Miami Gazette January 22, 1948 - July 8, 1948

Page 1

Fairly Familiar by ,EFFELDEE

Last fall we wer

v '-r err-thusiastic about the a I parent

yiarm reception received re ,~ ard­ mg a plan presented for th weekly colun'uLof cho( I activities in the Wayne Town hip School. Definite steps were taken, '0 we were told, to a sure us this very valuahle news column. each w ek,. to he written aQd edited by students in , th Senior Class with reporter from the various classe in hoth practe and Hi~h School. We felt this 'would make an excell. ent medium throu,g-h which the parents and the public in ~eneral ,could keep in contact with school activities. We als(l felt it would be excellent trainin ~' for the students in compilin~ and writin~ this news. For a few weeks in the early part of the school year we did receive some news. . The Sforls writer has been consisten throu~hout th! season and to him we say thanks. F0r the other part, we are not in position to make an) ~ comment since ,we have noi!:.:.n·!,' fa do with the operation nf th t> schools. 'Howev~r, we do feel that an opportunity for th e ~, ct­ vancement of cooperation amon,!?' ~tudents, the school Y5, tern, the facuty, the parents find' the ' general publ ic I as been ' "J?assed bv the board" in th is · failure of the school tp promot~ . a weekly ·feature in their local newspaper. W'e say their news· paper becal,lse we mean that IitMaJly. The Miami Gazette b,e' q n~s to the school. tht: churchs. the clubs and organi7.ati n n, . ll,nt'f to'each arid ~very indivilhl:l1 in tbJ~ dornmunity iust as sur,t'l as"it f,1l..'lpngs to the per~nn w"n ints it. When rt i!lY~h~: ","Wt;;II, 'ceaSe~ tty

The · Miami· GAZETT<E ,



Establishe.d 1850

No. 4352 $1'.50 per Year. ' 5c Cdpy W A Y N E S V ILL E, Q. Thursday, ~ J anuary 22, 1948

r ,lB Ie INVITED TO AlTEND THE GOODWILL MEETING Special invitatio'll to- th

-Goodwill Industrie annual dinner meetin,g- to I e h I i at the Dayton YMCA February are bei ng m;:t,il d to Goo 'l vill trus, tee in 60 towns 'urrounding Dayton. Repor1s on 1947 , accomplishm nts will be made in terms of services rendered to the physically handicapped: , The public is invited to attend, but is un~'ed to write for reservations immed iately because seating capacity will be limited to ' 280. Herbert S.

NAME OF LOCAL ~MBERS TRUSTEES MERCHANT LEFT ATT~ND' MEETING OUT OF LIST OF STATE GROUP CLOSING STORES IN COLUMBUS , The name of dll1i th ' Meat Will C st. John and Robert Market was inadv ertently lefl Furnas, members of th e Wayne out of the list of merchants who Township Trust~es are in Col~ponsored the ,' Thursday night umbus this week attendin,lt the closinK as indicated in an artIcle State Meetii1~ of Township on Pa,goe One of last wl::ek's Trustees bein~ held there Jan. Miami Gazette. The item indi- 21 to 24. They plan to r'eturn cated that the group of mer- on Saturday of th is week. chants as shown below have decided to close their places of OPTOMETRIST OF business on Thursday eveninKs, 'FRANKLIN OPENS' effective as , of today, Jan, 22. These stores will clo eat 6 :00 PRACTICE HERE Dr. ' T. P. Grosvenor, Op· p. m. 'on Thursday evenings but tometrist of Franklin an will remain open on Tuesda v nounces this week that he ,will and Sa,turda y evenrngs .IS usual open an office in the Ridl!e thIS plan The list of of home, across the ·treet from are as follows: - , Stewart's 'Dot Food Store; , the Post Office effective 'as, of ~ B. &. R. Dry Cleaners; Ro,goerl Jail/. . 31. Dr. Grosvenor will & Simpson Tractor S a I e s : maintain office hour~ on TuesDt. Ellwood C. Nance Waynesvil1e Furnit~re &. Ap- day and Saturday evenin~ from pliance Co.; Lacy's Quality 6 :30 to 9,:00 o'dock and op Beane, president of the board. Market; D. R. Sniith White Villa We~nesday ' mornings fro ~'l expressed the hope that people in 'communities served hv , G r q c e r y; Fairley Hardware 8 :00 to 12 :00 o~r.lock. While appointments are not . Goodwill, trucks other than trus· $to~e; Hyman's Dept. Store; ' aosotutely necessary, states Dr tees will attend he dinner and KroR"er Grocery &. Bakin~ Co.; Grosvenor, he sug~ests the ' learn more about Goodwill.. and Smith's Meat Market. may be optained by cal1in~ him Principal speaker will be br, , It has also been poinfed out, . Ellwood C. Naoce from Tampa, hv some of tile business men at Frankhn 10. Fla., who is considered to c of the thursday that ' as in ' on.e.,.9J. ,the ~ation:s t~p. -aullJ·' , onttes on human relations; He I


The Miami Gazett WI have a new ditor and owne r be~ in ­ nin,g- nex1 month. Carl G. mith. who ha teen a i tant ' ity edit r on the "Journ al-Every Eveninj?;' ,in ~ Wilmington, Del.. for th pa t three and a half year, has pureha ,ed Wayne vil,le's wee kl y newspaper f r m Floyd L. Dayisson. ' mith, who will take over on February t, plans to continue th iob printin~ hu iness hein~ , carried on hy th e Davisson Fress. hut the e tablishment ·\\'itt operate simply und er the name of "The ,Miami Gazette" Thi - newsJjaper will continue to De published ' in five-column tablojd style. Smith said the editorial pol. icy wilt not be ti ~d down' to ,any party or grotlP, but will develop acquainted in as he ,lret Waynesville., As in any newspaper, the main objective will be to learn and print the truth. D,avid Monta£, of near L~b· anon has been employed to do linotype and press work for the Gazette. WAYNESVILLE'S OLDEST


JAN. t 6th. 6 :30 A. M.

Ellen E. W'inspear died at the home of her dciu,gohter Mrs. Catherine W. Barnhart with whom she had made her home for the pa t fifteen 'years_ Throughout her long Illness which had ~ onfined her to her hed fC?r mar than (WO 'y~ars" her mind was clear and Iinght, and she clung to life as only one does ~ho love the ,~ood things that lIfe can contribute. Al-· , t~bugh a '.resident .9f Wayr..esy

. We offer this service'. Since ' ot cost money,. ,only a rt to helt> in the pro~V~IIVII of'¥our"1OcaMrewspaper, be 'o'nd our comprehension to why any ~roup, inclu(HIl.!!' schools, would fail to talc ta~e (If one of the h:J~: ·...P'IIl,....,''''m, of which America i,; , the freedOM o'f speech d f h 'n, 0: t e T'lress. If it was t l') tie denaed .us, than \ve would too I kt. Y whls h to take a~·.r:\~t:-' :",:" , '0 'that w ich we ,cotitdnJt t,1a,'t.. A'ain, this news~aper extends the scho'ols of this com'munit , ' e privile~e of usin~ it, 'co!. untns for . the l)UrpOSe of pro. ' m()tin~ their affaitr~ in :l manner ,that will enti£'h en the COI11' D1l1ntV of th~Jr ~v(\rfr.:=Sinee the t r'hn(), is (me (If the ' hasic foun· ' Mati!'n organizations of anv ; r.nmrnunity it. is "only natural. , : that ~'1, nersnllS within i'ts scope , ifr vihl1v i.nterested in its aft ' Th stifle t his ' . "f :'1 1" '; "t~, I'r('\~ress. .,,' 1:'1"" , il Cdn'p l'i 'nne way of nroll'!0tin fY tf1'1' 1:tck, nf' cooperation, ' 'df~trU(;t IH,d emnltv arhon~ the :pOI' '''~ , I t't;: 0\ -l."rcnme this , '\possjhititv ,",\, ~t artin~r a weeklv , column nf i ntes ·on the affairs of- our. chnn1. ' , ' .".r1Icr1I ... '

OCAr . STJ JflF.NT ~ T



-102' YEAR

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M ' , ,ISS ' .a r~ar~ f. H;:l ,., ,,1'1 . a "ttl· dent at Vllie-t11IR l11t.erl11nnt r ''l1leR'e at Bris-t01. V:l ... ;l.'"i ,' f i-t ,: Class. in servin n· tea :It n' r~ ". ' . ' tion give.n for 102 vcnr ('ltd ,(1 ('11 . ,JuJious F. Howell -ronf ·,.<; ...'t l~ , ~terall. whn rt'1- hrtlte' ~ ,.; , l~·.- . thda.y in ,l1ri ,t()l r't"ct" "t'v , The affaIr w,as au~m('nted hy Miss ' Mary Pickford. scr~en Id ol of nr.t ~n l~n ,l!' ~P'(l •• hell1 n· ,'re'·"lt. A p,:-t()f1al . how1l1 ,!!" of her be-stoWIO!!, n k '''': ,.;,.", f ' 4' " r n("l r R"Uest was carned 111 m:m.v 'Jewsparers tttrou ,(!'~t th~ cOll~try.. , M'


"lack a business. A n~ 10 these business men b s' e .IS on" a -par With . '"any penod It 111 in ss the past and they definitely state that 'it is not a lack of business that prompts ' their clQsin~ on these evenings, but rather the 10nR: hours that are becomin~ . a burden men themselves and their employees . ACKNOWLEDMENT

3'1, r Lampe sta " Tnese returns, he explained, cover ' tIle sales p,eriod of July 1 ,to December 31, 1947. All persons, firms or corporations h~vi~~ been .is. sued a vendor ~ license pn.or '10 January 1, 1948, must hie ~ return regardless of w~ether sale~ were maqe, or prepaid tax rec~lpts purchased. , The Iflformation necessary to prepare such a r'eturn 'Includ~ es the amount of aross sales, . .o»xempt, sales and "'Il,at taxable ~ sales" toae'ther with "the I'n' ven. tord' of stamps at the beainnin a I't ,.. an ' ,close 'of the period. and , the ilnlOunt of prepaid tax re-

MADE BY' ~ C!~OOL D, A " U



A ...... F'ACUL ' TY I'll""''' n _

The ' members 01 the school the fac~lty of WaynesVille SChODls ,wlsh to acknow. led~e the fine work of the Band ~oost~rs durinR: the past' year m their eforts to prov,de instruments for the, bafRi. 'In tne short time this ~roup was 'or~anized o~er'1 ,800 was,raised and plled' to the , purchase of ,equip.; " ment for the band. We ,wish es. Decially to confrratul!'t~ Mr. Hunt~r for , this Kenerosity' ~ n ~, a" , ~ devotaon to th~ caose weJl as Mr:. and Mrs. ' Ratph H"m.' mond. Mr. 'and Mrs, '~'ilhm FloJlel.1ce, Mr. 'and, Mrs. Charles , Watkans. Mrs. Eli Furnas. ;ui d many rth.ers who .rave So freeh' of their hme ~mt ('Un',.t WI11'1 e we II re Sf'll'rv thi,-: 'l'r(",,, feels it can no , In.n !".er . . SSt,'n1 ? " ' f h' the I'lUrden 'd tl n t ' J~ "rn j d \\ " , 0 ,~r~a V ,a prreeinf' p. .,:., . . ~ . com nl ,. ,~ h men t, ~ · tp fhi,: ti'11, .'" , b~nd and



MJ:'''''n,..n .... , ' ''r . ..

'F"~" ""'nt~,


•• ' ,r.I) " " rr: ,~",,-y..:on Tn ~,...,.r;I\TD

The dinner meetin ,g- wi'll r'~t uhder wa v at 6 ;00 p. m. Pa,ul Jones wilT furni h dinner music with a Wurtitizer, or,g-an.

' uary

, \i~' ',ENTJNE D.-'NCE Accorriin(!' ti" Helen F H 'lI' lan, ~ecreta'tv ('If Ineal r,ra;;tr~ No. 1.1. · t.he meml1crs of fhat organizati(.lJ1 have he'l1 invitt'd !o attenn a:'Valclltine Dance heI~R' ,held an I ehanon at the ( ,r: 1t:l/ Yc H ~ 'I th "re, ' 11 Thl1r~d<1 ,v even,",!!'. Fe". 5. The rhncc is sponsored hy tht! I,ehannn Gran{!'~ No. 146J ann will l'e h~ld durin,l!' the lechlre hour h~­ TI~(' rect'·~t1r.n. 111 vI- . r h "" 1<': tween 9 and I 2 o'clock All local CJranrrcr ' 'lr~ ur,~'ed Hattan took Dart. was held in the Hotel at Bristol. to attend. ~ , .



f.l .




sJ>ea 1iad made many acquain. tances '!lnd by her sweet' ana j{racious 'manner endear~d herself to"all who knew her. ' .In her ninety-six. years, Mr,s. Wins.peaLliy-ed a ful and ' interestin'g life, - born in Shrophire, En~land, October ' 16. 1851, her family came to America in 1860, .locating at Moores Hill, I·ndiana. Shortly after their arrival in the States, both ' parents died. leav.iitK h,er and a brother (William Rowe, now deceased. who were 'cared for and raised by 'an uncle, J. B. Burri'd~e of Lindale, Clermont County, Ohio. and where shelived the ~reater part of her life. :In her early twenties, ' she married Wheelock Winspear, to which union were born two sons and , four dau.lrhters.. Her' husband, and both sons John B. and 'Wheelock W. who have preceded her "in death. She is survived ,by the four ' dau ,~hters. , Mrs. Clifford L. White and Mrs. E. D. Moniar, hoth, ()f Ame1a, Oho; Mrs. M(l,riC Riffle O'f CinCinnati, Ohi o : arid Mrs. ,Cat~ I~ri ne \V. Hnrnl1aJ't, Wavr~, esvillf.', Ohio. .~:~ r \': ce;;; were held at th~ \Vhi!~'" rlJncr;tl Home. Me Wash:n!~t(1n. Cincinnati. Ohio" at::! P. M. Mondav, Jan. 19. 111 tennent was (it th~ Amelia C ' 11'1etcr" , Ame.1ia: OhiX1. ' " ,

LOCAL MAN HAS CLOSE CALL IN AUTO SMASH·UP . The Warren , County Sheriff's office reported this week h k f t at Ray' Pur s, 24, 0 Waynesville had ,escaped injury when h'IS car was repor t edl v crowe d d off state Route 48 last Satur,' day na~ . h't an d CI10 as hel:I'III t 0 a f'lt I in,g- station at Rid~evil1e. Th~ station was owned bv Herman Schreck. Deputies William Thomas and Dick Satterthwaite reo f~~~eri~~r5~~;e~ t~UDi~tem~~~ , porte~ o~ the aCpcideknt. . 3 i, t 947" ' _._ _ _ ~co n.,f to _ur-;-s, an onTile examine'r will assist ven. , C0fflltlK . c~r forced , ~ll1), off the dors with the filin~ 'o f these, re- an~ mto the bUI.ldmg. pas .. I I d .! turns in the For Garage on 0 me ~uf!1"'s. ~ flSS wm OWS ('\n(1 January 26 during the hours the. bUlldml?' were dama~e'd ' . The 9 :00 A. r M. to 4 :00 P. M. car. own.ed by Carl Cook of Sal~s Ta" returns 1lot f', I el:1 ~'aVl1eSvl1te; was also d;tri1a ,~· "A 1 on or before January :31 ara e( . subject 'to $1'.00 a day penalty ,for .the perind of the delin. 1WO ' LOCAL OFFICERS 'NAMED TO HEAD quency. , . The examiner will assist ven- COUNTY GROUP dors with the , filini ,of th-cse rcturns in Warren County on th~ " Will C. St., Joh.,,1tnd Maynar I f()lIowin~' dates. ' , ,Weltz were named to P'(lsts iIi W '11 F i tht! Warren County Tnwnshil') aynesvl C - ,on Gara~e. ' .Januarv 23;, Franklin. City Association at it~ re- ('I r,:!'.an i z1, • ·c.. ' ' t'Ion mee t·In~ I1C 1:1' 1 1 . I3lJildin .~. January 26: , Mor-, l In ,e Janon In I·. 'I-~I" fOI'll1e' l' \\ n" .~ FORMER RESIDENT row - Mayor s 0 ff'I C~, Jan- DeCenlll'~ ~ 1 .. . l' . i' t II:ln' ,"'7: I.ehanon - Court namel pres!, 1.:11 ' () f tl lC ~'rt'lll' 'DIES IN ' EASTERN ,Hnu e, .Januarv 2R, ~9. jO, ,3 I,. and the latter Clerk. n Itll :'IF(' HOSPfTAL, JAN. 14 " memhers ()f the Wa Vile.! Tnw!1Mrs., NL:tti~ c,r:'lV, a~l!~t 66, ~hip ,Trustees. WILL C. ST. JOHN a. fnrmt' r re Ident nf WaynesVIP,c:' . til ~ ~\ idow of ,Leonard. HEADS TRUSTEES SCHOOL STATES Gra v, dJ(~d of a c l:rr~hial hemFOR COMINC YEAR REGRETS OVER Illol'l~ ~t(·,(' in a Trel" h.n . N. J., At the annual reor:~a\lization TURNER'S LEAVING hosPlt~J. l:1st ~/t'd n ,"lhy. meetin.t!' of ,the Wayne TownShe , IS surVived hy a ' dau~h­ , Last week Mr,. anq Mrs. Wrlti.: ship Trustees h-e\d thi week, tel'. Mr~. Helen Nolan, of \VoodWill C , St. John was named .Turner anounced th eir plall" II, hury, N. J. and two hrnthers President f the group, ' Rnherl go to .Arizona' this week to mak\!. ~dwtlrrt and Joseph ,Cox bf Furnas, , Vice-president. Je .~~ the I r h !line. 1 erra Halite. Ind . . TJJe student hedy 'and th,' Prender,(!,a t• . RI)ad , Supervi"or Funeral services wer~ conand M:t'.'n:Hd \\feltz, Clerk. Thi " faculty reKret very much t( I ' (,',: duct~d h-v Rev. R. 13. Coleman r.'0J'.!!·:'Inization ,f the To\\'nshin Mr. Turner leave. H~ has h~en of the Methodist at the ployC i here since Seplcmi ..' j', ~cCIUJ;e _ FuneralChurch officials is done each year in Home on order that each member ma v 946. as Hi~h Sc1,11101 prinC,1":d , rueslta v af~ernoon at ~ :00 fl'. h:L ve the opportunit v to -~'r v e in is resl~nation W;lS eff~:t:v~ cI~ck.. Bunal was mad~ in r,da ' ,.Llnu. tr ~' I () .' each official capacit.y. ~Iam, cemetery. I



The Miami Gazette • 8 TAB 'L I 8 BED 1 a5 0 Publ1abed Every ThUl'8da7 .by DAVI8SON PRJES FLOYD L. DAVISSOIN, Ed.ttor IIDtered as SeCond CluB Matter at ,t he Pcet Office oubecrtptlon Rates: '1.50 per Year in Advance

National Advertising Representatives

Ohio ,W eeklies, ln~., 2465 W. Broad ,Street, Columbus 4, Ohio

flt that time, the contract' could

to be an exce ~djn~ly lively campai,gn. '

be renewed at the pleasure of The Hauer Mu ic House. If in the meantime any cOllditi n ,should develop that woulct ca t! e the Band B 0 tel's crub to disband r 1i 'continu'e activities for rai "i'ng III n v, til' club was r quil' d hy the contract to notify the Hauer Music House im)11ediately. The ' contra~t . ther) ,g-ave the Hauer Mu i' House the rig-ht to repo's ' aU mortga.e:ed in ' trum "nt ·. A ituati n d 've loped cau ' in,g til Band Boo t I" t believe til ir ff rt w re n ,101l,g'er appreciate j ,or want d by th t' mu i director r , su~ erintenjetJt. ince ,thi - had I een a difficult operation at th~ best and ince th mu'ic dir "c1 r did not see fit to cooperate, the members · pre'ent at a called meeting: voted to withdraw all support al)d di -band until s,uch time as th ' pr blem sh ould be solved to th :> "ati fact! ( I: of the majority conc med. Therefore. it wa · llece arv to follow the wordin£' of tile contract. This has been done. Upon notice of the difficulties encountered, th Hauer Music H 0 u s ~ requested permission from the Band Boosters to let any . ot~er il)terested. part·y or narttes take over the' mstrument mortgage. This' was not re-

* What is th* *business outlook ', f r the new ear? I f a ,g'roup ,O{I 28_0 executives surveved b Fortune is c'orre :Y, the" b om ~ill continue an i it may g-et bigger. Nearly two-thirgs of tho e replyin,e: aid that. t' By contrast, when a similar' poll was conduct d at the end f 1946, m I'e than half ()f ' an ' werin,1!" ~ pc ted a tho downturn in 1 4/ . That downturn, a every n ' now kn w:. ,didn t even ·tart t n'l at'rialize. Commentin .)· on 111 rc: lIlts f th la t poll, For1un' nh~e rv e ~hat th tighful read 'I' ma y fmd s m e .ground f r alarm in the near unanimit y with which bu llle s exp ct - th idexe to R:O n\\ ard and upward . . . Btisiness is counting on a continuation of til ,g-n.:at po twar inflation ... The nri e of that inflat.ion i also clear. Mana,g-ement ha 1948 down in itbooks as a year of increa ed Jiving costs and there i ,~rowin .~· ~~~; of tabor lin re t :1n 1 trik-

The Miami G~zette Waynesvill .. Ohio Thursday, January

Page 2 No. 435 ·~ :22, 1948

qui red by th e c ntract b It a nice g:e tur n th p:lrt f th' Hauer Mu -ic Ho use. H uer Mu i' Hou ' had the ri.~ht to take tl1 in trument' . A part or partie ' did take ver f r m n t t m t "I' ... ious rea n. From th time th Band 13 oste rs tart ct, th e cluh a cumulated by d n'ati ns, ent rtainm nt, ale. ffort - of the studen ts on ale of tickets, pic. ture frames and magazines and meml ership in th club, th sum of $1969.69. Out f thi sum, cxpen e for federal tax, printipg', equipment, foods for lunch sales, ·insurance" instrument repair etc. has been $399.88. The Club ha purchased and paid cash for nine instr.ument at a cost of $425. 0 plus$77.66 needed by the ori~inal . BaniJ Mothers to fini..:h theil- uniform deal. , The contract with the Haller Music House was fbI' $2100.00. On· this, bill the club has paid $.1000.00 nine trumpets of the oriliinal purchase were traded ' in at the flll price paid for them .on a new sousaphone. On this ' d!!~1 the club had to pay an additional $37.50 ",TIlch brou~ht the balance due to $1137.50. The Club has a bank balance of $67.15. This does not take into account , the money de- ' MORE - , MORE MORE posited for uniforms which m:ust remain' there for that purpose. B.,V this account it can be $e,en, the donations are accounted for by the, $425.00 in instrutrlents and $77.66 in uniforms, not considerinR' the amount deposited in the Bank earmarked fOJ! unifor:ms. This 'amount ,will be made ,known on request. The reason {or' not ~ivihg it 'at . th.s writinr 'Is because it-,is' hot definitely known, pendin~ coni:. plete · settlement. The Mothers Club donated $100.00 at the start. This will be returned them in the ' form

la-t effort, b. Repr entativt! was an utter flop. Prlor , to that, the elder Senator La~F '\1 tte made a - tron~ campaign but the' best he was able 'METHODIST CHURCH ' to do was to arry hi owh state R. B. COl.EMAN, Minister of Wiscon sin where atl the Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. time, his PI:ogr 'sive Party wa5 firmly in the saddle. The' best J. J: Rurske, S~pt. Worship Service to :30 a.m. att mpt Of all, of , ourse, was that made by Theodore RoseYouth Fellowship velt with' his Bull Moose ticThursday, 7 :30 .pm. ket. He had the ' advanta~e of be,in~ an ex-preside nt with a tremendous and loyal personal Mr. HOLLY METHODIST T. M. SCARFF, Mini.ter ' fOll~O'i1g, but he couldn't Win,' , Sunday School 9 :30 a.m , Nor ally-because of our electiv. system. :vhich gives a E. A. Earnhart, Supt. candlitate recelvlfl~ a bare maWorship Service 10:30 a.m. jority of the popular vote in a Evening Service 7 :30 state that state's entire vote in the 'Electoral Col1e~e-a third ' .' YEAR ,OF V.ISASTER party head wins nothinR'." and The year which , iu~t c1o~ed ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL 8AMUEL N. KEYS, Minirte" IS Important only to the extent witness~d a record fire loss in Church School 9 :30 a. m. he can take votes away from 'the United States. It. was a. year in which hundreds of millions Nursery School ' 10,:30 a. ffi. one of he major candidates. This Jatter point is wnat of dol1ars worth of property, Morning Prayer to :30 a. ffi. makes Mr .. Wallace's bid si~n- much of it scarce, was needlessificant He claims to have 'In- ly destroyed. It ' was a year in trrICA E. U. B. CHURCH herited the mantle of Franklin which ten thousand or more' REV. WILLIAM 8HANNON R C?'o s.e'v e l.t - thou~h that people were burned to death. Sunday School . 9 :30 a.m. claim IS vociferously denied · in and other thousands disfi~ured Mrs. James "Garrison, Supt. the Truman camp. Practically 'and crippled for life. It was a ~ ~~lf!«<;I. '!\~ : Preaching. 1st and 3 rd Sundays every poli~ical reporter thinks year of disaster fnr a le~ion of each month 10:30 a.m. that he will cut into Mr. Tru- Amelican 'families. , man's vote, and thus be a very We cannot repair thp. failures ,itl stron~. asset to the Republicans. of the past. We can, however, WA\ NESVlIJ.E , That IS the obivous deduction let the lessons of the nast (Uide die ...... ".~ "., . . . . . . . . QlURQI OF alRIST . ~here is another. side to it'. us in the future~ That is tntp of Bible School 9 :30 a.m. but J,UlUAllY IS 'possible that . what the fire as it is of almost all pro10:30 a.m. It Communien Democrats regan\ as the Wal- blems. The fire.;: "hich cau~ed E~ening Service . 8 :~o p.m. lace menace will help in solid- such havoc in 1947 were not. ifying the party and lead to an save for a tiny proportionCAESARS CREEK FRIENDS extra heavy Democr.atic turn- acts of God. The:v were, to the contrary, the 'fruits of human ' REV. 'DAVIO 8TANfI'IELD, Mlnl,t... out in November. Again, if Mr. works in. i~norarice, inertia,~ and caretessWallace shoots' ·the Worsllip' Service 9 :45 m. denouncinR' Truman po1ici~s, it ne~s. The great: maiority nf Sunday School 10:45 a. m. 'You are invited to worship with miR'ht R'ive the President sbme them beR'an from the simplest th causes-improperv maintained th f " us. ~~t~s. e - enee" , "sympa. etic'~ lidltin$! and heatin~ eauipment; . ' improper \ storar.e of fl:trriOne novel sug~estion is that mahles, thousrhtlessness with Get Your TRUCk and ' the Wallace candidacy could be "ather Krumho.... Priest t h d' tt d a definitive faCtor in the selec' rna c es an CI~aLre es, an So , ~ass 8 :00 a. m. and to :00 a. Qt. I'~ 81,JSINESS tion of the Republican , candi- on Those fires could have been ,I II • • ON. f'ERAy aruRCH 01 CHRIST date. That theory, valid or fan- pfevented. easily. Instead. men ~A~PH E. STINaON, M~nlet... . of ciful as it may' be, runs like and women worked on the dana_ble School 9 :30 a.m. thi,s : Mr~ Wallace will take a- R'erous theory that disaster STANFORD BOGEN "- ... .... _- ._Morrow. Ohio . Morning Worship to:30 a.m. way enou~h votes from Mi'. couldn't come to them. But it , , I '. ' , . Uae The A1amaDIlC To Prayer Meeting 7 :00 p.m. Truman to make' the key state's did. Check ! Th~ Weather . of New York and California W h t d f h Young Peopl~~s Meeting av.r, urne a . res twelve pa~e Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR 7:00 p.m. sa f e for th,e' Republl·cans. now. e Durtn~ the next , . But . Use - , '. 7 :.3 0 P.m. Therefore, it is ' no long-er rtec- months that oage will be fittec1 Evening Services Optometrist ' . ,CAZETIE OLASSIFIED essary to nominat~ ~r. Dewey with 'a pew record of death ~nc1 ADS' 335 S. Main St. Phone 10 FRIENDS to carry New York, and the destruction unless we face the' To Buy, Sc?tl, Rent, First Oily School . 9:30 a.m. palm should unQuestionablv Ito problem ' '''ith rtf·t'P!"l"1ir1,ti 0T' t ,.. FRANKLIN, OHIO LoaD, .rrow, ' Meeting for Worship, to. Senatpr Taft, the leadin1( . improve it. It iis up - to all of , /my Time of The,Year -'--~,:::"" , ----=~=.:...:=~--.::;.: ,--:-----r.~...--:-'~-=-==---mldwesterner. ' us.. . , " " 1.0:30 a.m. , Comin( 'dow," 'to the cam-· • , paign itself, Mr. Watace's do- AN OPEN LE ."I'ER ECONOMIC HICRLIGHTS mestic program will be unadul- ' 2f EXPLAINT10N ' Henry Wallace's"deCision to treated 'New Deal. This may' 'rKOM THE 1.OCAL T" head a · third' party ticket next take some of the thunder, away BAND BOOSTERS' , The ·Waynesville 'Band' BoosNovember was ha'rdly a bomb- from Mr. Truman, who is ex:shell. The former vice-president pected tq advocate pri,ce con-' ters Club or~anized . at th'e inhas . played ta~ with the idea , trol and such 'measures as mOTe ",sistance, of ' the M11~ir. Direct0r ACCOUNTING and, TAX SERVICE for a lon~ time 'and sending up public power deveopment. On <>n March ,1 7. '1947. In M,: wof , , th e cllstomarv' trial baloons. He · foreign policy, Mr. Watlace"s 1947 the Band Booster'~ ~d(\ntDilatuah Building - 'Broadway Lebanon, Ohio has been prodded by various announced line ha. tittle in ed a constitllti0n ,to make it a hetter or. ~ ar·7.ed Jr-roul" ~r; tl>nl , "Ieft of center" groups, and by' common with either ·Republican TELEPHONE 511 those who take a much lenient or Democratic ide as. He wants ·the c1uh en! let accent a n(,ht. thereby , t "et: go a lar~e accllmview of Russian poliCies anq in- to help Europe throu~h the tentions than do the RepublIcan United Natians' and, more im- alation of ' instruments whlr.h and Demoratic leaders. What his portant, he wants to help any 1 he , ~chool Mask , Directnr . forma:1 announcement , ha~ done and all countries whiCh need it, tho.uR"~t we shou1ri hayp. the is 1.0 open up a whole new chain inctudin~ those within tht! ' . maJonty of members present , ()f nolitical possibilities. Soviet. sph~re of influene-e. He a~reein~, t6 form a hann v.;n ',C?f ~ sc~,()i()1 the , si7ie we It remains to be seen what believes in ,cuttinR' down our thv ave. . h luck Mr. Wallace will have in armed forces, and he is ~r ~tr"n~ .' ~etting on the baltot in the var~ foe of compulsory military . The Band 'Boosters entere f ' IOUS states. F.verv state has dif- trainin~-an issue in which he 'mto a contract with the Hauer ' ferent laws in this re~ar.d, and is in , a~reement 'with Senator Music ·House '()f Davton hr the the. variations are extreme. In , Taft, but in' complete disa?:ree- purchase of these lrwa, . f()r instance, twO voters ment with Governor Dew..ey The Ban~ Boosters were ha,ve the m5truments immediacan call a convention and place and the , President. Our aim is to be worthy ( yrJur a candidate in contention. In . The Wallace carnpai~n win and were 1:0 ~ive ent~rtaitt­ , , friendship ~nts, sale~, e:tc;, with reasonMass:tchusetts, by con t r a s t , be a~R'ressive~both on his own able. re2'ulantv to pav for them. ah ut 50,oPO names are neede.d part and that of his support;. tr rinR' the bell. The matter IS ers. His fotlowin~ is passionate- No mterest wa.s to be charl"f'rl further complicated .by l!lws con- Iv convin'ced he is ,right. and on the unpaid balance. Th~ cnnTELEPHONE 1211, WAYNESVIIJ.£. O. ce.rning Qarty affiliation and they will make a stir which is tract called for full ' pa yment at month J"f'rlod ltl ~r technicalities. Generally disporportionate to their num- the end of. a Y'itb the stipulation. that if the :,r n king the polidal air is not bers. This will add color, if mstruments 'Were not paid for f:l ')fable to third parties. The nothin~ else,. to what promises ~empke,.

:tI ' ,'





a. '

ST. AucumNE







M. H.' KEELOR · '1'





STUBBS Funeral H..,,n;




Page 3 The Miami Gazette ' N . 435 ::! Waynesville. Ohi@ Thursday, Januar~ 22, 1948 matel y $ t 16.00 in sales tax stamps ,to be redeemed. These stamps were Gounted but the Band Boosters did not have tim.e 'to send them in for redemption. . Therefore, the money paid to Hauer Music House, was from entertainments sales, etc .• at which the public that oarticipa!ed received ful1 value for their money. ' The workers I~ the Band 'Boosters and the; children Df the chool sweat thiS money , ', h t- ' out, The Band Boosters \VIS 0 thank everyone for their efforts and support and a job w~l1 done as far as we were permitted to ~o.

TWIN LENSES FOxybAOLLY Interviewed Bob O'Re,g-all, owner of the TWIN THEATRE yesterday re~ardin~ progress ·of the 'Sunday .Matinee petition. He reports aUlte a r:sponse of "ayes" only two JI1 the ne~ative. but not all coun ~ ties heard trom .. He'lt aJ?P,redate your exp,ressJOn of opmlon in the next week, eithe" in person or by letter to the tht:atr~ or to the office of the MIamI Gazette. Do you remember a week a~o when a short, TH E /1 ~SWER · MAN, was shown on t'- TWIN screen? Offer of C' c:; 0 for any question sent in ,•. , patrons and accepted by THE ANSWER MAN? Mrs. ,Frances G. Andrews of Ore..~0nia, Ohio ha's submitted three ( 1,estif"ns that s,houl9 make exrettent visual material. , Tll f> have' been forwar~ed to HoI!),wood. 'We"'re all puJ1in~ ~or YOll,

MI'S. Andt~ws' . ..

: nA"RK windin~


launches it annuai campaign, THE OF DIMES.1948 THE MARCH TWIN THEA- , TRE wants to do its part in this worthy calise, and both Mrs. Chapman and Mr. James local Scout Leader ', have promised full ' cooperation from th e Boy and Girl Sc uts of WaYlJes' ville. When you meet these un ~ formed eilil saries of ' good health at the TWIN THEATRE from the 24th to fhe 30th, ,I{ive freely - - as freely a ' yo u can. Your contribution will be forwarded, When yo u how up on Sun,cay and Monda y, and watch the story of ' a girl who wall ted .to live ' the past year over a,gam, we hope no one has divul~ed the surprise endin~ of REPEAT PERFORMANCe (EL) to you. We want to cooperate, too, and so are goin~ to bank out on d , preview for you. except to say that Joan Leslie and Louis Hayward star in this unusual plot. HOUSE HUNTING M ICE (WiB) is a rib-ticklin~ color cartoon, and - - - SCOOP - - WB NEWS should contain the Rosebowl Game and Parade of Roses, in technicolor for the first time. At least, that's what the mana~ement"s been pro-, mised. Presented ,.0n Wednesday and Thursday- is THE ROMANCE' OF ROSY RIDGE (MGM). Starrin~ popular Van ~ohnso.n and comely Janet Leigh thiS picture fro'm MacK,nlay Kantor's movin~ story of ,the 0zarks i-:nmediately ro1Jo~ing !he Civil War ' is a heart-warm,ln£' opus good for all to' see. Don'.t ima£,ine it's lackinp-. in action. Fst fi~hts, folk dancmx, and a £,un duel step up the pulse of this very ex~ellent picture. Guy Kibb~e and Thol!1as



h i m",.. 1r, e ntertainin~

chattin!" wit,h tl,e men. But there "'as nl' P lad fresh ,back frnm the AtltHe of the Bul~e, ' nil strun ,~ up in traction. couldn't move an inch. who w,anted to see - not ,Roy - hut Tn~~er. Seemed to think he'd ,!"et well ' ' if he could iust stroke Tri~­ ~er's nose. Roy was on the Post , tWQ ,days ' and ' this situati0n ' mu'St ba v~ wor,ried him a Int. for, at the last minHte. as the outdoor p'rops for. the rf"I~ '~() were bein,,!, tor~ down ~11(~ !1, f' show was movm ,~on, Im~fl':'" my astonishment' (\t c m"'''' out of my office in th m" i" corridor of the hospital :1n(' r " t " in~ a horse stenpin,lt1i{Yht 1, int , the elevatdr. Yes, Tng~er """nt up to the ward, .to heIr, ,~ h f'," from overseas !!et wen! ,T- " th~ wa v Rn" Rf'~('rs - - and Tri~~er - - are. ' . ~lartil1p' nn the ~w nnd 1", , 1, 1 ~',d


pmnin'!' thru the 30th. the NATIO~;'\' FOI INnA T1()", FOR INFANTILE PARALYSIS

















....... -- .. -- ..-......


t "







'Dr. C. E. Wakin

SHERWOOD Refrigeration sales = = = and 8e"ic:e ====; ?


-In apprQ,ch to Amerl~a~ Oval'Rate Aid-Ul)it~ Nations Appe@l fOl', Childl'e",, ~ath.J t'l'it\~ Lem'oot; cnlef <'( U. S. Chjldren's B"u·ellLl. conCel's with


screen and allocate

funds from $80,000,000 drive for foreign , rell~f




Willlam .L.

of' SKF IndUstries. Inc~. and \ W. Lee' Marshall. , chairman o( Continental Baking Co., who wUl


= '

Butt. (ce,dtel') presid~nt

Representative for




. •...



Phone 332.. M

: , ' ,. '











'-C-WAY FARM INSU'.AMCI" in ,h'e Ohio F":'Us will .ive you brOlld protectioa apfnst loa... ' on your farm. II COYeR )'Our buildinp. )'Our cha. . . )'Out aucomalJilti ' and your liabiliry for , accidents ,~ oth..... Whp . . . . . ,tocIa,~ You AIIN", ,....... ad. wben you're ilUW',d iD ,.... 0IU0 Parmerd


nf Pov P(,fYer'o;; run (thp ' _!fh)









up a two ,day run at thp TW'N THEATRE to ni~ht. hope thos,e of you who s'a v it were as absorbed as we were in viewimr-dbis tension- filled drama. Still time to view it.. ' Friday alld Saturday hnn,Q's Roy Ro,e-ers and his ~reat horse Tri~f!'er ir. MY .PAL TRIGC.FP {REP.} Roy Ro~ers pix app~al 'needs nn lloost from 'me, so 111stead of previewin~ this ~re:l t nicture, I'm ~oin~ to tell ynll that ,human , ir'1tere~t storv I mentioned last week. As Y!'lI know, Ro.~er.!, alan,go ",,~h other stars, ~ave many hnurs durint the wa'r years for entertainment of , the soldiers: On ~ trip East he brouKht hiS own 'rodeo to one of the Army's osrif~ ts anc1 , ~et up ' or an 0 o~ the Pnst. With ,him, of. course, vas Trig-Ker .Now this was fine 'for the boys whose wounds allowed them to walk aroun~t , reclll" in the fine summel" ~ir N0t so ~ood for the hedi~()lmd hO\fs, ' R(i}V Oid his hest 10 cover this an~te, ~oin1!" thrn

tt'C' I"" ,.

Mitchell contribute memorabl..! character parts. ' Won Lost ~ Waynesville 27 15 In cJosin~, the management m~ ' ~(J ' Hend~rson Br?s. 2.4 18 has some DE$E-and-DON ' TS ~llr'lll ~ ~ Amencan Le~lon 24 18 for the pictur .l{oin£, public. Iz(AA&£~ ~~ Columbia Record!n!:: 24 18 ,DON' T kick heels a~ainst ..........,••••••_ ,"\. Good Hou ekeepmg 22 20 the seats and ,g'uffaw loudly . ~ 'Tommy's Place 22 20 Ii hen there~s a, break in the . Handigas 16 26 film. Breaks are bound to occur Lebanon Ea~les 9 33 ' from time to time, and any undue noise transmits itself to ~ the pro'jection room, causin,g. 0,) ~reater' delay in correctin£,. he :-:! =0 ~ ....... 'bl 0 ~ fault. Remember, the prolect0 > ~ , > (e e e~ e-< ionist Sam Huffman is as anx< rn ~ -c -c co 0 ious as you, or mor-esv, to ~et ' <..j t: <U <.:> ' ~ t: e ~ cd on with the show. -0 ·c -c ~ 'c <U "" <..j U) <.:> N en DON'T ask to enrer the theatre to find yow' litle, brother 148 317t> 144 22 B. Gons 144' 110 189 ' 443 and, when you find J1im, stand ",150 6327 160 39 1'40 451 147 164 O. Rose in the aisle carrym~ on a 154 , 147 166 467 156 5599 1'47 38 I. Mulford len~thy discussion as to whether 144 , 190 1631 ' 6310 134 489 150 42 V.' Hill or' nof he'll leave: The manage144 ~qo 134 468 150 42 1"56 E. Ramby 6293 ment requests that, in return for 3665 ' 141 26 C. Palmer the fav'Or of ~rantin~ vou a 150 149 753 8o~ 763 2318 "se'arch warrant", you and your little brot~er (sister. mother~ father. , grandma, ,etc., etc.) re- and narrator. A cast of radio Vitla,g'e, Tuscarawas County; pair to the foyer b,y the box and screen players will r~create ' and Moundbuitders State Memthe novel's memorable charac- orial; New~rk. office to settle all ar£'Uments. ters. . See you next week. ' Philip Hailman and David MANY ,VISITORS "JANE EYRE". DP8tL Furnas left by motor Monday FAVORITE STORY ATIRACTED TO mornin~ ',vith Florida as an ob, ' iective., ' TUESDAY, JAN. 27 HISTORIC SITES , ~ A second of the famous Histork sites in Ohio, adBronte sisters \\ ill be' repre- ministered by the State H issented on the Davton PO\~c:r torica SoCiety, 1,and Li~ht Companv's FaVOrite 246,692 visitors attracted durin~ 1947 Story pro,g'ram, Tuesday, Jan- accbrdin£, to Erwin .C:, Zep,?, uary 27, at 9 :30 p. 111. over Director of the SocIety. ThiS WHIO. .t' with the 103 110 peo,Charlotte' Bronte's exci m~ number pie Who visited the hea~qua.r­ novel "Jane Eyre" cbo,sen by tets of the Society, the OhIO Broadway "roducer Brock Pem- State Museum in Columbus, berton as his hest-1oved work HOURs: of literature - will oe hroac1-: brin~s the total to 1,349,802. One way in which Ohio and casLat this time. Earlier in the series "Wuthering Heig-,hts" hy some of its history is known 9:"12 each morniDa in different parts of the world, Emily Bronte was presented . 1-6 afternoon. except Ronald Colman will be heard is throu~h the services £'iven. to ~ue~ts , from other countn~s. WefJnesday in his a,ccustomed rote as host The register at Campus MartlUs 7-9 Saturday eveniD. ! Museum, Marietta, for this year contaips the n~mes of visitors '" r Other eveniD" by - rrOm 'Peru, -Mexico, Vene~uela, :' AppoiDtmeilt ,. . the West Indies, Canada, Hol, Jand. En~land, Austria', Fran~e, TELEPHqNE 62-8 , ,\. Scotland,' Canal Zone, IndIa" Australia, Turkey, South Africa, China 'and Hawaii. State Memorials r a'n kin ,~. hi£,hest in attendance amon ,~ ' Optometric' Eye SpecfalW the 52 administered by the Soc26 South Detroit ' I iety are Fort Ancient, Warren County; McKinley,Tomb, CanXENIA, OHIO 1i '1 , ton; 'Clark State M.,emorial, Clark County; Serpent Mound, Adams , County; Schoenbrunn

QUEEN ·8U~· al'e Ch~rles. M~l:l'~Y' 14. and Ca~'m~l Al-via 11. folJo\"ing thClf crownang 1n ~hlcago. The .klng s bubbl~ measured 20 inches and the queen s bubble 191,2 m~hes in diame'ter_ Charles won a motor scooter., .alld C81'mel rec~lved s:~oo w(l\'th ~lf <"loth"'l::>.

Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency


Phone 153,20 E. l\f'u lberry, LEBANO . N.


co.A..., ,..s OHIO __"I.EISIN.utICI ••IM", , _ co. ~ ~

Pel'~onal nole~ TURNER'S lEAVE . FOR ARIZONA ---"M r. and Mrs. Wade' Turner and sons have sold th eir home n Maimi Str et and have left fo r Phoenix, Arizona wh .re they ex p ct to re·s id. Mr. Turner re igned hi pesition as teacher' in th local Hi,p:h School. 't





Mr. and Mr. Gilbert Fry and ons entertained t 1inne r on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John ettl myre and childr n. Bill and Nanc y of n ar Lebanon. . Misses J ean and Jan 'sock ent rtained tll Discu sia n Group on unda y evening. Dainty ref r shm I1twe re served followrn g th e meetinK·


Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout and dau,g-hter were Saturday evenin~ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geor~e Waltz in Dayton. .


Mr. Frank Holmes of Colum~ bu is sp·endin,e: a few days with Mr. r.ld Mrs. Loyd Davis.

. Mr. Paul J ohns of th e; Univer ity of Cincinnati p nt tb week- nd with . hi grand m ther, Mr . Mar.{!':a ret JO.hns.

- '

Mr. . . . .H. Burnett \vas the honor .l!,'l! t at a famil y dinn· r c~J bratin. · hi - 80 th birthday:; Tff'ur da 'y ning, at the h )111 of Mr . . and Mr . Calvin Longacre. th ' r Kllcst w r, Mr. and Mrs. Hus 11 BLII;nett of Ridgcvill ", Mrs. Mildred urfa c.; and Mr. and Mr '. knn U ik and sun, of l. eban' ln, Mr. ilnd Mr . R bert Gum ott of Cc pk r vil1t! and Mr. and Mr . Harp; Burnett. I

'Mr. and Mrs. Le lie Gra y, Bobby and W ilma attend ' d the funeral of Mr!l. Netti Gray, widow f L onard Gray, fo'rmer Lytle r,esidents, .'a t · the McClu r Fun eral I{.'me in Waynesv ille, Tue day afternoon, and th e burial at Miami

Cemeter y. Mrs. Gray had made The Miami Gazette ' Page 4 NI), 4 15 ~ ,her h me with 'her so n-in-law Wa 'ne ·ville. Ohio and dall~hter, Mr. and Mr . . Thursday, Janua r ' 2 2 , 191 Martin Dolan at Nation al Park. New J rsey, where she pa se i the 'valuabk crviCe perf rm ect away n Wedne day Jan. 14. by thes~ w 111 ' n, ' Stu dnt nu 's ' wit1 be !lgib1c. DAYTON HOSPITAL for th i o r uth ' I' incr~as s a INCREASES PAY they c mpl t th ei r tr ai nin R: at FOR NURS£S. the 'Miami Vall' y hospital A $30 increase j n monthl'y h ul of nul' inR:. pa y has be n made po sible f r nu rSeS at Miami Valky hO' J it.Ohi' - total L/ -H c1ub'nroltal. Oa ton, hi(, ac ordin .~ to , ment in 1947 wa ' 55,578 boy an announcement by Dr. Harry -, a ,l!:aln f 4,512 from and girl Wain, medical direct r of th t,' 1946. tate c1ul leade r W. H. hosp ital. Genera.l staff nm e , hdi 'ves man y thouPalmer f rm rly paid $185 per month, antt· of rural outh mi 's th e lu w , .. ill receiv e $2 ISner benefit duh' w rk b'month, he sa id, ad :li n .~ that cau - a I( lf ' f -H c(l llll1l uni U ~ .lack ther p ~ r onnel at tht; h 'I"itnl a local leader \vho wiU a r,g-anize al 0 will re iv sa lar in 'rea 'the cubs an t superv ise their .e . rk. County ex te·nsion a.~e nt ..: w . "The $3 increase applie·s can ',p:ive infnrmatio n ab(l ut dull' to full-tim e rotating: nurse I" . Dr. Wain pointed out. ' :In view . leadership. f the present exis'tinR' need for The ~ood th in is of PI' per-,trained . full-time nurs'es, the ity (},re to be wii:::"ICLi : liut the Miami Valley hospital' had tried ~ood things that b lon,g' to ad,~o make their pay rai:se sp cy are to be! admir cr. versit tall y attractive. The countr y tod a' y --$ene 'X reatizes more than ·ev'r



Mr. and, Mrs. J. H. . Sackett entertained to dinner ' on SUI)da y honorin~ their son Mr. Wade Turner and family who are leayin~ to make their h ome in PhoenLx. ArizQna. Their ~uests were Mr. and Mrs. Wade. Turner and sons., Wade , and Kent," Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw. Miss Jean ' Wilson and Mr. J Ohn P. Sackett. LOUU~E

'SM'TH, Prop.



f OU\11.\

2>>>UGS' --t;IST .... ORE . - - - . PHONE 2121 WAYNESVlLLE,



PHONE 2354



Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas and dau~hter of Lytle, Mr. and Mrs. J. M: Earnhart and famil of Beavertown, Mr. and MI·~ . John Robey of Dayton were Sunday ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thomas. Mrs. Ed Rambv and daug-hter. Linda Lee, ' ~nd Mr. William ,Ricke.y also were afternoon ~uests. Mrs~' A.H. Earnhart ioined a of ladies from Lebanon on Friday afternoon and ~11 were-~uests at a' tea 2'iven bv the home and community com-. 'mittees of the' Greene County Farm Bureau at the Geyer Restaurant in Xenia. Fo.llowin~ a very fine pro~ram, tea was served wit,h Mrs.- Roscoe Turner ' and Mrs." A. E. Drake of Xenia pre idin~ at the tea table.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock " entertained , to .Sunda'y dinner , honoring- the birthday anniversaries of little Pamela Daley, ' and Romona Braddock, Mrs. Frect BraddOCK and Mrs. BernC). rd Daley. Those who e njoyed the day to~eth~r were Mr. and Mr Berna:rd Dalev and daue:hter,·Mr .. and Mrs. \iVarren Br;addqck, Mrs: Wilh elmina Underwood, Mr. and MrS. Ra ymond Braddock and children, the ho t. hol::tess and children. , Miss Lola Sears has rehun.ed t Phoenix, Arizona, after' -pendin.e:· a few w )ks \1 '_ r,,:> w.ith rela tive ,

:Jrie~,h .J./.ome










" *** R4t h Pid,g-on and

Mrs: littl .dau,ght r ,Rachel called on Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Gre¢e: ~ aturda:v aftern oon.





Mrs. GeOr?;ianlla Ivins who has been Quite ill for several weeks was taken to the Snyder Rest Home ' in Lebanon on friday ~fte~noon;,.* . Dr. Emma Holloway left Saturday momin~ for Chica?;o to visit relatives and friends.

*** .

Mrs. Evalyn Peterson returned on Friday from a. visit in Wilmington with her Sisters, Miss Hannah Greene and Mr . Alk~ Telfair.

o ADIcric:aD. Home- _ _ I YI'.



Ie "1en)..1 Yr. 8creaa ............. 1 Yr. Correct £..,Iab __ .......1 Yr. 0 1t.e8der'. 0 " ..... __ .1 Mo. 0 Redboak MjpIiM _...... 1 Yr. - ' - d ' D"-- ' 1 Y OScielM:e PIdDrial _. ___ 1 Yr. [QEft&l-Y' -a........ -.. r. OSaem ~ I Yr• [) Flower Grower .......... _.. 1 YI'. ',ueW .................. 1 Yf. Fonua ................_.... _... .:. .. 1 YI'. D'tbe Homan"" .._........ 1 ft. O'FIoat .P .e Detec:dft.... 1 Yr. 0 The Womaa ___......,..... O'H"" ........................_....·.1 Yr. True CoaIk:a ___••_.. 1 Yr. DetectiY. ~......... I Yr. 0 Your Life ....:................... 1 . .

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a o

.'Any Magazine Listed and rhltl ~.w.pap.r. Both for Price Shown .




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o IDdde

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I.. I.t5 UI 1.55 1..fO





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'l'rue ItoIy ...................... 1 Yr.


All 4 For Only





AMBRICAN . FRUlT GROWBll .. 1 AMBRICAN POULTRY JaNl.. , . 1 V,. BRBBDBR'S GAZBT1'B •• . ... ; 6 .... PARM JOURNAL FARMBR'S WIPS . . . ... . . 1 Y,. HOUSBHOLD MAGAZINe . •• . t Y,• MOTHBR'S HOMB LIPS . ... ••. 1 Y,. NATIONAL LlVIISTOCK . "ODUCBR ... .. .......... 1 Yr. '§PATIlFTNDB' (U It...) .... ...... POULTRY TRIBUNB . , ••••... 1 Y .. TRUB ROMANCB .......... , ... ....

o Path.6ndc;r (26 lsaua)......_

1.50 ...,,,........ ......... 1.50 'p~ular .M uhaniCi .. _.........._ U8 tJ Populu ~Iciau:e ~ODthlr...- . .UO.' 1 ...............- .... -



o ReaCl.~. DiIat ....................... ".t$~ o Itedbook . MapdDe ............._ 5.50 o IaeeIi R.4,....a. ................__ 2.7&

,.50 o !porta Afiield .................._••_. 2.50


This Ne"lIaper, 1~r. AND 3 81G 58 ,.,AOAZII!I.'

R~d (BOys) ..................

O!pon _.....:...................._.........,....


