueed or mlished. The .,.. ' . . . JIIahWa7 I 'ot In eld &wp. 01\ the llIanufacture and eale of oleor\lRl'garine , but I1Iml tll'X' ~IlVnH!' t.'f t he 'p~blle under the !,mvilllonll Dr The King PClwder Com".",,. to .the Senlte f.fted to act. Thill yea.r the dairy inter. . . . . . . . . .'11 •• _71 . . . the M~,·tin BI11 w"uld ,t otal el~ht hundred mill'".. For.... rJ M. . . _ 'WIlHam Wood and 'Adelma M. wn• wta are not opposinll' elimination of the tax on oleo dollartl. . fled Ada ...... .... lIOn. t lot In Deerfield twp. bat are ~lItering their effort. on preventIng the sali! " _ ' _ I I I ••
Cluence J. Brown
~~ ~~.;!1:N:,.06 5.81~
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I" ..
. 'Waypesyj~e
'8 'Nt. i:l;;C;
Natinal Bank
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dArac .-:
D. DUia.'IaMR'llCe AI.,
~" . ""'"
A L(}mmunity Insti ttltion For Ninety-nine Years NIN'E TY-NlNTH YEAR, NO•• 41\
FROMTHE mHORSPEN COAL IN THE FUTURE ,' Those who think that coal Is 'an '''old_falhionedu fuel, which wUl ,be ",ed less and less as the 'Y~ars :go on, are badly mistaken, If . a -coal Age forecast- tuma out to be 'rlght. Acc:ordlni to it, the nation will rely even more hea~ily on ~, and by' 196Q the d.e mand for 10ft 'coal a~one' may approach the wlhearil-!'f total of 900,000,000 taM a year. . .' 'This forecast is backed up by some hard facts. · Flnt of aU, the a'ate of e~on of the e1ect.rlc industJ:y will increase its use ' of · i b " ore than A 000 000 ton! a 1C0a y m·the e-' 12' 0" years A revn '''' " 'year f or ;olutlonary new coal-fired gas tur. lbine is expected to power J'!lany railroad locomatives of ·the fu. An increase ir) population ~ure. that there wll have tQ be coal for house-heating, and for bdiciudustrie as lteel.' Fin lly coal reserves are en~ .a • d will be the balis for 0r:f~' an th synthetic fuels prhlehca: n.o: In the experimen-
TRU~DAY, BURCH 17, 1949
Hoop Squad To Be .Easter Seal Aids .County Dioner Guest Crippled Children Ban~ers Mee't Here $385,00.0 baa
Home Fabrics Won't Bum
Auxiliary Meets .
The Waynesville High Scl}ool ,Basketb. all team will be the honored guests at It steak dinner to 'be served Monday night at "M ~II\ ' s Ptr"Th an y. e W arren County phampions and the League Co-champs receive this a9 a token of appreciation for carry~g th.e local colors onto vlctoI! m their e~countel' with Sabina m the I?istrict Tournamen t last week m Xeni Tlle dinner will be given the team. by Earl Coyle, local meat packer: Bud Carter, local Kroger store manager; and Langl~y Cassidy, operator .of Mom's Pantry. MI'. Cassidy will do ~ry hon'ors while C~yle ~es the steak along with Carter who donates the other staples for this feed.
~. : Rice Snapp entertained
. been set the S1. Marya Woman's Awcillary for proo for the 16th annual Enon Friday afternoon of the past ter Seal Sale It was announced The ' War ren County Banken week. . ' A. Hewitt, presi- Associa tl on nllid theIr meeting at today by James Mn. Ronald Hawke conducted dent of The Ohio Society for the Smith Green Room last night, the devotions, Ember Day prayCrippled ChUdren. The natio.n - with the Waynesville National era for the clergy and a s}l.ort lit.:. wide drive will open Mal'. 17 and Bank as host t l) the group. any. clC)Se Easter Sl,1llday, AprU 17. Ross Hartsock, bank president , VarioUs plans for the , work SlleetS of Easter. Seals wlll be had invited the group to visit the wer.~ discussed in the .buslness mailed to fainilies in Waynes- bOnk a t five o~clock and view the m=-~g. . ville and throughout ·the state, "new look" which t he bank h as AWlS being the four hundredth Hewitt said, with an appeal for a taken on by installln ,n r anniversary. year of the 'Book of dollar-or-more-to IUpport 1e1'V- hares, floors, heatln!7 : 1\ I ~ornmon Prayer, the program ices for the physically handicapsystems, ew wlDdo w~ , consisted of readings and discus.. .ped. Ninety three a1JlIIated county decorations and increased lobby siol18 of parts of the . Book of societies for crippled children and Ipace. D\nner was served at 6:30 Common P rayer as f'0 11 ows.. eooperatlng service groups join o'clock. . Th ' ti d d ' e cnsecra on an or enng with the state IOciety in conductRalph Dixon, of" St. Bernard, of bishops, priests. 'and deacons, fng the campaign. president of the Ohio Blinkers Mrs. ~muel Keys, offices of InKeyed to the spirit of Easter, Association was guest speaker. stTUctlonj the order of con1innathe 1949 seal bears the silhouette New officers of the county astion; a catechism, Mrs. Marie Rifof a young gir1 with crut.che, and ,socta1t1on are Josiah Cafferty, fte; family prayers, Mrs. Katherthe slogan: "Help Crippled Ch1lpresident and R. M. In~ Ba~artj cburching o~ Vl'mt;!, dren." secretary. en, visitation of tbe sick, com- " , NF.W YORK, N. nU-nylon f b . a r! ~~ Funds contributed through PID'munlon of the sick, Mrs. Charles cl'uted by F . S~humac her Co., win approval . chase of the seals, Hewitt statecl ~~>\f.~i~ Mehffiej holy baptism., Mrs. Rice D"frtll]en.t's Bures,! of Standards and Appeall an rClUs tlll1!' flas h fi,·ee. Above l..t. Alfred E. {u. ' . • will be used lor medleal care; ~app; burial of the dead, . Mrs .. ftpeetor, npp~,es flame to " dll mas k. Other Schumacltcr all." ~ l \ ' ;'. corrective braces, shoes and ,other ~l J1.a&e. , Asepath Thomas. Guests. w,ere "Ies n" ~ aVII II.IIl,'e through int er';,,/, decnl'otora and rj~w patr ~n It " MI'. and Mrs. Ernest Butter- 'artificial aids; equipment for . el n • .1. . The fact is that every, form of Mts. F. B. Gre~~, Mrs. William ~ "lU!l\l n t l y bl.'lIlg added to ~o lleclio n. . worth were host and hostess on thllrapy; recreation and camping; coal 11 onll of Mrs; oJ. Kenrick. eftel1lY, 0 f w·hI-1. 1:1. Friday to th~ Farmer's Club, with training of tn'gently needed pro· the most important, is needed. ----.....:..-.+-----::--;- a· delicious steak dinner served fesaional personnel; and many Lawrence Rooney, 48, of Route Coal is a versatile and in the dining room of the Metho- <oth.e r services. 2, was tfel\ted at the oJBce of Dr. :fllel. 'l1le Industry bas made strlk. • dist Church. Elder Hutchinson of Accordlng to Hewitt. Easter Edward Blair, Satw"day night for 'ing prolP'eaa In bettering its , Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S,e al funds may be used for any head and nose lacerations recelvlmetho4U Of-producttOll , and develThe WaynesviUe , Civic Club Last ' w~ _... 11. 11Iew 0'f Hess ofC Benbrook, _ of crippling condition if no ed in an automobile accident on we gave..LIev 1 MrRev. dand MrMrs. J h 'J 1'" • ' ,opmg ways and means ' to ut.U1ze will hold its regular monthly the oung ArtiSts Series to be R. B. 0 eman, . an s.. other agency lil the community il 48 north of Lebanon. 'the product to greater advantmeeting Mondi\Y MarcR 21 at 7 heJd' here Wednesday evening B. , Rich and Mrs. Glenl! Borden prepared to provide the service A car driven by Richard Shaw, ·:ale. If management remains alert P . M. in the Methodist. Church March 23. at 8 P. M. but In our were the guests of the day. needed. If .. . . Lebanon, reportec:l1y crashed into to opportunity, and if th" .. baseo)ent rooms, spee« we mide a ~rint and The sho~ business session was Classified as .c:r1ppUng are the rear of anllther driven by Vlr-' -do a fuD 'day's \york for theIr raeMr. and Mrs.. George Millel' and After i he reguJar transaction of SIIid ThUrsdaY but i t is Wednes- held after the dinner and Set\l more than 200 types of disabill- gil Longacre, Rout~ 2. Rooney ,oro wagell, there need be little SOD" SonDy, ..pen~ Sunday eve- business Mr. Francis Gene Brown. day-Wedhetday- Wednesday: Furnas gave a fine talk on the ties. Major categories .i ncl,u de was riding with Longacre. Both ' fear for the future of coal. , ning with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nart- local insurance . agent and Oivic , specIal topic. "Ke~~g Our young cerebrall)8lay, infantile paralysis, vehicles were damaged. -ker of HUsboro. Club President, will present movFo1ks on the Farm. heart defecls, speech and hearing THE LOW DOWN FROM les on' Fire Prevention. ' at'M Elder UutchJnlOn of th.e Bap- handicaps, visual defects and ept,... HIcKORY GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Je~1I1! Prundcl'gasb A good represr:ptation of the tlst C~urch of Hamllton, was ill- lepsy. 1'/ Teach1na grandma and grandpa and d8\la-hter, Mary Alice, and' membership Is desired and memMvs. Jlariaret Johna, aged 7~, troduced as the guest speaker, More than 909(, or the mmley • how to play and romp, and teach.. MislI Katherine Prendergast we re bers are ur~e dto call ~ynard widow of CbatJes Johns, died ,a t and , gave ,to his 'Usteners a fine ~oU4lCted, Hewitt stated, WiD reing the lIII\aU-frY the IlCientilic Sunday artel'noon gucst.H of Mr. Weltz, secrttary, immediately if h el! hOJJ\~ jn :Lytle, Friday afte'r- talk on various phases of life, main in the state; the balance approach to "go-sheep..go," .i s aDd Mre, Bryan Prendcrgal~ ill they have not made reaerva- nODO, £o~ leveral months of and how our brotherhood work eight and three tenths 1lOW DI ... BulIn.... Y:ep. We juat Cincinnati. Mr. and rtlrs. Prender- tions, . " faUing b~tb:; 'S he was \l life-Iol~g Will finally save olD' problems of wUl---resent Ohio's share • • • • t of ,aat were allO "lIe.t. of Mr. and &L.... - -... .... -d a ecmven-'on in OlD' own .. Th ladies of the Women's SoreSi.lent 0' .... county. . peace. support 0 feducatlonal and .... .t...- far d Mn. Charles 'Young , In Fernbal1k. l" "I d -~ ....- R B ed h the recr..~ fo1b lnMI' an cle~y for Christilln Seryjce >will Survivlng . .,..e two brothell:s, . The cl~b a joumo:u to meet in activities of The Rational ~c!e}~ nUll. oger TOwn OP!!n er w11de-_ftC! pudDer, it woke me MilS Marilyn Bunke spent the lerve the meal . Parry alid Amos Cook, WaY.J1ea- , April , with Mr. and ~. WalteT for Crippled Children and ~~lIltll'\l home on Thin! Street last FrIday ~~=~~~'~~~~~~n~o~tf:::1~:: ~ ville; I~ Mis's ~ Coqk Whitaker as host and hostess. . The Ohio Society lor afternoon, March 11, for the TegU·8ftemoon she re~ M. A. c: Bowman ente ' ..... llllabeth Smltb, Miss Raylyn Crabbe wU. re- Children was founded 'ln !ar meeting pf the Wayne Twp. turned to Bowliug Green Uruver- to dJll1Ier'Mr. and Mrs. Orville J. WaynesvU1e; a, grancUOD, Paul celve. her. Bachelor of Arts De- tIle!.te EdIlU' • rDaClClY'") CbrfatJan T.Dpetan~ sily GI'ay' and Mr. ~Dd 10rs. 'William Johnst Lytle, a granddaughuu', gree at Ohlo State UnJverslty on of ElYrIa. S1uce that time, the U~on. 'the bundrect.-from "130 ,pubUc .. _ Sawye.r. at her ,home In Franklin /Mrs. Vivian Rou~ Y~Clw Friday, March 18. Miss Crabbe is organization lias carried on a CODFololiwt;tg the .business seaion 'recreatlon agencle:; ....,.. in ~ one MI". /ll1d Mrs. W . E. Stroud were ,Sunday. The . oc~on honoring Springs, and one great grandc!hUd. the daught~r of Mr. and Mrs. 1. ;tInuous program to. bring about Miss Ruth Chandler had charge state. Stayed 4 days--bad a grea} Sunday dinner ~U08t. of their Ion Mrs. Guyls bh'th~y. The host,esa Funeral ~ services we~ held B. Crabbe of Waynesville, and Is adequate pbyslcal, educational, of tile devotional perlod......wlll~ time. And the recreation budget and dI\, )Ir. and Mrs. Mrs. Mowman, 15 Mrs. Gray's at 2 P. 11,1. at Lytle'Meth.· a high point student, having (!Om- recreational and vocational "aerv- she opened by erading from the for Just our own county here, is Haroid Stl'Oud in Leba.,on, ond mother. ---";:"~ ~Ist-.-Ghurcli; in .charge of the pleted her work In etev~ qum;t- Ices for phy.sically 3rd of Colossians and 46,000 bucJui..,-and th~l'e are called on 1I'I.n. Glarence Edward~ ---:Rev. Joseph MYres of Dayton. ers. one of whJcb slle-studied· at people In the state. ; around 3000 other counties In the and dauihter and 1141'. and Mrs. , Mr. ~~~ M'Mrs. Gllb crl ~T' he dand BU1'ial ~6 in , M;iaml Cemetery, the Uhlvel'sltY of Mexico, In Curl read 80me very good artI"pI .. bu.loolets Not Je8se Thom·- . ' lions, WI" r,. an d M1'1. eo o~e... ' M xl 'Clty th Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark and cles ,from: the UnJon Slgn8'l, a ay _. -. , McIntire and sons of New Burling- ,,-Orwlti. _ e co . .. U.S.A.. '10171 c1illdren of Lebanon, and Mr. T.U. publication. An InterclnAne1tden_!t~a'llth',and of Mr. Oregoma a.n d, M:J;S. " ' .~ ~ Mrs'. , Chuletl O. .James and son. .story .from a book thaf 18 ..... " , . . recreation ex- with a series of revealing , statiS• . ton, Swarb:ei wereFrank Sunpetl!18 look at delinquency-,-and ~C8. F~8t of all, RussIa .s postwar day dlnne~ guests of .1\1'. and M~.. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. soon to bc publlahed, entitled delb,. ~uen~ Is the very thiDg that mdustrlaJ comeback baa been rel- John Settlemyre arid i:bildren near • a ' • and Mrs. Charles lames and IOns, "The Faith of an Exal{noatic." was • J..:CI'eIltlon protram wal! to S91ve. aavely .tow. The output of her 'Le~anon. Jack and Joe. preeented by Miss Chandler. MIss , But. klr a hcmIe-aenae remedy factories is still 6, per cent below ~ . Lu~ Emily closed the meetlne . for delln!'1uen~.Police Chief G~y the '11140 !evel: U. S. production, . • I ~ with 8 prayer, The Civic Olub wtll hold their Church of saker, Oregon bas it. by , contrast, is now 544 per cent .,.,.ndd :omlJ dlhner meeting on Monday eve· lUs toWn' gave him a new law above, Britain is also exceeding ning, March. 21, at 7:00 o'clock. I~ 'Where the parents of a CODvioted the 'Prewar figure, though by a Mrs. OJlve Curl Is enjoying a the Methodkt Churcb. delinquent pea to' jall to Hl'Y.e much smaller percentage. ' ..few days visit at the home of her 1be off-shoot'. sentence. 'Easy When a direct induatry-by-m- 'bro~er Mr. MacPherson Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye oh· does it. .ay the Chle!-onl:y 2 re- dustry comparison ~ made with ' .i n o::Iabina, 06i.o. Born to MI:. and Mrs. Charles served their wedding anrilveTSary ported deUnq"ent ' comp ints ,this coWltr¥, R~lSla'lI inferiority , on SatIJr41lY ,evening and enter- O. . James a daughter at Miami since he got his new law. 'Is striking, She now produces 10 .Mrs. Eady .has returned ,bined a group of . .friends ' and Valley Hospital, Wednesday evep Cln8 mama_ and papas - per cent 115 much oU as .,..,e do, 'to her home In Lytle. neighborl. The' evening 111'0 plea5 ning. Weight 6 lb. 4~ oz. ~fsI-b1red community 'lS.S per cent as much electric '. M tr ----'IInt!y spent in cardll and a mOI~ bl watc:hera--l\O' wonder our pow..,~ per cent as mucl;l ~ '. ~~. ",wton ~'ar1:Jnmth:l:BUlWi-, de Iielous l!CJV9ted dlllh DUI'~::':=i1";;~~:-"::::jf;-'f:i'.t"""".a::-::~:::7.-;-:--~""--~ 'P ~ ometim is braab or .geta and 31 per cent a lIII\uck coal- .ter,fi ·MIss In~ Dearth of £'l"iWM''~" .f.'i!'~~:~ njoyed. meeting on T'hur8day wlth, a , cov', '. you f sll d. ~t town a~n, it :all basic ~TOducta which' )ave 1\ line',. Ohio spent Sunday. afterMr. and.-.Mrs·, LY.1JUlIl· McCaUy ered 'dish luncheon at the ,Method:u~ker:mOregon. ' direct bearing on her ~nttre econ- 1\«;)On wit}! Dr. . and Mrs.' F .. B. and son of Dayton spent Sunifay ist Churoh. wLtb Mr/l. H. V. Whlt», Youn with the low-down omy. She"produces . only 3.2 per Gregg. at the bome of Mr. Mn. pie, Lebaoon as the gust speaker. JOE SERRA cent as many trucks and cars, 1 " I . though ahe is now making stren- .Mrs. Leah Mi~ Accompanied Eldon Retalltck and eon.. SunMr. and Mrs. Max D. Hartso,ck "'HLIGWl'S uous efforts to build un her motor her son, Mr, William ,Strouse and day evening callen were Mr. and and '3On were Suniluy guests ' ot ECONOMIC I{lv . .. " . t wife and Miss' MarUyn Bursk~ (0 . Mrs. Robert Clark jlI1d children, ~fr', and !If,·s. Morris Sherwood in - I .. ac "·11-....1 :_1ect the. Din- ,lndustryy • .To take exampl.e s·. 0 Bo ' Ha.......- _ . • j I od b wling Gl'e4m{ Ohio on Sundl,lY Sandra Sue ana BOOe, and Mr. Coiumbus. er Palls Dividend Cheeks and v ta ·consumer ' go s, s e pro,. afternoon. Miss Bunk~ was reand Mrs. Thomas Clark of MidBlIbI ~( 'Eve;'~ .' -ndividual Na- duce, 39 per cenL as J1)Bny leather tuN-lmt to ber." duties a studMias !lfarily~ske of Bowl \" dletown. tiona! ill:.! : r·.l ma\i pnal T, ~~b- ~ ,.-. , ~o: ""!1'lenCle~JS]esmany'l'he ent ' . • L niverifiY ... ' f~ . '. e . • Green University, wall a w 11 -' "1 '" lems Iruepar.Lle u'om ~ ~ ..un ;.. .. '" an",. , '~-, The Happy ao;;-Club held their guest of her parenti!. Mr. ",nd Mn. , . 'Welfare advantaje in uur' favor is even --regular meeting on Tuesday after- Jphn Burslte. Mr. and Mrs. Fred .. ...I. L ' s t - is the 'RuaIian more eVident when it is rememMrs. F. B. Gregg and Miss Olive 01 Cinci!;nntl also ' were J WI' no: .....;;u.~n 'With 'that bered thaf Russia 'h as a consld... WitHams were guests at the AuX'noon at the home of MTS. Leeter Bunke Sunday guests. . Cook wall in Shaffer. Mrs. Carlton :~o:~J~r;tates~ just how erabl~ larger pop\llation. mary on FrIday at the liome d chuge of tt,e enter~ining pro· · ssful be the Commuru.t' In its sumiJig' up, ' U, S, News Ml's. Rice S~app. , - ' jfl'am of readingl and contesbs. su~ . , v~ reet\lrln dl.ur observes: "Russia, is not - , - '. T'he club adjoomed ~ meet with l~e~ been m III~alnI In the ·!l8me lellg4e with the Mrs; Seth E. Furnas of SOcial Miss Monlmia Bunnell and Mrs. bUlc anduatry, after the ? UnJted State!!. Ameliean pl'oduc- Row Road called on ~ISlejj Ari.n ie Nellie Bunnell In April, after which aDd :-::: ~e:ti='o"~ ~_ tion, however, is .geared to con-. and Mame B~wn, Sunda~ aftera social hour was enjoy~ with 'Ill .q . , ~iy sumen w.hJle' Russia Is concen- noon. , dainty refresbmen.t s served by." the ' ~ importaDce.~ of hoW tratlq everythtns. on e~dJng - - - -, hoste.,. ~~,~ and abo fOrceI' iDdiutry. .A slowdown in U• .S. MT' HOLLY [nvlted' gueets were Mr. be ~ 1te Jarae1y detenD- induatrial ~on' may enable Mts. . HaITY s.~ may j d tr1&l ten.tIaI- RuWa to narrow the pp . : !" SO, r.&. and Mrs. Allen Rockhold of family, Hr. and Mrs. RalJJ1l ined by her 'In ~ POt IWiftl¥ while " ou rlndustrlal advantage New Burlington calThd on' Mr. Satterthwaite and son, Mr. : and military power 11 ou ~en over B-uala II enormoul at pres- and Mrs. Arthur Roekhold Saturan ~e!i it Mrs. Lyman. Day, Mr. anq Mn. , ,nleu th,"'. Ii to en~ we not in a position to day evenIng, . lAwrence FUrnas and son, ~r. aIld stremn Q sup 81 "' • L-U ' • -_.,- be ;-- . Mra. ~ll1ard Fumall and' eon, lIr · U. S. New. " World -aeporl. ~ en it can lOIUe..,. mainMis. €larence Cra~ord spent and Mn. J. B. Rich, Mr. and Mrs dealt wltia the Soviet Union'. em- tabled without continued· devel- last Tu~y in Sprmgfield. Luther Hartsook an" 80M, and Mr. .• .. ~ nomic altllBtlon in a recent artiCle opment on OlD' part. a.nol Mrs. Ell F'um.. and family. whOle tint parall'Bph iald: ''BUIIThere Is some ~n to , Miss Clara Daughter WIUI 8 1_ ttn..1ft" to lead from the efhct that ·S talln s periodic Sunday dlnl\er guest of Mr and lila .. COIl ...... ...:........... ...'" In "peace ovenur.... may be de- .._ . . Mrs Fred Hook IIntertatood on weabep. not from ~.... ..a-ad to ~ ublie 1IelItt~ auJI. Thomas Runyon. Wedn~lICIay aftemoon with the 'har challen,e to natiODJl of the - p 'U l!'ril'l'Idshll' Cllib u ber 1'118IIta; Weat. 'n1la fact ia shown by tbe ~t in the WeeterD WGr_ while Mr. and Mrs. Hlly Gibson spent Mr~ R. B. Colllmall conductad CODdItkIIl of B ..... lDdustry aDd RWda atriva to brlnl her 1Ddus- Sa~ eveuJq with Mr. and tlle devotloull aIld lin, \John q rletdtun at this 1Ime.... trW output MUW to deIINC1 lira. HuoJd Bog~1iI and Mr.. Bunke and Mn. William Stnaae The IIIII....D. bMbcl tIIat up Jnel.. .lJ!lnuna aJ1.on of Bellbrook. I were ·in charI'! of the l'rc,.r:~..!! cont.~. .
Lyde Residents In Ct~sh
A ' goal of
Butterworth... Hoat to Farmera C' lub
fire Prevention £ivie Club Topic
St. Mary's
·ami Gazette
Mrs Bron Host J0 WeT U
N 1 PeopIe, 5'pO·t s In Th' ' e ews
:Jt "
, '/ IJj;/L, -'
.. ..
- ...... --..;: TllUl8DAY, MARCH 17, 1'"
The Miami Gazette
wah to extend our heartPublished overy Thunday at Waynesville, Warren fulWethanks and appreciation to ounty. OhIo. our friends. neighbors and relalives for !heiT- words of ~mpathy JOSEPH E. JAM ES. Editor and the flora] offer ings r eceived the t ime of our great ]05$. Entered &S M('onli cla~lI matter tit the postofiice at during We wish to e.'Ctend our thanks to ~., Ayl\&flville. Ohio. Reverend Col man and to the Stubbs Funeral Rome for .thelr Sub~el"i1)tfon Rate : $1.5i5 pel" year in Ohio; $2:00 per ervices.
'ear eleewbere.
Ada SmiUl and
Grandpa Read .
• •
On last Sunllllv @vening, a It)t\
The Infair of Mr. ~nd Mrs, Jahew Mu len (~f!e Mi!' Ger· trude A. Lee.) took "la ce SIIturdav evenin ~. RI . thf! h ome of Ihe •"4" .. 1I1r~ iI,.Pf>nt Mft"v1o)'. Bo s. hride's n aren 1.. in Corwin. tt was ~n ~..,... m1>,." at ehllTch. and nn eleJ!;ant IlnN lIumnt'l oU5 ban"eoo]e wLll think more of you. "',et nOl)trlhl"n not n 1i1tle to I '''~ eni()'rmeh~ of t lC f!\' nil ~. "" .. frll!l\d Brown has sent an Thl' brldai J;)art'· retumf'd I"n Sat· n~a .. tn Cjn"innfltt fnr a new suit uTcay even In!! h'om Cinr.lnMt-I , of clothes.. Wonde)' what It menns? where IhilV " '('n l Im m pdlatl"l v Ilfter t},,, ~a"I';~ "P Iln ThnrqiJw St1~r makln~ hal about ceased. Thnnks fill' tn t' fAWINI : Ih p Ga,.,..,..,v of ollr' fa'rmera have hauled ~ette's hl!?!!!linp re.'<ts unl'n the joYOUI< pair! • ~""IT c:rock&
Stubbs·· I
FU,n eral Home
1820. a
March 14,
\IP Ina d j,htlr
aometime this S\lmmr.r.
Day ~thoo' 9:30 a,m.· \\eeltrll" for Worshil\
. W wish to expreS5 our aincelre. thanks lind appreciation to illn who extende dhelp and sympatby to ua In mem,ory of our belov.KI sen and ~rother, Melvin H. Dakin, We especi8lly want to thllllik 6ur friends and n,lghbors fllr their lovely 00ra1 offering.. Re~, erend Coffey for his worda of .c onsolation, to James McC1wre and the American Legion Poat foOl' the' efficient manner in conduct.:. Ing the service. .
Mrs. Ad!l Dakin and family
~unday Scbool Worsblp Servtce
Mr. '!lnd .Mrs .
. . - - '_ _ •
• t.
... _ _ • _
aU. Je.u, ..t the church an example here 8!i ~ ",} ~)' 8. HtI ttev . Willi a m Shannnn c:.undav School q:10 :t.m. ealJe~ his Twelve: but be waa not 10 MI'5. Jame~ Gani!:on. SuJtt. foolish .. to til Ink Preachin~ 1st and 'l rd Sunday~ JUlt because he each mnnth 10:30 a.nt. thal had called them 7:30p.m. they FvenlnJ! Se.rvices we~e .. 11 ready to ao out and take 'm.E M£1lf()D1ST the lead: Jesus put r 'ruRaI" them' throucb what Dr. FOrtDl" 'Dr. Joseph Myers. Mlnl!fer be called tbe () :30 I.m . ,may C;undav School 111',t Leaderahlp Tra lnlna School tn M~. Ruth Sa vlor. Surt. the hl.tO~ of the CbrllUan church. Wo"llip Service ' 10:30 a,m.
tmCA E. U. B.
FERRY cHURCH,OF atRlST Bvroll Carver, Mlnis1er Bible SCltOOI . 9:30 a.m. ~~"'i{'l~ Worship to:30 a.m, Pr... t'r Meetint' 1 :00 ~.m, Voun, People's Meet.inr .
Who WA. Enrolled? M, H, Coffey. Minl!ter ",HE TWELVE ApoiU.. wera thlJ Bible School 9:30 A~ M. ' .I tr.tntn, cl.... Not aU lellD' Momln~ Worship to:30 A. M. «llcl.,l" were .qu.1 to It; perb• ." "oun~ Peorle's . 6:45 P. M. lome of. .t hem .ctualb' did not. have> Bvenln, ~ervfce . ':30 P. M the time. But the.. Tw.lve bad , raaely been aet off ·from the otIMr•• Prayer Meetln~ and ' 7 00 Bible Study Wed., 7:30 PM. Evenha, Services p.m Dot beeauae the, were better men • 7::~o · D,m. but ln order to do mort! direct ..rvic,. In Cbrl.t'. lI.m.. . 'nIlrt! W.I Wl1Iiam E. and .Maude Wal)ac:., 2.1' 1I1ARRIAGE LICENSE notlilria lonna) about Jaaul' train I." acre. In Banan ~. T~mmy Wil~n Jr., 18, f'rank· Ed. and 'F.rances hlr .to Waite' lin, labo.ret, C18~ M . Wilson ' 1 ~, Ichoot Franklin. Fitts, 9.0 .cres I.n Fran1cJtn twp. Itlliet ............ IN,... .t tile at by Ilia Joseph H. and Annebelle Barke) reallilde, III' GIl .. IlIII4ap. The,.. to Wilbur W. and June Tracy _e ... aet ...., .. ~, Campbell, 1.37 aCl'ell in Union bwp DftI4lte at ........... Jame. C• .!rid Xabhleen ~er ' .to Urban R. and V.lolet M. Blabop . .Jeau. kept It ,oln, to the Yel'1 end. for even after the Re.urrectlon. O.S9( .eres in Waehlng:ton twp. .. Luk1! tau. UI Un Act. 1) he ,.a. Walter , DDane Malden. tc ItIII t .. chlna bit Twelve. Oh.rles Samuel and Irene Dawson 5' aerea In Turtleereek twp. ,I HERE- WAS no prlnled elrcular,
T 110
bUlletin. no prolpectul 011 . catalocue. . AU tbe "COUT."" amounted to just ope thin,: lal1'Oo' ln' to do what JelUl wal dom., To 00. 4.,.. that Is tIM aim of aU Chrl.Uan tHlnlri,. M.rk 1114· Luke melltlon .t ....t tour th!nI. IelUI' tralnlnl-lcbool atudenta from blm: prucbtlJa, he~ the Ilc:II, feedl." the hUllfl")'. 1114 In.. It would not be Quit. true to "7 1hat parl of what theJ laarnacl wa. aplrUu.1 .nd part pr.ctical, fOl' thenl I. nothln, more 'Practical thaD pr;a,tnc a, J"u. t.uP~. it, and leaul never mlnlltered to people'. :;~~~IJI.lli--W~!.~~c:~~ needl withOut touchlJlc .plrita too. MIllY • per _ _ Ia
D:t Ie. 'md ""on. of Drw~ " ' , s"I"n' thp
, n it h
.....ltaI f .
tile 1Ma. . . . . . ...
If lie haC .... . 1 tile belp lb•• welHralMt milt-
,,,,,i'h' '' tl-n hnro;c m~ ''<et in 'thl~ v'c;n itv l ~ .. n,·,. '1uiel ,
. Mlnllters tod.,. are not taugbt how to perform Uke the< feeding of the 11.000; bUt Imowin. thJit people'. ~lical weD,beln. h .. a Ireat deal to do with thell' apiI'· Itual 1Il!ellare, the alert yoUP' ClIrl .. tlan mlnlater of today "III 1)e lIeen. I, Ir terelted In Cbll'lltllln IOclal ac·
Ollr ro ,d ~. ~ " ""1'~C' lhan evel·. The autoll h ut1,tr up al'C as numCJIous as mud. hoI s. . Map e 5yt·tq) ;<; bc il11'11 bro ~~lt ,into ma rltcL, lind is se tl fol' $3 per gallon.
. ..
How Did The1 Le.rn? , HE TWELVE lea11led b7 doln'; It II the onIJ you learn al17: thin, of • practIcal nature. Memorlzln. a t.xtbook, memorbin, r'ulu. I. not I ear n In,. You bave learned how to do • thlna onl,. when you can ' do It. Of courh you have 'to .ee It done, tll'lt. A boy on ttle" term learna to be a fa rmer Ii)( wa.lchinl his 'ather .nd helpln. him,' more than trom Ichool cour.el In a"rlculture, . uaefuJ al they are·. 'J1here ,. nothln. to talte the Place of apprenticeship under one who . kl)owi. So Je.usl Twelve watcbe<l 111m, U.tened to him. helP8!S bim. before tbey were truated their own. . .
un , \"rta j{ ~r ,
n i lt·
ciao,.,.. -' ........
,.., th
the mac!li>re cha ractcr of WI . -. ~("s " Ur n ot Rllpy" pro· «rail" ' h " ln. nU: hts. I II p.m .. EST I r:l a ~ Ii ' • "11!':, r,) endlx (1 0 :'. II :. .;' , star!> In th e 4
.placed al,onB the 800t of cbo mow ptaDlt
forad'''' • .•
. .,AY.IIVILLI. " ' 0
I" '. 21.H .~
P!.1) . KIER' S Garage iJl, j Sl~
circulate freely tbroup the · ~, . POt additional lnfoaiwioa oa ba,mq.... 01 .., ... otber cropa tbrouJb CXIIIUOIJad . . . . ..,.... CGaIIIIc , . . Couaq Apat. Vocadoall A,dcalcure . . . . . . . . . . ,... Q repraeatatJ". of 70IU elKuIc IIIl'kI r-,. •
Willarrl Bath' jps
Jidenee · and good will of thIa coffiJ11unit, it is due largely we beileve': to the fact that atier a funerHI there is' neve.. a leeling that . ~osis were excessive: When a fa:milY wantS the price limit set · at a d!.'finl~ minimum
w_ '
. 24 IIOUF
- =
SENTMJi:NT. If.we enjoy the con-
Main nnd Miami
',_ . ...... tt.., . eIfiIaal w eaIt _ ,..... . ..
. el«tdt dlyiog. ualDS forced alr from." . . . m~ blower fall. Iacreued petallltaJll of protein aDd cuoc.I . . Itl te~~ned b, thIa method u compancl CO .... cadtII: . ~ bay. hi cured U. abe mow thJi "7 • ....., . . . . . . can be reduced to • aWUm~ b711ain.da, . . ba~ II . the barn ~ the HmO day, U. haadu.". . . . . . .. lpallaBe or OVet-dty1ns ~ .bItter ba,.... Bara cutioS ·io ~ IIWUW - . . die ba, cool . . thoroughly cured, ' tbua eUmiaada. cbs daapr of ...... DIOUI tombUl/aoD, eaUN of 10 IUD, bara m.. Ali... ·
..................., .. aeub.: IwitallaDcL CODUDIIIloaecl br tl........ V ., .,.... ~ IMdIII 1M 'e1ee" d4i VIeII QeD' eartat , ...
7;ov" CD tM appetiZJa.. autddOlll, petaar ba, tIIIJ JIC ..... 11e<tdc bay. curioS equJpmaC WIt ·~III4 . f~·. , B~ aUlDg hi ~ thorouJb17 taItecI 1DICbod ....
Uer ~
,~ . -
'II1II iitorr of tbae . .d bow ~ leaneel to kee, traek of I&..~,... to .......),. It WU aot aaUillU allat tbe lint meclJaanlea1 elGIk ........t. Halleel u a 1IIQte~ tbII oIoe1t .till ope~teI aear Its .............., .. Par,la. U. balt'_, ...ear1 de Vlu. ... 'ere· . . . . . . . . , . . . . ·1kUItd "reaeb .•be bel,.. ....bllall tile warlll·'......
Mt.··. ~O r~JliteNcl ~ 1ft tIola& 'Nij_~"""4~
c,a Ut: J
!lmlla=~~rEi ·.I~ . roJ'l' .
curln, .y.le. w.lclI ,... 100...n. of .., • 10 . . . .
whosr vi " , .... n "ver fJ-h "er a r·o,I\'$, lescenl.
laave .... Ulere
",1;.'1 0 f"'~
immaculate, a. trs ctlv~ t flr. ..: ra nce this SP1'j , , ; Ing ::.uj !.... t~ . b s, suits, to \ ., j Ol' l'ElPid, {resL:as-new c1eanin. " and pressin!i. <> . , Dlrl\'Cr' O'flco l1 .
What Dl4 ThIJ 8tu4,1
a ~nnd
iii ,J'e
I iJe ~,~
• 010, 0'
time-:... . ..._,
'ud,. .tatta . . th fORlCl ala
to Lm. .tudy, tt takes worll. The call I. t t •.m. l1ece.. sl'J'. Of C;our.e. but It I. not
Here's Looking l\t Yon
. -~
IIIiroIa It, I . . .
CR£EK FRfEND! 'IT TAKES mora than a Clall at CJo4 David St;; nfieold. Minister .I to be a ChfllUlll1laader. It takal .
- - -.,:---'- : . _-- --
, . for .:
• • •
The Week of Dedication opened Sunday with Ii ~"! Sunday School , nd Church att ~ n uance. The serfnon theme wa ~ ''The Self Sur- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS rendered Life." During this week Alice Coleman, as preeldent of meetUl"'s f'1'e being held at the the Colored CIvic Leaaue of Frank. and in \'."r lnus homes--of lin to The Village of FrankU~ 1 ---......:.. t'hurch . the chul·eh . Nel< Sunday we hope ll)t in Franklin. Rena and George McDaniel to 10 hAve 200 in I e Sunday School NEW SUITS 1nd as many in the Church' Serv- Lillie Coffey. 0.10 .cres in Frank· Lester Houston .... ~. Randal lin twp. . ice. WiD vou make. it- a part of Minnie Thompson to RolNart Lilley. appeal. M.ple end Ma.pie The riv'll' 0, I"rflowed its banks your dedication lo attend both Eversole. 3 Iota In Franklin twp. .nd Meryl GNY. ~eYII. last Fridav, afi"'r a .heavy rain- I.'~ nrici:!s nex t S lJnday? llobert Eve'nlole to HOWIlrd fa 11. CQldeor wea her prevailed At.' l O:30 A. I''!'. we will hold a ThompllOn, 2 Iota In FTanklin tw;p. \lnfjl lIICcll'\ciav l'vc>ninll wh en !InHoward T.. Gerald 1.. .",d n+hp,r he!''''' F1>1I of Trun made the Com lunin SCI lIce and bring an " ffering for the work of our Oharles M. Cooke ·t o Howard T. river rise again. ",hurch in spre3ding the gospel eook\!. and SON. Iftc., 8 acrea ift nnd ministerin" to suffering 1'ortlecreek twp. . . Leon Salisbury Rnd family have people. The plan 3 for our Week of . J.J8"'Tencc 'ftnd Juanita ThomaDew est! d, 1 M b ." 'PelQzon tJ . and Gel'tru.1e Hellt" moved to Lvtl ~ ~"om Frank1in. . on was ' n ...e . w.1: ay y !!1I1'i4 ftrres in CJ8IIrenek twp. Fran], 1;"1,,, ., - .... ~h ased the Dr .,.n, ,,"ws pr" n-" "'f"nday evenlng. Our: G enerll l C r n fer~n~e meeting . Brorumn and Marie Bail!!y t . . . and is movjll ~ Int.> the same. Dr. Ellis will mQve ~o nis pToperty 011 Franklin road. -
The Waynesville Hi Ba.k~thall team spent FrIday In WHmington. attendln" the' > ClInton County tnumament. Several of the teams playing at the tournament were defeated by the Wnynesvllle team. Lee Lemmon and R,alph Smith left Monday for Spokane, Washington, and \toill take uo government land in Idaho. Several of the soldier' ooy nnmnd her e, it Is said, will
Lea6enbip Sc:bool
~A£SARS ~t"v .
..... 1'''-11, .... ' ..... .
1 107t~OJ(AL JlJlWKJ(OI II.~
Mr. and Mrs. C18J'-
ence Edwards, Tuesday March 18. 1920. a daughter. . ' :lOt • . Cartwrigb was drawn for thl'l Federal Gnuld J ..-OT, ....,. at ClnebUJatI, Saturday and D. L. Crane wu dra fo tit f th r f I! pert jury or e "+' ...,nn 0 oou .
Perhaps You Remember 1920. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Charles
to:30 I.m. ChoIr
r:holr Practice 1'IIursdiv 1:"5
- -------------From. Our F.ila. For March 17.
Sylvanus · Cnrnell I oing 'Il'ound lIg.ani, If>okln" >1 <; well as usual.
Misses .
The following cohunittee WitS P~ appn.lnted last Sunday t o plan anld ' carry out a social and l'ecreatiorl .. ~. MARY'S EPISCOPAf.. III pl'Ogram for ' the young people. Mr. Howard Brown, ChairmaJ~: -;Imuel N. Keys. Rector q :15 A.M. Mr~ . A. H. Stubbs, Mr. S. M. "l1urch Schoo" Ball. Mrs. Harold Earnhart anld ~ornln~ Worsblp t. :30 A. M. Mrs .. Russell Wilson.
Services conducted in the home, the chu«h, or as ' SQ often preferred: in Ollr chapel.
MEnlOQIST CHURCH The Childre.n's Easler practi(:e T. M Scarff. Mllli~er is n ow being h el don Tuesda:!ors ~. B. Coleman, Minister ~U"""v SchOOl : 9:30 a,m, after school ~.A. F.llnlhart. Supt. Church School 9·:30 I.m: V('I"'l1io Service 10 . :30 a.m. J. J, Burste. $upl The Choil' pra dtices e~ch Thurs"~lnr Serv1ce 1:'30 p.m: 'Worship and' Sennon day evening Rt 7: 30. .
of '"oun~ ho.,efu]s, whose names WI! forbear to mention,' attenrl.Pd the M. E. Church of thiR ,.,l!!!''! a~d annoved the services of the tn,eetin« by talkln~ and laul1!hin~. Tbe esxton had to take a !I@IIt bv fh ....,. lind 'hl~ immP.dhlte tlresen~ .,....,.."aA.4\ we t"l'm !nto some--
The Civic Club will meet i.n ~al the church dining room MondlllY Youth Fellows"I,
FI]es For March 15.
Qt~urr~ ~utbt . .
. 'Mtmc
A little of J ohn O~lesl>ee was bitten .bY a d g fDr. Creigh18'71 ton's: hi fa ce Waq badly mu1iMr. J . RandaU leaves tomorl7ow 'Mea, but n t dnn~eroll~ly . The r v d him fill' the' Ea.t; for the Jlurpose of dOl! di s1 afterward. laying m • supply of goods for l'igh t. No bl1sl n~s to be B. do~ . !l!Prini· and sllmnler trade. PerMr. .Joseph Hawkins Wll,q mar so~ having any money belonl(ing to this Arm .bout their olothes, Tied to a MillS Howe. on 111~ SUn.., will ",leue hllnd it OVeT to help day. Also ,. Mr. W alton of Sprine: gel the new ~oek. . f'1l1Iey, to :> Ml '~ Compton ; on . Mr. John Hawke hFl~ brough Thursday. ~arc.h 2nd. On the .l.. .. ",."nprtv nn F'if+l> ~· r~et. soH same da)' , Mr. Tsqac Wi1~on to ' . • .--. ~,•• ~ .T"l\rI 'l:'A·w·~d<; . fl''I' ~\';. C"'lT'h v ~AV mu('h happi~ ,.c .. attend, them. OUT
Ne~s From
World CouncJ1 of Church" named the 21th of March as a to receive an offerin,. Out of r. offering In the Methodist Church the 20th a portion wil be given through our mission I;IGIlrd (Ir Wor ld CO\lm:U work. Please dlo 'n ot get our church offering conlfused with one In the othE!r churches the 27th. ours Is Marc'h 20th and covers all.
• • •
Wilt It Still Work?
TilE METHODS JalUl taUlbt U, luit ". effective toda)' u UI~ ever "ere. Not aU churches nowa· dilly • .foUow' bls Une to the tetter; In fact. mOlt eburche. do not. But the badc princlples which Jaaua' drllled Into his ftr.t lravallD. ftpreseata· tlvel .rt! Itlll Ona II ..... .
• ........,...Ia ..e~O"
...., are req1Ilret1 to taIIe a rreat
clea, mlJl'e ecalllPllleat wHIa ..... . to lIIetr neld~ tIIaa _ ,air ef llloea, _ Clue "'''1
,.,.. yet ...
I!I" ..
CaD . . . , . . ., .
.., mJaal..,,- .. .., . . . , .. CldM'III' Ia Ko",,, ...., ..... l"'~'" faHII fnnI . .,. t. "yt
at ~"r
homes. . . billie •
(0 a- 1Iare,
Ia what wDI II" lOIIr 1Iu!lda7 tHcblDl ita ttne aDd IUCC_.
______________________________________________ __________ _______ ~
Another of Je-.. i prtnelple~ wa. cltreet Cloataot. Peopla are not 1I\'On to eMilt chte1ly b,. sermons 'from pulplts. but by In·the,bome contacts. Mlnl.terl kna.l tbll. mlllionarle. kIIow It; Sunu:r aehool to.chen oupt to know It . toO. Oeltla. acQUalnted wlth :,.our bola .ncl 1Ir"
17. 1"9
':, ml.J.IoII"
. _.0.-_. -- -
P.,.~onaf r/oie4 ----'-
Mrs. Robert Greene of Dayytm\
Rew 'Cow Bomb' Used ~-:=:----,::-:~---,Tbr;;-;~i;;rihe~"""i'i1~~~;;tI-~;-----;;;;---~:-ri:ii:;:;;~~:;~~;::;-::-~ Xenia, .0. 1712 or Farml'" WD.minatoD. O. 2382 ID Spraying AnimaIa \'""'A n idae I . would ' cdOhlo b .. th, firm., ImalltltU proporUon pry ,DDt Cl'JitaJl NOli .LJ,.U 1<;' 'w ay'. help. Ur.I ew6, ~.lectrlA~d per Hat. .:~~~.~~~~~~~~~~
by D ......·ftAIZER
According to .,ize and condition. All Stock removed promptly.
· called on her· mo.the.r, Mrs.' Lue Morgan Satur4ay evening, : Mrs. Hily Gjbson were supper 'su,esta of Mr. and Mrll, Henry Firick 'of near Waynesv:lUe last · evening.
JMr. and Mrs. Dale Fair and ' fCbildrep, and Mr. and Mrs. Elvis March winds and 'March snow .Mlohael of near -New Burlington and a little bit of March sunshine. apent Sunday afternoon with Mr. One day that the sun shone and Mrs. Hily Gibson. everywhere you looked people wlm~ out cleaning up their yards, Mr. and Mrs. Tom &operis of raking and' burning trash and enDayton sPent Sunday with MI'. joying the spring sunshine, ' and Ml's, Al·thur n.ockholder and People weI'e cleaninil their famUyy. ' ,. yards but , ~t was not doing anything to clean up the trash along . Mt;. Raymond Lucas of Wil- our highways. It- is awful the ~lngton called on his motheI', amount of old Pl!per and Mrs. Anna L4cas on Monday af- things caught along the highway , ,Iernoon. fences. How do they get there? People throw Ithem out . of \cars M~: and Mrs. Bill Halin. and and trucks. One day I saw a man 'da4lhter' of Cleveland, ~. Har- who looked like a salesman stop; old Kellis an~ son, Bill, of near the side ~f the road, open his case, dean out a punch of • Springboro, Mr. and Mrs: a'nd then throw them out Johnson of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. witidow of his car. l!;very. Charley Householder of Springin a while you see a delivrey field, MI'. Thomas Runyon, ·Mr.• "':UCKIIUlfi gather up a bunch of Pete Runyon. and Mr. and Mrs. and papers and throw them Henry Berges of Beavertown the highway. Between caUed on Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Highway 73 and Lytle on T-own Morgan this past week. ship Road there are at least- thre~ places ' where people have dumped old Un cans and trash Isn't there something which we can do about It Isn't there something that we can do 'or RAY to ml;lke people have more pride in keeping our countl:yslde" clean March Is mallbo)! ' mopth in Monow County according to the Ohio Farmer and that seems a very good Idea to rt:le. How often you go to look for someone NORRI8 G~OCK COMPAN'f but there is no name on the mailC'n,,'nne" Union Stock Yar<1. bx and you bave to drive into" 1.Iye Wlr. 'and ProDr•••lye. half a dozen places to ask before .'aa"l.atlon .aoond lo nan •• . you can find 1hem when a neat :atr'ot,., .ell." on the oelt cle\U'ly marketd mailbox would taken you to the rigl\t place .all around market In a... at GIlce. It would be a gteat help "U"tno. aERVICE THAT a"TI&FIEb to the postman to ~speciany new W,HlO na"ton 12: 50 It. 8. '1'. men or substitutes. Qne of the DIal hI.. WLW CwolUn:. , other magazines recently had an tI:40• .DtaJ 700. tor l'aJl.Ic.le on the things that you can Wybt ~l. help the postman. Uttle
' I spent a l11:onth once uPQn a time. up in the mountains of ColCOMMON PLEAS · orado where we aboul ten Donna Jean H1all, a minor V1I. mileS from the post office and Cha.rles Hall, plaintiff granted where'thel'e was no rural free de- I divorce. ljvery. About twice a week someClaire Scofield V8. Emert\()n Sco· one went in and got the mall field, de1'lmdant ordered to pa.y Thete was a telephone '50 If you ,7,50 pel' week temporary alim'~n)', also to pay $50 tor attorney J~8. wanted to reach osmeone at the temp(ll'ary" restmining 0 r d e r. ranch more qu.lcklyy, y~u wrote against defendant during pendEmey the message on a postal card and of ciase '. C8Te of rilinor sent it to the postmastAjr :wh.o tele- mC1tlter ~ • ' , phoned 'it to the ranch.l How often . Freda . S. Bost" admlnistra1~X, do we think of .what regular JIlBil ,of the estMe of Albellt R. Starke. service means to us? Of courSe it dec'd, VB . Agnes Griffee, case dis· meanS a lot of advertisements to misSed without IIeOOrd.' be thr.own in the waste basket, The S. & Y. Construction Com· but it means. a 10t of more pleas· pany va. Charles and Canrie I<1a .. Weintart, judgtlmant to pleintiff ant things too. . f or $1500." , It always· surpl'ises me to ,find PROBATE bow many families there are who Estate of Lee O. I5mith, d.Ml'd. never wdte any le;tters Unless Beri;ha Smith, 'Ild'l1'llnistl!u.trix. 1:i1QC) thexe is a death in the family her first and final account. and ' not always ,t hen. Children Estate of Walter E. Friand. who never write horne to their !lec'd, Charles E. Bogan, adml:nls. parents once. a. year. Br-others trator, inventory appro,ved. and' sIsters. who do not ~ven know Estate of Anna M. Kirby, d<ee'd, the are and frlends Charters D. M'Ilple, executor, In· who never even send • postcard. ventory Jlearing' 8fJt for Marcb 23, can be a pleuur 'that it at 10 A: M: is too bad that people let them b e Estate of CoraM. Ralght, iI.~'d, crowded out of their Uves,Chal'ters J). Maple, administrator, inventory hearing set 'for March 23 And how apout the Red Cross? art; 10 a. m. Have you given your thare yet? . Estate of Joseph D. Reed, Jr.) Be ready for them wben- they ~~c'd, :fl'ederick Reed, executot·, R. come to you and if. \hey don't "E, LeRoy, George Gutos /lnd b'red find you hunt them up anq. gIve Meeker, .appointed appraisers. Estate of EliubeU! BownOl&n, My-way. dec'd. EI1!rWOrl.h Willis Bownnan, eXSC\ltor, elftite exempt inburlt'anee tax. 'Estate of. Jennie Ford, . d~'d. Della C. Ford and Dor.Ia F. pn u. co-8lI!'llnistratrices, mt'llsiel' of HORSES 6.00; COWS $5.110 1'_1 estalte, <Sale of p9l"!l0nal p.ropAccording to' Size erty. . ond Condition. Estat.e of C. W. Collier, d4!c'd, CaU .
Xenia 454 Reverse Cbarges
Xenia Fertilizer
.Iohtt..Manvl'" " ......., neetI " . .. .rY. . . .
r. year 'rau"" proceq:lon al~d ioaeued co.fort. ,et J ·At Shingles. They reqUire' DO preservative treatment and last in· definitely. Let us pye fOIl lID es timate today. (
See our bit Sprint S/IcM'"g of .frig'dql,. Home Appllol1!>o~ See on .... mOdern COII¥a~anc.l · and f otv,.S YOII ge' I~ America's "flrst Family" of "itchan and laundry appliance .. t'
Lea,,, about th.... FRIGlp~IRE ·Gppllanc..
, . The WapJeSYiUe t . ,.
J • •
, ~.
. e · .eflleeraton • EllCIrlc Ronll.1 • Avtomatlc Wa ..l1e,
'Lumber and -Supply COl. .
• EIecIrIc W'" HeattH ' . , ~IKtrje ' Cloth. . Ory r . • E1edrIe Iro_ • HOtIIe "..:1..... Eta,"lc D~umjd I. . . . Kite,*, eoltlnefl aftCI Sinlel
'racticallor Spray . '
A n.... llIIIin.t clI\llnfeCtant de'I1ea, ..U.4 the "lacomfat COlV boDIb'". t. >DOW avallallla lor lIN aD u.. nook. TIle cow bomb II u.ac1 to ,pp11 • depclll& of dfl' DD'r 0l'1ata1a to tile ball' IJl\t hid. of lIvettoc:k for Pr0tection a.aln81 the hom ~, bOUle flJ', ItIble fly, eatlle lice. ttoU.
mo.qulloel Inel eertaln &IIIII'''' , ..otl.
CreaJlled ..Imon and pea. 811 and top hat IA"" blscultl for a Lenten .aln eoans. with ilieH hard cooked e.,a ,aJ'lllah. No nead to wait for lummer berrie. to have .horteakef I!;nSoy ! temptlnll' hot biscuits filled. with creamed salmon and v.getabl•• al the malll dish theae Lenten day•. Favorite breada make meatlell meala l welcome to ~our family. . Use enrlehed ·tlour to make up your favorite biscuit recipe, for I then you include six-way nourishment in the menu: protein, Iron. . lood emirlfY, and three B·vitamins. Before cutting . out biscuits, dip tile biscuit cU,tte.r In Hour to bep the dough from aticking to it. You'll want to clit the biscuits nice and bill'-abOut three or three and one·half Iflches in diameter-when they are· to be used, in ,the main dish. Bi~cui(s contai~lhortenl~, .. the ueeta on which they're baked do not bave to be 8h&'acL Ella. bl_lta can be lerved u a bread. or eaten wiih jam or fruit ..uee u a .!mllle. nutritious deSlert. . Thl••llImcake Idea can be varied. Sometime. cut the rolled-ou' 'dourh wltll I Iharp knife to ",ake Iquare biaeuita. Often youl1 want , to Wle other creamed flllinlts-meat. poultry, Qr seafood-to make • variety of tlIrlfty, .. tidyinr: main diahea. BISCl1lT SHORTCAKE • WITH CREA¥EO SALMON AND PEAS
,Dr7 QDT goes Into lUapenllon m water lei. re8dlll' than a~ ou.. form IIIcl wlthaland. rain more ct..lrablr. It contalnl no 011. to caus. bumlq or to help DDT penetrau the 1IIcIe. The DDT partlclM an mforoacoplc in,.lze a,ocl1hUl ...... lDlount eover. a neater ana ~ other torm •. 11 II laid OIIe lac:omtat eo", bomb will tre.t appt'ClldmataJr 100 cattle with the I:eaommended 10 ••eand tnatment. It povfdes pro- • tectlOll tor cattle OD J;l8lture for a1ldut three "aek. under avera"" eaaclltlOlll. To help prevent lice m· ffttaUoa, pI'Opb)olaeUo treatment or aU aMltlorut to the bani sa recom· mended. . 1'ba Iaoomt.t cow c~ ... 'IIMd on 4BlJ7 and bed latue. bo... hCINII and' Ibeep, l 10. 4 '"blnpoO~lklb_iIIt Tbe procedure recommtllded far ~ to V. <1I.p m,1 • cr.lmid u(mo" 1M pea. ' (or 6n,". _ sa 10 CCI".r ·the ltoQ .. till Aheet ln hot oven (460 de,reea F.)' anlmal ·wltII . palnt aprtIJar mollOlll at trc.D 11 to 18-lIlch:.uaancu; for 10 to 12 minutes. Mak.. about elltht three· Inch bllC1llts. I Ie.. IIIIIT 8-8 inche•. Total time par For BllICult Shortcake: Split .bl.. «lOW sa '11Kiu& 80 aac:ondl. , culta in ha).f and lerra with AdYanta,'1 of the ~b Inlll,",. c!lamed peu .nd .almon. Gar· mfc:rcuop1c coatln, 01 eaeh baJr and the blde of the aulmal with tile ftIsh platter with hard~kH an DDT parUcle.; leu iJalh-df u .uc... ' comparacl wItb wattable powder .....' dudl, more equal r •• ults; ' uv•• ' twp. cho~ Urn •• and oan be cIoDe willa Ollie F. BNDdenbllr" DO JDla:InI, cleanlnJ or fUll. 'Wald to C. M. •nd Bertha Bran· denburl', 1 lot In South Lebanon. The Franklin Liona ~1ib, Inc., to 'l'he Board 0'/ EducatIOn ~ the a...!,,-,,:;,,~_ _,:"""_ _ _ _ __ ~In Exemptlod. ViIlall'O 'Sdhool I!)Istrlct &f Pranklill, Oblo, 2 Iota ~ jn Ji'nmkl1D. .Edward C. Nickell to Arley T • Hucbon, 1 lot in FrankUD. JeNe Mentz to Lee aDd Mildred E1ry, 1 lot In Fanrklin twp•. Tbomu Alfred and ~ataI~ S. Scott <to Joeeph H. and AmJa,beUe Barker, 3.09 uretI In Union tw1/. S. C. Willougbby ~ Marie WUI· ollg'hby," lot. in South Lebanon. Charles Oalv.ert to Klmllet}! Uld R~ Manning, 1 lot III Deerfield
.lIttd t,"i(htd .flour ,JI CllPi tnt_, balt;n. powd.. IUlpootI .1It
Sift to,.ther ttollr; baklnc puwdcr Incl aalt. Cut or rub In shorten. bur until mixture. i. crumbly, Add milk to mue a loft doulI'h. Tum out on Iilfllt1), ftouJ'ed board and 1mead ~antl)' 80 aeeondl. Ron out o....half Inch thick. Cut with flcnnwcl b11cult cutter or.harp Iadfe. Bak. on aqreued _kine Florence Collier appointed ad· minlstn.trix, Ross H. 1I&rtaoc1t, Luther Hartsock and William A. Luken:ll, appointed appralll8l1l. . ~etate ot GeorfC M~)e, dec'd, Bessie Treiner, admlnistratrhc, dis· tribution In kind. Estate ' of Richard' E. Bullock, dec'd, Freda G, Bullock, executrix, inventory approvedi Estate of Anna E. Nixon dec'rl, W. <Jhester M.aple, e:lecutor, inven· licJry approvecL E~tate of Cora M. Haight, dec'd, ChalIter~ D. Maple" adminiS!ntor, estate ~xempt Inheritance tax. EState of Frank •. Beal, dec'd. Peayl A , Deal, executrix, inventory ~earing ~t for Ma1'dl 26 at 10 a. iii.
REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Major J, E. and :pd Edna WIDi1nd Frederick to Ftoedericlc P. W·lrth, 25 acres in Harlan twp, . . Howard Wid V'ma Putby to CledUl David lJamb," 60 Iq }lOl• in Corwin. , Mildred Plmdery. trustee, to stanley M: and Mlldred Wolf, 1 l in' Deerfield .tWp: . HO'woard .ll'.. ~Id L. and Cbaorles:. M. Poo\ce to H~W&rd T. Cooke !!lid $0.111, . Inc., 3 acres h, Turtlec:reek <1Iwp, • Bert ani! Reba TuDller to' Virgil B'; and Adeline Colaton, .1 &ere , in W4lYJl4! twp. ' , ~ George" and J_1e ,Krager to Vincent A. Walter and Allthur G, Xasb, 1 lot in Union twp. . W, W. Shurtt to Vincent A. W-a1ter. 1 l~ in South · loe~n • .. Gerald a~:IOma Mwphy to WII. liam H. Jr., Pa.uline Smith, 1 acre
. ... .. ...
Dal.-. ......... .."...rator I I
'M·. . . . . . .~~~ M ............... .., ...... ~ Malar m_ •••a ....
I ___ l ....... '
ocha. . . . .· '/
Automatic Washer with Uv.·water Action '
ONY ""Wan
ha. Uve-WateJ
action. Was".1 elo..... c1e anar. ..... . . . twtce In 'clean, cIeor ...." ·Al-pcrielaln ""'de and , out.
....... ! 'y\fj .'!~~!e~~ ••
MIAIUIL 11'. IIIOrlced ................. lablnpoont unci _ e . - a ."",1 - " . . . . . IiIIdoeos 11'1 .-a cIuoIno . . l'rIehIan ~I Shawlpg.
·'11 Wall Paper and Paste and SIzin, · G.' E:"BulbI - N~ Enamel KemTone
Wayaesville .furniture &App6ailee .Co. SoIA . . . SInII . . . . fro.
Fairley Bdwe. Store PMOl'JlO' "441
_m\I\I_ _.I._lrul\IUI_~II~I~IIIIII~~• •I _ _IlI.
" -..,;
SPECW $2.05 each .,
thou'" ,...
oIII.r feature. you Other Mod.l, "am " '154.~ ~~J , , : .~"
~ 1411
Most et Ill. coW'. troubl•• eaD .. traced to heat and humld1t1. A COW, unlike a
bum an
·e.u·pttQIIN Ito "'-
only throu,h the mouth.
and humJdltF Ill-
on N F L.A
FIM ....p T".:
M.porc.laln -Cook·Moster Ov.n Oock Conlrol- Ev.n-Heat ~." "'pie-Duty Thermlla, and " many
American daSr7 farmar. 118ft leamed ' that .om. dJlcontented tOWI. Uke - lome c!l.~ODtentad women,· can be ~1va u -U ..
You can pay ,ifanVfim;.-:-il~1ie-?::~~~~~~~a~n~d~~. 'Long (ferm 4% No Re-neV!al bOl~n-'DarUI:uIllrlJr at ml1km, time. A Farmers guarantee of S6CUrl,ty TheS, department of'·, ...... cullw:e- la,.. an averare c,nr· 1fNs Made Th~ugh oft almotlt .a .plnt ' ot water. eVHf hoUr ~oup ,reath1~.. In..addltlon to the hlih IiUlDSdUy c.t1tell. by.' W. Le ' . L:-"~ • e • breathlo" a ~'" )la. an ' exlremtJ7 ' hlrh, ~ gmperalure. 1 ' 11 S. Broad",a1 ' Durin, the, winter,' mootbt wba U8 the cow. ar. III the bam motlt of tbe L~banon. Ohio time. thla 1000blnaUon rewta '. . ••_~_._.";._.M....._._..; ...._._ •••- th. ,eoaraUoD at an enormoua amout or _tar ·vapor ao4 !;Int.
Wuhable Lamp ShadeS , Frlgidalr. D. lu~. , Et~tric Rang. .
a..-. .... .
the . warm.
com.. wto contact with' the cold walla~ COIlde~atlon and fra.t formed. The ne. I'UIIlt· II! the : 'armen I. rottlnr lIeama. jout and IldJni: a losl of b.,. beoauae of the mold cre~ted b,. moilture and ' ti:Glt; milk c:ontuilblatlon, «\I.eulie, : par· dewarlY amoll, .1\le yolln, .loCSk;raducUon- of millr procluc~on be· cauat or UIa dlaeomfon to cows. anel farm.,. Ilfe forced 10 'work un • fer -"!Pl...anl ecmdltlon.. ,.
• •lPholP~te Belli.'lf Por Sugu hat Fertility·:;. . ~
,I. the
HI' 1 _ Of OI!olPbate when used
u a fartI11zer for .urar beets. ' ",blat and .buler, accordJnll to Dr. .....llna B. Ollen. USDA loll
.c:lenttat .n.4 Robert ·G ardner. QI'OIIOIIISIt a. tile Colorado MM ..... uparimeat .tatioa.
vartOlll terti• radlo.ctlve P!lotliDdlcate that calcium .l1)etll"
. . . . GOII~
1hoIPba.. ,... • cloIe •• eo.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE MlAM I '(a'ZITT!
March 5. 194!~ Enai"eer . of Sel.. LepI Copy No. 49-15 UNIT PRIClt CONTRACT Suled propoaaIa will be ncei"d at the effia. of the ' SUte Hlah-,y DlrMltor of Ohio, a\ Columbus, OMo. untll U):OO A. M .• Ohio
ftJRMLB lJIO Ford , door aedan, radio
s eat
coveN. Thla bI a nice car. Everett 10. I5eara 1 ~e w~ of WQMnille Route 78, ))hop8<
Tueedey. Maf'Ch 29, 1919, for provemetltl in: PropoNl~ No.. 1 to 10 indUlin' 4 "" offered a. one· ptojllCt and
will be ....rded a.
I'!'opoIaI No. 1
Althoqh , the local Spartans' '49 hoop season i8 now hletory It'a _. oo:oy fair .~ point out that their defeat at the han~ of a goOd, and
IlIJreIIlve New Vienna .. . the lAme club that i. the first Clinton ~.~ioi3:' ~~ Coimyt quintet in 17 'yeara to TOWftIhI1l. ",. applyina a bl.tumiMUI the regionals to be held at lrMtment. Itam T-32. Sprlnsfield (0) .. . was not totalPDV~.nt : Width 20..feet. ly unexpected as "smart" money IAacth 25.S44 f.t 0' 4.80. mill... b PropouI No. a around Wilmin gton (were youn BUtler County. Ohio. CIa SectiOll ~ .OO truly baa other bUlinesa interest.) (Part), State ROIItIe No. 732. III RuB,. wu all for Wayneaville's eventTa~~ip, by applyinc a bltuminoua ual conquere...•. Most fair-minded treMmll1t. .I tam ToSl. , ' rt • . . UI tba C h Pav.ment: Width 18 feet. IPO Ian. w agree to' oae Lenlllh 14,30.8.8 f.>t 01' 2,71 mU... Ed Porter certalnly got the most Propoeal No. 3 out of the materJal he inhe.r ited Butler Counq-. Oblo, on Section 0..00, and the story that reached this Stai. Route No. 129. in writer conce;"'~-" a particula·r bit by app)yiq • bttuminoua tr..aa.nt. ...... '6 ~ Row and Reily ToWMhIpa, of diacipllnary action by tchool Item T-31. . authoriUe••• being the diff~Pavement; Wldth 18 fMlt. ence between the two clubs In
NOTICE The holDe of O. B. Marlatt wiU be 0I*l, for inlpection Saturday ud sunday Afternoon and eVe-
ONl!: CENT PER WORP ; mitlilnllm charge, 26 "btL Contract raf.e for repes,t advertisement. upon appllc .ti on. .
aacl ......;.1Ood Urea, new
fit ~IPit.ftI\'1",. . -
07 to hli holM III
.pendlnl • _ k with hi. QIOtIltr, lire, Or. Welch. Ilid brother Tom Welch Ind Mre, Welch.. - .., lIembel'l of tbe CiVIc Leap. . were S"urday evenlll8 r u••" of , f Mre. A. S. Collett at her , 1wme t ittle. MIIII Shal'on Doster, 0 Ith III Elisabeth Clark . . . . . SpI'ln!rfleld waa last week'lI gueat w III Th ro m wu of her .rrandparentll Mr. and IIlstlne hoetes.. e ~ rra M H bert D o ' preJenteci by Mill Ol.rk. rs. er ',r .ter. . . Mra. Laur. Shldatel' wa. 'hc)l\. elch t:etumed Thurs- ell to the W. S. C. S. Thunday afternoC)n at h,r hOJJl" Community CI'1b met Wed.Ilet. dlY 'evenlng in the high scliool gymnaai\1m . T. S. Townsley. of , Wilmington presented mC)tlon plcturee of hili recent trip to . So~th Mar ~arn of Du ortlNrd America. H03ta were RhC)dea Bun· . Kldue), Aet lon " nell. Chari ell DoBter and Tom l.fodom III. wi t h Ito hurry 0- •• -0 ,
.J "Nl!'1 JJ. 6buM .
~[...rl!\~~~I~I~k ~n~:~~~.; r~'I'lni
W&~ .
J. P . TlIornberTY' wa' hll.te.s to the \If'elCDme Bible ..s CIIIII of ' Jon.b's Bun Church Friday evening at the panona...,. Methodist Yo 11th FeUo'WIhlp of nlng. , Immediate poaseSsion. Al bert ~tt. ~T~od.P:~;~;,u:.~IP~:;;;-~~L o:t~:.u:.~t!·~ t hb dlmi'ct WIt held SUndl), eYe' nlll8 In New Burllntrton ' Church. ~ r kldn"r Dr bladdor d loord. r " .• _. , • - -"..,.:...--,.tim .. bumbll. IIeIDtl" or too r""~U3IJt .'111'1. A. S. Collett attended YDUtB- , grln.llon. Wayne Fal· OluJl at Methodillt Try D.q ..•• pill.. 17.....·• h.lp ~h. \VI~ BANDLF. ALI. AM E. RIC AN STANDARD FIXTURBS 1. 1fI!IIIi.~.I.ctdcal wlriJJC .fa? I will kidney. Lo PI" olf h,i"'lul rlCIIIfI \l ady Church In ' Wayne!Sville Friday. Mr. .... te. Tho, h "D had IOOJ. Lha. balr • . . . . - wtriDa .......-Rou.. W ir. ftDtW'1' at .pubU1' pppr-o vIS1. Me rer,Om w and . Mr.. .Ernellt Butterworth meadta by lrl\h~w " scMi (/O"Y"-lht'f (o ~ ............ Quiclt ~ce. E d A .. _ , ..!ghloor/ ' ' were hoat and hottesl. S aa11.. NoB. (If WII)'JlM' .... M.... Bertie Mill •• of WIYII'" "ule .t ~ Hanacmy Grove School vlUe WM Friday gile"t of Mn. WAYNESVlLLE; OHIO 8 - . ~ New Bu~~nlwn 306, pnONE 21 74 T lIu;a Shldake'l'. . 'We are happy to report ?obi. Lenath 4~re:o.~ 11.63 mia... pure unadulterated balpney. True 1~~~g~~~~~~~~~ ,Sadie Reason, who j ll III It t~e I'OR8.u& Nancy Ann SettlcmYI'c of neal' Butler County. 0,,10. on s.ction our lad. were " fired-up" for the home of hel' dau~hter, Mrs. Ell" v ~ Guernsey ~uU Cal- . fro tll'IIl M1'3. M. A. Ful kerson Lebanon was a Tues day oVllrnight State ~ute No. 126. In Morpn tourney but even the beSt of heatHockett In Wayneavllle 18 'lJIuch ea. Some ready for IIel'VlCe. Sons ol.enllrl the\l' ha mEl on Friday ev('· uest of her g randparents. Mr. ~.. Townlhips. by applyiDI a ing plants cool and '10 to the 'improved In health: ' of our ~enl .lire LpngYfatel' Com- ning for the ~IaTch meeting of th ll Mr~. L. C. ' St . .lobn. tumlno•• treatment, ltam T-31. · members ' of this ve. ilr's squad I Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker and Pavement: Width III fNt. . 3 manclo. Royti ou,t of AR tested Wost WaYne Advisor y CO U11Cil. IAncth 60.508.8 fer.t or 11.46 say, t·pou fought 'a g.Jfight'; but t1aughte'r. Evolyn Tucker, were Dam.. Write NU-MAID FARMS, l'Iit.h Q full a-l;ten~I'nc Mil wit!- Miss Ru th Earnhart , d.ughter Friday guellts of Mr. and , lire, ~ No. 5 give eredlt to the victors." Isn't 101 !1 Pearl St, Cincinnati 2, MI. lind Mrs. Cnr l Petstick , D ~ oC Mr. and Mrs. Harold II. EarnJames Park and femil,. of ClndDOhio. gupsts. MI'. Gjlbert Frye II'(I in th p hart , has had the very f ine honor Butl.r County. Ohio, on SectIon 0.00. it far better to aIlcribe your loss Route No. 748. in . . . . . ~ to a ·good team rather than ..... to nati. " li:s cU$sion on vn "lUlI topics nnd of being selected a3 a member of State R_ TowmhJpe. by IfPIIl1iDI • b l"I . A daulhtI!Jr. ~borah Jean. wal following ndjOUl'nl ent a soe ial t he Grand C:roSI! of Colon. be- tull\itIDUI trwatment. ltam T-32. alibi a defeat to a poar club? !'OR 8ALB . . horn to Mr. and Mn. Ralph Nul. hOll!" "a~ erijoyed \v.i th liain ty rei cause of dlstingulsbed service In Pa.¥ftII't: Width 1<4 feet. . Durin, my active ball-pJayirig 2 NEW bome-made RUGS. 2 fn shnwntl! ~erved .' y the hostess. he Supreme Council of Rainbow Monday evening. In St. Ann's HoslAncth ~G.729.6 'feet or 5.82 mll_ days when the oppolinJ hurJers HPURS: hi1'cl - - . 1 wuhing machine. pital, Dayton . ~_ . f OI" Gir l • . The degree will be eonB..d~r Co~t!.~ ~' 1!5.91 faMed me (and they did too 9·12 Me h~ Call 25M Ben · Srnlth.. . ' . . ferred at a la\er date. lb. and Mr• . Al·thur Martin re(Part). State Routa No. 129, its ''aiJo.. muchl) 'I'd alway . . . y 'th!at W8& a Followlnl; ndJllul Ime nt. damty _ 1.5 aft:8~. . .capt: Wedne1c1a7 tUl'ned Saturday to their hOlJlp_ field met LIbertY TOWDIIal~ b7 apreal pitcher' .. . and occulonally 7-9 Saturday . .aahtl rl1r" (>. hm en~~ of f n lt nnd cake The New Century Club will rneet WAH'l'BD near Alex"ridria. Ky.~ after havwr'l'? l~" ·rtl ~ t l lloat ess and on Fr,l day . March 24. at the bOlllG plyin, a bitum1noua t1NtD*It, ltam when I buateQ one fd stlll . aay Other IVlftinp by ApolDtmMlt 500 Wect brieka. Pholle 3143. Ing Ipent a week with their ItandWidth ' I~";' . the same . . . get the Idea! . her n ~Ishnh 1~. Roy Ol.ark and of U ~S. E lsie 'Hoc\tett on Main TELEPHONE 62.R Street. Lmlth 24.129,6 feet· 9' 4.57 mil... BOb Hunter, one . of Wayneslion, Mr. and Mrs. (Buater) ' Mar.~ DON'T FORGET TO CALL \\frs . .R 8Y ~hJnou8. ' . . Propaeal No. ., journeyed to Cincinnati to US for insurance. All types of tin and son. Doqlu. ~tler County, Ohio. OD Section 15.91 over the U. C. campus . '. . ~ InSurance at a savin~s. Ca ll IIrs. Etarl Froet and IIlsi Gnce (Part). Stata Route No. 129. In :Libis Interested in an eJliIneer Francis Gene Brown'. phon e Smart .ere In DaytoD ~ NCelltIJ. , '~ll [; I !,~' ~iD::='U I=l~. ' bI· ing c:oone and of co\U'S~ the fact Wa vnbville ~4 72 or call Mrs. Edna C. BOIID, mUlle PavelMllt: Width 18 feet. tbat ~ my ole pal John "Socko" collect. WUniil1gton 2 t 11. v ptometri, Ere Specialull 8upervilor of our echool 11111 th~ Lenath 24.129.6 feet or ' 4.57 mU . . Wletb.e, bead buketball mentar ~ /It. /2.(}'2~t. "r I { I("I of her pupll.a attended the IIlIllial I'OR SALII · '. ~ ,No. a " at the ClIfton Ave. institution. had Solitb Detroit. ~tr.. el Butlei' Countn, Ohk!. OD Section ' .91 one of the nation'. b ~ 't hOop lIST Chevrolet Tudor Sedan. Southwestern Oblo MUlle: Featival. (Pm) , St.tI · Route No. 122. in c~'''''''o~ the ftm" two ____ ft. lMwln Ramby.. phone 2~5. mN~A, OHIO on the calJ\pUI 9t Mllmi UnlnrLemon Towna\dp, .,y apPtyiac .. bl· :a....... I' • ....... ,"""""'" tumiilOus tr..unent. Item ToSl,. doesn't stop Hunter from making '3lty at ' Oxfonl, SaturdlJ. The, Pavement: Width 18 fwt. , his decision. Wiethe demand. one . ' !'OR SALE were MillS Marilyn ~nley. pllao lAqth 7,392 taet or 1.440 Drill... thing Bob .'a ........ aslv:eneas".mce letter reque,sted 1ft. cas donatipns Westlnghou_ Sweeper B Good Pros-al t:'fo. 9 • -~ ' could not be made. I would like solo. MISII Myrna Mlracl.., YOC!al 'Cooditlon--$15-Phone 2151 alter WlmIII ~ounty. Ohio. _ Sac:tiOD I ~.OO, that one word best describes the to int out that none of the aolo and Howard Dolter. bultolie liP. It State Route No. 350, \o-TurtJa C;,. fonner National League profes- I po funds ti1lzed for the Townlhlp. tiy applyina a bitumlDOUI :>ional football star. who alao um- .~iiue , __L wefre u ring - ..d born. .··.t-t, 'Itam T-3:Z i-'" min 1 ball d"'" IoeU OUS ..... 0 prepa Re,. and MJs. 'J am.. Rader ia· FOR SALE OR TRADF - corrP t : Width t '",Nt. ., no" or eague an co..... mailing the 99 letters . . . The plete Shoe Repair Out fit • - ; 15.:Z59.2 f.ct: or 2.89 mUes. have, reached the majOt'IJ ,xcept Twin Theatr~ donated these funda ¥ited ,even coupl.. to be ~ ~ fllo. 10 ' ! that he wanted to pursue a law __ I .........., sb uld bave ~..ts at a dinner Thanda,. .... . w1 ttl eoD' e s,t oak. \'Ii ll Warre.n Cou1!ty, Ohio. on ~ rareer ... whJc}t he does at pres_ so DOnna& eo ... - I 0 nlng at their bome. 1I.1I t outritlbt or t rade State ·~o,'t-.· NI). ~Sf). ill Waahlnaton ent, ranItin& amon, the Queen prompted mOlt of the plaYeNi. lnPour it over hal ~ c.old cer_I., . or .w.r freth fruit.. U.. It W. P. lIeCal'ren ntum... SU1\md TUrU" Crerk To ........ ",... ( ... best "ft" barrlatera. stead of just a ffIW to · mum the tor Car .' Call -Ge.rmant o""" ""ith pu~dlng, a,.~ ••.."., And by oIJ· 1MCIft1, use It fOr • 1>lylq D bi"''''' M!U' tl'HUMllt. ,Item' t:';!_Sk" hl_!fJ- oa , "" self-addresSed mvelopa. ~- da,. 'eveDiac to ctnciautl by plane ~oad ..c,uP of coH... lorden', f,.. h cream. "Not!!r.·, tcutft!tt 249~-2 ToSt. . OV\: 0 W ".II name was •. v~en · , ' 1ra~" on hiuid fr~m lis ~inter bome In Ft. P8""o,!I.nt: Wllith 18 feet. "iri\ when bis own Alma 'M~ter way With $55,00 a >q . • trea'! ' malee. molt anythinG 'o"e belte,l Surprl.' eCoj ~ '~P"' ' ..t or,,-S:1i1 mil~. ,X avier UniversIty wu maJdng the ~eroUl .dO(\ltloDII from F~lrley' .. Lauderdale; Fla. Ill'. . and Nr,.: nomlca'. 100/ , Mr. 'aDd lin. Robert Bt-llce of Total ~ con ...... ;.. " 8+.299.50. '1 ad'in I th HI.; 'tIt1...1 f Stan , Ba'lley, Ray Kier, Bob Charles Gordon ..retulJled him t'4I ~i Ncia: 1 10 Iaduai'n of ' C '. os. n e ry. v · es or Planck Jimmie Miller, Irv :MulRamllton were SUllday guestll 'of .. 1/ Ir5; BORr:H N " I f ~~" . [l I ' , ~. ~/' A, tIU project to be oomptetad not . latar stoPP!nt'l such teams as indiana r rd 'd BiU Sa elled the his homel • bere. I M • ancfMra. Ray M~i RO~ f '!len Au (l('I'it to 1949. '. pnd CarnegIe 'T'enh ' was B whale 0 an wy,r IlW Th~' ",lttkmlm -at to be paId to of a lin~ be~des an all sum to $113.01,' Partlalpaymen;a , m Il1bo~ .mp1oyM Oft tbia . COIJtract around athlete Wleth .is on were then made. to .Fairley I ' h81l be .. .-rd8_ with the • e e ($25) Cin Ath. GOode ($35) and' ., '''Schd UJe 01 PraYailinz Hourly Wap sweU feUow Bob and I hope that i· Co' (."Il) •..u\. flO .t." ~••;:~t":nln~;l and ~ by l'oU have enough ability to play Dayton ~ .. L • ..,.... he 'Oep~l'tr.'·nt of I~ HI' under him" at least he knowa of being refunded to Bob Planck as ,tiona appl\e..b1. to Stata 1111111-' d' ed b that peraon bad contributed $25 ' :In , rt''; _ f l-~aiu In a,eCOrd <I OU as in leat y my recent 'd the lea gue .ow -'"'c1 1 __....a ,,' ,' -r tI Wi.'" him h' an I . ,Olla--'" - WIth SecdoIft 17-3. 17-4. 17...... cr:>nveraa qns <II • ., es .... that cbfr one in I 7:5 and 17-5a of the> o-raJ Codr - v lawyer too! ex-cep.....g mu om Congressman Seventh . Ohio. . K Pick t J dlvidual. This then lett ..,.01 ~ · '-"1' bllt"~ ~.•ukut with ' hi~ . enny . en wan s to p ay the tlU but yesterday's mall , .j a c~t.ln<.d cback ia the .._ , ba11 with a. Dayton ,dub, this sea- broush $10 from the Ente~ ~vbli II a I~ .IIabit. B, laarintr Ohio . D1~tr1.c t mal to fl". ~r cent 01 thIi 1IItI· -"Yl. 8S he s too old to ~ompete f ·~ Co D yton 0 iOl! pq- aa· account ,.-Itb ..·•• 10U ·have . • ' -I Cott. but in no . - t, _ with ·the lOcal Amerlcan ·' Lnkion Roo Ing " . a. • .' the P.A ' aecurity for the flltu~Ready "an telt.t~riclolt!-" ", ine. If any of the other ov~r-age ment on their u suage of • The si gnin~ of the North Atlantic Security Paetis PI.n~ ..nd .ITT' • 1I:~ti_ are ca lUe t'l~yen wU contact t1iJs column- sysU!m .. . , so' we now bave t1J,01 cuh fol' emer. .ncie• .--a. lIew ca~, per cent to 200 'per, Clnt. Fourtl1 etass mail ratP.~ now .• cheduled tQ take plllcC in Washington t be fust - '--_ ... _ _I~_ Who wil ltart the ball uolUn' a new home: cimfLdent financial " .• in April. The pact will " 9t be submitted to tho\! • would &l1lO be lacreaaed. If the propoaed neW po~La' ' n the d ajridtmeat of hi"""'!lDd . t,h . office of the dWilioe ~ 4~· t~t an effort will be . . - ~ '.......,. . . . still' ClD. Ath. 'cw.. in~pend.tlce. Stop III toda, and £enllte f or ratification as n treaty. o.! requil'oo by rate. are put into effect many Imall new&papel'll and -ectot ' you liS we owe I the Constitut ion. untiJ ufte it ho.s . bee n signed by magazines willprobbly be f:? rced out of business. n;' director . - ....... rIuJat to R~ra bave It that Cen,t ier- ($27.88); Fairley. ($2'1.41) and .orsen that aeeount, 701lI' the nations enterin g into it. lJi.'ft \"';'{."jt ;;,e!!i t lll"V (I f while others will to hea" ily IneJ\elllle ~bBcrt~·· ~reject Ill)' alii all bIda. ville'. ambldexterou ·twirler DPIrL ($184.58) ..' . the fi1'It two of 'SICurltJ. , Stille AchellDn auhm· .. n :1 t ough drllfi <'f Ihe Pact ilon and advertleing -rate.. Tt ,il! charled the Prt'· T.~e.., Dill"". Newlanci. Will aport the locak bUb wil probably be eaaily met. to the F'orei~n Relations Oommit!ire n" t h eo"; hi posed lncreate tn third clue mail Tltea will aeriollSly • • J ' eoicin"_ .. IhouJd be good newt to but the lA.t OM, brn; . , who baS ... eueuti'Ve leasion. Other Member ' of l~o Senate who In-jure business 'Wbicb molt de~nd upon dlreet mllll NOTJc;B APJlQINTMBlI'fI! Florence Simpaon, Stanley and an allplrin. . . "'~ ,c.t" 'on Tatrfying t'h A l>nct ill no' I.le ,acil'lr,,.,: nd y~\,t si n~. a nd will inter,f~ 'WIth the lIaLe and dill· . Co a lithe)' certiIlnJy ~re weak To~ FloJence, ~edleg property as .to wh'at It contains Imti1"~ru:t~er it haa tl;JR!\l1!lUlrrl"'I!;shligmllr.:.( 'rl:f.'---"-ft~'·iLllbtUl\ctJ t.ihnllL'-,oIL f boob 1' b p · Pnatmllltor General insista the atick when the Dayton and an infielder wt1Jl Columbia, .., .• '. ~ he\ n~ ra~s are '1lOeesaary to make the Poet Otriu ~of ~',., • < 'D<'rll'l't mcn.t ae1f,s uPllOrting. The poital aervlce. how- T . ]~ . . . . ~. omc..:A...... ~ .peea. bel! artists ,(S.e.) Returna to that cluti very Whilll' the provh'~/UI ot l hll 3 nr. n 1\ tlantil! Se~urevel'; hns ac fitill lly heen. ilelf••tipporting tor ollly a hR.' R. • . ~2. W~, 0hi!I IIubeCI his lIO~thpaW alent. ... .lIOOn. for another RIIOJt' in the Ity Pact li N! stl11.;~on~i dererl 0 ''' ' n fle cr e ." it~ i~ . ru , Vr l'Y fe w yca~ in t.he n!lotion's hilltory. , ~ · ~. "., been lIuly 'epl'OlDtad - Ad...... Newland'. addition ''''outa prob- pald-to-p1ay ~ ranke, g~ l~ck, mored . the s lgnator ies ·thereto will hPo bOand by the ence h.a s proven t hat, w henever mail ratell are .made tntor of th4! 8etata of· . . , . - A. __"-,,,_ . . Tom. . Pac ~ f or a period 01 t en' yeal".S ; that bhe Pact tt'I~ y "1,,, loo ll hr h t h" A m ~ica n people quit using tha t parti ~ - John> late, of Wapa T.,.,......,\·W.r. ablY h\Itall Waynwvunr .1 favor- -~:'~;;;:;;;;;;~;;;;; ' ;;~=~j:=:::::::=::::=:: ltea to cop the Trl-County-tit1e as ~ e~t.eJjtled 1a:n additional ten yelll'S ; t.hl~t 1<ignatDl'Y nI" IIl n)' r lll l\!< of flOK ~ l ~·"V i cc . with t!1c 'L'C~ult. Pos t /')f· ,,'" COIontV. Pblo. d--s. , D.ted th"' ~ I5th dey of Mvc'h 1949 .1 lother clubs loat 'their atara. - ' ---T tiona .will, be bo.nd t o ' de(mlrl any Pa t ' nnLicon ,,~~. fi ~o Ocpartrncnt rle fl cit.~ a>rn incl'ease'l r nth el; t.han .' RALPH JL CA'RBY Pitching Is .tlU~ the moat import~ tac:ked by an .ggtle..~r ; that an attaok Qn occupn- Ilccl·(~I..~ctf. ' Juc.I.. of tbe ProbeUI Court , L J' ; ~I. d tlonal tl' 0r>1lf! of,.any nation will he eon ~ id('.l'ed an 11!!' We- ~. IOhio ~nt part of a _m,• ..u-ena... an • • 1!'f'~lon a~11IIt lIuch nation 1 th at tll1) Unlteel Sta~''\ C, J)( nild D'!atuIh, At1IiII'Dt7'. ~ I Jlope peraonallY that. Newwill furniBh ~tia ' n mllitaTy '8Upp i ~!I :,:nd othor aiel The TrI'!UIUI'Y J){'.p~rtm en t haa j usL fi;'cd I','ill, lh.. , ~ ,, land; w1io 1a a letitlmate Wa~es~~---~p:: ~ to tte alilee; and, Anally. the Constitutional' )'el]Uirll' Congl'e.S$ " 1"I!J10rt: wh il' ~ . ~h"uJd' be of ·grea.t IjRerelt SAND aad GRAVI.L . II • ville resident, toblts 'the local outIII'~ ~t. ~y ('(tn~s~ ~II" d(!ci al'C) "':rtl" ~)'UI he. fo ~hose ' wh o ~Ii/ , t he \.\'''II-ta:-do are not lMlying M. , )'. ( BIACIt-:foP DItIYD ", l~ecGcnlB8d. ,altboli ~h at!tul' lJ~ mN::ica 'entry into t.hel)· f ull !lhara .of taxaa. 'rhe ~~rt IIhowl ,tbatonly.' oJ:uit a few', I)otei on the IIM9 the ~aet ~11 binth this nation mQr8l 11 y to go to w al' 4.23 per cent 4~ t hose paying taxes have Incomes ' tAR __ ROAD'OIL softbaD situation . • . the recent t o, :protect ~. ~ ~'r 1!lgna.tories In case ... r at tack . ' more thall si"!. thouSIlnd doUal'S a year. but that thJ ~ , ~_ft' .. .. PIlL DIIlT • • ~. 4.23 per cen t ac tua.lly ay 51.27 'Per cent 01 all In~ A .....Y. .... 1t~1lD drive for funCis totialed 1M' $58.00 ' ItEADY-MIX CO"atnE PNalaftTlt "l7UlftlLn, spent iasi week v(u:atii'nilll!: Rt ~ome tal>" :, ,""1',.. fho 1'(',"~inil1 '{ !'1'i.'T7 rl"T'~ "(!lI+ of '11' ~ LtC.....l , . II the maJority of play!'rl failed ~ ~y We...t. FI ... l'ida. while tired ~I!d aJ1{P 'Y M"'l . her~"I.ncometn" ""YPNl "" :" 48.78 per cent, of the total in- For Oat... P ......... W.,_vllie to return tlie ..1f-ad~ en,..xCAViaTlNG ... ' DUIIP TRues SIItIIVIC& 01 tile IkI1.1 te contlnued .t he famou!! Iilibilstll" uj!lI inst come ta~ collecterl. III other words. out of ~ ftfty-9',-, ........,... . ve1ope. with ~ aD expruion of al propo6aq change in .t he rilles whicll would PImI'\;t two l1'! i\I ,lJll .. ix ll t1ndl'ed thousand pel'lons filing Fed· - - - -. _opinion which,U What ,the league'. lIiiiiiiiiliiiii!!!i!!J!i!i!!!i!-i!!i!!i!!-!iL!!~· ~~~.i..!i ,arty eon.lderatlon of the ~Admin i tJ-atioll's Cli vi I ernl I ncon: _ ~ ~ . ); J'c~n nl S in 1942, two million two rigbta legisla tive progr am. B~ re lea \lin~ W li ah inp,'hunllred ' "(' ~ I lVr n t·y·~evl'n t'hou !lan c1 lInld more , thBn, ~n he 6ubrn[tted to the Con~ r8!'8 two me:,saJN1 in , 'one-ha lf q," t"t,,~ tax ('o11e<'lt~ed .. Toul Inc~ ~l[~P , which- 'he qllllcd for reorganizatlon ~.r till' N h:.ional. ~(\ lIe ted for t~". )T'lJIT. thf! lreflort l'ItaItel. was . just -:Defense Establishment and of the, Stat e D epal' ~Jnent ovel' IIlx.~I·n l)l ll l~'n dollars. Ninety-folir 'Ame..ica~ aloll/{ the Ilncs 'r;ecol)lmended by the Hoover Com· rl'pol'ted lIlc"I,I '" ot 1lI0L'C t han one million dolla,i's mission. Undel' the re organIzati on p ' i!n tor ~h (' Nn- each. ~ tl~nal Def Ull;:e Er,t..'\blla'h mcnt nl(, !' e(r~ta'!"Y Qf Na1.IlI•• ', CIAnUS ~"O~I.lJS . UAlILIn Two r .."",'ft"nt 'If!)mbe,'" nf Cn""FrTE'~" dIet! Budden-' tional DefeNO '! would become in fllct. "'O .well \\8 in M.II'Ie. the top man in our nat lo!!:!} de ( ;:n ~.! setuP. Iy lB.8t w ~ Qk-S<i "atlYr Mplvil1e .T. Broutrht.oTf · of wJlIle the Becretariea, of ' War. N.IIIVY nn d Ail' Fo1'C(>· ~!)rbh (1n l:o li n a ~ r"cmer ("..ovel'1'Or of that State and '- tIM a.Io , _ _ Wlll . . . ,.. . . . . II II '. . . . . ~ woulll become aecondary officials 9 (' Inl!' li S a$si,t.• 1t~Jlr~$e.I"'" iv,' Sol Bloom of New YOl'k " Cha~man _ paw ...... Ie _ _ ".... ~,.,. . tIL .,F the I" ;"'.', f'ol'l!ign AlTairs Comrnittce~ Both auf· .. n. b1...... JWd aad the 1Dwer aata to the ~eD&4t Seeretary. _ _ p COlt........ _ _ " " " prafit. . . ,... IIIIiIIky 'or Md. . . . . . . . . . ,.., _ _ • ..." < prc" hI . 1 pl bnrlNi . .. • » - V _ _ _ fW*" .ale .... , . _ '-II .... . W1Ja.t-• ,D. It. 29'11. a bll1 inttroduced Dr Repl'esell tative . ~t b7 "'~of fannen Murray of Te1uIeuee 'at the r CIlII(>'< t «If hC' P M Inforlllt ' . " 01'r("' _ n r ~ reporU nll that Il 11umhor of . . . ,1" *0 II braad 'atm ••, maSter ~. Is att:ractinp: R. )tTe;:>t den! of litten. nh allges r"" t-" " ·' Jlcet.e<t In ~~ icl cn~ 'rnlman'tt nf......... _ better crojie lie· tion both mIIId out of ConJO'C!'Rion r I circles. U nd (, r !i ial f~"'i1'Y wit,hl n a f..-w WIleQ a8 a ~It of.the CIIIIII i~ ....,. _fac:tured up to j . ..... nII ••• ._ down to price. tta 'P~ane m""t "(llItsl t:a~s 11'011 III be hel;lvil y in· ~:-:-pcc tetl,_ 1 "Di.;nu· lUI! of Secretary of the Treatur)l ~. 'While ftTJ<t c111 f\!I mni !lnr ~ ir m ~ i J I' R lp!, ,"yder. .. :. t.a :l (u. Commerce Sawyer and Seore. . . ,... , . . ..... _ fw "'''''' ..... remln the aalJ)e. Q()!t of )"lo stJl I I' al'd.~ would hi- .1/ ry nf ~V8 1·,.Royalt. 8ec~el Snyder '~nd Sa1fJll';· ,......i. C. . . _U'lI'ON,DIIIO ." from one to two cl.'nt!!. Sl'enl}d closs mail alo ng ' t' . . " ~"r rf 1'e.1:m! ~ F'c"I'oll1 ; I, 'l!.'hc ~:> : . . . ._ - . C I I I I I l ..... WWld be fIlcmI two to live tlme~ hi~h er than 'It r i ~netl Pjfectlvf' I'ofarch ~8tat, have been c:onaldend ~ 'l'hlrd dalll msl! ",noM be int!I'I'BSl'cl f.rom IiO ' h p ,. ''''''r'' "t i "" mp!!, ~ ~,.,. of ' the . Pl?sl_ r. ~
See UI Now For
Y Ciur Plumbing ·Needs
t lon- 'Lbrowl h nvy atrain U:1 "' .. " 'r;, 01 1'Ita kldnrYI. Th l' "0 ~p t I~ ~ .. ". ,nN,o • anel rail to 1I11t•• ~_. a. and ot her Impvrll l.. rrJm Iho l l/c~l l·tlb blood. You may, oulrer I\r.W nll backach' , •• dube. 411:\ ...... ~ tin, up DlahL>.
Dr. ( E. Wilkin
.. _ _ ... ~ • .-l _ _ _ __
It takes real
fresh Cream to bring out the very best in 'fla,or!
- '
With ABuckeye In Congress ,
SecUrity. "Ilea Needed
Clarence J. Brown
' '1l1'8DH .
Wayamide ~, ·N.tiooll BaD
;::::;jQ- with
Armitage.... '. . .-,....-,--... &Son.....
. . 'RCIC_".
. .. .
".-WAY •••• •••••••C.'
,,_W.., ,..
ow. r.-. '
A:"(;ommunity Institution For Ninety-nine Years ' I
·==F~.R~O~M~' T~H~E~~)B~'~~Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiii~f)Ruth Earnhart wp. .
Observes . 13th B1°rthday
Red I'ross Ch!II'noan ·
Thursday, Match 24, 1949,
NO. 4412
ami Gazette
The Rev. Keys 10 Head
Miss Earnhart
CiVic Cl~b ·
M.hala. Hom~ inspection' for Scene of Blaze F.&A.M.
The: home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mehaffie and children . Miss RutH The Wa~esville Civic Club . was greatly damaged Monday On Tuesday, March 29 a€ 6:30 . I' in the U ·ted dth· thl eet Mr. and Mrs. H . B. Earnhart afte h rt__ d tr ed ' State , locia ism ru Earnhart, daughter 01 Mr. aJld :hel ell' • ..,._ar mon Y.m - are ~nnounc\ng the marriage of moon w en U.UlIes es oy f P . M. Wayn~il1e Lodge No: State. il no longer an academic Mrs. Harold B. Earnhart cele- jng March 2.1 a! 7 P . M. m the virtually all the roof and part 0 163 Free and AcCtU>ted Masons j --·e. It is inherent in proposals W brated her fourteenth birthday an- Methodist d h u l' ch baseme:nt. their daughter, Naomi, to Mr. the second floor. ' A high 'wind will hold their annual pection. ..... 1 Norm!ln Backert, son of Mr. and h th fire ttJw before Congr8111 on socia se: niversary on March 17 and en- Francis Gene Brown, retiring Mrs. L. M. Backert of Carlisle. made the task of fig ting e W. C. Good, District Deputy <eurlty and price control. .t is imThe Rnnua drive for funds by U;rtaincd n rroup of friends at a Civjc Club ~re5ident, told of the Ohio. The ceremony took place extremely diffic~lt a~d the water Grand Maste r, will be the inspec:' mediate and ape6lfic in· proposed the Warre~ County Red Cross ~s ·~t. Patrlek's ]larty in the eve- developments in action to seCVlre on Saturday March ~9 at Ports- damage to th~ mtenor was very ting of~cer. A ~rgc delegation of :appropriations for cODJItruction of progressing. satisfactorily accord- niilg. The. gailles and all entcrtn:in- a viaduct f~'r the "avenue" be- mouth, Ohio. . great. 'J.':he ~efinite cause was not visiting Masons is expected at .Federal steam e\ectric generating .ing to announcement made today ment were in. keel,ing with the tween WaynesvJUe and Corwin. . The bride is a g.raduate ol known although It was belleved this, one· of the plost important :plants lIu'cli the mul~-mil1lon by James Templeoon, drive ch~- season, even ' .~o ki ss i.~g . ~he The P~'oject ha.s been an extended 1 las f that the fire may have come from meetingll of the year. man. "Blarney Stone and WlShtng program and is still in a specu- Waynesville High Schoo., c so the flue which carried paper from The ladies of 'Miaml Chapter .donal' TVA pll\llt, in Tenness~. , n has . ac- Well," , . ' \aU·v e form -s 'ar 9S getting the_ 1947, and also attended Mia.mi the furnace w"ere Mrs Mahaffle will th ban The qu-tion '-, do , the people "Francis Gene Brow .... lJJ .... l in Day. O.E.S . serve e . quet. aocia1ism? The indi- cepted the P,ost of chainnan for Reircsbmentl); 0 f blr thd ay . Cll k. t~ State. Departmenet of Highw8'Ys Jacobs Busmess College 1 d' th was said to. be '"burnlng trallh. really want . t er- ice cream and candy. all t¥'1til,. ,_ In de The Volun.-er Fire For.-,..... ·catlonl are strong th at they do W·ayne Towns hi p an d w hen m .... schedu Ie I't Brown urged jJ.ftt ~ ton and is now emp oye P '" l . d th'IS wee k by th shamrock ...• .L:1tten J u.1'11,l5 P ~o~, office not. Both CIO an d AF 0f L e ..~~- vlewe . e Mi arru. the cundle ,Il'ght~d were tables.served "ucstsI!. .withe lette. rs be wr L II. of C the ThDayton ower 1_ Isoan a worked smoothly and with the aid Gaze tie sa I'd that the qu nift '" Carlotta Actmg Dlv:ISlon ' En gme. ~r, D lYl- igd t o. f the groom .,. a chool of a :o-~ portion of the town's trieal work efS'uniona S t~ongly ,. ,...., for the honor ~O'ue!!t wore, 1 al high . Carolyn . _L, ways, M e oc d' s1 . ed populatlo'n, all h.!mishm · gs of the opposed construction o f · th e ·Fed- th e ~",wnsh'.1P was $475 an d th a t Brown, Burnett, Miriam sion of Hiso. l dId e to wn, gra uate 0 "ht. it as ye t 0 th er vo Iunt eel' 80liCI'to rs Wilson '30 Ann Gruber, Annette Ohio in an an IS amp oy howse were ' removed before the eraillteam plant. Th ey .... ,.uOUe art to spe d a ctI on. in the same years d . was going too far toward soc1al- had not been selected. Tinney', Su~anne Harlan, Billy The propo ed Na~ionB1. Gu~'rd by the Frigi alre. , water was able to damage them. • S und ay everung . The young couple will in A nel'ghbor seel'ng the blaze even a b road ca st Stubl)s, Bubby Moran, Bobby Ie en- An:nol'Y p1..1 anlleru. 'f or Le banon was b dreside ' ijm. Under. socia Usm unl!)nS tuaUy' become impotent. Wages \>ver raello Iltation WPFB (910) tick ' Billy Barbon, Harole! Purkey. reported on. The Civic Club Wl~re Waynesville wjth the ri e s par- notified Mrs. MehaHie, who ea' Slgn~lIy · · t'Ing 1JIl . MemorIa I .U..a.II a t c1.. · " corted her three children safel · y hon(1rc~ is Donald E. Lukens, lion and working cond ItI' ons are set . ol'lgma l~.' J. JOfi'CjJ and Lora,n H ougll. on 1'I~col'd 8SI { BV(lring the. f' air'; ents. . up by the state,and 811 the au1h- Leb8ll0n will ft!ature the Warren' grounds 'as the l;ILIIlding site, huwout. Mr. Mehaffie was at work at of Mr . and Mrs. William Lukenll ority ()f tile state becomes a~so- County American Legion Band . ever a loca"10n on the Harmon . the N.C.R. in Dayton where he of Harveysburg, who placed among lute dissent in any form is p]'o- 'and reports of the fund Campaign Par~ groun~s was agreed upon is employed. . the five highest in the SouthhlbLted. However,.worken, stock- will be given for each of the lIS the Fair Board was in no way An item 9f heresay was given western Ohio district agricultural holden and management In the Townships. satisfied as ~e present plan was relative to the reporting of this exams taken in February at Ohio laid before them. fire on Fifth Stret and is as fol- State University. ' accDrding to .electric industry cannot alone "'revent that indultrY mm being The club voted to cooperate I lows: "The h neighbor In an at- word received by J. B. Crabbe. The W . nyue Township M. () thers with . the aJJUm , __ vocational sg teacher and F. F . A. '-. Congrellll any mo.·e the American Legion post tempt to pone soclal'--.I u¥ t Club willmeet Friday, April 1 at d wa,s leader at Waynesville. ·than dalrmen alone can preven 1 Til.e progl'am and send two poys to Buc, k~2ye The Pro- unable to get response an went d ~, the Grade Schoo. N Lukens is Clntitled to Dne of fivl!' / is scheduled for 1:30 P. M. with Boy's Sta'le. :Last year only one gl'css ivc · Business Women's Club to the box on Main S~et. ow sch.olarships to be awarded in this , 'nationalizatlon of the dairy in ustry. No group can aford to stsn~ Funeral services were held the bU8i'ness aession at 2. The was sen~, Dora1d >Lukens. met at the home of Mrs. A. H. whether or not this Is true we district. He is a senior at Waynes' A Lette", the h fiie ville high school. ·o'n tIl.e stdelliles until It Is direct.1y. W~esday at 2 P. M., at Stubbs , School Board will be pJ;esent ac, 0.£ solicitation on Eas- Stubbs on Wednesday evening Witb know quite frequently bel Funeral Home, here, for Mrs. d tel' Seals was' presented and it the vice-president, Mrs. Jesse bell sounds and ore the p One .affected-then It is too late. Prof. Crabbe pointe out that < ma e ' One Of 1he outlltanding '1eaders JUlia Marie Hen d erson, aged '10, cording to al'rangements . lad! voted to give financial sup,pan; to Pr~ndergast, presiding in t he can be answer ed it stops, whether Lukens is the ·thlrd Waynesville . with a dele"ation of thees a~ 1 d M thi h ibis w;ho died Monday, in Dayton. The .. this pro]'ect hnd also the. annua abs'enee 0.1\ ' !<he, presi ent, ra. s is someone 'VI b gets a wrong student ~ get such an award, in the e]ectrlc.ial.dtilltrY, giv~ k Du nng ' th A..... -It to . Rev. R. B. Coleman officiated, and the lasl regular board meeting. Red Cross . .l..1 ve . · e numb er b y ~ deDt or 'b y an- Ed Michener and Earl Rye having ,Winifred Hartsoc. advice on &0. cia1lam': -.n. "Iic bUrial was in Miami Cemetery, A detailed discussion on building I your friends and to o~ pUu Mr. Fredo.u"Grauman, chairman business seSSion, pans were ma de other who gets it in the way,I 0 f a previOUsly received it "representatives-your ._~&la of the new school buildIng for the t t t l th . . .. rememher ......tors Corwin. · of the nominating commit"tee, pre- 0 en er a n e semor girls at prank, we suggest-=ey and your congressmen. It is not ' Surviy~g are two sons, Donald lower grades is expected. sented the selctions of his 'c(JIm- the stage show,. "~he Best is y~t. the story of the boy who cried , just one indUlltt'y or one profea- of Dayton, and George of Wayne mittees ,01' the club offices for to Come'/ at Wllmmgton on Ap~l wolf. Sometime the man who aian that II at stake, but. the ville. the ensuing year, without remark 7. . . ,' . d atlswel'S this phone may wait a a.. • they we"'e, 'accepted , an,d baUots Mr~. Lllhan Carr was Introduce minute t~o long to see if its going Amerlcan ..,stem of llvlng glve.n -01 as the guest speaker and gave an ' be ' th Miss Ruth" Chandler spent . liS by the framers of the Con.. . distributed. 'J'he foUowing were Interestini account of the "Books to quit ringing, Remem r e 'f.hua'sday and Friday in Norwood, , elected: Rev. sBmuel Keys, prcs- of the Y;ear" 'and discuesed thelr home you save may be your own. :stltution. lJ1lere'u lot to the aay- HAWKES OBSERVE tlle guellt of her niece Miss Gerlng that a chain is 1;10 stronger 39TH ANNlVERsARlj Ap allday meting o( the Wom- ldent; 'Therie Jones, vice priest; authon. This was a fine talk aDd trude Chandler and saw the Ice . -than its weakest lIilk. Give soclalen's Socie~y of Christian ,Service dent; John Fromm, ireasu:rer; enjoyed by e~ryone. ' , Follies at the CIn~ati Gar,dens. iBm one good foothold an!i our - . - Mr. and Mrs. was held at the MethodistiChurch , Maynard Weltz, secretary; and Following adjournment, a social \Whole economy ma ysuceumb 00- Ronald Hawke quietly ob~erved on Thursday March 18. A deU- Francis Gene Brown and' Will. st. hour wall, enjoyed with refreihMiss Margaret Edwards reoCIlUIB the reso~ of a govem- their thirty-fifth wedding anniver- cious covered dish dinner was Jabn as directors. ments, in keeping with the St. turned On Tuesday from spend'ment which wants to expand Jts BUY on Sund.ay and had all their served with the following hosti'lr. Roben O'Regan presented Patrick's Day were served by the . . Wayneaville power are too much to resist on dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. F . C. ess committee in charge: Mrs. slides of Koiea which he had hostees assisted by Mrs. William bas many of Its people vacationing Ing the winter in Deland, Fla. a broken front • . • .. Hartsock of Mil!o"nl, Mrs. Emma Ray Conner, Mrs. O. R. Ungles- taJ(en while tllere during the war. Sawyer, Mrs. Reba Braddock, and MIss Helen Trimble of Fosters in Florida, especlIYly Bradenton, lfyou do not think the govern- Mc:Clure of Flranklin, Mr . • nd Mrs. by, Mis. Clint Clark and Mrs. l, MislI Virginia Hardin. . men\. IIhou1d take ovel; yur busl- J. Wilson Edward~ of Springfl~ld, l1'olian Lawson. ' . Mr, ~ Te~r BP' M Mrs. William Luken~ wa~ a and they have many happy gath. visited her aunt Mias ~ erlnp. Stevens o.n Sunday afternoon. neu or YOIlJ"induatry you are not Mr. and Mrs. Harris Mosher and After. the dinner the' regUlar chUdren visited Saturdayoreven- gaest of the evening. Recently Hr. and , ·Jrfn. L, V. Mr. and Mrs. Ev~tt Early a socialist. If you are no~ a social; daughter, Virginia Lee, Mrs. Wini- busne!iS session was held wi~h Ing with Mr.' and Mrs. Horace Branatrator Inrited Mr. and Mn. were dinner guests at the HOme C~arles ' Joy, Marshall ' of ist ),OU 8l'e againat\govemment iii {red Hartsock and 1101\, Mr. David Mrs. Carlton. Cook, Society pre81- Michnel' and son, :Richard; of W;aynesville, is agsin ~en on our Elmer Sheeban and MiRa Helen on Sunday bwdneu - anybody'. business - Hart!ock. dent in charge. Mrs. C;:;Oldie; Bor- Spring Valley. The guests enjoyed streets after a two weeks 111- Hood 'to 'a aix o'elock the • .aDd you al),ould fight · it. aen then gave the devotional for fine meal and were entertained nes •. . J(autvee diJling hall, where they 1lr'__ uth were greeted by a jolly crowd ot ..~ R Chandle rattended • the afternoon. Mrs. H. V. Phip- by Michener's te1evlalOn set. , ple of 'Lebanon, guest speaker, __ , Mrs. Franlt Shutts, Mrs, Pearl friendll, who were .gathered there luncheon of ' Alpha Phi chapter, adVance as a sUJ:.Prlse for the Delta Ka a Gamma ,a t the Van · c- - --MAnER OF SELF-INTEREST r. was introduced and she gave a - Arthur Holt of Cincinnati, Ohio Rich, Mrs. Austin Thl\ckera, and In Bheehanl!l and Mra. Hood. After a Cleve Hotel in Da,y ton on Seturmost interesting and Instructive called on Mr: and Mrs. ' Walter Miss Reba Braddock spent Satdelicious dinner, the tablel we~ day. The head of a large retaU oraddre~ on Gl'eec~' and lUi present Elzey Tuesday afternoon. urday in Wihn!ngton. cleared and a gam!! of bingo was Mrs. Olive Curl returned Sunthe conditions. ;ganization recently said:of"On '.basis of some 4Q years experi. day The next meting ,wil be held at • • lIoon in progress. AU were pro. med with gifts, which they bad day from a visit to her ~l'Other .ance and ()bservation . . . I am Ellis H. Shinn told- the Mt!lJlil the home of Mrs. Pearl 'Ridge on .i Itt provided and as the game pro· Mr. Elmer MacPherson and, wife .convinced that what's good for ~ Gazettathis week that pearly 100 April 21st. ~ , gressed, tbe gifts were e:ulu.nged in 'Sablna, Ohio. ' .retailers is good for the country, farm families representing Brown, _-:::-_ _ __ by tbe winnen. and conversely, what'll good for Clermont, 'Hamilton and Warren ' ...... all , Mr. and ,Mrs. A • H • Eallnhart Those p,l'ellent were Mr. 'and Mn. Mrs. Wocxkow Owens ~ anQ twl. the country iIIlood for us ... ,.....- Counties attencfed the Annua. and Mr. .and !lin. 'Lawrenc:1\ F'urL. V. Branlltrator former Waynes- 'children, Wlnnle Jcj and SteVie -era. 'Fervent devotion to the gen- Meeting of the Le~on National nas were Tuesday g)1ests at a ·ville residents, Mr. and ~r,ll .. Elmer, spent Sunday with Mrs. OwenS eral welfare ~ua become~, for the Farm IAan A.sB'n at Lebanon, Ji'a.x:rn Bureau dbmer at the Neal ~beel1an, Mbll Helen Hood (tbe mother, Mrs. Lucll1e Armitage. general retailer, a matter of Ohio. , House in Columtbua. honor guests), Mr. and Mrs. Joe _,_ simple self-intrai." The members elected without Gibbs arid' 101..: and Mrs. Vance Mr. an:d Mrs. Gordon Foster of 'ThiIJ atUtude has chatacterlzCd opposition to the Board for a three Humpbrey of Blanchellter, Mr. and F9sters, Ohio called on Dr•. and Mrs. ' Mi~ie Munger of Leba... t he polleies which' have guided year term ~as Victor 'Roell of MTII. Sidney Nichols and Mill Lqill Mrs. F. B. Gregg, Sunday mo~ non spent the weekend with Mr. of Madillon', Mr. and 1011'11. .F rank Ing. . retailing {or a long time. We read, Hamilton County. . Bates of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. fa rexample, that chain systems The Association was pr.esented and Mrs. Glenn Borden. Charles Beck of Springboro, Mrll. and other retailers In all lines an attractive plague for new busiMiJII Ruth Wardlow was '. Louella Deardoff lind Mrs. Charl8111 supper lniest on Thunday evehave v<Jluntarily reduced ~eir ness achievement by Mr. Embree, , Dqnald Asbllry, of Fort Knox, West of Lebanon: . 0rei er t 0' b 0 Id DistrIct Man ager of th e .,1N..J __ , profit margins In ""'~ ...1 who ,'s in training there, "'" a ning of her almt, Mrs. Leah . Mr. and Mrl . . Branstrator allo Mills. ~ , tha t ." week ednd101 guest prJl;es dOI.V:Il;ami Wlese mar- Land Baiik,' R '"of & ' h~rents, ... caugbt a great number of fish Itnd '"""'k f r th d 'U'''': Mr. an' . .,5. . EI. ":~~Ul'Y. t sman· gins are, f or the mast par, ' u " , ~ er 9 Mrs'. 'J. J. Bw'ske. Mrs. William' , ,e ay entertal1led the · ..ame · group of er nqw than in the .OPA, era. ·T he Hinkle was .in ·rare fol'D'\: Be- strouse and Mrs. Berti~ Mtus, st. friend. at a fllb fry, incl1llllJllr Mr. retailers did not do 'tJUs for char-, .sIdes being' a high -class enter- ~ndcd the General' 'Electric HOl1se- ' and Mrs. S. D.Henkle ot Lebanon. itable reasons.2.- like' 'everyone teiner his philOllOphy and think- party at the T.,rt Audito~ium ill, They intend to bead for bome so else, tlley wpt to ~e · u much ing is right W-Ith the farmer. Cincinnati on Monpay. as to reach ' here about tbe middle 'of April. . money as 1lley ·Clln. But they are DiVidend checks' were handedl complete), .aware of the fact that to the stockholders present. The' Claude Stroud famlly hat! -Hr. and Mrs. high prices.. wo~l1d , in t1Jne, drive .. . Mrs. MyrUe Edwam, . Mrs. Ralph Hastirlg~ and son, Roi;lert, as Slllu,lay dinner guests, Mr. an.d Reba Braddock, Mrs. Cora Rich, more .w more conswnel'll Ollt of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hardin and Geot;ge White of Milson, Mr. entertained with a chili sup!l.e r on . ' ,the market, forcing them down to Fllmily. bad 8- huppy family gath- 'MM. and Miss Reba Edwards vlsited Saturd~y evening' with the basketan<1 Mrs, Harol ll Stroud lind Mrs . Sunday in WilinIngton: , a sub.IStcnn" bAsis of Uwbhobd. eriW",' : ': - ~ '-rday and .s~Y M ~".:· C: ",'ms of Lebanon ~nd MlI. bait team 1\8 honor ~lIte. The Mag pl odudilm a:ud .dla- when lIc... , :;':0' Id ,H1Irdi of Knox- and l'_ ~ _ .r, E.' ~troUcI. table was attractit~1 "ring~" Mr. ,a'mJ . Mrs. Loyd . DavIs 'had and c1~ver drawings 'of eacti gueat tributlon 'depend lor theb, exls- ville, TeM., W. and Mn. Ia1llring as Sunday gues~s 'Mr. and Mrs. were the' .place cardll, on IIIUII consuinpt1on. So tr.rdln of ' Marielimnt and ~rs' l'~ Ceeil M. Davis of Dayton, Mn. the retaller.. out of mllIhtenecl James McComlicli. &nd aon, Tommy W~ Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Halltlngs Joslab Davis, " Mr. and .' Mrs. and Robert'were Bob'Hunter, Kenself-lDterest. ha~ dj)lle all they ot o..jton, jOine4 tlhem for the Clarence ,J. Davis and Mr. Bill netb Vickers, Earl Powell, Du could to .protect the pui'Chuina week end. DavlB, bono~ng the birthday an- l:!impaon, Bill Mehafiie, Jack power of tKe,pubUc. nlveraaries of Mra. Josiah Davis James, 'Dun Gahrill,. Coach Porter, We Uve u,. I\ll integrated econMr. and Mrs. Ted Bal1alld chIland .Mrs. Clarence 1, Davis. Superintendent Kenneth ' Retalllck ' omp, Any lUnd of b~ellB. or ren viSited Sunday at the home ' Important county - wide . and ~ne m~cot, ~rry ~etalliek. any ,group j)f people. which fat- of Mr. and Ml's. Ed Ball arid son, m~~g for all , Warren countY Mrs. Gilbert Frye entelitained at dairymen wil lbe held at· Lebanteils unfairly a~ the expeMe of,tlU: Charles, of Blanchester. dinner on Friday }Jrs. M. J. Bailey Mr. a~d lfra. ·.'RObert Meredith rest of ua Will BUffer in ~ lema '.. " on high ,$Chol. au,'" ~ . on imd Mrs: E~don Balley of'WIlmlng- of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Paul H~ run. Tbe ,useneral we1fare": ~ . . Tuesday . evening, March 29, ton, Mrs. Cora Rlc,b ani! Mn. exa~ what It ImpUe&-.the ~l., ·Mr. Ill!d, Mrs. ,H. R, MOIls IIl)d ' ounty 'Agent Berman Rou 'an1 U: R, Moss, bonoring tbe blrt):iday ley and ~augbtet: of Dayton were 13uDda:y SIIests of Mr. and Mf1I. fare of aU WOl'ken, Investors, pro- Hr, William Moes, enteJ,talned· a~ n,o,un.c ed tOO.y. , . . \ anniversary of :ltIrs. Rich. Louis Fires. ducal'll, .Ien. JWtallloI ·Jmowa dinner on ~aturday evening, Mr. . All farmers and dab:'ymen who tbat-and Lt. l,I dernonltratlq Ita ~~~ : : . ~ ~~~~. ~:OO:i are m\ere8ted in securing an area Mt;. and David ROIIS!D1~ Millll Yvonne Stubbs of Bowli~g 1SOD, Paul, took dlnner at the Gr"," Univenity arrived heme. lmowledte b\ the dv by day con- Da:vton, Ml-.. Con. Rleh, Hn. Reba teSt for Brucellosis are ursed .to home of Mr. and ,Mrs. W. C. 9l Thursday, and remained until Monduct of the buslnNl. . BraMock, Mr. and Mrs. GiltHu-t attend. ' . John on Sunday. The ROss Iam- day with her parents, Mr. t.l1d "The mOlt 118ti0Ull fa~r in ihe Frye' and son. honorfntr the birthD.r. H. G. Bond, veterinarian 10 Ily are residents of Lebanon and Mrs. A. H. ' Stubbll. 'Fhey were operation of the RF(! and other day amp,er.-;7 ~r Mrs. Rich. c:bUge of the bangs teat program, have ' just recently returned from joined on Sunday by Mrs. Emma lending a;endes II the fact that wi1 lbe.guest speaker. All dairY.Arlzcna where they spent the Gearhart and Mr. and Mrs. N. they by-paD..., tile ~tutioua1 Mr. and ilra7'N. Houcb, and ~ who are interested in lliarilng the w,inter. R. A1lam~D and family of Daypower of Congrea over appl'OPri- Mrl. Viola Harlan had aa a Sun- up for t.b1a ~ are ad~. to bi .UOlU. It is. basic ~a traditiODal da, cueat, ')Ir. George Bartall of preIH!Dt. , toll.. Mrs. Erneet &lan haa "" principle that Congreu ·mould indiana. Mr. ErD..t Harlan andA movement is under way 10 tunMId after IlM!IIdlDC lometime Mr. and lin. W. E., Stroud atappropriate all money uaell or eJauabter Mr. anj,l Mra. B. B. obtain eIIouah l18qell for an area with ber motller, at lAwIlton, tended the taneral of .. relatl". ba IpeIll ." ioy~t ••• "-.-Bay- Eafnban and . familJ atao were test for baap, makInJ' It ~ntlDOia.· Rlclullond~ blcIlana 011 Sa~ mqnd Moley.· IUpper Illata. pulIory for au herds m the county ARE YOU A SOCIALIST'! I
U ' lS
Mother's Club to Meet
:JJ tIu 'da
Lukens 'Wins
Girls To' Be
W S C 5 Holds All Oav M ee:t '
Branstrator's EnterWn . in Florida
Farm Loan' "-GOft ur
p. eo p .e, SpIO.fs In liIe ews
.-.u:. .
". Has'ings~ ' ED~ettaiD
t:y. 'Dmymen,. -•
to Meet
to be teaed. '
r •• hlj"hpd
., "'nt"
every If'hlinda, Ohio.
at Waynesville, Warren
Waytluvilte. Ohio.
R.te: $1.00 per year in
O~il) ;
$2.00 pel'
r el!\ewhere.
= ---
News Grandpa .Read
ad Mrs. Fred Gona captwinl bOoby prize. After the ,am.e s maple candy wu served BlIJd The newly organized Firemen's thorougbly enjoyed. . Those prellClub answered their second fire' ent were Mrs. Ali. Surface of cull on Monday, oj this week.1"Iitl near Lebanon; Mrs. MafilUi1et alarm came (rom the bome of John., of Lytle; Mrs. Elizabeth M.ayor '1', E. Rogers, when a spark BaUey, Mrs., J. Q., Gons, Mrs. Fr.!:!d frorn a chinUley Ignited the dry 'Gons, Mrs. Earl Hockett, Mi;s. shingl.c roof. This is the second Amos Cook, Mrs. Beren Williamalarm that has come. £rQm 5th son, and Mrs. Harry Smith. ' " ,. stre\1l, !.he othe.!1 being a roof fire al the homo of Mrs: George -Moran, wh ich Is a~ss the street LINEN S;HOWER f-rom Mr. R ogel'S' h ome. Both fires Were discovered before any Miss Mary Mar,uet Unglesb,y great damage was done. was hostess to • lP'Oup of friends The . Firemen's CI~b urges Saturday aftemooll; at a UnelD p opJe to be exceedingly careful shower for Mrs. Fred Gon•. to guard against over heated Bridge wu the diveAion, follow(lhlmneys. Shingle I'oofs are so dry ing which a deUclous lunch Will !,hat a .~ingle spark is likely to served. The gue.ta were M~s. MUlstart a disastrolls fire. dred BeisUine, MIa Florence ,De!Moss and Miss Emma H.spel, of Dayton; Mrs. Chester Cutler EN1'ElRTAlNS COMPANY ANSWERS CALL
-F.ntered ------------:.-----as seeond class matter at the postofnce
• • •
''ROM OUR FILES The gl'ilouatJng class of the )Jf.ETtNG Waynpsville Biqh S~h"(l l f r the , Dan Hockett, Os~ Monlor t, S , ~/Jr '98-'99 i" C;"l)ll~·;..r'ti nf J ohn A. Stilwell, and N. L. Burnell at- p , CUlul1li nr,,,. Su..'><"ltl I;. Wright, tended the Warren Coimty As- Ada Oruhonl. B f'l!j.<l mih Ti\lbllls, sociation of It. P.'. at Sprmgbqro, Ad/I Siok " F:lsic: Rt>g I'S, Lelia -.3- _~_ M n~ th:t C mptOl1 , WarW L'W1e ......y evelling. Sen. 5. u . 5 I' h b Beatty Qf Toledo. Grand K eeper . ron .~cy!l, u )(ects nVIl 'on , as~ Records and , Seals was present sijt1lcd. ,Com ml' llce'n;wnt., May 18. Mrs. Henty Satterthwaite eDand (Cave a useful talk on the --ter.ta ined a (ew friends very good of the order, so it is report- S~~ m.,lndUnj! ~cheme is oleasantly on Friday. A delicious ed .8uJts coming. Tailor m ade. bein~ worked by ,s pail' nf Mat-p- three-course luncheon at noon $5.00 to $15.00 II ' suit. 10c: ce1lu- el'!; ' ill neigh I)l'ill~ towns. One Was foUow~d by . "500." Mrs. Elizltd uffs E h goes hr(1\1li\h (I) coulIlI'y on a bi- abeth Bailey wi nn ing first prize o . c . Xi!J'~ eavy linen eve! . nud whl'll be !;(rik~~ a town knee 25c he n!'t't nds In her' hnl'd 11[1. nod ~n... ' offers his wh('o) cheao to J(et !lome d an """. . ---'-., money ....... J.flC 1'!Yl! '\'b ito'' rea(illy.
In Time for Spring
, lla.vinJt tl "mall sum f ()r a ' fh'stcln "wheel. fl r a few days 1hc ather sharn!'!' ~lIms ' l1p IIrld c1l1ims
be cledrt4 III t!M final trilla..
',Stubbs Funeral Home
F r?m th e lQ"~l ~ lUl'lIm; of '{he Bllld '. on ... \&Io\l1r1 Ihink a bnlll the wb'll c oru1allnn nf he Valley WE're ' cl th r n;1Vinf;t Cli' hac;! tbe mu/Tl'Os Ih" last. Fe w weeks; al~o tlJe N('w :Rul' Ii n 1(1(10 peopl". There hllve n91 beim n half .d07;CTl cl'se,s in W uynl'wilJe.
of H~n:y Sm1~h I ale of W a rren County, Ohio, dloceased. ' Dated th is 2 tst day of March 1949
E ,lllto
' ""I ;y.
• AUQUS11N! r. .. ther Krumhr-U7~ Priest
.NOrrES "
. st., '1) • >r I\ ttornoy.
, 'OIlVOTtOHAL ME11fODIST alUP.CH MT. HOLLY ME'ntOf)1 10:Mo4II. R.B. Colan·an. Minister T M. ~arff. Minister C;undav Schoof Q :30 a.m, Church School 9:]0 a.m. F..A. e"f1ihart. SUDt. . J. J. Bunle. Supt. ' . Jln"hlJ) Service t B :30 .,m. Worship and Sermon venlnr Service I 7 :'3~ p.l1l.
"arl! " .....
. 'IIItDI1I'OI . ...
The RAce Qu_tioD'
to:]O I.m. c;pedal Music Choir y.()utb F~l1ows11lp lbursday , 1:00 p~ oolr Pndlce TIIunday _ ,7:45 PM
CAESARS ~EEK FRIEND! JP~v. David Stanfleld, Minlster Sunday Sch()()l ' tg Lm. Worship Service ttL.... IUTICA E. U-:&:' aruRaI ' " MARY'S EPISCOPAL ~~y~ Wmlam ·Shannon or , C;undav Sc"'ool q :10 a.m. C;amuel N. Keys, ~ettor Mf!I . .fame!' Ganison. SUDt. Church Sellool 9:15A.M. Preachlnl' I st and lrd Sunday· Mornlnr Worship 11:30 A. M. . each month. 10:30 a.m. F.venln,r:. ServIces 7:30f'.m ' FRQ05 -' VTLE METHODIST ' 1I, . m r.-fURaf •. ' J:fnt Dav ~hool Q :30 , Or. Jose"h Myers: Mtnlster ~eettitp, for Wo,,"),ir; , 0:,,0 :u~ c;.undav Sctiool . C) !30 I.m. .Mrq, ;R~th Saylor. Suot , Wo~hip Service to:30 a.m:
ESUS DID NOT Know there was a • Jthere race question. That 11 to'u", w.. . no queltlon tor him.
tboulP tie well Imew tbat hI. n.l-,,louncl the rae. , probiem a hot ODe. , A11 the ilerma ot .1lIt' race problem., ev", at race riot... were there 10 Palestine Ii 10 all ot our world today. .' Flrat th.e re WI. the feeUng ot auperlorlty. Few, If any, peopl.s think of lhem.elvel as an lnlerlor race. Nobody would mlod beln. kicked around if b. thoulbt be c;leler Yj!d nothln. belter. Tb, Jew., to \\,hlcli race .J e.u. bePERRY aruRCif QF afRlST \, were no exception to the RYTOn carver, Minister . rule. They lelt the.m leivil the Bible ~hool 9 :30 a.m. 'J)erJo~ of any riC', on .arth• Mo... ln~ Worship to:30 .."" e • • P"',t'r MeetinF. 7:00' p.m. Two Sid.. of the Q_ttOll Vounr P~ople s Mee~inf bO~1
Bible SChool 9 :30 A. M. Momlnt Worship to:30 It. M.
Yount People's 6:45 P. M. Eveninl Servlcl: 1 :30 P. M Meetlnt ab~ 7'00 1) m Study Wed. ' _ 1:30 Services 7:100:. _________ _ _PM. _ _EYenlnr ____ _____ _ __
.• '0 I S'
The Adult Comml«ee on OUf nrosrram. of recreati()l1 met the Youth lI'elowlhlp. ~U1) at' 2 P. ~"to ,plan for ~rograJYl.'l. It was decided tlo meet on next SUlDi:tay ~eJiit!1, March 27th a~ 6:30 in the Sane.. tuary and 10Uowinl( this ~rVlcil! naId a proln'Am qf 1'ecreaHon ' ant~ refreshments In the base!I'\ent. All nur VOUIDIZ'peflnle aTe cordially in,\ vlll'fl to be present. earnestli J't!OUeft those of , "ur Church and S\U18av School -Vhf) Are not .ttendlnl! tn nome ,,,rf UR to tontmue the 1'11'.
A 'N
ftj-l.....~-.:-~..... NEW
JESUS' time the JIW of Pal.... I N tine wa. ,10 th. mlddl.. The
Rom,n •• bavtn. conquered the led. _re tolHSo. ·lo p.t.ltlne. With Ut. Roman., the J.w. the under·llde of tlIe rac. que.Uon. Bul \,yer. other race., muoh Ie...purl than ,t ill .Tew., rice. clIUed . ~'c.naanIte·,;. fQr ",Int of' • b!!tter " Ilame. Thllll people weM k:lc.k.ed I .round bJr th. J.wa, Juri •• the J.wa In turn were kicked arowld by th. , Bomana. Looklna at the c.n.. anitaa, the Jaw, .aw the race quea· t10n from the .top .Ide. '.. P.-uae ........... III nae ....,.... were " ' e _ " tI7 tile 9IM..r rtI ,....... d-
We lnvJte you .nd your frlenda to stop in and see our newly decora~ restaurant. We serve that , delicIous' Gen Gity Ice Cre8~ and would be happy to aerve you. ~alk in If not to make. purchase lust say Hello-
cI." .. ... \'---........ 'II' ".....: . D«f. ... race, cllffHellt NP....
Am> CLEAti-our stOCk
J.IUJ' n.llhbor. aDd relaU".. 'In ' Nu.reth. Uk. mCllt Je... iuppo.ed that God would fa"or oob' the "ChoMEI people," llamab' thetno uln.. So thl JeW'. realll~ent toward the Bomana .bove him .nd bIa contempt of the Callaialtel lie-
of mercharidiae is always new. clean and well .sel~ted, It repre-
senta the constant improvements - in this highly spectalized industry.
RALPH H. C:ARE-Y , Judge of tb Probate Court·t
~~I~ , M. H. Coffey, Mlalster
R . 'R. 1, Way ne&vi le. Ohio has bocn duly IlPl'Oi ot.,q " E"~lrlx 01 the
"~ r.~ (on
Willlamson, Ola Hartsoc{t, Fran'" ces Hel)kle and the honor guest, }'4rs. Gons. ' .
. . , . keeping your Clothes In step ,villi the seasuD Is our job. If your spring clothing is aoUed or NOTICE OF APPOlNTM'ENT yas put away with a smudge or En .. te of H arry Smifh Deceased Notiee is I1ereb give n tru.t Ada .mear bring it 10 us todaY'for exSmith whose Post: Offl,e add.en is pert 1hOl'ough eleaning, sel'Vlce.
~veland; Mrs. ~aret W~it~
Mrs. Glenn Blarid, )Dsses AIl~ Gons, Louise Henderson, Luella
The Week of ~caUoh offering last SUIDday gave evtdett f th ,, !!f' ClI . e generou8!ty qur peopt~.. However. quite a of number of ' ~rr more regular attendaJlta were ab. sent. Some of these 'are sendlri, 'their offering this week by mall Ple~e ~ bring. or send yours b;y .next Sundan. "nle 8mount of. the (lfferin,:i . will be announced SUID,. day 1l10mlng. We 'must serid this t.otal. offering and next SUlDday'.
be looldnv f I' II m a.n wh stole a \Vh ('I. Jfa d('~crioo<: it well, glvinl/, lh number lind lho owncr h as 1.0 par wi lh it The sharper raise. from ~20 to , ~O a 11'\". and then start fnJ' IlrCCIlCI' Ci leIs.
-co 1IrV. III , • ', aDer that
.Jds1!lPB E. JAMES, Editor
It also reflects. the lowest possible prices coJlSiltent with respectable materials. Our display room is a place for this kind •. - of 8 purchase,
we.,.. him made more bitter b7 hIa convictlon that &bey waul4 an IIId 10 hall except h1I own race.
• • • ....t , ..... DI. A_at It
111HZ TWQ STORIES 10 our . ._ .,", (.ee the Scripture relenilcea) ' MOW the, alton1ah1n1b' IImpi. WI)'
, 1Ir"'whIc:b
"a1ked .tr......
UtClle WIU. II If they dlll nqt alit. B. p....d no ~aoJutIoaa.
dlllOUDetd 1lObod7; h., • Imp 1 T lnated aU races .lIke. Be bllpe4
lb. Bom.n .~ ortlcer anAl the Canaanite w9man precllel7 II If the7 bacJ beto J.WI. (B,. tile way. hIa remarb to that woman abouJ4 nOt be mlIun"eratODd .. rude. &be cIld not take them. dlat WI,._ II. , qIOke to ber, . we rna,. ftll beli.... .alb • 1IIII1Ie, aDCl Iba took blm ....
................. ...Ute......
MUll ,ODd humor.) JHUI a~" eI.ted ralt,b wIle~r II. touDCl H:.'
ClaieiGe JI .Bron
fIIDoF ... ,aD ............. U'8
, C~,r~88aan '
Seventh Ohio Distriot .
lint ..
..................... Btl
.......f!8 ......... .......
... .." .......
... -ca-. -!'
'~ ,
Ba lilithII', cdnIed to the Rom. . nor buUlecI till CaJIaanlte.. He look~' at an men aDd wome' wi" 115 ,m!)llUu, unUI June 80, ~n ap'poln~, , , ', .......,~-'::.--; .. !onn. All Ul~ IIlINillure paliied tbe f, The ,Hoblle us ftXed ~lie eejtlJ1g. on the 8tren~th ' lave! IY'" M~ not their .='-IrI~.. ~. their ,b....... House, an, ~~ :or !QygaelpalitJ' ean b of tbe ~m1 .t 8~O thousllnd men, and, pn tbe Ai r nor thetr cJOlhei, , offi"ial reaolutlon .of ' Ita ~~lIIr brtnC 'a! Forl!~8: .t; 500 thou¥nd men. This new Ai~ Forees eri~ to I~ renb eoatro~ uJIOIJ"!6. notice. An-' ce.llin~ permit. a 'fD-arroup Air,' Force, provi~i!ll otber r,rOVl"I!)u 'requIres ':~'e ~ti.~r· to 1lx fund. , th~refor are 'PPfopriBted., Tbe Preliident, ' in ' rents to give the ,ptopertj' oW:ner . ,f.1 're~ lib bUdget m~a~.I'~ req~est'ed .p!'roprt.tlonl of 14 on hl~ In,vestment. The Hou!e rese!I:W, by 4-vote billion 3~ million dollara lor n.tional ~etense piulnulrJn, at! 'amendmeJ;ltto llmlt ..~t control nten. pl)sell ~or the ~omln ),ear, cove~ng three ~ranchel thm tlJ 00 ""18. Tbe Benl\.te was •.ebedilled ~ take -Anriy'. Navy, .nd ,Air F reel. Under the Prell. ;'1) thfl !'l1'\~ r"".trol ''ll'l'ltlon ~· ~nt . o( thia .w"k. dent's budget ~s. w,o';t.!d be · provided for B ~_ rhe . Senate bill propOHs uten~, rent ,*,,,&01 for group Air, Force. The House Services Com12 montba, wit~, ten~ts ,pro~Ii!l.' 'rJ'l)m _;fiction for mlttee ,wants. to .tr.nsfer to t~e. lne.of the Air Forces an addltlonal ·a months ft~l ~i of the ren~ eon. , ~e. 800 mllbon doUan ., set all1de 1Il the' President's UdPt for uniyer.,1 military tJ:alning, il1asmuch as trOl' j)rot,;lem ~. the. SU;tell, .~ ~ t~creU'1I aver- ' Co aging ,1ipproxlm~teIY' 10 per cent ' " . ' JII'l'ell will not a,pprove the {rifT p~arram. 1 '"
The HoUle for'
l~lt ",eek ",oW to ex]t.ndFed~~a1 ~n~
had ,,- '
bod" da,..
. . ,,' ··0.. t'
, Automatic Wash,er with Liv'e-water Action Only
Frigidaire De lux. , " Elec:h'i.c: Range
hos L1ye-Wa'er
a~t1on. Wa.hes ~Ioihes clean.rf
tins.. them twice In cleari, cI_ woivl All-porcelain Insld .. 'and out.
AI\·porce\Pln-COok . Ma..... O¥en Cock Control -.£yen·~lCIt Ow... Trlp,le-Duty l'htrmizer arid ilia"" o!I)e,r fealures 'tau shaul" .e•• Oth... M'O d'"
Jr_ 11B4.....,.
C_ Inl SI. a frigidaire d• ...,..uro""'" and get a ~ondY. _ful, • 01....... MEASURE. It', maolt.,t In pini., cups, 'obla.poon. 011<1 _ " - " most CO":
..Fairley . Bdwe. ....... kitchen god"o'.
I'REI! oIudng ~ Frigld.... .SprIng Sho.... g.
St~re ;
". "
, •
- .'
The Senllte ~lIbulJter' ls over T1bll Bouthe-;'" J,loe ' Fi,urell ~ve ~e .. made available ,~hoWlng that, if bas won iu fitrht for the ~t' «if ·UJilllllitsd de1Iate the ~cUa, :F~al Aid ' to Education legislation on' an)' motion to cliaqe the rulell of the sdale goes throu,h, C]hlcn of ~ejleral taxes for tht. The Ilgteement and n~ rule .~t.d to end the purpose would oe \'1li1illlon 3'70 thouADd doUan Per "uster Will make it more, ,rather ~ ,... dlmllalt ". P,ar. whUe the. State wOl!I~ get Nck 'f '.mmlo~ 00' for Pre1ident Truman to ,.at .his ~I~ citnl rI,bta thounbd doU.n eacJl year from the Federal 10V. legilll~tlon througb tb. 8ena~ JOIi II'" • eondttu. emme!)t for the ~IO of Ohio :echoo]s. Th,e Qther 10 tion~l .two·tbh;6~r 6' nl~;..or the Senate million 280 tbo~and doll.l'! f.n · Fed!lral tUBs paid ~\' iI1 . be required t.o vote clot~ . ; to '11.'* M~' , annu.lly~), Ohloans to support ~be Federal Aid to on mot,lou, or mel\81Jl10 .acep.~ on ..oUon to : !ld~tI~ progr.m would ~ to the "ChOllls of other change the ~Iel, w~e'ie ..(l~ttj:d~~ t" II"'~. ~ta Thu~, Any. :well.organlH!! bloc of 8~tf~~Jl '. . ,• • • those from, 'the .Southern S~~lrIl1 .lwa,. ' By a 12 to 11 vote the Hou~ Commlttiie 011 Labor a veto power 'over any Senata Ulicrb. ' .. and Education lalt ' week' reponed out 'the ' Leslnlki , . ••• \ Bill to a~lInc\ th. Labor Btal1darM :Act 141 as to Prl'sit1ent Truman ' flx PliJlhllllm ',qgel in ·all eoveted Indulmes at '16 hanc1R of his o,ld en.ta an lI..ur, with Ume .nd one-half for all houn whfln Senator B:rrd of worked over 40 In one· week. The bill 'would allo llublicn w.rnber. of the 'brItI1' UDder the Law m.n; workers not tee in refuiing to report 1I0W ~nNd by It, anch " employeell III Inost retail 'of Pre31dent 'h'uman'lI .to~, many ia the eaulling and food.proel!'.1B inr In. mer Sen.tor lind former dDltrl.., and othen In public utillt)' or farm work. Mon C. Wllllfl'4!n, as Chaitnuln of ' • • • cUrlty'Re80llftetl Board. So ~. ' Now that the text Of the North Atlantio. Deten.. ' Pact; ,........ h be tration tha~ WaUcren would .. Senate that his Jiame appean iii or "I. U en ~e public. world lntere" ~011' (If Fcder~' "mql,,11 "'hle" .til be centered on the IIlrnln~ of the Pact her. ill days .go. The Rapublleau ~.. Wuhlnaotoa earlJ In A'plil. Wblle m• . 01leerren alr.ill'St the W.UI'I"8II ecmt\~ bel.....e tbat tile ~t)' will fI,..lIy bot mUIId h, ·tM l1nfl~ for the ?i_I ADd . Senate, It now .ppea.. certain that the debate OD . . _ 80ate noor ~ be Ionl' and 1iWer. · '-'.-o<!'-IJ!!!"II!!.~-"'!--"!'-
I. "
. '
mines, dec'd, Paul J . Cummln.-, her firat adlQillitb:at.()I'. !i rat and f inal &Ccouut, a;pproved, al lowed and eon-
March 18. 1949. This has been littl~ pig week down on the farm, and such a \Yeek as It has been. ~a1;!:h at Us _~radit1onal worst. Mdllday one gUt farrowed a litter of eight of the prettiest, ' Uttle spatte dplgs anyone ever saw and she stil Ihas aU eight thougl,1 one of ~em got hurt yesterday and we brollght it to the how e and kept it in the brooder until this morning but when I took itl>ack this moming it know jUst where It wanted to ~go and when last leeD it was tugging away with the rest of them. It was the runt of the litter anel )s not e ntirely safe yet but has a fairly go(!d chance to put Ithnlogh. , Wednesday ·the other gilt farrowed eight w~ the wind blew
a tcale right throUgh ' the old barn where they are. One of itiern got chined and we brought It to the house, by yesterday afternoon. it was up ita feet and we took it back and It nursed, but'w e should not have left it there 8'11 night for thJ. morning it was desd. She lay on .a nother but the six that are left seem strong and lively 'i n spite of the weather. These ' ar~ all reglstel'ed stook and as per l ectIY marked llttle show hogs as e ver went to a County F air ., They t ell me that polka dots are the style now for Spotted Poland Chinas' end these are marked with neat round spots of black on the white.
The c01d weather and /lnol.\' has briught lots of birds to the suet. All of the 'regUlars have peen comJng, the chiclcades, 1ltree klnds of woodpeckers tufted titmice, and now the latest arnvais are some white breasted nuthatches. They are beautifully IrVlrked and it is amu.aing to see them run. up .and do~ the tree ~ead first. This moming in spl1e of the snow I heard ae.veral birds singing and calling to each other. . This weather is hard on the hay sltuation. Ours ill going ian at all the barns apd today I had to ,et some more. ThiS week I laid off my chore boy because we could not airee on the time when the chores should be done. , I wanted them early so 'that I could e.t my 1lUppeJ;' in pel!ce and listen to the radio and be wanted to do them late so that he could linen to .hls favorite radio ;pro~. 'nlese n.e wlbalf ho~~ adventure programs are h~ on th chores, I used' to be able to alIqw "one fifteen minute one bet ween feeding the c:hick~ns and ~, but . a halfl hour Is too
Ions· '
flrmed. Estate ~f K~Ue lIeGonlgAl, d~'d , John ;Marvin, admlnittrator, flt'IIL and final ~unt. approved, allowed and confirmed. Estate of' WHltam Yeager, dec'd, William M. Yea~r, adrninatrator, fipl1; and. fina l nccount. a pproved, Illlowcd and confirmed. Estate of Charles Rye. dec'd, Har vey L. and Clalllnce Ry~ coa droinistrAtors, ' trllns!i)T of l'eal 8ale of llcr sonal property, .,, ~ ...."I"''':A_ in !find. f '. Estate ot Melissa Conover, dec'd, Meryl B. Groy, M minl!..trator, DBNWW A, transfer of :real estate. Esta~(),f E~erso n Mason. dec1d, Lee M8lIon, executor, fi,lecl hi s first , f inal and dl st~'ibutlve acc-ount. Oharles H. G1'llY and Meryl B. Gray, co-M.m1nistra tors , of the estate of J , C. Gray. dec'd, plainti:B1is. VB. Oharles 'R . Gray. et a I. , -defendant. finding .sale necesaary andl o.iYering app ~aisement of entir~ Interest. " G Uardill~ h ip of CarTie Koogl() That's what tile lovely Betty Wrar,e baf .beeD for .It years on and Emma. Ballgliam. GeOl·gia. A. WLW-N8C's "Pepper 1{oung'. Hidy, aPpoinWA parilian. Estate of \phoebe L. Campbell, ramO)'... aired weekd.a)" at .• 3:30 p.m., EST. Blonde BeUy .tarred d~'d" Roy- L. Ca mpbell executor. III ehildriD·. rol s In ,ber earl,. sale per sona I IProperty, groS1> teeDL value of ell~ tc ~20 , 49 5.S6. , Est,ate o·r Ma!'IIa.l'et A. Johns. I didn't· snatch the bucket away dec'd, P au l T. Johris , appoi nted ad· q uite qui ck enough Bnd in her minis h'ator, Wolter Kenrick , Harfo t went. The lew glile's !lnd doors vey Bti rn ~t and E. B. Long,acre 1lPthat we hav ~ put up in ,t /te barn pointed apprllisem. have T/lade putting the ' cows . Estate" IIf Dennill- Moore. dec'd, wberli! we want them very much easier but 1ltere are stU .la few changes that need to he made outside the bar n . Whyy should any one chase a cow around and round the bain. w hen a gate or two will send them where you want them to go. I am still a slow milker. I~ is lucky that we are JiUlking four or five good was the keynote for Texas cows instead of two almost dr y Eastern in 1948. During the ones. I have lElamed a lot most of which I thought was true , but yearwe'~hed our full statthat 1 knew now to be a p.l·oven ure as an essential element fact. There ' is a great differ ence In the nation's ecOnomy and in the color oE the milk when the as a responsible citizen jn cow bas been well strinpped an d th/!m.any commmUtiesalong our Jines. when she has just b'e en hurriedly , ~ route I thought some of the ftysieally speaking. our ~amples I had had lately, looked '.*Ogress involved two maawfully thill, now l ' know w,hat lor und~kings in 1948~
In the matter of the created by the win or Dr. Shultz, dee'd, Obarles J. goner, t,ruJJtee, flle'!l hili . 1xth coun.t, In the ma.tter of the tt'llst created by the -will of J . "lV)11 White, doo'd. The First Natio,nal Bank of Cineinnati. -trw tee, saill nf
. .1_ Ib is hard to !lliec~ any WOl',A that you have no~ done yourself long enou;ih to know the ins and outs. 1 will see w hat ~e cream check has to say about It . Don't forget the Red Cross Be to do your'share geilerous ly when your neighborhood collector comes to your hoUlle. '. .
~~~~~~~~~~~~ llORSES $3.00
COWS S3.00
.Ai!cor\ling to sizo and condition.
Ali Stock removed promptly ..
proved. allOWed ,a nd conflnned.
oil George Og) esl~o, Estare of William E. Liddill dec'd, Net tie Oglesbee, ndminist~ra Carrie M. Ljddill , f iTSt and fin~1 tri.x, ·filed her fint and final II C·oount. ----~-.-.-.-.-.. Estate of Clinton K . NUl'On, dec'd, Toomo.s C. Enis, admiinis,t rator, transfer of real esta'bee, exempt Inheritance tax. , Estate of AI,bilrt B, StaJ:ke, dec'd, Freda B . Bast. administ~a ·tril'. ,grGas value of, estate $7.OS2.28. 1 Estate of Wilbur T. Dowr'~y, dec'd, J . Ralph Stoudel'. appoimberl nd mlnistrator, D. E. HeYW(lOd, You ca ll pay ofl anytime. W ulter Ohes ney and Oha:rlef; ,Long ' Ter m 4% No Re-newal Tomllkinil apppinted appr aisers. 'Estate of Patrick J. Fitzs im- A F armers guarantee of security mons, ~d, ' Laura K. Fitzsimmons Made Througb exeeutri~ inventory hearing set ft.rr April 2 at 10 A. M.. estate exem-pt inheritance tax. ' Estate of Joh n .lIonley. dec'd, Addie H qnley. admrnistratnrix, liS. Broed~Y ' George S i m~. Pen.n Morton IJnd and ChaTles J. Waggoner IIPpoi!lltPhone 448 Lebanon , Ohio cd apprai sers. Estate of Cla,cnce ·E. MendenEetatc
Vcltoa Young vs; Tom Young, caso diHmlssed without record.
Metal or Wood $7.35 and $9.95
Lebanon . N.F~L.A.
Wall Paper and Paste and SiziQg G. E. 'Bulbs - Nu Enamel Kem Tone
Waynesville Furniture & Appliance Co. ~ MaiD Street • __ ~ Cnap Hall . Telephoee 2422 WAYN£SVJLLE. OHIO
and property additions am.ounting tQ $23,800.000 nJ:'(1 ClOnsttucted or l'CqL*ed duri ng J 9~ q 1Y'1'UX\ .1]!:~atl·i"ll • .
Conversion of the Inch Lines was comple¥ by Japuary of this year._ Altogether, 2.1 compressor stations '-'-Were ' built, requiring installation of 71 reciprocating gas pow~d compresso1'8 and 109 ~ntrifugal cOmp~ts and electric motors. Total ho~ power .pn the lines is now nearly 2(0..000. This ~ ~e l~est 'horsepower install.. tion of its type ever attempted. ~.. .
abaree of the ~mpany'. co1DJXlOn stock outatandiilg. More thaD 118 ,muon cubic feet of Ps were sold, and jp."OIa rev,mta amounted to $32,729,000. 'rues of aU kfuda· amountinB to ".;006.000 were paid tovaiioua local commllDitias aDd the federallOvemment. Much of thia amount baa ,one to ClOmmuniw. 88 your own, aIcma the route of the.pipe lina
Most of tbis amount was spent Lo build COll' Pr.(..: 'IIt stationS8uchastheone,s near yo ur comrnurlity.Tw t.~' one stations were built, 14 Qf wlucb utilize centrif "al compressors like thoJ!!Ullctul'C!i above and 7 I e (Ccjl' v . catingcompressots.ln ddition, mu h II'.!W 'ql,jPI /"! ~
"As a
- and dis,tribution points., ,
&ion, but tb,e usuallnethods are extremely e:r;penaive and' time 'con'sumiI)g. . . , , ','n'o(:'1 Eastern ,~ adaV'~:-# ~men~ in.
'·· EMPLO'fEES . ~ · •.·•.· ,
Doi.n~~ly87~_ftJIid ~~ mAny who ¥ped
run thlllachlinee dunDI ibtwar. J.ast 'year OUl' ~ more than doubled.. Imd I)U!' payroll iDCreued to al· most $2,600.000, Durlng;l9f.8. Texas Eaatam established IfOUP ~ aud a retinunent income plan for employ-. Tbie yesr ~ cod8tn1ction of more than 100 modern dwe1linp is eCheduled in addition: to tboae now at c»mpn8lOr statio:a. f9r employeee aDd families, where DO 0 " " boUsi'lDI itt availab1e. Tho people of TexaS Butern are citiz8118 of 85 .commUDiti.. in 10 eiatee: 80IIII8 are your IleIJhbors. Thay aban tlW ItWPODmbjJttW,of'YO~ ClO:lPIDunity life. •
for 1948 inclUde refinement a.n d clean up work to oom·
• p1ete previous construction, and 8p<lllding S- ;1.t'( () ,f'mo
for further property and plant a ddi tion" . tiona will consist principally of 363 miles " . aud the addition 32.750 comprfolRJOr b a raep u\, " the lines. As in aU of our const ruction, a good par t the expenditure will represent pay ro!Js a nd 1 cul purcbaseawhich wilJ directly benefl,t m any com mwrit.ies throqb 'wlU,cb the Inch Lines p ass.
' oil oper:ations aothat, we
were able to ~~ 2,688 mn. of piDe in 1... than a ' year with' 'little 1011 Qf pit'" and nointerruptioq. in-.v-
ice. We ~, we believe, the ftnt gas pipe tiDe ..,.t;em to
12;.0. Dial 701. tQl' Our U.II" J6~rkeL ~._ .
Bucll eleaDin, part of 1)ur routine main~...... .
hi all Qf the work "haw
.Clone inl.948. we have kept 'in mind our duty as a new
BHOUR WRECkER SERVICE General Motor RePair WIUard .~rte.
.lIfR'Sr.a,. .J
Mala ad ...... ~ . PIa. :1)4i
," .•
part of our general
in .
was purc ha,Bed for Use on the CompallY 's SYSWIIJ, 80 miles of additional pipe lines were llljci.
construction program, ap-: pl'Qximately 80 miles of pipe lines were laid to new supply
in the natural g¥..lndustry. Clean lines are ~ntia1 high pressure ps tlanamis-
NEW PLANT ... TaU Eaatern·.OperatioDB tor 1948 8moun.. to
According to ' Size . and Condltlon. ~ll \ '.
. '
Coaatructiol ...........
: ,inc~ tHe efli~tency~. of·), ",..",,-dill,",,1 the nig Inch. Sj-steJD-more than .20% Of using'a m~
John .1. Syford 85, Ha rvey..b!uy, worker. l!;valyn B. Tucker, as, Harveysburg, teacher. f~ctory
and confit!med.
SKAYle. THAT SAT'."' ''. 1VIHIO ~ ~I:" . ID. 8. '1'. J)I.ll..... WLW CtncJDn"~1
breth 27, South Lebanon. ..... ta:ry.
Leonlda$ Simonton. GuardIanship of JlIn,e Aline MOII- doo'd, Obarles J. Waggoner, truad llhall, et al.. mlnol'S, Kathryn too, fifth IOCOlln t. 8]>provcd, 81A. Mondonhl!-ll, gUlirdian, f irst. anI! low~d and conffrm ed. final account approved, IUlo wed
First, we completed. the massive task of' eonvertiJ)g the Big Inch and the Little Big Inch pipe lines into a natural gas transportation Sy&tem. Second. we increased the efficiency of these great pipe:lines while remodeling them. ~ ,
1;:1947, we Q18 '
.....""'. .
Estate of Alfred V. Snook, dcc'd, MARRIAGE LlCENSFB J. Clarence and Lesta Snook Earl T. Hudson, 22, Frllllklln, executors. f irst and f inal account III all' ce~in carrier, Doris Mae HollingaIIJIpt·ovod. a llowed Mid confit·med. Estate of Clarence B. Edwa:rds. wDrth, . 24, Franklin, cle(k. ElJltato of 'l'ho.mas Corwin, doc'd, ded'd, Myrtle B. Edwal1ls. ildmiln.LSKash Day Amburgy 27, South t:;'atrix, elitare exempt i nhe rits.nce W. Ohestor Maille, executor, f irBL. final and dist ributive .account, II.Ptax.
I have been considering doing them !DYIlt!U for a wook or two Phone Collect, bec:aUlle I am considering reol'tl-' Xenia, O. 1712 ,o r . aolzlng the work !O I this seemed like a goOd time to .do it; We are WDmiQtOa, O. 2382 . milking ' two cows. neither 9f which ill giving ' very much mIlk so that , the mUking was n01 be-, yonst" my ,sk.Ul. I en~oy doPi~C it for a wblle 'but there are always 80 many other tbJhg5 for me ,to . do that 1 would hot want to do them aU the He has one on me thJa moming, for Dolly kjcJted over the bucket ·tlits morning just ail abe did last weeldor him.
aceollDt, aJjproved,
allowed and con- coQfll'mld. Eetate of
accoun"t, firmed:-
PROGRESS A: report· to the -people of
'oraaill&.tloft ..-nd ~ 't. 'n..... Itrl.tIY ... ~.. the ..... all .~I/ncl · ....rket I" ttl.
-...- - ... "...
citiZen of your coramunity•. It is bur aitil that TeDS Epstern's pipe tiDe ~ and tile apart pipellmn who operate it will continue
to eontribute to your com.~tJ'.~
ftANSMIS510N CORPORATION _IftIII!II' 9 ~ the BIg inch and Uttt. BIG 'Inch pipe
line system, Is
comlnllinlly II. of . . sta... wIwe ItS employees Ilye and work. IlltPnll .. 1/1' . . _ _ . . . " . .~ I.ouiIbIa
7InI SIaIIoft II fII
L.' • •
.. The Miami ~tte r1lhll-hfllct eveI')' trhunda, at- Waynesville, Ohto.
" ,,"h'.
Perhaps You Hemember '1I0~1
-------~~~~~~--------~~ F;nteJOed .. .. leCond elMS matter at the .p ostoffie e at
- -
• •
and Mrs. Fred Cona capturlni hte booby prize. Aft4tr the lamea maple candy was served and thoroughly eJljoyed, Those ij)resent were Mrs. Alie Surfact of near Lebanon; Mrs. MJrllaret Johns. of bytle; Mrs. Eliulbet1i BaUey. Mrs. J, Q. Gons. Mrs. Fred Gons. Mrs. Earl Hockett,' Ml's. ME'nfODIST atURCH Amos Coo . k. Mrs. Seren William· R.B. Colemal), 'Minister son, and Mrs. Ha~ Smith.
The newly organized Firemen's ~ • AUGUS11NE Club a nswered \heil' second fire ~aYlluvtJle. Ohio. c .. ther · Krumh('·~y.. , Priest call .on M\lnday, or this week, The alarm came from the home of "'.~ ~"bfl,.,.t'PtiAn Rate: $11,50 Per y eal' in Ohio ; $2.00 p er ~1PTU.u" IIarIJ: f'.... Lub Mayo r T. E. Rpgers. when a spark MT', HOLLY METH01'), I 'Il r p.l!lewheM. ~'l;IlVO'1'ION.u. . ~ II A D I II OJ AD• . hom 1;1 chimney ignited the dry .., .Jlf MI I t 10 1 ~. , h · 1 t f Thi . th .d T'. M. :>CIbJ. n !\ er S II1g E! '00 . IS e secon ~unAav Sehno1 _ 5 __ alnrm tha t 111:\5 Scome from ~th I' ., ., h rt Q:30t a .m , street; the gther belbg a r oof fire ClturCh School 9 :30 a.m. , c.A. III • ~ UD . . al Lbe h ome of Mrs. George J. J~ llUllle. Supt. . JJn~lIlp 'Service to :~o I.m. • • • Mor an. which is across the :s lreet LINEN SUOW~ Worship and Sermon venln« Service 7: 0 p.m. £: M.R -, h 'Both ~0:30 I.m. lEND:.. :rom r. og r" ome. Miss Mau' Margaret t,rngl!e sby I)pecial Musk: CIIolr CAESARS atEEK FR . ~ ESUS DID NOT Know theN WII' a fires were d iscover ed before a.n y was· hostess to a group' of fr.Iends Youth Fen~lp T1tursday ',Jl~v, DavId Shnfteld, MinIster GRi\.QUI\TJON quesUcm. 'l'hat J. to .." ona<>M OUR FILES Saturday afternoo~ at a lllnen 7:00 p~ Sunday School t9 LIII. thererace The F(TllduAlin1( ' lass of lh e great damage was done. w~. nP quutlpn for hlm. Tlill Firemen 5 Club urges shower for Mrs, Fred GOlia. Choir 'nIunchv Wors~lp Service II Lm. though be well knlW that hi. n.I.1iW I\Vn gvj\l!.' High Srh o~ lror ~e • 'I:'.ETJNQ people- to ' be ~ceedJngly careful { 11 ' '1 45 pOI _ bora found 'the race car '08-'O!l i ~t m {)tlb d of .Tohn ' d Bridge was the dlveulon, 0 ow: ........ Dai\ 'Hockett, Oscar Monfol't, S. _ .,., ••CA ., Eo U. 8. CHURat problem • hpt ono. P. C~ITl1l\.i1H··. Sus~ri L. W,·i~ht.. to . gUltrd', aga inst over h~ate illg which a delicious lunch was A. SWwell, ~d N, L, Bo/fle.lI 'l/lAll the ge rms of 'D,y chimneys. ~hingl e I'oors al'e so dry served. The guests were Mrs. MARY'S P.PI5COPAL, I?ev. 'Wiltjam Shannon ' Grnhnm. F3~mjRmin T,j bbal.~ . th at II single spark is likely to .,. ~undav School q :30 a.m. , race pl·oblem. ev,,, . tended the Warren COUflty As- Ada Ad:! Slokl!.'i. P.lsiC) Rog 1'5 Lelia s,tnl't. a disastrous rtre. ' drea Beistline, Mias Florence De· ~.~uel N Keys, Redor . M~ . .rame~ Garrison. ·Suot. of race riot.. wer_ of K. p .ra at SprlngbO'llO. GiIJit'M. Murtha Compton, WarMoss and Min Emma HaspEl). o f ' M Prellclllnr t st and 3r~ Sunday. there In Pale.tJne •• Wedneaday everun,. Sen. S. " Dllytonj Mrs. Chea"r Cutler, of Cburch Sc"oo' 9:15 A.. eaell month 10:~O a.m. In a1\ pI our worl4 Beatty of To}tido, Grand Keeper I'lm Kc~'s, S hiccl5 have been 'as- ENTERTAINS Loveland: Mrs. Margaret Weltz, Mornin, Worship t . ::30 A. M. F.venlnf .Serv_ices ., :JOp. m today. Recorda and , Saala, . W88 present signed.' Com mencl.'rilent, May 18. 'Firat there wa. Mrs. Henr y Satter thwaite en- Mrs. GJ~ BIanct Misses and gave a useful talk on the SCHEMES the fee lin, of racial, ter~ined a few friends V""" Cons, Louise Henaerson. Luellal PRIEJ'U)S ~ \'1'I..E ' ME1HODlST _." Williamson, Ola Hartsock. Fran-' P'frst· Day ~h' ",", :;,~ () :I .m r.... _-. luperlority. Few. If good of the order. so it ia report A clevel' swind linR sch eme i:\ oleasan tly on F riday . A delicious 00 'IVft'-D allY. peoples think ect (. being worke hy n pall' of sharp- three-cou rse luhcheon at noon ~es Henkle and th'e honor gllest, "eetl"r for WorShifl Dr: ,Joseph Myers. MinIster of themselves as In New ~lts comiDg. Tailor madc. IlI'S i n n eighh()l'ing towllS, ODe was fo llowed by "500," Mrs. EUz- 'Mr s. Gons. · 10: 3Q :t.m C;undlv . Mrc;. &:bool Ruth Saylor.9:30 SUIIla.m. Inferior race. Npbody would mine! $5.00 to $15.00 a suit. lOc cellu - goes Ou'Ql1~h 010 C(l\~~I'Y on Il b Jabeth Bailey winnjng first 'Prize WOI',hip Service 10:30 a.m, beln, kicked around if he thoulht ~oldcUffa. Exerta hea~ linen lIc.l , Illld w"~n h f;trikes Il town ,tie deserved nolliln, better. '!'b. eoUats. ' ,he 'P1'cl,P nds t~; qe \Ifll'd lip. a nd 'Jew.: to whIch 'r aci Je.Uf ~ FERRY QF 0fR1ST longed were no", ueeptlcm to th' Good moog knee paots-20c, 25Q Qfrers his wh\'t'\ 4,:h~"" to Rcl 5pme M. H. ())ffey. MiniSter ~~n caPle~, ' MinIster 'rule. They felt them~el",. the .U1 and SOc. money. Tht! y ''bile' rl'llclily. rrr,C! 81ble School 9:30 A. M . Bible Schoof 9:30 a.m. periPf pI All1 rae. on urtb. payjll~ a I'mI'll SlI m fur a fir!it,\~ ~ Momin~ Worship 10:30 A. M. Mo-aint Worship 10 :30 t.nI. clD !<.~ )' Mel. f lcl' a f('w doys th Ir, " Younx People's 6:45 P. M, PI1l '.~r MeeUn[ 7:00 .,.m.. other s hRrDc!' I u:rtJs un find cl!1\t'ns Two Sides of the Question The Week of Dedication otter... Evenlnr Service 7:30 P. M Youn~ People 5 Meefinr to bIOI lookinlt fill' Il m Ull whv slolt.> N JESUS' time the J.w or PaInin,g last Sunday gave evlden~ ot P.rayer Meetinr and 1:00 p.m a wheel. He r\ .. ~t:rib ~ it well, givUne WII In the middle, The the generouaity ~ our petIP~: ' B ible Study Wed.• 7:30 PM. Evealnr Services 7:30 D •• However quite a number of OUT _ _ _ _...:.._ _ _..:.'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _=:-__ Boman•• bavln, c:cmquered the land, in l( ill!' nu~bt:r l\no ehp. 0\ ner h as Ie) part with j t The sho I'pel'S raisE' were toJMIo, In Pale.Une. With mote regUlar attendants were ab. . the Bornane. the J.",. 8IW the UQ' from ~2(l til 10 n tl'in. Rncl then sent. SOtrte 6f these are sen&g We invite you and your frlenda , der·.lde of the a:ace que.tton.. But !'Il1I"i fnl' ~rcel'\I"r [1 Ids. 'f helr o{ferlng thI'a week bY tnali. . to IIlop lil and SIle our newly dectIlar. were other rae.,. mUl:b lell Please brin~ or: eenl;1 yours by orated restaurant. We serve that pure tb,n the J.w., race, called' mUMPS . • ··canaanlte". lor want of • . better 'next Sundayy. 'l1le amount 011the deUciousGen City Ice Cream' spd f\Jiprn the .n~1'I 1 C'ollJ rnn,q Qf he name. 'l'he.. people were kicked offer;intl will bP. announced, Sun- ~ WQuid be happy to aerveyou, Rlllci{'. onn 11'0,,113 'think "bollt thr. around the Jew•. jUI'.a Ibe Jew • . day morning. , We must send this Walk In if not to make. purchase whnl.,. oopIllflfit>n of 1h~ Va ll e,Y In turn w.r. kicked around by tIM ..... ....,. ill total offering and next SUnillay's just say Henow(>,e (>it.her hlwjl'l ~ ( ... hAve hud Bornane. at the Canaresnanae. · I • • DD.~ . ., anile., the J.w. lAW the race quea- ' the murnns til" IRSI r w weeks; pu'l'I ~ fD~ CODlt.. . The Adult ~e. on our tlon trom th. top ald•. IllsQ the NE'w Rm'lin !!ton Dcople, ...... ~to nroJD'am of recreation met '11ritJl .....l....:-_____________--:_..;.,..~_.;...._--:-ta PaIeeUDe 1IIe _ _ ., There h ave no t I.-en a ,nal.( dqzen the Youth P'elowshlp JtI'Oun Sunnell .......... __re tilde _ ' be ............ CIISe.Il in Wl1yn "svf)1e, . . day at 2 P. M. to plan' for fu:.,. the . . . . . r .. rellP_ dIf. " .. ke.epmg your .clothes ~ step tun; 1>~ov.rams. It Was decl4e~ , ~ flnaltliR... fweacea. . Ia ........, . " wu ,\/101 the season IS our Job. If me-et Qn next Sunday ev~~ ~taIleit DIIf~ your spring clothing Is aoUed or MaN:h 27th at 8: 30 ~ t~. SI~e NOTICli: OF APPOINTMENT ' nell, dlftereat ~It... vas put a~ay with a smudge or tuaTY and foDowln_ , this se~~ , E$tat a Horry Smrth D "ceasetl , r;EW AND atoCk leeu.' nelgbbor. and ralattv.. IJI Notice Is he reb j;lv"n thAt Jl,da' 1mear bring it 10 us tOOa~f~)1~ ex- hoJd a llroltl'Rm of reereation anel 'of merchan'diseia always new, Nnar,tho like mOlt J.WS, IUppo.ed SmltJl Wh059 P ost OfIloe add"" .. j . pert t h(\TOUgh deanlng sel'Vlce. refreshments in the baseJIlent, AD .select~ It ~epre clean and that God would favor onq lb. ~ " R. l. W aynewile, Oh io has been sents the constant improvements nur v01l!'1l poonle 'at'e cordlaQlr in. dl,lly QP ~iu tod '1 Elr<lCUtTix Qf t1ie "ChoMD people." o.ma1;r Ih.zn. Es la1e of Jforry Smith lat" of Wa •• vjtPli ,to be present. in this highly speclaUzed Industry. .elvel. So tIM 1f19f'. relanlmellt to. ren County. Oh jp. deceased. ward the Bomana .baft bIm and Wt' earnestly l'eauest thoae ' of Dated this 2 1st day of M arch, 1949 1* also reflects the lowestposhit contempt or the Canaanltll ba....,.; Church and Sund8v 5ehool , R ALPH H . C AREY TELEPHONE 2291 sible prices consistent with reneath him were ,made IIIOI'e bitt. w\,j) Are not atteIlclln~ to = e J udg of th o P klb ate Court spectable m"teriais. Our ,display' b7 tala conViet1on that tile, WCIUld WA YNE8VU,LE, OHIO ~' t Xl ..... j~nty, Obio ,;nd heln 1.1!I to COIltlnu~ th~ ruall and III hell a c . hie cnm rue. room is a aafe place for thia 1dnd Harold 0 ·Ri. :"" ',r, I\ltom &y - of a purchale.
Newe Grandpa Read
The Race Quea!ioa
in Time for Spring , ,
'0 M S"
,It ........:
Funeral. Home
• • • What 'estis Did A"at It TWd STORIES III our
leIlOIl .L, <all the 8crlptutw re1arancel) .bow the lltoolablnl1:r 1IIn~ ~
~~~~--~hr~~~~'~w~ '~Ih'
ttiroolh thOi' wall. a. 11 th.,. did Dot aa1at. H. p....d no NlOlutIona. dmounced nobod7; he a 1 m pIT treated aD race. alike. He belped the Boman al1DJr offtcer aDe! tIM Canunlle "'9ftI1Jl pl'ee1Ml7.a 11 , tha7 bad ben J.w.. (8,. tile "IT, hit rem~rb 'to that wllDlan abouId not be mlauDderltoocl .. rude. IIbe did nof taka them tMt wa,.. Ir., aPoke to ber. , we ma, wall beU"lr WJth a mille, IJld ....' took him .... IqUIl IOOd bum01'j elated faith 1IIII_VlI' be tIaumt It..1
See our big Sprlne' ~lno of frtoIdalre Home Appla_
See 011 the IftOdern _enlences and tealura. you get II Amerlco's "FI~~ I'amJly" of IdtdIen and launclry appllG_ . '
ClareDce ~. Brown
leam about ttt...\lRIGIDAIRE applla....
...- ..
fuoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
............... .......
aIlb.. . ., lie ....... tint .. ..... lID . . , . . . eIIuDe. . . "
Con&f! Seventh , . Ohio Distr~ot
• Refrigerator•• !IMIde ........ A"'omatlc Wa.... • electric WrIIer ....... .~ IElectrlc a ...... .",., • EI.ctrlc Iro_ • H _ rr-z••• Etectric~ld. Ifter , . Kitch.., Ca........ and ·Slnh , .
" ."
. _......
'l'he HOWIe I~.t ~eek vo~_t(! extend F.J~al r.n~ , had been l'Ppolnted. l!ontrol . for anothar 1& }I)?a~i; CIl' uli~l ~uDe 80. Il'he HOllie hal flxed the oolllngs oil the strength 1960.) n ,a iDodUled !~~ :~lJIeasure" pUsed the of the Army .t. 8701~hou8and. men, and on the Ai~ HOUle, all¥ ~tata, eowatjr or ~Jiglclpallty ean, by Forees 'at &02 thousand 'men. 'This new Air Forces • • offIcial r88ol",t1on of Its ~"'H body, briiac aD celi1nr permits a '70,polJll Air Force, providing end to locAl rent COl1tro~ .1!~.16" da,.. notice. All· f\Jn~s therefor are apprQpriated. The Pr.esldent, In WJaat De . , o.ther pro~!Ji!,1I requires ~e' ~~.tor to fix hb budget me8"ge.~ requested appropriationa of 14 NOBTH AMIlIUCA I" ~ rents so ·a. to give the propertJl ~er a .falr .re,t um blUlon 300 million for na~iona. ddense purCrlu-crOl~ b1 waU. cd ~ _ on hi s investment. The HOII!8 N~ted, bJ a C·vote Miles tor the .comlnr year, covering t'hl'e)l ~ranchel ill_racial, ~Utlc.l 'and NUalOlll. margin, sn amendment to flmllt .l'tIIt CODtro,l fttell· -Army. Navy, and Air Forces, Under the Prell. ~ Can.da (for ~pI" , tlMre .. ilion tQ 90 dRY!!. The Benll,te ,.,~ ICheduled to take d' nt' b d t fund ld be idi d f the trlcUog' between Canlcllilnl cal tTl' till! rent ,,""trol ' fJ1'l'stiOJl tlta',llnt of thil W"Ir. e , s . u ge 1\ W0II.! ptov e or ,a 48· "~ch and IboH or ',BD~ . . 11he'Senate bill propOlle. ~UDl reut control for groop· Air Force. T4e HpU80 Armer Services' Com.. Ic:citeb d"clat; lD the United eta_ 12 monthll, with tenants pro . ~.f~m en , ctlon lor mjttee w.nts,.to Itr.npfer to the tHe of the Air Force. '(not." IIl1 m..... c:1IIIfIMd to ... the 800 ,,"lIlaon , dollars Ict 8IIide in' the .Pre,ldent's 1.0,nth\' betwe_ N.pon' aDd , . . .. ,an additional '3 month a, ft~l re ' '.of the rent eon~ bu~t· for univerlal militarY ,training, jnasmuch ~ t..!..J;~ _ betw.... all trol problem tp tile Btabelll .... I'8IIt Increa.e••yer· 'Ooncress w11~ not apprOVe the fnrIT' pri&Tam. ( ;bit. _Wj ~ 'tIIe "014 aging approximately lo.'- i ee . , • . '. '. t. __ .. ltoclt" UId recent 1I'UIl"';. _ , ,;",., 'FiIr1J1'ea liave been, made available !3ho~oC that, ~ '10 an. :I'boIe ~ PNttt .aIlct; The Senate flllbullter'.ls 0"feI'. The Southem.Jtloe the: P.e1Idq.C F«leral Aid to Education legilll.tion ~ a' a.ruuaa .,.m find tbet If .. has Won its. 1Igl)t fo~ the rqh~,tJ! UDlJlnlttcl, ~ba&t loes through, Ohio's ablre of Fejleral taxes for thla tolIowa JH'aa' . .mpk hit ea "alit On anY motIon to cliange tbe nuea of tha Sena~. purpose would be ~ 7 million &70 thousand dollars ~ rilllr tbroaIti tbIIil. • lAd 1IInte The agrsement abd n." ru~ ~tad to end the flU- , yeu, While the state wouJ~ IJtIt back '1 million 90' • nl~ ~inoInt'n.tIoiDaI ... . huste.r will make It more, ra~ thaD le~, dUnealt " thousand dollars each YeU fl'PllI the Feder.1 rov- .~ dian..... til • IIIIIdca for President Trqman to ~ hU J!ro.,aae,t chit right. 'e rnment for, the usa ot Ohio \1chool!l. The other 10 iDemliera ~ tbroulb. ~ . . . legilllatipn through the SeDa.~ for DOW a ' eonatltu-. million 280 thousand dollara 'n F de 1 ta Id ,CbIlatIIID wDrId. ,... . , ., ... tlonaJ two-thh'd a--or 64 m~~ the Se~.te . . ' I e " rl , xell p~ ae "'tII ,be required to voteclcttun~~ to UDalt, cQbate annua.!y ~Y Ohloanli to support the, Federal Aid to bUIn(ID ~ ever . . . . .". _ mi . any .mption ' or measuro "~ ~~ ,,'L on ..",tlon to Edueatlon,pl'Pgr'1!I ' would go to the schools, .o( other ea . . . iiOq. " ' ., ....Statea ' • • .. ' , . . . . . . . at ...., . " .' II "" change the rulce. w~eJ:O ~~l! .~o, 1!e IIiJlt~, I, " ThU8. ~ell·wg.niz~ bl~ c!f.. Senat9~Il~ .. By • 12 'to ll 'vote the HouBe Committe, Qn Labor .11 hr'" n ,e'I." 'those from , the Southern ' Statt~D al~7. have ~ •••• ... ....._ .. a veto power oV1lr any Senate .nd. Education lallt "ee/treported' out the Leslnaltl ...................... ...... ' • t' • . . ' Bill to amend, the Fair Labor 8tan~ards Aet 10 . . to ...... fw," ...., . . II . . . . Prrsident Truman 'slllrere" ano";:.,1ibal the fix m1nlmom wagell In all' eovered liaduatrtd .t 71 ~........... ..., tnIrf II " ,hand,. of hla olrl fa laat 'W'Mk oonts an hour, with tUne alld one-half. tot .U boun tIIaIr ... urtt:.... , when Senator BJI'd of . til the Be- WOfked ovel' 40 In Qne week. The bID woGld alsa Ylt tile nal ........... til bumaD PllbUi:an '~befl of the Commit- brlor IUlder the Wap-B'oar Law maD, worbn not tredI aDd .... tee in refulling to Aport the Domln.tion 1I0W covered bJ it, IIlcb.a ilmplojeel ill molt retail pr~~.....::~ II of PrP'31den~ Tramllll'lI friend. the for- storea, many In. the cannlne ane! food-proceuinar In- wttb . , . . . . at iDe .,.;.. mer &lnat.or and of ~~bll!«ton, duetries, and others In public atllitr .. ol' lana work. ~ ~ .. _ _ caI7 _ Mon C. Wallgren, .a Ute Natlo!lll Se.. • I • . ~ 1DdlvJdu. curtly ReIOUI'CIfI Board, So wu til. 'AClmlni.. Now that the ten of the North AUIultic Def..... on luillll doInQa. tratlon tha~ WaDcren ~ould codrtDed bY. the Pact, pr Treaty, h.. been made publ~~ . . .111 ..~ Senate that bl. name ap,..,. ,' *he ofrleial, cliNe:- 'Will be centered on the ,I.m_ of UIe . . ~ .fa .J~fI.-~~!P.!: 'otty M Fllcleral 1. ",hie" CIff thep" .. ten Wa.hlncton earJ, In APrll ,.oat ...... ~~ 'ICai:I !fa~s ago. The RepubUeana ~ belleYe th.t til. ~ wm .. ~"' ,~ . .
w.. c...
Dal i, ... .. ".Idlllr....' ....olor ......... ~.,;.... __ , chest-:...........-toppact ltydrotor. -~ .......'-Mher ...,.....
. . . . . adYCllllGe-
': Automatic Washer . with Uve-water Action
frigidaire De Lux. Electric Range
OR/y Frlgldolre hos Uvo·Wo'" octlon: Was~.s cloihes cleaner, rln.sos them ' hvtte ' In' clean. cleor ~J A~.porcelal~ inSIde ond out. ,"
AI·porcololn ,-~·~alllar ~ ,
CloCk Control-EV.n·Heot 0YenTriple-Quty Therini'z lircind
other' feoNr.. you shOuld .... . Other Model .....'"
Il54.t,WVSI ~
Friqid8ire"Jilly.•~ g.' '.""'Y'.
c_ Se. a I'Ifgldal•• d._tt.allan, end a _fiji, • o:r...r\ J,\EASIjRl. I,', morlc.d ... pints, CUp". lablaop"",,' end _ -. ~ -. ........ 1U1ck.n 'g odll." It·~ me durInG . . friIIl ....... &psIne SIoowrln;. . ,
,F airley Bdwe. PNOJIfS" "441
. . .r ;.
DM*t..,...... deoIar.... Am". •
Stol~e ' \ '
.. .. •........ ' .0... 1
_mllmllmlmiillillliIIUII:~III~illllllll l !mmll!lllii/mmll llllmlmmllljilil 'I ~::: j~mjl:!Um',mll~~IQIII~II'.·~:~~ ='::~and
..INlet .. aJI.,a ....
= . ._.; . . _. . -----
ID"~(~ ~;-~=~=-~ ~,~
!l! ;
.,. D .I• • '''AIIIR
Marcil 18, 1949. This has been little pig week down on the farm, and such a week as it has been, , ~'March at ~ts tradltion,al worst. Mdllday one gilt farrbwed a litter of eiglit 01 the prettiest, little ' spotte dpigs anyone ever saw and she 'sill thas all ~ight though one of ~em got hurt yeslerday Bnd we brought it W the house and kept it in the brooder untll this morning but when I took it pack this moming It know just where it wanted ~ -go and when last seen it was tugging II,way with the rest of them. It ~M the runt of, , the Utte'r and 1/1 )lotentirely safe yet but hM a iairly ,good .chance to pul Ithru~h. Wednesday the other gilt farrowed eight whlle the w,ind blew a gale right through tile old bam wher~ they are. one !)f :them gqt clillled anll. we brought It to ilie ho~, by 'yesterday afternoon, it was up on its feet and we topk It blck and it nursl!d, but we should nat have left it there ' a~l night for this morning it was dead. She lay on another but the abc that are left seem strOng and lively in spite of the weather. These ru:e all registered stock an~ as per'" RClly ~ked little 'show hogs as -ever went to a County Fair./l'hey teU me that polka dots are the style now ' for Spotted Poland C)Unaa and these are marked with neat , round Spots of black on the white.
minp, doc'd, Paul , J. CIlIJlDIings, her tu.t actapniatrato.·, first and final &CIn bile matter of eOQnt. a.PPl'Oved, allowed and eon- areatecl b:v the will of firmed. D. Shultz, dec'd, Ohades Estate of ~tie MeGoniga.1, dec!c1, goner, trustee, filed his Jolin Marvin, administrator, first count. In the matter of th.o trul)t and final aceonnt, approved, lilloW9d and confi.rmed. . createcl 'by the will of ,1. Will Estate of William Yeager, dec'd, WlUte, dec'd, The Firat National WiUlam M. Yeager, admiruJtrator, Bank of Cincinnati, trustee, sale of fir-at and tiltal account, a-pproved, certaln.toc.k. allowed a.nd confit'lned. Estate of Olarence H. 'Eldwards, Estate of Oharles Rye, doc'd, dec'd. Myrtle B. Edwards, ~tdminis Hl\fvey L. and Clarence Rye, co- tratrl x, estate exempt inberitance transfor of real tax. estate, sale personal D1'(]ollelrtv. I E&bte of , George ~Ogleiiliee, distribution in ~ind . dec'd, Nettle Oglesbee, Mm.inistraEstnteof Meiissa Conover, dec'd, br-ix, filed ber fil'llt and final ac· !!lory1 B. G~ay, administrator, ·count. D~NWWA. tra'!!sfer IT! real estate. Estate of Clinton K. Nixon, Eijtate ilf Emerson Mason, dec1d, dec'a, Thomas C. Enis, ~ldminis Lee Mas on, executor, filetl his first, ,trator, transfer of real estatee, fina l and distri.buUvc accounL. exem,pt Inheritance tax.• Oharlos H. Gray and Meryl B. EiJtate of Albert B. Sta:rke, Gray, co-administrators of the dec'd. Freda B. Bost, of J .. C. Gray: dec'd, plain- ,t;rix, ga'088 value of, est1lte tif£:s, vs: Charles H. Gray, ct· 01., 082.28. de:fondnnt, findhig sale neoes!l'\'Y Estate · of Wilbur T . DoWney. a'nd. ord!lliing app~aisoment of en- dec'd, iI. Ralph Stouder, all pointed tire ' interest: administrator, ' D. E. Heywood, GUlir(liallshlp of Carrie Koogle Walter <lbesney and Oharles al~d Bmma Baltghllln, Georgia A. Tompkins lI:PJlllinted appraisers. H idy, a'ppointet:\ guardian. 'Estate of P.atriek J. l"itzsiInE'litate of \phoebe L. Campbell; moM. dec'd, Laura K. Fitz!',immons d~'d,. Roy-L. Oa'J)1pbell" execu-tor, executrix, inventory hearing ' lIot sale of persollJ).I \pl'Operty, gross f<rr April 2at 10 A. ,M., estate value 01 eitata $20,496.~. exempt inl111ritance tax. . E state of Mangllret A. .lobns, Estate of Jphn Honley , dec'd, de<l'd, Pnul T. Johns, appointed ad- Addie ' Hgllley, admini~'tratrlx, minil\h ·I\.!.Or, WaIteI' Kenrick, Har- GeOl!go, S/me, Penn Morton a'nd VeY Burnet and"E. B. Longacre ap- a1l<\ Cl!lIl'les' J,. Wagg.oner IIppaint"poIn ted IIJlPl'aisel'S. ' od appraisol'll. Est3te of DeRnis Mooro, dec'd, Estate of Clarence 'E. Menden-
. That's what the lovely Betty W,a"e flu beeD for 14 1ears OD WLW-NBC's "Pepper Young/s Famil,.." aired weekdays at ,.3:30 p.m., 118'1'. Blopde Betty starred III ehUdren', roJ!l$ In her earl,.
I didn't 'snatch the buck~t away quick enough and in her
I, ~~~!~~~~~~~~~ CASH FOR DEAD STOCK
Conversion of the Inch LiDes venture programs are hard on the chores; I JJBed to be able to at- HORSES $3.00 ' COW~ $3.00 " was ,eomple~ by Janwiry of this year. Altogether. 21 low .one fifteen minute one be- .... tween feeding the <:bickens and According to size and .condition. compressor stations were An Stock ,emo~~ promptly. rnilkiDg, but a halfl hour Is too built, requiring instaUation lonl. of 71 reciprocating ~ powJANES RENDERING
I have been consillering doing them myseH for a wook or two P.hone Collect because I am considering rearg- Xenia, O. 1712 or
. an¥nI
aeoount, approved, .Uowed and Lebanon, brebh 27, ~80uth Lebanon~ tary.
account, approved, allowed and con- confirmed. firmed. Eata.te of Leonidas Simonton, Guardiaoohip of June AJlue Mell- doc'd, Chllrles J. Waggoner, trusd nhall. ct al., m!nora, Kathryn toe, l'dllh account, appro~, alA. Mendenba.ll, glfa~dian, first. anti Jo~d &Jld'confirmed. tinal account appl7oved, allowed
Ironing Boards
'Metal or Wood $1.35 and $9.95
the worK ~ this se:emed
like a good· time to do it. We are Wllmiqtoa, O. 2362
ered compressors and 109 centrifugal comp!'flSS~)fs and electrie motors. Total hol'l!epo",er ,o n the lhies is now ' Dearly 240,000. ~ is the largest horsepower installatLon of its type ever
milking two cows, neiilier of which, is giving very much mUk 10 that' Was not beattempted. . • . yon.d my 81illl. I , ~oy doing it .,M a of our 'general f~r a while 'but there are alwaY8 . construction program~ ap80 'many other ~ for me to " p~ximately 80 miles of pipe do that fJ would not want to do . PROBATE 'd' lines'Were laid to new supply them all the time. He has one on Estate of George M~gle. dee. • ~I_ f D 11 •• kicked Beuie Trainer, admmistratrix, distribution points. me ....... morning, or 0...., flied ber mOllthly and f~rst and over the bucl(et thIS moming final AIlCCIunt . just asahe did last ~I for him. ' 'Estate of' Adelle' .M. ' Weaver, - - - - - - - -'....---.Idee.d Luch"n' A, Weaver,·executor • Inv~tory, !hearing eet for 4 at ' lO A. M : '. ' . we, ' Guardian8hip -of Imogene }t'lOrla, the Big inch System ,Qiore minor, Byrnie D. ~lo~ ll'Uardlan, than 20~ bnlSplg a methfirst and -.fInal account, approved, • 0 al I" · ' allowed and , od • 0 f mtem c ea~uruqUe, E&tata of Earl p, !;\waln, 4ec'd. Minnie S~in, adminmtratrix, first, " m the I!atural gas md~trr· ' C.lean Imes are ~tia1 m . liJlal .nd distributive account, aphigh pressure,pal ti'anBmkproWld allowed Bnd conrirmed.
Made Through
' Wall Paper and P~ste and Siz~g G. E. 'Bulbs - Nu Enamel Kem 'Tone
Leb~on , N.F.L.~.
Waynesville Furniture &Appliance CO.
You can J18y oU any tim . Long Term 4% No Re·newal A Farmel'll guarantee of security
SoutIa Maba aCII'CW , . - Grup Han
11 S. Br!)ld".,.
Leb~non, Ohio
Phone 448
T.......oae 2422
CIf _ _
from 'rea. EuterD'. operations for 1948 &mOWlt.ed to mOl'U tbaDSI,433.000. 01' $1.18 for each of the 4,600,000 elWee of the ColJlll8Dy.'. COIDlllOD stock ou~g. More thaD 1)8 billioJi cul:!ic feet of g8.a were BOld. ilIld gross revenuee amounted to $32.729.000. Taxes aU kinds ambuntinj to $4,305,000 were paid to varioua local communitiee and the federal government. MuCh of this amount has goDe to ,communities aucb as your own, alo~ the route of the pipe lioea.
and properliy addiHon's amounting to $23,,<3(1(),OOO W Are coll8tructed or required during 194'3 by're:m n ':. sll'm. M~t of this amo~t WIlS spent to build qomp rf.JSsC1t statiODB8Uchas tl1e on.e snearyo\1l' comIl1wuty.1'w nt y O{le ~tions were built; 14 of whi~b utilize cent rifulfa!
compressorsJjke those picturedabl)veand 7 ' u~e J:c cj p ., aatingcompre6llOrs. In addition, mucb mW lillJviJ"1 , .'1\ W1I8 purcluuled for use on the Compllny'lil SYbt/,.<I1L, U' • 80 miles of'additio.nal pipe lines were laid. ,
. Dead' Stock •
ROWb~ "; ~ 5
$3 AccQrding to 'Size and Condl~on. C,aU
Xenia 454
WRECKER SERVICE Genenl Mo~, Bep&ir WIllard BGterIeI
-llfR'S .Ga.e
~. Malli aDd Mtaml-.
.... 2S4t
~ ·~-MPL.OIY. ~~Si' ~·
sion, but the Usual Dlethods' are extremely ezpensive and ' time CODllllming. 'j' ",~"1 EaStern 'engineeIrB
'ada ..... d e<i.Ujpm'ent''Uied til ' Qii OPera~Da 10 tb&t '" 'jVert! able to clean 2,688 milell of J?ipe in 1_ than a' year witli little lOIS of p8 and no interru.PtioDl in 1M!l'9'~ We a,re. ~ believe, the ftrIt gas pipe JiJ!.e ~ to" conduet 8u·~b, cleaning operation8,88'part of~ur roueine main~""," In ali of the work ~lbaV. done in 1948, 'we ~ve' bpt ,in mind our duty as a new citizen of your·community. It' is our aim that Texas Epstein's pipe lJne eyat.em and
expert pi~
who operate it wiD contmue to contribute to your comm~tJ". PI'OIPW
,DOwnum~~ly~'r~. Uld include manywbo,helped run the IJICb IiI¥Ia dwrmg the war. Lut y.r our Btd more than doubled, UM oar ,Payron iDcnued to aIDlO8t $2,500.000. Dw.~ 1948, TtwUI Eutem establisbed. group ~e iuid • ietirimeDt Jncome plan for employe-. TtUa year co~n of more than 100 modemdnWnp is lCheduled inadditlon to tboee noW at oom~ IltatioDe r... 'emplo),eeII and families. where DO other llOUlliq is av,ailabfe. The people . of T6DII ~ are dtiseDa of 36 co~UIlitiea in 10 ' . .tee; 1lOIII8 are ¥our neighbon. ~ Ihan the , n.pollliJjilith ot)'Q1Jr community life. ,
-- ...... PLANS
,..... alice •
for 1948 ini:lude refinement and clean up work tQ com· . pJete previo~ oo.nlitruction, and spendirlg $24.,n )'1.(l(Ir) for further property and plJint nddl· i6n'l , tions will consist princi~y of 868 miles \,. . and the addition of 32,750 compr~r horsepu \, ~ •. the lines. As in all of our construction, It good part of the expenditure will represent local pa~"r()lls and I II I purchaaes which wilJ~tly benelltmany cQmrnuuit icu throup 'which the Inch . Lines ·P8S8·
TRANSMISSION CORPORATION . Owner aM Operator ·of .... iii hh and Uttte IIg Inch pIpe Hne teprillry'sci ..
. ~
A. report* to the people ..
John J. yfenl 35; H~rve'I'JbIlrW. f4&ctory worker, Evalyn B. Tucker. '38, Harveysburg, ~ber.
and confi1'lllod. Estate of Alfred V. Snook, dee'd, MARRIAGE LICENSES J. Clarenco · and Lesta Snook, ,. t Earl T. Hudson,· 22, F'rliJ1klin, "OMMON PLEAS elCecu to rB, f Irs and final account a,ppJ'Ovod , allowed .. ~nd .confrr · mod. Inai! earricr, Doris Mae HolJinglV I " worth, 24. Frankl , in, clerk. e Ina Loung va. T am Young. Esi.nte of Thomas Corwin,'ll, CA se di smi~ed without record. W- .chester Maple, executor, first • . ("Ka!:.:!!::.:h~D:.aY~Am:!;!!!~bur!!]g[!'1~27!.!..~So~u~t~h_~_-=======-_ _.... and dIstributive aCcount. approved, allOWed and confi.'rnlcd, ' Estate of William. E. Liddill, Carrie M. Ljlldill, first and £inal
went. The few gate's and doors that we have put up In the barn have made putting the <lOWS where we want them very much easier but there nre stil la few changes 'that need 1.9 be made outside the barn. Whyy 's hould anyone chase a cow around round the barn when a gate or two will send them where want go. I still a mUker. _ It is lucky that we are The cold we~ther and linow has not milking fow' or five good , was the keynote for Texas brlught lots of birds to the suet. cows' il\stead of two almost dry Eastern' in 1948. DUring the All of the Tegulars have been ones. I have 'l earned a let most of comml, e cblckades, three kinds whieh I ' thought was true but year we'reached ourfullstat. of woodpecken tufted titmIce, tl\at I knew now to be a proven ' UJIe as an essential element and now the latest a:rrlvals are fact There is a great difference in thenation's ecOnomy and ' some white breasted nuthatches. In the 'color of'tbe niilk when the . as a responsible citizen jn 'They are beauilfuny mlU'ked and cow has been well strmpped and the many communities along Jt is amusing ·to seefthem run up when hM just been hurriedly i'e route of our lines. and dOwn the tree head first. This 1'luualO't:U. I thought some of the Physically speaking, our momlng in spite of the mow I 1 had had lately, 'looked ~gress involved two JDlL.. heard several b1rd8 singing and awhllly thin, now r know what Jor : und¢akings in 1948. calllq to each other. happened: First, we completed the masThis weather is hard on the hay task of convening the sive altuation. C>urII is going faSt at It ~ hard to direct any work all the bams and today I bad to thlat y~u hl!ve not done ~ourself Big Ineh and the Little Big get lOme more. 'ntis week I laid ODg enough to know the IDS and Ineh piPe lines into a natoff my chore boy ~use we outs. I will see what the cream Ural gas transpoitation sy$tern. Second, we inereased eould not on the time when check has to say about it. the chores should pe' done. I Doll't 'forget the Red Cross. Be the effiCieney of these great ' wanted them done early so that rel\dy to do your'share generous- pipe lines while remodeling I cou1~ el\t my supper in peace ly when your neighborhood col- them. ' and ~ to the radio and he iector comes to your house. .' wanted to do them late so that he Coasb1lCtloa preJrllll could Usten to hls favprite ladio . compIe~
program. These new half hour ad-
system, I~
lie of .... 1Ia~ where III employ... a,wl ~ I 'k • • ., _ . . . SIrMf, SIn....", LouWana.
. 1Ianb~'·_
·1JnLteie-Oiiio~s __• IPFC. ~
__ ~TOI.D aYlllCCw.savA~!!'!.~
ONE CENT PER WORDi minimum charge, 25
cents. Contract Tate for repeat a,dvertisementl upon application.
Help Wanted-5ubstltute rural ma:Il ClImer, t:alJ a't the Post Ofike or' Phone 2572 '
FOR SALl!: 1937 Chevrolet Tudor Edwin Ramby, phone- 2695.
I'ORSAL!: Rqiatered Guernsey Bull Calva. Some ready for service. Sons I will sell at public auction at my residence on Fifth Street of our herd 8lre Langwater Com- in Wllynesville, Ohio, on mando's Royal out of AR tested Dams. WrI1e NU-MAID FARMS. 107 E. Peerl St.. Cincinnati .2. Ohio. .
eM.ON. HAS .u-.s"D""w \
ml.Jlolt, The
Sat. April 2,-1949 Eeginiljng at 1 O'clock P. M. the following:
84"~.1'd ,~\I/~ ~
Pd.ld --0
. Mete...
Mt. Holly MethodiSt chUII'Ch wll lhold Revival Services tleginning Sunday evening.
' The body of Pte. Amol. DeBoard, 10D of Mrs: Mary . DeBoard. who was killed In aetion overse.. .hived here Funeral ' services ril l be held Mond"Y at the FUll Golip~1 C~uroh In charle 01 the Rev. James RIMIer. Burial will be in ClarklViUe
r:H~~= ~.
"SH/Nfl ON,A
~tevensoD ,
Mr, Wilbur
... '
Mrs. Robert Greene of Dayton 8!nd Mn. 'Henry Berges and children of Beavertown called Mr. a:nd MR. Lue Morgan Sunday aft.f!rnoon. .
'AIfM61('~ ' LAN()'
Mr. a nd .Mrs. Norman KersulIgton and Tommy Kersington of Dayton calJed on their parentis. MI'. 'and Mrs, G. H. Kersington Sunday afteOioon.
Mrs. Anna L-ucas remains quite t. pear electriCal wlriJ:jg MI.? I ' will Living Room Suite, Electric Radio, Bissel's SweepeJ;', Library III a~ her bome here. Table, lot of Chllirs, Rocking Chairs, Sewing M;achine. Fold..,. :rOur wirille Pree.- Hou.. Wlr- ing Bed ; End T able, Ironing Board, lot of dishes and &mall and ~s. Erest Earnhart and $lPD, David. . ... aDd npMfe. f"lulclc l ervice. Ed 1-.....- - - - - -.......;....----::...-;;..--.-:.---...:...-.,--.0.-LftabUa. 5" mil. . E. of Wayn_ artic:les. wIDe
Groove Sc:bool
us for inslIran ce. An tvpe",o ( In'lllrllnce at il savinI! . Cnl1 Pranri~ Gene Brown. phon/' Wllvnesvnle ':!4 72 nr (':Ill conect. Wilminlrton ~111 .
Mr. and ~. W. ~ and, PaQl.: of near Dayton ealled on Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis and of Drawers Book Case, Secr etary, Marble Top Stand, farDuy Sunday afternoon.
3 old Clocks, Bed Wal'lller ~hild'S Rocker, Brass Candle Sticks, Candle 'Molds, Old 'Wood Settee. Dough Tray, Pie- Mr. a:nd Mn. Al Caperson of _-' __ .... f ture Frames, Glass Ware and many l'I mall articles to num- ..... ... au.......... were supper guestl!, 0 erous to menti on. Mr. and Mn. Clarence enwflOrd and famJly here Sunday evenln,.
Wagon , Set Double .La4ders, Single Ladder, Lawn Mower, AUCTIONEERING Hedge Trimmer , Fence Stretchers, 50 ft. Rope. Double'DaTrow, Single Sho el Plow. One Horse Corn Drill, Tree SprayST~NLEY and K~LEP er, 'Whe4l1 B~rrow, Plows" Pos t Hole Di~-rger, 2 Step.Ladders, ."OKI!R8 l,CI!NS~ .Scythe, CroS8-C llt ~aw, ScooJ'l Shovr\ Roll ' Fence. ChicJrell ~.. Dath. Phone lAM. W.y" .. y ll '~ Wire, Chicken Feeders, Feed Boy. ~, Forks, Shovels, Hoes 0111.. I t _ Chi..... a nd Jll8ny other articles. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT
Eetate of Msrpnt A. JobQl o-..d. Natic. ia h_by ilven tblt Paul T. ]cItme wh_ Poet orne. Add,... ,. R. R . 110. 2. W~U.. Ohio ........ dUly IIJIPOInted .. Admin.lltrnar of th4t Jktate of Marpret A. Jaima I.te of Wet- ToWDIhiP. WerCounty. Ohio. \ DIt:ed thi. 15th dq of March 1949
Judat of the Probat. Court Warren County. Ohio
J. C. Hawke '.
' w't WILBUR N. Sr.ARS, Auctioneer Phone Waynesville ... 651 EVERETT L • SEARS Clerk ... ,
Co DoI\aId DUIItwh, Atmmer-
Your PlumbinS Need,
to .upper Monday e've-
nina Mr. and Mrs. Raymond .~ bard of Xenia and Mr. and l'fln. Ralph DUl of Spring VaHey. , .
. BIL,t
Johnny' Sfmpllon, aged 8, ~ of Mr. and Mrll. Honee SimplOD, '1f P1tchiit. died at 9 .. .m., .t lOami Valley 'Hospital, ~yton, follOWing .n operation. Funeral services were eondooted M-onday at CU!ton OhUTeh, near Ce6.rvll1e.
Jd}mny ~t1y lI))ent wmmer vaeatione here with hia pantlparente, Mr. aDd Ill'll. John SiIlQlloD. . Mr. and Mn. Carl 'WeitMholaer of Dayton, _1'8 Batmda7 eft1llnc dinner ......est! ot ){1'11. IAua Carl.
.. -
See U. Now For
Mra. Emenon DUl .m-
and Mrs. Lloyd ThomplOn spent a few clays Jut week "d1b their mothe!', MrlI. An Lue&S,
Mr. BiD Kelia clllled on frielnda here. Monday.
Mr. and
Mra. Mary S. Pierailn enteriaintlcl with a dinner at the General Denverj In WilmIngton. F1rIday evenlnar. The occasion was In bono!' of' ,t he fortMDn'ling 'mlPTiage of .Mlas Evelyn Tucker to .lemn. Syfenl, lIOn crlthe bosbellr. Covel'll were 1.ld for <the brlde.elect, her pBl'ent!. Mr. • nd H. S. Tueker and Mr. Sytred and -Mle hoatel••
Mr. Alfred Morgan, Mrs. Lellyis !'OR SALE aOUSEHOLD GOODS Crawford. and Mrs, Clarenice 2 NEW home-made RU~, 2 hlrd Cllge8, 1 washing machine. Crosley refrigel'ator, 4 burner. Oil Stove, Kitchen Ca6inet. Crawford visited Mrs. Henry Call 2SS4 Ben Sm~th. Kitellen Cupboard, Drop leaf table, Ward Robe. Chest, Beds, Ber,es Friday. Apex Electric Sweeper, Rugs, Dining Room Suite, 3 pc' HBRVICE-
- - . Phofte N_ Bur1!nKton 306.
Attelldanee.t Methodist Church ",al 108.
aohoal. Sunday morning,
Mr. and Mra. M.nriee Collett, of New York City, ~ere Ohio vlntora ov.r tbe week..end, atte'ndi1ll' tho ,gTadu.~lon of their eon, Maeko at '0. S. u.. and 'fV8Te Saturday eve· ning guesta or Ml1I. A. S. Collett and lIOn, Robert. Additional I'UHta were Mr. and &Ira. Robel't Colhtt of Dayton: Mr. and JI.n. H~ .Collett of WllmlDCton. and Mae1t Collett.
PRONE 217.
. Mr: rand Mn. 'Robert BonllaJD More than many professions, and sonB Mike, of Dayton, Mr. baseball Is broadenJns. A. -you a:nd Mra. James Wildman of Jlt9- travel with )lour team., during lon, Ohio spent Sunday with Mr; trabiing and throughout , aeuon, yo~ wll.see many new places and people and 110 increue your knowledge and underatmtding of your country and ifa background. From ·the bqinnlng you will &ani an income. which will support you and which may in a Savlng 'le a good habit. By h.nn. ilOmj,antively abort time reach an aecount wiMi ns, you have handsome proportion.. fte ave-r. ~ecurlty for tli.~ future-Re.dy ase annual salary of players in cuh for eme.....eneiel,-. new ear, 9-12 ..e hllMWDiaa the . major leagues Is over $10.000, -. . 4_..L.._ a new , ~ome; eonlldent financial. 105 aItenIoaaI ~ WBdDBBday Bueba1l need not in"", __ " .~::L:-;~-:-=..1:!U~~~~g_ _ ~· with you, reducation. U you are Independence. Stop In today .nd OtfIcr ........ b, Apomb .at p~ to go to College, baaeball open that account, ,~our ••• urance TZL&PHONB 62.R can even help by, giving you an of security. income to defray. your expenses.
When Needed
Mt'. 'and Mn. HlOwaId OoUett
*'*te a~'
were bON to ........ ilhelr home to Sunday dbUler.
,!I4i: .nd Mrs. Will Gillam enter· talned h Adult Bible 01... of Jonao'h'a ~un Chu1'I!h, TII. . .y e_ nlng. with M.... HGWaI'd CoUett U proflTam leader, and Mft. Leu Olar)t, cleYOticine. '
Maynard Ecton a:nd lIOII. Miehael, of Dayton, were Sunday gueata of hia parent&. Mr. an.d lin. Will J:e.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tetrick and familj IOf Columibu., .... - " . - . I .... est! f oJIer _ _ B_y ...... . 0 - -... .-- • and Hn. ;1. P. Thombul7'••• and 'Kn. laDIU Thornbllry -aDd famU, and .!II'. and Mra. Ralph Will ad f.mtJy,
' ....:..MiMlonary 8oe\ety of ,Jonah.. Run Olrardt. met WednNclaJ' aftenJ00ll .wi1I1 Mn. A. S.' Collett, u hoated, at ber home. lin. 3. 1-. ThlOrnbUl'J' __ protr- I. . . ., .nd Mn. Jem Graham, clel'Otlont.
['be off-HUon, from Octobec' ' ...... 'broush February, fits in well 1 - .91 with the College aeademic yeu. \ substantial Dwnber of playera tie D __L ave earned their diplomas by • DiIIIIl '-'''mf'tne .,e ~III .. ···'nll durin;! this p cdod. , 'How succe~ you are in. Mr.. and tdn. 'lPa1:lllld[lIfabt and '!5outh Detroit Itne,c , _ IOn ware week-end 'va.. of IlIF baseball dependS above all on one ·actor . . . YOU. Tntning, I,"x-per(- .workOut. A)ld give ~d1vidual in- mot.her, MK. M~e j(~ '. ~ .ICNJA. 0810 !)nee, facllltiea, and expert guld:' StructiOD to th.e pla.yera. In spare time-cIb yet, there Ia ' nee don't count un1eu you mea:n In the afternoon' the rocedure &pare time---:p1ayere enjoy 10 take every advantage of ~em. reverse.. and the groupa that. had one or.)ftOl'f! of the I l U : u . " In the nilnor l~ a salary games will start on the speclalln- ~{tiona, ine1udiq awlmmln limlt c:QDtrola your lnc:ome. 'nUa struction c~ and the croup abuffleboard, croquet, h~ is a part of baaebaU law dealll1ed that bad special instri,aeti0Dl in lahle tenala, ch.., and cbecbn. to ~ leu w~ 'c lubs the moming will llave pmee. .' or perhaps they cIealcle to attend qalut a e.truet1ve competiti~ Then dinner. After a aeaalon 011 one of the free movies riIht at from clulla with greater .drawing the field, a player pushes a. weU- the camp which are Ihowa leYer~11JI(»we·r. Salaries are tpUCh the ,~- stockedw traY u he i:01Des to the al times a week. e '1r.--11b;if1h;'j~r::i~~~tiii~lii!at~~~~~~1i~~, ~- end 0.£rthdln long eOUDraJlet·. ·__ta To sum it . Up, your IUCC811 ID· I_\. er serve a L __ ~baJ ld ~_ _L.I1u1ft • et to' 11..0.- - epen... OD your, _>,J' k wee p..,.yera may me. _ ..... and the ef(ort you. make to ba'to, lectures anel ciJacJ,alaiOlll on p~ve. ' It abo dePen~ on the ' Wltlj whom the baseball playing ~ea at which t1'airling" yOu teCehte and the could not ~. ,wnpires : fro~ orprilzed Iegu.. who cIirec:t It. Iopalded aituiaUon would p~de. " . • Will.".. ~ .~81'-swingjnJt their t,.-avel plans .WIlY • , ·dill!=Ol.u1t,tle fan interest in the I, from the o'1idau.nimel season 'lnto the pleasant montha chan<:e to ·make a Uvins_ at it, ~mea, 100ft put an end to the_. . lucky. Bueball,. furtller- league itMU, a:nd WlOre long daIof Spring, ~hen all outdoors ('o.mel! to Ute in '8 blllat of ·mnre. is " healthful outdoor .oc-. troy minor leaaue baseball Iilto. blossoms. Greyh~nd Super<..oach travel bas 'beea cupati~ It NQUiJ:ea yOu to '11my ether ~hiefty reslK>nsibie fcit .this swing- . towcrd full e~iOY' in excetent . pb,yaleal CODdltl~ I IAMI:' ... cal day' -in a tralnlng ltIent of Springtime IUghways l'u va~atioDi.ti and ~ atartil off With Ii lecture. tn 8Lt\~TOP DIUVD . , we'e keDders, SpriJg travel bv GreyhoUDd meaD. d.. ~ y~ mar TAR ... ItOAD OR. .ightful weather, first choice of accommodatiob ia that only • few aM ,to you LAWN ... PILL .,.,. lotels. and resorts, fuLi.y lelaxed. riding-and the ItJwuI . U .oIJle don't , cover ~c po(Itlon. But the UAOY-IQX collClt&ft rlr6$/n. h'''nsport~. T his Spring o~rll a tempting lilt' equlpped baJeball player egreat and gay events, pjlgea':1ta. fe.tinl., iD aU pua UCAVATING ... DUMP.~ IIItV1C2 mUlt ~ able to dIacuu and 1.Ul) f A~erica! Pkk the place-and go ~ere by GreyhOliad. dilnrtancl the ~finer pointe of.every -- --- - - - - - - - --- - - ., -- - ---- - poaltio.n' on 1he diamond. lftcl!-dentally, tbJa overall lmowled,e, wiD prove invaluable to 'you' if you . pointing toward a coaoh~~wahk . N. J . ...... :.:............... 10.701 St. Louis, Mo. ......:~ ....... :: ........ . inI ' Cllreer wht!D youI' pla~ I ~~c eSIC;;, Va . .................... 9.50 I Yashin b1on, D. C.· ................ $ are over. n aanapo s. 1n~ . ..,......... ....... 3.15,. Louisvil~, Ky. , ................. ,..... 3.10 . Alter the lec:tur~ery~y .,Ll,ln (Iun... ."....'L11 Llllllln, :r~. BI'&trw·s-....i." .... n. outBide for c:alltheniCl. Soon after, ,-half of the teaIM hetiin ~ ••••••y . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Bacll player Is on ·a ~ • , . . . . 01lI0 . . . . . . . . . . ,.. . . . . . Ii. ' ...... .... '!bOle 'n ot playina at ~ tlnle .,.. .... .ra .... ,..t 'n .b"'~"" In, to other aet1vttlea, ftlUbrt,. Tha,.·. co", pleto . . , . " , . . . . . . . . ' II l ' I . . . . . . . . . , _ _ _ . . . .' IIcheduled in adnnce, which inoituncl."i ......... ,.... ....................... ' - f elude· btmtlna and hlttIraI apImt OfIci lit ",IIIr-... GRBYHOUND TBllMINAL 1IOt • .,aUed by other foe .. ih. automatle pltch.lnJiI madlIDe; "work OIl die 1triDp" for pltchenl Of the ICI/IIO TlMre', lI! WaYDesville Drug St!,lre P~<:,ne Waynesville ~121 troubled with poor eontroU; ..... Iorde" dealer or ",nlr"'lIft it ~OD for p1ay8n with I ,P AllOR, 0. weIb....; praetlee in , ,
N ODat
Dr. C. E.' Wi'kin
Armitage &: Son GltAva. '
~!)rtl ..... ltoAn)Cil'!ea.1 ~nIIl. T_. F1L .~1 r.I
c-, ....- . w........... o. C.. A,nI'
....... F. ", , ..ti. ... SL LoN, Mo•• ~I ... Jt. _~.~ n . f1 o.ta. F1L ... . . . .. . April'" '"" 1"lm, FI_. T_ ....... ,_PIIlt8-.
·.... ~ .... 'n V1"""' ...... .. ~I'ZWO "'~Ii tilos..., I"ti," : .
A,lot. more travel for a lot lea
. Wln.:"I .. VI.. .. .. ... .. .. .. ApIIla W _, WMII. . . ....... .. . AItIIIJI -vul O~IO. f/IidIIpn . .. ........ ~I3/I
-.... ---. ,oottwI. . ..
Ie. "-II. ~ln ... .. . .. , .:... / . De-~J, j.~I\·:ne.
Ky.. ... Maw 7 'O!IIn ........ ," te.,tuotcr .... . .M!IJ 11·11 C""," _ I.. . M..",:,· :, ren'L ,r.l.y 8-n ("'" ~ Hal.... IiIU"" ..... .. .. MawI4 MM_ CeIoIwadon, Oa.Maw 12 ......... flll' ..... NCM Soodo •..., 27 " ......,
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A l,ummunity Institution For Ninety-nine Years •
___ IEa.t.r ,
Bailey New Restaurant Tap-on Fee for Annual , FlRST BASEBALL PRACTICE The GQlden Rule of the Opens Monday New Water Service Entertains Banque, ' t .Sunday at.--. WaynetVllle Methodist Ch~:ch Mr. Norman . Tlrcult Jr. anConSidered ' Cage Squad p, M. the local held theIr'regular monthly metlrt- nounced this week that he would . 'Junior American Legion baseball ing Jut.njiht ili!" open a new restalU'ant, ilie 'Stpp The regular i1leeting or the
'ake Salle
RE)EC~ TAX-Subsidibzed pUs ~Wedbesday) in • l'he Senate of the Utah State beJlalature has gone on The Future Fa~ets of Amerl- team wi! -Icommence practice at. churc)l .ment. rooms, A "P,)t- and Eat, on Main SlTeet at the Board of Trustees of Puplic Af- . Stanley rBailey gave a bounlj• tecord .in opposition to govern- ea and the Future Homemakers the high school ditimoJ:).d and Bob luck" ~er was seAlcd at seven t,raffic light. In an interview Tl)e (airs was held Monday evening. lui stea k dinner at Smith's Green Miami Gazette learned that he After the routine business , was Room, Thursday evening, hontu'' ment medicine. In a memorial, of America held their annual O'Regan lut years manager re- o'clOck -ro~embel's and guests. which was passed by a vote of 16 joint banquet a~ the High 'Scho~1 quests all candidates to bring IIi ~e~ business session cOon- , was formerly the Night Manager conducted, the question of chaXg- ing the basketball squad. This I.s . , 'duettld' , ' Gera!d Me~illi.~rns, the Purple Cow RefltaUl'ant at jng an installation fee for water the third year Mr. Bailey has Sl> to three, with three Senators ab- Cafeteria, on Tuesday evenlrl~, birth cel' with th.em. sent, thlslegis!-at1v:e body descrlb- March ,29, with a large attendanoo The age )jm~t is 11 yrs, (1 Jan. class. pr: ~den', It was 'deCldled the Hotel Miami iii Dayton. As- service and the adjusting of ,the honol'e~ ChBmpionshi~ teani:J of ed 'the dangers that are an .ines- of parents and ,friends. 1949) which :means that a player· that.the would ho~d a pa,k sisting in the operation will be rates of certain users was d.i$- Wayne.svi)le High Schpol, and promises to continue the pl'actibe capjlble part (JE compulsory ,FedEllta HOlIk gave the lnvocll- can not be '18 GJ,U'ing 1949. sa'ie 'On. ~urClay, April 16. 'l'he his mother, Mrs. Seiger, formerly cussed. , eral \lealth .jnsuranc~, with all the ,tion :which was followed ' by, a 'O'Regan 19 · hopeful , thaT a full' sale \VJ , be held in the upper with the restaurant In the Van By a study of the rates of sur- as long as winning teams ,a,e I\tt~dant polltIC8'l controls ~d welcome by Emery Robbins. Mila. baseball ~oacli lean ,be ob- store-t90 ',. !:If' Tbe Waynesville Cleve Hotel, Mrs. Seiger will rounding vlUages and cities the duced. Those 'shal-ing in, the banprerogatives that .would come William Lukens, representing the tained as ,presure of outside in- Ft.irnjtu and Appliance Co!rn- serve- as cook and it is announced Board finds that most, if 'n ot all, quet were: Don Simpson, ,Tack along wi~ itt parents, responded to the w~l- tllJ'ests will prevent him from 'P'Fy?n ain , Stree~. Hous~wi"es that , all pies and cakes sold in charge a connection' fee which Tinney, Bob Hastings 'K en Vick"It 11 an acknowledged and ,un- come. serving f~ time. I¥IU p bly apreclate this sa1e their restaurant will be ''home- has never been cliarged here. ers, Earl Powell, Bm Mehaffie, , q~Qn~ fact that the general After the banquet a progTa:m as it· co,,*s . t;he day before E~IS- made" (fresh from th~r own Sin<;e most of the water lines have Coach Po~, Jack James, SUpt. healih' of the. nation 1A higher was presented with Bill Mehaffie, ,~er. , ovens,) , been in lise for mf ll y yea,s it is Retalllck, Don Gahris, Charles than thaq~f any otber nation of president of, the F. F. 'A, acwag, .There . vel'e 30 me~bers and The opening brings ,to miI\d that a certaillty \hat n balance is nec- lames and the employees of the thR world," melporial states. as toastmaster. Two musical nllm~~sts Iii esnl Including: Mrs. this location ha$ ~reviously been. essary to tnkl;) C!l~e of the repaIr Fairley Hardware Co. Itvln MulfOI'd, Virgil rsa~cs, Charles Isaacs, ' "Free e,tterpriSe; individual in- »ers "..,er,e furnished by a tr\o, Le,o CotUli!.l' II.n d chl1dren~ Mr. a:nd the home of ii number of restau- service which is SUl'C to come. itl,tlVe and fl'~dolli frorn govern- consL'Iting of Norma Pumm.i;ll, Mrs. Wllllll!)i /5t.rouse, Miss ~rah, rants, The Ora~ge and Black, After II further discussion of Dave Hartsock, Eldon Ellis 8J)d ment ~tet;ference are the foun- Peggy Tumbleson, Illld Eula' Ho~k; Donner, Mr.. and ~rs. .Rob.~!r~ Peck's Food Shop, and' Huf~ords. Water Works affairs, tile r;neting the host, Mr. 'Ba,iley. Thanks Stadley, {or, a fine dinner. dation stones upon which the acCompanied by Frances Whl'tOne of .lhe most outstanding Clark anlt c1nldrelJ, MlS~ Dot'otby 'l'bis room was recently vacated was adjow'ned TI;l'aCltlce of medicine Bnd all other aker at the plano. Three talks by events during Holy Week for the DrummofiU, ~s, Bernard Bang- by- the Palmist Group with beck......,-- -- - CU'eIlt enterprisea of this 'c ountry .tude.n ts followed: "O~ Creed" reSidents oC Waynesville and the ier, Mrs. Franee~ Gray and chil- oning eyes an.d 'hE!nds that lelt " ~ave been -developed . . . Gov- by Jerry Cook "Sneak Reviewl'" surrounding community, will pe d~'en, Mr. Gerald McWJlllams, Mr. with pleasure to a great pOI·tion emment i~terference and reid.,. by Franceswhltak«!r, and ''Leacl- the ,presentation of the well and MrS. J. J. Burske, Mt:s. Mary of the local population. • • OCtety 0 S mentation In the field of medicine ersblp" by tee O'Bannion. \rn(Jwn sacl'ed cantata, ''The. Keller an9 childJ'~n, Mr. and Mrs. Mr, Tlrcut and Mrs. Sei~'er have will destroy the spirit of research The "11\ain adpressof the eV4!- Seven Last Words of Christ," by Earl Conner, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. taken residence 'with Mrs. Robert nnd indlvldpat in~t1atlve and wiD nlng ,was given by Mr. R. F. Hd- Th, Dubois, Everyone should Moler~ and Rev. and' Mrs. ,R. B. Bakel' on East High' Street. ' c~ent~a))y result 1D a breakdown field, County Superiilterident of avail himself of the o\>.port~t¥ .Coleman. The WOlTen County Tuber<lulo~is 'and Health · Association at its of the pre~t high standards of Schools. whose subject was "Ele to hear this cantata given by the competency n'ow pJ:evalent in the Pl'epared." . combined c~vic chorus and high annUF~l dinner t)leetiJlg at. the 1)rlv~t.e pr!lctice 'of medlcin.e hi school a'cappella cb.o~r on Wed~ • I . . Oolden Lamb" T\lesday; evenmg, thll! couptry." . o'cl(Jck in 1he High.SChool Audir't1lnd6 Om,f' 'I elect~d office.t"$ for: 1he ensuing The Utah Senate does not take A II '3 8 MIs B th B f D yt year and dlscusse..l'" honltli proh..:... th ob nesday evening, Pl" ' ,., at 's ea' a rown 0 a ,on. Members of the Wat'ren CounThe New Century Club met ~, • n neval Iva v Iew ,0walU e pr ~ , , lo.-Iuln. Guest Con.ductor .for ·i. e is "now a', guest at the FHel'lCls d he th Earl lems of the ooun.... , medlc!l\· care.- It ur~es the 'l e:"ning will be Dr. Luther Home. ' ty Teachers Association at t.he ,Fri ay a moon ,,:,1 ~s. R. E. Augspurge~ of Franklin, lern" t'nt'oufaitement of the voluntary' On Friday evening, March 19t1l.. ,.. annual' reorganization meeting Hockett, who gramously. opened ,.,lan,:, whlcb have made such out- ~rs. Evelyn Watkins and Mrs, man, head of the Cincinnati ConTuesday evening at Lebanon high her ho~e for the oCCl\slon: was, re-electedpreisident ,of the !l1"",,,",, DfOllress in recent years Carl Sanker were co-hostesses' lat) servatory of MUsio. The soloists . Miss Q1ennEl Mal'sh was n school elected SIlPt. J . Forrest At 'two' o'clock the President, associ anon. Other officers include . -R",d whlcb must be 101d on their a mlscellaneoU5 shower given :jn will include, Tobe Ba~, sOprano, week-end guest of her cousin, 8\lrns ot the Kings Mills schools Mrs. Ralph Asbury called the G, R. Matson, Lebanon, vice pres"""rits, not by passing a la~. honor of Mrs. Gerald Creech, a Philip Workman, tenor, Donald Mrs. L1J¢le Armitage. president of the Association. He me'eUng to order. Roll caU showed Mrs. Lois Baker, Morrow, 'T'he<lf'! oliuls. which . now cover recent bride, at. the home of Ml~' Gahris , bass" Shirley Co~'fl1.l succeeds Supt. Hqward Godwin, flve members absen~. secretary, Mrs. H. C. .MillI':!QD, ' .nnn...~ mora beonle, are the Watkins-on Mliln St., in Waynel- serve as 8'Ccompanls l Mrs."", and Miss Ina Mason, .. e..- the rout'-e business was Mason, treasurer; Ml1' f rr ,'"r """V' v 'l - r 1 ' R di..... f --...1' .n.l..... r u. Bolmer. execuUve sec:re'RI'I" \11 .. ro Dearth' of ""......, anklin called on Min. Oth er .. officers lnclude ~ph finished 8"und~t and mom eConomical vile, ., ecor ...... 0 "'I'I W . " the President ptesented 'b -.:I Y'" -ro-ed fol' dealing After an enjoyable evenmg iDf gram wHl , be broa~st ~r F.~. ~reIg on Friday aftemQ'on. Mjlls, Springboro, vice presi- tile program committee, Mrs. Paul W: ,E. Stmton, Sp1;ing Oro, repre- : meth no ."'... r .. b d I " WIN' G D ... n Ohl... · F.~ sentlltive diceotor: Mrs, ChJll'les' 'the proble-' • games anu 9Qntests the rl e Ita, , a,;r ,0 ; ... ..i.. ' W II sp·,••~t dent; Mrs. Lillian Carr, ~eys- Tomlinson and Mrs. E. :tl. Barn- 0 H 'b ..1._ wlt" " L .\.. h d' h 1 tel' S tmda Y aftern""n. Miss uJive i lams ~. oster. arveys urg, alt~ml\"'; • • • ~.e way to t e ming room w e[e v~ '. ,. bUI'g, secl'etRry-tl'easurer; Supt. hart. Well folks, ladles 8nd gentle- , a table was laden with many usc'The n~turl! of the music of ~ Th'tJ? Cincinnati. . - K. M. R-etalllck, Waynesville, and Mrs. Tomlinson introduced Mr. ::m~~~b:::' ~1J;t~ /x;:r~s~ me!), U.S.A citiZens far and, near, ful and ~auedtlful gifts. t canta!.ta ItS ~etsryu:an;~til=~d :e~MI:". and Mrs. Charles Straley Ml·S. Marguerite Gnpev1ne, M~r- Nat Munay, who was the speak- Burns, Kipgs Mills, tlnd SupL K. • I wULnow sound off on bow our The ~vit guests we..-e, IS- pe81J1g ~ 1 en s. . and Mr~ Mrs. ,jacob Pechswer 120w• were named to ~e executive el' for th~a~oon. M. Retallick of Waynesville. Mr, Murray, who is now a resold ·tJ,tcle Samuel has gone fran.- Gerald Creech Mr.s, Raymot~d co~es dIrectly fTom the. BIble, of SprJngfleld., Ohlo visited with committee for tluoee- year te:ms , AugllPurger selVed as ~uttil: on garnering under his wing Conner~ Mrs. MaI·lon. Bowels, usm.g the !lev en last saymgs of Misses MIl e and Annlc Brown ' o.thel· members of the comnuttee h d the electric light buiineaa. Now Mrs. Agnes Bo~en, MISS Flo ~~ Chrlsb ~s he hung on the cro~ Sunda ;emoon. , Also their ' ore Orville Bradford, Kings Mills: !~:: o~o~ili:~s:illee'::~enc~s :;~;. ~ t.ep:~:::~':'~ don't. stori readin'-keep 10iDg- mond Reed, M1o ,~~!=e ~hav", along With the IlI1Iry murmurings 11 y w~ u_ .' d ~- ll' e DorJs Jane Stewart, Morrow. which he told in an ,intel'estlna b h j...." ' " buaibes. ' -_~. Mrs. Bernard Bau~, MrIl~ · Ii.~. and shouts of the ,multitude as e.: era ~ "41'. an .-no.~.. nGuest sp~~er Qf j~~ evenlng ... · llS. W 0 $ Jln ".... . , ~",~,.;;...,.....a."'u·bj"ec"t"fr.o··r lLe private ....-.. nlarnhart \lnd " daughters Naoll"' they~ ~ . anet watcb~. H' nefll rn i , ~ , was R. M. Gan-ison, chai,.";",n of ,manner; First as stat~clalf·Jn. on "P. hIre' aell1th:'''~ ;. -' , • - - - . 3 R th M ' c1 oses -...!th the ve"" beautiful ----.' county 'i,n tilt! .,. .poop " I e t0 wreVI stIe with- .it.r i . evan... u rs G eo. H ~n d erson, WI -~ the division of mS'ruction, State the Department of Agrioulture in how ano·lter "1 . " h Mr R l'lh "Ch 1st, d aM d Mr. and MrB. CliarJes Meha.fije , Washington where he reorganlz- was successfulm fo:r:ming a hel!lt~ woman's and eye.,y man's Job Mrs. Roy Cree,c ., s, a 1 prayer, . I' 'Yo. 0 a ore were dinner guests op Wednesday DeparLment of Education, Colum- d th rtln rvid II TIl f th to ut a quiet~ on ~ialilql be- Hastings, Mrs, Clin~ Clark, MIls. 'Thee, and we do praise ~ee fo1'- of Miss Margaret Edwards. bus. GarrIsOn and €ounty Super- e e crop repo g se ce an couno. e purpose 0 e counf ~ we all break 'out all Paul Pioking. Mh. A. H. Stub~~ ever; for on the hpld, c~oss hast intendent R. 'F , Hatfield visited during ,which time he was sent to eil Is to promote ~oQrdlnation DE o~er. ' Miss Dorothy Day, Mr~.· O. ~. ~o,~ the world SUI. redeemMisses Minnie Dodson and Ruth the schools of the county, during Rome, Italy as a delegate to ' an various health organlzations to - , be Unglesby, Mrs. ~. C. Moler, Mrs, eo. , th ' t k mternationnl Agricultural eon- lhe COUllty. He explained how the Whoever you are tb a t may M\ D. Bairq. 'Mrs. Walter whi~lPlease include this program as Chandler attended the New Cene pas wee " ference. Then with the Chicago.u!lOUTH!Jl would-act to pr~¥Ul~--"" ,pel'usln' this essay, you are in for I Mlls b tury Club on Friday afternoon at Brokerage House whep be was overlapping of various heal* , 0f yourI personOl 0 servance the sam e stripe of expens. lve aker, Mrs, It B. Co eman, B::-:'1 . part 1 •• Week ' There 1- no ad sent to Argentina , South Ameri- projects. d en, Mrs. R 0be I't U - 0 ( H 0...,. GI B lleddlm' g as is now being P.fIlCenn or • .,. I .. free wil 10fIering will ca for reports .on t1!e wheat crop, Dr. James H. Arnold, Lebanon, Mrs Ed N0I M J utcd' pn the kilowat fQlks. once wto~, rs · anWe '1.1 aBn'adl . ~1' bTnlSSloo: aed .' three different times. made a motion to the effect that Mr lse, s. 1 ey, G r . e recelv . the" government gets electricity - rLes'La'-r completely under its thumb-and Ne1lie B unne11. ... ,Olil", ..,r \.., his work was with the the Tuberculosis an~ Health As' time to gaze al:"oimd for more don' ; Mrs. Ru.ssell Os\)pr:n, Mj~ts. grain Brokerage House of Chica- sociation go on record as willing Da h k·· , .A.. ... to cooperate with other ~th 'b-u -. Ine--s "to barge lnto . . Folks HIM arr S 0 sher, Mrs. Wm. L u..... .. , . . a. " , go" ealtn ... ~.". , R b t Cli..! M J who stand by and let the Govt Mrs. 0 er ....pman, rs. .'. J~' Mr. Murray 's taJk W.aS.l"nfonna- ..droups to form a county' 1. .~ grab the power buairiess-Uiink- Chapman, Mrs. Stanley Bail4IjY, .. Uve and an Interesting 'dlScussion council .... followed. The club .. adjourned The Seal Sale campai~ this ' Ing 'it is the 'other guv's baby - MJls. Peali Mcac~en! Mrs. Oran~e n eed' to be alerted. '" !lapel', Mrs.. MorrIS Fulkerson ... after which we had. a pleasant past year amounted to $5,436.40, Uncle Ha""'" says is iighting CArl Sanker. Jr., and the hosl. " • soclai hour and the hostCss served according to a report 1llade py, •• , . , d I' . <- h ts M ' r8 Mrs. Mae Shupert, executive sec( -mmunism with 01 ]his might esses. J ....... e SouL\. WaU'n'~ .Advisory e ICIOUS I'el~es men ' . ~u A d 11 I 1 h f cbicklm...... 10 ,= , H k i ts h two retary. She expressed ~er ,'eand main. AJid then what. What, e e ous uno eon 0 Coun-'I met -~t the home. of Mr. oc ett s gues were er .... I d ""'f d offee w. s '" a d h M Rh d Bunnell cilltion to all 'who made the drive', c . and Mrs. Clarence Rye on Thursaug ten, rll· . 0 es a su.ccess. Mrs. Shupert hall says Henry. He Is asking ip the sa a, wa er~ an same brel'th for mOI'e money for serve? follOWing the openlng of liay Marcil 24;with 16 mem,bers and Mrs. &nest' Edgington. servec! ~ execu~ve secretary for present. and tbe organi2;atlon more dams an~ bigger power sta- the gi#s. . During the business sesion, the a stanrun~ ,vote . of tions' across the land. And that, putting Sambbo ~ all those power thTdeflc;lt In · otnj!l' llh,es ~f council VQtea to send a CARE ' ~OuHIF-1s Socialism, U)q per cent, tivlties. A third m,a~e a. pro tt seed Pl\cltilg~t Belglu~. Sulbjec!t1-T . " . • . l ' . wta1~' is a first" roaM to , Com r wl,lich wprkeCi opt to one-.<N8~~ -of the d~cu8liion, led by Mr. ,A,' H: mun1sm.. ' of a cent lHIr pound on ~~ mi at EatnhQrj;, was "Co~~eration." , rector to ' , It does' soun~(, que~r, ,d on't ii, It bandIed. 'I ', ~r adjournment, refresh,1"£ meetings. ."~ . says Henry, ~~J.e so, 1 says, but The Packer, which. took a 10 , m'ents of·ice cream, strawberries, ~rs. Bolmer of Mason, was Indon't tell me--sta1lt ~orl( on yow' InCidentally, did ~ gross bus~~!ss cake, cofteeJ and nuts were s4lrved Waynesvm~ Lodge 163 F. and troduced as the new executive rruin t11el'c it) C6n~eas-be ,is the of nearly $2,000,000,000, which'fi~ by the hostess. A. M. held its annual inspection ~ecretary. She will complne the guy, . . certainly an a/ltronor¢cal sum. ,Those present wel'e: Mr. Tt\esday evening. There was a w.ork of a bealth education diYOUl;lI ~1~ ,the low-down,; Bilt, when the books were Mra. Davis Furnas, Mr. and Mrs. lotal of 182 present, 72 Localmem- rector making It afuU:'tln)e P(J-, JOE ~ anced at th~ I!nd of the C. E. ~orth, Mr, and Mrs. A, bel'S and. 110 viSlto~, and 24 ' sltIon. HIGH PIPC,E S , ' ' company was abou~ H. EarnI;Iart, Mr. arid Mrs. J. J. lodge~ represented. ' . . Do higlj prices neeesaarll¥ mean lin tl\e red.ft Bufs,lte, . Mr. and Mrs. Hartley R. W, William C. Good, District Mrs. Della Venabie s~er.eda, big prof'its f6r bus~elS? Th.~ an-:- l Here is a perfe~t example Mr. a~ Mrs. R., E. Asbury, Deputy . Grand , Maste.r for the fracture of her ' rlg~t sho\llder , ~b. and Mrs. J\ B. Crabbe, and swell to ~e ' question, ourl~lUly h(Jw t)1e free 'enterprise Souiliefn ,half o{ the ~econd ~a when she fell ~ !it •er bome, on , cnouah, Is ,no. , " ." with its !loots in supply ,and the host· and hoStess. ' sonic , District, WI\,\!' the inpectlng Main Street, \ 'iuesday mo~. " A recttJ:).t AR sUJlVey of the ,fi- mand. works. hi the case of officer. Roger C. Brown is worthy was taken to the Young nancial experience of 1I0me leid- there was a slackening of (lell1)allo' Master of the 10,cal lodge. CUnie in .L ebanon for trea~eJ;ll: CounclL Numbllr 14 held their ing .m . t paekers last year sub- as 1948 neatted Its end, March l'Q~e~ingil~ ' tlu~ lIOme of stanUatea that. During tINS meat ~ed. Packers had SU~'PJllea The W. C. T. U. will meet April Mrs. Olareu.;e Rytl recently Mr. ailfi Mrs. EaTl Eam.hsllt, witJ:a prices reached a po~t which re- hand which had to he 8, at Mrs. Frances Brlinnock~s on spent '"everal days with ' Mrs" Mr. Cha~~s Start', aclvisory council :rulted in 'coDlUm~ protes,ta being wheth,r or not' the price f'ou~ Street, lnstead ' of April!, I .Glar'~nc:e !rormell of ',D_ayton. organjzel', aa a guest, Mr. lIoDs,a r heard, in r~ volWJ:le nom aile Jle would pay WU ...Dl'ofiitallle. led the ditfcu~lon an !QllowjlJg at Mrs. Oakley Ridges. ' ~ Ml:. and M~. CtYde ' Fromm and end of ~e countrY to the otber. B competitive econolliY, adjournment a plea.'3al1t social hOll Miss Raylyrt, c,.abbee, daugnter Infant son wore Sunday guests ot: Yt;t one of ~e ~or ,p ackers had Inesca ' ible part of any bui~ieS8 was enjoyed . with tef-resh lUent~,. dellelo~8 ·. s$lad e~ur8e and , of Mr. and 'Mrs, J:B. Cl'8b~, bu Mr. Bnd Mrs. J'o~l\ Fromm. i t" lira' o~l:"a~g -lOlllJ a,mce 1~ ent.erp';!st? and ~ m~ we~e seJ"Ved 'b y ~h! hOt!has, accepted a position With the Pt;es, which wu a cleprea10n year~ AD a mlUion one year nuw " -' - -' , Tile ladi(ljl of Farmer's Grange pt~er )pst mODey on ita ..... of next. Even Under the most cott Courier..JOUInal .in Prescott, Arizona. She e.xpecl$ to ,leave 13 will' hold an all day meeting at Tli~ Rainbow AdvlabJ1)7 , group ineat, but manqed to malte up able' experience there are held ' their regular March mce~ing Waynesville for ArizOna on Sun- the" borne of Hrs. Rhodes BumtQl1 Induatries.. of which meat Is on Tuesday, AprU 5, with a covered thlil home of the pnsident, M.r. day, April 3. whose -profits are 10 small di~h dinner at tJvelve 9'1:100)(., eMb and )fra. Alva Ludington, ,with have no appl'etllable effect por80n rC)vi~[T\K t pi,. ('I" . ' t l\fr. anll Mrs. Charles Starr and The Rev. Merrill Scarff of the ehien. ' ''':S$ W,9 • price patel by eonaumera for Mr. and Mra. Charlea Ellb and Mr. Mount HoUyMethodist Cburch producta. • monstration agent \I" , and ~. Earl FOJl; a8 gueSts. visited with Rev. and Mrs. R. B. and' durlng the afternoon 11 The. packen' mqMD'lence Follbwlng th1l bllaines8' session, Coleman on' Wednesday, "Modern Methodll" party will I>e vldea,,proof of atlll ~Qther Mr. R. 0: contJunted the enjoyed. , ' fact. Wliere fn!e enterprl8e discussion on Ou r Miss Gladys Rye of University valla, nQ bUaht.... ,nq mat1ei I ,BIQal:tlllI..... Daring tlie of Clnclnnati was a wee)( e~d gue,.t Neille BunneD -;;'Sunday dinnor large, ' eaD "contrOl" priceI. .:tottowlllg adJlJ1nlllent, (taMes ot h1lr 1)I1rent.s, Mr. and Mr•. Cla1'- .cueats of Mt:. , ana !In. Rhodes alld rerr..Jaments enjoyed, ean't make ~e buy 111 erlce Rye. Bunnell and dauehten. If they don" want to.
School Choir
To Be on Air
5r --:c---Jl' ,'
HDOOrs 'ReCeD ' t Bn•de W'Ith Shower
Warren County Teac'hers M"el
Mrs. 80'ckett Enterlal-os New' Century CIuL' ,
T B S·
Peo',p Ie, Spots In Th ' ,e News
d 'I CO,I IDAl..
F &A M
The Miami Gazette
Perhaps You Remember
at W aynesvill e, W arren
Pubh, hed e\f8rY Thursday .".ountr. Ohio.
~ to.
• • •
J, W, Lotz and Mr, and lin. S. 8. . Mr. and Mn. Hen" Satterthwaite. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hawk_, Mr. and Mfa. Frank Kull'fls, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas ao,g.~, and Mr. and lI/Ifa. Jim Lovely. Invitations and p,!bllcIty: Mra. F , U. LeMay, Mr. Hatfield. and lIlr. Brown.
.mu.. Food:
-----------------~-----------annual. inspcclioon of WaynesvUle Ellte"d 8 S second Chl&,q m fltt(}r :It t he p osto ffice at Lodge No. 163 F . & A: M. A~ne~dne. Ohio. held Th ursday e vening, Apr il •.
Diner wil be served at '6: 30. S5 . Sub~~ rt pti nn Rat e : $1.50 p el' year in Ohio: $2.00 pel' cen l.s pel; p late . WOJ'k in the F. 7!'IIT ell\{'where. C. deg rec ~l !follow. W. M.-E. e , CraM .v, M, Armitage. Sec'y.
~~ . -~
SHOWER':'--M~·s._ Dauas Boge!' 'l1he Wayne ·townahlp oratoril~' and- Mrs. S. S . Ellis we~ joint contest was he d Friday night;
e ' hostesses at a' shower given at the March. 22; . , In group one, Walte,!' Johnat-ons - - . . home of Mrs. Ellis. F riday after_==;;;;II_======-=====--=::---:.~ . :'="';:'---"~--;;~iii' nOOn honorj n.g Mrs. Gilbert Frye• . "Watching Papa Shave," took IVJARRIAGE:S- 'In WaYl1 e~vill e. a recent- bride. Invitations were fi rst place; Betty ~outzahn's &,e Y,'ftOM OUR FILES .1anu ary 22. 1871. b. Eldel' C. M. extended to ·Mrs. Irene Hender- lect.lon. "Forgetful P.,'I took se:cOUTRAGE-Last Sunday night, Roberl~Oll. Mr. Lewis' Carder to son, M~. Harold Shu tts, Mrs. ond and Donald Buitek'. "• •whila Mr. Jo~n E. T aylor's fam- Miss MRr)' Brcwbec.ker. WaJace:rrea!lway. Mrs. Lee Mac- gedy Man" took third. Il,v were .~~dlng meetinl(, some -_ . " Lain, Ml'S. Charles Hagemeyer, Ln ·t he second JI'Oup, HoWllil'd . villain or villains cut the harness A tel gram reached ihc Jrienq!; Sackett, Mrs. Frank LeMay. Mrs. Whetsel won first place with tlie on. their horSe so that It is ruineq. 'of Mr. J am · s H. Drak , IiJ this Mrs. I ~ Rieh, MI'S, HaJ;Vey selection, fiCaaey at the Bait"; Mr. Tayl9r offj!l'S $25 for tJ:ie de- place, laSt. Friday. stRlin~ lila he J: B. Rich Mrs. Cbarles.Hartsoak, Helen Goha won IIeCOnd pla.c e tection of tbe culprit,· and we hope was dRr'1~el'ouslv ill Wltll brain Mis. liru:1.Jey . Moss, Mrs. ' Harry with "The Legend of the NOJ1i1 he wi' lbl' brouP'ht to Justice. It I'veI'. Mr. J . B, Chapman left Smith, . Mrs. . Reba Braddock, Land;" and Charlotte Hartman I, an " "'''minable state of affairs directly for, N ew York. and we Misses ' Eva MacMillan. Helen third with 'The Usual Way." that some of our society is get- are ~I ad to Jearn ' that al lallt ae- Hawke, Frances and Miriam Ellis. . In ' groul' three. RaChel Halttblgfi Into, and, notbLng but the counts ' Mr. Drnke's rmptom ....:.-... man took first with "T he War for .rn arm of the law can put 0 WI1l'e for the beUer. W~ tnt t hi L IGHTNING STRIKES BARN Profit;" Catherin e Ludington, ctuJetus to the ma~ downward rr.CQvery may be spel'ti and com- - A bam located Qn a farm east ~ond, with ''The Oettyslru:rg • reer and the perpetual distur - ,,!Qte. of to\~n, (ol'lTlerly known as the. Addressj" and . Ruth SaUbury, Tom Cla rk farm and now owned. third wj~Q the aelecUon "Tbe bailee of the fallen humanfty in our midst. Let the guardians of A pal'tv of- ten . aon~istin~ o[ the by EBas Oglesb~~ was struck by. Plumed ~lght." , our public pellf e be vigilant and M'i~se~ SQph i 'Rn'd Ma ,_Kear- lightning, last Saturday momin'g The judges were Mrs. lvans, of do their dqty. . 'lev. MArv and Louisa J anney, and bU~'ned to the grQutld. The Springboro, Mrs. Elbon 'of F.,~th er Ch 8J1 dler, LluJ Carron . e,rtcnt of the loss wa snot learned. ~aynesville,' and Reverend Sm!1th D lll! v ShE'rwoOd. Li7,Zie 'Ro:clUtllI of Ferry. ~ nd Me'JSrs, Lou is J anney. and J : BASKETBALL BANQUET The coUnty contest·will be held n . Sweet . .. ftend d Olive LOllan'$ Plans are now und!l!' way for the .next Tuesday afternoon, Ap1'il T,."ture in Xeftia. last Thursday annual banquet to honor the second, in Lebanon. " ·ening. members of the bask etball team. The date ha.s been set for Friday . Ethan J . Lewis, who recentJiy 'J1h o~,E' npr~nn s ",h'1 obtained II evening. April fifth, and the place flnished training at the Nav.1ll number of hats. IIndel' false Dr/,,- wll lbe the sChool .gym. Last ,Training Statl0!l, Norfolk. 'va., is ·"n!:PR. f" (lm ~l1P' nr (lilr IInslU,opc: week. a ~ene,ral committee con- now in, the Naval' Hospital CoqJS t';n ,, 'cJt-il'en~ on ~ondnv. bad bet- slsUng of representatives of the school at Portsmouth, Va. Ethall1 · ~r makp s~pedv ,·t'.~t It.utlon. or community ~nd 'the athletLc coun- writes that the hospital ill 'beaUtlln"hli,. t'X'n()~ure will bt' 1hc verY cj1 of the Wi lt school met special fully situated on the' bank"of th, ",ilrl"'1t of th,. cnns Clll enCE!!; of' commlttees ' wexe appointed ,as James River in Portsmouth. fl, pir d~snicab\e onduct. follows- Recep tion : Mr. and Mrs.' ~-=-~~. --------------:---=-:====-==:=====-W AVNF·!::;v rLt ,~ MA 'R~ e
P N. ~h es
12r. lb.
liOT ICE OF APPOI NTMENT E state of H '";ry Smith D&Cea..d Notic;.; is 'hereby given that Ada ·Smith whose P05~ o ffi ~ address i. R . R. I. Waynesvile. Obio has been d uly appointed a Exe<'~trix elf the Estate of Harry S mith lale bf War·ren County. O hio. decl!lU9d. Dated thla 21st day of 'Mateb, .1949 RALPH H. C AREY Jud ge of. the Probate Court W arren County, Ohio Harold O. Ri.inger. Attorney
lew trJencll wIIo WIN ,","lit dI4 not then real1&e what It meet. OIl
a vaeaUon JeBul PUt
" Tho'u
ChrI,t. ..
,P. . . . . , '0' mucb 10 that Jel\18 clkI not want the pubiJclty . 1/11' would cOm. to ' . If tllat nll111 "'Ou1It" tr..Iy elrculated. FOT tbe WOM "Cbrt.t" ~lIt ~. Ie.. than To $be ~I It weuld' leUJI4 like trealoa: bUt'1D the Jew. it would lOUIId WIlt Sudpumt naJ. ...... Pe. . . . . . ''Y. . are
h_ •
,.JtIn. ...
<6utbr .:.
CatnJa,. ,
1, .......".. _ 1m,.,..., .
~.. are ......naa. y .. are . . eam1III MIIC-- . . . . w.rN. ..... are ..... tile __
~ F~ther
Krumhr 't.,.. Priest
\ M
wr HnU.Y M£THnn· METHODIST aruRCH T ~' ~r~"'f. Minl<:t,.~ 'LB. Coleman. MinIster C:"n":tv <lchnnJ Q "n :I . m Ourch ~hool 9 :)0 Lm, 12. A F"nlhart. ~tint: J. J. Bursl:e, Supt. 'I\fnrt"'n ~er"lrr t o ~ "" :t m WOl'$hlp and Sermon """"''' ~ervkl" 7 r"'O p.m , 10:10 I .m. <;l'e(Ill Musk
Choir r.6F.~ARS CREEK FRfENt)~
lP~v navl" "t::lnfll'td. MI"I~er 7:00 p~ !';undlv School to Lm. Choir Practice nunda" Worship Service t t Lat. 7:45 PM It aflJR(H ~ MARY'S EPISCOPAL ~t'v Wftlhlm ~hannnn , . cundlv Schonl () ~\O I.m, ~muel N. Keys, Rector "". .lame.: r.arrl~n. ~unt,
Youtfl Penowshlp Ttluf'5dIY
trrIcA u-:&:'
' Today, .50 lar as our oWn territory is concerned. no place is 100 Te~ote , Ou.r service extends to any farm or vUalge home sa 'promptly lPld efficiently sa if the family liveq within a mile of our own front door.
Learn about th... "IGIDAIR~ .pplle.... RefrI.....,.,. • If"",c ......... .AutOtMtlc w..... Electric Wafw H...... e lleefrle ClOt. IItr. EJectfic Ironer • ·H..-"...,. • """,c Dell..... Ifler • Kitchen Cabinets and 51.,.. c
.. WI •• enlltionaJ.
big Spring Showlng of Frfgfdalr• . c -.Appla.... 'See atrthe .modem COIWanI~ and featur.. you g" II Amerlco·. " Ar.t Famny· of k~n aIM! lo\lllclry app1la....
art tbe
may IIOIIIld
01wlou. to UI, but Wal . not _ obvloua then-
s.,. our
tion: '''Who de men ' I.)' tbl' . I am'" Petei'll 1 n I " e r,
- .
to hi. InUm 'l te
,';;'pg~~\MG S\\O'l4\tlG 'SIia ~ 1\ .' . "OlE f1\\G\Dl\t\E M»PU~tlCES • e e (
TUJUflNQ.1JODft' In J..w THEeareet ... dram,Uc. But tile.'
The Youth Felowship group met last sUnday evening at 6::10 The devotional llU'Vice wsa lod by Don Henderaon. The after meeting wsa bel d~ ,the bsaemeut. church Schnol Q:t 5 A.M . PI'I'''r'hinf' ut and 3m ~undllVc Games were played and .1'1"- MornlnrWorshl" 18 :30 A. M . eR(h mnnth 10:~0 · I .m , fl'csllments served by the ad,att F~tftlnf ~ervlce~ 7 :30".m. recreational commit~e. 31 youthS ".IENDS , Y'n Po METHODIST ttee were ~~ nav ~hnnl and aU the aduit 0 ' ''1) ~ . m """JRCH . pt·esent. A similar meli!ll will be . Dr. Joseph ~hers. Min~ :leld next Sunday beglnnlac at " .....,,. fnr Wn~hi" ~nn' Q~30 I.m. 1: 30, All our youth invited. to ="1) R.m ~Imdlv M~. Ruth C:;lvlor. SuI'l Our Choir ill worklni on a euI. to :30 Wn",,'" Semel" tat "Joyoua Meo. -of F.ut.r," WAYNESVnJ 'F' _ which they will p resent Palm ' CJ 'URCH OF !"HP'~ FERRY CHUROI OF CHRIST 'lunday evening. April 10. " I-f. r;r'" , . ,",.: ,. ... ° v~"'"· r.arver, ~Mlnlster A clas for memberShip Into the R1"'1" ~honl Q • ~,,~ \4 Bltol,. SChoOl 9 :JO a.m. church wU -be : recei~ on Palm M""nin~ WQr~hlfl to ; ~ " \ ,~ II "'l int' Wpr.ihi" to=30 L Sunday, if there others de- Vntm~ Pt'nrl r '. '" =4 -; r \1 "'PI! .• , "'eetinl" . 7:00 p.m. :i,ring tp unite with the church r" "" " nr C::f' '! ' irp 1 : 10 P . " I",," l!' P~nrlr'.s Meetlnr ·r· '" ~dn \8 ct the ~ler, Rev. Pr:tver Meetin\! an I 1~ p.m . . B. Coleman. RiNe <:;111(1,· Welt 7: '0 NJ 7:)0 D.& A Baptismal service 'for chil. ~-- -- ren wit be held at the 10:30 .erv. . on ~ter Sunday. The You~ Felqwahip will 00)1 - . tu:c;t Sunrise Service and serl,e ~e Easter breakfast. ONE MILE FIFTY:-A few The children's program will .. years ago, II funeral director's 'iven Easter Sunil'a y ev..ung. ~ork was ~ited to hLs imlaUJocal
on I Co",e in I
. . . . . . . . ·. . , . . . . . IIl. . .
will .. ,_ lllaak1M1 what .. ..... lIMe . . . _ ._."
• • • GetI', VIew all. til. DevU', ALL THAT tlBwinJ 'devotlen Jeaus' nm announcement .leO Wte ,l ey raIn. In the earl 01 thOle
'ON .
frtenell '01 bIa It lounded Uke Ihe bell of death. Nev., before had JUlua telcl them an)'thln. UtI! t.hll.
and Ibe, must baye toun,d It bard to beUeve. For be bad lief I worel
about a throne, notblnl about aucnolhlna lbout ma.terin. Ill. world. Quite the eontrary. Ha mUit "lUfter mAIl1 thin" •. . be reJeclecl • • • be 1dJ1ed." U thaT beara tI» wardI "rfat I.aln" too. the_reb made nB bnprellion. ~or JelUl bael alUlOllDca4 whl' to
them ImJlC).lfble. abawd: HI. tbe CIuUt,. would be IdIledI SmaU woodll' thlt Peter broke oatNo. Nol But J ..IUI ·1IIO\II4 not cam· JII'ODliH'. lie nail ~ Peter "Satan" for ~ a. be did. . :\ . 'I'M CIIrtIIaIII ' eInInIa .......
... .................... .,... wttIll................. w. .............7 . . . . . . . . .......
.. CIIrIIt . . . . . Buddha, fouDdll' Oil • ftI7 4ur.-. ent relJllOn. died III old ... CII ftWo a.thI• . ew Jon ImaIIM JIIQI doInI Ibat' 8up~1i SelUl hid tak. . Peter'l advlce aiI4 mi. arran... m ..ta to ietlre eomfortabl1 where he would n• .,.r _ • cro..' 'l'htD we n_r Ihoul4 \lave beard oC blat, lis would not bf..,. bND worlb h_rlIl.irom,
• e
OD. era.
Nat Ell""
now tba& ,eu YES. WEofDOW, ChriIt II Importam. CrOSI
JOOcl eleal mc:e Peter, , after aU. "or We de not ~ to what _ do BOt ·Ub to bear. kid . the n~ werd. of Jesul. on that bfa· torlc .oc:callon, mUlt ,have lOuftded then ~I tile, do now. most ch1i1mc . Oil an. ''WbO_ver would come ~ 'me, Ie~ blat tete bla own crou and foUQw me." In JelUl' ttme no one ever _ ~ cros. who wal DOt alread)o 1IIIcS-.r But we ar. a
lentence of delth IIId on btl ...,. ..., bee..cutacl. ..........W .... I11. . . . . . . . .
...,.',1 _ .............. .. A.,- .... wile
I!!DrrlbIe .. Wal wIIIIea Ie
r.u.w . . . . . ....
Us aita& Ie ...· eIeGIda IIIIaIr '• • • • • tab .......... ...
............... ,.....,
...... 'clIam...... , ..... ,.. ... ~
On_ oro.. II ' ~ eIlOUIIL ...... mUit be otber Cl'OIHI. M7 road II a '.ath-muc:b. ' 1 walll for trIJ 101lowen·.onIJ' tboM , who' an wlllInl to take ~e . - trIlL ,
• • •
....... 9 . . . . ....1..aI... ~r . M..... Slls*-FTeuer Oed-
• utomatic Wa......
with Uve-water Action Only
hat Uv • •Wa....
. M ............ toppM Hydrator, . QetJon. Wa.i.e. cloth •• cleanar, f •• ~. ~ .......,. rlnsa. them' !wke In cleoIt. clear •...., . . . . . . . . . . . CHl¥aIlklgeil ,
..,." A!\· percelaln Irmd. CIlId out.
frigidaire De Luxe Electric Range AI- porceIaln-CooIt·Ma..... Oven Ooclc Control-han-Heal OvenTrlple· Duty TIM"",..r and OIlIer featur.. 'yo\I IhoUIcI.... . Other MCiIIaI......
NtIASUIL It'. _,bd In ........ cu.... fI.bln..- dNl_ -;- a . .. . ............. , ....... 11'. fill! ......... fI1tI4 .......... allowing.
PNO~ "-441
~t:llr IFJ ~~~~!'~_ t~ Y .
'Rnn,.r 2!i(' , lh., hlt'd 11k Ih,.
20r. dn'l•. d ried
'11'J~; 1. ·
Trail 01 'rhaerou
L~. "bTioHAt ..5oIi.
Hdwe. iStOre ' . WAYNESvnu,
'JUBIOR 'J(JNB'O . HAMBURGER' for jut . 10 ceals Other ............ _
Cube 8IHk aa a 1'.~ ilia. lola at Gold. Biown F-__L F:I.I_... Potal»w ..... Slaw . . -lleaIlIdaa ~ ;';;';';';I~" ~ .......... ............. ' " .55 a,OU'ack - . , ...... 9 Meat BalJa .. , ........ , .45 . . ._ 1_ -a....... ' " -...~ ~~fHIIllDQ IIQt CblII , ., . . .• ... ,' •• ..--.- .... a - ---..-. _ of Gold. ~ FNDCb . FdetI Pa'~ I . . 1 cap ......''NiI' hot Coffee (oIIa. ~"'_L- ___, W~ WIll . . . . A. to II P. No daIIt'. - - - -UUI ••• , •.aa
'MUCK 81, J.C.
EXTRA SPECIAL barn::-::::;-,:~a ::~::-::--::--"""';'-"';"---------------",~,-~-,,-,-,----~:";''"
staying in
U1e old dried' hay that is aU we have to offer them just now, They ~Ull come running. however, for a taste ot com, SOme day there will come a time when calling them wil Ri'oduce no results and the boy will have to hun~ the far comers ' of the pasture for them. He will ,find them contentedly chewing their cuds 0 mipping off the choice bits of pasture. At least we , hope that the lime we bavl! p~t QIl some, of our pastures and aU ' the other things we are going to do to them Will improve them until they wlll be ' as good a stl:\oae in the pictures in the farm magazines. '
bJ' D .J • • q"'ZER
Mal'ch 26, '1949. · Rain ' again alter n few lovely warm days. True, we woud rath~r Iiave had a few more nice days to start plowing plant;. the early glll'den, get in, the last remaining· shocks of com, that 50 much wet weath er has l»rev~ted u's from bringIng in ,earlter. There are a lot jobs wh~ch have been welting for mud to dry ' u'P. but it is ralnin~ and the JIrass 'ls turning gree~ while you look at It. The ground squashes under your feet but it Is a good spring rain and not one we should complain about. !
This morning the pond is so muddy that 'you can't see the swarms of gold fjsh that were swimming around ~ thele terday. They were ' mostly about four or .five inches ' probably last years crop. pond is 'too ' muddy, to see this moming but the boys are makin-g a dip net to' go and see what !.hey can (jnd ~ Rain or shlne the , 01l t~ doors is calling and it is spring.
One more little pig died leaving us twelve. one· gilt w~th seven. !.he othel' with' nve. As SOQD .. we ean get the Little piece fence !\tr~~ched to "make a hog lot we can let them out to enjoy the .sunshine-when thete Is any ,
And don't forget the Red Cross.
Yesterday I thought I would get those peas plat:1ted but I , lot stari.-ed doing sQ1Tlethlpg else and now I,t is 1.00 wet again, It Is the sa\Tle , way with the oats, the ground gl'ts almost liry enough to dL~k and then it rains, again. I have almos\ finished cleaning out the raspberries. It is a prlckery job but Ito a hard one but it gets Crowded out some years. Year be(ore last ,omethlng killed out most of myoId. busbes but. new ont's are beginning to take their place and one patch of s~aU bushes loOks quite strong and flourishing. They weer bere when we moved here. so pethaps they just died. of old age and we hadnot filled In with enough new one", I never have succeeded in getting the' red ones started and every time. I have planted red red cu(rant6 they have died. I fried again last spring. 1 like red curant and black .raspp.,lTY jellYY,. I remember the long .row of red curran1s acres. my·'auntS garden, h81lalne. . full . of . b,u nches of . tbe hrl$ht ,h'ult, but I can't get them started. They _were tart but ' we u~ to pick t"them by' handfuls and eat them.
~ND ,
M ~dc 'rhrou~h
Lebanon ,N.F.L.A. 11 S. BroadwRY Phune .a4R
---------~ Speed 01 tla/mOll
AccordIng, to the bureau of fish· el'ies . a salmon wJII swim al the sellen miles per rate ot six hour. This rate ot 6pecd is for SUI· talned aw1mrhlng and not Just • audden spurt.
Must Be Car lu
Used to·-/ n
South Maio Str~ actOll from Grlmae HaD . Telephone 2422 WA YN~VIL.LE. OHIO ,
,It look. like a -It'.. ~4!&"Y a cake, lIitJ1 •• tra,,',",,) merln/' ... rial the (llIinlC and tt,Ji"inr. a~ a ......llIrl1i~h of ~right hcrrido Strawberry par Ii .. "ke Is a. vjl.riati". on u.. ..r wake I lell'. ,. a'nd an elegant s pr ...l,''''l/ dessert. rnstcM !naeVI" or ~~"I I" I"'.... ". there', fluffy eAke.. ... ' Awherries are foltW I"• • NOtlly nl~ri~l\u,t for a topping that. ,t\fullypink and ,t.eloW! \UIIllnc. . The pJI'rfait "I • ...11 .. . " mak~ the mOll& ~ ...._rry flnv/lr, IW that a little morr- I.> .. . cup of berries wtil . . . . . __wherry CAlee lIerting eight to ten ..,..... Ir,meroullly. , No lIe~d to hu~ - ,four·leaf clover .. ea.-. cood lurk wit:l, this eake. Follow •._ . ,,.. -ely this basic. telMcl reel,. 'tIr a t~·o·~g,~ cake, using b('st 1n, ..... ,"'"'ts, correct utensil•. aM "'l>e~litur<1 ~ iver\ Bake the cak!! in I·..... ...-ased eight.inch laYer".... dividitllr ballc. evenly between tht' ...... For layer cakeB. it il 0"- weli worlh tlle time ~ cut' Il sheet '1 .... in paper tv tit the bpt.....f Dans S\» .thalt .. the caKe will come 0 ..: D""'fec:tly. This cake requ. .... "'nIl' standard ingredienq Allilost always on hand. Use enriched 'II1II1' ~ make it for family lIervice becauee ot it~ extra B·vitamin& a,od lMn.' The cake is one you'l .want to serv'e throughout the Y.eal .... ~ a variety of fill in,,, nd toppings. S..... WBERRY PARFAIT CAKE " BaUer
L (UP suaar 1 t~" Ittottn 1 tea.spoon ".nill .. CJltr.ct
,Ih,d <\1.-.1 lour
) ~e.upoQft' blkin ..... rlrr \ tealpOOn .. It 11:. ClIp shottenin. , ,
l/lilk '
Sift together flour. baking p(lW- ,half of mil II: mixing well. Add r~!. ·der. and salt. Cream together malninll' Qne.third flour mixtur,n, shortcninJt and sugar until light mixing until Ii{thl and Cl'cam:y. a.nd fluffy. Add egg\l. beating well ' Pour batter into tw.o lined ~il!'ht until creamy. A.dd vanilla extract. Inch 'cake bllns. Ba~e In mqderai;e Add about one-third ftour mix· oven .(3'76 di:l!rCc8 F ,) about ~:5 ture . ~Ix. Add one"~alf of milk; to 3() mlnules. Makes two ehJht-inch laverll. mixing, weil. Add one·thlrd ftour mixture. Mix, Add remainln, on~!:I'n wberr), Parfait Toppln,c 2,... whit..
V.. lel$J)OOn utt
I ctIp .Jfn_bcrrte,s
Y. leuCKtOn ertam of ,a,tu Vzo(up
Mllsh strawbernes, or put' thcm inl(ue holds Its shspe when beater is drawn ttJro\J&'h it. Pile betwecl' thro~jI.'h a coarse sieve. Beat egi whites until trothy. Add salt and layers and on top of cake. leavinlC c ream of tartar. Beat until IItift'. aides bar:e. Gam!1h toll witb Add sugar and ,strawberries enid· '''hole~ ually. Continue beatlna unttllneJ:. ·,..11 »,.t".;".. r:"';':- J: ':1",1 ' TTl""'''
"';~"'"tHf"1T c;
..I..",""""",. "f.{",". ~ "':to" r(t""~"''''~ 10"" "rI"+'A~"r.t'" ........ .-;"n tln'" ...f _· ,.t- , tl" rilnnHFf of-ri~t,.n'1 ':,l tn
'ftle~. ' Estate of George W. 'Davis F'iJ'I'PMP W"l1 .. , .• 'Rt)"",,~ WI"'. dec'd .. Joe ~. Davis, administrator. """'''o''b, ",."",."" Rnlf1. ,ale of perlmnaJ proper~y. 1"1 ....... 1"" A 'l:{;npe.... 'l:{ F;~tate of N~tc Lowlll"dee'd, Ida 17 ;"0. n'nnHfI ....""t"rl Allin...." . •,,,t.eWIS, executrix, in,ventory hell ring j!~",J"nt tn nAV ~ll/\ "Dr , .." .. t. 1'",.
Dynamite is the Paul .Bunyan ot the m odem fn"m. Like the makebelieve, giant lumberman who could uproot trees and 'do other remark· ab1e tblngs, ~ploslves. properJ,y and cBl'efully used, can perfortn IIcoreB of labor·saving tasks IIbout the farm. according to 'F . S, Eldred, manager of the explosives and ~ow der dtvblons, OUn Induftrles, East Alton. U1. I Farm'lts todny are finding tho" CJln save much Illbor lind tlme in dIgging altches, blosting out stump\ll making post holes, cleaning out water holes and even planting trees by the use , of explosives. Eldrcd !lays. "But cauUOI;t Is the watchword. I f he warns. L ike lin. dynamilo Is on excellent serv!\llt and a terrible master, When the farme.r uses It ' Witb fIIll knowledge \It ·the grco t labor·savlng work it can do. a • well as the fearfUl damage. he has' a 1I11lt)~ tarm hand ','lho can Kln).ost perform mlrades." '
M. and Henry G. B1.421 acres in Salem t\VJl : Johnson and Mabel Dalton to Walter R. Fitts, '88.73 acres Ii. Franklin twp. Bessie Wriglit to Vi~cent A. a~d Lillian H. Gl'eagJiaroo, 1 lot In Franklin twp. Walter R. Fitts to Estle and A.ddie Tfiacker/ 2.86 acres 'in Franklin tllYJl . Wallx)r It, Fitts to Johnson ani! Mai)el Dalton. 1 lot . i n Frank· lin. , Erie T. I\.nd Katherine Davies t o Lloyd and E1i~betb PerkinS, 1 lo~ in Franklin. Lester Slusher to Carl L. and Edna B. 1I1eyets. 1 lot. in Franklin. Clarence and Emma Koehne ~o Q'eorge and Anna Schappache:r, 2'73.91 aCI'os in Deerfield twp. . •. is just what you'U get if you ,Alton. P. and Ada Cop\! to Farrl ~ send it to us, NOW,for Robinson , 198 acres in H't'•• n,mT"'mfuute ~orough dry ~eaningCharles D. l!.lld Livia Mae Sat· W ' lis Pig,." 1 cerfield to Ma~ion A. and Paullnt' e ra sp~ . ts in rejuvenating St\lmps are a bugbear to ;fanner,. L ' men's clothes. Satterfield, 10 acres in Franklin Each Ie a problem' In itseU. 'l'be twp. ' . farmer must study the type 0( Ha,,'ey and iMary .s. Steven8 til .tump, whether It hOIl rPOtll that Warren C. and CIeola T. Young, 1 run along just under tho ground, or lot in Franklin. has great top roots. Then he Illust Brack and Mae Wilder 'to John carefully plan bow to I>last out that 'yarel and Ruth Edwards, 0.22 stump With dynamite. 4ga1,n acres i nDeerfield twp. ~·cv.utlon" Is the watchword ,I t not lurq. the former IIhould con l'llt an Fal'1'iJ! &binllOn to Alton P. and expl08~e6 expe\"i. B\lt, t,he typical Ada <:Opel 36 lots in Froaiiklin twll, way to blast • stump is to place Brack aod ~e Wilder to the dynamite DB near .Ill' pog.lble Luther H . and Ottie Mcl\:eehan, under the center mass. or und6r tha 0.172 and 0,476 acres in Dee~eld largest roots. U there are two large twp. HORSES COWS.$3 roots, It moy be neccssa ry to plant The King Powder Company thc explosIve under both. According to Size William M.oses and Mollie D. Finn, Figure 1. shows the proper way an~ Coudltlon, 1 lot in Deerfield twp. of IQadlng to remove an ev.ril1 John ROaTk to Ella Wollace, a Call rooted stqn\p. 'l'he . charge 1s lIIlaer lot in ~erfield tWp. the cooter at the stump, Sometimes ,thete ar~ stumps With Reverse Charges central downward roota. \lolled tap , BruWII Baked ' ROil. roots. In such a casco as shQW11 11\ Breada and rolll baked quicld,. Figure Z, the ()hnrge 18 plpeed until medlwn l!rown retain more down ~iongsili e the toprout UI:) t\.1~ thiamine than tho.e baked IIlowl7 side tbot will b.rlug It as rloar as unW dark brown,' · ", pO~9lble t(l the ccnter ot th~ slump. Al)otber great Inbor·~avlng task
In Time for Easter
Fatm door yards every where lUe lull of the little yellow jonquils. I t.hin~ they are pretthir ,than the larger · improved varielies, but mine seem to have ilied out though f stU lhave some of the large double one&: and several varieties of narciss\.\S. I . afraid that some of the spririg bulbi came up , so ea'il~ that the bloss,o m buds may have biasted but.hope hot all of tbem have.l11e C1'OCuae.s halle been in lull bloom -ibis week,
WayoesviUe Furniture & Appliance Co.
i... banon, Ohiu
Dynamite Is Magic Worker on Farmland
Wall Paper. ~nd Paste and Sizing G. E. ~ulbs - ' N u Enamel Kem Tone
2 ""'PI
You can pay of1 any t im , Long 'ferm 4% .No Re.-newal A Farmers guaJ:antee of sa uri,ty
Beautiful 3-Peice Walnut '~>_ Bedroom Suite $II0.8i
Dead Stock
' Xenia 454
Xenia Ferlilizer
Effective Method fo B'reak Dog of-Chewing Habit Given AAliociati.n8 Practice With 8omethiliS ' Uupleal8Dt WiD
lor April nat 10 A. M. ." "",,.,.t, !If min",. ,.";t.l",,n , /," '1 8,oou B..a..... SlOp Leon M. ~[illC:~, v.dmini stratl)r', ot "., "hil',""n to n'nint;ifF: . • oue tho Ol$tate of Os ear F. mnes dec'd One of the moat frequent Clues-, phrale should ,be used eufirv tl,rne tioRS from dog.owners is, "How the do, II to stop wnat he'l doblS. plainti,!f. vs. AI>rerda Traylor. et 'ov..\, ~~T ~ ~ 'l'Q" 'N~1i'1l'R.c: ~1., defeJ:ldant, sale ot.real estate. 'l'''~ ' Kj" .. ~n tI .." r:1n", .. ~"v ttl cap I teach my dog not to che~ It Is uleless to say "Nb" one time In tile, mtlttel' of thll J{uardian. l1i1nv '" "" ,01"rJ.l r.'lh'J"{"f,. 4 'l'~t~ things?" The 'following lu,ges· and j'Bid dog". or "StQP that" the Pig7"tt '2 ship 01 Anile , 1(,. Attlcscy', Fred ~. :~ n"",.fip1t1 t.wn. . tron, by the Gaines Do, Reaearch ~ext-the dog won't mow what is can be pe~forlned wIth dynll:lDlte, Kagclnl)yer. guartlian. filed his< W"IlPl'.r ",," r.:,bln. !=t;.mpri~1" Cen1.eIT. New York City. represent 1Dean t. thil'd and final account, tn Cll",.lp~ Frllnl{lln An,tl WI"lf"'lrl recommended methoiU for trainIf a dog is not apprehended wi- Thot III tbe digging of ditches. " In. a dog to retrain from exer- til after he 1)as already chewed F.~J;ate 01 Hurry Smith, dcc'd, n. ""nt;'ll)rt, 29,'79d I\trn~ in HarllAn cis1D1I bis teeth on Ihoes, furniture somethin" he should be taken by Dynamite coo bo easL1y carrleq Spring 15 ~ere,. '!.h'er~ is no A,dn Smith. executtJix, I,.awrence twp. ' anef other bousMold articleli. the collar led to the damaged throu'gb 'the woods'. swn n\ [Is nnd doubt of that. though th.e re may :iiCiiiliJj'IFurnas, I;.ynlan Day . and Harry, nAlI,,~ M Worlp'r to RA;vmnnd Almost all puppies go tbrou.h object and scolded sharply. If a other country impn~sa ~Ic to \lorse. Satterthwaite. a,ppoiltted appraig. Poinall A~Rm... 1 fot i\1 ' Turtle- a chewing pertod - particularly chewed article i,9 not discovered or machlnes and, olleo there. Clln be spting frosts and freezes and : 'they are cutting their s$1Id untll long atter the chewing took qulckly do ' mo~C! w/:irk thll1l dO:lens ers. ' f,'pel< twn. MOW, it will still be spr¥lg. ., ,. and even older dogs seem place. it won't do ~ny good to of laborers or several 1tIIlcb1nes. Thel'e isn'l ~uch ,grass but the Estatl) of Not'a Clevenger. dee'd. \Tol111 /lnll 1'hfllma: nibil! to .Tllhn ' a 1Itrong urge to gnaw on scold or punish. a8 8 dog's mcmon' C. C Beckett, executer, trallsfe,r W. IIntl ~1,I11ie W. J..oVI 1 lot in Dogs that are lonelY or .is short. CO,W5 a,re out licking the ground to of I'pl!! estate. ' ." T.... hAnon. , confinement or in· At timt!5 'a dog wiu ~,.:.t~w;.:ba=.;t...;th;;;e;;r;.;e;..,...;i5 __ln;.;s;;te_a_d;;'~of 1lJ$tatll oJ WJlliam , Henry .Rus. "Henry W. I\nd 'to,fRud C, F/ ~ek especially prone to fondheu for gnawing BeH. d , ., , " ; \ J mal'a 8 " ,Grl\lUIIan. 10.28 aelles. Ii ir!aa d I p8ftlculat ObJict such ~.!~~~~~4~~~~~~~~~~~F=;t..:....,........:.:-::,::,:W batrix, filed her llriib and final i., Wqyne t\tP. ' ". . ch:::l~ liabtf .: ~ ~~~lrtol~~'rln~ ~:i account. e~tate cxel'lpt ,nherit~nee ' nllrilld ,F. '.qihllS . to .Tohn' 'J~" 8Ometblng' of hll ,OWD pepper on the article. tax. "., 1'Jl~lma n. Gibbs, 0.284 acres 1I1! ch~w on. A large raw taste of the hot pep~er Estate .of Elizabcfh Bowman, ~nrt)ecreek . twp. " tn~~ or shin bone , with the allY. sufficient t{) make , I dec'd. Elizli~l)th W, BQwnlan. exe. ' Winfred and Alberta ~~I! to ~t weD Icraped of! should be 101e interest once and WATER 011. EARTI1 L l " pt where the ,dog can reach it thae article. ~ , TA.M PING I ,an(\ {inal Vincen . Wa ter, 1 lot I'n Ul11911 tw!), . , ~ time. Eneouraling the dog cutrlx, filed hor f!'!lt UotU a dog Is. absolutely trustaccount. twp. ' . ,D IU With aDd 'chew on the bone worthy, he. should not be allowed Estate of Hattie R Hankinson. ' T!). It. nnd Edith 'Roust~n to ~rin- IrDllieJp to keep him from turn· tq roam at ]orge through the house. . Flgur" " ak~, ' Harriet B. HaokinMn. dee·d. cent Walter, 0.22~ a!lres in Salem ~hIa, attentioD to the ' rull or If it I. necessary that he be left But alwnys full words "safety· ;Tames t. HankinSOl). executor. sslo r.wp. , tore, Poultry, .teak or chop alone. he shOuld be confined where first" must be .kept in mino. 'DIie , J' h D' .I Ali M'II mould not De used for this he ' can do no 'damage anc;t given ()f persOnal propertf. ' , psep , ." anil , ce 1 6 ~C) u they 9linter easily hb shiD or knuckle bone to Chew_ farmer sboUld kilO",", bis explosive. NQ~RI8 &r"i)Ct<: ' COMP" '" E~tatc oi Anna M. Kirb¥;· dec'd, 'FarlAn Rnd Villa eombs, 2 lot~1 tn , eaD ~use serious InJury to . In JJlOIt cases, dogs get over the know the ,type! 01 ~ojl1n w.hi()h be Iii Charters 'D. If&pl(), , executor. in. Tur~l ecree~ twP. . e 'dOl. ' ~ " ch.Wln~ habit 8l! they 1llature, bllt' operating and &llo~d not trUHt his Ci"olnn •• /, llol,"" IIt'ool< 'y a. (,. V\l11to!'Y lI."pproved. . . . WI\liam Lee and Janllt Hem;' Dop lbould1never 'be liven old ' while Fldo ie still in th.' deslJ;ue- -own jildllemeht, If thero is ever any ) I I~ f' Wlif'fI ,,',' ,1 p,.oo,." t " A ... Esta of C. W'. ,Collier. 'dee'e\. , ~lph . Te.rwlUe~e~, 20' acres tlv. stage. the above luggestlonl ' dou!)!, be shouid c,cihs'ull an ' ~Xpcrt. ' , Florence Comer, "dn)ini8tratrix, in. Harlan twp. ' win keep damage to 'a , nililimliin, Dlt~he!l sri! dUIij by d:!,;I)Bmlt 'not O··olllnIJ .,t 't l" . ".Cond ,~ no l . vt'lnt6~y headng. ~llIt for I,\,prll 6 at 'fl.ancy B, and C()rwin S. Freil ~t!aines Do~ ,Research Ce~te~ j)y plll~lng onll cba~·g\!. blQW~g out ~t" ICtlv •• tll~: .. ~ on .ht'" nr 10 A, )I: Betty Jean Davidson, 2 hitl! in a hole then , usinll another cbara\!· 11 1 III"OUI <,f ",.r.1I:.t it'l \1 · Estate of ,Pal Hazelwood. dee'd, Lebanon. ' Flaure, 3 show.s the dynamite -:O",.t,V , ,ex~utrlx, ,inventory hearing set Vira:i! ,T. Ptymire to planted stick by, st\ck at regula,\, tn· :.~ , I , V'CE TH,Al ' IIATlb> ~, for .\4lrill6 at 10. Smltb, llQ1,4 acres in WaBhinll:ton DOa~OW'ER' blelofVwnl1souStO ~tht thatew~han1°lee :'~eu.olnns ~leS' \\ ' II P.Y'l'" I ~ : 60 E. 8 T . 'Estate of ~.J'1'y S. Mayne, dec'd, twp. ' ~ urn. .... ttl.' f I " ,JI, 1J \\· 1....\\'· "JII ,'! H •• ;to Mayne•. exeeutr,jli:" in_no Dessie P1rmlre til ijertha Smllth. way. the earth does not fall baclt I.: "'I I"", ,I~n rO(' ·)~ u r,~ . " , s.t fot Apl'll Bat 10. ' '1101,4 acres In Willlhlnltton' tw,~. . TraveUn, 'l<V~th a ,do, shoUld 'be iOta apart p! tJ;e dftqh already !lug. ' .\ 1'1 r t&".-l • , a areat de81 'easier in the future One 1i1 . the ' advo.n~ages of diggiJ;1g 0f , B u;t; ,B, Ball. dec'd, Loyd H. ,and ,Ray H . Sha!er.,to for vacaUonlsts 'and other, way- dlch wi'thd mit fA th t~\. . ~ 'Ball. ,admlnhtratol-, sale " ,,, '- -,. ' faren who find it, necessary to t es , yna e :'V a ....ere ot personal1>roperty. , " ;: :take ,th. family pet aloJli ,on their ~re no "spoll ballk8~'\ , -~ Ihou u to~. All jo~mey.. The Gaines :Dog Re". tat f, Ha Id G H b d '(\ ,,!,s eo 1'1) • oe. ec , CASH FOR DEAD 5TO(!X ' &love. look alike search Cel\ter. 250 Park "Avenue, V'':'' "ed ' I Valuab''18 Catherine A. Boeh, t!lIeeutTix. Ro. " he won't !mow the New YOlk 17. N. Y., has rec~mUr AllOW" ge S bert Hall~m! 1!c\ward Hill and WII- ' 1l0RSES ,3.00 cows f3.')O ' the old onu completed a nationwide survey -cAl To nose Purcha!lin;" Eggs lIam Baker appolnte~ ,.ppr,aisM!I. " and belt in the hotels and motor coUrts to deter:' -." E F If I • mine th hi h t erta u. ·S. department of .~e1Iltur. " state o! rank . Bea, dec d, According to !lise and eondiJ~on. belt to with dO:Can'd ias ~~~lIe5u and marketing apeclallsts report tbat WRECKER SERVICE Pearl A. Beal, ellecutrlX inventory All Stock nmoved. promptly. In a d~'" to published Its findiniS In· the form ImOwlll' where to.bu1 eus and ho" approved. ·~=I~:'~~l.~~th~at:.~ habit of a directory available , to do,- to keep them are the only two ..ata Genera1 Motor Repair ~ ownera without charge. A preface that couum.era call be ~ or COMMON PLEAS to the directory 2ivel helpfu] sug~ h.yiq a quslity prD4uct at all WlDard Batteri• . Phone Collect lutioDl for ilinrjilfying the prob- time.. ' , , The Qitlsen. Nltional ·Bank, 1110) of feeding Towle1I while OD ' Xenia, Ohio. a corp ' • ,s. 'Everett X fa 0 1711 U;\e road ~d milkes a plea for dOIThe homemak:er;'a ftrat step III UIia J. and .Elsie Bunnell, et '1., defen- , en t . , 011 owners to make lure tbat their dlrecdOll iI 10 ~ frcpD nwu-a dAn"" o-me.-ect' to pay ",028.1a and ~ O. p!!1s do not cause annoyance to or whCllu-.1erl who keep • • _ _ coda. other hotel or damage te' propu eoncUtiOllL Her Dal . . . II Mlin and Miami Sts. Ph. 2341 Arthur NelsO'J1 Bu..ting furDlture or rup. to' lleep the .... 0001. • ~et
24: HOUR
ItER'S ,Glrag·e
- .-
sr:JS -.
ADS OJiilE QENT PER WORD i minimum charge, 25 eenta. Contract rate for repeat .advertisements
upon application.
LOST ·Black BillfQld oontatn1n~ valuable papers. "e~~~~ for return .
......... . ---
Untler OfllO SId£.:;
lndlllns Were no
= - - . .,.- .......,--. •
. In .the art 01 FJ5htn,g
IllUUDAT.~~LII! . . .~ Mn. Buuel Ada laobon repreHDted 'hrtAItd Gnap 18 ., FU'IIW'I W.t ill 0011llllbu dlll'lq the ~ . . . .
Ilr. ud lin. La liar !lamhart had aa . - enel the lat.ter's IIIOther. lin. Dlp.r Loac. aDd brother. Don Lon~, of catclweU. Don LoIIC was enjoJiq a .-eation froill . b1a stadies at Obio. State.
No new. from Waynes~rll1e·. track team but know' that by ·our Miami Chapter 10'1, O. E. S. , For th" Fi.c.1 Year Endinl Dec.mber 31, 1941 ALBEPT HAWKE n~"t edition COach Poner will will meet .in special ae.-lon on C RW.lN , OHIO . MARCH 28, 194-9 MondlY evenin&" April 4. ,f or the furnish information on the I herl'by ~ert ify t hl' fullowing Lo be orrect. P\Il'JIOse of inl~ation of aeve~ hopefuL,. Tt:ack sports, as .a rule, FOR, SALt!: MARGARET ALLEN , Village Clerk cudldatea. ' do not receive the attention aJ 1937 ClIevrolet Tudor Sedan. SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCES •. RECEIPTS other moxe cmnpeUtive spor:LI do Edwln Ramby, phone '2695. Mr. and Mra. OWen Rartaoek ~re AND EXPENDITURES but as any member of a mclt tn9 vin C thl. week ~ their home 111 Belanc;e Belanee squad can testify the sport UI one FORSAL'E . the country nea:t Wellmau. . Jan. ·1 Receipt. Expenditures b ee. 31 where plenty of stamina and seU ReJrlstered Guemsey Bull Cal- General Fund ... _.......... ,....$ 1,071.39 $ ~,031.~ $ 959.07 $ l,143.82 discipline is nece!lll8ry. Vt'l. Some ready for service. Sons Auto Llcen,.. Street R epair ' _ Mr. and MTI. A. H. !lamhaat, Fund I\j Gasoline Tax Last year's ~erican Lt~ioll of our berd sire Lan""ater ComMr. and Mn. LaMar Earnhart and Street Repair Fund ........ , 367.70 565.S0 823.67 2,~::~~' members are starting", to .~~ ~ando's. Royal out of AR tested A40RfGINAL AI~n EarDh~ 'v(ere , Suncla¥ dinTotats Gen. Village Fundi 1\43!)'o9 ;1,597.00' 1.782.74 Around looking for the news OHIOANS HAD FEWEll nef aruesta of Mr. and Mn• .I!lart Dam". Write NU-~AID F~S. . 'Gran~ Totals of All LAKES AND PONDSFurids (Clerk) .... 1,439.09 2,597.00 1,782 .74 2,~~3.35 flfllt practice.,. Well, all I call ea.'Y 107 E. Pearl St.. <::Incinnati 2. J!ia~,t and children. , '. SlJr ~GIIl, W"'7i'~5 1 . Is that no pHlcial ' clearance' ~ , Ohio. . WE~E CJ.E.41l OF · ~ Total Ca-sh Bolane", Dec. 31. 1948 ........................... _.......$ 2,253.35 been received frOm the local, I.eMr'. and .Mrs. i tarrr Sa~POLWTION' 'SUMMARY OF ~ECEIPTSgion po$t. as ' to whether or not waite visited lIr: Roy Fl,1~h at W " N!J'P.O-., l'ropeJ'tY Taxes - General ,Fund ,................................. $ 888.49 th d ire to cl b The the Veteran's Boepltal in Da~ Qardenll to plow. Call 2991; War - Total Property Tax-es ......................... '-........ ....... :...... $ 88IU9 ' ey ~S ' sponsor a U f on Sunday ..... 1'1iDlpach baa beetI Cigan!tte TQII ..................... ........................ ....................... J.97 Suits are ready and wel'e pal or ren Shcehal). , confined for several w~.1ca and Ii ' SGt~l .Mot~ Vehicle T.QJt ......................................... :...... ~:-: by the local merchanta with the , .lowly improvi1ll' . . ...... 11le Iall ............ ~ ....... , .. - ......... -......... .................... 5 5'00 'understanding -that the 17 year foI"'llVTC~ Intangible Tax .......... -~ ......-......................................... 3 . ' Id th td th m Ii gain I, vour .lectrlC:a1 winne ..Ie? I will Oen ..l'8~ Classified Pe.raonal Tax .... .......................... 198.04 0 YOIl , WOIi wear e d I Oecll Hightman. our local broom· ' check your wirillK' Prw.-HoUH Wir- Solo's fl'ax ....................... ,....,......,... ,....... ,....................:... 3,35.00 in .1949. !11\ere la. one more .1r8Wmaker. telebrated hie birtl\4ay In. Ing .. . nd ...p.;,... QuIC\:: .....tee. Ed Gen'l V~lIog~ 811d Oth~r Fund. .................... 64.00 baClc...:....due to outside buallnfts nivenary ' on Wednesday. Mr-., Electric'tr ~ole" &t~. .. ........... ,...~~ ...: .... r..... 72.00 136.00 trcsul'e ItS almost a sure bet that I----~.;.;;.::....:;.---.----------------, Lausf\lhll 5 mU. N.E. of Wayn ~ . Rlrlltman loat bis. eyellcht a numTotal Publi~ Serv,ce Enterpns-es, .; ..... , .. , ........ , .... ;. .. h ·· .. -te wU t be able te. ac • ..411, at HIn-nOllY Grove 5c.hooJ Grand' Total ReceiplII C~nclude" Total Rave-nUD. Lm o ber of yean alrO and bas been' e WUI r no • "o~ e, ~a, N_ Burlington 306. 3'5 ) ...........:.•,... , ..... ,; .....:,....... ,.. ~ ....... _............ ...... 2/54)1.00 Uvely or manage this year I engaglld In broom-maldng' fol' OYer • SU~MARY OF EXpENDITURES 1 Column 2 ' club. But surely there , Wl1 .~ a ih,*·ty~)'.ars. ' nnl'll'T w:npr.pT Tn rll' 1 NewCon- volunteer for the 19b - or elM ,,~ t('lr fn~n r~ nre, A11 t- '''I''. "f and ;;ai~~ IItructionanct Commander 'Keney Bradley. can ins"'l'tnr~ ~t a ,l IlIvin po<: r .. Il tenanca "'luipmaat, 'appoint a member of Post 615 as Prlln,.,,, r."nl' Rr","" "h(\n · " . , . .te. the coaj:h. I'm sure Incllvlcluala Vlll vnl'o;"n,. r ~ " General Government - LQKi.I ~tlve (Co~n(lil) ........ $ 126.00 llke .Timmie Miller, BID s.'I'Yet' Genera' E,,""utive .. ~ ........ ,......... ..............··~·· ·.. 137.40 and the Wodtman BrOthers ean Juon Biddlecum, aied 88, cUed ""Uf:rt Wi'minn"n '111 f . Buildings (Town HaU, ole. ) .... ........................... 196.10 at hta home in 0regonlaf. Sunday Total General Government ... ~ ............... _...... _............... 459.50 put a iood team In the fie.d. '1Vh•• (ollowlng an Ulneas. Pr!>tec:til>lI to PeNlon and Propllrty - Police ............ 129.42 a1)out It boy.! ' • ; Funeral serv:lcea . were beld T(ltal Protecti tn to Pel'8Ol1 and Property ..._-,.............. U9.42 . Another contributor to the e~e.r s~nitotion - qeMr!ll VillnRc Funds .. ,............ ............. ~~g::: groWIng fUnd for "oftbaU .1put'- , Your 'Plumb~, Need. Wedneadn at Z' p. 111. at ~ Total ' Sanltation ,.'. ·~ .. ··..........:i··...... ··-..........,.......... po--- Yo'---y Sa-Lett, one O~f the, Chwdi Burial was in SPlinIHighW(l'1 - Geneml Villoge Fund. ............. ,............... 689,32 ......- 'lIWl <II' !n"ANtF.T ., field .. Cemetery ~ cluallle PI Total HiRhwaya ............................ :..:................... -........ 689.32 mOlt popular fe1lowlln the leJlgue Stubbi Funeralllome. Mlsce ll 8neou~ - General VlUnge Funds .....,.............. 138.06 deposited $5.00 .as Johnny Is one WE IIANDLB ALL AMERICAN STANDARD FIXTURES ""nlC'."~ l,"I!'''' R ~ Total MI.cellanoous ......... :................... ........,.............. 138.06 person who . wants to see t hoae Surviving ~ two sana, Homer .. ,. . a.te. fIIlM w" " "*"\I ~h, Totol Ext'. & Outlay . li-l.ts Oll in IND. sure molt of of Richmond, indiana, and HarTY It.."..,. .. e".~ (L,6, 10. 11 , 14, 17.20.2 1,22. 27,3 1,35 , .. .. 1.782.74 5U of Gaineavlll~ "orlda. Grand Total ExpendituTes (L. 36, 37, 41, 42; 43, 44) . 1 ,782 .7~ the playel"ll wiD come thro.uah In NO'I'lCE OJl' APPOINTMENT " their 0)VD iood ~If not, there Mrs. Sarah BeUe McNabb, ..... ' ~. .' must be some pe nal reuon.l for PRONE 21'14 WAYNESVILLE, Kabte of M_l'Iaret A • .Tolin. Declealed. ~ their 'refusals to pay their share _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ 88, dIed Tuesday morning at the Notte. f. herel>v- ".en th.t Paul home of a. son; William Lawaon T. .Tohm wfI_ Po.ot Office Add,.."., -and again the winter will ua clIet' from I, R. R. !fo. 2, Waynesville, Ohio in Corwin. h ~~ .~uJ'e them tbat 1949 will- new very fint «Jay" which brought bu' b8I) duly ll1'l'JOiDted .. Adminl., Funeral servlcea were beld 1hla :.//~~ management in the league. Rumd 1a 1_8 tntor of the E4tate of Margaret A. afterftoOn.'at 2:!O p. 111. at ·~ Clio.v. .: ~ "'l'S have it that the Geiger lamaroun to P-..... P y .... ",,100 • 1q II 'lf WAvne TownshiP'. War· v in ' an amazingly abort Funetal Home, In chute ,of thfl - 1."T!'" OM". "P~9~. • , ' . ":;. '_ ily wll conduct the league in 1949 • , t , '$ I-, !Iav of March 1949 Ref. R. B. Coleman. Burial wa. -hope tha~ la more than a ~iIII01' Ipe';n~Q· 'the Reds .al'e in excellent RALPH 11. CAREY in Miami Cemetery, ' Cqrwin. ~ RS Don and hi. father certainly is beat verified by the Judea of the 'Probate Court Surviving are another 8OD" ~ . couleJ handle the situation. League standing which Warren COunty, Ohio . Charles, of Dayton, and two C. ponald .Dilatuah, Attorney. -~...;:.;~~..;..-.....:..;;.--:.....::..--------J---....- More bad ne..w- for the saft~ll , that the Walters-men bave daqhtera; Mrs. Emet'lOn LedfcmI. . . . leaRUe. when the boXing bouts than th· she of the , - - -. . payto.n , vot'..'l lists an.d instrumen- held SaturdaY: Decemher 4, more elr re . Slade, Ky., ana Mrs. Martha JeffA -minstrel show will b e pre- taJists, as w",ll as evange~,ists, will. .. lI.mulln, worth approximately ontests played ~ date. Saving I. a good habit. BY ,havinc ery, -Dayton. sen ted here Friqay evening spo!l- lhave charge of t~e servIces ur;- '*'t1\,00 urn. loaned. to 'U !I by Mr. . breaq camp at an accoul'!t with UB. y~u have sored py 'the pupils of. our school. der the direction of the Gleaner ~ W 1 h The foU~nM day the on Monday. April 4 .and security fo," ' the 1uture--Rilady .' ServiCle/l ' for lIfatlwl D. Smith" " ' -. Class of the Chw:ch, S~al ser~ t"~~lljn \lIld ~the SUllPlies W~1'& . three pmet! In .F lorIda be- ~Illib for . Maereencies,_ new ear, 79, who dillCl at, !IIaml VaDer Mr. and Mn·lienry Gentty are AdVisPl'Y C~uncil m~t Friday vices f(lr ,the chIldren wil~ QpeD r>lsc:P.d in the ecliC)OI baSement fore turning thebQw Northward a new home; Confident financIal hosPital Saturday, 'March 18th . to being retu~ed to their an~ heading for ",(:Ire famUlar Independenee~ ~top In today and ~re held at the StnIth blmCt In at helme to their frl~ds a~ the evening at the home of Mr. and each evening. The public IS cor,Mr; and Mrs.. Charles Swindler ¥rs. Frank SwartZel. di!lily inrited. , ~=:rs: They never lot baek' a5 gJ'O\incl. . >pen that account. your ..a\lranee Spring Valley at, 1;30 on Wedfarm bome near Flat Fork. , - ligbt~flnger: st'tilt carried off The Reds alre-- s\at~ for ap- 'f lceurit-. nt'llday March 23. Mr. Snilth wu Several of our Rainoo';-;"-I"!1"",,;-f-"-fliltlltaty set vices were conduc.... some Seh I h tI in Jacksonville, wl>r..rc " 8 raldent of tlils commUDfty for institution of . ed here Monday afternon for Pfedc- ~~~ n~:!:~ted t~ aut ori es meet thde Sostodn ~raves .f'ir aevefal years. He Is survived 1.y , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cline 'al)d attended daughter, . GeraldIne, of Colum- mingtop ~ssembly, of the Order Am~ Deboard, who was return 'tv ' d riJlhtfull SO:-IIO back 10 5 an B an - ..,-en!8COla. hta wife, Peart Evansl$mlthl thrw An y . they'U play tbe Cardinal! 1u n d three da··..J.ters. Ken bus, were week-end gUests· of her (If the Balnbow for Girls Satur- here Wedne!jday, Rev. James Ra· ~he lealtUe It comes. Now' I wonth 7th beE in .. good-by' 101\1 an ..... • parebts, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert day. at 3 p.m. at Wilminl,rton high del' offiCl"ating In I'ufl G. ospel "ler whn's Wring __ w'- have on e. ore 581__ e neU! of Detroit; Clement of Vane , s~ool a udUol'ium, and t.l)e mitia- Church, with burial i.n CJarkssq . 'tha "'fn'l',d.. fnr Ano'her v~ar. IT D __L daUa;. Elsie 'of CaUfomla; Mrs. Doster. tio~ which. followed immediately. vil~ Cemetery. "f'rt1>in lnformat.ijon ' f t ~ I Other dates (\n the ~tum -itp'3 1HlIIIl ' Leigh En-1e of Centervttte.' IIi'I. .~ tn t~e C''I'.ntlk n R !1~YII. r are' April Il 9 and 10 In 51 Mr. and Mrs., Lewis Smith and .h ti M n ,. Geortre Blake of Midway and ..... Mroj. Slll'ah 'Wrigh t'; wlio has HARVEYSBURG - ~. an c e mea,. me r. . . , Alabama with the home. Lewa of Day,ton. Interdaughter, of GreySOJ'l. Ky., were home by iD- Mrs. Harry. S, Tucker announce '\ tr",..,ulln verv bAdly-will eq,m e- tn""'" BellT'll of the Southern As- ._ - - ,,,_ recent guests (If , relatives and hefn crmfined to 'I "n(! loan blm one unW we can Mrs. ". ii. ,E arnhart bas ~el-ed ment' wal at M1amI ...eme1ier). nes • . Was taken to Probasco the marriage of tbelr daughter ill h tae ,. 'IOciatloll; April 11, Montgomety wo-fd ~hl!death ;,r Mr. ~n lin. Smith ill a aliter !If . . . frleflds here. ' N\.Il'sing Home in wUmlngton Miu Evelyn Tucker, to Mr. Jobll ~::: t~S: O:~! :~~..:.dw, ~ "t Monlli!omery; Anril 12 and 13. Packer i ll Brooklyn. New York 011 Evan-. elm Foley" of Columbus. .. as Saturday. She was much im- SYferd, son of Mrs. Mary S. Pier- ' . h th aul fit f eoum Ii the Ohllsfiel"hla Ph1l1l~ lit LoulsvltJe, March 17. Mr. .Packer and famlJ:~ .,r. "pd in health. . son which. ,t ook place at New :l;rit. :8n~ to he M' em and April 1", New Yo'r k Yankees 1;r~ form~r .resldenti of Wayne.. 14rs. N. D. Smith. Mn. TreGI,r a rec 'II't vlaitor m ,town. ' Zurlington .Methodist parsonage, drop It off behind ' &he .,t, CirKlimlatt. , ., ville ud quite well ~o'ml .~. Lewis, Mrs. Oeonr& Blalte; ud Mrs. Ether Smith has ret~rned r Mr. And Mrs. r.~l'\tles Doster Sa'tur4ay at 4:30 p. m. some DJJdtt-will thm l'oDowinC the Crosley Fteld 8pW. Kenneth 'SnittII of . DetroIt from a month's vacation in Flor- "ttf',,'ripd ~""I'inhljp.~ 'If Farmer's .The dOl\ble ring ceremony wa~ . th 1 nowln da " the . Reds wlJ play the Mr. and Mrs. Roy ElIle and son called on Mr. and Mra. Earl ' i~. . ~ American AuOciation Indianapo- had as"SundBY dinner pesta Mr. EvllDA, F:r!dtY afternoon. Wprk. it" Cnl",."bl' ,\. ""rsdllY" and performed by Rev. A. S. Arthur, 'I~ ~:':'y we ghav!' V1rr'np<:dlw nf IR"t week . pastor oI Methodist Church here. t lth Ita Indians In Richmond. InclU!na and Mrs. ' William Long and SOli E. B. Dakin entertained esveJ'al , --.Those attending thff ceremony reuury .W ley! on ~rn 15 and wind up pre- of Xe!)i.. 'Mn. Flora Henderson ,anei Ions friends at cards Wednesc;lay eyeMr. a'n~ Mrs. 1F.A\·1 WA ev, of were the bride's parents, Mr. an6 10Wfl: F : 1'1 d Beuon a~vlti_ wlth ·the indians , .,.-..,.. Joe ~d RaYmond were dlnfter il)g at his bame. (lr"nn. onto ''I''e''-I') r.,,.,,,,t ~'W'''ls (If, ~rs. Tucker, bridegroom's Go~ght. .an n. ' ~illantpolla ¥t Ap,u 18 mel, Alton Earnbart bas returned .to ~estI of Mr: and lin. ~ Mr R"d Mt,,' 'rnm """leb. "l')I't;)Ut" mo1,her, Mary S. Pier~~)D, anT ' FI ~t;, y Il'be" , , ',' his studies. at ' Ohio S~te after KenllWOithy of Lebanon 011 Stma Mr. p'lJd Mrs. Richard WilJiams lIa"U.aRm~~ moO:ed ;_-:..... the traditlOlUll Croaley Field ehnJo~ a f,e ", 'days Yaeatlon ai day. 'Mrs. .i~S8e Pennin~n. 'enter- In tJ.l'lr hom 'fri\m F[orid . , pnd filmiJy, and, Mrs. James U e<JII ..... _¥ Leque opener ,wID' find o~... " ~ Illmed 50 guest At 8 rpisc!!l1~ ., ne ('ous show;'" at h ~I' home Fclday 'T'h ... R~nf!er" f"""'i1i~'l en-inveCl " }?ark and daughters of Cin~nati. ·~ful of ri° ~I_~ 1St. LoUt. Carilb:lala u guests Mt M J ' d' r ~ 1&1. a_Ie ~, IIIalu acl S on 1'I1esday, April, 19. 'Ohi" IW .~ry jallenj~ erso8n,",~ Ol~ were ..-. gue.ta 01 .... vening"fpr Mrs..,J:eanEich Gen- <fin"er SlIn.(lav -in hon'lr ~f · theh" For het: marriage the 'bride c.ess ' $,p It1Ithl......':':t • . " b . 't lUi blu 1"ee~nt years!! WICOlll '- __ '- ___ th f 0 el",yan s e o;,.ng. POll' d ...... __ try, 1\ recent bride. .. The evening ,"thp,.!' h1rtl:tdll.Y annivel'Sl'rv. , wore a . el~e SUI w nav,y e IItlle more than a ~ remainas ..... uoren e ease or many vacation at the home ' bet parenb parente Mr. an Mn. Ww.Dl " 8.!\ . spent in contests and giving " F.VRn"di~.tlc serv.lcps b e ac~essorles and a large purple or~ ~ b~(ore 'the tlquad break. camp yea"!.1!te game already ~ Mr. and MI'3. ,Willard And~lOn. necher of Cindllnatl. rdv:lce to the bride. Afterwards ~"ndltl~t,.rl In tnp ·FI·,pnrf's Church chld, ~ofsage. ' . lid I h th "ba--"-rml'-g" solid iteU-out. ' ~-I!!!!!~~~;;;;;;~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~!!'!!!!~!!!e!~~~~~!!!!I!!"II . ' . Aft til . th left an Runc el\ e ...... .., UI ...1. • K the guests were invited t.o the ('r~. St:l1't1fl~ Mondav. Annl 4. er .' e ceremony • ey h rei trek On~ ' member of ""e team. en ~~ (lining room wlili:h ~as ~ecorated . t R n ,m. and '1nntinlllno' nivh~s at on an easterll trip to an un~- N~~1;'9 s· rl~ tralni waa dotilJI, h.o nored by ~ 'l keepln~ fo1' occasion, when tbe 'he same l)our. thrr\lJ.~n April 10. dosed destination and after their .. !l g trt III info~ of, reCeIving hon.. __ . re turn WlU reside in Dayto!;l. !f,he has b(!en a lIufacce~ 'n;tention on."Ute ~ State: , l,tide l'ecei"led ~y lovell-' gifts. ., . , bfI'de . IS, . a Oft . N 0 rth r' ldg"'" partment as d rI u . salad 'cpunse was 'served to the Attendant;e at, th e M th\ldisl ,<-,- ach er m ., f B team. ' I4NJ;) .... ' GltAVIL Church' scho911s'~row:inl! IJ2 at- ~hool and the brIdegroom, . who editi?n o'lRehs • . I!uests. . W ld W 11 t . . Pnman y t e crean; .. m·lIIJ~ ' e,,'dln' o""rl?- ,."ol· and col- was J1 or ar ve eran, 18 . . 1". ~~TOP· DIUYU , 0 ........ ... ¢mr!r. o;r\ lit Corp. Manaloter Bui:k~ .Wa.!.UI carl Shi$ir:!l' is. 'sl!rigus1y m I ectio)) , '.\ it: i'i 2 .')2. Onrfetclln. tile .....In••ow _ TAIl ... ROAD '. _ _ . • planned and execulCQ at the home of his dnughter, Mrs. t:.AWN ... PILL DIItT Mx.' and Mrs. William' Lewis of ,Week-end gueSts of Mr. and tioning program which Phvl1i, . Martin and family. . "--Mrs. John Roberson. were her fact that ,the. fomi~ READY~MIX CIONCIIETE brother and 'sister-in-law, Mr. Di~m~ aee is In his fint . . .oftll DcA VATlJlfG ... DUMP TItUCIt " n(! M:I"'I . Roth Van Buren and ilS the 'Dilat of a .major !:J81,lgtlel their Sfln and daughte~-in-Jaw.i \:lub In Sorinl{ tralnm.. ~ -- - -- ------------ Ml'.• and ' Mrs. Robert Roberson. With a valuable asslst aU of' De~roit" Mich. . weatherman, Walters d llunctb4!C11
.,11.,.., ;".,.
See O. Now For
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IM~~'K FO~
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hb ~uad,on trai~ing
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When Needed
·Wavnes.ide t101aI
' IPtessler
H AUpilYSBURG-The Glean\ ~ r·· . e.r , Class of the H~1'Veyshurg ' .talnment. ' . ~ HOUR81 "'rl>.-~-.(' Ch" l'I;h met :11 HH! he,me Those present were. lb. "12_~ : of Mr. .and Mrs. Ma~ard' ,Hack-· Mrs. Lawrence ~tarr, LIIt1Y 11-5 to"-*'- ~ W...., ney Saturday ,e vening for their Carylon Jean, Mr. an~ Kra. 7..g~ ...... regular mQnthly metelng. A pot Dwyer, Mr· and Mrs. ~~ 0dI.r ~ ApabJ. . . . . h\J:k S')!lP(>~ was enjoyed by 27' born, Billy and Joan; ...... . TELBPHO- 62-R members and visitors. . Uan Carr, Mr. and ~ The meeting was coiled to nr- St~rr, Sonja Kay, Nellie , ,h,· I.", the president. Mrs. 'Ray-. navis, MrII. Mabe\ TeJ'J')', '" mond Conley. The Lord's Prayer Mtt. Eldred T1etrueyer eIIee.. will ...~~a~~:!~~ WIlA repeated in wU/lOn for.Part dren, Miriam. Linda IibCI help ~ C9ttGge pl. IIutrltloul of. the devotions. ' Mr. and Mrs. '0..)1'" Lenten dl,b., that or. a real dellgh. One ml1ln subject of the e~- and son, Charles, the ••" ...... . , . 8\*faJ"" to all the family! U.. it for .alad.. ning was the revival which the' ess and dal.lghter, lor . . . . . . . . . . , .oln courHI, ~ . das.~ · ls sponsoring beiInaIDI API'. Hackney. door or Qtyo.- 4, through 10. A nlimber of Mrs. Eldred T1etm~. vol"UD·... RIllA. QBlO h"mns sung by the group teered to have the n~xt . ...,~IIII;.1 (T 1 () 1 ~ ( (; (') I tured pari of the evening's enter· - - - - - - - - -....- - .
D.II'cil}fl~ Gnd Nutritious!
A ·,."Iqqllor· • ...", ••• Borden'. '
Dr.'t, l '.
D".ed .. _
A community Insti tution For Ninety-nili:e Years
lam) ,Gazette
C::llilcl ~ ~it
, "Joyous Bells 'O f,Ealter" At I Church
By Auto
BOSSES, BUREAUCACY A s maU son of MI'. IUld Mrs, AND BUNGLING The Chorus Choi l' . Robet'L Britain was strl1ck b y an . The oiggest' issue now £aciug Waynesville MethodJs t a uto drive n by MI'. Horace Shan the Pacific Northwest is the pro- will give , the Easter CBIl;~at a, er when the boy w ent against the posed Columbia · Val!ey Author" ''The Joyous Bells of Easter, ,by red Hght at Main and North lly which ' wo~ld give the Fed- Carrie B. Adams" next Sunday SLreets at noon Mon(1ay . He was • et~l govemmetll do'm inatlon 'of evening, Ap~ 10. at 8 ~'clock. " taken to Miaml Valley Hospital the electric powe~ resources' of The program IS ,a s follows. 'tn ' the IStupbs Ambulance . an empire. That would in,e vlt- , Now is Chdst Risen f:om the released with a min oj' ~ calp ably involve sweeping control Dead (chol'us by the chOir ) ; Into ' Every pupil tests were held Jast keeping class h as comp leted their wound. ' , over Inqustrial IlJld sgricultural the Woods My , Master Went Thursday and Friday, March 31 practice sets, development.' (baritone solo by Don Workand April 1, and those recelving , The- Salem Oregon, ' Capital man); 0 Jesus,' Crucilied for the blghest scot'es will , ~ompete The spring track team h as gon·e Jommll recen~y ran a lonp edit- Man (me~ soprano a nd tenor MOTHERS In th e preliminary ' dlstnct-state into training. The date f or the ul'ial 0 1') CVA in 'whi,ch it sllid: ~uet. Mrs. Howard Brown . W!. scholarsh ip tests t o b e held Fri- Warren County track meet baa "The only I'easo~ 11. CVA will . be Phmp WOl'km"~;. Ben eath the CLUB CONVENES day , April 8. not been set as yet. created wiU be that the PB,ciflc Cross , of J~S\,lS .(qua rtet) ; The • Northwest can't unite on Its o~, Mastel' Sleeps (chorus and, mezzo The Mothers The following announcements GraduaUon activities are ' be~ and Clecide. fQr .Itself what should soprano solo by Mrs. Ruth Anna Club held the regul~.r Apr il meet- in the commer cial department scheduled with the annual JW1be done to develop ·t he region. A Bra~ey); A Song o~ 111e B.ells To eDJure bigger CI~OpS for , R ing at the Grade buildinlron Fri- have b llen made by Miss ,Fox- ior-Seniol' Banq,.uet to ,be .beld ' the Unlt~d NaUoills j , rj'tll'dll1ntion of eRort ~o benefit (cllorus by thech~lr)_; Rin~ day afte~no 9n . During obhe busi- bowel': Nonna Pummill ~as re- April 29 at the General Denver Food and Agrlcul*ul;e Or,anlzation AO) Is now scndlhg' hYbl~ld l everyone In the region is certain Happy BeUs (wDmen s, cho,rus ) , seed corn to 19 countries ~n Eurol)B anjl the 1:'iear East. In Ital y, !;or , ness session, a g~:ne l'al (Ii8cu8~ion celved u competent typists award Hotel in Wilinington followed by ~o come-and necessary. U" the Ye Vic~or "' Bel1s of Easter Day , was held On th e new school bUild· f 42' 01"d5 per minute and Bob the Junior-Senior Pr9Jll on May , example hybrid corn gives up to 50 percent better yields Ulan p~o ple in this ~ection of the co un- (soprano solo by MI~s J ean Hartolder types. Here members of FAO's agricultural division pack' ti.n w t h same award for 50 ing '1;0 be erected. Miss Doro thy Day pl'8sented a group of her as gs , e inute The book- 5 at Wampler's Barn in Dayton. hybrld- seetl for other cOunt1'ies, sderinr fr~m food sh or~_Ig'es. 1:ry can't bring that coordinatioI\ sock) ; Alleluia! He is Ris~n pupils in a very fine musical pro. wQrds pel ~ . ahmlt . . . the 'great white father'. , (choit·, contralto solo by , Miss gram. p lan i£inevltn.~le. HarJ'iet Workman) i Chri~t,. the "And that means a CVA. That Lord, is Risen Today (men s chowould be air mdJcaUon that the rus) ; The Song of Triumph (doupeople no longel' have the Jntel- ble' chorus, o~ran and tenor lis~ce or the will to handle their soJos by Mary ' Ann Burton and t}wn . alJuirs. Whe~ that happe~ ~obel't Hastings) ; Jesus Reigns! i ~ wll~ be D sad commentary on (floal chorus by choir). Frank "The Seven Last Words," a well the America of ~day. , ,LeMay, director ; "Miss Virginia knQwn Sacred cantata, whlch will " "Does the Pacific NOI·thwest Hardin, ·ol·ganist. be presented n elle by tbe comwant bosSes ' bureaucrac¥ an~ This is one of Miss Adams' very Rev. Samuel N. K eys olE St. blned civic chorus and high school bungling 01; does it want co-op- fine compositions and we eytelld The Village Council met in Mary's Episcopal Chur Ch anA reception honoring the re- a'cappela choit.' finds its text .In cJ'aUvc ' evelopment of th~ re- a cordJal invitation to the com- I' gulal' session Monday evenir!.g. nouneea'" this wee at COl11Raymond Braddock, R. R. I, cent bride anet groom, Mr. and Bible as tl\e words are taken gion?" munit:,' to attend the service. ' ~fte~ the l'~utine . bus~e~. was munity Good Friday seryices Waynesville, represen.tative tor Mrs. Nonnan Bachert, was held from the Scriptures concerning Th e ' real significance of CVA dispensed Wlth, the pos.~ilbUlty of wbuld, be b eld in the Epis.oopal teh Farm Bureau insurance COIl'l- on Sunday evening, April Srd, at theangulsh of 1he Lord on the . and all the other riVe!' and valihstal1ing a' ne w traffic Ugh~ a~ Churcb Allllil 15, beginning .nt 12 paoies, attended lite tw~nty-thlrd t hE' bome of the bride's 'parents, Cross. This cantata will be pr:el",y "aulhodties," existing and the COl'ner of Main and MiamI ncon and' l'unning till 3 p ,m. annual convention of 1he firms in Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Earnhart. sentedin the Wayn!!svllle lfigh J r\lp,osed· is that they amount ,t o Stree ts was discussed. An appUThe Friends Meeti ng aoc! the Columbus, Ohio, A~ril 6 and 7. Ml'S • . Bachert was charmingly Scho?l ~uditorlumon ~ea,esday an IIdmissi<>n ~ a t the $tates and cation £01' a pel'mit for the light Methodist Church will jom U!l the Th ' ti . ted f a attired in her wedding cost~e-- evemng April 13 at 8 0 cloCk. " , t heir people ca.n no long~r do a w'as filled out and forwarded to service 1 e conven on co nslS ~ °e'n a suit of daffodJl yellow cort;luroy ~rrangemeots have been made ' h way .... - rtm.eftt 'pro,l'8m wUl be~com~Josed 1a sa es day program f01' rep. es silk and f'or recor dJng this ' program in j .... , vital. job for thems.~lves, and , , -MillS Nancy the State Hig """,pa . The ... H ves of the c0tnpanles on April wj th bloUse of shell pink must let a political burea!-lCI'8cy, Foster, daughter ot Mr, and Ml'8. d' d "a de lace. ' . for re-broadcas t on "-'-_ Ilbe need 10r more IIdequate of 8 aerIes of sermons QlIl the G \" '" '1''' I W'JJo e ' ...,.e secon a,y ,y S h f hOd ...... .....vG . which gets Its orders in Washing- Tom, FOIIfer of Foster, will apeak po ·Ice' , pr~tecbon ~. calied t 0 Seven ~ ~ords ot <ltlr T·_rd ~ t ed to the annual m eetings o[ DecoraUve toue eli o ' t e 1"epun ay ,....emoon over "&4., tOil. do it for them. if ,we hlLVe ali the FrIends Church on Satul'- the ~tlen t~t)D of Co~~cLL It wlIS on Ute t:ro&s l;Jy . rep~esenUltives ~~e three firms thp:! Farm Bureau coption and light refreshments Dayton. come to that s Uige of decay a s a day evening, April 9, 7:30. on the unanimous oplmon o( the of i,Jle denommations. M a l A t ' bll ' insUrance welle in pastel colors. The plans fo robservl\nce ,,( people, the .tautilorities" will ~e her experiences whUe ee.rving with membel's of CouncU that a tratAlbert Schnalt- C utu th FU omoB e M tual ' The ,young 'c ouple Te~lved IDs triumjJh over the gra\'~ our 1bosaes. But if we haven t, the American Fdands Service Com- fic' patrolman shOUld be many lovely' and useful presenta. should include your.atlendan\:8 at Braddock, ~d F~" In e ~C ured8u,. u d d tl ' to be . repres'en. , l ... _ dramati c reUgtous J1JUII...... the time is here to tell the federal mittee. in FInland and Germany. will the BIre surance Lif l' o.' an cme Those invited were Mr. an d t..... ...... e , lID ae on is ]llanoe... lhai -we ' are still capaMills Foster was .in Finland for once to employ Rev. R. B. Cole- ureau e nsurance o. Mrs, J. L. Bachert and fami~y of presented by this 80 voIce, cbob-. ble of" handllilg OUI' own local three years and in' Gel'l1lany one position. The Mayor :M.ol~ ~nd Rev. Ber- Principal speake I' on sales day Mrs. Viola HlIl'Iari. Mr. Dr. 1;.uther bead of and: regloQal agai~. , ye&r, and the public is Invited to names of a few men ~iI1 ~~&. the Wall Dr. LN. aoush end ,._ Jl4!a, her _wll of her worlc there. <':O/1liidered as ""itev. eysId~tof lly, Mr. • pd Mrs. E. L. Harlan bejID $ecured as guest Clem:" special ~ervic~ and r epresent nell, Ia. Other were and daughter, Mr. and Ml's. A.I' dl~cfor .. Solpl$ls on the program key men alid of the work which IIhe will now 'tha1 Counc1~ meet clIurcb. The public . is MUl,"IIay D. Lincoln. ,preSident and H. Earnhart and son, Mr, and Mr. Philip Workman, Within the Soviet government do when she tak~s up her duties in sion, S",tul'day ev~ning, to coo~exlco. ' . sider the ,appointmen t of a streeL Jnvite.d . 'to attend and take part general~Lmll1jager, and. Bo~an Mrs. E. /!L Earnhart and SOD, Mr. tenor, Miss TOQe Ball, soprano, have' sUrred up an ..apparently patrolman. in the' services. Doss, ugency vlcepresldent, 8lI- and Mrs. E. ,F. Earnhart, Mr. and and Mr. Donald Gshrh . bbi1.~s clLdless ' discuSsion as to whether - - - -- ..-(-:' Ar:tange~ents with merchants, ell as representatives of the Mrs. Lloyd Davis and son, Mrs. this may be the p~e!ude to some through the WaynesviUe Civic home office and the agency force. Jennie Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Robdramatic new tangent in Krem.4rt What Ifect may all this have' Club. for the dosing oE the b~Btaddock bas been assoclated ert Earnhart, Mr. and Mrs. La policy, The iron , cu.r tain ' is , -110 on the ~reat issue of lieace or ness houses during the service with the Farm Bureau comparues Mar Earnhart/ Mr. and Mrs. Earl opaque that no one can ~nswer " ' nl'? It is clear, if these opinio~ . left .here Earnhart and famlly, Mr. and that with eertitulie at this dis- are correct, that RUssia is planFune)'al set"Vices roi' Harry R. has been completed. ,The regular lilnce J.une 3, 1937. He mel'chants will Close tlielr eloors 00 Apr il 6 and ,retw:n ed April 8. Mrs. R. B. Coleman, all of Uince. However,the experts, af- ning on a lengthy period of peace. Cleaver, G7, of D aytc;m, who Waynesville, Mr. and Mrs. Evertel' mulling ov~r all the available At present, the lines in Europ passed a\V~y at 10 a.m. Wednes- frodl 12' noon to' 3 p.m. ' ett Harlan and family of Blanfacts and guesses, b,ave generally seem to be pretty well establish.. day at Miami Valley Hospital Mrs. Gayle Evans honored her chester, Mr. and Mrs. ~1 A, son, BUly Evans as h e celebrated come to the conclUsion thiir -tlie ed: Russia has . expanded abou t wilj ,be held Satul'day a L,: • m. Babb and .son o£ Jamestbwn, Mr. his 1.5th hix:thday, wi~ a party changlls steR' from perfeotly ]og- as far as she can ,go. is at. the S tul)bs FunGI'1I1 Hom Ml'S. Madison Eambal!t and on ~reh 29th. The tlme .was enHe ts survived by om: daugh~ ieal reasons, whjch hav~ a rela- small chance of the West ma~inrt family· Mr. and Mrs. James Rob- joyed irl games and dancin~ follivc).y small intlucn,c e oh the 1'0- "ny headway in breaking the 01'- fe r, Mi·s. Roxie! Flynn. of DaYlqn. t inson and' family, Mr. and Mr.s. lowed by delicious , refreshments lIUons o£,.l'tussia Willi the Wl;Jsl. bit of countrle,s whieh surrounrl two sons. Theodor e of Dayto,n Marion Jacobs; Mrs. C. A, Mc- of jeUo w,ith whipped cream and _ '1'l;1e most impo[tant change was' Russia and 'whose governments' and Wilb~' oC 'Rldgeville, one Bryant, Mias Pat Newton all of the birthday cake. ' sisler, Alden La.t hrop · of' St. the supplementing of Molotov she dominates. So,- to Stalin DaytOn, Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles' B. , BUly was presen.ted many fine with Vishinsky as foreign miniS- other top men, this 'may IIPpear P aul, Minn., two brothers. AlbeJll Earnhart and f~ of Trotwood, presents ' by the followiI\g ~ests: tel'. Th~ easy conc1ualon was , to be the proper time for conect- of Waynesville and Leo of St. Mr. and Mrs. James Wlldman of Joan Gruber, Annette Tinney, that Molotov, ~as . in disgrace" and ing grave internal w~knesses. "('uld, Minn. ' Jackson, Miss Betty !,.ong of June ,Adhur; ;Betty Snoody, Harwould disappea! (~m public life, . , Rev. R, B. Cole man ~enia, and Mr. Carl Pierce of old Lee Pl1rkey, Elaine Evans, ' B!I lJtvino/J did. years ago. BUll THE LOW DOWN FROM dlict ser vices fol1ow~ Portsmouth. Molotov .r emains a member of'the , HICKORY GROVE ~11 ~ i~mi C~meter:\,. I Jlmtny PUl'k llY' SnooB:y. polltburo, which lslnfinltely mo~e ! Today 1 am coming to the aid Charles Ar• important, than any , cabinet pOst. of the under-dog,..congress'·->;I1l..f---,Mjjss-,lt-lel£ll 1.. Co.Jerlttlt~i9-~-+-t M~ and ~r.$. John ~~~ ' ~a~nd~Uu~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Willinm Stro~e ~==---So ftCan logically be argued that many yappe~s are jumping Con- tc~ of Rev, R. B, Coleman, Saturday evening dinneJ.: JrUosts Stalin decided be coWd 'be q'f gre~aIUng the boys tliere 'Ido.,.. Sund'lY a t 3 p.m. Columbus, Rev. R, B. Coleman Was c;alIed Mr. and Mrs, ,pred BUrSke and to conduct 'the funeral service of nlore value i f kept at home. , It nothings" and "un-social rrt1ndl. Ohio. She had !:ieen a Leacher in daughter; in Cincinnati. Mr. and wouldll't surprise the , expertS if ed" and '''non~liberal'' that I have ' the Akron, rugh Schoo~ ~or a Mrs.' 'Dick Coulston and twin sonl:l Mr.: EmersOn WUson at the Neeld be) was 'made - P t:ein'ler before been delvmg in\O the hacas., number of years. of Flat Rock, Indiana, alsO were Fune1'al Home in Xenia on Frilong. 'C ongress deserves a pat on the 'Funeral services were beld in guests 'Oi th.eir parents and a most day' . April . 1. Burial was The key to the ~ho]e business back-not too. big, but jl.lst the Evans Funeral Home pleasant 'family gathering was en- In the Port William Cemetery. l11ay' b~ found in conditions WitIJ- euough to encourage 'em a speck 'Hillsbor o, Ohio, Wednesday at joyed~ , Mr. and Mrll, Rhod4!8 Bunnell _.nin the Soviet Union and her lI8t- ' -Utey been dcmg pretty good o'clock. Ipllpwed by bW'ial in tertained on 'Wedl)eaday evenillg at 1:'1I1je states. Things' aren1t going he;e lately-keeping their shll·t. cemetery thel'c. Those attending Don Asbury of Camp Knox was ~iiuter and ~ri eve1lin~ ot bridg.e. u i; ,well ,as ~he Communists w.ant. on, .And ... now If they ~ill keep from here were Mr. and 'Mrs. a week-end 'gUest of hill pa~enta, Mr. and Mrs. Charle. DOster, .: The, difficulties with Tito have theJr trolleY. ,on-1nd .t heir eye '1Me~ton Baird, Mrs. Harold EaJin?!1L·. and' Mrs. R. E. Asb\lry. Wall and Mrs. Bernard prpvldedthe m\Jsl pu~U.oize~ ex- '011 the t~ack, We can harbor ~ ~it hcu: t j Mrs. J . B, Ricli, a nd Mrs. ',0 " received the prizes at the ample of this. But wliat III nap- of hope that the' governl1len.t will ~enneth Hough. '. ' 'fames. " , Cora Rich, Mrs.' Gilbert pening iii. Yugoslavia' is also bap~ yet be pared ~a~. a bit ; And _ ' _ _. F~e and sons spent Saturday In \ _ LYTLE _ John W. Bean, aged penlng, thOUgh lJl.a different way" maybe we ~on, t. need to ante 6 Wilmlngtbn. , Mrs. Lena Hartsock is vls\tin~ ilhd Ton a smaller. scale- in ~un- ·riuIlton bucks foI"' repaIrs and ex- 81, retired d'"rmer" di~ I'N"u""da'~ ' 1 - -. this week in Lebanon. gary, BulgllJ'ia and .elsewl1ere. panslon ot the White House-6 morning at the home ot Mr. and Mr. "nd Mrs. Paul Sowash and] .• __ . " . The Soviet-dotnirlated govem- million, brother; that would build Mrs. ]'ran\( K~rl~$ in Lytle. He daughter' of Dayton are spending The guests 'w ere Mr. and M:nBome time wit h Mrs. Sowash's ~r- Charles Doster, 14r. and Mrs, Wilmenta are experi~cing ·special 1000 ~ous~ at 6OQO each. had I>een' in ill health for several trouble in . bringing the peasants , Cltill;ens In this fair land again , ent. , Mr, and Ml'lI. ' LOuis Fires. linm, Doster, Mrs. Hllroort Ca~[', into line. need a free ~and\ If a young fel- ~onthli. , " " ' ~Mr. and Mrs. 8. I. Hill, ,} fro and , F'urthermol'e" it 10.o ks as if the ler chooses to .use his Jl!,ggln 'a nd F\lneral se.rvicef Were held SatDr.. and 3fr~. H. E. Hathaway Mn. D6nald Coates, wit h Mr . and I hi s Q,wn h 00 k an d Borne urday at 2 : ~O at Stubbs Funoral were Sunday dmner gues.te of Mr. I Mn: Mayna.rcf McKay a~d ~l'. all tl ~inlin' •1s far from satisfied with his muse~eo-<m in WaYfiesvi1!e with ' burial and Mrs. ,George l;!paeth In Mason., Mrs. Bernard Harris ,of Wil~ingitS own people's Jdeological fel'- a" little over-time-let ~im profit, i~ Springboro Cemetery. . ld , ~I k ten all speeial"'-" gu'est,ll of Be' hilS no immediate 8uMvors. vor, tJ. S. News puts It thIS WilY; ,Whe can make a ' ~etter or bigger L' aw e ' tho club. . Mr, and Mrs, Rona "'Ph~ old' idea was that the el1te doughnut for less, let him. If, he were 'guests of Mr. and' Mrs. M1:. and Mrs. Walter Whilaker of the Communist Party, whJch can tUrn out a hotter , gallon . of The WOIpan's Auxiliary of -tbe Floyd Smith of near Spl'ingfieJd sp~n't the weekend with Tcl...Uves has only 6,000,000 memi)ers 10 a gas, give him' free rem-and ,9 at a family runnel' ,on. Sunday. in L.imR, Qhio. J , coWlfry of about 210,000,000' peo- cheerJl. . , St. Mary's Ohurcn will meet In regular ses8iO"n, on Friday afterpie, would ~ve flllth in ComIf Congress Will resl~t fid~,n Mrs, Sadie ReMon, who has nOon at ' the home of Mrs. C. Lee mu~ ideology and 'execute the around with !iocia! medicine-mbeen c~nfinec" at the 'home of her Hawke. The 'IBook of Common orden. Now the Politburo has Bation' 'Yammer-defla~on ' P~ Prayer" will be the study of the daughter, Ml'I!I. Earl Hockett, for ordered a Ulemendous ca'Jn~gn ventlon-spira1s-secu~lt~ - ~ow afternoon folloWing the business sevcl'8.l months, 1'8 inwroving &lid ' of mlalilo~ary work thai b de- creek dams - upllft.........:ais~lmina IIClSS10h, over which Miu Katherine was the' Sunda, dinner _lrUut ot signed to sell tbe idea of ,r com- tion, etc., etc., and even maybe Prender.g ast, the president, will' Mr, and Mrs. P. L. Rell8On, plele £ailh in the event~al' tri- decide to come ' on , home, rigbt pr.eslde. umph of Communilllll to the lOOn, it could be dOLDg all of us Mr. and Mrs. P. '1.. J\a1lO1l ~ Saturda, evenine dinner guea. of \\'hole of the nUS$IaD' people. a good ~ , Mr. ~nd' Mrs. Kenneth Elzey Mn. Charles Felter and Mlts Th.. ~ campaign is nqt the k1Dd Yours with the low-down, Dnd daughtc:,r, Marjorie, of Dayot thing thatc:an be put aC1'Olll JO SERRA ten visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter. _ overlliJht." E1~y Saturday evening. Glenna Marsh R. C. -Moler ipeDl Mr. ancf"Mn.
Additional Co_unifY Good· Traffic Lig.h t Friday Services~ Arranged , .Discussecl
'. . .
Reception Local Man for Attends' . Insurance Newly _weds C'OOV"'-ofI·on
Nancy Folter",0
Address Friends ~
-Honored ~o1t715th ~ Birthday
-~,.... s In the
ana .
Wednuda7.' bl JIam11toQ.
The Miami Gazette at Waynesville.
PubllBhed every Thursday
g, ~~
loon ll. JAlmS, Enter~d as second cllWl'
\I' nyneRv1lle.
matter at the
. -.~
SubRoriptlon Rate: $1.60 per year in Ohio; $2.()O ell\ewhere.
·Range of Religion
' Grandpa. Read = ..,.OM
AI th .. M.
THERE WAS a farmer ONCE wbo owned .. lar,. farm. Itt wide acrea,. \If" 41vt<!Aid Into tur., and' field, and . . .rIl.n and
Ru th A. Whitacre. 011 of thi s yjcinily. We wish th{'1ll llIuch h a?-
.r.. Sunday School
1~1It' S\Jlld"v, M'r!I.
• • •
Mn.rv J iflcobs
orcberd. and h.o ,lot. and chlaenyardl.nd 10 on. But wbepever all7, one would ilk tile
M the h!lmc 0( the bride!s moim Wednesday, D eu. 20, 1871, by,' the !lev. -W. ,H . Lawder. Mr. J os-eph McKinsey to Miss Lida J . Keys! aU or Wano T ownship, If. )arge parcel of the good things of the marriage-feast w~s dispatched . t o the Gazette office : but fhat wo.s not necessllI:Y to secure our best wishes f or the lifelong and long-life felicity of the h~ppy pair.
~elved tnp nl'b:e offer 'd t.he lhl'r.
"'e1'l'l()n cnromlttlnll': t~ ~emory the lanrp;l"!'t Amonnt of Scrlptur_ Mt'!!. J'H'ob~ havlnl! recited four "undred and nln iV-five ver.;es. On MondRV ~nm~d"';nken fe-l-t~~ iir~ It INn At. Vr.· ll!!»n
.r. .
tarmer .bout ,pm.
t .\sle'!! d()ll. while wliIlkin a bp~~id!" hIs mestt'r. fi nd nn~ of the sho\;!! . hit MIl. Llslr un ihe Ch~K, and bAre).,. escaned inftlotini( dMlller(IUs 'jn'iury. tf not; a mortal WAYNE$V!LllE MARKBTs...;! \\J·ound. · . Butler 20(: pel" lb., llwd 10c lb. , eggs 20c croz~ o . driea peaches 12c
, l
Th ': ' ~. d S la~.~. by a \lu,e reyolv1na c1obe, :w.11I ".;' of Ibe. ,I. .I .. " of the Gcnend I\fotom ,orr.nspodaUoD Unltmltecl · ~1 1I,I,y i.1 •• ' ,. ' ~ '1 H;iU at Il?/Toit A{)r l\l ~B ~roliGb 017.' The five ellim. 11 ~ \. in .!? ; I q~~, ' hcvrqlel:, l'o~Uac! Oltl~oblle, Buick' and CadlDae, nre ' ·'I'io;,. J n: /lIe V' inh bf Iho >lhr lit tlt'l,bese of the eoJImUJ. :
SILVER WEDDlNG-A mo~\ 1b. . little affair tn(}lc: 1)la.<:1> at the home of Dr. Bnd Mrs, ,., Ad"m!'. 'last Satu,"d~v. Dec. 2.'-'. 18'7t, cpmmP.lTloratin" ~helr silvpr "feddlnl'. R.'" on ~h at rillV twpntv-'
• '-
M ~.
jlo MiIlel)beJl!\,pr cn t.'r1.IIinNI 1\ number of li ttle ,fr iends of her ~on, Timmy, on Thlwsday aftel'nonn i ~1 honor pI hi ~ six th b~ rthd ~'Y. He reeeJved a . number of nlce g1!ts. Ice craam II lid c~k e were served t o .1~.e follow," !! Irue"ts : !taron 'H unter, Syblc Jo Le-May, Carol Hawke, Nancy CCln. I, ner, JIo!nrgo.ret 1;..ewi~. Joy.ce AT· ~ tll>lfl. Sandl'a Prothero Charlene , and Mnr1yn ¥oha,fe. Michal Glar\t, nnd Johnny Ricks, of Wo},nesvillt! and Route 2: Danny .Malcolm of Oregonia; Bobby Fife pC D ay1~n and Henry Rerll1etz of Franklin. Old'll' guest'll wer: Mr~. , Leslie . , . is" lhrough his ' eyes! Make Gray, Mn. Henry WntklTlS; Mrs sure you'l'e alv.rays attractively Uo Conner. Mrs . •I ('~~e' Mnleolm. attired. Let us clean your clothes Mil . Emma Olat'k, Mt'1I. dalUpbel1 ' , . keep y u.lookins like a heaLewis; Mrs. Will til Hunter, Mrs. yenJy angel til him. U!ster J;>rether, Mr~. Rudolph HerlUetz and MTS. Robert Fife.
tie friend ,Sarah Hoel ee1ebrated the '.econd anniversary of her blrtbday on Mon,day 'aftemoon, by • dlnneT oarty e'\'~" to a few of ~el' friends. at' KiJdere. W wish our youtbfui Iriend many, tnaDy happy retW'llS of this "leaant~on.
MARRIAGES-On Wednesdav lIVeniJ:)g, Dec. 13, 1811, at th'e residence of the bTlde's pllrents, in Waynesvlll~ • •by .T. W. Key~' J . P., Mr. MU~s ~der' ~ Mis;
onll Mrs. R~y Friermood recently' /f\C)ved ' f "elm Mar ~ea;ver W"Vl'\ ~ their new home h,ere. which the~' pureha!\cil of the Foulks 1'\l'othen. Mr. ond Mrs. George Davies al)d I'hilrlTell. hllPY Victo1;ill Margare~te and Chris tine, of !'l~! ~ m, Ohio, 8pent 1;hc weeK'l'lld with their sonin·lnw li nd rlaup:hter. Mr. and Mr.;. Ibclrt PUlUmell. Mr. nnd Mrs. F)wing Stumm Milll! Shivley Rnel Ewing, Jr., Onkwonli. c!\ lIod Il~ t he I1l'mes of Dr. I\.nd, H. ~ . Blll'11Uln and
rMPORTANT An essential phase-oJ a illnel'l'\l es tabU!lhrneht is the skill of the mOll.l.cian. The fav\lrable, contllJ1ent that our 'york rccelv s In this particular is due, we believe, lo Lj1e unhurried an.d Qor,scion tlou.'I J:lf'fo ..-t we btin!:; to' eyery assiglllnent.
_ ....... . oJ ...
• •
The Rev. Samuel N. Keys. Rector. Dail" (~onday 1hru Saturday) Holy CommumoD 8! 00 a.m. Noon Day Prayers 12: 00 N. M4Undll Th1&T Ida Ii Ev ensong an d Senuon B: 00 p.m. ' EveJ\lorig and Sennon. 8: 00 p.m.
FROM OUR FlLES-May 2, 1935
Honored. on Sixth
.ry feast. T hi s mornln lt. Joseph Linder, in altjmlotin~ io clear H",ry ~ements' mill~heel of Ice. '\'o'lIS caUJtht" in ' the wheel bv hll' l{love. and his arm drawn In and fearfuJly ~shed clClII,e to the body. lJe then feU ~ack Into the water :from which . be WIll with di1Iicui~ rescued by Mr C1 ements; but it is f"ared . that Mr. Lin4er lQ&4! his life. BJRTHDAYmTY-Our lit -
Perhaps You Hemember
:.L'I11e nW!J
f ,
-!lve veat'll ""0. 'Q>" Dr. led MI~. 'M11I·tha .. to ine I>ltf' r aA hi~ ..., bTlde. On Sltt ryfltV their thrill) c:hUdre1\ wp're will, tJlPm . toi(eth- ~.; with Mr. and Mrl'i, A, G. 'l'rl1mb"ll of ~pllefnntflinp. , and MiA. J !"nl\'e 'l'~rt'enee of Belle C"n lp," Mrs. Adams was the reeinlpn1 of some eler(8nt nud C()st1" tJ~ts or !Ollverware, from 'h~r snT)!I and relRtives: anl1 thE" .",,\')"'V {emUy. '1I8rtv sat down tn .. ... _ . . a rnm-otuous weuwn~ an~lverll-
partlciular . part of the farm, be would anlwer, ''Tha'', 'not JI13' bulineJ_ that'. the or· chard. It . IID't the Dr. P.,. .all
Mr. and MT8. W~lter :\Cenrlek, Sun· day afternoon. Mr. and ,M;rs. Pilul Willinm ~ an,' Ion. of Lebanon, 'w ere Su nday eve nlng guests of Mr. and Mrr Everett Early. '
Miss Florence Day and Mr. Le1'oy Moran were' quietly monied In Dayton Tuesday, April:" Th . . . e. brIde IS the daughter of Mr. ..and oMrs. Lyma~ Da~, She receIVed. her education In :~ th~ ~aynesvlUe schools, gradwllting In the class of '32. FOl' sevet'al years she has been an efli(~ent employe~ in the A. K. Day slt,ore. The bndegroor is the eld~, son of Mr. and Mrs,. Hiram Mpran. ~e als~ graduated.from<Waynes.Ville hIgh school lit the elasil of '32l!. and b latel' attended M1ami;.,la.ClOuS UlIiness 'college, Dayton. He ~as a freight route at the Il,res~ ent . Um,. . . TemporaJ;ily Mr. and Mrs. ran ·will rE!!l.ide with the latter's~
GoodF~ Three-H~ur Community Serviee at St. Marys Church, 12 N.-3:00 ·p.m. The Frlena' Meeting and the Methodist Church will join in the observance of Good F;r~day: ' E4I"" J:t!C1a Holy Baptism 400 t ..... Dtlll : p,m. Chur'-t. School en 9: 15 a.m.
P4Im Sunday Sunday School, 9:31f a.m. At 10:3O there will be a Baptismal'Serviee fo!, adults and oreception of membeI:s. The Youth FeDov.rship will meeL promptly at 6: 3D p.m, The Easter Cantata. "Joyous Bells of Eute(" will 'b ''''' given y the Chorus Choir; at B p .m. . . You , .Rl'e eordla]]y . invited to any or all of these ~ces. The Golden Rule Class wQl hold a bake sate Saturday, April 12 In the W1tynesvUle Furniture and Applianee Store's n0rt:b room.
yET 'l'llAT FARMEa I. aot a bit mora idiotic than a ChrtatiaD
&ellltill Clevan ... ,.bole farm, neQ' bit af life from e'"
...... ,ria. bnr IblI ~ . welL Be liner _e reflllecl .. . 4IsoaM ~ III the po....
lb. Ii _ ... ~... Be cut li8ht on .ver)1h\nl thet tCIuC!hed him. 8a eaned bll follow.u lb. ~.'Jlllit qI the world.·' Not a"b~. 1Ihln1n. in narrow beaml Not flalhlllhta. but tampl. let on a IaIIIpltaJid .and ··l1vln. Ulht to aU ,.110 are In , the howe." " .
• • ••
. . . . . .t Ofew.
OOOD ciro..-..~Oft or latUI· A matbocta 011 Id... elll be _
Whenever we receive the Holy . A ' Waynesville girl Elizabeth , Communion, we partake Of the Hoblit, won first place' in 'Warren life of Jesus. wh~ life overcame County itt the eighth grade state death on the first Eaatu. Receivlest::; given in ¥arch. A total. or \ng our' communion at Euter is three hundred forty-Ilvl: pupUs (Out way of sharing lit HIs glorilook the testa' in ·this countY, o"s ReSu!1'ectlon and of setting Four subjects were u.c1udC(l; Ifo~lh publicly o4r bt;lief ~t He aritl\metic, hilstory. English and did ~dee4 r.I~e again. If we be·science. A comparison w4th :reo' Ueve m Ea.stero certainly we shall' sults from the entire state ahow~ 'ome to meet. Him in the special Waynesville has sixteen students way which He proyidea "for \I . in' what is known as the upPer For those who are ~able to reIUal'tile. the upper twenty-flve celve ' the .Saera,ment at Easter ' i Jer. cent These studenta are because of dlnelll or of being shut ' . 'lizabeth Hohllt, Ada "RU. in, private communions will be iam Moss, Evelyn Johns, ~riam 11ladly admlnlstered 10 those. who "(Jlt"Miriam Achterman, ~~bett nay desiTe it •
~u:.: Cover?
wbo, when liked about this or thlt act1vt~ or lipem qI Ufe. auw..... "That'I aot reUIICIIl. I bay. ill· teratt ill ft." ReUlion Isn't a Utua ' . fencadoOft pllture for l.mblt, I tInT ..rd..n ~ot behIIId thlclt bed,e•.
What Does
Adult School of ReIigJon 9:15 a.m. Choral EuchariSt 10: 30 a.m.
farm'" or "-That'. not itt. fum; fJoclt III .heep"· or '. rye. field or whatevfr It mJ,ht be. Of court. IUcb a farm.r never Uved, er It h. clld. h • .stiou14 have hi. head ex.lniDed, ' •
III Mark 10, Into Uich _ chapter Mark pew Ills wIIGla aeCOUllt Gil a awnber of wMb wbIab Jaaus IJ,leDt In the' ftIIOft callad Parsa. 0bHl'ft tile ftfIetJ of attuatiolJl ,.b1c:b CtIG-:. fronted I.IUI~ J'Jnt tb8re ,.u •
JaltlDl ...,..... W. ours wW _ •• molt fa·
81-'IUD .:. .L bS
QUlldoII lbout divorc.. WIIID tbq ~ that que~ up 10 he did not 4C/d1. it. H. 4111 Dot caD ,tt • peraoaal matter In which .... u a taalMr Gil reUiloa. ha4 110 Ill..rut. Ba did not iii it _ , atttcta mattel' . . til. '~OIll1l. YOIl 'mq r ..11 what he dld 111 In Mark lO. You 1rill not. that first of an b. brIDIs ~ Ioto his aDIftr.
•• IFuneral Home ........ All.•uttJ. I ~ CHAPTEa ,
ChUcIna 1DoIud•• Ibe fI-
'lanc!t, ~o!,othy ~ummon' iWU· , T\~i EPtlONE 2291 ,me,' : : ::~o: :~=--~ and !)frs. Morris W)tD~t(1' ar ·:furnas, Betty .t"eteraon, l~ - - ,rI Miami Shores were diline unllll';":tJ:.~be~7=bh are ~_ WA\'N~.!:(LLE. OH:lO , ~tM!U::!!',=gtl81Jt!I of ,Mil. and ]dr!l. 'Clydl .,!'l Hyman, Polly Fields, ' l~uth al1ow.d to dr7 eompl~tel,. and Ire matleat RaUrea4 beu I ..", aaJ'lnl. ''alOdNIl an ~al'ton, an~ Levi Greathouse 01, JOUelte, Anna Hoak, ~ Sunday. -:rs and William Biggs. ,' than redalDpeDld. ra101lS iran best Ba11ro,d' operatllic ill Colorado too amsn ~ to tab lIlT IDtereIt ,!tIl'!!. Everett, Early yia\te(J hel' . One student Elizabeth III bUt, .hID lbq are aUowed to cIr7 Ont, raaeb,. hilher alUtudea . ~an jn ~ In them. Wilt un. the7 an o14er. mothe.r, ~. Mary Buston of Yel· ran~ In the upper one per .cent, 'IIDtU parUa\lJ damp for irClllln,. ....r state, lb. b1P..t Ior , ~ What ~ Clan rellllClll do theM low SpHngll at McClelland . Ro.!!' of the state; five are in hte upper DaD" - to Iron ra,.0111 wbm the,1 ItuI4ard ,aUle rallrc>all belDl OIl _ totII On the contru,:•. "Ital, Xenia, Sunday Btternoon, five per cent. and seven 1_ the an too . damp. for 1011 1rill onU .... Colorado .. South.m ranwl. at DOt oaq bluNd them. ~ bald ..~ ..... time, and"~a,r or 41... , J ... - - - u mocl.'- ...... 01&1- __I . and U),I he,r condition rem.ins Ilpper ten per cent. ' lim 1M. fabric. ClitJuix, where the aleyatioll .. 11,· .............. ..... • ........... about the eame. III t •• t .b()v~ Bea level ' .. ,........,. ......... , _ . _ 1-~l·Q· MoUie D~&vil o~ ROBllmoyne, John Turner, a .son of MIll.. J. ...." . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . . Oil)CinnaU, III making an elt- H Sack t, of Ro 't ended vi sit with. her brothe~-in-' et ute 1. a 1Pi~ .~u::;.s:.:..-::,:; la~v o.nd sistoll, .Mil. and Mr•. E. B. ate of Waypesvill e hiP bool, " I Lqnftaore. , , ' . . , class of 19321 and now a J3!nkn' Or are the little 00II Ih.,...s off Ml'lI: ElrneJl£ Barlan returil~d'. at 'Wltten~l'I College, IWI ~ iJlto ·som. aamp~ , coraar of 'tt. . C!hureb be_ann' lit. ~ . . . oc las(; week ...from LewistOwn, nt. elec~d ' editOr of ,the W! tteriIH rg where ,she Wl\~ visiting her mother. T~r~ campUs ne~ ~!ekl7 prvriDoa. do tile QjrilUUI " _ tab aD ' iIltpeat ill ~ cbIl4reDT .M'('!O. F red PrIckett. ~ounded 21 yeB1'8 ago. Mr. !and l\il's; C. R. Tumbleson Turner was approvecf bY 'the ~ c:hIldna ill r~ IJCtIaD --' u ; • AUQUSTINE. . attentiOD a. pure.bre4 oattle . children, Nancy and Ni~k, Vis-, faculty. committee and wq _ f!ltiler KrumJ:!r'*!- Pri~' • tted SU.rvJny ,A ;week ~ItO, wltb the opposed in election b the · ~. Muses . A.M. 40T I forrner'~ pOl cnts, Mr, and M~. dent b d H Y r .John TbmhJellon aL Sardinia, who h ' 0 y... ~ will be in ·f uIl ccl <;lhratefl thei r fl5th wcddin~ an· c arge b.egJ?'ltng in SePie1l1lber ~ IIIr. ROLLY ME'nfODI AI "1.e .' AI LIfe nivi> rsary tln~t day. . . ~d contlnumg until gr8dUl~tion ME'IlIODIST aruROi+ " Scarff, Minister TORE WAS • qautIon . Mr. anrl .Mrs. George Vint 'h ave tn ·June of 1936, J , R.B. ,Coleman, Minister · ~und"v Schonl 9:10 A.m. a\tout ... lU•. 01 oouna soJd their farm Qn the .00~rK Rand ..Churdi ::;Chool , 9:'0 .•• m. I:.A. l:andlart. "Sullt. . J..... 'llIIW'Ired that .on., it WI. Iln.) arll mo"!ng tA{' Dayton in th... ~lendale, who have tak... tK. 1- ' J. !J. ,aUrste. ,&apt. '\'1).,1111' SerVice '() :In a.m." ClbvtOUl17 , rallalO\l' Clu.UGD. · (JiIin.ear 'future. . ' . 8100.. ~r. a~d Mra. Kyte .IPOliecl to Wonllip . and Sermon venlnr Servlc~ . 1~() · !).m. lbat be la.. 'it M !'~ .fJ lvde . Wharton, in. com· a ~otel in Cincinnati, ~ "'N1c; .' . 10:30 Lm. " , ____ , people eva tada,r woul4 Cl. . . . . I pon:! \';I~ h Mr. o.nd. Ml'8. Bernard until ther can purchalle a saJitabJe s.tal MUSIc Choir "'A£SARS CREEK FRIENDS a not 'ftfJ nlIlious 1lDhU')'I.1UI , Mell.oh and ~on. VIsited the tOT.· .home. ' I... Youth Pellowship' TbulJ4a ' ~ev, David .!,;tarifield. "Inlstar went GIl to WIt about IDCIGe7 and mors broth r. A.rthur Greathouse Mr. 'and Mn. Allen smtlth ofl ' •. 'I':OlPM ~und.v Sc1roo1 to .. ' UIe .a.otltba. OIl a DiaD'1 Pl"CIII*t of ~alllelll ~Ia., at bhe . Ball Me· Da~n visited the lomr~1 ill~.r. Ch I . Pt...At..... TIIu"":'''': . Worship SerYfce t t~:: Gil .temalllf•• Jnus wooI4 be' . . morlal }fospltal at MunCIe, Ind., of\ 'CIar.ehce Smith 011 Sunda,. 0 " I~,~v < ' L veQ' lUt '~ to ImaIbM tllet Wedn?s(l~y of Il\Bb week, where he Rev. and Mrll. J. C. Jltitl<el of . 7c45 PM lrnCA E. U& a man!. bank aCCOUIll bat DOIdDt hhafl khlil rl "!ht I Cl~tnll~ub~tedtaboVE' nMea:r Columbus , called Olt t!I~., and _ . _}. -"'S ~.,."......... ~e'v . William· !,;hannnn ~o with ftl1aIon. aom. ~ to t e .n ee, neceSSI",. , . ya urn?r. I'll. 'E. B. Longacre od TII.dar .... IIARI ...-~r.... t;und " Sell I . ' C)o . dQllOD~tUketo. Mar. , QUS grow bh. Mr. Greathouse i8 now of last week. . ,- ,I ' • L':"_ I N 'K R-........ " IV ~o .10 a.m. er ~doII ·mOD87 III h1I Ml'mCIM. ('of/valc.sclng wi th frie.!1d8 in Day. Johnny Bean. aged 81 lrearl.,....ue • eya,. . cuvr . , Mrs. JamC!ll. Ga~rfson. ,Su!)f. .-ell, ~ ~ :1D1lht ·ha.. beea Wn. " '. '. ' paBsed o.way Ti)ursday ri10iui . i Ourch SchoC!1 9:t5 A.~. ~eacblnt 1st and ·,3rd ~undl~ I~d.ecl b71111U, fIor he afIeIl Miss Mary IDol'a Ho.u gh' ~f Ma~)" the hime of ' lb. and Mn.• j~ Momln, WorshIp 1.:30 A. M. \ eac:h month 1'o:~n LID, (Irea~!I~ m.., ana ~ Burnham S,ch?<,l, North !lal\lnton,. KurtiS8 after an iljnelll of henlnr Se~ 7:39p,m.\ VIr. , ~a8s. , M~;8. VIola Badall lAnd ~I'II. than two years. Funeral 114~..-..o5 'Tn.E METHO . ...... .................. Kenneth Roulth of Weynesville, was beld at the Stubbs pt~l ptrst Day ~hool 9'3'0 am ('!IlURal DIST ' " ................ aI_ No spell~ Tue!!day afte\,noon. with Mrs. !lome in WaynesVille, Jlatlilnll,. U--a! . ' W _10.\ • •• Dr J h M~ Mfnt..l .......... ;,....... 1.. .. .... M pthlc. Emrick. . afternoon. ,Interment ,W lS fD ..._II"r ,or Olal'" • men yers, ,,,,er " ..... Be .............. ... .~rs'..J' ~. J'one.s attonded a cov- Springboro Cemetenr.' 10:30 a.m. ,SynMdav ~1 9~0 ....... _ _ ................ . ercrl dish rllftner Wedne!lday at the Mr. and M!'II II rs. Ruth SayJot. Su1tt. . home of M1'II. Carl Pickering. in and Mrs. U.";'ld ~ WorshIp Servfce to:30,LnL AlIA tIDalJ,J at Jeri" DOt laD, Centerville, when she entertaIned daughters Miss It. CRURaf C. CHRIST bdIn Palm 1IaD4aJ. Iben Wli ib. her Sunday School Clas8. Thirty beC!Cl8 and' Mr. and . PERRY OfURaf OF CIIIUIT b1IDII belPr ,BuUma_ JaIUI ~em were lI~81Jent. ~itacre 'attended a . M. H. Coffey, MiIllster ~wm1 CIIrvet Mfn~ dI4 . . 187 to _ ·1IeaHb II DO F.l'nBilt Hnrlan returned Wednes- Sunday a week q'9 Bible School 9:30 A. M_ B""'e Scll001 ' . 9 :10 Lm. ~ at mlIIe/ r ... lOUIs. DOl day from San ~ntonio, Texas , Mr. and Mrs. Jamell MomlnJ Worship iO:30~. M. "10...111, 'Won",!)' 1ri.~O Lm bcidlft;1t " where he taqgbt 1ft the Tecbnical ton. 'l'h~s dinner wae In YounR Peop1e's 6:45 P. M. ""'~tr Meeflnr7:00 pm' '!IW_I55V~ School of Ground Safety. Mn. Whittier Burnet of ,Evenlnr service 7!30 P, M VCMlr People" Meetlft • . ... ~r. and M~. A. T. Xyte !10M Mo. , who has been Prayer MeetinJ aad . W t herr {arm ~ on the OIark Road to daughter and famUy In Olble Study Wed 1 ' '30 PM -t7'1~ • .,.m MI'. IllId Mr... S?mley J. Swutz of _ .,. • ~ ,.95119'.......
' "
:: ..:::
...-t .......
with full set - . of. attaooments onlY'
Wail Paper Bnd Paste aml .·Rizillg
G. E. Bulbs '-- :r ' u Enamel Kem Tone
......... 2412
" t r)lHI
from C,.nJe H H\J v,.ArNE5VlUl-~
Waynesville Furniture & Appli~nce' Co. SaIdIJ Main SW~
f-ARM NtWS "
-~rtf ~J'JtI '" FARM OIAR,V tty D .oJ. \ '''AIZEA
potato speolallSt. . finest sweet p\lt;jl.toes o·r IoIfI)! one "p""Ahn' ,III." and w.ha~ is more he gl'ew them he knew take care of them. I saw him ' "w'ralnnlln~ each one in 'new~per them in boxes with tender ' care sO' that there would
Ilot be , the slightesl bruise tl? I
Dead Stock
Don't:make Jour wife a work horse.
- Accoruing to Size and Condltlol1. Cllll
'B lrthda), . Clab M ••tl~
Improvement of Land Cuts Production Co$t
• • • With the Spring c;omes the need of Clxll'a help on the farm. Don't compel, your wife to step in ~r , ness oj a' "kitchen work-horse" order to feed the hired' hands, send them to us, we specialiZe in good meals at moderate prices.
· Margin'Between Retuni, Expenses Is Harlowing
April 2, 1949. What is the mat- start a rotten spot. That way ••• ter with the younger generation? they were. sard to keep in pel:Reverse Charges Are H.m e-honored CWltoms jly\ng lect condition all willtel', We Several ],dies of the Mt. H91ly out? Yesterday was Ap~1l Fool's wj:m many more years of Birthday Clu.b met Wednesday, OilY and no one ev~ tried to, fopl cCnru3J'table, happy lite at his ' March 27, at the borne of l\IIrs. E , G. Buchsleb, us. The weather decided , t)tat dau~ll~el:'s home. j'eQn Hasz fol' a' house ole8J1Ling "four good working pay's in the parW and dinner. . week were 'enougb, so it tamed Those presenl were Mrs. Lawand · turned colde'(" but we ha'd .rence Ling and sons, Benny and' had ,f our ~ood working daYIi and Dennis, MrS, James A. Hopkins we wero ull tired and needed a and daughters, Amy ·'and Pat:rirest, so perhaps It was a gooQ, cia, Miss BQtty LuLz and EI'nest hll1~, Lall~ was. quite Jr. J:Iasz ' and Jimmy Hasz. Miss a heavy frollt aQd this ' m\lming .NEW SUlTS Edit hCraig was a guest of t.he the sun ilj sruning again. I doubl a(ternoori. PhylUs B. Snapp, a mfnor of the I if. there was much damage; ~ fl'he. next partY will be held at age of 17 yeal's, by _ ~gnes Bailey, I~w peach I'nd II:pricot trees ar~ the home. of Mrs. James -A. H~'D ]fer mother and next friend vs. in bloom, als~1 Ii few plum and! kins. D,onnld LeI) Snapp, a minOI: of tho eady cherries, The . flo'welrinlit, .,-alte of 20 divorce, ~ross negle.<:t, O. 'bushes are cd~ing into , . ",, ' . Donald Dilatush. .' a nd the forsyJhia pcdl>e that Mr. and Mr~. DCI' t Bunnell of Eddi Lee Turpin, a mln'o r of Dukes planted is'in Its glory. near Waynelfvlll~ called on Mr. to yearR of age by ·GeoTge Turpin p jg wecpin~ willow trce at and Mrs. E~eret~ Bunnell sun-I his fllther and next friond V8. Mal'Y e lld of lh lanl'f" is coming ihto day afternoon. Jane Turpin, a mInor 18 yearll 01 l ee r and the hcdge and the tree ,-age, divorce, .extreme. cruelty, Mrs. Dick Hanes and daugi:)1:er" Young' and Young. . ~l" .. a beo\IUful sight. A. blth> j ay jllsL lighted in the lIb'1'le Neal va. Neal, DOMa, 01 neal' Xenia spent Sunclay wi1h h,!!r pal·ents, M):. Emd dlvon:e, gl·OSS ncglect, H. O. Fill;' 'IUS ', (;1.: , IluJIt:d ulT ahy-ig , Mrs. Hily Gibson. . kelman. ' !lew away with it. N(I \louse Charle.s W. Richards Ys. Lol'a horto e in the bird 'o)/odd. Tiley Mrs. , Lewis CraWford sp;enl Lee Riohards, a 'min!lr, divorce, I.,I~~ , the build-It-yourself system. ~I'OSS neglect, Young and Young. Sllt~rclay in Xenia, Jin.ks builL a bird hO!!-\je and \ Irwin Shelton vs. Anna Lee ShelIs a bQuslnJi; \va,: going on over Mrs. Mattie Levi and son , Wel- ton, a ' minor, .18 yearl! ' 'o f agll, who Is goinc- LO build a n!lst in it. lington, Mr. and Mrs, Ellsworth divorce, extreme cruelty, Marvin , 1'\'10 Engli.qh spal'l'olvs looked. it SmJth and ' daughter', Mariam, of E. VOUllg. , Folb won', a_\o II . ueaa wblit this pie'l aU .Iibout, fqr cart. over and moved in a Little nestro.~ rhubarb /lets a chance to sbo .... iUt 1I(lrtuea with Dayton retul'ned to their' nome , , ma1el'ial. 1.hen some blue PROBATE ind"ldual putry wedltes balled atup the. pie. here .Sunday. "L;ttle Miss Rope£ul" i~ Bette bit.d'l came alo ng and ·i.e d it and Estate of Rose W. Biro, dec'd, J ean Blilfh of Custer, South Ull ota, I. an old name for rhubarb," but al very appropriate thl:n I saw a ~lal'ling out there . ene. "Pieplant" Crisp rhubarb stalks, roay or cherry-colored, ' make a .prinl' pie . Mrs. Emerson DiU has been ill Harmon C. Stibbs, appointed ad- po~ter gIrl fOI' the 1949 Easter Seal puking his head into it. (think &bat la plwantly tart and apl\rkli1\fl. this past week. minilitrntor, 0. H. Chenowetn, Ro)' Drive of the National Socillly for 'Tis • ilfty to hide IUch an inviting filli~" ao cut five or lix triibe hple was 1O0 small for him , Wertz and Zane Gray· appointed Crippled Children and Adult!!. Beth: ~nlliea of pastry to a~nce ~n top the pie, one for each aemng. Cut Jean, Whb iii receiving mqdicill a.nd b\lt. he could stretch his neck. far Robel't Glleene and grfmd apprai~l'8, me wedllea with a ..-try wheel to /f'et tile pretty ~loped elreet. and -therapeuLic care in one of the touo. l.:.I'lough Lo boUle!" whatevel' Was I:\on, Eddie Lee of Dayton , Mr. . El!\tat/l 01 QtWillo He"del'son, tTY'S first hospital-sehool 1,1nits tc place "str,ll over filling before bakIng. , in Lll~e, Has anyone seen any Since tbl. ia aJUlc y pie, the tavorite Cl'imped ed. Ire ii the prle to and Mrs. Henry Berges and cl111- dec'd, Carl Abaecherli, commlll- be financed by Easter Seal fundn, is uae to hold In the ulcea. Ma\te this' by lJreainlf doul'h tonther be· ullus·l.1al birds this !;pring, or have victim of cerebral 'llalsy, but now Beavertown '$pent S1ffi- lIi o nel', returned commiss~on is~ed thumb and naer of left hand an4 forefinler of ' rfJrh,t hand. dren to walk. She i~ n 8ymhol of the allY of you any inlere.ting bird tween Pie ia a favorite dellen, alld a aatlsfylnlf one, Thai'. reaaon day with Mr. and Mrs. Lue Mor- and his report ot execution of m· nble tltruments of ocnveyance as or·. hope extended to the mitiori's ·crip· S 111' ( ? 11 you have send them enouah to ·make freeh rhubarb pit a luncheon or dihnc" pastry treat gan pled through the serviCe!! financed ~ . _ .dered. ' in' to Ihls column, we would· be often this Iprlntr. by Elll\ter Seals. RHUBA.RB pm g llHI tu ha'vp Il;Iem. ' Mr. an~ Mrs. Allred Morsim · Guardianship of Otto Harlifelter, ! Charles .. J. Waggoner. guat~ian, a d r n vis' ted M d ./ \fa cup, Silled mrkh<d lOll. Va <up Iho..."'~a 'thiS Is the Ume of year COl' ... ''''1'00" .all . l 10 l tablCfpoonl mId w••., . n a~ y I on ay even- tenth account. approved, allowed \ S' .' dandelion . greens. Fill Up on 81ft . flour alld ..IL Cut Roll out rem.lnin« ~1Itr7 to ·· m~ Wlth Mr, and Mrs. Elvis "n d confhined. f good spring vltaQlins, there is no 01' ·r" ,Iortenin,. Add water ~ircle one·eiahth inch 'tlllck.- Cut Micheal. . . . 'Estate of Eliza B.' ',rope, dec'd, b eth:f spl'ing tonic. They are at gradua tl3 Mix to a dry, crumbly into five or six trlanllUlar wecbrea. . 1'"::'-Abhie Tope, administratrix, fi1'llt Arran~w evenly oorer rbubarb liUUIQir best no~, later on tn'ey may doulfh, T9., ol1t on lI_btly floured , ~r. and Mrs. 'Raymond Os- and final account, 8'pproved, al· PMtry cloth. Pre.. dough to- inlr. Bake In hot oven (ClIO, dt:'.cl luugh und bi~l£jr, but n,ow. born, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DiU, low.ed and confirmed, _ . Ifether. Roll 'tw,l)-thlrd. of the lO'6esF.l 10 minute.. Reduee they. a ..~ realfy gQod with a ' littlc doulfh t" " circle one-eighth inc:h heat to moderate (360 dBI'I"eei and son, ':f0nuny/ Mrs, Ada DaEstate of Ura Rogers, dee'd, .~ thick. l.fne nlne·lnch pie pan with; ' F.) and ' continue bllk!n, 45 billion IImJ il to\lch or vin~gal" kin, Mrs. Helen, called O. Cartwright, trustee, tbircl ' ac· oaltry, Fill witb b arb flllin,. Inlnute.. • .;, " I1here 'are other 'goOd wUd gteeDB on M,r, and Mrs. Emerson DUI count. approved, allowed and · con.. , Rhubarb FlUln, Sunday, firmed : Competitive exan:unations for til t th~ expbr,t 'l od-timers can , IV. """", ,~.h .hubattt Y. clip'''Jricbed 'tour Guardianship c:>f Stanley R. Chap: positions In seve,al stat~ d~part.o tell you about ana \hey are bet.l~ (VIII ....... Y. k _ ..It man, Mary Chapman, @'.'Uardlan, ments and for a position iri the ter and cbeaper than s~inach all Cut d.."ed rhubarb Into half. ' and I&It to l'liullarb and mix WIll. ~~~;...-., twenty !tnt account, approved. ·al· cOUllty service will be held by the done up In a cel10phan,e bag, even Ibcb .l1fllttti8. '~dd allan, flour r lowed and confl~ed, State Civil Service Commission if yo~ do !)ave to wash them Estate of Mildl'ed Trum~u'I1 , on April 28 29 and 30th . yourseU, Gathering them is ·~ne d~'d) . F"y' Marlatt, adml!list~p - - April e'Xaminati~~ ar~ lor t.he waist lnie as. well·as the tr,x, fl'r st. final and dlatrlbutlvc scheduJ d f O ' fts In J)!Jt:\(ut book. R~co unt,' lIpproved, aUowed and con. c or fa m~n, ~lru firmed. Dlentfan Rodman, Tuneke~per, Plowing' lime, seeding time, r Estate of Jennie Mice Cum· Depa~·tm~nt of H~gh\Yaysi ~ame, lenCe build~ time, all at 'Ule mingll, dec'd, Jaul J. Cummings~ Prbtector (Male) I DivisJon of same time and this week We got a administrator, fiJ;'9t and .Irlnol ac · Conservation; Dog · Warden, 'little: of each. done . . Monday We count approved, al1owoo and con· 'County Ser;vice: ' did a little fence JjuiJdin~, at finned.. : . .. , April .2~, ~uipment Operator lelllit'. we got the end post.s 'in for Gllardla01fhIPI'O( Poggyl. Jo Ann (Light), ,' lIighwIIY Ins'pector, ~ ~ew rnece along ' on.e . of· O~1' . Ba'ly, at al., EdIth Blllly, gua.rdlall , Highway Superlritendent, lh'a t is to go In\.o corn this ., first . 8CC?Un~, aPl?roved, an~wed tor (BItuminous) Inspect year, a lence, that we nope will and confl!~med, . (G I) , or be. hog proof ' thal that. we Clql El!tate of ' Fred J. Hagemeyel1, enera, Route Mat'ker, Supdec'd , Bes!lle )9. Hagemeyer. ad.. ervlsor (Ro~ Markers), De"ho~ i~ oll" iI we want to. Tues, Wt!'vc. recently bad ~he oUtllide mlnlst.l'8trix filed h~r. first and partment of Highways, day we planted oats' alm!)st eight of our house painted WIth the mew. ' .fina.1 ~ecount. April 30, Laborer-in-charge, ,-~'es (}f. it.. but lhe clover is still E~tate of William Burt, dec'd, Mechanic, Mcchanic's Helper, ' to be pll\ntcd on il I have ~wo Allee Burj, ~dmil1isil1!ltrix, file.1 True!<. Drive.1·, Department 'of Ib - ......,_ l'OWS r,f lleas and . some IIplnnch he, first and finar 1\CC~\Ipt. , ,Hlgli.'ways. . . , planted. in l'ny glU'tieh. 1go. ' Estate of Mal,'gllre~ ~ohnB, dec. d, ~on - assembled " comp.eOt/vl! 'ing 1.0 try. to Rlant mY potatoes Pay] T . •,Joh!1~' ad~mstrator: In. examinations ·ore-·\ also announced acc:or01ng to the signs this yea... Ve.lltot'y hearing set -fOt Ap,:!1 ,1B for the following positions in the We certallily ha~e' never had any at 10. . .:' g()ud success ' witH t\lem; 8() I am Estate of. 0 : W. Brown, dec',d W. D epa rttn ent~ 0 f HIg h ways; Eq wp~ che~ter Maple.. executor, filed hili· m~nt Operator-:"-Heavy (Shove}: g()ing "to try ¥> ~ollow all the "Irv('.nth account, Di:a~ Line; Clam Shell; Crane), .' rules Qua year. My garden Guardianship . of Patr.lcin and EqUIpment .. Operator - Heavy g'ro\llld Is a 11ttle heavy for the!l\. ParreJl Eu~ene O :M~l1 y , ',minorA, (Heavy T\'lIctol': Buldo.zer), ' Perhaps r Can eve find a new Vern O'Malley, guar~Iru:t, fIled her EqUipment Op I,'ator - ,Heavy lllacQ '£01' them. Farming Is .a l..mended 'fir~t account. .' (Mofor Grader). . . ' ~ene~al .Motor: Re,ai~ ho~f"l task: No matter , how , 'Estate . of A. L. Wat~iris! dec'd .Asseml;lled exainiJiritions ~Jll rqallY ttnll1S"\ve fail, It Is ·.lwa;ys· . Willard Batt~ries H."7~l B. '~atkin8, ad~I~'lItra~ti~ be held in Akron, Athens, Can~olnK to be better th~iI year, . fill\d her .flr8~ an~ final IICJ:ouni; ton CincJnnatl Cl )---' C ' nals aftem6ob 'is J.opn H!lwke',,Dstate of Bertha A. Presj!!y. ' . ' eve 1lIJU, ., 0sale. We are ~lways ' sorry when' dec'd , Ru~~ E. McClure, appointed lwnb1,llb Dayton, an~ Toledo. any of tlie old timers Sell out DU "dminlstratrlx• . BenjaTl!in BlackDetailed lnf?rmohon may be ,burn Clifford Wll80n and 'Elmo s~ured iI'om any offJce of t'he IlUwe can ,)lo~ to is tp hold Main .rnd, Mia~~ Sts. Ph. 234 S Wih~n, appointed ·appraisers. Stale Ell,lp]oyment.Servloe, Coun:' •.out as long and. as well as ·they Estate 01 Cora M. Haight., dcc'd ty Auditor, Divlsion of Aid for have. .M r. Hawke was a sWeet @harterli Di .MaplE:, admlnistr~tor, the Aged;or from the State Civil inventory approved. I· $evv~ce Commission, , H. ~. GraY1 a d lJ\lnl!,1trato,r of .t,he All aplicatiQns must'be l'ecelved e!l~te af Helen F. W~oley dec d, at tqe office of th State C'1VII Jlhiintl~t VB. Andrew; J\. WC!Oley, et. SerVice ' C · .. i e C 'I b , .al;. def~ndant, . conflnntng s.ale I '. onuruss o,n. '. 0 um, u~" ordering deed aM distribution, by April 18.
Xenia 454
Xenia Fertilizer
In farm vrodl1cUon have more than doupled In price since 19SII. 'prices of grain and field IltOpB have de- • cUneq !itelldlJy smc.e e a~l1 1948. The committee declared that "greater Clrop produclne etr.IoJenC7 !. the answer to lower farm prlees and hlgher production coata." Crop producti.Qn can be.. JnC;l'ell1lect by "put back" soil manaiement methods and "holding" bpefat£oJ)s. "Put back" methods Include reo bulldJn~ · the soli's orgarilc matter IUPPJ.y by growing deep·rooted leg. umes In the rotation. They Include replacing pbosphate and potasb drained aU by constant "row orop· ping. 'I:hI!y also Include putting all barnyard man ure back on the soil and plowing under corn ' stnll<s', straw and other lett·overs, "Hrudlng" operatlon~ Clan include contouring, grass waterways. ' and . terrao!ng wbqre ' nCCle/lsa:ry.
c'"IVI' -·'1'
Exams ', . J'I 8'1a't eu '
Higber produc;tlOl:\ cos ts now olt· lng deeper Inlo farm profits ~ PMsl2:e the need tor tarmer. to get . thel.r land In sh~pe to produce more bushels at lower unl~ costa per aere, the Middle West son Improvement' Committee points out. The mnrgUl betwee.n wba~ ~ lar· mer gets tor '!liB Clrops and what it costs film to produce tIl'e m J. n~' rowing ateadll,y. Cornmoc:utle. 'uted
en a plll"e' c w e e \lrD cUmba Into a nest on tho Reisdorf and 'Nellon bree!llng .tum at KIrkl,and, Wub., ·tt Is, in Ita own way", ' ma~" pol.Qtl}' history. UnknQWD to the IIPPfoxl~IIt.eJ.y 10,000 fowls on tbe . farm, \he most modern wirc ' recorders can!lld4r ke~p track 61 t1uib: 'every d~ed. .As .far . as the f9ur partner. In th\! liul!lnt'88 Know, It Is tlli! fl~8t Urne so many chickens !lavo become ,ubJects ot a -wlr~reco rd ei'. · l,Jae of, the '.rocorder has ieSUUed in 'huge luving 01 Uti1e and mODes, and recor. a have""never been 'm~~--i
,KIER'S Garage . "' j
estate 'exempt inherltBncll tax; E~tate o;tChIlB~r S. ~app"dee'd
You can pay oft anYtime, Long "rerm 4'l1l No 'Re'Dowal A Farmers guarllntee or; security
10 fl lengths
Made Through
11 8, ·..........'
~....... OIU~. 4 saar a
.. ..... _'~8.
Fairley Bdwe. Store , WAYNISVILI.E. OHIO
r.rm, .zeads &he le* li~nd -011' II lind . .peallil 1& IntO 'the R1loropbone of II ,.,-Iro · . . IICcu.r~t~:: accotdl~g ~ A:rt ~Jlls~orf, . who with' 'hJs" wife, Mary, and tha Nelson Ilrotbers, :B61t anc;l Cllttord, operate the fa);m. JI Wll8 Art's br.llinchUd to UIIG thfl recorder tn '.trunnI.n~ ItIlP'" _ i ohecking ;up 011 fue ' h~lIs to find 00. whlch 01l6S lire 'lllying and whioh ones lir~ '-'11lnll/' '" W. ~oria 1hls way: FoUl' 4a,.s a "week the' ltap i8 ' et. When tha , !:len ClrawJ8 In 11. nest a ·trap ooor clo,/!s behb\4 tier.. She Clln't get out Ulltll one of the · pai·!n~l'8 lets hel: out, Each lien· then Is glvell B number • wbJch f. o'n a ~etal tab plaCled arolUld' ber leg. Wbell onyon.e ''ruI)a the tri\Ps'~ he yYeats l! smaD m icro· phona, presses the smill mike but· · ton and state.s the number of . tho bird' a tai. I\l1d then elves ' tho num· ber of egg~ ]!lId ami any o~ei pUtJnetlt information about ,\ho .bird• . 1
~~~~=~~~~~~~~~ i Many Conditions Affe9t
W· Rapp, administrator CAS ' H ·.OR Dr ...... ,S'r . OCKestate exeempt inlleritan(je tax, lI' LIUJ' .• filed ' liiB fir~t _nd account, . HORSES' -3 00 C.OWS -3.'0 0 diBtIIlbution In kind. . ... ' . ,. . :Etltate;·' of ' Hal'ry Smith, doe'd...,?-ccord'Ina" . to· sIze and, condition. Ada Smith, executrix, inventOn All Stoc.k removed promp· tty. hearlHBet for AlIrll 14 at 10. . \ nrtat.e af Carrie . B. i9penoer dec'd, C. Donald D1latush. executQr tnventot7 .hl!8ring Ret for April 'Phone Collect III at 10. EI,tate . of Patrick J; fit'uim- Xenia, 0. ' 1712 _ mons, dl!Cl'd, Lua,,- K. Fitzslmmon~, ~; :o. 23Q ex~tri~, Inventory ~ ..proved, kllen
Bert Nelson, p~rfuer fn Kir~. laad, Waahlngton's ramous Re'" doft anti Ncl~ on breedtpg
PoultrY FlQck B'reedinq There ar!! lJevltat ". eondJtlllns which' can affect' the ter1.l1tty at breedinl pdUltr1 nock. Expe~ III,.' 1& I. a ,004 plan to walt tor a wee.Jt or 10 cla1' after main have been put wltb the flock before .~rllnl
to .aft 'IP that at!' to tot batel1ln,.
".athU' c:ondlUODI, vilor ot male.. abie of 11ocJt, coD41~qn qfj la)'el'I, aneS numbet of mall. aM IOIDe oJ tile lmportU\ tadorll.
... .
ONB CENT PER WO~D; minimum · rnnrA'o, 25 olb... Cnntl'act rate for repeat advertisements .., pon application. , FOR SALJ:
Reglatered Quernaey Bull ,Calve., Some ready for eervlce. Sons of 01U' herd aIre Lan;water Corn~
mando'l Royal out of AR tested Dama. Write NU-MAID FARMS, 107 E. Pearl !t.. Cincinnati 2, C>bio. ' WAlfTltDQuoden. to plow; Call 2991; War· ren Sheehall. ' ' , , I. YOUT el.ctrlOal wlrlDC ..te? · I will theclt 'your winn, Free...,.Roule Wi•.
1"1 ~nd ~re. Quick ~c.. Ed
Yllplln. 5 rnll" N.B. of Wayneeat
HaTlllOft)' "
Ho~ PboIM!
School 306,
N..... .Dutlfuat,m
D ON'T FORGET TO CAtL us for In!wfance. All tvpes of \nsurRnCI" at a savin is. Call
Francis ~ne Brown, phone W'il 'nesv11le 247Z or call
'F.... rther \oil
by GREV .... OUND
for LES'SI
, Avoid the n ene-w racking strain of drivingl Next rime you travel . . , rllll1.'1(.~ Lea1/e yOIU car in "tbe garage an~ , go Greybound. You'll rid . In Supc(Coach comfort /on con· ~UCTIONEDING nDient ni sched· ules-free ftom aU dd"tnl' ~ANLEY .~d K(K)GL£~ and parking wortie~. • col1te!. Wllmin'jt'ton 2111.
111M. W.y" ..,,"'. O"'e. R _ Cha..,..
"Dr D.t_ Phone
New YQrk, City .. ,,, .......~IO.70
Flint. 1I11~h , ...... ,... ,......... $5.L8 NO'J'TCE Oll ..u>POJNTMENT
a.tata of ~t A. Johna Deceaeed,
Notice d hlf'tlby clvon that P.ul ,T. ,JoIma wIIoN Po.t Of AddmM Ie R. ' R. Ro. 2, W8f1!uvillCl, Ohio be. beIID dill, trppOInted _ Admlnl.. traIDr of the Jr.tat. of Marpret A, • John. !at. of Wa,.. ToWMhlp, W.,.·
CLEVELAND UU"'U'I"~ Whether it lOunda not, the Cleveland indiana' akeac:ly ~ppolnted milliODII " II. baseball fanl-Ud the new ilea.son hasn't even started. lBut, lest DOli O'REGAN the reader jump at e~ToneoUII Anothel; Spring training season conclusions. 1t should be limmediwas I earing a closf this week for ately , recorded tluIt th~ aforefha Cinclnnatl Reds who depar ted mentioned disappointed. 1 baseba11 theil' Tampa! Florlda tra:itting base addicts are the lalthful foDowers Monday ,a nd set out on tlie "long of the indian'. QPpolzientl!l. ' vOYEI"ge home." , Throughout lhe winteell" 1hese lETTER TASTI,..,G .•. becqu.e It liol rich, ,tally creOm in eYlrY The Reds are, scheduled to u.uun,u" have optlmlstlcaU:y com· J'each Cinc~nnatl tb night of forted themselves with th,e w.ish."'Ole drop, from the top of 'he bottle to the botlom! BETTER Aprll 13 and will meet the NeW ful thought ,t hat father time would FOR YOU ••• becoule 'here'. 400 unit. oJ vitomin D added to eye~ ' quortl EASIER DIGESTED • .. b.cou~. it', a lOft j:urd York Yankees in an exhibition deprive Cleveland of it's il'J!llteSt game at Crosley Field on Thurs- as.set-the matchless Infield com,milk, by AMA .ta"dardll Notural,y these fods maae It be".r - much betler - for bdbie, and grj)wing thildren. your J day af,tel'noon. April 14. bination , of Boudreau. IGordon Borde,! man to make yours Gold.n Crest HomoDee. or ask The apearance of t he Yitnkees and Keltner, Perhaps th~y even for It 01 the stor~ . in Cincinnati will 'provide fans In had some support within the wigthe Ohio Vaney area with their wam HseU bu~, with the' !advent, first glimpse of the colorful of the exhibition $eason, their "Bronx Bombel'~" since,the World dreams were tilalited. ' I Sel'ies of L939 when New York The trio of over-thirty v~lterans ., ~,M d Cinc'I'nnllt,' foul7h.1 I' t OU ' for shOWtng '. k-.J di d f weck on account of the iIInesli anll ~tella Hagemeyer. 101,06 aC,res '~n a , ~ar 'CU sreBur or death of t hl1lr f ather. Karl Shida. Wnshingt.on twp. baseball's highert diadem, the alleged r avages of IIthletic' ~e.r, who paas~d away' 'Saturday He.,ry Brenne" to Lon and Five slop-ovl1rs are'listed on the old-age. ' rom~ 'through the morning at St, EUza~eth Ho~pltal, Livonia Maddox. l,t/J,6th acre' in R~' return ~tlnerl\ry. ~oUowlng early games with the enthusiasm Dayton. Dee.rfield twp. two F lodda dates, in Jacksonville of rookies flgbtlng for a job. So Mr, ud Mrs. Riobard EAtan and Eugene E. and KaLherhte W, and, P ensacola, Bu'c ky WaJteri' clos~ to perfect condition, were ,family and Mrs. Dolly Frazier and Jones to ' Raymond R. and Buel crew wU larrive in Mobile. Ala- they. that there: wasn't a total son. HuoJd, of Germantown; were Mu:ine Holt, 8186 acre" in bRbtna on F,ri,day fo ra three day surplus oI , ten~ pounds among the here Sunday to 1)e with Mrs, twp. stay a nd will p~ in Montgomery Uu-ee on day. J;'hyllis Martin and family. on a c· Dan'iel M, and Marguerite M, next Monday. , And maybe It was a good thing count of UIC death of her , father. Collette to Roben M. Blair, 0.86 The club will begin to bH fa- that they were 110 close to '1ready" Karl Shldaker. acres In Turtlecreek t~. roiUal''rltory next . Tuesday lor as Boudreau. hlmseU remarkMr. and !\Ira. Pau,1 '.Welch and Perr.y ElwilOO and Leila M. Wel1. when they are slated to arrive in 'e d 'Tve never seen 110 malll)'" fine ' family of Lebanon. were Sunday ' Jaum to Martita E. WeUba\lm. 82,89 • Infi I'" ' in ' I c.lIers In town. acreS. in Washington twp. \ ' '''/1 f L ouIs~, e 0.1' two games with the e u ~,~ects a.ang e Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Marsena S. Lewis to Robert and American Association Colonels in camshap'redAnddthaecht t~baebr~ Osee. Harlan were. ' Mrs. Laur. Alber~ Ren~r ilon . 1 lot in the ~enlucky metropolis, lmmed- I,VO'UU'II was an ~ted y Shidaker, Mrs. Ca~8le Collett anll tlecreek twp. lately after the second game on entire coaching staff and the her lIillter, Mrll, Emma Ollne. Who AUdrew A. and Katherine R. Wednesday the Reds hop a Cin.,. dozen sportswritersl co'vering is he.r house gUest. , WoolllY to Ellb Q. alld Dorothy M. clnnati- bound expr8,!S and Will be the champiQl1s. M1'. and Mrs. Barkley Hill reo 'llhqmp$ol1. 0.8'15 acres in Turtle· home that evening, . , To begin with. there were two turned th" paBt week, .fter a creek twp. ' , Two apP!'1Bl'ances nl the Hoosier or three rOQkies arounel for every months, vacation spent in Califor· ' Jane., T, r.ariek to Howard C, state are "I] t he agenda before the position e'vcept first 'base md aU nla. Ther Btopped en route home Larick, 1 lot in Franklin. opening of the NRUonaJ League of them rated as ~rade-A majo,r in Albuquerque, New Mexico and JeBBe Men~z to Lee IiInd Nora championship season as Cincln- league ' prospects. Boudiceau'. caUed at the home of, Mr.. and Jolts. D81ton~ 1 lot In FrankU., twp. nati plays the IndianapoliS Indl- happy problem was slmpliy to Glint G~, ft;lrmer resld~ntll of Loveland Patk M\lIoclat lon. aDS in R ichmond on Aprll 15 IlJId figure out bow be could play them thb vic \y. to ~obert ~. Hens'rell; 2 ·Iots tn In IndianlipoUs on Saturday and all enough to pick the nih ones - -. De::~~ ~ell Jr,. and Luelle Sunday. the 16th and 17th. ' f~r 1949. At the outset, It 1 IOked Curry Tartt, to Pauline Chesnut. The National League season like newcomers AI Rosen and (""J\., 29.81 acres in Hamilton twp, ge underway on April 19 with Ray)' Boone were cinches 'at third Ralph 'w, and Nita G. StJohn the Reds meeting the St. Lo~ and short. Bo~ had led ,the ~ough . ' to A: E, and Kelda G, Ruckman. 4. CardiJ;l~ls and. as has been the Texas ~ lD hitting and If I Illfm lotia in Le~non. . , tradlti(m for , scores of years, RoSen had come within 24 Ii~oura IlIlI\ Hft.Ja\ Daniel II. and MUll'UerUe M. Crosley Flel dis solidly sold out of topping the American ,, _ _ Conette to Francie Stepp and aUon. ' . WaB' Life-LollI' Ha"eYB- Frank Noe. 1.24 acres In Turtle· for the everlt. /.: But as th.e exhibition schedule bu D-id creek t;wp. , ~__ unfolded iL bet:ame apparent that l'1' ftClII Opere' Leaola Harsh to Clarenee A, '\ • of the others were wel qualated Barhenhop Eylln'. at al,. 1 Jot in SP,rlntrbo ro • , Oh~re'noe A. Eyler tel Leaola to dispute an)' auch mOllOpHUrtlh, 200.84 acre. in Turtlecreilk ~;":l~ oly, Orestes a 24 ' Karl M. Shidaker; 61, bom tWJ) .
lIfi h .,.... ,., ....... $4
B'offale>, N, Y. ,:....,,: ....... $7.05 Nlagra , Fail~ .................. $6.60 1,). S. Tax Ex tr a GREYHOt NO TERMlNAL
Wi\" 'E VILL1~ flnUG STORE Phone Wn yn " 5, 212 1
~ ~,
Ohio, .s-Md. ' Dated till. 15th &ly of Mlrch 1949 , RALPIJ H . CAREy JUIS.. of th. Probet. Coult
. , .
I J.Jsa/h6
Mr, and-Mn. Charles Zimmerman had l1li dinner suesta Sun.. day Mr. and MrI. Harry Hudson and ~ of Columbua, Mr. and Mre. RObert ZImmerman and children of Miambburg, and Mi. Walter Cut of Waynesville. The dinner was the oocasion of M1u Betty Louiee Hucbon'. and MI'I. Zimme1'1Dllll's birthday anniversaries. Mr, and 1'111'1. S. S. 'Ellis wore recently boat and hasten to the ' Che~ul Oircle at their home. A , detrcioull dinn4!l' and 'a pJeasant evel)inlr 01 cardi! were enjoyed. -'-eo
IITe.' D. C. Ridre had IB Sunday dinner arueata Mr. .nd M1'II, Paul Sowam of MaM1leld. Miami Ch.pter will ' meet in reJrUlu se81l10n 0)1 Monday evenlnlr. A,prll 11. at the Maaonic Temple. Planll are being made for tlhe an· nual inspection which will ba 011 SIlturday evening. April 30. Mr. and Mrs. Ifarold Osborne ~e now livlnar in the a.partment recently vacatad by Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hart&ook. '
Lee Engle ,a nd aon, Jackle, 01 Centerville. called on Mr. and Mrs: Earl EvIlJlS Thursday after-
Mrs. ~1 Evans visited Monday with lier alster-in-law. Mrs, N. D. Smith at Spring Valley. MrS. John Colemlln and daugbfrom Columbua called on Rev. and .l\.,Irs, R. B. Coleman Wed" ne~y evening. The Happy Hour Olub will bold 'their' ~gular April meetit~ on ,Tuesday afternoon. with MillS Monimla Bunnell .nd Mrs. NeJliEl Bunnell 81 eo-hoatelses at the hotQe of Mr. and 'Mrs, Rhodes Bunnoll.
Mrs. Reba Bra d doc k and frienda of LebllJlon spent Saturday in Cincinnati.
WatNn County, Ohio C. DoaaId Dilitulh, AttIImMy,
~Rt:: 'WANT .ADS . , :.,,1 +I"~ ~\ '"'Vj '''''~'I( 'FOR YO,'~ .... ... ~ .-' ~_
February 20. 18,88, died at St. A'ltclD P. and Ad- Cope to Cllt~IUB""... Hospl· tal in Day ton 011 ford and ,F ranceft Co~Ch., 2 lots , In ~,,--L.~.L. .. A.prll 2, 1949, after a .hort illness, Fl'llnkUn twp. " A~ He was engaged In the Parber B1:on80n and Marie Bailey to 9"_ . ",l{} in Harveysburg where he aDd Marie Gwinn.. 3.0 SCTfl3 , _. ' baclllved' his entire life. Mr. Sbl- :1'1 IfArl~n twp. " , daker is survived by tWI> sons, CnrWln S. ani! I'hney B. 'Fred to ,fllllis of Daytpn and Robert or :I'mWirC(1.- 1 lot in Lebanon. / :~~~;....;..~~'::":".....,...!.....--I-.du1l!t:~lIl-.ab_~~ __ If-1~~~t:,,:. ~~n:.'~~~ two daughters. Mrs~ Gracl' J!,o'n~w to Myron D. and 1 , Shidaker of Orlen l. O ..I"n Osborll . .092 ~e~ tn Lab. Ohio. and 'Mrs. Phyllis Martin of ' nnn. Harveysburg. 0 n 'e I(rahdchild. """nn n . an" Helen Ollborn ~nd II! brother. Bem Shldaker of 'l"r~" ~tlfloW", 2 lob in Lebanon. '':irClevllle, ' Congtessman Seventh ServlC\es were co"ducted by l 'lev, J . P . Thornbury of H.arveysOhio D.1-s:t~ ict lIrrr Fr~ends Church in the Me· Clure Funeral Home with bl.\ria t '\"l!t!'Ji Cem~~ery A compl'Ornllle bill to continue l'Cot !!ul'lt.rql 'W>aa en· whiCh brings up the question. as to just how far~. acted 1)y the COn!;tl'ess and I!lgned by the President r,o~an na'tiona muat recover before a 'hali i. called lnt ~eek, twenty-foUr hours :lhead of the time the on th~ granting of asal8ta~e 'to them .t the expense Saving is • good habit. !JY h.vine old ltw 'would have expired on Ma ~h 310 The new of the taxpayers of the United States. However. It an aeeowl.t with 'UII, you ,law extenda Federal rent eontrol on a national paaill seems apparent a continuatlon of the ERP spendlnar for ftfteen months. with tHe right, of any oily gov- at the full amount, Will '~approved by the Congrea~ security for' the tutu1'&-Beady ernment to deoontrol renta if approved by the Stllte Ilnd ~heP,re8ident. " , ' , IlARRlAGB 'LICBNS88 NORRI. , £~OCK COMPANY cub for ·e••~ uew .car, Governor. Another 1ICCtion 01 the new rent control " ,. . ,~ I; , .Jilek II. mttaker If. Morrow, new hoine; ' confident finaDcial a ' ... M V.' t um Clnolnnatl Unloll _..... h ... . I 1 ... ,L', t I '" bra-Ab --n"'Y "oak Y.rd. taw au-nee. a.y ,..roVlS on or pro.,el .y owners, ,lie House wi~1 ,be calle(! upon thls wee~ to vote on .... ..- --'." u .... . ~ Independence. Stop ,in today and receive a "fwir return on rental olterations." Huw· l~~!I"tjlln to ma"1ce 'Bvallable for 'dilltribution in 20. Lebano~. lIICN~. Lly. WIre .nd Proa.....I~. A" vert the new rant eontrol law. as finally passed by Chi lil!.~o I\';'oas not yet controlled by the Communists ~ohn Pwter 21, Dayton, drill ....."Ia.tlo" M,GOnd to noM, open that account. your ...ilr.nce t he Conarress, Is, nothing like the one demanded by 80."'0 IIHy-four million doUars remaining ot the preu operator; II'U'J ~nley 21, ,,1 ' 'Sec uri t7, the Truman AdminIstration and reflects growin ~ P1~oJlriatlon originally au,thorized unde.r the' W.,...tUe. u84JDbler. ..,Idly .!l0II·,. on the tIMt Congreaaional _ oppoljtlo'~ to the con.tiDl,II~tio of Aid Progl'Am of last year, In its repoJil; on the bill, ..~~~~~~,*"d~rJ~~~+-~:ItI.:a'~iriiiiimi'7""';:-::-t-!! a,..,ulld' m.rleet In tho ,r _ _ _+--,"I.;. 'ental property contl\?ls. the Foreign Afl'Rirs Commit~ee o( 'the House de. oount",.> ". , • ,. • ." d Amarum . n policy J . SERVIC. THAT. IATII"'.' ' , serh,e in Asia as "undeflnal/le." In The annual Civic I.ealtl8 par:hr .. ~ 'l'he Rules Comrnlttee of the Hous\! spent of tC1sti.mollY l1ofor~ the' Rulel! Com~ittee. ,Members 01 wa~ held TuellClIiy eveniua lD ~~ WHI0 Dayton 21:" II. • , Ia.t'week heAring t~tirnony':f~om Men'lboJ,'8 as to tnli! tho fOl'elgn Affl!irs (3omrnittee pointed out the prell- hig); school gymnaliulll. A ioc'" twp. Dl&I t"~II. , w:LW CinclnlfaU r~ICI. OJ: .t ype of procedure, "nder wlijch tho!,~ki , ant-dny p'i<rht Of thtlOhincs" Rep'-b ' lie 'Q "a' n be dir'l)ct. ' " Ralph BraMenbu!,&, ~ Ulla , 11:40. DI.I ~OO, tor Our Dt\1I ~ <!.. , " ..... -"- t. ' a,-., -M.Hart Iey Act an d ',ree);·-"1 nIII, to ~al t he T1Ll"-: ......' IS h lv traced~,., to the secre.t agreement made ~y the evenjng was spent in con....ta and.. ....i')< ... .. 0 IIi vel', 1"" \IV.39 , acres t he AIlt '88 the law of the land, la 1.0 be'S'!.nt Roosevelt Administrat ion neal' the end o! the war to gllml'S A deliciou s JjlAte luiIeh'wlls W.ihmgton twp. , to the JiOUlle Floor lor cOIfS/deration. , 1'Ile Rou,e give 'Mun<lhaulruo to R\l8sia, ~nd to the vacila ting ~e~vea. ' :'. ' , Ruleell Stiver to Ra~nd E, - " Committee on lAbor and Education, whiol!. drafted A!l' t' r . ( ' th R "1 Friday evqnlng' the bleh sehool .nd Pbyllil J. Gephart 0.35 ICtas t he Leilfnelci bill. b divided as to ",h ..t 01'!: Cl'f labol',' mi~~~~~a~i:~~I.e8 0 ~ OOReve t and ;:rrurnap ' Ad- Show Boat Mln",trel WlI~ preeent. In Franklin twJ». )1 I~gitll.tlon ehould be con~idered . "The ChlliTmnn • • • ed to a large and appreci~.e au;). , C!hester Kh'~Y to Robert, and wanted the outrl1Jbt repeal o.f the T,af~.Uavt1ey ~ct The annual battle between bhe cnttol1seed oil pro~ lence: " . J Mary L. , Olinger. 86.98 acree III rrlllllidered WJder a closed, or "gag" , rille. ,A Sia'OD/i rlllC~I'8 01 We SQ\lth an " the 'dn.l· ry fa~rn' er- of thft 'the Methodist S~ndl\' r Franklin twp. " ., . LaL. Co 'tt . h ~ l'ule l " , ~. "las8, "",,"'e Candles' of G ' ..... VI r gil . J PI ~ iret o 'I.n.yna." " -a F . minoritr 0f ' th, e "or mml el' .WIS \!., a NOl'1,h ,?ve " ,!,ellf'fal taxes 'a.nd regulation~ on oleo'. " . Ln uu lAND . . . GRAVEL ' which will "Permi amending' the 'l'aft-Har~I" Act 1.1 & mUl /r\lrtne \VJ\'~ f"ugllt 0/1 1 "gRin in the Rou se laat entertained ,~unaay eveninar at 8n'd Stella A. lI~rneyer. 101.00 I Th t " horne ' of ~188 G1o~l., j~obll. 8enll tn WuhlntrtOn twp, . ommen-!<',;I 'J' }, the J ",int CongJ'e~l\ional Co ,,,,, 'He 81A~TO~ DJUVD , .• utborh:ed' to 8tudy labor-rnanagement probl~s; 1;.1 '~ee t. ~ w.o.dIIY, s'trllji;~I~ finde<\ in a vlcto\'Y for aSlilltant& were Mill8 Joan Beule Plymjre to Ma"nard '1'; • to' " OO~"t ...y li'Ieqtii.ties which experience wit:h the ~o\JLh I'n "01 "mnrgarlne I,Iloc.') Wl(lIe the ' dalry an . d Master Lowell Ola"": .aetreai\.I,. d 8 -I 10106 TAR ... ROAD 00. ~ .. '' ' " ri. ' hI , ~t.ate Re lire~entn'ivelJ were' willing to take all Fed. ,# '" an te la Hageme1er• . ae~ 'LAWN .... PILL D.... the OJI9l'atlo~ of the I~w zas_prove<l, dVIM ,e. crlll ,tuxes off oleQ, thc'y !ou~ht for legislation ~blch ments of ice cream, eake , ... inWu)llnpon twp. III hl b'l t" ~ , eandy w:ere served to the fotIO~,Be.~ SmIth to lIaynard F. and READY-lOX CoIICU'I'E y,-te' la-,~t ,w ' eek, the Con"'res' a complet;cd MUon on WOll 1?TO, I ••• e use' o~, yellow calOling In oleo~. b DaVl'd Broo.... 1.!_ D0 ..,1 , ,~ . mlln~llrll1c to te t ,t 1 mg ., gues: .... I~Jllation which was later signed by the President. ,pro c Il.galmrt I S 8a e to consurneJ'll Montgomery. Nancy Copal; NOI;UCAVATlIIC ' ... DUM~ 'TRUCK IDVIct ' ShlP,l1l. Jerry M.ate". DQnald ' 01' the C6~~otlon '01 l':I\dar screen, Qr network. ,t l' 'Ii< butf,p.r. This nmen~ment ' was dofeated ' ;but an. , , l'Illet't the Ufll~ States. The dlfl'e ent rad,u' 1n-'1tn )· '1llt~r Bml'ndmcnt tQ require. oll!~ ,served 'in llub)le' Isaac Starkey and thel, ---------'-"'on. 8 w',11 be made not only in,. the cO'ltinental ~I" " I'): fl!\I(' M til h!) In'-<1ttinnguhn' ~hape. 51! it may be, blacher, 11 ahll " \' , HI<1nhfif) I ~ ""'" ... r,e. steII a, V~:::e, ..."I' r ,~ • nited States' 1)ut ,also in Canada and Alilf;ka" n, ' 1 I, Wil li a" nn"" 1 ,,,e a.ttempt ,tQ remove the Copa. was.a "uetit. " " . d P,aCI'f!c. impl'rt dll ty on fOI'~ll!: n palm oil. f~om which the / !' 1 jl$ on various islands in tl,e.AUanhc (, n t Mrs. Emma.. 'Cline ie a 'll'QIlJ!'h , l.hls 'l ntef\t. dovulopmont 01 sci nce, ap· Jellt ~, l1d '·"e>npest (lieomal'P:Rrilljl can be rnade. was her ei.ter, Mrs; Osee , pac'bfng- pl8nell &end BuritleC '\Ies~els ~'IU \J(> detected defeat "rl' by We ~o:uthert' .' hl~, indicatin~: t1l1~t' lh'lY .rames Thornbllrry sufJiclent tlmll to 'Pl'avent nny ,;uccessful , !'naak wen" no l al< mllch"lntcrWlted in low margarlne'cOBb 50rlou8 accident when ' ,he _.'. nga:n,:", this country llY any fOI'ell:" cnern. . tp Cl !l ~"me,'s B~ to " (1 '(eady m,.rkilt for :the ' " t t.• d""'" r... ' I" ' . • , jMd nil l1rOfluccd in ~h eir area. Th\! bill now~ 1<> 8111.all amount uf gallOl ne ROUP: tl <' t I th "'-ttl '1 etove in starting a fire, " UILII••• '(IAnlLl AITOtOllLil ' Llllilin • _ ''''ii i's 'IS written, tille' ill pre' )l\rh ,g 1.0 VIJ" ' ~ :'Phn c \V Jrl'.\! ' C "" 0 ~I I be fought all over -A.~l8lnlllr 9-12 each mornIng 'UI • ., f' ' l ,1~al1l. ' ' burns on hie hand. ,,' a 'LillliO 'a uthot.iZll II,pprQprlatlons (l • 1\.1'111'o, ' ~ p , • and loll'S., H. S. Tuebr t'-'5 afternOOl18 eycept 'W edneaday ' , •. ,oe and one.lial t '1)l\lion dollarp. 1'01' t lit' On~lI.1U!\· tl' . t. . • • . , , ' guests of , th'e latter'1I '1-9 saturday evenIngia , . . . . OWo ...... "tI~ of t"e Eu.rnpean Rcepvcry PrO~l'Bm 'lil1.jn ~ t.ho ,s "I< .~ "P!ng wt;itten (Monday. April.), an hlllOther ' eVeninp by Appolntmmt " I ,. ' nd tIT" th t((rll:!nl c)"'nt IS tskmg, place In Wuhlngton. The .Jenny Bell. c.- ",. .... It -.n ~ .......... ,.. ..... ,.. , ·¥til!t8en months. Two ame rnen !l fI,.tp'e;o on e PI"rcl:rn Mi nhtcl1l of twelve of, the na'tlone of West. M,r. and Mrs. Carl 'l'ELEPHONE 82-R • _I.e floor. OI)e to 1:educc thr appro, M4t.UIl~ for CM1 1" 0" t1 d~ '.re s ....ndln .. Bome ''','' 10..... ....:- .....ndin .. nragr.arn 'by ten pc,' ,I·pnt. Dnn u,· "c a~e rnee ng aroun tne council table r.. '~'15" Q'~ ... I' ( , (1 'l'h ' 'vjlh ~!'C"Ot""Y uf Sblt:e Acheson to dlllQUll1i and silm I\Slee. Ilrrlved here W,.!dnetlClla, · ~thi'r by flft.een t'l!l'CC nt , wcre tit' <l!l'1' ' . e a~~ru. jI\~ Not·th A<tIAntic Def4!l1se 'Pact. The United .... ~ te. returned ~undllY to , ott tIIa~ during the "!mISt yM ~ .',tlhu1\od I ty "ll ir"" ..) I "'WI u ~" e declined by an llVera~e of mOI'e t~an L"'!I \'er IYjl a 0 , nf ~ollJ!l!e, be a ' lIignatory to thll Pact but where they are bulldin.r , .~ "t' .. fl'~t; It; is also being Ilointetl out thal ("IIll1o t ho bound 'hy it- until and 'IInless the &nate Mr. and Mrs; John • n'r European cQul\trles, W leh hn V~ ratL'le.p !t" as .lI treaty by vote of the necessary eon. returned Sunday from 'L"'_'·L~. ~ ~,VinJ\' aid bIlVl! rl'll~hNl ,,"~h " point nf I''''' stil utH)TIal two-thirds of it!! Meml)Crs~ Senate ratlfl- moon trip tn the' ~ that thelr'lndulltrial production Is !lOW IIC ' rn iion seems ' lll' bable, to he followed by R haW,' Laura EUen Shidaker of ~. I6atb DeINft ..... )'1'/ hl-- than at any time before the war, all of nv(·r the conSf'r,uences of America'. etitry into the Eml Shldaker of .- DINIA. OBlO.-. PI1~t-li rminll:: of Western Europe at Oor I!XP8Dtle. MI'. Robert Shldabr of WI_buiif"0_:,
With A.Buckeye In
old Cuban) N!!iP'O Dayton. rnad e a ,vltlt six 'hlts in hia first pearanees, then addecl a homer off Giant-ace, ~ ;en Besides sparklin, iri the Freddie Marsh up noma City. •
Clarence,J. Brown
'Whea Needed ,'
::.---- ---
".WaJDesYide National Bank'
Armitage',&SOD .
........,..... Dr.' t [ Wilkin
• were ealled beh
.A... .'.'''aAilcl'' .... ......
wm .... ,.a..a.
A Community' Insti/tution For Ninety-nine Years 4
iami 'Gazette
t 'J ,
NlNETY ...NlNTH YEAR, NO. 4415
The past few issues of the Miami Gazette have come forth with little sarcasm being shown ' toward the comrnunltyy, its reaidents, public officials, and Uilitgs in gen,eral, allhough' past iIlterest in the paper was said to stem with what could antogonized,by the author ·o( this column. I have been on ~he job with the Gazette -for Ii period of <IPP17oximateiy one year ahd the written compliPllper mbents received here on lind its policies have been greater h'l this period than ever befol'e (to my knowledge).
Mr. Harl'Y. Lizer presentild yo~ editor with,a clip'ing from a newspaper published 'fu - Columbia,
Methodists List Schedule.For Easter Sonday
St. Mary's:Woman's I W.U.S. Studeots . Auxitiary at Named For 'Yo .Meet Monday Hawke Residence Scholarship Tests
' Amiual Seniol Civic Club 'Play Cast Is Chosen
The aynesville Civic Club will hold its regular monthly meeting Md ' . on ay 18 10 the basement rooms F . Gene Browll, retired presiof the Methodist Church. den~ of the club, will be in charge f th 0 e program w,hicb ' is expected , to include the 'fire .preverltion movie which faile dto arrive last month. ' This is the , firs~ meeting with th~ new offic~rs ~ charge. Rev. Samuel Keys, president, ,held , a me1J:ng of the excutiv commi,t tee a~ th Rectory last week. ' Th dinner will be served by the Youth Fellowship and those who have not returned their reserva,.. ~on card~are urged to contact the secretary, Mr. Maynard Weltz.
The cast for the annual Se!nior The Worn· State scholarship tests for the class play was announced this an's .Auxiliary met with Mrs. Lee southwest Ohi,o district will be ducted by the Youth F\!Uowship. week. The play chosen was ''We Hawke Friday aftel'Doon at hel held Saturday, May 7, Dr, James South Cal'oliq.a concerning our 7: 00 A. 1',[. Easter a ,reakfast. No shook the Family Tree", the date home on Fifth Street. , St, John of the Miami Ul'\iversity local hopeful of the diamond. 'It is clJarge. An offering will be re- for lt~ pre,sentatlon 'was not gliven. After the business meeting and faculty, distriot chairman, an_given here fol' tho/Je friends oJ ce~ved" ,Please attend and encour- ' llhe students comprising Qle election ol'officers the atudy Qf the nounC'ed today. , cast the ftlo.aract"rs they will '" Book ol Common Prayer was con· Nine counties will send abou·· Tom Flo; ence who would 'like to The Easter break. ' "¥... llurage ou l'you tho tray are as follows: ' tinued ,:,S follows: ' 2000 students to Oxford; while the• know others have to say. . t "d . "'''''e Order fo M ni d ' fasl First to ~ign his contract with IS, open 0 any WuO may eHlldegal;'de, J:ll'ances Whitaker-~... r or ng an nine Dayton schoo1,s wit ·take their the 1949 Columbia Reds Was sire to come. . (understUkiy, Jeanette HaU); Mr. Evenipg Prayer," Mrs. . Helen test sin Dayton. ' Four counties To,rom), Florence the popular, 9:30, A. M. Church sohool. At- Dolson (Father) , Bob Hunter; lIaWKe~ "Ohurch Calendar," Miss wUl send 'contestants ~ W'llming,(M th Katherine Prendergast; "Solemn· t ' 11 11.'00"000 d J peppery utility infielder of 194.8. Lendanol\ Goal ' is 200. Bring , a Mrs. D o...on · 0 el'), P,~ggy iz~~ioil of Matrimony," Edith . o~ co ege. .t1. ut., stu en~ The 24 )'ear old Florence is a friend. Tumbleson; ' Sally, Betty _CampHawke; "Litany and Penitential Will compete at the ~ee centers. native of Waynesville, Ohio, and beU j Bog,' Bob ~astings' Jimmy, Office, Mrs. Fischbach; "The OrCoun~es to be represented at THE LOW DOwN FROM graduate of Miami University, of ~0;30 A. M. Eatsel' S~rmon, Bill,Mehalfie; Paige, Wanda Ain.der for Holy Communion," Mrs. Oxford .a re , BlI;tler, CI.e rmont, HICKORY GROVE Ohio. 'In additioin he has 12 hours Baptism of chUdl'en, special . rieYj EUie' May, Eula Hoa~; Jill, Dorothy Frazier. Darke, Hamilton: ~, MontSo many Govl predictions and toward a ~aster's' degree from music, Pai'ents who desh'e to have Shirley C"oppookj Freddie Sli:lerDelicious refreshmon~ were gomel')' (outside of DaytQn)" staUs~icil and guesses on what ca- Columbia . university. Florence their children baptiz.ed please ~er, Ken Vickers; Mr. Shenmel,', served b.y. the hostess~ Mis. Ron,ald Preble, Shelby and W~ren. ConJamity or upset is likely to hap- started hIS athletic cat'eer early; bring them 'to this service. . BII1 StansJ,erry; and Mrs. SlherHaw~e '~111 be the hostess for tho testants at Wllinington wll1 come pen next, has me' in quanda,ry winnJng , ele'len letters in grade '(: 30 P., M. Church Schbol Eas- mer, Eileeh Brown. , meeting In May. from Adams, Brown, Clinton and un where to sound- off on thJa ~d high school at Waynesville, tel' ProgrBJD' The Children 4. ' Highland counties. essay, And the things threaten- and captaining the basketball: and Teachers bay,c spent much High schoolS with enrollment e il'ag us now al'e the same ones baseball teams. He followed suit preparing a very fine pl'ogram. exceeding 4.00 students inay send lhey prorrUsed us, a dozen year. at Miami, and bead the basebaU The children of the Sunday I.' three students for ea,ch of the 21 ,ago culd never bappen again. Our team his senior year. . School will present an Easter subjects to be given. Schools palh W I\S to be smooth- everyIt was' at Miami that he C8JJ1e pl\geanlt "The Easter TraU" Sunwith 200 to 399 students may send thing would be illke-no Q10re under the W:ing ' of W. J. Fos- day eevning at 7:30. About 60 two students for 'each subject and dips in ~usiness-granaries just ter, an old pro(essional ' player ,children will. take ' part in this. schbols with ~ollments below full whellt and corn, not too whp relfom,mended Florence for a You are cQl'dlally ' invited .to this . VOWS ' s2OOmaubJecYt. send one ,student for , a much, not. too little-just enough ero~ at pro ball. Tommy had SCI' \' icc, potaloes"':" bnlanced diets - ease played independent from the tbne _._ ~_. _,_ Word received Crom the Ohio Mr. ond The FI'iendship Club of the . Twe~t~-J;ive per cen~ of , the and ' haplness 100 per cent. Re- he was 15, was goo denough State J\rcbelogicaJ and HjsHJ1~icaJ MI'.6 . HOWlll1d Stanley are an- Waynesville Methodist Chu ch students 10 each of the ,five sta~ member? in his first try that be was caUed \. I Society by the Miami Gazette t1iat, nouncing the marriage of their ~eld their regular monthly me:t:-: ~;'ttreictsw;illanbed 10 perddce.ntdlinidthel ,No,w- 10111r. The GOvt. is de- back for a second look, and in that J..)eath~ on !!;aster ~WJ1 service first h eld daughter, ,Miss Cleo ' Stanley to 109 at the country home of MrS. ' war e m v ua mandlng more money for more performapce he was given a con ' . 177 years ago will be reenacted Mr. John Wi\1lam Plaster, of Day- SteUa Holland on Wedneslay af- certificates of recognition in each ligures and figurers. Congrelli'ls t;ract with CinciimaU' s organlzaon Sunda~ morning, April 17 at ton, on S~turday, 1:80 p. m. in the temoon. sUbject in each divisIon, Dr, St. .But I am clll'ious to find tion. ' Serv;ces we~e hel dthis aft. e r5: 15 a., m. at .schoenbrunn, the ,St. Mary's Churth. Rev. S. N· . M M C 11 ~' N • said ts Jjsteqing . , b d h L d f ~ ~ Keys performed the doubl 1 , rs. ary 0 ett OL ew Burl- John Contestan' ch by th somo y w 0 ever (lear 0 anyAiter three years in the Air f H d R H' ,'~ 63 ~ite of ·the first Protestant church e r ng Ington, and a former local reslvar' ch 1~eJ:'e. b d h d C ( '1) h' d noon 01' owar . aWA, , . OL: ceremony. Mill!! ~ah Thompson, a osenUmin. e the bride's 'only attendant wore dent, gav,e a review of B~hop tes;og~e~'=; pre ary o y-w.oman or mlln-w 0 oes orps as a pi ot, e reporte 10 Widely knOWIL retired farmer of In , U&O. nnything about iL when the BLS the Class D' Muncie team of the thiS cum,muni,ty; who died late Schoenbrunn' Village, a State navy blue wlth white accessories Werner's recent book, '''Life is S · i ' l' y. , ] .... p rts on what is "a .typical Ohio-Iill'l,iana league and swatted Monday in Miami V:a\1ey Hospi- Memorial administred by thEl Ohio and white carnation corHage. 'The Worthy Livilig," during the social ublect:s n which tests will be lumHy 1;l Uqget"-or on- "the thing .352. That was in '4'1, and he found tal, lit Z p.m. in Mt. Orab Method- State Archaeological and ffilitor- bride chose Davy blue snit with hour. Twenty-five membets were ~ilren May 7 a~e ~iQlogy, ch~.. /Juying habits of an average the Jump to Cia" A last year ~ ist Church. Burial was in the ieal Society, is located 2 miles shell pink bloulle' and blue acces- present and Mrs. Weller along ~try, general so~ence, phyl!(C$, housewife"-or that "an average pttle s~p. His average wasn't too Buford Cemetery. sduthe~t of New Phlladelphill on sories, complimeny,d by white car- with Mrs, Collett waS a guest at .,flrst-year algebra , adVBXI(!ed n: bouse in New Orleans yoU should. fl!t, -but, he was dependabl~ and MI'. Hawk, a former employe of U. S. Highway 250. It was bere nation conage. tliis meeting. . bra; plane geoD?etcy, Arnerl '1 up and move to, Omaha and save heady, ~nd took charge of the Frigidaire, Dayton, is survived in May of 1772 that David Zi!!Is)fl'. William Bergan served the The hostess ierved dellclous're- history, world history, senior su59 bucks. I don t q~ite ca1eil on. team a CQuple of times when Gee by his wife. Josie; two daughters, berger and Ii small colony of In- groom as beat mm. fl'eshments at the close of the oial stuqIes, ninth-year EngJish. So folks, if any of YQ)1 know, let Walker was l:ianJahed. Mrs. Claudia Sierman of George- dians founded a Christian comThe newly married couple left meting. The next meting will be 10th-year English, l~th-y~ar Engme know. And on if prices Of Walker, Florence has the lQwn, and Mrs. Ellzabeth Dakin munity. Althoulih not a perman- immediately for their new home in held at the home of Mrs. J. B. Ush, 12th-year English, first-year should drop in New Orlean.. is higheSt praise. "He gave me con- of Waynesville; IJU'ee sons, Jack ent settlemljlnt, Ohio's ijrst town, !':;Z:t~~~e~~eM~.P~~s~'r i80':,0D- Rich on May 11 at II P. M. ,Latin, second-year Latin, firSt,,: it the idea to mov~ back the~ fidellce and he inspired me thru ,of Waynesville, Elton of German- fu's t sch9f)l, and first Protestant ]lany, and Mr. 'Plas:r a;th t~; year French, second-yeal' French, ngain from OJriaha'r' . his handling of ball players/' town, and Bruce of Xenia; his church were etta~~ here. • N. C.• ~. ' ftrSt-YIl1ll'. Spanish, second-year If CDngress would cull...~~ 500\- writes 'Flo~ce. ~r, his first flUbel'J ~~w\{ .of Bu.f0ri:4 T~e ._~J:IUJ"d'P-- 'DIe bride , rraduate of Spanish and bc>okkeeptng. . 000 0 8OO;ooIJof these ama'\jQj'oB, '"IUne lor the RedS, in w'hich he ,a sister, Mrs. Mau,d e Purdy of 1or. 'or. Hie Dover Mpravian WaynesvilIe Higb Scllool, class of . '1 - ' '!'hose 'Who" wiD represent we rrught gel back IKlrne of our rollected, one hit and made one Buford, and seven grand~Uw·el1. ChuJ:~h, assisted, ~y other ~oravj-, 1946, and the ,groom, son. of Mh. Way,nesvlUe and the suJ>jects pur-' error at ~ort ,a gainst charleston, _ ' an ~misters of the area, WIU COD- LurJey Plaster of Vkginia, was' a sued are ,as' follpws: old tranquality. Yours witli the low cloWn! Gee said "you .did okay, 101i." d~~t the services to be held at graduate of hiB local higb school. , English 12, Eileen Brown' JO SERRA . Flo.renee he's had no the: quaint ]og church. " I, 'Shh;l'!y Coppock; .--,- , ly great thrills in ,~ba1l y e t , : I Just at sun~ a procession of ..Advanced AlgebraJ Robert Hunt• WHf.;N INCENTIVE IS SMALL but "it's a thrill every time I "trot the cOngregation a~'companied by' WCI'I'II'~ T er; ~hyslC!ij, Harlan Ea.rohart; It seems to be axiomatic!' that on the diamond!" He calls Lou " MIS" t~~ traditional brass choi,r willi ':.10 •..:.1,. American- Histpt:y, Dwight Mlchlh greater the degree of soQial- Br.lssie the' greatest player he's "L VISit God's Arore; the burliU place Advoory Council No.2 met at ener; English 11. Doris' Wollard; iZf.\!ion or government. domina- ever been against saying gI'eatH ' D_ b f of the Cl:\ristian Indians who dI1ed the horne of Mr. and Mn. Ronald English 10, Betty SatterthwaItej t'1)n oC public health measUres, ness 'can't always be measured in o.m er ..... m y, 0 Fourth St., at Schoenbrunn Hawke, on April 6th with 16 Plane Geometry, Emery Robbins; the fewer practitioners there ate base hits~nd spectacular playa. i s in MiarrU V~lley with a r i g h t ' . ~r. members presen~. . World History, Harold S1anleYj to do the work. : . He's 'a wise, ambitious young leg 'fz:actw'e received wh~ h~ Mr. ' and 'Mrs. ' Morris '·'r · Mr. and Mrs. Seth E, Furnas' Biology, Sue Furnas; English 9 Thuk, al!cording to Time, Rus- ballplayer, this (eUow Flol'ence .. W?S l'un over b~ a ftuirl , trac~ol' . .and da\ighte r CarQlyn An\1 ; ,1MI', and Mr. and Mrs. ClUil:les Starr Wilhelmina Bradd~j Algebra I; . slil has I:,ut one d~tist for 1,,000 And h~'ll be mighty hl\ndy ~ Rls (allier, tdWIJ\ W., tol~ has ... /lnd Mrs, Fred C. Hubbell Illtd, ' , were gl1ests of the Council. Judy Davis; Latln I, Janet Peters peoplO'-anli R ssia marks the uJ- have aroun:ci here this Bummer. pltal nurses the boy 1?St. hi~ , bal .. daughter Marjorie Dl:IIktt, enjltlyrhe .W.e.T.U; meeting w~ he~d Seth and Sara Furnas , we~ and General ScHenee, Jam~'Jon~'IJ tima~¥ in ~ociQliUltion ?( aU Maybe he won't hit .~, ,o~ even an ce and fell off the ~ SUndilY dhmer together at the .on Fl'lday afte.rnoon, Apnl 8, at made me~rs of this Counell. " ,, '" ' f\ h 'tl lieliof . mee,4icine. Bri~in, .300, and perhaps, not , turn >10 ,the .'his f athel' started to mo,ve It. Golden Lamb Hotel in Leban~;n. the ~ohle of Mrs. Fr~ncis ,BranLawnmce Furnas and charles which has gope a ~ong way to- best fielding I'ecord ih the league. nock. The meeting 'Was opened Starr gave a very interesting .ret' , wurd cQ!pplete socJal4!tMn, has But he'll ,be dependable' and .I ,. Miss Bbnnie S.tte~bwalte, Byrd by Mrs. WiDnJe Whi~er read.. port on ' the ~tiye ConferqnE) denU$t f~ll: each. 3271 people. steady~ and there'.. a place for him ::c Laclrey with Btfr. and Mrs. Arthur ing several verses of scripture ence sponsored by the Ohio Farm The United States, with its tradi- in baseball. At 24, 'Florence is ".,." hOI. Su~ner of Lelianoa\ and }Irs. and leading in ' prayer. After the Bureau in ColumbUs: Ion of freo medicine has one for aging !lOme for a rLaing player, Sarah Toll of Centervil\e, w'ere regular . business Session, Mrs. After discussing the subject of cach 1885 of the po~u1atlonJ ' but the front office hires men too,~ Mr. ~nd Mrs. Torrence Kirk. ,Monday evenJnr dinne ~e9ts of Olive Curl gave an interesting educating our children-taken ' VariOl,1$ reasons ai:ltl~unt , for should the playing grade be too ]la~l,:k are an~ouncing the birth Mr. and Mr•. .Warren Espey of account of. the state mid-year from the Council Guide. The year 1948 was the most • Ihis cQhdltion. One .~ery Dbvlous steep. " , "' , o~ a ,on, Charles Lee, ~t Grand- Centerville. meeting at coru~p'us, April~. . We adjourned to meet with Mr. successful year in, the hlBtory of o and Mrs, Harvey l'Jurhett m May. th F (me Is that, In a Clountry wl)ere a You can see lavth!!r wliat kind vGlew HKioaPkltaltr~nkd Mr. and , ~ra. , ., I Mrs. ip.nie Whitakel' read ' B F-~-=:=.,;t;;,;,: - J ' . f f' llI h Is b th 4: '11 ••..1 ..... , eorlre r pa Ie are annOUDcm . The YoutlL 'Council met at the very good articles, entitled 'A Delicious refreshinen.- were e awn, ilreau insurance eom:'ff:au~racy. runs ,the _show, there 0 e ow .' e , Y e ..~ o .. uaa th" birth 1) , f a 'daughter, Sandra ome 0 . erry Coole on ~EIVe.1 .... ani R -:-":r-"'r=3'~n·=-''-'--''''''-c.-., 18 \flt.le , ince t ':~ for ~en and lette~ he 'wrote CoI~bla ~~ J~8DJ on Thursday, April 7, at ning of the put week with the Letter from Nancy to Sally" an... served dllting the,soclal hour. p . es, , W • . I:Sradd06k, r~- ' ,women togo through t,h.e arc,u- pre&1dent Fred Hunter: , Granaview. ' The ,mothe~1I and ' in- usual buslneaa" session and 8~elal "The First W.C.T.U: Meeting." " sentatlve of tht; fums, reported ous schooling n-eCt!S!l8llY to be ' , f t ' . th ' hOur. lWfresh-entu,ere served.'bv Mrs. Jennie Emley ' read :~e Mr.. and Mrs· Edw~rd , GI11\laitd today following his '1'etum from a 'doctor ' r d ntiat Th'" "Was it not ,' Horace Greeley ~nJ are- occupymlt e 9ame M d M .......Coo~ " Winner.'r, The meeting ,vas closed opened .their home for th& month· Columbus, ~Ohlo, where he at, ..0 a e . e who supposedly said, 'Go West, roo • r. an r.s. , with prayer by Dr. _Emma HoI.. Iy. meetlUg ot.the. W.est Wayne Ad- tended the ~·-·,"nty_~'Il.·- dannua-l finanCIal "rewards, even fo~ the , ' ." B t hat ' -" Co I d tb _, Ulll' most brllliani lind bird-worm", yo~ man. u w can a,ny Mr. , and Mrll'. Ployd Lynch are Mr. and . Mr., ' William : Stro,uae I\>way. .. -' . vUlOry _ un~1 mIDg ,~paa t convention of.W, :the companies ' TL C t n ntlOn week. A general discussion. on vari· : R " " .. yoWl" man who hM worn the ore severely limited by the atate. th~ proud parents of a ,baby daugli- haa as Saturday evening sup"per e anen oun '~ co ve , ous subjects was conductea by Mr. eports presented at the anOppor~unity 107; resean:l1b1l1Dall splked 'ihoes ~d ~xperie.nced t)1e ter, Vikki Louise, born TbursCiay. gu~tl!, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Swan- of the W. C. T. U. ,W1~1 be held In Frye, the leader. nual meeting of policyholders reand ' ~edical men must deal wIth thrill .9f meeting a pitched ball April 7. ,SOD. of' Akron. . Lebanon Friday;, April 2,2, , 'Following adjournment, a soclal vealed the companies paid out ma88elt of .onns and other M with a stick of ~ in his, hailds 'hour was epjoyed with Nfreah- $18,205,,000 , in c1hlms during the ' , ments served bu the ' hiilt and year, Braddo~ Said. PolibJes in tape W~6~ demand hour. 'tlult thipk9f but the South., at _.... 0 uld 1l~ 81 ven ' to theu ,p~e til. Is drab time'. of' ".ItheuyearT 'rhe West " f orce~ach edI a total ,of ~,UO.OOO " .... ...... ttraeti t1i b!>StesB ' k. n ~ .!nevIWbly" • .~dv;mceJl\ent tli iii JD~d chaU ~~j : ' an increase of nearly 20 per cent gQell noi to ~ most cgD\pet4!Pt, , u , a , 0 enge ~ Mr. and Mrs. ?::heodore Con- during the year, he said. but to lhc:iBe who are' ben abllS to adventure. , over and son, aavid, have MtabSpe~era IncJud;;d Dr. 'Samuel curry .favor with the>politlc81 Whenever I think of the Sou~ lished their home in Wayneaville. N. Stevens, president of Gripell minlstrators, or who gain eenlor- 'I think o! Coiumbia. Since spenfMr. Co~tlver is the puhlisher of College, Grinel,! Ia., who spoke ity through the. mere fact of age. ing the 4t:I season Wi~ .the C1)the Miami Gazette and has been during a sales day program. American'. atanda. of he'ilth, lumbla Reds and thWl liv~g six absent for the past two months Munay D. Llncoln"pi'esldent and far Stq>erior as they are 10 those months, witPJn the City, I have because of his son's serious' IUn~ general manaser- of the .6rms, And aD inability to locate housing ptC/llded a~ thE! sessions. , ' of Rusaia or En'llandt provide tlle become v~ fond of Col~bia, here: Braddock,"'Who has heen a~nt, most pe1'!luallive argument for the \belleve me. ,1mm~lateJy foUow, retention o'f ' m,edical freedom. lng ·the last pJayOff pme with h~ slnceJune, -1937, WIllI one of ~ yet the~ Is .now a wdl Greenville Iast ' ~ear. I dr!Jve~ ~p 1lhe St. M~y's , Chlb he,ldtb'elr more than· 2000 ~presenlBtlve'l. ' ollde ,prozrain' to Rut to New.-Y~k and eo~rad (fol~:regular mOl)tIlly meetiDe · at the an.d pollcyholdel'8' of tlIe comRectory on Sunday evemq. Bever- panl~s, from. twelve states American' mecUclile on the ~s bla Uniy~ty. It WIllI 11ke .steptoward the Ruaaian lind Euro.. fr9m the aunablne iIlto a, en.d John Albert of Troy wal the the Dltrtriot of C91umbla who atpean pattern. .' ~Hi ' i,~y~ th.eroomftj'e~.a~ ththee ,ueat speaker and .a". afille talk tended the eonventlon ' " II¥"! __ on "Christian Art and Symbolism." . warmth and the ~osp1tality that 1 Durinr the locial hour, refresbMrs. Co~ Rich, Mrs. Reba received .in Columbia. Not so menta were lerved by 111'8. E. V. Braddock, Mrs. Rufus Watkins, much unlike Jeb :Stuart whose Barnbart and M1'I. Marie Rlffle. Mrs. Flore,nee Collier, Mrs. Lina motto was "get \bar fustest. with Mr.•ald. Mrs. R. H. ' Hartsock, Madden and Kiss Dorothy Day the .tnostest," .it ~ my belief duat I KI_I Jean 'and Jane Uartaoek, attended the Murphy Trrl"'"'' the Columb~ "l1ve the fuU_ I Mr. and ¥r•. lohn I. Bunke, Mr. WJImingtoD, Sunday Dnd I ~ and bestest. , I and ~. ~ld ~ lin. "The ~Wton Story." Yes, it Win Indeed 'he a pl~asure to return to, CoI~bi" I feel cer- " IIml, Mr. and ..... .1I1.a MarUJD Buraffe and 'Kln tain of malcina the team and ~v f the ~.ILeA. J Prend.l'P,Bt and Mn. 'I. P. I'romm Y..,nne Stu~ of Bow~ GfMII log a IObCi year. ! durlne INt· the inapection 01 Wunn University are hom. tor tIlm r Slnoerel¥, irn~""••I·",.u1::rofof..!: pter, ~Ot . .£ir. star at muter neatlon with tIadr ,... _ .. _ IlarYqablulr Oil aa... au. Ifl'. and ~ \Job . . . . . 'l'mmII¥ 1'IoreDee." ; ~ t .... - , ......... and.,...rlIn. A. IL ...... 6: 00 A. M. Sunri/Je Service con-
MO.JIaVlans PIan D Stanley', , a Wln Cleo John Plaster S · ervlCE!S ~peak
Friendship Club Meels At Home Of MrS. 'Holland'
Advlsoli!V CGUne'II . ' Boo~eeping No 2 Meets M et . IAt Bran'nock ReS!·dence _\. j......
:1'eal~ Boy
JOliu'red In
'LocaI Man Re ums
4 "'t-,./'/
From eM· 0.. eeling'
1 ..
ltbia &'
aa- ,
r '
'.--- .......-...
The Miami Gazette PubU"hed every Tbutlday r(\unty. Ohm,
You Remember
£a16 9~tO.~ - 9'~
~ .
BASEBALL-The Mll'lmls played s practice game with Dodds SunFntt'rf"o all lIecond claM ' matteT ' nt the ' postoffiee at day at Wayne ·Park. After seven Wlly"e~vil1e. Ohio. ill,nitlgs the Miamis came out vlclorious by the score of 9 to S, $lllbllPrintion RAt£': $1.110 per yen.r in ohio: ~2 . 00 per Forrest Hough put a ballln.the rnr f'l~p,v'here. race for his first rime /It bat, and several lonE! hits were made. 'nle bovs worked slow, but tbe MIan:ls !;~emed 10 be a Ii~e Imm'oved over, last yeal". After seasonin~ tjme, it looks, like a win• • nin!( team for Waynesville.
News Grandpa Rea~
IMARRIAGE-The marriage
of Miss Doris Ell.zabetb Hawke, daughter of My. and Mrs. C. Lee Hawke and Mr. Vincent Cbades Tracy, was quietly solemnlz:ed, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at, the First Presbyterian ~hurcl1! at Chl~}jcothe. Ohi~. Dr.. P . B.. F1~r rls rea dth elmpt'e.!i:llVe , dOUble ring ceremony in the preSenCE! of , ~he hrid~'s Immediate famJly,. Miss Mariory Mor~an. Mr. lInd 1\,1rs. F. R. Moom~w, and Mr. J . tI': Hamm. The bnde s attenda,nts w ere 'Miss Corrine Robbins, ~OM OT,m FrLES and ' MI·l!. Maynlllrd Itinn,,; Ql herwi~ ibQr~ Is ,\,0 telling MISCFlLL~EOUS SHOWJi;R - bridesmaid. Weltz. matron of honor. ~['he \"hnt would have become of the A miscellaneou. shower. $pon- I!TOOm'S attendants were lMr. hOlts '. 'lor,l'd b v the G~ild ftr SL Mary's Kenneth S l. John lind Mr. M;~y MAYOR'S COURT. Last Fdli:niscopal Church, was tElndered nllrd Weltz. da,- afternoon three y oun~ men The M. 'E. Ohureh of this p\~ce "'~''namele.~ here forevennore"-;rne bride was , att:aotivel~ atM r s.,30hn Gons. nee EstheJ;' ~Eln"' ,'{'[er Ii a theft to the, amount of qerson, Saturday 'evening nt the , fired in A marienette I;llue flat were broulitbt be(or~ Ws Honoll, a lamp al1d a gln: ' goblet. which hom!: of Mrs. D. L . Crane. ~11 the crepp Slown, wlth hat to match !lnd 'i\.{nvor. Dodson, char,:(ed with dist\ll'binlt the l)eae8 of the me . t,in~ were ca\Tied off one ' night lhi~ 'worr:H"Ij· of the Parish were invit- ".arried an ar mbouQuet of ta'lls- : wel'k. lind a llPlendid a'rra,V of !'iiks titan roses. Mlss Robbins wor,e a . nt the M. E. Church on the previwas presen l,ed Mis. Gons, who taifebl $lown and carried salmon ous el1enln~. John Thomas, the is the faithful ann $!ffici e nt organ- SWl'et peas. ,Mrs. Weltz wor.! a sI!x1on , and C. R. Moser, the depist at t.he c~urch. Refreshments '1ink creoe 20wn and carried pi",k uty marshal. were thEl prosecuf)f ice d ·esrn. cake and coffee were and while SW1!et peas. tort:. A number of witnesses were l1 prv rd du ri n \( the e vening,. . Immediately aftAr the ceremony examined. and the finale that Mrs. J , W. Edwards. preSIdent Mr. an(~ Mrtl. Traey left 0111 a ;Ill three' were acquitted, with the M ,Ts. ~orllst , Graham l'eturned of 1he Guild. \!\Tas in charl!e. of the !ih'o rt motor 'tri~ throullh Sou:thadmotiUoion from the Mayor that If they were ever: b"ought before (rom Good Samaritdin l'Iospital ",fl'l1iI'A which wn~ a decided suc- eal'ltern Ohio and West Virmlia. Ijvening, wh 1'\1 I ~he had 1'1''''1 lioclllllv ond otherwl.~e. '" Upon ', their return they will ~re.l. hlm B.l(oin on a similar charge, he 'Friilay: bec1l 1unq·l!.r trea merrt 101' II week. '~e Seven Last Wbr4s. a "'ide with the brlde!s parents. would pUnlsh thelrl to the extreme limit ot the law. Mr'. IUld lItrs. HArvey 811r not at- w~l1 known sacred ~ntBtn. wnich 't'hev hav conllrat1l1ations ' ~Ind Wi~out e>q>ressing anv opin- tended the Wost Wayne Discussion was pre!;enlerl h re on Wednes- hest wishp,s of friends and r laThp. Golden Rule Sunday Ion we may be l)ennitied to en- Group at the hOlTie of Mr ..and Mrs. d"v evenin g. Ao.r1113. will be re- lives.' School CIMS will hold a bake sale hroarlClls t on Easter Sunday at 3' teTtaIn as to the innocence or Ronald A(lw ~c, near Waynesville. n t4e north room of the WaynesP . M. over WING in' Dayton. . lOillt of the parties, we must say Wednesday evening. . vUle Furniture Co.. Saturday at Dr. LlIther Richman. head of we hope the face of there havinJl EvereU Kenrick and son. lJob"by. Ihp Cincinnati ConscJ'vatory of bell Lewis and Mrs. Harry Grahlim 10 A. M. All kinds of good baked been an RlTest made for disor- attended R father and son banquet were guests. Iloods for Easter. . derly conduct in a house of WOI'- at the Centel'ville Methodist Music, \lIR'! ihe !,m est conductor. The foltowln~ o.(ficerl' WI!re The W.S:C.S. will meet'Thursship, will put a stop to a habit Church on IlVcsdey eveiling. There Rn'o ist~ on the orOlitr"m Included eleeted for the year beginninll( dav, , Al1.r11 21st., with Mrs. Pearl that everybody knows h~ been were 160 g~ests: Rev. Walter Dicl(- Mr. PhlJlitl WorkmRt't tenor; Miss June 1st: Prelident, Mrs. E. B. Rldlle at her home at the Comer toO' nrevalent .il;i our mld"t, ann hallt · of S\dney . waB the guest 'T'f)hp. Ball. 5I'nI'AOO; and Mr. Don- ,Lonp:llere: Vice President, Mrs. of North amd Fifth Streets. ql~ Gan" " naos. to ' whiCh we hs,ve alluded to in' speaker. Charles Tumblellon: Seereta'ry, The FrIendship Club mel Wedthese columns in ' no measured I Guy Routzahn is somllwhat im. ·Mn. Rusftli Campbell: Trea.urer. nesday at 2 o'clock with MFa. terms. It takes very litt1e to dis- proV1!c1 after veing ver" ilIfol' the Mrll. Therle \Jones; Promotion ~!c- SteUa H!)lland. turb a meeting-a shufllin~ of past two weekI!. The dil4ghtcl', T<.irl<ha1n '\TId little dau~hter . in retary. ¥rs Waft~r ren~ck:. SI!CThere was a large attenc!anee feef, whispering, or anv '!nbc- Ml·S. Earl f,1:endenhull has also Btlt~l(l Oreel<, ~fich. r~ta1'Y ot, MI8~ions. Mrs. 'Eml)st at the Sund~y momin~ services> eomfhg mqtions m~y effectuaUy beM ill the Routzahn home. M i ~s Olive WlIliams, Mrs. Alice "Rulan; Relltlon~, Pu Sooial I S..... t WMr". rk "Vor'rs "Iand' several new members were ey; .....enYoutb0 ,WOIrk. n, . 'aken into the ch"-\.. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deweese muk and Mrs. Everett Early nOn Charles rsCharlton; I w ..... ' destroy the solemnity belonging qalled on the 1RUer'!! mother, Mrs. Mra, CalY,in Lonncre: Children's At the evening services the to the house of God. Gett;ln~ up 'of Moraine Ci~~' called Saturday at Bunn~ll; choir gave a fine rendition of the .and goinR' out. in the, midst of di- tbe homes of Mr, 'and' Mrs. Everett MlIl'v Huston at McOleJlan Hos- Work, \Mn. Charle Spiritual Work, Mre. Earl Young; East;r Cantata. The J'OYOUI Be9s vine service, without proper ex- Early and Mr. and Mrs. WaIteI' nital at Xenia on Monday. CU_, is an ' uiloardonable lIin Kenrick. ,. Mr. and Mrs. l!JVeretl ' Early at. Literature, Mrs. James Wieal: S~p- of F.aster. by Carrie B. Adams. a~ainat gOod behavior, ' and no tended the Metho~~st Church In ply Work, Mrs. Fred RUB"; SunThe final quarlerly Conference Mr. and Mrs. Fl. A. Arnold of. "Lebl'non 'Sunday, 'when their ~bine Ohairman. Mrs. P. N .. Celr- for the year will be held Wildnes.. real ladv or ~entIelnen wID be guUty of the lJke. We bope there Dayton were Saturday ' evening 'frandson, 'Neal 'Early WiIIil\.'ns W8II nell. da\> evenin\{, April the 20. 'nle will be no more of It lndulged in dinner guests II! lItr. aQd Mrs. Les~ baptised. Refreshments of Ice cream aJ~d .Rpverend Dr. Robert Kennedy Jie Gray and family. In WaynesvUle. . were Mrll. Harvey Burl11lt, Mrs. Harold cake, In keeping with Easter, III be willd YJreslde as DIstrict ,Superin1\f.r. and Mrs. (leorge ~h:kpatrick Whitaker ' and daughter, .Rebecea, lIeryed. The Mar meeting w ten ent. III it not time, We 'T~l1y are announcing the "birth of a Mrs. J. lJ ,J()nes and Mrs, Walter held at the home of Mrs. Melv.yn r ~ , ask our citY fathet:S, that legal daughter, Thursday, April 7, at Kenrick attended a get-together !rIeh . affle. 'I .measures were UIed to put aston GTonrivie.w ·Ho!lpital, Dayton. ~eeting and covered dish dinner, to the infernal din with - which of t.he, ladies of Fumer's Grange. people are neeted w'\ten they get Sun~ay 'caUers 01 Dll. and ~rs. on Tue!!day 01 last week, at the •• I married? IlBeUlng" may be called H. H. Herman were: ~iS8 CYllthia 'home. or 'Mrs. RhodllB Bunnell near WiIliam 'Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Waynesville, . .fun, but it is anything else; In- Jones, Wilford S~, John. , Mrjl. St. John, deed, it is ,nothing less thal1 an [jr: Slrawhll,n and Dr. Simpson and 11[1'. and Jllrs. OIinton, Rogers and Mrs. Lena ' Hartsock, Mrs. Fred outrtl~e !lll the l'CRce of (,:oJtlIllu - Mr. and Mrs. David Allam,n of daulI'M!!'rs of Lebanon, Mr. .nd ' ' . 'Mn. Roy Smith in~ f~mi1y of Kook, Mrs. Jennie Conner. Mrs. IllY and the rightS "of priVBt~ c1ti- Dayton. Oram Shoup, Mra, Lawrence Furzena. We' hope the officerS will Route 48 were entertained at A pay their respects to this mlltter, Mrs. Everett 'Early ,wag one o.f fi sh fry :$a!:urday evening by Mr !l8S, ma. · Harry Satterthw.ite. the hostesses at the Wishing Well I ~rs," Elizabeth Smith and Dr. E~. and Mrs. Vernon Purllley and ~onF ma Hollaway attended the Flower Griftith Hlnchman~s house took in Centerville dll Saturday when the Westl!rn College Olub wcre l'Itr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Show in Lebanon on Thurlld~y aftlire from a defective Aue, la~l g11ests at a luncheon. Tipp City FPt'lIt Friday with Mr ernoon. Saturday, but the fire was diland Mrll. Guy Routzahn ani! tam r.overed by D. R. Anderson in Mrs. Jennie Lacy is spending Mr. and Mr~. Job" But'l\1ce f,t· ily. Little Patty Mendenllall retime to prevent any serious dam- this week with h!:r ~on-in-]aw and turned home with them. ' ended th" "Hom~ Bunder's Cla,~II" age, by usIng ' Ills. utmost exeT- daughter. M.T. and Mrs. Charlet 1l\Tty at' the Partymart in Clnel.n , Hr. a~d Mrs. James WIClll 'an( ~ati on Friday evening. Mr. .1~cJ chlldren e'nte~..jnejl .Mr. and Mre ~rs, Burske were mem'6erll o.f ttl!; Roy Winks "and daughterll of near class ;when' residents ot Cincinnati S~ 'Paiis and Mr. -and Mn. V,lrnon . --'. ,Garr, Moore.. e~cee nt WLW " f Pursley sons, ,-11\ner 1)1', Mr. and Mrs. R,. E. AlIl!ury ha've NBC'a "Ta~e .. o~ r "!lVe W' Qll iz NOW THE .. SOLEMN HU$H Sunday. &8 their gueat their sOn." Don ·AII- -shOw. Sunda, at 10 p.m . .• S !'. . ~. bury, who It! en ~oute from Can!,p rafflo listeners to ~ ' a v 1\ OF RESURREcnON Mr~. l'tettie Emrick had for her Knox to ·Ft. Eustl~, Vlrw\nla, wbere ad"'les borne on Sunday nlA'hta. U " I ~ dinner gU81!t Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jte will continue bls miUtUv trati,- bel'll. ealUn~ l" ." t ., flU" ~ Oharles Anderson of Waynesville, I - A bur!;t of song In tbe .rant " ~. : f)' . • ng. Mr. and Mrs. Leon SalI.bury, 0. Mr. and Mn. AllburY al.o bad 1&1 , -Joyous Easter Tidings Wuhl:ngton C. B., Mr. and Mn. Sunday guestl, Mn. A. C. Grell~e , Ther1e 1J'0nes and Milton and Mr. and Mr. Jaek Albury' of Da~D • . HE IS RISEN and Mrs. J. B. Jones. Mr. and · Ml'tI. R .. W. ,De~ ;Jr. Mr. anti Mrll. Walber Kenrick' a~d Mrs. Joael'h BOllnt. and Ir~ , .nIL James Haines were g\1C11t11 at anI! Mn. Forest Debore ,qf ~. ~ l'.. • ' a, family dinner Su'nday at the' ilton. Allen ,of [81ftd ... ' ~ome of their nephew and wife, Mr. Rice Of ' HaMilton, alao were ... 1t!r. and ..MTII. Robert Haines and a~moon eal1erl., . 'sons in Dayton, In the forenoon, they' atten~ed South Rark M~tb odist Church where Mr. and Mn. , " were received by letter and , r Bon, Bobby, joined. III the aft. , -ernoon Mr. and Mrs. Kenrick c~Jled -MEnfOPIST Mr, and Mrs. Tholllu Collins it B Colemaq Mlnlster, lind found Mr. Colllnl qllibe ill at ci.~ Sc~ooi', ' 9:30"""" tllis'. ~Ime. ~,', ' J. ~ J.' 8U~ SUpt . , Rcl,:tiveB ~oQnd friel)dll here' were .wOfShlp ·aDd Se.rmon. r • sorry to learn of the death of, M!. . . ' 10.30 L~ Milrrls Miller, a former Lytle relll· SPedll \ Music ChOIr dent. which ' occurred In an ~ auto' Youth 'penowsblp 'nlursday mobile ac:ci~ent Snnday eveDlng on o '7:00 ' PM Route 73,- near Wilmington: Mra. OIolr Pncflc:e 1laUrsd&"_ Miller i~ 'in a serioull condition at . 7:45 PM Kelly Hale . HO!lpital. She· is the , niece ot Dr. R. H. He.rman. '. '
lQ8EPR 'E. JAMES. 'Editor
Heaven Is Real Bu. LeaNII for A,dl17.1Kt
• •
Sta y A t I ':'"
in, time cease to be. wbUa h~ven lalta torever. A tew atomJo born til, a wblff of
Home new "phll\le, can' make Chlcaao vllnlsb; but lltomlc bomb touch beaven. 'l'he pity II, 10 'few ChrisUanl reaUy be· lIeve this. We can lei mail from ChI· cago, but who ever beard 01 mall nom Dr. "oftIIUUI heaven' Wait, Ihouab. , . . ther. ia maD trom .heayen, and 70U hava than In yoUr Bible. If you accept it fOf what I~ I., tlie Word at Q~, then It . Ia the Word from beaven.. To b. lun. It dQeI not' tell ua mucb .about heaven. If you were Ictually tra'velina 'to Chicaao, you wo'uld not beam b, atudylna a .treet·map of SPECIAL SERVICES Come! Receive a chaU~nge to that cib'. What yoU would need ts a map 01 the rolca betwe... your faith.' 80 tile Bible .. ceI • ..... The young people of i h e Chur:ch bf ChHst are presenting baM te tile "ab' ...... it .. rawe ., • nall-nla, .. bel, a 'drarn.a- entitled "Challenge of .. ftaI Ute be"-_ ~. the Oross." for your IpiritUaI edi~ UIen. Nevel1ll. . . . . . ... Hcatlon. ' . ' 1 IIIe . . . ............ Ilea".. At this ' season our :mbtcis are II reaI, . especially turned ~to the victory Chrlstlanl bave mall)' realODl for that Christ won over death l"ld the grave. All are cordially In- hellem, In the reaU" the tutur., vited to a.ttend thIS service to spur lIN, and lome of tb-e •• ma,. not be your devotion to great~r heights. In the IIlble; but tb-e belt realonl are there. Services begin at 7:30 p. m. • • • t Sunol-y, 'AprU 17. .... Jesus BeHeved It -
Church .,t Christ
lNIFRt:D .KIRKLAND baa truly . .Ul that lelua did not limply heUeve iii Immortality; be ,U"ed It. , Je.U1 would never hav. caJled tbl" world or \hts lite trlfllnl or unlmlIOrtant. But .U around, ·.u nder and over and throulh \hts vtsIble world.
JelUl WI. aware of, another. lie lived and acted a. a' cltIzeD Of both _r14l. Be talked Of ute att.r death -or tot that matter, of hII own uta before hII blrtb-u cwm, aDd naturaU7 u 70U '!fJOuJd apuk cd nat
week or nat 1WruIlII'.
nity that beal' tbe WO\U1da
of ~!~. ~
'9112 FELl BASE RUGS Gold Seal ~. BraDd '. • $10.95 Manitex Brand . .• $6.95 )
A ·f:in·e : ~ss4l" tment .of ~ e'a Qtlfll' 'p atterns in stock. ·
\', II
Wail Paper 'and Paste and Sizing a. E. Bulbs - Nu Enamel
& AppliaDce Co.
So~tb Me.", S,t, ~cro .. fro.. GrB.Dle. H.d: WA YNESVII . I .' . OHfO , retepho~ 2422
MesUames Charles Tumbleson, B. Jones,'P. N: Cornell, · Wal~r Wilbur Foulkll, Harty, ,Nettie EmrIck. Bltaa ' Cowa , Loulse Hill and Susan '. . is this. smart gill, Saylor were guest15 of the Wom-, knows' one of · the bi, HC!ret, I! nn!s Society of the Centerville popularity Is alw~ Churc~ Wednesday afterno~n, Mrs. well-groomed. Elrlng)'Out G8-StO!' Foo~ of 'Dayton. gave a to us for dry cleanioa. Our very Jllterestlng ·book·renew of a tomers are alwaya .tllfied Chi.nese b;ady.. Mn. Yu. SJle dress~ special care Is glven to every in the Ohmelle , costume. ment. _ . The Woman's Society of Lytle Chllrch was entertained ' at the. church Thursdl!Y af~rnoon by Mn. Charles Tumbleson and her committee, Mrs. E.rl TOWII, !jIrl. Therle 'Jones and Mn. P. M: e.ornell. Th~ worship lIervice ~a. bY"1 Mrs. Susan Saylor and topic b7 Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Mn. Camp- .
Stubbs Funeral 'Home Victor '~ n\lmpson, lion of Mr. and Mrl!. Alva Tho~p.on! . former WaYJ1'esvUle tesiden", nOW of Day'ton, and a graduate of Wliyneltllle High School, ill ' atteOOinl Miami University and was reeelltly pledl{Od to . the Sigma (Jhi fratemity.
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Sa did Dot ret~' ID darkDeiJ, be DOt 'under tba .eoatrOl Of . . "medium" he 41d 1I11i make bIJn..u Im~ b,. POIdJ" bauntlap, Be wal _ at 1l\~·tabIe&. he Il)Oke to hIItri~dl OJ! a ~OUIItalIIIJde, h. came to fiiljieQllen OIl. IPriq . tpornln. b7. a .~e Ibore. Tbe earCbHa~ doubte<l I~ thbIPi 1M f_ doubled :tllet tile ~ . .I rlaan 1Ddeed. .. '
• •• R IIqbu WHb GM
TDlHUI CUBE tot tile ~ bIuto laid, .. faltb til Gad. ODe
ot' tI!e ·.troqelt re&ICIDI ~ beD...
Iq'\bat the tutur. ur.,Ie N&J, ~ tile ffOLLY ME'l)fOD' na. .· IDd cllaracter of Qo4blm. T, M" Scarff, Minister IdIII 11814 u mIlCh _ow, In 811 C;unda\' boof ," 9:30 a,m. 8l'I\IIUI1i wtlb : Wbo cSI4 _ .
E,A. Eandlart.· S~pt~ S . o
¥Qrshl~ ' Sewice
l..... '
to :30 a.m., .
beJlave 1D lmmo
nth... weft. docl'.
v:~laf .sen1ce . 7:'30 .,.m. ;-~"= . ,tOJ so14Jli'n. be IDlPt CREEK FRIENDs WUI7 GC ua u ad1U4 ",aria. Of ~ t ' MI 1..&& Its toJ. aDd· .weep lIS aD IntO . . Rev. David S a~ld, nqUl' nru. without ' . llUlllllaDfa Sunday School ·to. Lm. tIIoIJtIlt; But' If ...... ~ hII Worship Semce ablldreD, ~ wbeD .Ilfa'....... •._ ..... Eo U-' _ _ _ coma. be',·WiD caD JaIl ~, ~ ",.a_ 0, Do ~-... ren home ' , "'ev. William ShahnO," " "'"""ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Sundav SchoQI ' 9:3.0 ...,. ...... ~ -:. : .: ; s.muel 'N. Ken Redor 'Mrs, James Garrl$O~ SJlDL ~ 1M __ ... ' frCb School , 9:15 A.M. Preach 1st and 3rd SundaV! ..... ~ U . ' M each manU. 10:30 ..m"... , ' .............._ ... ornlnl Worship t 1,:30 A. 'evenln, S¢rvices ,:, 7 :30p,m. .: :' ""..... - 1. ' ..,... ,.amou ...
=. .,..
Day ~ool ",·eetin,. for Worshjp
9,:30 a.m. ~fURai .
A oJudaI, wIleD be ......... (u > •
, , Dr. Joseph Myers. Minister
10:30 a.m. SUndav SdlQQJ'
W~ . OF atRIST M. H. Coffey, MiIIIstIr . 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship to,:30 A;M. r People's 6:45 P•. M. l' Evenlrl~ Service 7:30 P. M m~:IW& and . 1:30 PM, QiUROi
Mrs. Ruth Saylor• .Supt. Wonblp Semce to:30 LIII.
. -
110 ilia OWlS fa Judal ;CUJfu out ilia OWlS hID wtPl IiIm. But. ma'lIb .aul.. or..,., ~ wbG ... IIaa at IioIDe willa GOd .... ~ ... auua. Pater
..... at Jut &alia ..... wID. ..
PERRY arURai OF CHUIT WJIlWer laid,: .Rvmn Carver. MInJster Bible ~hoo" 9:Jo a. in. -'o"'in~Worsbip to:30 10m. Pra.~r Meeting - 7100 p.... YoUn, People's Meet..., ." 7:00 p..... ~
ANY PEQPLZ feel 'It ftUl4 be eaaIar to beUeVI ill tile tutur:e . . Ie IOIIIe0118 wtIo had. bHn IC!fOM tb'iIIiiji 0fCIPlIi" would nturD acroll that 1iIIe to brlrq am...., . from till beJOlld, So . . , attaad , .eaneel and the)' 1IItan to tab'" tappm,. aDd ihrQUIh aD manner of weird perfotmancq, ID ~oaIer to . . • WIIId ell' two fr'aal IOIIIICIM who bas j)aIRd 'OD. ...".. raoad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 'IIiIi .....: w. . . .. .. • ...7"h 'DIa - . . . . ..
Always'liD Demand
, .Ote6
IS jUlt al real a. ChiHEAVEN ealo. More beeaUie Chlca,o
.ftIt . ~. " _ ".II.r.l .
. ..
""'1IIr~""'. """
-- -
MARRIAGE LICENSES William Albert Roblnaon 2,8, Spl'ingb(.lto, route man, and Martha Jean Millard 21, Springboro, steno-' grapher. Joseph Harold Green 21, Morrow, ahoe factory worker, Pauline Greene 21, Lebanon, shoe 1actory worker.
M ort gages 0 n Farms ' EX t ended
proved and coDflrmed, ,ale of real estate at ,llrlvate sale. Estate of Laura C. Scbooley, dec'd, William Ralph Schooley, an interested party, estate exempt inheritance tax. . Estate of Harry J. Perk, dec'd, Hany' N. Perk, Sr., executor, distribution in kind. .Estate of Phoebe L. Campbell, decld, Roy L. Oampbell, executor, filed his first and final account. Estate of Harry J. Mllyne, dec'd, Emma \1. Maybe, executrix, in· ventory approved, . Estate of LUcy M. Borden, dec'o, Robert A. Borden, aq!l\inistraicr, George Gates, Don House and Fred Meeker, appoinied appraiser~. Estate of Charles A. Mefford, dec'd, Bertha R. Mefford, tlxecutrlx, Harle), Ca.r penter, Wil· bur Carpenter and Ora Locke ap\Jointed appraisers. Estate of W,. F. Karper, dec'd, Laverne Plunkett and Donald W. Harper, executors, ' filed their first and,final account. • Estate of Margaret A. Johns, dec'd, Paul T. Johns, administrator~ sale 01 real estate.
REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS . Elizabeth D. Gold8'Tl1ith to Wo ford C. and Mary G. ~terman, ' PROBATE 1~3.05 acres tn Turt1eerec~ twp. HORSES OOWS.'$3 ' George and Mart Vint to Ric· Estate of Addi~ M. Weaver, According to Size har~ E, and Vel ma B, Quigley, 16 A FARM DIARY lIeo'd, Luel~n A. Weaver, executor, f. inventory approved. and' Condition. aores i ii Olearcreok twp. by 0 .J •• 'qAIZER Ralph W. YoUng to JOhn W. - Estate o~ .George T. Sp\lrgeon, Ca]1 ' McGraw ,2 lots in Springboro. • dec'd, Elsie G. Brackney, sliminisApril 8, 1949. Peach blossoms, George and Etbel Peters ~o Bur• U' Mr. Ellis StUlm Il)!ormed the trlltrix, filed lwr first, final and wild plum, areen gt"QR and gr"" lie'tt N0 bl e, 026 . acres 10 mon q -. -~ , Rl)verse Char~s t ' Miami GazeUe that Ohio fanners distributive account, e~tate exempt skies most of the time. Now an~ wp. ai'e conve"'ing their deb'- to I,o ng inher~tance tax. 'hen 'there ;5 a nhour or two Alexander David to Viola Pres· •• "" • • II 2 J t . D _006 ' 'Id tw ie rm' hfa r~ .... ' 1oans Hazel L. 6'ilrper, 'a dministratrix, ne, 0 s an e"" dO p. .,...0rtg age 81 t a blue ski ell but "he. wind _st · chllke. Th.... . . and M'ld I r.,Ad K . M: e W rapt .. aceI an n o Wlces 'blows ft'old and Mar iiiiii.llii~r H arry L " ' d" M . S. K ,en' of tile est"te of Choster A. .Harper, ~~., to Kenne~h E. and Al icD Vil'ginin neely, Jr., p17e5ident of ' the li'ed dec'd, plaintiff, vs. Hazel L. Har· say that the frost has done some 'Keister, S.22 'acres fn Franklin tWI1, el'al Land Bank of Louisville: ' per, ot al" defendam, di stribution damage to the peaches but ~ow Foster W. and Stella Richar~ During the fli'st tHree months approved. mUQh remains to be seen. The day morning just as I was start- to Walter Fltts, 1 lot in Frank- o~ 1949, 624 farmers in Ohio, InEstate oJ Ode Arthur Kroener, apples are no tdamaged so far. ling for ohUl'ch, John appeared lin. ' ruana, ~enLucky and Tennessee dec'd l Leona M. Kroener, adminis· COM~lON PLEAS hadn't s~n a he,n in my garden with the' old man to talk about Ira E. and.Martha 8. Bowen to obtained Fedel'lll Land Bank tTatrLX, inventory hearing set for Carl Foley, administrator Joans totalling nearly $3,000,000. ' April 26 at 10. this spring so I thought my peas the mule so this' year wc compro- Victor Stibbs, ~ lot in Lebanon. G~stllV H. ~lmbaU to JlohnDand This was a 51 per cent. incrl!ase ,In the mat~r of the gUllrdiun· Ralph W. Young, case dismissed would be safe but when, I went mlsed. I rented him the mule unout· this 'mol'nihg I couldn't find til J 'H deli ht d d -BeSSie SchweItzer, '1 lots n eer- over the same period of 1948 and sbip of Ode Arthur Kroener, Leona with prejudice and without record. une. e was g ~ an field twp. ' M~ Kroener, guardian, filed her t b t l did e ~,e:c;:tche?:d .n:w I am he would be here for her Esther E. Diss to Gustav H. and the largest volume of loans made third and final account. '! 'he l ..... i.. u~ Qtl 1!)u,}I,t'.,t ,•.A.Ul',ioIw " J , moming and he was, FranC1ls K. KIm'ball, 6 lots in by ,the bank in any quart~1: of Estate of America I., t e, • taUy ' discouraged. I thought now , e walked out h'om Waynes- Deerj'ill\d twp. ll/.1y year 8inC~ 1935. dec'd, S. Pl:ice Steel, administrall)r, Soap chips, Hy·suds, Bllr soap, that tl\e old Leghorn roost r wal in spite of his ei~hty"flve I Virginia Richards ' Van Matre, ' , Ohio farmers during this peri- tiled his first and pal'LIQ~ dietri. IItC., - sheriff, $163.46; Carl A. gope and some of those hens my We gathered ' up her har- et al ., to Gustav H. and Frances od received 156 loans for nelarly butive account. . Dellenbaugh, Servo rendered iI-l-S1, and put il>on her and he was .H. Kimball, 5 IQts in Deerfield twp. $800,000. Counties recelvlng the Iii the matter of tbe guardian- $10.0; Columbus Blank Book Mfg. gal'den would be safe but no, I WUliam H. Sc:hwepc to Lucille most loans this year are Clark , ship of Rose W. Bird, Harman C. Co., 1 gr. legal pads - Sheriff, ,was just fooUsh and wasted my ready to drive ner home to Lebseed. '. anon when we remembered our. ~. Goodrich, ' 2{)7% . acres in HlIm· Preble, Wayne, Fulton Logan, Stibbs, guardian filed ' his first $27.60;' F. 11. Heer Printing Co., 200 balan ce sheets - Auditor, Wc have been fence bulldtng spring wall:on. It isn't very Ilton twp. . ' Stark, ' AShtabula, Auglaize, Mi- and final account. this week. The hog lot at the old !(ood and the harness' had to 'be I W~lter FItts to FIJI;t: r and Stel~a ami, Monigomery, San dusky, Estate of Albert R. Starke, dec'd, f$18,OO; Kroglll', FOOd fOl' Relief Marquardt barn is now finished pieced ou~ with baling wire but Richards, 3.0 aCnlS In Frankhn Warren and Wood. Freda S. Bost, adminilltratrix, filed family - February, $21.0(); D. R. . ond Ihe shoats are happy. I hope they mana~ed to /!:et 1t to hold to- t w l l . . Kennedy sow no significant ef- her first, finai lind distributive ae· Smith Grecery, Foorl for relief February, $22.50; 1 J · ICuEdmmlng~ tO E1dW a 7d feet ol this debt; switc,hing on the count. t!;toy will now be -8II~e also from ~ether and we gave him an extTa ndPauaa Bordon's Dairy, Milk for l'elief t l h h th d ' . h d d a c e war uS, ' 0 m all f f d b ' Estate ' of Lueious C. Mounw, w h IItever t ey got at . ma ~ lIupply of wIre In case e nee e . Franklin. • oY~ramount 0 arm e t . m ' dec'd, Mary M. P~att executrix family t _ February, $1'7.92; The them sick. Some of them' got out It. There 'Y1lS . no , se~t on the ,. George Jr. and 0uela Cook to the state. He interpreted the J?- Sarah Schwartz, Carl Stiles and Book Shop., Office ,Supplies, $2.42; the other day and . ate something wa~on but we IIave hi", a sack Ben J . and Mary E . . Cox, 1 lo~ c~eased demand £,or th~ , L.and .Charles J. :Waggoner, appointed Johnston ' Lumber Company, m quldy that poisoned them .vio- of straw··to sit on ~n dhe cumbedj in Franklin. . Bank's 20 to 33 year loans liS a appraisers. Materials in repairing closetl~nt]y, ~t may have ,been some up and drove off. I didn't find Ben J. and Mary' COIC to Cecil move on the Pttt of Ohio farmEstate of Pal Hazelwood, dec'd, Engineer's Office, ' $20.31; .. Id motttdy cQ.m in the bottom 01 a'!y pieces when I dJ;pve to Leb- , and Ha.rriet· Bowermaste.r, .6.0 acres el's I.o-p.rotec~ themselves agai~~ Mary E. Hatelwood, exe.cutrix, Armrel Paving Company, Inc., Tar and applying on Road No. 26, the corn 'crib, i~ may have been ano", that afternoon so he m~t 'in Franklln twp. , such drops m fal'm comO).~rut.y transfer of real estate. Mary Bradley to Mabel B' prices as they .have already feIt Estate of Florence M. Watson, $315.86; Wanen County Truek ('ld mouldy cow manure, or some- have got there, He says he is gothIng else but we bad fOUl" nice Inp; to shoe her and, curry her tin DeJan~y, 6 lots In Deer~iel~ twp. . this Y~l' by matchLng their re-, de.c'~, Charles Marion Watson, ad- Sales, parts, $41.'76; Armitage and . shoots that we thought · were her sides shine when we get her HeDl'Y H. and Mmnte Mae ( duced net income with smnllel" mmlstrator, Ray CaJlah!"n, A. H, Son., 39 yards read1f mixed conl'cady for the fer,Ulb:er wagon, It bl1clt In June {oJ! our summer vis- Elbrecht t? Augusta H. Sons, 107.- payments (In their' debl:$. A :f.ur- Ro.berson and .James WbIsman, ap- crete, ,aBB.06j Stanley Earnhart, _ ~~ rted by .making them dizzy itors to ride, and we hope Mr. 9'78 ~cres 10 Clearcreek twp. thel' advl1ntage is ,the lower in- pOinted appralsers, . , P. ¥., Stamps for Aud\t{)rs' office, fl nd~ they walked around In CoUins has' a good garden. Now . Onn C. Ch.aney LQ. Harry . and terest raie usually borne by long Estate of Kllny J. Perk, dec d, $21.00. there is Ben Irrdependenb sturdy Berths Benthlcn, 60 acre~ in HaT- term mortgages. Loans hoth for Karry N. Perk, Sr.,. executor, cles then thcy got worse Th . ked h rd tha _1 · ' · , Ian twP. , '" L . estate exempt inhentBnce taM Mllt 8ublUhde for Valvea , wot:Se. ey ~er so a , t ola tlm~r who Is prou~ {o take: Angela M. Pfarr to iToseph W. the purposes of ()6Pv~ing sn,Qrt transfer of real estate. To make a milk .ub.tltute for th~y went up In the air and came care of himself, and hl S garaen aoo Regina M. Pfarr, 1.40 acres in ter~ debt ~o lo~g te~ debt and Char1es H .•nd Meryle B. Gray calve., u.. S5 pound, ot, Il'ound do~ ba~ They turned over and and his mule. Loveland. of making lmprovemen.ts exc,eed- all co.administrators, ~f the estate com, SII pounds oJ Il'ound oats. 20 over. Whenever you turned them Herman and ' Marguerite WQeb. ed those made for Duytng IMld. of J. C. Gray, Mc'd, plantiffs vs. pounds ot eoticnseed meal, 10 on the left side tlley acted llke kenberg to J . H. Woebkenbert, Charles H. Gray, Xenia, Ohio, de- poI,IIld. ot dry .kimmed ~, and '1 have 's eal;!, they 0.459 acres in Turtlecreelt twp. _. • • . . . . ••••• --4 fendant, report of appraisers ap- OIle pound ot .alt. lIome to~ ~O E. R. Boullton to ArnQld and, ---.....:..---------,----------~__:_ flipped up in the air as if there was a spring inside. them If \ Inez ponner, L acre in Salem twp. 1umed over. We had the Lloyd E. Young to George W. th~ ' tlt\les and then' they beMrs. AlIve Furman of Beaver- and Frances R. Spaeth, 1 .,lot in Came more quiet and' we didn't town .is spending a few days with. Dee~eld twp. bow whether they Were better. Mr. and Mrs: lilly Gibson. Amos- and Mattie Johnson to or worse I got a Uttle milk doWn • A .'. . ed Corwin S. and Nancy IJ. . Fred, h 'h . b til welDe~ t roast was eDJoy 3.B'7 acres in , Union twp. r " t l'em wit a SPOOh~l ut HattwakS Monday evening by sever81 / Vernie Wa},'r to Vi~gLnla M;c. t 00 s low f or my el)ICr. e 00 nelghborlJ at the home of Mr. and Gaha, 5 lots in Deerfield ~,
Dead Stock $3
Xen.-a 454 - Fertl-I- er' Uf ,"Xenla
J ' Z
II fJ9/J lu
the thllOO! r thUsing~.:and set1..~eknm up on e r ta ...,tween..... eft. l ~nd we drenched ~em w;th ,a bottle with warm mijk aDd water and enough ground feed to make a slop .thin enol1gh to pour. We diel that three times a day for tbree.days and today the last of thl:m are up on their feet out of the trough. They are no1 entirely right yet and the.v will never ' be what- they ' might ' have been, but they may pull though and pay for the feed that they have eaten up to date. Four elghty-to-hundred-pound shoats are worth wokring to ave. , Jeanette, our little mule, IS working out. for a couple ' of months. Ever sInce I bought hef Old MI'. ColUns, Tom Collins, Pas been trying tp buy her of me but as be ~~ected to just keep her through Ihe' IU,m mer and then sell he!' am-in t wOl.\ldn't RU bUtt ~ alWilY! had tile -feeling that hI!' needed her mora than I dld. Sun-
. :Why? '
Mrs. Eddie Marlatt and family.
,Mrs. Elsie Koester oJ Lebanon, 1$ spending a few days with her son and famUy, Mr. arid MIS. Morris Lewis.
' Laveme an.d Philip U. Plunkett to Donald Harper; 11 acres; S rods . You can payoff anytime" and ' S7 oles in Wa8~illrton t:wJl. Long Term 4% No Re·nl;lwal Alton P. and Ada Cope to A Fal'men guarantee of s.;'ctirity Howard. and Mary Rose Fielder, 6 Made Through acres in Franklin twp. Altoh P. and Ada Cope to Robert K. and Mary kathleen Hayslett, I)' IIcres in Franklin twp. .. .. .. r
Mrs. 'Neme 5milh was lIupper guest Monday evl!ning of Mrs. AnIl!J ' Lucas and flUDily. I • Mr. Bill Kellis of neal' R;dge; tal'm ~cu'ueu,.. ville caJled on Criends , here tb~ !twice lis many larm people are past week.. Injured iii taU. than In any other type of accident., Mrs. Robert Greene I)f Dayton\ Mr. Henry Berges a~d chUdrell' of Beavertown were dlnner g\.\csls Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Sue, Morgan.
Lebanon NFL A 11 S. nfoadwa),
Lebanon. Ohio
Enjoy the 'com'fo~t and conven rellee ·()f electric~. 1 liVing.'
:M~S8 .!Mlhnie
Crawford of Dayton was a week-end guest ,of ber parents, Mr. and, MJ;S. CI!U'ence Crawford . . ,
Mr. and Mrs. MorriS LewIS anllt ,on Jerry were in Dayton'· Monday morniDg. ' '
MarUna RoCkhold has, had the
Il)~le,. 8~ ~eek.
,Genen! M~~. Repair ,WlDard Batf.erlee
•J KlfR'S Garage
Main and Miami SII: Ph. 23 .. ,
wUd gll rile ahd wild oruon ,long havc been iwo of lhe most trouble· some weeds Jn southern lawns, pas- ' tu res and certitied grass anil araiD. seed 'production 1lelds. As Jawn weeds. these plants gIve the lawn an I,lneven .. ra~ged appeal:Ance nnd produce n very d.!s:lgree. able onion odor when mowed, In pastures, dairy cattle lee(lllg on thest' plants , produce milk with an oft flavor 'whlch Is pt great conqern to dairymen ill several states. Seed production bas been limited by the presence of wild onions in many fields because ot potential contllmillation,
~ -~~
During the past thrce. years many experIments bave peen made with varied forms of 2, 4-D to control wild garlic and )'Iild onion. ,Testa with sodlum snIt of 2, 4'D were unsuccehfuJ. Esteron 44 lind the · amine liquid salt f'!rIDa tions, . however, gave good contiol when used at the rate ot thi'ee to t~ pounds of 2. .·D acid equivalent per Bcre. Apparently the :amount o~ water used makes 'Uttle dUteren,ce in the results obtamed. As mnny as 125 gaUons per acre and a tew as tiva lIaUons per acre were appUed with equal success. For. pasture work. observers agree that Esteron 44 ml\y be seme: what more effective .than the amine .altll, but because ot the possible danller from volatilitY ot the e/ltera of 2, 4-D, it Is suggested that the amine liquid 8alt be used wbere susceptible plants grow In Immedl· ate~ adjacent areaa. (Lawns, for example, wIth adjacent tlowers and ' sbrub!>.
M,oiiture Conservation Helps Wi~ Wheat Crop
A SO-acre t1.eld that ba.1l produced Uttle durlilg the last few yea~s, even with favorable- moIsture con4ltlons, prodUeed. a ,oad \~hea t crop, !Iccordfu, to the Kansas state college extension service. "II c,!ml>Lnlltion of thin,s made the land productive agaIn'" a con· servatlon district cooperator snld, "Usc of sweet. clover:, seedell in . the aprJng of 1946, for green ,manure lind terracing. and contour forming for moisture conservation 'were im. portant." The land, be explained, W88 badly eroded. The soil was thin. dense and ' hard to work. It hlld nQt proQl1ced a decent crop In the previOUS six. ;years and ~as practically idle ,land .. Guillell were plowed shut aftcr the terraces' were built, so ,that ilic' whole ~elq could be cOIl(our farmed. tn alfdltion, Elrass waterways were developed and ~ore terraces plan· ned. - .;/'
New Hay Cflop er
tII=. .
Adequa,. WirIng, wilh plenty of circuits, lorge ,_" entrance wires and eno~gh ,outlets f,or reol convenience. ma~!, any home more Ii~oble .
.we. ••,. ,
.Adequate Wlr'n, i.s Il)expenslvlt. 100, in comparl. Ion with the added safety and satls· factlo~ it bring~.·: Se. ' your ~Ie~!rical' . contraclar .,' or talk olle, plans with ci represen,ative 01 The Doyton Power aDd Ught Company_
Molwe. puff. tIIould be -Hl'\'ed' " __ ali:tl!e1 CDIII.'boiD· ~ ove_ thot 'lunl;lIeon Ii,eact to' aeeompany a~"'" ~ ' ~" TJtey are e.~laUy pod with .,..cetable., trait,...... ~ ebio... 1101. ._ puffl may double a. ilnaert If )'OU pftaIab tIIeID With IIDtII and aene with a lemon ..uee. · • A. muCh beau.. of tl!el~ hl,l! nutritional ftlae _ tber ,.... IaYOf, mol..... puff. are an exftllt'nt cholee for ," ~ ~1Il'" A4dea to. t1Ie fron In the mo..... la ,tlla' of tile . . . . . . JIoV. wlLIda alia auppU6 B-vltaDlIDl~ prokbi. and food eaeru. t , " .oLABsBS PUPFS. . ~ .:J
O:i:a;' iIIIIIII ..,1<heI ......
,~ . ~=::=I .........
~ ........
lth..., ......
y ...
Tbia comblnalloD ba,.. chopper
,An oId·tlMe lawOI'IIe. .01. . . . ftavora lIIJ1l1p JO IIOIl8101 U "8[pU1l I lie HtYed either a. a ._... bretd or. . ~ . \ , . .. . ~e U8 DO .~ '1r!~ , JO • . M4)I.....:.weetened b.... ..,11 cook... MYP; fall to p~ tac. . ~J1Dl UJ lI1"q 8Cleqv pue II.ITll:ll148 ' . ... 11111 .~ x,taAe 'Wtl0J ~ Just IS they 'did In cranclmother'. tlutl!. Here mol~ ..;".. -Ita .~ tanc to a mllllD-bDe. ..... wlliell "ue_ 'Ua3IQ~qun leuJ1!J.1O III !:II to prepan. Liquld ~n~.. ti- are added to tlie~ flo1ll' mist. . 'fl quick -VIM\MII .,.. allRQ " and ..atlrred only enoQh to DlO~ the flour', ~. tJIt. batter II re..." ~-10f pal\. ,~ , • " , ~ , •
• DO', yoll have to disconnect Q lamp wlien you plug in the lIacuum cleane,? Or do sOf'!le of your lights dim when on appliance il cO,nnected? Th~n 'lt's high . lime to do something about wiring. O~e'lodded ,circuli. that cause lIollage drops or popped fuses are a constanl nuisance-and ,so unnecessaryl Ade. qua'. WI,'ng is the answer . ...for full e"ioyment of elecir/cal IIl1lng •
. Mrs. Opai ' Clay .of op Me. and MlI,rI&1tt.last Sunday.
Wild Garlic also Found Vulnerable to Solution
W. and Mrs. Raymond Osbo~ of Xenia called OD Mr.' and. Mrs. l'Erner&on Dill. Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Jess DUi ealled on Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Dill Monday' even.. ing. ' , I
Esteron 44 Results In ,Wild·Onion Curbs
'.1 7
.. """:'"
... '
... .
The payton Power ~nd Light- Company .
"-"I. frOO '.M,-w/uo.:.. a~ COLMAN, ' ......... f ,. , ...
, r.n. iio-MlUN
• ...... -
- - - - -....""-.... "-"r.
and emUago ' ouUer, whlcb oall' be operated .,y lIl:Ie •. man, bjUI been lntroduced by the · ~ew 80Uand Machine company. The ...." maohlDe (eedll, Ol&t. to de> aired leDlth and blows corn. ba,. or oiber crops to mow or silo In alii! operatloD. VU&Uq In lenrths. ra..-m. from 1-11" 'fa 1"". the ' oboppe~· culter CaD baa4le liP to ~ toa.a 0; e,aIlaie aD boar.
Bathtub Faiily Recent ' Innovation in America 'Although many Anlerlcans con· sider the daUy bath essent.illl to ,oocl bealth. moat ot thelr predecelsors of a cenl!ll7 allo never law. mucb leBl batbed In, a bathtub in the bome: For pre·Clvil Wl1r Americans, bathing was a hU\Ur)/ Indulged In ,a hut along-side the home, Tqc Wllite Houf\e go.t Its . tint bathlu\:l 'drlring l>fncolrt't term. The flnt /l1I·lron lub was Installed, III New ,(olk City In ' 111'10.
W. C. T. U. met Thund a, aft. llrnoon wHh Mra. CI,.de Levee,. at her homer ¥n. M.ry S. Pteraon visited her 'uncle, David 1I0rris, who I. 111 at hil! home in Sabin., Wednn d., evening.
leu there wiD 'be • ten
unae,. 011lO S~S
schedu le of league play, home and five away, ONB CENT PER WORD : minim um charge, 25 leque ~ aw·ardll~ 1 eena. Cnntra et rate fQr repeat advertisements tht club wl~ the moat AsmTOLD BY. r __ CoNssitvATI ' CN __ r DIVISI _ _ON application. _ Cd wins. 'nle league chamPl . then pgy an all-star club from Mias Jallet Doster. daurhte r of the league' . ro.ter. FOR RENT 117 "oM TractOI' for rent, a)ld re- . Rev. an~ 1\(1'8. Billy Lewi!! of Mr. lind Mn. Oharles Do,ter rep • , Charley Price, one of , the GBa_O DIC WIND ." lilted equipm ent. Everett ' Sears. DRY ton, r.ompleteil 11 weck s l!C~ie~ resented Ma,ele Townehlp achool smooth est fielding outfleld e:rs In these parts and In a the of membe Miami meetinj! r of 's Vall, the Iloro., Sunday evening e y Ipellln, bee, '~U'RII a waodar. AnD.... Bo.. West of Waynesville. on Rt. 72. ft MponsC)red by Station WHI() Sat. campio at til Friend's Church. Btn H.nnon . . . .mU· h - n Americ an Legion Phone 2242. ' so Ill.&not.vtr. at ber but at the btu. print urdRY afternoo n at · tho Van Oleve ball club of 1949 has jolnecil the dI.'e! Ch"i\: worked IMigull on. far IIlto tht nl,ht. held their' l'c~lIhrr Botel, D8yhm• .FOR sALE wlnte~ coachin g staff and will monthly meeting SaturdllY , eve. drew wack7 ak.tch" of bouIt. team with Bob Campbe ll, ':I'hE; Gleamer Cla.s s of Friend' . be dreame d up and AnD. mad. the Registered Guerns oy Bun Cal- ning, at ·tho home ~! MI'!j. Mar. Church ill sponsoring .n Ealter ex-Kie r's catcher , In giving the blue prill" that 1I0id peopl. h1I v... Some ready {or service . Sons ~~I'et Tucker. sale, Saturda y, ' ,April 16, at ·th. local youths the expj!rt eoac!hing kI.... r.ytHe!. '. of our lte~ sire ~gwater Com- Mllsonk iDspectlo'n was present . G·range they nefl.d . Yours truly will conHlIoII at 1 p. m: Ann. nid .a,lffy. ''l'Vt out out ",ando' s Roya) out of AR tested ed in Mnson E'nll Wednesday centrat e on the pJtching staff lOme of th& window.. You to·r.ot eve. Dama. Wrl~e NU-MA ID FARMS, ninlf with members from neitb.bor. while Price's chief work wiJl1 be &b.t the · Branton. want • loti of 107 E, Peerl St., ClncillJl!lti 2. Inll' villages TeprE;sented. with the' ba~ers. Campbe ll d:raws w-aU .pace for picture.... Sh. watted OhIo. , mo,. praia.. Ane! walted. O. B. S. inspection of t his Chap. the assignm ent of handlin g tl\e forBen .cooped up the blue print. ter WRS held here Saturda y eve. catcher s en dlnfleld ers. Next "I ,ave a deal of »me to put.. weeks' ~olumn wll lannOUOC1E! the DON'T FO~GET TO CAt! ning l~ MasQn Hall. ?huy /Cuesta tin, thOle wi n. fl'olll' offielal slgi';llng of 'one more coach us for Insurance. All. types nf ed. other places were represe nt. II t dow. e ... at 1 " whose 'acqulsl tion "inay bring' the insUl\\nce at a sa"in~. Call IU' . where the, OII,ht champi onship to·WawnesvUle. Prancls f".eqe arown, phone Seve~al frienlls and relative ~ at; Flotl.. Ito be." he mut. So far. Ollie Carter IUld "Bones" WA'yne svnle '.! 4 72 M call tended funeral services tered, "but .ince for Mrs. Jones, both . a1ender rlghtha nders ,all mtntlon it. Mn. Branton : collect. Wllmln non 2111 . did Mildred ,Lukons Hough, Monday BOB' ,O' REGA.N '87 & about hanlin' Bran· have shown' weI lin their initial ton'.IOmethln atternoo n. at Lukens Reynolds Fu. l.telt atrocltle.. H.n«ln ,'. mound ~orts neral Home. Wilmin gton. Burial the servICE!S of loG for them . . . So Will Waynes vllll! have a track a hard throw.lnbut g right hander; or beautltllL .. was' in )~iamt· Cemete ry. ShC' team? Coach Ed Porter said "¥es" lelthan der are passed sliU being away on her 78th birthday AUCT lON££ RINC 5O'~gI1~, 1 Be(ore Ben 1!!ent to the 'NaV'l in IlO uncerta in manner , when inanniver sary. by yours truly. Danny SLmp- Ib..,- ware a'lmoa' enlaled. Sbe w•• tervlew ed reeentJ. v ()n -the 10c$1s son, Ist ~cker STANLEY and KOOt!l.ER last year's Mr. and Mrs. Will Drake, of Improv lsed field. Pointin g toward is. again availab le althoug h dub the ·on. who had been uncert.ln, still BbII w•• .UIlctrtaln no lonler. Tht ."..--.- --:..--- ......,.IIAO~ER!!I L C~NSfi BhlRchester, were colters in town J a ck Tinney, a stalwar t Ii ft. 175 ........----"-----,.~--------.- h pia tLa T .quart ... M_ from a cracked • CARD OF -O:'''YV 'C! Jld-' Ion Snyder , Lebanon', Mrs. Mabel er ..... 'en -lOr O.t~ •. Ph.... ~ . W."n ••""II, Saturda y. lb lad of but 16, Porier said er in)'ury: Othe- back in. sl!o1 '- ".nnnQa' :O Lan-ellS thook. "~~~n, .. I .a, or do .. eeml d To the people ' of Warren CountY: Weber and Mr, ' Fred Kellat for O"le Il• . . - ChaHl •• ,.. to plaa•• ruin .n,,"ore ," III. Mrs. Jda . Collins is visitll)g her compet ition an persiste ncy will are Don Pope,...''Red'' Robbbil I i' h ~1.. __ ' __ f Hopltlnsville. Butlerv ille, Pleu';' ns, ptred. "Wh.t .. the m.tter ",hi.· with w s to express my....... ..... or ant Plain, daughte r', Mrs. Sterlinl::' Ingle ann make .Tinney a strong contend er Joe Florenc e, infielde rs and Har- Ben," The and Cozadil alei and unlce of ..... d new,.. til f your h ·old k;lndness IUld . ·the many or PQmts an prizes in. e sat family, near Greenfield. ,- outer ...... Stanley , thin JJm Jordan di'd , a nd h I cepUOII th W IAU OR 1'BADE IIt In th. oftIc. flo.tee! - .J . Ti'nney, gs you _ i4Wi " Charles Biggs, 10 . e p e arren Mrt. Carter Kilburn , South Leb;,,;;..; .---- put .!,!venIs "We wlltch ..o outfield er. N.~w, to ller In mockin, an.war. "Ob C oun ty C SoClO . t Y w hile I anon: Waynes ville iioes not have Mrs. ' Oz-wood Martin who was II membe r of this year's comers · this ancer 1917 Plymouth 4-door Sedan anllMr.lionand year wU )be Howard 8eft, "OIl're wonderfull" "Dougi~", . were week·end WaFren County basket.b was pre~dent. . a c~rm~ tQ date, anyone interall chamand Chevro let Tractor . Eyerett . guests 'of relative s in Kentuck and Joe M~JI infield- , Ann. dlffetc! . Ustenlnl for ·Ban·. . For the Past year our project ested please contact Mr. Harry y. Dlons I " p ut. th e 8 h ol esvera ..... wat of ayneavi Ue on Rt. auwv. Sh. could e.rlh be.r , both onl7 of whom have looked th. ha S L~ _. on ft k ueen N. urses. ""---' d <>erVlcel ......... LrlUlll~ Palmer , Mason, Ohio. Romine Shumak er who has been a b (>ve .,,11MI' rumble 01 bt. vole.. ~ .... 73. Phone 2Z42. mar an f OUlld wei Un baWng practice . II Please send your contrlb utlona AlIne eould Imallne bow Mar- portatIon, Medl ca ti ons, S confined in Miami ' Valley HM. ourselv es in comple te agreem ent upp as, the chairm an for your locality The softball situatio n ma" ,.Iear ftDa looked Ii••he I&ld . It, ." . h t h e S partan •S I'OR 8~ 3 Ibs. and pita!. after. submitt ing to lI.n opera. Wit .. X-Ray and Radium treatme nt.. , , track mentor . . Itself In. another week as a ~meilt1 A I f $1346 Ilutte-' --' wide 'Ilb' amUe. AnD. GVW. 'can 2953. Robe¢ Furnas . tion, wall 'r eturned to h~ home the tota 0 Also competin!{ t h il' ve~ rwill be Ing of last was spent in the or mail to Cancer. P. O. Box 2 O. ...... years' officials lind IDlOOthed ber brown - - - , - .,"-, ....-."4" be Lebano n, Ohio. bo, bob. county. wi th over"" past week. Ere is l'eqovl'ring satis· Ken Vickers . F.arl Pownll, Dick Give to help fight ,,, ing spent , manage rS is Sch~uled for M\m- Karvtn a "a. a IIPDthetic LOST- Woma n's brown pocket- filctorily. blond. in Waynes ville. LawsOn, Haripn ~rnhart. Lee day, April 18 at 8 P. M. cancer. , at ithe llutefy , Ben wouldn 't))ook In Waynes ville betwee n Due to the fact that I have Thankliig you, Mr. and Mrs. \lolln Syferd of O'Banio n, Ed Dakin in the slJriDta Winter s home. Refreshmen~ will Il;~:! J'ourtb 'and Main Streets 'on Dayton, ~!n~:n i~: ::;bI':' v~~ joined my husban d ~ , Blooming... and distanc were Saturda y and Sunday es and LI1Iian W~ Ralpn Purdue . seNed, BobtAl len! . . lIItu thIa bOI1l18 w.'n have a ton, Indiana I have beet) replace North Street, on Monday night, guests of his mother, Mrs. Mary hiph jump. ' aood cbanet at the univaralty" new as preside nt by Mr. Fred Kellard , A'Pril 11. Notify; Jaclt Hawk, S. Pierson. NOTE OF. 11IAN KS Coac~ Porter has no track chapel" 'Waynesville, It. II 1. of Fostetl i Mrs. LY1:U1 Bettie of schedul e at present beeallse the I wish to thank my frienda and Cincin nati-Th e last week of Mrs. Virnin\'1 \ Park anI'.1 ·Is ~nklln, 1 Vice .Preslde nt; Mrs•. relative s for the ma"V ·ugh. Wa~\'nn County leadue has noth- ,t he exhibiti on game s..hedule " , , ~" carda and !'OR BALE- I936 Ford Dump tets of Cincinn Ila!! .nother L 'Aea about th.· ' ,.. _.1.. Clark ~ati, were week-'en!l in1l except their county. meet later com~ up .. ,"v" 'll'llza 'i'""w 'V • 0 fOg re 0nla, 2 Bowers' sent to me dllring Oll the ~calendaT for the Truck, $250. Ph. 2742, Wayne s- g uests of hCT naTent! , rolr. rnv eta lI,e." He .preae! II cn,LIIlpled Vice Preside nt; ~rs. and 'In 1hft ~prl·nw. Perhan s the Waynes L'Ucy Terres 1y appreci ated. SIn-;'re I..,Y Reds who wind up -~cb on her drawln , board. We'D of Le " c , , , ~e-, OhIO. Ml'lI. H. S. TUcker. " ..... --on Secr tary' an':! ...vilie track squad would ' e In ... Y sklnnls lles this week- buIId-'" the bOI1l1 't' -DUi. in the .Ho·pi·a l. --ey we......eep....- hill. ..... an t H . . IHUl P I, fe M , Ca tr........ I William Ecton, WhO suttered a most if 'the v could practice with .. I i t I. til ,.. "'ve. an an old.worl • .."u d broken rool llDe ~rry . a mer 0 ason. . '~ me aUl"ona ope" ng Mrs. Milo Beal the .10.... for bact....UDd... paralyti c stroke at his home Wed. Class "A" Dayle," schools 1;>81!8l Cha!1'IJ\Iilb. as a end lind begin to pJa'y "for keells" Anne, .tu~In' the .keicl;', felt ber . The same projects will nesday moming is said to ~e re- track man mllst have outsIde be cargame next Tuesda y. "";"J.~ beart , link. Hl8 aotioa ... Impoa- ried through 1949, so I beg of covering at this time. comoeUtion you be tit his best. " The Reda hit borne ground db).. .......... ' to gi:ve allyou can during Cancer lWa:vn . esvil1e's coach - " Porter Wedne sday night and we 'r e Mrs. Lau.ra Shidake r and sister, "It would be beautlruI," mur· · month, April. , lIrs. Jt... S. ColJett entertai ned invited to se"!e 'ar.a f th Ir fi C I sa judge or e r s t rds ey lIlurad Anne. ''bllt wouldn't .vt1'1 ...... C. A. Arthur, ~l.tsd by three tables at cards Friday eve. The chainne n of the differen t lit Miamisburlt for a track meet against an roo::: ::: :ufllfer ent leve1!" She ,~wnahips are 1Ir.. Artbm:, perform ed baptism al Ding at the 'home o~ M1'8. Shidake u foUows:' Mr. r. this week. ADDarenll:y those In Leap,!e teAm since UI« 1Il~'Th.t" pC ~t th. cb.rml' :' rite. 8QDda, m01'lllnc at the Out of town guests were .Mrs, r,harl!fe Harry Palmer . Mason; lIIDu Elizart rem"m bered that Porte.. the New York Ya,nlu!e s Ketbod lit ChUlCh for a ,roup of Jeanett e Va)1der Voort . a'pd "It mel!nI .~pplnl up .nll ~oWII.labeth Clark, Salem; Mrs. Ruth was a athlete lit o..~ci State ' Intp t?,'Vl' .Tbursda.~ to mll;ke and .Mfa. Branton I. old-" lIdailta and chlldreD, He allO con- J. B. GOIi!l, 'of Wilmington, Mrs. Sherwo od. Union; MI'S. Francia and I)f r.aalme rit. their fil'l\t Ci)u~ Cl~ . ~h()wInt! duoW Oo.~ ~ce. (or two lIrl!. F;mma Cline of Dayton . "Nonlenae. She lust II~ .nd.lmltl ~Ivml,e, Washin gton; Mrs. L. Two nractice s arc jlnne 8./l~ the since the 193& World Sene!" H.· Sa~ing fa a good h.bit. By bavlng a4alta _ wbo oiaend 't heir membe r· while be palnta." " . Hursch , S~rln~boro; Mrs. Lynn an account with UI · ,.ou _er:red to thi. ehure" . . T' J I Mr•. Oaee Harlan, lit'S. Emma Ioca 1 A merlc~n The last of the Reds' haft warm-' 1 I1' "1t'D be wonderf ' ..eltlOn uL" nut un In or Mar- Betti Mrs A e will be la ed II<> .1 r . ' ~ elllewhere. Pl'ecedi ng CUne, Mrs. Clrde Leveey-, MrtI. A. ba~!,hal\ Ip"m ,~ .. ' a. . rnold 'U-th .DU e, an d security for the future.... .'Ready nlampin R' CIncm :aJ ja o~ched~\J:r ve~:;.,. voice was sharp, "You're 'Mrs. ~mb9 'rwa ceNmOD1 Mrs. VlrainiAj~: Collett1and Mrs. J:.aura Shldaker lit the hit Fnr ~.... M~U~.,:ra:: ~ e.alih for elllergen~ell,_ new ear, tri-collnt.y. against th . Indiana II • dl ~ c aU wet on thl•. Anne. ......Jrer Puk, ~lora~ra aoPran~, were Sunday aftel1l()on callers of 1ea"1IP n'npnp,r a;_aug Mr,AU1Jt!lL q"hedul ed for May of th ~ rI F' ~ •.• 'new home' Confident fillllilcial ~~lnciaDati IiUIa "The HolY M.rB. Ida Hendricks, Miss Etta Ar. ~ till an~ ''Tbe eottl,e WUI be wet: 10U '9 .'''' ~a.,·f tP.lI vou whethe r the """er. s. ucy arres, e ,. . e can a on II me8ll, potI:ed UIlder tbi bill thai J(lltJ." )In. Park ~a aecqmpanied nold and Mrs. ~aUy- 'Wrigh~ R~ah McGlD, and Mr. Mar- Independenee. S~p In today and . at the "'I'ryh ooens CIt home or not as llicbm( )nd on and 'al!mf1ls* at the. p~o Ii,. ber oUler; Mra. ~obaBco ~urstng llome lD wa. rIaID, • . "You open that aeco~nt" your a.. uruee Wil. ~h c-lemm e and Sunday . v.--t'l 'ucke r. mow .. dec:l!led lall., . that the mtngton. dmwn' Uti Ap.rll 01 -.-sccllritJ . oaIJ place 'for the hoUle ... Fol1owin~ the onenin!! !!lame . , next Tuesdlly. the Reds wilt nlllY 'he 51. Louis. Cardina ls allal" "r l"htU·sday. then hit tlIe road For l' qeven-d ay tour of PlttsbUT"h . ~. f ,o.u is B.n d Chica~o. The fil:'Rt Cor!liey Field nlgli\t "Ame Is sch~uled I'arlv th'~ "par 'T'h\! Reda will meet the Pitt!!bm'" Congre ssman Seyen th ~irlltes under the Ughts on Fr.INORRIS £~OCK COMPA NV day, April 29. I Ohi:o Distr~ct CASH FOR DEAD STOCK " 'OllIOInnotl I.:'nion Stook Ya.d. -~ . Two days later the flnt Sunda,y. 'UORSE8 13.00 . cows '3.00 ./ ..., doubleh eader Of tI\~ season wiD LIve wlre and ·..... a ....... ve. /It .. , , . The 'House Represe ntatives 'will be jfiven iti< of hands swung aC'l'OSS Capitol Plaza 8I!tIenia ation _nd to non. .nd down, Con'· he .sta~ed at the' ~C8 park With According to slle and c6ndl"o n. annu.l '!!luter 1't!ceS1I at the closo nf buslnells on stituti.on Avenul1 the PirateS , who a1'1! touted . SIII All Stock rell\oved promptly. "rlotl" ••lIe'l on. tho beet .\prW 14th' and will t:eConvene 011 Monday. Apt!: stand. ns 1!Ome 160 Ila"t · the Preside ntial reviewing stronll tbousan d people lined the penn!!n t conten den,' aptn 25th. The Seriate. which is fllr behind the HI/IIl1e in' route. Immedlately'followinlf ·all oround market In t"'~ I . the. Army Day parade. provldl n" the opposlUon. Band"!.eetlnr ita ledlllat ive I\Chedule bl!flau~e of the time th'1 new SecretatY of ..untnl . J~ES~ERlNC Natiolla l Defense will1ned , LOuis In John· betwee n theae alRYIC two I THAT ,"''''ISP IU "Onanmed In the filibuster on . the Preside nt's CiVil I!on ~ announced that, in order to ,b ring about a more ~ents will be the iQItIal t.dleq' ~O v.rton It: II 11.' e. '1'. 'Ugbll lIrDJ!Tam . win remain In session in an effort thol'PuglY unIficati ~ Phone Collect on of OUT Armed Servi~el!, in the Day game for lIND s.twlday, t.o catch up Ita ,.-ark. Incldentall ... this humble. futu'r e IIcparate "days" for each branch, WOlJld no O. 1712 April~,~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ lonj!er be ol;lservcd. but, instead. h,onor would 'lie 'lIaid ---rIcke I:Ii- .......L.-!~~~~~~~::.;:~Jlf~~"~ ~( several ts WiImiD ItOD.. O. 2312 o~ the . Roo!!e for recess to -all af the Services on one day each year. to be known may .,e ordered d.y. with his aged Mot her in ·Flocida. AS "Armed Forces Day." ' choice seata may' be ob1WJted , • ; WIllie ~.Ident Truman 111 expede d ,to send the' Admlnistrl! tI~n leljders in. the HouBe have deeitlecl b~ wrltinlt the' Reas .~et oIRcie lop cd .... IIUL ,Tha" cu" olrt the "forth Atl.ntie'Defen1lB .Pilct treaty to the Sen~te nnt 'to "ttemp t to up eit1)er 01· two Importa nt, At 307 Vine Ei~~ bul problem .nel the, boute ,eta' • ~t\1 time nOw for ratification. it iii doubtful that hillR by'Chairm1ln bring' beslnsltj, of the Laboy Committee breeze. You ~ve 'a level atretcb....h "ad,. cwhl take up, or'deba te, the brellty ratificntion Ilnti! sometime after the Ellllter reces's. One til the "'OIIa7." tbouted Ben, "bllt CO Mr. and Mrs. Mayn.r o Rich, o:f 1~lUe lor 110mB weeks to come. While the Senatl\ is ex. LeRinsld bills wa,er ,Br.nton 'ItIOft't tblnt -.: ,li'otPd r~peal ~he Taft·Ha~ley' Act and PittsbU rgh, Pennsy lvania ~ec!ted to .ratify the treaty. many Senator s ~eem ' do, substitu te In its spenl t 'l'ba'door l)auPd on him. 'place the old -Wagne r Act, The oth,er the past week-e SAND ~ GRAVg,'T ~;l'OUtl of maldn!!! I~ dear to, th~ world 'Amenc a's en· would 'iricreas nd at the home 8Jie·et 1aR him. A to. of JnJan, e minimum wages from 40 · cente .t o 75 of his BtAa: .1'OP pjlTent!!, Mr. and Mrs. J .. cJCIIeCI Of'" ,btl' .,;, intQ th~ Defense 'Pact does not obligate this na· ce~t8 an hour and greatly .. &bt lTIecI to , teD exp'Wd the number and , 13. ~Ich. t lon to furnll\!i any particu lar amount o,f arms or type of \Vo~l<ers IierIdt tllal If .be couldtl·t beve TU" 'aoA DOD . covere" by the MlnimulD Wage . fi nance. to the governm ents \>f Western E urope. W lID aD boo..t but.. ibe dldIl't n oow appears rl\tnar rertai~ that the House will.Law. LA.., . ... PILL DIRT m· want lWD. '11Iat clI,!ID't , btlp. If icct the outriR'bt repeD. ~f fhe ,Talt,..}(arUey. A~t, as . Last week the House 'IlR!lsed the' Al!!xiculture De· well as any amendm READY-1il1X COM :Uft nen'i trUe. lib. III'lIhId ."'d Ue\! ents which would greatlf .m~ify .. ".rtmen t allproprill.tion bill, totalille: a Ijttle over '701 its D~ovi stons. anel 1UIbed. . . ".' Also. tbat the llew minimum wage EXCA VATIN G .... ~ al p~ed lqu. "Bnmtoli .. or• ., ...UlIon· dollars- 2.l\ Ptl11ion 1ell1l than requested o¥ will be fll(Qd at 60 or . , . 65 centa an hour, 'jylstel!d of 76 "~Ident Trumllu'~ Bureliu of the Bude:et. A.llpr.oxi. ~ent8 about m, lett.... , II,Ild wfll be tied to the C01lt of .living indelf, I ~.iijiii!ii~iiiiiii!!!i!iiii!iii!!l!l!!l!!!lipj"~iiii!iiiiii!!!iiiii!iiiii~ ' 'It.i1Iata are alwa,. craQ." .he I" ... "tely lieU of the' 8,1'1lropriation, ' or 31i0 million dol. while .the "covera ge" provisions of the preaent law ,..rted , bllnklnl baek' tear•. '~T'II, :wIs' mllde directly 'available for the:' .u ~e of the ,VUI' be chnnli;ed but little. . ~ behlncl ber wa. a .Iir· ~ " rar Electrific;8tion Adminil'ltration. With 8uthol'iL , ' y pnae; ~ biu'l upected blm &0 ,.I" pn to. the Secreta ry of the .Depa~trrl(mt (If Ae:rl. Dr: F.dwin. G. Nourse. head . of the Presideitt'H CIOIDe baCk to the office ~.t nl,ht. ' ·,Ihtre to n!le "nother 150 milliot) .doliaT" f,,'r R. 11:. 1\, Council of E(.'\Inom lc A'd'yisers, laat Week warned ''OaDlratUlationa,'' .h. Hid. with . ~ l1eeIl1l~1l1"V: 262 million dollill'!, were g pt aside for alr8in ' st inereasi ng either I!!oyernment expe!!ditures HOtTlt8: . . tarDin. ber be.d. and· telt. two " " -" A.A..A proRram for 'the co~lnl!: .fiscal year, and or !I'oerp\ trules, argUing . . .' iwMII ann I on btr' .bOuldtJ'l. th.t such illcre.s . e. eou.ld "0; m illIon !ioUars for the School' J.tJnch 9,,12 each momin l 'Tor wba"'" alUd BeD .ottly program, plungp this country into a serious depr(!s~ll)n. Pr. , -,.l... .. 'IAnll S AIl••••1L11 i.... I&.n . "lIp tho !=Inil Conserv atinn Servk was r,·' nted 50 NouM' o' AUl!!ll'ested that .. in order to' l;old down over. 1-5 aftemo ons eyctipt "'edneida~ "1'01' beJq . a dope! . , wbal .... • • • • • ,. 'mori delran. . 7.9 Saturda y ev~ . " . would I do without 70\17" nll p.l>vor,n·ment apending lind . to prevent deficIt ' ~. Other evening s by. AppoIntm~t ~'t B1'antoD-.. ~ 1Ie,8n.. finnn~inro:, the cost 'of IIny 811111S furnillheci Europe, .. . . ow. ..... ..... . ,.. .... ,Jln I . . . . . . . ~ aa W.. ; }tinA1,o" .. nd the Dil\tT{ct' of r:ni~mbi n w'jl1 1"0 n rp l\1tl~ of our TELEPH........... -D vn ... ""I""Q _., dpvl l rcht !IQviiiR'1I tim41 Pllrly ~"Jlrl8:V m'1TIlilll" Pnrt. ha 1n"t pnky into tbe North Atlantic Defenllp. " __ A .._ - a--·....... · .-...r· In. . . . . . . ........ nRUJU by reduCl\ng apP1,'Opriationa 'for the '~ IlU . . , . . . . . . . . . , . set" . . . .. \ Pil 24tb~ lind' will not rettlr!) to EB~t,.t;J'I !,\tlll1n,ml J'l1'l'OM r; ned doWD It bIr. ''1It•. ·8rallllln y_ ..... . , . . .Ie __ ,.... ...... .... '*- ...., ""me ,,,,III !'lurilla)' mC'rn;'\! !'. Sepl~mbf'r 25th. 1'h1~ T>.cfense;\ll Ttrcovery P~J!Tam and quI' OV{Jl Nationa l pldred til. boI!H on top 0,1lIe blU." ' Es tablishment. Incidentally. c\>mmntllty '~"1' 111( ':111. duriulf Ule Sptll1ll and Su ml)1 "". that J('OV· fI"i . . upIaIne d. "&be .ald. 'M, hu. '. cfl~ a"" cnnti1]uilJJ!' their downward t,rohd. LBst ~ . • .... lIIen~ activU~a In WIIJlhln wtfl.'I, in~lurli"g s e~ !.'-inn ~ week ~ !liS no blad baen't a pr.ctic. ) bone In Il ton cut'in the seiling PJlice of steel I ILL:.; .. ._....o.i.:~~ bIB bead.' wm JOU A7 that .boUt • OInlF'Ml!. will -bamn .nd end one hour .. hoad nl r"i1,., ann a·$2.1)0 ~ a ton reductlo,n on I\'alvanized steel l1li IOID. d~' W. man a .weU ..... 1I:astAm Stendar d Tim~ l'Tevllillnl!.' in Ohfo. ' . ",pro> announced by 'll'veral of the I.rlle steel com· 1-'"___ ... ~am. ....,.. What do lOU •.,T" I'll. . 1_ n1pic" Sn it appears that Dr. Nourse may be glvlnJ!' ze -~. Vloath 0 . . . . . . r,.at '''~y W8l1hlnR'ton witnesse<l its Ift ~~ the Preside nt . and the nation lIome l'8ther . lIOund • • _7 Da,. parade w~n some ten thouMnd sol- Addrc. 1l1INIA, ORIO " ...... ,n\IftM1'ODi anita of mqbllc I\\,tillery. and· a IIcore ., ."'";.r•• llrw OD . .~ ...
Ben '. Not Llk. That
"S '-' PO RTe lANT
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'With A.Buckeye In Congress
WaJleSYide NatiOllll Bank #
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Gazette ,,bODe:
2143 r , - - - - - - -"'-----..-
Talking It Over ,
A Column of Comment By The Editor
. We
' tliank all
,A ·r.e ,R e'gJ·,stered ., " E F'· t G'. 'd' O· 1rs ' ra e '7n ,, I~' \I
. .
E)Darge'd G .'" roup WI"I" Further Ta",x School Fa'till·floes
Hono'red, By ~
' 0»
WaynesvilleI Booster'
. '1-11 6
wish to tqose" , a\. persons who ~ve commented on . " ~ls,st week's M11UTl1, Gazette, It Is , certainly. bellJ't.enlng to realize I tIhtrt Waynesville desires its colnmunity newlpaper to grow and improve. Many smaller 1:0~ws munlUes have lost their ne - ., papers dUrjng rec~t years and we believe this loss is a definHe, indication of flle gradual decline . of S'ucb towns.
Be A
Natural Gas Here . \
B~GAM£.~SUND~~ High. ' School' Band TIle ~~~nesvU]e Junior Am-
preseots Coocer ' t p~~tice ' ~ttend' WedDesd ay EveDiog
eriean r.e"O/l baseJ>a1l team willl ~eet HarvewlbW;g SUnday ala ' p,rn. Patk, in .8 ' game 'rt.. public is .10 this eonlejrt.
WStS·' Mee'ts' " ' . Of~ At Home' lhel~ •' ~- MrS e earI ROdI
• -.
Fl'i~l\Y c~ening,
ApFiI 22, J\1 1'l!. M, D, Bail'd and Mrs. ,GerId C " cl ' tel'tn;'ll d at ah l' ... e F1 en H' = 'f tc mis QJY1e ull Mn ( In J'~al a a ,cellan OllS showel' IJ1 honor of H'ere tn , Waynesville, we be~ Mrs, N Ol'llllln Bac1lel't (ne~ NaoJ;Di Ueve, there is a splendjd future InOl'eased ovel'cl'owdin" of Eal·nh s l'l) . ' for the 99 year old Ga ~elte b Th" l d t M ' . h. , , ,, ' e JJ1\I1 e ' giles s were, rs. The community is destined to Waynesville s schools IS m pros- BaQ.kert , ,Mrs. J , L , ~acke,' and grow and is blessed with all na- , pect fo)' n ext fall. Already. uc- ' dallghte.I'S or Cm'lll le. M~ Vlrturai Ifa.ctors needed ~o assure cOl'ding to Su:p,el'~' ten den t K. M, gin/a Hardin. Mrs, Ethe') Slevens, this growth. We hope the Gazette RetallJck, 70 chi! ren bav: h~en MI'!;. G'eo, Henders~n Mrs. How"an w'1J:h the town 8li~ re. . ard D Ulnmo.nd M.isR DOl'Othy fleet grQw cred! , bly upon the faith o.f registered 10 enllll' fm"t gl'lld ' , 1.1 1 DUll'lnlond ~"-s' A H Sl'ubbs • ,......,., . ,' l those heArty pio.neers who se- Septeml,le ', , Ml's. Ralph Has lings, MI's. Walter o lec.t'ed our t wns,ite1:12 years The ndditior.J of ' th e$e bc"il:ll1'e L'~ "'1l;e~ll1\n" Ml's. .R. B, polemllD, '" .. r oJ I'" ago. will make a, app ro.x.iml1te in - I Mn;, Waller WhHtlk"er, Mrs, K , en13 Ea "'LA ,- - - crease in schooL enl'ollmr.nt of 45, . neih Hough,' Ml·S. H. . r'~Ldrt We will ,alway's be glad: to re. ' . and QBugh r. Ruth, ~n;. John celve any comments or crl'Uc- A.bout 25 seniOl's will gradulile 10 F"OI'I'~ , Mrs , Viola ,Harlan Mrs.
, ,-
ga ' "10
Texas Eastern Corp. '. Explains 'Status Of Pipeline .P~oject, ,
Miami Chapter 107, Order ' of Eastern Star, wHl hold thelr annual inspection on Saturday eve0 ning, April 30, eight o'j:lock, with Mrs. Margaret Sheets, Deputy • Grand Matron , of District 21, as ," " inspecting officer. A dinner at six, thirty wil be se.lVed to the officers 'Yfed, ,evenmg the Waynesvllle and a few guests at Lhe SmiLh Tea High School Band presented a Room. Each Miami Chapter menlsplendid concert " at the school 'ber 1s requested to bring a salad auditorium. and sand.wiches for refreshments Solo per{ormel'S for the event' to, be ~e .. ve~ i~ the ~lfling room," follOWing the II1spect'on, .l.ncluded: Baralone solo, Liebes' . tra. urn" WilheJmioa Bracla--.., "'A ' Trumpet solo, Init'oduction and Fa ntasy, Joan La Rue; Flute solo" ... 0 La Sel'enata, ' Lynn Retallick; 0 Piano !,olo, Sonata, Sue Fumas; . Marimba solo, Rbapsodic Fan..... _ E At theonhome S. New . L, La~ie, Betty CampbeU. Thomas Thirdof St..,Ll'the
Mrs E L Thomas Entertalos CIub
, ,. ~
gas 'sclVi<,:e..Irom ~h TC.X8$ ~stem 'I;rans nlisslui,t ' dol'pol"lltion in 'UP' neul' ('U,LLU:e, o f(i cals Qi the , corp. told ',t he Mjami Ga:re-l'~ "" this w ek, ,
Inlel' ~1.<!d in l~~,"g whether lhe J)l'cscnc ,o[ th rl,ewly-laid JUrrs ' ., Pearl '''dge opened hE!r -+,. 10.... pip , lin which passes ' nea1: home i~ the Woman's Society (If Christian: ~rVice on Thursday Wayn sviIJl\ ell roul<: f:r In 'l'CJUIS af1el'nooO: iAp:ril 2L In ,t he ab'10 fpc Enst .would fie.~l t~s . ence ox~ th~ presl'd ent. M rs. CarI comm'Wlily, tb. e G az!!tte ' coni on ,CdO()~ ~rs. uJ.ohn B~rske ,COIlIAmong the numlJen; offered by. 'C entury Olub was J'e~jve. d . for !.acled corp. officials , tP find out d \lcle t.~e mee ng. th (. b d " 'F' A . A 'il . tllD allswe'" TI;i . . . e en Il'e , an were r al' way Its pl' meeting. , . 1 ~ c>c . .. e Qperung )Jray~ w,as gIVen P1acei, "Beautiful Ohio" "MiI.-' Eighteen members o.nswered' J. Hal'~'ove, Shreyepo.r~" I)y Mrs. KelU)etb Hough. At the 'H ""M ' H ,: 'N I} ' II . h j t ' t' . told the Gaze,Lte that, "r am cl f th b ' ti M rUle s ymn, y ero,' a-)'o ca Wit n ere$ IJIg comose 0 e uSlness mee ng, I'S. U 1 Embl .. uS te" d ts ' th ub' ts 's igned to afraid I will have 10 he ~ .rather G Id' Bo d d ted th d o n a em , ys m, an men 'on .e 5 lec I\S o. Le r en con uc "e e~ "The Footliftel'''. them. discouraging in m:( apPl'alsal of vohons. 11be subject was, God liS R tin b si be' g rlnished the possi.bilities of your cornEverything to Everyone." th ou e u ness u. m ' I 'l . . 't ""I • ..u """ 1 . - , MIl. Ed. Hopkins was honored e program commLuee was g ven mum y :recelvmg na ur.. gas V(IO. Strouse, Mrs. J , J . Burske, A Th~ esaon st~dy, ~ ~tJn 'with a family dinber on Sunday, chal'ge of the meeting, The chair- Service £-rom us allY UrJ1c in the Isms of this newspaper that you May. ml8~t care to offer:. While it rilay The 'total enrollment for next Mrs. O. R. 'l'inglesby. 'Mt's. Eve- C~e I caEIJ:as g Ve n y rs, I when' Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ken- man, Mrll. Dice Snapp' introduced neal' Culure. ' '.' ' . not. be possible' to make all iJ:I- year should exceed th l) 815 mArk Iyn ' Watkins, and Mrs, C, H. .;;; es t ' ti ill b h I'd r1ck entel'tained, celelJratlng his Mrs. K. N. Hough ' wb~ read ~'J' "OUI' cnlirc capar.iL Is sub'nex g .. nc;.vati0}l8 suggest~" we will do qs compare d wi:th 630 1b Is y,ear, . a t thee:[ seventy-second birthday anni- mo:;\. interesting a~nd' instructive' jee( t(l the rct.ullllions and l!O)1Ga,me's and' co"LAsts were the e h omA' mfeeMn ·o rs GWIenn eBorc .. bl everything possl e to constant.. <= , "", versary, Those who spent the daY' paper concernin/S r"reciou8 Stones 11'01 of the Fed eml POW'l' Comly im ' prove' your communl .·ty On Thursday, May 5, II prc· 'div I'sions of the, evening, after en. t th M d M Ed t th I h b d p cl ., d .. ~ "' 1 hIe h I Un' ' U' b h Id l tl Delinious refreshments were , ~e er were r. an rs. . Il e c ose s e s owe s c - 1TU/lSIOn an ' we nnV., Ilyflla no newllpaper. SC. 00 C IC Wl e e, ~ Ie whiCh the brid~ o",ene<! many s-.r' v ~ ..-by lb'" bos'--'" and I!.".r aopkin~, Mr, and Mrs. ~tan]ey l'\1ens of tbe which c()n~ined capac.lLy to serve allY iiddlP~nal HIgh School gym, The cluuo wpl useful and ~, ~tt ' J"""'I C J1 Bailey. Mr. and M(s, John Hull some of these gems, the amuhyst cornniunitles, ~, • Coruddea:aIJle Interest wa.!! begin at noon alld pal'ents o( po- Delicious refreshment.'l(,fstrtiw- comnu ee; ,....... epn e onne'r, d Mr d' M ' d ld b' claU "As to th ert' hi h ' aroused last week: ,b y the pub- lennal tlrst ·g".aders, nrc requ ~tcd berry' shol'l.cnke -and coftee wero MFS 'C harla Ellis, M:rs Gilbert an son, ' an .rll. J~es A. an emera emg , e.<;pe , Y . 0 t ll; \N e out' L '1. lh h Idr to· h F " d~..!!! J hn F ' '· Hopkins and children, Mr. and beautiful. pipo une may navtl . Il,pon our lIcation .of' a letter by on,e bf our to ... r ng , ear c. en • ~ e served by the hostesses, rye, an 0\81'lIo 0 romm. Mrs.' GJenn Uopkins, M:rs. Mabel Mrs, Snapp then preseoteq Mrs. dally lives," ',H~l'g"I\\I ' '\d~, "I readers concerning road con- school at this ,time for vaccina, , 1.. d kindl ' J.. • A .... ";"rlwh,o,'Th 7Ja .Ch. . Y" sIncerely hepe thaI ditions in Mt. Holly. Since 11 tions an d P~yslca ..1 ch ec k -ups. .... . W-~ four robben'es Weller kand M;r. and'Mts, David Ernest Edgington ed \ ' we b May ,oodly number, of dlpies of The The pre-school clinic is bei!)g ,Rtj.inb<?''.r-CQ,uncil 'met in regu- struck Fratildln last week with Hartso~ . ,. ' - -consent ton:vlew e am ~rove a ·steady 0 0 s u stantlal Gazette find their way to Leb- sponsored by the Waynesville l:u' session on Monday evening of a lO:~,,~' approximately • ~. by PaUl We , an. C1tuAn of. ;reu.r L'9nlm lll anon each week, ~e feel col)fid- Mothers' Clu~ and the Warren. ~. • p~ ~Me:.; ~o!:~e b;~:ne~~ $lta,5~ _ .,. ' four b,,*eSl! h:~ cI~~~, 'w~ ~~;rv_ ~'·and lihyn~_ • ent that H!Itter COlNlt,o.Heakh I>epet!I1Inent. ' eS I' ded .'" ' t h I t . two tables: of five-hundred 1.0 us by Mrs.' Edgington's pres'your area, .lQay !!Onll'ih utc Supt. Retallick ann~J.1nced t1lis .Mr, R.- G. Miller conducted the u. e 00 were Ta- · ]a d . th f 'd ' . ' , to 'the . . 'those who can .' do lomething In c u al,lout the sltuation. I week" aIsQI. that the parents , o~ ' dl~cussion on 'JSchools" and dur- diDS we .. g 1I)l ' ~tel 1. ' In P . Y urlng\ e ,a temoon an , entation. . '. ~rosperlty and s ucc ss 9.£ , YOU .' . , , ' ne ..... fill.l's tll'st ~r~. d,e~s ,shoul,p se.- ing, the social seSSion" M':v~. Alva !Ii h' ~t, ar~ are·t .eV: prizes. won by. Mrs. Manning, Mrs: ' Mrs. Snapp gave, sbot1 de- t commUnity." , 0 . m fifty ce doUara eous I e.rns, an Halnml)nd and Mrs. Shi"-Ie, v, scrl3.tfoll of the, llfe of~a C , inoln" ' , e bl,I,-tl _.l, carlin,cafes f.Qr. . then· Ludington wa ~ in ch ar~e 0,"i th , e , more than In caSh l ' ., P '. Incidentally, ' we a- alwa.y" cur,~. ..~ '1. b L1' th cerll (Jostes ga mes. , Heav1ft=. ... 1oser in' th e ro bbe res I' " Daioty refresnment$ 'ATTEND EVENT I d t ' i d ubllsh 'ilet ~ chlldl'o'm, TJJe f 'II h I were ~rved, th natl teacher in ed A SENIORS ' . ~ a t 0 thr~eedl ' v~!..n" p - . must be 'on file at the supedntQ~F-o]Jowfng adjournment to , ' th R' ttl ' ti Eq I q Owing t e games. Guests of e The ,clpb ~~ ~ o~ AT WlLJ~1fNG.TON l~ 0 e I<U. q" {fj wi Ih Mr, an d Mrs, llarold Wertz was t , e , ger: on ld uP-afternoon were Mrs. Hal'old Wblt- sOcial hour was enj()yed and the ' ._..:. ~_ -"-"'-<--"':"--,.:---'~D • , The only Tequirement con- ellt S ,0 ceo . ' d I cJ al d c ur5e ~~ ti " m=yth":' ~e ev nce aker, , Mrs. Lowell Thomas, Mrs. hostess served a dalnty dessert MembeJ'S of the 'Waynesville ' ONO-..L... ' ON BID'n lDAYS In May, ad be i th'ollSh s t a d oh t lD loa. ng , . e eves ove Ralph Haramond. Mrs. Elmer course. ' High SChool sl'lliul' class wh~ "re - cernlng the publication of Jet._-- •• t'h at ~"'e'" " signed by H KtlJ ~.. was serve y e os an os - a vehicle of some type to haul \ If'''' v ,. ~" .... Ul Joe , e . ' Grove, Mrs. Tom. Burton, Mrs. Guests were, Mrs. Marie R De, Interested in Wilmington College the writer. ' Names will nQt be Mr. lind ' MI's. Russel Wi1so11 5S, their loo~' away. Manning, and Mrs, Paul Shipley. Mrs. Ernest Edgington and Mrs, a'u ended Ilbe DfLc:r~~oon ~sslorrs oI ' printed U the authors so. ,desire, opened their home !JIl' MOIrdllY Franklm IJOUce are checking , Harry Burnet: daughter of the the annual Hig~ Schoof 5enlor but we must receive slgne4 let- night, honoring Ihe bu'thday unThe honor roll of students :~~r1 JXlsslble 'lead in the crull! Mr, and Mrs. Wllbul' N. SearS hostess. , 'Day at the college yesterday. ters lIlmply as an indication, of niv-ersal'Y oflheit', daughter, Dol'- aehi ~vtng high scholastic attain- .,...... ave contacted au th,oritjes Jm were Sunday &rnoon visitors Mol,'e than' ~ gradua~ I~ngood faith. ' , othy, and of Miss 'Lois tJ\lkens, ments in Ohio State Urdversity's nea by commUnIties, requeStil]lg l ~t Lhe home of,Miss Ruth Nut( in . to. ~ 100 h ' Is College ,Education, ..luring the Lha,t they be on the lookQu' t, f()~• Cente-'I'lle. , tIOenrtlded~L0:thmeJl;e~ sa 00 al, - c- A t, plcn,ic liul?pe rof" " •v ~ ' VI Yt. ,." Whether or. nQt a letter re~ was served In ~e pllrk ,and a Her' quar t.ep , WitS an~ounced the loot and the rQilbers. , I Soni!> ..... Day, liUl atmu'al tl'!\di' fleets ~e opInions' bf, thl!! e<Jitor a{i even.tng of tun, a ~lUl11P~I' party litis week by Raymond D. Ben- . -- . . Mr. and Mrs. J. J . .Burake ea· .!n~ , ' om(! lion 'lit '\VilT1'lJngtclI)'Jor nine years, does nQt-..matter. We. wiU publil\h wa's enjoy~d. Those who d1ebrat- nett. Se~~ta~y o[ the CollegE:: Donald Lukens has elll'olJed' at ,terlained 10 dinner ana C8rcl.s 00 , ' was clcsig~e'd 'to give lJI:aduates letters wliether '!hey are b,) ed together wen'! '~e(ty Sattt! rth': H:r~e . hst mcluded Rachol N. ' ~hio ,SQtate University for Ibe ; Saturday. evening with Lheir card Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown of from the area an ,. op,POrtul\ity tQ ' pring uarter, club of Cincinnati aa gllests, Beavertown called 'on their sister, become h,elle,\.' IlCqUaiO, ted " wi'1.. IIgreCfl'lent with our ,b!lllefs or waite, Vera Sbel:wood, ,su~Fu"'J\-, a!l1l1Rn ,!If WRynesvlUe. Miss 'B. ertha Brown o'n SUnday college Ufe, opporlunitlell offered .. ~ opposed t!' th, em, And,we might as, Charlotte BUt;nett, Belty'Wicli I·1 " " add, letters appeari!lg iil those 'Virginia Brown, Joan Cain. Ll\\S I afternoon. by WII,miDgto/'l College, and VOCl.1columnsilo n~t necessarl~y 1'e- 'Lukens and Dorothy W~I!;on. I ~ • Mrs, Olive Curl. and Dr. Emma tion~ possibjJJtI~ ,for co)Jege ~ect the views o.f \.he dazette, - -' I Ha1lo.",,~, attended the County graduates. ' 1 ' Lit~le Homer ' Ramby, whose I ' . , w.e.T.U: in Lebanon on !!r~day. The program (OL' "*,0 aay In. , Many thanks to: the Jargll num- limb was b!;Idly crushed a few I !'d)'S, A. v: Blelning,er and Mr. and Mrs. Ii E. Asbury will day with and Mrs. Robert ' -Miss' Glenna o( Dayton eluded ber of' ~rso.DS ', who , renewed , weeit's go, ur\tlprwen~ '!! 0l?el·- i ~. ' Anderson, both of" WaYJI~- ~Hnd hostess-to-tbeir AcIl- Da,vis' in' Lanca~ter. spent'the weekeri4, w~th her Co.\18- campu.s, . . yarlety 'program. , their G~ette: subscription,s d';lr- at/on Qn Mon'iIii1 !,It MIami Va,lcy i Ville wer~ New York City, vis-. V1SOry, Cquncll (ot , ' e ~eguLtll\ " " ,in, M:rs. LU,cllle arml~ge.. ,;. vQc!ltio!,!al ' gt\idanpe cOILfcJ<CI}ce, ' ill&,.tbe past week. One so~~ ... Hospital 'and now tll~, entire IU)'Ib 1101'S last week. ThE:Y were. guests April meeting, 'a t the Sl:r1ith TE,a Mr. and Mrs, CharJ~ DaviS' .Miss Mi~e J)qdson had , th~ v'esJ?Er,~, al,ld 0 ' tllt'ec-'act play, : what, sk!!pt'ical person ,InqUIred is in a cast. Everyone Is. Hoping til the ~oLel Gramatan. h Room on ~ur'Sday evl!Di,ng. '. were 10 New Vienna on Sunday pleasure on S~turday' of avJslt "The Late C!u:istophel' Bean." . if tll.,e Gazette was going to coo- tliat now he !!lay, ha~e a spe,e dy • -,-afternoon' an'd called on llte'form- ,from hel" brother, Mr. Joe Dod, , , tinuefor· another "year. Well. w~ jlecdvery. " , , ' J Ml1, and ' Mrs, A. H. Earnlull't Mr: ' an<!, Mrs. R. EJ ~lIry at-, er's sister, Mrs. Peter Demas. who" son and wife lind her nephew, .' Mr. 'and Mrs, Cleva Conner don't know if It wltl Teaan · Us " " '-..:... ";-,. ' had as Sunday evening supper tenlfe4 eflurch 8etvicea in Dayton has been very ill Cor severa) Mr. Theodore Dodson alld wife of ha:ve '·r.elurned Ilft~r llCCOmpany:.. 2OOth. b1t\Lhc\ay, 'but Vo{O feel fqir- ' ,, guests Mr. and Mrs. James Wild- on Sunday , and , were ~~ I){ wecks, .' Indianapoliil. 'J1hey enjoyed ,d inner. ing theIr daughter and g\'andsollj. ly confident that It Is , for \ man of Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. C. Greasle and Mr. 'and together at< the Gblden Lamb lJl Mrs. Tom Flo/'ellce aiid son 'to at least another' 40 or SO, ydars, al~1 ,lilt-nest lilarnhart ,and so~ David. Mrs. H. R. Beclit. Lebanon. , Columbia, SQu,l/1 C<,rQIl~tI; wher~' , I , M\:. ,and Mrs. L. C. St. John had Miss Ruth Chantlh:r attende~ -a L\ley joined MI'. Floren 'c, who · is On second thought, '11t~ 9~ ... W"rs, Anna Kin, IF Made~, 83,'d ied MI', and. MI,'s, L, E. Thompson Mr. and Mrs, O. E. .II'..ig'ftm~'n as Satu.rpay evening dinner guests luncheon meetIng of , Alpha l ' P4 , I playin" with "l,h en.jumbla Reds, t] ' Aft 01' Saturday , '" .l sts Mr'"an d an d SOil. were wl'!ek ~df """ f"'~~Ill' MI'. 'ru,Cl Mrs. Gle»n Blwld. Miss chapler Delta Kappa qall).(na 'a t " ette 'may no as.t ' ou t tb at.." at h e.r home hi Rarvey~- ,h a d as ~e k , ~n d /Sue., guests " ' Mr, and Mrs. li'lot',..' nICe lind SliD " 50 y.ears iI ou~ many "6enefac- bur(!. :' , Ml'S, Don N vdlc of DaytoJi, the former's':J~aren~ M:r. an,g1cb's, Barbara.Lou -Slana was a ,guest of the V,a n , Clev~ Hotd .in Dayton will 'relUnl ' to New Yodl; tbe . tors" in ' WaWngton (~ontlhue M ·s. Ml\d~eQ. ~'s4surviv\!d by tWo I • J . C. Edglngtol1,' 1n Moscow, Ohio. frie~ds' at Mia~j, Universitr.. , , on Sattu;d;lY. 8ulitmll whQu be will r c':cnle:r ' in- nephews, and one niece. ' Mr. snd. Mrs, C. E, Edging'loQ " ' \ , ~ Mrs. E;lla Dakill spcnt,SattJrday school.' . w;lth their 'cam~gns to dlvldllal Initiative. ' F unefru 'Servi~es \yore held a~ h!l,d as THJ.lrsday diotiC!" gUC8ts, Mrs. K , R. Hin and . lIOn IlJre Mis~ Mal'tha Lukens e.ntertain- in Lebanon and was luncheon ' ~'_~"""_ 'WhY ' ,should we Co!"tlnue t() 8 P. ' ~. WednesdaY ,at the Stubbs Mr. find Mr . Earl Bee of Callfor- gLlests of .Mr. and, Mrs: M. I~. eel on Monday evening with ,a, gues\;. of Mr, and Mrs. ~eorgfl struggle with"our printing ;pres:; FUI)'lral H0rle, Waynesvl11e, Bur- nia and., Mr, B.\ld .,Mrs, J. E. Edelt,z tbls week. slumber party, and foUowing the Johnson. , '. ,and type and ) get lOur. hands_ all ial viII!! made inth" Miami Ceme- gington o( Moscow, Olaio~ jc ' ~ evening meal, a 'show in Dayton Misses Minnie Dodson and Ruth ~ky if we can get.unem-"Joyment tery. ' . ' " . _ ,Mrs. Maynar(I \ Weltz ~entell':;' WBS enjoyed. Those 'who were Chandler attended the New Genoompensation., free medical care -"-' Dr. and Mrs. A,' E., Stout and taiDed her brldge ,club MOllcUlY guests of Miss Martha, {were fury ' Olub at the home of MI'S, free this and that' ' Levi H. Gc:ealhouse, 92, di~d dllu/Shter , 'wenl Sunday , evening eve-\Ung; Aprit 25, with Ml's. K , DOJll1a Batton, Barbara Hartsock, E. L. "l'homa~ on , F~'iday a£Ler'rhe, foJH/ ;Iticl1ded tl1e D isOur government shou~!I do 1111 F~iday' lit t.h.e home. of his dllught- supper !Wests of Mr. and Mrs. R Hill and Mrs, -,. F, Dye liS Joan Watkins alld Wilma Gray, rioon. , tl'ict me ~ing of th w' Woll\e n'i; Soguestl;. , pnzea were ~on by ,MI'S. , Mr~. F: B. 'Gr,eg~ attended ,the ciely [ObdstiaLl SerVice at . It e ~ri. to h~p the lnilMdual, e'l ~rs. Lellya Whatlon, aL I.ytle. George Walt:Z, In Daytoq. there's no doubt :\t~ut It. But., Mr. GreathoUSE!' il!! silrvjved 1;)y . , -.:, lilli, ~rs. D.y~, and Mrs. Le~ls Doris Brown, daughter of MI. wedding of MIss Nan, 9Y 1110steJ' and ~outh F>l~J'k.M:ethodl'l.L Chur~. - it sho'uld strive to· better, factors h!$. daughter, Mrf Wharton: 1\. , Mr: an'a Mrs,~John J. B,uske 'l'horppson. ' and Mrs. Roger Browllj was one Mr. Louis Neumann at the ,old Day t(ln, , TlI,.esdu\\'. " MI'S, Walter " ~, , , of the bride's attendants ' Oil Sat- Butterworth homestead near Fos- Whitakelr,.. Mt·s, ~crton Baird. " . ~at develop lnltlatlve,' not kill lIDll', ~ur, ~f N;ap\es, FJoric;Ja,; enter;tahted to Sutlday dinner and it. . Olle SIster, l\Jrs. Ida Cornell, of had as g ests-Mr. alld Mrs. MT. lind Mn. W~ Luke:18, urday evening, when Miss Phy11!s "ters M;oriday afternoon. ' , Mrs., Glenn Boxden , ll.ev.,}t, B, ·The. ~mmunlsts ~y have ~ Lytle; one Jirot,hel'. , Pe~c.J; Gl'~a - Davtd Kaupp, anc;l two d~lJghters, and family, had .. a week eJld J. Chaplin. neice of Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherwood Colemall. " talking point 'wben tney say thflt house, of Leba!lon~ 5 Gl'anachlld-. Ml·. and Mrs. Tim Ownley 'M r. guest theIr Uttle eran~li, who became the bride of Mr, Robert of HalVeysburg ,called pn Mlssea Pl'epa.1'IJtiolls al' eing mllde ~o.r we ' do not have equal oppor- ren, and three great g1'Rndchild- lind ,Mrs. jack ' Young, so';' jUld was joined o.n Sunday by tb~ pat - W, Freier, a.t the EvangeUcaJ Annie and Mame Brown on Sun- M othl'\,'~ Day to b ob 'crved t he' tunity for 'all In America, There reb. daughter. aU of Ci}10innnli, Mr. entB', Mr. ancV~ Gene Elllnl~- Uniled Brethren ~hurch on Oak day afternoon. , 2nd Sunday in May, are raOlal, Nllgious, and educa- 'Funeral ser¥lces were condu(:t- and Mrs, J . .W, Strouse II!nd Mrll. lon and baby da"gliter of Ea1oo. Stl'al in Daylon. Dresed in yellow . Mr. Newton Dearth and daugliTho n'iembcL's of 1;ho ch6ir are tlonal balTlel'B that some persons eel by Rev. Ber,uird Baughn at Leah Mills.· \ Reverend Jeaae Stanfield of . t,ffeta and carrying ~ colonial te'r Miss rna ,Dean.b of Franklln, aU l"equestEid ,1.0 bl,} pnlsen.t this cannot aunnont, but these can 1:30 Tuesd~y at -the 'StUbbs Fun-"'-.,mingwlJ <::OUeale also was a boquel, Ihe served as junior M'1I. Gorsuch alld Mrs, Conger of Thu/ulny evening. , be overcome by application of eral Home, Waynesville, Burial - Mrlj, Ellzabe~h Hole spent last ' .' bridesmaid. Mr, lIud Mrs, Brown near Red Lion Visited their cousThe BCgif!n~ Dt!pt, of the ' llte fundaJnental principles of was made in the Memorial Park IThursday wlth Mr. and ·Mn. Mr. and ..... Laurence also were among the wedding IUJd ins 0[1, and Mrs. F, B. Preec on Ohurch School bas bean supplied our govemment It now stands. Cemetery In Day.ton, Wi,lhllr N. Sears. , Iand sons Ipellt...Saturday and reception guests. Sunday aftemOOD. with 24 new cbalr,,: ,,!
~ "
cal, Items 6f 1.,ln'fer'e st ~rs.
:J, , '
I , --
" 1
The Miami Gazette Publ"'hed every Thursday C~unty. Ohlo.
W aynesville,
, ,U/llIer OhiO S~S
-- '
Theo!lore E. Conover .. ....... ...... .. .. .. ,... Edilor '& I ubli '\ler (l ' in t > Editor
Qt~u'rt~ ~utbt
... _
Edna H. Conover ....... :................... ........ ,.. .. i\~
ST. AUGUSTINE ' CHURCH Fr. R. H. KrumhoItz, Pastor Masses' 8 and 10 a.m.
----- -~ ------------~---------------------------
Entered all seconr;l .clRss . matter· nt. the
.~1PruRll .
Subs rlptlotl Rate: $l:GO
11 :2&030.
\lear eJA8wJ:!ere.
Jesus Is 'King
~NNIJI4U. Y 7t) K;NEW .INTERE'Sr I'~IP'I""II"" 11'1 TR6ES AND ' WfI••DLIF$ .
Parents .ADnoun:ce" Engagement
• .... Ull·n, u.u;
L1;'iv'8h~.u. RIlADING.
I'T IS A· SIN to leU the truth out of So declerel a ·famou. Yollth Fe)1owshlp Sunday Re~. David Stanfield. Mlnistf\!r Protestant creed. It III not alway. 6:30 P.M. Sunday, School to a.m. good nor Ivlse to ten .. everybody Choir Pucllce Thursdav ' Worship Service . t t • •m . eve rythln'g you .
A GOOD IDEA Dr. !lod" Mrs. L. S. H'.adl . y (nee Jeanne le J9nflt'y) or n- .' The you ng ~on of a nei ghbor eJ')gll.gement. of theu ' da\i~Me:r, Gilnevi ve, til ~r. CIl"rle Waring (If Baltill\O\·t:. Md~ The wedding wllJ take pla t'I!
,his summer. Genevieve attended' Wllyn s, 'llIe Hi~h School in 1939 to 1940. Mr. Wal'jng i~ in the Aerona\lll-
mgineering ~J1cge a~ Oh;~ ' Dr. Hadley is stud'ehtadvi n at I<ent State University, Kent. Ohio. Il8l
sta~ .University.
k. now.
pt-rs!st('d in l'unnih!{ abo\lf will' his .l!hirl- ~il fJil,J)iJing utsi-qe Ills
P\lnl. S",ohiing elid no good. Anoth er w.omRQ hl\d f It/' Ixlys.. Th y always wore' th ir shIrts " "a lly .hlck din. . . "How dl> y 1 gil. :you,,, boys til lie' '11 their 1 h-I' "in 7" asked 111 t l'oub l e~ n )l th ·... nf Ihe n;I1\),v'eal' ~Jd. , , "O~ it's qui~ simple," 1\(115 t1, an:;:wtl'J'. "l ~vst I> W Rn "dgi'l~ of lacp around the b ot{ rns of thei r shlr ts. - 'Your ~i~e.
Ihe y ou
time to teU It. He never uttered an
_~~~~~~~~~~;===;;~~~~~~~~~j ,- L _ _ _ _
h'ch I . b 'by ~Il~~:t M.e~~i;;; . . f Ohi I;!ol(t'cqtlve 0 a . U .C1' I~ry . Wesl y:m mverSlty.. Waynes\lilI~ Masonic LPd g e wlis the scene of n notable gathel'ing IRst Fr iday . night, the
FRIENDS ., Yll.E METHODIST ;:'f~t n ay ~ch nCl I .' Q:30 'a.m. ("'JUROI Dr. Joseph Myers, Minister ~reli ... t>' for Worstlin hlrnseif, but for un t rut b about Dr. JoonoRlIID 9:)0 a.m. 8 long time l1e did nol openly de· 10':30 a.m. Sunday Sdlool ' Mrs. Ruth Saytor. Sl,Ipt. clare ilia conv'ictlon. In IPlte of be·
lng pe.tered to BaY' Yel or No . The question wal: Are 10U the Mea.lab? Thl' W&.I the aame ... askln& Are .you the KIng'? nau. would nOI sa1 Yu. becaUie ' the mere word would be taken to meUl son and daughter. of Milford. "l"tIvolutfonl,t" or "traitor." But Mrs. Edith Harris, Ml·S. Lau~a be . would Dot ••, No, becaUllr ~ Mosher and Mr. HArris Moshet'. wu a King; lndeed. of aU men he bac! the btlt rlgbt to 1he UUe.
Perhaps You Remember
' 1\
Waynesville A. C. easily wOln from Harvey-shurg Sunday .at ... 1 Wayne' rark , 2 to 4. The visl , haa an oil day, as several. e.f th . -~ I ld t ell' season~ .p ayers cou ne, stOp t,Jle baU. ~ugspe1:ger pitched .a fine game. . . . Duk e!! till h as a b II tt'mg .!lV'erage of 1.000, with fouT singlf~s and a double in his five trips to the plate. Wade Tum.e r hit the ball for a double, and the ball hit Wadt! for an eventual score, his two trials lit bat. Mike
a bout It.
to:30 a.m. '
M. f{ Coffey. Minister Bible SChf,lOl 9:)0 A. M. MornillJ! Worship t OdO A. M. Younl(' People.'s 6:45 P. M. Evenln~ ~ervlce 7:30: P. M Pr~ ye r Meefin~ aDd Qlble Study Wed.,- 7:30 PM.
Bvmn Carver, Minister S\ble SchOOl 9:)0 a,m. MominJ! Worship In :30 a.m . . Pra·.~r Meelin~ 7:00 p.m. Youn~ PeoRle's Meet'nt ' 7 :00 p.m. Evenln( ~rvlces 7:Jn D.m. I
the time came. Jelui
declare hIm.elf Jdna Ip •
.pectaeular We knllw lbe .tol'1 aa the "Triumphal Entr, lao to Jerusalem;" the Itor, of Palm , Sunday, DOW 10 frelh In our minds. Sources ot IrDII J8111' Uved In • neUoD of people Chi1drem of the WaynesviUe who were famUiu with the me8p, U,e pnml. In cookl... cereala, IDI of Iymhola. both la word and Grade School sCCI?nd grade sub- and puddlnp. The, are a mitted . essays last weeK on the .ouree of lron. vltamla A. aDd ola· " actloll. subject, "Why We Have Easter." cJn. Molaelc_th. blacker, the batWIle. l'CHle IIlto lIIe occasion b eing an . official :v~sit "tar. U.e In. cookie., calte,. pud. " aaoIeai where hie fore, The teachet:, Mrs. Luci.Ue P.tine, din ••, bread. .nd on pancake.. It by Gnmd Master Harry G. • fatlten relpitld. ..trlde a ... ,... Gram. of Spl'ln~fie'1d . .and other Weller st.oIe hom~ standing up. has selected the foDbwlDg ~ three II hJcb In calcium. trOD and niacin. eell, &be people line., aDd lie oUicials. • products of youthful authors lor bew UIe7 wo1II41 11M., that ..... Valuation ' of farm land an ._ . ..I JIIIi .Gmebod,. rIdIq publication in the Gazette:
Mrs. WillJli\'rTI RobihSQn property in WaneD county showhoI' home Monday mo'rnl'nll .. 1 ed enorrnl>us d~rease of b reaking bel' right arnl jU!lt heand Iaon 'Ilcrealle
jli;iI[I~=====-O~~I4C1lC:;=:::;=IC,.=:I~fl'nwM~.theand.houJder. Mrs. Ronald
b-om ·250.348 In 230.168 In 1930 acres accol'dHawkE' ing to 1930 cenjiUS flgul'es jUlst entertained at dinner 011 Sunday, released. , Mr. a nd Mrlj, Fred Hat'tsock, lI[rs. Vincent C'. Tracy, nee Duds Hawke, was the ;recip,ie n~ of manY handsome . and rll'RcU cal ~I~ at 8 miscellaneo us mower sponsored J!y the Woman's Guild of St. Mary's Eoisoo"Ill Church 'lind given . at tjhl' o£o M,:';. Emmll H . 'M cC,l urr ~UI'~l,iay' night. ~
While playlrtP -With
' lawn
W C' :inef$dav pvenin<' ~, 'q ~ t '"If··: . two rbUd rel'l of r.7' 'md M rs. Rah l, BilllZs of (JOI' · .... WIlT
vln. were palnful)y inlund. TI"
~hi1d'i;en .....'erp 51 lin~ r it th~ mower whQo' th~ little gi:l m it' it. Th fingers we-ce cau~tb ( \\n~ badly Ia'cerated.:.
IN • .",
'e_" _pl'
• m. . . .
IIIOndiaa. Ia
IIIstol7 of Ilae Hebrews, mal_ ~,r8 &be ~ ., kla...
Solomon crowned ridJn, on I mule. There wa• .a famoul prophecy (Zecb. 9;9) th.t wben J'eru.alem'. ,areal klna ,hould
By Verno. Hill AS Jes was walking with his Disciples one day . he said, I will sobn' go to beav~n. But I will rise lag in. Judas was one of the Pisoiples. ' The enemy wanted Jesus to be (!rucified. He went to Jesus' enemies and said I w.ill tell ;you where Je$us is i·f you wi.l1 give me thirty pieces of sil-
come, be would be ridln, on JUII . uch a ro,al .teed. So wben 'Jesua . rode lata . J'et-u •• lem. the people !hrew thelr palm branches '!I.l 1d ahquled theft-- welc,o"l;.e. not to ' the teacher and propbet, but to ' the ,KID,. ' ' ver. " So they crucified Jesus and put
• • •
R crown of toorns on His ' head I"I' WAS NOT .ltogether a Vic· !lnd nails in His . feet ahd bands. & toriOlll occ8Ilon. .Jelua lmew 'l,'hen He at:~ from ijlc dead on too weU how cbeap and eaa" "d.e m. '. Iller SUllday and wEmt to , onatratlonl" can be. In hla mlad" heaven. " ) ~e Ilia cou1d. _ a crot. lUndin, outJ1de Jerusalem, UllilD hla inner 'By Jimmy Vllftlierbrln.k ear' he .could bear this earn. dual)-· J e/lus was with His friends one throated '1IJ 0 b, now ,shouUn. nigh t when Judas arose from the "'Ko.allDal". ,. a'IUIl, tnatead ~ 'CrucIf:F blml" Teen' atoocl III taJ!le lind he went out,>to the sol,. .Jeau.' e,.e.! ~ut theJ were not dler,s a nd told them how to get sean for blmHlf. he never wasted Jellus. The soldiers took Jesus anerl)' ~ Mlf·pltF. TIle,. were to Pilate. Pllate put Hi,lTl In'to ~an fOF that b~d clIJ. tea~ for prisoJl! lti c~ dil!ltru~U~ - ~ city The p~ple questioned Jesus that dId'DOt laIow me ....,. to peace. and He. said; 1 am king of ' the • I , J.ews; They took Him to 0010·~uter.r .... ~p1e tha to be put 1111 the cross. On 0J.Dh THAN' JESUS' triumphal Ffi~ay PI.e w,a s crucified. Tttey " lintrJ . . . ' ....t he. did IliaJde put Hfm In .a tomb and on .Sunth.' cU,.. It ODe. thin. to clalm' dBy' ~e arose ~aven; royal rlibll O\'er t,be naUon I but at the temple .Jeaua' clai:ml reaehecl \ J3y BiUy' Bto,wn far Maher.. It Ihould be rememJesus was a good marl. Judas ared that ,In tba eye. of all J.wa a good Judas told J~ It .that 'time die Temple ''11:'' abl~ ·Iutely .aered. It r~pre~ented the sus' enemies where he wa~. They dweWng·place qf the jIIvlalble':'GQ\l. beat HimI', :rhey w~pp!,!d iHim. Hoi the prle.1I at that ,lme wele Jesus .bad W. caqy Hls ' l>~ cross. more pMtiteerl. and politicians than They put: nails in HiS qandj! and prle... nju. c!,!,l'Ied on "'!~t to:- a croWn; of tlloms on his nead. da,. we caD , "racket" ,la the .ale was cruCIfied on COact FtJ~ anbnala tor .acrlt1~e and ·, la ' changing lbe Qrdlnary mODe,. Clf all day. Some .. ~ge1s rolled "away countrlea lato :.. the loear lewteb the stone of the tomb. Three woo, .hekel ' (III whiCh coin atone eould, men JJrought iIOme· spices to, His temple be paid)'.' ' . i tqmb. , H~ arose: o.n Sunday. . 'DIe raOke' . . ... ao&utOal; . eftIO Aoeill 1_. ....... aile ',
Tean .In,TrIumph
(n feweSt words that·.s the·Greybound C1;a.vel stot:y.J There', rest-
ful relaxaiio'o, io:' Super~o.llch.· comfoft • .• ,"maztng savlDP as Y ~ll rrue '" ~ -the crist·of dr}ving
, your cilr .. " frequ~nt schedule, to all·t he big cities, little towns, and I'piQ.,ts in ,between cllrollgbout the Un ttedS,tateS, anclCanada :mel MexiC:o tOO. And , you ell joy t!IC 5C~It..."t)' c1 ose·up V'/~ile one of the. \voitd's best driven pilou vour cOilcb-whetevel' you tr:l~~l. • COMPARI 'HI ,,"RIS- , .. GREYHOUNC) IS LOWISl to.
~()tJth B" nil ... .. .... ..... .. 5i.35 . Hn (on ..... . ... ... ........... I S . 3 0
..rIee~ .........,.. BId
Do., It •••, II".
0. '................. ... ••• eooI at !lie
'a ' mark of IOmethiJl' moN tban
.... at the
ville, O.
,i:; 'D='e=p=&:lr;nent y'store •__-_-_IiI''-.-/ .'
I"'hone 2 U 1
nomical job .. No ' exposed nailini. Ask to see ulI\plel.
'W'iyn~sviUe .'/
tU.Btlr and' SU~p~y
111 Jo~~s -Manvi lie '.
~ ...
d·· .
~.~t'iD)NG MATERI~tl). . to
-'oi .
jI;; { "
lDIa~ the r(cketeerlnJ rla, 'w.. .
O1'cUilal7 ' .elt~conflden". He · laIAI cilaIm to. beIDa no te.i 1bn the . ....ter of God'.. Temp)a, He was actlDa.lD tbe name 'of poe! aJM\ ~tb the autborIt;p of God. \ . -
Yell. ,,, •• ,, III. n.", AI - - -............ IrOn. • •
u_ .
, .• • • ......... MaD
Saving, on Round TriPs!
:t ~'l1e
Cover old cr~cked ceilings with Johns·~anvil1e GIl\ze,~....,...-~ ... at Panels. A quick 'eco~
Nitlf-!1ra Pall: . r;ana(h .... 7.80 PillS U.S."T~-Big Extra WA YN E~ 'I[LE DRUG '
DO • •
.... eftIr' d_ ~. a ...... . Ia. f.r' _Idd meu _ . Iq 811 • •lIIarIlj oyer tile _pie *liar .. ."" du" ttl ...~•• B1n Juus 'took 1& 011 blmael1:: BIa ,aacl 'v~ ' 91l.'lent aCtloa ID
, N'o r fo l kt ,vn. ................ 11,45 . Mnni:Tc:ll, C:lna da ... ...... 1.5.10
E. u-:B:' aruRaf
Evenin~ Ser~
I(eep a .eerel lUI
SouIIa MIlia Street a~ frOia er.qe HaD . . w~ YNESVIlU:. OHIO
eve r
Frev. William Shannon 'IT. MARY'S EPISCOPAL ,undav School 9:10 a.m. t:;amuel N. · Keys, Rector Mrs. . .I :lm'e Garrison. Supt. Church $chn ol 9:1 A'.M. Preac~in~ 1 st and 3rd Sum1av~ !ach month t 0:30 a.m. Morn iog Wo rshlr HI: 0 A. ' M.
k new
wiilill'm H.~; 'presldent of tho Wayne.svil1e NlIlional Bapk, has b~(m appointed 8 '1 a member of the <.'omm\tlce. on est,< and
........a..o.. 2422
be, line
J II s us
APRIL 30, 1931
'.,.mlle FurDitore & Appliance Co.
, 7:45 PM.
your mouth s hut
Wail P.per and Paste and Sizing G. E. ,B",bs - N u . Enllmel ,
Minister S,mdav SchOOl 9:30 a.m. '9{30 a.m. E.A. Earuhart. Supt.
J. J. Burste, iupt. . Worship Service t o ':30 3.m. Worship . and Sermon . .yenln~ Service 7:'3 O. p.m. 10:30 a.m. t;pecial ' Music. Choir CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS
I sUllon.
nouncing the
J·Ct.-urc::h School
Mr. HOli.Y MEnfODI T. M. SCarff, Mf"isfer i
F!a;.ley au
~hd W"YN~VDH.
.. .CaIJa .TetUa "Lont'~. and ''KlDI'' toda7, we ant milJdn, no oIalm b 111m wblcll be did nOt melle for bImaalt What wi meu iii thue tltlu a. tbal .Tau. 0IrIIt, fur \II aDd for .a'l'AI_a . aD men, II ~ authorJt;J above aD OHIII
1IIat·. right!
than . 2 whol • pound' 'o f natur.', most nlarly,. perfect food, for iust a f_
e.nts. You'lI .1N
wi.. to male. mit"
a big ~rt of yOur
For the best in .d aity p~, insist on Borden·s, ••• ~ livered to your door 'or at f~rIte store, ' J
APRIJ.. . l
1, ftemember.
POrell& 1'lreI
Lower Production Costs Seen • For, Waynesville Area Farmers Lower production crops are "in the
costs on bag" for
through your,
fault mlll<ea you lIabl. W An •• up to ,1,000 or conllnemen& In JaD up to 1:2 month.. or both.
Dead Slock
For l"l&r", !iuow.. One ot the essential element. In a .uceeasfl1l fa.rm IB B 118t1.tactol7 bOJl1P 1I/e
fire that .pre." lan~
a, nelpbor"
w ,e re- h'C1Is, as 'some call thClj'll die dow]) it.,- tb.o.ugh Ij1~t;!L to do it to .one of' Waynesvil1e farmers! r,-- ___ .: __ ..:..... - . . . --~ my barberrY. bushes that is get-, Urging the inCl'ellse,d Wje of modeled the hcmse, They com!: nt~r' blbumlng put wllL come Ull llt'xl YE'Br, so 11131'k the spor and \.ing overgrown because that' fCJ,tilizer in. 19~9: Earl Joncs, 'so eal'Ly and smell so sweet that {io 1101 dig them out alld tlu-ow would mean nO berrIes UiIs yeal: extension agronomist at Ohio I am golpg to try to ge,t some them away, and the birds like th~ so w~l1 : Slate Univel'sity, says every bag A F ARM DI ARY 'mol'e. 1 hElve usked severlll , ferWizer applied this year will people who used ' to have .!-hem by e .j. , ' ~A I ZE R There is a bluebird s nest in return bUlihels in increased crop Violet.:t Elre th children's joy bUI none of them 1ltIVC th m al1y f.n' you can I,t Ihl!n1 pick and an old fence post with live blu!! yields, April 22 1949. Mushroom more. Does anyon e know wh ' I'" I)ui l as niallY of them ,!l.9 th~y ' ggs in It, I nope Tom PuSs does Fanl,ers will find , he . explains. wanl 'lo as the more th'y are not find it for 1 do not trust that that fertilizer prices ' are relative~Ullters are out in full force lUld I can get them? pick ~ d the mOl'e Lhey bloom, U cat : not to eat litlle birds, Th.) ly low in comparison 10 graiJ:1 today's warm rain will bring The woods arc fu.ll of wiltl } ' ''U want wil~l ' flowers in yOUl' Etlgllsh sparrows have taken a nd hay prices and other farm more of I them. both m.ush.l'ooms and hunters, I saw a man yester- Flowei's now and It, is ahvnys '8 I'IItll1cls, Je ee p YOlle COIYS out until (lO~¢ssio n of the bit'd house that 11l'oduclion costs. Farm labor , day who h d found f01'Ly-seven great , tompt.<IU9n to gaHut r gl'eat lIwy Ita ve finjsh d blooming and we "put Up' but th e wl.'ens prices, fOl' inslance, have inbut of course for some' people handfuls , of th-em. but thillk h!Jve s ed d Ihelnselves for th e built iheir nest on the work creased 27tS pe1cent during the just inside lhe past ,8 yea I'S, while fel,tiliz 'l' that is not )'Jlany, but since 1 t Wilce before y\>u do it. Do Ylll~ n xL y cm', Wood!; :ll'e poor pasl- }'OQI1) , window never found more than seven ,it know that whcl1 you pick on of un.' JUly'way. rr you hnv en'~ old sc['cen which has a conven- prices have advanced only 5li seems like a lot to me. If we do the big while trilliums that you l',nO\Igl'l Iellc, l;oHl,cqne wroll', jen~ hole for lhem to go In and percent. not ha~e another . shower right kiJl the plant becaus' lh e loaves Lhat yo u Cim di s ' w;.'Ige the cows out-at .least that was what I Ai present prices, it is estimaway I will ~o and s e wha~ J fl O with. Ute fl wer and without IJY f"I'UI iY-in g Mfd making th,e thought. 1 saw them go in and ated by Mr, Jones that every can do, leaves it can not make a I'oot " "sllM'e along the woods so good out with bouse bullding maler- dollal' invested in ' fertilizer will for .oem year? Always ,leav Ihal th cpws al'l~ not int e rested ,1111 but I just wenl and looked return from ~ to $7 in increased and looked and th I'e is no nest crop yields, In' a survey condudSl?rlng COme~ slowly this year, nougK (01' seed, 1I you pick any ill tho wild flowel·s. and 'no' wren~. I wonder w}'.ll ed in 1939i Inore than ,32,000. farand especially on Dry R~dS:t~, for kind of willi {(owen;. Nevel' we have so mnny locusts and I pick th~ last one of any kitHt mers I'eported tbat for each dol Nl)w is the lime to prune your IUlppened? other s low-leaving h'ees that Oil" If you try to trsIls plnn1 a ny of fi.(1 w,Crihg Slll'ubs; thal is as sQon lar spent on fertilizer they re~ woods do nol show green as fast. them, remernbel' that th.o roo,ls as -Lhey have Ani,s hed blooming: - A few minutes ago tl,e CO\\lS celved a l'etuM1 of $3,60 in crop as some do. The ' vlOJets arc pf most IUnds lire ve.l·y dC'el) lind T ju!;tL came in hom pruning a went by in ' single file 'walking incl'ease, pl;linting the ground blue outside that your ch81ices of doing it fnrsylhil;\ and picked a large us though they were really' goHeading ' this llst of furtilizer my wlndow but I haven't any of successfully are sli~,'· hu lie h of- flowerIng' qulnce for the Ing some where and now the I'ecommendations for 1949 is adthe ' UttJe swee~ whit ones that leave those where they al'e and JIOll!;C, Picking loug b!'aneh s of POOl" things are standiJlg around equate ferli lizing of th.e small we used to have in my m9.her's get some Crom a nUl'S ['y , MallY IDly f1owel'ing shrub is a good looking at , the. place where the wain CI'Op in which soil-building yard . . ~ had a start of them but of them, like mer~nsia, or blm:- IV,JY a nd a soud (im to pruu e block of salt used to sland and I gumes are to be seeded , "011 the 8\1 rage farm ," he st<ltes. "th is is the most important ferli1i1,or applicat.lon made in ihl" rotation.
they wel'e kUled when
According to ize Ilnd Condition. Call
L _
Xenia 454 Reyerse Charges
Xenia Fertilizer
\I0 nSG~
COWS $3.00
A '('ordlll~ to !;i7.o RlIII coui1ition.' )\Il •·t()~k J't:1II0V·t1 p'r omplly ,
Xenia. O. 1712 or Wilini~gtOD. 0 , 2362
Clncinna*i Unron SlOC;k V.r,1<
' Bear and Bull Ftrhls I Mexicans of California In 'the da,.. belore that territory became a
1.1"" W ire and.
atate, frequently captured .rlw, benr. tor the purpose of . taglng Aghts between "them and lIerce bl1ll•. The beara were generally capture" by the use ot larlats and fut horses, Severnl riders were required,
•• 110...
,S trjotlv
.round oountry_
A .. non .
m arket
SERV ICE THAT SA I&FI E:' }N'1Il0 DtlyLOII 19: 60 E. S, 'J'.
licking at -the ground to remind me that I must go at cince and g~ them some, tilat they arc salt hungry , T hat is something I must do belore ' I start to do any o( the oiher things that are calling to be done, It is R perfect day to work in the flowers ' and shrubbery. Xl is too wct to db anything in the vegetable 'garden but ju t l'lght ~o pull, ihe grass out oC l)le iris and pull weeds where pu lling is better than diglng, to transplant ruiytbing, to work QO the 'lawn before tho gets too high and so inslcad of just a talking abol!t H, I ought to go and do it. Perhaps I will , that is if I don'~ go mushIoom hunting,
\)10.1 1.'0. WL"f'J t~:40. Olltl 71)0. , tot' Mllrllot RWOr,_
. Well-clean ll, "Well-pressed clothi ng Ill'ocluilll to all tlluL yoU I,re meticulous "buut your allllcuj'u nce and that you are Uk Iy to IJe SO about youI' wOI'k • ' , thut you Cllll "!wId your own IImong 6t'hcl' !luccc8sful li1en. ' ' ,
IhclnO<l1 II, II
Security , ' Whel Needed
Let U!I ll11ndlll your cleaning ncella.
j Suving
il:l n. · ~ooci hnllil j ly hllvlng
with ' \1,'1, you 1I1.1vo l li ' '(uLl\J'e - Itu" dy cosh "for CI1lIlJ'W'II"ios, - EI n'w car, u now hUll":, c J1l flU~IIL fi nanclal incluJ.cbdcJ.lf'l.', 10 ' 1!.Jo.9a~ ~a!l~ ~ upcn that IH'CVU'l~, y UUl' assuranee uf l.iecurlty. • an
fo r:
Bring Your
Nali.1 Buk
Home For Spring Service
'Wharton Motors 35 E. Main St.
ea .• • '
Phone '43
LOANS Why. "
~usiness, '
WAY NESVILLE a'r ea • consistant advertising In
You eRn uuy off R1Iyti~ne . , Long 'J'erm l~iyQ No Re-newal ' A. F'ur\lIers gual'ante " of 5 'cnrity 1IIado Through
,L ebanon, I L 8. Broadwa,. : Leba_Don, Ohi
• --J.-___. • • -.;a: ___ • ____ ,
• baction of a cent PER
A liberal ad COBts a FAMILY fREACHED 'in-the h qme.
for wasted dist.ributio n. I
You do not "'p ay
, I
EXCLUSIVE SERVICE . holds it llIure per' 'i,s{enfl,y in rile; mory' perh:lps, Ulan most q.f the major evel\ts of life. A funeral service
pla ce
For thi ' rca:OI I a -,fndcl'al dire" r , h ulll give , his per- ' s n:t l and 'xciusiv' alten Uon
ttl every case.
'Your Community ' Newspape~
. , ' 9-12 euclill'lql'nll\g '1-5 af\.crtl~f)u~ ~yc IH Wednesday '1-9 SU~Wdll)l -c!v l'Iing~ OtJ1l!1' evening!! by App~intment , T~RONE 62,..];{. , ,
Di. C. E. WiI. ..
(!)ptomdttc 1Ir. &PI ' a'" 24)
n.-. ...
UNIA. 0810
.. _t. _ .......
CLASSIFIED ADS ONR CJ1:NT 'PER wonn: minimum ('hnrRe, 25 'cl'nhl, COtlll'HC't rntl' for repeat advertisements .'rlnt1 atlT>lkn.\ion,
man In the enUI'CI contest, the time ~ours troll' can umpiring in such a IIlIlnO started back in 1934 looking over.
m JJ. ~~ rl. , .
Turkey In The Hay
Mr. and Mrs..James WildaJaD Jackson. Ohio, spent a few days with their pareDu. Mr, and Mrs,' Ernest Ear1Ihart. and !lOll
Of f
A converted Jew wU be the 'David. . . g\lcst sp!)a\ter Sunday even1nt at 14r. and Mrs. Rliymond thc church. \ Xenia spent Sunday afiemooD By' A lillIe dallghter. Patricia Ann, wlth J\{r. and Mrs. Emerson OUt SA ,~;-Ft'1((,f , S lho;, IlTld was bol'll AprIl 20 at the Miami Mr. and Mrs. Melboum Smith Boa O'REG" N Doroth, Iloseboro~ Cllli 2953. R 1)(,11 Furllils. Valley Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. and daughter spent Monday evel..ETA BROWN w a. turioul. Arthur Morglin. ning with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur For th e third time Seth JQno. ron SALE ' MOl'gan. With the opening of the TriMr. 'Paul ' Johns of Cincinnati had ,caugh t her turkeys In hls 01· Miss Mlnn.le Crawford of DaySimday callers lit the home of talla . Now he was actin, as II .hl! County loop a 1ittl~ more than B 'vi~ted friends here SnturdalY R"l!:i$1 I'Nl (;"('rll~(,:V 'FIull Cal- r ..... n .... ~ Ph, ". ~"., W"v ;",.. " : U,, tOil spent the \Vecltend wlth lu~1' Mr: Bnd Mrs. Arthur Rockhold ft d t th k d bad IIrlYen them In, mOll1ll to 1'0 three practice ses- a ernoon an spen e wee enl . ~ntnP (,(,Rel y for ' rvt ('. ~(\n AngrilY. Sct)l rnn acroSll the field parents; Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence, were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Roberts. /110115 are stilI beinl" ntlllze.d by the with · Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roullof ". l' ';rd ~1i'1' T':IT,."" trl' CO",~ to heod the turkeys-trom the newly aJso Mr. and Mis. Lewis Ct-awfol:d Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roberta, Mr. looal A:mel:iean LegIon JunJor za~ and daughter neu.r Yellow Oooded aUaJ1a. "Can'l yo,u keep 'l'I:}])rl o'lI R ~rnl onl or AR 1... ~ t r1 and daughte1', Donna Lee. and Mrs. Charles Richie and r&l. na m~ Wf'it Nt · M m:to' 'RMS. ""0R ~I\l ,1i'-1"'('!ril r1umn" trll'...k , bqschall nine, l>-ponsored IIgain by Sprmgs. , those dong birds ott my place?'" Mr. [lnd r~.b-s: Ernest Earn,larl and Mrs, De~ont Price, MI's. I-:'Ilda Cowan and Mrs. ' 107 ~. Pr(l rl Sl., Cine!""llti 2, 'fl tnl' ",.huilt. Phon(' WRvnesvUle indlvidtJ,al busille ~menJ< conlriClets slapped her sunbonnet at butions, on, a weekly basiS. Lou ls~ Hill a nwnb~'r the Ouslered turkeys "Do you unO. son, DaVid, Mr. lrnd Mrs. OhIo, " ')51. Some of the lacl.~ are sh owinlt of Inifles to a Stanley demollstrul- , - - - - - . . . , think I want 'em James WiIdtnnrl were supper f1lnut. over here?" She guests SWlday eVel~ing of Mr, and 'T"("\ t;'C) S L'fil ()R 'fltADF., fnr cpHl" well. such A~ OIlLe CArter.' who is tlon party 1ft the home o f the I s napped, "G e t. Mrs. Alvin Earnhart of WayneslIC(('1 r ;nt: I""""" ~ ,., r nr " f)I".~]~il7 Plv~nllt" 4-tlpr>r Irvine to mAke the r()llversion former, Friday arternoon. Fiction ting their feet wet • ' ; " ~Ior'IIH't' 1 f 1 C;1 · ·i"''''~ r , 1 ""rhm ~nd 1\ h,. rn1rf fll!lnP into fr~m an infielder to the . mound ' Mis.. SarA Corine Furnas re- '--_ _ _ _--' and dying from ville. r:'~ l' r i~ ('. n Pr" "'n nl".,:' , 11'11{·f ',r. ~ ('rpll T,. Fj .. "r~. 1 mi. Ihifj season. Olie, a r; ..htbllnrlrl·. turned to Cleveland la~ ~ w~lt,. It, maybe I They're un.der the fence MI', and M'rs. Earl C~awrorcl. or , ' '' '' IW~ ;\11 " ., t 7" nr ":111 'I"' " ()f iN v nesvill e 011 Rt , 73. mll~cs up for llll·k J)f· p;u., C'd wit!' where rhe tC'lc;h~s . af1er qpendmg and in yOU!' place before I kl.low It." near Wayn~svlUe called Mr. r nUprl W ' _lr 'ln1"t"I'" t , ; :r.>hm", ~242 , a ' oll~.zlill ~ delivpry phl ~ 11 r ile an Ea!;lrI?J' vncatlon with her par'"{Jnlier the fene el " Irowied Seth, ~nd Mis. Clarence Crawford - • - - --, '-r--', --__ "im~hoot'" w i .h (I' ~ pr(1)1011l now ents, J\f.r. and Mrs. Seth ~mDls "'n1ey rise up and nU rlaht over, ('sday . evening: , the Oyln' toolsl WhY 'don't you F011 ,R :T.F ...Tl?h'n ])(.1'1'1"- 1<'; \11 "'(,:\0, J:!F,N1' 'b in~to eouJp ,e rr! J.' with II C.IlP- and .MI'. 'rlnrl M·rl', ~ud FlIl'I1as. Mrs. Do(o Mcrrl(lll1 caUed ' on ' t l ,1' Ru h ~(1n,.r Air!' ilr ~ {,"''''" n)' ~'. IIhtc "Nll<;I'p/,)I" . . h o C'''' t'PM''1.0 ' 1m SmIth o[ n vl nn keep their wlnga cUpped? Reckon \' (' t 'IiI It1.· Killifer 'R"l1 - cNP" G'nril 'rr'l rtor with rp l",lpif ~(1u~n- me,,1 her thiq hn",nl ~r. c;';" r 1w,rti'$ I'pe . ' C:nnday wi ll- Mr, ~nd M.Tls. you tigger the more gTeen feed M,·s. Mallie Levi Monday afteryour tom gets the be~ Wa chance nool1. 5(" 'rr for ' I:! Cllvlltllt1, I')"n~ ,,,,,,,, l<""p'r"U r.' ~p" rq. 1 m; Wl'qt -own. ElI"ky Wallt' .s nnr" .' t:'oOb CIvil a ' Vh,Elrlm:: an.d ~Rmily . grab oft flrat prize Ilt the Fair." Mrs. lilly Gibson, Mrs. Clar.. l 'll lldinv. dirt mn 'n'" ~nt,. Tni- ' " f W" 11""vill .. ,nn nt 7~ Pho n(' ' ,""'0,)1 . Clevelan~t, WP1'e transn'D WOJl1;>n s gncle ly of Lytle to Oleta Oushed with anger, ·"fhat'. once Crawford spent Friday after" trtnenl Cn.. 27 W. M\llhf' t l RI·. w .,."" "q\-ill .. 2242. fro~ other 1'1)<itions and ChlU'CI;! will m'J"t on W('rinesdny a low-down remarkl" . ". T,phRnn." . 0), ,(1, Phf"' ~ !).'i!i. . made Itood and' neither of them aftern on. May 4, at the hpme of "Another thing," broke In Seth, I\o.o n with Mrs. Alice Furman in ... - ,., I ...".. r. ~" if ,. ., 1i'()1'l !"lA T,,.. L~ IL,,_\, W'''' ao ImmedlR1c slIccess as fRr Mrs. Me,vln ,Meh,fUe nn. R oute "I don't want your tom with my 8ea vertown. r.u, , ., .. , . ..., 73 MI M P Ih I I Oock:. Keep your blrda on your own y Mrs. Thomas ' Runyon ...... t · ... 10,.,....," .. 1· - ...... n"", ....... '.- ~ .. er ,...• 11 as nltr.hln" eQu lnment W8~ COI)ss. arv 1 I ~~ r nr" I I,., 1) "',., _.r.11 .t l'l1lO _ , . , l , " , ., . .., ~ .~ " d • t th ' IIh r. e er .W .l con-d place." He ' strode all to the Irr!' shopping in Xenia Thursday aft( (Or... T,P WI' M w"r"l "',., ~i .. 1,., '11,,, ..,,~ ~ ,m" .1l27 . ' r~T11"d . ,Toe FIofrncp. last vear's uc e • worl., servI~e, an , "Iecond-~cker. should b abl .. to Mrs .. C,alvm LonlCllcre Wll\ have gatlon ditch. ernoon. Cleta was provln, up 00 her de· QH rJ nl ~ ~Ant'" T·".,.,' ....1"f1"'nll\~()·I'Ir.1l ('\lo' A'PP()T1II'rJVtll:Nir"" 'f th t pIC. Mr. and Mrs . Alfred Morgan; ('n. ?7 W Mulh """ ~t T~ ... ~ n .. qlave orf c'lInnell tJon at t.h'lt ('orn~~ 0 • Jlerl cln 1m with a crop milo· il ..... it,i~trf'tor . rr. wllill' Don P(lnp Rt ~l1Ort and JVl.l's. Hal'old Ste,ll1ke, 'Mrs. Gu y maize. Tbe sca~tering grain made M('s. Hily Gibson, Mrlj. Clarence ,.,n , C'l'hl ... , llhn '" 5!i5, 1ll~ .... t " "f fTpwl'rti 'R. 'HRW~. r ,. l1annv .~;mDson. first ba,,~, ar ~m't7.f1hn Rnd Mrs. Wlll1er Ken- wonderflll tornge. But the field was , were supper ~ests Fri'Il'()R RAT,'F.-.TnhT' ,.p 1 .-..}l1 "P;l·p~. . nl~n hold verso Hlilrnld Stanley rIck are. nllmed co-llOslesses, some' dlat9nce from her homestead day of ~r. lind Mrs.' Henry Ber. WAdn" n"Flf. ",ifh .,.. ..;n,!",. 1\T".,,,o i" "'o>r"l,~ "I",," tt., f "n~" wi11 .h old r10wn cP'ntea:Fl"JrI \,"lp~s 'Mr. ATld Mrlj. Hnrycr Burnett and the turk~YB bad to be driven el> IUld famiLy of Beavertown. • '~r"" ,T .... hq P f'P rl' .. 'n - vh" ...l H',,, ,,l,- ..10""... P"st ()ffi(IP A,rMr"~~ qaUed unon to nlav th~ Infl!"lrl visited Sunday aft r.n'o.o n with there eyery day. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pof! or Be.tore they started fussing abdut Cen1ervUle called '10 Mrs. H lly ITSlI1('r: ~nt'Ir" a~r" 2- ....." to 11_ .,. 1. w..,··" " , Mil" (,Mo. l-It~ where he has o~ovl!d l!If'l1abte in Lucy Ma~uder, who IS lit at her the turkeys Seth looked: at her ' a T'/')W ~'ml q T",,,l .....,., ..,, I r", '7 l-,p"" (hoi " 11 ""'1, ,,lp,i p ~ Anm1n;'_ anv PIlRition with lh(O ~~$t nf lh~ hnme near Sprln~~oro . lot. Maybe ahe couJd make him Giblion Monday afternoon. MnTh",."" ~t .. T,..oR,nl)n Phnn ... -• ., t l". or Ih .. li'~ bl p nf J.l,, \V nrtl R '1l1t{i f'lil boint' " wide-npPI1 conA Jar~e cr wd. lI1c1udlnlt rela- look at her again with that WBrltJ Mr. and Mrs. !,(orris ):,ewis and '1 J,f"... 1" ~ .... f W " ,,"w ill,. WM- 'P.llt betwppn CharI!"" Bi .. v~, Dick tivell from HA5!el'stown. Md.. at- ~agerneaa In his eye•. ramily. Mr. oQd Mrs. Hily Gibson Varle..... '....... ' - - -- _ _ (;i.',_ _ '..M ' ('n"nlv OJ,!... ,tn"I",,"'fl T.9"'5'1n. WA rren ~he~llnn And tended the fuel'al of Mr. Kerr ' pent Sunday afternoon with .\ J:ntomoloalJla have rftOrd,d T,F. - fiO W" .. nll"" ni n.,tprl t"; ~ • 2nil n flv nf Am'il F4"b EverhPl't. Routzahn at the ~h,b~s Fune!'llil HE ameU of autu \'IUl wns In the and ,Mrs. Richard 1Iw:Jes between 8111. lind seven hundred , '!l1"('r~1t T. P"n. ",p~t of 1t'1.tq Forno,.'! Robl-,ins. t;c'lIIv,ert!"cf out- Home, Waynesville, Friday IlIte.rall' the morn ing Cleta rode dal,lghtcJ:, Ddnna, of near ~enia. thnllAlln!i rllffprrnj k"''', "r 1'18('cl~ Into town to cnte~ her tom for the W"vl'I/'.'!ville on R ~. 7:t PAT.PH' H , ("/'I'RV flelder. lnok!:l1tke 11 r.l'sl cR\oher a.t noon. . .. -"..---,..... --.WI1V"p<;,,;)I!! 22!12. .1111'1"", nf ~'h,, ' 'PrnhA+" ~""rt this wriLlhq. al)l)earhH' to It/we tbe • .Mr. Everett Early \5 convales- ahow. Coming ~ome ' she cheeked her horse to a walk 811 'she passed "'1' - '~ . WO>I·,·/'oll ~m)ntv. Ohi'1 hp<l Drm f(lr th~t. pnsitioll Amonit Inll nic~ly since his return home . WAD. . . au...., mJl SAt~'F',-Hoosi!t JiQnk kltchel' M ,.,·.,I R nr'lV. Atlnl'Tl"" thO' candid"te b 'QidC1l Irlvi np. the from Miami Valle Hospital, Fri- Selb's place, . Then abe saw the turkey. were ""ahi {'to 1aJ1"(' ':<;i7./', wi1h llJtllr an!! 4 ..., " t . h dav A hln d -~- ., nltoh'ers Q flnp tarpP,l to II nOt-Rt . . In the a\laUa again. and she turned mn' • 'an J>rrlld box:. .T. B. twhinr'l , the ~lsh. "~ones'" '.T~nps, Mr. an~ · ~rs.Herbe~ Loy of In at Seth'. gate. ,No one an.wcred ~OWom._ }fieh, 'T'hlrd SI., WaYIl,cllvillt>. ~V A C1 ,A!'iSIFJEO An one of tlle yontil!est bnv,; on th" Dayton Will furnish specIal muslc ber shoul ae, ahe laUopedby the . SAND aDd GRAVEL , squ ~d is al~(j J<howin" weU in his lit ~unday School and Church houle to the field. . BLACK·'lOP DRIVES Jumplnll aU her horse, meta ~reJ<h\",.'" nilehi",! efforl .. , Third Servl~e next SundllY. , . TAR .... ROAD OIL snatehed at her aunbonnet and beat . Il.~e at thiq w"itin" I.. wide-open. ~r, G~y RQu~~ s cOlldl~o~ the .i&biing '·gobblers. lAWN, .... FlU. DERT Jt II ow ' ~9n hp l'I l'lflnil'plv ql~tec1 Is lust fall' .At GrandVIew HosPItal trantlcall1 "Get away. you devll.I" , Clets that thl' h ..~ef;t snftball thelltr., Davion. He. is su(£e~inta: honrl ' Ilant-cd. READY-MEX COl'fCRE'l"E She drove them 011 ,and n~rtv At the ·'l'win. with aU r,e: '1'rir.h~lasis find "~eu~onill. M. ~I. dropped on her knee. beB"ide the F;XCAVATINC . . . DlIJip TRUCK SEJtVI~E J\p\ntq b~I",' c10nated 'bv 'Ibp man- Roulznhtt And OUY .S moth~r Kel(- birds whl!lh bad droPJ:led bi«ld lng. . ' fllf('ment. · ill ....i-pen Ptl.'1D~ QF er visit him every dny. She watched the victorious gobbler ~;;;~-;;;;;;.;;;;;;-;-;-; --;;;;;~;-~-;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~;;;~'1 ~ YANKF.F..s. '" h(,Rrt~Wllrm,Mr. and Mrs. Seth FumlOs. ,Btlld strutting and drumming his wlnBs inll s t",rv' nt HlP ,IF,. of Tlnu G"h~ . M~<;.: MIHV .Rrown attend('d lhp r • ,,1 .. \vrth Bph" 'Ruth" him- An r,l . ,meeting 01 the Warren his harem. She knew for lure th. e n. ! j. self . Tbi... iq .... Tj for bllt oni> (',."."1,, l·n~torleal. Sorlptv ~o·n Her bird had killed Selh's tom. . I "i WEJlNFSDAV. 'MAY J~ rlRv ,"vnnioll' at tile Golde';' Lamb, ~leta' .tood up. She saw Seth And with .reouel\ted don'ltions ' nf L banon. turning .In .at the gate, and ' aa be h"t at.OO "1''' ,~P."t" CO'nnrl ".tendMr'l. '!enrv SavIor. Mrs. Vf'P'· hUJ'rjed town I'd the field a hot trl· 8nce «;an get the rellp:ue nut of 'In P"~<;lev nnd Mrs. Su&a~ Savlor . umph flooded 't hrough her. With t 11I11I,.IS [lAnELS AifOIOIlUS UOItIl.' 1;hp "r"d" f(lr 1!14R nnd info i'llI' 'llt!lnded the DQyton DI1;t. A!1"blprt-" I f,)" ~ M9. Thi .. "hllw wi)l Tllln) 'meeliD!! of 1he V'{ .~. r.. S: lOt Bllt thlB "fluid end everylhioK, ,_ .... _ Obio ... _.....:......... •.. \ . _ ..~ .. _ _ _ _ _ 1__ . _ hI' Ii fjn~Qrulr-..tunlty..for~ ~I)l lt P~rk Church, Dayton. abe IGIc1 bereell. tie.. Juaew ahc . ID _ _ _ WIll Il"* 1 _ _ ...._ _ _ hllll' PRtronS of this communJty t \1~ ay. . . ' coolll aot bear to keep OD fJ,btfn& ' '-; JUW . . . . II _ _ ,..,. IIIIiIIcIlap. :ruar dMaIIII, ,~ ...-oWIt tum out and sUPQrt theIr leA"" .... . lVIrs Dora lI,fcCray of Mlamls- wlUi Selh. '. .a JUW UabWly lor Mddaua io odwn. WIar 'IIOC ... . _ ...,~ ,",psldes as fine <1 n;",i,,,p ,,- 1,,,,.,, "f'turnilil hnmp, M"I1c1,," ''So you let 'em aet In again," hc V. . ,__ .",....... t-W .. .,. ow. ' - - ' was ever filmed . .. tlln~~ 'If VOl' "fler ' ,iqitin<' fnr A few "FlV", ;--W" stormed, "Anyone with a brain ~gbt mow thU woUld bappeD. ' tW who 1'IIW " nnee sho"l~ 'OVl' \' ...,... ',"""til Em~ick p"d )\Ifr 8J!ain, ~hile manr I'If 1hll pr ~f'~' jf ; .~ . ,.,.,.~ CorneU and called 011 hl~-schoolel'!l have not seen It "!'veral frlenel,. at all. '. 'T'hP. Lvtlp RlIndav ::icho'>l w1\ I PhOlle 153. 20 E. Mulhe",. LEBANON, 0 . . TIP Ii>~AR~: Tn th ' '''lnRnr'' "V~ t"" "r ",1 I EWE. pltcheTS of thl~ enTJlmuJ\;Itv ., BanQuet" ... r l' e Ip,)\o:)~ ...,r ", .. r ry rr you all cQI1Jd hB~re eainpti l'ointpr'· TTlnl"itv In Ihe J\pa" JI.I·"r". I' . : - ' 01lIO 'UII\ftS" ' . . . lIllY .~ ~ , 011. cP!;Itr,.,l 'Tnl'l'ilI'v Ilt Clnl:in"'11! '1n(!iI nroftl'am is bpi!)" T'/renar prl + _,_-;_~_"_'_ : ~{t , where the Un.ivElrsitv of Clneln "'po,f thiq crill1nm for f.nrtnE'r n",. natl dl'oped MiamI . U !)-lversltv, teil", "I,'1"~E't q ",ill be "n S'1.1 .. soo~ , .4.-3. in \I finp. conteRf.. Neltner ~. LpFter Kp.nrkk· "~m!linc He.lls HeinO), U. C. hurter 01' DO)J quite ill at Miami V~lleYl Hosnlteo) BIl\ck. Miami chucker, walked a ~in e a 'maipr oneration on Tuesdav of ll1st wpek Mr.' Levi Greathouse'. Bile 9l!. r.~s''''d away Fr,day l"t thebolne ' oF his dau5!hter, Mrs. C1yd~ Wh!\rf,on. A son. At1hur, o,f N:m]e,~ FIR Rtle'nded ' the fun er;::.. p 1. Service was held at the' ~tub1:i~ "" "wrll] Hom'l,! ~esday conduCt.• pcn:iV Re". Flern..ra , BlIl1,dhn
"t ....r,,"
Uncle Sam Says
rI". .