Nadoaat U,fJIIoct. . Producer ..........._ ..1 Vr; ~ Road ~) .. _ .. I Yr.


l5.45 oo ~tcloon ........................:..... _. 1.50 Parents' Mapdne .........___ 1.25


TWo ....... {


o Modem Screen .... L.....~.__ 2.75 o Mona hi, Rrnew...,.........:.:.... !U5 o Na~ (110 ,....«:1, 12 Mos.).• ".45

o Photoplay



0 U. s. Camera ,M...... I Yr. ...... 1M S M_I•• D.I...... ClI, Lilt . - .......!tII c..... .

o Modem .Omanca ..~~ 1:15

: 0 Open


' OBJeeder'. GUette ._....... 1 Yr. M·~·····"·"::· . 0 0IdIdaa H~d ....:.....6 Mo. 0 Pathlbuler (II "";)::::1 YI': CANntly GCDlIemaa ......5 Yr. 0 Photopia, ................ ,....... 1 Yr. 0 . - Jounaal and 0 TribaDe ....~.......I Yr.

o Jack Ie Jill...............,.... o Judy'. (N ~WI Ie Vlew.t).~_ 1.00 'n

a.,..............._ ..


oOAmakan Amakua FruIt GI'OWCr 2 Yr. Girl 1 Yr. o Amerkm POul~·j'.;i:·2 Yr.

0..,," . .u.: .,...- - - .0 .All Gbk._ __ .



c.uaaic:aa Gilt ......::'_.. - a Amcrida '..... - - Q aa1Jd Llftt .....~.~.. o Chdse" 'B enld O 'l:'AK'onct '-.........:...... ,




, Mark



a... X,,: .........................

011, Lilt . . . ....., .• ..-

o The Homemaker ......_......_.... '.45 ' o 'lbe Woman ........- ...._ _._ I.. JrILL IN AltD MAIL a Tne R~raaac:e' ... . U8 ~ THIS . . . . .PAP. . TODAYI a '!'rUe Story ...............- ......_... t.5O~..... CIa_ ••,.dw. ~~.w_ __-.. • .,. ~,... [J ~.." ~Hra..__ ...... _ ... _ _ I.t5 t ..... , ' . o.mla.....~ 2.11


o Your UtI ..,............................-:-. 1.41 _ . .INI _ ~.




Gendewalr I adoee . ::1........................... .... ... _ .-a dlec:led, ~lh a ,..... ~ .. , - . . . .. . _......_..._. __..__._._~_._._ _ _~ .N. . . . ..........:.......••.


1 YUI, . .lSI TIIM .....


JICJITOmcr. ...._... _._._........._~....................................._._._h

taks and ha: Q "L' tn \Va ri .l.:ht after ili!. l 'c" lr ! I t; 1, '. Con 1 \\'( rk I )ick , I L ~{ ' .. ..; prove it. ' ~ ~l r i n,l:' \' ~l ' 111 ak ;!l ,t.:' i ,"" l' ( 'j 111: \VA ' : (n " wll htl · (,,)SL to I realize I should ,have exprove a, 0 with al l c ntill- :lI1d th ~ .r ':t :i t i ' ;t ' ( 1() i1Pj ,t · 'p lain ed th e m an'ill ~ ,.o f the 11CI()w, . ents. N n\\', th' t ' I l 1111>1 \ , ' l ' . term ' used by th amate ur nl Dpnald hramm, hi fa. l h 'r dio operator in the operat ion of and maU, r Mr. H, C. ~ ch ramm whi-lk -= wert' ( " il Hll ' 'i .. ll ,· ;1\1 r their tations. We u e a ' y t ' l11 ---ut Portlan roy , e . mile- C I 1111 , ' hla J~' hi 'k, (Ldcrres), of "radio shorthand' l ) - xl"'c\V a lP ' ill' , rlil \ ' , ~ n r i n ! ', th r term in , ,t?: neral u C' W ednesda, Jan. I . till' lI g: h 3 .! inch - f _n \ and a 7 hom on til e 21 -l. ' pri l1 ,~,: 1 I \ II tiite delivery of mes a~ ' s i 11 ~s ar bri fy 'exp l aine 1. short a time a po - 'bl . ~ l, bea l vVa yne ' vilk r 'fpr I 111 : onl a t· hct\ e n t\\' () below temp eratur to talk l( by DAN~Y HARTSOCK for ,a few defin iti 11 . , or more st ation . their hrother ' all~1 011 in 13 rlin loo k \.\ hat h:q f 'n ' d ll' B, .r:.., I , Frida'y nig-ht, January 1G First, 'a HAM station i not Germany. A nic (J. ( PI' 2 ( 11 th!.! t th all 1 th" l1 .. al u' QRA. ' the s t ~tion l ocati n. Wayn svill& scrapped n ' th a btl ine s. No mon y is madl.: QT H: the h m ( wn in ham h ur r suit d and th . 11 a1.1 h fore. Harveysbulg fl r, and after:l in amat lI r radio., it's a hnbb\ . . radio. di nn er at m y hom, n i 1t ~ r ~ ~ l - lJ \ I X S ',0 re lose Hr t half; l eap~d ah ad t ' just as letter writin.1! i yc ur . followedba.numb r in,g- part \~ a the mak in ,Q' of ;1 Waynesvi ll e pt ", 13. , n, ,pl:" @SA recording: n th e nc\ ' \\' \ 1'1; rewin 51-30. ' (W e even pLayed ' hobby, WTY. Th e F. .. : d 1I Hahm 15 nly four men in part of th e' l ast · fines an amateur radi~') opera- i t e readability ' f th e tation cord inR, machine nf \ HZ V. l{ick) 1 () I M,il l I' ' , S ' The wire wa tak e\l, ha k h) 13 ra II quarter ) . . . mall wood scored 11 tor as: .t ' A dul y auth( nze j per- ,received. ' 'McKin zi' -t S or R: the siRnal stren,gth In diana t o I pl ay' I.i in ralii( . Sa ~ k it pints wl'iile Tinne y who tarted son intrested in r,Ldio t chniqu' H art II ~ k (i Li 11 e y -t hop at I ortland. ' arne in with 9. in a purel y sc i, ntific a 1d r I.r - as received, the I udnes . I)hn ' k 1 Andr w' ) XTAL: means a crystal COI173 ( KO d III k ) > (and) The re erv es ea ' ily tumhled so nal roint of vi ew and withLudingtlll1 1 Nc Iv ~ t roll e I transmission, very BeN U (I e ' in, " YO u), ver Harvey burg',' 4'6-18 . out PECUNIARY (1 .1 k th :1 () Y o un ,l!' 2 M \l am I' m not ;L11;1n1 1'I.i ' Bernarj , ' word up WTY) in ter " t. " ,1-\.4ios stable. \y~YNESVILLE f~" ft ptS' power is limited to 100 watt: ECO: A station with facilif it' Waller G. BlIrpine, ~~ jR 't )ta I T t al 1.hompson .. -1 8 mput. , " ti es for chan~inR frequency of 'Impson 4 0 ' the' transmission within an \ re 1 ( )uart ' I" : :rinney 3 3 9 Th NAC is defined hy th portion of the barid at will. . ~ 2 2 1 malwo cI 4 3 11 International Amateur Radi J () ~ .... , CQ: th e ~eneral caU to an y I =) 7 W. Dakin 2 2 6 ~ Union: "Amateur radio call in 13 1 B. Hastings 2 0 4 a given country mll t con, i t of amateur to let him know you want a QSO. Fl renee 3 8 a prefix of one or two letters, CW: A., station using Tele-in accordance with th eir Intergraphic tran ~ mi ssio n. 2 0 1 1 ' 51 national Alphabet ical DistrihoTotal , .' Traffic: th e handlin,e: nt m estion, foll ow d by a p. :'lmeral and sa#?;es to any portion of the HARVEYSBURG f g ft pts b ne or more additional l etter 2 1 5 'i. e., W8ZCV describes a.n ama- world without cost' to any perFairchild 1 1 teur residin,!!, in the 8th dis- son except the amateur's OJDo Doster :'" /; l ./ · ," 5 3 1 Irvin t,rict of the, U. S. A. (W) ani eratin~ expenses. If an amatel~ r 1 i ' ,', Moore 1 0 2 . zev is the additional alphahet - charges for such service he ma ,/;. ". t';' .~.:.! .( ..j' Cl,rk 1 0 2 ical letter assi~ned QY the F. C. loose his liCense. ;l fr I Wilson 1 . 2 -1 _ C. W8ZCV may be used be me QSL: the card , of acknow'. /1 " 1/ Mason 1 0 2 while 1ivin~ in the 8th dL trict ledgement from a station cont, by Betty ThOm3a Reynolds o 1 1 or, while 'operating Do rtabl e in tacted, Proof of QSO. l any other district by si,g-nin,!!, , FCC: the Federal CommuniWAYNESVILLE-B. & B. Totals 11 8 30 . pW8ZCV portable 6 in Ca1ifor- cation Commission. A.' , INDEPENDENT LEAGUE ,nia. The ZCV maybe had when '. WAS: one who has talked t On Jan. 13 Waynesvil1 111 t • _ ..... _.. , toa f,!!, ft pts WAYNESVILLE -"" ,' the B. & B. tc~ m. The home- " Mehaffie 011 team won over them by 3' point o 1 1 Smallwood Waynesvi1le- sta ved hehind unPeters 215 til the half and then the y ' rush4 1, 9 ' Powell < ed" the B. & B. Lackey 408 On Waynesville' s h 0 a r d 1 2 ', 4 FE.RUAR"'~- THE AMETHYST Lukens H Rickey marked up 11. 13ra~le'y Graham 419 C::::::;:;Zii7~<;;. Wl7NfJtIT 7£I.ESCON$, ANCIENT Earnhart 1 1 3 EGYPTltANSM/fPNDTHESTARS 2, 2 6 Florence ' igned the central part (If the co untry. Tha'nks aRain:

Page 5,

The Mianii Gazette Wayne viII , Ohio I No. 415~ Thllr ,del ', J~l nuar ,2_. 1' C)48

movin,g- to a new l oca ti on if it i not at that tim~ is ued to an oth er ham in th at loulti 0n. I co uld ask for W2ZCV or KH)7, V in Hawaii :tnd " 0 11 d ' t end upon tll Ii. tri t in wpich th'e ·lati n is I, Lale I.






DRIVE SLOW I,' N,.,:.,r'' ,R: ~1 . '. HiJII;




-- -_'P."""'!"--.'!!!II:s:s==r:o.~ ,




, ...-.

-'0 '-46 ,


, Clark WlIIiams Grant HiidebricKMason Doster Hesler



pta ,





1 2

1 2 1


0 1 1



5 5





--" 4 11 18

Total Our "comingoner" team beat Spring Valley Thursdav with a score Of 35-33. Jordan and , Ricke y paced the attack with ,10 points apiece.

NAC de W8ZCV by W~ltet G. Burdine . Thanks to annoy-mus WTY ' for the bouquet. I'm all puffed up to think you though I hail -:--::--,,---~ ough braitls-? to figure out ,all the NAC nomenciature of amateur radio when the heads from 2'2 countrIes ,m et in Atlantic City for the purpose of se lec tin~t appr piate nU,mbers ,and l etters to ~o arQund to all th e il rria·teur radio operators in , t,h e remote corners of the globe , and to promulgate rej!'ulations ' to .c:o-vern ·operation Qf amateur radio tations in the world. One new district w.~s assi ,!!,ned the U. S, A.• a "O ("Ir zero was as-










,Lebanon National FatiD Loan"




'Lebanon, Ohio PHONE 448



. J__ . . .

BIGM~ a qrowino ••G M fo{ muimum yield


field c:n»pel BIG If for highest market quality I And it'. been that way fOf

, twmty...yean. While our immediate concern is 'that of .upplvin,


more high-potash-content . ONle. no.. 'r'om


dMJer lor


fertilizer. for YO,ur need • . every fertillaer bearina the ~IG M brand perform. up to that reputation beeaute it ' il always made up to higheat standards. . never down to", a price.


he 'M iami Fertilizer Compan~



S."'VC~"rY AND' PE~C.~

'Th~ MUlrro Fe~ti'iaer Company ie an independent Miam, c:onc:em undf'r .,1;f'Ct o o~rlt' ;on .,/ .h , ..ner.,



~4f' '9:::.J". .


To 'Buy, Sell,' Trade'


-ETT,E ' £lA95IfIEO·

,"Relit, Borrow,- USE

~----------:-----~:""--"""----~~"'~!!'!!!""--------~~'!"1111.!~~~~'!!'!!'11---------"'!!!!''!!'!''!!'!!~~-uN. 2S , 'MON. 26 WED. 28 THUS. 29

'FRI. 23

• wtn



January 1948,

SAT. 24

ln~' storY ,'(lf a ,I!.r~a t I' I "~' 1\ I :\ ·t" L' ~'reat guy who ' uwn l1 im, Jt' ,~ tops ,in

Flease don't tell your, friends th e sur11rist! endinj:!' to the tale of the ,g-irl who wank,d to live the past year over a,!!'ain.

.My Pal ,T~igger ,Repeat,Performance lIut-d(.!or entertainment.

StarrinK Roy Rosera, Tri.ger, ,Dale

EVIlDI. "Gabby" Hayea.

Added: Cartnon and Comed·...


w'ith Joan l.ealie. Louis Hayward, Vir-


rae"" , Tom Conw87.

Plus: C:olor c'a rtonn and

Nt!w ~ .

A lIom t: -spun sto.l'Y J1 .l!",e,'cd for the en~ (mel lifl f ll lllll i ',~ til ' ,

1ir ~ famil v, Mu i ':;lark mou~tain8.

bers and g·uests who wer~, 'Mr. , and Mrs: Don Gahris and daughter, ' Mrs. O. 8. Marlatt' and Mrs. William Bernard. The club adjourned to meet with ' M{s. R. B. Coleman for February. - '

THE WOMAN'S SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE APPOIN"fS NEW OFFICERS FOR THE COMING YEAR Mrs. J. J .. Burske opened her home to the W man's Socety of Chri~ia Service on Thur day afternoon Jan. 15th. In spite. of the v ry cold weather a lar~e' :ttt 'ndance ~athered to enjoy the afternoon. The President; Mr. Carlton ,Cook' presided over the business meetio£" and announced the following <;>fficers for the c6min.~ year. , President, Mrs. Car Ito n Cook; Vice-President, Mrs. J. J. Burske; Rec. Sec'y, Mrs. M. D., Baird; Correspondence Secretary, ,Mrs. Ray Miller; ,Treasur'" er. Mrs. A. H. ,Stubbs; Sec'y of Education, M'rs.R. C. ' Moler, Sec~y, of Social Relations, Mrs. Monis Fulkerson; Sec:v of Spirit Life. Mrs. Rufus Watkins; Sec'y of Literature and Publicity, Mrs. George Henderson; Sec'y of Supplies, Mrs. Alva Thompson, Assistant, Mrs. Pearl Whitaker; Sec'y of Child Work, Mrs. 'Walter ' Whitaker; . Sec'y of AI~ohol Ed, Mrs. Olive wardlow; Status of Women, MTs. R. . R Coleman; Leader Cincle One, Mrs. Alva Luddin~ton; Leader Circle Two, Mrs. R. C. Moler; Leader Circle Three, Mrs. Cora Rich; leader Circle four, Mrs, Clarence Edwards. Mrs. Walter Whitaker £"ave a very fine report on tbe reorganization of the .GhiTaren's ,Society of Christian Service. It .will be of intere~t to all church women to attend an all day meetin~ of the ' Council of OlUrch Women .t o' be held at

the Friends Church on the World day of Prayer Feb. 13th. Meetin~ wil'l be opened at 10:00 A. M. Excellent speakers are promised for both mQrnin,lr and afternoon sessions Dinner , win be served at 12.' Brin~ sandwiches and covered dish. The program for the afternoon was in charg:e of Mrs. R. B. Coleman. Mrs. Goldie Borden ~ave the devotions subject , bein~ "Thy Savin~ power.'.' ~he read a very, beautiful poem entitled "A poem for , the New Year." The 'program was a very interestin~ and. inspirin~ one remindin~ us of the endless possibilities and liabilities which we can create as ' a society. The February 'meeting' will 'be held at the home of Mrs. Alvin Earnhart Delicious' refreshments were served by the hostess Mrs,' Burske and . her asistants, Mrs. Clarence Rye, Mrs. Emerson Earnhart, Mrs. Stanley Bailey, and Mrs. Ralph Asbury. FRIENDSHIP CLUB MEETS WItH MRS.

Miss Jane Fite were Saturday ~uests of Mr. Thompson - ister, Mrs. Rebecca Tracy at he,r hom in Washin~to n ,Court House.

The Miami Gazette Page 6 Wayne'sville, Ohio No. 4352 Thursqay, Januar.y 22~ 1948

soft. Nitrogen ap.plied before R'i'ass starts make~ ,earlier pasProf. Freshcorn. .supL of ture. Massie Twp. School was , tak~n NEW CENTURY CI..UB ill Monday" suffering an attack AT HARTSOCK HOME of, in,f1uenza. Mrs. Ross H. Hartsock 'will Mrs. Edna Compton 8Q,gen be hostess to the New Century musl'c J'nstructor for the local I am happy to ann LInce Club on Friday3.f1ternoop at that on , her home, Mrs. Evelyn Peter_school has returned to her duson, Mrs. J. B. ·Cr.abbe and Mrs. ' ties followin'g a fe\v days ill.sat~, E. L. Thomas will be in char,g-e ness. , of the program. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Park and I will open ~n office in dau~hters of Mt. Auburn, were . Waynesville .for the p.racENGAGEMENT IS Sunday ,house £"uests of Mrs. ,0f tice ANNOUNCED OF Park's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. SPRING WEDDINC~ S. Tucker. Accordin~ to ail . announcement made this week by Mr. and Mr. Cbarles Wetzel ' of New ' on ' M'ain st. across from Mrs. Fred Zimmerman of Leb- Vienna was a g:uest Monday of the Post Office. anon, ' their dau~hter, Marjorie, his parents. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wila nurse at st. Elizabeth hospital liam Wetzel. , Office hours will be as in Dayton, is en~a~'ed to wed follows: ~ Mr. Seth ~., Jr., son of Funeral services were held Mr. ~nd .Mrs. Seth Furnas. The . Wednesday in the Veterans TUE. 6 ': 30--9 P. M. :veddm~ IS. planned t.o take place ' Chapel at Dayton for Mr. AtWED. 8 A. M.-NOON m the sprang. bert Schaeffer 58 who died at the Veter'ans 'Hospital Sunday SAT. 6:30-9 P. M. ,MISS HAJU,.AN WlNIS January 11 tho Mr. Schaeffer,·reSLOGAN CONTES1r,Al " sided i'n the former Rader reAppointment· not absolVIRGINIA COllEGE sidence on Main St. sel'~ , itly necessary, but may be . Miss Margaret' HarJan, stu~ent vivors ~re; the widow and twp obtained by cal1iri~ Frank· at Vir~inia Intermont College, , SOns at home. lin 10, rever~in~ the was named the winner in a charR'es. Jogan contest hetd at ,the in, . Miss Joan Beckett youn,t!'est stitution,in behalf of the Friemi- dauR'hter of Mr. and Mrs. Ren ship Train that recently made its , Beckett is 'confined to her ' .' stop in Bristol, Va., tlhe locatiol} home, owin~ to , i1lness, ' and i ~ OPTOM~TR~ST of the Colle~e. 'The s;lo~an con- unab1e to attend school. test was sta~ed amoll1R' the st~­ dents of the Colle~~e and wa:s Mr. and "Mrs. Todd Bunce of us. GAgna CU88JFIBD &D~' selected at a Thanksg:ivin~ din- Waynesville' were in the vi1la~e ner R'iven for the student body. Monday afternoon vii tin J!: The local radio station located , friends and relatives. in Bristol were the sponsors of the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Barkley I. Hill 'vere Galled to Amaritta" f exas, Sunday -owin~ to the de,ath of Mrs. Hill's aunt, Mrs~. Randall· of that city.


Jan. .31 '





WALTER WHITAKER The Friendship Club , held their January m.eetin~ at the home ,of Mrs.' Walte'r ' Whitaker on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. B. Rich and Mrs. Jennie Conner . as assistant hostesses. Mrs. R. C. Moler ~ave the ,devotions for the afternoon and was .in charge of the pro~ram. Vocal 'solos by Mrs. Don Gahris and contests ' made a very entertainin~ program after which a ' social nour was enloy..ed. Dainty re,freshments were ':'Served by the hostess and her asststan-is' to thirty one mem-

Dr. T. P. Grosvenor ,



The Wne to reduce the nrim· ber of acciden Ohio fa s is before they, R'a of having- -all of the family point out safety hazard to ' be corrected is more fun than a family council of 'ways ta recover .fnom loss calise d hy ~arelessness. .' .

Call ' ,

C:' E.

MIcHENER ' Phone 2926

For an eDerlT pict·.Po ,uick and nutritious. HrYe thia escelleat prune eake with .uc- of ,aiIk. ', ' Hot breads are an appetizing .Invitation. to "eome and 'cet it'd' when winter ltorm. are blowing outai4e. Thil yea~s goo supplies of dried fruita make them a tood item to team with enriched lIour's thrifty protein, iron and B-vitamins for nourishinr. ~avorful eoffee eak... ' , A. versatile bread, indeed, is this prune coffee cake with ita attractive crumble top~ing. Serve it for breakfast, of CQURe - but allO tor luncheon with a Lenten ..lad plate of diced fruita and cheeee, and when friends drop in for i'a snaek" , . . ' If fooo' dip your scilsors in ~ater before cuttina- the prunes, the fruit wIn be less likely to stick to the blades. You wU. also find it • cood , idea' to" "dust" t~e chopped fnait with p~rt t)f the sifted dry ingredients ~to keep t'he fruit from ~sticking tog'et.h~r. ~specially

'AMBUlAl&f , . PHONE ·


, PRUN,"~ COli'FEE eAKE ' z packages ycast. {()mprrs~td or dlY Ilanllla, I cup lukewarm waftl II. cup melted ~hnrttnlnl 'Iz cup 'lilt" ' 21j2 re.npnoos salt

I cup choPJ!ed coolted pIllnc.


'I. cup browa SUiar Y. cup ~ranlll.ccd suaaJ y~ r.up tnrichecl flour I . V. (UP marllrine"or butter


In .arm

pla~~ I


flO t)t:grp.,s ~:ght



. The I(lmmunitv C1uh l~ · ,H its monthlv meetin l~' Wednes- . puffy (about two hour~", Stir day ni~ht.. Prnf. Ravm(ll1 Hfltdown and pour into g~a8ed , pans field, county S~lpt. , (If \'V~rr 11 ninc inehcs in diameter. Sprankle County SGf1ools ' wa', tIll" !l'lle t with topping miacture mllde by mixing sugars, salt! and .flour ana neaker. Mr. ,C1vde I.evie", (' in marganne 'o r 'b",tter. Prof. H. C. Mi11i~an, and Mr. Let rise until doubled (about two . Tucker were the hosts. hours). Bake in 'moderate o,(en (350 degrees F.) about 30 minutes Mr. . and MrS.- A 'Yield. Two '-eotree eakes, nine . tin, Mr. Charles Tho inches in diameter. 'I.

SO!t'!ll y.'ast 'in 1,4 cup lukewarm watcJ'. To remaining water add shortening, sugar, salt. and einna· mono Cool to Jukewarm. Add two cups flour. Mix we)). Add eggs and 90ftened yeast. Beat thorOllghJy. Add prunes and mix well. Add remaining flour. Mix wen. Pour into grease,l L. wI, cOVf.or and !i:'

sifted earichecl flour


I tc"spoon dn,umon } ':.IU!S, beaten

'" ,- !:.o.r... F.) until


. OUR INTENTION IS TO , ' . ' E~TABI.JSH friendlv rela-, hons With those who' permit us to ,serve them, and to' deserve ,the ~ood will of tho'se who look to us when hereavement lays its heavy ha'l~d upon them. .





... ,

Mc,C', 1 liRE ,





,. Page 7 The Miami Gazette Wa ne vill e, Ohio Nn. ,' ' s-:Thursda v, Janu ary 2 :2 194 H

= - .- - - - - - - - - -

• Two ,Tons of 'Pork From One Red Sow,



-- -----'------------BY






Pm(Ielfl-}(11fI111t1 C"/(/~" S(i/ "I. .A rllllllill



"+1 OPEN


Shall America Follow?


Among all the postwar nations, no countries have so quickly restored their productivity without damage ,to stand'a rds of 'living as ~ave Canada and the United States. These two coUntries have restored productivity to tbe' 1940-41 level, and in many industries ha ve surpassed . this level. It is no coincidence that a , recept New York Times 22-nation survey showed that except in Can- " ada and the United States; the trend is toward, government m~nagement, , of industry. " Countries that are exchanging their freedoms for government controls are not m,aking good postwar records. In general, they are the, countries that are crying the loudest for help from outside. Those nations ~l!~~hing 1he highest officia1180·day , lit~erweight ~ve.r reC!?rdedwhi~h desire to turn everything 'over 4 270 pounds-this 17-pig Duroc ' Utter ralsed by DaVid Mtller of to the government tor complete con· Ligonier, Ina., topped more than 960, entr.ies irl the 1947 National pU,roc Ton Litter contest sponsored by the Um,t ed ~uroc Recor,~ aSsocl~tlon. trql ~nd managemen,t are the very Eighteen different states, from ' So~th. Car~lma to, Washl,n'g tonl w~re ,countries that are .Upping back· represented among, this year's quallfymg htters With Indiana ,t ummg ward. Still, the trend is in that,very in the tOp' number. . ' ... _..1 D ~irection, towar~ government man· In announcing the winner of Its 1947 contest, the Um~ uroc , agemtmt. " , Record association reports that in the la,st four years, 450 p\1rebJ:ed PubUc Mat Decide DUfOC sows have raised an official total of o,v er 600 tons of pork, an Shall America ultimate.l , follow _ unsurpassed feat ~f :p~oduction for a m~at-hun~y world. , this trend? In my opinion, the pUb.. . lic in this ' country ha. not yet ,d.~ .cided th.t Issue. There ,.re .ome Civic Club dinner and meetin~ voices C~g loudlY.' for 'government ~t 'Waynesville ~onaay ' evenmanagement., l;ven our "At~r,net 'lOg. ". General polnta hi. ftllger at A~eri, can lnduatr) .nd aecu.~. it of bein, M'r.' and Mrs. Earl Youn~ at- . H.poulble for hip prlcet. l'o~tlcal tended the funeral of th{!ir Jane Kenrick " return~d to maneuver. may plea.e critical peo- ' brother-in-law, Mr. Stonebergple and _et vote.. but In mUinl schoo. Monday, after being . eli' in Dayton Wednesday morn-, absent a nernoer of days on inclU.t17 UIlpopular the way 1a paved ing. 'for replacm. ' our tree , enterpri•• account of havin~ the rriu~s.





7UAT " C:::::r"~i::=~""A" AT LIiAST






.,.tem. AI


educator, I f.vor that V'· tern wblch will provide the hi.hest .tan~• .at' UvlDa for ' Ibe -of tile ~el'lc. ""'\e...u~ .ernaem...t 01 oU bwlu.trtea , would pJjvlcle hlper w••••,' mote productl"t.7 and Puter purch"l9' power for .ach dollar 1J)eDt, then c.rta1nl7 I would"be In favor of It. Actua1l7, our .ystem of private eDterpriJe h p.t-berlca tar 'a head of other 'natlem. that have trl~" .D7thin, elIe. ' aD

'1Il_ .....


Mrs. Clara Stacy of ' Sprin~· bora ' is visitin~ at the home of .her da\1~hter, 'Mrs. Leslie Gray and f~m~ly. " ,




Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and Milton were Sunday evcmin~ dinner guests 0f, Mr. and

~::~ ,e~!~I~e~:

and family

~ilt I

BlUER"'" ... "-:~:~:~

• ~, j .,' ,Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sal~sbury " Mr.~, and Mrs. P. N. Carnle1l and Mrs. Clyde Wh ar ton , at", ' Better, for 'One th,ng, because it has extra . , of Washington C. H. were Sunvitamin D. You know, this "sunshine" vitamin -."" , day eveni"g guests of Mrs. Net- tended the f4neral of Mrs. Cortie 'Emnck. ' . n'ell's brother and ' Mrs. Wharis 'very n~cessary for building $ou",d teeth and ton's , ,uncle, William ..'-1N-*-iHf~fMUi~""" - e~~s. That.'s why we put 400 units ' house, age, 81, at the Oswald Mrs. 'Eo B.J:.on~acre attend'of it in every single quart of this milk' .,,' ed : the Council meetinJ! or Funetal Home in , Lebanon , afternoon and the Asi fot Golden Crest .-,omoDee ... delivered t() Act WIIb Wladom Home 'Demonstrati<:m in ' Leb· . Tue' burial 'at' the L'ebanon Cenlef . , There are other dlvidends olrelled anon, Thursday. ' Mr. Levi, Greathouse, 9 t, your door, or at your avor.te store.. . tery; by the American 'Way.. , We ha". · -, ' .. --. ....~~{h'~~~.;~~.;,':'1.....·,..... ~ " ~ .. ~ freedoms. We can work ,a t What w. The Lytle Card Club met at a ' brother was unable to 'at:please. where we choo.e. We can Smith',S". Recreation Room in tend the fune~ : ' ~'O:t tt~~~~ ;):'-\:rAi}l,~~"':z,r. speak our minds, 'asilemble in Waynesvile Thursday for lunch Mr:' 'and' Mrs~· £verett Kengroups as we ' care to. These tree- " d a ff 'n f d doms and 'other U1>~rtie8 ~ dJd Dot an n a, er ~,oon 0 .CJlf~. II " ~ R CJ Q - , ! r IT) (.' C: T Tc.. h f GOO [) : ' tick and - clfildren, ahencteo ,a , have 'unde~' ~e c ontrol ot de.pOtfc t famiry 'party- Sun~ay' evenin~ at. and dictatorial goverrpnents ~ pre. Mr. and Mrs.- M,artin, Dolan the home of theIr parents, Mr. , =;:::;, _ ... vious centurle.; WIlT. ever, ~ould of National Park, New Jersey and Mrs. Ed Hopkins in .we w.ant to tollow a trend that lead. were Tuesday' evening' dinn~r Wa¥nesville. , 'Cards were the us backward toward new' despotism ~ue,~t~ of Mr,.• ~nd Mrs. 'leslie diversiol'l of · the ' even'inK. and los, of penonal tr~edoni8? Gr~>, anCl f~mlly. , The"experience of England should '" '_ Mr. and' Mrs. Wa:lter Kt~,nmake ,&18 paule aRl-tlURk- .erloualy. ~ Mrs. Charles Aildersoh of rick· had for their Sunday ev-f~-""-·~':-~ -\el:=;;;;:....~ ThOl. ~m-lovml people have ' \yaynesv:ille called ,on Mrs. Em- in~ dinner Kliests~ -' Mrs. ' Viola Dot fOUDd jOvemm...t m~lement rick ,Saturday afternoon. ' Ha,ines, Mr. and Mrs. Robert aD .Uet. 11lelr COl. production h.. , _ , Haines and sons, Bobby', Levi been extreme~ dlsappolntln, under • Mr. 'and Mrs. - Bernard ' Mel ~ and , Billy, Mr. Jose~'h Grassi ..' 80vernment m~alement: R~tlon. - loh and son of ' near Lebanon and Mrs. Norma Pounds and lng, h.~ become 'D'\ore and more ' and Mr. and Mrs. Loten Rout- son' Billy all of Day top. The , Nvere. Bur~enl of the peop~, have zahn and dau'j!'hter of Franklin dinner was in honor nf Mrs. become ,more and more heavy. Toe S d ' ' da7., the very future ot Enllan4'· •• ,.were un ay gpests of ~r. an~ , Kenricks' birthday. ·threatened by strict, government Mrs. Cly:de Wli~tton., (ttt) 122 re~atlon and management of In· ' M ,, ' , Fred ,M. Ruch d~b7. , " r~ , and ,M,rs. E. B. Lon~ .; In tbIa dark bour. EngUihmen acre, Horace an d Ernest FCiulks AUCTIONEERIN~ It's ~as y whe!' you use the .hould ItUciy their own hiatory.' Thei . attended - the- funeral of their STANLEY and' K.O OcLEIt will ftnd th.t whenever their 'indlvld· brother-in-law, John Fite. at , BROKER LI9E~iE t:;OMPLETE SET OF W ALLual freedoJ1ll were greate.t, it Blue Ash, near Cincinnati, Fo .. Dat••. Ph,,". 28~ Wavrl •• v i lle. ' then their prosperity was the' most T'uesday. Ohio R.v....~ ",hera •• PAPER HANGERS Tob~s ,

_J.. ' ,














It we ' .in America " ~

.o~er'" and a'~t, tn our belt, mter· ' elts" "ewW ' act with, wisdom ' to


prea,rv. the tundamental pattema Of OUr ~cODomy: the right of pri,. Yale ownership of property and the freel' pot.lb1e exercise ot p~vate ' , .aMI.-men' Of our entire econom,.

, Small diffierence in land ele:. vatiori sometimes cause a lot, of difference' in fruit production ~n ' . Ohio orchards. In one , are~ Jon the state, two orchards at elevations of t too feet had very little frost dama~e in 15 years. A nearby orchard at 980 feet ,elevation produced only tWf' profitable ~rops in the I 5 years.



Ther.l~ ' Jone~'

and Mr. Lowell Thomas . attended ,the

Represe"ting Weati..... cit COlJl&MD~ Members New York Stock Exchan~es an4 'other, ' registered" Exchanges TnJIt SMr. f30ught - Sold - Quoted , Phone Wa~'" 2130 I'

Dazton AD3217


----------------------~ ANNOUNCING!!


SERVICE' Sh ~f.\vood RefriKerati.0n Sales &. Service has added to its staff a competent washinR" machine .meehan., ie.. We are off~ring th.;: 'same prQrnpt, ettlcient ·ser.. on washjn~ machines that our customers ate ex·, periencing with our 'refrl~.. erati()A set\'ice. , DAY PHONE 437


(I n

fllrlJi ~ h w Uh each

order ' of '


Also all SUPPLIES 'F ,



Pa-a l ,C•. Picking Third Street



ao:a:::::;c ~ t~ZJ

Phone 2182 '\



The Miami Gazett.e WaYJilesville, Ohio Thursday, January

posing the reimpositioll of these very same kin~ of contl'ols '; which last October he al'8o told the Ameri<¥ln people wer-e "police state methods" and h ulld not be followed in this country.

• • ••



----------.---------------DON ' r FOHGET TO CALL for Insurance. All types of Insurance at a savings. can Francis Gene Brown, phone


\Va ynesville




collect. \VilminJ!ton 21 t t-

Real E.tate For SaI_ IF YOU HAW A PROPBRTY OR PARM TO .BBLL can or WrIte f)on Henderson. Tel. K:!'.3t4t. 617 LQralD Aft.. Dayton. Oblo. tfc

HOUSEKEEPER WANTED MIDDLE AGED LADY; private ' \ room furnished; care one child; references wanted. Wm. Mote, Rt. 1, Waynesville. -122

PAPERHANGINGCall at Allen's in Corwin. . . J. H. Rainey. -123 FOR SALE QUICK! Universal 7 cu. ft. Electric RefriJ!erator, in J!ood condition; Overstuffed bed,.davenport ~ood condition, cheap if sold at once. Joe Gustin.' Phone 471-R Lebanon. ) .



Cleve· Conne'· (ttt) 122 POR SACE':""" Handsome GUts. China 'Te:'l Service, China plates and Cut' Glass dishes. Mrs. Peter3.oll, Friends Home WaynesvitJ'e. ' . -122 , ,1iAY FOR SALE 200 BAL'ES -- ~'iy.ed Hay for Sale. M. E; Brooks, 2 mi. out. on Bellbrook - Waynesville Rd. -25 . CARD OF 11IANKS . We wish to express our sincere apprechdiQn to our very ' dear, friends ', and J!ood neiR;h:' bors who have been so kind and tbouJ!htful to us durinf the lon~ illness, and passinR;, of our devQtcd Mother-Ellen W,in.



. And to D'r. ,Mary, 'Dr. Stout, and Dr. 'WriJ!ht, ,who did all in Itheir ·power to alleviate her suf. ferin~J we are indeed grate~


Marie ·Riffle Catherine W. B'arnhart. I


NOTICE OF APPOiNTMENT . Notice is "hereby R;iven ,that , Dctvid Ralph Smith whose Post ,Office address 'is Waynesville1 Ohio ·has been duly appointea as' Executor of the Estate of Geor1{e J. Sm·ith late of Warren 'County, .Ohio, deceased. Dated this 19th day of January 1948 . . Charles A. Anderson, Atty. Ralph H. Carey , . Jud~e ,of the Probate COJlrt Warren County, Ohio. , - '25·


• • •

• • ••



; 0




e;.~/ · n~W6






. . MARRIAGE LICENSES Gary William8~ ~6, Foster, toreman, Mary H. Meyers, 33, Mason, clerk typist. Dan Walter, 44, Lebanon, Mary Elizabeth W~lter, 42. Lebanon. .Harold Gro~8,' 23, Lebanon, mechanic, Drucilla .J. Graf. 21, Lebanon. N.EW SUITS . Dana Thoines vs. Robert Thomextreme cruelty, H. Z.


Earl Pu.mill vs. Henry c;reen,. wald, defendant gran~!d 10 days additional time in which to plead . Leroy Gukins, et .1 ·VI. Charles Kofmehl at aI, defendant granted 2 days to tile motIons. Katherine Payne, a minor vs. Robert Payne, divorc:e to plaintiff, child to plaintiff, defen(lant to .pay plaintiff $&.00 per week. Garland H.i nes . vs. Margaret. Hines, hearing set for Jan. 22 at 10:30. ' Frank James, Jr. n. Ruth James, entry of Judge of Juvnmile Cou~t of Montgomery County filed; 9rdered that case be ' tran~~ferred and certified to Juvenile 'C ourt of Montgo~ery County. . Dana Thomas vs. Robert Thomas, e*e dismissed on motion .of· plaintiff. .Anna Mae Tarvin "s. Charles


for Our Un I 1\'

, - - -- - - - + - - - - - - -


2362 ow'.,.,..............._._ .... _._. _. - ...



-' E. G. Bach.ieb, ,Dc.



cI 0 i I . • n cI 'T a rAp p.l i • d

ReeurfaciDa ancl Drivewa, Recoatia. '





28 o.Irwood Avenue

I..EBANON, O~IO 'Phone 22t-i.

FOR A.ny make or model .Fred ,' Kahn Motor Car Co. '





4 ··4 S

" ,

. Blaektop

PHON~ " II '

X:E'N .·I A Fertilizer ReYer.e





WLW Clnclnn ',t!

Fulton Tal'vin, hearing set for Jan . . 26 at 2 o'clock. Grace Alexander vs. The Leba non' Production .Cr.edit Association ,cause dismissed without pre., . judice and without record.



Dial 13 I~: 40, ,. " k t


With a ' B~ckeye In Congre·ss•.• .


Liv~ Wirf: and proAr ... ive. An o"o :t !'l;zatlon , second to none . Strictlv ael era on the Dest aU around market in the country. HAT SATISFI ES SERVI on 12:30 8. R T. WHIO


A y€ar ago when President Truman asked the , Congress to appropriate thirty-seven and one-half billion dollars for the use of his 'A dministration in operating the Federal Government for one year, eveIj70ne thought the peak in Government spending had been reached. However, in his Budget Message . to C40ngress last week, the President wants to ~ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS given thirty-nine billion, seven hundred million dolHoward and Teresa Hutchinson lars to keep the Federal Governm'e nt going for the to Alwina and Georre Leichty, lot ' next fiscal year. This amount is more than four in Lebanon. times as ' much as was ever spent by the Federal ~ C:L~ 1lINC& J. DOWN Robert and Treva Barnhart to Governm-ent in any pre-war peacetime ' year. PresiMo. . . . .f nit OllIe DI.trtat Charles Yost, 1 ~ 20 acres in Frankdent Roosevelt . in 1940 had a peacetime budget of lin twp. With three Presidential messages in the first better than nine billion qollars-z-a "high" up to W. Floyd and Alice Whitenack eight days of the new session, the Eightjetli Con- that time. Some fixed charges, such as the interest to William and , Eleanor Smith gress is getting a bit punch drunk. The first on the national debt and veterans costs are, 01 49.50 acres in Clearcreek twp. message, delivered in person by Mr. Tl'Uman, was course, much higher than prior to World War U. Pearl Satt~rfield to Paul and on the ~tate of the Union and promised "everything How.~ver, very few students of Government beJieve nuthella Kinney, 36 9(' 'es in Harto everybody." In Mr. Truman's second message he that .it is necessary to spend· anything like thirty'lan twp. . presented his Annual ~udget, wherein he , asked for nine billions, seven hundred millions of dollars to Floyd Morgan to John Morgatl, thirty-nine billion, seven hundred million dollars to , operliLte our Federal ~stablishments for the next run the Federal Government for the coming fiscal year. Under the circumstances it seems most H.ke35 sq. rods in Fredricksburg. year-or two billion, two hundred million above the Iy the Congress will make ' heavy cuts in the Katherine Knipper to Arthur and previous aU-time high requested last year. , The President's Budget, and at' least three . billions will Memory McNeely, 27.64 acres jn third message sent to COngNss last Wednesday • certainly be eliminated, while the House AppropriaDeerfield twp. Herbert and Omega Fern Center was the President's Annual .Economic Report, in tions Committee is setting a five billion. dollar rewhich he predicted a depression would soOn come ' ductil!)n as its goal. . to Myron and .Mary Isabel Hensel" 5 lots in Springboro, -as a result of governmental .waste, extravagance '" Fred and Katherina Slezak. to and inflationary activities-u.n less he was given Mr. Truman's three messages to Congress -during Stanley Omer and Anna Miller, lot, authority to return the United States to a controlled the past week were all very much to the uLeft" in Franklin. economy-price and wage fixing, allocations, ra- and being taken to Washington political writers tioning and other controls. ~na Weir to Leo Spalding, 134,' and newspaper editors throughout the country as ·50 acres in Harlan twp. stronlg evidence that the Obief Executive is greatly Norma Weis to Thomas ' Weis, In his Annual Economic Report to the Congress, w~nied over Hemoy Wallace's Third-Party candilot in Maineville. Pre~ident Truman· pointed out the obvious-that our dacy for the Presidency. Many of ' the pusages of W. W. ' White~er to Kenneth and present economic condition is. not a healthy one. He the t'hree messages were so obviously appeals for ,Grace Williams, 0.04 acres- in Mor insi~ted that, unless something is done promptly vote&-al1d especially for the PQlitical support of the row. ' to curb inflation 'and to hold down prices, a crash . radical element of the country-that Mr. Truman . Kenneth 'and Grace Willialns to , is coming and the United States will suffer from has nctually injured ,his chances for re-election W. W. Whiteker, 0.04 acres in Mora depression. In fixing the causes for the present rathe:r than helped ,them by what he has said to row. .situation he failed to m~ntion the heavy prewar . the C~ngress and the country durina:. the past few Charles E11is to Davis Furnas. debt ~hich was cre~ted as a result of the New Deal days. ' 8.60 aeres in Wayne twp. spendirlg, waste and extravagance, and the loose Daniel and Laura Routt to John Quite Ii number of Administration officials, infiscal policies of this and preceding Ad~ini8tra.. DWinell, -4 l~ts i~ Franklin. . tions during, ,the . past 15 years. Neither did he ' call cludir~ g the White House physiei.n, are having dif~i­ attEmt~on to the fact that tn~ exceedingly heavy culties hi explaining some of their trading in grain exports of -American foodstutfs and' commodities and I:»ther f09d coinmodities~, a1\d profits thereon, WAN , ED ' '.' to foreign countties during the, past two years, which during' recent months. While ,they all deny they . created many acute shortages here at home, had, a were receiving any "inside" information as to GovCOWS ' _ $20.00 ' great deal , to do with creating our present high , ernment p~rehases which inf1u~nced ' daily market prices. In his message Mr. Truman insisted that in- priee!5, somehow or othe~r,..-.!\!th!.!le'!o1'L...JIl!.l.-...S!E~~~JA.I="-~I'-_'J.IHIORSES ~ $20.00 , ' t f th . ti . Ocs-:-- $6.00 c-tVt:- flation could be curbed and prices reduced through rna de consl'derab' le money ou 0 elr opera ons-A.c c......... t. I ... ~ a C..... ltl... , the reimposition of price and wage cOl1trols, ·r a .. with the exception of ex-Secretary of the Treasury Also', AD SMALL stOCK tjoning and -allocations. ' This, of course, is exactly Henry Morganthau, who dropped a hundred thouREMOVED PROMPn..Y the kin~ of a controlled economy which tlie , ~8i­ sand doUars or so- in the commodity markets. Those dent condemned a l\ttle over a year ago--.:when he in Congress, who know something of the former Phone took off the then l'emaining price and .allocation Secretary of the Treasu'r y's capabilities, simply· grin XENIA WILMINCTON controls. He then told 'the American 'people such and say they think they can understand why he, qa«l controls would not work. The President is now pro- such losses. ' ••v..... Ch.,..


NORRIS BOCK COMPANY Cincinnati ~nio~ StoCk . Yard'!

[ age .S

No. 43 5 ~

WAril:8~'" MOaaow . . .


. 1.i:BANON Off_ .~1It ,


R.S. hIL



Fairly Familiar by EFFILDEE


The· Miami GAZETTE

Three years a,g-o when we assumed the. duties oT producing a newspaper in this com· munity we were confront~d with a strange task in a strange land. It reqUired many months of hard work and effort ' t break down this barrier that Establishe~ 1850 No. 4353 seems to be a part of this part· , icular community. People here W A Y N E S V ( L L E, O. do not welcome strangers int0 their midst , with the ~lad-hand ' that i en ountered in other CROWNING OF SENIOR places. Th ese are a pr ud peo- KING AND QUEEN TO . , ple, with their t OWil tc pl!d in TOP PROGRAM AT WAYNESVILLE-MASON fhe ' traditi ns nf it: ' famous BASKETBAU. GAME past from which th ey annot seem\ to break a" a~ . Modern Victor Tholnpson will be: tholJ,g-ht or trends h91ds no place crowned Senior Kin g- 'and Fa ve here. 'Whil e this was our find ~ Creech, Se,n it'1 r ' Qucen hy the in,gs, we sincerely hope it will _ W . aynesville High Scho 1 on not be the case with our uccesFriday niJ?:ht, Jan. ~(l at the sor. If the p~rsons who make Waynesville- Me:! C 11 B:l"ketup this community will be ill thaI R'ame to be held in th ~ 10 al a little more libera.l with th eir auditorium. -welcome, we know it will help a In additi("l)1 f jl ' i: ; "..) (1''' 1 fl""1lot in R'ettin,g the new manag ' - ture nf til t ,~" ' 111 , ' f bI' \ HS 1,;1" 11 ment started in the right eli r " - ,",'i ll pl ;1" and Followin~' the tion. Close-mouth ed, uncn ,~ ­ game a d:l,nc "ill he : taged on erative efforts will nlll\ (, ., , tht: hask thall fInoI'. 11 n '· undesirable method part of th e ncwspane r, a: f " l' AUTO·TRUCK.COLLISION trut'h mllst be k ,111\\ 11 iF t h~ ,WRECKS AMBULANCE CAR Gazette is to go forward ~."l INJURES A. H. STUBBS _ remain the medium of fh f' ll (" l," exchanQ'l,: in this C()mm.lIlTT~' An automobile truck colliFor thi s reason it i hOled t\1;! i sian on Route 73 at the hill, th e coope ration f')f all person" side ttlTn in Waynesville. Monrtnd ,Q'roUIlS will he man e ma ni ~ rlav ,morning, wrecked ~he amfl .: t for th e good of th e C,0 111 " bulance car 'of the Stubbs Funn I'nity and eve ry ne Il nr.:er eral Home , 4nd serious'l y ~ri~r­ n d. , ' , ed Mr. Stubbs who was dnving , We d 'not a k thi - fo r our- his on, Billy to sch001 at the .-e lves or for anyone who i. in tim e. Billy also suffered bruises char,g- ' of th e ilews~aper,. I ut and cratches. A deep cutin the h ad plu bruises and conturather for the people 'w ho cal l tJ i ' tl' ei r h )lne, f I' t1'e t("l \, 11 tions placed Mr. Stubbs is in :l1ld f I' the co mm n n', 'od 4' · the. hospital for a sho~t time. ,. uli!i :ityand new ,can do{ " He!~ co.nvalescm~ at hIS home ," ll1Y T L/1 community r;! r ' at thIS ,t ime and IS reported to Ma .. \ e exrr,ess ours Ive!' i ' he recoveringsatisfacorily. , ' . l'y say.' "Be lill ~al i . . " , ' : 1 ' • " ' .y our vie vs ' afJ ' Uy ; fte\\: 1ft!w CENn.1RY CLUBpaper. ', AT HARTSOCK HOME * * * ' FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 The tlldent Council of lh' ' Mrs. R. H., Hartsock was a Waynesville Hi~h School tno !' ,go,racious hostess 10 the members matters intodhe.ir_own hand ~ 011 of the New. Century Club on Tuesday nf this week and g-ave January 23. The meeting was the school huil'din~ a thnr(lll n,l, called to order by the president, cteaninJ?: . They were a hl1m l d Mrs. Glenn' Borden. Nineteen of the i~ 'pearance of tll!"i,' mempers respppded to roll call. ~chont'. '~/ ind(lW were ~ a h p ,~ An interestmR' proR'ram had floor l ea ned, filth and <1i"/ heen arran~ed by the COO1,'cruhh t:ll W' 'Ill i th e " ne,~ 1,,,, 1,' mittee, Mr: Evelyn Peterson, becal11,e 'ffl' tiv. f;0n n r lh ,! - Mrs: J., B. Crabbe, and Mrs. ~. tinn to th es Vo un ~' f(ln' e .1 , L. Thomas. ' Mrs. Peterson introd uced Mr, ' thOll,goht ell ( 1I{l'b nf ~h' i r 1-') ' 1 t 110 thi i h lJl"t h I 1lf" ,; I ' J~ck Asbury, who played two ' ~ m on r· ... ' , \l ave (nl v plan solo. 'I Prelude in A ' h \ 1 ,' lo mm ent tn I wke- \\h'd Chopin, and "Pretuct in C hv kill \i nf people are rllnnin ,~ Ollr BaGh. ,~ h<"01 to (ttl AI '1II'h (nditiOllS A paper "Travel in Pioneer t cxi tin th fir t nla >? Days' Was read by Mrs. Th oma '. * '" * In dramatic fashion ,she desc ribcertain p,ers ~\\ lio is mo-r ed the preparations for a trip t' " " :, : fr\miliar with t V! ~s of ly c<?vered 'wa,goon ~ - th e dif,,'c' rk ill th e villag-,e thn t entail flculttes and occasional' plea u'rsoml! knowledR'c of water es of such a journey. main, water lines, etc., has inMrs. Peterson told of the aims formed 'tIS that to their know- and activities, of the nri~niza­ led~'e only one person has, or ,' tion ~no:wn the .Natlo'naf know ' \~ hereth.e hlue prints ,o f C0!l~cll for Prevention of W 'ar. the water system are h::>cated. ThiS was fgnowed by a short , These puhlic property items are talk by Mrs. Crabbe. ' , ' The proR'ram cl0sed with filed in some ,unknown place. Should they he allowed to re- two more numbers by Mr. 'A main obscure and' un<ter the bu.p~ "Autumln Fantasy". :111 holdin,R' of one person, or, ort~lt1a'!, composition, and "The should they become public as Rosary., _ all matters 0 f l1Ublic interest Members and ~lIest5', Mr .. E. should be? All matters pertain- V. earnhart, Mrs. Marie Hit. inK to any pu~lic utility should fie. MrS. Viol a , H a rIa n, ' Mrs. K. be open ' to the \,mblic at all N. _Hou~h, M n~ . ,I ena Hart:-ock Do yo,u 'know where the , and ~r: Jack. Ashury e'n ioyed water mains and waterlin'es are a ~l~asa\nt social hour and the located · tn the vlllaR'e? Could dehclOus refresl\J!lents , s:erved . they be found without ,the hlue by the Hostess. _ prints? As a matter of precau' - : - - - - - - - -' tion. if for no other reason, why LOCAL BREEDER. not have these blue prints placed' SaLS BROWN ' SWISS in some convenient place where Elmer Sheehan and Son, , a they can be ,seeR by anyone who Brown Swiss ' b r ,e e de' r of wishes t.o' know ahout the viJ1aR'c water s~stem? " , " Waynesville, Ohio, ' has recently sold tile bull Helen s Duke of M, L. No. 85880' to Mr. and Mr . , Mr. Newton Dearth and Darrow of Dayton, Ohio acdau~hter, Miss Ina Dearth of , cordinR' to a report from Fr.ed Franklin call.ed on Dr. and Mrs. S. Idtse. Secretary of the Brown P. 8. Greg~ Wednesday after- Swiss Cattle Breeders' Associa• oon. ' tion, -Beloit. Wiscoftsin. n





Mr. ' and M s-t....BiJI O'8anion Distrier 2 1 Q E. S. met in , did a very unusual thin,g- on Sunday when they opened their the sixteenth annual session on home to the members of the Friday in HiJJsboro, Ohio. The mornin~ , session was in , Owens ConR'regatIonal Christ~ charR'e of the preSident Mary ian Church for th,e Sunday . L. Earnhart" Miami C hapter, school and reR'ular Church 'serMildred Harmount, vice-presi$1.50 per Year. 5c Copy vices. The church is ttndergoing dent, Greenfield Chapter; Jurepair and wilt not be ' pen for anita ' D ewey, , Treasurer, Cary Thursday, January 29, 1948 several weeks. " Due ,to the extreme cold only Chapter Blanchester and Mrs. Milligan ' Secretary, twelve were able to attend, Rev. Louelta Warren Chapter, Harveysburg. and Mrs. Robert - Vance, the Minnie Fromm and Mrs. Mrs. former a student minister from Marydell Burske were co-chairthe Dayton 'Seminary, remained and were dinner ~uests of the man of the r gL fration com· mittec and ' Mi S ,It.;an Hartsock Banions. ' ' , ' The cOrtgregation ,i planl1in~ was th ·ol bist. Memorial t: rvices for those' to meet m 111C' Perry Thomas ost by death durin( the past l 'h ome for the comin,f!,' Sunday. year were beautifully ,g-ivell by' Franklin ' Cha~ tcr. Newly instal· R.A INBOW COUNCIL MEETS led officer. for the comin~ year AT LUDINGTON HOME \If re pr~ 'ilient Mr. Mildred TUESDAY EVENING Harm untl Grl' 'nHe1d Chapter, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ludingl n vi e-pre ill 'n L Mrs. Blanche entertained the i I' Oi Cll ion Brown, M artin ville Chapter, Club at their home Tue day eve- secretar'y, M L. Juainta Harvey, nin,g'. A part of 'the tim wa s Clarksville Chapter' and treaspent in di cu sin g the 'financial urer. Mr . Th ida Belleson, Sink.. storm ah:ead: inflation which inR' Sprin~ Chapter. ' -, must be foll owed bv d ~ f1a tion. The school of Instruction and how' far should we xtend durin£: the aft m oon was in a liI' cred it. Ralph Miller i the char.l?:e of th e Worthy Grand able discti,' ion leader of thi Matron, Mr. Zella Watkins of group. The r mainder of-- the Cleveland an j th e work of 'the t:!v·enin,l!' was . pent ill playin~ ' C1iapter wa ,t!'iyen by the ofCARL W.' SMITH J?:ame and partaking- of the de- ficers of L'ynchbur,go Chapter. ,The meetin ,l!' , for 1949 wilt New editor of t.he Miami licious refre hment ' erv e 1 ,11\1 the hostess. he held in I . ba~ n, OhiQ, w:ith Gazette who takes over the task Lehan ' n haptl:' r ' :l hoste s. of publishin,g- the paper a of pf~NS I..ISTED FOR Th o e 'aJtendin~, MiamI th ~ fir t of Fe ruary. ·OHIO VETERANS BONUS Chapter \\ er : ,M 1'.. and Mrs. BY SERVICE OFF'(CER 'Jo hn Bur"!'. 1" . William Th e follo\\ in,(l" informa i III troll' , Mr . ,101 Ii FronVtl, THE GLEAMER CLASS , Mr , l3erti i I·' . Mr: tanley ENTERTAINED AT THE \ a rec iv d, thL '" k fr m the l3aile, Mr . R(l!!:er Sr wn, Mr ' . office of General Chtst . W. Marvin mith, Mr. Elmer CONLEY HOME 1,( II ", Dire tor' f th hi o ' , Gr ve, Mi J L'an H art -( k, Mr. and Mrs. Ra mpnd Con- I30nu Fund. ' Distrihutioll of api"licati n Mr.. Haro l d' n. Lllrnhart\ MI'. ley entertained tile Gleamer form to eli ~ihle Ohi v ~t e ran Lucile Armitag". Mr. and M,r •. C l..a s s of the Harvey bur~ will l'e started ah u't MRrr h , \ . Everett Early, and Mr. and Mrs ..Fnends ..q,h~rch '$ aturda y njght at their coUfft!"V home ' very ' ' Tli -s- -rnrm ," in a11 lHim( hm v. - E. M.r. . ar~~~~rt the-' retirint . charmin,g-Iy., , wi1l h cleared throu~h the I)resldent ' was presented with f- " This bein~ the meetin~ for Veteran. County Servi'ce fic er. There will he two types ~~n y lovely g.ifts, am.o!l~ the~l election of new officers which em.!! a he~uh~ul whlte orchId were as follows Lavone Conley of forms. Numher 1 f or th e e c ¥@ te 'a R WA a-r-e-l-iv-iA IfiH he _ tr°,m th e Miami Chapter mem'president; Maynard Hackney ' , vice-president ; Lawrence Starr: distributed fir t. Numher 2, for ueJ s. :""" , ------treas.urer; Mar~aret Ann Gor- henefjciaries of deceased vetdon, < secretary; Lucille Starr, eran , wi1J he di trihu'ted later. ROCHESTER MAN Marjorie ({nd' Lawrence tan', ' In ord r to he eligihle for the BURIED IN LOCAL Wa. ys and Me'an, Committee; Ohio Bonus, a veteran mu t CEMETERY, FRIDAY Nellie Mary Davi.., Memhership have heen a re ident of Ohio Frank Bunnell, ,a,{(cd 67, pa _ 'Comm.ittee and Flna Hackne , for one yea r pl'eviou tf.) hi. ell- . e i :l'\: ay at hi: hom;e outh of trance into th e service. ,He must NeW Reporter. R-oclle tel', Tu e day. Jarl. 20 i hargl After th hu ill t' t , . ~:,io n have an Iwnorabk lind h:'l ' (,' , \ ~rve r' n ,,"t I 'S~ than 7:00 a. m. M iss Maril yn Conle nt ~rtain, He "i . urviv Li , h\, hi w if, t' ed with a fine numh r f piano ninety i:'\v, . It wi ll h ne _ . ('Ir\ H t\\' au,t!'llter, . Mr. .to send in yo ur ri.Q'in nl rli e • J ' ~ 'a;phine :elections. .l in ~ . f ( reg:on ia; 1' ~l rp' and if vnl l :-11: a m .Inl1l'r At the ,!o. c nf th 111 eting of til' Nav y. Gna t Glial' • or ' Lu v da Ad a Ill. . at h ()111 ; fnu I' Mrs. ConI y. as i ted hv Mr. so ns, ' 11 m , elf Berea, Ky., Lawtenc Starr 'e rv ecl a d lic· Mari'11 . it will he ner. !'tln ·f.o , hart ,of I.cha rlClll, William of i ou lun ch tn tT, e fn now [n t,· , uhmit al f) yo ur Fo rm 5 ,~ 5 in M rrnw an d \\ a k r of Blan,!rue t and memh r,', Mr. al)cI ord I' t o prove fnrei[1l service. , l he ter. lna. much 11 , it \ ill h n c: sMrs. , awrence Starr and ,dau.d lwe",'e 'conFun '1' :1 1 C rv i , ~r ry to end , in 'our ri g in ~) I tel', Sonia Kav : Mis<: Nelli e' 1:30 P. m. at i u ted Ir'iday at Da vis: Mi s Ma ri l vn Conley; di char,o'e 'stront'·! acivil:: all th. · Butl rv ille Pen tic 0 s t'a I Mr. and Mrs., Herh rt r.~u-r; Mr. v terans to ha ve ·tTl t"i r dis h;tr("e Church and hurial under the recorded il11im di-atp.1 in C1. ,L and Mrs'. Ma n:-trrl H:1 r KilCV and yo ur original di charg, wo uln direction of ~tubbs Funeral ' dau,g-hter Hernadin : MISs M,itr~ wa made in Miami Hom e'aret Ann Gordon; M r and . he 10 t. ' Accordin~' tn, plan s nf cemeter, ' ,' Mrs. Lawrence Starr and on. th~ COlmtv ~eJ'vic(' Office r. if at ~1\' 'po sihle. as· . on a: th e ' ,., T.arry: M r. ami Mrs. Conley and aT'nlicatinll form s art~, re iverl. MARCH 11th SET FOR ' nn Charle . ' a , pecified nate will he sef sO FARM LOAN MEETING all veteran s " ho so desire. can A t a recent meetin~ of th eSOUTH WAYNE COUNCfL come tn M e l11nri~1 H:tll and, re- ' Board of Directors the da.te of ceive t.heir application form !' March 11th was et for holding" M~ET5 AT ASBURY and as Istance' ill' I11lClkitH!' tlh nl the Stockholder's Meetill£' HOME. FRIDAY EVE out. , the Lehanon National Farm Mr. tll1(; Mr. R. E. Asl)ury . Watc~ , this paper (or further Loan Association. This wilt be were hn~t ', and hnstess ' to the" mformahrin. " held at Lebanon, Ohio. ', South Wayne Advisory Council ' The Association, i ' 'mad'e up , , Dr. H. M. William . , on Frirlay , e,venjh ,~' at their , Service Officer. of harrowers in Brown.~. CI.erhom'e. Duriil£' the business ses- " mont, ' ,H<lmiiton and warre'n sion the following' office·rs were Miss Betty Satterthwaite re- COllntie . The h,i£'hli~ht 'of the eJected, for the c.omi,n~' year, cen~ly celebrated her hirthdav meeting will he the distribution president, Mr~. John Burske; annIversary and had a her din- of the Annual Dividend che€ks ' vice - president, Mr. J. B per ~ue$ts Miss PhvHss Bailev and all members are urged to ,be Cnibhe; . secretary - treasurer; Miss Bonnie Satterthwaite Mr' pre ent to 'receIve t11ese and , Mrs. Ed,w1l1 Walker, and discus:.. David , Hartsock., Mr. 'Byrd part in the m~eting. The sion leader, Mr . Alvin H. Earn- Lackey and Mr: Clyde Small- plrectnr and Officers ai'e ' ur~­ hart. ' ' . ~voctd. Cards, .were enjoyed dur- m,t!' that any Questions or topics , The' topic, "Farm Program InK the even mg. . for dis:cu 'sion be recei ved at for 1948" ,vas chosen by the th r ir office hy March ,1, 1." leader, Mr. Asbury, and Mr. .Mr:s. Evalvn Peter.on; Mis. t: Da viti Furna led in the discus- MinnIe Dodson and R 1I t h Mrs. L.. M. H endersoll and sion. Chandler attended the meeting' Miss Ruth Chamtier with Mr. ' Ourin~ the social hour, of the New Centmy Cltlh at the and Mrs. Keller Hoak spent dainty refreshments were served of Mrs. Ro-.S,S . Hartsock Wednesday afternoon in Cin• b'y the host and h6Stess. . Friday afternoon. cinnati.








Page 2 Afternoon callers in the home · . The Harveysburg Fire De- The Miami Gazette of Raymond Wilson and wife partn,ent answered a call to the wayneSville) Ohio No. 4353 1850 unday Jan. 18th .Mr. and . Chapp,el res ide nee "Twin Thursday, anuary 29. 1948 Mrs. Theodore McintIre and P.ines' Sunday at 1 p. m. t Publ1abed EveI'J ThUl'8daJ' bJ DAVISSON PREBS FLOYD L. DAVI88ON, EcUtol' sons,' Charles and Jimmy, M.r. ex tingui ·h a , -mall laz,e that Mr. and Mrs. Junior Clark and John Wilson and Robert Wil- had occured when a bed had son, Michael. ~ u ' Second Clua Mattei' at tbe Post Office , on. become ignited' a tll children, Mr. and Mr . Lu,;e/l H utzahn 8cDic1lptton Rates: '1.50. per Year ~ Advance I Mr. and Mrs. Haymond Btlr- were alieg-edly playing with den and daughters were in 'Day- matches. The damag- " was of Franklin arc anOLlnClll~ the light. birth of a daughter, Friday, ~an .. National Advertising Representatives .' ton Friday ,even ing. . 23, at the Middlet wn hospital. O~o Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Str~et, Mr .. an'o _Mr. Carey Leigh Mi ss Kathleen Graham of and Mrs. Clyd e Wharton f Haine ntertained the Young Dayton was th weekend h LIse Mr. Co.umbus · 4, Ohio Lytle are the materna l g-randFriend , r ll~ at theIr home guest of her parent, Mr.. ,and .parentS. undayev ning Jan. 18th. Mr . Howard Graham. Raleigh Bogan called on Mr. and Mrs. Harr Cline Jr. .' Mr. an Mr. H nrv avlo r mother, Mr. Mary Bogen 111 and dau,O'hter Geraldine bf CoI- of" Five Point , ntertained Rev. I". Joseph Myer of Dayto'n and Dayton n afternoon ,last umbus were the week n i house Mr. and Mrs: Vernon Purs.\ey ·week. Born to' Rev. and Mrs. David guests of Mrs. ' Cline's parents, Hnd o.n t dinner n, unday. Mr. and ' Mr . D()nald Haines Mr. and Mr ; Herbert D ter. ta~field, a dau'ghter, Judith METHODIST CHURCH Mrs.. Roy Wink and Mrs. Eleanor, at Miami Valley hos- and son Aldon were dinner R. B. COLEMAN, Minister Mrs. A. . Collett \Va - hostess ' Vernon Pursley 'attended the pital, W dne ~ da , January 2 t t. ,g-uests of Mr. and Mrs: Leonard Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. to the Adult Bible Cla ·s at her Dayton Pike Community Club, ' Dori Jane and ' usan Gail Ellis and famil of ne:lr Kin,~­ ,home. J. J. Rurske, Supt. Tuesday evening. Mrs J. and County project leaders at Elli an brotne r Larry spent man, Saturda eVc:l1';ng. Wor~hip Service ' 10:30 a.m. P. Thornberry' wa in ch;tr.g-e f a meetin,g- at the Curt House Friday evenin,g- with their granddevotions,' Mi Ma y Harlan at Lebanon, Thursdav, where Youth Fellowship parents Mr. and Mr . Haymon j , Mr -. Nelli Miss Julia Pond of Ohi I tate was the leader and Thursday, 7 :30 pm. Wilson. Gillian wa in charge f ocial University,' was the speaker. Mr. an j Mr5. M rr i~ Kirk of activities. , The Lytle Card Club enterColumbiana, Ohi spent last Mr. HOLLY METHODIST Mr: William . Talhert f Col- tained ther husbano at dinn r T. M. SCARFF, Minister y Mohn,da and MTueSCdllY ' Mrs. A. . Collett .was ho t- . umbus ha ,returned to the and an evening' of card ~ unda y Sunday School ' 9 :3.0 a.m . wit Mr. and r. ar el,g-ll 'to th Advi ry ouneil at home of his son, Mr. Carl Tal- at the Smith Recreation room , 'E. A. Earnhart, Supt. Haines. ' her hom Friday ev nin g. Th of the Flatfork community. in Waynesvitl . Those present Mrs. Dorothy Smith and program 1 ader for th meet~ hert to:30 a.m. Worship Service Mr. and Mrs. Auzwopd Mar- were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer aug-hter Marilyn Sue ' were mg were Mr. Frank wartzel 7 :30 p.m. Evening SerVice Miss Jane Fite of Harvey - Groves of Centerville, Mr. and tin, overnight guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mr. HO'.,varci Graham. b ur~ and "Mi , Jean Adams f . Mrs. Harold Whitaker. Mr. and , Evan Bogan Friday ni,e:ht. , Little Cathryn Stanley has the The W. -. C. S. ~:erv d lun ch Corwin were Sunday -afternoon Mrs. Lowell Thomas, Mr. and ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL chicken-po x. at the Au tion . al of the .g-uests of Mr. and Mr. Fred. Mr. Paul Shipley, Mr. and Mrs. 8AMUEL N. KEYS, Minister Mr. and Mr. Jack Hawke Geor,{~e ' Hill farm n rth f the BOKan and family and Mr. and The'rle Jones, Mr. and Mrs. , Church School 9 :30 a. m. Mrs.: Jame L. Jo~tian r. an i Ralph Hammond, Mr. and Mr . Nursery School 10:30 a. m. , had as their guests Sundav Jan. villa~e~ Friday. famIly . f WayneSVille. Thoma Burton tUJd Mr. and Mrs. H. . Milligan was .in " Morn jng Prayer ' 10 :30 a. m. 18th relativ s from the New Mr. William Wall, \ ho reMrs. tan1cy Baile . Hope community and Xenia. Hillsboro Fri a y to attend a disMrs. Raliegh Bogan called on trict meetin.g- of the O. E. S. Sides in the Thornbury apartThe Woman's ociety of UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH ' Charley Mendenhal1 who is in held at th e home f Mr. ments on Clark Avenu. ha l.ytle Church will he ntertained REV. WILLIAPt' SHANNON M~C1ellan Ho pital, F rid a y Charles Do t r, Wccinesda bee.ri ill the past week .and U11- at their m nthl y IT\eetin~ l)ext ' Sunday School . 9 :30 a.m. afternoon. aHern on, Mr. Ruth Pig-eon able to attend work, 111 Day- Wedne day 'aftern n, Feb. 4', Mrs. , J ames Garrison, Supt. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haines wa PI' ~Tal11 1 ad ,tt'. ton. at the home of Mrs. Walter KenThe P. T .-A. met in regular Preaching. 1 st and 3rd Sundays of near Sabina and Mr. and Mrs. rick. After. the theme hymn A mi sionary me tin~ was "The World Astir" the ' worship each month 1 0 :30 a.m. Carey Lei~h Haines were cfinner . guests of Mr. and Mr. E~e~ett . se~sion Wednesday evening at erv1ce will be led by Mr . ClarHaines Saturday. The dmner HI,e;h Schooi g mria hlln, Capt. WA\ 'NESVILLE ,vas in honor of Mr. Haine's bir- , Morris of the C. C. A. F. at CHURCH OF CHRiSt Get Your TRUCk. and thday. Wilmit:lgton was gu ~st speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan Bible Schooi 9 :30 a.m. BUSfNESS 'of Centerville were Wednesday 10 :30 a.m. Communion S., g 'N. , callers of Me. and Mrs. Wilbur 8 :00 p.m. Bvening Service Clark. . of Mr. and Mrs. EI worth Winks STANFORD Bo.GEN CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS are a,nnouncing the birth of a Morrow Ohio REV. DAVI,O STANFIELD, Mini.~er on, Saturday, Jan. 24th, at Worship Service 9 :45 a. m. Miami-Vall;y Hospital, Dayton, Sunday Schoo ' 10:4 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Burnett are You are invited to worship ith the maternal ~rand-parents. and us. Mr. and Mr. Roy Winks, the paternal ,g-rand-parents. I am happy to announc;e ST. AUGUSTINE Miss Norma .Longacre is staythat Father KrUmboltz, Priest in£' with her ,~ randparents. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lon,e:acre a the Mass 8 :00 a. m. and 10 :00 a. m. family of Mr. and Mr . Calvi'n FERRY CHURCH 'of CHRIST L.ongacre are Quarantined on RALPH -E . STINSON, Miniater actou!lt of Carol havil}.{!.· scarlet I will open an office in fever. , . Bible School 9 :30 a.1Th Waynesville for the prac. Miss Margaret 'Harlan returnMorning. Worship 10:30 a.m. tice of ed to Virginia ' Intermont Col. 7 :00 p.m. Prayer Meetin~ le,ge, at Bristol, Va., Tuesday Youn'g People s Meeting arter a five day vacation with 7:00 p.m. her parent, Mr. and Mr .. Ernest 7 :30 p.m. Eveninj{ Services on Main St. across from Harlan. . the Post Office. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark FRIENDS entertained to dinner Su·n.g;a-v--m---If---:O~1"lc-:-e::--hours will be' as 9 :3 0 "~~--+ First Day School honor of the birthday of their Meeting for Worship , follows: ' ' daughter, Miss Wanda ' Clark: 10 :30 a.m. Mr. H~rbert Loy of Dayton and TUE. 6:30-9 P. M..

The Miami G,azette . 88TABLI8BBD

Cae~a":J .c"eet





. On Sat., Jan. 31 OPTOMETRY



WED.' 8 A. M.-NOON SAT. 6:30-9 P. M.


Mrs. Olive Curl went to Colurn bus Monday to spertd a few days attendini meetings of the Council of Churth Women. '

Representing & Company Members New York Stock' Exchang'es and other , 'registered Exchanges' Investment Trust Shu_ Bought .' Sol~ - Quoted . Ph9ne Waynesville 2530 Weathe~er

' ", * *

Mrs. Lucile Armitage spent Friday attending a District , M·eetin~ of the Eastern Star in Hilsboro, Ohio. ".~ ,

, '" * * Misses ' Catherine and


Miss Margaret Edwards at tended the funeral of Mrs. Ellen Winspear _i'n Mt. Washin~on., Ohio on Thursday afternoon.




_ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii••t=


... . ...

A short stall or a high door sill in the cow stable maybe the cause of a case of matitis in tne dairy herd. and the dis'" t4\e is contagious after giv.en-

Dr~ T. P. ·Grosvenor .

Dayton M>325l

Olive Elliot and friend of Centerville caned on Misses Marne and A:nnie Br'own recently. ... '" . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stubbs o.f Baltimor~, Ohto, visited tbeir mother., mrs. Amanda Hartrum on Monday afternoon. ' .

. .

, Appointment not absol. itly necessary, but may .b e obtained by calling Franklin 10. reversing' the charges. '

WE ARE SMOOTHER ROADBEDS for :~ng~r trains,are provided by this new po'ver track ballaster being 'produced by PullmanStandard Car Manufacturing Co. This mechanically-o,~rated 'nachine moves aloDg the track under its own power and is .:::':1ble "of ~pln~ stone and-iravel under ties .at the of - , .... pet day as c:o-,pared with an average 1,000 bet ~~~..__ .~'.;t a dou~le cre" with hand tampel1J. ~ -l[---"






STUBBS Funeral Home



, I

.. ,,

Page 3 The Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio No. 4353 , Thursday, January 29, 1~48 ,


ence Sm.ith, and the topic in

1:1 '£111:~~~ -

ch~rge of Mrs. Robert ,..Tullis

assistant hostesses are: Mrs. ' Therle Jones" Mrs. Wilbu r Clark and Mrs. Bartle tt , Monc . Miss Mar~aret Bay wiU addre s the at thi meeting ,on the subJect "Mak e YOur Time Worth More. " A d'iscussion and demonstration wilt be an added feature.



"j .....



,.... r::










Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Crawf ni called on theIr parents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Craw ford ~unda y afternoon. ~r. a~Q Mrs. Raymond nl,lth of Spring' Valley have move d into the Apart ment of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marla tt. Mr. and Mrs. Hily Gfbson' has moved into their new home last Wedn.esday. Mr. Eddie Marla tt is spe'ndin~ a: few days with Mr. and M r '. Dale Lealr of Xenia. Mrs. Alice Turm an. Mr '. Hil ' Gibson were supper , guest ' Monday even in~ of Mr. alid Mrs. Everett Bunnell and family. , Mi s Clara Dau~hter's spent a few d;lYS with Mr. and Mrs. Morri , Lewis and family . ' Mi s: Minnje Craw ford of J '" t fJ l1 nent Sunday with h r , ., .. , nt Mr. alid Mr. Clarence r·'" vford. 1\ rs, Ri 'hard H ane , Mr. ! 11 i ~ ;', . al Hair of Xeni~ ;t,ll Ii , ' 1':, Hilv Gihson Monda


Wa nesvill e Henderson Bro. GeItJfnbiaRec'(l American Legion Tomm y' Place ~ Good House. Handi g:;ts Lehan ,n Eagles


n' Ro e I. 'Mulf ord

118 1-!5 170

E. Ram y

I 5 ' I -! 7

V. Hill

, Palmer

131 :2 10,

15 125









. ~

'E r ')

23 _7
















25 24 23 18






Lost 17 19 19 20


'U '-

148 47 1 I 19 420 15 0 -! 95 144 ' , 449 156 28 '1 717

eludes 100 acre of' corn,' 50 , acres of wheat and 80 acres of hay. He plan to install an iectric ha y dryet' and an electric ila,~e unl oader next year.






', 0 rJ)

118 '157 140 165 '149 14 145




'd t:: ro






67 8 6 0 19 ()S 05 6742 46


'143 163 147 151 150 141 ,1 49

= 0 0:; , en





43 41 45 45


alt must he a hied to livest ock ration or he , upplied regularin ' me othe r manner.

minat e lot of the hard. cold wo rk-of ch ppin ,(!' iCe fr m fro.:zen stock tanks, hut what is mO ire The white-faced Hereford impor tant from a profit stand 'I' Ohio farmers put up hay steer shown drinkin.~ water in pomt, it wilt incr,ease the proChlorine fr'om salt is used by auto buck rak es at a rate ofwith the above photo IS ' i ust part duction of a1\ farm animals in one animals in the manu fadur e of ton for each, 1.7 hours of man of $18,0 00 worth of "heefsteak the winte r mont h. , It ' make on the hoof" on Ra y auer's available at all tiJ11 '~ a ready hydor chlori c acid in digestion. labor and 'at a total cost of farm located on R. R. I, West supply of slightl y warmer water Feed grains and rougha~e 'do $1.45 per ton. Tbe equipment which is most hend i 'i::tl in the not contaip enouKh chlori ne so cost an averaKe of ,421 . Alexandria. A€cording to Mr. Sauer, a fattenin~ cattle. graduate in Anim al Husbandry . Mr. Sauer, be id es fadin,e: from Ohio State Unive rsity, th e' 112 beef cattle~ aI ' 0 i ~ raisin ,l:: two , most impor tant ' thiriF:s in 1:!0 ho~s. He 'i farmi ng , 320 i'atten ing heef cattle · for th e acres of land this ye::tr which inmark et 'q uickly and economicat-- ~-----.--.~.-.-- ~ I i to keep plenty of F:ood fr , hening water in front of th ' m at all tim s and to feed them at r ,e:ular tim es each d~y. ;' '1"" 11 ' ,0 11. The 112 t ers, n0W fattent11F: Mr ' Henry t3er~' and - ---nn Mr. auer's farm, eat apl-'i:1llgl t ' 1' Nal1,t L e (If I " 1 PI' xima t ly five tons of feed / ' 1' ,- 't' n t Sunda viti r. ;1" 'I and drink over 1800 gal10ns of \. "~, , , _ Morgan. \\'ater daily. Mr. Siuer pointed out that OFFI CE CLOSED ",. J 'r...V ItILK it is impo rtant to keep the water T""r-o . Tr.'::RS WILL FEB. 1 tanks free of ice in the winte to . r. MEE T IN XENIA , time becau se the fatten in~ steers MARCH .t Pnh ,.~ I.. Thomas, R. R. :!. need 'drink in,g- , water available While I ;\ ' tnll. r "airm an of the count y on Vacat ion 24 hours a day. To do this. he r.!.!' ~ J1iz(l.ti ': n of the Grf'P" p uses a f1oatin,g-~ty pe electric tank ' Coun tv local, of the Miam i V;tl- , de-' i cer . . (Note electr ic de-icer lev COM" rative ~ilk-Prodllc,'rs floati n~ in water tank in above Associ~ltion, announced toda v ) This electric tank de. Opto metri c Eye Specialiat that tilt" ill1lllJ:t1 meetin(!" for photo icer is thermostatically: contr ollGreene' ;l '''0 Fayette Coun t" ed and keeps a drink inK hole ,26 South Detro it Str~et m e I11J' ~I'S ( F tl,t> Ac:sociation, and open even in the.. calde st winte r 4heir {:\I',:' i··s 1\ ill he held iq XEN IA. OHIO Xenia n Tile t1::t , February 1. ' weather: __ . _ . w!' This 'elect ric tank de-icer eliThe m etillQ' \I'ill he helri if, the audito rium of r:entral Hi",I, S hool at 8 :00 P. M. Th . eir'hl ' locals in th e county are C0011eratinR' in th e pl<!.ns for thi meeti ng. Paul ::J. Betscher, ' ecfi't~rv of the C()operative Pure Milk As ociation of Cincin nati. will be the principal speaker at ==== :::::::: :::=== = til i. . meeting, _ Mu kal enter tainfll i!nt will ', PROM PT, EFFI REPAIR I.'" nrovided hv The Four Men , . CIEN T d J1ayton, a natio nallv ' known ON ALL MAKES, OF EQUIPMENT l'arl'e r 'shop quartet sponsored 111' the Davto n Foreman's Cluh. ' 'Atom ic ener~y-radjo-lhe wheel -airplalle~ electricity The members of the Quartet Representative for are': Chester Boren, Russell -auto mobi le-ste am engin e-tele phon e-pri nting press Olive r" flor' On,·ter and R. 'S. -take' YOUf pick. What do YOlJ think is the greate st invenMIL K COOLERS Pence. ' . tion ever made ? Other itelli.!' ,on the proKrain .. will include inform ationa l dis".,,' Certa inly each is ,import~llt, and each has contrij)ut~d cussions on ,nrnduction and PhODe 332 M LEBANON. OHIO .... gener ously to oui' way of life. But the, Amer ican public , in marketinK probl ems p,eculiar to .. Dr~ Gallu p's retent coallt-to-coast sur~ey, voted electric~ty the area, a,nd reports .on Assoc, iation ftffairs for the yeaf iust the most import~nt inven lion of all time ! ended. Memh ers of the Assoc" It's hard , to imagi ne our type of civiliz ation witho ut iation will elect tl'eir nfficers ' electr icity. We depe~d on ,it for so many things - in OUI' and advisory councilmen for ' the comin,~ year: home s - in b118ine88 and indus try '- in transp ortati on and Refreshments ' will hp served comm unica tiou. That hat on youI' head - the food OJi your at the conclusion of ,th e meettable '- the newsp aper Oil your doors tep - your f~v, orjte ' in~~ All milk and creaml pro,BUILDINGS ' CHit TTELS AUTOMOBILES lIA'BILITY rallio show - ,ead. depen ds direct ly on electr icity. ducers in the Gounry have heen , invite d to attend. this meet' ''4-W AY FAR M INS URA NCE " Yet Am~rican families ~peJld just about l¢ out of e~e~y in.~. III the Obio Farmer s will give you, broad budge t dollar (or their electr ic service. Becau se ~lectricity protection against ,losses liD your,.farm. , It covers your buildin gs, YOU! chattel s, y~ur automobile does 80 much for 80 little is, perha ps, the main reason why, Ohio fa~mers who want to .md your liabilit y for ac",iden~ to 'others. Why Dot ,see us today? emplo.y worke r' from out' of Am erican s have voled it the most impor tant inven tion 01 You _CHII you're safe wben you're insured in the Ohio Farmer the state in 1948 must coritact sJ an inventions. the Ohio Empl oyme nt Servic'e or make direct arrangemerlts Tune in-"HO UR Of CHARM," Sunday , _:30 P. M., with workers as individual or -WIi,O :-RON ALD COLMAN, Tuesday , 9:30 P. M. ;:;I ~roup employers. The Emer~ency Farm Labor Office as part - of the ,Ohio A,g-riculturat IHE DAYION POWER AND LlGHI COMPANY Extension Service was a warCOM PANY time m.easure which ' has been _ , . . , OHIO fAIMEkS INDIIIN 1Y ~ . .~ IJ*,terminated.



Dr. C.' E. Wilkin

..SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales (

and Service






Karl' D. Dakin Insurance 'Agency 8 OHIO 'AIMEISINIUUNCI



• .1

The Miami Gazette' Page 4 got here the weather wasn't bad them over and learn and the tried hard to discourage their Waynesville) Ohio No. 435 3 opponnet~ from scoring; Sprin1:at all and the roads were clear. .p~izes go to the ones who can boro was more determined than Thursday~ anuary 29. 1948 That was a great comfort be- pick out the best bargains. Waynesville and always fou1: ht cause it was almost dark by the back harder than ever. FAMILY GATHERINIG time I got out here and I would A"F~R M D I A-o-\/'--WaynesvilleJs next 1:ame will HONORS WEDDING not have enjo.yed walking the by o. J . FRAIZER be played 0 nJanuary 29 (8:00 OF ROBERT BURTONS half mile back to the house. P. m.) against Red Lion. After January 23. 19 48 .. Home a- Wonder of wonders, the weather Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Watthat they are ~oinJ1: to tussle" kins gain. After readin,g- the papers . was nice the next day so that I e!1.tertainep with a family with the Eagles on the 4th of gatherlng about the terrible weath er that .eould go to Dayton in comfort on Saturday evenin~ February. the mid-west was having l won· and even Wednesday was nice honoring their grandson, Mr.' Scoring dered all t he way to Chicago and ·1 went in and got my bagRobert BUrton and wife, whose gage that did not come ' on the whether I would be able to drive Waynesville pts ·Springboro· pts marriage took place on January in illy lane or not but' when I same train that 1 had and now I . ,Rickey . 16 Shaffer 17 3, 1948 . am settled at home again ready . r 14 Sackett The evenin~ was enjoyed in 6 Masters to get to work on accounts for 4 Bradley Humbert all kinds of games and the ho5 income taxes and get ready for ' Planck 3 Acres 2 ~oupl.e received mJ~ny nored spring work, perhaps I can even ~ j~{ , 1 Starke 4 lovely giftS, .Ice cream and cake Bernard do my house cleaning. Ludington o Sweeney 6 were served fol1owin~ the Wednesda y night it snowed, by Betty Thomas games. not enough to shut us in but iust 48 Total 30 Total Those who enjoyed the eveenough to make things look ning with the"bnde and groQm pretty and protect the wheat. WAYNESVIII &--. Score by quarters : were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson WatNow the sun is out but it is cold, 1 2 4 kins and son, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse 3 SPRINGBORO real winler cold. It was cold yes.3 13 19 30 Malcolm and son of near The Waynesville five met the Waynes. terday, too, so cold that there Springb0ro 28 ' 36 48 ' Clarksville, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Spnng. 11 team Wednesday w'as a very small crowd indeed night and received WAYNESVILLE REPAIR Miltenberger and children, Mr. a "trouncat the Co.mmumty sale. In spite ing." Springboro started , SERVICE Mrs. Donald Watkins, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Public in out of that prices on calves and cows the lead and led the home-team now are spending at the rate and WAYNESVILLE, OHIO and Mrs. arles Charlton, Mr. were fairly high but some' during the en tire game. Al- of 93 per cent of their current and Mrs. Ch Donald Charlton, Mr. :--~--.....- - - - - " . mighty nice looking little pigs and Mrs. Leo Conner and three' income. though the home-team boys' went very cheap, no one there with feed enough for them I suppose. I know ·that we didn't dare buy any more. . U's a far cry from the Community Sale to the great International Western Stock Show in Denve r that I attended last Sat~rd a y morn'fng; All the , . . tickets for the rodeo were sold out by m.aiJ before we knew it so this time we went. out in the morning to see the cattle any way. The great .arena had three or more ~roups being jud~ed at a time. Cattle, sheep and horses and sometimes two ~roups of cattle. Each year one' feature of the show is the catchin~ of cal- THE FAMILY SPECIALves by ·the boys. They turn loose a certain number of fOod steer Appall;,., 10 Eyn'Y MCfffhr 0/ YOIfr P"",1l1r' M_i• • ;, S~ri"" Ott " Wllot. YNr 0/ RH4ifl, PI....,.! calves and the cal the boy catches and ties is his. Whe'ri we were tpere Saturday they were judging the calves that the bo'ys had caught last year and fed for a year. They we re a fine · ..or IIoth .nd "'pzIMs . . looking lot of baby beeves. . Most of the ones being judged . GROUP A Check One "auln. """.a:.-..J..o.---YlL,e.r.e-.-H.e.r.eiords but there were v-~~~~Y~~IIE o A.merlam Home ......._... 1 .··-·-!;;I-:#..:-uP- \ ....~"'''''·-'-..-Y..JI!i!!~~!~'also quit.e a lot of Angus cattle. o a.Ud Life ............__._1 Yr. Sc:reaa ... _ ......._. STORE ' , . '!Ie couldn't see the sheep .iudgo ~~ Eaalhh ......._1 Yr. Reader'. Digal _ .........6 Mo. PHONE 2121 o RedIJoc* Mapzine _.1 Yr. mg very well but when we went ...:.VerJ. bod'" DIIY Science PktorIaI _ . 1 rr. into tile sheep barn ' we saw 7' "5..... -:""'. r. sa 0 11 WAY'NESVILLE, OHIO G Y em .omanc:eJ - -1 Yr. some fine ones. It was fun, to D owu" rower .........._ .1 r. SpoI1I Afi.eld ......._ 1 Yf. Any Ma4eazine Listed watch them grooming their fine o forum ..............................1 Yr. 'the r•. rams for 'the show. They had. o front Page Detec:tlft....1 Yr. The Woman I Yr. arid This Newspaper. D Hygda ...................... _ .....1 Yr. 0 Tnae Comica 1 Yr. them on little stands with a Q,lDIide ~tediv~ ............ 1 Yr. 0 Your lJIe .......... ___ 1 Yr. head piece to hold the sheep in Both for Price Shown place and they were 'shearing GROUP. - Check Two.M.pzln.. , off just enough wool to show . o American Girl ---'0.,;,..;,.....; o American Fruit G~er 2 Yr. 0 National LlftltGdl th e clean wool uildernooth and. o Amerlam jRome _ .........0...;. o Ameriam Girl ................1 Y... Producer .....___2 Yr. it made them look like stuffed o Boy'. Ute •.- .._~_ _ o American Poultry JmJ.2 Yr. 0 Open Road (BoJl)_1 Yr. toy sheep. , '0 CaIligg AlIi GJrJ... • ~~_ Breeder'. G-"-'t te 1 Y 0 Outdoors ..............- _.. 1 Yr• o Olild Llle _"("••,_ _ __ r. 0 Parents' Mapzine ':'_1 Yr. D . The Stock Show is Denver' D.Christian Jlaald ____ _ o Cubtlan Herald ..........6 Mo. Pathfinder (26 lJIues)_1 Yr. b i~' winter festival. The ·whole 1e 5 ~r. .. ................. _...1 Yr. o Coronet ._....... . ~~.u.w--Oa~~$!.S.._--j~~_-I-~~~!J.w]!a~s~d~,e~c~o:!!ra~ ted with signs'· o CountrY c.eatlenwi (S Yn.)_ UO me " . . The Fanner'. Wife ........2 Yr. 0 True Kornance o Etude Music MapzioL- '~40 stor~ windows were full of fane' o Houaebold Magazine .... 2 Yr. 0 True Story .........~............ J. Yr. TEXACO SERVICE o Everybody" DiCest 1.45 saddles and boots, riding- cloth, . 0 U. S. Camera Mapzin~ 1 Yr. PHONE. 2354 S. MAIN o Flower Grower ... 2.95 _• • "x" Btf.'rt the S .....,1... O..INd. ClI, Lilt u' E..I. . .ltII eM•••• es and fancy shirts. tine fur ' o Front Page Detectl't'e U5 coats and , the It\test spring WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ' o Imide Detective ' 2.55 clothes for the women. The real o Jack Be JUll...•,......... _ . 1.40 BUDGET BARGAIN OFFER ' stockmen however seldom wear o Judy'- (News • V!ewa)____ 8.0$ the' fan cy outfits, any 'more ' but o Modem R.omaoa;a . 2.75 you : often see them on the o Modem Screen ....- 2 . 7 5 , streets with th e,ir high heeled o Movic;:a in :Redew....~~ __._ 1.45 AND 3 81 CI boots and wide Stetson. I saw o Nature (~~I1asues, 12 Mos.).. ,US MAGAZINES a good .many yo un,~ m n that D Open Road (Bo)'5) ...;.......__ 1.45 All 4 For Only" looked like stockm en with new o (>utdoon ................... 2J50 AMBRICAN FRUIT GROweR . . 1 Yr• fOR IQokin,g tow n clothe and very AMBRICAN POULTRY JRNI, •.. 1 Yr. . . 0 Parents' Magazine .... 1.25 BReBDBR'S GAZETTE . .. . ... C5 Mo. new loo kin ,g- ov ('co ats so I o Pathfinder (26 Isme.)_ t.5O PARM JOURNAL ac FARMBR'S WIFB , . .. . ... . 1 Yr. Kue ' ed ·that so me of them 'had ..0 Phot~lay ..:................_ 2.50 HOUSBHOLD MAGAZINB •••. t Yr. L.J ~-=-:-.. taken off the trad itional ranch o Populu M(cc:hanics ......._ 1.50 MQTHER'S HOME LlFB •• • •••• 1 Yr• .0 Popular St±lence MOIlihly._ 8.50 clothes .and bought theinselv·es NATIONAL LIVESTOCK STOKE'S DAIRY PRODUCER ... . . : •••••••. 1 Yr. Q Reader'1i ltigest ....:......~_ 4.25 some new outfits. . . v'lEADOW. GOL.D P ..odu~ts·~ PATHFtNDBR (lJ I ••u •• ) •••. . 6 Mo. o Redbook ~"agazine _ . . 1.50 POULTRY TRIBUNB . . •••••• . 1 Yr. . . There seeIl1ed to be so many ' hone 21 ·,L.EBANON, OHIO lRUE ROMANCB •• , .•••• .• • .. «5 M• • o Saeen .Romances .._ _ 2.75 .i udging each bunch oJ people ,I { ANK SIBeY, R.pre~entative o Spon ................. 1.50 M.rII a" "X" 8"'_ th. , . . .ut . . 0 ..' ..... stock that we wondered who CII. LIlt Iftll I",'... 'wttll C1 Sports ~eld ..... _ 2,!1O they were, There were the ' obo The HClmemaker ••45 viou ly official iud~es and then ' o The Womaa .... _ 1.45 . .~ FILL IN AND MAIL a bunch of youn,g- fellows with o True Romance 2.50 . TO THIS NEW.PAPER TODAYI ,. I :~• •ItHINIA~ ~< pads and pencils squatting ao True Story ..... _ _ 2M .Ciani ....",.t;,.., tI.lirM . . ."do. wi'" COIf,." round ' busily . writing and we o u. S. cam,eI'L.." . . 2.95 Gmdemm' I end • ADQU~ wondered who they were untit o Walt DIID~ Comlcs.._ '2.15 ~ed, Withe.: ~;.~PI:,-;.... we. read in the papers that the o YOVI' !.He .....;.......... -:.... ............. 1.45 NMtE .......................--;---..-.-.-___ agr,lcultural colleges were hav. ROGERS & SIMPSON . . . .AIIi.. _ IlAWI. . in~ a judging contest among • t YIII. ,''US TI. ....UT OR .....0...._,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - TRACfOR SALES' themselves and these we unP<JS'I'Oma ....._.._.._._._.._....._........ ___. ___. doubtedly teams from the colleges competin~ for honors. "'01182341 Our arena at Lebanon is not so bi~ and the stock that -goes -WA~OH1U . th rou~h is not so fancy but ·the ring judges. sit around and look












This Newspaper, I Yr. 50



.... t' , .. '

=... .... ......




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c..... .






- .--:0----

Page 5, The Miami Gazette Waynesville Ohio No 4353 Thursday, Janua'ry 29. 1948

throughout the' United States to sixty or slxt)'five cents per hour instead of tM present forty ' cents. It is al.o quite likely that some additional legislation may be approved to curb tbe present activities of one James Caeser Petrillo, bead of tbe American Federation of Musicians, who is now under CongTessional ,i nvestigation.

• • •

, IR~print

Newcastle disease Is sp'readin ~ in the state and there is no : remedy for that di'sease, but efforts are being made to develop a vaccine. Coccidiosis and fowl paralysis, cause the ' greatest poultry losses. Sanitation and the ' isolation of si~ birds clJ't disease losses. '

from The Dayton News

irEACHER QUALIFICATIONS To the Editor of The News: ' What's all the blow-up among teachers about now? Are theyoein~ paia for teaching ur children now or for some col. lege work they might have done in the distant past? When I entered my children in school I didn't mquire , whether their Iteachers had degrees or not, but' I did visit often enough to find lOut whether they were being taught as they should be. lt was only after seeing articles in the paper that I discovered ',t hat two of the best teachers my older son has, have no degrees. He respects and admires these teachers above some of his others and he is learning from them. ' Are we taxpayers paying for our children'S ·educatlOn or are ' we paying for the education of their teachers? , A teacher Is borri, not made, and all the degrees in the world wouldn't give her the knack of putting knowledge across to our children. , Let the disciples of colleges give their classroom neighbor ,a break. Let her be paid for the job she is doiry~. and not accord109 to the tralnm~ they've had. Dayton. . PARENT.

If rumor,s 'are correct, the Americ~n people have not yet been given the full story of speculatioRs and Ohio farmers readin~ reports , manipulations .in the natidn's grain and commodity of the use of 2,4-0 to kill weec!s markets by high r.anking officials: A Senate comin small ~rains should remem· mittee, headed by Senator Ferguson of Michigan, ber that cash ~raiTi areas fre,which has been conducting an invt',stigation of grain quently have a much ~reater weed problem than Ohio doe . speculations by thoae, in the Government service, - has turned up some interesting ~vidence. Some of The Lord's Prayer is not, as those invo~ved hold ,high Government positions, insome fanCYi ' the easiest, the cluding seatS ' in ' the United States Senate. On -tbe most natura of an (levout utHouse side a similar committee, headed by Conterances. It may be committed . , CL/1tENC& J. ••0.,.. gressman Andresen of Minnesota, has also been M..... 01 ow. D1stl'tct to memory qUIckly, ' but it is digging into ' ,the commodity market speculation slowly learned by neart. Unless present plana of the Republican leader- mess. So watch for furtber developments. -Maurice ilbip are upset the Bouse oi Representatives will The poli'tical pot has been boiling in Washingpass the Knutson Tax Reduction Bill next Monday. TURN YOUR 8UBPL1J8 li1iUd , This bill will provide for a reduction of approximate- ton during tbe past ten days. Monday and Tuesday of last week the ' Repub ican ~ational Committee INTO QUICK, READY CASB ly five billion six ,h undred million dollars in 1948 met here in the capital city to issue the formal call • READ THE ClASSIFIED IADs ~ individual income taxes, which will be no small for the Republican National Convention which will . avings to the American people. The bill provides tor increasing individual exemptions from five be held in Philadelphia during the week beginning hundred dollars to ilix hunllred dollars, and gives June 21st; and to set up a three million dollar an added six hl1ndred dollar exemption to all ~n­ budget for po~itlcal activities between now and th~ dividual taxpayers over sixty-five years ,of age, or November election. The committee also heard Nato any blind person regardless of age. Tax rates tional Committeeman Kenneth Bradley, of Conon net incomes ' of less than one thousand dol1ars necticut, the Chairman of the Housing Sub-Com• . ' " ,I: 'J" ' will be reduced by 30%. On larger ineomes the tax mittee of the , Arrang4!ments Committee, bitterly :i : /.'1 . . ,'/ i I ,., , Complain tbat tl1ere wi'1 not be anything like as II : " i/ , rates on the first four thousand dollars on, net in, " many hotel rooms availab e for Convention viRitors come will be cut by 29%, and by 100/0 above four All t 948 Ohio seed oats should be-trea-ted for smut prethousand dollars. Married couples wi1t be- per- in Philadelphia as 'h ad originally been promised, and "J' .?~. :' that the room rates ' would ~ exorbitantl" hiJrh. vention before being planted ..... mitted to divide , family income equally for tax Incidentally, tbe auditorium at Philadelphia will -PU1)poses. seat only approximately thirteen thousand peoll e A clinic on concrete tile mak' as against twenty-five thousand seated in the Chiwill be held at Ives Hall, ing While Administration ieaders have been lining cago Coliseum at the 1944 Convention. As a result ' Ohio State University, February 'u p solidly. behind the Marshall Plan to furnish of the~ two situations the ' Republican National 13 -14. Tile makers' can ha ie some seventeen billion dollars of American aid to Committee Will be unabl~ to take care of 8S many samples tested during the meet. sixteen nations in Western Europe during the next Convention guests at PhHadelphia as they had ing. four years, others have been more critical of the planned. proposal. Included in the list of those who have The Poultry . Disease Labora suggested otber ,m ethods by whicb to aid Europe'i\n tory 800 cases of poultry disPre~idential politics was ·too chief topic of disrecovery were two of America's elder statesmen, cussion behind the scenes during the Republican ease in its first year of operation at Ohio State University. Bernard Baruch and ex-President Herbert Hoover. National Committee meeting here last ~ek. Taft It now seems probable that Con~ss will not com- and Dew~Y both had strong , support , among the mit this countrY to any, foreign aid program for visiting Committeemen, with the edge going to more than fifteen months, or until J,u ly 1st, 1949. Taft, while Stassen and Warren had les8 ~trenqth. It also -appears likely that the six billi()D $ght There also considerable talk t:egarding tM PUT TIME .ON YOUR SIDE WITH General Eispnhower becomint! a canbundred mUllon do!lars requested by the Administra- possibilitv tion to run the relief program for the next fifteen didate. This was, of course, before tbe General's months will be materially reduced. It is also like~y announcement last Friday that he was not available 't hat many restrictive and special provisions win 'a s a candidate for the Presidency and would not -'lie-written into't'liii-t-egislation to 'protect the Ameri- accept the nomination if chosen by the Con.v-ention. FOR FUTURE SECURITY·DEPENDABILITY General Eisenhower's statement was about as defican intel'le8t. SEE CAl" WRITE nite a renunciation of Presidential aspirations as While little labor l~gislation is expected' to be he could make without using the exact words of enacted at this' session of Congress, tbere is I! General William T~ Sherman of Ohio, man¥ years strong probability the Wage al\d Hour Law will ago when he said, "I will not accept if nominated, ElLIS H. STURM, . __SEC'~TRFAS~.____________________ PH __ O_NE __44 __ 8 __ , be amended to increase the standard minimum wage I will not serve if elected." \

)\lith a Buckeve 'In Congr,ess~ ' •• Co........ ,..

. .,.




/' ',/ .;f


• • •


. ,. .




Federal Land Bank

Low Cost - ~ong Term LOANS

• • •

Lebanon National Farni Loan,

the R'reatest benefit of this com- , munity, we must do everything: possible to train every, qualified young woman who has anlbi- ' tions to become a nurse. Never has there 'been a greater need for young women in this pro fession." Dr. Ross said that youn,e: women of all re 1i~ious ' -faifhs are N. C.R. now being enrolled for the fall class. ' HOSPITAL OPENS In an endeavor t encou.ra ,~e CLASS .OF SEVENTY more youn~ women to e,nter The ' School of Nursinl!: at nursing, the Jewish hosnital rethe Jewish Aospitat in Cincin- cently increased , salaries for nati is prepared to admit a cla.s gra~uate nurses, Dr. Ross said, ~ o f seventy student nurses tl 15 fall in an endeavor to do its full share in aneviatin~ , the WITTY CQMF.DY hortage of ~raduate nurses, Dr. ,ON DP&L RADIO David H. Ross, the hosnital's su- PROG~ TUESDAY p rintendent, announced today. . Margaret Web I r, famed for "As a J:!o"n i h 1- ()n"r"""f)" fl"'r her Shake peuea n actin~ and

daughters, ,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watkins' son, Dale and daug-hter. Esther Mr. ,and Mrs. Charles LeMay and children, the host and hostess. Mr. and MrS. Burton are, at present, making , their home with their g.randarents and Mr.. . ith th.e.


~uy,. Sell,


passe9 up the Bard' of Avon when namin~ . her choice for the Dayton Power and Li,g-ht companyJ s Favorite Story radio pro~ram, setectin~ .instead the work of a more' r,ecent playwri~ht, Oscar ,Wilde. Miss Webster's favor-ite , "The Importance of BeinR" Earnest," a \vittv comedy noted for its neatlY-Dhrased' eDlg'rams will be presented over WHIO, ' ' Tuesday, FeJ rUJlrY 3, at 9:30 P. m. Favorite Story ho t Ronald Colman wilt be supported by :l cast of featured motion nicture and radio actors in the radio adaptation of th e Wild e classic.

,Trade ,\

.---. ~





BIGM- a CJrowino favorite 81G M for mulmum yield OD

, for


fertlliae" for your need •. ev.", fertilizer beadlll the BIG M br8lld nerforma up to that reputation because It , is always made up to hilheat standards • ' . never dOWll to a price.

field cropel BIG M market quality! it'. been that way for

twenty yean. - ,

While our



cern II that of ' supplying more high-potash-conten't , Order


lrom ,our d .." , lor 1Prini.

, he,Mlaml Fertilizer Compan~ O"ICE IN DAytON. OHIO . 'ACIORY IN TRElEIN, QHIO

The Mlam, Per'Ui• ., Com;,.n" • Gl ;ndependen' Millm, ValleF conc.m undrr dirKt ooerlttion 01 i tll




Rent, Borrow, USE

. .. wtn'

Lebaaon" Ohio

SAT. 31 A thrilling tale of yo un o' hearts, fast horses and biR' mone y, , PAUL

• ........It: ...



Also: Rusty has a son and you have a 'flew thrill.

The .Son of Rusty I ~

Ted DoMIdIoa, Tom ' Powen, ADD Dar-. '

SUN. 1 MON. 2 Something different I A modern western all in color, action-packed.


Burt Lancaater. Lizabeth Scott

AtteDtioa 8OWl.... : See Andy Vari· papa World's Champion in P~te Smith's "Bowling Tricks" Also: latest News. .- ,

'WED. 4


If you're an amateur Sleuth, be a good sport and donlt sl1lve, ,thi ' mystery ouf. loud for ,your audience pals. Eerie murder fare.

Corps'e Came C.O.D. ~ ,

with Geol'ge,Brent an'd Joan Blondell Plus: Wohder Eye Short on camera lore.