1 ,.,. ,
"hn",. '
- -
I'NriRitage& Soli' ....,. -.--
::o!: ~:~~e~eU~e~em!!':~r~~~ I
8Se lb. 59c,lh.
'VEAL ~iB CHOPS • . • ' 78c?lb. FRYING QlICKENS .. . 75c lb.
--- ----,---
··.·WAY '.RM . ·, I.'URA.~C." '
w_ ,.'..
10 Weeks·'Old
"'· I\Il"'-'
• • ...,Jo.:.-
'e o......,
\_ _
Ttiliular Arch Stalls r - For 'Sttet19th Stanchions - Mastennade steel or wood .lined "
tJ - -,I
(If Ih .. birl}{d~v annlvel1'ar'V of E . W. H,.,nkins . father of. the. JRt~r. Tbp <111 ps l... were: Mr. and Mrs· Yo W Hr;o ldn~, Mr. ~hd Mrs., J..' A. ~npkins ann dau'ltJiters. )1.1:'. lIr>d }If)·s r;lenn H';'n1tin'~r· lncl M,·'!, .Willl,,0'1 1:f"lr and 'f1'!' ~'" "nd ~r ... n~"id H",,~Sf)Ck. Mr; 'aD(I,
Hay Track and Carriers Steel \Vindow Sash , Gutter D~ain.s barn Door 'I'rack
Free'Batn' Planni~g Service
. Cove~ ' old cracked ceilings
,~'/ith Jo~ns.Manvi11e Glaz~. '. t
BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. Phone 556 Leb~non, 'Qhio
~lI'r. , O::I ~ n' i'" An <1 Mr5~' Mabel W ..llF " ,,11 o~ WavnElsvi11e. ' " Mr. and Mrs . Warren Howlan(l of l.O"I"\li llp , J{v ..~"'!,,t the week~ end "Hh Nrr 'm.t M'r'l. J,nwen 'l'hnmas an.t Mr. " n.:{ Mrs. WlU18nl nt:n1c.~V. Thpv w~re ' "oined fOlr SlInil"y dinn er · bv Mr, Des"l 1lowland (IF Wes~ CarrQUtorl an~1 'Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rqbet-ts 9 f Da.vtoJ\. . j ' . I Mr. .and Mr!', E. i, . Caimohy oJ Snrin .. r; ..ld ~l'ile"'. :tlned 'Ph.... 9n\~~ Mr~. WI1l-.ur ~I"rk and MI'. lind Mrs. W"Her ' Kenrick to dInner at the (rt,lr1en Lamb Monday eve:. "i.,~ 'rhe'· ,,1 "it..d Otterbeiii Home ~ the aEtemoe,n and at.~n;-1ed the .Wllrren Countv HIs·· . 11)rlcl11 S()CIAty meetJDjt In
. If planni~9 to llild :.; ·r emodel a ~all on us for a irea estL ate. Stop in for your. copy of Louden's Big lJ~n Plan BQol.
New~ St.
oatr '
()~ta ".ppet! her' .... bonne. •• wllvnpsvi11 ...·. 'Bu~iat was 'r,Dllde &lie. natered turilep.. '·' 00 r •• •. JIII hTYJori1~ Park cemetery . on th~! UlIU I wall' 'em over here"" ..... 'l,'rn" Pike. ,. 'aapped. ,M find Mrs. ~erett Kenrlc1~ "1)(1 children enlertained to B By heck!" be oxcl.a1nied, "Blamed Be familv dinner Sunday in hQno1t If J Im.ow which o~e It lsi"
Panels. A quick. eco-
no.tnical job. No exposed nailihg, 'Ask to see samples.
ENOUGH FOR 10':< 12' CE J LI NG ............. ~ 12
:11e . ayntSVu W
:h:~~d'co;:~~ sli~~ em trip.
knelt and turned the gobliler over. "Well, I know my o~ bird, even U you 'don'r" Olcta reIGrted. "So now you can 110 al\ead land win that p~e money ,ou're 10 ~et lip aliout." . "Dunno II. 1 wae, an,. more het up than\> ' rou," Seth Jellre!l bJ. banda .tlll buey with the bird. • Seth looked from ttie deti d bird to ' tbe BWellJn, gobbllng with the bem. He grinned' "Sa~, Clet• ." ba ,.drawled in the aiel friendly t~,.aIn, voice, " Why don't you taka that bird of your. home? He'. cutting up .ametblnl ' lcandaloUl round
them window •• , Ole" reddened. "I WJ . YOU be'. ,our blrd," abe InIlated, movln,
'ber florn, Seth Clllllah' ber ' by the wrtlt ' "Hey, ' Walt a mJDutel i',ou !mow dam weD ' that'a your tom with my 'b.elUl. Jut (f .you are bonm' tot', proof-" fie apread tbe ' dead turkey', wina. Cil/Jped m the ' Wn membrane. Cleta 88\11 a narrow rea· t.tratlon band. . He was smlllnl!. but CLeta ,a\lll that hl~ e).'s weI'£- 1I ,Ien l 110d eager ·~Ili
doesn't mn l 1( I rll)\Y" J she rnur mUI'~d . " Il '/! ' " I n1 I~ J 1('11 so ler
If you are not correctly infornied .bout 'ehriitian Science, ~ow can you diacu88 It in,telUger,tly? Take· ihls ~ppbrtu~it; to .Iearn · of the facta iibout this 'religion that has done so much,to h.eaLhunian ills and free 9uffe~er~' from human nti~~~ Attend .
. ..
tt '
by ROBERT stAI'n.EY' ROSS, C. S. B: of N.w York, 'N_ York:
Member of tbe Board ' of Lec:tun;mlp of The Mother. ,Church, The, Firat Church ,of Chrilt, Sclentllt, In Boet~ Ma_ I '
ON ROUTE 42, ~~. OHIO AU AnI Cordlall,.
IImtiacl ~
2143' -----~- -
Talking ,It Over
Be ,
A Waynesville
Serving Waynesville Since .. 1850 NINETY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 4416
Bouster FIVE
MAY 5, t949
Plan elean~Up,' Week For May 9.. 1·3 ~--~~--.--~~~--~~~~--------------~~~---------~~~-----~.--~~------~~~----
A ColWlll'i of Commenl By The . Editor
Board Approves Graduation :I>ates ! ' . Two;.Year"Cootracl:s A . ~ ~A/ ' . ' '~ o; 'School ~re :. ~nnou.n~~o
Bishop Plans . ' Visit
To"local Gh.urch
Being strangers in town WIe probably observe a lot of things that .Waynesville resid~ts. take j for granted. &1d, perhaps, it' Rev~ might be interesting to the old .'timers to. hell.r abou\ a few things that 'have inipresed Wi during tbe~e first few weeks ill your
Henry W..Hobson To Speak 'At Sf. Mary's This Thursday Evening
.------. I Although we have he!lrd talk about the packwardhess and smallCJ; communities, slowness we wonder jf our big cI~y 'cousins really know what they are talldng about, - Take-Waynesvilie, Cor example, per. capil!l,' We will w~ger, it has oVM-aQ facilities that may '('ompare with many large cities.
• A ·fl e library. recreational facilities, ' includlng_ asp 1end i d ~wiffimlng pool, at\d inviting churches will be found hue on a par-per capJta-with any found anywhere.
Our • 'bools~ overcrowded, it is true. 'out did you know that in the mighty metropolis New YOfk chUdren are attending pubIlc schoQI In buildings 100 years old? Progress moves. slomlr there, too, d h ' II. And W bIl e Ho.ywoo may ave .... ChIn Th ~ Grauma.. " ......·'Ln ... ese 1 ea ..fe, our OWJ\..LW provlo.e5 p enty 0tl com- an d em ent opera on to
The Board of Education of the Wayn'eLoca1 Sc,h oois mel fOI' its May session at the High Scl1001 , . Monday c,ve n.lng, Preside.nt J'ohn Guns condu,cled the. Ill eeting. Supl. KeJlneth R talJick X,plained to t he bobl'tI Jl\embers the
The Rt, Rev: Henry Wise Hobson, D. D" the El>lscopal Bjshop of Southern Ohio, will visit SI:. Episcopal church, WaynesvUle, Thursday! May 5. ' Dr. HobSbn will confirm a lal'gc class of candjdates at the 8' P.M, service, He will also PI' sent the sermonfOl' the occasion, Bishop Hobson sperrl last summer at 'the London Lambeth Palace Conference of EpiscoplI~ Bishops Md the meeting of the World I Council 'of Churches at Amstel'dam, Hollllnd. " The public is invited to llti.cnd ' 'nISH P HQBSON the service. ._'_ _- - -
cast Annoul1cel For Senior Play ,
A very in ~c):e lingpl'Qgram wa~ given at lh Warren County Woman's Christ!;,,] Temperanc UntQ~l's Jnsmule beld in the Firs~ 6apt;ist (;hU1'ch, L~hanon, last:fr~The Se'oLor Class of Waynes- day, Mrs. Ralph VII ox Oi Middle,\own ville High .. SclJool will present a ~ o"ened the morn ill " sess[on with t.,hree aot comedy', "!We Shool. the " . . . T a de.votional servicOc, M"s. Olive Family Tl;ee." at 'the high school p. Curl of WllvnesvJlIe, the vice auditorium Wednesday e v e n i n g , " 11. conducted. the .morning
Slale n chabllilalion program lor wl, ich the Waynesville 'choal now (]l1ajifies. He stated that'when the school enrolment re!lched a ce~tain point in prppol1.ion to the school budget) tbe school ctiluld ~llJa!l(y for f>wle- aid in making building impl'ovemenfs . , The state, Relallick 'repol1.ed, has qualified Waynesville to ' l'ece.ive aid on several redecorill tin~ and rep!1ir projects. ACUOIl on the !'ehabiJltatiofl pro~rnm was dererred, ttowever, pellding, def infOI'maUon I"(lga.rding the' b~li1ding of iJle new grade school. No action could b taken on the j)roposed sch(ilol buildLng pl'ogram, a$ 1he architect· fo" the buHding did not appear at the meci inl~' A group of interested par'ents nttende,4 t~e meeting to dia:cuss I~roblems with the board thesuperintendent. The l:>oa,* welcorned the ........enu. Dnd .... r..... appreciation Tor their Ilttendilll7 .1.. e ~~IO-.. .,.,........ ~ A --.. >,<WO . . . . . t. '1.. y ."
WAYNE 4-H CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS The WaYlJe O.C.P. 4.H Club melon Tuesday evening, April 26, al the hllme of Mr. and Mrs, Willlam O' Balmior'~. ', The- following elecl ~ o[ficel'S presided. Presid en ~Lee O'BII~ion, Vice Pl'e5ident,-.c.Chal·les :Hammer, Sec'yTre{ls. _ Janet Michener. Recreation Leader- Paul Michener. S~nlinal- WHliam Barton. News Reporte l'~Bobby , O'Banion. Club AdvlsOI·.c , hadE~s. MI·,l..ener. ...... Guest of hon o'l' COl' the wa~ MI'. Berml~ E. s ho\V~ a movi.! ';The ~ 'FQI'w.ard." :fhe" prOJect qooks were distrihuled and the j~)'ojects wl)re dis (!ussad. . Tbel'e is plenbr oC room iri club Ior new ~nembers and and 8'lyone, betwe~ ages of ten and LWeIlty..()ne, who is interesteli should c\>nlact t)ne of the officers before next mee:ting whlch will Oil Monday eev[ling May 16, a.t homo of Ronalcl Sears.
Shook the Family Rdbert Dunn of Spring!;roro, IIrtist'18 sueHild d 0 Is A covered dish lunche~ln waS enough I~Jteregar e 0 on. is eniot~d at the nODI) hour ahd Ihe to orgunize a claSS'. The ~n for ~he p!'9ducUon county p' j'esident, ftI·... s. Ralpb jlI' th as follows: ' . ..,.. 'W me~" on e sall;lO dildeg II'ld~""-"nce Whltak Love. of: t.eb<l.nol1, presidcp. over as the veterans'" arn1cult~r~. ~..,,,....... S '. .e ' . "" J tl H 11 ( d t d ) the afternoon's ,busio ss S~SSjlln,i cl!lsses. . " eanne e a un eJ's:u y MI·s . "pauline BaJou of Frallk~in I' 1'he bonrd vQ~d to graJlt twoMr. Dr;>~:n ~:~U;::;b1eson Ie.d the devolioOfl~ sel'ili c!!. ThIs ?;'ear ~ eoot~cts . to a_I tcadiers Sally"-Betty Campbell was -followed by Mrs. Robertwbo:.e one-year contracts expire Bob-Bob Hastings Dunn'S' presentation of a paper at the 'close of this scbool year, Jimmy-Bin Meliaffi~ wl'ilteo by MisS E1'IIcsline Roude- Th e resignations oC tw'() teachers, Paigl!'T-WtIIlda TJnney Qush. • Mi ss Louise M6t'eton ancf Mrs. Ellie-May-Elula Hoak ~uest speaker oC l he altol'noon [Ed ith LukellS. . JlJl-Sllirley Coppo~ was Ml·S. G. W. Bl'eiel. of the LaMa I' Earnhart was hir~ by Freddie Shermel'-Ken Vickers ]\1:iddJetowJ\ Ll.'ogue . of Women ' the board as inslructor for the Mr. Shermer";'Bill Stansberry .voters. " ' ~eteral)s" a icultur~, class. eE~ecYou won't .1lpd many', TIlHrm''' .1 Mrs. Shermel'-Ei!een Brown , --..-.., tlve June 1. ' " halls and b;r,lc.. a-btac in' ~ur town. I , • • Miami a" ...~tQr', 107, Or~er' of' . Permission was gl;anted for the , pellhaps it's 'beC/luse, we have Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Asbury werl!' ~rt"m Star w~ll meet il) r~ular aes- ,'grade school chilrlren to>travE~I, to nothing to hide. , :And we '{eel host an'd hostess ', to the South Sion o.t ,8~OO fyftmday evonlng:. Cinci.ooat.i May 10 to visit the zoo. . . . confident ijlat the -pride of fel- Wayne' ~dvlsory Counoil on
lowshlp }>etterment will eonlinde toandmotivate WaynesvUl . e. and the small ,to.WJIS ol America, to, c.ontlnue, to pl'ogress and Improve.
. ~, Joyce, who arrived at. ""8_' """'-ptei' 107, n - I -r V 11 A ril .u ..... ~ '-MIl "''''''"' a ey on p "'--'Star• me, in ---*_1 M . d da wI.> .,.......m 'UI. rs, an h u ...... .. -'OIl .... -..,.1Dl1I1II: th Of' fore ome;M~II::~~:~~~:
pound, Karen. Mi amI 27 19'" •
Appearance' or rown
~ext week will be. clean-up week in Waynesville. Mayor H. M, Sherwood an~ this week that the ~ .. cleanup , week " is I, ~~e,~wl~ to get u~derway ~on~ day continue through Frid~. Supt. Kenneth Retalllck anStreet Commissioner C. P. Joy nounced this week the commence- saJd village trucks ·will coo~te ment and baccalaureate dates by collecting trash from h~u!. the graduating class of 1949 and business places. The r~ Waynesville Hlgh SclJool. trash collection will ~ made The bacealaureate sel'vlce will Monday and the truoq will be on be presented Sunday e."enin~, call the .remalnder of the week. May 22, at the High School. Rev, Fit'e Chief Cl\rmen Cr~e bas 1'4, H. Coffey pastor of the issued a plea 'to cltl~ to cOOpWaynesville Church of Ohrist, lil'ate in the campaign to aaf~. will give ' the sennon; gU~rd the commUnity aplnat fin Commencement, exerclses an aeclden... ...tlJ\~ to 'improve Jta be held' Tuesday, ,May ' 24 10 the ap aranoe. ' High School ' aucUtor!um. Dr, , Fpr thl!! home qheckup the chief MaTble,. facufty member at WU- suggests that h.oWlBholders: mington college, will be \he COm- . Get rid of all' papers .and l'Ubmencellleni speaker, bim in attl.c:s, cIoseta, basem8bta, yards I\Ild prqe. ~d tie them Into bundles for "vage. . Check stoYeI. furnac:ea IIDCl hea~ and see that floors ..... .
Noted Guests 'Attend Inspection l\ir. and Mrs. Frank \-eMay. J~ al'e the. happy r,arents of an eight twe~ve ouh~ d~u,ghti1r,
~~~ff7?~~!-_;":!~~~~'1!~-!~~~~~~!~~!!t'I!f.1~~~ the
.Then there I1rt'!· many things that catch the eye of the strahger-good sUeet signs, neat homel! ..nd well-kept. yards, Not to mention the friendly, hos. pltable persona whO quickly make Intranger at ease in their midst. The greatest cities ¢ the land may have 1helr marble halls and glitterLng bric-a-brac. But remove th lam d Lnsid will 11n~ t.e ~~ms,:"the hov~IY:nud de:gene),8tion of yea!'s of misuse and neglect.
W~YDes,ille 8igll. Seniors Will Attend Ceremonies Late This Month ,.
Ma,or _oances EveD~ lo Improve .
and as Worthy ,Patron. loin.
VI' Olllll.t.
The Mothers', Club will meet 011 Friday afternoon for the regular May meetiDg and w.ith E1ection of officers as the event .of. the afternoon. A progrf;lm will jJe pres~nl:ed by the First ~rade pupils. 1,
• Jacob Chl'iS~lap was fined $15 and co ts fo ~/J1unkeness In Uie Wayr\CsvlJle Pollee Court, Sab.&rday. Ajail sen ce was SlISpeRded.
.Ite·m's, O£".I n·t e·'r es't.
~ ..,.
bumaWe matlerlal' subject .. ~ l ...clia1tlClfMn stoves, fur-... ~ PIp-. CIeua chimneys i. ·
an. ......
lor ·enc:u.loose bricks and ........;·:
PJeaee ...Ie ub trey. for
Desb:oy pUnt
and conelF ,
clot~ or·Pl,lt them In metal seflu. ve of New Bl'UlIs)Yick, Mra. taiMi!s With: a cover, Hang' up oily Lillian Sherwood, O~d Repre.~ mqps so that air can circulate Mattie ... Dolen, O'..~ .... nd ..... n_~ta·. _ through them . . .1'• .,.,.,.. tiv~ of South Dakota I and Mrs,
. ...
stoves a... protected •
Edna Ridge, Ch,'at:f,er member of MiamI Chapter ~ere the hpnor guests of the eVeliDg, Oold colored gowns were "110m by all officers, and a.1so by many of the guests, in observance of the , . fiftieth anniversary of Miami Chapter. " .' The inspection sesslon and lnlof candidates was held in A pre-ilchool Cillnic will he held !.he Masonic Room, which was ar- at, , Ha'i"ey~burg School •.G)'Dl ranged wltp .ll\1'ge· baskets Tuesday, ~ May 10, at noOD, for purple' IU'Id white fullilcs, nu., ....._. chUJJren who will' enter ' 'lNIIboal Ilngeas and tulips. next fall, . 0 h dred ' Dr, A, E. StOut will give each ne un seventy ChJJd a physical examination and
Pre-Sihool Cliic At HmeyslHq
Thursday theMrs. Smith gueststhen and invited memberstowere 8maDpoX Tea Room,'evening with Mr.inand W. tt , and the -.~o th ersvaccination. are asked to bring their E. Su:oud and Mr. Charles Stan room whre a delicious ch1fdren U posSible. U for AnV' as guest, Ml's, J. B: Orabbe, pl'esi- l . salads and I8ndwiches W8IJ hlI --.. .• relUlOn a e d is not accompanied '( ~ent, ~resJdedand Mr: A, H. I Mr•.al\d 1'41'5, A. O. Griffy, T~Jird Mr. an.d Mrs. Wilbur N. Sears Mrs, Jessie "Hyman has ar- at tables whi elL were by a '0 written conaerit Ear&tart co~~ucteq the disc~on I ~~t. wel:e pleas?ntJy. surprised 'O!ld Ml'S. 'Evel'et,t Sears spen~ rived borne after spending the h!~~~,wi~th:'1l1i~~~~~~5ti~~~U;':~=t;;:Ho~""'~~;-\"0::1 ' Anyone who has on ~~Is. , '..' . l~llIJllllY -when their (;h.ll~e;rL) ~r- '1 hU!'. day in Dllyt~b. • • Jll'inte..~· in Flori~,a. IIple ::: , Vogt's 1look. "~oad FoUowmg.adjournment, a s~C1ljl nveCl to spend ~be duy. Those VIS'. t ,. ,; - 0- - ; - ' -GUEists ' must have ' been ho~ was enjoye~' ,w ith ,a d~ssert . tting: !lIe OrJ,f(y'S " wer,]. ' Dr, and i ,M'r~ Susie Evans If$s just rotU'mGd Mrs. Himy Sater~bwaJt~ hali Le'banbn. . bls appraisal of .~e all~itnPoriant l'I!n,ur.,,, served as refreshmen~, ' Mrs.~; B. Shctkln 0[. ~in\1li!nati; .t lJ her bom o after .. ~ weelu ' '~CfI- been spehding )levera1 d~ys with Franklin, ~n. M rrow, "".,~"'~probleril'of.preservmg our natural , ~ , MJ:.' an~ , ~rs. D£I~~y.I BrcalWeid tlon !.ii FlOrIda. Mrs. EVAn., 'W~IO es l1er 'rliottiel', Mrs. R. E .. Harbach, vUlE!, X~nJa, W,ilriiingJop, 141'. and Mrs. ~ K Day had as ®!I and Mrs: 'V~a Noggle as Y"OfS uld, wad\ld in th,a ocean and ~f ~eaJ' Frankllh, who has been v.eysblll'g, Sabina, ~esbUrg, ·respurces. Certainly we . hav,e abused the facilities we have -been Sunday guelitS. M.r, lind Mrs, H. a~nd ":{limlly ' of .SlIbll:Jaj Mr, a!ld I,.Il1:tlercd '1101ls ~tOJ1g the boach 'while .:;;eriously ill H dr condition is yet t~sville, MtU'elmont, , 'V el'Y serious r. ' ClOcihnati and J,fiamlslltug. given and it is. Imperative 't hat P. ' Godb~, .Mr. paUl Godby and Mrs. Curl Conard aJ:!d fu~uly of there. . correctlve measures be taKen, . son, Billy, o£. , q~cinna'U, Eldo)·"clb, and Mr. and Ml'~. Vin' , ' ~_ ., . '•• ' "...... -'-O'lb Fr ' f d .cent GrifCy and Camily oC Bay lOll. Mr. . l.Iod Mr~ .• Lee \ Bennett: . aDd Mrs. D. C, Ridge spent Sunday MI'~, L. 1. Burton has returned -• ,- ' However, we can~t .help IY.,'. and MrsMt:~. LouisQ CnnUUJ' l>'Pcnl three " b h h f eli , S .d "I dert ye an • ,. ~ fRIl' ily of S,.DUtl • • 50 .. 1011 visited M1', and in MansCj' nld wl..d ~e she snen' t to e r orne ere a ter spen ng onder II the gigantic federal BOnS were un ay inner . gucstli . d"ys 'he 'I,asl wee':' '1\ ' ~ / I~= ' " . , 'M d .,...' W ' d ,,' '" " . Mrs, Wnl""r ' Euey Saturday e'lo11ing. ~ome. lime with. her niece, l'tfrs, the winter with relatives in Mich- ., r , an mH•• O. E. Maple of th(!~ 'T'."\' I I,ly·rhlrd lIl~etd. ' l ' gan. Da· ...... n called ,on A'Di~ 0' I.d t-u_ ... projects' are the correct solution. Qf Mr. aild Mrs. GI enn Fr yj!: an allclldiJl" .. 1-- Poul Sowilsh ' wpo fs conIined' in ;,... 1oD.,. . .....u ,Are thue projects a,imed at cor- sons in. Dl!yton. ., " lu!!, M. .the Gntl1d Chapter. of tht< ' ;' " . Emma lfoUoway on Suna_y reotl)lg past ab~8 or , r - -, ' '. WLW M<ljl Bug Club at the H;olet A vet·), 'pleasant lvening iw<lS the }:Jo~pit,d tHi~ re, . . ''\ ·r .... Intended ~o', benefit a Ml'. and "Mrs, E" F. E~rnhlll'tJ Gi~son. .. . (!11jbYj!a ,at the home' of 'Mr. and · '., "7", - .; I ' lew? ' , , WeJ:e Sundar el(eDing ' ,guest& 'of , . Mrl!. Ernest Butlerwort,h o~ SatMI'. Roy, Fitispacl1, l il tormer ' An ' Garnet: was tLe Mr. and MnI. J, tf. Rob~n in ,MI'S. G ..ace Schuler BJ\d . Vir- Ul'day evening, ~~W1 the,y' e,,, I'e:sident and whd nas been f;OO-NO~C! ' h~r nephew, Mr. Lee I ~ anli w}le at (heir farm TIle co1lServatlop measures be- Dayton, wnert iliey c~te~l.!llrted, ~inia had as. their Sunday cfum~r taioed l~e Oheerful Circle. l~ive £iRed in .the VeLl8l'u.ns Hospital for honorin ~e seventh b-!rthday 1lJ1- 'RUC:>sls, MI'•. and MI'S. Charles Hay hUlldl·ed . was the dlva,sion and several weeks, Is reported to be on Suhday ldletnoOD. Lng insU\led in much of Ohio nlversary of thei rson. Donald. ~d .Joan of SablJtn, and Miss cl,\inty ~£a;eshments were sel'vCd.· slowly . improving and hopl~ to Mr. Ilhd Mrs. 'D ouglas Clarke !ure~ restor£ng the U!IEmIlne~I8' . I u,dilh S~ulel' or Ll!bano~: ' .' > ~:.._ ,b e home soon, , ," . i tJ.jct NO!JjJnating Cpmmittee held of Dayton and Mrs. Raymond the land and deCreasIng ~J .' - . , Guests ?f Mr. and ¥r-\l~ Bu tcr- , ·_· .......- . : ' .in the aUlce ,of the Dist, Supt., Mo.ntgomery of Centervdie were ~ge, But is the propOBed gi. ganti!= "big dam" camPllign ,in the ,~r. ah~ Mrs, Albert D. ~rver worth ere ' Mr. !lfld Mrs ,~A, MI'. and Mrs. Ea1'l Woolard lind ·01', Roberl Kennedy, MonWty af- ~U;~~'mC:~:~f a::~~--~~ . . , and Mr. lipd ,Mrs: Go~on Hal'l'l- Cornell- o.E Dayton, Mr. and l~s. sbns nave pw't1ha$ed ~e home -ternoon, . " ....,." -t=L west Lntended to co ct an.abuse, • ~ . son 1I1'1d dal.lgb.t er, Cnthline, ~el'e L . V. B1anstl'ator of W4lmin~~on fomierly ocou})lod by ~. and the Blstricb Comerence meets tha Brown 9 n ~unday. help a privileged few; or wIn it of CIlU~I·l! (It , ~he home of Mr, and Mr, and Mrs. Glenn aor\fen, I~s: Mrs. Orl1n Sh~up ani:l are now re- Tuesd~y May 10 ''in the qrae(! Miss Ruth Chll~ater spent prqvlde an overall ,asset fol' aU -Louilla " Marsh ). K1~ler, W:aY,Qellv~e, wJdow ' of Charles Mrs. "W. N, Sears. . " H'J1TY Sinith, Mh and Mrs. S. S, "siding there. M~r. and .tdrs, Br~- Church ..' Dayt~m. good ~ej,ga- Tuesday f night in Lebanon and tne people? Klblel'\, died Tuesd\lY at 1:30. She --::-" Ellis, MI'. and Mrs. J. S. Rich, \VQck and fam~ have moved IR tlon wi! attt$d q-om the l~ hCeardl ·the ~y,ric ' soprano, You are gOUlg to help 'pay fot was 83 years old. M'r. , ~nd .M.fs. John J, all.l'!;ke MI'!>. FJ'tlllccS Oray and SOIlS. the. t'QOlflS vaclited by 'Mr, !lD d ohurch. ' ,'. arQ. yn Long, lit .t he opera DOUse, Ii, You should beinte~ted in r Surviving are · one daughter, \'isltCid relatives in Springfield on < -MI·s. Woolard. . ' .Monther's Day wiU be lIPProprl- , Mrs. Ella 'Dakin (eceJved the the methods behind -sqch propos-:one son, Luther, of Sunday~ J . Mr.' and Mrs., Maynal'c;i Vlretb; ately observed Sunday May 8, at C~lowing callers· on Sunday &ra1& Oklahoma City. ..£-.and sons had as their guest dl ring ~h-s. Marie confined at 10:30 A. M. The church choir will ternoon-Mrs. Bessie Retalick, 'Th elWleral service will be held Mr. rurd Mrs, RORl H. HartSQck 1he PUlA week;. M,:s. 1<. R; Hill~' Gralldvlew . tal ill Dayton. fum'sh special music and Mrs. Bel'~ta Pullen H~toD, The ~teat' sin dOt!Sll't Ue Saturday at 2 P. M. at the Stul,bs Rnd Mr, Rnd M.I'S, Mlllcm Harf:- and little son QC Grove Clty, She Illel'cd the past week mOb wil be In keeping with the Mrs. Charley Irwln, Mn. W~ter with a govenunent that abuses. Funeral home. Rev. A. E. Houlk sock attended the Dog Show at also Mr. 1f1l1 joined the a few days day. Flowera will ~ preieDted to Rockhill, Mrs. Edna .u of ' bu~ a public tJuit won't make, an will officiate and burial will' be Music Hallin Cineinna.U on Sun- Friday Qve~t, all is remaining the oldest and youngest mo~ Lebanon and Mrs. Charley Cotmade 10 Mi~ t:emetel'lt. day afternoon. home on ~aturday. treatment. present. win o! Nqnirood, Ohio. effort to keep inlo,r med.
. \7\./ . . elJeaih'J':
' 1949
'The Miami Gazette Puhlfllhed' every , Thursday
Qt1,urt~ (6uU~t . .
onoyer .. ... ,.. . .,......... ..... Editor & rullisher TIdmi H, Conover ..... ;......... , ......... :"......... ., ·A's-~ocialc Editor The(ld(>te E.
1l1~ tor at the
l>ostoffice 'a t SCRIPTURE': • MDrk 1ll:17- 11.44. 12 DEVOTIONAL READING: Ilark : 1·12.
$\I~f.1r.rilltron Rate: $1.(;0 Tier year
,r\1ij r
in 'Ohio;
$2.00 per
M'J'. HOILY.METHOD!' T. ,... Scarff. Mlnl5te~ ~und.v Schoof 9 :30 ll. m. Jesus ADd Critics R. B. C()leman,ol Minister I' Ct,ur(:h SJCb'OB ..9:3Q ,••m: B.A. E:tn,hart. ~Uf)t. LeMon 'for Mar 's. 1~ ursl:e, ~upl "Vo~"lb Service , :~o" a. m. '.. and Sermon _] . IVenlnl' Service.' 1:10 p,~, , to. o a.m. _ . URING. JIilSUS' last we.ek; b1a
' Survey'lndicat~s ,
Warren Driver~ Would Support Ohio ' Turnpike
A cl'O$..'I,.section polr of WQ.r~CJl Ilutomobilc Ownc\'s condl,l ted by the Oh io Tun\pikc cplT'lmittee' revealed . this \\1e'ek OUllty
D enemies ' \;\lore
rascnl or
ctpn n i e y o,8ked Dr Poreman FRID.roS·· First Day ~ch(lol 9 :30 ~ouDdea perff\clly /, ' .. fair. "wpere !lId you ,et- ,our, au- \\eetitll." fOr Worshio . 10 :30 \horlly?" 1\8 we saw ' lut ,week. '
House of R Ji'resentRtiv,es: ,
they , .ma1n~n. connect ~nd Ne~ i.urnl)ik~s. ma.kioJJthe
It ,:oUhld.
hlgh-priced New York-phi lad 1"lua .tnarket a,llailable. to mii,k trncked fro~ Ohio. f
Rl').ylyn T. qrabbc or,- thls ~m. munlty, ·has been !;lamed on the bOf1Or 'roil of students ' A • hisr!) , scholastic ' attaiD~ent.'! '
Jesus had allsumed simply 'l:l'em-
-----;:"'---------------------..;...---...----t endous ,utqorl~ . Wa.n·t . •, .fair . to ask him where be ,ot Itt ' , ~ -~,--.-P·erh aps-,,~Y~, R au .·. 'e m . 'e m,ber. .
1)U~. BeSltrl"e
100.000 full·tlme profeulonat., theAl~o ~Iltherlnf' Gl'llhFlm . Milvol~teer.·· largely ,lIerVe the rural f:rf'hmn. li"ranc'i~ (1u1!"dv. trtcta. .maller to~ and com· munltle.. Tlui), r.~ to many li:thvl r'ArtJ v . (11£>0 "<>wk e. F1 n_ metro'polltaD wburb... however. In· nqr ffidhtmRI1_ R n1"' . r.ecil cJuqlng .. ome pf New YOlI!c'''. ~k'e . 'FlthaTl ,r;pwl". RnlT'lh Mam.,
.. j
I \
The. troubh! was that' the men wbo asked the flucaUons . dJdn'~ ",!,ant to know. T4ey 0DIy wan~ed to heckle JesUs, ' " -~~_ Tbe world .. hall of Jut mCb ......QM onn 'F ILES f l. ' 0 f MariOll B'utegat lit . Hcense-buntl.... 'moo." v ..~ unera .... . - - - •,. Ii tbese. TIley dO DO lib It "b~ ~y 6: 1991 .1amestown Friday aftel'lloon. . a man aucceed.: ~ IIlU'\1o- ' Dlarl)' .do not like It whell a man ' , I "coaed. withoUt Ulelr be,I.,. ' WINS POSTER CONTEST The annual ,bllccll\RUrf\u te spry. . _'_ . "who t. lbls leUo\\, anywayt ices will be held "I the sc.hool • as! M 10 P 'C C Sorld~a Sigriu, Spdng VaUey Where" did b.e ,et bla alart? famiJ,y does lie bave. where I. bls ~~n"a~:r ~ilI e:~d~es~ ~i~ ~ ~oo! stt~dent, .~af F ,diplomat" Jesus · ne.\!er answered th ~I~~ ~f ~!l:l ' on' U!::teJ.Ze D...+e ecunntesB armel" ~ Wa question. becauie be knew wh7 , \ Thr.e~- ~~ Ins.,. po". r on t . " , fold Secrel Qf· R Gl'e~n Lite." . Sondra' received a '$15 award they asked 1 . tMark 11:27-:13. 1
Ohio State Univpi:~ityj~ Coll~e of ''Th c, .. , QUICK SERVICE ArE sma Sci~nce.'1 durinl( the winB .&. It Inodern equipmell,t . . . . is gentle ' On ratirics anti tile terRoquarter. :VflIn T.... Rllmllton serretRl,'Y A dill''' of 2.') j;emor~ wUll'p'cp1ve ,work is done quickly and ef- of the. ~oJ1eltc\ told tlie G8?;"tt,e .'hAif dinlolT1!l!O /It. tl)p Qtlntlld C'~mficiently. of &Y];m's srhievement t ld s m~ncp.!'r)('nt of W/lvn~sviUe . hllf.h Old fri~nds bring ne", to week. ~rhO<'lI .Fridav e eniill~, Sent(lrs try our unUSual de;l,ning ser. whn wil11"'(leive dil1lotnRS Incl"de vice. Tl)mmi Aqlt. F:v IVD' CRrtw1i"~t. VoI1adeer FfHnaa It \t , estimated , that there an. 'M'A.reVr.ll", Clads llAldn. Hel~ around 7110.000 Amet,'lcan volunteer ' Mnrv· ·1"dwa.rds, · HaroM 8reman. c::ompare~ with (lel'hap. li'''l('.-Hp)pn· G ..bhart . . ,
• • • for her pOster wpich 'will , be o,n display at the Ohio State Junlol' Taxes , ", Fair. ' , N JESUs· TIME you col1ld not • vote either for more taxes. or
Ope.. Plame Reaten _.' well ·as other fueJ. 'fJ~ often Uled in portable open·Darn4t beater.. They mqst be cleanetl frequenUy. IblUldled with care. repaired promptiy when defec:tt eome apparent. 'they should be ftllej! Indoors or placed tber4: ill danger of knocking OYer. They ahould never 'be Used tightly 'o lllied rooms and under clrcumst.ancei &boUld they be b rntng In bedroom I Ilf\er
RobitzElr. 1I'tomas Shee1l!, Walter ' Sro:lth. 1'hQma~ ~ve retIred· Stansberrv. ' She"""o,n Tin n e yo : ~ar]e!! ~tRker. anil M~redi1h , .
The streets of the VillR~1! will '/itfl"fa(' tl'eateQ bV: the' L. f ' Cabhf"t Cn .• f)f Lockland. T1lirr .< treet will 'be sliriaced Jts entlr' lenllth. and South,' Mia.mi . Ty,J~· streets will be, treated. . . ' -+:to .
'Wlynesville~Fiirniture .&: Appliance, Co,. ~pj
;1 , '
~th Main 'Str'ee~ a~1VN fro.. Cr~e HaJJ
' T'rJephone 2422. (
pea_ _ _
all,'" 'DIe . • _
beeD ' nuda . .. ....' fH ,IuI4 ~ona. Till!' ~ : DJ.IJaU .. ~e_Ff' ... wntuiMI '
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YlJUcth II tile m,o ll Important brick in a ' Wii8c posltlOll-. on a voll.e)'-baU team , Ja . the most ImpOrtanU Wl\at Is( the' mo.t ~ pOitjmt Unk .in a cham? AD answer to thele. qUllstiona wOuld'ieem 'about ,'e' ea., a. IlpIw~bll tharoq abOut the area teat, Clomm:andment. ~ Jesup knew uJ:eY were \i.YlnaJ-w Ibow.,hinl up as a ·· bun"~. aa Ii'Y~ po~r amateudlb hair,plJ,f~ 1p4eed. Instead. be d1c! V'il),al ' no -_.; ,. ;':.• ' pected Wm to do: lie linllwered question, IUId 'anl~er!!d It ,. I0· w~U that It I. one 01 the comultoue.
reU&i¢J tod~ •. ", . .... •
ilow to !1'ike ,CritJdlm.
Do.. yow hit heat
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· HE READER should 'CloIiIui& T Mark fo'r the'. hole .t....... . '., I~
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:'1.dlind~~!~~l+ at· bristle., With .,.-actical .thouah': one the malt practloal belD, hoW '~
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GobyGREYHOUND·...YatM(ClIt.1 .... f ' . 10 ~ a~IV 1,19 your (~r • • • .: .
., . ' ' . . .' . I3ridgllPorf, .Conn. ,~ ... _ $n:~5" POftland; ' Maine ........ i4 .<j5 'Concord, N. I-:I, .... ...... :.. 16
"••' ~,a~ 'Ii'. "~ • .
W~YM~iLf:FNlt';Al, BANK • ..
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and th.e best check on yo~r buc\get . I is. also by And you ': never hav~
800\'." " .." h'.."t lIDi.r 1Ii"-,fut.; • ..enheat .... .v.,flnCho(iraa,.. II18"",f_ M. br the' maker. .. o tli' (Imoll' lri<till......
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PIlls U:S. Tax - 10 ,p~r, tI Extra SR~ings 'pu ROlln; ,
Phon. ,"
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Fairl~y Hardware1w'Ynesv;u~. 0, ; I
criti~.m.' 0\11. ~ UI can take, U"'fro f our , frlim~ ·. aDd raDullu: weknOWthe,melD ;ii!oroUrOW!J' IOOd. But"cr,Jfu:lam tliat·'bj~. t . from P4;ople w~ 'want ~ to allow u. up fol'1 toob or 10 aft. UI inlo ~ot wa~r-th~t , la , 'ha~ .10 take. :.1ell1l ahould .,. oui take
, ' , Do. ·It' lleat Jill' i @ '
~RY aruROI OF CRRIS'I: . Bvrnn carver, ' Mlnl5t~r . 91b1~ .Sc.hOQI 9 :30 a.m • Mor'lIng Wnrship fll:jo. aIm.
Pra,\tT Meetint' 7:00 p.m,' Yount' People's Meettn« (
. '
7!OO p.m. 7:Jo ~.m.
Evenlnr Se~
Lbe. spring i;,f' 1950, although 80me increased delivery capacity will be availabie before ihe end of ihe Djd y.ou, know that 474 miU~on year. cu~ic feet of natural gas' h p~- :_::.==~~~::;;::;:;:=:;:;:::; lng . throug}l Way~esville dally? According to Wonna~on re~eived by The Miami OlUe\te this week, that 'amount ill being bJUls- '=' ==-ported -through the Big Inch pipe - lln~ system each day at .the prese.nt time. . The Te.xaa Eastern Corporation KoORS: \ t-5 Aftetnoons Except Wed. has already . beglin work on the 9-t 2 Each Morning company's expansion program to Evenings by 'Appointment iDcrea!ie capacity to 740 million ., Only cubic. 'eet dldly. cOnstruction' TELEPHONE 62 will involve approximately 115 , I1'\il'eS of /1ew -26~' pipe, 69 miles of " additional 20" pl~, and approxi~ mately 115 miles of addltiwlal 18" • together with certain in-' and ebanses, In .comr~-. Sal' stations. Total cost of Jhe con., . 0ptomellrle . , . .8P.eda1t1f . slru~&on Is estimated at $24,~;2" South Detroit ...... aGO. . .BY MIlLION CU. FEET '
Dr, C. .E. I •
limit that has been set · and still offer a choice of Jjeautiful materials. .
, ,
, M.. H. <;.nffey, MinisJer 8ibl~ School , 9 :30 ·A ,M. Mpr,nin,l!'WoTship 10:30 A. M. YO,un,l!' PeopJe's. 6:45 P. M. 'Evening. SeryiCe 7:30 P. M Prayer· Meetin, and . Bible Study Welt., 7:30 PM.
..aridmea& AI
*fi~~ ,.
Mrs. Rutb Saylor. SUJJl Worsh~p Service ' . to:30 a.m.
.O ur la rge selection enables us to keep within the
"WIiJeIa .. ..,
• _)
WA~Li..E '
. Dr. Jp5eph My~rs. Minister . Sunday &.1100' 9!)o a.m.
-thB:nap1l~e!!r tr!': !::a~:. awer another trick)" que.tloD wtth "bleh tba)' IIOw 'expecl4d to floor
Mr. ' and Mrs, Walter Ktmri"J, and Orville Pliilli:ps ,lHteDded tbr
"a le, 19
H. 'Go 'd ~
', mE, Mr".iiiODIST
3.m: C'fURat
BalnpHttera ·b,. Trade ClUTICS of lei"" wer,e
attended Eastrm ~tal' inspectiC',.I at CIarksVille Frioay_nil'bt,
IWld on.
M!'!'. Mver .Hvn·um. }lIT,.
lesa, You pall! wh~t the l Roman. soldler a~ your door lIald LO pa,. and you wez:e thanlftuJ not to be pok~d In the ribs With bfB aword wblle you were fisblng up the mon. ey. But no one dated to complaill. '!be Romllna blld 10m, deep dank dunlleona r~ people wlio complained about bfgh taxe.. SO the next question Je.u.· eDemles allked b.lm was ab!lut ' taxes, or trlbu,te. wblc:b mean. the same ~I. They thou,bt the,. bad Jeaua on a spot Where wh,a.tever he lIald would put blm ill the wroo,' ,SuppOse be' satd; ""1'..,. pa.r tues by. -aU ,m ..,o". ,·' ,T ben the,. wOWd. marl: lio,k~t 01 the Rom,a nsl Trallor to : your counLry,I: ·· But If J"~ laid. "No. 'don'l pay tall~8.". then ' they woUld howl: ''Trea'scml Police! ' Ax-, The Company anticipate~, .. that rei't thi. m.n who defies the Em· tile will be completed by perorl'~ Jesus' answer was a maa· t6rpiece. becau..e be DO~ ollly did not ~e hot questiOn. be did
IIOt leave , the
and Mrs.' C . M , ll" hi
'Ray Mills ana Mrs. L .
yWail .papel' and Paste and Sizing , G. ,E: Bulbs - N u Enamel . . ,:
rool, or
bo th , Mark;. story s how. \low Jesu. took The It. fi~st que•.
witLJ t · e. PennsylvaniJ}
. ;
Music ' . ChoIr CAESARS 'cREEK FRIENDS feUo\vs~jp Sunday Rev. David Stanifeld, MinlstfO!r 6:30 P.M. Sunday ,SChool to Lm. :rhursCta~ Wor;lilp Service t t Lm. 7~4S. PMtmO\ Eo CRURal sr. MARY'S lPiScoPAL ~ev. William Sblnl)on . ' . ' Sundav Schpol ' 9:~o a.m. Samuel N. I(e", <Rector Mrs. James Garrison. SUDt, . Gburch School .9 :f5 A.M. Preachin.r ?st· and lrd .~undavs Morning WorshIp te :30A. M. each month to.'o I.m. , . evenln~ Ser:vlces 7:30p.m.
Wbnt they ~led to do wns to him o!1 t eilhe~ 'a
Ohio 'l'u 25 .to 1. , plies rccei ved. 7.524 favored the . Whil the poll was made . a turnpike wh'le 91 \vere , 'srllnple (}I·oss-section ·t may not .the proposal. I' . " . The tump~ke. bill has oassed the Ohio Sena,te an~ is npw before the Supporters of the turnpike blll m,ai).'ltajn that a toll turnpike would b~'efit a.n 01;iio dairym , en.
. . ._
tirln, ' at polnt- Spedal They \\,ere !!ead set to Youth 1<1lI him : but they did . not want to do thllt l! the"J could other r u I n way: hIm some rO HIlI:.
be iJldicative of ' the opinion , of OJ'lio's antir car 'o\vn,e r population. Twentv thousand" oaUots were mailed thl'ou~p'o~t the state
~ODIST aror-OI
I I.... _
that IQctll car o\"ners favol' an and I'llsul1$ show that .of the '1'e-
ST: AUCUSTINE aroRCH Ft. R. H. lCfumholtz, .Pastor Masses 8 and to a.m . .
... ------------~------------~~------.-------
. f.1nte!' (I as flec.ond cln!l1'1 WSlynCfl\·i1le. Ohio.
the CcnmJCd' :r:mtIau, 1!eIaU Jl.JeQ14 In,t enaUonlal
dear ' (-ri"nds of mine when I a child. GaroerfS landscaped by a fessi(lnal with flowers bought from Jl nursery may be very beautiful put the sweetest gardens 'are the friendship gardens where plan t is. not on IY B beautlfu! but bnng~ remem bra n c e frjends and places. Pansies always remind me of my grandmother who used to take us every spring to get them and we 1.() choose the.m from the hotbed and , so it goes. Tbey are not the same pansies every year but they bring the same remembrances.
April 30, 1949. DogwoO!J. The red bud is at its most beautiful , ' and the dogwood Is just coming into bloom. All week the wild ~lum l1a5 grown whiter '~long the fence rows and the woods are solt feathery green, and 'the ~ogwood grows more beautiful every dar' Some books on forestry call them wee~ ' trees but who would want them cleared out ' of our woods? , It has been bright and cool most ' of the wel!k and believe it 01' not we are' beginning to need rain. There was a UI'bt shower last night but hardly enough to wet the rhuj,arb plants thcat we p~ted yesterday. We bought a bushel basket lVU of tliem at the Community Sale Thursday and it tUrrled out that there were more than a 'hundred plants big and little, enough for a long row across mine. and then some. From
OHIO per .,cre Is possible in Warren l'hinch _buia aDd sruahoppens. county If • farmer uses proper ro- Late pl8ntinge, too, UBlIally lower tatton, arr adapted hyb.rld at prop- yields and Increase' the frost hazer planting rates, and adequate erd, and usually J'e!IUlt In corn 111 amounts of fert.Jllzer. poor condition fOJ;" storina· Most local farmers agree that the bestUme for pl~ntin~ com is WIIere ".l.v.·· Com.. Fr_ ~In almo.i ""17 ·, linn 1100. between M ay 12 an d 27. uU"1l Brain h.. provided more than balf com planted befor~ May 12 Is at the United eta........ suppb>. likely to have a poor stand, and Althou,b the Ilan, nam. fot the weed control wiU be a major drink 'w i'Java," 0. S. wpoftl of problem; while that planted after lIolfe. from EaJi Indian ~f_n_ d _-:;-":-rl May 21 may be attacked by af that nam. are reladvelY Ujlit: ;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; {
rh'lbarb plants but som,:thing ai- I The drop in hog prices \fas (elt Glenna and they were to have ways happened to 1t. This time 1 at the Sale this week, especially J1iI a the ittle ducks, but the hope wlll be different. Ion shoats· and young stuff. Good ' p~le now ft, which aTe the Hold lonto everything if ~ou go , feeders going at fifteen and sev- bl'OWb duck. eggs and whjch are 'to the Community Sale these I cnLeen dollars, .I t is , always a the white d cks? and how are we days. ~ieves are 'abroad. Do,n 't l question whefhcr to selt to one of to div.ide them since Jin~s seHl~e lay your purchases down or hide me buyers who approach Y,?u hen and he wants hlll£, It doell,n t them in a corner In the good old, privately before the 'sale and I look as though I would get I\ny way for there are sneaks abroad have made a policy fot some time out of this bunch. I will just have who do not hesitate to go around of always sending them through . and collect . everything they can the sale even if the offer soUnded to go to Mt. Healthy Bnd buy find and load theml-'p and carry good. ' some. them off. John had a bucket of Several times I' had known of I am always pleased when 1 ~5 E~ St~ and some ottier small things cases where thj3 buyer had tum~d henr tnat someone actually relads y ~L this week and· some othel" right aro und and sent the stuff this diary. I met Mr. Burske the .a..ti.uanOn, . people- lost stuff last week. But' , lhl'(>ugb the sale and made a pro- othe-r liay and he has the pdze ";~;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;";-;~~;;;~;;;~;;;~~;;;~~;;~;;;~'1 that ~as not the worst. He bou~ht I fit on it. But' yesterday I lost by bird's nest. A killdeer has built Wi th welcomed aid frOTll the (, a mowing machine of a man, .w ho 1 had a nice calf and I was of-, her nest In the ~jddle of his had' bougbt i~ at the imple,ment fered twenty-three 4' hundred f(lr .driveway betwe~ the ~vheel weatherma.n , Waynesville farmers sal~ held there iast week, but he I it alld sent 'it t hrough the sale and, tracks. Now we 'WIll all be mter- are no~ planting,' many acres didn't ,have enough help to load 'ont y got tWl:!nty-one but I still I;lsted in knoWing if she is able to com. And at the same time, these it and left it where it was on the prefer to sell it through. the auc- hatch them there OJ" will some one farmers 'are optimistically · calculot with varibllS Qther tIi1ngs that Hon if r have brought it there. unknowingy drive' over it. Then lating ,the yield per acre tliat WRECKER SERVICE were there as usual, 'but when he , Three little ducks hatc/led 1.0- ,this morning I got a nice postcard expect to get ~n return for their GOODYEAR TIRES ~ent d~wn tp get it the next day, day, a white one, a 'brown one li\nd f-ro~ Mr,s. Earl Evans teUing ~e labor, . QUAKER STATE OIL it wasn t to be found an~ no one I a mixed one, showing .that our whel'e'1 can get ~ stan of the 11tMany years of research by OhIO knows where or when It went. I brown ducks and white ducks are tie sweet white vlolet.s; I agronomists ,have shown tpat the Watch your stuff at any (If these now all one famHy. We set these Thank you ' very much and we combination of an adapted hybrid, sales f~r if they wilJ come to the eggs under hen because the are always glad to hear of ru~y- t.h.ick planting and adequate food community sale and steal they ducks do not seem to want to set. thing interesting or unusual.. I with other good cultural practices will do the sallie other places. I They have started several nests will stop by some day and 'get will result/in high corn yields"and ~'ID and ,MIami Sis. Ph. :l34t hope they will be ldentified and but always try ' a new one after sO'11e o( the violets. They will be a lower cost per bushel. punished to the limit and run out th ey have Inkl a few , eggS. The a r'eminder to me. of my childhllOd Farmers hereaboutS claim that
Weatherman. Aids Waynesv. ' ·Oe Farmers In Com PI· anllng
Bring Your ,
'1 '08'D
Home For Sp~g Service
Wha"-on Motors Main
Phone 43
,j KlfR'S Garage
U~~~eI~"~, ~~~~c~uni~
~~~.W~to&ck~~ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~a~n~a~v~e~r~q!e~~~W~O~~~s~h~e~~~o~f~co~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
. .
Your Community-owned I Org. .
TWIN 'i'lfEltTRE
, 1'ftt.I.MA'S, LUNCH
, D. R.SMIm
Your Community Newspaper
-.----.. -p .
. ..•
-- -...-~
Spartans' 880 yd.- relay victory. chagrin of Coach Jacbon, " l 80M, were Saturday evenlllil dllllie . . . . . . . ""a" ner luelta of Mr. and Mrs. HerAU In all the personable appeal'J to ave a bette]' HUNTS AND PECKS Ja IcotlaDd, '''" c....m" • bert $mlth and famlly near Red with the royalty nicknam~ thi8 season than the one b, boiHnI for ao to 10 mJDutel • F-ROM THE ~ ONE CENT PER WORJl; minimum charge, 26 Lion, complimenting the latter, mlxtun cd ml1Ir, ·aq..- UId COI'D the outstanding performer of. WayneavUle defeated four aetata. Calltl'aClt rate fc)r repeat advertisements ' TYPEWRITER O~ Mr. Smith on his birthday. Dour. 'l'bIa mixture II .uowecs 10 meet. . jn 19t8. However, ye upon a"plleatioD. ~ UId II IbeD ffoIen to . . .mI·J1M JONES lOUd _allteDC7. , Earl powen's heave of 36ft. 814 who doublea In brass 88 the Mr. and Mra.' JI'oreR '!'Jlompaon - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _....:.._ _ _ _ _ _...J Lnehes captured the ~otput , . and son, moved Monday hom t h e FOR 8AU-l'l"yers, 3 lbs. and l'DR SALE-One 5-tier battery while J _ Bell. Harveysburg aa- gl.on I coach de,clded that Davies Poultl'y Faml to Salem, 'l'be track team of Wayne.:~. C.U 2953. Robert !'u~aa, hrooder. one floor brooder. Call cended 4 ft. 8 inches into the nothing at stake It-would be fool- Ohio. where they wll1 alSlst Mr. ville Hi was successful wa~"~~ m8Jl7 _ _ _ _--.;._ ......._ _ _ _ _ . Waynesville 2627. ozone to - win the High Ish to risk Ufa and ' Iim~ .~us George Davies at the Keener vl&amJua but Dilner.l. I I well. roR!ALI . P"RM Ii'nR S"LE 242 event. Bell also was 'the baaeballa In an exhibition game Farms Hatchery. first meet of the season, olSlllunllU AmOUDta of watar IIHd iD coo"'.to . ~. ~ ,. : acree near in the pole vault with his jeap of that meant nothing to either team. .....,.-_ Harve)/sburg 49-33. in a non- fruita and ve,et.ble. lhoU,ld , clash. - ., . Ima U. .. ., oods that need to be bptered Guernsey Bull Cal- 'Ft. ....ncient. 'b ulldlnIJ'.lr. two hautea, S C.•• 11'IDCh es a Ithough Bill Me- P erh apa thoUI exp Iana Uon w In Mrs. Hester Kenrick returned league large Orchllrd, I..... portion tlU.lIta. h ffi with 8 ft 9 I h satisfy the c rI sity of some of watheet Ihould ". vee. ~m. reedy lor Sons ~9,s06. Marlon Snyder with ' R~ W. 8 · e . n!! es wall u 0 home from Miami Vaney Hospital . ... ... ,. ••hed rap""· ...., Jimmy Jordan, Spartan the spectators who never . can Thursday after a malor operation . Although it ~s _a b!t e .. rly to pr\l" and not loalced. ' behind. of (,l'r berd sire LanIl'vElter ComB randenbur" Leb&n01l 5S0-L. f h b to d ta d h nl -. d res mat:\, rought a gleam of .see~ . un ersn w y 0 y ,one two weeks ago. She is slowly re- jet, some of the boys show prommando's ~oyal out of AR tested ,. . Ise of turning in some very good , o.mI. Write Jim-MAm FAItMS, FOR SALE-ToRaue.truckfor John hope into Coach Forler's eyes ' as person can make the decision In\ng. Pip A eStllrable fl!edllr pi, Ihould be 1.07 Il. Purl St., Clnellln.U 2. Deen, corn planter. C. E. Mic;hener, the slightly bunt youngster such events .. . norte loves to. . The violin ~nd . pi,no music by' performances bef9re the sea80~ is "I,orous. thrUt7 Ind .llIu In his . Ohio, Waynesville Rt. 2, Phona W.yna. vaulted 8 ft. 3 Inches . . . It's a the game any better ~han I, appearanca. sure bet that Jordan can Improve r absolutely refuse to rlak Mr. imd Mrs. Herbert Loy of Day- over. villa 2?26. . mark with a little more age mY' players to satisfy the lon at both Sunday School and Ken Vlckers waa mgh-polIIt iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii that DON'T FOPCeT TO CAtl . of any one playe~ or, parent church service Sunday was great- man for the local boys. with Ben lIS for In$tlT'rtnce, An tvpe~ nf . FOR SAL&-S prs. French and size. OOH FOR DEAD STOCK Lawson battled his way to same. Too many ex-players are Iy appreciated Insurance at a savinrs. 01-'1 doors; FOUl; 32:' x 6'8" nyo-panel a Dick first pilice In 'the 440 yd. dash. carrying scars of atlitetlc contests ' carlylng oIf the honors for HarFrancl~ (j~rie Brown. 'pl1Me doors' 14 20" x ~" single light lIoilsEs $3.00 . OOWS 13.00 Mr. and Mrs. irank Kurfls at- veysburg. ' WRvnesvnt~ '!47,2 'lr ca" windowS; 624" .x 24" screens. Can • I • never could see how that was that didn't "mean anything." Ia I I its Acc~rdhjg to Itlze and c~nditi~. eoUect. Wllmlntton 2 t 1t. be seen Saturday on Fourth street. called a duh-event (In my day I Anyway. practice tonite 5: 3D, tended the wedding of Mrs. Ruth Th used to dash away from It). Law- P . M. for the youthful Legion ! Long and Mr. Lonnie Jacobs, at e re y teams, or our a • All ~tock removed promptly. C, R. Mchaffie: . players and again at 2:30 P. M. the U B Church at Southern 'bln PJlha~!culabr. aho,,:, ,t hat they will son's time was 5.2 \vhlch again 11 hI . f h S un d It . h s . . . e l'U to eat after a few mo-ce ' FOR , RENT . crecdJta. e time or t e poor th al" _llaL-e.moonxh·' b'lt' per ap Hilla on Friday eveni!lg of last practices . , " JANES RENDERING con tlons. Harlan Earnhart , ere WI De an e I Ion game week. The Longs were fonner . . . Ford Tractor with mated equipthis· Sunday. so all of you {ans are re8lden~ of thls community. In th~ half-mUe run W$YJlesPho~e Collect' all 880 yd. runers to the ta~e ment. E\7erett L. Sears, 1 ml. weat 8 time of 2 minutes t4.4 w~I('l)me .to attend. . -.-ville took the first three plaCe!l, Xenia, ' 0/ ~712 or of Waynesville on Jl.t. 73. Phone _ .. this lad is feally a We stUl need players. so any . ~ Russell Amrnennan, of the for a clean sweep' "E· this Waynesville 22"'2. conditioner and deserves youth who will not attain his 18th Llndramar ohlcken farms on the The bo}:s runiUng this . WiI..un.ton, O. 2382 '. success tliat may his birthday at 1111 durln~ the entire Sp~lngbor Pike, 'North, has pur- Harlan Earnhart, (flrs~), ~~~ I ~~.~~~~~~~~~ FOR . ~ ~, ~Ford dutnp truck, Henderson and O:Bannion, years of 19'49 Is ~lIglble. Just llfl- chaaed' the Davlea Poultry fann Henderson (second) and Lee motor r!'bullt. Phone WaynesvlOe 10caJites ran second and port to tile practices. near nere and takes poSsession O'Banlon (thlrd) and time for 2251. ' In the 880 yd: PressUme eame so euly. this week.' the event Iwas 2 minutes •. 14.4 respectively. BOB O'REGAN Viickers, Peters. ' (.a'vson week . . ' . the paper's editor Is _ seeonds. • Powell combined a 1 minute really bearing down on deadlines MrS. Lloyd -Davis of Waynes.-~ to state that ville called at the homes. of Mr. Re"ulta tim e to win goIng away. In BORSBS '3 COWS $3 AIJM10HEI!:R'''C . . .. that . w e negl ecaea .. , ·the other events and Coach Ed Porter was aD smiles mile relay, Powell.. Bill Stroud joined the circle arid, Mrs. Forest Graham, Mr. and wltmers are as follows: The WinAccording to SII8 STA Nl.EY ••d ICOOr.L~1t this w~k .as his untried track. Ear,nhart and Lawson paced people who are really Interested Mrs. Lester Kenrick and Mr. and ner being listed first. ' and Condition • • "nl('.'R8!Ne, squad outscored Harv'eysDurg In way tq lin easy" minute, 6.8 time in aeelnlJ softball continued in Mr~, WaiterKenrickSund~y eveBroad Jump-19'5Y.1" Vickers. Call . ' ..... D.t.., Ph... " M4 Wav ..... ylll.. a dual meet 49 to 33 at the local for first honors. 1949. Bill dipped down for $25.00 nlng. · Waynesville; Mason. HarveysOtt'a ,,-"- ct..,""" . My Wonnants teU me that thil which amount Is really appreciburg.; Bell. HarveysJ,urg. High J\lmp-4'S", Ben, Harhigh school field. Mon~y. The was the fit-st dual meet held at aled .•. of course a lot of people Little Georgie Custenborder is _ local Spartans romped home with W~y.nesville High School and will aay they can't afford that recovenng nicely at the € hudre l1's veysburg; Mason .. Harveyaburgi flists In all events except ,t he 100 much of the credit m~ be g~ven ~uch. How weU I agree with Hospital In ~inclnnati, since a Jordan, Wnyne9O.'11Ie; NO'l'lCE OF APPOINTMENT • A.dmln~tor yd. dash. where Howard MAson. to Coach Porter 'who is cOnstantly them. but,they can 'ell afford $1:00., neck operation for gland trouble, Waynesville. ..... -te. f H rd R. u_ I. d . ~~'in t d th e cause 0 f whlch al Ithat the M Twin Ia st Th----'" ; 220-Dash-24.7 ..... 0 ow. ~ .. w'!> e- Harveysburg speedster clipped off ~~. g o a vance ' isWedri-L-" lUlKlay. .,,unt.. C uatenb W ill' ceued. . ,. eo~petitive athletics .. . 'l et's nQt pa.r ty. , esoay. ay I'emai,ns with him there. ay~esv e. MllSOlrJ. Notice Is bereby given that Jack a 10.6 seconds muk . • . keep In forget however the fIIIe judging ('ost them. Just buy :your " _ b,uJ'g. Bell. HarvE~),y!gy Hawjt, wbole Post Office, Addreu mind that Mason's tim~ 'was ex- efforts of ~. James and of frQrn Bob Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Walfer Kenrlclt 440-Dash...-..57.2 Sec. LS'wS(.n..1 is J( R. 1, WaYn&vute, Ohio, bas cellent since the track waa not in Plach ~nlt'Jacbon of leI'. John Sackett, ' Dave bad for their · Suruiay evening Waynesville; D~er, Harveya1leen duly appointed as Adrninla- __ ~ dl . 'U h burg I understand that Bob Allen. Bill Sawyer or . guests MrS Norma Pounds and burg; Wall, Harveysburg. trator of the F4.tate of Boward R. g~ con ,tion you ear Jam~8 ' wa~ qui~' a speedy to the Twin Theatre any nile .• " 80n. silly, Mrs. .Viola Hainea and Pole Vault~'n." Bell, ~rHawk, late of _aynHvUle, War- more about this Ia in the fut\1re. niaD iii hIS dayS . .. . b 'eve we'JJ ~e your buck. All funds. their 1JIl'ete, Mr. ChsrleJI Klrk- veysb\lrg; MeH8ffie r JeD Coaty OhIo. deceaaed. rm sure u the 16 year old has once ran a bUsleriilg 9.5 Eor again I repeat, an funds go to patrick of Day ton_ WaynesvUle; Jordan. Waynes" Dated 22Ild day of April, .several more yeS? ' of '"bompeti- Ycis. U so. that's probably the so~ball leagUe. and with the , , ville.. lilt. tiOD. than any other person in town. shpw,,'PRIDE Oll' THE YANMothers Day wU be observed lOO-Qash-l().6 Sec. Muon; RALPH R CARY "Duke" Vickers led .n Waynes- Who can dispute this ... come on, KEES - on taP. there is ex" by a program at. the Sunday HarveySburg; Vlckera, WaynesJu. of the Probate Court ville scorers with firsts in the 220 see if you can develop any ~lIe for IPON loven to mi. ~ . School hour next Sunday., Every- ville; Lawson. Waynesville. NORRIS IM!OCK COMPAN,Y I Warren COIDlty. Oblo yd. dub (24.7) .and a leap of 19 while arguments. it a one of the peatest one cQrdially invited to attend. 88O-Relay-l J.nin. Sec. 11111,')"1 B. Gray, Attomey it. 5'f.t Inchea lii the Broad Jump The Junior AmerlcaJ Legion ever filmed . . . ~e see ~ , P~ters, Powell. Lawson, Vi(:ke:rs,1 .Cillolnn.,,· Union. etoolc V.rlt" C-28r-3t event, besides shariJtg b;t the program was slowed last week- R",th ,himself on ilie .e~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and Waynesville. \ Llvo WI,.. alld ProO.....W.. A" end due to ole man compaJly with, Lo~ Gehrl~ Pa~y l'tIendenbQ, of Tipp City . 1 MUe ReLiY-4 MIn. 6.8 .....,.iaatloll _nd to n...,.. -- - - - - - which necessi'atated toads l1f other ,.'m'o playenl. 8JM!J,lt SUnday with lIIra. Guy Lawson, Henderson. Earnhart, 8trietIY ..lIa.. 1 an tha ~ '. ~ 9f. the scb.edule . Routzahn, R~ell QIId Mr. and, Powell, Waynesville... .rou~: Itt ttle - I " ; Mn. Earl Mendenhall, and In the Shot-Put - 36'8114 rIM . ""'U~I
De.d S.tock
Xenia 454
t n' . .'1t.1 '-
. .:..
•• er, e~,~"""
. Candy·Spe~iaIs ~)S~w
Paige ana
..rve. '
BOzed Candies ,
Assorted BOles.. .,' ,. ~l .to $1.50 '1.1
Stubbs .
Fun·era! , Home
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt
~dson of near CenteMlle wer.~
ClDlBfort end •• ee , aI th~ we
- Lowney ' ~rldft~. .
. .... '
. . been ..... tile
Sunday evenln. dinner guesta cir Mr. and . Mra. Therle JOIIea . . MiltO. n . SOD, _ , 'M r. and Mra. Walter Clark and Mr: and Mrs~ Jurilor eJuk an~
son entertained to on Su.:day, Mr__ and Mn. Herberl Lo!" Mr. and Mra. 'RObert Clwilnel ' and Mr. Mra. Earl Clark of DaYton.
Poccabontas . '
OHi~e Now.,O pen '·1y;~1i'8'7 a.m~,tOj. I '57:.p.m. . ID &l Saturday,18Ia.m.![to noon.
c..... c.t
'Waet - no renew-a1s. -. Long Tenn-· 4 ,·per cent
·Lebanon' N.F.t.A• 1ejlis
.Act' NOW '! ' •
Premium. coal. is .stU! in short~up))ly. •
.,., : ., .
lVaynesvale Flf1Ders Exchange Phonel2371 II I II
' .... Stufm. 5ec'y-Treas.
....ballcm. ,,
......... ......... . .............. .' :-.-. ..DIai,..... _
and daughter, Shirley .,Ann'. of CaUed on Mr. lind Mft. BrIiIJten· , TblJl'8day eye-
No ,. change' hI con-
••• 'o.,.tlnn
~ NOW ·' ·~. the'ti~e"to~~lac.: · o~a.n . ff;)r 'co~ ; -(BAVE MONEY .-.;,and be of;. lull b~rn.xt winter. ,-. ,
• ~:~ ,-'1lmJ .,
Phone'Waynesville 2143
Yellow jacket Calvalier Stoker
, You can . repay fro~
Mr. and Mrs. E;ermeth Bratte"..
Mille rs Creek
Mr. 'aha Mra. I.e·wIII ·Crawford, ' and daughter. Domia. spent Sun,: day in XebJ8. . ~ .
Ravin Red Ash
. Mr. and Mra. ~ymQnd Oibom \ ~" ' , Mr "nrl il lf." ~RI"h . ni1' and son. Ton;" of Spring' Valley, spent Sun~y even~1 :with Mr. 11•. 1." . itd Mrs. Emerson 0 ':1: . . 1onI...'. Mrs. RobeI1.qreene an<i grand.1 . . . . . . . ·. .. son, Eddie 'l1Urldel of Dayton, . , Mrs., Roy Shaw of X~, Mr. alid .eupp/I.. Ihil preciovi vltomln. Mrs. H~ Berges end f~ of for proPer 'vroWlh Beavertown called on Mr. and .0 ,and heolth. Give yow foml" Mrs.. Lu~ Morpp Sunday 00IcIe~ ~'! Hc;ImoDH. ~ Mrs. EWe KoeSter the , . , ,. " Ie·· weekendWiUt tier IOD, Mr. Motrlll ~ ) 0 0 t, I) {. • Le.w14 and f~. ·
'Mr; lind Mrs. Harry Gibson of Bellb'roolc, . were . .upper iu~ Sunday..\ ~ of Mr. andMra. HllY Gibson. ' :
-~ - -
WIlIIO . DaPID U:lI ..... a; ' .., Dla' l~ In.W CtAOllml\U 11:.1. DIal 1M. tor Our D&U! IUrUt .....,.
afternoon With Mrs. Routzahn. Waynesville, Bell; Harveysburg; visited Guy at ·Gran(lview hospll- TInney, Waynesville. al, ·Dayton and report his condition just fair.
A Mother and Daughter quet wiD be ~ld at Lytle ChtlrcJil on Thurtda evening. May 12, t !l .o'clock, sponsored by the Sun·· day School. All ladiea of the (,Omir )'IlUnitY are Invl~ to come Mr. and .Mra. Arthur Kiralnger bring a daupter. One feature the prog~ wiD be a mock we~ lDd fa!Il!ly of ,Dayton called on ling. Tickets are on sale at Balrdr 'l\"!ir "arents. MI'. and Mrs. G. H. '{ill inRer Sundlty afternoon. ·roccty .
IIOcJem . . ....... daeoziftlft . . .~
Mother'. Day, S\Ulday. May 8
ai' III....... _1ItrY. ••RVIC. THAT
Mr. ind, Mrs. George; Br.~, ~. Crew, Mrs. ' MIIttle ' and Mrs. ,'E rnest Earnhart were iiliopplDll l.n r.e.....on Monday •
~d 1'4ri. Mortis LewiS on , Mr. and Mrs. l\lchard
1,l:la*,ea' s.:!::~ter"DO~ near'. .Dld you imow thAt the Twin, Tbea~ ~ . Nite Award lut Friilay wen. to Mn. Jane aawri, . •. a gooCIly amoUnt -Waa 'a warded her ••. can't tell how much due t9 "ewap8pel Teplatlcms. RalPh Pete~wu ..., a weekly winner· in the put. ,
r -
ClAnlU - '.'OIOIILII , LlA••
" . "• •
.A•• ·••,U.A.Cln,
.... ow.r-. ...... ,.. ......'
_ ,... ~ ,.,.,Wfl p, , . . . . . . ,..; t t tlhi., ... ~ - r ... 1ICId..... eo ocbIn. " . , ... w • ""'.
y.a ..... ,..... ......... .,.., ,..... Ja ....../.' ~, "-~l
IliIf .I.
. _iIIIR ',._, . ' _ul...,.,..,
D' D.Uui . I.:_ •. ,_~...:.':~ "1.. 1 '
~ .. ' Pho.~ I~ '0 B..
I DAn., .-i
01\10 '''',lliSilll. ~ .. 7- .. .LtMI.·
,. . . , 1I8IDben1D .... U... _~lIdEI ~;~I~lllliIWlIIIII~tl." ~ ~t eiD« ~ L_~~~~____. . . . . . . . . . . . . .R&................, 111~ be" been .. "ana"'e ..
Be A Waynesville Booster
,-4,lt nU!6
'rhe of a lIuccessful /IOftball e~ason somewhat \ ,b~ter . this ,vhel) ' the Dayton PQwer Light Company a check
, R;eQ'ember
~::rt&~L;S~a.:n . 'l:u5. __ .~t"'''''''I'''''' . . . . . . ,~
May 12, it ·8 0 cl~ck. AJ,l I\l)d . daughters are cordially ~~e:~~~E~~~~d~ \.;mUII'C![l·1L . V. Nilson,e Xenia Dl.strl~ IlvJan- v ite<:!, . If f' t" h ~ Mond~1Y ager, on .bena, . 0 e · comP:\P1Y. ' . ~. ~ L JlI bu:sijl,elS;S ¥r. !'Jilson wro~e: . Mis. ~d. Men~e.wlll l:; ''Your appeal for a~ce in y~es.cfu#ilt 1IIe hunle oi her
'J.ocaJs F.ace 'Two ,
,25 to the local team. The contribution . was lmade
T~~b ' Dayton' Teams -
0" H h Sc.L n ig ~loo'IField,
One Qf the -best baseball f.ltp'actionS tl:ijs seal!(ln is 'sche9.uleQ 'lor S d ... .. Wl ny, \Uay 1.<', at t.he Wl!-Ynes.. viUe High School ,diltmoll " With Lel)~.on, oContlniiirig .the athletic ' ents,:tdi'. Ill\d Mfs..puy "",'>I~;U1.III,la double-heilder bn tap ~ween t-:."I~aker in W",yneavUle as waS a Sl!l'iouS i).hless o~ Orv1i,~ Grays ~rhpr $hop .nin~ dioti'l1lii'I,Th~ IVijaml Gazette of some and ~be ' WelldCU'. €OJ;l.uct.ioll vrompfs \1S as a business tfit., Day lon, a t 1 p.M. with the
of , Wa¥nesville to re-
spond to this appeal.
"We 118 '11 company appreciate the bportlln1ty of'making this con.I"tribllitioln."
'sock and MUs Olive IE"el'l~'w. alsO gratly enj.oyed beautiful Oowl!J'S (In
lawn, and 1Iofrs.
Scouts And Guests .......wu
Da.rt All.
te(lm and ll'Ie JlWior Am.c;rtcan ~egiDn Fost 61~ outfit, ,. Mrs. .~la.ra ''Orl, Afuerican
Congr,SII 'Bowling Tepl'c~"f,auve iJ1 'DaY\On," and a widely' lmo~ sportswoman at:tively mIlfl8~es. low Spt:inSS; 8~ McCJelland the younge iicllm, aged tI to ' 13, Xenia on, W~. ' whll ~ Charjcll P(!8cQok handJes ' 1:l<J;).Isl:M .remains verY' ill. the Payton 13, to lS~y,elk~-old club. , -games !!hould at1.n;t,L-t It gpod .' Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones ~d crowd\ since 8,'$ fat as memocles I,JVJUUlIIl had for their !luther's serve no woman' has evnr ~ evening dinnl!J' guests, Mr~ man/llJed a ball te~ .-. Mrs. Edwiri ~utt and . ruelds and the d()peste-rs that Mrs, Evereti ~ly vlsl~ mother, Mrs. Mary ~1JB&on of
Plrt~tl's BpeiClall
set lor 3' IS t"tween Rep~tlon ~w lug
Chili SupPer , '
Gary Moran of near CentuvWe Mrs. Staron knoWs her bu.lball and 1\Ir. and Mrs.J, B. Jone&:
Acc~orcUng to
~1"' , maIl8fe1' 01
paper. ~ u., but schoo~ al. 2 P. M. " eventually we hope to make The ~ew eather was fine and the .GU(ltte • true ' repreaentatlve of trip was made in good time. It the fine town It serves. , Was enjoyed by all. . Mr. Gamis and family, Mr. . Advisory Council No.2 held its Harpel' and family, Mr. · regular metina on May. , at the MI'. McNight, ' and Rev. Coleman bome of Mr. and M!·s. Harvey ... ~ .... ied tho , B tt .... ·th Mrs Fr ces Gray accom..-.. e group, urne , "I . • an . i'lfty-fi~ students of Wayncsand sons as gue.ts. vUle high Sl$Qol participated ill The regular business session III Ch wils cdnducted by the presid,enttl ~r. ~ had p ' fed. a 'L awrence Furn8~.·" EarneSt Butte'fworth led in the lunch which, was 'enjoyed by discusrsion se'Vie~a,l different. group at the Union City P~rk. Mr. soojeda . including the AdviSory McNjght dr!.lVe t~e commissary
trubk and se;Ved coke. f th· _L ~ '"
L 0 caI'' '.lti' ""e' . m '
Counell Guide for May, C After adjournment, dainty l'eFour 0 e ""urches , W ' Uruon ,. freshm. ents .w ere served. City sponsore'd ,the program an~ Ml·. ~'~nd Mrs. Kenneth Elzey, dismissed their regular Sunday ant1 ·daughtc::r. M;!II:jorie. of DayThe Waynesville Fire Depar(~ evenfug services for the occas,s ion ton, spent Sumluy afl\l1'l\oo~ with mentan.swered a ' call late Swumy A splendid and appreciative Mt: anfI Mrs. Waite I' Elzey. ' in tb rt f El ' audience addel,l inspiration to the S~=hJ,t:,u~ ~f.:Jn.:vllb~~l~ porgram and ·t he group arrived in '~I·. anil Mrs. Alberl p. Carvel' grass fire, which threatened to get,vme , sh~. rtly PBS,t 'mid- of CinCInnati were Fri!lIlY ' o.ut 'of hand was ~till8uW1~ No , _ the borne of. l[-..ooc::#==--dtrna',gew8 reporled by the blazil, '. . The Ladies of Farmer$' . . 1'1ae s. 'c: of_the .;.tetbodia.t .No. i3 . rnet at the borne ot Mrs. Mh: Ruth ' ~lle; Mi~ ' Marje Church wiU meet - on ~utlid8Y' Srd Jl!l)~ ior a Fov~ed dish dinner Pine, and Misll- Carrie Mills vtsafternoon, May :19th at the hOq1e on ·May 3: ' , ' .•' 'i ted at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. f M GI Bord Mr BorTwenty-nine ladies enjoyed Wilblll' r:l. Sears Sunday after" ora. ebenn _ .J!..J.en, ,, s. - very pleasant day together. d,n wU ~ed by Mts. I In the aftemdbn, Mrs. Jean n9°0. · Charles Koogler, Mt;s. Carlton A':'-ba"_i. gnve a very ' m'i ._..1_ Cook Mrs. Ll yd D d M ..... Wo=>lo 'Mr.s. A. K. Day Iell at he. rhome . .. , .0 ans an rs' ing talk on her (native . CQun~, B~rtie t-fills,. . Mrs. ~l,'d AuStralia. .. on Saturday' and Vlas removed -to R ... ,~l.ft .... U 1o_ In charge of the " .L .Carr .Rest Hom" m'. r.>""'6'~ ... . '1" , . ~ The June. meeting will be Ii~d ~, e • .. . gl;llm. . ,. at' m.. .,-_ home l:.C' ""__ • G'ilLt.r:t !Q.r al fe.w ·days. " · pro ~ ~.......... ' ' Pro';"''''-'ve ~.. -''':'a._ wo- . . " " . ;. " -. .-. The __ .... ......,_ Rey. and Mrs. Joh.\'l Lacy' men held their 1Ut · meeting of Mfddletow~ were Sund,ay evening the yeu on Wednesday evening callers of Mrs. D . C ..Ridge. . atl-the. Dome, of Mrs. Jesse , " TIl ill ' ' . ._-,
erJast. ., e
~O~_I wuh ' O•• ~ ~.: enjanOd . yea """
[l)onald Brown, !ion ,o f
and . Mrs. Lawre~ce Brown, on Sunday fo...· San T~as, .whll re h.¢ . Will enter. Air Cadet TralDing. at Randolph Fi~ld. M". Srown _R __....a 'his 'en ," _ - -time ago trance examiliBt1on·-some and h~ been awaiting bia caD. .. " CARD' OF 11·UI\NK·S 1 wish to expteSi my sincrere gratitude and lIppreclatlon to. my 'frienda. ·'neigbhqrs, and the Lytie Sunday 8Qhool for the many b.uuiut flqwen and CardlI re.eeiv" dwjng Illness at ChUdren'. HospltalCJDcinQati, QlPo.
2) ,
Jobli' MCKniPt. 8l, died at the
hQme of .his daughter, Mrs. Elbel
ElII" Le ' ban on; . Th""".J 8, 01 ........ay.
'F~eralservices we~ beld
S.turday at 3: so p.rn. 'at the Z.l on BaptilJt Church: ' H'arvey.sbl,U'g. was I'na~ b\ Springfield by the ~tubbs Funera1 ' . l St,UVlvors include three daugh-
ten, Mra. Etb,el ~ Mn. hucille
,Whlt.!!. of Wil~ngion, and Mrs. White, of Dayton; one son" Ra;yOEOlW1!l ~RDER mond, of Daytoft.
Olub met. in r egular session on Friday a1lu[,1I00" at the !P'Bde ' school, w ith Jhe bUBlDeJi!S_.....-.,4d sessJoD, conducted by Mrs. Charles LeMny. fh'" pr esiden". Of. •. fieers w~o elcct(!cf for the com... jng year with th follOwing null, rresident, Mrs. " Edgar Smith· 'Vice P~s:ident, Mr.s. .Ray Stn.ith:, . $C1C.;e18ry, Mrs, Colvin; Ttea~~ er, Mn, RQY Ellis. An entertaInSouth Park Methodist Church.iri Ing progrQm ~ pl'eSented by tb~ payton Sunday. ..; pupils _ot. the ~lrst Grade.
MI'. and
::r- . :n a:Q
Ml;s. Cecil M. DI~ViS'1 Mr. and Ml-s. R, L. Satterth~ Mr.. and Mrs. Everett .E:arly h8~ Earl Tresslar, who has been a' ¥1;. and Mrs. Clarence J. , D~v!ls of daite and chUdren, a~d and, for Sunday ' dinner gUests Dr. patlent at ·Ve~1lJl1i Hospital in },Jaytoh, Mrs' I Josia~ Davis l~ M1;s. Floyd Lynqh and . cpildren ' a!Id ~l's. Theodore Rolfw of Cin- Dorton lor .fifteen weeks, spent ' Mary ScheeLz and Mr. Bill 0B;vis are now , oc.~Pylng. their newl ~U. i'" : . the weekend' at his home in wate. Sw)day evening supper bQrnes whicb tb9 have, built on . -. WaynesvlUe. . ' g Uell,ts of Mr. a,nei filrs. Lloyd upper stree~. : . • Mt:s. Jamell st. ,John Dayton . Local, residents w:U be. P~QliIsed Davis. . . ·11l d VUlhlting . Her 8OD-in-la:'w ~ ~dWedtinhathEalrthl IS ",:very ·m uch ' rhs. Ronald 'Hawke will be aug ter, Drr and Mrs. H. If, , mprov . ea. . to the Woman's ,f.uxiU- Hennan prt Rou~ 73. Mrs. St. , Ml's. Lora . . of London, ary of the ' St. l'4ary's ' Church 'on. John's ,famUy ten~eJled ber, a ~'. and' ~. frs~ffll:mnfuo;lfm~'---7,;l"""'; A. 'C; ~o\Y'm,an ,and Mr~ 'arid Friday aftel'noon at l,ler country MotheDS Day party' at the Her- Ma, J. l'. Fr0ntn:l. Mrs. C. Inv'1>od Towson , and daught- home. . " ' , ,man home Sun~y. Riilye . I\n~ Mr!l. Bel'lie ~ills ateol'S, Shul'on and Jpan, of JrroUilklin -_ . . . . : , , ,.--,...1.. t~n'dC;d th(lIn!lP"Oj.iOII. Miatniswe(e' Mothel's~ Day guests of I',{r. . Mr. and l'vlrs. . J: W. Fulkerson ~, and ~s. LesUe Gray, Miss bu~ '~"'tem Stav Chapter .on and Mrs.' .OJ'vllle Gray and ·Mr. !In· d n ... T. W. Van Pelt w"'re 1l1l)8 and Rober., t . attended :the F,r.d<lY ~venJnp. . .G , . .... lYU " th and ''''....s. WlIliam Sawyer, f j ' Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and . ~ater ln DaytOn SUhduy ,1If1;erl't'I •• 'P ~.:td ,. Mr~. M. A. Ftilkerson, and daugh- noon, ~nd later c~led QI1 th~l.r, . 1}S. da~~ a[ ~r~.his J;.ow ' tar.' ' .u1!cl~ an, d a, unto .MI'. ""d Mrs. A: emp oye.. II~ :jecrel.nry LO .•the vvllMr. and Ml;s. OlBl'ence AIIE!D of ..... , bur S ~ ffj k D t S d " • 0 .. .,Willlams and .found the uncle . el!! . ~sur~nce () c;e, 1:0. .. I\Y on ~ere un ay ~veDmg I' vel1l poo~'ly' at this time with JJlg the place of M.vs. .roe DaVIe, oalll!J'sd of ~Mr: ann" Mrs. ~'. E. . Mrs., ..: Who rrthved · ' a. ,HI Hartsock, 1 BMrs. 11 Eall) . d .rhe"~ ...... a· t'Ie f ever c . ' .. ,'" , to Dayto... .~. Strou . .. .. 'I: .HocKett, Mrs. Staq, e,y. , a ey an .' . , . .. . ~ , :. ' . . I~ ' '. » , . - . Mrs. D .. C. Ridge spent Thl1J'8Clay .' ,,,',,, " " t ' The. (l!laude Stroud fam.ily en- 'in 'Cincinpati., .'. , . " .~ al~,d .: 5 . ' Wld~el' kellrick tel't~ined with' a .fanPly diJine'r'On . .. . Tamh es ' ~ellin8 viSited Mr. alld f , . , '..' ' il • • . .' . , ' , s. , omas Co S and CIu!r oS Sunaay' at ihelr borne. on Mam ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watkins CoIUns in ' D ,Yton S d8 aft . ~ . , r· Mrs. Nell Ande~.son of stret' , and had as guests Mr. and and' daughter were Sunday dinIler noon a d f ~ th u~ y ' l.....--,. .. '~ .:~"';;j~ ;; er was Ii MoUiers' Day guest. Mrs. Ceorge Sl.rolld of Dalrton, guests of Mr. and Mrs. teo C~ID- ColU~ ~ . 0 • 1 ~ .' The Mother's Da.v . ~" Ii ~. son-in-~w and dougl1te,r Mr.. Mi. and Mrs. H. H. Wadswo1'j~ ofl ner and daughJers. Jopera:ono~ ':::~ a: ~ weU Mtendod, bt,)th in M.r-s:. Don Haw~e, and remamed W est Carrollton, Mrs. Mau~e. ,- ValleY Hospital. Mni•.Co~s is a SchQol at;td W01'Sl)jp setvt_ few, ~y:s. ,', CI'ane of Lebano!J -and Mr. and. Mr, and Mrs. Gene.Amens and niece of the KenriCks .M~. Minnie Mongc:t;', .1'noth r of , ~I'S. W. E. Stroud. They 'r'eJ1e daughter of.Dayton! Mr. and Mrs. . ' ., Mrs. G~en' · Borden. waS- awarded Mr. "and ~l's. C)QI:¢il\ltl' J. ~vjs, -Joi.n ed b)' {he ~ttem,oon by: ~" Oharles Dooin' (If· Cincinnati, ¥r, MIsS .Myrtle ~9ysore ,;;IIId ~~rt fI~we~"a$ ~1!E\ ptdett mother pres~ arc now ..l'~slding .in D"l'tOn, ' and · ¥l'S, Geo-\,se AIU:ens ~t Day:- and Mrs. 'Russel Cal.'r and. chilll- .~~te o~~7r)n an~ J;hn~ll!!baJ)d enl; apd 'Mrp~ Betoard.D8jl~ "'liS •----" . . of Mrs. LOuise }'Ite, Y Th e _~r y 0 nl' prl~t~ro the youngc5~ mother- pr~ertt. The ".. ' ,i '' .It er ' 0 f n4UvIi!YIlU w:-" were uniUay .. eve _"'_·11 d ' a '. Moth~r'$ " ... ..ISS ·, L ucyE I n cy ' ari'd Mrs. , an d ' d augn gU sta f Mr d: Mrng Vrunner ~h 0 h ....• u,...,.ere Day, Ii110ssie carey will be co~hostesses Mrs. Nellie BurtneJl was a week were also 'caDers. P~e 0 d' an s.. ~mon an\hem. and Rev. R. B. Coleman to the W. C. T•. U. 'r~~lar ~~t- end guc~t o( her' son. and dSlu gb. Yo an ~ns. " '. preached a . 5errDQn . appl"o~ate in}} un Fliday afternoon·' at 2 P. ter~in-laVl nnd family, Mr ~ and. Mr. .and Mrs. ~gar Smith enSunday gu~ of· Mr, and ,Mrs. fot. Mother's Day. >' ., M.' .' -. '. Mrs. George Bunnell and child- tcrtained with liI fa~y dinner })~ A. D. Smith of Reute. 48 were: At £bls ,wrl,ting. the delegation \ . ..en and children in St. Bernard. Sunday an<J }lad as dmner. guesta Mr.. and Mrs. Carl Wolfe and Mr. to the District meeting to be held -Mr, and Mrs. :T. P. Fromm were . 1Ir. and Mrs. D. R. Sall.u~ of, and Mrs.. Williiun Browning "of In Grace Church, Dayton Tqes-. among th~ guests on Sunday Mr. and Mra. Frank of neal' Wilm1ngto~, Mr. and Mrs. W. Miamisburg, Mr. and Mrs. ClInton day, Is sa followsl Mr: ~d MI'I. when their son-in-law and "Bcllbropk were ' E . Connell, Mr. and Mrs, WillaJ:d Roberts and daughter of Lebanon, O. R. lJnglesbee. Mr. and Mn. Rdau~ter. , Mr. and Mrs.. Melvin ' guests of Mr. and Mra. Ells Fnrnas and. son. Mr. and .. Mrs. Rev; Joseph Myers. paaiOr 'cjf Ly- C . 1401er, Rev. an4 Mn. R. Ban18 of .Jamestown cnlertalnedand .ytetilOOJl luesta of and George Winner and .daughter and· tie e~urcli. and Mr. and Mrs. Ver- Co~1 and ~, and BIn.. With a family day. . Roy FJliI" Mrs. W.,.~. f)allsbury. · · non Pursley and 8ODa, ~ard Bauglm.
nrst' time that lIUlDY' of our ' . ' . Mr. Guy Routzahn nltumeci lIN.. . d Mr E a ' dren boad lleen 'J;o the Mr. Bnd ~rll. ~oyd Davis, Mrs. hCllme , from , Grandview HOWiCaI ••~ .. an .' ,5.. rl Clawford We teaChers realize . ~at we Joseph Oa~IB. Mi;SS ~ SChec~ FrJday evening and Is slOWly were . u;t SI?,r)ngfiela on Mothcrs' were IIsking quite a favor of the and Mr. Bill DaVIS ,weI e Mothers covering from .a· siX weeu illDay , an~ attend~ lhei!: ~lt!e parentS when we asked iheir per- Day d~~cr guests of Mr.·and Mrs. n,ess, He . Was at the 11 wandson s, Freddie Scl,melder, mission to 'take the children on ~OWal d Hurley near ltJew ~url- days on account of pneumonia. s o o~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert ~ such a trip. However, we watched mgton. · Schneider, first communion at St tb em v~ry close~. and we ~ee1 ._ 1.1 d Mr ilb Cl k h I Ch h.... d " .. _ . ~ M d M W'llia O'Dk_ i r. an . s. ur ar enap ae . UJ'C , ..u ', an .... 5. that the day was qulte a success. r. al) rs. . 1 m . DOtU10n ' tertained to a family dinner SunDg Leroy ~haw of. Y~llow Sprin,gs Thanks to our Superintend~nt; an::,. fatmslly ,,~Jo~edLaka . fishi day evening. The occasion ilon!lOd . l-tfiss DOI'othy Floyd of School Board, bus drivers, and pa.~J' a t. lYJ... rys e on Sat - 'Dring Mrs. Clai:'k 'dn l\{other's Da . Sp'tingfield alSo aUe!'ded. pal'en~ for their fine coopenitl_on, laday. '.' y " ' , " • Mrs, Swim 'Saylor and Mr. and , Mrs. Waltel' KrUct attended ,
- .-
u_.... ...." ....
Spartflns' 880 yd. relay victory. Ilhqrin of Coach Jackson. sons, were Salurday I'vening dlnner f. uesls of Mr. al\~.Mrs. HerAIL in all the personable senior appears to have a better' with the royalty nickname was this season than the one that bert Smith and family neal' Red ONE CENT PER WORn: minimum charge, 21) Lian. complimenting the latter, the outstanding pcr(ormer o( the Waynesville defeated four timrs Mr. Smith on his birthday. cents. C(lntract rate for repeat advertisements meet. upon application. in 1948. However, ye editor EliI'I Powell's heAve of 36 ft. 8\14 Mr. and Mrs. Forest '111ompson - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1, inches cAptul'cd the ~ hotput event who doubles In brass as the L'ealld 1'011 , moved MonaiRY from ' the rOR SAL Fryers. S. lbs. and ' !<'oa SALE-One 5-lier battery while J . Bell , Hal'veysburg as- !(iQn's coach decided that with Davies Poultry Farm to Salem, Call 2953. Robert Furnas. brooder, one noor brooder. Cail ended 4 ft.. 8 inches Jnto the noihin g at slak~ it would be fool- Ohio. where they will assist MI'. ~_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W,aynesville 2627. OWlle 10 win the High Jump ish to risk life ' and 11mb plw. Gorge Davips at Ule K eene.[ - eve nt. Bell also was the winner bllseballs In an ex.hibition game Farms Halchel·Y. FORSAU: FARM FO R SALE : 242 Rere. ncor in the pole va,ult with his leap of Ih at meant nothing to e Ither team. ft. 11 Inche although Bill Me- Perhaps this explanation will Registered Guernsey Bull Cal- Ft. Anci .. nt , building/air, two hOll."., Mrs. Hester Kenrick I'eturned ves. ~ome ready for sl!Tvice. 'Sons lorg8 lArge portion tillable. hoffle with 8 fl. 9 inche was close satisfy the curiosity of some , f hom~ from Miami Valley Hospital 9,500. Mnrion Snyder with R. W. b('hind, Jimmy Jordan , Spal'tal) tJ le spectators wh 0 nev£'r . (!a.n Thursday aftel' a major operation of (,,1'r tll'd sIre Lanl!'''Rter Com ( h man, brought a gleam of seem t 0 un derstan d w hy onIy one Iwo weeks ago. She is slowly I'eTes rnaJldo's R oyal out of AR lested Brp,nd"nhurg, Lebanon SSO-L. Dam • . Write NU-MAJD FARMS, FOR SAL, Tongue. truck lor John hope 'jnto Coach Porter's eyes as person can mak£' the decision in cO\lel'ing. b\\ilt yo ungste.r such events . .. none loves to pla'y J01 E. Pearl St., Clnoinnatl 2. Deere corn planter. C. E . Michel'" r. the slightly The v·iolin and piano music by OhiO, Waynesville RI. ' 2, Phone Waynes- vaulted 8 [I. 3 inches . . . it's a the lllline any better' than I , but sure be l that Jordan can improve [lIb~o lutely rcfus to r isk any of MI'. and Mrs. Herbert Loy of Dayville 2926. tha t mark with a lillIe more age my players to sati.~ry lbe whim s ton at bolh Sunday School and OON'T ponr.ET TO CAI.l - - - - - - - - - - - - - and size. of anyone player or parent ( { church service Sunday was greatFOR SA LE-3 PI'S. French \I . fo r in slIr n c. A1\ t""e~ nf Dick Lawson battled his way to same. Too mlmy ex-players 81'e ly appreciated. insurance at a S;\vinJrs. 'Ca ll doors : Four 32" x 6'8" two-panel II first place in the 440 vd. dash . carrying scars of athlf'tic co'ntes'Lq Franci~ "rne Bro'\!'n, ph"n/, doors ; 14. 20" · x 20" single light Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kur£is atW:wnesvnl'r l4 72 nr call windows: 6 24" x 2 .. sCI·eens. Can ... never could s'e how' that was thAt didn' t "mean anything." AnywRY. prlOctic(' I.onilc at 5: ao tended the wedding of Mrs. Ruth Cfl11ec!. Wl1min I!ton 1 t. L h seen Saturday on Fourth street. called a dash - event (in my. da y ] 1I~ d to dash away from it) . Law- P . M. for the youthfu l Legioon Long and MI'. Lonnie J acobs at' C. R. Mchaffie. son 's lime was 5.2 which agaln Is players and again al 2: 30 P . M. 'he U. B. Chur'ch at Southern FOR RENT creclitable lim e for th!' poor track Sund RY aftN·noon . .. perhaps HilIl! on Friday evening of last conditio ns. Har lan Eal'llhal·l. l ~d there will be an exhibition ~ame week. The Longs were former Ford Trador with related equipall 1180 yd . runers to Ihe tape lV ith this !;lunday, ~o all of you fllns lir e residents of this community. m ent. Everett L . Seal's. 1 011. ",,'est a lime of 2 minutes 14.4 seoonds wekolllt' to aUend. of Waynes\.ll1e 'on Rt. 73. Phone We slill ne d players, so an y . . . this lad is rea ll y a faithful Mr. Russell Ammerman, of the Wa~nesvm~ 2242. conditionel' and deserves any youth who will not attain his 18th Lindramar chicken farm s on the success that may come his way. blrtllday at al1 during tJle entire .springboro Pike. North, has p~r FOR 8 ~· LE-Ford dump truck: Henderson and O'Bannion, both ~ears of 1949 is eligible. Just r'~- chased Ihe Davies Poultry farm motor r .. built.. Phone W .. ynesville localites ran secon d and third port to the practices. . B. near here. : and takes possession 2,251, . respecti vely. In the 880 yd. rillays Presstime came so early last this week . BOB O'REGAN Vickers. Petcrs, Lawson and week . . , the paper'R edllor is. Powell combined a 1 minute 39.9 really bearing down on deadlines Mrs. Lloyd Davis of W-aynes"Ur.TJONE!:R'NC time to win go ing away. In the . . . t hat we neglected to state that ville called at the bomes of MI'. 'Coach Ed Porter \Vas all smiles mile relay , Powell , Hender!>on', Bill Stroud joined the circle of ST,o,1'I1 EY d KOOr:t.... Rnd Mrs, Forest Graham, Mr·. and " . ..n . • ." .. thi week as 'uDtried track Eru'nhart and Lawson paced thel' I' people who are rea II.'! interested. Mrs . Lester Kenrick and Mr. and 8AnlC~R~ l,r.I!'N8F squad' outscored Harveysburg in way l.Q an easy 4 minute. 6.8 time in seein~ softball continued in Mrs. Waltet· ..Kenrick Su~day eve~O. ~ . t ... "hon.2J;g. W. vn .. ylh. a dual meet 49 to 33 a t the local for fit'st honors. 1949. Bill dipped down for $25.00 ning. 0"1. 'h~e e ..... ".,.. high school fjeld, Monday . The ' My info~,:"antli tell me that this which amQunt is really apprec:iwas Ule fll'st dual meet held at ated . ;. . of course II tot of peop,le Little Georgie Custenborder is _ - -- -local Spar.tans romped h.orne with Waynesville High School and w ill say they can't afford recovering nicely at the Children's NOTICE OF APPOI1'ffMENT firsts in all events except the 100 mup.h of the credit must be given much. How well I R~(ee With liosp.ltal in Cincinnati, since a yd. dash, where Howard Mason. to Coaell P orter who is constantly them, ~ut1hey can'ill1 afford $UIO. neck operation for gland trouble, /" Administrator Estate of Howard R Hawk de- HEII'veysburg speedste r clipped off h'ying to advance the cause of whlch IS al lthat tbe Twin ~eatT'e last Thursday. Mrs. Custenbordel' compet.itive athletics ... let's not party, Wednesday. May 18 will remains with him there. ceased. ·Notice is hereby glven that Jack a 10.6 seoonds mllrk .•. keep 'in fOI·get however the fine judgjng ('cst them. Just buy vour tick~ts . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Hawk, wh ose Post Office Address mind that Mason's time was ex- l'Horts' of Mr. James and of course. from Bob Campbell. George MIIIjs R. R. 1, Wllyn~svil1e , Ohio, has cellent since the track was not in ~oach Frank Jackson of Harveys- ler. John Sackett, Dave Hartsock. had for their Sunday evening been duly' appoin;ted as 1t.dminls- good , condition ... you'll hear burg. I understand that Mr. Bob Allen. Bill Sawyer or come guests, Mrs. Norma Pounds and James was quite a speedy dash to th~ Twin n\l~atre any nite ... son. Billy, Mrs. Viola Haines and Irator of the Estate of Howard R Hawk, la.t e of ~ayneBvil1e, War- more about this lad in the fu\ure, man in his da ys . . . believe he we'll take your buck. All funds. their uncle, Mr. Cnarles KirkI'm sure as the 1-6 year old has once ran a blistering 9.5 for 100 again I repeat, /III funds , go to patrick: of Dayton. ren County, Ohio. deceased. Dated this 22nd day .of April. several more yeal'S of competl- yds. 1£ so, that's probably faster the softball league. and Wlth the Mothers Day wil be observed Uon. . than any other person in town. lOhow "PRIDE OF THJl: YAN1949. by a program at the Sunday Who can dispute this ... come on, 'KEES" on tap. there Is no ex'" FALPH H. CARY "Duke" Vickers le~ all WaynesJudge of the Probate Court viii\! scorers with firsts in the. 220 see if yoU can' develop 'any worth- cuse for sports lovers to miss ... S chool hour next Sunday. Everyit's one of ilie greatest pictures one cordially invited to attend. Warren County, Ohio J yd. dash (24.7) and a leap of 19 while arguments. _ _ The Junior Americanl Legion ever filmed .. . come s!!e B81b~ Meryl B. Gray, Attorney ft, 5Vz lnches in the Broad Jump Mr. ~d Mrs. Frank Brown and . 4-28 ~3t event, besIdes sharlng in the program was slowed last week- Ruth himself on th'e screen In end due to ole man weather, company with Lou Gehrig a.nd Patty. Mendenhall of Tipp City spent Sunday with Mrs. Guy which neees<;ia lated postponement loads of other "pro" players. Routzahn, aussell and Mr. and of the sch.e dule exljibition gam·e. Mrs. Earl Mendenhall, and In the wHh Harveysbu ~g, kuch to the afternoon with Mrs. Routzahn Ir- visited Guy at Grandview hosplt~ al. ·Day ton .and reporl his condition,j)Jst [ail'. A Mother and Daughter BnnIe Church on Thursday evening, May 12. at !l o'clock, sponsored by the SIIIJ\day School. All ladies of the ('Olnmunity are invited to · come 'e nd Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kirsinger brinll a d aughter. One feature of me! fa ·ni.\y of ' Day.ton called on the pl'ogram will be a moc,k wEd Modem ......... :Ihlg. T ickets are on sllle at Bau'dr . " il' pare! ':s. 11'. and M.t's. C. ·]-I decoratiVt trftbneIdL '~i l' ",; nf{e l' SW1tI ~~' nIt : 1'I\00 il. l'Ocr ry . E" • r y coiWderatIca Mrs. aaymond Osborn Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Nutt !lnd Mr.~- .and blS been the ' , )I~ r "n rl ,, ~ ,.~ T"'1I"h n i l ' ... randson of ' n ear Center';.j)\e were comfort and COli fttII6. Sunday evening dinner guests 0 1 and son, Tony. of Spring Valley. enee of th~ w. Mr. and Mrs. '111erle Jones lind spent , Sunday evening with Mr. ' l1d NIl's. Emerson Dill. ..rve. son, Milton . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark Imd Mr. and Mrs. Junior Clark Imd .. Mrs. Robert Greene and grandson, entertained to dinner on son. Eddie Thirkiel of Daylon , Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mrs, Roy Shaw of Xenia, Mr. and Loy, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Chan- Mrs. Henry .Berges and family of nel and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark Beavertown called on Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morga.n Sunday , of Dayton.
loUd con.l.tency.
The tr~ck ville HI \Vas first. me t of Harveysburg IE-ague ~I ash.
team of WuynesWater-and Vltaml... Water dl88olve. not only man)' successful in their the season. beating vttamln. but minerals as well. AmoUnte of water u.ed In cookin, 49-33, in .. ' non- tru,tte and vfI,et-ablea Ihould be ..maU. Food. that neM to be .... ashed should be washed rapld17 Alt~au g h it is a bit eal:ly to pre- and not soaked. diol. s?tne o f the boys show promise of turning ill !lome vcry good Feeder PI,. pe.l'fonnances before the season is A desirable leeder, pig .hould be vt,broul. thrifty and sleek In bl, over. . appearance.
Ken Vickcl's was Hign-Point man fOI' the 100A1 bo,Vs. wilh Bell CASH FOR DEAD STOCK c8I'I'ying off the hono rs fa)' Hat-HORSES $3;00 COWS $3.00 veysburg. The relay teams, foJ' OUI' lads, According to size and condition . All Sto 'k l'elltoY.ed promptly.' in particular, show thal ·they will be hard to beRt after II few morE' JANES RENDERING pl·aclices.
]n the half-mile rull Waynes Ph o ne Collect vil le \oQk the first three places Xenia, O. 171 Z for a clean sweep o[ this event. The bo,Vs running this race \vere WilminitOn. O. 2362 Harlan EIlrnhart, (first) , "Lefty" Henderson (second) and Lee O'Banion (third) and time ' for the event was 2 . minutes" 14.4 !<econds.
Dead Stock
Results oJ the other events and winnel'S BI'C a follows: The winneI' being lisled first. BI'Qad JUIllp-19'5Vz " Vick ers, \VaynesvILle: Mason , Harveysblll'~ ,: Bell. Harveysburg. . Hil2:h' Jump--4'8" . Bell, Harv ysburg ; Mason. Harveysburg; Jordan, Wayne!l\lHle; Powell, WaYnesviUe. • 220-Dash- 24.7 Sec. Vickers, Waynesville: 'Mason , Harveysburg ; 'Bell, Harveysburg. 440-0115h-57.2 Sec. LawRon. WAynesville: Doster, Harveysburg ; Wall. Harveysburg. Pole Vault-8'll" Bell , Ha~ veysburg ; MeHaffie. W"vr't:!s·-., Waynesv ille; Jorda n, Wayne~ ville. loo-Dash- 10.6 Sec. ,Masoll, Harveysburg; Vi ckers, WaynesviII!.'; Lawson. Waynesville. 880-Relay- l mln. 39.9 SEc. Peters, Powell. Lawson, ' Vicke rs, Waynes~U1e. 1 Mile aelay-4 Min . 6.8 Sec. Lawson, Hende.rson. Eal'tlhart, Powell. Wa~esvlll;: " Shot-Put - 368\14 Powell, .W aynesville, Bell. Harveysburg; Tinney , Waynesville.
Accord ing to Size lind Condition. Call
Xenia 454 .Reverse Charges
Xenia Fertilizer .
Boxed· Candie~ Assorted BOle~ . . . $1 to
. I
$l.SO, I.
Stubbs ...
.round ooullt"v.
P.I .... I • •
Ra vin Red Ash Olga Pocca hontas
Mille r
Yel1(lw Jacket
~g. Mr.
C:l lva lier . toker
~ Offic~ Now 'Open A ' 8 (a.m., f.:to .. ' 5· ..,' p.m. ,D al·1y,Ij, Saturday,181 a.m.!ttonoon.
The Miami Gazettel Phone Wa~nesyille 2143
'NOW is the'time~to - place ord~rll ·f or-coal·r·SAVE MONEY <and be-sure o£;a full binrnext winter. i,'
'ACTNOW! Premi~m
coal is still in
I'.,., 'he 80rd.,. C_
Waynesv~lIe .Farmers
Mr. called 'Hanes Xenia
II "
Bordens --,it 5 got to be
bave been available •
tufm, Sec'y- Treas.
Ellis H.
Phone US
Lrbanon, Ohio 000cll
- -.- --,- -- ..
Armitage &Son
... -.
. . . . .OW ·R. . . ~_om.
.ad .
~~~~~~~~ fiii: - ~~~~~~~~ ----~ - - -- ---
... HILD'I'S
114-W.Y . •• RM .N.UR.NCI"
m the
Lebanon N.F.L.A.
ond heolth: ~ive your familv Gold... Cre.t HomaD.e. "
F" JOIl bl'Old pIOCKdoa .piaac Iaeaet pu. lanD. II CO'NII J'OIII baJidlnp, J'OIII chattala. J'OII'~I. .... J'OII' UabW., for 10 othen. Wb, _ _ _ 1, y _ _ _ ' - " . . . . . . . ,..'" I - - ' .. die CWo ' - , III 1M 01lIo .irmtn w:W
Karl D. 'Dakin:.lnsurance 'Agency .
U. 8. an
Ph~n8 153. ~() E. Jlulbem, LEBANON. O.
01\10 '1'.I~SI-.uI. ~
m - ~ ~. =_.....====___....._.___ ......====;;.==__;;/I'
... 01lIO ,AIMBI R• •'
__ 1111'"1/11' Hllmll!1!l111Ii~llllllllIIilllllmlllllll!l!lIlm:IIIIIIIII~lillllllllllllllll11Ii!llII I IIIIl IIl!IIIIII!I!1111I111111I11I11I1111\11111111111111111111~llmIIIm",;:1 at tke loweat point Ilnee record. \ lI._=....__~;;o______
supplies this precious vitamin.
and Mrs. Morris Lewis on Mr. and Mrs. Rlch$rd and daugliter, Donna. near Sunday.
llbeep aumbera
tract - no renewals, Term- 4 per cent
.0 nuellary for proper growth
. i'..... 11leeJ
You can repa'y from farm income. No , change in con-
hrd...·s Golcftn Cnst HamoD" Milk '
Did you know that the Twin '111eatre Bank Nite Award last Friday went to Mrs. Jane Hawn ... a goodly amount was awarded her . , . can't teU how much ,due to newspaper regulations. aalph Peters,was also a weekly winner in the past.
and Mrs. George Bratten, Mrs. Emma ' Crew, Mrs. Mattie Levi,. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart were shopping In Lebanon Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kermeth Bratten and daughter, Shirley · Ann. 0'( ,Dayton called on Mr. and Mrs. ~rge Bratten Thursday I!ve-
SERVICE THAT ' SATISFIES 13:1'0 1Il, • • ' 'r. Otlll IU' w:r...w Cln~ lnrH\tI 12:40: DIal 100. for :lur ORII~
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of sellbrook, were supper guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Hily Gibson. Mr. ahd' Mrs. Lewis Crawford and. daughter, Donna. spent Sunday in Xenia,
wmo Darton
Mr . .lInd Mrs. Vernon Pursley and .Lewis and family.
Market Reoor._
--:tb ,'V~. v.. MJ:s. Elsie. Koester · spent the u...;w.. M r. an d Mrs .A. no and Mrs. Roy 'Smith and family. weekend witli her son, M r. Morr
==========:::==~ UIII!iml!IIIIIII I II I II!lli llil !I I!I I I !~llil!lil l !11!'II I!il :I I!I III I I I II I III I I II I I I I I I II I I!I !1 I IIIIIIIImlilllllll\lllllll~I!!1~~I~mmllII1I1111~
•• l1e..
Clnclnnetl Union Stook Ya.d. Live Wire and Prollre.8Iye. A .. ora.n l•• tio" .. oond to ';0"_'
Mother's Day, Sunday, May 8 Paige and Shaw. Lowney
Candy' Specials -.:~.
loe cr..m Ia 800Ualld In' ScoUand, "Ice cream" 1.1 made II, bolUn, lor 80 to «J minute. a mixture of milk, a\llar and cora !lour. TllI. mixture I. allowed to cool aad I. then frozen to a ••mI·
n' f1EWR\'n: ~
Gazette Phone:
Be A
e Since 185Q I
. Bouster
I ~Z,
Waynesville ~,arden 'Club Entertained Talking -It Over At,Home Of Mrs. 6eo. Peterson F
b .e HeaEier Here S\lnday Afternoon -
~~~~'~~----------------------------------------------I GAZETIE STORY P,IJ
c;,rnRl'I nt
A Column of , By' The Editor
1bree New 'Members·'~RLY 'ELEV~q-OR ,,
Join The Gt;ouP . ' ,
. Probably . the most frequent 5uggestlop we have received from, readers during ilie past few
Geo.,rge Pel,arson. opened: her countrY h ome to lhe G a~ den ' ~ekS is that we cany news of (Ot' the reJ;:ulal' meeling QD . tile ' ~unty ~tir~. ' We ate in Thul'sday afternoon and 'three agreell\e~t with r thi l\ .suggestion members, M.'s, Mal'ion an plan, in dhe vl!t . :lear fu- l'AOSlllS. Mrs, Ra . Mamons, and ture, ' fo make court news a reguStella HQllal~d ' joilled ILhe gro up., lar feature of' The 'Gazel1e.. The program of tl e afternoon ,. ,. cOll$isteq of two .papers on " h)s' • We really appreciate the inter.. and "Herbs" by,MTs. Lena Hal'test that has been taken in The sock lind Miss Olive Williams. Gazette since we assumed man- Eve1'yone., also gt'eatly enjoyed lhe , mallY beautiful flow ers on tbe agemen: and will do , e~e['ylbing laWn, and Mrs. P eterson's special possible tl) produce" a newspaper project, h,er beautifuU y kept of 'WhIch the ,communi~y can' he IIt,awl;!erl·les. p,I'Qwi Co~en s hAve been J!C- ' FollG , inc adjQul'nm~Jlt to meet ceived iI-om IlllIny readers 'in the in June w I 11 Mrs. Lena HUI·tsock, Waynesville area , as weU ,\18' from daintY'l'e El'eshments were sQJ,ved . far away places like ' OIJkland, JOw'ing the business esssion, the CaJUOrnla; ' '-LoulslaDa: Florifa; h.o,s tess yave to the clUb a sum of and New York. len dollars in memory of her hllsbp';d' and son,
' ;r'JiC
~1ll'J'en County s:erifl \Vas
caned to Ly ~le Mqnday morning. 'r.J :;heri.f[ l'",~ponded to a oaU by the Evel'tt Eat'ly. Inc. el Iratar ~ , ' . A to , d. e utl"allOe Int9 th 0[[H!8: I)f the eleva t9J' WI,lS madel lhe (!bmpun~ ,I' ,pol·ted, !>y a pllJ'SOll or pet':;~n !i Sunaay night. 'I'te intr uders ' e ntel'ed tl1 ~undiltg h ' h h bId ' '( 'l'OU,g t e ao t OOl'. , Mr. Ea Iy repoJ'ls that not!lil.g \\I'llS found to De Illi sing bu ~ iliat 1be'office w~ in a Sh am bles, Con' Iu sions w.el' t hat lhe- wouldihievell weI'e searching for money.
- ->..,........ -----
The ' Wayn '~v ill e Civlc Club will mee~ aU Methodist C I-lIUl'ch Monda'y Even, . ldDY 16 "1 : 00, ~oi' Its May ~l~r and busi ness meoting, , GeGr e W. ~1er; o[ L eban on, wi ll b~ ~ '~st speaker (ot' th e e.fenl'P~ 1).11', J"Le l' wlll discu ss operat,ion nd IURl'\nge m llL ,of t he Ope~sit rms, All Civjc ' ~ub Jnllmbe rs are w'ged to be lU'esetlt. ' The ' of !.he Wayne townshlp has been posipon·ed., lo eVllning, May
And Guests
Elect Officers
High Scholll Chorns
presents Programm At Union City , •
Therefore, we :consider , it an The 'High Schpol 'Cborus Choir ObUP..tfoll to .~ oipo utm~t tp joi.trneye, Clto Union City on Sunboo.t "'*)'nasvilla whenever pos- day afternoon, 'a nd gave Q fme .~ m ..these You can prQgram at 7:30 P. M, ill'the High help, lsy to ~d allditorium~ on 'Ule lhdiana ,~~ .J I . ...:..., 'fhe gl'oup left' the 10cII L high paper'. ,' may talRe time, but ~c.bool at 2 p , M. eventually ,ve hope to makc The The\v ea tber 'lYa~ fin e and the Gazette a true representative of trip was made ill good t.ime. It the Cine town it serves. W!tS enj oyed by all Mr, Gehri s and fam ily, MI. Advisory Council Ilio, 2 held its Ha1'per and ,famil y. 1\11-. Reutlliek, r egular meting on May. 4 ~l the Mr. McNight , and . Rev, Cole man home of Mr, and Ml'S, Harvey DC( ompanjed t.he group. Burn ett , lVith Mrs. F1'allces G~ay FiJly-five . stu.dents o( Wayncsa nd SOliS RS ,guests. • v ill e high school pur~lcipa te d in The regular business session thlH.;hol'us, was conducted by the president, Mr. Galms had pl'epaJ'ed a fine Lltwrence Furnas. lunch which was enjoyed by th e Eal'l1est Butterwor th led in the group at. the Union Glty Park. Mr. discW't'sion on several diffe1:ellt Me,N lght dr ove the co mm is~ary subjects, including the Advisol'y truck and served coke, Cowlcil Gujde, fOI' May. ' , Four of the chw'ches of Union AItel' adjoumment, . dainty ,re- Cily sponsored the program and fr eshmenls were served. di smissed th eir J'egul al' Sunda y evening services fOI' the occassion , The Wltynesvllle Fiee DepartA splendid aJld 3ppt'eci ative ment answe" ed a call late Sunday a udience added inspiration to' the. morning to the prope.'ty of Elmel' pOl'gl'am and th,e gt·oup a lTived in Sheehan, soudi of Waynesville. A Waynesyille shortly p"st mid~I'ass fire, which threatened to ' night. , out o( hand was extinguished. daillage was'l-epoI'.l ed by the bloze. The Lawes 01 Fa nner,s' Gl'ange No, 13 met at the hom e oj Mrs. The W. S , C, S. of the M ethodist Sid Ellis '£OJ' a covered (!ish dinner Church will meet on Thursday on May 3. aflemoon, May 19th at the home Tw enty-nine lad ies ~ nj oye d u of Mrs, Glenn Borden, Ml·s. Bor- ve.,y pLeasant day logelb er. den wiI be asissted ,by Mrs, In the aflerndbn, Mrs. Je'a n Charles ' Koogler, . Mrs.. Culton Aula augh gave a vel'y intereslCook, ·M,rs. Lloyd Dans and Mrs . lng talk on her native country, Bertie' MUls, Mrs. Bomard Auslt'alia, Baughn will be in ~harge' of t,he The June m eeting will ' be held 'rl'ogr~m. lit the home of Mrs. Gilbert Fry.
"-_. ~-MI'. an.d · MI·s. Eal'! Cl'awford w ce in Spring fi lei WI Mothers' ay and utt('nded Ihcil' lillle !-; randson's, Fl'eddJ I' Sch l1eider, !:iOfi of MI'. a nd MI', Rober t A, Schneidel', [jJ'st commu nion al Sl. . ~Ilphnel Church , Mt·. and Mrs" L<::l'uy Shaw of Y91I o\\; Spdngs :tOd M iss Dorn1hy I'l oyd of S'pringfield a lso a ll >nded , '
li me ' thal many of our ebildl'",n had b >en to the zoo. , W e tea chers realize that we were asking quite a favor of the pUl'cmts when we asked the ir permJsslo n to 'take the children on s ueh a tl'ip, Howcver, we watched t !lt:m very closely , and we feel t ha t the day \vas quHe a s uccess, Thanks to IIUI' Superinte nden t, Seh ' 01 B ard, 'bu dri vers, and pa" Ilts lor their fine coppera,t ion ,
Twenty-on Waynesville Boy couts and · their guests, Scout.maslel', Joe Jam es and ,a 11'0.oP committeeman enjoyed ' B chill supper at the Scout cabin Monday evening, Following the G o'clock supper, the Scouts and theil'~ g\Jests particlpated in games, tent- itChing, and campfire sjhging. SlJnday evening at a campfire \!eremony a~ Camp Hook, .J04!' Ji,lmes, locnl scout master, receIved the Seclllld .Honor 0 ~e---Or¥r of A).'J·ow, Nabonal Hotao'iju'y Camlliog Society. , Two years o£ service in"the Ordeal Honor is ,the p,erequisite for this honor, ' 20
Ml', Do~ald Browh, son of ,Mr, and Mrs. Lawrenc~ Brown, left. on Sunday fol' San Antonio, Texas. where he will enter his A It, CEldet Training at Randolph Field, MI", Brown passed his entrance exmnination some time ago and has been awaiting his call.
e t\ R n
OIi' '1'11" N 10'\
I wish to expI:ess my sincere gratitude and appveciation Lo my ' friends, neighbo['s, and the Lytle 'Sunday School {Ol' the many beauti-[ul nowet'S and cards received qu~lng my ilIn.ess at Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, GEORGE CU5TENBORDER
.' Remember the Mothel' and Daughter Banqu~t at Lytle Chur ch this Thul'sday evening, May, 12, ~t !J O'clock . AU la dies iJlld daug h tel'~ are cOJ'dla Uy )nvited. •, E;jl'r1 Men denhall is convalescingl'al th home of hCl' pal'et1t.s, MI', and Mrs, Guy Routzahn, aCtet' a sel'ious 1I1nesS of s'vcnu week~ •
Mrs, Nettie Emrick was enie):ta iJled to ciliUle.1' Molll r's Day at Mlamisbl1l'g bY. hel' son- in-law ,111d dl1ug\1ter, MI', anti Ml·s. Leon Salisb ury of Washington C, H. Mrs, Everett 'Early visited hel' m othe r, M ~s , Mary Hustol'! of Yellow Springs, at M<!c1elland HospJlIlI, Xonia (,)11 ' Wedn 'sday, M!'s, Ifusto 1 remains yery ill, MI'. amI, Mrs, Th el'le J OIlOS and Miltou hlld (01' the ir Mother's e\lcnlng dinner guests, Mr. Ml's, Edwin Nutt and grandsOn, Gary Moran of near Centerville lind 1\11'. and Mrs~J. B. Jones.
'L . oeals Face' Two Tougb Dayton,Teams: 0nH.'"gh SChoolFl"e . Id .
One of. the 'besl basehall ot.lracInm, Lhis SCilson is'sdl 'dllled Cal' SUlld" " May 15, "t thf' WIlYllCSvill e Hig h ,'r hbo l difUlJ!Jlld, with A douhlC'"heudC'O' 1m !.fl~ ryeLw e n Ol'vil li:' G):ay's Bat'h ~r Shop niri~ /lnd the W lid ' I' '0 11 -~ I'uQt.jon utdiL, Dayt.o n, .. t 1 p,nt, w~th the' flo alf' sc t fl,l l' :i: J5 bet\\! ' n Dayl Oft Rccl'ca lion BowJiug AJlqy lamn llnd lb(' Jlul iol' Am rican LegLon Post 61.5 outfi t, . MJ's. C IR l'a S!.flI·Oft , )\ml'rican Congr 5S 8owlinJ:( rcpr'os · ntatLve in DaywlI , an d ~ wid ly knnwn I'POI' (.swDnlan acllv Iy mannges _ lho yr'ungr Iteam, 'Jged 9 to ]3, whilo Chm'If'S Pr3 'ock haudl th Dlly ton t 3 ,to 15-YC<II'- 01d alub. Both gnmes s h ould "ttJ~ t a good cr()wd si ncn !IS f{l\' n. mel'Tlo~'ics serv' no womD Il ' ll;JS ever active ly m alwg d R ball I >a'm 0 19cul J1ic1ds aod t he dop sters stiy t.htlt Mrs, Slaron k11QWS h<:r baSl'bal1 well. A ccordi ng to n.,rs. StaJ,'qu, who Is also bl\sj~e~ monagCX' of bo(h teams, ' the Dllyton olltRt.~each weJ;8 ehamplQ~S la~t 1l ~1\S 11, sa thor& . won't be' aniY '~e\vplk ,for the 10, i s' dCSJ;lite thel r c9J)vm ing wc!,orie.s last ,Sul,lday v~r
Ml' , and Mrs. , Clyde Wharton WCl'C Sund )( dinn er guests. of Mr. and Mrs. lIoren', 1toutzah~ and liLLle ,daughters at F,J.anklin. .... , Georgie Custenborder l'elurn<.od home Salurday Tram Cl1dld,rell'S'1 SprlAs Valley, H()Spjtal Cincinnati where underw~nt a ,majol' ~peration, is recovering 'nicely.
Mr. Guy R butzahn hotl1o fJ'om GraJ)dview Hospi tit! F l'id ay oVClliJJg and is slowly' reMothe l's lu b m el II re,[tuiar covel'ing II'OIrl a six weeks lIess. He WllS at tho 17 session on Friday an 1'1'0)11)) at th gl'ade sehoul, • ilh IIH! bUsiness da:,ls 011 account of pneumonia. session, cOl1d uci "d by Mrs. ., 0" MJ', and MI'S, Hbur Cla"k en- ChlLrles LeMay 'h,' JlI', ':;idQnt,. Officet'S wer ,II'( (d fut· the comMr. ;lIld Mrs. Wtlllam Bamon ' tcr taillcd to· f- 'J d ' ,S d C 'I ' d f' h' a .arru y JIllle. unall uml y em o~e a tS II1g uay eveniJlg. The oCCasiolJ ho:n- In'g year wiLh II. f,1 Llowi ng rsull. Pfll'ty <It SI. Marys Lake on Sat- ol'il1g Mrs. C1Jlt'k Qn MOUlel"S Day, PJ'(~sidcnt, M,n " Edgnr SmJth~ tll'day. Vice President, Ml's, Ray SmJth~ ----------~--------I Mi·s. S~tSIlIl Saylor and ,M.... anu Secretary, Mr.~.: Colvin; 'fiI;BSl11."':' M.r~, Waltc'!' l<rue.r attended er, Mrs, Roy Ellis, An ente~tain I SouLh Pal·k Methodist Church in in g prog ram was prescnt d by tnc pupil s of the Fi rst Grade. Dayton Sunday, Mr. and MJ's, L10yd Davis, Mrs, J oseph 'Dllvi~, Miss Mary Schaelz II lId MI'. Hil l DDVis w ~ l'e Mothers' DIIY dinn er gues ts o[ Mr. and Mrs. How<J rd Hurl ey n eal' New Burlington.
Of ,I nterest
&u'l Tressla l', wh\) hIlS beelt II Mr, (IIlU Mrs. Cl:!ci l M. Dav is, \ Mr, and Ml's, R. L , SaUerthMI'" Hnd Mrs, .Evcrett Early had Mr, and Ml'h, K enneth 1!;lzey, patient at Velc I: ans HospHal in a nd da ug hter MOI'jode, of Day- M r. alld JVi, .~. ChHCI1CC: J. Davis of daitc and children , and MI'. and I foJ' Sunday dUlJ)el' guesls Dr. lUll , spen t, ~lIllday afLemou)) wi th Day tulI , Mrs, J osiah' Davis Miss Mrs, Floyd Lynch and children ' J)~d MJ's, Thcu dol'e Rol£us of CiJl- D-ayt,on for fifteon week s, s p n ' t.he weekend a t Itis Imme in M ,'. and Mrs, Wallet' h:lzey. M "I'~' Scheclz al1d Ml'. Bill Davis a rc n ow occupying theil' 'new I cmnatl. Wayn esville. - ,, Wt: l'e SlIl1 uay eve ning s lipper homes which th~ have buill on .- - Local residc'lts will b pI used Mr. lind NJ,'s, Alb I·t D. Cal' .,. !:ue>lb "~I MI'. ancl Mrs, Lloyd 'upper high street, , M~s,. ~ames St. John of Dayton to kno w tha t Ea rl , is ve l'y much of Cil) chm ll ti we ,',. E;l'ida'y eVeJ1 i l1 ~ Davis , 15 vJsltmg her sotl-in- IDw cnllel's 111 th e home of Mr. 1111d MJ's , Ron ald Hawk e wUl 'b e daughter, Dr" and MJ·s. H, H. impr-Qved in hea lth. • MI's, W libUl' Seru·s. 'I~de.· and hoslcss to the Woman's AuxiU- ~e t' ~al1 on Houte 73. MIs. S t Mr '1l lld M'l.... WilJiu; .. 'SLitJU $e, St, Mal'Y's Cilurch on John s family tender ed hel' a " W (1 If 0f L 011 d 011 . a l'"J of '11 ';l' " , M IS, ' lJ\'l'a • , 'Mrs, J , P Ii'I'Omll1 , M,.s, D, C, 'Dayd' party at Ih e HerMt·s. ' RuLh Pin " 'Miss Mari e Mr,,: A, C , Bowmull an cl M , ',.. an d Friday' ;.,f\ e m oon al he r country Mbther's lS R id)" flllt! Ml's. Rel'tk Mills at11' 1 vud Tllwson <lnd daugh Lhome. m;~11 lom e u.n ny. M.I's, Pi ne. and Mi ss. Ca;Tie Mill s vis lC.'l1decl tilC' Insp" 'li(,n ,~r Miumlsi ted at Ib e hom" L,f Mr, ,l lId MI's. p r~. Sht\rUIl rin d Joan, of Frankllll hul'J) 'Ellstern' ChHllle,' on Mr, and Mrs. J , W, FlIlk el·s'.m ~ I" and Mrs .. Lc!;li ' G ray, M.itls Wilbu r N , <::nl'1; S und ay• aftcr- \W I" MI) lIll'rs' Day g u t's(.s o[ Mr, fo'r irl <iY ven inJl. 'IT awl Mr", O'rvi'JIe Gl'uy and M!', ..,lid MI'. T. W, Van Pclt w 'I'e I WJ>hl1<1 . ~nd Rol:el't aLl ended t.h ' noo n, S unday dinne r guests of MI'. and th teH tel lit Duy lon Sunday t l[l(, I' and Mr~, William Sawyer. Mrs, P:tt~.v B:iird " ceh i$ 11 0W MI's, M , A. Fulk erson and daugh- n UO II , l.1I1 ci later .calJ ed UII llr 'i l' emp l()'yf.'d ,, ~ ~l'ct'(!t.;II·Y in the WiI Mrs, A. K . Day f '11 [I t hcl' hOOlI! 1I1l1!Ie Jlnd ... unt, MI'. Dlld Mn:l, A, on S~ltLll'day and \V,~'s n; mov'd lv Mr. anrl Mrs, Clnrencc All,en of t ' I', 0 , Willia ms and fIlu nd the ' Wlcl ll bu" S l'",.s inSLlI'UIl(1(' (lenCe, lak -" Lh e CUI'l- Rest Ho m ' ill 1 ebarrnn pn ylloll 1V()re, Sunday evening , vel'y ItOo l'iy at this time with ing th t' pl »c pf Mrs, J oe Davil', 10,1' a few days. Mn;. 'R, HI Ha l'lsock, M,rs , Eal'l I'hl'urilJl lic fever, ('all\'r!' lIr Mr , and J01rs, W. E , ' wit" mi1ved to D i,y tou, ~I r(, ud. I Hockett, Mrs, Stanley Bailey and M I'.~, D . C, Ridge spent Thursday , Rev, u~1d Mrs, J ohn Lacy of MI'. T. B, ,B ('ann oek; [orm,e rly ' . Mr. and M L'S, W<l llel' Kenl'lell T he lau de 'S troud f<l mily en- in C'inclI1na h, I dJ ' lIf \\faynesville and son of Mrs, MiddletllwlI ",el'e Su nday Iwening an allIcs Haines vlsiLed MI', IIItU l I l~ ilwd with a family dinl; el' ~n M1's, Th omas 'ColUns aud Charles FrKrlC:es Branllock, fell at his ca ll eJ's of M rs. D. C, Ridge. , Su ndny ;'11 theil ' h om ' on Malll MI'. und Mrs. R em'y Wa.tkins COIJiIlS jn ,Duyton Suilday aftcl'kome in South Lebanon and w~s Mrs, N 'll Andel'sull of King lJlal1 ~\l tN unci had ?s guests MI'" and !1Ild daug were Sunday dmner noon,' iUIU (ot.01d lhe (ormer Mr', ~ rem 'ved to the Veterans ~ospiia l ~ as ';I Muthers' DilY g ll est df he l' MI's. Gp)) I'!ll' Stroud of Di~yton, I g Uest's of Mr, and Mrs, Leo Con- Collins doi ng ni cely since a majOl' Th M,,(hrr's DilY fVice WIlS' ill D Iyloll. son-i l1 - la w and dn ughtc~ I' MI'. and Mr. <l Dei M r", H. H. W adswolr~h o[ I ner ann dau~hters, 101) ration lWo wee ks ago al Miallli well fI !Lelld .t!, hili h i}1 I.b C1iu:r h Mrs, D on lhl\VKe, unci rcmai'll d W"" I Cnl'ro illon, M rs, Maud· , -Va lley H ospita l. Mrs, CoWn!; is .1 Sc' honl .. lid wO I'sbip servicPrll, ' f (!I' u [e w doy s. C ', 111<' or l:t'bal1()l1 ;md Mr, Dnd MI', :lIId MI·~ .. Gene Ahrens and lI,i ce of th e KenricKs. ' M,'", Minnir:. MI,ng('l', rnotllPI' of MI'~ . W, E. S('roud, They were dall ghler of Duyto n, Mr. and Mrs. '. ' " " .' M,',C;. 01(' 11 BnrdCl) , WMI Clwal'ned Mr, hllld ' Mrs, CluHmcl' J , Davis joiJwd in Ih e ' a ft moon by Mr. Cha rl es Dooin [Cinci nnati, Mr, ~, ss MY lll q Baysol e.hld ~lh clt flf) wc',,~ 11,~ tha oldest crtlCl t hl'l' presand Mrs, ,'orge ,Ahrens of Day - I a nd Mrs, Ru ssel Can' Rnd chil~- ~;gl(l (~I ~iyt ~n an~ ,J~l~~lIc ~'I1J,d n l llIul Mrs, Bernal'd Dniley wa: John MCKnight, lH,' di ed al. tilt' a('f' nfJw l'csldiD){ in Dn ylon, " _ __ tOll , ',' \ I' 'n of, Lp.b'1I1(lIl,fi Mrs, Louise IfJte ,Y "Thlc :~I y £) • pi JJ~~ 010, th (' youn gest mqth el' pres nl. Tht' home of his, daughtel', Ml's, Eth ,I ',us L,u cy Eli lcy ,'1 lId ... "s. a nd da u" hte r 0 '£ Harveysburg were UI S ay evenmg II1n I clll)i I' n md ,t'ed Cl Mnthel:'s Day ,E llis, of Lebanon, Thursday. MI " lYU .. guests o[ Mr, clOd Mrs, Vernon anlhem , Dnd R ey. R . FI, Ct,lellll\lJ F,w le ral sCl'vices wcre lleld FlOSSie, CaJ'ey will he oo-hostcsse.~ , Mrs. N ,IIi, Bunnell was ~ week wcre a lso call ers, Pursley Dud sons. ' twel1ched ~ 0 SC.1'mnJ) apP"opl'ial' . Satu).day at.. 3: 30, p.m. al ~he Zion to thc W, C, 1', U. l'egular'mect- cnd guest of hel' son an.d daugh'" MI', and Mrs. Edgar Smit.h enSund ay guests of M I'. Dud MI·s. fqr Mother's Day, Bapllst Church , HaJweysJ;urg. jn~\ 011 Friday ufl '1'I\00n ' at 2 P. lci'-iu-Illw and . family, MI'. and Mrs. Geo "!,:' BunneU and child- 1t'I'tallled wilh a family d;nner on A, D, Smith of Rotlte 48 were: At this wri ting. the d l e~J1Li(ln Burial was made ill Springfield M. 'en and .h ildl'en 'in St. Be'ma rd. Sunday and had as dinner guests Mr , and Mr~, Cad Wolfe and Mr. tQ t11(' D U l'ici'merling tn h " helL! Cemetery by the Stubbs Funel'Ul . Mr, .md Mrs. D , R. Salisbury o{ !lIld Mrs. Willi am Browning of in 'Grace Church, Dayton, Til _ Mr, .md M.1'~. J. p , E'nllmn w 1'0 I Home, Survjvors include UIl'ce daug~1- among t hc guests 011 SWlday 1 Mr., nd MI'S. El'ank H e: .; of 11('<11' Wilrnington , Mr, and Mrs, w. MlamisburJ,t, Mr. and Mrs, Clinton day. is as ,f ollows: Mt,. and' M:l's. th ei r SOIl-ill- luw and Be llpl'uuk , wet'e Sunday dinne l' E, Connell, MI', a nd Mrs, Willard Rop el'ts and daughler of Lebanon, 0, R. Unglesbee, Mr. and M't'S. R. ters, Mrs, Ethel Ellis, Ml·~. Lucille \Vhc'n While, of Wilmingtun, .llld Mrs, daughter. M . lInd MJ's. Melvin guesl's or Mt·, and MI'S, 'Erwin Elis F'nl'lIn~ uno snn, Mr. and Mrs, Rev, Joseph Myers, pastor of Ly- C, Moler, Rev. and Mtll, R. B. White, 'of Dayton; one son, Ray- B\l ntu a f J,'m 'slowtI ent.ertained and Arlel'noon guests of Mir : and George Winnl'r and daughter \Uld tlc churoh, and Mr, and Mrs. Ver- Coleman, and Rec. and ~I'S , BerMrs , W, p, Salisbury, ' non Pursley and sons, nard Baughn, with a famil y day. Mrs, Roy Elli$, mond, of Dayton, ~--=--~-
The' ProgreSsive Business Wo ~ men ' held their last meeting o( the yeaI' on Wednesday ",v',,,,,,,,.,. at'the home of MIs. J esse Prendergast. The usual business session was held and a pleasant so~al hour was enjoyed ,
1 ' oL'Jlle
The pJ'ospects of. a financiaUy success[ul softball 'season was som what brighter thi s w~k \~hen ln~ Dayton PoweJ' and Light Company sent a ch eck for $25 [ 0 lhe 10cl),I, team. . Th contribution was made by L. V. Nilson , X enia Disb'lct Manager. on behalf of the company. M:r. Nilson wt'ole: . ''Yom' appea l fm' assistance iil '9 nlinuing the athlelic prograin in Wilynesvi lle as was outlined In The ¥illmi Gazette of some weeks ago, , prompts us as II business citizens of Waynesville to I'.e::;po)Jd to this appeal "We as a company app1'eciat.e the oportunity of making this contl'ibut ion,"
Kook~3 s ;
While th1! balance QUIl!' circulation is dlsfdbutecl bl.-wrtheni Warren cow1ty and' ~ borders of Greene and ClintOn coWltlej. qUite a Qwn~ of. copl~; each week, 10 to aU Pllrls of the unhea Slatls and.eyen Alaska. rGl' this relUiQn The G~~te. m~ bI! re:1 garded as 'your co~tm ty's unof£lcil;ll publiclty agent. ,
arm ~~nger Will· ~e 'pea,ker '. ."111U,b At C·IViC
The Miuni GazeHe 'Puhh,,11ed every Thur8da, ~nu nt,.
at Waynesville.
;;;en(1ore E. Contlver ......................... 'Edilor &. Puhlisher F.dna H. ~C "over .......................... : .. .~ ......... A~oci atc Editor
"8 secon<i r.IRAA Wllvne~\-rill , Ohio.
matter at the
p08tofflu at BCJUPTUJUCl Mark 11: 16:~. DEVOTIONAL UAJ)IMO, r n.alcmJanl .:l·U.
~l1b~l'ril'ltinn RR~e: l$ l .r;o fler year in Ohio; $2.00 per ''''~ r
Chrlst1an. b\ tho••
the re.der could Iniervlew one ·Ie.d· 'lnl Bible expert from eacb of tlie.. fA{ denomlnatlon,. and a.1I e.eb one
f!"RIENDS , 'nLE ME"lMODIST nay ~chnnl 9 :30 a.m, C"'fURCH . the .ame Quntlon: , \4f'etlfll" for Worship , Dr. Jostmh Myers. Mtnlster "In your penonaJ opinion, .xaetb' Sundly Sdiool C) :30 3.m. to: 30 a.m , . Mr'$. ~uth SavIor. Supt. ",h.t .. the ,meaninl of Marll In" you mlllht not tet 40 elitterent. an· w.onbJr ~rv'ce ~ to:30 •. m. .wer.~ but YOU certalnb would .Iet W4 YNE$VlLLE more th.n one. ~ ~"'CH OF CHRIST JmtRY CHURCH OF CHIli'"' 'lb.r. I. DO oll....r fa the M. R C,..oHev. Min~er BYlOn Carve,. Mlnl!!fer
Dr. Lester S. Ivins, professor of Eco~om~~, end Sociology at Defia.n ce Con~ge. will. be t)le commencement lIP"ker at ~gradu aliQn exercUM;!s of the Wayne Township Hillh School. Dr. Ivins. after !lJ'aduatln)t from the Wa,vnesviUe High School received col1e~e de~ees as follows : Ph. B . an.d M . S. Lebanon Unlve..s.lty. M. A. Columbia Unlvel$lty. Ph . D. h;om Peabody CoUege. .
Or; ........
Two younJ!( men, Howard SUr'hlce and Hubert. Gregg, of Lytle. . were arrested at Sabina. Ohio. las~ Thursday, -'ter ·they .hild disposed ,of 36 cblckens to " . C. Davis. . poultry dealer o( that place. The 1----:~~---..!-1.::..-..::::!:.....---'---:-;__,-__:-=---:_-----:'--oiled a It "d n~lectedSabina marshal arrested.the men on suBJIlclon, and notified Sheriff clothes depreSSing p'ep Fullt~.
J)lhle ~h(1nl 9::tO A.. M. Morninr Worshlr 1n:lO 4. M. Younl!' Propte'/: ";:45 P. M. f!vt!nin,r 8enlce 7:30 P. M Pr~ver Meetlnr: and Rlble ~Iudv Wed .. 7:30 PM.
lVarren County Cancer Fund Dri;~ Extended To May 22
arpmenta ha.e ~ lIIu
bella more
Le.vln, eztreme ...~. 1.lde. lei u. ti-y to elIlcover .~me meanlnl' whleb .U «I denominations would find In tbIa chlpter. .ome truth • on whlcb aU re ..on~ble can .gree,
••• •
A Certain Faet
JESUS' view one thin, II I Nt.ln: God'. Judlment on
world on' aU penonl In Il Chrlltlan chureb.l · bave different Idea. ..bout wli.t bappenl after We have dlfferelit ldeaa .bout bow the /udement II to be carried .out. or wbere It wID be . held; or ~en . But. th.t ewry m.n Mh. Adda Miller of Lytle atCharles' BOIld, of WilmingtOn, .111 bave to ,lve aceolUlt of him. tended a famlly dinner in her The annual financial campaign gave honoring her mother,. Mrs. aelf before God .. IOmethln, Chr,l'Ithonor. Sunday at the home of Mr. of the Warren County Cancer MBry H. Terrell, of New Viennsi. Ian. beUev•. Mrs. Howaf'\l Archdeacon in 18c:lCiety has been exteRded until ..ear InIe ..beIIe9~ t a . May 22. officials of the society Milton Jones, a WaynesvilDe the ,.~ wile .... .retm4
Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway And Mrs. Elhabeth BaU~ called on friends at Centt!rvUl. Monday evenlilg.
Bible &b.t b .. IIee.. tile I1IbJeclt of more arpmetlta UJaa Wi
ritlgin, yOl.Jt clotl1es to B
den o~ m lnaUona would alree point for p a lot with everything that I, laid . here Now If
up your 'Iooks and spirits by
Special Music
umn, allho\llb It ' loea witltout IIY' Inl thaI not aU of the IiIUlICIIlI 01
Sohool's graduating dass rank high in honprs. In a class of 26 . MAY 13. 1931 st\ldents, Charles . a~d ' Beatrice stand . at the top. The fonner's Charle! Whrtaker, vll;ledlctorl- average for the {our years is ap,an, and Beetric Rcbitzer salutatorian of Wayne Towmlhlp High proxlmatel)' 94 .. while -the 'atter's is better than~
10:3fJ •• m. ' -Otolr CAESARS CREEK FAIE!,">!I Ybuth Fellowship Sunday Rev. David Stanfteld, M1nI$ter 6:30 P.M. Sunday School to LID. Choir Practice Thursday Worship Service t t 1.111. 1:'4:5 PM tmCA Eo atURaI Fl'ev William Shannon W. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Sunday School 9:30 I.m. Samuel N. Keys; Rector Mrs. .James Garrison. Supt. 9:15A.M, Preachlnt 1st and 3rd SundaYs Ch rch Schoo' U eacl! month 10.;30 '.m. Mornln~ Wors"'r 11 :30 A. M. P.venln~, Ser~' 7:30p.m.
DD'FERENT CbrtIttan F·ORTY denomination. IJIOn.or thI. col·
8 and 10 a,m.
MT. HOUV M£1)fODI ME'IlIODIST aruROi T. M. Scarff. Mln'~er . R.~. Coleman, " Minister . Sunday School 9:30 I.m . Church School 9:30 a.m. e.A. · Eartlhart. Sum. Wo~hltl Rervice t.e"710 :,n I.m. J • J , 8 urs~.. ...... ~roupt, Worship and Sermon :ven"'~ Service :. p.m,
.Judgment Day
.. Perhaps You Remember -ro:ROM
R. H. Krumholtz. Pastor
have announced. ' freshman at Wittenberg Colle,ge, The drive has progressed very . was . one of 350 stud'en ~ honol..!d well in Wayne towllshl!i' under at the college's annual Honor f)lay the leadel$hlp of Mrs. , ChIl ~les COll'Vocation. Millen )'eci!lved rlleLeMa;\,. However It has not been ognilion as a meD,lber of the conpo,sible to contact 'all persons In cert band. . . thIs area and others in the county Miltoj1.'s home ad.vess is R. R . which .has prol.1lptl!l\ o~fj~iaJs to 2. Waynesvllle. ___....,...~~_-'---"'-_ _ __ . eXtend the campaign. Othe.. drives . in the countY. caused the cancer fund to get off a later start thRn was pJalnnl~ whlcll !i.lso cOfltrl:bttt1!d-teHtS'T1!*""r tension. Persqns who have I)ot'been con laded and desire to, make a contribuOon are ur~ed [0 forwarc:l their donation to MI'll. Charles Le R .. R 1; Woyne$Vllle, S(I thl;'1 be credlt~ t<> Wayn
..:rtq tllere .... OM. A mere .......... llaqen. f _ ef . .belief II .. Uae ....... wlIe &all" tile ~ oree4l ..... IdS U. . .,.. 0._ r. . If tile' oreecI
Be reile.ta tile AlIOItiel' Creed:.
"From thence be ,ball come to Judie the qulck .nd the dead." If tho.e wordl are IincereJY I~en. the belIevllr will;r try to
9:"0 a.m.
1n:~0 ~ . m .
J'ra;.er· ",eetlnJZi 7:00 rl.l". Youn~ People's Meefl", . ' 1:00 p.m . I!yenla, ~rvlces 7:10 D.IB.
• A. --Hartman's Entertain Book Cluh ·,· . Mr. and Mrs. J. A. HartmlUl were bosts le their Book Club at tnelr home on Route 1 Monday evening. Miss Mae McKay. librarian at Wllm.ington High School. revtewed ''peace oE Mind" ,b y Joshua ~ibman. Mrs. Don Conklin reviewed se.v eral one-act plays and Arthur Hariman sketched the We ROOM: of Paul, king of jazz. The hosts served seasonable re9-1 2 Each MOfOlng freshme.n ts to their guestS. . I-S . Afternoons EJlcepl Wed. Pfesent were: MJas Mary Evenings by Appointment Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Weldort~ McKay. Mrs. Suther, Mrs. Only Verga Michener. Mi.sses Myra anil T8lEPHONE 62 , ' Marjorie Haydock, MIss Ann Michener. Mrs. Don Cotlett, Mrs. James McIntire, Mrs. Walter ~chenel', Nathan Hartman and hosts. '
pie.." Qed above .U olbera. But unbel1",,~, .hatever bIa .orela
Bltlle SchoQI
MD"'l n r_ Worship
.... a.a.r.. Leua OlUdren "Jearn by d~." . aDd .
c. '8. Wilkin '~
0DtomMrte • • 8,...... .. • 2f1 South OetrOit ~
aood t[oinln« In sa1t habib h.l..
m.y Ihowl that be doe, not 'believe b)' . the thit be ttlee to IIle.... 1IrIt of ~ .rther him,elf or bIa funUy. or blaDel~r .. an4 'not God abova ill
CONFUSING DET~ "Wie relieve you of 'all responsibility; telegrams to ab-
AD Uacertala '.l'IDw TT J8 ONLY cb1Idrm wbo WIIk .& that u -thIna doeaa't bap' ~n Now. It will never bappim. Now .nd Never ara not the 0IIb' Urne. on God', clock. ~en wm .th. Judament be! .,.,. elIlclple. wanted 10 lInow, bUt Jelll.8 did not ten lIlam.
$ent members apd ~istant friends local' .and
ne~spip~r notices, legal forinsurance ' company, ~ecords. and many other tech- '
He did nOt claim to kIinW, bIina~ When it Would be ()full: 11:12.)
nical ;dc;taUs.
What' be elId 'aF •••• W.ichl;'l'here '.. • 111 wblch , God'. Juqmenta are lOin. lID ~ .~ Urn•• The end 01 ~ world will come
ut.ttm.. WhoeVRr FOIl th_ .. DOt ~ueb dItferace 1meth... the world foJda up and leave. J'ou 01' Wbetblr J'QII bhFOUf OWD
foJd up and I .... the ~14.
., Mi s'! Ranhel Hartman, student at Ohio Universl1y ",(,a s th~~est of he .. '1)orents ~aturc!~v · n and Sunday. ,-
Mrs. Charle~ Jones nno l\frs. J . A. H.artman w~re ~1Uests las:t. T.hursdQ~ at . a lunc11eon. Mrs. --,---. _ .... _ ' -
Leave , aU~~1 'Il-ave1 ~&ee with.' . • I
'or......... tIIe ... "817, ~ _
" . .' ...., ...,.
~ ,1Ilei', ....1I8fti • ...... ' RI· as ODe of thcwotld·...... dmet. fen lit IIIIiI ~ 01 ilia __ . chauffeurs you on busitlcis. piau......... __• bere .. iIlIa me Ute or vacation ~S~ Your bi41 ud' 'on Uib 'Goll .. Jadi' ' Iq 111m .,. tile 'e1erDal lIl.raJ SuperCoa:ch is inspeCted cWly .r .bleh are. tile .e..,. wup yOur travel com6>rt,• ..tety ~· 1Itd i and flWnc 01 &be fallrlc ~ HIe. • pleasure. You'll go farlher to, I. . when you travel, by GnyboU&a, , The~e .. . a1'lo a ..n ... m .bleb and arrive iefreJbed aod ~ God Judlel loeletle. end n.Uona. I
We have reqmt17 _n bow tar'dble • ludlm~t ·, Germani drew down on Ita head. The nation that takeS the lword · .hall perJabbJ ,le'\, elariJ: O. the 'word. The n.tlan th.t .... cn;t, GI'II'cIHI aU,. O. '.. . :.~ ...... 1i O~O toenllave oUlen lit ~orce ' will ·DII.I'lo II , . ..... ............... .85 uncleI' tile ,~e death'MIIHa mm ond. Ilid, :........... 5.:75 ' tenee that out down ~ ucl f<ndia .lilpolis. Ind. .",,, .. ,3..4.0 Bome and lapan and CJerman,.. Bu~ IIOt aU God', Jlidimantl an lID tIIa ""u,l. ,...-1Ii 1oiN~,-_ .... e.rt!L ''God doe. DOt . . tt Ie all bIa account. III October...• 'l'beh II • flual .ce"untina, and 110 III Wallf.e 'or 8111 other, CUI elCepe that IOlemD meeUDa with , Gad.
,~~ ' ~~ ,
plus tu SAn:.SIc On T.i. Special ,
.. ,, 1M •J ;.
IS A PENJIiY EARNED ·1 l :hrift :i5 a' fine Imbit to be 11al1ght to children. Start ri~ht I'y sta Ftillg a 'small acc0'mt for YQUf children toda"" a.t th e Wayne ville Natiol1al Bank
TmNGS are .... Ou II TWOaiat'tJ)e GlIb' true ~ of ~
mill .. God. Th. 1IWl , bImIaIf II parUat, ~ fr1eDda are p.rUal, hlI t~!mt.. .re preJlidIeed a,aJnat J'urtbar. no IIDe kilo•• all the ..eta bul God. ~ God kDcnn what • m.Il·, mod"ee an; 0Db' God call tr.ce· to tbe,Ir IIDal aDd all the CODMqUBDceI that flow from a
man'a aet.
8 -a.m. to B p.m. S.turd.y~, ,8 a.m. to noon.
",I Dail~,
Tbe ·Mlami .GazeUe Phone W.ynMVi116 2143
, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1949
,- Bring Your
Julie Was Nineteen
Home For Spring Service
B,. ·
Wharton Motors
LllIIsce M. ..llob.D always seems something a litUe, heartless in ship[)ing a good old cow or at least one that. has been good to the stockyards but after aU that is 'th~ final resting. place of all good oli! cows, cutters ' and CUlmel'S so they call them.. Lena was a good cow. L eaping Lena we caUed her iii her beife r days because she jumped a brand n ew field fence with a bst'b wh'e on top but that was mOl'e than te n years ago, Ill: 1945 she had Lwln lIe i[er calves wbich had thei!' second calves this yem', The gen cl'a ~ion s pass quickly In' the bovine world.
, A FARM DIARY by D .J .• ' IlA,t'ER
got homEl without losi.llg any of 1'0. PARTICIPATE IN our pureh3l:jes.
* ... *
May 6, 194~, Hot and dl'Y. Isn't it just 'like a farmer on a perfect summer day to be wishing for ra~ , Tod~y js as perfect summer sprlng day as apyone could hope for. The sky is bluo: th~ air Is sweet, tilere is just . enough breeze to keep us comfortable but the ground is getting too hard to work easily and the new oats and clover need wal~ring, some but * ." • not too much. I watered lhe new When we went to the Comnhubarb tha t 'r planted last week munity Sale yesterday; the mowand · some .cabbage plants that mg machine that disappeared last were set out la,qt week lfI~e not wee~ -a fter we bought lL .had been thriving, 50 ' [ watered them.. bl'oughl back and WII S sitting justl • where it had been the week bePrices have dl'opped on all Jive fore. How 'much of a dde' it took stock and like everyone we have ~nd wheJ'e ·it went, .we do not been unloading lodilY. Two dea l- know but we l'aisod a terrible fuss ers have been here and we have 8~I d it w~s the,e, It had not been helped the downward trend by bQugh t t nrou.g h · the regdlal' sale selllng some stuff cheap, [ was but from Ii man who bought it al sorry to See old Lena go. There the im.plement' sale. This wee.k we \
• • •
, ~.~"'AR~1Ml AI'8.NE lEI IRE lEU .~llllY
· J. am Worklng on a 'j 0 b.·t h at h II d { h ' b asn teen t oroug 1 y ODC or several years, thaL is cleanin~ the works hop and )nuking an invcntory of the tools. We have 'cleaned of the work bench {rom time 10 lime, and we hav e swept tl:).e floor when it got so bad that we couldn't walk arQu'n d in there, We have clean d !.,hIs I?ru't pnd but tbls time hope to finjs h job, til c1c~n out every box drawel', Rnd clean and every tau!. Th e trouble 'is use It also as a place to evel'ything lhat we do not know whel'\) t o Pl.\l. There · is everything in there ITom an old separator to a big bundl e. of broom com, There L5 old lumb I', some of it good wulnut, 'the rJ mnins or an old bookea.s e, some even remains ,of aD old piano. The remains of a1l sorts ' of thjn gs that some one ~ta l'lcd ,t~ mllke ~nd didn' t finish, There ar e ca~5 ~f paint and .old inner tubes. 'I hel'e is lin old lathe that the boys try to f'ix up every once in a while, 'J1hel'c tll·e boxes oC old nuts and bolts and odds and ends, the kJnd you buy at sales for dime or so.
B'JY Scouts in Wayne and Massie' township ' have been . invited to participate in lhe "Old~
TOnppcilnt'e6 SAY !hal Julie WIS aorei)' dla· wben a very plump womlln 86nk into' the 'front ••at be.slde her on tbe bus Would. be onl:r part truth. ' JuJie wal mad cltar through. Especially ao ainp. a wbole string 'of slim, dark ,yOWl' men BJed on the bus with that oar.. leS8 ease of 'men who know how to go places, JUlie thought that abe counted eighteen of these youna men but the plump woman r.mar)l;ect pleasantly 9S .Tulle craned her nick, "You ' don't n.eed to move; my dllor: 1 d~n't 'mlna in the 1e..( bavlng lIomeone the .seat" neKt ' 'Minute ill' to me, I a\waya -Fiction ·re.erve thll froll seat ,la', 1 c~ see' where the bus 11 going. 1 teel almost al If I'm , driving my.elf," The last youllg man was swinging into the bus now lind he paused be, fore the plump woman, Poking her' amiably on the shoulder he said .firmly, "i wllnt . two cblcken lega
3S E., Main.St. Lebanon, O.
Pho~e 43
cst c~ule_' observance at Lel,>anon May 22 along wHh those qI 11, otner scout uni ts in lhe Ft. A~cient Di stt'id. . WR~CKER SERVICE The obse~'~a nce will be in l"eoGOODYEAR TIRES Qgnltlon 9£ ~ome ::15 y ~\t·s of !ic'r vicc' as a n adult · volunteel' ~ c:out QUAUR STATE OIL wOl'ket' "y Chades E. Van Ness of 1.eba non . Plans altnounl'cd to date iuclude lhose (or a large parflde of sc u " cub scouts ruld sellior M'aln and Miami Sts. Ph. 2341 scouts, tugether with the Warren' Coun Ly Leglon and olher sro ut gTOUps from the Mound Builders r 'Al'es Council together witb 1>isttict /.Iud CO/.lncil offlcillls, .T he parade \vill be followedl ~Y !~~t1~:::'I~~e70~ ~:~~e;tt, WIdera progrum at tlw sortball park 10' musbroom sauce. tOGI" Lebanon when s pecial recoltni"Oh u a d ou?" .a.Id. th. ,tion will be gi ven Mr. y?n Ne.55 I plump' '~ma;' c:e:rfulIi. "Scat ·~d prominent sco.u t offiel$ 'W111 along to your seat and eat what I give IOh!?r! talks. AU scout· units r put before youl I may even Kive in the district- are expected to turn you liver and bacon 1! 1 feel like It." out 01\0' hundred I)ercent for this Behind ber, JuUe could .hear one affair. or 'he young men .inglng· to low A special aerial salute has been' lones. His seatmaU! Joined In pru· 1I J'l'an~ed wbich will b~ given by el,llly and they 8PP,!ared to be .1og. • ... ... £ m tion of pl" nes from a nl~ar- Ing a P8rt.son~, JulJe turned re,at. a Ol'. a, , ' . ' D' , lessly, Sbe Knew the song well. 'tn fact tbat j where ['(lost of bY' ~1~ld, The Ii\, ~~en~ Jst~lct There were three note. wrong. ' lf h the stlif( I 'have bought at sa l e~ i\dl,ivltles tom.mIU~ IS 81,'an!,mg ." 01.1 s·" . 5 u dd enJy, • he rOUII db cue urn· b as land d. There are a couple of. fo.· ~h e . \o!est co~te l program. mine the melody properly. old chairs hanging u]' wllitlng COl." . some ambitious 'Person to me"d HEARINGS A(RE ,LISTED "SING It for thelp, my dear," 'urged the plump womlll, and r.efinish theln. There is an FOR PROPOSED , RO~ old sewing machine that would "They're not lIettIn, frelh. TheY'r. Hearings on , the applicaUol1 of my boy _ _" . still be g od ''if some mice hadn'~ Looks better ', , • tastes better" •• IS BETIER I ',~limbed up the b It lImier the American Buslincs to operate in''Yeur ba,.1 No' an eltbleell .t > . t:h rough ()hI 0 tbem'" ssked Jalle 1.11 horror. . box and buHt a n est on the [Ila- terstat.e b us servlce Enjoyed even by persons who don't like regular mllkl chinery and rusted lt so badly from Toledo to Cincinnati Clver 'The woman laughed comfortab17. · 73 d'4 "Well, the one who 'stopped to talk your' BOlden mlllc",on I. a .... you Golden Cres' . thaL OIerc is no possibiliLy of its aigbways 68, 25, a,n ,will la ·mlne. He'l the 'Ieader ' of th. HamoD•• r'fIU/arJy, ' or for it of ,ft• ver beiDJ~ any good l1gi\in. commence , June 6 in D etroit be- orebe.tra. But the othen bave .... "* ,.. fore the Interstate eommt~.rce aU been with us a Ionl tlme all4 th' TIl' I ,have been tryin~ to think of Commission. t Lak G d Lin ey r. aU A•1 f eIl OWl. ey v. ~omelhing to do I'{lth ·that. There Orca es rey oun 'r es put the' mUlic with the tU'Ia,e and now operlltir;ag from. Toledo to the7 won't bave much Ume to reo • are TOpes, lind chain~ lind bits .of Cincinnati and ibe ' Ohio Bus hear.e when we ,et there. They'll old . · barness. . Id; Most st ...good ·t houseI \,lj L'mes C 0.,' runn i ng ,-.... Uum Dayton.aU give me I hand with th. cook. WJYes WOII . ~u grve 1. one oo~. to Cincinnati, under certificates lng," ' I\nt1 thllow,lt all on 1he JUJ)k ~eap, (rom the Interstate . Commerce "Maybe wben they ,et ,oIn .. but I am not II good hou~e wife, I C I sl and the Public Utili': they can hire. a 'dteticl~" ..Id can't bear to throw anythmg away ,omm s o~, f Obi JulJe gently. .th at might be of some use so I ties. CommlsstOn, 0 0 , are ,op-, "Blel. your bell'I, Ion matel " . posmg the appli""'tion. --'- c1 ,,_.. _ continue to ,Inck and sort aDd try F Jl ' th t. 't h . g three tholJland a w.... ear, lo thlnk 'o'f use~ for this and thilt, .' 0 PWJ~g. : e .,.elyrOI ean~ said in l1er plea.ent flillhlOlL ' "Sin, abd 10 te ll the tTl/Hi" f am enjoy- t~e ~ommlsslon wdl reconvene .m the long for them. de.rie~" I 't ' Cmcmnat,l ,to accommodate WltIulle balf turned iii her Hat IDd , ng I . .... nessos from Southern ' Ohio. , 'wlth blushin, cbeekl . 'ab, the m~. It is Il nticlpated that it will be ody In lOll!. clear note . ... The othen This IS n ot a, memm'y gArden the mIddle 01 August belore te~tl- In the bu. joined In. The on. ClUed but the tools prin g endleM mem-, mony is completed. JOn came to stand betide hia moth, ories of 'my flith r. Poor man e;:::~::;::;::=::;;::::;;;::;;.:;;:;;:::;;::::;;;;~i er. chair: would turn ove!' in his ICTllV ir bad - II wardrobe - and h e cou)d see the ~ad IIlale nr ',hl1m job-I eould put 1011 011 now! He was so ear rill ond pnr! til'ulaT in -the use hnd ClIl'e of vel'yon . My mother' a lwllYs said I Ull'\t he had (0 buy n new tool ror I every 'job that he did about the bqllse bu t I r emember that every 'ob WIl S well d,one,
; KIER'S Garage ,
Cream in erery dl'tJll! Vitamin D in erery· drop!
_ _ lo
, .\
:3'onlllJ' .
. -,-..
Dayton Phon.~- Hemlock12:?S
light In weight, low ,In
",ce,'trim, and , la us.. Th. new Hoov"'~ lunlor .... und., low plac., and1lta clas. Id..1 ~II ho...... Handy for all ho",.s~ Hal Hoover'. famouI, .xclullv., IrIple-acJlo cl.anl~g ••• "" 1Htci1,s- , al It ......., as .. cl~"••" CI..~lng hloli ex,",.. . . .. ',t
'" '"
I round the Ii ttle vise that be to put the b ench for me. to work with when J Was too small to go to ·-school. 1 used to play dantist. J would put a row ' of small na ils in a plece of wood for teeth and then pull t.hem out.
1t0lllt 5er¥ke ~ .... Ouz.. "
L aler wh~n 1 was a little '1 us\!d W D;JO e ClolJ r~lrnii:Jr(!li1iiiHl----;--;:-"::"::~::-'-::-:---;;::-"-'-1tr f things for mY little dolls. . . shop has "wotldedUl, PO~Ssn)Ui.tie:s· 1 fOI' companionship '1;lel.weQJ\ fath"Be,.. IlDr It acs... wOJ ,oaf" el'S a.n d ~heh' i:hlldiell . Y' hope I aId one of Use 70l1li, mea. .' , can put. il III such beil uliful orde.f tonJght," II. tolll JulI•• , "Just be· that I cOl\ld say, "Now, Dad thal fore we starte<\ 1 had a telegram , looks lhe way you would like to 'l'~Ll3r"ONE 2291 trom OUi' soloist and ahe'll In" 10m. sec il doesn't it 1" WAY ES ILI_ E,O.1lI0 hospllBJ willi tonslllU.. Bad luck tor her b)lt sbe can't .lIinl 'tor I
·Fai..l~v-Hd:we~ 'S·te~e
•. ~-
Euneral ' Home
monlhli. .We)!. do )'011 want the Job?'" "1 liave an .· ametb:i.. straple" chiffon," J.ulIe tjlld h1m., JoP tu'1led, Questlonln. e:r.. to , hi. mother: ''The aUver droP. beI hlnd bel', Mo,"'" HI. mother nodded. "YOII dldn·t menUon the ,salary to ber, SOlI." "We'U 88y a hundred a week to Itlrt. JOD Gardner'. Swing ·Or. theatre Ij the name-In Cllie 10U , don't know," . "You-wh" 70U'i'e' lID ' the radio; too." 'laid Julie, ' "Ob, 1't8, b\lt we'U add your ~re . of the radlo ·proceed.. W. have a proftt'lharl';, ,lttllDt emonpt our,elves on tblt," .a.I4 .loa Oardaa' ·.caluaUy, ., And JuUe, looldD. lIP 'at bIm. U~IU . 'S SPECIJ~LS dropped' her e7e.. She .dldn't WfD' .,....... .. to .cknowledge 10 ICioII JUIt bow much IIlIe UlIed !lIm-nowt · An4 ITALIAN SPAGETTI .... 40c even at tbll moment Ihe COUld 1mHAM & BEANS ...... .. ,.. . 35c .glne Joe'll IbInln, .,.el and bl., "Aw·gee Sill" Well be ".med thlt lb. WI. to be tile aoIoI.. with Jon Oardner'1 SwiDI Orcba~ III a fa.hlon 0100 nmiDIIe4 _ crt b... bro\her, loe. WIleD. lid, of· /l1n,i.eII trOll maternal. _ It fill. tn. III Iota. RESTAURANT lulls wa. ntnete..
. - - - - - - -......- - - · -.. 1
,Expert 'counle' o!ll ·,.n the U • • • ,of • htct.. Ic 'e ..wlco In the hom. anti on . tlie faflll - without char._ . Did 10U kno'; th;lt hiS¥y tr~ined eDgineering and profe5$i~nal I,pedaUItI are It y,Qur .. r'vlCe to help you. get. tbe greatest p?,S1blf benefita from your electric service? This staff olfera a fourfold lUVice, codtety witbout charge: .. I, For the wpmllil of the family - from 4.H and .FHA ~o , Idu~1 , b!)lll~nB clubs and 'other grouf!?, th~re ill ~c electr.c appll· ance demonscntlon aerv/ce luch as tbe Anson.. FUlo/e Hom,e m.ura and tbelt . motbers .njDyed t.he day our pbotoBra'pb WI\'. . .en: '2. Fot tbe bUsiness side of farm Hying, there it • complete E~g!t neering Service on the ~ pplication of elertrl~ty to economlcai 'large;scale farm produclion problems. TbJte II counsel on bo,.. to cmploy elet"uic ,servke 10 stretch manpower. ,
3. Par those who want ID build or 'moderotte flf~ bomes ~or greater comfort and. livability, tbere i~ ell"per~ pr~fe5$lOoal Idvlce 011 tI'Ie ,de.ig" a,,~ appllcRtion ot elecmc Itghungln the b.ome. alit! tbe wiring that'ma"es i, p"ssible, For every cUllom'er. p.r l,lfessional advice is avalilble 90 th~ lielectroo 'aad operation of elec:lrical Ippliances Inl the l1ame, . In addition to the help "flered by your C.o u"'y ,Age~~, H~me Dem· onluatioo Agent Ind V.n ntional I\Jtticulture teacher, you are Invited to .... e'f~1l advantage of the special bdp IvaUable througb representatives of ,your e~eclTic aerv1ce compaoy,
The Dayton Power and Light Company
STOP and EA1r
".---_-\tiIII-__IIIiI._'" ------!"'---l!-I
"!!!i!!!~._ !!!!!!!!!~• •
1111 \lilJfOll . PilWII rmd lftht (om~; k ihownw\ttJ lin. Alkl Kuestll (lAft11lomt &onomks InstI~, Ansol\lil, Ohio, Village', ~hotIl and MIn Alki Md(1~bad. pnsId.nt 01 Ih' l.II·cnlo fliture JIomemakirs OJapl", TIt. G((osltijl was an Ihdrlc rllllp J:mo.mratlon itvln by MIs, Dyml\ for It. rIIIIJIIIm .. lb. fIlA ~I and ,\h,lr m~~." at Ansonia. , . , .
........ -
WJnJ ........
I ..
.-.. . . .
.... --..-.
....... -. ....... ..
Next Wedn-.aa, Is the blpt brook II ..,endinJ a few weeb Mn. AlIna LuCIQ spcmt • few when aU of the apo~ded with Mr. and Mrs. Hlly Gibson. days last week with Mr. and Mrs. ranI In 'thIs area will cIeclde Loyde Thompson and vislted her O NF: ( ' I~ T J"tr.Tt Wnp/) : mini mll lll t'llH r l!l'. l:!5 dl\tc for left fteleL whether 0 1' not 1949 will eM Mr. and Mrs. Allen ~sterJ Mrs. Clarence Thompson, 7('ll ll t . Cl l lltr:lr t r ... t (orr l)cnl a d Vf'I'LiRl'm Ul l,8 • • • ball at Geiger Stadium. Car- and family of New who underwent an operation at urllrl af' plknticm . For Gray's ball club Bill . llI~d talniy 'when the oublde world spent Th~y ~d dM;' ant Mrs. Lady Mercy Hospital. Cincinnati. Bob ~rton led t he hitting alta lit contributes, there's no ~cUse lor Arthur Ru.:&Il~ Jami y. 1ut week. J Bv It home run apiece. WIWlrd tho/le who brag of what they want Mr. Clycle Smith, Mr. Harold ltlspol l,t'[ l"i ' ('1' IHIll o'n ,';('; N (an ned nille batters in lj.1S t-o do for tJ,e co~munlty, Remem- Sidenstick caned on 'Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lucas and .li'li, lh V'nnd cl\ncHl i n. $7:;. Di ~"k fit'st 1949 winner while Cla.ude bel', yo\.\r tMatre Is donating all Hil diheon Saturda afternoon: 1-mi1y of near Hillsboro were h 'r1'llI, d . 1. W U\·ItC'sv UI " 1"ho l1 (, ThomplSon appeared w e i l ias pJctul'e' and operational coats. , • y . y supper guesta oJ his mother, Mrs. Rpl'ln' VI.lI/''y : li':'~ I1 . !ll tl- :It Gray's ca tcHer. BUt Stubbs, Jol m so every la~t cent of yoUI' admlsV it: wry lll~]ls I'a ng alii ill tI \'cMr . and Mrs. Ernest EarnJmrtl Anna Lucas. Sunday evenJng. ~ 11'(lR ~. 1,F. DI'1C'c ln b" hv \li tml i ng m a nu I' 13 -l SUJ,dll Y Fis hbnck and J etty Copas, plaJ'- sian doUa.r gqea to the soft baDers and son, David, Mr. and Mrs. G. -- I '(·.. 1·s. lik (· ur , . <:!i. h''''' Tn'lful . c vc uln · ~ lIowinJ,/ tl1' IIlDl lgll l'l1 l iug ilielr first year showed weU, .. , are we to get them oqt of H,·KeJ1linger. Miss Clara DaughtGARD OF THANKS • J Jim Cnr'lcr a nd ' J erry Vlcke l'S, ,the hole or not? YOU are the l'!t . 1.• \! r}lVP osv i.ll ('. Ph oll r> nt'lll • " f lh e 1949 11,\lje\;,,11 (.mso n. with I wlsll to ' thank all the memer were dinner gueSts Sunday V;. U,·" ? ~''',''; . 5 ' 2 ~:1t 11u' .rullior A m ericUI\ L c,:tlon club. vefel.'lIn per[or iners. a lllo showl!d j udges, bers of. the Ore department ' and Mr. and Mrs. John McTaggeri and to go!>d advantage. G.ray s pral~,,- . . . I ';w1t,r ,'it rt'l ntl" "1" '11_ all who h.e~ped extinguish the "~ pl;C ~ l lin QuI: J1'9-lil 61S: bl:;U;lson of ~ear Lewisburg.. , .each Wednesday at 3:30 p .lln Here's r eal good news for men " 1 mi \'1".'\1 grass fire on p..operty Sun~ ing It U.·1 will " Coach D on .. ,. .. ' over 30 r . '. 1 have aheen an~ 7 DlI fi r Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Runyon day afternoon. ob lc's S t,:)I'i nl{ V alley 'ladll ~tna The JunIor Arne-rlcal\ ' Leg i(lri proached b,y ~epresenta,tives of St. spent SuncIay with their mopier. Ebner Sheehan I ' I:om hi d cIT fis tlr Orville H'R HA1,F.~Me,d('1 A Fnl'd.,GVJ)d .•ra. tllld Bill awy I' 'r suit d In Club and Grab's nine will ' co m- ,A~gustlne C~urch to olllanlze a Mrs. Delaney of Cincinnati, , l th ~ ",:\ . , !1- (1 Wi lll}CI' r O); Ihe GI':lY ' S 'Fln l' ~ pele in ·the Tl'i- Couuty Senl.~r slow- pItch softball league wilh FOl ~ T"Ii' T.',,, 1~ 11T" I' h- 11'1( , .Il!! l>, I' uncl til'(" Mr s. Richard Hanes and bel' ShUT (,ulnt. "Both gSIIIf)S \\,l! l'e llna Jt,mlOI' divl.siol\~. WiUl leagi~e other teams 10 be founded among CASH FOR DEAD STOCK M lI lIl r ... ·),,1111 T'lI r.ti , lt V ....1: ill!' hv \l l 1\1' II lrt'rd . W:wn\'svi1\n 'FIe)"" l!i?' ur ijlC;uire Il t Fairley H tH'd- ,)j " v /i' " t thl' loca l SpJlr tan Hi/lh play commencl"g in Waynesville the other churches of this com- daughter, Donna, of near Xenia ?~!'i l . ~ Sunda~'\ May ~ , agllinst a ne,w mun lty or nearby . ,1 have 1;>een spent Sunday with her parents, 80RSES' 13.00 CO,ws $3.00 h n (I' d lalllPl1d, Wllrf'. 512-31 t'"!' b·y. Bower sville, foU?wlng the,adveht of slow-plt<:h Mr, and Mrs. HJly Gibson. After"PI"I1'!:: 1-' fit,," ,> _ij" r ,.... H",·, ,• _ - . - - -,- - - - - -- * • • • leagues in ClnclnnaU and lha noon callers were Mr. and ' Mrs. According to size snd eondltlon. ht·,.,..", r. '1111 n""", h .· .... " I('r ('., 1 srl:C'1"';n ~'fOC~-CJ;n'~'sll n~ All Stocll removed pro,mptly. ' . .players and, spectators bave all Richard Florle · .of .· DaYton, Mr. " ' , .w".lIt... "(127 ' " Iuum . D llls l(:' : L ,llo!.' -(lf- thc ? ' Jrbr tlw L l' lIj,,,. 1'l~lh. III Cot t vould like to remind one !lnd enjoy ed them very much . . •In Harry Glb.son. Mrs. Cha'r ley Up. \':.]l(.'v . }'l'ln nthc.ol'o p!'re llll iJt i. . 1- h~ I' . l!'nd ,. 1'i \'h'lul \\dcr , mado his F0 l" . 1 l",:!4 Re'r o~ .. Jr')"l'" G nl'lll¥' Ph Olil!' W fJyn s- ini' I,,\ pill'bln'~ I'IT{lrt. It w \,..,,(' r ell all 1ha t UIC writer 'is responsible that s tyle of play • .there cl\n stUl church and cblJdren. Mrs. Robert JANES RENDERING I\C~. "t. · hl ii' <ljll !! (,,'r, t,.,1'1 1"," " . viII .. ·25M. Cor. Mrtln ;md HtJ(ll ti, r w<>v !i " h~ 1.; "1)00 " I~(lod ~i"k- for the welfare and sa fe~arding be keen competition without Greene of Dayton. and Mrs. Phone Collect I ~ Ii nrrhR"", lArl!(' p" rlkIO i ll l1"l ~ . l ~:. :; ') - ~1 er ',tvh ad ; 'i-~ "lhu \:I)JTl C t'l;' kcd 0.1 all people, players and propell'- Ianatical addicts wh~' can't lose, Henry Berges of Besvertown:" Cl ~rtb, Jyt"'';<lO ~ n a t " il h R . W. ,..-'- - . , . . - - - -.......-- - - - . : - up bv ~ l~pel1dabl c cu,' I' ball. ty d ~l rlng j)ractice sessions and and 'b esides, ~e · looping of Xenia, O~ 1712 or nM""l-\'T". n ~ 0.1.-.' ('0 l N l\'rION SGTU~E.N 3 Cal·\"r's "Ch aJ1gC-IIP," n m(l, l ,a ctual ball games. "his delegatic/O -pitch to the hitters ma~es everYMrs. Everett Bunnell and WilininllOn. 0., 2382 ... . - - -qlnl'lll d r>Ol ...-- · s IOIV , ll S ~ 1 2 ,.2!l : llq"\'!-."-\illi"v -pI I I'll in L1 LIl< ' I'U of slu,ll~ 01 authority ~omes ITom 1I1e ol'lea 'part;'of the- gam~ thro""h- Charles Alvin. spent' last WedFO R S 11"l ~ 1'., i1\tlJo-l n,ck Illr JDhl" W IIVI' ,,/, 11 LllnhJ' I' & S ' " 1 or .'. lillli needs , ~ OIne pntct.loc, the ~c~)ool Boar.d, whose pemllsslcln out. mat do you 'say toO that. ,., 'OM ' 1 ' I . ". u,. p y , . I n r 1 ."Im, ',,·, t ~ ,,,n r. P holle 221\1. nesday wIthand Mr.daughter, and Mrs.Dbnna. RJ9h- ~~~~~;;;;;;~~~~~ " oun!!. 1 !j~;Vf'llr- o l d blll'ler COrl- IS necessary 1n order to stage any- Reverends Keyes, Coffey. Cole- ard Hanes W"''1\e 'I.' _. PI"'~I ~_ _ _ _ ._ _ _-..,..".-_ _ "Iou tly th t'"win" "hitth" wh",,·,,"s. 1 thjn~ (In the school grounds ,of man .. . here's your oPPortunlty of near Xehia. -III ~ '](j r.. tlu,' ,vlnai! '{ pitch Jml t I)';) low W O~," l>svUle . Therefo re, please. for .recreational a~viUes ~ong . . . .that is. j [ you WHOI 1.0 ~IV and I repea t. pleal\Cl. act Uke gerl ' your own pBl'ishionen, Mrs. Emest Earnhart. Mrs. 11,l' Ie 5 (lr youl' n'utfieldel'SI Jj m~ and ladies while enjoying • oj • . Everett Bunnell attended the HORSES $3 COWS $3 IT).~ JOll(\~, 1·('.Ser ve hu der, filled 'in th ese,games. , . root a11 you ,wallt Wonder how many besides Or- Mother's Club me e tin g..., at al . c~ ond b'ISC. !'Iud IIstolmded all f~r. eIther the ~ome team. or Ute v ille Gray picked tho Derby wln- Waynesville Friday afternoon. Accor ding to Size and Condition. w llb his fl1i\ce, liS the 14.yca r-old VISI~OI:S, but dq It with a little rl!-; ner; Ponder? Mine was Capot . . 'h1listed out Ihr,c(' {ur fO\lJ' besides spect for the players themselv,~~s think he can do it at Plmlico thJs Call Mr. and Mrs. Lewilt Crawford OF APPOTNTMEN'T' I\c,~vin~ ('1'1'O I'JCfS~ b Rl l a t the mid; . .. rememb!!r, everyone ~f ~ol;e ~aturday .. . I dunno. ~st rule, and daughter,. Donna, ' spent Sun- - - - ----:-'" - . elle 111.1ru;Ql!k . : . m\l)'be Jim has boys , ( whe~er they admIt ,It. elr actually. is never bet 01\ ' MY day In Xerua. FOI S!>l,E-- -G I'oerr1l loItN " ; Fix Adllli111st l'ato,r k won It rcgula!' liert.h.. Ilol ) JS trYing to "be a blg-leal\le snnrUng event, e ......clally horses. Renrse ,Char""a l' tlll'('·'l I1ml ~to 'k, a1~n includl rl~ ' a F.stRt:1.' of Frow:trd R. Haw , de>II • • b~U play er. and some of tb~ "nave F'timas a-;;d "Doc" Stout Mr. A . Foater, Mr: Ralph Hom..~ d I!- "'I~- \'''11·.·... An "A"a 'VI'~h- '·.(' ·\~e!i. mJght u d .( d 't b k .... " 'uu ""r . "" r , H a n"' d S hUl 1roy. IV I10 ' wQr Icing .L 1~ . s . c.ctec AI L you"h onb II r~~1 "re much interested In "Pride of o~ Xenia. cBlled on Mr. and . hf b' Is n wn \ t])~, 1'". k No' ic ' j ~ b t!l'oby ¢ivon UlII.1ack d ,. in ".•"~ hll I· n~.k' < ~~ " . ,. " "" • Ul(l " S pIrt S. st;J. L e ,a 111- W'e' Yank.e es." each aId ' *10.00 I'/ltll1f m H (>1', ..hl'-III . Ct' Ihi>;. 11<.11 .Tn Ilk, , h""o P olS I Orncr /(I. dre s " l third bu~e Lhls seB!ibu , drove in ~oJ1d and the surfoWldmg ar~!a his seats! P. Mrs. Everett eevnlng. ' . Bunnell MOI\day .: ~fl l"fj' III R. . 1, W<1~ nI>. ·\l l1Ie, Oh,o, has five l'UllS. loul· Qf thelP I:OQlJIlJ~ on IS not a midget raee track .. . .w;e , 5] -2- ~: .brcn d1Jl APpoinle os :1\(lminiS"- ·l,i~ lim: dri vc 0 I It lj~lp (or r(lur common sense when driving in ~ Mr. and Mrs, Belmont Price of -----~-----. Il'fl tor o( th e Estilt e of H nWK1'q R. ,ses in W 'y!l"svUle's ll..r un , 'Ub and outj drive at a slo\v rate .of,' near XenJa spent Saturday with Ff, wIt, 1n e of Way n svi!le, Wf!I'- inning blast. Si;mkv. sud Danny speed in order to Saleguard Ule Mr. and Mrs. ,Arthur Rockhold. "'(JCTtON FR JNf': I't' l'\ Coun\,Y. Ohio. dl'cl1!l!;ed~ SimP$on each hlld hree safe ties. who root the foul balls. l~ n l\ led tlilii ' 22nd clll, or prn , wilh Ihe L1,l i e 1' Filso making !lOV- closing, alcoholics are out' of.plae:e l Mr. WUUam Guston of UT... _ __ STANLEY fltJd KOOCT.FP t!)49. 1'1\1 nne C<ltch 5 of ] ltle on any ball diamon d, and this viDe 'called on Mrs.,Morris .. " "K Efl!t t• •(lEN $ F RP\r; PH f1- CARY· lh e j'n iUnl all , 'of djamond is not going to be ab~!d Mr. C~rence Crawford ' wa$ Monday afternoon. ""r 0.1 • ~ W ,. .. " ".' ''. .Tud <fe tho P.rob~ le C I)U I'I el f) , W aynes.viile i\1 tha ~ .fashion~ THEREFORJI!l, taken to Miami Valley Hospital - , - - -. lit . ....... 0 .....<1". Wa rt'GJl CQtmty. Ohio ' N ol all Stansberry mnde a .GET US RESOLVE TFIA'l' IF'WE Saturdll,Y evening. , Mrs. Roy Shaw and dlllugtlteJ~.1 • M l<lly l B. Gl'ay , Atto rney 1'1I nnjug ~ tch f a long CAN'T ABIDE BY THE RULI!:S -!.-Betty. of Xenia were, , _ _ 4-28-31 Val J<,v ~rrV(l in I'i h t fi eld, Al'W REGULATIONS, WE WlLL Mr. Emd Mrs. James Wildman guests Sunday or Mr. and ST AY AWAY IN ORDER TO ~f Jackson Ohlo spent the week- Li n MOlllan. Afternoon caUers Cln.lnnatl Unl•• . at... V.rd. AVOID SOMEONE HAVING TO end' wHh ·Mr. and' Mrs. Ernest were Mr. and Mrs. Charley UpPUT US AWAY .•. Il WORD TO Earnhart and son. David. church and c:hUdren. Mrs. Robert THE WISE CAN BE SUFFIr'r.:........... of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. .raa"lution _nd to CIENT. j Henry Berges and family of Beav8tt'et'" ........ on tho .... ertown. . aI' around ",arket I. .... eoulllrY. MJ. Dewey ComeSt.oc1t ~R~'C. T"AT eATI ••••• Mrs.. Altce Fumtan of BeiaVE!rtc:,wrll W!HIO DQtaD 11:" IlL . . . . attended Ut~ Ladles Ai~ at DIal 1*. ' WlLW ClDclDDaU church room last '9(edneaday aftU:40. Dial 1~. f~ Our Dall~ ernoon. ' , M.rII~ a-or..
Charley BliP', two alnglea lished him as the leading
-- -....,...----
Dead Stock
Xenia 454
Xenia FertiliZer
ft..... ,
Dear' Citizens)of Waynesville' . "and Surrounding ComlllJlniti~s · . PJ...EASE
rhe unde 'sigii~d heirs of the estate, of S. ij. Burnett, ~e ce, sed, will ~ell atY.public auction ~t his late residence in I.lytle,. Ohio on , " " .. .
SATURDAY, ,MA¥ . 21,
-'F..DNESD,A Y, MAY 18........ t:'N mAT DAY YOUR Sn FTBAl l LEAGUE ,p~F.MTS "~.RIDE OF THE
Y " N¥r.£,S," STARRINC G \~y COOPF.k IN THE r ,:-~:. F. f.()(J ~'l I:'.:oun lG ...l-r.. ..t'D ' -('~-" I"'" BABE R.'u ~ . . • .. ,. n IIMSELF. . .. ,THE BOYS NEF.D YO" In HE'.P ' TICK.ETS ·ARE , AVA-If ,A Bt.~ FROM AU. -I'~",c; Rc M"'N~GERS. WE ARE " OONATINC F'? F.": , (IF CHNtGE, AU. THEATRE FACJLmES WIL.t YOU BUY ONE TICKET Tn KEEP YOUR COMMuNITY "LIGHTS" SHINING? lHE BOYS NEED $150.00 MORE 150 TICKETS WILL oO' lTl 1'.;\
p'op '.
A residence Tty, consisting of one and ,36,.;100- acres of bin ; em ov d. With :. · 2 story, 9 room, frame house, e 'tric·ty well ci~ter,n ~ c~n ar, coal house and hen house. i g, (n run r W·ter in sture. \ r le . ,·. l S .ee a at $5~OO and seUs ,free of ra ~,. et., Ter ' s deposit of $1000 on day of ", le, al no ·withi 0 days possession as.- soon as is 'f Uy s ·ttled for. I~~
propel'II;;;I;;;;;;;;= WAfNESYIIU, OHIO
,Ravin Red Ash Olga Pocclhontas Millers Creek Yellow Jacket
Personal Property.·
Calvalier Stoker
,In p"r d as Exec tol' of t he estate of S. HI> Burn~ ece Re,d~ wi] S(lU on th~ date mentioJled a.hove aJtd at .....,....NOW i"',-th~ tim. to place : 1 ca • n~ . " inn· f( a ) =30 P. ,;M. the for coalf-' SAVEP,IO~YJ-~and. De",UI'.1I1 f1'· 1936 'Ch vro~~t ·coae Fdj!:i .aire~ Heatrola oija':fullfbin 'n eXt winter. 0'1r sto'Ve. Mavtav. el etric washer,. living room ApT1NOW! . ~ an . s.'1rin .~ " rockers, ·chairs. lot dishes t" (i( '~ an .. y rf cies too numerous to Pr4tIni1:lJn c~alri8 ~till~in ahort supPly.
ears. Aucf •
R r 1 M:. B 1J'D.ett. Executor of tl,~ Estat~ of S. H. ' Burn~tt. de "!~ased.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Osborn
of Xenia, Mr.. and MrIL Ralph Dill
and son, 'fommYI ,of Spring Valley spent Sunday evening With Mr. and Mrs. Erfier80n DilL
Miss Patricia Smith of Coluni-
~us spent the weekend with her
parenta, Mr; and Mrs. Ellaworth You clln. repay from farm " her sister, MarlaQ, 'and grandmother, Mrs.. . Mattie , LeVi Incqme. No c~ange In ,contract - no renewals. and 80n, WelliniJtQ!l"
long; Term- 4 per .ce~t.
CA"RD OF nIANKS We wish to expNSIJ our thanlu for the loVely carda, nowe~ IUid, liifta sent to our SOIIJ ~omer, ",bUe the ,hospital an'" after returnt
Lebandn N.F.L.A. EJll~
H. Sturm, Sec'y-Tteas.
home. He greatly enjoyed Leballon, Ohio aU.
, Harry M. Bumett . 1Jssell Burnett Bobert Burnett ~ '·tna Lon9act~ , ',. Mildred Surface Heb's of S. H. Bum~tt. ' deceased.,
· Cash.
Mr. and Mn. AI Capenon of Cincinnati called on Mrs. Clar-' ence Crawford Sunday afternoon.
Atmitag~ &Son
. . .IAIID ..-. GllAVIL " 'aaAc:&.'I'OP:'DaIYa I 'TAIl ...·1tOAD ....
......_..... ....... -.-.. ' IN~''''''_ , '. ~
" I:AWM'" 'IU.,DaT ,
An••HILII" ,- .....AY .A. . . .N.UIt••CI" ..,0•••1
C.~"IU '
_.......~ It_,..~ .........
.. .
poa bIII!IiI ,..... ........... Wdhp.,.. - - . ,.. .~,
iDodaen. ".., IIDt y_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.... . . . . . . . . .
. . , . . ......... ed'
ow. r.-.i
,~'ID. Dakin --l~-J
'~ ' Pladae III, 20 8. lIaJbaI7, I DAJIOII, o.
OlIO ....Ii••• s
II•• _ _ _
_ _ _·'1 '..... ItII!:A/MI-
Talking It Over ot Comment
. By.The Editor
- 1-1-
A COpy
top of WsyneJvllle's successful clean:. up campalan. to read of the Eaton Isulle\.in's efforts to secute a · cleln-tlp week for that communOr)
~a-t-i~ on-~-ll-~ -a --~ ~ o-u-~~E~.~~u-_ca-t-o-r--~-L-A~os-~-.C. ar-ey~~-~E-B~-~-~-:-:~-~E-~-~l$~~o~ ·~
.. '
It 'was rather amusing ,
M;\;V 19, 1949
A Column
Booster ,
Students Receive State Aw
Serving Waynesville Since 1850
By Mail: SI.50 A Year On New ' Stands: 5c
Be A
Will Be' Graduation' peaker - ........----- - --- -----f--
T weT u
:~t~ssc. T~ u.
:ee"tin; W:s
The Five Hundred Dinner Club
Wilhelm'.,-'oa' Br·a'ddo;ek,
~:s;;;:!/:_e:V::l::~': Receive Awards~"
held at the nome of Mrs. Flossie Carey Friday aflel'no~, May 13. W. E, .Cornell, Mr. and Mrs, S, D. at 2: 00. Henkle, Mr. and Mrs, J. B, ChapAT CIVIC CLUB BULLETI", The meeting was opened by Dr. man, Mr. and Mrs, Howard GraitIl· George W. Slater, of the OpeYl1leting of the fanners ham " Dr and M r sH. .E. Hath aR·eport. Ju.~ received fram . th ,. ' l F arms, w~s 1h e guest spellk held on ThuJ'sdBY, when E mma H 0 11oway rea dJ ng fl'om Es·t on, is a c6unly seat town, ,;asl d ! e way, the host al\d hostess. .columbul Itate that S"lrrllY approximale~y times as large Mt. and Mrs. Ronaid Salisbury el' -when the Waynesville Civic Mrs. M. A, Comell en- fI£ chapter of Mailh~w an 0 COPpock received honorab\e as Waynesville and, of COUl"se, Club rnqt (0'\' its May dinner ill the Methodist Church fe ring prayer. 's d U F are announcing the birth of theIr ' mentIon for her work .tn, the having much more ' ~xten8ive dining om. A .very delicious dinTwo" songs, nlee l.·lng Mond ay "Aven.I'ng. d "M . tanth L I?k Uor secon d son, Thomas 0 wen, weight State Final Bookkeeping teatl municipal (acllities. According to . Following a. dInner ~l'ved by n~ VI served at the noon hour, J esus, an y Fai 00 S P six pountki, fourteen ounces, born (or Olvl.l lon Three. Buletin, Eaton's weekly newsthe Methodist Youth F!!Uowshtp,. alter , Roscoe P'w'l1as, prest- To Thee.'\ were sung ' by th!! at Miami Valley Hospital, May Shlrtey compet~d with 825 paper. nolnl.r\g has been done ,Rev. Samuel Keys, president, -4ant dueted thRe bUISiJless .ses- gJ'~~~~r the regulal' business ses 10, ,1949, of (he top Itudentli In the .t owards a spring c'lean-up pro'conduc1ed H shcu'L blls lrl ess. me:l t- ::;Jon MI's. R. . Co eman g;ave . Mr. Frank E. Thomas, with Mr. (or the "onora. gram thel'e, .Pl'obabbly America's youngest ing.' lhe In cation. . . shm it was moved and seconded Arthul' Thomas of Dayton, left 'oll , Wllhe.lm l~a Br~ddock . cap. Slal!!/' told the group pt the The eclal tOPIC of the day thal a state speaker be secure9 for Sa·~urday {or: a sight seeing trip The Buletin lakes to task vil- well-known duea tor, Dr. Samuel g in June, tlu'ough the West, and to vIsit reltured ..ev·ente~nth place In' D. MRI·ble. 33-year-oJd president operation and fun cti r.o, f,f the Laws Farmet's ShouJd the Jubilee Tea meetin lage oJticiais for' rJakine rio efEnllll~h 9, Dlvilion Three. Opckasil fal'm OHlI1agemel. " pmwas discussed by Mr. Mrs. Atta Furnas rea d two in- atlves in Oklahoma, for ts to promote a clean-up proof Wilmington Coltege, will be the gl'am. Burnelt, also sev,e raf leresting ,articles on national Wilhelmina one of 897 ktam and Its al'guments certai'nly ... bl th H ~r. and Mrs. Bz:yon Pendergast I mi\de remarks on this pl'O ems . at are a ' ecting our of 'Cincinnati were weekend top .tudent, t~ uk, the t~.i' .· seem to indlca ~e that one is need- pI'inclpa speaker ' at \J,e 1949 ed. ., . • commencement exercises of ' Miss Belty U nglesb e opelll'd her aI·fecting . OUl' children and "W:hat guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Penh me OIJ Tue.sdoy a£tel'llOc,ll iJI the aries Sta n:, OrganJzation Price Childt-e n?" The meti~g \Vas de.rga l1t and daug1!ter, Marrallce We can be'rathe~ pro d, of the past we.k to n n umbf'r Iilf m m . of Warrell Counly Farm closed b~ aU repeatlng the Union and Miss Kathenne Pendergast. . Shirley Goppock captured. hon:job Waynesville did last week. was introduced as guest benediction. Miss fuma E. Meredith of Cin- ors for Waynesville High. Sbhool hers.and ~l;ests for 11lC May meetand we can complimen t the vil- · jog of· ti1.e Hapy H l U' Club, and tools. fOI' his topi~, . . cinnati and Mr, and Mrs. Le~ter 'when she pl~ced second :In Booklaie officials for "being on the The president.. MI's. KelJal' on." His talk was very Elmer John Jones ·received PoCf of Dayton were weekend 8J)d keeping I final district scbolarship baJJ." . L bl e men tI· on for h IS ' wor k Sunday guests of Ml\ . tests at Miami Un1verSit";' recent- , Hosk, presided ovel' the business g an d h e men ti one d 'that .1)onol·a and M~s," session. and appoinled Mrs, Sara fall to take apvantage in the annual eighth grade test, Waltel' Whitaker. . ly. Shirley'~ score placed her sevHave you .heard' the stoTy .ab~ut .Braddock ' snd MI·s. Mabel Will:l,)n '(latest legislative power, County Superintendent Raymond enth in the rating of all sfudents McLouth, Kansas? It is an in115 council membel's fol' H ome is our right to vote. Hatfield announced this week, Th F J d hi Cl b . th in the Miami U. area regardless of . e r en s p . u •. wi the size of school spiJ;ational , story With, a mC$sag~ Tha Iu b 1\ d journed to meet Demonstration week. EKcellcnt Janet Ell en, .D ostel" 0hf Massle J . B . R'IC.h , Mrs. Cha res I 'Koog1er ' Prospects are good ··\ .-t Shirtor every resldenl of .mali Wwn bl d 1 a1so re~eive l'eadjl1~s wel'e given by MI's. Elsie ~vith , al). d Mrs. Cia rence R ye schoo, onora e d M ~ I WU . .,.'" Aqlerica, Hockettj Mrs, P . L. Reason and In Jun ' Guests oC the da.y wel'e mention. an rs. usse son as c~ ley's score will place heJ: ·~ in While McLouth, with its 500 MI's. Paul Tomlinson. .Mrs. ncth 'Re1alUck, Mrs. R. A total of 44,126 y students took hostess~s, met o~ Wed.nesday af- the state' ratings whioh b8ve not ", " , .J d Th ternoon at< the Met~o(hst Church. been compiled ftft'Vet. . citizens, was far bebihd ~any an, Mrs. Glenn BOluen, the eighth gra e test, ose reTw ellty -one memb ers and t hree ~ J , The club adJ'oul'ned to 'ne~'" B.. "" Wilhelmina Braddock receIved other smaller communities, what with MJ's. Esthel' Mic'ben~r in Mrs, arl'en Braddock, Mrs. honorable mention ranked guests, MJ;s. P. L. Reason, Mrs. fourth place in her dlytsion ba I. ~a5 done there could be dupliJune and during the social haUL'. Ro)lert Furnas . Mrs, Russel in the 4Pper on percent in the Rhodes Bunnell and Mrs~ Evel~n English 9 in the test.. Daria Wolcated,' from a di,fferent angle, per. dainty refl'es\1menis were se.r ved St I lind 'JIl:r. Charles Stllrr. State of Ohio, Watkins were p~~t. Mrs. O. R. lard placed· 12th. Iri IlDgluh '11 haPll, ~ tIly town if} this country': ' by the hostess, • . ' . ·Unglesby and M;rs. Cora Bleb . , . 'l\1cLouth slippiJ\g. It wBfl . . .L - - - -,, ~ Qnald Hawke was hOlitess Mrs. Falis Paine entertained On' were ih charge of·the program of six ST'UPENTS ' P~ACE tpwn: .No Sargent. 'Evjs ' Phillips of thelto . oman'lI "-\uxlli!lry of the Monday ,evening. with an an- readings and contests, the read- I~ EIGHTH GRADE TEaTa ·in ~ of Ocpupati\JJ:l in .Germany. ~t!. ' Church on ~day af- nQ\.\n~ment.and brldalsl}ower for ings, ~'t~ oj ~ Unglesby:, MFa. n~C!if,;;!:If'tte':;! .~~, 'PhIDfiis;" lW,rs. . lOla t~11 .1.!rs;' ilesse"NJjtt _' js~' J"'ean· . ilIker, . a fOOne .. RICh aiiB"'MrS. .allOns. , . .. ~ ;'1. '. ' """--'"'l~·~;:rM""""'iIIII Heines ,and Mr., . William Malone gast and dallgllter. MaryaliCl/!, as teacher .i n Waynesville Schools. During the social hour a delJSix: Wayne lSCllool stuldeJntl , .. Miss Walker wlll become the clous dessert COUl'se was served placed l.n ~pper 25 percent of main the YOUngest?~ Dayton 'we~ll Frfdl!Y ,evening gue~ts, " There WII'LJ10 drugStore in Mc- coUege president in the United . dmner ,guests of MI', and Mrs. Miss Kathenn~ Prenijel1last, Marion, on May' 29 at Craybourne, by the.hostesses.· puplils ialdng the ann,ua:t Elgth Louth, no electricity. Tne near- S.l ates. Dr. Marble is now com'- Waite,' Kenl'ick, p,resident, preslded over the busi- bride' of Rev, Joseph Price, ' of Grad" Test April 22, County Su- t es~ ' dentist wa's mUes away; 'there pleting his second yea," as head of Mr. lind MI·s. Eve.rett Early at- ness ' session an~a varied ]P1'0- Ohio where the groem is the minMiss Yvonne Stubbbs and Miss perintendent Raymon Hatfield was no doctor. WUrnington College. Already he lended commenccment exercises gl'a~ was, given. A prayer b~k, ister of the Methoillts Church. . Given Mat;:kel, of Bowling tJreen announced this week. In '45 and '46 the town's veter- has made educational history by at Wesn'4ilton on Tuesday even- published m·1809 and a possesslol'1 Games were the diversion' of the University, were ,weekend g'ues\li THree hundred an~e.n ~ns 'came, back, Most of them took organizing the. building project in lng, ",hen 'Mrs. Early's nephew:?f Mrs. Grace ~mi~, was of great evening and the bride-elect re- of the former's parents, Mr. ~d pupils of the ,twetve schools of the one look at McLouth and caught which 600 Wjlminglon ' students graduated, . mterest t? ever~one.. ceived many lovely gifts~ for her Mrs.. A. H. Stubbs. Warren CO\P1ty School DIstrict the next . bua Ol1t of town. Il)'e building their own new 75Mr. w:td Mrs. R. L. Waring of .Follow1l1g ~djou~nment io m~et new home. took the test under 't he 'superviaThe little ·t own \vas shocked inlt) n;t.,,¥ormltory. Lakewood , Ohlo. accompani~d With the pres~dent m J~e, a socDalJ)ty refreshments all wUh Mrs. Luclle Armitage was a jop of, the County S~perintenwakefulneSll. A spark of A native of Denvel' Colorado Miss Sara Carine Furnas lo the lal hour, With deUClous home pink and white apointments were week-end guest of he.r son-In-' dent's o.ffice. The exempted VilluV.lC't-D-'r. Ma~'ble completed 'his under~ home o! hl'l' parents, Mr. and Mrs. q1ade,.cake, lee-cream and coffee 'served by the hostess. law and daughter, Mr. Bnd Mrs,age dis~jots of Lebanon and f:.I~~ ::e~~~' They decided graduate work at the Uf\iversity Seth ,t'Urnas of Social Row op ser.veli by the hostess, wa,s g"eatly The invited guests Miss J,ean Woodrow ,O wens and children in Franklin are not included In this The d'e reliet buildings on Main or New M.exicoJ and earned nls Friday and remained llntil Suri-I ClIJoyed by everyone. Walker. Ml'B. John K,ersey. Mrs. SprIngfield. report. Street were the first to go. Tneir doclorate at the University of day . 011 Saturday afternoon aLI Walter Sheehan Mrs. W. E, High soo er fi:om the local o\\'Oerll couldn.' t see paying mopey Syracuse, iii New York. He form- visited the Glendower Museum Mrs. Alvin H. Earnhart was a Sq:oud. Mrs. M. F , W~ltz, Mrs. ~ . school was Elmer John Jones who to have them moved. So the resi" erly held a pOsItion in the Of- a t LeJ"inon. Mr. and Ml's. Furnas Thursday luncheon guest of Mrs. Thelma Miller, Miss Virg.iJ:lia HarI . . i secured a score of., 166 tQ place dents .hunted ·up· " man who dis- C:ice of ,ClvUian Supply In Wash- entel'tain~d to a dinner pal'l;y Sat- C; · E. Bratten and Miss Mary din,' Mrs. ~alph Hastings, Mrs, rillnd6 . 'OmlJ him in a .tie with 'Gerilldine Mae ,.. ' 0. C d ' . h on or 0 f th e Bratten at R'k ' J 0 h n Stans- . Misses ' . Vallee of Har~-Butlehrille for .JPlantled the puUdings and h.uled Ipgton. ., was 0 ,11 the faculty UI· ay evenmg I1l I e '.s T ea ·R oom in Ch.81'Ies EIz ey, M fa. Geace Lewlll and OUV!! the ~rank of sixth highest In the them away, for salvage. ~t SYI'acuse Unive" siLy, di.rected bir'thdays of Mjss . Furnas ' and Dayton, bert'y and daughter, Mrs. Inifred Haines, .Mrs. Margaret Willits and county, . ' . , . , Ml'. aud Mrs. Stanley Bailey, Hartsock, MJss Dorothy Day, Mrs. Mrs, Martha Mannon, all of Pel}Miriam Ann' Wilson'~ Score f)f With the money secured . from the l'~lieC 1V0rk j):l fhe Fal' East mother, S,etlr FUl'llas. Jr, the salvage of the 'buildings, 'the for all Ole pl'ivate, religious. Ml'S. Staron hopes that the w:ith Mr. ~nd Mrs. Kenneth Bt~ley Irelle Newman. MI·s. Robert Sat- dl Ind k d eton, ., we r e wee . -en 1 160 placed her in a tie with Jac. , labor, and youth organizations leams rna" meet dUTing t ne sum- of Miamisburg, spent the week- terthwaite and Mrs. Susan Scanlots were filled in /lnd grass and . J Ii k hi I guests of Miss Mary Boston and queUrie M. Monds of South Leptrees w~rt:! planleQ. ,A ~k was fundioning. lhere dap-Ing -the war. mer. end at Ho~on La e. Mic ·gan. on. helped celebrate her birthday" anon in tenth place, . Dr. Emma Holloway, Mrs. OUve The following Wayne bUilt, a football fIeld for the high ahd was a professor ,of political ,~"-----,!!",,,chool-'was con~ttu~. ce at West Vit'ginia Wesle- HUNTS AND PECKS FROM TYPEwiUTER OF JJIM JONES Curl and MisS MIll'Y Boston at- receive cevtlficates of hrnmrJdlllrr'~-==::;::-a th f n . yan University. I " h WCT U tin Then d ur'I'" ..g e 0 oWlIlg The son of a leading Metllo. tended t e ." . ' mee g on J;Tlention for their work, in the , nontltS. ·· MeLouth a , gas dist ....aslor. and son-in-law of a Friday at nome of MIss LIlCY tests: Charles R. Kenrick. Rob':' company, electricity, frozen-food b h" Emley, . ert L. Moran, Eddy C, BUmlett, • locker, c;irug store, doctor and is op in the Episcopal Church, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dotkion oJ and William E, Stubbs. " dentlat:~ ;. . ". . he heads Ohio's only. Qua.k er col'. , . Omaha, 'Neb., spent Wednesday . _' ____ ........_ _ I But mo.t important of an, lege, .. and Thursday with sister, Centerville is th.e fo.Louth xegained its self-respect Dr. Marble has distinguished Miss· Minnie Dbliaon, the Waynesville American Legion McLouth is looking forWard, in- himself throughout the country . ' " " C · Mrs, Lucile ,.. Armltage spent Post 615 nine this sUnday at.3:15 . stead of baclcwarcL It is a small as a speaker and writer. He has Sunday at the home of her daugh- p.m. with the "bal>y" 'squads of ' town proud· ,of i~lf, confident been called 'upon COElst-to-coast The Waynesville Spartans ac- ft. 8 1,1. inches, seconds to win ~e 44~ yard dash tel', Mrs. Woodrow Owens ' and each outfit clashing at ;1:00 pm. that, wlilJe t,t will :gever be a lecture tou',·s, an.d has' authored complished the feat that they, and Lakes, Mason; Beecler, Carlisle; b~ !I good' margm over Wil 10C family ' in ~pringfield. sharp. The ~sltors cUpped th.e great city or even a large town. it numerous articles .appeal·lng in all the I'est-of th.-e track teams in Vickers, Wayne~\rilLe; Williams, MOI~row. Wall and Doster of Dr. and Mrs. .F, B, Qregg leEt locals ' twice last season. The holdll a definite future ..for its nlltjonaL publications. the county. nave qeen practicing Morrow, . Harv~ysbl\rg Cinished third and of.! Saturday to spend the sUmmer PHce-C~mpben-O Regan coached youth-a fltiiDg tribute 'to ~ts This summer he will teach at fOl', for many weeks. They did so The high jump WIIS a batUe be:- fourth respectively.. . at their nome in Wellington, O. locais will. be Intent o.n · i'eglsterfoun"ding fatherS. ' a Univi!.rsity in Denmark, and by winning the Warren 'County tween Knopp and Lakes of ~as!>n. Lawson. Waynesville; Will, Mrs, Olive Curl returned Mon- ing thelr third victory of the 1949 will speak before the Internation- Track Meet, which is held an- Knopp finally wd~ out with a Morrow; Wall, Harveysburg; DOs~ ,day from a visit in Sabina, Ohio, season. Either Allie Ca*.l; all,frs. ' Walter 'S taron, 'coach of al Students' Conferancll jn Vllll1- nual1~ ut LebanoQ. WaynesviUe jump of 5 ft, ,8 inches. tel', Harveysburg, . with her brother, Mr. Elmer 'Me- ready with two wins, or ' Jim ·the Dayton softb4rl1 teaJ;Tl ~at was na Austria. won with a total of 35 point's Knopp, MaSon: Lakes, MllSO~; for Kings ·Mllis which was their Pherson and wife. , Jonel! or Danny Simpson will to play WaynesV\lle lallt -Sunilay while Mason edged out Morrow 23 Ragman, Morrow; Schu'~ster, Wool won the 880 yard dalih ~I:ss Olive WiIlJains left Wed- open Cln the mound' for Wayne.safternoon, c~ed the Gazette of':' Eilee.n BI'own will be vale'dic-.. 22'12, Morrow. only first place. Horlim Earnhart ne.sday to spend a few week;; with ville with Emory Robl>ins behind flci this week to inform us of her torlan and Rober l Hunter will Qe WaynesvUle's 35 taliies came by Ken Vickers of Wayne.sville ca,me in. sec,ond for Waynesvil l re!atives in , JndianaP.DDs, South the plate; Sj~pson at first; J~nes reareta that · the game was rained salulatorian when the 1049 Seniol' way 'of 6 first places 1 second -sprinled home first in 10;9 sec- WJth Coffery of Morrow third. Bend · and Pendletof!. Ind. ' or Fishback, at second' base; Pope O\1t· , ./ las5 of Waynesvil.le High Schooi place and 1 thb'd .,lace. onds to 'w in the 100 yard dash. Wool, Kings ' Mills~ Earnhart, Mr. and Mrs. ~mt.on l:Iheeh~ al shod:stop and Stanley 'on ~e ". " ~, ., ~ls diplomas at grll,duaWaynesville , WOI;l the fIrst event Morrestall of Springboro ran a Waynesville; Coffery·. Morrow;.o l CentervUle were dinner guestS infield and Biggs. Jerry ¥ickers' Mr, a~d ~rs, Harold Whitaker lion ell'erCises 'fuesi;1ay evening at w~len Jack TJnney threw the shot close seqond. ' . ~ennett, MOI·row.· . . at the Home on Sun~ay. . and either Nolan StansberJY or 'a re announclng the arrival of a 8:l5. The exerclses wll b~ held at 38 ft. 2 \nch. Aeroeck of Mason Vicker~, Waynesliille; MorreWaynesvllle's te m ran first in Miss MinnJe . podson was a Roy Furnasl oompleting the lnida\lghter !it thelr home, Tuesday, 'the High School. was second with 8 throw of 38 ft. tall, Springboro Mason, Harveys- the 880 rell!y with ~ Mason, Mor- luncheon gUest on Filday of Mrs. tlal outfi~ld ' May 1_9. , The seniors are bu~Uy winding 1'f.\ inches. burg'; Stephens, Morrow, I'OW, and Hal'vfysbul'g" finisblng ehas, Anderso,n Sr. , ' . up their. senool careers this week Tinney, Waynesville' Aerbeck, Ken Vickers also. came home in that order. The Waynesville . Mrs: Ella Dakin - has been in A biIihday anniversary dinner Mrll. 'Earl Evaru., w';o has ~n 'wl~h class activities dominating Mason i Woods, Morrow: DeV!iul .. first in the 220 y.a rd dash i1'l 24.2 team consists !JJ. Ear! Peters~ Earl Miam.1 Valley HospItal the past will ,b e held Satur-day e\lenlng .at very ill the past month; ",as taken ilie SCene. Monday wiU he Seniol' Ken Schuester~f Morrow won secopds, lIiIorrestall again came P owell, Dick Lawson, and Ken week having, a 'cataract removed. 7: 00 for members of' Farmers to MiamI Valley hospital Monday ahd a feature of the event the pole vault with little trouble home secon4 behilld Vlckel's with Vickers. . ' The 'operation was successful and G~~nge No. ~ atId their familles. afternoon for observation. be the awarding of athletic by vaulting'10ft 6 inches, which is Mason of Harveysburg running Waynesville, 1:41; Mason. Mor- she will return · to the Home this A covered dish dinner will be and schol~I'ship certificllte.s. 7 4 inches below the record. third. (,OW, Harveysbw'g; , week. served. The Baccalaureate &bvice will ~chuester, Morrow; Bell, HarVickers, Waynesville; :NJorreWaynesville also ·won the mile Miss Hu~ Chandler attended a· Mrs. Robert Furnas spent the Mrs. Charles King of Salmollth, Pa'1I1I, week witlt tler son.:tn-~w be held Sunday evening at 8 at veysburg; Mowyer, Mason; Dum- stall, Sprinboro; Mason Hal:'Veys- reJay jn 3 -m inutes and 52 secQnds. ~uncheon on -Saturday in Springand daUlhter, , ~, and Mrs. 13. W, lhe s\!hool. Rev, M. H. Co{fey, EOJ'd. Mas~n. burg, Step'hens, Morrow; . This teRm consists of Earl Powell, field at which sevel'!!.l chapters of Ky., spent the weekend with Mr, Whitt(Jn and daughtera in Oak »astot of :the 'Waynesville Church Lakes of Mason was first In' the Diclc La_on of Waynesville "Lefty" Henderson, Dick Lawson, Delta Kappa GIUIUDJI were enter- and Mn, T, S. Hardin and mmRidge. Tennessee, of Christ, will give the sermon. Broad Jump wlth a leap of IB croliSed the finish line in 56: I. and H81'1an Earnhart. tained by the Springfield lly.
Dr. Samuel Marble
Brought Fame To Wilmington (011.
W. ·ay;nesvl·lle Spartans" Cop '" C·oun , ,: . y T rae ' " 1('" 'Ch'fllDlnlO • h· ' · os · Ip !",' . 't
,n iURSD AY 'MAY 'i 9 '. 949
Till: "lIA MI GAZE TTF. W AYN-Esvtl.
The Miami Gazette Published
COUilt;r, ()~to.
y 'r' lll1sday
W a~ lI l.':wjllc,
War roll
.... -...... ..---- -
ST. AUGUSTINE aruRC H Fr. R. H. Krumbottz, Pastor 8 and to a.m. Masses
Entere d os ,.secon d cloils Wayne sville, Ohio. ,
- - - ----; -- -:-:--:--:- pel: Subacription 'Ra~e: ' $1.66
2!1g~O'l'IOt>lAL RJ!lADlN~)J
--- -. -.,- -Y'C~U" in Olii,,; !j\2.00 pel:
J': U-2S:
M Ark
1111,", 11 : 2l/-2e,
MEnJO DIST OIUR ai . t R.B. Colem an. MlOIS er 9 :30 a.m'. Church School · , J. J .. Dursie, 5upt, . Worshi p and .S ermon to:30 .Lm. Choir Special Music
r T. M: Scarff; Ministe9:30 a.lIf. Sunday Scbool ' 1eal"e~!!ewhere. B.A. Eartdli rt, Supt. ~ WOrship Service to :30 .... 7f30 p.m. Lesson lor MIlY 22, 19&9 xz lYenla , Servfce _ CAESARS CRP.IK PRIIN DS us CLEAR UP 6C)me very L. ET Rei. ' David Stanfield, . MIaIst(ll' common misund erstandi ngs at yo uth Fellowship Sunday . to' ..... Ivha t the Christia n reli gion. Is. ' 'School Sunda) 6 :30 P.M. Some (both cnQmles and triends) . It' .... Wo~1p SeMce' ' v niursd& e' Practic Choir Ihln k it coI.slsls In MO l Ji~'$' D;t~~ " ) \IUsN ~d in nOM 0I12 Fn.ES CHJI UI , witlJ S')l1Id;)y lurnl,ig onc's bnck . till s 7~5 PM tm~ t:. chm·tlw .',11111(' t 1911 ~O, MAY !lv· world; Ih~ on . l<ll{ cla l . I','j m(llI~ :"l ull in SPin' ;. Rev. W.tnlam Shanno n rJ.:ti~~~...i!::~~_'::::::::::;;;::::';;;;:::==='!1 iug In a sort of ST MARY'S EPIScOPAL L-...~::;..::;.;'--_ _ _ __ ...... ::l: LBI, 9:ltO School '''$ r'll'v/;;l'/l ln S ' If 1'4",·il ;.\ lI. JIg nnd SUnday .j·n . • hnppy wonderl and Mr, Ilnd Mrs. M~er HymaTi nnd. ·~i}('Cl nl lUllsic \\' 1.'1'(, ,rvell. Mrs. James Garrison, SuM. Samue l ~. Keys, Redor wh"rc 'the evil of · .,n and Mrs. J~antleHe nll)~" OIn, tst and 3re1 HEW-r Preach OLD A.M. :15 WHEN 9 ~UT School .oltoIS . Church worict Ihe spent Sunday. with relaliv s ~l 10:30 La montb each M A '30 • W I'll p 11. gcUlcr shu I oUl and . :THE- LINE GEJS k 7:Jop. m. ' . Evenlnr Services . TIl() 4n s~ . . i,ng 'W'II> wi\1. hoM Blanchester. ors g Morn~n Another lteln. rorg TRAFFIC TICKET, its fi.f'll lI)l!(1thp lIt Llt ' ho'm ' of mlEND S no t j on Is that L\'11.E METHoDIST h 'I"I B I 1', n good ntM'I,!,;. L.00KIT ••• . First Day School b 9:J 0 a.m. c:JIUROi ' reo p , onity Chrlstl . I ... ud Illce is desir~d . . oremaD F 01'. God sen ts n.n bngry r . ip MtDllte WOfS Myers, for I!' tin J~b Mee Dr. (or one who con 10:30 a.m. Sunday 9:30 . ~ laying angry) made be easily very TIl e J uniol' 0\'(1 T Ullilr{ll\mt'l' ~ '. ,Mn. Run. Saylor. ~ 'down tbo l ow to \nl1ok ind . . Anolher i Rl I IYk.,h nui.·!; will lIU t>ll.1 'Vt' ~ 0:3 L .... 18 lllnt Cb ris UllnUy Is 1\ purely in- WA.YNESVILLE ......p se~ Wo .ninEl :;('\'vl"(' $ or th ' ' btHch of d ividUDl a fralr·. And s UII ',mothe r IlERaY aruR Cii OF aIRII 'I' is tba t '.-tJlll Christia n' r eligion con· CHURCH 'OF 0flUS T :'11"1:0,1 ill il bvliy, Muy17. lhL"I ,1<.1 ' lind .Jesus at s Bpon Carvet Minister s is ts 01 the t eachlng beill~ t.b.· ,1'111 IV • 'SIlIY \If Ihe tJl'llt'f·. M. H. O>ffey, Minister . 9:30 Lm. Utat Is' aU It is. Every one at these Bible School Bible SchOOl • M. A. 9:30 l11i~ll llders tana ln gs v8 1llslles In the Lm. to:JO lp Worsb r Mo~ln M. A. :30 10 ip Worsh of g I'CW, Mornin T be l)nI'il .of Audrl'y light that shines llround the Lord' s p... 7-:00 J. l\eetlD Pra)ell M. P. 6:45 's Young People nem' N IV Du r llngtll",' bul'll!....! SnPP9r . , u Meetl I People Youn« M, P. Evening Service ' 7:30 ' .n£tCl· b l ing I'lruck y J1 g!l tllilu! 7:60 p.... ' ' aad g Meetin Prayer !,!lIring Ihl.! I ~t.lI·Ii N\ 1 ~lO I'11l t'a~'Jy 7:50, ... Bcklly al Bible study Wejj., 7 :30. PM. By... , SeI'Yk:el S,mday llIumln g,
The Lord·s Supper
- ern e
Perhaps Yo u
SOMET IMES thlnk that PEOPLE relJ gion shQts m a n's eyes t o
r(»)'ly ~ ~j1{hllr nllntltll '-'Ol1tI ~ TIl n o[ U,e WaytJ ~svjllf' JIj~h Schnn l A 11I)lui A~ OI'iatf<ln was ._;_-----in 1l1r. __ _ _....;..,._ _ __ ~---_----,-':......:: ],<,}\I la~[ SaL"t·," .... nj~ht gy11\ wi Ht a u ntlt'ntlr {l, Il "f 175. j
Btl y. P e.ople . Appreciate
Olnt:crs QUICK SER,V1CE .. We specialir.e in quick se r, y a I' Df'e;
I.It' ,lUnling
"aynesv,.-IIe'Ch W ' ' Nat-lolJI'. . urehes. JO·IO day S Lit I R' un Ie . ur~ . og erv-, In' Obs
Tl('tnUi dr,'
vice for busin e~ pc ri c. who .pl'C'sidc WflJil1 ll1 'J'JIllflla s, vjccmust 'keep looktng - \ ell gro, p r ~~idl'"l: Elsie WeJr~. li CI' tary; " . and all ~imes. omed . MJII',V StOlIl,!'h' ;I'ry, I n'Il~W'I: w ill h e wet! Yourat clothes cleaned and C.1 r efull,' rr sed . Mr. nl1d M, " D. n. SlJli\J. nt ~ tended II tl'\t'eli nj( fJ f thf' R tail at B and R.
Whole Wheal . 1\ ~C1I'I!1l'iUJl h ·ld nt the Breads ofTer a chance tor valrle, ill Ohio will join conW'qhcs h Monlun DOl. in G um Cit. i)ru,\ch T he m OQern Ildme. 1:(1' 19aUOI)S <111 ove l' Amedc a : 0 ty Iti merns. day. ni$tl tt. ing ' up wi th \he keep is who mnket thi$ ' Sunday Lif l Rura ()b:; 'l'V Is
Ilcwer knowled ge
of nutrllio~ 1
h ) . ' maklng, sure th llt aU b~ead nnd Jane Eni\v 'Ilis;pd ' S v 1'[(1 d()y~ 8uncillY . (Muy 22 , ~' e e venOhi~ o roUs she se.rves are enrlchcc l j)r lot' lc propl'ia ltlrly p;wlicLl of ScJ\091 Illst. week 011 n(;~Ullt buciults, b ecuu e i he sUlle ra'lIks 8th. - whole wllent, In making of ill n\'$S. wl1ille~, , II u p Utll\l\lg the Jeade l's lD loal bread, pal1cn)tes, cookles, II'In l!erbren d . and c~ _~, agl'icuJ luml PI·oo uc\ion. e nrit· I'd Firli o):>..,el'\/e d ' in lf12f1• .RUl'al she uses wbole wheat ()' l '
an .e~;~ eJI,ifc StlllcklY ,i s ..lhe da :;;e : a pltrt whlt c flour. Oll tmeal Is lenl fool1 thal ad!!s to !.he val'il!ly m"'h ..isl:t:!n '" Lhe m c,.. w" '15 ; . -,-i+rno.mrt1i1'·rrtt<rlm-;"'Trrral-,fil:~:lei'--U\l!f= food valu o at cookies
vo~tio n of
Setvi(jes For Accident' Victim -
tbe u gly rCDlIUes of l!le. Some reo llglons lry to do so ; but not the reo 1l g ~on of Christ, 'lIe \me w the klnd of world Ibis Is; 'h e never let, Ills c! Isciflle:c forge t It. ()~ tbllt last IlIght, d ark for ces were " llr olll1 . J osu,,' ebt'mlCll were closing ' / D Ob hi.",. One or' . hili OWb ~ clr4)re wouh1 bet., a, biOI. Yet 1& WII.9 In tha t sort of a t",olfpbe rc, Ileavy wllh be lrayal 'a nd ha lret1, lll ..1 J esus began thIs l!"ClI'ament of faUh , hope anll' lo"e. The true ChrIstia n does not llve l n a 'fool' s .para dlse, he d oes not Im ngl(lc \hnl ~"erylhlng Is lovely In the nIcest of possible worlds. The snerllllleJlt which Is tbo hea rt at his worship is itself ' a reminde r o( the ug liness dt the world, wlllch man's , sin cr en \.cs.
• .e
made m the Miami Cemet ey by _ t1ie S tubbs f1,mer~ home.
-Survlv.lng are' the parent. , Mr. and MrS. WUliam Rosa, two b rothe rs, aud three sISters, ' aU of
Blessin g
A;ND . •
Funeral service s were held T uesday at 2 P. M. in the Full Gospel chur ch Harvey sburg. l or ~ Penney.' A1'cll1e 16-yea~ -oJd - ,'. _tl , Archie was killed near his home !J &turda y morning in an aut«; acd. BOt7JIII: C Mofllln Each' 9-t2 . dent. The servicea were conduc ted by 1-5 Aftemd,ons Except {Wed. Rev. James Rader and bur.lal was
<the nome .
tpe bre ad
U Christia nity consI sted .malnly ot cood emnU,g wickedness a nd denouDclng sinners, then . "
AaPeD In TarlIe M . . . . . . In th~ Tut11e mounta m. of NOrth
Dakota tore.tera lay a.pen ' 8bou1d be cut when ·1IO to 110 :yean 014, ·Afler that decay and ducD the value.
For ·T llr Uly 1'/gs at the cente r at our r worshlp we the . el'd; th ,fru its of: t\i'e soil, Sows need nil ubundant s u pp ly of would ,have some sy'mbo} of dread , nd tlw ' UlliVCILo l'S (If th earth; eS5cntial vi Ln lll.iJis duriu g lles1illio n ond awe, like tire and brimstone, a Cor lhe c;ofl.'lide l'at illn ,of justi CE! to .produ ce 1111d 6g~Jc.l o (lt d / I.)' pigs. consumi ng llame. {nl' n ~i' i cllH l1 l'(i n nd · l.h spiL'ih,u:ll \'nl Ul'S o f 1' IIl'a l \ire. 'Ph 'l'l1 nrc llO p Hel' Ilt andRI'~ s j l.\~git g ~ n", .. ic<l th an . b y. Hs chuJ'cJll'S and ·ils fan n popu lation.
$7.45 ,'
Oth er Sty les Ava ilab le. '
W(' I'
Wall Paller and Pa te and Sizing G~ E~' ,Bulbs - Nu Enalnel
W~YDes~Ue Furniture '&Appliance Co. j
~ MIlia Street aeron · from Gr
Telepb oae242 2\
mo., proCouna Jlic(~l i'c I ba)1 lhat' nr, ch urch ;:""'''H' ~O s'l il\ A PI'OSP ' I'Oll , ,o>h.i\ poiI'll d l' U l'~l l con:m un Hy :; U l'oUllrlcd by" b unIH uI fJeJds of ' ',, .g l'run"? " But it im'l bel1u tifu.l jw;t 10 th " eye, A sonnd, Ch,· i ~Ha.r\ J'lI I'll I econ omy, is n p l'ncticnl \;>e3u ty t oo, Ql>cnw;lc j t is the p l1iTlle-TIt;'cessity £Ill' the contj nuer1 p r og l'ess o f all c..lea atl d fo r many pm'l s of H I~r
Is 1.h I'
. '
YOUR BEST BET' , Do ~Ol1 n('cc1 11 s ta tion ~vago.n or u tllClJe1 A rl',?J'd ? Wo uJd you like
(I go in.!;l b usmess? 'l'h... uc:t .. ils o[ lh es~ ll nd oLher ntLl·RCUV..c puys may be found in lhl) cln slncci co luII1l1s of t,his
10 pUI"l'h ~se
week's ' Gnzellc . T b uy, ~c ll. rent 0 1' borl'OIV, l 'c the Gazelle c1 w~:;iIicrl nd~ . .At
_ preferre d for .type and operla-
t ion; d esigDI!d. for effiei e n c y and dependabi\ity. '
Stu bbs .' Fun eral 'Ho me TELE PHONE 22!JI WA YNESV I Ll.E, OlHO
==:::===::::~~ clssRI:e n wp,t l'{ : IJ lmy ~jllsl ing ~==~ l ndv l'li hl)T Lhb ' sc1ussifio H)WlIl bur tlY ·
tIle: WIIl'ld, give
IJl c m a
, F,
Serve it~·,olll BoiJen's Butterm';/~ Io~ II Spring pick·,up!
di..... ,..
~ur . Bul no - . , tbe beart worShip Is ' a thin, a. slnlple. plaia. aniS frl endl, &II a IDaf of . bre ad. bread OD which the ble.... In, ot God haa beeD ..ked. BlesslolC, DDt e aralne; InvU.. ltoD, noi ' b realeniD,; •• ai the be ari of our r ell, lon. Whenev er you see Borne one whose cl1Ief idea of beln~ a' "good Chrla. tlan" is gelng around Jlr.oclalm lng th"e meanness at the w orld, cawing at everybo dy and everythlng~
'Save $1.57 011 this Specia
SU DO C_O · Se rvi ce Phon e 242 3
ynl ll{ Fl1 TI J IH~?
Pit t J1)ore
('ppori lillily
'lill Y I I.:. ~J\ IN ,S BONI S ill ' 1It( ~ h fl l' (' h Ide I' I \~' a , rica me Ill' ," l ta il!!" ln I
Way~'esville NATIONAL BANK
, ~-~--~--- 1-
Served lee cold, It's del h;lousl~ refreshi ng .• . and a real ~eollh d ril'\k, 100. Tell your Borden man to leove 'you some rcgulCllrly • •'. or ask for Borden' , Buttermilk when shoppin g
If " s Bore/em - - I " ! go' to be ,}(lod'
. t E..,.,...1" Dr. ......,
It aOau .Dekl ll....... . , : I ~OBlO
ministers of 1lhis community to hear the expressions ~' of appreciation for their kindness in time of tr«juble. Without exception and ' regardless of church , affiliation,' they give their tline and 'ministrations ~itbour stint or measure.
IT. and ... ,ave '''AND.. ."BROKE Artists have trletS In II
. ·c~l
~lhgl~ plclure to exprelS the n'lean.
.01 Chrlsll ~nUy: . Some of the pic. tures are benutlruJ, but many Qf them miss /)n importa nt 4 uth . .What lah All it he? A p icture of a slllp· wom na clinging to 1\ ro~? . , a IIrunt · prllylng in a loh' loll. tary vIgil? 'J'hese leave out aome· thing vltal~ , For , Christia nity Is a 1eUowah lp. No._ Chris tian ljt complete by hllnself. . At tbe hcarl of our rellrlOD Is a COmmtIJIloD. · FelT U aDY Prolesta nt . churches allow iln,. . one e ven a minis ter, to give Ute ' Hoi,. d ommunioD to himself, b,. , ~hIm8eU: Tho true Chr~tlnn never finds hunsell, his t rue s elf, nione; on11 in 1elJowship. A Ch.\"lstin n belong. with ollie)) Ch tisUnns DS 'mucl! as ODe eoBi in a bed of coals belongs with all the r est.
• I'
N, .·EI KL ·WO ••
' TEAcinNGS nre JE~lUS lull of vy18dom and of t o.n't. tha t often some one 80 1mpor·
JIving . power, will liay"tha t JesIU was a teacher and ooly a teacher . and ·t hat followIng ~Is teaClilno . Is aU that ChrlsJ esus dld 110t thlnk q.t it tl,anIty in tbls way. ' the True, his leaehltla ill utmost bnporta noe; lIat that , waa 110' aDd Is Dot am Aa Ml4'dleleD Marl',. Ntd :yean aao, .Ie_ was the onl,. tea"hel' wllo ba8 jJled tor hIa teaehlq . Bat he did more ~ Uiatl be did for' PioR he ".ah&' The cup at the Holy Communion remJnd& every one who partake s of it that Christ was 110t 01111 • tellcher, .ho was a sacrllice . IC~rl~h t bl/ tile Iot. maUon,,1 cO.melltzlo... E<'J ueaUon on b~II'lfiil D1I rol • • tant d onOJD1naUoIII. aelftltd III
In WN11 ,.••tur....
It mus~ be gratify ing to the
,' p llT rUllil .
Only ·
Evenings by Appointment
OHiee .'l f.o w 'Op en . Dai ly, 8 ' a.m. to B p.m. to n~. SatU rday ,"8 ,
Th e 'M Iam i GazeUe ·Ph one ':w ayn em n. 214 3
, THURSDAY' MAY 19, tQ49
Mr\!. Iilrnut Earnbart. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge BraUon. Mrs, Ada. , Dakin. Mis. Clara, Dal\gbters 'were shopping In Xenia Thurs· day atternoon.
and she had taken it under Mr!. Elele' Koeelflr spent a few kitChen. Now we are , be!llnnJrlll daYB this week wlth her Ion. She went in throu$h a ' Morrl. Lewis and family. to wonder when it will -come out. the cellar that the pipes' go Mrs. Ernest Earnhart. ltUSII " FA". DI""V throuab to the kitchen sink. We Clara Daughters. and Nrs. G. H. " D rI. FUll." can ,et in there .,by taking down Ker81uger 'were supper guslltl!i some stepa an!l openJng the hole Wednesday" evening or 1011011 'Ada . May '13; 1949•. More lln,,,h,.that ' SUEeY wed to go through DakIn or noar Waynesville. weather 'after a cloudy .day when. sh~ went in., there to have with one abort Mower. The pups but we have that all care., from my IOUth wtrtdow ia blocked fully ahut up now and I hate. to Mrs. Htly OIbllon. Mrs. Claren. now by a wall of lOft feathery o~t again. I suppose when oe CraWford. Mrll: "Morris Lewlll tresn locust ' leaves and the kItten is large enough it will and Ion. Billy. and Mra. Emma blouoma with 'only twO of come out to the light. It is a fun- OIbson w~rs dinner gueats Friday places ,where I ,cAn Rt! thrnlll.h ny ·little thing all white except ot Mrs. Ada Dakin or near Way. to the line fence. It Is IUvvaJ'a for two little gray spots and a nellvllle. question how to keep nrv'....,"llIRy·' taU. , ~alance of open ..... ". , We have a killdeer's nest . r-..Mrll. Lewl. jJrawtord IIpent dlatant view and tree•. The I cou1dn't find it la~t nIght WIUI.&I\"I tit cOminl Into bloom fast the old bird flew away Saturday with her parente. Mr. the yard is full of white . and trIed to coax me out and Mrs. Goodly. In Xenia. Bethlehem. That i. nelghorhood. I didn't· dare Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oreene that Is hard to tell look for it for Smokey was of Dayton. spent the weekend t ,arden flower or a ' at mY heels and I didn't want with r.t-. and Mrs. Lue Morlllll1, . hook.. even call it a poiaonous to find it. So far we have only put bUl I that my eat one little duck out of several setand Mrs. MorriS LeW'ls ' and
• PAC! l'MRII!
trued FIUDI&are AcI4I&r TMt tor IIUk I'umItIlre thst h.. had too man), In 1880 Dr. MaM aod Dr. FarheaV)" appllcaUons of ·was or ~lIah rlng&on at the Unlvef.lty of DUnola wlQlout .lifficJent rubbln, and pol· releaJed the acldUr teat for m1Ut. tahlnl ,ather. and holdl dirt and '1'hI. method til used ' tode)' In ita dual. onelnal torm.
MI'. and ~r8. Gilorge Runyon ~t;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;= ;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;·; - ~;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ and famIly. ot ' FIllIsboro. called 0.0 Mr. and Mra. Pete Runyon and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R~nyon Sunday .afternoon. .:
Bring Your m'
0 RD
bold apent Satlll'day aU.
In Cinolllo'
Mra. Annal ~IlCaB Is spsl1dlng a Cew days with her daugble and Mr. Dick Blick (If ~lnc lnD tt sOIl·ln·law. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .spellt the weekend -wllb Mrs. Thomp80ll or. near Hillsboro. Wlilfe Smith.' Mr. and MTS. Mort Bally anr! ot Dayton. called all Mr. family. !lira. Henry Berges or Beaver· 'town, Bpent Friday with her. l,ar· and Mrs. Pete Runyon evening. entl!i. Mr. ari'd ,Mr•. ' Lua Morean.
Home For Spring Service
WhartoD lIotors 36 E. Main St. Lebanon. O.
Mr. Ill1d Mrs. Elvis MlcbJal Mr. Hily Gibson called on 'Mr. caU·ell (1) Mr: and Mrs. Edmond and Mrs. Harry Gibson, at Bel}. Mallalb ' Sunday afternoon. brook, Saturday alteruoou.
Phone 43'
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rockbold lI:u.,. N_ YOl'Ii d N "New York ...te reached .seonrS an famlly. of near ew 'Bexlln. place In the nation In' menutact\lro Ipenl Friday evenln~ · with ,Mr. ~ III 1810, and 111 the decade 1830and Mrl. Arthllr Rockhold and . :Oal~:c:n~:':J:=::t p-::!:~.~ family. hal stead1l)' maintained tta national 'le.der.hlp ever slnee. The,state lia. Mr. and lIfrs. Kennetb Bratten been fnoted areatly In commerce and daughter, Shirley Ann. or and tn<1U1tr)' "1Illt. eeoeraphto Dayton. called Mr; and Mrs. ~::,:,.::um:er~ i~.~~~~~ti'
KI(I'S Garage .
Main and Miami Sts. Ph; 2341
it without apparent rel~8h: y tUms havea· nest tried.upThel if~a:m~I.~ly~..~an~d~.~M~I~SS~~!1(:I~Im~a~R~o~Ok~.~G~e:o~rg~e~B~r~a~tto~n~T~h~u~rS~d~a~y~e:ve~'':I~m~.~._~=======:==7====:=:~======::;:;;=== those who know it possible white that duck we started in 1" some' other name, it fa the white the bam and had been on it for flower that a in bloom now almGSt' a week when John's sows , troWS' from bulbs, hu ....... Uke lo.t out one day and visited the lesv. and· bunchu 01 star-like bam an~ I iot there just too late. wlt. DOW8ta on Items about six I couldn't lay much, for one of inch.. hlp..So pretty but 10 my SoWI kept getting out last to keep where you want it. faU and going to the cOrn 'I!. \ • .' ~ flame com a bein, planted 'b ut where we had cut and shocked the tracto~ took llilJ corn. Strange to say she didn't i . .' tltne to nled attention so that seem ·to know which shocks were have not been able to do any- mine and which were his and he thin. for. day or two. The quesi- didn't like It very well. ton of when ~o plant to eat the There is pleanty to do and _I'll borers ~ cllacnfaaed in .aU when it la so dry and we the farm papers. Sad to relata ,waiting for It to rain to do some This month marks t he, secthey now report that late plant- th1nia I feel as though I couldn't ond anniversary of Texas tn, !an't much better' than early ,d o anything and yet it· ,Is fine Eastern's operation of the 'for now there ~ two weather for palntln, and a Big Inch and Little Big Inch crop' of bOrers" and if the flnt 'of t!i'e jobs I am gain, to have pipe. lines as a natural gas on.. don't let you the later onea do though' it is hard to stay . will 10 we will just have to plant And continu.e cleaning the tra nsmission system. when we can take our c:hances. room when the weather is so In that short time, these We have only ha,d one light lovely outside. That fo may just two lines stretching through abovier linc:e w~ plaJfted our po- bav. to wai,Jor a bad day. . ten states from Texas to ' tat.oea. 'I'bla Year we tried to do New Jersey have, in effect, evar7thlal that the potato been made over. _ '"""" ,told ua to do. We du.ted the cut potat.oall with lime and ,Texas Eastern is celebrataulph•. We f~ ' and 1lmed ing its. ~nniversai1 by bethe &round but If,. this year we ginning ,a new construction clo not iet JMlta~ "'. are r. By MRS. HD.Y GIBSON progratn throqb IlOwlDl them and ,we which .will will buy potatoes instead of .eed, furtl~er lmMr. Clarance Orawford fa set. fertillur ete. I coUld buy more --=.__.--'t"h..-lDft r dn eat for what we have ttnc alona fine at the MIami prove the Big lpeftt 10 far but that is not true Valley Ho.~ltal. Inch System. ()f e larta famlly, ·it we ,et any (It is a prokind of ~p. . Mr. and Mra. Richard Kanes gram which "Why walt for winter to butch- .aIId dauabter. Donna. of near will also iner", was the alopn put forth at I~."flln • . Xenl.... Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hanes of Comp~,. creas~ Texas' a maetinl of the atockholders of f-lrlleld. called ' on Mr. and Mrs. Eastern's ability to serve as the locker ' plant recently. We , were' clad to hear that under the HII,y Glblon ' Sunda, afternoon. acitizenofyoul'community.) n'e w mana,ement there were As this is wrltoon, several e . more lock.... in we end more MI"!' anll Mra. Emeraoo. DIU en· hun!3red pipe line construcnatu~al ll ~ bein, done . than at te~a1ned with' a family dinner pn tion'men are at' work laying thla time laIt year. U you nave a Bunda,. Mr. and Mrl. Raymond home freezer why not bave Olborn ,of Xenta. Mr. and Mra. "863 miles of new pipe line iJl ' I The massive objee{ hurtling from thepipa t~ states. Most of this pi'oc:eaIDa clone,at ioc:ker R&Jph Dill and lon, Tommy. of above is known to pipeline1'8 88 a cipig.'~ Here new line will run parallel to hu~ whenever you have IOme- Bpr,l nc Valier. this giant ateel ecrubbing brush is being used thlna ready or need the meat? Texas Easternrs present ' ~to clean a ne",ly-J)\lillt section of pipe'line on They ate a1ao able to ,et quartMr. and Mrs. Walter Calahan, lines; some will to the Big Inch SYJd;8m. Natur:al gas propels the Va and lolna of eel for you . --:"'...... _ ._ and children, of Clnctnnatt. were co • " through the pi~ ,aIatt into the air tanaturalqs field&. The steel hol w h&1IIII ot" ~~ com- dinner cue.ts Sunday ot Mr. and · with the dirt It bas removed. , pipe beilllused ranges from r---'---.~~~OCl!'~ w y n .....e ad " • to to clean it,s '16 to 26-inehe8 . ' , ~ta,e of Ita services. Mrl. ThO~U Run1~n. · 3~mi1ee p,i~ lines while in operation. ,The latter ~ larger'than the·. We thoqbt that IOmet.hing had . ~ "Pip" '8l'8l!8Dt tbrougJl50 miles of line at a happened to BtUe white kltlI:'rs. , Elf,vard MorrIe, of near I Big Inch. , time, and'are 18CO~,;red in ibgenious "traps'" ten bUt it wa. only that Kitty waYl1, eBvlUe. caUed on her aunt, To serve ,these additions· ~ODIIlpreaaor .ticma.<picture at right). This PuiI clldn't consider tluit she bad Mrs. Lue . Morcan, Wednelday to Texas East.erD's pipe line ~ new to tb8 natural, gas ind1,lStry, . • '· .afe ~lac:~ for .. growiDI kitten ~fte~noon. .
I"spring-e'~aninCJ tlm~ on the -BIG INCH tiNE.
a new p~pe line·
.A new idea for
system, engineers and eoJis~tion wor\cers are build-
Garden Hose T.....-4
_ _ time and mo:ney arui-m08t important
~D~mUnupt~~.Te~Erurtmn UIe8 IJCOre8 Otf "pilP,l" to carry on its "Spring
ing five n~ compressorstationa and enlatXing four of tile 21 existing stations· on.
the lines. ' The effect o~ this program reaches back ,to steel mills and JbBnufacturin.l, plants where men are worJring"to BUPpiy pipe ~d machinery for the job. Oost of the proiram Will
over 24, million
CJeaning" the year arowid. ,
·Texas 'Eas1ern's housekeeping never ,stops cleaniDg ~ipe n- is.~lrily,part
continuous mamtenance propam. Tho~ ,of pieces . oC 4ICJ,uipment arepatntedreg· ululy to pre· ~ . vmt ,rorroaion , and 1Ilaintnin the 1Ieat' .p.
As thismon- , ey ,js spent, ~~~it ' will go to
Machinery DlUllt be kept clean inside too. Hundredi 01 oil filteTII and .300 OOO gaUo_ of
~ ,
aUy to kee the Big Ince Systom operating at top efficiency.
. ·s • . ,.....
.; TeUII Eutem Cieanltn_ is .an important· ll8fety meuurlf. Bu1Idmge at OI!It-"JI:>!lI.iar .... · baa II lpeclal "hou8ekeepT_ c:ompra.or, . ing" toll: this etationa are __ summer. Tbe kept as clean .' ..' .,;., . · .......undaaround and .potleaa B8 < :". ·l . ~. 21 _ stan modern tion. will be ' housowife'. graded and Dow auleimatic planted to make them .. atkitch!m. tractive u they are eOldent~
work , constructively 'in .J.rd"" PI".
nearby communities and throughout
the country. When Texas Eastern's new construction is finished next winter, the resUlts will be lasting. Operation of ita new pipe lines and compres-
.,' Fairley B __we.ISt.rel Plume 8441 -
. Waynenill.
IlOl' stations
will be reflected
in payrolls and in the taxeS paid by the Company and ita employees.
'rRANSMIS'SION CORPORATION Pwner ,and operator of the Big Inc;h and Litt~e . Big IneD pipe lin. sydern, is represented In community life of nine states where ib employees Rve D"d work.
Hom. olfi,ce 01 Texas Ea.tern is at 306 Milam Street, Shreveport, louIsiana. N.lftr." Texas
Easte,n Station I. at LEBANON
- - ..
........ .'
Rev. Coleman rl'ported point, a~ I have faith in the play- City w1Te Sunday lUests of Mr. possiblUties e x 1st within en of this,comlnunlty. .and Mfs. Cuy Routzahn and famM ' U\odisl parish fur lhe I'm trying to give all my lime ily. Mr. Routzahn is slowly imNE .F.N'I' PER WORn: minimum chllrge, 25 7.ation of a softball team. So, to the organization of a ' full time provlrJ/Lt f.·oOl a severe illness. euts. .nnh'st't 1'111 for ' I' p at /l'dvertisements YOU Methodists who are Interest- rel!Nlational program for the tots Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bumet 11 po,", 1\ J1p licatioo. ~d contact Mr. Coleman or Mr. and teen aged and don't want to entertained their dinner clUb on Moler who conducls thl' Sund~,y clutter up the day wlUl s& Saturday evening: .I B" arguments ... so write your 0011The Lytie Card Club was enSchool program. 1)( IN'T r l ~n FT Tn C I I FOR SALE-Coldspot "ef,lger Filther Krumholtz ~dlcatE:d victlons on t.his subJ.ects to me, as tertained at the home of Mrs. Paul BOB O'REG N ll~ I (II ill "lIrancl'. II Iy pl' . n f :t.I\lr, 'ill !'food c\lndithm. $75. Dick thai organ1zation Is moving for J have staled mine in this column . Shipley on Thursday afternoon. il1 ~ ur.t11l' r at :I • :l\'i 11!1... . all ! !'.' I:lJ\, R k 1. Waynesvi lle. Phone ward in the St, Augustine Churc:h • • • Mr. and Mrs. Seth Fumas S12-3t I' J :IJll'i~ ,rile Rnl\\ n, phon e S~lJ'i ng Vnlley 97206. area ... may be next week will Ol'ville Gray, who ha!\ !lorne Miss Mary Brown and Mr. and Bu r.r), up, you bring reports' from Rev. C;offe'y the major expenses of eqwpping ~r!l . . 'Walter Kenrick attended W avm"\' iI'Ie .:!47:! (H ca ll enlJ.'O R SALE - Delecto baby leAgue d ubs ; our Junior Ameri- ahd Rev. Key.s. Four chu.rc:h 30 01' more ycmilis for baseb'all the annual dinner meej.illg ot the Ie \Vill1lin~l(\n ~· t 11 . scn les. likc new, $5. Dl ek Irelan', can- L eg!;;; nin e is just . arar~g teams pl~ying ollce or twice a for severa l seasons. is getting a Ristorjcal Society at the Golden F 'R ~AL ~ eh \'r1., Ict w4s stn- Rf. 1. Wn;\lllesv i\le. Phone Spring [or the May 29 opeller here' wi th week,·elther twilight 0 1' under the little help from Bill Sawyer who Lamb in Lebanon Monday evenValley 3'(206. 512-31 ' t1011 W:1gl''' . Low m i laite. ru By BowersviUe, a new' 'entry io ':the :u'c,s, wo",ld be a good deal fo r the provided a complete clltcber's ing. community~ outfit t his year. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Foulks en~q\lip('d. p~'I\'ccl In ~(' I.I . 1" ') 'nil' sll<~c1ub loop, whicll has 11$ olhel' • • • .--.~ tertalned to a tarDily picnic dinIlWll r. Plwnc SI' ri hit Va l1ey F'OR ALE- Extt.. liu·gE'. heavy members Bellbrook, la st season's ta rpaulitl . Good as new. Alma Press time came too soon, so no ner Sunday evening. This dinner 37 177, P ctel·son. Ph Oll~ Way nes ville 2241. undefeated champions. Center- financia l repo rt on PRIDE OF . was in h nOI' of the birthdays which 'Occul'I:ed In May and June vil.\ , Spl'ing VaHcy and anolher THE YANKEES could be mad'e, .~~I I~O;R SAL t Mod I A Ford, Good although "scouts" repol·t that a o( ., . f MI'. d T MlUard II M:'TeweD, Th Mr. . shRpe, ~opcl tires with extra., H "i·veyshul'g. The 10- good·ly . num ~ 'ber of people have.lln By MRS.. WALTER KENRICK 01' ewe 1 r&. omas Turner, two exhibition Mt D it Id'" Ik D I"vin Mmfnrd, W~yn 5" i'J\,, 'B x eals have clawed . dlcated their willing' hess to atte~,d '. 0 a ..,. ou s, aren F oulks , M J hn........ " M Dell 152, (>I" inquire Ilt Faidey Hacd- opponents. to date, knockl.n g ,off at the. "buck" per seat showing. '; . T. 0 • • , rs. u ey wlll·e. 512-3t the D ayion Recj'(~aUO!1 AJleys last MI'. R .· ettalick helped nicely . in Mrs. Lulu Githens of Dayton Is· P enwell, Mrs. WU~ur Foulk$ and Sabbath-day,' 9-0, on n field more seeing to I. that all lligh school ma k irig an ex ten d e d VlS' " t 'v Ith C yn th ta · an d D anny G {oves.. ue to raln . student.s were ~ INSPE TElD STOCE:- Chrysan - suited for rootball informed of the hel' son an d w.' f e, MI'. an d Mrs. * • • speCial matinee at 4: 00 p.m, last Everett Githens at lhe farm home Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock of near 1hemu1l1s, Daisies, LilJe,s-of-the? Va lley, a n~ other perennials. St . Allie (hil< family ' jumped" ·me Wednesday. Springboro. Leban- near here. We llman lcHl by plane for GerJohn's Garden. Phone Waynes- (or the usage of Ollie, although on , Ha rveysburg and Sprini ValMI'. Clarence :Smith spent sev- ma ny an~ fde~ds and relatives ville 2551. Cor. MAin and High as I said "if he hils big-Ume it ley and 'B ellbrook schools were eral days la I week with his niece have word t hat she arrived In Sl~. ' 512-:Jl . will be spelled ~ilh an "0") Car: al 0 invited ... al\ students we:re in DAy ton. F"anltfQr1, Oermany on Satur- - - - - tel' racked 111$ secol/t1 '49 triumph admitted for 50 ' c~nts per head. Mr . and Ml'S. Ralph Hamm ond day f.>Velllng, May 7. She will be MBlNATlON SCREEN and In good style Rllo\v lrtg but 2 hits. • * • and , children attended the pall 8 guest of he.' son, Lieutenan.t game in Cmcinnatj F "lday ev n. - K !lneth Hat·ls ck, who is in mill" tol'm door. I\S low as $t2.25. The slend!,t· moundsman lacks a ', L b & I b " Orville GI'8Y stated ' that hIs Wa.v " sv II e · um er Supp y. i1(\l'td o;trike-Ollt pitch ·as yet, ut ing. lIITY s ,'V ice tJlel'e, and Mrs. HartOF YO UR HOU-SE Phon 2281. h .. d t k th J W~J)esday afti!moon program . n", manage 0 eap e rna or- was disrupted . beoause ali qf ' his Mr. and MI·s. Th rle Jones were soC'k . Also she wUl mAke the aeFOR SAJiEJ fRhogRn y (IrOIl ity of his pitches 10\\r. and that. is lads wanted to attend the sof'l- Sunday ~uests of the latter's par- quainll1nce of ~el" new grandson\ . I('ar J)utlcan Phyre tnblf1 Rn" cthe diJference . . . bloJJw pitches ball sponsored show. Well, th(~y ents, MJ\, and Mrs. Edwln Nu tt Kenn th J'.)I'dan Hal't~ock. 5aly que.,lon? No Indud, Mony mean a Jot of chop a s into the h J d d 1 Rnd famUy neal' Centel'vllle. folb today ho •• lilll •. more thon . rour T"Y I'~·bnck c hairs: .Flr"!,ln!'!> dirt, and to dnt th Waynesville e pe 8 goo cause a ~ng. holl Iho pr•• ~nl .alu .. of Ihl'lr '" + • . Mr. J , B, Jones spent Sundaf Belcher 's Sunoeo Station js un""reel! . All In gond ' ..onrlllion. Infield, of Stanley. Pope, Jones hOM_' Insured • •• ~Iu., Rl,'mlO nabJI'. Chnrlp8 HartS(1('k. 1 lind Simpson have corra lled most -Dame Rumor has it at many and Monday with her sister, Mrs. d rgoing , extensive 'r emodeling, i nt;reol.d. so greatly. How Oboul YOURS? We'lI bo' glad 10 help you 1·2 ",lIeR ~ol1t h or Wnynesvlllf1 on o[ .the . chances. 'Donny Pope, lhe of this to'I'"'S gentry are standing John Zimmel'man !lnd ~. and An overhead canopy h as been rechick. And wt,1I1 ",e'r. 01 .11. · Mr s. H e n ry Finke , oear U1aynes ' . ' fCit t h e so ftb a11 season ROllip 42. F;·19·3t Junior's nifiy ~ hoTtslop slashed by. \valtmg ,. - JllOVed and ~ modern front will h. e iny.,iig01. o11 '/Our pfoperty I"sur· enll . .. RPen nn yti "," h .. Fore /lp.m , 111I'ee hits in thl'ee l1'ips t<;l the to open-then they intend to con- vj\le, who are mqvlng to Beaver.- instAll ed. . anc •• Planolyah will gi .. you . he -~ -, p late to Jead the 'lVinners, with tribute. In other \vOI'ds they wor,t town soon. (omple'. pietur. on ~M ,t."t, No charg e, Com. In or phon~. Mr. and Mrs. Herbel'i.McMillan Ml's. E. F , Earnharl wall the two hi ts apiece by Charley B1ggs. Iielp' c!ose 1948, but they will help ~ Mr7' and Mrs. Helvey Burnet ~uest pf. her daughter, Mn,. J . N.' who is m a king a real !lght for the Inaugurate 1949 . . . someho,\V ,.and MI'. and Mrs. Seth Furnas a1- and childt'en had as Monday eveRobinson, in Dayton . on Thurs- left -field post. and Red Robbins they have confidence in someone tended the Fanner's Club Thul's- ning supper- guests Miss Eva Mc-. ('by evening at a mother and we:igb'ing hea"i\y into the win . . to shouldet; what may be left of ] day at ~e Methodist Church. MJllan of Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. .dAllghter tea at the Hillcrest • • • 1948 bills. if the softball show did ] Waynesville, entel·tattled by Mr. R.ussel Wilson ' and children, Mr. Brelhren Church, Good catchers Il~~ good e ul _ not gross $150.00, Remember the . a~d Mrs. Monls COl'OeIl of ~ay- and IVh:s. Law·~nce . Fumas ~nd ·l; f g Pd theatre gave all proceeds to the ton ' son. Miss McMillan had just re", men t speII th e d )"e1'enoe' 0 goo , U' . I d f . It 'th Nt d AUCTIONEERING plate blocking ... ollr Robbins league. WelI.thanyway tit s sti I Mr. Alfred ltasnakeke an.~\.. sh°n, MIII ' ne M''O'~} aMv~:.'Ulwl . r·Nan h k.n ck d If . I" Dame Rumor at says I . spent most 0 f last we WlI.n er I'll, liCK wu an In ew STANLEY and K GLER , as ' bO' e , 0 sthe~era ",nemy * • • . j.,arents Mr a~d Mrs. Henl'Y .Mexlco and a trip through Call, 20 E. ~ ULBERRY ST . wou ld'- e scorcrs IS season so 1:' . ' • f' d h .. d f f · d ih ; 1 b r ' Another softball ' meeting w:as Belcher of the Towp.shlp Road. 01'018, an s e remame pr an fiR KERS I.I CEN SE L~BANON, OHIO , t~l', and" t~ co U~D el~~~d th held this past weekI with Bc:,b Mr. and Mrs. Belch~ are both overnight vjsit with Mr. 'and Mrs. For Da te s, Phone W:t vnesv i1lc . ' etlen]' k °d" leclhseadS()tnl w tf e very ill at this time. Wilon and family. PHONE 163 '1 ) we-.1 e ·re . ea Ie mas ear- Allen, representing the AmericE'D. . . P I . ( I' , !lq ( , nn. 2, 4 r e verse c )ar.ges . ed cat'*re.r in the Tri-COUllty Legion; John Sackett and Dave Mr. and ~rs. Ve.r non urs ey . ' . . leAgue. Hartsock representing 'Fairll!y had for thell' dlnn:el' gue~ts Sun- : Mr. and. M~·s . Lawrence Sur, Hal'dwal'es and Bob CampbE~11 ilay Mr. and Mrs . Roy Wmks and race..,of Wlhnmgton fonner, reslcarrying Ray Kier's col.ors. The ramily of ~t. Paris. Rev. Joseph dents o( 'near Waynesville are. the consensus of opinion was that a Myel's of Dayton, and Mr. and 1>t'oud grandparents of an eight -leAgue of some 'sorts sh.ould be \VI,rs. James Wical and famiLy. .p ound twelve ounce .son, Parker formed, buL t he method of flnancA large crowd attend~ the MQ- La\;\!rence, hom ,'t o Mr. and Mrs. ing was not arrived at . .. most ther and Daughter Banquet· at Wiliam 'B uckley (Reba Surface) of the above named were of the Ly't1e Chul'ch Thursday eV~lling at ~he McClellan. Hospital 'on mind tha t' playns hereabouts do and enjoyed the .sp1endid pro- i1t1;l . ' not· desire to beeQme stockholdEtJ's gram,consisth1g of readings. 8010,$, - - - - - - - , - -. in the ,league' by ad~cjng abou~ group singing, d~tets, ·a , kio and , Mrs. R. H. 'Hartsock open~ her -$5.00 at lhe comzrlencement of the Ihe .mock weddmg, lee cream h.ome on Tuesday afternoon t.o tlie se~son. with the understanding ! o~ke and coffe e wer e ~erv ~. Arglrnot Bridge Club and several that if any was left there 'would ' Mr. ?nct IY.irs. Speuy Bot.not o~ guellts. Three tables were in p~y be a "split' at the close of the sea'- i Tro;·. r. lind M rs. Frank at'o~vn duri ng llIe afternoon after which ~Otl 1 diffel'ed strongly on that an Palty ~ end nhall of T)pp a delici ous aesse.rt course was
of, Ill:.IJ
';I.. e
Mr. and MrB. ~ sumieU and daughtel1l and Mn. I!latl Hockett attended the meetinl of the Hilarity Club on Sunday at the home of Mr. and 'K ra. Ho..yard GrahallJ. near Harvey.b~. ·
cows '3.00
According to size and condition. All Stock removed promptly. .
Phone Collect
Xeaia, 0 . . 1712 or Wibftintton, O. 2382
Hans~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~g
' Dead .,t-k "'" ~
'3 Oows -3
to 8i.• • and Condition. Can
Xenia 454
Karl D. Dakin Insur~nce Agency
The undersigned heirs of the .estate o.f S. It. Burnett, de(eased~ will sen at public auction at his late residence' · .'. '. Lytle, Ohio ~n ··
SAmRD~Y, MAY 21;
~f' \'v ed.
Auc~r~ ~N
Saturda;y, "~a'~/ ' ~~ '
1 IP.M.
Wilbur N. Sears, Auct.
Harry M. Burnett Russell Burnett ' 'R obert Burnett Ina Longacre Mildred Surface .... Heirs of S. H. Burnett, decease!i.
Terms of sale: ,Harry M. Burnett. Executor ..... ~·''''''""·-,~,,-m-·•.:; of the Estate of S. H. · Burnett. deceased. N. Sears. Aud.
. SERVICE THAT .ATlePiES W'HIO DaFtGo 11: 10 II. • . WI, Dial U'O. WLW CIDeIDDat1 U : 40. Dlat 100. for Our Oatl" Market ft..,.".,_
~~;;:~;;:===::;:;;;::::;:;== ..
LOANS ASSURE YOU . . FU1URE SECURITY . You can repay from farm income. No change in tontract - no renewals. Long Term- 4 per cent
CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to our neighbors and friends for the lovely cards, and f1oWe,rs, and Ellis H. Sturm, Se~- 'Freas. help during th~ sickness and death of ou'r mother, MilS. Charles I.ebanon. O~Jo PhOll. " . Kibler.' Lizzie anq. Luther, Kibler0.-._
Lebanon ' N.'F.LA.
• ..
,Annitage &Son 8A~D aDd 'G RAVEL
~., ow .... , .
.....uf0ll . . . . ....
Ra vin Red Ash Olga. Pocca hontas , .
Millers c'reek
Yellow J~cket
Personal, Property
. The undersigned,~as Executo'r of the estate of S. R. Burnett, deceased, will 's(lll on th(l date mentioned above and at the same location, beginning. at' 1:30 P~' M. the' following c.ha:ttels: 1936 .Chevrolet coach, Frigidaire. Heatrola, ' coal .range, oil cook stove, Maytag electric· washer~ living room , suite, 4 iron beds and spring~, rockers, (hairs, lot dishes and cooking utensils and many articles too numerous to
~i.1bur ..,....
Drqaniu tlo n _ond to Strictly ••II.u on the .... aU around rnarket In tit. ODuntrY_
_ _'1000/'"
A residence property, (onsisting of one llnd 36-100 a£l"es Located o,n Main St, Waynesof land, improved, with a 2 story, 9 room, frame ville, Ohio: ,The househoJd" goods electricity, well, cistern, cellar, coal house and hen house, of HANNAIr,J , HOGERS. -.spring and running 'water in pasture. Wilbur N. ,Sea Auct • ..,..a.,.·•........r.. • been appraised a.~ $5500 ~nd ~ells ' free of ' erms .of sale: a deposit of $1000 on ·day of .Thorn pson & I]~'win;Clerks sale, balance within '·30 days, possession as soon as prop-I.'--"';"'--"'~""""'--""'--~--""':'-""": 'erty is fully settled .for. ' . " " II I
Clnolnnatl Union Stock Vard. Live Wire end Pf'OlIr•••lv •. A"
'Calv a lierStoker /
NOW is the 'time' to place ' otders for coal ~ SAVE :N[ONEY' ~ and' be sure of a full bin next ,unnter . .
GRA.DUATlo,N 'rIME ,• . a big .vent·, In ,.v.ryo,,~'. IIf.. Thl. year'. cia .. wl,1 'lOon b. , ... d"atlli, · and a el\rd .". Jllft . 'rom you to tour fav'orlt. Il'Id~t. will help t~'. ' av.nt· a trul}. memorable oeeaalbn. ' ,?
w. have a lu98 ··.election of "
ACT NOW I PremiUJl\ coal is still in short supply.
Waynesville·.F,anners· Exchange Phol,.2371
: Excellent C~d. and, Gift. (:ome in and ••~ them todaYI
OHllO, 1\1 AY 26, lV49
Tn!! tait n~tt:e K~t ' WAYIH!il~lle
)\I!~teil .on Uti! flying , feet of -tw6
local high school you~, Duke Vickers and Dick Lawson last week-end at 'Springfield, l Ohlo where the former qualified for th. Sia~A trl~ls tbh10tt'oW itt IbiJih .... 111A""'ir cl -'uh and e 220 UJ I&W;r a a yard event. Viaei'll Elnlshed third 11\ t.b~' 100 yatd event, the win1!hle beliji 10:a, whit/! tiap= tu'rlitl the ~l!1.I @v~nt in 23,5. LaVJIOn made a great eUort in his 440 yard ru~ a ' gruelling event, but just faUed to finish in' a qualifyinK poSition. . Baaebail opehtts bi the Trl. County loop thls Sunday wlll be the 'order of the day With much interelt Ill!Jlterl!u 11'1 Wfivne.vUl~ wher~ BoWet8vUle a i1@w elit:ry will hl!lp tho Amitleati Lllglort .Poal d15 liuHlt ltlaUjuai ie IM9 ,lay, lit 3:15 P. M. A preliminarY game between BowersVille Juqiors and Gray's Barbe Sh'op rune wUl commence at 1 P. 1'4: sharp. Plans are in progress for the usual ~inl d.y te.tJ~ltJ(!8 to tAkf! place at 8 P. M. with short address~s IIched\ded for ·Bob Workman, local Legion , Commander; Kenneth RetaUlck, Wayr'i~ Schoo. helld, and of COUl1Je, we hope that Mayo~ HlU'ry Bh~rWb_b\:i ahd tom'mllal'*rer Charlie Joy will see fit to lUend. . . With Allie Carter traveling to Kentucky with his family over Memorial Day the locab will relt 011' Dahtly Blmpaott l!rst base'U . t
A Waynesville Booster
Serving .Wajnesville Since 1850 ' .
·On News Stands: Sc
Memorial Day Program P~anned Th. annual Memorial Day proiram at the Mlatrt.l Cemetery will present Father ThomSil Bod/I, S,M., presently heading the Religion Depari*nent, . ?niversity of ~ayton 'lind a formel' U , C;:ommander in the ' United Stateii '<> 6 N avy, 19""-. )I'llther ~odiG, servl:d aboard the U.s.S. Cioll.ltnlns, Thli vella!!l ~ef ' I ""Iuiqbli '" J d ' ceIved·~e . .,. ,resi d.ert11S for merltorru~ service at Lingayen, Gulf. Prior to enter41g the ~rvlel!, FatJ:ler Bodie ":BS Supermt~ndent at Sit. JldU11J Qrphanage. Broo~lyn, . . The subject of his address wUl be "Fro~ a Dead Memolial Day to a . LlymillMemorlal Day, Pa,s t and Future. -Con~ratutatlon8 (Jradslll!Ceht house guest ot Mr. and M rs, Robert L, O'Regan was F~t1ter JUhti J: GUihmmli, now of Sf. i!ugb's Realdr; In l'hIladelphis. Fath\lr Cummins lind Mf, O~egan were t~gether with t~e 'army of ,occupallan in Korea m 1946-47. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Hartsock, MISses JeAlf 1I_lld Jane Jiartsock and MI'. and Mh. Wilton .Hartsock enjoyed a pi_ic dinner Oit, Slrt1tii':Y at. the home of Mr, and Mi's. Owell! Hill'tBbtoiJ(, . lIlss Jeal\ ~ckey bl MJdletoWI1 was a weelt eritf. guest. bl UtI! Harry Satterth.walte flU11lly. Mr. and Mrs. William' O'Banlon and famllY , re~ntly vi~ited relaUva at Sugar Tree Ridge. lb. and Mrs. Charles Ahderson leEt on Sahirday ob, a ,vaca-
Mr, g~d Mrs. Henty Finck have' moved to tlMr new home in Beavertown.
A COpy
[Twenty-six·.Seniors Receive Diplomas Su_er ·Re~reation. .Program . Planned
W.S.c .S. MEETS AT HOME ' OF MRS. GLEN BORD~N • L Mrs. Glenn Borden was hostess Dr. and Mrs. A: E. Stout rmd to the Woman'~ S ociety of Chrisdaug1u~, were Saturday evening ~ -g'an Ser'vice at her' home on ...If d Wal guests ' of ,J,..i'·hUlldn Mr~. C. ~1' Bob ' O,'~~gail, Chairman of the Thursd'ay afternoon May 19th. Klayer and c ' ren. tn mcm- Youth Qlrj:unittee (JI ,the Civic M rs. Carlton Cook condw:ted the 08tl. ..M~ ts t ha t pans I 'CI1.Ib, 'r..,r.F' are ,m ov- buslhess' meeting and Mrs. B erE1izalieUl Ellvn Madott, daugh- Ing fo d. for the commlmce- nard Baughn gave the lesson tel' of Mr. abd Mrs, Iilvnett ·Mar- meJ}t 0 plj[Y~I'ound program topie "Coopel'atioh in buil,ding a lolt, played in the pia riO reoltal at fo!: lthe er mortths at both Chr is tian America ." A review o{ the Art Institute 'on Sund~y at. the gra ~chop1 and high school the district meet ing a ~ the South tp,rOQon, whell, Mt·s, Mar~e Marks 81'000&1 . Wltll . stuq!,!nts of all P ark Methodist Church in Daypl'eserit€!d he r pupils. school aifS eltgible to parti ci pate. ton was given by Mrs. Mert Mr. and Mrs. . 'ted Brsdo dck Expecta:tl to start June lSi, the Bah·d. The 'officers appointed for and children had as Sunday dln- pt:Qgram 11 be administerE!d by the coming yeal' are as follows: ner guests, Mrs. Ada L. rusk of E!dtvitl orter, head' coach, President, Mrs. Cal·ton Cook; tj'4fXfi9, Mrl\' Wilh e1mina Under- Waynesv , 'High School. 'Addi- Vice President; Mrs. , Kenneth wood iuld Mr. Albert Russell of Uonal InformaUon will appear in Hough; Treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Wilmington anu ' MI'.s. , Frank. 'l_ext weeJC'!s Miami .Gazette as to Davis; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Braddock. ' tlmos and dates of the prog~iilm. M. D. Baird; ColTesponding SecMr. G. H. Cook of ClUcagp, 'rhe c~c Club bas already relary , Mrs. Glenn Borden; Seclliltlolg III th.o guest of his sis ter, donated .00 to the upkel!t: of rclary of'Spirituili Life, Mrs. ~ilDI·. MaJ\y L. Cook, . the prog and O'Regun pomts bert Frye, SecI'etary of Supplies. Mr. and MFs. J . J. aUl!slce lIe- out (nat' e committee··of .All Po- Mrs. Jennie Conner and A~rla ~qmpanjed 'theit daughter, ~~ linsky, awycl', !ed-eofto.ver Braddock, s,ecretary of MrsslonMarilyn BUJ'ske, back to Bowling and . J~. Jon.e~ ':"111 <\ppreclate a ry EducatIOn, . ~rs. C~leman; Green Uni.versity on Suilday' af- 1';C!!1:Vll11f addltlonal dona,tio~s Se?retary of Chr~st~n SocI~1 ~eteruool1J ahor she had enjoy~ Hl?m to pe~.ple who ~ay s~e In lation s and ChTlsllan Activities, the II ekend at hornll thiS plan aid to-ellnunate lUV- Mrs. Howard Drummond, Secre' e .' . ' enIle ' de quency, plus giving tary of Literature and Supplies, • Mr': Leo Clea~~r of Mlnneapo~ youn8'i~ .a wonderful 0PPOI:tUIl- Mrs. peorge Henderson, Secrchs" jffil1nes~ta , IS a guest of his Ity to ~ summer mOl}tru; Un- tary of W.S,C.S ., Mrs. Walter bfether, .MI., Alberl cleaver and del' good dance. ' Whitaker, Mrs. Ray' Conner, Mrs. wlti:!, ?resen iIans for tinancial as- Marjorie Shenk and Mrs. Ralp~ - Congratula(JtrJjs OradeSi8iance y include a door-to- A.l£oqi. . ' door . can ss ' by school children Delicious I:efres~ents .were • id ,~ • • r future, to d,efray, served by the hostess an4 her .eqUip ' lind salary expenses. committee, Mrs. Chas. Koogler, Oqnatl any amount will be Mrs. Carlton Cook, Mrs. Lloyd
Maa" P{ogress
=~t':,':;,!~~dw~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ -:!t~~!:::~v.~a~ Robbins under the bat. , with. their son, Mr, Ha~ld /Ul-
'College 'Presiden t Addresses Group"
Twenty-six seniors .received diplomas at ceremonies at the WaynesviUe JIigh Scl,1ooI Tuesday evenlng. . Special awarqs were presented to Bob Hastings, Eula Hoak, Eileen Brown• . and Robe.t't Hunter. Hastings 'received the Avon The students have been workAhg hard during the past few weeks Music Awarq for his w,o rk in the to eam Ilwal'ds for thell' yregg band lind , Eula Ho~k ~eceived a A.cWeve men t Albums before . the ~econd music award. Donald Gahrls. music " irlS~r~ctol" made close of the school year. The Gregg Examining Board in lhe presentations. New York City has Issued the • Supt. Retal)jck j;lrese~ted the vali~clorlan, Eileen Bt'own, tmd. follOwing awards. ' Junior Order of Al'titslc Typ- t he sa lutatorian, Robert Hunter, to llie a udience: Miss Brown re- , ists Certlficates: ceived a meda'i and certificate Dods Woollard award for her a<;hiev ements, and Carl 'Coppock the Good Citizenship Award of Marilyn Hammond the Turtlecreek Twp. D. A R. James Scheetz Hunter was awat'ded a medal for ' J'oa\Ule Watkins JUs work. . Wilma Gray . The gradua tion adcb-ess was deEarl Powell llvel'ed by ,Dr. Samuel ~rble; . Donald Rye president of Wilmington College. Donna J. Borton Marble told the group that "'young Mary Ann Burton people :will neVi!r J)e bigger than Martha Lukens 6O-WQrd Shorthand Speed Certlf- their 'bl~gest idl!8S." JIe stated tluit man's . talents Icates: are regulated by heredity and enDoriS Woollard viroJ1.!Tlent, but that throu~h 'the Joanne Watkins adaptioh of ideas an ideals, man Jo ARn Dickenshee1a CQuld shape hJs course in the Barbara Hartsock world. "Make Pl'rfection your Competent Typist Certificates: . Net Words per minute rule," he :urged. . JuQ.y Conner ..... ....................: ....52 John Gons, prc!1ldent pf the ,Maxy Lynne Drew '...........i .. .. ~. .. .46 Board of Education, ptc.sentcddiMary Schetz ................ ,.................42 plomas to the group. . J .;..conaratulatJoD8 Gl'adaCarl Coppock .......... ~ ........~........ .,.36
Business .Students Receive .~wards.
Dav~~ra~~tl!!rti~t~8~· . =.~t!=~:.:::::=::::=:::~, DODbl~B.der .
" .. t. - 'r, ';' ...... ' le"'-r was', pre The Rambow Advisory CouncU Stella L. Creech: ....- ..... _.......,.......33 _ ' TOe .meetlng of ,me; 4YUe . ,UN ''''' . • thI Best new. of the week. fo date: d erson and Chilclr.e n 'in Wasbin . g- K,itche~.Kooker8 was h;'Jd, at the -ted Uon r~ the Iield their re!lllar: mon Y meet- James Scheetz ................. _.....:._..33 .1...1...... ..1.1& ' \ ..... . 1948 .oftbell o~"" ba~ toq._ • lrolH4! II Vana lIUSlt':=-Tif~~rtt!Il ra 0 '-lth. ~g 0 ~111~ 'the oiUiDe waudns .......,.:::::._.......... utluua1 uD I'!""~,.l""':~':-· .. . ,....I'It"1I11!11~I'II1I1f7: • 0 May; 19, at 7: 90. 'l'h~rG WG,e elev~ ~" S. Ellis, Waynesville, Is presi. paSt week at the bome'of Mr. and Dods Woollard ....................,..........33 . the remainder- of t e 'bills are 'in' Indoetrlnatlon Ser·. en members and Olle guest prell- dIInt of the Board. "( Mrs. Harold Wertz. June Ward ..... ~ ..., ..............:..., ......SI Baseball Sunday aft:crnoon .. . ~e , mail 19 ;Falt'ley's, Cin. vice Friday, June S, 2 p.m. at· tho ellt. " . , May l2,. 1.149 The discussion 'p eriod WBS' Charles Hammer ......................_..31 that's the order of 'thc day this
~ Cp., Dayton Power & Light, Frlellds 'Church. (Story neJ[t It was decmed to sell popcorn, . To: arrelit CQwdy Agencle5; Or- given to remarks on the tJu:ee Marllyn Hammond ....................:~O weekend, with a double-header and WaynesviUe Fanner's EX-: wee~. ) " pop and candy at the Burnett 'g aniiatlons, Groups and/or In- farm progrnm,~ now before l~gtS- Shorthand .Complete Theory Oer- scheduled at the local high school Little Roier Lee ,Stewart' of tcrested Individuals. 'latu.r e and Are Hard Times tiIicates: , grounds ~ommencing at 1 P 'M. ..,.. change ... thanks a lo~ to aq of you kind ' gentlemen for never Unloll City, Indiana \VIIs ~ week sale Saturday, May 21. ' b.1 h d From: Warren County Board-"of- Ahead?" The subbject ~0J: June Jo Ann Dlckeosheets with Gray's- Barber Shop nille , n, let- end dUest o· Ws gtandpa " renis The next meet,ing will .el Hfta'iL. was also mentioned, "What a Barbara Hartsock clashing with Bowersville a~d havinll aent one threaten! • [ at the hanle of Eveanha and R",- ~ ,"'. Wf W h h tkin ter about non-payment:. ~. and Mrs. H. L. Itye, Mr. a n . 11 J 1 7' SO Publil: He'a lth Councils or Com- Farmer's i e is ort to er Joanne Wa . s again at 3: 15 P. M. whim the Pride of the Yankees clrew, Mrs. Rye returned with him on berta Bwm~ . IlM .·1 at . , mittees. ara being formed hi Husband? Senior Order of Artistic Typists American Legion Pos t 615 ~_ counting indiv~dual donaUons, S,u nday and were dinner guests ' I many Ohio Communities. T.nese. The' coun~l adjourned t? 'meet CediEiclites: augutates its 1949 T!·~-Count.y $139.00 and Ihis, .coupled with of their son-in-law and daughter, The Betsy Ross 4-H Club met Countih or Co,runittees are com- with )\Ir. and Mrs. R. G. Mtller in Judy Conner, League ' schedule with Bowers'money , on hand, enabled· your -M!': a-nd Mrs. BQIlIIlan Stewart. l Friday, .May 20, 1949 at 1(:30 p.m. posed of l'1Ij)resentatives J'rom June,. and during the social hour Phyllis MaJ:tiD. ville. The visitors are new entruly and George MiUer to 00Mr. and Mra. Edward Bunnell at the Harveysburg S~hool Ho~e VQJ'ious agencie organlzatilons, delicious strawberry shortcake Wanda Tinney tries to tlle lea"lue and little is lilD the final checks. Th!mlits to are llloving tbls weeJc ·hom Economil:lI Room With Loul~e groups and/or inier~stl:d individ- and coffee were served. Mary Scheetz known of their strellgth,. 50 tJte - .Congratulatlons GradsMary Lynne Drew locals will start their strongest AI Polinsky _and Phll Workman, Wa1'llcsvlllo 'to ' Lbo propert)' dt Mastel's, asslstunt advisor, ml uals endeavoring to Improve the "who re-~Qqated their door prize. the. late ' li:mma LUcy bere iit c~~rge and Martha Lukehs pre-I per,lOnal health and the en,viron~ ' Mr. and Mrs. Max Mar\.sl;lck. a~Jerry Walton possjbl~ lineup.. ~ . ~wards .•. .ev~ry bl,lck helps. '. Lytle. Sldlhg. . mental sanitation of their Com- tended ' the Spring Valley Hlgh Eula Roak Opemng day exerCISes are Last Monday's 1949, softball We regret that an In!lux o( A previous meeUn~ had ~@'ett !nUllity. Such an organization was School Alumni dinner art! dance -Co;tgratulaUons Gradeplanned with short ,a ddresses by mee~g at 310~ truly's . h~me news this week 'caused lbe om. heItl whe,n the followmg offl~ers formed in Clinton County ap- Saturday ev~g. LV~LE PASTOR RESIGNS Robert Workhtan, ,Ioca;t Post d~dn't proceed ~ery f;u- ... wi\h mission' of some llems. All storloo; were elected:. Martha Luke~s, pro'ximately 18 months ago. The ' Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Edgington Rev. Joaeph Myers of Dayton, Cdmmahderi Mayor Harl'Y Sheronly. few budks in the treasury I ld til b ' next week. preSIdent; Betty Bogan, vlpe efforts ahd active support of this entertained to dinner o.n Suilday 'I1UU reslguet,l 88 pastor ot t!Je wood; Marshal Char.Ies Joy; and . there was no general agreement Ie w e run presid~l)t; ,Helen ,l'latr sock, secre- newly Ior med council 8l'Sumed an evening, honoring their little son, J. ytle Oburch, effective Juno 1. Kenneth Retallick, Wayne School as to this year's finances except . I. taL:.v; Joan~e:.Snuth, treru:urer; important part in securing II 70 .Mark, who was celebrating hl~ Nett Sunday. MIQ' 29.' bo head, I LoIS Luken", neW$ rep?I~I , and bed modem bospital to be erected third bidhday. The 'dinner guests Rev. Myer's last Sunday at Lytlo , that no one Individual wanted to ~houlder the Durtfen of , guaran- j r ' d6 Edythe RicJ:ard, Shirl,ey in W~lmington, Ohio. in the very Mrs. Earl Hockett, Mrs. . , .,.,,.n mI" Sch~enherr, recreaUon l~ader.s,. near future. . _ _ __ _ Sadie Reason, Mr. and .Mrs. Church. He Is a very ablo min· ~oC>"--"------"'-~~-~-~~ teeing payment of bills through~ out the yelK..Jt was noted by sev- ;-Mrs. 'Clo:tl\. Snively and ' Miss Nlflele~n members, utclu d Merilbel'S of the Warren'COImty Rhodes Bunnell and daughters, I'tcr and ~vel'yone regrets hIs eral of 1he managers; that players Snively of Yellow Sp,rlnge, called several new . ~emb~rs, answe~e Advisory Health .Council at its MI'. and. Mrs. P. L. Reason, Mr. leavlll!;. : I alre~dy contacted ,w ere not of a on Mlijses Annie , and r.lnme the roll call WJth the name 0 a l'egul~l' yeal'1.y meeting in Mluc4 and Mrs. J. B. RI~h and SUI! Ann Rev. Myers bas bl..'en a wrJler mind to oreate a fund that would BrOWll . and Miss Bertha Brown ·~amous. . ha" • b th 19411,. uppoifiltell the War'i: ~n Ramby with the host" hostess' an,d on the starr ot Lbo Dayton Jour· pay 1I1e bills : .. neither was any It . was dllclde8 to . ve 0 Co.unty Health BOard to . act :as a the honor gl,1est. . .. nai·Herald (or uevoral Y,oa fS • . informaUon ,oUe'~d .L that individtr- on Monday an. doi sew .lh.g ,dubs. · , AU committee for the p ..- rnose Of Mr.' and Mrs. Stanley H. Balley - Congratulations Grad8~ : Oliveafternoon. Curl. IB IlpelLdlng n cookmg b b .L .. • 1 sponsors would lllle·to assume mem ers p an to JOIll 0", groups. sponsoring a ll;leeting or repre- were host and hostess to the West. all of ~e possible debts. so here's week with her tr'lend Mrs. Nel,lie Mr~. Masters Is goi~g to order sentatives (I'om agencies, o~g,ani- Warne A~vlsbry Council 'on Fri- "MASQNS TO ,MEET Madden jn Clarksville. project b\loks for. the members. zations groups ' and/or individu- day evening at the irbome. 'Fo1Waynesville Lodge No. 163, F. , the answe', lIIi see~it .. · Mrs. Lel\h Mills spent 'Sundl\Y :The grou~ decld~d to attend als interested in the imprpve- Jowing the business session, Mr. lind A. M., wili hold a special , Until some plan is of!ered tha~ wiU, guaran~ 'Payment. of ne:c- at lhe ··bome .,f bel- Bon. Mr. the HarveysJ)urg Friends Church t of Health and Sanitation in Gilbert Frye ,conducted the dis- meetJng on We9nesday, June I, at esSuy biu.,1I1ere can not be .any Wlt1lam Strouse and wUe In on Rural Life Sunday. Mrs. Mas- : : ; County, , cU5sio~ on the question, "Are 7:30 p.m. organized softball league. ,Now LyUe. tel'S aunounced the dates <:If the It is proposed that .~ mecrling Hard Ti.ines AheaQ?" AIter a A Craft bom Lebanon Chapter d"n't with that."nhnce . , . Mra. Ella DakJn returned on Cou~ty . 4-H, Club CalJ,lp., The be hehl at 8:00. P. M. on JW:le 8, pleasant evening together the No.5, Royal Arch Masons, wlll be read 00 '; •• If Bob Campbell, Bob Tuesday ' from Miami 'Valloy Hos· meeting ' was followed by mter-jl949 hi the' auditorium of the councn adjourned to meet ~t the present to conlc.r the l;tM. de.... est\ng games. , Court House located in Lebanon, home of Mr. and ¥rs. Gilbert s rcc on one candldate: ADen, D",ve Hartsock and JOM pltat, She Is ateadlly Improving. ..... .,..e ~.:. tt ea . cb wan ted a ~-.:. Mr11· L a~rence J aco..,. .-~ was a Ohiol ' You are urged to Iattepd FrYe in June, a.nd d urlng the Refreshments will be served ... .....m to. "" Miss Margaret Edwards with play each other four times h~r Ilepbew, Dr. Gale, 'Russu,m. guest at t he me~ting. . ' this meeting. . socilll hour,' refreshments wore after the meeting. All Masons livf( ~he sharp thrust (wlUch they intimated they and famllY of Dayton bad a The n~t meehng will be ~eld Providing there is sufficient In;- ~erved by the host and hostess. ing in th~ community are invited wanted) 8J)d they played but pleasant trip ThurBdaYllr~ernoon at Har~eysburg School Ho~e terest in this proposed Council it Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. ~:arn~ and urged to attend. bow EconomICS Room, Wednesday, 'IS desired that a permanent C')uD- hart and daugh-ters ,of Trotwood -Congratulations Grads,two nights ",eekly. it would ' ; 1 L_ to Hillsboro, where lbey attencl ed M 25 19449 t 1 ao utr total twin ve .w~.... an &SItique show 10· !be Armory ay , a. : p.m. cil will b.e organized dU.r.m g this,' were Sunday. evening Mr supper The Methodsit Church will obd treq e aI te ..L,o~ ' twe_.1w..'e re6~r , ' sea. initial ml:!eting to . function .,as a guests of their parents, . an slIrve Memorial Day Sunday. May o comp e f son and anotfte§r two O)fdohbolm.e °b! fhonner Go:v. Ttorlmtbhle The 'Waynesville Sew So 4~ County-wide coordinating body Mrs. E. F. Earnhart. 29th at 10:30 A. ~. to end the playoffs ... also there . 0 o. w c was open e H Club met Thursday, May 19, concerning all. Health and SaniRell. and Mrs. S. N. Keys and The choir will furnish special ,... h h wquld be. ari ~Xhibf~an gllple each ~ubllo for a lew 'days. with Mrs. Iqontz in ·cliarge, and ' tation p)~blems ' or proposals children had as week end gU!!sts ' music and the MltUlIter Rev. R. US'(. lip t At " ' ~unday: evenih-&, With.Bob Allen, Gov. ' Trtmble ' 'Was. one ot Lbe Ann Rogers, presIding., . arising in Wlirren County. ' the . latter's litother-In-Iaw. ~nd B. Coleman wlll' preach 1I1e Me~ scheduling the beat teams in and earlier governora ot.' Ohio, and Officers were electe4 for the Warren County Board of H(!Illth sister, Mr.. and Mrs. WII~lam morlal sermon. ' , 0 '~~'\ around , tIiJs .rea (be hldicated later 'hiS bome ' W88 ocoupled by year. Those 'e lected include: Board Members Clark and baby son of Mansfield. A very cO}'dialinvitatlon Is ex.!I0Urr~ maJz- .0 ;'~l.; . that be woUld fie to <to bls daughter. ~rs. Tbompson. WUhelmlIia BraddOCK, president; .s. S. EIl1s • . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Or(loob BrO tended to our soldie.r s who may I'hat). THEREFORE, at the ,av- ' w~o waa the ·"Motber. Tbo.mpson" Doris Brown, vice president; Ann, , James H. "Arnold, ·M. D. annoullclng the 1Hr~b or, a grand· desire to atLend. ' · ·f e-.fag'e ,rate ·of ·$13.00 per evening' of orusade 'days' fame. Rogers, secre~-treasuror, John Holden son \.0 Lbeir daughter and Bop·ln· -Congratulations Grads(the amount It required last year ' and Donna Hadley",new!i teporlDr. Jean Nock ' law. 'Mr. ~l1d Mrs. Marlon W. NOTICE OF MEETING . . . .$9.00 ,Umpires:' $3.00 Lights new equiPment as required cr. ' . ' C. W. Bercaw BOlVers of Lebal\on, Rt. 1. ~at.ur· The annual meeting of the Lot and ,2.00 for One Ball) It would (buea, lights, fuses, lime, seoreThe wor:k for the coming swn':"CopgratulatIOD~ Grads-day, May 23. at Lbe JoIlddle\.own Owners of the Miami Cemetery cost ~.OO on • minimum acale,I books and advertlJling). THERE- mer· was ,discussed. The baJlk IUId mOllt. ~acoB of HORplta1. Tbe young man's name Association will be he1d the , with probably another. $lSO.OO re- FORE, at leat. $700.00 is obliThe next meeting will be hteid business ' will be oloaed Monday. II! l\onalll Leo- a.nd be wel8hted cemetery offiee on Monday, June quired for maintenance ICrVicea gated . • • if not by the players at the home of Doris Bro'~ ( oz, on arrlve1. ' (performed by Mr. Clark) and and SpoJI801'II, by WHOM?I Thur5day, May' 26 at 1 Po ,m. May ,0. Ye~ol1al Day. 8 IbR. out! 6, at 8 p.m. 525-2t _, • • __ , _ _ _ _ ', _ ••
*.. .