-Mil ton Chase, Far- East author~ 1S heard on ~he WLW-NBC "World Front" pr9gram Sundays &t 12 p.m., ~ST. Tbe WLW staff correspondent left this country in 'November. 1944, and arrived In the Ph ilippines In time to accompany Kentucky and indiana soldiers at the 38th Dlvislon tn their InvasMUloD Cbue ion of Luzon Later b~ s.ransferred to the 37th Dlvll10n and was among the first to enter Manila with General Setgh,Uer and b1a 01)10 DIvision. Chase wu with tbe Buckeye outfit when it liberated the Santo' Tomas In&ernment camp. the Billbld prison, Cabanl1tuan and Los Banos. . After a tour of Bataan and Corre~idor. C!lase transferred to


the Navy and was with the fleet in the Invasion of Okinawa. ' He also went ashore " with Ernie Pyle in the invasion ot Ie Shi'ma, and he was the last correspond· ent to talk to Pyle before be was killed by a Jap sniper. In his SO,OOO-mUe tour ot the Pacific area, Chase !ntervlewed 2,000 servicemen and women from the ' Ohio ValJey area 01 Kentucky, indiana, ,O hio and West Virginia. His stories, broad · cast over WLW, also were pub· lished in several bundred newa~ paper. and were carried by the , wire services. Before joining WL W', new. stalf six years ago, Chase worked aD the China Press in Shanghai. where he covered the first yean at the Sino-Japanese war in China, On the advice of Marine otficers in China, he left Shanghai on the last ship from that port. and was at sea when the Japs 'fl nl hed Pe~rl Harbor,

DESE and DON'TS dlepartmen,l of last wee,k 's column. All's : quiet on the westenn front qf the thea'tre the last f.ew ni~hts\\ ell, quieter, any way! When a TWIN bill present s man's I est friends. the horse and the dbg, 'you know you're in f r sincere entertainment. That s what youill be ~ettin,gthi ,Friday and Saturday with two Col. pix on the TWI N creen, SPORT OF KINGS an 1 , ON F RU TY. Gloria H enry and P.aul, Campbell, two up-andcomin,g young stars, wilt thrill you with a romance built around the flashin~ hoofs of race horses ' where big. money sometimes spells trouble. Odds :are 2 to 1 you'll lik e Sport of Kings. Little_ ~red Donaldson stars as canine ~usty ' master in SON OF RUSTY. A drama , conc'ernin,l?: what ~'oes Ot) in a c::;mall town when 'tongues wa~ indiscriminately and nearly rum the reputation of a' returnel1 army veteran, this story carries a lot of human interest, ' plus the ma ior inte'rest of watching and lovin .~ that dog Rusty who, by the way, becomes a\ family man in this opus. Speakin~ of SUNDAY .MATINEES ·ag,tlm (I'm ,g'oin~ to get , this notice across if fin~ers freeze on the ke:~s which they're just ,about dOln~ on this




UNDAY MATINEB AT TWIN THEATRE, WAYNESVILLE, startin g- n x t UNDA V, lFeh. 1 t. C RTAIN 2 :30 p. m. Ticket ffice opens at ::!: 15 p. m., and since ther will h hut on c mplete ' h w ach Sunday afternoon, patron are advised to come early and a v id mi~sing any part of th e bill. , Headlining thi n ws t .Y Ll today at th'e request of the .. TwiN manag;ement, who i a grateful as your columni t to all who expressed them elves re' g:arding- the Sunda,y matinee venture. We were delighted hv he_'response. The mana~ement can only serve you IF y'ou c<?m ri~ht out and speak your mmd, which you' did. ,According to Bob O ' Regan, TWIN ' oWl)er, it is to be hoped that all children will take full advantaR;e of these Sunday. matinees. The owner also pomted out that parents can ea'ily "en.trtJ,st ' their children to his care during- these mat, inees and then avail themselves of the peace anO Quiet of the You fit ri~ht into any social pic· ' tur,e when' your spotlessly clean suits, topco ats and hats proclaim you as a person of fastidious good taste. Try us and let us prove it! ,


VIC~ ,

The Miami Gazette Page 6 Waynesville, Ohio No. 4353 Thursday, January 29, · 1948 bowlers come see how w0rld" champion Andy Varipapa doe..' it. , The hi~hlig:ht is ' Andy's 3 alley hot. knocking ·down tht! 7 pin in the J ft alley, -th t (I pin in the ri~ht alley, and II strike in ' the middle alley . All with one ball!! I f you don't b lieve me, ',ee for yourself tha t and oth r en -ati onal sh ts b y Varipap. (Attl'n'tion Mr. Mulford and all other Wayn esville I30wlers - Thi bow ling lesSO~t goes with the normal admi sion. What a bargain!) On Wed. and Thurs. Col. pr ents a murd er drama uperior to others in it ' ~roup, THE CORPSE CAME C. O . D. J oa n Blondell, always pert and ,Q'oo l1 to look at, mafthe wit. with George Brent. Th ey r rival newspaper reporter wh eventually discover the killer. I think the solution of th e n~ter y , will surprise yqu. Not easy to fi.!ture Qut, I'm .glad to ay, thru . the scenes packed with action, excitement, and comedy. From a novel by Jim'mie Starr. th e murder plot involve an actl' SS, a publicity director,. and a costume deSigner. Supporting cast


theatre at the evening attra'ction . So-THANKS · tol your , coc/ peration ( ecretly, I'm pI ~a ed as a if ~ with a fat hqn c t see th at th e olumn' e1l1 .~ read). And while \V ' re in th h . . ~' rl ' - and - :fl ow r Il U ine , thank, 1 , for ' th att ntion aP t arently beinl!: paid t ' th e


another big

OUN · lERl


" ~ ~. DOCTOR




Stuartfrwin Barbara Wooddell William Wright Hobart Cavanaugh



culdest - day · III - 1 t)4 ' . 1I·i"ar), Waynesville is pa~ticularly fortunate ~ that DE 'ERT FURY i hilled to statt the ball rol1in ,~ thi ' unday. I',d like to .e:o on record as making- this m first RAVE review. Out of a C l1ier's ma~­ azine serial by Ram ona Stewa rt, Par. has made a T echnicolo r thunderholt with a clima than will end ou out of th e thea tre huntin,g. our fri ends t() teIJ them here's a Ii ture w rth c::X · periencin g. Briefl y. it deal wi,th mod, rn ,~'angsterhll around La Ve~ as, New Mex ico, and henc has all th e , acti 11 and punch treamlined versifln -, om thin.1!: of a Western, out a modern streamlined version-s m e thin ~ out of the o-ridnary and extremely well done. Mary Astor plays the owner-boss of a gambJinR' establishment, sultry Liza:bet h Scott her head stro,n~ daughter. John Hodiak is a not- . ed racketeer, with Wendell Corey, a newcomer to pictures who bears watchin~, as his partner in crime. Burt Lancaster is the Law. This hard-as·nails picture points a sound moral. The secnery is breath takin ,~ in beaut y and color. You'll see the NEWS (WB) on this bill"and of special interest should be Pete' Smith's short BOW LIN G TRICKS (MGM). All you Waynesville

E. MICHENER Phone 2926 '




WE KEEP IN MIND WHEN SERVING a bereaved family that what we do, will . be loh,gremenibered: "

Years , of 'experience has taught us how tQ be careful, lest , this memory be marred by mis' takes or ,oversights.

'ADMISSION BY, TICKET ONly .,If you .don't have tic~ets or 'need more •• •ASK US FOR THE~-'




Valley ·B ardware · 7 :30 -

February 2, 1948


WAY N E 5 V ILL E. 0 H I 0




.' "

Page 7, The Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio NO j 4353 Thursday, January 29. 194~

as excellent as the stars.' hort with this pix is WONDER EYE (UA) , which will .l?,'ive you carn'era enthusiasts 'olue new idea on unusual shot (n ot the ~un ' varietyJ. . ' Good News Dept. The Boy and Girl Scouts report cooperation of the townspeople on the MARCH OF DIMES campaign in tlJe lobby of the TWIN THEATHE. However, a cause such .as this can ne.ver be oversubscribed. Keep this in mind tonight and tomorrow. Still two mor.e days to do your part before the drive ends. BAD NEWS DEPT. Due to the children admissions now beinK federal taxed (sam'e as adults have been) , •. .! re will be a slight increase to a 14c total fo r children, effective Sunday, Feb. 1. 1948. , No chan~e III . ad ult prices. That does it for this week. ROMANCE OF ROSY RIDGE (Van John~on) ending its secnd night at the theatre toni ,~ht. which you the public say i good, according to last ni~'ht attendance. And don't forget (here I,}({o again) MATINEE UNDAy at 2:30 P. M. (re. gular show as usual Sunday 'night - 7 & 9).





.. ,.


-". .

eo~rt rJeWJ

PROB ATE Estate of Ida L. Presto n, dec'd, Estate of Willia m Carson , dec'd, Ed Presto n ~ppoin~d adn:tin istrai admin istratr ix to sell person al tor. proper ty. MARR IAGE LICEN SES Esta te of Emma , Stewa rt, dec'd. Estate 'of J\~da Davis, dec'd, Edith Crawf ord execu trix, ' estate Rober t Ryers on, %1, Leban on, machi ne operat or, Th>r-is Lyst Jef- Evere tt I Runya n, admin istrato r exemp t ' from inheri tance tax. filed first and final acco~unt. fery, 16, Leban on'. Estate " of Ethel M. Mon~joy, ' John Paul Shotw ell, 22~ Frank · Estate of Georg e J. S ith, dec'd, dec'd, James Montj oy, admin istralin, accou nting clerk, Lillie Mae ' David Ralph Smith appo nted extor, invent ory hearin g set for Feb Powel l, 17, Frank lin. ecutor . 24 at 10. Estate of Firma n Schwa rtz, Estate of Mario n Chapm an, NEW SUITS de~'d, Delph a Chapm an appoin ted dec'd, Pearl and Adah Schwa rtz, Paulin e Bard VB. ' Be'rt Barl\ execu trices invent ory hearin g set admin i tratrix gi~ing bond with divorc e, gross neglec t, Maple and for Feb. 3 at 10. sureti es in sum of $11,000. Maple . Estate of John C. Butt, dec'd, Estate of J osepb H. Tonne s, Dan and Arthu r Butt, execu tors dec'd, Mary Diehl appoin ted 'adCOMMON PLEA S invent ory hearin g set for Feb. 3 at minis tratrix glvmg bond with Alice Gilmo ur vs. Ralph Gilmo ur, 10; applic ation filed for ,certif icate sureti es in Bum of $4,000. div()rce ' t() plaint iff, chi1d~n to of transf er of real esta~ . , Estate of Geo~ge Bacon , dec'd, plaint iff, defend ant to pay plainEstate of Jacob J. Vande rbrink , Robin Scholl, exec~trix fil~ aptiff sum of $55 twice each morith SI'., dec'd, Jacob, Jr. and Charle s plicati on for certifi cate of transfor suppo rt of minor childre n. Vande rbrink admin istrato rs, inf er of real estate . Robert '~ Burns ide vs. Marth a ventor y hearin g set for Feb. 10 at Estate of Harry Trovil lo, dec'd t Ellen Burns ide, a minor , Chart ers 10. ' Laura Trovil lo admin istratr ix in- ' D. Maple appoin ted guard ian ad Estate of Alonz o 'McPe ek, dee'd , ventol'Y ,heal'i ng set for Febru ary litem. Mae Willia ms admin istratr ix filed 13 'a t 10. , Enriqu e Luace s vs. Hersc hel final accoun t. Estate of Tillie Donne ll, dec'd, Stiles, defend ant granoo d 30 days Estate of Mary A. Comp tpn , 'Charl es Wagg oner, execu tor invenadditio nal time to file motion , ' de- dec'd, Paulin e Tullis , execu trix, tory hearin g set for Febru ary 13 murre r, answe r or othery nse plead. ' filed final accoun t. at 10.

Estate of Claren ce Justus , dec'd, Cora Lee JU8tu~ admin istratr ix: invent o heari,n g set for Fepru ary 5 at 10. Estate of Leroy S. Conov er, dec'd, Vivian York, admin istrato r invent ory approv ed. , Estate ,of Effie I. Conov er, dec'd, Stanle y ,Conov er execut or in-ven-. tory ,appro ved. Estate of Rudol ph St. John, Jewell St. John ' admin istratr ix invent ory approv ed. . I In the matte r of t he appolO tment of a Matro n for tlie Warre n Count y Jail, appoin tment of E1la War~ing ­ ton as Jail Matro n approv ed. Estate of Charle s H. Holad ay, dec'd, gross value of estate is 1$26,98 0.91.

REAL ' ESTATE TRANSFERS ' Finley and Tinci'e. Hall to Prank and Caroli ne Ferris , 179.09 acres in Deefie ld twp. Monro e and Bertha Ousley to Alfred and Lorain e Utz, 4 aCNlS in Clearc reek twp. Howa rd and Vina Purke y to

Ohio poultrymen have 'founc1 . ways to avoid part of the heavy disease losses of layers wh ich thr:eatened the poultry industry several years ago but . till lost: 10 per cent or more of the bi nt ea,ch season.


.• wrena. D-Kan las admitt ed Union, 1861


__ Monitor launche d. 1862.

'1\. ;;w.'

:II-lam es G Blaine bom, 1830 '





Already Accepted by

I - U.S. laltes possessIon of Guam 1899




Temtory created,

4-lnters tate (;ommerce a(:1

passed 1887

' -


r•• ,,, ...


. ' Use The Aliunanac To Chec k The Weat her But Use . GAZ EITE CLASSIf hill , ADS ,To Buy, Sell, Rent, Loan, Borro w. Any Time of The Year

AUC TION EERI NG STAN LEY And KOO GLER BROK ERS LI'C ENSE For 0,,+118. p'h onll 2M94 Wavne sviile.





ANNOUNCING !! WASHING MACHINE . SER VIaSherwood ' , Refri~eration ' Sales & Service has added to its staff a comp~tent washing mac,hine mechan,k. We are offerin~ the same prompt, efficient service on wa~hin~ machines that our cllt't0mers are ex- , periencinr wlth ('ur



2-Ground HOQ Day

qvar us

3 Unions·Block Labor Peace Refuse Wage Boost


eration service. DAY p .()~ 437 NIGHT ' !·O~ 33,M

The Brothe rhood of Locom otive Engi- . neers, Brothe rhood of Locom otive Firemen and Er:-ginemen and the Switch men's Union of North Ameri ca, repres enting 125,000 railroa d emplo yes, have refused to accept the offer of the Railro ads of a wage increa se of 15M cents an hour. This is' the same increa se awarde d 1,000,0 00 non-oper~ing emplo yes by gn arbjtratio~ board in Septem ber, 1947. ,This is the same increa se acc~pted by 175,00 0 condu ctors, trainm en and switch- , men by agreem ent on ~ovembe~ 14, 19~7. Agree ments have been made WIth I,J 75,000 emQ.loyes, repres ented by nineteen. unions . But these three unions, represent ing only 125,000 men, are trying to get,more.' They are deman ding also many new workin g rules not embra ced in the settlem ent with the,condu ctors and train· men . . :, Incide ntally, the Switch men's Union of North Ameri ca repres ents only. about 7% of all railroa d switch men, the other 93% being repres ented by the BrotherhOQd of Railro ad Trainm en and cov~red by the settlem ent with that union Strike Threa t The leader s of these three unions spread a strike ballot while negoti ations were still in progre ss. This 18 not a secret vote but is taken by union leader s and votes are signed by the emplo yes in the presen ce of union repres entativ es. When direct negoti ations failed, the leader s of these three unions refused to jo_in the railroads in asking the Nation al Media tion Board to attem pt to settle the disput e, but the Board took jurisdi ction at the reques t of the carrier s and has been . earnes tly attemp ting since Novem ber 24, 1947, to ~ about a eettlelD8Jlt. The .Board on Janua ry 16, 1948, annou nced ita inability: to reach a m8fiiatioD settle- ' mente The leaden of the uniona re~ the reques t of the Media tion Board to -; arbitra te. The railroada accepted.

UI Other Railroad Unions!

What Now? employes, and those among the higbest paId, The Union s having refuse d to arbitra te, can successfully maintain tbe threat or a par. the Railw ay Labor Act provid es for th alylin strike a al terest oC the eAappoin tment of" a BId-finding oard. by ' lre ,countr y-a'nd 'against 90 per cent of their the Presid ent. , fellow employes. ' The railroa ds 'feel it is due shippers, l'h~ threat ,o f a strike cannot justify grant.' passenge1'8, employes, stockh olders , and ing mOI'c favorable co... ditions to 125.000 ,emthe 'general public to know that t~ough. ployes than have already been put in elfcct out these negoti ations and in mediat ion, for 1,175,0 JO, nor will it after the opposilion they have not only elterte d every effort to of the railroads to unwarranted wage ' inreach a fair and reason able settlem ent, nease s or to changes in working rules which but they have also met every requir ement are not jus tiflp.d. ' of the Railw ay Labor Act respec ting the A gJance at the box shows what .employes negoti ation, mediatio:n, and arbitra tion of represented by the Engineers and Firemen labor disput es. ' , . make. Th~y are among 'the highest paid ~n It se-ems unthinkable that these three unions, ' . the ranks of labor in the United States. if,not representing less than llO per eent 'or railroad the highest.

Compare these wages with what you make! Here,is a compar ison of

average annua l earninga of en~rs imd firemen for r939 (PI~ war) and le.t7. AJso shown is what 1947


1131 Anrl"

luul Eanlnp

' Road F,eight . ... ,... . , ,$3,966 (Local and Way) Road Passenger ...... .. 3;632 Road Freight (Throu gh). 3,147 Yard , , . . , , ... . ...... ,. 2,749 FIREMEN Road Freigh t. . . . . • .•.. 2,738 (Local and Way) , Road P8asenger. . . . . . . . 2,732 Road Freigh t ' (Throu gh) , 2,069 , Y8ld ..•••. •••••. •...•. 1,962,

1141 Arm.. "",

191,1 Ama" £lull&l wllll15Vz ADlII,1 (arnl..s Cnts,.' ........

$6, 126


5,399 4,684 4,081

6,025 earnin S8 would have 5,169 ' been if tbe153 -i cents 4,539 per hour ' increase, uffend br the railroada 4.688 5,268 an'd reje cted by the union leaders , bad t.m 4,544 5,166 in eifect throug hout the 3,4~ 8,891 entire 'year 1947. 3,136 3,553 Railroa d W8.1ee colmpu ted &om Interst ate Commerce Commission Statem Full year 1947 88t~ted OD baaI8 of actual figures for first eight monthsent M·300. .


The Miami Gaiette Page 8 Waynesville Ohio ' No. 4353 Thursday, January 29, 1948

faster Dperation. Sturdy con· struction, overload protection, LDW priced. ,Banta 1m.. t Co. LebanDn. Phol1e

and Ora Cook, 10 acres in franklin twp. Floyd and Julia TUrner to Willi, . and Bertha Howard., lot in Frau-· lin. . James and Millie ~ard to Andrew Jaekson, Jr. and Virgie Lee Yeazel, lot in Avalon H~ighte. , E~ ~. and Edith Houston to Herschel Toney, 0.75 ACres in s~tem








REAL ESTATE DON'T FORGET TO CALL us for Insurancc. All types of

Insurance at a savings. Can Francis Gene Brown, phone \Vaynesville 2935 or call collect. Wilmin~ton 21 t 1 •

Real Eatate 'For 5.1_ U' YOU SAVB A PROPJIRTY OR PARY TO SBLL OBD or Wrtte . Don Bendenon•. Tel. K"tM. 81'1 Lorain Aft.. ~. Oblo. tie


Call at Allen's in Corwin. , J. H. Rainey. -123 ,HAY FOR SALE zoo· BALES -- ·Mixed Hav for Sale. M. E. Brooks, 2 mi. out on Bellbrook - Wa nesville Rd. -25 PEED MIXING


Farmers' Want to grind and .ix your own feecI? YDU can do' it with the new L~tz Roughag-e mill. 'Your feeding" costs" reduced. YD~ utilize your own grains and roughages to make balanced rations. Savings soon pays fDr mill. See one in operatiDn or ask ·for a demDnstration. Banta Inplem'ent CO'. LeoanDn. Phone 5SS~ , ~NTIQUE


,FOR SALE - Antique Cherry PDster Bed. Olas. C. Cook, Waynesville, Ohi'o.· -129 ,


John Deere Hammer Mills, sizes 6, 10, 14, inch. with or · without traveling ' feed table. Grind faster with Jess power. SDld on trial. Banta Implement Co.; LebanDn, PhDne SS S.


Is YOUf Trattor Sluggish?




,-frDm Feb. 9 to Feb. 27 for vacation. . ,C. Lee Hawke. -' 25 DOG LOST LOST OR STRAYED-Hound, Black Brown ·and White, Female, 4 ~ears DId. Answers to' th~ name of Queen. Phone 25,36. Mrs. J. L. Kenriclc. ' . -25~c

1 Valves reseated. 2: Rings installec1. 3. Carburetor cleaned and adjusted. 4. Magneto tested and serviced. WHERE? At Dur modern John Deere Service ShOfJ. We are equIpped to handle all tune-up and overhaul jDbs on . your tractor and related equipment. Our mechanics are Deere trained to' g-ive cDmblete and cDmplete and RORafi htar competent service on your trac-




Only geniune John Oeere Parts used. They duplicate the original. Reasonable Shop Rates- ' ' , Work Fully Guaranteed

Visit Dur sh013 and arrange for your tune up or overhaul . Mo.-e' than -members of the Boy America SDon. Avoid. ·the , Spring rush. \\ ill. ~bserve Boy Scout ~ee.k, Feb.. 6th to 12th, marking the 38th We stock a complete line of :mmversary of the organazatlon. ThIS year Boy Scouts are empharepairs for all John Deere toots. ' izing conse.rvation of ~ood and natural resources, plantlnr rardens. an~ fire prevenboJ', .. orne repairs and personal health check - : Check your needs now and g-et. safety lIl·) · Scouhng IlrOmotes world peace throurh World Jamborees 'ami YDur repairs early. ~m\ctical hel~ amOrt.1f 42 nations with 4,_09,780 memliers. Through

Itanta Implement COe Quality John Deere ~uipm_t

Phone 555

Its W~rld Friendship Fund or voluntary ' ,gl,ts the Boy Scouts of America helps Scouts overseas to their units. &0 far, more than 3,000 tons ~f equipment have been shipped. Above is the ' official poster mark,ing the Scout birthday. . -,.


Lawrence. Ward








I ,.



NOTICE . OF.;.~Af~OINTME,NT . Notice is ~e reby g.iven that navid Ralph .,Smith whDse Post Office address " is Waynesville, Ohio has been; duly, appointed as Executor" cjf the Estate of' GeDr~e J. Smith late Df Warren County, OhJD, deceased. Dated thiS 19th day of Jan~ary 1948. Charl~s A. Anderson, Atty. . Ralph H. 'Carey' , Jud~e of the PrDfjate CDurt Warren County, .Ohio.

DBAD STOCK COWS - $20.00 HORSES - ' $20.00


Thompson, 1.16 _M!

B,acktop Driveways

John Deere Manure Loader. For John Deere A and Russell and Geliev~ Osborn, 2 lot B Tractor. Less' weight on in Corwin. B~nner and Minnie Stewart 'to front end of tractor. Line ' ,power to fo,r.k or bucket


. M ameVl ' '11 e. H ami'1ton twp. r,wt.-AMBULANCE SERVICE Ward, 2 lots In . Ace.rdln, t. Siz. a . Condition Shafter and Vi()la Helton to Willie and Anna Belle Butler to - -=--A so, 'A1.SMA' .L STO"CK The Stubbs Funeral Home anEldridge and . E lvira , Johnson, lot , G. B. Sr., Alice and G. B.. Jr., ButREMOVED . PROMPTLY nounces that in.spite Df the fact in South Lebanon. ler, lot in South Lebanon. ,Phone . the recent automobile accident William Irvin, Jlr .• Trustee to .Charles t1rton to Char'es TrainXENIA WILMINGtON in which Mr. Stuhb . was involved wrecked his ambulance Clarence and Emml!l Koehne/ 260- eMl'orarnodw.Gerald Mengle, 2 lots in .1712 2362 car~ he is now .fully equipped . 91 acres in 'Deerfield twp. Rev.,.. Char,a, to' .handle all ambulance call as Dorothy Hudson "to' Al'~ey HudAlton and Ada Cope to George uSl!al. Telephone 229 '1 for thi son, lot in Franklin. .:•.~ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. ,- - - - . -..- , -".-.,.••:. service. ' Ernest Snider to Romie and

. Court



Remedy it Now by Having:

Lebanon. Oh~o

My Barber 'ShDp will be 'Closed

Anna Miller to Marie Sloan et aI, 114.76 acres in Franklin twp. Chlora and Floyd. Morgan to Floyd Morgan, 2 lots in Fredricksburg . . D. Wade and E. Louise Turnet· to William ~nd lA>uise Gimbel, lot in Waynesville. , Audrey Easter to R. Marion and Charlotte Snyder. lot in Lebanon~ Arthur and Elizabeth Butt to Dan Butt, 177.75 acres in Franklin twp. Ben Browning to John Brown irig, 1.97 acres in South Lebanon. Leslie and Nancy Caudill to Leroy and Clara Peyton, 11.41 acres Massie twp. Addi'e Yost to Kenneth Williain Yost, 5 lots in Loveland Park. W. H. and Patricia Ford3'~e to Vernon and Pearl Starke, 0.117 acres in Lebanon.







Philip, alld Ne11ie Locke ~ 11.50 acres in Clearcreek twp. .


Beautim11-Room Modern , Oil . burning furnace, lavo'ratDry Dn first f1o'or, 3 be,drooms and ' sleeping porch and bath Dn secDnd f~oor, fun ~asem~nt, -recreation rDom, lot 80x200, all carpetmg, venlttan bhnds and drapes. LDcated on Main str~e.t, Waynesvme,. OhiO'. A gDlden DPP9rtunity to pUfchase a marvelDus home. For appDintment C'~n . F. T. MARTIN. Auctioneer , Centerville 7021 ' 703 Commercial Bldg., Dayton Adams 3881



Ta r Applied and Driveway Recoating a.n d

B. B. ·S TBOlJD ·

Oakwood Ave,n ue




~ An~ ma~e' .or model, -



$23; .










X E·N IA Fertilizer

45' 4


Co. ,Gino


, WAYNZ8V1LL8 _1





. ~8

ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDITION NORRI$ &ROCK ,COMPA'NY Cinci,nnati Union 'StOCk V.rd. Live Wir, and Progr••• iv•• An orQflnizatilon Moond ' to no" •. Strlctlv ••II.r. on ' the beat .11 .round market in the country. SERVICE THAT SATI_,E. wmo Dayton 12: 30 E. S. -T. DlallHO. WLW OlaciDlla.t.1 12: 40. DtaJ , • . '0 . Dan,.. '\'" 'ket R.-rt.


Fred Kahn Motor ·Car


Phone 221-L

x_Sa o.

, 'SAND nd



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It Says H er e By Smitty "



T h e M ia m i _Recent .Miami.U.Graduate:

G1\ .Z'ET T·E Named As Histo? ~~~~~~~assumSERVING WAYNE'6VIL.L.E SINCE '850

Tl,ere' a new 'g-ame that is popular in Waynesville; It can be played by any numb~r of people, and it seem to faSCInate all who try it. The g-am e IS called B end ~ in ~ the new editor 's ear. ' So far as 1 can 'ee, ever ' player makes ,up his own ru1 s for the, Kame, but there are a fe ~ standard patterns. Players fall into tWQ main divisions. Some know what ,the ed,itor shduld think, and some want to kno\v what he thinks. A third group is picking- up speed and inay soon outnumber the, others, howe¥er. The ' thirct ~roup mi~ht well be called the ~ Inside Tipsters," for they have a special bit of advice to -Impa rt on .bow somebody or some it· uatton oUR;ht to be handled. ' Not that an -editor o~ht to , hied. to havin", his ear bent, Sl 111 11g as the otber pa rt v doesn't p:rind an axe ' on it. The ' ,lI;am e i the best way I have of ~ettinR; acquainted with you ,J n aers, and the more of you I know, the more I can try to r 1:1ke the Gaze tte what YOll \' ' :1 nt. , This i a notice t tho c wil t) h -, v ~ n 't tried the ~ame yet: It's 'lin, it' ~ free, and it's less tir_inJ!" than pi,nochle or rumm . . If it ),[ets- too popular, thae will have to be some ~round rul es in the form of deadhnes. So keep I :ay ing it fair, and 1' \1 do ' th t' ~ e. _ . , , at do I mean tiy "play ing , it fair? " ,T hat's simple - just rememh r that I some' imes .~e ~ 1', :th enrs bent on the same -subject. On~ ear 'gets pulled .arOlin i forward 'an the- other , !re t pushed back- flat - a~ainst . th e skutt, so to_speak . The advice 01'1 one side doesn 't ag'Jee with the advice on the other. That" when it may hurt a tittle but those who are playin~ fair wah t .~et mad. That- dQesn"t pay an, " hody. , gettin~


, -N-O-.-~-~--------·----' -F-I-V-E-C-E-N-T-S-A-OO-P-Y , WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO

Double Funeral' - Held For M ·other and ~OD t.J

THUR SDAY , <FEBRUARY 5, 1148 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~----------------

8 Scouts Face Board Mrs. Carl Lacy Is Of Review Tonight Buried at Hamilton ,


Funeral servi es were held at o'clock Saturd ay afternoon at Lebanon for E. Smith of Route 2, Waynesville, and for his mother, Mrs. Martha. Smith of Lebanon. Both were buried in the same lot at Clarksville Cemetery. Services were conducted by the Rev. M. G. Mittelstedt o"{ teban on. Thomas Smith died at 4 ,;1. Iil_ last Thur~day a few hours after bein'R; taken -to the Middletown Hospital from Mi'amisburg. His' mother, who had been seriously ill for some time died on, Thursl day evenin~ witnout knowledge - of her son s death. Mrs. Smith was the widow of Aaron Smith of near WaynesviUe. She died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Tatm an, in Lebanon, where she had, been living. Tl10mas was -the fourth , of Mrs. Smith 's _1 2 children to pass away. Six brothers and two sisters survive. He ·was a vet ran of World War II and had heen employed at-the Radar Corpo ra· tion in Miamisbur~. 2

Wa.yne ville' B, y Scout ervices wereTuesday Troop 40 will ~-et an earl y tart afte rnoon in Hamiheld lton for Mrs. for Boy Scout WI? ' k by holdin g Bes ie M. Lacy, wh o died suda - Board - of Revi c\\- es ion to- - de nl y in her lio_me in Wayn night for ad vanccl11ent as fol· ville last Thursday aftern Qon esat lows: the age f 52, ' Jack J ame ' and E3i11 Davis to Mrs. Lacy was the wife of ,he reviewed for First Class. Carl Lacy, opera tor of the Lacy Bill Stubbs, Bob Kenrick, 'butch er shop on Main Street. .Jerry Rusl" Peter Ke ys, Jim - The' aftern of her_ death Jordan, and GeoJ'J!"e Hartsock .Mrs. Lacy hadoon left the butch(~r to be reviewed . for Second -shpp' about 4 P. m. to go home. Class. . She was found lit two .hou rs Dwig-ht - Michener for the later by RoberabOt O'Regan, an Pork Production, and Poultry occupant of the same house. She Keeping Merit Badge. , - was rushed by ambulance to At a Board of 'Review ses- to Miami Valley Hospital, where sion, three members of th o she \vas pronounced _ Troop -Committee ' meet pri- , In addition to herdead. husba nd, vatelv with each boy and the 'S he is survived , by a sister, Mrs. Scoufmaster. Later the earned Addine Elbert of Los Angeles, ~wards are formally presented Calif., and a brother, George at a Court of Honor , which Krucker of Hamilton. \\' ill be open to the public. Friends paid' their last resTo mark Boy Sco·ut Week, peets at the McCl ure Funeral Fel ruary 6 to 12, -l'roop 40 is Home on Saturday eveni and putt'in~ ' window displa ys in the SundflY aft~rnoon. Frn,alngservFairley and Hrma n Store win- ices were held at 2 p. m. Tues- . OFFI CER pF NATIONAL COUNCIL TO PREACH d s, '?coW-uSt's wS~11vleraattenOdf t'hthee anl'noucaal1 '~ay at t.he Webb Funeral Home AT ST. MARY'S CHURCH 111 Hamtlton, followed by burial Scout Banqu~t on F.ebr,u.!.rY..i~ . GI'U.J}.wood C-ometery there'. ' _r. Nex.f; ·Sunda y, ~y 8, the at the Maliche-ster~ Ho'teTljf~Ta.. Rev. Clifford L. Samllelson of dletown. ' -, I _ New York City will celebrate the Ja~~~ut~~r~~~d ~gtS~Ca~ t[e ~~I~~~Jg~~n~~ :~r~i~~e~~hs1~ troop extends a welCome to all ' I, I -. Ma y's Epis.c1;l.pal Church ' ~oy's between 12 and 14 to join lIpn'-~Dr. Samuelson is assoc iate 10 Its - prog,ram and ~ttend the, The Higll Scho@1 G:hoi'r will secretary of the Division , of fegul~r Monday , ~venlOg meet- r.resent a musical opere,tta., Dom:estlc Missions of the NalJ,!gs m the - caban behmd the 'Oh. Dodo r !7" in early April. tional Council of the Prote stant hl~h , school. . The settinR; is somewh,ere east Episcopa.1 Church. . !ttembers-of Troop 40, III ad- of the Rio Grande, and not far dltJ~~ 10 the. ones w.ho Will be from the borde r separatingrevlewe~ .tomght, are Bob' Mor- ico from the United Stales. Mex- CREECH AND CANADIANS Her(! INVOLVED IN SKID DJNG ~n, DaVid Harm-ock, Bob Hast- is - a famous sanitarium and CRASH AFTE R SNOW fALL -~-....;.,---, angs, and Bob Hunter. spring owned and operated by Dr. Drinkwater, a pompous an I Waynesvill victim of ' self-opinionated ,man ,vito dis-- the snowstorme'sis 'first -Ralph h, t owned his only son _because he who suffered a cut foreheCreec a.d and married an actress. a shakil1~ up when car col· The leadin~ charact,ers were Iided with a Canadhis ian on GREE N C. PURKEY elected by five _jud~es who Route 42 n'e ar Lebanon car vester Green C. Purkey' died at his Rraded each character for the day morning-.,_ _ _ Th e Waynesville ,Council of home in Corw last Friday at -role, the p-erson with -'t~h:""'e-:'h~l~f~he~s~t---jC""r;;;;;er.;e;-;:;ch h. a former mechanical Chl:tfcll Worn en amt-W :-C. T~ 3 :15 Q. m. andinwas R"rade buried after Monthe five adjud ica· helper. f9 r The Miami Gazette, U. have, united in arran~ing an day aftern oon in Miam tions were i Ceme avera ~ed togeth er rewas dnv1l1g- toward Waynesvi1l~ ' ohservance of the World Day tery after ' services in the Free ceiving jhe part. ' ' when the 'Car in -front of him of Prayer, Friday, Feb. 13, in Pentecost~l Church at 1 :30 p_ Doctor Drink water, Prop ~etor ' hegan to, slide on snowy surthe Frienos Meeting House be- m. ' of Drinkwater- Sanitarium, Dan- face. He applied the his brake ,e:inning at 10 a. ~. . ' Mr. Purkey-was years old. !ly H.artso~~; ¥ rs. Weakly, Pat- skidded. At the same times and The program win mch.lde ad- ,He is survived by 65 the wife, Lu- lent 111 SanItariUm, Bon'me, Sat- Canadian car, gain!! towa.r dresses by Mrs. Fenton O. Fish clnda; two dau~J'his d rs, M(s. terthwaite; Mrs . .Crossly; Patient Lebanon, also skidded. Neither , of, Columbus, director of the Gertrude Smith of fte Sand Gap, in Sanitarium, Phy.llis Burnett; driver was to blame, sheriff's Women's Depa rtmen t of the, Ky. ,ancl Mrs. Golae Welch Doetor SJauR"hter, Doctor at the aides said. . ' Ohio Council of Churches; Mrs. , of Orego nia; three sonsy Home ' rium., Jack Tinney; DocCreech's car l1ad consider· Irene M. J,...ane, president of Purke y of Sand Gap, and Con-r Sanita Coffin, Doctor at the Sani- ahle -dam,aJ!"e to the (roni end. Warr en Co~,nty W. C. T. U., rad ,artd Ho~~d Purkey, both tor tarium , Vi.c Thompson ; DocTh'e other car a 1"947 Stude-'and Mrs. C. R. Frasier; of Of Waynesvll1e. There are 'also tor! Coffin , Docto r at the Sanihaker driven by A. J. C. Taylor Waynesville. ' 18 grandchildren. tanum ., Dale Dakin ; Rainb ow, of Grisb y; Ontario, had its -left ihere will be an otfering Ar-rangements were handled , Colored serva nt at Sanitarium, si~e caved in. Mr. Taylor and hi' taken, which will be sent to ~y., the Stubbs Funeral Home Don Rye; BeSSie, Maid at th-e Wife were trea. t for minor Church World Services for use Sanitarium, ~hyll_ ls Baily; Hon- cut~ and ~re stayined Jr In Lebanon in' an educational program for , or, Pretendm~ to be Glory until theIr car can be repaired. migrant workers in the United 'n ' OW ' Drinkwater, Norma Pumilf- They were on the way to Florida Sta\.Cs. " , . ' . Panch o. Mexican Cowboy, MiI~ for a vacation. A. cordial invitation is giveh .~edn esday J11 G.rnin ~ Wa -nes~' ton Jones ; Philip, Yqun~ Ranch to all interested to a.ttend the Ville faced th~ lob of ,digging Owner, Bob Hastings ' Jim VOLU NTEE RS' PENSION ,service and especially to women out .from under -an d~ht. m0h from Philip 's Ranch " Olyde Attorney. ,Gene of all churche ,of Warren snowfall. Hugh S For th Se who looked Smallwood; Old ' Timer from Jeo_kins, durin~ theralpast County. 'week ' , up ~t th e trees, iV lth ' {l white Philip 's Ranch, Don Baird,- Bob ~eld ~hat volun Each one attendin,g- .is asked coatin teer ' and g outlininR,' ev n the Glory' Fiancee, Ken Vickers: time ~I.remen, who, prior part~ to bring one articJe of food, two smflllest the twig, - It wa a pretty - Cynthia, Frances Whita ker: effective date of the new to ' sandwiches and - table service specta police But -for oth ers who Madam Chere, Euia Hoak ' Man: a1'!d firemen's pension 'law, confor the covered dish dinner at had tocle. look down at the bus- uel, Mexie an Rustie r, Ea~l Po- tnbu,ted two per cent of their the noon hour. iness. end ' of a now shove! , it' \ ell; Gl ory, Glory Drinkwater earnangs to a firemen's relief w as lust anoth e r me sy day. ,Betty Campbell; -The P.ilgrim': and_pensi(,ln fund, are required For the youn~ster it wa a Warren SheeJian; The Goddess under .t he new law, to , contr Dr., and Mrs. A. E. Stout and idaughter entert;tined to Sunda y holiday, for tne schools did not Mary Ann Burton-; First Nymph: bute four per cent of the ir earllopen. They bad no trouble evenin~ dil11ner at the Smith Tea 0 10 Dancer, Bettv Thom as' ings to the firemen's pensio Room Mr. and Mrs. . George switchin~ their intere~ts from N~r e , PeK~.Y Tumble on, G: fund and are entitled to then Waltz qf Dayton and MISS Zane lessons to snowbaU;ug, how- Wilkerson, Sue Furnas Betty benefits of the ,pension law. ever. Sat tert hw aite .' . Mae Fulkerson~ i


High School Choir Plus' 0per.It" a mEarfY

World D v ~f Prayer To Be Observed Here

-· S

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ed her dutie on Monday as hislory ar ~1 .I! vernm em teacher l~l~eWhay neSvi~Hli ff~SIC h c hOI 111mg t e va.can c,¥, e t l V t e re ~i ,~nation f W ade Turtlt: r on Januar y 16. ,Miss- Fant was R"radu:tted last wr.e,k from Mia mi U liversity in (Jxfo rd with a. de~ r e,~, of l3achelor of cie nce in Educa tion. Her maj or ubjects were history and ~ov ernm entt w:th minors In speech and s ia1 .science. It is hoped to organize a ... 1 ~ -ch cia 3 .It the -(' hool Lo h l' taught ,' I) ~i s ;::l111. 'I h..: q ' v q: a c ~-:i, ,. ls h('nle is , I It, i m near Ham:" -·n. SiiC i, .! w '? jnl el of t!1 ; J':ational Honor Societ :, The hirinK-of Miss Fant ,was acted upon f aN )rablv at the reR;ular meetin~ (i f the School Board on Monday evening. ' At the same time the! resignation of Mr. Turner was form ally accepted . . The board ,tl 50 voted to hire Russell Thoml"' ~\ n as (I," ~ ccond substitute bus ltri ver. ' A sp'ecial l11~e tillg . f the board will he h ltl Vv',edne day e vel1in~, f hmary (1, to d j ~ cuss a pr p('lsal for '~CQtliriI1R one or two new school buses, l1l':\ to plan tI c 1"(~r , ,tlting which ,


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COU NTY MET HOD IST BRO THER HOO D TO 'HEA R FORM ER CHAPLAIN The oi-monthl y ineetin~ of the Warren Coun ty Methodist Men's Brotherhood wiIJ be held in the Gran~e Hall at Spring-boro ,at Z Jr. m. next Monday, Feb. 9. The guest speaker will be the Rev. James A. Thompson of , Centervi1l~, Ohio, w,h a served as a major in the -Chaplain Corps in. the South Pacific du...• ing the recent war. His subjeCt will be "Amp nx the Headhunters, of the Pacific." ' This will b ladies' nj~ht. The ' pro~ram wilt also featur e speciaJ musIc and songs, and dinner will be served by the Wom an's Society of Christian Se,rvice of the M. E. Church. CINCINNATI RECf OR' WILL BE SPEAKER AT ST. MARY'S nUB The speak er at St. Mary's Club next Sunday eveninR;, February 8,_will be 1he .Rev. Nelson M•. Burroughs, rector of Christ EpIscopal Church, Cincinnati. Dr. Burrough$ will speak on ' "The Significance of lent and Easter." ,St. Mary's Club meets at the Episcopal Rectory on the second Sunday of each month at 7 :30 p. m. , '"'.


ON TOW N WAT ER BOARD , Fred Graum;tn was ' appointed to the Waynesville W~ter Board at the Janua ry meeting Il.lst week to replace A. O . .Grifflth, an elected member who had reslg-ned. "

Open Dally! Until further notice the office of The Miam i' Gazette on _Main Street will be open ever:y .week-day from 9 A. _ M~ until l> P. M. ex cept on Wednt:sday afternoons '. Call in 'person or tde~ , phone 2 14 ~ at artV time durin g tho _e hour .'

2,.'1 Ridge

The Miami Gazette ·.8TABLI8B.D 1 •••· Publi.hed Ev y . At Way,...viIJe, Ohio CARL G. SMITH, Editor Entered •••econd .cl ••• maltier at the Post Office SfJB'SCRIPTION RATE: . ,1.50 a Year in Advance .


January 30, 1948.



A whole week of real winter

BUS SCHEDULE South Bound: Leaving Xenia, 6 :45 a. m. · 1' 1 :05 a. m. 2 :50 p. r,n. 7:25 p. ' Ill. Sunday and Holiday 9 :15 p. m. SprinK Vall~y, 7 :03. a. m. 11 :23 a. m. 3 :08 p. m. 7 :43 p. m. Sunday and Holiday 9:33 p.



PAGE 2 4354 5, 1t48



Mt. Holly, 7:12 a. m.. 11 :31 a. m. 3:17 p. m. 7:52 p. . m. Sunday and Holiday .9 :42 p. m . . ..

weather. THis snow be~an last friday evening and by mornin g Waynesville, 7 :20 a, m. every thin?: was. covrered with fresh white coat. Zero weather 11 :40 a. m. 3 :25 p. m. 8 :00 is hard on the coal pile and on p. m. Sunday and Holiday 9 :50 the hay ·mow. Feed melts away p. m. W. P. Salisbury (ttt) 129 North Bound : Leavin .~ Leband the cows stand around looking for more. The turkeys have anon, 5:15 a. m. 10:10 a. m. discovered that the I ittle' red 2 :3 0 p. m. 6 :20 p. m. Sunday rosehips on t~e bushes alon?: my and Holiday 8:10 p. m. lane are very good. They stand Waynesville, 5 :35 a. m. out there by the hour and i ump 10 :30 a. m. 2 :50 ·P. m. 6 :40 p. up to · pick them. The son?: m. Sunday and Holiday 8 :30 p. . . sparrows will not ~~et them all m. ' this year. The usuall woodpeckMt.·Holly, '5 :43 a. m. 10:3'8 Call ers, titmice and"'<:hicadees spend a. m. 2 :58 p. m. 6 :4 8 p. m. their time worklng on the suet Sunday and Holiday 8:38 p. m. C~ E. MICHENER and as usual the chicken house Spring Valley, 5 :52' a. m. Phone 2926 is full of En?:1ish sparrows. 10 :47 a. I11j. 3 :07 p. m. 6:57 p. There is also a .flock of juncos m. Sunday and Holiday 8:47 p. . busy gathering weed! seed. Snow m. is hard on all of them but January is gone, February is a short where the di~gin~ was easy and· month, and no one ever knows ' raised surprising amounts of what March will b(~but spring potatoes -and corn. . He ~rieved bitterly when will soon be here, at least the iced catalogues are here to re~ his white pony had to be put out of its misery and when his mind us of it. . tittle white dog Fido (one of The seed catatogues are here the ~ meanest little dogs I ever and now is the time to sit down knew) died. He couldn't do all by the fire and dream . of next that was needed to make his year's garden. Only one eartv mother comfortable .but he lamb this year and two new cat· gave her ·a . worll1 of affection ves aDd I am glad because this loving service. kind of weather is hard on them andHarry was' devoted to the ' and hatder yel on those who people -wh@ ·wer.e kind to him take care of them. This kind of and his feelings were deeply weather is hard on all of us bl hurt by the unthinkingI .like it better than mud. t i;;'c who used to yell at him ones and to look out 'across the snow, es- think it was funny 10 hear him pecially in the mornin gs when all stammer and try to get his the trees are sparkling with words out through hiS bad MASS HOUR CHANGED I have 'be~n tempted to . impediment of speech. Usually Beginning next Sunday, Feb- frost.. borrow sled and .go coasting. wh~n the words did come they rua.ry 8, '. only one mass will be Want toacome and try it? the on ·the head for celebrated each Sunday mornin~ The little cats do not like it. .hit ,Harry was ' f~r sma~!er than . Emulate th e owl ... live up to at St. _ Augustine's Catholic Church by' Father Krumholtz, They come 'down and watch the pe'ople gave him credlt 'for. So this reputation by sending your . it was announced this week by door, and if it i~ opened a crack. at last he was laid to rest by cleaning to us. in they come . .The tortoise-shell the little group that' he cared for the secretary of the parish. You'll find n wise in more ways . . The Sunday mass will be ' at cat can d~sh across the porch most,. 'his sisters, his niece, his than one! You'll have more time _ . 'and slip in tbe door while you uncle fllld aunt from Fran klin 9 o'clock until further notice, to do pl~asant things, you'll'save are gettin~ in with a' packa~e or and his cousin from Lebanon. instead of the previous . two money, you'll prevent disaplettin~ Smokey in. She is such a If we believe in th e kind of masses at 8 and 10 o'clock. ppintments on poor results. rest,1ess do~. and keeps me busy "Happy Huntin~ Ground'" that . lettm~ her In or 01Ut. The little the In.qians believed in, we Holstein cats are not as quick could ' picture Harry wanderin~ but try just ,as ofte:n. ' through. the w~)Ods, playin.g' his Monday afternoon, January harm~}olca, willi · Buddy and 26, the body of Marrv Mar- Fido and old Rin,g- .and all the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams quardt was laid to rest beside hi cats, makin .~ friend with the (nee Helen Early) of Lebanon mother and father in MiamI children and animals of that are announcing the birth of a ' cemetery at WaynesviUe. He happy land. son, Neal, Monday morning, died at the State Hospital at' , Feb. 2, at Grand View Hospital, Camb.rid?:e, Ohto. Som'e time ' Get Your TRUCK and Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Everett after' Harry had nloved to the BUS r ,, ·' of Lvtle are the maternal County Home a visitor was ask, INESS . ..t-parents. Mrs. Early visited in~ him questions . Did he reS • G N S th _!11 at lB.:! hospital, Tuesday memQer this or did pe retnem. o f and re j.; () :-t~ : , th mother and son ber that? Finally wnarry said, STANFORD BOGEN OPTOMETRIST doi,n~ nicely. If" ~'Harry isn't here any mrou........-I M ar" Harry has gone away.'. ' How ._::-~_..;.;,o..rr __ ow ...... ! ..;;,;,;,;,110;,-._ _..: Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Hart- true that was. After his mother OFFICE HOURS: so~k are very happy to andied ·and he had.tQ give up his 1- ' .t nounce the birth of a six pound home and his beloved pat, Bud. ' ' ,. Tuea. 7 P. M. to 9 'P. M. son at Miami Valley Hospital on. dy, Harry was no' longer there. January 27, 1948. Ja.mes Dean Harry had g<?ne a.way but 'the ' Wed. 8 A. M~ to 12 N~ Representing Hartsock is the infant's 'name body often hves on · and now and he 'has for grandparents Mr. .it too is at rest. As long as Sat. ~ f. M. to 9 P. M. Weatheimer & Com.,any and Mrs. L. C. Hartsock of Harry had his '.'Mom" and his Members New York Stock . Spring Valley and Mr. Charles' pets he was hapllty. He loved Exchan~es and other James. . Located Across from Post the fields and Ute patch of registered Exchanges . . Office; woods he called ·his; He planted Invea .... ent Trust .shares ' Wm. S. Lee (ttt) 129 bits of ~arden here and there Bou~ht - Sold - Ql,loted Wayn~ville, Ohio . Phone Waynesville 2530 . Dayton AD3257




Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. , J. J. flurske, Supt. 1-0 :30 a.m. Worship Service Youth Fello,wship Thursday, 7 :30 pm. MT. HOU.Y METHODIST

- T. M. 8CARFF, Mini.ter


Sunday School 9 :30 a.m , E. A. Earnhart, Supt. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Evening Service 7 :30 ,p.m.


Church School 9 :30 a. m. Nursery School 10:30 a. m. Holy Communion ' 10:30 a. ·m. Rev. C. L. Samuelson in charge -


Sunday School 9·:30 a.m. Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. Preaching. t st ·and 3 rd Sundays each month 10 :30 a.m.


"""'RCH OF CHRI ,-"u


Bible Sc~ool Communion E~ening Service



9 :30 a.m. 10·.30 .a.m. 8 :00' p.m •


Worship Service 9 :45 a. m. 10:45 a. m. Sunday School .... You are l~vited to worship with





Father ~olb, Priett



9 :00 a. m. .





Dr. T. P. Grosvenor




RAL.PH .::. aTINaON, Mlniat.,

Bible $q1oo1 Worship Prayer Meeti0J.

9 :30 , l.m. ' 10:30 a.m. 7 :00 p.m.

YouRr People 5 Meetinf , 7:00 p.m. Evenlnr Services 7 :30 p.m.


FRIENDS first Day School 9 :30 a.m. Me~ting for Worship

to:lo a.m.

Obtained Yesterday

Now·Available at An lHoUrs

~--~~-. ~



STUBBS Funeral Home


, Phone 2291





,, ' Pe

' . . > . ople, Spots In TK

Won Lost Waynesville 29 19 .. . .~...Wiijjiii.~~!fjC~merie-an l egion - - 27 21 . ~--t: Columbia Reco rdinK 27 i1 / .. .,.. ~ ' Henderson Bros. 26 22 ,~~ -= Tomm y's Place 26 22 \~I ~ , Good Hous ekeep ing 25 23 --~...:. Handigas 21 27 Ea,g:le s 11 37

e News

,= ,



E ~ LJ

E LJ ~

.....en by '!Ietty Thory\a B



WAY NESV ILLE -RED LION On,J an. ,29 Waynesville taCkled Red Lion and lost t o th em by a score of 4 6. 33.- Durin g the last quarter Rea Lion walked far out of the home -tearn 's r each. WaynesvilI e does have onl! credit comin ~ to. it though, b ~ cause Red lIon made so map \ fouls. Two men went out Oil ,fours and some oth ers co me dose, ' while W ayne vill e k ~l t ,theirs down to' ~l minim um. ' Sc rin o' : Wayn esvill e Pts. Rickey . 5


Schae neman . Jr., right, Eut ' Lon,{; meado w, Mass., receiv es the A & Food Stores $500 .schola rship from ~amuel C. Engle at 't he Natio nal Junior Venta ble Grow ers Assoc iation 's conve ntion at Jackso n, Miss. The champ ion's OM-a cre garC:len showe d a proflt ~f $.,565: , '




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lJ 4359




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C. Palm er 1-17 131 1 5 '4 t .3 138 141 31 , O. Rose 158 191 1 _5 , 4 74 158 72 72 1 ~2 4 5 t . Mulford 140 164 1 7 411 137, 6430 146 44 V. Hill 17 17 8 151 504 168 7309 15 2 48 E. Ram b 135 173 15-1 4 12 154 72 04 150 48 R. G ons 32 88 14 3 , ~ 3 Averages 753 ~37 67-l 151 149 Mr. and Mr . Gil be"rt ,Frye T he V·... . e. s. officers will and ons attend ed an illustr ated meet at th r. h OI11 " Qf "Mrs. R. B. lectur e at the N. C. R. on Friday Colem an on Tues 1:11', Feb. 10 evenio,g-. Out dOor life was. ilIus- with a cover ed dish luncheon. trated . and the s_uQ.iect was ex'- Mrs. C. A. Cutler, distric t proplaihed by a writer .of th e mag- motio nal secret ary, will be {lreent and e'xplain the socIet y az in e " Outdoor life.-" \ work for th e comin g year.

Miss Lilla Benham :has c1 o~ed • Mr. and Mrs. A. H. s tubbs her' home fo r a f ew days an'---'a y had as a weekend is livin ~ at the home of Mr. .~:uest , Mr . Emma Gearh art of and Mrs. L C. St. John. D ayton.

8 2

, ackd t PI:tllck H.adl ey : 'ing-to n I3 crna rd


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Red Lion


n wct en


Farm er Kruse Miller Hamblin Herol d l eisz

'It) ]


5 2



TOTA L Score I3y Quarters:1 2 3 Wa Vnes\ i1 !e 6 14 28 Red Lion 10' 20 33

4 39 4(-

Mr. and Mrs Guy, Routzahn

' ~nd Mrs. Clyde Whar ton called

at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Routzahn in Frank titt Friday af~erno~A. , Mr. Dona ld Baird, Jr., of the Gebh art Road entertained the Mr. and Mrs. Therl e Jones ' ''You th, 'Fello wship of Lytle and Milto n entertained to dinner Church Sunc\ay eveni" ng. Sunday , Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt. Miss Minnie Allen and Mr. Milto n Jones played two C arry Moran 'ofnea rCen tervil le trump et . solos at the Loret ta : nd MJ:. and Mrs J. B. Jones. Guild in' Dayto n Mond ay eveA' ' ·an d niner. /,',:. ::ml~ M rs. l eOll• SaI'<;:C: I:>IlJury '" Miss ~Ffaftci~Whitacre ac( ' 11 endel of Washington C. companied ' him on the piano ~ H. and Mrs. Nettie Emric k were Mrs. Elswo rth Wink s and l: \ ~ l1 il1gguests. " ' rUI M ,' T. and .Mrs. Ev, erett Savage ' I e '5011,' Dati"d, arc now stayin~ the home of her parents a~ld two cllJldren 'o f the Dayt-on Mr. at and Mrs ' Harry Burne tt ' p!k.~ left. by mpto r Mond ay mor.. . .' . ntng vIa Ne\v Orleans a!,d , 'Mr. Alva Thom pson is criti-' ute, to Ph~eOl.x, , cally ill 'at ' Miam a $outhern i Valle y HosAn20na to VISIt the forme r s SIS- pita,) where he was taken on tfer "'I rs. Mary Thompson and Monda~ morn ing, after taking amI '11 at h' h Mr.Y" and 1M rs. Vernon Purs)e . sudd, en y I, IS orne on M a.In visited the forme r' s father" Street., - . Shubert Pur~ey of Fnnk liri

NO .GUESSWORK • • • 1<


~;~i Va.J1ey hospItal ort SunMr. and Mrs.