'" of-a ship's .rolls up ribbons of white water. II! !te UHlter and
In9 he(ldway.
'WaYDesVi·0e Lumber a'nd Supply
The ·MiUni Gazette
leghorn chicks 10 I had ruied the hundred wl1b barred Publflhed every Thunday at Waynesville, WarreD One hen didn't like the Count7. Ohio, chJc~ .and pecked every one A FARM DIARY came near hel' and another didn'li like tl)e black onu;· It was warm. Theodora E. Conover ........ ........... ...... Editor & ' Publisher 'BY D. J. FRAZIER In the brooder house and the !dna M. Conover ... ~'......... ....... ..... ............ ... Alssociate Editor IIIAY 20. 19411. Corn Plantln, chicu ran around without paymatter at the postofiice at time. Everywhere you look the ing much attention to the heM . d I Entered .. .eeon e 888 corn planters are going or the until nigM came. I went out there W.,nuvUle, Ohio. ground is being disked and made about dark and 8uch ~ cluckiTli: lICIlurrVU: Mull 14:3I.u, LuU .. ,»-at. ready for corn. They brought our and talking and yipping as iliere DmVOTIONAL. !lZADrNO; "a:tlb... Subscription Rate: $1.60 per year. in Ohio; $2.00 per sweet COlll seed for the cannery wa, but finaUy I found two more - ,ear ebewhere. the. other day and we are try- hens, so' that I had fo"ll' hens lot. ing hard to get the field in befote the hundred chicks and got them the next ' rain . A bare brown aU setUed aoWn peacefully. C!C_ - ; - - _ The chief . trouble with thl.!l LeUoa for "8:Y II, lNt field that has not been worked down is not so beautiful but the system. ,compared "With a propel' SHADOW over Geth.emane soft, brown earth that has been brooder system is that ·the hen!! u deep. We can .carce]y aee worked till the crust is broken lnterfere with the' feeding of thEl and it lies there lightly ridged chicks. ' They have thai inborn the tortured flsure under the moon"ItOM oua FILES uncuccessful search, he gave up where the disk has left its marks urge to scratch, scratch. and ovel1 Ut oUve trees. It - Jelu.· cloaen MAY 27,1931 hope of evar finding it. . Is a lovely thing to look ·at. It goes th~ feeder: Sqratch sorat'ch friench. In t hat bour. were st.ranlLast week, wrole working in suggests all sorts of possibilites and th.e clabber goes In all direc.. era 10 bis 1I0ul, we her y;al'd, Mrs. H. E. Stokes 'un- and the 'color and the texture tions. But they are 'getting a Ionu cannot dare 10 penearthed a ring in which was inorE! beautiful , like.. beautiful very well. There were only Ont~ etrate all the aec. MemorIal 017 plane, an lD or two mild hen battles and last rets of ,that c.ha:r,e of the Firemen's olub, scribed the word, "Simp." which, carpet. The other day I rashly bought night the two hens that hav4! hour. Yet while we ara abput complete, Those hav- Raymon says proves . without a doubt, its ownership. . a hWldred baby chicks before I been setting, ~tching turkey cannot know all. inl flowers to donate will please 'h ad the brooder ready for the", eggs, side by ~d~, for; the last • e CAlI ' k now four we.elts, settled down side blf enoulh; enough to · take. them to 'the Township house At a ' called meeting of the and such a time as I had. The side to brood chloks. I 'am hope- IUP'POI't us In our early ' Sliturday morulng where W.ayne~ Township trustees, L, H . first e.vening I set up a .. ring of in. g that by having dark own time of dark. Dr. Foreman ' /u,'''.,.·· .1 IUISS and of paill. the committee, Mrs. H . .E. Hath- Gordon was appointed clerk ~o low chicken wire and covered and turning them out with hens Mark UlIes very etrong' lanaualo away, Mrs. Edith Harris and Mrs. fill the vacancy caused by the it over wltb a blanket and fed to tak,e eare of them that I can to deacrlbe the .tate of-JeBus' m.lnd S . .... El~on will Teceive and arand gave th~m their first drink Rill- them. res~ gnatlon of J. O. Car twright. of clabbered milk and let them .cut my losses when I let them In Geth.emane. The two Greek COIlveyances will lie at t h e , . run around all evening warmed out. For the last few years it has words he uses, tranalBted in the MI'II. W . E. Cornell !s recover· by an . eleclr ic light. Then I put hardly paid ine ~ raise chickls Kin. Jamea verstolf "sore amazed" poltoffice comer from 1:30 to 2 o~c:loC;k and . those . . having no ' ing at the McClellan Hospital in them back in their box and cov- we lost so many when we let and ''ver.y he81ry," are translated them out, foxes, crOWli', haw~:1 by the Revised Stanard VerSion mnns of transportation, Who Xenia from injuries suffered ered them up. 'they quieted and other varments took almost "areat]y dJatres6ed and troubled;" wah to attend the exercises at Sunday morning when shp. was down and it was late the next b7 Goodapeed, "d I • t r e • I . aDd dread;·' by Moffatt, ··appalled and the cemetery will be taken over struck by an automobUe while mor nlng before they began to half of them. I was surprised the other dalV '1I1y.ted... As our hymn .OYII, ' and brought back. Raymon Hat-c.rossing the highway at her home sUr around and demand food . fJ~1d w1ll prealde at the cere:- three miles . north of Waynes- The brooder house was to have when a good chicken man said, ''We know not bow. we can. "Oh, my, no. Don't give chic k S ' not 'teD mon1... ville ,on. Route 42. been moved and wired for elecclabber. It will kill them." I hav4e What palna Be bad 10 bear." tricity but due to many things raised many good chicks that and tractor trouble it hadn't never tasted water until thelV Still, we do know ot 1I0me ot the \ In 1925, an yean ago, Raymon Mrs. T. S. Hard in and son, been done so I' decided to lise burdelUl which welalled eo terribly Hatflelcl lOCal acbool teacher and Lansing, ,returned home from some hens that we had were quife well grown and the on Jelm' mind and' beart that 1nIw:an~ .,ent,. 100t his normal Kentucky. Mond;lY where she amount of clabbered milk they lIl'bl ~J ~ rin" which 'he prized was called by the serious ing turkey eggs. We had put the can get away with is amazin@:. . very Iqhly. IAfter a diIllgent but and 'd eath of heT mother. ...... """ ., poults ~th a turkey lien who They seldom have digestive Power of Darkness ~~~~~~~~~~i55i5i5s5~5555~5~5~ hatched about the same ·time and troubles if. they have plenty o,f NE 'l'BING that must bave I the hens seemed resUess and clabber' but aweet milk doesn"t troubled qur Lord 'was lack of disappointed and so I took them seem' to be so good for th~ITI, to the brooder house and put some 88y because it dD,esn't sta:y aympathy. Peter. James .and John them 'with ~ chicks, I hadn' t sweet and the chanse isn't good were 'comfortably asleep. evIdently without the slightest Dotion of what been able to Iget enough b~wn for them. Perhaps .partly j;oureod be wu lutfll'lng: But there was wor.e than lack Df sympathy. 80me· milk isn't so good for tliem. Yesterday I came out of the where In the dark ' city one Df LyUe 'Market an.d looked across .le.uI· lupposed friend.. the man Judal, waa even then slink· the street III1d there were some c81led In, tbroulb the alleYI with murder beautiful yellow flowers there I hi. heart. went across the street to look 1 _ weD ~ wha' ,.,.. III them. :There was one of the mO!lt Itor'e ~or bini. Be \mew the 8..,. beautiful displays of roses I have beclrlll _a14 lIaD him • bl•• eifel' seen,about a dozen plants pltemer, be ialew wh.l tile just covered with lafle perrel:t ........ 11'0lIl4 .do wlib hbu, rDses, yelloll\' and shades of yeUnee they ... &heIr hancla on blm. Wo,.. thaD t.hla mWll ow and red. I atopd th.e re and baye beea UIe vap, Rille or looked and looked. l'here w,asn'Pt t8llate. . ." anyone there tD tell 'bow ' ~uch '''1 would, bAt ye would not," he I enJoyt?-d them 80 will say .it WNf th~t clIt~ HflIt or youn now. Mr. Hopkins ~ som.e had ,aid In teare to thla very ci ty : beautiful Dutch iris and yeUow a olt, full at enemies ~ho sbould 1'"lUdl~_ Vuu'we ejlmed it . cliain tree that la unusual and have been Ilia 1rlendl, of unbelievers no mould have believed. · e olty light. ~~ pretty. I belleve that everyone he 4ml'R\! 'hI' "Ylllblll~ loved, but . which had D.othlng 'vho has a · beautiful display of fOr him but thomll an:d a cross. • • yllo " 'ill I'.,II,!('I ht'r'Wttll'r. flowers la beneflUng not only stay on the road • All thia wa. 0l'I JeauI' heart that yuu :II ""t'ri.." '111111' IIIU .... tllllll himself but the whole comm.un-' 1Il&h~ a. maDY Ch.rlsti8llJ be· ity. Waynesville and Lytle gar'- UevB. tar more. One of the moat and we '\I promise not IIII~ 'lIk .... "I ,., .... !l1'''''''lIlui" dens usually . have something pcofaund Chrlatia'b thinker. hal ,retty to look at,. especially thellr 1U"eated that the heaviest. moat " aadow on lelUl' white YfOrry about you pretty vegetable gardens with painful .oul __ the I8DIC of CUIlt, not hi. their neat well hoed rows. Even OWl! but for tha ·.Ina of the world. "cabba,es are beautiful", If you • • • ~now how to look for bea.uty. III... and the ~,.,I RECORD C1!TCH ·+.f.ERE JESUS PRAYED. E~ In the , . A record catch w~ landed Ilt cool 'Prlnl night' hla forehead "Vl1av'nel>vIlUe's Cold 'Springs ' Lal<~e _. covered wltl\ s",ell,t, 1alllnI to of Ye'l- GwI rocky Ifound llke drlppUnc k Ern Ie White Iast wee. . ' bJoo4. NeYer 'role prayer 1rom a I low Springs,. caught. 7!f.a pound , more tortured heart. And what the largest 80 ·far th~s came of it? In one lIellle the prayer J~''''IA'---II ;y~e~;ar;;'-. -i "record" fish bit on a _. not anlWered. The ~!lP did not
Prayer in Pain
Perhaps You Remember
ST. AUGUSTINE aruRCH ' Fr. R. H. KrumhQlb, Pastor
Masses METHODlST OIUROI . R.B. Coleman, Minister Cfiurch School . 9 :30 a.m. J. J. Bursle, ·Supt. . ~orShlp and Sermon 10:30 a.rn. Special Music . Chotr Yo uth Fellowship Sunday . 6:30 P.M. Choir PractIce Thursday 7:45 ~M ST MARY.S EPISCOPAL • , Samuel N. Keys, Rector Church 'School 9:i5 A.M. . W hi 3 A M Mornmg ors Ii til: 0 . .
8 and i 0 a.m.
MT. HOLLY ME11fODlST T. M• Scarff · , MI.'" n~,er Sundav School 9:30 I.m. . E.A. Ean,hlrt, SuPt. Worsblp service to :30 a.1D. !vening Service 7!30 p.m. . ____ \ . CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS Rey. Dayld 'St.anfleld, Minister Sunday School to ....
. ttL., U'I1CA Eo U. 8. aIUIlaI
·Rev. \;Vllliam Shannon Sunday School 9:10 I.m. Mrs. James Garrison. SUDt. Preaching f.St 'and 3rd SundlYS' each month 10·:301.m. evening Services 7:30p.m. .
FRIENDS r YTLE MEfiiODIST 9:30 a.m. muRat . First bay · ~choQI Meelinl!' for Worship . ' Dr. J~h Myers. Mtnlster . fO:30 a.m. Sunday ~I \ 9:30 Lm. , Mrs. ~uth Slylot. ~ WA¥NESVILLE Worsbip Serv~ to:30 I;~ CHURCH OF CHRI$f RERRY afURai OF (HUT M. H. Coffey. Minister Byron Carver, Minister Bible .School • 9:30 A.-M. Bible Scl100l 9:30 I.m. Morning W~rshlp 10:30 A. M. MOnllnr Worsbip 10:30 a.m. YOUJl~ People's 6:45 P. M. PrajerMeetlnF.: 7:00 p.m. Eve ning Ser~ice 7 :30 P. M Young People s Meet"'r PBr~lel r sMeedhn g and , 7:00 ID e tu y Wed., 7:10 PM. Bvenln, SefYlces 7:30 P."
Shirley Cop)IOtk One Of Thirty Accepted For Youth Training ~
ulations 'GLASS -OF 1949
Shirley Coppock, Jt. 2, Wayn. WAYNESVILLE LOCKER esville, is one of SO yoiJng' people WINS AWARD accepted for admission to a vol " unteer training unit of the Church of the Brethren, to be Howard' Brown, Harvey Burconducted lit ·New. Windsor, Md., nett and Mr.s. France. Gni,..tbeginning June 20. • tended fhe 'Ohio Food . Lockers' Those who enter ilie unit are Association meetinl at OhiG e"p~cted to .contrlbute II year of ,state Univ., Columbua,- WeCln..s,;rvlce to some p~oject spo~ed day, May 18. by th:~ of the Brethren, Out of 43 'entrlel, fifth place SUM . a project might inQlud~ on ham curinl waa won by the work tn a r~llef center, migrant 'Iocal entry. More than 200 locklabor camp, hospitaJ, peace car- enne.n from all over ' the Nte avan, home missioq, or some attended the meeting. other so~t of· communilY service, Miss Cpppo~ . wlU be liWgned' 9 to a project after a two-month training course at New Windsor. . The project wlIS set up to make it pqssible fDr "young people to do something about the world'• n~eds instead of j\lSt ta1Iting about them," according to W. Harold Row, secretary of ' the ErcthJ'Em Servic~ commission.
POllde._ I'bIe Ponnerosa pine gr6w. from WubInghm tp the Bl4ck 'WllJ and .out!award tn the Rocky mountain Pa. dll c ~"n~t ' e~jo n ~ .
NATIONAL dead mipnow. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ ~;::~::~~~;:;~;;;;;;:;;;~~I - - - '. o _.
pa him, dre, he mUlt it tb .. the la.t bItter •. Thedrink prayer die! DOt remove ' the pain. Yet In a deeper aeoae. ·the prayer of ChrIJt - - full7 an.wered; "Not I I I will, but .. Thou wilt,," he breathed. The prayer that lets one'. oWn wID In line with the 'fill of God. wbatever lila will may be, II the prayer that always finds answer. At the" end, there was not release. but power. "An aniel came and .trenatbened him." .. What PraJer Can ·00 ESUS "LEARNED obedience by UIe ~I' which be ellfter'ed." <Heb. 1;1.) We can abare b\a' Ie,.
. . The h01ll' oJ pl\in it ilot the hour to beaIn \praylna; thoae who
Because ••• you've earned
, the plaudits.
• . M~y . 'll thu Dame Fortune hu
thing, this starting
ior rou ht' only
a new phase. of life. .
rhe ht'sl'
Our Sincere best
(rc. a~urt
IHELCHER'S Sanoco Service
'~\J ~om's
wishes 'pp
have not learned prayer before, will .carcely know bow to pray In • time 'of alony; Yet the time of paln 11 DOt the time to Jive up pray. Wbeza· the dark bour cornea• .l.1UI did :DOt throw u1de hli faith.' _ prayad more intenaw than en&'· ·before. Prayer doe. not qplaIn p~ much 'el. uplaln It awa7~ ...., . 111M DDt ' ahra,. lei rIC .. ..... ...... tIIeaP· .. .~ . ClBIIea tile . pnfU " WtIa _Ills 01IfteII wllere 4_ ton · faIL Wbat tr'IIe ~.yer . . . ahnI,. II to .et UIe oDe wile Jra7I III taae wUb .... wID "
a.t . . . wIIea that will III
..... ow
with you . .
doe. not brina UI an the UIIWVI to the rtddlea of alatence. It doH bdn, power to bear 1I¥bat God ,enda u.. For God', &Dlwer to thole' be lovel II Qot alwlY. e •• eape. but it la alw.,..:"'endurance.
if W
tIua lD~UOll=: l£4ucaUoD ~ OD of , 4eDOa11DaUGD&.
9·1 2 Each .Morning
1-5 Aftemoons- Except , Wed.
EV e!lings by Appolntqlent . Oply
Dr. C. E. ,ilia
0ptometrie "e Speclahlt 26 South Detroit Sti..t "·XBNIA,. OmO
DOT ·' .
. .1
MeClal1 •• MEaX!! "·
," ·OM.
'49 ~niors Participated In Varied Activities At Waynesville · liigh School LIsted betow are tbe 18411 Selllou and tbelr IlctlvlUlli. The numberl arrer . tbe ~cttv IU .. ItIdlcate tbe year In ,,-bleb the Itudent Partlclpafed In that aeltIvlty. \
Peon Chorua 1, 2, 3, 4 Band 2 Operetta I, 3 Class Play 3, 4 • Home Economies -2, 3, " Student Council 3
J.anette Hall (
Home Ec. 1, 2, 3, 4 C;;horus I, 2, 3, 4 O~retla 3
Bill M.haffte AQrlculture I, 2, 3, 4 Basketball 1, 2, 3, '4 . Baseball 2, 3 Chorus 2, 3, " Operetta 3 ClasB Play 3, 4 Bernd 3, " YtdT Book Staff 4 X.llh Loavocre' A9rjculture I, 2, 3, 4 Bask:9tball 1. 2, 3, 4 Baseball I, 2, 3 Chorus 2, 4 Operetta 3 Track 2
Eula Hoak
Chorus 1. 2, 3, 4 Class Play 3, 4 . Band I, 2,3, 4 Oper!lti L, 3 Class OUicer 1, i ·3, " Paper Staff 3, 4 Home Ec. 4 Bob Hunter
Ba$k.etball I, 2, 3. 4 Baseball 2, 3, 4 Chorus 2, 3, 4 Band 2, 3, " Gtudent Co. 3 Scholarship I, 2. 3, 4 Paper Staff 3 Class Officer 1, 2, 3, 4 Clalls Play 3, 4
Franc.. Whitaker Clqs.
... fl;'fi:',\ ...
Clats Officer 2, 3, 4 Chorus L 2, 3, 4 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Operetta I, 3 HoWe E~. 4 Paper StalE 3, 4 Yearbook 3, 4 XenDy~k. . Basketball l, 2, 3, " Baseball 2, 3, 4 Tracie 2, 3, 4 Operetta 1. 3 Class pray .4 Band t 2, 3, 4 ChoruB t, 2, 3, 4 ·Pa~r 3,4 Do.. tUkeM Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 Basebcitl 4 Paper StaH '3, 4 Aqricuiture l, 2, 3, .4 Class Play 3 Band I, 2, 3, 4 Chorus 2, 3, 4 Student Councll 3 SCholarllhlp Team 2, 3 AtmabeUe Smtih Hotne ~. I, 2. 3, 4 Track 2, :l . WcmcIa TlDney Home, Ec. 1, 2, 3, 4 Chorus 2, 3, 4 Band 3, 4 Operetta 3 Class Play 4 Betty CampbeU <:horus 1, 2, 3, " Band I, 2, 3, 4 Orchestra I Class Play 3, 4 Scholarship Team 2 Operetta I, 3 Iudy Conner School Paper 4 Chorus,1, 2. 3, 4 Band 3 Class Officers 2.. 3, 4 Norma Pumm1ll Chorus 1,2,3,4 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Operetta y. 3 Class Play 3 Class Officers 2 Home. Ec. 2, 3, 4 Cheerleaqer I, 3, 4 Ioe RldlD:c;rer Class Play 3
Baseball ManaQer 3, 4 • Chorus 2 Paper Staff 4 Aqr'foulture 1, 2, 3, 4 Mary Sc:bH1II I, 3, 4
Hom~ ·Eo.
Chorus 2
Jerry Waiton Chorus 2, 4 Student Counoll 3 Paper Staff 2, 3, 4 \ Year Book Staff 3, 4 Scholership Team 2
School Paper 4 ScholcUship Team 2, 3, 4 Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4 Band I, 2, 3 Operetta l, 3 Clasa Play 4 Orchestra I Class OHieer 3 Shirley Ana Coppock Cho~s 1. 2, 3,4 Home Ec. 2 Class Play 4 Operetta 3 Student Council 2 (Tlpp) Annual Staff l, 2 (Tlpp) Scholarship Team l, 3, 4 Mary Lyall" Drew Chorus l, 2 Home Ec. I, 3, 4
Mr. Claraence Crawford return ed home Tbursday frow the Miami Valley HoepllllJ. He 1s geLling along flne. Mr. and Mrs,. Fred Roberts and oon, Jimmy. of Hamilton. cnllcd on 'Mr. and Mrs. Arlhur ROCkhold I aturday evening. and ramlly Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry BO.rges and family, of Beavertown. and Mrs. ~oberl Oreene. of Dayton, spent !'\unduy with theIr parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morgan.. l\lIss Mlnnle Orawfori:l. of Day· ton. spent the weekend with her parenti!. Mr. aud Mrs. Clarence Crawford. M·r. and Mrs. ' Morris Lewis Bnd 80ns. Jerry. Lee. Bnd Billy. Bod Mrs. Hily Gibson were shop· ping 'In Xenia Saturday. Q"-"'_I_~_Il~~_
~(1V~iVE ~FLf·.CLQ~IJ'l~ DOOR IATq.J •
I -
.A ·lao·
I~clud~d at no extra, coat, a 3S 'piec_,· JADErrEd~er· set· Wil. be ·givan with .your, new·.. PHILCP ·RE-
I. ..
dhe checkered
flag is flashed only for the winnet Take. it easy on the c~rve and make it a good race. .
WayoesYiUe Furniture & ~ppliaoce Co•
·UL4SS OF '~49
ou'.e ..~ the
like and
have eur
~I"rcrest applause' aM .dmirati~..
.,f, .:.~.<), .
We are ail
proud of ,'
the fine job you've done·
.- ----
' .,
N'S Department·Stere·. .1
Ml:"t to "ct'OW" ·1f you
,Phone 43
-banon, 0 . 1A.M ~~;;~~~--~~~~E-~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~ T
~I '
.Sales aDd SerYice
3S E. Main St.
n~ _1
.Wharton Motors
Home For Spring SerVice
wait out the .glod ones. Good luck all around the ~
'later In a SIberian a!ream, W" found to have traveled 1,900 'm llea In that time.
SWing' an~
o see our .new
Red Salmon Traveler A r~d Balmon, marked by the U. S. bureau of IIsherles In Alalkan waters In May. and caught 44 dan
Bring Your
Groove your
Mr. Allred JlorpD and Hr. Henry Bergel apent Monday evenlnll In ·Sprllltlflehi. Mr. and .M rs. Raymond Osborn pf Xenia, Mr. 'and Mrs. Rslpb 0111 and Bon. Tommy, of SpringVall y were supper guests Bunday venlng' ot Mr. and Mrs. l~ mel'80n DIIJ.
Bill SiClDllberry Chgerleader 9, 4 Basketbdll ManaQer 2 Baseball ManaQef 2 Agriculture 2 Class Play 3, 4 Eeal pow.n Band 2,3,4 Chorus 2, 3, 4 .... Basketball 1, 2, 3, " Baseball 3, 4 1'9) Class -Officer I (Harv",_ Track 2, 3, 4 . 'Operetta 3 PhyW. MartlJI Chorus l, 2' '; , Band I, 2 ". Home Ec;. 3, 4 Opelella 1 Orchestra I Class Olficer I . -.. Dc.ri Head.rson: A<;trlculture I, 2, 3, 4 Track: 2, 3, 4 Band 2,3, 4 Chorus 2, 3, 4 Operetta 3 Charle. Hayden Chorus 3 Basketball 1 (Harveysbur",l School Paper 3, 4 BaslS.l'1tball Manager 3 Baseball t.1an'ager 3 Bob HCllltlnQS Band I, 2, 3, " Chorus 2. 3, 4 Basketball 1, 2. 3, 4 Baseball 2, 3, 4 School Paper 3, 4 . Class Officer 1, 2, 3, 4 Operetta 3 Class Plqy 3. 4 '{ear Book StaH-3
.Cal1el'6 at the Everett Bunnell residence BundlY were Mr. and Mra. Oilier Boldey and daugh~er Phyllle, of Dayton. Mr. and lire.' Lawrence Roades I and son of nearRed Lion. and Mrs. Thelma BergeB. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Crawford of Clnclnllati. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crawford. of near Waynesville, cslled On Mr. and MI'II. Clarence Crawtord Sunday. Mr. and MI'B. ~tbUI' Rockhold and family Bllent SUndBY with Mr. and Mrs. pon Roberts of' Day"· ton.
.it up! GI •
•" •
• 4•
•9 •
'. D. & SMITH '
. PHONE a201 .
lI~SPECTED STOCKLchrysanCARP~ WO'RK·-R,eu1t,\mullI'. DaiSies, Lilies-of-lhe? onable, by the job or by VaHcy, " ml olhel' perennials. 51. nobcrt N. Hawkins, ONE CENT- PER WORD; minimum cl;targe, 25 J ohn':! Garden, Phone Waynes'- Waynesville 2620. ville 2551. COl'. Main and High cents. Cnntract rate for repeat advertisements Sts. . . 512-SL .,' OR .S ALJ!l-.. CuL "owen, ~~onles upon application. . rOJ' ml ed bouquets for Memorial I r)3Y. Pbone Wayuesvllle 21()l. . 0 N'T FORGET TO CALL ' Irelan, Rt. 1, WaYllesviUc. Phone F R SALE-California Ibo I Ii for insurance. All type: of Spring Valley 37206. 512-3l wuter beater coal wood insurance at a savings. Call bllruer. Complele wltb 85 gal. francis Gene Brown, phone FOR SALE-Coldspot rerri~cr Illuk . BLLL ~AWYmR. Pluwber. \i aynesvil\e 2472 or ca ll c 1- a lor iJ1 good C01Idili~Jl. $'75. Dick Pbon e Waynlll\'V llle 2174. 626-31
lect, Wilmington _I 11.
Wben Tou Can Relax'.~
J1'OR SALE-- Pure·brei! Berkshire yt'al'lIng boar. A good ;ne. Prlce.1 for qlit k sllle. 1l:LDb N 1lE·fAL.
LICK, 3 miles E . 'o r Waynoa,'lIIe on . Rt. 7:1. Pbone Waynell. 2 01.
'II)'. LYTLE NEWS Mr. lind 1I1,·s. RolIl' r llout.zabll J 301'1I tu Mr. alld J',ln. Jack 11(18' II , 1\ Rlln . ThUJ:allay, May 19, nre 1UI11(lllnvlul! I bo bI rth o! a daogblfJl~ a l tbelr .bUill.. UII Ih at Ul}od. SlUlull'llI1u. HOBPltBl,
Wayuellvlll 17.
mil l'. anti rltlU ll y 11,1' W Ktvlll 'l' bul'~tlay. MI's. J~. L . 'fhomml 'o r \Vllyn s. v llJ u SPlllll lIlt WI1 kcI111 wltb lt~I', Holt·ln -In,\\' ,i;ru l .llIl1l1 htol', tr. unll ~rl' ~. !lllr,·. BI1I'III'Il 111111 rllUl·
fI"., tit. lord.n Cow
\\ E
- - -6-,.- %x 9 ~ lasp e n·
HAV£ -
For Dates, Phone Wa.ynesville
hiO 2894 (rever e harges) .
In ....II'a'. all you, .....,.", l.. lUI· PLa""ly," will III.. w- !he ca.. No chOlIl•• I. Of joIIoM.
one • •
p"'.foOl. pl...... 0"_ .".... ,
Karl D. Dakin IDSuranc:e Agency SIO E. MUL.ERRY, aT. LEaANON. OHIO
PHONE. 153 '
for Your Wacatlon Do.... by Greyhound Don ' t
1I()nNlli 1/ , I \
iet driving /uig ue, uaBiic worne.
YOtl C~n repay from farm income. No cha.Jlge in contract - no renewals. Long Ter-m- '! per cent
• poil your vacation tripl VacA, cion I>y Greyhound . Lanpadr. in Sa perCoach comfort and v ie,v America', grand SCeDory dose-up by highwa,. Travel on fu t, frequent GRyhoand Idredules. SlOpover en route, at no """"~.. , AIu/ J",,' , /"",t-the mooq , 7O'l SAve by Grey hound wiU pa, 'for 1IUIl)' of your D ''- v.a.non expeo-.
XENIA . . . ....... ... .. .... . .35 CEDARVILLE , •. , . . .. . . .. . .. ,60 S. CHA.RLESTON •., . . . .. .. . . .85 COLUMBUS .. ....... , . . . . $1.80 READINO ,............. .... .. .75 Plua U.S. Tax-Big' ElCtra Savlnga
on Rountl Trlpa
Lebanon N.F.L:A. . Ellis H. Sturm, Sec'y-Treas. Phone 448
Burtlen , " \ <jot tu bE' "co,'
ordel ~y•
Xenia Fertilizer
Wayneav!lIe Drug Store
Pt.. 2121
Phone Collect Xenia, O. 1712 or WilminllOft, O. 2382
Ya ,'u,
Live Wire and Pronres"v O. All orQanization
Strictry a_II
seoo nd
aelt er s: ·
mark et
O t!!'
' ptt
...,.. .... ~
.AYIID....... . .
• Ill", UdO
w),W • " "
IZ : to. Dh, J 7UO. (ur "U' M u rk t '{oum I .
---'---- --
'.,11, "l 11,,11·
Located on Main.St., Waynes-
ville, \O~io. The household goods of HANNAFI J , l{OGERS.
Wilbur N. Sears, Auet.
.Waynesville Farmers Exchang e
~~T_ho~m_p~.~_o~n_&_'._Ir_~_i_n_,C_l_e_rk_s__~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •
''It is rllther
fm: us to Ir,e here aedifateJ lo tbe great
task remaining he/,!re UJij thllt /rontl/Jese IUJ110uul (leila.
we Illke ;n&retlSeJ devotion
to .that ca~e lor which tbey
glltJe the las( '*llttullSlire / f' oj Jellotio11/ lbtd WI/ here " highly resolve IbtIJ '
Fairley .Hdwe. Store . .
You've gOI a real start towar d your ',
fortun e and 'Iortune me.ans a Ide
weH lived ;!.2 1I1linj IbM. lhisI';~~ •• 1$' flllho,,~ under GOd, ;.' shllll have #I 1r1W birth. .... ' .r," oj freedom; .'hlli . !'. Y:!' g(wemmenl of 'be k<;' pef!ple, bJlhe .peof1.le, . tmJ. for the people, shfl,ll '
Fame Will ..
. nol perish frOlll the etlrlh.·' '
-u,,&O''''' G~"I'-" .... . AJJrtSI .-: 'NOli'."" 19, Js6f '
come wllh w.orking ~ . • and work
m9kes a hfe well lrve.d
,.l .
'!. .I;,
~!ii$ tnutOda:J ~I ~~. . y:, '
'S~,UBBS · F·u neral
Waynesville, Ohio "
SERVICE T H AT s A, I Sfo ' ~~ W ti lO DllylOn u : bO Il:. S . '1'.
~~~~~~~~~~~l ,,
UIIIAJ'fOJr . . . . . . .
country. .
,' AUCTION , Saturd~y, May 28 1 P.M.
'Lebanon, Ohio
let your Borden mon leave you fre.h Cream regularly • or a.k for Borden '. Cream 01 ),-,ur favorite neighborhood .tor.,.
All Sto4Ck removed promptly.
Reverse Ch"arges
Un ion Sloelo.
COWS $3.00
AccoJ'ding . to lIize and condition.
'Xenia 454
Cinoinn ati
IIOIlSES $3 cows $3 Ar cording to Size und Condition. Call
fAr';tage &Son
Gl\ZclLe. f bono 2143.
velopes at S fOT 10 ts. Ju st right tor se ntllng a Opy 01 l. en · tor Memoirs" to a 'frl enll . l\[laml
Dead Stock
COMBlNATJON SCR81.!:N l.lIld storlU dl'OI's~as jow a" $1~ .t!5_ WaynesviU LlIl11PCI' & S upply, Phone 2<!81.
tasties, C;:::;C~~~b treelt makes things
Silly qu•• tion? No , ........ ,...ny folh tocIoy hoy. littl• •_ ilion hall Ih. " '..n' ..alu. CIt ",.Ir ho .... I•••,.d ••• '101",. 100.. in.reoltd 10 ,reony. Haw ,110.1 YOUIS? W.·II ... ,lad 10' hoi, you (heck. Anti .... ". _ ',. .. It, .....
Mra. A. D. Smith
~Ir. rl nd Mrs. nUl'i,t'Y . Burnet ylsi lplJ tll elr lIl1 c ll'. JIll'. John Hay •
FOR SALE - Deteeto by FOR SAL' M(.del A. Ford. Good scales, like new, $5. Dic~ Ire.lan. Rl. 1, Waynesville, Phone Spring s hape. good tires w ith eJ(tt·a. Valley 37206. 512-3t I rvin MlIrford, Way nesvil1 l30x ]52 , 01' inquire 'a t }o~airl ey Hs d-
FUlkerson Sohlo Service
• r
Talking It Over I
.' . ml azette
- - -_ _ _ __
A Column of Coinment By The Editor
The IIllaml Oazet~e, we bell eve Ie taking R big 'at.ep forward wltb tble le8ue. For nlnety·nlne · years, the ' Oa· , zeUe has been eltbel' a fou r page paper or a cramped tabloid. ;WIth this 188ue we are adding man y fea tu res wblcb sboulrl add to r our readIng pleasure. The fIne support of 10cII I cltlzena and Rome of the local merFrIday nIght. wlll be 'a bI g night chanta hilS mnde this atep pos· for the Wnynesvllle Loc ker PlAnt , Sible. It Is only the beginnIng, · an~ r es\dentll of the Waynesvlll W!l sincerely hope, of our plan IIrea. for contlnulld Improvem ent. '1'he . Plant 18 Inviting overyoll Tbe addition of the fe atu~", to RlI end an open bOll se 8tartl ng . pl\gea Is particularly valuable to At 8 p.m_, wIth th e. big eve nt betbose concer'l.s who use th e ad· Ing tb presentation or vel'lI Rlng columns or 1he Oazette awards to t be wl nne rB In tb e to preBent their ' messag'e s to th e conlest' con ~u cl ed by th'e conce rn reSidents or' Ibis Ilrea . AccordIng rlurln g the -past month. to readership tt'Bte. tbe addition A renture or th venl ng will or • tbe fealures noV\' a part o[ be a talk by Mi ss WI~emnn, Wal" !,OIIT Ga~ette will extend tbe read· ren Connty Home Demon stration Ing IIrf·tlme of the pllper appro,,- A/I;e nt. Ml sB. ·WI ~emll n w'lll c lfplaln Imately 46 mlnutell. tho pre paration of roo(\s fOI' • • • fr eezing and ror the IItble . In short, encb of the ~.400 per· Orfl cla ls of lhe Locker ' Pla~t son s who read tile Gazette each are urgin g everyone _ to bring n week wlll epenrl, on an average . favorite rMclpt fo r tb prepa.rat· 46 minu tes more perusing the Ion of froz ell foolla. Th e bes t. reo paper tban they have prJor to celpt will \\'111 !Is own er n prize. t blli Issue. TbuII, tbe effect'lvenes8 The open hOllse Is n<lt Intended ot your advertisement... wbl!the r fo r locker renters ' only, It Is fo r It III /I. large display or IImall ~ve ryone In tbe community. All claflslf!ed , IIhould be - greatly . In· will be welcomed and all Ilre creased, u8sul'ed an InlereStln& evening. • '\' • A large advertisement In th Is TH'ANK YOQ DEPT,- Our 'wl1eli's Miami Gazette ~n nounceB IIlnc re tbanks to a reader In Cal-, the event. Jfornla for 's ondlng us a copy or Ihe Loa Angeles Dall)' Newl con- .HOME FOR VACATION talnln, a new section, We .bave •. "'ss Mary Dora Hougb Il.rrlv· '''' Frld f th M lost her letter, or we would print "d h It In tbls column. " . ome on ay [om e ary A. Burnbam School In Northam· To ·M r. and Mrs. A. U. Stubbe pton, Massaohusetts, to spend for a generou. supply of salad tbe ' summer vacation ,vlth b el' makln,. from their carden, we pare nts. Mr. and ',Mrll. Kennetll thank you, • ,N, Hougb. !IIary Dora, who has been a "blgb honor" student during the entire tbree yean that soe bas ' Ilttende Bur~hillri, w~s presen ted wltb three academic awards and a sports letter In Boccer at the final wapel servloe. Shoe has also been elected by her ' schoolmates to s e~e all presIdent of the Student Connell du.rlng her 8en· lor year, which Is tbe blgbesl The Wayne8V1l1e 80ltball Bea· orflce In the sohooL On IIer way home. IIl a ry Dor6011 wU\ get underway unde~ the Ifgbte Friday night at 8: 16 wilen visited NIagara Falls and s pent "' lilrley Hard"nl'e meets Smllh Tbursday wIth a sohoolmate, Miss ijelene PrescoU,' at Auatlnburg, [Jales and Service_ Stlnda·y nlgbt, a160 ' at 8: 15, OhIo. fioxanna will play Kler's Garage. '.I·hese rour teams. comprIse tbe CAliFORNIANS VISIT ' HERE beltl league Ilnd wlll pillY leag· Mr. and Mr•. Loren Reason oj . \Ie games aach . Tueaday and Tbul': .Los Angeles, Calif. are g uests 01 aday with exhIbitIon games each t he rormer's pnrents, Mn. ~nd. ~. ..,lInday IIlght. lItrs. P. LI Realjon Ilnd U.e lll tter', The league' 18 SOl/erned \ly a parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Crnne comml ~8 10n Board wbose m~mb ot l.ebanon. ere Incl,u de : . Bill Stro,\d, Henry l.Iel,e.r , "SlIm" 6denfeld and Oeo· "Relatives her received In· r,e Miller. vltatlona to the grad ~aU;;;; -~r JohnE. Earnhart, ' son of Mr. and Mrs. i . M. F.l~rnhl\rt, of Beav,ertown, from . the Fairmont ~lgh S\lhool on Wednesday evenIng, JUlie 1, at U.e N.C.R auditorium.
Waynesville ' Locker ~lant Plans Open . House Friday"
Softball LeagDe..i_ Opelis Season
Frida; fiteiiDi
~egiOD .JIi~or~ Play At Ho.~ Sunday
IIlr. nnd Mrs . Rhodes Bunnell Bueball rooter. for the Junior and , daugbters - and Mrs. Nellie ' American Le~lo/i Post 616 nine, Bunnell were Sunday dInner get a breat thill' weekend ~UBO guests of Mr. and .'Mrs. George
GRA DUATES FROM ARIZOI'{A ~II,l "Ii .. 1 Elig lie Collett, WaYJ;111" \' 1110'. h"" I>('en gradullteil IToD;! tlil'! UlliI'CI's ll y or Al'lzona with tb e degr e BlLohe lor of Science IIl
utare Fanners
Iten'd f nnven '. t·Ion
,I. II Crubbe. took 'lIlt . I'IOY8 1.0 CU II1 II1I:)\IS on Friday II.lld P u blic Adm Ini!'tmL!o ll , A toud "r Isst' w eE~ k ,to Illllend 34 dog I' £>8 were uonferl'ed tbls unlllHll '(alo COllvellHon apt'11lg I:)y I ho Arlzt/ ll n Farlnerll tH A~erlca. MlC'hener 'a n d Alli e artor son 'pd li S de l gatea nt t be It\eellng wbkh \\II\R held at Unb l'slO' Hall. "ohIo ' Stalo all y. judging cont at8' W I'e ed lit. nth I' pInceR on th c'!l1lllUs. ~ellm m ad up of Dwlgbt Mleh-, lll'ter IIn (\ ' 'Jarl'ell ~hutlll I1 l1 tered Ih e generRI livelItock judging (.'O ntpsl;, The boy ~ on tll e dn lr y cattl e jIJc1 glng team Altbougb defin ite standings of "'ere 1- 0 O'Ba nlo;l, Carl Coppock ! he ucco mpl1ehmeriLs of· Scout!! -a lId hArtes , Hamme l'. Two bund· th nnnua l Moundbullders Area ' red Rlln tw~nt y-on o different 'oullcll Ca.mporee bave no L been warns rl'Om 1\11 pnrl s of the 8iRte llnnounced', tbe lr performance In· _ere ehtl1rp,d In thp, ' 'ontealR. ell Mes tbat Waynesville Scouta ",n i rate blgll _ lIASONS AND EAS~;;;; 'STARS Contests In , mallY phases of WILL VISIT MASON nc HOME Scoutlng skills were held nt tbe ClImporel\, south of Springboro Wayn esville 'lA)<Ige' 163 , F: aIld Friday eve /ll n!;, ~a.tllrda.y and.ft.. M. memhora oud Lbelr famllle,s . SUI·lrlay. 1..0"" I Sc.outR Jlnrtl clpa"-~ ~, wu lmd Miami Chapter, 107 Orde\, In rire·bulldlng. nature study, alld . ' d pf EMlern Star me mbers an elm liar contests. 'families wilt' me t 'nt tb MaBon. Sooute from tbe local troop r1e liom III Sllrhl 'fl'31d Sunday, wbo attended the Camporee In- ~ 'De 12, at 1 p.m. f.Jr a plcnlo J , ... qluded: . J e rry Rus h, Bob KenrIck. Ul1cb fol,lowed by a to.ur of the Bill Slubh-s , and Bob Moran. ome In tbe afternoon. Scoutmaster Joe James A$8lstant S9qutmallter AN ":J.tOMA8 · RE!CJ;tVE6 Ru'lIia a th,e· 8f1III1IIti" .........EO'OREE' ~,. U. orii5'XVTO AbQut UlO Souls frOID roll County and parts of Susan Ellzab e.~h Thclm ns , County attende\! tb e event. .] , Waynesvllle l'eceIVI)d n elor or Solenc de/;ree In NurSing at tho Unlv e l'slty of Dayton W.C.T.U_ JUBILEE TEA commencement clterclses June ~. Wnynesvllie W.C.T.U. ",III bold S Ufliln wnR one of ~~ s tud ents a. JubJlee Tea Friday. June 10 a t LA relle lve degr ees at, the Olll v2 p,m. at tbe home of lIfrs. \VaileI' orslty. It was tb e la.rge8t claSH Whlt!lke r on ThIrd street. . In the I\chool'8 99·ye.lllr bllltory.
LIB oea oy Scouts WIeO HI-gh Rall·ng· At Anoual Eve'nl
Regular .
\Vors hlp services will be b eld at
l\~. rs. Lelia Hllrtsock was host· ,ehe ' Ly'' le Method.ls_t church ' SUlltb 0 d d 'Re v. Batlghn anllollnc.ed to. eS8 to e ' 01' eu Club on Thurlj' JSY , day afternoon, wltb , l\f ra. Ross t SY · . Har1tllock as 1\ guest. Mr/t. Lawren-co Furnas ~alil In cbarge or th e PI'ogl'am and gave ANNUAL MEET-ING to , the In mb I'S ,; Cine I\rtlcl e on T be Primitlve 'Baptlst, Middl e " LilIes." men ti oning the mlln), R cbu~-eh,-W.U.l--mAA-H.ft.~i'eflIfl:lM-lk'lfldS, theh: care and OIlltotlre. meetin g June ZS. :r'he Club_ Ildjoll ril ed to meet 1\1 the home ot Mt",'· Furnas In July. wben a picnic dInner will be en, joyed. . . During the - Boclal bour dainty " J U N E 14 18 FLAG DAY refreshmente were . lIen 'ed by th e hOlltess.
.. N d S· • Char'les Price ame i1perVlsor. ,Of SulDDle','r Playground Program-'-
the Centerville bueball diamond' B\lOnell and family In St. Bernllrd IB underg~lng " lIev~re mADlcur. Rhoda Bunnell remalned for the In, for tbe camms foot.,.U 1MIa- coming week, BOD, and - 80 the Wa1ntII'VIlle·ctm- , Cbarley Price, ' well-kn'own local t orvllle contest IS boot~d for the ~r. Bnd Mre . Sam Stubbll of athlete. who ""Ill SOOIl graduate local". diamond Sunday at 3;11. Baltimore, Ohio were Saturday from Ute University oC Dayton gUestll of Mr. and Mrs. A,' H. p.m. with a degree In phY81cal eduqat· preceet\lng tbe main eyent" Gray, Stubbs and family. and , Mr. and ion, has IIlgned to handle ' the Barber Shop wm- be • h 00 tl ng f or Mrs. Earl Heaton and daugbter playground ' aotlvltlell 8Ponsored ' __ I".t the ~f Ger.mantown were Sunday dln- , . tbelr fl I'llt Ieque w In ~~ by the Mothers' CI1Jb and the ,Centerville Junlol'll. . ner" Iluoats and Mr. and ~rll. S. Civic ·Club. It was announced to. Del WIl8On'. Cente"\Ile ' "big" M . Ball and children were even- day by Bob 'O'~o~an, chairman of S' quad ore currents leaders In the Ing gueste. the· Playground . COmmittee. . ' PrIce s tated (hat tile playgro\1nd Trl-County 10DP, due to their brlliant S-l win over Bellbrook laat ' Mr. and Mrl_ Lawrence Furnas program wJll . officially open on weekend. tbereby ma'k lng the 1ln'd son were Sunday dInner Wedll.8l!day, June. 14 at. 1 p.m_ aL looler,' first d,efeat In two years, gUellts ot Mr. and Mra . . C. T . the Waynesvtlle Grade School Waynesvllle'll tTl pIe bostd . of Ellis . .Mrs. Ellis and Mrll: Furnaa wltb registrat ion for 1\11 children stratl'll', Cam~bell, Price and vlllited the Rotie Sbow at the Art _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ O'Regall.... bope to bove 80me sur- Institute and U.e roBe garden at COUNTY FISH AND GAME prlaea In order for the vialtora. the 'Wlllhlng Well ' ·and the Ed AI6N. WILL MEET In the person ' of several De~ Decker role gardens. In Centerlllle-uP Cbanpl. ville during tbe afternoon. The Warren County F1ah and Lut week the local8 dropped OlUlle Conlenatlon A.soelatlon Mt. and Mrs. ' Jl'alllll PaIne and a tolllb &-4 ,ame -to Bprmtr Valiey, with Ole malll fault re.tlq bab1 dau,hter are lpenlllq MV' will meet WI ovenlnll at 8 at with the InablUtJ' of tile 7DuthfUl eral dua ......~ the latter'. par- the LebanoD Ot'ange Han, Richard LqIODIIIw to. J'\JJI 'lIIe 1IuetI filla, Mr. aDd Ill'll, Rollert Par- Kruck.meyer, ucretary, announ~ tIaIa wMlt, ret. ba WaaJalDltoD OJ[. ~. D
'ouths Selected For Boys' State
Miss DorIs HAwke a.l'rlved by flilln dUrin!; " the past week to spe nd se\'eral days wit h hel' pal'nt~ , lIt r. nlld Mrs. C. Lee HaWke. 1II.ls8 Ha\\1ko i8 connected ivlth , ~h e IJldU 8 tl ~111 Sc hool at l~or t Ol'ltnt, AI'! ~ onll nn.1 whfl ' here will. attend a cOllveltlloll hi lev lund . . Mr· Rn(\ Mrs. J-Iawkfl, MI s8 Ha wk. Miss Ann Wt:\!l z and lhelr bOllse gu s t. MI ~I\ :J e1!.81f'l or In cllllllll1 enjoyed dlnn l' al t h \\' Ilthlng Centervill e.
Legion and Civic Clab Will Sponsor Two Waynesville poys , .
, Two local y'o~tha. Harlan Earnbart, $on ot Mr_ at;l!\. Mrs. Harold Ea rnhart, and Dan SImpson, son o f Mr. and .h1~1I. 'Vern . SImPIIO~. bavQ been .selected .to attmd tbe 131b. aimual Buckeye Boys' State_ Boys' State, with an exPected Rtterl dance ' or 900, wll\ be herd June 18 -28 at Ohio Weslyan UnIvenilty, Delaw-are. ~-h.oo· 1 Both boys wbo wID attend form .,.; Wayne8vllle. bave large recorll~ or lloUvlU es al Waynesville High School.' Harlan '1\'88 ClUB v ice president hIs fre abmu year, vice presldel,lt ot the Student Council his sophomore y.eal'. and bUIJneil The Wayn 8\' l1e Churcb of mana~er bls Junior - year_ ~arlan Cbl'Is L Is planning II. Dally Vacat- 1.8 alao an active atblete. He hu Ion Bibl e SchOOl: Tbe s cbool will been a ' member of the bQtet·Rto.~t , Jllne 28 and conUnue ball baseball a.nd track team •. through Jul y 8. .. Dan has beenpre.ldent of III. The Cburoh or Ohrl st bas ob· 0)as8 for the lut tbree yeai'll. He ltdned tbe 0 rV-ICI'M of 1\ trained ' Is also one of Wa:rneavllle W«h" InKt ru<:tor fro m the Cincinnati leading athletes. Dall partiCipates flll>l e . Semlnltry to supervise the In baseball, buketball, and ·~cbooL The .lnstru cto\, Will lead track. ' t he sohool In Bible s tories, Bible Both boya 'bave Just ' cOmpleted .Irllls, a nd sIngIng. tbelr junior years In high scbool. Morning sessIons wlJl start ' at The boYJl are beIng 8pon8ored by !) a .m. 'and clooe III 11 :30. the Waynesvlile American Legion All nh lldren between the ages PDSt 616 a.n d the Wa7DellvUle ~r s ix an(\ 14 I\re Invited to attend CI\1c Club. tb e schoo) . There. will be spl/lcla. Gov. I!'l'aliJt >1'_ ' ..11I011e bat pro}a.!!~es f9_r all aces, . . cla1\D1jIl ~ _ ~ · ofo ,11-15 . An e ire lh IIrest nat. , a8 "Youth '-In' 'Oover;,ment Week" tending the scbool may call Mal- In· OhIo, dedicated to the bo,.. ,colm Correy, . minIster ' or tile who will at .tllat time be attend. 'Imrch, phone 2353, or Ray K1uotr: lng the Buckeye Boy.' State. superlntenrl ent of . lll·o Bible "The succes8, of -government b,. - ......".....~T 8ullool, pbone 2902, .for furtber the ' lleopJe and for tbe l"lOple. information. liS practiced . In tbls state a.nll natlon, depends UPOIl the knowW.S.C,S WILL MEET Ledge our citizens acquire of our "T '" HOME OF MRS. LUDINGTON rorm or aelt'gove)'nment, their ';rbe W.S .C.S. of tbe · Methodl81 Inlerest In It and theIr enthuI' lilll'cll will me t on , Thursday·, 188m tor It," Lausele atate • . JUlie ~6, 2 p.m : at tbe bome 01 The governor further polna Mrs. a Ludington ·",Ith Mrs . Oll t that · the . "Boys' 'State"" . . . /. B. Rlcb, Mr8. M. 4\. Fulker80n, ol'erated by the Amer!oan Legion Mrs. R , B . Motet and Mrs . L. C. lias the ' purpose of ''In.tIIUn. In: St. J ohn. as co-bostesses and Mrs. tt/e . minds and tlearlll .el ectM . . Gilbert Frye In cbarge of· tbe pro high scbool junIors a ."Igb en'," ram, thu.slasm · for our form of lovern. f' Illent and pracUcsl knowled,s of GUESTS HERE FROM oFLPRIDA bow It worIes In cltlel, ~untlea , Mr. and ' Mrs . Chllrles Oressle Itnd tbe state." a lld daughter,' Oale, of Jackson· ville, 'Florlda we r e weekend Mr. and MrB '~~=""'!u"''''''''''''_ _ __ -r l!'Iieste of Mr . and Mrs. R. E. ch lldren W,flre ··Sunday gue~tII As bul'Y lind S Oli . They w ete joln- Mr_ and Mrs. Milton THinnes d on Saturday by Mrs. A. C. Ml tid ll1town, 0 1' 8~le, Mrs. H. R. ' Hecht imd Mr. Ja ck Asbury of Dayton. - DI'. and Mrs. A, E. Stout· ilnd (\nugbtel' were Sun!la.y cue.t. of Mr. and I\Irs. L. C. St. John Mr. and Mrs. George- Welts In a nd Mr. and Mrs. Glenll ~Iand . Dayton. !jIl.W - MI8s Barbara Lou Bland In t.he "Frlgldllire Follies" on MonMI'. Alton EJllruhart w'aa a week. c111Y evening In OilY ton. end gUlIst of friends In Akron.
Vacatl-on BI-ble WI"II BeglOn June 28
Miss Marilyn Burcke alJ.I Miss
Yvo nn o Stubbs of Bowling Green State l].nlverslly arrived !tome on Werlnesda y for tbelr· Bummer Mias Bel'tba Brown spent levtrom 6 to 16 who dlislre to pur. vllcatlons. tlclpate_ eral days tbls week at tbe bome Mr. aDd MrS. Glenn Borden' of ' hfJI' .brother, M.r. Ed Brown In • Tho program will opel'llte eight 'Wee)l.s from 1 ' to 4 ·p.m" on Tues - had 8S a weekend g)lest, Mrs. Flea vel:town: days, WednesdlQls. Tbu'f8daYB and Minnie' Rehse of Frallk.lln. Dr. Elmmii Holloway .nd MI .. Fridays. Mary Boston· - accompanied Mr. MIBS Monlmlna Bunnell was a nnd Mra. Seth Futuas to ~Ich· ~~-- - - - BOARD .,OF EDUCA.T I()N P"'AN~ SUndRY dinner guest of Miss monll, Indiana on Sunday where · Alice O~les b ee at SprIng Valley. they Rttended Wh!teweter QuartSCHOOL I,MPROVEMENTS ., erly Meeting of Friends. · :Plans mnde by tbe Wayne MrR. Woodrow Owena and two Board of Educntlon Ilt ita regular ehtldren, WinDle 10 and ' Stevie, meeting Monday evenIng to· pro· . \\'ere Sunday CU!,st" of IIrL ceed with an In terior decoration Owen's m!)ther, Mrs, . Luelle ArmD~KIN program ' during the lIummer VllFUneral serv,lceB were conduct. ltage, cation period, Miss ElIaaheth Chandler arrh,Tbe HI; b Sclrool buildIng will d Saturday at the McClure FUlleral Home for Anna D.kln, ed on Thursday to .pend the be lmproved by tho -ilnBtal,laUon of new window IIbadEls on the ~ 4, who dIed Juoe 1 at the Carr 8ummer bere willa lIer Ileter, llrst. noor,. plastering ' be waUII Ileat Home, Lebanon. Rev, R. B. Miss Ruth Ohandler_ IIln CbaIl4· ler la 'as_late prof4lllll0r of eel· of tbe gmnutum anell eomp,ete Coleman officiated. Mrs. Dakin was. survived by ucatlon at Hampt'on Institute Ia redecoration of the liome econIbl'ee HO~8 : Wilbur of Wayne.- VlrgfnlL . omIc. room, MI'II. Emma McClure or I"rIuako Tbe Board voted to purchase ,'nte, Abe or LebUOD, and Hal· tea new tabiN and 1! 0 chain leU of Dl,Jton; and three IJ'aDd- lin called Oil frienD at tile . . . . chUdreu. Sundq mornIDI. for tile aafeterta:
Russians Urge Wesl German State Be_Wiped Out; Ask 4-Power RuI,e;
Congress Curta.ils 'Must' Le.gislation
Defends Farm Plan OUR Horne Town Reporter can· , no( heip but feel that at least some farm leaders are not being reaUstic in their oppositlcin to the proposed new agricultural program of Soc'r otary of AgrIculture Bran· nan. That Is. the,. are ne>t being real· IIUc . from the standpoint of their announced reasons for opposition, namely it regiments the farmers , it pays a subsIdy to the faInlers and it wlll be too cos~. To be ,realistic about. the whole ibing fl\rmers must adlflit that they are being regimented today under the present la w llnd will be more regimenteii under the Hope-Aiken law which goe~ Into ef!ect January 1 ' unless congress changes it.. Tbe, are recelvlDg a subsidy Way under price sapport and win not only get price SUPPOR baa dlreci subsidies In laceDthe paymenls under the HopeAiken law. Insolar .s costs are ClODCerDed, Dobod,. ImOWll ex· acU,. wh •• the present law h.. ellSt, Dobod, 1m0WI or can raeas / what the Rope-AlkeD law win ellSt a.ut 8eCretU,. Brj&IIJI.8D .."s he doem't Imow what bI, pIaa woald coat, but beUeves 1& wW ced 'DO more &haD the Aiken plaa. The department of agriculture does knowt however, that ptior ~ 1026 insofar as tlie commodity credit corporation is concerned, it had made a tittle money on ita operations; but for Dn overall period froin .October 1'1; 1933, through March 31, 1949. 't he CCC showed a Det loss on all Its price support operations 01 ~22,574, 785; of which $298,024,316, was lost on IrJsh potatoes in the past three years.
~~S~!in~t u;~lI:~~or~~:;u~~eSanW:~~ miaI employment survey
. family economics , I OR'S NOTE' Wilen oplnlona au "xpre ..ed In III •• " c:oJllinn., they are til •••• f (EDIT pa'r tJol,n" a.'" anal,.." aa' not n ••• na,Ur• or 'Ill. n.Wapaper,' C IVE,stern Nallona We-.tera.
Potent Vote
by the bureau L '~ Iof North.. ue nsurance
9, lID
Two-Piece Dress
With salaries holding firm at last year's record higb level!, Slsns at a pickup In jobs tor the mammoth 1949
Deli,ght Young Girls
Some Blood .Resist(,Jnt DETROIT. - Certain blood ceUs have' been found to be reo slstant to atomic radiation. it was reported by Commander John L. Tullis, who served as • navy pathologist at the Bikini bomb tests, Commander Tullis, reporting to the federation of American s!)cietles for vlc·tims whose "prlmlUve stem" celh nad sta-<ed off Immediate death bad tile best chance for recovery. 11 treatment · could be started with· In a ClU. ' . If such treatment succeeded In' prolonging life. the surviving primitive cells had a chance ~o begin a process of regene,ration , that could put the patient on the road to 'r ecovery. hc added,
o,mpany. " t\lthough two-thirds at the , 133 cO:Ueges and universities covered to A Sour Note date lind their total employment ea lIs nIl the way trom sUgl1tly to Tbe Big Four conferenee in Parls "dlisappolntlngly" be i 0 w 1948. was underway, ' For the tlrst time In the cold war between East and Ichools reporting lli the tinal week tlf .the survey have shown a much West there .was real hop.e t ~at harbetler raLio, the summary says. mony would be torthcomlng, • Approximately ' half of the late reIn tact, Secretary of St'lte ' Dean sponses report their record of job Acheson bad been warned by Senoffers to date' as equal to or sUgbtator Vandenberg, senate foreign Iy above 1948 experience. affjlJrs committee chairman, not to TMOUTH college's school be' too aggressive with ' the Rus· administration obalans, hut rather to keep open, if for e·xample. "We were dlspossible, the door to lasting pe'lce. by the ' February-March WITH the Russian blockade of but the Inter pick-up has Berlin lUted and the Soviets apparout our losses.' .. .st. Louis ently ready to sing n new tune In iversity also reports that demand world cooperation. the theme ot G~dget1ess faded in February and March, but the conference was to be harmony. NEW YORK:-German house"115 ot the past six weeks it has But the delegates bardly had time to develop beautifully." Uni- wives' look ' 10 years older .t han. to warm the seats of their chaira v.erslty ot Nebraska's college .of American hoUsewives of the slime before tbe Russians were at it business administration notes a age because they have. none of tlie allain. Russian Foreign Minister st~onger employment ' demand in labor·savlng devices used in homes ADdrel VI shinsky blandly proposed To Delight tbe Girls the last ten days, But Duquesne uni- and kitchens ·here. This observation the council ot 10relgn ministera was made by two German women VE!rslty at Pittsburgh reports, HIS ADORABLE two '- piece wipe out the new west German "Calls in gener!,1 are less than in teachers. Dr. Anna BuehleI: ot 'dress Is sure to delight the .tate ·and return German aftalra. 1948 except those for sales person- Munich and Dr. Gertrude Wele· young girls of the family. The 1I1cluding c;llrectlol1 of the Ruhr. mnntel of Fulda, Hesse. at ~ratt flared jacket has a dainty C;onnE!l ' which have Increased." to tour-power control macbine~. institute in Brookb:n, where they ' trasling toP. the skirt is full cut Boston university 8ays job offer~ MANY hlld expected this course aTe 7 per cent tewer than last year; were studying Ame~ican educa1lon. and easy to sew. by the Soviets. They had predicted Members of a group ot ruteen State finds about the same that lilting of the Berlin blockade • _ POTENT VOTE •• '. ~ lODe German educators selected by the of employers rep'resented Pnttern No. 8447 I. a .ew·rUe perfowas done to sotten up the mini~ters woman voter, to whom. pair of rated pattern In sl... 8, 10. 12L9141 ~b"d ~ campus this' spdng. but American mJlltary government in yenrs , Sl. e 10, 2 ~ yard. o( a • n. ; ,. for this very proposa1. B~t it didn't shoes would be a Godsend. .. taking fewer men. Yale Germany tor a tour of American work. All three 'western powers ynS~nJo~:,ra:~:.H10nDI 28 'odo," for abewn a. tibe cast her ballot ID has recorded more em- educational institutions, they were )'our copy 0 1 Ine Sprl,na and Summer Immediately rejected the proposl. the elections beld in the BusFASHION - 64 D ~I: •• o( I ll]'" color. "oIlY attending classes in their special to calls than as of a year moke IrockR. (i' ree Dnl ern orlnted IDtion. alan lODe or Germany. The BU5field, Dr. Buehler is a Boclal "M ... p.,.. . . . . "'1< The So viet torelgn minlster alans bad boped to , able out of every IIlx schools scientist. while Dr. . Welsmantel's 8EIV~Q OIRCLE PATTEnN OI;':P'I'. ahowed little tllet~ He led up to hit propa~anda CUD or tbe e,eodOD the survey report starting specialty is arts and crafts. 680 So,lb wen. St, Ctllnr_ '. m. proposal with a long tirade de_ ~ tbat would be u.ed III to be as high or higher "The housewife in Germany bas 25 ecnlfl 111 eolna (or each PO\lDcing the U.S" Britain Dnd the "Die Four" coDlerence ' be- than last year. Prevaillng range of a hard lite." Dr, Buehler declared. pllltern de.1 red. France for what he termed ""IolaclllUmr May 23. But ,tbe Bovlete ol:fers is from $200 to $275 per Dr. Welsmantel interposed that the Pallern No. _....;.._ _--.!lSI1_ tions" at the Potsdam agreemen~. lIad to admit tbat ODe-third 01 month for business administration "deutsche Hauslrau" has no cenNa me SOVIET ideology could ' not tolerthe vaUd ballots ea.t voted and liberal arts seniors. and from tral heating. no refrigerators. no ate a separate German state with Addt • • " a C • in, t the all.commanbt . $225' to $325 for engineering grads. running wat~r. Food bas to be car"~I • autonomous power!! , and there was al.te. - with exceptional men . getting still ried uP. sometimes four 'fllghts. ' Fanner N••d, lid little question ' that the Kremlin -------it'iC higher otters. mlnois Institute of from the cellar; wood or coal-burnWe llke to picture, our farmer would stand firm in this position. Technology reports: "The class ~1 ing stoves in various rooms have 1 ", ,,,,,"('.0,,,,,".(\00 ('\oot\.. ",",('w.fh~CO-","l""'~ "" .... ""'"1 os the lord of. all be surveys. a On the other hand there was no 3'/5. engineers graduating January to be kept going, Dr. Buehler added rugged individualist beholden to no poss~billty that the western powers "Better to Die •• •" 211, 19~9, averaged $280 per ~onth that many Gel'lTlan housewives, toone, accepting no favors. takin, his would recede from their intention "Comfortless, narnele~s, hope. felr a basic 40-hour week; thiS is day were so poor that tbey used chances With ilie 'e1ements. , the to return government of Germany ~ pests, the drouths. · the ~oods and to the German people. Tliu8 it would less, save in .the d81'1t prospect of the blghest average salary of any djsca1;'ded tin cans as cooking ~ utensils. "Tltey have no dishes, the economic vagaries ,of the nation, seem the impasse was clearly . the yawning grave • . ' . better ' to clla ss ill our history." ~ A General Quiz • die. and sleep the never-waking knives or forks." she added. Aa a matter of fact, however, those ~~~~"'"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ estabUshed. , sleep than.1inger on . • • .. Both women were irnl?ressed with days are gone forever. For the U. '5" Dean Acheson de· The Questlo~ With the import of these llilel More Cultured the way American men help their In 0111' 'mOdem comples ecGDlivered himselt of what might well wives with household chores. 1. Finish the simile, "As brown Omy It .. bI,tol'leaUy true that The American tourist these days "You dontt lind that in Germany." be tbe decade's masterpiece at trom Sophocles' "Chorus ~rort:l 50 obviously goading his con· was coming 'in for a new type at •A G man as a---". the farmer. · "OD 'bla own" understatement when he called the Max" Al·ousness. James' V. FOrTeltal. Dr. Buehler said.' erman ·eVeDtaa1l,. wm lOBe lib' ebIrt. RlIBsian suggestions "disappoint- S • treatment from his overseas ' hosts. never would h eIP his wife wash ·or .2. What is the-meanmg of wan former U.S. deL"ense secret"...,. Be alwa7s has and a'.a,,/I wiD.' inll." , For instance, In Capetown, South dry the d i 5h es. ' 0 nIY re cenllv since derlust? the 16th J' plunged to his death "'om according to merchants, the some German · But then he lIumm.e d up the floor of national navalU medical ceIlIt II jUst aa essentlill that he hsve men saw American 3. What Is the color of most ' . ' - new tourist· is not the !'vulgar type ' men 11ft small chilcfren In, their lovenurient protection' and ' lIoverp· world's reaction when be added: whicg used to invade Europe in . arms, I saw, a few COpy the cu~tom. 'babies' eyes when bom? "My hopes 81'0 distinctly chilled." t8'r iil Washington. 'm!!nt 'help, and ' a guaranteed floor .FORRESTAL had been under hordes, wearing horn-rlnuned, glass- But on the 'whole . the German me)l 4. Why do we see lightning bejunder ' hit prices. as it la for labor CONGRES~,' ~-...,._--,-t-trcatment tor "operaUonal' fatigue" e/l and loud clothes." . . conslde~ such actions as striCtly fore ' \ve hear thunder? it9 have bargainipg .power anll iI ~ . since 'April 2, Attendant physici;m. ."THIS new Amerioan Is we~ woman'!J work." ' ,floor under hi. wages. or Ulat busl· Let's Wait said he had been con$idering sui- bred, quiet. wealthy, but ha,s ·the 5. What was A. Smith's cam· inea be profected 'with export sub..,aign song? . A lot of "trouble for nothln,," cide. that the nature of his malady familiar souvenir mania," said one No New Pres.nted laldies. with tariffs or other various ,civel'J¥X.l~tal aids. Apd to get this might be an apt phrase to describe Indicated this mental condition as curio ' dealer. "One bought every· The Answers l aid he must agree to certain aU the national agitation against an inescapable ·adjunct to It. But thing I showed bim. 'Is it .genuine Is Jap ' Drama S.a~an. On they felt he was getting better; in ,he kept asklng.'~ . TdKYO.-.1apan:s theatrical sea1. Berry. Ithings-wblch il regime~tatlon. AIid President ~an's health insur~ " fie accepts ' subsidies. di1:ectly ' 4~ ance and clvD rights proposals-for fact they had hoped to release him Then. the dealer added. ''lie took son ' opened without a single new 2. The desire to travel. all my shields. assegals and bead- Idea to disturb Its hidebound tranindirectly, sometimes .both.-Anll his own leaders 'in congress erased bom the hospital in 30 days. quility. ';' . .., at defense. Forreswork. I had to call a ricksha to get ' whatever ' he accepts costs the tax- the issues taking both 1;10tly~ 3. Blue. As aecret Conservative. old e r Japanese stuff down to the ship. And Pllyers. The BrallI)an plan may n9t contested items of legislation off tal labored ~" under a burden such as he saw:thll ricksha, he wanteii 4. were having tbemselves the usual Because light travels faster Ibe the best pisn for agriculture. the "must" list. ' that." I tew natillnal servant!! have ,han sound. fine. tearful time at the Kabuki ALSO, Ilated far turther delay His W.all the job cit dlrectI,ng ~e 'but to oppose it on thf1se grounds ia. no doubt wlll palpl- plays. The only thing!! about Kab< this 'reporter's opinipn. at leaat was -the administration'.s four-bll- gigantic n!!oval program durmg : the 5. " Sidewalks of New York." with at this ' new evalUa- uki that have changed In . the last ' lion-do~e,r tax increase plan, the as 'well as the almost hope- 't lion ot their 'cultUral level by those 400 y,ears are the cast and the audIUilreaUstlc. . ODe thine .. ' oerlalD, we.. equally oontroversial prannan farm less task of attempting . abroad who proUt most from tour. '. lIle admlDlatraUo-. call III some program and the foreign-arms pro- of the ,a~med forces. The .strain was Illt business-but most wID console Ie pee. Softwood in Demanll KabUkl lasts from four to five I ,- , .• • DO& DOW appareDt. I~tl a ' posal. . great and . a sympathetic people themselves with the, .tact that so hours during which everybody has . Only half of the world's total moderate labor law throarla ' This len only .three measure bllls could understand wby It lriigbt have long as he has any money, the a cry'lng good time, This Is not to forest area is made up of softwood WI CODI'I'_; Taf&-BarUey rllfor top priority action. Th~y were: broken a strong man. . American tourist w1l1 manage to scoff ' at a highly stylized native art and temperate tJM'dwood forests. peal 'wUI galD , be aD Illiae ID , 1. Extension of the reciprocal President -Truman took tUli . cog-. let' along quite well wherever he fOfm whicb has ·Its own pecuUar yet these forests supply 91 per , tile 1951 bye-eleetfoDB. AoUvUy trade program which has passed nizanc.e of FOl1eatal'a worth wben mv be in Europe or elsewbere. cent ot all the timj)er cut and beauty lor the Japanese. aow fa ,.......errecl " 'the aenate l the bollBe but ill stalled In the ~en he declared tile former de·tense But It Is almost like playing used, Tropical hardwoods furrtlsh ' ....e~ RepubUcaaa bave Pae Shakespeare without any change In the remaining 9 per cent. secretary was "as mucb a casualty , ItaU OD tile labor bm~ llialDly ate. Vi~tims thl! original productions . and to the I aeDatOra , ~, IY. aDd lIIone. 2. Repeal ot the Taft-aartiey of war as he ha4 die oil the fir.exciusion of ,modern drama. , in, line ...• ' • ' labor act. 'Among the currentproductlonl at ,JouP' Se!UnC Job 3; RaUficatlon of the North A~- .. Btr,r there was a.n added DOl'Oell·1 Toyko's" 15 leading theaters, only I Tbls re~rter learned .marly y~ars lantlc secUrity · treaty whleh re- weighing on FOl;restaI. 'fhat 'wa.s a the ml.\slclans show a touch of ago that ' you cannot sell' polities 'quires only a two-thirds majority burden' of attack and vilification originality or promise. , from two ot the nation's top radio 'Ilike you lell soap. So Big Bustnes.. vote in the senate. " Although .they follow the pattern which employs big ' advertlsing SENATE MAJORITY LEADER newscaster-columnists. Alter his of an American stage Jlhow rather ' .,encles to selI.soap and other com- Scott Lucas In.d icated action might shocking death, the press of the than a musical plot. ' the seta .a nd moditles. employs big agencies to be sougbt before adjournment 011 nation beg!ID tp revalue the iInpact costwnes ' are gay. and Ingenious sell our democratic political 1)'1- minimum-wage boosts. .the Inter- of its eJfect and that of the rad1o. . if 'the routines are rial The music 'tem to the ,eneral publlc-and fails. naUonal wheat agreement, and a II suspiciously familiar but llvely. -'--- - ' - - - - - - _ - - -_ Some nationally-syndicated obwas broulbt out at the '-receDt pay raille for top government .ervers charged that the 'attacks There I. no 8uch thing in Japan that l1likes f 0 _ !conventlon of the U.S. chamber at executives and military personnel. upon ,Forrestal via radio' anlt in as a living modern thea!~r. ,al~cQmmerce. We hav~ ' the tinest Speculation was that decision ·to print ,had ad.ded to hi,s load ot though scores ot ~lmely SUbjects . sleep .11 allbtl DOW il ..p ~ , ~"" cI tic e""'relsloo. Tho_lid. IpoUticai System ' in the ,...orld. th;e abandon for' th.e ' time the c9mpul- desperation. They advanced ~re cryin g f or d rama~.. th. ,.... Ibal Iboi, ","hi ............ ~icI!l.,. free en\Orp~ite s,y.tem. but we ' lOry heal~ insurance pro,ram premise that unless som~ A "hit'" play Is uhknown; ,thel;e are n~b' bf I,,,,,, bUiJdw irriIa!IGft;;J/IGC IAe 'have a toulh Ume seIlIng our o~ stemmed from mountlDg congres- was put' upon tbls type ot journal'no ton.notch pla"""'lghts. . . " ftl1/" I..... hop...1That'. . ooruIill.... ~~.., r' , ~llri ......11' wilbln 2. boun. SiQelI bIa4people on it. 'Yet we expect ,the slottal clamor for sharp cuts In Ism. it might discourage many able d. initali~ it ~ pnftlent ,lid F~ Pilla "" ,Voice ''of America to sell it to ~ ,pvemment spending. with the men from enterin, government Tw'o Pilots Sit lIew Mark' r~l!ti>~M'Y"JJ'r~bJl'~r:l~~ ·rest of the wod& civil right. legislation delay be- service. " Far Endurance .Fllchts·~ilb:r~~\!"'&rJtl&!'OIIIYtrnl With only III oppciSin, votes the lieved motivated by fear of a There II possibly no agony of MONEY BACH. . federal aid to edacaUon bUl' has southern fUibwter. Congr.e .a }yanb inanklnd comparable to that which FULLERTON, CALIF .-Six week. t of droninl monotonously thro,ulh --.::.--~,~---:-.~-~--'awept throulb the 8enate and fa to ,adjourn by Augult. and consld· must on in the mind of the man DOW up for bearing before a house eration of any of the "powder about to take his own lUe. It ·Is the aides ended tor BlIl Barril and Antiseptic ,OloblNld AId For committee. . ke," legislation mlllht make that wholly . foreign to the concept of Dick Riedel after they had boosted 1& aulllorb. all aDD'" ex. 1mpoulble. the world's' endurance record to $, the normal, -evel'¥-day mind. CerpeDdltare of 300 mlWoD doU.n LUCAS said he thought President tainly it nles in the face of ,t he very 1,008 .hour". For helpful. ,a.. lll.puc al4 .. feUeyln, Tired, but smilln, and fresh· &be pm ... dIlCoJlllon o. lIIte1'l1&lJ)O • year to alate. to eqliaU~e ecla- ' Truman was, "defln.lte,ly latlsfied" tirst natural law-self preservl\~on. JIrI, Bal,b I. Paratt b9lda haven the two Fl1l1erton airport eau..4 mlllor .Ido .rrltall_ IUId .br.. • caUoaal opportDDJU.. lIle with 'the progress being made. 'Weigblilg all this, it is 'dUflcult to lIark'Rlclllird • ., w~k., at their , . ' Iiou. IUpjlrtlCtal ' ea.... nalIlor lurface employees were able to, walk away barna, .Ullb1\f1l aDd braises, llIe Grap sprindelcl borne. B~r husb~Dd meuta to ranee froM " to . ' That .. urprilled some legislators. Ilnderstand how there could be anytrom their Uttle Aeronca monoOllltllleDl al llIHcled. Med1e,te4 10 dIq. "cr, chlld, deJlClldl.DI' aD the for unless congress repeals the . thing but Iympathy tor Forrestal. .... never seeR lila so~ because plane. The Sunldst Lady. without _ _ _"".: -._-'-_--,,,-_ _ __ . .te Iaoome. Opposltloll was Taft-Hartley law. the Prelldent and an 'honest effort to understand 'be Ia -ID RatlaDd. Vermollt iilD led b)' 'SeDater Wherry of Newill be unable to Point to .ccom- somethin, of the torturous Mental lIIIder an e.,.l, 1801 law wbleb I help, "We're ~oped, but we'll ' be braalla witll help from B,rd of pUshment of an)' of bla campaign suttering wbich . drove him to leap lIellUllldl ,aymea& or oourt an rflht in a short time." laid the VlrrlDla uuI Bricker or Ohio. pledges ~heD congress adjourns. to hJa death:. Jad~eat or paaper. oaUl. 36-year-old, gra,.inl BarTll. "The Five freshmen lenators voted. for worst thinl WBI the monotony of STAND."N IN DOGHOUSE the bIlL Their 'predecessors in the the eneine. It !lIIt about drove IU 80th congre81 were against it; they crazy. We'd never try It again. Th1a included Frear CD-Del.), Johnson fa our last trl.!' (D-Tex.). HendricksOn (R-N.J.), Hi. blODcl partner, RiedeL 34. Lon, <D-La.) and Mundt, <R-S.D.). Genevieve the ,oole wal on the , But Genevieve. obviouslY a vagatlrst eNt of th. plane. He qulckq • • loose and her 8\lcceuor wa. III bond at heart, vamoosed from the embraced his wife. June. and two an liCK PEOP. . . . . . . . . . .... There likely will be no tu in- the doghouse. car In whiCh sbe Will be1n1 brought Ilr!'ClUtt18. children, Dickie. 10. In a wheel 01 UntilleD!. J 10 • dqJ cr881e at W. 1I!1810n. Instead con-' , Genevieve the fir.t was a plump ·to town. IiHPI CIon ....ulr... fOllGwea_ chair witb arthrItis. IUld Barbara, a .... III nrlolll IMC_i! CloaIft creu m~ vote more 'lnone, to JDIIIlI bird bougbt from a tarmer A PbUade1phiaD llvlnc in MJami I. Bam.' wife. Betty, IUld their two our. .~al ...,... • Ho ear,e IIet*J _ prt. the trea.U17 .80 they can put on to play the role of lb. toos. that read about Genevieve and bad III illwedclllDg abIldren, Patty, 2. and Stevu. 1. ftle eouoIta ..... more worker8 to coHect more tue. Ia1c1 the ,olden el, for ~ Lckr.. He'd replace ber with • .were rilht there. too. , 1IPdv the prelleat law. MnUDDI of wom . en'. Medical colle,. 'e OolcllliOOIe be'd 'Hen ballg\n, around the AD ..ttmatecl crowd or 1.0lI0taxes aaouaJbo are evaded beeauae Busb fete in PbJlade1pb1a. AD 1m- Hialeah rac. traclc. Be went to the balf or l'uDertoll'. populatloll aDd . . GI laclc at penonne1 to cbecIc n- portant l'Ole wblch the ladl.. wve track. toUDd GeJlevieve the Hcond II.:==~ , thea -.-turucI out.. to ........ "~""'~II"' ..... TnU1117 ~ determlDed to . . . . . . rlCbt. w.d~ about. II. 1M ~ baelr t.o iba &Itt.
German Housewives Aging Sooner Because 01 Homes
• •
~ Alit ME
BrUlses, '. ' 'B,urns,.'C'Ut
pa,.. .
Loose Perturbs Gold Rush Fete
Alcoholics p:y:,
r:::rtbetl II,
-. .
Thunday,- June. 9, 1949
.M'odernizing Kitchen for Beauty, EfficiencYr Also Reduces Work
br Roger C. Whitman'
By Erlta Haley
Pig Brooders Used To Protect Littei"
Star,t ,M'aking Your Stoc.k$ Of Jams, Jelly Goodies Early.os Supply Fades
Are Found Valuable At Farrowing ' Time
''This little pig went to market" . . is a great fi r st line for .. nursery rhyme. But it doesn't go far enough a s far as farme rs 'are concerned. They'd rather wait until ille pig grows up before sending It to ma rket. And the growlng·up process Is no snap, especially duro ing the first few weeks when the old sow may crush ber precious oft·sprln jt a s they crowd around her In an ef10rt to keep warm. The problem of getting hog. to
JAM and jelly cupboards MOST are a sad sight to behold about
·.... E
thia time of year because long months of u IS e ~,~ ,., . :! ~., .:.... have de pie t ed .. them pretty thoroUghly. Moat· ' . . . . homemakers wll~ :' : '.;:':" " : > find . It a joy to ~ s tar t ·stocklng them now · with br ight, jewel-like . glasse. of delectable jellies. Even for mose of us whO like a goa<;l store of jam and jelly. the job need not seem an unsurmountable task. Make small batches and you'll have' better results' In both flavor and . color retenUon, Neither will you get tired that you never want to see another jelly Ilasi again. Organize. yOIU' work properly by getting out jars or replacing them. Wash them In sudsy water; rinse carefully and they will be all ready to place in cold water and started to sterilizing before you get ready for the fru it and berries. Many women like to get the glass washihg chore out 01 the way the day before, 'a nd this Is ~n excellent. Idea. . Utensils for ' w'orking as well as the paraffin and .ugar m ay also be 'Iaid out the' evening before jelly making day. Plan to make your batcb first thing In ·the morning before the sun warms thlngl up too much and makes YOIl we,!ry,
• • •
EttE'S AN EASY aulde for a favorite rhubarb 'and straw· berry jaPt.: Rhubarb-Str,."berry Jam (Maks II . "'lIDoe ,wsea) • caps prepued frail
'J cape
ncar .
"bolUe fnIlt peoUa To prepa~e fruit: IIHce thin or chop, j)ut do not peet; about one pound of rhubarb. Crullh thorouebly about one quart fully ripe strawberries .. Combine fruits and ure four cups into a large , pan; . , To make the jam: add lIugar to !rult In ; saucepan and mIX , l!IelL .Place over .hlgb heat, bring to a full._ rolllni!' bcill and boll bard one minute, atiTrlne . constantly. . Remove from bear' and at once IItir in bottled fruit pectin. Then Itlr and skim by for ' 'five minute. to cool .lIghtly, and to prevent . floatin, fruit. Ladle quickly Into ,lasses. Paraffin at once. Currants are rich In their own pectin and may be combined wi~ other ~t.I not a. rlc;h In 'the sub.~ance to make fine 'eUy. 'Cherrlea ID Carran~ lell1
:II qaarta carl'&lll JIdce • po.mell lapr , I quarts plUed chams.
Wa.h, mash and cook sJo~l1 enqup ,currants, with Items, to make two quarts of strained JUIce. Let currant julce come to a boll, then add su,ar. SkItn. Add 'cherries
Raspberries, etther by them.elves or 10 comblnatloa . with otber fruits make deUehUa) jams or JeUles, Prepare the jelly glasses by slermaatlou before atartlnr the jam or JeUy 110 they . will be ready when the Juice or frull ~ to be poared. LYNN CHAMBERS' MENU GrJlled Steak Potato Salad Fried Oulons Sliced ,Tomatoes and Cucumbers Biscuits -Bell Baspberrr Jam SUccd caataloape Beveraee ~Reclpe Given Blaok Balipberry-Oarranl Jell1 :II quanl black raspberrlea , :II caps water 1 quart earrania Sacar Cook raspberries, currants and water for 20 minutes. strain the Juice and measure. Add an equal amount Of sugar. Cook until, small amount of the juice dropped on a saueer jells. Ladle ' into jelly glanes and cover with para~ at onee . . >Rallpberriel do not have much pectin and for thil reason they need pectin added to make them Into acceptable jam. Use them aJon~ or combined with atrawherries.· ·BUpbe"" Jam (JIakes 10 I-ouDce Classes) all caps prepared • caps' sacar' 1 bOll: powdere4 fl'aIt pec&ID To prepare fruit: crush thoroughly about two quarts lUlly ripe, red raspberries. If desired, sieve haH of pulp to nmove lome of the' seeds. Measure' 4~ cup. Into a large laucepan. T.9.Dlake jam: mealUre lugar and let allde. Place laucepan holdInl the fruit high heaL Add powdered fr u i t pectin' and ItIr ' u n t1 i
reaches a hard boll. Brine 'to a full, rolling boU . abd boll hard one minute, atlrtlne constantly. Remove from heaL Skim, 18dle quick;1Y Uito l1a..... ParaUin at once. Che"" Presenel a poaa41 Oherriea a poullel. Inpr ~a&~ pick and stone Cherries. Place Ih a preserving kettle, alter~ ' . natln, layers of fruit and lugar. Let stand ov.ernight. Bring slowly to a boil and then boll ' rapidly until. thIck and clear. Pour into sterilized glasses ~~~~I an~~ .seal at oncl! with .paraffin. Gooseberry COD sene , I poands cooseberrles ' ~elilaca'r
Stnnr1lflrrlM ....' earI7 ' '......
barb make one of the mod ite~C~UaI • • c'olorfal Jam c)DID'~
DatioM bOYD ID modem cpolEery; . Y01IDC fry ."ko Uke ~ work In the kltahell can be • creat belp ~ mot&er III preparloc Iocredlea" c11IrIq Jam maklut time.
and cook slowly and sleadlly for 10 to ill mmutel. Pour Into jelly
,18llses, paraffin at once' aDd let in a cool, ' dry place_ LYNN SAYS: leQT-MakiDC wm Belp W_ Assemble your equipment for je1l7 ' and jam malcin. ahea~ of time. You will need alar,. mJxin. bowl.. colander, a e.quart saueepaa. a .mall ..ucepu for pantan.
iIa- wHb
CIUPIt ' jell7 cov.-I ad • aIIU~
VQ. WbeIl meltiD.
far Hal-
JelUea abd JaIDIe un a low Itar$' to
I poaa.d seed" ralsina I larce oraares Grate the tlnd of the orangel and emaClt the juice. MIx to,ether the oraD,e rind and Juice, troOseberr"s, ratstna and lUgar, Cook 1l0wlTaatll thlc.k . , Pour intO ..erne jara lind I,al at once. Pbleapple-Pear Prasen_ I poUlld ~11! 1 No. I CIUl allae4 plDeApple Ui C1IPI npr " cap boU", water ,t DI.so1v.e augar In water and let c!JDle to it boll. Cut peara In halves lengthWise, . rern.o vtn. 8lt1D and corea, Cut pineapple tnto plecea ana add .both fruit, to hot syrup. Cook unUl tender and clear. Seal Inlterllizedjara. To prevent ace..l•• "weeplnl" on jellie. and Jama, leave a .haU inch of .pace · at the top wben fill. in, the l1a... Paraffin. cover tightly and Itore In a cool, dry place. Fruita and berries used for jaml, jeWel, preaervel and conserv~a Mould not be allOWed to ' atand In water aa they become ' water-lOlled ancS wID bl. . to be cooked lon,er, to iet rid of water. Thli relults. in flavor aM color loll, U.. a Upped HUCepaa for ~ ~ 10 . . . W. Jail
. Here I. IIhoWD a piC brooder lu operation. Ofttimes aome torm 01 supplemenlary be.. Is neeeuary to prevent • blCh piOl1aiUy rale amoue pip. PI, brooden auo.h a. thlll have been developed .for this purpose. market starts' at farrowing time. In the spring some form of lupplementary heat i, needed to prevent a 'hlgh mortality' rate. Pig ' brood.. ers have been dev.eloped for this purpose. Their use will lIave an average of one and a hal! pigs per litter, according' to Purdue university. Brooders are· easy to build and economicd to operate,' Generally. they are constructed by boarding oU • cOJ:ner of the farrowing pen to a height of about 18 Incbea. A roof Is placed over this rectangular enclosure and a board nailed acro.. the . front opening about 8 Inchel .~ve the floor. Heat I. provided by .a 150 to SOC·watt lamp, the size depending on weather condltions. A hole Is cut 'in the top; and the placed in a suitable r eneetor which is bolted 'securely , 0Ve!: the openine. Pig brooders cQnsume an average of 36 kIlowaU houri 01 power per Utter.
Almost American farmer;. total cash income last year came, from 'the 's ale of meat animals, accordiJig to the chart abov e .'prepared by the American Meat Institute from u.s. department of agrjculture figures, The value ot meat animals wal -more than nine and one·half bUllen dollars. Total cash receipts from all c.rops, including government payments, approached 31 and onethird bUllon dollars_ From their cash Incoine, farmera and ranchers paid out large' amount.l for stock, feed, labor and' other operating. costa.
F YOU' RE Mrs Avera ge Homem aker, you walk. mot'e than 3.000 miles each year in )lour k itchen alone.. say domes,t lc scien ce exper ts. That' s equal to a closs·country hike from NellY York to' Call· fomia. so I\'s no wonder many at you Bre interested In sav:ing steps. However, an effic:ient kitchen that anves steps Is not the only r eason you may want to change the kitchen. Perhaps, like 'm any homem akers,' you w~nt more storage and more. pleasing wOlrklng conditions. Color as well a!1 be au~ and effective design hav,e been added to our ncw kitchens. When c ar efully planned and execu'ted, they can be as lovely to look at 8 9 the most beautiful living or dining room . And what a ;joy to cook: meals inl Add Colors to KltcbeD When Dccordlnr There wa s a Ume "!hen kitchens were white with just a sm all Iplash 01 color. 'l'hey may still be Carried out in white because, naturally appliances ;~d cabinets are white. but th!1t's more r eason than ever to add colors where you can. What about uslnlt a deep pink or a lovely coral or slrawbe'rry col ot on the walls, and s piking this with lome d elicate greens? The gr eens can be used in so.m e sl.mple, soUd colored curta ins or rou gh-tex tured cotton dra pes appropriate for the kitchen. Powdered blue is also I very
Answer: The Na t iona J Lumber Manufac turers association, Wa shington, D.C .• has sever a l publica:' t ions' on the subject ; some a re' free a nd othe r s are ava ilable at a price. Protectin g Silver from Tarnish Question: Is the re any way to prevent silverware f rom t a rnish'ing? I sn't . ther e a pre pa r ation to apply on the silverware as a thin coating t ? preye nt t a rni s h?
'1'hIs modera venlon or tbe old-fashloned kllchen cabluel II!I desIgned with ~ eye toward kitchen beauty .. well as hleb utility value. Ii boldll 81lppllea both on the shelves all wen lUI pots anel pana ' III the eablne'. below .t he large, pull-ciut table top whlcb can be nsed as • prepar&lIon eenler:
Answer: Dealers in jewelers· s upplies usua lly sen a Jacquer for this purpose, but f ir m s of this kind a r e only found in la rge cities_ ]I you cannot get It, a clear lacquer, sol d a t a we ll-stocked .paint store , c an b e used instead_ I After pollshing the s ilve r , wipe it with benzine and then apply the la cquer.
For _/lie/ene, .,fJd bellll'" ;Uzlng the utility value of thl. 1l'a. dltlonal' kitchen fll.r~isbing, today's · deslgnera have brusbed away attic dust and given this un).t a smooth f1.t for the most modern 01 homes. Desilned as a ~oinplete unit with sheH space, vertical and belowcounter, itorage 81pace ',al well as
An Infant food made from edible .by-products of milk may' soon open a new market for d~en in telts now ~olng on in Mexico continue to · show favorable result.l. Tll1s II the conclualon drawn by Dr. Harold Macy at the University 01 ~eaota" , Dr. Macy and Irvine McQUarrie, pediatrics head at 'the universitY, bave visfted Mexico where .t hey conferred with leadin. pediatriCians on the testa, The new baby food will' offer opportunities fo.r use In many counbliea if future experiments prove latlstactory. .
Cattle , don't lit down ardin_rib, so It wal newl when the American Veterlnar,. •••ociatlon exprea.ecS proteuional interen in the 1traD•• eO. at a Hereford c8U GIl a lann in TennealH; The AMV joaraal aald th. Tenneu" eaU often dta on the with her hIIIII ~,.
New Kitchen Cabinet working area, the modernized version of the kitchen ' cabInet oan be made Into a supply and food ' preparation center for any phase of kitchen operations. The cabinet is ideally suited, for example, as a center for aU preoven operations. Equipped with overhanging and base cupboards and a targe pull-out table top working area. the cabinet keep ul1 necesJlBry baking materil\ls, Including pots and pans, within arm's reach. UliIi:. lIi/,bftJ s/lln. , • • In the overhanging &beU area at restful color for tIle kl1chen. Thls this type of cabinet, .you may store, may be used with yellow .or orange spices, dried frUits, confectioners' If you want a warmer .combInation. sugar, vanilla and other ingredients. Frequently, a built·1n flour container Plan WorklDlr Afetal and sifter Is included as part of the For Kilchen cabinet Itself. To get the most good out or Ample below.counter space your kitchen, plan to have plenty commod.atell m1xine ' bowls, double of table space for working areas. boilers, measurIng cups, ' pie and These should be planned 110 there cake pans. Baklne. lngredients and Is a working area on either ·slde utens1Js can be brought together on 01 the sink, on one side of the re- the worklne area with trlgerator, and on both sides of the plenty of - space. left over tor the .ran,e. electric mixer and even a colorful " Then when you cook:, wash dlsh cannister seL es or mix foods, you may choose , The , porcelain enamel surface of your working area' at the range, the . cabinet caD be used for ' knead-, refrigerator, or link. whichever vou are utilizing. ing and rOlling dough without pastr)r ~ board or cloth. The surface will be Space such as thJs may· be ob· easy to clean and sanitary, too. Lemtained trom cabinets. with good ons, grapefruit and dried 1ruita can working areas. Above each work- .be diced directly on the porcelain without danger of acid ing area you may plan to have cabInets, each COr;ltalning the U,"'ll"'_""+statnlri,ll or scratching, or lupplles needed fof' your Select Slreamlln" Vae Efficient Stoup KllcbeD C.blDeta Plan In WaU Cupboardl , One oi. t1)e Iates;t InnovaUonll for As 'every woman knOWI, you can't the kitchen, Is a streamlined ve!'- put thlngs belWid a elosed:door and alan o.t 'the kito.h ell ca.binet. Reco,- Just · expect te.~ ,et them out In ap: ple-ple order. Why waite time hunting for utenllill and supplies when you can .pli\n an , efficient storalle system? . Use th'e ·b1lh,er llIelves on wall cabinets for dlehl • •and supplies which are not used too frequently. Keep iIlose tbIl'\gs, in constant use, on the }owa: shelves on wall cup-
Milk By-Products Hold Infanl Food Source
Call Which 'Sill Down' II1lerasll Veterilwiana
Makin!; Curved ' Rafters Question: Where can 1 obtain information on how to make cu r ved r a fte rs? How is this work done ?
If you have .lImited cupboard space., wby not get pne of the new raeks" that cail ' be attaclied to the Inside ~~or of the ~\fpboard'1 Ule It for splc.ell, ' flllVorln,s an~ food color. .
lJ~rl!p ~~!', SlIve' Tempen , Have' you, open'ed C!upboards and i1lscovered that cuPS' anA . saucers wer~ sm!llhed or chipped sorhewhere alll!)g the line? Cups ahould go 'on hooks 110 they may be saved from around by other dish. es. ,Soup dishes wit,h,handles may be stored !.n the· same way. A 'type of storage hook which locks like a clip after the handle Is inserted auarllntees ag~t their ~. Racks ma,. .lao be uaed for many different types of plates to utlHze space . properly ,' and thl,ll preveDt them from ehlpplor, too. For large Platter;, tray. and woOd- ' en bowla, don't be afraid to remove a shelf'or two from a cllblnet to rive you vefucal ,tora,e apace for theie plecell. .It individual rack. Ire Jlot provided thele ma,. be built simply 10 that the platters arit bild ealUy In place. Vertical storage apace of thi. type III also excellent lor pie 1I:ns, cookie abeets and other lar,e utendl •• Stor. .e Wall Acco_CKlatee Cleauloc SappUes U'. much easier to eet at cleanln, If supplies are kept convenll!ntly on a stora,e wall in the kitchen. The ahelves and cablneta lor thelle may be more nsf.l'1IW thaD for other kitchen ilema. On the tpp shelve., plac. aoapa and dt:terlllDtI, JOUabea,. clellllln. eJotha, etc. On the lon, verUea1 eabinet walJa the iheI.ea. baq brush... brooma 8JId vaeuum cleaner alta. . ,
IJID.u IIIMI .er~ ~Ollt.bfuJ btl II P'4ae. euI1,. hlrUlchled turaDd Iller w1t1lbow ..... et the lonl' white, will lie The,. ,,01
wItb mlel- '
prlots Iloata.
........... pta. . . em,u.taa retana eath item to ita place.
- - - -- - - -- - - f·
Blessed Relief' From· Constipation Mise.ry "Irregularity made me feel 10 milerable I often had to stay home. My trouble ended when I made Kli1LlJOGG'S ALL.' BRAN a part of my daiI diet.' ~ Clematla . L. ~oeh1M!r. 80. 61h 81rul. .llil Omh; Cali!. Thill is One of hundreds or UJI'o 10Ucited letters. If :yoW' eOlistipation Is due to lack of bulk ill the' diet, trY this: Eat an . ounee of AL~BRAN dail)j drink .,lenty or water. If not' Bamned after 10 diaya, Bend the empty catton to Kellogg's, Battle C~t.. Mich. Get DOUBDE YOUR 140L'l~Y BACK:llIuy
For SOre, Gun Sold 011 a posttlve molle,-back IWlrantee. that rou _ill be relieved ot aU lima crI AO'I'IVE GUM INI'ECTION. . LlT&RATUR& ON REQUEST TdIII II......'0
. fH. , 'AIICn lABORATORIES, 1& 0e!0I- XI unu aoac.
:All 0' USIII
.un il
RIG'H r, t
• . '4P _
Kill. aphids and almllu ... ck l ~r ·I n _ P.... mila fulld • • • lopmentof 1I..lth~ 'ollalr'! and QUIliCI' fru ita and \Ie... labl,... Le. . .. no~
-KI"'b _ _ uoI~, r_ . lui r«lld"e. - Can be II!Mdwldo '..... ~t;!'!.~~" ~;-.JIIIIIIIr ASIC YOUII m-... .. " OfAlfli
ReIieIe distJiss." MONTHLY
'FEMALE·· ,WEAKNESS Ate, you troubled ~ ~trea" 01 retrial. ruuctioual perlOCUo dJatul'b-
. 100ft' no- UUa m .... 'OU auller from pain, (eel . , ~ Uredae Buell times? TIlen DO V, L7dla II. Plnkbam'. Ves-table OomPOUDd co
IUch .QDlPtoau.
lIu a IftIId sooUUDg elfect on OM , 01 uq"..Pi'. mort flnportcane or,ca... ,
The Miami Gazette, PubUahed every Thursday
at Wayne.ville, W ......D
CootT. Ohio,
A FARM DIARY BY D. J, FRAZIER Editor &; Publisber Theodore E. Conover Edna H. Conover .................................... ,... A&sociate Editor JUNE I , It ••. Warm June l\aYI. ju.t rl,bt for bay makin, If YO\l Entered as second class matter a t th e Poltofflce at are lucty enougb to lIave the corn Waynuville, Ohlor - -
planted and ,the bay ready . to cut.
o : ,2•00 p ef We are , lUll planttn, eorn but $1.50 per year i nOhl
TRtrBSDAy, .nJRII t, 1141
omo but we are hoping rrom the many people belonged to St. Mary's and blwe moved lsewhere Ilnd with some, belp and backing rrom our friends In tbe community tbat It CRn be done. Here Is a fine opportunlt.y tor memorials. How 'mucb beUe r to hav a share In R living \',Omt,lUlllty 'ce nter tban IlIb~II'8t e stone In S«lme an cemetery. Tbe plana are (or n simpl e building wUh modern' fa· cllJtles Ifor meetings of all klnda. A. b"lIdln!: with n plellsant. friend· Iy look with a large room and .80me smaller room",. 1\ k Itcbe.n 8 ~d a modern hea ting plaid. Just the sort of plp ce tOI' community atfalrll aEl well RS Churcb school and parll;h Pleetlll g~ . Such a thing co,mes Into being through
MT. HOLLY METHODIIT T. M . Scarft. MiJillter Cllllrcb School. 9 : SO a.~ .. . J . J . Sunday School. ' .110 a.m.. E. A. lllal'nb art, Supt. Burake. Supt. Worship and Sermon, 10:30 a.~ . Worsblp Service, 10 :30 a.m; Youtb Fellowsblp. Sunday, 6 :30 Evenln, Service. 7: 80 p.m .. p.m. Choir Pr8otloe. Tburlday, 7:46 CAESARS CREEK FRIEND8 p.m. David StanfIeld. Mlntlter Bunday School, 10 a.m. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Worlblp Service.· 11 a.m. Samuel N. Keys. Rector Churcb Scltool. 9 :15 a.m. UTICA E.U... CHURCH Morning Worship. 10:30 a .m. William Sbannon. Mlnllter Sunday, School. 9:80 •. m.. Mti. WAYNESVILLE ' FRIENDS Jamel Garrllon. Supt. Preaching' lilt. and Sid. Sund • .,. a.m. ot each month. 10 : 30 a.m. EvenIng Servlcea. 7 :30 p.m. WAYNESVILLE CHUR'CH OF CHRI'ST LYTLE METHODIST CHU~CH M. H. Coffey. Mhlilter Sunday School. 9:30 a .m" 1[,.. Bible Scbool. 9 :80 a.m. Rutb Saylor. Supt. Morning Worship, 10:80' a.m. Worship ServIce. 10:30 a .m. Young Peoples' Meeting. 6:45 p.m. EvenIng Service. 7 : 80 p.m. FERRV ,CHURCH OF CHRleT Prayer Meeting and Bible . Study, Byron Carver. MInister Wl'dneeday. 7:80 p.m. Bible Scbool. 9 : 80 a.m. Morning WorshIp. 10 :30 a .m. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Prayer Meeting. 7:00 p.m. Fatlier R. H. Krumholtl. Putor Young People's ' Meeting. '1 :00 p.m. Evening Services. 7:30 p.m. Mnsse s. 8 and 10 a.m. METHODIST OHURCH Mlnlater R, fl . Cole~an.
·thlnk we can flnlah that today. Then It will be time for some of thole .1I0wen we bave been ' ===-- -promlled. If Yllu hav!, bay dow n YOU are wlablD, for more dry IVe· atber It not a few ,ood -howers . would be welcome. ~" Tile mUI.tlllor~ -rOlel arf! In tal tour. FROM OUR "LES bloom and the aIr II Iwe t Itt e w ', FOR JUNE 10. 1931 TbemaDY friend' and admlr- tbem. Tbey are r.e opmmendlng erl of tbe Wayneayllle Scbool tbem for hed,e. In hard to t " M Il Band will be bappy to knoW' tbat placel IIka wood. and rougb JaLd . Tbe twenty·mlllionth Ford car. tbey ""Ilt cive leveral , concerti Planted about foot or foot and at the fork or the road. one road symbolic of one man's contrlbut· at bome tble lummer. Tbe tint a balf apart they are .,ald to g08S fonvard to su ccess. the Ion to world hiltory and tbe de· of thele concerta wilt , be riven mue a denl. etock·proof bedge other winds around .untll ' mapy velopment of American Industry, at McClure corner. Thullda,. ev. In two or three year.. They aleo years fro,m nqIV It will bring us wllJ vi lit, Wayneavllle , enroute Ding at 8. cla1m 'that ·· they do not epread. rlgbt back to ",-here we are ,now. fr~m Detroit on a tranaconUnen· It will be hard work to go lor· The MIAmi ' Maid 4·H club met Apparently tbe)' do not .pread ward. Il will IDelln sac rifi ce. for at tbe bome 01 Juanita Braonock: from the , root. but we find that tblli 18 a big ,proJeot and even a Rutb Oonner wa. . 'e leoted Tic' tbey laed th~mlelves and Il~~ prelldent ' and Juanita Brannock up ever~bere. Of couril. they lo t of mil e gifts wJl1 not be and Virginia Denlln,er were 'ap. may not do tbla very qulctly af! enougb; ,"e arE) golug to need we have lived bere nineteen, years little gilts trom those whose In· pointed tbe finance committee. le rest alild mea ns are smnll and MIIIII Doria Hendellon reeeh'ed and It I. only within tbe-' la s~ bigger gifts from tho se wbo care two or three Ylltrt tbat J have ber B.A. degree at the 7IItb. an·· bot we can do It and w e ask the nual commencement ,\bt Weltern notlcecl them everywhere. J do belp of everyone to belp liS 'bulld not think they are very hard t;' college. O%lord. Tueld..,.. and Ulen we ' ask everyone to kill 10 -perb~pa that lan't It bad Blrda love their little come Rnd hel P liS lise a nd enjoy Orville J . Gray an.d Harold 01- leature. born aaw the ball lIame at Cln- red IIlpI In . the raU and 10 your It. . £'1 on time , victories tban horlemen or charElts ....~.01' f a Uure t Ole The ' mOlt d.plnnatl Sund.,.. betllre "enertta wild _ lite aleo. Mrs. Lane suggests that ~ey .Iots.- W. M. Paxton van~ed pieee. of contact her office without delay. Great Idea. come wbeD ' tbe Tile four hen. continue to take Mr. ~d Mra. Harry Burnett equipment • r e . An application must be filed in worJd needa, them. They lurround OUr vehle1" anel entertaIned the Tboma. famU,. to ,004 care 01 tbe cblokeDa but • e eommodatJon. order for payments to be made. tbe world'a Ignorance and prel' dInner Bunday bonortn, ' tbe tbree of tbem dllUke tbe fourth In our home. Residents of this area who ror admlllllion. - AuiUn Pbelp• and ,drive her away wbenever bIrthday ot William Thoma.. meet the age requirements and The cbanglng 110'" and full et· While dl"lnl In tile ,.ard at Ibe . Jolnl the l QtherIJ. Sbe ependa are not now working should call fuigence or God'a Infinite idea •• Cedar Lawn farm, tb. home ' ot moat of the time up on the rooet at, write or phone the social ,8e- Imagel. mark tbe perloda or pro· Mr. and Mfl. ~ter Kenrick. or wilen tile,. go oui91de there curity office at 202 Federal gtes8. -Mary Baker Edd, Lytle. Mr. Frank Tbomal un, are two or tbree , cblr-ks. that go Building, Hamilton, Ohio, for earthed a Inver PUfltl ",blela !lad wltb her and all tbe rest So with further information and assis'Ialn tbete ' fifteen ,...n. It t. a the otben. The,. are ,rowin, eo ':ry A Guett. Claulfl.d Ad tance., The phone number Is 2combination compact, card eu. fa.t and the le,·horna wOJ Boon 8365. __ • •• •• •••• • • • •• and coIn pUrle and w.. 10lt br be feathered. A representative of this office' Mrs. Ruth Zimmerinan now d... We found ·the white kitten is in the Commlsaloner's R.ocml, TELEPHONE 2Z91 ceased. County Court House. Lebanon, liviD, under a ~rulh·plle out In WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Cha~les Burton Earhart is con- the chicken yard and now ahe is Ohio, on the second TbUl'!!lday of' fined to the house with mumpl. back In tbe boulle but sbe Is so each month at 10: 00 a. In. =-= '. wild that , we can not toucb ber. PURCH~SE REGISTERED lULL Kitty Pula mUlt lIave done a Elmer Sbeehan and 100 recent· Ir«!Od Job of feeding her because Iy purchased t~e re,letereel· HOURI: Ibe I. nice and plump but so far doeln't come tot he pan to eat Area C brl ~ Ul\.ll Scientists received Brown Swlaa bull Dewey ·Champ. 9·t 2 Each Mornln, wltb the othera. I saw' 'Ih e wltb. great Int~"cllt the news ot 100. 94588. rrom Howard 1.. Smltb 1-5 Afternoons Except Wet!. mother brln, ber a little ral, tbe he ele lion of ?onsll Emma C. of Route 4. Xenia. accordln" . ,to Evenings by Appointment otller day ao. Ibe must be doing ':;; ~jpman to the 'Pr sld e ncy ot the a report from Fred S. Idtllt!, eec· Olily a lIood Job of huntlng~ All rat~' ~rotbel' Chllr'c b for the imsulng retary of tbe-BrowtrSwtl Cattle Breeders' . ASllco., Beloit, Wla. . t bope And no hlrds, )'ear. TELEPHONE 62 Tbere are 10 man).' pretty f;$.r , 111185 Shipman re ceived h E) r denl . In Lytle and Waynes\'l1 ~ c collng In llle publl schools of GEM8 OF TH'OUGHT A healthful bunger for a ,reat that I can not begin to mentioD Vermont and New Hampahlr:e, In all ot them. ( think, perhaps ~a ' the Johnson. Vermont. Normal Idea Is tbe beauty and · blelled. . . . . . .c .,. lelle Prender(ast bee th s nrlz.. ,cheal a nd at Boston University. neS8 of Ilte.- Jean In,elow Ideas go booming throu,b tho vesetable garden. Evervthlng 18 She Is ' 8 member of , he Kappa ~,th Debolt ..... world louder thall caDnon. 'lbou· 10 bl, and bealthy looking. ' He Kappa" Gamma fraternity. ONIA, OBJO gbts are mlghtfer than armJ.. .. · K;EMTONE la711 h~ planted his potatoes on Principles have acbleved mo,e !!It. Patrlck'i Day, certainly. tbey WAYNE:SVILLE WORKERS Wan Paper and Paste and SIzIq loot aImoat ~.. enou,h to have MAY APPLV FQR ' BENE~ITS G~ E • .BulbII - Nu ·ElWlleI JH)tatoel ' 00. J waa talking to a Many wor kers in the WaynesSoaIIl . . . . . . . ~ ~ Gn.Ip .... woman the other day wbo caUed 'ville area inay be able to collect my atten~on to her nelgbbor's social security benefits as well as KNOWING HOW TO HELP beautiful nower.. ( can't , re" unemployment compe n sat ion. Thll.. profel.lon 01 eun. parbap. member the name of 'tbe neigh. According to Mary Lloyd Lane, more than. an7 other, dependl up. , ,............ 2422 WAYNISVIU.Bt OHIO bor, BIt. Aid ille WatJ trying to Manaser of the Social Secuity on th. tactful laculty of bow. ha;'e IOID. nice ODel .too. but aile Administration Field Office .at Ing where and wben to belp. bad 10 'm uch plealure lookinl, 'liamiltl)o, Ohio, anyone . 65 ' or , Atuneral dlnKltor I • ...DI[)l...a...._ _ _ _ _ _-;--~. atnet- nel,hbor'll that . It over, who is un~mployed may be commandlD, officer. He la. tor the 188m to matter mucil eligible f<lr these 118yments. Soctime at le••t. the confidential ",It.ther .be hael any or not. · JD lal 'secllrity benefits are , payable ablaor to the limU, &nd In IDIQ , lI.r own 7Vd. . . for each calendar month that InltabcH contlnull W • .capaclt,. I worker is not employed or earnfor ye~~I, La.t nlllht ' S~. tlary'a Parleh ing less than . $15.00 a month at ' met , for. & *vlred \dllh dinner a job under social security. Bewith .our Bllhop to atart the cause ' many workers -lose benecam~rn for . funde for tbe new Parl.1I houle. For fifty yeara or more It hal been A dream ot the peo.,l., and 110", tbe plana are 0>, drawn andt tbe De:!:t etep Is to let tbe money. It .ee~B Ute a ·tr.emendou, undertaking for .0
JQ!ar elsewhere,
Pe'rha,pS You Remember '
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
., . .
• • •
• • •
• • •
Funeral Home
A few· more ...
All Metal Lawn Chairs
l~t _eli th~_lo~ pri~e of .
$4.40 each
Dr. C. 'E. Wilkin 8,.,.....
IIyneStille Furniture & Appliuee Co.
~~~!!!~!!!~~~~~~~~~;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!' I
,..A'...."............ .eCtOIE I~l
Always in Demand
$4.69 SAVE $1 ~7 0.
'is this smart gal, who
pia tal
Sanoco Semee WAVNE.VlLLE
im~w~ .~ne of ihe big secrets to
popularity is .always 100m, eECURITY well-groomed. Bring your. clothes • • • eaD be yourl throUjb reto us for dry cleaning. Our cus~ lUlu purcltue. of U.S. SaTlD•• tomers are always satisfied as BoJl!!a, 8J)1~CIlIJ, care Is given to every sar~ Be a Ihareholder In the United Sta1e8 of Ametlca.
, aynesville IAnOw. BANI
Make magic salads with 'Borden's COTTAGE CHEESE! Borden', fln,-quallty Co"ag. Ch.... combln,. 10 raadlly with or canned fruit•. , . gre.n veg.table•. , . or r.lishe•. , . fa make appetillng salads that the whole' family III,.., And It', ,Juch an economIcal way to get voluabl. prolelns and ",Ineral., tool let your lorde.. mlirrlltOlt 'eave )IOU CaHo,. C". . . regu/arr" or adt if at rour 'flYorife rtore.
THURSDAY, JUNE I , Uti REV. BERNARD BAUGHN CHOSEN BY LYTLE CHURCH Rev, Bernard Baugbn of , Way. nelvllle haa b~eD cbolen to be By MRS. WALTER KENRICK palltor of Lytle church, "ubject to appointment by the MethodIst FAREWELL PARTY TO HONOR Conference ..nd Dlltrlot SuperlnREV, J08EPH ,..VER8 tendent, Rev . Kennedy.
Member. of the Lytle Method, Iat churob, tbalr famlUel a.nd (rlellda lire I.n vlted to a farewell party for Rev. Josepb 'Myers. former putor or the church ' here , next ,Sunday evenIng, June i2. Thle will be held ai "Tbe WII. lows." north o~ Centerville on tbe Alexa nderv lJle . Raod , weet . A bal!ket dInner and program are to be features 01 tbe evening. Meet at the chureJP at 6 : 30. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel NIcholl of CincInnati call~d on their neph · ew and nIece, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HRmmond and family. Bunday e nroute to Dayton,
... _--
MIsses ...BernIce and Jeannette Sheehan played 'the mlr1mba at the SprIngboro HIgh School A.Iumnl banquet Saturday evening. Several otherl! from here alao attended. Mr. and Mra, Frank Kurtis apenl severlll 'days laBt week wIth Mr. and Mrs. Ellmer Wolfe at Sturgis. fdlchlgan. Mrs. J . B. ,J ones. Mn. _Harvey Burnet and Mrs. Walter KenrIck ,attended an meeting and covered·dlBh dinner of tb e ladlel of' Farmers' Grange, Tuesday. at the home of Mra. Gilbert 'Fry near WaynesvlJle. Mrs, CharleB 'Tumbleson III on
..-- ... -...
orutcbes, ~uffer lng from 81;1 InJm-ed ankle, the rellult -of a fall Monday evenIng: No report from an X-fay at this time. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. 'Smith. 01 Route ~8, entertained 't o a famil y picnIc d,lnner Sunday evenIng in 'honor of l'4r. Smltb's blr~hday. Mr. Guy Routzabn Is able to be up again after a rela pse lut week (rom a recent I1Inesl. Messrs Henry Saylor, Vernon Pursley, Tberle JoneB and Oharles TU~bleson attended the MethodIst Brotherhood meeting at South Lebanon Monday evenIng, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark ' In company wIth , Mr. Ilnd Mra. E. J . Carmony of Springfield, vIsited the cemeteries of St. Paris and New ,Carlisle Sunday. ,
By MRS. HILY GIBSON Mr. and Mrs, Raymond 'Osborn, 1\1 r. and Mrs. Ralpb Dill , and Bon Tommy, Rnd !\Irs. Emerson Dill ~pent Sunday at LeSourdesvllJe .Lake. Don Rockbold la spendI ng a few da ya wIth his grandparenta, Mr. and I\ Tom Roberts ,of near Xenia. MI'. and Mrs. Pete Runyon ca lled on M.!'. and .Mrs. Harry Sbaw near Frlday evening, Mra. Emmer Cre\\" wal!l a BUppel' guest Monday evenIng or Mr. and Mrll. Geor ge Bratten. Other callers were M,'s . HlIy Gibson and ,MIB8 Clara Daughter, MIss MInnie Crawford or Dayton spent the weekend wIth hel' parentfl,. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Clarence Crawford . Mr. and MTs . Elvie Mlchla) called on MI". and Mr~. Pete Run .. YOn Sunday evening. Other call · e~s were Mr. and Mrs. I!lrnest Reeds of SprIng Valley, Elmer Lamb or WayneBvllle, Mr. and
• We .peel.lln cken,
In .ucculent chI,
_nd ehop dinner., de.
IIcloualy pl'epat:ed, expertly ae'rved bring the whole family,
Sunday Hours:
8:30 8.·m. - 11 p.m. , Open Dally,' 6 a.m. -11 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesday
srs'p and 'EAT· , RESTAURANT . .... -
BIll Mra. Bob Tate, 101r. 'rate of Bellbrook, Mr. McMillion of SprIng Valley. Mr. and lIfrs. Fred Spence ot Dayton spen L the weekend wltb Mr. and Mrs, Rockhold and famIly.
Mrs. Pete Runyon, Mrs. Mattie I.e'vI Mra. Alfred Morgan and chlld,'ElD and Mrs. L ue Morgan called on MrB. Hlly GI bBon Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry . BergeB and cblldren ot Bea,v erlown call. ed on MI". and Mnl Lue Morgan Saturday. flirs. LewlB Crawford and daughtel', Donna, spent the weekend wltb Mr. and Mrs. C1aren e Cr aw · ford. . . Mlsft Miriam ,Smlllh was the weekend gueBt of Mrs. Vivian McDonRld or ,Dayton. Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mrll. Maltia Levi were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Binkley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder, Mr. Luther Wysong, ,Mrs. VivIan McDonald and Bon, Paul, ot Day· ton and , Mias Clara Daughlers. Miss Barbara and Master R,on· a id Morgan are Butferlng wIth mumpB thIs paBt week. Mrs.. Rlcbard Hanes and dau· ghte r, Donna, ot near Xenia, were d in ner gues ts of her parents. Mr. al1cJ MrB, Hlly GIbBon. c"!lllerS in th afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Campbell and son, CbarleB. Mi ss PhyllIs GIbson, Mrs. Obester Crawfor d and daUghter, Shirley Ann, of near Mt. Or ab. Edl~ a Bunnell IB allandlng a few weeks wUh ber aunt, Mrs. RlchIlrd Han es ot near Xenia. Mr. and Mra. KelUlotb Bratten called on Mr. and Mrs, George Bratten Thursday e"eiling, Mr. and ' MI·B. D. noyle of Cln · ·lnna.lI called 011 Mr. and Mre . Morris LewIs anq family Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth Crew o[ Lebanon and Mrs. ,Emma Crew called on Mrs. Maltle Levi 'r uoeday arter' noon .
age at 1% ceDtl per bUllhel per month from tbe date of unloadIng.
Ellsworth Smith spent the week end with his s Ister, Mrll, Roy Buhrman and family of Dayton. Mrs. Roy Bubrman were lIupperJ guests of Mrs. Mat~le Lev I and Mr. and Mrs. EllIsworth Smltb on Friday evening.
- Growers ' are encourage~ to lr.eep as mucb wbe,a t 118 pOlllllbls OD the farm &s prIces are eJ:peeted . to dIp consid erably below tbe loau price. We agaIn caution thOle IItorln, graIn on the farm to dhlnfect granaries and carefully ' watcb moisture content In the grain, Corn also opened lower T ueaday morning In sympathy with wheat and heavy receipt. 'at ter. mlnals over the long weelr.end. Corn, too, wall able to' gain 2 ceDt. durIng the bUlllnesll weelr.. Corn receIpts are contlnulD" ratber light at ' Chicago. Wealr.ness In other grains seem. to hold corn down although the c••ll basis Ie strong_
(Information supplied by tbe Wayn esville Farmers' Excbange.)· Market opened conslder,,:bly lower TueBday mornIng. New whea t harvested In the soutliwe ~t waB an:lvlng at Kansas CUy ImmedIately forolng current bId s down 10 cents per bushel, and by the end or tbe week had rallied only 2 cents. , Current bIds on wheat are stili consIderably over new crop bIde and further declines of the cur. rerit bids are expected. Storage w11l, perhaps, be our , greatest problem during the wheat movement. We hav.e contaoteil every source we know of and have no defInite promlee for wheat storage space tor government loan wheat. Railroad shipping . condItions continue to look promising and we expeot to be tn the marke~ every day for frellb wbeat at a g~od market price and hope to be ' able to furpillb regular 8to.r.
(Tuesday, June 7) Wheat (prompt) ., ., .. .. U ,95 New Crop Wheat .. .. . . Sl.SS Corn .. ...... . . . . . ... ',. Sl.17 Soy Beanl .. ... . ".... '2.01
Mr. and Mrs. John A,. Sears of Berkley, MJchlgan are ~.ltlD& theIr parents, Mr. and Mrs_ Wilbur N. Searll, thl' week.
Beeause e ._e .
Our coritinue4 circul.tion growth has now, :t;eachad a point that exceeds f~gures for the past 's ix years ' . • •
·W ·. I'••••III.
Lock.r PI••t
NIGH'JUNE 10, 8 p.m. ,
' . .
$100, $50,''S ZS, 'S IS, S •• I
Free treat·\For All Talk by Home ' Demon.tration Agent. Mi•• Wi,s eman. on the preparation . of food. for the Locker and the Table.
Starting This
.W e are now adding-to our italf the crea'm of·the jogmalistic:crop-writera of dis.tiriction, nationally known authors. famous cartoonists, an,d sCorea of other craft~men ,and spedaUsts. Through the purchase of WNU Fea(turea this newspaper has acquired national and world .news. photographs. cartoon•. and sketches. tpeCial depirtmeritl and oth· er worth-while additionl. to a progre$live Dew,paper. The entire ficilities of Weat-. ern NewsPll*' Union and ita 35 branches are now at our cOmmand to bring to this community lpecial ·featur. and articles. many of them notable exclusivK 'It II ~ Itep lorwarc:l-and every news· . paper likea to take IUeb • Itep.
bu. bu. bu, bu.
Everybody We'l eome Bring Y our
Locker Plant
Thursday, .lane
tNt ,
Potholders Give Kitchen Cha"rm
Loser By RIchard 11111 Wilkinson FOUND the gJrl Jleated on KIRBYupturned ' box behind the sta;m
btes crying, He' hesitated. feeling awkward. then said: "Hello_ Anything wrong?'" She looked up quickly. apprais. ingly. "No, please go away," . Instead. Kirby Lesson 'or June 12, 194.9 squa Hed on his he el s. "You THE FACTS of Jesus' death were must have lost simple. They are told In the some money on four Gospels without dramaUcs and that last race. wlthout tears. Yet thc drama Is Bla'ck Fpx fooled every one by not there, stark and terrible: and only coming In. I lost too," . the hard of heart can read it vJltp· "J suppose I'm a baby to ery. clut tears. I couldn·t h~lp it.. I:-weThere Is a deeper question than and I stoked everythm g . on, what happened. Why did it happen? Black ~~x. Then thnt terrible I m- \ The first Cbirstlan's forced to a-Runmn • who nOb~d~, thought had think about the cruclflxlon. They all knolv it wa's no legend. It was a .chance. had to wm. She hesitated, dabbing at her B t th were He seemed like a ruce young hloaun . t eud . aseywe are, man_ And s h e did so want com- with the question, pany aJld to talk. . . Why? Here was a He discovered her name was person whose teach~ l"oUy Bayden. The next d'ay he Ing ' was t rut h. c,a lled at ' her house and m.e t whose touch was Kitchen Gayety h,e r father, B '. Jl;llIy faced old ' health. whose life . I THIS PAIR of amusing Colonial ' centlcman '\VUb . wblte wa rus was I 0 v e. You . Cottage potholders will a~d a . ta h nlous c es. would . have thought note of g/lyety your kitchen. "We really shouldn't feel so the world would FOl'eman Crochet them for gifts. lor per," Polly told her father aIter welcome such a Dr. sonal use, for bazaars; have the the introductions we re over. "Kirby man. and .give him windows. flower boxes, door and lost a lot more than we and .he the highest honors In Its power. But roof ell In red on a while back. Isn' t complaining lit all." Instead, all It had for him were That night Polly and Kirby had nails and thorn!! and a eross. Why? gr.ound. ••• dlnne::' at II UtUe inn out on thl! If God. who sees all things. knew Potti"n No. ~D 17 COnJI818 01 ,comple~ Taminmi trail. th~t even his Son wo~d come to croehellnf, Inslruotlons, stitch IlIulllra· He knew she WAS wondering w,hen no better end than . a death ot .uon., mn erlol reQulremenl. uOld Ih\Jahlnr l' , direction.. ' anli' how he was· going to pay ·hls shame, why did God allow Jesus Send 20 cenl.S In coin. you, nume. ad, rat~ing debts. and where he was to be born, much less send him into dr ••• nnd oaU.rn nu mber. going to get the money to establish the world, the worlll where the SEWING VInOLE ~EEnLE",ot\K himself in tl]e law business. You cross "IllS waiting? 630 fI •• tll Weill Sl. bl~nl' T, 1.11. just can't hang out a shingle in • • • EnclOie ::zo cenLs [or IlDlterp. MJaml and expect business at once. No. But he ' didn't offer the informa. No Other. End Nome tiOI!!. Tbe next day he hired an office THERE WAS, of course, "hlstorl· , A~ drC\D on , iI'lagler street. then' j:alled up cal reasons" why Jesus was '-_ _ _ _ _~_;....._ _7"_..J Con. Stratton and .asked that racing- killed. It we used the wo~s "mur· ent:hl.\siast to meet him at Hialeah. dered" or "lynched" It would be "Colonel" he said over a sand- nearer the truth. Jesus' death. w:I4!h and" ~offee an hour later, "I'm , from one point ot view, was both a going to · take' you up on "the offer tragedy and , a cr1~e. and the Gos· you made me for I'm·a·Runnln". pel stories show thIS. JeSus died be· DE P .#\ R 'F MEN T He' s yours for $50.000... . cause Pilate was a 'Spif.leless man. n The celopel ltareel, "Now . Jesus died because the pries" AUTOS. TRUCKS .& ACCESS • 0' Jerusalem !laW OIa' If tbls NATIONAI.ILl! KNOWN .walt' a mlDute, Klrb,. Bal the bone ,died. . or brokeD a Ie, or maD weD, the, would leBe, del PRAmlE SCHOONER 1101l.8E TRAILERS • WRITE FOB DETAILS ON- THE Pralrl .. somethIDe'" , tlie, wo.u1c1 Gommlt murder Schoone.. l.In. 7 whlch features 0 11 . aluml"Nothing of the lort," . Kirby ratber UJaa' be cleleaWl num 'trene... from :13 to 33 feel. Tbe la_ughed. "I'm ~uJttlng racing for clIed. beoaue ute .......... b4 ~'!.~rt'rl,~&a ~th~~g:"era and toilets clesecl m1Dda aDd weuld De' VALLET TRAILER SALES good. ,I t's no business for an ·ener· geUe young lawyer to be wasting " Usten &0 'mOl If OIey clt4 Dot ::.P,:.-,::0;;,..,::B:.:.:::. "...;1:.:1_...:;,.,_C :::':::.~01:.:::"a::; :: t:.. I.:.'::! l,...:O::.;b=10::.;_ ,Willi U firs': He dled. beC!ause Judas W'~I a Ll1MBER-U 1'011 ore planning to putld nol buy your lum.ber-1llrect (rom thi! traitor. because his frien~s were wl\)' mill? w. "1'11 lx8 T ~ G. 8 It. lenlllhs cowar and even 'tHi":b'eBt qUbelp .t * .00 per thollsand .teel, In 12 ft. Ien,thl f'/O.OO_ 8horl fromln, a.x 10 (oot 'dared to show their faces- only after lentrtha IIII~.OO, 12 x I' (t, lenlllM S7S.00 It. 180.00. All price" t,o.b. lumbo.r mliI he W8I dead. He died because the 18 III SOmerset. Kenilleky_ OITl! LUIII BEa. Jewish people had' their minds let COMPANY. BOX 61, IOMERSET, KY. on one lort of Messiah. and when Jesu. turned out to be qults another BlJSINESS ' " INVEST. OPPOR. 1Ort, they would have none of him. :.?:rl':.~;:I~~r..Q Qn~.~:::rr~ . BelDt' altogether the lort of perl on claam •• 0 •••0', I.d. be wa.. in that kind of world. at that particular time aDd place, you FABM MACBINERy '1I EQUIP. ~uld lay, ·u 'J esul hll'I\Jlelf eli" 8E ..L. TBADE '4' Fum.1I H t.aole. and ..v --'" ... cuUve"'r; '48 New Rolland boler. :Pricethat the Son of Man ''bad 'to" ~e. rlfhl. B. I. DemlDllt. 81. ~t. 10, T•• ~. Q:.ilke" 24:26-,) No other end Wal () • , • . &l I ' I BARDIE erellar' Ipra~ ... 2 wheels rubp08llble. ·T here was no, ue p .or t lier '1I0C)1CIII, tTO ler. hitch. · 100 Ral. tanlr ; , exce'p' t , to tum cow.rd ~d ,complele, rea'dy to opernte : ,nenrlr new. • • : .' <, \ 8elll~ reuon-orchoTd lold. Will .1 ..~de; an~ If he had ~een capab~e , .en, Rio S. Xe"la; ,0 . ' Pbo". 111181. aller • .The wafer ' buffalos !)f , of '~t. · lie would not bave Peen the ..:...:", ,..........:._""'.'--_ _ __ __ __ Christ we know at all FARMS AN'D it"NC~S .Cebu, Philippines~ (left) get ex• • e 108 A .-Nl c'~ laying ta.rm. blaok 'ftln!l. ce"e~t 'core by their masten. electilc. l ' min ' lown. 7'r hOllle. )ar"e born, Ine timber. .ClOd water. .trurt. The Plan of God 18500. 79 A.. llnioll hOWle. lorp;e UmlleJ'. These huge creature~ are ye,y l1 wate., lrult. 11200-: S800 down. GEORGE an office thl, ,.HEN WillS Jesus simply a victim lIIIRANDA. Bloe Oruk. Oblo. necessary to cultivate the rice m.o rnlng." of circumstances? Was be ' no 110 ACRt; .1100" farm . Imposlnl form •• 2 te-nnnt hOU8~15, stTcom: '1l10!lU,. "J1hey went out to the stables and better than a fly c,ughl in fate's ·houa fields. However, this picture p':.~~re, Bower.. Bro~er. New Callille .. looked' I'rl)-a-Ruml\n'. The colonel' dark web.? Far 'froDt'lt~.e Chris shows (lnother use for tlie AND !HOME!!! reasonllbly pic",," . t understand It, but he wrote tien 'churc~ ' has ·,.lways beUeved. FidllliS Write ,. for descrIption' oOd prlec Ua~ cheqk fot ,$jiO.OOO and th\! papers even before these stories " of the Bar~ Rendrl. aDd 800 • 801l1her'n Inoll· pow~rful pull of the an'imal • .; were passed.ConsciQus ot a queer crucifixion were «ive,, '·wrl~te'" ithat 6'1a. , .al Eibie; Frenol. LI.k. In~laDa. Note the crude cart. The ring ' sensatlon In the pit ot his s toma ch. the death of Christ was In' the plan MISCELLANEOUS headed ba ck ' for the statiles of God.. In fact,..!.it 'Is,at.Uie heart of MAKE MONEY •• wing ot home. Our in the nose serves cis a, bridle:r .. ' for ' a last ; . farewell. Outside I'm-a- God's plan for mankind., ,,,-. ,Instruction. r.".nl how: PARK ClISTOll( SIlUP. ~II ~ark RIde .• "Iev.lond I". Oblo. To. develop his pictures, Belgil1. Runnln's Itall he stopped dead still It I, by tbe deaUJ er Christ ' POULTRY. CmCKS II EQUlI'; used his pup tent and .waited ~t slght of Polly Hayden. talkinl ' OIa& God · reconciles man and with hls stable boy. . " brlD,s men back ,to bl",self. for moonless nights to fashi.on' 2'ER EYES blazed at him. "SO! The (liy'lallan cliureb believe. _ DavIs i'PoUorum 'Palsed" Chicks } loser. The man .Who and &ea.c hel tha.& elii'ls' died for • for Broll.nand LaYlln a d~rkroom , in which his helmet ! ;J. The good , i ng, w h o .·wIII h ave Hew HOnipshlres ' and 'blher broiler lose everyU) us, OIa& II, for '10~ an d , or me, . breeds for ImmedJllte 'C\clt"CfY In apen'd- the rest of his lUe poylng ', We , 'believe OIaa . thl, was liotIIl!,le or amoU' qUllnUtles, Writ!' tobecame the developing' tank racing Clebts and still. sm\le! almply Jesus" oWn Idea, some~n~i/o~o.:J:'et:l~ld~:'.d IlIG. • "vlnl~ on ~nd canvas ~ater bags from his , ,O h, what a fool I've been!'" ' &hiDe God h&d "ai~' thoucht ot UII Davis ~oultry Farm 6& HatcherY ' R~ute 22~C Ramsey,lnd: '''Wait'· a minute I ,'Llstl1nl" Be, lesas. sllCeeited U. jeep the mearis for fixinp and cllu' g bt, at h,!,~ arm but she, j~rked , W~ b,elleve ~hat thls was the in" the film, away. He followed her out to her tentJ~n, of God "from before the REAL ESTATE-BUS. PRO". Clil'. "You've-got to listen." he said foundation of the world." ''lIhe God AtJ~O 81\LVAGE: dom\! 190d business; ' desperately. getting In beside h~r. who II over all. worksl through all counly ••at l~),OOO; ' lood hunUnR, f1ahlnR. ht I. , > , Blld healtb. musl 8011 lond, ' bldl_ S"",lI th ~'I only did 1t b ecause oug 'thlnJs, even very evil .thing.. to "n.... 17.200. L. D. Bar", It Il..,.,••• , ~"" 'I W~uld malte you feel beUer. And make hh Jove kilown. . Leba.,". M.. '., ,worked. J meant 'It when I. said ' twas t1'Irough with racing. I've • • . , -, Kt.p Pasted on Valuas 84,ld rm·a-Runnin~ to ColoneL Suat· ~h.t The Wor,d ••• Look'" ·H e held out the bill Might Be Saved" ' . By R.a~ln& the Ad. .~ ." lta!e ~nd the eheok. ~ad 10~I ' thought of GQd •• Slie .&area at him roUJid-eyed, tt..tic.ed. "Ob, ,.OU anulb" Hvinl in far-off h.aven; seated bve! Kirby. YOD shouldn'tl on a throne. ' high and lifted up. A YOD'U Dever be able.:-J mead, ' jUst' and mljlhty God, o~e who can· ,eg' love benes, Any ~ne caD Dot be touched With any human see OIa.. You lOVed I'm... wenkoe.." boly and infinIte Lord of ~. 1IJIiverle,-such a God men Jm~w. But on e~rtb there walks and WNU-E RiumlD'." ''Not halt as much as I love you," .uffers a rac, of men who are b:e told ber soberly. He put his arm .lavel ,of lin, slavea to evil. How arolDld ,her. "You beUevl! that. can luch a God help such men? Not you? You must believe It." by ,tayln. on hi, throne and hurl,... ....1 uDarUh" of course I do. And- IDg down more curses. Only by doam glad that you!re goin. to be In,. what men would never bav. FAMOUS FOR QUALITY CHICKS respectable lawyer. onlY~D17-" pUleel God would , dar. to do~' wbaU" OOIIW mto Ws 'world, hImIelt al a tlweD. lom.time. lifter ...... .maD, traDIllUng him.elI· Into ttl. for a lootS Ion, . of ~aD; puttlnl hie lboulder UDder Ibe humaD load, ,Mo beJU'o borae . . pelt .. iDa "our .m ill btl cnm bod7 on ··l\UmlIiIl'? Because - we bolll the tree" (l Peter 2:14).
Why Jesus Died .
• These photographs, serene and many times remand from any aura of violence, were token in immediate neighborhood of battlegrounds during World War \I by Harvey Belgin, combat photographer. 'His one·man thowing in the Smithsonian' Institution recently was adjudged one of th'e finest documentary serios produced by an inCliyjdual photographer during the war. Picture at top ViaS taken on Okinawa while fighting was , heaviest on the island. In Cebu, Philippines, the appealing feature o~ the below was the friendly smile of the peasant girl. The old fisherman (right) was a character on Motobu peninsula, Okinawa.
·c::tASS I FI:E D
. ,
, Belg'in's ptimary .. rendenous in Okinawa was to record the War, but he,kept'another endezvous to \ fl prov~ lIis . oWn ,lJelief dlat the 'i , ' .. honor ' in which he 'was engulfed was not humanity's ine~itDble lot. He ,found scenes like this (right) , i.n the middle o~ a gigantic ~ar curious portraits suggesting that death was a million miles away. It is the calm peaci of low tid. a coral coast of Okinawa.
"amy Ie"ht, 36, was born in Canada of Lahian partlts. He iolnect til. U.S. army Ia 1942. co.lNd. iMasio. of Okinawa CIIId aftIr a NIt in t .. nillppilll he got in on til. occapatiori of J.... tnIYIli118 froIII ... atr.. IOlItiIMt part ...... far IIOiIMni tip of the illan.o' HakkaWo.
.rDl.. dOD't ...". .~.ra;;:£'i!l .•-_iUIiI~~~ ' ".Rl7:~ -
Bootes ., ",'
If 1/11 ---
Here Is Child's Dream Playhouse large they won't feel it was buDt exclusivelY for their use. The playhouse illustrated is the happy medlum"",:it measures 12 feet by 8, feet. It's a little house with possibilities for a ·long and useful life. It is one every child will never The front can ' left
'.~. -
may be used to it in during bad 'weather. Later, as the child YOU ' ~E m~de -up your mind grows, jt can be furnished as a to bl,\i1d a pljiyhouse (it happens clubhouse for the neighborhbod to e\1ery fa ther) give some thought youngsters. roo its use in later years. U you . ' Sen" 6O~ for Pattern No. 100 to rhClke it too small, your children £"51-BII." I''''I'TERN COMPI\N~ will O!:lIgrow it. If you make it ,too D C.,t4 ,,, . Plea.s onlvllll!:. N. 1' ..
.'. .
ileAwh;l~ ,.
Mrs. McTavish (looking out the '" film sla, mel, II fJrodu," 0" • window): Sandy, here comes com- Ho/.l.yu'ooa boultltlll,d. .'1111': How's bU,SintlSS? \ panlo; for supper . P,o,tIlC6': II', JlupBu40UI. 'I's ,0McTavish : Qui c .k, everybody run out' un the with a tooth- tom". ii's d,,,,aml•• WI u"prlCedetUe~ • • 1_ it'll b6 betle, tIed w~ek. pick.
___ ._0_. -~
-:.. .. ""--= :.:-...
~~i~ ,
IVAPA'1lION , IN COOL, sc~mc qRANDEUR ABOVE 'fHE CLOUDS , '~ swm, GOLF, BIDE HORSEBACK, DANCE, mIlE ,: ' . 1I,,;om,e, Jive arid eNoy the of No of your In
.. ---..
CLASSIFIED ADS ONE eENT PER WORD; minimum charre, 26 eente. Contract rate for repeat advertilementa upon ·appllcation.
TO C ALL FOR BALE-:- 16 1m of UncolD
us for in urance. A ll types of insurance at a flv ing. Ca ll
Soy Beans. ' IILDON RmTALLIOK 3 mllel 111. of Wa1l\eavUI. on Ill. phone 73. Phone 'YaYrielvUl. 2801.
Francis Gene Brown, Wa y nesville ~4 7 2 or call co l- CUSTOM ;BALING- ~Itb Bale.
t~cf, Wjlmin g ton 2 11 ,1 .
O.MaUc wlre-tJe, uniform ten,lon
FOR B~LI!l- Sweet potato plantR on any wel.llt bale deelred. W. "Octl!. per buni! red . .All 'klnds o D IJ. S~eehan. Pbone W87Delvf11. UM Prdell TlI~nt." 10 cts: ,per oozen. HM. CHAB: C. STROUSE. 1 ~ m IJes l-----:----:-------...!.. SPRAnNG J'or norU. ot WSynBsv1l1e. at corne-r CUSTOM weed. In com. Also baTe for eal. of Way):leevllle. Ferry and Lytle 2. 4·D concentrate. ·'Shur·kl1l" 1l26,3t road •. weed kl1ler. 60 llfIf cent atron,er LoaT- Male Beagle. tan head, t han mOI~ othen, 8pr.,.el'll for mOltly white. BJac.k and tan al· lillie. W. L. SII..han. Phone W.y. onl baoi. Lost along . Ceaaar.·~ nesvllle 2991. C~ek In vRclnJty of Jobn Cum·l- - - - - -. , . - - - - - - - ml~g'1 and Collin's tarm. PleRle IMN~ R UN GRAVEL- Loade'). notify OSCAR LING: liv ing on. at Davis Furnas Pit. 60 centl Jobn Cummhii'8 farm on Clarks. cubic yard. We allo deliver. ARM· YiJle Road about 2 mUes trom ITAGE & SON, Phon. 2091, tr
Corwln. LIberal Reward!
R. C. t,aRUE INSPECTED STOCK-Chrysanthemums, Daisies, Lilies-of-the? RT, 1 . . WA YNEBVILLE. o.HIO PHONE 2800 Valley, lind qt~er perennialS. st, John's Garden, Phone WaynesvOle 2551. Cor. Main and ' ;High PLANTS FOR SALE- Early Wa· Sts, . ' 512-3t kefleld and Mldllealon oabbase; Burkeena cauUnower; peppert!: Marglobe, Panderoaa, CARP~R WORK- Reas- broccoli ; onable, by 'the job or. by the bour. and Jubulee Golden . tomatoes. Robert N . Hawkins, Phone Helen Prellton, Phone Waynes· ' W~ynesvi1l~ 2620. .• ' 525-3t ville 2929. .
-. .
REN COUNT~ VETERANS RECEIVED $779.180 - '11'0 date 2.494 Warren County Vet,srllOl! of Worlel War II or t~j1 [ r next of kin bave recelv d a lotnl or $179.180. 17 In Ohio ~ta~e vetera ns' bonus h ecks, the War II Compensation Fund \ or ld BOB O'REGAN ; InrGl'm d . the MI/iml Gazette this 'fhe checks 'a veraged $'307 Rarely. If . ever, dQ4!a one play_ er flpre In ~be winning or los. 'clalma nts now rece lvJn.g Ing of . baU lames by lIlches twice . In a · ro"". on 8uccesr;;lve' checks were IlIHloned ngilin to pitches. but ' tbat rarity ··happen. 6ndorse .theh· ch cllks )J~!-so n n l'y e~ to "Yankee' ~Im ·Jonea 1n,8t as tholr IlAlnes 11 PIJeared on thell' Sunday, as the W.yuellvlJ]e , Am. chec ks. Appll!'atlons for bonuB may be erlcan Leeton ' POlt 616 dropped v. tel'lIns until . fln t Trl·Counb league af. m ed by eliglbl JU Ll,a lJO, 1950. LO CIl I vet rnnB fal.r . 5·4 , t~ Spring Valle)'. W ltli Jerry Vlcken 911 aec:ond and .A11I e se n 'Je orfl ers 1111 be extr.e mnlY C~rter oll third and two outs In hel~,rlll ill ting VetOI';ln8 with the . lallt ' Inning. wltlt · the ~glon Rny Qlles tlo/Is ('011: erlling tbelr ne.dlnc b t one to tie and two .bO IHIS ,~ t RtIl8 . to win .... ;young .Tonell topPed a Mr. II lId MI's', ElI'nesl 'Hartsock Ilow roller down · tbe first base Une tbat . Sprlns Valiey's' hll.8ky or Bradenton. F lorida nnd backstop. Wheeler. "fired" Into Ilnd 1111'S. Hevman Surfn.c . ll11r s~n rJ.htfleld .. '1\0 most or those' BS' DOll . or Alban y, Georgia have eembled It looked 8S It the game b ('I! the guesl!! !Jt r,elo.tI \'es here bad ended 6'6 In fa.vor . of ., the ror severa l claYII. 'fbey wllh Mr. lind Mrs, Paul .I ocala but umpire Rosers declar. ed tbe ball ' foul to the. cbagnn or Pel su , and ebJldren ' of S t. Louie, all. . . , flrat baee cDac~ Bob Cam, Mr, and 1Ilrs. Rlc~ard Kosl!,ter pbell bow.ver Indicated later Hnd '1 hlJUren or Dayton, '~r8. tbat tb. "topper" was deflnJtel,. LouIsa 'Lt>mmo~ and Mr.' Hany foul. Anyway, Jonel dug In again Lemmoll or P leas!lnt Hill and trom th. · left side of' the plate MI'. and lIf~s . ' Cla'r nee D\lnbam and 0tn MelBer'1I ne~t pltcb B~ap. of Lebanon wer e MemorJa i D~y ped a torrId line drive ' that Flrsl gue ~ls of Mr. nner Mrs. Earl Dun· baseman Mitchener re!lched' high ham. ~be group also enjoyed It III • an~ snBsged! Juat an Inch ' on eltber IIlde an4'i we would have nlc supper at the home or Mr, And Mrs. Ed Ramby and Mra. won! ' O-ol\lle Surface on Sn.tu rda.y ~v. • .. • Wem tbat'l wbat bappened to enlng and n detJ l)lous dinner Ilt Ol1r ladl wbo ,olne Into the eill" ' the home or Mr. and Mrs. Earl tb ,were ahead 2-0 dqe to Harold Con l~er and ' Bon on Frlda.y e ven· Stanley', lord.,. flr~t Innlqa' triple log. Icorlns Jon.,. .n4'i himBelf wb41n Miss .Ruth · Chand l I' attenrletJ, left-fielder Hoffee'. tlj.rowback In. . to Wa.YDe.vllle's bellch. AUle a meet! ng or Alp,bn Pbl ChA{lt('I'. Oarter; h"lped 'conll~derably by tbe Deltll Kappil ' Gammn, at · the 0tltt:ie14 play or BiagI. Vickers a nil Genllral Denver Hotel In Wllm. F1lobb&ck\ tile later playt~g ; hI s Illgtj~n on Satll1'day ILfternO/')n. flrat pm.. had managed to bold She \Vas InlUated a8 lrellsu~er of Spring VaJley scoreless with bht t.he orglU)hntlon . (or t;be next two sartlell golnl Into the alJ:th two years.
EXCAVATING With Bulldozer & Sbovel. /for. basements, pondll, leVYI' anc! cte· aring lane!. Eltlmatea tumllhed. W. N. UPTON. Wllion Rd., 4 ml. eaat at Wayne... Ph. 8prlnl . Vat· "oCt LUI'tJBEIR- All kinds. 'drelBed or ley 36111. rouSIl) Pine. oak and poplar In all WANTED- Cuatom Ballnl. Uc. ~encUll. Rea,onable prlcell. AU Oall ,Lebanon 617·X. M. S, HoU. ord.ra, Ial'l~ or , .amall. will be IlIlaworth. . S9.3! AOY LAMB, Phone *a,.n..~lI. 2'101. FOR .CHILDRENIn my home. or II nearby homes and also wl1\ do cl.anlns by the bour or day . . GENtECE IWlliK. ERSON. but. tfJe eve.n tuat vlctore skell ,out a run In that frame on two btn. CARD OF T.HANK8 slel and a b' .~ on bal'l s. In l w'l lb to take thllopportul\lty seventh. Carter'lI cause was k1ok. thRnk everyone who 110 kindly' ~ downwar4'i '.s tbe usually remembered me .. lui carda, lIabl. · ~~y Pope 1}l2B a ;~ erB and otber act. of klndne.. two ~ balla to "'i!bor( whlc::11 s bown me · llnce my' cOupl.d witll MI~h'e:t1er'8 011\1e lIeveral "'&ek' a,o. buer to lett' and , Jor'dan' • . W~I . :Mra. Dena Vea"bl'l I,IIliNll.lleCl. Ilnla tor Carter. Dan 'Slm. MllleVed Carter aUo.wlng · O\'le. bail Muon fa ' h..-el 011 anotber of Pope'e errom Protect TOUr c~ ~i. a and ' ,W heeler IIn'fe blngle. ·C art(' IOUftd" een.lble Eltate of anna K. Madden; ,D!!· was the losing pltchel' ; bls fi rst IUJanu Polley. '0111 'of' the eeason. .• cea.e~. Notice la lIereby linn thaI With productioll coati 10 • *1 ~ Harol~ Stanley C (\ U~ t r.n II· Frank O. Anderlon .hole POllt I)llh. Hall Inlurance fa anlce addr.. II Lebulon, ObiI' c,!lIent game considering be wenl nec~u tban .._ hal tieen duly . appointed a. :ms. beblnd the platter fOr the tlrlit before. ecutor ' of the llitate of Amul K. tlm~ In hie career:.. .. "Red '" Ro& IJaIl Intu,ilnce ptotecta Jrladd~ late of! Warren Cout)', blna Quit the club last ' week' d~e your invettmerl't, ~UIa to dttf.renc..· of opinion witb ·t~,. Ohio, de'l:eue4. . VQUr Income, Dated, Wa UtII day of ~87, coaclllq .I~rf, . but It:e e~ reme1r dOUblfui wbether bill presenci 1949. or call _ todav, )Juy would hue meant the dlUerence. 'RALPH B. CAIU!lY lUll lnaunnce :earll" I I moar "of the junior lads are ' .Judp 'or tile Prokte Court the mind ,tba,t wltb Stanley , Warrea CCftIJItT. Ohio Pope altemattnc the m~k ' Frank C. ADd.ran, t • ~~'.M' __'rl,»a,a work that tile Datlkll' [toppln.g 11,014 Ita own tor ' the · remain. of the leUon. J'OR SALIrr- California 1110 t water heater . coal Or wood burner. Complete . with 36 gal. tank. BILL SAWYER. Plumber. Phone Wayn ellvUJe 2174. • 626' 3t
: Get
11'S, Frank lfllwke anrl son of Peoria , Tlll nots. DllVld Hartsock. ot WaYIle8v'lIIe. lIfr. , n,n~ Mrs, BURel' and 80n , Bill. ot I.ebRnon pl1'e call I'M of ~ " sses l\fam~ And nnhi lIrown 011 Sund ay ' morning.
~II'" a nd 1IIrs. '\ at'ren Braddock '
- _.-..
ST. MARY'a WOMAN'. AUX. WILL MEET FRIDAY The Woman' a Auxtll&r1 or tbe st. Mllry's cburch wlJl meet at tho hQm of the prealdent, Mrs. Katberln o Prendet'gaet OD 1I!Iday aftc rnoon. Followlns the bUllnelSl session and program, a tood ..Ie wJU be held. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davia . and 8 0111(1, Joel nnll Billy, of . Brook· ville w re Sunday . guests at Dr. and lIfr~. H. E . iIatha~ay. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS . STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF InGHWAYS ' • . Columbu., 'Ohio En,gineer of Sales Legal Copy No. .
MillY 28 , 1949
UNlT PRICE CONTRACT nnf . :. 49. 185 &aled propOsah will be received lit the office of tHe State Hlahway DI· lJ'ctor of Ohio, at Columbul, Ohio, until 10 :00 ' A. M., Ohio Standard Time, ., June 21, 1949, (or iml~rov.·J ments in: P roposals No!, 1 ~~ 7 ineluJlve' are offered a9 one .project and will be awarded BI one contraCt, PropOsal No. I Prebl'6 County, Ohio, on Section 0.00, State Route No. 177.. in br.el .nd Somers Townships, by applying '. bi. tuminous treatment. Item T .3.!. Pavement : . . ' Width 18 feet. . . Limgt;h 41.764.8 feet or 7.91 mUe., . . Prvpoaal No.2 ' ' Butler County, Ohio. on Section 2,117, State ' Route No, 128, in ROil Town· ship, by applying a bltuminou. UNto nwmt" Item T·32. Pavement: Width 20 feet. Length 18,163.2 (eet or 3.44 mile•. . Proposal No. 3 Butler Co,!nty, Ohio, on lection. 12,03 and 12.50, State Route No. 73, Wayne Township, by applying a bituminoul treatment, Item T-32. P avement:' 'wi~tb ,20 (eet. . Length 4.31\2.4 reet or 0,83 mUea. Proposal No. 4 'Butler County, Ohio. on Sectlol\ 0.00 ( Port). State Route No, 122. in M.d. hon and Wayne Townthis-, by plying a bituminous tr.el!triumt, Item
DEGREE' FOR MilS HILL Marjorie Hili of N.... Burling· ton receIved a Bachelor of Sci· ence In Education deCt'e. at the annual commencement exercla•• at Oedarvl\le colle.e Sunday. Se.v enteen I!enior& recelyed de· greel. Frie.n ds and relatives here have' received i~vltaUons to the wed ding ;of Miss Helen Curtis Hisey, daughter of MI'. ahd Mrs. J. C. Hisey and. Mr. Donald Lewis Brown, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cillrence Brown of Dllyton, on Saturday evening, ' June' 11, seven-thirty ' in the First Baptist church in Dayton, The reception will follow immediately ' at the Colonial Inn hear Dayton, Dr , ' and "'Jrs. E. O. WrIght anc:! (laughters have retu t;ned to the home In the country.
Mrs. Ben Hawke· of Columbus Memorial Day and week.end guest of her son, Mr. Albel't Hawke and family. Mr. and Mis; Elmer Sheehan, Mrs. Alice Croll ,and soh: Mr. aild Mrs: 'Walter 'S heJtan ' and son, Warren with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis McClure . and family of Lebanon were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Sheehan near Lytle.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Borden opened their home on Saturday eveni~g for the 'monthly m~tllig of the Cheerflll Circle Club. Cards were the ' diversion of the evening and delicious refreshments were served. =-~
WIRING REPAIR INMlALLATION. Call Today F:or QUick Efrlc!ent "rvlce
'Pllvement: .• Width l8 feet. Length 29,568 feet or 5.60 Proposal No. 5 Wan en CAunty: Ohlo, on Section State Route flo. 13. in' Clear , and Wayne TQwnlihipa, by ,applyinc • bitul)'linous treabnent, Item T-32. Pavement: • . Width 18 feet. Length 21.542.4. feet or 4.08 mU••. • Proposal No.6 " W:arren County, Ohio, on Section 0.00. State RQute No. 132. in Harlan Town· ship, by applying a bituminou. ·trMtment. Item T-32.
"Ronald Rasll
Width 18 r..t. Length 6.072 feet or 1.1 5 mUlti. J'If.r. IIn'l1 1\1 ~s. Bernard Onley' S!l(t . Proposal No. 7 !lter. P iuqela', ~l r. and Mrs. Clermont ' Cotlnty•. Ohio, on Section 'red lion Illul daugbter, 26,93', State Rotrte No. 132, in Ooihen Township, by appt.t1nIJ a bitumlnou_ Mr. nnd Mrs. Raymond Braddock treament,. Item T-32. 1111 cl l,tugh ters. r.~I·. ·I\nd Mrs. Pavement: :-Olle ,1'10.1' McInt ire anC! ·son8.. Mr. Width 17 feet. , Length 9,081.6 feet or: 1.72 mile•. .J ohn N Ison H041 Mr. Robe l.t wn. T otal estimated cort ........$62.343.88. 80n, M I'. and !\frs. E1lk 1\11'. and Pr()l)Osal. Nos. 1 to 7 lncl.u 'lve of thi, ''''r~ :\iln l I\£r. nooMrs, Raymond project to be completed not I"tor ,. . . tl?An October ,15, 1949, The minimum ".,ale' tit be ~Id to 'Jls(Jtn. Mrs. F,obert Furnas and lIenDY Furnas enjoyed afam: .11 labor employed on thl. CC)ntr:act Ily dlloner at the bome of Mr. sh'oll be In ,accordance with th. and ,' Mrll. Leonard E llis sr....tI"' .. of Prevailjnl! Hourly Wap Ascertained and Determined by K!ngrnan on . Sun day. Departrne,nt of Indul\rial Rela' Dpplicable to State Hiah_''''De: : M1ss Anna E , M~redlth and lo.,rt:r1n.erlt Improvement, In .CCOTdance ,. • ' , . !';P.rtion8 17..3; 17-4, I'..... J~-5 MIss Dorothy Atkins of <::lnclh· 17.5a of the Genem Code of natJ ,'1\7~re Sunday guests ' of . Mr. aDd Mrl. Walter . Whitaker. Th~~ bidder mUlt subtnlt With' 1-11 bid It cern fled check In the llmount equal to five lMIl' cent of the ftti1I1r: and l\Irs. E. F . Esrnhs rt mated COIf, but· in no event more than '. ten thousand doll a,.. 'Were Sunda;y . guests of Mr. Plane and , pecifications are on file Mrs. ,Charles B. Earnhart in the department of 'hlab-YI ana - -"'-E. MULBElUI~ 8T.: dllu ghters In Trotwood, th.fI ,«:,(fice of the di"lIiem ~.P,UtY cll· ni«iOCiLiR'IIi'a-;abobOut time to thank all rectal'. , '. ,ro tb. COD~lburo'ra to tile Sunda.y ,LEBANON, OHIO The. director reserves the rleht , to . BROKE.RS l1CE~SB . /1 aftletiloon ,ameli . .. . agalnst Bow· , Ur.,. and Mrs. Wilbur ~. ' Searl reject any and al! bidil. ' ) T. J. KAUER, . Fo r' Dates, Phone Waynesville erlvlUe, "a . total ,: or 'U~.15· was vl slte,~ · reJli Uves in Fnr,mersyll\e' Stattl HighWay DI'rector. . Ohio, 2894 (reverse c~arges) : collected and Iallt ,w eek $13,~5 Sunday artern~o!l: liIe • . u colJ-.;ted ' ·w btch coupled with ' ••00 do~ted by George Miller trom .' the concelBlolls for ,two w.. .lla IIvel the 11·year·old pro, '. . -"Un a . Jlttle money to work One , mUir realIze that. 'prorrama do cOet ~ lillie: as per example ... . the. '111 '·ounty USf'3 'ASSURE YOU two reaular Dayton ASSOCiation Fl(I'URE SECURA'Y umpire. for all of .tlle Older bo,.~, '!UDell . , .. there ' Is a .t aW outiay You can' rep ay from farm of , Ul.OO per gume fo)' \!II\Jl'l't> income. .No" cliange In conwhen a team i1laY8 at home: a .let '. tract . -. no ' renew:~ts. 'your~ at courae 'the. ball expenss de. Long Te.rni- 4 per cent penda upon bow man~' are usellble of your pr0p'~,, ' ' for 'other eame)l. Daeeb alls ; around tt8.00 a dosen. .
Dead Stock
HOR'~'. . .; cow., .. Aceordlnc to Slie and Condition.
Han m.
Xenia fit
larl D~ Dakin 'lnsuranee Age.ncy j
' Acco.rdlng to lize aDd condition. ' All Sto~k removed promptly. COWS- .t4.00;
.. .
' .
Coli' t
1712 _ w:I_: _____ ,. 0" 2382 O~
........... ~....,
Ii: • Iii
can be
through careful
mai"tenance ~EE ,,
7. Foot Steel Posts Fence Metal Roofing
Fairley B~we. Store WAVNE.VlLLE, OKlO
• •• •
, Lebanon ' N.F.t.A. ..
. BRO~EN WIN~OYi8" Ellis ' H. , Stuim,,:.Seciy-Treas. WblJe bouquete aTI! being hand: Lebanon. Ohio ' .d out, ,h'. o~e to' tbe mother of Tlle 'beet lookll\g home Phil ' and ~b Workman for ' ber klndneu and Iknt In aewing all' look l u.n-d6wn " snd negleoted tb. nice · Lellon. emblemll tbai one or more w'lndow panes are ' ~ cracked or brokelL . )' ado,-o eacb basleball uniform . .
.. Aa . uauaI, each brJ,bt SundAT momlnc 'flndl Blll Sawyer roul7 amootllln, out ,the dlamon<\ by draq1nC It .... Cbarley Price bu aIm belped' on' tbIB ' thankle88 , but ",el7 necelliary detail
. ..
W I have cut window DI." In ·.U It ... and ehap'l, ,
NORR·IS IiROeK CO""PANY Clnelnnatl Unlo,. V..... Llv. W~ ... alld PNiIre..'v.. A.. , orClanl.a~o.. MOOn,. .. nOfleo ItrlotlY. on, the ...... all around m!lrkot .1.. 1M
HRV'C~ THA'T eAT • •' ••
'WIIIIO ~ 11111 . . . . . . DIal 1~. < ;wLW CWOInntiU ' ' 11:4'. DIal 'M. fw Our D.uJ. .
,r- ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<;;;;;;;;;;;~";';.~!;;... ~.,;;rIuIt; .;;;a...;;~Dr;;'.~;;~~;;;;;;~
Armitage &Sin ·I AND...d CllAva.' 8LA~TOP
...... _ .. -. ... ft' .....
~ _aN . . .
LAWII ......... .....
bADy.... GOIICII&t& DCAYA". . . . . . . . .' ~ IaVIC&
WanMY111,·. Protr&m lot
.- - ---
b)_Ual playground
a' -goOd
atart TIl...., "ith Charley Ptlce p1a,aroiand ' supervisor ' bandllng - dae re"str/ltJOJl. ' , Due -to tbe recent «Ionatlon ot the MaUler's Olub. enOll8b ' ,"oJ ]e$lI;
' hOl'$ellhQ~
wee baud ;,provfdlleqwpment a' ~1~bIDI and to's~~aU -~~--~~~~~------~~--~~~6j~~~~--~~~~~--~r-~Ir---~--7,L-f~~?7.~~~~~~'~~~~~ prop-am. Price 'fJlat v~led .Bled add.t. I1)0al, 'eQuIpment t,o embNlce many acUvJttes Is ~Ing, ordered and , outBlde doo'a~on8 of elt;ber play' ,
Attorney may " r:1I 'Spea Here " LeL.:iOD , _,
pound equipment or money be fo.r'wa.rded to .Ts.m8S Jonllll. Waynesv-Ule National ,paDk. alurer. ' "
" t' • • eryl B. G~ay, LebanoD at'tor.
and preslcJ,eljt f of the , Leb·
The playground program
functloo 'oo ' Tuelldays, WedneaJI Booster OIub will be . , days. ThurBdays,' ~d FddAY/I •.ti'a.u nr!le!l't j speaker a.t ,~ ,meet, ,. , >,- ' the,' O~b to ,lie. held 1 :-30 p.m. to 4 :30 p.m. fDr 'we • eVeolng. June', 20,' at the
Dext 1tlgllt weeks accordIng to Bob O'lbs.gan! chairman of ' the • Waynesville Civic OIub Youth, Committee' ' who coprdlnates , the prolTl}JD wIth Bm $awyer. ,At PQltltiky" ,James Jones and ,CilnQver.
'Metlio41ist church, •
R. M~OD SDille~ , ra~e ~SUS
R. Marlon , SW'der ot Lebanon been appointed enumerator for Warren County for the Cen• • ~ of BUlJlnes. covering wholeI&le, retall and '8ervlce establlhs.
'en,der tol~ , tl)e ,,l'4lam, Ga21~f\e tbJ4 '.ee~ that the 'l"ork of takln~ . , tile ~.1D4!s"'U1e area bualn~. ~)l .,.gin w,thln .the Den ' t-. "'0, " '
I~ ~ , of
Baslo"II' to be
CIOIi4acted ~ . ~ vII) cover "110....le. . retan &lid .emee e .. ~menti for the Ylta.r from
to' December '11. 1948 Ia., acoOl'danoe w#.IL ' a It.,. ,rhl.cb a . ~~ua of ,bullioel. , to lie taIIen eYery flYe years here-
..... .
7IM .~
matknl .. ~ t ~UaI at ~ ~ ... ~ .-Tell ...,.t'O!CteG-c
ooe, ......".. . . . . .-ar
TIM ~ameralotlJ .... 1IWonl ' con(ldenee onder IItt1ct peD&l~ of the K9 ~atloo Q&ll be h&cl from ~ of the ceuua re.-,ll... an . Indlyldual
repo~ eseep(" .". wrltten author1iF" : from the I'8IIJIOII4ent' wbo
PYe and allfDecl the report. , , After the foJ'IIUI baye ~D 1!KlWd b, ·the • ~ratortl ~r the.. "'~e bee/l forwarded to · the Ottloe I), mall. thGY. are .~lted for oompleUoD and also ' liven a ~e Du....,r and fltl'WllJ'd8d to
".'. ,
~S'J\ -
JOHN QUlNCEY GON8 .r~ 'QUInceI' GQua. 6,9. died at' hIs home In WJlmtn • f Ohio June 10.
Mrs. Charles :r.,lM'ay ia headlns a committee of the ,Wa,neeytIle Mother's Club trl present a Qne bour ail cartOctrt'; S~turdar, Jun9 '2& at tb(! . 'Ii~1n .-Theatre. The procfleds' trOJD-, th'e shl;'W: ~111 tie
.• a.y~~vlUe play· dona.ted;to the~ .W grl,)und: , ~~OJ8 tQn " Re"ervll:t1ons D BY, be "",IUi M.I'B. ~ay pr, the ~ln ' re starUng ,mIst weekend~! A naUOn ot 16 cellts ,. ls ' being reQuested land !lditJlts ,and children -Sl1lrJIlIg(IIIll(l\lrq alike are welcol!De to lltten'd. , fJ.lhere will.· bu. compJ"te dhow.I ' clln~lrel~~ ··~~Ji!Jlll~~. Ings at 2:30 an i 3:3Q p.m.
W ....aaton wbere 'tile,. are pro. C*IMd (or Ilta.....eaI ,bllMmatiOO
WbJcJl . 1tlD
.., releUed by the
aa,eau of Cenll1lA at a later date., C~U" t 61,.• J/rominent
CLASSIFIED ADS ONE CENT PER WORD; minimum c ha~g e, 126 cents. (;(lntracl, 'rat for r epeat advertisementa upon application.
By DON ' T F Rr~ET TO r: I I ,,'(lR RALE- 15 bu . 01 Llncoln BOB O' REGAN us for. In ~ llrance . \IJ h ' )'(' of 'oy Beane. ELDON RETALLICK in :>ur a ll ce a t .1 'il\' in ,~< Ca ll 3 miles IJ:. or Waynesville on' Rt . Rare ly, .If eve r , ' doe8 one 11 1~ ' y. Frrln cis ·(";(,11(, nrOll'n, rhnn c ;:1. P ho ne WlI.ynellvllle 2S01 . fl gure In I he wInning or 101(. ~r Wa,' ne <\' ilk .:! · 1 7~ or \·;t1 1 ':111- . -- - - - I f b II ('l' RT OM "'LrNO- WIth B I n g 0 a gam s b y In,"hl' ''
i1m il1"'tnll 2 1.11 . . " ...~ It e· ~ 'O.Ma tl c wlre.tle. unlrorm ten elol1 FOR S AT.I':-- RWI'f't I'olalo p l l1l1 t~ on "nl' weIcht bal e deelred . W. A O(.t~. per hllml n' iI . All l1inll8 o r r.. ~ h eeban Phone Waynf' l!v l1le "2.3t ~prden p l nnl ~ . 10 ,· I~ . Ill'," rln zl' '' 129 . 91 . .' n CHAR. I' . ~"1' (/n l !,; I':. I '" mi l f'~ ---- --------. C' 1' l'ITO M PRAVING For no rt h ot "r oy nf' ~ I· llll' . I' I 1'01111'1' o f 'Y8 P\ ('~\· 1I1". l~('rtY ~1].1 1 ,~' II " wee d" In corn . Als() bave tor ~a l .. road!!. ~,31l . 3 1 2.. 4·n .'o" ce ntrllle. "Shur·klll" wpr- d . kille r. fi O pe r cent ~tronr;er LOS T Mnl e I't'uglp. t An 11 Pf,el , Ih RI1 most olberB. SpraY!lJ'tI for mOl fly whIt . ' 'm/l.~ k nnd hill al· lill ie. W . I~. Sheehan, P hon e Way· on~ bRCk. Lo~ 1 nlo ng CpnM r' ~ ne~\' l\Ie 29 91 . Creek ' In \'IH'lnlty ot .lohn Cuin · mlng'~ 8 rill Co llin 's rurm . ' P lease nA NK R !TN ORAVRlrLonl\",1, notlfy OSI'AR LINO. "" In lt '''1 n t J)av llt fi'urna R PIt. 50 cents John C llmmlt ig ' ~ t n"m on C' lfl rk R' ,' lIti k y;t n1 . WI' a ls() d e ll v!'r. ARM· tr v ille Ron d a bout 2' ml lf'R fro m I T /\ G"~ &. ~O N . Pho ne 209 1. 113·3t Co rwIn . Llbem l R pward !
lect'. \
R. C. L, RUE INSPECTED STOCK-Chr~I sa n nT. 1 . WAYNESVl I,LE, OH IO th mllms. Dili s i ('~ , Lili !<-o r- th ? PHONE 2800 VaUey. a nd o the r perennials. St. Joh n's G El rd e n . Phon W AynesPLANTS F Ofl ALE- Early WIl' ville 2551 . C or. Mai n And Hi gh ke fl e lel And M ld ~ea!on rabba«e : 5t5. 512-31. B1Ir l1ee nA ('R ullflo,ver; pepper!! ; Mllrl:lobe, Panderoea, CARPENTEER WORK- R as- br(lcro ll : onable. 1::>r the job 0 1' by lhe h o ur . RIlI1 J u bu let' Oo lden tomato eR. R obert N. H awkins, Phon Hpl e n Prpston . Phone WRynes· Waynesvi ll e 2620. . 525 - 3 t vi II I' 2929 .
t wIce In a ro~' o n BUCCeH1(IH' pitc hes . but that rarity bnpl)!' n· c d to "Yank ee' .JIm Jont' 8 hl il l SundBY. a ll Ibe Waynesvlll m· crlca" LegIon Post 615 ilr-o Pll'tI t b Ir tlral Trl ·Co u nty leagllC ",I'. ralr ' .54 n g V 0 II ey . " ' 11I, ' . t o. Sorl , .Jer ry Vkker8 Iln ~e cond n nd AlII £' Ca rl e r on t/ll rd a nd two OUI A In, th e last .Innlng, wltll th'" J..,p~ioh n!'edl ng bllt 00 to tie and I\\,(1 to wIn ... YOUn1t Jones 10PPI'I! a s low ro ll ~ r tlo"' n the fi rs t h ll ~ 1' lin e that S prIn g . Volley's h1ls k y backstop . Whee ler. "flred" inlt) ns. rll;htt1 e ld. To most of thos sembl ed It looked as It the j!lI1l1 P had e nd e d 6' 5 In favor 'ot t h locals but umplrp Rog ers de cl;II ' e d the ba 11 r 0111 to the cha grl n or a ll .. fIr st b Ase coach Bob Cllm . pbell however . Indlrllted IntI'" that t he "topper" Wa!I d c flnl tf'l\' roul. Anytva.y, .Ton es dug In a gll l;l from tbe le tt s Ide of . the pla tle' nnd on l\[ee!\ er'~ next Illh'h ' R18 1'1ped a torrid li ne II rh'e thot FI I' ~ I basem a n Mit che ner I'ellebe d h ig h and 6n agged! Ju s t 'nn ln r h nil Ither Side and we tvOllld ha,,!' won!
~'A YNF.S\'IU,F.,
....... .-
DEGREE FOR MISS HILL ~ARREN COUNTY VETERANS S~ MARY~ WOMAN~ AU~ Mat'Jorle 11111 or New Burling· WILL MEET FRIDAY HAVE RECEIVEI>' $779.180 ton rl1\:elved a Ba"belor or SI'I· '1'" dn l,' ~. I!" ,, ':ll'rf'1I l 'l)lIl1ly Thl' \\"Jllllln 'ij Auxiliary of tb ;' " "" III L;;clul'lltlon degroe at t hA nl' \\';,,'111 \\'111 II or S I, 111 1' Y'R tlH' 11' IIrq "I' 11111 ha ,'., 1I',·ph·f.,1 th .. I"'''lt' III Ihl~ pres ide nt. Mrs . anllllll l ('onrm'll cement exe rcIseR
$iif'.I ~ O. 'l7
Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency .
lul :1!
"1 ·111e.
Oh io
f· h. 'f"!-\ n \'r l 'H ~ l' d
FClr Dates. Phone Waynesv ille Oh io, 2 94 (reverse- charges).
art '·ell""n.
~~H) ~I 1'1<.
M ... a!l tl
' ·Iz ~· t l\~ I "ll donw
""I f'I'''n ~ ' I>r"1I IR l·hl ',· I,!' .
~on K .
,tUlIIIIlU;' ll
th l' l ,.
r llt ' I ' IH~
il" I'RO II" 11
Jpl' l anti 0 111)', I'ilIt' W'· I'(' . S Ulldny J;'1l0St6 of Or. :II,rl ~ I' ·R. I I. i~. lI alh llwllY .
lI" I' k l{.
Friends a nd relatives h ere · hav e I' ceiv d iovitation s to the wed ding of Miss H e len Curtis Hisey, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. J . C . Hisey and M r : Donald Lewis Brown. son o f the late MI'. !Uld M rs. Clarence Bro wn of Day ton . n S a turday eve ning. June 11. seve n - thirty in the Firs t B a ptist c hurch in D ay to n . Th e rec e ption will follow im m e d ia te ly a t lhe Col o ni a l Inn n en l' D ay lon.
NOTI E TO CO NTRACTORS STAT E OF OHTO DEPARTM ENT OF HIGHWAYS I II, '" Columbu,. Ohio .IllItt' ;{O. 1~, r; 11 I .Ot 'a l ,"t- t' Ii' aU f; EnJ!incl'r " r Sale! Legal Copy No. !, p n jl fl 'Irf'l fl /1 4 t ':!." hf ' 1' '((!'( ' IIlI ' l y May 28. 1949 UN IT PR ICB CONTRACT III ' lpl''' ,1 III fl ~" i ~ Iill i: \'1'1"1':\11 " wli ll rmr 49· 185 il l l ~' qllp:-; t i PIi H {' tl'IC ' ''' l"Il in ~ I h pil SIC!aled propo~A h will be rc <;eived h O l) l1 R "llfIH .. fl i the oHice o r lll e StA t e Highway Director " f Ohio, at Colurn bu •• . Ohio. Dr. a nd. Mrf'. K C. \Vrlght a m! IInl il 10 :0 0 A. M .• Ohio Sta nd erd ~ II ' '" HI ~ I I'~ . 1';1'11.',, 1 !I ;II·ts O"'{ Time. rlUU1(h l l'l's hll ve return erl to thp "I' 11 .... 11,' 111011 . ,"h'l'lda anti MI'. Tu('sdny. JUII" 2 1. 1949, ror improve1I 0rn e In th " 0 11 11 h ·y. . 111111 ~I , .~ IIt" ' mllll SIIl'fl1f'" ' "11' s on In ('ln1s' i n : P rop<J'"'' N os. I to 7 i nclu ~ ive are \)(111 . "I' .llh lll'.I . ,1'01'!: i" 1I :1\'1l .o rr r"d .:0, one proj",ct and will be h"t\ 1I f III' h lll' ~ t " of r In (h' p~ h l ' I...' "wArcll'd as onc cont roet. Mrs. Ben H aw ke o f .Columbus 1'01 ' SP \t ' I'a l 11:'), :-0. P No. t was a M emorial D ay and w ek '1'111'.\ \lil it ~ II ·. "" " ::I I,'!;. 1',, " 1 P reblt' Cn unt . Ohio, o n SeCtion 0 .00. e nd .g ues t of her so n, My.' Albert SI" HI ROl1te ' No. t 77 .. in Israol and I'l' lm,p 11 '111 " hll, ln'lI IIf :';1. I..,ui l<. Somers T own ships, by appl yi n g a bi- H~wke il nd family . Mr. a lld Mrs. Elmer Sheehan, '1 1'. 111111 ::I I " ". It I f'11Ilrd 1,0s" t!?1' 'uminou, treA tment. Item T -3 1. M rs. Alice Cro ll a nd son. Mr. and 'tl ld "lIillll'rl1 Olf Dny lllil . ~ lI' H . P veme nt : Width 18 feet. M rs. Wa lter Shehan imd son I.Ol1i ~ iI '1.1' lII!l1(1 11 :IIHI 1\ 1... H" 'T.\· [. (>nI(I" 4 t ,764 .8 feet or 7.91 mile! . W flI'I'e n with Mr. a nd Mrs. EUi~ 1... · 11111111 1' III' Pl plI Knn l 11 111 a,; " No. 2 McClttre .a nd famil y of Lebanon R'"I "r Ct)llntv. Ohio. on Section 2.77. ~II' . IIntl ~ I n" . (" IIII' II,' \I" nllll lll St"tl' Rout e N o. 128. in Ro.! Town- w e r e Sundny di nn e r gue~ts of Mr. Iff 1..' 1><11'0)11 "'1','1' ~ l p lTln .. lnl Dn), <hip . h I' nppl vi n g " bituminou! treat· a nd Mrs . C . D. Shee han neal' ~\ " '" I ~ '11 1 ;\1,· I rll 1':111'1 }lllil ' .m" n!. Item T -32. Ly ll c. A"l'li ~r tllll" ~
I'",. UOll ll R 1I1 1l)' h .. 11,1' (, 111:11,10 · \' ,' 1"1'111,0< II II ti l
Pavp rn ent :
W idth 20 feet . g rnll p n ll< n "11 .1 0)" '11 .11 p;". . L en j\1h 111. 163.2 feet or 3.44 mil l', . t.Ir ·.· ~ Hpp.' r "t l!t l' 1'1<1111" nf ~Ir . PropO!al No. 3 I1l1fl 1\ 1,·• . I;;d nllmb), IIntl MI'H. BUl lpr ('ol1nl v. Ohi o. on .ections 12.03 1'; 0 111It, SUl'fll" f' 011 ~lI t "ril~y ,'\' . • nd 12;50. Stnte Route No. 73. in W n" l1 ~ T ow nship, bv appl vl n g a biIl ln l'{ alHI " d r- IIt·\nll . dil1n ,. al luminous trea tment, Item T -32. tt,!, I.I OITI(, nf M I' H lid ~1 m. r:n 1'1 Pa \1C' m~nt : W ichh 20 leet. . ('onl1t'" 11 1101 " "" (tn Fl'i,h'r I'vl.' n. l-cngth 4.3R2.4 fe ..t or 0.83 mil e •. Illg. Proposal No. 4 BuliN ('ollntv. Oh in, on S ..ctiOf\ 0.00 i\ 1 1 ~ ~ l1uth h nlld lf'l' lit Il'nlll', 1 ( P ort ). State Roul e No. 122. in M odison and W ay ne T own.hipft, by ap11 1Il"'l'tlll g- of :\l l'h li Ph ; 1'11111'1 ", 1'. " lyi ng n bituminous treatm ent, Item D"II" I(;II1PII (,a mmn . al th o T ·32 . 1'.... "(>1'11 1 D"" I' ''r i-lolC'1 in \Vl lm . P ave ment : Wid th 18 r.. ct. i,lg l o ll 1.)11 S ~ tllI ... lfI.v H fl(,l'I1o" n. Le ngth 29,5611 r..ot or 5.60 mil es . ~ h r ' WIIR 1111 11>111'1 1 :1 ~ t r" :' ~ IIr"r of Prop"'.! No. 5 Ihl' (lrgalll 7.lItloll for Ih ... 11C'.\"1 W rrl'n Cou nt y. Ohio. on Section 9.84 , StRte R out" N o. n. in Clear Cre k t W ~.I Yf'a r !=(. nn d W a vn e ·T o wnship •. by applv ing 8 hitu m inous tre~ lm cnt, Item T ·32\ ' I I'R Fl'IIllk II .,wl, p 1111,1 ~o n o f P ~ \; f' m e n t: Width til f et. P"IIl'ill. lll illol ... n ltt' itl H ,lI'l or l{, L en th 2 1,54 2.4 r...... t or 4.08 miles . nl' ,\·;,YI1 PH ,·II I.· , Mr. :1110 '11'11. .. PropoMI No. 6 ",dn' l' l1 'l ti ~ " ". !J i ll . or I., bil lion Warren Counlv . Oh io. on Section 0.00. \·.l ,..1 I't1I1PI'K o f :nl x~ ~ !i l n tl'lP fllltl Stotc Route No . 132. in H a rlan Town,hip. bv apply ing 8 bituminoul treat<\11111 ,' 111'0 11' 11 1111 >;nn r\:w mOI·nll1g. "'''nl. Jt m T ·32. P"""mcnt: Wi dth 18 (eot. ill I'. Ami ~I ,. ~ . \\" " "'<'11 Rnl!1tlm' k, L ength 6.072 reet or t.t 5 miles. MI:- :lilt.! :\ II'R. n I'll. I'll I lI lpy a ile! Prooo""1 N o. 7 Iprmnnt Co unty .. Ohio. on Section oI , Il J: hl{' l', Pam In. ~ I' ·. and 1\l 1'!I. " "1' 01 1 ~ 1I .. 1tl·n, ·11. ~nlf rill!} (lall!: hl t'l'. 6.93. SI Ble Rout e Nn. 132. in Oomen T ow nship. by appivi nR a bituminoul ~I I" :"H I I I'• . HnYIIl"" 1! llra rlrlnrl; Ir"'[1 m en\ .. Hom T ·J2. ,ot " ;' II g- fJl I·'·.. :III'. Il1lfl :\l l's. P Av ~ m c n t: W irlth 17 r~ e t. 1' f'l'dol''' Ml'Illtill' :111<1 ~ on H. Mr. L l>n>(th 9.0Rl .6 reet or 1.7 2 miles . .1 "11,, ' ,,1 , '-'11 li nd ~Ir . nnh, 'J'l " il· ' r (1la l <'slim"ted C(l qt $62 ,343 ..88. ' <111. ' 11'. fllI ll ~ I r ~. l:: lI i ~ , ,:'11'. an d P ropo,als Nos. 1 to 7 i ncl u~ive of this ,. ,., 1·'ll ls, . il'. a ll,j M n'<. naY I1 0 "" nrojcet 10 b e completed not later IhM Or lobnr I S, 1949 . .. ' lI 'lon , ~1 r ~. ]1<)h 1'1 WII I·III1 S. nnd T ht' minimum wage to be paid to ~rr . n f'1 I1'), ' F'l1I'n ~l~ " II.1o)'t' ,1 II I'um II Ie bor employed o n thi ~ contract ilS (IIn m,,' al th (' .hom e Q( rr. sh,,11 be in accord"nce wHh the "!'khedul e of P revailinl! H ourlv WaRe a lHI 1111'S . L"onal'll r-:Il ls nN,r R ates Ascprta inpd and Determined by KII1 ,e mnll on l'; 1IJ1rtay. 'T h ~ D epartment "f Indu.trial R ela· linn' a ppli cable to State Highway De-
8,2·49 lit pad work that the b ac kstoppln ll w ill bold Ita own foJ' the I'emal n. 1111'. anil 1111'''. Ii:. P . · I::"rn harl iter or the 8eason. we n' Sunilny ~l1 PAlS of 111,·. a nrl AUCTIONEERING M ros . hHrl f'F n. E:lI'nh fll'l 111)(1 dRug h tC'l' s In Trottl'flon .· it's about time to thank all of
20 E. M'-'LS&R
SundRY . e lllll'vll1c co llege de· nleen Rcn lol'R recei ved
Kl1th I'IIW P I'p n f£orl:aB t on Friday al F'ull()",lng tb e bu s Iness \\' 01'111 \\ 'a l' II ('nll"J"" ~l1 llol1 Funi!' Sl's !<lnn a nd I"'ollrll~, a food lIale II,int rtll 'tI lill' _" !a ll1~ (:"ZI' III Ih l.. wI ll h hl'ld.
!':t .. I."'
EXCAVATIN G Cn ltfor n lR 'ho I Jl'OR water ' heater ('oal or wooel W lt b BUlld ozer &. <:: hovel, ~or burner. Compl t o) ",Uh 35 gal. baRem e nl!!. ponelR . 11' \'\' " and c le· Well. tbat's 'w hat hap()enefl 10 tank. BILl, l'IA WYEn, P I"mbel'. a rln !'; la nd . Estlmatm, f\lrnlsh ed . our lads wbo /!:olng Into .t he s l xPhone Wa yn PRv lllc 2174 . 52 6·31 W . N. U PTON. Wilso n Rd ., 4 mt. Ih wer e a head 2·0 dll e to Haro ld E'fls t of Waynes.. Ph . SprIng Val . Stanley's lordly fir st InnIng trlplt' LUMBER- All k ln" I<. drcs s el 0" Icy 36111. 69·6t sco ring Jonee an d hImself wh pn rougb . PIn e. oak and poplar In all ,0\1 A NTl'l uBtom Baling. 12c. le ft·fleldel: HoCff'e's throwbac k In. le ngths. ReR80n ab ie IlrlceR. 1\ 1\ Cn ll LebRn()n 677.X. M. J . Holl . to Wayn e Bvllle 'e b e ncb . Allie orders, large or small , w Ill . be Ingsworth . 69.3t Carte r. helped onslde r ably by the delivered. AOY LAMB, Phone ou tfI eld play of BI~gs , Vi cke rs Rnd Waynesville 27{)1 . WILL C ARE FOR CHILDRENFlechback. the la t er Jlla y lng llf~ In my home. or la nea rby homes fir st game. had m ana ge d 10 bol r! a.nd IIlso ""I II do cleanIng by the Spring Valley flcore less with "bu t hour or day. 'OENIECE W I·LK. two Hartlea gdlng In to tll e s Ixth E R ON .. but the eVlln t llnl vI tors e kefl ou l a run In th At rra me on two b in. CARD OF .T HANKS gles lind a b ,sn on b o ll s. In I he w Is h to take tbl8 opportunIty scventll. Carte r's c;t u se was kl c h. to thnnk eve ryon e who 80 kindly e<! dow nward n ~ th l" I1Rua ll y r e. rem nibered m e ' with cards . flow ' liable Donny Pope m ss r d u p e rs and other acta of 'klndnes8 two ground balls to short. whIch s how n me sI n ce my accldflOt coupled wIth Mi ch ener' s 0 n o' s everal weeks ago, baser to left and Jord Rn's WAlk Mrs . Della Venllblp Rpelhi d IInls tor Cat·ter. Dan S lm. I,>son reli eved CarIe I' a ll o\\'lnf; on (' The hail sealOn is herel NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT I"IIn 011 nnol he l' of P n ll f"R 11 1'1'0 1'" Protect .your crops with a . . Executor and Wh eeler Flil fe h ln /: I" . Cnrll' sound. len8j~le Hail In. E8tate or. Anna K. Madden. Dn Wll 6 t he los In g pltl' hel'; hi s rt rH .urance Policy. ceased. · 'OSR of thl) sen son . NotIce III h ere b y given With production costs 10 tb a l Horold l':tan ler (. 10 h t ~ '1 Frank C. Anderson whose po~t high. Hail Insurance is offi ce addreu 18 Lebanon. Ohll' celle nt game consld f' rlng be wen l more neces.arv than ever bas been duly appoInted 811 Ex· b eblnd the platter for th e fll's t ~(ore. ecutor of ,tbe Estate of Anna K . time In · his ca reer . .. "Red" Rob. Hail Insurance protectl Madden late of Warre'n County. bIns Qui t' the clu b la s t \\"el.' k one your investment. guard, to dlfferencell of opin Io n with Ihe OhIo . . deceased. . your income. Dated tbls 211th day of May . coachIng !!tafr. but It's xt rem ely doubtrul w bether hi s preaen e 1949. See or call us today, Buy would bave m'eant lIle dltre l'e nC . MI ~s Ann~ B . ~ l'>ff:, ili ll ' mu l RAL~H H. CAREY Han ~nsurance earlv, all most ot tbe J1Inior lads al'e of MI Rs OOl'olhy Ikln ~ of 'inrln· Judr;e or the Probate Court the mind that w'lth Stanl ey anil m,lI 1\'1'1'(' . linda), g ll eHt R nf l\1r. Warren County, OhIO' Pope alternating t hE! mas k and aorl 1II,·s. , alte r " ' hltnkl'l'. Frank C. Anderson. Attorney
• •
THURSDAY, JUNl!l I, 11.. 9
'" "'. '"
Mr. and Mrs . Glenn Borden o p e ne d t h e ir h ome on Saturday n g ( 0 1' the m o nthly m eeting o f th e Ch ee l·rul Circle Club. Card~ w e i' th e divers ion of t h e ev~n ing a nd d e licious I'~ freshments were served.
Dead Stock ing to Size and Condition. Call
Xenia 454 Reverse Charges
Xenia Fertilizer CASH FOR DEAD STOCK
o nrtmpnt Tmprove m e nt s in AccordAnce
with S Arli on' 17·:\, 17·4, t 7-4a. t 7-5 According to si)lc and cond~tion . A II Stol'k removed promptly. nnd 17·5a o f the G en eral Code of
01; in" .
Th e bidder mu st subtnit with hi~ COWS- $4.01); · HORSES- t4.00 hid ~ certi fi d chpck in th e "mount equ "1 to fi ve pcr cent of th ~ esti JANES RENDERING me t ..d C'''I, but in no event more ·than Ph C 11 t I ,. th ousand dbller.. PI I," . and specification. are on fil e one 0 ec in th .. d epartment of highwa~ ~;;l!t~mia;~~Jt7n~o;'r'- th" offi ce of th e d ivi~ion deputy di- Wil . mln.a ton , 0, 2362 rerlor. Th e rlirector r~ ... rv e. the right to rejecl any and all "ids . 1 T. ,T . KAUE.R , State Hi ghway Director.
the . contrlbuton to tbe SundllY ~I ,·. Hll tl ~1 I' R. W ilbtll' N. Sf'n 1'8 afternoon games.... . a gaIns t Bo\\,. e rsvllle, a total of $ 1.1 .15 WIIS \'Igilorl l ·" l nl"· ... ~ ill F"rl1ll'rsv ill p collected and last wee k ~ 13.4 5 !';un elny 1I1't f'l'n(l ou . Willi collected which c oupled wlth $4.00 donated by Geor ge Mill e r from the cOlleeslI'Ion A for two weeks gives the J 7·yell'r·oh1 p ..... gram a little m~ney to w orh on. One must realize Ih at th p~ ) 'programs do c~s~ ~ littl e . aA Ilet' example . .. the ' 'J I ! ( 'Q1lnt , ' li SP:' ASSURE YOU two regular Dayton Assoellllloll FUTURE SECURITY umpires tor all of th p old e r boy:,' games .. . th e re Is tI l :.JtRI Oull l, y Y ou can repay fr om farm of $11 .00 pe r ~I\m for lImn" " :1 inco me. No ch.ange in conwhen a team "1,,.1'" 'a t h Ol1 , I', a .1(1 t r~ct - no renewals. of ' ·Ol1.1'Se I be b:'1.11 eXp r-IHI' riP' Lon,:: Tel:m- 4 per cent pe nds upon how m,lo )" a re URi' '' bl ~ for otber games . DaPf' ba ll s ,' (.fR t around $18.00 a. dozen . .
. . . can be yours through careful maintenance of your property.
7 Foot Steel Posts Fence Metal .R oofing
Fairley Hdwe. Store WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
. .
Lebanon N.F.L.A.
Wblle bouquels a r e be Ing banr!. BROKEN WINDOWS M out. , !ve one to the mother' o f The bE'H I 10,, 11 IIll': h om ('an Phil and Bob· Wo r kman for her klndne lls and s kill In sewing o n look 'l' 1l11-l101l' 1I a,lI el 'lI'glect pfl 'If tbe n ice Legion e mble ms ' , Ihllt OlH' or 1lI1l1'I' w illolow Imn l' ~ fll'e .....ftf'k ."1ori 01' . broken . adorn ea cb bll ~e bl\. l1 uni form .
. ..
Aa ullual. each bright S lI nda.·, mornlnr; finds Bill Sawyer 111dll ~ 1 rously smoothIng ou t th e clla mo ll'l by draggIng It. ... Chal'loy Pr ieto bas alao helped on this Iha.nklesA' but very necessary de ta il.
Prodllctlon TIl. more feed and water the
ben. .at. Ibe better Ib, cbances
for- bllb .,. prodUction.
Ell is H. Sturm, Sec'y-Treas. L .. bnnon. Ohio
Live WIre and Protara,alv" An oroanizatlon .econcl to non.. Strictly a,lllr. on the bMt
country. SERVICE THAT IATISl"lEe WilUO Da)'tOll 12: IG Ill. ~. ... Dial nto W'LW 11 : 40. DtaJ 100. for Our Dall7 Market ~or ••
Armitage &Son
We hav e cut w indow gla .. In all .11e. and shapes.
.. .. .
Waynesville .and Supply
Phone 448
Cinolnnatl Union Mook .Yard,
ftI.DIBOIf. " ..W. . .t .......
.-.ow .... .
om. . .
Reports Playiround Off To Good Start •
WayneavllJjl's Irilll al playground program got away to a good IItart T~88day wltb Charlay Price playground supervisor bandllng the Dueregistration. ' to the I,'ecent donaUon of ' the Motber's Olub, enougb vol
~~:::~'g !a:~I:r~~:1I e~~~~::~~
was on ' band to provide a varied program. Price · stltted that ' additIonal equipment to embrace muny a.ctlvltles Is being ordered and outside donations of either' playBround equipment or , money may be forwarcled to Jumes Jones. ti·e· Wayn esville NlltiOJlIll Dllnk a8urer. ' " Tb plnygJ"Ound program will function ou ' Tt1esrlays. Wednesdays, Tbursdays and Fridays f[~ 1 : 30 p,m. 10 4 :80 p.m. for the next eight w'oks according to Bob 0 Regan , chlll l'mllll of tbe Wayaes\'lIie' Civic Club Youth Oommlttee who coordinates the progt'1}JXI with Dill Sawyer, Al PoltnBky, James Jon08 and Ted QOllover·.
Wi [nesvi J ·'11e Leglon . , '
. '
Lebanon Attorney Will Speak Here "ei-yl B . Gray, ' Lebanon at or· ney und pr.esldent of Uie Leb, anoll .D ooster Club will bc f;uest , spelL.k er I\t ~ (fun Ing of tbe CivI c Club lo b beld Monday evening, June 20, at th e esvlll Mothodlst church,
R. Marion Snyder
Will Take Census
ROSS ~H CLUB , By Lois Lukens 'l1he . Det y' Ross 4·H Club mel Wednesday, June 8 lit the Har· veysburg School wltb L0\11se Masters In charge and· Betty Bo· gnn, vice p,r ealdent, ' Dres/ding. \ ,Janet DOster and JO)1n SmItb were 'aPlloln~ed for the , ;comlirlttee fot' on,l' weIner roallt and bay ride, Saturday, June ' U. We are supposed to meet tront of Brandenburg's' Restaurant. . .. Orie guest, Mrs. Meda Drown, attended the meetfng: Tbe ne~t meetl~g will be at thjl Harveysburg Sch901, June 15 at 1:30 p.rn. Club memo bers who will take part In this p.r ogram . include: Lois LUken's. Sue ' Fairchild u:nd Reba McCar. reno '
R. Marlon Snyder ot I.ebunon bas been appointed enumerator for Warren County for the Cen· 8US ot Business covering whole· sale, retail and service establills'mente. Snyder told tbe Miami Gazette tblsweek that the work of taking the Waynesville area busIness censns begin within the next tWc;t week s. The (lensus ot Buelness to be conducted thla • ar will cover whol~lIale, retan ·and, service es·, tabUtlbments tor the yltar from January, 1, to December '81, 1948 In accordance with a · law requires & census of business be . taken every .five years here-
after. Tbe last Census of Business wu conducted In 11139. cQverlng allll)'Otlmat81y 3,00,0.000 wtiole~ale .re,,11 and lIemee etltabU.hmerita. The 1189 Census' 'of 'J!U8Jness ' retall .... pone\!
The Tile meetIng w~ opened.fu re· t;oaUon , Is ·blgbly. confidential gular (orm. Wlnnle Jo Stout was at no time can be given ' to eltlcted secretary' and treasurer. one agency, bureau of In~Uvlldula"1t .2.~....!roll -call was aDslVered by Tbe enumerators 'a re sworn to some a1'Ucie needed to. a c!»nfldence under strict penalty basket, EleVen mQmbers of the law. No Information can present. The minutes of the be bad from the Bureau of tbe two meetings were read. Census regardlhg' an indlvldual After tlie bu slnes~ meeting, report except by written autbor- Mj8s WlseJilan, tbe gome ,D emon· tty from the reaJ?ondent wbo "tJ:aUon Agent, gave 11 short talk gave and s igned the report: a.bout seams uSlld for n,l ght After the forms have been col- clothes. Sbe aillo said the judglectmJ by the Enumerators 011 Ing ?f the proJects would be tbll they bave been , forwal'ded to the flrat week In August. omce by mall, ~ey 'a re e41tert ' Refreshments " of konl-ald and for uompletlon a.nd also given' II cheese crackers were ' setyed . ,by code 'number and (orwarded to Mrs. Klontz. Wublngton where they Bre proTobe anp Sandra Ball ' were cesHa for statl.UCIlI Information guests at the ·m eetlng. The ,next meeting will be he!d ,wblch ",III be released by the Bureau of Census at a late~ date. at the bome of Charlene Eden~ field Thursday, June 23 at 2 p.m.
,WaYDe~ville Markets (lilformatlon supplied by ' lhe WI!.Yllesvllle· ,F armers', Exchange) • . Wbeat continued weak until the announcQrnent On June. 8 tlint. the president had IIlgned the ' bill .. au.tborizlng t~e CCC ~o make 10ao.s on wbeat on tbe ground In accepted areas and . .,.·oVidlng . addItional ' loans to farmers for tbe consiruc~ion of farllcJ storage. This some wbat strength~ the wbllat poSition, Harvest 'Is not 'proll,reslling t?O well, Yte southwest due' ,to beavy rain. Tbls also will ' greatly Increase storage ' problems. Fanners. -11- thJs area wbo ex· pe~t, to st?i!! ,wheat on ' the farm are again 'il8utloned ' to watch moisture (!9;;tent! ':'Tblrtit~n to 14per cellL hi cbnsldered dry, but In thlll area If wbeat Is ,stored over a ,long period It be· come '~l\lck-" flick wheat Isn't easily determined even by Insp· ectors, but , qUickly sho,\:,s up (n millIng and for that reason car· rles a very ssvere discount. It has IbilOn our experience that III pel' cent an«J lower molature con,t~nt wheat wtll keep ",Ithout becoming- "shik," The , com market atren1ttbened with wheat prices. Oorn s.u1)ply Contlnuell to be Ilubject ,to a somewhat limited demud. and price, ' vary 'only traotiolLll, . CURRENT aiDa <WedDeedllf mornlDI) 'New CroP Wheat ....... , U.72 Bo,. leaD, , .......•. , ..... . fl,:a Com
. • , •• • • f • • • • • • • • • I
*** ,
Dy Eveauna Bunnell The Lytl() Kltcben ' Kookers 4·H Club met Wllclnesduy ' e~enl\lg, June ' j at the hOUle or l!.'veanllu and Roberta Dunnell wllh MarJOJ'le Ross in charge anll lotte BUl'nett presiding. Dlscusslou at tbe meeting con' cerned different ways of earning money for the club. . A meeting was held, at the home ot Nancy Baird Wednesday eV,enlng, Jl~ne 15 ' at 7: 30,
... ... ...
Dy Eileen Drown Tbe Wayue paimy Plncbers ...·R Club met Wlduesllay, June 8 at the home...of Euh~ Hoak with lIIrs. Keller Hoak and ' Mrs ~ Harold Whitaker In cba,rg~ ayu Detty Satterthwaite presl(!1ng. '. The unfinished busIness .consis ted of discussing the ' fair booth. A commUtee <If five girls were appointed to ' plan tha booth. These are' Lois Lukins, Sue Furnus, Carol DunnQlI, Miriam Wilson and Dorothy WilBon. It W8S voted on tbat 10 cents ' dues per meeting per member be col·Iected.. W~ discussed our pro' jects further. The parenls of the members were present. Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Conger spent Bunday at the home ' of Mr. and MT.8. Perry Benton and , famUy In Fairfield,
bospltal car~' for · a,. fIrm is' 8po~80red b.i)'o hol~p1taIla.1 selves and thelr families. Previously, employees. liJ:ea. and approved Cross membershjp rolls are being Cross memb~rBhlp was large ly Amol·jean. ,HosDltal ' Assn.
Joml_ Qutncey GOllS, 69, died at his borne , in Wllmlngt<)D, Obl0 June 10. He Is sUJ'vlved by hIs wlCe. Madg L.; a daughter, Mrs, Paul Tomillllt;on: a SOil, John Gons ; IL bl'olher, Fred; alld two grAnd cb:lldren. . ' " Services were con'l!ucled a~ the McClure FUll rul Flome Monday at 3 :30 p.m. R v. n. a. Colemll.lI officla.terJ. D\I rial Wllft made In Miami Cemetery. Guy ' C. Carr, 62, 'prollllnont New York Clly 11nallole l' and president of the ' G'e ne rill 'rln P late Co., Brook lyn , died Jun e 6 Ill' hi s oft'lce suite Iludng 1\ teleph01le toconversatlon : Dealh ' was utt· rlbllled _ to II heai·t ailment, MI'. Car r was born and reared in the Harveysburg vicinity illld wus the son of 1\Irs. Rose Carr, wbo reSides lit the family born e near town , and the late 'Wllllam Carr. He graduated from Hllrv, eysbllrg High School and WII. mlngton Collego. Upon r graduat. Ion from WJlmlngtolJ, he [ecelveel the SWRl'UlmOre ScholnrsWp and later graduated from that Institution. For many years be was a tea ~er . III Ii Frlellds ' 8cbool at BrooIIIYIl', 'N.Y. . La st Nov mber 13, at the WI). mlnglon COllege lI-itimnJ m ee Uug he received a citation award In recognition of bl s s uccessful bu sIness career. III the BllrLng of tllis ,year, his /, Mrs. LI.\Ian S. Carr presented the ' Carr brothers ' 100tbuIJ nnll basketball tropbles to the Institution. 'Only one of the brotbers, Druce, of H,a rveysbu.rg now remains. Mr. Carr .Is survived by his widow, V 1'8, New York Olty; . a brother, Mr. Bructi Carr; his mo. ther, Mrs. Hose Carr; and a. sl!lter, Mrs, Reba MeCILITen, all of ' Harveysburg, and ~evernl nel .' ces ud nephews. Fun.eral services were oonducted Tbursday afternoon In the F:rlends Churcb bere. witb the Rev. J. P., Thornberry as oUielatIng clergyman. Internncnt was at Mlam) cemetery,
Mrs. Charles LaMuy Is heading a committee of tbe Waynesvllle Mother's Club 1(,0 present a one bow an , cartooll SbOIV, Satunlay, JUlie 26 at. the 1rwln Theatro. The proceeds' from t.he show wlll be f.lon~ted to the Waynesville' play· ground a ssoc iation. . Reserv!ltlolls Ulay be made wltli Mrs. LaMay or the Twin 'I'boat, re starUn' thi s, weekend. A do· nation of 16 cents Is belrig reo qll st cd allll ni.lullR and cllildren .lIlke are we lcome to atlend. Thore . wiii ble com(l)ete sllowings at 2 : 30 lind 3 : 30 p.m.
• '.' ',"
~i.n a:J I , ,I I ", ' .....f%mlJ
J-r "
Mrs. Olive Ourl, Dr. Emma lowny and MII!~ Elizabeth IeI' attended tbe WCTU DlEI~i«'I»'!JuiJltdOi1lr8n.. ane! lea at the bome Waller Whitacre ~lldayillatte~I;~~~~ \ noon.
Miss Natalie M UJT:~y has Join· her parents, Mr. and Mr-/!. Nat Munay a s a I'esldont of ·W ay· neln'i1ie. . Prevlousl3( she lived n ur Cblcago. Hei· 51ster, Janet; Is spending June In Waynes ville! • prior to returning ' I11 July (0 the . 'Deparlment .of Agrlcul~B \ In anOll, Mrs . Washington, aft,er two years III daugbtel', MJss Japan with the War Oepartmett. CrlllU, TeXas DakJll Saturday. The Wayne 'I'owushlp Farmers Mrs. Dl\lkin's Club met (or their regular man- .evenlng were thl)' meeting on Thursduy at tbe tor Miss Janice bOnie of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T,ed Van . Deusor Rye witb all families, except stl , Texas. two, r epl'esent II anel the follow------.:: Ing guests, Mr. ~nr1 Mrs. J . J , CHILDRENS DAY .Qurske, Mrs. Sri,lIl Da1l, I\[rs. <1: • .AT METI-lQDlST B. EdgJpgton and ,s·on. MnTI( . A djlUclous roast chlc1Hin din: 'I'l1e JUllior ner WIlS enjoyed and Mr . Roscoe M . thodlst Sunday Furn:lB conducted the bu siness hltve ull!~rge of tbe Ilesslon. 'l;be sll el:ful topic for the' vices Sunduy, . June 19, day "Prospectl! for FUture Fal'll! a .m., lJo~orJng - Father's Day' Labor" , wa s dillcussetl by MI'. L. Chl,ldrel18 Oily. C. Bruns t utaI'. He thought pro: . 1bose directing are. Mr,," l!J)ects not t,o o I~ood so 10I1~ ss Mlliel' and ~rB. Cl).rltoll Cook in em ployment could be secured io the Eegitwe r s ~pllftment; Mrs. the facto~jes', WnUer Whitaker and Min Dol'Miss GllLdYB Ity, datigllter of olliy Drummond , In Primary lh hosts und a student at Cln. ~.:tl'tJn en t ; Mrs. Ray COnner, clnnatl Ulllvt!rsJt:~, was tbe s uest lor Glade; Mnl. Heber Jackson speaker , In the In.termedlll;te Grade, and ~. Mrs. Earl , COlmer, tiuperlptend· Tbe Wayne G.O.P. (JJub met at alit of the Junior Department. ISl1vert:o... tbe home of th.e allvlsor, 'MI' --;--"----Cbarles Mltchene,r, with !\II'. Leo PRIZE WINNERS O'lIn.nioIl presidillg. Prize winners at the Following the I~uslness and dis· 8vll\u Locker PIIUl~ ' opeD . ' hoU88 eusslon ~iod. rMresbments were Friday evening were: ' B. R.. served by MI'~ , Mitchener, Mrs. grey, $50; John Pa.rrl~. Hllliebrecht Mrs. Workman. Everett Kenrick, ,~ . Tbe. nest will be held Roae, U6. '
Rev, C. A. A.rtbnr, pastor of the Harveysburg Methodllst Church II atteDdJllg the ,.earIJ conferaCl June this week at LaIleal4e, Oldp, Match For The WAA aUl'prleei Tueada¥, bome of Don
p.m, "t the award XI.. for RaUl tile Nt
. - - - WEEKLYNEWS-ANALYSIS'----. i LlDlfE:
, Asks Vast Powers Administration
I Nothing at All t It was hard to .tell where
Thursday, lune 16, J.NI
Most of Nation's Fa.rms Now Boas.t Electric Power
BestJ Sergeant York Rural Arne'r ica moved fur~her Communist machiriations b'egan and HONG KONG . ~The Chlncse a nd fas ter into the electric power ,' truth lett ou;. but 11 the charles 01 Communist raeUo has cD9'le up a ge 'during )948 th aIl in any pre• ' a Czeoh oUiclal that not one dollar WlUl a Sergeant York tnle .thal vious year, according to ~e 1949 ot five million raised In the U. S. goe:, the Tennessee sharpshooter Britannica Book of the Year. ~to rebuild Lidice was usetl. then the one belter. "Nellrly , three-fourl~s of , the American people and humanitarian· It Is said thot a lone commun, farms of the U. S, had been e~ec ism genera'lly had taken the ",:,orst 1st gue.rrilla, Chiu Yin:shan, ' 1'.:,...;....1 trill ed. and in an increasll:l/; num-(EDITOR'S NO~: 'when oplnlonl are e~pr~ ..e4 In llael. columa, lbey a~o' Lbo,. 0' rocking In years. armed only with' a, shoe. had UUUU " •• 1••• ,M.... p. . .F tlalo,D'. " ••• ADal101e a .. d .... " .......fILy ,of &ll1e D••• P.P .... ) , bP.,r1 of ins t imces the 'power was JAN VODICKA, secretary-gen· cllptur~d' 49 Nationali st soldiers M~·.D usee! as a means 01 agri'c ultu.ral eral ot the union of tigllters for while he was wa lklng down a u 1 production as ,well as for better freedom ,1n CzecholllovakJa. said ilie 'bigbway in Klangsl p{9 v ince'Home 'Grown Feeds rur a l livin g," the hook d eclares, collection to J'cbuild the city razed Clblu met seven Nationalists. Soil tion mess.ures also by the 'rlazls had been the broadcast sl\id, and 'having . Cut Operating Cost proceeded apace during fiscal "among 'our . compattiots !n the e)(bausled bls, supply of hand Good clean pasture and plenty of 1948. SoU conserva-tion measures UnltedltStAtes and , the rest pf the grcl(la~es, he pulled 'oft .hls shoe, home grown '!leds for your pullet and la nd·use a djustments were American public. and the unlon haa brandished it and shouted. crop pays dividends !n more eggs. complet ed under offkial auspices Wormatlon that 01 the five million "Hand over your arms or you lower production costs and bigger on more th an 21.500,000 ac r es ot dollars collected, 30 per cent was die." Thereupon, according ' to poultry protits. The use of range fa'rm -and r a nge . land in soil con· taken by the colleclors and noarly the broadcast, the soldiers fl\lnR .belters, range feeders and barrel se rvation dis tricts. an incr ease ot 70 per cent by the administration." doWn thei.r arms. Soon, 42 more ,·waterer. makes luch a program 7 per c ent as coml?a r ed with tne '. There was ' a quick ' deniat In soldliers - appeared and surren· easily pqssible. prj!vious y e a ~ . ' 'New ''York, Dr. Jan Pap . anek. reo der4!d when Chili 'fired ·'~wo shQts :MlssourJ unlvei~lty ' tests show signed Czech U . N. delegote t said from the captUred rWes, , the the Lldice memorlal .committee col- radiio reported. ' that pullet. on well-fertilized altallected "$5,000 at the maximum;· IL-·_ . ___"-:-.....;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ta pasture consumed 1'1 pei cllnt for the Future? from Americans and never,. got • leas teed than birds on hare range. cihan.ce to apply any money to 0 'lbe pasture-fed pullets needed · II!BS Lldice. ' . ' . ~ ' ~ feed for each pound of Sam. BirciJI LIDICP.:, as too few probably "lin Qll clean pasture were healthier rememher. was the village n e a r . • RECORDS 23 C . Rec~lttl~ol~·n PragUe w~ch was completely de· 'Phono gr a ph. , '1935·'3 9 · 1948 OU AllA NTElED NE W O l'm RIDE. MOST itroyed by the Nazis In retribu~on ",," " ' 1. V NEW OTHF, I T 1': , LillI );'ree. for. the saaos,ination of the Ge.rm~ NEW YORK..-T hat television L ftlu. Brld(e 81. Sh. " Oft I Na'.,aI OCKE , 2U. h&, Lou"'. Mo. "lla/li1Tlan" Relnhardt Heydricb. become increasingly important All. the men of the viUaae rl\llglous, as well 88 .a cultural . • . ' . LIb .. roa" '»eW in • IIIUN hole, Offtoer killed and ItI women anel entertainment vehlcle, .eelPs 1114!PIIlen..a oJ abe 81'D FnulclaiaebamaJle 800lelr becam. , dispersed. . . m Uftolr 0.11:, JreII Into which he cnwlecl to resoae • , pO!JsibUities of t\!levlslon With Antiseptic Ointmllt eaL It _Ir ,fellow ~Gen .yen'- mIIl1dea ......lIifce him. TIle ILD. been recognized , by reUaious ' For lIelpfUi anUlepUc aad medlclul . . . 'eM . . . reaMvec1 """"... . 'wbldow opelllD, opio t.Ju, botto~, of Ilelldelr.s from the beglnn1n" and - - - -_ _......_~-----' 10 elttornaUy caused Ildll Irritation. dial tile UcId weD aDd .. Wa, beY b7 Offtcer Georp W.rre.. a'rllbl. Law Is Strict . groups more and more are tiel&, IUOIa as letter. ,n.b. almple, rID,. :-:-:-::::-::-:-:-:--:---7-,i======:::;:=====~ Summe.r ' vacationl ""ere cominl ways of utilizing the aDd more eneraetie. Mortal1tJ rate worm,drynell or eClema,ale Gray. OJU. up and would ·be hord,1 of medlulm, described hy ohe wal lower and there were fewer men' •• directed. Medicated 10 elln, 10lIl' "Curel ' youngster. Beek!qg work durini, the IPIl,k~!!lma.n as "eSienUal to _the Culli. Out of 100 pulleta at four er for more Ihoroa,bly reUevlDe l&clalq. MoN Cutbs Asked _ , lona hoUd~y. But' if the wage .1!d the ~r1atian church to- weeki 01 a.e, 91 of ' the aUalfa· ran,ed blrdl 'later went Into the Buried on '! narae paget ot 'JDoat hour and publiC eontracta "Ci1v111on critic. a d aupporteta aUke of newspaper" w~s a ltor,- whleb, if ot the ,U. S. dep.rlment of I.bor proarams of rel1&ious laying bOUIe, compared to 70 of ':All'Ieultufe'8ea'etai-1 Charlea BraD· true. would ' ~ave ratecl banner had 1t, way. aU child label' wOQld already ' ba v e become those ralied on bare i1'o~. Purdue t.m.ivenlty' teata showed that 1Wi'l " IHI' farm iuppOJi pro.r8l]l headUnes .in the eyes of those it be 'done strlctlyaccordlrig to law_ to video audiences. Wily '_flu ,hoamoUe aD. _flbrIU. ' FROM Cleveland, the d1recto~~ , wi:re'.lIrpriled when Btannan, asked concerned. ladillo clover M .t h com ·BIleS!. Imao palD.T Tr, lNDVCO-,b, ""n' "'" rOrlnD'a t.bat IDea d,ht 'I. tit • • oare.~ aweeplng ,new power. tto control FOR, from Een. ,lJplland,. there William S. SJngIey. llBUed a .remind- Ldest InnovaUon ii, a ' reUglous· arainl provided a complete ratiOll SEND NO MONEY-SPECIAL TIUAL the nation'. apicu1tw'al produe- came' a claim that Melnheer J. Van er to aU 'employer. of Ich.ool boys new. program. , _first o~ its Idnd. lor layin. Dockl: OFJlEa. r.y p ••tm .... . . lbIDr. ra.l, boll' •• OD potlal ...... 'ilea. ' Rooyen. a bewildered little barber, and .Ira under 18 th.t .ge and . ~aunched by • tat Ion Gettin, ,ood pasture and' a cheap IN,DVOO, 11I:I11ll,...IID ••• 0IDoID.aUl.0. mE lilted Brannan proposals could cure baidnesi-llo foolin.. employment clrtWcate. for WRGB In ·Schenectady. and pleilWUl lupply of arain I. • ~ ' CCJllta~ in the 'full draft of 'lbe newa Jeaked out, anc1 the worker. mlllt be on file. Known as "Through th~ E7es matter of P\lttin. tarm IOU iii shape the a4m1Dbtratlon'l larm prOlftDl little barber Ihop wal thrcm,ed with He pointed out that thele certlfl· o! Religion." the new program ron- to Prod\lC8 blalt~r yielciJI pel' ac~. wblc:h waa Ial4 before eO~ll'e.l. vJa1torl. Letter. , poured iD by the cate. "are conaldered al proof of IIsll at news analyses, talks. photo For thI. you need a rotatlOll In 'k lbat pro".m. the pow.en ·reo thoUaandi. ' age and .Ierve 10 protect: empl07en Ulul1trations, and live shott. The wblcb deep-rooted le~.1 and gue~ w~ mark ~e ftrst ·time ?-'he meinheer ltarted It aU him. from ,,unwittiDI vlolaUOnlof Werlil progl:am ill now , en a ~().mlnute l1'ai..1 are keystone. You need to fa the hlatOl7 cjf the Jl1ltton-not ex. aeU b7 trylD. 10 stop btl own thin. law. reaulatiD& the emplOJDlent of lpot every two' weekI, but II ex· build up tile or,8lllc mlltter aupp'l7 eepUnl wartlm.....vmeo tarm~n alld Din, ba~ 'from IJ'Qwln, thInn.r, childrenr . , pected shortly to be presented on via plowed·under le·g umes. crop their actlvlUea wollld- be ao com- ~~entinl lIritil varloua IotiOlil Under the talr labor atand~ f ,wElek]y llis~. . ' rulduea aDd manure. YOII need to pletelT UDder ft1enl COQtroL I,IJe of jnfra-te4 n"7l. , .ct, the minimum aae for molt UniUl now. Ui~ most fmprenlv. feed the .oti a aood railon of plant P . . ~Pi8; BrannaD aaUd ~~ A~CORDING to reportl, he final. jobl 1. 111. ,but in occupatlODl de- we 40f television has been in 'the nutrients, 80 It, iil tum. can feed d&Id ~ qUotu, IlOW VlaDle 17 hit upon a combinaUon that clared to be especla1l7 preSE!ntation of IlanWcant church the cropl. In IUCb a lIroll'am, fertl~ "... ' .I 011 CIIII1 IiX m~r ~. he appUed made hIa hair &row. Tried 'on for young worken. the ceremonlel. lizer II an Important member CIt FAMOUS FOR QUAlITY CHICKS 011 the-l1'Ut ~ pt lanD JII'Od\lcta. others, it succeeded. Now h. tt aae '11 18. ---~--the IOU·-bulldln. ~am. ' In. . .lo, m.u anlm~ m1Ik. pou,l- treatlna 1110 peoPle, worldng 11 MINE SAFETY: FI," EJp.rlmlnt S•• n At eurrent prlcea, ea. .~ tr7, e.... trulta and ••aetables; houri a d.7. Aid t F N rth r_ I aearl'l twice a. much fertlllzer aa I Jl ... a Ilol4 atrob 00 the part ," Wants Law , 0 , 81' • ~...p 10 yean aao. It takes onl'IlO dopo ..................... ODd . . . tba. V. • : ' .............. I>~ .....F . . . . . . . ....... ·to bU)' 'a too of I-J.2.U f~ .;~ . prilhHn, ,n~ tarmer; ,004 ~Id I. Cut ' code". John L. aDd Ar b expeditiona ma7 beae- l1zer todat, where~ it -toOIi 1'10 WID OWei' the uticD; Of the United Mine fit 'enta In Which , cod dOzeD ill 1... . eonteJlWlo that tll,e IOvemment .. federal aaflt7 ' lJab .et 'heat Itrqke. ' PIW it W.I qulcJa.y dlaeerDfble eM Ita elvUlaD emplO'le rolla b, 10 ' I. ___::::.::=::;==~_....:.~ .." .if ........' til.. proia-am would pe_ A.~. -~4 ," ••com",I1_....._ .". minerl ~ beln, The filh are Arc-t1c cod wblc:h If """:'"? farmer un4er..1icl, ....l ao;"", and killed.". IJirive in .t he lC7 wa·-d.t-.Am~can. .....~_w '·am. - .....-.ea·., . w.. .... , ,~... ., th':"'-r • &. '. eraI _trof froID ~e ,l nomeut he r-,.. W 'iJle ''batlon'l north. I Tbey are ,oin, to 'be ' .roae to feed tile e~cke" And Otber WaahiDl(toD· b7 ,: tormer Preaident with blood." ,d ropped, bJ Dr. .John F:leJ4 of ' Herbert HCM?Yer. Dealarina that thiI liD 1 25 mD ..... ID ' the. 1DOI'rilDI, wtn he could be done if the' ,overnment fi~re. to I W . • Stanford _ unlveraltJ. into water. ~ ,~ If:~''' ~_.!.or~ were or.aDi&ed -properb', Mr, lion minera bav. been InJured or eomparable In 1emperature to thOle -.... !'fIIe o:u~ ..... ldUed 1D the patt ' 19 :leara. of the Pacific ac:ean' off the Call• ........ +ItoCIr'.pm hi tie weDin, Hoover.aid the .avinp to the tax· Lew' char,e. were hurled be- fotnia coast. .... _ QII8ItIbD w..: Would pa78ft mIgb& ,,;reac:h f~ 01' five a . sl!Dllte labor IUlIcomm1ttee Hl1man l\Vimmer. mat IIhIver fumen ataDd for ...... ~ II' ,_Ulloa doDen a )'.ar. , ' ·of. bill which would III these waters on a JII17 dRJ. bIlt ....... '"' 6etthe tli" " "'~ I ~ HOOVER'S ltatem!D t mlllt mine Inapecton rllb' to the cod the7 are hot water. AI• . . . . . ., .,. ....~ ~ .......(t. because bave c~rried IODie weljht, but mmea they thiiIk danler- tho h ..... •• €hevrolet' ll,t·ton cab , , .. '• ... ere were -~._a optimi---c lew prelent ' condltiC1flI, UiL he expec1i Wl" cod to cUe, and ' _• •~ .-..' M , p-'-, _I." the., ~ho .., U1 ......, ' au • D~ FI"'d h al reason t 0 bU ' ' chassis,, j•,- -. .. ..... ....., ~\'IfU_ .. I';'" b bureau ot mine.1 "" e eve • _ •• ot, ,, ___ .L- vote' ado-- ,· -'the' w. n ,.e eve..' 'I .........~ m.... ,e , , might _._-' •• th """d b ' '" Chevrolet l,\l·ton cab .... , - - _ ...... , ........ . "'" .Me al iIl. ... 1/ft h Int d t. '''''.·pecUona an ' d re~ , ..... e7; ev,.. e ,..... , hro-thirda Vote of.u 'lOne , on....e ,...eae po e ou II' .. th v,ve u ., an d ch asslf', :.......... 1...,. ~-I'. Th,orm~r 1 Pr Id · ·'" I ap ~.. .....easures. ·aU can'. ' tob ' ' eI higher ,wa~er tem·' , ,n. F 1d ltL" to , .,.., i' , . el en'l"'a , e ....' . . . I ' b\ d P . . . , ,1 tJ, . in. with .uthority becaUie a CDri?-. exercised by the .tates and ' Y: s c:'w degrees,. Be will .... or ."... n· ca an ' J Bramwa , "'~DI a eonqwon mJ..l.on ,oj ' which he had been ' 11 no ' WB7 to implement fed-, tr.y . 1D la~r experimeptt. . ,chasals · ••• • 0". ,; ,t,";' • Btl , rWbere ..prlcM ~ , be- allcnNd to 'n 'lUJ1ed the head~a tact.fin~ body eral ' lulBesUonl and recommend'~. Dr. ' ~~ld'. experimenta are be. 'j, Dodge 1~-tOn cal] aM .Oft. , ,move.. ~ _ba ,the market With to UDcover "just auc~ tlllngi a. he Uona-. Lewil contended that .ta~1 IIIg 'c arried on at Point Barro;w. ebassis .. .. ...... " .. .. UIID ~.~~: co.:::: ~ad unc!Wtire~-had exhausUvel7 .re'fallfna down badly'. AIasl, •• under a con~at with the '., Studebaker l~-ton ~l\ti .tudJad 80vernment functionl and 'LEWIS' teitimOIJ7 chiefly car- U.,S. otrice ,ofnaval're.eareh whicb n.._ of th -000 h d an~ ~Bl8ja ., ........ \at ~eu' ten below' a Pl'e42eter. ~'!' ded the tneme that the states have .. InilereBled In the mechanllrna by. .,,,,,''OJ\era ' e ....., . oriel all . -.J.~ ' '1DIaed ''ra1r'' JletulD. proceale. anAl h"d reported Ita l ." ~ulel GIl Maryland farm. , have Othen to Choose ....vIII I > .L. ' • 1In4inal . faDed to enforce latety re&ulJltlonl , 'Whlel~ animo and fiIh adap~ thehl. been ur,ed 10 "check IIItake valves, ' A ~.DOIr cut ID federal Person· and that tile mine operator. ar~ ..lve. to extremel of heat and remove carbOn from the cYUnden. · , JE"KI.$ . 'w " . • . pel would r~u1re no ·' wholeaale not ·going to p~ all)' heed to .&teb' cold. He-repofted"lome of,them >at and adJult . the. carbUretor.'~ :' Dea •• ,....a.t •• Tr. .h ~ffI\ .rrio~tr ," , f1r1n·.,~, h, :~lcL ,~e added I~ cou~ Wlle.. forced to do 10. . a mE!etlnlllere of the ,t ederation ,of " Tho.e 'terml ,aren.t aa mIXed"a. 81' W. 3f,4,\~N. 0810 M...,n l ' W1tb,-4omestlc 1aU~, baVli'l"~ be . ac~pmp~hed ~lIah norm",1 Ame~r1c'~ 1l0c1e:tie~. fo.r eXp'cr1m~. OD"e migbt ,think. JO!eph M. ,~Ial. ' • ': . elm the 8l'M1( tfpt ove~ !omIP,J ~over~ 'Wlilch Do,W ~ ,~t . tal b ,lololY. , ' ., extenSIon arumal hUlbandman, ex- -:;=:;::=:;:::~==~~~~ '...In ,til. U.S. leaa" IWU com· 500,000 a ,ear, . , . ". M4rtlC. cOd, he found, can Bve plained that a bora'. mouth an4 -aDl~' to,.,rW-ft.Ue ~tii '~e'\'f , ..Is.bor Bi ERLIN; , .. cold al three jlegree. teeth may be compared to intake .c' r . - " freetln, because their me• ..w-..or repeal HiirUe7...:.w· • tabollsm, or -rate .of be ....... chenli. "alvei -on II tracto,r . '!be teeth need font' a«Joumnleut. ' , New Issues , UU3 10 " be Ooated (JUlI al th. Intake . ' of tIle ·tabOr qUeI· . eal' reactions; _ ....... fte ~portaJlc. The me!!.tln"of.tlle btg four caun. ' , bold up well at lOw valve nee"... to' LDeI 'prope~'" Y ... ,...., Uoo1'aUoo WIll ' In· cU of 10relan ~8ter. had detem~ra~lll. . It the7 are to· meet ev!!D13' .nd let ~r'7:::r~~Uc.tIit.II:t~~ aenate'. lheJvtnC dlao velopecs one fact-u.cuss(~ ptGer. the bol'l~ chew bli feed properb'. CUUIon' NOl'tb Ati.Duc .eCII, Un1~ ~deJ: .current coiidlUoni CDsI"lo RI,I Art Jut '•• ' traciorl are ,troubled ·rllIY ,pact the tq,uble~e wa. futUe ' So. it ~ppeaz:ed atten, In IIUI' allla.11 C,lold. with carbon in th!8 eylln'dera, hor... • lUqr ,. hu .".., cUQoteCt ~ ' tiOIl woula ·be turn*d ' to BerUn . L.. . .na7 ..ave trou.ble " With ~teml1 , ., ,.' ' wil zoe &8..... bl t NE;w YORK.-Huae 't Th h ed . ~,.nuilll ,wa. l'attier obvt~•• J e 10m. 1'01'" prQ ems ye c:lOu'C!11 1n~e 'inte6ttillal' Ipace. are Jlaral. ea. ese mv 'fe remov maliled UllSolyed. ~ Or,anIud 'labor, .worned, b7 an ap- r.. . ."e ,11blrthplace" IJf lbe mysterioua by aily competent veterinarian &Del paleDt dlalnci1ln.ltlon> eongr~88 to' Berlin .,..eaentell conClfete the bbr.. will be • bette'r work8&' ............. __... ent. in I'e- wIIh:h m~ h Qped coul ' cl b'e 'recoslIliic .l'ralY. that bombard , , .~ ....... ".......-. . •... ... ft~ ........... -.-"'-er. , . . • ..... · ·.th· ." .... ! 'C , ... ID ......... ' rin . Ie .. ,_ ._A 'all dlrectlOlll. accordln, 10 ' , l' ,' , , Jl8aJin1 :' ~ft............y ~.•,fe • . a , IOlved or, at alt, .....cus...... more ' Ebrleo Fermi, Nobel prile The earl)urelOi' OIl the ta:a!)tor ~-' ~er 4ela7. W¥ Pua¥n' ~e profitabb'. ,The weatern , powerl physicist. ' tu.ta fu.l .uppb' ,to the work load. ,...m'nl.p.t~ j 10 ,e~ '19Inr. Tbere were tmdera~ at ~e'<!1', to 1DalIt ' . " For boraett thl. 'd. accompU.bed' . . . conftult ,.mIncler ~ the upon vmUen ' apeem~u concern· ~ repo~. ~~ new theory" ~ by ,ettin, them In proper condJof 1\1e, PiaI4~~: c~i"'. Inr l'lpt:a 1Q BerllD ~ trilac:e oral. thec~smjc: rays. Dr, Fermi, Ile· ,tion bdorethe be."" work loacl pledJea to .crap tli'e Jlftlelll over· underl~dIn"p .$bat alone· :bave If.ves that tile ray. orl,inate frOm com.l. Vial {Ncommenda ' thi. be aD labor law .~d "'labor wanteeS given th~m ~ ftlhu iD the 1m. coml~lona between' pr.otons, ' done b7 '"feilcUnl ~e 'horae a habd. actJoDJ ' ''1'IM COII~.~ibulll' m'~ia~ 1lP,1t. , ' parlilcle•• with • mall1eUc field fUl Gf oU meal With 'btl l1'aln at n.,.. .wereo'~ too fir off, ~es' ,.". ~".I ;lao believed tile, WOuld 80" many wUl re'm~mber the , • ~Ie aatactic, !!lo~d. ". tbiI time of )'••r: 10 'k~p "hlDi In a~t#-~ evlilenU:;. lelt it bid' , ~,e ' ~~' ali\.le elect~ , city coupcil ceD"~m.n DOwn above' Well. OtIl1er lc1enttsu bave ' e~rel.eeS IO!)C! c:ondJ~~ alid · ~ .giving him better cIel1ver or, filc;e , ~bOJ".. an- lal1\1 r~ti;t1on' of Occupatto~ atatua Ole ,aestlon,la hardl1 a fair one . lIeUe,f the raYI come from the ,IUD .. man7 ',oba to do a. posllble; ..,onlaD ai th. , PO~ next ,· ),.ar;. for their zone. 1\ ,.". belleved In. for hil pabllo alway. Ia'" him 01' from far-off Ita". but no by. 'IUCb. a. Ipreldine m~ureor ha'Ulo IlAJORITY LBADE; Luc.. .vllable thiit'1he.. quesUon of four· In rlpl 1rwIka, DOl dreet top. po~lesl~ ' b•• ' been prOVed~henc!e, in. loal." ~ that if ep ~*' leAla' power l al,1~rltt-;-w~ch I!i!d ' to a He la former heaV7Welp,' &be many .tudiel beiDg made -'j Other reoomme~tloDl lncl\J1le: .. lima ..... not ~ted ~ bS' l!dl ', deadloek o~er the veto riabt when i,.hter Badd7 Bael', whole eJIo ~ of COlmJ~ raYI. "Keep w.ter iD- hlI eOGUn• .,atmi, IP veu WERE A WAVI, 'n" '~ Ihall ~ the lenlth iii 1he wbole of GermBn7 wal pcemenl to HollyWood eohama.. Dr. Fermi, inventor of the keep ~ tlret in IOOd concllUOIl by ~ ~ m;lWw. have dealt with· c:uaaed-wIII arise 'a,11n In relation . . . . .7 lIiIaIuI, PII' 111m 'In ~e ,unn,l um chain reactJ~ . pU. Ii.vina 111m properb' Ihod an4 .... WAC, MAIINI or SPAI .... ~, ~~t ~aJa." to a Berlin repe. _WI. le~i 10 .the atomic boJilb manuf.c. thlt .hia hames. fiu." ·'F YOU CWT lEAf' 'EM • • : lure" · .ald h\a new tlleorJ Wat I I • bal~d an aD j,dea orllit1allS'
Support Plana I'n New Agr"I-cullure . - G "p. -t Labor . Legislallo,n· els flOrl Y
Clean Pasture H'elps Poul,.....
Planning . Buy U. S. Savings Bonds!
Use f Te1eVISIOn ".. " In Rell91ou,s ·Work Being RecogDlZeel
: '.. M AN FAR . PL : '
.: ' Boote's -.~-
w , ill
.taut .
'Check:Work' S'toc'k
-.= ":-._ BIraIin·.
R' , .,. 'b H- "
emem er
.,....-,. , Va...1_ a'ft"
_ :p
S~anSJhai Populace,Swi~~ to Communists
D .... m~ beer and Ildttla. ... .... ~uaiItI ill Sharip.l. . ' eu;J aiMs ItI' miDIou bd awin. . . . '. . COdunbnWt camp. IiOt b)' :....... ... with what appeared '.. lie ':U '- .thwdutIe nib. Aloq ...... . . . CI ........ Bed ..... . . . INa.-..q Ibop. Rewapaj)eft ,.., .... We .... and - :~~-
Studenta danced and a.... Com· mUDllt · IOn,.. AU tra~. of aD7 IUltkmallam 01' oppol1t1oD to com· m~m appeared to be .one. III the ~ houa. work appeared to be.toi!ped. 1DI.te.d, clerka bled .. the bani leamfn. CommuIai.It aonp. CblD... Hello ltatioDa apeat !DlIeII tim. FIIDa alqiq ftIid cmr ~,_made"''''''''
....... -.... .......'!DIe ........
ram Beco~ leepen Told 01 ''Shod Cllt~'
te;o:O:a!::::'who l1'ow tobllceo. the take wal jillt abollt haU as that the ealacUc clo~. ill in1,1t'a e.aier 10 , keep up thaD to much al Uncle ' Itam · collectl in ' .pac. CalT7 niqDeUe eatoh 1QI," adYllea Clara LeoPold. taxe. from the product. Thil ad· with them ' u the,. , mow extenaIOIl home 1IIan8.8IDeDt .... mlIalon CaDle from the U. S. dedalbt at the UDlvenltJ' of Bebra. partment of apiculture ltaelf. wrltID, ill the Ph7deal tao to the hom. anAl farm acCOUDt IN a review of the tob.cco altua· lte'rll.,.. aaid that the fAit-mcwtDi reeord keeper. . ADcItber h1IIt, abe Uon. the department eatimated that IDIlpltia &Ida aau... apOa pro. • ..,.. ill to keep a penc:ll attaebed combined U. B. aDd alate tax h.tomIc parilcl.. III .,.... , to the accoant NeordL . aelptI from tobacco would .pproxi· accelerat. tbIaa to ilia. LeOpold. • ma.. ·l.71 bWIoa dolan duriq &be ~ Jraaa ODe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .da _ 1boUId, be"'7tU,wJdoJlwould.buncord. . . . . . . !II "jot dOn tIIe __ ......
Fincl 0." w,.~ HUrling
011_,. )foul
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- , . . ................ 1. . .
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Thursday, JUDe
A Princ.
Can Laugh Richard Hill WilkiDaoD WEEK after I estal,>llsbed rell· del)ce ' In Sea b roo k, Ray Qulmpet;, ,m y next door neighbor took time oU to drive me around the town and show me the points of Interest. Toward evening he ' stop. ped bls car before a driveway that led up to a huge brick house on top of Drybrldge HUl, It was the only brick bulldihg In town and could be
Stain Removal Kit'ot Home Saves Time, Money .Renewing Dresse~ By Ertta Haley HOW MUCH do you know about removing atalns ~ Or, do you just IgJlore them and hope' that. the clellner will get them out of your favorite dress or -that the Italn on the linen napkin will come out In the wash1 '
S/immin9 Pope's
SCRIPTURE : Marl, 18 : l-8: Jo~ 1.17:k I Corlnthlnn s ] 5 : l2·19. 21~2, VOTJONAL RE ,IUlING : Lulie
Drawstring Dress Easy to Sew Two-Piece, in Smar,t Contrast' !
CODqUest 01 Death
Leason for' Jime 19, 180 Many Ita Ins can 'be removed rather quickly .!Ind easily if you know just what to do when the maOCTORS TALK about conquer· terial' II stained. A tragedy can be ing death, but they never do, leen for mllel ~~~:e~~:( a::u~ averted with prompt attention and AU they can manlage is' to put it your favorite dress or tlnen can be 011 a little. In all the long sad , It since the da)' laved. ' .tory of mankind is ' only one of Il?Y arrival abso:ute conquest ',of death. It hap, !,t's impos!llble to rl!imember what home of you should do for aD stains, but you pened on the first Easter moming, Fiction P r"The Inc e Alex- can probably remember the comand it was a turnander Molsevich mon ones and give them prompt a~. Ing point in the his· tenlion. Otherwise It's a good Idea Deborin, " h~ explalned. tory of the world, . !',looked at him curiously, sensing to clip out the tips 1'm giving you, The few Unes about that this was a proud moment tor tack them on the kitchen or laundry the Resurrection, llil Ray. Be h!ld saved the brick house room wall, or better still, In your our New Testauntil lost, l1k;e a chUd rellshlnl the atain removal kit, and then you'll ment, would not know just what to do when the time cover the front pag,! last' morsel. of this newsp'apeI'. "or cout'$e,o' RaJ' explalne4 comes. We do not know a1l1 . farther "be hal a city home toei, < ,A ataln removal kit Is ' dllllcult to we wBnt to knowr. ~8emble, and it will save you man,. But lbe 'ad II lie IIpenda tbe But those few Ijne:s Dr. Foreman hours of worry over stains and probrrealel' par' of bla time out t , l1 UI ' enough t4~ ably 'prevent 's ome very reallosseJ bere. craves lIolltude)' le\ us singing, they are a soUd foun· 'Are you lure? J m ean, woul!iil't In clothing and linens. Many 01 the dation for a 'ioarin,g fa ith. It be :fitting to let tlie man know itema given on the list CBn be puryO\1're glad to' have him , as a clti· chllsed from the druggist or even groc~. Other!! are hous~hold Item. zen?" The ~lighty Act of God Brlrbt Cotton " "We've tended, ~ that,"Rny s~ld which you ' already have, but the;, E sball be disappOinted It we importantly. "Three days atter his sbould be placed In Ii handy kU PRETTY two-piepe dress r. expect the Gospels to "ex_ arrival ~ committee made up ot whe,e YOU don't bave to search , juniors to fashion of a bright plajn~ ' the Resurrection. It there i.i leading cltizenll waited on the for , th~m. cotton, ComIortable cap' ,aleev_ anything the stories show cleady, for Warm Weather prince and extended hlm a formal ~re in a contrasting fabric aDd , A large tin box that locks is the it is that the first persons who kn.ew DELIGHTFULLY easy to sew is bave soft scallops for trim. welcome." Be regarded me sagely. ideal kit. Or, Use any otber dur' of the Resurrection were confused "We're smart enough not to thin cleverly styled daytime and shaken by it. The dlsclples bad dress fot: warm weather. Cllt all . Pnttern No, 18$0 III In Biz... 11. ~ tagonlze the man by pestering .him not expected anything like' this, i-11 'one piece, it l;Ias Ii d r awlltring 1~;'h~6 ~n~,,~ ~~;'ir~:1. t~, .:I'8. d. . to death/' Bnd they may not JruUy under- waistline, tiny puffed sleeves. on the day of which I write ·J was SEWING CIRCtE PA~R" OEP'l', ltood what was g4Jlng on. removJng the stom w~ndows from . lIIO Buill ",.u. Bt. Cilia_ I. " 1111 my house, 10r spring was hear Jlnd , Wha' . &hey "el'e lure of, Enolos .. 25 eent. In eolruo lor •• CIa P attern No, 8430 eomu In a lze8 12 14 p";tiern deBitell. l the <lay was ~right and' warm . The Vera Stewart POsel wblte 16,! IO 20; 40 ODd 42, SIze It, 40/. )'o rd.. 01 what Uley eould not deny" waa 39- neh.. prince came strolling along my against black Iriah linen for a Patten. !fa. stz_ . flnt of' aU Cbrlst role from I Send todD)' t OT your copy ~Of the ' SprlnK aharply e~ed effect ID W. ' atreet and stopped, oddly enou,b, tile dead, and allao that 1& was _ aild Name Summer FASRlON- lt fUled wUh . dress that can be worn ID toWD Ideal lor a -am o.rt aumm wardl'obe . God who 'raised Mm frilm tbe . at· the enil of my 'drlve to watch. I with. dark accessories or to tbe Addreu - - : -......._ _ _ __ ' Free pal~rn printed Inald.. . e book. 25 dead. God had IIlhtj!D ibe olle cenll. percelved him from the corner of country club with, :White bar. unbeatable Po·"er - death. my eye. though gave no indication ilboes and hal. 'DecldedJ'y allmthat 1 had scen. Alter a mo,men"1 Death, the 1IDIve!nal conqueror, minI' are the white paDela Ulat Uimed out for (lnce to be the or two, much to my satisfaction, he add belght but Dot widtb to Ule coaquered. turned in at the drive and came nl'llre. New. too, la Ule CUHut slowly toward me. At . this precille .. _. AI>IoA ~.~-" oa·" measure wtUl UneD top, ___ .. It is only those who can belie,ve .... bm.:..~ ....'.. stepladder on Which ~".", ,.._ ... 61' "'nD~1 • • . ' ....,.. "' '" . . ~ u } " for Ule CJIe~er baadbac. ' in an all-powetful God who can was standing tilted precariously and able box, which you may have. It ......'"-'1, 1 ws-' remo' ..I-g '·"'-eat. should be large enough to hold " tully believe In the Resur~ection. the _..... """" .., V.IU wu white cottoll or Unen, a wa\lhable ~ e.ned. to, tmnble to the ,around. . the items without thelr ,eltln, , '. To avoid stintqg up dust . wpen ' Dip a cloth in ' bousehe1d am, '"'' I jliUDbh!d t th " cllIored or .fine fabric, IIP,ak the I uttered a ' cry of alarm, ,I ofe .,!r. fresh stain In cold water, then wasb It Js Tile Lord sweeping a rug, sprinkle rug With monia and pl" ce over' tbe rusted turned" ~rce",ea Ibe priDee a. 11., Tlaeae lIa~ In lukewann suds, For a stubborn HAT MANNElt of per,on wal btu of dampened newspapers: pa· spet in ~e b~iler o~ your r8ll,e: if for Ule ftm Ume, and pouled III Your Itl. staID On cotton or linen, loak 'in Jes~., a1terU.ha~ first Easter pers will absorb the "ust prevent. close the range door for a ' . to bllII tor aid, IIlvolualarllT, Here are the iteml to go In the aalt water (V. cup .alt to two' cups mornlng1 There were lome , ing it from flying aro~~ ~~ fOo~, minutes and chances ~e you WW , be leapea forward'" .teadled' kit wlUch ,ou p~j)ably have at water). Hot ",a~r IIhoq1d .o t be en!!" ba~ to de.~, ribe, and in • _e_ able to wash spot ilff easlJ.y.' Uie I a cia..!! ~ mUi J Jaad Iebome already: ablorbent , "'u'.....' I Uled Until at least part Stain Dot 'described. onl)' hinted at. , If woolen socks get sop I ,~t -e-' ~ .ae_eeL' blotting paper, medicine bas been removed as it may set It. notice \bat a' thTfe. h w•• not eall1 while on a camping trip, fill e The quicke~ way to determm. ' iPbe~I" I ~ed, "Tbat WII • cmllPPter8 and bowla. You allO have a non·washable fabric •. use 19 recogruze hJtnIU firat. J'aul re- toes ' with small' pebbles lJefore if plant needs 'wafer hi by touchclose call." . ' .' vlne,ar,' liaktn, 19t?a" absorbent 1ira~, theJ) apqn,e fer. to Chrlst'l " alorloUi body'" anll hanging them up to dry.: this helps in, soU s1itface--U it is meJst, 'itt was Indeed, I, he ' repUed. or ,talcum powder. with cold wB~r. sure17 there mUlt be a glOry In • ileep them from sbri.nking. water the plan~. . ''Would you. mind holding Candle wax .tainll: for all fab- , person w~o has ·ae-tually proved too _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ ___:~--......--------"'"'"-__::,._ der for ; me OD this -window rlcs, acrape 011 excess wax, then stron, ' tor death 'to hold....:. ,lory here1" He aeem~d ~ 'UUle place between blotters ~nd press such 8S even 'Chlrlst, betol'e Cal· with hot' lron: Sponge with carbon vary, luid not sbo\1l1l. And yet-and tetr.achlorlde. yet, it wa~ the lam.e Jesu. they had . Chocolate 'or Cocoa: For cotton always kno\Nil. or Unen. dill fabric up Bnd down In , ho' watel'; wash in hot suds. Bleacb , , any remaining stain with hydrogen. No Ghost . _ peroxide. For washable' colored y NIGHT bl man)' a "Hance," fabric. use lUkewarm ludl and car· ni~um'" profess to ,et in bon tetrachloride sponging. For &ouch with the , spirits 01 tbe dead. non-washable material; ule the 101- 'If you ,could ·belleve the .lpiritl8ts, vent. Shakespeare and QUeen Victorill Coffee or.Tea.: Pour bolling water and tnnumer"b,l e other ., famOUl from a belght , through the stain ~~o~le, bave c.o~e back I!n!i ta~e.d (stretch'fabrlc over a bowl). Jlleacb 'from beyond' the. pave. -But the with hYdrogep , peroxide. F01' fine, thin. that mak~1S the Chrrl~an but walbable fabrics. sponge With chw:ch ' more than doubtful about warm water, apply glycerine It iuch performance I', II that · somelltaln remains let ltand ~ bour and bow the dead·and-c!ome-b,ck geniul rinse well, then wBsh in ,lukewarm Is never a geniul,' any more. Neither water. For , non-washable material. Shakelpeare nor any other' fampus "ponge with cal'bon tetrachloride, pe~on h,BI i'ald anything worth I then ' apply glycerine (warm), then "ylal rtQroUlh .. ::" ~ellium." . Three wlDdoWIJ I remo,vell • , sponge 'with warm water. ' - , even the.. feebl.~ ghosts cannot ' wltlJe bli! ' ate.dled tbe ladder. ' .' Bemo~e dre~, Ell ' . I endure .the dayllib~. They have ,to .' pril.ed. but agreed to l,nd . hili al· come at ,Dght. ' , 1III~t StainS . ' *iatance.. -Be prewed •• Iocid • Cream or Ice Cream: For cothelpe., could 'bav. ' asked fGr, ,.ow ~e~t "ere ':~~ como , tons, ijneni and . washable fabrlcl, . 'IDA '~'. Je.Ui!; ~ ~e~c 1rU " . , Three .1f1ndo_wl [ i'emove~ ::fIhUe he oxalic .aeiel , crYltals, wh,lch soak or sponge' ~ cold ,water. Walh IteatUed the laiSder : and helped me be , labeled pOilon and' kept away lIetlllq. • e1rd or UIICUID; about In warm suds and rlnle well. Non: lower thani. 'to the ground. ' W. from childrea. IIbIt Anma tim ~ppel' ~bJe. cb':tted amiablY about the malber.i .I f ~ou can find a ,ood rust reo washable fabrics must be treated u a 'lUI "terD04~a "ailE• .,11 eat REsENTLY the 'task wal ,dr;1l1e mover. 'p lac, ·that In the kit aton, with carbon tetrachlotJde. then ~" JIie': lake, _ore' ~~r 1fs;1I aponged ~th .cC)ld, "atl'r. " moriIIDI la •• : a~er Uae poor Ii~l I ~~ to ldnn.1ng, With the o~er itemll: Elf or Mea't Juices: Tor waab. _b~ ,lIem ., .. '-leaDoe, ''Thariita • lot. J 'don', lmoir hb" Pollew 'l'beM DIrecUolIS able materials, soak in· cold water, . .yer lUI)' st1ljl:4 trin.. , 8t&Ia Remn.. " I ,would. have 'managed ' Without then walh In hot or lukewarm audl, Ills ~ bid wo~ila of iratb iDa you.~· · " ' BlOGel ,ata1na: If tho tab,r lc II Ule carbon , upon' fabric. , ''R.aDt,.. , He leeMed to pPrecl.J '~____~"!""_ _ _ _ _ _ _~ . . . .ort , "b~1 0.111 the' '.Ii1a-;ohpn qon.washable ma. lIlerisbea .1 am.... tile be.& at«' tnt; cOmpllJnel\t. :~nJU1' Va !, terlals. enjP1ed It, J?ot tmITo work, but II S..lrll · Inm ..r IIIIDcL ' J~' Grease aa4.1JIIl _~_ : Ia .lOt tile ltOr7 .. our' Uttle villt... He 1i~litated. "You L=:±;::;:::=:;:::;:::;:::==~ Bemo~"'le :are ew in ~1\'ft. aren't Y~?" . r 1IIe~~hf a,b". ,1tIU '~ Gra ..: Rub ,wlPl fat 01'•. cocildDll .. ... . ens ·"tonIl of .. revlvea "aompant1v~,". I~, .~lct , .~t'. ~ on if cotton or linen, then, waah lD mJ~UY. ~e .. toWD,. ",FoI}cI are . .u ~~ .,' " bo. sudl./. ~lea~h ~malninl ltaln Jike Y:OlP'lldt Kea~y and to 1& IS til Ni'J q(~.'J;)lvine PerlOn with ~4rogen peroxide. qne le~4 • ii.~" ~~1h.elp ~ n~~." f~]Jrlcl walh in ' IUkewarm IUd~, wbo conque'red 'cleatIi.... and 't Wbo I !~ baPliD1.-~..'J'l'be fact, that ,treat 'with dllute alcohol- and ' rinse eame back from 'th,t conquel\ In J theW, ~~ l\.m" f~l~e,· Aluan well. For non-wllhable fabric; power lind majes'ty, iet wi~'" aU dar. p e. a Utile tlieo~ Of ~ .pon,~ with benzene' or dllute al· the tenderness. 10\1e and . brWlance , .. :) ~. f'''' . ~ • " • own. 'i ..: ~ cobol. telting fabric to ~. certain he bad; evef IhOWDI. Be darel1 In aatouJdime~. the chemical will not aUect tho ;. "You , .mow wbo I Yoa . colC?r ot the fabric. '' OU"U " .m: rum be" .beD 1011 allied me . ~ e < • Greale: For cottons and ~elll, help ftJllove Ule wIiHlCIWIS'" AWf (In , I Cor. 15) ' malt.. It rub ~tain with. .~p, then waa~ , IJ1 , .;jeer that ~ur hope , 0# " life· 1 nodded. ,'ItYour phllosol1hy and hot' IUd.. U ~taJ.n remains; aponge mme bave a good deal in common. with ic:\Ivent. For washaqle fiDe 'fab- beyond-death groWl rlaf1t out 01 riCI, 'apon,e wl~ lolvent. then wlilb Christ' I ' l'ellurrection. ·The enemies Prince. And that I., tbat you're no Chr~t would mave ilven ' their lUkewarm water. For :non.wellldifferent from the red ot u.. 1'd oY,1 to atop' the moutbl Of able ~aterlal, Iponge with lolvellt, eve9 ven~re to- say that you III ....... "~eJJ c_tamea treat with ablo'rben't or place ltamed the ~en wlio tolcil that sto9', an\1 quit" unhappy lIvlDl up there In WIII'ID ..,.. . . . . . . da'" part between hlottera . aDd preil to prove It a Ue. ca.tle 110 1ar removed from " oVeI'" tile _ I UII1 dol with ·warm Uoli. ' ~eI'6body. To ~ovo that J am Bid til., "v~.r do II. ~ ," InIt: Soak liJ eold water 11 cottaa rI~ I'm lOin, to .Ik )'00 a , quea· ~.. Ito• . people 01' linin. App17 vinelar and bl.llab, " t1on. "l'cImorrow l;m • • II'UtII. 'DIll ...... Ie '. nell .... .... bIB"if' ..,. ."e..bavo 80 an~ remainlDa ltaliUl ' wUb ouJIc How would yoU lllre to come alon,," ....... IN" ~eII". INeII ... naI, ..... cdIeHII r............. acid .owuoo (two teupocm. CI7I1U0 Is DOt " . JUw to " " ' IIUIcIIo" he aid. "But wit mUtt keep H • aeent fI'6m ana& ID • lIaiad..y . (a1wla ., tala to ono pint water): lUueweD.' _ ra,.a. 'DIe ...el. . ..... alteraatln. w1tb diluted ammaalll. the nit cd tile people, It wouJcJ be ., kept ...... . . . . ~Paul . Or. IOIik Iq lOUred mUk • walt • • tbm DluIIdtt... ba bot I1Ida. »'or fine 'faIidCII. Ute ~ .. iDfi.lI~ "WIOI_, M.1iIiD . . .o&v.aL .... IlCIIHraIbable aDd I tIleD
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The Miami Gazette
t. tn IIlbur apd til, I'Mtflit, Sa Dot IUt l'etour 10 ' lIlT I. at nODe bal' I. ,etUn. wet. We bad oura Pnbll~bed every Thursday mol'D' - " baled but We onb' had about bal( lng at Waynesville, Warre):! co. A FARM DIARY . . of It cut 40W1l 10 01 coune the Utlty, OhIo. FRAZIER'. I 4ry weather I.. ted lon, enoqh 10 BY D. J. that WI could baye had It all tn If- there'l that little word a,aln. June 10, 18.11. A. thuder atorm. JlYldently the tTpe ·,tter II not but tt only luted about flye I farmer bor a chIc} 1 manror I ' mJnu~s. FIYI! milltlt.ea of down- 1m lIure I never wr...J "Iel·horn"
Eatllbll.hed 1850
' M ~:'"
pOUP, just long enouab tor' me to get loakld through tr,tll' to chaae the , chlok. In out ' of the wet. Even with' hena they badn't eenae' enoUgh to I". The 'henll clucked hut the ~bjcks atooef ill rows outside in the downpour. 'thla Is the flrlt rain we bave had sInce I let them aut and they didn't mow wbat. It waa all about Now It leeml' to be aU we would have been glad ' ~f a lot more but peorhapa It wlll ~ome now· That came fast whill tt .collle but hardly enoulh to do. motl than wet the g1'888. For aome tl~e I haYe had .ome
,, 'or Le.borD chicken•. WeU if he ,/I, ?el nothln« worae wan that we III n ,et alon,. Perh_.,4 801111 one tIM lu,ht J wu ti7ln, 0 be tunny, «01l1.time. I do. nUlday the ladll, Jf the Granl'e bad t!Jelr mon..... ' meeting with' dJnllier and a .,rolr&m. Aa u_ual til. ellnnlr w.. very good thou,b tIIh time tb.... were leven different "It111ds of POtato aalad, ... ,ood and aU am_ot. I thLnk Mn. SlcI .EUJs wae to 'blame tor that. One Hille Ihe .xol.tmed, "I Ja.t 10Yl! potato 1I&ItId" . and 89 tit! everyo~e r e to plNle hlr. Bhe JOIIt lau,htet! wheD we ipoke of curtaiDs all ready to wa.h It U1,d said that Ibe didp't care, alth011lh It w.... lomewhat cklady Ihe .tUl Uked POtato Ialad. We thll moJDlnr I fJn&1l, lOt to It. ha4 tbe cllnner o~ Mre. Fry-s If I had knOWD that' thl. wa. lawfu UDder & IGVeIT . big tree. A ~i to be the eHect I w0":id pertlel ,Iaoe for luoh a meeting. tried it IOODlr. Part our Thl), e~lled me up the other day to tell me that they had the kind of coal ' I In m, fUrnace and IlIkld If I would 'like to get lIlinl now. Well, I WIl8 glad ' to hIVe It liD thl, I&ld . the)' would brln, If tbe nen day whJch uplet my ,Ian. for palntlDI the Uvlnl room aDd turned tIIem In. to & cellar (lilaning apree. I bad ROUU:
Theodo're E. . onover .:.. Editor liJdrm H. Conover •. Assoc. Editor
------Ent red as
second cla88 matter
at the postottloe at Wayoeavllle. Oblo. Subl!cripUon Rate: $1;60 per y,e sr In Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana, $2.00 else~here.
rt Is not whal he hM, nor eTen What l1e do II, which dlrec"" 1£pr,es8es the worth of a man, but what he Is. - Arnlel
====:::::;:;::::~:;:;:~;;; I
== Comple~
ern equlpmeftt ' utilized to ~
9·U Each Morning . 1-5 Afternoons Except Wed. Evenings by Appointment Only
full advantal... the family ,we ' arc servin"
Dr. C.' E. WiIkiD
Funeral Home
(!)ptometnc Ere 8pe.:'ala.4. ~, . Sout~ Dfttrolt 8trttet U:NIA. 01110
Mulbert'les are ripe and every. tblng. e ;ven 'the boys. Is stained deep l1~rp'le .. Nrumie. the goat. her two kjds are out there and they look:· Uke Easter eggs. The birds love them and the tree Is full of them. bIrd s. I mean. The Leghorn c)blckells go rlgbt up the tree but the White Rocks just gather , those that faU to the ground blllt they / manage to get enough tOI stain their fell,thers. I think thelr are ra~her II, tasteless trult but theli' cortalnly have a good rich color. Here's hoping that we ' get 'n lltUe o1o/'e ra,ln before It quits: Thl.s only wet the ground down an In ch or two, but Jt may save tomato and cabbage pla.n ts that we just p:\lIJIted the olher day. In 'spite of the dry weather moat of the gardel~S look fln.e and the corn Is comIng up. The w, heat ts turning to a. greeny gold and most of the (Irllt cutting of alfaUa has
C!t~urr~ _ ..ill, . .
METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman, Mlnlete~ . Church Scbool, 9: 30 a.,m., Burske. Supt.
MT. HOLL V M ETHODI8T T. M . scarrr, MinIster J . J. Sunday School, 9.30. a.m., E. A. Earnhart, Supt. Wors!:t,lp Bnll Sermon, 10:80 a.m. WorshJl1 Service, 10.:30 a.m. Youtlt FellowshJp, Sunday, 6 :80 J]Jvelllng Service, 7: 30.. p .m . p.m. Choir Practice, Thursd&y, 7:45 CAESARS CREEK F-RIEND8 I ")l.m. David ~tanfle]d, Mlnilter Sunday School, 10 a.m. . ST. MARV'S EPISCOPAL Worship SerVice, 11 a.m. Samuel N. Keys. Rector Church School; 9: 15 a.m. UTICA· E.U.B. CHURCH f IIforn!ng Worship, 10:'30 a .m. WHilom Shannon, MJnister • • • Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., Mr•. WAVNESVILLE FRIE-NDS JRmes Garrison," Supt. First Day Scbool. 9:30 a:m. Preaching 1st. and Srd. SundaYI Meeting for Worship, 10:30 n.m. or each mouth, 10:30 a.m. Evening' S~rvlce,!, 7:80 WAVNESV.LLE CHURCH OF CHRIST LVTLE METRODI8T CHURCH M. H. Coffey, MinIster S~UdRY School, 9: SO a.m., Mra. Dible School. 9 :30 a.m . Ruth Saylor, Bupl Morning Worship. 10: 30 a.m. Worshl,p Servloe, 10:30. a.m. Young l'eoples' l\feeUllg. 6:45 p.m. Ehrelllng Servicl/. 7:30 p.m. FERRV ,CHURCH OF CHRI8T Prayer ' l\feeting and Bible Study, ~yron Carver, Mlnl8te~ Wednesrtay. 7:30 p.m. Bible Schoo], 9:80 a.m. * • • Morning Worship, 10!30 a.m. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Prayer Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Fathel' R. H. Krumboltz, Pastor )!'ollng People's Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Masses. 8 and 10 a.m. Evening · Ser,vlces, 7 ;30 p.m.
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with bJ lea Insteal!. at doo\JloB and cocks. It chan,ell the pattern of the landsc"pe 10 an 'odd way, the .naturaI t orms are e h'ange dint0 · , ' mechanical' shapes. , ,Not ' the more so picturesque but more efficient.
INSUltts LONGER WEJ.l1 A trip to the B cl R Oleane,,8 I. like a ncatfon for tlr(!d menta .• ... , Tiley coma ,home good as n.w. '8 E, C U ' R I ' T V each thread olean llII the da)' ,It ae woven., . . can ' 'be yours tJuou'g h reo lOlure long lite and many hap. gulal' pill'chases of U.S. Savings ,py w,arlnp tor your e]qthea with :aonds. lrequent trlJ)e . to B & R Qleaners, I e a shareholder In the United t tos of America.
. ....
Wan Paper. ...d :Pate and 8. . . G. E. 'B ulbi" ~ Nu En.mel . : .--....., . SoI6 .... - - _ _ , " .. , ~
WaytiesVille 'F o. I App"e .c,.. Te'e~ 2421
ATTEND MAle BAG PICNIC Mrs. Grace Schuler, Mrs. ' Lou. Jse WilSOn ,Mrs. An~ ' 4tldn80n and' Mrs , LoUise. Conger attended the WLW Mall Bag . PlcnJc at Sharon Woods Saturday.
FOR RURAL COMMUN'I TIES' For those who Uve In the rural districts. our organll&Uon II ea· pectaJly convenJent. We have' no other linea of bUI' Inesl ' to '! Iemand our attenUon. We devote our entire time tQ our patrons, ' . Thls 'm eana a. completel,. Nt'a factory servl~e, eVBl')' , bOl11'; , day a.n d night.
11••-\Criss t H.s' ~it~1'I C'ar~
.FFIIS 'IOU M••• li8SHIP••• \
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PJus tal SAfE 81c 0. T~il SpelW '
SaOKO' Semee . ...
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been cut. Mo~t people seem to be , Not lIuoh hard work and lano~1 so Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas baling tbl18 year. Everywhere tor many men needed but · to MlcWlI'an Thursday: a tew days the rle]~s were dotted ,some of the old eoclablllty ~. .I and vIsited with Mr. and Mra. wonder If some of the ~eBUessnels Warren Howland at Travera of thJs age docs not come Croni' City returning home Monday ev. the loss of lIoclal values In meoh·. enlng. They a1BO , visIted other anlzed work. ,places . of Interelt.
water puthose In the .up the andci8teI'D "ent How wonderful to ' hlllle a hose When )'OU have been work. Ing with buck ts! I sloshed a,r. ound jn the water and ' wallhed and swept and then did It again. Tben [ 1l00k Bome Insect kllHng white pallnt that I bought at the sale at Illed Lion that the .church had' last spring and )Jalnted the cellar ,W~IY unVI It Is shining white. Now I teel so good that It doesn't matter ' a bit Jt I haven't got any at the rest of h so clean. The IIvlnlg room wuJt. 1 have a nice elEtan ceJJar. (That Is most or It. ThE' place where J store my empty ClLnS and jars ooly got It fick and I~ promise bQt I wUl shut my eyes When I look at that.)
L_~ __ ••••
lUI ·C.ROSS '1liy
TRUJlBDAY, Jt1NlII 18, 1849
:Mr. and Mr8 . .leu SmIth or Hamilton were dinner guestH SUD' day of Mr. IUld Mrs. Rlly Olbson and Bupper guests of Mrs. E lsIe Koester and Mr. and Mrs. Mol" rls Lewis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luc-aa and family ot near HllIsboro . spent tbe weekelld with bla mother. Mrs. Annll! Lucas. Mr. and Mrs'. Henry Berge/! and falully 'of BeavertoWn. M\'s, Rob. ert> Greene alld grandson, Eddie Lee Tbll'ldeld, of Dllylon ~Q,lIe4 on MI'. and Mr!3. Lue Morgan, Sunday. ' ,.
Mr..,and Mr8. Morl'18 Lewis and Orawford. Ernest "]luddy" Moore waa r80 Mr. and lira. RUSHI KIIaen sons, Jerry Rnd Billy . . called on Miss Patricia II spend· celved Into the U. B. army Thurs· family ot ClnclnnaU aDr Mr. Mrs. ,Alice Furman Friday. ~ng a few days with bel' parents. day from tbe InducUon center at and Mra. Jobn Beckett 11'. and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Roclcbold Mr. and Mrs. Ellsl1rorth SmIts Clncl-Qnatl. He Is tbe Ion of Mr. aon8 'o t Franltlln were Tuellday oC New Burllngtou called ' on MI'. aDd grandmother. l~rs. Mattie and Mrs. Carl Moore. ' evening guests of' Mr. and Mnl. By MRS. HILY GIBSON auu Mra . A.l'lbur Roekllold. LevI. Rev. and 1I1rll. J ames Roder Ben Beckett and l1augbter, Joan. Mr. and 1\1rll. 1lJvet'ott Bunnell Mrs. Emma. Crew was the week· und daughters, Marsha Ann and Mra. Herbert Doster, Mr.. .lea· M1'II. Mattie Zimmer of Beaver. and daughter. Sllal'on. spent Sat· elld guest of Mr. aud 1\lrs. Aud· Rut.h, returned home Saturday se PennJngton, Mr•. Louise Flte urday In Lebnnoll. rey Cr IV und ~umlJy . or nea.r Le·b· mornl,Dg alter ' a week's visit and Miss Flte were .callera town. Mr. lIud Mra. Wilbur Oar· I D Frl" 1\1'r. ClJadoij Cra.wford of Cln. UOOli. with Mr. . Bnd "'Mrs. . W. H. Rader, n a n "ay. tel' an~ daughters, Beverly ADn cJ poatl callel' on MI'. and Mrs. Mrs. J, W. Ketcluun.-.aLKeaJeerk, Mni. _Clara Gar ull.. who ' hal and Carol Sue of Moraine Clly Clarence Cnlwlord Tuesday. Iowa and. Mr. S. Windsor of Mt. been III at 'her home, 1. much and Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Ralph DlU and . Sterling, Iowa. E.u route homo better and able to be out. eon,· Tommy. of Spring Valley MI'. apd Mrs. WlU lam Lewis '~arlleu~ibura thf1Y "fslted Mr. and Mr•. R. M. . There were 80 present at the . spent Sun~ay wltb Mr. aM ~r'a: a'od son, faul, . of n ' Ir Xenia, ~{TS. iI - iI .'l'l"uelove ot Bragg OIty. Mo. Met.hodlst Cburch ..School Sunday. Emerllon Dill. . Els ie Koester called on MI:. a;nd . After the devoUona, lira. EdDa -:::~~:::==::::::::::::=~====:::===:::::::::==:: 1111'S. Manis Lewis Sunday a ttar· Mr. Hugh VancEl of near Har' C. Bogan presented a plano eolo ' !. ";..::. _ noon. Mrs. Lillian S. Carr, iUlS tructor -ve),sburg, who ho..s been JIl has entitled "Radiant Sparkles" bJ . Mr- Milbourn .Smlth called on at the Muss le Townsblp HIgh .recoVl!red. HutcblBon, and Miss O1orla Ann Mr. Ilnd M,1'8. Alfred Morgn,ll Sohool ha s e nrolled I:or tbe SUlD·. Mrs. ·A. D. Martin entcrtal,ne!l Jacobs played a eaxapJi)1le aolo, mer course Ilt l\ University, with a blrLhday party at bel' "In The Gloaming." She wlIa &eMonday night. " Mr. and ~1r8. Omer Crawtorc1 Oxford..Mrs. Carr e~rpectll to · re· home Tuesday evenl'ng compli· companied at' ~e plano b7 MrI . of Ilear Mt. Orab 811ent Sunday celve II. cl egreeilt Ma.ster 'ot Arts meotlng her 80n, Douglas, who H. S. Tqcker. . \\'ith , Mr. and 1\11'1). Clarence I this year. was celebrating his first Mr. and Mrs.. . Eu~ene 8nod. sllry. A 'd ark cake, with fudge 81'8.IIS and,•. chlldreD, JImmy : and II frostillg illld greell' trimmIngs' and Sy e, . and !rlrli. Ben Bec~ I adorned with ,one candle, was ett ,e nJoyed a motor trip to Ind. " /lory-ed with bdck Ice Ilream. laria ,Sun.da.y. . FRESH 'DRESSIID ThOllIl nttendlng ~ere thO ' guest 'Mr. and lira, 'ElDeraoD Maat. ni WRECKER SER~'1CE oC . honor, Douglas Martin, Mra. ers ani! 8Dns enjoyed a plcnIo . FRYING CHICKINS . , ,Mark ·Wllson. Judy and Joey: WU· dinner' Sunda.y With: the Masters' GOODYEAR tiRES WE ~VE OUR OWN cURED HAM AND BACON son nnd Miss , June. Fite. , . famJlyat· Alpha. QUAKER STATE OIL· FRUIT - VKCETABLES -- FISI:f MI;. and Mrs. (!Jayton Babb' of Mr. and Mrs:' H. B•. Tuoker bad (Retail or Wh" , . .le For Your Lock,e r) Dl~ckwe]\, 'Okla. are the house as their guestH Sunlfay, . r. and RENT A ,,"OCKER- 1·. . . advantage of thue low price •. guests, or thelll l)ephe'Y' and 'nIece Mrs. Rlcbard WJUlama and ram, M.r. and Mre. Harry Osbor,n of Ily 'Of WUmJngton and Mr. and near town. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. ' ",ra. , Jolpl are formet. resldent,J of thla Mr. and t ' Dayton were evenIns' -=~~.::.::.:.:.:.:::::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::::~::::::.:.~':.::::.::.:~~~======~==========~~======~====~==~:=~~~~I~?~cl~n~~~y~.__________________~ goesu.. at ~e home of xi, aud MTs. , Hertiert Dollter and the Rev. and Mra. 1. P. Thornb1U7. The Community Club met Wed' nesday evenmg In the Bbme Eo. room of the HIgh SchooL In,vltecl guellta were ' the wives ' of the . membera. Host. for the evenJnct ' were ~r. Oba.rlee SwindleI' ot Dayton and Mr. Fred Sberwood. The W.S.C.S: . met Thursday -,--"'j~enlOO!~ ...,a t'"'the ¥ethodlst eh)11'eb. · Tbe . were M",. 1. '!N; SneU, . Mra. · Helen Ilobertaon and Th ; 'science of building Mra. Richard BalUnger. , Il1.1 Lural gas pipe lines has The membel'll of the OITle Lertdvanced greatly in reeent ague held a P9t luck dinner Sat. years. As in modern fannurday evening at the · home of ing, the secret is specialized Mra. Fred Sherwood. , machinery and methods. . Mr. i'and Mr•• ;wUUam. no.ter ' and famUy motored to 1Iam- ' Before World War II, a mouth Cave. . In Kentucky, Su· 20-inch p(pe line was coriday. I
• • • • Ii
'24 HOUR
Waynesville Locker Plant
ider~d ' large.
Today 34inch pipe is , beipg made. .Skilled crews can now lay over two miles of big pipe a day, and pipelines are being . built at the , I:ateofnearly te~ thousand T,,,"ch DiU., miles a year. "'. New sections are · being added t~is spring to Texas ..
· Eastern spi~lines"Rntl the
latest machinery and methods will speed the work. Key machines for pre· paring the right-of-way are ' , bulldor.ers and, trench diggers.. The' latter can ,dig .8• trench three feet wide and ftve feet deep at the rate
of a YJlnf.!& minute. :
far pipe IiIIe;s As the trench is dug, pi~ ~eetions ~ are strung along the route. several welding CJ;ews. using pQttable elee· tric equipment, begin work · on the pipe simultaneously: , ' (n8~Wrs ~lieek' welds for ~ f1a,w8 with gamma-ray det~c~rB which literally ~ ..ray the piJ)e. . T,hen comes . the most inteiesting operation ·on 'a t. pipe ·Une jot): coating ana wrapping the pipe. This ~ts 88 nswatio~ and p~ v:ents passage of electric cw;rents, ,which cause rust and eorrOsion"between pipe and aroUn~. F1rst a motorized priming machine rides : along 'the pipe, scraping off scale and applying a . coat of hot tar enamel. Then another automatic machine puts on' a
;;upplies froni A8phail.10 Zeolile help build and opeial~ '~xas East~in ,Syslem The long 1;rainloads of bjg steel pipe, which YOll may happen to see arrivirig these .d ays near ~, Big' . lncli ~d Little Big .In~ pipe lliaes, ~ :bringing only one of the many different' i~ needed to build' andopelateamodempipe,~aystem. Texas'
~. ~
ELECtRIC MOTORS for 8m~th pipe liJae ]KJV(41l', ,
'. -
keep 21
comwee&Qr. stations-neat.
SPARK, PWGSforthe many ears, trucks and tractors ~ on--the InCb liDe&.
men who direct and
. GAS IMPELLERS to booIIt prellure - built ·Uke • watch, weigh haifa toD.
operate the Big Inch S}?item w~ malIy make ~p~pe Iinee the valuable COlDDllilDity · 'and national 888ets that Itbey are. SorM of these your county ~jgbbors. -
SWITCH GEAR to control' enough el«lctricity for • larp dl;J.
second coat of tar ari<J wraps the pipe with"· insl1lating gl8S,B fibre. After careful inspection, 't he. protected pipe is laid in the' tre~ch by as many as eight derrickequipPed tractors/working as a team. The trench is "backfilled ' by bulldozers and the creWB move on. . In thfa way more than 8&0mi1e8 of ne:w pipe line
Eastern uses the prodttcts ofhllhdreQs.ofindustries, qatio~. 'lrhey r~ge . frciIp A to Z-:-from asph8lt which protec41 pipe to zeolites which so~ water; Many these 'things ·~ed to oper~ .' ~te the Inch lines are .p\1rChssed' in ~o~ ,Co~ty. ·'
Mr. lind Mra. Albert Pummen aTe the PTOud parentS or a lI0II, David Ward, born' at :MIami Val. ley bospltal Wednesday, June· 8. ' lira. Earl ¥oUDl' tDd lIIr•. Cha:rlel lhinneU .. attended' grad_ 1 uatlon exerol*es at the JnlJeue Hlgb School ~ Dayton Snnclay evening JUDe 6. Min VJqrlDla Lacy. a niece of' Mra. Yollll8"., was one ' or the graduat•• , . Mr. and Mrs. Ed"'Vd Patto__ of Floral 1 ~lty, Florida apent lut week with Mr. ·...d lin. III. B. Longacrea.n d lIIn:" Patton'. mother, Mra. MolUe ,Dav.... Mra. Clyde Wharton 'ud III'~ and Mrs. WaltHr 'Kenrick were Thursday,·, dinner POlIte of Mr. and > Mrl!. Bernard . MeUoh . and a~n, BlUy; ~t Mlddleto-,rn. lIIr. ..and Mra. Emeat Bar..... Mrs. .1" B, Jones ana IIr. and Mr.. Harvey 'Burnet atte,ded Pomona GraBle lit ;Haiv87"~' Baturd~y evening. Mr. and M~. Tberle Jon8ll, and Mrs. Oharlee s,umeu. .pad Mr. Jones attended the 'Frlg: ldalre .. FroUc 'a t 'Memo~ Pari; I. D~yton Frld~ eve~ .. .. ' Mr: Lealie ' Gray wide~enti an emergencF operation ' for append'lcJtls at Mlanp. ~~eJ' . . hOIPlt&1 . Bunda)'" afternoon. . .. Mr. ' anil Mrji. Ray Roberti of "~ were satuNltY'~ . guests · of Mr. and ' Mra. WlWam . Rickey. ' , . . Miss Sara Corlne ~aa came home · S.tUrd.a ,. !rom teaching . at .. LHewood, OhIo ' to apend the vacation., '
FUlURS EART", by the ton to clean lutlrieating oIL
ROOIt MOfs-tor ahWlldrecl pipe Une bUlldip88. .
Prim"', MICIIiM '
being bJded to Texas
.E i==':·
. 2 whOit ,..,.. of nature's
most neGri,
operator of the Big , Inch and UHf_ Big Inch pipe .. . system,
represented I" community life of "j"e states wher_ Its employ. . 11ft and .
' .
cit 306 Milom SftHf,.ihNriport, LOt.iPi';lllfta~ N.rett reXas Easler,. Station" atLllANON
Home office of Texof..,Eo.m -is
perfed ......
.very ....
,quart".' ~.f."""·I. atyeur..:,..... It yiIr
Thursday, JUDe 18, 1141 AId for "the Women
Story Book
A method designed to ' increase the attractiveness of woman'. hair, by causing it to wave and also to curl and thus 'reflect IIgbt embroidery; the sewing's easy in greater degree is covered by • patent issued to a New York womtoo. an, according to National Patent SJle II takes 1 V. ya rds. Pllt'teh! 7360 council. An inexpensive wave curlh a .. lrenal.,r 0' Inollrs; cutllnll chari for alzel 2 ••• e Included, er of non-rne·tallic rnaterij1ls is Our Improved pnitem - ' visual with used in the process; the inventor ensy·tOolee ch arta and photos. ond com· '~uggests the pinna, or leaflets of pl.t. dlrectlonl-make," nee dl"w~rk easy. the ,pinnated d'a te-palm leaf: The patent revea ls a ,method of treat1!Ie':"., Qlro'" Weedl .... rt Depl. IHI4 \Y. Rnnd.lpll S t ,. CIoI.-fo ftu. III. E:nClos. 20 cenlS for pp. lem. in'g ~nd preserving the pinna and No. _ _ _ __ describes each step to be used in Name producing the proper wave,s and AdeSr"ss curls.
. .. .
• Mooseheart, III., a "child ,city" for sons and daughters of departed members of the . Loyal Order of M~ose, "is 'run 'b,., people who do not, like institutions!' .Malcolm R. Giles, executive director of the organization sa"s' "Wd l' . e 0 everything that devotion and' ingenUity can suggC'st , to make Mooseheart as little like on 'institution and os much like a home as possible." As a city, Moose~eart is largely self. sufficient. Its SOO-acre farm (above) supplies 60 per cent of the food. The student ban\c (left) welcomes checks for as litde as one cent. And ,for those of the younger 'set who hav, not yet reached a state of !in~!,cial solventy, there are plenty of playthings, ,as evidenced by view of the toy and game-filled nursery (below). fashion for YQur love her , Kitty ' pinafore. Motifs are done in ' easy ~-BOOK
STOR darlingl
.Keep Posted on Values By Reading the Ads
hen' Your ' . Back 'Hurts And Your Stl'Cn,th and Ener". .. Below Par Ie lDaY' be ........ b7 dll.rdil. 01 ltd-
<107 'W'.tloa lbal permlta polooo ....
• vute to aceumulate. For tru£y man,. ~"",pl. reel ·llred. "eak and ,!\Iaerable ~.h •• tb. Ictdne~. lall to remove ••.e.. l ,eJda ud otber waate IDluer frOID tbe t,lood. You lDaY, wife... anllli bl.lcaebe, , rlleumallc ~ln •• b.adacb!i. eSl •• '~tllal up olabu, 1"1 paino .....ellioll. •",m.Um.. freque.t ueS eeanty QrjQI. !Jo.. Witb Imartl". and bumlne Ia aa· (ltber lip lb.' IOm.tbllll II .""01 "Itll l;be Iddolll" or ~I.dd.r. 1 Tbe .. ,bOllld be no doubt &11.& proIDpe t,...,mODt .. wI_ Ihan a.elect. IT.. 1DOo,,'1 PIIU. ,II II . better to ",II' Oil • medlcln. that b .. "Oil COUDtry.lld. apo , Rroval Lb!!D Oil 10• • tbIDII... 1'.orabI7 ' Imo ..... """••• " .......... trr... a.d._ ed IDUlY lUr.. Are .., all Get 000". locIay,
. I:
HELPS ENGINES WAYS * A Smoother Engine Idle. * Improved Gasoline Economy. * Increased Electrode LIfe.
*the..... n.w
u.. at Its tow ' rollo ot .I~rode ..oolon, Aula·Ute ...1110. $peIrk PlUg parmlll wide. IfIItIoI III'P ..Hinge .~ _k.. ...... advanlall.' ""lbl.. .
' :.
A student'in . Moosehe:art'l
I, , ' .
~ w'ell equipped printing sh (, p
reodles a job presS for Hl'¥ic. The course in printing is one 'oJ seyeral,v~cationa"guidance .\' prolects the, seliool . . ' . ~Hers. To dqt~, ,lome, 5,~ boY. G.ld,girls have been 'graduated ' k 0 m 1~ ,.~ Moosehe~~ ,r,11aere a r,e no · bl e a It dormitories meSs, hall,. Instedd:,here a~·.m~~y .filalt' "'iUings, each 'of which'has CI plea'sa"t IIYing ,roCl.,", a !. , dining '~,!,. in.which boy. ancl 'girls .of the·~mJ ~Iati.,e ages eat as do normal families,' ,ancl I ' , bedrooms which hove space for personal' belon;I,nos.' ,\
-... .;, "
" ,;
or '
, .
'\ .
on the take-off ' po~itive ~actioa' throqgh the ro~gh ' , spou, positive pulling power any time, anywhere-that's what you get with Pit~tooe Champions.
• JI
Mooseheart girls select new 'a ttire to 'be "purchosed" with requi. · sition .slips' at .their ,o,wn depar,t,. ment store (left). In an 'eftort to function .as good parents ,s~ould, Mooseheart i,s eager to develop each child's ,every 'faculty. Ther. · are religious services and instructions for all denominations, and a bOy or girl can learn to' ploy any · musicCiI . instrum~nt he desir';" There are several bands .•and or. chestros, as ' well as theatrical activities throughout the y,-ar.
OSITlVB ..take-hold"
How? It's plain to· see. Notice how those extra high, Jong power bars are ~ed to .take a suong, sharp ~te in hard ground tlnd a fir~ Uaction hold in soft grolmd. Desigiled '1O run on only twelve poUnds, ~ressure, the Firestone Champion Ground Grip ,is right down on the ground where it Can tal,ce a powerful full traction bite dear a,crosi the trea~
The next time . you buy tires or a
uac:t6r, get 'Firestone Champions, the ·tires
; that always Itkeep pulling for you". 1Jt;"1O ,b, Vol" 01 P;'IIIO", "'", Mo •
NBC".4~ fWlr
NBC NlIwotle
r,~ SIMiou
·P,acfical Wren House Is Simple to Construct
\\w~y; ,
1-41G14 !
you CAN sol:ve your bird-housproblem very easily
building the Wren House (No. 111) illustrated above. Is is attractive as it is practical and you should have ' no difficulty in finding tenants. The full size patterns of{ered beloW take all the mystery out of building. I,Jser ·merely traces the pattern on the scraps of wood the pattern specifies, saws and assembles exactly as and where ll1e pattern indicates. Full Size patterns for painting decorations permit finishing houses .with a professional touch. .
Peck's wile bad just ·purchased a grandfather's clock in an antique shop and he was forced to carry it for sever~l . blocks. _ As-.he ...labored along ...under 11111---"---;,b\ij:den a man stopped him a~d asked, "Wouldn't a watch ~e more conveniept?" . Matt-'-;·Wllat . are thQse marks on your" Hel\ry-"Oh, they .are m.a de. by glasses ." . Matt-"You should learn to tilt your head back, then it would pour. out easier." • Mr. · Smith was a· stubbol'll indl~iBual. He would I)ev!!r ,,{ear 'rubbefs WhEfn it rained nor put on an extra sweater if the .• nigpts were , chilly,_ Mrs: ' Smith was peeved _at his obstin~c)'. ~ 'You never take an}' gJo(l· a.dvIce,'; sbe corppla!ned' in 'II: nag- t ging f~,shjon. ' ,r "Darn good thIng for you ' I dOh·t." he Fetorted. "or you would still be Ilrl old, m~i~.· •
SenJ! Ifc for the Wren House Pllttem
No. llJ to East-BUd P ollern Compony. Depl. W. Ple.. aotvWe. N . Y.
HOtllE PLANI for OIUn. 8111011 ~WIIII ana taMIIII. Fllln . Book 0111" 81.00. SMALL HOMJi!l8 ;PUN lII!ItVIC2. I ... 'I1.·w. 1'••• bt •••• N. W •• A41•• ta. 0 ••
'BUSINES& &. Dt\lE~T, ·O PPOB. ' I!OB BALE-'-loeSl"na farma l>IleS 1IU8lDe. Qpportun1tlee. Write for llJit. aure" B. Colli.. Ollro.'. In.. r M.... "1"lnll , .t'hom~. OUT lD't~c '101111 reveal how. 'PARK. OUSTOM 8110;1'. 7
:IIU.-~arll rBUI'l-Gle ... ""' : U. Ohl... . .
.... p.u ,... .. 1I ••ln.... Tb., .b'oul4 make lOU .Jao everY week In l ...t .• pAte tIme. U YOII have S.tlltda,., Sllnc:fI!". or a couple hour. an etJenln. or two • week. you .houieS Qulc:lcly ........ r thl& oH.,r, Olve phone. "d4r.... " .od tell .U uboUt younell. R. Vial...... r. O. .... .. !rOraln. 01110. \ .
•. .. rO!i~_·.P. 08Ir $10'. - .nil !II"" yU .eoIipl.... , ~" lluad o. IDliClaIAe • •• \
poIr ·~ · II) ·W IIJIIiII BABY SHOES. lIII. III..JrotIu. _ _ I ...octI, 10 lit 'lOUl • )ned . . . . CIIl . . . aoIt ad _ _ '110% .......... rzLT. AD ye. d. Ia foU_ tho I ...,.. ~ ........ aU Ia 'a tlUll' feU .... .....dt.r lit. II s>ndo! .... cui PI.... JIIectiI ... __ .. I• • IISO .. ioocIa· pair. pi_ III. lola 01 ·ID_altla.9 ....,.. I .... _~ Wa IlaclItoIa I'UE. 3, UriI. Jelt d_lo,....... 0.. t ..a-buDD,~~!k
. ..... II... _ _ ... w",UbI', ,... f!_1 . will..... '''S' U Y!o" waIll I .... PIAl or .j
. w.I'e. _ . . .d .... ,. __ 2. or 3. Je.d
·· ..edt .. ........" .... r for · Sic for .acb ; pair wntad. . Wo par _lage. U C.O,D. m , PIT :_11,,0 oDeI P. 0_ o_r tod&r .• _ "'oralll. . . .opon wID .001 c.l " ' . ..... III 1101 Ia your .Ioc:al .....: ItnnCAJ. SHOE FACTORY
• •
acolu/WO; CAUt.
117 ,
FISH£RMEII •. III' ' OJ' \fULY opan. · the KIl.keUun18. Black Bo •• lUllS PI""er.1 Season bere on Sturlleon Luke (one", 01 til. Kaw.rtlui . Lake.,. W. lIavlt .... aIo-'BlI\lt.-OulCI ••; ThIll .. an Ide.u. apot to, ,.ollr famlll' ali w., hav. comfortobly fumt.h~ lodle, &lao ' cottlile. to Accommoclat. p.rtie. 01' ailI, elllht'or ten. Cottol.' are tteate4 ancs bav. hot and cold 1!fater (Fluah , Tolleu) • . Sprln"ll1led beu. Etactricll7 .tIl.ou,hout. Good food, exceUent coff.e •• ryed at all time •• Ther. are all .u~.!r *roatJonal acUvIU.. av....ble aIIII "',e . nrirnriUnl to Wond,trul here .1 Th~fon _ Park. ILalre :nonl Location) J'or flirtbor bUOno.Uon' and zeaervaUdfta I
; .WrlHoLIDOhoHOuiE fo~ :
II. 21, · BUDD (10 IIU. .
I, ••p Post.d. o. V.I ••• I, R••dID& the Id .. • ,
.......7.,......._........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chupd fro.. ...,' .......frioeIIoCdosToolb pone,.",
.... _ .~,..., eclnt16c .... ..., ......... Ca1cJk ,.aneup .., c.. ....., ..... 1ear
.... _1&11& .......
.. '
- - ' 'rBUBI'rONIA PARK T ....Ie) ON~""IO • .CAJif •
weed. III COI'IL Abo for .... - I, joD CODeeD trate, "Shar-k tU" weed klDer, 10 per cellt· ItroDp r tIIan molt othen. Bpra,el 'll for lale. W. L. Bheeh u, PhOlie Waroeevllle D.L
RATES : One cent per word, minimu m charge, 25 cent&. Th ree Iruerflo nl for the prici
of . two. Forml clole Yl8dne r day noon.
Yo a Ul e ·$4 0.0 01
Att end Ou r ~ank ' Night Thi s Thu rsd ay or. Frid ay.
. No Hard Rule s .- Just Sign You r Name. See: ~ A real Texa s oil field ·at.ory, ·now la. Cold . !lith O'Br ien & Garf ield
BANK RUN ORA VEil- ·!.Qade,l, at Davll Furnu Pit. 110 cent. f)ON'T FORG ET TO CALL .c ublc yard. allO deit"er. A1Ul· tjs 'for insurance. All types of ITAGE '" $ON; Phone 2091. tt
in llranc;:e at a savings. can ---':---------"-~ Franci Gene Brown, phone CU8TO M BALING I R. C. LaRUE Wayne . ville 2472 or ca 11 co· RT 1. '\VAYNI!lBVIL LE, led, Wilin';ngt n 2 111. ' . .
....--- ---
a ·at
' d d '.kf n d B~ rease or oak' and poplar In al1 Reallon able pricel. , All orders, large or IImall, will be delivere d. ACY T· ... 'MB. Phone
CUa.TOM ,,BALI NG,- With BaJeO·Matic wire-tie, uniform tenslQn on Bhy welsht bale deal reel. W. L. Sheeh~. ' Plione ' J991.'
* *
NOTIC E ' OP APPOI NTMEN T .eeuto r m.ta~. of Anna ·K. Madden , De-
e8aMc1. "
Ge t Your
Notl~.. hereby llYeD Frank O. Andeno D whOlle poet· office adclreu .. Lebano n. Ohio h~ been dlllT ~pDolnted . . Ex· .tor of tile Eetate of .Anna K. Madden late .~ Warren~ County, Oblo, dllClllllIId.. Dated tblI 11th dar of May.
lU.t..PB B. ' CA1lIDY .Tudp of tile Probat e Court
Sm ith EleCtric Ser vic e FOR ALL' FLECT
. . !:
A charmI ng Sirl who once lived .. . ~ In the heart of WllYne"~11"' .1 ~ her tinal year as IIhe pa!111 lit flrat under the bars gArl"nll",f Y-.IO Q,- . .... . . : /:IY roles - the leader of the III' 1... ·8U11.1", gradua ting clallll- CODgl'f> ~ " 0IIr • I a"dltor lum I?f Olendal . . , Your Sbe-m ade. the present ation ,. ............... . . . . .w:-.......... c1allll gltt ~ IIbe III allo Hall ......iIDCIIo ' . of thll Itl't'at clull. ow CaD • ....... Sh. leavee for far o,ff ,Point,. IlU Baril. on the norther tl Ibore line of GeorSialJ Bay. rap't, It · cool there Alice? : The prlcea would be death Icorohl ng to' ,!moat 91lre me' tiut the ~1 waten are ever warm under Wh~t they; call the mIdnig ht .
HeJI ....
" .'..".....
" ....... ... ,ear.CftIII8 ..-..s..
Insurance 20
., ,..
~eD . CJ .
AU~ I. the daught er of artillt
'Stanfor d ' Bopn. Morrow . Ohio" . ' -Stanf ord Bo,en
Com1na 8ftn;-t :hl WAA 8urpr,.. 1 It'. Worth Wllltchl "l1 Forn
Call Today For Quick Efficien t a'Milo~
Ronald' Rosh PHONE 2678 WAYN ESVILL E
Dead 'S tock HORSES, $4, COW8, t4 . ACCDrdin'g 't o Size and Oondi\,~n.
oan '
Xenia 454
Accordj ng to size and ~ndltton . All Stock removed promp"tly.
COWS - $4.00;
~_ Il
FUTURE ,SECURITY You cart repay from farm , incom e, No . change in contract - no renewals. ' Long Term- 4 .per cent .
" , Ha nn ah J.~ Rloger~ ~.
Clneinn atl_ Unlon' IMDOII V.ard. Llv. WIN .1Id .....,.l IIv... An or!lanl. atlon _ I I to
8blotty all
uound Gauntl'Y.
Lebanon N.F.L.A.
at Wayne_Vine High·"
Fa irl ey Bd we . St or e WAVN ...VILL·E, OHIO
WIBlo DaPIa 11:" ,III. e; •• ntal 1~". WLW ClIlclau au 11;.0. DIal Toe. .for ,Our Dan.
Lebano n, 'O hio
Armitage &SOD •
Ra ng es us~d le8S ~an 'a' y~'ar by' ,Ha lne 'Ec~' class'
H. Sturm, Sec'y-Treas.
on the
.Re&iger~tor,s " ,'&.: ~ectric'
9 cu. ft. R~&igerators De "Lu x Stoves BI G' ·SAVDT.G S
' ·11e Xeaia, 'O.PhoneI'lllCollec t WaynesVl ", ' . 0.13 82 wmb~~O~!"!8~Dpply . ~~~~~
All in '·ElceUeo!. Condition
... .... ~- ' 'II:II& fIUID
..... ..iLUI _ '
TAR .... ROAD .OIL LA.WH·· . . . FlU. DIRT . '·: JtEAp Y':1I1X COIfCRE'l'E ' ',' EXCAVA~_"G . . . DUMP TRUCK . ,'"
FLOOR SANPIDR FlOOR EDGIDR FLOOR POLISI:lElR Sanllpo. p I' - Paints - ' Varnlsb mmCE FLOOR FINJSH KITS (For l\efinls hlng Floors) <
,B eau ty 'Sol on
,·204, It
Ann oun cing . ".
WJI'N1l CottDty. Ohl0 lI'rank AndersO n, Atto~ey
' LO'ST- Male 11eagle . , tan head, .mostlY -white. Black nnd tau alon g baok. 'IA;)st along Ceasar '. .Creek in vacinlt y ot John Cum· qlln is 8,1\d Collul'~ (artn, PJeuenotify OSCAR LYNG. living on Jo~n . Qu~mlIjg'8 I'llrm on Olarka, vJl\e Road about 2 mile. from
Wllynes vllle 3701.
Junior baseball fund took a c\lp· , pIng .' " all of wh Icb adds up to \ . -, EXCAV ATIN,Q thIs . this S'unday Bellbl'ook:. 1948 . STANLEY and KOOGLER WIth BulldOZer '" Shovel. t or champions appeal" here, 80 holY IlRsements, pondll. levys' I\nd cleBROKERS LICENSE about di ggin g down deep wh,en aring land. Estima tes .turnlab ed. the .colleotlo n I~ takell up Iln'tl keep the 17·year .old· p~ollr~ tn FOr Dnte , . Phone Waynesville W . N. ·UPTON . Wilson Rd .• 4 mI. hio, 2894 ((ever e chnrge ). tbe bl ack • eaB.t of Wayne s.. Ph. 8prl", Val· BOB O'REG AN Anothe r rece nt contrib ley 38111: utor to the baseba11 fund Is tho Wa.ynes· 7Watch For The WAA. Surprle e7 • I WANT ED- Cu~tom ville Lumbe r & S uppl 11t'• . Worth ~l\tchlng For? Baling. 12c. It, never , ralna but It pOurs . Its gllnla l owner. Fred yGrt h rough Call Lebano n erT.X. auman . M. ' J. HolI· aak tbe .Junior AmerIc an Legion Also: th o Waynes ville Nntl01lw ' 'n·g lworth. 69·St baaebal l nine;, lut Sunday af· -Bank bas p l ac~d a neW su it at ." : " . teronno tbey couldn' t even get tbe disposa l ot the team .. only WANT ED- Launde rlng to do In their CentervlJ.1e . game started reall01l t or the dolay W1\ S tbat my home. Phone . WaY,neB, 2986. again on Irfonday ' ole man Coaol,t B9b Campbe n Is wearlu g WANT ED- An Ice "box In ~ood rain splashe d around before the Ute ' ~'n l rorm alid it took several conlUilon, .Mrs. Susan $canl(m . tlrst Inplng had , been comple ted oontmll kers to accumu late 'e ~. with the clubs at. an 0:0 stage. ough g oods to fashlo Main Street. Waynel lvllle, n . a 48 All of wblch accomp Ushe!l noth ' shirt and 11 46 trouser s. ' In other i OlIcept to give the youthfu l words, ' there'a a lo~ of m'a FOR SAL~'protectosraph check Ing nbood ..... t _.. . C writer. ,Excjlll ent oondltl on "$6.00. Leg Ion aI·r~ ' b 11 , a wu-uay Tbe Miami Gazette . Pbone 2143. 'a nd expend $3.00 for the 'WeltIng In a,mp e . _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,.-_ _ appeara nce ~ee Sunday umpIre s and the T he Welcom e Bible Clas8 of FOR BALE - Portabl e :prealu re fUll 9ll,OO for Monday I!-Jglh. Jonah"s RUn Church met Friday tank w,leh coal 011 torch and car· ~Iso, eever~1 new balls wen~ the evening at the 'country home oC rylng atrap. "Coutd ~ convert ed way ot ~I nesh 80 the 1 19 Mr. and Mril. Gordon Long. f to inlect or pIa t apray. Take it .,., - - away for ' $2.00. The MIami Oa· DO YOU DO IT' lette. ' LAMPS ~ FIXlU
FOR. ,SAJ,E - SWllet potato planta &Ol'ts, per hllndr d. All kinds or garden . plnntl!, j 0 otll. P r .dozen, HAS. C. STROUSE. 1% miles nOI'th or Wayn sv!1l~. at corner of WaY/les vllle, Fert:T and Lytle r onds. 61ji·St
Don't Mi...::::.,..: : . It mMlSSlON - CI:IILDREN, •
TaIkmg II Over A Column ot Comml"t ay Thl Editor
Busln,e la men In Wa)'llellvllle and . nearby communlUel ~III be anllwerlng a lot of. QuestlonB 000' eernlng theIr elt1\bllshmenta duro tn, the next lew weekB. Marlon ~nYder will be making a Census 01 BUBlnelis lor Wa~ren Connty, tbe tlrat sInce 1939. We were quite curlonl to learn
A. H. Stubbs 'NaDJed St.,Mary's Chairman of Anoual Local FaU Festival
Warren COunty'lI pal Churcl1 has l~unObed one 'tbe mOllt ext~sive church' provement programs Ull,del'tl,ke~ by a county""relfglous pre,war ,days. '.libEl Parlsb House the present WayneBVllle wll, give tltls community dltional center f 0 t; C1hJ'l.dali training anI} recreatlon. wllt be avaUable tor all meetings, dinners, and gethers. , Ainple , space will for ' nursery and klIlde,u:.ut...• lIerVl~ during church
'Parish House Building Fund Drive 69' Have , .
avaUllble for wslde choir moveme nts, for ,clergy con· lultatlon rooms. tcr f effective, heating and adeQuate toilet fac· muss.' . The . structure wllJ add a rear to the presont church a parish library. . WIth, , the conlltructJon comple· ted; St: Mary'I! ' will ,l'Elmllln OIJen at aU tLmes - provldlllg constant cOmmuulty' service. Tbe architect's estimate of . the of the addl,tiou Is ap· lIr(.xilllat,ely $45.000. 1'bJs lIum In· cludes all equipment and t'lll'n· Inoluding a well·eQulpped
::: For WaynesYille . , Playground Program
hobby and oraft shop. dining kitchen fixtures, plus gil me lounge ,room faclllUes . St. Mary's ~ Is .plannlni an ex· tenslve fund·ralslng campaign to finance the bulldJn~ program, IIlemol'lal glftB In honor of per· sons . active In the develcpment of the Churc.ia 01' the community wUl )Ie accepted. The Rev.. Samuel N. Keys Is rector o( 'the Church a.nd the building committee Includes: , 'Ma· yuard F. ' Weltz. cbalrman; Mrs. Cbarles R. Fra.zier, Mra. Donald Hawke. Dr. Howard lL Herman, Obarles R. Mebame, and Col. Joseph M. SIlk.
The Wayn~~vJlle Clvlo Club From Q' low of but ten r~rtlt. will again sponsor a Fall CarniVa.l ere'd a weele ~go to the prelent thle 'year It ' was announced at figure of 69 boys and glrli .parthe . Olub's June- meeting Monday Uclpatlog la the one week old evening. A. H. ,Stubbs was nam· hIstory of the Waynesville Play. ed ,chairman of tbe event. Meryl B., Gray" Leban,o n attor· gro'lnd Ai\soelatJon. whlcb h&l ney, WBI the guest speaker tor thl) backing or the Mother'lI Club the event. Gray. president of tbe and the CivIc ' Club. b.oth or.anLebanon Booster Club, told , of Iza,t lons having contributed $60 the technlqtleb apd ' methQds used apiece to date. by the Lebanon Cluh to secure OthEll'" donatlonB recelyed bJ' civic o/0Je~ts ~d foster commun' James Jones. wbo ,III aotlng .. tty 'Progress. treasurer. Inolude: Carl Cook. U. . Gray's Informal, humoroull del· Pemonl deSiring to donate mOD' Ivery was enjoyed by aU. Rls ey or play equipment are &liked Impromptu talk WBB both Interest· to contact Mr. Jon88. Ing and th.ought provoking. Cbarles Price. playground IUP. Several pertlr,n;nt oommunlty ervlsor. reported ' that tbe volle, probiems were discussed dur:1bg The last meeting of the Happy ball4 basketba.u; and badminton a. . v,1«orous bnslness Besslon. F. Hour Club, before vacation, loet games are r.ecelvlnC conllderable Gene BrOwn reporte,d tbat the on 'l'uesday at the home of 1111'S. attention from the cblldren wltll 'v illage councn will paint a park· EBther ' Michener. near New Bur· Interest developing In the horaltIng lioJde·lne 'along the soutb lIngton, with Mr8'~ Jake Reetle·r. shoe and rope toeB gamel. A side of MaIn Street: Mrs. Hazel Lundy, Mrs . . H alen croquet game has been added to Cons1del'&~le comment, non,e 01 'l'aylor, Miss Floss Mlohener 'and the plaYgrOUlld also. it complimentarY. conc~rnlng the lIfrs. J eannette Ellis as guests. ' ' Mr. Price would like to remind local traftlc problem led to toe Mrs. Sara Braddock and Mrs. all parents ' tbat playground bOud passage ' of a motion ' tbat the We owe our lIubsorlber. In MARTHA LU'KENS .Clenna Wilson wer! In cbarge are from " 1:30 to 4 :80 p.m:. Civic Club recommend the trafUc 1tprID. Valley our humble apolog. cf thA program. Tuesdays . throuDg FrldaJ'l, &Del IIgbt at the National ~ank Il,Orn· fa thl" week. ' , ' lIl1ss Ruth Earnhart, Wayn.etLltUe Jel:ry' ShaUer~clted' a that there IB ' no ?De reeponalble er be 'left on 24 hours a \lay. vllle; ,Miss Janet' Beckett. W. . It vemll that tbe bundle or Poem Introducing the honor guest for tbelr children a aeUvlU. at lieevllle ,Rt. 2; and MlsB Mar papers consigned for Spring Val. , Mrs. 'Jake Reeder. a. recent bride. tbe playcentel'. ley were sent to anotber com' RETURN ·TO WE$T COAST Lukens. Harveysburg, have Receipts and bite of advice '--------munlly. T)le papers 'It'ere returnHr. ·and Mm. Loren Reason chosen by the Supreme CoU\l were written for her. PoelDB WAit.. TO , A¥fAlilD "IIZI.,. ed to uo Mondsy and were ' IDt left on Monday morning for theIr of the Order ot RaInbow were given I»' Be{ty Satterth- 'to mediately . lIent to tbelr rIghtful home. ID Loll An~les after a · two Girls for their outlltandmg waite. ~: Jeannette J!llllll' playNo" It owners. We alncerely regret thl,,' week s vl~lt, here wIth their par: vice In the Order aB woJ>thy 8d '8.\I"eral plano Dumbera, and nelVllle. A~==i • rror. It won't hallpen a"aln (we entll, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Reason receIve tbe Grand Cross ~f Co~• the brIde wae Hcorted ' to tbe baa tabn ·!tope). and other relatIves. All wel'e Thll!l degree wJli be confer~ toble whel:8 ~ love"" ara), of lrItta to&llter, five gueets at the Opp family reunion Ol'and Assembly, June 24 at 7' a,,81tecJ ber. ollOWld ' of ·-fIIIlW';.jI, at (11anCl Park On ·Sunday. ,p.m. ' In the Bullroow or 'the Bo Tbe club adjourned to llleet ,ID " Amon, the many , unullu.1 Cleve.\and. BepteD]~ , ~at the .bom,. of Kra. tblDgl that find their way into Mrs. J . B . Sackett. Mrs. W. C, 1!l1g'ht glrla from the Russel Wllaon. ,. ' our::-, mall box W&ll one that really St. John and Mrll. Ralph BasUngs Assemhly will receIve ~.. the flrllt ~tJ~g WIth M.rDUrtIlB the iIOCIaI bour. '" ~ateel our ego ttab yeei. It were Mon~. evening dinner: gue· A~TlIOj- , crf'.am ~~ ~ ""eel. , '. . . ~apay~ oa~ Ollct'l I~ o . MI:a. .JR. 8 , Stroud. : ~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~r-~--~--~-----~--~--~~ . . ~" . ~, Job,' froID ThOllla~ -I; H1JI" ~ ~~-~~~~~:~~~~.\~ 'A~'~~~ bitt. . former go:vernor of OhIo. HEY Mra. WUltllm ~,. ilia -nf ':.... . :!t~!I;; Mr. and ' Mrs; Fred Henderson 8rulouncln, that he wllt. relume Hey kJddles, an'dI Moo and signed her DOsltion bere as Home Sunday' nJeht . the • W~. _ ·_the practice of law In Oleveland. or Lisbon., Oblo were guests ot Pop! . There'll a rell) treat In E conomics teaohel' . .. lias accept d AII·Stara will /Deet · the :U.B, A.nnT Now. we lare Quite honored Mr. and Mrs. John dons lind tam· store' at the TwI,D Theatre. a pOSition wltb the New' Vlenn~ Air Bale, WllmJnctoD. OIl ' tIM during the lIBst ~'eek. Ily that ' Tom .Herbert ebould solicit, Saturday afternoon. One hoUr Bchools for the cllmlng year, ' local diamond. .Mr. ,and~~B. H. H. Harper and , .. our bullnen, but we believe that ot your favorite clutoon~ . ... ----,'---~ dau«bter 'bt Culyer. rhd1Rna ' were Wa)'lleeville" lawyer will be will 'Bugs Bupny, T,o":l and Jerry NAMED 'RECREATION HEAD Sunday ' dinner gueBts of Mr. and PAR~NTS OF A DAUGHTER Mrs. Alva · Ludlngto' n was host· fnl to handle a.n7 legal problem'l! and ~opeye 8jmOIlg abters Don Lukenll JIl attendlq the Mr, and Mrs. Henry R. Satter' MR , M. , A. 'Fulkerson. that might cO.m e our way. 86S to the Woman's Soolety of ' will greet you and deltght thwalte ' ar$! the ,pfoud' parents ' of Btate "'B Camp at flfewarlt,' Oblo Ohrlstlao Serv,l ce on Thu~sday you with their anticS. 'at 2 :30 a baby daugbttlr, ShlJ;ley Ann, as IIwlmmlng Instructor and Will Mr. and Mra, A. R. Stubbs were a'n d 8: 30 p.m. ' We have, In our back J'ard, • Sunda), evening guests of 1I1r. and aft~rnoon;-;June 6. Mrs, Kenneth born Wednesday. June 16. 19.9. then leave for Camp ~er, The Waynesville Mother-'s Dllltrlct 4·H Camp near WaUMOll, white roae an,d a rer rolle - both Mrll. Jesse Sbanke near New' Hough presided durlr\g the bus· Club Is sponaorln!g' tbl,B all· Ohio where he will lefT' u nr , on, .t be "arne Item. I don't see Burlington. Iness seselon. creation dlr.e otor. ' cartoon show with the pro· anything particularly unusual Devotions were ' led by Mrs. Q~eds going to ~he recently about tbat. but the. wire .and the Mary Jean Rickey left Waynes· Glenn .' Borden, subject beIng ''In organized Playground Assoc. lady lIext door lay lh..t It doesn't vl,le Thurl!~ay for the Sin Bern· tbe ,L ight ' Tbat , R~ri • Sblned In By JIM JONES Donations o( 15 cents per happen ~verY often. ' adlno All" Force Base. CalifornIa, se,a t, both adult apt! cblldren If you have', or. know of, any The Darknesl." The iesson ,topic' ROX-'NNA' EDGES ' KIER8 '13-11 Is requested by rolrs. Oharles 1~)lar ,arden oddJtles hel II In for an Indefinite stay. "Africa" was ~bly gIven by' Mrs. ROlranna got away to a. good IAiMay. '~balrm~n. Wayne.vllle, we'll' . be glad to Gilbert Frye. ' , , start Friday night, scoring 7 runs Elwood Earnbart. Bon or 'LIttle bear about them. We'll p':SIl the Following ' the ,adjournment deIn the first Inning and staying Information along to other local Mr. and Mrl. Earl Earnliart un· IIQlous ' refreshments were se~ed HARVEYSBURG SIPECIAL ahead all the way. Boli Downey derwent a tonsll, operation In Day· ,ardenerl. by Mrs. Ludington. ~rs. Walter THIS WEEK AND NEXT led the winners wltb a· single, ton on Monday ,morning. Whi~ker. Mrs. Ol1nt Olark, Mrs. Thill week and nllxt non,sub- two doubles and a home run. Mr. and Mni.. ltarl OIark of DayJennie ,CannQr, and Morrin Tbom son led Kler's with ~---~ FUllterson. scrlbers of The 'I\Uaoll Gazette in T n1 ton ""re 41nner peste Sunday two Lrlple~ Hopkins started on BETSY ROSS 4-H CLUB HarveYBburg will rellelve sample ot Mr. and Mrll. Wfll~r Clal'~ All Inv~~tlon !las baen extend .. cOl,lles of tbe PaPel'. . the hlll ~o'r Kier'o ' IIond waB reo By Lois Lukenl 8»:d family In honor 'of Fatber'" Througb the co-operatlon or our lIeved by Sbanks In the third. ed to, the Spclety ~o moor, wIth' The Bet!!)' RoII...- Sewlll' and nil)'. Mr. and Mrs. Herbel't J.oy (Inf l'matlon supplied by the ri!. Oharles i!lliJs tor lUI all "lay aarveysburg represelltatlve, Jane StanUeld went all the way for Coo,Jting 4·H Club met WednHda, of Dayton were Sunday evcnlng 'Waynellvllle Farmers' Exchange) June 16, at the ' Hane:Ylburt meeting In July at her cottlilJe aL 'FILe, 'any non'subscr,lber tn tbe, Roxallna. ~e5ta. ' ,ChllutaUliuB. Everyone brln'S' coy. Harveysburg area may enter his Wheat opened Monday morn· 7 runs In the Scbool with MrB. Viola Hilrtaock ROltanlla scored ,, lIubscrlptfon with her. lng, ;June 18, very much on the ered dlsb and t~ble service. first on hits by Bill Downey, Bob In charge and Martha Lukenl , l, Mr. 'and M~. Walter WhItaker pessemlstlo IIlde. Harvest in the Downey. Brown and Stanfield. presiding. "&nd MI'. and Mra. Ray Miller and A demonstration on egg aalad west,s runnln, Into wet weath· ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ramby and walks to Collet and CraIg; ,and chUdren attended the Shields reo or. Some wet wheat Is being reo IIllndwlch and tossed Balad ".. ,Mr." and Mrs. LaMar Earnbart flimlly had os Sunday guests Mr. two errors by Kler's. uulon .n Springfield Sunday. celved at the markets. If ·' tbls arc announcing the birth , of an Homer Ramby of l.Altana. FIn... Kler's rally In tbe lil~t . of the given , by Sue ralrcbUd. Reba sevenl.h feU, short by two runs. McCarren. and ,L ois ' Lukenll.. liarcODdltron continues it will no eight pOl1nll. ten-ounce, daughter" Mr. ; and Mrs. James Taylor. Mr. , Mr.. and Mrs. LOyd Davl,s ~ed doubt result In a weaker market Beht DeMar Earnbart. Sunday, and Mrs. Ray Taylor and Mr. and Traliing by s ix eomlng Into tbe tha Lukens gave a d~mo08tratton as Father'lI Day , ,supper peats. because' Btorage for this Quality June 19 at Gra~dvlew HospItal. Mrs. -(fflorge Ramlly Of ' Dayton. Kler's scored four runs on flat felt seams. ,Mr. and Mrs, Cecil M. l)avls atid The next meeting wu held at wheat Is very limited. Mr: a~d Mrs. ~dgar Long of Cald: Mm. Bomer I Ramby Is thc guest on bits by Pope. Vic Thompson, \ Nr. and Mra. Clarence J. Davia Weather continued . unfavorable well. Ohio- are the maternal , gran- of Mr. and Mrs, Milton Thinnes nnd 'rom Thompson. arid one Harveysburg School, Wedn,.da1, of DUton. ,Mill Mary Scheetz JUne 22 at 1:30 p.m. aelen Hartthrough the latter part of last dparents. ~nd Mr·, a~d Mrs. A. B., In Mlddletow~ and 'WJl\ Jom ' Mr. error by Roxanna. and Mr. BdI Davill. ' sock. MareJa. Radar . and ROlle week and the first l1art of .tbls EarnJiart arc the paternal grand- Ramb;v bere dur.tng the week.. DELCO NIPS ALL·STARS 8-5 RIch took part In tbe pro,ram, week; 'so much 80 that repot,t s ' of parents. '" ' , The Delco Manufacturing plant • • • Milia', Letitia Scbatzman was a Mr.. aDd Mrs. W . E. Stroud en- lost crops are, reaching us .. This , past the Waynes· WAYNE PENNY PINCHERS of Dayton edged tertalned for Father!II' Day. Mr. has had a somew.hat strengthen· LEAVE FOR FLORIDA guest of her sister, Mrs. O. By Eileen Brown and Mrl. Eugene White and ,lng effect on , the mllrket. If this Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rloh aecom- RapeI'. during ,the Pllst week. Mr. vlllc ..AlI·Stars 8·5 under the Ughts The Wayne Peoney Pinchen . daughters of Batavia. Mrs. geo., wet wbeat ' continues to reach ' panled their, son. Mr. Maynard and 'Kra. Raper' also bad as Wed. at Wayne Park Bunda), Jllght. r.,e. Whtte of ~ason. M,r. and the mark'ets In volume we look Rlcb, wltl), and sons of Plttsburgb. needay &'nil Thursday ' guesls. Mr. Delco came ' from beblnd In the 4.H Club met Wednellday, June Mrs. Har~ld 8trou~ of Lebll~on. for. a lower market In a few days. °ton FIsatuldrday, for a vacation triP. and Mrs. RusBel Du.nn of Akron flftb and went away scoring two 15 at tbe home, of Bue Furnu more I.n the final frame. Medler. wltb Mrl\. KeU'er Hod and M'rI, Mrll., Irene Henderson. Mra. Irene Co~n . demand continues ,ood· or a. , d d ht MI Ell b th A A -'i Mrl. Grace VI ce, a~ d .... Llttle Dee A un Tb omaB, d "..."' an 8S za e nn Delco lett fIelder, fed the attack Harold Wbltaker III charge and aJ nr. }.Ur. wlth',.lImlted receJtits and was able aug ,aug er. Claude ~troud. to gain , two cenls during the ter' of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thom- of Ohio University. , wIth two double" and two singles Betty Sa.tterthwalte presldlDl. In as many trips to the plate. Nine of the 11 membera ~,,_ week. Very littleactivity IB eX' as, is conti ned , to her rqo!ll with \ ,j¥r. and Mrs. ' Cbs,rles Ellis en. Janet Cook. dau,hter of Mr; and Downey'lI 'home rUn In the thlr,d ered the roil call.. We cU.ICUII" pected In the corn market' since measles and mumps.· tElrtll.lned tor Father's Day, Mr. Mrs, ~arlton Oook II reouperat. was , tbe bIg blow for Way' ~lans for a ·plcnlc. No dellDlt. atl attention Is centered on the WILL , SING AT SPRINGBORO and M-. Frank HE'SS of SprIng Ing from '. 8 tonllll operatlo~. .u neavllle. date was set for this plcWe. W. current wheat barvest. Mlss TO,b e BaU and Jeffrey Valley, Mr. a, lid I\lirs. Roy Ellis b FarmeR ' In ·thls area,t woe ...t· Ball will sing Sunday morn'Ing, and son, Cbarles, Bnd Mr. nnd ROXANNA STOPS SMITH'S 8-3 dlscu8sed our projecta and 00111· NOTICE ROlCBnna won their eecond ' pared our books. to atore their ces crop a 6 loire. .Erwln Ellis. Tbe eounC)1I of the , VIllqe of pect home are' again cautioned to June 2 • at the Reformed Ohurch game In lis mllny starts to take Parents ot the memben attend. WayneBvlUe wUl receive appllcat- ltore only 12 lIer cellt or lower In SprIngboro. 'I'bIB Is a special undisputed poss8sslon of (Irat ed the meeUng. 1008 and Intenlsw appllcanu for moisture wbeat. Thoroughly dill· bomecomlng service for formel' MI'. and Mrs. Cleye Conner left (dace In the WayneRvllle Softball Tbe next meeting wU1 ~ held Street Patrolman on the evening Infect lltorage space and provide memberl or 'the Cburoh. Tobe Saturday morning IIlnd wJll , reo League. Stanfield went aU, the at the home of Carol ~unnel JUIl,! of Jul:y 2, 1949 at 7:30 o·clock. 8 means for watching wea.vel and 'will sing "Hold Thou My Hand" malll unm after tbe Fourtb wlt.h way tor Roxanna to win his lec· 28 at 8 p.m. H. M. Sberwood, lIayor heatlD" In the .stored graIn. " snd "The Voice In Tbe Wilder· their son·ln·law and daughter, ond game and Workman went aU --------II ness," Jeffrey will ~lng "II)' MI'. and Mrs. Tom Florence and tile way for Smith's, . Mr. and Mrs. Harold WilliamCARD OF THANKS CURRENT BID8 Task." So. Oal'. . L~AQUE. 8TAN~INQS ~n and d;.ughter. Bet~. lira. Thankl to 8U of m)' triellda fot (Julie :11, 1949) 'VI L GB da Bau, and lin. BtW the Iovel1 C!&I'CII and Dowen Wheat (New Crop> .. .. n.T6 b\l. Mr. and Mra. Kenneth J!be7 Mr. and Mrs. ROXANNA ~ 0 0 H. Haack, all of ~ e,...t Mnt to .e dUiiq my Ita)' In tit. Ccma ..•••.• ••. • , • i • •• 'US bu. and daughter. Marjorie, of DQIoIl IlllYe returned SMITH'S 1 1 1 SundaT afternoon' Wltb ..... JaoepitaL '" _ Soy..... . . . .. .. . . .. $•.1.6 ba. vfllted Mr. and Mra. Wallst . . . . . .t with Mr. FAIRLEY'S 0 1 1% Graoe WIIUa.IIOft aIl4 1Ir. . . . , ~er Sot (Oct.-Nov,) f.1#Pu. MY Saturday eYenlllg, JIurtoq Pttrol~ KIER'S 0 1 1.'4 K .... Ira O. 8Jvq..-1 .... ,
ju't why lIuch .. censui was be· In. taken. Mr. Snyder'l anlwer '11111.: ,\ ': Why does bUlllnels take an In. ventory. You kJ;low wby. There. fore, the ,overnment haa been req~eete,d , to' take 8n Inventory bualneie tor many reBBons, one In ,Parttcule,r\1 to get an ,ec' oJlomlc ploture of buslnesll. The many otbtlf , reasons are, IItatllltlcal Information for manu· facturer., . processorB, producers, banir .... , whole~alerB and retall· e'rl'. aad 110 forth. It allo glvel ' you a picture of credIt, employment. wages and comparative costa. Tbese are lome of the many laota that will be revE'aled when the CensllB or Bualnells hall been completed. ' Inclldentally, ,'the lame bureau. and the eame ' enumeratore wtll • take the general population cen. ,81111 next .year. ~
Happy Ho~ Group ,Has Last Meeting
•• •
T. .
'Irs. '~AI,a .tlldiDgtOD
.Hostess ,To
• • •
SoftbaU Round-Up
Waynesville ' Markets
Thursday, JUDe Z3, 1111
ISSie Is Joined, on Labor Measure; Senate Group Okays Atlantic Pact; Unemplo,yment Increasing 'in 'alion r -.....- -___- : - - - - - - - -
Ba/rred 'J
·ILABOR BI,LL: The long-awaited fight on repeal of the 'l)ft-HartJ,ey labor law had .tu.gun. Debate 'had started ~ the r;;nate with Chairman Elbert D. 'Thomas (D., Utah) at th~ labor committee opening .tor the admlnis· tratlon, Government forces w,ere' 'c~tt~ to)ln attempt fqr outthe measure, ,but an lrlgbt repeat Indlca.Ubns ~olnted to a ' comproo mU& or nothing:, • . \ . !. .. Meanwhii., ,John , L. , Lewis ae. clar~ that ~e AFL an~ CIO bad jbetrayed organized labor's " cause ,by ,reportedly 81leelng to a cOlll·promis~. ' Urging a,dopt!on of the adm~s-.. vaUon bUl, Thomas .ald the voteu bst November "decided ·the ~aft. !Hartiey 'law was a mIBtake.',1 'l'be 'admlniatra'Uon lIeeks to rePlace it 'w1th • modlt.led version of the New Deal WalDer act. Thom~s c.~ed lor quick repeill Of the TIlft.. BartleY. Jaw. In telegrams to' an 96 senator', Lew head ot the United :MIne :Work~rs UDlon, s.Jet he had h~ard 'AFL and CIO leaders had alleed to .ccept four "oppressive amend· menta" to JIle adnllpJltraUon bill. An , ,AI'L ottlc:l81 pooh-poohed tAWia" char,es of . a ,ecJ;et deal; IIJ . , ~"er. of fact. he said. the :.AFL CODveDUon ' 111 " CJev'~and r80 ceutJy, "aareed to accept the foul' amendmenta that ''horrUed'' Lhi... TheA four .mendmenta .c alled
tor: "
'1. Power
, , ,f I 'l for the federal ,ovem.
1DVo~ved . 111 ,DJlUonal-emeraency.' strikes. I 2. Tbe tllIn, of l CiJlanci~ returns tiy unlom. <')0 .'; vr.
, mat to MIU plants.
a. The 1nina at non-COmmUnIst
and DOIl,J'U~t af(idaVlta by WOrk. ers aDd employer. ~e. " .. t; A Juaran~ ,Of trep .,J.Jl'!eCh ,1II
t.bor re1iUou. ·
Terry, The Fox
.• ' e IbolO of ne1fupaper.)
. Issue Is Joined
The ClndereU• . 8tO~ would take new interest for the Gl's ID Uncle Sam's army. And- there was a particular- rea. Gordon Gray, a one-tilrie buck private In the-'al'my, WIS nominated by Pres~derit TrumaIl to 'be secreta~ of the army. GRAY, now I,1Jldersecreto' r y, Is , 40 ye~rs old! a North Cnrollna pu))Usher and lawYer. He has been a'c ting . secretary ~lnee the r!lsigna.. tion 'ot Kenneth C. Royall on April 27. Gray, born in Baltlmore'e t/l not an army career man. But he setved three ~ears ~ the army. enUstlng as a buCk prLvate In 1942. But be bad s omethihg ' on the ban, then, and rose to captain with the l~th army grou,p 'in Eurppe. ;. : THE new secretary would be the government's y!)ungest head of' ~xecutlve dellartm~nt. F~r the past 16 months Gray hal been 'the army official respollslble for industrial mobilization and ' OUlclnl on his department.
This Style Suitable For Ijay-Long Charm
Selling System "youlikeCAN'T FOOL an old fox Terry akes,"' Anse Jll1-ds ' Hog ' P roduc' eMS AeteD was sayJrig" "Not even , , :1 you're . the smartest ~ bank robber ~rew
Price Agreed UppQ Right in The PeD.
Under a new system 01 sellin, b,ggs,. buyers and sulesQlen at the ma.r kets agree on the prLce right pen before the hogs are Thus the old weightis being repla ced by a pen-io-pen system \If marketing. The buyer.,!s .glven a ~~anpe to rec· , quality and pay a premium ,ood ho,lI.
SeY~f' Blo'!\"
t A ~ederal dlitrl~t court
steve Trumbull, Mlaml Be... aid reporter. "a. liarred . from ' tile FJorlc1& .tale MJUlIe cbam. her after he lIaMUonecl abe . m",uuer ID wbloh 'II but __ . . broarb$ before the seaate. It . was re,.orted bla eheellbone wa. . fract1ll'e1J .whe. "he _ . .tRok • II)' II
Sudden Increase"
Whatever itl IlgnJflc.rice, many IIconomistl were express1D, concem over a ,mdden uplwing In: the number 01 unemplOyed In the. na· . Uon. . BETWEEN AprU and May. ,t he . ' , n~ber . of U:S, jobJe" had increased b1 2'13',000 to, "rtDa tbe totally \DlempJo~ed to a . Il~bable .hlgh of mo,e ,than 3.~ figure" were refederal .bureall of r),sl! 111 the apemployment tlgure· at; a time When it. drOpl .mtJht be .attributed. the latd, ,to th, ,JUdden ~Ii of tor. ~r or The burea~ ~d ~ the.. .1 I1ere,._ 111 Could. be traced to ":young persons of bl~ ,~hoo1. ~d ,copegl!! . Ige;" . AT the s/lme' ~e, ~e ~ure!lll reo poJ;ted• . total ', unemp'loyment . ~11n'~ prlnclpaU:f ' as ' ~ result at leasonill :acUvlw on farml.· • ~te . the;' ,ecmp,ietlDg ,epo~, th~r. were a'!tnt! among the CO\Dl" ~~. lnd~~ala.nd eConomic lead·' ers who fealed · ~ .UDemjlloy~ent grow wQrse 1Ie'10re
at appeals dealt a he.aVy blow at John 'Ii. Lewis and hli United MIne Work. Lewl. .cnd his union. gullty pf contempt of court in, to ' caD oft the , 11!4~ 'c oal had been filled ' '1 !4~,o.oo.. ; ., They appealed.- The, bla~er .e~ upb'eld the finding aad Incl.lcaU~ were that Lewll and his a~mey. wowe! lose no time appea1iDr to the UJuted States I1JP,eme ' court for a final deeJllon. ·· . ' THE CAsE 'arew out at Lewll' defiance at the T.alt.Hartl..... Jala,t year tor ~lDorlhg a court Issued under ·the law that ;minera to call oft a . , Itrike in the sett coaJ . e cHap-let appeala court l'Ulln1" made it clear thaphe decilion 'wl s .,ased on the tact .t hat Lewis , the ' miners ' wa'lt~d' until 'the mands were ~et before ~ ~ oU the atrike When they been· previOUsly d1rec;ted b;rcourt to do 10, ' ,, ' .JUJt1ce · E.. Barrett Pr~an said on behaU 01 the court.. , . "THE SUPREME COURT held ••• InvolVin, these jleDllnt.., that he . who 1a1la to it ~oUrt ' ordllr • .' • II puUlahable erlrn1nal contempJ. That; decldon governs UI liere.'· lupreme court' li1read7' upheld the conviction of Uwli bis nilllerl for d~, a court ,or~er in the 1948 ~I It waa ibat"rulliig to which Prettynlan referred. .
'rile caaaU&7 of UaIa Chester 'Whlte aow IUItI utter Is .pp..... eDt eyeD to tile cuul obHnwi but IIIlller the oJd "e~b'" lIClhed!lle of ~ bo.... bree.t. era wIlo proc1aee neh caaaU&7 .took woald leeeive Dollllq mrs' "or, &lie .dtled be IUItI
~ &Iaoy bad . espeadedto
T . h
, ~T~rougit Vet , Koch; called the "witch" of in18mo~ German camp of World War II den. was. to face a German' coUrt 9n char,es of nile~at1n1 G.mnBll8 at the' concentration camp. ' i ON.C E .sentenced·,to,'lIle Imprisonment by ,American occupation force on chargel of speakable crueltie. to ' Use bad 'her term four . years by D. 'Clay on tr~ ,.., aufflclent ~dence. Al;n.on, other' charles Ihe taced waa one 9f ~v1ri, .ma,de ahad\!~: 0!Jt.Pf human , aJqtl. I':~ '!be, ~ouncl!!~ent tbat'Dse would . have .to staDd' trial aga1l1 ' wsl made 1n . Mun1~h bY -.n offieJai at ttie Bavarian, ministry ot jusUce. THE U.S. 'authoritles have . ov~ 'to Gernllui dfllci\als tlie ' or4a of ihe ·Cllse' 111 ,order ~at they mllbt 'dete~e wbethett sne could . lie tried by the' German. for
~[2~~!~§E~~~~f~~~g~~~~~::~~,~~~~:th~elr . own
alld gangster In the country... . He chuclfted, reflecting OD the story he about to tell. was .p r e t ·t y well up that summer. In June government agents came through, wamlng all tHe small town banks In the coun~yslde to be on ihe look· out, and JadVislng what to do. Duke InsabatQ and a couple of hls' hench· men, d r 1'v e n t rom t bel r Mlnu.. haunts I.l) the , Flotlon' .Ia,r ge dUes by a concentr.ated eHort of .local Ind federal agents wbo were delld aet on bringing an end to the current ' wave of crime, were biding oUt · In the I$Ueks alld whiling the time away by staaln, spectacular dayUght hold-uPI '01 ,maU toWD
' "The &roable _ . that DO ·ODe blew where the. varmlDts woald itdke next. Daile IDeab"smart. Be aDd~.toOa ,1liiian
to.WDS becll1lle he .,S bl'ClDIh\ iIp III one .Iid, be obole as &he obJeot of hi. pDlerlni b,,1iU . that "ere pretty ."eU ..otat.e4
XoatJlful ,S.,,1e
YOUTHFUL yoked sU'le for day·long. ·charm-and U's 80 !limple to sew I The comfortabJe top buttons on e.a ch shoulder, sUm princess lines accent a lov~ figur~.
. aoi._i L __I o . . a IUIIl IIIIproteot.e4. . brla, ,.-or bOil 50 ....... • . . . " • • • ezeeUence. ., ' • :'June jlailed anll Pl!rt of J~. ... G d 11 th t • Gleri III It! Pattern 11(0. 8451 comea In atz. JI.. It. realon advanced 'fOr , In- 1)a u_y e' ear 0.. " e C - 16. 18,20: to aaeS U, Size If, .\14 ,.anSa of , bltere.t' 111 marketing b leDS bl!gBP to ' subaide. oDlY one D-Iach .. Smlln town ballk b e e n ' . ' welght·schedule sys1em held " '...L.:..a ' ' ' ' . The Bprln. ~nel Su_er !'ASBION WIll • to recoinlze the ' cUftere:pce up, ...... that z;nore than 150 prove a dependable ,uld.. In .planaln. a , rtlUei ' away. ,' The d~i?os(tOra who venintlle Bummer wardrobe .. Free pattel'1l hogs. It, ablo falla to pay Withdrawn their aeeounu ,re- prlnted. IWllcle th. ~ok. 25 CI~I8. fell' .quality. --..,,' dw aWn e~abllshi!d them. . ".. IIEWI.N O OIRCLE PATTER" DEI"l'. Under the old sche 801 ~. ''Te1'1l7.0lkes,' 1he trust eompaD7 611 loalll W.,la I.. 'lillO-Ie', m. Illlelmen IlId, billers at; • market presldan • didn't "'~at H'e was an Eaolo •• 2lI cen~ In com for .Ilch w'ould ' agree 111 the mornln. how -.. • ..,. . ,,' pDltern d l!8lred. , '., ' ~Iaily elioga ' e'a ch ' buyer WOuld " at. ~d~t1mer · at the· gaJlle and. he ~ Pa'l ten ,NI>. . \ f 8b_ A. Iche4u1e of proceas WlIs sei ' up derstood" humlln nature. Early In " , . ~" 8lCc;ordInl ,t o w~jght. "Ho'l was he'd bad some signa Name biggs" and the ' .cales deter;mined , hun. around ,the . lobby of the Acldr... ---.;..----~price. , " bank. S.u ch thIn,1 as 'Save ' ~or that system' Is' gra4uallY be., Y~ Old Age,', mepaalt with Us Under the old and Your Money Will Be Safe.' farmers jpd.ed probable The citizens smtl~d' a UWe, Ter1'1' prices by , e~timatiDg the was frying to reassW'.e them. On4\ , 'of their hogs. A premium of other sign was printed and inserted 114' ~ents per' / hundredwel8hC :was ~ehlnd the glass In the tie~t door• c,gnatdered unusual It .the market This, too, amused them. , · b~t it the : real valpe at boiS of didn' t annoy them any. . ~he lame welJlht varies .. '~On J~ 15 .the QuJetude' of Glena. $5 or $6 per lllilinaL Such vUle's"tnain street was abl'Uptly and IllDllI offer.e d poor' pay toe the harshly Jnte~J:1ted. ,.. blab'pow. pert· prOducet: who raises top- ered .black .edan iuddertl,. apo ....,..---.:----:::;-.......::'T-.....;..-,;;;.~;.;....;.. q~t7 hOls wclr'th more' money. peared at the town'l ',' IIOUth l ~oth~r re~son for new .~~ , ~!m i. the fea.If a bt;tter joj» Qt sellinS' Im:t don~. ho,. ~ay ~el . ,old on a dreSl!!,d.carcl,Ils baab. '1;~s ~etbod of , m~~k~~ ' (which ~I ~ed In Can~lCla) ,Is, belnl oplored by many t~rmerl, cooperatllve.. J agr:lcultural' exPe)'im,nt .tII· ,tllons anll .tuillel WIPer the federal 1IeauwUi' 1i0CiD.aOW Keto . 10. . ~ IP",ride ' Ilk" atan , and markellitg act. ·M an,. aad llow In th" dlL~. Sell rut 0\ ' :ale ·..... _1IIa operators ~ . ~ cosb commJalo.... ...... •, about the dec:llne 1D Yolo, prlies. We'll .end II _ aoited.""OIl ..11 onel kHP :JOur c o _ ho,. arriving for l8Ie at llOQ, aelect your prl&e. !lecQd aD mon~"'" markets. " juat )'o~r .. aam';,.i'eQ~ pofItd TODAY. De,i. "NI,' ... POI, clla.laaaU. O~.
-" .,. me"
B, Rlohard aW WllkllUlo.
':'l:1:4I:.1·J,:' leigH .
,w~ere .be " Wal . w1fe 'of ,the Nazi .commandant.
'47 Studeb,*er I~·ton ,c ab , and chassis ..... . .. .,. . , illS • •. ,_!' O~el'8 to VbGose l'rom
TOp .m~
ela.. a$
Ja ...e
1"0",1; ·U.S.
..,.,. aea.a~mT, BI~d 1', (J.... yoHh, Peokri1le, h., hi4 IU ' eholoe of ~ larm of tile ml11. tar, .emoes. 110 obe.e tile ....
force aad here .djula III, _ ~Dd Uealellaal's 'ban OD ilia brad uw aIIorm.
Famed 'Doctor-Editor's Authority Clipped • ,'l'bt, r,d-bot' I!lue between the
AIDed_ Ked1cal s ••oelaUon .nd the
edm1Dbtratton OYer the Pre,II..
-~. piopaIe4' eollllNJl~ beBlth plair ... cominS te • boD. Tbe
~ ~ w11h1DJ to retain .. • I4mtitr III matters at POJi," eJappod ClD Dr. . . . . . JI'JIbbeIn, ODe ~mecQcIna'a 'DIe IIoud ........... 10 ~.~
-- ,.....,.. *'
Tests ·Co,"pl.~
.'!be. United .s tate. alr force proud of ita DewMt Jet apeaJdDI on aotthlna aeept the Lockheed ' F-80. 'which' h~d cine. . custW.l,y co}llpleted Ita 1l1rJ1t testa . That -meant he could ' not ~fa1k at the Muroo fDIIit- test bale III pubUcl3' CD state. m,edic1De 110r on cautomla. . the poliUcal ilsues boWn, up III There ' " ' Ul air of lecreq the AlIA', campaJlD ....lnIt the tbe 'p1aDe's performance• . Truman naUonal beaUIa lI\nl'ance facti wbIcb did emerae plan. Dr. l'iahbe ln Is editor 01 the pIaDe weiIba . . . paan4a, cJIDlbed I "~cd tile AmerlC&D illd1caI 18,100 111ft III 10 DIIDuta, IIId ...~u.. Be be1d DO oIDcda1 .....i .............. Ibit~
.. .,.. ....
H,igh.Schoot, >GrcijlUaf~ .. )
, .... ,.............,-. -......, Ii....... .... ......... t.......... . .
=rt;:' .... I
, _
.... . tI
. . .
ftanc1ay, Jane 23, 1MB
ave Fireplace for Home Picnics
Be Guided by Basic Rules ·In Buying Household Linens.
specifies, Inquire whethe.r local fire laws permit using outdoor fireplaces. . . . If you aI', permitted to build, be sure " to locate the fireplaae at a point on your property where the smoke or sparks will not annoy or destroy your neigh/Jors. Care sho~d be taken in placing the firep!ace away from trees and' shrub. that might be damaged by the heat. The fireplace should faae prevailing winds to keep smoke out of your eyes. !
By Eilta Haley are not the only ones rr=============; BRIDES who will be putting In a stock S· I 5 ,.
of household linens. Homemakers
wb.o h,ave been keeping hquse for 'five to ten years may welltind that >their stocks need replenishing. B.UYing ·~ Uhens these days needs thQught, care. study and ' .ome Ibacl.:ground of knowledge. As In 8rtytbLni, you do not buy by price alone. You do not even buy by size alone. You must know sometbln, 'about luch things as thread count, '1lzing. absorbency. mae Ii I n e I~lches per inch, and all sorts 01 things which you may never have .• cqnsidered. . . Before considering these aspect. ot buying. check your supplies against what il deemed a minimum practleai •wardrobe for each bed: Thill mcludes six sheets, three pillowcases per pillow. two mattress pads. one ·w inter bedspread, . oile suriuner bedapread, one lum· mer blanket lind winter blankets according to the cUm.a te. • Good LIDen Contribute '1'0 Wen Betnl' . If you've ever 8lept 011' a b.ed tn Which the .heet barely covered the lur1ace, ,ou'll know the lm'portance of iDteWgent lelection. Sheetl. not . only protect the mattress. ' but tIIey cOntribute to comfort and well·beiDg. . Althoullh spoken of .al linens. few women have sheela of actual Unen. Cotton ill used' most 1re· quently because it weara and laun· 'dera well and absorbl moisture .readlly,
e ty Ing
Vegetable PreparatioD Required Asparagus Beans-
Wash,_________ precook •• S _minutes, pack ....... _
RotWacu Prenar. c...." Balb MIQ. MID. Lb.
Wash. ItM" cot or leave (Strin" Wax) whole; precook 5 minutes. S.hell"rade. wash. precook Beans,Lima 5 minuttl, thea pack••••••. retain atem; cook . Wash. IS min., '~P pack.. Remove outer lea Vel, wa,h; Cllbbage, Brus- ~recook'5 miDute .. Idd lela Sproull resb water •• __ • __ ._ •• _ Wash. peel: precook S minutes, pack bot._____ ._ •. Carrots Remove outer leave.. wash: Cauliflower precook 4 minut", ItIck._•• Remove hUlk; precook 5 Corn on Cob minute., pack __ .... __ ••••• .minute Cut frOID cob;l..:precook 5 • •• pack .. ________
,Oreen. Parsnip. Tumips Pea. Pumpkin Squash Sauerkraut
.team _______ to wilt,._.__• Wash,lOOtel" pact Wash, pare; &rtCoOk 5 mlnutea, pac . _•••••••• Shell, (an ,oung): PrtC09 3 mID.. pack Joolely Cut int.neier. plec...pacJc-_______ lte~ or bake 'UDtil
Pack '~otd,________ add no water ._ •• _.
SmaU pieces of broken glass be picked up from ·t he ·floor hard 'sQrfaces with dampabsorbent cotion. _e_ .' . A little jeweler's 'rouge and a dry chamois wlll polish brass that is not t()O tarnished-or rub it with a weak ammonia SO]UUOD.
r;::=======:====::; LYNN OHAMBERS' MENU . Salmon Lc)a1 Baked Potatoes
Lower the upper ' sash of a win· dow to let out foul air. or c09king odor: raise lower' sash of an opwindow in the same or ad· room; this will create a and thoroughly air the room. -.• , Mildew stains that ilre not too may be removed by applying paste made of soft soap and pow· dered chalk, keeping moist 'and laying in the sUn.
·0 0 YOU
........ eel...
• '. .. . ....
LooII: the doHl7 7&nas Ina wlllaIl· towel atfa tile WOYa. It Irm.
.... ~.w..... ~~
Before cutting curtains; alwa)'l draw a thread· so that materiial will be cut oD the thread lineotherwise, it may be almost tinpossible to get the hems straight • _e_·· U your ignition . refuses tQ oillock on a cold morning, warm the key; and . then try it. _e_ , When ~ fuse b.lows, ft. is a sign of trouble-a shqrt circUit or an overload. Do not replace blown fuse until cause of trouble baa been located and couected: never attempt to overcome fuse-blowlDg 'by u's ing ~ fuse 01 . ~ hJgher ampere rating-this nullifies the safety precautiop. of a blo\VD twle, .noth• ing will happen until the insulation chars-and ' then, tne" flie. . ....
-... ...... .. _ _..... ...... at ....... 1Ift, .WIllI
Buttered Cabbage Fresh Aprlcot-Chcirry Salad . Hot B1BcultB ·Jam Beveralle Coconut Cake ,
1'V!!getlllbh!1 • d~j. the garden to the CIUl in a II :vo~ ve mum amount of time will live --=::---..~ISf:f.-I"'I~,,'I .. PfroperthPro- mOlt latisfactory results. . ~~re~ vilion or em. . • • e That'l the belt 'CleaD Vecelabl~ . reason for can· nlDg at leaat a Before Prepantion good leore ·' af them when they're CLEANING the vellretablell Is the available In your own garden or • IItep aner bringing them Into those of otherl for 'they may be the kitchen. 'Ilhla showd be done bepurchased Inexllensively. fore the aldn is brokl!D. o'r 'Bome of Camilng vegetables !s o~e of the .the valuable juices may escape. best .ways of feeding the family DIrt is not only objectlon~ble In f/conomically as well as satisfying itself, but ·tt mllY fI~eql1ently co~. them wit h valuable nutrients. taln cer~ or· Chart your course now, and th en gaoIsms .w h I c h laU througll the seas~n, full spee~ b0 Id spolIage. ahead. Wash the "lege· •• e tables under run· Clear the Kitchen ~ nlng water, 0 r For CIUIIlIDI' TIme. .' - place them in ' a WOMEN who do their canning ;,.D . • large vellel of expe""_ ordanize 'their work water and 11ft them out gently onto on.' an ' e';'-e1ency" baBls such . .. Is a colander. Do not pour dirty wa'eI' .... -- th t bl .. ,... may reuaed tn a factOry. Tbey actually U&.L e "lege a el~ ~I ..... . prepare for the job. before they start main tn the pan and then. mix with wor~n it: the vegetable. netting ready for velletable can. IN THE . CHART givl~n above. pre- ' ..,. .J n1ng meant re-organWng ", 'h e eooldng III recommended for ...., kitchen. Clear out table and Ihelf areen vegetablel atlch 81 peat, I apace that you need for 1ars and green beans and ' iim1llar vegetabl.... equlpment. . . This meana imlnerslng 10 bollln' Make ' certain you have an equip. water for the e!eslpated amount ment clean and tn workbig ordeE' 01 tbile' tO Bhrink or , wllt them in befGH you get Uie vegetablll into order to llack them elllU, and com· the bou.... •• paet17. e e. • What equipment? You'll probably . need sharpened parlni '!arlvw for PreIare Cooker p~paria, the produce. Kitchen Ia Becommeaded acilaora ·that are not ru.ted JIUl '1'0 Pit 0 C E S S VEGETABLES 'l1elp. In preparing lome ' ·"t7PeI ' of "properly. a - pressure cooker Is vegetable II like green b,ean.. an tnvaluable aid. For vegetablell, Have your canning apoona. la41.. have the ' gauge' read 10 pounds be· , Or clippers all ,elldy ID plaoe -where .fore you ;tart counti,n, prOcellliin, they're loin, to be uaed, next to ume. ~ range. ;'The IIlr.eilsure should. not be al· e e eo' lowell to 'fluctuate .linClel. this may Select QuaUtf drain liquid from the jar 'and live For ClUIDlnt a, P90r Ioo/ru.lg jar. It will also over· . ' Have you ever wondered why the cdolt tlie v~,eiables. or undercook cO,m you canned Is dry' Instead of them•. 'a s the .ease may b",. ,ulC)', or peas are pulpy Instead of Vegetablea are a non-acid food, moist and sweet? The fault may and thll means, tJiey require a ' higb ' lie tn the kin.d you cholle for can~ ~pera~,.. to ' kiP the bac~ia -'-d. , which lur~ · til them. Thia Is why ....... Only the hiahest quality produce ilreiia4re coOker proe:esslng II ',rec· Ihould fhld Itl wflY to the can Ilnce ommended for tht!in. Frui It which c:anhing cannot improve quality. It ....' aclcl, "tIeed much 1ess p'roees. mer.-'-_"rell. . i.t. sin, tiMe, and m~ch lowe.t tern· <O'J" , e rv"s ~ Vegetab,lea .elected for cannln, ~ature tn. whiCh to bave the' bitc· . I ' • . • 'l . are usually best when ,ult IUghtly t~ .kQIed. , I ~ tOnow 'ttie I ltireetlona. > '"' under·rlpe or 1m. mature. I'ea' for )'Our ~cul8l' ~I -01 ' pressure eXample should cpo~. On. ,.~ lI'l"el'aJl)" tz:ue be aweet and ten• de:.,' com ahould .~ c&ll ~ lane! ,.lIt ·1I to ~eave . tli., W!~~~ ~ ~at· "",0 sP)1M ,uice whep ~J1te. i ~~ wbl~~ ,tIpl~ ./atelqll pressed . with .. "c;'~ ~ ~ ... the eooIer:. :unlells .. ~~l' fo~w~ cl~se13f,' ~e) e.s sqre fingernail. Qnarled, may not ·'tie accurat'e. ' for aU air br¢aeil. wrinkl d must tie exhausted before Illowlng or othellwlse 1m. the cookei' to eoiiie to ·prelsure. peifect vegetablel AnOther lafe rule 1.0 follow is to Whl!ll Bel. . . . Tow", A are not . fit to be alJow 1be vegetables 1:0 boil .10 mui.. Rich color•. aDd' beautlfid t~a ..... are the ·featurel YOI1'l1 note ffrat canned. . ~ct ",em u~ tn ... open ValR! before talt.tri, or ••yna after tI~e:y are taken when Ieleetln, it ew bathroom: to bave IOOd flavor and color. ·tow':" or ''leW' toweJa •• the,. Pwfec:t vegetablel rushed trom from thf can. " . are oalled. LIIDr BAD: After fUllJ!, the jEir With vege· You Ihould check the ab~w ..oIIeW V.....bIe tabltl IUId water, may flpd Of towels tint, .mee that's thetr lOIDe air bubblea aiI~:hOred a,alnat . principle \lie. The pOe "mOuld be"' " ................ L::.~;.-...b"'aua ...-'!·~~!"'--~:.o-~I loft. deep and cIoRb' woven. 'DIe J'or ' "stripe" ahape tile the side. 01 the 1ar• .Remove thele b;r runnin, • apatula between the cem......_ ~\ ahould ha". • m1n1mam 01 doqb JDto l'ICtanIlea. After baklq, an ..... featanll _ _ twlat 'far belt ablOrbenC)'. . the cookiel bave cooled, pipe ~. and the "e,etat~ lau wldeb bftIm leahtd with ........ OM ........anal IIaW The belt 91187. to check the ...~ve confeetI-.lf • 11' ar iclnJ ba .... _ ........ .. &lie ..... on • \tIwel la to hol4 It to tbe lI8bt. .traIPt lIMa .CID tOp of tile eoolde•• • 1Ilt4eallq Ud, mould DOt be ................ " " ...... If Iota of IIIbt ~Omet tb1'ouJb. the Wipe tile ~ 01 the jet with a ..... ... aound IIJltil 2j hour. after ................... OM ...... loWil Ia . laoIeb' wunn IIIId wm e1ea .oIot& ~ adjuaUD8 tile procelllD.. It wm th1a leQ1h of the wrr ....... elfeatl .. .... DOt "ve good wear. At tile eaJ, ~ . . . . . .cblev. • ~ err time to cool the ~, IIIeIl ....,. . . . . . ..,.. .... time ~'D be able to 1ft tile pIl.. ..!,~ ~.~ tile
pany. Dept, W . PleasantvW •• N. Y.
·'DIere'. DeW 'bdereat la tbe cream alld natura. abadeia anit - 8&. Lo.... dealper catch.. .& . ID WI Impeccabl,. &ailored . auU dress _I almply a',-Ied •• R•• 14b.. ur-t~ • ~. • ._ m~'a ault. 8UtoblDc .t Ibe It'l estimated tha~ good eotton PGClkel e1Icea au4 OIl ~e reven ·wet. wID vJear through leveral • are Ibe GDl, dreaamaker de. 'il\inclred ' .launderlogl. Whether the &aU. en &he aal&. SelI-coyered Ibeet· II mUllin or percale II not ~uttoD8 aad alaaCe4 P,Oclleta. •• weD as Ibe aUm ildn. are of 'the qUesUon, .In~e each h"l1 dlf,. . blab lallLlon Importance. ferent weights .'ld . qua1l~el. Moat, women choose good quaHty percale for their "be.t"; for everySelect a sheet of the proper size day wear. a good quaUt3-musl:fu for the bed. A itandard double bed ,- ....e accepted "'00. "." require. a IPeet 81 by 108 inches . . ... ""Y CelllHti< ..bela ./ in size. It'should ~ot .be less' than 99 'Wb_ • ..,.....' ·Deet. ,Inc;hes long to .atlldacforily Thtre,.- I01Pi:1t1abt .iIIformaUon 'on the, bed. • , Single beds t"equire a 65-Inch labela for women who want the most value wh~n ' bitytng wl,dth Iheet whUe .. three-quarter ...."Jik,. ....... 1 beds..-IIeed a 72-lnch ~dth. .aad I!iIlowea,el.· Generally ape ~" the bl.her ~e ' thn;ad c;ount, Look for adequate · hems on the hi ..her the qua~t3- ;and pr~c:• .o.·f meets 88 well aa pillowcasel to ... hr't · give be.t "llVear. . lUe I eF . ' WhIte hal been the lIeJ1erally ae. Threadll- per aquar~ Inell means eepted colol: for .he~ts for a lon, the total aumber oJ threa~ )enJUl· Um&. However. ~clou. paateli wiae and croawlle. · You'U find · · bl if -l.eetl rated at 180, and are DOW obtailta e, you want 1 000e M! them. '11Ie eolored with 1000e lo:w 81 112. matcbln. callea are llIIually avall. .able o~ ill ilIe b1iher priced' musIIna and ' percale. New · Be4lgftd. De." UyeJt' Colo.... 8bl.. bedroom Color hal ~tere4 ot the prellent, not .otilT In colored aheets but in bedllpreads. , There ~al a Urne when YOI1 chose. weak paatels or ,rayed clut colorl beoaule that waa aU there wal avail· able. , ' • If tailored bed,prealtl are .,.Your oboJI!F, ~y. be hii'ii trom any. tlJlng til. rough cottoli weavell tq organdies 0 . taffeta •• 'Your beat gu1d~ 't o choosing' quality II ' to . T~ 6N1 Ii". ;;".nlg".,". cbeck. workmanship ~d . fabric, Tblu materlals.. loosely woven We,I'ht of the; usually ·and. of faulty coostrucUon' are not ,iven ·tn Ounces per aquare yard. worth ' the : effort they take to 'put I. important but the 'sheet should th b ,. Inol be judged by wellht ilone. If tin . e ed. If you're not certain of the 1a m coun fa l/lw ." nd welaht ,fue inatetial, hold It to the' llght ti:> .r check . the weave lind construcUon. htllb. .n ote .the amount 01 11zIn,. 11 'Candlewick spreads are ~a ,ood 10 It ill pe'r ~ent or more, 'OU bave choice If they're handmade. as ·a ' poor qUBllty sheet. · . The 'breaking strength of a aheet 'they should be, They launder wen ,\rIIU ' teU 7.o~, how: 1001 the ~eet' .and wear beautifully. , . . 1'WIll wear. ' When the cbunt II leiw Chenille tl similar 'to candle",,,,e " >. 'th an when the wick, _... _. ' except that they are ma. \Veu .. Icount fs .' • . ............milde. 'They, too, wash and 'r-=~~;;:;';~;"'-_'"""'l--+u we~ '""IiVen. . lacquard 11 • IOod 'cholce' for "OUD~.ter., bed, "--ause It Is • "., """ .tur apfejld~ fairly low ~cecl. and Iaundera welli Good , qu~~ jacquard 1a heavy , and cIo" woven. i> CdhklI!!' ...... ' .>oJ ..e ilpreads ,ar~ ,v~ low in . ' and 'are de.laned tor !J{~~~e: rut uae, or for alee , ·p ta. • cottll,e.. The7 wash ani! dr)' qidckly. JuGp TWIst, PUe ..
Send Uc forPuitem
Se"d 25. nddlUonnl (or Picnic .Table PDt. t ern No. 22 to E Il8I.Blld Pattern Com.
(S •• DWecliom B.low)
. •Veletable Canning '. VEGETABLES.. tntb the -diet during the alJ!llln er when the gardell ill ll~eraUy burl~ tng with them ~I. no problem at alL It'll much more cUtticul~ during m winter t:t
~~r~~a~t~~s. o~f ·'l,"~I"ctBi J~~aaQ ~~Wf~':
insure Success Wlth .. Thia Vegetable Canning Guide
The pnltem expl a ins exocUy how to prepare th e found a tion and _1ny out the
= .-
?:;~;;f==~::;~=t~2 ......... ...... .... - -.... ¥ - .. .... WIll
V:ACATION I,N coot, S~JIIIC GRANDEUR ABOVE TIlE GLOUDS, SWIM, GO~. BOR81!.:""'Cl~, DA,NCIl, IIIKI: Come live and eoj()y the ' refreahing I~ ot· thlll ' WORLD FAMOUS . RESORT. No need of your .o~ automobUe. LooItout Mountain Hotel cabs meet aU ~alJi. and buses ID Dearb,.. Chatta· nooga, Swlmmtng P<lQ1. gplt, arclle..,.• . beauQ: ·and gown sho~ • America'S most beautiful p.aUo 'open evenm,l WIth danelnl berleaJb starlit lkies to the famous. Lool(out Mountam Orchestra ••• Ratea $9.00 and up dalb! IncludlD, rooml. meills. swlmrittna ~ and patio dancbjg prlvlfegel" (Special famB, and seBlonal rates.) Write to .,II.ookout ·Mountalil Hotel, Lookout· MountaIn, Tenn: I'bone 3-1762 Chattanooga: . 'Ol'EN J4A Y .TO ,OCTOBER. ..
M .... ~.tla... 'l'.....~ • • • .I0BM LI'r'l'LEOBBIIF" .~..
r •• .
The Mianti Gazette EatabU.hed 1850 . Published every Tllursday mor~ Ing st Waynesville, Warren Co· IInty, Ohio.
Theodor E. Conover . . .. Editor 'Edna. H. Clmover. . Assoc. Editor Euler d I1S second class matter at tbe postofflce at Waynesville, Oblo. Subscription Rate: $1.60 per yesr IQ Objo. Kentucky . and Indiana, $2.00 elllewhere. Miss Sara Corinne )t'urna, attended the W ddlng of 1\11&6 Myrl HadSall and Mr. Royal Fitzpat· rick ' at the Euclid A venue E .U .n. 'Church In Dayton Saturday. M19S Furnas was ono of the hostesses at the r c' ptlon . ,.--
.TUNE 18, 1949. !ljdge was not dry thl8 wee~ . AIter a few showers, we bad a few Btorms and a(lel' that a stea.dy down· pour. Now \Ile sun Is out again and If It , staY8 that way we can begin to ' out hay agilin . It Is al· ways such a problem whether to cut all 'the bay down or to only cut as much In one day a~ you can put In at one time. Tbls time we waIted and the hay Is still standing thougb It . Is a bit overgrown. It. reQ.ulres a special weabtte· sense' to put In bay.' Jim McDonlild has ' a good weather 'eye tor hay. He put I~ hay rm' llil for ~ couple of years and nev e'I' had a cutting of alfalta lI'et wet but there· are Bome people whose fields we pass and It tbey . have hay down It. Is Bure tQ rain. It 1& summer now and this Is the; "tme wben the people wbo Jjve In the country. bave city visitors . We love to have them but It takes B little while to get them broken In to country Ylays. Ours have beell coming long en·
.............. ............ ........ -~
S . . ..
....... IadIvMiIIL
9.-12 Each Morning 1-5, Afternoons Except Wed.
TElEPH01'lE 62
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
Funeral Home TELEPHONE 2291 WAYNESVILLE, 01110
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'( I)ptomettic Ey.~ Slier lal,
' ''I:'SIA. ' omo
BEAUTIFUL Sewing.. Cabi'R ets .
.. ) , '
$9.65 'and
' ';VaU.,aper and Paste.and SizI...··. G. E. '· BuIbs ..:- Nu Enamel
~ MaiD ~ ......'rro. GauIp .HaII
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Pterhaps You R~member
, ' "
ough DOW io the" have leamed to IlJck but the weeds are aome thinI'll. b.u t It must surprtle that It Is bard to find the cows to \ave so many mllkerll, The. bollyhocks are In an'd I noUce tbat It doesn't belp and tbe rambler roses are the mil'll: pall ·too much, but '1 bea;lt1tul everywhere. The rain believe that It should be part of was badly needed but now "te everyone's eduoation to spend are hoping tor eome sunshine. It . _:...._~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _':'"'J some tIme on a farm and learn Is II)vely thlB morning and I must MT, HOLLY METHODIST METHODIST OHURCH where theIr dally bread comes atop writing and' 11:0 feed 'r, 111. Scarff, MInister from and to have some unde.r· I!tU'1! chickens and let them out. It. B: Colemau, Mlnlster Sunday School, 9.80 .a.m" E. · A. As UBUIII Bomelhlng haB been standJng of lite wbere every' J. J. Church Scbool, 9:30 a.m" tblng doesn't come ' In paokages geWng them and' wben I Baw Dur$ke, Su·pt. EIlI'nhart. Bupt. , the little turkeys yesterday they from' the super markeL Worship Service, 10:80 a.m. Last. week we moved ,one set wer'l! only about hair' as many WorshIp and Sermon, 111 :8'0 a.m. ,Evening Service, 7:30 p.m. at litock from the home place to wIUiI the old turkey a8 . lhere hu.d Youth Fellowship, Sunday, 6:30 Towl.\sblp Road I\. n d brought been. I am atrald tbey drowned p.m. . some back bere, We toC)k the In one .ot the recent dOWn)lOurs. OhaIr Practice, 'I'bursday. 7:46 CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS two young steers and one dry The clo.sed seuBon on ground p.m. David Slnntleld. MInIster cow from bere and brought back hog!! Is over a.nd now lhe boys Sunday School, 10 a.m. two heifers and a cow with a can hunt them as much as . they Worship Service, ~1 s.m. cult. However, ono 'of tbe belfers pleBlse. Comllde l'lng everything. ST, MARV!S EPISCOPAL didn't want to be away from Why' B closed season on Samuel N. Keys, Rector her' mama so after bawl1ng all groundhogs UTICA E,U.B. CHURCH· Morning Worship, 10:30 ·B:m. night Beulah jumped the fence William Shaunou;, MlnJster .· and , went back cross Iota. When Sunday Sohool, 9:30 a,m., Mra, WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS we found ahe bl\.ll gOne we we'n t J"n.mes Garrison, Supt. to see where sbe was, She had· First Day School. 9: 30 , u,m. ~reachlng 1st. and 8rd. Swida". n'~ reached her del!ltination . 80 we Meellng for Worsblp, 10:30 a .m. 'Of each month, 10:30 o..m. walked back, through the rlelds "'1J_ 4~~~:..-.u....~'-':unUI we found her. Luckily those Elvening Services, 7: 80 p.m, nelda all bad gates so we start. FROM O~ FJLES , WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF ed ber througb them and just af· FOR JUNE 10, 1931 CHRIST LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH ter we crossed the old railroad M. H. Coctey, Minister Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., IIrs, track, we looked up and saw the 'file Clnclnnatl Stock Ya rds lIlble School, 9 :30 a.m. Ruth Saylor, Supt. ba"k raIn com'lng. Before we could basElball team "arne ,. , , "·0 Mornln!> Worsblp, 10: SO a.m. Worship Service, 10:80 a.m. even get to a tree for shelter ·WalIDe· Park Sunday afteruoon . ltl Young Peoples' MeElttng, 6:45 p.m. • . ' . the great po ng drops were fOL' -anotber dOlle of Waynesville. EV(Hllng , Sel'ylce, 7:'SQ II.m. FERRY ,CHURCH OF CHRIST com Ing down an d goIng r Igbt Athlletic Club medlclne and got through to the skin. Fortunately just that- 12 to 4 tills time. Os' Pl'lIyer Meeting and 'BIble. Study. Byron Oarver, M'l nlster it wasn't cold and though we born again showed tbe city boys Wl:ldlllisday, 7:80 p.m. Bible School, 9:80 a,m. were wet ~d bedraggled we got that be was thel~ * • • • master. holding Morning WorshIp, 11): SO ·a.,m. there and decIded to leave Bell' them to six hUs and two runs In ST, AUGUSTINE CHURCI+ Prayer Meetlng, 7 :~O. p.m. lllh with her mama until we take the seven Innings he pl tcbed. her to the sale 80me day. The Eddie Burton was a busy boy at Father oR. H. Krumholtz .. Pastor Young People's Meeting; ,.-:00 p.m .. red belfer -which had been get· secl)nd base; tbree hits, three Masses. 8 Ilild 10 o..m. Elvenlng Services, 7 :80 p.m. tlng out over there so far bas runs and .sIx ' putouts. Hartsock I stayed In tbls pasture 110 we did· did some n.lce snappy work a t tuba and joined tbe band In dis· Mr. and Mrs. Wll iter Kenrick D't take her ttl the ' sale thlll thh'd, and Duke's outfleldlng was penalng good music. " and James Haines attend.ed the we~. far abov.e par., I centennial of l b e Methodl.~ We have . been doing QuIte . WAYNESVILLE FARMERS Church at .Sprlngboro, io , an all well' at the community sale the O:o rn acreage In this vaclnlty , baol Increased t 'l t 10 . BUY AND SEI L ' CATTLE day meeting and ' din,ner Sund '1 • lut, few weeks, Actually getUnD' n eas per po D t thI · dl t Elmer Sheehan and son. Brown II ' year, acco~ ng a "'II' M~ ulld Mr8i4 Bartlett MOIICfl some real bargalna, Tbls week ,IBn , a lIeparator with a motor, t1 m ates '' I f armers. SW:\88 breeders of WaynesvJlle spent several days las t week bid on uaade b y Ioca 11 tl h have Bold the bull Dewey €bam· ' not: k nowloD' whether the motor Wea th er s Ince pIant ng me .as pion to J. A.. Hal'tman and SODS with th.e lr BOn-ln·law and daugh· -u workingD or not and wben w. been suIta bl e t or cOlm growth . ter, Mr. and Gilman Ste\y" . art ·and family in Uo'>anon . tried It, JOY ' be, the motor worlls an('1' th e . corn is In good conellt· at Wilmington. and the whole . thing lookll clean. Ido. Damage by cut and Wire Stephens Reynolds has recent· !.\Jlss Martha Gabriel of Upper t l y purchased tb e ' re <or .... stered Sandusky and Mias Janet Hart· er and In better condItion than wo·...... ... s 'has been somewb a geD' t he one J have. Separatol'l are era1· j n '''I ..... 8 sec tlon bu t eo",.. fl eId s Brown SwiSS bull, Maplea~s Steve zel at Bettsvllie wer.e weekend be tb 'h d from WlIlla H , Lindsey of Ore· · ell e ar est hU. not aelUng very well now though h·/lVe · g\,Iests of ?tllsa Sara Corinne there have 'not heen 'as many at ~rhe members of the Loyal gonia. . Furnas _nd ,attended the Hodsonthe sales as there ";ere fol' a· G1Elanets ' class at tile Ohurch of .,' Mr. and Mra. Seth ' Furnas aud Fitzpatrlc'" "- wedding, while. No'" I can take the Chlrlat were entertained at the Miss Sara Oorl nno FUl'D/l1l were "'r A -thur Bell', o·• '1 • "" ·. and' Mrs. ...... old ' ooes that are bere and se'lI horne of Mls8 Evo Lippincott and (linner guests Sunday o.! Mr. and Erie, Pa. were oyer nlJht guesta tbem for at least' old Iron. Auct· Mrs. Marie .'Brltaln last Frida)' 'MilS. Seth Furnas Jr. In honor of lOf Mr. and .Mrs, Seth Fumall Br. F a th er.s ' Day. " on Sunday. 1011 buy!nS Is a game .and Jt you erenlng . .. V .' are on the sllot regularly wbat· .'. . Hartsock attended tbe ~::;~-;;;:::--::-:"---:=~"iiiiiiiiiiil;;;:======' ever you need will come through 1 tb annual "Horseshoe Ramb· .. the sale -but If you only go once ' Jers Club" pIcnic at New Oastle, awbJle there will not be a IndJana.. Sunday. This ' Is the or· tblng there thai you want. Calves; ' IglonaJ "Hay Fever Club" or are 8ky .blgh. I wanted a coli Petoskey, Mich. About 250 sne· PLENTY. OF G~OD VAL.UE . for Dolly ~ut they went .110 much I ezers o~ membe.·s an d . Olelr fam· .Prlce alown haS nnthing .to higher than the '.pric", ', had lie a.tte.Ilded. , commend it unlelja, 'worth,rblle John to pay . that he dldn't htl)" 'J ll~\ Y (lmnn's Olyl' 1,0 " ue of go with Jt. ThJs Is whr ooe. None soled lower than twelve , Harv eysburg met vitI! ~{r's . we stress the qual1ty of the tiler. aod fJfteen d6111\.rs . and gocd 'Bertha 'Gordou' Sa tul'll a'f ufter chandJee we furnish In our lower ones were. blgh In the twC'ntlp;; noon. Following the . bu s'lnoss sespriced tuneral leervtce. We have been 11:0'/1111; 10VOly slon. Dr. 'Mary L: Cook ot War' If you examine It. you will ag· green peas but now they are I'" r a ve nil interes Ll ng talk. ree wJth us that It Is as good 811 gODe and the beans are almos :J:i"rank Braddo k. veterloll tuba we 'IIay It la, plr yrr. was ' given a dcJJght.ful "U rp~i6e Sunday afternoon, wilen thEI Mason band drove UJ> to ~16 hOllIle on Route 2 and unloaded ttie,ll' band Jtilftruments. A.fter Mr" Braddock had ,recovered from thE. stioo,~. he brought : out hlil
• •
Evenings !Jy Appointment . Only
* . , .•
' .
WayoesviUe .Fumiture & App6aneeCo.
Blue Ieros,S
Telephone 2423
.COOL, CRISP Your lIummer frocks' w,1lI stay cool and cnsp ' longer If tbey are brougbt . to B " R Cleaners (or cleanIng and pressing.
I~enu~ P~y~le
At;' The 'B ank ' .
AppUcatioDs Ar~ . Available Here
We . take sJjeclal care of your Bummer wardrobe - 'let us In· sure your looking your best this summer by 'brlnglng In your dres· today! .
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Refre.hing salads . . . nourl.... ",ain cOII"e •. .' . dessert. thot are different • .. , all are .asy wilh Borden's Cottag. Ch ••••. And it'••0 .conomlcal too . . . rich In pr~t.lnl and valuabl. minerals! i"~
Plan delicious, menus - and SAVE MONEY - with Borden'.s (o"0ge Cheese'
Funilare ad PHONE
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Why nol let ,~ur 8otSl.n milleman
on,y~ · 1
',.OY. you CoHo". Ch•••• :.u '
u/a,',? . " , Or OR fqr Bard.n's Co"oge
' of ,our
THURSDAY• .TtJNm !8. 1949
By MRS. HILY CIBSON . . Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Roberts of near Xenia called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rock hold and family Friday eVening. Miss MinnIe 'Crawror.d of Day. ton Bpen't the weekenr with her parents" Mr. and Mrs. 'crurenoe Orawford. w.'
wJth Mr. and Mra. Ernest Earn. 'hart and aOD. Da\'lld. Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Earnhart relurned to their home here at. tar, spending a few weeks In Mich. Igan where Mr. lDarnhar t was at: tending school. Mrs. Rlch~rd HaDes and daugh. ter, Donna, Ilnd Edna Bunnell of ne,a r Xenia spent ~rlday with her parents, Mr. an'd Mrs. Hlly Gibson. . Mr d M' R . an ('s. aymond Osborn of Xenia Mr and Mrs Rftl h .,. , . • ~P Dill and son, Tommy, of Spring·
Mr. and Mrs. John Mctaggert. and son, Jack, Mr. anll Mrs. Ar· tllur Kerslngel' lind family, anti Mr. and Mrs. NOfman Kerslnger of Dayton calle"''' Ia ' on ... r, and 'Mrs. I '" G. H . Ku r8D!;er. Mr . a nd Mrs. J ames Wildman. of Jackson s t ·th pen e weekend
Valley. spenf Sunday evening with Mr. and Mra. Emerson DIU. Mr. and Mrs. ' nIck Moore, Mr. and Mrs. · Henry Fink of Beaver. t own ellUed on Mr. and Mrs. ' . George Bratten Saturtlay evening. Mrs. ,Henry Berg' sr and child. ren of Beave,rtown spent Thurs.
-::.;:.:.:.:.:.==:=.;:.~.:.::::::::::::.~.:,.=.=:.:,:;=::~=~;~:::i:' • • ...
GRIND, ,491b
• ••••
Ii~ .
day with Mr. and Mrl. Lua Mor· 100 and , Mr. and gan. Mrs. Glenn Bnell and lon, Larry, Mra. Anna Lueal spent a taw of Youngstown. days this past week with her . Mr. and M,I'/I. Arthur Garrison sister, Mr( and Mrs. Clarence are announcing tM blrut of a .T hompson. daug)Jter, Palrlc,ill. Ann, born Mon. ,Mrs. Henry Berges Of Beaver· day at Hall HosplllU.' Mr. and town, Mrs. Roy Shaw and ' daugh· Mrs. Frank FeltJneyer of nea~ ters, Betty and .ressle, of X,enla, Hal'veysburg are the maternal Mr. Wilbur Stevenllon and Mrs. grandparents: Robert Greene or Dayton spelllMr. and Mrs, Dave Elbon and Sunday with Mr. lind M;rs. LUe daughter, JaQuell[U~, ot Mar-row Mor.gaD. " were Monday eV1aning guests or Del~ln RockholA is spending M.r. and Mrs. Ben Beckett. a tew days with Ills grandparents · Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roher,ta of Rev. C: A. Arthur, who attend· near Xenia. ed the ye~rJy conference ' of MeMr. and Mrs. Earl Crawford tllodlst mlnisterll at Lakeside, Silent l\londo.Y evening with Mr. Ohio last we.e k, \11111 remain with 'and Mrs, Clarence Orawford. the New BurUng1~on, Sharon and Mr. and. Mrs. Ernest Earnbart H arveys b urg parj IIh es d ur Ing the ' and' son, David, Mr. and loire, next term. Kerslngcr are snentllng'· .. a lew ' I Mr. and M\'s. Lawrence Jacobs "' . , days , 111 Jackson ' Ohio at the and )\Ir. and Mrs. Raymond Ealdn home at Mr. and Mrs. James' attended the bIlseball game lb Wildman. OInctDnatl Saturdu.y. Aftsr din· Ing In Covln~on. Ky. In the ere. n\.ng, they attended the televised ATTEND ' CONVENTION , Carl Pitstick. and Mr. and Mrs. broadcast of the barn dance In ,Everf)tt Early attended a grain Cincinnati. and mill opl)ratorB' convention I~ . Father's Dav was observed at the Methodist Church Sunday Columbus last week. morning. A necktie was given to tile oldest fatller present, Mr. Fred Sherwood, and to the youn· gest. Mr. Gassaway. Ernest '''Buddy'' lIloore has Bent word to his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snell had Mrs. Carl Moore, that' he Is stat· as their guests 'o p Monday, their loned with the U.S. Army - - - - , - --.....:...-------,-- - - - - . - - - - - , •• •• •• ••••
Harvey~burg /HERB HAU,
Remgerators & Electric Ranges used less than a. ·,Year by Home Ec. class at Waynes~e High. All. ,In , ExeeUebt Condition . " 9' cu. .ft. Refrigerat'o rs .
San Aotonlo, TaXAl. The members of the Frlend'l Church enjoyed a ptcnlc dinner at. Ft. AncIent Sunday. Maynard Frost, son of 'Dr. and Mrll. W. E. Prost, La confined at Holmes Hospllal, Clncinnu.tij He was reported to be 1mprovlllg Sunday. Miss .\'day Harlan was hostess too the Missionary Circle society 0' Jonah's Run Church . at hel' country home. Wedn.e sday aCter. noon. Mrs. J, p, Thornberry had charge of devotions and Mrs. Ed.
Mr. and Mrl. Charlel SwJod· ler enlertalned to dinner at tbe country home Sunday, their BOO· In·law and daughter, Hr. and Mrs. Donald ConkUn of New Burlington and MlsB May McCay of Wilmington. .Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ' 'Jack'' Me· Carren are 'a nnouncing the recent blrtb of a daughter. Mr. and Mrl. Frank McCarten are the paternal grandparent!!. Miss Mal')' Lou Moon retqrned ' I h W dn d rt t ome e es aY a er a wo week's vacation trip to WUdwood lind Mia tI Cit N 1 . ith Lukens was 'program leader. n c y, ew ersey. . The local Grange met In ?gUl. ~ ar- sesliion at the Grange ,Hall ' MoJid8Y ' e:venlog. l\(r. 0 : A. Iltcobll , e eW6 a member, '" "ave an Interesting , taUt on prevention of' In the By MRS . fires , . WALTER KENRICK home, chletly th(]se reSIUltlng.l . tram faulty wiring and electrical appliances. . Mr. Joseph N. Morris of Los Angeles, Caut. and Mr. and Mrs. A, combined Fallier's Day . and Jenkins of Cehtervllle called on ' Children'S Day program was pre· Mr: anll Mrs., WUhur Clark Wed. sented Sunday mo.-nlng at Jon· nesday. ' ah's Run Church. MlsB Janet Mrs. Thomas Burton ' entenaln. ,Doster apd MisS Louise MlIl'tln ad the Card Cluh at hr,l' home offered a clarinet duet and Jlow· 'near' Ferry Thursday ' afternoon. 'ard ' Doster, to the accompanlm. Eight members' were l'ruent, ent: of ' MIss 14 arnyn . Connelly; ' Mr, and Mrs. Vilrnon Pursley 1)layed a baritone, 8010. Mrs. and SOD8 were Sunday Illnner Charles DOBter gave an Interest· guests of, MI:. Rnd Mrs. Hubert Ing talk on Father's Day. Pursley hI FrallJo.Un. 'I The memberB ,of the Eastern lIfr. I Leslie Gray ",a3 able to Star and Mallons with their tam· return to his, b.lUlfi In all ambu'. lUes, edjoyed their annual picnic ance ' Saturday trom Miami Val. dinned at Jacob's Psrk Sunday. ley h'lllp\tsl wbe~e 'b e nnde'rwent The B.Y.F. of Jacob's Run an emergency ('lInatloll. for ap. Churoh was entertained . S\lnday peudlcltls last Sunda,. aft.ernoon . eyenlng at ,the country home of' He is recovering nicely. Misses . Freda Belle llnd CoUeen Mr. and Mm. WlIbu: filarlE In WIlU&mson. . 'company wltli, 'Mr'. and Mra. ~Con' Mrs. Jess~ S~ey Is undergo- Ius f Younce of Dayton; visited lng treatment ror • lU~ey aU· with , Mr. and Mrs. Rlchal'.! Aum. ment at Grandview Hospital ,Day. lUer and' baby son In ColumbUI ton. Her condttld'n ~s reported' FrldIlY. ' to be coliley;hat Improve~ ' Her · Mr. Paul Jobp,s ot Yellow daughter, MlsB Ma~garet Stanley. Springs was a dlnner 'pelt of DaytOn IB also there for obser· Friday evening of M~. and Mn. vatl,oD. Walter Kenrlok.
IlfR'S '~rage
Announcing - J'
9; •
Main and IMlamtStL Pb. 2341
De Lux' Stoves ' BIG' SAnNGS
Fairley Rdwe. Store ', Pt10NE ~1
FO.·. 'IIOCIl- ' IIIDI••
OFFEIS ~'ou ..M•••" EISIIP••• ~
:Tltl. o,,~~' ,.~ fI~
JUliE·~O.: ~ . fl. ·.. IJ ,. p, .,..,.............III! A"'cvI~
'!!"II_,O••: V.I ....." C.",p"", ~MoJW. 1_ .."...ri.I."""
._WI "'II1II.' ft. 00..... "wet .'tll U""
ComI>OIl" . i A....' • .,.. . ....., .............' c-,IIeIl ....n Co Co - . - ,
........... __:at the 1fIht" k
011 • reCeac lann electridty tour, ruJtod wen .~alI1 inte'r.~ -.eel In the pin bancUing ~pment on the RD*II CAmpbell fatm on R. R. 2, Camdeo, Ohio, Each ~ear.~. Cimpbel. fli~~ duee grouP' of 'aiJJety IteetS each. FeeclJDS aU theM caltlC, III , addJd~ to lUge numbers of hoI', tequireI ~dtles 01 ~ , Mr. c8mpbd1" 22' by 31' grai!1 ~ Ito~ge buildfag wllh Ita, electrical 'eq"Jipmenc mslm it ~Ible lO dO dd, ~ witb abe minimum of labor. The building hal a Itorage ca.,.~
of ~'OO bulbell of' Q>m and 2000 bushell 'of ~all' pain. -,. .' simply ~hing a switcll the cOm or am.., gram fa eleYateil froiD the dump drag to.chC ,ery top of me crib ""mlallS of a· .
coa9eyor. ' ,, '. . . After the Cl)liftYOl' hu filled·the bu... Mr. Campbell,...... the V.:belno anomer pulley aDd lee, tb.e 1&IIIC'lIIOCOr ftIldladDS fan which dries ~ com aad IIDaI1 gra!o. ea.o. aic timing device tums the fan on, and off autoOiadc:al1y, o~ ating it only during the po[~on of the clay. m~ fatonble for npicl drying. Aoothu unusual feaaue-it fa DeCeIIUJ oaIlj to press a button aDd the conveyor mov. the com to all vo'" . . above che wagon. , ' ; , On the Campbell fum. abe labor-sawn are DOt aU fa die farm buildings. The home 'I i aIIo CXlIII~ equipped ..... &cuical appliances and cooftDlencel iDdadlaj ..,...... Por ~ belp ,rlth .,.... foi brlnsfqs men of tbe ~ toru aiacI beoefiCi of electiical 09in8 to ~ farm aod ~ coasuJt your counRy apot. 'lQC8dciDal lifkutca. ........
or oar fum reprelllDtadft.
- -... .- ...
I Thunclay, JUDe 23, tNt
The Questions 1. What is daylignt savmg time 1I0W called? 2. Who most frequently says. "Peace, .it's wonderful"? 3. Wbat is an honorarium 'I 4. Where is Java? 6. Outsldj! \"ha-t harbor was the Adinll'ai Gnf Spee scuttled?
SCRIPTURE! Matthew I8:J6-20; Mark 1t1: ~4-20;· Luk. " : 0.53, Act. 1:1-14;
Hebrews 7:2$.
DJ!lVOTIONAL Wan_ 1 :1·'.
1. War-time.
Leaoa for Julie ZG. 191t ,
2'. Father Divine.
IS JESUS: after an; . A WHAT name' in a book? A picture on
S, A fee. 4. ·1D the Dutc~ East Indies. 6., Montev~deo, Uruguay.
walls of churches? More than A bt~torlcal character? FOWl' a great' re" , More. -than thBtl t He 11 the one - FARMI' A~D RANCHES and only Person India.... FAtnll-OoO'd Indlt\n a rarms at> who can be every· barllaln prloes. Wdle (or detoll •. where. He - would I. FRtIoNCI8 LOOnARD Veu,,1I10 • • Ind.' be important if he no IUl UE . 10011 '.rm , · ImpOalnll Co r", had ·only Uvedi he house, 2 tei'\nnt house! . Itrenm; q\ostly Is far more so bef,t,~~re. B,we .. , B.olI;o., . New CI',lIlle. cause be livel on. ( Amonq the often ·frenetic and sometimes startling ' efforts FAllM_O ""ea, II mUe. {rom ,Batcsvllle_ But where doe. he Ind. !S room new ",oule. Booel Darn henhOUS"l_ IInrI\U. Eleo t.11l nvuhoble" In thjl development ot regional toulrist areas to satjsfy . the U.S. live. and how? 14000.00. Ap'plY C. 1,. John,oo. III N.U ~ ChrIstians would n a n ... Bid,.. lIalo.9I11e. Ind. . vacationist's yen to ~ee .new and s;trange places, the Midwest's ' , often' feel lonely and dlscOUI'sged,· Wisconsin Dells is refreshing 'as a spot wht~e 'natural beauty has INSTRUCTION if It were not for one thing. They !mow Jesus ,praya for them. In II A.KE mone7 s~wtn" at home, O ur . In.. not yet belln sacrificed to garish display. · Located in the southreve,,1 how. ,POI'" OUl t ... long-ago timel the High Priest of alrucl!ons Sbop. Ul Pa.k, Bid,., O l"'il a n ~ U. Obl._ central section of the state, the I)ells are formed as the WisIsrael used to pall beyond hia peo· consin rivet'cuts deep into sandstone to form a seven·mile canyon l,lle's ilght Into the IUent Holy of Holies, and wben he did. the people between steep rode. wo'lls. A Civil. ·war veteran, H. H. Bennett, knew that In that sacred place he started publicizing the ' regiO.A. in 1870 with his "wet plate" was bearing on his heart the wbole camera stlldies. Now, when tourists swarm each summer, the people, the people whom he lerved.: 1.,:;-;==....:..::.::..:..:.=....:.::;=-- ' - - - -- So the writer to the H~brews. In the Dells abound with ~omber, richly costumed Winnebago · Indians New Testament, pictures. aa who will pose for a -man with a c;arnera' afthe drop of 0 ' feather. perfeet High Prresi. ~ho hail ---:::~~~if~~i;,=_--:.z·' Chief Yello~ Thunder (left) is a .case In point. passed ·beyon~ · our .llgbt, beyond 5w~~~~~~d~~:;;rni: the beautiful blue ven of heaven, ii into the ' very presence of God.
Rf:.O.T " J. .
JJ:,qIIQI.lq ,,,
fJ4.' a:~;~ ~ ~.,.'I,Ze.1 I-!~,~'~,~»~&..I;.B.
. $1,530.942.52 was the figure that Mr. DeKwjokTich estimated !orturle. ' He had come by through r:nany yeal's or industrious labor and now was en10ying the fruits 01 his uphill struggle. He and his wife traveled 811 over the world and stayed at; the finest hotels. There was always one thJng he insisted upon at those hotels and that was a swimming pool. His wife was an .ex~enent swimmer and enjoyed her momiIi, .dip. One morning a lackey rushed up to Mr. DeKWickrlch ItC) iD,form b:iril that bls wHe had had an accident in ' the . pool and had Dearly
drolVned. . ' ''They ate ap~lylng artificial respiration now," the attendant assured him, "and the doctor
thinks sbe wW come aroood aU right," Mr. DeKwlckrlc seemed somewhat put C)uJ. ' "YOll rtm back there, I I be said, "and kIt tltern't I cui .ai!ot4· tbreal ibiD,. ArtWclal' respJ,ratiOD, mdeedl" ~
"Wh:r don't you have a few inche. cut 011 the bottom of that - thlua, .. . ulceel the man whose
friend ~s uainl a waWnII stick too lC!.Di to be used comfortably. J ,,'l't{at :wOuldD't help.,! t a1d the frieDCL "'It's this that'. tOQ
He Lives OD
Tbe Answers·
'fIR~~:~ ~2
a end
Stand Rock is the traCfemarit of ' the Dells. It is a SO-foot pillar separated from the main cliff by a space of six feet. The t\»p is a .Iab of sandstone 20 feet in diameter. One of H•. H. Bennett's first (ldian photos shows his son 1." p'i"9 fro!" cliff to stone. Now, • Bennett's grand~aughter super- · vises as her dog "Watch" · do~ · tlie 'same trick. ~There·s a SClfety "et in the event' of 'accident. The town of Wisconsin' Dells lives on t~i t:o 's("hade, 'a nd the Dells tRW. , special , lure for artists, cameramen and' geologists. .
where lives. now Intercede for his he people who are toever. on hil li~~~~fo~~;~~~~~ heart. ' Jela ·U".. on toc1ay in the We o' pra,u whl~ we beUe"t! II aUO bll. No matter what , comea to the Cbrlauau. be au , remember that One .. pray"" for him wbca .. aU'caqer thaD au the wcarla o' evU. ' I ,ftj~?i!~~~~t~til:~~~: " 'Greater II he that is 10r us than I! . that II esalnst laid John ..1 .. 810KS the Apostle. ' I jjii~g;g~~~\J~~~~~g:j~~
• • • . \
DavIs •.......m ......" . for B4'OIlen and
UKE tells us that bad to Ihow lome or hi. "frlends 'hla own picture in the Old Testament. IUs portrait II not vel'Y plain tbel'e. but In 11Ie New Teltament it II very plain Indeed. 'lbe Bible leads up to Christ, . be II hI! ~ownln' figure.
New Ham~hlre. 8.n 4 other braUn breeli. kw tnimedlate. deliver.)' In Ja',e or .... aU quantltl.". W.11e to. day for cql41l01 . nd BIG .';vlnll_ on enrl)' booked ordel1l. _L-
Davia htlttry F........ lIat....... jJ Roule DoC . . ~, Ind. '
Bible picture. II, 10 MaD7 to a regloll.J of the becOme Chriatlu -Just by about 'Chrlst in lome stray copy New Teat.inent. The 'reader beby readln, about Jesu_then come alive. a.nd he meets face to ·face .. Jesul livea 011, P~;#~!:;2~~~~~~~~~ Wherever the BillIe loel. -
• • •
III HIs Peeple arllle am~ what meant by thil or that. But canuot be aD7 arlUInent thing. W1.Ien· 'Jeau. left· hil behind, he lave them tell' the world ' abOut .bIJru
C RES ma7 CHUR. • thernl'!Jves
dIlcipleswibleaseI.·/ of. nation ' .• .Ye Iball .A•• abut-mouthed CblrlltJan iln't pf a ' ChdlUan,' Ilwlt.·Dlou.tbeld church 1& a poor ,church,· . (Ia it a church at aUf) We do not that JelUS ellPe<ited hil followera all to bej:ome preachen. Indeed, ~ ilio"'.' remember 'that all the ftrri Christl.... Were ..,men. Bot they . p& renita,
. :rn:,; ;:r::r~nru::~~~~" a few weeJij. . . th01lllliul. III'
'~;i . II
f the , reaaO!! ~at 120 " today · 'don't · win S,QOO converts? One ' reallon lit ttlat ; _proilably flnd those ~t1llrll ,e~mPIalnlnl, that their .cbUl'eh ·11 :!v.Il~!l!It," the~ diiii' t have' earIt ChiisUans might th.o"gtlt U1at very 1unni: lrdw a be vacant with 120 people,..JIt~ Itf'· Ciu'lst live. In ilia
tb~ :"~_~.1
, .
X' O',)
, 'tOUfIS. boab"'lI.~etl.lie.n making the
canyon trip sinc:e '\lS7$ and are still Tlii c,olorf~f- paddle 'wbeel hard at steamer WinneHllo (lelt, above) plies the narrow stream ,egularly, Indian legends are associated with .almost eyery section of the Dells. Joan Crosley is shown (~ight, above) as she in. vestigates the .Itory oft ''The Cave of ' the Do.rk.ned Waters." C~imn~ Rock (right) complete with indian chief and lirl in bathing lait, offers a variety of picture possibilities to the -tourist·
............... ..
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_ _ . . . . . . ,... .... l1li ... . . . . . ~ ...._ coatNUetl; d . . . . . ftI....... .
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.n Ii4
rIO fiil.~W,~. ·
If H••dlnl the a_I.
,.,, P••t.d Oil. '.hi"
:Took Nurse's Advioe .
Ko. More Harsh laxatives '
C" , l, .•
IDto 'All the ' World HRlsTiANITY is 'the o~ reU,· ... ion ttlat can ..tand tra,nsl~lUJiIJ Into aD7 c~te. Th~e II no raHIIQn:1 tb~F ean., number , ita· pIe from the Arctic .·to tP~ equator, and' ~om e! st to west around 'th.Ii!i~~~~~~I:==~~g~. world, But tbla II 'n ot an. acr£!clent. I! Ii would not bave happenecf 'b7 Jesus hllns,U ' In . ~ee Iwalk:ed. he went, and in . &fown·up ute be did... not -FtJler from WI birthplace .coUld ' ~lv• . Ii:a •an' 'after-
.. '"
Kidneys Must
Work Well--
Chair Set Adds' Fresb, New Look dIrections for Crocheted Treasure Cba1r Sct (Poltern No. &800). Benel 20 cents In ' coins, ;voW' oam •• e4dresli ond patt.rn number.
, SEWING ~htCLE NEI!:DL2WOltK 330 Soutb Wenl St. 0111 ••, . 'f. IlL 20 cco~ . rorpo~rel'l!. N o_ . -_ -Name _ _ _ _ _ __ Addre... _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . ..
U.S. Agriculture.Makes Fabulous Record in 1948 For .u,nited S~ates agrJculture, ( 1948 WIll go down in history as a fabulous year, accotding to the 1949 Britannica Book of the Year. ','It wiu a year without a crop scare, with numerous record n~ar record yields achieved; the. cO,r n crop was more than 10 per; cent above the previous record. llnd fully 50 ,per cent above the ' previous 'year; the wheat Crop waa. the second largest on record aDd. the fiith consecutive crop af more than a billion bushels, one of the five largest wheat crops the coimtry bad ever produced,; the cotton crop was one-fourth larger than in the previous year." , Prices, too, reacbed a record level in January, 1948, though the,. then broke sharply, and continued to decline as 194{1 crops ~ere barvested, tbe hew Britannica :year- · book reoords. . "In spite of the break In prices. , the volume of agrlcultur~ mark etings was such as (0 provide a gross income to 'f anners of Blmon 35 biUio~ lioliars slightly exceedol ing the 1947 record," ~ pubUca . tion conti!lues. "However, becausB of· higher co~ts of production th~ real!zed net inco~~ had been deJ ~Unmg .1n0000,<1.
~-\. ; ::; \ ---
GIVE YOUR living, room chairs
a fresh look with "tlrla baodsome ctvUr liet. Easy to crochet, ;you'U ,tie pleased. with ~e ,resultS of :yotu-.handwork. .The chlUr' back , measures 17 by· 13 inches, the arm pieces 9 by 9~ inches.' • " • 'l'o obtain ~omprele eroebetJn, tJlltrilc-
.... .....;.• .,. .... - -
/. ~
. (. <\ .- '
. ~ ." Ii
OHIO LUMBER- AU kIDde, drelSlcI or rouSb. Pine. oak anlt poplar In all lenltba: Ruaon.ble pricee. AU ordera, lal'll or Iman, will be delivered. AOY UMB, Phone Wayne.vllIa 2701.
RATES: One cent ' per word, minimum charge, 25 cent•• Three In •• rtton. for the price of two. Form. clo.e WIdner dllY noon. '
FOR SALE- Sweet potato planta &Octll, per hundred. All kinds of
garden plan-ttlo-lG- eta. per dozen. Negleoted for most of tbe sea. DON'T FORGET TO .CALL' CRAB. C. STROUSE, 1% mlleB son to date, but not IntenUal1y, us for insuJance. All types 0 nortb of Waynesville, at corner let'B w;rHe 'copy on tbe H,year-oid
American Legion tare 80 well. losing 13·2 Bellbrook In a game that SllW tile losers trot out four hurlers to stem the tide. Carter started but hot weather plu8 leveral Jnfield errors along with Jim SlIlckett's lordly third baBe clout finished the willowy right· hander at the close of three heats wlOI Harold' Stanley. the jack ,or all pos:Ltlons for WayneBvll'le, ap· pearlng- tor two tnnlng,B, follow· ed by lDonny Pope and Jim Jooee "'ho hurled an Inning apiece.
of Waynesville, Ferl'Y and Lytle husUln~ Gray's Ba.rber . Shop ma. Francis Gene Br.own, phone road8. 6t'6.3t naged by Orville Gray a.nd ably Wnyne v ille 247? or call col- -~---,...-------- ~ assisted by Bill Sawy~r. These good ad· Stanley', u showed to17& pound Iret, Wilmington 21! 1. OUS,TOM SPRA TlNO - ' For lade are stepohlldren In the Trl. righthander, vantage· during his two Imtlog weeds in corn. Also have for sale County loop because tbelr games FOR ALE-Protectogral)h check - 2, .·D concentrate, "" trick allld probably w111 ascenil writ!!... F.JJlccllc nt · condition $6.00. weed killer, 60 . per 'cent atronger have to commence at 1 p"!n: pro· the mound next Sunday against mptly and be over by 8 p.m. un· The MIami Gazette, Phone 2143. Harveysburg at the latter's dla' than most othere. Sprayeri tor less they can play ' tbelr limit of mond. :Both POl'e, hurling hIs lillie. W . L. Sheehan. Phone Way. six Innings beforehand , . which first thiJIe, and Jones [ndl~ated Is Quite dlfUcult to accomplish In nesville 11111. ' .. '. that wllth ,a little more work moat lJistancets. TberefoN! I . bethey tellO might prove very ' cap' BANK RUN 'GRAVEL- Loads'l. Ileve that many of the folks w~o able relief hurlers, so It. may be at Davis 11'urnas Pit. 60 , cenu watch tbe ol,<ier Legion ' PQat 6,,5 tbat tbe locals' sOUlld thu.m plng nIne talJ to come In time to cubic yard. We allo' deliver. ARM· watch these younger to-be mlgbt llJave been a blel\slng , In . ITAOE &: SON, Phone 2091. tf perfoTl? :... your mls81ng a. rel\ol disguise. there wlll be no more Although tiet as n that clas8 the pla.yerll CUSTOM BALING uSIIa.Uy are tnterested In J 'just. Trl·County· gamea, at hame, (or R, C. LaRUE playing' Instead of worrying wbe. the nellt five weeks, efforta a~e RT. I, WA YNEBVILLl!!, OHlO 'ther their beat gal. Ie ' In the park PHONE 2800 or whether the scouta are sftoop· Ing. Anywy ' YOU look at It" thlll ,EXCAVATI NO country wl~t be savJI!) , or loat- by The hail seaIOn it here! . With BulldoEer A: Shovel, for tbe generatJo1l IIi tbe lower WIIUNQ Protect your crope wflb • basements, PO~d8, levYll' and cle· school grades ilow. . . Wfl In, ol,lr . REPAIR lOund, een.ible Hail In. land. Estimates fur.n lshed. early or late 20's and 30'8 , have INSTALLATIONS surance 'suffered' too much, to ' bear UB , PolicV., W· N. UPTON, Wilson Rd" , (rol. talk, an therefore don't put out CIIII Today For Quick With production COIla II) east of Waynes., · Ph. SprIng· the real effort ' that we could be , Efficient 8ervlce high, Hail Inlurance ,Is ley 36111. .' 69-6t capl!-ble of doing, and that doel' ..more neceuary than eYer WAN'rED- CUStom Baling, 12c: not only refer to the atbletlc world eIther. ' before. CIIl Lebanon 677·X M. J. Holl· Anyway Gray's came through ~ONE 2678 Ingswoith. S9·3t 'wIth their first 'offlclal league H~il In.~rance p~ W AmESVILLE CUSTOM ;BALING:- With Bale- vi~tory last weekend. slamming I ~_ _,_________..:: your inveltment, ..... . out a 7-8 victqry over Bellbrook, your income. O·~atlc Wire-~I. uniform tenllon In a «ame that saw Williard ' , on , anT w.llllt bale ntied. W. Purdue limit the visitors to three ' See call UI today. Buy L. Sheeban, Phone Wayneavllla ..fetles besidee tanning eight. Hail Insurance 2191. ' Billy Kler, the smallest perform. - - - - - - - - - - ' -,- -er for Gray's banged out' a double H(~~8E', $4;' COWl. t4 lI'OR SALE- StAtlol1eJ.y wasb with the bues Joaded in the t.vbl with fittings. Used only two fifth to give Gray'. their wlnnlDC montbl, $16. " R. D: CHAPMAN, margn, with Bm Barton'. three Phone Waynea. 2712. hlte being. h1gh-aUDlt for the' wba. FOUND- Sack -Of m;al -on- Spr. neni. Bill Stubbs performed well ao e, MULIERRV IT, IngbOro Road. Ownar 'may claim at flret bue ,lterenslrel,. same for ' payment of ad. ~bUMBJNG and ELECTRICAL LEIANON, OHIO 'Call WaynenUle ,28~1. contrllctinl. . All worll gultraBteed to be Code: Pbone Waynetl. 2868. Comln:g loon, -l'he WAA. 8urpriael
in urance at a. savings.
Sherwio-WiUiams Paints,
, RED. BIR 'D FLOUR, 6 lba. -
~.~~ . ~~ - ~~~--~~
W~ynesville .Locker
IIi~U!ll11111111111111111111111111111ll111111111111111111111~llllllli~II~IIIIII~IIIIIIIII~II!1111111111111111!I~ml1IIIIIItml llllmII I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW!!1111111111111111I
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WAYm::&!,¥I , "I
You can where t s loa(lin2 0
'IH:!nwr. 2704
~ ~ I....
Phon~ :W~vn••vill. 2834
IATI...lee .
ID. .. to! 'WLW OIaaln""tl for Our 'Dnll'
it, baacUe it aDJloadiDg mel ...... .
in' ODe year without breakdown) means 10 yean eetYice Oft avenge farm, PaJl fer itself quickly. see yoUr dealet todayl. .
th ,. Electn-c SeIVl-da S..... ••-FOR ELECTRIC NEEDS
.~i."fe"8 "",;o"ilfIO.
NORRI,8 B!'!OCt< COMP,,"'v Clncln"atl linton Stoe. Yard. Llv. Wlr• • "cI. PNllr••llv •• ,." ~j.atlOIl ~n" "'0 ' IIone . atrlethr on the - .... all .......... marleet In the
we by eleoperators (over ..SO,ODer bu.
Phone Collect
ear com,
""br O. 1712 or j"ll' qg,on~ O. 2362 ,
6 FOR .25
EC\kins' -M arket
FOR BALE- ',!'WO ' 'matl:hln~ 9.x12 congoleum rugs, Uke new; pin,· - ;'Chl', l U ,' l ' <\ ~ c nnd condition pong table. CaU PrestOQ'II, Way, ,: A ll ~l "" ' '''''Hl 'r/I pro l\pUy. • ' I 2929. Plants Itf aU kinde. . '. co'lt(B-. ....00;
For Dates, Phone' Waynesvi11~ Ohio; 2894 (reverse charges) . .
10 ' Po.UNDS~ 92c • 25 POUNDS, $2.29 • 45c , CALlF.ORNIA NEW WHITE POTATOES; 10 M.L ~GE LOAF BREAD, 16c
We Worth Watchh,,' Forn
-"'--'- --
.Karl D. Dakin
:Dead Stock
'_ uee AgencJ
mo.t clear to all colla@rned. It ' was an unfortunate aocldent slnee , I, In the role of Lellon manale,r shOUld n~t han per· mltted Stanley to warm up II) close to the playing fIeld lueU.
btllng made to , twl.Ugbt conteltl ' midweek for both local baseball club... This sltuatJon reo suited due to neceBsary schedule changes, which . placed the local~ at home Col' tour conliscutJvs weekI. We are pleased to state that Nolan Stansberry was pronounced fltras.a.flddle Illst Monday morn. Ing by Dr. AI Stout, who had aleo examined Mm ' Sunday afternoon Immediately followLng the.' accld. ent when one of Stanley's warm. up pltohes "took-orr" and conked
FUTURE SEWRITY You can repay frem farm Income. No , change In contract ., no renewals.
pe~ c~n
Term- 4
UII,Leban'4[)'n '/
TAR ... aOADOu.
LAWIt . . . PIU. DiRT ,
. «8
I)onk.~ EvangeUatic .~ jtiat clo.ed Seyen weelta at Cincinnati ', - Larg••t me,etever held. - Over 7800 people healed of alI 'i nanner of & ...e. and infbmitie.. THE,DEAF HEAR. THE DUMB, SPEAK, THE BLIND SEE. ' .
·3$00'50u'l. s Converted at·. Cincinnati •
r -,
JUNE· 25
Meeting' Day _lid Night Off Route 42 w••t of Wayne.vllie.
Baseball ,. ~
, ,, if"f ' . '.
" U~I'1·L.....~""""-' 'DO IT,
nJURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1949
FLOOR SANDER FlOOR EDGER FLOOR POLISHER' S:;~~T~~~4e~ PllInta - Varnish ~ FLOOR FINISH KITS Refinishing Floors)
Don't Miss It .
Talking It Over A Column of Comment .". The EdItor
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 •
. NINET~.NINTH YmAR, ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY, 1860 eeveral ~tlDeDt pointe. con. cernJns: the traffic IltnaUon I Iii WaynesvlUe were brousht to tile attentJon of the CIvic Club ' Ilt Its recent meeting. It Is good t9 know that a jp'Oup of actJve clUsene eucb &I the Civic Olub Is Interested enougb In tbe' well·fare of the community to go on record to promote 1m. provements for the benefit aU: Probably tile mOllt eully . ac. , "Ro~e ~urt" the New Eng~d compJllhed Improvement . that Colonll~l home of Everett, Schucould be made with ' little or no' mac,her, located on Maple Street effort on anyone's part ' 'WOuld be in Harveysburg was' among the IlII the Clvlo Glub recommended places of visitation in the Warren II keep the traffic light at the It>: <;:ounty 'P ilgrimage, held June tersectlon of MaIn and, North lite. 25th and 28th. In action 24 hour" a' day. After The home considered to be of the lIgbt Is turned • oft In the the most cultural in the 'village nenlng. beu,. trucks roar thrn was ereot!!d in 1839 by William the town at "lIpeedl w:eO"In excells Harvey 'for whom the town was of the limltll Imposed by t Baf.ty named. Mr. Harvey's wife, Eli~' aM (lommOn lIenle. beth .established Ib.e first free Another recommendation' made school for 'Negroe's in the ~orthby the Cll\l~ would ~ the erection west'rerritory. ; of 0 "Ko U, IIlgn at the cor· The 'Schumacher's home is ner or Main and , Third Itreete. charmingly 'fumlshed with many Till. Intersection la Ulled exten- specimens of anti furnitur alyely by aotollli to make a U d la~ t ' tielq4e i th e tum on MirJn, relultlns In con. an e ra e ar es 0 e more tuAlon and the tieing up ot trar- modern era. At the end of ·the fie. patio in the re~ of the house. the Theae hro Imall Impro'Yementa rolliQd'g lawn is grac~! wi th a rose cllul4 be made. 'at lIttl'\' e~nle gar en. and wIth Uttle ',effort an.d WOUld, "------::---we b'e1£en, ~eatly IIllproYe the traffic Iituatlon In WaynelViOe.
• "Rose ·Court" Is AFeature .of Anoual Historic Pilgrimage
JaCK T'inney, 17. son · of former Waynen111e resident, Sherman Tinney, now of 1II1aml, Fla., waa , credIted last Wednesday with bavlog saved Charles Reed and daughter, Nancy, 6. after they were caught by an undertow at Haulover Beach, MiamI. . ~e d laid that he was. swim· lning with hll' ctaughter on ' his back when the undertow took them Into- d,"!'p water. When ehe frantically grabbed him by the neck, be went under and Tinney 'came to the r4lscue. .
'ORCH OF L •••."
•• day we, set .it, and summ;ar ' , 1at's .not 101le
each. of us, , 'Ajt:Ja!!l8h
;rncfdentailr, I eoa 1l0~ bl~lm tbe local SOTernlng ~y for many Impro'Yemenll wblch we would Uke to ilee made In Wa7nesvWe, but which . bave not been acco.pUahed. Too often we bear the remark, "WbT don.'t the,. do tho. and 80, the 'YIllage. counoll never ceta any thine done." It might be well to realise that often the bandB of , the council are . tied b" (1) lack J o( money (2) state lawi ,and regulatlollll (3) lack of cooperation on the part of local c,tJsena and land ownen, It I.a ' unfair to coDdemn a group ,that II doIng a sreat amount qf ",ork for 'YelT Ilttle com,PenaatiOD without lJL'Yesttpt'1...
Stanforths Entertain Advisory,' Council -
The South Wayne .Advisory <;:ouncil met for their JUne session ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stanforth on Friday evenif\g, with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell, Mr. ahd Mrs. R. H Hartsock, Mr. Charles Stan' Md Mr. altd Mrs. W ",i,,,''W ~. ~, as guests. omen· on ili,e Fa~ was the -topic for the discUS810n period, and many interesting remarks wer~ heard. Mr. Starr alao talked. on the farm programs. The Council adjourned wiU. pip _ : ~ DJtIA of" ' COUIlcO
eiGht of the fairs" make on wblch we . selves to U.tns .r_,mo crB~Uc:sU:,.
The Mianii ~ett8 ' f
, -' ' .
' ..., , ,. .
Legion,Post Plans F:_U ,Progr,aID
~::!O~heBa::Udr!:urOf ':II!.:!~ the deUnQUent 1Iata for
mUDIi1' oft
For.' Safe And -San July ',Fourth
' ,e N
!:;~~;, .~:~.: . t!=:rt~:rI~! S
w' W~eavtlle'a PlaJground operat. Flr,eworka. · . ,98 four da,.s 'WeOl,., Tue...,. Your 2Ii cen~ donatlon ' which through FrldaYII from 1 :10 to Its ,you to the, ground a . wIll L\"T . LE KITCH. EN KOOKER. , 4:10 p.m. alao entitle i -ou fo a. chance 011 the door prize. ' By Eveanna Bunnell JIDjOY ' a -'Mre I~d "~ne lI'ourth Tbe Litle KJtchen Kookera CoH With' YOUt ' friends ' ,a t the Waynel. Club met Thurllday, JUDe 1~, at y QI8 HtgIl ScboOl grounds, the home , of .. Nanc), ' Baird w.lth , .. Y " . MaTJorie RoilS In charge and c.rOl " , Lonpcre pre.ld!ns. Ill DisOUlle1on concel1led a propos' --.....
10 p.m.-
Financial Tr.obles Threaten Fatore Of Local Playgr~aod
Waynesville's flrat plaYSfound Is In . danger ot ,cloalng at the halfway mork due to the le,arolty of funds , accordIng to Bob O'Regan, ohalrman of the Ohlc Club commit tee · In charge' of local YOlJ tb ~ctlvlt1ea. ; . This week completea the third week of play under the Inper... Ion 'of Charles PrIce, 'WIth reg· MR. AND MRS_. C. G. MILLER Istratlon havIng reached a total HOSTS TO COUNCIL of 6,9 children to da~, _ ·Mr. 1Hid Mrs. R. G. Miller were . ''We started wJth but ,60 from host spd hostess to the Rain'bow the Civic ClUb," sald O'Regan, AdvisoJ:Y Council ' on Monday ','wblch amount ~as Increased by evening of the past week, with a .$50 grant trom th. local Moth· Mr. Charles StI\rr, a sa guest For er's Olub. Last week'B all cartoon the discussion period the topic' ,shoW' n,eUed but $19.65, although was . "Value- of WoO:en on the an $8.00 c1b!1at1o~ wu recel~ed " from the lI'l'Iend1a Home. Inae· Farm, also the fa~ programs' muoh aB Dae planround equipwet e m~re fully ~xplamed. ment repreaenta aome and ,The council adjourned to meet Mr. Price's 'Ial~ Ia $10 pel' w~ in July, place to be announced the present r _ _ .m DOt ~, later, and dUring the" social hour, all bUlB. '• Mrs. Harold Wertz was in charge: . "Therefore, be ' d4ed, "I-' 1 am of the games' a'nd clellcioIU wa~- hopins that &0 readerll of the, .melon was served by Mr. and.r.Irs. ~I, o.zette and others, too. Miller; w:lll fllid It In theIr' heart. to ••nd aome contrlbutioD ' to our treu· urer, .Jamea .JoDe., iW~enflle
, The Wayn"svUJe American Leg· IOn Poat 616 have plans compJ,et· 4Id for tbe Fourth Annual FoUl'th of July Celebration Monday on the grroundB of the Wa~ea"'" High School . A fine aChedule of evente ... been planned tor all meni1iel'l of the family. The Ichedule,' day IDcludea '
-----.;...i:----~_:__.a..-....:o.......-:...,-------' ------~-'------__'t~
MrS. H!a'-ey SaCk,elt Elterta.- s Club
eookfe we
the ~ _~~~~I
8!t.....rf 'OPtn'bl· fI ~fi!rtili{lh: etadlee · Wy~ U:JO p.m.- . lJIIl8ba'l, 0raJ> :MIJ' and .,. ~ ., " , '.'I1I"':"~.:JII""• ." otten baaed on here.."aiI! not Du· ' th . Ih d . VB, ~eY8bw:g:. , ,~blJ~ period,. w1l1 eD . 9n ThUJ'llClay. The Dext meetln'" 'WID be beld ._;, th ~ ~'R_ or actualltJea. nng e socia our encions 2:80 p.m.-o-· Baseban, Wayntl •• .rune 30. It has , been ':&JUl0'!-'lced at .the home' ot Charlotte" and eae .aor 41 ..ane m..._ tile . • • • ' .~:':;~:. cake· 'and ice cream :vIDe Legion. Post VS. Wllmlngt()n .~ Hosp~tal Car.e corpal r~t1on, .ca.r,oIYn' Burnelt., ThUrsday . Jub' ~:wRo~~~~u!'!:b ::..::.;~, " LIons Club. . dnolnnotl. Until then. B ue r~1II 1 t 7 '80 ' ' A, a atep In the modernization \ ' 6:80 p.m .....:. Softball, .00dUmers ·1s ~ccepting , ~embershlp allPU. ,a . . noon. game. ,. ' ". , cations from .anyone w.ho,1' selt. • •• '" Arter 'reapoDle. to the roD call of t)1e equIpment and faclUttelt-or MO.8QAN FAMILY REUNION the Maml Ouette, a Dew device The family: reunfon or, tbe late 12 noon to 10 p.m.-':' All' bingo, employed, , unemployed, or who SEW' 80 CLUB I. . bad been given, the Preddent for addrelaIn, the pa~ra was re- Edward B. Morr;an and SU8l~ tood and -other booths open. works for a finn with 10 or less By Donna Hadley welcomed Mm. Marie lUffte .. a ' cently Inatalled, To place thla Morgan EvIlllJl wal beld recently 8:30 p.m.- Variety Show, employees. Tbe Waynelvllle Sew So -4·H member of the Club. ' All applications must ~ pQSt· Club met Tbursday. June 28, at The prosram coiDmlttee. · lI.... machIne in acton It was neceu· at the. country home of Mr. and ary to mak~ a completeb' new Mn. HI/II'ac.e Shaner', daugb~, marked no late.r than . mIdnight, tbe honie of Oharlene EdeDfleld Emerlon lllarnhart .and' lin. B••. copy of our mamDS lIat. Blnce VickI, and Mr. ' and Mrs. WIlliam 5 ' ,~ ~ June 30, ~ order ~ be. ellpble, Mtll Mrs. Klontz In charge and: EUls, . thlln were Introduced. loin. the -. old malU~ tilt Wall Inaocur- Holland. • I It was sta~ed. AppUcat;lons may WlibemlDa , Braddock preBldlq. Earnbart preHDted II;r. . DOD ' ate and worn It ts pollalb~e that . The enUre. famUy 'Was together "~na6 ' . oml! be 8ecured at the Waynl!8vllle The meeUng wu opel\ed in Gehris, wbo dellghted hW aadlen· National Bimk. reguJilr torm. The roll call wall ce .by. slnl!ilng the alw~ popular . t.bere are erroril In the ~ame8 an~ tor the first tlme In 20 ,y~ars, the addrel8es of lome subscribers as. occaalon honored the visit of tlte anllwered by telling how you w~t and bea~~ Dumbers, "Old lIan Miss Henrietta MclDnny- of th", appear on 'the papere each oldest daug~ter's fllmlly from As~tabula was a guest . e,t the your flnJlIbed' proJect to ,_ook. ' River'" ~ci , "Wltbout a 8oq,~ week. Florida, . " "Home for a 'tew d~ys· tIl1a week. Nine members 'Were present. , ' 'He 'Wu ,accomp.loDled bJ . lira. We would sreaUy 'appreclate It Present trom ·Florlda were: -Dr. Dr. E.inJna HoUoway, Misse.. ~~ . Marilyn Gons, Joan LaRue, and GabrIs: MrI, .. rern TroutyllUl, 'Wllo If you would let us kno'W If · your ErtJe Mo~gan Smith and Mr. ,Ruth and Elizabeth Chandler Donna Badley attended f.H camp Is bOltlllS ' at ~tatlon WPnI in Dame and addreu t~ not eorrectHarry "Smltb ot St. Pe~er8burl', spent last weekend at North Man, t .Camp. Ollfton, Oblo, a ahort, IoIIddletown 'Was I;hell Introclll0e4. on )'our paper thla week. TbanU their daughter's family, Mr. and chester, Ind. the guellts of Mrs, report was given. She announoed as her su.ject. to thOle wbo bave .Iet us know of Mrs. , WUbur Willis and daugbter Stella Bone In the PeaJlody. It was decided 'to have a plcnfc "You Are Jl&dJo" and In the cour· nec~ary cbanges, theae will be Martha Kay of Oklawaba, ,F la. ' Home there. Bowers:vme Is tl].e second round July 1-1 and invite tbe t,ytle Sew· se ot her talk told' many Intermade immedtately. Tbe gUeBtS we.r e entertained by Miss Jessie Garner and 1111'8. opening game opponent for the Ing Club. . !pItlng facts abqut tllllI newer - - a BOlo and ! muuc by BetteloD Lucile AJ>mltage attended the Al· 10c8,I Ainerlslln l.oglon Rost 61.5 ,'.~fre~m~-.JOO:~re~ , loDd "'HIIB IiBd'51PlV8r everyooe a corW. are sorry. that II.n error tnMei-edlth, a student of the Cln· len (amlly reunIon at Mather's nine ~s Sunda,' at th~ tormer's cike were served. , dial iDvltatiOD to stop at ·t he .tatthe ato~ ~llcernlD:8' llie Wa7Dee· chinatl Co'nl!ervatol'Y o,f. Music. MlIls park on Sunday. stadlum at 3:15 p.m.. At 1 I).m.' ' The ne~ meeting Will , be held Ion and report worthwbUeact. ville playgrouJul .pro~ might ~ullical selections alB9 were' Mrs. Alfred HetDke. of Fr~kll.D Grai'a Barber Sbop tang~s with at Wayne Park, Mon~y, July 11 ·tv1tles tbat could be bro~cut. bat . led readers to .belleve that preliented . by ' Mrs. Wilbur WIl11s, Oblo is a guest at the Home lor the ' Bowersvllle ,Junlcrs. · at 11 :30. Club members who wl.l This belne the last meetlq for DO on,e la r~'P.ODalble for their Martha Kay Wlllls, Mrs. Donald the 's ummer. .~ .'. Victors 'over , Bower~vtUe iil take part In the program [ot the tl;lls year, ~rs. Asb1117. , In 'a I(raecblldren:s • actlvttlea at the play· Morgan and Donna Jean Morgan. M~, 'Leab M'lIs, has been en. their opening .olash, , the local' next meeting are: Charlene Ed· luos manner and ' a few w~ll claoe.Pound. ' . " , "burtet s~yle dinner was ser· j!lylng a week's vacatlo)l at the team Is "not favored to win, as enfield and Donns. Hadley. .n wordS, prellented the pTel to Quite tile contralT. The s~ry ved at noon. I home of he.r son, WnUam Stro- Coach OhlttJ'" warriors bave _ • _ Mrs. S. S. Eilts wbo ,Ia to Hr'Y8 should have Informed you . ~..t no Otherll present were: Mr. and use and wlff'! In L7-tle. ciUpped Spring Valley and Center· BETSY ROSa 4-H CLUB. as president the coming Jear. one' Is responalble .for the ~blld· Mrs. skJq Meredith (Edna), Mrs. Martha Henderson was hos. ville in their laet twe) starts, ~d '. By Lois LUkens ' Mrs. EW, &I gracloualJ accept. The Betsy: RosB ' Sewing and ed It and named two mem~N to 'ren', actlvltlea at tbe 'playground Mr. and Mrs. Norman 'Meredith tess to Misses' Henrietta Mc'K!n. II~ playing ~t home . will have all durllic off hou," " I , and chlldre~, Donn1~ ~d Cheryl, sey" Ruth and Elizabeth Chand. natur... advantagI91. . CookIng 4-H ta~b ' met Weue. !IIrve on the Executive COmmItThe playBlWDd Is open, from Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Ankeney and ter at the YUm'Yum Inil Dear , Eltller J;>1UUlY SJmpson, Harold day June 22. at - Harveysburg tee, 1 : 80 to f :40 p.~ Tuesdays chtldren, Johnnie. Sa~ and' NeU, ' Dayton on Jl'rlday evening. Staol~Y or' Red "Rol.!,~lns 'W1ll '1 as" High Scliool with V~ola Hartsock .After adJournment; ~e Club Mr. Paul Dak.1h visited hIS cend the mound ' for the Iccalll; In oharge and Martha Lukenl enioyed a aOotai bour an.d the , through Fridays, ~d at all other Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Morgan, tlmla there lB no one ~nlll~le .Mr. and Mn, Donald .MorgaD and mother, ·Mt's. Ella Da\dn' Sunday with S,tanle,. or, ~b.blns dclllng prealdlns. , hoatl'Ss, served a delicious i&1a4 for the children" actldU4MI. daughter. Donna Jean. lIIr. Wln- afternooD. " the miLBk and ",lUI accord,lngb', The ,mInutes were re~d ana ap- course, ." tere Riley. Mr. Robert lJo~; Dr. Gale Rnaaum, Mr. and .1IIra. ' proved. J\ motion was made and Gueat. were IIr. and loin. Don Motber, are JOU lookiN for Mr. J , R. Baker' of Rlcbmond, Robart Kerese,. and two uto.e ANNOUNI~E BIRTH seconded that our bill, be paid. GehriS; Mrs. Marie ·Rlflle, lira. BOmetblns dJrterent to ""e' the l.ndJana. , daughters 'ot , Dafton visited tIleir . IIr. and Mrs.. John ParrJsb of A motion, wae made tbat we ago Boo'Y,e r ~d Otue daughter,. N~CT. faDLIly oyer the Fouith ot Job" Tbe bost4lSll, Mrs. Horace Sh· aUDt MIBa Marsaret lDdwarde Fourth street ' are announcing the aln hove a style , Bbo'W and a tea and ' Mrs. Ralph HaatlnCs: You .'W1U find some colbrful, tub" aner, Is the daul$bter of Mr. and Sunday molnin,. . ,I 'birth of a aeven: pound> 111% ounce later on this ' IIUmmer. Lola Lu· ALL STARa WILL P'~V and eIlIIy·to-prellare sn«geaUons in Mn. Sam Mer~dlth. Mrs. Clarence BerryhUi lpeot boy, born MondllJ, June 211. Both kenB, :j;ue ' Fairchild, Judy Hougb, CRACK TEAM 8UNDAY ' the Houllebdld lIe$08 column lit FrIda, arternoQn " --th Mis.... mother. and lion are , ~ 40ing fine. and MIriam Tretmeyer ,rere ap· . , Of' ....... .. mmlt._The ,Wayn.aville Atblfltlc Aam. thll ·week'a MIami Gazette. It·s · ~ Annie and Mame Bro-n. .. • point"'" to be, on the co..... , " ~., Boftball All Stars will meet aD on. pase three'. ' ~1oI18ses Minnie Dodion and Ruth Lou and loIarUnl Bummers of 'E~u for th, tea. , All star "Colored team' from Qed. ~a" Ch....dler. atteDded tb,e . ~ew Oen· GaWe. I'la. entertained IIrs. Slam· Sue :fa!rchUd gave . a . demon' arvtUe and WUberforee ~ .Mr. ~d~.~S· GSle,:,!:,>' MrBc?tdend, ANDER80N N. BA'RNETT tury Club , at the .bome of ,Mra. meN' brotlier, B:1ll Risli, and D<lD :r~tto.?'a:~!;: .~~:mR~chto:~ eventng at W~e hrIL Mr. an o1UI'a. • .......... • an Harvey Sackett on Frfd-ay after· LIndamood from Dayton, for ~e e en • tra" IOther "amea sch-"ule4 for tile .._ L V ' Branatrator Mrs. Andersoq N., Barnett. 91, paiS' noon. Marcia Radar pve a demolls ... . .. .... ~''::::'" S'mith " and Mr. an'd ••-.' ed away at. the home o~ hi. lIOn. Mrs, Ella Johnson and Mr. Ter. past ten days, laD on how. to make pineapple ,and locals include: July 10, All Stan _.,7 WUIt 0 W vIllA Ro te 1 d-' h They vs. Neils (Darton); July 17. All wen, aynea '" u " on I'Y Johnson and wife of CInclnn. M-. Harold OSborne, Lebanon, cottage cbeelle ean ..~o ea. Ernest B u tterW0 rib W ere Satu- W4Idneada" June 28. AD were later eerved with Sfape Stars VB. Frtgldalre Plant 2, day evening guests 0' Mr. and Sprylvors Include: one daught- atl calJed on MIaIl MInnIe Dod· apeDt several daya the past ,!eelt Juice, to ~e mamba",. The Ne11ll Bar nln. II rtiou"DI Mrs. M. A. Cornell in Oakwood, er, Rebeeca GI&ls of Blackwater, son Tuesday atternooD. wIth ber aunt alid unole, Mr, and The nine glrlB who weot to a record of ten 'W1u 'and ODe . . . when they entertained the Cbeer- va.; (; lIOns, Howard, Idaho. Or. Ml8aes ElI..beth Ohandler and ,D elbert pGltlIer. ' camp gave a talk 00 the thlngll 80 far thla seuoD. ful Circle. ven, of WaynelylUe, lDDoch, Will- Henrietta MeKlnseJ 'Were - dinner ra On Ju17 10 tile W.A..A. peats of Mr. and IIrs. Ronald they did there. . ODe quut. lin. Lawreoce lac- Ing 'WUI be beld wltIL .wart. of • Ie, ~d I'ranklln, of Blaekwater, HawiJ,e on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rou H. Hart- Va.; 60 graDclcbJldren and 61 Charley EIlliI, 1100 of Mr. and ob", was preient. ., a pop-up touter••uIIIIcrlptloll to soek was caUed to CincinnaU on great1P'lUldclllldren. loin Roy ElUa was Tile DeB 'meeUng w:lll .,. ,beld the MIamI ~tte, ...-. . .~ FrIday on aCC10UJlt of the aer10us Funetal service. were held Bat- ~t of lira. ~cJ1e ~~:':~ The Council the . Village or at the Harveyaburg So~l. Wed- (from II1ud ~ ilIDese of'the later'a brOther, lICr· unlay at I p.m. at the FaIrview Tu......,. W&JIUI8vtlle receive appUcat- neada)" June 29 at 1 :80 p.m. Co.), 10 pound .... or fbIr (Ina -1Iomer Deathenge, who pUII!d Baptillt Chureb, n~ BeUbrook. IIr. ';'4 1011'1. Arthur . ZeD or lou aDd appllcantl tor Club memben 'Who 'Will take Ralph Smith INOUJ), DCnIIIIII of on Saturdat, Funeral aeryBurial".. made In tile ....... Pa. eaUe4 OD III.... IIame 8tNiIt on the eYenlng part In the prccram tor tile .D nt coff. . (floal . . ~. poeleu were held on Tueada1,' JIIOI'Il- view eemete17 bJ &lIe Stu1»ba and ADDle 8rowD TIlandar mor- qf IDIJ" I. '1 :10 o·clock. meet,... are Gloria lD'" eJ7). and ,fiYe pUou cal III .... FWleral Home.. ' DIJII. , _. IItII. ~or BOlJlb, IDd laDe&. (hIUnoD' ......,. ,
BowersYl.D· Nelt' For leg-Ion' ,Team
' •
. ,
Tbunday, JUIle 30, tNt
GOP LeaderS Rap Demo Depression And Plan Bill to .Meet Situation; BranilaonPlan Held Farm Vote 'Bait'
ewe·st Dru 9 Fig hts Fever
Quiescent Communism, like the worm In the bud, wal crcepln, .wlfUy through China as \he pre.ence ot .
~~:~lt~onqueror. be,an to make
At one viDage meetinl in IIOrthern China, a man. bewildered and LOUISVILLE. KY.-The army be·' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . dlsm d b th t th R I lleves chloromYCetin will make 1he '.DlmB'a Iton, w, •• _,1.1 . . . . ~!. .~,r..... 'ID Ih •••••••••• , are 'II ... of aye. y. e use 0 e UII an Bot Ulough BJldJ ' "ountry mu"b sater' a"alnlt b. . .&en N ••• paper 111li0ii'' . . . . . . . ...,... aD4 Dot Deetlaulb' of WI .....paper.) hammer-and,slckle flal In ~ ~ . . Communist meetings tand ·parade.. FOR YEARS In the UnIted State. phold In wartime. • ventured to rise apd ask a quea, .enlate Harry Byrd. D.e mocratlc This was b~dicated by Col. Wlltion;- ' len.tor' from Vlrltb)la, lIa. been. lIam Spencer. Stone, · Waahinaton. T R '. Bait Is Sei ''WHY IS THIS DONE?" he' sald. lone ·.cllolst In the interest' of the chief of army medical rellearch. Grasl Op elouree, There wa. more to the Brannan "Russia I, a forelan country and American taxpayer. HI. theme who eame ·bere to diic.uSI comCattlemen ASlert federal farm program than bad we are Chinese." son, bas been ,ovemment waste munlcable-dlsease control In a Grasil Is one of the greatest' Nmet the eye. Accordin' to ....oned And the presiding pOlitical com- and extravag.nee. He hal .y.t.. lectur'e .ponsored !:ly Alpha O.mep sour~ell of thil natLon. In the Unlteel~ Wuhin&tOn observers, the plan' missar IIna ed ''This .ubj t Is matlc~ly 0 p po. e d the ever- Alpha, medical fraternity of the States there are approximatelY ·~cl ..rve u ' a bait for the farm not on the ::enci.... ec Increalln, appr,oprlations tor ,ov- University ' of Loui.vllle · .ollool of 779 mllUon acres of land which tote . In the congressional race. About the ani>' thin, '. that did ernment .upport ot. the b.ndout- medicine: Colonel stone was grad- will srow nothing but bay, ,ras. IIUt ,.e.r. .how up on the alenda throu,bout .eeldnli people, and the eveI'o uated at the U. of L. medical .chool and other berba,e unfit for bu· For JDltance, If .amlnlstratlon the country WJlII the ' puzzled but Inc~easin, army of bureaucr.ta. in ·192P. . man consumption, ready acquiescence of the ChIne••. So hal b~n bls effortl Colonel Stone pointed out that Thl. great ac'rea,e representl Ie·. den could extend wartbn. price IUJ)pOrti fOr another year. It would to Communist rule. . that bit recentb" called fortli this enteric 'diseases-those '1 per cent of the tot~ land of tlie. live votera a pan on the .tatem~~nt trom President Truman: tood or wllle'r' beIng ,Iven nation. About II per ceDt of the .~aJal. Bnnnan plan. , 'l'bus Aa • result, the nation appeared "Tbere are too many Byrdl In the special attenli/m by army researem- lands In the United Statel are . . ~ ' could be l ClaneltHh u a to be well on Its way to a.sumlng .enate."" . .n. The diseaae. bave low incl· plowable but are ' used all~ to prO-' ....... JIld • recular wWln, .ateWte 'lbat atatement m.,. or may not denc. DOW be .ald b ut If safe- duce pas ture. b ay or tor.... or orbit . . or0p., m .....r ..._ woen De mopr__ ~Ue8DI bepn .trqllln., tor FOR THE MOST PART th o ere have ~.d .nythln, to do the JUards .u~b a • .wa'ter an4 mllk It can be concluded, therefoN. &&..- . -........ ftl farm vote were lifted. the number that about 1\0 per cent 01 the Unltecl, .... \......... --., ( bave been no .1 ..... of coercion or fact tha t th e number 0 t Byrd II. In "on'-nl. ~ .. ,. AT • ~~estem Dem~~Uc compulsion In ..the 'relationship. tbe .en.te are Increasln,. Two of ca... would akyrocket because States would not be uled If it war. ::,.fe="a~c:.~=~'H!:~ci There is every evidence that the others have deflniteb" ,olned, .nd the , population bas developed Ut~ not for meat .nlmal•. "'''-irman of the ' national Chinese CODlJllunillt. .re In f.ct wbat waa the Byrd .010 II now, at Immunity. .. lI'"'"ra'" ''-v _,..... • lea.t, trio with th. ponlbW'" In. .lmlJar 'Itu'tlont{, • bre,all:-: - -1 "cr.tI" -mmlt'·e. mad.', • ea,er to tollow the ' dictates of ' os ,. , d U8ID"< ,. ~_ ... Moscow. And that revelation .bould thet It may soon become. chond. down of water .aruta on cause (Ile. for dteallon of th. pric~ 1UPL II.OQO c.... of typhoid . In Berlln pqft .plopam.. th.y be,an'l to be en01!,n to destroy any lllu$lon ..... fo. economl.. III .... ft W ld W P18n for next 7e.... tu,-of.w.r witb EJ[..(JemllillJll" ':41tor ·Loul. that 'the Chinese ·Communist. are pver')lmeDt operatioD. .. IIOt a er or \ ar :11. ~" ' I j .... G6:P. Baele. I. aIloWll a. be told a just .lmple a,rarian reformera: DOW laa aapopUlar III the aapst Dra.. Flahtt . ..oJ ....Oa IIcGr.~ maldDa It pl.1o tIlat the .euto· committee that GerTbey are whole-hearted. com- boc1J' aa It bU been over tile Chloromycettn" Would pia, a bl, Brannan plaD haa , lIIr. Wruman·. hardt Eiller. who.tled u.e 11.8. pletely dogmatic Communl.ts, toJ· pa" There Is .ome. role in ~a." of a .lmUar threat a. a .towaway. WII ordered to . )owinlr the doctrines laid' down by thoaab.. yet .m.U. evldeace to the health of the ~ple In th. eracJ,onement, .~~ 9ODtlnu.t1on· C)t aM - - - " -latinl" "'ft" price Eargpe b" II_ow '10 .....a.Karl Man: and adapted tor 20th that lUi. aw.kenlrla' 10 the cIaD-,...., U. S. Should water protection 'fan. : ............ -.., ......... .. cen'''.apPlicatlon bv bl. dllclplea. ten we are f.-·-~ '~ waa to be pre"Deir eaploDace aceDte" foru'" ale .~.. ~ , ..... Is a. harltJ~ 'Ilru, could holel the fort .galnst ~ICI ~e Aiken long·ran,,, fann III the 11D1te4 States. BadeDl Lenin and Stalin-and by Mao TZ.. Two of the P r •• Ide n own l·ttDhI)ld;- UDtil proper . puriflcatiP.D lay' pa..ed by th•• 80th..RepUblicaD ....lfIed III CODDecUon with"'e tung. leader of Cblna'. Commu- part,.. Senator Doujla.. of Dllnols could be aet up a,aln. CDQIre8I, Unless congress .c~, lIIc. committee'. probe subYerniatll. . .nd Senator MeeteUan 01 Arkanlas CJ!loromycetln I. rapidly beln, Gr.p. pointed C?ut, th!t AIken . law alYe .eth·I.... b,. aUelll. THERE IS as yet np conclusive have joined the Byrd refrain. 'O ther developed to. the 'POlnt where it JO Into. effect next ),ear, . evidence that the Kremlin I. llvinI ·.enaforll of both partle• •re twlt- can conquer the •• dlseasel in two • 'l'be Braim~ plan Is dealPed to direct. a~t1ve .Id to the Chinele t~rln, •••oo·teebb, ~e too. i • 'and day.: Typhoid. typbw, . Rocky suppod ' ''rm '1 lDcoin. at' . "p-ro.. 'R- h N w" Communists. ,But the aUinity and it Is · possible the Prelldent'. d .. Mount.1n .potted fever. :'undulant !:lilt .t the aame time . lSi t 0 ,plrit 'Of cooperation that 'exists b.. ~and tor more and ,reater apend. feve~. and others. I. ' 'I'bIa UtUe 'eUOWi ollYlou17 perlt,..' to I!fOVId cotl8limeri ' -with lowe. "J re,re,," the ..nator from .tween Moscow and Pelpln,. capital In, m.~, be drowned out by • B)'l'cI It Is an antibiotic whlcb meanl .. weU..tarted ID ure, .1s 0JIIlpdd. ·tor foocis-1spe- Yalne .ald, "that we are now In': of Communist · China. Is ·taDJIbl. eborua It prevent. reproduction of ,ermlt bolloal.f what ~lIoa "IWII,e ' cIaD.1 Meat, dairy and poultry prod- Itate of depresilon. It i. not a en~:h"apPllcation Of ' In- For ,'ears, eonrrei. b.a been Oft Instead 01 kiWn, them. It 11 the 08D mea,n k caWe .Dtl Just ' uct.-wben 11Jaere,1'.re IUl1IIU8t!l. of the future_ It Ia right now.'" ternal situation to the rest of the • run-uway .• pend!n, .pree. The purWed extract ot a tunJUI foUnd boW much catUe' depeDcl OD 1I\...-.uJd UN IDnmmen& payments After thus evokln, the .phit of war e:mer,eney was th alibi in a .0U in Venezuela, fa the irnl~ Stalet! e ... • .. ., . . , ... :... ,.. - , ...._._._ _d.-'-" ~-- "'--". ~ th. l",an' •• Sen. Owen Bpews-.- an- world II disturbingly clear: Thtouih ... 1-...~-- ~..... the rule of Mao Tze-tun. .nd h1I the fi.htln. J"ears, but the Scientists under €oloneJ stone.' . _ere are .ppro......a_y .. .~, ' II" , . . . ·t l () DOunc:ed bl.ndb" that senate R.. part)'. Cbjnl Inevitably Is becomlnl did not .top with the ·d.. medl~. researcb 'and development mUlloD acres of laad wbleb cu\. PRESENT lan direct' tbe lOT· ' puhlican. .hort!7 would .ponsor a • massive extension of the Soviet fe.t 01 the enemy. AD" wild pro- board discovered potentiaUtlel of ... ~aw aaytbIDt bal bar. ernment to support prices of major ·lIQ-mJ11lonodollar pubUc-worka and power-bloc. to pay 'for more leftist wing the drug a,ain.t typtlold and rna. Ud other herbap. products at DOt. Ie.. ·thaD, 110 Pel' relief-pllIlllina program ' "to meet .cbeme.• met with immediate reo .ome other ' disea.e.. Of tli~ total feeds , conaUm~ b7 apoDse. Such lavlsl) bandoUts were . .... eUaoa 111184 beet cattle '18.'1 per cent .. er••• , 1 cent or parity. the .Jl'Owln, DemocraUc depr••.ion," . p~sum, ed ,to be vote produ~••nd # b" S k S' k S k .~ ~~OG ·· a .. an d ,,..... raUl h age. A m (1m D um . : THE BILL ~o b. projected alon, mo e, mo e, m.o, meinbCir, Of both parti.. . ''wanted ~erlmentln, in anotber dlrec- Dr grain 1. needed to "llr.inl feeder • Nam., · Smile • ' these lines' woUld nbt 'In itself pro- Arrangements for n.w Price suP- In" on . the purc'-ale with tlon, hi. researcher. have de- ~teers ' from '100 poUnds to 1,Il00 , J'raDk1ID D. RoosilVelt, 3r•• who vide fundi for public' ·worka. but port proarams . tor .tqba9co were ·the -tax]payer·, money. veloped an method poundll when the principal p.rt 01 tDheritecl a name and • nnIle to .mer~ wO~~ finance the pl~ announcted by the ' federal tdepartTbet. eDd If that WutJ alii 01 disinfecting blDod plasma to pre- the ration is made up 0' hay. 811 coojure with and w••ted Uttle tInle or!, abeit' of .~ch works t.o be ment 0 agriculture. . -. recldeaa I)IeJItlInC blCbway ,_ vent jaundice beln, · tranlmltted by .Ua,e or other rOUlha,l'. 10 CODjurlnlWtth them, hal been atertecl wb~ deemed .dvilable. . THE government wm make lo~ ba..., beaD eo bUthly &ranUrac It. Heretofore. Colonel ·Stone .• aid. Th. proce.s 01 producln, beef eluq aworn In . . . member of the Sen. Robert Taft (R.,. Ohio). who on flue-cured tobacco .t 1IO per cent Is tfawllll Dearer. It eDtIs ID a~t II per cent recelvln, cattle nonnaU7 Involvea the t.ol.' bOule of reprUeDlatl.eI. ~:t ~.lnb.~n Inthemlndedal....n1d thbUlat of the pari~ prlc........ it wa. Jun. • m 'o r • e a ., aaUoaal link. ::. ~~ ~,!y O!~::~~~:~a':~ Iowlnr Itep.: '1'bt 110: 14 from '1'..0 .\ ,. 15. Loana on burley and o~er t7Pe. ...tei. wHb pnerty for' aD; ' 1. Ttle ' pure!:lred operator who , ,..~ CClIlfteamaD . that would eatabllsh tht framework of tobacco would be at th. Septemecenemlc ~ .tudy with the Unlver.lty of Penn· produce. the ' lire. .nd tomaki" 1 ~. . . T~. . . . cUstMct, fIDIn' th. for teder~ pants to .tate. If theJr bel' 15 parity price, fire- ~; or oar clIertaIietJ IlherU~; ."lvanl•• • , - - which ~re the foundation of beetl .,.aaat bT the death ot Sol relief caa.. abould reacb • certalD curell tob.cco which would be '15 < Colo~l Stone .aid army .clen- animal" production. Tbfa branch of! · . .t 8Ioam.' ~ •• a undid.tIt D!- _tbe pereenta.e~or theJr total poPul.tion. · · " . ., 0111' jo'" .DA meant or 111'11tilts k:~l!tJ~~i1~~£~~~~~:::,t~: I. one . th't re.i J'ftedOina and Liberal parUn. Said Taft: "What we Republicans per c.nt of thl! burley r.te. and heel; cif ..... _II leatlenblp; .ta"'. of •• to the qUireabeavy ' i,nv.-tm""t em.' ·altbotqb be wUl operate u • work. w.nt to avoid I .. the crea·tion . ot dark aJr-cuied ea% . fII ~ aeftaU......ater. thaD uy t1 ..... ... tft_ ........-. __ ,_ the owl. . " cent ·of·thebur~y' rat•• , _1Ia"ellDowalntbe at. en re populatlon , ,u they can e.t1· clency ' in mana,ement. .. _ _.t _ le...lat1~e ~ther WPA lilt. ' Bap7 1J0P,klnl • (Parity I' .. a price b·••ed on the . PI mat~ Whl\t would bappen In ca.e ;~ 'nIe ~ommerclal breeder who ran." . relationship betWeen price. of the It Is wh.t Uo .t lbe Cf!d of tbaJ of an "adverse .1.tq.t1on.'" prodUce. "the calve. which are the arona. ~ ta0e4 to , ~t tile· Without lr7InI ,to JUe•• how. much the farmers lIave to buy and ~ of wild and reckl~ ... pe~dA. contralted to enteric di.. otflPrln, 01 commercial barda of npIar . DImoer.Uc ~ ~~tIon relief apendln, mJaht be necessafy pioIcu ot the products thQ' le11. Th, ~ that II . c.~. members or eue; wbich 8l'e J.Jrly, well eon- female and purebred- .1reI, • ~ ,....~~ 10 .~e r&D on UDder such • plan, Senator Brew. government uaes • b.alnl period Iioth .bou... or and of troUed DOW, respiratory - diseale. I. The paantre cattleman ~o .... .~ t"..~. ~dI;~ In 10 stor opined that woUld "d.pancl up:- durin,. which this relationship of both maF polItIc.1 partie.. to are a. prevalent today as ever. Jl'OW. the .nim.l from the wean. , . . . . ~. iI~ • ~ upw , on jUlt' bow bad this . Democratic, price. ,ave the tarmer what it.CC!D- pause. With that Is aJso the letters There • r. better treatments, In, or yearlln, .talle to two ye.r. ~ ~ re«lh~ .r.r~.~) Demcr depre.l1on ,e\l." A. .Ider. a "f.Jr profit"). they an ~celvJD' from the folka Colonel Stone laJd,but the city- old, lakin, bII profit from . the' ~t, a RtPUtiUCIJl &D4 aD American ~th thIs''nll f !:lUl" THE RATES • pound at which hack home. 1'\1' home folka a~ rural population., mlnlle more .nd pounda,e ,alned on JraD .nd hay. lAbiol' can4ldate.\ .1 Is erIn ~ th it ~ the support price. will be paid vlewfil.~ with .larm apentUn, caule treater Ipre.d of infection.. ... Th. feeder wbo "fInilbe." the " Tbe third' BOD "' . th. ' lata Preal~ ~;->aI ~ ceret :or..! e ....elrt .... .. d· to be announced III Juq for flue.nel Respiratory , di·s eue., alao .occur at animal trom gras. .t••e to .lauthelent took J tile .-lb ~ Actin. ....... c • mp . •"'" ..... ed t b d ..... 1 I ._ -'b ter 'conditl di .0:. • lo. I 'JOIul" W. McCormack (D., ~traUori In 'the face of the com. °murO"':'bo raceo .~ .•~r other typea • re at v• .., 7QUDJ,er a,. now. , • percentale ro~P;!"''',':. ,0.. ar,e Ilia... ), wbIle , bIa mother 1lealnec1 . In, ~1l50 election•• onIT time woulcl Th~"'fuU"'1o ' Ul b de reported. l • .' •\ ..... teD. . ' , e ~ 'If . e .m. JaaP11D7 from tile aaUtry. 'It. .• to . tobacco " ,rowers who' do not ',0111' OO••t ·M ., ElPIDt Dar.iat .bIiJ Iflnt da,, · on ~. JOb ; ,row' f!1ore tobacco than they are 1,__ • tBlat' , • ........~t. J (11 j.,.. , II t· • permitted under marketln, quotas; th. auvpOrt f1I IOvfm- Inoth.r Lar" Elrt .......k• • ~Tnm brj~ with Prealdent Drops C.urb 8i11' , Thele quotas have been set liP for III8Ilt ,ecOlloJDlo \. ·re~ ~ on ~f denied a ~or 1jl~t-be There was one thIn"about Presl. flue-cured. burl.y. fire..cured aDd~ . . ...~ spendJD, tor more aDd . WASHlNGTON.-Th. U. S. Pacst_I .... run for ma-.... u";w YO~ d lc coaat Is li••ded for another lar•• ........ . ' - '"t• • ;or " ent ,""-__ w•• beliDnlnl to dark, air-cured .tobaceo•. 'lbere are .....ter· .:::::.. _ .. '.\/1 .~ ~I that he boped CODpe develop the .bWtj> to recopJz. 'a DO quotaa 011 other type.. *1IlII7 memll... ., baUa eatthquake or • .erles of amaU WOUld repe.l ~ Taft..JI.rtley labor hint wben be iaw.,it. Tliere b.v. Iinae. . . . . , IIoUa . ones. Dr. Beno Gutenbur,. dtreclaw'.~, '1"funl'~" ch,ll rj~" -bem timei . wben the Pre.ldent ba,1 read "oye." tor or selamolol7 .t California In· anel Put < thrOulh a, 'U- .-emed to .urfer from .n abW'" • -"_ I ve _~ aD ~ " .dhite of technolOlY. ·.ay•. tIM.·1 ,......... ,-"..... ' .. , ,.,' .1' " . . , .." ...._ . or ~ ~ h 10_" ..._ --:' ,_~ .....-I. '_L~ "::e", a .... -alOn " .bl• . ~ to do that, but DOW It'.. clIff.renl • " .... app . ~prt.Uon , IIIDa. ' 'WIIo ' n ueD, were. or .occur w.... .,can. ..... _ _ .... earthquake action wm I 1IimIn', for IDOtber BoOIeYelt poll : Th. Pre.lder)t, obvloUll1 with .D · ~nanr t .mDIIoDo .. n~ y. ei' be d.eiermlbed,. .ald. ...... .. ___ ', I , underatandlnl ear to ~. around, . _ '11",,, fII ,lOYenuaent mellll7 B L._ dd '" ...... _ . . . . -:-'....... " J baa decided be won·t pre,' COD' '01' libel. ...... or .4lstrlot., u . - • e... "w. ......vr ,.om:.. G•• : ". . . 11 aoln, on" bec.use sub;n}; _,... uUSI N an,1I to live Iilln Itandi>'1 w.r • bave.."tte I'eO!BDUJ, .....84 , to aUrfaco Itralns are lnere••In, from . . power.. . before that . " Actioa S'en " i!.\,', ~ THAT'S not ~ wi.e of the ..... 'oye." YO";.. ·Tlley .·Hem. ~~:nc::~~o~ of. ~wer/ C~. · _·1 1li4l. ciitiOns <1Irere tut :de.plte opo President, , it" .tr.te ..... .p.r.t JlGa last to re.USe , ,.... _ ~ .J ........... . . . . . . . , .. He hi, atatement In ,'..... ":';"'WlDF' uvlD mllD7 ·/lUIrtera. .... tlcularb" .inee It wou,ld . have been . . . . be at IIIe eDC1 ~ the ~.,. ........ UOft. • • bl• new bous, III ...titJD. ' a pa.per on earth"uak , __......... , ..... Impo,,,bl. for the .drnJnlltration ,they bave ~ follcnrblt. .. ... - c···I·..........:.:......:----......--~--'""; -bID _ ......... ~ ..... - _..._- d .r: tion prepared b,. Dr. Hu,o ' Benioff .. Crop rotatlOD .with dee"'-rooted ' ........... ............ " ............... aD , to convlhce the 811t con,..... that J'or Ilgcb rellODl II DOW. eal tecb. Ilia prediction '. was rIO to the boule floor tor action. . 8D7. .uch power• •~ n~~d. · bit h-- 't hat aie "on. too leJUmea, p1arlt food ' and ,Ood maD· r TBB RULBS ~ttea bleb Bow.v.r. there W.' · 8I1- oroclal y~ 1'8Ied on Beruoff'. chartln, or a,ement methods' are the ·,.... OU ; '. --.. la..& · · .~ ... ..:.. .,....... .wle ..... mab7 .lB1fd.... wiD'develop Into • earth movement on ,. the P.cifl.c aDd lubrican......"_6 k . . '. ..... ca •• re.................r .... rea.on .dvanced for chanlle In Blri'd choM betqre It - ia too , . , ' .. ' ..... j eep yOIII' ,:Jatlaa. bael ~ed to clear the cur- .ob,ectlves. One authoritY described to ••ve us~ . th'.. cata.tro: CO~I~. . .. , , ; ' .0U. crop. produoina ·machln. ,00> r rent but ' But Rep, A. J. S.bath . ' Gutenber, .ald . Belilotr'. chart- Ing on hI,b. /, . . <D;. JD.) w.. pre"'ctInI the co .' m- tho uvlslon of plan as a "quiet pIl.....It Ues .t the end of ...e ell- In, hal mown that the dIItortloo I Each thea. bU ".. iOlI to do• .mlttea wad act ~clear lbe me... cl.milltarlzation" of the national traV'PIDCle .• nd waate ro.d WI· bay. of the .ubsurrace .nCS re.u1~ Elich need, help from tile . . . .ecurity resource. board on WhIte IIeeD tz;.vellD.. · . ' . • traln, .which wei released by the The,. aU bive to work like a te.m. -:;'Ntb was OIl falrb" .are rrouncl, Hous. orden. In other words, the ,A. c~l~uance of the letten from. San ·e'llT1bquak. or ll1Oe. Valuable... ,Dod rOtation Is In ear under the new 1101118 "anti- empha.1s would be a'way from keep. the . paoplo ·b .ck bome. lbe people I. bulldln, up a,alJa. b.lanclnl .01l-l)uUd!ril 1 e , u m • . , Ina the People .attateel and alerted ~ baye tW lar a. W whether or · " CroPI .,amat .0U.robb'-- row bottleneck" procedure adopted III for po••lble 1uture w.r. DOt the members or bGOI houaes or Recer)t P.c~R ;NOJ1bwest L .... .ranu...,.. the multibillion· dollar . ' ahaIl - tID the '~b bear no relauOD .$0 the PaeWc crop.. It' ....i to U8 backed up br tIouIln, bm.coulCl be put to a bouie THE war powers bill would have LewIs I. ' sin' , ecmF8111!1 .con \18 on • coast lIlovemllDt 'he ••Id. The wile land m,ana,ement metbocla. · · ·wte •over the rulea committ..•• provl(!ed • detalMd mobIlIzation ';~r of th;.a.o'::: !:!,~.-::: ~ tll·lID~lrt el.(!tlon, d.maJ}~g Pacific collt movement, Ii III • In even the beat rotation obJectinna. . act coverln, .prlority and .i!lzure mlllloD. colliers wi... ChairmaD • balt ~ , ~eeff9rtl to '~Iapze zone known •• th. San Andre.. ~ .0U', .uPPb"· of phoar' TIIli: boualn, prol1'am, one of. powerl. control. over 'pr'lces, man· David E. LWeDtbaJ .fter ~er.ic.. will belp matertllb: in faUlt while the FasUlo North~elt phate aDd pofash; . . -Presld.nt ,Truman'. m.jor cam- power; prodUCtiOD and transporte8~.1IU Ilacl told a coaarp. PF,Od~c!~J wch a d~.lred ~t. quakea are-. ~lieved to be part 01 And even If your ,DOd,.. • palp JI!'OmJ'eI. wa. approved b" lion. It would, If enacted. ,0 Into ...nal eommlketi be bad ' DO~ a- ,~enc. Iwes .mucb to ~.t one '811 Alaskan' faull , meDt , J?rolra~ . puts I>acll;' everr ata." the senate April it 00 ' . 57 to 13 etrect' on the declarapl'Ov,!d ablpmeat 01' IsDtopea;;; B7M \(10. m~ In the .crap. Qt, b.~ard" m~ure, ploWi. YOte. Jt thea bOiled down In the tion or wa~ emergency· by. congren. ",rleDd17" Da"ODl abroad. lJe . Ii Ith I.'~II. lbl. .th. ~~ea ~d retul'Dl bouae. M... Trum.n w.. .alel to have _ . called to the ohair over e .e r ItIIlI rs aor con(rell.CI!m ....... .nd crop after. ' The bW c~ .for • valt prol1'am decldecl It would be inappropriate ,l'Otesta 01 LlUeJIthaI who"'tJ, ine cb:aw larae ••larI..... but they of Frlulll, to the .00. 'OU .00 lhip awaT 01 alum clearance. low-fent houa-' to try to get, web • law palled In .", Is .......1 to alan "'... .... do ha¥. ....abl. upen •• ·ac~ta bundreds of PDUIIda of plant food ..... __ A ... _ bo".In, al"... a"etlme. -aDd DO quutiona uked. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. . In th. ...In. beef aDd mUk rOIl -~... ~ ~ Yle1n." ~ IUDs .t the Rose Ba,. ~, boat stU 8V~ ,oar " . SCHOOL AID liLt OPPOSED 'l'be fumer wante IOCIalIud base ~ 'ldent1t7 the foiaroflDllned - '- ' - - _ ~ tnDaPOirt8t1OD .. a me... at ... SaDdrln.... m aeaplaD. UIec1 on tilt QoOtI P lure
Ill., Bares M,·ssl·on
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41 Per Cent of Land II ' ba In U. S. m er ge
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fII.... ., ...
Didn't'Like It
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Eiser-howe', Warns of too Much Government Askc!'...:!. T:::':ll1 w.m't tOot. ::.- ~: ::~.:r: '= ~oa: :~: ::.N::..~aland J;hrIIbt D. E1I..w~v, 'Pe1\klD. . . aa • mWtery le.d.r bUt •• a GoD. prelident, alaln' .aw flt ... warD tho aatlon ...1Dst lllttlni a. feeleral, IOvemment ..t too IIrdq. n ... tho IeCOIId time the ~ GOI!Im.~r of AWed to.. _ .. Wadd W. D had Iaued that
val mon.,. .vallable to belp pub- lnI .bout Ita elamuda tor more Dc . ,chooll In aU ~tate.. be .ald ecOllOlD7 In JOvernment. :Nineteen lUem a practice woulcl .tl,muJate .....tors. .epre.entID. both maJlII • cOmpetition .mon, ate'" 8IId p~ jDlDe4..!D 'poIIIOriDI • reaolocaUtle. tor . treater all.... or.,.,. 1uU00 ~ !'raldent Trumaa eimnent MOOQ'. to aut ledar.l spendiq br .mDQllla ...... Be CODeedetl 8OmO . . . . . baft from two IIIlWon ... tour IDllUoD . . such tazrelOUrCla. that doIlarI. 'l'be ndIIctIoDa WOIIld . . 181 ~ the, Daed air, UI4 that he WIIIIIId made ID . . . . proyJded ear ... DeaIuIDI . ., be ia 1M lIIed to fa. . aI4 to auCIb anu; bI4 wi........ flIuI :rur. WIIIeb be..... ...." ........... WGU14 _ _ fe4. out . . . . or dINellDtatla-. ...., - '.Julr ant _
01 socla"nd farmIn.. WhoD • ~.IID&D plana .pproaal!et eaadllDlll ooaJaU-.I ~ the pDs take off with Ilael bat 0DCI0nM aacdlillDd erie.. to meet It and elcon It tc _ _ .... aD --. 1JaH. Other f17InI boats th.,.lInore. ~=_-~::-..; 'l'IaeN Ja almost DO .aatble d1t. -.. fareDc:e betweeD Ibe 8aDdrIII1bam ...., all . . .1Dc*- ... tho II)1be -.... boata, wbicl: ......... ... .... . . . . UN tile ...... blat 1be .....
. . . . . . ~...~.....~ .. -
....... ..... - ...
W. all INk a - - -
. . ..
WlQa 2:5 mJWcm ~~ COWl _ farma naw thua ill _ . PGUltIIlIu. for proat In daII7inI are 11M" labor..avlnl. hIIh value PAl• • II .... ceotel' 01 tile .... II'UII. Goad ' ~:=:
milt Output . . .... D ~ Tba, m.. •
Thunclay,lune 30, 1Mt
Arrange Decorations in HomeAround .Ne~ds, ,raste, Hobtiies By Ertta Baley. 1 ,
,.. . . .
HAVE A HOME In the truest TolIense ot the word meana that the home Ibould Tef)ect 'Pole who live In It. When~ou walk Into 8 borne, you should ' be able' to get a, certain feeling and- Insight about.the family who lives there. even betore you know them vel')' well! ' Properly, furnished aDd decorated. a home will reflect your .interests and hobbles. It will give lome In· al,ht into the personalltie. of the people llvlnt In it. Sometimes thele qllaUUe. are aU 'too transparent tor a home can ,Ive the impre ••lon ot earele~me'I, . lack of interest and hobbies. \~e . tirat thing ,to do. If that', the case, ls to c.h ange it by m,king the home the interest and hobby. Make L1v""~ Bo01ll Place ~ Uve Tpday's homel are quite "a bit • maller than tha.e 'of the past decade, and for thJI realon, every room mute ,b e unCi to the ~ut ,advantage. • , Gone Is the "parlor" which wai 'o pened tor company onl),. YOIl m~ ,be ~ortunate enough to a den. ,atud)': or, librap which II much luted: tlti! for toost #mnIea 't he liv. ling room is ,th,e cente.r , of mOlt eo.clal Imd t~ acUvity. r. It ,"0" don't ule the UVil'!' roo~ enough and find yourself erowdei! In ~~e pf 'the other room., then do :.ome limple remodellnr or reahuf· !linr of funilture to make the ·room. For ezample. U ),curs ia . ' aocIaI , ~, and ' you . llke to eJitertain, 'plaA rplen\7 crt com1oriable aeat.!;D' J]'
Chambi:ay Fashion .
T FmST Mr. 001 Gm ,had seemed to take a llklnl ' to ' .&:rlhur Forbe.. But ~e ohanged bill opinion when the. Champ[on beran to buck the aSI 00 seas the open AUan,tlc. WBI nof a large liner; and the tIIaves were runnin, high. Arthur 0LmAYS aie oirten hard on Forbes turned awa)' suddeni)' and. mother because there i. , not clutching the deck raU for IUP- cmlT the whole family home for port shaped an unsteady co".ne for all ' meals, but the '(:ompanlonway. ailo guesta whJch Mr. Gill b1,ll'lt into IUffaw. of mal" number lev· eral. Consequent· "St!81llck! I I he" laid, addresaln, _ !y, the lad)" ot the hOUlle .i. 10 bus)' couple nearby and nod~' tow a I' d the witbltood prepara· companionw a :r. tion and con Ie· "Should h . 'v e acUvitles that ahe ' , For .. percb npllet 011 ~e .tJayed hom e never hal a bollday at all ' F~ II( lui), YOO caD ,laD and tended . to It you're plaruitng to cel~brate thla "pairIDUo" OalOl1 pie which hts knitting." , Independence Day lit homel ule fits 18&0 tile · color 1aCheme of The young couple smUeCl politely some of these simple luggestlons U1Inp wUb Us rich red color. but with a lack of enthusiasm. meals. The colors and other aug· 'I'l\e pi" ~ • oramb c~ . . Neither of them felt · equal to the are in keeping with the a flllliI~ of ' ~I!D~ &0...... tasJl: of getting up and foUowin, aD theme of the day, but the food Is A1Iee. 0010-. a.d cheae. )'oung Arthur Forbes'Jheeh. '_ kept limple by day·before prep'nIe dining salon wal located . be- ar/lUon, and by very easy laltLYNN \ . ~R8' 1ON11 neaill the forward deck; Mr. Gm'a D1in.ute undertaking. ChIcken Baked in :MI1k table waa at the extreme ,end,near . Weather . permittinllr, . lerve sup· B.~ed Potatoes that lectlon Where the vessel'l bow per outdoors. and IIl've .getUng for· PeRI . with MushroOm. . to narrow, He had bardly mal about the servi~.! as Is usually Hot Rolla himself when he saw that the cUltom in the dining roopl. You Grated Carrot·Pineapple <Sslad Arthur Forbea was placed may ute colorful paper plates and Fudge Sundae "!:it&\' Cook1e~ two tablel away and aUght!)' be- napkins. too. thus ellntillating mum "Recipe G\v~ . I hind. There wa. a plate of food on of , the dish washing that always the table before the youth, but 1& comea after eating. F you want 'to I.Ir;ve _ • • • untouched. IDe one in a trance franldurl.n lor a ..~ supForbel was Iittin, with ,eyel ERE'S an easil,y Jlrepared menu per, these may be Uled in ~e folgreatly beyond their • wbich may be started the day lowlllr limple menu: ' alze, cheeks. .. ,pale u ~fore: ' Barbecued' FraJlllfartert Tomato 0 ....,. · Pie Ploole Salad Cera OJl the Cob Altt!r .. IIr. Gm dW Celery CUria BoDs Butter Muatard . tba& &be )'Oatil at &be o&b_ ' CarrM 8&110111 ~ Black 0119118 Preall FrIIIt Benlee IabIe w.. atarlDr ' IowarcI a Tutti Fr1lnU Salad Caoklea Be9erale pod·llo1e.· IDC1 ..... .,.. br0a4Ice Cream CooJdetl Lemoaade eaed, TIle porWaole ..... ... Bake the frank1Urterl In an O'i;CII oaW far 'orwarcl. .,.... wltII How to do: Prep.,re · cele.r y and with the lauce. or place them in eacla Alp of tile veael _ coaI4 carrota the da)" belore and' refri,. a sldllet ao the, _ tile .,.&lre a10pe .... _... erate. Place olivel to chill. Precan be eooked pare salad ' Ind' p1&oee In freez.lD, wltb the sauce on ,.Inm &roach &0 ereat. 'l'IIeD for traia. Make cookJea and make. or an outside JriU• • .. apace tllere w01ll4 be ao&lllq buY the ice cream. An hour or '0. The menu rebut ,ak)'. It pnvItJe4, betore dinner. the tomato quires little other aeliSaUOD IImUar ... rlcUq DIllon pie, and whlht it bakes. set preparation a· .. ~ oeutel'. the table on larden or porch. cep' for tIi e Mr. Gill knew that a. !par u TOMa'- ODII'. PIe salael :roun, Forbel continued to dare (Bervea 4~) Barbecued Frankfurter. throu,h : the port.bole bfa ' aeaal~ lK c,," cdsp craoller cnDDbi (Mallee • r.Ds) nen would .teadlIy I1'Ow , won.. K cap meneel 'altter . • franlllarten And he chuckled at the thouaht. I~ ClIps UIIDl7 aUced OalOD • roUI After a wblle Mr. Gm found H I tableapoe.. baUer 1 teblMpooa bIltter Will talier to stare Ittalabt ahead 1~ . ca,. canned duoe ~ cop chopped ' than to .it half·turned in bfa c:ha1r I eRa, ·aUchU,. '1IeateJl 1 teupoon paprika III order .to watch :rounl lIorbea, K pqun4 Iharp AlDertc&ll ~ taapooJl pepPer who, . after Iwaan~t the most cJieel4! . ~ p~eaaln, .alpt In th~ World, And.1Il 1 J,~mu~ riarinr stralpt ahead Mr. Gm " ....~ peppezl ~ • &easpooJll Worce.~ '011114 ,that he was lookln, cI1re-:tly MIx crumba ~d 'Ii 'cup butter. • aauee tln'QUlh the porthole 'at the ,'sWlab·· Prell into nine-inch pie plate· to 00 1&1IGe In,.ea.. " form crust. Bake In a moder.te ,, 'cap oaWap oven (850·) tor ten . rplnutes. fr:7 I tablelpooaa vIDe.... pnionl In two table,pOOni , butter
P an Colorful Menus, E 'Iy PrepClrecI F d For Holiday Olccosions
The Questions 1. What is Carrara, in Italy. noted for? . ' 2. What have sheepshank, bowline and sheep bend in common? 3. Which continent contains DO, true desert? \ ' '4. What bas been calle'd the "cornerstone of American foreign pOlicy"? The AIlIwen 1. Marble quarrIes. 2. They are all knots. 3. Europe. 4. The Monroe Doctrine.
New Flowered Aprons Make "'~ppy Working
Two-coDeCI obaI\lbr.,. atylea ..... feuilnlne 'warm weather d r e • a b, ' ':rerryBodpn. U~1Ie appUCJaed ou....ta ... .. modified •......,._,., hew .. olllltraatlq obmbr&)' bJ,lIl1pt , tile ........., IleCIIlIne of ..... fuhlOlH'l.... ouul. A aIdrt with falbI_ out from tile ...... lbaj eJtti:a frees . 40m wbloJi ad• .,.. llaelt for a.u~01llld wear.
"··-f· . .,.
, D;eor•• ro~ 10 III • , • .• pace ~ the ' liVin, room. G~UP Cha11'l alul , IOta. into "converaa· tional groUjlS" whicb make dttlne and .mattin( a plea~. • It everyone m the tamu)' read. • lot, :.ood chalra are .SIeIlUal Good lIghttn, ia a problem here too, and each comfortable chair to Ille - us!!d for readln, needa a Uaht 'that , will ' make thta 'interest .al7, I ..... llaa10 Oenaer;' '' If Thai'a Wear IDtered '. . ' Doe. the family enjoy mUlle? , ,u till. center. around the plano, 'thla Instrument will be the main . 'interest in the lIvins room. Try to arrange : chain and sotas so that you can enjoy sUtln1t around lUten· ln' comtortab17. Many famlliu enjO)' recorda, and if 10. one of the. beat corners of the room abould be devoted to "thIs In. tetestl The ' r.dlo, ~onograph or
irew to BeatyJe BoemII ID Goo4 Tliate
Take a critical
look at :rour fur·
nllhinp and see whether the), meet approvaL ,Do )'01,1 have aDl pieces of furniture which are not \lied? Eliminate them and s1,1b.~ lUte with sometbin, that Would be or more use, either pracUcall;r or· "ecoratlve!;r or, pr~erabJy, both. SOmetimes It'.wlle'to bu:r a 'whole matclied set ' of 't umlture such a. ' a iUlte 0 uphOlIteri!d ~ture. Ho.". ever.' It this does nOt inolude enoulb ot the pleoes )lou'U need. or. OD the .other hand. contalna...too maDT pieces for the space or use you bave, then try eeleeUn, sectiOnal or separate Pleeea that will be most valuable. One family ma), need 01117 two comfortable easy chairs, whlle'·an. other needs three or four or ev~ more. 'l'hese ·ma), be ' bought sep. arately,- to harmonize plealinllY, or .covered to .match other plecel. yOu 110 lon,er' need to' have all on~ kind of 'l"ood In ,~our UViDl, ~. Dark md U,ht Woocla are' Used to,elther. III good taste, In the 18me room becal1M they compli. )'QUl'
"teupOO. ""..
until 11. h .t I )' browned. Bring can ned tomato sauce ' to a ·bolL Remove trom heat and add chee'e. Stir well. Add eggs IlowlY t 0 'tomtato mIxture. Ad4 aalt and ·pepp.!r. Pour over 'onlODl ' which h'a ve been placed In the crumb Crult anel 'blike ' !D Iiow (126·) oven about .~ m1n\ltel ' or ' untu .et. >
~ent ~ac:b other~
Y.. II"., ,.,
eombl~t1~ UDlt, IhqulA be th., center of Interest wit,h cl1alri atnn,ed comfOrIabb', arouact tt. Have plent)' of' atora,e apace, in c~bmets, for the recorda or albums " or bOth. You rna)' allO 'want to' bave lbookl and. ma,az1nes on the. subject iin an eaall7, ac:cIJl1ble spot for W.
I .C~vlt:r.
I. ...
.,.,..W Salad
(Servea I) " ClIp allredcle4 Ilocoalit 1 OQ ~. oherl'Jes. " lIaIftII · ' , . . . . . . . . . aeoU._ ... IIIcIe4 . ' .• ' l ' CI1Ip ..zaeI 1I'l iIea.".e. . ' ~e4 " . I b~a!l." IU~I , .1, OQ wlllPII'" etealll , , ' : ~,cap --r,oDDabre 'l _ .' TQa. t9,!!ther .:c:ocolDut and fII:1i~. CbUl and fold. III crl~m \VhIch hal ~ whipped, F~1cl ,in mayonn".e,. ~ unUl ~ ~ ,fIIIrlletat,w ~.. Se".e , 'lD lett~ce cups,
MeU butter, add onIon and cook until clear. Add dry aealonin'l; lapcell, catsup ' and vine,ar, Cut a tAree-lnch alit in each traDktlirter and place th!!m in a baking dish, ,lit all! up. P~ur sauce over them anil ' bake ' In a moderate (3IiO.) oV:en for 20 minl,lte.. Place m spUt, With green o~ons, If desired. Serve F a lauce lIepar.ateIy, if de.ired. . "ODic Salad ". I' (Serfea t oapa'. oabell. cookeel "tatan ~ oup 'uopped ~ oIriI.. ' " cap Alcell celelJ' • 1 teaaPOOD ..1& ~ teupou pepper I ' • bucl_lIed e.... .Deed
~ ewp
morning glories with ]eaf·pocke~ leu than tw~ yards for bothl
• •••
Tbe-. wID c....te. _tIoD III 1liii, .. Ueml' Pattern 101; embroJdeno trllllfer; cuttiDc autd•• Our n'.... lmprove4 ""liarD 1IIIIl.. BeedleWork .., aimpJ. Willa 1&8 cbal18, plIDloII. _alae 41rectlau.
•••"r CI ••,. "!II.. ••1'...... De"- . ClIiI.'r.... m.
... W....'.1,10
balciil. 10 cell W PAttei'll.
~ Ko.
Nam. --~--......--~ AddNA --~-----.-~
.;,' Bootel' :' ~
1...... .
10AD. IWYI , ' (
'et'n_ .....
DoW ...... i- • ,..,.... .. eI IIIe ..,. falnlaa .. a ....
era.......... _ . . . . . . It onIIDed .. tile tDIcal ..,..
......................... effecta., ................ .............. ................... ...... . ...... .,. ,......... ., . . puL 1t .1I ~
" ••• "
In'' .-. ••
.............If. . . -
!~ _
' ... ...
'Ilil . . . . . . . . .
r:. =~
--.... Jar....
Perhaps ·you've found a dealt in . ~t I I I oapa 1h&e4 ' carrot one of<"".th,e . lllbt m~l'D Wood.. '. 1Ir, • WIoIf . . . III!!W: ... , Combine PQtaloU, onfODl, ,"~~"-r~!!,,,,~~;;'!1'~~~.!'!'~~~ ~,~.-co..::.: 'l'here'r Jill zcalan w~ ~ou oan't bee,· ~..... 87eII ,~. aIid Mliloriin,•. Add eui 'and ma)," Ute it In a room with lome dark WATCHED t~. for a feW' mo~alae. Tou U.htiy with canota, mahoiany or walnu~ fln!lb... 'menta aDC! then ldokecl awa)', clill1 and, tith. lI'HDI. A l'ool1l ~th pn~omlriantlY. lIlht . con-cloua ot ;a teeUD, fir hia ~,'. . . . , . ~ • 'WOqdI may talte on sparkle If),ou ach ' n~ whoo,- normal ' '!'be aen. . " . add a coffee "ble whicli 11 lac. utlon 'p.neel l1li4 be' loaked a,aln sme"' ~re 'aom'cootlel which quered in black, dark Jreen or deep at the port.hole, 't eeUn" more eom. bO~d',~,' ~ app~lIrlate fo-r the briilit red. . . . ' . tortable ,in WI pcialtlon. lnstantl)' 17.. oae P U t e n a t h e lame . Itrailre ~tloD . ~e . . . . 'l'arII In III E&CIb tacked him a,aln. ; K ~ '= '~':~:!.u.... If you have tound a beautltul PItMr. om Will .ober now: hlI . tern for draperie., · ~oo.e everr· pale; hla , eyea "USY. '. ReaJl~tIon ' 1 lilt ' '. thin, else 'ln the roo.m plain colOred. ,01 what was h,appen1n, to him c~e K,.,. .... Too mucb p.t~rn will make eVeD ' lllte a moek. He wa. aeallckl . • __ '..... n.. ' ' . " a large room crowded. · . Help.lead,.. mJaerabl)" 'W. Never In IN' leu.,.... , bak.Iq' . With pa~~ Iny,o ur waUpaRllr. _lila ilie cOuld, M,. Gm remember' " te..pooa .... • ,:rRUCKI ': ,: .v~· elle should : be · plain. fee1inl 10 utterJ;r at the mere)' crt ~ cop Jalee '41 GMC ; UH~ state, •• ,t _ Tbat me~l, ptalD &:apeilel In your anythlll,. · . '. ' • tea ... paCed .....e reom ~ a: plain colored rug. , MIr.C1IIo....)' II r. Gill rInII '.. _~, ... Chevrolet ,l"",ton 'cab ' arid opa ..)1 ; ....... ",. _ When the 1'\1' ia pattemed~ dra,. reaued cloonra, .... ~ . CoIOred~ ....... • erl~. and waD colora ab~d be .ppearec1 'a p Ole ....... , JiaItaDt. . Blend fI\rttei'-'and au,ar4IDtil UIII' ' .. Clievrolet ,1'111'ton oab - ., ~ dii)idl .. .,·........ 1111 ,plaJD. To add· Interest 10Umay .,. tile 4InlDr ....D .... • . . . . . and .flutty. Add ell and beat wen. \P;'BDt ~ 11M rouah teztUred mate.... 01 "apter, trp ...,...-a. ! Add bran and ' blend, lift floUr to'.. J'9rd l'1i'tOn ceb aDcl rill on e0gered turnJture. . bow '1oaDt AI1Iiar. Porbft . . .. lether With bak1Dg aD!I .alt: - -.... ' ..•.. ..••..• ,.,. III J ~ 'r" Olve Boom Tiaat - wlPinl lOme whl~ nb/daDoe 'add to first mixture . altem'atel)o ~'7 Dod,e l""·toq cab ,a pd .. ~~ • ':'-'- - ...- cheeu od -_._with , orBDIe ,juJc:e, Stir In ~ U... _... . , eIla.I.1 •••••••••••••••• A.I.IIID .......Uered '- In.... .... . ,." _ _ • rind. CbtU. ,BoD oUt dOUlb ...·w ~. f ~,t ~ l', t ( ·00I0Il ' '--'koadly, 8eYerll men OIUD. ~ in b ' .... ! .... . , '., Studebaker l""·ton cab ......... •• mll)' . WVA .,r ,ear meIIWI plus c ..........~ ~ worlWil With , a .' and cha~ ., ..... """ I~ unJesa lOU .treat them 8ver and ajolle. IIoU41,. )'ioa'D want 'small ~t at a ~e Ud,.1teep. properlY with de~rating. Too D)any "ru change your order, 1Ir, . have ......" . . .00.... Ie lene IIlg the ~der ~ Cut OCIaen &o '(lheeae' ........ plcltUr~!s ' un.ttracUvely atraqed Sr",r you aome bot food." wItIa _ ". lcet ~ for mto .tar .~~ wttll ~!1 cutJ.' Will eaaU, do ' that. , . . Mr. Forbe. smiled. "Thanks.. , aiIaab . . . 4_rl~. Halle &bem ter; Ipl'in¥"~~ c01dr~ ~ JElilliII D •••• , ........ ~. . It'a best to manre picturea lit And .ay, steward. that was .a amart appr.prta" br .iar and bike on • Il'UHd baklq "heet '. N7 W~ ltd. lII..fl71 groups nther than am.tY. If the, ,Idea 01 70ura-IIklng me to lila), allapea ... reellaaclea wUIt In a moderately bot <175') oven " DA......,JI~ OBIO . don't toillthei. dI.card thole !he role of the 1:Ielpleai1), Hallek, ......... abo"t 10 ~utes. < wbfda ha. . IIOthJq to adel to &be palseDllIl and p1a~, Gm at that ;;;;;;:;:=-==~.....----------::::~::""'-::----:-:-_::--_~ ftIOJIL ' table dlrectJ;r oPpoal" the PGrt: L1JK I&W81 ' Oranl. marmalade II, 811 old _L bole.'" ......r 'l'rIeb IIQron favorite With toaat, but tr7 thIa tdea If buJlt.1D 8Ilelvu will add apace The lteward noddeCl, .,... a. . . . . .. Dlallea for a rea) treat: place aUcel of Dad .or 'twinkle. ''We h;av. a man lJke Mr. Onted added to cream cheese on toP of 1be manna. the booIai Uld -ma,uJn:' of!~ Gill on board rleq "yap, 1Ir. """andala. Auee ,irlll win fOU ~~b~ broil until 1he chee. .. topa. BlDaD Ibel... or alladow box. And we have a...t table placed maa;r wheD ~rved are .....U..., _ bIok-lmac:b or &b~ • just hil \7Pe.. Ko caR fiied. Broccoli 1001I:I IOod and JIi tuQ pImta" • elIe la ubd to eft 10 tar foI'Ward." butter too, it 70U dnl. with pleotr ~ WaI).lo:waD arpetIq . . . . . . . . Mr. J'orbu . cIIucIded.. "'I'IdDk . . . . . melted butter aDd IUIIIah wIIb • loam a . . . . eveZ7lblD. ~,tbew~~ ~. rlced, hard-c:ooked ' e... . . . . . . ..... . , pUIIIIllln. ... .... ... # Save :rour .au •..,. ~ , . PlaID walla wID lIN _am ' " I·ia.mld thIa ,..... waaJd ban ~V7. Saute L few ........ -. a t.eDq CII . . . . . .~": . GpronIDI ....--~ the clrIpplDp. tIleD ...... wltb IImp1e. ... . . . . . . . . . . ...... .-flour aIid add .... '1'IIIa II aQZIIal. .... . . . ~..". J.iI"""" ...... ., .... ..... i7deJJdoaI for eIdak& ,
tea...... ...,
_prODS for pretty GAY A,panel ot flowers, a splash or
'hi ........'..
=. _::--..!! ...
G~tte letlblliheel 1180 . Publl8bed every Thunday mom· Ing At Wsynellvllle. Warren Co· unty, Oblo.
The MiaDli
JUNE 21. 1.... 81l11UDer time and haylnr time Ind aWimmlne time. that·. aummer tim.. Blnce tile • torml of 'a,t week t bal been pe'rtect aummer weather, w.-m but not too bot. brlsbt lun.blne Theodore E. Conover ,. .. Bldltor and cool "reezel. The comblnea Edna H. Conover .. A'l.80C. l!ldltor are workln, ,on rye and barley and the ha, la' comlnr In nice and
.rt1NIII 10, II•
tne.", how to lIandl. th......... In the water. Alone "Ith learn· 101 to .wlm com.. the llarnlnl of a f.w tafety rute•. NEVlDR ,0 In .wlmmlnl atone. You bow when you may ' need come one to b.lp you or .ei, tor hltp I.n c..e of accldlnt. NEVER eUva In .tranre wi.ter. Too many people IIbe bit tbelr b,adl' on rock. or been tanaled In otd wlr..mUd. or even lottau up Itliclt In tb. Tb~n. too. do not ro .,,1_lnl too lOOn after aatln, or wben lIeated 'or tired. !'oliow the rulel and 1",1m only In ' clean ptacel and you are comparatively late to njoy tbe tlneat Iummer lport In tbe world. Jeanette hal come home ' and tile children b....e had s've"' lo'bd rides. but Je~ette doe. not let heraelf ~e eall,hl .ery otten so they ' ,pend mo.t or the time rollowln, ber around the puture
eattnr and 1 mu.t 110 quick· Iy and_ pick rupberrlel .. &11 my bel:pere bave ~elr ban~1 In the clalr w~lcb they coUcet from the pond. trpln, to mate lome pottery. It II lummer time and ille la lrood.
P_._rh'~_' Y_Oo __ R,e_me_Dl_he_r,Oo FROM OUR FILES Jl'OB JUNE 10, 1931
MT, HOLLY METHODlaT METHODI8T CHURCH T. M. ScatIt. Mlnlater R. B, Coleman. Mlnl.ter Sunda,. Sebool, 8.10 ..m., m. A. Church SObool, 9 : 80 a,in., J. J. Earnbart. SUpt. Burete. Supt. .Worahlp Service, 10:10 ..m. All offloial leaelera of Ohurch and Sunday Scbool are called to Evenlng' Sen-lce. '1:80 'p.m. hi Ipeclal .ellioll Sund';'y, Jul7 8. CAESARS CREEK FRIENDI iO:30 a.m. '·lndependen.ce , nay" . DaVid Stanfield. M1nJlter Sermon. 11 a.m. Conven!ne ot tbe Boarda Sunday Sobool, 10 "J.IL In the Sunday ScbOoI ' room. dli' Worship ServIce, 11 a.m. miSBaI at 11: 20. • . ' e Choir 'Practice, Thursday. 7:.6 UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH p.m. WIlliam Shannon, lIiDllter Sunday Scbool, 9:80 a.m.. 111'1. ST. MARY'S EPIICOPAL Jamell Garrl.on. Supt. · Samuel N . KeYl, Rector Preacblng . lilt. and 8rcl. «unda,.. of eacb ~ontb, 10:80 .... MotnJnll Worehlp. 10:80 a.m. Evening Servlcel. '1:80 p.m. WAYNE8VILLE . FRIENDS • .. • First Day Scbool. 9:80 a.m. ST. AUGU'8TIN~ .CHURCH I\feetlng for Wor.blp. 10;80 a.m. Father R. H . Krumbolta. Putor
• • •
About 45 chickens were reported stolen frQJll the Ells Ivins farm nlear Ridgeville Wednesday night. . On T'hursday, while on the old d' W . N . S ears, re al County, roa, 'b k k d land estate 1'0 e1' pic e up a . turtle em which was carved the couine bel' ",Itb eare of corn anc! Jn~tials W. H. O. and the date 1921. bandfulll of lIupr. !!lome of our mllkera bave Improved enoulh po Mr. Se;arll thinks tpe initlala are that they can milk a wbole cow those 01 William H. Orndorl, who In not ton,er than It take. tile live.s in that vaeinlty and ', were rqular b01. to milk th. other carved by him ten ·years ago. MillS COl'a Dumford of Lebanon tbree. The cows do not Mem to mind too muob 10 e... ry one I. ill the guest of Miss Barbara Gray. bappy. 8be, ill a ,entle little mule Mrl. Hermah Surface lmd Miss If you ltay a",ay from bel' beetll Nellie tGraham gave a shower on ,* • • Malllell; '8 and 10 a.m. and onc;e ,e~ ber lIrldled lIut 101Ille·\T:h1,llr.sdlllY at the home of the .formof our tneqerlenced · rldera ha.e er, honoring Mrs. Rhea Ellis WAYt,}E;8VILLE CHURCH OF \ . ' CHRIST lIad trouble becau.e IlIle all mule. Harbmm, of WUminlton. , LYTLE MIlTHODlh CHURCH Ihe h&l !l 'frill of \ her own and ' Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray 1\1. H. CoUe,., Mlnl.ter B. EI 13augbn, Palltor lometlme. IIrefera to ltaud ItIII stlrted on a ~otor trlp to Nev'ada Bible · Scbool. 9:80 a.m. .....1' .. "' . . . . . . Cllurcb Scbool. 9: 80 ' .. m., MTs, lIy tbe b&I'Dyard ,ate to 101111 Wednesday, Morning Worsblp." 10:80 a.m• Worlhlp "Service. 11) :80' .. m .. eltller up the lane or . down. TIlen Born:-To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Young Peoplell' I\feetlne, 8:.6 p:m. Theme: "Yell. but, . . .. lomeone bal to come to tbe reo OsbOrn on Thursday, June 18, 'a Evenlnll Service. 7: 80 p.m. July 6, W.S.C.B. meeting ' Wed.• l! Icne anc! lead her. J con· 11 'h pC)~nd daughter. Prayer MeeUn, and Bible' ~tudy, p.m. at "the home of Mr•.Blancbe .1dered 01110 a. an Ideal vaoatlon Mr. , a nd Mrs. E. , C. Crane and Graham. Ipot, e.peelally eompare d to M. . children of .Dayton and Mr. and Wednesday. 7:80 ll.m, ~ , Offlcl&1 Board meetlq' Wed . ..obuletta ' and Colorado, lIu t Mrs. [ll. L . . Cfane returned Sunnellday e'Venllll. .J~I,. 6. 8 p.m. ' at th..e lovely. daYI "'Ith , an tile day ,ni"ht after a motor trip FERRY. ,CHURCH OF CtiRIlT ~UIIII: farm thin,. to do and a tovety .. the Church. All Board m.mberl pool to sWIm In. ·tbey ...m ~ In. througb louthem and 'ealtem Byron Canal'. MInister 9·12 Each Mornin, are urled to be prelent at ~II . Bible School. 9:80 ..m. t-S Afternoons Except Wed. fo,. It ' if nol.e and "lCtel are statel: ·mMtlnr. any m..nre. . Faith Tomlinson, who il now \\fornlnc Worllhlp, 10:80 a.m. 'Sunday eveninr. July 10. 8 p.m. Evenings by Appointment TIle cat. and kitten. ba.. atl home . from O. S. U., begins Prayer Meetln,. 'I :00 p..m. Children', Pro~ A rellllou. ~/N been liven nam... K]tty Pu.1 'I Thursday her field work in the Young Pepple'. MeeUIlI. 1~OO p.m. film will be Ihown at thIa ler· Only IItUl Kitty but b.r "hlte Family Bureau at tb~ Dayton Evening Servicel. 7:8~. p.m. vIce. TElEPH~NE 62 kitten ·'h&l 1Iecom, Gardenia. TIl. Flmi1l' Welfare AuociatioD. bam cat b&l become MnI. CalIco • l1irncat &l)el her Ilittenl. .run,. TWO RECEIVE DEGREES W,..y. Jl'rankJa and Eme.tln•. FROM OHIO STATE ,UNIV. We .tlll call tllllm tb. bant cat. 0Dtometr1c Eye i8pedaf ~ 1Iut tile, ' ha.e all ·monel to tile A. Jt!ne Il'&eluatfn. cla.. of ap' pron.atel,. 2.601) .. nlora receIved \ 1ft Itopt. · of, "tUq and 2e 80atll DetroIt ".M laGu.. TELEPIJONE 2291 dlplomd at Ohio State UnlveriGme cbclee , tidbits from the tabWAYNESVILLE, OHIO le. KItty Pu.1 .Ull b.-tnp ID mloe .Ity. 'lI'rlda,.. June 10, with Prel' nMIA. ORIO and Jounl .raU for Gardenia, wbo Iden~ . Howard L. Bevil deliver' Ii In the pr,oce.. of belnr WU!l' Inr the Commen~ement 'melll,e; ed. TIle I1tty Puil family and tbe TIle ctau Inclueled tile f9,Uow, Barilcat famn,. aUll .plt ,aftd lUI from WQ1lHv1Ue: ' fI,ht wltene••r 'tIley meet In a .A. Earnhart, baclleJor of rutie f..tun and Bmolln Iclence 'In' aarlcultur.; Dean E. . ~ Dot tet afty of th,. eat If Ih. can prev.nt l~ ,r Scott. hachelor of IclenCl In ed· ~e 10.'1,. ,"en peat are rone UcaUOD. no", lIut the . . . . are IHIrtnnJDI to ... I.rre el\oqb to pick and HOMI! FROM FLORIDA some of the cab1lqe head. are MI'I Grace 'William Ion arrived \Imolt . lar.. .en'o ulb to pick. home lalt Frld.,. after .• pendlng 1I',. there II lUll foo" 111 the put tbree anel a half 'monthll '.he locker anel canned ' 10041 on 1n MIami, Florida. IN GRATEFUL MEMORY ·.he abelf .0 feedlnll the family ... ,of tIlo.. "who rave tbe lut I. not mucb ' 0( a, problem. ' with full me..ure of devoUon." ~llnty of.1!rP anel milk and ! and rupberrlel we do not lNDEPENDENCE DA.Y have, . to 'IlUJ ' .o muoh at .ton. TIle' llart,.· Tranlparent KEM' TONE pI.. are rlpenln, and make del· Mr.. All)e~ Camer of 'IdIoa'a apple 'Iauee '~D ,ttIloup I.C~e~Ullati were week end visit.o~1 w~ Paper and ud tIl.y "ere Dot Iprayed and are and Mra. Wllbur N •.Sean .. BaI.. - N1I UtU. aotty. II,. prt.n not Pearl Hale .and ion So.6 ..... ~'". &I man,. of tho •• t .... in 'of Dayton, Sunday ancl LYtle. bat It afternoon callers at the home of W. · .ome imau, but ... ..:. d ...- WUbu rN. Sears. bel.,.. ' • IJU". &lIl~. deUelnl eaa1lD~r the other Mr. Robert Monier of BeauTelephone 2422 WAYIIII¥ILIlI. OHIO - an! ". hope fOr a fe" mono mcmt; Texas and Mr. Geol'ge TIl, hoDJIloeb aN til '100. ud of Tuacola" Dllnois were • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II;tJJ~~'~I, ~raa, Dot••Clulte lODe of Mr., :..t.and. Mrs. kGl~ , ~JUe are loob 1'1 pretty. M : 1I'lIa, Itlrta are Wclr. TIle little BoJ'(l4!!D durlrig !f.Ue past wee . ' r. owll h ..... to catl at Dlaht Robel~ ' Monger,' uncle of Mrs, tla. OoWI -aN reltln, III the BOrdl!!n was a former resident 'at abael, abel the air ImeUI eweet Red lJ~n. I, .• • with ' bay. It I. IwDmar Ume and .. Mr. and. Mrs. John J. ~urske, IUIIlmer . time I. ha,.ln; tme and MJ.-. alia Mrs. William Strouse, Mr. ta"lmmln, itme and and Mrs. Stanley "Bailey, Miss time anel playin« tfme ' tnd fllb· Marilyn Bilrske and Mrs. D. C. In, time and bueball time and Rid,e attended the' Past Matrons tuld Patrons picnic a~ the home of i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•.1 Mr. IUld Mrs.' Howard ~~erl~ ........, near 'I:.ynChb~g on Sunday. '. , ,·Mr. .and Mrs. Don Hawke are . -'e'W .()~upying an apartment the 1WlUamson apartments on Main Street. Entered
_ ... a·.. ·lfeen. and the "beat II rlpenlDI
at the poatortlee at OhIo.
rut. . Since our family baa jumped from one to ten we are doubly SubscrIption ,Bate : '$"1.60 per ,lad that thl. year tbey lIa.e ten In ObJo. Kentucky and 'rndlana. IIwlml for the prJee of aeven at tbe IIwlmmlnr pool «Ir wi ml,bt . not $Z.O.O elsewhere. be able to everr day, I believe that thl. reduced rate for re,Ular GEM8 OF THOUGHT That and leArning are of 811\all patronl wlU be a STeat help and reau' In mor, . Iwlmmera a1ld value until they're put .Into better 'eelln, aU around. What ion. ' 'j on ea.r th 'III all nice 11.1 a awlm In A em all , mind ill obliUnate: a nice cool water on a bot day. Tbe STeat mind clln leAd itnd be led. children are III leunJnr to ,,,Im -;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~Iand that too I, Important. &I I awl_In, it one of the tbln,. you never forret once you really learn and think of the live. tIlat would be .aved If 'm ore people
• •
·. ,
...... .......... ............
.-, ..... ae ....
• • ••
;llllllrEl l £YI8Y SIIV/(/:·
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
Funeral Home
White Kitchen
e Complete Fountain Service e Open Seven Night•• Weelc
. .;
7~ Way
FI.,or'· LalRpa $14.85" ,
G. E.
BfIIDI' Eum.. .
er... .....
Waynesville FUnDlilre &: Appliaace
t '~~~~
r Blue ,'Cross Prt.lmuma Payable At The Bank
pJis to
SAYEI$J P7 ,0. Dil 5,eciaI 1
Sanoe. Servia! WAYNE.VlLLE
Year .ummlr frocb WIll llay cool and CrilP lonle!' If tbey an brouKllt to B 6 R Cleanen for oleanlq and pre••ln«.
Application. Are . Available Here
We tate 8peclal oare of your .llIIUDer wardrobe - let 1111 In· lure your tooJrlnr your belt till. lummer '1' brlnllnc In ,our elret... todQf . • \0
nom BAH
24 Q,g age .
~oollng .
Place year Orller
Fairley- Bdw~ .S tore PHONE ' 1441
JUNlI: 10, 1."
Gordon, Mrs. Robert Brandenburg" Mrs. Charles Vooceis and Mrll. Mary Pierson attended the Caravan meeting of the Women's By JANE FITE Society of Christian Service, held at the First Methodist Church in Mrs. Ida Howe and lon, Mr. Xenia, 'Tuesc;lay afternoon. Harry Howe of Dayton were in , the vilalge Tuesday evening visChildren's Day was abserVed at ltiAg frienek. the ' ~ethodist Church, Sunday . . mornmg. Floyd Ellis- son of Mr. , Mr. and Mrs. 11,_ .. Chari es E1ll s announce·d h' Sherwood, m~"d ~. ••...,.. ' Fred companyw Ith t ell' granrl?~ught- the songs and recitations of ' the er, Mils Betty May Whiting of 'Children participatin Columbus left Saturday i · , morning Mrs " Ada Bell 8 gf'ormer resf or a two weeIts vacation at P~ea~- dent. and mother of George Bell ant Lake, near C.old~ater, Michl- of this village suffered a strok~ at gan. ' . her home in Dayton, Tuesday. M.rll. H. S. Tucker, Mrs. Charles She was reported to be improv-
CHEE8E . .... . . . . , .. S9c lb.
S FOR 25c
~ERRI.T DILL PICKEU; QT ;tAR .... : ... .. ....... 150
PHONE 2851
.. .... ... ... \
• • Of
H~ey~burg Garage HERB HALL, PROP.
ing Sunday. Herbert Ross of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doster Community. Mr. LnJor"PG entertained their Bridge Club to 'Warren County a~,ent diacuaect a card party. at their home Satints f th B ..t. plft~ and " urday ev~nIng. po 0 e rannOn ~ Mrs. Sara Miller bas accepted Mrs. Viola Hartsock presented an a nursing position with a private 1n,teresting account of her rec~t family in Cincinnati. trip to Germany where 's he visAn ice cream social was held ited her son and daughter-in-law on the school lawn Saturday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hartsock. rung. The proceeds will be used The· Crusader's .Class of the to purehase basketball suits for Methodist Church.. The Gleaner's this ' year's team. Class of the Friend's Church' and The colored people of our eom- the Young People's Clasa of munity enjoyed a picnic dinner, Jonah'!! Run Church held a picSunday, at Fort Anci~nt. . rue and ball game lit Jacob's Park Maynard Frost, son of Dr_ and W.ednesday evenin;g. Mrs. Ethal Stump entertained Mrs. W. E. Frost returned to his home in the village; Sa~urday, a group of ladies to· a 500 Card aft:er undergoing treatment at Party at her hOlme, Thursday J;lolmes _Hospi~, Cincinnati. evening. Two tablE!S were in play Mr. Eugene Snodgrass spent for the evening. Refreshments the weekend with friends in consisting of ice cream and cake and water melon were ' served to Michigan. The Crusaders Cla.s s of' the th guests. .Methodist Church will hold a Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collett FOQ'd Sale, Saturday, July 2nd at entertained the Rdult Bible Class 1 P. M. on the church lawn, next 'Of Jonah's Run Church at. their door to the home of Mr. and Mrs. home in Wilminglon,.l'uesday eveH. S. Tucker. ning. Mrs. J. P. Thornburg was in Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Mast.~rs charge of the devotions and Mrs. company with Mrs. Masters' -A. S. Collett was program J~der. ,and sons, Jerry and TolDlDY' In Dr. John Babb of Columb\lS was mother, Mrs. Blanche Carr, at- a guest this week' of his uncle and t~nded a bil'th,day dinner Sunday aunt Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brown. , evening in compliment to Mrs. Mrs, Lessie Lawson and Robert Moran at her home in daughter, Margaret and family. of Dayton were Sunday 'a fternoon Waynesville. The AdviSOry <;:ouncil met Fri- gpests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond day evening at the home of Mr. Brooks and family.
IIER'S Glrage
Main and Miami Sts. Ph. 234t
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Randall and family of Nulwille, Tenn., have been the houseguesta of Mr. Randall's bEother-In-law and alater, Mr. and Mr•. B. L Hill Mr. and Mrs. Titus of Tuskela, Oklahoma have been recent, gu~ of Mrs. Titus' brother and sister-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Murphy. Miss May McKay of Wllmington and Miss Marie North of Dayton are the houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. ' Charles Swindler, at their country home near the vUlage.
ren County Hlstorical Pllarlmale Sunday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrl. Bert Graham and daughter, Mrs. Ellis Jenkins and grand-daughter, Pamela ,Jenkins, of Grand Rapids, Mich., vlalted the former's mother, Harry Graham and wife and Mr.. Suaan Saylor, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. P. ' N. Cornell we~ dinner guests of Mr. and ,Mrs, Carl Pickering at 'Centerville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Carmony of Springfield were overnight guests J of Mr. and ~s. Wllbur Clark, Saturday and in ~mpany with Mr. Schatzer, Dean of Witten8 MRS WALTER KENRICK burg College, Springfield ' and y . wlfe, visited all the homes of the Mr. and Mrs. Harlan White of Warren County HIstorical PHOrlando, . Florida' and Mr. anil grimage Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Thomas White of Dayton The Woman's Soclety of Lytle were Saturday evening guests ·of Church will meet ne~ WednelMrs. Nettie Emrick. The former day afternoon, July 6., at the Mr.-and Mrs. White were enroute country home of Mrs. Forest Grato Mo. to visit his sister, Miss ham, Mrs. May Banta wil lhave Bertha White. the worship service and Mrs. Mr. and ·,Mrs. Clyde,ton p;rnes t Harlan lJl program leader. visited Mr. and Mrs. Harley Car Assisting Mrs. Graham are: Mrs. penter at Lynchburg, Sunday:. • Don Watkins, ' Mrs. Robet;t HetMr. and Mrs. Arthur Zell weJ;'e tinger and' Mrs. Hilda COwan. overnight guests Friday of Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Seth , Furnal Jr. and- Mrs. Seth Furnas and daugh- and Miss Sara Corrlnne Furnas er, Miss Sara Corinne and left attended the Discussion Group of Saturday .£0J: their home in Erie, the Friend's Youpg people Sun- ' Penn. day evening at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Allred Rasnake and Mrs. Willard Furnal in and son, left Saturday to spend Waynesville. . tlll!ir vacation In 'and near LebSunday callers at the home of anon, Va. visiting the formers , Mr. and Mrs. Leane Gray were: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Mr. and Mrs. Leslie .Earnhart, Rasnake and family · and alSo rel- and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Earnhart atives of ..Mrs. Rasnake. of Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Russell R01,ltzahn .spent lut Gray and daughter and Mrs. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tillie Gray , of Dayton, Mr. and William Finney and children near ~s. Will Null and Mr. and ' Mrs. Waynesville. ' . Robert Montgomery of near Miss Albel1ta Brannock of SpringPoro, Mr. Gray is convalWaynesvllle an ~r. Milton J\>nes escing nicely since R;Il operation attended the Lion's Club Banquet and serious illness. at the wishiitg Well at CenterM".' and Mrs. Walter Kenrick
I t . 01.. '1' ~e
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V~ill~e~Th~u~rS~da~y~e~v~e~run~·~g~.~~ .
Mr. and Mr•. Seth Furnas Sr. vUsted several homes of the War-
home Mr. and· spent of Saturday at Mrs. the . WUllam counby Stanton and family near Springboro In Interest of the Warren County HIstorical Society. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roclhold aDd ramUy of Wub1n~on O. H . lpent Sunday with Mr. and lira. Arthat Roekhold and lam.JIy. IIrl. HeniT B8I'Iei aDd cidId· ren of Beavertown, lira. Robert Greene, Miss Clara M&J' Shaw and Mra. Wilbur SteYenlon DaytOn called on Mr. and lire. Lue Korran Sunday. Mrl. Beille Valentine, Mr. Oeo. Marlatt of Troy called On friends lut Thursda7. Mr. and Mra. Ra1mond' of Xenia, ' Mr. and lira. lJalPb Dill and · Ion, ToIllDl1, of SPrfnl VaDey were dfnller auelta Bun· day of Mr. and , Mrl. :mmel'101l ·DJ1L , Mr.. BUy Glblon ,spent Thw day eveniDe with Mr. aDd lira• Thomas Runyon. Mra. Mettle Levi remam. quite W· at her home here. Mr. and M1'I. Xenneth Bratten lor Dayton ,caried on Hr. and lira. Georre Bratten Thl11'lday e'fenIng. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earnb&rt , spent the .weekend wIth ':Hr. and Mrll. J. Guest of' Columbua. . Mr. and Mr8. Lewis Crawford SIlent S~day with Hr. and lin. J. Gooldln of XenlL .
Waynesville . ~lnerican . tegion . Post 615 ~
, 1949
Don't sit around waiUns for an opening or you may ,et into a hole.
You'll know a wise maD- by the things he doesn't . 8&7·
food 'Concessions
By lit'.,
Borden Cow
Borden's Chotolate Drmk .gives children .•valuable ",ilk nutrients • . • and I flavor they' all love' .
\ ,
COlDe Early - BrinK 'The Fam,l,. - Stay Late . Spend A. . Salle ADd EeOlto.-CaI Fourih ·' '-
25c DonatioDI
-Door Prize -
- .
A talty way to Inlur. ellfro MIl nutrient•• Let your Iorden .... I,. av. yo'll Chocolat. Dri.' regularly, or for " " " . when IhoDDiina.
Thunday, June 30, 1141
75,000 Miles Goal
D EPA R ,. MEN'!" • Ident"ical twins (twins), those rare look-a likes who are closer than two CLOTHING, FURS, ETC. • (two) cal'bons of the ~ame let~r, are i:i\ii1E8t - Wr lt,,-) )r low WiC~' 5 011 BICiiiiei: Latest New York a-lyles; rt rty dresses. in a fair way to becoming immortal. p1 1l 81iO a prons . other n rt c1es . EAOLF: MEKCANIfILE. 1\"", 147. 8'P,ID~II.... O. ized mor'e or less (less~thrOugh the / DOGS, CATS, PETS, ETC. Ho"ywo~,d Twin club. This organi. GERM AN 8I1iifflGiDpm;S=";"' -~A'::K:::C zation i~5 either one Club with ·36 lOO?D'T,t1RIl: ....Im• • ; S3,12-ia: Il>OlIoe dOli", AlSO 8rl'wn .tack : WAtch. doga. T elephone Melrose 8170. R .... I DEVOTIONAL RmA,DING: Pu1m. 145, Rout. N9. n, Box 21)1. German'own Pllce, members; or two matche~ sets ot l·lD. , Da,lo ... Ohio. each-teJke your choice. Six mel'flll-S...,....,.~----I-----:~I FARM I\lACHINERY" EQlIIP. bers of the Twin dub arid' th'eir ODga. . QARDIE . t ,h: rd Il1r.,« '2 wheela rub. ber oooxl8. )'roller 11l1ctr. 100 BUL, t a nk; carbon il;Opi~s (left) smile noncha· compte-teo ready to operate: nr-orJr new. SeUlnlf reulion-orchllrd sold. Wit Morlantly (It the poor photographer. ' an, Re. 3. XeD••• O. Phone 11J.81 .Uer l p.m. Meetings. are held onte a month for I ,reatest ~ymn·bdok III ~e the sole purpose of Iletting Iog.,ther FARMS AND RANCHES i world Is to be our ltudy for to relax and enjoy. mutual hobbies. three months. Not the oldest; ltlal
MASS.-M t or car tire. good for 7~,OOO mile. may be expected on the market before lona. Dr. Charles P. Fryling of the Pbll1lps petroleum company bas reported. Addressing the ' Northeastern section of the American Chemical Society at the Miusachuselts lnItitute of Technology, Dr. Phillip.I laid that further improvement in a ,new synihe\.ic known al "cold rubber" would make the long·lived tires possible. He asserted that a production capacity of 200,000 toni of cold rubber would be avallable b, the ,end of thi. year, enablin& ~ynthet.ic rubber to compete on favorable terms wIth the nanlral product. In addition to makin, possible better rubber, Dr. Fryling' said. 1I1e 'ilew process has reduced the coat ot the synthetic product, • Inc.e ' 1a.ter rellctions with re- ' du.ced overhljacl' co~tl were now. possible. and that 1ewer raw material. need be used.
for Al Hearts
iJitt(J 'Sist elOS
Old Boy,Scout Trick Worb to Bring Back Man,Dead 15 Minutes LO~ ANGEL~ , -
'Reld' C. Lewis, 48, founll-fdced, 'sligbtly bald aircraft in'. peqtor, jokes about hi. return from the dead as the result 01 a doctor's recalling an old Boy Scout fust aid trick. "I thought the iloctor was kid, d.lng when be first told me I 'd been dead and brougHt back to lile." Lewla IIld In his hosplt,sl bed. Lewis was brought back to llte after he "died" on the operating table when undergoin.g n;Unor .ur· lien' in ~ the doctor's ' office: The phy.lchm, who would Dot permit ule of his name, said Lewis showed no .11ll'· of life 10r 15-minutea despite Injectionl of a stimulant, coramlne, din!ctly Into the heart and artificial respiration with pure oxygen pumped .~to . the lun,•• • "Then I recalled an old Boy Scout handboOk fir.talil trick that siud personl wbo bad been' dfown.e d sometimes wefe brought back to life by breaking a J>olle," the doctor sald. "I .,napped Le",b'l 10th left rib , with my band.. He came to lite at
The Pope twins, Jane an.4 Jo (right) haye more in common than th~ir faces. They' have the sanie taste in clothes, food ~nd :f;o}ics, . including horseback riding~ All members of the club are as versatile as they are beautiful, and all ore engaged in some. phase of theatrical work: Eve in Hally'wood, where illusions grow' in abundance on movie .lots, th.• twins are conceded to be unusual, unique and novel.
''I juat told ~ he · m\l.t
i!~p~d ,himself, ". Mrs. ;:,o~,ru., 'I LeWis said. "That seemed to Iy him .... ' .
ft~I"' JP~,I,~r!d ' f~ ,,~~Id .,
uf Morl Sklll.d Worken
I •
.killed laborers, retirement .t4 other.. alld departure of some to 9tbel' fields. '-The apprenticeship pro,rlUlll are (eedin, new men into the ~elds," Pattellon added, "but there ia Dot qUite enouSh of them to re~in the skilled labor force 9f ·the country." 1 f • ,e adde~ , ~at . the unions are co-operat£ng to build up the num' ber of apprentic~lJ ' in~ .each trad!! ,and 'the best ,ob is being done b1 the buil~, trades. . .' , ' .. ~
Do, And Donkey KIII.d In Weird A,.d Mlsh.p CARACAS.-In • triple crasb zoe. centJ7 in the municipality of Camunare, Urachlche district, Estado YaracU)', a , dOl, • donkey, and automoblle got tangled up in .ucb a faahion that the dog died beneath the hooves of the' donkey, while the !ioiik... .Med beneath the wbeela 01 the car. ~~n the doOkey passed hou.e vJhtire the · dog ·Uved. dog~ 1'80 out barkin,. The took to Its heels with the it and Briived at a bend road at the entrance to the · just a.s a car approached round blll1d_ The donkey lalhed out with its . Jrlnd leg. and struck ,the dog, It a second before the car. unable to pull up, struck the don· key with ita front wheela, kiUln, It. The car wal .,recked-ita radiator amaabed in, headlampa 1)rota o1f. ita mudl\larc:Ia snapped. mid its bumper brakeD.. . It ",..~ annoUDced that a triple '1udlment 01 Solomon" would lie made. bJ which tIM OWDel' 01 tile 4IoalEq ~ e,ompeaaata tbe owa. . CII tile do...... OWlleI' of ~ ear ..... compeaaate u. owaer aI tile
fIO'DI*'"'1' _
daatV. wbIIe .Inthe crnar " ~ WGUJc1 turD. . . OWIIU' cd .... cu_
. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 141 ACRES wllh approxlm .. lely huU ."aUy tilled. Th" Improvemenla. (onelsl of • luri_ .tock b a m, B. Qood mUk'houle. 1I1t1" Ohlck"" hall.....nd a lsrlle ' ,arase. The houee III of brIck construction with a rooms ond bathroom complete exeepi lor the pr... ure 'Pump nnd aepUc tanl<. For 8 1I0od forn • . buy lee IWa today. 'Quoltlllonc~t~ W. MONJ Ollio. MAKE MON~Y: ' SeU Pen. Pencn. Bnll POlnl Bela ; 19.00 dOl. Doxed beauttfully , !luar. som ~le. '1.00. J~IN DeGROFF .a liON ••SIII •...h .Pona 1,\4 .• RIDGE"OO~
• • •
~ blVESTOCK PCREBRED .ae,I.lend ·Dor.for'" Yen rlin, bUlla and heller. and foun, cows. Rerd TB and BailS. accredltod. 0 BRIEN' FARl!IIS. Au" •• 'Ia' • .,
MISCELLANEOUS HAr FEVER IUFFERER8: Wrlto (Dr C1rculor nnd lnfO'rrnallon. QUICK RELIEF. W. M.ra./II~.. b. O. lIay Fev •• I ..II.le •• OLINTON, MO.
All flovora
How It 'Grew
. ' LIKE aU hymnals, this book of
C;ood Quollty,
sler 0411-
Ion. 35c Quart. F.O.B. Fr.e Samp.lo. It. B .....It. taos.atlo "... New Ye.k Cit,. VANII,LA 8TAN'OAlt.D 1JI1TATION
Good Quollty. speclal~c, f2ll0 per Oat-
eoe QUBrt. 40c I. Free Simple. Psalms grew by de,rees. · It t"", II. 'II.lIa01l, :tlOt4tll A •• Ne" Yerk ()1t,. W~. not ~itten all at one tlme or by ofle per.on. David wrote I\)me "poULTRY. ~B1CK8 .. EQlIIP. of the Psa1mI, how many we do Da¥ts "Pollorum , ....... Chldul not know. The . '·Utl.." of the ~,.... P.allD. ·w ere added b" later HeNe. Hampshire. ·and other .broll .. brew editors, a~ , no part of the breed. for Immediate de/lvery In IUS. or .maU ·quanUtl .... Write te>original Psalms, and are often inda' for catalo, .nd BIG' I.vln" on accurate. earl)' booked ol'd.e r.. • L I . . " " DavIS Poultr7 Fa"", __t ... _ .. An eflfdctive routine used by Marion It Ie VM7 Ukel,. tllat mach Reub ~-C Harmer. Inti. and Martha Neff is 'this "mirror" as a tIIolIIUIIl ,..,.... weat b1 sion. M~Jrtha, or maybe. it's ,MI~ri~'1I , beilreell Ute 'lnt 01 ..., Paalma REt\[; E8TATE-M1SC. to be wrlUeD, eel &lie laat. holds a hoop in, the foreground .1 HAVE .. I.t•• U2"eo. all c:ov<!,ed wltl1 Eve..,. modern h)'lDDll ~at fa Mariani or maybe it', Martha, dupli- ' temple oranle. and sra'petrult tr.oat on. pod 111ft part • COlleetiOIl mile from Clly of Bradenton Flo.; lull' catM th,e ' ~se in the background to all,. able for .maU horn •• or 10 coionlze; .. Ieco' Ute best tile old b)'lDllala, trlclly ond lOod ,..tor 8vall8bi~ Wrlh. .,resent 'r.flection" fhat Isn't. The lor further del.U•• ~."" Cll.mb .... RI- t . Twin club was formed in 1945, starting So our book of Psalin!, aa It ".ftaU. Statton, 1I-, •• eDl.b, Fla.. finally took lhape, came from oldwith five sets. 'tRAVEL er .coUectiolll. A glance tbrOUlh It In the American Itandard ,versloD MARILYN'S INN will ,bow that III Its prelellt form Dlreclly on Ihe Ocea n 01 :I3.d Street VirginIa Brach, Vlrllnl a II made up of five amaller books, lhe center of all B.nch neUville • • Inn , Welcome WJlIIOn I. at endini with Plalma 41, 'l2, 89. 108 ,our Marilyn'a Request It 10 lncel YOlll" and 150. ·Eaell hook IIIida witb a dox- trAin dlapc)anl. or~ plnne. FI"hlnl pnrtt •• arran'fI'ed. . Modified Amerlcon Plan. , ology and book Y' end,' with. • -ma,- • Low.o ....eekly rate •• nWcent ·.erJ.. of them. Sometime. PIl.De~. Mr •• K. C. !,Ittohleill. Ow..o,_ ~e editor• .left in duplicates. ~ead; FISHERMEN Irig ' Psa!m 14 Iide ,b, Iide with 11'1' OF JULY ~.ns the Mu"kell)U\le. , PsalDj till will show that these two Bl aek BOla and okerel Se olon her". on Lake ODe of the Knwartha are · exactly the aame, only ulling . SturseOD Lakes.. We hAve Boata-Balt-Gu~de._ · Thl. tl on Ideal .l>Ot to brln, your family dWerent· names ' for God. At least •• we h"v. comfortably (urnlshed lod.e ; olle 9f the Psalm. ' l. made up ' of al.., coltale. to accommodate partin of .lx, or ten. Cotta •••• ar" healed on" "clippings" from earUer Psalms: haveel/lht runnln, hal a.n d col.d wat')r. rFlu.h thus Paalm 108 il mide up ·f rom ToUetal, Sprlhl-fUled ' bedl .. Electrlclt,. Oood food. · exceDent eoffee Psalm 57:7·11 and Ps.a lin 60:5-12 . throu.bout. .erved al nU t1",eil. There are aU Bummer r.crullanat ac"vltl.. avalloble nnd,. lhe The Paalms we.;e cherished awlmmln. 18 wonderful here at TlIuratonla preael'Ved generatloll after geriera- Park. \ Lak. Front Locatlonl 1'0' further tion because of theii' hean-appeal. ln10rr;.~~~~n o,:-n.'t:':~'1.';.vn~tI~~ect to: ' . Oui' Psalm book bas gone through HOLlDtY HOUSE . centuries of iI~l; l'Qany were M. E. BUbD •• TBURSTON.A liAR" dropped out and forlotten, but the (10 MU .. F .... Tor.a"') O~T'\RtO. OAN. beat· were saved and .ung: , and' wbat we have I. cream o1 ·the' ==:-::;=W:-;;;ANT,,;; ';;;;-:E;-;D;;-;;TO:;,;;:-:;;;;B:;lI;;;Y=-::,:,~~ belt 01 the liilg~r. of Israel ~~o~ f::l!~.T!;~J ~:t~N.!:~t~
~wb was not lnfoJ1Tled -of hi. "deaill." He complained ' of a lOre rIb, his wife laid, arid wondered lwby. the doctor did not perform the operation. The doctor bad told her what happened: but alked her Dot to tell Lewis until h'1 could oper.te
,, ~ ORLEANS.-1ile South fa • need 01 additional sldlled lsbor for indu.trlal expansion, delegates from., 10 .tates werjl : tol~ at ~e ~~t annu~l SQuthem .tate~ apo prerrticellb.lp conference here. .• t . · ,Y1ll1la,m F. fatter.on, Washln,ton, dli'ector of the U. S. I.a bor deI'artment's bureau of apprentice.lhIp, declared that 11 the indu.trial Irowth of the South · continue., "There must be 'a. ireat deal of JIWlch put behind the ' apprentlcesblp I'rogram.~' He .aid · the sldDed 'labor force 01 ei,ht mUllon In the United State. wal . ItaeU by. 5 per cent
l~O ACRE .1•• 10 f.'DI. impo.lnll fnrm hous" 2 1en" nl Iiou."'. ~ tre .. m : mostly "n.ture., Brok'e r, ' IS•• "arll.le .. 01110.1 , , .
,.Bin. . '
110nor belong. if' the Vedic liYmn. of ancient india. . ' Not the Iargelt: the bymna~ of yoUl'church may easily be twIce as 1 a r g e. But the greatest h y m ribook in the world il the book of poems was usep 1<»' the hymn·book at Pulms. This coll~ction of religious the temple which wa. buUt when ,the Jewish exile. returned to Babylon. It was tbe bym.n;'book of ' Herod's temple, and we khow our u5ed and loved it. It is . inthe of the Bible: It the only hymnal which the Cbllstiana l,lsed, for some Incteed the book of Psalms II bly the only hymn-book honored and used by three separate religions-JudaIsm, Moha~medan i.m and Christianity.
• • •
valuable If there 11'0' any old .tampa 01' ~~el:J:.'i:. ~o wlU. ~y thom. I'or parttcu-
MIrror of M~n
Jane and' ~ean' Luther (right), who perform on skates in West coast ice shows, hord still I,. '0 pretty pose long enough for you· to tlet a ,look at the~ faces in case you want to try to tell them apart-arid what .good ~ould that do1 The Costellos, Dorothy and Ruth, (below) are ballet dancers dnd .. are :'co~sid~red good ot It. "ere they carry. out the twin' . business with identical dancing poses to m~tch their physical appearance. The' girls are both blonde «!nd blue-eyed.
'OIiN CALVIN caUed the Psalma Jvaried the "mirror of the 10ul." All the moods 01 man-hope, despair, triumph, envY, ' doubt. aspiration, 10neUne,s, . hatted, fear, irritation, patrloti.m, jOy, b,Uerne,I, , . amazement; angUish, rapture-Iilm".t every emotion that ean be felt toward God or ' man breathe. iomewhere. or other In
' Paalins.
8lDce. Dot ODe or Ute , aathon of the Pulml . . . a . CbrIdlJan; or coarae, we shoald, DO& be aarprlaed to bere ed ·there, exprealtODI ('or aa_ pie) of batred which ' are 01lt of bannoD, wiUt Ute aplrl& . and teacblD' 01 ;'ellU8. The 'wonder .8 '!!at there I. 10 'U'pe eI> &bat ~ 01 &bin•• . For evell)' Psalm in which the pOet .aYI something cruel or hatetill (e. g. Pselm 137:9 or 109:6-14>, are .cores that brl:athe .. spirit . of gentleneal and' grace. For every pote of despall' .< P.alm ·88 il the only completely gloomy .one in the whole collection), thera are man), hallelujahs of bope and Ilad· ne... i
... oJ
l\fessa,e God .' . F the 'Psalm. are so human, how can the, be also God'. Word? Yet. they are alao, truly, a mesal Ie 01 God. For they ~not ,only cast a divine light on the state 01 man'l . heart.~ but they .bow wbat the ute C?f man is when G9d become. real , For God \Val real \0 ead! poet who contributed to thIl' great book, In latter week. tbia summer we shan be lookln, at tlle p.alm. tibm varloui .peclal angle.. ThI. we. It Will .IM helpful to sit qUietl,r With the three typical PI8lm.. 1. 87 and 100, .ntt-.. yO\l" · pond8f Over each one in tum. alit your....: What doeI tbiI ebow me- .boIa 'God' What doe, thIa about-are -111m It &ari1I to God!
Ita w... 1I.!'.!'v~.r':Ia•••I•. A.... KI.p Pilt.d on ,V_lu.. I, A••dlnl .Ih. Ids
Simple Smartly Style4 F,ock Twosome for Sun-Filled Hours
~' ,
" For , Sammet AKE YOUR place in the BUD in • pretty sunback dress that' can be made in two version.Pleasant WearlnC monotone or. with a ,bright conYOU'LL GET many hourI of trast. For cover-up. add the bJief pleasant ,s ummer wear from bolero. • this 'simple yet smart day timer. Patt.rn Nei. 18n III , . ..w-rSt. pa~ .And it's so easy to sew-try a rat.ct, pattern ' jn &Iu. 11, 12. 13. it. 18. 18 20, Size 12. d.e... S~ ~.rda at IIprinted, fabric or cool, dark sheer. .nd 1n~b for mOllotone,; bolero. ,. 7arcl. .
• • •
P.t.m No'. 1885 Ia • .ew·rtt. perle>rated paltem for .Ize. 12. 14. 18. II, 20; 40 and C. Size 14, 4 7.rda of »1ncll. The
Sprlnlr and
SE"ING CIRCId!l PA'l'TIIIR;' oBP'i'. Il1O 11•• &10 ~.II. 81_ ClI •••• ,. DL II!n"loa. 211 ".nia IA colDa for •• 011, patte~ ..dellrad.
, abl
P.~rq N~
offer. '. wealth of .u.c.aUona tor llman .ummel' wal'4robea-.pecla) featur~, fab.
rIc newa, frIO. pattern printed lnalde the book. 25 c:"nta.
Addr... - . . , . . - - - - - - -
, You Build It
House Will Charm Bluebirds olrered below take aU 'the mystery out 01. 'building. U a e r merely traces the pattel'n on the scraJIII of wood the pattern specWes, ,saWl! and assembles , exactly as and ' where the pattern inc:ije.a tea.
• • •
Full, size p.~terna for painlln. decor. . tiona 'ro'tmit IJnlablnC IJou... with · .
gf,.oJ·:~:l ~'g,hm~:'
:m f::: ~:..~~
PatteI'll Company. Dept. . . . v.W•• N, Y.
.~ solve your bird-housYOUingCAN, problem very, easily, by
EmptY elg Shells can be easD7 converted into attractiv!!, place favors for your next bridge luncheon. Start saving shells in adv8n~ by taking, time to blowout egp when zecip~s do ' not call for separated ,egira. Blow ollt eg,. by: making hole in round end. with Once, there was a very rich cld Point, of 'knife and ' c;arefully ilft; ,' bachelor whose ' sole recreation off slleU until the hole is about the' see'med to be in Jeadiilc the ',irIs lize of, a dime. Hold' egg over bowl a merry ' chase ~' One young girl and. with the point of a larke pm. was a little doubtful about the ad- puncture a · hole in the other eodvisabillty of chasing a man so old. blo.w through sm.u p.u ncture ancl "Don't think he is a 11ttle ege will drop out into -bowl. too old to eligible?" Rinse and dry sheUs: then dye 01' ---t""",,~r them as desired. Holes may 'be coverell with gumm(!d paper 'o r secure decorations. etc. witbID them-let yo~ lmaiiJ)atlon. party 'motif..:etc. t?e your ,ui!ie. " I,
building the Bluebli'd House No. 110, illustrated above. It iJI al attractive as it il practical and you should. have no difficulty in find· inC ,tenants. The fUll size patterns "
One Dent pe .. 'Yord, minimum charg., 25 cente. Three In.enlon. for the price two. Form• . clol' Wedner day noon. RATES:
and Mre. Stanley Salley,
elbow, •
Florence Hopkins, Mr. and JIm Jonel, youthful Bellond-lIac' Irwin Mu,lford- and Mr. ker led all hlttere wIth three Charl'e s wa<:a atended the wed-
ding of Miss Constance ' Fairley
• • d 1~' J h La '· J in th Plenty of earl! were in evidence an I • 0 n .pe, r. ,e BOB O'REGAN lut Thursday aa donk~y lIortbaJl HiUS\Joro M.ethodlSt Church, on wall Inaugurated a.t Geiger Stad, Friday evenmg, and the recepThree in a row on the WTOnc 1um before a very nice crowd . tion which followed at the Fairley ot the ledler ", _that'a the thJ. column' unde retands tbat the borne, , ,
us ~or in urance. All types of in urance at a savings. Call or the AmerlCllJl Legion profited orel' $60 due to ' Mr. 'YI1lliam 0 BanioD and Francis 'Gene' Brown, phone Post 615 nine a~ the I~cond halt lea«ue the generosity of Henry Geiger sons, Lee and Bobby, have be~n. Waynesville 2472 or call col- of tbe Trl·GountY loop schedule who .pon80re~ (be event. It enjoyling s ' fishing trip in Micw..: IIwln,a Into play • th~e Bunday , Je~t, Wilmington 2 t t 1. s hould be menUoned bere that gan , . with the I~calll ' Invacllllg , DOlVersthis game wall Bcbeau\ed aome Ume ago and Mr; Geiger dill nnt know wbether or not the lo cal eoftballers were «olns to have' a loop or not. . , ,de8Pite that . ~Ig· er decI ded to give' tbe proflte to tbe league ! Well, all J' have poInt.ed out before, that's all ' the le&.«ue needed:, '. ,an "angel" who would lake' over the rellponlllbflity of ) pOl8lble , debt~ , . Mr. ' Geiger'" readines. to do that very thIng Ie w-bat made tJilll league ' p08slble [or 1949: . . . Yell, tbere Is a four man board composed Bill Stroud. George Miller, Ra1pb Edenreld and Gelr' er to 8Uper-vlse , ~verythlng. but lUI I understand It, Geiger 111 the " top man" whim money Is needed,
FOR SALE-Protecto«raph check ville. Remember tbat elub turn· "Titer, ' ExceJl nt ' condltldn $5.00, Illbed the opposition opening day Tile Miami Gazette, Phone 2H3. wben Danny Simpson hurled Wain,eavllte's only t eague vict· FOR SALE- 8 acrell on Route 73 ory to date, As we 80 to near bUS', $196 pel' IllCre. Term.a, ,W aynesville Is battllne ' Center· ~orge RenJde, Pbone 2. Lebll'non, vllle hare (Wednesdsy) In a LUMBER- All klnda. dreae'e4 01' twlclI'polltponed ffrllt rOllnd afra! r r01lgh. PI~e. oak and pOplar In an so It may well be 'that t blll Sun. day will find the homatawnerll lengths. Rea~nab.e pl'1cel, All lportJng a two I!'amell won and ordere, IUse or Imall. will be tbree IOIlt; for th~ first >rountl, delivered. A..O¥ ' LA!im. Phone ~aynesvrue -----,
• • •
2701. .
lAlit Sunday lit lIarveY8burg Jackeo.n '! lads Cl1S'l'OM BP~YlNO ,"or Coach Frank weedll Pl' eOI'D. Al,o have, for sale sprung II. 10·8 lIurprlse on our 2, +D concentrate, "ShUT.klll" Letp;lon nlne _ . . tbe lIla8111e .outtlt led all tbe way except for a tew we~ tiller. 50 ~r Milt atl'ODller momentA In: t he fIrst lltA:.nza when . tban' mOlt others, Spra,ers for Hllr()ld Stanley toored Waynell. sale. W. L. Sheeban, Phon.e Wa,- vUle'1I tlrflt t ally. Stanlay on the See you aU at the 4th. Annual , Dee Ville ~11: mound tor the loserll tlellerved II 4tb or July celebration at the ,better tate 8.~ tellmma.tu· ' errors WaynenUle HI«b Scbooi groun~a .. BANK RUN GRA Y\llT_ Loade') \llayed a mlljor Pllrt In hili down . at DavIs Furnall Pit, 50' cente fall, but bIll own Inabmly to keep cubIc yard, We IIbo dell vel'. ARM. tbe. ball over the 'plate dll'!n't'.belp, ITAGE ",. SON.' Pbone 2081. tf StanIe" Is a reasonably sood pro .. SPlct, but will 'bllve to learn · to CU.TOM BALltfQ Min Mildred Coleman, daugb· ", C: LaRUE ter of Rey. and I\Irll. R. B. ColeCARD OF THI.NKS RT, 1, WAYNESVILLE, omo Is vflltlng here fol' a ten lI'or all the cuds, menA ges, man PHONlD ~800 "oweI'll and every a ct of tlndne!!! day. 'vacation. She II ~brarl!,n' In shown , my family and durInit' the 'pubUc library, EUlene. OreEXC'AVATING I ' the IlInellll And lifter the dellth, of gon, WIth Bulldozer .t: Shovl!Il, Dr. H, F. Dye and famUy will my motber, J !1m deeplv grateful. J)alemente, pondl, levYs' and ' cleleave tor a two·wee~'8 vacation , Roberta Cook . Rbout July 8. aring Janl!. Elltlmatel t urnllhed . W . N, UI,>TON, WJI.on Rd., 4 ml, Mr. and Mrll. Ed . Burto~ aDd . NOTIC E TO CONTRACTO"S baby daugqter, of Elyria have e..t . of Wayne!., Ph. Sprln8' STAT~ . OF OHIO been the guests of ,f~lends lind ley ,nil. 1)ElPARTl\fENT OF Jlln'llW'ft Y!'l . dolumb",", OhIo VVANTED- Onltom ' Baling." 1.20.!ler or Salea LeI!'B~ COpy no Call Lebal)on 877o:lt. rmt 49.2411 lnlJBwortb. .rune 25. U41l CUSTOM ~G- WIth Bal. UNIT PRICE CONTRACT 'O.Matle wf:re.tle uniform tenalon ' Sealed Pfono 8alll, ""'II be rAe!!'. Elec~ical , ved at the offlee nr the fURtA on 'BIll' "etPt JlaIe dellred. W. Hll'!hway DIrector of Ohio. lit Col. Al-L WORK ACCORDING t.;, Eiheeban. Phone Wa1Detvllle umbuI, Oblo , until 10:()O A M.. TO CODE mI. OhIo Atllndard ' Tim!!. TU8sda.y, . ' .Jul, 1,8, :U149. for Improvemente NO JOB 'rOO '".ALL FOUND- Bacik of meal on Spr· In : . tngbol'Q' Ro.... O-,vner may claim IMPORTA-NT; PhOne N!). i. . Propollal No. l ' , 8aI!l8 tor payment, of thll ad. changed from 2t4t to 2851 ,,. ~r8.rren County. 0",.,. "1'l ~"""nCall Waflle.vllle 2851: r~ W a1 n. .vlll •• 9.2.11, Stllte Rri'''(1 /1:0, 4" In ·nte.. r Crflek "nwTl~hln .. co _Yl"1 .... ,. ... "" ~R SALE- Late cabbag. and . m&ll&d plants. 10 cent. per dOlen, IllIDhalt.IQ· nonC"A·· -nrr.cO! ~nllr"'1 CH~ . C, $TROUSE, 1% mlles Hem a T·aO ~"" T·lIn. Pave",!!n' : Wld'h '!!ai . north of Waynelvllle, at ~......... -=13.;1.4.7,2 tl!l~t.. nr ~~!I ml1"'p or WIlynenme, ROad.. ,,' , Contrllflt to Ib~ nn"'ml..t ..~ TI~' latltT tban ()ct~beT til. 19411. , FOR SALE- Chrome 'top The minimum ' \Vfttrl! to be ~II"~ berl range for bottle '.... Rob't, all labor l!I1IIolByed '0 .. ibIs con • .Barnett, ,fhone Warn'" 2114. at tra(!( aball be In accl)rdOlllce wIt" .....O'OERN-EFFICIENT tbe "Bcbed~le or P,revail1T1g' •• I)' Wage Rates Ascertained Electric Sewer', determined by Tile De~l'tment and Lnduatl'lal ~elatfon. appll~able Drain Cleanitlg Service State BI«bway Departinent No Di~g prov~ent.: In aceordance ' wi No Broken Up Basement 'Floors Sectlona 1·7·8, 1'1·•• 17,"a, 17·5 and ( Roots and Other Stoppage 1'7-5a of tbe' General Code of Ohio." . Removed The bidder mUlt submIt with bls , (Sewer W9rk Guaranteeli) bid a certJtled cheek In the am· 'tTallel Sewer and, Drain lSelrvt,e:e,lttUt;lt f ,8641.85. 12' Hudson Ave., Franklin" Ohio ,.Ianll and IIlleclflc~tJonll are on Phone: Franklin 421 or 422 tn, the d~ll&rtment of blgb· I
,..r. .,.
PLUMBING , and Work
. Ove'rnlgbt guests during the weekend, of Mr. and M.ra, Ted Conov,er and David were Mr, and Mrs, '.irama8 BarlIer or Portsmouth OhIo rand Mr. IUld Mrs, ~ne Stelnbaugb of OIevelllnd.
FOR Q'4 LE- Regilltered' ,.Jerll~y «ow ",Itb Urat calf. C. E , Michen· er. Phone ~!,ynell, 2926. 680-8t BUDGET . NOTICE
Notice 1& hereby gl'V;l!,n ~ that a public 'hearllll""' in budset of tbe VUlap.~, of· , WayneSVille, War· Ten Counti, Obl!) .1UI prePared by the (Jounoll , wHl be held at the
BUDGET NOTICE Notice i. hemy &1"l1li ~et e pubJie h earing on the budpt a. prepered' by the Dotard of Education of the Wayne LoCal schooi Diatric:t, . Warren County, Ohio, ' for the (ileal year ending Decezm,er 31. 1950, will be beld in the office of the Board of .EducatiOll of .aId .choal district iii the High' School Buil,d lnl at WayneayjUe, Ohio, on the ell!'Veftth day of July, 1949, bealnninl a~ 8:00 p. m., Ohio Standard Time. , ' C. W, BA:RNHART Cerk-TrealUret'
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earnhart, Mr. and' Mrs. Norman Backert. Miss Ruth Earnhart, Mrs. Viola Harlan, Mrs. K. N. Hough, Mary Dora and Loren Hough were Sunday visitors at Buckeye Boy. State in Delaware, -
Accor41ng to Size and CondItion, Call . . .
Xenia 454., Reverse Ch'ar~s
win of the' 8eason la!'t Tbursday nlgbt by defeating Fairley' s 9·).. "Clar'k- led ' Rler'8 with a dQubie aIJd two Singles, wblle Charles James got two hits Cor Fnlr)eys. Ma a@ter Bob Cam1lell, puttIng hlmseUt in to plncb·hit I~ tbe
Xenia Fertilizer ........J...... ~l
H.III . . . . . . .1I
~ 'Pollc:...
removed promptly.
COW8- 14,00;
Your UOIII are vat..a". thii ...... PIoIJece' . . . . . . . Hall JnIaiaDc». See 01' Gall _ ..,...
HORSE8- 14.00
Phone Conect Xenia ~ O. 1712 Ott WiJmiiqtoa, O. 2382
NORRIS G~OCK COMPA~Y ClnGlnnatl Union 8toC!,k Yar~. Llv. WI ... a"d Proll, I. ..
, LOANS ASSURE YOU FUTURE SECURITY You can repay from farm income. No , change in CORtract .. no renewals_ ' , LQrlg Term- 4 pe,r cent
M ~ rlt et
Smith Electric 8ervibe FOR ALL, ELECTRIC NEEDS
-:: ..........
, -~-
Phone ""
--- -
- 8 -· r
wanfa8¥D..L& 1I!t, _0IIa0W ..... .....\NOJI
Ems H. StuI'm, Sec'y-Treas. , I:'lian,on, Ohio
WIlIO DaTton U:150 E. B, T_ Dial uJo , WLW 1I1l·lllO:. , ! '1? :40.l vilAl 700. tor \'lur Dsll'
I.e6anon .N.F.LA. ..
Insurance Agency ·
Karl' D. ·Dakin
o,.o.nlzatlon .~n~ to nOIla Strictlv lalilr. o,! the ma.ket 'n '
lie" 'I'
coo.a._ ha~
'*"- one 01 OIIr IWl ..,..
According to ' lIize and condition:
FlLOOR SANDER FlOOR EDGER FLOOR POLJSHER, ' SandplI!per - Paints - Varnish BRUCID ' FLOOR FINlSH KITS • (For Rl'finlsbing Floors)
p~~Ci ,
~gc '
-- - --,----_._---
, .'. WaynesYiUe Lumh~r .' and Supply Wm-IlARYEST.gHDLER·
Ilillllllllll1lllllllllllllllllllllllllll11lll!111111111111II1IIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImlllllllllllllllllllllllllll lili1111111111111111111111111111111mlllllllllllll!111111111IIIIIIIIIIm
PHONE 2281
Councn Chambpre :30second I ' Ohio Stan(1ard 1luie at on, 7tbe day of .J uly, 1949. H , M. SHERWOOD Mayor" Village of WaynllavUle Tttest: Cbarlee James, Clerk
HORSEe, S4; COW8, 14
KIER'S , SWAMPS FAIRLEY'S KJe ..•• Gar(lge bag«ed tbltlr. flrllt
IDead Stock
ot tlIe dlvlll·
Armitage &SOD "
"Softhall' Rou..d~up
The director reBervell the rlgbt Farm all 'n 4 with. to reject any :ant! '0.11 bIds. T. J . KAUER, ' cultivators, Overhauled last yaar. State HIghWAY Director '600. ' PlioDe Waynell. 2M8.
ltOOMS TO RENT- For BuBln· ess, InQuire of O. N. Ridge: Main Street, Waynsllvlife.
4 IDI pl ..1 of the D1Ibt be leaped high In the air to pull WIB bit by the pitcher ~,ce down Price', line drive. Don whtle playing a ~e I~e at Hawn attended the pme. catcb . for 'Kler's . . Fairley I could LEAGUE aTANDINDIi ,mnnage but three llcattered ,hlte Roxanna 3 0 0 oft Sllank., wblle Kler's bagged 8 Klera . 1 1 1 ,bits on Sackett and Scott. smlth'. 1 t 1~ F~IRLEV'8 TRI.MPLE SMITH!S Fairley'l 1 2 t~ Fa.irley·s Hardware took com- -"'_ _- - - - - - _ - - mand In the early ' lunlngl and behind the three-hit pitchIng of AUCTIONEERING Perry Sa.ckett tbey were never botbel'ed. Fairley's worked Smith STANLEY and .KOOGLER pitchers Bob Workman and Ken S LICENse nr Bradley for 11 hits, 4 walks, . BROKER . .. "" and three bit bllttet$, Phil Work· For Da~s, Phfme W~ynesvit1e mao and Perry Sa.ckett ea~b bad Ohio ~894 (reverse .charges)., two hits for FaIrley's. and Sam ' Hurtman. smashed out 'a home _ _========:;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; run . Daye Hartsock, Fa.lrley fl~t baseman came up wIth the field·
here for th~ past sevral fUth InnlnI, lIDed .. Ifnlle an
"lire" the ball with the 'Whol, arm Inetead of "l!9lhllll" wl~ hi.
. Bogal1- " SherI4a~ . \- Baft "
They 'Drive By Night TO· THE . ,
Twin' Theatre For This Week's Bank Night. of .. .
·SS,O .O, :
~UI ,ELEYlIOR " ~ghfe"$ hllXlltilgjiJ/JI
it, ~ 'i t ~ loadiag ucl lIDloacIh?I 0 , tru&,s. cribi; feed biDt, etc..l:bndla feed. grain, ~ com, . pouluy Utter. Haid use '" eJe. fttor opentoD (mer 10.000 Iu. in one )'eat' "Itbout bIakdowD)
You caD
where t 5
mea... 10 yeats ~ce .venae
"dd,. 00
farm. Pap for ibclf JOIU .... 1IOda,1.
w:.7Jl8ft'II1e 2834
Talking It Over , A Column of Comment B), The Editor
NINETY-NINTH YJ:.lA~ EsTABLISHED FEBRUARY, 1860 ThoBe ot us who tboulht lummertlme In Waynelvllle would be a rather Blow-moving Beason hUve certainly found that lite here can be plenty. busy aU year around. ,There was a visible decl1ne in the tempe) ot .down-town activity following the ' cioslng of school. but tlie ' 1Q0mentum of ~ctlvlt1 'bas bel'ln stepped up with ' the American Legion Fourth of JUlY. C~le.' bratlon. And now Jt liardlyaee.m l pos. sible that planl: are ' well along In th.e talking stage for the annual LltUe MlamJ Valley Fail -Festival. Present plans Indicate that the Festival thl. Year' wJ1l be 'noth' er bang-lip affair 'With, petrhaps, )!lore local talent participating" A' te" of the teature·lI . tontatlvel}i planned really IIhOl!1d 1/e ' tine and we'll tell you all ·about them wben .Il ·deflnlte arrangem~~~ bas been made. .
We have Intended for lIome tlme ·to comm~nt on tbe Improved appearance of the town here of late. p,.lnUng and repairIng of It larse unmber of residences has done mucb to give ' our town ·an 'a ppealing lmpres.IOIl to the many tourlstll pasalng thtoUlh daDy. O~ the buslnells CO,Dcerns. Bel· cher'. Sunc;»Co Service haa COql' pleted a ·new front On Us building the Waynell\jlle J,.ocker ' and Plant bal done a good job sign' erection ' and laWn planting. . Now willi the Ohio H~tcherlel3 cominS to locate In a large vacant downillwn buUdlrig: . things are. we'd say. loolrlnA' up. .
••• •
The pOlitical pot hu begun to brew locally and Indications ar~ that It wJll ' be a three-wa7 race • for the position 'nf Malor or nHVlUa. • 80
Playground Con~iDues
Two More ·Weeks, Perhaps 'Longer A' special meeting , of . the, Way. ,nesvllle . Playground ,Association administrative committee was cal· led by Chairman Robl)rt O'Regan Tuellday afternoon ·to devise ,way. to meet thfl flnan'elal crisis which th~eatens thetuhrre of the playground program. Present funds wUl enable tbe contlnuauqn of the program for a limited ,time. ltut··unless funds are secured immediately thl! l!rogram cannot continue for the balan'Ce of ,t he planned eight weeks. To s~urs lUn'ds ,or the ,contln' ul\tlon ot the prognUp, an Ice cream social la being planned. The event Will be beld at McOlure's corner. July 23 beginnfng at 6:30 1I.m. Your patronage at · the social wm help Ins'u re a. ' sound ' future 't or the playground progrom. ' That the plaYlW>und III _a daflnIte asset to the community Iii, at. tested by the fact that some sev· enty children ~e parUclpatt~g lil the dally programs. ' The parents of these chlldrim' have expressed their gratitude for tbe fln'e work Mr., . Price Is doing and 8s one parent ' . PreClae,). . put • It. "It la certainly a relief to know tbat my chndren are enjoying recreation' under !Cr. Prlce'll eupervlslon; an'd that 1. am free during that tlmfl to sbop and do ~ household duUeL"
Members 'of the Am~k:aD' Legion Post "616. their ramillea and friends are i.i1vited' to Ilt~ tend a mldD1ght awim "at the w.ayne Park pool FridaY' even. ing. The affaIr wlll- atart at '8 an'll will contlnulil untll r''IT?, ' ChaIrman Bill ' Sa,'v.yer ~tates ...
Legion ,Reports . ,
Fourth Celebration ' Is Successful .
A< record was set at , the·
~rmers Exchan~e , Sun-
day , wh!3Ji tbe bfggest l11I1 of ~ the, ' hli1,t()1'1 01 the' cOn< ' was hdn\llecl. Fou.rt7.four or wlleat P88sed. thro~h the Ji1~cllanlJe that day to Bet lJt~
" Il
i\pproxlmateJy 700 persons bou' gbt admlssl.o n' tickets to the 4th Annual American Legion' Post 616 Fourth of July celebration. wbUe about that ullDlber more wJtneslted the tire .worka fTOm ''Route 73. WhOe financial reports n~t be~n conflrmprl. Leglo,nalrell.l) gElIiefil-lIy agre that the was . flnanchi_ly m~re : : BIlclcessfullril th/ln th three·day (roUe last year. " " Starting at 12:80 p.m. the was c.llma:xed with a. dazzling IInl"llld works d~pl~y at ' 10 ·In ' trie' In'8'. ns , I During the I!ay, I!a..... r~. Joyea tbe ball games. Ulte~ed, the 'lIarveysburg Scliool' playeil ' 'bingo, watclled' th~ rats ruD. an(l 'generally good 'tlme. . .
PASTOR Ro-b~rt Salau. whQIe fattler was a head hunter. arrives In KewYork ,": from SolnmoQ 'IslaIldl ' to,. visit ~me , of 500 AWed ser_.....""."..:.,. vlce",e~ be h'elped ~ue dwiq war. His '·w.ap,oD'· i. Bible; spear is Just atmosphere.
~ of Bleotlon., we are told, pre.ant Mayor ' H. M. Sherw~a: wfll probably be running for 'ree1ec tlon an d Bill Sawyer ,w~III allO ~ on the ticket. It Is & Snod I ndlcatI on' 0t a health,- Interelit I.n Ideal a!fatrs tba~ three , men . are seeking a pollitio n that It Is often dlftlcult to fill lnl town. of UJls alae. east. dllPuties be closed -at' the ... beel. · Hie car , slde'swlped ,a ' weltbound Loren Badley of Kent. Ohio. , v_ "barl D WI " auto driven by Richard• Varvel. J.~ es. ~ngOn d Sul 9 t th FrIAlnd ••• 1 36. Wayneavllle, Route 2, ur ay, Y . a e , Church In WDmington, ,with the then ran beadon Into a car foDowreceptlott to follow at tb'e Count. iri g the .Varvel machln.e and drlvb en by .an Akron' 1DJlD. Mt, ·Wat-' ry 01u. kin~g~ to ' pay all 'damages.
Betweeb 7& e.nd 89 chJlllrstr are attendJog the dally cJa8llee of the Vacation Blb,e Sohool at the Waynesville Ohurch of Ohrl.t. Chlldrett may reg(ater for the School during the ' 'n m.tnder of this week a.nd the 188.lona wm conttnue through July 8. The morning sessIons of the School start at 9 a.m. ,all4 qlotle at 11 :30. Children between tile ages of s~ and l~ are invited to attend. This Sunday eve~ at 7:30 a d~on8tr~tlon and exhIbit or work don,e at the So~"I' :w..1D \ be l, pI·esc~nt:e.d at the ,ChurCh ot Ohrl/Jt.
• • •
ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF ~ON . The ~dltor of a 'central Ohio , Mr. "and ~ra, DIlYld Zl~k ' weekly. once tOld ' UB, "I don·t LebllJion are Br.l1oUncl,n g th~ ),Irth · make as muoh money the fel· of a SOll. on Sunday, July 3: at St. lows on the city papera. but here Mrs.. ' IJr Darton:' .Anne's Hoapital / ':. . I do 8S ' I lIarn ple.aie." Zink Is tbe form~l' DoDll" Simp· • He might have ' been a little greatson. ,a nd the Infant: Is too literal In his evaluat!on of a grandson' or Mr. anl1' Mfa. Homer weekly edltor's Job. . for anyone Ramby. .. ,tor specl~ I~ms ' to be Included ensa,ed In a public service c'an. A new regulatiOn ~ adOl.lted by In the ' program In the, next tew not do ta be da~ pleassa. !;Jut. he Mr. a.n'd "Mrs. T. S. ;Hardl~ ,and the National _CounCil" Boy . ~C!luts months and to tranClDct other "faa' . right \ -In tiJrt~el' explaining ~. C. E. ·lI'razl9r has ae ~,e, family had as ~eBt8 over the, of America IK\rmf!lI. . th.e accep bUSiness. tllat ~e only. controls on' i what' houseguests, ' Mra. Lennox ·H . Lind- ,F,ourth ,of IUly weekend. Mr.' and ance 'of bOYB eleven, yean old In.,' Troop 40 oWII~ much tho.pks to , wu '''l'ln~d In 'his paper were my and 'thr~ children: ot M~rbl~ Mrs. La~slng B'ilrdln ~f ' ~arI.. ' '. ' the residents . of thla community .postal re~tIOl)8 apd bill "Q.wn head,. Mus., Mrs, J . 'L. Reed .Ed.' mont , and " 'r" ..... C • k to membeJ'whip . Itt the regular for . their intot:est In: our past M 8...ames me OfD.hC code of' ethics. gar ad 80n, aid Mra. E, 0. ' Star· ' and son o~ Da.yton.; · ,Duper colhietiolls a.n,d ' great~ "ON : TO SPRING YALLEY" Too ' . much Information that buck . and' cbUdr~n of : n.nvl!r, . ' 'Troop ' .(0. is n~W' making plans praise to Mr. Elmer Sheehan for SAY LEGION 80FTBALL.ER8 should be prese~ted' 'to' tbe . pubilc Colorado. ', Mrs. EdI!1' .. Long and epn, ~n', tor the addition or a l.argo com· .hl s· con~lderaUo.n of . the SCout III left In' the big city editor's files of Oaldwell, Ohio :were here- dur- plement of boys to their member. program by furn:lshlng Btorage On to Spring Valley i8 "this became oft the club .HWUng by the Mrs, Bertl~ Mills spent several .. Ing the past week to vialt ,tbelr s~. Th18 regula.tlon: f!loJIIUes. Tho prl.ce we received week'~ c'!la~t "ot the Wayneay!~e allmlghty dollar. A lot you should ,daye or the past w~k wltll, hef ' ~ew grail44lausht;er ' iUII, of", Wsslble the . est8,blls'ment of and the dLrUcultY ,of disposal for American Lagron foat 615 nlJie, know \\olU never be ' prellented daugtiter, MrS. . Rutb CuUer '. In Beth DeMar Earnhart. . nelg~borbood : ,patrcl,ls ,'In Lytle oOr last: pick-up was ridiculously where the looals will ~k ' ~w:eD , " ' · for your perusal be~u~e of preli' Cln'Clnpati. . , ." " an4 the ouU1f,ng , aectlons of , low. ' In fact the 'COB,t ot g,sollne ,ge for thelt' earlier seaaott Ii-4 sure ellterclsed b)f adveJ:'tlserll e.hd. LuqJ.lle ,Bland ' an'll daUghter, ; ,Wayne TOwDshlp, wlhJch was ,bere- 'for ' tho :, collection ,was 'scarcely llU!s at CoaCh Don Noble'. bands. I " . , Influence groups: ' : ' c :, .' .'B arbara Ilo~. ap~n~ June .30 •with to-~ore Im~sslbl~ f()f ' Jack of the real Lzed, and, with tbis .~ view ': W-a'YJiesvUle "appears' tei be back No", hete'st & sample' . of " jUllt . I ' Mr. ' and Mrs. Wilt St. JO~i J'~k of the JDJnImwn n'Bce98ary. for thl! ,future we fln'll It 1m- hi 8trld~ f~llow~ their ' tWo what' we mean. Did ' yon know jl'illn.aIJ .....H-om~ 'I1he' o~tlon of these pat.. possible to make further collect· most,' recent victorlea, 9-8 'over ' that alQholic bevera«e · iDanutaet. • J'Ofn. Robert OoRegan I~ TleltlnA' ~ols will mCr9aBe ~e effective· lone. B01\'ersvtlle and lS-11i over WUMrll. Olive ' CUrl returned from IIrers are' planniDg to martet. a . ,Boy~ of Scouting age wJ.ll fJDd Aer sister. M:I'!I. C. D. Fraker, . In neBS or . the' Scout program. mlngton, . the latter an exhibition "watere4-do~" drink for young- Sabina SundiU' ~here ahe had Chicago, DU~:o18. . The Troop Committee ' will meet Troop In se8l11on at the Scout agall18t an older club. and With sters? The idea III to start them been S~Il'dlng a: few da)'8 at the at' 7 :30 Friday evening in the calVin Mon-day ev.e nlng at· 7: 16 Emory ·1;tobblDs. Da.pDY 'Slmpson young in' learning ' ~e fine art of home of her brother, Mr. Edgar Methodist, Church ~ . lay plans ,ana a hea.-t,- .welcome Is e~tended. or ,Don ]?ope on' the mound · will bending the ' el~w. M~Ph!lraon and family. " Mr. and Mra·. J., A. Carllsl~ ~re give the' u~lItater9 a. real tUBael. Jnformatlon such u this will · Mlsa. 'OlellD1t of .,Dayton , WILL l.E'AVE FOR . CALlt:ORNIA not be found, In molt newSpapers spent the :weekend wfth her , cou· . ,~ ., .. W. C. St. '· .tohn will leuv~ on occupYing. 'the former ' .home . of HaroJd StaJtle,. will don: the ,malic because ot the. ''ban'dl o~:· po.le:r sin, ,~!s. Lucile Armitage, Both 'J1b~ loan rate for C.C.C. ,.,..Jleat Friday .. to . &ceomPllDY ' his ' son. l\fr. and Mrs. .!Jharlea ElUs r MI:. and pad wltb Carter. I'lBohback, of lin many edltol'll whenever a attended the plcm1c and reunion was. announced ' July , 1. Tbe rates Paul, to 1:08 ' where 'be aud Mrs. ~ !U'8 now at Chau- Jortes an'd II'Ilrn~ h~vlng ' Urst bit or liewlI 'that mIPt" not' coln- ' of Oregonia schoolmates on Sun· wUl vary from ,2.,05 to , U.11 ror will ' remlillr for , a :few weeks. tauqua and "m. later reside In cIl~lce on Infield posts. "SmlUn" clde. with the likes of control day; at , Mather's 'Mills Camp. No. '. 1 wheat at tije farm. These Blgg.!!. and Don Pope wm occupy Centerville. two outfield positions , wth Don groUPII III received.: 'MlSs ,)1.",e , Garnelr B,pent the ratetl are five centa le~/!. than .the Mrs. Dnms. Gearhart of Dayton We are puslnA' It along becau'ell Fourth at the country home of rate last year. .' .. . , was a weeltend guc~st of Mr. ar.d Mr. and Mn. W. E. Stroud are Hawn. Jim Jordan. Pete Iteyea ', Tbe wheat .markl!t Is under Mrs, Albert Stubbs. we thought you'd be Interested bel' nepbew, Mr. Lee Talmadge. leaving on Il'rIday and wJ.ll en'joy or Jerry Copas getting the Loti and bec!ause we fortunate In ,Mlae Olive Williams returned terrtflc pressure of full harvetlt. ., Ii vacation trip tllr'o,ugh the west. (or the rlghttleld SpOt ~.ray's BllI'ber Shop ",-Uh Purnavlng no club held over our On ,W~i1l!eday from an extended Wheat la IUTlvlng .from all poiDts Mr. a .d, 1111'11. Ruy Conner and heada las we print our 'weekly Tlllit with ~rlenda and relatives and I~' Ohio storage condlUons dang'hter were the Ii'ourtb guest8 Mr. .an'd Mrs. W. E. Stroud. aUI! on the mound tacell Spring, ISlIuell. In , South Bend, In'dJanapoUs. and still rema·l n aoute. . The of Mr. &Ild Mrs. Newton ~re, [rane Henderson. ~rs. Grace Valley at 1 p.m. In the ,P e.ndleton, Indiana. broke ljeve.reJy Tuesday mor~ing ¥ID ar.&nfleld'. Vice and Mr. Claude Stroud prellmlnaI7 ~e. ANNOUNCE BIRTH, lIr. &Dei 1\11'11; George Zelele,. of due to heavy weekend lelllng. . -----,-f--were recent diDn'llr guests of Mr. Mr. and Mnr. Albert. Hawke Ue PhlladelPhfa o.lled on Misil An- , Tbe corn' market isflrm and :MM!_ W. E , Stroad. MI'II. Grace LInder of and Mra. HarrY Wadswortb In tbe pareD.. of an elgbt pOund 8011 nle W. Bro~ SwltIa,. morning. strong with very little aetlYlty. Vice, and Mra. IreDe Henderson gueatl\ of West Carrollton. Philip Bar. bom .Jue 24. _ Mra. ~IIII7 was a former puptl CURRENT BID8 were Wednelday luncheolf peeta MosB. Mr. (TUisda),. Jul,. Ii, 1949) - Thli Ja Ute !Iftb IIQ8I'WOIl Of of Mill! BrcrwD. Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Elzey and of :Maude Crane ID :i.eI.oOD.. Christ Hos' Mr. 'Ut1¥14' .BaldWllr of Qo..pul Wheat . ..... ... ..... .. $1.85 ' daughter, Marjorie. of Dayton Mrs. Mame Halnelll aa'Il.n. tile Ba~lre fuaU7 In wlaleh the 1Iame of Pilwp appearIJ, tbe ~fd Cbri.U, T~ Cl&QeeI OD ..... JilIIa Com .: . , . .. . .• ... '. . . . .. ,t.aa~ InL IIJlflllt SundaY' evening w~ Mr~ LouelJ.. Ballinger or Le1laoD, DakI-. h~ ~oo.. · So,. Beanll . .. • .,.10 bu. and Mra. Walter also, were POlIti. Rubl IOI'ID 1177,
~arsb .
W' k .8yae5viU ·e \,M IF., els
II lira.
Than"" July T, 1...
Truman Wanls Welfare Departmenl; Veterans Will 'Gel NSLI Dividends: Big Four Agree on Austrian Pacl
From evel'1 .tate In the unloli and from man,. forellD laDd.. distln.ullhed vilitor. ,_re p9\ll'lD. Into the hiltorlc lItU. rro'\tier lei,", of Aspen. Colo,. t,o pay boIlor t!) a man born 200 ye~rl Igo. The Goethe Blcenttllnlal eatloD and F •• ttvalConvo. (June
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-J
Cairo or Washington?
MUI~o ·
&II., '''''.P' ••)
acDITOB'1 N01f1C1 WIt •• ' aplat ••• ar•••'r..............laIllD., are llao ••• f _ra tJ ....'...... ~alr ........, ,.... ~1I1' .r .....
Johann won Goethe
16) ts prelentiDI an Impos'
at thlnk.u.a.
wr!ten, I.tsltesme:n. s~:~~'la~i!U;~~~~. educators IT who ~~, .e~k to reo ~:a.m, lne and re-interpret the works philosophy of Jobann Wo):tgang I von Goe~. the Unlversal MIlD, as I~ pertain, to the atomic age. ~ADlNG the bnpres/llve Ust \ of lecturers is Albert Schweitzer. of ,French Equatorial Africa-phil. osopher. doctor. mu.lclan, thea101lian - acknowledged throuJlhout i ~e clvlUzed world as foremost modem diSCiple of Goethe. The music festival. runntnl In I conjunct,ion '\ with the ' convOciltion. I wID teatl1fe compositions based . on Goethe', w 0 r k II. monumental mUllc of equal stature . to Goethe. and mUlilc contemporary to him and,known to hav,e been inspiratioD' .1 to him.
Jilpathetic 'Cimea.· II' HAD A BIT of 'an arrument. or
JLat least a ~onversatlon. with a
CAJRO.-The question whe~er the weather II hotter In the sum· mer in Washington or Calro- hal become a polltioaCis8ue of .ome importancl!. ,It has put in doubt the iovernment's departure from Cal!'o tor Alexandria for ,the sum· mer season, In effect,. the debate center. C)n w~ether tjle Egyptian cabl. net members Ire "softies" com. pared with members ot the United cabinet who n re held up as examples of de,votion tor sticking It out In Washington In the hot monlhs, The reply of ' the ministries I., ' that the offIces In Washll1rton are artiliaJally air conditioned. while in .. Cairo there is no air , conditioning except in the cine· mas. Neverlheless, this was an election year and the debate p,omised, to become' as warm at It, topic, '--_......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 1
Fatllue Oauan DepreuloD Continued depression without apparent reason orten ta' due to fatigue. Persistent eUotts to secure .ufflclent sleep on good qual- . ity bedding every night usuaU,. wiD result in better spirits.' It the depression continues. however, • doctor should be consulted.
Crepe Poper PalQ$~/s
reUred school superintendent ort the lIubJect of teaching AmerIcan j,overnment; 'Its concept, practice und operatIon In the American !Ichools, bee1nnlng In 'the grades lInd continuing throulh to lichool l1'aduatlon. ' That argument. or conversation. Ilfoused my curiosity. I wanted .ome idea as to what por"tion at Americans - young:;ter. arid old· sters - were, or were not 1amillar with the opera11on of government "of the people; for the people. 'and lJY tile people .... In a small way' 1 aittempted to satisfy that (urloslty. As 'opportwul1 offered. I talked informally with a dozen people, 1 flormulated no set of questions to < ' , a,sk. but whenever I could I would tll1111 a conv.ersatlon aroUJld ·,to the s'ubject of ,government. and inject Timing? some questions. as j1 i~r my , BOOSEVELT ClIIATS ,WITH TBUMA1( • • • ADother ItcIosevelt, e,nllgbtenmetJl In a~e. my 12 C"'LlF,-A be w Was '.thed postwar of people' ranged ...... '"""'m late teens to worJd 0f agriculture. I n w·o hi h I'nuIkIlD D. Jr.~ cba,tIl In tile WhIte Baue With tPr....ent Truman. ' d bu,gy d ·ride · ... 1_ consumer eman an increauul", t1' oQe on' the do'wn hil:l o· 1I.·e , l'Ile meetlna' occurred shortly alter :rolDl6 Roosevelt was sw.m III ' • • ~~ see the SUD or feel the' hillhel' wales really over? .. CMlII~an 'rom the zoth New York,clIslrlot. rept.c1DI the late '!'be Ford motol' 'companY thoulht In aU ' tile ran-oMbe-mm produ.ce cropi at ineredSol Bloo~. F. D. R. Jr., ~"e "~be" a .Democrat aad a ..._ .0 and 8ald liD. 1% [ fOUDd ollly ODe who co.ald Ilze and flavor. awaits just ~ .f JIlt. 'l'ramaD·. "team." ' over tbl! horizon, r , CONFRONTED with a list of deCen me, hi, 811 lDtelllren' way, ' , " mands ' by ,the United automobl:le Ule 'DDClamealab of ou IOVBetw,een that world and this. Wh l ". Hou•• R.pllrs workers UJllon. the compan,. made erumeui·. ..-ratlo.. local~ .clenHstl\~ay. lie 'OnlY a . f~ years .More ,'or Less , I, a siillWcant counter.propolft1 COllDt,.. state' aad _tlollal. M of experimentation-in .:' lIew . Still Q est' .... , . . . . b fr mate' tac·ory" ai th.e California In· · .Sfllili!g lnto law a bW to reorlan. a U Ion lnBte"ad ·of pay Talsll and pellllon, , or ...e _ _ Ier.. 0)'1 om • _ the 'f ederal "ovemmeDt, Pre.. rvoc) .amWn, I fOlllld ' OIelr .titute of Tecbnololl)'. ,, ident Truman oft:red a majOr pro- ' It appeared that au the COmInOO health and welfare plans •• drafted ' ' Dowled" or IIltereallD IOVIt·s the Earhart plant re~~arc:h by. the union. the compa~ p r o - _ -eDt be-" -_.. .'---" Ia bora tory - a IUpergree nh ou.e poul. He wants a new de---ent tlon a bout repair_ to the . WhIte . - - . - - - -...ere welfare, .createcl with rb"duef Hou.e , wam't 'Julte over, alt)loulh ll08e~ to ' ~8'" where the,. with the 'OOJII; them tile peo with built-in weather a.n d .011 con· oracer "Veil tuil cabln.t rank. conare.. approved and sent to the are· or ana ir , mODth,l . Uceman . . . aonrnmellt. &lid troIs, Every kind or cllmate ,in the For Garel' P.~e. , THE: mli;A .. npt a c:omplete~ PreaJdeI!t a ~one:r , bill earrr~1 SucJl action••ald the companr, lhey. were ~, him. 'lI'orld which will ,uPllQrt plant We DeW one. It wu heard tJ;--'uen.... ~ rot work on the WhIte HOUle. '\Vould "set a stsbWzallon pattern ",", can be reproduce~l' ,In 'tb1.1 " f4OO.000 AKE YOUR own party decoJ;'a· OY '!b for ·the enUre (national) eCClDOm)oA prominent doctor a~ed me n.. ·.er... Built with fund. donated tiona for those special occa· durJnt the earl1 cia;" of the- Roos.. e mo~:r was t. J n 'L fo includ,d In a meas· at thlI crlUcai J wh0 d'· e..,rmined ' ... o~ by '''e, Earhart ioundation of' A_';' lI~orui . ahead. Pr~tty ore~e paPer ve1t\an era, much oftener dulint ",e cauw., r expenditure, ,o f 6'11 U h to ....e t amoun th ' It,. ... AWl the ~tter :rears of F. 0 : R·. reJime. mWlon' dollar. 'or "'adou. lov"m~ THE UNION. amon, other tblDP, i:!:~ :D:~~te. 01 to~d ~ Arbor, Mich,. It wa' dedicated re- parasols ' are inexpensive and fun WhIle, I ~hh prOpoalttoD com. ment obU,ationJ. . had demanded that ' wag.. be . cently. to cre~te-step by step instruc:I ").1••14 to '''e 'cOlt -- 11Y1o, tbat 10latar a. the country' il co~· ... .. ., ' ~andecl chief a~nUon of the na: THE, HOUSE. which had palsed I,~ .... . ..... c"rned the boal'd 9f lu~vllora . Anown as the . Phytotron. thI. tions are · included for one large tton'. pre". the PH.ldent offered the bW earlier, accepted a on.. PointJne out tbat the COli of llviD, d.te~ln~ 'how much., mone,. the,. lapora.toll)' will artificlall1 rec.reate and two small parasols. parasolIIIx other .lreaml1D1D. plans ' aimed word amepclment approv~d b:r the fa 'down an~ that the market for would need and the',alse ••o.r or eUmin!lte .'all but one ' of the trimmed nut C1,lps.' 'c andle bas. · at 1Iv1n. the tUpaPw. be~J; ser· .enate. The c"hange would put It up car. mllht, drop 'up to p per , cent a .tax levi ·to prQduce that amouDt. Itno~ iacton in plant aroWUI .uch and. place cards. ' .tee for leu mODeJ'. ::. ' to • apeclal alX·maD commlliion after thli 1 ear• the compBD1 d.. Be did not 'know' what Ui6 boatel of a. 1011, climate, Insects and lun· • e '. , To Obtain C<lmplete ' Inalnl.eUcina. 1M... Tbeee Included: , ' whethe~ a leparate relldenee clared 1lau" that It would reJl;C~ 1\1pervtsors wa. or what iU ,l ilht, " rial ~ulr~m.Dta ~d flD'-h1a. dl ••• U , ~~r ~ ~'ld ~. ~WoJ'P.IeDt .hquld be built for the tint tamtii, 8Jl:J chan• ." In the . work cOlltraet ·wal. He knew n~thinl of hil local, The one factor which the PAY- for Paratol parade (PUlena No. BaD). I'nit aaep1PlO7JDeot I\.com,PeDIaU~ In addltlon to the job OD ~e WhIte whleb would mean hlper labor C(IUDtr, state or national Itovern- totron 'will not pe IIble to conlrol _ ,,_!! ._nd _ ...10d cent. in number. coin •• ~our Dam•• ado. pattal'D atclbe. to tui'ltabor aepaittnent: House itself. cOlts-wheth!r in Ole torm of IIlIents. I II cOlml~ radJation. These are PLACING Of the> tWO k87 detente· \' 10ereun or penatCID .or welfare A ,.oun, woman, a state Unt- ,~e 'myiterloul rays which come 1111:"11'10 OIRClLB' Jnl:I!IDLl:WOBIt . . . . . . . . -T{J ...Uoeal ,.ecurlb- coqn· ~dI. vlllllt,y ' lfaduaCe workin, al a f;'om .omewhere ou.t in Ole unt. _ ,II.. U, W.1Ia al; ClIle.,. 7. m. ED.loa. ao ceatl ror patfena. ~" and aa~ ~"., ~ ~.. Partial Accord THUS tile tllue was baat4lDlD6 to "1I~Wlpaper reporter, knew .ome- verse, conalantly bombarding ~ MOo - -........ aourcee ~-dIrectl:r In the The four-week canterence of the a abowdown. Coul4 lDduIh7 II1aIld thin, about conl1'e••, but she did earru and lometqnel chan,ini tlie Malll. ~Jtf;!i~:'"~~atlOD' '01 council ' of forellD mlnl.terl of the tirm a,a!nat another ~ of .age n'lt mow tIlet if CODllsted of ev~.;tlon ~f llvlbg thin,s u~n I~ Adll..... - - - - - - - - _ _..... four major powers bad ended with In.".a.... or would _la~ with Its purl•• The on11 senators sh. . e don t leno":,: any wa,. to propoll uuoce department. marl- partial accord bavin, been reached. or,an1&ed power ltiDe iDdllltr7 ot were th{!l. connected With thele radiation.. .an "Dr. , time , ~aIop ed · civil lPViee The western pOwer. .and ..Ru.... tbat capltulat1oD , would' be ~- 'itat. ,o,v.mment. '. .," tect, ·our plants 01' oUrlel."es ~IIloPw' I . • . ' r ..,..... tablat A ,.·OUD, m." ... 80m ·e W •• ent; ' director of the 1.",n...,I".'" --"-«er ~~ ~ . ftI,1. -acli' ..... arw._.. a.a,. Dd obatacte. to an Aua:; -. ... the But , we .•• ..ope. b,.. D11c .... tr'.-_· ....t .~. -'m·... cOmmerce tte. .... .....epe ence 'treatt and .......... .... -.... other fa t t l MlmlnlliraUCID ID ---eat. ,,~ , a.ned to b7 to ,et 'aJOIII a little BOUH ,wa. ·all there "a. to ,overn· eft .con. 0 , earn ,-.,;; PreIIdent .lld the laDI better hi Gei'mllD7. ' I ment.B• •wal a bip Ichc!Olll'llduect u.e~~ .radiatiaa. do .\ , wldcJa fDUowe<l dolel1 · .:verai · . ~ ~~IANS, however, were a~e. ~ th. t1rif lcbpOl ~ch~. IlIIjlt Wtil-1. M L "Aa u I can remember. I major reeommenciatloDl ~ the ID.there plteJWl, tJ.ibt up to the wmna'n I ~ 'the . iM!* 10· , . . .,. , ..In, ~!!~.J~I!aJ'....T.l,hen I nUD, IIocrrer commll.lon on government ftn.. moments of the parle:r. formed, b~' ~e Imew no¥r of rMr8 __ I.-Uoo, ~.' not , "au · tom.'II. conference ended. 10 • 'flurry tlie ,detalla of tile lovernmental 0,," ' ~ _ _ ate ....t ' un· '!be m~ ' . .t '.-<1 d ' LOU . ~E" "'-,-DUI~e' .s - ... eaUJ" produce WI&& eftlc1encr aad cut ......'" men.• u BU--'..... .ou... UJ; pronounce , ~...-'---:;-""",-'-'IpenC!JQ: , .~' lucce.1full:r to mlk:~:J' last minute ' laid tfaDkJr that 1!e .1Jppln, from warume Pew. BOT 'BE SAm the:r open the chan,e In the annOU11'eeD\ent 'o f the notbln, of tts operationa, but not whl.key·maldrig b:r 'the Ulht ......... to 1m . meetlDl·. re.wta. Dot be 1o"re.~ unW of the moon. . that....,will '!'be 'D . . . . . ha ~ d proml• .... ....,.' Dot to " 0 ontrary ' , to , l~lltlm.te , - ••,,-.. provementa mall ~.... t -_.. ~a gov~ent /~f·" ...e pro.. tndUJU7• .... • 0000........eo . ".,He y.lor· relmpo.e a blockade On BerllD In Neither ' the 'inan or ~e backwoods dew brewlnll blt·a.slump 0lIl" and operate , ,more IDlOO~ return .or efforts to revive ea.t. W()mao woUld baye been competent during the ' war. but hal ac~el. ~~,~ ~, ,"over a Derl9CJ, of we.t trade in <lermaD)-. Thla was to teach the .ubjfOt of',ovemment. erated .lnce. The rea8O~ lor the No on., ClJlPected 11!17 r~duct1on In con1l81Ded , in a lIIx·polnt ltatement '1' 'l'IIere ,... die 0IIDIlUI... Oat "aepresslon" W8"l obvijlua-.carcltr hd raI _... _d of princl»l. br the BI, Four ' ':;L;,... ""'-_ ..i."" of materials aDd labor. .pe......... an the ,. Prell- aulde ne.otiaUon. In Germ • ..;.... ' ... a . - ........... e deDt'. CObcftWona' mlpt · be con. ~,. ~...... f~erJWhIle moonshining t. comin, back ItruecI aa,. a ___11_1_ _ _ defellle set'!'be RUI.lana were ilupported In l'Ilete ~ ,m'llCll ." m~ I ......-.... ..... ...... fast · it Is still tar below lIn.,wlul . ... ...........-.. , their 1110 mWion doUar claim '8114 ~ 1ID4' CIOimtelloObarP I~ ,, , .... ,~ .~ , UP ~ CObJJ!l~"(.,derai ~Ua7 at AUltrla '10,r German all ' e.-. , ... ' ' , _ ~1haD .1 ..... aeat, .11...... "7 highl, ~e U. 'So alcOhDl tax unit, , tile preseDt, or Li 10creuecl level, .. III .,..e ....... wldob ,...,. f hal III_ w.... pYenIIIlellt .. . which 18 'ever tor J1on.ta~-pald .delPlt. the . B~YF · CO~.OD :~ba1aD i!~rbcut ~clrotYu,OIlayia" ~ 'ederal ........t .. ....... lin. a60I1":" ~t ,Ill , ~rr..... W~lke;Yand unUcenlea wvate dlI· ""ftcommendationa 'aDd ' the ' Pre.l- '~"...:r ppln, ,thelr ... 'I'IIckez: (above). 'lDcbr", lID... prOlpero.... ,~ , OD tlllerl~s~ reports. . I' delle. oWn seven-polJit manlfeltA• •upport of YugOilaVIaD claim.' aD flye etllers were ...."... ~ ........ ' _ ....... .u...___.... Ia. "".' F th fir . .,. Auatda. '!'beie '-:r~ the ... I'OYeniID. .t . . 0IaIqea ell ' - - .. ••"'--"', or e It, four mODth. of JhlI " i ;....JE8~£ r, . wblcn cleared the ' 'flJr* ian Au.. mao rra.... oouPII'Ui ID '..... Itor &lid BY " ' JeOpJe." ,,' year 86 .~ were ,e1z~ In Ken· t'r: I j ~" _ I trlan treat,. which " Ilu been or. . . .. ..... secWrltIea ... Go ' lo~'anamtintl tuc:kr, as co~,(.ared with 75 "or the 'IGet ~ 'I' J, , d.M tor prelentaUDIlI "" 'S ePtem. I eilaDte ~ ' Taclcer, ' " retail.ame perlocl r.f 11MB, W. H. ~ I Ve~oGt" World -War II were ber·.l. . . ,_ . . . With cllaqes .... tile IeG1Io nalrd; chlt;t lnvelUiator ' here for aU aet~"oE " ~DU' DESPItE the Imp,rmment In d U . ' " ............. the , ~T.U,; apaol¥1c e4, There were "'~r~tic,!D -" west r~Wma ' Il'Owin., out ~ ,at... .baa ' made Il 'ImPM8lJtle .. U7 'arrest. in .,aldl rthll year aDd DClUDC'ed ,r-Hi' W. . : 'lbt cash the contermc.... AmertC8ll \' .~ke.. cODIID. · protl..... .,-, ilia 1l8~ tl\e PNvloUi period. . tdmdI to~, 1;8. blWon doUars , m~1l .ere Dot ~ptlnllstl~ 111 enlua. ~ car; ' wlllob ..... te 'lie • ,'!'be ,overnm.e!lt, ,allied OD wd1 be..,.,,~r~m ~ lIeXt ,Ja~ tlg r.IUJts. U.S. Secr4\tar,. Of State · )oWereII"PI. mo. , Ia , .... , an'd truclu, ,rabbed. 25 conl1parea 1W7-tbat' ... ·'tor Gra: w~o ~ ~ean , ~chelon'".had ,-Do immediate rear. With 11, However, there Ie.. CIId, ...Uanal ,.ervice' llte insurance comment. ' ,,' , ~.alh .. > deltroy~ ,;I. 12.3M'1 ',aBODs durItaa the war. These were ' eatt· worll' On Ole ' AwitrlUl tre~t:r; a,alnlt' 13.WCP. - . " mated 'to 'lUmber IOme .18 don. however, was termed a ".ubltanUai HarVard ' eool . Kentuclc:y'l tim..honored ocCUM' Vndel' ~.' Dew , paymeDts, aD- Rep" forward and of 00 Uttla 1m. " 'v' ~OD arew . anell l1:.ew durla. the SO', • DDUIIced b1 Ole VA" each .x·.er· ~anc. beca~1t it would free Harvard. the natron'. oldest' ~eaC~ed a .Hcorst p,t'835.tllb ~eman or lWI' he~ Would r.celve ~.atrla and , ~ J~ovJet· tro,op. verilt,.. was bayin, n!)thJri{ to do raided Ih ' llHO. Arreata totaled 11M 'an .."ra" of .1.,5 froM llte lalur- iarthu: back Into .eutem EurQp8. with ~ Comm~t·hunUn" ' and 202 car. IIDd lruckl were ie~ ~ " dlv~cIa. De.crlbed u a It wa. ' felt 'that rro~ ·bad been TIlefit · was a real on, oIficlak In that year. ., ~ I • The,. telt ""': •.: ' 11 ''$vld''''~, tha moneT. fa to be reo neither ~.rained nor to!!t In Germa"". ..., blaleL,"6_ to ththat to do' 10 ..... .Rate I. not, .ume In the q . paid from ·tn IcrurCes: " " • a ...,...leJj • panal f'" Ind on 0 ' .... u.1ry. In the fli" I. AD eljht bJlll6n doUar IIll'PIuaI should serve to .tlmulate .aie.. dam. and to its academic t "wefa 'de""Opet:l' frOoi the fact ,tiult '!'bey reClaUed .that .the terminal. AND, ' Harvard Held, cal year wbieb .tarted Jul¥ 1 thore " O.L liwiranc. premiUms war.' ,Jeav. paroft Of' llorpe two billion freedom ' Ia the .chOOl'. ",a. a Datlond Increaaa 'in ralell"J' , baled bT~W 011 a .taDdard mortal- do~. III lM7 provided a aizeable &lOry.", II It Once tolll & maD ''rev~nooera'' of 21 per ~e~t.. : IIiT (death) ra~ table, whloh turned, sl,leh atlmWUl 'for the nation'. bUll· fried to "bUY',' It tor 10 mWiOD out to. be ~&her tI:lah n~ded. ne... Jar.. . ) . . Pn....or Win. 01111,. Sill L Earn1iIII trqln. ttle aurpI"," '!be plan to start the checka roD· '!be Karyard pollcT ..ta~ment in For I MIIII.n ~npl. U.ol. 1111' las , ,enera), " wa~ uplalned, InI in laDulU'J ,broulht vlloroua coonection wl~ , ComniUDI.t·lJuDt>" "err vetanh who too1t out national criUclanl on c&pUol H1U a. Repre. lng activlUel was put tbIa wa., .:, To teach the, concept. the prato WASItINGTON.-:Louis H. cr~ ,..mce lnIur~c. and kept It Ih 'II;1taHve XeaUDI (R•• ~. Y.) de. , "There ~.l]e n~~auip,at . ' . • C?atl!OUc wUve&:llt7 protellor, won tore., at le~ Wee montha will be -manded that i:on«i"es. I/lt' October P~fel801l for e~,alln' ~ . a five ~lIc\D dollU" patent IUlt , ' alawt the, 10Vel1lD'leDt. · elJlibl8-.P~vJ!led ,lll.e lID11clel wete 1.15, a. the deadlllie. Be lintroduced legal 'meeting.: ":Tllere '!'be coUrt ,claIM'. unanlmoUll;y Doll' tlnH Wr ' iTanulr1 i~ 1..." a bill to hUll'J' the dividend pay. apparat\ll of tnilub7 aDd ~ td be' made on pol. meDts to that date. He declared watch.' • , a»preclatlOD of the reapollll; upheld hi. claim to Uae invention :of . " I bsued aNr ·that · date. ' that the lo:vemment had "over. '''Ple'''~ ' !l~, .". the ~rt , b~Ue • . and .ObU.atlona ~. dtl%elll. an . Ignition rhieldlng " , , • IQ:ANwBn.E. ,overnment of- char,ed" veteran. on their l1te in. necessary to dlscover e.ven a Ifnltle andl should do much to J'educe the by the lovemment a~ .aw,." Uae, inluranc!" cUvi- .urBIlce, and that th.e mone,. .hould clandeltlne part)" (CommWllat> 7,ouithful de)ID~uenCJ' that wClrriel to 'p tevent deIi4 ~:rme~t..,. tlDael1 "shot 10 be refunded "lmmediatel;y, not a member -wawd outwelJh arr.; ' po•• parents and law' offtciall. with radio. 10 ...c arm" tor lniiinii Ilble berlet1t." 1 • • • tanka and otller vehicle.! ' . ) .. '1D 185'0 whleb Tear from DOW!'
'Clim '· ate Factory.•
Soon May ,Produce
-._ -
KEEPS REGULAR, Ifathaat Harsh·LaxatiftS "'U
Aoo.I.,.,.. Stna. Wir
,at ..
cem.. . .
ChlorOphyll in '"Toothpaste Fights Decay , A .... toothpaste contaln1n, ehlorophrU mq be the ana-,ver to , ilia =-.~. , arch lor a prev.n. . . . for ~ deca,.: U.e of ehlor. opbrJl III 1118 Ila. product waf an. aaaaced 'bJ ' Dr. GUlta,; W. Bapp. " " . I I t t .ad ftHU'Ch biochemist _ . . , . ........t;r'.'dental Icbool, ........ UlUtut. B.-I'.GIIrDQ'. 'ilia DeW ..... acts, ~ do awar will ~~ tile ~oaa . ~.raD.J.
thoupt bT dental authorltie. to be causel of dental decar, accordlne to Dr. Rapp aad Mr. Gume,.. aDd owea Its unUlual powerl to the we of the wa1er-lOlubie derivattel or chloropbJ'n. which Ia - the malic areen aubatance tIlet live. FIll and all other IH8D pIaJI.U ibm color. Lon, Ialo1n} u aUluUal ID aU ute, cbloropb7D ~ baa __ wad .Ub a . u . ruultI.