While on Vacat ion

. '. .


' ..

i.liIt 26 South Detro it. Str . XENIA, OHIO , •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• ,

A' .







will you bro&d protect ion apinst lossel on yOW' farm: It co"ers your buildings, your chllteJ5 , your automo bile aDd liabUit)' for acciden ts ' to othen. Why , not see w '. today? Yoa Mou you',. safe ",bea you're insured iD , the Ohio larme nf


, larl D. Dakin Insuance AgeDey


PhoDe I~,. 2Q

E. Mulberry, LEBANON,

OHIO " ••IISI...-AIICI .... 0lIl0 fAIMEIIS L. . . . . '





Narth. MaiD .st~ee~ Way_lie

. LlAlIlITY '

"4-W A Y FA'RM IIII Uaa IlCE "

in &he Ohio


Dr. C. E. Wilkin,., 'Opto metri c EJe Spec

~~~~~~~ ,&~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

'A. D. Smith of

1he p~yt0!1 pike entertained at ~ 'famil y dtnner -Sunday eveni ng m. hono r of the birthdays of fi've persons in. the family . " . . Mr. WIlbu r . Arnol d of Wilhamstown, Ky., a~d Mr. Ernest Arnol d of Dayto n were dinner guests of. their cousins, Mr. and M~s. LeslIe Gray and famil y ()J1 FTlday. ' . Mrs. George Custe nborder and Mrs. Ralph Hamm ond were in Dayto n TrlUrsday and also , called ·on Mrs. Glenn 'Rolle r and . daughter in Northrid.lte, Dayto n. Mrs: E. 8. Longacre attended a Warre n Couqty Extension , Comm ittee' meeting Mond ay aftern oon at the home of Mrs Gilbe rt Jameson at Lebanon. ~




to <

.... ;.


FEB. 1






Iu'*rilt e ••., ..

.....a....... ...' -, fer

COMPANY co. ",., ., ~~


You find yourself w of the belt-Inf ormed persons In ,your commun on world QffQi,. WI you ,.... this world-wide dolly newspap er ity ngu~ will 'oin frnh, ' MW viewpoint•• ~ full.,,/ r!Cher understandfno 'ofYau todey'l :Ital NWI-P LUS help' from ItI ."CRlIlV . featum 'on ~ri1emoIil", edUCQ ,tlon, buslneII. theat.r, mUSiC, lodio, sparts. ,-

..II. ,,"Ie' u . . ...





One, Norwoy St,"t, Botton 15. Moss., U. S. A.

!nclOMd ~ $1, fot: wl1leh please ...... me The Chr lstion Science Monitor or one month. Nomt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ ____ . s~

_______________________________ ~

City ___ ___ _ _

Zen t_ Stote_ _ __



Details of Ohio Veterans' 'B01DUS . For ·World War II Are OatIiaed

,, The Warren County Fish and - Game Association, which usualJ meets in Lebanon will.hold a session at the Grange Hall in Waynesvill next 'Thursday at p. m. as part of a pr ogram 10 gain more Interest and memberShip in all pa rts of the county. Eventuall y a meeting is to be field in,each township. The meeting here will feature two reels of movies on wild life, and refreshmen ts.





Mr. and Mrs. 'Davis Furnas opened their, home on Monda v e veni~K to a group of friends. The di verson of the evening The principal provisions of vice-connected and in line of Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Butter- was a brush demonstration and Article VIII, Section- 2b, of the duty, his survivors will be paid worth and son of Lebanon, Mr. Dainty refreshment Constitution of the' state of the n~ximum amount of $4 00, and Mrs. Guy McCoy and son g-ames. we re served by the hostess. Ohio, providing for the pay- regardless of amount veteran of Xenia, Miss Frances She,ridall" The guests were Mr. and Mrs. ment of the Ohio vonus com- would receive if living. of Wilmington and Mr. Gene Ray Harper, Mr. and Mrs. J. pensation to World War II vet.: Brown were Sunday afternoon Strouse, Mr. and Mrs. Every person malking his ap- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Law- JWilliam erans, are listed below: ' ohn J. Burske), Mrs. u~ah Mills, plication as a living veteran rence Brown. Mrs. Clarence ~exton, Mrs-. Don Service ~equirementl must mail with it Ihis "original Gahris, Mrs. Charles Starr, Mr. 1. Active duty in the armed dischar~e c~ dificate ,or certifiMr. and , Mrs. Loyd Da and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart, and forces of the United States for at cate of service, his military re- celebrated 'their birthday annileast 90 days betw~en Dec. 7, cord and report ot ser-aration versaries d~Hng the past week Mrs. Edwin Payne. ' 1941, and Sept. 2, 1945. or any otller offici a paper and were honored at a lovely Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Borden 2. Discharge or separation showing the complete record- of dinner at the home of their son Mrs. Minnie Munger had and from service under "Honorable separation, notice of separation and daughters-in-law, Mr., and as guestsduring the past week, Cond~tions'.'.. or enlisted record and report of Mrs. Cecil M;' Davis, In Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reeder of Retideac:e ' Requiremeab applicant's active sf~rvice in the on Sunday. The ~ue$ts were Mr. L Veteran must have been a armed forces of the United and Mrs. Loyd Davis, Mr. land' ' Tuscola, Illinois. Mrs. Reeder is resident of Ohio on the first day States in World W::u Ill, it was ' Mrs. Clarence J. Davis, Mrs. known among her friends a'S ' ,of active duty fn the period be- ' stressed by Dr. H. jM. williams Josiah Davis, Miss Mar y the former Miss Grace Munger Mrs. O. B. Marlatt has been tween Dec., 7, 1941, and Sept. Warren County service officer: Scheetz,' Mr. Bill DaVIS and Mr. quite ill at her home and is con2, 1945, and ' These must be the original Frank Holmes. fined to her bed most of. the 2. Must have been such a papers. Photostatic copies will time. resident during one year im- not be satisfactory. Mrs. Susan Evans fell at her mediately preceding such first S ch '11 b t ' d Mis Gladys Rye of Univer.sity rooms during, the past ' week, of Cincinnati ana Miss Manly!, day. ' to uho:af~!f 'the ~e~s~r:;P~o fract~rin~ her hip. She has 'been Burske Bowling Green Unl· Amount of CompensatioD whom they pertain has filed an removed to the home of her versity of have been enjoying a Payable agPlication for. compensati'on. dau~hter, Mrs. Sam Meredith in few days ,mid-term: vacatiop . 1. '* 10 for each month of P otographic copic~s will be Xenia. here with their parents. II' made, and then the papers will Domestic Service between Dec. be returned to the apphcant. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Bor7, 1941, and Sept. 2; 1945. were weekend guests of the latden entertained on Saturda) Veterans whose original dis2. '15 for each month of Foreign Service in that period . .. charge papers have been lost or,' ter's daughter and family, Mr. evening the Cheerful Ctrcle period. destroyed may obtain official and Mrs. Ed Decker in Cente'r- members. A delicious 'dinner was enjoy3. For days l~ss than a month, copies by writmg to the follow- vitle. On Saturday evenmg they attended a musical at the Fair- ed followed by' an evening 'of one-thirtietll 01 the monthly ing address:' ' rate. ' , mon,t School where tneir ,g-rand- cards, . , ARM Y; Th~ AdJutant Gendaughter is a student. , Guests of the evenin',t we~e 4. Total payment for anyone eral, U. S: Army P(~rsonnel InMr and Mrs. J. B. Rich. Mr. veteran may not exceed ,400. formation Branch, VVashing'fon, and Mrs. Marry Smith. Mr. and 5. Deductions fro'm ,above aMiss Phyllis Bailey is recovMrs. Ernest Butterwort~J Mrs. mounts are made for time spept 25, D. ,C. ering nicely from an appendix Frances Gray and sons, Mr; and operation which site under wen t in penal confinement as a result MARINES; The Commandof a sentence by courts' mar- ant of the Marine Corps, Head- at Grandview Hospital on Fri- Mrs. S. S. E"tlis, and Mr. Glenn tial. . Smith. quarters, U. S. Marine Corps, day morning. ,Survivors of Deceased Veteran Washin~ton 25, D. C. NAVY ; Bureau of Naval' Per1. Surviving wife or husband, . sonnel, Naval Department, child or 'children" parent or par- Washington 25 ; D. C. ents; of veteran Who ,has died, . . " will be paid same a,mount vetCOAST GUA'R D; The Comeran would receive' if·living, ex- mandant ,of , the U. S. Coast ce'pting that, Guard, 1300 E Street N. W., 2. If veteran's death was ser- Washington 25, O. C. ' BOB O'REGAN, 'Owner













STORE- ""'--'-"---

- -._ltO,N E 2121-




Boy Scout VVeek

WED. 11

Special' ! Read Carefully! One of the World"s Best Pictures

1910·1948 . ~:


f J. ~ .



Produced by Selznick o rga ~ ization giving 135 Minutes of entertainment. A Western Dr a m~ in beautiful technicolor.








HEALT"~("'''''' U STOKE'S DAIRY , "MEADOW GOLD Producta" Phone 21 LEBANON, OH 10 FRA.NK 81BeY, R'e preaentative

FAR• •At.I"EA~» '




MATINEE: 2' P. M. (90c) , REGULAR SHOWS: 7 & 9 P. M. ($1.25)








Jennifer Jones, Gregory ~eck, Joseph Cotten, Lionel Barryinore. 'Also: Colo'r Cartoon (Fatal Kiss) , BOTH DAYS





'Saluting Fl1ture






Wayoesville National Bank



These admission prices were establisped by the S"elzniCk organization and Not by the Twin Management. , Tnerefore we , have scheduled matinees for both days in an effo'rt to gi"eyo~ .this fipe ~how for the c.heap .. ,est pOSSIble prtce. Your patronage or ' lack of patronage will bette r ~uide' us in the Flitllr~ - - -, YOU c1ecide whether or not WE ~ecure additional advanced prices shows. Bob ('\'Regan~ Owner FRI. 13 2 SHOWS SAT. 14 Exciting, tough-riding western _ , S~arring ChaF~ Starrett in a double

FRI. 8 & SAT. 7 uLUi of the Reclme.a" AIao Short &eam.t.r ,

(JOB Hall)

eUN. 8 A ,MON. 9 ..~ to Earth" A W..... Brae. N... , (Rita Ha,wortIa) , "Look for Scoat Ctaft Est.ibit iD LaW.,"






portant problem of European. aid, · and many thou- NEW VARIETY OF WHEAT TURN YOUR SUBPLt18 ITEIIS sands of pa~8 of testimony by several hundreds of PROMISED FOR FALL . witne'sses will be taken. Numerous letteTs are being Plant breeders have one pro- INTO qtJlCl[, READY CASR , received daily on Capitol Hill ftom constituents, tellmisin~ new variety ()I wheat ing their Congoossmen just how they should vote • READ THE, CL&SSIFU£D ADS • on the Marshall Plan ,- even though it does appear which will, be .xeacl'{-1o '!!'e"'nerai no COngressman should reach a decision on the distribution in the "fait . .of 1948 matt-er until he has first had the opportunity of al1d are about ready to release hearing or reading all of the testimony given be- another. Only about 5,000 busfore Congressional committees, and has listened to hels of Hawkeye soybean seed is available for 1948 planting debate on the Floor of the House and Senate. in Ohio and that witl be distriThe old, old legislative battle over the Federal buted to certified seed ~rowers tax on, oleomargarine is again developing here in for increase. Congress. Hearings on the measure will soon get 7;1 : ./ The new Ohio wheat, ~al1ed II :' ' under way , before the House Committee on Agricul- Butler, is said to be especially J / ' l · . '1 .ltl / .,.1 ture. The farmers of the country are generally op- adapted . for planting ·in the ./ i;~, ; ,.. posed to repealing 't he oleomargarine · tax, while . southwestern part of the state. / ,I! labor groups ·a nd 'c ity consumers are in favor of It is a bearded, w'hite chaffed r./'/ eliminating it. . wheat that has produced a little 1/


With a Buckey. In. Congre . . ... ., eLl "aeca

• • •

J. . . ,. . c-....... ow. Dbt.W



• • •

• • •

• • •

While the Department' of Agriculture continues to predict a growing meat shortage in the next few months, there is no great enthusiasm witbin the Congrel8s for the reimposition of ~t rationing. Senator Flanders ' of Vermont and Representative Javits of New York, have introduced bills to establish a "s't and by" meat rationbig system for use in case of need, but thus. far the legislation has not received committee consideration. One effect of the talk of possible meat rationing ,is" according 1.0 {reports, the loading of frozen food lockers with meat, thus creating a greater shortage. Representative Andresen of Minnesota, ranking Republican: member of . the . ~se j20mmittee on Agriculture, insists that ~nly the s~tements being made by high . officials here in Washington may bring on a serious meat shortage.

• • •

In spite of the demands being made by J»resident Truman and Secretary of State Marshall ...:.. and the Administration's propaganda campaign - for the enactm~nt of the M~rshall Plan, legislation without any change whatsoever, jt, now seems certain the Congress wi11 set up its own European , relief progr'!.m, and will decide for itself what ft,lnds should be appropriated the.refor. House and Senate committees are holding daily hearings on the im-

Henry Wallaee, who as an ardent New Dealer shoc1red the nation with his spending of public funds in the ,early days of the New Deal, now says he ~a8 a "piker," and that Mr. Truman's forty billion dollar peace-time budget for the coming fiscal year .makes the Roo&evelt New Deal spending look very small. Several original New Deal economists have been exp~sing the opinion that at least five billion dollars should be cut from the Presidential's budget requ~st. . Congressman Taber, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, says the same thing but ex, presses· the hope that even greater reductions - as much as sefen billion dollars - may be made in the budget.

• • *

The fuel oil shortage has beCOrM even more criti. cal as a result of the recent cold weather. Experts insist the shortage in both fuel oil and gasoline will cogtinoo for several years unless new ~md unexpe~t­ ed sources of supplr are quickly found. Tbey clatm that the only way to solve the problem is to get a steady supply of oil, in huge qUantities, ! from the N ear East or to develop methods to manufacture ·oil and gasoline fr~m ' coal, shale~ and natural gas here . il1 this country. Department of Interior officials are suggesting that nine billion dollars be s~ent in the next five to ten years for the construction of plants to make synthetic oil and ,gasoline.

better yields than Thorne. Butler wheat is susceptible to ru ts but is resistant to mosaic. About 40,000 bushels of Butler wheat will be harvested in 1948.



--=-- -

FOX HOLLY A · hi~hly celebrated "road show" will be shown at the Twin Theatre, Feb. 11 and 1~, both matinee and evening. If IS David O. Selznick's "Duel ' in t.he Sun," much publicized as one of the world's best pictures. , This is pretty stron,g ballyh.oo, and caused me to ask Bob 0'Re~an" Twin , ~wner for an offth~-recC?rd ~pmlon. , . He said: "I honestly' believe, fwm, the previews I ve seen, that "Duel in the Sun" is high class ,entertainment of the first order. It has th,e , four Hmusts" of a great piCture. Capable cast, headlining Jenni., fer 'Jones, Gregory Peck, Joseph Cotton" Uo~el Barrymor~; good production, mean·'


. ..






Lebanon National H. STURM, EIJ,IS




BIG M·,-

qrowin., favorite


IIG M for mutmum yield , fertilizera for your need., on all field cropel BIG M every fertilizer bearina the for hi&heat market quality! BIG M brand perfonna up ADd i~. been that wa, for to that reputation because it twenty yean. , ia alway. made up to highest , While our immediate con- , .tandarde. . never down ' to cern i. that of aupplyiol a price. more high-potaah.-:content ___= ~.-", now Ire". pour deale, Iw •.,.".,.

.- he Miami Fertilizer Compan~ O"ICI IN DAY JON, OHIO .ACJGaY IN JIIIIIIN, OHIO Tit. MilimI p.,tm.., Com".,." II . ,

ind.'»ndent MiamJ V.l1er. concem under direct ooer.tion 01


mechanical, soundness and Vidor. Featured tomor:ro ~~~~~"':' -:-~ beatltiful color photpgr~phy; in- ' urday of the . telligent directi'dn; "a s'tory full adap·tedis . "Last from ,Ja"1es Fenllnore of suspense and ·action. Whether ' Co"o~ er s ~lasslc , : T.he Last. of the public will think , it worth the Mohicans." Laid In the midst tpe pliice of ,admission, I don't of the French and Indian wars, know.'" Price's for !CDuel in the this film in Vitacolor features Sun" aFe $1.25 at 7 and 9 p. , Jon Hall; Evelyn Ankers and " m. t and 90 cents for the mat- Michael O-Shea as the famous inees at 2 p.' m. Same for adults Hawkeye. and children. These prices are scout, "Down to EarttI" studs the set by the SelZnick or~anizationt Twin screen Sunday and Monand NOT by the Twin manageday. Rita l:Iayworth, ,and Lar~ ment. Parks, ' of Jot~on .Story O'Regan also said '''Bringing are the principals .m thIS, fame" , Duel in the Sun here is an ex- of Terpischore, (Rita), story , perimeptr ·, I .. want"" ,to find out comes down to ~arth on who borby their · patronage or lack of rowed time from he'a yen to set patronage, wllether or not the Broadway right regardin~ mus~ THe .0110&,. co people of this community want, icals. occasi0nall>.:, a bang-up produc-'. week a nice crowd turn· tion, even If it costs more. Their ed Last out for Waynesville's first response will be, my yardstick Sunday matinee. Good omen. for the future. Tonight is your last ,chance to ~'Duel in ,the Sun" runs 135 unravel the Blondell-Brent mys. minutes. It has a east of 2,500 tery "The Corpse Came C. O . people, manipulated by King D."


, When ·there can III no question •••, ask for Borden'sl


Baby's milk must ~'woys be good. • • ' pure ·and wholesome and, perf.ectly pasteurized. That's why so many mothers depend on Borden's Quality ~ontrolled milk. Why don't you try ,Borden's .•• delivered ·t~ your,door, or at your

"liortiells .


To Buy, sell, ,Trade ReDt,· Borrow, USE


Mrs. L. C. Hartsock of SpringVaHey is spending several days with her son and daughter--inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Hartsock and in fan t son.





The Truman Administration making every. effort to get out of the commitments it has made in On Monday of this week the House passed and connection , ~ith the establishment of a new Jewish sent to the Senate the Knutson Bill, which willlo~r State in Palestine under a United Nations mandate. 1~8 individual income taxes by some five and one-The reasons being the necessity for ' friendly rela, half to six billion dollars .. As the measure passed the tions with the Arab world in ~rder to get badly House, individual exemptions would be increased needed oU from the Middle East for Ameriean Ule, from five hundred to six Rundred dollars, an addi- and the more remote danger too sending of Ameritional six hundNd dOllar exemption would be gruted can troops into Palestine might involve the United each person over sixty-five years of age and each ' States in war. Russian agentS are said to ~ very blind person regardlen ot age. Tax rates on net active in creating Near East disturbances, especially incomes of les8 than one thousand dollars would be in Palestine. reduced by thirty per cent, on larpr Ineom. a twenty per cent reduc;tion would be giftn on 'the Less ·"'an a year ago the Administration demand5rst four thousand dollars of income and ten per and btained legislatioa appropriating severaled :ent on those above that figure. Married couplelS in hundre" of mi11ion~ 'of dollars for aid in Greece, ' dl states would be permitted to divide family inand to prevent the spread of Communism in that ~me for tax purposes. It is p08sible the Senate will country. Now the money is practically all gone. make a number of ' changes in the measure . . The 'nlere has been no economic r~overy in Greece and bill also faces a probable Presidential vetO. Twice guerrilla warfare in the northern. part of that counduring the first session of the ~h Congress tax try continues. So Congres. will soon be asked to apreduction bills were passed, only to be vetoed by propriate several hundreds of millions of, dollars President Truman, and It was Impoulble to mafor Greek aid, despite the fact that the promore ter the necessary two-thirds vote to· enact either gram ·has been a failure up to date. bill over 'the veto. ....... ' .f



favorite store.




man, Joan Jarvis, 18, Frank lin, raetoJ' ¥ worke r. , . Charle s Stone, 38, Frank lin, truek driver , Marjo rie Hawkin\ll, 29, Frank lin.


MARR IAGB LICEN SES Adam Benjam in Me-Keehan, 19, Foster , factor y worke r, Genev a Lucille Carter , 17, Mason , factor y worke r. Georg e , Thom as Louis, 23, Dayton, mecha nic, Donna Marie Fishel', 18, Mason , clerk. Joseph Merle Schell, 28, Dayto n, toolma ker, E~al Elsie Matth ews 25,: Leban on, junior clerk. t Nyle Zink, 20, Miamis-burg, fire-


Hf!.rry Booth vs. Rose Denni s Booth , Irvin Carl Delsca mp, attol'ney for defend ant, permi tted to withd raw as coum:el. ' Franc is Eustis vs. Corwi n Fred, defend ant gran~d leave to plead by Febru ary 23. Marth a Dill vs. W. Hal'old Dill , defend ant to pay pl~int iff sum of

ANNU AL REPO RT OF CLER K OF The VILLA GE OF .WAY NESV ILLE, WARR EN COUN TY, ~)HIO For The Flle-al Year Ending Decem ber 31, 1947 . Popula tion, 1940 ,e n,s u s ~6 Wayne sville, hio Ja.nua ry, 24, 194 8 1 h t' r e'by ce rtlr~ th e foll oy ing to b f! C Ol'!' t . Chal'le s .Tam S , Vil1ag '1 ric SUMM ARY ·'O F FUND BALA NCES , RECE IPTS AND aalano e ReceiPts JAN. Genel'a) F 'und. "., . . . .. , . , ..... , $ ~8 69 . 05 1 8278.]'8 Au1 00 Lt . enst' Street Repair Fund 2483.00 196'6.48 CkIsoll ne T a x IS,treet Repai r Fun(t · 2278.74 ]842 .002


EXPEN~IT'URES Expen . dituree 7712.21 2999,26 23"2." .,. v 8

Balane e Dec. 31 4435.02 1450.22 17,68.18

'roULls Genel' al Villug e J"ul1d s . . 8(l30.79 120'8<6 .68 13064.05 7653.42 Water Works Ji'utld ...... ,. " ., 567 .59 .4 687,72 4305.76 9'39.55 Bond Retire me nt Fu'nd ..• . , . . , 1572.83 1546.43 164G.50 1472.23 Jt'irem en's Indem nity Fund .. . , 1146.23 ,2.00 1144 .23 (''rt-and To~18 of AI] ~unds (CO) rk) 1-11-9....:~~7-.4-4--]-8-32-0-.8-:l--1-9-0.,.. 1 8-.~-1--1-1-2-09.96 Out.&tanding Warl"a nts (Add.) .. . , . .. . ... ... . , .... 696 , .19 '.rreas urer's CaSh Balanc e .'. , . .. . . . . ,. ....... 11906.1 5 Toull Cash BalarllC e. Dec. 31. U47 , . . ..... . .. ,.. 11209.9 6 '" SUMM ARY OF RECE IPTS Frop rty Taxes -Gell eral F ound ... . . . , ...... " ... ,. Bond R tlre-me nl and Sinkin g F unds ' ...... , .. . ', . .

$7.60 per week also $60 to be ap·plied on her expen ses. Rober t Lee Burns ide vs. Marth a Ellen Burns ide, minor , divorc e to pl~intif~ ~o8tS .paid. Elmel' Benne tt vs. LucHI~ Bennet, divor~e to plaint iff. Charle s Stone vs. . Elizab eth Stone, divoroe to plaint iff. Juani ta Thomp son vs. Murell Thomp son, hearin g set for Febru ary 10. Garlan d Hines vs. Marga ret Hines, forme r order modified. 'Colum bia Fire ][nsurance Co. vs. Chris Pape, Jl·., plaint iff ' enti~!~ d to recove r damag es, assign ed for hearin g. Rober:t Faust vs. Lola Faust, divorce denied . Walte r Pfieff'E!r. vs. ' Georgi~ Pfeiff er, child to mothe r, plaint iff to pay $5 per ' week.

Earl and Alma Warfo rd to Margaret Kelso, 2 lots in Muon . Rober t Johnso n to Ray Parke r, .lot in Leban on. Grace , Mary,. and Edwar d Weer to John Bnd Bessie Sehwa rtz, 2 acres in Frank lin twp. I J essie and Ina Heizer to Sherman a~d Viola Cole, i81 sq. roda. in Clearc reek twp. D. R. and Lucille Salisb ury to John and Franc es Merce r, 2 lots in Wayne sville . . Mildre d June Smith to Arthu r Smith , lot in Frank lin. Adria Bradd ock to Lawre nce . Furna s, t acre in Wayne sville. L. M. and Blanch e Mo'ler to Al ma Wario rd, 2 lots in Leban on: , R. Mario~ ' and Charlo tte Snyde)' to L, M. arid Blanch e M,oler, lot jn Leban on. . Al and Anna Count ryman to


Lucal Li

. : .... , '...... .. , ', . . .. ,." . . .. .

n ses Il.nd Permit . . . .. ; .. , ., . .....

v ' •• . , . , • • .. '

Mr. and Mr . . Earl Earnh art an i childr en. El\.voo~t Barbara Ann and Glenn , and Mf. tama r Earnhart were Sunday dinne r ,g-uests of their parent s, M 1'. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart. Mr. and Mr '. F. E. Th omas

had as Sunday dinllt:r , g;uests,

Mr. ' and Mrs. ' J. ,M. Earnh art

and children of Hea verto wn. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Th mas were Thursday evei1ing supner ,g-ue ·ts of Mr. . and Mrs. TholH<t .


David Glenn Patric k, minor vs. Phylli s Irene Patric k, minor" divorc~, extrem e cruelt y, J. T. Riley . John Picker ing ·vs. Doroth y Mae Picker ing, divorCE!, 1'I'08S neglec t of duty, C. Donal d Dilitu sh. 'PROB ATE




The purpose of the McClure


Funeral home is to put funer al costs at a fi~ure that d es not extra d the last dollar lfom the family that pays the bill. You are welcome to examine our nlaterials and ec ,wha t 'our money buys.

M'c eL li RE


'.rot.;.tl I nh er ita n ',e Tax .... ..... , .. " . !:;a I s Tax .. , .. ..... , ....... . ..... .. ..

Byron and Doris Lee Count ryman , 2 lots in Frank lin. Davis Baker to Dani.el Ba ker, 2 lots in Lovel and Park.


3984005 ]646.43

'l'ot a l Prope l t31 1'l:lX :-; •• , •• , •.•••• , .... , •• , • •• , • ••• . . Cigare tte Tax ....... .. , .. . . . . . ... _.. .. ... .. .... ... .. . . I • • • ~ te Motor Vehic le T ax.. . Gasol1n e 'rall' .. ... , . .... . , ... .. .' .......... " .........' .....' ...' .... .- .... .. : J nh I·itu n e T a x __ e n f' I'H I I" unll .. ... .. .. ... , ... .,.. 666.3 7


5530.4. 58.50 1953 ,98 18012 ,0 2




WAY N E S V tl L E. 0 H 10

566. 37 3250.0 0

37.80 37,80 172.20 %11.76


2M.00 , '>.(10,00

',rota 1 Reven u e. ....... . , .. , .. . ... : ... , ...... .... . ...... ... .

SU,MM ARY OF EX'PE NDIT'U RES Gener al Gov crnU1enl~Legislatlv~ (Councl1) ... . : : .... (}~erul


T ~tal

EXe(lutlve : .. ....... . ...... ...... ...... .. • . .

,18320. 83


278.00 11~O.S ,

~----------~ Gener-a.) pover nment • . ....... , ... . •.. . .• , ..... ---l 1"'58.3'. ' P~r8oJt · and ,P ropert y-Pol ice .. .. , . .... gait. 50 ... ' . . '.. . ..' ....... , .... , .... .' . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. . 45'.i)'5 66.80

'Prot-ectlon to Fire

'r~t.a.l 'Pl'olcc tlon to Person and Propel 'lty :. , .....• ... Healt h-Tot al ..... . . . . : ...... ...... ... .... : ....... . , Sa-n1 tatlo.n -Oene ra) VlIJag e lImnds , ...... .. ... . .... .

1'359.16 1.01.14 161'2,06

Sanita tion ... , ...... .. , ...•.. ....•. ...... . .... ener~l Villag e Funds .... , ... , ... ..... ,' ,

1612.06 5457.11

"":""""--"- '---:-' ---'::rTO; 'h";;;-;;;;;;;::

Total Higllwa.Y8 .•.... .... . , .... ,. , .. , .... , . . . : .... , .• 5"61,:61 l")ll"UC Servic e Enterp rlses- Walel ' . WOI'ks ' ..•.•. .... .6305.76

T~tal 'P ubllc


,Sel'Vlc e Enterp rises' . . ... . ...... ...... . .

. MI8cellaneous, Gener al Villag e /Funds .... , .. ..... . . t".. r ;. It'ireman'A ,]1idemnlty lFund Servic e Chal'g e ... ' .' . . . lnilere at--Ge neral VIl'lag,e Funds ." .... ...... .. : . . ,. nond R etirem ent and Sinkin g Funds ... ..... " .... ..





4305.76 !!.OO 988 ••'5 544.50 ,



tntel'e at .... . .... , . ...... ...... .. '.... . . , : . '. . . . 544.50 Expen se and Outlay ., • ...... .... ~ ... , .. , ...... )'5827.71Outlay ':""'Tota l of ,Columnl 2 canied to C.olum n 1 . . . . . • 208~.60



and Loans Paid-- Gener a) Villag e ~tind8 ... , .. T~tal Bonds and Loans Paid ... .. ..... ...... : ....... . Servic e . ('~:trge ... . , .. .. .": , ..... , ...... : .... . .... . . . . Honds

Gra nd Tota 1 E"pen dltur


• •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •


1100.00 1100.00 2.00 19018. iH

Dec. 31, 1947


....•• ......• .....

Bonde d Debt .. ...... ,.... 14600.0 0 '


BlIIs) ...... ...... .•.... .


........ 696.19 --.. ,--- --Total Debt.

Tutal ~o~t1ng Debt. I "

',nd Total AS8ets , Grand :11 . 1947 ...... ...... 10066.1 3 Dec. 31. 1t4,'l ...... ...... 15296.1 9

....-..... ' i t. ,



COME s' . WA~YNESYILLE 317l· .'



AccO'Unts Payab le (UnpaJd

Opera ting and Oonst.



81'NKI NG FU'N!D TRUS TEES or VI,LLA GE TR·EIA 8URE R AS8ET S ' LIABIL JITIE8 , ' OUTS TAINID I'NG GENE RAl!. DEBT STA'M :!MEN TS . BOND S . (Payab le by Genera l Taxati on) j . ee Bond Retir-eJ1)ent and ,S inking Funds .. .. $ 1472.76 :sewer (Villag e P()rtion) .. 14600,01) Tobt') (knera l B.n d Utility

j ~;'\,1.





'j'otal Sinkin g Fund A sset6. . 1472,7.6



'/ _H~~: ~OlJj~N()W , BEFORE.TH~T TIME







bckers Rent Frl.. $12.50 to $15.00, Per Year <,

Nellie Bolme r to lot inJS.~~~--~~

llU . .' ..... nln

Green ,




, I



Grade School,NoteL (f3y Mis. Hardin)

The Grade School has added a few new coat hooks. Mr. Fromm and Clyde did this work last week end. The building is ,so crowded that we cannot give children the room they :necd for heavy winter wraps. but we are hoping this irnprov,ement will help. ' Each Tuesday and Thursday the Fifth and SIxth grade boys are given special instruction and training in playing basketball. The boys pl~ on the outside ' court at the GraCie School when the weather is good. and they ~o to the gym wben the weather IS inclement. Two boys, who are members of the varsity basketball teaJ11j, ~re training the {joys. On ' Jan. 1 6, the sixth grade played the' seventh grade and ,Jost by one point. On Jan. 30, the sixth grade played the eighth and lost by two points. Miss McKinsey has been out of school a few days, due to sickness. We are hopmg she will soon be back. , The third grad.e, under . the direction of Miss Hardin and Mrs. Paine, will present the program at the regular. Mother's Club Meeting on Friday. There . are two new boys in the Sixth .g rade, Donald Lamb' and James Benefiel. That make 53 sixth graders, all in on r room.


ODors roo ,TROOP 40 SJ»OII:SOred By Wa~esvj1le Ovic Club

Joseph E. Jones, Scoutm.aster Ronald ,Rush, Asst. Scoutmaster

TROOP COMMITIEE: . Therle Jones, Chairman Ralph Hastings S. L. Robinson Roger Brown A. T. 'Polinsky Charle~ R. Mehaffie ".

TWO REGISTERED BULLS BOUGHT BY SHEEHANS, Elmer Sheehan and son of Waynesville, recently purchased the registered Brown Swiss bull Toby Judge, No. 86070 from Howard L Smith of Waynesville, Route 2, according to a report from Fred S. Idtse, secretary of the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Assoc;iation, Beloit, Wis. Also purctiased- by Sheehans was the registered Brown Swiss bull Pansy's Chief No. ,86071, from Maurice Ohlor of 324 Loraine Avenue, Dayton.'


t::-:: _



of Wllconl1n

loW\ded. 1849.


Ute The Alamanac: To Check The Weather But Use , GAZ'E-I-lrow"IE CLASSlf'W) ADS , To Buy, :;eu, Rebt , .....,Borrowl.. Aay T ..... of The Tear .






pay . trihute to the Boy '-~;:.(

uts .( f , Am rica, celebratinK their 38th 'anniv·e'r. sary, AU Waytl·e ville Boy Scout s wilt be admitted Free Sunday afternoon, Feb. 8 (2 :30 P. M.) Prom Friday Feb. 6 'thru Monday Feu. 9 we will present a · special 2 Reel Picture '''Men of ' Tomorrow" of which the local Scout master Joe James says ICThis Picture Typifies tlfe true 'American Boy S c 0 U t. Don't Miss It!"


...9n mtlmol'i:am


John Qeere Hammer Mills, three Sizes 6, 10, 1·4,. inch. with Of 'without travelin~ feed table. Grind taster ,with Jess power. Sold on trial. Banta Implement Co., LebanOJl, Phone 555.



REAL ESTATE DON'T FORGET TO CALL u f r Insurance. All types, of

Insurance at a savings. Call FI'ancis Ge ne Brown, phone 'v\ ayne ville 2935 or call co llect. Wilmin~ton 2111. Real Eatate For SaleI.P YOU HAVB A PROPIlRTY 0;1\ ..ARM TO SELL, or Write Don Henderson, Tel. Kl!lM4e, en Loraln Ave., Dayton, Oblo. "e



-- Mi y.ed Hay lor Sale. M. E. Brooks, 2 mL out on Bellbrook - Wa 'ynesville Rd. -25

_00 , BALES

In Lovin~ Mernor.y of Horace Compfon wh'o pas d away, Feb: 6 1943: Nothing but 'memone a ~ we journey on, Longing for a smile from a loved one ~one; Gone and forgott en y ome h may be, ' But dear to our mem r he will ever be. ' Sad! missed bv hi wif e Lucy Compton ' ami' da u,e;hters,

NOTE OF APPRECIA110N I WISH TO EXPRESS my appreciation to the many friends who gave assistance , and who have shown interest in my reco~ery follO\~in.~ th e accident in 'Yhlch I was tnl4red. ' , , A. H. tubbs NOTICE

WE WILL DRESS CHICKENS on Mondays only, until further ' notice, because more of our time is now required to care for beef and l)ork. Wa.Yne ville Locker Plant, -25 Inc.

Buyer of dairy products are very reluctant now to make long.term price contracts. All prices are jumpy" and the hutter market va'ries from day to day dependin.e: upon demand from consumers.



When applied at seeding time, FOR , SALE Montgomery 5,000 pounds of limestone Ward electric refrigerator, screenings are required to proniqe cubic feet. Call 2474. ?5 ' duce the same immediate effect on soil as 2,500 pounds of agricultural limestone, as 1,800 pounds of · superfine limestone, qr as 1,350 pounds of hydrated lime. ;

-Is Your Tractor Sluggish? DOES IT LACK POWER?

FEED MIXING Farmers! Want to grind and l1Iix your own feea? You can do it with the new Letz Roughage mill. Your feeding: costs reduced. You utilize yoUr own grains and rough~ ages to make balanced ra- Reme~y it Now by. Having: Costs per hOUir of operating tions. Savings soon pays for 1. Valves reseated. ' power farm m.achinery decrease , mill. See one in operation or , 2. Rings instaI1ea. ' rapidly when the machines are ask for a ,demon'stratio,n. 3. Carburetor cleaned and used many hours per year, A Banta lnplement Co. Lebadjusted. . corn picker which cost" $1.000 anon. Ppone 555 4 .•Magneto tested and serv- puts an overhead .{!xpense of $3 Iced. per hour on the picking job WHERE? At our modern Johl] when operated onlv 50 hours a year' but Tuns at a cost of Deere Service She,.,. -NOTICES,1.50 per hour when used 100 We are equipped to handle My Barber Shop will be Closed hours' a year. a'll tune-up and over'haul jobs ' from Feb. 9 to 'Feb. 27 for on your tractor and relat,ed vacation. , C. Lee Hawke. -25 equipment. Our mechanics are Deere , Brome~rass is the best grass trained to ,..e:ive com'plete anq to sow with, alfaUa for pasture htar complete and RORa'fi in Ohio. It out-yields, blueg'rass John Deere Manure Load- competent service on your trac- hut its growth is helped so much ers. For John Deere A an or. " by being induded in a mixture B Tractors. Les.$_ weigh on ' O~!y~ gen'iu~e John , Deere with a legume thatt it 'should ,not front end of tractor. ~ L~ in~e,----n:;r;'r"'s used~ . be sown alone." Bromegrass power to fork at bucket for They duplicate th~ original. grows well on any Ohio ' soil which will produc:e alfalfa. It is faster opera:tion. Sturdy con- Reasonable Shop Rates-not recommended to be sown struction, overload protee.Work FUlly Guaranteed _ alone for hay, and the cost of tion, 'Low priced. .Banta ImVisit our shop and arrange plement Co. Lebanon. Phone for your tune up or overhaul usin.e: it instead of .tim~thy with red c10yer is too hIgh. 555. , soon. Avoid the Spring rush. We stock a' complete line of CONSERVATION MEETING repairs for all John Deere tools. WARREN COUNTY [ FISH and Check your needs now and g'et GAME 'Conservation Assoc. your rep~irs early. '



Banta -1m'plemeot Co.

The weed killer should be

used on fields whiCh are too

weedy to produce a crop with '. out treatment. . . Mr. and Mr. J. H. Sackett have received word from Mr. and Mrs. Wade Turner and: sons that they arrived, in Phoenix, Arizona in just one week, ,after encounte'ring ice and snow all the way. They visited New Orleans and found freezing temperatures there also~ but sunshine and warm weather awaited them in Arizona.

A wet mash fed once a day will help increase ' winter egl!; production in Ohio. ' Everett Early (ttt) 129


DEAD STOC:K ' cows ..-

$20.00 . HORSlS - $2ttOO HOGS - $6.00 c-wr,-'-

Acc_tlI"_ t • • Ia. a c.n"lt~IUL-'--I





._n. . . . ._·._._,,_II_.. ...... Chart..


Blacktop .Driveways . adO i I, and T. rAp p lie d Relurfacin, and Driveway Recoating


26 Oakwood Avenue



Dilatush ' Building -

Br,o.dway -

Lebanon, Ohio




$23;' ' · HOGS $7.cwt.

Phone 221-L



FOR Any make or model F,'ed Ka'hn' Motor Car., Co. PHO"E all


Atlnitage& Son

'1'D.U'IIONU WAY!U8VII.La _1 MOBBOW Jf.. I LBB,uOJf OIfliDe ftllt



X EN · A .· ertilizer· ReY.rae Chara••


....a_a_a_a_._U_._a_ll_a_al[lllia_·._ .... _n_._._._._._._.








NORRIS BROCK' COMPANY Cincinnati Union 8tock. Yards Live WI~ and progre •• lve. An oraanizatlon Hcond to none. Strictlv .eller. the be.t all' around market . In the country. SERVICE THAT' SATISFIES :\'H10 Dayton 12:30 E. S. T. n 'nl 1300 , ' ' WLW Clnolnnatl . (, Dia 1 700. tor Our' Dally : I; ~ t Repol't. -


F, R E E


Notice . is 'hereby ~'iven that David Ralph Smith whose Post Office address ,is wayneSViue~. OIlio has been duly appointe ai Executor of the Estate 0 George J. Sinith late of Warren County, Ohio, ,deceased. "Dated this '19th day of Jan., uary 1948. ' ,. C1iarles A. Anderson. Atty. . Ralph H. Carey , Judge of the Probate Court Warren County, Ohio. -25


SLOW WIffi 2; 4-D" WAYNES'V'ILLE, OHIO Nc..43M THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1948 FARMERS ARE ADVISED Use of 2, 4· D 'to kill weeds enabled som'e U. S. farme rs to EASTERN STAR hatvest corn crops in 1947 TO MEET which would have been lost Miami Chapte r 107 O. E. S. , therwise; but Prof. C. J. WilL will meet in r.egular s\!ssion 011 ard, agronomy department Ohio. Monday evenmg, Feb. CJ, at 8 State University, advises Ohio o'clock. After the ' re,g-ular bus- , farmers to go slO\y for at least irtess session a valentine box another year in usmg 2 4-0 to ' will be the diversion, of the kill weeds in ,corn. eveninR. Refreshments will be erved. H e emphasizes that no farQler should buy heavy, high ressure pray rigs for ' applyTh e Happy Hour Club will in ,~ 21 4-D to conhol weeds meet wit.h Mrs, Arthur Hartman in cultivated crops, The material at · he r home, on Tuesday Feb. ' . applied at rates of five to 10 10 for the regular monthl y gallons f spra solution', per meeting. acre and at 30 to 35 pounds ------.:.... of pres ure i"s ju t as ffectiy e The Friendship Club ·will for ki1lin,g 'weeds. , meet for the regular meeting Professor Willard. a pioneer at the home of Mrs. ' R. B. Colein research work with 2, 4-0, man on Feb. 11 with 'Mrs. Stella had found that this weed killer Halla:nd, Mrs. Alma peterson does not destroy any of 1he ' and Mrs. Margaret Hopkin a ' .' gra ses which infest Ohio corn; CJ,ssistant hostesses. and his experiments prove that corn may be injured , by 2, 4-0 LODGE NOTICE applied any time before the corn Waynesville ' Lod~e ' No. 16 3 tassels. ' Injury is more likely to F. & A. M., will hold a stated occur when 2, 4-t> is applied on meeting, Tuesday; February 10, pure lines or sin.~le cros es used at 7 p. m. in h hrid seed oroduction. Th is university agronomist is ~rhe cost of inspedin~ farms anxious to have many Ohio which supply m,ilk for C!ty botfarmers try Z, 4-D, as a weed tled trade is paid by milk prokiller on a few rows of corn' ducers""' through an assessment or a sm'all plots tn 1948 corn levied on m;lk hipped from the , fields, to provide information farm. which could be used in makin,g- , general recommendations in


iation Feb. ' 12, at meets 8 p. Thursday, m. in Grange _ Hall. Ajrnerican Le.e:,i0n a»d club metnbers and fflends in· Quality John Deere ~ment vited. Lebanqn, Ohio Plione 5~5 ,



,4 S 4 "






R. M. Johnston Will Fill Pulpit "Four Months 'at Church --OLChrist

The Mia'Bli


By Smitty W h 'e n'"






J ames dropped in at th~ Gaz~tt.e ' NO.~ , office last Thursday event!1g, WAYNESVI~LE, ::OHIO

the week's papers were belOg folded. He picked up the top one , from a pile and started readil,lg th~ Boy Scout Week . material. , . Suddenly be let loose a yelp. "Hey! My name 'isn't Jones." But there it was on Page 7 - the wrong name in a s twice as conspicuous as the two places where his right I}~me was printed in the same ,e~lhon. So the'; new editor's first ~­ pology goes t·o Joe James. HIS name really isn't Jones, folks. But Joe has a sense-of humor. He didnJt "threaten to sue. He just said: "If you dDn't 'stop calling ~le Jones, 1"11 start calling you' Dmwiddie."


THU, R8DAY, FEBRUARy' 12, 194 ,8

1948 OHIO LICENSE TAGS AGAIN TO BE SOLD BY PHOSE MIRANDA Ohio's 1948 automobile license plates will go o~ , sale March 1, with Phobe Mlr,anda again acting as deputy ~eg-Ist}"ar for the sale in WaynesvIlle. :',he wilt sf'l1 tags at the PIHd Rar· agc\ Main arid Miami ~treets. begmning ~t 9 ~. m. d,allv du:ing the registratIOn p~!'Jod, enj. iJ I {I' March 31. 'The new plates, will have hlack fi,g-ures qn ~ lem()n-vell~' ,' background. They must he dlspltlyed both front and rear by 'AprU 1. All p'asssenger car regIstrations will ,cosf $10, regardless of horsepow~r. . Other deputy reg.strars m ihis area are: Harveysburg, ,G. M. MacDonald. . Spring Valley, Mrs. ELizabeth L<l,nthron. ' " For truck and b~ailer licenses, all ,Warren ' Gountians must go to Mrs'. Carrie Hill at Broadway and South street in Lebanon.

e• to Sleng , Local ' C ' h Ol " For Counly Teachers



DIES JAMES STOOPS Mrs. ,Loyd Davis and Mr.




The new mmister at t~e W'aynesville Church of Ch nSl is Roy Marshall John?ton, native of Ontario, Canada. He has accepted a temporarX c~ll to fill the local pulptt untH ' t,~ , ' end of the school '.: ear lt tl Cincinnati seminar in .1 9 J5, and , holds th e Ma ter of Ar~~ degree' the re. He i a 'm e l~l b J of the Board of Trustees fo!" ~h l' seminary, and ,is now ,do lnR g-raduate work. , Mr. , Johnston served in t~ (' , Canadian l army in World V'; 3r . J and ' later held several mi~js­ tries in the United States~ ~o­ eluding Churches of Christ 1n Ohio, Indiana, and K~nt.uck : Before coming to Cmcmn , I this year he held a cha.rge f O f several years in Digby, _,Nov a Scotia, his wife's birthplace. Mrs. Johnston holds !l, Bac , elor of Arts degree from H: ~ same seminary.

Frank Holmes attended funeral services in , Van . Wert on Sunday afternoon for Mr. Ja~es ri~~PS' th~ latter's brother-tnMr. and Mrs. Stoop w~re , . ' former residents of WaynesvJlle The Waynesv,iUe Hl~h S~hool :and Mr. Stoops served as postChoir will present a 60- m~nute master here for several years proJ,tram for Warren qounty ." and wa:s conne~ted with the capTeachers Masters Cl~b' thIS eve- ning company, ning a~ the local hIgh school. , _ __ The program will vary from the JOHN BEACH , classics' to popular and fro,m John Beach, ,g 'l ,years old, sacred to secular as well as mdied last Friday in the county strumenJiaI selections. . Miss Norma Longacre ,wlll be: home at Lebanon., No known near relatives survived him. His the accompanist. _. The ptogra,in follows:' , ,vife died several years ago. , Funeral services were held Cherubim SonR;' (No. 7.,), by Monday from the McClure FunD. S. B'ortniansky, Choir, , eral Home '\vith the Rev. R. J3. Gaiety ,Polka by Harry Hart .. Coleman of the Methodlst' ley Baritone ' Horh· Solo, Sue offici~Buria"t-'\:v-;r\­ , Church Fur.uas; Accompanist, W.' Brad·, One more mistake niystlfied st!veral, r:-eaders last week. In dock. , " ,. . in Miarm Cemetery. Famous Doctor, 'ChOlr; Ban., the classified, ads there ;O. R. J ones has returned to . t'One Vocal Solo, Danny Hart.. ;L headline, If Anhque Bed" wltht J t any explanation. 'sock., ' . , ' . his home , in Pho~nix" Arizo!la RealiiinR; 'the tra gic situati n Vanity Fair, P,ia,no ~olo, Dons after spending , a few ' ~llays With . in our COLlhtry caused Q~ : c That bea w,;as a grl'ost. 'It was Brown'. " , " , . 'his sister , ~rs. R. ' H. Kier and liquor traffic - t!1e .nati n,ll 1~r t over trom the week before , Upon ,a 8'ed of ,Roses, ChOl(1! family: Mr. Jones was called drink bill in 1946 bemg' ,,{Ilell {he full' ad.. appear~d tor here on account of the death of Alto Solo, Jerry Cook. . ~l cherry four·po. ter .bed, ~om779,000. the Council of. bish his mother near. Hillsqoro. The Angelus .Chorus f Cho.'r; of the Methodist Church, ha - -l piete with a name- and 1-' 11 , 1'. r Ill.mber of the seller., The type utr COU e"dOD e; Soprano Solo, Norma Pummtll; ap.att Sunday Feb. 15 a C -;n4Tenor Solo, Robert, Hastings. . CIVIC,-cLUB ,MEMBERS was lhrown out -arter , .it, was ' mitment day in alJ ,Meth ell t ,Artnie Laurie, Trumpet s01.o; " to ENTERTA'IN WIVES; ~ ;J inted , - all ,but the , h~adill14 eSlps Churches; the Worl i qver. w\,idl turned up aw!f It was , , MIlton Jon.esi AccompaDlst QUARTET WILL 'SING " The , Methodist,' Ch u r h ' . sUHw.:ed to 'have' bee~ "kl.H~d /· · ' Gi;1 'Scout Troop No.1, Frances Whljalue. tn rough , its . bish b ' A B' d Bad Robber, ChOIr ; The regular nwnthl Methodists to a ' Eart Powen.- " -" oi,' , ie has_been ',hiding,' 'meeting ..Jan. 2-8: in ' the higr Bass le'. l~ has ~ehool -building; IeCtM,the fo ~ a' ~~.~ "U~ I L lowinl{ officers: ." , . , " .. , ,ruary f6, at 7 -po m., . Tallawandas' Patrol Leader, that nQ o.ther tow.n. OJ . ' . . ' , ,Methodist Church, whefl the . country. can claim, Vera Sherwood; treasurer An~ ChOIr; B'anto,n'e So.lo, members of the "club will b~ It doesn't adverhse the fact. nette Tinney· ChiCadees' Patrol Milton Jon~s. , hosts, for the ' evening, ' to their Activities ' and'flIH-tO-l-vt-" -.' . Wayne~tte has two ~if~~rent ' Leader, Wi.nnie Jo Stout; trea' -'--, A S~rellade of the Bells, So- wives. ers, urges and he'artit y klOds of dml' ones on Its ,tele:- surer, Dons Brown; news, re- prano Solo, Joanne Garret. . The program will be a ' re. mands that the first Sunday in phones." Not even New York ~ porter, Wilhelmina 'Braddock;, "!hiffenpoof SonX' by Frey, turn el1ga~ement for the "Gem or Chicago can,make that state- recreation leader.s, D 0 rot h y ChOIr., , 'Lent, Feb. 15th be designij d . City Four', a wen known Bar, . ment. - But . W~yncsviJIe has Wilson and Carol Bunnell. The Sleigh, by Kountz, ChOl,r, beishop Quartet 'sing-inJ,t the as Commitment Day. on WhlCh Miss ,J ane W;alker, first grad~ them, and would settle for o~l:r' Our Redeemer's Prayer by ' song$l of ord for the .enjoyment all' Me,thodist people· shalt: 1J~ . of aiL " " , given ', op'portunity to . ~ n one. . teacher, was namec.1 as' assistant Blose, Choir. , , One kind of dial tone is so troop leader. A troop" leader is Our Parting,Hymn, ChOir. All members are urge~ by Commitments to total al ,1 ne,nce. pleased with : the sound of itS needed to replace Margaret Ann '~OMAS FLORE'NeE G ' E"'S , the secretary to return theIr rewonl hum that it keeps' right on 'Chapman, who reSigned effec- - an The d'ar. will pe observe'- 'n ,a servation cards as soon as posbuzzing a.fter the user dials a tive January 28." . . DEGREE IN EDUCATIQN ,sible because a large attendance , the local ehurch. ,. , Llumber. No' matter how often ' Second rank activIties were AT MIAM. UNIVERSITY, is' anticipated ' for' jhis meetyo.u pial through this type of discussed ' at the meeting. Each Thomas~ Fl0rence of Waynes- , ing. . WILMINGTON COLLEGE liial tone, it keeps right on saw- girl must ),?articipate -in at least ville was, anion~ the gr.aduating ------ing away. You can d,ial 12·3 456 1'0 fields ' before' ' att~lining the class at MiamI University in PARTY HONORS BIRTHDAY ENROUMENT REACHES i~90 if ' ,you wa!1 t to, and it tank 'of second class scout. Oxford, Ohio, 'last week. He r,e'; The staff o.f the T\vin Thea- RECORD PEAK OF 594 will k~lfp ,on' bU~zmg: . ceiveq the ~~gree 'o( Bachelor _tre was entertlliined after the For the fifth consecutive 1 rm ~~~__,a~~~~~i~on~~ pe~~le , of SCIence III EducatlQR. ·show on Monday Feb~ 9th by a new enrbl1l11.ent- record ~ .s 0, e to as weJl . He p'la,ns fo report' in March Mr~. , Robert L. Q'ReR,'an. The , heen estabJished' at Wilmin· n as dial tones ,on eir phones, for spnng traininJ,t with the Col- occasion: wa~ a surprise g.ather- Colle,e;e \\lith the reg-i,strati n f there is another type wllich be- , Mr. and.Mrs. Withen Moberly ' umbla (S. Ca.) Reds ' of theinJ,t 'for Bob O'Regan, Twin ha like, it's ' supposed to; It , of Kingman are announCinl{ th'e Class, .~ South ,Atlantic Base- owner, honori~g his birthday. . ,594 re, students for th e . cond semester. Enrollnt'ent' 1 'j actuall_y lets a number be dialect rec~nt birth 'o f ,a son! at Hale 'ball .league. Un,til then he is 'term 'totaled 585. P~e:':war-' h !. 'h' But this civilized dial tone has a Hospital. The mother IS the for- \vorkin." at Ashmead'~ Service was 362; a fiJ,tu,re establishe in. little friends who tags along be~ mer.l Miss Ida Frances 'Gordon 1932. . year with tbe Glass 13 hind jf. After three of the four of ~ingman and granddaughter ,numbers' are ,dialed, this little .of Mrs.13lanche Can of Hatveys- Muncie,' Ind., club, Florenc,e, Deadline for regl 'tration ' f r friend just loves to interrupt and "burg. The baby has been named "finishea ,the season with ,a sch'Ool at Wilrnir:i,' ion start b'uzzin~r ag ai l1. MichaeL , .. How observant are Miami CotJeR'e thi's semester will J-lc t is ' tirig average of .353, before go'· , And then ' there ,are the little ing back to Miami to complete Gazette readers', ? week·end on February 14. Most of those whqse names gremlins that live in the recetv~ ' Mr. and. Mrs. Eli Furnas are his schooling. Three co'urses carryin ~ twa ' .have been Slipped into odd serne~ter ers, of Waynesville phpnes. We announcing the birth of an eight h,ou~s e~~h are beltrg spots in 'this newspaper have offered on Saturday' mor'nings captured one of the little crea- pound son,! Stephen, on Thurs- BAND PLANS ANTICS AT BASKE1"BALL GAME failed to notice it. ' ~ures and had it catalogued by day, Feb . .'). . for in-service, teachers i d ' a former Air Force man. High School' Each week the names of others who wish to continue The W;lynesville , It is a· eonnection.breaker, the Mr. and Mrs. Willard Furnas band. will present a series' of three paid-up , subscribers , in their education 'on a ,part:'time , ' man says~ , are announcilig the birth .of a formations between halves irt Wayne , Township are printed I;!asis~ Ast 8 :30 A. M. ' '.HL t I'Y ' seven pound four ounce son, the Wayriesyllle.SprinJ,t Vaney somewhere in the Miami Ga;; Round 'Table" is taUR'·ht ,by'))r Douglas Clark,).. at Miami' Valley ,Reserve basketball game tomor,. ze,tte. They are 'picked at ran- Willis Halt' and' Prof., Jesse Stan~ Clom from the ,subscription list. field of the reJigion department MOTHER,S'CLUB ' Hospital on .... ep. ' 7. Mr. and row evening. Donald Gahris, director of Anyone whose name ,IS printed is offetinR' "Our Religious 'DeMEETING CANCEI.J.ED ' , Mrs. D. ' R. , Salisbury are the said lie' plans to have will receive a free pass to the nominations. " At , 1 ~20 A. M. the band, maternal grandparents and ' Mr. Because of the severe wea- ,and Mrs. tawreike Furnas are the 44 players present the fol~ Twin Theatre, good for one "Medern Dra~a" is taughi · ,J lowing shapes: ' ', week after the date of the paper . Prof. B. M. Hiatt. ' ther and so much illness the re- the paternal grandparents. , ~ular. February meeting of the A star, while the Star ·Spangl.. in which the name appeared. All these persons ha~e t'O do Mother's Club has been cancelMr. and Mrs., Louis E. ed Banner is being, played : , r led. The ~rganiz~t,ion 'will meet Thom.pson :rre now occupying cat, in honor- of Friday th{~ is call at .the MiamI Gazette of- , GRANGE MEETI8G on March 5,th, at 2 p. m. a,t , their ' beautiful new horrie on, THirteenth; BSA , and then 38A. fic.e f(!)r their tiCkets, by coUrt- DAn: IS CHANCED the ,Grade .Building. -At this , Route: 42 just at the' ed~e of in honor of the thirty-eighth an.. esy of the local ,newc;papel~ nnd Farm'ers Grange, NO.1" \/~ tl the rooms ' Waynesville. Mrs. Winifred nual Boy Scout Week' HI and theatre mana~f rs. hold its regular meetin ~ I n Rem.em~~:-, ,each t!l.1<d is Thursqay will be Har- Hartsock, and son David are SV as a greeting to the SprinK evening. becau'~~'-of Shee- moving into the apartment re .. Valley cheering -section and good for an.Y~ne of the thl'"e the Farmer's Excnan~e dinr- er ~'~rf<!rm!lnces In the w':,!ck. after on Saturd~y eyening. A speciJI , cently vacated by the Thomp- finally a big W stanaing 10r home team. . pubhcabon. program - IS bemg 'arran«ed. " •




Methodists to 'Mark 'Commitment Day' '




1S t EI ....• '8 Id Leader o·f Troop-' R •





',:in '


' I


• loa ,.v-. ~ .


Free 'Movies -


-~ , -






Mr, and · Mrs. Robert Billett ~ ·.d children of Centerville were , ~ IIlday evening supper ,e:uests I I ' Mr. and Mr . Leo Conner and l ~ :l ug hters,


Miss Laura McKinsey, who taken to Grandview HosI i ' al durin,g- 'the past, ~eek, re1:1:t ins in a very Crt tical con.: l:il ion. \.:t




Grade School


I certlC"y the following r,eport to 'b e correct. C. W. Barnhart·, Clerk or the ,Board of Ed ucaUon, T a x Valua tion " ......................•.......•...•...•...• $3,516,72500

Tax I.,evy .• •••••••...•••••••••••• .•••••••••••••••• , ~ •••••• ,. . ..

6.9~ ""'"

School Enrollment .:: ...••...' ....................... . ....... . . 66~ . Sdlaries ' and W~ges ' .•..•...... ~ ......••...•..... , ....... .. .. 68,397.40


General Fund ••..••.•.••.•.... , •. , •••• ,' . . ••••••. , .• 9601.71 Bohd Retirement Fund .....••..•..•..•...•..•. .. ....... , .... 2024.12 Lunch .: ........••..............•...•........... , . '. .......• -1692.01 Tot&l .,' ,', , • • , , 104).33,.82 I


Receipt. -



























Genera'l F'und ., ...... . ......... . ...................... . ... Lunch-Sales & Subsidy ........... , .•.........•..... , . ... •..••.• , •..•... , .• , Tot~l Receipts and Balance .......••.•••...•...........•.. '. t








•••• ,









67,361.61 21,334.31 88,886.82 98,719,Sf



General Fund .....•.•....••...•..••...•....... . ....• '.. " .. " !Bond Retirement Fund ..................................... r Lunch I .' , ,, . t, ' t ••••••••••• • •• , , •••••••••• , ' ••••• I .' I •••. I '. I I. Total . I



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... '

74,564.19 1,070.00 ' 20,533.'1 98,168.20


Balance, ,Decemti.r 31ft, 18017


General Fund .•••• Bond Retirement Fund .,., •••. t • , Lunch ••. ,. : ...•. ..••.••••••••••••••••.••••.••••••••••..•" Total •.••••..•• t

•• I

••••• ,

••• , I


••• t

























• •



-791.11 2,561.44

Total Expendl\tures and Balance .• •••.•..••.•.•••. ' •.••....• 98,719 .64


RECEIPTS REVENUEGeneral Property Taxe..-Loca' Levy ClassLfied 'Property Tu ............................... '. . . . .. 24,690.44 Total Property Tax .......................................... 24,690.44

Foundation IProgram I



Cash Received •...•.••••••••••.•••.•••••••• Deduction tor Tea.chers Retirement •••.• : •••......••.• '. . .• Deduction tor School Employes Retirement Deduction for County Board of Education· .•.•.••• ,.... .•. Total Foundation Procram ••...... , •...•.•................ 11'1Jterest trom. State on Irl'educible Debt •.•••...••••. ".... Tuition from Patrons' •••••••••••••••••••• .,............... V~cational. Education aD~ RehablUtatlon tor Deaf: BUnd ,a nd Crippled Cblldren .from State and U. S. Goyernment ....•... . Contrtbutlons-L'bnch 'S ales & Subsidy: Sales, •••......•.•...•.• Subsidy .•.•.••..... , , O,ther Misc. Receipts ........ .• •..••..••..••.•.....•.•. • •... Tota-J Revenue ......• I




, "•••••



I. ............ ..

4 ,

••••••••••••••••• ,

• I

•••••• ,

•• I

• ••


, Miami Chapter, O. E. 'S., met THE MIAMi GAZETTE PAGE 2 in . regular session on Monday WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No.43U evening with a very nice at- THIURSDAV, FEBRUARY 12, 1148 tendance. Nine members of Miamisbur~ Chapter were guests Notes of ' the evening. Followin.~ the business session, the Valentine (By Miss Hardia) , 'box ' was opened and eve'ryone received some sentimental meso 'Fifth ~rade is glad ~o sages. Cherry'" ice-cream l cand', ha The ve Carol oack an a nd coffee with Valentine ap- school. CarolLongacre was absent sev. pointments were served. eral weeks because of scarlet fever. ' Mr and Mrs E. F. Earnhart , , MIS Maynard Weltz is teach were 'djnner guests of their son- ,ing fourth grade in the absencl! .in·law ·and daughter, Mr: ilt1 of Miss McKinsey. . Mrs. J. N. Robinson ,and childThe children of the Sixth ren, in Dayton on Sunday. and grade are learning "The Get'supper guests of their son and tysburg Address',' in hono~ of dau~hter-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham L i n'c 0'1n. Manlyn Charles B. Earnhart ano daugh- Stansberry and Jimmy Wardter, at their new home in Trot- low are tfie only ones who have wood; said it, so far, . . The sixth grade received , The Ar~unot Bridge Club word Monday morning that members met Tuesday after_ their services would no longer noon, . with two tables playing be needed in the lunch room. at the home of Mrs. R. H·. Hqrt- They have been h~lping ~ith sock. Dainty refreshments were serving at lunch hme. Smce se(ved fo~lowing the games. there are fewer chi1dr~~ eating in the cafeteria the cooks can Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs take . care of tbern satisfactorhad as weekend guests the lat~ ily. " .I b I . Valentine Day wil e ce~. ter's sister and husb~nd, Mr. and Mrs. H., E. Andrews, Jr!,J brated in all the rooms on Fnof Ashlan~. Ohio, who were en- day. Gaity:.colored boxes Ihave , route from Florida 'where they been maoe anti children: ' are looking forward to the occahad speJ1t the past few weeks. • • SlOn.

38.812.90 1,601,04 45'3.40 1,193.40 39,.7GO,7f . 8811.00 166.38


Total Personal Service •.•.•.•••...... • ..... • ..... . ... .•. .. F'-6. Teachers Retirement .C ontrlbution .•....•••... : ..•.. :. .. F-6. Employes Retirement Contribution ••..•••.......••• ~ .. F-8. County Board or Ecluca.tlpn Contribution •••. .•..•..•... Tota'l Other cPurposes ••• ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • . • . • • . . . . .• Total ()ther AUlll1l8.rf AgenCies •.•. '.' ••..••••..•.... l • • • • • Oper.tloh of SchOol PI~ A-42 to U inc. Personal Service •.••.•.•..•....•......... . .• B-1. Fuel •••• '. • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. B-10. J',.nltors .s pp'ltes •..••••...•. ;... ................ .. .. B-13. Other Supplles ~ •....... '...••..•.••.•.... ; ..• \ . . . . . . . .

1,191.28 15,OU.23 '8,260.08 689.20 88,66S.35


Sales ot Property Textbooks •••.• '........................... , Insurance Adjustments ••••.•••• , ••••••..•.•••••••..•. " . : • •

30.69 • 1.88

Total Non-Reven·u e •••.•••• , ••.••••-; •••••••••.••••••• I. •• .

E-I. Wale..- •••...••..•......... ,... . ..•.


E-1C)!, Electricity --;"•• , .••••• , •.•.•. , ••

'Total Transactions .. '........................................ 88;685.82





8·1. Ofttce

SUppUell ~


Total A4m tnlatratlon .• ,

• • • • • •' • • • • • I


•••••• ,

•••••••• ,




1,660.00 88.19 88a9 1,736.19


•••• :.

• • •" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • II • • • •