The Onl;y. thlD, that wID ,eftecUIt.. Crook. 81, dean 'of Che l .chool of 17 litop tha .od. utniva,ant and aeronautic. at CathoUc uhlverailJ',
::e=ht':n:~c~~:n:e:rc~ ~~:h :z,:~ ~~~;:.e ~'=
indicated the,were tired of tho federal ho~ fU1l:J' eXpreued bJ' ,t hole whose wratllle. So, th.,. promised. YO~t. .end .enator. aDd conl"'" Jntroduce a "OUlIne bill to .ubstl. mel to WUhlncton. ConJ:res. II tute lor the admlnbtratioD'. Pro- liI1Amlnl to tho or,an1zecI yolce of aram. ' , m1m~tiel. '!be one chance or the It WU IBId to 1Dc111de . ' pIaD' lor ma;lori~ .. 10 demand wIIat privete!7-ciwDecl home. and acm. WUlU III paraooa1 letters tID Jow.reol-lU'DPUt7. lD fact, "tIle tub- wbIIf willa ID be n4lected. IU. not stttuCe meuan WOIIl4 eJIlboq. aaatia of a political pazV. Botb molt of the admbl1atratloll·.. .a1um- ' an _ _• and bDGa an tit ~
lonl' to Herman JakobllOD aad S~Uel B. Pa~. d.cea.ed laW_rs. The court ruled tha, erOaItl • pateot was valid an4 that the lfJ"em. ment infrlnpllt In UlIn, til. Weld .frOm 181'1 unUl. lH1. It caDed ,.. lID accountllljl 10. •.~termIIae .... uaet amount the ~,.._ OWl CrooIt ana ~ . CIt . . patat. 8cime eatIm• • 'tbI.)IIQ- ..... ...... the '. . . . . . . . . . . ~
: .ot
Watch Your Kidneys/
Thursday, July 7, IMt
This Handsome Settee E)(:ellent for Lawn
You ,Can Improve Your .Figure
'By Purchasing Right Swim Suit
'Inl,ell,o.,' Laugh
By £lata Haley
Rlcbard BUl WDldDIOD r.:;=========== rr WAS ETHAN PRYOR'S lau,h· T. T·
WHEN SUMMER COMES around. mnny, women gaze wlth dil· may et the figures and say. "I just 1...._ _ _ TlCot _ _ _ _rers _____ can't plan to wear a ' bnthln, IUit ibis .ummer," There are' some flJUres, of COUllse. wblch a ba.thing suit cannot clJs· gUise, but the n neitht1r can dothell. 'However, many of the new bathing suits ' are designed -to do a lot for the figure, whether It·s good or bad. , Don't discard the Idea of wearing a luit beiiauae of some figure f!lult. which can be mucb mitUmized by a good 'Uit" , Try~g on a /lult is the best way of deciding )ust what each one doea for you. just 81 in buying dresses. leverst mirrors ' that give a view of diffeTent angiea. can help you to decide on the most effective lult. · , .
' '' ~er that first attracted ' AbigaU to him. When Ethan laughed every one else laughed. The slXIDd had that mirthfUl. appealhlg quality that was infectious.' It was good to hear. It gave you a feeling 01 well· b eIng. ThIll aU. happeDed in 1929, when EthaD's reUiIl a.Dtl~ue buslness wall DcUlDc him .$15.000 .. year. It wall eas, to Applt, laurb then. The, were a JoD, ', couple. . ' 1...-=-~ In ' 1931 Ethan'l ret&U antique business dropped oU from Olle,halt
r-----.., ' ,gave I a u 'g b. up
'!:£i _
SIIL--.............. 1liIt
its top amount to one·thlrd; then to one-quarter_ That year passed and the next. The Pryors didn't find it so easy
..... ....
you CAN BUILD this handsOme
. th e pattern .se t tee b y f 011oWing metbod of construction. This 'and many more projects can be bUilt. at the 10'tVes~ possible cOllt-if you want to "build it yourself."
_ _ _...:.._ _-li'-~-t-::-::--I'I.c~~1j'nc
:l5"culo;n~wn'u;.,rl\~':"Fn~f:: ri'l.
~. t~l~:~~~Jln.:W.~~n
Coml'nnJ. Dept.
Uncovered S 't f P'IRelics Iti Yield M
orr 0 r m , .e an . LON DON. - Archaeologists
They tllought they had a glimpse their of the lives of caught Britaln's pagan I eve n - roo m Saxon ancestors through relIcs dug Youn~ anel l!I)eDd~ ,apartment and ' .... ' up recently from burial CIIoOle ~PIl!Ce 1Style moved into • 1" ground on Fa-rthing Down Dear Those who bave a good figure . less t!XP.ensl~e I... "!""'....,..;::-::.;:.;;;..__-~......~--;;...~~~~~~;.:._I Co~sdoll. ,. , that can stand itlspectJon may wear BesiqeAHe skeletoll of a child one. In January of 1934 they moved 11;J!2!1!!!__..J.!!~!!~~!:.!~~~~~~!!~~...J~-I-.!.'" \he ,two-piece lult. ';l'he flgure to a single room In an untashlon- II ot ,abo,, ,t 2, 'probably a boy, 'bad . ,bowd be llai and firm b~cawie the able part of the crlty_ Eth'ah waa' 'tacht. been , placed his w.ell-Ioved toy mldrltf which i. bare canflot bide barely making\\. enougb to keep 1~:':=::'=-..!.;.~.!f!~~~~,!!~U~~~~~P!..~":~-I....!~-I 'iron spear_ A child ,In another . flabbmell 'in the ' waJal1lne: them from starving. I ... grave was ~ought to b~ a girl. Two-piece suits ' are avallable in .Abigail hWlted for • week and Beneath her chin were fOUlJd many Ityles and' cotors, and they even'tually won for herself a job. the colored beads she used to wear have become a . I'eai favorite with It waln't much of a job. She sat and someone, more than 13 cenwomen who like' to eet plenty of behind a glass .window ' aU after. ttiries ago, had placed Ii large decIUD. TheY're con'ltortable ' to wear nooo,and eveniDg ,.eIllng tickets lor orated bEad in , her mouQ1 When , Crlsp wblte in dOllble4 Uen Uld the Ilyles are stunnlng. pro· she was laid to rest. . '. ..vea aD IDteresUD~ look io t.hla ' • stock company performance..:The .,ided. of' course. you ,bave ' the stock c!lmpany wasn'" d~1 150 ,Leg an4 8nklebones . ot an old pew summer b.tbID~ auit. The ' ure for ·them., ! ' well It looked ai though it might man were tound to ' be bent, prob- ' amooWi fUted ~ter ' ~ce Ra~on ltDits 'are cooling 8.n d '. ,r e up any ihy. But it p,aid $15 a abl~ because ' he ,had squatted Oil ' canlea.,oat tile tiered motU .. ao! constructed" 81 to" holel their week an~ WOuld. have to' !fo h:\s heels.'tn .·a primitive l10me &he sldri~ thul aiviq the ~eu shipe. Cotton iultl ,of' Jbia tyPe are which, boasted~? chB.1r, . . \, er an . atvacuve~lt. De b . ahe could 'lIet something belter. av.aUable 'In 10ve11 designs and IDI' aall. made avlKo tricot colors. - • "" . , ~plred." DlUe ·asbamed, kult faron wean weD and Ilew , E~ went, job ,hun~c hImOood Ballellar 1iI~le and a trim bra .~in the Snug trunk. " metllodl 01 manllfllCltare make lieU. Be hunt.e!l a week, hrO One of the tine's t examples ot tlJe ,abrlo ran.proef, with • well II I, wltIlDut auecesl'. ....e Ahglo-Norman 'building style of minimum of atre~. ,hePD to broOd. AbipU did b~.. the U~ and 12th centuries can be and lastex .ult. that not onl7 belt io cheer hlin ap, to _pt , found in the cathedral in .Durham, mold the flgure 'to better.linel. ',!!:.,'lDto .. UP" frame ., ' Ellgla~d. ~eir. control built riabt 'In t h e ' " ----..-,:~~.,.....~_:::_~_=_~ ault, are an invaluable ' aid to the . "Let' I h~a~ the old lal,lab, FoUow IluIea for.Fruit· aDd BerQ' CIlJUllD, g~l wbo ' neec.I'~ome lu~port in ~er put, darling. A pleasfIlt ,trame of . (S" DirHliofU B,low) • .' mlnd is , h,alf the battle.'! 'S,be .at Can Fr'ul ' ~ Wen" ault. ," .. , 'Intense colors are favore(! til on the ' aIm of bis chair. ''Tell' yoU ... these suItI al well' al in other wbat. . Let's .~~lebr~t~. "Let:1 ~e SUCCESSFUL inin and b'lrrY clothes; althougb you can ,aWl let $5 and 10 dowd, to Tony'·II. 'W. CIID cimning is compllratively 11in· th~m in black, white ,and naV7. it have a gay time for a cbange." but goOd. resUlt. 'depend upon that~a your choice. WElfr to TC?~'s" , Thq being'ormed of tile Prblc_ S17le Suit. _ . wl.r\e and ate a ,big din· methods aa.'WeDaa accur-liCY KIwUI 'YOIII' #8111'# ,~•• , . ~ AIM Favwed nero They danced. , They sat and' out certain live'o dI· . ~:::::::~~~~__--::_~_-I ______.....,._-'i-_____....hand/knitted Wool, ribbed or cablecl. ' ('lbe abort girl, 'whQ tend' watched the floor 'lhow. it wasn't I ....' CU"I+... pressure may in ~lack. white 'and COIOfl, Is a lome",hat plump )Vill ... bad qOor show. Among other you CBnn~ frpits ~nd berrIes ,pr processing.' The presllure eoo'll:favorite, If YQu're in ·the market want to .choose one of the ma.." i,I.:u·W111" there waa a comedian. .'l'be, year some IpoU!l8F ~. however, ,i' :not as essential to for . • re~' lleat "$».PtIa~ aWL , prince.. ' style. whleb ate beID, comedian wa. lad. • •He. then .check over f_anping 1rui~ and bemea. al it ill j;;!!~~~~~~~~~~t the . ~e ill ohl1, slllbtl7, mown ~eJ)slve1y this sealon. ~s tlie ' tips ' 10m jII call11mg vegetjbles. flIbblr. ~ you're aU I~t lor will , ~ve,. ,be~ •.UJe, ong, unbr5Jlf~n .I!!e Precoo~ing i. recommended on ' ------~~ ODe piece' model; 1ry a tew beIl!W1I'lllnes which her Ilion fI~e needl ' YOU .IUP. Y'e cbart aii'ove for such fru4t and aerclse.. to ~~U,e th~ wala,ti1he. to make i! tlS'ok .daln17 and femf; PI1. ~" Tjl"ije econ~ /jerrie8 as 'are wate..,.. 'J1hl. method my; ,d.ep"nds up. , 41 v,e . a., bette.r pack. ' . A week or twO will do wonders for nine. ' . .r. mCK .P EOPLE ID ar...! ,•••• 1b~ , alit and make 1t ' withlD '1lie e .prlncess styli" come with or ·liiVJ;'g' '~uc. . or · "~9J1el' . ~.tmeDt. , \la S de". bOSpl&a.lJsIlUOD' 1'8CI,alred, Iollowed b, l1m1t111 of ·po.slbllIty to' wear the without straps. the latter In. a very ee's • .with, every Bow to Choo': • • a w..ek. 01 "oloa. neee...ry male. .uit on whlcll y4u'v~ let your cleverly .styled boned bodice.. "Jar you've ' put Tlie Bel' syn'.p pruerllled 11, our LleeDnll IPbyl1, ciani. No cpr,_ lor booklot or 'prlbeart. CQlors cbosen should be s!)Iid 10 up o· ., , . v.18 c_.lloo. OIIe-PIeC!e. Salt \ al Dot to break the flgure and thUs ." ~ck 'Of sucTHE CHART, it Is suggested t4ea1 fll' 8~ I make it look ahorter, If theie" , celiS, ~ putting that you add syrup to th,e fruit , a desire for 10 d t1 . lL....·lt Dnd berrIes ....... , ay not have or berries atter it hal been packed ~o.e 'who .pl.p ~ . • It and ~ake can get this In ~:.~c~ C::o~: ~ue~' any cannlli'g procedure. ih jars. In some oases. it I, advi.a· in the IUD nee!l, a iH,ftefe~* tYPe a suit thllt Is ruffled i'n a t;!ontralt-. first essential j1,., Ii select tile tp precoo,k the material in of IUit trom the' gir]j :oyno reJillY ing cotor on the bodice and on th~ IOWlei frUIt atjd be~~ies. 'f~1t or S3'rup befor,e packinl ID the ·~ar. like theIr , IWlrrm)Jh, weil enough skirt: , . , berriel must be film ' and llipe. ' For the IImall 80ft fruit IUch a. ';' riBRITOB~ OP~N 10 do It. Divers ,and Iwimmer. will Mature ,N eed • Ov~r.riPi'.:ma~erial may be used sweet cherrIes and beme.. use' a . ':, "0. DEALERS dot well when tpey ~09" a IUm a, fo&:. ~am. .and jelUe~ but should " No. 1 or, ~ thin Irrup made .. F~'" the. auit ·that _11 d,e slgned to ~t ~ bOcb' .FIUec1 Sul~ • n--. be eanned ;wh"te. follows: ' 'Mature 'fl·.._ell ... ·.. sh'ow. 0 ft' t 0 b&-o .... _ .bJUIs ,, . U.e three CUPI closeb', and' thu. does not h""'''er -.. . . 1:11. ed ,. berries , or fruit . ~IIOTORET.T~' ~ of wate~ td one actIvlU.i In the water, advantage. 'not In a tu1l skirted Beael, for lminedlate .eUveQ 4 Wool maillot, 'a lim and ele,ant, IUlt but In ~ , fiUed .illt, preferab17 ai, those which ,are speoked. cup Of augar and cut low ID the back, Ikln tilht. to wool! " , the tlruit or berry. brlnl to • boil ,t he tit, wiD cut the ~~r lIk. a Sui~ are' de..llI11ed for aU mature II ~our chance ~ cal\Dtnr The medium, ti~ probleml. lome givin, more ' If ,"OU have .our ~tt Ulan ' otherl. ' depen.dInJ But AbigaU laUIbC4 She orchard or i-udeg"tlilm lIC11l can 10 ~, ~t''eaeh flgure needs. , ~I though Ibe ' tho"gbt he debt~' and .~ ~~ Rl:0:d)l~ and ;-a l,OU want toJilde yout, ,thlgba. treme~douBlY fifnn~. ' ruab.JtJQto .ibe ld~cJ:l}q1 fIJ,r e,~. you'll- be able to,fln!l auitl that .are E1b,an looked ~*. ber~ /to ~ II ~e ~deel W~y (p ~an. j , , r 10 do the ''0" . _ ....,. •jult a "aba_, lonle '1' came., intO hia eye., ,Sh~ " wa'i _ ..... _ •.' ~ " .\ . .. > ' ~or".ctu; '\', " be ,'lay" She.wal doin, an ~ , ,,,,,,,, , ~ , ~ of '. .. . 'JIlole who leek the SUn .and loU could . tp bblsier ~p hi. IPlrlta Jle aemCiYlq '6!dfla ,. :; ",.,' ' OIl the beach may. want • cotton could at 'least help. ' " YTS IIOmetimell desirable to blanch Tlie -beaV1. NO'.' . lnupla 'len. OZ' rvonl auJtf~ thdi. who swim Ethan laughed. It ~.s· ,t he old I t ,fruit. or peel ,i t. This proe8l8 eraDy ~f14 on Jar,e 'iour fruita .,uL ~e Wool ai this keepi them mirthtUl, appeallJt~, laughter. ~ean. 41pplJ:ll the ~,. Il:\ch all have to be marSe .extra IWeet. ' . warm ev~ whUe drying. rolled out and fllled the " roOm. apricOu. peache•• etc:, IIi hot water sc!Unt .~ be' re~ove4 from 1he ' Know 7OUJ;,problema for the I\11t Other. beard it. Otherl lau,hecL f9t, ~ minute , oz:. 10, then ~ , c:ol,d. syrup ,after cooklnj. bef~ 'poUriD, B_/",.• • IIyiQ ,wi", II1II. ,Jou c!t.oO~ and checJt to lee wheth- They' ~ul~.t !l~P ~~.Th~~ water. The akin w1!1 sllp oU easily the~p~~ ,I Imlfe. There'l no full 'aIdrt to- 1»aI- er it..~eri Uie~. ;' Ethan. The come¥ wal with juat a 'Ught preuur~ of tile qorn: 'aJ'I'UP IIDd ~e, mil)' be' Ipired: • .,' , ,. " .' < fIDgetI ,~r ,palm· I") , substIt¢ed In whole or in 'p~. .in' loon out , like a ~eDy 11m m the chooae 'A~rll!ll water and .hamperhr . . . . Comfort Mter ~e. sbow a man clUne up Ii;you re blanchfDll a busbel of maJdng the 'PuP. AU' bODe,.. and 'lbe ~~ulaWf:I " , , and .at down. at Ethan's and Abi. ' frl.i1t, do it in ho .ug~r, will cban.e the ~~ ··- thlt aD. ,or ~. lD,1a~eat tb.In'lto ,ail' a table. AbJ, "ail .introduc:ecl .:.._ '1,.l nan doses. ~e fruit .. we'U" ~.' make If I i '. ~ · cWer the bathipg suit, gom. ·to .. --.. :II :,~'_'- tb fruit darker. ," , ~ _1UIl..,1 ad' .eavlq ' the' beacb. bi a Ii., as the ,owner of the .tock.compAnj in e Ith If " ,_ .) II!~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11lk7. f!l1l.lenlth ' coat. Thue are Ihow w"here she sold tlcltetS. His ' 110 e er r 8lim and fit ell to th ' name wall' Jonel!. ," tba hot ~r cold " 'LIlteD," 'pld Hr. ,onel. ~Ilte more ,.. w,btlt.. . . ,~,. e fiaure or .... WIWlout • , ~tb \h . r for ttl a.'IIa 0U41~ Jud a ' JlWe ' '"We'b par you' $5 a IIIcJd -t., . an. e reblPer , thf.D " the beach coat eome and laUCh at oar aII_. , 'quI.ted minute lome time .,0. but ai ~~ have ,It'. IUP~ .. be a f1mII7 willtery make, it too peued, the,. are JlOt. llmlted to Yoa caD put It aeroa.... ,. . !, • • ~ach wear a1~e ~ Wear theJ;D' at Ethaa lClI'atched bJa chiD. Be 110* Wben, JW Cf~ the door. looked ' -at .blpn. Be said: Best ,:~...;tIr~ wr ,HIIIlO' th~ _ • . 70U want iO "WeD,) • d_o. For ·. . . . week " , RUlTS an4,' -berrJe~. , generally I mlCht coulder It." , . nll:e' lOin, ltIol,lplnl. Inc1d "SoI4l" laid Mr. loDei, ' bold thm Ibaptl. better when • • ~talIy tile " a.m-. coati . 'EthD~ looked at .hI. wife when packed b~ or 'cold In,t o the jar. anel meeIy ovllr formals. too. bi·ecaJUtI'. \be,.'re flowing ' and . cm be worn he ,ot home. "You planned itt ' are ~ procey,d b:~ the bot water Without tbe belt. he accused. " ~!l~ , ' ., ' Fdr a lea. esPen.lve coat ...____ ' "Sure," ISlet Abl • .u.', "When 'l'be open kettle m'~tIlod. wbereby ........... have\ lomethlnl it should /;Ie cashed the fruit il. ,.cooked In a large kettle a terry robe which hal ,taken OD ' a in on. You ' can laugh your way 0Ii top of tile range and picked n~ loot. ~.. come' lD the abort richel. my dear." wblle boillDg hot :lnto lterilized ~ and m8D1 of the new fub. C iI lana are aport;lua a low If cefu] 'nines, were letting beUer: ,ara. . preferred bl p..oople. ~ _ • Gouace. and' a abullt- ple were bll71D' antiques. -;Afteio;m;-;;;;;pa:;;;c:ldn;:-..t.~J.L!I..!lpw-.~·ih--,~!.;..;.jar_·.:;.I_th_e7~_ _-:-_ _"-_ _-:-_ _'" 'Ill belt. heglDnln, or 1938 be was LYNN ...,n' Coa" '" tbla to--,,-, quite well That summer he 'IIIeM 1'1-"""; _ From three to Ouoee and one-halt ........ are com- lar,ed hIa mop-" - - . -pounda of strawberrlel are ~ 1 ~:.~ )'OIl Itep oat ~ Well," aaleS Abi,all, ilappfbt, WIll BeIp Y.. for . a Quart of J:anned material ent ' end · wW dry e tbe7'~ absorb- lUeu we laughed our w~ To make one quart linee the1 bave l'- ~ Jl8rce11tq. ~ tow~ that depreu10a all dpt." . ·two and 'iD.!-hlilf of lIQuld. • ~ ~ III .... ' 7011 teel Ethan lduetl her. Den ·be One and one-haU to two po\lOdl httm, ' kilIatU PIhk ... '. back hia bead and bepn to chetrles or plum. wID 71eld • taut De,ed protecUon from tba . 1IIII. ;- ::~~t':=:C:=t'~lOIDl'Iuo:riI.'I'''1 or the canned ~uat.
.A,I C 0 h'0 lie s
. .'
. ._
The:::: .:.uC:t %: I
Lute, e. . . .ailed IIOUOD tow- coat IID7 onl a cent. J'rOm DOW ell on wblc:h to lie on .... beaeb llaup becallH I waD& to ead ............ loR IIGIIdDat BaaeJ: I Jove na." .. .~lieuJa.oaa . 'DMIJ wIdtI • i'DHlo." AId
a' till...... .11
AbtaaD. .1..,...,.......
~ eam..~. ::: :r COnr w...... J.... wlth warm water end aDow tD
ft. __ ....
coma to • bon. BoD tor 1I11111luti1L
1M Ita.\ ill
10..... _ _ ..... 4ampe4 The Mllll lnl,G azet te mucJa u4 aJaeer for a ,.ouq 40P _ tJda ....t u lle wu cllc~tr far fear tIIat .!aIa Eetabll ,hed 1150 IIOUce at Cbaa'UI JIIchH ..... 'Whlll 1 UI&t . . ute 1afm and .PublllJled 8Y'8I'J' Thursd ay morn· called up the oftIca. &In! we u lato PrUcur ar work ing It Waynel!vllJe, W.,Nn C0cauliat ,U!I camp. W. IIr: A lIholllt! cel.bra te the FARM Lamb DIARY unty, 01110. wanted to 1M word to the coon d..,. of IDd4IpeDd4Ince but be BY D. J. FRAZIER b\mt.ra allO, ana to warD them to thankfu l ". caD " .each do it have Sdentlftcatl~n on tIIelr dOCI III: our OWD ~. JUNE 80. 1941. Hotter 11'0'Wa the and h. wID ClO'Operate In ptUnl wlathel r and hi.b.r ITOWI . the them back to their If e?fIl. More hot da,l and nl,bt. t 10lt on a Inlat. So· If 70U and ·more thunde r .torml make 101' your do. e&ll 111m up at on· ce and h. wID do what he caD . Theodo rp E . Conover . " - Editor &'DOd corD weathe r. "Knee hlah And I ..,. &I&la IIld ' qaln U ,.OU by the Fourth of Jul," I. the old :Edna H. Conovat' ., All Boe . E4ltGr 'We hoped the ,lonne bave un'Wut ed dop PUPI call FROM OUR FILES o"lr tor II. little while 10 him and til WIll take care of Ent ered aB second CIIlI8 matter roR JULy 1. 19lU at tbe post o'Wce at Waynee vllle. that the wheat harv•• t could C.t them for ,.ou. · Don't t1Irn' t'heDl undlm ,., bllt the air I. lUll hot out alone the hllbwl "l to cau.e OhJo. Il'he Wayne lvllhi School Band and humid thoulh ' the pipers re, troubl. fGl' other J)eople. This wl,1 silve & concert Thursd ay eve. Sublarl pt'lon Rate: $1.60 per year POrt fr.elm& ' cold In thl! far wu 'a alce fi1end~ JlUP tlllil morn· ninc lIt Corwin . Thill concert will In Ohio. Kentuilky anI! IncIJAna. no$ 'W..t, 'W_. tnay .et lome- Ir.. but It wu • bit manay and thlq cool.r ud we Diay not. evldent l,. eomeon e wanted to cet be lponllo red by the Roxann a ',$2.00 eleewhe re. Lat't.ra from the .ut r.port ric! of 111m. Mr. Lamb 1&)" ule Cannll " Co., a 'Well known enter: prlle 'of our commu nity. Canner . torrid 'Wutlle r and Nrloue drou' keroaen e and , aa1phu r tor manlle' GEMS OF THOUGHT of .w~let corn. It's better to 1J)ake II. milltake clit 10 we can be doub17 thankfu l and Itcb. I have tried LIm.!'! I· Mesllra. W. O. Raper. Lloyd dolng lometh lng than to make for tIIOM' raInl that laved the pbur nch u you "'.. to ,pray Davis. Cecil Davia and Dean the blglet ml8take of doing no· IIltuaUOIl here. planta with laee.l " but what- HawkE! apent Friday and Saturda y thing. ' Warren COUllt, 1i.1 a new dog eYer th.,. ha~e or ",hatev er the, at the Reitervolr. ' warden . Earl Lam b. by ' name. do DON'T 't urn them 100II8 011: the Mn. Harvey Rye enterta ined at 8ell It WIth A Want ~d A brOwn lIaJt·JI'Own pup wander ed roada. call the docwa reten ---:"t-....;...---.. at dinner . . Friday. Mn. Robert S, In here tolay an4 we called uP. the County ~udltorl' orflce, t.eb. Walton and. Ion; Bobby. Mrll. J , IIlIpect iq. to have CharUI BUbee anon 15. L. Hartllo ck., Mn. W. P . SaUl, come CJut &nd the,. told ua that !'or 4&J1I our bot. have been bu~. Mn.. Bert Hartsoc k and there wu .. aew DI&Il Oil th. Job. plunlD l aD o~enl1lbt camp and Mra. RUIlell Salllbu ry. th.,. chOie .. lit. and 'ca.rMr. Harry Liar wu In Cyn. rled the teat aD~ oth.r thInp And thlaoa •. Kl' .. lut week . "JC'd a ftrep1&ee ard wer. an .I .t ance at the Harriso nIn attend' County and Nd7 to 10. OUr wo04a 'Were RepubU can conv.n tlon. Uttle too Dear home 10 thei bad Mr. .an'll Mra. P. A. Runyon uked ·pefmle elon of a ' n.l.bbo r haye ' I .t arted a ne'W restaur ant In which lle bad I1'&Ilted but b. had Mt. Hol17. failed to warn th.m that there . Mr. Lamar Earnha rt apent Tue. were CaWI III th&t fl.ld. Thll 'WU Iday nl«llt with hrs lJI'andp arenb. BOO8: onl or the dayl whln wl_ h~d' Mr. and Mra. l!larnha rt. . 9 t E h M . 'een Iwlmm fQ aD'd ''Were a llttl. Mr. Bryan Pren~rgIlBt. form· '1-5' - 2 Ie omln, . late pttJac home which ' m-"e erly of' U. ~. poltal' sernee Pitts· Afternoons Exe~pt Wed.. the eIIorea .. Uttle latl, then JGhn "ur. termina l I'-tlon, II Ipenc!. u .. . . Evenings by Appointment broqh t hGme ....t potato plant~ Inc ,,, few ' da,. here · before tak· Only from the aale eo . the, bad to be i~ up bl., work, July 1. ' at the planted .... It ~ alIDOit ·dark Clncim latl termina l. TEbEPliONE 62 by thl time the, cot ltarted ud Earl Baller or DenTer, Colo.• Is , when the,. .ot. to their tent. aacI> to' hel'e 'flIIUna his . relate, tile COWl h~ lIMn there Mr. an~ lira. W. J. ' Baker and IIIUII "rat and tile UtUe tent 'Wu nat other II'tIlativel. 0ptom etri( Sr, .Speci al .... oli the lJ'Ound ' with the pole brok· en and the t.nt plnl trampl~. It LETTE R RECEIVED ,e loath Detroit . . . . 'Wu TEi.i:P HON E 2291 a 111011' but the,. bore It like REOARDINO' MR.. WITHA M WA YNE8V ILL,E , OHIO aood Bo, Bcouta The,. ' built a To Th.~ !ldltor: . IJOI'U. ' little tire. touted their marahDielManJ' or ,. 0 u r readen are 10'WI, pthere 4 up their beloll1l' friend I Gf Mra. Witham . a former Inp .and oame . b&ck and ".pt re~1denlt ot Waynu nlle. lind I'm und... the mulber ry trM In the sure they wonld be Interes ted In. yard. TIley W l ......ed uother h.arlnc· from her. While 'flllting leaon III beIq pnpue d. our daugbt er In . Jacklon . Ohio. Lut tlae .C1rll telt that 'We dtoYe dGwn to OalUpoUI to they mat tJ7 lleeplD I out drove do.WD . t,o Oal':po lll to thlY tlu4 • .-m» br th. y.,d. hqI!plta l to ... her. I trupt ftre. touted ' Bhe'.... . TW1 pleased to lee .• ~belr manhID lUcnre aDd lu down, al u4- uked aboat maD)' of ·the ' 0 reat bat Dot to l1eep for a lon, peG))" '11l' Waynel'fJ11e. Some 1 . , while. nnaUy one who wllhed to could tflll ber of. othen I . ." COUldn't. --~~~'~'f . ~I..p lOaaht th,e refllle of her IUlle .be 'Woutd be plealled to ')'WIl' bed and "naU, the other bear from eaeh of tbem dlr4!ot al! two to ....p fOr ·awhlle tm· !lbe ptl very lonelOme. She's 111 -n tb. s.eonc! ~e In. and wben a loveh' hOlplta l and seemll quite the lut on wGke up Ibe , found w.n. ollty Ihe can't walk ItDI! Is h.....1f all alone Ibd came qulold, eonflll'8«l mOlt , of the' time KI!M TON I! to ber Into th. lIou.. too. wheel chal... A letter or card ad, Wan Pape r and Paste and SIzin c dre..ed to· lira. m. Witham . G. E. BuJ.. - Nu E....... . JI'01mT H 01' 1,.... ' The Oalllpolfll, .Ohlo,. G.B.I., wiD ~ch SoaIII ..... ·. . . . . . . . fIaI. ~ .... . wheat tl eomlltD.~. ' 'TIl&t 11 .w hat we , did td oalebra te. It II .. Ilat . \ , Amana a J!larnha rt olear da,., jut ~e kind .that . . ..-,.... . - -.- - - - thbdI. of wilen . the cred and WAYN E.VILL I! .CoH . CLU •• clorlo... c1q ' 11 m.nUon ed bat WILL AIUI8T . WHEA T WA~OIDO DRIVE III&U WIIk of what the d";' Wlyn4 8lvlUe ...... 4-U Clubs, al· ltaDda far ..... til.,. celebre t.? on« wi.t h tho.. thl'Oqh aut the ,..... I'oaIUa of lu~ oratIon hu coant,." will partlelp ate In a 8000 eeued to be IUtd Ore worb ~uabel Wheat Fund DrIve during are . IIarn4 from mo.~ eominu nlt. Jql7. . Ie" . ToDIP t th. ABiertcan " I'u~dl ~m this drive will be IOn wUl live 'their' 1110"", but , f~r the t'H Club FouncfatJon' the molt or_ It ... ....n jUltan d the "ft. Camp . "UD!!. I~ II uother laot lumme r day. Ho~ hoped that one bUlh.1 out of lhanktcU we are tIlat . ,"ery . f1....e rafiled tn the county 'WID be ..cured througb the ~H Clllbe.
7. 1••'
th., ..
---- ----
Fun era l ,Hom e
Dr. ' C. E. W:IL:omo
Gen era l Electric
Po rta ble Radios
METHO DIST' CHURCH R. B. Colema n, Mlnl.te r Church School. 9:80 a.m., J .. J . Burake, SUllt. Chair Practfc e. Thursd&y. 7:.46 p.m. '
MT. HOLLY METH ODI.T T. M. Scarff, Mlnl.te r Sunda,. School. 9.aO a.m., . B. A: Earnba rt, Supt. Wor-hl p Bernce . 10:80 a.m. 'EvenJn , ' Servlce , 7:80 p.m.
ST• . MARV '. EPIS,COPAL Samuel ' N. KeYI. Rector Mornin g Worshi p, 10 :80 a .lD.
CAE8A R. CREEK FRIEN DS David Slanfle ld, Mlntlte ll Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worlbl p S"rYice, 11 a.m.
.. .. ..
· .. .'
WAYN E8VILL E FRIEND S First Day School. ,:30 a .m. ~TICA E.U.B. CHURC H Meeting for Worslil p,. lo:ao a.m. William ShanDo n, MI.a liter Sund&y School, 9:80 a.m., Jln. .. .. WAYN ESVILL E CHURC H OF Jamell Ganllo n, Supt. eHRI8 T · . Preac:h lnc III and 8re1. !!Iunda,.s M. H . .coffey , Mlnllte r of eaoh month. 10:80 a.m. EvenlnA' Servioe ., 7 : 80 ·p.m. BIble School. 9:30 a.m. Mornin g Worshi p. 10:30 a.m. Young People l' Meeting , 6:45 p .m. ST. AUGU8 TINE.. CHURC H Evenin g . Service . 7: 30 p.m. 'Father It. H. KrumhGlta. Pa.tor Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Mauea , g and 10 a.m. Wednes day. 7 :30 p.m.
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fERRY CHURCH OF CHRle T Byron Catver. Mlnllte r Bible School. 9: 3Q a.m. MornIng Worlhl p. 10 :10 &-m. Prayer MeeUng. 7:00 p.m. Young People' s MeeUng. 7:00 p.m. ~venlng Service .: 7 :80 p.m.
LYTLE METHO DItT CHURC H B. ElI ' B&Ulhn. PaltGr ' Churcb Sehool. 9:10 a.m" Mra, Worahl p Sl'Ifviee , 10 ;10 .. m .. Sunday evenlna , July 10. 8 p.m. Childre n', Program. A reU-,ol ll" film wlll be Ihow'n .at thle aer· vice. .
TRAVEL 10 OREOON Rev. and Mri. R. B. Colema n and daughte r, ' . lert Mon. day ror an' auto trip to Eulen •. Oregon . Tht! Colema n'. will, be goue about three weekI. Mill Colema n .ill the . Ubrarlap. In the public library at Elu"'ene .
Mr. and M:rs. FalUI ... Pain. and dau.hte r, Diana, lpent the Fourth of JulJ' bollday at tbe bome or her parenta . Mr: and Mrs. Robert l!l. Parrott or Wubln wton _ Court HOUN, Ohio..
W t Ad "'4. ~~~~~iEE~!!5"~!!e~~!!e!3iP25o~n.!!e"!!e~o~"~r!!e ~a~n~~~~.~..~ h
Wh ite 'K itch en
e Comple.te Fountain Service
,_ Ope n Sev en Nig hta • Ce .ee rY lll.
W~k '
$35.4&:£qlDp!ete With Batteries
PRO -0 It • • • The . mGrUc lan'l profesli On hu made strlll1Dc ProlT8 U In the Jut MeeD yeara. XanJ: of the developlI,I.nta &1'e lIDport ant. It h.. alwa,. ....D our IIOlloy to add th..e Improv emenu if the,. are worth 'WbJle, and u a reault our won refleota the belt · 1n mooern mortua ry practice ,
•·.JuLY, ••
• ..
. - ~cCLU~E ," .ME IAL H'O MI
Fumitare &:''Ailpliaace Co.
C ..., . . . . .&;' ... . . .0
Ju st· R" ce iv ed .
Mt. and lire. A.
T. Polinsk y daqbte r ~d J,lrs. .TeBllle Hy· man are en:Joyl q a vacatio n tn Wuhlll «ton, D. C., New York and oUier Buten r cltle.. .
SAYEI$I.~ 01 iii ~..j
,hi "
,YOW' cloth" will be wen· ed aDd ~ preued' In tllDe at B • Clean" "l.
DON'T OET IN A .Taw . :About ,.our money ' prOblema IIIIT Ualted Btalet SavlDp Bondi at tile Wa7JII lvme Nat· 10nu EIanJI: and tnlure a financlaUY IOODd fUtilr8.
Pl ae e Yoli~ Or de r T.ODAY
Sa no co Se me e,
We lpeClal1ae .~ prompt' lerv. Ice for baalDen people 'Who mUlf keep loolllnc .,eU'Iro om.d at all
PHONE . . .
laJD~ville UnOlfll, BUI
Fa irl ey Bd we . St or e .
PHONE 1441
TBtJRSDAY, -1tfLY T, 114.
In·law and daqhter, IIr. and loire. .W. P. Mccarren lJr Walhound!ng, retlirned to ber home here Sat· Ul'day. The Crusaders OJaSs ot the Methodist Church beld a Bake Sale on the Church lawn Satur· day afternoon. Mr. and Mra. Robert BrlPlden· bur, had .. . thelc dlnner . guests. Monday, Mr. and Mre. Clarence Stepp an~ daughters, and 'Mr. and Mra. Roy , Brandenhurg of Leb· anon, Mr•. and Mrs. .Tohn Tewart and sona of Middletown and 1\Ir. StaDley Gra,.. Bobby ClIDe. 10D of Mr. and Mrll. Wlnlton Elllne. wbo Bustaln' ed a broken leg recently wb.e n he was thrown from a tractor and run, 'o,:er ' by a rotary hoe, has
Mr. and .Mrl. H. 8. Tuaker were lUelta. Thurlday, of Mrs. Tuck. er's sliter, Mn. ,Jenny Bell, at ber home In Somerville. Mr. and Mre. Jelle Pennington' and son, !;>anny. In company with Mr. aud , !lin. Henry Gentry. spent the weeken4 with 'relatives In Kentucky. Mrs. A. B. Pollett bad as ber lUests Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Howard Collett of Wilmington and Mrs. Mary Chapman' of Way· nellviUe. Mn: Laura Shtdak.r, who haa been the houlelUeat of her aon.
Main and Miami Sts. Ph. 2341
~. ~
' ELEVATOR ~i"fefJ8 hllKlnHg I~"G ,
It. haodle It IDJloading and untrudo. ern.:; feed .....
where! S loading 0
. . Handles feed. sraJn, ear com, poultry litter. Hard use by e1~ fttor o~lDra
(over 80.000 bu.
IDeabI 10 yean
lel'rice 00 averase. Itlelf quickly. see
mone year ~tbout breakdown) farm. Pa,..
lIldwln · Randall
JOUr deal. coda,l • El..E.VATOR' ;ONLY $140.00
This.Thursday and Friday. Pot .10.00 $$ By
Mr. and lIrs. Earl Young, Mi!'. and· Mrs. . C.h arles Bunnell and daught8l'S, and Bobby and Jue Kenrick plcnlced ' at LeSordsvllJe J..ake near Middletown', ' Tjlllfsday. 'MlssE? Carol ·.Longaore. Janet Hammond, Nanoy Tumbleson and Beverly Baird are att~ndlng girls' camp at Sabina. thJs week. . Mr. and Mrs. Beth Furnas were guests .o.t Farmers', Way· nesvUle, Saturday evenln.g and Mr. Furnas ga.'l'e a flne talk on the Warren Coimty Historical Society and Museum. aleo gave some .ear ly h18Wry. of the Grange. I . Mrs. HarVey Burnet, and Mra. J. B. 10nes attended a. covered dleh dinner Tue8!1ay, when Mrs.
RIER'S Garage I
and 111'1.
and famllT, wlao have been the house gueats of Mr. RandaU'. brother-In·law and llater, Mr. and Mrs. B. 1. mil. returned this week to their home In Nashville, TenD.
, . the ladle. ot Farmers' Grange at the hall In · Waynelville. Mr, and Mrs, Leon SaJ1ab.r~ ot Washington C. H. caned. on: Mrl. Nettle Emriok SlUlday evening. MJ:'II. Everett Early visits most every day with h~r mother. Mr8. l\~ary HuatoD, who remains very 11l at McCleUan Hospital. Xenia.. Mra. Huston baa been " a patlant there Iinoe the Urat of March. M.r . and Mrs. Arnold Wee aad daughter, Ada, of Fredrick, Md., spent Saturday, ' Sunday and the Fourth with Nr.. and Mrs. 09or8e iJustenborder and IOns. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ,Beard and Perry Wlnk.s ~f ' Union:. were SIlD' day , evening d1nn~ ' 8ueste of Mr. and Mrs; Elsworth Wlnk~ ' and son. DaVid. Their Mondar dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vore of PIqua..' Major and Mr.. J. M. Stockton and daughter, Patty, of W!lAh· In'gton, D.C. and Thomu 'CoIUDS ,ot 'Oklahoma City were weekend lao of LyUe-l'erry Boad. Mr. and Mre. IVan c~oda and
sts of Mrs. Clem.~ns· brotber, Mr. Walter BurdJne, Mr. and Mrs. Robert . PetersoD' and family of Cry.s tal Lalte. p., were Sunday gUlslJu of Ernest Harlan and family.
By MR8. HII_V GIB80N Mr. and Mrs.. George Smith caUed on Mr. and. Mrs. Ellsworth Smith olle day laslt week. Mr. and Mrs. Al Kelterson', Mr. and Mrs. Gle.n n Gruchot of' Cln· clnnatl were cue8ts Sun· day evening of Blr. and Mra. Clar; Mrs. Emeraon DW ,pent Sun. day with Mr. ant! lint. Wilbur Carter and . tam1llr Dear Marine City• /Mra. Elate Koester of Lebanon I!pent Sunday wIth Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis and fam1)y. ' Mrs. Roy · Sha,... and daughters Betty and Jelale of XeuJa, Mra. Robert Greene pf Dayton a,P«lt Sunda.y wIth MI', and Mra . .Lue Morgan. Mr. and Mrs, BUy GiI!son called 011 Mr, and Mrl. Harry GlblOn ot Bellbrook Satilrdai,. aftemooll'. • Mr. anlt Mrs. Earl Lucas and tamlly, or Dear Hillsboro and Mrs. Dena Thompaon ~It Sprlng Valley spent lIonda.7 with ~ril. Anna Lucu. I Ml'4. Mattl~ Levi remains q,uit4, aJ at her home hure. Mr. and Mrs. Bm 'late of BeU. Bl'OOk apent Monday . wIth Mr. and, Mn. Pete B1WoD. ' Mr. and MH. llildmon'd Martott and family apent' Sunday . with Mr.", and lira;, JobJi SblUy of nea~
rier. The cakes were then cut and at Wilmington CoUele thla week with Ice cream to thoBe in wheD' he was nsted on the ' bOllOr attendaJrce. roll for the allrlnl leme.tar. To receive .the honor a .tudent muai LYTLE CHURCH OBSERVES malntaln at leut a "B plus" avo OHILDREN'8 DAY 6UNDAX erage In all of hIa worlt for the CbJldreD"1 Da7 8e"lce will bo term. , obse.r ved at Lytle Church . ~ext S\lDclay evening. Ju~ 10, at elght PLAN BAKED HAM 8UPPER o'clock. After . a program bv the HARVEYSBURG- T Ii. Welchildren, there w1ll be movies come Bible mas. of Jonah'a Bun .' which w1ll be enjoy'e d by ~the Church . w1U have a baited bam whole fiunlIy. An animal cartoon supper Saturday neDlne. July • tor .the cbUdreA win b.e shown ; betweell' the hOUR of 6 :.0 and then a travelogue and reUglou8 8 :30 P.M. at the Bane,abure picturell ftlf everyone. 'Mrs. Henry HIgh 'SchooL Saylor, auperlntendent of the Sunday School lnvitea you to attend. MI·s. Jeue Pennflllton and Mra. Louille J'lta and danlbter. MI.I Jane Flte. were Ihollpen In XeDia SPRING VALLEY YOUTH Frtdq. WIN8 SCHOLASTIC HONORa DOnald Eo: 01 SlIrlnr Valle.. was cited ror oJt.tand1(lg acholarehlp Gazette Ct ...lfled. Bring R....lte, STYed
It's. swell
telres"" II,", pick·me-upper!
Boj en's Old-Fashioned-Tasting BuHermilk Delicious served as on ice cold beverage .. , nutritious and economical for cooking ol'ld baking, Ask for ~rd.n:s Buttermilk .. . ot your door, or at your. fovorite stor•. . , F ' T S f: n R(J I N '-,
J (
T T(l P, r
1/ J I
RJdgeTlUe. .'
, lin. John Sha,... 'and daughter,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@@I~@@~~~~~~~~O~f~~A~a~h~~b~~~~w~e~re~IU~~ "~'be:~ of xa~. caned on ,Mn. Mattl LeY! ODe . dar Jalt ,week.
Mr. !'Dd Mn. M. Bom~ ' and Mr. Mn: J. lIom'B caUed on MI'. and Mn. Thomaa RUDYOU Sunday aftemoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clliarlea Household and IOD. :ruDIor. &IIId Ilr. and Mn. Die/[ Clemon. anil IOD, ' Bush. of Sprlngfleld ) called on Mr. and Alfred Morgan and family. CAKE CON17E6T III FEATURE OF GftANGE MEETING HARVEYSBURa~ The local drance met iii' rellUlar BeulOJ!' I\.t the G~e ' Hall Monday evelilnl. one of ~e featunll of,tJill meElt: Ing was a cake contest between the -.,omen memben. \\.frs. Cbarles ElUs' orange clitt· Ion. calt& was aelected the win·
NOTICE TO CC»NTRACTOR8 .. , STA~E OF OHIO ' . PEPARTMENT 011' HIGHWAYS . .. Columbus, Ohio ;Engineer ' ot 'Sales Legal .COPJ' no. rmf
~~ow about ~he
Gtorit;'uS 5, ~ '
. June 25. 1949 UNI~ PRICE CONTRACT Sealed propollals will be recel. v~ at the ,otflce of the State Hlgbwa;, DIrector 'of OhiO, at Col· umbus, Oblo. untIl 10:00 A.M., Standard 'rime. Tuesday. 19, 1949, fOI~ Iplprovementa
'f '
In: .
Proposal No.1 ' W,a rren 'County, Ohio. on BeoUon time at being geoct' citizena every IVIR" HOME should. hav. 22.11. state 'Route No. 48. In Clear me day. the Righ.. oncl Creek Township, by app~ an ca n S But you only have to 'O!'k III'OUpd ~I_ '" an American. . uphillUc concrete surface course, when the, band is p1ayiltg andhth~ -you to see !l"~U~ examplt!!1 .of Itema T-30 aud T·:'!). flaK goes by. On the Fourt o. part t ' 6zenshlp the jUry Pavement: Width . 20 feet. July, we all cheer for .our wonder- dut; t~, the ~ts who Lelllth 13,147.2 feet or 2.49 miles. (ul )1erit.age of Indepcildence. . .don't' belong to ~ ·P.,[-.A., ~. But how about the 5th 6f July? Union members wliD COnsider theu Contract to be completed D9t And the 6th, 7th'and 8t~711tey:re duty done when they have paid later than October 16, 11149. just as ~s. because 10 Amenca their dues, the Stockbcldere '!I'ho Tbe minimum 'Vi'age to be ·paid weenjoyFn!ec1om~day. don't vote. . to aU labor emplo:,ecI On thla con· No one C3n teU us how t~ yoU. No Remember. celebratin" I~' tract alaall be In i&CCQI'dance with one can dictate our rehR1Ot\ - or & . Y what' we must think OI'.f Ba)'. 'J'be!It!11 ' enoe won't keep it jar you. ou "BctiedDl. of l~valUDI' Hourare rights every real Amertca,! 'WI have to work for Freedom. And in IT ~&le Ratel Alcertalned and to keep. But they re nghtB thIa country it'., a Cull-t~, 3!i6deterlDlhed, by Tb" nepartment of t.hnt can easIly slip away unleea we day-a-yelll;10b-I£taketJl59mi1lion "'"k to bold them - work full full-time C1~ns tc? ~it right! Industrial· RelaUOIIS applicable to State 'lhSbwQ llepartment 1m' . .&. . AM' . Ioml dYIc .,..,., i prov.-.enta In accordance ·wlth .lectlon I~' " '.1 Do yoevele .. , . I Section• .1703; 1'1-4" 1'1-4a, 17-6 altd Do you yote In..ln......, 17-6& of the Genenll Code of Ohio." C) ~"-tlm. Gnu-" 1 '. ' .. all ........' The bidder lDUat submit with h1a ... ddt.llIa.............' L_ DDo,.....-~ bid a eertIlled cb eck "In the Un· on I " " out of ,810.811. IPIau aDd spebutcatlODa on YOUI 1'$ file ID thedepartqaeDt of iqb· war- and the 0'1108 of the dlvfl. Co"""'ul il: I be pllblie ,,,,,,,.,, ., ---- - --~~- ~ . lola depJV ' 4Irector. - ' ..-
• Take,advar.uqe of
·...d appli.nces brought wi~ easy reach by.JOw Cott electric: service IIld enjoy extra ncatioa
..... IIU"to
'0 Do ,..
.... you . W_. · 0
c:lwc:Ir ..... !
/;elp make decisions that ,ffer:~
O Doyoe ..... O
iii.. Don't Itt .ot•• 'dG ;'1
The Miami Gazette
'b!:'. rIPt ~~~~--~~~~~"----~~~M~ii~~~ i ftta tUNetor
.n tile tlmaavfag methods
b~ III duou8b the year. lima bOua for l'tIt . aod teadiag • , • atra' ~un to devote to the dUl~ to '~ .dub work or to m~ and .OO-
area, \,
' .
. ..
. Bvety day, evert w~ the hours and dort .~ .by tireless e1~ servana eue the preawe . of housekeeping, free mole tUDe lot homem.k\. Jaa. U you He'DOW doing hea~~rk by ~ that· ' -a little motor could do fOr ,au. you are WMdDa rwr dine IIld .sueagtb, miui"l . . . of the , . , ad beaefig of modem elearial UvJaa. Now Ie a .pod dale to plan • step by .." cheUpoftl eo
. ...... happier elearbl JiUlaI
liE -ami-PIlEI AI. uln nlPlll
. . . . . . . . . 1111'. . . . . . . . . "., . .....
......~.....--..:.....I~- . -- ... __ ..... _ - - •
TIluisct.YI July 7:, lNt
a".\aT 'PROFITABL1!I DUIMS8 , lIfDk. 110/1 B n bY . l!ho.~ ap.uetlme. SeU olo<e •. S'ond .I.W tor adn'lplc and ~h.l\:uction •. ORLANDO. ~n C".;t.,11 81 .. J,t ., d~~ 8TORE, ~r •• er1 meat m a'rl'''I, fllllnl! .IIIUOD. 20-room briCk bldg .. Q ~oIIDlies . npl~ .; coltolles ront $150 ·mo. Ele~lrlr;. frce pl/i!ed, 5P~lnlC waler. modern equipment; g'oo(I business. Owned lIy reccntl1""2 rell1ecl JitIYlI elUel. Localed ~ VJIIQ . ' ml. E. 0 '( hIlJJ~olhe. S18,~... C. 1.. F ....Ja, R , :I; CliU1Le.tbo, O f P~ JS-~J'4
J~ yrshire Breeders ~restiIig Production , Keef Aye~age Chart, Record 01 Aniinall
DOGS, CA'l'S, ' PE'l'll:~TC, sunil: a>tre - AXe IPllljce dOSt.. Also grown stock; wald>-
The AYrshJl;'e. breeders' a~.ocla-' tlon is the onlY ca ttle-breeders' or· ,anizatlon ,~ ti)e fle]d' whi.cb malnt IRInS' "averag-e(' t rbtl(er , \han "$e1.~'cUve". produc on Tecords ot itl cows, accQld",g til offiCI~)~ : ' At , ~ls 'til'Jl~, It \ was f'lPO ted, "OI'Jl'e.~· 16.000 .'~;VJislilre cows are vol\mfar,l1y I "dn 'test.Ii Dally, ,cerUtied records ot all phases ct pro-
hone . Metl·o'& DOlil 11M. (l~f
Da,ton . Ohle».
, •
Rural PI ....
a certain' navldl defe'at. Uleu 'jtbe-Ip PhWppines. , an AmeNo't\ n~1!I:'I\-"":"'~i,;,,;L1~~!Ie.!fill~~___ carrier, lett to Its II fate, ' was 401.~g Its best to get away from the p\lrsuing Japanese. All pfternoon it dodged and twJsted. Enemy destroyers and plimes were hot on Us trail. and tt was a "sitting duck" In case they , -nr~ Forem.. really got the ' range. No one on boar~ expected to live. The only question tn body's mind was: How soon they get us? But late in the afternoon, for some reason il.ever ex'1I'w. dlreclon 01 tbe Ay... plained, the enemy gave up the ahlre breeden' lI'..ocl."o,., ;Ed-, cbase, and the American Ship ward WIlSOD, left, and- MIchael sUp-.... off 'tnto Ule protecting ltapaano,' rlcht, III 0 k oyer ...,.. "'Armour MotuI" t Ii e bluenight. The next day. ' as the men b100decl A,ilulre iI_ .old a. gathered fOl.. a special service thankBglvIng;''the chaplain read the &he ~ucb 'COllD." Pa., ute. 124th Psalm. It came ' as a new j ducti~n. and la,ctatlon ue 'liveraged Psalm altogether to those men, IChildre~ eire having ', more monthly l'eCorqll aftd these, even to those who ~ad known It l>y fu'n, teac1iing , is better alld in. turn, lire averllgea I Into annual beart: better paid and t~'r. is less l'e~ords. I'ro~ these annual tilw'.eI', "If It bad not been the Lord Who cost a~ a 'foulth c&mpatriot, "berd" averages are" then coin- was on our lide. ' when men rose • . puted, and these ' are' computew Into "Rhythm," joins the veneta".e the only " breed" averages extant. up against UI; then the,. h~d "three l's", of educati9,!.~.CICIIS • swallowed u. up quick, when their inflruction (hlp) int 'pi~, iJ"~~~:ate~a;,'p~:: ~a:: Wrath was kindled agamst us; then e ,/ ' -r .l.l.. ... '" the : • • proud waters' had gone this \;oIk, ·{feL,. 'schuolf;l ii 1,..,,,,tfIIV.. tlnn recgrds compiled 'with now in being I ii".n , in ~ hDn4r. ot foolproof IBM nla- over our 10ul. Blessed be the x.o~d, ..!~~~~iSi~iiiir~~~!: of schools: I: 'i;'l{ '1r.l).!l ~ "" , ( ' '''Mn,. . ' Tliis systenrllr' ot lmmeallUl'- who hath not given u. a. a prey . ~le .v,.,. h ..l n ' ... - r _.. , f .- to their teeth." ,aT or JtlLlC opena the' Mu.kellunp. ' ' " ( l O ' a., ,0. 6V "lUre armer. ... Block Bo .. and Pickerel Seuon here ... • ' . In pllolo above, boys orid girls t'oin 'in ,thii brass class ot Oak Pork, where clliftiAm . a~, uallt to operating their herds and dfspos• ,0 • stdr,ftlD ' Lake (one 0' 'the Kaw .. rthn I N ad I . .. h' !Jr. ·« • .l. i ~ Lake_). W. have BOllta-BaltGuld, •• play eHeetive!y 4n groUPS· rtW met s are revo utlOnlzlng music teac Ing 'and- InglnB , t ,to m~re lrilir of surplli l cattle. ''Let ,Me Write Thla iii lin Ideal .pOt .to brill. YOUf family '11' f h'ld ' d I h btl . sh h . .. • h L. ~a B hi in 1"\ .. hove comlortllbly fu~n"hed lod.e; ml Ions 0 c I ren every ay. n p oto ow IS own ow wIn,. Instruments ~re ~"g t to ~YS n , ut t s pa stakln, "COWl on A Nation's Sonp'" 01'0 cott.... 10 IIccommGda.t. pottle. ot teJllt" prl!Ject 'is only one of the .~ POwER to thrill bas ~~ee~~r~;e~tC~!~'~d"r:a~:~~I~~~ lii'ls y;~o aspire to ,elemelitary school bandS. ~cC9rding to a lu"ey, by the Anieriedn. music confer- . ence, S5 per cent of all pe..ple btli,.. music should be taught on the same bosis as' others'ubf'eelS. } mlBny operation. conducted. by the ~ hb.~n lft-t by the Psalm •• a. the Tolleta), Sprln.-filled bed•. l!lj"etrlclly ... , . ,'B.A. ata" Th'0 1 ·"trth 'of eve.... .,," throulhout. Good. food. U;Qe)lel]\ cofte& ' • ' . \ .,.. ~ 'I , n;, .... '" , -" e n th t carrier found out. The nrved at all Um .... There are aU iJurnmer Ayrshire c'alf t_ recorded and' re,. m n 0 a , recreatioDl1 >ac:tIVUWI ovollable Q,lId the I-I,ere,d. .' • ' group numbered 12(1 through 134 In Iwlmmlnl J. wonderful hero at Thuratonl a 'a s the "Pil- Pork. I}..,ake ond Front Loc~lonl Fo~, further ' lDformBUon ,nervallona The operations of the A.B,A. are our Blbles are ",.own grim Marchin, ' Sonls,~' alld were Wrlle or '!!elephont! Dlre"t to: helping to make .\Yrshire cattle originally used by the Hebrews as HOlltDAY -HOUSE lof the moa~ popular breed. of the~ went year by year up to th~r ' II_ E, BIJDD __ TJlURI!I'l'ONIA l'AltK ca~ in jpe . ~ . ,CIO Mile. From Terei\tOl ONTARIO. CAN_ AyrahJte is .rePOrte city (of Jerusalem ' and to I "roducer of 4.0 ·.~:jer • Temple whiCh was the, cente~ & :lIreect. ' oni't -W-riA:lllii~1 reU'Ilon. Then' as nOw, the 1 I 'ii.c " 14 ~'rI.(ur'au1" ' hiJmoWeJ~l~i!d" I,Helft~'IV'II ' were a singing people! A. milk-the f~t globwes' ~at caprlot sin,. a nation and ~ that they , are without ;sOrilJs, ,I ., a dismal country Indeed. -< by nature witll the" inilkl ,Ayrshire milk Is til deamoDe varlqua * COllDtri" II ' ,tI)'11lbollse4 by mand by liospltals.. 'lind by doctou Planning forth~ Futu~e? with on·dlet patients. their SODI8, Qr the 1~k 01 them. CbIJlese, for InalaDce, bave
.one ftJat 4nws ,them all Iopther lu the . .me "a, ftJat EnCUsbm~ are .DlUecl In "004 8ave the KiD&'" or .. FreIJcbo DO
meD .ace
,wer~ ~
aelllabe," "
the ..M.... ,
When I' "co~el to pall, fI- ODCe It d!d lu the United State., that' olie ,, the nation' will kin', one lone . ' ''JohD Brown!s B~") while that .onl another part will not but another one (aay, ' "Dixie,'·>, then civil war, II at the lates. OnI1 1,""'!fIDIIA who will together 'dan truated to U:"'t tole~er '
.. , '
Learning (ciciper~tion is a JYIost h:nportant by-product qt the ) musicai " i~Strj,ction given. .\; '. . . .. t~f$e . Milwaukee \ .glrll~ a 11 d they find ' hot each m.ust accomodate' h~:' flute,'play,ing J 10
:,' Boote's _~.~
~I '
FAMOUS FOR QUALITY CHICKS Y~.I " . caD hPJIb' - . "hh ~, .ao .... II"," dildo 001, 3 10 7 dorI Dodc.1 Pur feacheri .... PuJlonllll aD
coeb'OUed. ...... I« hIah prvducdolo. ; Sclld diJa'ad ua let'l aecllroD ."" opoCill. Guanut..... 10 U•• ! weeb 01' ~ ....... We ... Ip C.O.D. p... ' poI_f_ _ for,ohlpl!Cnl cNraa. Abo :z to II ...... old patia, WrilO rotprla&.
..n's IATCIOIES,".~ IIa.
Where the beart 'fuD, then be BODe. Revlva.. ' of r. ' UtloB are revtYaJl Of Imelne. ,To Wil da,. • •trucer iil • '''aDce cU" , IqoJdDi tor a eburcb borne, I. ...oat likely, 10 , ;.eUJe 40_ 1ft the ClIlm:e!t where the .~elnc I. the beat. ' It Is not an accident that the Moravian church I. at the lame time the church that make. more of 'Easter than some other th h h t churcbes, It Is e churc were a fUnerals the ' music Is never lad but JOYous. not mourning-songs triumphant ' hYmns of. Christian faith.
the othe~s In ''drd~r'' tb g,t desired harmony and ,tone:
Buy U.S.. Sayings .Bonds!
the ~ ~ l'
' ww
Now - 'the homwWDer .C!ll1, PI'CItect.JlropetV in' hla basement mold, 'rust' and inude'w damage' by ~oi.t _ummB air with ' anyone of sev(!l'al Ilmple ami inexpensive debw'nidlfter. and a Jow.eolt chem. leai'-C8J~lum cbloride. S(:,,"ce ib IUpply duMn, the ~ar , yens, calCium cbJ9r1de 11 now In , , pleln~ I1lPply. Low-cos& :dC!-hu. rhld~'r8 are avallilble nat\oriany Patriotism' and Religion tbrouib hardware aDd lumber dealEAD these lJIarchln, Psalms' eri. I: f~". " , through-the re~din, time I, Dill-humldltier' dl'ligned to. use only' ' a tew minutes-and see tor the ' cllemical haVe a container luch ho\\, the ancient Hebr.ew yourseof 8i 1:hat shown 'here', tor the ,flake Whh:b I. elqlOled 10 air. Calcium men, of God united tlleh' pr~lle ot chloride has ,the unique property Him with love lor their eountry. of . being able to absorb '. everal To this day, In our Christian hymtimE!' Jta own welPt 10 nloisture. nala, patriotism and religiOD are often combined. The English national anPtem. "God '~ Save the King," ls a prayer; 80 Ip "Amerloa the Beautitul." National ~ have a rlghtful place in a book 01 pubUc worship. For wille patriotlam, by itaeIt, Is a poor IU~stlttite tor reUgton, .tl11 Ii man who wW not love hJl oountry lack&. 1CIl"U'
.. '.
Canyhig out,
ih~~. ,a~ \'l,
'!f 'I',
harmony and cooperatlon," p.f, .. \ (ussion instruments d~e ,tauiht ill closs groups in the-Oak Parlt i schools. Here the child;ea, are, , the receiving iostructiop ..
fundamental percussion ins~ I ments 0 f t h,e orch.tra-
tr~ai, "l1li11(' ~ ..are clQJnp_
••• ~
~IJ of beln, a fI)od Cl\r1atl~, and the other band a man witbOut
fafth lD God mUll a "~
find .0111 'wha'
Nursing 011.",youl
__ ~.............. ,:I'L
..;-_ 111.'1" .",;,f •••.,>•...,.,,............ .. ~ ..
- .......
..-IIJ!II .....
8", _
uni or Frock in ~ay · ConfrQSt
oked Beauty for Sub-Teeners
For Party Wear RETTY enough for pari)' wear, practic al ' as a back-to-Ichool dress is this yoked style for yowi, Numbe r girls. Make the yoke and pockets OR DAYT IME or -da'te-t hne-a in 'Contrast and trim with tin)' stunnin g frock for Juniors that ruffling . uses two fabrics very effectively. PeU.rn e:i3O come. In .1zetI 4. 'J...~~ 10 Tbe comfor table sleeves are anel 12 71arl. ml 8. 1 ~ 7.ns. Of _c:b trimme d: with buttons in threes. '>It yard eonu. .t.~_ _ _ _ _~1
AN S.O. S. " ,
• • •
• • •
8EWING C"OLE rAft'Ba N DBn. l1li 8 . . ~ "'.11a 8.. CIIJ. .ia , .....
Pattem 1350 S. tor Itze. 11, 12. I;!L 14. 18 aneS 18. Size 12. !I~ yaral of iJO or 3t-lDch; 'III yard CD'!""'t. , Send today fo~our ~ of the' Sprlnl and Summer F JUO , Of attfacUve. wear. ' e ' elylee: 1"'11. .peelal de.IIDI; fr. . p.I"m - prlnte.S tuDeSe 1, th. boc>k. 25 cen ...
Conalcler the , mop. Floor mops, as a ~e, are somew hat neglect ed When it, comes to wallhlng. Give your mop a bath in boiling soapsu ds evei)'-w eek or so. SOda added to the water will loosen tll"e dirt Wonderfully. _e_ D". III DO,time ... quick way ~ dryJnc atocld np ia to squeez e them as dry as 'possible, tbe~ roll tightlY 'in a ' turkish towel ~or five
, , don't agree with, your theory influen ce." ' said the ' .VUUDII< lady, as ,lhe sipped her tea. my ' . exampl e.'" mc)ti1cer w~ ! acet ~~l )~!!!!:]~ plto!l,o grapn
~- ,~~~.~--
I:nc:1oH III un.. III eoIDa for ueII
pa'''m d.llr.d.
P...."" No; _.--_ -IIIIS - - - - - - - - - Add....,
minute s. Bang In an airy place and they will dry In a jifty. ~
DeDHi t rubber s bere. A wooden box or cartell plac:ed iDsl4e the kitchen door to be used as a ~ ceptacl e for rubber s aDd lalolbe _ on rainy days wlll save the hom~ makeJ' much linoleu m cleenln l.
OIl Uae bla~. Try cuttlnc - the thread on a slant when tbreadi Dt a needle. It wlll' point the tlu'ead and make it much easier to thruat through the, eye 'of, tile· needle. _e_ I!lxperlflllce bel'. ODe mother wbo sencbt a ' boy and ~l aw!IY to college JllBkell a llst of,OW •tblDp ~cked In each ~~ .~ secure s It te the lld of tlle tnmk kOD'~the 'wide 'with · thum~tacb. rThltiw ay she lets back at least a ·perc~ntage of the ~8 orillaa1 ly sent. r '"
~born.but 1~·~'==================
l1u' not iteme me any' hamt. 'an7 ba:rm," any harm." "« ," (, r'
, l:Iubbi~"You look tired, dear.
C!l St. Jos eph
: .'i :r.l. :r.:;-.-:r: ~r.t r
Wh7- ' don't you ~ to -the mouniaIns rlor • mce 'nst?" • -;, . "
W.it1e-'~Oh. t:;-don't-, k1\0F: . don't think, tile mounta ih, ait woUld acree ,with me." ' Bubbie--"WeD~ it would be the thlnl ',tha~ ,cUdjl't.,.
....................":,.:......~......... ";' ,,,~ ?'UN .. ~ ~
~~ 1"
• ~ ~ A General Quiz 1 ~ ~~~~ ~.~~~.~~~ f ',- 'DIe, qaedaoD.
, IJ,i-tOD atake ••••• _
' . t::hev,ro let IslW'too Who Is comma nder-in ·chief and cb••• .... .. _ or the u.s_ Army and Navy? '" Chevrolet ' IJ,i·ton cab Z. What does "buryin g the' ... aDd, cba••iI ••• ~ .t••• .:: . . . . . :: ttie hatche t" sflnKYT ' , ' .-Ford lJ,i·ton c.b an4 ' , 3. Wha~ ~ the femin1De at cha.m .•...•.• :..... .. senor? , ~ - .. Wbat~ the letters C. C."Ci'!. ' '" Dod,e l%.toD cat» chulJ ••••••• ••• , ••• ~ •• lIN :< .timdf or? ' f &.- Who \la 'known as the "KIn,' , '.., Studebaker l~·tOII . e.1j
'aac. '
) J.
a.ADaw~ Pr~!=Jil~
and chai.1I ......... .. _ O,IIaeN to Choolle I'nID
~. T~.
2. MaldDl' peace. ' 3. Senora . "" 4. Civilia n Conservation Corps. of Jazz"? 11,. Paul Whitem an,
.II ••i. I.II-B.... Tn . . .
NT ,W. , Srd. . Jll.4ftl DAYTO N. qBlo
RATES : One cent per word, minimu m char\Je, 25 cente. Three Inlertlo ne fol' the price of two. Forms c'ola Wednesday noon.
TImllSDAY, .JULy T. 1'"
bell's sel"ond ~rJple and Cartar'!l/ one·bll8 er In' the last Innlng had t let! the socre 15-15, as tbe Visll. or!! had notched a run In "their last ~at.
• •
.The 'Old Fort
A lot of cred.t la due tbe Am.
erlcnn Leglow . POSl '61~ nine for th 11' Fourth of July triumph a8 UOU U' ltEG 1\;../ Ih' visitors had 11 Uneup of play. COOKI NG AND SEWIN DON'T FORG ET TO CAll G ~LUB rH from 18 to 21 years old, whHe U~ for in urance. All typ e of By LoIs Lukens Many .Ine youn!; pilcher haa OUI' oldDst lads are but 17 ". " in"ur:mce at a aving. The Hnl'vey aburg Cookin g and , II found to bls sor~ow t1~nt bas II o n among the vIsitors was Bob Hast· Sewing 4-H Fr~ nei' Gene 13rowll, pllOnc Club met Wedlle.lldlly but ' 0111' Ingy, who caught for Wayne s. JUli e 29, at . Hal'Vey W ;l y n~s ville :! 4 7 _ or cII 11 oI- bull& IVUI \OS6 games, tlbu~g .sobool Dnnny SlmPBOl>. youtbru l L 'glon ville las t season'. Jimmy Jone l ed, Wilmin g ton :! t Ii . With Viola Ha.rtso ek In ' . charge chucke r, ' Is nl>W COllvln ~E(1 111:11 " s tar ted for the locals but tbe and MorLba. Luken s pr s Idin g. F'on AL ' 15 nc r !< w I 't It walk In t h e rIght place call wi n worst support possibl e wall' a e· \\Wanty·two membe rs answ r d strf'a m. ltu'ge poultry bouse. nl· . II game .. , .llIst Suntl ny ROUT E 42, ·1·2 MILE NORTH OF LEBANON ' II~ Dow. conI d him In bls three Inning lI,e rl>1I call by giving tholr fllV' Iractiv e 6·room modern hom . dc· ersvJlle It was tbat w ay ... ~ S IIlI. s tin t, "f1mlugton scoring nln orite s ummer drInk. The minutes EVERY T1-IOR.S. NIGH T IS "BUC K NIGH T" cora ted, all rurnnce . rl trom wind- llson "purposely" walk ed Wooels rU B all two hits . •. . then' Danny were read: and approve d. We di s. 0\\' 8. A BUCK Wlr d for e lectl'if' rang , to (oad tbe bases lll' UIP Iss (DOLL AR) A CAR REGARDLESS OF t ITam o Pope came inti> the game and I cussed our tea, but nothin g fur· Imlll dint pOlO sesslon . Towns hlJ) ufter the ' fI.rst two hatters h:l d g il v NUMB ER OF OCCUPANTS INSIDE THE CAR. tip bllt l>ile hit the remain. ther was done a~out It. LillI' Hd ., 5tll. bQus off 73. 77'.21 reached ,s cond an" thlrr'! l'I)S [l ct der of the SlIme althous h the GlorIa Jacobs &av 11 d emon . THURS. '- "BUCK NIGHT '; - JULY 7 - - _.. -."Il>i:! ' 1'8 rack d up ~lx mOTe rur.'8 stratton" 'ojl hoW to miter FOR SA);E- 6 sows . , wJ\l farr ow Ivel,y 011 a plllr of \VIlYM &vili a cornor, errOl'8. ""aYIl1!s vll lc 's bOl) l'd l>f on throe rrors and thre~ walks. We JON HALL IN talked about tbe demons trat. IlO('OIHI IItle r abou/ Aug ust 15t11, s tra tegy, Cn m.Pholl n 11 (I Y Olll'1l .1 rry opu s, Gray' , rell ) •. Senre. one mile wes t t I s regular Ions to beglven at Lebano n On ] I'U y, e 1'1 d to try tha t tlarlng ntch r. was advanc ed to tbe Le/:. [lchleve ment Day. ' We are go'ing or Waynes ville . OU' Route 73, bit ot ba s b(l ll , as ho PLUS HIT NO. 2 locll ls 'we re' /lI s fi ne p lay a ll senson: , ... In two to ha've a team and 11 sing le dem o Pbone Waynes . 2242-. leaelln g 9. III Ih l' tim e nntl jUIl 'B regular &quad as a result oJ on strai.l on [rom tbe older group 'V'ANT ED TO RENT- Furni shed for ce plays were poss ible nny - hln fin e p lay a ll 8eaS11O .. In two and the younge r grOUP. We are apa.rtm ent or ~mal\ furni s hed wher e On t ho II hl mQIHI. FRI. - SAT. - JULY 8 - 9 Your n. trlll ~ 10 the plate COP,as drew two all to bring our projects and OUI' bouse In' or near Wayne sville. ' cllamp wli 'n ~'o"r ac JOHN t suce d ~ pass ti " . nlce eye! IRELAND - PREST ON FQST~R bl>oks tor inspect ion b y our ad · , Norman Tlrcult Stop ol\d Eat anel n Obllltill l>1t( rwls . visor at our' n'Oxt meeting. -INR estaura nt, ' Waynes ville. • • • GueiSts l?resent at the meeHng - Well, all Slmlll!on ' dill wns to In luded Mra. Meds Drown, 1\lrs. FOR ' LE- Raby beel, bu g gy" fnn Ganci bar : get C1nrk on Il.n easy Lawren ce Jacobs. and lIfarllyn and teet r babe. gOl>tI condilio n. (l>ree·pl oy at the plnte. SUN. - MON. - JULY 10 - 11 Furnas to Donalda oa, R aeonabl e. Rob rl A. , 11800, J,..y. StarrlllY, a nd e nd lhe RANDOLPH ·" SCOT I' - CABBY HAYEs ay Jim Jones onlest bv tie Road ; Lytle. Ohio, s trlkJog out Hargrn ve . - )t wa~ SMITH 'S SPLITS WITH KIER'S -INCUSTOM SPRAYTNG Kler:s Oorage and Smith's split For in the Nanle frame that Harolll ",eeils In corn. Also bave for sn.le Stanley d~shed all ' the WRY trom two grunes one on' FrIday and one _ . 2. 4.D concen trate. "Shur.k lll" second on' AJLle Oortar's well on 'ruesda y. Kler's took the first · IN ' COLO R weed killer, 50 per' cent stronge r luyed eacrltlc e bUnt to sco re game 20-1 behind the three.h lt' CART OON ' AND NEWS of tbon m.o st oth ra . ·Spraye rs for Waynes vill e's winnin g hal1~1 JOhnson , Clal'k, Pope Mr. a nd Mrs. J . J . Burske were tally . .•. Bille. W . L. She,eha n, Pbone Wily. tnklng adVantage l>f your Thomp son', and Miller. all bad' two g u sts l>f frIends III Newtow Oppon· n tor TUES. - WED. - JULY 12 - 13 nesville .2991. ellt's la ~ neKs n~ Sta nley did In lilts (l>r Klers. Vie Thomllsl>n tlle Fourth. ____ _ .....,... "'" _ __ _ _ that Insta nce Is playIn THE ACAD~ AWARD WlNNE~ g beads,uTI grabbed ot the fieldIng honor Mr. Illnd Mrs. Gilbert Frye , !l nel BANK RUN ORAV El.- T~our1I" I. bnl\ , and ' wjJf w.ln many ball. at the night when be ran to the ~ ons, with Mr. and l\{ra. Burnl'lI at DR-viR Furnas ·Plt. 50 cents games. foullln'e In sbort left to grab I}urnett ana Sl>n l>f LCbanon. on· cuble ynrd. We [l.lso deliver . ARM· • •. • , MDt born's popper. joyed 11\ pIcnic supper at Fort AnITAoE & SON, PIIOnD 2091 . Tho Legion blas ted their way tr JANE. WYMAN - LEW AYRES The second game, went to ()~ent o,n Friday evening . {l>r seven tallies III tile fourlh ,' Smith's 10-6. . Rogers . a newcom er M /I. J. J . Burske, Mrs. J . Will· CUSTOM BALING RF.G. ADULTS, SOC, NO CHAR GE FOR frnm e with hits by . S lmp 01\' nn.lI . to the League , Dltcbed two'blt lam lIit rl>use and Miss Marllyr. R ~ . C. LaRUE CHILDREN UNDE R U. Carter ilOlng the big ·damnge. HI· 1 ball and -went the rl>ute (or the Burslle left l>n Tuesda y to visit RT. , , ' WAYN ESVILL E, OHIO ong with ba8e on ball s to Pon [ -eglon'. lle gave up 011 six of the' rehttlve a In Toledo" and to IlC ' PHONE 2800 and Jones. :Pope . wnlked tllre" Kler run8 In the Birth Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud 'and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ramby and ~hen be 'ompany Mls8 Marilyn to a camp - ' - - -E)(CA VATIN O - - times an'd counted two run A while nil owed both hUs. walked 1\11'5. Grace :VIce attende d the famtly llad all Saturda y eveDlng three. 'on Lakl~ ' Huron· where she ",1\1 WHb 'Bulldo zer &. SIlO V I. 'for SImpso n's three hits led. Wayne '!. and hit one batter. Harvey led f\llleral of II. r lath'e In Ricbmo nd, guests Mr.. aD'd Mr.. Homer ' Munsel or. RaDr· Sm ith's wIth two hits. baaeml'l nta. ponds, Il>vys' and cle· vllle's attack: Indiana Qn Saturda y. by of Lantana, FlorIda , Mr. and srln~ laud. Estima tes furnlshe ll. • • • Mrs. George Ramby and Mr. and ALL·ST ARS WIP WILBE RFORC E OrVfI1e Gray's Barber Sbop Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Dunnel l Mrs. James Taylor W. N. UPTON , Wllaon Rd .• ' 4 11),1. The WayneS Ville AII·Sta rs WOIt of Dayton . east ,of WaYlle s .• Ph. ·Sprhig Val· nine tlroPD~d 1,1 . C01\tes1' "to th their first ' game Sunday nIght CASH FOR DEAD STOCK an'd daught ers were among the Mr. Ramb)" , haa returne d to their 1'X1Ilea,~S on Saturda y evening when home ley 36111. A'o".... k When tbey defell.te,d Wilberf orce ·69-6t Dpwel'Svllle "lrlds" ill' the 1 o· UJ in' Lantan a; Florida and rrf'r.HI' " t.. !;l"' ~ nnd C!ond i t I Q.1'l Mr. and, M:rs: Berna~d Ha~eB en· Mrs. ;Ramb>, game. 7·5. Rogers Is remain ing for a hurled ror the Alllo All St· · 1'nmo\'~(l f1~omptly. WANT ED- CUI/tom lIallng, 12e. t ertalned , at their bome near more extende • • • .Stars. while Buekne y pltohed tor d visit. Call Lebano n 677-X.' . Stan Bailey 'I\1l>ulll lfke all or WJlber lorce. Dave Hartso' HORSE s-:. New Burllng ton. Mr. and Mrii. Sherma n willOn ck aii.~ lngewo rth'" 1he old tlmerll, ·to stay In s b:n' Thl>mpBl>ll each bad two were, 'weeken d guests of reiaUve 8 bits for JANES RENDERING as a serle!! l>f games wit.h the I." the AU·Sta rs. Mr. and rt[rs, George Bunnel l at , Delawa ;ee Oblo. CUSTO M lBAL1N G- With . rllvldua l . clubs In , the Lebon'" and family- of Sl Bernard. Ohio LEAGUE STAND INGS O·Matlc . w:lre-tie, unifo1'D1 tenslo Phone COlllfcl ldtlmer~ Il>op will be pI a .... ,' ~ere weeken d guest8 l>f Mrs.. ' w Oil any ",eight bale desired . W: 'L GB v .. rin. O. 1712 or AUCT IONEE RING througb out the ~IIS!lD. Nex~ gall 'Ttoxnn na Ne\lle Bunnel l and MIss Momln la 3 L. Sbeeha n ~0 Phone .aynes:v1l1 o Wilmi ngton; O. 2362 e liled for Snnt!ay , July unneJl. Kelrs STANLEY and ' KOOG LER 2991. ~ :I '2 62-3t with pJay at either Lebano n' f\ Smiths 2 3 2 $ , BROK ERS LICEN SE FOR SALE - Late cabbn, e and Geiger .~tadlum , . , turtb r In r Mr.' Allon ' Earnha rt of Pauldln ! later. mango 'plants, 10 centa per dl>zen, was a weeken d guest of his par' For Dates, Phone Wayne sville -------~-CRAS, C. STROU SE, 1% mllee ents, ·Mr. and Mrs. ,A. H. Earnha rt. Ohio, 2894 (revers e cbarge s). PLUMBING nort.h of Waynes Ville, at ~orner DIH Fischba ek) the Legll>n' " Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W . ElIls of Wayne8 'fllle, Ferry & Lytle AND newest short!H op candida te,. real. have as their houseg uest, Mrs. Roa.ds. 6.26·3t Iy w~ent to town Susan Bruck of Hamilto n. In the Fl>urth or ELECTRICAL WORK FOR SALE - ' Ch.rome top Cham, July program.. ". a bomer wUh bel'S range for bottle gas. Rob't. t\vo aboard was Bill's sIxth Inning ALL WORK ACCORDING ' Barnett . Phone Waynea . 2994. 3t contrlb ut(on, tYing the score 14 TO CODE .. all , nnd ag(iln In the. seventb and ,MSUR E YOU NO ' JOB ' TOO SMAL.:L ~ODE4tN-EFFICIElNT Qloslng Inning ' BI11 slnsbed a , bit HO~SI;S, $4; COWS, ... FUTU RE SE~RITY Electr, c, Sewer through short, plallng ' Carter with Ac.c;ordlng to Size "rid, . W. CARL BROWN You can repay from . ,the ,g~me's winnIng run, 16'15 and Oqnditi on. ~r~ Cleanu: ,g ~.rvl~e income. No change in oyer Nl>rman Remste d'S Wilm. Phone Waynee vllle 2858 Call a nneces sary 19~1Il V. Lll>na Club B b C' tract - no renewa ls. Nl> Broken Up Basem ent Floors.. Ington , . 0 ,· . :Roots and Other Stoppa ge Long Term· I'e~ ceJ:lt -: ":-:-__ . _ =-=-,Revers e Charge s .
--- --- --- --- -
The Prin ce Thie ves Che yenn e Cow boy
I- Shot Jess e Jame s
SoftbaU Round-Up
Coro ner Cree k
John ny Beli nda
ADM. :
...- --- ---
va1~~H~dson --w-s-e-:w-~ftro:e e~:Gri~~~te;~Vic'e ,Ave;, 12
Frankl in, Ohio Phone: Fr~lin 421 or 422
FOR SALE - Flirmal l li'14 wlt11 Qultlvato rs.' Overha uled last year. $500. Phone Wayne s. 2908. 630.3t FOR S~E- Reglste reiJ;;: ;;;; ~ow with fIrst calr. C. E. Mlcben: er. Ph!lne Wayne ~~9:~ _ . __1i3_0.~.t 'Gazette C .... lfleda · Bring Resulte
Xen ia 454
l.eba~rT on. Arm'I·tab~e '.&Son . ~~ol'\l.. ...~;;~.·: o;"'a " ·\ . ' 1 -.. '"
l I
BU,DGE T HEA'RING .t ., Nl>t1ce Is bereby gl ven that a ImbUe hearIng on th bud g t ns llropare d by the Townsh ip Trust:. ees or Wayn-e Townsh ip. Warren ' ounty, Ohio., i'qr the fiscal year ending Decemb er 31 , 19111 will be he ld In the Town8h lp 'anll, ·" ' ay. nasvllIe. Ohio on tbe flr~e ~nth (lny of July. 1.949, beglnn1ng at 7 :30 1'.M .. Ohio Stll.nda rd Time. MAYNAR,D Wt;;LC H Clerk, Wayne Tl>wnsh lp r
. Dead Stock
'lAND and GRAV.E L 81 , -ACK -TOP DRIVE S TAR and ROAD ' 011. U W.N and FILL DIRT
1..1.1''' ' ' I' '''
IoU ..,• • '~ r
(H!p.>, U,l.L
Xen ia' Fert ilize r
Ellis H. Sturm, Sec' y-:Treas.
Hipp y
' lJhonc
..... ..
You. too. call pt ~., buylnl Ofte 0( _r Hall ...,... all« Polldel . ' Your ClOpS are •• Iu • .,,. Ihll Protect I t - ....
Give Mom A BRAKE '., ----- ----- ---
.. ~--
NI;)RR'8. S?OCK COMPANY ·Ci':l.cln" atl Union ~toCk Ya,..h LIve, Wire and Pro<Jre'1J1Y~. Po" . oraDni", atio n' •• "ond 10, non~ . Strictly u".rr On the D"t
On lhese hot summe r days ' . . , gIve , lIIother a brake. Bring the fRmlly to ' STOP and' EAT tor a tasty, e~Ol\omlcn l' IUBch or dinner.
country .
8:30 A.M. TO 11 P.M. 6 A.M. TO 11 P.M .
FLOOR SA.NDER FlOOR EDGER FL-GlOR PGJJlSH ER Sondpa por - Palllt~ - Varnish BRUCE F'LOOR FINISH l(ITS (For neflnls hlng Floors)
HaU IlUuranc:e. See or call UI toda,•
.Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency. 20 E. MULBE RRY IT. LEBAN ON, OHIO PHONfIi: 1&3
Mark.-. I1euurl_
~ . ,
SERVIC E TI1AT 8ATI8 f.t,tI 'WAIO Dal'ton 11:110 E. e , .... 'DIn' ILiO . 1NLW Clncln' ''", 1~ : 4U, Dietl 70i) , for "lJr I.a lh
We specla,l lze lit steak, chick. · en and Ghl>\) dinners . The best to be foun·d.
_ ... ___ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
F.... .. ~
." Yllesvilte Lumber aDd Supply E 2281
* *
* *
__ . - _
Sm ith Ele ctri c 'S erv ice EDGAR
Ymal Plans 'Made For Playground Benefit Social
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 NINI!lTY-NINTHyEAR. E8TABLIS~D FEBRUARY. 18iO
I_............................i.........................~...... ~......~................................................................ " ,
PI ' S' · ' D F II F t I ;:s:.-:'C;;:~:d=~ . an ·. IX .. ay a· Iya · ~nal ,~~ns
are In' readlne•• the ,,' liIaturda,.. .July ' 23 tce
cake social
recently • orpnRed Playground .Mother's l Ohapter with Mr8. Chu. LalIIay '~II honoral'J cbalrma~ The ' event wlll commence at 7 P.M .. Bob, O'Regan, Clv~o , eJub pia,.' ground coJllllllttee t.'ead, anDoun· ced! that! \TIm '.McClure's corner ,,,,111 be . the 8cene ot acUvlUes , W.lUi. nece~lI!"rl chaIrs and tables beIng turni8hed by Mr. McClure. Wf~es otthe Civic: Club memb' ere are donatlDg cakes an'll candy and anyone elae desiring to donate eat-ble8 I. requested to con" tact Jim :1'ones, Waynesville Nat· lonal B~k. , All p~Cj..e~1 will' go to aUay tbl8 'yellr'l\ pl~yground program upsnlSB 'and commItte memberil BIU Sawyer, Ted 'Conover and Jim Jona hopeful that tbe aftalr, given good weather, will be a huee tlucce.. In lL'e event of raIn, either the Grange or the Masonic Han will be uU_Uzed..
'Fire Destroys Eakins' Market
Architect's Drawing Of Proposed St. Mary's Parish House
New Business Will Open Its 'Doors In Two Week$
Locit·Civic Cluh 'Will, ~ponsor Anoual Event
Announcement Is being ' made thIs week of the completlon nego,tlatlons whIch will bring a " new business to Waytl'esvUle, H. C. Hodson, owner ,of Ohio Hatchery. has seoured the Edw. ards building on Nortlt~ Street.' near Ma1.n. anti will remodel it 11.8 a. hatchery ', d\lrlng July. Tbe buildIng was fOrinerty, occupleO by Rogers and Simpson Tractor Sales. no~ ' lo~ated In Lebanon', Mr. Hodson told the Miami Ga, zette this week that ,he expects to bave the , new eBtabllsbment in opera.tlon about August 1., , At the present tlme, Mr. - Hod. son operates' a hatchery at La Rue, Ohio. He will con't lnue eon· £rol 'ot thla concern. 'making Way· nesvllle the headquarters tor his . enterpriles. Th.e ~ncem wfll operate ' In Waynesville , all the Ohio Ha'tch. ery and will sel'Ve tJ1e Dayton· CIncinnati territory, MT. Hodson Is ~ .man of long expertence In the hatchery bUll, Ine88, He fll the present Sectetary· treBlure~ of the Ohio Hatchery Assoolatlon. '
Extenllve ~ resul~ from • fire which dostroyed th~ Btock and ' equipment of Ealtlne' , Market; lJl , the' Donaldaon apart· menta • Harveyibur" early Sat· urday 'mornlnl'; , The blaze waa , discovered by Robe{t Conller, relldsnt of one ot the 'apartment&!' 'bOrtJ)' atter 1 .lI O, 4 :M. Conuer wa. awakened C~PT. bALE V. MOFFETT b~ ' amoke, wllJch ~ pour!q WILL RECEIVE DISCHARGE I thelr , ~m , ' beneath. • 1100 "/fill_ _parate. &l1a:- a&iat:t- , Capt, Dale ,.y , J ~e irolll \ tb.r ...,.. past t,vo year; duty' ,w1t.h~he 'l 'he prpmpt '&D8'wer br youlD· tt. :ot-d 8~on ,Hospital, Ft, '0 , teer firemen preTBnted the btU. Callt" will be ' separated fi.oin the Clom apreadln, ' to the' apart- 8erVice In the ' near future , rmy doctor ' received ble men,tll occupied by (:onner'. fam· . Tli MD from Northwestern UJllverslty Ily and lire. Bernelce BOl'an: However, ,'. considerable' d~"1 Medical School. His pte·medlcal was call1ed from .moke and schooling was accomplished at Purdue University. J water. ~ He Is the BOn or Mr,, It tl bebaYed that the fire J, C, Moffett, ot Wa,ynesvllle, Dr-. may have started from defecUve Moffett pill-nl to enler medical, WI~pl. . All 101881 "/fere covered ~ractlce u'!on bls ,return, t'b Day, by , Inaurance: ' tOD'. •
1\loU~ tor;~be
IFlan's .are , n~lng cpmplet10n , for Way,nesvllle's Wtlle MIamI , 1I'all Festival, Chairman I A. H. Stubbs a.nnounced thlB week. The event will be ataged from August 29 until September 3 &nil will include a carnl~al, JlIgbUy' eveilts, parade, farm ~xblbttl, and a grand anll nlghtly prlH awards. A grand prize ot a console t81evllllon set lnstalle4 tn u... home or the recipient, wW be 'awarded, plus a f100 secoDd prize and ,nIgbtly prize. totanlq $26 pet nlghL Tbe big event for Saturda, afternoon', September I, wm lie a parade atartl,ng at % i).m: lIe.,. 'eral band I, pet's , decorated blcy'oloa and ' other features will PU" U(]Jpate In the parade. ' , " Tlie committee tn . char~e anJl'> ' ounced today, that a portion ot the proceed a from the attalr will be presented to tL'e W..,.ne.· vlUe Playground A.aoclatioD' tor continuation' ot the pJa,.~ program Den lummer. I
, ON THE FIRST .1. ' A Dlnlng and Soel '2, A Loullge Room. '3, A Kitchen, . 4., A Library, , , -
Choir 1, A Game Ro"Om. 2. A Sbop Room. robes, . 3. A Utility Room. • 6. ~ Powder Room. 4. A Men's Rest Room. 7. A Stol1lge · Roo1D: ~. A Storage Room, IN THE BASEMENT 6, Olosets
The W8YlleBYlIle National ' BaldI: with three other Warrea : lianu ~ COoo,Perat.ect WIth ~. .tate .~.., auoolat·
lor publlllbtq an blter.ttGf
. .alua..1i fatDi r.r~~ 'Under the tlUe "J'anD ' 1'act8 :' 'anI!
Worth Kao~." . Tile iiIaJo.r I?UIJHIBe of tills ~l. ome wU to ~b~ .tIl . • ~ lIDale book, th~Uaanda or. IIIIW farm· Ing facts that prevtoualT were IJClattered lb huacireda of 8lQNII'o ' Iment station bulletins ";'T IDUlJ
azette' Will 'Return 'To Main Street 1i:lo:nbg:eOr~~~=n:b~~ O:yP~n:
This book covent all typea or "exile" t~e, been engaged to move the equip- Street. Now tbat a more IMlltable IIvesto~k, poulin'. Held aod ' caDM!~mI ' Gazett~ wlll return to ment. 'location has been found, Tba nery crops and fruJtI of ceneral , Importance In Ohio; Eve~ ona of Main Street Julr 21. Mter 4.0 yeara on MIUn' Street, gazette will r~turn as ' one ot tbe forty'eleht state e-'-8Ilt Centerville thIs, Stlnday arter· HEBER A. 8MI~'" M I .c!t .~~ Tbe Gazette wID occupy the 0 , the ninety·.n lne year old Gaette an., reet's buslnes8 concerns. ltatlons ,has contrlbUt4$l , expel'!' noon II the destination tllr the Heber A. SmllL" 61, died at the AI I \ WayneBvllle. r, American 'Letton' Montgomery County Infirmary at M. Ridge store building on South was forced to find new quarters so oeatlng In the same. Imental results of vltai Import· POlt 615 : nIne with: ' lame ~me 8:30 A.M., Tuesday , ' ~ bUilding • wlll be Edgar Smtth. ance to Ohio farmel'll. ' Ituden"· as ,the result Main Street and will open its aboul: a ' year ago when repairs .. , ~ -~ , Smith plans ,to open. '&n elee~lcalq and land owner•• ~et fo:r , 8 P.M., wtth , Gray's Barof a sunstroke", s.tlUeret .. , ,:rh~rl!' offlce t~ere next week. The pro· 'of ilie building it bad, (],ccupled so I d I . . "upp y an repa r store tn one ' "Fanillng FaQ~ , Worth KilO... ber Sh!Jp e.,gq1n'g' 'tthe Junior ' day. . . ' , .' ,coss of moving : the' heavy ' prInt· long were made. '" of the two front dISplay rooms Ing" Is 'belng pubUihed as a ..... Boys Olub at 1 P.M. SurvIvors, I,Delude:" on!! ~18ter, macblnery will probably take . ' Temporar-y Quarters tor the of the structure. He will move vlce to Ohio aPiCUlture, and It Coach , Delbert , ,Wtlaon' haa . D' Velma of DaytoD'. and one broth· > Gazette 'were to, und 1n a pre·tab I t th b JldI h rtJ two "days to complete, according n 0 e u ng !5 0 l' after will be obtaIned tree at the Way. tine acgregaUon of , ,bOys . IUld er, Herman of Lytle. , steel' structure at th,e rear of the th G tt· I .. e aze e 8 equ pment Is In nesville NatJonal Bank u lone &I our",nU, la headJnr ' the Trl' Mr. ' Smith had 'worked on the" to Walter H, LarrIck, who has Hyman ,property on South ¥aln place. th ' I 1aets ' County loop, so the ' locjils :work Oounty . 1~lrmal')' " farm, for tbe '. " ,e IIUPP '1' . • 16: cut out .tor 'them. '!lIther SJ,mp- past four yea",; . ' The W.S ..C.S. 'wlU ~old their Q/W EARLY ~NEX-r:' WEEK ' Mr. and !Ilrs. 'WIlliam Lukens - - - - - - - - .' 80n or ,Robbins ' 1¥:fll ascend the ' .Fun~,ral ai!rvlpell" wiD ~e h~ld r,egu~ meeting ' on Thu,rs~ay, · The Miami Gazette will be I.. of Harveysburg , are announcIng TWO ARRE8T8 MADE moun4"" lor Wa;nesvllIe w:lth at 2 'Itll. ''Jhlday at ' the Stutibs July 21<, with a covered dlah <lin· 'Ued . ' day early next week be- the marriage of tt.'elr ' daughter, ay TRAFFIC OFFICER Jerry', cOpas dolne ttl., ·baqkstop- li'un'eral Home with Rev. Bemard ,ner at the sllllUDer home of Mr. , caul. ·of. till!! movIng of the plant. Esther to Mr, Robert GrenUch of pln,~ , ;' Baughn officIating. Burla.. 19'111 be , an 4. Mrs.' , Oharlell ~s at Cha.u- All copy (or next week'i paper Rlchmc)Jid, Va., which win be an' SpecIa:l Oftj~ WillIam ,. a...~ ., recently appointed to the tauQUL mUlt be In by " ,P.M. M9"day. " event of August 21, 3:80 P.M: made hr "'MIamI ,o emetery. . ' position by , the Village, ' made , . We appreciate your cOoperatIon, the Harveysburg FrIends' church. CHURCHEI PLAN ' JOIN ~dvl.Ory , Oouncll ' N,O. 2 met Fariners' Grange 13 will meet two , arreets hili flrllt week of VACATION Blal& SCHOOL • S eth E . Fu~ Satutday . )fT. and Mrs. WiWam O'B~nlon duty. with Mr. .and ..._rs. .~ In regular sellslon on Dr. and Mr.s. A. E. Stout and naa for 'th~ Jul,. meetlDg. even:tng, .Jab' 16. wilL' a contellt had as Wednesday eV4lnlng' 8UPRobert An!lrews received a The . I'rlends and Methodist daught~ are enjoying a ,vacation ' Fifteen' , m.embers and tLl'ee for the best Un.tced, orWe chlf- 'p,er , ~eBte~ 1Ir. 1i.n'3 lI/[rs. H. .T. In Florld& fine for a traffic vlolatlo~ , aDeI Ohurches ot Waynesville wlU co-' ton cak~, made .. 'rom the 'Betty Stuckbart cuestll were preaent Grand RaI)IIIB, Mich. ;.Herbert Hace was tined. ,flO tor . O~fate In a llrolJ¥ or' Va~tloit The Dlscus'~lon Leader ' Ernest Crotker .recelpt, ,and, for the belt I'~ 8l!eedlng. , Bible School daring the week of _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mr. and 'MIl. ~fth Ashmead Attend the Ice Cream Boclal at I Quttennlrtb, bad for the !' subject. made two-piece ault. All. arUcles July 28. "Farming In .The Atomic. Age." for the contellt must be In place McClure's Corner. ~tW'day even- had as Bwrday evenIn,g dinner , DR H F DYE ,APPOINTED '" , guests, IIr. and IIrs. William by 7 P,M. All ' c~ldr~, from primary . to Thl' Walt dl~s8d at length. Ing, Jul,y U. · Sa~er. '<Dr. , H, ' F., Dye has been appolD" ,' 14 J:eat:B are ~"i~ to att~nd. : , Plans were ' made for' our an- ,,;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:.=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ted to the Board of Publlc Af, P'ur;ther noUee ,,111 appear ~ 'nual ptcnile, to ' be held at chau. "TIME TO ibRN" PROCLAMATION faIrs of the Village to flU the nert "eell:'s lOami GueUe. taUqua ,With Mr, and Hrs . Ohu. Mr. and Mrflo, .J. H.sacktt~ Mr. vlIcancy ~a1iaed by the- reslpat. By ",AVOR H. M. SHERWOOD I!llU8 on Augult 8.' . WHEREAS, the Vlllage of Wayneavllle recogntzud U.'e T. and Mrs. W. ~. Stroud and Mrs, Ion 'pf Fred GratpDan. Mr. and Mra. K. II. RetallicIE ' DeUcloUs retrelbments' were "nalth of its cItizen I ,~ Its mlljor resource. nad W. E. St. John wera Baturday and ct11dren are leaving Thurs' se"~ durin. til'S soelal hoqr. WHEREAS. Ole preservation and protectf9n of the 'health evening guests ot .r. and Mrs. , day e.,enfq OD a trailer trip ~e , lItd!Ue, BUn PrImIttft of botb present ' and [uture generations of our people Is tn· Ralpb E. H~..tlnp. here~t In the control and even\Ual eradication of the venereal thrOughou~ the , . . .tern United BapUst Church wt1I 11014 ..m_ 'Mr. and ' lire. :W. E. StrOUd, ' diseases. and Btat.. Place. of lJltereat they Mr.. .J. iI. Backett, Mrs. Wlnltred aU day, with ... ....kat dbmer III , WHEREAS" publio health authorltles .. the ' medlcnl and plan to vlalt are 'the Blaek HlIlII, HartJock &nd MnI. Harold Stroud Mrs. Robert Thomas Is now 1100n, on Bundar, .11117 17, . . . . civic organjzatlon8 01 the nation , the ataUl, and ttie I)ODIlIDunlty ,YelloWl~. NaUoDal Park, and convalescing at' her bome, aud bratiug their t&Otll ',ear or the · have 'set the months o~ July and August, J949. as a pel'lod dalett on Monday mol'1l1ng lor a Bait Lake City. .TIle BetalUcit'. trip lLl'01Igh the We8t. vot4!d especially, to actlon against the venereal dlseuee. the!r lIew 80n', Robert. Is being orpntatJon of the OLuroh. SerNOW. trHEREFORE, r; H. M. Sherwood, Mayor (lif Way· kept at tHe Grandvlew Hoapltal vices "ill a1Io be' held OD · 1atiIrwin return t9 w~ile AugThe ' Wa~eaytlle Garden Club nesvlUe, do hereby pr9Clalm tbe 'months ~, Jllly ' and August alt 15. for a ahort whUe. d8.7 'eY8DlDS at 7:10. eo.... ·...... had a wry p1t!U&Dt .meeUns on as the "Time to Learn", an,d call · upon all tr.e people 01 , our your baa1ret ami lpend tIM ...,.. village to participate In ' tile obBervance.-mLto give the ~'rosram TII~, .... tIIey enJopd • their full aupport. Consult .tour '&DIU" doctor today .•Jelp , to .oQAN FAMILY REUNION Mr. a.nd lint. OIyde I'romm ad plCDlc dbmer at tile ·lacnDe' of reduce and eradl~te 'Venereal dlleases In our CommunU;Y~ TIle _ _ ........ will 1MI .1 Ira. ~ ~ 'I'be at· 8011 ot BprlaatJe1d were ... eItt! of 1111.... 8. Ii. TIIcnau at H. 11. SHERWOOD. Mayor their . . . ta. ..... U'4 ~ 1, P. paUa, IIIDD.,.... . . . '~._~. ...Id IIaIldQ ' . 17,· 1It ' . . . .' ~ wu Ipeat III • _ Proelallll8d tbI. nth cla1 of .,uly. 1949. , i'iomm. .dWrJq tile pUt NIa~""" LEGIO.N TEAM TRAVELS TO C~NTERVI LLE 8UNDAY
After a year
1100'" .
Thursday, July 14, 11M.
Guest Room Beauty
Truman' Asks 45 Millions to Spread' U.S. 'Know-How' Throughout World;
Tennessee' s Representative Ran· I kin Vias nothing 11 not persiHlcnt. The Democrnllc legislator ag a in was' lplannlng a mea sure to -obtain a bonlus 'tor· U,S, war ,veterans, TRle: cha irman of the house vet· erallS committee disclosed that he was ilrooming a multl·billion doUar The People", ~ployeel '. (EDITOR'I HOTE. Wlao. l oplnln. or. upro •• d III til •••• 01...... lbo, aro Ibo. . .1 bonus bill as a follow-up to veler. e .... r. N .... p.p., tlUIDO'. ae ... aDablt. aad DOt Dec.aarll, .r thl••• ".p.per.. ) ans' pension legislation. He Indl· .l. CONGRESSMAN at hom. . , cated. he mi"bt leek action at this for a f.w da),l. H. retwf\ed, aessioln. be laid, t}lat h. might , make a per· Shar. for WoorId Whl~ther be knew It or nOl, be IIOllal report to the people ' or the ... , Produce Magic Mud was· lin for some rough .Ieddlng. for dlatrlct aa ,to bow tblnp were goBaell: 111 J'anuary, President With Multiple Use. even as he discussed tbe proposed In, 111 Waabinpon. and how the op. Harry Truman delivered In bll measure. .ome· members of his Ever sln~ e Belle Fourcbe. S. D .• posItion party W81 lIerWcln, the meliage to congress. a multiple· committee voiced the bellet there was a rlp·snortlng catUe town at . ' tnterelta of the nation in an ettort point prorr.m. In that pro,ram would be no , more major veterans' the end of tbe old Chisholm trllil to ,aln party .dvantage. In realtt}' was mentlon.d "point four" -one beneflll bll~ reported ouf of com· Ita residents have been damning the conrre8sman returned to look or the propolals be made and one the "soap holes" that plaaued the mltlel~ at tbls session. aner some weak spob In his ~ .hlcb railed aom. eyebrows and COMMENTING on his measure. area. Utlcal fenee.. byt h. dJd not ~on· .et oft no end of speculation on Rankin laid be re,arded adjusted Fast·ridIn, cowboys often took slder It wlae '. pubUe17 awnit .ueh "wh,!n and bow... · ecimpensatlon - or bonus - as a a nasty tumble In this super·.I1~ a miulon. "POINT FOUR" wa. a proposal po.llble. lolutlon to the whole que.· perl" ·mud and catue were for.ver Ostenllb17 a ~wnber of bi. more to share United Statea "know-how" tlon of veterans' benetlts. ,etting bogged do~ In them. , prominent con.t1tuentl organized In varied n~da ' wlth 'other frlend17 lIe has managed to b'otUe up But now, like a man discovering . a meeUn, at , which the conrre..- natlQns or the world. In that promeaaure. to extend the "52·21)" hli blves are really a bless ina, man would render a report. In po.a!, the ~relldent asked eon•. Gl Jobleas pay beyond the July 25 ' Fourche ha~ fO\lDd its .oap reallt7 It wa. caUed b, the con- . gresir to ,0 alon, wlth a plan to expiration date. termln, ul}em· holes .re one of it. bl"elt alseta.·1 .looies. To It we.r . In· let .uch nation. In on how the U,S. ployment payments "rocktn, cbalr Every one of them Is filled with tiled the moat , diatlngulBhed citl· does ', tblnls economicali)-. mone;y." . ' a magic mud called bentonlte. It's • una of the dl.trict. I bad an oppor- c:hanlca1Iy. Indultrl Uy. The bonus bill. Rankin arllled. en odorless, tasteless, sdapy mud twI!'il ~r ~Jten~ a. 4ld the public After apeculation died down there "woul,d deduct from the compensa- with a thousand uses and scientists gen."all)r. .a nd I waf' amon" thole was nothing more said about "point tion Illl this sit-down money, on. are thln.kln~ up new one., every . preten~ I wanted. to .ee what Idnd foilf" until recently. Then, Presl. the-job-training and college bene- da)'. or a -reception 1h. people present dent Truman told congress exactly fits." Most of us ahead,. are ullng It Sarall Cbarell1ll, left. d.a.... would 'ldv6 to ~et or their elected wbat ·b. wanted. First, he aaked a haU dozen times a dB),. but ala ter 01 EII.laad:s Wlnslo • •iDJ1w,eea. .E.peolaU, .0. In view. for 45 mluJon doUa,. to help the 'CharebfU. A/RUFT: __ ' moat nobody hu heaI:Ci of it. Men lIaa the blllt posllbl. lCW BEAUTY tor yoUr guestot lb. mali7 ' erltlc:1.m. of that em· . backWard countrlel of the world use it In shoe poUsb and hand ooaohlD, for her Itare role fD An' A,nnirersary . room linens I All for tbe tun ploy.e. throuih U:S. aid . . cleaner.. Women us. It In face of embrOidering these water·lilIes. "The PlI1Iadelphia Story." Ber .Jq iha& audleaoe were mer· CALLING that a first step, he The winged boxcar flew into Ber· at -nl'hC. was T.Ualah of crocheting this simple pdglngl ebaDta, maD1lfao~.... prof... llated lome otber factors also a. utar, Iln's Templehof airdrome. It landed Bankhead. famed aDd Something different I Pattern " e . people, larmeN aad .... ·'Prellmlnarles." The,se Included: tons of ateel wool and texWea five IOftea ae'reu. 7479: transfer one motif 5~\x19\it. on th.e concrete airstrip at exaqtly I oIaI leade.... al-. wUh · • . Technical assistance to be protwo 4V'x13~. Crochet directions. 12· o'doek. I ~Ie. IlllDlbeI' 01 emplo,ed vlded th.,ough tbe united Nations TRADE PACT. I .01'11..... ' •• :W.. ~ mixed crowd" , ' 01' d1r~ctl)' by the United States. ' • THlC ,LANDING was accom· Our unprov"d pa ttern - vllual wllll Private investment to tum unde- Bri~ns Jump Gun 1. 01 meD aad To, bill face pllshed In ma,nI1l'cent solitude. easy cho rts and phQtoll . and com_ However, It wa.s an event or a , plele directIons -make• .n eedlowork •••,.. , ...., pv• .~ that CIOQll:eumaD veloped ' areas ' Into produclnl for, In matters affecUng Its own weI. Send 2D cenu \In eoln' l for •• cb p.t. aD .dorlDl' welceme. The), a~ , the world economy. fare, Great Britain never has taken sort that seldom goel unnoticed. tern tc : The Sewln. Circle. N.edlecrart For thllt l,mlln, rounded out one Dept.. P .O. Box ' \Ill. Fletbul h SblUQn. .aa1llle4 Ida flYe,r , t "t"aliCe. Authority dele,ated by til. c~. any but 't he reaUstlc view. bence Brooklyn !lG. N.Y . ; P.O. Box 5710. ClIJ;. .oUd year at "Operation AlrIUt" , fte, ~Id JlO' give ~ oouId.rI"IS to the PresIdent to give bim the algnln, of. a five.year tr~de caco 80. lU. , • the b(lttest weapon In the cold war. ' aUqa; the, pv. power to administer program pact with Argentina - a pact to DeslPite that. it waa probably one lewlo, 01 .. 1. N... I.o,aft D..... ,! ~rv~.. Th.,. ... M ilia fee' and authoritY to deleaate It to · the which the United Statel ba. vigor. lIM W. RaahlDti III .. OIaIe&fO .... W. of thl! mOlt unattended birthday. , ...d 'WOrabJppe!l him .. a' pea' secretary of state and to other ousl,. obJe'ctecL Enolose 20 cenla for PI1 tim. - ef r th• . aau.ou.., , ,ove.r oment officer. al lae ' deem. THE PAr::t,ealling for ex- in hlsltory. The American twln·enNo. - - - - I .There glne C-82. nicknamed .. tbe flying ~BI no ev.dence In that approprll\te. changes totaling GOO million doUars - - - - - - . . ; , . . -,: :--.... , ..semblage of dtlzens or th. "WE are bere embarkln, on a the flrst year. an~ looking to at boxea.r;'· trundled to a los.din, sta· Add ••• -:....:...-----. ~ . tlon like an,. other plane. ' adored one being but an emplorea venture that extends 181' Into the 'least ali equal volume ' tlJe otber THIi~ FI.IGHT. made ' b:r Lt. ,Who ~ad pusbed bls way Ioto the .fUture," be told congresII. He added )'ears, commits the two nations to Mlcbl\el B. Se.eley. Bakersfield, Bt\Iitolllte la .... ,1II01t ~r'" jobl they had IIVea. him, and who ,that "grlndin, poverty and the virtual barter. eJ),t, lIIalerial lound In Detore. wa~ DOW 8trivl.n, to hold that job. lack 01 opportunity for man,. mil· The U.S. objected to the pact on Cal.. 'wa. the 2S5.S14th of the 365When moistened n .weUa 'e ,';1.'be' lIIan w~o talked had done lion" of people 10 • • • certain -reo the grounds that It violates the day airlift. HII load brought the leveral tlllles Us 'norm.1 slse. Dothing to achieve greatne.s, or a ,Ions... con.titute the greatest IIPlrit of free competmve Interna. total to a million. 943.855.9 tons cit tood, coal, machinery and otber Thl. guallb' makes It useful ID place In the .un. It was tho•• tn c:haUenge of the world toda),." tlonal trade. tha ' audience. BIld others 'of thelr A-BOMB Argentine President Juan Peron suppUe. that 'kept Berlin going dur- I • •terprooflD, -hoaslDr fonuda&iODS aDd many other Indll!ltrlal !dnd. wbo had •..boosted him 10 th. rapped outside crltlclsm In a Ing till. Rlls~n blockade. -The eomb ed BriU~h·Amerlcan DIes. • ., platform. b,ut_ thV were no~ d.· 'mih ~ked apeech at ceremonies marking the ' mandln~ _of hIpl ~~t de&r ee •of ,m.~ end of negotlatJons whieb lasted ·t ask ftOree wa dumping an average powder, lotlonl, . beauty .c ream •• eleneTtbe demBll'deil of thbs. em· How would Idealism far. againJlt more than nve months. ot 8;200 tons dally \rito the city Bentonite also Is found In many "It Is not possible," he slIld. "to with ea ploye.. In .th"e~ .'tore.; omeea '.bid I, ·u pedlenc,. In tht matter of atomic nobody paid mUCh . types of paint. plaster and ~leanlng plantJ. maD)' of wbom were prob- bomb use In a war crisis' bide , the evU intention. and evU attentlo-l'l .to I any J:'lore. agenta. It'a handy tor fllllnJ; holes Thll1 was a ·questlon with whieh designs behind <this criticism. Thl • . abIT" doing" a more commeridable In'. giant dams and fpr casting lob than was the conP4!"~fln. ) tonrreas was beml asked to 'deal. type ' of economJe warfare is a alan moul~stor ' molten metal. F·orlled We. aa II 'peopl~. are inclined let Senator Flander• . (R.. Vt.) asked 01 incapacity." Hike -on Wa down ousanda .of .feet · Into the 'be subservient, to hero worSbJp Eonrrell to declare th. lltomlc OPEN crlUCism of B'r1t1sb action ' "eartb this magic mud 1u, ir lcatel A bW thole 'we ~lect ·rto publiC! office; We bomb a. ~ weapon ot defenle only came from Senator Wherl')' <R .• ... the present the s In 011 weDs and .end. the put them on the pedestal thel, oc- for the fr84! naUolW'-llot to bll Uled Neb.) who aecuse~ Britain ' ~ minlDlluin '" e In the United debrll 'lip to tb'ulrll1er....~ , fro.rn to 75 cents an hour ., , CU" .because they ' asked for th4 UJll,e •• an a,,,e.aor burls It first. ,"seUlshly promotin, her own eco. States. had cleared is fir,t hlll'die and Its ' new uses and !J:Icreaslng popu. 19b. Ji'ew fof : ~ elected ' oIDclab , • : '1'0 RISK a, masterpiece of un-: nomic Interests at the expense of VIla. (mils to further conslci- larlty"for Its"older uses aU add up lIHk- the Jobs beoad.... or ,adesir. dentatement. thet could be a most the U.S. and ElU'opean countries." eratloill. , ta a boom such ai Belle Fourche to serve -the people. The)" want ·th. ·dang.rous poll.c:Y as even a' child H. contended that the pact "deTHE men wa. approved un. ba sn't seen alnce' the gold ' rusb. ,~ becllUie it offeta ' lliore PaY. could 'lee. GIve aD agreasor first teats the very purpose ot recover:r In the past 10 years the , popula. VOU 'CAN 15uiJd this handsome anlmQlllly b,. e .enate labor comapd _olber emolt.unents thaD the.J ~ot at us with th.· bomb De,fore we. and free excbange bt "0004 In the mitt e ' )' l tlon has practically doubled and J. laWn chair by fo.lowm, the could l eam _ .other 1Jn..: ~ , retallate? Some crltlo. of such a world." e . ~ ' bentonite now pours ' $600.000 a A loelD .....•.......,. imaD"': plan ml,ht ' reasonably , demand: Paul G. HoUma~ U. S. economiC , Sen~!tor P.p r (D., P1la.), • com· year Into Ule town In tbe form 'I ll pattern method 0" construct OD-. This and many more projects 'call of $lie repreMDta&ive. Bow silly can 1 0U eet!' , cOQperaUon admlnlatrator, a Is 0 mltte.1 memtie 'laid Pl.e 'labor ,de· additional ' pureha.In, power. " be , built a~ i the lowest ' possible a;r~~ could laD. bold a An enemy equipped with eaough was concerned. He · 1811:1 lie was pattmen~ fi~iIl that if tile blU Job Uaa& _ .... pa,. ·them-tb,tIOt boMQ', and permitted. first drop. Itron,ly opposed to thla type of became law It would mean p~y , FI~een yea~. a~o BeUe Fourche cost-if you want to i'build it yoll1" III '. . . I r IbeIr eould put thI. Dation, or lilY nlltlon. "bilateral a~reement.. and that h. raise. for .bout 1.25 million work. shipped , out tbte. carloads of self." li In ' Cat ' tta · ~ bentonlt~,) La.t year Its production riIitIy~ r~:' pia tn Sllc:h, a fix that there'd b. no US,! .ould • use every Influence to dla. ers w 0 ~r. a c~lI'}mer • was 8.~81 carloads "and tilts year Solve )lour .awn f\!rnllUre noeda !IF IInel .... other ~ • .,.,.. ~.' ,and no.opportunity ,too re~liate wj~ . eourllle luch two-~a7" pacts. ' no.w ~ke , lell- thlllll;.;.1$ !:entsr,:an: 'theY expec;~ c\lrloadlngs to '0 con. ."ndlna ~c for Lawn ~h a lr, P attern ~Ho.: :12 to :!llo. r.Blld P o tiel'll Compol1'lJ'. Dept. ... . . . 01 DalntaDOe " the bomb. " : . hour., t ',r ,I' :"J ,.... ' , . ~, slderablY 'higher. . W. Pillaoontvllle. N.Y. , . ID)' 7e&1'8 aoq 'ul . From '~ere It 100b as though LANDLORDS: Ho.w ever. the , aenate . committe. • Sdentists say that bentonite, a Senatar Flander. may have 'Freeze' I. cI~d not. i!G ,,~ng w,lth th., l!1ejl ~at ·.ttan,e' mixture m'a~e up mostly of oUa.e4' to aooit" &be'-A..,. &b&& , ,but hi. trouQle for hi. work. the law !'.~~~~ ~.!pr~tlden~d ~ ~n. dust from' prehistoric vo1canos~ I. ,. , . II" " '" FLANDERS explained hta plan Landlords would brel\th.. With . THE weD ~u: job be" el~ , .. one which be beU\!ved mlgbt aome rellet a. they read the latest elude . mal)7 wort*ra ~~t..covered found almost nowhere In the world by It ~ow. , . " ~cept In tha Black Hilla of W,.oME FOR'THIS/-,' Fe,! ,~ ~oae ,l!'jlo -~l at omelaL lpee~ PIe United N,atiollS' effor:tB. to announcement by federal housln, PEI;'f~~ ~id tliat the .bID had min, and SOllth Dakota. desks ·1ii ,either th~ .en,le or· liouse write au aJP.'eem~nt op world·wlde expedlt~r Tillie Woods. . been Ilrciadened ao that It Incluqed . ID · Wsshlngton are. In reallt7. eontrol qf atomic eneru. Woods IIld· ·,'the treeze prlnclpl. oBb' lin~Jlddltionai lOO.j)OO....JlOn.flrm It js ,tI)e most absorbept material atatesmen. The,y .a re ' but bumans ASked whether hli plan ' rdlght of rent control ~. now a thin, of the workell'lI. The'se. he said, are en;, nature .ver 'Jias devised. they la,.. ~ie fir.t Interelt II themlelve.. 1I0t arouse critiCism that- ltal coun- past... ,aged In processilll ' agriculture and 'a half dozen teallpoonlful-wlU A conslderati,l e number ot , thllm try ts depyln, IlseU its, foremost , FOUR new rules easlng· re'nt con. ' products 'In lo.called , "area. ot pro. soak up a PSI or water. Coul~ not ,6'6~ ' ~~ ~u~!de',p! pOl· wea~;' the I~n':tor · ~ep)led. !'l trol. would indicate ~at was the duetloJI1.~· . ltlca '-that 8eman~~ a 'dedl'on·. tta. ~on"t think we shoul.d leU our 1m. aituatlon. but a closer look mlpt tlon hf' ability." ~l!.u.~ 'Re, fth e'l mortal .ouls £0 the devJl." raise lome doubts.. . , . voter. the' implo),~ave them-, But In tHe AJ'nerlciui concept, First. owner. putting more valu. a j~•...cIo~s.JWt caU ·fOl\lu~~1!a:vlence Itemmlng from 1778, to sell one's Into their property would be In line OIl our part; no reilion ' why we freedom to an enemy through non. to collect increased rents. Then, ' ....IS Of ."101' .... us. of the bomb might be tanta. local rent officials ' would have abould worship at their shrines: ' IIO....t " . " ' } IOOO 111,111, I Sill." , The,. " are' enUUed to "'al m~unt ' to the' sltuat!.0n whieb the more leeway In adjusting rent, ceU. ~.D AI con, 71U' 0f same Clonalderatlon we &CClord ••nator finds dlitast\!fuL. Ingl In harmony 'wltb 10l:al re~l ODr peraopal .mployees. Tho~ ECONOMY •• ' estate prinCiples. '1'hird wou~d_ b~ who are emolent should· be kept th\! el~lnation of the "freeie" or( the i9b, relardtl'Sl ot part,.. 'Warnin_g Sou'nded ~. principle. and. · fol4rth, Rla~, an ~re ' lntdIta shoald be . "opinion" as to proDlible reni '\like replallBCl. ''I'O ' ''WD over thelD President 'Truman'. admlDlatra- Umlb available" to landlorila . be- I lIlerel,. becaiaae th.,. hold aD &ion W8I coming In for aome crltl· lore they ~~tually repair or ~. eleO'Ive ,o me" to wtUllaold 'ClrlU. dim . al a result of the current bl- p~ove their propert,.. _ ' clam whea crltlolsm Is dae partiaan econom,. . ,drive In · eon. BUT-and there were. three of does aMmalle for pod p.e~ gress. Sellator ' Ai~en (R.. VL) these-the te"arl~ ~WI ' b'ave pro. 'We. .. vo...... should warned that If the elfin '"~'eeds, tectlon. · The propoled re~~ir. or GODsIder neb omola" ....... it will put a powerful' polltlc:a wea· improvements 'can onlY be "made piOyees. .... trea' them a. ~ pon In Pre.lden' ~man" . andl with the tenant'i permlUlon• .how. woald U the,. OD oar per-and In aD electi9D 7.ear, at that. ever. with these. e01lilltiona the .oaal lI.8yroo. B"Wq, pabUo Altke~ arllled, thalP ~ould be tenant may be over~led: : .mee don DOt, In ' IbeU. CODtantamo\ID~ to t.andl'n• ., the Preal· 1. U the Improvement 11 nlleded I ' atlmle eIIleleao, 01' malle., dent a two !JIllion doUar campalp ' to maintain the property. ' auroao .. lIer.. , · fund for th. congreSilpnal elee%. Where the Improvements are When the Amerlcau Pe ' Ie wiD tiollS next 7ear. , conllstent with local "practice. Tiae alloYS c1iar& do... tite Ed;Ue "aItItUl. atar lira, II..~ do ·Iesa hero WQUhiPing a : more FIF'1'Y-8rx lenators - 21 Demo- and cUltom." or proper" mana,e., .....oat 1IIlb,eUe,.allle· r IDerea•• . . crab and 35 Republicans - have ment. ..... ~' the' P~Uaderphia Phil,ID tile ' yal.. 01' larm Cl""" ... ~ pr~tj~ali- dem~~~n~ .we t:~n . ex; alped a petition to tll,ke up are.· S. U tbe change Is such 8S would De.. wbo wa. abot II,. It-year pe ...' mo e res om ose we . olut;1on which . would force Truman Increas. the rental value In ,a nor. &be put IT ,.elrri, .. 4eplotecl ,olil Batlt Stelnbarea. ,... ap ~lect to pubUc office. We .bowd to' balance the bud,et b7 cuttln, mal market where free bar,alnin, Iu a coRl.,.rllOa .1 bow mllell . . . aroDlld a.alD. It waa ~ . put our emp10,eBl on the job of federal "operating appropriations prevailed. IaniI p~' .' lilies ."DOW .. . lIe.e. lie woali1 tie aille ta re,.ctuatly working for us. for we pa)' froDi ' flve to 10 per cent In the fiI. The rules were dispatched to aD IIII)' a -.1.... pYOl1IJDeat .... lola the team aDd pia,. lome ~e wa,e.. and are entitled to their cal ,.ear. rent office. Wood. .aid. ID.. bOll4l · wtUi ..... mUGh h 1Il0nl lIaD _IOD. . first conslder_tlon. • -a14 ba.e 1ieQ1IInI In lID. We no longer are drUting. we are DANGER OVERLOOK EO SEAI~CH:
A-Bomb Urged as Defense Weapon
Soap Holes Found. Value in Disguise .
Top Teacher
• • •
Sturdy Lawn Chair Is Simple to Build
U .
, . .
'. ,.ear
• • •
~t:h~~ :~~. c:,,~ -::
Bond-Price 'Chart
TIl. "..
When Your
Back Hurts-
P~I;" ,tow,,~ ~i il!'IJ.clpICt that)
ve fa ~ the.t.ate baJlj .oclall"~ of c,opgre 'I; • I. 7 not battle belween .two.' partlel. but betWeen thos' or tha rliM and tho.. 'of die left. TboH 'oC ,th. teft .... foll1ld m botb rnaJpr par.ti.s. Th. people no 10n_. bava a c:holce4S'etween-partlea. onI7 • choice betwnn eandJdatea. "Wei. laW' II the mall. wOrd tbat a," tnata AboM. who would proVIde IIWe lOCIalllDl,'" It actuallJ me.... .............. tor DOtlWI';" iDdl& .. .. oar 00IlIUIIIIIG0aJ
'Plaster 'of Paris Held' Infection Source Pla.ter of PaZ'ia, In use aD ov·. r the world for decades without .ter~atlon. contains actual du,er. ot infection, accordln, to Prof. E. O. D. Murray Ind Dr. G. I); Den~ 01 McGW JIDlYerlft)'• 'l'be familiar wlllte aaed primarl17 u • cUI for broIceD boa. h.. Ioq - . . OYtrJooUcl u
.'IOUr" of lDfaaUoD, . . U8lftrIS_
bospital died unexpecte417 after a kIIee o~ratlou.. ovar which two IUC. celalv. lei plaster cast. hall been used. The medical men beeama IUIplcloua of tht plalter. Both cuts bad been thrown aw." but Prote.. sor Mllrra, Inveatl.ated plaltar taken from or1llDal tina. Be fDIIDd IU . .nar.... ,erma In 1& 01 10 Tetu..... fGUlld In two 01
". Ald.A_Ia.~ tile
Keep it lAsal
Wed KilleD ....
By SJDtbeti,:, ...... New pyrethrum·We. ebeml~ tha' ldll lDaecta hava been mid. l,nlhaUcaut fer 1be am time III &lie Iaboratorl.. 01 the bureau ...tomolou and pianfquaran1lne, 1& .... b..n aDDCIWICed bt tile 'U: 8.
"IMP tmellt or apIcu1tl.tno
'I'M el!e&Qlo.a IIl8bup '" ....
Thunday, July'14, 1949
Prevent Summer Skin Troubles By Proper Rest, Diet and Care ,
J.• __ .... Outfit for School
* * * * * *
He",Man'. Cedi '
BJ Richard Bill WIUdnIOD NDY hadaensltive. eyes and warm. mpnths, well colored, C"lJSUOI delicate hands but LeonIe, bam. Imootp anel ' satiny. Summertime, and bred a westerner ,of pioneer however, tor many 'girlS' 'is the time stock, was human. Sbe loved him. when they encoun~er most of their It wasn't until after they were mardittleulties. ried that she discovered he was a Sun and wind can do unpleasant pbJtsical coward, . : things to the skin unless you're Sl).e found out the night of Serena cal'eiul. Bll.h of them can be drying Boone's engagement party. Tony to the ex'eme unless the skin baa Swl!t. was ther e. As usual he wa. adequate. protection, drunk. He was a handsome devil. , Too much sun when the skin can· thlll Tony. taU and bronzed anlt not "tljke It" wil\ result In a severe reckless. He had been Leonie'll and uncomfortable burn, to say childhood 8wee~. notlling ot the fact that It mil)' be h ear t. Folks ruinous to ' the appearance. Sun bathing wtli do wand en tor the Minute salli ' she would akin, because o! thl! ultra violet a v e married . 'Fiction hhim ray. of' the ' llun providing vltamln It It weren't D, but you shoWd not overdo ' .t. "for 'his drlriking. Start wIth a short exposure til1le The first thing Tony ' saw when ' and build this up at the rate of five he came through the door was Le· or ten minutes a day. on{e 'and Andy dancing together, A n the skill Is extremely dellcate IIcowl crossed hls .face. Then he and i ensltlve, use any of the many "laughed. When they whirled past lotions which permit tanning with· him he IItep~d up and wb.acked out the discomfort of burning. ' Even I . Andy on the back. thoug~ (you give ' ~n the protection "Tony's cut:; he grinned. "Make of a lotion, it' I still wise not to 'un way tor a man." , without bUilding the time of u· Leonie flushed. Andy hesitated, posure b:y degr~es. look;ed at Tony, then gave way smU· Puled Sleeves ing. "Sure thing," he laid. "Your Good Skin Care ' dance, Tony." UST THE THING to plan on to Starts W~thin As soon a's IIhe could, wtthout aphave Teach: when school bella No cosmetic preparations can Free~e Foods for Future Use pearing too obvioull. she asked r\Dg again - a simple. princess' cure a bad akin, Skin health begins ( S" ll.,tip" B,low) AndY 'to take her home. jumper with tiny puffed sleeve intemall,y with adequate diet, rest Coo.rdlDated C~lual ~ere she accus~d: and cleansing. It 'the IIkln ill rough. blouse and coUared jacket to Freeze your Foodll "Why did you· let him insult you? match. Sbe'U be as .. proud a8 can TeeH,en are Ilvln. ID ' coen~ Ipotty or has a tendency to LYNN CIIAMBER'S MEN1J . be in, this pretty o~tfit. Chicken Shortcake with Gravy break out, look first to your diet for ordinated casual Iepara~ lie Ob, the shame of it!" . , ROAST TURKEY in m Id· summer, • a • Buttered Lima Beans the cause. , the one lUutraled above. A Andyl, was startled and bewi~; broiled chicken in .January ~nd No. 8143 come. In 111, ... I, I. 4, CarTot Sticks Beverage Cookies Drink plenty of ' water for a Gruller 'blue bi.use II teamed de~ed. ,Let who insult me, honey. itrawbeiry' 'Ihortcake in pecem. I , 8 lind $ .,.." r., SIu 3. oJ~mper.I'" thorough cleanaJng of the system. yord. of ~In':h: jllckel. 1~ ,Ilrcu;' with a. BuffaJo Nhikei print In" "~o?" She atared at him, "Tony ber, these are some of the items I Pe~ch !:ialad in Cherry ~elatin blou... , 1 ,ani. I . PepperQllnt lee, Cream , CUt dbwn 'on heavY or irled foods, ·lndtanheiul co«on for am'ootll S~1ft..v, of co~sel I "':~. never 10 w¥eb , are a real , posslbll~ty on Ready 'or, ,OUI, now-the new rail aNi apd durable wear. _.DIi c1alllie Winter luue,:ot .J:ASHION. our":'-comD!et. humlllat~d in' my, lite, 'menu. if you bave facUities for Pllttem mll.azl"e. Smart new die.Jana, ''lIe bi.ase :"Ith a bow at , lIle '''1'011)'' Oh, tau mean be- , freezina your food. Thill rnay be a meat in the freez· l~brlc n"we-fr"" patwrn printed 1iI8Ide ,DeCkllDe aDd the rracefU;1l,. 'all. eavse of wbat be lIald! Sbaou, . 'freezer right in your ,own home. , col~~allD enough meat fqr lb. ~k . 1 Sen", 2S ' centa fo~ l'OU~op,. '1D6 llkirt ma,. be tamed oa' OB . your family for honey. Tony dIdn't 'mean any· or' it might pe space rented at one SEWING OIR'J LE PATTERJ<j DEP~. ,oar .acblne with ealle 1110 80.'. BL Oble .... " III. Be wall drunk," of the large loclter, that are now a meal. Waxed alter .. few lalGDII •• the local !!:ncloa" 2S ~cnta In COIN .lor eecb The appalling truth flashed .vailable In 110 .many localities. or waterproofed patt,,", deslr-.d. . 'aewla, center eve.. 11 Jou're • Foods know no season when Ws paper m' a y be across Leonie' s brain in that moDoviee.. ' Pattem ~ct., 5 1 . merit. AIldy wa; a cowardl He'd possible to them, Bln'd, thill, U • ed ' between been afraid of Tony, w~ch was of COUl'se, ' Is one each hamburger, and ' water, then creaming, FbUow why he evaded the issuel . With • of the best waya ' I tea k or cbop Addr..... this In the morning with 'b~acing UIDe whimper-ing cry ahe turned to a·volc! mea' 1 since this makes dash, of cold water. lUId 'l'an sobbllig from the room. monotoDI):. You easy I!eparate 8J1d hastens OilY skins will need more fre· A. week later, on' Saturday ' nlght, simply . treeze thawing once they come out for _ ,itt mull tI~1II , , •• quent cleans\rtg. How oUy the skirt th f >d h use, Or, in this ',case, you may . . ' . e . 00 W en readily' remove two or three choPI paltrlell and other rich foods ~nd Is dependll upon ' the frequencY o! Andy IItoppM by at Seth I:.ancey • Seth on It. matter cd rt'l at ' 't he peak store to· see IUbstitute With fruits, vegetables, cleansing, 'and ,is belt judged by, the bUllnells. Ii. couple of b(,y's from hi. 9f the aeason, without thawing the whole package. aaladll, light Ilesllerts anll ai leaat lndiv,l dual or a 'doctor, who spe· mine' were there, at ·ute then eajt it when Pull the proJlel" wrapplni ,tightly • pint of mllk :daUy, ' clalize. in I1dn disorders. bar.. . Minutell ' later, talking with ;you want it. around the meat to smooth out Though it may ' sound far·fetched, - Even : the avera,e individual. Seth, be beard • out front. Freezip, food , Is one of the aim· all possible and eUminate 'air reat and' exercise are essential to when' cbanglng make·up or refresb· Investigating be that pleat o! preserving m'e thods slnoe pockets, The package Ihould be· ~· Mr. Murphy, as, he 'was known ing it, sboUld clean ber llkin inlltead two. bOYII were small fry, bad , been bnbibin a bullll foods requtre oniY,. a minimum of IImooth and firmly packed to eon· •• wI." des , under theokln. H... 0linnot be of attempting to do the plck·up job' wtth Utree lbtlav,l ly. J!e lurched graceleu. the Bar V preparation, and they retain their lerve storage space. ved except by adequate resl. with ' llimply' more make*p. 11 avenue and ,ran into cattle ranch. 'by and, freahnes. until thawed and preSeal the,. paper ,with a "~Ultlrtol'e f . . ak~ ..... tchec! a while. , I , , make-'up ~. .pplled ~v~r old in.' ~ared. • • • fold" 'whlc.h meanll · bringing one up, . the grime Ie ground In in ..,.... tt."..·_" he moaned unhappily It look ". ,1hc)lhhi tJie' olllee" . edge over ~e other and folding it and may lodge.· in the pOru eau1~ would be wreCked. ' 110 so'r ry,"" . lOt' out cd 'How to ~~pare Meat ',] . , oVer , th,e ahorter Iheet. Now twilt Ing In blac~eads. ' , ., ; 'ISo 1lm 1. ,ra~iclc," I}e repijecL , -" 1For Fteezer ' ., Of '<lld the :enda and lIeal "wlth lice· !If pO,ssl~le, let cream remain oa it the n~ IT'$ a stmple J~b to .f reeze meat tate (scotch) .&ape. Tbls tape II not "How much have you had to .put , the akin lon, ellou,b ·to. do, you in ~s' c'ondj~on?',' . for fliture ' mealll and YOu need atrected , by inoistur4!ll or cold", for ber. cleansmg .job. It yqu "Only elglit ala!!ses o~ beer I:abel all pa.ckarea so you ·can . ' folloW' only a few simple rules to cream the faoe' before get. pf whiskey," ,hiccuped Mr, do it IUccelllful1Y.. . eaelJ.y Identify them when you want tin, into the tub, and the ~arm When choo)ling animala for freez· them. The l.bel should contain the Murpby. water wUl open the pores and leI "'Good buvensl" g8llped the lng, 'select those bealthy ol]e. of type of melt encloled. the number the cream aet inllde~ Try It just lize and welgbt which will pro- of lIervlnll or the weight in pounds, priest, .. ~ c~'t drink eyen foJll' once, and ),ou'U lee , how mucb duce the quality of cuu pr~erred and the date on which it was glasses 01 ~a~ " , " more dirt you can let out OJ the by the family, Excessive fat il un· wrapped for treeztnl. "And " n,ytIi,e r ' can I." re~dil7 akinl neceuarl', but an ample covering As lOOn I I the meat II wrapped agreed P.a~, . Certain areas whlcb set a dry' of fat 'prOtect. the lean tram city. and labeled, pl.ce in the freezer. It p'uckere~ look, like , aroun~ the ,cor· out during the froze~l sto~age. you do not hpve a treezer at home, Jle been ~ldetracke4 Jnto, nen of the f(louth or eyest do well . Thll latter does not app~f to veal, store the pack",es In tbe ~etz,laera. a dead~nd job and dlclP't seem cu..,•. Ji'O'~ lor $1#,." ,ft;". .With regular appllc:ation of cream ,inee tha.t meat bllll ' little fat. tor' witll you can take them to the to 'care ~M~~~ he adyanc,ecl or " k .allnw ~Gmplexlon can be helped at night;. Give your elbows .a dab, '1 Theile ' rule. appl,y WbE!ther you locker, but this ,boulel 'not be m<lr. not. Ws , Wite , cons\,antJY .b~ated onl,y by .Urrina ,. brisk ch:c'ula. . too, to prevept' rollah· purcbase meais from a [Darket or I b ' " him tor ills lack . of ambition; .,ut tion that :.vW flOod the skin with a nell, prod,uce hOuse. AI/t for qUialIty' cuu than a e~ o~s; a the words rolled off Uke water off' tinge of pink color .that's desirable. Row to Sol"e • fr!lm prime cattle, and mention ' Fr P I a duck's back. • After . you've Cbe'c~ed the above Speelal Skba DefecU that you intend free:&in'g 't hem and I ozen OU try "Here you are, twenty.slx yea~ . pointel'l, then atart on eXternal the butcher may be more careful Keeps Well , ld d till I Sglna at the same Blackbeadl and whlteheadl are In his selection. '. rrozen "poultry I. one food wh,lcb 0 ,an S pu .. ' CIIre. ~ with fine grain common evidences of pore Irregu· k n In Its fr e tat· nd old job," she scol~~d him. "I wo~ , and a tendency to drynes. may larlties. They are both the result of I Once the carcass Is prepared, c:hJll eeps we , oz n I e, ,a der what you'll be m three year8, • hav, to depend on crel\~ and ' l0Wh th the meat tmme.d iately aSI bacteria reljul~ea even less "Tweiity~illne.'" he replied. tion. lor ' thelr cleansiri,. Avera-ge ally accumulaUons. en e pOres ,rOw rapidly .. t .the hi"h ' tempera. a tt e 11 101 0 n ' \:. I , ,. " :.. ' . ~-fl':'e'efl nlZ':-fiiiii~;;;;:i;::':::=:;;:;;;~======-----;-:-~;:akinl do· weU to combine loap and are ~ and the oily, dewslt collec~ grlme,' ~, biackhead relUl~; 'uie~ ¥olds,' b1lc;teri .. ", i~Q .yeas~, U; water cle_n'l ing. ,with those of When the ally deposit 18 under thli ma;y -nlin ,the 'fla'vor of the meat un· I c:'l you cream. .Coar..e. OilY" IIkln 11' best ;.ltbl,; 'i t ts called a wbltehead. " ' , 'les. it Is chUlec:\ at ,once: " can prepare It treated Wlth consistent 'appUcaUons ', Cleanliq,. JS U1!! anllwer to' ,treat. '.wal bewildered ·and un· . Me'at catting is no JIClb for a free~lng with no of 10ap, and wat.t;t. ing ,blaCkheads. The akin maJ be l The tlext~ day tie found Dovice and should be dOlle by the special tools. Clean " .f • I I broOdm, o.vell the sltuatlon. butcher or an expert mc~at cuttel'l " th~ b}rd, and dis· C1u·nllne..s ' ' 'cream-ed or washed with soap _n'..h la'·· t d It at iI locker "Iant. You, bowever, joint It, an~ ' 1D pla!)e ~f cooking It, B'Y mi". . Ua,ny ,Skin }'totil,ma '. , water, . or both -of these " ... ~ •• oon e _cou a an. uI ' wrap It for ffeezing to be 'cooked be combined for best no. longei. 'Leavina Noah Tai. ~ Ibo d .pec.... cuts you want, if th I For the aven,e perll'D on,e appUoatlon~ may', alao be ~harge,. of ' ~ratlona~ ", __ e drove :you've p'r~based a catcall Gr part 8~vera),,~on s ,ater. thorougb ,cleanling ,for the IIdn Birds are killed, bled, plucked, dal~ iloes , wonderll. Til many, the UIIed ' on the face to o'pen the 'p ores , home. ·, ~ be I~ode liP the walk he of one. Ii ~ ..8 gooel Ide/(l tpI ,have the :-i ,.& th hea"d a c.... He bur·.t' O'neD the' meat cut in famil,y size portions to chilled and dreased before they can evenln~ ,I. best. lind thlll may con. an d , r.e,mqve th e ; •• me. "no. er , ''' t ' b k d. If d ' It' use wa ed and C100t aad ,fo\Uld Tony Swift trY,1p, e1imlllat~ was~, amce, ,the meat e pa,1! age , you eSlre, 8 a ~ with soap ,ood lilea 111 lillf cleanaing dab :tbiii Gn the skin t!fth a clean to ItfIl\hta lW\fe. Tony: ~m't.'drunk· ~an,n~t. or Ihquld not be fJ~Gzen onc~ great ~onvenlence to at~/J tbe poul. ad ,or Iwab of cotton ·wtien th He wal 'babbUri, 10meth1Jl' 'about it has !l!!eb thawed, try and freeze it in that state, so ~kIn ts: thOl'QUlhl,y waa:m and r:' LeOn~e really loving blm . . ' It's p,op",a}" \oor to have me!lt the poultry ill ' ready to pop In the Wi\b, 'porel G);IeDl ' c.o ver theTGrQ. whirle4 at. 't h. sollnd And, boned, I~.ce I~. requll'~,11 l,e!l~ freezing oven. tor Chrlstmaa ~r Thanksglv· , ~ger tiPI With Ulsue'and presl out made. ,.Hllr llp '~led. ':oboi Tile Ipace, and Imce the bon.el cannpt ing dlnne!:, D~ .110t use sage ih the Aatiseptlc alat .... t SDot ... .' Iis- from , Bol-'_." . puncture ,w r,ppin, pal"er , once dressing If expect to keep the th blacllMad8. : " e , _ "j. . -f' .. . , • the)"re enmmated. bird more months since ~, there .~ danIel' cd brul~in' the -, .I,AD!J .lrede ~ the floor " • •. • the fla the meat. akID an~ Icarrin, ~ It, It's belt to RIa 'ace was bJaeIi. ..{ pea,", b.l~ ...,II.pC;Ie an4 aaedlelaal .... continue applll'!ltions until the lie '' ' ' ' blUerl,: ",..?re dumb, ... Proper Wr.pplD~ , Here' cblcken t.o be toJ'or .a&era&1lJ ca•• o4 PIa lrrlta&io,", ~ , blackbeads Yle~, rather ,than treat lifter aD, Yoa'" ·"cbin.'" SllYes Q.lf&lity. " , I L_ ; frozen: not welgb lteb••ueb al &eUer. rub; _pie rIJaC· the akin rouctil7 Co ....'mov. them · lfe I ' . I rr ~ U.~WiSE_1 to economlH on over two and drened, wotm.'d""., •• or eea"lII" lise Gr&Y1~ . 'u .,' , ,e Itraek old., Tn,. tried te 1& wrapping paper f$Jr frozen foodl or be ovell . frying lIlea, III dlreC:led. MedIcated 10 cUn. . . . . at ~_, me. . doclp, bat ADd,'....1 clIppecl sinCe the meat may d.." out ,.nd chlckenl from three ar tor mar. 1IIonq~ nllevtaa 'UoIliIIC$Go.he S~ 111m on lIle clala 10 ....d ibM, '!freezer bums" 'otten reault. Reg. to thr~e il9i1bd. ~d be After Treatinent ,lie ___ I doWD. ..... bu h ,..lin 20 k 61'" . ,,' " "banm oul" Hti 'l unged but ... ar to er 'paper, or... I~ry waxed ,w,ee I ... , ~ #in ~ be quite red An ....asf.t where be ex 'eted paper or grocery at\lre trpe paper Fowl ,for fric.ilel! may wel&b tJ!e ,trFatip,nt, particul~ly , iJ;I " _ . ~ • are not uled: Moillture '~Ind vapor· from four to .be pounds ~d can ' be are~~ on ' whleh " you ~ve con,cea' i AndT'l1t ~.hed RUt ,again, a:: prOof paper bag. or car1:onl mad. from on~ to two year. old. A roast~a"d moat. Pat on , c.r eam. and let again onytb -:rn~ ~9wn. , ~ An , especiallY for' this PUrpolt1 .re beat. Inc ebJc!ken ' .hould weigh four to. . the redJ)eal ~,,~o,m. "'. hiin I ee ~n~ t.,bim They should 'be eaay to Irold, wrap five pounds, but 'Is beat If Dot more Afterf the creamin, aJI~' a laple a,ain. H..,hit hlm"a third time a~d or bandle. tou&h enou&h to resilt than a year-old. Caponi should of tlple. remove cream carefulb e , fourth.. Blood cQvered Ton, s tearing, and capable of recelvln, wei,b from 7 to 10 pounds but Tbe IIaftlJ rippled testare ., . and .PP~ wads w1¥c:h bav. been face. Toa,. ~himpe~ for lIlercy. an ink or china pencil mark for shOuld not be Gver 8 to 10 moalha . ~ HUII;I YOU. _ 0 UCI& . .moiler ......enb . . . . . dIpped in ,ice water to the IIdn. -':ndy dralled bi~ 10 ~ door ~nd labelln,. old • Thel. ahould be patted in \ ,an up. ~w bfJn oul. , _ --,....-_ _ _ _ _ _-,-_ _ __ tile interesWil fabrlo fiIh~ er u.e aeaIOII, .... OM 1Ila1 , warcl dll'lictiaa. ....Uh' particular "Andyl" LeonIe , ned Into bill LYNN lAYS: Fl'UJl Juice. for breakfalt or bey· lIIalin I... .. ..,... ..... .. . care boIna wed ,round \b • ..,es. aha.. "Ob, DI7 darUn .. you were These Freedn" . ' erales are elsl~ frozen" Seleet ."Im salta. ClIo... ~IOD ' la • ~ app)lcat'JOD at lee pad. wonderfull Qh, precious, forgive TiP. to Relp You good Juices from . ....eU· ~sltlred WOtrell 'abrlG .....' , . ...... lhould be repellted MYeraJ ,.Urn•• al me ~ what " aaid. ADiIY, wQ Varlitles are of gre.t limportane. fruita and chill thoroughly. ,Extract lIIaller ..... or a rI"... ...w It- IhrbIP th porel and belp' cit, dicln:t ybu do that befGre-that III the lucce..M Irelulllll! cd fruits. the julc. , aacl pour ibto paratrlft , Applee for aauce, for coated tubs or c7l1nderl. FreeZe culatrOll. the awin,.n' acttaa 01 nI,bt at the dallee'" ".1Il ~ lit..... II" nt. ut .. ellIler the cold. drawm. blOod to the ' iur, ArJIJ7 ' frowned. ''Wb7, IbU!=D, .Guld be Baldwlns, ~r;~~~~~~ Immediate~. ' cue. I " IIavo n , _ _ ... fa~e of tile skin. Tbe belier the c~ billie)'. I dOll" UU tID apt. Dan" Northem .~ or 1"eUo.ll, WajeJ' und 101'- walbln, fruit. - ...............l~..... I., cutation, tbe e.ller It I, for th« IOU HIil-lle " •• dtuaa Usea. «It . 17pee. - > berriel .nd "Ietablal Ibould hay. tedla ................. w.r blood , to -Clal'l7 ••a,. lmpurlUv .,... DO need." , __ I StudJ the rreealn, ieo ID It unl... the tempera~ .. from th. atIn. ' Lecime laid bar bead 011 bJJ abou1- wID be ••alJabl. 10 knrtr Iban .-, 1'01' wblteh...... "Uow tbe "'eat' der, "I .... darliq. 01 GCIIIIW bow mucb or each :11I8IId . . ""ell tID the frenao a . . aIuIIo .... ... outlined for bIuIclIadi wiU i ...OJ meat or poulb7 1DU' .. 'OU Jptf6d food 10 th, ·caa
KIN shoulc;l be at Its best during
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THURSDAY. ,JULY 14, 1949 Steven and Mrs. G~rp Loer of Ft. Dodge, tor a few weeks. . Lebanon. 1III:s.' Oba Welch was bost e8B Mr. and lofrs. Joho Denny and to lJle members of thE! Civic 80n of Dayton were guests of FITE M r . Denny's parents, Mr. :lnd James Thornberry League at her home ~alUrday Mrs. George Denuy, this ' week.. Mr. Bnd afternooD . M-ra . A S ColleH . . Mrs, G. M. McDonald was hostb ad as Fourth of July picnic supper guests : Mr. and Mrs. T. a.ssls te d her In the IIbsenctl of as!! to tho W.C.T :U. at ber home MTS. C. D. Cook, wbo was unabl e · "'" W. Welch, Mrs.' Oba Welch, Mrs. 0 be' presQnt. because or JIInes s. Mr. a Dd Mrs. WJlHam Peters . M . L. Scheerer of fttt Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. JoWl Weloh are aJ,noullclng the birth of 0. Iowa, Mr. PaUl We eb nn~ son, . moved to - their complet ely r eo daugh ter, Priscilla Jose phine, Tue· . Mike, or Lebauon, Mr. ' and Mrs, decorated bome, "Twin P ines ." sday. 'I'he mother Is the former CeoU Llnkou d MI~ s 'fb elma> Os born nnd the mat· e an , Diane and on' 1\.aple Street [rom Wolr reB· idence In Springboro Saturd ay. e rnal grll ndpRr n ta are Mr. an'll Mr. and Mrs. Clint Taylor en. Mrs. ~fnrrl B Osborn of neait Harv e ysburg. tertalned the m embcre of the U)e WLW~~'" W~come Blblo Class. of Jona b 's Mrs . II ff Beckett; who' hae ... _Run' Churoh at . their coun try bo'c n ('onfllied to St. EUzabeth for . _~. ~~~ -~t ~ home Friday evening. t rea t ment of n log fracture, was ': ~~ .,-i,.=i.~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ca rl Bogan lind r oleased a nd roturned to her home family of near WHmlngtou wore near tho v illage Saturday. guests or Mr. Bogan' S mo ther , Tile 'wa Y,1! nnd Means, COlD mltMrs . .Be melce Bogan at b el' bome t o B of th e J onah's .R un Friends .... Friday, and Me bod 1st Churches met for M S W n s pecial bu~. inee8 meeUng..... .... f t rs_ ara l'jgbt who b aa bee n ". YOUR NO .... ' ____ • III I ]' Mr~.a Ro~o,·t Brundenburg nt her ... ........ " A'ER s n ce .a a. Winter , Is fee ling , .. 01 b b t. home on tho Avenu.e FrIda ... ev~ ~I .... Y_ 11-.4 .. L _ _ . . .11 ue o...,r now and a ble to b e ..., ~• ~ Is . . . .. 011 . . . . . out. n ill g. Repres.e ntaUves . presont Ii.. ... III M ld C . were 1\lrs. A. S. Collett 'and' Mrs. WORLD .. LL. a r ollni __ .-!.... ..- . - .... :!. _ ft 'l"s. "" a lelt Thursday WillI a m Gilliam from "onah's t ... _It... - ...... .. .teI. COlI a ernoou or urcenflofd , where 01 ...... .. ...cIt .. _ . . . ~he will be the houuegust or b er RIm burcb. "'fa. ' Jesse Penn'Hg. '_' , ~U.. ~ +" lob. r-r - . - . per . . . . . . . , . lIon.ln-)aw llud daughter, Mr. und tOQ, Mrs. Charles Bogan Sr. and conatNcti¥e ...".... Mrs ) Sterling lugal s an'd family MI se Nellie Dnvls from th e . totioll . . . . . ........ . . . ., _114 ............. tiolle' ...... '..... II .....hlitu.. for ' a lew ~eoks. Friends' Churcb, and Mrs. a. S. 1:0N~~1t. CHRISTIAN SCIINCE Mr. and M1'8. Bim B.eekett had Tl1ck~, Mrs. Charles Gordon ...... ... ~ ....... a s houseguesta, their son a nd Mrs. Roy Ellls, Mrs. ElDeraon .... ........... II I • . : ........., daugbter.ln' la.w MI'. and Mrs. MaBLers and Mrs. Stella Vance :::.~-ra:~~ . John B~oket a,nd !Ions of Frank- from the Methodist Church. MOIIitw. Un thIs week, ']'he ~asons Jpet at the MaltLI~ ......., '....... _ WU1Jam 1>~"" I 'oulc Temple tor special ~ork AIC ....... '.. ..,... ~~. w IP was clrU ' ~ SdeMe MelllIw ~ ... ........ cally Injured In au automobllo Saturday e,v enlng. Mr. Edward ... _ ifill..... · ~cC Jde llt ~· last May. Is mucb 101- Hlze r received t.he Tblrd Dgreo. ....y . . . .~ ,.. ~.... men Is ' tI'eII.crwr, .. ..... u. e. proved !lnd is commuting da lly RAf ... r "'''F of ice cream and ~ to bis job in ·Daylon. ca~e were servd to ttie twentyTIle ~Sc............ At ' five member- 'atten.A'ng.' OM• U;---.U.$.A. r. a nd Mrs. ~ame s Dwyer of ,. \.u .......~ .... _ ._ ...... if..... , , neur Sabina are unnolnlclng the HOWard aDd Robert Doste!r .' ~u~.;: '~= '~ blrlb of a daughter , Mary Dolores were hosts to the members' \lOr at home, ,Wedoesdu.y. Mr. and the B.Y.F. of Jonah's RUn Chure'" Mra. Gall Gordan .ot Ha.rveys. at their eountty home' Sunday • burg are the maternal grandpar- evening, . ents. ., . The Beverend and· ~. J. P.
•'- ,... _ ............40".. ,..--u;..
a". C.
=:... .
$1\ __-:-,__ -----.1
.. .
Mr. and · MJ,:S. Thomas Wel~ attended are ell'tertalnlng Mrs, \Velc"~ the DQUet. Cburch mother, lire. M. L. /3iutarer ot Sund&7. MfS. Sadie
PBl ,
RECE;NT WINNERS: Ralph Peters, $lOi Mr•. G. ~\ri:t. . $35; Mrs. Marie Cunpbell, ISO. . " . . !
Sunday - Monday, luly 17 - 18 Clark Gable' Walt~r ',P~dgeon in;
Command D.• cislen
JULY .14,
Ilnd Mrs. George D,avla entertain;· 'Washington of Mr tid to dhlDllr Sunday ~ honor of gl!eats Suuda), Ilt and ,MI'. und Mrs . CIlarles Davis of Ilnd Mrs. ~Ivln S lloi;lune, Wash., who are 'vllliUns famUy . Mr. Cha rles ot - Spokan&. relnt! ves and frIends in' Ohio. ,W ash .. sud Mr. E. B. Longaore '1'1.ose who enjoyed the ela,. clllled 011' Mr. Walter Cls rk, MI!. were : Lhe lionor guests, Mr. IUId J . B. Jones and ollier f rIends Mrs. Cllades Davia, Mr. and Ington Sundll-Y afternoon. Mrs. Bony Bosenberg, Mrs. 011l~ here SunilllY a fternoon, Mr. and Mrs. John Syferd or Myers, Mrs. Louella Swank ab'll Miss Laura R,o sllagle of Cln· D ayt·o n' were Sunday guests or Jimmie Sw"nk. of Dayton, Mr.. oJ\jna'U ' was a we kend !fuest of 'thetl' parente, Mr• .and Mrs. ·H. and r.frll. Raymond Dane and. · her brot ber-Iu·law a. nd sister, Mr. . 1\1rs . Charles Da~ls or 'ClnclnnaU. S . 'l:Ucker and Mrs. Mary PIer· and Mrs . Harvey Burnet. . son. The .L ytle E levatOr has been' D. busy place day a nd ejenlnge . the past. week . Mr. Early reports ", t hey h ave s hipped in cars at ~ wheat a t. tbls TueBday's wrltln'g. By MR8, HILV QI810N By MRS. WALTER KENRIC~ Mrs. J . B. Jonell visJted In Day· Mrs. Clarence Crawford .pent Mrs>. Susun Say tor, who make s t on Monday and was a luncheon Tuesday witt.; Mr: aud Mra; Le.h er home with her and guest of Mrs. Ctn rlEs Drake. dau ghter. Mr. and Ml:Jjl. . Harry Harvey Bur ne.t BPent .Mon .Roy sliaw ne,a r IiJpriligrteld. • 1\lr. 'and Mrs. Bob Tate of Bell· Graham, spent ,lust. week with her day on . bU91ness In .ColwnlJus. / .Mr. and Mrs. Ever ett Early bl'oak called on Mr. and Mnt. son and wife, Mr. IU\d Mrs . Ren· , .. ry . ,ay lor and children ' near Cen. we re Sunday evening .guests of Pete Runyon Frldi.y aftllmoon.. Mr. Clarence Owena ot DQton tervlll e and als'o oalled on 'an' Mr. aUli Mrs. Irvin Snyder at on Mr. and Mri. G " old friend. Mrs. Ida CU8ten~r. 'Blossom Heath. 'HlIIs and Dales, Sunllajo. afte.-n,oon. der. In l»ayton. .., .Dayton. . . : . ' . Mr. and Mrs. HaTVe), Bll\'net .. M'te. Leona Green'S 'of Da:rtOll .MIss <;:tlllrlot.t ste tanJ'!fB, · a attended a Masters ' Meeting or Henrt Berges ot ' BeaTertown' nurse at · St. EliZa beth • HospitalI W 8l'ren ·coun"h. Grall"es - '8 t th e Thu(eday afternoon . with BPe)1t la8~ week, at the home 'of I home ~t Mr. and Mrs, De\IOti &pd Mrs. Lue I(or«an. . ~r. aIjd Mr~. Ralph H~ond. Whorley near ~ebll,JtDJl. Monh)' Mr.,. Allee FurmaD', Mrs. Dewey ' MI'. •and -Mrs. Leslie Gray ' visll· evenl1l1t. .. (!lomb.tOok and .d alllhte,. 84 l~ ~ and Mra. Jainea . A I~rge crowd enj0rfd the lifOBeaT~rtown' . ~el dR' III'!I. Bliy, at I1eavertown Bunday afteJlnoolJ: and BP]QDdl.d pkhlN8 ehowii GI~n .Oiad/q afternOct • . MI!'.· aJld Russoll Cam,belt ro~. I Ohltpren's ~ • Mr. Datld JUarilhart ... ~ .~_ f and t Bobby are "pending a ChurCh ·Sutiday evenlllSf a ~ lIer alater Of. 'Weeks "'lth I¥"'. Mr. Arthur Greathouae of ,nil ~r. and MN. Mr. ,aD-4firrs. ~~"~~m.~~Tab~~,~~ Hospital, €in· CliDD.!.II.U, tor obtlll"atJoD' Monda,.. " Mrs. i... s.. Conett and son, iMr. Robert Colle'tt, Mrs. Louise 'FIl. te .. and daughter, Miss Jane FJte, were guests ot Mr. anti M rs. H oward Collett of Wl1m·
0.( Mr. and r. W~e Dakin' called on 01)'<1e Wll . a .. tQ~ ~r. Grea. t. Mra. Mattie Levi Monda), mern·
left Tuesday: for IIle home ?~:;::~::::~====:::~::::::::::::~~¢~~~~~;~J!~~nl~~!' 1Jl1~.,.r ." r
from an:Heoperation on Mre. Js slowlyporto~med r!!cover- , Va .. r, cal • ".:-d Scarff 'o f · Matue . ' / several m<mtbs ..ago. Levi sqnday mornlq. ' ..; Callers at the Arthar Rookhold' ~. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre /lome ' Wit ~et~r:. .... ~ Mrs. Tom Robert. ot) O'ear Xenia, Mr. and 1011'11. AlIen Rockhold and ramllyt ore,... SurllhftOD, . Ill". and Mrs. Everett Hughes oj Panterevllle, and Mr. and Mra Earl Da'Vldeon or Mt. Holly. .~ . Mr. and M;rs. Robert Greene f Mr~ WU';ur, Stevenson ~ of !'. caned on Mr. ' and Mre. ! MQrgan Sunday altai-noon. . lilrs . Anna Lucas and Mr. John (. J.ucas spent sunda.y with Mr. and If re. Claronce Tom PIOD_ • ,ohfude Bratten of Dayton qen a ' f'l.w <Itt)'!! WI past weel!: .Ith his grandparents, Mr. and .~ .I .Ii '' '''"''' deorge . Bratten. • 4.~~~:~ Cla!leuc~ ' CraVt'f~)fA . ~t , su~iJai In Cincinnati; ,\' and 1'4"rs . . James Wildman ., .~ . Mr. .,. and Mr. .a nd Mrs. John Hess o~·· Ohio, lUlel Mr. IUId Mrll. G. iClrslnger' were dJnner «Uellts sunday of ' Mr. aDd Mrs. Emeat "Ea rpbart. IUld son, David. Mr. and M·rs. Alfred Mor«an spent · Monda), evening in Spring ·fjeld, . . Mr. IllId Mrs. Hil1 Gibson call;~d o~ Mr:_ jUltl ' Mr8~ Harold Rog· • ere or' Benbrook .Saturday .Tenlog. JIll!..-. Rogers W&8 taken" to ~ran~view Hospital Monday.
, ....
. FRUITS ' AND, ' iiE'r.A8LES FiSH - 1W,t .- B~Ok' ~CKENS
.!~!N~~.~.~ [~~~,. ,P~T ...nep.ort ' of co~, 11(·t1oni.oft f1tO!lerve.:Dl str ' · '.
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T).tE WAYNESVILLE' ,..,;.ti'loNAL BA'fH( '. o , ~'1Jl~SVJlle,,'1n ~h~ /~tate -of OhIO;jl~t ' the close ~or 'bUsJOee8 on ~ ""' ~ " .June 30, It4~ ~ , ~~:!sfi;!t:~n r~~~~nllue ~d,; .cRall . 011 adde . bj.t' ComptrolleI:, or;' the ' Cu rrency .. , . S. ev se Sta, utes>. • . ASSETS Cash. bal~n ce8 with oWel'l, blinks. tnchjdlng' reserve ball\nce, and casb,i tems III l)rOC~B8 of colleetlon S. Cpvernment o~~ tlons .. direct , ~nd.' guaranteed . ... 76'7.495.57 Obllgat1o~ lit State Ii pol. s ublUvJsJons,.' .. . . . 318.199.\~1 Other ,.bonds ;!1' notes, an'" debenture~ ~ ,''"-. . . . .. ... . . C~rp. Jito ck8 UncI., $4500.110 stock of F~'~~ ~~ , 'b~nk)- .. . . 4,500.01) ~~alls on~, dls~ounts ,une). $<146.13 overdrafts) .:. f ...... .. 396,024.11 J1Rnk prelllise . o,\\:nell $21.000.00. fUfnl!tUre a d f1xt1iI'~ $6.000,00 . .. ,,, ...... , '.. .: . :: . ., ....... .. .. 27,000.00 , ' ..,-"'""'-----"-TOTAL ~.:SSETS .......... .~ . '. .. : . .. . .. _.. , . ," LlABILITm., • . '"1195 36"' Demnnd"depollits .of fjtdlvidualll. P8l'tnerJld,pa and Gorp" Time deposits of '!,h\!fYlduals, I>artnershl~' ~n'd corps'" . .. '2t4:03i:;~ neposit.B or ~. s. !jfort., (includJn g J>os~l lIavlngs) . . : .: : Del>oslts of ' Stales .~nd pol subdlvlslillte ... . . . . '. . . . .... . Other. de~o s lt~ (cel'U!led"f\n'd ca s1iler's oheeks etc.) ... . . TOTAl, DEPOSl'l'S ' 71' 29668 .Other . liabilities . .. . ... ... '.' . . $1' ,~, .
~". '~'"
.tfghkn.$/16iK1ltilg jO!Js . y:~ can~~ it, Jludl~' it any.' wbefe t s loac1ia8 and un·
•.un, 0
. ~ feed bini, -••.rHaadlel, ~ gram..ear aIID, poulcry litte~ .Maid ~ . by ·eI~
ONLY $140.00 -
~I~~~i::~: ~:cc:: J::.~ .' :::::::::
ClI,pltul Stock: . '. I 'r ) Common slock, total par S"l5.doo.oo . . : . . .. , .. Surplus .. . ... . . c • Uudivlded profits ··.·.. ·.·.·.·. ·.· '.. . '. . . . .. ~ . '.;.' . .. , . .. . . .. , .. R eserveIJ, (and retirement Rcc~'lInt r~'r ~~~~~~d ' 's t~~k') .... TOTAL CA'PITAL .ACCOlJNT$ • ... , . .. .. ... . •
_ _ operatoD (~ 80,000 ba. III ODe year without- breakdown) I ..... 10 ~.nice on avenge farm. Pap fOr quieldy. See; ,au deAler tocIq! •
75.000.00 75;000.00 20.ft8,97 9;'19,;0 1'79,786.27
LlA'~lfS A~D CAl)tT'Al~ ACCO~-S-.-1.-89-6-,5-61-.'-6
MEMORAND+ l ASBets pledged or ati s lgned to secure IIl\b\1lt\fls ~ for oth'ef pu rpoatllf .. . ........... . ..... . . .. . . . . . . .. aS8,931.15 . Swfe or Ohio, County 9t Warren, liS: \ I , • I, Ja8. E. Jones, t:Rshler of the abc ve'uamed bank do BolemnlY sw ar that the above stateme'n t Is tr~e to tb~ beat of' DI7 1llrinr1ed8~ and beUer. · . JAB. E. lONES. Caillier me thla lith Pi' -ot-Jul,. U40~ 1. O~, Kotar,'PilbUC. II. HartIOcik. 0e0• .1. 9r.ter.
Order BIG ~ IIIIrly and _or'''_ _ will have aD the 0-12-12 or :I.~ rou BIG M brandt ~",e,.Ifw:tamt tD ..... you JJIDI'8 ,..",;" _ llat ' . ljPe yil'ld anel, CI~ty of ~ wheat.
J31G ¥ bnnda en ~ - - all bi&beat ~ GI 'ipIialitr ...
. to
newer dowD til a ~
n.. ................. CauIp.., OFfiCE & FACTORY I .
rat-prOOf. aU .arm
Talking It Over A Colu'!'" of Co-mm~nt 8y The Editor NINETY·NI~TH
For the .econd time in a year Tht! Miami Guette la moving to
TO ELiGI BLE BAN KS ; NOT I " E OF DATE OF limETI NG F UR UESIGNJ\ TlON 0 .1<' DEPOS ITORY F R SCHOO L IJI S'I' RI CT 1\I 0NE\' S Seal ' d lIPpllcu tlo ml rOI' LI ~ i !;na tio n as ~I e posltury of tbe fund s oC Wa yne Loc al Scbool DiS'lrl ct of WarrCIl County. OhIo. Ivl ll b r eclilved by the Boa rd of Edu cat· lOll of said S bool Dls U'h!t u nttt 12 :00 o'clock noon on the 16th day of ,\ugust. 1949. Application s . shall state tbe ra te of Int re~ t tbat will be 'Ilald on Illacth'e d . P08 It s b clonglng to said SchOOl DIstric t. a s set fortI. In tbe copy of tbe Resolution made a lIa rt of this uotlce. the type of 9Ccurity proposed to be furnl sbe~ alld sball be addressed to the Cle rk of tbe Board of Education of Wayn e Loca'I School Dis tric t, of Warrell County. Ohio, at Wayn es· vllle. Ohio. mark ed "Depository Application." C. W . EARN lUR.T. Cle rk Box 203. W aYlle~ vlI1e. Ohio
RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR DEPOSIT OF . SCHOOL DISTRIOT MONEYS ?tIr. Gilbert Frye moved ~b.e There II no one event tbat adoption ot tl>e toUowlng r esol· utlon: . deeervea tbe support of tbe BE IT RESOLVED. by the epmmunlty morel tL'lm' the I<;e Board of EducatloIl' of Wayne cream social to be presented by the Waynellville Playcround ' Ae ~ Local School DIstr1ct.- Warren loclatlo.n Frida,. evenln~, July County. Oblo. that on estimate II ~~e m__ ~~, ~ ueDt .duly, made, funds or said School will deteM!atne.l the future of the 'Di\jtrfcC"- aggregatlng ama.x1U1'11fu pleygroun,t!f , profriliD fur the hal· amount of One Hun"'-l ,Nin e ty· ance of the aummer and perbapi 'flve 'rhousand Dollars. '($.1 95.000.· for a good many years to come. 00). s han be awarded as Inacti've It tbe playground program f~Us depuslts. B E"" IT RESOLVED. t hat the thIs year It wilt be extremely doubUul If It ' can' be Bucceellfully active and Inactive funds of s aln rev~ved next. Huwever. It . the Scbool Dist rict shall be deposit· pror;ram follows through to a ed Ill' a. bank or banks 8'8 r equired ,ucceMtul ooo;clusion thla sum· by law ,' and be It fUrt her RESOLVE D. tl\at the bank or mer, chancell are that it will be ablEil to continue and Improve banks In sail'! S chool OI&trl ct of· ferlng the highest rate oC io te r· from year to year. One of the reasons tor the fin· est pe r anllum on Inacth' deposanclal crlslli tbls year Ie tbe Its be made t~e depository or de· fa ct that more tL'a n $60 hae been posltorles of funds of said SchooL IIpent for 'game ·j3Qulpment. N ext Dis trIct for a. period ' elllting tbe year and the years to fullow, the . 24th. duy ot August. ]9~0. If. cost of the program IIbould not boweve r. no bank In said Bcbo.,1 be all ' bleb as It was tbls Inlttlat' DIstrict bld& a sati s fa ctory rate year. And a good supply of eQ. 01 Inte rest per nnnum on said Inulpmel\t 1& DOW on Iland (Or the ac tive de posits , tben tire bank ,or banks. conveni ently located outboys and ctrla. The entire cummunlty can well sllfii"Of S1'ttd ScrRIoI District. bid. be plea.sed with We program, It dIng t be highes t rate or Interest Is a real aaset to any town and per Rn'num on Inactive d eposlt~ Ie tbe fll),-est 1I08slbie way . [0 sball be made t he depository of combat tbe problem or Idle fund e of said Sc bool District ; In. te~est on Inactive dePosits to be boul1l. Remember. we du not bave a pllid quarterly and computed juvenile delinquency' probleln In from the date of deposit; and be Wayn."me and tbe playground It further RESOLVElD. ' that bIds b e re. and softball programs Ilre the best Inaurance against ever hav· celved until 12: 00 o'clock noon on tLe sixteenth day of August, In, olla, 1949. and that notice to al.\ ba nks In liald Scbo!,1 DI Atrlct and su ch lYTLE CHURCH PLANS othe r banks as may be neces aat'y FATHER·SON EVENT be ~Iven by publi cation as pro. . A (a/her . and ROn fellowsblp vlded by law. Said Board of E d' meeting for the men of the Lytle ucatlon reserves tbe rlgbt to r.e. <:ommunfty .wlll be pres enteQ Itt j eet any or all bids: and be It U.e Lyle C.burch Friday evening. further . July 22 at 8. . RESOLVED. that the funds of Hlgbllf(hte ot the evenhi g wl1\ Bald ' Schuol District st.'II11 not be Inclllde sound' films. "Let's Ex· depuslted In any such bank or lore Oblo." "Ohlo's Wild Ufe." banils until . bond or securities "]94 R Worlil Series," Rnd 0. car- bave. beetl depOSited with the .toon·, Treasurer ot said School Dlslrlct All dad!l and lads of Lytle are af! provided by law. Invited to attend tbe· meeting Mr. Harold Wbltaker Beconded wbl e n 1& be ing arranged by: the Resulutlon, and the rull bp· Chal'les Bunnell. Tberle JoneR . CbaR. Tumbleson . Bobby Grey In/: caJled upon: Its adoption tbe . vote . resulted all (ollo,\\' s: Russ Campbell. Henry Saylor. Bm Meharrte. and Ve rnon PurMr. John Gons, Yea. Mr. Gilbert Frye, Yea, IIley. Mr. Lowell TbomRs. Yea.. Mr. Hllrold Wb ltak r. Yea . LEAVE FOR CAMP HOOK :\II'. M . A. Flllkt'r~lI, Yl!a. Billy Stubba; Bob Kenrlok. JQe Adul ltl'll th t' 11th nllY or .TIII~·. Smallwood. Mlcbl TUJllbleaon, 1919. Bruce HUnter, Jem RUl!b. Paul JOHN GnNR. PrN,ldl'nl Sblple, and Bob Moran left on SuDda, and Win apead' thtl week ·\\,aynp!lvllll'. Wurrt'll County. flblo Altest; C. W . Uarnhart • . Clt'rk at Camp Book.
• •
a new home. W e hope tbat its 1111 c hild re n (ou[' tD 14 yeal's new locatiOn will be Ite bome of Iig6 ar Inviled to atte nd tlw for a lon'g time to come. Dally VIlI'o tlon .rUbl School to It Is a costly proceu to mov e b be ld a t th e ~'I 'len d ~ Me Ung Jul y 25 to JuLy 31 f ro~ bea.vy printing equipment - the l-lOll P money epen (or moving st.-ould M: 30 A .M , to 11 : 3 0 A.M. Anyone dc's il'lng tral11ll>orta ti on be golnr; Into n'Ow and Improved ph~ " 6e nuUry E lizabe th Chamller ~uipmeDt. However, we belt8¥o that the new location on Main nt th Frle nds' Home. Street wJll enable 115 to be of creater service to the community and the more favorable condit. lonll In tbe new building will en· able us to produce more latill' lactory worle. Tit !' Gazett ho'pp~ to eX Pilnd 11s faci liti es ror handling paper l)l'ndu (' ts Rnd oHlt' e Ruppll es that IlI'P not now obtainable tn th e community. Wblle we ma}- not be abl e to supply all tbe needs In thello line" at prese nt. your ' e quests for su('h pruducts will be lp u p to procure a more complete SUPl'ly. Fodgnr' Smltb will In s tall a n e l ~ t r lc s upply sto re In tbe Gaz· ett.e building. Thus. two more bm,·lnes8 concerns will be locate d on lIIaln Street. We are firm be lievers In th e tbl!ory that the more busIn esses th ere are In a communi ty. th e m ore busIn ess alt the co ncern s will ~lIjoy . Tbe more cu mpi e te 1\ shoppIng center Ill. th e more comple te wlil be tbe trade It on· JOYs. When a person must go out of town to eecure an Item the cbancel! s re that he w 1lI buy other Items uut or tuwn also.
Serving Waynesville Since' 1850
THURSDA'V. JULY 21. 1949
TOT IS tNJURED WEATHERMAN SAYS "FAIR IN RAILROAD MISHAP SKYS" FOR SATURDAY Rl nhRJ'C1 ppnn l n~l,{n . ·l'B , - -',Vl lh ih wl' lllh~l'fnan prp(\1 ·t· 0111. Ron of ~I t '. antI Mrs. Willi a m Pennlngtoll . I'pn'lvetl II gr al In g .1'1l11' wl'a ll; ,' 1' 0\'1,)1' tid) w e k: gas h In h l ~ fOI·...ll ... " tl. wh " 11 be PIIII vpry lh ill/( I ~ In ord"'l' 1'01' II fe ll fl'om III top " I' a box ('lI r 1ar' Towel to nttOlld th l' I<,c w l " h~ 1IIIIylllK a lon g tI\t' rnllroad " I' 11 111 Bud ul ' 111 1111'1' the joln,t SlIrJlIIlY . H e Wfl S ~llk II to MIa mi s lIp 'rvi: lo lI of th e ' Ivl e Vall y l-I o!;Jllta l Itt on ce amI r eo I Ollllll ilt(:f' nnr! lh e I'el' c ntl\· fOl'm . I I' ci l\ loU,,·I'·s I Inygrou nd ha pt I' mal ll d until Mon thlY ' venlng. hI till' 111'1 '11 adjo ining .tIm 111 (,· 11Ir(,'s jJropel'ly. MR~ FRED HAGEMEYER Slnrl lll j:l ti me for til(' H(l(' lal I ~ ENTERTAINS FARMERS CLUB 7 P . ~t . an(1 (' hairs ll nd labl eR aI''' . Mrs. Fred Hagem,e ye r. a s~ I Bt (\ helng 111'11 1'1 ,1 "" by' MI'. M.. Cln rf'. by b er SOli and daughter-In·law. \~ It o 1I 1 ~ 0 lil fl ~ illg R I' pol JIg !.!. 10 Mr. alld Mrs. Maynard . B a ge· aHor(1 bl'U ,,1' Ill umination lor Ih l' meye r. opeu etl be r COlin try home o c(' a ~ ion . II f\lnrl s (lrO(' for Ih l' b np f/I fo r t he Jul y m eeUn'g or . the of till' ' Vllyn ,;s vlll e P lnY!l l'ounri Farme rs Club. A deli ciou s ham cilnn er wa s served ·at nOOn ~o ~s ot'llition . 1\le m mbe rs aud Rev. a nd Mrs. - - _. - -- - John Lew is a nd Mrs. Le wis ALLIE CARTER IS SECOND IN STATE BEEF JUDGING Rembl s. bu sin ess sess ion Ali i Carle I'. junIo r III vocation ' DIII'ln '" tb " Itt Wayne&vlll U,'e offi cers wer e lected to ser- a l agrkultur vo the ir Rerollo " ear. with Mr. Hi gb ~c hoo l, pi a od second In t he ' E!o ~coe Furna s as pre(;lde nt. Mr . state In beef cattle jl1dglng at . v i e- presld e nt. Ohio Sta te Unl ve rslty's stnt.&GIlbert Fry.- as . 11' 8 . (lllbert Fry Sec ry · lI·e~ s. , wid cOnt at J u ne 3. and Mr. Ern est Butte rwurtb was WOl'tl of Cnrer's a~ hl e vein e nt elected t o 'tbe e xecutive com- was received tbl s w h. a lon g ml ttee for three years. A me mor· wltb tl.e InformatiOn t hat 9, 7 Ia I was read for the l ate J . Q . ' stude nts participated In the on· 00 tes t. n!!l. Mr. GlIbert Frye bad the specinl topiC. "A F armer s' Recreat· ATTEND GLAISS REUNION ... b d olored lOll" anu s owe many c iMr. anti Mrs, Juhn J . Bursk e 'attended a r eunion of tbe Chris t.
MR. AND MRS. H. L. RYE HOSTS, TO ADVISORY COUNCIL Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rye wert) .hosts to the Suulh Way ne Ad viR' ury Council on Friday evenl Ilg wltb Mr. OliRrl~s - Slarr .a s gneRL ' The m eeting was 1..·e ld on tb e lawn and followIng ine bU810 8S ses sion' a g en eral dlscu8sl on ' 00 several toplc8 was co nducted by ~be leader.
'fhe Wainesville CIvI c Club m el for fl s June meetlng Monday e ve nIng At lhe Melbodl«t Churcl... A report of th e Bu cileye Hoyt tnl e wa t! given by Harlan Earn· ha r t Rnd Danny Simpion', who att e nde d the State under the RpoMorRhl p of tbe Ol l1b and Hi. American' l.Alltlon POl!>t 616. WILL SING AT GRANGE T bE' Club' voted to donate 76~ 'robe Ball, soprano. will sing of th e ,profIt" from tbe Fall rle vel'al solo numbers at tbe Fe~ tl.val to the P layground ProSpringboro Orange 'Wednesday p;rlltn And YO llth work In tblll ' e veni ng. July 20. ('ommllntly. ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs . Alva Tbomas entertain ed ' wi th a dessert brldg at he r hom e In' Darton on Tuesiftly, with tbe Argunot BrIdge Club. Mrs. Marie Rlftle. Mra. J . K . Preston and Mrs . Stanley Bailey 1\8 guest..
LEGION TEAM IN KEY GAME HERE THURSDAY The Am.e rl can LeRlon return1l to the .10 HI blgb school diamond tbl" even ing III 6: 30 . (Tbuuday) meeting tbe Coulter Wllllamll Po~t. Oxford. 0 .. In tI.e lIecunt! of th e thl'''''' game 8erlee to deter· mine who goe8 to Cincinnati Sa turday and Sunday to face tht! Duthie POllt nine for tbe re.lunal lItle.
Mr. and Mr.. Everett Bunnell and daUghters. Sb.aron and Edna, epent the weekend with Mr. ami Mrs. 'tls le Kuester uf Lebanon Mrs. SylveBter Huston Sr. 'ot B[lent lbe weekend with her BOn near Lebanon .. Mr. alltl Mrs. Morris Lewis and Mrs. Robert Greene ot DA.J'ton· lamlly. Mrs. Roy Shaw of XenIa spent MI'. and Mrs. Tllomas Runyun Sunday wlW Mr. and Mrll. Lu. s pent Sunday arte rnoon -wtth Mr. Morgan. and 1\lrs. Harold Filler of near Mr. Robert Halltlngs and ' LAYMEN TO CONDUCT Ian Home Bul1ders Gl as~ ot tb e Xe nia. 0011' He nderson wert! weekell4 WORSHIP SERVICE Norwood Ohrls tlan Churcb , wh ich gllests of ' Mr. Don Lukenll. wbo L,ny mcn w ill ollduct th wor was to'e ld 1n Dayton . 011' SUllday Mr. and Mrs>. Earl Johnson ot 'S lI tl) ser vice at lll e Methodis t wltb n picnIc dInn er. Xe nia ca ll d on Mr. aod Mrs . 18 a' lifeguard at Oamp Palmer Cllur h Sunday mornIng. Alfred Morgan Sunday ' evenIng. Fa ~·ette. Ohio. 'n. C. Mol er will lead the ser Mrs. Ann a LUcas ' sp lit FrIday Mr: a lld Mrs. Wayne Dakin: of vh:e wll h [ IItures . IncludIng : 111- wJth Mr. and . Mrs. Rn ymo~d Lu. n ear Ha.rveysblJrg ad soo lerry. \'0 aUon. J . J . Burske: 1'-.11".. cas and family of Wellin-gton. Mrs. Frank DakIn of near Way· "W hat oll s tltutes II Guod Sun Mr. anq 111 1'13 . Kc nn pth E lzey n'Osv:llle spent Saturday evening (lay Sc hool Teacher ." Ira Brown; II:nd daughter. M8I·jorle. of Day. wltb Mrs. Mattie Levi, I'll 1(: " Some Things to . Accomp- to :vIsited Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Mr. and ,Mrs . . Hiley' Glbeon, By MRI. WALTER KENRICK Us h . in Tl1 Church chool: ' J . J. ey t'S ~tlay afternoon. Mrs: MorrIs Lf,wis ,. and 10M, I ' !lurs ke. • '~ ' M'rI, ,WlIlll1 McMillan ' Jenry ' anli ' BI11,.:' caued 'on Mr, Mrs. N:eWe Emrick 1~ Ylalt~ A solo . ,,' IWlle offe red by ncTDna weT1f~stmltlir·~ and . 1111"8. Harr7 _G~ .. !4r. !l at the home of' 1Ir, ad .... i l' Workm an. and ' R talk. gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogerll of Bellb~ok LEi Sldhbarr--- ""..,:;.'""'<lItDUIIIII8tcnl . ~1i : fyiOIl In Korea ," \1:111 bl' glv n Whitaker. Saturday evening. C. H. aDd Mr, aDd Mre, Eddy b' y .' 1 1'" . "Cnrlto n Cook. MAlt " b t r p " " ~ r. on arn ar 0 auldlng Miss Minnie Crawford or Day· C. aldwell near Olarkevllle. ellde"wbl "h tl,'ey made III Miss Velma Smith .uf Da"~D ,.,. ... was a wee k en d gues t 0 f bl s par- ton spent t he .wee k end with b el' 'L~U ada during . their vacaUQn Mr. and Mrs. A. J.I. ERrn . pllrents. Mr. and Mrs. Olllrence spent several days Jut week at past s u =er. CraWford. the Lome ot Mr. and Mrs. Olyde . R ev. J 0 b n Le wi s 0'f tb e 0 11ve Col . an'd Mra. Robert Ash· Mr. and Mrs. Walter Call h'a nWharton ' • n l'8n ch Methodi st ChuN!h 'WII S worth of Pntte rson Field werp a nd chl illren or CIn cInnatI calle(\ Mr. and Mn. 8eth Furn.a and lulro d uce d as th e gues t S /1 e II,I' t' I' . Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. ,'Oil tbelr parents Sunday ev enlg. 1\1 1'. an d M fl . H arvey B urnet at·. Blat a llt was ' very fine. mention · and lI'Cr/3. M. A : Fulke rs on allll !\II'. :tnd Mrs. Thom,as Runyon. tended the W\lyne Town.lllip tLa sowing an d r eaping. ill doughte r. Mr. David Elarnhart' returned Farmers' Olub Thunday at the olttional , r e l.igious. cl n d farm Mrs. Loyd Davis bas been til hOlll e Sl1nday arter spending a. country hume of Mr • . Fred work. His talil was very fin e a nd a t It r hom for the pas t several week with Mr . . and Mrs. James meyer near OregonIa. e njoyed by e ve ryone. '1 .IlYs. Wildman of Jack80n. O. Mr. and Mrs. Tbomas ColUn. The Club a djourn ed. a fter II Miss Yvonne Stubbs Is t he and Mr. Charlell Colllne of DayIII <ls ant da y. until August wh en g ueet of Mis!! GInn Mackel! In tOil visIted Mr. and Mrs. Walter the various clubs will ujoy a le veland for tbls week. Ke nrlok Saturday arternoon. pleni ' \PIe ling at tbe bom oC Mrs . D. C. Ridge and Mrs. J . ' . ~a · Mrs. Alfred Rasnake and Ion. Mr. and Mrs. Curti s Beck n Ilr P . Fromm attem!ed a coverell d d visIt her fat,,·e r. Mr. Henry BelSpringboro. dls b dinner on Fi-Iday at the cher. on the Townsblp Ruad, treBy JANE FITE ' bome of ~Irle DrIggs In Hills ' qllently. Mr'. Belcher bu been MR. AND MRS. R. WILSON boro. Mrs . Jenny Be) I_ Somer8vllle, ' an Invalid, tor eight yetal'8 and! ENTTRTAIN FAMILY GROUP Mrs. Earl Hockett wa s among Is ilie hOU BEl!tyes t of ber brother- Is much 'worse at tbtll time. th e gues ts at the Hilarity Clilb In·lflw and sister. Mr. anel Mrs. IMrs. Ernest Harlan and daul!!'h. MI'. and Mrs. HU Bse l Wil son on Sunday at the tiom e or Mr. H. S. Tuck er. tel'. Mrs. J . B. Jones, !llrll. E . B. ellterlalnqd with 0. family· gath- and M~ B . Frank Swarlze l ncar Mr. lmd Mrs . Lee Co llins. Cen- Longacre and 1\fra. P . ~. Cornell e rlng ' on S1,I.llda y anti hu ll a s Oregonia. " terville. we re gu est s of Mr. Col· attended the Methodlet Wom.. n'. the ir gueste: Mr. and Mrs. Willi a m Strouse 1I11'S uncle. Mr. Woodrow Collins.' Camp . Meeting at Sabina ' Tt.1Ur Mr. and Mrs, M.a rk MC lllili an liad as . Sunday dinne r guests •. We dnesday evening. day . . of Ne w Mexico, M r . aud ~I r . Mr. ·and . Mrs. Olyde Fromm and M Iss Margaret Stonley . who Mr. and Mr~ . Ralph Hammond Hobe rt McMillan or WIIUll uglUl :. son of Springfield. hilS resid ed In Dayton for severn I And ·Mr.· an-d MI1I, Tberle JODe. Mr. and Mrs. Rex McMlllall a n d l\lr. and Mrs. William Strouse. yea rs has removed to th e ' bome' aue'n ded ' tbe " tee Oapades.'· at daugbter of Dayton, MI'. and Mrs. Miss Sarah (~onne r and Mr. Les. or he r paretns. Mr. and Mrs. Cincinnati Garden Saturday ' IIIVeHobert Tollessoll and llaught ' l' t er Durlg were Con'e y Iflland vls - J eHse Stanl ey. lw d Is ' ommutlng nlng and report Is &1 ~Ing "~OD' ;rtlellvllle, MI'. antI Mra. ))I I· flors on Saturday. da lly to he r job In Dayton. derfu!." Ion Mel\1.l\1an anrl t wo dRught rs. Little Rogier Lee Stewart of MrR. . fll ry McCarren . Mrs . M1'8 . J . B. Jones, MH. Nettle l\IiS9 1<Jva Mc1\1illau, Mls~ Mata UnIon Olty, :indiana, Is th e guest Tbelma Darton . Mrs. A. O. Mnr· E mri c k and Mr. and Mrs. Walter DewlggluB, Mr. ' and 1\[rs. Willis of bls grnndparents, Mr. 'and tin. a nd ·Mrs. Do rot hy McCarren Ke nrick called on MH. LIddy McMillan oC Cloclllnati. Mr. a nd Mrs. R. 1. Rye.' Slll' nl Tueooay In DR ytOU . Col eman'. In WaynesvlUe. Friday Mrs. Willard ' FUrnas a nd son. Mr. and Mlr9. Everett Sears .and Mr. nnd Mrs. ThomA S WelcL atternoon. alld Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mc- son were 8tmday guests of Mr. and tb elr hou Regucst. Mrs. Wei .. Mrs. Wilbur Clark attended a ' Milian and cbildren. and Mrs. Irvin Mille!, In Gree n· C'll ', mothe r. lII r s. 11'1 .' A. Sb ere t. l\.ln cheon, given In' her honor. at vllle. lVelll to Illinoi s Frldny whe re , the 1)ome of her da,usbter, Mr•. Mrs. D. C. Rid ge wa9 a weekMr. and MI1I. ElUs McClure of Mrs. Sher t will visIt relatlve& Paul Flory In Dayton. FrIday. entl g uellt of Mr. and 1111's. Earl Lel)nno~ and Mr.. and Mrs. Time r prIor to l'ellll'lIlng to. her home In' ~fr. and Mrs. Guy Burrougbe Davis In' Dayton. and on Sunday S reel.'IIn were visitors In Rent. F'l. DoLlge, Iowa. are announclns tbe blrtL' or a even in g ' Mr .. and Mrs. D'L vls. Ohio on SUIlday. Mrs. Susi e Gilham oC Dayton daugbter. at St. Ann'lI HOllpltat Mrs. Ridge . lIfrs . . H . L. R ye arid Mr. and Mrll: C. 11. PAlmer Is Apond 11 fe w IInY8 this wee k In DRY ton. Sunday, July 17. Mrs. S. M. nail s aw the Ice ' Fol- a nd chlldrl~n and Miss Joan "s the bou seguest oC . Rev. Rnll Mr. and Mrll. Robert Monet! lies 1n Cinelnnatl. Gruber b'llve returnoed from a Mrs. Ja1.D ~ Rader I\nd family. lln~ daugbter. Judy. of 1'1ayn_ vaoatl0n In Plttsbur"'b; P Q. 11 rb I'l T . Do ster; who sub- ville .were dinner guestl! Sunday , q j r Mr.· and Mrs. J . J . Burske, Mr. ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pi ckIng IlllrJ mllted to a ma or ope ration at 0 their pal'ente Mr, and Mr•. and Mrs. William Strouse anel Mr. nnd l\1[rs. Earl Conner a nd brlst Hos pltlli. Cln'ulnnatl. Tues- Bartlett \\fonce. . M J Vernon Mr~ . Leab Jllll1s saw the I ce son recently 'spent "veral days clay . Is recovering satlsractorlly. rs. J . B. 06S. Mrs, Sbow In Cincinnati OD' Monday In Somel'set:, Pa.. as 1U08ts of 'II'. and Mrs. Ben Beckett bave Pursley, Miss Janet Cowan and evening. MI'. and Mrs. Josepb Picking. purc ba sed tbe double ' brick stru- I\{lssea Peggy and Nancy TumbMI'. and ) .11' . H . S. Tucker had (' ture 0 11 ~1aln St. olVn od for sev· leson . attended the Da7ton: Ptb Mr. J. C. Hawke. who bas been R ~ t:bl'lr JtuPBls SUndA)' aftel'noon ernl yenrs by J . W . SnQI!. Cummunlty ClUb. which wu hel. spendln-g the past several weeks lIIr. and M I'S. Joe 'Davls of Leb ' at the bome of Mra. 0IC1lD Bor· wltb bls daugbter. Mrs. Ralpl. I\I10n lind Ihl' h' son .ln' IRI\' Rnr Mr. and Mra. Joh,l\' Fromm were den in Wayn-e8\1lle. WedDeaday Vance. In Wilmington • . Is nuw rlanJthters . Mr. and Mrs . Jot' J ",.k. among the gueats OD Sunda)' afternoon. spending a few days wltb hlB SOD' who are bere when the Deputlea of Gra_nd Mr. and Mra. Campbell ' bYe anll daughter.ln-law; Mr. and from Furtuml , Cbapter, 0.00.9•• or 1844 enjoyed opened a new reMauraat III til. Mre. Oarl Hawke In . Dayton. \ a plrllic near O~ent, 0t.10. lroce". room at tile rallrea4 . . By MRS. HILY GIBION
a ....
' I
'I'RUBSDAY, .T1JLY H, le4a IUId !Ill'll. Gee".. Low of
Fll'E Mr. .nd J_811 -.lternQon. Mre. .A. S. Collett bad as ~~ . of July . Jll~nlc -.,sstated her In the . absen'Cu of supper .,..ats: Mr, iuld Mr.. T. Mra. OT D. Coo~ ' who was una.ble W. Welch. ·lIn.. Ok 'Welch. MN. 1M; present ) M!C8.USe of mnCSB. ril. .L. 8C!he~rer of ~tt" . Doclge,' Mr. and ~r8. :Tobh Welch tbwa, M1'. Paul M'.... ' IUItl II~. L_,ftu.,.. tos-ut~III ' complet~lY reo ~ decorated home, I "Twin . Pines," Mike, ot vaple Street 'from. their re•. CecD . Llnkous · aud; DlaDe lira. and 0"" ......
Dodge" for a few 'Kr. and Mns. .Tobn Denny auci son of Darton were cuesta of Mr. Denny's p&rellts, Mr. md Mrs. George DeDn:r. thla week. ¥re. G. Y. McDonald wu bost. ess to the W.C.T.V. at nar n~e. and Mrs. wuUam • ~etere li.r~ 8unounc,ng . the ' birth .or a daughtel',' Prillelija JoaepllllW. Toesday. The ~9tber is the former ,Mills Tbelmtlr'Osborn ~ tile maternal gra:ndpal'ents are
. Mr anti, Mrs, Cllnt Taylor en· ·the · members' of the Welcome Blble "diMS. ot JOnah'. R~ C~u.rch at their country home eveJiillg. .
Mrs. · f;fol'iis Osborn of n,* , RaJ'. ( -i Mrs. CUft Beckett., who halt been conlined to st. Elhabeth for treatment of 11 teg fraetore, was 'releued .and retum8cl to )lor home
Mr,.. Oba Welch
tden~e· In SprlngborG Saturday.
8INaIT ' BY ~H15 ,. ~AAD' 'NEWS , ~ 8VV
YOUR HOM. I'OWM fUll ..... ,.. c. .
~•. We ~e~be1'8 of th~ OIvl0 ~e at ~he... bODle Saturday
M~8. :WJlml~oil ~gan
and J'amJI1,: and" ot 'near ' Carl w:ere est1J 'su ot. Mr., I,' Bogtin'"s krs: Bernelce Bogan at ber li01Xl11 i'rJd'ay, . l Mrs, Sara Wright who bll1l been ,"" ee '-"'t •....-r, 1a 'feeUng IU B... ..... "IV ........ much " better no,!\, and." llble to be
~ yow.............. 01l~ ~ ;:OX ~z.'o::-: • ~•. '!~ ?,1In" .:.,...fdTh"':,da, WI ...... - , ::.-.. ..w.-:'!:-~ wl~ !Jl.e or· ~ . ~,.
11 ' a.fternoon f oJ' IGree 0 • were , we be bOllsegust her IL....: .... . . . . . . . .......:........,., ..... \and ' ....ugbtel'', 'Yr' and ClIIU""'jIIi;"""! ... ......... Mrs) lq-aJsan'd ta,mlly, .. ........ eM ....... r0'f a .fl1'li weekB...... ' . '._ f b d ............. .... I I . IU........ .. ' TN' ICIINCI' and •'Mrs: 'Ben oecket .. a , MONI,.,.. '. as bOUsemr-es'tB ' and
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, last, M&y. mue m·, •... Ie'.,;:.:. · proved \Uld daU, ....:r.:J.-- , to bls ,job In r , - , ear 14f· · •14 a. ':rameH of Sabln.'8 the ...... MIll' ••,.. ....... Iw,..l1d ht anno,!ticlng Ma.- Delores .......... ' .. '............... pit;tb of a . a}18 I· ....... ". at bome. 1IIr. and -~_ _- - '_ _ _ _ _ _--1._ • Mt'II. d~ . Gordan of H~e1l' .. , 1_buJ'C are' -the pandpar·
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, ,neu'r The tbe' Way .and' 'S&turc1&T. tees 'of the: Jonah'" BUD Ohrl8t. . BOI!PUal, nnd Melripdillt. ' for 'for, 4I_natloJr and Mrs. a. spee!8.1 mseUnc A. ICOUett and taon, ' Robert Brandenll1l1'8 at u;.. BbI! , Collett. .:acrs. Louise famij.Y. • . , ,..,.. . ., ..... .: . . , ~ h8rleB . ' otSpolt&.n~.. I bome on, the A'V~nue J'rJc1I1J" .' :and jlau8'bter, ' WIIa J~e ;""\" Repr'lsentaUVe8." p'quIent :were of Ilr. and Wash,. ana £tir. E. :S' , LongaoJ;'e. were Mrs. ,.. 8. and Ill'll! COllett of wUm. 'Called 'On' Mr. Walter Clark" WOW;" qlUlom _ ......... """'" .................. '•. D.•• •• ' ' ; : ' . : • Run: ChUl1cJl. 111\'8. Penning,' ' Mr. laD,d MrS,. .Tohn ' Byferd of bere Bun ay a ' " ton, Mrs. 011, lea Bllg&ll .Sr. , and Da"'-o' yere cuesta of 1I'lss Laura ' Rosnagle of lCln., fro the ·thelr I"" lparent... .. Mise ' .Noute ' Da"''' ,1 V' , m Mr. an\! 1ltIi. H. 0'1":"''''-'' w.'" "week,'end FrJends' Church, anlJ s'. S TUCIUI' uu1 ifni, Mary PIer- her bl'Oth,l' !lnd; ';'harle8 Gord on SOil. . anti Mrs. ltattey Blmlet. . Tuckelr, :Mrl!. - .. ' f ,}, 'I.,. ' \. /,. Mrs: Itoy EllIsl Mrs. Emeoon . ±JUe Elevator bas a Mastel'S and . Jlri. stella, VancB bus" place ,c1a" and e • . Dlnge ,t he · .. J J r. trom OhlU'Cb. , week. Mr. EarlJ reports Tbe ' met at the Ila. ' thAI" have shipped 31 ' can of al IE' CJ· " r"¥ d • '--Itt..... oDlo T4IiIDple '01' ,pec! work w,.eat at.. thie .'I'ues ay II " ," _"'. even.lng, ,.r. EdwlU'd , ' Mrs. J., B. Jones,. vilited .In Th»" Hiser reCeived Third Dgree. By "'''8. .. t9 MondaJ and wall a n of and Mrs. Sullan Sa1tol;: "'Jio of Mr,a. Charles cake 88nd to tile tweaq· ber bo. e wltb her son-in-law and Harvey Burnet MOil live d,a;ughtet. Mr. :aQd day OD_ business In. Colwnbul" Howald ud , DOa*,. GrabuD. 'Iut week her Mr. 'and :&lrs. Evere t. Earl,. w6J'e tb aalDlJeri son alnd Wife, ,lIr, ' an'll .ltrll,. :Hen· .. .. sunda.y; evening' a..guests of Ce d at B.Y.... of '17 •.8a,'lor and obll!lr!Jl near • D· !Ill' an'CI ;Mrs. Irvin .,ny at 1l0lRe 1I1llld&7' tenurEI Galled, .,OI1 .. ·111t Heath; HUh eve__ , ~ • . ~Id rrlend. - !Ire. Ic1tt, . CU'ten~~. fDut:on • 'l'be .•••nmd .... ·1IlfL '1. P. der In Da)'tOD. • Mr. Mrs. , Barve,
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Talking It Over A Column of Comment
Serving Waynesville- Sin'ce 1850
By Th. EdItor
NIN!!lTY-!ilNTH Y!lAR, !!lI!lTABLISHE,D FEBRUARY, 1860 l"or the lecond tI!lIe Iii a year CHILDREN INVITED The MIami a-.tte .1, movlnlJ to TO B8LE SCHOOL ' a new home. We bope that 1t8 \All children fOUl' to It years D.e w locatlon will be ' Itt bome of age are Invited to attend the for a lone Ume to come. Dally Vacation Bible Scl.'ool to be h eld at tbe }'rlends Meeting It Is a 00llU7 procelS to House July 25 to Ju1y 31 from 8:30 A,M. to 11 :30 A.M, Anyone . desiring tra!lc'Sportation please notify Elizabeth Cbandler at the Friends' Home.
IN RAILROAD MISHAP ~I c bard Pennln ~to n , elgllt-1'IEIT old . BOil of i'llr, and 14rs, William great P ennington. received a gas b III hI s fO I'ahend, wbEn" be fell from t he top of a box oar wt.lle playi ng a lon g th e railroad SUl,lday, H e was taken to 1\ Valley- HOE7,»ltal nt once and roalned until Monday evening.
THURSDAY, .JULY 21. 1949
Wllb tbe w ea tb, ~mnn pred1ct· Lng fall' weatber over , tL'e week ' end eyerylhl ng is In order for a l arge crowd to atte nd the Ice c ream Bocla l unde r the joint of th o Civic Club's psc,ommllte,e and th E' recently ,formMoth er's PlaYI;round ChllPter tbe area ad jotnlng Jim Mc· Clure 's properfy, MRS'. FRED HA.GEMEYER Starling Ume for the social Is ENTERTAINS FARMERS CLUB 7 P ,M , a n(1 cbfll rs and tabl es are , Mrs. Fred Hagemeyer, aeslste,d be1ng Jlrovld ed by Mr , I\f cClnre, by ber sOn and daughter·ln-!n-w. who also Ie f lx hl l~ n Apotllgl.t to Mr. and Mrs, Maynard Hage- afford belte r illumination for . tbe' meyer, opened her eountry bome oceas,lon', All lunds are for tb e benefit for the July m eetln'g' of the Farmers Olub. A dellclous -bam of ~ b e Wayn dsv llJ e Playground ASBoclatlon. dinner WllS the mem'bers Mrs. Jobn Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rye were hOStB to tJie: Squtb Wa~e Advls. ory OOUDell on FrIday evening with 'Mr. Oharl,s- Starr as guest. ' Tbe meeting was t.:eld on the lawn and following the bUSiness session' a general discullslon ' on several toplclI was conducted ' by ~be Jeader.
T~e Walnesvllle Olvle Club met ror its June meeUn, Monday evening at tbe Methodist OburcL·. A report or the Buckeye lJoJ'S ,State waB gIven' by Harlan !!larnhart and Danny, Slmpeon'. ",bo attended the State under the sponsorsblp or tbe Club and ua. American' Legton POlK US. WILL SING AT ORANOE Tbe Club voted to donate 16~ ','robe Ball, lIoprano. wHl Ilug of the prorul from 'the fall several 1010 numbers at tbe Festival to tbe Playground ProSpringboro Orange Wednesday' gram and youtb work , In the evening. July ZOo communtly,
ENTERTAIN8 BRIDGE CLUB Mra. Alva ThomaB entertained with a dessert brldge at ber bome Ill' I>aJton on Tuesday, with the Argunot Bridge Club. Mrs. Marie Rltne. Mrs. J. E. Preston and Mrs, · Stanley Bailey a8 gue.tIt.
L~GIO.N TEAM IN KEY GAME HERE THURSDAY Tbe American Le,lon return. to tbe local hl'h school diamond thill ' evenlns -at 5:80 (Thunda,,) meeting tbe Ooult~r WllIlamll POllt. Oxford. 0.. In tlie, secoD:d or tbe thre e game ' lerle. to deter. mine wbo loell to Olnolnnati Saturday and Sunday to fa~ the Budde Poat nine for the rellona' title.
Mr. and Mr.. Everett BuJrnell and daughters, Sharon and Edna', IIpent tbe weekend with Mr. am1 Mrs. SYlvelt~r HUlton Sr. of near LebanoD. Mrs. ' Robert Greene of DaytOIl' Mrs. Roy Sbaw of XenIa lpent Sunday wItt.' Mr. and Hn. Lu. Morgau. ~Mr. Robert Basiln'l and Mr. DOlr Henderson were 1feekea4 gueiltl of Mr, Don LukeDs. who Is a lifeguard at Camp Palmer Fayette, Ohio.
Charl!!s ]lunnell. Tberle , Jones, Chu. Tumbleson, Bobby Grey. RUI. OampbeU. Henry Baylor. ,Bill , Mehatrle. and Vernon PurBley_
LEAVE FOR CAMP HOOK BW7 Btu...., Bob KenrJet. Joe aaaal11PoOl1. ..•lIlcbl TumbllllDD, ,(\dopted tho 11th , day or ,Jllly. Bnaee len'T Bulb, Paul ,1949. JOHN GONS, PreBldent BIdpIeJ" . . Bob Moran left on SUDIIaS' at WID tIpea4 tlw week WaYDeaville. Warren COUllfJ. Oblo Attes': C. W. Bu'Dban. Cl~k at 0.,-. . . . .
- Ir----~
Thursday, July Zl, 1NI
New Taft-Hartley Battle Looms; 'Solons Ridicule Recession Idea; Dictator Feared in Defense Plan
'Back Yard Beach' With Barge Sandbox
Reaching Up ". . . And the corn I. .1 hl,b As an elephant's eye . . ." I Those lines from a. hit tune from the musical "Oklahoma I" an Illdicalion ot the jublJaUon ' In the corn country when the 6\alk's are blgh. and more than a blnt of the WllklnsoD crop's Importance. ' .......ra M• ..:.....,.,r Onl"a· • .sew. aul,." and DOI .aeCeilaru, 01 WI aewIJlaper.] THE tedetal government also Is SANDERS' home bad b.een (IIDlTOB'1 NOft!:> Whe .plal,. . aro .. pr..... iii ' ........1...... ar. tb ••• ~I acutely conscious of the Importance rl)bbed of jewels valued at l " HERE'S an ~asy. to build sandot the corn crop to the natlon's $50000'. The jewels were ltept In a TAFT..HARTLE.y: Newl~eds box that gladdens the h~arts economy-so when It was reported wail sde behind a picture in Max:.' , (t · ot t.i ny tots and small fry . It'a a Is Present Prop that this year's corn crop was study. which was located on the Another Try ·' .' barge boat that can, be Wled as a reaching tor the skies, there wa~ second, floor of hl5 Beverly HUIs Of Tobacco Fanner 'J.1le admtriatratlon badn't rtven wadir!g pool. [ts !limple Ifonstru~ general (ejoiclng. home. up. .despite a humflating .etback Tobacco. from the time pf the tion eliminates the need tor anyIt Is tradlt/ortal wlth .Oie men who Inspector Ray Beatty was as- Vlr-ginla in the lenate by Tart-Hartley law colony: bas marcbed along thing more than a hammer and ,Igned to the case. Leo MacDougal. aupporterl. It W88 reported . that Ii poHce oU1cer, al an intImate part of the Amer· ~aw. Complete. , step'!?Y'lI\ep ct1rllP"' grow COrn that if the stalk. are Preaklent Truman's congresslonal "knee' high by 'the Fourth 01 July" wh.o had been lean story to the present day. In tlons and full l!ize pntt tj rns Insure aide. were planning anothe.r tl'J It ,an exceJJeqt crop Is In prospect. But . Inute' summoned from the wake or Worla War II.' as the building In a ' minimum 'of tIme. npeallnl the ' measure. but b,d this year. If that adage were true. ,his beat ••howed Unit.ed States emerged the, strong· Painting gu.ides are al so printed ' nacheel no decision. 'I. Fictlolt ' ' the abundance of the crop would be amazing. For by' July Fourth, Inspector Beatty est economic power. ~e American' full ,size on .the pa ttern., These. ~an THIS', cAME ' to Ught a~r ~oule cigarette became tempo~arl1y a be traced directly on the finis",d nce I the com stood not Just "knee' high." tile . evldl1 Speaker Sam .Rayburn , concluded , but almost shouJd!!r blgh. F'rom all that bad th~s far been discovered. unlvers~1 \Vampl.lrrl-the chief o!Jl" boat and painted with the ,colors • cO~j!e with ~e Pre.ldent. suggested In toe pa ttern, All IU$Isections of the major corn belt...., I First· there was a ladder placed rency In both Berlin and Burma. ''l'be decu.lan 00 a new eflextendlng from Ohio westward to against a wmdow that opened Into "You have a ,ciglriette economy ber needed is stocK size and can fort wal to await furtbel\" conter. Nebraska-the word was the same: a second !Ioor b~U. This window trom Paris ·t~· PekIng," a member be .obtained at lumber yards wi1ll labor oommittee memo the corn crop was off to on excel- , had bee n dlscove;red open. told the house of commons In 1946. everywhere. ,. 1 ' benr III bcItb house.. I lent start. ' Inspector Beatty told Mac:00ugal John Rolfe, hUBband ot Pocahon· • • WhIle the perslatence of the ~". Send 35e for Soree Boat P a ttern No. '" to summon aU the serVanta, Then tss. would be astonished if be could mJnlatratlop miabt be comendable. Eaal·Snd Pnttom C.Ompony. Dept. W, G~N exper~ c~nsldered it pos- be questioned them. ' They, ell hlld see what be sta,rted wljen he to PlcllllntvlUe. N.Y. , . the wiJIdom In any turtlier effort . • ible that last year s tllbulous crop good (!Xcuses. SId Firbush. a secre- brou~t in the ' seed of modem ' totow~ a "i-aft-HArtl~y repealer wal ,at three bUll on. /l~O million buahel tary. had s~nt the night at the bacco, In 1948, the United States doublfuJ: 'Ii. ,majortti 01 top , leader, mlgb t be ,topped the 1949 crop. ' )'novlels with a P' le9d. Edw~rd,•• made a.bout 381, pillion cigarettes, Might 'Have Been Hlcbest bad '. conCeded there 911.. liWe hope Last year, crop bad · much to do the butle" had read ~ his room un- and the to~acco Industry, directly of . . the bill Willed at 'thls ' If Aconagua hadn't "blown ~ts I I~) with cracking the postwar allrlcul· til Mi.. and Mrs. Sanders returned paid r In excise and import taxes ....loci 0( COIl,real, . -.nd aJJ" .... top," its name might be far.'more tural price Inflation and is believed trom a party. wben he admitted nearly , two billion dollars. Geveraer FoI1er "me~ , eI cludIDI a~atratiOD t .e ad. r " lamous than it is today. This by many to have played a key part , them. . _ I From Virginia and Maryland the PlorI'a' aad a bon, l !! bloD~e were wlWDI to make the question "qb&er of "Oallfornla, &lie' lorIn keeping Thomas E. Dewey out of n wa. rt,ht afaer &lia.. U.a' tobacco fields. ,rowing over 25 Argentine mountain might have an !bu. m the 1850 'cooareaalonal mel' Barbara MIUinIIi, ' 'are the White . House. IIrs, SaDders weDt io the u;e types. have liPread Into' North and been renowned as the , world's electlooa. highest peak . According to World 1II0WD u they left the !teoepUeD WhUe prospects were .considered io replace the jeweb ue bad South Ca.rolina. south Georgia. and THE RB:SULT of &lie vote on Boo k encycl.opedia. Aconagua, loUowlq. &lielr weddIDl[ In oeil.plendld. the ,ca1.ltious were knock· worll, and louod &lie .&ben ebaDliDI the Taft-Bartley labor , lornla. highest mountain in the western ing on wood for two roalonl. These . ,onu. . law WU cOnAaalD'a to the' 'averale hemisphere. erupted many cenwere that Iowa and llllnol. botb 'Martha Greene, the bousekeeper. "'o bserver Of the poUtical leene, U turies ago with such force that it e~tenslve com-borer Infestshad been in her room all evenln •• bave labor hael pla),ed al Important " to't ally destroyed ' its summit an!! tlon. and subsoil moisture was de- Her room was located on the .ecpan a. It WI. eoneeditd In the elec· Dictator Feared all signs of Its '1olea n ic era ter. tioD of Prealdent Truman-and with . In nearly aU dlrcussiona ·concem. fielent h'l some areas. making the and f1IQor. She had gone down to ClOIICI\"e'810nai elections up Ing un1Qc!ltlo~ of the nation's crop more dependant than usual on "al'-how could 10 many senators armed lervlces, one thing stood out lood rains itl July and ·August. Keep posted on Values , baYe ro""d the courage 10 tI,y into -lQany congressmen feared the T ' the ,face 01 wbat mlgbt seem cer- posslbUlty of a "mllitary 'd ictator" : By Readina the ads tain deteat? 'I' If framers of a uniftcatJon bill Sitting Pretty " On the other banel, If labor' I role weren't careful. Whatever had been her effect In In politics 11·., negligible as others. THIS feeling was put tnto words claim, whT was the admlnlltration by Georala'. Representative ' Vln•. brinltrtg death to 'American Gra northern Florida. Conne.c tlcut and '»reaam. II) hard for the Tatt.-Hart- Ion who propoBe<l several amend· It) the South Pacific. there waa to Massachusettes. and the. great bur. ley repeale~. One thing ' aplJealred menta to the pending bill, declarlnl b~ no death penalty for Mn. Iva ley area of Tennessee, Kentucky ,certain; TIlere were mlUl)' congress· that be waoted to make lure no' D Aquino-known &0 tJle world .. .'. ,, ' and the north bank' of the Ohio. mell" IUfftclently unimpressed with mllltary dictator ever arisel In the 'Talty!' Rose. "'Had to fight constipation the lost 60 SHE was on trllll .... San ,F rancia· , labor'1 poUtlc:al linportsnce that United States. Vinson, a Democrat, America and the world have yeara.Notbinghelped. Then I got wise thq didn't mind ,oint contrary is .cbalrman ot the bO~8e armed do on a' ,charlle.;of treason becaule Bmoked the tobacco In pipes. to eating KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN labor'.. wlabei ' 00 the 'l'~Hartle.Y .eM,!lcel committee, cigars and cigarettes, and snuffed the government of the /United Statel every morning, Allllue. , - . ' , .', .' be ' II1'l)ppa~d contellds she- broadc&lted tor ~e It In powdered form pnd cb.,wed It, most at once I had results, No laxative armed . force. out Japanese in the "hope to demoralThe "chaw' Is the most Amerfor Inst 6 monthsl" 'the recently enacted ize and dlscoura,e allied milltary Ican of tobacco habits: European writes 79-year-old Visitors have lOoked' iipon this habit • reorlanlzaUoD 1 a w, men and to lmpali the a&.llIt;' of Mr. J. Wenig, 7723 , Ho, Ho, If,of alld put them beyond a abul!Jing by the Uruted State. to ' wale 'War with disgust. In 190\7. addicts So. Mich. Ave., ChiWfth u.oempl07ment llgurel ltend· Pfeslden& ~an; "ut 1\ , c:lvlUan , a,aln.t ita enemies." ''The robber7 ".. comml"" I chewed · 100 million ' p,?unds of toeago, Dl,OmofmollV lna at the hlghest peak In 11 7 ears• chairman over the ,jQint chleta of III of kl ,TOkyo Wore 7011 pa.ce4 Ule 1f1der bacco. ' , unsolicitlld "ALLmany ..... tlonwide orlanisattona staft, a body whlch Includel tbe R a maDDltetr spe!. n ~ v there." The cillarette II the prime favorBRAN Ieltera.A're . .C ....,. hll'helt omceri of the arm" navy ola waa. ln, pre.",. u,e 10 " , , you colllltipated due " emment .prosecutora laid. ·they the kitchen about 10 o'clock for Ite. The modern cigarette; 1II .we national luden caltlnl' about &0 hIck of bulk .in the diet?T~ 1Pr: ' a , bulwarJt alBinal economic ' and alr force, and !bt the member- would. 'not 'ask for the death pen. a bite to eat and fouqd Viola Mst- know it. was ere'Bted almost' on the ALL-BRAN may help you. Eat aD bUiarda, cDDlreulonalleaderl were Iblp of 'the na,10nal security councp alty • .10 'aU the .won\an " Iceil 'wal son, the maid, there with her boy eve ot World Wltr 1. Tbe formula OI1D.t;e daily, drinlC p\l!nty of \Vllter. 'JaQ~ at the Idea , the nation .: ' la~, r:~:, that .ou:~ bIDe: imprisonl1l ' and lJie or pGsI,bijr friend. Retl1·r nlnl, . Ma~1 bad for the popular b,r andl .ounds ' a~ U not utlafted after 10 daYll, send ·lIlJebt 'ta. eqIn• •into a depreillon~ er~ e. .e t!I, a~prl1v , y tlolh.' " '" . '. passed Edwards' room and s,eeo E$!,; .peUzlng an~ nutr!t!ous. They mix emptybot to KelIon'8, Bafile Creek, Micb. DOUBLE) YOUR. M!)N;':Y BliCK l\ THEY lWei jun coat.erred with aenate, , . . wards sitUnI with \pe bright leaf some Turkisb Pre.ideal ~DT8~ emerl" THESE AMI!lNDM~ 911 ere A newspaper , story Of her sr. . . tobaceoi mucH sweetened Burley Ina fi'oni" the conference rI~Ii(:lIlelI \1 proP,9,ed t!> a unillca~on bW ·whlch. ralgnment latd ; she .wore- a "~n. INSPECTOR BEATTY· clIsmlued and som'e Maryland. A quantity of the notiOn that"aU ,ml&ht alrea!b' baa Pilssed elie lsenate, The ored craY, mixed, p!ald ' .uit With the servants a~d ,went back to glycerine or its equivalent pre:. measure I, one · whicn would in· dlded buttons. Her treshly- .ham. the study. Ife exatntried every Ineb serves moisture Tbe whole II . roty a. poallblif wiUl the .cOnomic picture. uease the ' direct authority or the poo~d balr was topped with a gold of IL' Tban be 'went intol the ball made tasty with sucb flavors al M the lawmaker. were out on' I lecretary of defense over the beret. She lat demurely at her at- and examined that. ' He also ex·' 'uiar rum licorice cbocolate ' limb. 1IIe,. wer. wa,.out, for HoWIe armed forces, ' tomey's elbow al .1I abe were' amined the window and the ladder and ~aniUa.llic:e produ~ta or chem: Speak.r Ra1bum 'iln~ the ~nata ' Louil John.on, who holds that .ecret~ry.·· ", and the Il'ound below the window, Icall ' ./ pO.t, ba • . told the h9ule committee . ALL thr!'ughout tbe, . w~ , there It had rained a little the night be· . , , DemocraUe leader, ' Scott Lucas. he lIeedJ that a~thority to make the, were mixed claims about bel' In. fore Ilnd he fot,U'ad some footprints The Cigarette has even wooed . ' minced no worell AD apreaslnr 11!4'1 .unlflcation · act work. He Ouence on Gl morale. Many service. besidEt'tlle ladder. 'Ttley' looked llIte many at the ladies away from their tlleir -op\bDllm. ' " pledge~ to save over l ' lblllion dol· men declared they I'got a kick out men's' ,f ootprlntl. pipes or snuff ~tick8, \ ..wqt& • million people em· lar., a ylar In operation of the mill· of her broadcasts-ohlefly for Inst1ector "Beatty lought out Sid Tobacco 1~ of ~nS~de\able 1m. pIo"ed III indUll':7, and ' SO million ta~y lervlcea if the bm werll passed, la,ughs," "lIlIe qtbers jllamed ber Flrbulih•. He Jlsked the secretary , if po~tat~ce rin. ~!t~ I arsra I planfarmers willi 'money to pa,. ' fbi' and a ctvlllan maoager put In 10 ,I' • widespread demoralization Max ISanders held business confer. al'\t e ~rs hap an s the ~res. ' ifbatever" Uley need, I'P b8--if cb,arle. ' , among' the Allied personnel. ences in . hli .tueb'. FJrbulh ,aid, en prop 0 t e, ,tobacco ,farmel'. . THI ~~w,.y I lee bqW"'1OU Clan ball '}& a 'rece,· ,. , th ~. did 'In view of the Judy Coplon con· , at me . I , alon," R8)'bum decl~red. vlction . on a charge of treason In . "The ChaMH .rel theD, that. , Made wi~ aJIUX! creG1n bale. YedO,. Women'. Best? . connection wlth ' the Russian iOV· , he'lc had ocoaslon io open &lie d. ernment. thingr IT!I,h~ g~ J?ard ufe wheD o£bera were pre. ",1" . I' . '. . thin 1m~,e "t wal Hid PrellU cwo , Indiana unlvetslty . profes. with Toky.o Rose In ~.e Jepgth>Qt.. enU" One hundred per cent klU of salta. WOD~t harm akin or clu g, .....-''''~ sorl afe to., ta. believed. then the tel'm department; !lilt '. wJ'th ·the' ,·It·11 'g ulte llkely," , m0l;lnd.bulldlng ants has been obSta", saIt SlId creamy, Dever " . , deIIt ,Truman wa. preparing a ape· male ~ ,e Ipecles . mU!lt face an ',pecter of death reiiil) ed' 88 punhI want al complete a list a. t.ained with chiordane unaer con. grainy. " .1 alai economic message for ,deUvery ,unPleaun( tact-namely, that girls liliment for a crlme1 or which death can lJla~e , ID,AI ot aU the ,people tf olled . testa conducted by ~n,togenO. Yodora-I_ thl! lronderful to C9ll,re .., It ,wal .naexPected tor ~clmen) c~ reason bet~r than might weU bave been'" expecte~. the / YO~'V4' Known to be th" In. the ltudy m.dloglatl working under the _I -PC)D.,I_I9!~~,cel carr, , recornme~ndatl ~ de~· bo-~or men) . "" ._- with decllnJnI' prlcel. 'Ind the ' <..DE J..' f '. lal . tI " blow C9 ul cn.'<4, b, too . I , vere. ,- durliJl~ toe past J?l·o n. 1. ' . .Iqt;shlp ~ the Colorado allrlcultural .... 4 ' 0 eel ~ro e~sor. , a e n ~ m ~ Do ' , Inillector Belltty, left Sid Fll'bulh research . foundation, . 'Un~P!;~eliJu:I:::.!':Z;e;tlUon of clatm ' c' aDd cited filUm tor .' ~Hb'" ' making out ~e lbt. summoned Dr. George M. List, head of the , proal, that . the fern,le II the IU· • . - .•.~ 1' MaeD>ougat 'and went 'dow~t'tbe ' ball. department ot entomolo ..... rep' orts at. Be entered' one door' atl\ll' the next, D~ tile add1t1onll·t~8 ~ropos ASked 'perlor of the male in the reuonlng about that, Raybum laid It bad department. and this despite ten firlt (Ilmockin" to make •. Bure the three per cent cblordal\e allplled to be t' determ~ed. He did not mfulon jokel, booka. pbUos~phlcal room was -emply,' Pre,enUy be re- as a Ipray In quantltlcs of 250 to make it clear wbether he meant discourses and ileneral experience .turned to the haU, bearlnll "1I pair of 300 cubic centimeter. per' nest pro. Prealdent Truman 11 reconalderlnl to the coptrBr7. . aboes, . cluced .the deslred ' results. ' hIa plea for four .l!UUon dollan 1iJ' The -protellor. lay unequ1VOC~ Carqillg the shoe. be returned Sprayinl the' material Into to thl! Itud'y and asked Firbusb if at the entrance and wot:klng additional taxes a year. or wh;ether that ~lveD a ' ••t ~ circumstancel, llie maUer ~ .~ up ~ ihe air J.n ~e' lallie. can coq,e.up with more Uiey ""ere.. 1111 Ibbes. t . . I, nozzle througb the soil forming the lolical an. wen ~an boy. can do. '.OWl"Y. ;yes,' laid Fll'PIlah.'lj~1 nesta"proved to' be the most cHec. !IlOnlreaa. , . These ,entlemen are Dr, WIlliam an. ~ cUd you get them?'" • tlve method of application.' B.i Fox and Prof) Nicholas A. ~.~~e '-'" '. ." ~ . " ' ,: , :J FaUu·. of trui· research dJvision of ','IQaa'. of ,oar el_t. I The problem of the mound·build' fI10re Cash •. . univerllty'. Icbool of edu. _rchell &lie olaaeta of aU the ' lnil ant I~ .often overlook~d, or .un. :BUfara I planning' . t 0 flnsnce , . 'I tW, l ' f01llll11 a p~1r .. " derestlmated,. Ust sold. U there buma tlu'Ough FHA-Insured ImortTbey msde tbe teBta in two bllb .' abCl!eII wlUt mad on '._ ' " r,e " I~ s\lch ,nests, on onl .a cre, ,and laaei · may bav'~1 to nillke lareer Icboola 'o ne In • city of 11 000 In • aoleta.. J" .... . ,... ~II....... ~ach neBt haa , made ,barren one Are JOU U'OlIbtld _ CJ' dllu... 01 , , down ISaymenta ' from 110911 , OD. , north c~ntrallndianal and th~ othel' , ~,~~ijd &lie tr;"bbe~.j' .! .,,(1, j Iqu~re. rod In ~ddit1on to the. leed frmale fUDCtlonal perlOdI. dlltllrb. THE . federal boU8~1I admlnlltra- In a conlolldated rural .chool near a"V.oJJ.'re crazy. IV'.!'t.'S a ~k. robbed from adjolnlnl plants. a aD~' Doell mil mallr JOU lull'e from paID. 'ftl '11 "ertlOII'. tlred'-' tion bJd cautionffi ita underwriteu Inillanapalla" 1!1~' ~e9T1' TJle I'obbe~ came UP' ,oodl)' pet! cent ot the acre' proat luch ttm .. ? Then DO t." LJdla C. to conalder decllillng construction TO USE the prOfe.sora· · OWD the' lI1C1i1er.'~<l,j,· ~. .ut • ducel little or no veletation. PlDlI:l\lm', 'Vecetilble Compound to cOati wilen ,f appi'aJillnl houle. words In the report: , "J!ll).", laI~ ,.ltJlia'pectoz Beatty, ~lIe •• auab avmp\Cima Plnkbam·. IIu • ,rarid aootliln, ,lI'ec& OIl '- . m.ureil loan,. "Scorel on the ih'terpre&atlon of '"that:·. IIII1y !"h~t40u expected UI The result, the a,enCJ" IBId, date te't. seekln, to establisb ,t heir , t4p~,be.liq,II' T1ia~l8 why you put the, • 'WoUld be lower mortga,el on maDy rela~~hlp to meBl~es .pf achieve· ladder' ther~ . a~d letl the wlbdow ~ed~aed D~" ~0ntel, U '!t~ ~:iti\d~r ~AIa to men~ peraodall~1 and "lntereat. " open. ·' lbe robbery wal committed ' The liluropean ,. corn 'borer re- ________~...::_ _.,...!!.... ,cUt ullina price In ' Une with found no dlffereiitJl!tIon • .. . jlut JUUu" I Iso n, VlevelBDd bidClrll' ·you plac:~ , the laddlfr duced tbe 1948 crop bt field corn lower e8aii, tli.e down payme.n t wW there wa. I clear.- cut aewlpaper. p'bo~~pb,er. la, Jthere ..'~ '. as. m11llon Ibuahell the U.S be !hlrb., . lr. • ':) . tor IirJ. 'In both .cboola In ablll\7 almo.~ III the ",eWl, u , '/~)'W do y~ , ,lInow,. tbat? yoU men~ of al~h;ulture ~nno.inced ... TIlE ' decllq. \ AD ,~ldln, cOlta to renoo, to ael relationships, to ,beeJ:rO~~~~~~ ~~av~: Iro: l .~ "prR~e l~. , . Walblnllon. D.C. Surve.Y. recentt,., ~ fl)8terla~ .bay.e ~en noted make comparlaona .pd , to suspend I . won t baye to. ~t. .1 caD completed by the bureau at ento.\pce . \&" l8lt ye"r,. Ibe underwrit- Jud8ment until ~ent facta are &lie Olevelalllll ban parll afler proV4! t. that no ~ne eame up the molop and prant quarantine with' e~ were Iold. Most materilla are collected." cl1Ipllte wUh amplm' Art, P.. ladder. It rail!ed III It nl~L Tbere cooPlratin, alencie.. Indlcat~ thi: plenww. It W&l laid, and pl'Qduc· To which mall,f a male wt1l cou~ urella alllll Eddie Remmel Iwa. 'mud. There'. mild on yOIll' 1 III rod tl 11 tlon ratel of worketa ill many see- ter·: Too bad they seem to IDle tho.. abo.' bow 'ar be 1110.... Vtllt1are tthoel. 'l'ho .hoel fi~ the fo(,tprinta .~ IdOUb~o~a~ t ~~TOIl mor., ~nI hus Improved. 'aeullle. wben that IrGW up. ODto' &lie netd. ' at foot of the laddlfr. tet t1iere ,. . 0 •/ ,
I mportant In 'Marsha11 PIan
p.!:~~a~n~'uw::.t:' ,~~!~:,::~~ ... :,:....-.:. ...
checks '. perspiration ' o~or.. ' .
'Chiordane W.ill Rout IMound-Building Ants
, , ., ·t::t!t -=!a~ ~;\r:::i::r
'RelieYe ~ of MOtnitLY ,
,European Com BOJ;er , ,Crop"m ' 1948
Property Tax Declines as RevenIJe Source.
Target: Poverty
Am.rieu clUel were bclna an IIIIpleUUlt laC\-,en81'al propert.1 taxation .. I lource of revenue wal provm. Inadequlte 10 meel lIIunJoIpal Deeds. 'l'tIIo lntarDaUoaal CltJ llana,erl' 8IIooJatlCIII repor~ the ilndlnl ar..r I lurvey 01 munJclpal·re"enue aources. Dati was ..&bered from etnau. r.lurna and from reportlnl . .m . . . .
Like aD item from the palt Wli In aMouncement from Columbul, Ohlo. 'that the Town.end cluba bid decided to HtabUIb • n.... poUtloal Party AD cbe United Stat... Not too 1001 .,0 tile nltloo's PAIl ....
populahOO I'eVUU8 . bu:~j==n:$""'~.:::-"':: b)' 11.1 pv ceal, wlJila ... --tax lIaIreallld br ear,
Work Well-
II~: o~a:s':,.r:-:::ouu::
In flve yeara from ,11HZ 10 1N'I, proporuoa of municipal InI!QIM proPorl7 tua&iOD obtained complred wlat \bat from other IOUI'CIW dropped ... pel' ftIIl. SUlbt11 IDOre ~.,baU or DUIDIcJ· =v:IIl~~:!:-Dr~:::= pal revenUH ftCI'W Come fram B. 'loWMtIId aDd .... ta tuea. ID clU.. 01 over .. .._._ ...._ _ __
Kidneys Must
- . r_. _
Mechanical CleaDer Sugge~ted' 101 Bam.
:::I::dCO': theft. Beal~. 700 bid U you re bulldIDI a new bam, or. I checked 'TIl. the ' remedtUn. an old one, it Would wbom yoia ..lei )ou at- be. ' pod lei.. to include pllna for :movIe. Be 'brOke- don InatallIq a mechanical baru ~
. ',-
~.. I~ After. '!'bat'. &lie Bbl. of II. W. I'ortb, be uld 10 IleaJt1': ''I . . .~ ID -lineer wItII tilt UnI"'ral9 ,.. .....ed -Wfaf I'lrblllb'. III mlllall or all'lcuHure. ...... &4 '.& b'aPDta"'. . J'OI'Ib..,. ItWOUlcl ~ aD
.. Iifaidn.hatti. a ........ ~
lac • buD
......... _
·'R ;
Thursday, July 21, 1949
______, I
Junior Style Has Quaint Charm G;rls~ School and Party Dress ,
f6 6e
Relate Draperi'es,' Upholstery, Rug Colors in Decorating Home
By Erlta Haley
"MY HOME looks Just too plain , and drub, How can 1 introan~ desIgn advanla ge? '~ Here's
'I Easily Cleaned-Drapes
to, the best a question , flatter Summer whIch ma ny women ask when they start to look critloa lly at the rooms Properly Cooked, and wonder just how to go about Attractive Vegetables achieving ' beauty they' ve aeen and read about. HEN the thermometer· speed. First 01 all, we must consider Into the nineties, every homethat there are dl~erent kinds of ~aker worries about meals and be'auty, and what may loo~ good f<lmlly appetites. Even though apwith one room Is not proper for an·petltes a ppear robust 01) picniCS, other kind. To Ulustrate, quaint prln'ts or faded out colors which apthey are' apt to seem. on ·~e .lim pear old-fashioned would , no* be side for ~ meal in the ~a~y ~!ng appropriate at all in a modem set. room. tlng. Is there a cerlaln remedy for the On the other hand', the luscious wan Ina appetite ~midst the wilting textures and colors so fitting ,In heat of hot summodern rooms would not add much mer days? Yes, to a Colonial home o.r one done In certainly, there' French provincial or 18th century lire several sure8tyle. fIre w a Y,II oJ Bt!auty II an ~dlvldual malter. coaxing the fam· neae haDdsome draperies of and it should express the persoila!j.Uy Into ' eatlrii delicate color OD a p1lre 'l'Pblte ties of those who live In the home. "" ." w'h at t b e 'y With good taste to guide you, you backpoand do away 1f1th aU -:;....-__ ~ should. One of conoern about grime. lUll an4 may select those things whJcli Wul the best ways II to aerve a1tract.tve create the most pleasing effects. rain. Made of "lnyme plallUo vegetables ~blch are 80 ,plentiful , drapcl'J' ;materlal ID decorator tor they add zip, In the form 01 If you're uncertain about the choice, IIQme Ilully and lUid!lnce wijl put colora and de....... they can do vitamins , and minerals. Into 'a muob . towarel pattlnr attracU"e . .canty diet. ,oil on the right ~ackf wlllIIow treatmenta within the Give Best l\1lpreasion cVegetablel add color, and Clon: reaoh of modest badlrels. AvaU. With Single Idea lequent interest, too, ,to tlJe f~ able 'In • hoat of paltems, botb dinner table with their gloriOUl The best enect In the home Is ready-made and b)' tbe yard, greens, reds and orange y:ellow~. achieved with a single outst.ndlng &he material wipes olean 'wlth a Who could ask for a better arti.t I iaea. If you 'have .a lot of Ideas damp eloth. 1& may be oiled for flitting around your head, let one palette wl~ which to de.cora~ the bedlpreada, dnllt rafIIea and of them take precedence b~ore you mealtIme Bcene? . dreslliDc lable aIdJ1a . . weD .. .lart renovating. 11'00. many Ideal. Serve vegetables tresh. when· · for llraDerle., even though good, can ruin the ever possIble since thil s~v.. fo~ room's decor because thei wul value. ·W hen th'e7 are cook~d, h~W. create a confused impression. uJ~ -~y a I~all' ~.iI\ount ,of paper colo.r s and use In ,t he drapes. If you are USing pattern In the These shCluld be plain-.o ~s' .!lot to water, leallon , i:a~, lbut ,oot: Introduce too much dellgn Into the heavily, and cook uptll tender. room which II apt to look Quite a Vegetables are be~ if they have ·blt ImaUer with a pa~rned wall. some of their natural crisp texture, , Certam geomelYle prints or quaint even th~(b .cooked. • . ' ca.u'eo design. are at their best for , Seasorun,s should be mUd 10 that upholstery. Here again, let this be 'yOU don't mallk the delleloul natural the only pattem In the Toom, with ilavora and thUI Jade the appetite drapea and rugs on the plain sIde. further. You may add .ome of the This, you may feel, mllke. for too nice Blucel for varIety, however, much ot a plain impression, but It and thus create Interest that might II part of the over-aD . impression not otherwise be p.r eaenl. "au are creaUns. The rug may have IntereltiJig texture, even thouSb u CAN'T BEA1 a lilIaci bowl done tn a Itncle; lOUd ealor, and of summer "vegetable., espethII may be true at the drape I" too. One or two ealora In a room are, more effecUve than three , or , a VII • ,ife,1. four. The color. ,whleb ' are related , along with IL room, you are lafnt.". Introduo.- In 'NSI', upholJ1ery and drapery Here'll a .uggeltng it In the diapes. Stripel, checkl, are eSlential tor ' beauty, wblc:li to ;.> don with a d .. pl.l~ or dots are .afelt to use if a sreat extent dependa upon the llghtful dressing you .re Inesperlencect Fern and prlnclplel 01 uD!t)', balance and aeasoned wit h folla,e pa,Uem. are often .mOD, baqno!lJ'. blue cheele and the ~I\ delipte4 ~"lI%ed, pattem Ev~ thO\IIb a home f8 co~lete ancbovles:, and geometriC pattern. ar~ tre-' ly ,tree trom prmts' l~t can sUll ~ -Summer Salael Bowl quenuY ae~lrable. Good perlbd pat- a thlrig of rare beau",. So much ia-, CSel'Vel. Boll terna are 'freqqenUy Bv.Uable fOl:' tel'elt In we __vea and ' texturel In I CliPS fresb .pInaoh leaTN period rooms, an~. the!,e are ~alrly fabric. are av.nable loeasy' to lelect. day;-tbat beauty' may lie ·In them. , 1 Iman bead teUlICe ' ! cup. shredded creeD c.bbace U you bave • valuable Oriental Whenever you choo.e prlnta, be 1 bllllCh watercress rug, however, you do not 'Want to certain that ~e print sulb the fibFresh cUD ' Introduce either too · mucb DA::U.TTl " ' rIc. Certain priJIta mar be too TarrapD . or color In the draperie ,~ .thil heavy for sheer fabrics whUe othen 1 OllP diced celery teps may be too fra,lle for heavy mate" -OIIP creen INIPper rlDp' rIals. Feel, as weU a. lee them. 1 CliP ,0l'1lmliled bille c b _ " CliP Frellob ,clreaaIDr Best to Shop 1 1-911J1C!~ oaa ' aaoboV)', fUl$ For Curtains, Drapes Rub salad bowl with c:ul clove Too mu'Ch mOlloy sbould not' be of garUc. Break. Ipinaoh and let. spent on curtains and drapes .lnc:e tuce Into , bite· sized piece. In tile. these should be changed every five salad bowL Add cabba'ge ,m'd ' w..ter· years or 80 to keep Ute ' \Vlndows crea.; sprlrikle With the berb., looking attractive. Thc coat should fresh dill and tarr.,on. A"dd. celery alia be economJeal ,.lnce .• o much 'and are en pepper, Spdnkle wIth more has to be apent on the oYler cheese. Chill. Just before .. rvlns. fumlshlnss of the Toom. a'deI French dreSllnl .nd lJleb~ When you shClp lor these window fillets. , Tou, li,)ltly, dressln... take along, 11 at· aU pos(Jlilae.e Salad Sible, samples of the wallpaper or CSeI'Vea f..61 . walU:WClrlng, thre.<l~ trom the carTo Mhiftl. I" roo,,". I caps calUled bean IJlroata. pet"-aswell lOme ot the upbol· ca~, the ,~ qte main Item In " dralDed . JIle t oom, anq other turnlshlng. ltery covermg. In this way you can " cap diced eetery ~ " Jlbouta be as plain , as· pOlSible to most easlly coordinate the fOOm. 1 medium· ollca..,bclr, '.lIoed ...... Visit other departments ·of the :creale the I 'proper baCkground for 1 ,.reeD 1IIPpe1!, mlaceel ' Itore, In addItion to the cumin and hlghliShting the rug. , tematoN, ' cat ,Ia unaU cabes drapery section. It'l 10meUmes POIFrench drelslnr • Walls, UphOlster, . .ible to turn a tablecloth, towellngi . Minced chiVe!' May .Carry Design , sheeting or bedspread into attrac. Combine all vegetablel and . Patterned drapes look beat 'against tlve window trealmentS. . • background of plain, painted The Import!lnce ot good ,selection, Willis, b\lt If you (eel that. certain at an economy pIllce, II painted wallpapeI; t:e!I~~ts , 7,our 1)erlOnaUty by that fact that well selected be~t. by "iii' meana ilIe It.: Then. C!Ui1a1n. and drapes can revive a pick out one ort- twO 01 the waU- room more thnl1 any other· Items. Whatever the material selected, It ahould hang, well. press ealUy and wear weU. . Where dirt II a ptlme obstacle In housekeeping, select those labrlcs which 'can be easUy laundered, 'or choose vlnyllte lirapel whloh can, simply be 'cleaned by wlpln, with a damp cloth.
duce color
IMI'- ."
........................."oe . . . . . . . . . . .1DU& . .
de.QIre . . . . . _
LYNN CBAMBEIRS' MENU Leftover Roast Beef . with Barbecu,e Sauce Baked Potatoes ·S~er Sallid Bowl Toasted RoUa Butter Beverage Bluebeny Pie -Recipe Given.
CrIsp aDd Contruty UST the thing to have rea~ when school bells ring-a damtY yoked dress for ,oung ,Irla that'!! . delightfully easy to' sew. Nice for Specl.1 . RETTY and demure, yet nice Ha ve the yoke in contrast aDd · , enough for special dates Is this finish with crisp 'ruffling• junior frock ,w ith Ita crisp white Pat1em No. MIll COllI" in mes e... 1t, with FreMh dressing:" to wbicli may collar and tin3/' p~fted sleeves., 'try 13 and 11 :Jeora. 81.... a. 2'111 J'arda ol . . have been added OIGe. teaspoon ot a gay flower pr.m ted tabrl~ and Inch: Va 'J'IIt;d "onb-allt. . lOY lauce, if de8lr~!d. Refrigera~e add nartow ribbon bows ,tor, l'l8E"INO CIRCLE PA'ITERN. OEPW. !lie 1I•• W.II. SL CIII •••• " III. the salad lngredlentlJ for one hOUr. cent. •• • • • I En.,1oIIe III "eala III com. far wei. Drain off extra dressing and aerve Pattem Nt!, 11404 II In Illel 11. 12. 13. paUem de8lred. ,. with mayonn~le. Sprinkle top with t", t4J and 18, Size 12. 4'4 yard. of 38 or Pattem No• .:.---:---ss~ minced chJvea before lervlng. 3&-lnch: Va yard "ontrut. .
:~~:!; :~::
......, ............ ~
Rera'. '. Gulde For Seleetlon' Informal room. 'are at thelr best iii ~.' C~IU~ materlll,ls Uke chintz, Treat freab .egetables klacUy dotted' f;wlll. net, cal4lment c,loth, and Joa'U be weD rewarded for tbeli' acceptanoe , a& meall. gauze, pO,ngee. 'c alico .,a nd glnaham. Itai'elY rooml 1equh:e richer fab- ' New Potateea,"'IIu1cll: Cl4IOkecl In rilll such liS velour. damaak, block. their aklu, are leader aa4 ... printeillinenl, metallic cloth, wool. Uoloa. "hu teamed wit b ens. brocade ••llk. rep, aatln. velvet cheeae-ena.tecl tematoea and and'Other high pade textiles. plamp, creeD . .ra.... apean . For a man'l room, ..leM .om.. wlUI a DI,,,, _ace, ' thin, In keeplbl with lbe ruued- LYNN BAYia nil. 01 the male Ilk. natural cottona, monk'. clcth, roup novelty K~p M~aJa Cool cloth. etc. If the man'. Intereat, Uel WheD Therm.meter ..... In nlblng, you might ule flllh net or Iletf~, fruit plaUen come til a .ImUa' rabrl.:. If I~'I •• l1lrlg. y~u for a bll bid durin, ~mQ'. can cet a aall clcth or a print ~at. , Place cheni'l .nd ,rll,pel lit the appropriate. Corduroy, tarlatan. center 01' lOur lar,e.t. cool"t plat. bed ttcldn, .nd otller material are ter Surround with .. mound of each 8110 approSlrla~ for .wrd)'. tallore!l OI ~e foUo~,: PH. bah•• .witb roomll. . a elUiter of blueberrle. in the cen. Modern room. may ...e the 'leek . tar; cantaloupe edl'" SllDe.pple m.terlab or the boldy textured {ebunka mIDd with halved ma•• DciveI\J weavil wbleb make lor ~de. melaD ....... pod ~trut to tbe 1D'l00tb anel aJI4 ".tenM1cIa tI'lanll... UUdoraecl fW'IIRure ancI plaID ".us.
ERE'S an exceUc!nt wa. y '10 pr.. pare and serve Bsparagus: , Allpar••:ua " with Soar Crelam Saaee .. (Bene. e) ' ,
•• •
TbIa ............ ~. tile nqe ftI DOye'" ........,. .. .. lar" &bat ,OO caD ey_ . . .tell Joar faYOrite IJIICtaIor -..on. fQO~wear wlUl a - .... loa b.c. Siletebetlilere" a 00_ 1alDa1l0D, or wbellt ....... UaeD atmmed ID browa ...... At .... .rppet· 1eft .. OM . , tile _ , ., tile a.y~ .... ..... • _1ae;l '1 .......... . . . . .
...- _
, Vegetables, cooked or fresb. chilled and seasoned, arranged attr~tlvely 00 .. ISalad piattel( add appetite appeal to the maiD oourse. ~rrange moundl of the " ImaO vegetables Uke corn ker., Dell, green lima b;~DlI or Jleaa wiUl .trlps of canota. pa or celerf, OD lettuce and pall wIth a tan,." dreulDr. .
z poDD41
l]Ieaft <
The Fall and Winter F.ASHION "Uera M p Dl el of smlWl't new .Iylel. 1Sl)e"lal d ea1ll na : tip. on fobrlea - free pattern printed Inlld" th_ book. Send :IIi ceo..
Add ..... " - - - - - - - - : - -
thlok ~Ulr cream "OIiP clralned honerl4lllh " teaapooa lal' % teUPOOD pap~~a Cook a.paragu. In , ' Iman amount 01 bolUng. .alted· ,water tender, about 25 mJputea; drain. MeanwhJIe, make lauce b:J ~atlnl the ' .our creain IUghUy. aitcl -rema,lttlna iD.,~enta and blena thoroughly. S~rve wI~ cooll:~~. asparagus spearl. " . Brolle4 Tomatoes (8enoN II "
I lDe4Ium tolDatee., elIt In halvdl
&easpooa pepper " ClIP bllttered brea' ononb. ~ cap crated Amerlc. . ~
The tra,'a the thine. If \here's an invalid In the house, remember that the ' hO\lfs of the da, !pean little eXcept whe~ the Dext tray is brought In. It,
' GIor, to Be", I Dave you looke4 ,at' the market basket Jatel;,? Bette.r treat ,it to a good scrubbm, with bot soap suds.
SoJ)lebocJ,. ,.pIDed the beans 1 WheD .Iood , bolJs over in the, oven, is'prl.nkJe salt over' the spiIJed lood, This will put an end tll unpleasant ' odor and smoke. Then' clean the! :oven when bilking is' over. j
but Dot tomorrow. To removt\ ' odor tJt flab ,from a disli' cloth. boU the cloth lor ftve minutes bJ' a solutiOn 01 ~e tab!.. blespoon of baking soda ,to ' one quart 01 water., RJnse I,ri warm water, ,then (:«!14,
, _e_
, Dentist DO boorle man. U moth· er' will take the young child with
her to the dentist. long before he .needs to have anything done tQ ' ~ teeth and j~st let the dentist l()Ok lat the 1oUbgat;,er's teeth each time, ~ee.e there will be no fear (Jf the ~en~t when work, ,mqst really be 406e. '\ ~e.... Season each tomato half with lal.t alid pepper. Blend crumbs and , ,I " " , . , '" .. t cbeese and sprlrikIe, on eac~ toma· When ,t aldnr deviled eggs to a to balf. Arrange In a , bakit\S pan ',p1cnjC!. wrapeaeh In waxed.paper: and bakf 'P a l,Doderate' (S'15f,) ., oven put them in an egg carton .and .' ,. for 16 minute., they won't get mashed. • QI.\ ~rol1 8-10 min. _e_ , tIles ' under low . ' I heat DolIDd to be right. To adjust tie.- • back curtaina ,so tbey . are II GOOD matn pinned back at the same distpnce ~n dish to serve from the . sill on each &.ide, pulJ lit home or to -doym-tile window sliade--to-t"e-detote to .. ' picnic sired position and use that as a ~IlS'" cqJ'n , a':ld marker. tomatoes, Bea· . ilol'\ed beautiful. Iy with bacon, ! Ii r e Ii".. <pepper a c ~ , toppillg. ( ....
.rltala' CII"... all&l••1 WII. r-tl W.rk Hln.. , ~ ~I · .r, _
LONDON.-~!!pjte Belgian 1m-
porters' guarantees. tI)~ 2,000 Brtthorses shipped there annuall7 practically all are slaughtered for food, instead, ~beln' ,worked all d Arthur f,., .PBS of the I agrej 'So I fu fo\J ' Pr • ti . of ROyal c e"" ~ .J. ~~OD
'~~ht; t~::t'is. "Pfoee~d" and
sU sold In .t he form of 'Antmo , ~ .. be 'd _.. - rewerp ..ausllges, , S81, ••ucr t.urnihg from Belgl~. . 'Immediately the b~rses o~ m7 . ship were disembarked. they were branded ql) the neck with a hot ·iron and a hole was punched In the right ear to Insert a ~umber 'peg. The foUowlng day tJiey, were ,alaughtereJJ'" .,
Co~~'to t, 'Ca'i'ier'ole
tSfnOll 8)
tripe bacOIli. diced % cup chopped oalon ' % cap ..,Iaced' Ipeen pepper I~ oaps llhoppe'Cl WmatoCl J ta~!ea~.Ds b.r owa .ucar 1 teupoop ~I~ ~ ~"peOa PeI'lNIr , o~ '~:iIf'lrom oob. . • r • •n~. . "011"1 r1 .b..... crtllDba " o~ •.pa~ ·jebee.. FI'1' blicOJi In , '.killet' until crisp,· P~. · ~ • It,2 !l'4an't cas,lei'ole. · Add onfon ,U1~ .IA'. llH!NI~ to bacon and coo)C until tender. Add tomatoel, lugar 'nd leaBonlngs. stmmer "for (5" rnlnutea. Stir ' lil corn. Cook for' 'elgbt minutes. II ualn, "'Uncooked l::'om. Place IIll mixture 11'om skillet Into the cas, serole. Top with bread crumbs, theD 'With 'cheese, .nd bake, unoov, ered, tn ' . rnocilJ ate ' (350' ) oven I'ar ao mlnutei: ' I ••
•.,. ell'"
Don't cUicard c'old. tried trout It on a beeS of watercre. 0; let"'ee and pa ..' 'with sour 'Crean. In wblcb are flOIa~g thin .lIce) of cuoumb.... with a lemol
Lamb chops
~ .auce ind 101U' kilcben
weU to barb" quickly to keel Serve with •
butt carnlll'lb::i ' ~~~~~~:~~1 banan~ balt and C _gmentl. aJUed soup. ideal 'Ior .tan IDa oft lbe ~... IPU'II
YOu 1DJeh\ trJ Ol' 10 told
VACATION IN COOL. SCEme GRANDEUR ABOYB THE CLOUDS, SWIM, GOLF, RIDE HOaSEBACK, DANCE, BID Come..t. live alld enJQl the refreahln. IWCur, 01 tau. WUR1J) FAMuUB .RESORT. No need of Y~ur OWII automObile, Lookout Mountain Hotel clbl r'neet al/ tra\lls and bus" In nearbl Chatta. nooga. Swimmln, pooL ROlf. arehery, beaub and IOwn IboD. America·l .molt _,uutuJ IN!,tio open evenln,• .,ltb danC:ina beneath Itarllt Ikle. to ute 'amou. Lookout' BlountalD " . . lhltea 111.00 .nd up datlYJ includlhg rooml, meal., lwimmlnl DOOl and patIo dancm.a pa;vu .....1 !SptC1.I.lamJIJI, aact .........1 Wlfte to LooIlout Mountalft Ho..~ Lookout Nounwln. Tenn. Pboae .I-.,G eIIaHanoo,a OPEN MAY TO ()CTOBEB.
LOOIOUT ,.0011'111 10m. .. ,;;. ~,,~t.. :
The MilUlll Gazette
cure Ivel, low price PubUabed every Thuraday morn. wu a pod IDg at WayneBvllle, Warren Co- year. Howeyer It aeeml unty. OhIo. worthwhile to alralra un·l e.. you are pin. to It for at leut tIlne an4 tIlat .upslta a three year rotation ' aucb al we bave uauaUy uled. We are 'u peetfn8' tile combine thl. afternooJt to ~.,t In onr oat.. We cut ud .... ed onl .mall field Theodore E. Conover . . . . EdItor but now U.ere II an el,ht acre Edna H. Conover . . AIIIOC. IIdltot' field ready. We ulq."lI, have *ood • ucce.. with oata and find It a Entered as second clull matter good feed , for eyerythln• •e bave that w~ almo.t ne'fer aen any. at tbe post~fflce at Waynellville. Ohio. . ,It muea a fine aeed bed for clo"er and we UIUal', .et a 1004 Subllcrlption Rate: $.1.60 per y.., .land. In Ohio. Kentucky and IndIana. What we would do without the $2.00 alsewbere. nice peqple . wbo help' ue out ot E8tabllahed tl80
. I .. Ietdfll? '
~ 1"~1
A FARM DIARY' BY ri, J. FRAZIER JULY 15. 1949. A week or pleal·
dlfflcultlel. A few ween ago I IItopped mT on III 7. by '-our corn field &1111 ,.-hen t atarted .to 10 I lot too . rar and my wheela aUpped 'In the loolle el and two whllela alld tnto tbe ditch. '&Ild ·1 could not pull out. It WAI commuter·tlm. and a pro· cellllloO' of carll wu apeedln, b,. SuddenlT .. Ir on ell1lal, four care ltopped. doora oP8lied. four men bopped out of each ear and in no time nat I W&8 back oft tbe road. I wu grateful and meant to lIay thanl&: YOU before thill, but I had to '1&u,h It . .a tunnY to • M ' til. enct perolelon wltb wbleL' tile, dId It. I do wI'la how· ever tbat the mlUlY e.... which KO up IUld do~ theal Uttl~ blUlI would be more eare:ful anc! .tay on their aide of the ,.elloW line. A ear, wltIl a LP UOIIiN went b, me yeatent.y 011 omt of tIleae Mill &Illt paaed .... when thtl yellow Une . . . on , our .14e. wu on our aI4.. Pleue be care: faJ. 10'1 neTer knoW whal may be at the bottom of that bill where you eaJ\'t aM It, It cow. a 'talled tr,acl&: with • drunken a ehn/!, a ltay em a 1I10ycle. t ha". Hen one of thON thin.. Jut when til..)' Wf:IUllt ha.. tleelI bit If aomeone ha4 puaecJ u.. ;'lkrW lIn~. .TIIe t·g Ctubbere ~a"e unlter· tak~ • a III, proJect. TIley ,.-ant a e&DlP fqr Wa,.... HamIlton. and Ctel'lllOllt atrd are out to .pt . one. ~ ......,. In, for wb_t or for _ . , .
ant coolneslI after the heat that we for three week II. Tbe· bouse .Is . cool, peaceful and lonesome. Even the bpJ's who Uve on the ptace have been away workLng with a ballni outfit and tbe IIUllness makell the cackling of the h'en8 eeem louder than UII' ual. We prefer to have tbem lay In the hen bouee but there III a nest In: th/! corner of the' 'gatll,e tbat II very popular. No matter bow mllny times we chased ·them. out there were lIlway. 80me who Insleted upon laying there . • 0 ·f ln. al,.,. we gave up the :fllltht and 'Put In two nelts up out ot the dog'. reach and they ·are the mOlt pop. ular nellt. we bave, JUllt now there II a .terrlble cackling gOing on and. I am eure that If I went out th~re I would fine! oue be~ In the neat or ma,be two anll an· o~her percbed on tile sIde of the Delt IIcoldlog the otber tWo." LalIt 'weel&: the baler came nd all the bay I WU worrytn&, about wu put I.D' dry except abOut an acre at tbe .other place wblch WU caugbt b,. a bard ehower tbat d.f4n't reach ae ' far u Lytle or Waynellfllle ' aIId dldrl't thl. place. Tiley lel It dry and the, put It In loose 10 now w. TIlls ..... to m. a """ worth· are tIlroQta with h.,. for a week wIille proJecL At tile p ....nt ot . 10 ~but.. my t.nut. ..,.. UiDe theJ to 1Mmow' a ~mll wb,n 'OU ha". aHalfa 'you are aa4 tlJat m _ .., wllen tbe. puttfng In llay aU lIummer.· But can PIt It ad for a macb Ibort. when I lee the 101:e",. IJ'Hn hay er time lIIaD If th..,. llae! a cam" that-they have PUt -In I am ,la4 of th'" cnni. TIle t-R CIU"to have It put In all !lummer ror makin, . a Bf8&t coatrt1mtlon we seldom aucceed br putttn. In aU ' the clover without pttlq 80me of wet. A beaY7 atan4 of clover tUn ao ' maola' loacer to
COUBtr7 anel .map ure. We can ...:...... mOl'l1lDc. Be". C. A. "Will' pastor of the CL'UrCh or ... WI ....... we p to the ralr
aIId ... tile U"..tac*, ud fine cU.. aael prett, the poultrF ud .....tabJe. raleed 'by til... bo78 aIId .Irll. It proyldes til. "alalire 'and Incentlye · tbat mU.I til. doing of th·. .. tllInge • pleaaure an4 f hope tb., wUl be able to coneet enough bUlbele of wheat and dollarl to make their dream come true. They more often IIYe than uk 10 leta back thelli to tile limit.
iperh;;, j~'~~~~J on
!'ROlf nLl!lS I'OR JULy U. 1981 J" Kllne Maurice. 11. of the Nult Road, WAI killed Inetantly at 1:.0 JIt.!JI. Wednellday wben b,. a bolt of lightning while . engaged In .coverIng a binder to protect It from' an app~ r'oaclllD. .torm. .
Detailed to Da~n by orrlc. lall or Ohio State University MIIII lI'alth TomlIn.on, daughte; ot IIr. and lire. A. C. Tomllnllon. bai benn III week'l Intenltlve fleld work with the )'amJly Wei. fare' Ulociatlon or that City In preparattoD' for rec:elYln&, ber B.S. del1'ee III aoclal aclence.
Th. Wayn"nlle ScHool Band wlU lI"e . a concert ThursdaY e"enlnl a~ 8 o'clock at McClure Clomer. Thll con'Cert will be aPDDlOrecl by A. K. Day. Rogera and ,almf)80n. HIUTT Sherwood. J. R. Smltll ul! Orace L. Smith. 1IwIbt... people 01 our .towJr.
Cbrlat. performed the cerdlnony. Ttle attendanta were Mr. and In. I'nId ZImmerm&D. .At .the meetlnS or the Scouts on Monday nlgbt be following paned be t4!D4erroor testll: HUSh O'Neall, Raymond Van Onen. Leo Da.vlll and .Charles LeMay. Meelrs. H. M. Sberwood.· D. E. Standiford and Ed Cook. .were In' Akron t.L.11 and uw the U.S.S. Akron whlcb Is being built by the Gooc1y~ar Zeppllln Corp. for the U . B. Navy. At the regular _meeting ot tbe Wllyn'8 Town8I)Jp, Board of Ed· UClltl0n Monday nlgbt, the followL08: were employed to fill vacan· cles In the teach1ng . etaff: Lloyd ROIIII. gradee 8 and 7: hlgt. scilool. Esther Dennis. commer· clal and EngUab; R. F. HatfLeld. Sc;lence and .MathematiclI. l~r. and Mrs. Wll11am Lukens and ' family attended a plcntc at Fl Ancient. Jfamel Baumgardner. 80. an employe ot the Stokes Dairy farm. two mllee lKIuth of Waynes· 'ville. was seriously burned and 10SlS estimated at $10,000 BUtfered when the bottling 8Jld COOling roo,m w.a s destroyed by fire .at 5 A.M. The ·blaze caulJed by sparks from a gasoUne engine. AIlI equipment and tbe entire building were destroyed:
T. M. Bcarff, Minister J . J. Sunday Sc~ool. '.80 a.m.. II. .L Ohurcb School, 9:30 a.m., Earnhart. BUpl. · Burake. Supt. Choir Practice. Thursday. 1:45 Wora~p Service• . 10:80 a .m. Ev.e nlng Service. 7:80 p.m. p.m. R. B. Coleman. MInIster
.... ..........-...........
W12 Each ..Morning 1-5 Afternoons Except Wed.
Samuel N. Keys. Rector !'Iornlng Worsblp. 10:30 a.m.
David Stapfleld, MlnIlter Sunday School, 10 &om. Worship Sel'vlce. 11 a.m.
• • •
• • •
UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH First Day School: 9:30 a.m. MeeUng tor Worship. 10:30 a.m. William Sbannon, MIDlIIter Sunday Scbool. 9:30 a.m.. lira. James Garrison. Supt. WAYNE8VH.LE CHURCH OF Preaching lilt. and Ire!. Bund.,.. RIST of each month. 10:30 a.m. M. H . CoUey. Minister Evening' Services. 7: 80 p.m. Bible SchOOl, 9: 80 a.m . MornIng Worship. 10: SO a.m. Young Peoples' Meeting, 6:45 p.m. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Father R. H. Krumboltl. Paetor Evening Service. 7: 80 p.m. Prayer Meeting and BIble Study. Musses. 8 and 10 a.m. \\' d~esday. 7 :30 p.m.
• • •
• • •
The young man wired bome Dyron Carver. Minister from bla job iaying, "Made foreBlble School. 9:30 .a.m . man. J'eather in my cap." Morning ~orshlp. 10:30 a.m . A rew weeks tater he wired Prayer r.[eeUng. 7: 00 p.m . again, eaylng. "Made manqer. Young People's Meeting. 7:00 p.m. ADother feaWer In my cap:.. Evening Serylcee. 7:80 p.m. Atter lome weeks. be . wired again &aying, "J'fred. Bend money for train fare bome." L VTLE METHODIST CHURCH Wa wife UDfeeUnslT. talesrapb· B. EI Baughn. Pastor ed bact. "Uae featberl and fly ChUrclO School. 9:30 A.M.. Mrl. home." Henry Saylor. Supt.
'" '" '"
Support The PiaYlFound • Attend Support The Playground. Attend Gazette Claa.Jfled. Bring Reaulta Ice Cream 8oc~a1 Saturday Nite!
1'AKF..· IT .,..n~ AN OtD TIMER
·White Kitchen
'e Complete Fountain S ..rvice
e Open Seven Night•• WHk c ••e.ry.I••
• '
your bellt tbe8e· hot · eummei~ ' daye by keeping your S~lts 'nd dresBe8 crllp and clean'. c
Doel a low-priced funeral mean a IIbabb,. By no meanl. We llava pr.epared a IIcbedllle of very moderate priceB, yet we brlq the tlneet profenlonal tr&1",g. KOO~ merchandille and a motor equipment 8CI1IAl to 8D7 In u.e ' State of Ohio.
Ol;r cleaning Rnd pressing servlc~, Is u~BUrpaltBed for fine workmatlshlp and careful handling.
• Bring your garmen\8 In today foi prompt lIernce. It COlltll Uttle and meanll 110 muct'.
- • •' .....tlLL
."ama.r pecAIC ....
Dr. C. E~B:rl! wiikiia 8peclal.-
. lair . . . . . . . . . . . tIDandI . .
Evemngs . by Appointment
4 to &utb
• • •
•• • •
Jtetmy Vlckere, a June grad· uate of Waynellvllle High School an~1 captain, tbJa past eeaeon. of thE( basketbail team, enlIsted In the, Marine CorplI the flret of July. and 111 now taking hili basic , Worship Service. 10:80 A.:r.I. tra:lnlng at Parrla leland: ' N.C.
. Tbe Miami Kald ' food club met th. bome or IIne!red Cook Ice Cream Social Saturday Nlte! Jul, •. Fourteen membere anew. ered roD caD anI! two villitora were prNenL Tbe club la lOin&, to ha"e a ~ood ale July,. . IIln Almeda ' Walton and .Mr. EYerett Sears were married at the l'erry ParIonaP. thla We4·
"Before Ipenllln" ,our mon" ey. count out a few e!ollare and. NY. 'TbII Ia for ME. It·, pIng ."to my bank aClcoant . for · tile thIn... I'll want later on.• . :'Then, hold that mone,. tlgt.t In your flet UI't11 It', lIarely . fleblne! the teller'l wln40w at tbe !:'ank. Try It. 1t'1I an ex· arelee hi handlln,· money that lets eaeler the more you do It-en'd. tal&:e It from an oldtlm.r. It alwaYII pay, orr handllomely ID t..ppJ,lr · U,,· Iq."
THE . . s ...... .....
'l'B1JB8DAY, mLT 11, 11.1
. ' .'
.,.:Ii .
JustQReceived'· . \
·61NeH STAY ·FENCE lO~.47 -9-11-6
Sumbiertbne Needs
~eare The~ TCMI.~
Funeral Home
7 'Ft: Notch-back STEEL POST'
Will Close . .At
Piace Yoar Order
Wall Paper and Pute ad SIzIn;
8 P.M. on Toesday
Soath MaID sv.-t1lCl'Gll .... ~ Hal
G. E. BuI~ -
Na En....
of .
Y 19, i949
WapesYille Furaiture , TelephOfte 242*
• .I0&Ill1li
Carter. Mgi.
Fairley Bdwe. Store PHONE 2441
Jim Rob. Aad Rhodes BUnDeD First With Wheat Harvest' .
The wheat II ID an\! · now I.ooal
farmerl turn: to oats, lOY bean8 and hay until the corn Is ready. The wL'e at -harvest. Which did
not Uva up to early' expeCt&UOllS, waa a pod on and moat 'f armers report good yleids. nnt to have their wheat in at the WaJD'88VWe farmer&' Ex· change were Jim Robins and Rhodel Bunnell. Both men had dry . wbeat which L'ad a good test wslgbt. The 7felds varied greaU)' In this vaclnny" with r~llorts r~-g· Ing from 16 to 40 bushe1B per acre. . The few 40 bushel yields were -trom Butler seed wheat.
".... It butIQ III ftID for encrqb to ..t. To tID .tbe . .p. Starbuck -TI The BalDa picture bold. tor that rumen fir Ohio ClaD. tarD to 17. corn. Lut Tear the ,1,00C! debt I8CODCl crop -tI&doWI - partlcul· could be paid ort wlth. 481 bushel. arly tho.. with alfalfL WIle of corn. Now it would take 820 (armers wtU &lIIo haye ~ a ~p of OUR GRAIN DOLLAR ludan .1 fUIJ to tide e dairy TAKES A TUMBLE: bUllto'els tor the eame debt. • PetersOn: la,.1 the ltol7 on lOY 0Ter u-e .lIJD nmmer pallII'hat grain doUar Isn't ae big ' b'~s 1s about comparable to un.
Farmel'll ualng V!lo wheat leed also liad good 7felda. The averap tor thI. area w" between 20 and :a5 bushels. }fost
riving wheat wh1le towards the harveet· It ."..
of the wheat to come In the first week wu very dry. Test was a IIlttle lower than previous years and Qulte a lot of smut hM 'hoWIr ·up. Farmers are urged to treat for _ut In the future. . Wheat arriving. o.t the conelus· ~n of We harvest has been low In test and ' high In . moisture. Moisture content of the eady ar·
this year ae It was ;1& year ago. K. D. Peterson, e:rtension suec· loliet In grain 1Dwrketlng, says thlit (or a farmer to payoff a. $1,000 debt last yeaJr required 459
Mak. Summer MEAL-TIME Easy Time . ,.
1llIIllIflllll~IIIIIUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIDlIlIlIlIlIlIllIIIIIU~lIlillllllll = For a bigger and better == ==
:: = = = -
11 to H, bUlheta of .wbeat. of the takee 618 buaheJe.
B: M ~ 3- 12 . - I~ ,
corn or 200 buahela more beau:s
I ' LAC~ I ~ I==
The Wlaml Pertlllser ColDl*l7MIamI 10 aDVaIIe7 ladepeslcIali
The Miami Fertilizer Company OFFICE & FACTORY - Trebein, Xenia, Ohio
ervoirs. Then drilling commenced.
Night and' ~~"II
day lor two .... months the drilling erew
kept· wor~. ! Ii.... Once, when the bole ' wu more thaD a mile d88Pt the pipe .trig ,bl.'Qke, and the erew. bad to 'lftab" , . , the drilUng tools. . At the end of three months core sample. i brougbt to tbe surface Ihowed no. oil in ClOIDIIlerclal but still the op.
eratoradia notgiveup. The, tried loosening the rock for.mation ' .."
mwdUeI throupout tt.'e Batted statea without our Imowledle . ot'
as the chief cUlprit causing the IdenUf71as themselvel .. havtDs mid· summer slump In milk pro. an,. coDneQUon whatsoever 'wlth
duct!oD. R. R. Star . buck.
d cattle speelaUst at Ohto State1 Univer slty, says heat and fliea are not the chief causel or mld..aummer slump _ the chief cauae Is lack of feed, especlal17 rougL'qe. He polnta out that COWl on: aat
ft ' -
Bo,.a .ToW'D. We ha.... no author' ue'd lud rep~eutaUT8, a le"'---book or mq&Ilae aubaerJpUonl. one o~ our boya are' permitted to. do 80 an4 we haft DO arranDV ..... inenta with aD7 aoUolton wbereby a pOrUOIl' of tIa'etr eommJlalonl are tumed o~ to BoJa TOWD.
~r~D~e~::::ur::~=e ~~
Boys Tolfll ' IIr &DJ' way whaUo· aver, theT Ibould lmmedlatelF contact their loea! Better BuaID. elll Bureau or' PoDce Department eo proper InnlUpUOn be made anel thil unauthorbed practice IDa,J be ataPJeCL ThantiD, .7OU for. Jour cooper· atlon In belplne _ ltop ~la .vlcloul mqulne racket, I lUll
.No time for gossip
on this party line
Rev. Mel1'. Nlot.'Olu W&per
INDIAN, HE PL.NTY SMART An Ilidlau: whD W'&I aenlnr a bl~ for maldng mooDIIhlDe wldskey, receIved n letter from ilia
isqua", ••TIns that hae would ...
compelled to die tha prdan DOW that b'8 .,W '&I In J&u. "No ds. 'sm garden," wrote the caaUoul red· skin. "Tl~at'. wllara I hide 'em
·Itm." Thel lettAlr .. ... dal7 teDlOre4 aDd ID a tdlort time poU.,. cen CUDe urd dq ap the prd4!D from ·0De ad tq the other. ' ·.TIle ~ed de .urrl4I, 41.. ' pateh'ed • leUer to Iler Braye asklq what ae iIaould' do. in. typIcal IDdI&D JaraOa abe recely· ed tbta te,rM ·lIat to the point .... ply: "PIaat ' 'em 1IlI114L" '
crews studfed -the area for months . looking for oil or .'gas. The)' f,6und evidence of "favorable" rock forma:lon8. But even with the ot modem scient." dive wu 0lIl1 one...,. tit' ftndiagB, ftnd that was b, drDling an ezploratory or "wildcat" well. . All the eoetaof Ifeological ' IU"eyi and leamng large tracta of land were only . the "ante" for ..the large~ risks involved in driUing. A ~, 160-foot rotary drill[ng rig W88 bmught in, and tbouainds of 'set of drill pipe and steel easing to line the bole were ship~to the site. Special chemical muds far Iuliricating the driUing bitl were mixed thowiaDd-ton res.
attentlmr racket mllallDe
I~ct!~d appreolate It If "au F~~c:~~~e!U::~TD!~~M=day ::d. ~~ ,,~~e~O:Clto~
Where does natura. gaS come from 7 That aeema a simple question, Out of the ground.c anyone will reply. But to nnd thecad answer miHions of dollars are spent ~hyear. . One of the fields where Tusa Eastern now buys natural ~ for the Big Inch System IS a good example of the expensive! unrelenting search for the answer to this question, Several years ago, geologists and
:.:_:=:''='=_=_=_=_::: __::_=:::::::::::::_~"":::.~""::.~"";::":::'1":::"~"_:::_~"":::_~_":::"=::_4~.-.:~ IlIl ~I I ~I\I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dl l l l l l l mIlIlIl I I lIlIl IUIl IlIl DIl-I IlmlUlUl l l l l l l lm : ~:::::t
that a
I ,
".' .
== .... I N " ' .
- - under dlrect ~~~~~
LETTER WARNe' OF MAGAZINE RACKET My dear .Edltor: It baa oome to IIIJ'
:::~::~:t,W~5;a~~!ISb':::: :~n::DorIDB:'o:cnr;:,~~
corn. While It took ontT 1161 bu· shele ot eaybeana to pay tor the $1,000 debt a year ago - DOW It woUld take 461 busheta. To state the facta In another way - to paT ott the U,OOO debt
Wh eat ,cr0 P use
Order BIG M early and your dealer will have all the 3-12-12, 4·12· 8. 0·12·12 or 2.13·6 you will MeC1 BIG M brands are manufactured to earn you more money by increalIing the vleld and quality of your ·wheat. BIG'M brands ale always made up to highest atandards of quality and never down .to a p rice.
ErtIYNIKII'" THE YEAR ... EVERY TlKU EUTEIN STATION .'lEIfJRTI HOME .(JN I 21JfJ1JMIlE 'INITE t/ltIIlT The te1ephone Detwork of the Big Inch System is one of the busiest
"party lines" in the world. Over ' its wiles, pipe line men hundreds : of miles apart arebt6ught . as-close"-together 88 'if tber were in the
Every hour the wires are clear· ErOm ,t he rapid - fire reports· eel while one man in the room they receive•.. the Clpulse.beat" above talks with division eli&- of the 'system is recorded on 1*~1'8 mid station operators special charts which tell the from Texas toN.wJersey.This whole story at a glance. Opera. man is one of Texas Eastern's . tion of the entir~ Big Inch aeneral office dispatchers who System is contro~ from this work rolll1d·th&dock shifts. efficient "nerve C8JItelP. ' .'
.IIlE. lAlJlD 'RlTEal- THE "PE .' UNE! The most mod~
.-1 '11 .tn~, ,
same room. TexaS
pipe- . liners in cOunty 'depend 011 . this 2,OOO.inile · communicat1~r.s
system for th~ close team\"ork necessary to move nanu·.l gas ac:roes half a continent.
The HomecomIng or Jacobi' Park, 4 mllel east ~t Wa1DHriJls at the ~rner of Ha",J'lbura'Lebanon and WaJD'8lvllJe-<Jlark.. burs Roaello' wlO be beld Sunclay. T'l4-1t ,September 4: 1848.
LAND..BANK LOANS Long Term· 4 per cent No Renewal -
No ,AppraJeal ....
Farmer OW'Dad-l'or All . .'
CAlL, wluTJII or SBIII: ELLI8 H. IT~RN, eeooy.T,....
Lebanon N.F.LA. Lebanoa, OIalo
. ~~-"
two.w&y FM radios provide T. .
~r '
-:-.... -----......
~ •• ,.
Eastern's ~ trueb and care with dependable . ' communications beypnd the ,reach of wires. This· radio net is invaluable to mainteaanee and repair CI'8W8. It aIao linb the pjpeJine sta6 with airplanes that ~tlol the lineS. ADd-if Wlephone wires faD these mobile radios can babdle the all.'importaDt , job of. communications On the Big Inch S~
. '~
" . .".'
.. ,.. ..l ••~•• ~ . ·
acid . ~•.ThaD
In the weD. Tbes8 lut eIforta bore fruit. With a ..... of 80wbur PI thaweD
wu ''broaghtlii'' as. DeW
.aatara! ... JIIOdacer. Todq Tau Butern'. thIa DeW
.r£1 == =:m oatIet 101 Ita The . . Inch
u:::.r;: Br*m'iIIo
. . . . . . . . ~wbo
........ ttna. . . or cIoIIaiII daiJi to . . . tbe .
tbe r,;C:.. ,.., aa1:i .
TRANSMISSION CORPORATION Owner and ~ of .... IIg Inch and Uttle Bill Inch pipe
,."1'" In ~ office
.. _
COIIIIIIUnfty. nr. of 'nIne states wh!H'e Its employ. . IN and
0' Texa. EGlfem
Inaure eafrO ... nulrl.nt., Let your lord...··. . . ,~ov. you Chetcolote Drll.a regularly, or as. for ......... when lhoppln,. A tasty way 10
i. at 306 Milam Street, Shrevwport, N.,.., r... fGllern Station .. at LIIANON
II ~
I.ouitlancj .
Thundey, July 21, 1M.
~ ASIt idE
' ~I ANOTHER • ~
~ A General Quiz ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Questions '
CII EV nOLET-39·pa ....n~er 8clIool buo: lully equipped; 7Il00 mlleo; Il e8ll. 1f'11 ClIEVRo ... ET~pasa~nger ' ."li 001 bua; J\llI y equipped: 9000 mil •• : 13.2111!. Phone et«al. BI"" ohe. te,. Obio ..
1. Where Is the Umted States M.ilitary Academy located? 2. What a native of Wales called? 3. From wI/at sou tee are the Dames of the 1.}nited ~tates battle- j ships selected? 4, What heavyweight ctiamPV>D was the I'll rg est' in stature? 5. The word "chukker" is used in what spo'rl? ,I '
TilE R LANOJl E8TilR OIL (10.
130: 1· 5.
'.;" .' 't ell
'l"ouMbda I,U,. dllll",...... beca_ of ... heW. lli.t tIoei, bel ....w.......eeI niehl 01"" alabl _hI .. fr- W...,., irr~ ....-"uc a. l;a~ ..., bupo.o: That',. "" . ndlU.on Foil)' . Pin. UIUaIJ~ 1II1a~ withi,. t4 buuro. Bin.. blad· . . irribolloll Ia ... prenlenl ..,d Foley Pill, 00 pcK4IIl Fol.~ r~I.",_ benefit yo!o ,.ithln .. ....... .., DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK. , Make 24·hou, I .. l. Get Vol!}' "PUla from d~ I aIR. f'IIIl """0011011 "", pvUBLE YOU& MONEY. BACK ,
man its ships, the nation has inaugurated (I program designed to give its daughters a hand in ruling the waves. Photos Itere pictu'r e activities of the naval ' Ireserve ~"-woman crew of the "English Rose, 111." The lady sailors are c~lIed Jill Tars. ~board their trim · croft CIt anchor in Bour~emouth Bay, Commander Wollard (above) has assistants, but they are ,on the distaff side. CIne, First Officer Brenda , Long, gives il1dividual instruction to a pair of cadets interested in navigation. She is ' ~howin!~ one how to use the sextant. At left, a Jill Tar has the task of haul- ' ing water overside in a canvas bucket_
RANIEN' " RAIE SCHOOL Leam II Skilled Trade Full or Part Time Day Course.
Atr C:ondlUonln, Carprn\.J'31 Refrloer,l1tlon AII~ Repair Auto' 'Body·Fend.r PaUorn lISk,. Auh. DrafUn, , Plumbln, I • h"h. Draltl~ Welc!lnll ow.r P~nt per. ' lee rlc1t, adlo.:Telev ... 011 .• lileclronlc, 'IchlnejSboPI , ' , , " LUhogrophy ' , E .. ~trltal "'l)pll.ner'R~palr
, The · S~hoolo ~at ( f1p~~i.lize. In Qua",~ Jns~ctl0!l • Opera ted Slpco '11109 ' Now Studenl.l ACIIlrlltt'ed NBW
THE DA\?;D, RANKEN, JR.. School 01 Mechanical Trad" ~I
Finney Avo .. St. Loute 13. Ko. -'pprov,e.cI tor Vlil,teraR4 Tralnln,
• • •
Mule or Man? THERE are two ways fn wbieh maq Clan come Into line. so to apeak. with God. One fa ' by being whipped Into it. and the other fa by a free act of wlll. The poet of the 32nd Psalm begs l}is readers , not to be like mUlei or colts (Ps. 32:9), These animall can be broken and control1ed by their masters. But they do . not understand what is going on. ' and If lef1 Co themselves they would never serve. Tbey have to he C.Ulltt. 'b.... Bessed .od driven. But God does Dot want to trelt hamao belnp Ute ....t. Gettln, rleht with Gtld II ,not a bU81_ of ' cetUne Into barness; beln, lleat. en IDtG "'.~Iuc 'OD tile rleht ",ad.
• &!'pilI! of people wh~ ch.nged from th~lr old denllfrlces to Caloll Toolh P01l'aer aver· -..g~38U';~hl" "ella II, eelellti6e-tesl. Why 1101 ch~n,e '0 Calole younelJ? Buy ' (/aloll: ' ~oCI~y ••• lO)'OIIr ~ I ,.eeth 'c.~~\ .,t.rt ~oo~~ 'r ~ it
• •
"Hlde Thy
A. littl.' pan-cake tor t)le "English
......HP. . . . . .
Rose" ~~pli~d . by Jill Tars (left) who ore eXPlert ~at 'this" sort of thing. Scrapin'g and, painting th hult- of the ship is II!I a part of the life of a sailor,
RobblDi IDc4 Bdds.port, Conia.
. DuB TO dietary iDdlacretipnS, chanlte of cIrinkiIIl water or · IUddenchanltCl in weather can be by Wakefteld'.
: atorcs. Be lUre to ask Cor £'OI1uine
This is a part of naval ~outine that
W il kcf l e l d '~
f nrlpOlJtHI
-.....::.:~--:..---..:..--.:..-..,--- j
ne,er appears on the recruiting poster. By dawn's early light, iust as ,lt.r male
'counterpart on His
ship must
. do, the.' Jill Tar is awakened and the
\ '
shipboard: day b.~ins. This . lady ~ith
• • •
f the whistle has ~n th~ titl., ''Th. ~iri ,
850;:-4129.00 to 400# ul>-$69.00 Guorns.ys. Some T.n. a nd Bune nnd .hort horn
:S1ock cntUe . Very reason nble prlct:!lI. G. M ' LOWENSTI!;IN. ':10 llolI~ Wool Co .. K' 11180. Olnll Vnlea Sto ... Ylnd. or ull AYOII "4-I~ evenln, •• Govel'nmeul lIelln••• . an. bonded d.eaJer•
MAORIN'ERY & SUPPLIES AIR Compro ••••• lorlte 7~·l<26· doublo a ction horizontal ChJcago pncumtlUe. wJlb or willlout 20 B. P. molor SIOO lor compressor. $200 (or molor, AI. o l u r~e over.head type vaneer_ prfss. Charles E . FraneJe maK ... 42- x120 11 Ilakinll 1300. P •• o" W.o4worll Compan,. 110' B,mme. A ..... ~.. lIto'!.
"·'~G' .
TRAOTOR. TO. INTERNATIONAL. Tractor. 22 caterptUnr-dozer. Rolf.,.. &-7 ton Huber. Clum Buckel. 1 yurd. ' BI!lw-KnolC, Plow. :.r· D 3-12. very llooCil. Troller. 2-wllcel. 8ton capoclty. Scraper. 2-.. hool, I'll. ynNS •• Boker. . '
B'D~a "8~~\\,::;:e8k.~~·' Phon. 1l1li1.
M1SCELlIANIlOJ)8 WATEIlSOOPE Amazln •• Inrllllng • • due~Uonal. See Ihe
furnlsh.d JU"" rooma, heor beach ; r.alOooble by day or week. Writ" J. III . PaJu.~ Hablt._ r . R.4 •• Madlaon, 0 ., ... can
QUl'lll~ Selected stock antique bnd obeOlele platol. Bnd revolve,.. Hnv.. nice _ _ . .pecl aUy for the 1>e(llnnlnl col· recioI'. Send lor rree lilt. ,Lel ua lmoW' your wonta. HI r.uoil ODIl Corn.r. De,l. I • • 411 8. 111,11 8t., C.lalll1> ••• Oblo. EVAPORATIVE CONDEN8ER • • talnl .... .leel fon nnd ."roll 12 lon l I\'l'III ,OO. · 18- hort. onWI ' .hell <l.nCl lube ammonIa condenser 1200 ' ! LIquid om oDl0 ,ec,!Iver 150 PfOUelle'Al~ ::~el?J~:Seo~31~~n~l1t 1'100 IJNDNER ICE CREAM 00,. 1'1........ O.
TRAVEL E,.. .. II... Flebl.c Pan-yaound Dlstrlcl . Ca nada. Amerlctln plnn or hO\l.ekeeplnlt cabin•• Wrltr Spr.cell ..... lASc •• " •• 31
SpRae ••• I!!, Onta1'10 or aal1 Trey lId.
111:1' ~p JV" Y . opena the Mu.keDunlle, Bla~k Baas and l'lckerel Se ason here on Slur,eon Lake , Cone ot tile Koworthn Lnkes'. We hllve Boata-Bnlt--Guldes . Thll Ia nn Ide~l epol to brlnlJ your fpmlly nl we have comfortnbly f\lml. h.d , lodge ; olIO coltlllleo to accommodate ,J)ortlel , of abe. alght or ton, Cottn,es ore IIt.uted And -hovo run.nlng hot nnd cold wnt"r IFlush Tolleta\. Sprlng·IUted be Cils. Electrlelty throu"hout. Good food. excellent colCe"
served at taU times, Thfre nro all aummer
recreallonal nctlvtllu 8vllllllble nnd the irwlmmlng Is wonde~hil here III ThUtslonl" Pa1'k. CLoke Front Locntlon' For I'IIrther InIorml)lIon lind ",•• rvallon" wrl 'HoiioAtHDuset to: M. ,1!J. BUDD .~- THURST'O.NlItI · PARIl (ee IIU •• 1'••• , OHTABIQ. CAN • "
Ke.p Posted ~ onf, Values By Readlil& the acts ===;!==:;::====:;::::=:=:::====
.,:/:... Bootel','.·:,;", '
c.a aappl, JOD .lIh b", hUlk, chid.. on ' oilly ) '10 '7 da" no rice I .... fealh"rin • . Pullo""• conlr'OlIed. Bred for .hl,h ",oductloia, Send thl ••d and In II endh 00 " .9' aperlal. Ou... al .....o II ... , wee!!, or ,eplaced (rCe. W. ,hlp C. O _Dt 'Po, po'IDlon few cent. (or .tiippinl cbar.... Aho ' l to, II! wHb olil pylloll WIi •• (or price •.
.uo ....
18OT1'S .TCIEmS. In., ri~lide.. lIa , . '
Plenfeoul In Mel'q \ .
Ointment 'Aid For.
law clearly what Bruises, Burns" Cuts, THEkindPsalmist. God we ba"e, Hp Is not
aboard we'd like best to heave shoes
Ia~." But all that's ~ishful thinking, as
11'0," belpfuJ antbeplle
~1!I ' fa
Ilire the bolder of It mortgDge walt· iii. pun and elI.comfort of extarn~ ad .braIn. till the tint time lome paymenl "a••• d mInor 1111. .1..... .upcrUe,,,1 o.r.ace I. deferred gives him • chanee 30 !'Ounce down and evict his tenant OlllhDeaI . . dill" We Ire not criminals' a~aln'l wHom God Is • prosecutlnt ,attorne),. try· In. to pill' up evidenre Bgalnst ·It tholl .houlde,t mark Iniquitip •• who .hall Itand?" We are chlJd~n. ar. Ile" I'£OP1.B .. ... ..:, DId lost and wandering cllt1dr!!n. reb!!l· at prdl>er ·Irellllllent! S_ "~ My. 110111 an~ dllobedlent childnn. but ~1lII~~Uoa raqlllrllil. \I)' • tnc:lt. Of 1Iarloa .:e:.,,"'I!~~I'!'P·I: .tlD ehlldren: and God holdl Opett prc&crlb" ' !IJ' 01U' IJce. Ute door of. mereJ. ,:1401. No III, ..
..e 0,.,.
the whistler is adamant and reveille must be obeyed. Just the same, It's like to lOur these females forever
"'HERE' are two things "we never .1 ~ r J\ " ' 'hear about In the B ible. One 1, that God never forflBve allyone who , did not rePl!nt, and the other Is that he refused to forgive anyone who did r.e pent. But repelltance is not merely .rcgrettll\g that a lw rong wal done: stili les8 regretting being caught. , R epenfance. the klnil 'the Bible describes (u In these Psalms flIt ex~"fup~e). · means ,a complete changll ?~BtHtu~e. it mea!!s comlnt over on uoc:lls ' slde arid' seelnl!" sin U!e '~ay he iI s,'il;"lIeelng life tbe, way he sees, It. ' God', forrlveness' II 80t or ~lhe CTUdclnc. rememberillr. reml~lne kind. 8n! condonlnl( ! ....d '.rctvtnc are stili • world .,art. Condon1nc meanll Illylne ' AI!, e'fe"t. It III an rlrht. It make. I \. 'ee .~Irfere~c·e. )'ou CiI!O CO oil ,<m"",jna for aU I ,care~ . i ·. 8om.• >' buman ~~o!'Bivenesa" rna)' Ilke tho I. bu~ 'JIIP&, Qod·s. , HIli, I, base-d on real receo and the aim' of ' It II to the linn~r ' trotti' lUI .~
,' .
Calf at foot. 7110 to SI88.00. Unb,..,d hellers 10 $89.00. AU pure bred holsteIn no papers. t".tod. Few whIte fnc"
FilRMS AND RANCHES 81 ACUES fllrm. b.a utlful loc u tion on 224. D· room modern hous e. In e lCcc llen l condition, 7 beauUluJ ,bIll tunple lree.. in yard~ double drive. :2 b ur n B. neW ara.n ary, g ood butld lrUJ IJ. 14 n c re.s wheaL
m a ny wonde.,.. bene ath the "'Dler·. aur· That Is not God's way. He pleads toee, Send .,heck toda:v , Onlv rO,05 po.lpd. "'.l.ra •• pe C ... 11 ... fill', Ch... "jJon, ·TOK . "1ith us through his in~lred poet'; MAD IS ON ,Ui. Lak., Large. nicely Be not as mules-be ment '
Facing Up 10 YourseU HE sbort lIood Bible word for be· I!)I wrong with God ,i , Sin. The very flrtt step toward being rlg"t ",Jtb God fl to lee' yourulf al YOp are. No one ever went to a doctor till he at ' least IIUspected ,he WDII sick. No one ' ever went to sehool of his own accord who thought he knew everything. And no one will come to God who thin~ he h.. all good al he needs to be. When life goes' hard with us. when everything about .o ur life seema tWisted and 'rotten. we make all sorts of excuses for ourselves. we lay the blame on our parents or 'rour friends of the social Gnd economic system In which we live (doub,tlelS all these have a share In crl'allng our troubles), but we liate to look at our· aelves In 't~e mirror of . truth. ThIs Gome, flrllt: recogDlzlne O1Ir 0_ wronpell. · not Jnst ' , weallnen but wrOIlI1le8I1. Wbell we retch tile polot where we can .., with tbe PsalmIst. "Create In a den beart, '0 GolI, and rellew a rlcht , • pl,r lt wltbln me." tileD we are \ on the rlah' road.
·lEt la JUIl 7 daye. ••• In one ehort week •••
• .
• • •
Assigned to a job on the jib, this girl (right) wears the regulation lif.belt that must be warn when certain" jobs ' or. und.rtak.n; and they Ita,• . no complaints as they dang I. o'er fathoms of IOIt wat.,: ' . .