~~~~.~. .__~~~~.~~ · n.kuc~on--



29 inc. Personal ServIce ...•••.••..•..•.••....• • •... 45,491,.45 1,408.16 B-8. Other Educational Supplies ••..•••.••..•.•••••.•.•... 1,66'1.62 '85.00 D-4. Replacement Educational Equipment • ~ ....••.• '. • . . . • E-6. Repairs E'd,ucational Equipment •.•••••.•....• ;....... 140.80 Vocational Tl'a,v.el Expense •.••••.••.•. , •.• ; •..•..•... ' ,' . . • 377.88 "l'otil.l Other 'P urposes .....•••.. • ..•••.•.•.•.••.••••.....•.. 3,677.48 Total Instruction •. •• •.......••....••.•............... " ••, .. 49.1ilt.91 B-4. Tex;t Books ••..•.•••••. , •••••• , ••••••••.•••••••.•


••• ,

Librarie. -





••••• ,

Tran.port.\ion of IPuplis -





I ' ,







• • • • • • • • •• '



•• ,


,Debt -&ervloe -


•••• ,

t t •

3,010.00 2.130.0-1 1,284.81 278.'46




f , • ,



971.18 .


•• I



. . .. . . . . . I

' .




H.'1. · Bonds Maturing •....••........•••. .•. ......•••......• 1,000.00 · 111-2; Interest ' on 'Bonds ..•••.•.....•••••.... : •.•••....• ~ • • • "O.~ .Total Debt Service. .. .. .... 1,070PO Total' Expendit"res . ' .•• : . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . • . • • • • . • • •• 96,1'68.20 , . Total , Transactions ................... . ..................... 96,168.20 I


A-36. Personal Service ••••...•.....•.•...•..•••..••.... ~ . . .. B-·2. Motor Vehicle Supplies ..•••..•.•. ; : •......•• 'i .•••• .' • .' . " E-C. Repairs Motor Vehicles .....••••• • ... , .••••••••. " ..... F-6. Garage Rent Total Other F.urposes ..•• '.' •.....••...•...•.•••..•••.• I' • • .. • Tot8il Transportatlon ot' Pupils ••••••••••., .......•..• '.' " ••... I



615.13 616,13'

.B·3. School Library !Books ••..•...•••.••....••.••••....... Total LJbrarles ..•. I



E-i'1} Advertising •.••••••••..•.•...•. , ..•....• , ..•••. 8t1.41 E-l~. 'H auling ,:... • ••••••••• ~ .............. , .. '•••••••...•..•• ' 86.a_ E-19. Other Contract and Open Order ....•.•••....•.•...... 1,797.45 P-3~ Insurance . 781.6S , Total" O.ther Purpoaee .•..•••• ' .. ' ....••........••.••••..•..•• 'I,8'ta..48 Maintenance of 8ohool PI.", . . . Total Operation of School -.Ptant· . .-. -. .-='....,... •••-:-.-••- .-.-• •-.,,••-:. -••-:-.""' ••:-:-.~ . - &861.48 , C-l. ' forlMaJnt. Bldp. and Grounds .•....•.••...... 1,5112.08 C-6. Materials fol' Malnl Equip. and Furniture '..... . . •.••. . 63.1 ' D-8. Replacement Other Eq.ulpment ••.•.•••. . .........•••••. , 126.00 'E-!. .Repairs Sc'bool Buildings •.•.•••................•.....• U8.1S . ·E-8. ' Re~lrs Otller Equipment •.••....• • ........•...••.. t2.18 Total Other' Purposes ' ••••.••.••..•• . . . . . . . . ... • . • . . . • • . . . . •• ~,330.'l1 Total Maintenance of School Plant ...... : ................. 2.386.71 Total Operation and \Maintenance •................. , •..• .••• l", ToW. Current Sc~ool Opst .. ," .................. , .. .. .. ... 9'5,098~0



• ~ ••••• L.a.






•••••• '. • •••••••••••••• ~•• I' '''' '

Total Other PurpoJ!es <I

•••• ' •• I

•• •



E-l1. Telephone ....•.••....••.....••••. '. •.•..•••••..-••••• " . 101.'1


A-I, to 14 inc. Salaries and Wage. , Adm. , Officers. and Employes ..... .................................~ • : •••• " Total Pel'8Ona\ Service t •• , •••••••••• " ••• I


24;.00 1,501.0-1 453.40

3,600.00 1,JJiO:43 1,808.10 216.00 3,188.ia 6.783.53


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ".



A ••et. - ,' Cub ..... ; .... "f. • 2,661.4' Inventory .supplies and Materials "Estlr:nat-ed" •.. ...•..••. ;, 1,000.00 Lands (Cost) • Est1mated" ................ ... •....•• • • • • 1.100." 'Bl1l1d1ngs (Cost) "Estlma.ted" ••••••.••.....••..••.•••.•..• 1116,000.00 EquIpment (Cost) "E8timated" •.•••.•.•••........•••...••.. 10,000.00 Total AssetS •. ", ...•..••••• ! • , •• , •• , • ~ 18'2,061.4-&r ••

A.-17. Personal Service •.••...• ~ •.....•••.••.....••.•..••... ; ~ 716',00 Lunch Supplies ...•••....•............•........••••... • •.. 15.818.41 Total Other Purposes .•••... . ••......•.... . ........... • .•.. 16,818.41 _ Total Public Lunches .•..••... .. • ..•. '.. '. . . • . . • . . . . • . . . • • • • .. 20,533.41 . Othe., Auxiliary ,A genol.s . ,A-48. Lecturers . , . ....•.•.... "•................. ',' .• • . • . • . . • . . . Ii"'6• 00

•• ••• I





LiabiJlti.. -


••••••••••••••' .


•••••••• ,






Bonded Debt ••••.•••• ~ ~ 1,000.00 8" 061 .. E .x ces8 ~r Defi<llency of, Ass,eta •.••. '. •••.•.....• ; . . . • • • . • •. 1 '4, _• ... 4 I•


•••••• I


, I


Miss · Laura McKinsey who Il~s b~en v~ry il} ,the J)!1st week ' was taken to Gra:nd View Hbs, pital in Dayton ThUrsd~y afternOOJl.

.' STOKE S DAIRY ' , "MEADOW GOLD ' Products", , Phone 21 .LEBAN.ON, OHIO

FRANK 8IBCY, Repr.entative

.,HuaqUa.TEAS Fait••lEll"EA~M-2'• ·


' ~i

Big .Selection· .

Bargain.Prices Immed,ate Delivery I






Wayoesville·furnfture and·Appliaof


PHONE .--.,.,;

Dt. Emma Hol1owa~ returned ':Haesday · from a VIsit with .fr.iends. and relativ,es near Chica~o and in South Bend and Ft. Wayne, Ind . . , Miss, Glenna Marsh of Dayton spent the- week"end with her cousin, Mrs. Luci'le Armitage. ... . " M iss Gertrude Chandler of Deer Park near Cincinnati visit· ed, her aunt, t,\i,ss,Ruth Chandler Saturday af.ternoon. .

Mr. and

. and ..._.,..,. •. t~n




te Miami Gazet The I ••• • • T ,A B L I • • • D Evtry ThuN d.y At' W.y ....vlll., Ohio



Methodists' Notes

SMITH, Editor Entere d •• ucO~ 01 ••• ",.t_ at th. Post Office SUBSCRIPT.ION RATe . . ,UiG .. In Advan ce ' CARL


The' followin~ attended the County Methodist Brotherhood at Springboro Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. R C. Moler, ~Mr. and Mrs. William St. John, Gerald McWilIiatns, Jacob Strouse, Frank Moorman, Morri ,'; Fulkerte Gazet i Miam The notify dar, calen son and R~v. and R. B. Colc- , this in ted s . H s (To have event man. More than 125 were prebefore 4 p. ni. Tuesdays.) ')ent · Lebanon had the largest FRID AJ, FEB. 13 delegati<??) numbering '36. MEn lODI ST CHtiR CH Basketball: Waynesville tJ. S. ys. Spring· Valley at home. ... Mlnl.t D IOW Rev. w. A. Thompson gave R. 8. CO,t:E MAN, World Day of Prayer Observance. 9:30 a.m. an ,interesting add'ress on his , Sunday &hoo l · Episcopal Women's Auxiliary. the of st experiences as a chaplain in the (Wdt ten at the reque , J. J. Rurske, Supt. SUNDAY, FEB. 15 N. Sea : Islands. H~ spoke in Sam South Rev. editor by The to :30 a.m. Worship Service terms of the resul~ of st highe h! Churc Go to Keys, St. Mary's Episcopal Youth Fellowship .. MONDAY, FEB. 16 work that had' preonary MIssi pm. :30 7 d~y, h.) Thurs Churc ceded their coming, and the Civic :lub at Methodist Chu'rch, 7 p. m. was, it week past this ~ Durin ~ Christian attitude of the n~­ TUESDAY, FEB: 17 a at e presid to ege niy privil tives. ' MT. HOLLY METHODIST Miami Valley Cooperative Milk PrQducers Association in Wit- confe Minil "Rura the F, Mln/.t ar on S~ARF rence M. T. M. mingten Court House at 7 :30 P. 'Orle- Sunday &hoo l 9 :30 a.m On ' Sunday, Feb. 29, the ' stry':" which W~$ heldn,atOhio. P. M. ton rarm s near londo S,t. Mary's Church Boy's Club at .Rectory, 7 :3'0 members and ConsJituents of E. A.. Earnhart, Supt. the 13 of. ives sentat Repre . 19 FEB. , SDAY , THUR fO :30 a.m. the local Methodist Church are . dioceses in five Worship Service opal Episc M. P. 3 ry; Recto opal Episc ty, Socie ly Girl's Friend 7 :30 p.m. to be giv.en an ' opportunity ' to the Pro- Evening Service nse comp which states Hall. e Grang at bring' offerings for overseas reFarmer's Grange No. 13 Midw~st spent the the of vince M. P. . 9 in's, Marv ys. e lief. , esvi11 Wayn Independent Basketball: Town "The of study a in week OPAL EPISC e envelY'S receiv M. MAR P: will 8 ST. ers h, Memb Churc opal Episc Lenten Service at St. Mary's ' t.r Mlnlt , h." KEVS Churc N. try EL Coun aAMU opes at church or by mail. Woman's Society of Christian Service at the home of Mrs.. A. H. andMany thill)gs were brought Church School m. a. :30 9 ' ' .. Earnhart. ootinfueoon~ren~whkha~ ~~~~to :30 a. m. Nursery School The local Women's Society of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~ Ie o alLpe to st intere 'of , know I m. it. 10:30 an. r Praye chairm tian Se'rviee officers held g as Chris o-rlltfl Keys , . : ' J. g The/ big square white house in this community. Chief amon y meeting. at the par' all-da an e ents state:m n certai were these ed eiling high-c ay. District ofwith its Jarge, , 'I'U , ', " B. CHURCH , sonage tuesdD~yto U. out E. A point UTIC to serve will which g framm ,ws windo big n, namel its' , rooms , ficers from II REV. WILLIAM SHANNON all to h churc the of value the open its ape, otional landsc r prom r, wante Cutle the 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. C. A. A "ARM DIARY its ,pretty chapel town and country people. These Sunday School South, and es s Charl place fire Mrs. tary; secre only to the lIy D. J. FRAIZER Mrs. Jame s Garrison, Supt. "and work rens made fro'm a one-tiJn,e ·garage, statements aJ?ply hnotbut Child of ary to all Preaching. 1 st and 3 rd Sundays secret Cliurc opal Episc a such ary 'fQr secret place r, ideal Varne .an es was Charl Mrs. ' . hes. a.m. cnurc :30 10 down came month snQW the each The cted g. condu mee1m Life, e~ ual Anoth · Sp'irit of 1948. 7, February farms and vill"'The First work the ,. from off us shut and ng. me~ti they time This , week of SROW. speakers ages of our' land feed thc~ cities WA\ 'NES\'ILLE Local officers present were, had to plow out the lane and. I a day world, butusour with only not ; nation the of the t forge let Mrs. Carlton Cook Mrs; D. M. was very glad when I came m would not , iri- OIUR CH OF CHRIST mu~cle w,ith b~t ' ~. ·. food the and world that, of e Baird, ·Mrs. Ray Connor, Mrs. on Friday after a few days away peopl Miniater ton. possiJohal and M. R. abon Imagm t, teUec W. A. M. on. live they land to find ihat they had done so 9 :30 a.m. R. C. Moler, Mrs. Glen Borden, Sthpo) The . Bible tigion na--re a ' ience consc bly Con~ ife Wildl the of chief . Edwards, Mrs. Short and that I could ge~ in. I have 1 to:30 a.m. Clarence rican ci j e Am' union the of Comm fabric of e Servic sion Exten tion A. H. Stubbs, serva Mrs. once Rich, than been sriowe~\ in more 7 :30 P. M. Cora ons are woven large .. Evening Service tituti itsJn~ uced introd Ohio of Mrs. M., ~. ~", State Bursk .. J OUT. J. d Mrs. but I neVe! was snowe e from farm and peopl ~y I~ . saw , Short Alec as H. ~Whlt­ Keys w. . . Sam Mrs by rson, the and Fulke snow the In spite of DS, years t fRIEN recen until Up es. VIllag conand jt f o ' aker, Mrs. Ray Miller, Mrs: Alva . continued cold weather tne ..e are to the land partif we" ~re going · the streams of , young people rirst D~y S~hool a.m. 9:30 that Ludington.' . ,signs tl,lat spring .is on the way. :vigceq us w~nt to ~ake up Ctty life who save " e~thlg fpr Worship must we e peopl the save to A covered dish luncheon wa r. long!! ably nottce are days Th¢ perand force With y might a.m. wer~ 0:30 t must things two The served at noon. . I can no longer see the sunnse the land. were nes churc city T11e ity. sona,l of ledge know a and her toget SARS~ FRIENDS tram -my- bed because it now S{O (ttt) 212 ples and thus floated to great r,ellgiou CAE DAVl q 81!ANFIELD, Minl.t .r Lawrence Furnas R.V. rises behhld the barn. Bes~ of conservation dprinci Today nt. veme achie , of goals the of, part be . shoul m ce a. :45 practi 9 e mgs Worship Servic all for the last two morn Jr of every howeve,r, youth are growml{ til;, Sunday School 10:45 a. m. I ~ Get Your TRUCK .and . o~r ~ong sparrow has been sing- eqUirment and traimn to the · Cities pagan ,omg and out d pointe He ter. minis rura ing In the snow. BUSINESS rtment of from. farms and v,l1Ia~es which My home farm seems very that the State Depaand E , UmN AUG ST. their could an times gone by sent • • 0 N. Ii small after spending froln Tues- Conservaiongetwould fathe r Krumhol~. Priest , dedicated to God ,~ quota ' it: them help of r-arm m 0rleh at y Frida m. day until a. :00 9 Mass ll 'b$l~tcond: "Tn~ grave'respo We sang hymns from a new ._ ' STANFORD BOGEN near London, Ohio, the largesdt I I Y of bUlldmS{a new rural Sl the of s Hymn C4 caUed tion collec ' .: ST CHRI of Morrow, Ohio RCH farm in the state",five thousan them 'civilization faces the church , FERRY CHU , er Mlnlat acres all in one tract. Here they Rura} ' Spi.rit", and on~ aof hymn ON. and it must be met by laym '~ RALPH ,E. STINS . 9 :30 a.m. farm "with flocks of tract.ors\ runnm,g' m my head is my ~ew social and religious founda: ' Bible School hip to :30 a.m. , and all modern mechamzea for chrldren called "this ti,<?ns. are . Morning Wors fo~n~a hOld' ' The .. tdlons we if ps, Perha d." Worl ' r!s Fhathe 7 :00 p.m. equipment. I did hope tO seet ecaymg.. T e sO~lal mstltutlons ' Prayer Meeting . about that we n~ Meeti e'i more of the farm. and (in d ou . t ough t more Peopl { YounS to s , of rural life, neyel;, adequate better care of it. :00 p m 7 how they ' de thm~s but the would take and grievby the way, one the needs, have suffered Oh yes" snow came there·, also 'and my ;30 p:ni: 7 ces Servi n~ Ev~ni . days . of" OPTOMETRIST women tJiere ha~ a bet- ously , in th<:s~ :.._ ~~:.. ____ .:... __ .:. .:::.. car was-Snowed ~n_ 50.1 ~i~n't of th~ ----;~~.: !imrn+-i-c~·alil.~SH .. pmh:ee:t'a rntt1lc~u~ econl()0n: -and and mme than book see much, except the flOe Hol-. . ter bud out wh~t my r.ed-head- larly, organized relildon ,in rural cases they have not had educasteins that they were/ milking ' ·1 found areas has not adfusted itself to tional tr~ihi~g. c?~parable ' to IS ' a red,.bellied OFFICE HOURS: in the barn ' back of , the house ed bird is.r It, ana that 6f urban mmlsters. In 'most ctual intelle rn mode me~t very a 'not is and pecke wood the , where we ' were staying and So far I have SOCial demands As a' vital force cases they have tlad ' no specialTues. 7 P. M. .to, 9 P. M. , Herefo,rds and Hamsl1ire hogs common bird. red woefully 'I in- ized training with 'res'pect to is !t' life rural in is It head. its. seen qnly road. the that we could see from a flicker wifh adequate: Failure to· 'r·ecognize rural social organizations or Wed. $ A. M. to 12' Noon . I didn't get 'a chance to talk to hJt1e smaller than real bring would trends the~e head a lture. and agricu .back the manager ' and learn how .fmely barredfi~fY Sat. 7 P. M. to 9 P. ' M. red: They say , pen 1.t? the nation. A stern reLast, but not least, the ch\lrch m'Ost . of,the ' \ . thin1{s run the.y lead would theIP IS the lower cognitIOn of must realize that its'mdnistry this fa nil! has belongeel to there IS a red spot on great, of es rtuniti opP.o t~ on stays it to all people, not just, 'fo the Qut bepy " the 'of Miss Ma'ry Johnston of Glen- part Located Across froin. Post tpresen es bec<?m III J.t "elect." The church must be the tr~~ when it is gr?mlse. dale for about fifteen years. She so ~Iose tomeal Office. 's\let tb,at I lIay ,Amencan C~nstianity to al- ready, even eager, to ' work With lends . the ' house from tIme to getting a seen of under side. low n~ral people, who constitut- any and every social orga.niza,. time to the Episcopal Church have never thethe Wayne~~lIe, Ohio biTas come in ed the pnpcip'fll ~r!ginal Source tion for the, betterment of the for meetings and conferen,ces• . This w~ather larger y, vitalit ual .sPlflt S sion exten n~tlOn . the the of and ers. unity numb comm In fact she does more tijan that, closer a~d tn to detenorate m life and man- of Christ's kingdom throughout when a 'conference meets there, Don't forget to feed them. , . ners : due to a faiIur,e ' to re- the world. th~y are her guests and she prorural the of cy urgen the Mr. j. M. Greene, Farm C?gnJZ;e vides everythm,x 'for their com: h's primary u Secreta,ry of Lebanon , fl~ld. as the churc Burea 'the fort. This was a meetinS{ of tion." obliga ~nary mlssJ( ' known' here, Pwyincial Department of Town and who is wellduring Third.: one of the chief facthe past ice the on feU a with hes, and Country Churc . . .... which tends to , tear do'wn tors . ankle seminar on rural work for re- week, breaking his own t ' in h the work of ~he cnurc I , presentalives of the thirteen and country IS that for the most ' Mr. d n a, qray es Franc Mrs. ,dioceses in the fi~e states which are woe. S. ~Jhs entertained' Pfa1r1t ol;lt church plants make .UP the Fifth Province of . ,and Mrs.ayS.evepm the meet to ate u , madeq g honoring the ' u y the Episcopal Church. ,It was on Sund its do to i~ h churc the If ,eds. Mrs. Gray's son, !1eb an interesting group from points birthday af an~ . in , t, Chris of BOdy the as .fO · Mrs. Gilbert as far north as northern Wiscon- Bobby. Mr. , Richa rd and Don t t~f world, it m'ust be on thes . We trY' to give 'appropriate and sin and Michigan as well Frye and sons, ;ment amu~\ · some whole of Sitae ana Bobby sons, , aependable ser~ice ,.at a fair price .. as Ohio, ndiana and minois, Mrs. Gray andthe st "mu g. trainin tional .voca an.d ts" paren grand most of them, clergy from the K:e~.neth and the whoJtl , n.eeds of in small towns and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, were guests. mmemnl.ster to ch two women wo(kers WAYNESVlIJ.E, O. TELE PHO NE 2291 ' Then', too, oUf ministers in Mr. ~nd Mrs. 'C. lee Hawke led by leadcommunities are for the rural econ- and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke small p rt..time or part "host uepJl1m,ent ~of· left on Sunday for a two weeks sort- term either In many nts. reside " stay in Florida. ,~,~tI~t~t:~I.~:

" Events Coming Up

fllst Sunday in Lent: Feh. 15

The Church In Our




'2J Ie'











Dr. T. P. Grosvenor



......__..-_. CO M PL ET E ,


STUBBS Fu ner al Home


;;t'lt!e .newt)

evening were: Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre, Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones, Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Calyin Longacre, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tumble:. son, Mr. and Mrs. John Chenoweth, Mrs. P. N. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bunnell, Mr, and Mrs. C. S. SmTt11, Mr. and Mrs'. Georg-e Custenborcte", Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pursley a.nd Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saylor.

REAL ESTATE TRAN8]~ERS William and Mary BUl'lnell to Lester Houston, 2 acres in Salem t~. • , Ruth Wilson Davis to George and Norma Jent, 8 lots in Mason. . Vance Cribbs to E. Josephine , Cribbs, 6.21 acres in Franklin twp. John Taylor to Donald Berwan· ger, 70.26 acres in Harlan twp. Margaret Sempsrott ~Ol Edna Rill, 25.16 acres in Harlan twp. Anna Honaker to Lloyd Uurnett, 6 lots in Loveland Park. Julius Fred to Ben Bl'owning, 1.97 aeres in South ·Lebanon. James Arthur and Hazel Walsh to Elmer Bachelor, 2 lots in Deer'field twp. T. D. an.d Addie Webb to C. Ed- · ward and Florence Stanforth, 240. 50 acres in Harlan twp. Donald . and Mai-y Til~ar to Charles Atkins, 1.06 acres in Har:Ian twp. Gardner and Mi1dre~ Gibson to Walter Fitts, lot in Franklin. Nelson and J1,llia Troth t o Dale' and Esther Lucas, 0.33 acres in CI~arcreek twp. ... Nancy Fred to Elsie Hayes, lot . in Lebanon. ' . NEW SUITS Cecil D. Mediey vs. AgnE!S Medl~y, a minor, divorce, gross neglect . Rena McDaniel VB. Geor,ge McDaniel, divorce, gross neglect. Pauline Rayburn vs. Alfred Rayburn, divorce, groBs neglect. Young

Mr. W. E. Stroud and his son

Lt. Col. Robert L. Ashworth

Mr. Harold Stroud, celebrated and wife of Osborn were


day afternoQn guest~ of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson and daughter.

their birthdays ,during the past week and in their honor, Mrs. Stroud, entertained with a turkey 'dinner on Saturday 'evening. The ' remtlinder of the evening was spent in playin~ five hundred. Covers were arrangea at the table for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stroud of Lebanon, Mr. anQ Mrs. Ralph Hastings and son and Mr. and . Mrs. M. A. F~lkers6n and daughter.

Mr. Carl Greathouse. of Dayton waS a Sunday even mg guesr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton. _ ._ - Mrs.... ·Nettie Emrick is st~y­ TwiN LENSES ing at the home of her son-tn- . b ' law and dalJghter, Mr. an~ Mr . FOX.i{OLLY Miss Mary . Katherine MenLeon Salisbury at Washmgton denhalI of the O. S. S. 0.· Home, C. H., during- the cold weafh~r. Wonder how many noticed a weekend ~uest of Xenia, was Mr. and Mrs. Chesh~r Baird the Twin's new neon -facet put her mother, Mrs. Katherine f Oa ton vi ited their son Oon- on last week? The word Mendenhall and sister. aid Baird and fami~y ~nd~y. Theatre is shining brightly in Jack Hamm nd IS enJC'ylt1g-.a ..we1come- re 9 lights now-first (ttt) 212 Ellis L. Back 'new ' power scooter, which his Improvement. Rumor say s parents presented hun last watch for more when the weaweek. ' ther-breaks. Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jane Women love weddings, the and Milton were Sunday dinner tell me. So ladie here's your "'uests of. the latte.r's pa.rcllts l chance to weep happily next r-: d M Ed N tt a a unday and Monday wheil the Mr. an rs. wm.· u n Twin will 'show I'Royal Wed. If you haven't already discov. ding-" 30 minute of Technkofamily near Centerv111e. ered the quality and e~onomy Mr. and Mr . 'Frank Acker- lor ' picturinO' the marriage of of our cleanin~ service-Hoi man and children Frank Eug II " and Coralea of Vandalia and Philip and Elizabeth of England. h ig-h time you did. OFFICE CLOSED Mrs. W. G. Haines of Da~ t n It accompanies "Song- ."of t~e We return eVer'ything thoroug1,were Sunpay evenin,e: . dinner Thin Man ', with Nora and Nick FEB. 1 l~y clean and free from unp'lea'S,g'uests of Mr. (l nd Mrs. \V alt r Charles (Dol~'t need to identify ant cleanin~ , fluid odor-at 11 to Kenrick. William Powell and MymaLoy, cost you will find less in the do I?) Yes, they rr. back with 10n~ run, than for ·inferior dear Mr. and Mrs. .a lvin L i1g- snappy dialogue, breezy affecMARCH 1 ing- methods that ruin VllU J acre and children entertained at tionate home-life, and 'Murder I , While on Vacation clothing. ~ a fClmily Hnner Sundtt'; in hon r In the March of Dimes cam. d t dJ 3 f the 'birthday of the f I'm r m ther, Mrs. E. B. 1.011o·acrc. palgn can uc e an. 24- ,0 ny i ·the Boy and Girl Scouts in the Tho e present wer~:, Mr. ::l1~l Twin lobb $20. was collected AUCTIONEERINC:; M I' Charles DI~u:\.. . MI. C t C ' ,i H tf' ld f Optometric Eye Speeiali8t Lin y alrnJan a Ie a L I L1ella Swank, Mls~ M;u.iori' . L han STANLEY and K~~LER n expresses his thanks '26 S~uth Detroit Str_et BROKERS LICE'NSE~ I.k .bbY and Jimmie i ' ' '.!:.:k ' U f t( all who worked ' and contriL a. ton and Mr. and .tli ~ .. Ii . butcd. '. For Dat• ." Phon. 2894. Wavln..yill •• OhiO. R.v..... C~ra •• . XENIA, OHIO / Long.acre.. . ,~ . Do ou have any idea about . •••••••••••••• M ~ s. Rol el t .Corwlll ~nd '~I,' aH, that l?,'oes on to bring_ a , ' l! J.~e Well -I w~re ,{?; u ... st> at nig-ht s 111_'ovinl?,' picture program lhc ~ uman s ~oclet~ (f Lytl ~ to' yo u, the public? Well, I didLhijl h on WedneSl1ay at .tlH': n t until I did' some browsing !1. me uf \Valter. Kenn "k: around recently. In future col~ , Representing ,~wel t~ SIX ladles blaved tLt: : Limns I'm going- to tell all. Let's Weatheiiner & C0ntPlany . .old weather and deep snow .,'o call it "Behind the scenes at the CAREFUL ELECTI N " ttl!nd. ' .. T . " "Th' H A h 'f Members New. York Stock '1 hose'. frQm , Lytle C\1urch a~v~n hi o,r "e ea'll~c es . a .Exchan,ges and other:. . ~ In makinR: arranR,'em ,nts f r who att nded the meeting ami x b1tar. , . registered Exchanges_, -' a funeral serVice, th fl.: , i ' Ii dinner of the Methodist Brother,M rs.' A. H. Earnhart will be occasion for great ha teo Investment Trust Slla~'--If­ b d aI. pringboro MI.1nday . hostess to the Woman's SQciety The family may pend as Bought - Sold - Quoted of Christian Service on Thurs- " much time as .they (ike, in comPhone Waynesville 2530 da Feb. 19, at her home, Mrs. fort and 'pr'ivaey. Ther i no . Dayton AD3257 D. C. Ridge, Mrs: George Henhurry, no .impati nee, anLi NO derson, Mrs. A. H. Stubbs' and PRICE PRESSURE. Mrs. T. S. Hardin wiH be cohostesses and the pro,g'ram will be in ·charge' of Mrs. K N. Hough. . . ~-

Dr. ·C. E. Wilkin

, h


...... -.....•..•.....


e -L1ncoin's Birthday. 13-U.S. Marine . Wom.n', ' Reserve fou nded. 1,943.

Mrs. Grtrce Vice Mrs. Iren' Henderson and Mr. Claude troud were Monday dinn er ,g-uests. of' Mr. ,and Mrs. W. E. troud.




FI!1NE.RAl. HOME WAY N E 5 V Ii.. L E. 0 H I 0 .

Can C. E. MlCHENEI~ 'Phone 2926

MARRIAGE LICENSES Francis Brooks, 23, Lebanon, . lineman; Christean Isaacs, 18, Lebanon, clerk. /' , Fielding Hensley., Jr" Franklin paper maker, Joyce Ann Pennington, 21, FranJdin, waitress. E~rl Hollon, 20, Franklin, asseml>ler; ' Poris Jean Millard, 21, . Frankli~, stenographer . . Frank Hodson, 19; Middletown, r!3corder; Mild1')e'd Jean Lykins, 18, l'4iddletowin, . typist. Stanley West, 62, Lebanon, gal'ageman; Mary Ellen Yeazel, 62, Lebanon. , >

IS:-Adtnilal Byrd .l:eoch~s

"Uttle "menoa," 1930.









"4-W 4Y FARM INSURAN E" in the .Ohio Farmers will give you broad pr~(e(.'tiorl against rosse,


~ yo.u r f~m. It covers your buildings, your ch;meb, your automubilt' ..,d your liability for accidents to ' others. Wby not see us today ; You _DUI )'Ou're safe wheD you're insured in the Ohio Farmersl

is in store for your "Valentine" when you buy' her our delicious <;andies - and escort her to "When a Girl Is Beautiful," a mirthful comedy a la curves and music, ,featuring Adele Jergens and.other tasty morsels, at the Twin Theatre to. morrow and Valentine·s Day. You'll also see Charles 'Starrett as the Durango Kid in "Prairie Raiders."

Send her a Va. len ti n e Greeting; ioo. Cards from 1 ' to 3 5 cen ts.



Mr. and ,Mrs. John Stewart and daughters af Beavertown were weekend guests, of Mrs. ,.Mrs. Stewarts' patents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brooks ,and fam. ' I : -tty at their home on Clark Ave'Q,rve'l~bura nue. , -" _ Mrs. A. S. Collett entertained , I the ladies of the W. ' C. T. U. Mr. William WaH,who resides ,/ at her horne, Thursday afterat the Thornbury apartments on Clarke Avenue remains ill but is noon. Masonic degrees were pr~­ ste'ldy improving. sented l;lt the Masonic Temple, . Mr. and Mrs. 11 ugh S. Vance Saturday evening. of Dayton spent the weekend Mr. and Mfs. H. S. TLlCker at their country home, South of and daughter MiS$-Bnlyn Tuckthe. village. Mrs. Jesse Pennington who er attended the performance of ~ CUUNC& J. "OWII has been 'snffering an attack of "Oklahoma" in Cincinnati, Fri..... ~ .. c:...n-. , ...... DIetrM d.ay evening. pneumonia is feeling much bet .. , Miss Estner Pralher spenl the ter. . By ~ vote of 297 to 120 the' House of RepresentaMr. and Mrs. Walter ' 'Babbs''· weekend as the guest of her ' Donaldson have opened a food parents, near Clarksville. tive'S last week passed the Knutson Tax Reduction Mrs. ,George ,Waterhouse of ., market in th~r building on Main Wayne$ville after having first defeated thle motion of DemoBill, was a Sunday afterStreet and.' the establishment is noon ,;uest of Mrs. 'Louise Fite cratic Leader Rayburn to recommit the bill t01' operating as "Babbs" Market. Mrs. Vera Chappel and fam- and daughter, Miss Jane Fife. .miendment by a vote of 258 to 159. The 'huge maily have vacated their home jority given the bill on final pasl5age was nineteen "Twin Pines" on Maple Street C. D. SHEEHANS FETED votes , more than would be needed to override a and moved to Dayton. Presidential veto, if such action should be required. Prof. and Mrs. H. C. Milligan ON SILVER ANNIVERSARY The measure, as passed, contained exactly the same and Mr. and Mrs; Fred SherMr. and Mrs. C. D. Sheehan provisions al explained in this column last week. . wood left Monday for Florida. of Route 2, Waynesville were It would provide an over-all annual reduction in inThe Sherwoods plan to visit entertained Sunday evening, dividual income taxes of somewhat betvreen five and their son-in-law and daug:hter at Feb. 8, in celebration of their one..half and six billion dollars. ' The Knutson Bill st. Petersburg and the Milligans Twenty-fifth weddin~ annivernow goes to the Sena~,. where it will probably not · will tour the state., ' sary by a surprise party, arrangbe taken up for consideration for' several weeks. It Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beckett had ed by their daughters Bernice is being pNdicted- that the serulte Will so amend as weekend guests, their son and Jeanette. After a sumptillus the measure as to mak~ the over-all tax reduction aRd daughter-in-law, Mr. and asket , dinner the gue~.ts pre- . somewhere between four and one-half to 'five bil\Mrs. John Beckett and son .and sented Mr. at)d Mrs. Shee11an lion dollars, in the hope of gaining a sufficient Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Snodgrass with very lovely gifts. of silver. ,number 'of votes in that body to over-ride a veto. and family_of Franklin. ' The guests were: Mi'. and Mrs. Mrs. Clyde' Carmen and Walter Sheehan and son WarIt now seems rather certain that the American peodaughter Ch~f,yI of (n'diana, who rcn, Mrs. 'Alice CrQlt and daughple wiil be given some tax reduction this year, but have been tHe guests of Mrs ter, Mary Sue of Waynesville, probably not befoN , the Jrla~h 15th deadline by Carmen's parents, Mr. and Mrs: Mr. and , Mrs. Ellis McClure, which time all estimates of 1948 income must be ,Everett George, returned to Elmagene and M) ron McClure ' filed and payments made thel'eOl1. ' . their home Friday. . ~ Mr. and .Mrs. W. H. Null ano1 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Walsh daughter, Miss Malvina'and Miss had as dinner guests, Friday Alene Burrough of Springboro, The House of Reprelentatives last week passed evening Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. Robert Montgomery of two bills of great interest to veterans. The fi,r st Ames of Wilmington. amended' th~ present law relative to the "on-theFranklin, Mr. and Mrs. RU,ssell Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Price Burnet. Gene and Jimmv, Jean , ' job" training ,program for veter-ans so as to elimiI r., of Lebanon were Sunday Hutt, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gcb- ' nate certain abuses and to ' the income limig~sts of Mr: Price's parents, tations frQm $176.00 to ,2&0.00 pie r month for single hart of Ridgevn'e, Ml'S Harriett Mr. and Mrs.- Clarence Price. McClure and Mr. Rollert Golveterans, and from ,200.00 to ,825.00 per month ' Mr. 'and M·rs. Richard Wil- Initz of Daytoll,t 'and M:·. Clara for married veteJ,"lill8, with an additional $25.00 , alliams afld family of near Wit- Stacy, Mr. and I\\"~ Leslie (jrav, lowed for married veterans with children. In most 'mington were Sunday guests of Robert aud Miss \.\'lIma. . Mrs. Wil1ia~ parents~ Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker. and daughter, Miss Evalyn Tucker. - ~ Tl)ere will be an old fashioned B,ox Social and Band Con, Pt)T TIME ON YOUR SIDE WITH cert at lhe school gymnasium on ' St. Valentine's mght, Saturday . February 14. at 7 :00. Boxes will be sold in two age groups. Children please bring- and eat FOR FUTURE SECURITY·DEPENDABILITY ' own lunches. " PAGE 5 THE MIAMI GAZETTE WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. 4356 THlUR8D1AY, "'EBRUARY 1,2, 1948

eases the large proportion of such veterans! training allowances will actually be pai~ ' by their employers, with the federal Government making up the difference while the, ~teran is se~ving his apprenticeship. The second bIll ff6mtl,ie eterans Comml e which passed the House increases the subsistence allowance of veterans without dependents, who are students 'in educational institutions, from $65.00 to $75.00 per month; and that of. eterans with one dependent from $90.00 to $105.00 per month, or to $120.00 per month with more than, one dependent. This increase of $10.00 per month, for single veterans, and $15.00 per month for married veterans, who are taking educational courses under the G. I. Bill of Rights is being granted to 'compensate fOf the increased cost ' of living. .


, JJ.

With a Buckeye In CongreSEJ•••

• • •

In recent weeks there have been' persistent rumors floating about the country ' to the effect that Congress would enact legislation to further devalue the dollar by increasing the price of gold above the present rate of $35.00 per ounce. Such rumors are entirely false and unfounded. The price of gold will not be increased or the dollar further devaluated by Congressional action. Instead, if any legislation affecting our currency and monetary standards is enacted it will be to increase the gold Nserves and stren,-then the Ameri~n dollar, rather than- to 1'educe or weaken our currency. The Italian lira and the French franc, as well as the currency of other European countries. have been devaluated,


Meat rationing seems to be ' dead-at least for the present; Last week " Senate Committee voted against reporting favorably a bill by Senator Flanders ' of Vermont, to se up 8 nd-by" machinery • which. for meat rationing for use 1D case of need; of course, means meat rationing i out the window for within the foreseeable futUre, . at least.

• • •

. ..



The decline in many commodity prices which has been apparent for the last forty-five days, and especially the sharp break in these prices las~ week, is beginni~g to make many Washington observers wonder whether the en~ of the post-war boom is in light. Some economists are predicting that there "..j11 be another round of wage increases and higher prices in 80~e lines between now and mid-summer, with a sharp break likely to come any time t)lereafter. CUrrency in circulation has dropped off by , 1Ilore than a,billion dollars since late ' December. 'I n. terest rates have been going up and credit ha,s been tightening. There are many si~s which indicate the ,/ lime has come for · c~ution.


: F,.der.I,Land Bank ' Low Coat • ,LQng Term LOANS SEE


lehalo. Natioial 'Farm Lou, '9 IS H. STURM, ,








Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Dayton, Ohio,' Cordially invites the public to attend a




"Christian Science: The Science of Reality" Ge~eral





SAT. 14

A ,perfect dish of comedy, romance, .and lovely girls "







~airl. ,Raidere COL BOB <lUCAN,



'FRI. 13



WIle. AGirI'1 Bellllifal " COL


Headlining: 5..,.... Daane, ~Ie ~

Patricia While -.

Electric line of Light BulbS

Champion Outboard Mot.ors

Firat and $t. Clair Streets ' . SUND~Y AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 15, 1948 \ At 3 :00 O'Clock E. S. T.



, We also Mave a complete line of Acme, Paints. ", Corne and see us for a l'Jice.

by ' , 'Dr. Henddk J. de Lange, C. fi~ of New York City Membe,r of the .Board' of LectureShip ot'the Mother OlUrch , The First Church of Christ, Scienti~t, in Boston, Mass. IN MEMORIAL ,H AIL

WaYDesville !.. National,Bank




,.. ..



SUN. 16 MON. 16 Nick and Nora Charles are back again, sleuthilt1~ o'ut a murder

, , SOD, of the Thin ~

' \VilHBn'l Po,"~!D and Myraa ~.


Ius: I,atest News: :lOY L, WEDDING i1ec ' ... ' I echn .:olor Feature, ,30 r h m HI e of Elizabeth I

\~1 ' 1

!, I .