FARM MACHINERY I/. EQUIP. EI£VATOUS : 28 (001 Deck.e r with double 62 steel cMln, 17· 23 ll1ehcs wide Complete wltn spoul. drllU . tlre9 lind 3 BoP. Ollnlon enlline lor only SQ95.00. ElevAlor only 1360.00. Bn rgol .. pr ices on a ' qu ality UnCI 01 clevMors.. Cllll . ..... pleme nt 8ervloe. Orrnet, Ohio.
good 10cRUon Cor bus iness. "Iso In gn" Ing "across the grain of ,reallty" a8 :ll':ne~;1 :~~!/)r:,lu~.°"Jo~·~c ~~Wn l otoJn~~~~~ lintel COlltact fJ llub.tb K. ~' r. r~, Imull. the old Greeks used 10, a4dl' t-IJ.) Ilomervllle, 01110. 0 naUe. to say .. To be 'wrong we.t of Lodl un !!e4. , with God means to Dr. Foreman nELl' WANTED-WOMEN be a rebel against KEGISTF.lH.ElD nU . . . . wunt. d Cor wor k, at reality. to have the power of the Glbbo". ' 1I •• pltal, Ine.. C.,lInn. OhIo. Stickller's for tradition, the British, universe working against you. and flOod pay. plens unt worl<. 'opllrlrnc:njllvwe neverth,eless, a~e willing to loy it aside' . 10 to be headed tor sure , destruc- qunrters nvf.tU n ble. tion. Wrong with God. you oannot I,tYE STOCK in matters of eMpediency. . For that . win. Right with God. you cannot =.·"'o':::n""-:: Q"'U""A:-::L""I'::: T7. ,,::"'v. rksblre ho cs 01 farm· los!!. To be rigbt with God meana llt'A' prJcea write Earl L 4 )V n rd. Duller. reason, and because of the fact that to be in line with the purpose that OhIo. U ROC S - Low, Illlck • .,nBy le.dlng the day may come when' the "tight runs thro-ugh aU things; it means D type. Wen ned pi g.. J. F. DI ....oa. In the simple language of. the VanaUn. Obl ~, ' little isle" may need its women' to help Bible, to Uve as a child of God. DAJUY UEIFERl!-Sprln R"'" ond Flral
·that makes folks NEWS , sleep all night I .w.p ....
'iUicldy relieved
• Dox. ~()IJ Germtl,,&own 1'11le.
Uoule Nfl .
RIGHT with God" lB an expression which has been some,tlmes used by people. It Is not a coarse Dr cheap Idea. It Is the most Importan~ tblng you ean do. Think what It means to be wrong "-hitb God! That means to be ot harmony
)lcK_n "
IHw-tiEUi,l;i jps·. ::-M«;
!pollce dogsi . Al so grown stoe\(; wutch. dogS, TOle:r.hone Melro" c uno. Itoral
.Ldt~I,lrAJ3lijJ B~S
PA,.on. Ohio .
6ri!hltr'tomc:trow I
CAI\INS-Scv~"'...! sm all groce.l'Y. ilvln!t .lohn quort.,rl on u nl. Hollow 0 \ Horae ' Cre~k. Sec or \,\trite Dubree '. C:ubIDI, Celln .. , T.n,~ n :.. . _'_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
LeSSOD for July %4. 1949 '
, •
Right With God ,
Tbe Answers West POint . /li. Welshman. The States of th~ ·UnlQD. Primo 'Carner"".
5. Polo,
01 .
1. 2. S. 4.
Psalm. 32:
b • they 'fro", handsome ipoatswaill" mat....
IIt ..., tilt
.11.1oa8 Ed ..".Uon GIl tell\anl ...... n.1Io1I..
h.11 Of
·Alcohol ...(s elI.r,.
n'I ·.....lalln.
Thl LEI IISTfflil'l
Cutwork Flowers Are Beautiful P'ize~Wi~ning Pineapple Doily,
Bound to WID BOUND to win first prize at, the Fair th,s sl,Immer is this hand- , some doily! It measures 23 Inches starting witli chrysanthemum center and ending with pretty pineapple border.
Dress Up Bedroom OVEL Y c.utwork linens to dress· up your bedroom . This jonquil and narcissus design on pillow· cases or tQwels will make petfect wedding gifts. Use white or soft pastel embroidery floss. '
•• •
Pallern No. 5523 consists or 2 hol·lron tranare,s. stitch llluslralions. m~lerlal reQuIrement. a nd ,llnlshlnll direction •• • Sene! 20 cents In coins. • Your o am •• a nd ea)tlern. number.
• • •
Patlerll No. :1968 conilit. or comp.ete trochetillt Instructions. .moh IIlu.tra~Ij~~:'tl~:• .ertal r~~utrement. a nd tl~labln. Send to C'ent. In COli'll, your aam• • address <ilnd pattern numbar, _ _ --.
SEW.!WG u mCLE NEJ!:DLEwORK &~O Soulh W.II • •,. I Cbl.alo'. ,UL En<:lo •• 20 unta for p Dttern. No. - - -
Name Addr...
Pip. fan. and ..m ••••• th...... po...... • •0!'lnc pl ••• ura, In crtmp cut PrlIlC. Alb.rt-Am.rtc.'. .......t.a.lHnc .moldnc tob.cco.
omo ROOFING Of . All. Types
$2'0 .00 Bank Night $20.00 Thursday -- .Frlday DICK POWELL, ELIZABE11f
MON., JULY 2-4 - 25 -
.Twin Theatre,
~ s~
Dead Stock HOR8E;8, $4; COWS,
" S I.
A.:.:unHng to Si:£ ~ UII.l Condit ion . . .Call
Xenia 454 . J: C" \' r'SI! C hllrl.~s
One cent' per word, minimum charge, 25 cent •. Three Inlertlonl for the price of two. 'Forml ' clole Wedne ... day ', noon.
foc Vs 6
CODles Up
Route 3 Wayne.vllle, O. Ph,one Waynea.vllle 2898
.... '1 iltL'.l:D«ru".~·,,-, I
SUN. -
PARENT are .adv ised that this is adult fare depicting man 's dounfall but eventual reg-enat ion from a woman!
SAT., ' JULY 23 -
Inlulsle td Brl elts and allbellto&' Siding. SbJlet metal work of all kinds. Local Refer.' ces. AU work gue.ranteed.
DO N'T 'FORGET TO CALL. us for irt urance. All types of in sunUlce at R sa vings. Call Several weeks ago It was my Francis Gene Drown, phone good fortolLe to wltneB& the Day. Wayne'wille 2472 or call colton·CharleatC?wn series in the lect, . Wi lmington. 21 1 I .
Clasa A Central league. where FOR SALE- One 9xl2 Axmln. one ot m)!' proteges, Norman .Bell, Ister rug and pad; u8ed very Is currently pltchln-g (or the lat. little. Phone Waynes. 2968. 72qt ter team. Bell, who halls from : -~ _ Burghlll, Oldo 'Yas a Orat Itrlnger with' the Ar my team I !!lanag· ACRES OF BLAOKBERRIES Pick 'em yourselt. 10c a quart. ed In Korea In '}9~7 and In 19.8 ' S. M. Ball Farm, lh 'mlle east of ·the Oln-eJnnati Recla signed the Route 42 on Route 122. 721'8t fastball righthander eendlnl' blm -... FOR SALE- One 30·gat tank & Ito Lockport. N. Y. from Where f'-ot· w~ter h!later for bottle gas. he W~I ' advanced to dlaaa A. thll Alao one 3·plece modero bed. eeaaon .. . . qUlte a 1Ump, at Tom room wite. . Phone WaynesY'lIIe Florence, Wa~eIV1Ue'l only actIve pro1'easlon&l ~I..,er · would 2627. testify. Anyway, Joe Beggll. ChaFOR SALE- l!Ilectromas'ter EI. rleatown manager. who wall quite ectrlc range, priced (or Quick a Redleg chucker In the 'Queell! ' saJe. Evelyn' WatkIns, Wayne~. .oltY·8 beat .wlnnillc . lIeaaOnll ot vllJe 2131. . recent yeara. wal operating, at U:e tbJrd base coacbln'g station, WANTED- Launrlerlng to do . In and In the first lnblng a runner my home. Phone Wl\ynes. 2986. . I on: lIecond "stole'" 'thlrd_ whUe
Xenia Fer-tilizer
llportllmanshlp an'Cl then calming down ( reconeldered ' and decided that · It waa too bad that 'Iom~ or the "second IuBsllera" thll tow. has, whenever our team plays. were not lhe~e to lee tor ' tbemlIelve, how the players InvarIably ,the ones' at fault, even 'in pro ball. DId' Beggs go Into t~atrumll? ' , No, he wai .calm throughout as he understand, like I used 'to try to and do that It ~e spectator8 pay theJr way In we'lI have to listen to mOllt of their 'hlnd,lgllt' observa""nl .. . Wh~ph 'I. another way at ~71nlr, we will appreciate your donation I at our remaining ball gam~ very m~cb. • l . .• All the American' Le,lon bOYI would like the answer to their ~aseball riddle . . . . "what do we have to do to win" . thll column will accept ail answers and ~w. ard a yeor's subscription to tL'e Gazette for best . accepted an_er by JUlY " 23. Mao), of the aport minded tolka hereabouts a<:cordlng to my lnformBntB have . taUtlnlr about ·thls change a.nd that change; now'. the time to lee . whether or not U'iey will conlb tlctlveiy use paper amI pencil or ink. If you please. .;;;-,;.;-;;;.;;_ __ _ _ _ __ .,..-_ _
', G et
II herel ti(cltect your c:ro~ with a lOund. senlible Hail In, .UrllRce Policy. hail IcalOn
Wit:h productioll COllI 10 hlglll, Han In.uranee fa mOire neceuary than evCl' befc)re.
Hail Inluranee protects your invClhnent, auard. J your in~e.
See or call UI today. Bu~ Hall Insunnce earlv. ..
I:arl ,D~' Dakin J'~1'SUraDCe
CUSTOM . BPRAYlNq - ' For tbat base W8.11 oC~UPI!ld! Wen, aU sTANLEY and KooGi.ER weede In eorn. AlIIo have for sale I bedlam \ broke out . to the boJ[ - 2, 4·D concentrate. "Shur.kUl" I seata . adjoining mine al the BROKEn~ I.ICENSE , weed killer, 60 per cent Btronpr dharleatown rootel'll "tore" Into For Dates, Phone Waynesville tban moat otllerB. Sprayel'll for Begga fOf and I qaote, "lItupld Ohio, 2894 (re ver ,e cbarges) . nle. W. L. Shee,h an, ' Pbone Way. ~oachftl'g. "Idiotic manalllnll" , etc. with r~latlve,:, at Joe Noshall, nemlUe ' 299L , . . I HamJlton'~ g;lrt to ~arlettown BANK RUN GRAVEL- Loadel), ~~d a clallY lefthander, . lead Ins at Davia Furnaa Pit, ' 50 ' centa Uie parade. At fJrst I became d' •. cubic yarcJ. We alia deliver. ARM· gusted wttll that kind of alleg~d ITAGE & SON, Pbone 2091. tf ~
-- _._- ..
FIIII'e r' Brush Dealt..r;
CUSTOM BALING It, C. LaRUE RT, 1, WATNBBVILLE, PHONE 2800 EXCAVATING With , BuJldozer & ' , Shovel, b a ee1!len\s, pond a, levys' and clearJng land. Estimates turnlshe~. W. N. UPTON, WJJson Rd., t ml. MAt of WeYne~. , Ph. Spring Val69.6t ley 36111. CUSTOM .BALING- With Bille- . O·Matlc wlre·tle. uniform tenel,on 011 Itoy weIght bale desired. W. L. Sheehan. Phone waynesville 2991.' FOR SALFr- l"n.te cabb9f e and mango plRnt~. 10 ceJ1ts per dozen. CH-\S. "c. BlI'ROUSE, 1'h mnea north ot ' Way"MvJlle: at .comer or. WarnellvllJe. Ferry & Lytle Roads. 626.3t . - . . ;'-.-. FOR SALE- Cht'ome top Ohem. },eTs range for bottle gas. ' Rob't. Ft>rnnt.t, . Pb one Wnynes. 2994. 8~
Fallis .~.Paine MAIN. STREET NORRIS BAOCK COMPAtly Unlo'n ItoClIe V.rd. Llv. WI,.. and Prollr••lv,. An oraanizatlon _nd to non.. Strlotlv .alla,.. .~n eM . . . .11 around m,..,kat In ... country. SERVICE T.HAT SATISFIEt WHIO
12 :110 K. 8 . T.
WLW Cinolnlll ••. '12 ;,40. Dial TOO. for Our rJ,u t\ ' Dlill
lO~O .
l l ltrllet RMIOt' ,•.
' IIOIIIIOW .... • 1......0" Off_ l1li8. I1IJl __
Geneial Merch4andise
(Sewer Work Guaranteed) Valley Sewer and Drain Service 12 Hudson Ave., Franklin, Ohio ' Phone: Franklin 421 or 4~2 ! FOR SALE- Farmall Ft4 with cultivators. Overhauled last: year. REPLACE WORN OR TORN SC' REENS $500. Phone Waynee. 2938. 721·3t Protect your famllY'8 health. by keeping nIes out and protect the good looks of your home by hay .PLUMBING Ing neat, wel1-6pre~neil windows. AND Buy your· materials at Waynes· ville Lumber and Supply. ELECTRICAL WORK Combination .Soneena and atorm ALL WORK' ACCORDING S •• h for Winter' and . , Sulftmer. T9 CODE NO ~OB TOO 6MALL
.WaynesviUe . Lumber aDd Supply PHONE 2281
$199.96 & up $i69.96 & up $269.96 It up
Radios ~1 nd Televisioo, $11.95 &. up:
Electric SEWING
.NOW A CORPORAL Mrs. Hiley ' Gibson; Mrs. ·M,OIjl'I• Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Stan8berry Lewla and aODs, Jerry and BIUy. have word from thelr sOn, Rich· spent .. Friday evening "with Mr. ard, In Yokohama, Japan that he', and MI'II. Dennla Cbenewlth and J8 now 'a ' corporal 111' the army, ' 'Mlss Betty Lucas of Dear Well. Ington spent thJs paM week ~Itll Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Haet· lier grandmother, Mrs. 'Annl\ Lu-. Jngs. Mr. ~d "!lr". :WaITen Sh'ee- caa. ban- and . Mr. and Mr8. ,oeorge /Mrs. Alina Lucas spen~ tbe Hen'dt3~n enjoyed Sunday din· weekend with 1dr. and , Mril. A. ner ' a t;' LeSounlavlUe Lake. ' Barnett at Rounna. ' M·r. and ·M rs. · Avery Shrout and lItUe son, Larry, of Cincinnati called on tbelr parents, ' Mr. and CASH FOR STOCK Mrs . Walter Tilompaon, of Stony Brook. Tue8day and spent the Accordir,1r to site and condition. 'AlI Stock 1'1Imoved promptly. day. MI_ Leah Thompaon acco' mpanled tL'em home for' a brief COW~ ".00; HOR.E.... I",00 v.lllit. . JANES RENDERING ~r, and Mrs. Morris Lewlll and and Ml'II. HUy ' Glbson Phone Collect we?e-1\fll~Pllllng lb: Xenia Saturday. Xenia O. '1712 _ t Mrf.O. Arthur Roclr1!old apent ' BulldaJ; wlt~ WiImiapon. O. 2312 Frank ' Speu'Cer,
Removed '
.Annitage &Son
w4"'..' .....
MODF.RN~EFFICIErer ... ' Eie~tric Sewer and Drain Cleaning Service No Unnecessary Digging No Broken Up 'Basement Floors Roots and Other Stoppage
'''AyNESVIlJ.E; o.
$50.00 $71,00 $36.00
-Smith Eleabic Service
. .'
About T
.,Ief It.",. of Intlfl[lt , Alteut 11'01. Veu Kn.w
Serving' Waynesvill~' Since' 1850 NINETY·NINTH YEAR,- J!lSTABLI8HEQ PEBRUARY, 18110
'Ilb~ followit.1' ~u.lnl I~nt Sunday at the home or Mn, Cora Rlcb and Mrl. Min. ~te 8waln, Mrl. Myrtle Edward., MIIII !leba Edwarde, Mr.. Ella' abeth JUcb and Mrl. Mary AUen, aU of .Lebanon; Air.. J'lo~nce Collier of aarveyllbur., aLd Mr•. Pearl Rloh, and Mre. Dena Mall of Waynenllle.
Sheriff·Gives Little Encouragemment To Locil Delegation
A delegation of twenty local Mr. Willard Bogan ~nd tamll), reiidents got , Uttle satisfaction apent : B und .. y of Harveysburg evening with Mn. Cora RIch and from CoWlty Sheriff Jerald Cauldin when they visited him ~t his Reba. home in Lebanon Thursday to noises and disturbances ·Mr. and Mre. Delbert Conger on the west side of Waynesville and their houie lueste, Mr. and at 'early morning hours. Mrs, Glenn Luebke and babJ The delegation charged 1hat daullhter. were me We4neldQ persons leaving an evangelistic evenlnl dinner gullta of Mr. and meeting between the hqurs of Mrl. Perr), Benton at lI'aldleld. two and three a.m. had" for the past several weeks, created disMr. Glenn Luebke of ])ePerl, turbing noises and caused unrest Wllconaln lial ~t1lmed to hli In the nlghborhood. laome after spendln. a week at Shriff Caulclin stated that he , the home . of ..Mf. and Mn. Del· would i9ves~gate the matter and bert Conger. MI'I. Luebke ane! recommend that the distUrbance daucbter remained for .. IOIlI ••lr· 1 be e8lled. No official action was vialt. - . • decided UpQ.n at the meeting.
Mr; and lin. Delbert ~AK_A_ .' bad u their Sunday pe.tI, Ruth WaltOn and IIr. JIDII Bart· look of· Daiton, Hr. and lin. Paul Spahr and d"Ulhter.. Mr. and Mn. P. ~. Benton qd family or !'aIrfield and ' Mre. Jam.. Wildeman of Jacklon'.
',- -Malbtt of Columbul and
:Alma Mr. O. M. Brooker from Georgia were lUestl of Mr. and Ill'll. Georp' PeterlOn Jr. Sunday. MI'. and MH. lI'allll Paine , and daugbter lpent the weekend wltb IIr. and Mr.. RoJMIrt E __ Parrott , of WubJnrton ,c:;. R.
LOCAL . KROCER STORE INST~ MEAT DEPT. RUIIII Ca.rter'lI WayneiWUle Kro· ger store wJlI Inatall a freeb .meat dep.rtment .:ttblll week} Mr. T. Laweon will be Uie bead meat cut~er \for the . nevy department. The Kroger' IItore has been completely painted inside. A team of palntere from headquarters ar· rived one day lut · week and after a mad couple Df hours, leU the ltore ' with a new 'palnt job and ever)'th1n'g In order. ITbe· . IUltaUatlo'! of the meat department · tn the local store ia thd .-elult of bot~ .Mr. Carter's e!forta and the lOll at lealle ' by
";"olem_ a Dearby Kroger lupel.'marltet• • ev. and lin. R.. B.... retunled from -vacation lIo~day. When tbe KrOltr elore In Leban· TW ~ ~ ...... ~tar or: 100t I~ leue a few weeka alo :at ~, fil,"'''' two ~00Df8rD....~ to . WanJ ....Ill aDd lpent .....eral da,t It. other 'outlets In ,the county, --""th Mr. IDd HI'I, J. ·C. DeWitt wu p~mpted to fullflU Carter's of 1I00000u, . Idaho. IIr. DeWitt dealre of a fres~ meat department and Mr. qoleman Inw up o~ ad. In ~ I~ ailire. jotDln , f&nu. In \Hlabland Co.} CANNED GOODS GO FOR 50 Oblo. I
Mr. and Mn, Earl I>un~am Penny-wiae homemakerl of and cblJd~n recentl)' attended the InternaUonal .BabJ ChIck A.n. Harvey.burg, Waynesvi1e and m_Un III: .S t. Loutl and vlalted community found some unusual food buys at the auction sale of relaU.e. wbJle tbe~. the Itock of Eakins' Market at Harveysburg Saturday evening . .Mr. · ~d ,Iln. Ratpb Edenfield The sale. conducted by Jess Stanaud cbllclHll a~ now realdlnc on ley ahd Charles KookIer, disiIl'lr farm .near Btusboro. .,a.ed of merchandise of the Mar, ket which was IIIIlOke damaged or Mr. J'red Bra4dock, III'. ~w. uodamaled following a recent renDl (look aDd lOll, Jen,., Mr. fire. ~ O. Batt.y aDd IOn' and Mr. ·Not linee the depths of the dePlte IlUDFID ' are eDjoying a flsb' pression had many of those atIn, trip til Canada. , tending .the sale realized ~uch bargal.t\l. & the whole, ' Wldlun, Mn. lIaYDard Wella an.d , daulb· aled canned goods. cereall. soaps, ter. 'ADDle. .. are 'on' vacaUOD" In and, ~ples left the auct;lon block Cleveland aD!! Detroit and at- about one-third of their rereturn ." tail value. Canned soups solds for ' four Dick and Don Welts are .pend· cents a can, ' canned vegetaJlles , Iq ' the w..k With relatlvea m for from four to ten cents a can, and cUe arid biscuit flour for five LO:,e. . · ' to ten cents a , box. Chewing to, ~ . hnlu bu returned bacco sold for four to ten cents from • _l4ee1q trip :to New for six picbles and cigaretts went for about· ten cents a pack. York ~ Mike Eakins, owner of the market, has just about completed the IIr. . ....rt · B7IDUl of Ct.:tca,o ~vaUon .of the market, which wall a "eekiD4' IQ4IIt of hll was damaged by lire caused by a motJWo. lin. ' Je.." Rrmaa aDd mort cltcuit tDree we~ks ago. He IIr. IDd lin. , A., T. Pollnl" IDd to re-atock· the .tore and dau,bter. to '~ open for buainess in
. ,
Mr. and lin. WUUam Stroue entertained to 8undIT dbln,r IIr. Tom S.beDwortb , or !)Iifton'. Mr. and lin. J. J. lI1Irake anil Mra. ~b .MO.lll. bOllo~ ·:o.e blrtbda, auillverIU'J of Ilr.. l1li11. "r. and Ill'll. B. W. Whltlon and daurt-tar or Oak IUd"" ·Telm. are· ruelte of thetr ~ta. Hr. and liN. Robert ~rnu. IIr. IDd lin. ' LaIIar Earnhart the and daqbter. Betll. Hr. wltIl tIlelr w.. ud Hri. Ildpr Lon, In gaJldw'ell' ObJo.
- CLO"D Week or AQlUt aVaLVN'I
. ,, . ..
Si.' I.,'s A"ards .·: .' Contracts F.~ New ':"~
Little Miami Fall FeStival
Perllona' trying to react.: Miami Gazelte by telepbone . . contloue to do so IJ? vain, we ,ret to report. • ThE! telpbone company IIIlYI, "We'U try to get up there IOUleBring in Farm Produce wed., Aug. 3 t to' fri.' Sept. ~ '.. Ume." .An old story In tIl"e parts, It seems. TALLEST CORN STALK 'LONGEST 6 CARlroTS F1 P~ . . A .Lebanon fli'm wal .warded. (It ze ... . '.... , .. , '.1.0~ FIr.t· Prize . , . . . . . .. . '. . .. ,1.00 the len~~al contract Cor ' th~ conNO WATER! $econd Prize ............. 50c . !,econd P~e ' .. . .. .. ;'; .... 60a ST ALK ~-. cco etructlon of tbe St. Mar:r'. par,.,,,,pAo LMtQEST HEAD CABBA.GE Illb bouBe ' at a meetlac of ' th. Workman. Imder tbe dJrection .Flrst Pl'lze . .. .' , ..... . :. fl.T.5 , Fl':"'t Drbe' ........ " . . ..: .. ,100 . , I'd- ' .... .., . cburch"s b.uUdln, committee of Water Work's Supt. C. P . Joy. ilecond PrIze .. . ... . .... .. 16c "'eeond' ·P ..... e " 600 ' , ~ . .... . . , , . , . . . . . . day evelUng. Richard Stanle, fir repaired It smaIL break In' the REST SIX EARS OF CORN BEST PLATE GREEN ' BEANS ' Lebanon 'Iubmltted tb. acceptAcl water maln on S~l1th ;Maln ' 8t. IFirse Pr~e ' .... ., .. •.. . : " hOD bid. " . Tuesday, Sunday e.venlng a Second Prlfe , :.: ..... . : . . 60ci bali" been eltlmated the Second Prize .. . . . , ..' . . .. 60c speaker system WaR used to' inQUART JAR OF WBEAT 'BEST PLATE ' LIlIA DElANS total coat of tbe completed bulldform the residents at the ,F4qlt Prize .. .... . ... . . . '100 .. First· Prile. · .... ; .. . , . . . • . InC with : equipment' wiD ". aot, the water would Second ~rjze .. ,.. . . ... .. 50c r 8eeoM ·Pr.,.e , .. . . . . ,.,.; &00 . proxlmatel, '46.0011. " . ofC until repair work oOIl~·lrBli:ST QUAR. T JAR OF RYE BBST 8 PIMENTOE8 . Edga~ 8mJd:-~ . local electrician. pleted. Ftrst .Prize · . . . .... ... . '. U.OO J1Irlt Prise .. .. ; ..... .. • ,1.QO w;aa . awar:ded the contraCt ror . el· Second' Prize .. .. .. .... . . ·600 Second Prize . .. . .. .... ,. 600 eotrlcal wqrk on the' b.Dlldlnl, an4 DI........ !ES:T QUART JAR OF BARLEY BEST S ' PEPPlilRS ,. , A, E, Rucm'an ' of ~b.llon wilt ' Prize .......... .. ;. $1.00 ~rat Prize .. . . I , • • • • '; •• ,UG " upervla8 "tL'e .Plum'blnj. '.. . . ~fe.CtJna Prize .. ... .. , ..:. ,: 50c Second Prj_a, . . . '. . . .' .. '. .. 600 The .beaUng plant for the .t1'IlQUART JAR OF OATS . LARGEST CUCUMBER cture wlU be Installed hi BntdjFlrae Prbe . ... .. .. ... . . '1.00 Flret Prize ..... . .... . .. ,1.00 e!lbach 'and ~tler 11i~, or Sec~ud Prize . .... .. . ... . . 60c ' secon~ Prete .. : .. : ... :: . &Oa ton. A Cbrylle,r Al~ Temp Il~ . 3 STALKS I:lOY BEANS BEST PLATE 011" MANGOES plant· wID be Inetalled... · , . FIl'Se Prize .... , .'.. .. .. ,lj.OO FIrst 'Prlze ) ..... .... :.... U.OO Groubd.breaklo, cerem~nte'" for ' second Prise ..... .. . . ". . 6,00 Second ~rlJe . :'" , . , .. : ... liDo tbe' et1'Ucture win be held 8ulldA,F as fatL'e rs, 80ns. mel'cban18 ~ PECK filSH POTATOES ' LARGEST PUl!IPJtIN . · . Augu's t ~4. !ollowlliC tile · 10:10 •. youthful .American IA,ton ~rse Prize ... . . ... : ... ; ,hllO . 'Flrllt Prize .. . ...... . : . " ,,~O 4~M. Worship Servlc•. , era do battle at the ldah acJilOOl~ Second Prize .. . ... : .. .... 1i0e Seoond Prke .. .. .. .. ... '1.00 ., . ,. grounds. " !lEST 6 SWEET POTATOES ,LARGEST SQUASH ": ' , ; • 'FARME", GRANGE , PLAN' Orville Gro4Y·s I f! ' ''1881'' , - ret P:rlze . ... : . . . : . . . . $1.00 . ANNUAL PIONI C ' .... ...- ~rst Prize ... . , ... .. ...' '1.00 tackle their ~ads In .tIIe ~~ 's econd Prize , . ,. . . . .... .. 600 S~d Prize .. . . .. , . . . . . &00 1: P.M. while two houre ..W BEST 6 O~IONS BEIH' ~ , APPLES . Tbe Farmen GrIIlIe No. U tbe dade last that Ior.:gt) " FI rat Prize .~." . . ,. . ... $1.00. .... Will h 0 Id Ita bDUaI -'cal ... Flret • .t>rlae .' .. . . , , .. . . . '1.00 ... 0 A_ . :::::oBred s.~'j~°tn ~~ Second . Prize .. . .....•. . . 1i0o Second PrIze. .. ...... ..... 1i00 6 at 1:00 P.M. at Ada .mlt~.. ...... 4tJ_ 8EST 6 BEET8 . BEBT DISPLAY 01' GRAPI!J8 par~. ' and 1949 . cro... b~ta wiUa Di,.'ha:r FIrat Prize . .. . . . ,. . .. .. '1.00 FIrat Prbe :'. " .. " . . . ~. .. '1.00' Supper . wlU be ""ad ." til. :~P=.":7 ~~p~~. ~IIIOIlBo. Second PriXe .. ,....... .. 60c Secpnd ~ ........ ... . &00 Bome . J!!Conomlca' ColDJlllttae of - - ur ........ 8111BT 3 PEARS BEST' 1 PLUMS .', ~he. G~ce. PFoceeda ~ u.. O'Regan and Bob Campbell .. .. I'Int Prize : . . ... . . ... . : ,LOO FlrBt Pi-lze .. . . . . .. ...... tI.OO event wtII be 8114 for Ute \Itu4. the two coaChes wW cOmprIM : Second Prize ." .. . . .. .• , .. 5Do Second Prbe ... , ... . ,.... 1100 ept. ~~ ,~f the ' S~, ClraII.P,.: ':. tbe openJng batter)' ror tlIe :, ~r-'Im:IST 8 PEACHES LARGEST TOIUTOE 'nIP" attencUnc ·.'to cbanu.: " Prize ...... .... . . : ,1.00 Flrllt Prize . . ... , . ,.. .. .. '1.00 bnllg ~"r OW'D t.bie ...........~. ' OUa'er mercbanta play aN N.... . . . . . . PrIse . .. .... ... . , . IiOc B:::~~ .~~ c~~.·~ i'iTHODI_! NOTE. ' ," lmiky, Walter lI'rUu;..,~ J'hit PH '.... -:. . ". l. .. 'll __ mlnl . . ., . . . .~ .. .a Smith, B1II Sawyer, P!ql and Bob ,second ~ . .. . .' ....... .. &00' ·mlDi 1IU r.tanMcI.".,. , ~. {'''''!$o,/~~ Workman, Ray K I e rj Balpb I • • , .. • and will preacJl · 81111daF . .~ Smith. 11m Jonea Sr.• pao Dr~e, . IBring 111 Cakes and Pies Sept 2 bet~~en I} A.M. and 3 ~ P:M. at ' 10:10. · TIle "fIII.On tbeIDe ' Win Fred Grauman, Buck lIendeDhal ~- . . " - be, ' "ChrlIt At The Door." (Twin Theatre), Francis Gtpe BEST ANGLE FOOD CAKE BEST 12 COOKIES . We requeet all oar yo. . pee. BroWD', Cap Stubbs and R. C. Firat Prize . .. . .. .... .. . . '1.6y First Prlle .. " . .. . : . ,:... ,1.00 pie to' be PnNIIDt for u.-e lIlIIoaDMoler. and Ted Cono¥er, Hop.. tfloond Pa:tlle . , . "........ . 76~ Second Prize '..... . . .. , .. '100 cement or lbe lUllUDe, In.Utufe. BEST a.ORUST rRUIT .pUa AU who are 101118 mut maIre long Oualdy, Bob 8erv18 , and BEST DEVIL FOO]) CAKE Morrl8 FutIIere 'Firat Prize ....... . .... . . . ,1.50 FCrst Prize ... . ..... ... • tt.IiO rese~Uon.. The IMUt1lte will Second PrIze . . . . . ... . .... 16c second Prl 16 be held 'at the lOami Valle,- eM"LL.c~RTOON .sHOW TO 'AID BEST WHITE CAKE BEST 2.C!m:; 0 utaUQaa. Aq. 14 to PL:AVGRO)UND FUND First Prize ... ......... . fl.50 Fist PrI ' 1.60 We reQ1Ieet ,"our npport .. or· Second Prize .. . . , ... ... .. 16,:: . d : b " ' : " ... •,' .. . ''160 ·the towis people III tbelr lOci•• BE~T SPONGE CAKE ~.E;S;~p~ ;AOE 'at . McClure Corner 8&turclay BYIIlFIrst Prlle . . . . ... , . . ,. . U.60 ' , m.. " ," second Prize . . ...... ... .. 'lbC ' , Se~ond Prize .... . , . ... .. .. 'l5c ' ~ru"" m ..tiq of Youth "'11Firat Prtze . .. ... . ..... ,1:.1i0 BEST DECORATED CAKE ' o....hlp BYe~ at 1':18. First Prize .... . ........ .. ,1.60 ErfTRIES TO BE AUCTIONIIID a,pIar m~ ot tIle #Uhurcll, Second Prize ; . ..... ... .. . 'l5c FRIDAY AT 8 P.M" Ill' DESIRI!lD School Board, TIl~J BY..... at 8. \ I
Pre_luiD;.' 1,18t .
P~sh B...~. Proj~.
Businessmen To Legion ' Team
1\ second alloeartoon Bhow. cal· culated to further bolater the rlnanoes of' the Wa:vuesviUe Pla.yground AIIoclaUon. will be pre.,nt~ 'a t the Twin Tt.'eatre Saturday .afternoon, Augult 6. Two shows wlU be preaented. .OD' at 1 P.M. and lDotber a~ a. AdmJssloD wlIf be 16 centa for ohildren up to high aobodl age and · 26 canta to adul~. .Ohalrman B'ob O'ReC&n atate. that the program Is sUU ·ahort of enougl< rundw- to compiete the 11IIIlJI1er, but that everything . cept the lupervtaDr's Mlary b:u been paid'. SpaD80rf" of. the prosram are ela.ted that ~6~ of the procee~. a week. from. the Little MlamJ Fa.u Fee~IIlamJ Chdpter. 107, Order of' Iv'" w:W be used for ),outh act· '~tern Star will meet III regular lvlU8I. ....IOD On IIODdQ eveDlng, Aug. -------8. .111.', 80 LONG, LARRY , Genial Lan:y HlckB', for the ~ast year Balesman for the Borden RECEIVEa . •••• DEGREE Oen.. TIlamPlOn recelTed bJa Flnel. 'Farmll, made bie ;!lnal call Baclallor of ScIence ' de.,.. at In ttie Wa.; nes.vlUe area Saturd~a:y, ~.. UDl-veraJt:r of Da1ton Bunda)'. Larry leaveB ~orden'lI to join the He ~d 'I in': TbomPIQIl, the Stenger Ford Co. In Dayton. former !'raDa. lohu. wW now ..______, _________________ -. I'IIIlde br OlDclDllaU. where GaDe ICE CREAM SOCIAL wiD enter the UnIY. of Clnclnnatt Spanlorad By all a Ill8dlcal ltudeDt. Wa)'llesviUe . 10E CREAM _OCIAL Youth l'eUowahlp LYTLE EIi.EVATOR SAT.. AUGUST • . 7 P.... . Lytle, gJllo , . , A ....
are' ."
: ' .
'smmy' 'pm
20: .
'PiE' ...
2 AT
4 P.M. .
Everyone ,Is Urged To Make An Entry
DUmping.Of Rubbish Oil'LOCal Roads' ~s Now Puni$hable By Fmes' .
Merle M. Terry. 16, died ..... day at the, Miami Valley Roapltal. Funeral servloee were ' held . JMt. ! erday at I P.M. at tle HcClure Funeral ·Bome. they were COD' ducted by Rev. J: P . TIloraberrt. Mr. Terr)' Ie IUr"fIved bJ u. , ·wlte., liable. and • brother, "a" ker, of I>aytoa. A. Maule Townlhlp r.nn.r. Mr. Tel'l7 epent bJl en~ ure In: \hl~ COIIIDUmi';•
prisoned for riot mor~ than thIrtY IIr~ JiIDmr' 11m.. II ajOrinw days, or both. . ' hie .....caUOn wltb Mr. aDd 'The new law was pasaed by the Tom I'IoNllCl a8d IIOD til Chari... Olilo teiislature Apiil 6 with the tOD, SoJlU4 recommendation that village, city and county authoritlel see to ita IIr. lDel lin;' 1M Bain.". diL.. · ~orcement.: . ....,..- .--_::.... gl1ter~ LInd..' andra Bomer. aoiclle 8UJ!face ' left ·0Il Mrs. Olara staCY. Mra. Dearth aDdt ror ~ ~Uon IJr Saturd&7 ' Sb.ban, Mri. LeaUe Qray jIUld rld!l. Mr. and Mm . Ram." .aa4 Mrs. R,,811ell Burnett ' lpent . 1I!;I1l' day' afternoon in M.l ddletown. .. ~ cblldren will -vlalt, U..eJr ~.. In ' Lantana ) aDd ~.' M,rs. Huve, Burnet and lin. wlU Tlel~ IIr. and lin. Eraellt .• .J . B. Jt;ln~B attended .t he ....·d&7 Hartaook lD Bra4enlon. me_lnl 'a nd COT~red dIIb ellnner ~re. ,J!!va lIWer' II oOnt,u4 of the laell.. of ,the ' GraaI8 at Gran~w Hoa,pltal ror obHlf.. the Orange ball at Wll71leeVWe vaUon and treatment. Tuellda:y, lite. R_r Jacbon wae the bo..... · . IIr~ .ud lin. Barrr 8au.tlawute, rubbish, etc. along, near waite. and claqlltan ' I11III . . or in any publlc ~ street, MrS. Walter Clark Tlelted ber Thuraday e~nIq 4IDDer 1'1.... parkway, ditch, 0 ' ~y land ad- daQlht'~, 1Ir.. Robert' Cbannell IIr: and .n. Heat7 R.. sau.ul. joinD1g any public roads, ~ be guilty of 8 miaderr eanor. at lIJaml Valley Boep!ta1 Sunda)' waite IDd oJdIdrea,' IIJI. .... ''Whoever violatl either of the dtern9n. Mr. IDd ' lin. CbanDeU IIW. BaIpb ~. at , MoCLURE'. OORNER above sections be pilty of. were In lUI uto accIIdent enroute IOn 1UIe! ..... 8J'I'cI ~, ...... P.... HOKIllUDII ICE CIlIUII a mlldemeaaor upon convic:- to work Baturd~ 1DCII'IlIq. TIletr tile 1drtta\IIQ' .. . . . . . . . . . . of Oake and Cand, tiaD thereof. be fined, not Cl8I' l'U IlacJI:r daIupd , but Del· "NI s.B7 .......... ... ......._ _ _~_ _ _ _ . . . than flfty or ba- iber one .... IIart .......,., Mr•.1I8IJIt ~ Reports.of the disposal of garbage along the roslds of Warren couoty makes it .advisable to quote a law which ~ecame ef.," fectlv.e July 13. . .. 'The law, designed to eliminate the ~Usting practice pf diBpoilng refuse along Ohio's highways, states, in part: . "Whoever transports junk, refwle •.or garbage iu any manner 6ver and upon anI" street, ,alley" road, parkway, park . drive or pu'l)lic highway sll1all do so In such a manner that none of such Junk. refwle or barbage shall bt! ~ . UpOIl and along such strefIJt, alley, road (Ir public highway. "Whoever. «tisponea . of garbage
. ,.
Duties Rebukes Pacl Detraclors; l "s;~~~~e~~te:!:n -t 0 r. e us erl Y; EngIand Face S MAt US Sleel Dislikes Truman Pl,an . ~~e~:~~~~der"
eharled In a "fireside chat" to the nation that "lielfiSh Interests" are makJng budget-cut requesu which threaten
" Ligbts Confrol Sell N EW MILFORD. CON N,What Is belleved to be the world's first automatic streetUghtlng system. In which streetUghtsl individually turn themselve~ on and oft. III /Jelng placed in operation here by the Connectil:ut Light and Power company and is lIXPected to be completed within a ~ew weeks_ Developed and designed by engineers of the General Electric company in collaboration with engin,e ers of tpe power company, the n~w system's lights are indJvidually controlled by photoeleotric equipment, or e1ectrenlc eyes whlcn are able to "see" dusk and dawn and other changes in daylight conditions, When natural light falls be].ow or rises above one foot candle oj~ illumlriatlon. the electron· Ic e,'e detects the change in light and· causes a switch to turn the li.ghts on or oU automatical-
the nation hito de· In bls economic report. TrUman (80"'08'8 HOZE. "!lea .,...... aro ....r ..... la,a............. th ... ar. tbo ••• t alisured the nation th t it Is . not Party Labels Deceive W..... ,. H••• pape&' ".Ie.'••••• aau,.te lUI. a.c •••• rU' .1 Ulla D' •• p.P.~.) In a depression. despl e businell H~rd decline. "Political rellson," lead ' ow 'ARE WE. the voters. to BOrne people to want depression. be 'dete.rmine how those our votes Y~eld said. He added that depression' elect to congress. sena te or house be avoided. . . can be depended upon to support Mean Extra He blamed "seWsh interests" for · the policies of the party under the tax cut that cbnaress passed whose label they are elected? In over his veto and for the denJaI of all too many cases the party la11et. Spraying dairy cO\jls with me- , anti-tnllation curbl be requested. both De,m ocratic and Republican. tboxychlor to control blood-sucking : HE FEARED a thfrd great blund. II meaningless. er ana aI'l)ed that "to sla~h gov· As a candidate be may have. ap- 6~able and horn files, may Iqean ernment expenditures now would peared to be a Democrat. whii~, at least $75 ext:ra profit this swnadd to the ':downward trend." He an elected public ottlclal. he may mer. accordlng to H, B. ~etty, indefended his $ budget vote with the Republlcans, He .may sect specialist ill the Illinois clll· for . government' spendll)S the neXt b~ve been' on the Republican ticket. lege of IIgriculture , And th~ chaneea 12 mOllths. ' elected as a Republican. but in are good. he sayS. that prOfits from He BBid. "If we follow the wrong congress he votes wi~ the Demo· spraylJlg may run much higher. Iludget polley lit thli time and crats. Such thillgs have happened Spraying dairy cattle, Is .a big .Iasb our exPenditures. we will dewith Increas,lng frequen0y.. espe- ob for fnrmers. but It Is ,one that ly, cre.'I,e employment. cut,. down ' In· Engineers Installlng the equip- daily In the 80th and 8lst sessions. should be done. . vestment. weaken our defenles, ment sl\ld that should a ' sum· The party labcl bad ceased to be Petty figures the potefitlal $'75 and In'lure our efforts" for peace." . profit :fJ:om spraying In this mer thunderstorm darken the a criterion as tQ tile policies an fils speech waS" seen 81 ~ move· sky Elnougn to allow only ope- elected official may !oUow. , l11ent to line. up popular IUpport foot· candle of IIgbt to reach the ,~~ have been Ipared the for 'a showdown fight with the econslreet. the lights would go on. EovernmeJitaJ couluslon resultomy bloc In congress whicb II ~ from innumerable polltioal demand).ng that government ,pend· partie!l, 'as Is the ease In molt tng I)e cut to ·income. Europe.n collDtrlea. 'Wilen ' we , He oriticized those wbo la,. we " . . . ' Co~try have had tbe Geeaalonal. but are in a depression. 1'OTIlN'I'IAL PEARL IIAB.BOBS ••• Ferps Roffm.n, speclsHI' ahvan IndtecUve, "spUnter" "Many of these persons for politi. _ "'.....n &II..... for 8eah1e, Wash., newsp.per, teD. a · letlate . .ORl partiel IpriDe up for brief cal · reasons would like to have a ~ nbcommlitee OD AIaat.n defeDIe tbat the terria· perlodll, we bave continued to ..~ .....,. .. ''Ute moSt widespread collection 01 potential Pearl debresslon." be said. "Others are . L ,O ~r DON. _ "Americans operate under the two ' party saying that there Is nothing to Barbon aD4er Ute. ...... aDd .trlpes." Shown at the hearlnE, lett Poorer," lIays one London headline, sy.tem. worry about and an , increase ot .. rfCbt, are AIukaD delepte E. L. BarileH: Senator James E. We have voted for candidates as Hura,. MOIIt.l, mell!lJer of .enate interior affairs committee; the number looking tor work Is a "ReceSSion, De pre II ion. Or (!Ither Democtlats or Republicans B~ aIl4 Beu&or Elmer 'DIGm.. (D. Okla.), chalrlllAll of the lood thing. TbIs' attitude lanorel Slump?" asks another. Then on ' top of tbis comes the \v.Ith a reasonable expectation that .pprepHa..... nbclOmmlttee. the human sutterlng ••• " news that the domestic situation the candidate' for whom we vote .. II In the United Statel baa engaged as a Democrat. would, H elected. the attention of the British cab- support In congress the policies of Vau,lta~ Accused . ''Trivlalication'' Inet n all adds up to ihls big the Democratic part¥. or a RepubI\ 'Qct Fuss 'Dr. Robert M. Hutch1ni. chancel. QuesUoll 't or Brltisbera: What can 'l ican the policies of the Republican President Truman b a i bee n lor of the Universlt¥ of Chic.lo, .the Uhlted Kingdom do toinsu1ate party. In the past we have expected , Jobn Foster Dulles. In his ftrst alked to "uspend bill military aide. demllllded that mankind', explllld. itself from the .hock of an Amer· these elected to follow ' the leader; lmeeh as U.S" 'l!Ilator appealed Maj. Gen. Harry H. Vau,han. lnK knowledge be , tUrnedtowa'rd ican dl,presslon? sblp, ora majority, 01 the part)' for l'atUication of the. No~ AUant;tc The request · came trom Rep. acbievement Instead of ,"trlvlalli:a. The cablnet·s economic com· on wbose .ticket they' were elected. ;paet and rebuked Senator' Roberl Sprayjq dalry eatUe III • b", Both parties are split In.o fac· ~ Taft And other. opposinc It., Siulfer, 'Mlchi,an Republican. whO tton" and tormat1qu ot a hllIe mlttee. preSided over by Sir. Staf· ,. ford Cripps. chancellor of the ex. tlons. Many a senator ' or repro- Job tor, farmers; but U wID belp ' l'I"aWs oPS/O.ltion was on the cited the armr's suspenslon of two "Coney Island," ~oUd the type or c)ean, "CODHe .poke at the Goethe Blcenten. chequel'. ill understood to have a sentaUve votes on ~eglslat1on either .~ that the treat)- commits other major generals, Herman :tile' UDited States' to re-arm its Fleldman, the quarterma~r gen· nla1 Convocation at AsPen. Colo. plan in, the hopper for any suCh as he believe. it will produce for tented'" 'da.Iry berds I1IClIa .. eral, and Alden H. Waitt. chief 01 He said that .world catastrophe eventually. But evet)'body knows him the most vote. at the next that shown here. . ! . mgnerl; , the chemicaJ ' corps. I. Inevitable If the ''tribal selt. that no plan can' alter the fact that election. or 81 some personal pet manner: •You can get Hi per cent Dullea 'countered with the defense They: were suspended pendln, a adoration. whicb goea under the an 4rI~erjcan . depreas~on ,woUld foible dictates. He dOeS not fol· more ~ up to September H you :that the p:act doel not obligate thIl Ii Ilump in forelgri b-ade low the party pOlIcies. an:d we, tjle' lIenate Investigation of army con· name of. patriotism conttnues un· mean.' whicb 'Would affect ' advetae"'-as voters. are helpleslly confused. spray. This has been demonstrated ~~ to enter 8ny anna program tract handline, f Shaler • a 1 d che.cked." 4J by careful small,scale field telts, I~ch ''jIJ1't deFensible on lis own Vaughan was ImpUcated In the He asked for a world UDiQll of indeed It already has dO. n e-BrU· In th~ la.t eleoUon President ,.Jt II gener"l1- estimated 'that the imerits." Dulle. said that treat,. ''men of good will:' and .aid that alnl efforts to lell to the dollar mar· Truman solicited yote. for him. ou.q lame case, but gave ' nQ detlills. ~m't bve anJ Individual memo ket. ; , lelt, IIDd others on U.e Dem- average cow will give 1.700 pounds All three ,ener81T were men- world government Is a ltep In the ~ of mllk durlils the four-month fly tlei' the ri&ht to get' 8DJ' l'Bl11eular 'l'hll move ,Iready hal craUo U!lte&, OD • deflllltely season. A 10 per cent boost _ in. ' tblnC trGm: &ny other member. No tioned In a recent news ItOt)' which right direction to avert global by Sir ' Graham CundefiDed prorram. Be premJaed puUeular member ha. any claim 'inspired the inquiry into de~~. sUicide. He ar(fUed that "communl- charaotoartzed nin,bam, chairman of the newly the hilfillment or tIul.· ltead bf 15 per cent - would mean ' . ....... 170 pound. of milk for that time. OIl any p~CiUlar aid ~ ayerred. 01 "fiv~ per centen:' thole who caUon" with Rusllia 11 pOII.ible It f oth~ natiolll were IIncerel)' willin. ormed dollar expo~ board. 81 a provided be ~.. re-eleoted n cJoea not requfte ' We Ualted hire out to obtaln lovemment COIl· to tr7. ' .• ''iD'~~ oC I, lelt-preaervation." Sb' IIDd wlUa him ...... eleoted ar For a 15:cow,her 9' that :~ou\d m1!an sw.tea !to buJl4 each .Igner up '. 0' . tracts. Grahatt~ put It thls ay: . DemocraUo _ t e aDd Ilo..'... 2.550 pounch of extra Dink from A "moral, Intellectual and Iplr; fly-contr.oL ., ltual" revolution Is the only thing "Ulll~.. substantially '!'bole who W8llted ~ pro::e!'~~ ~ ~~ ~ aleDe, RESPITE~ that will turn the world from a lnoJ;easlj dollar rram votecJ &he Democratk Figured conservatively at $3 a ANOTHER FOE of the p.ct, ,Sen· Steel Acceph Pla.n downward course. he! ~~~::,~~~t~~~~~~=~~~~~~~tL-!:~ •.who , were oppo--" hundredweight, that's ' jull under He attacked thll .'purposeless. durin, vo&ed ~pubUcan. $15 more In m1lk checks. And it :.tor Plander. 'ot VerMO(lt; · wanted The steel Indultry'. bilieit corr , oolta only about 20 or 25 c~b a to . ~d. the I M~ Roctrtne In porationl a~eepted Prelldent Tru· nels" of contemporary livln,. plan aiel will,1eontlnue (lmUl 1952). When conarell convened. .the head for sprAvjn"\ ' place of ente1'1D, the pacL Jle-n1d ,man'. tIO-dar peace plan under made more 10 by technology, and we shall be,'unable to ~rocure lome Pre.ldent tried-be urged, and pu.t -" • oatlpn ' would ,not be obUgated Protelt, thus ave~ a naUon-wtae declared that new-Iatn~ leisure of the ',most importan~ raw mate- back of that utle. all the powers . Petty recommends spra)':ing the, in 4etaila more UiIU;l In the ori· steel Itrike. The fact-finding board, .hall been . used lor: meimin&iess rec· rials Deeded to maintain our econ- 'o f his office-to bold a Democratic of dairy barns two or three 'WOJU'OB l>oc:tiiber ' . omy all\d; withoUt' tb'at,' it seemll conaresl In Une but it did not titn'el durlnl the lummer: He BU,· appointed by the prelldent will reationl. 1hat the fermula used provide ~~ ..~' obJ~cl' to possible ,stw1,. the dispute over, a fourtq ot -atomic energy III peace and to me the ineVitable i-elult will be hold. Many of th~.e elected on the pound 01 150 per cent me· amia' ~~ents "to I EurQPe if round 01 pOstwar . wa,e .Increale. war he ,aid, ·'11 we have wlu-. we more lIeven unemployment In thll Democratic ticket refused to "go Jre IIgDt!j1 iRbefpact.··Be .al1i' that U and ·penslons and p:oup iMurance IIball be blpwn to bits; H we bave country and lubsequent deterlora· !lIon,," and voted with the Repub. thoxYchlo,r .wettahle powder In two Ucans. A cOllllderable number or to four ,allons of water to every I, vaat erma .:Ua1pu:.ata 'ere ",-de to -and will make recommendations. peae'e we shall be bored to death.·· tlon inpilr living standards. Butcbln, . compared 1odSY'I clvl. Republicans. , eiected on tick!eta 1,000 square feet of s~aee. '!;he Uhited Statel 'Steel Corpora· ;Europe _ doIl'J-.;laIow,. wbat wW repreaentInI opposition to the Dairy cattle ahould be sprayed ,ba~ I'~ : ~' ~ IiC"~~ of com· tion had asked I'tealdent 'l'rum1lD llzation with the fears and hope. Zino I, Found Com_on.nt President'l eampalan with meijloxycblor every two to ,munlBf do~UOn OJ: '6a~onl ~~e to" alter hili term. for a peace pro- expresled . by the · 18th century ' ,' 8100d..ln Lllht Ainount voted for the enactment of four . weeks to centrol. ' horn files. pOllal viltll' the UhlW<! Steelworker., humanist, Goe'! le, '!'he 'theme of bis ti~ WASBINGTON.-=-Ztnc. In barel,. President' I recommendationl. ,In The formula liane-half pound cd ,as a Iltee1 .trlke 'd~adllne 'r ushed speech was "Goethe and world .SF,:8to,r s~~ W. LUCBJI, the Dem· clo~er. lIII1t)-." . deteCtable ·amounti, appears to be luch c~ses, In , both parties. the 50 per oebt powder in three gallons '. '. , joerauc ienate n allr" te~~.' said Goethe's dream for t h,e · world an eaaenUaI ' component of human party label hll' been ml\anin,le... ot· water and ,appl,. one quart to The cqrpo~at1on demanded that II ,that the . tre't)-" 'lmpaie's no' les~' Ith~ prelldent's proposed fact,find· was that It should be a "world ot, t)19od• ~ts chief cOncentration is In In all lu~b cases the elected candi· each cow. oblJgatlO'll for'l an ,arms ' program, trlends." Hutcbins said. He advo- ~e lctuc:op:ytel. J:nOlt abundant of d,atea had repudiated theft. .t ' l nlt board tie elyen no' power to ' but lidded .uch a program ,Is need· cated Goethe's "civilization of the white blood· cells. least. implied promises. suggest a lIettlement. ed just, the same. dlaloaue." fIrst measur~menta ' of the So .It ,II that we can no lon,er Th., · wUon ,..tbreatened to strike amolmt 'fit thli trllce element, the count on follow.lng party poll!l)', 11Ie Try ffi ~ 0 admtn\StraU~ I ~ a · $1.1sO,doo,tM» pr~~am to , againlt four companies - U. S. functlon of whfch I. entlrilly un· and .we no longer have, In tact, a --~--"""-_-~i"-_-1 Steel. Bethlehein, IRepublic 'and In· relWD 1!1',ste~ Europe. •. kno~ ~,ut which p~et:~~:n:i~~~rn - t-i1l1J1rt:-'1'hese firm. are against any till!. to lIiealth, ~e What tJle anlWer ta. H fact-finding boarda o)ltside the Taft· repart ju.t I.~ued 'by the any. do not know, but '\ lnlen "~ I ~ 'HarU~y BCt. founda'ti·on. .j. waYI can be found to enforce J)'arty Austerity , . PhlWp 'MUl'l'ayls big itteel union If may. now . be posslbie. by con-: discipline on elec;ted represepta.' I RI~) ~tAffnrd Crlpn., trolled nnlmal experiments. to d~ ,Uvea and senatordl we will , con· r. ("'.~ . .,.-• .' ,~eeDor ', ~ ... of agreed to a 6O-da,. po~tponement ter~e the role of :dne deficiency Utlue to have a go-as',pleale con· p'~I!fJ.,!er, hal placed a ne,,!, of yte ' wa1k~t !a~ comp~es which laui.terit)- ' pro,ram- before , th e agreed with tile prelld~t'l propOl· ~ dI.~", S~. are.S9. .!Britlsb people. Jle, 8MGfancecl that aL The Taft • Bartley act provide. 'Thll[ ' ,~ents. " carried out 1 "au4!d ~ ROUUcal, ' Britam will reduce per ,pending lD for en inqul17 board with DD power wt~ hUiDJan subJec~ In several one weU verse6,.p the wan of the Unite.d States ,'~.!! Canada by to make recommendatiolll. Jal)oratorlea, show an ' avera,e pollUcl and poUliclans;' 'wha&\' , ZInc concentration of about nlne001l1d lie do~ 'boat tJ!e preaent Earlier. Rep. Franklin r)' ~ Roo.~. ~.OOO.~. J~ ',8,e.~qurfl1. .In tile current' IUc . 'Vellr. ' .;' mlllimubs<." of .tIl grain per cubic IilluaUuD. BI•. instant repl, t. velt; Jr. (D.. N. Y.) nayed' Benctintlme~ter · of whole_ blood.·· ODl7 wal: "Get awa,. from the df..1 TBE' BR~t~l;i aUuaUon Falrlesll 'of United State. ,a.bou~ ; one-t4lrd ot this con centra- ·recl prim.., law. With iUreot .. more -ierlpus' tlUm Secretary of Ste~ In a Bpeech bef<lre the ~nited tiOI/. was toundin blood plasma. Fo.r prlma~ ' nomlnaU... tile' pari)' State "Ache/on>'bal.jJ&lh i appear. , ~utomobne Workerl In Mfiwaultee the 'leuc:oc'itei: however, the con. CI8D bave DO collil'ol oyer , &be HoWflvei/ it it DDt ;fnlloluble. Britlsb ,for not acceding to the president'_ tent~ran aI bJlJl, as 20 m1IUontlis to eiUldl~te. w~oae Damea apo d1ftICuitlea ~o~ 1Hl Ilttrlbuted to proposaL a' Ir~m--or about ..03 of a mUllonth peat; muler ~ ,arty label. : the Amer.icaa .l~p._ 'lbe Brltllh _. mUll Us Eacb Cl8Ildldate, d~ • cam· IwDl · beMBt from declfning prlc~ "YARDSTICK'~ .... a l1'am per 01) ce . • I palp aDd electioD Iii a rhtiN of raw materials a~ . f~ ' Cancer Gauger! rLeu~:yte. t ve. the. body'. Intec· law ' utO IalmseU. ' 'i1Ie IlAIIated war pricel are I blamed ·for ~.Il'h'te'rs. The,. also, are the cella CaD bave DOUalq to ..,. to A ",.ardltick" for meallurlh, the tbe rapid eonsumpubn 01 Amerl· whoae IrluiUpUcatlon leta Qut of all him, and no wa,. to keep.'1IIm growth of cancer hal been reported. Ca'. UHe loan , ~ EncJa:n4. . control In the Ulually fatal ,'d iseale III l1II 'I'll foroe e'",;e'::f 10 DD-' 'leultem1n ' ciOI~ aWed to cancer. ~ is taldn, place. ill England, dlIcovere4. 'Amona &be IDJured III tile A simple, 'Cl\I1ck' and lnexpenalV* accot'dln. to a recent poll .of the Thus lllilc may be an important Whatever, mQ' "be the OIUI8 or crub of the New YorltoCaUPllrt ot~ the bodTs armament the nee4ea remetb', it all meanl ;orn1& alrlbler (bat C81De to Bri~,~~~t~ ~ .Pub~~:::,0,PIn10D. method of g.l1ll1ng the gro~ or a ~ at pputiC81 .enwneDt to- decline Of a caneer wal tcPOrted .,alnlt ,d ileale. .., confullon ',or' the voter. of both pld ID I b e Santa 8 a _ ward ~. right:' A ,en\!'rtl elec:tloo by 'Doctorl PbWJp Weat and Jes.a. No -lJ:nP;Ortant difference wal parties. When we CBlt our 'baUot. moealDa n e .ar C"atl~odb ' now ·,nlIgbt'· tilm 'the' ~.bor· ~ mine HIlliard of the medlcftl scboo1 lowic:l )Jlelween healthy an~ alck we cannot be I~ for what we are calif., wa. moVie '. 0 • 'r _ubJeCtlJ, exeept that In the .Ick vottnc, at the University of CaUtomia. oJd at ;afftat!lt. Ca_ Marsh.. Latest entaIalM there .al more 'variation '.lD the , 'l11~ ,technlquelJ based on an ]I1ace the death toll of th4; arUll UDlon leader. prombed to tr:r DnC COIltent of the blood from dll' at 15 . with 11 Injured. 'l'be pIaae to ead wildcat dock .~ ~~Is , of blOocl compoUnch and What wiD happen to the mallJ' to dQ. .' .. more IOldiett. lailora ' and air· wt1I mealUrfJ the effectivene.' of ~lhed shorttr alter 4hepUot" tho.-u~s of bom.. the , lovern. curative treatments. It 11 not a ndloed (bat • violent ncb' was men went Into the mllet 01 wbarvY' ment wW , fall heir to when tile Trail b.n . to IIDload ahiP4 and IIlOve CHIOU cure Itselt. · 1lor Is It a test tor the .-o1Q OD III Ua~ JIaDe amnc purchasera fail 10 pa7. . . mara; preseDce of cancer, . . PUHllpn. ,cd fDad. willr _ltII Tnlbl. fn. Elk , «
Dairy Will
Spraying Dividends
$7·5 Profit This Summer'
PIan Way To Insulate' F .D. S. ReCeSS1·0n .
uw. .mil
Olil,. & New
: .' .
in. ·....
Three N. Y. Reds Sweat Out Trial In Jail
~ V. 8.. Clrcull Court of AppeaIa III New Y04'k ruled tliat three COm-
trial tar
III Jan. was upheld by the appeala court. With ellbt other defendants aDd bIIh P&EV leaden. tbe7 have IIeID free _ b~
____ abIl nre.~ jllled filii' call· tIIIIpt. . . . . . . . . JaU tar the 'Jtw defenM to the aJrcuIt court '.......... cd tbe tdal' bItnID be their ...ieIIce. were JDde'" - ' • •Iou. milia.. aIDce tile leqIb of the trial . De ...... IIIdenl ,.... WU DOt Ia10WD WI &I'IUed ~ at........ .. . , . . . aD OIdMial tile IuraqI. III IMIr appeaL 'DIe Judie ....... aaa .... IIarq WfII,. I'dIIIed .. allow tbII plea . .
...... . or
&UwcI !IIIdIIDi.
Turbine Aircraft
Ituearch CII1 ,u-turblne at MaGDl, Vnlveralty, MODtrea!. ma:r brJq abOut ImProved 1IflDc. A turbiDI eliDe .. • .cientlflc varaloD of tile II1ill wheeL- It-llu mllQ' lIIIall blad.. tnstead OIl • few b" GIlH, ad iDItead of water. bot ,aa Is used til puah tbe bIadeL 'IIIJI: BOT GAS Is praduce4 by • 1I1owtarcb Ill · widell lad .. bllftllll Wltb tile eId or air IGGOPI4
, ltZLLIJGG. mAHo.-crew memo a Union PaCWc frelJht train eveJ')'thlq pollible to . buD elk from the traea had torc.4 the trala to " .ulBUlr, In det~Uon. the the traID l1ow~ tor. attempt to DwI,. the out of tbo WQ, fo:Q elk wa muter err IUj~U'..., too. .. m . . . . .t
Vi,.. In Rbg Feeding Practice
:!'*;.:a:,r IDCIIIQ' '
~, •
.. _~d we, dlB'fne the pan _:-J'12 8 ••.Uwnl -'.1_.1 ........ · ..viDe thOle _0lIl tile ~ Hoover ColDllllsl1co ~. IhoWD ~I how to .av.. WI waufd , wm vitamfn BU ........UaDIai have been ~ blWco doUar. In tile nine feed:InI' ....ctices! ~ two bQqona III Mlchlpll state coUe,_ reaMftb. .nme" Coqreqr:ar IIIdIq -GIl . . dOll't IQ it willi but ~ ID~ III . a - , . . :~...= IadIDc ~t tIU ..... vltaIaID ..
paW ,!f!!.l~'· ~!II!!"
• e •
. •
mu. . . .
Adapt New ,Fashion ICleas Aids To freshen Up Tired Wardrobes
The Righi
Patio Costume
Jlrac!Ucalty 011 n'ew ~qulpmen( now In tiulldlng .,,,,,ept refrlferntor; also m~m op-artmq~.. ; It inter •• ted and "DD furols h .1.100,.. stock a nd eQwpmenl. clUl give tent bee 10r lIenle... r.nd~red . Appl~ " " _ , Greve C.,laree• •n U.S. lllO. U.w...... ~ur., In' . .
By Rloharel run \V1WnSon
BI Ertta Haley EED some spar.kle for the • wlirdrobe? ' A Blight amount of remodeling. a bit of new trimming, or a flash of color will rescue manY' clothes from , theLr route to the baclt end of the clos~. Some women . teel that It Is slmply not. In their power t~ create; a practically new garment from an old one, even 1hough they sew well. It·s a matter ot Imagination. they Bay. and Jeave it to those who obviously have .some creative tal.
TRACY clawed his way up over the slippery ledge. threw. his skis DOGS, (;ATS. PETS. ETC. and poles on the ground and sat WOltKlNG II ORDE R COLldES .from ,m. pon..d .tock. GUDronl"ed 10 drive. J ••k down panting: Generva laughed· K.lrn, R 7. (lllllll •• ~."'. Oble. merrily. "That'. . what city We doe. ·F ARMS AND RANOIIES , to '1' 0 u." sbe R7 ACRES ; 6-room hoak: eloolrt<ll)': b ank bbnm. 2·cor lIaroll.~!. hOi hOUlle. , - - - - - - . chided. ..s e e? other olldJnllS; 60 acres wmble: pelpnBnellt pas lure; Umber; ncv~r·taOInIr Mlilute You can't take sprln,.: on hurd· 'op road, 20 mUes wen Fiction It ab)" more." 01 Duyton . Leca. AUIt.. n, Ea&oD. 0 ...... Roal, J. "For a fact I . . can·t.'· he ent.. . . FARM MACIDN~R~ .. EqUIP. grinned. "Phewl What a climb I True. 'Imagination Is a ,ood thlng ELEVATOll8, 28 fool Decker with Skis are no good up here. If ' we're to have wllen renewing· the wa['d; double 62 ste el chLlln. 17-23 Inches WIde ' ComllleLe with s""ul. U.e. and :. going to .the top we'll have to hobrobe. ~ut it·s dlspensable with an HoP. Clinton englnlt for Orull ".GO. nail it up." I ElevDlor onlY 1360.00. Bargain prfte. _ the aids we have on hand. You a quality lin. of elevators . CIU~ lao "We can quit and go dOwn." she may need just a quick loo~" at what pto ... eDI Ser,.loel Ob.. , said. Her voice beld the barest blnt the stores are 'showlng, . 1Ii gJance o.r a taunt·. She hated herseH for It. &AV. GRAIN. FEED at some of the new styles aOO a . ' 'Quit' nothingl Just because I've RALED BAY-I at Dnd 2nd ~uttiDII. Al· .ession ,w ith . II pattern book. falfa. mixed hD.Y ~nd sl.ow detJveled .t been away for two years you needn't A sense of what Is fitting. how· the 71ght price. ~al1 Sa...aa 1 _ el think you can stump me." Trac)"~ . write SUADY GROVE FARM. R. R. :II, ever. is essentiaL If you d\) any III1 ..n • • ad. , eyes flicked over the girl's sUm. sew!ng. you 'understand abollt ·6t· wiry figure. "Boy. you 'a lways 'could ting. Even it you ' always buy , .. HELP WANTEJ;)-WOMEN take it," he' admired. "Ever sin'ce clothes, you will underetand lltting, REGISTERED ."sc. wanted for wadi: .t we were kids I've bad to hump to GlbbGa. Uo.pltal. I.. .. CeUa... 011"'. .0 you see the matter, la quite good pay. pleasant work, apllrtm~nt' Uvmlr keep up with you." 'imple. quarti!·r. available. The reference to theb- childhood Dresses and blouses should have escapades brought on 'a flood of. ril'material in good ,enough condition LIVESTOCK D ~ ROC 8 - Low, thlell , ellll)' feedDle to. remDdel tor satistylnl result•. grets. type. Weanl>d pillS. ;J. P. Dhluoe., ~ou may have t.o invest in .som!! '1'wo yea", ago be hael letl Van .. lta, Ohl •. new material, tTlmmlng, buttons ber 'With a brotherly .c.p aD 1he FOR QUAIJITY Yorbblr. ~ ••• at iPrera' prJeu w.lIe ' Ea.1 L. "" •• 01. BaUu, or patterns. and it's not budget. .,back and a firm handowp. S"e Ohl.. , wise to ape~d either money or had aJm\lS' bated him. Be had , I'ALOlllNo. HOBSES. naUve. reltlltere4. Make P i t easBDt Work of Cannln, RelJsbes time on material that JSll't worth one or carload .. ot farm SUDd~:va. . ' doWll &0 the cU)" '&o become , D,. E. B. II Ie,. Val.............. remO\1eling. no matter how mu~ (s •• R,qiPII BIlow) aD arehUeot. 'l'hen btt'eI WIUlen you've liked the garment ill the aboat leadea. She wa. a aIDI,1Iaat. Savory II4llish er la a DI,ht club. He ha4 I .... LYNN ClIIAMBERS' MENU Reflttln.g Saves RELISHES go with meals just . en maelly In love wJth her. ru. .Fried Pork Sausage Many Garments . . BasWD "" tafr ta wUh . le«era hael heeD fall 01 1beIr as easily as some foods team Potato Salad rOresses and blouses which At , eO.";I'D!, a romaDoe. . . i' '-"·" m ale e. Its appeartogether. What·s a ,sancilwlch w tbout Sliced ':romatoe! Pickles well ,w ill rarely be delegated to moIre f....... Generva had wanfed to teU _Mce OD ·"e ....Ie bor'-on In a erisp pickles, or peanut . butter RoUs Butter Beverage tbe,'de~,' ,a.ark comers of a closet. -sophisticated . . . cOItume . " . . . for reo to stop 'writing bis everlasting pra~ ' without jelly? Doe~JI't a meat Grape. Sugar Cookies Doesn't It Ibnd 10 reason .tbat IOrt wear. Caro.bD Schnureli de:- Oe about a silly night club singer. platter' look 'b are without spiced IIPIi a .trapleu bOdiCe anel a .' Dldn't he know that every word WBI peaches? 'What'S a bamburger Wtth-' Spiceel ..eaebes separate wra~round a It I r , a knlte thrust in her hearl? out cblli sauce or ' catsup? (Makes ' .~ quarts) with fu.l1lles. concentrated at "You ~now." he said suddenlY. If you answer the~e questions 10 pouncla ellu,s~De peacbe. the BIde. Over It she POles "you're growing more lovely every favorably, you probably are p1an. '3~ pounds IUcar ('7~ cups) tr1aDpJar .tole. 'I1Ie, clllltame Gen. Some day loon a. msn·. . niDlI: to · stock II e . vinepr allO blcla for lulare · boaorl a' cominl alon, and-" . )" 0 11 It canning 4 1easpeollS wbole cfove. bome .~ the ~ter evelllq Sbe laugbed out lou cl and cuphoatd with a 3 stick. cinnamoD . ICp a. -wen as for .ummer. sorambled to her feeL "Cpltle OIl, varJ~ty ' ot these • ~a.poollS whole aI1splce '~~~~~~;;;icl~;!,i;;~~~~ , c City Man, we've ,ot to ' get goine re1lsb... tor Choose ripe bllt firm. medium.l .j 10 plain or levere. Thi. il easily it w,e waot to make the top and,et the3" are lust 8S lized peaqbel. Place spgar . and remedied. , . ' back before dark-'" m\1~:h 11 part of . Lace' yokes are being used exyow~ food Sill)e.!!!!!'.. .v/.ne,ar bJ a tenslvely on the new fashions and ply as are fruits and may be readily inserted on a plain and vegetablt!lI. to bolling. dress whiCh would Idve it the There's little cbance at failure In th.e mean· er background; H you follow recipes PEicause apices ~:n~ ::l' .t~: , Patterns for yoke. ma" .... and vinegar are a preservative and ... 1..:..... '1" ' b i. rak peacbes by ·dip.· , "'~-I' ,.~•• ". wu ~~o,.•• , • • chased either alJ such," or the" nI " , . e success easy. log them in ho~ ~::':-----:---'-..,,----.,....-..:...., clothes should l1t you wen 10 that be part of a dress or blouse • • ., water for a min. 70u'll get the Illost out ot them? .wbldi intrigUes you. Use A FAVORITE pickle ute or 'two. then in o01d water. Good fit .Imp~ ,m eans that JOll the yoke for the old ~eas. , you'll want to make, Stick two or three cloves In eacb look pleasing iD your ,armenL These yokes may ' also be if there are lot! ot sand· peacb. ':rle remalnlng ' cloves. clu~ t~l~"",nei>l; e~.~ 'l'hla should not be too 100le IC that in sheer. or ' contra.tiD, lOUd made at your home: ., ha, al namon and alllpice loosely in , a you VI a aa..,.·....e euv . ' ors, if you preteI' theJlJ to lace. ~ . • 'oll1e. 100. II .o~e proport1maa of th~ Wllativer fabric la chosen, it (Makes 8 ]JIDts) cheesecloth ba, an4 drop this iDto body are lar,e, If. best to have lIhould , be iri keeft'~" or ',ood co~15 . - e (about 6 pounds) the bollin,-· 17J(1lp. Add 8 to 10 .... 8" th . . •• 'peaches and cook until tender. them 6 t I en~_ .0 . et:e trait to th~ dre.s material. '. cllclDIlben 1•• nI_ Plac-e peaches In sterUe jars and g ' no PW&LU' or ,ap g, or Plain can. .be liven 1!4 cups uU cover w'1th lids but do not leal. ·1C••p Va'u,. qess to show each IndJvidual ,-.--,-_ .._- ne-'-"- es' wi'" UtUe ' I quarts water _.. b. ' \iAoIUI WI When aU the peaches are' done, ......el and then be ';'orn with ! tablespoons ·'Ulil 8, ' ~.~_Inl the Id. ·'de. luxurioUl "" co.tum. ... pour bot ryrup Into each of the If 7011 are on .... _e • Ien d er .. new 1 quan QDepr . . "Coma on City M~n, we've rol I CUpI ...a" jars to \Vithln ~ . Ihcb of the top. 1 .: :============= 1ha ,arment should not ban, too '. For a sft"'- le-._1-e loosely ID it look. a. thou,h It ~- A ........... to ,et rolai' If we wan~ to make I Z-i b ell II lDDa Seal at onc•. doem't belon, to yoU. You may. a plain cire••, you might Uke to tile top before c1&rk." 110 C • 0 mon t , . • • , !" T' bowever, have lott lalher., full bare the neckline more. which ~ ! blades mac:e nLUM CA'I'SUP 1. an aceDent woulil be in keepin6 w'1th new !aah" "l'i"acy' grtnne:d and yanked him· 1 .abJeapooIl whcili, cInes ~ reUlh to usa with meats 'and ' ion uends. 'nIen add a ---a for .eH up th.e fir.t s teep ascent. Before Walh cucumberl; pl-.ce in a .- 1 .~ ~ , trimming. and use rome of Jt.on the he .bad ,one 1" feet he realized 'that atone ctOok or jat; co9ier with cold Plum CataaP ftap' pockets ' at hips, or" on the It WBI a foolhardy budne... With. brine mad. by diBsolvla, nn In (lIaItes" plllts, alee".I. out ice pick. and ropes climblu, let ' stand· for two weeki, I . 5 pcniacJa 'Jams,., ..~ Another Jdea for addln, ·'dalh wal hazardous. ",." ReiJ\ove cucumbers lI~om: "bl'iDe; , a.a4 , cJloppe4 ; < , a plala drell In the classic He etuted ahead a,abi and thm .a.h' an~' ~ off stem.. <;ttt" " ,..... tart green, applel. 'would be to use plaid l~opped., A~e him. ma,be ,30 'ftt cro•• ·wtae•. lDto " one-lI~ch pleees. pe,eJed anel Q1I&rie~ a phmllng type neckline. with away, lie·could make out the ,b lurred ~er ,\lrith ' col4 water;. add alum I ")Ill' ~ar ' I'UJDin, tor the sleeve form of Generva. . an~ let ..~and overnight: Dr~. and 'Caps bn1t1l '~" a. the .ldrt rume, 'nIe blurred outline. I:topped . . Be ~sh we)l. · Combine remalnlilg In. ,I ta!1eapoeas elnnamea extra len,th Is needed. listened for ber reply. but .·it abe IlCdien~ and brlpg them to a . ~ tableQooD cloVft , caned the wind drowned it. For an bon. Pour immediately .o ver cu· ~ 1ea ' " tab:::!nm=~ . . , M,any; drelRs . can be made en· mstant bel' bobnalJed boots were cumber chunc:ks and let ·dand. me17 :w lOoking w'1thdthe addJUon clawlni a,ainat the, ice. Then ahe Repeat t1iJa ,process for three Cook plums and apples In v~ellar ~.•ail~ ~ In ~ ,ay:an cont,ralting came coaetiDg ' down the incline. morning.. f!heaUng' th~ syrup each until loft-ftough. to put through. ~ wen . e .QJ' ginal tlresl la fran~lcally for busbes OIat mOrning, pIa~e cuclp!lbera in 8leve. Add 'remafDing JDtreiJlents slid through ber bands. Trsc,. aterile Jar.. Pour bqt ayrup over and dmmer until al tb.1ck' as, deMOlt Frequent Alteration. made a lunge. His hand caught at ancl leal, at once. ' 'sIred. Po~' into ' lterile ,Jaz:s :and ~eevel, and drapln, which 'Ja ,en. ~qlJlred for Hemlines 1 ber' ~ jaCket 'a8 sli.e whipped past, I ' . , ChID Sauee 'eal at onc,,; to add fullnels to the tgure. Adjustlllg the hem of the sIdrl held. felt it slip, thrOuJ!b his 1Ui,ers. (Makes • pIDl.) • • • MaD7 ,arments ml.Y be fitted ." the Illost common , . A strangled cry escaped. hi. IIPI. It.pG1IIIeI. red toma,toes . HI,e Grape lam • ou. dr 8 dreslmaker If yoU do not Lengths vary · aUlhtlyj Horror·strlcken, he watched bel' 1 quart eboppeel p 'eet reel ' (Makes 1! t-oance ,Iuse.) . . CCJ..!III!~~ ~ a1 AA and to be Imarte.t, we have to ad; reach the ledge ,and flip over ita peppe", . S~ 'CUPI preparei! fralt . e:. . . . b ¥ teP w it:. : jus~ hem,l often. '· edge• .disappear. In a moment he 1 ollp IIne17 cboppecl white '7 cups .nPr .' . 'an,e "I~ If 'lOur' .Ize b •• Increued t new was back on the. ~t ground,~looIdna· elllons 1 box powdered frDlt pectiD )\'Jib Neckline or Color . dress.. ~ay run , ~ trilla 10llg lor ov~ the e~g~. not d~. t" hope, 1 f,J1I&ri nlar ,' To prepare fruit, .lip skin. from Relieve dis~ If j f Every (loce la a while 'we look yom SbOl!l,d the,. be too .boi;t FIft;r teet below he made out a I tableapooDS lal' three pounds fully ripe grapes. Add l a drelll and wonder how we real .mUlDe.I, lower them green patch, like a WiIll 'oI cloth I Cl1IPII . . . .ar one cup water to the pulp. brm.)o ever bave ~OI .. en .om~ cauabt In.tlle 'gnarled "brilbche. i 1 tieaajooD mDst.nI' , a boil. IIrtd ' limmer, covered;.c for Rip out,the bem and prea. bardwood' ibrub. 1 teaapoon ground elove. five mhiute.. Remove seed. with a damp clotb on th~ :wrong T'1' SEEMED 'like hours before he i 1 teupooD aaUner lieve~ Grind.~ • .a.nd add ,to pli,Jp. remove the old ,hem, mark.. , found fog~ a,aIn.t a .1'Oc:k. l0 .• 1 teasPOOD ecIell)' 14!81l Measure sugar IJito dry dish and fabtic- I. wool. Jt may Deed feet1rom wbere Generva ' clung to tomatoes, remove skInI .et asIde until needeH.' Place mea.: Iteam and brusblnl _'with the bar:dwood .hrub. Directly . . cor. I. Wuh pepper., :ured fruit luto a five or six.quart brulb to brln,-up the nap. neath her was a 2OO.loot c:hasm. seeels laucepan, filling the . Jast fraction frequently remove. · the Trac, alIqpe4 the baIl1lle .r and dJvidln, of a cup with water. it necelllary, cotton lqods, and m~ . ene pole tbrolllb 1he wheel 01 membranel, Put Place over bo«est fire and add . : 1 ' the oUler, ~ tile · .....' . an , ~1IIb food ,fruit. pectin; mix wen aDd 'contlDue lome. .teamin,. ' If ~ ,old he~ doe. not yield . OD his wrid aDCJ 08-' oa"&or" · ch(lppe~. Add all .lirrlng untU' mixt\U'e com•• to or the.e treatments, ' plan :~ ilia Ice: At bla Rcoilel attempt remalnlD, . i D • hard boU. Cont:lnue ltirrln,. brinl , a decorative band to 10 GenB.a puped &he al1m bamgredl~!DtB I n d to. full roDlng boll. ' and boll bard pver tbe m&a-. end , boo. ' . . ,mix thorpugbly. one minute. Remove- it:wn .~ at 'ne~, C)ll!1 on '''l'ake It easy," he caDe'd. · "You'D Boll fOr two .kim and ' pour Into IttiJiJl·........ ...,.,v,,,"'. or 011 the belt. to swing down Uke a pendu· hours, stirring ParaUin bllt jam at ODee l .', '. tICllLnlr,·· pJe'a~, anCI ' contrastthen slOwly upward;'" '. I frequ~!ntly to... luI or color mI.,. aU be She nOdded and released bel' prevellt burning, ID making) catsup., ure • loW added to the bem'for lenath~1 llip. The impact ot her 112 pounds until , thick. As beat and stir frequently to prevent . .Sklrta .. soon Is as f the 'th n Ixture 1Ideas for New almolt caused him to Ioae his II'ip. er "om "uumlng. Ar Euil A U d But ,be held on. The mome.n t abe , sauce 0 de.. Fl)Od choppers may be a.ed for . , y pp e ". wa. below him he began pulllD, . , aired con listen. catsups, sauce. ~d . "lfIhes! tor ,U'I beeD ~ In the ~It upward, hand over hand. In a mg. pour sterUe jarll and leal. cuttin, ve,etables and trUlta easlb'. do aU remOILlq triCk. CID the ment their hand. touched and aha ' . top of au dre... ~ut wilh .Bfe on the rock. LPJi BAD: Cider vinegar i. mOl. frequllltb' in IkIrts at ncb • hlab level, and j TricT'a bUd .reached for hen. Gillem Thne TIps used-.for plcklJna ' .moe many people with fubions wbat the~ ~ aIW1I r.lbere W" a qUeer light lu hIa . . Crisp Plekles like its meUow flavor. Light vlue· DOW lead them.elv.. to chana... "It jUlt came to me." be laid. SaIl used ' in matllll, pickles pr may be used for plcklinl ' Ugbt SJdrta do Dot aeem to be as fuD " .....~t tb1a old world would be like abouId be of ,004 Qualit',r. with not colored fruita and ·vegetables. ::cs~? ;elu ••arona wilhout you." Gen. I mean-" be tOj) mueh eIIemlcal addc~ to It to Over·mature vegetablel wID fre. eimp}-;:" : : : ~. out . : . c:,ae~ luIPecI-"l.Dever realized it before. ~'lIlt . caIdIIg. Table or dairJ QUenll:r give lOU touab ancl tast. th nd liE iartra · I-Ga. I doII't Imow. bow to ~ 8Uch as 11 used hit Oavoriq pickl_ . .. era a ftIllne•• lu at It. ..· _ _ .' I~ iood to 11M. . --, ' I'rulta which an over!7:-rtpe =e~-::. ~a:c' -::- thet an .. Bar 17" were miatt. 'DarUn" - .·mUID, .wett pi e•. do Dot abouId.not be ..... ~ ...."'1 .. .. .re 7DU doD" bave 1o.,rve bien wall- place them ID too beaVJ a 8)'rIIP tbe:r wtll DOt IlOl4 tbe1ruape wtD a.! : - : : , ::"w~: lDe·for YOII to Joak Uke that ... 10 !....~ wtll iI~veL The 'ViDe,ar -.up to make Dice ldclde.. die - - . ~.. - ...... IhouJd DOt be too .troDI, All rellabu abould be stored III .e :..... :::-::: ~u..: :at !IrA CII' the wm • GOO,,' ... plac.. nv fIoal
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That Na~~in~
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,.. • .,. wu. IIr. ud lin: The Miami Ge. . . tIl.ltlue .....'. . . . . . . tato flaa ,Rlellard Bu. of Dear X.1lIa. Imnm ho...... little nIa ........... t_ ,Mr. and lin. ' lIorrla' lAwIa would ..... It to life Ilk. IMI'kPu1»I1..... eft17 'I'InIniaT man· T .............. II... ·..., .. . . .· ud 1OIlI. l.m and BlUJ. &lUI Iq .t wap-.n., Warne CoIIr. ..41 lin. BI~ 01...,... apot raID ,.t. at;. Ollie. lwu~t... tor. . . . . . . 8atardaJ •• 8JlIIl, wIUi IIr. 10., ...... or 1Ietou. tla A. A. A. IIrl, RMarCl HaD.. or Dear mapana. that a law has been Xenia. ptNed by our .eatalatun DiaIdftt 11.1,,111 Roekllold II lpeDdID, a tile dumpin. of prha,.. truh or telf da'i lfltb lIIr. u'll lire. T.
~ or \DlUDJtary alCllil UI,7 pubUc road a mlademeanor. ~
uythjn, ·. . of 'an
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1'IIecidore E. CODO"•
.. " IIdltclr law went into effect JUly 13, 1M Zd11a H. Cono".,. . . .&aloe. IIdlter and mould be call,d to the . attention of everyoue by word of J!lIlten4 .. ..oond CWI' . .tter moutll, by the n."apaper. ~d at til. poltotftee at WQ"IIMrllI.. movt... I would bke to He the people wbo tit_ an tNI1U or 1J!l. 0"0. .....nUo. ."... - ' _ OIlr laMe ar· Inlieerlptfcm Bate: '1.10 per rested and niaclci public eampl ... ID Ohlo. Kent1JclrJ and IDdlana. traUI th1ll law .. aforeed w. wiD
1te· 'all••ed· "" til. etat. our 1ll,llwan, llat til. law II witll U DOW 10 warn U, Olll ,..,.. ... '"-'faa It.
'1.00 '.lI.wllere. (
'I11e little buck are cona from the In the catnip 1Mb but ,! did not . . them 10. They were m tar.. when I JUt ·looked them ttiat they were hantlnt .aut over the Ilcle of the ,neat. What aurpriled me 'wal that the Hitle IIPPB"Ilt17 • 11ft.. WHB', ...n ead piehl 1nIt til. Uttl. birds looked' .. ,thoutIl they had th• . wldt. 1Iu \~ ' the .y.. that that CaroHna· ......... ncnv, I' wonder whleh·1h.,. were. They are .ron.. eo now t can cut thoae wee& ocl I hopa ilia, there Um. Iiu corne ~ fly -.sci that thon eat. didn't 1ft them. . The cetl exeept MH. KItty Puat · L.... au "'" IIUl te a. 1Ia1'1l to Ita" except Wm.y. She aIII'~. down anc!' tria to eome.ln aile! be petted u I lIe em tJta . . n.IiInI III the .venin., Up ah.. 'e1Jmba and I pick her up -.1' P';lt .... Up aha,- ....... down ..... her .... 1Ie_ pme . , . . OIl aM on- ami! I . . wem cIfta . . tab her . . jIbt ' The 10euda .... tunecI up tNt Itdl tlte 'Itonn hoNlt. . t _ _ -"ether that ........ ItaNt ~ 1Il-
A FARM D~Y . BY D. J. FR4ZIER July 29, lINe. The aky II overeast and til. air han.. heavy and hot. By all the 11l1li there II a Ifbrm on the way. The crowl ~ eawinl ·and anawerinc ..ell other flnt from' one field and then from the other: A 'few honeflies buza outside the acl1ten hufev.rythJq • lae t. stUl and ieemII waIttn.. Dry Ridle' ~unuel to .,. diy e'Ven when Wayne.vtUe. Lebanon. and Dayton 1ft Storma. TIda an. lel!ma apread allover the Iky io if anyone ,eta any we mould let IIOme hut aU' we can clo 11 walt and .... . . TbiI "eek we have been mow': in. the puturea and a .oad ralnl woal0 'e "117 ".leoIDe. WIIIW ~ top, wild carrot "i'Veed, IJOldmroc:i) f:ron weed. and chicory take'
of n.,ton.
Mr. Paul W,rlck II .IIIUn. ID Den".r. Colorado. ud lire. Edlflrd . Morrllj of near W.,.lla..,llle caU.d OD Mr. and lIIrl. Ola"lnce Crawford MOIl'llQ' afterDoon. Mr. lAle MorlD lpent ' Mondar .,YeDlD, ~Ith Mr. and lire. HeDry Benel U, of BIN...,er. town. Mrt.· J . . . .. Wildman of lack. lon, Ollilt I. lpendlng thll ....k with b.r· par4!nta. Mr. and Nfl. Ernest Eal1lta'art and. ,IOD, DaTld: .' Mr. u .d Mrs. Eai-J Da".toa' lpent rtfda,. ...Ialn. ..Ith· Mfl. ~ethltld and fuaU,. IIr. Bernie Dill, aDd Mfi. ~ora DUI ' ulled OD Mr. ud Mn. Elm. .rlOll DIU Bun..a,. aft.rnoon. Mr.. ADaa Luau lpent. tb. week.Dd wltb Mr. ud Mfl. .~_ • oud Lucu aDd f ••n,' of X.I. ..... 01110. . . Jlr. and Mfl. Jto1tert Sn,.der of .8Pr.lDifield called oD 'M r. ant! ClarellCfl Crawford Tneeday
abo dIml.r peltll or Robert O....D. of DaJton Tu• •,. Ed,ar Poft of CeDtenllI. lpent Wednelda, afteroooD with Mm. HliT OlbIOD. Mr. Ilnll Mrs, Bob Guth.y and tlllilly of DaytOn Ipent Saturday METHODIIT CHURCH .v.nlnl with Mr. and Mra, AI. R. B, Ool.maD. MlDllter fred Morcan and family. (Jh.urch School, 8:10 ..m"
B. 1111 Baqu. Putor
Churc~ School, 1:10 A.M., lin. Bq.rllke. Supt. Baylor. SuPl Worshi p Service, 10:80 A.M. Wor~blp S.nlc.. 10:80 ....11. Re v. Bernard B&Ulbl1' wUl preach: MT. HOLLY METHODIIT Youth' FeUowllblp, Sunday, , : ~O T. l\{, Scara, Mlnllt.r P.M. Sunda" Scbool. 1.10 a.m•• " .A.
u, ,..
· . ..' ·.-
Ear~art. ~upt.
8EW.IO 4-H CLUB By Donna Hadley
.. .. -
Worsblp Semce. 10:10 LID.
ST. MARY'8 EPI8COf!AL Samuel ,N, Key., Rlctor Morning Wonhlp. 10:'0 ~111. ,
News The Waynesville Sew-So
J. J.
Evenbi. S'"lce. 7:'0 p .•• ,
CAE8ARS CREEK FRIENDa D&vid ~t&nfl.ld. · MlDflter Sunday School. 10 .... Wonllip SlmCe, 11 ..m.
Clulb met 'Wednes day. Jilly 27 'at FIrllt Day SchOOl. 9:10 a .m. the home ot Jennie Lee . anel ~ elUnl for WOflhlp, 10 ~ IO a .m, Wilhelmina Braddock with M ra. UTIOA ! .U.B. CHURCH Klon tz In charge and Wilhelmina WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF . William 8baDDon, IIhlllter Bra,/ldock prellldlng. CHRIST I Sund 8chool. 8:10 ..... lin. The roD wu callell and nine M. H. cor~V' MIDllt.r .Tamell Garrl.on. 8apt. . mel Dberll' were prelle~t. Tt..:. min• Pre&chlng lit. and Irel. IIUQII~ Bible S ohOol, 9:80 a .m. 'utell of ,the last ·. me,UDIt . were of eaoh mODtb, 10: 10 ....
• • •
• • •
Mornln« Worlbl" 10:10 ..m. rea(1 and &pprovecl. Young Peoplell' M.. Unl.. . :.5 p.m. I!lvenllll S.rvicell, 7:'0 p.m. v.;re r~cel ved our ' health sheets. Eve ning S,e rvice, 7:80 p.m . Th e date of tbe Ityle review is Prayer MeeUnc aDeI BI"I. Stud,• FERRY CHURCH 0" CHR"T AUluet 12 at 10 : 0(1 A.M. Byron Carv.r. Mlnllttlr 7: 80 p,m. , On. ruelt, De.rbara Jo Wlnterl Blbl. ·6chool, 8:10' a.m. wal present. MorolDg WOflhIP. 10:'0 a.m. AUGUSTINE CHYRCH Prayer Mestlnl, 7 :00 p.~. e. .lq. II,rIY ROe. 4-H ·CLU. Father R. H . Krumholtl. PutoK: YOUDC People'l MHtlng. .7:00 , .•. 11111. ADn Roberta ef D~on By Loll LUkenl Manell. 8 and 10 ..m. EvenIng. Servlc.l. 7: III p ••• I.· .pendJn. a few ela,1 ..ttl Mr. , The 'Betsy Rosa ~winl an~ ~---~----'-------;--...,.'-----:---'------ and lire, Rockholt! uel famll,. Cooking 4-H Club met Wednea- day July 27th at Harveysburg older group: Betty Bopn ,.ve • Mr. an4 Mfl. Emn Roberta ot School . with Viola Hartaock In demomtration on how to wear CIDclDnati callad on Mr. ant! coarge and Martha LUkens pre- different acce.. orle~ with the aame dresa. lin. Artbur Rockhold ull TAKE IT FROM siding. Seventeen memhera anOur neKt meelin. wU1 be WecIII,. AN OLD TIMER roll call by giving • nHday, August 3rd. Mn. a_nea Crawford eaUed "Before IIpendin. JOur mOD. swered safety hlpt. The mlnutel were CIIl' lin. HeDr,- Ber...· uel tam. a,'. C~UDt out. few doU.,. re~d and approved. We discusaed Mr. and Mn. Delbert Turner d IIJ or ltea"tlrtowll l ..t Tn~...t!I"""',..J and .Y. 'Thl. II for NE, It'. the wheat drive. It was decided ,Clllag Into my baDk ,account Bt, Mary' wlrl ruelte or AlIDa \ that LoJs ' Lukens would·(glve a • fo'r the thl",1 I'D . want · I&tell demonstration at Lebanon for the Pet.rIlOD. taat w..1L ap Di. Apce that Iheulll 1te COY' OZI.' 'ered. with ladino clover ani "'Jrhea "-014 that mone,. Ulht hrame pUs and leaped... _ lit Jour tt.t UDUI~111t·. ·lately IM!lblDd the tell.r·1 wlndo.. at UI. hank. Try It. It'. ani M' •• rcl.1 In han'dOoa mone)" that Tree Ripened ,4U euler the more "ou do . or latIID .. the It·-&nd. take It ·froID a,l oldPEACHES - AJIPLU . .y. A roo.ter- eftiwa ..... en- . " , . : Uline.:. It .IwaTa oft ........ by • ",.... note 9-12 Each Morning UNG'S FRUIT FARM Afternoons Except Wed. h'f1!daomelJ ID happier Uvfnea ClIft. of our ,..... Mew ...... tuDe .. a4 IlIil." S. E. CentervUle oil Oyo Rd. a 10uchr _ _ -ea11 ~ dle Evenings Appolntm~rit
.at.... .. .
...... ..--.........
White Kitchen
chIc:hn "Ud. , ............ .a it II aU.~ ..... tiuept the. aIr"JaM ev.- that . . . . IooItiIt . . lato thhJkln. It " the
I1JU.ER "tJ~
ItOI'Ift It_ II enter and . . dlcIn't
~ CCIIIdnI tn.
e Open Seven ~ight•• Week
'C••t ....I ...·
"*" Won-t1s.. Dr. C. E. . . _""et.rit 11:1'.
t:""::'~ after an: ~~
e Complete' Fountain Service
at SOCial RoW" Rd.
oR-..,.. eIO".'.
saturday. tl I. nIDJft. ClIft Dry . •• Ioatb Dt'troit Street ,~"', It atarted · quietlr without, nNlA,08l0 ,rtftd neb drop dolal fOod to the . PtrehecI earth. 'I'll.... II • little ....... , tNt
tlO . . • .......In.
... --------_
.... roerlnc tuat • qua.t rahl ~t ...... «he ..... ' ~ . . . . . tBte . . ..,. :..oand: W.. eea pnlIe ao.l ..... ~ with the ~ -n.ou IIIalt . . . UI .....a.fuI . . . . . 6f tIIhteoua
.... ' 0 Gad
ear .....tIinL..
vIII...t tlb. ," "
......................... ""ftIou
It' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EvaRV PLEAT ' IN PLACE ,OU leDd BI;R 01eaners a pl:jWlted dr.i., or IIblrt. we retUrD It IIpudy-clean, ,,,lUi every pl. .t hI' . pi&ce. , . CIllelul ,atteDtion to It),IInC de. taUI baa made UI maDY confident
tile Ittt1e ...,. theNCII: tIiw
_ _ It dt wItIl the drape el
rata, and hIe••at the taeNue tCl It. ·'DtDU erowitMt the ,.... wI6
Long Term~ 4 per. cent
lItJ aaae-: eat .., eIMI drop tetn_ , . .." ' 6aD drop . No~ . upOn. the clwetltnil ' of • 'WIJtlerlll!lll: and the 1Ittl. Mia ..anon ~~I'or AU ' J'anDere ,.,oIee ClIft eYerJ' lid• . The ' 101. OALl., ~ ,or 1lIIII: IuD ,. ....,; 'tit. va11ey. . ,• .&c, IJ..n nmd 10 ' thleIr ~ ULII H••TURN, awy.THa.. cam. that they ahial1 IauP and alnll·" ~ No ~. ~
KROGER - . •UIOfraIl -
leRO. . R _
• ·S tubbs
· Smith~8
Electric Service
"S. tore
. Ir .R&. NILV .IMON lerry Lee ·LewI. '-
Brllll your olothu 111' tOCla,. proll!pt anll eonucl~nUou. Ie",
IAbaB~ Ohio
· . ,-
.... .,... u. ,.,
.NIt .tlllewal -
.,. -,.,-'. --..•
• • •
SOU'I'H M\lN ST. -
lellOGl!, _ K. . . .
.. z 1&1
Wayn..vm. . IlMTF.S TO
Wan Paper and PI8~ ad SlzlQ G. E. BalbI - Na Enamel
FreBh Meat Couater-KROGER -
79c a· pair
~YMpA~ A~~"~~' :"~""""~~~~""~~ __~~~~~:;;;T:~~~~~~~~~ma~o~~~::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::!::::~; lin. ------------
Tlqe~e SnOdsra" and "eek at the home of 1.lIr sraDd' wbo arrlved ••ome SAtur· parenta, ' Mr. aDd Mra: B. B. da)' from a weelt'. flahlnl trip at Tucker. Coldwat.r, 1I1ab. Mao), per~on8 (rom Wi .adn· Mr. and Hr.. PaUl McKnlgbt Jty at~eDded the funeral service. and Ion 'of DaytoD were lUeate of for Mra. Alice Collett WedDellCIa)'
• , JA'N. PlTtI JlatU1ce Collett of ' Ne~ York Cit,. came bere Wl4Da.cIa,. to a~tend the fUner~ of hi. II.ter. 1n'law, II.... Allee Collett, and vilit brlen,. In the· afternoon at the home of Mr.. A. B. cOll&tt and IOn', . Mr. Robert Oollett. I Mr. and IIr.. Clyde L)'kenl , and famUy of SoUth Cbarillton 'Were the weekeDd PI.ta of Mr.
Mr. McKnllht'. )(yrUe McKnlgbt
mother, Mra. the week-
Mr. and Mr•. ' Oharlea Weaver and family of--SprlDgbCIro were gueata Bunda, of Mr. aDd Mfl. PhWp MUler. . LltUe -Mil. PelIY Park of Cln. clnnal! apent a fe" days Wa '
"_;;;;_i!!i!~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: • i . '"
· IIfR~S
Garage .
Main and Miami 9ts. Ph, 234i
the l'rIend'. to be UHCl .. a . aad moved lato their nllwl1 home fac· Ing the new bJa:~w~ ' on Boute 'lS . Tbe Crull8der'a Clu. of at the Littleton Funeral Rome, Methodlat Cburch enJoyed a picSabina. Mra. Collett wal ' a lister nle at Jacob'l !Parll: In Wellman of Mrs. BUBle Gilham. and ' wid· Frida,. .evenlng. . ely known In hla vaclnty. Mrs. Donald Wellan'd and clau· Mr. Robert Maxwell of 8pr. ghter, Bqnnle. and Mra. l!lad IngUeld. an [rlsh tenor, 'WU • I Welzel or Wtllmington we 'Iruest at the Methodlat Church guesta of Mra• .A. D. MarUn and Sunday morning. Mr. Mu.weU Bon, Dougte,' Tuesda,. evenlns. aarig, "SunlL'lne Tomorrow" and Mra. A.. s.. Collett and lon, "Motber Machree." .~tr. Robert' Collett, Mra. lA.a M d M J W Bnell who ~hldaker aDd lIIr.. Ollee Harlan r . an ra... , were callerll 'in Dayton Monday. bave realded In this vaelnlty for many 'years moved tnto their Mrs. SteUa Ha.Uey and her dan· newly ereqted home tn P6rrln· gilter, Mra. Veda. Johnaon, df 001' town Baturday. Mr. Snell bae umbu8, were gueats of Mn. been a bUlJdlo'g contractor in Llsea Ceul., WedDelday. this area ror many' years and ba. Mr; and. Mrs . Oharlea Swtnd· erected most of the newer homea ler left bere ' SIl turd'" . to co to jn this oommunity. He alBo liaa 0ln~lnn8tl wL'ere they wlU de· been active In' t1ie trading Md part for a week'! voyage On tlIe lumber busin'Ssa. Ohio River. Mr. and Mrs. Gall Gordan Mr. and Mrll . . Walter Donald' have vacated tbelr residence on eon and daughter, Marilyn, have Maln ·St.. recently purchaaed by reparted to an IIInkno~' destlnat.
$15 Balik Night ·'FWIN .TBEATJlE AUGUSt' .. - . 1 "NEW ORLEANS" -- STAR
OoRodvA with 'WOODY HERMAN'S ORCH. (See This Fast Moving MusiCal of NEW ORLEANS -
The Lusty Story 01 A Lusty EraJ)
'SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 -:- Geo. O'Brien ill 'TROUBLE IN SUNDOWN" . o ~N'J
SUN. -
AUG. 7 - 8 - Doug Fairbanks, Jr. uTHE ' FIGHnNG O;FLYNNtt .
• In
ASk For. Information At Popcorn Stand
The Time .To Plan .~For-
ittle MiaDli Fall .Festival
South.of Towll
Helene Curtis Perm
Manicur~ Shampoos
. .cw.rlt.. pe....
forate'd pattern In "Izu 32, :14. ~ .and 16. Size !It. 3l1t 39-lncb: 1 yaril contra.t. 40. 42.
IEWINO cmoLE PATTERN OEPT. 610 S.... Weill 8" C~."re " III. Enelose 25 cellls lD colna fOr ••cIa pattern deolrecl:
tl ~~
JOAN'S BEA,UTY SAL~"n. Main St. HarveY~'ver, a Hours: 8:30 A:M. to th man •
e Washd,ollar
For ...J,. ., wheat crap ....
Order BI~ .. - " . . ,.,. . . . . . ,
will hIIft die 1-11·11. ~I''', 0-11-12 .. 2·1." , . wID ...t BIO ,.,., II bnIDda U, ~~.'" ... _ . ___ liM • I
. ,
!...J"5 ;=
the JIfId .... quaU~ of ~..... BIO II bnDdI ... ....,. ...... .
............... e••' ••'
tit ......
,tniS, •
..... . . . :
..... cIowD tII • . . -
-cGrand Prizes
CTORY - TrebeIn, XenIa, Ohio
OFfIC! &
. ..
B'uy U•S,. SQVI"gs • . Bond' s. ~~ =======::;::::===
Hair Cuts
Acdealtorai Displays . Cake;and PI. Awards . . Parade .PrIZe.
Pattern No. 54S3 III •
P.ttem No. - - - - - B S I Z _
4wards. ~
THIS HtUlDSOfriE daytime frock comes in a wide size range. Use !loft eyelet for the sbaped yoke an4 sleeves and edg~ with tiny ruffling. Or combine ' lace with a sold tone fabrIc.
AUGUST 29 thni SEPTEMBER 3 F~.zler's
Wide Size Range
Mr. and Mrl. aDd Jame. Baine. wel'l at .. family dinner at of Mr. and Mr.. Robe' tn Dayton Tbureclay ., in this .' . \Mr. and Mra. Evere~le_the are IlpendiDI' • couple ;1with a In MtcbllaD. . in scal· Mr. and lin. Wllbl'~ Is a were. Bunda,. d'LUDer 11'In. Mr. and Mra. C. W. 'YeDa1f:0D. ' Mr. and lire.
'e ensole' Television Set
'. CA" __ '
.I.anick Transportation .;
$100.00 Cash .
.BrlDa' iii Yoar Produce ~ ~.r,lDC In ¥loar ~ .Cakes ••d Pie.·- "Participate I" .' Dle ~Ig P,arade'.
PHoNE 101
•• ••••
....... . \
' If'.
IUren Coiitj Weldiog Co• .
R.F.D. 1
~ ,
Big Parade Sat, Sept. 2 .\
Crochet a Pretty New Bedspread .Pi/etllot'Chair Set or Bu,ffet I SC IUPTtIRE, p . aJm. G2; 103: 138:1-',
25·28 .
!lO : 1·8. 17. 19,
READr~G: ·
Thank God for God! L eSSOD for AU'rust "
the· little children WHILE thanking God for bIrd!!
and be:es lind . oatmeal, let us grown peo'p le rise and oUer 80me adult t b'lt /l k s g i v ings.
~'1111['-';;;iii I RE!adl ng the ,P salms' ot p,raise wl'dch are . tWs
w ee ~ before us, get the ~ mpresr si(1O tha t the 's e poets were grateful above all not for any.thing God had given but for God himse1!. Thank God (or God l sin g 8 thll'ough every line. Suppose there were no God? He Is the Creator ot all; without him nothing else can be. The nature at lline and space, ot molecule and att)m and electron, the mighty power 'that holds aU together; the · emergence of Ute, of mind, the possibility of thought, of values, · wbatever Is and whatever can be, Is because he wills it 80. That tht!re is energy in the atom, tight In the sun, refreshment in the rain and power in the lightning-that tht!se thing. can be !lnd that a~J tiling can be, we ~ank the God. W E!
Blissfully unaware that they
the' crther:~t!~ho~:~r~iltf·
the 'sCreen hut'~
~ b ' stlll and Mema ~. ftey 'are Dry RJdte con~uea to ~ dry those weeds
eYe when Wayn.vtll., Lehanon, ud Dayton . .t itorms. ·'J'hte one aNini IPrqd aU over the Ry a., tf' any, one teta 8N' wt should tel lIOme but .U we can do .. wait and . .. 'Dtla ...k we '-ve heen mow: the patturea' and a ,ooci ..oullt ,''e Y.I')" ".Icome. WId" ' ~. wlJCl carrot rBPeed. IOlden~" f;ron' weed, and chicory tak.. up tit -pee lbat .!lould .. .red with E.clino clover ael brome trW and lttpedeu act
• ••
thOle cats . . .. all
her .,.. on and . . . ad .
n maJ be,
IDdced, thaI oDl1 this earlb Is there rebellioll IIplDsl . Uae Oreator. aiacl 1IIal , i~laewbere Ia God's domlnloils. ~,U ... peace. But nppose , It '"ere true that aU the evil In Jlse C,1l
PEAaD'.! -
at 5001.1 Row Rd. _
, DE.4'FJt
• •
"H=--=-O '-:'-U - J-'-
,,,orld was ordalDed b1 some •~reaUve Uatred' _U the ,ood~s III Ule world oDl, aD lIlal.... a 'c1ecep~01i1
5.E, Centenrf1le on Oyo Ret. w
' ... .
r ...,.,
, Tree Ripened
"; . Floral Deilp ILET is one of tbe easies t and loveliest forms of crocheting and works up quickly. . This charming floral design ma.k es a StalDedoGlass Motif bice chair set, or 1t can double BS ' HANDSOME cboChet~d bed- a dining room' buffet set, spread with a st8'Jn'ed~glass .. P atte.n No. 6935 cons lets of material , • • • moti! in 'the center of the seveD- requirements , sUtch lIIustraUon. . fil et· Nn UnrJght.,ousness in Him ' inch square - solidly crocheted dlagrome In eaSy·to·r eael dOl Dnd square. Dnd finishing d ire ction •• UPPOSE Qod were not good1 · A' corner sections are combined ' to SeDd 20 cents In coin, , our Dama. a ddress 'lnd pattern Jl~_ . _ _- . vast and victous devil, Iils 1m- create bedroom charm. mt!nse mind brltnming wit!J intel· • • • SE"ING VIROLE III E EDLE"ORK ligence and mallce, could perhaps '., • 1110 a.,,", 19.11. SI. Cbl• • 1. nL .£0,,1018 20 "ents (or pa tlem. ha'v e contTlved a universe more To obtain complete "ro"be lllli ID. troo- . enormous Ulan' this corner at one Uon. tor Ibe Oro"he"" Deckpread (Pat- ' ' No. - - - which' II known to u.. A:' crea ~ve tern Nil. 58(8) Name . -----------~---- deVil-what pangs be could "have SeDd 20 "ents In "oln , ,oW' Da me. Ad~eu ----------------inlrentad to tort.ure his creatures I addre.. and pa ttern num~r•
Ume has
Suppo.e It were the Intent of lome devilish maker of man 1I.n· ally to destroy all his creatures. or worse .t11l, to make eve!')' creature' bltterly for death but find none? Let u. thaDk God 'o~ God:' the ,God of . mercy whose lovin, Idndne,88 endureth forever. ' • • • . . Be , Knoweth Our Frame ET us thank God for his provt. dence. He did not create and ' 'then forget'us. DOr 'live us 10 much 'tre!!dom th~t we coUld destroy hi. m lljesty or brill' to naught his mtghtj plan.. Let u. thank God for hili ~te love and Interest that ,pla res and apeeds us, his knowl· eage of our trame, hi • . remember· ~I& even the hairs upon oui- bea,d s .. · .Let ,uI th8J!k GOd that being lnfI~t~ b~ ·can bayc a care far. 1Iie . fnfthlw!lbnai, and that 'not 'a 'Parrow faUs to, the 11'0und without our Fath'e r. Let us thank God care for us Is such ·that wlthout hi.· knowledge Dot the least of • "Aw, c;ome on,' be a S,port, his creatures can faU a.leep. sleepyliead/' 'Denis 'seems to be Pram duO. IIIU1 dInatei.. saying as' he tries to arouse his luid &be DB..... .... tile _14 ' droWsY play,mQte: to ' look' at the . ."have beeD DVed. ttiIIe aid FraU la the craft · bi picture-bOok. But, Rojo just. won't '~btch · .he humaD .. ';Jrti" stir. ~'ts , ~o _fun f~'" Denis w~en Ilauncbed throarb ,thla paUlle'" .1:miverae; Jet It 'boldl, IUlll wlU .. R~jo's. mid.d~y nap t~me arrives;,
. " At left, DeniS and hiS chum re~ lax on a soft blanket .on the back. \ IqWn, They',e been bathed and P9wdered and are dressed in , three·cornered pants. Rojo feels ,the sandman coming, ' while Denis ~" cid~s to cotch up on his tf$l.dl ~g,
, "
, lltold.
jtbere • bJ ~ alml"" l1ecretf. , 'In' ,plte of ~e ' chaos of men'. un-· • , will", in spite ') of w~ know, ' not wha~ rebeWona. 1n the .pldt wClrld, he sees to it that not one ,o~ ,Is ·,ev,r wholly lost. . e, . '
, " ", . l'
Who ~deemet'h Thy" Life'
(- -H- - -- --=---- a-I-l-lk-B-o-t-U-e-w-a-r-m-e-r-s-,
~ new
wrinkle fOT drive-in the~ter8 is electric milk bottlewarmers for patrons who bring , baby along to sleep in the back s eat .
AvolciJnr Varnlsb Bubbles
To avoid surface bubbles when d' • h k th . you varnish. on t s a e e. can. . tir , the contents gently W1th clean stick: ..:..._ Mirror Streaks If streaks aD your mirror ~ow ma,~ed . ai~ of Mubbomness, they c'a n I19rhetime8 be, persuaded to go if you rub them wjtb a UtUe , oil-type furnish polish. .
- • .::..
Plaster of Paris ... good stuff with whiC$ to patc:b walls; but unless 'you're nimble, it may get dry , and hard before the job is fiD.. Ished. To prevent that. mix a tablespoonful "of ordinary ' fiour with eve-q cup of plaster of Parla. \
..... _
l ),c ('
I f' I
d .
For' Sbbt7 Fau~. . . _ _~-'--'-_____"""_~_ When the nickel faucets in your sink become s'tniDed, polish them
by rubbing ,with a soft cloth dipped in spirits of ammonia . WBSh them oft afterw:ard with hot water and soap, aDd polisb with 'a &01t.
cvy cloth. .
-jt- '
Ulft& to lVaKers Regardless. of what type w~ , you 4se, be sure ybu don ,t , apply too m\lcb ' aDd that y'ou glv~ th~
application sliffteient' · b\lffinl:' Otherwise your nOo~ w be quiclC ~o show rubb~r ' h~.,l m~lrkS and furniture aeratCiles. . ' Ru' StalDa oa rUe Rw;t stains on We usually will yield ~ kerollej1e~. it tbey~re not. too old. Qoye,r; ill. spots with, kero.ene tor ,a couple 01 hoUl's' then wash the We ' wi th soap and hot w41ter. -.To Brl,liteD Ru, ' For a general bliightening up of a cloth ' rug, sprinkle salt aU over it, let stand an hoUl' or two, then take it up with the vacuum clean· '1',, " ' ' , - • ._ Ancl1or,ln, ,Rur. , Small ~Qw , rUl. that iendency,' to; ,sUp along !he Door (:ap be anchor~d P;V attaching s'ev· eral jar: l'Ubbj!ftI to tbe under side, or shellacldng the .reverse sides.
.,....."." B
oote's:. "S~
FA MOUS FOR QUALITY CHICKS .... Gef.urte4 paU_ •• • 2 fO , 11 ...... 014. AYoldUII, bioodI.1 rfo .... Mab ...... paul", PI06a. PrI~ low .. '9:10 l>U 100. ThrifIJ' bird. flo• ..p.u01Ua 'cOlllI'OlieCI Sod... lind, fot bIsb eo prvdualoa. Ordu DOW ••• . ban .... 10 uU Ihll " ialu.
'Higher wareiS: Shorter More and better ,
ET PRAISE " God tor ' hil '. ,p romise ' aDd . for his falthftillie ..: '!bat he hal not lett us to 'our IhlS nor liven us tIP ' though lon, Wtt .Icomed bim; that hi, divine patienc;.e' outfast. the hU,ty beart; that 'he spare<\ not bis own Son but free~ ,ave 111m for our sake.; that ~on. who come to bim wID be cast -out~ .•tIlat' the , God" who ' createa' ll th,_ God' who redeel1\s, we pral!,e ,/W~, (rom a Iieart of love. , 'AI i,he ~ ,P.lialml.t Of p)~ Imew bbnaeJf ... o~e of the ehl1dren of the Covenant. '" may every maD who ,~es abel'. pr,omises and makea -tim · his beart'. own. ' -------------~~7-~--------------------.~'~ ~; To tab this Goellor mJ G~ ,..-thIs II the beJ'lml\D, aad the ~ . 01 reUlion.. To step 'oat OD
h"v, . .
etemaL 'lba" God far ~I
By t.amy(ork produce .' more efflellntly fo~ every -hPlif we WOrk
~ !
~--.---------~----------- !.
.... promleea '. . .JIl .. brh1p thai !daDds secUI'e aline all the .lIIoods ., etendiJ.
trult IQ bts falthfUlne.s thougb race oi. maD ,,11ft lIan: to the vista of the Jean fear, IcDowfn, Utat the God tathert will be the God cal aucceedfDI rac.. that hII Is everla.tln. to 'everlastlng blL.ldqdom ruletb over Is to Imow hIIq. and thll ts
,goods for everyone.,
Thunday,AUJUlt 4, 1949
Smar,t/y Styled for Afternoon Yoked Style Combines .FQbri~s
Wide Size Ran,e THIS HANDSO;ME daytime frock comes in a wide size range. Use soft eyelet for the sbaped yoke and sleeves and edge with BI, Favorite tiny ruffling. Or combine lace OQI{' pretty and neat in this with a sold tone fabric. • charmlng afternoon style-the Pottarn No. 8453 I,, ' • sew.rlie persimple waist is accented with a torated pnttom In "Iz..s 32, 34, 381_ 38. slanted clos.lng finished in scal· 40, 42, 44 and 4B. Siz.. 34. 31'0 7Dr<lII OE lops. The panelled sldrt is a 3D-lncb; 1 yard "antra st. ~avor1te with eVery woman.
• •
- ..
B.I!lWINO CIROLE PATTERN DErr. DIG 80.&11 Weill 8t. CIa' •• ,_ '. III. . En~lose 25 "cnLl In eoina tor ••ch pattarn desired.
Patte", No. 8448 Is B sew·rlt.. per· taraled l'.!'tte.rn In "'z... 12. 14. lB. 18. 20; to .. nd 42. SIZe It. .1'0 yard. of 3D·tneh.
Pattern No.
Send an addlUanal &wenly·flve "ents tlKloy for your copy of the FoU and Winter FASRION-64 pages ot amnrt new .ble.. speclal {e"lures-free pattern prlut"d "''''de the book.
Nam. - - - - - - - - -
Addr ••• - - - - - - - -
Buy U.S .. Savings Bonds! .
" Visiting the Potomac River, a · I condescending Eng r i s b m Il n 1'{1(lIUDlteathe story of George WasbH hur " .. . a silver dollar
,j~~~~~~~~!!!~ oaow CALIPORNlA. REDWOOD BIlk' " · Y ... OWD BDIUIi\,' A Bve burl cut from the ,taDt Redo wooda. the 11vtn. tree. on earth poatpald fDr 11.00 with
the river. .
-TOO SAD WE 1)ON"T tfAVE ' AN)' SN01A~!"
tl!Jl dlreeUon..
His guide expla.i ned: "Well, of course I didn't see him do it. but you know a dollar went much further in those days, and I don't trunk it should be such a feat for a man who threw a croWD I>a"...n"a the Atlantic Ocean." Englishman-·'Well. now, that pUzzles me. In all my tr'avEngland I've never a hedge like that before. you sure George Washington it from England?" Mount Vernon course. He got the whole danged country' from England.!.,d1d,n't he?'" ,
M..... .....uw rrqw.
like bou.e plant. Guaranteed to
T:: :.~~8:'~~IB .
.AN FB4lrCIB~O 17. CALD'.
Aicofiolici ,r. ifCIt ~ iii.. .. preper trea&Dlellt. , ~ 1'1:Ol'ua ..
.. &0 I
NGlIIre4l foIIn.. .,. • w..... "ado.. Dec,..aqr tuSca pt.... rtlled II), OIU' 1'1I)'al. CIau. No eWp fat ....... H ld-
u&ll coual&llUOil.
Sturdy Wall Shelf " Is Simple to,'Jlild
':.r' ' Backaches . 'R.II.v.
Slu",sh Kidneys I
OTHER type of intel10r fur· N,O.rushings helps make' a house a home than do these in· wall 'cabin·eta. They can as effectively in the room as in kitchen or"livlng'· qsed they provide • so mucb storace' spacl,- you'll' wonder how you ever got along , without them. . , The full size pattern offered below ~implifjes buDding this wall cabinet. The pattern is traced on Y{op.d. Eaoh part.a then aawed anq assembled In exact pQsi. , indicated on pattern. No speor skill al'e required. All ImateriaJ.g needed can be pur· at small coat from your lumber yarer; . t~r~~tin
• • •
perspiration. odo'r
1dade With. f - ~ bae. Yodon ' u<GduallulOOlAu., to IlormalIkiDl. No har.h cbemical. or irritatiDI MIti. Won't harm IkiD or :clothing. &41(1 eqlt IIIld c:reaD11. DeVer ceU cram7. 'n7 gtllllh Yodora- jM the'll'Otlder!ru! clIIr~~
RATE': On. c.nt per word, minimum ch ......, 21 o'n_ Three In"rtlon. for th. prto. of two: Forme oloe. W.dn ... day noon.
e.allturea hi. behind Mcond · and the da,...
us for insurance. ~11 types of insurance at a savings. -Call Francis · Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2472 or cali collect, Wilmington 2111. ACRES OF B~CKBIDRRlES Pick 'em ,.ounelf, 10c a qu.rt. S. M. Ball J'arm. ~ mOe .a.t of Route 42 on Route 122. . '721'lt
Set~t - 8 - French 2 are' 80" and one II 82". All are 6'71,i". hllh. Never Ulled. Perfect condition. $26 for the tlet of 8, Harvey Burnett. Phone Wa. yneavme 2967, 7.28·3t Doo~
FOR STRAWBERRY APPLES SALE- Old Mendenhall Orcbard Clarksville Road. two mHelt SE ot WayneBvll~. Hendy R. Satter' thwalte, Pho,n e Waynes. 2950. 3t WANTED TO , RENT- Houlle or , apartment - 4 or 5 rooms In Waynesvllle OJ;' Lebanon'. Pbone Leb~on 105, FOR SALE- One Electromaster .ElectriC) range, Cbarles 801al\, Route II (Wel~8.n), Waynesville, Oblo , 8.4.3t CL'OVER SEED COMBINED Dean O. Walto,,' Pbone Wayne.vllle 2589 8·4·3t
FOR SALT- Electromuter ctrIc Range In good condlUon, Priced for quick lIale. EveIyn Wal kIns, Phone Wayn'es, 21~1 .
roii7s:ALE--19,i -F~r;UdOiID 800d c.omUtion. New . o.ttel'1. Oram Shoup, MfU St.. Waynea. WANTED- ,Launderln'g to do In my bome. Phone Wayn~a, 2988, . BANK RUN ORA VEL- Loade,': at DaVis Furn.. Pit, 110 cent. cubic ,.ard, We_alao deUver. AlUl. IT~GE I: SON, Pbone 2091. U CUaTOM BALING R. C. LaRUE, RT. I, Wit. TNEBVtLLE, OKlO PRONE 2800
. EXCAV.hINQ '- --
Wltb Bulldozer '" Sbovel. tor ' bAlementl. pondll. leVYII" and cl. .arlng land. Ettfmate. turiJl.htM!. W, N, UPTON. WIlIOD R4., 4 ml eaet of Waynu" Ph. I!Iprlnlr vai~ ley 18111. Sl-lt I'OR SALE- L&te cabbale "nd manso plante, 10 cente per doH1l. CHlt.S. C, BTROtfBlI. 1% mtl.. north of W.fJl.... at comer of Wa7llellYfIl., I'efIT I: . Lytle Roadl. ' .IWt
FOR BALE- Chrome top Cba",: berl rftnJe for bottle au. Rob"t. Parnett: Phone . Waynell. , 2994, It
MODERN-EFFICIENT Electric Sewer and . ... orafn Cleaning Service ,No Unnecessary· Diggl,n g , No Btoken Up Basenient' Floor. Roots and Oth,e r Stop,.page -,' Removed ' (SeWer Work Guaranteed) Valley Sewer and Draui ' Service 12 Hudson Ave., FrankHn, Ohio Phone: Franklin 421 or 422 1I'0R S~ Farmall 11'14 with eultlv.tor.. OverJlaul6d laat year. ~600; Phone Waynlle. ·2918. 721-1t Gazett. Cla..lrI.d. BrinD R••ult.
- - - ...:-.---.-
POFF'S ORCHARD 1·' Ml. Ealt ot Traffic Lllht CENTERVI&.:LE, OHIO
. ORDIN~Nr.E NO. 205 (Section ' '1178'42. 01110 General COde) , For Dates, Phol1e Way~esvl11e Ohio, 2894 (reverse cbarges). Orantlnlr 'Director of Hllbway_ ' It.u~horlty to Maintain State BI,hwa,.. Inllide VIII.,e Corp· oration. WHEREAS. The Director mgb"'YI, u~der Sec, 1178·42 of tbe General Code ot Ohio, Is au· tborl.ed to maintain en"nlllOn'lt of ltate hllbway. within the limits of a, ~lIqe, and WHEREAS. Extenllinns ot State' RoutJee NOli. 42 and 73 lie wlth1n' thlll ~1I.le. 'IIDd LI •• WI ... and 1"1'09.....)••• "In . r, WHEREI.S. The work proposed orCl."I•• ~lon ••ocnd lo non. , to bti' authorized under thle ord. at,lotl. on the n ..., 'Inance shall be restricted to gen. all arOund ~.rket I" ". eral malnte~ance of tbe travelled count",. roadway surface" of tbe State SERYICE TH"T SATI8FI"Routee hereInbefore set out, an'd l1Wf10 DaTton 11:10 11:. 8 . '1'. WHEREAS. It Is understood Dln.I 11, d(l WL\\l (''In'·1",,,.. , tbat thlll ,ord'inance shall 'n ot 'In 11 : 40, "Iql 71le. fo~ nllt nn'" any way obl,gate tbe State of MArk ...I R _ , . milo to repair pavements or road·
ROOFING Of AIJ Ty~s Inlutaetd Brlc.ks and , ubes' tCJJJ Siding. Sheet metal work ot aU . klndll, Reter_ CM. ~U work guat;anteed.
Wayn.avlll.. O. Phone Wayn..vllle 2It8
"Buck Ni,bt" A Dollar A Car ABDOn AND COSTELLO
. l\{rtI, Nettle Emric k r eturn~d bome Sunday eve ning after IIpendlllg a cou ple of weeks with Mr. and l\~rs . Leon Salisbury at Was,h ington O. H, Mlr s. Hilda Cowan. Janet ' and Hubert. attended a picnic at ~ Sourdsvllle Lake Sunday. span· eared ,by the Lebanon Plating Work • . Mr. and Mrs, Earl Young and Mr. / anll 'Mrs. Illrael Scotl ot Dayt.on lett Saturday for a vacat· Ion trip to Niagara Falls Canuda, Mlr. and Mrs. Warren Pummill of , tile Ferry Road are aonounc· I Ing tbe birth of a lIoh at Mlam.l Valtl~y bospital Tuesday. July '26. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Gray were Sund,a y evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, Donald BaIrd Gebhart Road. 1Ir: and Mrs. Harvey Burnett. ?tHss ~ary Brown, Mrl. J. B. Jonell and Mr. and ~Ire, Walter Kenrick atte!lded Warren County According to size ami condition , Pomona. Gt:an'ge at Waynll.vllle
'Sat~rday e~en~ng. . All Stonk' remov er! promptly. Mr. and Mrs. J. B, :Jones and' COW8--$4.00; HORSE8- 14.00 Mr, an~ Mrs, Therle Jolles atten' JANES RENDERING ded tbe tuneral of Richard Moore at the 1\lorrl8 Funer,al Home In
"hone Collect Xenin ; O. 1712 or "'i!m:ngtOn, O. Z382
HORSEI, t4; COW8, t4 Aceording to Size and Condition. Call '.
Xenia 454 :Xenia Fer~er
Valley Hospital. IJI, -.1fe, Ct'ara, wall a nlec(I of Mr•. 1. "D. Jonell. Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jonea ud son, Milton, .villited Mr. am! Mn. Herman Nutt and ct.tldreo at Eatou Sunday.
WADn....... _
.'OIUII,., ".:: I
LU/L'II(_-' 01..... . , . .
Dead Stqck
Dayton Wednellda,.. and· th'e burl '1\ ' , .. . Bear Creek Ceme~el'J'. Hr. Moore was taken III at hla omce and dle4 ' before arrival at Mlam!
·Armitage &Son
IN '
E , ' G. Uuc:hHieb, In.
,Get 'Your HAlt I,NSURANCE
Any bUIlI.nellll you bring will be higbly .apprecl.ted~ :MY WORK IS ' ALWAY.' QUARANTEED
Thank You.
'The h,all tealOnb here! Protect your cropl with. IIOUDd, lenlible Hail InlIunnce Policy. .With . procitlcdon COllI 10 Ibllh, itan Inlur.n:~e it ll1lOfe. nec:eaary than "er,
N EW_ John Deere , M~el Tractor and Equipment John Deere Trac.tor 'Manure Bprel!,d er Jobn De~re Side' Delivery Ralte I ., Jobn . Deere Power Com Sheller ' Jobn Deere WalOn Gear John Deere 7 ft, Beavy Duty Disk
W:e wish' to expresll our. Ilncele appreclatlon for the eooperatUSED..:... 1948 Ford Traotor with Plow and ,Cultivator Jobn -Deere Model ..,tB!' 14" Plow ' F '12 FarmaIl Tractor with Cultivator 1942 Model :'B" Jobn' Deere anI! Cultivator_ Cross Power Corn BL'IIUer Lets Roughage MID .nd Silo
Ion given us by, ,our cUlltomerll durlnl Our remodeling proaram. Thank you very mucb.;
larl D. Dam
It I
damaged by the removal or In'S'allatlon utility Unea, NOW. THEREFORE, Be It ORDAiNED. by the ell of the Village of WaynelvUle. State, of Ohio: SEICTION 1: ' It III bereby d. elared to be In thepubUc Inter· est tbat the consent of said vU· .Iage be, and said c.on/lent hereby Ill, given' to the Department or Hl ghwaYII Qf tbe State of OLto ror ,said · Dep/u lment to ilkalntaln the !:raveled portlonB of the State Highw a Y8 hereinbefore ' eet out. SECTION 2: Tbat the ' Clerk be. 'iud he her eby 18, directed to r~ nj s b to the Director of Hlgl.~ waysl .and to the Board of County Commlsllioners of Warrer.' County Ohio, a certified copy of this ord· iL1!ln'ce Immed·jately upon tb~ lug bIlect thereof, SElCTION 3 : Tbat this Or dln· ance s hall take eltect and be In forc l~ from and after the per iod alJowed by law. P.nslled: August 1. 1949. Atlel<l: Char les Jame~ , Clerk, H , 1\1 . Slierwood , Mayor Publlf!Jted Aug, 4.11~ 1949
-e-8Anyway last Sunday Don Pope IlsClended the mound tor the 10' calli lind two boun later had earned a 11·7 win ovel' HarveYII' burg. allow~ng but elll: bite. Thl. was Pope's flrat IItarting role . . he had releved twice creditably . and a lfttle more poUllb by 1950 ' will 'make the' liard·throw. Ing righthander a Irood' bet for WayneevllIe's number one mound· sman. Harold Stanley belted • bomer In tbe flrlt frame, added • double In the fOUl1b , and etart. ed a fast twin play killin, to round out a ,ood day at thIrd bale. Cbarley Bias and Bo,. ll'ama. each bad two ..fetlea, B." lacln.... triple: Howard Dolter blaated • L'Omer for the losen !lDd loat .nother utety when Bill J', ' W.ynes·
-,-- - -
BorIn, as statilltics are, ",II can not justlfyably draw the curtain on the Trl,County lea,ue ached. ule 01 the Waynellvllle American Ler:l,on IIfn~ wUl.'out mantlonIDK' that their final atantUnc ' Of three I~ague vlctorlea against lIeven de. featll doelln't teU the "real" atory, Put yourrtelvee n Uie rolell of manaler (many or you did aft.r tbe ,Iamell) or player and villual. Ize four one run defeatll · two los lie. by two runll "ac~ and only one bad ' game In tbe ten game scbedule _; , . one can easlly !!.e e wbere anotber hit In Uie right plac.e could have turned the tables In at least four or those lIeven losse& and that would have meant 7·3 Inste.a d of 3' 7 for the lIe.aSOJl . .Bellbrook and Center. ville each flnlsbed 7·3 records to tie fpr "rat place ' . was th'Elr lucky star brlgbterl
Juat a w'o rd about the Pme tbl • . sundar wben a ;peCI.lIY or,anlled IDercbant nine wID en· ,I,e the Ue,lon hidll at 8 P ,M. .. In the prelim. orvm~ Gra,'s barber IIbOl1 club wUl crOll bat. .w lth tbe "iliad." of the pla,.erll . , "Doc" Dralle probably do a ,landslide bUlllnell1 on' arnica and other IInlnlents ., ·., Internal wasb, aB will be provided by Ct.'et Car. ey, Legion concillllllo.flalre, Who will bave plenty ot cokes, etc .• on band 1.0 quencb your tbirat. Blick to the mercbantrt, I hope that each mercbant wL'o ha" 'llponsored Ii wit will make an orrlelal ' al)pear.ance " like Ted Conover, If yOU ~Inlr your play. :tng dIIlys :are offIcially over " .. nominate IL representative or at least be a baserunller (provided we get anyone on, . Well. lone Bill SlIwyer will ,be available as will tbe Workman brotber. wbo wlll split ~ be umpires' 'fees' (ba ha) , ..tben Edgar ' SmltL'. AI .. Pol. Inllky, Bob Oampbell. sutiblng for "Doc." Drake .. Jim Jonell, Sr.• or ROB. HllrtsCkll for the ·B ank . . the latter can bave hlb prize dascbunds run for him! Also. Stanley Bailey. the old man's maetermlnil, sbould' be on band along wlUi Ray Kler, R&IP~ Smltb and Fred Orauman of the Lumber Co, . . . maybe the b.ta can be plimed there. RepresentIng tbe Twin Theatre, no leu will be the tb~atre·. popul~r' all: alelant m~n1lger. Buck MUjlenbal, wblle Francis Gene Brown's Inlurance will ~ncloak ,.oura truly on the slab tor an ,Inning or two , , . . mllht be tL'at Stanley-. SImpson alld lI'IIrnaa may cbange my mind in tbe leeend Innlns! Well~ well. h"re coibel Hopalong ,Cualdy rem1ndlnl me th.t he wUl 011 up bls venerable arm for Mom's Pallitry, wblle CaP B.t ubba will probably try and lel\ terttlvai tickets while repreaenUJrg bll. and Mr. Moler'l WayneavDl. JI'u.rnlture Btot'e. O~er at tbe p . pumPI repreaen~atlves 0 t the Se"11 Texaco and Fulkerson'e SoLto Bat'onll remain • mYltery .. .. pr~babty becau~e they are' doIn. a _anee on tbe lltuatlon Orat. - . . nOW' lalt, but certainly not le.. t. I'm lure that Vem Simp· Bon' of the Rogers an~... I!Ilmpaon outfit wUl ,tote bls own bat til tbe plate and lrnuclr the sockll off bl. boy. Danny, sboull! the I.el1on IItar burllll' etect blmllelf to ·tbrow . ... go lib , am. I maldng up tbe teud.! .
l~un ..ces
Sanaee servlee WAYN ••VILLE
P.... ONE 158
Talking It Over
Serving··Waynesville Since 1850
WayneavUle Dearly loat newest buol'nese enterprise;' a couple ot wi3eks ago because the "'••'.'-" 'proprietor 90uld Dot , find housing tor his family here. However. since thi3 housing' situation in th'll . community Is Identical with that In most towne. 110 remedy but the ecor.·o mcll effecta of Ume. seemepoe&lble. We can only hope that before 101)8 the financing and cost of construction for new homes w'UI en-able more and morel ramflles to secure · proper housing. As 10 most communities locatsd near clUes, the only tLtng ', that It 11'111 be ladl.e s night when la holding tbls area'a PQPulation In check 1& the lack of homes alld thB Waynesville Clvtc Club meets for Itl August 8e8Blon at 'the lots on which to e~ct them. Mejtbo.dlst 'church Monday even. Considerable Interest has been ing; August 22. And a notable speaker wm t.1gbUght the proaroused in the fall elections aI· gram. , t1.ough electiOn day is atiU more Josepb T. Ferguson, auditor of than two months away. We lIaye the State of Ohio. Will present been Queried Quite the addreslt of the evenlug. cOlltlerntng the position to Mr. FergullOn haa been secured taken by ~e Guette d,urlng for the program through the ef. campaign period 'nd a st8~teIDeln forts ot Francis Gene Brown. of policy seems advisable at this His Is tlie tedJous tesk of over. time. seeing the colle.e tlon and Bpend. We havi3 always felt that the Ing of the atate's more than slz duty oC a commuolty neweJ)aper ml11lon doltar budget . Js. first and foremost. to keep !ts Last year Mr. Fergusoo wa. ie. readers Informed. WUh proper In· 9ponslble for the spending. ot 669 formation uPOn w1,1ch to base mllUoD' dollars by the State of t hetr opinions. we believe that Ohio. .He au~lta . tbe records of most persODS ca.n form their own aU pubUc offlclala In the state opinions and vote as they believe from the township trustees and best. We would rather ptoe8ent olL'er minor officers to the hlgb~ the facta al)d let )'OU do the ·de· eat. offlcere in the ata . . '. cldlr..g than try to do thtl deciding Now In hie fourth 4.·year term for you. . as aUditor. Mr. Ferguson was Therefore. very sloortl1' we wlll flret elected to the post 1n -1936. ' tie IMmdJng to \!acli candidate for His duties Include service on 11 office a brief rorm ul)On which different atate ~oards and comhe can state. hia quaijUcatloos mittee.. , and I1Im·s. He can dl!lcard th18 IIIr. Ferguson Is 67 years old for~ tr ~ wlshee or be can com· and II the father of nine child· plete It and retum It tu us for ren. • publication. The ·Audltor wlll Ipeal. on Ms We hope that with the presen· dutle8 as auditor of the . Btate an.d tAtlon of information concerning a ~rge attendance ~ anticipated each candJdatQ' we em help you for tt.'1a Important oCClslon. . become bettsr acquainted with 'the candldatea and belp them to put acroBs their· 61..s..- to ,-tou. . The Guette does not Intend to provide edltol'lal BUpport for any "&ndl!la~e" It does bope tldat It can ' help aU 'candldates by liv· By MRS. W·ALTER KENRICK Ing all equal . and fair opportunlty . to pJ;'eaeDt their Icleaa to rou.
Will Be Speaker At . August Civic Club 'Meeting
Five Teachers Are Needed · To ' Complete SCh()ol faculty ·
'Ladies ,Night' To Be ObserVed
GET YOUR EGGS READY Ohalrmao A . H. Stubbs Is annoUIl'CIng this week the ad· dltlon of an egg classlfl.c atlon to the Premium List for the .LIttle MIBDlI Fall Festival. Througb the cooperation of H. e. HodliOn. ,Hodson Hatcbery. · u"e fo Howlng egg cluses w!1I be · jud'g ed I and prlz$ awarded; White Eggs : Flret. Second IIIJ1d Third prizes. a poultrY feeder to each. Brown Eggs. Fl ~. Second, and Third prlzEls. , .a poult..,. feeder to each, . ' Cbam~lonsb1p. (fl,ret prize! winners .In above · dallleS .cqJil· · ·petlng). Inrge P9ultry feeder. Each entry will oon1lls\ of . one ' do!en eggs. They wtU be dtlQIlayed on paper plates. Judgl~ will be do De 00 the \ basia . uallty. shell texture uolfor r alze. color. st.ape. a lty, '. Prizes are ~ by Hod· , SOil' Hatche\'Y.
Friend. ..... recel';ed a clippiDa recently f ,the DeLand Sun r1ftW1, coneernlnl . Mill Louella ]l1nDey, dauahter lata Mr. am! "In. ]. E. ]UlIMS', very wei known here. and ,teUIna her retirement from the scliool lifter thirty yetlfl of teach.lna. . graduated frimi Waynlllvile Higb , , Normll Schooe»1 and 'MWni U~ity, then teachinc five years in 'CJMo, Por the p~t t1NlIIltytwo hal taught in the Bo.tDo Av_lcbooi in Det.nd. At the c:IOM. of ~. lite wa. pre.ented with IIKmeV11_lUe, and praited for her devotion, · hK fin. co1ear. of unaelfilb ds-
Yea sIr, It's bard to beUe.. but you can secure " somethinc [or nothlq In this ...orld today! lilach week, for the next t:ew montilit. The ' Miami Gasette wt1I publish ~wo names taken at ran· dom' from ou r malUns Ust. The perlons WL'oS8 names are prlJlted ce,n secure free tickets te the Twlq Thea~re limply b1 stopping In at the Galet~ office. ·L ook for your naine amons the ads and it YOIl ,Und It come br for your frlle ticket. OOod for, any member of the C4m1l, and gOod for an)' show exc.,t Thursd&11 and ~dal~. .
I. lpendlng the lum· W.C.T.U. El.EoCTS OFFICER8 her eilters, :Mn. . FOR COMINO. YEA~ KIngman. Mrs. , .' The W.C.T.U. mat on Friday attarnoon, Augun 12. at the hOllle Ma. Cliff .Burnett. Th. meetillll ._1 opened with acripture readinR from die 12th c:hapbtr ot Roma.oe, by lin. :Junie Bra~ey, and .eotence prayers by Mn. Olive Cutl. Dr. Emma HalJo.. wayy, Lucy Emley, and Mrs. ]enni. Bradley. MIa Muy Oavi. oHlred a salec· tion of vocal aoIoa. . The following ofHc:ers for the com· ina year ",ere elected: Prelid,at, Dr, E _ Holloway; vice-prMIdent, Mrs. Olive Curl; aecretary, Lucy Bmley;
Mr. -119 Mrs. ] . ,·B. rabbee, of Wayn8lville. are allllOlinc:ine the anaagement and approachillll marriace of their daughter, Raylya' to William Carroll Penney, of New Brun.wicJr.
jennie Bradlq.
The nm IMtinc will be held Friday evenin&. SiIpt. 2, at.. 7:30 .t tha of CHri.t. The chanle in IIIHt1na cia.. _. lIeceuitated by the Waned County. con..miOll at Lebanon. The meetin& _ cloaed ~ the Union Benediction.
Now ]B:QeY.. Mill ' Crabbe II a
graduate of 'Waynesville hilb .choal and the Ohio Stete Vnlvenity tcbooI ot journali_ She II • Chi Delta Phi uul allO a Sipna Theta Phi. Mr. Penney attend· ed Cranford Junior collep. in Cra,.,· ford. New J - y and 11 a journali_ jlHdUate of Woodbury Coli .... ~ h'l"aiMldll'l, "· alt'AMiiinn. Angel... California. Durine the war. hit .rved 'with die 656th . Field lorBattalion EUfOPB. He II dal Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Pan· New BrUnswick. New
Three Ha,e Reeo Hired' Thos Far Pive vacancl.. r_1n to "- filled the faculty of W.~ ,Local , .chOllh f9f ~e fall tMm, Superintendent K. M. Retalllck aD~unced ,TueadlY evllDiDc. ·Th. IROIlt urgent need at ~t i. two teachers for the bule lint lfadl de .. ,dull wi! be etertillll ICbooJ in September. To remedy the eituation, Reteilick plaDa c~ 'l'ith to cOmplete
(Aunty Superintendent
Hat- .
field Ind I vilit to Miami 11ai..... Iity on Wednncbly ' (~y) in leuch of protpee;:ti"e teedMra. To date thfM . . , c.c:berI IuIv. been bired for tJie fai1 twas, d-.r indult.l: ... Mn. ROI_ry York of .LmreIud who Will teech matbematla and Kienee. Mrs. York il e araduaw of Ohio State University. ' . Mill ~. E. Smith of DaytDn. a 1fad~lte of Oldo 8Ute VlIlftftity. who Wi! tueb Home EcoDomiC8. MI.. EU_ Stauff. of ~.. a araclulte 01 Wilmlncron CoIl.... wbo will tIacb third pade. Thl flM day' the fall ~ II' lChIduJad for Tuetday. Sept_ber 6. Supt. RetalUdr wlibel tD. I-m.I parenta of flrwt cracI-- that th~ mlilt sn-t birth .c:ertIfjeatee of tIM _ ttudeDtl on 01' baton ... lint day of 1CbooI. c;artIlicn. wW be returned tD dla puenta wb. ~ ord. ha~e ben ~etad.
IT'a RAY C. 8MITH In 'our account of tb:e candldate~ who han flied -I/8Utlons for el· ection. In lut .-eak·t MIami Ga. lette we atat.ed that ROJ Smith Im,otliler. wal a candidate tor ' the echool Ray O. Smith flied ratL'er
Mi.• •
aroun'd, of an. eight ~ one-half polmd IOn,. Geor&e Brac:bey Gary Lee, at Chriet lIMpltal, Ciothl"Ougb' the IIIDOke . the polio. spray slowed me down. of the Lytle Roed I'lloinnati Oft Monday, /wpet 115. A nd eve..,. week 1 come ' tbrouab 1\ . . . . _ . - bOllle Sunday fram , motor I see them washing down the trip tD Miami. Ploricla. EARL J. HUBBEll. Mr. ]. B. Crabbe. OUle Carter. IAa maIn street. Keep It up and 10U'1l Mr. Paul John. epen. a two week. WI"',S AW,'A. n f t O'Banion, Cad CoppocJr. . Charles '\.. • d vacation . . '" o/'UU.I Don ..... -_.. "'illiam Asbu"' bave aometalllC here to be' prou WIth hi. army buddy and t ~-~er, ..., 'n _.11 -_ .. M n. ] Jone. at Mr. Earl J . Hubbell, promlnen Ro..... & . H. E.a m h art,~. of." "" ..e, M r...... ""rt Sh·.....~ n. -'-... farmer. of"'R. R. 2, waa c7n'O of thl Mar Earnhart ana E. F. Eanthert at· I ....--0-,' & enn. . it's rattler late to COIllJD~t up. Mr. Ind Mr,. Everett Clark and farmen to win an award in the Good· tlnded "DaIry Day" .t Wood., on it. but we we", tiearten.~ to - . Ricba~•. and Mr. an!1 Mrs. C. year Tire and Rubber Company', IOU Friday. ' • W• Younce a f 0 aY.lOn _re SaturdIcons ' ervatlon 'ward pro......m for ef· l(!~n that a Negro g I I .,... e I ec.... Y '" ed to the governorshl, of tbe .venine dinner CUirltaof their par· forts ·in lOil ' soving, in the Green" Mn. JCennIth Bar!)er and little • BUckeye Glrl's State at Capital Mr. end Mh. WIMlur Clark. County Soil eo_rvation Di.tric:t. ]ean... ~enil were call 1nc Otl friendl University. Columbus, 'In ,JuI,y. Ind MrS. IANie Gray, Mi.. The awards will be pratented to the here ThuncUy. • Perhaps the day of ~e (air de., WUma and Bobbyy, enteruioed winnen September, 13, in the Senaca for minority groups and (If appUed to dinner Saturday evenine at the Hotel, C9lul,Jlbus. . Mr. and Mn. Charle. MiChener . Ohrlstlnn tlieory may not be &It home of Mr. aDd Mn. B. A, Arnold and ' children. Janet and Paul, .... distant as the Ku' Huh KlaD in Dayti)o. · Mr. and Mrs: W. E. Conilll epent ependine ..veral week. on I , tour of aeepla to ,.jndlcata. ' · . ~. The LYtle SllIldI!y School 'piCnic the paet welk with Mr. and Mn. O. the weetem atatM. ~ . will ' be held at Chautauqaia. · Dear R. Salisbury near Cuba. . Tbe plODoaed NaUoDAl JUntm. Franklin 00 Sundey Allg, 28. Every. Mr. and Mrs. John ]. Bl1nke at· . one cardia1ly invited. ' Mr. and Mn. Ira Brown and IODI tended a picnic at the homl. of Mr. UDl Wqe law Ia Ita .preeent form Mr. and Mh. Walter aark 'in co»- bad a, Sunday, cueets. Mn. M. J. and Mn. Cart Walt on SIIDCWy. Daar would not onli be dIaUtroWl to pany ~r. and MfI;"Earl, Clark Brown, Mr. Clarence Brown. and Mh. ~rtinl9ille. sInaU bualDell8, but It 'Would . . of Oaytoil, _re nner 1U8IIU Wed· Dalay Wise of Veraalllea. and din· u,·___ Mirilm WiI';" . ~ · addl't ional bardablp for 1D8DY lIetday , of Mr. and Mn. RoUa Bol- ner WI' enjoyed at Bunker Lodee -- J P '~~Iot;ta .' marginal lIleome ,amUles - par. t~~C~:S:;lnke it 'vili~g 1t:hU near Wilmlnaton. . ;=al~er.~ : F.rm .Youth 1_ In _ ......__L tIi h M Co P: , M I~_" T '. . eoun.... 1 , . - - at O~-" dllriol ths ticularq .............. - . . W..,.; WI eli aunt, rs, fa arftB Mr. and rs, ~ '. OUIOO .... - _... ......... , Th'e Prelent ~ J .....; now In in Dayton. . chDdren of .F rlnkh\l an~ Mr. ~Id . .~It ~'. _ , uld - _ ..! tl a1 andTh. .Lytle Card Club had lunch Mn: Earl Bogan· and family of C n. congress 'WO ~ a n.a . on an al.t emoon of _ ...... - at the Sml·.... f M and Mrs. R ad CoaIIet , ~.IVII UI ,cinnlti \yere SUl'Ide:y di!,ner IN8ItI 0 . r. M ....L rt ~!........... ...J~ wage . mlldm1llD of 7& 08nta pel" T ... ROOI1l ' in 'WlI,YIIMVille ~un- Mr. and Mrs. Orville uray and M,r. Mr. and ft.· ......a .. ~........ ~ •• hour for . . ~ed .' Peno~. day. . ~ ~ William SaW'YIIl'. Ut1lle Ruth CoDner, Mr. and I~. lAo The oab" pouI,ble rualt or BUell Mn. Harry ' 81&1 ... of paytOll at· Shirley l'oWlOn remained for a.bort Conner aad da~ - - a~ ~ ' guelU; 00 S~, when Mr. anil Mh. , 18-' ...:....... ~ ."- . "' __ ' __ d of tended the funeral of William Creic!i. vialt a .. .............. ..... .......... Sa~ and allO called at th. • Ed Jeffery, ce1ebrat8d theIIr .aotden .~an)' store cierka. tnI1Its. and of' Mr. arid· Mn. Ferd Orietop. Mrs. Roy Clade wa. hoite.. to the wedlnc' aniv.,."" Mr, aad ¥h. ·Leo menial tUk It 'Would and. Mrs. Thede J'1ftet, Mi .. ,Harveysburg W.S.C.S. 011 ThuMa,. Conner' and dauchwn alao attended Albert. BI'aIIIICIdr '. and Mr. MiltlOD afternoon. . the Sherwood ~uDIoa. 'do npthi.DS to· e1eyate ~r&I JOOM apent SuDcIay with Mr. aitd J1vtng ltandards and would ... Mn. Lowell Thomaa Ind Mr. aDd Mi'. and MD. Willilm StTouIe ' are Mr. and lin. L. C. ·St. Johb had -pit.m~ turthel" . oat-baeka '1Il Mrw. WUiam Rickey at their oottage enjoying a V8~tlo" trip through ilie .. weekend ~u their I0Il Mr. Kaleulplo7lJlBDt. . . at Ot,ud LIk.. ~iDa. Smoky Mountains. nath St. JoIiJI, Wife aad daliahter. and While we will agree . that m.o st :in.),fay Banta aftar lpendinc Mr. and Mn. Clyde Hall 01 Hubbard, 118 . earatng . ~ time 1If\th relativelln Peld~. h.. Dr. Mary Cook is enjoying a -u Ohio. DurqIa their ' . they "10 f ........,. ......... lIbould . ra~ iIO hlr hoine tiara. of vacation at ValpuilO. Indiana with apent 8OIfte' tima with Mr. Ind. MR. at l.ut u 'much sa ~... Mr. and Mn: Everett Early, while . Mr. and Mrs. Newman Powell and' John S~ find c;hiIdren and UDl 1f8P )Jw propcMHIII. . W'8 caD on their vacation in Callada. tpeDt child,.n. . Mr. and Mn. Olenn ' Blend and Me .no beDlflclal effecU! of suOt.: tlma at Royal Yq~ Hotel ill dau&hter. . ~~~to. ,~urinC the . International, Mr. e~d 14n. Toban t.WIIOD hlw -:----..~:...-......,.. a law. . ~rn Star ~~ retUrned from a very plea.ant ~aca. · Mr. 1~Mn. Robert Babr ~"e The Ia... would lie moJt' lien", A IUle .number ..of rela~vn aDd .t lon in the 'Smoldes and in Waehine· returned from a two . . . . vacatioD on SUeb u W~e. friend. attended the fune~ of WiI- ton, 0 C . in Otlcaco, WiICOlJlin Dell., and MU·' It mean f,hat mem1Mra of liam , CreJabtDII at Ly.tIe dnuch Sat., waukee, . . urda1 aftanIOon, .conducted by Rev. Mr. end Mn. Ambrote Sulli98n of' , the famtlF ' no are eIIlPlDFed III J~' ''''' of OaytDn. Jlurial __ Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. . Harold Mn. Lucy Carter of A,hland Ken· atore. aDd omcee ben ~d bi MiamJ .~ry, W~ IIr. Stroud .o f I..ebanon were SundIIy dIIl- tuCky and Mn. Chad.. Bail.y of staDd a Iood oIaance of IOIIna Cnllghtoll ~ beea a ~dCmt of thil ner auntl of Mr. and 'Mfa. W. a. MiddletOW'P W~y after· their poBltiODll. Small bualn'" ~UDity f1fty-one yean. HII wlf. Stroud. Mr. and Mn. Stroud. with noon cuaatw of lira. Roy Mainou.. Mattie' Rudd Creiahton ~1Md a~ Mr. and Mn. Sullivan, viaitJ!d Mr. Is ftndln; It ~1cu1t now to abo two ylI8ft ap. and Mn. CZar!' Hart.ock. in Hamilton Mr. aad Mn. PnKl Orliuman and IIOrh coat · bulreUea without ·ba..• ."''''RD OF THANK. 'durlna th• •venlng. Mr. arid ·Mn. Clarence ~rryb111 were · lam ...... "' .. . - . the auNU at the BerrytlUI ~ . tng anott.'er federal IbackeI 0 • We wlab to o.~r sfnce", Mr. and Mn. Ev-ett M~ of reunion In Bellbrook on' Sundal. peel It. to aU wIlD t ' ftoral upon ':and to : : frlead 'Orient, MI..e. Cora and ' Pesrl We are Klad to ate tIIat our ne.hOOrs for tbelr Iympath; ~;:te':a~Ye1= -.::!,~~:'t~ Mr. and lin. J~bn' K,aney have teP~ntatlve. Olarellce Brown'l and klndue.. during tile hours of .... at die hom. of Mr. and lin. = ; ' n : :ra:mv~ at Heffel nBwspaper. The ' BlaDebeeter Btar- "Inen . . IIerealement of our PnKl ~ Hook dlll'in& the put __k. Joan &ad Ka,y Keney ~)f Lebanon RepubUcan·. oppo~ lIle meuan bueRad and IIr. CJaarlea ' . . . weak and _ _ 01 Cbsrlea Iter. y
Mr. and Mrs. F. X. O'Regan. Of ClDclnnati. parenta ot Bob O'ile' gan were reoent 'Weekend guelts. in Wayn.vlIle. Mr. :a·Regar.-. a H I C b baU d 1902 also a y per.ormed ~ross aaewIth .Beran. 1'!'Il' nata. • New York.PeJlD&; ton. Pa., In tbe CIaIS A prot...looal I~pe before entering government service M Be I wltb the Railway aU rv ce wb~re be holda the title of Msl D R M S CI oIIJD. :~p.'to.;I~. ~.i:'o d~s a. . little In~ependent . lcoutlilg. after watching the louthful Legion playera hereabouts. beHevea that, several of them are slated for pro ball If tIley contltiue to 1m. prove. .
n_.'- . __...
fa Ita PftIeDt
of ~ litIitet, ~ of the ·~.4476 mile triP were villtt to the Black HIlI., Bad ~, Yeiowat008 NIi~ , Park, Orand Titan Mountalm. Salt L'alre City. Bryce Canyon, Zioll HI. tiOlllI Park. Hoov4r ' Dam. Patrifll!d ----t Men V·~e N.... --· p_.L ... .,.-, ................., ·and the lJIdtan Caremoniei at GallUp, New Meidco. ,
Sanb Mo~an, Sial. Davie, 'RIcky aDCI WIYU Gi....aan. 'KalWa LeMa;;, ~ . Hawk.. Casolya Colmar, .chules McKaeftr. :Jerry Bn!D~. lI'rId.Ia LaMay aDd till booor cu.,t.
~:::~. ~~:'Oh
-. ..-01
B.........' m.o , Mr. Don Gabns ~u . line
a for
thla, aemce• Rev .• "r. Scully was a _001mate lif Jlev. Coleman ID ~ SchOOl ' of Theololt. We 'rella_ a Iar,e attendance for thIa . . . vt'ce f. ' .Misaes Ruth ~ EarDhatt. JlII'Y Dote JI ' Ii' and' IIlr W~ OUK • it.' . wsc::'ba~k U ar~ alDlt~ ~::: MILK PRODUCERS RECEIVE 01,1 e owap aLIGHT ' INCOME INCREASE held at Miami . ValI~ OhalltaaMilk producers ill' the Waypes· qua Ws 'Week. .' . ville vaclnlt)' reoelved' a sUsht Othsr young people are a~· Increase. In Income from milk Ing IIOme of the eye~,- Ie_on. 80ld In July" acordlD8 \0 a release today 'by the MIami Valley 00- ' FALL FEITIVAL "IM~ NE/tRa operative' Milk Producerll .&8aD'. With the second umul .Llttle The July Grade A blend price Miami Fan J'eaUvpl llat ' WI) wall ,3.91 per cwt. to .. milk ·telt· weeka away. aro'QPI are bWIT IDg 4. per cent butterfat. , M In preparlnc· n~t.. aptcu1t.mU g • June, this price was lIatd 'to the hlblta· and entrlel for the contestJ dairy farmers selllB« milk In the - tndleatioDJt. are that It wW be Dayton market and I who bad gala festival. been certified bl the DaJton Division of Health' as Grade' A producers. ' .' The July Grade A bleDd ' was 8'" cents above the cQrreepondl1ll price paid In Juae. Thele blend prlce~ were ' complitea as ulual. accordlog to •.he formula prond. ed I~ the federal mUk order. and were affected b)' the total volume . of milk lIoarketed. and I~ util. izatioR by the local liandlera. . It Is predicted that producer milk price's wilL Increase In AUC' I t uBt, and should advance at eaa 40 centa PElr Cft. Tile ae&llOllai , p~ovleloft1l l.n tL:e milk order aDd the recently advanced loysm· ment aupport p~lce for butter and dry sldm I milk. all. effective AUlWlt I, will latluence thll 1I()ward trend In tile producer prlcel. '
We allG wlill to thaDk -Bey. Mr. and Mn. Ronald Ha,rb had - .y. j , Wec1na1da7 -me dl,pDll'..... , Coli., fOI Ill. IIouoUn. MI.. IIlylclnd HartIodt of WiIIDll; TO OALL:~~ • •III~. Korth CaIuliDa, Mr. &ad Ka. P. C: eMITH" ELECTRIC · ERVICE . DON'T PORQETL " M._I FALL FEITIVAL ~v ' " : : ~.... -IIIIJ'''''''' IIaItIo* of -'1IIard;. ..... Mr. aad pHONE WAYt(U 1141 . AtiG",T at • ,aPT. • . . - - - '. lin. ...... MoIbIr IIId . . . .' (1IJaml ~ ppaW>
obrolilbt .. boeUiIa. tittle ~eltl _ _ted at the tabl.., the laraa cfec:or.t.d ~ cab, JCII c:ream &ad fruit' IIUDCb __ NrVad. · . TIloM sn-t __ SIUaD aDd Judy Wri~' ......... .. __ ~_ "'_L - . p'..-.J .... - __ ... San ra Mc WIUlams • Stan "' LOoan ... . .. ,L Sml." ,,-~•. He...&. .... _ute _....... ..... p,..-. ~ _d lerry' Burton, J - mel J~ BurIIOn, Pamela &ad ~ Wood_-II ,,_..... KlIlw--'" -L ....... ......... ....... Q..Ily __ ... ...... ... ma~ TI~ aad Jolulay Mil.., ,Janet ; Co~, Rotmy W. . .
. MEl'HODI8T .,NOTES Tbe Rev. 'R. E. ScuII7 of " OlD. Mr. and Mn. K. M. RetalUdr and .clnn.U wm ".eac , h In trle Meth-
".--A _::r:na:rth::iour
'to ,PHONE
.A~Bomb Oulpul Hits Record Peak; House Approves Vet .Pension Hike; Anderson Proposes.New Farm Plan Ut ••••' ••"'••. Ut.;.,.
~p.n •• n • • re ..., ....... " 'blO' 01 N •••.••,., V".'~'I ........., . . . . . . "" " ......llIp ., .........pap ••• ,
ICEDIToa'S Nom. "be. ~_r.
'New Justice
lecord Output
- ,&:
Pretender Fights for Afghan 'Throne ' KARACm, INDIA - Tension 1:Ie~ween Afghanistan and Pak·. ,lstaD 1& Ulhtening as II claim· nnt to the Afghan throne con· l:tnues bi, attempt. to raise an IIrmy 1Ji the troubled tribal IIrea between ' the two semt· bostUe Moslem nations . . 'The claimant I, p..mln Jan. whOle brother, Amanullah, va· cltted the. throne 'In 1929 and now 'Uves in Italy. Amln Jan wanta to replace the present king, Zahlr Shah, and figure. 1m arD:lY might help. AmiD Ja.n Is German·edu· eated and hu an English wife. lie wu arrested In Peshawat following his brother's abdica. tlon and was deported by the Ilritilh to Rangoon. Latel'l he was tranaferl'ed to the Allaha· bad Jails. He was released in 1948 and allowed to proceed to
Maybe the atomic bomb lsn't the !world'. m~t- fe/lrful we·apon. Ma,.. ~ the bomb'. effecUvenell tor de· jawcUon baa been over-emptJ.· II1zecL Maybe It doesn'l mean any. Itlaina at alI-but l.f potential en· • of the U.S. could lClueae 8D1 comfort from thbse "maybe'I," ey were welcome to It. I'or uU! United Statu bad ..r110unced that ita atom bomb pro., ~~on had reached an an·time In the Ilx montba of tbIa ~e::~ and production Is now aD an bJ,y-llne balta. . IN ~ the announcement, lthe atomiC' __*, cOJDD118llon alto unounceCIl lbatl momou tOuna,e. .or low Ifade , uranluil/t ltan tIt!en l~~ In j tbIa f'COUil_ .Icoul4 bet....ed ....' prOdUce A.bombl baD emer,enq' lf 'ore1p' QpUea , ~ bIab·abde ~ "ere cut oft . 11. 8. A'JOme,. General Tom All ~ dlldoaure. Ware COIl' . Clark, IIIIlIlIDr .. broi4JJ bere, tallied . IlL tb,e . ~lon"l slldb besilate. hvi • Ibort while betIeIIll-aIll1Ull /lrepqd ·,10; c&.are~ 'ere . aeo.,pUae , 1'reaI411id 'fnIPointedb" ~ tlui' report . - ' . oIfer of appe1Dtmeat to made I1q mention of ~ to-leve1 Uae UaUed Slatea npreJPe ..acret c:oaferencu relative to Ihar«lOan beDcIl. Sen. I. Bo-.. Ibia, information with BriWn and HoGra.. (D., B~.) w.. to 1110Canada. ' . . .eel CWk .1 .t.....,. ,eaeral. ~ .Ii n did bave~ a Jot to lay. bowever, ·about the »rob1eDll beblDd thOle c:oDferencet---Unlted Sla"", , de.PeDdence GO bflh-erade ur4D1..m Mor' for Vets. . 'area from canacla aod; tbe Belgtan VeterUII ~ World War. I and Ccmao. " • J D .a nd the Spanl.h·Amer1can war THE ~BT ; ~ve~ed that r. • toQd to benefit to the tune of an .erve. or aelDl.prOcelled a"ttl addlUonal 112 milllon dollar. a ~ear 11 a bill palled by the nation:beIn. bull y.p. ~tea~ "to· al bOUle "of representatives 11 apc:on&1nw!ir, !:If,., Produ~tlon." ~arc:h ..,~ ~Ied on ~w a· proved by th.e senate. ,trac:tiOD m,thoda to C~ the, coal ~f WITltOUT a Ilns1e dll1entln, lPl'OCelalq ) ~ .low·lrllAA·· ore. vote t the hOUIe pa ssecl a measure )WbIeb abollnd "1n , ~ copntry. And rais1nl veteranl' pena10Dl and d1a. "'acUons ~ve j been ~n t~ J.m. abWt)' PlU'meUla bl that .cl.JUre Iprove ancl make mOTe. C81taiD, ~ .annualJ,y• ·aul/Pb 01 , ore from abroad.·' There w a • another possible '1'bIa latter .tatement,· ·was hurdle 10r the measure, however, .110& explaJntf1; , ~prellllDabl1 re,even 11 it Ihould pall the , senate, ferred to la~, tlegoti~U9D8 with for bOUle action on the bID wal lBritaln and. Cimada' for a long· taken de.pite objections from the term alfeemeut on ucbange 01 White House. Whe\ber this meanl atomic lnformaUon and d1v1110Q of that President Truinan would have 'uranium.., ore. the pollfical forl1\utte. 'to "veto luch tf ~'f • a bill l.f it ewr came to him II an iDfereltlJia c~ecture. ' 'l'be ! logical auPposltlqn : 11 til8t he wOuld Som...., . ,Hew- " part1cu1U]1. ' 11 ~e enterta1na any ideai of &eelln, a ncond; ~erm. in "'IIIl!eD.t'l 1951. ... L' '. .' : . , .10 indicate f the potential' . weight of &he veterans' vote a. Interpreted hoI1¥- m~bers, . de.plte th.e that 1 thera ~,.,as no qpposltlon, a roll call wal orde~e,d an4 85:' member. .ot "on the record" a. and.rov'ln. the ~..aure. ' •. .'l'HE . VIlTEBANS" admlnlstra· ttOQ uUm,teel. that the firlt year co.t ,of the proposal would exceed milllon 'dollaH. It made DO e"t1mia~ of COlts In aubsequent I .,• . ~ _' . 'Pr1ncIPaJ J?~OVlaloDl Of the bill: Incftl8l:e, ~~'~S8 to" .1110 rate 6f .paY lfo~ 19t81 cU.ab~ty: Increase: mOll~ . ~~ta to, Wldowl and ciel)e~~ta of warlime casualtieli full ·c~m~D.~Jfoil , t~r ,World Wllr I veteran. with dllabilitles preiiflDed to be lervice·connected In· Iteid lit the present '15 per cent: addlUonat pay for depehdenta - of veteraDl With lervlce-cOllIlected 50 perl C"~t d1~~bWties. I At pre.ent lIu!:h paymenta are ma!!e oob' if the dI!a~W'" 1I .eo per cent. .'
Bicker ,. Strife The proposal for federal aid to education ' Was getting nowhere fast Its proponents, reaUzlnl all the while \U>On what thin lee they skated, had believed the plan had been handled with sutficlent tact and akiU to win lome hope of Ita approval. But .at this Itale of the lame, that appeared to be nothing ,more than wishful thlnldng, THE explosive Issue, made doub· I)' vola tUe by ttle lrI,ection ot the relJllou8 Issue by Ii bill otfered by Representative Barden (D., N'C' '' I and by the public row between !lranela . Cardinal Spellman and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt,' threat· ened to kill the proposal entirelr. The Barden bill would exclude Catholic and other non·publIo Ichools ~om all federal 'aid. Be· caUie Mrs. Roolevelt, In lome of ber Iyndicated ' columns, r fl ad argued for separation' or ohurch and state, Cardinal Spellman ac:oUled her Of being anti·Catholic. Sbe denied the allegation and pOlnted ' to her record al proof. . WITHOUT any · attempt to arpe the" relative merits of each view. I point, capitol observerl were erally alreed that thele develop- ' ment. had done notbinl ' to help I the plan for the federal ,overn· ment to asllst In .chool prolfaml by ,Ivlng financial ald. The proposal without the added controversle. was .tormy enOu8b I In itself, Inasmucb al there bad been much hue and cry to the ef· feel that federal ald · to .chools . would mean ultimately federal eHort to control the choice of what would be taulht In the .choob. It appeared that thls obltacle to the proposal might bave beeD burdled. but when the reUlioua. iuue was"!inJ,cted the· fate. 01 the plan was lerloualT jeopardized.
Thursday, A1IIU8t'18, 1Ht ()
Princess Dress' Is Fun to Sew Classic Style for ·t he Matron
He I .tart
alread,. had ' made one on an expedition to Ka· bul. Afgbanl.tan'l capital, But on reac:hIng the border h. fll)UJlil the number of Irregulars --MahBud tribesmen-bad dwln. dled ' to 30,. ",mfn Jan called the expedlUon oft. Th8 major result was to .tiI' u,p a new dispute between Pat. ultan and At8hanlltan, already arlUing . over control", of the 'u'ibal belt Itretching along the f1iontier. Kabul radio complained tbat Pakistan waa bacldng Am.In J .a n. Pakistan replied that It had warned the Afehans about hi. activitiel and ur,ed tribel' men not to join him. Oblervera here, however, decIare that Paki.tan would be lIl ea.ed to lee Amln on the throne.
.... •........ IRAL BYRD: Horizons
The lure of Qle frozen, .Uent Ipacel was call1ng allain ancl Adm. Richard Evelyn Byrd, veteran ' explorer, wa. barkenlng. ACCORDING, to report. out cd New York, lome 8,500 men and eight lhips are earmarked for an ~tarcUc expedl1ion, to be beaded, by Byrd, whlcb will ban al UI objective the mappln,. of a valt area of unknown ieq(tOry III tbe Antarctic about a.. big .. Europf; If present plans were lInan,. apo' proved, the first Ihlps would lall in Oclo!Jer, The. expedition woulcl estabUsh a base in New Zealancl and remain Iii the erctiq. about four um• montha lof tl!-e south ' polar wer,:' before re~ to !be United State. about ApriL 1~15O. I IT W~ . Ufa)ERSTOOD the veri·
Tru~ . . L Dri . vers BeHer . Read ,,This If The-I. tr .. 1 y .Uue l'h~ir. Jobs
. . f.
Pattnn No. a3l!o II tor liz" 2, 3, 4, II and 8 ';year". BIZ. 3. 2i~ yardl 01 3I-lnch. I .
The Fall .atld Winter I .."" of P'ASmON
PITTSBUllGH - Truck dri~erl Is • ..dependable lIu1de In plannlnll • halil better read. Ws. if they valua amar' Winter wardrobe. Special reaturel, thellr Jobs-and the live. ancl prop. :~~rt~~w;;t::~ll.aater,! printed JDald.e I ~r of their fellow man: . R:ece~, a driver wu burning up the Pennsylvania turnpike at a speed well over th& l1mit aet by his compan,. for lta trueD. A. passenger car followed the glut of the ·roada. Inllde, the driver looked at hi. lpeedometer and,·· switcbed on ~ movie camera. "ErostID" Cake • His speed and that of the truck You 'can prevent fresh frosting were recorded aD from miming 011 the top and down As the truclt ' swung out of lane the sides of cakes by dusting flour :c~~e~e'b~::: ~ov~~ on II curve- the camera caught Jt. across the cake- as soon aa the , 10D, but plann1n, hu been ' WId The loae! ' Ihifted, too. LJter, the frosting is put on. Not enough to way",or .ome time. ThIs. .c ertainly, truc!k dri.,er did a 11 " of the Icing. j)ut -r uld Jndl parlldng atd ahi IUIlchroom. When jUst enough to make it, congeal. wo • 9ate a hlp optimlam he that ,JoJUuon'll aPProYaJ 11 allured. resume • t~lp, he faUed to - .. l It we, IBid naval plane. woulcl lwitch on hJ. ,-u.nning UPt.. Be For aalay Da,. Wobabb' partictpatl! 1n' extena1ye wal 'havlng a bad night. , ~ rainy 'w eather, lay a largeaerial mappina, all'.sea rescue But he had' a worse mo~. size desk b)ott~r just inside the \IfO~k, and Icoutlng for ice lead.. Called Into the office, be . W81 front door so that wet overshoes ~e ,oal of the upedltlon, appal'. char led with a Ust of violations' at aDd galoshes can be put on It. tly, 11 to be a great, oDlon, lonllf as his arm. Perhaps he tried When the rain stops, the blotter ,1 etc:b pf unexP,1ored territory ~ deny them. In · any event, be can be rolled up and kept 'in the ,!!c:roll the South Pole from . Little Il!w a movie' and he was the hall . closet, . 1ID81ica, .ite of the Byrd base If hi. record with the firm wal l . -.c/lml~In • .. the , • admlral'l ~UDJ1 ,ooci; he . wal warned, lu.pended IDIl Spots of 11_ . a fe,w days, ~erbaPl' and ~eturned If you can't get to an Ink spot A LARGE AREA, part of whtch to d.uty. If he d been on the carpet immediately, mix up a workable II c1auped by Au.tra ... lind Nor· befo·r e, he ·wa. tired ·oub;llht. paste or milk and corn meal. way, I1mg 10Uth of AfrIca and The movie, of cour~, wal Cov~r the spot liberally with the ItTetc:hlngt'llcroll the. Inowy wa.t~1 filmed from 1he pal.enger car paste and let it stay 12 hours-at 'of the Ant81'ctlc ·toward ·/1ustralla . whic:h foQawed . the err~t truck least over.nlgh~before sweeping and South America, Is virtUally driver for a few miles. The Cal' it up. uncha'rt'c,d, and It I. expected that and camera .i ere operated by a ___ . = a;- . • aerial mappbij( will reveal many 'o! 'private hI/lhway,jlatrol IervlceMaDln, Canel,. NutS ' ita secrets. r man, OIIe of many who work Candy and· nuts sent through The ' exPedition, "II flnalJ,y ap- throlU'ho~. Pelllllylvan1a, the ma~ can be kept fresh and p~o:ved, . would be the admiral's Safety.mlpded truckln, com. ~.1lol~ if they'rcuuu:.k;nason· fIftb to the south polar re(lollli. pl!ille. au over 'the .tate are em. jars. Or, open ·an ordinary tin can ployfug the p~trol ' Iervlcel to almost aU the way, empty it and catcltl' the careles. or da'n 'eroUl wash ~oroughly; then Une the in·, It cut. down accldenta re. inside with ·w axed paper, tm it . duclni ~urance an~ repair c'oat.. with nuts and candy , and secure The, bec;omln, aware of the Ud with adhesive tape. , the .oamera cars,' ar~ pJa,.1n1l Iale. • Trucking" ae£,identa h'uve been cut tTemendoualT, accol'din, to 't he c9ml~anle~. ' \ , .
AdY~ity Plo,glies Viking Saga , 'IIrtI '"1DvadIDl" VUtiDp bad' Dot eounted OIl . . . .Md'. . .Idl... So, ...., . . . . . have beea a ~ ....... intril err a .... oaken _ . . . . 'l'bam~ turned Into 1 as. .. a IReD bill, wI&Ia. tile VIle, .... ...... belmeta l71nI III their .... ad IIIaIr aharp ...... DHa, ....... Ia .... nckl 0Yerb0d. It . . . . . . . . .ull-cUmatlo.
'!'Iii I:Ian4 of modern Danlsb VlIt:.
..... rowed ancI I~ their open
boat tbroup more tbaD eoo mUe. crr NOf&b Sea to reaeb Eqlancl.
Alcq tile . . . of ' tile Tbamea
tboUaDtII ... Brltfahen bad tbem .urive, But bad weau.r . . 1IIt8neIled aDd the ft~ lap deoldell to ban tIIeJr ....
erect to . .
. . . . . . . . . II a pier.
IIE"INO OIBOLs .&'l"fERN 01:.". 510 , . .Ut ".111 IL w,
c ....... "
Enclo •• 2S centa 111 co.... tar .acll pattern de.lred. Patlel"ll NQ. -----8s:1&e-l--
Nlm. Addr...
.:.:,... Boote's ..'.~-; .
FAMO US FOR QUALITY CHICKS GoJ .--.t pull_ ••• 2 10 II .... old. .bol~ ...., broocllq riab. Make __ poultry p.ofit•• Prfco. . . '011' II '9,10 per 100. TbrifCl' bln:lo fIG. puJIOlUlll CODUOUed Iocko. ' Bred fw hlah • prociuaio", Old.. IIOW ••• ba!e .._ (0 ••U chIa .u.rat.
..n's. uTClElfts.IIc.;....... _
UrgJ!d. A. rlJlS Outlay
,.._"!!"'_-------_. . .
ance man 1I ~ ,u1hQJ~U' c1usloD. Be .pent h1a vacation al a con· teatant on IUch shoW' ,and wound up with $1110 In ODe week~much more than he could "have made woridng. He attended 20 IhoWI, averalinl four a' day, Ing that he couldn't stancl ' an)' more than that. That', ' all he could stand,. he , old. "1t'1 much more work than working," he expJalned. The .queatioDl are eal1, bqt the neryoUI .train is terrific:. It'l too bard 'on me to do It more than one week each year. Be made hi. k1ll1nI, 110we1er, on ooe program, He wa. alked ~ ~ a gIr~ how her bus· band would feel abeut her bavln, a baby. Be. replled that '~_ are very convenient for fatherl the.e · clay.... 1'9r that he received priZel worth tlllO, HoW to ,et picked a. a con· testant! Just lit on the aisle and wisecrack al the· 8IUIoUllcer , • •
TAILORED charm for the . woman of slipt1, larger .~ -a beautifully fit~~ shirtwalster that's so versatlle ,.ad fJattel'iD~. Simple LlDe!l ~ you . like. make the sleeves and SIMPLE princess lines make vestee effeet in contrast. easy ,sewing for mother, This darlingp. ~ed sleeve dress will PaUem No. 8471 Ie a lew·rite ~... be perfect for parties and kihder- for.te4 fsa ttem In .81Zet 31. 311. 88. 40. D. garten. Tiny ruffling gives a yoke .::- ~kcb. SO ·and G2. Slz~ 38, .~ ~arda effect.
15 M1ll1on H,ns '8 1" IIk.ra
Two rrnai,.,·.Eap • ti.,
• 8eCJrelal7 -•• Slate Dean Aobo ..o~ wh" pat hi die major Doka '.vorina apprDpriation .. app.roximately 1.1 him.. 'd... Ian 'or _ I' Ie Implement Ihe North &Uan&lo p8Clt. llealared , &he alii ProlfUll wo1ild ,reve" an,. anreaor from aohievInJ • "qal9k 8IMI ...,. "o"ry~' .. i& tatare war.
WH" TE HOUSE : Traditio. Wins
cui~Go-The' :bakera of .........~.• Ica kB1!P. apPJ'Oldmately 15.1500.000 avera,e ben. bulY each year pro- CelUna' Paper OVer Y1dWg the 2,706,000,000 ea. uied Beaten Cracks aDd Fan. . in Iba~g enriched bread ' and 0~el1 bakery products, accordirl, QUESTIQN: ,Can you teD me to tb. American Bilker.' a ••ocla. how to put celling paper on to lion. mak!! it stay? Up over our heaters, About· 225,500,00II dozen or Boo. it is cracked and falling doWn • 000,000 poundl or e,,8 are ' We've tried skim milk paste.' also .cba,ed from ~e American farmer the dried. glull. in' our paste.. withannually, the a ••ociation · "lnted out success. . ' out, explalJiin, 'tila t the bllkllil In. AnSwer': In such a c8.l!e no paper dUltJ~ 11 the farmer'a ' bille.t In. will stay up with any degree or dl.ifti:laJ cultomer. . ' &;Ueees•• The heat, will contiliue to Th,. bu.n' pur'"hale- of .._._ dry out the Plis1e and bake tbe I ...,... ........ milIrl.' cane and beet .ugar and paper. I II1I8gest Ibat you paint the othez: fum product. total cloae 10 ceilings, I, ~ blUlon' dOlla,. annua"-. -
W. INa'.WII.' H.pp,n.dII'.
t III", HIY",
VENICE, ri.A.-A blowout wIlDe drivlil1l aJDII,I ' a hllbwaq near hue
":: Score a vlclor7 for hlttor,. · and. 4era at the tbou:gh of wbat bapo radltion: &be Wblte Bouae, oWclaJ pen -or wbat mlabt bave hap. .bode of the UDI~ Ststu pre.l· penea. . lenta, will DOt be Uzed. Inatead, .. 'lbe bloWlDU& caUNcl "'ach'. ear ne blRoric ItruCture wU1 be liven to lWaiVe, hb a palm ~ I\.OR A 1.111 ~lon-do1laf face-llttln, ' Job. IDto • road bank, flip cOinp}ew". A . GBOt1P cd Ita mIlD ..UIIcl JaDCl IIPriIb& OIl ... tbe laue aan ancI tor au ....... WIllI..... ael_ _ cd raovau. 81¥1 tboae B7~'UD41ent no WIIltd to ... dowp .... ...... . , . , . . ~ II'ICI ..... . . .
\Iv \
II. ('
f I e I tJ "
I (j'l/II
Tbusday, AUIU.t 18, 1149
You Build It
Basic -Face Type,~ Not Fashion 'Should' D;cta(~ Your Hair Style
Kitchen Is Step-Saver
By Ertta Baley TREND I, still toward short THE 'batr, but the exact length ot your own Individual halr sbould be deter,mined by your own facial type. Whether you do your .own hair or have It profeSSionally styled. It's s wise woman Who knows , lean what should .,e dooe with. the hair. Another feature' 'f/blch enter. tJte batr ..lyle Is the 'type of ha,l r which ' YOII hava. 'Even thougl1 you may be round.faced, 11 the balr ill luxuriant and bas • tendency to curl It millht be on th, short .Ide. Sometime. the fndiv.1dqill with • lonll type face maY ,have to' bave sUghtlJl lonier hair than her r~d· 1aced slater. even thoulh thea..reUcally dJe II the one to wear the . really short balr .';Ies. Wl\7? Be~ caus. ber hair I. thin an'd .ilky anil abaoluteJ,y .traight. H.1r styles as well as the wa., in which abey are tieated wiD frequently chart,e I the appearance or ' the hair_ Girls with heavy hall' miy have their, ~ed and trimmed and use a sleek. groomed .tyl•• • '!bose With bBby:ftne hair can wear thelra DlcelY curled .nd Ilutred to (ivo the appearance of Dl!l~e hair, instead of skimpiness" elpe-, elally wben the heir II 'kept 10 lip. macuIately clean that the on. does not make the ' Itrand. cling to· ,ether. It' ·
Insecticides Urged In IHopper Control \
Declared Better Than 'Use Of 'Poison Baits .
S~nd IIOe (or Slop-SavinI Kitchen 11"" P a ttem No. 3 10 East·BUd Paitern C0mp a ny. Depl. W.. PJeanntvUle. N. Y_
20-YEAR :LAXATIVE HABIT BROKEN! ' "CoOJlsldell'iDg I was constipated for anct laxatives gave me relief=l~ !i~~.!.IIE1u1IDg to ftDd
kitchen unit can be built .at THISa minimum of cost. The Cull size pattem offered below ' takes aU thlt mystery out of ~uUding: provides a complete purchase list of materJals. step-bY1ltep building directions a~d , ~ size patterns for cuttiJtC eaeb part. AU materiala needed are now readily avaBable .t lumber yards everYwhere. The coJistruotion of this unit been , 80 simplified
When our Back urts-
• • •
The laundress's rRval trIed desperately to find someone who could dispute the- washwoman'a assertion that she had blue blood in her veins. . "Could be." said one of those asked, "all the wlomen 00 her side of the family have used washing - blue ' for eight generations."
Two very distinguished looking Farmers bave access to e.sler Southern gentlemer~ met on the and better Way. to protect their IItreet "one morning after havlnir cropl against grassboppers than attended a partytlm night before. by the uae 01 polson baits.' ' . The major greeted his ranking Any ot 'three newly.cfeveloped in- officer with aU the respect and secticides - chlordane, tox.phene .olemnity that the occasion deor benzene ' hexachloride J - ' are mapded. ' , ,recommended by the U. S depart· "Colonel." he siaid, "how do ment of agriculture for general uae "OU feel, sub?" agalnat 'J!oppera 011 • lar,e number The colonel's reply was jus\' • of crops. .. • bit on the brusque side. . "'Major." he dec!lared a tittle Another well·mown insectlclde, J)DT,- doeln't work .Iainat 11'.... thickly. "I feel ,UkE!, heU, sub. all i .ny Souihern , gentleman should, BriI!C end nataral ...., ilia'" hoppers. Uebts "I&b a creme rlDie "hiclt Experimental work with the three sub. at ~his hour of the morllinC." remove. ,an trace of .oap ue4 in'iIectlcldes bas been carried on by for lbampoo. TIda wID atve &b. federal . • nd .t.te .,encles long hair a elaam..... clean appe.... enol,lp to bl! A social climber. trying to im· of th,' ,elults. &lICe, as well •• maklDc ' &be Each has advantaies aDd .cholce press a prominent member of a hair IOher ~ toacb, euler to should depend on .pecla! neeU. club she had Just joined, traced mllD&re wlthou' II1II'1& or taq. The type of Iprayer ,or duater UJed ber ancestry aU th4' way back to ..... tllat make. combine dim. makes Uttle dlfterence 80 lCD' .s JulIus Caesar. cult. Olle .. tile oatIdaIIdIq The prominent rnember admitpropertlea of lIIe 11DIe I. ' HI the ~8ectlclde 'Qas on evepJy and ted that went bacill i qUite a disin the riaht amount.. .bmt,. ~ remoye aoalp odor. tance but pointed out that the ,AU three insecticide" are both pedigree of her own family fllled . tbaa ... th, IaaIr a DeW Square.Fa~d Girls • treahDeu. . stomach and contact poisons. UD- six pages of parchment and in the Should Avoid Boxy Effeet der field conditions. chlordane 8lld It. IUghtlJl unsymmetrical bair Avoid bangs alnce these wW give • toxaphene are best .s stomach middle was a nO I~ation. .. Abo\Jt this time the world was created." lire.. ' will suit the square faces wide effect to the face. 'l'he polsoDa. ' belt. ThI. means parting the hair should be piled hiah on top. and in II best as . " apr.y soft curls. from an emulsion. For halt· The hair may be parted In one of 1I'0wn 8lld most tuIl'&1'own hoppers, two ways: on the aide. or from the UI. one.hBu pound of actual' chlo,. side toward the center. dane per acte. Doubl. the dose tor When the hair 1, thin. avoid hay· tuIl-grown or bl,; yellow And YOUI' Stlreaath aad btg it cut too sbort._a. the balr 'I hoppers, .Chlordane Is • Ilow ldUer then ,unmanageable and will teD'\ d u1t not .pparent at EnelllY I. flelow l'.... to give the face a broad l.ook. n an res I .re It IIUI7 be caDOd Iiii' dJaordor of Jd6. tbe hair Is heavy. Jt should be con. once, But hopp~rs stop leedlDl •• :Jut:,et!:U:ui!Jr~~~tlJ'i;,'-:.o:: slderably thinned so the waves on loon as they' awillow a lood do... peopl. (..I t1 .......... and .. lMNIbl. top will lle 101t11, and the Iidel The kWlng ~Hect of Chlord811e luts ::: ~ ..!::~ and back wID have a Iilght about 10 day.. blood. -'~ You mil)' ~er baeDdI•• le'tio~ of • wave. fa 1Un" Benzene b ,exa cblou ..~ 11 best u potu, lIaod.dI., dlnln_. end curls, • • duat. althou,h it may be uled a. retu... ap Dlllac.. IiIc HI..........1.'.
Tb. Ih.~. 0/ 1_• • _• " ; Itrai,ht down the slele ' or dia,onal. ly. I Loo,e fluffy cUrIa are I~ on the top. '!beae shcnild not be done in too m.I.M a Jlne~ however. but should tall eallly tID the "'temple. to give a pleasing effect. For the!led girt. if. not .we to cut the balr too abort, since thls OmJts the bair arrangement conlliderably and ' m.y result ' in giving the face • box-Uke effect 'f/blch II ' jullt wbat we're trying to avoid. . The sides ahol,11d be drtI.ed nat with soft curia at the aud't , For the baCk. ~ave the batr wen· tapered so 'that It falla in loveli. 100, Une.. A IUI,.stlon of wave in the . bae~, 8I\dI~C ~ r l~ epd curia will UIIUl'e you ot looilng well at the back of the head. Half OIl the square-faced girl .hould not be too well-curled since It , wtIl then make , it d1lftcult to swiah the' bair Rl'ac:efuib' Intp
that no .peclal tools or skill .r. required.
Fairly Short Style Good for Long , Lo~g taees are radical17 from the two types Juat discuI.ed aod' must. th.,etore. ~ave distinctly difterent hatr styles. You must round out the' face . and do this with abort, broaderung linea start the part near the center, 'or near the center .nd slant It to
:e~~:e r:t::e ~~: ~ethre:t1::; of. pound of lIomer benzene hexachloride per acre or 30 unds o. one per cent po d t• (Directl'ons us per acre. how to on the package will tell you ,et this concentration.) The effect 01 this insecticide lasts about two day.,
Bom.tIm_ '_Ulftt ...41 -tJr wta..
~~ ;::::.:.F~,b:=:~~
Ie wi.- lban mliloct. v.. DoG,,'. PUla. " "Ibetter \0 "'"I that b ......m ODIlJltf7W\d. aPO pro'1'1..... t ..... lID 1OJDt1~bla. 1_ fa.orabiF Iolo. . . DOG!I'.hav. 'b ee tried aad _ ~~.r.-::-.,.A:" ,R.u 4rq.w...
' _ _t
Sta·fuI Battery Saves Tone and
-ry....,..,.. •....
tI..._ Aut.-lIte Stco-hl Battery h.............
,....... ,
he ",.r .....hlMwhaocl AulMlf. ....." Daarar. ' ""TO.LI'• • ""lay' COIPOI""0N '
OllIe '''-nling to Ie,t, COIICIuctocI ............ wIth II-A.!. life qdo ,to........
Toxaphene ,H air., the sUlel should be phene ean, be or usedehlormated as a dust, .. al· dressed in soft .nd fluffy fashion to wettable powder or as an emulsion. make the head look round. Tbe emulsion Ulually lasts longer. S9~, fluffy curIa may be worn on Toxaphene Is available in 10 or 20 "the tOP. melting Into crisp. pel' cent duals. It givea load reaultl gain, curIa at the sldes. Reep the at the rate of I!O poun~ of 10 psi hall' as short ,.. posllble for thIa cent dost per acre. As an emUllion; .type of ta~. Naturall)- hatr must it should be 'used at the rate of one be llightl1 Joo!,er it , the bair 11\ and a haH poun~a of ,a ctual toxa· tbiD;-wtnce more J. needed to 'm ake phene against ilmall hopper. or two and • balt or three pounds agalnlt 1he essenU.a l curls. • Sleek hair.cfol which 10 many large hoppers. Toxaphene 11 aUeclong-faced girls deaire are out of tive for about 10 days. If the hoppers are contlned to the pla·ce. ~1nQe Ci1t'11 are needed to J)roaden the face and head. HOW7 field ~ou-want to treat. you can ever. 11 you want to look neat. the do • good ;lob' with benzene hexa. hail' C8l1 be kept well-groomed ~nd cbIoriCle. But 11 the pests are mov., thus achieVe. a sleek look wiUlOut Inglnto your field from the outside. actually being too much that way. you'll be wise to use the loo,er. Bangs !lr. very good With tbIa, lastin, chlordane 01' 'tOxapbe~, type 01 face since they tend to ' '.horten the long lines dramatically. It II . ' good Idea to avoid stralgbt banls; however, aince 10ftly· curled blllilS give a 80fter. rounder look. Th. IU'I with the long tace can· 1I0t afford to have the hair too long at the back; .ince th1a Will naturally show when you loolc- at her from the front. and It will tend to Ji're ~er appearance to the ,face wlli~h we are trying to avoid. Condition of Hair ,1I001Q.I_ifiu-"b.lIlr I~~. Belps ~tyling In ' hot summer weather, hair elbngated Hrielf.'~ the hair Is )le,!lVY. needs more care than in cooler It-. iWpwt~nt "to Iiave it ~Inned months, Perspiration and oUs fiow 81 well as cut In 'layers to achieve from, the ,kJn more freely, ", more tre"uent shampooing is a the profir ~alr-ciJotli.. 1,1i • I '" Dre$J rw ~air IJh ' ' neceasity•.- both from a cleanliJ)esl ', U Y'c)u'r'i{ RO~~ F"c:ed 'j and styllng standpOint. I Wlf'en 1tHe tacli ~ round.' the etl,e ct Thll!. IIlky hair will ' cling toWf! tr7~ ,to! achleve·· is eto~,ated. , ,ether when It'll hot, and make feel ''like you'd like an extra. he.• d of bairi You m,ay need two or even tbree IIhampoo. ' a week, in this cu~. 86 that the hahl can be kept De Goaleu, .., • _ _ _ ~ed and ,curled prol)Crly. Heavy hair can be • proble,m, Salem. oN. c .• ma, DOt be ~ too. With heat I.t ,may become mat- utea ., . ' 'arm ttClbooJ, bat ted and develop odor. m~re nad. their aclvlce II 'oUewed b7 ...... 111. II i'ou're exposed to the IUD. dred, of ' &bollllllDdti of 'arme,. the ,bali' ~y become clty and be thrctiarbOlR &be .cndb ~ Tbalr .s Itlft .s a board 'when you try 12Z-,ear-014 Blum almanac II, It. Soften It with frequent full .r bola precUctiollS, 8de ad,~.poo. and apply ,entle rin,.. vice. witty .. and 18 the , or elres.In, to It to keep It ¥lliable. marllet place 'Dr autram., Frequent h.Ir-clitl .re needed In boaaebol4 .Ida, , eta. ' WIW.m the ~ weathet 8inee balr grows GosleD IUIII .runtUi qoaleo. ~r •• more rapidl,r. Wben hair II cut, are 1ih0WD bere aclml~inJ the shaplq 11 excHdin_ly im'porLaDI. aIm.nae.. Oa the waH 18 the 1M the mort ~alra ,do' not tall lui portraU . of J1!I!las W. GOtII~D, 'place •• nadl11 •• l~ hlir whlob . wile JIIblllbecl BllIIIU Wore )'OU ~ve traJDed cl&1l)' to certain , them.
r----=======:....-:..., Agriculturt;ll Aids ,
Sbampool hrIae ar tbree timei a Water Soluble Chemical "* DQ noce.l6Sate doiq lODle
EHactiye on Quack Grau
at born.. AU IOrtI (It aida are avaJI. .ble 'ID make It •••ier for 1OU. cr... can be Jdlled with • c:ream7, good I.tberlq abampooe. water 101utile chemlc.1, accordln, creme riDse. th.t COQd1UCID &be to ll. F. ·Carllon, MJ~,an ItItie batr, and curlers to let IL coDa,e borUculturiat. Ten bave . Bettill. taw hall' with CololDe IU7 proved th.t quack 11'." can "be an Ide. ftIr JOU .lnee 1\ 18 quick. cantroUecl thrqqb iaN ,of • chemdryln. and "....... daltlhtflal Ical COIIlIIlOIIH Imae .. TCA. k,p... I Quack~.. II oae 01 tba pe.t.....'dr7en . . .ftUable 'to eu& est DUIIenca lID .... fUm UId tn dawa dr7in. time, '•• an ..,..... .... and TCA Ia the bat ~ with JQ.ra 01 abeauGal.. ebemIoal aYdable ,DOW for ...... tbeal WIdell IPHd the cJrrIq" 01' _ , tIoI, came. aafC"
_rva ..... .'
L_ r f " w.tlt' OIl,)' .... • rd....• .II III" • YH' I.. .-......._- ''S1oofaI" a.tteri.. have ......ta. ~ *- Iong.r baH"" 1119. Mon:ay colNt . . , . ,
&cts ••
. TETS talk: ~ Here is a thoe that IW extra bar height. L ~ bar length, and a. curved i:Mu- «,IeajgQ 'th8~ outcleans. " oeitptdla, ,altd o~tlaats any other tire. NO OTHER ~ . . ALL thjeBe lildvantale8. '!bose DllU.ive tread bars take a bigger bite. a better hold- ' and THAT'S NOT ALL Because theY're curved , for selfcl!Wling, they keep riaht 00 pullins wlille other tires only
cloc and spin.
And here's another big feature. Eve~ Inch of lenJth doetl 'iu share of the pulUnl beca~e the llow-p~ bod, deai,,) puts ALL of the tread hi roLl: pound .c ontact ~ for a .FUL1~ TRACTION BITE. Beca1ile It'. patented, thi. ~ lives "ou many advantales whldl nC) other' tire ~, Let your fireat,one Dealer or firestone Store demonstrate th~ facti to four satisfaction.
..R.I,O •• CIIAMP.O •• ••R••TO•• ""'.0-RA1'ION
ONLY 12 L . . . . . . . . .U....
...... .--""........
... V. 01 I'll ...... ,.." ~ ..... "." NBC ~
The Mia mi Gaa tte
.• I .,."." dIJ
"lied on I(I.a~ Bulb &l:d Ellsabetb Chandl er 8UIIdQ after· noon. I 1Il1'll. Annie Sweet Ridge. of Ctleago , Mra. Jaok RIdge little eon, Davtd, of Waahln gton', D.O., Mra. Burns of Delawa re, 6 ., and Mr. and Mra. Clyde Colema n of Clncl nnaU were dlnr,er ' (\lesta at the Home on Saturda y. . Min Margar et Edward s Is vis· IUn, a ~he home of ber nephew , Dr. Gale RUBsum In. Dayton.
and Douglu Reynol dl te-
home Saturda J' from Tex· wbere tbey· have been BDlQ' ed 10' agrlcllltur~ lfOrk for ·Iev· er.,l weeka. . . J'aoll: and Jim Reynold a depart· ed Sunday mornin g for a vacatio n trl)) to Colorado. J~r. and Mr&. Chester KJefah er CAE.A R'S CREEK FRIEN DS of Columbua were weeken d house- M ETHOO IITCH URCH I)avld St&nIteld, ll1n1.te r gUlaats of Mra. Kletahe r's IIlU'" R. B. Colema n, Mbd.te r Snnday School, 10 A.M. Ohurch School. 11:10 A,II., J. 1, enll.ll, Mr. and IIlrs, I'i'ed SherWorab! p Service , 11 A.Il. wood. On Sunday afterno on they Burake.. Supt. WOl'llbip Service , 10:10 A.•. ell atten'de d the SberwQOd famYouth FelowihL1p, SundaJ , 8:10 FERRY CHURCH ' OPCH RI8T Ily reunion held at Ftj Ancien t. Byron C&"er, Illnlllte r . Mrs.' W. C. ' Tlcl.'enor called on P.M. Bible Scbool, II :80 A.II. frilmde In .Wilml ngton Wedne a' MorntJIg WOl'llbip" 10:10 A.II. aT. MARY' S. EPleCO PAL day afterno on. ~ PraYM MeetIDI, '1:00 P.II. The Do.ster family enj~yed their Samuel N. Ke18, Rec~ Youns People'l l MeeUq , '1:00 Mornin g Worabi p, 10:80 , A.M. By JANE FITE relllnion dinner Sunday at the Evenin g Servlcell, 7:10 P,M, Genera l Den'o(er Holel In· Wllm· IIlr. and Mrs: John SmJth and In8:ton. WAYNE8VaLLE FRIEN DS three SOn8 returne d home Satur· Marlum e 'O 'Regan, aliter of Firat Day SchooT, 11:80 A.M. Mrs. Minnie Oglesbe e Is con· da)" from a two weeks' vacatJo n fined to the MIami Meeting for Worahl p, 10 :80 A.M, Bob O'Rega n, vhl1ted here laat Valley HOIl. week. III• . O'Rega n ' 1B a feature relatlve a In Kentuc ky. pltlll, Dayton , where she til under· W\A'Y NE8VI LLE ·CHURCH writer tor. the . Clnclnn .tI Poat, .OF Ml's. John Babb and her d!L1lgb· g01DC treatme nt. ' CHRle T ' • . prior to which IIhe ~nducled l:.'er . ter, MISs George anna Babb, '11'1.0 Mr. W. Oarl Browrr and Mr. 'M. H. Coffey, Mlnlate~ 0'11'11 prolP'ama for NBC, Clevehave been th.e hOliaeguesta of Wu.lter ,Donald son attende d the Bible School, II: ao A.M. land, O. Ml'e. Babb's brother 'ln:law and auto races In Dayton !;Iunday . . MornIn g Wor8hl p, 10:80 A.M. aleter, Mr. and Mrs . , W. · Mr. EllstOn McCune of Colum· Young Peoplea ' . Meetln r, 8:t6 Brown, returne d to thelr home ·In bUEI and Mr. an'd 'Mrs. Rlohard P.M. Columb us Tliesda )\ T~KE IT FROM KOlehle r a.nd tbelr daught Evenin g Service , 7 :ao P .M. Mr. and Mrs. ' Lawren ce Jac[)bll New York City spent tbe ers ,of AN OLD TIMER week· Prayer Meeting and Bible Study and tbelr" daughte r, Mls8 Gloria end witt. relative s tn the "Before · apendln g' your. mono vlllage Wednea day, 8 P.M. . Jacobs. bave left for Ii. two week's and at'tended the Collett· McKay ,ey, count out a few do~ vacatio n In Canada . plclnlc reunion Saturda y. 8-T. AUGUS TINE CHURC H and .y, '~Thlll /l. for MEl It'. Mra. Elsie Hacket t and ber dau· ·!If·r. and' Mrs. Jiarry CUne Jr. Father ·R. R. Krumh olb, Pa.tor ~ter, 1IIrs. Rt.odes Bunnel l. of anlll' tbelr daught, golns Into my . baDk accoun t er. GeraldI ne, of Muaea , 8 and 10 A..1l. . Waynes ville, were gueata Satul'- Columb ua were houaegu ior the thlnp' 111 want latAn!lllts dur., day evening of Mrs. Hackett.·s Ing tbe weeken d of Mrs. Ollne's LYTLE ' METt4 0DIST 00.' mother , MrR. Sadie Reallon, ' parente , Mr. and Mrs. " Herber t B. E. Baughn , Putor CHURC H BO'OJlS: , ''Tbe~ huld. that money tight long Term- 4 per, .cent Mrs. Jesse Penntngton: Is III at ' L , Doater. CJ.UrCh School, 9:80 A.M., Mr •. 9-12 Each Mo~ning , br your fl.t nnW U'I welT her home on· Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. !lay Coone spent S.,.lor, Supt, .' . t-5 . Afterno.ons Excep t Wed. No Renewa l - No Appral l8l J'ee Mr. and Mn. Clyde Levicr tbe weeken behind the teUer'1 window at Wora~l p ·Senloe.. 10:10 A.II. d a vlaltlng bave returne d bome from a trill tl&elr aon whoIn18 Vlritlnl Eyenings !Jy Appointment the bank. Try It. It'. an ez· atatlon ed there No Commi alioa IrI West Virgini a. . with the' Marinps. MT. HOLLY METHO DIeT emel In haDdU q money that Only The Rev. and Mrs. Lewtll D. T. M. Scalf, Mlnlite r Farmer Owued -J'or .All ' I'ann. . Smith and ' pta euler the more you do daught er of Grayso n, TELEP HONE 62 Sunday School, ':10 A.M.. · E. MillS ESTHE R LUKEN S Kentuck Y are tbe guesta of Mra. It-and , take It from an old' A. Ear.pha rt. CALL. WlUTII I 01' SU: Supt. Sml('h's ' father, Mr. .Alvin Smith HONORED BV: SHOW ER WOl'llhl p . Servl~, 10:aO A.M. Umar. It "waya payl orr Mr~. Mary McOarr en, a ..lated her brother and IllIter·in·law, Evenln'g Service , 7 :ao P.II. .LLIS H, eTURN . ·hc"y.T....L handlO melT In happier 11..• and Mrll. John S~tb and by Mrs. A. D. Martin, gave a bridal shower at bel' country tq;" sonl. (; Il'tom~tne .l!:Yt' ~p*i.I,,, and Mrs. Tex WatsOn of bonle near Harvey sburg Wednell' UTICA E.U,a, CHURCH . , were guelte S"turds y of day evening complim enting Mill William Shanno n, MIId.te r .. I SOlltJI Detroi t 8tr1!et Sunday School, ':10 A.M., tlH. . Mrll. Louise Flte and daughte r, Esther Lukens . Jame. Garrtso n, l!Jupt. MlslI Jane FUe. IA:NIA . OH,O Preachi ng, llt..,a d ard. a, Ohio Ifl.. Ru'thte bdet baa return. Mr. apd Mrs . Rltta, ot each' month; 10:aO A.M. ad home from a two , *'eeka' viall iNt:ler, P84. were Leland recent 'houaeservtcea~ 7:aO P,M. w;flh reJaUves In' D..ytoD. gue.s u of Bob and Doroth y O'Re· Tlie Rev. Lewlll 'S mith, putor gan. Mr.,. Ritta headed the civil' of the Christia n Churc,h In Gray. Ian c1encal · ataff 1n tL'@ Toleran ce JI tbe flrat reqoill te IOn, Ky.. was the guaat tea.cIIE,r , Reliltlo ns Departm ent. A.r:m7 of every frlendlb lp. • OeD· Sunday mornin g of the Cfull&llel'll eraJ H08plta l, Butler, Pa., I Clallll at the Method llt Church .. Wor.ld War II when Mra. during Jimmy SnodlP 'ulI returne d lio~e an W8I on duty all a FiratO'lleg· Lt., from a week.,. vhllt WAC, at the lIame Inlt.Ua tioft. with his !mJDdparenttJ,1 Mr. ,and Mrs. Dan Saylerll 10 Frankli n. The membe rs and tbelr ramU· GAZETJ'E 'PHONE 2143 lal of the Commu nity Club IIIn· -'joyed thelr' annual picnic Wed· J neaclay evenJng at Jacob'lI Park In Wellma n. I SEVERAL MAKES OF CORN ELEVATORS FULLER BRQSH lira. Bertha, Gordan gave a ,• . dlJlDer at bel' bome Friday even' DEALER tng for bel' mother . Mra. Laura , Slaldaker, who ' will leave from nlESE BRANDS OJ' f fJC ,p" -IZERS. Dayton Wedne sday for Querqlle. New Meslco where .he will be the gUeat of ber IOD·ln law and da"ghte r, t Mr. and MI"II OIlDt Gray. Other gueMII attend· In. were Mtll Kathlee n Grah.a m,J'F '-'---" --MAIN Mra. Neltlll Eaater, an d Mrll. Jen· ny Graham . . t The Collett Rnd McKay tamll· lee UIjoyed their aDDual picnic ALWAYS A FUNER AL _.RVIC E dlnne!! Sat.\ \rday at. tLelr prlnte • I. ' cOl).ducted In the Iplrtt of reDloolc lP'ounds near New Bur· 'LDston'. Datolle , .Ignlflc ance, reprdl eel of ci.llrch affiliati on. E.tabll .h.d 1850 "..11 fubllab ed every Thul'llday morn· ·' Iog at WayneBvlUe, Warren CoMlilles Ruth • n d ElI&abeth unty, Oblo. Cbandl er, Olive W!Itl1aml, Mary BOllton, Mra. 011ve Curl, and Dr. Emina Honow ay atlende il MtamI Qpartd rly Meetl!ng near Selma, Oblo on" sundlY . Nfl. Romo Riggi and Nra. Per· ry Thoma a of Social Row ROad calltld on' Mrl. Alice Clark on WednelcIaY afternooD. On . Satur' Tt.'eodore E. Conover .... . Editor day afterno on . her caller waa Edna ~. Conove ~ . Assoc. Editor Mrs: Will Bergda ll of Dayton . Mre. Lucile Al'1IiI,tage '11'1\11 the Ent~red as -;'e~ond clae8 matter at the ' poatom ce at WayneavllJe, gtielt of Mr•. and Mrs. Charlea Ellie at their Chauta uqua cottage Ohio. on \Wed:n eadar ' anll OIl ThursdaY SubscrlPUon Rate: $".60 per yeaT visIted Mr. and Mr.. Loren Routin Oblo Kentuc ky, and [ndfan&. zahn In Franlcll n. , 12.00 elae",be re. . Mila Glanna Marsb or Dayton' waa the weekeQd guellt I of her Mr. Rnd Mrs. Ted Conove r and coualn, :Mr8. Lucile :Armitage. . MIlia .felllie Garne.r waa a Wed· Bon, David. sp~nt· t,he paat week· et,lI with lrfrs. Conove r's father:, neBday dinner guest of Mr. and Mr. Guy Rarslia , of Frazeys burg; .Mra, J . Lee Talmag e at TrequU· Ity Farm ,n ear 61'egonlo. Ohio. Mr.. and Mrs. Jobn Hilt and lItUe ~n, Johnnie • . [)f , Sprlngf leld
Dr. C. 'E. Wilkin
MADO NAL.• r.BANI . ___ __
Wh ite Kit che n
an d Cu ltip ack ers
e ·Co~pJat• Service e Op en Sev.en-Nig ht. a Weak c•••••••II.
To all mtnlate ra and to every faith pr creed, we live .Incere and practic al CQoOperation.
yo LOOK YOUR BEST at all
time II, bring yqur clotbes to-B &: R cne~ers.
~I .Ii~~~~~~e!~!!!!eaiiEEiiii3!iiE~~3!eeeeeeij
econom lerVIce kno1rn ,st; through out ical thla ..~ ' for quaUlty work tL'at win ' keep you In t lhe tuhlon ' tprefro nt < Bring In'· your clothea today ';'d Jet ua demonM rate our IIplendtd aervlloe,
thl. I. the 0 ... 'you " " , Me, ....... ...... 'o f 011 Ohio State ' • • MOM ..,.....~ ....... . .. JH, more to do. ,1hrIII ...... 1_12...... .., ....... . Ora_ land .p.CIade, uhIII l..... of
.... ,,......t
pro"" ..............."'.a... ..,.
....... ... MUST ...... for , . . . . . tile lee, h alII .
&ow ."" ...,.,,, .............. ......................... ...,
..... ,.~_.
7 fULL DAYS Of ENn.IAINMllTfi IDUCAflON u...tocI r _ _ I . . . , . . . . . . . C4IIIIe, ...... ...... , ......., .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1 •••
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,.·rH U Il••*Y·'
u : ,
.J '
COIUllbus~Alg~ . 21Ih~l . Sept.
er.l Hom e
$1.l5, .eac~
KEM Tfl"" E
South M.iI, Str~ .~I ",..
Waynesville Furaiture
Wail Pape r Ind G. E, Bull. -
Sizing EIII,mel
Appliance Ce, AYNL.~"IUt.
nm.ivIR WHEN
BE r.C
, -Sa D_ O ServiCe ....
mi. Alt,
,Mr. and Mrlt. BUy Other caller were Mr. lin. ()1)'de campbell and son, Charles, Mill Phyllla Glbaon, Mrs. Obelter Crawford and daughter, St.:lrlef', By MR8. HI~Y GIB80N Mra. Mlrta Crawford 01 lit. Orab Mr. and Mre. Arthur Rockhold and !'tIr. anll lotrl. F'at Hopkins. and family spent Sunday a(terMiss Wilma Rocllhold and Mr. noon with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Mr8. Earl Davidian are Hahn' 01 .nellf Clnclnnati. spending a few daye at Tulsa, M. aDd Mrs. BHy Gibson were. Oklaboma:' . . supper guesta ,Wedne&lay .en· Mr. and Mra. Arllhur Ker8inger lng wiU. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and son, Tommy, o,f Dayton, call. parr ot near Ceirtervllle. ed on their parents, Sunday afterMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tompsoo of noon. Mr. and Mrl. 0, H. Ker. Spring Valley were supper gueSl9 singer. ot Mrs. Anna Lucas Monday '-'r. a.nd Mrs, Arthur Rockhold. e venIng, Mr·s. Morris Lew'ls and 1008, Miss MinnIe Crawford of D&y, Jerry and . B1Dy, Mr, and Mrs. ton l!.Pent tbe weekend with her Hlly . GIbBOn caUfld on Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olarence Mrs. Dick Kanes and daughter, Crawford, MI'. and Mrs. LewJs Donna, of near XelDla' lallt Thun· Orawford aud daughter, DollDa.. day, lolr. _ and Mrs. M: McNeil, MfS. Mr. Alfred Mor,g an and Mr. Artt.ur Morgan spellt la~t Mooday JennIe Richards of DaytOil suP,je~ gu\ists ' Sund~y evellln'g of ,qven1ng . In Sprlngtrleld,
for a 'blgger and b....r
wheat crop u.. BIG.
• • • • • a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___
money .".
to hich~t etaiId.,-da of qU8lit7 aDd . never down to a price.
_ aDder dJNCt ~Clflb-.
u..,. made up
GenntoWil Hayrides
mcr-tbC TIle MIuat . . . . . .
~ quality'of ;pour wbeat.
the 3012-12. ....12 •.,. o-l~.12 or 2·12-6 you wiIllIIIed. . BIO M branda are awiuf.:tured tD .,... yoa the yield
Order BIG M early ad JOUr &.let wiU haft
P.l.GJD I'I'f1J
ON .. RT. 42 _
I ... CGmpciny The MlamI fertlla OFFICE & FACTORY - Trebeln, Xenia, Ohio ,
== as
llullulunnnlllllgIlIUIWII• • • _________________ . . ======:..!....:.:.=.:.:.:.:.:.=========.
Don ' Weaver II ependlna a I."; days with Johnnie Bergel of BeavertoWIl. ' Mra. Robert Green~ and lon, Eddie Thirkleld, of and M'r . ' and Mrll. Kenl'1 Bergel ~d family ot Beavertown c&lled on Mr. and Mre. Lue lIofgan, Mr. and loire. Bill Tate of brook ' spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mra. Pete_ Runyan.
Bett)' Powell Ie plaDlIiDg a Ibopplng trip to Dayton tor man,. thlDgl tor her new Lome. Her aunt, MrrUe, wW. join her Ill' thle trip: QuJlt! a number ot OorwfD people are painUng aod repair1r.g· tbelr homee. . Dewey ·Lamb III getUng alone nicely wltb his new bouse. JlIll Moore II allO bulldlDc himself a new houle. Albert .Lamb bougLt i. neW' CORWIN NEWS OMC, truck. Un'c le Fidler. JbD Lamb. hall By MR8. ERNE8T GIB80N gone back to hIa bome W'I~ bli Mr. and Mrs. Ma.rk powell' wUI daughter In '~entuClkT. move t 0 thOe 1f Dew h ome In ll"ft_ ........8 A;rTENTION FARMER8 Mills this week. The ,p rogram for your Count,Mr. and Mrs. Al~ert Lamb hove wide plcol8 to be held at We •• gone to Keotucky for a few Warren County Fairgrounds, AUS' Mr. and IIrs. Jimmie ust, wID feature Dicit Cecll. bave beeL! viSiting with Mr. BUlea' WKRC farm program director. . I sliter In KentuclQ7. . ', The rest of tile program III of . Betty Powell and children, Mr. special Interes't since it II 110m. and Mrs , Ernest GlbsOI;l Tlllted posed of local talent COL'iItIIUng ', Mrs. Glhson's brother, Mr•. Hugh' of: Group Slngtnr, led 'by Rla.bard Ie Lamb tn Hamlltoo on'8 day Jut maea; Accordlan Muaic. Joan week. • Koch ; Entertainment. WllI!on SI·· Beasle apd Richie Moore called sters. on Be~ty Powell. There will be plent..v of rqiee Y!'iny 'La'mb visited friends In 8O'd contests for everyoDe. Gran. 'Xenia Saturady night. ge and Farm Bureau Council Hugble Lamb antt tamJly, ' and membersi may check with their Mra. l!'armer enjoyed a organization leaders regarding tL~ . eupper at the hbme ' 'or Betty contest arraogements tor the 'Powell Saturday evening an4 gl'Oup8. ' Sunday they called on Dewey Everyone Is welcome. everrooe Lamb. . come. PleMe furntBh your ' OWD Tiny . Lamb. Betty Powell, My, table service. rtle Glbeon, Mary Etta, aDd Mar_ _--"_ __ \ha Freeland are all planning on LQCAL DRAFT , BO~RD a trip to NaahviUe, Tenn. to visit ANNOUNCES NEW HOURI the "Qrand Ole Opery." · Loclil. Board No; 122, Lebanon, Ohio, wlU be open ooly on Thur.. days trom 8to 4: 30 and Olr l!'ri. daY8 from 8 to 121 ; 00 noon. All bo)/s becomlng 18 yean of ace _., are requested to report at that time to regillter.
~-r-~~'l":""-.o('.J"" ....- -
prepares now
F!arly this week, a 's mall plane took off from Beaumont, Texas, on a regoI8r w~k]y flight.tAl New York Cit¥. 1.600 rmle.s away. Ita . pl\ot was flying as· low 88 ' possible, almost "hedgehopping,"and bis route would have made an airlihe pilot wonder. . Actually he was doinJ a
difficult and highly specialized job. He W88 inspecting
' Aerill 'pa-
~ ~ .. -. '~ ~:f~!: -;.
(Til,. Ba. Mad..) 1 Llne x 1 Incb .... '.. ..... 600"
.2 LInes x 1 Inch . ....... .. 800 3 Llnell x 1 Inch .... ... . ,1.20, : (10% Ofr L1at Price Dumis Aq,) I
aDd pq.troUing,everimile 01 , Texas Eastern's· natural gas pipe line ~tem. '.
. Make It your bUlllneaa to knoW' yourself; which iii the' mOlt , d1lf. lcult lellon In tbe ~rld, Economlst- a IU)" wbo ' talla JOu how to spend your money after JOu baev done eometb1Q elle With it.
trol is the '
, ti ewayGf
. ins ~e c..t-. Ing UDder-
. . ~~ ing the trnes" eveg _week in the you', tbeIe piJOta CIIIl lIfO!; lI'.aDl ~ fnm the SIr that ~line wilkeron the ground would mila.
,Tile lIettt ls fJII ( Texas Eastern is .b uildjng 360
Potential leaks andwash-
line' this
cbeekadozens Gf river Cl'Offo
siagsand liondrecisGf small ravines wheie a flasb flood might wash the pipe to.e
Missouri ~d iiouthern .inGis, the first sign Gf a new rain guile, may be the
, ,
, fGremen andenaiDeers
,. . TeDI EuterDt. . .~ tloI' pel Gn .• "m.... _ winter, throwrh the "cOld front"areuolIndI .... aDd Gbio and ov. the ~ 0111 ApP'alachlan moantalDa of (J....,mma. tba IfOU!Id does ~=ra.:tH pUot. In IDOW' OIl tIa., , heIDa' 1'Dr11l'-IX-lrv ofteD of t.r.a"
,, "
•• 1
Under and highwan ad oVer billa the DeW · eecticmII of pipe IiDe go forwud at t1ie rate of OWl' mile a day. When the weft is finiShed, we1diD8. . areW8 will have \~ together aome fort7~ ~ 4O-fOOf8ediiODs of 'pi" .waigbi~, . n··. ,total bfl61l.000 ·f.ona. eo~ the8e,DBw ¥1,Hies will cOat an edmlllted • mm;.,.. m,uch 01 w~ ,tmnpra'BD~.toeal ~ aM pJreb. . . .
briDg uP
C8Il8. .the vtdaDca air ..~pi1Ot pap
- .-
. a big. onGj
eel steps in COlastructiDgthese new pipe lines' 'is ahow:n ~ve. in a ~~ operation, the CJ8W of a lprimjDI maclrine polishes rust - ~ scale off "the pipe atut appliee aCoat,of bot tar enamel' Othe~' m,!chiDe~' put on glass Ibre wrapping and additional coating to protect ~E' DeW pipe in the ground. .
'-- ~.
signal for hjm ,to radio. ·Texas Eastern's. nearest oftlce. ' , Aet;inI on the pilofs' re~rt. a maintenance C!!9} ' drivel· to the ecene, aou' Gften stAlps the damage be- . fore "it litarta with a few,) weD 'placecl abOyeIdaI of , earth. 11 ' C the job is
of PiPe
BUl'face. , .... wll..
B~er as
meet '(/ winter detldline • • •
part of a DeW cdDst;fuc. tion program to ~le it' to ~ 'more serVice. In three. of the ten throUgh which the Inch lines pass, pipe line crews are rushing ~woJ,k tel completion bef'ore ~ter arrives. One of the many complicat-~
outs are· p"nei.,.JJy what ·the pilot .looks f9r. He
As heftie80verArbneas
,EN"NEERlS SPEED' NEW' CONSTRUCTIDN AT COMPRESSOR' STATIONS . 1ift.DeW compressor. stations are being built to. eene the Big Inch System, and four existing are being enlarged. When this new • mtioDI , eowtraction iI. completed early- next year, there wD1 be 26n,.ti,ODI and 272,OOP hOl'8ePOwer to help 'c8rry, IiBtural gas ~ the Inch nn~. -This cxbatiDued Pl'OIi~ helps Texae' Eastern fWfiU its ~itia. . . . Ioocl cifDeD ~ JOur coimty.
"'E ,PIIiT
··. N.C..... FLOG. E•••EL , ·or " •
·4.... ~ · I.,...m.
Thunc1a)r, Aupst 18, 1...
Cash.. 'In •
r \
B,. Blobar. OUI WUJdDlOD
would have belleved NoRal'O:NESharon capable of Mratager;n .. Olne look at him , aDd you
would have ca,talogued bJm In the reservedl. conservative ,class of youn, trlen who adhered 10 the ac. j ceptecl ' pttema Letson for Au,-' aI, iMl dIctated b3" propriety anI;! coneMiliate vention. was VERY ATOM or the unIverae, Flotlon a ,ood He lookln, laid Calvin. IparkIn with the boy with 110ft glory of God. That Is ou~ thought brown , eyes and a sena~tive mouth. for . this week: In the created unIHe wor~,ed 8IJ a clerk in the South- ver~e we can port Tr1~.t Company_ 'lbere wu a the God wbo la future Utere lor him. m0re wonderful It occurred !Rot even to Ray that than aU his works. the fine UP1,ltatlon he had could be The .elected Psalm. as aD allet, cashed.In on. Not, express lour differuntil Phil Clairmont came ent 'aspects of God'. creaijve pow 'e 1'. bad beeD born 1n Psalm a br1n&~ out 5OlllOlpolrt. At 18 he bad ,one orr to the dIgnity and the eolle,o aDd not returned. - He !lad glory o! mono Jl)JIde been a lootball hero.· an AU-Amer- to, be #1. Foremu Ican quarterback. After araduatJon earth; P , '9: . he bad .old bonda and coached 1-6 ll~ten 10 maJe.tlc ,hu~lc ':at football teams and written maga· sun' and ' starll;, Paalin 85:9-13 lee" zlne al~tlc)ei' on gridiron' tactics nature !IS a farmer lee. in terms and liven a series ' at lectures over 01 lun, rain' and crops; Psalm lOf, the raeUo. He had made quite a one or the nobleat poem. in exls, IUCC~SS. tence, celebrates God'. glory in 'aU TwD wiaten later PbU reareat and small. e e • , tamed to 1m IIome town fpr Use OIu'Idm.. holiday.. '1'IIe foill. MYltery pve him Qal&e • recepUoa. . HESE Inllplred P.lBlmlllta law a They beJd partie. for blm ant! ,. bllh truth: Nature is 101' man'lI aBIle4 him to talk at w. use~ in pa~ but It hal also a nlue. fUIIctlon ~ Us.t. Be ltayed a beauty ' and a splendor an Its tbJ'olljrb New orear'l, whlcJ1a own; and it Is one or the way. by was 'Ionrer than be blteDded. wbich we can know 000. What Is 'l'bo I:eAHD be .,.ect waa true of nature is true. U1' more. of SheJla Famaworlb, "be» "arh' the God who created all thin,s. One Ib~ . 'l lvaUl· &T.iI", of Ilie thoughts sugge.ted 10 their Shellll was a native of Southport. minda was the mYlltel')' of nature. bald wheat-colored hair nnd Eyea wiUl aO Utat blue eyes. She had known Ray sol_ .... tUsooverecJ, tIIere Sharon all her 1I1e. She. lJked him. Is myster,. bI lIIe mwl e"'eathey grew up and Bay betal laeta or esbleDce. Wha' fa talkin, ber around, ahe Wal Uah" ~, I. Ulef . 1fta, Iii hapW. eaeraT Where did I' come from CLAIRMONT met her at an. "bat Is Use d.... ., 1& ODe or the mIlD)' pat1i1ll that aUf ' held in hi, honor. He remem· A common grass bllide performs Who ahe was an4 "as Quite miracles that chemistry hall not loItated. The my.ter,. or nature . '\1JI,e.tI ' the deeper mystery of nature'a God.
I f
• ~ un/qu. f-tuN of th. Chi., COlO Rq~IroaII Fc,lr Is the In~ic/n 'illate and . • "tlrnsteni Indian entertain,,!e~t P'O.'idld by the Santa F. rai,lway: On. of the ou,
.taading .xhibits of the fair, tINt. ( ,illag. is an eXact replica of 'a lOuthwest.,.. - Inelia!' village,i~. clilding· pu.blo's, "ogana and'
wikiu". More t"a~ '11' I~cliani,
trGnsporte6 10 . the faIr II, the Santa F., flye In the villag.. In tli. pholo cibo,.' Is .liown· ct ~rt of the I"dlan ,illage dw.ll.n wlao represent lix 1O~'h.est.rn triba, tile San Juan, the llinlil Hopi, Jem8, Apaclle and Ne,ajo. At ,right; Su~h Wachter, fair ,1.llor, decided t'.a t al,hou9h .he likes don., the latchina cIolls' olltsld. the enmace to the 'illag. ,were -bit ~ play .Ith.
WANTED , New or nearly new. 1 or ~ row corn picker.. Alii. Cbalmer. com-
bine .. I. E. DaY". I'll ••• 1l1li11. Ill ....... 111. '
BAY, GRAIN, FEED BALED UAY-bt and 2nd ",utUn" AlOlfa. I mixed ho)/ and atraw delivered a t be daht price. Colt 8a..... n tOllOS or write SHADY OR'OVl!: rAlnl. R. R. #I~ MUan. In'.
Old ..tabU.bed Mfr . b •• D real opportunity open ' for a man over 311 rOr local rotected terrllol')/ \0 .ell c.omplete llnc oint.. BUick and . Aluminum Roof Coat~ p,nil'. dJrccl to tndustrlal. Commercial and Former•• Full tlm.e or as .Ide Une. Experience prererred bllt not e •• entlal, 'HI,b comml... lo .... promptly paid. Car nece.... ry. Write ..Til. yertex 1lI ••• r•• •
'.rla. Ce.. Ol..-o)a." t. 0111 ••
beginning now to real· WEize,AIlEeven better than
Pop Chal., Taos Indian' singer and artist, whose
hoin~ is in San.. F., N. M., is shoWIl h~re (left) aHi~ed
in typical T~os coshime. She is featUred -iii the entertoinment offered at the Indian village. This picture . was to~ . ' the comal of her falllil home in Tao. .....Il10, .... M. ' ' , ..
Psalmists could, how much there III in nature. We have trallc e",ldence or the atom's er. Now "e have allo whU. eperlY cannot be daiitftlvtd. It cannot tJe -create.~ by us, It c~Dltantl1 chan,es fotm. '..AI tile _ter ·lD .a ........... Un wbleb ......... tbroaCb ft · iarbi.e wW _& CUmb ba~ up to &an Uu! tbrblae' aphi, .. the "bole' 1UIiYerae (tlllI1 tell al)
la III lIIe process eI WIlDIDf
But bow was the unlverie born• how was en.raY born. in the first place? How was the unlve.rse, .0 speak, wound up? Science dopa not profeli to .know; but reUlloulI an· .1:13" fai~: In, the beginning.
. .. '
HE wi'Jter of P.ahn lOf was well aware that lome parts of'natjlre
POR RENT, VacaUo,,- at Hotel Yellow Blinks a . tleb"rmnn'. par.dl.... ..,oder.te
J"~"" 1004 .ood'-bollta-molora-eottalea, Phon.. or write for re.. rvatJonl • • 'II .tlC1. Norlll W.Ii...... ID •• lHD~H ""ICE: , " 15 room cotlBS .... 'or
rent, 135 "",o.k; YDcanclu 'In Dnd after ,Jill' 31.t, Write AI •• " ••"u'. 1110 Oate. III. er .011 o. UO'J ,W .d.. Til." .. «lo.emlie., 0101 ••
Planning for the Future? .Buy ti.S.. Savings B~nds!
aze e
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 WAYNEBV1LLBl. OHIO,
'YBAB, DSTAB LlSmm i'EBkU ABY, 1810
THURSDAY, Septem bl,r 8, 1'"
g ur sb ey rv Ha d An lle vi er nt Oe red Hi ers ch ea -T ore M
Mr. and Mr.. RUllel WUIOIl and tamJly bad aa weeken d cuesta Mr. and Mr.. BUt RetUn'g an4 cblldre n of Oleveland. ¥r: and ' Mra. PAUl SoWash ot MAnaUeld were weeken d 1U8IIta or Mre. D. C. RJdr.. and Mra. n Id5e and guellta enjo)'ed A mot· or trip Into Kentuclriy on Sunda¥ . Mr. and MrII. Bobert Baker and cblldre n of Oln~lnDati were Mon· TWO AND' A HALF INCHES day gue.ts or Mr. and Mr• . Rop HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL . famllJ. H.rtloc k and Althou gh Will St. John's e The 1949 Fall basebal l proMr. a.nd Mrs. Jack OoUina ot of meaaur lng the am· Plethod . gram at Waynes ville will get un· DULt of · ra.1n!all In W IlYnes· Dayton are ann'OjUlclng the birth . vllw may not be accepte d aa of their aecond Ion • .00 Monda)" derway today wheJl Coach' Ed ' IplendJ d para4e, Cilmaxed by accurat e by the U. a. weath. . f:!ept. 6. "ra. ColUna Ie a Ideee 01 , e practic flr~t the hoLd Little 1It&m1 will annual P(Jrter second the r conBlde would er Bureau . we Mre. D. O. Ridge an.d quite weU· B, ore a. larBe ffrlaplace, bank· sesalon at g P.M. at . the IDgh Fall Festiva l. sponao red by the the than reUable more far it the by ed light and known here. th asterlf, ~d Waynes ville CIvic Club,' Came to tho' la.tter bv With repair work on the hlr;b: School. method .. In seven candles aL cathedr glo~ of , --aed Mr. and "rl. A. H. Earnha rt th b I · ... a close Saturda y night. he In b at.ure temper the t keeplnf In e even· anue a ra. on recently lpent a tew: day. ' witll IIchool buildin g pratlcal ly c(Jm· The festival 'W&s a .ucceu lin' 1 Ita "'1 below 20 ·.t always .... Au orlds. 'of F In'' Miami. y yn • . m S8 ..~ .. tbelr Ion. "r. Alton Earnha rt, in Pleted, Supt. K. M. RetalUc k i8 . accordi ng to ebalrm llD anclally closer be 1I0, altlloug h It Dl1J,y • daughte r of Mr. and 'Mrs Or l' auldlng . Oblo. A. H. Stubbs, althoug lt the flnal sesalon WaynesVl~IIA openIng 100. to the lor B bride the preparln became Cr.btle, . • J. 'V report tit not 'in to date. ... ' Mr. an~ Mra. T. ·M. Burton' and ot tbe tall term. St. John ulea a. can. that Penney , Canro\l r. William of . I I U . . . . L L. "enney M II dllUBhter, Naomi Jane. Mra. Jen· 101,No prize w.IUI ofterlld, uut the f cement a 'on leveled been has re." -'a . ,1 m OIasses will start ,wfth a half· , lIunfl(Jwer W81 emtblt ed tallje)t ul" Mullin. and Min LUla lien· opeJr an l placed: and 'base n of ew Brun8wlck, 'New Jersey. Nat Murra,-. Mr. by 1I!UD have retlll1r64 from & del1lh d'ay schodul e Mnoday,. l'tartln g at. canned thla to ing Accord spot. tUng' for the ceromony wu ' be drawing for tIM! poand wIU the l.1ul · trip through the ea.t; In lunchos School In'Cbea balf A.M. a 45 8: report. two and aU~lful Cblnu Valley Ranch prize. Mr•. Robert Iloran waa aw. Ue , /lvbeav! . Mr. and Mra. Harry · 'faylor of &erved or.: Tuesda y. of rain teU In W rton, Bill)'·' f> HallIbu Mra. of ' arded tbe televl.l on let. anel Granite Dell s. '" resl'O tt , Ar'lI took AUamllbur5 were Thurllday afterstockm en' between Saturda y even1ng ano Wayne8.vllle A ·tea.c bers' meetlnB will be Perry Clln'8 won the $100 cuh g. mornln y Tuesu profus· great In ueed noon suesta ot Mr.. Lilla Ben' were fS '" of the ~onors at the award. beld at · the grade IIchool buildin g their ahare Fair through out the , rooma. ham. durln~ the past ha"e been r at Oh10 State results snothe n, and foUowl A.M. 9 The at Friday ~ranklln e Rev. Cbarl'as MrII. 'Frank L. ' aylor of Green· var,OU'I compet ltthe . for d week dar recorde same NTS the on NCEME school ANNOU blgh AGE the er, author of aevt'ral books MARRI wlcb. Conn'. Ie the peat of Mr. "he following cattl~ placed In Ive events of the . teBU"al: ' of the ~lIteIn loreUandaJ p8.ll~r and Mrs. Ronald Hawke and Mr. at 1 P.M:. itions: compet class the for D ... _ .. ent Ch urc h In RECEIVED BY FRIEN DS enrollm Beat School DOI&Uild estimat' Con'" The . Helfer ye)(JerSll and 715 "osher OIa8s , on .. rega ed aud Mra. ' Harris Pt1IiI~ _..... Har. Ule "'u Centerv tie, mately First, apl}roxl are officiat III • here yesr a comb\:g relatIve Stan' the er and Advanc Friends place, Call, First . b h u&ughter. ../ In , ' . . f ' t1 It I ot ilard I th hlatory I d th'e t 10 te I Son: blghest s.tb the and er 680. y marr age,.le a cream r.; res I! Gem- Walter E111'J e.n nv a on reo veYBburg. n · e On Thursd ay evening . Mr. and the .chool. chQE , bride to'Wll. ~he German Bull, . d Secon. tres.)'Tboma s : OlaslI 854 (Ay~sh: • celved by Mrs. E. L.Raymo ., lUri'. Harry Satte.rt hwaUe enternd .1. Ama.teur Horae Showgrade 12 months and uMer i s montbs , • .... r. and l'tlre. d~e88 suit, with All IIttidenta In the (lUb report w plaid A tained to dlnner. Mrs., Frank 1.. ttlrough d I wUl " e preaenc twemh onilln the Y(JW' request LUck" ald A-'ll r Fitzger Some car an place, e8 lr Third ac""aso g # Firat, rJe"la Lamb J • (~a)'lor. anlf Mr. an'd Mra. Ronal4 to the high sch'ool on the open· roaet!l. n Nisme rIIid 'Way' , I Second. Tobe lJaU r Roger O'Banion, Rt. e or their daughte marriag at tb'eLouJae Hawke. n • Ing day. The fLtth and ab:th JlmJ 0 ' hone) , a'... bride' ""'aid s. Thoma ·Todd 'Mr. to . . 8 Mar)' nesvllle uU .... decqra...... oa..Eesl .. 00 ' 10 l~ 8' S Mra. I!'ran.k 1.. Taytor enterta ln. grade classes .will be betd In'- thl! green dark a won, ' atte1;ldant. 0 Firat, W&JDenfUe Boy Bouuta A>~., : • ClaslI 862- (OOW) , IGth place, ajturda.y, BdI\, a . 'With, a corsage of white glad• Church ed tor Sunday d1nner at the Gold· blgh echool buildin g unt,l the Rarock Second , Hodson Hatebt' ry 's 'Lady Suean. Roge r Lee 1 of St. Kevene . Mlo.neapol· I . and ' Mr. n. Lebano 10 ell' Lamb Dest Decora ted Bicycle -new vocatio nal agricul tural hulld· .O'Danl(Jn~ iB. MIna." E I H I.V Bo),. Don -+eltz Mrs. Fftld HartlICIC lt otf MlUord" Ing III completed. Olass 865 (,Heifer Oalf)- 12th Il""'r. Mr. Thomaa , IOn of Mr'. and col· n former a ofeld~ . ar te '0· tho. blidegr oom. Mrs. Seth Tboma s, and grandso n ]\farllyll' PoIlnBkJ Olrl. Mr. and "rl. Barri. Moehet ~d SUpL Retalllc k Informe d the place, Hilltop 's SueUa. Rog8l' Lee I-e cl--ama .... . ,.... .' Vehicl e-Drawn ' Pet Best and s dauBht er, and Mr. and M..a. Roll' Gnette tbJs week that two more O'Banlon. Thoma L. E. acted as bes~ man.' Tbe hrlde's ot the late Mr. ~ ~ Richard Flaher 1I1d Hawle, It. the AIr serve.d · . teacher s hal'e been eOlPlo)'ed to Thomaa Mrs. alter· ,sheer dark a wore JIIOther PDOGR-A-M-S-'-' F-O-R-+"~' COU'r8 lJnlv. 01 M1nn.. B Mr. and Mra.' S. A. Drqo ot teach tor tbe coming ) ear. Mra. DOOr.: gown wl~ a (lO.r uge of pink Oorps. attende d est Dreseed Do~ ~. will n Lebano of e ' McClur Mr. Euella a. vtelt1ng are ~tloil City ~or a Xork New Jimmie Lamb A Berles of radio program the first "r secood the and 18 connec ted with the Mfim' d ettIrer followe teach Wlill1h . n receptio " . ed and present Sr. " Drel8e d Ca~ being PeterBO Is Best Geo,.e . Boy Scouts and Mra. 00. re ,. n Furnitu eapolls lArge a b)' d atteJfde P .M. by Sla~ -011' 1, wu . ' Hunter Shal"On Alma Peteno n. IJ'Sde and Mr.. Minerv a Hough each Saturda ), at 6 oWD, ot biena;' durtq d Autom obUe~rate BeBt IIr. and lire. oua LeMU of a tonner' membe r of th faculty, Ion WPFB, Mlddlet an'd Mra. ~llU)eJ are mem Sbetrle l4, Ala. and Mr. and Mn. will return to teach Engllsh , ami the r.emalnder ot thla, montb and ,Mr. Jaeobl Oliver t' k edJtorfa l staff of th~:J, !i'rank LeMay of LebanOIr flalted Latin. Belt WUel Animal- -'the first Saturda y of Octobe r IItrs of the and. COurier r Evenin tt P.resc(J t" on broadel' Day at K. A. aimed 'ls Mrs. and The program wIth Mr. Ground b'o,. by )bra Choate nitJ 'I'IIln ' at. In j Sunday . 10g the IICOpe"'of Scoutin g In the ~ realde at 306 ;m. UnioD Trained Pol1'l Irr Para4 eBest FlBher (lCJ.du-old lOat David Mr. alid Mn. Ralph lIalnoU l Mound Bullder a Area Counell, of frescot t. .Ilo1rs.' . er Sblcla.k Wayne Mr. and Mra. Cr&bbe attende d which' 'the Wayne8VlI1e .'Jlroop la' ' ~r. and moCer ) 'WIt.b aDd 'ahIldre n, Allan and L7nn', or colt Ohio Qton. '" :Wedding and lpent a tew dan ,a n4 chUdl'Qll of Wllrthl .. · lD~ber. Mllc. Pet by JJorBest 'Detrol t were ....ta of their par· Mary lira. , mother hla on called t. and , &r'O\lnd Preacot eta, Jlr. and Mra. Ray 1Ialn~ (Woo4ohUcIt), bY Don . . Rich· ay moi-u.l.Dc. Th'llrsd on' r. .a.u~ 'L oCAL PI:.AYER8 SELEC TED dnrIDI the PUt w¥k-. ~te to ,Norm ard I'rre Pet ~ GlrlAYNE ,A~l) L£~ANON YOUTH Uter were ' en ... FOR At:.c.aTAR GAM~ a .hort ~tion. Beat ,Mille: (or T~nn. ~, . FA"' AT 1)ANC~ ARE . By .f1M ' IONEl4l , by Nancy &Dd Ricker (1;)081) ""118 called to Cw'l Olive Mra. wai· JIOnc1r4;t, A . It, botIl ..lo bee&1lM 'of Palmer; ' ~~~~~~i;.~Q;·.ii~ week thia ~ W'I ~ . t=~~~~~~~~~~~ ,.oath ne &DtI a ea I.n QOOug 84JDIID ._ . · .V ,p · ~ IIer ot, (feattl area can .tart getUq driven ' Co III represe nted , Shop" 111e llJl. win have 'Its the State Fair at Oolumb An'g e tr&i''Cft~ . ~" Y ense. thll week. and the 'pollee Gray's Barber 1n the evening , they square Ralph McPher lOn. at Sunday g~e aU'alar BI.uual In First, J'JoNDce Moran ' ra them bav~ TbacJte to )'OU Harold Mra. expect wUJ.. Mr. danced with' othElr youth from ' 2:30. . Robert SDlder af· Second dHvl1llt Mrs. wblle on ion attende d IOf SJlrlngb ore called Mr. aDd Mr•. ~wll Crawfo rd your pDlBeBa Bellbro ok champs , or th'e loop Distric t 7. ThOBe . who Wandal Devll'e Food Cake-put , oft you If y,. 80. ber Saturda on Septem Clark ter Alice Jl;.(lward ou Mr.. and Mr. Pet.era. on called .selecte d were : Janet Flret, Florenc e Moran ."yond 'w1ll oPPGae' the ., 141811 Elizabe th', Cbandl er left Momi ot near Wa)'nea ville 'Th- '¢tlng ·the new perml'ta the other fl Yi!' teams ln the ' WilBon, ' Betty' Satterth waite. JJob from will Second , .Grace Preml.....t you her year tblB or relume 31 to br Decem mornlllB Friday of ada,. ev,enll\«. , JImmy Car- Hasting a I\Dd DOln Lukens Vickers lerry Cake-league. Sponge tIre Va. e, Thus, Institut retellt. n a take Hampto to at, have duties Cope'ntng, Gwen Mra. Rlch'ard Haln... a'Dd daur:b· 1!'Int. Grace PreDde r«ut ·is· Sept. t cr, , BIlL Stubbs, and RJlI Barton Wayr..esviUe; .and, Joao'l Cook ot She was accomp aniod by l!4rs. WUlOn , ter. Donna, ot near Xenia, ' Mra. deadlin e for new ·lIcenst'& Duane, e (ieadUne la will I'epreaent Waynea vme. Luelle ArmJta ge who w1ll spend Decora ted Cake- ""au Har~eJ McKeUb'! and .00, G&rre,.; 311 - and the absolut lIellbro ok Will be guided by Lebano n. Firat, III,.. Ga,-Ie 81. er Decemb and a week'a vaCaUou In VlrglnJa. Mr. of ,ueata cUnner were ed .DIck -Sacket t while the Stars will Second , Robert Snider purcbas be LebaD' may n~ar ll or Licenae Sw"n Earl Mra. ay. Mrs. Thurad G1b1on Mra. Hlty the snpervl alou of Fr~ COUNTY GRAND JURY undel' be ar, Coolde registra 'th.e at deputy Cook, frlend8 ner Betty on from eaUed call· on LIn, Walter Bmlth and BOD, ' and Burrlff WILL CONSIDER 23 CASES Flnt, Doris Smith Saturda y afterno on. "t the Earnha rt realden ce on Ohitty of Bowers villeOrville 'I Home JUry tor d selecte citizen'll ed in the artemoo rr. Local ray G . Second , Grace Pren'CI ersut and , of .Oentervl'lIe plus Mra. Cora A. ThompSOn of Mra. Thom. . BunTon and lira. Miami It.. betwee n40 M~in service wlien the grand Jury con. and of Waynes ville as coachea . FruIt Pie-H. ct'nu, Mra. Is and COlt Mr. The and natl Third. Cln'CIn Tb1lr8< cUfreLt lpent ita rd for n Crawfo e In Olarenc Tbe Ittartlng tine-up for the vened Flrllt. Kather1 ne Prende~t their on day afternooD .Ith all.. Ethel drvera are a.ked to bring seeelon will cOl!lalder 23 new L . Palmer or . Mason. O. caUed Stara will be: ced Pie-Open'fA a'! Thursd . permits Garner 1949 .fe8Ble Miss ' Mar· y Y~. caslls. Pro8ecutfu~: Attorne .• Catcbe f (Cell'.) Colbert AiDy Dar Flrtlt, . on. call· Mr. aDd Mrs. alIT Glbaoll vln E. Young Jias announ ced. The al~erno Stubbs. '(Way.), Fir8~ Hase .AGRICULTtJRAL. CLASS !l8 and Mrs. Harvey Harl Mrs. time llrst the fol: ed ed ,on Mr. and Mn. IIarr)' Glilaon ATTENDING SESSIO NS conven jury coOarter. (Way.). Second Base IN COL.UMBUa . . ' Ha),eB Keever of LebanoD' caned Deat Stalk of Tollac Tuesda y. ' Saturda )' aft.emoolf. Ferguso n. (Bow.)" 8 BaaelI'lrat• .lamell HartaocIt.: the at s relative F . Gene Brown Is attendi ng the and friends (In g brealdn . lareen'! IIr. an~ Ilrs. Delmon t Price of Include Zimme rman, (Bow.), Snortaa op Second , Robert lI'IIrnu of the " near Xeata calle4 On , Mn. 4rth. Dlatrlc t Manage rs' s'meetlnB and enterin g,, aaault .Home Frida,! mornlnr:. and Ruth Belt 6 Ear. of Col11', (Way.) . Outf!el d VlekerB Ina. Mutual Farmer Dodson an Minnie AmerIc Missea r. eyenilr \Afry or Rockho ld Friday and batter)' . burglar y-and BaYII, (Bow.), Outfiel d Finit, LYman Day . d Yrl· Chandl er were gueBt, of MIss Jlr. aDd IIrs. llarl 1,QC8I and Co. In Columb u. today an. ILg conceal ed w,eaponll. . d Outfiel (Cen.), , 'HIflerd Second . 'Lyman DaT Manag· t Yum· PI.trlc the the at Is llr famll)' were aupper gueata ,ilion· day. Brown Selecte d for grilJ,nd JllJ')' service Elizabe th' Ohandl The pitChing du.tles wlU b& CUn·' ay Beet Quart. Jar of lIarlfl) 'and Thllrlld Greene , Dayton Warren near for Inn er Mr.. Yum . nora mother are their y of r vlLCIlIl1t evenln this day shared by Jonea ot Harvcp 'sburg, from First, Chas. H. Ellis n countie s. , · C 11 E'vening. Anna LaciU. ' y, BowersVille, ar.'d Kala. Jam••--- lildward..._ GeofBe Haugne Quart Jar of Oate- . the Deet of ay agents Thured lIPent fdt'the iDnh picmlc .J.. ~S , Mr. Colum· of Oh'arMin p&trloIa ' -Smlth' Hlgbtm an, G1ad)'II' Pene,wit. ' ille. Centerv EarL Crawfo rd er. First, Ina. , Colum· Mutual In s' Fair Farmer an Stat. Ohio Americ the with at bu•. I. ape~ a few dar' Jee ' V&Ddervj)rt, Albert Cook and ' of Boy Deana. Stalks S Sbaw· Beat at Sun'day held be .' will hel' parenta ,. Ifr. and lirs. PhI.· Co. Elale SurfaCtl' (If Wayn6/lville;, ,bUll. CQun. Youth Bureau Farm lluDyoll The Roger event I'Irst, The Xenia. of worth SmIth, ~er alaier., MarIaD. nee park In cn wtU' meet on: FrIda.y evening , Neme Rich &I\'CI Ralph BrooKa Dest % Peck of Irlah Potato e.Brown. by red . llpOn.o T be wUl lIattie )!Int. other. and . First, Jake Strou.e 8ep~. 9, with Misaea D'orotby: and 'Harvey aburg. W.S.C.S. O . M,EET • ~". Levi and IOU, WeIUD lten. · , Miriam WilBOn ~ hOlltesllea. ' llrown . George , , 'Second SMITH lat INEZ Method ' ,LENA ,tho of of . porf W.S.C.S · Bdrar Tbe lira. IIr. ' and LYTLE CHURC~I HOMECOMING esLena. In.. Smlth. flv9 months 'Churcb "'Ill meet at the cburcb Beat II Sweet Potato Centen lUe caUed OD' IIr. aDd 8UND,AY; aEPTE MBER 18 n ReunIo rt Earnha annual Th. l'lrat/ ' L'/man nat par· ber of covered a home the 'WIth ]6, Sept. Thurs" to Inyited y ~rdlall Is ne M~ HIl,. GibBOn Bunday ' arter· ,old, died at ;Everyo 11, at '" ents, Mr. and Mra. WeBley Smith' will be held Sunda)" Sept. of dlllh dinner In the church dining Best 6 Oni011!l-:Day ' nOOn. Harry Smith' Park, near Way· att"nd, tJle annual Homeco m1nr tbe First, Lymau tor eauee No g. mornin Sunday rOOlD. Mni. .Oharle a Bailey of Heaten h Sept. , Kennet Sun'day on Mr. aDet Mre. Cburch ' Lytle be wU1 cUnner basket John A . St. Second , Will 111 lIum.· nesville Sch'ool at 9 :30 A.~., ~Iddletown, a!!Cretary of promot . Dest and family of baJt(m . called on her death 111 given'. She 6 ·B eetllflvCl brother s served at noon and a ,progra m 18. Sunday District , will be the Da.:vtoll In ion by aermon and 10:30 at Mr. and Mra. EIlawo rtb Smith ed by lier parent•• and B Serv.lce feature Firat- BUUe Stubbe pate~al and busines s meeUng will aftemo on. th~ tor r sJ)E!ake and her matern al gueBt by 'Muslc . ;Bllugbn d Bernar Saturda y eyeniDI'. Rev. llI - , s thd afterno on'. Mr. Loyd DavIa ' dedlcat lo¥ Dr. Robert Kennet b, Dut. Supt.. Beat iI Pears MI.. Floria Maude Reed. of I. ,-andpa renta. Funera l service nt and Mrlt. Kar' Babb of the Junior Chol:r, an'd L)'JllaD' Day' preside First, at y invito Tueaoa are P.M. allO 2 y, at Kenned h~ld Mrs. were and and Mr. center. ton, near New BurUnr , of the new wOrllhip Lo nS8llt 6 carrot achurch In . ~· ~,amestoWK la a~c~ta1')·.. Mra. Audrey ' Crew :and famtlT of the ':OIM!ll1 Bt"leJames' A goo4 ' haa been ar. ed gueata. of· First, 'Perry Oook . Rader Rev. g. "ey.bur Crew near Lebano n. lllri. EmID8 JOIned ranred· tor the lilfternoon. A baa. ha. en McFadd Richard the t Head of Cab.,...... In Uargea made .. w , 24 Burial SEPT. be served· at MASONS MEET caUed on Mn. Mattie . LevI lut 'l lelated. Firat. Hqrace BurD.t~ by the the .tart ot Stubbe Funera l, Home lUit cllimer WiD Y and F. cemeter 183, RUn Lodge vUle Jonah' ber Wa,nea remlDd , to ( e"enlD u Thu,ed lieu. to serve a year'a apprenUceBhtp. noon. A. M . will m'a et in lpeolal SeaMOII' Best Plate of Green of h'er 86th b\rthda T." ice Cre&ID Stubba Funera l Home. eon veteJ:An', McFadd en comea, Hender na'Vy A George FIrst, S4, Sept. , evening y ' , Saturda ' on and calle were .ened. at ANNOUNCE BtlllTH OF A SON bome his from 1Je&na vHle LIma of WayneB to Plate Beat Davl. J. . 1 s. Ciaren!:! a. Master Past andMr the Mr, Mn. Edgar Poff and Mrs. HU,: Mr. &lid Mrs. H. ·C. Hodaon are honOring OhIo. . IIlrden , da' 'CI Bethes Ra)'Jllon 'l*, a First, or give. parer.ts IMi the r)' work wUl GlblOn' caUed on Mr. and lin. of ~yton are anncruncJnIP the birth ' of a 7~ b Inftiato Day Lyman Second t a PI. men PDWld baby, daught er, QhrI"Une ".boru Saturd iy in Ken· )' the' P aat Kutera and twenty. ri l abo,! b to Dill Darinc 10 the eysQlq . tu-_.I Rlk . If J &t oellpound • Sept ....... pest ra Fridaer born erson "nn e t ........ . . 1" . i ' t ---""'0 , J 11D8 .. ... • . ~I.. , . . . d lI1lrden FIrat. Raym~ ................... .... ~ preaent ed ..lna will ve year membe HOIpllal. Mr. ~ home In Battle Oreek, Mlc". Second , Pe....... 000111: I ton; ~h10. grand· Miami Valier Manifo ~fre9hmenta rs. two to tbla paIIt· week 'WIth - her Tho Join will Lees. of family ld Hodllo The Walter . . Mra .., n . after spendln g a Yfeek witb b I _ mu I'n' Octobe r when will ' be .ervild t-" Hodson her'l Beat 8 Peppen parenta , . Mr. .and -~., • • nay' '"'andpa renta. :Mr. and Mrs. R. "'r. Moran < and )(re. Loyd BlUle First, burg and IIr. Roberta of ne&r Xenia . ... l Fourth tbe Brown reaidenoce on la are the 'matem al and paterna C. MoJer. Moran Robert , Second MEET TO CLU'B HOUR HAPPY "rs. Henry Berges and daurh· .t. wUl bec,ome .th'elr bome. berCucum t Larges be ' wJlJ WIlIoD' ' Rw.kell renta. <Mra, ~n'CIpa P,!""ert owD ter••NIUl'CY Lee, New Lucille Lauterh ack or First, L.,man ~ Hour .Clnb .pent Thilrad a,. with her parenti , Mr. and Mrs, E. N. Reed and ho.te~s to the Happy home ' her n to i retlirrrec OIty York her ~~1 on, Sept. ]3. Beat Plate of Mahsoeeaftemo , ~ Mra. Cor 'l'Ue~a . on , Bernard St. of Nanc1.. r, IIr. aDd Ilrs. bJe MorpD . daU(hte :FIrat, Horace lIumet t ~ ~oon, after IlPending a week 'tVlth '!Ir. vacat,. 11_ Jlinnle Crawfo rd of D&,f. ome 011 ClpclnDatl, aUende d the Fall r,o r the flrlt meeting Rlnce · and It Club, and Mrs. R. 0 , MolA!r~ Second. Raymo nd Bni'den l'rIend the to Bucr."U U; Sept. Rhode. ber ,!tIra. WIth ' . Ion. d weeken visited the tOD " pellt Featlva l Satur1ilay anD Pum kl In 1h8. be and wUl l 10111 BUnnel Leah lIlellte ,Mill. Mrs ~ e RldClarenc M. lUrs. o. t """ __pa Ii-parenia , Mtl~" and, IIn~ Larges hall been with Mr. and ,.... Bt Miss Lola Searl. wh.:l ' . ' r ' of". th~ pro-.. .. Fl euea. "v oo-hollt .. n Peterso AIID8 ; charse ,.. ra. and other frlenda bere. ., Orawford. ft'-_. M-. ~ ... ~ .&Ur. and .... . • rs. Law1I81'ents her Toblan vlalUng '''-. of 0 ..... , ' ·0"'-' -1 _.. ' ...... -"'.' 1 .~d . -r. . .. . . . . I'IIrDIItI Robert _ •• Second d to h'el _ Mailla u Wliburb;N. Seara, retun.-e bBu Curt1118881 t ,Blluaa Larges guElsta of KooIIler and Xn. Rar nd famll,! Weeke &_1 S un d&y. nett ]reDia oallecl OQ IIr .. and lira. Al-. ",ere and of the .... ..... _ be In 'WIIl AU I. . aBa"'rd Phoenix home .aDd 1I0r,." ............ -... ......OJ. .., FIrat, Roaer iBlm701l _ ..., anna and Sunflo wer.Edith DavIa N.J. Anna. Viola. and Belt S Applee-:lI'Irat, Earl Crawfo rd" boro, Brldll(. At WIN DaTla CAN YOU O&"ld &lid Seare N. .......... WUbur 110--'"_.' Mrs. . !:.... .r. and e"JleD1n \ FIl'IIt, Il -M. And • • • • "< "r ...... . . . . . . . . Second , Nat Muna,! r . . . . . IaVO .. ow .. _ the Twin ....... .. Min Ruth Bur:net t accomplUded ... _...... ticket ..end , -Ith ..-t the wee -_.. - . tree au"-r , B. M. An4Nw II --'-dto_.. Second if ...... I6*, was er clnnatL .11Ilflow . ·Oln Ilf .--_...... talle8t PI(,'" The Oaner ramllr ....... Albert MH, lIUIIe ,-I< UM them home. and Mra. wn- ~u_ ~.. ..claaatfle c1 adL Ii:aoJl waS la~ Beat DIsplay of Ora... .d -... eTeMDI o.f Mr. .... _l.. __ A tamll)' dlu,er at the home of teet. In height, second First, L7Jnur DQ pel'lOna two df talL !lUlU feet the aDd Jlr: ' d 'Uam LeI!'W aDd .--- ' OM Second , L7man DQ ·1IIr. and iln. Kennet h Elzey the Burnet..d•. IJi1clude ES CLASS rand EOO lin ud Xenia. Marjori e, of DaT· l1l1I. Ra)'JlloD l __v1s, Mr. r. daupte ancl t TomatO i OIU Laqee .froIIl om Hale et at.. Ih:ri&r taken are Wblte. 1'IrM.pando lin. Babert Oneae all with Mr. and 1It11 'Davia, 11011 DaTI. and . . . . la, -Saturc apeii II...... ton the In prbatec1 aDd Day a.t ~ ·.... ' .. m ftnt, IIrown, e DaYli ot DtI,r .... IIddt. Thlekel d. of DQtoa Seoad , WID lit. , .... co.... til lin. Walter E1aey. Mr. lillie, BIoi.. aDd llili Da, t KarliN lolr. OIaamp apeat 8uDd&J' jltb 111'. . . . lin. ada If JOU' name appeare ton. blrtllll. ,. S&turd&Y, celebra ted aDd pt TDDI' UGbt. LU* 11-- .
&hool Will Open Monday~nds Win Festival Ho na rs
Big Pade Highlights
Miss Raylyp Crabbe M' .• In Anzona ed
Record Enrollment Of 680 Expeded
Suceessfal Week a
Cattle Place At State Faler
Dri,ers' .Licenses OD Sal. e Here
0 ......
1I'IrIt' ..,
ftunda)" Septem'ber 8, 1.M '
You Build If
:Garden Chair Is' Fun to Make of all-you oan do without dentIng your poc.ketbook. Don't say 08n',t Uft\ll you tryl
QUESTION': Is there anythinlC I could put on · my aluminum out· door clothes line so that black s",ud~~s can be kept off the .clolhesll Even alter thorqugh wi\)mDtt.r1,.n'.;j."two inS it . Is. pofi\sible to rut) "black" llurch"-"'d-· 0!1 tlle line~ ...' . , S~nd 25c for Pnttern ND, SCI-Carden Chair. 10 En oS,Blld PnUem Company, Dept. W, Plen8tl"tvllle, N. Y.
like an attractive I F setYOUof w.JUld lawn furniture we sug. ges t "BuildiJlg It Yourself." Best .' ,
G-Man ,Hoover Scans Career Has Served Bureau'
For Past 2S Years
WASHINGTON, D. C.-It was 35 years ago that John E. Hoover, a 'librarian turned lawyer, took of a run down police force whose officers coUld neither malke arrests nor carry guns. I i i a quarter century, much has happened. America's 'c rimlnal glossary has been sWeDed by such terms as lOG-man," lOG-heat" and "public enemy." The era of gang warfare as a natlona] characteristic and kidnapmg as a big, time source of raoltet l110ney have flowered and tadf!d . The careers of "Machine GUlli" Kelly, Dillinger and Karpis have boomed in the news headlines Dnd ended at morgue and prison gates. . Aitltudes In Iduo And along the way. "John E." has become "J. Edgar" and th~ Idaho altitudes range from 708 sad sack police force of 1I4ay 10, feet to 12,655 feet, which is the 1924,; has blossomed into the pride I height of the summit of Mt~ Borah of a nation whicll once maintained I in the ·Sawtooths.
unlors • Hollywood' ' ~renh, lib par e n t s everywhere, are proud of their children and like ' to haye the", photographed. They d\oose 'Mad. ame Valeska, lIote4 'photograp',,'r, who has pictures ' of practi<:ally every . moyie star's C;lti!cl in the fil .. capital, In th!d " hof'o cir top is Gene Kell ~ 4!1~g.ter, Kerry. Her do ~ wglf"en; but Madam' Valislta is cording the mooCt Jail .... low Kerry ', Ke,ly ii Anito Loui..•• daughter, 'Malanie, apparently trying to decide_ Hhow hill~ ' is up1" . .
Crnss-Stitch Towels . ' With These Designs
• Abo,e; f.lashi~g a Sinatra s m II e, the "swoon Iting's~' children weren't dif~ ficult sub it c t s for the <anlera. They -exhibited .th. same :frlendliness that has endeared their famous (gther to millions ~t fans. I They are NancY 'and Frabkie ~i5pla,ylng asm)le the. ca;"era ~ouldn't !miss. Shown a~ left is Deborah K err's daughter, Melanie Jan e 'artley, who always finds her tub an a'4,entu~_
~ _ ~ '. ~r~e~-icfal' .
"t; r ell 0 r J, Peck 'is the picture of a ha~ py family ".al) (~ight) ps he ' , e~joys a da~ at home with his !o,ely 'wife, Gretchen, ; and lheir children, Jonathan 4, Gnd ,'SteVen 1. 'Here Madame .. Valeska's cd'm' e r • .
ihows c;learl, that a happy home a~d ' the childr.,~ in ,it . ) , a ,~' ,i~rtant to screen mothers iand 'clOds. Below.
.. HELPS'EN.G INES ...------~-~--
... -
"~"r Clrel. ".etle~ r.n nepl. .' P. O. B.,. 87(0, CIII •• , . 118. "III . n P. O. Boll let, Q!. Cb.lou ShlU ••• New :t'lrlt 11. N . T.
Il!:ncloee 20 ,~.nta for " .. ttern. No. ,,~---
.N~ ~
* A Smoothe, Enllne .Idl.. ' ~alOllne Econoill" * IncreaNd EI~rode Life.
* Improvad ..... _
of, It. loW ...Ie . . .1~trocIe ~ Au.... LII. • ••1.101 ~.. PI.,. _ h i
I"ltkol gap .."Inp and
·V"cI.o.; i~·G
_II" , the..
Add.:ea. - - - . . . . , . . - - - - -
- ...~ sist." ~S'teph'anie ~, ,iad'dges ' f! in q fjf ~f sisterl, a'f:fection I"~, with " Shelly, one-year .old f1 .~ are ,.'; • . Cl.i~r'" ot'-" .': .r . ~~~. f' t ; sctetn bea"uty Joan 8e~nett. •
JAJ'lSWER: After tho r 0 u gli. cleinl'iJg, rinsing and' dryillg. give the l!rie II coat of good spar varMilk Plant Worllers nish, To get an 'even coat, s,aturate Estimated workers employed In a piece of chd!se.cloth with the px:ocessing and delivering dairy varnish and ' witJe ,t on the wire. Sincei lhere "'will. be 'il great deal p~oducts total '250,000. at friction; the. varnish gradually • ~11 wear off. 'and r the treatment ~ust be' 'repeated-, wstead of all . tl1l'S fUssing,."Why nbt use a good cord clotheSline, to be taken down , \ and put away when not In use? that law enforcement was a strictly' local proble\ll and no business of Washidgton's bureaucrats. In honor at his silver anniver: -CRISP TEN.,.. ' sary as head man at' the federal NO HUDS bureau ot investigation. direotor , 11ft" ITI Hoover reviewed the . FBI story and told bow it aU ·began. It I,s j.a story of poIIUc.s . gooq and bad, ox an eta thllt created a new enforcement approac.h, and of a criminal punk with a machine gun and a smart wife who did a miltion doUar publicity job for the FBI. Above all .It is the biographi· cal tale of an unimportant lederAI employe who took an unimportant appointment in 1924, and, without changing jobs, has become one of Washington's and the '\BUon's most potent figures.
wo VI-Buy
3 packages
a. a time. K.. p I. handy. Won't spoil-ali pur. yeast, contains no fll'.r. A/ways fad rbIn.a-alway:l .plnclcabl..
·3 tlm".1
TIuanclay, September 8, 1MB
Two-PiecerHas Yoke Interest irls' Dress for School Wear
Simple and Neat ESTINED for a busy. term at school is this exciting frock. for the 6-t0-14 miss. Simple and neat, it uses a bright striped fabric t~ advantsie.
YeaI' 'Round Wear TWO-PIECE style you can wear the year' 'round. Buttona down the back, has pretty yoke treatment and froDt pleats, and a choice of comfortable sleeves.
. . .,
PIUern No . 1012 Ie ••• w-rrte periO ••" "d paUem In .I%~. 8, 8. til. 11 IDd ... ye.r•• 510. e. 2'M1 y..... of .... or -3f.lDch: V.
contrast. ,
. .
IBWING CIRCLII: I'AnE8N DB". 110 ..... WIU. I.. Cllle.,. t, DL .
,."9 of ~In~b. lfou'U • be delllhted ..lib the ".U and
P."~m No. --':"'--&91&,••- -
Patte m No UIOI com'!. In . • 1••• It. 14. UI. 18 .anil ic!. Sis. It. .bort .ten•. 4'o!t
Wlnte. I'ASHIOl'l_ PIli" ' of Ima.t. ,lay 10 male. .tylel; Ipeela! fealuru. pattenl ' prtnted InSId. til. book.
Itnelo.. til o.nla In co.... for .acIa i p.ttem desIred. I N • .ml
.,.ddre .. - - - - - - - - -
\Send 111 ee*,~ _ "
Batrack Technique If •you have hatracks in
the shape of smooth wooden knobs and the hats have a tendency ·to slide off them, put a stop to' It by crocheting a "beanie" to put ov~r each rack. Or glue some sand· paper. rough aide' up, to each ·' rack.
RemoviD, Bottle Caps Stubborn caps on nail polish bottles can usually be dealth with if you run hot water over the cap lor a rew mtnute~.
Buy' U.S" Savings Bonds!
.l1li ,... trlllll.
•• ••••
• SIranI.... "TwIn·Jet".... •
SIZI:3KI4K ilL •
--tip ...... I. cmral . . . . .
a.... f!IUtIC .....-II.~ tlllltp 3 _ . . . . . • FUI IIr WltCltInI sports, wtldIIfw, .....
• •
The Miami Gazette Eatabllshed 1850 'Publtilbed very Thursday mornIng I<t Wayn svllle, Warrell Co· unty, OlLlo.
TI.'e odor E. Conover . :.. Editor Edna H. Conover , Assoc. Edltor j.~n t e r II 88 second class matter at tbe 1l08toUic at Waynesville. Oblo.
. Subsorlptlon Role : $1.50 per yeaf In Ohio KClitu ky, and Indiana. " 2.00
e l J<e \Vb~ I'tl .
A Fa rm Diary
By O. J . FRAZIER S ptemb ,. 6. 1949. J..abor Da.y. V(LClitio n tIm If 9ver both tor me IUHI rot' most · of tJl kidil thoU gb W:Iyo cflvlllc do B g l t\ IItue bJt mOI'c, lim Ollt for rel'all's, Spring" boro selloal ojlcned l o.~t week. [ callie In from a tbre w ek's trip In th ell!7l jUHt too I:lte for par· ades and events in the Fall Feat· Ivnl thnl WUs just over. Oreenflel,1 wail bavlng one and hud moet of tb Ir s Lrollls blockeu. I s~w pieces of t belr llarllde which was jusl dlsbluldlng or just forming, 1 do not kn ow whlcb. Et\cb tltreet tbat 1 trl d to go on WA S blocked
and I would hate 0 turn an.d ro round aLd round all over that pait weather llere and had lovel¥ cool anothe~ w~ ' but flnaUy BOt of New y 'o rk and thea I came breez a all the way tbere and through. ' down a street and there "'aa the back. A IIItUe too cool some Umes I went eaet a new "'0.3- tbls time first liWng ' station I had been for It wa!1 too cool most of tbe new tor me. and found It tbe most to. so I drove In and there wu time to nlake m e even want to go Inlo the cold Dortb AUa nU(). Now scenic route I have tAken'. 1'hls the same man. time I w nt to ChllIecothe wber.e He looked up and 8ald, "Well, I am baclt ngnJa and It Is cool and I nlot U. S. Highway 60 ' and fol· so you're ballk aga.ln. Couldr/t wet bere. Our (amlly wRsl ncreas· lowed It east to Parkersburg aDd you tlnd It? Noy you just go oyer ed by eight 'k ltten8 while I W&ll METHODI8T CHURCH , MT. HOLLV METHODIeT then on ' through West Vlrglilla.. there and pull up beh.lnd qly 1811- gone, Kitty PUSIt has three and R. B. Coleman, MInister 1'. M. Scaff, MtalBter My plan' was to go as lar 8.8 th'e oUoe tru!lll: and In a tow mluntes Mrs. CaUco Darncat five. H:er Bunday School, -8:30 A.II,. II. Oburch School, 9:80 A.M., J .. I, road which turnB north to Cum- I am going right up that way and whole lIUer were maletl, Isn't that Durske. Supt. A. Earnbvt, SUPt.1 b rlund and go through to the you can follow right behind me uJ,usua\? Anyone wanl a cat? WorshiV Service, 10 :80 .&..11. Worsb.ip Se"lce, 10:30 A.M. PenJlIIYLvanla Ttim1)lke, but In BLU I'U show fOU the street." ) bate!1 to ' leave my friends Evenlng Service. 7:30 ~.II. Youth FelowshL1p, Sunday. 8:80 some way I nllllsed the vlace to So I went In and called up my and family there but DOW that 1 P.M. turn off so 1 weDt on and wan'd· (rlendll that I 'would be "there ain bom> and see all , the things UTICA E,U," CHURCH erea around Bomewhat out of my soon and to come out and stop thal th(,re afe to do, It lIeema William Sh'annoD, Mbrlater ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL way, bllt on good roads, going me a. r went by, 110 that I would good to be here. . Bunday ScbooL 9:30 A.M., lira. N. Keya, Rector throllgb BOme 1I1atorlc lown....uclr get the rIght place. We did and Jame. Gar.rlson. Sapt. Tw()o thousand two hUadre,d anu Samuel, MornIng Worllb.ip, 10 ;80 A.M. us Frodrlceburg where I BaW the my truck driver f.rl~d lltopped tWOJ.ty-slx mUea, saie ly ' without PreachJng, lilt. and 8ret SI1Ir' house whleb. Is said to be where at Bank Btreet and got out and oven a lial tire. I am truly tbankdaya ot each' mC!pth, 10:80 A.M. l\a.rbara Frltehle lived anll l1n- POinted out he way for me 110 1 Cui to God and all the careful WAVNESVILLE FRIENDS . . Evening Services, 7:80 P.M. , ally ' went through' ~ttyBbur& got there BafelY. drIvers wbo protected me and First Day School, 9:30 A.M. and 0 0' to York· and Lanca.ater, I always Jlke to take 1I0me klnd helped IDe get home saleiy_ lIlee'tlng for Worship, 10:30 A_M. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS P.\. ~n' Hlghwaf 30. I could have of a ride to see New York's 'amDavid Stanfield. l\I1nIater gone . for ,a little wa.ys on (the oua 'skyUne from the harbor. Sunda.)' acbOC!)., 10 .&..M. turnpike but t,b18 was a good This .~e we took the staten SLIGHT DECLINE IN BUSINESS WlAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF WOfahJp Service, ll ,A,M. ' road ao I 8~yed on It almoilt to Island Ferry over and ~ack, this NOTED 1111 WARREN COUNTY CHRIST U the sale of prepaid tax reo M. H. CoUey, MlnlBter Ph.l1adelphJa then turned north- .gives you a fine long ride for a LVTLE METHODIST CHURCH Bible ScbOol. 9: 30 A.M. ward and Into New York OIty nlckle each Way and Well' we celptlJ can be termed' IW indicatB. E. Baughn, Pastor Morning Worship, 10:80 A.M. over the General Pulaski Skyway drove around for a.whlle and Look· Ion, the. amoun't of retail sales In Cliurch School, 9: 80 .A.M., Mr•• Young Peoples' Meeting, 6: 45 Henry SaVJor, Bupt. and throUgh' the H01lan4 tunnel. ed a t ' lIome more of New York. Warren Coun'!y la lagging beb.iDd '. ' It W88 about eight' o'clock a:nd Monday mornmg found me on my the salea at W8 point l1y approx- P .M. . Worship ServIce. 10:30 A.M. Evening Service. 7 :80 P.M. jlls l beginni ng to get dark and I WilY out of New York un the park- ' Imate ly $10,000 under lost years' Prayer Meeting and Bible study hadn't t be fal nteet Idea wbere way headed for Boston: 'Eh.e park- figures. Dank Street, where 1 was goillg, ways talce you as far as Hartford Wednesduy, 8 P.M, cou ld be. so I drove Into Ii. ,mUng except for the piece through: New According to information sent "tatIOD' where an obliging man Havl!!n wbich Is Dll.s erahl'e DOW, to the' :MJaml Gazette by Don' H . gave me directions. I followed tbough they expect to have that Fll;lrlg.h t, r easurer of state, In ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH them ' but whim I got Into the opel\' soon. It Is beautt[u} Bmoo'th 1948 $ ealea tax stamps Father R. H. Krumholtll, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. CharJes EarDlaart Masses, ' 8 and 10 A.M. nelg bborb'ood It was BO, dark 1 driving but not' a Blgbtseelng 'bad been sol!! to datto. In tbl,a and daughters were "eekend and couldn't read the ,street signs and , trip,. jusl beautifully parked woods ~ untY'. ·To date, $32.880.36 worth Labor DI!o1 guests of their DareN went too far, so 1 tried anober and gra8s, no towne, ljo shops, no of sales tax ataDiJ)s have been FERRY OHURCH OF' CHRIST Mr. and Mra. E. 'F : EarnblU't. ruUng station Iltnd tlaey gave me place to eat, no sign board.s to sold this >:ear In ~e county. Byron Carver, Mlnlster Mr. JeBBe Tbomaa, a former reamore directions, as to bow to get 9poll the beauty, ....,no historic Proba,b ly much ot the declln'e BIble School, 9 :30 A.M. ' Ident. now of LebanoD, wu ·. Morning Worship. 10:30 A.M. Wayn'8evllle visitor on Satlll'dq, j)ack but i made a mistake and buildings, but when: you are more can be absorbed by the slIghtly the Urst thing I hadn't the faint· Interested In getting there than lower prices thlB year, and the Prayer Meeting, 7: 00 P.M. FrleQds and relaUvea here haTe est Idea where 1 was or ' whleb anythlDg elBe It la fme. '. fact tbal purchases under 40 cents Young People's Meeting, '1:00. recolved announcement of the direction I was going and I we!lt 1 W8.8 lucky 1 1..:...~_ft_ _ _ _ _ar_e_n_o__lo_n_,_e_r_tax_a_b_l_e._ _ _ _-:..._E_v_en_1n __ g_S_e_r_vl_c_e_s'--,-7_ ;3_0_P_.M_.__ marriage, pf MrB. lren~ AaUnC and Mr. Carl Norman, attorney ot DQ'. ton, on Aug. 29, iii , Eqle lilver. Wise.. where the cOuple were- ~ caUon!ng. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ke1l1 and ch.lldren were SUnda, JUetlta or their m~ther, Mrs. Jnllllla CoIl'nero Mias Laura ROBnagle of (llDcJn· .. LaU spent .lIeveraL day. of the pUt. week wIth Dr. and Mrt. B. II. Hatbaway. E!U'1 Quigley, wbo b-. .... cO.JlDected wltb ' the McClure 1'uDeral Home tor ·.everal month., I. DOW enroUed at the OtnolDDatl School of Embalmlq. He and Ill. femUy wlU cottaue to UTe III W..,. neBvlIle and .....t at the J'UDer. al Ho~e. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth aldie I • left for their bome lu 1IarIcnr, . .If. ., , - hi'· . Ind. after apendllll ae'feral d&)'8 • , /! l I~ ~~ i , • • ~ • • •... k, t'" with Mr. and Mra. O. II, aldp.
P.rdonal 'flOllld
j~ ll
"J.,~~ 8.,t,2.. ~ oT.y 1 left the nat- 8,• •"",. , ural gaa field in TeJ88 where I've been waiting 3 ••• millions of years for BOlDeQne to release me., I came straight-up nearly two miles to the sur- We left Arkansas face; and witb thollsancJ8 of othe.r thenns, I this moriling, sevwent-to-a-natural gas processing plant. eral millions of us. Here all the natural gas liquids which had During the . ht at come up with us were removed. Natural gas0- we were little Ro&:, Arline was taken away to blend into automobile kansas, by other natUnd gas therms that bad fuel. Our propane and .traveled up from northeast' Texas in the Big butane fractions left us Inch'pipe'line. From Little Rock to the «md to become "bottled gas." of the lines we traveled together. ' We even gave up some In 24 hoU1'8 we had pasaed through nine kerosene and Diesel fuel compressor stations. In some Of these we reand a host of other frac- ceived a new treatment. Jnstead of being tious which went to squeezed in cylinders, we were whirled by steel impeller ' wheels' nearby plants to become '. at 3,000 revolUtions a synthetic chemicals. minute. In one station When I got out of the ' , t en of these macbfues , plant, I was " s\feet" gave us a push bet~Qre Some of my fellow therms .left me we went b8ck intO the :F---I1W't~IU.,-jIU::U:I..B1UII back into the;grOund to Inch Ijnes. "mainb,l.i~ reservoir pressUre," but I and . We crossed the riCh others were destined to make a long trip. We " f~rming country ' of ,entered the Little Big Inch pipe line at Beau~-. '. southeastern MiSscwi, ~ -Go L ' and atiout no,o n we mont, Texas. ' .' . . passed under the Mis'All day Friday we traveled through Texas :BPi River. I hachlready lOst .count of the 'and Louisiana. I was .just getting to sleep er riv~ and creeks, the ' railroBd lines. 'then we cfoased .Arkansas border .and 'and ,the hUndreds of highways under wlllich . ~ into a big compressor station at El Do:- we had passed. -"imdo. From here on we bad no .,.. Eyery , By mid-afternoon we were in the ~d ' time we started to lag , of 80UtherQ Illinois, and we ~ed a ~int ' where another pipe line came into OUI'& Here allother compressor some of the thenns left us. We lost ,more station gave us a boost. &turday night in Indiana. They went into At EI Dorado we other lines to fuel homes and industries. went through large steel"scrubbing" tow.glft~, ~ .. is IAlP~ ers where'we got an on ,to hea day of rest. but not for me and the Texas bath·and shed the dirt EaStern 'J>e9ple who run ,t he pipe lines. Vie we had picked up on , ~ tliiough beautiful couiltry. thia momthe way. Then we were mg, but we are not.,far froJn the large Ohio sucked into dozens of cities which use us. u~on, Oldo, we reciprocating' 'compressor cylinders power¢ . ~ near strange earthworks whicb the by 1,OOP-horsepower ~es. SOme of my 'mound builders" constructed thousands of friends were used as.fue1 in these engines, but years ago. Men have .certainly come a I kept dn gbing. , ' ' way since then. ~ow they build ~ . .
'A Th.rm'0,.do, equal abou, '" a day. cooldn" and .
cu"'c ,.., o~ ·notural.,a.-',.. allloun' water lor ewe..... faMily. '
lleatI"" ,II.
pipe line in a day than the ancients ('ould build mounds in years. 1 guess, we theTIn:t ar\' -' . part of the B¥sWer. We provide the en~, and men proVIde the brains to,use us. We reached the 1.000-mile mark :...---:~I---.--'--'--I today. We've been traveling at a ~ldy ~Long Term- 4 per cent miles an hour da.y and night over flat country. No Renewal - No A.IJpraIaal .... but now we have entered the hills of eastern Ohio and West . No Commlglon -::::..:::::::--s::.-.....:::Virginia, and the Farmer ~ed-J'or .&.l1 I'anun leal work starts, Fortwiatelymany CALL. WJUTII 01' 8l1li: thenns left today to go .into other' ELLIS H. 8TURN, ...,.T,.... ." pipelines through five Ohio m~ Le~on N.F.L.A. ing stati9D8. This made traveling easier for the rest Lebuo... Oblo Pha! " ' of us. Four compressor 'stations gave us Do nmning start for the trip over the Ap1l9lachian mountains. ' r-
M."JfMJJ 5 •. • Lasl.night I \!M too busy to sleep. We ran through Texas ,F..astem~s Jast station at Wind Ridge, Pennsyl ~, and from then was like riding a roller coaster .up one mountain and down Every few rfiil~ sOlDe of us turned off into 'other pipe 1in~. They tell me that there are over 250,000 miles of pipe carrying us around the United States, and after last night I 8m willing to believe it. . At noon today I ~e to the end of, my . journey: the dty of Phila. de~phia. And I gqt a surpnse. I might· have been " one of the thCl'IDS that went to work directlX in ~n Illinois houseWife's ...J' • cooking range, or in a \_... , P ' "+...;,1 ill \. ...... r:~ ennsyI vaDla; D~ m , . II • • • ~ or an Ohio '"pottery fael' tory; but. instead 1 went into ' a :tiig plant . which manufactures gas 'from my co~ns coal and coke. I was mixed 'with them to make a hotter gas and then together we went to a consumer: I don't know , who be is, but'rve done my job, crossing half a continent to serve him. . .
9- t 2 "Each Morning ,
1-5 Afternoons Except Wed. Evenings by
Dr. ·f: [ . .' CD. . . . . . . ,•
.,.+. .
II 80. ~.It "51t DNIA. ORIO
TAKE IT. FROM AN OLD TIMER "Before .pendIDs _JOUr IDIJDo \ 87:, C01lDt O1It. fe" 40Dan an'll ..." ''ftIa fa for lUI. IfII rolq bllG ID7 IIIulk eeooaat for til. tIdIII'a I'll .....~ JateII
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TBUR8DAY, Beptemller 8, 1ff.
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~ a~d Mrs. Navl M11Is ot KJngman.
;: 10% Off On All Purchases .Of $1 " M~'k =~":o: ~Il, G' 1 : S m a II W G o d '. : :LT"!.:::'cK '
Mrs.. Ada Bell, Darton, Is visit·
b" ....
~ :::t;e.:~~~: , ~:~:~ ~l'b!~~~ ~~
Wa yne svil le's Clo thin g Hea dqu arte rs
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
~!~t1:t~eki{onee ~s slowly ~I I I I I I I I I I "II I I I I I I I I I I I I~I I "I I 1"I I I I " l l 1 l 1l1l l1l1 il l l liliI lIlI I Il lI lIlIil l l l i l l l l l l l l l l l l i l!lI lmllmll l il l l l l l l l l l lil1il1I 1 1 1 11 11111111l1l11l11f1! rjr::rs~f recover ing at Grandv iew Hosplt.
b I: k M -ed I' H J urg s alley n MISS oao DeC ett arTl By JANE FlTE ' Joan: Becket t, younge st , daughte r ot Mr. and Mr~. Banja· min Beckett . and Mr. CarL Jones, !tOn of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jon'68 were ' married Saturda y afterno on at two o'clock by tb'e Rev. J. P . the Baptist parson· Thornb erry In st. age on' Maple Miss
The bride wore a teal blue street lengtb dress witn matchin g accesso ries. Her corsage was of pink rosebuds. The 'couple'S attenilu tits were tbe bride's brother.~n·llLw and Mr. an'll 'Mrs. Eugene sl&ter. d S no grass. the ceremo ny, a pic' Following IIlc sun,ped wos beJd at Jacob's '"
-Wh ite Kit che n
e Complete Fountain Ser. vice' e Open Seven Nig ht. ~ Week ,
C••ter v••••
24 HOUR c .
KlfR'S Garage
Main and Miami Sts. Ph_ 234t
......, '0' a b181 '"uand .. 8.8 •
Order BIG II ~ u4 :raar deUr , wiD IIae 1111 the 3-11·12. 4-u .... 2·11-1 JIIII 0-0-11 • m-'fIC tund 1D br...,s. BIG K
wm __
hlty~fed w~:~~h~~ ~~~kers
01 _ t r all to hIaI-t ~ _ _ cIowD to. prt.,.;
. TheMIamI ....... ... ec-...... . O'FF'ICE & FACTORY - Trebel", X.~la, Ohio'
Fairley Hardware .Stores
C. t
t'.ace receive '
A fun'6raJ dlrector , If he meas: ures u.p to.,:&ll of his profess ional require ments, h~ more tlih a ,mere mortici an. He must be pre· pared' to'. assist and advise I.n tbe many un'6xpected emerge ncies. . It ie this persona t hlllptulnells la a major factor I.n our' service. that Ja long re~embered, and It
careful a'teD~on.
SHEETROCK '.'S~ ~:erion 3-in-l Stu1:tbS ' Fireproof Gypsum Wallboard .
T. M• • Ig. U. S. Pat. 0'.
Hom e
( '.AY. . . . .' .... .. BUILD S .'
rnoolti wana ' and 'ceilings
the time. with balf ~he trouble.~
.w.t • lie" ., .It1.
Borden's .HOlRoDee Is better'3 Ways! "
Better •• ting • .' • lMca.... It'l Homog .
.",z.d, with In. every drop( ...... . nutritionally , . • with "00 VIIIta of 'lifo. min D In every quart, hiler Ie dltleat becau. . It II 0 10ft curd mil•• , Don't ~ IOtIlfied until you'.. tried ..... ...... mU.I
&.t , . . . . , .
C,.., .....)fOCI.,.,. .1INin fh .,., It,
No...... :eauIw
f!tT " " lot If at
ll - - ~. - mbtIq br JaaeMb "'-t. the piI4 .ad q...tltr 01 BIC) II bnmda aN ~~ up
tn~ h'e r Park; In Wellma n for th'e couple ai, Dayton, !!Ince fractuT' 4-R a s., relative . and and theIr frlcntls at Club enjoyed a picnic ElUpper the home of the leader, Mr,B. Fred HA~VEVSBURG Lo,cAL 6 G.ALVANIZED STEEL ROOFlN& Mr. Walter Evan!!, who has Rueoh. Thursa dy evenJng . and DUs SunCharles Mrs. . Mr. all'd and childre clence toin teach hired been' r.pent urg Phllllsb n of our higb school, mathem atics and Is residin g at' the home ot Mr. day with· tbelr brother ' Donald and Mrs. Herber t Doster. Evans sister, Mr. 'and Mrs, graduat ed thIs summe r from Ohio Baird and daughte rs. Mr. and ·"r~" m " Roy Wlnk·s and UniversIty. Monday of St. Paris 'wer'e 6 CARLOADS COMING TO 6 ('ntered the frunUy 'Mrs. Jesse Stanley ud wife, Mr. 11 I I Day "'uests of tbeir SO) Ita R G d S - e amar n' osp.a n and ton, Wednes day. where she will and Mreo. ElsworLu ' WInks 1II1dergo obsel'va tlon and treat· I:'on. Mr. and Mrs. EVel'ot,t Early ment. for theIr evening dinner .bad of Ames Mr. and Mrs. James Shirley Wllml.:gtoll . ,w ere dinner guests guests on Tuesda y. MIIIR Hustillll Saturda y ev nlng ot lIfr. and Mrs. ,Ahead and Mr. Eugene , 1949 01' West Milton. Lewis Walsh. 1849 ,ftI,ssaU reo Jaclc Mrs. ami Mr. ers h d' " Crusad the t 'b . . Th motor a turned Tuesda y trom Mere an \Se . Better of Proof e mem ers o True The Is Ufe "Long they wl~ere sin Cia&!! entertaln'Bd with , a stork. trip to Wiscon ~~~~~~~ d ~~~EEEEE~~E~~~~~~E R Cburch ~ l8Ited the latter'~ MetbolU at the Inst compU· shower evening Wednes day • an Mr. and Mrs. Guy . outzilhn mellt to Mrs. Walter McCarren, CORWIN NEWS Mr. and Mra. Raymo nd Wilson ne.d to dlnn~r Ice cream ILIl'd cake waBse rved . Russell entertal at reunion Hur~y th'e d attende s former the . evening ay Thursd those ltendlng . S d . l h or uncle, Mr. WlIllam RJoutzabn De. . By MRS. ERNE8 T OIBSON a o Sharon Churc orr un ay. ..... t Glb Mr. and Mrs. Lee lones and Oklaho ma, and cousllll. Mrs. E daugb' and n Compto Leta Mrs. . ..-& IOn lin .. tt Ha~l.ngs .ot Texall. ' mesU Mrs. Ith and Mr. and were N.C. e, ' umIly who have resided In the ··w, AshvHl dl ot , d S Audrey ter, In. t f orp'er· ·M·s. James lrenry and cblldre n _r. w naer and 8. un ay StUes Mrs. JimmIe and to• ofr,(r. double hopss on Maln' went 11 ""ests , d weeken 1, move d Jeft " Sunday to spend the w l n t e r " J . W. S ne.. qre th" see to by Iltland 'Cor-'Sy Iy oWDed at Miami, F1&. Everett Haines. Saturda y ~to , their , propert y on with her ~arents Mr. and Mrs. Wtlllam Smith works. e, Danvill of Getty Louise 'Mlss ac· recently was ", which Mavle st. dln· Pa. apent last week with her and daughte r, Marllyn. were Doroth y &Dd I)uired from Mrs. Ethel Smith. Lamb, Hughie parents s former' Corlllnll Furnas ner guests ot. the Mr. Charles Mack of OakwoOll friend, Mtss SaraRoad, Fred Asbcra ft ot HamlitoD 'fIalt~ Day. Labor on Furr.Miss ' Row Social . was the hou96guest 1811t week of on Some ot our membe rs attende d ed with Jlmme ~t1es Sundayba". od' Modre BDUe IIlr. and Mrs. W. J. Hoover : ' AS.' a teacher In the Lakewo Mra. ' and Mr. . ,Stinday Valley SprJng at . Rev. and Mrs. James Rader ~nd school. returne d ·theT'e Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ralelgb Bog~ moved to Mas!!D. her , to their daughte rs. Marsha Ann and MIss Getty accomp anIed Mr. and 'Mrs. EV'erett Hatton Mre. Mary Bogan called on and home. Rutb. moved Saturda y Into their Clevela nd on her retu!rll' Sallsbu rk Weldon WilBon and wlte .Sun-day have moved Into Ule rooma fOC'lll' Mr. and Mrs. LeOti recentl y constru cted cottage . on orly occupie d by We Powella In of Washin gton C. H. ,,,,ere Sunday afterno on. , South st. Mrs. Dewey Lamb'lI home. was ' reunJon The Compton.MlUs e~· Mrs. Lilla Curl. wb'o has beeu dJr.ner guests ot Mrs. NettlMrs. well attende d on Saturda y. Aunt Liddle Durbha n, lllater of rnoon e art. the the housegl.\est of Mr. and Mrs. rick' and In Dewey ~b, baa beeD ~ Mrs. l JenklLl Bevan Mrs. and Mr,. Walter Mrs. e and I. contJnecl to Hu:rry On and th~ir family in Emrick IL\ld Mr. and sometim '[or Ind. o. Kokom of Earl, son. and e m to Dayton, re,t urned to her home Kenrick accomllaniell th' Mrs. have been recent guest.s of Mrs. her bed. She came to Ohle:- for plIoYtOn, where they visited 'but 18 not Impro. mc• . bere Thu~sday. rs. Mra. Jenken 's · father, John Wilson , ber health Mrs. Marje Gray o( Dayton is Belle Coon andhatdaughte Mr. and Mrs. Benll' lloore . ' Wilson. Robert and at ed improv pUt the bou96g uest of Mrs: R. S. Col· Coon fs somew Mr. an'd Mrs: Raymo nd Burden have been away for the this time after an' limes. of tbree lett and her son', Robert. week. d ~eeken tbe spent bte . d d , _" n or years: Syterd last aug rs John days an Mr. of DeweT se:veral followi spentMrs. The t on and DaY, ... _ ati. ._ b' uJl"'-himfriends Cincinn d ng In Id b ' .... _ d ',.. e a Lam to 8 sorry Syter was Mrs. nity of commu home the. ,Our week at en. and week faat day on'll home or LoweD Slndeath the or hear dlmler; Mr. &Dd parents , Mr. and Mrs. H . S. Tuck· chlckeD a joyed reslda was He Alaska. In clair _n ' _A. '. nAa famlIT, er, and at 'the home of !IIlr. ST ent of this commu nity a few , Mrs. Albert Lamb; and , ...... ., ... ." ferd 's mother , ¥-rs. Mo.ry Ple~· &Dd SWe. e Mr. ,and Mra. I'JlmIIlI ago. •• heat I Rev. ' and Mrs. Davld ' Stanfle ld years r Le Love, d Mr. an'CId Mr Sue d Cb 'I't attende k Haines !tOn. II Dean Jlnj ""rrol .. es· .o ... erry Mercer er Ann WaMiss ' Mrs.aud ar • of returne d home' Suillllay ·from Os· the Gibson; an Mr. aD at nce burg Oonfere ' Friends Youn~ atten'd' they wb:ere guests kalooea, Iowa, Columbus were dinner . Powell and cbUdren. D' Oska,loosa, Iowa. • Friday of Mrs. Loulide Fite and ed the Young FrleD,ds' Contere ceo her daughte r, Miss Jane Flte. . ~ Mrs. Sadie Reasoh who has ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;; been staying at her hODio' here tor <leveral weeklt returne d ThursdllY to th home ot bel' SOli and dau· gbte"'ll l'law, Mr. and 1I1rt!. P. L. Waynes ville. " She In lleuHoJl plans to return to the viUage sometim e this month anl\ rema~ " 'until winter. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker had as housegu eats several d~ys tbls week ,theIr grandd aughter s,' Peg· gy and Terry Park of Clnt:lnnatl. !\fr. Everett · Shoema ker. ' who bUIf sold his home "Rose Court" . mino r imPG~· d to Oallfor nla S!lturday. returne ,
wheat crop
E mEfT,AI T SINC FIRS ' ." .