Main Street

WED. 18

THURS. 19 Tra,vel thrOl"gh a thrill-packed mystery story ' with Jobn Hodiak

,T~e' Amelo :A.Hair ~ JOhn Hocliak - George , Murphy F.....ces Gifford. ' Also: Joe McDoakes Comedy Cartoon added •










Won Lost 3 '1 20 by Betty Thom •• 29 22 29 22 . Waynesville · lost to the MEE TING DATE CHAN GED 28 23 Eagles by 20 point s last' week. BY LEBA NON FARM LOAN 27 ' 24 Although the home -team had I Due to unforeseen circum26 25 the sc'o re doubted on their op- stance s the meeti ng date of the CLAS SIFIE D AD RATE S 23 28 ponen ts durin g the first Quar- stock holde rs of the Leban on MINIM UM 25c 10 PER WO.R'D 1 1 40 ter, the Eagle s soon overt ook Loan has been Farm nal Natio 3 TIMES OR MORE ,. 1/3 OFF Waynesville. The Eagles didn't chang ed to March 9. ~his will allow the ' home -team to make be an all day meeti ng corripri ~ REAL ESTA TE CIS any points I durin g the se~nd ing borro wers from Brown, ~ ...... ~ ~ '0 ·quart er. The Eagles had excel- Clerm ont,. hlamilton and War~ 0 > DON 'T FORG ET TO CALL (.(e lent passwork and bankb oard ren Counties. < ~ ~ us for Insurance. An types of '0 c'd playing comp ared to Wayn esV'J <.:) <.:) ~ <.:) .~ I Insurance at a savings. Call . ~ ville's. .;:: 1-0 ~ 1-0 Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hart. ock !O ....V'J Francis Gene Brown, phone cu . ~ 1-0 r:: <.:) Ptl. CJ) CJ) ined with a buffe t dine IV) nterta esvill e Wayn N Wayn esville . 2935 or call 10 Satur day eveni ng hon oron ner Planc k 521 174 '3809 146 2 6 colle ct · Wilmin~ton 2111. 190 128 203 birthday anniv ersary ' of R. Gons ·the 8 ing , Bm~~ 146 441 147 77 '13 ·160 ' 48 135 160 Rose 4 ock, Five hundred was O. Harts Mr: Berna rd 146 47 Real Eita t. For 5.1 _ 130 166 . 114' 410 137 684(J . 152 51 ion of .. the eveni ng. I. Mulford 4 divers the S~kctt 7744 145 35 4 200 126 OR imTY PROP A VB IP YOU V. Hill . I 3 Guest s were Mr. ' and Mrs. Ly199 Rickey 150 51 '7548 148 4 44 144 140 0 1 WrIte . or y oau E. Ramb 0 man Day, Mr. and Mrs.. LawPARM TO BELL Ludington 4359 141 31 r Palme rence Furna s and son, Mr. and Con HeDderson! T~. 1CBM4e: 617 P. 149 150 2251 695 762 tfe 29 Mrs. Harry Satterthw.aite amI Total LoraJn ,A.e.. Dayto n. Oblo. 2 0 1 family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy FhisHuriter · Pta. . 0 0 0 ~Ies pach and family, Mr. ' and Mrs. Smallwood REF RIGE RAT OR14 n Brow 4 0 2 Henry Satter thwai te and famDakin , 4 . i1y, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbe rt Prye Montgomery GiJpen FOR SALE 10 and sons and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ward eredr ic refrigerator, . 16 7 39 Ennis 6 Rich. Reynolds nine cubic feet. Good Con6 er Walk dition. Phon e 2474. · -212 fg ft Pta. oro HiUab 38 t 38 6 d y. ~t' . Kibbe 9 1 . 4 • . Rhude 0 The game IS Ie , The Business and Pro,e:r es" v . WAN TED TO RENT, 3 1 1 3 Bache lor five J enike The dock is stopp ed withfourth en's Club 'held its re ~ ular Wom . Davis nino- in the 5 5 15 advan ce seconds 'remai Three mont hs' rent innished at the home of Mrs. ng FI meeti 49 l'\ . Total a6 4 1 offere d for unfur couple, Lyle . orr Wilbu er. and last quart A. H. Stubbs on Wedne~day. · pactm ent or house, by 5 1 2 Long hrow free-t lls the Russe and in s Cecil Referee.s: Twelv e members were present. no children, fine references. ence stand make to es . chanc gheck two Schal with circle . The usual business session and Write P.ost Office Box 26 11 38 Benny sWayn~ for point inning w ' the a progr am of readings w rt. -212 SCQre by Quart ers ': Wilmingt,on, Ohio. Reserve ville High School. His first try 3 ' 4 joyed, followed by a socia) ·hou,r 2 1 f, ft Pta. no' e for t esvill baske Wayn the off es bounc by the SALE 20 FOR 14 K TRUC 1 0 2 Waynesville t. 47 24 , 40 29 with s.a lunch rerve d score. The whole' gym is tense Mehaffie , . . hostes ' s 49 4 0 8 Eagle Model A Panel Truck. Good as ' Florence poises for the -sec- Powell ' 1 2 4 Peters condition. New 16-inch tires. ond and last· try. 1 13 in 6 gh throu Lackey Could YOU come indo Call 2949. . 2 0 1 . 0' Banion a spot like that? 2 1' 0 come 6 did C nce Flore r n~s Hasti Wilbu ___-_N_O_T_I_...,E,......--_._ _ 3 1 t . m . up Graha went MY OFFI CE WltL BE CLOS- throu gh, and the score 2 0 1 art Earnh startED next week. from Tuesday to 39-38 . Then .the dock 9 3 3 nce it Flore and d, evening un.til the regular ed, the buzzer 'sounde hours on Frida y morning. Dr. was all over. Hillsboro was 23 7 5S -21 2 beate n. ' Earl Wr1ght. . teams n beate has Hillsboro f, It Pta. as Dayto n Stivers, Wil- Hillsboro such A~ HE ER 'YAT · 1 5 2 . UNT IL FURT HER ' NOT ICE mingt on, and! Wash inrton C. H. Garm an • . .. 15 at1 the 7 Ted' r.s Vicke and nce stout ElDre wac electra New FOR SALE 2 0 " 1 SUNDAY HOURS': 9 A. M; TO 6 P. M. ter heaters, one 66..~ on tack Satur day" 13 and 12 point, s. Riber 3' 1 7 Collins and one 80-gatlon. WI ill- respectively. WEEK DAYS : OPEN · AT 7:30 A. M. did es reserv 2 1 5 e"s esvill ll Lowe Wayn , r,. stall. ' Myron Ha~ o 't t even better than that. with . a to- Phon e Waynesville 2956 . y . Lacke 35. . to 55 -.-.~~_......_..--_ _-_2_1_9 .tal score of 3'5 5 15 · attack and Hastings p.aced their OF iHANKs Tomo rrow VVaynesville play's with 13 and 1 2 points , respect-fZ! Sprin g Valley on the Ilome W ISH T Po T HAN K M Y ively also. . court, This B'a me invol ves a . •'" V....ity . WAY NESV ILLE PHONE 2662 FRIENdD~f' or the cards, flOh'!i y Ileat Val1~ g Sprm Pta. le. ft Ie triang e l eavill Wayn e 1 w ers an .gl ts sent to me 5 3 13 Springboro, Sprin gboro beat . Flore nce the hospitaL . I was 1 0'. 2 Waynesville, and Waynesville Phyllis Bailey. Thom pson 2 '6 beat Spring Va1.1eyin a pract~ce 2 ,- -212 ' Tinne y . 5 2 12 game . - - - - - - - - - - (....ttt-)-2-,1-2 , Vickers Wayn'esville Henderson Bros. Tomm y's Place . Ame·rican Legion Columbia Rec'd Good Housekeeping . Hartdigas Eagl·es







V) ~


Florence 'Breaks Tie To -Beat.,HiUsbof,o



O pe a ·7 Q ay s a W ee k





Bl ae kt op O-.Iveways ,

Roa d Oil ReaurfaciD, .&ad

a~wint' .,...ite


cc ..... lnl t. I ...

a c••,_



Order now hom row deal.,



fer,tUb ere ",or your ,neecla. ev." fertilb er 1bearina the II on aU field eropel BIG BIG M brand Il~OnDI up ! quality t marke t bilbea for that repugtiolD beeaut e it to ' for ADd it'. been that way i. a1WQI made ",p to hiaha t tweaty yean. WhUe ourlm media te COIl- etanda rdt •.. neve, doWn to cera i. that of lupply inl a priCe• , . ota.b- conten t ) ,.. more bleb-p

. BIG M for maxImum yield



26 Oakwood Avenue 'LEBANON, OHIO

Iw.,..,.,.. ,_

,'he Miam i fertil ize, Compan) Of..C' IN DAYtON. OHIO .ACIOIlY IN' . . . .IN, OHIO

n. UncI.,

JlfIM1i p.,tUilt , ~ II _ """pen d. ., Jlflami Valley . . . . diNe' OINr.tlo n 01' ". 0WfttN0

2362 -.





cWt. .




NORR IS BROC K COMP ANY "Oi netl Union Stook Vard. Live 'Int and "'rogN•• lve. An to non•. .tlOI\ ••1'.... on thfl beet ,t arOund mark~ In the ooulttlY.



X E N I.A Fe rti liz er x-tao. 4 S 4 LG. ..... .... ....


Ph~ 221-L



. ,. lore _250 SIP Petition; I .2New T_WiJ('"PromiSetl

It say. ,




'WaYD~SVille's formal protest aI~nit. its poor tetepb~ne se~rv.


ice, signed' by more than- 250 pe~~, was hoded to tk ~banoll of the 0,,10 .Central Te_h_ Compaft~ J~rda)'. , With the petition w.ent rett~ ~' b b . Wmlfre.J.lfartsock,. leRVING W~YNE8VILL. ·IINC.1_ president of the Progressjve W,o men's Qub, and Maynard .W~ .~ 'IVI,OINT8 A ,COpy secretary of the Civic Club. Both letters urged the cO.l1\pa!,y to 'I ,~ake prompt action and an early reply .on the complaints m the manag~r



To settle ~ 'curiosity, I ask4a ed a few Waynesville business NO. men: "If ,you cQuld get a phone WAY-HE.VILLE, OHIO TIHURIDAV, ., ••RUARV 1',1M8 and service were hettel', would ~ ~~;~~,tall ,a telephone in your ~ The answers , indh.:ate tha.t the 400 number.s listed unde-r T" " , _ ... polo_t' Waynesville in the current dir0III1Ia~ ~ .C. E. BRATI'ON ' ectory are iust a beginning' com· , , Mr. C. E. Bratten of Willowpare 4to what ~o.uld be, installed -Waynesvil1e High School's wood Drive, Dayton ~assed a~ 11,1 this to~nshlp ,If people con- _ Spartans will face ,the powerful way at his nome last hursday sidered telephones worth tbe MDrrow th~ first round morning 'and, funeral services money. of- the cOtJnt~~.\)asketbali toum- were held on Saturday after. of ~h~ f~~gfg~a~:: ~:~t~gf~ ament D:dt "ft ed~esday. \* wa~ n~~n. f. B tt ,,~ quo."'d ~s be' I·np' ,s~definl·teJlv announC! a er e c:tira~, ng, 0 • ro ~orf rtha enwwas sup,ellru;; " ' ~ opponents was held ~ s week. mtendent 0 e , ay',nes'vi e if terested" 111 havln{, a p,ftone Other first-round PnI¢a will 'Schools from t 90Z until 1 ~~O$, rut. in at the' the'a tre ..• "if.'~ , be Springboro vs. Harve"sburg and with his family resided in ,4,lso wantinJ! to be quoled is and Mason vs. Klnp Mills. The , Waynesville during that tume. r:trl W. Lacy, who l1as a phone carlisle team drew a ' bye , and Prpfessor B[atten was a fine in store but 'says he thinks will playAthe winner of the Ma- teacher, admired by everyone, ~e will ha-ve it taken out. When "son-Kings Mills ~atne on Thurs- and the lives of those pupils, "'e ne~ded it most. just after day. The wirmer of tb~ 'VaY!les. who came under his influen~e, tflP. ~path of his wIfe, he had to ville-Morrow contest Will :face were greatly enncbed. (1rfve to lebanon to get good the winner of the 'Springboro- _ Tile' class of 190~, (his last ~~fviCe oli nearby lon~-distance Harve garne, also , on one here, holds a reunion caJls. he reme~ers. , Thu five yaars 'and he · tJ1ere are f -- . , '·'uran t ; t

Morrow to Be .FD'Sl

JJ , rea




'5eClono' rOund _ ~ wiil be at the' same hours on ·I, ......c:". nl5 IOttitr Starting times are. Fn y at 71'. m. j Sat. urday aftern n at 2- o'clock, and Saturday evening at -; :30.

morning, from 1.:-5 o; ~' 'tbere ' of ICpitch_

ru,rnJt.,.q;'It1.• n-1!01~"', ," t

;'--;:;-~~~~~~~~Malln,.-t.Street. ~everal . paused to

',. , watch, it for 'a while, but no one The Little Miani River got did anylhing about d. tire<i of being "little'~ last week. , T h r e e 'o f Waynesville's and ,spread out over th~ bot. young , men w,re- praying the, tomland"after the two-day rain game, and donar bills' passe,d and meltipg snow had fed the . 'frequently amon~ . them as the stream. luck of the ~ame fluctuated. , , "he week-end flood caused The , pJayers st~od in Main - relatively little damajte in tbis Str,eet, far enougjl out so that immediate area' but many ~eo' cars had to swing- around thein. pie were inconvenienced. The The target for their coins waf-' water rose over 'the race.brid~e the stone , step in .front of the and the road leading to Corw,", Miami Gazette ·office. . and one WaynesviDe man toto The ' editor ' of, the Gazette of a ,33."miJe round trip. to make ,~. delivery ,in Corwin, half a who works for a , Jiving, an doesn't have quarters to throw nule from hiS' store. By Sunday aro~nd, . was , an amaz.ed spec. night Route: ,73 was open. again" tator .- not so much because .put the ,"'High Water" sIgn re,the local constabulary was not ma'ined · on Ro-qte' 42 southward around" 'but. because so ' much until after the' water receded on , ' h ' Monday. . Bus service through Waynesmoney was , involved, in t e hands of youths who had no honest wOF'k to be doinO' in mid- ville was affected for · two days. ,.., Then the weather began mak , , n~orning. " " , ing 'up for the rough treatment What abo~t It,. W~ynesvllle? ,it has been giving '.Ohio lately, Am I wrong m thlnkmg.J-hat the wi1h three straig:ht warm and incident is worth menti'onin ,~? , sunny days. M,lll1 Street therShould I have done anything J110meters soared to 85 degrees more. than idly wonder' where iu yesterday's bright ·unshine. "the law ' ,~s? ' , I



. Mrs, ELoise Lang' of Cincinnati is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gordon.

Mr. and Mr. Charles t:llis were unday 'evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mockabee in Oakwood. •

o'f the petition was framed by. the ~rog~ssive Women's Club, while Civic Club members Itelped mgetting ~,gners. The Rev. Samuel N. Keys, chairma,. of the Ovtc Oub s com· mittee on phone service, took the petition and fetters to Lebanon yesterday and banded them personally to Harold Augsburg~r, ne':'l manager of the company. Mr. Augsburger took ov~r ttl~ Job thIs month after moving from the com;p'allY's exchange In MllI,ersburg. Mr. Augsburger told Mr. K~ys that two more trunk lines have been str~ng betWeeJ;l Waynesville and Lebanon, but can~ot be used until more parts are obtained., There are now four JInes muse. . The text of the yetition follows: ,, Tn The'Ohio Central Telephont' " ' . Yo • ' h' 0 Corp" leb~non, 0 10 a ---8 ' '''aa. ' To Whom It may concern: I .. We the undersi~ned, citizens 110,'1: II of Waynesville, Ohio. -and community, bein~ users of tele .. phon~ operated and serviced by the above nal)1ed company, do hereby enter our 'protest 3~ainst the ser~ic~ ~eing rende(ed to us as . ~ndlvlduals an~ a. wtl~ "the follo~tn helD

'I I'e'I'..anp ',-h ' l'Iosm "Iote.:.... Pro ' ed ' pOS


1 • . Failure of the Telephone . learned "'estern: Gompany to provide sufficient w " :&~ q~st with tbe Federal Com- equipment for the satisfactory' - munications Commission in operaJion of telephone service, Washington last Friday to a- ~sJ)e~lally at peak, loads,. ,in the ......,.. . bandon its Lebanon office. Waynesville area, . A stock 'of rabbits · to' be: re· It prpposes to send ~n in,2. Failure of the Telephone .Ieased on properties in Warren comin~ messages and receive all Company to provide sufficient County is due. to ,be received this outgo'"f messa~es through. the equipment for satisfactory 5UV. the OhiOl·nsl:..IOn umtral Tele.· week f or dIStrib ut ·loq by thA~ office nhQne 0Comp",;,y, .tee bet ween W aynesvi'11e anu~ O' tele. Warren County fish and Game y AI~ the lebanon exchanve.which 'reprinters in the, Lebanon tele· suits in a bottleneck of calls be. . Conser:yation AssOci,atio.,. Members 0,( the ' assoc,iation pl10ne Qffice. tween these points. , who w~nt r'ibblls rel~ased on The ... B~J1efontaine offn:e 3. Inefficiency in the Tetetheir land shoula contact Dean would be similarly aff~cted. 'phone Company offices as, In. Walton in Waynesville as soon .!h~ FCG J~ ' st~dyln1: t)le. ap- dicated by the many e~rors , as possibl~., ' placation. i1~ttl .It deternunes , found in the current telep'-ohe Four reels of movies on jfiSh- what acitQn It Will ta~e ~m ,the directory. Errors ()f numbers' ing, hunting and Skiing, ,with other req\lest~. cO¥enng about and du»licate numbers have one comic reel were shown 1 00 com,muRltJes. _" repeatedly 'been made. ,when fhe county association met Th~" request opposed by , 4; Inefficiency in the opera. last Thursday night .in the Far- I, a unton of telegraphers, who , tion 'of the s.witchboard at Leb. ~rs Grange Hall '" W~ynes.. contended , the "propo~~1 a- anon as mdlc.ated by th~ num.. Ville. Among the .96 persons at. mounts to a mer~er. and erous ' Complalnts of subscribers ' tending were several new merit· would vlol~te t~e ' anb-t~st in - not bein~ able to get- an bers. , !aws. The FCC Cited an opm- answer when a Ime is obtained Lunel1 was served ~ at the Ion fro!" ,the. U. S. .attorney- between Waynesv,ilJe and Le.b . meetina w'th Dean Walto ' i general s offlce1 ~ statln~ , that anon or unsatlsfactorv and , l!.'~ I , 11 ,n such' propGsals'rQld not a.m ount " " , ~~.arge of the fo~d and ~111 to a 'merger ,and did ,not Violate (Oon~ em ~e 6> .flbbS. and Ed Standlfor~ assIst· . the law. ' tng him. REV. ~ARKS ACCEPTS '. CHARGE IN MIcHIGAN GOODWW. INDUSTRIES O. S. U. VETERINARY , SEEKS LARGE FARM COLLEGE 'HAS 2 HO~OR The Rev. Ralph Parks wh'o " STUDENTS FROM AREA wa~ the ,rector at st. Mary's E}?lscopal Church .in WaynesGoodwill Industries of Dayfon plans to train , handicapped Edwin l. Oavis of W'aynes- vtl~e for th'ree years before people it) ~griculture, anc a ville and William S. Carr of gOtnK to Dayton IS p,anning to lar~e ., farm i.s needed within , ~ Harveysburg are among the 50 m~>ve sho~tly io Wyandot1,e, 3~-mlle. J.:adl~s ~f Dayton for ,stUdents who, were on the honor ',MICh. . He has. accepted full chatge tbls proJ~ct.. ThiS cannot, be a ron with scholastic averages of. 1948 o,bJechve unless sOl1leo~e 3.00 or better, it was announc- of St. .Stepnen's Episcopal provides the fatm, because ed when grades were compiled , Ch':lIch m Wyandotte. , The ' Goodwill doesn't ,carry suffi,ci- ' for the fall quarter at Ohio pansh ha aboqt 1500 mem. ent capital to finance such an State UniverSity's College of bers. , . ./ Veterinary Medicine M~. Parks.'s a· n~trve of Nel. operation, "Robert E. Watkin, executive director sard.' , '. son Ville, OhIO and -atttended ~mong the !lew students en- Ohi,? State, .Ohio Wesleyan A izable proportion. of disI r~lI,mg at OhIO, State fO,r the Y,ale, Clnd 'Columbia Universi: a Jed people who apply for wmter quarte~ IS Mc<;:lam N, tICS. He was in Wa ,nesvilJe jobs le xpres intetest in farming Ja~kspry of WayneSVIlle, the ~ 942 to 1945'. Since )hen he a ,~ vocation. The farm; will be universIty announced, has, bee~ assistal1t pastor" of utIlIzed as a means of occupaChn t EPiscopal ChUi h in Day. t!onal therapy, for the producM\. and. Mr . J ohn Mercer ton, filling in durIng the rector'S tlOn o~ food for the Goodwill ~l1d .llttle daughter ar now liv. I vacation there-fn the summer of ' lafeter,la, and for a camp _ m~ m the home recently. vacated 1945 ~nd a perm angram. bv Mr. and Mr. . Howard hutts. ent assistantshIp In November.

'I aot-

.There ',are about 3.000 peo."Ie In tl;Je ,area covered bv this excban~" in .Wayne Township ,ana l'hlJ'vevsbur~ They. have ortly 406 t~e~hones. ," or about one for every seven and a half persons. Nationallv the average is about one to every three or four. ' Figure out your loss for yourself, dhio Central.

rr pe +h~n·wording



hili: ' ,'-


'- ------





I .



The Miami Gazette 186 0 BSTABLISBED Published Every Tilursday At Waynesville, Ohio CARL G. 8M ITH, Editol' Entered as second class matter at the Poat Office '/ SUBSCRIPT-ION RATE: $1. 50 a Ye,a r in , Ad,vance





Events Goming Up ·(To have events listed in thi calendar, notify The Miami Gazette , . before 4 p. m. !uesdays.) ,, ' ... ' ,

~ ,


Waynesville Farrilers Exchange Dinner. '.


Go Tb Church! ' ~




St. Mary's Church Boy's Club at Rectory, 7 :30 P. M. ,


Waynesville vs. Morrow, tournament game at Middletown, 9 :20 , P. M.

,'" .


Warren County of The Church WOqlen metCouncil at the Mrs. Arthur HartmanI was Friends Me~ting HOlllse last Fri- 'hostess to the Happy Hour Club ' . ' day to observe the 'World ' Day o~ Tuesday of the pas~ week lar Hoak. Mrs. Vern Smith and of Pra.yer. WIth abouf eighteen members d aug h t e 'fl" Mrs. Rose, Dunng the mO(l1ing Mrs, .;and guest~ presen,t. I • : MrS. La4g h m and sonS, M'rs. Raymond Braddock gave 'a reMrs! Russel WIIs~:m, pre~ld~nt ' .-Lawrence Cook and ~on~, Mi's. ,view of , the "Union Sig-nal ,"- conducted the busme s S~SSlon : Benton Hoak , and dau2"hters, ma. g~zine Of the W '.; C. f. U.; and t~e pr~grall1, wa a~ranged I ~a~en aa~nes, ~rs. Rober~ Hunt and; the" ~o~teS,s,es an~, cltUqren. peclal musIc was presented by . by MIS. ElSIe Hockett. the Bfown children; Mrs. Olive ' Mrs. Donald Jones. san~ t\V9 I. : ,J < , ' ;'1 ' " Curl ~ave a reporlt and Mrs., vocal solos, Mrs. , ~a~~enc;e . ,. ./ :'~ " '. , : ' '. ' , Ra:lph Lane of Red Lion gave' ~,,~o?k g~ye an . mte,re~~g."fl~,ad:' ::' ' ~...M.~';" 'a1,et'Mr~. Clyde ,From,rn an address on "The Menace of mg and tw.o entel t,atnl!1g con· ::l\!er.e wee.k"eo,d ~l.Jests ofihe .la;tModeration." , :, . .:te~t~ complete~. th~ progr~m .. , Ii ter s patents i~ , ~pringf~eld. ~ After the luncheon there wa~ ,; .1 he cl!-!b adJPu,rneq ,fo m ~~t l.i ' a worship ~ervice.' Mrs. D. "J. With Mrs. Warten, Brad~ock m ,~ ,,;":, "\7 '. : : ' :: ' Frazier spoke on "Reli-gious March, ~f.ter .whl~h a SOCial. ~our ) ' .. ' : '. Education i" Mrg. Penton Fish was en]Gy;ed .,wJth a .dellclous " To of Colum:bl)s sppke on "Church salad course ~e~ved by t~e host· ;' I '. ' • Women at Work;" Sue FurrJas sS. · ;, " ~ '.' ", ; ,,:, '" and Wilhelmina Bra,ddock gave:," :..-oPTOMETRIST a duet" and Donald ~~a~}ris ,flos~', Mr's. Carlton Cook entertain" ,' ,, 'h ' ed th; program by smgmg The . ed with a birthday party on SatOFFit~ HOURS: Lord sPrayer · as a solo. ' '.. urday afternoon honorin~ the Attendanc~ ,was~: large at the fifth birthday of her tittle d'aughTues. 7 ·P. M. to "'9 P. M. al1~day meetmg. . ter Janet and toe ixth birthda v ' of Linda, daughter of Mr. ana Wed. 8 A. M. to 12 Noon ,LENTEN SERVICE , Mrs. Benton Hoak. Games were AT ST. MARY'S ' played and the little , ~ honor Sat. 7 ·P. M. to 9 P. M. The speaker thL; Thur day, guests received many lovely Feb. 1'9, at St. Mary's Episcopal gifts. Two beautifutly deco-rated Church Lenten Service at 8 0'- ' birthday cakes were cut and ser· Located Across from Post ' dock, wilt be GeOIl!;e Y.! Hook, ved with heart-centered ice Office~ chairman of the Mjddletown Ci- cream to the many guests. " tizens Committee. Those who enjoyed the afterWaynelvill~ Ohio Mr. Hook is' well Qualified to , noon together were Mrs. t{oscoe sp~ak on the subje,c,t of "The Furnas and son, Mrs. Charles Christian's Relation to World , Koogler and daughter, Mrs. KelOrder." He recently returned from th e International 'Youth Council ',at Oslo, Norway; from which ,point he traveled ~xtens!v~ly thl' ugh occupied , Ellrope. , , Everyone m the community is invited t come and hear Mr. Hook. ----..,...--I






Bqy Scout Troop.'40 at 7 :15 P. M.



'Girl's Friendly Society, Episcopal Rectory, 3 P. M. , Lenten service at St. Mary's Episcopal Churc~, 8 P. M. ~econd r,ound of basketball tournament, Middletown,. ~ P. M:


P GrOSyenOr '


On Sunday. Fet. 19, substantially ' ever_y membel: of the Episcopal Church ,will hear the METHODIST CHURCH voice of their PresidinR: Bishop, R. B. 'C OLEMAN, Min_ter the Rt. Rev. Henry Knox SherSunday School ' , 9 :30 a.m. rill, by 'means of a new and ex'J . J. ~urske, Supt. , traordinary use of radio. In WAYNE. FARMER'S ,CLUB' 30 BYerHOAKS · Worship Servlce 10: a.m. W aynesvi'1\ e, th e congrega t·IOn ENTERTAINED Mr. ' al~d Ml'S. Kell, lIoak en- , youth FeUo\ ,e:hip of St. Mary's Church will sit i n ' no Thursday, 7 :30 pm. their pews 'and at. e~actly.11 :32 , te'rtained the 'Way~e Township ' a. m., the: PresIding Bishop's Fal'mer's Club . and 'guests at _ • '11 f~ h d tIl' , f their countrr home' last ThursT ........ HOLL,a · DIS'. vOice WI ueof ear, e m~ 0 d ay. · ....J~able ecoratiOlis were in v METHO Ml ,a the needs war-devastateo T. M. SCARFF, Mini.ter countries in Europe and Asia.----''\~~~.L.U.J~............J.....l!L.Ud.u..u.u...............u-=--Sunday School 9 :30 a.m and urging ' Episcopal CHbrch son, and an excellent turkey ~,....:.:::::....;:....-~~--c A. E~rnhart, Supt. members ever where 1 accept di,nner was served. ' The gu~st speaker was Mayor Worship Service 10:30 a.m. the duty and privile,!!'e of helpEvening Service 7 :30 p..m. ing these suffering millions. Kelly of Franklin, whose topic _ Whe'n Bishop Sherrill's '10- wa Abraham' Lincoln. M..s, Robe" I ...nard 'n.... ct. on. 200 .ev.n.w••••o.d clt.c.~ minute address ends. the rector Bob Hastings . in minstrel at" ST. MARY'S 'EPISCOPAL b .. ooded w.,II, 'wo Itomemad. e'.ct ...c broode..., .aclt "ea,.d , of St. Mary's, the Rev. Samuel tire sang "Rosie" ,ano "Mamwi',. 150-waff flOod lamp•• Rabe..', lernard an" Itl~ b"o'''.r, ' "8AMUEL N. KEYS, Mini.ter ' N. Keys, Will tell his people h.O\v my." Mrs. , Mo.rri~, Fulkerson , Donald, botlt "radua'•• S'a'. Un'"....'", Itov• • 9 :30 a. m. they ma have it part in thi presentefi the. special topic, "Fa'Church School wll',. '.,,"orn layIng floc. 0' oyer 3000 bIrd•• 10;1t par'ne... Nursery School 10:30 a; m. program of' aid for the distres- vorite Songs.'"' Gilbert a ..e en'''u.'as''c abou' e'ec,rlc brood.r•• Morning Prayer 10':30 ,a. m. t s~d, Then the opportunity will Frye 'sang '.'Massa-'s in the Cold . ' ... . I be given for immediate 'gifts Cold Ground,'" ,and the whole UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH and short-time. pledg-es. group joined in singing "Battle ,REV. WILLIAM 8HANNON .Hymn of the ReputiJic/' • .' , . FRIENDSHIP CLUB Guests were Re'v. and Mrs. , ~ •• Better survival records, Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. MEETS AT COLEMAN'S R. D. ColemaQ.~_ Rev. ,and 1\"\1:$. - --~faster growth. e~rlier U :'Mrs. James Garriso~, Supt. . The FrierydshiJ) Club met in . Samuel Keys, Mrs. Martha ,Hen, P.reaching. 1st and, 3rd Sundays regular sessIOn on Wednesday d~r~on" Mr. an.d M~s. Har~y ,. • and better leatheringI-:T.;;-~~~---~:n-n onth 10 :30 a.m. afternoon at the parsonag~ with , Smlt~ .and Glenn Smith; MisS- - what poultry farmer _ Mr~. R. 8, Coleman ~s hostess, . ' M~ntnlla Bunnel, Bob l:Iastings, -A WAYNESVIIl.E aSSisted by Mrs. George. Pete - ' Mr. and Mrs. Benton ,Hoak and .. , wouldn't be interested ' i~ , anJRCH OF CHRIST .son, Mrs... Arthur Hopkms and daughter, Mrs. Clarence Bart. a simple, i,n expensive brooder that < • • · Mr~. Stella Hollantl. ker and, son, Mr. Robert -Crew, R~ M. Johnston, MlDllter About 20 members and ,and Seth Furnas Jr ' gives the resuits the Bernard brothers get with the ~;:";,:e &hoo} , 9 :30 a.m. friends were present. The March ' me'd ing will b'e 'use of home-mad~ ~Iectric brood(!r$? · Communion ' . ~O:30 a.m. Mrs. M. ' D. , Baird was in held in Harveysburg with dinEvening Service ' 7:30 P. M. charge o,~ the , de~otlons a~d a ner ser~ed in the Grange Ha:ll: Installatio'n and adjustm~nt of the practical, _ ' short busm:ess se~slon was held'" " (~ FRIENDS , Mr~. R. C. Moler reaq an in'Mrs. Willard Furnas and iilhome~made brooders shown in the pictur~ takes ~rst Day School 9:30a.m. terestm~ , story gn ','Ltncoll)" fant son hav~ been at the home yery little time. Their operati~n require~ a lot less , ~cet~ng for Worship . and Mrs. Roy Miner and MISS of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. to 30 Judy ,Conner played a piano ~. SaliSbury, ,since returning , work and attention, for 'ith electricity there's no CAES ' : a.m. duet. Contests also were a part from the hqspitaI. · The infant " messy handling of fuel. Temperature of the broodREV ~D f"l;!i:~E&R~E;~~S C?f the program. F no~ ,ing adon was returned to the Miami . h' S · .' In •• er Journment. to. me t with Mrs. , Va ll ~.Y Hospital on Sahirday er is automatically' and accurately controlled, ,a nd W . ors .IP ervlce" 1 09 :4455 a. m. , M. 1;>. Baird m March, 'dainty evenmg, for observation and a. m. refrt'shments were rv j . , treatment. . Sunday 8cho~ . 'the ~re hazard is pr,actically eliminated. The ove~­


0' 0"'0









-ore h ea ' I"" In LI a rd ;.)






Mass .


Fath~ Kr~oltz, . Priest 9 :00 a. m.


Bible School Morning, Worship Pr.yer MeetinJ


9 :30 a.1n. to :30 a~m. 7 :00 p.m. Youn~ People s Meetin~ ., 7:00 p.m. Evenln~ Services 7 :30 p.m.

Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Allen and baby daughter of Detroit _Michigan ar~ guests of their par~ ents Mr. and Mrs. George Waterhouse.

C0 ,~,i'-.¥IJ ".., L'ET'E' ,SERV ICE"

. all cost is usually less than ,for other types of-heat; ~nd fuel need not be bought in advance ~nd stored. For ~dvice on ~lect.r1C brooders,al~o germicidal lamps and ()ther electrical aids to the poultry busi- . ' nes~. s~ vour· County Agricultural Agent or the ... Farm Rep,r esentative 0' The Dayton Power and Light Company serving vou~ neighborhood. '

, . \'

Attention to defails is the key. . \ note of our efforts

STUBBS Puneral Home

~NE ,~I



Tun.'n "HOUR 0' CH...... Sunda" 5,SO p, M., - W,Hr -~ONAU» COLMAN, Tu.s.,,: 9,H ' P. M.




.~".t. 'O.I~ ~I~



'. •






'slI!W ~!lJg8 ·S.lW PUl~ ' 1I0l~UIlU ' The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R.alph reters ~as be~n. in -HM' .10 uo dU104J. ~!JJ3 ·.i W 22' " the Chddrt!t s HospItal, CmCJll- ... \ l:~ un uo ~woq tngU Jl;)lll UI . , 2.3 nati, fo,r the past several : days - ls;)n~' J uUlP S~ p~q uosd woqi 24 for treatment. ' '3 . ! \\:q SJ W pu e ~l u - - --;::-25 ANNlUAL REPORT OF: THE CLERK OF THE VILLAGE OF CORWIIN 25 WARREN COUNTY, OHIO, 'For the JFiseal Veal' Ending ,Dec. 31, 1947 27 , . Corwin, Ohio, February 9, 1 94~ 29 I hel'eby cert! fr the following report to Ibe correct. 41

Won Lost

2, Henderson Bros. Waynesville 3..1 Tomm?l's Place 33 Go~d ousekeeping- 29 29 Le~lon Co. Rec'd. 27 Handigas 25 Eagles 13


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MARGARET AILLEN, Vlllage Clerk , SCH.EDULE A·' . SU·MMARY OF FUNiD BALAN'CES, RECEIPTS ' AND EXPENDITURES . Bal.' Jan. ,1. Receipts ~p. :Bal. Dec. 31 General Fund . : ......... : .............. $ , 67.85 1697.87 684.33 1071.39 , Auto License St~eet Repair \Fund . ... . . 171.08 482.41 285.7 9 367.70

















0 34 51 29 48 53 54"

l'otals General Village Funds ......•. Gl'and Totals ol All Funds (Clerk) .. ,'.

228.93 2180.28 228.9 3 2180.28

970.12 97().i2

150 483 161 4842 142 158 . 496 165 . 82'0 9 ',1'6 t Total Cash Balance, Dec. 31, 1947 ... ...•...... .. . INDEPENDENT LEAGUE 162 506 169 4315 149 B. Gons by Betty Thom;::. SCHEDULE B-1 I. Mulford 153 153 6993 146 SUMMARY .O F RECEIPTS 115 237 . 1;18 7981 15t 1'22 V. Hill Property Taxes-General Fund ......... .........•... 1090.91' PETE'S PLACE BEATS 1-57 133 133 E. Ramby 423 141 8071 149 Total Property Taxes ....... .. ... . ............... . ... ", : " , WAYNESVILLE 42·39 755 . 825 133 2298 151 150 Cigarette Tax ................... .. ..... . ... ..... . : .......... . , Waynesville lost again last State Motor Vehicle Tax ...... . ...................... . ....... . ATrEND SCOUT ' BANQUET C'....asoUne Thursday by a mar gin Tax . ........................ . ................................... , , .Boy Scout \Vcek activitJes in Sales Tax .............................................. of 3 points. , Pete's Place usually ........ th,ls area ended last Thursday had - the- score doubled on , (By Mias Hardin) With the annual banquet in th'e Special Assessments-.Gene ral Village Funds .......... 95.13 Waynesville, but the 'borne-team June Mendenhall left the Total Special Assessmi!nts ... . ................... : . . .... . . started 'gaining back in th~ sixth grade Wednesday to go to HQteJ Manchester at Middle- General VUJage and Other ·Funds ......... '. .... ... . . . II.H fourth Quarter. The final score Deriver, Colorado to live. That town. Atnong the 800 boys and Total Miscellaneous Fees Sales and Charges .... ..... ..... . . adults at the banquet were 14 was 42-39. leaves 52 .in the sixth grade. ' . . Electricity Sales, etc. . ... .. ... ... .. : . . ... .. .. : .. .. : : ... 78.00 The referees were Russells The )third grade is studying from W.aynesvilJe. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Total Public Service Enterprises ..... . : ... .............. .... . and Johnsons. about children of the hot lands Total . Revenue .............. ................. . ..... ... , .•...• Scoring: and how they live. They have Therle Jones Mr. and Mrs. Grand Total Receipts .•......•.......•........ ...........' ... Charles Mehaffie, Mr. and Mrs. Pta. learned that people in hot lands .WayneaviUe SCHEDULE B-II , Bradley - 10 _ eat " very little meat, because A. H. Stubbs, Scoutmaster Jos- - -SUMMARVOF EX,PENDITURES E. James, Assistant Ronald eph Rickey o meat makes heat in the body. Rush, and Scouts Bill tubbs General Govemment-Lectslatlve (Council) ... . ..•..... 102.00 Ludin,;ton 5 ' They are also learning. to name n .oo Sackett 7 and spell the Oceans and Con- Bob Moran, Jack James, David 201.00 . Hartsock, Peter Keys, and Jenry . J.lJanck 11 "tinents. 80.00 ~OD to ....011. and Property--PoUce •.•...... '.' '. Rush. ' Bernard 6 Th~ have a new Reader calThe 'main speaker was Conrl- Total Protectt'on .~o Person and Proper:ty .............. ' 30.0() Total , 39 led "Fit and Ready." It is a San1tatlon-General 'Funds ' .. .. . '.............. . 116.25 P~te'. Place combhlation Reader and Health '~ander . Thomas ,J.. Keane, n:a- Total Sanitation ........ : .....•....................... 116.25 P~. tJ(~nal director .of civic relatiolllKibby 10 , book. , . for the Boy Scouts of IHlghways-General Village Funds ....•..... ... ..... . . 267.60 l.l uchanOJl 't0 Friday afternoon of. this week shIps. To.ta,l High ways ...... ..................., ............. . 2167.60 Amenca. . Traylor 2 will be the monthly Temperance Miscellaneous--General Village Funds . . .............•. 866.37 Do llar 10 Pro~ram'. We feel that the Total Miscellaneous .....•......•.•................... 366.37 Mrs. Maynard Weltz'"" was a Henderson 7 children are receiving some les. Total Exp. Outlay ....... " ......•. .. : ... ..... .' .....• 970.12 Vale 3 sons that will prove very valu- week-en~ ~u~st of Mr: and Mrs. Grand Total& Expenditures ...•....•... ..... ...•.... . .. 970.12 K., R. H1I1 m Grove City. , Total 42 'able in the future. 165 169 166

C. Palmer O. Rose

168 1·69 178 ,153

Grade School ,Notes

,onus 'AlOJIicatioD'FO....S and Assistaace In Pilling Them WiD Qe Availabl~ , At .the Following Plaees "On ,






'SUNDA~,AR,eB' 71h .


• -a . 'I D.Till -5"'p . - • .











. /


ld9.09 143-9.09 1439.09

H190.97 18.S0 158.73 226.09 510.30 95.13

3.H 78.00 2tl.80.28 2180.28






TfoiE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE 4 deep co.vered at lleast half of gone, if he has the gun in his WAVNESVILLE, Mr. and ' Mrs. Paul Tondinson, OHIO , ·No. 4381 it. We ' are wondering how that hand. T,HU,RSDAV, FE.RUARV 19, 1948 Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Earnhart, much got in and won.dering I There we~e seven reabirds up Mr. oscoe Furnas, Mr. and Mrs. even more how to get It out. by the barn Saturday looking cailers were Mrs. ' Robert Greene Ru. ()el Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. - -- A I!ARM DIARY There is ,a tile rain some where for corn. How I w~h I had a and ~randdaughter Delores but none of us could locate it crib full. Last week I we.nt to Walker of 'Dayton. Alva Ludington were ~uests at . DY D. J. FRAIZER and it must have been frozen the Jackson sale over on BunMr. and Mrs. Thomas Runthe Farm Bureau. Membe r hi \) up at the outside end for ' the 11e"· Hill R{)ad, but 1. ..dido'! get ,yon. spent Su~day with Mr. ~nd Dn\'e banquet at the Lebanon FEbruary 1-6, 1948, · Zero, -water dKln'.t "A:Ml Gl~ :rlle .poor.. ~ COIll __.The iust Jot sold. for Mfs. Ha-r(jld.-EJlel: otne.:ar. ~~l¥. Pre,l yterian Church on Tues- sunshine thaw, fog, rain, flood, pigs alml()st had to swim ·to get $.2'. 20 an i Dearth Sheehal'l took Mrs .. Anna Lucas spent a rew <1a ev nin,e:. sunshine: freeze. That is . the to the feed through. Fortunate- half of all there was. Then the :days last week with her dau~h­ kind of weather that we ha,d last Iy one corner was high enough man that bid in tnenexllot took ter Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Thompweek. If there was any kind that for them to have a dry bed at , what was left and I never even · son of Midland. . '\ .. READ THE CLASSIFIED AD,S a ' we missed, it was something any rate. . bid. There was a s~le Saturday Mr. alld Mrs . .James Wildman that we can't have in February. The crows . are. very bold but I had ha(i so much trouble of Jackson Ohio spent Sunday .Friday the fog was so thick that these days. So~e day I am g?- , g~tting .in and out at .this one night. ·and Mond~y with her you couldn't see a car's length ing to. have a httl(~ loophole an that I <;lId not dare try m Satur- pare'1ts Mr, and Mrs. .~arnhart' "?t ~he~d. ~hen it -rained, and how one of my doors so .that I' can day's mud. I always wonder and ,taplily. It did ram. The water has been Slip a gun in it and shoot at why they do not have some one Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Comeup over. the. roads out of them. No matter how close they direct traffic at tllese ~ales. No stock and children of Beaver- . Wayn,esvllle thiS week end aI!d ' come and how busy they seem on~ could get 'out until every- town were weekend guests of flash floods were reported 10 to be' they always see, if I open' thing ",vas. all over b~caus~ there their aunt Mrs. Alice Turman. ma~y pla.c~s. he stor~ sewers a window or a door or try to w~s a big trutk right 10 the rand Mrs. Hit)' Gibson calat the, Fr~gldalfe pla!}t In ~ay- sneak around the house to get middle of, the road. Lunch was led'MOIl Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ro. ton dldn t work Frtday mght a shot at them, They are even served from that fancy ' new ~er Sunday afternoon. . and the worKers had trouble going by hundreds to try td get lunch wa.gon trailer that some AYNESVILLE REPAIR ge ting to' their cars and g~tting the com out of a ' small patch on.e has started. I ~idn't try .anY7 Car'l G, Smith and Mr. an:d SERVICE ' out. that is still in the field over on thlr:fe. I ~ather miSS the home. and Mrs. Clarence J. pavls WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Saturday morning we went Township Road. My tenant rna e --pIes served by some were Su'oda.y evenin~ l?,'uest,s of down to the hog house to see there has 'tried shooting at them churc~ or Grange. Mr. Smith's cousln and .husband about movin'g In , some. little but after the first time the look- , It IS bad news to me tha' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sirnl?son, atl pigs. We were having a flood outs always see him as soon as R.alph Parks has accepted a call Earlham College' in Richmond, m there. Water a foof or m'o re he comes out the door and are to Wyandotte, Mich.!, and will . I d be leaving SOO'l1. It Isn't often n. that you can have two 'ministers but ~v ith file Pa,rks so near il bas • been possible for m~ to enjoy " , . emort41n both th'e ~ar~s fal1l;ily aud the Harry' Clifton Haines, was Keys fahllly and I shall miss ' born September 15, 1870, and them very ~uch wh~n they go. departed this ,life on ' February The sun Just looked throuth 5 th, . 1.948, .aged seventy-s.eveq con f ·memen t ~ as resuIt a f sen- t·the clouds .m th e tand "thet 'dredbird Slt- years,-follr m'onths, twenty-one Twenty ques'tt'o' ns whl'ch ..mllst .,.. t b t t' I d ' 109 ree ou be answered by each veteran ence y .cour mar la urmg d W' b t ' Sl Ite my 'twinb days:, 1 f h h' b foreign service. . a egan a SlOg. won e· His early life was spent in who app ies or teo 10 onus 13. Indicate whether .servic,e lon~ now· 'until spring is here . . Wunesville, Ohio. were listed by OffIcer. Dr. H. M. WiI~ was per f opne d'm ,/<\rmy., A ' N a. flock e w~ aSM'Q'ine d 1n holy wed-f Iiams, service avy, We ced tjust counted " th of 20 ', "I' would advI'se every vete'r- Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or a wax-wm g's 111 e trees lock with elvina Ratchford, 0 th e r over by the .sp'r inf There is a Sardinia, Ohio, on Februa,ry an 'to get out his disdch~rhge' l?r 0 14 . Was separo/atl'on from ac pafirtof rob,ins ~u.t t 'ere too. One 17th, t 897. ' . . - . 0 , l1e m IS , in my bal'~ He leaves to mourn his passservic pap,ers and stu .y . IS 1st so that he can answer the. que~-' five duty. by ~ischarge" assign- berry bush eatlOl?,' the berries ing, his wife, Melvina, three . . th t M th H " t'lons when he f.·lls out hl's ap- ment to macbve status, or re- and the otlle IS m Bette ree.t daughte,rs, Mrs. ar Sta ames , r he' pll'cata'on form," Dr.. WI·II1·am.s tirem,ent? Spl'I'ng ' I'S surel ' Y reo er ge Shields, Mrs. Lacie evenson said~ . {5. Was .vereran separated 'to work on that income fax re- and Mrs. Elizabeth Byard; one 't " son, Howard Allen Hainesj two ' 1 to 5. Veteran's full name, from active duty under honor- turn., son-in-Iaws j one ' daughter-inaddress, date of birt~,t ser.vice or 'a.b1e cond.itions? serial numbers, and Name under 16. Is veteran ,still on .active m' . ~~ law j ' three grand-dau~hters; which applicant served · in the duty in the armed forces of the · r~ . . two grandsons, all of Dayton,_ . U. S? If so, certificate of ~ com.' ".. . I.. . ~ Ohio, numerous cousins, and armed forces. ( . '6. Was 'veteran on active missioned officer is required many 'friends. , . -'----';" __ WAYNESVILLE duty Dec. 7, 1 vef.i~ying .answers to preceding M'r, and Mrs. W. A. Callahan During the many years he re. STORE 7. Date active duty com- 15 questions. ' and ·children'Patrick and'Sharon sided in Hillsboro, Obio, he was PHONE 2121 , menced if after Pearl Harbor 1 i. Statement of residence of Mt. , WasJiingt~~l : Cincinnati, employed by Holt Brothers Day. .. and number of selective service and MI'. and Mjs. '(V il1iam'CaUa- Broom PaCtory; Strain and 8. Date veteran was separ~t- board, if veteran had registered han of Hyde Park, Cincin,nati, Walker Broom Factory and the ed from a~tl've duty. for the draft. and Mr., and Mrs. Hamid Filer C S Bell Foundry of Hills. 9. Date of beginnin~ and date ' 18. Statement of place of re- of nea.r Xenia were recent din- bora: ·Upon removn;~ to Dayofendingofeachp~"'Qdofse'r- sidence' of Dec. 7,1941, if on ner ~uests of Mr. and Mrs.T: ton, he was associated with the vice' between Dec. 7, 1941. an~ active' duty at that tim-e.t anQ C. Runyan of Mt. Hollr . '-Weiler Broom Works, and the . Mr. and Mrs. T. c. ' Runyan Frank HillsrnJth Company. Sept. 2" '1945, both ' da.tes place where it had been ouring inclusive, dudrig w.hich veteran. one year precedinr, that day. , 'visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. Haines died 'of a heaft at-' ~ 19:' Statement of. ' plate 'of Filer· neal Xenia Sunday. tack, after a lingering illness, domestic service. to. Number of dayS in penal ,residence when , veteran com- , Mr. tewis Crawford of Xenia at his home, 1034 Walnut confinement 'as, a result of sen- menced active'd\lty after Dec. 1" called on his J),arents Mr. alfd Hills Place, Day.ton, Ohio . .Funtence by 'court martial during 1941 and place where it had Mrs. Clarence Crawford also eral services were ' conducted domestic service.. been during one year preceding Miss Minnie Crawford af ·Day- by Hev. Joseph Henry, at the 11. ' Date of beginnin~ and "his first day o~ sud) aC,ti,,;e duty. ton spent the we~k end with her Schlientz and ' Moore Bros,=-;--,-,T"+"-'--'-Oate of ending of each period 9f . .• 20. ~-eteran apphed f0.t, parents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Funeral Home, Dayton, on Sat~ service b'etween ·D ec; ' 7, .1941 or received, from a state oth¢r Crawford. . .' urday afternoon, With inter.menf and Sept. .2, 1945 t:loth dates thall Ohio a bonus or cOmpenMr. , ~nd M. r~. · Hen~y Berges ' in . Memorial Park Cemetery, . 'inclusive, during which veteran sation based upon service in the and children f)f B~averto~n payton, Ohio, . The Fraternal anned forces of the U: S. in spent Sunday afternoon Wlt~ Oraer of . E.agles, of whicb he was'in foreign seryice. Mr. and Mrs. lue Morgan. Other \Va's a meI)lbeF, conductedm'em. 12. Num~er'of days in War II? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ orial services Frid~ e~ning at the funeral home. We ~aye 16sfa dear ~ather, a 10):a1 fflend, a good neighbor, a good. titi~en. . '





Veterans Are 'Required to' Answer

' 2~ ~,~,s~.JI,S , 0,0 -

Ohio Bonus Form



F RANK SIBCV, Repr.eeentative ,


- .



ROGERS & SIMPSON TRACI'OR SA'.!S . . . . 1341 · ' WAYNESYJLI..Et 0100

'I '"

cannot sa'y, and' I will not say That .1e is dead,,- He is just . . away! " ? Nith it cneer.y smile, a a wave of the hand, . ' .J... • . He has wandered into an un known land. '

STOKE'S DA1RY EAOOW 00'-0 Products" P hon.• , 21 ,LEBANON, OH 10



.W8yftesvillefurnitur~ ,Appliance Co• ._.r.. . PHONE


~nd lef,t us dreaming how very fair . It ~l~QS f!lust be, since . he hngers there. . . ' And yo.u"~-~.()'you, who '-the wildest yearn ' '. .. For the old-ti~ step and the .' .( return.

Think of him faring· on, as dear I n the love of There as the ' ~ love of Here; ." Think of him still as the same I say; I He is not dead-he is just away. ~as. Whitcoiiib Riley.




, PAGE 6

Food, and other priee~ are already being reduced ca:n or will make any attempt draBtie~lly by retailers In . many of the large cities at correction of the alJove spec.TH'U,A8DAY, F~BRUARY 1t, 1M8 • • ified faults. of the country, evid.ently in an endeavor to get rid _ (0Da~ fJuD PIlle 1) . In the ebent such information of high-cost inventories without taking too great a IS not fort comin~ within a rearude replies to civil ' questions 10s8,. Such action is a 's trong indication the busin~ss sonable time after this petition asked. interests believe that the price drop i8_not a tem5. Crossed JInes or' circuits is. received by the Company, it porary one, but that ~nstead commodity prices ' will causi'n g unnecessary noise or d'u- ~1.11 then ' b~ 'the wilt of the pe_ , ~nt;~rue " to-drift,-eoneieeasl, ,~ m.. t'b, weeka.. pttcate-con versa tionS', especiall v tJtJoner~ to present their case to , and months ahead. Cuts in the retail priaes of food the O~IO. State , Public Utilities on long distance calls. . ' c1othi~g and other necessities of life wilJ, go far i~ Commission for .their cohsidera' Whereas, these 'e xisting ti~n. , stoppmg or blocking wage increase demands by orconditions are the cause of a aani .... labol' aDd other groups of workers. Where g;reat amount of inconvenience Bue~ d~nda ar~ J;Dade the empioyers , will not be to' the Wa:ynesville community MARRIAGE LICENSES prou 'M pat . . . . iDcre'ases as readily as in the and its telephone subscribers, patt, f . aU bulnen and industry is becoming very and , Gerald Gene I'uck~tt, ' 18, Lebcautious in making commitments for the future. Whereas, the 'present curtail- anon, electrician, Nannie Allen, '17, • • _ , ment of the telephone service Lebanon, factory workler. 0nle y Smith, 24, ~ranklin, Despite ,some stories to the contrary, the sudden in this community can be classed ~ CLI ~uca ~ ,.0... break in commodity prices caught the Truman AdalS a definite hazard to life and paper worker, ,Myrtle Easterling, M~ ., c ....... , ... OWe . ........ property, and , 30, ~ranklin. , ministration flat-footed. While demanding that somebe done to 'reduce hign prices, the AdWhereas the 'undersigned Harold W. Ware, 125, Franklin, thing spould While some of the Truman Administration argue it is the duty of the Telemechanic, Golden Taylor ' 23 mini"tration has undoubtedly been desirous of main' feels ,to tlie contrary, it is the general opinion here in taining the. boom at a high level until after the Nophone ' Company to take the Franklin, nUfse. " Washington that the ~'boom has busted," and that day. that grain and necessary steps to immediately' Leroy Lam:b, 26, Franklin, barvember. elections. On the third t~e ~rop in commodity and stock prices duri~g the other commodities had gone down the limit per-' correct these· difficulties, we tender, Leona Harper, 22, Frankpast few weeks is but the beginning of the primary hereby petition said Telephone lin, waitress. .• , post-war recession or depression. In fact, commodity mitted by law, President ruman issued a statement Company to ma~e a . full stateRaymond Elston, 26, ' Cincinnati, prices declined more in the first five 'days of the warning' the American people that if prices did we would have a depression in ":lent in writing, covering the ' c1erk~ Inez Dilk, ~4, Lebanon, clerk not stop going up market break than In any similar periol! of time aY~~~~~~~d~~~~ ' ~n~ ' ~_rt_u_a_ti_o_n_f~u~n~y~a~h~d~i~m~p~l~y~i~f~t~h~e~y~~~~p~i~d~._~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ since 1920. Most students of the situation believe pared for him several days before, when hia adprice~ may rally a bit now and tpen, but that the visets ,were confident no price break would come downward tr~ncl will continue for at least the next NOW. ANYONE CAN HAVE HOY, WATER QUICK / !' any time ' soon-all of- which demonstrates how ,six or eig~t months before the final levelling off New Pocket - Size Water . perlOd is reaehed. 'It is also befng predicted that' by much the Government experts actually know about economics. Heater Coats Leas t&an $2.25 Spring ~r Summer of 1949 'economic conditions wili HEATS WATER FAST • have so ' righted themselves, that the country will Merely place a -)3ortable FASTOne of the reasons for the recent price break is be in for five years or more of greli'f prosperity. WAY Water Heater in a recept. The present" economic pattern seems to be about the fact that supply ,and demand-especiaUy at acle containing water. Plug in the same as that followed the fotlowed the first the high 'prices which have been in effect-have the nearest socket. Lo and bebeen brought into balance. The supply pipe-lines of World War. , holq! The FAST-WAY toes to goods and commodities have been pretty well filled . ~~ork at once, heating: water like ' ~actory: and retail inventories are at alt-time' s,~x~y for ' 10 t .purposes-a suf.. high. Thete can be gr~at economic da~ger in such flclel'!t quan~lty. , for bathing, a situation; and, if the present price decline proves washmg" scrubbmg, cleaning to be as general. and as lasting as most observers cream. separators, etc. The believe it wili be, then there is a likelihood that speed dependirtg on quantity. the general price level will go down to anywh~re ,CAUTION: Directions for usin?; from fifteen to thirty per cent below that which perare furnished with each heater . d d b Head and follo,w. Cos,t s less than" an . . own ase.m.ent stairs. Nc tained on January first, before a new price level is heatm~ tanks full when a few established. ' ~~2.25. No fires to build or hot gallons or a quart is wanted ... "yater to carry. No running up ' Handy' Portable! Inexpensive:: , The Senate .w ill v:ote' 'on the St. Lawrence Sea- ,. As th~ result of the Budden drop in commodit~ 'WAYNESVILLE , ' FURNITURE prices - especially in gra!n and Uyestock - Ameri:. way' project o~ Febru~ry: 27th u~del' an agreement , & APPLIANCE CO. can farmers will not be as prosperous in 19~ as in reached last week. It is),elng prediCted that the Aeroia from Grabge Hall 1946 and 1947." Yet farm prices will haw to become Senate ",ill vote down the bill' to authorize the " PHONE~422 much lower' before' the Government will be required .. expenditure of some eight, hundred ', million dollal's to support them. Wheat, for instance, Will have to on the 'project. 'Opponents of. the measure insist that 1-::-":--lI~o-to--ft;95-a--btISbel=bej~ the 'Government steps the t~tal cost would' be much more; and t~at, accordin to support th~ price. Gorn will' have to ' go down, ing to the present engineering plans for the Seato $1.41 a bushel; 9ats to ,1.02; soybeans to $2.12; way, most 'sea-going, ships of American registry · cotton to twenty-eight cents a pound; bpgs to could, not use ' the project, inasmuch as a twenty,16.02 a hundredweigb~; , cJlickeils ' to twenty-six seven ~ot channel is provided for , in the pending , . . cents a pound; and bu~r ~ sixty cents a pound. leg.islation, while most ocean-g,oing American ships ... hare a draft of thirty-one feet.