'" ball
will keep yow 'home ,warmer ill ;"inier, (()Oter in lummer . more ~". fort.ble ' all year long. Has ~he IRSU' latlne value of a full ~lf·inch of fibc:1 ' '. InIlilation boa~rd
. 3"
") l '. \.,
MOaT' POPUL AR GAL •••• ' I. the gal who always 1000 freab
cool and 1000e1:1 ·"bethe r ahe'. on COITIOLS .YAPOI (OIiDENSA 11011 the d&n'Ce ' noor. tennl. court or moiatur e condmaatlon can cause peeled .t a plcnlc. COSIly structur al
paba" warjJcd aiding. cSama&e InlularincSH&&T1tOClCcontroll
eaaca_t~-c:\Ita repair billal _
''III' ......... ......... ......'
4· A....... .. ............ .
We take our moat popular &Iii. ·'kDcnr·bow" ea ' ill .PP"pt e
........ .ta to
bo.w for ~ lbecauae we baft of keeplq ClOlth· order. ~ ,....
- .. Pla stic To p Ta ble Ou~
DINE'I"P£ SETS Only $89.9~ · II KEMTO NE
, Wall PaPer and Paste and Sizing G. E. Bulbs - Nu Enam.el
Waynesvnte Funliture &App6aaee .Co.',
EEKLY NEWS ANAL"," ......- - - - , CHINA REDS:
ISa ~~~ilIar '-rlng: "You I~!'I'~ RISSI-a Threalens Yugoslav Regime; T~di~:d can't do business with the Chinese
Trum 'an Ta kes Arms-I· OW'10 PeopIe; , .EIClse · Tel · d Thl·s .Year ax u SIymle
A Misunderstanding
N.C. - Three Brooklyn arine Reservists recently enrolJlte to the Marine Co~pa air station here, for two weeks of active duty traiJ:ling. saved themselves 150 miles of the long drive when a big-hearted truck driver gave 'them end theIr ear a lift from Baltimore to Norfolk on . his 8Utomobile delivery trailer. .. The men, all attached td VMF192 of Floyd Bennett field. Brooklyn'; N. '!f., met the trailer dl'iver in a diner outside ot Baltimore and told him about the trouble they were ha vlng with tbeir car. a 1931 sedan and hoping it would hold together for the trip. The trailer driver suggested they run their car up on a grease · rack in a nearby service station and run it on his empty trailer. This was done and the Marines settled dOVlm fdr the long ride. , They are now trying to figure ollt \ a way of hitching another ridewith the car-when they are ready to return to Brooklyn upon com· pletion of training.
Communists." Remember? "You can't do business with Hltler... · That inly was true, and according to oUicials best informed on the Chinese situation. It was equally By Rlcbard Bill WUklDlIOD true of the Chinese Reds. SLOWLY BUT SURELY, AmerNEVER FORGET the .pec· a'i" ••,.,iir:lllclm businessmen and officials tade ' of Joe Abbott and Count are finding out the truth of the Obeid fighting. Thinking of it, J statement. In ever· Increasing f1umam more apt to shudder than smUe. bers tb'ey are pUlUng out of the Tbough it certainly had amusin, War Ctouds great ' centers in China.: And with "I aspects. . w.. the United States ready to them goes -inevitably the prospect I You see. Joe to war on behalf at Yugoslavia? for any' Import!!nt trade agreeIs an Americ an. That waa a ' paramount question m~nt ~ between the United States Whatever may be the generally Minute And he wasn't a. the bard-boiled struggle between and Communist ChIna, accepted Idea to the conU'ary, Fiction used to the way Yu,coalavi' and RUiaia reached the Yet there was an annoylnl para· American. like spinach. This year they did thin,. tbreal~f.war atage. Diplomats pon· dox in the situation tor the Chlnes~ they will eat about 180.000 tons of in Luandla. 'dered thJ! quelUon: What would the friends of the Kremlln. For the thl! bright green leaf. a fact'which Anyway, ' when Joe BQd 1 stopped 'United states do If Stalin sent the fact wa' that t\l\l Reds would have IIhould concern most tB~meri. Can· off at Cobln'd as on our world cruise" Soviet armi to overthrow' Marsbal to turn to , the United States If , sumers will use spin!!cb from their we were mucb pleased with the ' Tlto·s regime in Yugoslavla't ' they were to obtain many thin,s ovm gardens, bought over grocers' place. BIUTlSH and AmerIcan dlplomata, Thai DIC hi we bad dinner at ihey need to fill the gaping boles in cClunters .s fresh ,reens, or in howe-ver, ruled out the likelihood , China's distraught economy. . mozen or !lanDed form. tile Pia.. and II was there tbat of • abootina war. They regarded THE American state department ' lba. 180,ooo·ton figure may be we first .aw Kandace. She "u Moscow'a tlireat to "lake more' ef· and other U.S. oUiciala ar. In· • conservative estimate, for It inalUioC alooe lD a booth, .114 ,wttve meaauree~' In YugOllavla censed at the way American otfi- 'eludes only the estimated size of wben abe caucht loe atJ.~inlr .. 0IIIy a part the war of nervea. clahl and private citizens bave the commercl.l crop. The tij(Ure at her boldly. abe nodded and 'British newspapel'l took a dltter· been treated by the Commuru.ta in is well under the quarter.mlllion. .mllejl at blm, <eDt vie". 'lbey regarded the. SOviet ~ESET Instinctively I knew, when I saw China. They apparently bave come, t011l crops ot recent tood ratloninl note as the "wor.t threat of war to the conclusion that 'lo,t hln', can yelars, but compared with prewar the laU dark man come through LOOSE elnce lllSi," be accpm,pUshed by maintaining production, however, It shows, ac· the door, 'that Joe was iO tor trou. No ODe outalde , the Kremlin large cqnaulate Btaffs in citlea co'r dlng to a Natlon,,1 Geographle ble. And 1 was right., The ~Il dark SCREWS CCIIIld bow for aure what was com· where the Reds 'bave taken ' over. I survey, that spinach Is hpld- man strode toward the booth and IDa aeJtt. But the tbreat that beam l,-,.ear · of trying to corne l to lome iIlg its own in national competition there was aomething about him 1. montha ap to .upaet Ttto wben ~boolterms with the Commurusis: .how wilth pot·herb greens. . that caused my blood to creep,. I , tile CoiDInform read him out of the 1Ir1. preparea for ODe of ber notbiDg but failure. , ,All much aplnach al the marketa Btood up, but Was by no means COmmun1at party developed lon, .... "onoula prior to attempt.To the initiate, this came , al a wm take is aold fresh. Last year. quick enough. The stran,er had laco Into trequent abootlnls alan, IDa &0 , awlIII the En,Usb chan- lurprlle to U.S. poUcy makers, 1m' example, 114.000 tons at spinach irQsped Joe by , the coat front, • tile. s.~te borderl, DIll. They bad expected that aa' the Chi· were shipped to fresh markets Ir<!m jerked him 10 bU. teet and slapped DlpIomata ' in BellP'aele frlUlkly nele Communists poured ' into coast to . coast. The rest - about ,.... wwrJed. As an example of Sban.hal and other coutal polntl 49,000 tons - maw.ed for the mOlt bi~o~ac;~. hauling back for a hay. ,. , ,Ittery, IIttuaticm. ODe emhasly they would take • Uve·and·lel-Uve part when frelh markets were sup- maker wben m,y arms. closed about 'Ibo&qht It bad an iDIIiele' Up on an To The Peopl. . attitude toward the Americans. plied. It' went to proces.or. at ''invaaliNl'' ctate. 1 , Prelldent Truman submitted hi. They 'a laoflgured that the Com· pr'lces lower ' than the him. 'l'IIB QUEfiITION Of American In· .rm..for.;Europe propolal to. ~e ,nunlsts woUld have' 10 'do bullness Ie'vel, and became the iYear's pack in~':: h~n~~em~ ~e~~~:..;rr:::~ "~nment was not Quite ·a . ac· people thlouJb the medium at il1l with the U.S.. Inaamuch. 88 they - canned and quick frOzen. d I ked ourly at ~oe. "Now IMIemle •• It miJbt appear. With lolden jubilee convenUon of th6 would bave to look to the West 'T exas' reno~ecl Winter Gardea I ~~u'veOOdone Su. That WBI Count Itbe ·tuue ' squarely ,oined between' Veterans of Forell11 ' Wara rather tha.n Rusllia for Imports to ar'ea of huae trlIck crop. leachdl the "Ob Id and ."a' waa his girl vou ,_. CommuJl1am aDd the west, and Miami. ' meet China'i economIe needs. for ule d" ... • .. ... Dlltton In produc in , IPin a Yo" e..·t ••peer peak ••a pro<JUcdOIl ww. the' U.S••ervln, a. the ar.en· DECLARING the armament But somebow or ojher it didn't frlesh·market sale. Spinacb leavea " }le 'ult d?" . Id Joe ..ho .. 70ur II ......, uoublecl .... Ib IIct. \al of tile west, involvement a. a pont was the "price of SPra" ,our jtDuJ..,. boutft .1,1s 80....•• work out that way. 'g row best where .0U Is rich. water ' ns e 8a . LOUSCIDI!. ,Yo" C1Ia treat 1,000 (,. of lneult" 01 ~ warOke Krem)1n move termed it this nation's is plentllul, weather is cool without "And he wanta to a duel roon .pace (or olll, ,2.'0. Do,,'llot I...u an eVer-prelent poaalbWty. ,0'" bud. ~ "ppon ... ,0fU! peru!!*Io apinlt war and urged approval fr>ost, and dan are ahort. 'lbe with you, He ,naHlleB vur boa' , , U.e LOUSCIDE. Guard 8PiDI' ua. MOD'eJ b.c:Io:l _ _ The Pre.ldent, eontendln, that I I ' · C Winter Garden country 1ouchin'g the salla f1~t ihtn.r In the momlD,. peace with freedom and 'Ultlce SO atlon ut Rlo Grande 130 miles southwest of 10 in order to accommodate UI can not be "~uJbt cbeaply," Sufficient beds for poUo paUenta S'ln Antonio provide, these condl. be'li a.all our pleuore a' No, nil Yeor ' urged that congresl , Immedlatel3 In' the nation's bospitala-a major tI()ni from November to April when clawu. Be will 110 Y08 the bOJlor All bope for any. r~ucUoD tbil approve the 1.11 bUllon.:dollar arms problem in tiJbtlng ' the malady- most growing areas have, too mucb of permltUoc yvu to .c,liooae I~ ar federal exci.l!l taxea apo ouUay. , appeared to be in sight all • re- fr.oal y6ur OWIl weapoas." HATCHERIES, Inc. lpeered doomed as ~lP'e.. Ihtlt He conceded the cost wal "con· sult (jf a new approach ~ treat· A sheep and goat rangtng area Joe shook his head and tried to ''''''.I''~:' .11....ts itbf OD ~, Juue. Ezelle taxel ,lllerable," but added that it ·'rep. ment and ,diagnosis in ,the early m iW 1920, the Winter Garden, grasp It. "That punk,-the dope who .... collected ~ such. J teml al resentl an investment in securltJ Itaaes at thl( disease. " th.anks to mlgatioD, now .covers smacked my jaw-wants, to flaht _ -,-::,.-_ , ._-:-_-::-:-_ _ __ 'Ifura. jewelry. /luggage, cOlIDeticl. that will be worth many timell ,its THIS may be brou,ht about fi'~e counties. n pours forth onions, a duel? ' You mean like they do in .r------~ traoeportatlqn and telepbone bills. COlt." ' almost overnight and It can be done ·c abbages, potatoes, lettuce, spin- Sabatinl'a books?" "And I can CBAmMAN DOUGBTON (J;J.. '11here were those In congre.I, without adding a ,Ingle bed- In hoa· ach, beets, peas and beans in lat. cboose my own weapons," Joe 11f·e.) of the tax·wr1Un, bouIe ' however, who wel'e in noUceable dll' pltals for acute cases. o.r . training w:mter when they' brin, top prleeL went on. He stood up. "Come on." t ~ aDd means c:omml~e ,Iasued agreement wlth President Truman. nurse. Too, it ,wID save Eagle Pasion the Rio Grande. I ' I followed him. not quite daring a .tateplent .aYinI that he aees no Theile Included .everal congresa· millions of dollars in the COlt of Crystal City, and Car.rlzo Springa to use torce in stoppln, him again, prospeCt for . ' reduction in . the.e inen wbo bave been stalw.rt sup- treatment. are Its buay centers of spinach yet ready for any emeraency. , We ..... no.... Be 'lave u a reBlon porters of aclm1niatratlon AU this Is declared possible be- ~Ppinlin leason. At Cristal City. went back to the Plaza. The count tile federal deficit threat of more THE DISSENTERS argued cause of • declsl9n by public I1'Owers In 193'1 erected • herolc'- and ' bis iirl were: of , course, ~on". \ Itban IIv. bUllon 40uars in the cur· It wa. "pourlnl mone,. down a ra~. bealth and medical autho~itle. edt,. size plal,ter ltatue (If their special Joe made mquitie., wrote ' down ~ rent .flscal year. . , ·h(lle'· to attempt to preveilt war ting the l,solatlon period, for early hero, Popeye the SaUor. , 1 addresa and' 'beckoned me to fol. 10 $rify the .subJeCt for con· , or adequately arm the north AtJan· P9Uo ~o one weel!;-longer only If Near Eagle Pass, one of the low. A taxi de.pOllitEfii-llI!;imlU--q " ~ be msdl\d. ' tic paet II~toriee , a. the Truman the fever lallts longer. Some atates biggeat (Inion growera , awltched, pretentioUi house of white , ''1 beUeve - it I. ' 'lmport'ant to proposal planned. Othera deClared have been iSQlatina poUo p,a ttents aradually 10 IP1pach 20 years or adobe. A..aer,vant admlttecl.,.us~ancl ,mete lbIa clear so that cOnsumefa ,the program was limply "puttlnll for two w,eek.., lOme even for more ala. Riding on • national presently Count Obeld appeared. wiii Dot poetj)one the ' purchUe of 'emaD arm. tn the bands ' of can· , three or four, but the avera,e baa treQd to spillacb. 1I0urce of Iro", "You're JIving me .the honor of iaocb IUbject to tax in the l10pe stabu1ary of 'lIttle nations." U. S' I been two weeks. . calelum. and vitamins A and C, he choosing my own weapons," laid 01.' an tmmedtate redueUon." I mUlta.... -omerts .......ed that even . The one week recommendation. -_.. 1 tin ... - 0 ; ... ~ tncrea___ pan gs. . Joe. "I'll talee these,""'8lld he knotBUT HE HELD but lio"" of tax with , the prolP'am operap:ve a. en~ made by 20 medical authorities, ' il ___ relIet. iii the futur,. He said he bad visioned by the President; Rusaia part at a new 8Ulde for bealth of- r" I'eCl'lUtecl lIle cODlP'e8lional' .taU could overrun the c(lnUnent In 60'1flcers of all the Itatea. The guide ~ tax experts to begiD now • ~ daya. ' is being sent to local health authorl. ar poa~ tpx r~ IlDd reo Clalmlnl,. 6uI, they added that ties. hospitals and doctora by: the ~ODI ' for 'the c:onlldera~on , of since the U.S. would bave to pay l variou, Itate bealth officers. ' _peal! nut ~e.r. Tb~re wu a tor World War m anyway !f and POLi0 patients are kept IlOlated IWd. however. tbat I( present .x', wben 1t came, the wiser course wh~ they sre flrst ill to prevent I ~a . • re lower~ • • ome oP1er would be to build up national ' de· spread' of the disease, but mc:wC4lJ taxes may be tncrealed-unJese fenae and atrildng power to '~e studies 'bave concluded that the ' lecIeral ~ndlturea are , reduced. point where no sUrprise attack o~ ease is communicable only durtni 'lbete remained a ~e cour.e" thl. naijon could be luccessful. the tint three or four days betore .Dotlpton . went on; ...biah mlabt aymptoms appear, and tor two or p:uvtde • reaBon.~le ncluc:tlon in three days atterward. ,...-mnent ezpendlturel. to re- M h '8 ., ' So for safety, I.olation, .... fiIIIn lOme increase lD taxea where ac ine , Has rain '1, ... e, ex· tbfI increaae CaD be ~rne ~lthout The parade of '. ,"mechanica1 perts .ald, Is necessary for only a d1I&urbID8 the ec:onomy. aod ~ pro- 'brain" devicel appeared never. week, or ai, lOng as ' there la • _ _• for a redUCUOD in ' dlnc-:.The neweat group-an 'auto- fever. wIilcb aN crlpplln. ellle,r prlse aDd maUc eomputer called Binac-is Op~n ' mterterlnJ With bualne.. expansion. a'maDer, ch.eaper. brlgbter than the ()ther.. . . ' . ! .. • 1 GrlanlD.. Joe ,. tepptd lD and , ,It can calculate, 1;0!l0 times fait. dellverect a qalctr, o~o . to er than a human beinl and does the Doblemu·. chin_ Fail, for Gra'nnr problems ~ time's futer than mo"e ted up hi. fists an~ beld them • ,ambUn, ar~DdDtother ar complicated machlnea. 1'he inven. under the count'a nOle. a.nt.eRa.II Caliti. lh ad a relapae. tOrs predicted It :would u~er in an'., "Thos~I" sald the amazed 'couat. , BlRB, SULA BELL STIMSON. other industrial revolution In which "Yeah," laid Joe, "and on your e ; I 1!A4. been atrlcken. with a eam· mach1\les can take over 'maD7 l job~ MoYie maker. maT _D baft ,honor a. i lentleman you can't re- "e~n . ·Ro1tbiaa lac., Bri~~eo... peWn, urge to ,amble. S b e now done by man. ' .. ralae their 0_ oaWe If.theJ fUle. AlIa, ",tty wait till dawn?" reacla_ ~ sta,e where .be forled BlNAC, bullt to order Jor NorthrOp want &0 'Sho" Uaem with h.... ....J cil8dr.a With which 10 obtain , fundi aircraft ' eompall1, w;ai dellgned '01' dalrymeD 'aDd rancllehl are WHAT' follow~iI wal ~tIful. we fur' ,.er playtn,. , She .uat couldn·t especially for compUcated - enll. _ 1 u I L =\ ~I:.I ' .t becomlDc COJlnnced thai b,o~ trooped intO the back ,ard. nUll Cbe :ren to lee wbat that n,u neer.lni problems IUch .s in, decaa' llecome c.UF UabWtlea. Joe and the count took ott ASPIRI N , ~ wOuld be. a.lgn.lng new mWtary aircrAft and Jloraed catUe ofteD pre eaela coats and .quared off. Gr1nnlnl, w U~lns l;,Q c;.~ST SH llR I,T '0 November Ihe MI. brought guided mIIIUes. ' o&Iier and their aitendaala. Tho JOe stepped in 1lD~ deJ1v,ereCl • . . . ' ~ lor he~ weablelli and But Binac ,was not the lallt word I lateat ecaalJIID_ c1e"eloped for qulck one·two on the n~blem.n'!. , was pIJIeed 011 pr;obation for three, in the fleld of mechanical "brain•. " debol'lilq la lhIa electrlo 4&. . cI!iD. Blood ap~ared on his_mouth. Lut AprU abe wal arrested A larger, leneral-purpose type 01 ho~. ,I ron, II COlllllata of • ' \ He lwun, wlIdl:r. Joe ,et hi1n ' ••aiD Iand a physician te.tltled "mallie. brain" called UD1vac WI. ....walt solder.... Iron wlUa.. IOD hil heels. The ,c ount cam,e In 8be bad undert/one a pellonaUly under CODltruCUOn. It. tirat CUI· ' apeclal Up haytq • boU_ alaln add Joe knocied bini doWia. Wltll .Itl •• ,tll: 'Ol,t ••• t . . . . from a DOrmal houseWIfe to tomer will be the U.S. ceDlUI bu· COIle pobd, Alter pre-beaUq, He ,ot up and c.~. back for mor~. hr Hlphl .UdlMPIU . . . . .dielaal ... ' . perIOD attlicteci- with a craving reau. , 'or aboul 11 mllllliea. tile lroa ''LIlten, old bprse," he laid. &4t utemallt c........... Imtadalil ..... 1Ir, ,am"~,. ' ..... a. ce~!!. rIq. PNIVAC. It was said, c:ould even la app,*, . .er tile born b1ltte~ "10u're a. dumb'about ~e custom. ".ana,nell dl'YUll' .r ... Oran ~ BB SAID dOlel of alutamIc acid pla;, ch.e.... but, ODIy ~bout as I~ with ..... rentta wilen tile b.... 'baclc In Am"erlc'. aa I .m about ••• as dlr.~...~.&ed ' 1G elba...... had been iIIecJ with i6me succes. ai ' an avera,e , pla;rer, not aD ex· b.....Jl Ie hm ~ &0 " of.. 'them over here. OnlY I dlcln.'t tr . . more , dIp~.~ nII,YiII. ICe...... B~ film star JlmmF 81ewIll ,' aJ.mUar cue.. recommepded pert. It. la ei;peeted til., thel mao billa. ~- the Iuts to flaM 'y ou 10ur own VIa., art . ' lila llacibelor _all treatment for Mra. ittimson. ehlne .110 would be able ' ,to write kUla tile b or • eeD aiM\ "':ancl ~0Ut ,v.ll, by ,ash, there are 'I'IIe coUrt alP'eed, and she' was re- 11mple melodle. and IyrJes because ltahil. FarlBF Gralll'er. balled cauterlsee' tile, aida d.n,ed ,few- Americans can take it . . ODe 01 me moYi.· lop , roo ieaaed to the cUitody ot her fam· mUlical harmonics follow. simple tile Mra butte... I D . the wa,. you .hav.. And riJbt here mantio 1tUa. la Jl_ BoU;,. ' a, wltb ~urt qi'der. to continue rulel, .... weeD Ute 1OAlt••ermed ~ aDd 'noW' I rIM to remBlk :rou bave . . ......tlneaL ' With Univae. .c~d1na 10 reo "ood'a No. I eUatble '~1aeIor, Ute • ..".Mon. drI.. 1IP . . . .aDa ~ apaloo, and ru teU that dame 1& dicID" work. Tbe ,ambl1Jia pan., the AmeriCIlD people wJU. ..... here ID &lie ~ole of .n. ...... the .... It. SO too If "ou·u ten me ' where Ihe .rollDee BaUlelll ID a plcha'e 1Ie-. p&IIIImotbef had suecumbed apin find out • lot of ~.. they didp" 'l'IIe eIeotrIo ~ IreD ClAD '., • .. plcUq tile rameu BaWeld................ lJI.nH £0 Uvel, tit tile IucjnatiOD ar the pobr deck. bO... about tMmaelve __thBt lao llceo, 'n. acid teet had failed. oIfcgJt. Well, .... ' CtD& OIIIJ' ....... lta&lltlCa])y 1peUiDa. - - - - -...... c__ ' Ie alle" _HIaIrt at ·...bat c
L ____.....--__----:==:::::-:;:::::::;:=~:_:::_:::::::;I
Slpinach Disclosed A,s General Favorite
Consumptl'On m' 19 ",9
Ta Top "180 000 Ton
-========---..., I
.c al-oX:
WO..,H ;P . . . . .
Watch Your Kidneys!
Shoe. Can Spread
tirea an4 farmefl' III.. lPI'Iad hO, eboIera,. .,81pelu Dtbar aClUte nrIne
~uUoa, ur~ ~
IoIIDdatIDD uaImal.., aut tlltt bot obOIen .. UIe IQI81fIsC ~ ...... Qabrb7 .........
~ee m~' ... pIDDec1 .... .,. 1erec1 .... . bud. Ten minutes later the three cd us WIN dttID, ar.ound a fire m' Kandau's Uvln, · room, laulbin' aad taDdDI and drlnldn, punc:ll IIIid teIItn. eaob other that It ...u too ba4 there w...·t • pedlet: __ derataDdIDC .boId CUItomI or dII• fcIIl' IOUDtrieI. ad' ..... . . II 111Gb , . . . . . . . . ftB7 _
.:-.:c. ~ ......
Thursday, September 8, 1941
Convert Rarely-Used Spare Roo~ Int~ Cozy Retreat of You.r Own
By Ertta ~eJ
RCndY- b~Ut. In accUons. of eood qunUb'
MEN of the house ha.v e their THElibraries, dens or workshops, .
and Pine. 4-stall barn as low Ga. Many Iypes and size.. avallablo ImmedIately at ~orrc.pondlngly low coat. Can be erecled quickly by unsItUlec1 . labor. Oak
SCRU."TURE : Paalrna 11:2; 2a : ~i. 1818: 91:o.1~; 103'6-13: Matthew 21 : 111-18. 38-42.~I!J;J.:> _ .,1 -4115~:""'L2i!; • u".
the youngsters their playrooms or dena, but what does the lady of .the house have? Frequently, nothing! Homemakers n.ced a room of thelT own, a kart ,ot private retreat where they can follow their hob· ble's, home management or enter. taln, a guest or two just as much as anyone else In the famUy. In many houses this Is a very real potslbllity. too. if space Is uUllzed properly. SO mnny houses have small rooms which may be used ,as a spare guest room, or as a sort 01 a den.or as a catch·aU for things that really could go 'lnto the attic or l basement. Since these rooms are so small, few· have thought of putting them Into real, busy use. The room 1 ha ve In ' mind can be as small as 8'x8'. When aU the space Is carefully and fully used, Uris can be converted Into a "room of ber own" for the lady, of the boulle who not only so much de. serves it but also needs it. H4Ire she can do ber marketing if there'. a telephone at band; bere abe cm catch up on letter.
14:12-111. 22·26.
r Ie
Jesus and the Psalms I
C. LONG n.I ....".o.
BUSINESS" INVEST. OPPOR. MAR 1"S rlyer-front property of 25 acre. wltb three new loll coUnges aDd I 19•'9 Lessoo for Septe1;nber ~, 1.100 ft. waler 1ront; localed north end L_____________--l of Sugar Island at Sault Stc. MarIe, I. Mlcb. No bUY fcyer bere. PrIce 18,500. OME parts of the Old Testament Owner. Eldon Zeller. 181 ebe .. " St., ftlleblraD Cenlor, MI.b, Jesus never once mlln tl one d . DUE TO ILL neallb I um oU"rlnll t!lr Others he quoted again and again. sale niY bl~"k$mltb lind welding shop 80me parts buslncss localed 18 miles norlb of Gre~llnCa Wd thl s be' because or ville. 0 .• on U. S. Roule 12'1 In the v • were more belpful to hllTl than loge o( North Star. Am otterlnll fO' .~ (otherS? At any rate. ~e Psalms ::l~o· e~~~~r.l~~t·8.:ilf~: :~~ s~~g~{i,s. !\nd werlt one •sectillD of his Bible dwellinG. 1'. O. Box M-I. Norlb Sll", 01i1e. 1. _~_ Pbon. AF I ~ NoUb 81ar. which he w....,n qUo te d • , --
• ST .
• • •
Worship . REGISTEJtED 1R1811 SETTER I'VPPlI!li pedlilrees. I!ILbel S.II •••• USE Jesus made Of the slx-yenerauon Rou e 2.,. Ohio. Jlbono teO•• I Pllalms was In public war· CANARIES WANTED-'Bcsl Prices paId. ship. Whenever he went up to the Writ.. f~M~~~~~1!. dJ':.'iwon:;o., Temple he would join in singing _..;I:;:II:!I:..I_W::,:,.'.:.1::51:.:"~P~I.=C:::"=:lc:::..::r= o;::K ::::.:-= n.:.:I._ or In Ustenlng to GREAT DANE PVl'PlE8 'lbe beauty of Ute IrNfJe de. ~e'at choirs Golden Brindle.. Goldan Fawns. out af the g •. Chnmplon Moth.. nnd Chomplon Sit'" en rose, Utat aD to. briefly 1'10$ w •• l 1J~lnalana-C1 186S IIlnglng these an· blooms in 'the M.~av. desert; clent hymns. Many bas •beea oaphlr.ed ror perm .. FARM MACHlNERlI " EQUIP. ot our OVfD belt· .oent eujo)'DleDl In aU Ita lovel,.· BALER-John Decre. automotic, In 800d . loved hyinnll, while condillon. Price '1585. Con del ver. EtaGalan UDder tile durable ~Ie not direct trans_ea.. San lien. C.rJ •• a. Iud. .P1l. . . S!I·U. 01 'tbia CaWorllla eartbeu_re: lations, are based '!'be dinnerware Ja llaOWD OD on Psalms. ' For FARMS AND RANCHES broWli &ableclotll with a pbdi Have\ vour Meat Tender, Delicious. Juicy example. ..s t III, GOOD 11M F •• ~ 7M Tractor lond. ~ DIoptiJl reDl/IlllDr the JIIIIk of 'f (S,. R,&i"'fi Bilow} Still With Thee" 7r. 'houle with ""Ie •. water, fUrnac"b EX. r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..-;_ _ _-,, 11 from Psalm 16; Dr. F ore.aD ' "ellent aDd houses. plenty machIne." uddUte decoraUve noral dealra. Inil. 2 bam poullr7 brood"r houli" .. "G"d Is My Strong hoe house. 7 COWl, 2 heifers. MilIleFkJlIIG Meat Ma..-'e ' . ..nN CHAMBERS" MENlJ" 2'1 "Tb IlUpplle8, 2 horses. Saw with p118. emCkSalvation" fromtram Psaltp e en •. GoodM 'AI: Equip.. olber MaThese may be made lnto drawen, THERE DOES SEEM to b e a °Roast Leg of l.amb Kl g of Love" Psalm :23' "0 chlneTYl . •tractor s". lIems. G~L raBid. NFII~ h Min n , King" from P.alm' 104. 10600. 110.800.Gepharl, ..,. Ill. Fr._, • • _. if desired, but at any rate ave ·.. ...e ma ... cal qua11ty a b au t mea t s . t J eU y Worsblp the FrelDo'Complele Ohio. ' Era~ot L secUons wbich can be lJIIed for whicb are cooked to juicy, tender Browned Potetoe. In private worsbJp also we know ~O~..~IO!.::..~K~I.:..!;I.:.._ _ _ _~---..._o:" spools of thread, needles and pln~ perfection. HowCabbage Au Gratin Jesus used the Psalm •. One of the MISCELLANEOUS ever. It's not a Cloverleaf Rolls Hebrew names for ~eln was "The ""ENJ.ARGBD PRINT8j1 .00: Send fastenera, trimmings, bpe blaa.· ure. IIciBaora, 'plnldng ~ear., pat· mystic magic Butter and J~am Book of Proayers," and Jesus;- Uki and ftIJn 10 FA8TEZT.B,OT00J.180ER~CIE, terns, . h h I d' ."eae Bo~ III. C.INIlINNA , B . "'" 101' ''''ewin ' g ·book., remriiiita to whlcb sU asplTe GrapefruU-Shredded Carrot • . many another w a a8 ove LU "1Ie11 .ddlUonul print. Free Developln'" I use in mending or quilting 811 well to, and few . Salad Psalms, found In them the natur~1 EXCUANGE E.rUI. for V" $tIUlJ rtJDIrI for as sewing machine attacbmenu. a c b I eve. . I f Beverage expresslol\ of wbat was In' here she'U sew either U you do not feel tbat you have the r e i s a Butterscotcb Sunda.. his beart when be ·turned toward D•• a'a,. IllIDe.e. alone' or wltb her 'frlends; or here room for an 1T0ning board In the sec ret, It's "Recipe Given his Father In beaven. . .!:F:!:O~O~L~Y:"O~V:::R;:~F;;;R;;'IE=N;:;:D;;:.;-::-:;;s.;::n=d:;-;.;-_;:be:;iKtiO!lG: she can retreat to listen to her fa·. cl. ose t , lIerb api you '11 wan t to place avall a bletoa U . . . . A atrildDI proof. or lbla lui 250. SCENIC Remnlled'Post-Corda to them from . free., .... F.MIda, W. write program or read a book a card.table In the closet. Another . It b no secret that you sbould do aive It a try. You'U never 10 m from Ute skry or Cal- PRATT, Z211 PlaDI A,e., TAMPA. FlA. 'God biTCH SUFf'ERER8. Ant.t : reeiii, wbIle the younl.ter.s enterJ81n their possibility is' a board that can be bave s good cut of meat .wlth .wblcb back to the old way !becaulle th~ eo es vary. The ery; 'My , w ., . aldn pofllOIUl, etc. Comple kJnd aur". !"'C ~ends in the living room or' while . useil for prenlng and, cutUu". For to start if ..,ou want to bave a de· roasts are so ,much mo'r e deUclous . , oJ has'••&laD &hoa fram forAken a calu ••1.50. NEW $oUefacus,!!.n Dad baa hIi evening fun test with • the latter purpose you should have Udous ' cut to set on the table. But aDd juicy. Besides, who doesn't tzUa Psalmme'" 22:1, Isand ~~~f.e'I~r:1t1l 01 .. o :~ , 1.0::...... the youngsters before they 10 to a board that is at leBlt 2'1" 'wide once l'OU have I good' cut, do cook want to let aU the t!dible meat "1ntO Uty bandll I ' oommend FOOL IOUR FRIENDS InlO bckJ. ' " . ~ and' 60" along. It properly Instead 01 ruining It. P9sslble for their mon,ey? my' spirit" b from Psalm 31:5. you're vocoUO$!le In HAtWAl1lI ~nd Now Tbls latter statement may sound .... S I S a penny lor new OIIr "en a r ma I, vailable are card 'tablea In reality, the room can be to the Pork Road wi... P ' O f a Ge Thus,' two out 01 three prayers C!ard. writ/enIllone and wfth IIdClre. 0..One "l! '~_WiD" r (Sen 6) . you pleaae uv 1\1' homemaker an oUlce sucb al many wbich all fold into a smullolvJJuit·case a bit · far.tet~hed. but every day for the there are thousands of .women Who ' -' es sbD1ll4 . he uttered in his 18lt moments to: OCCUPANT. _ !!l .., "&D••~:'~i bave from whlch they direct . their wbich would also be han Fresh paoDla er wete So the !'I~~~!'tl,!:~ .... .~vitles. room, Thi. will serve for....,preslllng go to a ' great dea}. of trouble fin d • San and pepperI reader from today,the pondering a quiet ... .. ":.:~. B"'ON~l~tu , 2 small onlOllll, mblced 1 and tewlng, a~d lome cuttln~ opo inl a perfect roast, ~en 'coOk It 8eletlt Boon\. ; erations. It can double sa a table Uke a pot roast wbJcb is practically 1 &ablespoGo worces&ermoment the.e Immorta poems, REAL ESTATE-BUS. PROP., _ CJoee' ~ •• alllre sauce , either tram the printed book or 'b~t. HARPWARE liar. In ameli towt.. owu... erne teature which the room, ab· for refreshment. or brlClle wben atewlng It. Then, too. there are 'other thousands whQ lose pounds 1 &ablespoon sup!' ter yet, as J~sus did, from ft e 111; priced to ."ut: rare 0f~rtunIUy. aolutely n"ds I.s a closet, e,peclal- ,yoq,entertalu. The cio-et mIgbt abo b. used to of meat .by using old·fashloned '~L te p-""_ treasures of memory,' m.ay a en :::,.: ...,::' .a '1 11 It It la to 'aerve a varie~ of n cup &spoon pa ..... find In them pr8yers whicb seem ZanRt....llle. 0 ..1•. ,nore ODe or' two folding chain that methods such I I bllb temperature % vtiaelar breathed ,from .. hil own mind' and uses. ThIs need DOt be large, for ~e which . b 21 Inches deep W\U yoU' want bandy In care of enter- ' tor "~rownlng" tI,Ie meat. Thil Is % cap water to whicb be need say, Amell. __.....l.......-=--:,;TIU~:;.;VI!lL..:::=:--::'-:-:;:-;:=~ ... 'n ot nece8llary because ' mea t 2 &ablespOODS ca&8ap ' ' . • " FOR BENT. V,acaUon a& Holel bdld aU that It 'DeedJi In Ute ~7 01 talnlug. 11.. Decoradolla cooked - at constant low temperaHave picnic shoulder boned and th bout G . d ~.~~:: ••~er~':l_C~':!..-:;o::r • ~:t'\I~s, " " U ture . will brown enougb to be at· 'rolled at the market. Season ' with Tru • .. 0 In,el. Pbone 01' ... rlt~ tor r",ervatlWa. ~..' dent wW ' serVe 1.11 plU'JIOIe tractive to the mo.t discerning .eye, salt lind pepper. Place fat side up JESUS ' allo found In the Psalms ... -===:;:-;:;: ~, of aU if It ba. ·double' mirrors, . To Be08O& Persona iT ber, own. " each and will not and lose JUIce . . on rack In an a revelation of truth. It would RlIJl.TMl ,e""',el 2 bedrooms, CJI!8 1I10'P'~ ~n front of the 'c enter IJ\ a room Qf• ' .... _\mill' «w.u« L . 0 p e b roaster. be too mucb to 8a.y that Jesus de· .. to reiiecrlmrown penonaUty ef· ... vou bave a covered roaster, J' . Roa- in a mod• .rlved bill Ideas ,at God from the Open Au,. 21th. thru' 8epL Write lor do oom lu . , right now to discard the fe~tive.;,.~ :J;'be a: can b e ,ay.. u resolve .• ~ e r ri••1 e 0 v e 0 Psalms. But certainly lome 0f th e er: reference Wal.." TrequIred. ....I. B..... B" ..... smart; .ubdued but cba~I, cover and inve.t In a rack for a ' (350.) un ttl great teacblngs about God which !!leat J.r.&D, Jllobl,... with brllht or brillJan1 color.. roast. A true roast ia not, at any ) t b e r momet!!r 'we hear from Jesus we can read U the room 1. IImall, take it eal7 point during roa~ting. cooked with . registers . 185., alrel\d¥ In Jhe Psalm.. P d VI on pattern IInce too much decora· a cover. It should'SlRm a rack, fat . or Illlow 40...5 Jesus dJd D!JI ase the Psalms I •• p ••t. U.I t10n wID make it seem too fuI1 and side uP. at low to moderate tern. minutes per pound. Combine ap .aapldlf. of CODrse. Be would B, the .41 crowded look1n~. With a little more 'perature In t,!Ie ovenl to r'9 a st per· rema.l nlng ingredients l.n a sauce. never bave lIapPOSed Utal yoa space! 7011 can use some pattern, fectly. pan and cook for 15 minute.. ' Gould &ake Ja., auy seDtence 'f if thi, Is wisely done. How long ,hould a rOllst be . -Roast Ler of J~amb about God ' 001 of lome Psalm A pictUre or . two, ;your favorites, cooked? The most accurate way of (Serves 11-10). " or other, aud qaote It aa the 01 course, -may be tis~d on the determining this b ' to inlert a meat 1 Ie, 01 Ja~b ' (5 .poiuKts) 'l ast wOrd aboat God. 1 leaspooD rtncer . . t Wan.,,, but too many Of,. ~se will thermometer Into the meat a. ' you ce It -In the oven, and wlren the 1 clove ruUo. if desired For instance, durlnl ,bill ~mp a. only add clutter. Muc.h Of wbat u8ed depends upon the propo..... has reached Itl prope' Sal& and pepper tlons the thought was rrlagl'ested tlon. of the room. ' . point the roast is ,done.. Iri.ert ttle" L JeU to hIm that be could Jump oU a Wi th 1ota 01 oa,lMlU.... ... _-, U""'t, you. thermometer thr9Ulb the center, ~ oup rrape . t blgh b"""inl and not be burt.,. had -6JI,. need but few lamp~. T~... th e room as deep Into the meat as possible. WI 711 GOp _t ....ritb. d 1 th D not God promised just that..1n a .n .11 OD tba ahad3' Iide 01 the bouse, You may UllUre out ~e Urne to pe mea w amp co. 0 Psalm? Now it II true that Psalm door and one Qn the back of the md yoU Jack .pace.,for lamp.. Ule roa.t by PoUnd., but thill Is not Dot remove fell, the thin. Pllpery 91 :9.12 doel say that God will keep oloaet door. These will be inval· the pin-up t;Jpes on the w~ a. nearly 10 accurate, especlally .if covering over the mc!at. · Ma~e you from "aashlng your toot ... 1I1e to belplng you to' fit clothing the;? will . .:... . yOU are cooking rout beef to ' med. four gaabes In the tOll8t and in· against. a stolie" but iT-esus knj!w Propel"H aVe a t 1 as~epmlor tabl e., ium rare, . · . AT when you're lewlng. ' Bert a plel:, , 01. . garll,e cl9ve . R in that' doell not mean that God will the room, at yoU wiU do • • .. eacb of them, If deslTed. ub lu~rantee to keep you out of Also in the closet you'U bave cbalr 1HI WAY space tor , . dresl fomi which is .10 much ' of 'yoUr work .1n 1tr Other. HEN ' PROPER"Y PREPARE» linger, P"Ialt a.r:d peppe·r ·lnto ~~ trouble or barm ' no matter bow heIPfuI " 1n . seWIng, '\In ironing obairs may be added a~ . space 'and meat; ace UI . roaste:r on ra"", toollsb you arel" Mad" with. JIIM _ "a,.. Y~ board, an iron and cord, a large necessitY dictate, but when space . ,.cof!led beet ean be a real fat side up, and roa's t 'ln a alow • • • 1& adIuIll/l ~ Ie aormal *ia& box for mending; etc. II lacking, store foldlrtg cba1... In dellcacy• .The . ~eat It musCular, (900-) Oven unttl ·thermometer Christ tn the' Psalms No harsh ehemicale or irritatlDI A.. o·~er al" whlch wUJ. be ex- '''e c· lo-et. .' an<S need •. <to be cqolted JOD8 re,u&er. ISO· for well ,done- lamb. al .til...WOD'., barm .iD·or c;lotJiins· - 71 t " . , II t6 Have , L. .ix ~ IoU You'U ~ 6'-d .... at Unoleum I_ a' sl~wly for real teDdemess, Wl'u\OUl,J·"".... ._I~. • the j I8st 20 >mute. In of JE<i:l s~ 814" 110ft aDd creamr, ae,~ pta tremely he1pfitl .,.US found, In the Ptalrt1s , running ... ... - mea t w... I." thin . propheclet. There is • rather covering for the .. floor whlcb l t Itt nod . a e11caey b'I n t l coo klnl Urn e, bas t e .... ...... Une between illu.tratlon an~ , 1J'&III1. e.lght shelves u-om- top to practical "" .' bottom !Ill oftt! .ide ·Of the closet.. since ttl easy to cleaDt~nd makes manner o.f means. H~e' I a novel grape juice.. wblCh baa been melted Try ~ Yodcn- J- the L ',. , such Jobs ar pi- .-... J d way ~o prepare It: In the bot water. Renlove '18l'11C prophl\cy. o up thre· .. · an diifereDC!el • CAW · imple. au b efore Iervin I. . For ' instance, when the Jeru •• B. $-Irtl scraps of materIal. I ' Glaled Conted B..... .,... . III beef ' . I. . alem boys and.. Ilrls were making L;=:::;:=~~=-:--:=~;::=::: A raa tor curreDt papers aDd" ~., PO~ Jadce Veal iIb.9w.~er or bre,••, may be such a nollY welcome for bJm. and, ; mala~es ' dlould be ptovlded. Or,' .,... cap cann, . . ituffed with tlIe fpllowlng to live the dignified priests were protest. if your (Ieslt'i. Ilmply . one that % oap broWD nrar ~ ' ~~~ .. v ·ery tasty tng, J' esu8 qu. oted P,· sa.lm 8:2. In debu1lt. ·In.ou-l~t"'-v~spac · eDD · Ia U~~ . , " ............. ~ fense 'of the children: "Out 01 the Uiat for perJodicals. . . . Spiced peaob_ a • / . I Inl ,'eal, ;>.Use • mouths ' of babe. llnd mcldings l1's 'nlce to bave a radio In the Wash cornedoeef under ~in, ~ • Ilow .oven·· (300· thou hast perfected praise." room because you may Uke to to r~ove all ,traces' of brine. ·to JI?,I; and cook . k' , with cold water md bring untU tbe ther. 'DId lI'e mean Ut~t the Psalm: : la"':e a boll. Drain and" replace water.. .• I rellt1st bad predloted Uta' vel7 talninl - to prOVide .backll'Ouud Simmer, slowlY, In a c~ered ket., ters 11d·, whlcb fa about.40 minutes "CaslOD, 01' did be mean lbat mUlli:, entertainment or an educa. tie for .". to 5 h,?urs or until meat to 'the POund. : , :" .. the Pialm expr:eued a truth tional teature you want· to dl.C!uu c~ be ple~Ced ~a.\ly, with a fork. ".. Balabi' Stanlllll alwa,. rood, '. with your frIend.. . J dd more water It neceasar,:. (For aboat 5 pciwad rout) At aU 'eventl, we ' do know that ' Drain meat and place on a rack • CU)JB aoft ibrea\l onuube Jilsps often toO~ a Psa~, or ~ 1)art Mate .. Boe. m a roaster_ Pour fruit Juice over % cup melted fa, ' pf one, a propbetlc picture of Ideal, for ~wIq meat' and sprlnlde with . prown l.:eallpOOD saJ& himself. He knew: hlmseat to be the As baa- been indicated, from the ·IUgar. Stick ·wlt;h clove.. Bake In I cup aeedI_ ~~. true King of Manldnd, '.'the Lord's section , 00 ~1D4lI lbe 'closet. a .moderate oven (350') tor'" hour. " teaspooia .epper /\nolnted." 88 bls use of P.alm you'D notice the -room •• planned to Server larD1she~ , wit b • spleee! Combine ' all Ingredlenlta anet atufl 110: 1 plainly shows. be the Ideal iel'l'inj room. No lou I· I peaCh... Ughu,. mto meat. allo'winl room Yet be also knew that be .must , • er wW fou !!ave, cleal" the d1nIDI • . ' 0; . ror exp.Dllon. Of. place .ltuUlni to lUS througb suffering to bt. room table 'for l cutt1n8. or toYS AS IT MAY BE for you to the .l~e of. the meat 91' ~. a caNer. hrane (Luke J4:26). When the from thll floor, Of the bed. Every. try roastlnl meat at low ole and baste wllh I Ju1cn frOm eader. of hia people rejected hilP thing 18 band.1 ripl bete In ODe arid 'con.tant temperature, if ;you've meat. II fOU' C09k .tuHln, leph ,e waa not . IlUJ'prlaed, for h. lIlIaD room. . , -;; lDllowed other waf' . in the put, rately. bake tor ao to 40 mInutel houlht at once of Psalfu 118:22.23. Urdlnl,,,, 'material mQ be When be hung on _the erol" md. CD \be d.ruI form; or. 011 tbe tabla LYNN SAD: .Jaw the soldJel'8 gambltng for hla alne. the room Deed DOt be .left KMw CleoIJIq 'I'rIob clothel, P-.Inl 22: 18-18 would .ur. opea .if 70U ban In ~ ... V• ...., ..... . '" come Into hi. mind. , and do 110& .,ant .'t o ban 1& d,lIo, Se~OnN.I"cI Jamb liver takes on creaq And cm doubt .that In hi. laat turbed. enOle Bt11e when It'. bralted with aCOnle.. an. 'who knew the P.aIms Pr:esllq Ia of the ua~ 1m- wome chopped frub 01' ~ed .0 weD '9"Iuld not bave remembered portaDee lD'; an4 tbIa. &00. tom'toes, .reelUlepper and a dasb alIo the Itter lines from the same ls 1lam17 ben. . . I of clU'f7 JIO~. Adel IIOIIl8 crum. proPlaetic Pubn? It tie,llll wltII 1'be HWIDa macblae ItHU II bled baeaa IDr aa... . tile tr_lia que.tion-Why? But It placed Ita tile room ralller tbaa tile ~ ........... mll7 be d . . to • lOBI of trlumpb-''Wbq clout ad It abauJiI be Jle8r -tun! IaUtaecl ID bilk Wltb ... _ 1Ie · ~!"I UDto 111m. ba heardl" I .~ .. tba& ,011 can .,. Ud 8uveil GIl lop of ItI'ClWD
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LEGAL NOTIC E ~dyell'tl •• mlent f.r ald.-
Thurs. - Fri~, .26 .00
Ba nk Night,
S-.Jed bldll wID
by' the Board of Tr1uteeII
Hc Arfalra of tile V111qe of W.,.· neaville, State of Ohloj at the office Df .ald board or at tbe re. Ide.nC8 of Chari.. lam.., Clerk of the l)oard, 'until twelve e'c1oc1t letrlch) D · e Marlen Lund· (John IR" ... TOD...y "'ND TOMORROW...... FOREIGN ... FF nooL', Septem ber a.t, 1141, for p" "01a&m Horae Hit furnish ing the neC8lUl'J' labor and Autl")" Gene Star, SAT .• BE·PT. 10 - Your BIgUme ' materIa l. for t.Ii~ lD.8tallation and I You See To Want lind completlOIl of a Dell' water. L .a LOA D ED . P I a T maiL' from the two ex1atlq wells Comedy. ''Jloulh 8eu" ALSO: Ohap. 1- Dick Traoy Return s PLUS: CharUe Chue to thEl connec tion Intu exlatln g . SUN •• MON., 8EPT. 11 - 12 - Pat O'Brien 111' Vlllag.. 'Water malnl fIN' nppl", H A I R G R E E N WIT H BOY Ing water to the Corpor ation and T 'H E (Please Don't 'l1eU Your Friend . Why!) the IDlhabltat.ta · tbereot In Itccord· family enUre ance 1iV1tb plana and specific ations the Brln«. areathlll In r Premie e Produc ' TV ESOA Y, SEPT. 13 ror etc. on file In said oftlce. . chicken eggl, goods. canned ge ror your ea:cess ' produce. exohan The work covered by the specifiIn Kelly Gene tickets to Bee ' coDIJIsts ot furnlsb lng all cationII P J RAT E T H, E " labor,. eQ,ulpment, appUan ces and . (Techn lcqlor Mualca l) materla la and pertprm lng all op2 CASH DOOR PRIZE S FOR LUCKY ALSO: , eratlon e necellia ry for t"~ instal· latlon of ' the new 'W8~r malnl for the Village ilf Waynes ville. Ohio, In full and to the comple te latllIng llport eventa I beQueatll. Jim. the added responl llbUltr ot faction ot the VUlage. The 'Work keeping in front of the town. shall Include ImtalJa tion of all folka the need fol" greater alA'll pipe, valvel, valve bollell, con,"ore Improved atbletlc and r&- crete pump houae, connec tion Increatio nal areas, such a. a com· to eJ[letlng malna. and restorin g R ...TES: One cent per word, plete job on the . preaent hllJt streets , Bldewalkl. etq., to their minimum eha/'ve, 25 cent&. school Ueld, ao that 1860 -,rIll orlgfna l '·condltl on. Includin g 1650 give WaynesvlUe a pla~ area Ulat cu. yd8. excavat ion and ba.akfUl, Three inlertlo nl for the price cftisen · CIUl' be pJ::Oud to laxln l~ of 1900 Un. ft. fI" cut Iron every .. Wedne eloae of two. Forml lIB an accoDtp Ulbmen t pipe, laying of 400 lin. ft. (" cast out lIolnt day noon. a 9' war yeara, when tron pipe, constru ction the n, foUowl BOB O'REG AN the eulellt excuse WII' that labor COL'CI'et e block pUmp Ilouae. l lind materia le. we,e ull1lval1abl~. trla'e following listedthe materia Village will be furnish ed by DON'T FORG ET TO CALL. Moat great announ cement ll of Mr. Gray and Mr. Sawyer assurwu a"a1I· free of cost to the contrac tor, and All types of history maklng eventll bave been ed me that th'ealllabor liS' for in mance, that would be inatal1ed by the contrac tor: that lind able inuran ce at a savings. Call accomp lished withou t · verboat ty necessa ry would be 80m" mater- 1900 Un. ft. e,; Iron pipe be here aa your lalll and neceua l')' flnlUlooe from • 400 lin. ft. (" Iron pipe Francis Gene Brown, phone and so It pher (Lou Smlth'a the local Ichool board , .. ,o.k. bow paragra AU bldl ahall be 08nol"sed In ' a 1948·49 colcall or 72 4 2 sville Wayne expreaiilon In the EnquJr- about It John ·Gonll and co. ! aealed envelop e endorse d on the favorite lec t, . Wilmington 21-11. er). says. "farewe ll" with' .JImmy Certain ly we caa ulle a better outsIde of t)le envel~Jle a8 "Bids al- (01' the' Installa tion of '" ater main" Jon1lB. Jr.. taking over sport. In athletic field Immed latel" FOR SA.LB- White Rock pullets, general for the Gazette. Prenur e thou,h all , Improv ement. could and address ed to :vmage Clerk, , 5 "1lionth's old , $1.35 eacb. Robert of perllonaL buslneBB makea my be tabled until the b1,h IIchool Way'neeville. Ohio. Each ,bid inust contalt.' U..e full Barnet t• .Third St.. WaynesvlUe, rellignation necellsary. comple tel Its faU baaebal l Iched· 98'3t nllme of every peraon or co~pany Phone 299'1', The majorit y of thla co~n ule. Intlll'ellted In the same. and be ·ac· S I haa heel!' used for buebal l . an4 Ied by a bond In the sum ,JDnes, Jim compan A.NYONE-- wishes help with Bortball durlnc Ita' two years and anyhow and AnyWay tall bousecl eanlng. call Mra. Em' now wltb the Waynea\1l1e bask· I, wleh you the beat of lu~1I: "and of teL' per cent of the submitt ed eflt GIbSOn of Corwin . She 18 8][- etball aea80n juat around tbe co... promille to belp you out uy the bid to the satisfac tion of the Boa'rd . of Trulite el of Public Afperlenc ed and wrsheB work of ner Mr. Jon'9S, a student at the event of any emerge ncy. fair... or a certifie d aneck on any kInd by the duy or by th:e Institut ion. wflJ be In an 'e]!celle nt some solvent bank. ae &, guaran tr EVERY BODY NEEDS week. . poslUon to brIng the paUIIII and that: If the bid Is accepte d, a con· rebound s right Into your bome8. S I .C .N S tract wlll 'be entered Into and Its 80 I hope that all of you will ac· lIflsB Ruth Chandl er properl y leoured . perl'o rmance cord 'tbe lIame coopera tion , to Stanfor d .B ogen of Morrow. 0 , Sho'uld an,. bid be reJe ,ted sucli. tendere d waJ that 0r auccel8 my ' a took BANK RUN. GRAV EL- Loade') elgna and float banner truck sips Che1)k will be torthwl tb 'T eturned hlghelt prllea. at ,Davia Furull8 PIt. 50 centll me during my period al'l sporta bidder. and ShOll1d' any bId ran,e from $10.00 up "nd are the to the be ,a ccepted 'Buch check will 'be - cubic' yanJ. We aillo deliver. ·ARI[- editor. a with him reach can best: You exeout· t' . O. returne d upon the propercontrac ITAGE &: SON. Phone 209L t. So, besides the task or report. poatcar d, addrel. It, Morrow Ion and lIecuring of tile tel1 ·r.epara must blda ted \Submit . ===: ==== ==== =::= . ';::':::,: ':.:;.:,:.=.~,~.====== WANT ED- Radio I'f<palr work. :-; let forti.' labor and materia l· em· Doug -Rendersol1', Pbono Waynes · braced bereln with the prlcee vUle 2982. thel!'eof: , Conform ed cople8 of plana and LOST - Diamon d rtng on Matn aUonl will' be availab le specltlc NOR1 lI STRE tt, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO St. In WaY'Deflvllle. 'tews"d . ror Inlipectf0n at the relldenC9 lien Fumai . Pllone. Wayr:es. 2953.' of Charlell JameB, Oterk, .,.. at WE HAVE GAl, TIRE. A'ND OIL the re,ldenC 8 of .Stanle ,. H. COIL. YOUR FIX WE TUNE MOTORS. WILL Charles .AL'I1erson . Engine er, 137 W. Oreb· Ma.rkey , IF YOU ttAVE ... CAR THAT N~ED' REPAIR . Lebano n. Ohlol and Avenue nrdl B rlns It to HaatlDla for Itl care. be obtalne d U~1l pay. may. coplell In· enamel White SALEFOR per aet, U.OO of ment In ran~e. . coal c Bulated Ma1e8U Gln..F PRODUcrs ~[1he right Is re8erve d to reject good conditI on. Geonr:e H~nder· "ny and all bids. 825.1 GAS • OIL • TIRES •. BATTERIES. ACCESSORIES eon, ~bon~ Weyntl8. 2982. By order of tbe Board of Trust· CALL ;~'22 'o f Public Af~alra. eel, t COmfor C! Hom SALEFOR CHARL ES ' JAMES. Clerk 24. 1949. ber "ntem . .8~t 8vllle. Wayn1! new. J. Ifalo, Rt. pra 2.C&n7. Bange. Publish . : ,Aug. 26- Sept. 1·s. 1949 ...." FOUR 'RoOM ~S~v artmen t for rent. Ideal tor' famtl7 uoncenl,:"ioD of one cblld or lesll, olt" heat, eJ.. Scott Key 1IIrott' "Tb. Froncll hot Ipld balh private ectric range. d Banner " wbUII Spangle ' ~f"T FalU. ble. wate.... Rent r$IIona CUSTOM BUILT KITCHEN' CABINETS . wlltohlng the BrlU.h at&ack ' on Palm!. Main Bt., Waynee ville. Baltimore. Sept. II. 1814. .FOR SAL~ 5 ' SOWB and to pip. Ail Types of Custom Buitt Cabinets Everet t L. Baara, one , mUll weat Phone · ~11. Rt. of Wayne evllle on Novelty 'Shelves ".w Wall Brackets - '.'What- not" Shelves Waynes vlUe 22(2.
Colo r By Tech nico lor
• .• SAT. FRI
SEPT: 9·10
0' .
Turh an Bey
ll llN/\llI
.- ------..----
Bo b's Cabtl1~" Sh o!,
ncttN ICOt. OR
The WP FB JambOI'M
-1 -
;;;;~ ~ ~ !~::~;;;:;:;:;;;;~:;:;:!::::::::'~'.;.;.:';.::'.:::: _.-.,. ."
1.1 11111/\
.. Ba sti ng s' , G~rage
SEPT. 11
With "P~\h SwaJP and fThe )Western ~hY.l'hin Boys"
. Mi uis sip piR hyt hm COME f.AlP.Y SEPT. 13 • 14
...... .:_-- --_
Dead Stock
1{OM1l{B.A:KED CAKE8 AND PIES - Made on order oll'1, on Tuea· days and Fridays . M~. Herbed . W.,yneav1Ue Phone McMillan,
MODERN SHADOW BOXES, $1.00 ' unfinished
FOUND ---l pall' Davy blue- rayon
las.....t....l-l~ . fabrJ&.,. gloves on MaIn Street.~l..... th St t F hay WedneSda~. Owner may ree .our calling at the ' (l~ette office an~
Xenia 454
Phone Waynesville , 24 75
.... -
BblG ·SAtE!·
. Get· YoUr ,- ,r ~
'Lcitcalled on Route '850, Seve.- liUee eaat of Llbano n. IIIgbt of Blancb ester and .Bevent eeo Mllea we!t· of Wiland One Mile eBllt of P'o~ Ancletat Park on ' StIlLe. 860.
Accord ing to :sIze a'nd condition, ~11 Stocl, Ic moved pr~mptly .. COW~
Xenia, O. 1712 « W~ston, O. 2382
12130 P.M.
," !
wIth flnlsb'ed 'third noor, new fum.ce with ltoker '" blower, of. wed for 220 electrlo., full . buemen~ Outbul ldmg, rellllllt r milk houlle. broode a good cattle bam, 3 car gaf&Ce. cement .. . 1I0use. wella. failing n'Over ' three Farm bas . ThIs farm Is all tillable but for 17 acrel wbloh III In lfOOdI. the farm If yoU are looking for a farm don't miss thla l&1e as w1Ut will sell regardleB.,. of price bid. 'One-thlrd ot ,aU crops go ' farm. io pe!, cent 4epoalt day of sale and balance on' dellvelT of deeG.
pleee 10 rooMs of bedroom furnitur e, Uvtng room lult.!, 8chain, wicker lultell, ",Icker lIl'tng room table, 10 odd rooklne cabinet player plano, '8 piece dlnln, room Iulte, 5 Ice bolle", It battery IIBt, 6 roU·a·wa.y beds, table top kerosen e l"IlIlIe, alua door breaitta 'lt aete with , chain. 8 .ldtchen cablnet l. 8 dI.bee, ad cablnet a, 6 liz pleee cltnlng room, & lot of n. mentio to till nllmero too artlclell other . . .
Live WIre Rnd ProgresMve. An organis ation second to none: Strictly aellers on the bellt allarouod ma.rket In the country . 8ERVIC E THAT SATI8F IE8 For DII/l1 MII,.ket Reporta : WBIO Dayton , 1:1:50 E.S.T, DfaI 1100: WLW CinCinnati, 1240. DIal ·
~ il.818 fntera'&tloDal achaol baa WIth rebUilt motor: 1.38 Ichool baa WIth new motor; 1188 C&dU.... 7 pUlen pr couIr, 8 C)'lIDder; Model T rard tract: 1M7 DeSoto motor rebuilt. THIS IS A LABGIl BALID - So lie ·Oft time.
. . I -..... .~,
103 Acres, more or leas, Improved lfltb a eight room hOUM
_____ "_ .a_". __ _
paying for this ad (25c).
BROK ERS LICENSE F.or Dates,. Pllone Waynesvitte Ohi'o , 2894 (reverse charges) .
"!OR.E. . . .; QOWe, .. Accord lnc to. Sl~e .... and.CcDcUtlon, {
H." ' __•• ,.1
...... ....'. . HeB ..... 1DCa~
. You CI'IIIII . . .111•••,. thII year. . . . . .- ..... ...... HUll...........
. . . CaD • ....,.
'1...1D. Daldo Iullnnce Ageley ..HON. , .
. I'nI1IIDI J'naIt Thee
Irruat trees mil,. be pruned U $1.00 IJP ',PER BASIm T lloon al the leillVI. have shed . or CIder Beglnr.t ng ,Bapt. 17 anytime from then unUl IIIP riMI pncUce who ThOle tn the Ipr_ ANDRE W ORCH, lRD tall and winter PruDma avoid bay.. \ Ill' to· do WI job dUJ'bi, the nib 22,i ,Mllea south of ' Centery lUe, % . 01 eerb' Iprlll, work. 'mile east of Rt. 4a on Nutt Rd,
101.11 .....,....'
RO E. MUL....ltV aT. LlaAN ON, OHIO
N. SPYS. DELIC I· OSH .APPL ESMcINT and OUS '1.0q to '2.00 bu. Bring contaln'ere.
Tolof ta ..... In ADOIeDt ~ To mllke butter or 'l'be ancient Greeks bad the ~~ aI the c:rcloldal ,ear tooSI1: da V!Dc1 spnlld ImC1C1tbi7 without tearInC abenu not ~ apur ,eara but spiral. bnad, 80ften lit· room temP,er81un In thoae da)'l Pili' mellnt a or "pe&m " wl~ a fork. Do n~ or II 'very emaD number of melt beC~UII IbIa mllkea tba fat IIlveritiODl., to4B7 the .wont ,ear IOak into ra&her tho' 1Prea4 aD ttae meana • Iloocl of Inventi Old-al doe. brell9&he name aI almoat lin:!, ·otber m. • I. . cblllllcal d~vice. ' G EATIN AND NG\ COOHl GOOK
SE Centervll1~ on Clyo at Sodal . Row Rd. OCK WARR EN BRADD .,
Top . SoD, HaullDC, ' Banel, 'G1'&"~l Ibcan tinl' With Baclr Hoe. I DrII&'-Une and Balldos er
ROOFING 'Of All T~s lnIulae td . B,rtcb anel u1Mla· ~ldIq. Sheet metal wort of all ltInds. Local 1W~ . cell. All. Wark gual-an teed. to.
HOWA RD ~ HAAS Route " Wlly". ."III., 0. Phone ' WQnea vlU. IIt8
.... .... ....hU,. ·.AW .. .... _ l ...... Soi & e __ .... itag Arm
Wa)'lle evllle, Ohlo Phone: W81n- . 21.t or 2141, ~
TAR ... IIOAD 0&
'lnAW il . . . PILL . .
Serving Waynesville Since 1850
P.1.£ .Is Approved ~Y Ton Telephon~ Company ·Answers of Followmg Open Meetmg Cbarg'.es,. Of Civic Organization.s.
Miss Bonnie Satterthwalt8, whose marriage to 111'.. Byrd La· ckey Jr. will , be ail event of Oct. 14, 7:3'0 P .M."tl! the Methodist church. was hODored with a mille· 811l1neous bridal shower, on 8atur· clay afternoon'. th'e home Mrs, \\fargaret Beaohler in Frank, lin, ' Mr. and . Mra. David Zjnk and ~on of , Lebanon were ' Sunday WAYNESVILLE WELC()MF.45 RADOMIR'MARKOVIal evening ' gueste 'of Mr. and Mrs. The proprietors of Cold SpdnP Ed Ramby and f~IIY. , Tavern were somewhat startled Nr. and Mra, W. E. Stroud, ,with Atter firey dlscussfon perfod. last Wednesday when one fam:ll,. Mr, and Mrs. Jeslie .Thomas of l.ebanoD'. visited Ohio Ca'Vern. on the reslc;lenta of Waynesville voted nearly filled tbe eatabllshment to Suuday and caUed at the WUaon to eetablleh + !' Parent.Tea\lhere capacity. The famUy was the Harry .Bay. Edwards home near Springfield. Association In this community at an' open meeting In the high l1's of Troy. N.Y, who ,had iClrt Miss Jean LaRue was hosUla. Harold Augsburger., Lebanon th'e lr ' Ilometown Tueaday On , a to a group pf classmates with a school Friday evening. manager of the Oblo Centr&l Tele' Df tbe 91 votGa cast, ,7'1 favor· croll6-country vacation trip. Beslumber party at her lome - 011: phone Co.. replied to cbarces of ' Wednesc1ay night., Lynn Ireland. ed the eltablJahment of' th'e organ· sides; the mother and , father. , local cftlzens thIs week. ~ Cb'arlotte Klontz. Janet Conner. IzatJon and 14 op1)Osed the move. tbere were 14 chlldred and tft In answer to accusations of'"' 1n. , , Jan~ Kenrick and Sally ' Worman Acting PreBldent' Howard BrOWn gtandparents, efflolency and poor &ervloe. Aq. The , family Is Gnrollle to CalU· were overnight gueats. called the meeting an'C! two reo eburger said that repalre are noW' Mr. ,and Mrs, ' Raymond Adams presentatlves of the , ltate P.T.A. .ornla In a small bus, w~lch was be1D.g made on tbe, local equip-' and their family were , guests organllatlon were present to ell:· purchased Cor the trip. and bad ment and that at the present time SUIlday eventng of M1'8. Adam'a plalll' the (JIIrpole. or 't ile .tate· pll\Dned to reacl~ CIncinnati .for \Vorkmen were worldDg to eUmln· wide group. an aij.;lIght stay on ' Wednesd&7. I mother. Mrs, Blanche Carr. ate dIal tone troublel. Mr. Bayly said that tbinp were Mrs. Klinule, of Dayton, IIBted Tbe manager AId that unaYall· Mr, and Mrs. William Strouse. goIng Imoolbly aild that they p_ ablUty of equIpment WBa the ' on' Satur4ay evening. were among all tile . advan~. ' of a local to reach Los Angele& In. aboat chief cauae of 'troubles. t,be guests when Mr. and Mrs. group afOllating with the Ittate ten days, Tbe ' vacatlonln5 gro'up organilaUolI: the following : f As evidence that the chanJe. Kf>nneth Wlltlams entertained at 1. A 46-memoor group of state bas been' featured in .SIOC.l.~ beIng made Isl' RIttman, OhIo ' q. cards a~ their bome In' Morrow. Press Pl!otos appearing In lD8IIy Alnst th~ company, Aupburger Mr, a~d Mrs. William Ellis, wbo ' representatives to asllst local or· newBpapers througb'o ut the ~un' submitted a representative num· are ,now In Michigan, spent a few ganlzatlon. In IUI'7 problems per· try. to P.T.A. actlVltleB. talnlng ber of leading Rittman bUllneaa days recently with th'e latters concerns who stated that the ser2. Free literature 'and publlcat· parents. Mr. and Mrs. C, 'E. stan· vice W88 very .satflJfactolT. . forth. Ions of an Informative nature, to SHOWER HONoRs o About 91xty children enjoyed a assist local P.T.A. groups. , MISS ,JANE HARTSOCK fllIe afternoon on Sunday when 3. State an'd national· lobb'1lng nrograms to h'"'ln Inatal ' I benefic. Mr8. Alva Tbomp80n and II.... t he llttll daughters. PatrIcia. l , g v Ch I Pri rta1n'ed t tlIIII ial educational le... -tature. ar es ce ente a ., i ,ynn. an'll Deborah•. of Mr. and a'" bom~ of the former in, ~ Mrs. DIck Ireland entertained 4. Privll.., of attendlDc , other during the valt W'.sek 'with a brtd. their little fdendB ,and clan· ~.T..A. meetinP In o~ber ' com· al .bower. honoring Mill J . ., Left to righlt- Mrs. Sam Keys, Mrs. Robert Chapman, Mr. mates. Game.. ~ayrldell and a munltles. Hartsock. Contests were tbe ' • • }(;tdomir Markovich, Mr. Robert Chapman, ' and Rev. Sam "eJoer roast were lome of tile 'Ale s~te repreeentative ,ell:' ,erslon of the evening an'd au.- r.eys. Photo was taken on the pier in New York as the local A navy ftteran. ' Charles Ken., ' entertainment feafurell. plalned that the .tate P.T.A. 'Wi1I ed in admJrlnc the ~ ~ resIdents weloomed Mr. MarkOVIch to th~ Olllte(1 States. eth DakIn, 26, was founddea4 011 Mr, and Mrs, Ra'1 Malnou. and receive 16 centa . per 7eaJ' pel' ' glftB which' the brld~lect fo9II!!5' La t w~ek Waynesville welcomed Radomir 't,\aTkovich a Route 73, 1'4 mile! ;,eat or son. wltb friends from Welt Car- member froin the local orgUllaat· a.;"'ttns bet. s , nesvUle ~1'1 "Tn_dar ~. I'OltOD, vtatt.d' .....~ . . .~-.J~..,....;.1""4Ia4........... ,..~ T.4.YIl _. , ~~ltl~~~~~d~is~p~l,:aced petson , ,w~o will maKe his home with Mr. a~d Mrs. after be1ng ,,"ok bJ' _ auto on Sunday and at~end~ Sunday recetYe fl~ centa per _par per plait and white all" tments. ~~. ~'J. .... " dm.a ' 101m 1..-cI . c.r 9r.hool and worship service. in member'"1,m local due.: This to· ' terVed. the boaor peit finding Mr. Markovich was born in Serbia in i916 ' anct I ,".' " .' i etts. In'dlana.. tal of 210 cen" 118r member Pt!r her'1 to be a ,miniature ice cream BeJgrade wilth his parents, one brother and two until !'r. He...:melMr. and Mrs. Ray , Conner and year wW aid In financlq the bride. , Serbia was in~ aded in' 1943. He attended the Uni.v erslty of Count'1, pTe a ftreliot, of Mr. and ,Mrs. Lon Bsckett yIalted 8tate and natlon:al P.T..A. tunct· TIle puts were IIfll Jane . ' accidental death. DakIn lutrel'6d =ox.. ' , Belg ' rade andl li-raduated 'from the agricultural college at ~em. multiple In'urles' '-oIu.. ln- a p __ tke former's daughter, Misl Iud: IUUa. Hartaocko 1II1as lean Hartsook. 6 ---. U&,I III \Ul&6 a.,... lin. One week af ter Hitter Invaded his homeland, he was trans· habl~ IIcull fracture. Ile rennrted. Ith Connor &t Ohio Unlversl.". LftUe oppe.ltlon to the tormat. Mrs. ·R. B. ·lIartaock, lin. Lena t " " • A" ...-. ..._ ..... _ eliar HAA'..- In, Ion of the 'P.T.A. 19'89 regletered HartIIo ..... ..... , .. ...ra,' ported to Ge,rmany as slave labot and continued In that sta e' Dakil" served lor three ...;. #~u Athenl. On .Sund&7. -~Mr. Vernon Shutts. wbo enter- at th'e meetlnl'. Those whO' Oppal' Clarence _ _ 1', .., _rs .•Y , C. HIley. llntil the' end of World War 1,1. His moUler, brother arid sisters tbe ua,VY and attained tile 'lrade ed Ohio State UniT. In, September. ed the orpnlaatlon cUd not beIleve Mrs. Dodd', !'O'WD, Mn. J. K . survived the I war; but ' his onl'y contact with them for the past of f"reman ftnt clau. He 'WU ells. wal guest of his parenta, Mr. and that aHWatlon with. state or "Pfe~toDI lint ' ames ' Holman. ten y ears has, been through censored letters. ' charged In 11148. He had been. em· e Mrs, Harold 9huUs and tamilf-. nailonal poup' lrouJd be of value. MI'8. B. L. R.Je. Mn. Beeman ," Em. bittered. . agai~st dicta~orship in ' any form and 's~picious :!:ye;a:: -';=b~,:: : for the weekend. Oa Sand&7 Mr. and they did not like the Idea of Stewart. Mrs. H. a. 119111, M.... of Tlto's enmIty WIth RUSSIa, he comes to America WIth hope Dayton. ' an'll Mr&. Shutts imd family were eendIng 210 cents per member out Lyle 1'olE. lira. Ralpll 10luul, Mn. d I rllnner SUaBte of IIr.and Mrl. of the community to IUpport the linton lIartaoCk. Mn. Cbar}81 for an oppo,rtunity to apply his talent.s and ambitions towu a Military serYIces, with Rey. R. Sh~rman RoblD. "tate or national P.T.A. How, DaVis, JoIn. &Wen BartaocIt; Mrl, co nstructive Christian life. "' , B. Coleman officfatlng, wtll be con· 1.. N. BartIOck and hil daughter eYer; thI8 oppo.ltloD' did not mat. RQmolld Conner and Mi.s Sarah' Mr. and~ Mrs" Robert D. Chapman, sponsors of ~r. Mark,o- ,ducted at Mcf)lure ~ ' b~e, Mrs. Dorothy 'ScbeUer. wish \0 erlally effect the' dellre of tbe Conner. vicll, were acco~pimied by the Rev. and ' Mrs. Samuel Keys to Friday at 2 'P.M. an~ bUrIal will lend kind rember.ncee to all ~ortty of penlOn'a present at "tbe ~New York ; where they met Mr. M!ar~ovjch upon his arrival be made ,In ,MIami oemetel'J', tbelr Wayneavlll.. "lendl from meeting to afflll.te wlta the MisL N.,~ Lougacre, bride- aboard the 1:). S. Mmy Transport S. S. General Muir., ~ CHUR-" OF' 0~1ST P.T~ . elect of JoIr. »and Stratton, whoae ~ '-nft San Antonio, TexaB~ where they Brown wtll continue al tem. marriage .... lID eTeJrt of SatorPLANS HOME COMING are no,.. r8sldlq. chi.1rman of the W'anrel' d8¥ eTea1ng. wu honored with a MISS NORM.<\, LONGACRE EARL CONNER'S HOSTS ~ ~ homecoming of the We7The Motllers Club w01 .A. umU permanent offl- bridal ahower OIl WedDead.., ey· WEDS MR. STRATrON-.:; AT cl.ASS PARTY nesvllle Cburch of Christ be 011' Friday 'afternoon at the, grade ceriJ are elected. Be appointed eLing, 1rU honored with a IJrldai in a doubllB ring ceremony ,at , IIr, and Mrs. ' Earl Conner were lield SUnd.." Oot. 16, wltll lIslaU' 'bulldlng. The Im.... ......- eaday even In g program ' .... rtaDt' lelue of the foUowing .commlttee to suo- shower on W ...... the LTtle Methodillt church, MlS8 bost 'and " ho~SB to the G o l dday en . . . . . '.p'---'" ..,"· , t.he meetln'" BaDa'1 and .... -~. Dav Norma Longa.cre ,ad Mr. DaVid Rule SUJI~y ..... Sch'001 C'-iii the ' Sta,..tIn.. at 9'.30 A.... .. will be the queltlon m,lt nominatIons for officers at the .. lUrs. Stanl.... VI .... 11 ~- ~~ -- .. . the (If aurnaWag with the P.T.A. next meeting of, the croup: Ed' Id Hafuoclt. Strattoll' Uc)uUlged wedding vows Methodist churcb ~g room on church. the program for dv Installation of t;Jf~cer~ will be pr SmIth. chairman; Mary LeYellow ami white weifdlng beUs Sa\1U'd&7 at '1:3Q P.II. ' , Thursday 'evening. wllllnclude. Instrumental Ud -to. the ma1D buslDeBB of the evening May. lira. Samuel KeYI. ~bert were . ..,10.1 ed In the decoration The bride lis the daughter of Th1s was a "Back to School cal leleotlons Ill' the morDlng, a whea the , W&11\esvllle ' American Barnett, and Virginia Hard III:. 8cheme, and games and conte.tis Mr. and Mrl. CaITln Longacre and Party" and, "readln'. dUn and rlth. basket 'dinner at the' h.Igh M:hool , Legion ,meebl Monday evening. , A by.laW'll co~lttee compo.ed were the diver-On of th'e eyell'lng. the , gl'O:Om Ie the BOn or ' Mr. and matlc" were studle4. a1S\) a spell· at nOOD, and aft~rnOOl/1 services at Mrs. John ' Keraey.. first grade o( ReT, Bernard Baughn, I4rs. Much time ".. taken in openlll8 Mrs. Stratt,oDt of near' Lebanon.' Ing bee was a feature of the even. the ohurch ' at jI:IO P.M. teacher, fs, ver~ Ul at her home Roy Smith. and Mr8. K. M. Retal. I and adml'J.tag the JDanJ' lovelY Dr. loseph' M,ers performed ing. Eacb gueat . received a paper Principal sp8aker for, the daJ on Main 8t. hck. ".. appointed to fo~ulate gifts wblch tile bdde received. the ceremony before an altar dee. b'a g, wblch 'contained' a delicious will be Brother Ard Hoben. mID· Mrs. WaQer Whlialter' be rules an'd replatlons for the local D&inty t:efreshmenta were aer'v· orated , with l)aIme. boulluelll and lun'Oh. ' Ister of the ~tlaI1' Hour' Padlo hostess to the W.e.T.U. , meeUll8 P.T.A.. ed b'1 tile hoatelL candl..., ThOle present were Rev. and, prosram. Bev. Hoben wtll deUT' o olHMirvance of ' ~ R. B Col - r. an d -_n. er on Friday, O~ n. Tbe IDtUal meet1ng of tire Way· TIle ,ltth aDD1IIII Mr. Don GahrIe ' eang nuptial _tB. ' . aman, .... T1 ' the address at the II :80 le~ •• , 0 neariUe P.T.A.. will be beld Oct. mUllc,' aooOm]panled on tlie plano R. C. Moler, Ill'. C. Eo Palmer, ceo ME Dnov I'HANT8 EAT STEAKI S1prd1l7. Inf by Mra. I"L-..... A Mrll. Cl''Y de K e11ar, "'1 The eh~ inYite8 e,...... to at the Jalah 8cllool. On the Men and Millions ' ~... .. ss Sarah I"-. '# C ... Leo 'c .... attend the bo .... eoo ... ' llate for, meeting will be ' the, whlchall Protestant churches 0 All merchants who The bride'sl brother was the onner, _rli. onner. lOUSB III ......... Anlf1rlca.n.,1election ' and lDIIta1laUon or ofUce. the united States and beet man and the groom'l ... <PIni a &:&A&\Illl. O7_ ..... n M1'1, . Ge raid Mco t he Wayne TO'WDlbln If ...ster Viraa ~glon 180~tbl,ll team y,;1U be treat· apProTal 01 by.lawl, and reg. have been In.tted to participate was maid ot honor., ... M1Uamll, Delores Towuaend. IIr. , , Monday ' evening abOut ' 16 ' neted to a ateak ~el' at Mom'l Istratlola of membera. wW occur tb1a ~all" on Novemlwlr TIa's bride chose a Bult of corill 8 ..'11 Mrs. Robert Clark and cblld. " ..bors of LizzIe Kibler surprised old·fashioned farewell 18. ' with black lIcces~orles. her bou· reno Hr, and M.... James Jon~s. her with Pantry, M~nda'1. Det. 10 at 8 ~M. ~"'onl' , The s1n8le purpose of that obf hit UI ;."d.... Ke th D~taI1i ~ party. Her new home will be ·the Tbe treat II ~n the T' ~. eervaD-ce .. to Innuence the ia" quet was 0 w e roses. ....r..... ...ra. nne "'" Oa. OltellbeJn Home. Lebanon. at. t.. , METHODIST C~URCH NEW8 Havlbg done ~aUsractOry Hoi. men of No,th America to IU,!..ort A reception following the cere· Mrt &lid lin. Herbert MCMillan, o , BeT. a. B. Coleman 19''' oaUed Iteln caJr club work durin, 1948, morl4 PD~b' the mlllsliJtJar., mony ' was beld at the lome of 1Irs., AUce Crowl. Mlel Dorothy Wi'l bur' C. Conley' • svll·le. work of tlaelr ' tbe ,bride's prenta. Mr. aod Mrs. Drummond, Mr. Treular H&nu.n. WAYNESVllJ.E MARKETS " at · the funllral to ofUelate -., ....... u relpectlTe cburchu. Strattoli ,(Information supplied· by Way. \t.._ wUl ,~e their ..ome on tl!'e bost, and h08ta.a. h or Mrs. D. O. SpaIlr held lD as , been .warded ., Certificate 1Ibe oDilervanoe 'Ia .poiulo~ hesvWe Farmers' ExcbaDp.) JUDI h the Back rarm' on LytIe' rd. 0 • ...... M erI t and gran ...... a The only actiVity noted dtarInc MadIey J'uneral Home. or and promoted by t e CQUN:fV lEAL 8ALE the palt week was In the ~ beaD Tburs• • , I\lembenblp , In the Holateln·J'rIe· MlAlonaJ7 Movement of Friends' and 0 , reiaUve. have W,ILL 'BE HELD NOV. 2t.DEC. Mr. Spahr".. member of the '91aL' ~pClatlon of Amere&. He Amedea, be. It Ia reprelleDttMl J'IKl8fyed InTiltatlons for the wedd· R. E. Auppurger. prsaldent of market. Weat,ber seelD8 0 be the New laslMll' lIetho4llt CJl1II'Clb. was reoommeded for these. award. In thouaanda ' of oItiea and toWIUJ Ing of. Mia, Jane Hartsock to IIIr. the wUren Coilnt7 T.B. ana He- controlling factor. ,IoIany beans Greene 00.. " . . . . Il.eT. (loIem'" by the It&te 4-H , Club leader. ' .., eltller a Iacal putoror a 1&7. Charles McCuUock at the l'rIend·. a1th Ai.n.. annonnced thi8 week have been haveBtsr 1u ~Is and "rved btl MOCJD4 ,..tGraIe. All 1Jl'IT118IU of the ullOO!atlon IIWl wbo ..............Ident chair- Meeting Hui~se on Satunla7. Oct. thal the 111'8 ChrIstmas Seal Ale rndlana reports Ita IIarYest aboat IIr. ' and lin. O. R. UQIeI.... ueept 'f.ottq ~Ye . . . . IIITen 'to man. TIle Bev. Samu'!l No' ~,. 21. 3:30 P .•.• with a reception to will 1M CODdtaoted. In thI8 count,. half over, Oblo hu DOt. yet beaaJL RaIns that dela7 the ba• • repn....ted tile local lleUMM1lat blm uatb lire Ia 11 ,..... or 1118. .. realdat ,abaInnaIl 1Ir War,*", (oUow lmmedlatelJ at the home atartiDc Nov. 11 IUr4 utendlns may strengthen &he market. Bat Cburcll at the DaTtoIII m.t. IIMIttHe Ia the lOTl5t1l member ot TtUe. Be .. 'IaTJUQ eTel'J 'of the br.Ide's parenta, IIr. and tlIroqIa Dec. 1&. th, Oyerall trend See1D8 to be for 1111 Iael4 at I'altIleId-OtII 'l'W- 't lla lIoI*tefD.l'rI..taJl cau Club of to appolM au of .... larm_ ~ lira. Bou Hartsock , 0 !Id&J " AawIc& tG &GId8ye tIaIa ..UOIlai IQI8.K bderb" OIl Clar&tlan ...... 1Ir, and Ill'll. J'n4 BooIl had .. a lower bean martet. ' TIle ...... ar' IoU preoec1tnl , tile ~ .... Statlley B. B&fIeT llonda7 cUimer pesta. their dq. CURRENT llDe 111m . . GJl .......... NOT. 11. ftIa peate of IIr. &Qd .. Dele ..... Mr. Com • ~ ..... .. ......... ' tLJl Ita. ..... . . . .. "LIt.. act DOW . . i~ltallD aDd~. u4 II1'L ,liIcIaiard ..... anll da1I- w.t ......... .. ..... P-8& ... _ . . . . .......... ....... IIL .... ..... . . . . ..,....1ItII1j~ ...... ,Met. " IJr1Qfte!4
Election Of. Officers To Be Held Oet. 2l
Full' Hoose
Augsburger Says Improvements Are :Being Made Now
Aecident Victom Was N~'J Veteran
. ....
' .....
Red Delegate Urges U.N. Accord; World Awails Pound Cui Effects;' Walkouts Plague Maior Industry
ARMS BILL: Meddling Feared
l\Illr, arlne
Hot Wa te r Hottl e r :ltch Ano ther way to patch a leaky ha l 'water bott le IS ~o me lt parI 01 ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a n old jar rubbe r ; ru b, the molten rUbbe r ove r Iohe ho le wIth a n at, bladed knife a nd press it d own with your fi ngers.
LilIt-Type Device " Used on Tractor
New Justice
Will Aid Materially 'In Easing Fann Chores
To color m arga rine for table use. put yo ur electric m ixe r to work on the j pb , T hen. without cleanillg the str a y m a rga rine off the m ixe r paddl es. use the mixer {or whipping ,m asp ed potatoes.
Cole Sia w Ores/illlg
In st~ a d at vInegar for a cole ~ I a w dressing. use the le rtove l IUlce trom a jar 01 s wee t pickles
Condlments, , Kee p s la rge shaket of both sal t a nd pepJ;ler tn the ~ I tchen and you ca n a dd both condiments 10 a d ish with one Jhaking.
To help with those odlt chores You ' ll g;et a n unusu al n av~r . about the fa rm that ao often are t ime·wastioi ahd back·breaJdng, Dumplings Plttsburgh forgin gs com·pany of If dumplings a re on t he s a me Coraopolis. Pa.. ha s developed a menu as gra vy, d on' t wash the Ilf t·1ype utility ca.rrler for use, on bOWl in WhiCh the du mp iJng dough Tea Flavor trl~ c to rs, was mixed Instead . add a littlE' The Plttsburgn carry·ll1t Is at.- wa ter to the " o u ~ h whi ch sti c k ~ A . d rle.d ple,ce df ora nge rind, t nched' in a few seconds 'to tractors to the bowl and use It to thk ken kep t an the cO/loister. adds a fine through the regular implement lIua- 'the 'gravy. fla vor to tea, pc'oslon points, Made of alloy spring s ll~e l and structu,r al steel. It will KestorlnJl Mercury hSlodle load, as heavy as 700 pounds. If the m ercury ~n Ii th ermom An im portant feature at this new et er sepa ra tes, try to sh a ke it tounit Is Its quick conversion from • ~ ether Or. dip it in ve ry cold platform li ft to n fork lltt.. making wa ter fo r a fe'fol minut es 11 bol h it universal In the type, of loads fail. it's u!lua lly ho pe less and , 9 It eM ' both lift and carry. It can be ne w the rmome ter i,s the rem edy used as a platform lltt either with or without a back panel, and pock·
For Little Fellows With Big,Colds •••
No Wa'ste
During the war Mr. Bulbsn atc her was very conservat ion conscious. He ma de his wife sa ve all the rats from her cooking He hi mseU saved the waste pa per a nd nattened the tin cans a s per in, structions, but his wife couldn 't understand why he saved dead electric light bulbs, "Why a're you saving those?" she asRed. "W~ CBD make ' the good bulbs , last longer,l' he eltplained , "by us,ing these dead bulbs during blackouts."
Motller . . • the best· known home remedy you can use to relleve dI8tress of 1lts 'cold is warming. comforting Vicks VapoRub. U 'you rub It on at bedtime. It w.arka ~ whIle t hIJ c/lfld S/fl~" And often or by mormng tl,l,e worst miserlell.... hla cold are gone. TrY it. oet one and ' o~y Vlcta VapoRuJ)1
The !arm ".ITf-llft Is attAchetl In seC~1 tbrou,1a the recular trActor Imp'1emeat ' .apeIislOD point.. Heavy ClOD~e... caD be Uppecl aDd roUed ODta tile platform without WUac. Th~ traotor , ~rtne ra.... tile e&rf7-1lft. t its are provided for atandard 2* II: "" Mathematics slakes. The frame II punched to An lnstruotor was teacnlng a \lll'ovide easy securln, of loads and cJass an intensified course, R~al· fClf the , addition of a wooden plat- Izing that the boys, were begi nn ing Try this Delicious fClrm. ' to show the strain 01 constant Chewing-Gum Laxative Used as a fork 11ft, the , utility' study he decided to eas~ the sltua· c:arrier works Ilke 'a .mall , hay tlon with a rather. pointless ques yo. roli ·. ' teN.1I .1•• beadallh, and JUI\ awflll beCaUMI ,011 oee4 buck. and tbul can pick up bulky tlon. we - do tblll ••• . -' __ material \vitout the lift having to "II a chair has four legs , Is • luaU C~ ,-,.·IIIlft-de1\01oUl cbe. . . .• be loaded by hand. Heaviel. load. painted white. and rolls on east· It\IIIIluaUYe. Tbe _etlon of ,....·.-II~. apectal med1cLDe .. l>&1'Ou .... the .~ ean be handled III this way by UI' ers. how 'old am 11" ' infJ skid-pallets. Ita capacity for The surprised stu d e 'D t a aat That III. it doeon'\ acs "bUa LD me aWlll· but onl, "beO farther alOOI ID &be Ught. bulky load. can be extended dumbtounded . Then tile most acb. lower c11pat1. . ~ ••• ,,1IeN ,Oil materl!ill7 t by putUpg 2* II: t" for~ backward member at the 'class W act. YOII feel flDa IIPlD QUlCkl' I And aaleot.. " aba,,\ o l m .... extensIons Into the bracket. pro- supplied the answer. 44., ," Ylded ' . • .r (' ! It was the instructor's tum to bl' FIIIH-A'IIIlft·. ~ iDMllcin. more un .'1'IIU11." It eo It II.,.,. ..oU, Into Luting of heavy contaJner. like amazed. "That's correct." he uw.,.tem.Otit ........·KTJW.tall' mllk cans ldruml and' barrels 11 s.aid. "but how ,d id you \tnow?" ckq counlAlr-U" so. or eliminated' by the ! ca rry·l~ -b'. ,.--1'he student ' supPU.ed 'the second cause 'theBe can be tipped. and answer. "My , tfrotl1er Is 22 and rolled onto the platfoml which ptac· he' s only half crazy", tlcaUy rests on the ground. Small "'c-,. ......,.......•• ............ '1 liulldlngs', ranie IIbelters. and feed· era can be ea'BUy and qulckly moved JI .. U M~ 1 by tip'p(ng illgbUy and fIIOnJni ,the ~ .... " . . . . ' 1 fQrb beneath them. Heavy ba,1 "f?1 ' 11 leed grain can be taken to the field With a mmlnium of llftihg, and ~ A General Quil;; ',' • ~ field feeding la made both quicker ........................ 1" .................. ..: ...... ... t;od eaSier. ,. , The wt11 be' foUltd PBI" The Qu~~~ionS ~Icul.rly useful \ because material 1. Will 8 cow give. mOfe ~ilk \I I!~ be moved over .'" ~d qf she is milked three times a day ,rpund. ,under any cql\41t1on wher~ Instead at two? ' . ' • tractOr can operate and ~1tl place. , 2. What is the - biggest ,crop in . might be inaccessibl,rby 'other the U.S,? " t , . ' ~leana of tranlportation. J 'a. 18 there a s.,..,e way tq teU .."".., f,,1It Dyes quickly, easll,., emil" ' sheep from gO,aU\? . , 4, How long doell It take to feel Coptalas n!ma{kable cleanlns lind penet~t. Ipil IQllrcdleJits. GUARANTEED to dye ill a pin pr ick In vour ringe'rs? the ,,,,,,. IPIrkllllC 5. Does' the weath'er a I waY s fabriea,· Dyes color. AI~. color true IA trave-) In a glven dlr~tioD? , dealu does
• w...
wall' "
onI' .... 10.
t"' ......... "' ...
Nowat last'!! ~flN~.dye CLEANS AS IT DYES' ""' ,., ,",,,,,,,,-.,,,,,..,.,,,,.
. ~~.(,
'PllliTl",c:'r'~ri dye, " rile
The A"lwen Yes. from 10 ta 25' per
t\ \
fit AIIEIIICa. COl'. '
_ ...."....- ILT.
' Com. " 3. Gdats carey the:lr ~ taila up sheep carrYI theirs. d9YiD. ~ AQout qne hun~t~dth, of a sec{,l
• '5. Almost always~ '' In the tem , pl'rate zones fta ',Clfrection 111 from the West to the East:' ,
Dr7 reef ..
• !tad Pe)'~, ODe of tile mOlt com.,eous oppci8ltlo~stl to de:fy communism III tbe Bunrar~ laD parnameDt, 11 ShOWD Jleam. lac lIappU, OD his .rrlval In ' New York.
1hat , aumber were aertously in· jured. ' One-thlt'd of dlat Dumber. the a.8OC\aUoo nporled. aved ' on
6)r '
wttll Ulhtnlna
America'. ..... .moe ,
Money Helps Fight Disease in Europe end.
plan oould raw' with ana pba.. ac It. at ....&. he lb. record aItond that Ib.roulb IIIia m •• na .... Ullhed ·sea....u tbrowtD. &be ..... wtilb& of modem medica.! . . . . . tato JI:W'ope'a baHI, a,a\nat war-epawned ........ and ma!ltu. IdIIDa. 'I'IU .........ed .., I:CA rdIIaI·.... . . . .. ..... lie IIanbalI pia .. of the find uWe
,.\8 ',.mi
.....DlpaDd hu 'I
TRADE BODY.: Canon Okayed
De.pita ~orou ltepUbli. can oppo.ltloa, loIm~. canoo w .. confim!ed b7 ......ute . . . memo bel' Gf tile faderal ~ COIIIJIlla. ,loa. 'DIe Trumau appolDta. .a • aonflrmed b7 • vote of 411 to •• CUIoIl'I ecoaoml. ...... am• under lleavlut In fIaaa tile ",pub. llcaDI, wlUs ...., obuIIDI 111m cIOUa... proyWed ' bJ .... ~lwtUs laclt of 1M CClGpUatkll edmln'ltralllD ,..: AmedGID ".. 1=~.=:': II aJ countrlea .nd are .. taklb, part in the Europeaa recover, pro,ram ware bela. luppUid with new labOl'lltorJ aacI boepitaJ eqUipmeDt. PenfaiWD ud 'ItreptoID)'Cln, u .eO a. racllum aQd Uteral17 toDI of other tDtcIlc:inal procluctl IIad beeII put to work III £urope ..,
ca-. ..
'armen b, • Pe_,lvania manarae.rer: Available Il1aoe tIM. tnII, as • bI,IIe,.,r1~ea r Indu.. " trIIil beUlae, the red ",fIber bel'lac ~ • pre-war f."orite wlUl ·fa~·eN. : 'l'b& fannas be hls flnt roD bIdIeatell .. bll , welcome . . I.. retva .., ,mal'u.t- ~ beltiq ,Is pal1lealarlr ........' beea_ 01 ' It. adiIetJ
Gf aD' ~ ares. &be ltFPA "reed rar;m,... to take .tePI now to ellml· aate .ucb buardl. The. . .te~ were u.ted .,: cbecldll8 of wlrln, .,atellll,; , wettln, dowu 01' InfIam· mabie roola la ,dr, weatller; la· ~ beatin. plan'" and chlm· De7a. a~ proteCtJoa of maiD build·
"rlla ,..d., r••
at 1e.1I balf
O'HIO SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL DENTISTRY A or tile war, Ibe fll'l& Nd rubber a,J'lcuUural beltlnl baa beeD made av..llable to
Carmi, I: t' Report4n8 . lbat a lie. Itructural ha~
toq~ ;
'l'hunday, October 6, 1949
FIRST AID to tbe ~\l\t~G ~O~SE
The Expert RIchard Bill WllJIlnson
ONE had muoh faith! In tli&
N . new sh,eritf. The nigh.t : preced-
~g the day ranchers of Valley held B dise Saloon.
Finishing Walls And Floor of Cellar , QUESTION: I should like some advice on fimsninll the wa~ls and floor of our cellar .• which we now are digging out , Our house was built without a cellar. ANSWER: The rloor can con sist of at least four inches 01 good waterproof concrete , If you intend to make a game·room, you could cover lhis with asphalt tile, wh Ich I should b~ properly laifi by an ex· perienced' workman. ' The walls can consist of poured concrete. or concrete block . They should be waterproofed on the outside below , grade with 'two coats of hot '
tar or asphalt pamt The outsIde trc'nch can be provided Wit" drain tile to carry off water . or many case should be solidly packed with earth formed mlo a banI! at the top sloping away from the house. Do not threw any kind of rubble, stones or anything els,! Into the trench .can be provided with drain hqlds volumes 01 water that may work Inside tlie cellar (I hope you will have expeTienced help with this important worlt.·) U you wish to paint the walls either 'inside or outside. use' a waterpro(ll cementbase paint, Get this from a dealer in building 'supplies mason supplies. · ,
ot his a!rlvaJ the the . Ro~rlng: Rlve~ meetmg Ul thl,e Para Mark Raoul. largest _L oatUe o1wner in r----""'--.. the vicinity, was 'Mlnute th~ spok:esman. Fiction No l~ ~e In '--_ _ _ _~ . exp e c tl, n re: sults from thll! young dep~ty theY'res~nc:ilng up from the county seat. He S 8 west-: J~rner with eastern Ideas a[l' a college education, Probably got a - - - - - - - - -- - - ---'-- - - - - - ' - - ---:-- - - head full ot new fangled DoUons on Home Workshop how to run down a bunch of Afl~ . zona catUe rusUers. Thing: for us to do Is organize a vlgilant:e group on our own, and wipe them there cattle' thicves otf the tace, of the niche, table space, deep shelf, big map." drawer and goo~ Jines. ' "How we gonna do tha't ," Rex:'
Useful· Stand Is Easy ,to Make
Rupert to know, we , ain't gotwante\l 11 nQtion ",here "when the rus~ lers is tak~' our catUe?" ,
• • •
Because of a world shortage ot , lead, th'e fabled Klondike of song \( ' and story is active again; but this ',time prospectors turn their backs on gold an,d fpcus .their attention on lead which is ~ow high on the list of metals critically nee~ed for industry and defense stockpiling. In pho.t~ above~ Otsitq, l04-yea, old' Mackenzie Indian and Ta'la, his 97-year old ',quaw, talk with Father 'Henry Huybers, knpwn as the "mining P',iesf,".who carries,a portable altar to the mi",es. , "
t. '.
Rex's thoughts were tather glum as Ihe rode back to the rSlnch. He felt almost sut~: now, that the new deputy would fail. " About mldday ot the next, day Vic Stuart rode in just ·Rex, 'finished . bis luncb. , ,"HoW many Br~ed m~ ~ can you proylde lI'le?" the youtltl Bske" shortly. . VIc stuart led ' them to It seption , 01 COlUltry tamlliar to .therot all; the hopes 1,I1at' Rex had entert~,ined ' began 'to ebb. ' Then ,~uddell1y they burst out ' anew' a8 Vic el~ter~ a nmow canyon, the , exlsl~erice of
The 'tinr Canadian governp1ent otficl1 at Keno Hill (above) is a center ,of ac~ivity. Here E. Myles ' Flynn, of Consolidat~d Yu. keno,Mine company, paid William Sime, government ossayer, $lOO,. ~ 000 for a group of claim.s. ,11'1 photo ·above, Sime (right) talks with Flynn ab!)ut the Claims. Photo ot left shows Charley Nord, prospector, looking at map, but ' his eye oct~(llIy is on .the Sil»8rian ' husky owne4 by Mrs. Ruth Hen- I drickson, who ' came in with the rush of '98: ana stayed In. !lssa~
,"alta 11IIey',e
, ....m : til. 70ul' , depati '. ~ ap ' from &b. ' CIO~'7 aea~,"
'." • ,.Ru .t8l!e~, "you Bin~. ~~l!IId the l"UItlers' roost?.. ,
'\ . : I'"w. . easy, ~ .~,
My,les Flran .(photo at ,.right) ' ins~ecb lead and silyer 'being baOged for shipment by ,Ed TobarilC on dump ot Galena Hill, Flynn, who,cQ'yered world, wide mining intere$b of John Ha~ Hammond for ' . many years, scIys ore i, , highest grade he has eve;
.ftID1~ · 1o
",)iO"w ....'O're.all eDou,li IIII'D M
. f.
· , ~k. .Jare of, &b,e ~tJe~.. ~bo I
are a& tile present m~m'eJIa ellNed' iD' br&IidiD, '),our ',alGid 'GaWe." '. '.. .11" ' ,
·tvhiCh wail , it lUl'Jjrlse to tiVeryoae. A 'moment later .be pointei:l down into • b1C\d't n valle), where ttood a eouple at rough , ahacq and an .Itontelililgly large berd ()f catUe. ~ EX a¥ed nil .!luestlon, but directed his l1Ien into a tan, lhaped line, then ordered , them to move down the ' slope, The rustlers were taken by 8u;Prise. 1bey tied no Idea as to tHe size .of' the at-, taCking force, 'and after a desult<ll')' attempt to (lght oft the linvadera, the maID bodY. brOke and fled. Tbe bt, IIIrprlse ",. &be, affair occurred "bea Vic Sialii rode, ap wlUl ""' "~al":ed ., ae.ider 01 &be "!ltIm 'apd, 118Ddlne before &e. alld hi, rld~I'1I, tore off tile leader'. mask, ·rievealiii.' tbe fe.alues of B ....k BuaJ, . "Matter of brains," Vic .,Inned,. 'Tunny thlnl It didn't occ~lr to an, 01 ~u IiQmbtea Uveid In W. eoUII~ aU 70Ul' buDcb 01 rutlert when there wam't •
TeJ:ry O'Neill, (!ef.t)~ with ,packdog and ' guide, prep~res :tor a trip; ,t~rpugb.:mo\lnt1lins f1:' oU,t l,ing liIille coljlp. Ter7" tYpifies the • , .. I ,. many young ·men "OW in , the YuItOft' ,helping' get out much-n...cred ,,~l
. ,I"'" • .' lead~ TIle . I~" 11 "",...t" eqUIP-
.ent, for IgriDtr ilia,. Welgllilr~ t . • half-ton and· ..... ....111 the . molifttalM alrd don't lill. "~
ert. Th. griDl, Js .• arel. as the "'OIt ....erait ...iI"ah.' the enti.. htm"~
water ~.boutl II
IUve', TIla' W88 tbe CID, I lOt _Ielf a ItIak and QIed It lO Del to Indleate the dI~lct14i/il - . Forti*" ba&el 'rau to indicate &he .,.... If Mid J)rOperi:r at ... apert." JUa trIDIdacL ''I reeloD rm an llUp-.rJo··
* A Smoother rngine Idle.
* Improved, ,Galollne
* ' Increaled Electroele LIf.~' :11 i....u..· of It, low rote ot .I"tr""~ Aulo· Lit. Re,',1'" Spork gap .!"nlP cind odvonla".....nibl., tho ...w
"'Idor Inllial
""0 "ollon, .
po'''''11 mak.. t .....
.-Dry Rid - ge TIIII IIUIII ·
The Miami Gazette Eat.btlaheel , . Published evel7 Thurada,. morn· Ing at Waynelvtlle. Warren Caunly, Oblo. Edna H. Conover. . . ... Publilh er Ted Conover ...... . ..... Editor
A Farm Diary
_.--.,. - -- --.. By D. "J. Frazie r
w. ate ad came bact. OraD· tlIIIe came .ul It . . . Inl,.et . DlPt bOt aUU I ClOUldn't. bear to leav.. Dark cam. and we At up exteul on corda and ~ on thEI I~bta. (llllCh better, bJ tire w.y. than the 014 lanteml l down In' Elwood Reed7'1 aupr boule.) And ItllI we bolled and IIklmmeti. At laat I went to Granp la.t.e and leflL .John &J;ld .Jolmn,. boOinar and skimmlll&. Th!l Grange meetlDK was 10nK but wbelr the Jut bit of ca.'te was eaten and Ute laat CUll ot coffee drunk I came back ' and tbe lIibta were IItiU bum,ng but they were throqb boiling and sklmmlnc and were dipping It out Intc) Cl&DI. It. wu clear, deep red· dls'h brown. and I IIILIDpled It OD my finger. It !lad a pod ' rich lor' guEn tute ant! It waln't . lcorche d elth'er. We made about fifteen gal· Ions. And no. that chore i. onr for anothe r ,.ear. We bad the ,itlrat frollt ot 'the season WII WMll: but nothing seemed to be harmed by It. Another week and we - wm baye routln« , eara and new bean... I hop... 1 hope, I hopeI a
METHODI8T CHURCH MT, HQLLY METHODIST R. B. Coleman, Mlntater T. M. Scaff, Mlnlste r . Octobe r 3. 1949. October came In Entered as . second cl9.8& matter SubscrlpUon Rate : $1.60 per Church Scbool, 9:80 A,Il .. 1. J. Bunda,. Scbool. 9:80 A.M.. m. ),ear at the pOBtofflce at WaynelvUle. In Bureke. Supt. Ohio Kentucky. and Indlal18. true to (orm, blue IIkle8, 1\'arm A. Earnha rt. Supt. ObJo. Worship Service, 10:80 A.M. 12.00 elsewhere. Worsblp Bervlce, 10:80 A,JI. 8unsblne. bright leavell, lreen Youth, Bund&7. 11:80 Evenln'g ServJce. '1:80 P.M. graa8. golden rod and asterll. wa': P.M. . n utll and hickory nuts. all ,the Joys UTICA "U.B. CHURC~ William Shannon, Mlnillter and beauties of the tradlttlonally aT. MARY'S EPI8COPAL • • • Sunday School. 9:80 A.M .• Mrll. beautiful month. a whole weekend Samuel N. Ke)", Rector James Garrison. Supt. It was ·a long, heated , and someti mes silly meetin g that of It. The leaves are ' turning MominC Worihl) ), 10:80 .A.M. Pl'i!acbJng. tat. and 8re1. SUD" , precee ded the approv~ l of a P.T.A. for W:1yne svi1\e Friday early tbis ye~r and are unu8uall, daya or eact.' month, 10:80 A.M. Evening ServlceB. 1 :80 P.M. ben.utirul. The sugar maples In evenin g and perha ps th at is just as well. For now that a WAYN E8VILL E FRIENDI' great front of lI'lrat the Da,. old School, ':80 A.M. Marqua rt houae many p oints, both major a nd trivial, have been aired, we can. MeeUnc for Worahlp, 10:80 A.M. CAESAR'S CREEl< FRIENDS all get behind the orga nizatio n and give it the boost it needs are like names of red an'll gold. David Stanfield. Mlllister Bcarlet maple near tbe corSunday School, 10 A.M. to becom e an integ ral improv ement factor in our commu nity net of Third ana Hlgh'Way 71 In Worship ServJc~, 11 A.M. FERRY CHURCH OP CHRIST B,fron Carver, Ministe r Waynesvllle Is the firllt tree . to J)Jble School, 9:10 A.Il. LYTLE METHODI8T CHURCH '('he P. T.A. has proved itself in thousan.rls of commu nI- turn: red every year and tbls· year Morning Woranlp, 10:80 A:Il. B. E. Baughn. Pulor tIes throug hout the nation and in the record of its .opposi Il Is redder than usual. There are Prayer MeeUng, 7: 00 P.M. Church School, 9:80 A.M .• Mrll. tion also one or two unu8uan,. red Young P~ople'8 Meeting. 'l :00 t o ha~mful legisla tion propos ed by vested groups in both Henry Sao-lor. Supt. . · the oneB Evening Services. '1 :30 P.M. Worshl)) Service. 10:80 A.M. on Fourth lit. There are t he state and nationa-l legisla tures. Howev er, the P_ T.A.. is nO better 'in anyon e commu nity certain treell that I look for each ADVISCRY COUNCIL MEET8 WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF yea.r becaulle ' they are unulluaUy CHRIST than that commu nity makes it. Simila r to the Boy Scouts , AT HOME IN OREGO NIA Girl beautiful. There III a guin tree In r,t. H. Coffey. M.lnlater Scouts , Kiwan is, Rotary , e tc.. the P. T_A_ offers nothin g in rbe Waablngton a&cl Ma. .·a Blb'l! School. 9~ 80 A.M. the th'e woods On Townsblp Road that. 'I'I:lwnehlp Advisory Council met way of local manag ement other than literatu re and guidanC la a deep crimson and a tall tUlip Morning- Worehlp. 10 :80 A.M. e Young Peoples' Meetlng. 8 : 45 Friday evelihig at the home of P.M. tree In HIlIII and Dales that turnB m a terial. It will do nothin g to " run" the local group, that will Mrs. Lena Clark and her daugh· pure .golden· yellow that 1 would Evening Service, 7 :80 P.M. be entirel y up to those who take an active part in the meetin gs drive several mll81 !t'r, MIIIII Elizabeth, near OregonPrayer Meeting and Blhle Study out of my and who wilt assi ~t in its grow th. Ia. Those In ch'arge of the ))1;0 - WedneBday. 8 P.M. way to look al My favorite lias· Pllr. anel Mra. W. Eo C'Nean ot eafra81 . treell do not IIhow up aB Orlando. I'la. were gue8tll of thel~ gram. were Herber t ROBS. Miss sT.'"' AUGUSTINE CHURC H With the constru ction of the Texas 6astern' · pipelin es well any more becaulle 80me Mre. Martha Hender son on Clarkll, ",nd Charles Strebel. who Father R. H. Krumholtll. Pastor in Bubltituted during the Ilbffence of Warre n Count y virtual ty surrou nding Wayne sv ille, it is regret- young ems haVE! grown up In front Thursd ay and Frida)'. MaBaeB. 8 and 10 A.M. of them. The locust treea are the Mr. Robert ColJetL able that natura l gas service for this commu nity is not a ·Mr. anel Mrs. · Paul Dakin O:= of =======~~~4 part --~o...- - of the immed iate plans of the utility compa nies. It would cert- laat treell to come out In the Lebanon' villi ted their motller, TAKE IT FROM spring and In the fall they are al· ?tins. Ella Dakln Bund..,. · artemoon~ . Mlldred Gustin ' Th\»mt*oll and ainly be a relief to be able to switch On a gas heater tbis AN OLD TIMER win- mOllt th'e last to change color. I Mra. 1.. M. Henderaon wu a Mra. L7dla Gustin were ' anpper ter rather than hope that John L. wilt allow us to have a "Before spending ,our mono tittle have been trying very bard not" to pe8t 011' BlLturdl.)' evening at the guests of Mr. WID GuMin FrIday ey. coUnt out a few. dollars coal to shovel in th e old sto~e. quote "October's .brlght blue we·' wedldln, of MI.. Norma Longacre IJr bono'r of hJa birthda y. . an'CI 881. 'This IJI for ME. 1t'. ather" but how can one help It. !Did Mr. David Stratto n and at tb'e going Into my bank. accoun t This is. nation a l newsp aper week and we feel somew hat ob. Tbey BaY thllA they do not learn recElptlon folloW'inl'. for the th1np rn want later ligated to make mentio n of it in this issue .of the Gazett OJr Mondq anemo on MJII Mare. mUch poetry In th'e IIcbooll any on.' gan~t Eclward a had the following 'Of great assista nce. to editors in planni ng for the week more and that learnin g by heart "Then I'old that mane), U«ht III out of dale but I. tblnk tbat the calleri: Mr. E. r. Poland of Jilt!'in' JOUl' n.t unW U's ' lIafel, . has been a wealth of valuab le materi al sent by' the state lives will. be much poorer tor not lon, O. her nepbew. Ilr. H. S. Ed· behind tbe teller'1 winelow at· press organi zations and the nation al groups . Howev er, rathel Time On Your Side having thOIlO ~orels flrml,. plant. ward't ot Denver, Co.... from the bank. Try It. it'll .a uthan pass ·this re-hash ' tbat you' wilt probab ly be readin g in nepbew ami the ed In tbelr minds read), to 0lq)reB8 SprinKfleld, O~ erelel in handlin e plon.,. that (Up to 33 years to re-pay ) other papers anyhow on to YDU, we'll type out a few lines that 'th-e beautiful things of lUe In IIlec~es, Mr. ad Mra. J_ W. Edgeta easier the more yon do :1re origina l, if nothin g mDre. beauUful wordll. I eaw by the wards. Mr.. Gene Rhein, Mra. F. Interes t, Low 4 It-and , take It tro.m an oldper cent D. Smith. We were somew hat surpris ed to disccv er in a recent govern - Dayton paper tlIIIer, It alwaye paJ' . ' ort LOt" lonar ago that Mra. Walter W11Ilams and Mlaa The Land Bank Way Lucia May Wlat had died at the ment condue ted tour of Europe that nowhe res in Englan . handeo mel, in happIer UTd, age of eighty somethln!f. No Luella .JaLlIey called on their France , Belgiu m, Hollan d, or Germa ny, were there small vi1l- child wbo grew up In tbe Da)'ton friends at tbe ·Home on Monda,. Your famity deserv es the best i¥'" age newsp apers such as will he found in nearly every tDwn Contac t the 8cb~1 w1ll forget. b'er and tbo~gh .rt~lrnoon•. Mill Janne)" who h'U size of Wayne sville Dr larger in the United States and Canad a, we may have eometlmes Imlled bee:w B~dlng the IIlImmer with In fact, in the dty of Bourn mouth ; Englan d, a metrop olis of over· her Bomewbat exagge ra ed her IIllItera. Mra. Williams , ot N.F.L~ Klnrma n. Mra. Jeanne tte Badle,. '00,00 0 per ons, 'the local newsp aper was a weekly of very elocution, t am lIure It did u. a 'lot of !fOOd to lellm tbe One lIel- of Kent, O. and Mra. France s ELL'. H, - .TURN . "o'y-T re... .nedoc re calibre . A. ·few large and power ful newsp,apers in the settOll1l that abe ch08e for 118, of Columbu.. II .oon re- LeballOD, Oblc, great cities, of Europe covere d the cO}ttin ent :Ind there seemed Phoae ' " whethe r we "lIalleel , o~, and on. ' turl~IQg to ber boDie In Deland, to be no need or desire for local interes t publica tiDns. and on" with Columbu8 or en10y· lI'la,. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=~ ' The phene mon of th,e Ametic an village weekly is .additio NIlBII Minnie Dodson bill re-I' nal M "WI!"at III 110 rare as ' a . day In roof . that ceh/ed \ve are word 'free of people the death of & P .I.who' want to do our own thinkin g .June" or "Octob er's bright bIoI' lillller-in-Iaw, Mrs. Harry J . Dodand make our own decisio ns. It is further evidp,n ce that it would v.r~aJtIJel·" "1On ~f Omaba. Nebr. ~r., D,od80D 'be virtual ly imposs ible for any undem ocratic group to make The sorgum Ie flnfshed . All "a"l' wI\[ be remem bered as II former materi al .progre ss in ·Ameri ca, . despite ; the threats we receive ~aturday tbey worked on It. Thl' rellident of Warnellville now and then. and 1.1· flret Id~a wall to run It tbT.oUltlt 'imnU8 of Wa:rnesvtlle blgh IIch'~I: ? . • Mira. Luella J)roWlr For as long as the publication~ in Ameri ca are free, unmer- 4be mill on' Saturda ), and the" Mrs. cook It Sunda)' momln g bot R~t· Gladya' Baker of Dayton'&IlO FOR WAYNE TOWNSHIP' TRUSTEE called on OUS, and financi ally sound, cur though ts wilt not be contro tted, urela)' wall such a perfect da,. th'llt MlulIII lIIame and Annie J)rown Your Suppo rt Apprec iated the,. fired' up and IItarted and 1111... .'Bertha Brown Sunda,. GIRL 8COUT LE~DER8 Wilt C. St. John · Members :wbo WIll ' attend are It before tbey finIshed ~"'Ir.h'ln" ' llIfte,moon. WILL ~EET ~ODAV . Mrs. 1IIai-jorie Bnnm, Mra. Doro- It. By four . o'cl~~ tile ftre Wu Wayn.e~vil1e, · Ohio . Electio n, Novem ber 8, 1949 M!ra: OU.,.. Curl l.lpend lng two There will be a meeUng of all thy Wootarcl.· llrs. 'Marjor y Scibe- golll"g well and' -it began to boll wee;kII wtth Mrll. Nellie 'Madden OLrl Scout leaders aDd the troop nelt, 1IIrI. Ruth KIllwortll. Mrs. JUllt about the time they put In III Clarkn iUe. co.mmJttee at tbe home of Jlra. M. B. CorteT, IIrI. RoIIII-Bariiloek. .f,le ' lallt of he Juice. Ahou tbree Dr. Emma Hollowa,. and MIIIII Sam Ball Tliurad aJ. Oct. 6 at 1:0'0 Mr.. Bberma n Tinnet . Mre. Ed· h'oure ".8 wh.a t be tbougbt 1t Mar.,. l!Mtdn attende d the wed· P.M. to make plana for the eale of ear SmIth. Jlra. Margar et Chap· WOU\d ·t ate to bon clown "but be dlnu of MlsII Mildred Thoml s and ULrI Scout cookiell to be beld In maD', Mre. Opal Stubbl. and Mrs. 41dn t . count· on the fact tbat we Banno nd Bachel tor at th, Laura· thlll vacln1t.)" in the near future. Morrta l'u1ken olL ,rere cooking It out of doors ' and mor~ J'rIend s' Home Ill'. RlchmoD I (I. It cooled oft futer_ The flrllt lad. on Satorda 1 afternoon. or two we ma~e It we ulled tbe 11'1•• leule Garner attende d tbe old evapon .tor tbat Ilame W1th Teflry "'0 in her Irome nelgh-. FOR WAYNE TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE the mill but It was badl)' 1M!nt and borllood near I'latfor . on . . . Satur· out of shape 80 .fter we burned dq.. Your Suppo rt Apprec iated one bunch In It we gave up and Jesse Prende rgast John lrultt a.n old fub10D1!d pan. LEQA\. NOTICE Wayne svilte, Ohio ElectIo n, Novem ber..§, t 949 Tblll 7ear he built a new furnace Btlaled bldl wtll be recelTed bJ for It and Bet the mill up out of tb., CouncU of the VllIaCe w..,.· doore in th~1r yard. uellviUe, State of Ohio, at u.., of· Ii! • The weathe r ".. Just right. the ftu of ..Id CoWlolI or at tbe refrolt the other night had got rid 814e:008 of Oh'Ulea James, Clerk of a lot of nlell 1'10 that we we~e at tile 'C01UlCI1, 'utU twelve ~'clook . , Dot troUbled b)' theql and Octobe.. 15, 1141,. for fum. 'Was almost no wind. We cooked I"blng~ the nllCel8lU'J' labor and and etImme d and slow.,. the un- materla is ' for tile lnatallaUOIr and attracti ve greer.' soup began til mmjpl.Uon of ·a 18" Storm Sew· dear and turn broWn but IItlll It er 0111' HlSh Street "a V1Uap "",un't molulle". .Supper time of Wa:rne snue, Ohio. Illa.cll bid muat contain the full , . name of eYel7 person or Co!Ilpan, lr;.tel'8l1ted In tllell&m8. and be &c. mmUI&llled II,. a bond ' In th'e IUID of tA!n per cent or · the aabmjt ted Be sure to have a full bin this winter , 1114 to tile ..tlafaotlon of the = CoulO'ClI, 'or' a certtne d clleek on Order now for promp t deliver y of : 808ItI I!OIYent ltaIlk, all a guaran t,. I. r. that If. the bid II accepted, a C!On· aouu: -.rill lie entered Into &Ild Ita ~HAN'i'us ,..form aao(f ·proper.,. Acured . 9-12 Each MornIn g STOKER t-S Aftern oons Except "Wed. 8tIou14 .., Mel be nJeotec l . IIlIcb WALL PAPER, PASTE AND SIZING COOK STOVE.EGG cIIeclll will lie forthwi th returne d I Evenin gs by Appoin tment . C. E, BULBS - NU ENAMEL to , t ilt. bldller. Only aD4 aIIoald aD7 IIId HEATING STOVE LuMP . be UC8Dtecl IUCIl eIlecll: wID be rrELEP HONE 62 KDIT ONE ~ 'UpoD proper necbdo n aDd ~ of tile 00Jl'tra0t.. ftll ~t Ie ....1'... to reject aJlT ~ aD bleIL ..... .. k . _ order ~ the Ooaad l 01 the .:,. 80atJI DetnH or 1IIwIit ' TELEPHONE 2422 WAYNI'.SVILLE, OHIO caAm• JAIiIB
• • •
• • • ••
F.r lll Loans'
I XI \fill C. .Sl John I
Wh ite Kitchell:
e Complete Fountain Service e Op en Sev en N~ght•• Week
I.. '.
e ••i .... .
Co ld Pa ck
IDle, To"Order. .
CANNERS ·2. 06
W.ynesYiUe .Furaitare &Appliance Co.
C. E. WiIIrin are 81'.ct
*Iaet1: Oet. ..
u. . .
TBURSDAY, OCTOBllK" JNI Mr. lilt! Mra. 8haw and anel ,Ill'll. C. D. Sialle of DaJton David .Btratto., Saturday enntq. were guelte Sunda)' of Mr. and Sh'e recelveel many beauutul aznl eOIl ot near SprIngfield «:klleel on uleM preeentL Mr. an~ Mre. Clarence Crawford Mrs. W. J. Hoover. 141'11. Seth l'aJ:naa ill C!Jn~.c, Sunda, neDlng. Mlaa Ada Preaton of Farmera By JANE FITE StatJon and her guSlt. Mra. May lng at her home on Socl~ Row rd. M-ra. Elale Koeater of Lebanon Mrs. Gladys Hook. teacher of Mansneld. were In the village &tter undercotr.w a major operat· apent Sunday with her aon, Mr. oommerclal subjects In our blgb' Saturday afternoon ~1.IUng rei· .ion at the at. EDubeth HOlplu,J. Morris Lewla and faml17. Dayton. 0---s hool, Is confined to her home ailves and friends. . Mr. and Mra. Walter Keorlclt Mre. George Denoy eLtertal/led near Clnrksvilla, sufferlug from a the members of the Jonab's Run started this Wedn esday momlng SIl\\l8. Infection. MIssIonary CIrcle at ber country. on an extende4 vllltt to -Puadena. Mra. Sara Wright was the tUn· vIsiting relatlves and frlenda ner guest Friday at noon of Mr. home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. By MR8. RALEIGH BOGAN on the1r return, will lpend a week was In charge George PIdgeon and Mrs. Herbert T. Doster. wIth tbe former'a ' couslna of El[the devotions and·· Mrs. Cb'arles Rev. and Mrs. 8avld Stanfield Mrs. Edna Budhke of OIn'C Illn· ceillor Sprlogs, Mo. and chlltlren. attendled· c.hurch here Bli wall at tbe hIgh school last Doster wils the program. leadel'. Mr. and Mra. Robert Chtn'llell Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker and Sunday. Rev. EUeler Partingtor.', week to 8ss18t 11\e J udlor and 1Ien· and Mr. a.nd Mra. W~ter Clark our new pastor. will be pre8ent Mra. Tucker's alster, Mrs. Jenny lor Cl1l880S In the preparation of Sr. visIted the , formera' brottier next Sunday. Preac:hlnB service at tbelr annual, which wrll be reo Bell of Somersville ,,:ere we.' end guestH of Mr. · and Mra. Hill , and alater laet Sunday · In .Tack~ 10 o'C)lock. Come w'or8hJp with ua. IIm8ed next eprlng. aon, Ohio. • . Mr. and Mrs. R.Ilymond, Wllaon• . Mr. Joh u BeCkett ot Franklin, Williams at Amell.a .. -0-..:.--Rev. Artbur Jacobaon, an evan· Mr. John WIlBon' and Robert, IU)d Bon of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Beckett, Mr. and Mra. Lutlber ' Halnel at· underwent an appen~lc~UB oper· gellst. and hIe famUy, haa stoJ)ped tt'nded th'e funeral of Mert Wool· . a tlon at Nlddletown ROBpltal Wed· In. . Harveysburg enroute to New York and la conducting evangei· len ILL FaIrmont, Ind. IaIIt ThurA. r.eBday. IsUc aer~lces at tbe Full Go.pel day afternoon • . MrR. May Kaylor ,Mansllel" or r.hurch. By MRI. HILY GIBION Mra. Mary BogUl and MarlallJl1l Delllnd, Fla., Is here for an ex· MrB. A. S. Collett and her son', Bogan caUed on Mre. Maude WIl· tended visi t with fl'lends and rei· Robert. In "ompany with· Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry GibBon and Irerson of Spring ~alley. one af~r. RUves. Mrs. Weldon McKay of New Bur. mother, Emma Olbson', of Bell· noon laat week, Mr. E. G. BeaSOn ot Morrow iington, are enjoyIng a brief trip brook a.nd Mrlt. Richard Hanes Mr, and 101.1'11. R.Ilymond Burden and d'a ugbter. Donna. of nlear sen 'ed ae Bubst! tute . teacher at through Kentucky · and VlrBlol&. entl{rtalned to IUI,per Saturday our schools thla week during the Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bunce at. Xenia were dinner guelt8 ' Sunday evenine the following guests; abse nce of F'rank Jackson" w.h·ose tElnlled the Fall Festival at Blan. of Mr. and Mra. HIlT Mr. ani! Mrs. .Tohn Bennett and mother, M rl!. Clift ' Bec.kett, died oheeter Saturday evening. Otller calJers (n the. evenmg were son. Stanley. M'r . llbd ' Mrl. Fred Wed l\esday morulng. . Mr. and Mrs. John Welsb. apent Mr. Jess SmIth' of Hamilton. Mr. Merrlm&ll' and children. Larry, Mr. lind Mrs. R. M. Tllrner and n few days last week touring the and Mfa. Edgiu , Porr of near Karen and Nancy, lind Mn. Sallle Centerville, Mra. Robert Greene tb~r da ughter, MI9S Rosaline. souther~ sectlol.· of OhIo. Bennett of Dayton'. Mr. and Mrs. James Thornberry and daughter. Leona, of . Dayton, Born to Mr. anti ¥n. Carey · entertained the members of tire Mrs. Ed Burton or XenJa. and Leigh Halnea, & daughter. Eleanor, Crusader'a ClaS8 at theIr home Mrs. Allee Furman or Bel.ver· on Sept. 10 at Miami Valley hos· town'. on Clark ave. Wednesday ~ve . pltal. Mr. and Mrs. Earl LuC&8 and Mr. alld MI'II. ' Cbarlelt Strebel of Mr. and Mra. Wayne Sta.nley of CIncInnati and Mrs. Mattingl,. of tamJl,., Mr. Jake Chennowlth Chl.rles Bta.nley 8unday Oregonia were gueats FrIday of called on Mrs. Anna Lueu Sunday. Mrs. A. S. Collett. Dayton and Mrs . Helen Mr. and Mrs. Harry KJin'e Jr: . Mr. and ~rs. Jamea Wildman 01 Marlanr,1l and 1!logan attende4 of Marlon are announcing the Jackson, . O. spent the weekend theMra. Eva.ngeUatlc Church Ex· birth Monday of a seveD' pound with their parents, Mr. UII Mrs. " tension committee of HllmJugton daughter at a C.o lumbue hO'Pltal. Ernest Earobar and aon D.,14. yearly meetIng lut Friday at wn· Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bratten 'l'be ma.ternal gra,ndl)arenta ' are mlngoD Friends meetlng h·oule. of Dayton' spent Wednesday even· Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Doster of Born to Mrs. Lowell Sinclair. & Ing with his parents. M,r. and MI'II. the vJllage. daughter, Carol EUllabeth. at a . Mr. alid Mrs. Charlel Price and George Bratten. Uayton HOllpltaL Mlae Edna Bunnell of Lebanon H.elr daughter. Connie• . will be· Mr. and M.... AIll)n . Huftman ot housegue8ta thl,1 week of ·Mrs. apent SUnday wIth h'er p-andpar. tbe Chester neighborhood and Price's parents, Mr. and Mrs. enta, ' Mr. and Mn. HUy Gibson. Rev. and Mrs. David Stanfield and Mrs. Alice Turnan ·of Beayer· Bryant In Indianapolis. children'. Davey an~1 Judy. were town Is speDdlng a . few day. o Sunday dinner pesta of Mr. and wIth Mr. and Mrs. HUy GibBOn. Mra. Donald Haines,. Mr. WUbu.r Stephena. Mrs. Rob' Mr. .and Mrs. WIUlam !Smith ert Greene and danghler, Leona. and .dauBbter, MarU7ft Sue. were Mr•• Roy Shaw or XenIa, Mr. aDd By, MRS. J. B. JONES Mrs. HenT)' Ber~es and famll" or tn Daytotr Saturday. Mr. and Mr•• .. , F.mmett Nevin and .ons of Day· MI'II. W. · O. Hamilton of Pitt&- Deavertown were dinner guelU ton called in' the 8nlltb h'ouae SUD' burg., Pa. la making an dtended SunJiay of Mr. and 1(.... LUll Mor· afternoon. VIsit with' her Silltel', Mrll~ Don gan. Callei'll Ill' the alternoo~ and day Mr. aad ·Mn. w.e140n Wlbon evenIng were; Mn·. Myrtle Ander· were guesta of theIr' aon, Gerald Baird of Gephart Rd. Mr. and MI'II. Clyde Wharton' 60n of"' near Dayton, Mn. Dalsy Wilson, and family of Darton' on ff'celved word that their little Holland of near Spriq Valley, Saturda.y. ~randdaughter, after & IIBrloue Mra. Ruth Smith and blend, Mr. Rev. and M.r s. navid 'Stanfield oheratlO1&llt the Children's HOB- AI')'. Mr. Carl IUdlnger of near and family. have n~oved tIRO an pltal. Cincinnati. was released Waynesville, Mr. a.nll Mr•. Harry apartmslit In the litome of Misl '-ionday and Is BPeedlly recover· Haber of Lebanon'. Mrl. Edward OnJeta. T.el1'ell near New VIenna. Morria of near Wa11lellville, Mrs. Ing. · Mr. an4 Mr.. Don Bal.rd attend:' Ed Bunon of Xenia. ClaullJed Ad. Br:lng ResUltsl ed th!! funeral of the latter's ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;==~ lIrother-ln·law, Mr. J.. B. Vore or FlFI'H A.NNUAL WIARREN COUNTY naytoo Oil' Monday. . Mr. and MI'II . .T. B. Jones iii company with their Sunday afte... , noon' gt.1esta. Mr. and MI'II. Ray Osborne !)f Xenia. spent the . I (SIX BREEI)S) f>Venlog In Beaverftlwn- . vt~tlng Mrs. Jonea' slater, who Is very SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, iNS 111. 1:30 P.M. . Mr. James Halnee la making an WARREN COUNTY FAIR GROUND!i uten-ded visit with · bls niece and . . . ,LEBANON, OHIO' faD1lly ot Va.ndl.lla,. Mr. and lira. Frank &!1leJ'llUlD.. , · Forty nelghborli a/lel friends wete ' presen~ at the .pel'llonl.i I!how:er, given by ' Mra. Helen Grlelhop . fol' MlslI Nonna Long· Dayton Phone, .Hem. 1275 acre ~ho became the "ride of ~r.
Mra. Margu_e t Allen wu In MlddletoWD Sa.turda.y. By MR8. ERNEST GIBSON Mr. and MI'II. Dewey LlUnb were Mr. .Jaok FrOlt Is already busy In Corwin Saturday mght: D&DUel ~b ' spent Sunday tW.s faU. nJgbt IJr Corwin. Mr. ad Mra. Bill Moore were In Aunt LJdtlle Durbin Is still .on Corwin Sunday eveDing. the elcJt Dlt. Mr. and Mn. Jlmmfe BtUee and o Mrs. Ernest Glblon were In' Xenia TOPS' IN ENQLl8H f?atumay. . Donald Luken'S placed Jlr&t In Mr. anil Mrlt. .mrnest 61bson tbe rresbuian EngllBh profeclellcy b.ave Just received w.,rd from test at Ohio state umv. re,ently. their nIece aii'd nephew of the This achievement exempts him 1I1rth of a. daughter,' Linda Sue from ta.kiui · required English Collins. courses at the unJvDl'IIlty.
MI'II. Ell Re7ftolda waa In Dayton 011' buaJnslIB Saturday.
New 1s the time t() check your BUDlJDer clothes ' III preparation to stor1n8' them for . the winter.
A resourceful ltarr eapable of planning to .ehleve~utmost expr. ( alOIl. • . .
Bring your summer clothes to B & R Cleaners for oarefuJ, eI~ pert cleaning and prelslng.
Sttibbs lFuneral Home TELEPHONE 2291
~1~=~W;A~Y~N~ES;V~I~l..~L~E.~O;H;IO~JQ~~~~~~~'~I~~ ------ -0
Gustin Radio Service ___ .
.I.a. _ PHONE
--- -,-
_ a _ _ n_o __ •
First Since The "" iii'
Seethe Farl HOle on RIKE'S SIXTH FLOOR
as featu~ed in
. SIIctJe8sful Farling • ••• .; •••D~t . . . . . . . . . two
.,. 'fj . . .Irke
• ,
. STIEL . 0 0 _ AND S/IIIN4
·. ea . ...... !
Fuhi.on"Show of faD deaigoa in elothea and . home dllcorating, at 2 P. M.. Tilee.. Oot.l1 at .the Miami Hotel .
Itlera" Garale . .PHONE WAYNE8. 2S4f ,
October 10' ·15 . \
lagazin~ Octnber Issue
Pz:epare 'Y our Ca~ For Winter
CookinK ~hool collduc~ by Helen VernOD, ThUl'l.• Oct. 13. at 10:30 A. M. anci2 P. M. .
Spec"" FetJlure. 8f1Br1 day fhfober io.15
at the Miami Hotel'
I Cookiq demllllltratiOlll ad imtrodioD, ....d
s ... H01IIeW~Rike'l Fourth Floo.r
m ••1n
WITH .CROWD1IlD hOlplWil, ponplt! ow: oome home much SOODer. , Mawe the trip .In oar· ambu1an· . . ('e ud be CIOIIIfortallle. Expartenoecl attell'danta - eare• fu1 drivel'll - 1l0llllDal ooat - In· . sored hUentli.
'.MEIKt HOIII . . . . . . . .,& . . .
Fairley I\anIw~e . WapwnWe, Ohio .
A Pripdaire eleetrie rlll!'e priSe, aDd ~p~liaaee , '
demonatrationa •.• App.liaacee-Fourth Floor
a Io.etrudiODB in flower arraDpmenta. deool'll~ &priaee ••• Art GiCte-Rilte's Foqrt.b Floor
4 Durerent, at.a radive table iettinga r~a~
lateet 'd ecoratins ideaa • '.' CJWua..:-Fourth Floor • See how a booked rug is made at our. demonatratiom •.• Art NeedleworklUke'. Fourth Floor • Forum l1li Interior Deoorating, CIOIldpcteCl);y .•~ Rib'. Home Counaelor-Rike'. :Filth Floor
7 VIait lUke'. Home PlanDinS Center and lee ·
aettiDp--IUb'. Sbtb Floor
Thursday, October 8, 194.
- - -.-
- Movlng:Need Not Be ConfUSing If. Operati9ns WeU-Organized
Home Style lor Matrons Junior Style Rafes Applause
By Ertta Haley MRS. X recentlY' moved. WHEN most of ber · hpllt china was
Make a Sale Move
broken b=~~~~fum~r~~---a eave up her ~~me several yea rs .ago. the furni~re which she hod .stored was found as she reo covered It. and it had to be given aWRY _ Mrs. S., ·00 the, other hand, bad dinner in ber new home tbe same day she moved. Moving doesn' t occur too 'often for any of us. but when It does. it sbould be a smart move as well as a lafe one. The job of moving. I. actually a very sclel.ltUio one. When you tollow the rules you'll h!lve ' a mJ.'nlmum of distress i1nd contusion, It's a big fob to move household goods from one hOllse to another, or from one ~own to another. It's not "'~(;,.~~~:.~::; a matter of piling things Into the ~ car and carting them over. even If the house is on 'the next block. Much can be don before the I. actual moving, and though, at first, tbJa seems like an enormous job. Movmg day ts comparativeit'.· weU -on the way ·to completion ly slmplo for ulJs young homeby the time you've mode a list of maker who has a reputable what oan 'be done, and know how warehouseman paoklng her dinit . • hould be done. . . nerware anil gla/lsware. Here You'D .unlio\JbtedlY call -!h a mov., she observes tbe mover eareu I~, fully packing severa. pla.tes III a stack wltb protective layers of sbredded paper between each plate. The staok III then wrapped In tissue paper and plaoed on edge In a soft bed of sbredded paper In abe bottom of ahe ba~rel wbloh bas be4ln Upped so ahe plate!l lay baoll:.
.. ,;
r. .
Seven-Day Religion
MPLOYERS . don't care mucb lor letters of recommendation signed by pI' e, Not that they , think . p,reachers are dishone8t. The etn,Ployer Is glad to know where"th'e chop is on Sunday morn· Ings. 'But he would rattier bave a leUer from somebody who sees him every Saturday night and Mon· day morn ing.
.. • •
Religion Won' t Keep Sweet by Itself IS a I Treligion.
temptation old , as to put It on one side at a wall and ll!e on · the other. But the prophets showed. ' once and fF. all. that'· God has literally flO use for' religion which bas been dissected off. from ~e. Religion w h I I! h Is kept apart from 1 i·t e . turn! sou I' a.nd bAd. In Isaiah's tim e, everybody knew there was something wrong with the country. , Isaiah's diagnosis was ReUglon Is our principal . ' God is ' Ured ot It. What? The pious. people. would exclaim: Look at the crowds in the Temple every· holY dayS ' Listen to aU the prayers. count the number of tithers. U anything is wrong with our country, it can't. be reUglonl But religion it
Fits Like a Glove . OR EXTRA special dates - a striking frock for juniors that (its Like a ~Iove, has diagonal lines accented with big novelty buttons. If you prefer, three quarter sleeves are also provided.
. Neat House Dress • DESIGNE~ to. f1~ttering the .. Pnttern No. 18W Is n sew-rite oe.rlorat. IElrger fIgure lS thIS neat house eel .pa ttern ~n Sizu 11. 12. 13. 14. 18 .mel dress. Cut on simple wrap·around '18. Sl." 12. 4\10 yards 01 35 or :l9-lncb. Ii~es, It tie~ softly a~ one side, is trJmmed With bold rIc rac. 8E"INO OlROLE, PATTERN DEPT. • • • iI.. ~ ",n.~.. C .. I.... " ilL p " ttll rn . No. 3178 Is D sew.rlte lIe~, Enolo •• 211 cellia III colna lor ~~~oi~~1 ggL~'bdl ~'r ~N~~' !l::·i81!, 4~a~~;. 4:1 pa tt"rn dr.lred.
be 'placed· fiat. but rather stood on edge to resls't breakage It the ba rrcl Is dropped. Prpfesslonal movers ' usually tip the. barrel to g~t the proP~r pack. Glauware Needs CareM PaoklDr 35-lnch . If pouibte, never pack the glass· The FnJl nnl1 WIn tel' "'ASHtON con. ware In the same barrel as PIe ' nln.s 64 pages ul h r.lplul s.,wlnll lnformn. ( ... disbes. If you do not have enough 'l"~" tit'l n horoe sewerl-8pt"cin L des igns. Ideas lor «lfL. to mnke-free "oUerll glasllwar,e for a separate barrel. it prln led Insldo the boolf. ·25 CO 'lIS. may be packed in the same barrel Why God Was Tired wIth tho dlsbe., b~t special pre· CA~OLIC priest would stiock cautions must ' be taken a~a inst 'everYDody should be call Vat: breakage.' 'lcan City ' ''Hell's HaU Acre." Protective excelsior bedding is Isaiah shocked his fellow citizens needed for eacb piec.e. Each , plece by cnlling Jerusalem "Sodom ot glassware is wrapped 'In ' tl~sue Gomorrah." Those cities were the paper. Fraglle stemware needs spe· worst places the Hebrews had ever I clal tissue paper wrapping to pro· h ~l\rd of. tect the shank. ; • , They w~re so bad ' the' ~ord When professionally. wrapped, bad to destroy them' by fire- ' bll~rels with dishes and glassware 'Dut ,10 good people conId tie . allow no free space for the dishes found there. The Jlrophet folto move since a sUght move might low. up ·abat .fim shock by,... aha tter several plece.s, if not the ~~s~ • oaher. Every wbole barrel. The pack is tight and ~ comes safi!. r
P o nero No • . - ----4lS~,••- - r-Iam.
Art rou I'OlIII UU'mlIb Sbe twlcUonal 'mlddle '.... potr"", peculiar
C/IQssics lor the Li'(ing Room
moved first. After this come tho dinnerware, glassware, silverware. and'- pans. Unless you've made .a rrangements for having lunch. and possibly dinner, better be pre~;ar~d with a thermos 0& ,b ot coUe~ f..Dd sandwiches. along With ·pape.~ ~tes and cups for the ' noontime meal. ,You many ' not want to tear Keep Housebold Goods :;ourseU away from the packing Properiy OrgaDlnd long enou"h to get a snack"OiiEifde Qet your pots and pans together f th S bb th ." ..'1... ... " ..~. '1 .. b fin ' I th all go servance a e a a 01 ·home. aDd tbls Is an e ore mQv g 8 nee . ey b Ii day ' (:v T't3) ' cburch th J excelsior paddel barrels. 0 s .'. • alll idea for e mea -,'sters -; irons and' wattle Irons'l lngS, correspondlng.. tto' our r e. should be covered" and placed In and conventions (v. 13), e~en the bottom ot boxes or barrels \}11th pr;~~r~:rU:~'~odern termll: at.. . prot~ction to keep them tro~ mov. 1tendance at church. Bible reading, Ing about loosely. You don t want tithing praying-If that I!I aU. thE!D them den~ed or mar.rcd. . I all is ~o ,ood. It may be relJglon. Wrap silve~ware III tissue pa~er and ot course it is one kind of II f • b t not the kind God carefully, be it flatware or serVIng silver. These, too, are placed In re ~ on, u barrels. . I ~ wan s .. AU barrel, and boxes should be . Indeed, laaJa'- says I c;;t!d numcered. Keep · a listing of what hates It; he Is "fed up" With goes under eacll number so you can (va. 11). What was wron.' extract from the right barrel when Isala.h tells them that,. too, , In 'YOU want 'a . certain Item. This ilhon simple ' w'!rds. ~·Y01lJ' . avoids plowlng into ba.r rela or hand. are full IIf ~l9od.!' . boxes you aren't ready to unpack. Ob, the people wo,uld protest. ~onllUiofr, 100. ~t~~~;;;~ do a lot toward IPeeding we ar~ not killers, We don't lay a ., betore movers arrive. band on anybody. isaiah goes on , ' bave to reQl on your ,household Take the carpets off the fll10r and to explain: seek Judgment (I,e. ~;~:=;Y plan to pack the dishes roll them neaUy. Take down drapes justice), relleve the o):lpressed, ;L---~--;;';~~~:"':h;;e:~;:;~;;~k;#.H~~~~~~~~~~~ .bUnds. judge ·the fatherless, plead f"r the " . smart to hav~ wt~WL 1\1, • • ~ ... .,.. ~.r' . _ "., ~r you. If you do It the Ydu don kill outright, ' yOU Dlsteriala may be provided toJ;' you: them cleaned lit this time to save lihredded paper, barrels and , tissue moving. If you launder ' curt~lns churchgoers,. he wouid s~1', ' but paper. If the 'mover ,takes care ot yourself, don't Iron until YQu arrive you are so indifferent to ",ultlce the entire operation,. be makes blm· at the 'new place IJneo they are In your city, 'you toke !IO Ultl,e in. self' responsible for any breakage easier -to move When rolled Instead terelt 'in the people at the bottom carefUlly boxed to avoid of the heap, that people die 'bere, whlcb . migbt occur. Fees ate de· of wrillklin,. wJdow. and or phans -die, stropl, termined ,by the hours worked. ' becaule no one care•. Thl! heaviest dishes should be Ke~p Notebook packed at the bottom ot the ·barrel For Small Item. and lighter ones on top to cut down It'. discouraging to ' have some· What M.kes .• Town OD breal1:age. Plates should ,never thing misplaced for months after Worth ~!.'1nl~ i moving. If you go through drawers DObody did c~e. and desks and cablnest with bo?, In bundred' and years W'mt Be SmafU one hand and notebook In the other. by, ' anJ,i Jerusalen( "came close 'to ~ much of thedl.sDrder may be saved . . its end. But nobody thougbt SinaD articles from certain draw· disaster co!lld sttlke: The .beUef er~ may be 'placed In boxes to be had grown In every one's mind returned ,to the' drawers In 1he same that the Temple of the Lord would order. Keep a listing 80 you can, lo. forever Insure the safety ot the . cate ,even a smaU' ltem at any time. city in which .It stood. Llgbtwefght items ' such as linen But' a yollDj' prophet, Jereand. clothing may be .placed in IIllab, presebed • sermoa 011 dresser drawers tor moving. . 'He same theme a. Isaiah's Keep book~. book 'ends Rnd such (Jer. '71 Il la, not the temple heavy objects out of dresser ·draw· 'hat will 8aV~ yon, ' Ii Is Doi ers for moving: Fllrnlture Is heavy church aUeDdanee . th., , will brlna you the favor ., God. enough by itself 'without being weighted additionally wl\Jl several As the men of ·. terusalem looked pounds at books. . And .. most tumj· back to the great days . of Mose •• tqre dra\vers are not constructed to they thought of the sacrifices and take such heavy I;elns" They may .0fferln,l, the, tabernacle "and the ,give way I\Dji yo" Il have a repair rltuala ana 'aU die pl,eantry snd bill to pay as ·,weU ,as moving. paraphemaUa of a picturesque Books are best packed In cartons I religion. as the great thin, that • Tbere'. no mono"., ID IIIe which are tied securely. These are God had given them. ' easily handled, Ind the books are But God remembered' It other. • JDach-ued aoUd aolora ..... - , e8peaIaU, wben two wto,ether. ' wise. JeremIah even .a7a (with J., a coloJ' and IIevel'al ......... Ca.tera !'paved from furniture understandable exaageratlon) that , ~ ...... 01' _ir'utlq colon are should be kept in weU·labeled .ets. God had not said a word about I lINd te .aob ,00II efteo&. 'I'IIe Brooms, mop. and curta.i n rqcis lacrifice. and ~er.inls; the Ten -'doh 01 dae model bere ...... may be tied together with cord tor CammaD~m.nts. with aU tIIey 1m. - llew the buioaDy llaiple -~~-J.!'=--: handllna. plled, · were the mail) thlna. lI< e.....e pba~ beeem. YOIl move the refrigerator bave Wbat God Ioou for, back OIl ID ' trunauo wlda die pia, 01 oelor. II ae~ced aM bolted before the our church .attend.nce' and Bible ....... .... hro ..., movers arrive. readJn& 11 ·'iUStice ~Hn a man - - . . . . wlda .....1' plDs hIP Work · out Door arrangements for and b1J ",Ilbbar." A 1I1ace where ....tile ....,I! effecL _ ttle new bome Ind tel the furniture. that cln 'be' found II a load place. ..... poplar fa '1'Iut movers can tIleD route eacb . . . . . . . . . . . . rIcII, ........... IIlece to the room m wblcb 1 011 !'D~ !:r..F~ ~ want It teldaDt de ......
LeSSOD for October t. 194.9
er, or a warehouseman, as they are someUme. named, for the Job. For your own safety and peace 'Of' mind, select one who . .Ia reputable. It 1ur· niture or other goods are. to be stored, the reputable dealer invites Inspection of his quarters. After all, you'ro going to trust hlm with the famJly po,,~~ss lonsl Here'. the RoII$lllo' For Movinr 'Day Your ' ruga an. d carpets will b. e
v p In I 'FbI! Air t\n author got mto an elevator a nd continued his conversation with a friend about a story. he had just written. ' • "So 1 got my knife and killed her." he said. "or course 1 was careful to wipe off all fingerprints with II handkerchief." Just ~hen the e,levator stopped and the two !'pen gqt off an'd Ie" the \vlde-eyed passengers wonder. Ing what to do about th ~ sltu~tion.
'" wnme" ,III '" 82 ,,.,,, Doell ~ aub ,ou aulfu mOl bOI 1Iaah-.
, ...1 .0 bllhotnang. UI1!d. TbftII do U! Lrdia II: rlnkbam'a
Veptable Compound en reU .. v" .ucla
qmplAlma PlnlthlUD·. Cnmpnuoll IlIIn h.. wba\ D<>ciDre eatl • Ita-
101' your fa.clnoUnll Nellcllecrnlt Boolttod ay I JlIuslrlltJons 01 your lavorlte ...edle-hobl •• -",. cholceat desIgns ...d the moat coDcl,e pnllcrnll avnUabl •• B~ g inner easy design •• and Ideoa wortby of on expert's Qllc·.. Uon. A free neeiJUwork .p attern printed In U.e book.
ae.ln. Cb.l. Needl .... " OepL P. O. Bn 5140, ObI . . . . 1141. III • . , . P. 0. ' 80" 1ft. Old Cbellea S&aIM., Ne. yo.1t 11, N. Y• .
fllect I
Watch Your
EnCIOS. 20 cents' lor pallern.
.. . '
the living room in, a par.ty . [nood with' these stunnili~ cqait~ decorations I Easy to make fto~ t;h e simple ' filet7Crocbe~' charits. . 'Thoroughbred luxury 'for your and sofa! Easy crochet Pat-tern 7196: cbarts" directions. chai~:s
•• Buy 3
paclcoll__ a
time. No rafrlg. aratfon ....dacl .
wflaboeYer •••
ID ....
Thunday. October 6, 1949
PUUO IITOlU::-ln YOllnU8Lown. Ohio ; f/IIllIbllshed 26 year.: larue prescription tJle: oxcellent loention : prIced Cor lmme. !lIIlte .ale. For lull pnrtlc\llar" write 1'.0 . B." IItlS. Y."n,olown I. Ohio • • ARN up tt .~~OO yeflr: homo •• p~te tlme . Enll)"
"~80 n
pl [!:mt~nt, m u n or Womnrl. neil sl!.rts 10VIl . Con,pleL~ detolls. ft. , Lane (J .. nIW._~don ~ ~
DOQS. CATS, PETS. £1'(; . OANAltJES \Vi\N'JIEII-B~ " 1 P.rlc"s pUld . Write fOI' Uh lr)plll ~ dlre ~tlnns . . . AnEn~CMI nlltl. V'll . ~ell W. lfttb ('I. Oblea~. H. III.
- --
~~'l.!b~..~~~ 6~r.I;~I"rfr~ 8.
. nX I r tJ
t' .
nne. ••
P01N'J'I::R l·IlJJ Ii~tU'l i: (out lnos. old; liver nnd White ; polllh·(j chIcken. when one month otd j Sir W U h on ~ 8 P il01
£ochanuuenL, ox·}-t nHl\:ky A r J t:\ I ' F Spunky: Hired I'y Lesl. r·s EO'<l\, 's W • hoo. d omed b:y Lud y SI)ullk y GIrl: 4 pcdI ,! r eo Cutn1i1h d : m ulls $20. femule .. $15. S . ... lIod ••• CAm pb oll.v lll •• &1'.
FARM !VIAe. INF:~\, &. F:tnllt' . ONE L·H New l' a J).~ En s ll lt"" Cul ler lind Pipe for ~O· SlI'I. 81'EOIA L Pill DE. W. P .. Nob l • • lII .. o ml"'IlIIr ~ h.~I~ •.:...._ _
YES, in just 7 day•.••. In' ont short w~tc ••• a group of people who changed from their old denti [rices to Calox Tooth Powder .,.aged 38'}'0 bri/fh'ter ltdh by scientific lest. Why not chanlle to Calox yotuSelf? Bur (:alox today •• , 10 your teeth can ILart looliPI t~ 6riKitler tomo~wl '. ~
~'!.r~~t. ~~BLolI~~~081'lo .OhI0. WANra,;'~-l\lEN.
~ELL Ladle", auu(r .l fl),lulI ' , No c~ pUnl. no expenence ocen.or)' •. Send $1.00 for InlornintioJl. Hamples of h Olllery m a le. rlols, Mr •• lAm e. flood. Ole".. Pennn. .
Priced Lo •• 11 at i250 UP. ' No beller alack Smllll hIll'd 01 25 ,".. ad. Every animo I out. t n ndlnK. Orent 0ppOrlunJty to' 810rled rlghl.
ROLLRIDGE FARMS J. A. Rollman, owner
McKeuoD a: Robblt.. lac.. Brid,epot1, Coaa.
Bo.. 411. O(lId.. Roa4, R"-O II - ClnelnD&!i 1~ . Ohio. ~our future worth a cenU Could you U8. a !>elter job! 'i!~nd 0 cord for Vocation,,' and Aptitude Testa wIth AnolYI'.
MltltJELIJANEOV8 DIESa,:L lo,lne, Falrbanks·Morae Model 32.Ji:-12. 120 I).p. wltll clulch . .A·l "onillUan. See ID operuUon. reosono.ble. privole owner. 1110 Klnr. Colomb.,., Obi •• WA-III91 , nlrllil IU'·1 ~ 1I1t. "llII.PllO'VJ!l YOUR . JlEAltlNO " , Send 1.CO for )lour oo81pold cop~\ 01 tills wonderful Booklet. 0 ••• M. FROIILIIlJl, au \14Ua. Blr•• t,,...IIENVER COLpRADO. PEItSONAIi BIBLE HELP!!. 'Ind ex'Planation or ,nuch ' read Sc.!ptures. A volunble J3poklet. only DOcl. A. L. MOOO!.t JIll Randelpll. (lrlelltall Ina., HOBIL .... ALA. BAB'! IUOEIi PiiEIEII.VEO: In Gold. Sliver or Bronze for UreHme It.e eploke, Price; on~ 13.00 0 pair. We employ 110 .QJlents 'Or solicitor.; you .LtVI!' aalesman'a ,",ommll. loDl. Send your bob)' shoes to S. 1'. DOLENCE. BOlt «:. RENTOI'I ~ENNA. ' .. LETTER WRITINO .\ PROBLEM' I'll do It ror you, 11.00 per hundred words, a ny 8ubjed. Send 215" (or delalll\ BROWN , lIeavlew. 8WA~8EA. MASS. POP ORN J'qppoU llilt boxu ,coconul a nd p~anu\ ·olls. llUlloo 81rr Pop.orn 00. Napol •• n . Oblo. ' PUEASANTS, EI\8Y Lo ral.o With Ollr :provo meth!>d .· Flout loble bIrd obtoln· nble. Complete Instructi ons Sli.OO. Wrlt~ PHEASANTB, JIll N. SHU. •• Ft. BlIlllb. Arlt.
Compass' Clinic
lUOB a,:rle 81.,
Backaches • due to
SluUlsh Kidneys
STAKl\ Colleet ... , 100 assorted Fre~c h Old Itamp" 25e ond 3c Ilomp. 200 lame wJth Colonl" ls, bOo and 3c .I"mp. JISI !lEWEY, LOB ANOELES fl. CALIF. SPECIAL ..,1 ••• ",.8, I\t.... ,., Oil original 'DiiPftr To .pproval "ppllcants. 15OOt...30c1 1000, Soc; anU.facUon ~aranteed. Z;a B. 'Brtrlll.oa, Dept., At. MePh,'r •• D, Ita. . . ..
0' Tlltln,
Ea.t ,Lbup •• I. O.
BEAUTY 11101'; ccnt r plly, locale<! In . moll town ",lie..., C081 of Ilvln!! la much 17": _ _ _ "helloer ,,{nn In city' 2-opertllOI' shop : .,,,cellenl oPl>ortunlt)'. M••. W. H. CO.Dell, PITmo"lb. 0 ,
Me FOR nus
.J06? -II
Keep PDstad on Values By Readln, · the Ads
PREFERIED IV MILLIONS 10 PURE-SO FiAST, Daa. ~ 10 .......... - -
FD:~~'~~EN . F,uylotalle....
Haa onnc:e navor thll's wcetenedto .chlld',taste. J!luytolJlye. IIOtablotiitor ASPIRI _ _ _ _ _,, Ilk. Ta Itl
Yodora checks perspiration odor l'olade with • Jace cream btue. Yodora II actiIGll71 loathing to 00l'iliiii akiDa. No harsb chemicale or irritatiDg aalla. WOD't harm akiD or clothing. SI4fp 10ft aDd ~my.Ile'l'el &eta ~,
I dilI'a:eoc:d
Yodora- Jeel tJJe wonderful
tOST: MISERY OF' CONSTIPADON ,it', wonderful-how much better 1
r..-eL And I D_1I0 more luad~;
ail due to ea~ ODe cIIIh of
B.RAN daDJl I lID· ~'Il
Tribute To C. Hawke
~lO Bank Nite Tonita ~ncl
A an Ladd and William BenJix in
Two Year. Before The Mast .SAT.
ocr. 8
J oh nny Mack Brown ·ih
BuJY Me Not on t~e Lone Prairie SUN.
ocr. 9
Tyrone Power iii
OCT 10
SEE ~'CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE" 'and Dona Andre~ in "DEEP WA~RS" - No Increase in Pr;ees, Take Adv.antage of Our October Bargains.
ruES. - ocr. n
Mr. and Mrs. Kellar Hoak o~en. ed their home to the East Wayne l\dvtsol')' Council for th'elr Sept. ember meeting. with Mr. and M'rs. lJarold Whitaker and daugbter f,Dd 'Mrs. McGJnnla a8 KUests, Mr. Rhodes Blnnell conducted the dl8cuselon on tbe atQmlc bomb' md lIeveral other ·BUbJecta. Following adjournment, a pleas. mt lIoclal hollr waB enjoyed and dellcloull refreshments were ae~. ved by tile bost and lioBtess. o Th'e Bappy Hour Club 'will hold ' 1t8. regular meetln.. 0u B~turday afternoon at the home of Mra. Reba Braddock, when Bonnie Sa'". <. terthwalte, brlde'elect. will be honvred wIth a bridal show.,. , Mn; Eva MlUer and her daugh. tera, lire. Grace McCune and Miss ~othMlller, were . driving near Spring Valley OI1' Baturda, afternOOD, lrben tliey coUded an. other car. AU occupantB of the "~blcle. ' .ere InJured IIl1gbtly. -1(.... McCune was "Illovell to
HARVEYSBUR('..- Fune ral ser' vices were b eld Thursdlty after· noon at the Friend's Church for Waltet' 01'111, ' who died Tue~dBY morning at the home of hi" Bon· In·law and daUghter, Mr. anrl Mrs. Jesse Rtanley. Th'e Rev. O. A. Ar· th~r. ' paator .of tbe Methodlat (,bUfCb dell.vered the sermon' arul "fl!. 'Harold BOJ:Rn preRldll rl nt tlm nlnnn. Pall bearer s were HR.rvev. ~enry. Charles Volers. HArrY I:\bldaker. WillIam Smith. W1trur McCarren and WJ\1lam. Lukens. '~terment was In tbe Springfield f'h'lm;h cemetery. ----<1>--'-E VA LEE ROl8 Funeral servlcell were beld Tu. :,sday 'for , 1!lva Lee Ross, 83. who died Baturday at Mlara rest bome In Morrow. Burial' waB mtldeln Mlaml_ cemetery. She la aurvlved by her hUlba.nd, Clinton: two daughters, ' Mr.. Elsla Shepard: of Xenia. and Mra. EthelYn Jobn. . Bon. }Vaynelvllle: a Bon. Emery or Lebanon a tw' n It M th,e Orandvlw Hospital 1n Dayton ., J II S er 1'lI for treatment ·Ida Lee BmIth. 'allO of Waynes:
• - - ,- - - ._ ._ ._ , -
- 'I"'O~
NOTICE Due To Illness In The Familv My ,Office Will Be Oosed Next Week October 10 - 15, 1949
DR. E. C. ' WRIGHI' •
- .11. __ - -!'
- - - _ .t.-..
FarmCl.lI .".M" Tractor, r.econd,ttoned.
Old Fort R,ATE8: On. cent Plr word, m,lnlmum charg., 25 cent.: Tlh re. In •• nlon. the prIce
A. TrIbute to J. C. Hawke at' two. Form. cloe. Wedn ... "The fading flowera and the au. d'IY noon. ' tumn leavea aU thelk.....wondro11ll ""'1UU,1+f'-n.~::,...-:',;:';--::---------They teU UII life II pUling by, FORGET TO CALL This life so full of duty! ~s ·ror insurance. fAil types of Each fallln~ leaflet tella ttl pain msura,nee at a savings. . .Call As on life'. road we're wenclilnr.1 FranCIS Gene Brown phone The harvest Ume ta paslling by W.a ynesville 2472 or' call colTh'e summer day8 "Ire ~Ddtng!" led, Wilmlngtbn 211 t'. FOil SALF.r- WhIte Rook pullets Ii Jllontha old, $1,50 each, Robert Bal'lnett. Third St., WaynesvlUe . Pho'ne '29944 98·at BArone RUN GRAVEL- Loade'l. at Davis P'\Jrnas' Pit, 60 cents oubilc yard. We also dellver~ ARM. John Collett Hawke ~ ~TD ITAGE <ft. SON. Phone 2091. t.f near. Wayn'8svtlle. Ohio, March 17. 1860 to Pb11fp arid Emma Col· WANTli!D TO RENT- 100 to lIOO lett Hawke. acnla farmland on 50'60 bMls His twin sister: Nary . Ellen, Ha~'e . all eQlllpmcnt tncll1dlng I comlblne and . ctlrn picker. Dean I ved only two Bnd a half years . W _ aUol\'. Phone Waynes. '2589. but Job - the Jast lIurvlvor 0'" this family - lived to ,tbe fine old RO~~EBAKED CAKES AND ' Pt1!lS . - .Made on order oni, on 'rues· Dge of 89 years. six monthe and day,s and Frldnyn. MrA. Herbert seven days. ' ~ellartlDg thla 1Ife McMillan, l>hone. ' Waynesville Sept. 24. 1949. at the home of hili. 2~U. t'l,der daughter. Minnie, wh-ere he FOI;~t-.-:S=-A :-:LE-=-=-- C-o-u n- t-l'-Y-':C-o-ttnge bad been affectionately cared' for Oljeese. Delivered 6a.turdn.y nfter· durJng his IllnesB. nOOI~. Phone BOOK, Lebanon. 29·3 On December 24,. 1881 h e waa FOIl SALE- .B'ltle creJle, rose gllmarried to Flora SuaaI1' Bides, For OO"lln e. black crepo. ,wool jerssy tlfty·flve . years (until her death dre!lsea ; brown corduroy jumper ; In .1936) they traveled the road of nav~r grellD bllle wool suit: bluB wool t· gabardine COll.t. lIulAti life t~getber. settlDS, ootore: u.; all size 11. Pho;.~ Warn esvllle 2472 an example. of true home.maklng after 6:80 P.M. ' and eatabllshlng a firm foundation WA"'-"" ,n ~ 1lIV-- Someone to do laun· r I ove and loyalty for th'elr rivEi d 0 I h t . children; MinnIe Fromm. arid O. Lee Hawke of Waynesville ' 'Raymond S. Rawke and E. oari FOR BALI!>- Wblte Rock fryers. Hawke bf Dayton; and Olara Ha. mtdlDn RetalUck, 2% ml. eAst (If z~1 Vance of' WllmlngtoI1'. Wa:rneevllle oil Rt. ?3. l>hone AIM survlv.fng are nine grand· Wa;YJlvl. 1801. 106·tri ~hlldreI1' and .Ix Kreat grandcblld· --~ ro]~ SALE- 100 pound hOIf,~Ma . ren. e h BlrIes Lynch, lIo'Ulh •Main st. Alw." ( ne:x to t l1\". - < b ouse) , Wayn sv lll. 'e , h living In Warren County ' area. e was a fanner In earIler F ()U RENT- (,.roo~ unfurnlahed vears, later joining bls father-In· atll\l~tment. Rilnnln'~ water . 011 Jaw. the late A ; B. Bide.. the bes ller. Robert Bltl')'l ~tt. 3rd. St.• 929.3 b~rdware bnslnes.. continuing Wa~~nell"llIe. l'bone 2994. 11.' that line IPlttl his retfremllnt ---.FOlt: SAT,E- H;Rtr~I;-;;~;- lin. some yeans ago. He wall all flCl. In~, excellent condition. Mr~. JllII'Iv~ member of tb'!, Republican nle ORvis, corner · or ThIrd " nnn 9112.3t party. a member 'of t Methodi st Ohalflmnn , WII)'nesvllle. church. a faithful and 101al memo ~ Nltaml O~apter 107. .. 'lV'll1 bel' of the WayneBvl11e M..,onlc meElt In' "1Illar BIl8Blon on Monday Lodge ·No. 188. Order of ...... s ern 9ve,nlng. Oct. 10. Past Matronll .,... Star 107, ~ghts' o( P:rthlas ,~a~d .ll1ld Patrons night will be obl;!erv. eel and all twenty·f1ve yesI' ellowit. and always enjoy't:U _... Odd t"'e Order u berls wbo bave Dot received Uielr tllllloolatlone ~f tIlese organilat· plOlI are urlM tb be present. Ions and ~'eJr. accompllshms~'tl. '
m~,e.n i:q:~:eh:~~I~t~:zll:~~~n
"Sunset a.nd evening star. And ' one clear· call "or me Add may theJ't be no moan1~g 'at the bar Wben I lIut out to Bea. But Bocb a tide all moving seem .. alwa1s IlIJleep . Too full for sound or fOB.JD, When that which drew 'from out the boun'dleB9 deep. . Turna again home. TwlUght and evening bell And after that the dark. .' And ma,- there 00 ·no I8CIne .. 01 farew-eU
j~ahse D7.~re ~-ro\V
\ ' OCTOBER 7~8 Roy Rogers and Trigger in "EYES OF TEXAS" and "~USTY SAVES A LIFE" SU -:-'::': N::C D~ AY ----'&'-M-O-"'N"'::"'·UAY · . OC1"OBER 9-10 Johnny (Tarzan) Waismuller as "JUNGLE JIM' ~ also IIBL.ONOIES SECRET"
TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 11·12 Jack Ca rSOn ~lI1 d An n So uthern in "APRL SHOWERS"
. The Warrei. QOUlIt)' ?{~thodt8t 1\lell'lI nroUl el'llo~d will mc l nt the Way nesville 'Methodlst churcb. Monday eyelliIig at 7 :(\0 P.M, The meeuns Will . be lit) l'.-SOl'ed by mil Lytle Methodist church which wlll ' sar V'e the dinner . o
Admlnlatrator of Margaret A. Johns deceased . .,.., Notice J II b I E8tat~
J~bnt~~oB: V:~o::::!
A(ldre!l8 Is R. R. 2, WafnesvUle, Ohio blls been duly appointed u Adm lnl8trator Wltl{ the WIU An· ' o:exed of the Estat!l of Margaret A. Johns, late of Wayne Town' sh ip, Wal'ren Couuty, Ohfo d. IJ dlilld.
Mayor Ft M. Sherwood Issued Dllted this 21st day of ·Septem· Ii warning ~hls week to all chllt!. · bel'. 1949. hal' . h ' , .n ph H. Care,ren of the comttnlrti.ty. uv IiBkt;id Judge of the Probate COllrt t)Jat ,th~y tlUnftllO theiF ballowe' n Warren. county Ohio IlctlvltJeB to eventa tbat would bot C. Donald Dl1atu8h~ Atlron~y rellult In' 1;l1'~pt)rtT clIlDla~", Published Sept. 22 •.··29. Oct. 6, '49
. Dead Stock
ROOFING Of All Types lnBIlIu.etd tlrleka. and aabe." to,!, Sidin g. Sheet ' metal work ot 'a ll kJnds. LOcal Referel!~ ci'es. All work ,guaranteed.
""flExcRvatlng Soli. Hauling, WIth
Bll •• lt. Or'a vel llFlt"lt Utle, n l·III·lIno and' t!nlldozer
f.tpute 3 ' Waynelville, O. Phone Wayne-ville 2898
Xenia 454 .ReverBa' Charges
Waynellvllls, Ohio ~~~-=-Wayne.. 2191 or 224.
Atmitag~ , &Son
Acc:ording to size and condit ion . All Stock removed promptly.
ft.L&I'BOMU .
Hon", $2.50' . OoWI, U,60
'trA'I'IOI8nLUE _ KOIUIOW . . . . LD&NON 0IIIIIe . . .
~o tace:;I~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~ ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~ , .
.This Equipment Guarant~ed ,and Priced to S~l1 or Trade! BANTA IMPLEMENT CO.
Lebanon. Ohio
Phone ,555
,oods!. ,
tend,e d to relative". friends and nelghbol'll ~or their . t1ndn'88,s, ay. mpath, and love'y floral oHer. Inga received durtng the Illness !lOO )OBB of our father, John 'C. Bawke. . . AJid to Rev• . Colemlln and Rev. Woodruff for - their . comforUn, worde. To the WaJDesvllJe' Lodge 'No: 163. F: and A.M. for their Impress' ive tun.vral ..ervioe and ' to ' the McOlure (IIneral home . for tIl'e lr' '. effJclent and courteous " The I'BmUy o~ J. C. HA·.I.... I
Yu r 'k e y ·S. '00 ••
.-Waynesville Locker Plot' PHONE 3171
WAUCER T~ ~ MUFFLERS BeeI'! Ad~ed ' To Our' Stoc'k we Have A Good Supply . For Pra ~icall.Y_ E'~ery Malte of. Car .
........................... ...,. ........... '
' ......... 1. . . . ........
...... . . ......,_.-....,................... ............ . . . . . . . . . .. ,.. . . . . . Iry
.......'.4 ..... ....
and When t embark. Phone Collect . '~~2~2:~~!!Lfi~~~~~~~!!L.!!m1....2l!r...J!!ll1ltnll.~~k••• O. 1712 .. \~"~1·:;4~a,h'm'ers-\M. c. with Cultivator%' a~d John Deere time and place . Wilm........ O. 2362 , -I~C Plow.; .Overhauled; painted. ,. The flood m&J' bear m~' far . ' 6 ft. COQ1bme with , motor, used. 2 years. ' I hope to lee mr Pilot face o n Corn. Picker, used 2 years Wh'p I have orOSI" the liar," InternatIon al 2-row mounted Picker fO f F . ~,;'r ,~ : -TennYBOII Tractor, ~ood .condition , ' J-0 or F.;30 CARD OF THANKS : '1949 Model . Cultivators, ,,' . t'B"' T rac't or ' and reconditioned,. ~ mOst sIncere thuke are ~%•
•• os,..
I .
"God calla our loved onea, but we loae not wbolly What BfiI hu given _ They llve on earth in' thought and deed as truIY All In HIli Heaven'" -WhIttier
.. _ . _ _ ;~==;:;:;;;:~=;;;:~=~~~v~I~1I~e~a~n~d~~~~~~;;;~t:h~8:h1~dEepen.dent ~~t ~_ ~ _
THtmSDA.Y, OCTOBllK 10 114.
!-Jve Wire and ProgreBslve. AD ·organluUou, lIecon'd to none Strictly leOel'1I on the best around market In the coun~
For Dall, Market R.port••
=~OWLDa1ton, 11:&0 E.B.T, DIal 700, '
CIncIDDatl, U40.
'Karl D. Dakin Agency PHONE 111 10 E. MULBERRY aT.
: , '
Cali 24~3 And We Will COOle And Get. Your Cat.
About Town
S~rvlng Waynesvill~ Since 1850
t ··
r1: it
Mr. and Mrll. ·C. LaVerne Berryhill of Fletcher, dhlo were Sun, day afternon caller a oC Mr. and Mrs. C. N . BerryhllJ and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grauman. r. and Mn. ' Leo Conner and daughters werl' Suoday JJUesta of Mr. and Mn. Robert BUlott and chlldren In Centerville. . Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart were Frldl\Y evening gueets ot therr son. Mr. Charle8 B: Earn· IJI.lI·t 'qucl fa.mlly In Trotw;ood, and aU<lI)t1ed the · Madlson·Jefferatonfootball game. Mrs. Woodrow Owen~ ~nd child. ren w.e re Sunday gueits of her mother, Mrs. J.uelle Armitage, at .the Friends Home. Miss Ruth Chandler Is er.joylng a vaoatlon with he:s: sister. MIss Ell:£abeth' Chandler In Virgin$&. Mrs. Dans Furnas has ' return. ed from OhlUicothe where she ' as' sisted Ir.· oaring tor ber g!'and. ' children, who were Qua-..entmed with scarlet te ver a t the h'ome df the ir paron ts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. wIn Payne. Mr. and MrH. WIJUIIm Strouse wer e among the gUests on Satur. day evemng when Mr. ' and Mrs. OWen Brookshire of Blanohester enle l·tuln d a group ot Crlen~s. Mr. and Mr.s . Clarence J. Da.vls and dnugblel". Chl'latlne Ann, wer e Sunday guests of tbeir par. enl.j; Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Davis. Miss Sarah Connel' entertllilled a gro'up or friends from , her oUice On Wednesday eVening. honoring MIs s Jano Denrdoft wUh a bridal shower. MrA . 1rJ,a. Parsball, who has boen III at , the home of bar son. In·law and daughter. Mr. and Mril. C. Lee Hawke. Is I)OW at the Mrs. NelJle Suyder Relit Home In Lebanon. Mary Jean Rickey. who 18 worglllg ' at San Bernardino Air Bill,. In Callfo~la attended the Ohio State 8.Od Southern Callforn. la football game on OcL T at Los Angelel. Mr. and Mt9. John Burske, Mr. 4nd , MI'II. W!llfam Strouse. Mr. and Mrs. I!l: W'. Earr.ilart, Mrs. John Fromm. !Ira. Bent", JOlla. Ill'll. Luelle tale, )In. ~. lID II....· R08s HarDock attended> the reception. for Al1'II. .MatUe Bolen 1I.t- Franklin on Thursday evenln&' I\tr. and Mrs. C. Lee hawae' Miss Ann Weltz. Mr. Jim Welt~ and Mr. Robert HUnter enjoyed a trip through B~utlJern Ohio on Sunday. . Mr. and M1'8 . .Toh·n Burske Wore among the guests at a coVeIl'ed dish dinner t th h . a e ome of Mr and Mrs . .TuJluS DOly. near Lynch: bur/!:'h on Sumlay evening. "....s R E .. b ." . ,. · • .,.8 ury spent a few days of th t I ' pas W1!.h' her emo. ' 110 ,week Mr n' ~yton . s. 'A. Q. Gr "I h ' j er. I . ell . e, w 0 s eavlng to epend the winter In Florida. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark are announcing the birth of a daugh. ter. Barbara Arin. on Thursday, October 13.'
':-'-------:IIU~~._I/~rs.,.. W E
. . . Stroud and MJ;. an'd Mrs. !1. A. FulkersOn and dallghter 'enjoyed a motor to'ur of s.outhtjrn, Ohio and ' IDto W'elt Virgin In on ,Sunday. Mr. and ' Mr!l. R. E. AsburY ente,rtalned the Critique Literary club of Middletown at the Golden Lamb o.n Monlfa:r evenIng. ' Mrl\. S. S. Standt and BOU of Union' City. indiana Were SUllday guests. of ¥r. -and !4rs. John Fromm.
...u. .,. , and Mrs, Earl. Fox are an· nounalng the bIrth' of their eecond ( 80n. Monday. Oct, 17~ Ilt - drand. .vlew hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Alva ~udlngton are the maternal SJ'&n. dparentB. , Mr. ant! ,Mrs. Roger BroW)] aDd Doris a:nd DR.vld w..e wSlkenu guests of Mr. and MI'II. · Leonard Hoh:blmer In Clevel.nd ()n \1I'day evening they' ~tt~n<led the Ice Capadea at tb'o ArenL Mr. ar.d Mrs.. R. V, Olllttln. dau~hter and Mrs. Gustin's IIlter ...
we,e guests . tl Mr. WUJ G~atln nesday. The groUP visIted polntjl a f I nterest In Warren County and were dInner ffUests ot ·: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker. Mr: anll Mrs. La.wrence Hardin anrl dau!bter. Delores. had tbplr gouts last week, their In·law and dRIIghter• .. ea'" and _ II''' lIIra. Pa- Wells and babv dau' •• " , ghtl'r, Karen. rorm Albuquerque; . N.M. They were enroute to Bel. ,n'\. KUlas. . ' Mr. aDd ' M\'8. !lverett MUler and obtIdren bad • Bur.daT guelt8. Mr. and Mia. RObert Bb'. the and lion of ClDclnnatl. T
Religious' Survey To Be CODducted In This CommuDity Oapt. 'WlIllapl Paddock of the Ohuroh Army of tile Episcopal ohurch WIUI the JJUest speaker wl.-err the Civic Club mel for ttll October dinner flesllon at the M e~hodlst Church Monday even Ing. Capt. Paddock told of the work h!' will do In this cOJDmunlty and of bls rural . sociological .. eXper· 1!'I.'cos In . Diany- aections of the courltry. He .w nl conduct a rellg' lous survey in Wayneav1lle &8 an asslistance t.o all cre;nomlna..,ons. or groups who might wlsb' to ul(le such material. Durlrlg a lengthy business se~. Sian, the Club apllroved the Be. ceptance of $30 from the achool athletic funds t~ aid In the flnan· ces of the summer playgroumd "rogra~. Chllirman Bob O'Regan reported tbat this sum plus the pro(1eeda to be obtaJr.ed trom a Christmas theatre show. would be sufficient to pay all remaining bills Incurred by program. A new membef, H. C. Hodson wa.s Introduced and called upon to rt1l1~ observaUon'S gatfaered dui-lng bls brief stay In the com' munlty. He commente'd on the assets and lIab1lltles of th:e town from a. bUBIDess sta.ndpolnt and re~ated the actJvlUell of his for' mer location. LaRue, Ohio. to Iecure uade.
0r~o, THU~QAY. 2 ·
BIGGER PAPER SOON 'I'bls Issue of the Guette Is suppllmented by an Inll~ made necessary by an overabundance of material. . The . publlshors announce that such: temporary meas· ures _wlll be augmented by a permanent' enlargement of the pnper during November. increased patrol.,&ge has made It PoBslblo to bring you a larger. more complete commun' ity newspaper.
Bumper Com Crop'. Predicted For Area .
P.T.A. Meets ·Flrid.t~ T~ Elect Officers For IDitiai Ye~;
OC f0BER 20, 1949
Ever on the alert for 80miii' thIng new and d1!ferent. Way. Msvtlle's Cm'6Dl8l1ter, Bob 0'· Regan, will adml any person free of oharge wbo can gtletlll the title of the ploture to be shoW)] this evening and Fri'
It will be IItrlctly; buslnels All we kLo,r Is thllt Tyrone when the P.TA holdl lits Initial Po)Yer and R!ta Hayworth al~e meeting Frld3.y evenlnl~ at 7 :30 '" In the cast . (no. All Kahn a\ tie high school. . Oftlcers , wlU wlJl not be thero.) be~cted an"d the by·laws ap' proy . meeting w11l Inaugurate the
embershlp drive for .the or· Ducs have been Bet cents per member or 76 per family. owing ths meeUng', refresh· will be served.
PDI t)on.
Miss Satterthwaite Weds Mr. Lackey
'Mothers Club Plans HaUowe'en ,CariUval
For October 28 The annual Mothers' Club ' ·Hol. loween Feat~val wtll be presented at the IIIgb ·school FrIday even. Inll'. Oct. 2'8 . Proceelis from the event wl11 be given to the new. Iy organJzed P.T.A. The following are the awards be made for the best costumes 'in tho parade. · a (eature event of the carnival. Best WItch .... . . . .' . . . . . . 'lVIQ ,Best Ghost . . ,. ............ '1.00 Best Gypsy .. . . . . .... .... . $1.00 Best Hobo .. . . .. . ... , . .... $1.00Fun rueat Coatl'lne .... .... .. ~1.00 Most OrIginal C06tume ., . . $1.00 Old Fashioned Olrl .. . ... .. '1.00 Old FaJlhloiled Boy ...... . $1.00 Best Cowgirl . . .. .. . , . . .. '1.00 Best Cowboy ..... . . .. .. . . . ,1.00 All participants must be 1Il¥ked. The parade starts at 8 P .M.
Palma, whIte glads, white cbrynnth'emums and Ughted tapers In single and seven branch can· 11Ig this week according to present delabra. arranged at the altar In ·lndlcatioJl.ll. Officials at the Way. the Methodist Church. formed a seltlng for the wedding, on Fri· nesvUle Farm'!!rs Exchan"e reday evening. of Miss Bonnie Vir· port that a low moisture content glnla SatteTthwalte and Mr. 1111'd . 0 plus Ideal condItions will contrl. Lackey Jr. ' bute to a better than The' brIde 1S the daughter of METt-jODIST 'CHURCH PLANS Mr. and Mrs. Harry A.. Sa.Uer- HOMECOMING SUNDAY harv!)st, mln all threEI lames. thwalte and Mr. Lackey Is tho A fqIJ day's program has been Tbe wheat market remains the _1I"il~n •• l Bcorlng: (t:h'e ., BoCre8 BOn of Mrs: Ethel Llickoy of Mid· arrat,ged for bomecoming at the same as II. WeeK ago with' demand Individual f~ames and dletown and Mr. Byrd Lackecv. Methodist Church Slmday. tn the for good milling wheat sllll for the e,rer,:lng 18 The double ring ceremony was mornJng Sunday School will start collent. Howpver. surplus performed at 7:30 P.M. by Rev. at 9:30 wIth' the Worship ~rv1ce ,gr! wheat counteracts the mar. 138. 151. 19&I. R. B. C91eman and a prograDl of at 10:30. ket enough to keep It steady. 127, !32. !fl)-- 899; 'y. nuptial music was given with AI dinner wl\1 be lerved at OOrn ia now under pressure of 162. t62- 476 ; E. Ram· MIss Sue Furnas . as planlst and 12:30. full harvest, It declined 16 ceDW 160; 172- 46lii C:;. Palm' Mr. Donald Ga.hrlll as 80101et. In the afternoon', ,at 2 P .M'. over tho week,end, Some farmen er.!_DIr. 186. 147- 492. Mr. Charlea Lackey was best there will be a sernce In which are ln' dt!' need of crib Fairley vi. Legloll. man for bla brother and th'e usb· forme'r , ministers and other guol" apace and are havln'g to sacrlUce Won two and ·lost one. erB were William McHaUl@ IUId will speak. There vt11l alIO be their .com for whatever tbey can BCOrlng: MlltOD Jonel. special mUBlc. get. ' 165. 174. 188- 467; I. MIBs Betty CJatterthwalte at:teu· A cordial InvttaUoD la extend198. 143. 163-· ' 5011': V. ded ser 'slater as maid of h4)nor o P ro dueers cannot expect to Bet ed to any wbo may WI"h to join! . aaUsfaotory prlcee for th'e ir 127, 161- 438 ; E. Ram· and Mias Eller~ Lackey and IMH. Wltb UB ,i n the 2, o'clock meeting. whel.' they Insist on Plarketillll a .1 t2. 16~ .29; C. Palm· PhylUs Hartsock we.r e the brides· incIdentally, the" day will m&J'lt 12 mOntha supply within a two ~64. 137- 478. maids. th:e 42nd wedding anniversary or or three week period , Conilequen. lI'airleT VB. Eagle8. MIBs SattertbwaJte was atUred Rev an'd Mrs,. R. B. Coleman. t1y the market has dropped- 11 R_"I~. won aaother.· clean In yellow taffeta. noor length gown. with ""Uare necldine. cap o· I y MRS•J• • B JONE8 cents OVer the Weekend. lI'armen ~.. sleeves and full sldrt. The bMe.. ABAECH'ERLI aLOCKS Mrs. Imo Unnemall and IOn. o f : : encourqed to hold tllelr maldl' frocka were stJled Hke APPEAL OF ROBBERS nb-tOL', Mr. and Mn. Don' J'o"'~ 8.011 ~ most prlcea -.-, ...... ednald.erably under th,!! jU'e ..ow t ba t of the maid of b'Onor. br Carl AbaecherU. Lebanon ataM' :0 IIaoClle, ~ JI'u . l'th.... . _~ . .......II .." 4ti'i~: ~I: taffeta ,iuuleacll ~ torLllT.; , recelYed word ......-_ . ....~ ~-.:.- - '= : - . ~--I l1eavy mov ment can - .... •• W Ibur Foulk.. peeled with hIgher priCes ar, 168 '1.6,...l.10- 414.. , of lavender ' baby muma...} qt .. .otto at ColuDibuB. that hla el· . MI'. and Mrll. Harold Whttaker on. Mrs. John Rarrlsh returned 't o The bride, who waJ~ed with and forta have been llUocessfol In opo an!! ~r. and M.ra. · Harvey IhIr· . The govemm&nt crop repOrt brr home Tuesday following an was given' In marriage by her posl\lg all attempted appeal to t.~tt attended the , F~er. Club was released last week. Figures operation and Dlne-day stay ·at CatKer, chose 1\ lovely model of ,that Court by Llge Stamper anc! last .Thursday at the ~ome 9f wero ' as anticipated With' the ex. the Miami Vlllley ho8pltal 1n slipper satin, with long tapertng Hent Smith, n01l' serving JonI' Mrs. Blanche Miller and Mls.s ceptio n. of 80'1 beMs whIch llhow Dayton': sleeves. sweetheart neckline, tight 'prl8on terms on armed robbeJT Pearle Riley ncar Lebanon. an Increasa of 7,000.000 bu . Thts ST. MA-R-Y-'S-A-~RY bodice and, a fitted slurt, wblch oharges. !\fr. and Mrs. Everett Early In conld 'be interpreted, aB. bearish. wa!! complete with a cathedral Mr. AbaecheJ'll. who was W ..... company with Mr. ar.d Mra. Carl However, the weather may slow MEETS AT FRAZURE H,OME train. Her llnger·tlp . veil oC lUus' ren Coumty ProllecuUng Attorne,Pitstick, llpent , last Monday and the harvest lending rurther h'e lp St~~:VY'~~~~C:U:.~:darytheOf O ' ~t~ lor.: .tulle cascaded from a spray at the time ~e convlctloll' of Tuesday 1ti French Lick Indiana to lh I d ' of orange blossoms taken J:rom Stamper ~d SmIth ·ourtee" ' , ' , e a rea Y 'overtaxed storage ober meetl.n g Ri: the hO'J]'le of "·rs. · ~, .. att~ft'lilng the l\latlon.a l Grain De- facilities and In turn help the ... her mother's wedding veil. and months ago, bandied th'e State'. alerB convention. . . marke~.·. ' C. R. Frazier ' on Friday ~ter· shp. carried an arm boquet of c~se under appointment .. E!peoMr Dan WUson of Syracuse C"RR ' noon. white glads and ' mums, wltll a lal' Counsel tor tb·e"Y.resent no.... .• . ' , , ' . . v tNT BID8 Following the buJines,s s'esslon, II' "' ..... U" N Y Is maklng an extended visit Wh t ' carr.'8. tion corsage center" secutor. Marvin E . YOUJig. . son' Rn d w-I' re I.ur I d Soy~aB . . ...... ... . , . ... $ $1.82 bu. ?lni: , RIce Sn'8.PP and II·fS. E. L.. .M'" S a tten rt........ lt e, th'e br .Ide •I w I'th " h er an " r . .... Argument on' . behalf of the s ... . ...... ,. 1.93 bu. Tbomas presentn(l tbe p'r ogram' on moth Mrs R a ber. t' WI) son ,. ean ' - by Mr.. AbaeC ( ) ~ er. wore a gown' 0 r f (IreS t ' state :was presented M' Lell on. . I ' orn new " . -. . . . . . . 97c bu. '''ChrIstian Faith' In Modem Ja• III I h bl It rs.. .a p ~lLt'ton n company 0 pan." green.a e crope. w t ae . Be' cherI! In the 'Supreme Court On With Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Melloh MR, AND MRS. B'UNNELL The meeting adjourned to m~et Uf;'ssorles. and Mrs. Lackey chose October 6. in opposition . to the of Middletown ~ert Saturday for ENTERTAIN 'BRIDGE CLUB a black SUite. each .w earlng a ..ed detculants' motion tor leave to a weeD vacation In' St. Petersburg Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell In lIfovember at Ut.e h'ome ot OOJ:8&ge. appeal. It Is beHeved that the deFJa. entertained on Saturday e'Venlnlr' Mra. Roy Flschbllok. and dainty immediately follOwing the cere- elslon of the Court overrUlIng Mr. and Therle Jones and with their bridg I b refrellbments v, ere served during mony. a reception· wsa held in th'e motion of Stamper and SmIth Mr"Ca"ct· Mrs . 'J. B.' Jones vtllted . e 0 u as .g uesta . the soclI.I hour', - -.HJRfI- h -_ ....... Iil .. A dellcloUB dessert course was c u _ g room. to bava their conviction rene..,· with' Mr. and Mrs. George Smith served and cards were eo1oy84 ---,--0--. Tile brlile ~nd groom left, for ed tir.'8.ll;,: disposes ot the cue. 01 'New Vienna Sunday afternoon. during the evening with Mrs. Ges FARMERS CLUB ·MEEtTS . a b,r lef honeymoo.D and upon which originated as the resUlt of 'Rov. and Mrs. Orville' Mann of WaIJ. 'Mr. DoniUd Coate. Mr. PaUl The Farmers' Club I~'eld their their re~urn wl\1 reside in' Middle- a Decembe.- 194'1 holdup of the Campbellsville. .Ky. v_ned the Tomlinson and Mrs. William regud1l1' October meetlnl~ on Thu· town. Alex Jackson FIlllng Statlon on latter's brother; Walter Burdine DOSler receiving. the prilles. Guesls r~ a Y at the llome of :Mrs. B~---;-0--tbe Chautauqua Road : north of M Sumday. of the evenb'lg Were Mr. and MR. c C' Uler an~ Miss P'erle RIley. WAYNESVILLE TOPS K.NGS FJoal,id~n. Mr and MrJ!. Robert Peterson Charles Doster. Mr. and Mrs. A deliclouB bllk'1d ham dinner was IN FINAL GAME '.0 of Crntal .Lake were Sunda)' WillIam Doster. Mr. and Mrs. served to the members and gueate, By Jim Jone8 SCHOOL ' BOARD ENTERTAINI .,• • guests of Mr. and Mra. Ernest George Wall, Mr.- and Mrs. ~na1d M~ . anMd Mrs. Charlel Welt, Mr. The Wayr.'8svJlle SPartan base'" Ou Friday evening, the ,Way· Harlan and : daughter. Coate. Mr. anI! Mrs. B. I. Wll. ~ Drs. Ba~ld Ma,ru:. Mrs. ball , nine closed ' their sea80n In Mr. and ' Mrs. Edwin' Albright Mr. and Mrs. EU Furnas. and Mr. axwe ., Mls8 ""Illlams and Mrs. good form winning their final nesVUla Sehoul Bbard ente~· ' ed at the~ school bou8e, aU teach· ot Indla·napolls. Ind. and ~. and, and Mrs. Paul Tom"--';'n. . , Herllchel Bunnell. gam n~., f'rom K1r...... · ... lUs. 7·6. uu.u PI 11 ' ln th d b ers and . other ' employees, anc! :Mrs. C. 'B. Brattlan of berty. --0--0 ow g e Inner. Mr. Mar· Danny Simpson hurled '·hlt bill th'eir famJlles. Rupt. K. M. Ret&1' Ih'dl!1 na spent SundtlY with Mr. FRIENDSHIP CLUB MEE"S AT ·tz pve th'e Invocation. tbe Bhort for the locals While passing four Uck showed movies ot a' recent and Mra. Seth Furnas Jr. RUSSEL WJLSON RE8I~ENCE buslne8a lesslol,' was beld, and and WayneSVille oollected 10 hits Mi. and MfS. WIIUam Richey. 1I4r8. Rus8el WUaon was hoatel; the memberl were favlored by a ror the afternoon. ' Thla vlctlory, vacation triP. and the enning MI', and Mrs. Dave Stratton. Mr8. to the , Frlend8hlp Cluh.' on ·W ed. plano sold , by , Ml'I!. MILXweO and tlil'ir Becond.enabled them to tie was spent 80clally. Refreshments ' were served by the hosts. ' ·Naoml Baird and daughters and neaday altemooll,. of the palt a reading , by }flsa WIUlams; WIth CarlOOe ror to!\uth Illace o Mr. 8Il'd MH. Th4!rle Jones and week. . thMI:;t RIley wal'd the Ispe&ker h of with a 2-4 reco ..d. Morrow oaDle MIlton' attended the wedding of Mrs. Leah MUls led In the de· e ~ornoon. al> gaVII to er from behind to beat Mason while Mr. Byrd Lacj[y and Mtal Bon· yotlon'S and a ' reading WILS given \i~teners a moat 1JlterElsting talk Springboro took Harveysburg and nlf' Sattertbwalte the Waynu' by Mra. Charles Koogler. DurlDg on "My Hobby - LUBtre~" abow· thue 18 now a 3·wsy tie for tlrBt vllle Methodist church and the the buslneas session the following h.g many lovely old pieces from place, which wilt be played otf reception that followed. officers were elected for the her coUectlon, some oC the 16th nex:t spring. (Held form last week.) ' Mr. ' .md Mrs, C. t'. Dovell and. COmlllll . y... : President. Jlr{ra. cent~ry from Italy anct the 17th: -=----iOI)---~ Miss Mary 'Bostoll' was a guelt MrR. J . . F , . V.a u RYSWlek of Uti. Horace Shaner,' Vlce-preslilan. cen'tury from Fngland. MRS'. ' WALTER WHITAK-ER of the card ch,lb at the home of ~ ~.. Tb l" b ad! d t . t ,'" attsvflle. M~ returned tOl lthell'l ,AIrs. WUUam. StroUIle.· Hecreta_, 'e c u Dome 0 mae AU ' • Mrs. qrlffy on Third It. WecID_ -# Nove..... ~ t th H Hall 18 W.C.T,U. HOSTESS homl' Monday aCter several da,s MR. Bernard Dalev, an'd •....:.:.. ... ....r a ' e ....1'II~nge ' ' ... Ith M On FrIday altemoon. Oct. 14. day afternoon. VisIt with tbelr sister. Mr,8. War-. urer, rs. Tollan ..... '''wson. wk r. and Mn. Harold WhIt- We W.C.T.V'. meetlng was held' Dr. Emma HolJoway, Mlsl ' ren oPummill and family. · ll'.h e Club adjourned. and during a ~ as host and boatellS. at the home qf Mre: Walter Whit. OUVe WlWams and Mrs, Leah " MI'II. J. B. Vore and children' of the very pleasant social hour a 0 aker. The meeting w~ opened ~H!ls attended the Garden Club Dayton · we ..... Sunday .rnel." ot del!lert eo . ' une, 1n geepl.... W· RALEIGH BOGAN IN.JURED '... p.... -0 IN TRACTOR MISHAP wltb a lIong and Mra. Whitaker ThlJrsday atter..oon at the Shoup Mr. and Mrs. Don B!U rcl. th-. hallowe'ero l>ea80n. w~ aer· Ralelah ~ogan had the mlator- as leader. reading the 100tb Ps· home. Mrs. Luelle Armitage spent The l4tle . Sunda:r School .ave ved by the hOltess. . t aim and leading ~ prayer. a mJsceUaneO". abower for .MR. I 0 .u ne to get call1Jht In the powe.. .~~ ff f th t lth hi-a. After another song. the re""lar Wf'dnesday In Ctn.alnnatl. Dave Shatton. a recent bride. In Kenny Vtcket'9 haa Completed a ......e () 0 e trac or 'IV W.,.. D .. MIas .Jessie Gamer with ber he was worklnK Thurlsday aven. buslnes8 was transacted. TJpappreclattOn of her lervleel, u l(kJay furloll&h 1u the communitY' Ing. Although not " ':1011111, In. ma Holloway 8!lVe I. _"Ort aC'r,GlIDt bephew.Mr. tee Talmadge. vi.It-cd WIth thCllr couln. Mn~ Q. plRnlat of the Swiday 1Ch00L toUDWIn" Itbe ' compl~n of hla Jured; he bas suffered of the county conven.tlon. A. TbomPlon In SUverton, O. After leveral Ovel, coat.ta, boot ~ II. Parr.. Island ba Il688 of mUllcles and Whitaker 'read two very on Thuratlay afternoon. obc ahen opened ber Ihower Irlfta the 1IarIu... . ' . tkles 011 "Heavy ' MI'II. Rar.uab Cook Dam Of ",hleh were vel'1 beautUul and Ing"and "Alchoi In Columblll" Is DOW • III8IIlber of Ulefu'L CARD PAR'tY meetlll&' was rloJled with our Home taUlQy. llefreahmenll! of lee oream. Bpouored By Ion Ben.motton·. Ill'll. Mattie Stoops of Van Wert, coUld... coif.., and tea were ..... Procriau1Yl11 Women'a (Jlub 11 . 0 Ted. . TIle ...~ ".. lin. GJlAlfOa BALL .to • P.II. ll1aa KatIn7a PreIDdelrp~~ .0. "Ued ' on Min IIbaaJe Dod' Sa1Jatad JItIr. Octolaer .1, .K. B.u the IU8at of .... aOn anti 111.... lIaaIe ad hnIe Brcnnt Batardq aftenoaD. Ad.JMI9D, 100 .A . . . . .or lOti uU tIda . . . .. 0
Wa~n~svme ar. farmers' h~rveat a bumver c~rn crop atart·
BOWLERS WON EIGHT GA~'ME8 employee!!' . bowling team Waynesville Fairley Hard· I store have wane eight and game so far 'In the sea· The game r.SsUltl are
"'-- --.. .
... .
- .. -.... --, -.-
I . f
. I•
Control Atom, Keep ·Aler.!: Baruch; Senate Clashes. on 'Price Supports; 8. S. Seeks Method to End Strikes Pre.ident Truman's annOUDCemDt on September. 23 of an atomic: aploalon In Russia. U.S.. cUke.. worked. IJP a Idnd of pecuHar, dotached teoaJoo ~t aeemed. to have been born out of the ex· P'Ctation that lomebod)'-maybe Bernard Banicb-ourht to a. ~ lIOIIletbIDC IliIDiflc:ant pretb' .OOD about the world and the atom bomb. ADd, Mr. ! Buueb, who. b the au· Ulor of Ibe ~ fo,r,: , ~ternatlonal .tomia . clNlfrol th.t wu rejected b7 the ~ta ~ INa, mea.ured 'II.' to ~ {l~Dd, lOr ,an ppInton b)' comiDi out With what lookelf. to be tome practlCal .ugp.tlOtIS. PRJMARIL¥. he urred that ·'IaoUWWlflll &han. trub'dtecllve" qatem ot international control bo put IDto 'effecL . ' After
Tl7l"'e lJe (left), aecretary paeral o' the 11l1ltec1 NaUon., chat. "ltb Bernard Banaob at
wi~ =~~~~~!:~:~I~: ~!~::
H n ' ii" fill' qll.rlion.s, b" "tJ "" ba /J /Jenlllll 1M lb. ;'..wl. whi I, ·.rre practically impors/bl. 10 IIII}wDr-t"'(t!u )'our cbi(.J,.t!M gill' 'au t'llollgh lim. 10 ,."ad 101lr ,,,wspape, belo,. Ih., SltWi /11.'1illg IlIg.o/.tv," with il. "7 !htmJ on YOII' 1. Q. /0' sir•. I . Yugoslavia. aided b, the U.S .. reccntly b'ld lor eJeotioD 10 a seal OD Ihe U.N. sflcurlly CODDcll. How many elective members Ilre Ihere oa :· &he ~lirh,. council? I. Newl from LoadoD foliowID&' the devaluaUoD of the pODDl1' made frequent menJlon of 'the "shadow cablnetl" Wbat .. I Itt • S. U.S. 'ald to forelm c01lDtrlC!l In fiscal 1949 totaled a blWOD d.,Uara. Would you .a, BrilalD. Germauy or Fraaee recelYed the moan t. Oklaboma voted reoeDo, .. ' keep III U-year-old .tatewide prohibUlon law. How maDY .lJ.dry slate. are there! 5; Gum. a U.S. po_ldoD formeriy run by the DlvY, recentl,. lDaurura&ed 115 0 ..., clvWaD COyerDor. WbeD did 'be 11.S, cat Guam' ANSWJ:RS I. Of lb. II ... Ie, tlu u. 1111.
~!::E~::J:~::I!~~:r.~~::~~~~/i$ '
AmmunUlon Was Searee
To -Grace K H'c~ en
In colonial North Carolina ilm· munition was so scarce thot every v essel not owned in NOrth Carolina had to pay a tonnage duty on gunpowder. gunshot and flints.
.. MC"V_........,
for Your ' Future Buy
COME AND YOU FEEL GLUM Try This D.liciou~ Chewil'!g-Gum Laxative • WIll. y •• ren .........11 llIillt-hII lIeadaellr aDd '1II",wtlll bIQ_ JV\I allllaU,e-do tbla ••• Olle" 1'DH·.. ·JUNT-deUolo~ ~ , RID Illtatln. TIl, ac\Ion of , . . ..... ~ apec1al mecllclJle "DftOIIMM '\11. nolD8llllloj That II, It clo.n't &0& '<i\'hll. lD &be . aoh. but onl)' "ben ranbel' &lema lD
Cookle .Box And Shelf nus graceful cOrPer sh.elf and gay coo.kie' bo}C a,r~. mllde ' out of quar ter.inch plywo~ with Pattern 266.
• • •
lower fllieaU.. '""' ... wlien )'01l 'waD" ~ *Ct. You feelllD. eplD qlllClU), I
'!'hit pallern . • 'ves aotulll..I•• cutUns ~lde'8 tor the aliell no wen Q. Q Itencll dulaD and oolor IrUlde (or dec.ratlna the tlO~ Sond order wIlli 2Sc to WORK_ 8BOI' PATTERN SEl\VICE. Drawer 10, . Bed!cord HUItl. New York.
.~ ~
I f!~'"r ~J ~~:..2 , J.
.' ADd aClenUata al), ell."'DI
nac·..-IIIlf'f'a lIDo mldl~D' DlIIft -tt IO'~ tIOwI' paur
U,.-·-rea41 .... UIe.,...m.OIt ........•..DM'a\aDt 1 dn1a 50. •••• co~~.
ft·~ ~~:,. ~ I ~~ z t~ .
.D.. --' '--_______..:.-___
anI" 11 ••.
vo r. 1':.')to take. 1IO lablatl, a:Ie.
U. S. Savings Bonds
~t~a~ra.a.. ..••• 1-.I'~e.l'~l~,~.B~,J.,;~ ·ail...... .0U.r., U.:: ..
-/ ~
So eUy to
RIve r lllht dl)Sllll\!.OI'-
Avoid Carrot St~ins To avoid yellow stains on your h andlj when peeling carrots, peel them Wld el' water.
. u to bow to up to the RU.llan of the American A_latioD for "':. 1".. a Ir.., Ute UDl~ 'Nation. ror' .tIl.. ..r I •••• ,. .f "'. V..... nall.. ...... , . . • •...~ m: . ..alUGD, b ••••• b,. Qb,r.ltUi. _ Deadlock' 1. Pendlur such ....te and lure" tlJlpilJiec1 le"lee to the U. N. S. a,rm ••,.. III control, make eftl)' ettort "to . ..... arl ..' •• '" mjUl •• ; F...... '10· aU· • Robber-"ThlB iI a .tlc~-up, 1 __ I_.~.- our oftl'WbeJm1n" ad..n~ HIGH I 1......ppJ. .. ti,. . . .1, .u.., want: all the money yqu've aot." - - . •..,. wIlli a ·...'.11'1 •• , •• bIlIIU.. Vic'tim "I'n make a baraa!n ta,e" III 'tile devWlpm~t of atomic Good o'r B'a~" : Ia". . . .. . , ur a. Ia I .... " lb. T ••• " .r Pa,.., with you. I'D gIve you aU my -:a~:. __ ._e' our Itraie- fDr Deapl.. worried a'hnlnlstraUon all... lbe 1,••laII·AaI.rI... mOntlY it you'll elve me pistol." ' , -. that . -.cemaldor. warning. aralns1 letting farm pdce Robber-·'Okay." 3. EDact . , ltaI\db7' mobUiutlon , supports 10 hlap as to "prJ~ the : Victim (n . ow in possession of pIa.. lnelwllD, ,civilian dete~e. farmer out ot the market... the aen· 0 h W 1mm~~17. I ' . ' ate WI!D~' ahe6d to hi! a ne~ par1t~ n t e oy gun)--"Give me that money back BASIC IDEA, ~ course. la for the ce~g for IIx baalc' .~ups. Judging trom aU the activity that or I'll blast you to heU." . U.S. do It. moral beat with the Senator s "Young (R,. N.!>.) and hal be~ generated around the Rolbber-"You'll have '-to ,et ollve I?rlulC\'r ' b~t Iii. the meantime RtllJleU (D•• Ga,) I~arheaded th.e Id!!a recently. apparently tlie some· bullets first." .keeplil~. ~lIbdy, just ' in ealle: luccesSful drive ~or an amendinent Americans ' are most BaruCh" coaceptlon of a mobuf. to peg IUpport prices on wheat, about la how they ca.n ·keep • few ReasoD EDoa,b otion .~ Would !Dclude price, . ,ton, rice. COnlj tobacco and peanut. doUars rolling -into the fam~. till It was a big funeral and eve17wa,e anef hftt cont'rob. ratioDin,' at 90 per ceDt of pariD'. Previoua month "after father reachel body was - the"re, Kaplan had at. prtorltlel a'D d antl'prollteerln, Bupppn prices on &hose crops had the ripe old are 01 65. ready filled two measurek. • been 75 per cent 01 parity. Pension plans have beeD with his tears and ' was balf.way RusaWll to ill. SEN. SCOTT LUCAS 01 lUlDoll, ID ma,or strikes through the third. . lema......1 coatroh-tbe OUIlawinl aenate' DemocraUc leader and voice nation. and conlTesl waa comin. "Kaplau," said Greenberg, "I of the bomb . -and In.&8maUOual 01 the admlnlllUation ID this case. up fast on the outside 01 • greatly didn't know that rich man was a al1'eement.l to deatro), aU exJattn, bad OPPOled the Young.B~ssell expa.nded locial liecurUy mealure. relative of your .... atocks of tIu! atom bomb-over- amendmeDt tq Sen. Clinton Ander· Even as the admlnlatratloD·apon. "H/~ ' ain't." sobbed Kaplan. almpllflu tile problem. Baruch son's bW ~Dd had tully ·exp.e cted ~ored blll -was 'reported out onto ,tJle y.oti suppose cryink?" "iii. , that It would be defeated in ~e noor by the house rules committee, HB' WARNED that • Would·be lenate. It had l1een fairly obvious that .the .gereliar eBBlbr c a it I d divert But after Ii lusty battle. the meaa· house would approve WI portiim ''peaci;fu1h atomic materJal to "!D- ure was seDt back to the agrlqul. 01 P.resldent Truman!.' proll'am'. temaUooal blaCkmail aDd destruc· ture committee wbere attempt. Briefly. the cUrrent mealure protlon." . . were made to work out a vides for: I mise. 1. &II IDcrease 0111 mUllon !D ~ SeJ)aton Anderson, Aiken and number ot worker. covered by old· Lucal iliad argued that • hlgh·sup- a,e and ,llUrvivQn Insurance tor a £conom, Throttled POrt mea.ure, kec:pln, food price. new total or 48 mWiOll. Left..Over Pie BouCb 'l'be hiato17 maklDl double basic· high. ~ght one day cause cOD8'UI;i. I. &II ayence 70 to' 80 per cent YOU have left-over pie , IDIlIuu7 . atrik~ and .teel- era to rebel and ponlbly throw but Increase' ID o14.a,. beDefitl.· ',...... ft... ~rap it in wax paper and _1'0 rapIdbr tlito~'ctbe nation'. ~ , ~ntlre" price IUpport prorram. I. Crulloa ' 01 . • , new inlurance in the hydrator of your reo ' eco~ .. ~ f1N& ,WItek of ~ Ba~,r. ot the 90 Pllr CeDt parity Iystem for persona ~ w:obodJbel:lci~am:~. fr_i~eralor, It'~ atJ.llhe.Jn..goo4,con~ workrl$ClPPIIle cil'ew to a close, 1egfalatiOD contended that any ser- tou.I1y . and ~. permanentq dition for balung for several daya. cauaW: ioUl t.. in farm · pricel could let t. Ali Inorease In the L · ~ . ..,."" of ~t 100,000 off a depres*lon a~ecting the whol. hy more tltlln SIlO per Laacb·PacklD, romatoes wbite c;oUa,: worken w~se cIeri· national econoll\Y· the next 20 yellra. . If tomatoes are to be packed In cal aerrieea 110 lonlet' were needed. THEiRE; MATTERS ltood tor the At any rate. the prospects were a luncll baSket or to be taken on I. ........... of ' u,~ raUro'ad time lbeJng. I PrIor to the senate bright for those leglslatora who picnics, don't keep them In a re,t ' 1('1 , 1\ . fight ool! ttte aUpport .. bl11, however. were .plllD!ping for pa.sage 01 th.e frigerator. men. Once a tomato Is I. ~. . of PaCkard motor Sen.' Scott Lucas bad delivered expanded social security law. Sen. chil!ed, it turns sott and wrinkled CODlp~ operaUcma, h1mseU or an opinion that could, atol; George (D•• Ga.) chairman when it ret:urna to room tempera\ ... Bed_oae. of ~ output to aD unde, the right clrcwnataDces, turn the fihance committee. treely pre- ture. anemic 8,S: 'per' l teat 'otcapadty. . out to be prophetic: dieted that the lenate would pall I, Daar. ... 01 3D mIlllon dollafl "When the government continues the hopped-up loclal security proSavlDc Potatoel worth 01 ,bulDell In \he' ateel aDd to subsidize a little more and a lit· cram ID. 1950. The waste incurred when .coal iDduatriea alone. ' • tle more an the time-Without stick. potatoes are pee.ed can be minI'· . ~ ~ ~ 01 Ii cmWiop ~:; Ing til a farm · program deaUnlt with REVOLUTION: mizeCf by boiling . the potatoes In -til W.'.I to , ,,,earl,. ,• •poo .•1 ,_ the basic comlPodlties that can be thelr ukins, an!J then peeling them _ateeI ,~~ ~oal w~ra. I \ contr.<illed-YOU ~e taitnr a eb~nce With Trailers ' while ho.ding them under a stream ~ent ' TrwnaQ ~ ~~ted that the whole thin, may be struck Tomorrow's butcher, baker and of cold water . .. tba.t ~ PIaaD~ 1 1lD cllrf)c.t , 'I'~er:t': down," candlestlck maker may desert Use Boab~e BoUer' ' Main .treet to come rollin, rlrht , 'BiRTHDAY; To 'Ilvold lightlpg the brpUer oru~ to Mrs. Amerlca~s <Ioorstep to oven when you have to 'cook a 1Ja4 ~ to aiure ' out • Dew at- u~ N' F h lell their wares. "mpt ~ .oWe the CfUpute.. . ' . .,1 ourt This minor · revolution !D retah tiny' p,tece of meat for the baby, With 'bie, fteeI ImillI .nl! coal Octob.e r 24 Is UnIted !iation. D.,.. lalesmanshlp was ' forecast this place the meat in the top' of a mfnu I4Je. "Olln,.a massive pl'ObThe orea~Uo.n. t wherein repose week by America's trailer coach doublE~ boiler. alon, with some ----O-~iem _lito flDd a workilble lolution the hO~1fJ tor, pedce or aU free and ~anutac~er8 as they prepared to butter'l put the . lid OD and let it, cook. ruat at all to the· pena\on demanda thilik~> D;leJl.i Jus.t fOur yeara ol~ of Murrll1la ·qnlted! ,Ste.elworke'ra -lour yeara old .al the pass\lge or and LeW¥' Unite!! !Wlllt, 'Worker.. tt~e goes. but already ~gelesB In It. MaklD, It , more dlftIcult was ,&he e2q)erlence, and the good it baa ac· r filct that neither tfte !Ddustry lead- complished. erl nor the uniODS were !D mood WHAT HAS THE United. Natlon.l to make an-, eonceaslon.l. done alDee It firlt eonvened durin. An added Brim note was IOUIIded the immediate aftermath ot World b;y l'hlliP Murray" CIO leader. War D ID JH5.? .. when ~ warned that aUU another . Fir.t of aU, It has constantly kept 100,000 at his IIteelworkers would be the hope ,and proapect at Pellce IOlnI ,op Itrike b~ ttle end ot Octo· allve!D the' minds 01 the world'a ber ilnie~ the company.flnanced people. It ha.l come to mean. to the alx-cAiit peniloD and tollr-cent Insur-, common maol -' functioning object lIDCe' program was accepted by ,the les.on thllt, "workhig It out il better .. dlaplay commercial and Industrial ateel lndu.try. . ,than Ibooting Ii out." I' The U.N. already hal definitely trailer models at their first national stopPed three 'wars-ID' India. ID exhibit In' Washington, D. C. NoPalestine ah'd Indonesia. ' vember '1&:20.' 5, That I. IT 15 LEADIN:G million. ot Don. In addition to a ' eomple'e Une . What happened So the S per CeDt- lelt·governlng tenitdrlel toward house trailers. the show will fea· • !Dqulr7. that hotter ~an a the ' reaUzation 01 leU·government. ture. - am'ong other :speciaily-detwo-dcllar deep freeze box a month On, the I)asla. qf the best evid~nce. Itllled coaches. a well·stocked 91' two aeot -. the U.N. hal contributed enormous- ·travellnl grocery store. mobile Accordirir to SeJ1ator Hoe,. (D., ly toward the job ot keeping the. beauty parlor. llbl-ary dental unit, N.C.)" who headl ~ .pecial a'enate pe5ce WOD tbrough the bl~b~ of fi~d office and medical unit. aubeommlttee wbJeb atud1ecl wbe~- ~orld War n. ,. lIajJ~ a. a progrenlve step In ., ·federal bv7inC ·w.. lmproperl;r . The blrthda), or the United. Na. relieving congested shopping ceDt· IntlUeDlI!iI. ~ ".~ .PJ'Obably: Uo~etober 24-11 a aay to tIx erl alld alplp~yinl the . housewife's .on·~ be reaumeill tbis .lear;. aI- In memo17. O'd dl are that In terml marketing probleml. the new trall~ ~ugh ~o ..en~tor ~dicated that lie of human achievement and benefit er atores already are w~g favor w,ht riIleue ·a report on It and' the 'dlgnlty at man, JrlltOry wiD In both metropOlitan and rural ·'FOa ,ALL practical purPOUI write that date as bein, one or un. .real. IIY lponloq of the idea. ... !Dyelttl.Uon alread7 b com" pAralleled IIignUIcance and 1m. Tell that I1'Oce" .tore to walt, pl.ete4,. .114 Boe:r. portuce. · Mother-I'll be right out! However, iu 'subcOlDDlJttee .. . . . atIIl walUbl to Ie' the teatlm0D7 ...·tfl at .lamea v. IIun& AIld DaYid Benheteriol ical nett, both cd nom were delcrib.d . og .. belna toe w to tab the Itaad.. When the Ruall&DI ea.ed &hell' _ The cit,. of Chlcaro. aware Hunt b tile Wubln8toa m....... bprder travel ~ictioDl It Frank- the hlib attack priority It ment eoun.seIor wild a1leP«D7 eo1. flirt, Qerman)" to dr.w Oer- blve In the eveDt ot war. b Jee.s fat ' - , . bfa help ill seek· roa.. Into the Soviet ZOIIe ' for Com- oomln, more defeJiM COIIllelClua, lQYel'Dllleat ' eoDtl'acta for mUDlat ··Peace D87"" demOllltr.. About two . . . . .10, Dr. otbera. He ... the . . who.ald. tllIDI. the reaulIa were remlDiaceDt. IlIaD B1mdI.ep. ._CblIlaIG HAIl 'I .." to ..D b ma• .: err 'tile fabled ~ck With the health preslcleDt..: GGDveuecl .... ...... is ....d err the a.lcqo poiIItecI ....« no ran 110 1arda" coate~ce ••er called bJ . . " . . . ...... wbIcb fooW tile a touebclowD-tbe WI'ODI.Il7,. ID tbit world to pnteet Ita elUl"'1 IIGI ......... __ 'DIDuaalMll '" uatern Oermau lrom Ibe tbna, cd. bioIoJIcal . ..... III _ " 1Ia!. 0-. IIarr7 JOtIN4 lido Ibe WIetea'D . . . wIdJe ran. 8aI4 1IaDdeIa: ."1'bu8 ,....2 ...,. . . . . . . . . . . tile other..r. fta.llleed l1li' .............."
Thursday, October' 20, UM9
80)( .
'Truly Eff«.t i,e'
f, Cookie
(1101',.1'01'(."., ." NOTE. ""'e•••••• ptell •• a" ."" • •••• III "'e.e •• 18mDl, the,. .r. 'b . . . . ..... ..... V.I a .......allIla a ... .a.I ........ rl1,. 'hI. aew.paper.1 A-CONTROL: .f
? Current Events ?
NC1rI at'last",a RNER dye , .CLEANS AS IT DYES!
wi,hout washing-wi,hou, boiling -wi,hDu' laill )lOD lIIlt or dye with SUDJet. nl.lnIIy aDer PRETESTED dweoo. falns remarltable deulDr and pendl'lItlDr Inlredl. COli. GUARANTEED to dye GIl rabrlcs.-Je positively ,Ives foll.depU. color true to lA'lIpl~ every time. ·If yOur dealer dOlI not stock, write III.
See Jigw qu!dJy-easlly-e\'ellly-ezPff,r,
on co.,.
..... v-.·•.~.
~n~:.w~~a'~' ~'§~~
1000. /
".1." ....
'.'t~\lf!, , For .StuHlness, Coughs of Colds
l"DIi 'know - ute DiiWODS. of othera - how wODderfully ' effective . 'Vicks VapoRub .. when J:OU rub it on. . ' . Now••,. here's amazlDe, 'l1ecfal ~ef when there's much coughing or StIiftlDess, that "'cbok~-up" fe~g. It's ~apoRub' In steam • •• and It brings relief Glmolt 1f11tantlJlI ' PUt 1 01' 2 spoonfuls of VaPQRub 1n a vaporIzer or bowl of bolling water, Tbenbreathe in the sootblng•. medicated vapors. Everu breath. eases cou~b1ng spasms. makes 1)reathing eBBicr, And to prolong relief-rub VapoRub on throat. chC$t and back.
Use if in steam ••• Rub i, on, •
'DO' . •
Thursday, October 20, 1949
The greatest worry of most I Fewer Pedestrians Figure women traveling alone is the bug- .:....~-n In 1948 TrClffic Deaths bear of a flat tire on a lonel, CHICAGO.-S'ewer pedes trians road. In 'this series at photo" ;Yolked them se lvell t o deat h du ri ng , 1948 tha n the yea r before That HANG ON Carol Lone, Shell Oil Company I ~~~~~~cJb-jF:-~~~,';;::;; T here were 9,850 pedest rian tra f. CreomulsioDrelieve, promptly becatl5e much·traveled expert shows a, ~~al~ !ic deaths last year, accordi ng to il goc, t ighl 10 the . ea! of the trouble few tricks that will enabie a wom· 1 III 1949 editi on of " Accide nt 10 help loosen and expcl Serm laden on to change 0 tire alone-mClin- ,- - - - - - - - - .. st atistica l yearbook of lhe phlegm and aid Dature to soothe a~d Safely Counci l. This was · hC31 raw, lender, inflamed b ronehuu mucous membranes. T ell yout drug(tist taining poise and calm from st~rt cent bEllow the 1947 t ota l of . 10 scll you a bOlrle of Creomulliloo to finish. The first thing to do at • wi th th e understanding you must like the first hint of trouble is to pull ire!:,:~~ R~!~t:in~~tm~~~: the way it quickly allay. the cough off to the side of the road, ' 'V"'nIC.'''' death s ha ve be'e n ta bul a t- , or you are, to have YOllr moneY·back.
·Beware Coughs
Flom Common Colds
Arkansas Fanner41 May Grow Drugs
t y pe of acci~ent that pedes· deaths were fewer tha n from tw o-v e hicle collisions.
New Plants to Prod,uce
• Da a ala Narcohcs, lql1 IS;'
(CREOMULSION for Coughs,ChestColds,Bronchitis
A drug·fa r ming program whIch I~r==~::=~::=~=~::;:;:===~~;::~=~~=:=~~m ay ' tree the Uni ted State:s from reltance on foreIgn sourc es for maoy vital med icinal compounds has been launched in Arkatlsas by a transplanted Rum anian clbenllst. reports the m agazine "Industrial and Engipeering Chemistry." . I Dr, O. K. Cosla, a blo(:herrust who institut ed the first su(:cessful cultivation of drug·beatlng plant. In Ruman ia, Is In charge of the Arkansas program at the College of the Ozarks, ClarksviUe, where a 2O·aere tract 'has ~e en set aside for hJ~ experiments. ' Dr. Cosla , who has an M. D. degree as well as a Ph. D. in b iD- '
En .
chemistry, used t to supth. United States .partto'ofexpor its drlug
that old, feminine trkk looking helpless is okay, provided some-
is coming along-but if no a,ne stops, milady might just as well get at the job. The wise woman motorist carries a pair . . of conyos ga_untlets and an old shower ' curtain for just such emer,gitncies: , . The shower. curtain. is inyaluable .for p~otectin9 " clothes against g~ease vnd dirt.
Get the tire wall at the spore tire as close ·to the flat tire as possibre, then gently ease 'the flat up and·on the sp~re. If. the ' backing up is done gentlr~ the not be da.m- · flat aged-and this trick will make the tire -changing much easier.
manian chemist will test them in hydroponic JostaUations, in wblch their roots wW be immersed iD • watery lolutlon conta ining mineral I\utrienta. instead' 01 in soil Tha active drugs will be e:ldraeled from Pte plants In~ a fo,u r-room laboratory whi ch Dr. Cosla brought with blm to this country to, aid bI. relearch in biochemistry and ex· ' perlmental pha nnacology. , Dr, Cosla believes, acco:rding to "Indusfria,l and Engineering ChernJitry." that the South can even· tually become one ot the nation'. principal drug farming anci m ~nu1acturJng centers, thus divl!r~lng to the area ~ ill io ns 'Iof dollllrs ' now .I:.s ~ent annu~IlY on i~ports. . .,.
With the reor end of the car
ply, and during World Wale n be furnisbed southeastern Europe wltb medicinal m aterials. It Dr. Cosla's p1anli mature, Az.. k ansas farmers , wlll soon be,g in supplying the na tion with l uell drugs as belladonna, a narcotic; stramonium, a drug processed from dried Jimson' weed wblch gives relict ,to asthma suHerers, and ergot, used to control blood h emorrha,lles and as an anesthetic. Foxglove, the dotted white and purple tubular flower. whose leaves bear the pow· , heart atlmulaI\t"digitalis, will loon be bloOmin, In Dr. COllall medical ,arden. , Some 01 the drug·bearing plant. which Dr. Cosla is planning to cultl. vate already crow wild in the Arkanlaa backwo~ . To detennme the belt cOnditions for growing eacb plant a. a domestic crop, ,the Ru·
raised consid.~bl, ' by ~sing u~ oft the spare,. only '. few pumps of the ja'ck-h~~dle ~re 'needed, This trick is fine with any jcick . and is especially ·effectiye with one that must be placed under the axle of the car,
Handy Cart .. ~
"TRAPPED len .a w: -lid It.HaI s(reame. d our dOORI '" •,n.
1. w ind" midnight, we beard ill A . Iabina "!bis.Pet. , , a htll ••• a wbiailiS lUSt ot deathly sileoce __ • a ahiieking blastt" And full fury of,the \Q.rnade> ~N"ar
struckl My wife screamed I M,. child '\'V h1mperedl l arabbed OJJ GlUhlighr. Saddenl,,...
,be whole bouse cburaed . .. lifred ••" pua in air. liyeryth jna ensiled lDIO,, ,.
I came I had been 2 "lIu,,; (rom the , bouse (0.
. l
hoto • ditch. M, Joshl/abl Ir1II butDed. Pnlblicallr, I 'bllb"ed I~ lend, beam ,. lbIII c111d1 WIlli 1 .... die ",hlee fam IIIJ' la-
• A rubber ",aUet is II' useful tOol . .- .'
fOr 'star,ting stubbOrn hlgs~ , tfQte that t~e Jlat' is ' ,!iII .rid,ing the, spore, for exira stabiliy. .
E1pr 8cbrot;der, Ho~ 't'IIJe. Wiscoula. belle"eII .. JuuuI, farm cadrel can blave aD attractive appearaaee willie
. -Ylile
~ w~e aad
work for · ltl · owaer. carnell • pod.. l.., loail of toois, supplfea ., prodace e.III,.. The can "a,
mAile from a chlld'.s dlI4cardql eea.r w.ron; adnr &lite box
aDd wheela •. The. orlelDal .arOD we wal lIept, ,aDd tbe cln "'•• baUl of " Iacb pipe. Thue re-
When . all . lup hay. been reo moyed, an extra pump or two on the jack.handle wilJ free ~th tires and' th, flat can be' ron.. I to the trunlt compa......nt or the rear seat section, With the flat 'off, tilt up the spart, A few ntino~ 1ICIjUltm.nll with thelGck-Hndle and .... af ra.... Mall.t to iock., the spa.. llito place will k.., 'ph,.lcal . . . . . dow 10 • ml....
qalred &0 balld the ca.r" w,al two allll oDe-balf boan a& Ii cioat of fl for materlall. Arc weld. an Impoliant I~.n ..
... ,Ia,.ed
1IIe oan'l construction.
Com in Sjlage Form Answer to Extra CrOI)
Com In the fonn 01 IUal,e il the lOlutloD for the extra and • treDch 'l1lo II the ..... en "." to provide for 8Dd
1torID. of Iila.e, • trench aDo 18 NOIIIDID8DCled tor tboae
proyIde akin......ce bliD~lIIY.
110••"". areas bavID. exltNI_lY
an 00& .1UI ~bI.. .. .~ :'''' • dals7 .~~
~ .
Jut U aD aotl.,. cat, ••' tat.a a cat nap._. •
with n_ pep ••• ao
''K~,.. OuhJI9Jat
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C'':''::::""...i''''' ~ ...... .,...... ... ' If ... .. -",,11.,,' tile elwl . . .... -':::-0.::,,' .... . _ _ _ _k
MIl 11.... _
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" .... ~ ..... , . . _
I . . .. ~·~· ............... .,.... W...
.THURSbAV. OCTOBER - ' 20, 1949
Company.... vlUe for he -Is sponsored ' by the wtru .t outlllde of the VOlag. PumpWomana' Council o( Ohurch08. Station, 101:ated .,n th. VIUap Saturday moromg John In Eatabltaheel 1850 • ter Workll property. The point with another kind of Pete, a real PubllB.bed every Tliursday mom· flesb and blood Poland Chtn... the of mea8urement of aU luch ,.ner10' sball be at the meterboard ing at Waynesville. Warren Cosmallesl of a lItted too BmaH to 'ot:ated On the Inside of the VID· Ullty, Ohio. ' hold his own wIth the otherl 10 Edna H. Conover ·. "" I;'UbUllher we warmed him and ' ted htm and ag,e Pumping Station'. 1; lIld 'Power CompallY IIhall tUI"" MT. HOLLY METHODIST Ted Con1)ver . . . . ... .. . .. Editor named blm Pete. We made a neBt nillh, supply, operate a&d m&ln· METHODIST CHURCt4 T. M. Scaff, Minister It, B. Coleman, Mlniater Sunday School. 9:30 A.M., E. tor blm and hunted up & bottle taln all , trsmtormers, semce Oburob Scbool, 9: 90 A.1I., J. J. Elll e~ed I\ S second 01811& matter Subscription Rate: fl .60 per year and a nipplo aod 110 far be 1a wllr&8 alid meterll necellsary In Bursk., Supt. A. Earnhart, Supt, , ' l)t the pOl\totrlce at Waynesville. In . Ohio Kentucky, 'and Indiana. lor the proper d~\Ivery and Worllbl,p Sewloe, 10:80 A.M. Worship Semce, 10:10 A.M. tbr i vlng. H e I a not d e d1 cated to ~Ilasurement of eucb' I electric en. Oblo. ' 12.00 elsewhere. Evening Service, '7:30 P.M, Yonth FeloW'lbt.lp, Sunday, 6:10 the leperll as John gave him to erlrY so to be . supplied hereunder P.M'. , ' Glenna. bts, daUghtilr·tn-law, who AJIIY and aU ,prollerty, apP&I'&tui UTICA E.U.B'.. CHURCH bright hope,a \1led and we devol· Is bollplng me, Inlltead of me. and devlcea fUrnlahed by laid' 8T. MARY'S EPISCOPAL W11IIum Sbannon, Miliister M OU11BeIVell to the ordinary Dut we bope to ral88 blm to Po,w er Company shall be an'll r& Samuel N. KeYlI, Rector , School, 9:30 A.M..., 'lira. Jamee Garrison, Supt. ' • weakly c)eanlns and b'an'glng tho belp feed a family that Uvea ita property regardleBa of Morning Worsblp, 10:10 A.M. Preachl~g, 1Bt. and 3rd. SIlD" ourtaln9 that Y bad stopped palll L- righ t here OD thiB place, and tho moded or manner of afflxat· days of eaot:.' month, 10:30 A.M. IJlg one day l~ng enougb to wallh. needs blm just 811 badly as the loti 0," attach~lInt to property or WAYNE8VILLE FRIENDS' A Farm Diary Evening Services, 7 :80 P.M. ' By two o'clock tbe rest of the I ......ers. So far he haa been get- tb@ Village of Wayn'll8vllle. Oblo. FlrBt Da)' Scbool, 9:80 A,M. " ~.. The VUlalt' of WayneevUle Meeting ,ror Worship, 10:80 A.M. bouse wes neat and respectable tin!! the rema ins of baby form- shall ,~rnlah, opeJ'ate and matn. By D. J. Frazier CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS but the baok porch was still full mula wbel: the baby doean,' t take taln all 8.PPl\ratulI, futures, de- FERRY CHURCH OP CHRI8T DavJd Stanfield, Minister ot kltcbell furniture and thnn 071," 1 all of hcr , bottle 8e well all plaln vlc'oaand applfaueea necosllary to BYfC!n Carver, Mlnillter Sunday !lcJ!ool; 10 A.M. Oct9ber 15, " 949. More bright. t ho .kltchen was nearly Bwept, cows' milk and Ie getUng- along rellelve and utilize lIuob energy Worship Service, '11 A.M. 1I1ble Scbool, 9:80 A.M. ben.utUul .Ootober weather. W e a- the ladder and the. kltch8Jl cup- very well. at and after thl' I)Olnt of delivery, M!)rning Worship, 10:80 A.II. board were sUU In the middle of The chrysanthemums are In he rein abovo speolfled, enept Prayer Meeting, '1 : 00 P .M. LW'TLE METHODIST CHURCH t )l er , so brig ht and , beauUfUI that tbt' floor. Like most farm bomes the ir primo now and the long mEltera wb I,cb are to ' be furnished Young People'll Meeting, 1:00 1I. E. Baughn; Pa.8 tor it was paJnfll to stay In , ' tbe by, the Po'\'Ver Company. ' EVening Seri'lces, '7:30. P.M. Church School, 9: SO A.M., Mrs. everyone ullually cornel! to the rows of them at the dalbla fann house but thi s wlf8 the week we kl tch'e n door but thlll time I met are a sight to see. Miss Kittle Sll:CTTON 3: ' That, electric enHenry S86'lor, Supt. were painting the kitchen and 1 ," 60 to be 811Ppl1ed hereunder WorsbJp ijervfce, 10:30 A.M. my guests and ' shooed them ar· Olboons ha flome lovely ones be ,,'oat 18 known COmmer. hllli hell) and I must atay and do ound the hOUse to our ao.called anti almOll every garden bait a ciaJly as alterllatlng current. al WAy'NE8VILLE CHURCt4 OF ~~e It :o':n.:: t:~Xll::ryen~~: front door and we had a mlMt su· tew. They nre very satlstact.ory ILTlproxlmately 116'230 volte. and CHRI8T 'Mery's church eo I thought NOW ccc9lllul meeting, Of couree ev- and nowadays come In 8ucb' great at a freQuency of approximately M. H. Cotley, Mlnlster oryone took a look at what we varlle\y ' and beautiful ~Ior~ A 60 cycles per ir~cond. I Dible School, 9: 30 A.M, ' Is tb e ttme to finish clcanlng and HRCTION ,,: Tbe rate to be Morning Wor&hlp, 10:30 A.M. ~Jtch6n' and put had already accomplished and less common but beautiful faU P alntlllg t'"'e Ll " v fd b I 11k d b n I 'th J A Ch~l~ged for all eleotrlc epergy ~ Young Peoples' Meeting, 6: 45 , down that new linoleum that I sa. ow J1 ce t 00 e ut w~ ow r 8 e apanese nemone. 8UI)plled under th~ termll of thla ,'P.M. b ht I ' I wero ead thnt we couldn't show It comes In white and lIeveral orillr:a~ce shall be Three Centa 'EvenJng Servlc.e;' 7:30 P.M. ollg /let summer nnd wblch Is or! for our (rianOs and tl'Ope that shade9 of pfnk and 111 CIne ' ef my HOURS: • 81t1l rolled up under t. he spare d . t th th (~() .Q3' per kllowatt·bour by metPrayer Meeting and Bible study 9·12 EaclJ Morning 80m£' ay we ca.n repor . M e favorite flowers tbougb at pr~lI- er. 'provided. however, tbat If the room bed. I~ our minds eye we 'lob Is finished ent I ' have none. My father 101- useage ' and OOll8umntton of elect- 1-5 Afterlloons Except Wed. Wednesday, 8 P.M. " .. could ge It, walls' all brlgbt ~,"d J clean and the floors shining We , had new green corn laBt waYII had- them In bis garda1\. ric energy Is BUell that a rate Evenings by Appointment . ST. A\JGUaTINE CHURCH ...• w lower . Iha~ Tb'ree Oer,tll (-0.03) with our new rose red linOleum. Light for ,supper and wax ' beans Th'e dftlhl ... as a re stilI beaut·u . • Only Father' R. H. Kr,umbolta, Pastor por kilowatt· sour would be earnthe sink with a new linoleum and from the laet planting. Now U an d we hope Ib e froat win bold Maeses, 8 and 10 A.M. TELEPHONE 62 , off a while longer II; thlLt we can ell under th.., otberwlse appllc__.u_ ca _..-.-, abl" ratell of U.e P.ower Company. . evarytbLn.g spotlesR We paJn'''d t h e f rost wIII lllst s t ay 0 ft t or an· .,. '1'" tb . k t J · Oy·' them. Wbea.t pl.ntl.... Is 9 and paInted BlI.tI then moved ey· ' 0 er wee or wo we can en oy "'''.. ~.. duly publlsbed and 'On ( rue wIth _RiiMIiiio1'~_l_" _ • . , eryt hlng we could out on ' the 'por. tht'm. MushroOJDS have come up going on though It haa been a The Public Utilities CommfllloD' h d t k th Id II ~ and gone and co~e ' again but I little slow becauee the ralnlt h'&ve of OhIo, then, and In that event. c an 00 j UJ) e 0 no oo,m. h'ave been too bUllY to do anythln'g kept mllJ)Y f10lldB too wet for the th~ Vlllllge III an be Ilrlvlllged to (1)ptometrie B)'e Speel.h" Tben we ~alnted. and patnted I k ap,plv. to tbe Powell Compao'" l!fl Soutb Detrolt )~ some !pore. ' Wednesday night we with tbem. The qutnces are ripe corn p c ers. ~ but 1 have ---0--:--lIucb rate for so~ce, and, tbereg ot more help ,. and worked all the and apples , are plenty th b d I ilrter. tbe en'llrl"Y 80 to ' be loppll· ~,ORlO evening. Tb'at tlnillhed the cell· hall. Uno]eum on e rain an Increased demand for cop es of ed, b'y The' myton Power and .Ing ar.d some of the reat. 80 nothing hall beetr done, per- the MIAMI GAZETTE have made Light Company eball be 80Pl)lIed :.=~.=:;~;;;:;;;=~~;;~;; Tbllrsday we worked and work- haps, now I can get the Unoleum It possible for us to IJrcreaae the under ' nnd In confonnlty wltb ,;:; ed 1111 day stili hoping tbat by on the floor Rnd can PUt my r.egular weekI, preis fIIn. , OoplO8 such apDlICJlbl~ rate. evt'oJng w could fln19b but ev- mInd on, aometh1na else. b'" d t W ;.,. III 'T he Power C'.ompany may make· r may '" secure a ayn_,v e at,:d sball receive • m.l nlmum "ry time we turned around we Friday afterD1)n we heard all found Bomethlng else that bad to about Pete, the pig, the IIltle Drug Store, ' tbe Guette office, or monthly chllf~ of Beventy-fi" be done be,fo'ro we could lay the bank In ' which ' the women are by mati; 6 centa. copy, ,1.60 'a Cllnts (10.'76) Pilr m~tel' 1I8r Time On Your Side year. JDontb for tbe meter InstallaHon ._. ____ e~ltabUBhed for the measurement ( linoleum. At laRt at eievo'n o'clock collecting mOiler for a gift to we gave up and went to bed the AmerlcllD mlllllion to the lep. - - - -LEGAL NOTICE of euerln' 110 to be lIuPPUed. Up to 33 years to re-pay) tbJD'klng tbat we sUII h'ad Friday (·r •. Pete 18 made of blUe pluUc ORDlNANCE NO. 206 SI~CT(ON 6: A1I meters tnltalt· As mighty l)llks from tiny ac4 pel' cent morning tlUt when we got, up Fri· and Uves on a diet of 11m all AN ORDlN.ANOE VOCING THE e~1 by virtue of tbe provillloni of Interest Low orna grow, 110 It Ie Willi youI' . dll,f m()rnlng we Raw that 'We had change although' he will eat green- PRICE ~'CH THE l>A YTOW tbls ' ordln.a nce I}lall be read mon"avlngs IF .y ou "put 88lde''' ,T he Land Bank Way the reet of tbe house to Bweep and backs with joy~ Perbaps he hal POWF.R AND LIGHT COMPANY tbly and •• nearly as posllible on regularly. , , dust before t wo o'clock eo our many brother Pete~ In WByneB- ITS RUOCESSORS AND ASSIGNS the same day of eaQb month, anc! MAY CHA~GI!l ro.R F.LF.CTIlJO th'e Balel Vlilagll 'qreea to pay Bald Your family deserves the best EN!lRGV lI'URNlSRED P'OB MU· billa for electric energy as tbey Contact NIOJt>AL PUMtJ'NG 'PURPOSE8 are rendered. ' , • <t 1N Tl'lE VlJ_T.A.?l'l "'" WAYNEB-- SF.CTION 6: All rBlponslbUtlYIubano VILLE. OEft) roll A PJIlllI0n of the Power Company 'In reprd . ._ ., Oll' ,FtVl'l (1\\, Vl!l,UU~, nn~\f~- -to the electric energy lIupplled ELLIe t4 1,-(;1 eNG ON TT:fTil 6Tl'l DA V Oll' I1~T('I~n'der MU,n cealle attel\ tile ' .TURN, e.dJ·Treu. OCTOllF.J1 , , Mil. /l.1'JTl 1)1I1'MIlRft{- 1.\8106 hSIl ooell dell~ered ' to .the l.e1taD Ohio Pb-e ··8, YNTN9 '"'"" """'''"'"'"' W"Rln", locatlo~ men,tl"ned ,aoove, In .c. em. ..... I !UTn . m,lllr.1'lfrnTTY M4V ,.',NT' R '!! ,.b.lR cordance with: Rnd the prodslon'S , (It ~~;;;~~~~ . ~~~~;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"~ 1l'rrPntRl.11I1T). PROVIDED ord,lnanQe, ,t he VlIIage p'oHn lI'nB" , "!!Tees to Indemnlfv, exonerate lIF. 'T' onl)"no1T!1Tl '!:tV TFm "nd bold harmless tbe Power Co,.~tT»("!n. f'lI' TlfRl VTTl", A nF. nY". mf)lI.ny for all 1018, dll.mage or ex. ~ A VJ\,Tll:~VTT ,1 ·n. ' !'I T '" TEO lI' 'leo Be growln... out or nr In' any f)f.fTf'l : " VRV eOnl'lIct9" with the clalml ""'r.'l'TON ,. "Mt". Tltp nAvtnn ~ f Rny parMn . except clalmll for ~n"'n" Anil T Ie:ht (,'nm""",, AI' tn turle8 And lor ' t'leatb nf tim ploy"'hi... .,n ..""rA'.I",,.,. h~r,.'n"ftftr Tn on,. nf thA PmVer Compan, .. rill-.,p~"" 'n ",. .l)" ""n,.... f ,.." ... """,," 'ne: Ollt of and In tb'e courBe of WALL PAPER, PASTE AND SIZING ~ ~." "'Tnl"h An" .."",,1 .. tn Ih .. . " " ... "mllloymant with the 'Pow. FO~ WAYNE ..TOWNSHIP 'FRUSTE! ".r'"'11...... 0' W., v"p .."nl .. , n~'n . AI ar (lompan,. tor Injuries ,to perYour Support Appreciated ~- ,'I' -11" nrlflPR R n:! "n"n.. th.. tprm~ ""11 ' or llrop.,rty occalllo~ed by 9 E. BULBS - NU ENAMEL .p'(I cn"'tlth:m ~ 1> ...... 1" n ..nvlr't .." <,,~ch "enerln' at and after ' Its delWill c. St. John " "n ..., plactrlc ",nprF,V ~B "'~v 111" Iv,,,rv to ' the JocaUon: coyered by KEMTaNE .,,,,,,,p(\ In . q,,,fI for ,the o"eratlon this ordinance, anei the VlIlap aynesv Ohio' Election; November 8, 1949 j' nf th'.. rnunlr.111:l1 water works r",. furtber alP-ees to defend at tt. , \
. The Miami Gazette
Dry Ridge
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
Farm Loans
THE n N FLAWavnalSVille &li
Floor ,~ Swing Aijn
_ Il~, MPS
$13.96 complete ~ith b~lbs
I XI Will C. St: John I
1l11d dllrlnsi th~.. lng period IIf five (ij) ~el\rB. commen on the 6th day or Ontober. 19~9. Thllt tbe P,Olnt of SECTTON 2: delivery of all Buch energy 110 to TELEPHONE 2422 WAYNESV~ OHIO , be 8upplied hereunder for the purI)OSP aforesaid shall be at the ~~;;.;;;;;~~~;;;~~~~~;;;~~~~~;;;~;,~~~~~P~O~Ir;,.t~o~f~te~r~ml!1atlon of the lIald
WaynesviUe, 'F~miture &: Appliance Co.
o:\!'n expen'IM an), luUe ba,.ed up. ~~;;;~;;;=,~~~;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;=~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~, 0111 lIt1cb clalml. SIIlCT1()N '7: The Power Com. • plI,ny IIhail Idemlllty; , el[onerate RE·ELEcr an:d Irold hannleq'the VlUage for ' all lOIS, damase or eJrpenlle Jm)W. tnit' out of or In auy "ay connect. ed ' w;Jtb clalme of .a ny 1I8F1otr, es-
J~lll mllm~mmllllmlllllllUlIIlI ~I::I ! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! l l l I llmll l 1l llI l lll l llIIlIIllm~llllmllllllmllllmlrullll ll l l l lll l ll l l l"I~lllllllllll l l l l llIIlllllll l llmlll lll l l l llll l l l1 IIIIIIIIIII IIIIm~III! !l l ll l l lll I l l i ;~ ~~t :~a!~'':~:n~~~11 co~~!:: ==
T ',
~ = =
HaIIo,'w.e'eri Carnival •
I == t/' =
H·19h ' S e,h 00.11;. Gym ' ' . ." nasl1lm
~ l
;;;;;;; ~ -, =
Waynesville, .O hio F r id , ay, :,'0 etob er 2,8 , 1949
any penon, escept ellalms for IlI,J1!.rfllll al1~lor 4~th of employees or the Vlna,e ~I~. ~ Inl~ out of and In tbe eoorse ' ot , ' !-= their ' employment, for hrJJlfIel to person or property occuloned by
[=-__Company g!~~~?:!.n~:r:~~~lot::;:,; turtbl!r agreell to defend at It. OWD' 'expense any IIWt811 'bu,,= 2i§_ ~._- ' ed upon such rlalms, except ,that _ tbl~ Power Com~IlY IIhall not be lis.b le or, responsl)Jle for, .nel IIh.n ~ Irj)t 1101d . th~ Village iaannt08', E:! f",m' any 10.s, elamqe or~' ==-'= jJ~ 'growing out of or in any manlI'8r eonected wUh the ' act oIt 81Q: == eDlployeel of 'tile VIllage wh'o may
SponSored. By
~ ::~;oi~~~nyTt.e Vttr~e
._~_- noli' permit any of Ita
~ 81~CTIO~~ft7 r~~ I:'~:: ~
~ =
tllIl orcllnaDoe with of 'nf~ VlO... wtthba
~~~~ mil OrdlnaDCCI IlIaD
. . .·. .
Adm.: 100& aBc
pany" or aUe1IIpt to "0 ~nytb'nK' to or with any property of tbe
The Wayne Twp. .Mothers ClUb
Your Support Appreciated " , . . \Vaynesville, Ohi.o Election, November 8, 1949
Jesse Prendergast'·
::=-== E~PO!:~;L ~r~F~:~=~
"Lunch • Masked' Parade . "' C..oncessiQDS C :~!:: .::::er ·=e~e:"::rtrap'!:r ~ i'.lle PoWer Pr Company. , · • Bingo' . ' Dancing'
to" and none of I~ ;" empltweel =~ sl1all" ~ upontru0r't do. anythllnir'l ttO or> wIth aflY 0 C u",; equ pmen ,
,wllt~ ,elalmll
. We N8ed-Your-Support ·~
ooD8tltute 8 ccmtrut
Be 'sure to ha"e a full bin this winter. Order now 'for prompt delivery of: POCOHANTUS
....... .,
-=:.::: atrect uad Ie 1ft
EXea OJ: ·I.-e~~mft~._M!_~_t:
_Harveys~urg ,
School News School actlv l tl~ for the year are just b ~gln"lng Lo tak", shape. Last Wedn ea dilY bu sk tbull' pract· Ice got offlclnl/y underwuy. Thl! flr l\t glUDe of th e ~eIlS(II" against AdumsTownshlJI, \vlU be pluyed on th e night of November 10. The J1u llior Class hus selected til IJ' class pluy whj ~ b they hope to give Ule Io. ~t I' pn l1t ot Novem bpI'. M.·u. Hook, ·the class uponeor fo." the Junior/; w1l1 b tholr dlr. 11(' 101'.
We had the flt·tit flt'e
THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20. t 94'.1' plan for her JlPClllng cl8.8s. Sbo divided t"e group Into two !pams Mill eae\! Friday tbey .lIpell orally against eaoh otper. The tenm that holda the highest score lit Lbe end of six wellks will be enlerlahled to " pnrly by tbe, 1096' Ing t;lde. P"e"elllly, ber is OT,e point ' of dtrfe r(' nco bet.w.eeJi. tbe two teams , RO just who wUl en· tertain · who~ Ie llJrybodY'(fI l;l1ess. '1'0 ' make wrHlen leBBOlI S in spell· Ing more Jl11ero stln j!:, Mrs. Webb has preplIJ'ed a churt lfsting each pupil 's ' llame. Wben the pupil earns !L grade of one hundred he g Irs LO (Jlaco II stllr opposite his name. . The rllgular s ix weeks altam· inu.tlons w er~ given this week, through.ou t th e grades. - J'UlIJ Flte, Reporter
tbe Baptf!j.
drill of , rbe year lus t Wedllesclay. Three nlt l\mpts were mlUle tbe . building wa s IlmpUed 11.1 U · min. 0 ' lmum amoun t of Ume. . Eggs 'fhat Keep Mrs: Webb. Lhe f ifth ' grade Infertile eggs keep better than 10;'11:11 I' hu,~ lilt lIpor: au Inlerest· fertile ones.
Mrs. Ethel Sl ump was a dlnner guesl undlty of MI'. Ilud Mrs. TheodQl'e Olin J of Alpha. 1I1r. 1111(1 Mrs. Joh" .Stewart .1Id their daughters of Boav~rt.own woro gulJsts Saturday of Mrs. Slew art's pa~ents, Mr. ILnd Mrs. Raymond Brooks. Rev. J. P .. 't'hornbury ILtt~ed SOSSl01l8 of tbe OWo State .BaptIs t ConvonLlon ' h eld on Wednesday Thursday ami Friday In' YoUllg'8' town. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carl Brown Qttended the FvJrfleld County Fair In Lancaster Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. WIlllam
ton, who dill! v rcd IlUU'ro,,'." es. In tb.e aft rnoo Jonah's Run Mr. and 1111'S. H. Tucker In company wltb' a group of friends from .Amellu left Saturday on a week' l! vacutlon trltl ill the south""n stales. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jordan have r ellnQulsbed ownership iii.' the 'rbrlft ".m" ~larket here Mr. Harold "" B&ck" Bogan. Mrs. Luoy Price, who suffered painful thjurles in at: automobile accidcnt near the village two weeks ago, 1s steadily Imp,rovlng. Mr. Lee JOI.'OS a.nd Mr. Claud'e Jonea atle.nded funcral services Tbursday in Oneida. TenD. for Lh'e lr {a Lher, Mr. William Jones, who was etrlck.en with a heart attack earllor In the week· wbUe euroute by train to tbe vlUage, where he bad .pJ~LUned to make
JJoster were hosts to tbe Weloome Sible ClUBS at their country home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCarran hl9 Lome. Tbe members 01~ the W.S.O.S. are announclng n ie birth of a son --- ~--" --,-~- ~- t togPlh cr with their Invited gUestS at Cincinnati. Many perSOns. attended the ('njoyed a. basket dinner Thurs· I homecomi ng and d dl eatory sery· day a t the parsonage of the MethIces at JOlllW' S RUn Church Sun· odist mini ster, Rev. and Mrs. C. PERMANENT ANTIFREEZE Prestone & Zerone da.y . A basket dinner was served A. Arthur of New Burlln-gton. ALCOHOL - Zcrone Mrs. ~lr.nle ' Morris, Mrs. Vir· at Iloon . 'l' b08o aJlpearlng on' the COMPLETE AUTO REPAI~ SERVICE program during tho da.y wore gil Vincent, and Ml's. Faith Pearcil Dr. Paul Judtloll Morrill, SLat1l of Wasblngton C. H . and Mrs. 24 HOUR WRECKING SERVICE secretary of IlUpti6l Conve.ntlon P flIlI'CO's ' daugbter, Mrs. D. S. (rom Qranvllle, who spOke to the Mam.' (if st. Louis, Mo. were cm.gregaLion III the morrting, and g'1.les ts Sunday of Mrs. Louise Rrv . Edward Fishe r , pastor of Flte a nd 11.'61' daugMer, Miss Jane lho Baptist Church at Chillicoth'e Fhe . PHONE WAYNES. ' 2341 ! MAIN & MIAMI STS. Maynard Ecton of Dayton spent and Rev. John A·: Duffy, pastor of _ _ ·.,...... _ _ ..JI
Prep.are Your .Car For Wi.n ter
Itiets'.Garage. TELEVISION ' .
Your Electric Needs
So uth MaIO Street
Mr. and
Roy Joe Stuckey &uests at oh·utch Sunday. He the of Wilmington were our
mornJng messll:ge. Mr. and MrSj.
Lutber HAines had as tbelr f"ues{s Mr. Charles Laird, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Morrow ot Camdecn, Mrs: Myrtle Ha.ven. ridge of Richmond, Ind. and Mrs .. Phyllis Holllngswortll of near New Vienna.. Mrs. Ally Haudman an'd R. L. Compton of Olncinnatl, Mr. and Mrs. Carl ' Jones, Mrs. Dorothy Smith and Marilyn Sue called all Mr. /lAU Mrs. Raleigh Bogan Sun' day afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs . . Oharles Stanley . and familY called on Mrs. l!i[a.-ry Sinclair and daughter Sunday afternoon. . Mrs. Dorothy Smith atte.nded a mlscellan'Cous shower for Miss Dorothy Suplnger at the home of Mrs. Ralph Graham one evening last · week.
- , Is avuil<l ble Nllhout
additional cho..r ge. Provjslon~ Jar any de-
sired musIc. • .
Stubbs Funerali Home
Speakin9 af Ojl Progress Week-
Admlnlltrator ESlate of Lyda Kibler deceased. Notice"1s nereby given ' tb'at Fred E, Sherwood whose Post Offlce Addre.9 I iii Harveysburg Ohio bas beea duly appointed as Administrator of th.e Estate of Lyda Kibler .nte . of Wayneavtlle, Warren County, Ohio, deceased. Dated thJa· ib'd day of Ootober, 1~~ . . ..
Judge of (be Probate Court Warren County, OhIo aple &: Mapla. Attorneys Published OCt. 13, 20, 27, 19~9 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT
Anew.g.iantgoes rkfor. 'ffiisweekinOhio.' .
arm l'rodu,ca,t
Ul!ma'iil or
A strone demllnd for most farm
art not ,004 medin, pro.pee".
o product. Is expected III IND, ncloreSllI, to the U!DA.
Waynesville, Obio
for lbelr (Jowers, k.IndnellB and sympatby following the doath of our Ron: Kenn eth· Dnldn·. Al so sin cere thanks to Rev. R. B. Coleman' for bls ·oI19Ideratlon. Mr. Rnd .'Mrs. WilbUr Dakin and family . .
Llgblwel,ltl ." nlmall .Animal. that are Josin, .,...~bl
CARD OF THANK8' We wish to thunk alJ the frlendl
Full Line of G.E. Bulbs and Fluor scent Tubes '.
Gustin Radio Service PHONE WAYNESVILLE 2794
gaturday "Ith blls parents, Mr. and Mrs. WUlIam Ecton. Mr. IiUld Mra. Herbert T. Doster bad 8.8 their dinner guosts Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Doster of Dayton, Mr. and ?tIrs. CHfford Doster and family togoiJJer with \llss Esther Prather of Sprlngtrcld. Mr. and MN, Lawrell'Ce Jacobs and their daughter, GJorro; Silent Sunday wlth' retattves In field.
Tbis week. at Lima, a new industrial giant sprinlP co fe, read,. to bring Ohioans more gasoline and betlter g&IOUOe. ·This .week ..' . 15 months froni its beginning .. Sohio's ,great new Auid catalytic cracker goes "on stream". In, aD industr)· nott\d for th~ neCessary V8Sm.ess 01: itS ' . quipment, the Lima 'Ot cracker" is outwardly r~!markable for sbe alone. ft is. the tallest industrial IU'Ucture . 'in Ohio. It requires . a muffler the size of a street (:at CO quiet its roar to a pleasant purr. But Obioaiu will judge it by the job it does tor them .• _ ud that .is ao ."inside" ,wry . . " • _, h ;$ '" story oj' 0;'1 m6lec:u1es rifJlJelI "/lMt by ·hll"";c:""e bl4s,s oj white hot fJowtllr ' .mJ. HI1upt!tl ifUo the ji"esl_lom9blle 8410"". Sobw 'JlIS fIMIH , •• • • • h ~ " ItO,., oj IUlur_c:e .oJ Mltletl ,1III0liM Sfll1fJ~
Admlnlatrator < Estate of Ch'arlell Kibler. decelU\ed Notice Is "areby gi'fen that Fred E. Sh~rwood "bose Post Office f ddresiJ is l:IarVeysb1p.'g, Ohio, hl!-s been duly appolntttd .. Administrator of tbe Estate of Ol!ArJes Kibler late of Wanae... ville, Warren . Countr, ~hlo, • d~
No" 111 the time to.eok ~ summer clothe. In 'pre_tlcm· to Iltormg them for the wlDtCb-. Bring )'Out lummer olothes to B &: B Cle&llQrli for careful. sPe~ ol~g
ceased . .
Dated th1s 3rd day of
. RALPH H. OAREY . Judge of the Probate Court . Warren County, Ohio Maille &: Maple, Attorn'O)'8 Published Oct. 1a, 20, . 27, 190
'A BEREAVED FAMILY SHOULD' not be ' eJ:pected tQ supervise .the many detalls incidental to a fun..
eral aervlce. This Is the reaponalbWty of those ' In charge, aDd whon W'e~ . ~elected, you may be .sure ING wlll be alighted, notldn ·overlooked. .
, F.."~,.~L
. . . ""'. . .wu.1. ·.1110
lor Ohw Ur
DflHUrS •• ,
•• • h ;S II $lory oj 30% mor. BMOU#u Jrom . ..,~ blllTel. oj 'm#U oil ••• Ih~, ,...~ ~ Irw 0;' C:O"I~"'iot. . . . . ••• #I is II slory oj 'fUW oP/Jort,,";,~ · for ;",fIrOt""'" ;" l_iliM. Jllllloril. (Jrotl"c:ls. Part of a ,30,OOO,QOO building prqgn[Q to double ~io'. 'Lima refinery capacity and improve its outpuc wi..... ...., cechoological developmenta. the n,ew . "cat c:radtu'" II t;:pial of the progress goiog on aU . the time in ch. on industry. 'Ibday, there are 3".000 dUFeret;l~ oU companies. Keen competition amOog them ltimulauil Q)IltiaUOUl Idvancements like this one at Lima. Sud. advancemeDCI have glftD American! the ~t . .rvl~ . • . the w,.,. -pdced. bigbat-quality psoline and oil • • • the widest, mOlt alefut array of peuoleum 'produces io the WOl/leI: AI an Ohio company seiving Ohio people, Sol\llo II psvad . to make tbillateSt addition to petrOleum refi.aing IIftJI"!&
_Ih.,. ..
"" ",."... " ,.".,.. " ",."... fer II II PnrISS 'Ilk· Oct. 1&·22
0"" , ... ."A. 0' P.O.....
Boftle Gas Sales
Ask about our prices on . . installation and gas.
Spring VaHey Raid~are Co•. Phone 37371
Thursd.y, October 20, 1941
Slanted Lines Put - RESET LOQSE SCREWS
Capture Klcbard 8iU WUkII1!1OD SCRIPTURE: 1."lsh . 1;
~28 .
hkt """' .......
Iwdtns ,11ft) WCIOiL
QUE.STION : 1 ttBve a diningroom set with a lacquer finIsh The top of tbe table is scratched; CoulC\ I just fInish the top. or do J ha v,e to do the whole thing ov!!r?
sun-fast_ they· proba/;Jly will fade to some extent. Slip covers would help to protect the furniture in the summertime. Some varnishes become checked if left exposed to direct · sunlight. A hot sun also ANSWER: 11 the finish Is may cause a delicale or very old scrat'~hed aU over •. 1 beHeve you fabric 'to dlsintegrate . wouldl get more ,satisfaction by doing . a goo d job of rerJnishing the to p in the right way. r a ther than varni!shing . over the scratches. You can take oft the scratched lacqu,e r with a smlllJ. portable electric sander. which can be either bought or rented In the .larger cities.
HERIFF Sol Rock cautiously ap- I.30iii!~OTIONAL READING : PI.lm 21 S proached the (labin and knocked three times, A bolt slid . back Into .-----T-ru--s-t-G-od~' ita !lOcket, 1:'he door swung open and a voice came out into the 6lght. "'llhat you, Sol?" . I Sol sighed in reliet. LessoD for October 23, 1949 "Hello, Baldy," ne sard, stepping ' • lnaida. "Wbat luck?" '" i SHOOTfNG WARS and 'cold , wars "None." Sol heard Baldy fishing were' going on. A great' whirl· for a match, a!ld be said. "Wall pool of international intrigue was a minute, Baldy. I got scheme I roaring around and a round. and want t.o work O\lt .. , Judan was in the midst of every· ''They've seen me," Sol went on. thing. Tbe star 01 "Joe and SUm. Tbey've been trail· the 0l,lce-great em~g me ' all day, I just kept far plre 'of Egypt was eqough . to avoid trquble." setting, and the "Avoid trouble? You?" BaldY'1I stsr 01 the , new and QU 18:STJON; I get the hot .after. Yes, a wing Qfgenuine aluminum metal voice sounded Incredulous. And Sol powerful nation of noon sun In · my llvlng-room and. in8ide every PEP Pllckage! Body 01 plolle. chuckled. " "LI ~· Assyria was rising: dine tte. Is tJle old saying truer.rinted In color on ouls«u of package. Put , . ten, Baldy•. we' ve Jullah w as only namely. that the sun fade and em togethor ·••. ZOO MI Directions on Minute been chasing these one 01 20 or mote I rui~ your furniture? I like the package. Set of 6. Collect 'em-swap 'em! two bad men for little countries besunlight In the rooms and don't Urge Mom to bur Kellogl1's PEP today. . Fletlon more than a week tween those giants. like to pulJ th e shades down . Have . Start enjoying crISpy, !1ehcious flakes of . ' I 'm sIck of Some of the little you a n.v sugge's~jons on t h I·s now whole wheat. Get MODEL JET PLANE it. And now that we've found . them, nations . were try- Dr. Forema. .proI:iIE!m . WITH THE PACKAGEI Hurry' I don't aim to let 'eIP get away." mg ~ take a~van. ANSWER: It the fabrics are not "So that's why you ran aWay ta ge of the disturbed Situation by from them?" sarcastically. I getting up little empires ot th.elr "Don't be a fool. 1 wanted -em own. All of them were schemmg to tollow me. They' ll be along any and scrambling tor a place in the IDteres'iD~ Detail Ume now. I made sure they saw sun. Some were betting 0", Assr,rla., HERE'S a wearable dayti me me ride dpwn In bere by sUhouet. some on Egypt; no one kn~w j""t dress with interesting detail tlng mysell against the s~Line ' 15 wh8~ to expect, but everyone , w .. in the diagonal lines on dress minutes ago. Now here's the point; j alraid. front finjshed with novelty butdon't know abol1t you. yet. . ' • • • tons. Shaped sleeves are snort or They t/jlnk there's only .me to co~- Cowardly King, Bold Prophet tlu'ee quarter length. tend with. -And \lIIless I ml~s my I ISAIAH'S little country 01 guess, they ~~ to get me out of the Judah ' an invading army wa. way tonight. marchIng, and the' hearts of king Is 1n14, slul 12: sleev., 14, It1. "Unless I stop -em," said Bnldy. ..And people trembled "lik'e- 1eav.e s I!!.Pattern 20. 40 Nil· and 8331 411. Slut abort 3 .... yard. of 3O-lnch. . . "Klrbt. Now eet this; .I'm . In the wind." Lillie Judab waB The. Fall and 'Vlnler FASHiON wlU leavlDr ,"OD here atone, aeef being Invaded by a combination o~ dellgbt YOU with Ita woolth of sewln. InCoyer &bj:I wllld~ !lV4 ~en two ambltious power's Syria and forma Han - more . American Deliiner OrllilnpIS ••• p Jealur .._, fobrlc pew. ugbt ' uP. 'J~erU think It', m,~ Israel, either 'one large; and strDng-froe l>'HtUIl prill ted lnslde the book, 25 cents. ~dll herll, aD UJlSuspeeUnr, . er than' JUdab. Isaiah had to go out "Flnc:: laId Baldy, "But what's and txty to calm the mind of the IEWING CIRCLB PATTERN DEP';. wroJ)lt with me 'being on the outside King. It was. Of no use ; it was c~ear 110 laallo e....... t, UL and YOIl on the irulide?" . that KIng Ahal: ~Id n01 believe the Enelo.. lS cut. Ia cain. fM •• Gb • Sol Lauabed shortly. " A lot, you prophet. . But Isaiah was right IIIIIl~rD dulred. U~tle sq\1lrt. Now pipe . down .and nevertheless. abel' .0Me~ 11m going.',' -The foreign army tbai' looked ND. - -......-~SIZN._ __ In•.taaUy tllt grelY tens.. EverY 10 big would ' not win the war Name mUlc:j, Pond ne.r'V8 anq fibr:e Ijecame The alliance thal looked ' ,; Addu.. alert. He - halt crouched, . halt I.tood frigbteniog dId 1I0t lalt. It coold Ih " bis' bleHn• . place. And as he 1I0t last, because Ood W.I watched UuI c:abln a dim figure took agaInst It. M.tll&ary men aDd , shape and bec,,~e a man. Another others too (lDd suoh UdDP bard Tower of LoDdoD appeared beside the ~rlL • \0 believe. . They Unaered only a moment, Is not God "on the side of the The Tower o~, London, where then be'lln stealthily to approach I t 'b t 11 "1 I t "Git many famous personages w~re the door. Sol stepped IUently from arges a ta . ons s no ., tQrtuted and put to death, . was his bidlmg place. At the very in. thar fUstest wlth th~J"oste.t men built by William the Conqueror. ~tant that one of ' the figures the one and only recipe tor victory? . croucbed to thrust bll ' weight NeverthelelB, the ~rophet WIII& a,ainat the door, he stloke out of rigbt. In fact, whenever II! propbet the darkness.. . ralse~ a banner inI1kSC~~d, :n-~ AD "Reach tQward the sIq, boys! God, it wal not e..,. to e a a Drop thOIle' cuna, and turn around. time when things were ,oin, P-~~~!!IIII!!~!III!~~~I!!I~!!!!I.ITbe Jia'. up. We ,ot the drop on smoothly in the world. That banner . OWN SANTA CLAUS ' I" . moat orten appeared in times of J'gll!; . mllUrlll1 WUi ililpiJouetamall, lOU trouble, ot darkness and ciJ6mal', ~~D:~:r!~~pm~~ Fr:~"h::f SOL QtrlCUNED his lootstepl, In of wars so'd invasions. a Tollelrle. for CbrlJltl1lll.. Xq the darkneSl l1e stumbled, reo • • • per aD". n"dad; R ...b name aJMI .. I At th dre.. lor lUll puUc:UJar.. l lained feet and came on.. II Leagues Don't Alwa'V8 Last P E 'R FUM EeL U B moment he went down an oran,e " uu I, .N_ Y. lance of flame streamed out of the Thll Iituation blld a different blaeknea. near .t he csbln, It was angle, later on. The Syria-Iarael followed by another-. invasion collapled, jUlt .s Isaiah But beforll the two bandits could .ald it would. But still the little Ihoot .111~ the two aUl-1\Ul1 in nationa 'oekeyed a.nd maneuvered. Sol'I handl thundered. It looked ilkI.' a death-grap'ple beAJyweriq -came from· tWeen Assyria and Egypt, and tile cabiD. Sell feU .a aearlar every nation wanted to be on the p81D iii 1111 left Shoulder. Bls · wlnnJn. side. So' h. was a great SeDsel ~lfaD 10' reel. Ana lad. ·time of treaty-maltings, of pacll ' and agreements ' and ·a.i nances. · 'deal)' lie reallle4 that the reDepdea had ",cDGmpllsbed wba' Isaiah changed tbe form of bis . be' haa beeD uable \0 do be. message to suit the changing times • "81111e .f Idl ltumble. bad but the core of It was 'stlD the same. , fired at the lIaala frllm hli (1IIlI To King -Ahaz he had said; Don't -hil'b-hOpIDI' fBr a kUl. be afraid 01 hostile ~lliances; trust Thir' was Sol's laat thought. in God_ To King Hezeklah and When Sol returned to conscIous- others be said, In ef1ect:' Dem't put he found himsel.! lying on 'a all your bop e.' in alliances; trust in Rides on only 24 Ibl. of Air -I~I the in th~lh. BaldY', grinning God. Egypt will 1ail you, any 01· Ideal Winter Tiro For Later Mo~el-~ars lIam:e y0l.\ 10rm ~ill melt' away in time. __ sing New 'Lo~ Presl'!". TJr.s . I But God '. wlll no\ melt away • . ' 1:ou caD depend ,011 him,' Now -Jnt 'our time the; sItuatIon Is ' slrlking'ly like WIH'~ It' was In Isulah's day. People t06ay are tcmpted to put the'lr: trull' In what Is _big and impOSing. BIg' MORE than lust a tonlcnations, big ' armanaeats, big' ii', powerful nouri,hmenU armlcs, blJ aijlances. Men o~c:e .put tl\elr trust to the ' League 01 Nations, and It died (of cowardiee and dlsbon'esty, among HIGH biERG'/ TO N IC other thl/.lgs) . Millions '~ put . their trust '\n tlie"AxJ., and for awhile it "Beach toward the Illy, boysl looked ' as Ii tlie Axis poweu would Drop tho.e' ~ aad tDI'JI overspr.e ad the earth. But the Axis aroUDdl" . vanjshed under the blows or the Allies. broadiy: waa atandlng over him. "Jell,/) ... "What the bell Clid you blow aLIt t'· • ,. • that light for?" Sol wanted to know: AJ:e :AU AlJiance!J ' Ba~! " 'It spOiled my aim, mllde me stumIDS does not mean that 'n o al- .. ble Ilnd nearly got me k1Ued. "Thought ·it wou:ld," . B a I d y llanoc Is go'oa. or that no treaty ", grinned. "Wanted it to. You didn't can be ielled on,' or that the United '" think I was· ,olng to be 1001 enough ·NaUon6 (for instance) is bound to to open the door and stand in the conapse. What Isalllh I. driving . at ligbt so ~OBC bird. could take pOI III this : God has a Purpose to work shots 'at me?" out lD this world, lind the name of \. "Weli what ba~pened, anyway?" it Is Ju.Uce, . RiAteousness, Peace, , For an"wer' Baldy painted across Love. . the r.oom. Sol looked and · saw two Any aalloo ' comblaatloD of men lying there, both bound secure· .8&10DS, aDY ,.ell or arreemeot 11. or pro.ram~ that . . a,alnat · GDd's parpase II ,ellD.. a,alast "Wing 'em?" Sol a.lted. "Winged nothing. I whacked 'em Ute valD of UtlII&'I aDd I. boud • ELIMINATE over the heael from the doorway to faU. PIIre "",Wei' JIOIIUcs" while they were mootIng at y'ou. By alwaYI I..", Impreulve: bUt Po"lt" rail" ... 'prottCl four ftodo .-iOll &be way, you almost bit me' with lIIe qDelUoD II: What I. &be '0 IWO WOrlt elMllli"-WOfIllA and"lice' U. B.laIe'. WLJRMITB alld LOUSCIDB. JOur . own wild .bootinl_" power 'JOm, to · lie .-ed fllrf No ~aI .I!...., wlDte, driYllltt C; .....I ..alnl!_Jntc,nll JlltUit.. Cuel" "With I bad," Sol ,rinned. "Say. It it 11 re~ m tb.- benetit. of Ida' - "", WUKMITB ia ",II' lodo', Polar Grip 'I'iHU . . IIIGcIe wlUa ••!u. cnst. I",. thin 1. • pel "Ic:oce.... •• til......... .... lqulrt, you ain't 10 dumb at Y.OU mankind: GCltI' .;,hI) b1e'1 It; but bird. LOUM:IDB I!rOlcm ","I .,," Iklcl:r..w1Mt ......... willa ..... apinll H~ /... onl, \4f .• btr pn lookl" .' It it Is leltJlh and un,tust and _h. "W&III. . til a - ' I ,"". to grip U.a "And I ain't 10 much of a .qulrt, aialnat . the peace 01 world, It 1ft ~ Be COl Ihe ,,'e .id.. . _ """ pGuJl" ".",,11 'the "IY. _ I t l l eitber," Bald7 repUeci iDdllnanUy. will rlU, becaUle Ibe Of lUaU.ce, tAt~- Boote', 'Wll1U{JTB .... ""act 1a 1 blew out that Bpt jUit bal .et bla face
-... . . --.,
EASYI No rcqulml. Hanella
.tJo M1M COSI1,.
"1f!6Il. ~ MII~·MOPal
-Noted Throat Specialists Repor.t on 30.Day Test of.Ca111£l Smoke~s •••
Buy U.S. Savings 'Bonds!
. The' ,t••one . .GROUID GRIP sUPER-"ALLOOI
Let.Us· Put
on Your Car loda,
10'& I could ebow ~OII wbat a .. u.r.......... ~ wu';' nv .......
Tbarsday, October 20, 1949
\\ - Oyster Dlle~lIob An oyster feeds itself by open.
ing its shell'sllghtly to admit the mineral waters 01 the seB . Its food is minute plan~ and animal life
gently absorbed from an intake water that a human could mat ch ·proportionotely only by , drinking 100 gallons a day.
.D EPA R T MEN T }r AlJTOS. TRUCKS, " ACCESS. NOTICE SCIIOO}' nOAllD!i FOR 8ALE New 1949 Reo M-pBSsenllel' school b"s. 2'AI-lon "heSllls. Oneldn bodY, never Ulled; mJr. cerUfloatc, ~nulnft leother
'f:~~' oI;U~~~"fnd i~~:~'wutlJseWk~t c.s~~ count. Wrl\e or phone Poinesyllle 68'll. .
HLake COllnty ReD Blla and Truck Deal ... " 8. R . Motor 1181 •• 10 N. st. 011\11' St. 1'01"."vlll., O.
,\UTOMATIO cement Block Machlne, ..,1lI m ake 4 d([fcrent slu, blocks; oon be , Iln by eleclrlc or g"sollno .malne. Ically new. G : E. DECOIlX. Bol-
.a• • Obi ••
JNVEST, 01'1'08.
tf ROOM MOTEl... Completely turnu.hecl .0 rentalJl; 0 Bath. wllll ahowe ... 1.0, .Ux.lI43 ; Juncllon of Route. 91-81-14. r.1ust lOU acct. · of Health. Beat oUer, '1 .200 lives posseulon. Bal anee financed. Plen. 1 of room to expand. Contact owner • t Jnee. 0. E. pEWCE. BOK ro. ·'I'wl.e. oer •• Oblo. ' . .\8800IA'I'E9" own your own buellleu
auam.bUn& Ule Nu·Form demounbl bl. baUer), ot Interchnn,enbl" celli. Slrnp)e al • n.sh1l,bt. Protected terrllory able with tralnlnf .neS equlpmen' for nominal Inve.lmea • JI'. O. BOll :lHI, Pit'
CllDton. Oblo. BE a Do.I..1 1:......1...... 8\8rt ;our own l.bOratory. Be In buataesa f.o r yourself. Indlvld\lal IruttrueUon. Write today for complete lnformaUon. Obi, Iaho.1 .r M••h.DI ••I, 811 Pro.p •• ' A ......, O. "1.... III, Ohio. ,
..&aM MACRlNERl1
S.v. Money On. This Home Mixed .
(oush Syrup
• , Sa,ln,. ,
No Cookln,.
route. school bu. and cream route; aU lmproyemenu In &Ood rel>"lr; prlc.d to eell. Denr, II. Boat. I. 0,leaD_, JDd. .
HELP ' WANTED-MEN WANTED S.loama_J4on pnrt or tuJ1 time. C a r necesaary to sell our product.
Contact hardware and lumber companles. Far porllculor•• w rite A·.·D .... )(r~. " ••, J."oo'. I"ala... BOll S.
JNSTRUCTlQN LEARN WELDINO Sbort 'Intensive Tralntn& To Me~tu~~r~..l.:l~"menta . of Industry Welcllnll Tr alnlnl Po),. Investlguto and Be ConYlnced Send for Free r.lanual
BCnODL OF WElLDING, rNC. TralnlDf W .. ld.r. tar Y.,... ~el E. 4tb Street (Bt CarDe,le'
PRoa peat 001:
MISOELLANEOUS DiESEL on,l .. o. Falrb3J\kB·Morse J40Clel 32-E.12. 120 h:p. wJlb elule)). "'-1 coodltlon . See In opernUon. realo.nnble, private owner. ·180 Klal, Calamb . ., O'1ll.,
H •• tln. ,.." Action Glv •• Quick Re .. efl WIlen ratiaue.eapOsurcptllm.,yln ",usda lenIIoI\Ilnd'back, mievc aueli iJmploma quICk., wltb.1Iie Iinl~t)podall)' made for IhlS purpOM. . Sorciolle l!inlrno:nt coni.ins elf~livc rubela· cicnl'in,rcdlenb thai Ict like Ilo",!nl "armtll frcilll I _1;'11 !*f. Helpa ·, flesh Illrf_ . Wood.ppl)'. . . Sorc1_ Is in a class ' by IIKII. Flit, cenlle. .• u.rJlttl relief ~urticl 'Of price ... Iunded. 501:-
~' '''Sl.
'Of Athlete'. Fooc, Kills aD S
fIpeI 01 COIlUllOll filnal-OD COIIIICII ~
J78.AOBS, 81•• tt Orala F .... I ,004 loc:aUon for dalryjnll; l.r,e B-room bold!; bam 48x80; 114 acres In oultlvntlon, .... .cr.1 10 Umber, walnut. a.b, poplar and maple; real pasture; 6 miles ' north Of ~ooll and 1 mlle eut of 37; on mall
MU. SOLE" . SllllN1
Firat Pra"U..l Farm Size roUer, with low coat melbod of proc .... ml EUmlnat.. ",ute. RoUeeS ,rain p~".n superior for cottle IUId hocs. AnImals 1111. It better, Ita more paln\8ble. p_ duc ... mDr. IrDw1h, more mellt., and mo.e mUle. TeSIi prove that. Ro"ed Or,1Il mean. Faater Oaln., Leu Feed. TBE . ACME SALES COlllPANY . D.8TB.IIVTORI KeKlall,""'.. .a·N.. D.". S. C.I ...II ... Ohl.
You'll be lurprlitdiiOWquickly and eully 70u ean ",II,v. couch. due to cold I, when )'OU try this splendid _ipc. It elvea l'QIl about lour Umfa u much rouch medirln. for your 'money. and you'll find It truly. . I_nderlul rqr real rellel. M.b , Iyrup with 2 cups of ~ranul~ted lilaar and one eup 01 "'alor. No cooklnl 'Deeded. (Or 'you e:on uae eorn oyrup or liquid honey, I"'lead of lultar syrup.) Then put IU ounces oI l Pin .~ loblalned Irom any drulCllIt) In a pInt bottle. ond 011 up with 70ur Iyrup .. This mak .. a lull pint 01 medicIne lhat will "le.l. you by ita quick action. It never Ipolls, and t:>stell finf-ehildren love It. . Thill s imple mlxture lokCll rlcht nold of , COUCh. It 100Sfns th phlellm. looth ... the lrriUted mombranr-o-. quickly ease. loren_ and difficult brealhl_c. ·Pin.~ II I lpeeial compound or proven Incredi.nta, in concentrated form. .eU. known lor Ita qu;"k orlion i" coij"hs Ind 'roMhial Irritations. Money refunded II It d .....ln·t pl._ you In every "'AY.
',et,,. _I.
So Eaq.
·'Luat.lves didn't help. I was a of constipation for 16 yean. ButeatlngKELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN . every moming l:ives me resultsl Now, I am regular\vfeel 100% bi!~r. ould ,like othen to know-I" David Brownell, CeD~ Ouipae, ~ Hamp. OM of 1M mcnJW 'il"lolieit,d from ALLBRAN ConstiPAted due to lack of bUlk: in the diet? Eat an ounce elf touty ALL-BRAN dally, drink plenty of water. You may never·need another laudvel U not eatiafied after 10 days, .end empty box to Kellogg's, Battle Creek. Mh;h. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK.
WA..:IUI'; ! nt,1I1a BA·It9l1.
'10K BIIK'I'I CIIIII'8e In SaJesmanshlp te.elfes how. Six weeklY' Je8sDI.sfuU
l}~ta'i0~:~It5.clo":-~~go;.or,'}.,\-. J~"o"~
..alumen moke ,cod monel' and 101• lowln, Burt·. wtru.Uon. will helll you ti. a Sucoe." Seod $5.00 no", 10 MEAD PUBLISHINO CO., 4'" D.II. bart.a Bid,•• ''109 W. 1IU1., Loa ANGELES H, CALIF. 1'11'.' lesson "You and the F IIld" will b...ept prompll7. It ma"n opportunity '", you.
Qaloll Hellef 'rolD allb ......... Tale'S Antlsep!lc Germie:lde, II oz. $1.00 liP. Money b aak gunr. A&entl wonted. ~Ate, IDO. . .400 Mo.l.r.,.•••• Jo,., Oal,' • . 1'0tJR NAME aad Addre •• mal' be YOUt Fortune I: Postcllrd only CJCpenlel Selld Y.QURS TD-day r ~ BARKEHL_31111 Della AYe'. , ,x.oNd BE~eB. lC:oUllll" I . I PIh'o.rapble ()b~l.tma~- C.rda ,rOm )'our 8n~l>.hot ne,allve. Envelop". Jncluded. remit ,with ordllt. Ihlppc postPaid.:.. ae:kno)l'lef.leed upDn receipt ~ fOr 1J".50;'
or io 10r 51.25. Send neloirv" ",Ith order. Teh.. Pbe.. ee., BoII I ~" F4lnD.a••
W. Va. I' (JEOROIA P.,er.bell P •• au
II peunor.
prep(lld. 12.711. .Write for "omp!ete prtcea. ba.l. Pee.a Ce., BOE 181. V_ldo .... 0 •• STAMP8: All diUcrent, 1000 Alrmolls, 140. All world In books, I!OOO. '24. 10,000. I7S. 20.000. 1290. Pollto,e extro. FElRNAND LECOMTE, JQIJl'" B.I'I .....
In ACRES, 8-r. hOUle, elec. furnace •
Blilldlnlls. llood produ ctlvo 11011. Nlco location. SI6.000. FRANK ALIOA or STEVEN MA~VKO, Cardinrtoa, Obi ••
TO RENT OR LEASE . FOR HEN'I'-Four'TDOIn hame ; modem, porcb and two eul' lI~r_alle--Suburb stuort, Florjdo- East Conal. 111 ••• W. II. " ' C.rroll Bt.. All.OII 4. Oblo.
atee, Posted on Values if fteadlne t.hi Ads,
Kidneys Must
f} (.1~1.!'I [I :I ·~I.'I. ~1I.,1,!~cA-!! -!!I,1Ii CUTS WNU-E
"f..SLEEP T•••rrow .s,,,
TWIN THEATRE $20 Bank Nite $20 ,
(THURS. '-
FRI., OCT. 20 -
W 4 N'j'IJlD 1'0 R Ill~T- 100 to ,200 !lcrel! fa r'mlanl! on 60·60 b.ll. Ha v(l all egul [lment In ludlng com· bIn'S a.nd corn picker. Dean Wal· ton. P bone Wnynes. 26 9. ~0203
FOR SALE- K erosene hot 'Water bcatru (!olU(llet,e and wltll pIpes. Also WlIlluDl80 n plpeless fiirnaco. Phone Waynes. 2095.
(Durango Kid) ALSO: Stooge Comedy .
Dick Ttacy Serial
3 DA.YS ', SUN., MON •• TUES, ,OCT. 234.5 ~ 3 DAY~ Every ,P;tmily hould ce This T RU E So ul-Stirring t ory Of M,qnte Stra tt on, Big' Lcaguercr! . THE STRATTON STORY Jimmy Stewa rt, June Allyson, Frank Morgan . (Fran k. Morgan's Last Picture) ALSO : Warn er News and Hot Air 'Aces (Popeye)
FOR SALE- WhIte Rock frTera. ILVU""~Q belnc pl'lllte4, more Eldon RetaWck, Z~ mi. eut or ,caples ~ real, m8&ll.. more WaylloIW1l1e on Rt. 78. PhoDe DUB,lOOM," , for you through the ad. Warne.. 1S01. , lKa verU~g colums or the Mt~ Guette. It eosts 110 UttJe to keep CRRYSANTHEMUMS- in .man)' the bU~fer spotlight On )'our . colors. BargaLn prloes. Free plant cern. Can WayneBvtlle 2U8 wltb orders. Also painted daLales t he cOD~I>leto Itory. and dlI'nations , Edna ,S t. Jolul.
Also Win A Wee!-.'s Pass To The Twin By GUESSING TonHe'. how ' Fe1 tu ring "Tyronne Power, Linda, Darnell and RH.a ~a y worth , Ballots Close At 7 'P,M. Enter Now!
FOR SALE- 'Coni lleatl'ola In Live Wire and Progre8M,,:e. An good oondIt IOI:. ' ClIenv. 2~ mUes organIzation secon'll to none. east or Cenlorvlllc au Station rd. Strictly sollers on the "st all' M rs , Sltlclnl r.. 'Phone MO 7970., 3t nrDunl] market In tho country. ,
,FOR.. ALEn em [ houae· bold goods at Kibler home em 5th Sw·cot. W'.lynesvllle, on Oct. 2_4_,_2_6_._2_6 _a._ Il_ d _2_7_tb_._.,--_ _ _ .
For Oaliy Market Reports: wHIO !Dayton , 12!50ID.S.T, Dial 1800; WLW Cincinnati. 1240, Dial
FOR SALE- Favorite liard coal stove. Mrs, RIce Snapp, Srd II~., , W s ynesvLlle. IG-21)-8t
SUNDAY & , 23.24 ~red MacMurry Silvia Sidn ey "TRAIL ' OF- THE LONESOME PINE-'
Through wllh' your corn vicker ? I have 60 acrel to vlc k and will Day $6 a da)' for Ita use, Call New Burlington 189.
COMING : MA and PA ~ETTLE, O ct. 30·31, Nov. 1
RATES: One cent per word, minimum charge, 25 cent•• Three In.ertlon. for tho prlco of two. For';'. clole Wedner day . noon.
. DON'T FORG ET TO CALL us for insurance. All types of insurance at a sa vings. Call Francis Cene Brown, phone Waynesville 247 2 or caB collect, · Wilmin'g ton 2 t 11. BANK RUN GRAVEL-
Wh.' i •• Btu at DavIs Furnas Pit, 60 centl A. Btu (British Thermal Unit) t. cubic yard. We also deUver. ARMa unit or measuring beat. mueb the ITAGE & SON, Phone 2091. tf same 81 • degree II a unit for measuring temperature, A Btu .. FOR SALE- 6 room8, \UrnIlCO, the amount ot heat required to ral.. modeTn, 6£h street, Waynesville. one ,pound 01 water ,one degree In $8.000. Inquire Joe Penuewltt to temperature. A pound or eoal prosee house. Fre1 Sherwood, adm1D . duces approxlmately 12.000 Btu' .. o 10-la-at ; Harveysburg. O.
:FlIght 01 Phe....., Once he gets up nnd atnllbtena
HOMEBAKED CAKES AND PIES , Made on order antl' on Tues, away, the pheasant I'lies fa.ter days and Fridays. MrR. Herbert thon the gTouBe ' McMillan, Phone WaYllesvllle
Of All '
Top 'Soli, HaulIng, Sand, GraYel FOR RENT- 2 bed roomB , a.nd , Excilva tlDg With Back Hoe, bath· Mra. W. H: Ma.ddell', HIgh D!'ag-Une and .Bulldozer st. ~ff Main ' in Waynesville: Call WayneSVille. OhIo
Londo.I, 2601.
10-! S·3t
2191 or 2241
Acco1'(lin!t t o si ~1' and condition
All $to ";
" '(>t'l o V l'd
IlrOmIlU~ .
Horses. $2,50 • COWl. 12.60
Phone Collect Xenia, O. 1712 or
Wilmington. O. 2382
'F .....
...,,-- ..... • .... ...evwl.
, f
Insurance Agency PHONE 1~ 20 1£. MuLBERRY 11'•
7 Great OilJS-of Saviogs I I' 1
I: I I,!
1\ I
\ 1 I I I'
l I \
1 I' , " \
'1 1 ' . '.
Xenia Fertilizer
WAYNEIVILLIl "1 Mt)IIIIOW No. , lDAlfOlf ott... DR
..... lDt..
:::t;;;;;a ,
, People of OhiO' bow ' ~ by its golden goodneSs.. POut pints or pure cream go to make a WUOd of iL No wonder iis so g004 BUtterconwoI no basic ingredient other ~n cream. Ai a spread, ClPOldng aid or S&vorin, ingredient, 'B trn1!Il bas no equal-no coun· wpart. RiP. in natural food nl"es-BUT. TEll-S DANra1 ·. ,Iden .,10w ••• besto1,Ved by foUr piau of cream in eYuy pound ••• is your way to identify BUTr~ ... your ~y cp be sure Of tu aeamy soodness. Ohio""" dw ~"1Ift' filii if.aurnIll.l
Xenia 454
- --
Oetelter 17·
Horses, $2,50 • COWl, $2.60 According to Size . a nd Condi tion. Cl\lI
Route 3 Waynelvllle, O. Phone WayneSville' .2898
1_. . . . . . . - - -
odItlllHl... M; . . . . fir • of ,..,~, •
Karl D.' Dakin
BrIcks and BJjbestoa Siding. Sheet metal work ,of all kinds. Local ReteJ'el1' oes, AU work 'guaranteed.
"-II............... r, '- . . . . . . . . . . .
...... ..- ......... . . .... ...., ..... _.,.,
Dead Stock