With:a Buck'ev e In Congress•••.



• •


~ ,












Hazel Wilkerson va. WiUa'l"d ' SUITS Wilkerson, divorce, eJotreme cruelAnne ,Wheelen va. Bowar~ ty, C. Donald Dilatush. ~eelep, divorce, &!ross neglect, Margaret Pursley va. Cecil Purs. ememe c~elt1, C. Donald- DilaLEGIW HOUDAY tush. ' ley, divorce, extreme cruelty, C. CPODRICH TIRES AND ACCESSORIES , . Stella Powell ye. Wilbur Powell, Donald Dilatush. " dlvQree, grOft neglect, extreme REPAI~ WORK cruelty, ,YGUDC and Young. . , Mr. T. W. VanPelt celebrated Maude McDwain. Fannie Banker. ' his ' eighty-second birthday an1--7.'-;-.::..;;:-:---"iiI~I!II"'i.-:TTT---"~D===-----'--, Sadi, Ste;nrd, GertrUde Jones"and niversary on, Sunday, and in ......,~I-_.c.-..,....:;;;;----' ----'-------,--.::..--...:...:..---~ Cora Gorings Tindall va,,: Sar~ld. , honor hiS son-in-law and daugh,. SPORTING GOODS Ellen :n~da~, CarrleR-outt, Berk. ter, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulker~e~l Will,am ,and Grae Belen Tin- " so.n ,enter.tained to dinner Mr. KITCHEN WARE MONDAY, 'FEB. 23 r, a and ~lsie., .Step'~ens, construe- and Mrs. H. M. VanPelt of tion of Will, J T. Riley. Spring Valley. We also Haye a complet.e line of Acme ' Paints. Come Nora Sherwood -,


and see us for a price.


• •


General, Electric line' of light BuJbs Champion' Outboard Mot r

Ohio PHONE 448


FRI. 20


'SAT. 21

'''urder, Violence and bankruptcy


, 'The Ga, Ruchero

Roy Roger., T........ aae! 'Nolan'. ·C-Sou of the Pioaeer'.liaad. ' BOB Q'REGAN, Owaer ,·WAYNESYIU.E. OillO ,


Also: First Time in Ohio - - ,

Ovoatie 0'1_, Astor

All-Star Negro Musical Cast.






.... ,


..... MON.. 23

At Last - - A real hilarious Slap;.Stick 1 % Hours of irthful . comedy only "A & C" n give. . "..



Abbott, LOll

, Ad~d: Jingle-J Also:


South Main St,reet

SUN. 22

Bad loa.



Warner' N,..,.....

Co.e Home X ~ , PaI.;

e-Jingle. Musical

WED. 25

iHURS. 26

T his could be good. - - who knows! A good plot woven aroun(J two fine performers. ' . " '. ,

"'-.ptatloD r H

, Geor.e Brent, Merle Oberon with a good PaSSing Parade Short, iracle in a Corn Field;






low . townsman Dick Ca'mpbeU TWIN LENSES has ' been very helpful to the by , Twin management thi$ winter FOX HOLLY in trying to' keep you warm. ·k h'ld t h' I d' Column~ lI e c 1 ren, muS Music, tec mco or, an alrcome of age. We' re you~g', but, planes give Roy Rogers and responsibiltty h~s been thrust Trigger the new look m Friday upon us. In last week's column and Saturday's "The Gay Ranwe threatened bringing you 'Be- chero" a Western that tells of b k d . I S ~ th T . , hind the scenes at e 'YI~ ~r a.n ruptcy an VIO ence. 0ll!e'The headaches of an exhlbltor, thing' novel, too, an AstOr plCand several readers have asked ture "Ovoutie O'Rooney" with for the low-down. "It looks so an all-star Negro musical ca~t. easy", said one, "to run a mov- Different,. very good, and the ing picture t~eatre .. S!lch "a gay first time shown 10 Ohio w~,y of makm:~ a hvm~. ~ob Don,'t need to review "Buck ORegan, Tw.m o~vner, smlled Privates Come Home", appearwhen I told him thl.s. ing Sunday and Monday. lf you "'Interesting' is a better ad- like Bud Abbott and Lou Cosiedive," he said. "I didn't feel tello you Like 'em, that's all. so gay any durin~ the last Come prepared for hi.tarity, or, cold spell, trymg to keep 200 if monkey buginess Isn't y'0ur - Some of line, better stay at home wIth a .' Patrons warm." you like it at 70 ; some prefer g'ood book. Latest news, also, 80 during' zero spells; some and a c~ever musical short" Jinfume if it's over 60, those who ~Ie-Jangle-Jingle.' Matinee Sunkeep th eir coats on. 70 'is rea. day, vf course at' 2 :30 p. n( sonable and a compromise. So Speaking of Abbott and Cos-.. you work for 70. Did you ever . tello reminds us of a promised ' stop to think that when 200 report on Duet in the Sun. Some . ' humans sit side by side for tlfe quotes: ren~h of a show, the heat genMr. 'Mac' McWilliams: "Not erated f r0 m: th eir bodies spiral worth the price of admission. the temferature of the theatre? Over-rated. But I'd give you a Or tha when the audience Is dollar and a quarter any day to . small, the furnace has to work see Abbott and Costello!" twice as hard to warm your Mr. Gerald A. C r e e c h : fe wer bones? ·In other· words, "Worth the' price of. admission. it's a ' constant one-man job Very good entertainment. A pic .. watching the furnace alone- ture 'like this now and then · is upping' the pressure, nice to have. Saves going to.. the pressure, accordm~ to .the 'Dayton." Mr. carl Lacy: "Excellent number .of patrons. Your fel-

open in the South. FAVORITE STORY HOUR Lionel Stander, gravel-voiced TUESD~Y TO FEATURE characte r comedian, will be "CASEY AT THE BAT" . heard as the fearsome yet maWhen Tris Speaker, one of gnanimous 'Casey. Also in the baseball's 'all-time greats, was ca~t is Hal Berger, popular k d b h d f th as e y t e pro ucers 0 e West Coast baseball ' commenDayton Power and Lil!:ht com- , tat~r. pany's Favorite Story radio proRonald Colman wiU be the gram to name his' best-loved narrator. , he immediately chose, arn mest Lawrence Thayer's class~ ·Little Karan .and DeeAnn i~e 0Ja:~~ diamond, "Casey at Thomas were Wednesd·ay and The for} Cleveland In- Thursday guests of their granddian's "Favorite Story" will be parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. F. E. presented " on th(;~ air, Tuesday, Tho.mas. February 24, at 9 :30 p. m. over WHIO, as a preview of the spring training season soon to . I "aU ReapeD I, Office . picture. 'Well done. They were paying three dollars to see it in T••orrow Morailll Florida." . , Mrs. Alfred E. Stout: "The Afler Taking a Siaort pi~ture was good, but had I known more ahout it, I'd never brought the <;hiildren." (Mrs. Course in Colll8lhus Stout' has good constructive criticism here. f'n the future, whent ever we know iri advance t this column wi].) em.phasize snows with purely an adult' slant.) .The Twin Theatre management 'reports albout an even break on DUEL IN TH E S .



PAGE I No. 4868




WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY ! And only a .small investment of $800-wlth famous artist owning .Lot No.2, in the heart of Morrow, Ohio, where the \ One - Two - Three Meets tbe CC-8 Highways--Where the East and West' meet the North and South_ Noted artist . STANFORD BOGEN , claims he intends to imm!ediateIy build a beautiful restaurant to face both highways. Buildin~s will be arllstic rustic on crimson red cement, with a permanent gallery of fine arts on the walls. .


Dr. Earl Wright

He Will See You At Once! -Adv.







} " ,

It B. 11ER,·· Proprietor ,



AT .TilE "Pri_dly Store"

OM'E ' FURNISH ,I NGS! .. 'ilHard-To-Get" Items , • . ;K



Back in tb~ depression year of 1933 shop. ping was easy o~ your poCketbook whcn'-YOl! . p~chased food and ma~y other commodities. Today mo~t prices have gone sky':high 6111 "01 G,.~,ho,mJ j",..s. The1'.re lower toclat than they ~rere in 19 ~ 3 despite' ina..... .cos~s of new buses, terminals, tires, psoU.... '. and ~per.atblg overhead •. Now, a. ,Hfore, you travel in luxurious cotnfort· a" sa~e 'more b~, Gtey·h ound.



LAMPS (Ploor aDd


. .




"COIIIplete Home P..........."

At T~.s. TDical -lira,.. f..s Fnm .






0.. RpcI





,. -

:II 1:= .

1.81 leU ' .11 ' ~ .81 ,1 M .II I."

(Tax Induded)







., .





"Eaat Mala Street at Whit. . . ."



G R E Y ··-H 0 U N.·O -. '. ,


of,'It e'

t ~-'·T."-n ·


Fayetteville; Ol1,io. Btenny choult.heis at Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Flinspa ch Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Whit- Ky. ~ . had unexl?ected callers on FI'i' , aker ent~rtain.ed the 'West Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray and day evenmg. ,They arrived to . . Wayne DIScussIon Group Fri- children entertained Mr. an d help Mr. Flinspac;: h celebrate ill - Mr and Mrs. Walter Clark day evening. A larg-e crowd wa ~rs.--I:leJ:man Heire r ·aaQ..dauit-lg-Ift-l---I-his b!rthday anniversa ry' and th • d6 .- -N-ome Miss Wanda Clark" and Mr. and . present despite the inclement ter to dinner Thursday evening. evenm ,~ \' as .pleasant! sp nt ir I'"en Mrs. Junior Clark and son, spent \\ eather. Mr. Vernon Pursley's fath er, .g·ames. 0 Iiciou' r freshment5 Miss Ina Dearth oJ Franklin Saturda. evening . with thei r ' 'Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Henry of Mr. Hubert Pursley, was able to we re served. t called on Dr. and Mrs. F:- B. . uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dayton have purchased ,the be 'removed frOIlJ Miami Vaney Those' preseni 'were Mr. an j Gregg Friday.. m'orning. Mi1to~ . Sheeh an at ~enterville sto ~e property, at the railroad, rJospi~al .Tuesd.ay, tQ :his home M'.r~ . Luth r Hart ock ..u-n,:i n -, " -Mrs, Olive Curl, Dr. Emm a hO~lOnn~( the 90th lJlrthday of fro m Mr, R"berts of Lebanon;: ': ."·: m.'!Frankltn a,lTer a m~}-or, opera- Mr. and Mr . Har ry att rth . ' . Th e . nei,ghbors of' M~~ .an.d. ~tii oh. . ' waite, Mr. and Mr . 'Hem atHolloway and ' Mrs. Evalyn Pe- Mr. Sh eeh~n. :rterson attended the joint- meet- , Mrs. AlIce Trackey, ~ho has Mrs. A. R. .Shoemake tendered ·Mr. and Mr. Henry Saylor te rth\\ aite an j !'(1I1S, Mr. Law"ing- of the W.' C. T: U. and been a shut-in for a number of ~~en\ a' surprise party Tuesday a·nd childre,rt visited ;the: la:ffer I' nce Puma , Mr . and Mr . Ly: Council of Churc~ Women .011 .,.Y ears, . quietly celebratetJ - hlf eve~in~ a.t i.heir. ho~e on Route ' sister, north! of Day~on S~nday, ' man D a ~ , .tIT. h -t, h ' t , . and . Friday at the Fnemts Meetmg 87th birthday on Wadn~lY. 4~ In ho!,or of Jnelr 24th wedC(>:mmunlon serVlce was held fanli1, :· . Hause.. , , :, ' 1 . . • . Feh.. 1l . Mr, and Mrs. ~atter dm,gannlversat-y: a.t the LytIe ·Church. conducted --.; ••.•.• - ... ~-.;.- •• .;~ .••• ;' ~'r~: R9 ~el:~ -;li'lInt of Lytk Kenric~ called on. her 1!1 the lv),rs: Everett ~arly visited her by . the pasto.J'I, Rev. j oseph ::cal1ed ' on '" Mls~es " Marne ' and afternoon. Mrs. Tnckey IS l!~ C?US111, .Mrs. ArVilla Dye on her Myres of Dayton. · . ". ' : der the Ooctor's t are now Wltti nmty fifth birthday Tuesday at ' Mr. and MrS. Lowell Gray :!Annie Brown on Friday. " Mrs. Martha Henderson was a cold. Her dau,ghter, Mrs. Irma Jamestown. . . . and Mrs. R~walt of Dayton were, ;:the g-uest of Mr .. and Mrs. Kellar Sweetrilah and g~an9-children ~ ¥r. .and Mrs. Calvin Long- \~ednesday ' evenin~ dinne.r '(Hoak on Thursday at the Far- Mr. and Mr? Leo LeWIS, of Day,: a,~re and family were Sunday ~:uests of ;theit · par~nts, · Mr. mers' Club. ' . ", . .. . I " . ton ·are carmg ,for nero . . . ' , · dmner guests of Mrs. ' Louella . a.nd Mrs. Wilbur' Glark .. ., Mrs., ·,Howard· 'Ivins ,of. Red .. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Whartol~ . Swank llnd JiInm'e 'Swank in . Mr. Ronald Rush.attended the OFFICE CLOSED lion called on Mrs. Ella Dakin entertained' at 4 .famil,r 'din~er Dayton. . '\ ;,.. . . • amnual meeti~g' of th'e'TMiami FEB. 1 Sunday afternoon. . Sunday, celebratmg the ' third Mrs. . J. B, ' Jones was the Van~y CouncIl Boy Scouts at . to Mr. ancl Mrs. Rayburn Cad- birthday of their ~rand-sonJ . guest .Q( Mrs. 'Carl Pickering ~t the N. C. R. Auditorium Saturwallader of Cincinnati called at BIll y. Melloh. The. ,guests were': Centerville from Tuesday until day evening. MARCH 1 Mr. and Mrs. Morns Wharton of Thursday o,t week. . -----.;...-.the Home Sunday afternoon. While on Vaeation The Board of Trustees of the Miami Shores, Dayton, Mr. and Mr. and· Mrs, . Walter Clark ,,vatter Cardinal (ttt).· 219 H(lme met. hete on Wedn~sday Mrs. . Loren Rout.zahn and and daughter M!ss Wanda Clark and were our guests at .dmner: tiau,ghter of Fran~1111 ~nd Mr. spent Sun,day WIth Mr. anctMrs. . Get Your TRUCk. and Those present were Mr, Seth and Mrs. Bernard Melloh and BUSINESS Furnas Mrs Ella Cook and Mrs. son of near Lebanon. , AUCTIONEERING Optometric EYe Specialist S. 'O NS Mr, a,nct Mrs. Vernon: ,~ursley,; STANLEY -aDei KOOGLER Martha Henderson 'of W.aynes. ,.' of ville, Mr. ' Merritt Roberts and and sons m c?mpany wlt~ Mr. 26 South Detroit Strf!et BROKERS L .I CEN8E and Miss Mabel Wilson of South and Delb r! FI.sher and chIldren For Date., STANFORD BOGEN Phone 288tz Wayn ••vill •• i' of Clarksv!l1e,. cel~brated ~heir Charleston. Ohio. ",hara •• XENIA, OHIO Morr0w.9hi Mrs. Merritt Roberts of South Fourteenth weddmF,' ,ant}lverCharle ton was the guest of Miss s~ry, Sunday evenmg ~vtth a Huth Chandler on Wednesday, shnner at the Canton Resturant . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark and 111 Da yton, and a theat~r~ party Mr, and Mrs. Bouch of Dayton at Ke!ths afte r~ard. · call ed on Mr Clark's aunt Mrs. . It IS reported th~t Mr. and Repres~'nting .. . . Alice Clark' on Sumlay ~after- M r:-· R~be rt" .Hunt have sold A LOT EA .. IER ' Westheinier & Company noon ' theIr ·fal m part to Mr. Genrge TO PAY Members New York Stock oli Monday afternoon Mrs. Hellkl f Lebanon and part to Exchan,ges and other Many time when a fi.mcral Clark s calle r was her sister-in· Mr. Vi, E. Ke er of D~y,ton , registered Exchanges director i sele te ; famil fun d law Mrs. Lee Mason of Mason. and WIll soon move to their re.ha ve been prett well deplet 1 . ' . cently purchased farm near Investment Trust Shares b ther xp 11 :e'. Bought - S,old - ' Quoted In cases f thi kind ur Phone 'Waynesville 2530 · ra te pri e hedulc 'L a mod Dayton AD3257 most welcome con veni n , A-k us ab,out it-Iy ·'lt1. peo. I " :t ~) . ,





Dr. C. E. Wilkin"




Call C. E. MICHENER Phoae 2926

II-Ohlo admitted to Union. 1803. I



IO:-U.S. outlaw. due1tnQ. ' 1839.

• ~1-Bat~I. of'V.rclun. 1916.



\ ~._Waah1nQton .• Birthday• . . ~





I3-Rotary Oiub founded. 19J5. ,

u"..~dm. Ch.ater 1:-----:-_._"'--......;.;,.,.-' --= bOm•...:,l88S ::.=c...._



. . U-Colt revolver pate\o\ted. 1836. \.' IMI

• Use The Almanac To Check t:he Weather · But Use . GAZETTE CLASSIFI£D ' \ , ADS . To Buy, Sell, Rent, Loan, Borrow Any Time of The Y~ar








"4~WAY ' FARM .NSURANCE" in the Ohio Parmers w~ gift )'Ou broad ~ against losses on your farm. It conn )'OUt. buildiDp, JOur chaneb, )'Our auuuilobile aael fOUl' UabWcy for accidents to ochers. Why Dot He us today? Yoa .... , ....,. Ide wbeo you'", iaawed Ua .... 0bJ0 'armen . ,


Karl D. Dakin , 1osUao~e· Agency

~ .




'Fairley .Hardware Stores .



8 - BIG STORES - 6

113, 20~. lIulberr)', LEBANON, O.

oilo " ••• IS._ CO_ANY .~ OlIO MI"- • • • 21' - - rthh tMI.



PHONE 2441


I WISH TO THANK all of our



many friends for their messages and kindness on the occasion of my wife's death. ,, Carl W. l~~y.

us for Insurance. All types of InsUrance at a savings. Call , francis Gene Brown, pbone Waynesville 2935 'o r call collect W~mi~on 2 t 1 1.

a.1 letale F,.. ••• IP TOV 'BAft A:iAJiiUCX., oa PAlIK ,,'10 ..... 0lIl, CII' . . . . \ ODD BInIIII-. ,N. __ MI••, LanID A.... - - . 0Id0. ' tie




- New electric wa· ter heaters, one 66-g-allen an~ one 80~~al1on. Will in. staU. Myron Ha~emeyer, Phone Wav.nesville 2956. WASHER FOR SAl,' ELECTRIC WASHING mac·, hine for sale~ Phone 27 t 1.







7-CA1U£~"' , , . , t Holstein Cow fresh May t; J Jersey Cows fresb. extra ( ~ood; t Guernsey Bull, 2 years old; 3 ~eifers, sprin,ers.








1 - HORIIS -

2 '


73, One Mile East of Harveysburg.


~ "'ork Horses, extra good; Weight 3600 Ibs.; 2 Sides Qf

Work Harness a,nd Collars.






WXN'~ Et;S


COWS $13.00 HORSES $12.00

HOGS ....00 ,C~ .







lit . ....



:vtoD~: 10 m. s. ~. Dta I °aoo 12 ~. ClDc'lln~U

ft·...t-1t8DOl't. rnal 100. , U: .-ar

or Our Dally'

11- HOGS -15



to "9.... on th_ .....




............... ce.....

NORR,I8 BROCK COMPANY filltolnn.t. UIl''''' atock Yard. v. W,Jr. and ' ...........Iv•• An

8trlotlv . a.. .a,ound

Idea Manure Spreader; 2 Wagons; t Molehe 8 ft. disc t John Deere Mower, Big 4, like new; 1 Joh~ peere Cultlpacker, good; t Com Planter, McCormick·Deer· !ng, e~tra g()<!d; t Grain Drill, '5 ft.; 'f Oliver t 2 in. Walk. 109' Plow; 2 pre t 4 in. Ca~e plow shares; 1 pro t 2 in plow shares j t Spike·tootb HarrQw.

~lke . new;



TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEP'ING rooms or one room to . ~tore furniture. Call 2635 after 4:30 P. M. '-219 FARM WANTEDWANTED TO' RENT, farm on thi,rds or will consider workin,g' by month. Best of references. Leave word at Gazette ---':'226 Office. ' ' TRUCK 'FOR SALE Model A Panel ' Truck. Good condi.tion. New 16-inch tires. Call 2949. " 'J indo



PlabHe "detloD

Notice is hereby given that I WIIL.~A.E Albert H. Stubbs . whose Post · Office Address. is Waynesvilie Ohio bas been duly appointed FUIL·TIME DlTI1ES as Administrator of other Estate of Venera Lee' Kirkpattick late MONDA~9 FEB. 23 of Warren County, OhiO, de.. ,t I I ceased • . , Dr. H. Eo HathawQ. D. D. S. . Dated this 10tl} ,day of Feb· ." .: ruary t 948. C. Donald .Dilatusb"" Atty. RALPH H. CARI:Y, Judge ' of the ' Probate Court Warren County, Obio~ , -34

HOUSE FOR RENTTWO-ROOM HOUSE for rent furnshed. T. O. Holmes, Franklin Road. -2 t 9 WANTED TO RENT Three months' r.ent in advance offered for unfurnished apartment or house, by couple" no children, fine references. Write Post Office Box 532, WHmington, Ohio. , -2 t 2

daughter, June, Jeft for Denver, Col.. on Saturday for an inde-





Mrs. kathryn Mendenhall and






Mr. and Mrs. 1=. E. Thomas b3:d as Sunday .di~ner guests Mr. an" Mrs. John R,obey of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Earnbart and family of Beavertown and Mrs. Winifred: Hartsock and son.


4 Brood Sows. ' due to farrow t 5 of- March' 11 Shoats' weight t 25 lbs. J

. ,2362


. . . . . . CI=e



400 Bu. Corn; 75 Bu. Wheat; 60, Bales Oats' Hay.

. 3




Mot 'tans;"2 BUCk~ts; 1 St~ainel'; Hay Fo'rk; Pitch Fork"

: Double TreeS'; Pulleys;. 50 ft Belt,'


' . '" '


S~DAY H~: ,8. ~'" TO 8 P. ~i

WEEK Dt\YS: OPEN AT 7-:30 A. M.




300-egg incubaPhone Spring Valley


.--~ ... ~




., ,

.';'~ ~ ~~ 'fBlJF FEr IFoJt ':5MB ~~~-:;;i:-:---::-"",--:::-:,~ L~ A~.:;;:E=----=Q~A..;..K ~ Buffet, . one '11. Mrs.

. Wade.

cheap, -219 J.- R.

' : FOR SALE I ' , 2 Stam\in~ lamps; Electric Iron,; Floor and · Dust Mops' ,Aluminum Cooking Set. \ and other cooking utensils; 2 Ax- ' ,minister Rugs~ 9~12; Steamer Trunk; .Wafe Service for 8; and other articles. . Carl W. laay, ~hone 2662 ELECTRIC STOVE; ELECTRIC STOVE for sale. In gO,od shape, being used every : .day. ' I.~~e. , Le~on; Route 2. . APPM:CIATION~ ·THE WARREN COUNTY Fish and Gam e Conservation Association thanks the many ' p.ersons who attended Thursday's m;e etin~ in Waynesville for their interest in its activiti es~


r ..


FOR - '






" WA'DfB8l'JLLS . .


21 9

CARD OF TIJANKS I WTSH T'O THANK my many friends and patrons for the many cards and 1 tters sent to me during my rece nt -111ness. . , Dr. H. E. Hatttaway. Mrs. Chas. D. Davis (ttt) 2 19


$15; "cOws ,$14; ,



ReverIe Charlie.


L G. BueJ..ie1t. ,1ac.



X E N I A . ertilizer


TAR aDel


MOBBOW '. . . .

.,m .... IIIL .

',BRANON 0ftIee'








; ,

It Says ~Thlf' Here



1elephone Manager Outlines 'Efforts - (iftorrect Situation.

Hawld A u g: $ hur ~c r, new mall a~ r of th e Ol' .i Ce nt ra.) TeleBy Smitty ph'o ne CQmpan.v ffi e , in ,L~h ­ I Waynesville 44-Morrow 22 anon came ,t t Way n e sv ill ~ To a lot of people itl Wa,\: ne . ' SERVING WAYNESVILLE SINCE 1850 Tue day t<? ex~) l a in the ~teps ville the :mention of th e tete· that have been t ak~ ll or W ill be No. '!'S? '" FIVE CENTS A 'COpy ,Springboro 62-Harvbg. ' 2~ ,phone comp any brin~s up a 'taken in th e n ~x t few wee ks ----------~----mentfll picture of ,an og:re; WAYNESVIL THU~SDAY, FEBRU~RY ~, 1M8 . .!, 'O HIO rove t I ph ne service to imp b:-eathin g fire. Kings Mills 30-Mason ----~~--~~------~~~----------here, , Hut Harold Augsbur,g'er, the He made ar rang ' ment s to apnew Inanager in Lebanon, is :t 'With an ffici al f the CO lTI pear Waynesville and Springquie t-v oiced, mild· manne,:ed pall ) 1 efore ·a ommi ttee to , b ~ boro .Meet To'n ight" 9: 20 man who wants to ~Ive servIce comp osed of thr e m_mhc rs of to the customer as best he cat). th e Civic Club and thl' e of. the He is a veteran of the P:t ific' Wo men's Pr gre sive Club, tn ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Theatre in World War II , and de cribe full th diffkul1i tl1 " TO El.ECT AT GENERAL came to ' Jan'on a month ago co m ~ an , fac , in tr ' in . ~ to .g; ive from) MiIlersburg t Ohio. M~W:TING ON THURSDAY , hetter serv i e, G ttill '" IIltn catc He told of one trouble th ~t One new 54-r,a eng .> r school Th e Wayn ville ' Athl etic el ' 'tri ~ al ~ q ui r ment i' til mam had , many Waynesville people l1U ' ha- b eli !'l::2 i ell b y' t h ~ A sociation, pr e p(trll1 ,~ f .r ,the h ttlen k, 11 ' P intc 1 out. biting their nails, but wh ich wa ' W' a ne vill. e , c1w ol, . anrl d· · j..l ~ :oflba ll sen' n wh,l 'h I IU t In th ra -t few da )ls tl -e I 'ill cleared up iu t hecausl: ' Ol. ,(' f I'ery on anoth r n i , expec ar.fl und th e 'corn er, \ III hold a excha 19:e' h;1 had n \v k Ii them wrote' a, letter t th e t k · ted soon, Wll(' 11 hnth l1"e ~~' ehp:ell ral [n etin ,g' at Ki e r' . ~ Gar· 'el ' t I" and t \'0 ad itlonRl ph ne compa ny. f1 11 t int t p ra ti n. , icle are in '(:)I~ cr a ti(lll , "l' roilabl ' a:>'e at ?: p. 111. n xt I hUl:s- 'link The cut-off mechani m \\ hi ,Isom time in March, ach bu day, March 4. ' Thi, li'a : ao!" i ~ n d c j the ct iftimes 1 ca.l calls' hali ,e,,("ltten LI ' wiH have one tril to mak , an 1 Offi 'ers will be elected f r fi 'ulty I f 1 ci vi n.ll.· £0 wait for a of o r ~e r ea rly t ill 111'mth, r nd all pupils \\ ill h ~: in a l ei end the year and the g~ ro ~p. will de. ii; I t n~ , Il l! sai:\ , bc..:;.l 1 n w was set t brea k c( nn ' CtiO ,1S l1.c th eir ci a s da v at til sam" cide how many team It wants 2-1 In a! tel " honl':, r ne ut mi nut and 4 5 seconds after a hoLlr. · and what rt of sched ule t ~11:- )f e er 16 tl til 'ex 'h an ~' , all was made. Thi was far t a r a n ~e. , ..,.-;---Ci"H-l h ' l1 --LI':'.' ,' 1 tll ' -:lI ne tim . -'~ () r t :' n ':;as ne er. in tend ,d hv • For the past f w years th Th pr 'sent (ffIC t - of. th , \-\l 1l " \1 the J - 11 t 1'pl:nn ~ i-; til c 111 ' :tny. But phone u ers local schools have hall five bu - as ocinti on .are Ral ph Ndenfleld, l~ i.c kc d lI ,), it . l11 u t \1:,il , for a s 'hut they wilt now' have V j '-1 y · \ r~ c ' in ,g- aU ove r th e ~ Iflce. se ~ en, The addition of two wa g-eneral manaKer, an ernon dial (nil' unt l) nn e \ , - 2. - ' i cek ag-o Sat urday a Jrtkr ' made possible hy' "ja f'rant from Simpso n, ecretary·trea ure,r. i ll I[' l~ i hung up r ut, ff , .' 'i ing tl' difficultie , lith I' ;-., d But th re :U") v ry r ~ \' tIme ( , ~, "l C vill e exchange w a ~ : ORP.{'CHEN' ,~ KINKEL, R, J{. th e Ohio ' nt of Efound (tca- GARDEN CLUB TO START \\lheJl fh i. I l ;tn\' 1 11 1 ;;';' are in tion afterDepart~\ state officials , ~ f Mr, Augsl urg\' ! . u e at 0 11 t ill1e., that buses were needed, NEW SEASON MARCij 4 l{ mentione t the fa st cut- tf., d W Thi rt ne\ lines haYti: l een R t d NUP S;Z WILL OunlNE t' cam up here and timed th ~ Superinten en aymon . Th e Waynesville Garden installed, th ough a b ttteneck 1. \ Le. Sure e nouR;h, it was ' ,sriv 'OPPORTUNITIES IN , Braddock said. ' Club will hold its first 'meet- in new in _trument prevents r, ,!.\· allers ju t l OS, second s tu FIELD TO STUDENTS Classes now st~rt at 8:15 a in1!: since the winter vacation putti n R all of them in use de( nish th eir tal king, H ~ r .> a ' · m, for local pupils and .those next Thursday aftenloon 'at 20'· spite a backl o~ of 8,9 or,de r :;! -ted it to gi ve six minub!'s to " Students of Waynesville HiJrh on the first busloads, PU1;nls n~ at the home of Mrs'. Pal}l fo r telephones h ~re. r.he rrew , ',:c': C;l .1', anti complaints have School will have the chance to the second load start at ,9 0 - Maurice. Mrs. Lena Hartsock IS numhers, for wlil h wIre aTe (O<mtlnued on ' page 5) learn about the "opportunities ~~loGk. The closing is .at 2' :4~ . preSiden,tof the organization.for L"' l' ped off sharpl'y am o n ~ th i c; I ' "If .t~at one let- offered toda-y bv t~,e nursin~ p. m. for fhose. who arnv~ early the cOnlm:g ye·aa.r~.~_'. :'. .:. . .,~-7--'~-;-'~""":'--~-";;"':":-'""7::~ ~~~~ he nrofession 'when Mrs. Gretchen and at 3. 0 ,for the second _

School Speaker

Tourney Scores:

All Pupils to Start At '8:15, After,New Buses Are Put in Use


says. •

Moral: When somethink ~oes ' I rvng, d n't 'assume the whole thin( is detiberateJl!!til you ar_ -ure the company Knows it is ! ' I ing wrong.

' Mia~i aUe; Hospital s~~ l~!~o~~~: ~tas~sur~a;rc~~::n:" nursin~ 'in ' Day tOR, visits the at 2 :45 while 01hers are leavschool" tpmorrow at "1 :15 p.

in~ for the day, Mr. Braddock

j ""--;--

.--'- -


, ,



2.f~und ' \I~am'paians, Stut Saturday ' , t;.~



,. ~




• "


addea wryly. ; ,, , &_- (' &.- - D_ Mrs: Kinkel will discuss ,nursMr. Braddock , s~id , til sctre-:- -.t-ItDevetopment- ua~ aSmut S,.,-oc-uv in~ as a career' and hold individ- dule will probably be made 8:1~.,. " , ual conf.erences witb wo- to 2 :45 for everyone when bot'~ , ' , A ~oa) of $350,000 has been ,'The 4-H Clubs of HamIlton, men interested 'in findint out, buses . go ' into ' operation. h" , Warren G:ounty. ,has received , mote about the nursing school Illerging.last period' classes,int0 ,Clermont an.d Warren Counties , set for Ohio's annual Easter ,~ 94 ' pou1:ds of , a~licatio . the, nursin~ pro(ession. fir~t per~od cl~sses. Thu" the,re' will open a fund raisinR' cam- Seal sale, Dr. Walter A. Zaugg, , h nks ,for the Ohie) veterans' . andThe at 'Miami Valbe fIVe penods before 1unch . d F b 8 P t president ,of The Ohio SOCiety next class t nus. They take up 12 cubic leV Hospital will be~in, Sept. 7, will and three afterward. No other palgn on Satur '~v, e. 2 . ar for Crippled Children, has an(I'et of space. There are to,350 1948. Mrs. " Kinkel announced class will be affected. of the funds Will be the -three nounced. The sale wiJI start Feb. fo rl1$--three for each of the will ,.alsp be ~lad to " The. chan~e will n0t he marl ~ . c ,unties1 share of ' a ~200,?00 , 28 and continue thrQu~h Eas, that she " tOOO ' county veterans expec" ter Sunday, March 28. led to apply for the bonus, and counsel any hl~h school Jrrad- fiowever, until a few d~ys after Development fund bemg raised Zaugg said that in Ohio alone ti~tes who 'mav be consid~rin~ , the sec~nd new bus arn~e~ he- in Ohio for 4. H schohuships, a:1 ,S % r~serve of spare blanks. tens of thousand~ of persons enro11in~ for this c1ass. cause ' h ce~se , ta~s fp~ It ,can·, wards and leadership' trainin ' o .Iust thought y'ou'd" like to have some disorder which handA g~aduate of st. A~nes not be applied for u,nttl' Its ,motor ' , . . kIH )W. icaps them physically. Acco-rdschool of I)ursin~, ~ondulac. and serial numbers are known , , program. , . in~ to medical authorities' estiWis., Mrs. Kinkel ob.tained her ,Hence it cannot · be put into This fund will be depOSited. . Every o1)ce I!, a while., .some- bachelor of science def'ree from operation, probably, until the wi.t~ the St3:te TFe~surer and ~dt I Il~ turns up' 111 a publiei.t¥....r.e- ~he Unive~Hy ~.Minn~o~. midd~ of Ma~h. . -.-~nmrim~I~~ke~~~d~ll~~~.~ft.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.... se that-·makes an editor lean She was named re~istrar: of the Mr. ' Braddock pointed put the OhIO State UI1l~erslty de vj : k and mutter, "Well, what Miami VaHey. nursin~ school last that \\-'aynesville is one of' -th.e el~pment fund. l1amllton Gounu y (\ U know!'" r'" last distrids in the state to eh- ty s share of thiS fund Will be , spring. ' ' 1 hitt happeQ¢d the other day minate the double op ~ning and $~O,ooo; Warren County $1 ,w h:1) a mimeogr.apned release c1osinR' hours. The syste'm was 500 and Clermont . County $1,( allle in the Oh,io Depart-, . ,-ta-rted in 1918 when motor 6<?~. The q~ unty .quotas were , Olent of HIghways, about tratfic buses were first obtained, he decl,ded on the basl.s of 4·H eotights. It seems that Waynessaid. rollment. . '.' ville 's 'traffic light at Main .and In addition to this the 4-H No'rth Streets is upside down. SANDRA H~~INGTON _ T leaders of the three counties ar~ It' s been upside down since WINTER CONCERT SE cooperating to raise $60,000 Sept.. 6, t 94 t r when a law took Sa.nda" Herrington, two - FOR TUESDAY EVENING for, a permanent 4-H Camp to "'Hect descr,bm~ which end of , month-old- daugQter: of Mr. and AT WAYNESVIUE H. S. serve boys and girls in the triMrs .. Ottis Hetringten of near a traffic IiKbt ouk'ht to be uP. \ ,county area. C. C. Caldwell . , So help me, that's what ,it Waynesville, passed away SatNext Tu esday, Mlll'ch 2, 'at Hamilton County 4-H a~ent, anays in th~ Oh i'O Manual ' of urday morning: at Miami Valle\! r 7,:3 0 p. 111., ' the' winter conc,ent nounced that this fund wm:1ld be Traffic Control" Devices for Hospit(\l. I',n il<.1ditinll tn her par- of the ~usic. departmen! , olf .' invested by a non-profit corporStreets· a,nd Highways,. ' Not Olat ents, 111e b.aby is survived by a Wa.yn ~s ~ IUe High School Will be ,ation t(l, he know as Southwes_ , it makes any ' difference except sister, .Janice. ' , , presenteq in the auditorj~lm, .u!1'; te rn OhIO Camps Inc~ mates, over 8000 Ohio chi'ldren Donald Gahn . to a colorbli'nd drive r, and you The maternal' ,g-rahdparents de r direction 'of 1 1 t Officers of the corp, o ration 16 years of. a~e and 'under have ' I r WI presel1 ,a pro,· are Car) ....Bibbee . Hamilton . cerebral aren't supposed to have a lic- ar6- Mr. and Mrs. Silas BLackab ¥ ,"I he c'loi' pa)s,Y resulting from ~nse to drive if you ar'e c010r ~ , I 'A S 35 and the paternal ,g-r~ ndpare nt ' ,!~:ra m ,similar to 'the one an,· ,9 00 blind., But the iaw ~ assed . In Mr. arid Mrs.• Henry Hertington, l1o llt1ced for the Teachers Mas- County agricultura1.a~ent, chair. Ham ya maKe., o m ~ tel's Club' meetin gtwo weeks man' W, W. Hamilton Cl erp rso n are said to he ubtect 1941 says that any traffi li ~rh t all of Linc;oln County, Ky. ."·o,. The' band's . pro,o'r. a, 111 fol .- rT!ont Gqunty agricultural a,g-ent. ' to . ep.ile~ , tic . seizu res and on,e -rected after th elt da.te must Funeral service too k place a,! l(' i \vs : 1'0. vlce-chalrnlln ; Mar.:raret av chi) i m 1 (:) has a speech handlhave red at the top and gTeen Sunday afternoon at th e A. H. Warren' County home l1~m o n - cap. a tthe bottom. If It is a horizont- Stubbs Funeral ' Home, and hu- ' Star- pa ng-led Bann er, ' FiIl.- tration agent secretary' Berman , H'rh ese a re some of the l eo ,al Jig-ht red rnust .he 'a t the left rial was in Mi ami Cemetery more H i ~'h Sc hool Cad et, Ros,' Warren Count.y' a, ~ 'ric lllp Ie," Zau,e;K ,aid " for W.llom ; and ,g-reen at the TI~ht. Monday mo rnin ,~. S.ousa; tar' Dust. Carm ichael ; tura) aJtent, treasllrer. illieq uatc n~edlcal. ducat'onal Then a drive,r who can' t tell Across the Field, .[)oughefty; 4-H is th e onl y rural agen and V~,c:l.tJ() n a ) s rvices a r~ red from R'reen will kn ow which ' for vocati onal and r creatiut1:[' needed. Militar E c rt, Benn ef; OU one' is shinin~ by its location. Th e fund from the ,Ea ter Mr. Alva Th mp on' returned Director, F. E. Bi,~e l w; Fr nch work amon ~ rural y luth ant But the law €1oe '" n't affect li (" ht. Na tional Defil e, A. Turl et. this campaig'n i th e ' fir ' f fllll li Seal ale ar used to provide Miami Valley. Ho -pital durin {!' to 'put , up ' before 1941 , like the pa t wee k for furth r treatThe proKram will he r pea · raising effort ever un derta k 11 hy ~~ e. e and ryumerou ~ th e r ervWaynesville's. So what good l' ut .is- J.l \\' co n vale~ci n g a1 ed at an assembly program th thi group and will no t he re. ~ce !o ~ rtp p l d childre n and _ does it do for o'u r t1ieoretic~ l ment, his home. foll nwin g day for thestuden t ', peated . ' .1 iult he added . colo rblind driver?In.







The Miami Gazette 11 ,8 TAB LIB B , B D l . • I 0 Pub'lished Every Thursd.y At W.yne.v,;..i1rrle:.... ,.;..........Ohi=0:-:-:--c-_ r: _ _ --:---"c"""'A"""'R L G, 8m , I or Entered as second cl ... matter .t the Post Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: . $1 .50 a Year in Adv.nce



Mrs. Margaret Carver of TucD uri n I?: 194 7 ' Arneric~n son, Ariz., has announced the MlIOfIA' AOYlltrlSING, lerIEHHr""'VI . churches ga ve over $5,9 00 ,000 engag-cl11t:nt f her, in cash and 111 0 re than t 5,000,- Mis Margaret Ruth Huntsman. e' - 000 pound of to help to Mr. Eu~ene Collett. of .New tile hungry, .sick, naked peo- Burlin,g·ton. The' wedd1l1 ,~ ,!.s t , . pie of war-wrecked Europe be late in Marth, in Tucson. and ASia. DUlrin,!?· 1947 the Mr. Collett is the son ~f Mrs. CltICAOO SiAm; NIW'OtI Epi -copal Chtmch raised a mil- Mary Collett ,of Ne~v 8urI1l~~t~n, SAN ,IANCISCO lion clollars in cash\ and R'ath- who i now in ArIzona VI Itm ,~ ered tons of supplies.' . hil11 . Hi . fath er tht later Robert PATSY BAIRD IS' HEAD' '(To have events listed in this calendar; notify The Miami Gazette In view of needs that In- . Colictt, operated. a ' 'ha~d\\;ar' F STAFF PREPARING ", before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) crease rather than decrease, the , tore in Wa ne VIlle untIl four 0 Episcopal Cliurch thl1QugJiout or five .y ,ir" ago. He. \\ as ~i1- HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL FRIDAY, FEB. 27 the country is trying' to secure led later 'in an automobIle acctdA staff headed by Patsy Baird, ale at Perry 0 born farm east of Harveysburg, 1 P. M. another million dollars for 1948 e'nt whil \\ orking' t tt Patt rSon editor-in-chief, has beg'MIl .the C unly Bask tball tournament at Middletown, thir 1 night, 7 P., M. . .. most of it in one day! Lau- Fi-eld. . task of turning' out Waynesville SATURDAY, FEB. '28 ,. ncliin,~ the effort, th~ presidTh . PI') 'pedive hrid Kroom Hi~h School fir~t yearbook Fin al 'It tournament in Middletown, 2 and 7 :30 P. M. ing' bishop of 1the Church, the attended Miami University for .. b f the a' The annual I, .wl·ll n. t·lIll,e aftIeI'll I'" adl','"atl'on " fl'on1 I smce e or.e , W I. , . Rt. H enr.Y Knc)x Shel·rl·\. SUNDAY, FEB. 29 ,l?,TI . . will contai'wthe customary picspeak dir ctly to cOllgregatlOns Wayn vIIJe Hi~h Scheo!. He. I tures and comments on class T Church ~ Oft rin g for Foreign Relief. in their pansh 'churches next now a junior at th UllIverslt members and activities, along M thodi t Y uth Fell , hip at Church, 7 :30 P. M. Sunday, Feh. 29. The services of Arizena. Mi HLlnt lfian i a with the senior class will anli MONDAY, MARCH 1 ., . that ,.morning will ' hegin aDd se nier in olial ' tudics ther . Vrophecy. B i . ut 'fro p -+0 at 7 : 15 P. M. continue as usual, up to exThe book will bear the titt , TUESDAY, MARCH 2 actI 11 :32 a. m., when Bis- JANUARY MILK PRICE "Our LoR' Qf '48". Superint nEa t r eh ir Pra ti t Methodist Church, 7 :3 Q P. M. hop Sherill's voice will be heard' IS $5.905 PER CWf. dent Raym nd W. Bradd ck will in thousands of churche from b f It ' d tl f I Wint r 11 ert Wayn vill H. S. 'Mu ic Department, 7 :30 P. M. coast unMilk pI' (~Uc r' in the Dayc acu y p 11 ~r an. ~e , 0 ' to coast, through an Church of GOd 'prayeJ: - rvice, home of James Herrington. . . t' f t ton-Srringfield m~rk et area WIll lowill,g students Will as 1St III proprec:edented combmalOn 0 ne - recel·v.e a llend I)l'lce of 1fj5.90 ~ dudion: ' . THURSDAY, MARCH 4 ~ fP k . t ct't . 8' b H t work and independent radi) Girl' Frien H 0 iety at Episcopal Rectory, 3 P. M. 'per hUl1dredw i,{!,ht f r 4% mil A slstan e lor. 0 asstation. ' old to til Miami Vallev C illK; publicity manager, .Earl Lenten service at 1. Mary's Church, 8 P. M. Bishop Sherrnu will 'de cribe oper:'ttiv'c Milk ' Producer A oc- Rye; busine~s mal~ag-er, ·Wllbu.r Waynesv ill Athletic A's ciati0l1 at Ki r' Garage, ~ :30 P, M. - the bitter need as he himself has iation, . Florenc f ~ roducbon .manag~l, ·Waynesville Garden Club, Home of Mrs. Paul MaUrIce, 2 P. M. seen it in Europe, and the part Mapp said that thi Januar - Jimmy Weltz; c~ass ~dlt?r. FaYe of Christians everywhere in re- price l' 5 % cent und r the re-. Creech; alumlll ~dltol ,. Bett y lievin,g- the needs of fellow- ccrd price IJaid th~ prOltuc rs in Th~)fr,as.;. art. edlt.or, G en e Christians overseas and the December, and IS $1.00 per temke; I1tera~'y edl.tor. Norm,a brinR'inR' of new' hope to people cwt. hi~he r than the' local dairy- Lo~~acre; SOCIal e~ltor, Phyllt , who have IQst even the sense men received in Januar:v. 1947. Bailey; 'p rts 'editor, Danny . of human diR'nity. Howeyer, he pointed out tha,t it Hartsoc~; sales 1~1.~nager, D<Jn . Here in, Wraynesville St. · cost Ohio dailJmen $1.55 per bakin. and advertlstnR' mana~er. Mary's Church is cooperatin~ h d ' d . ,t Dick Graham ( . fu lly in the Episcopal relief . un re pOlin s more 0 produce milk in January 1948 than ------carri.pai~n. The Rev. Samuel N. it did in the same mon,th in Many a veteran is still single Keys reported that the radio 1947 TJ' . th . 1 t f because he doesn't dare equI'pment has been 'set up and . liS IS e eqUiva en 0 f' etb ta at better half until he can , that everrhing- will be In order 3 1h ce nts pe r qu r. t~r quarters. . 111 e Next Sunday, Feb. 29, .our so th'at a the specified Instant, EPISCOPAL LENTEN. church and church school are the Presiding Bishop will be SP~S ARE NAMED requested to bring an '. offering heard by a con~/regation which ' 'M ETHODIST CHUROI for overseas relief as, adminis- is' expected' to 1lax .the' se'ating t , Mr~ Ralph ,Knigll,t. , director It •. COLEMAN, Mlnlat... tered by the M.ethodist Ghurch. capacit.y ~f ,~he ~~~~rfih. . . " Qf the Y ' 'M' I C. A. in MiddleSunday School " . 9 :30 ·a.m. All members ana constituents . . tQw~ .~vi1r b~ the speaRer at ~t. " J. J. Rurske, Supt,. of the Waynesvil~e church . ate ~S. A~ H. EAJtN~ART ,/. Marv~s Evening L~nten, ~ervlce Worihip Service 10:30 I.m. asked to tiring' or send o(fer. 15 W 5 C 5 1'-""'STES5 · on ThuJ;sday eV~~llnR' Feb:, 26. Youth Fellowship , in~HtS the need is very great~ .• • - ."nu , at 8 o'clock.: Mr, Kni~ht is well Thursday, 7 :30 pm. The "choir is preparinR' its The . Woman '5 SJ)cietv " ;of Q~a1it~d ; to . :>peak .on tbe sub...........:::~~--.,_ _----~I--Easter cantata, "'The-Resurrec- Christian Serv,ice" m~t at the ort f the ubiect ot "The tion Story," by ' Carrie B, . home of Mrs~f A. H. '.Earnhart Q1{is.t~an's ~Qelatlon to Com. r '·Tu... 7 .P. M. P. M. Mr. HOLLY METHOI)IST Adams, to be given on Palm oh ThursdaY"'aft~e;l'noon Feb. 19. 'I mutilf~ Social Or~anizations~'. T. M. ICARP', Minlater Sunday evening, Marcb '!2t. Assl'sthnt hostes~es _were 'Mrs. .J;verYone ' Interested in th~ ' ,W..t. a·A. M. to 12 · N~ Sunday Scho.ol 9:30 I.m · 'During the basketba.hto.ur}l~ Tom Hardiil;·MJ·s., Al. · H.' St\l~bs. · sod~l , o'ett¢rm~nt pf Our com~ E~ A. E_rnbart, Supt. ament 'p.eriod · the ~et~pd,st Mrs, George lfieRd~rS6n . and mUbitX is welcome to come and Sat. I? ,P. M. to 9 P. Me , Wonhip Service .0:30 I.m. Fellowsliip will me~t on &~n4av Mrs, Peat) Rid~i~. ,.; ~ I ' hear. Mr~ Knifht. , . Evenlnc Ser~ice 7.:30 p.m. evenings-at 7 :30 inste~di of th~ .' The meeting : OP 'n!ed with the ' s~ealfefl a.t 1St. Mary's usual mid-week meetanrs· A with prayer :bv Rev • .: 'B. Cole- 'l'entel\r': Se'r,vice , on " Thursday , fine service. was held last Sun- man f6110vietf'by 1he hYllJrl "Let evetlln( March ' 4: at ·' 8 p. m. . IT. MARY'S EPISCOPAL day night~ , the Lower lithtsltbe 'Bumin~. If Will -fie ~r~ Wylie M1i'1cllelt' exec• aAMU.Ll N. KEYS, Mlnlde II :' A ~US1 ess 4 mtetin~l: fIl110\lf.ed, :ltit!Ve :'ot.t~e American ,~(,lIinK Church SChool 9 :30 a. m. :!}J ' . . . . : . ' co.ntiue(ed bV!th'~ :ptteSt,,~nf. IMrs., M!1t CO. ·,.m ~iddletow'n. · Mr. Nursery SChool 10.:30 'I~ I .I ·Carltoni'COok,. · . ;.' t ' ItcheJj will spea:~ on the subMorning Prayer 10:30 a. m. , ."ena6 . 'o me '. "The prog'.ram W'asJn chatte of lof "Cbtist~an Vocations."

Events Coming ·Up



Methodists' Notes

'1 \




' f


• J





',UfICA E. U. 8. alURai



Sunday School ' 9 :30 I.m~ Mrs. James Garrison, .Supt. Preach'I'ng. 1st and' 3'rd Sundays each month ' 10:30 a.m. WA\'1~ESVluE CHURCQ OF CHRIST R. M. Jobnaton, lYnDiater . 8ible ScliooJ 9 :30 a.m.




'JJ, ,'' . '' .






. l~:lg P~·~'.


. First ,Day School . 9 :30 a.m. Meetmg for .Worshlp ' 10:30 a.m.

M~aift 'Curt~e~~rid~ . M~(~~.~~.~~~~~ M~ ( Rufus , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

afternoon in Lebanon. · I " Wa~~ins l~d. In l (Jevatlo~~. 'Her I Mrs. Walter Clark: and 'little subJect was wlil1fat theY"may be gr~1tdson and Miss W.nda :Oark· one."" ~enneth ,Hou{h ~ave of ,near Lytl~ calle~ 'dn \.~~rs. '. ·the l~on f ~tu~,v · :~if~e ' Way of Alice Cla"(k Thursd aV'afteJ1loqn. . Brot,h~rhooif IS tl1.e Wa,,{: of . I,! . • t . I I . MiSs Olive Williams returned Ga'(I.'.' Wednesday from ' a sjx- weeks-' ReP!>Tts were~. ~wen by,' .the visit with friends in Boca Raton, executive' con:tmllttee on the msFla. " '. tructors'r.'! n:tee~ln~ heki reeentty ' Mrs. Margaret Jo.l1ns loft.ytle a·t tfie parsona~:e. ' ., called 'on"; her sister, iMrs: ElIza- \ Refreshments were ,ser'yed by beth Smith' and her many ,fr,iends the h~stes.s.and . J~~r. somJ!lltt~e . . . T~~ ~~rch I!i!e!!tm~ wll~ b~ an . here on Mond~v afternoon. . We' are. glad to report Miss all-da y . dmrthe~ . mheet!nh~ at the Laura M.cKinse,y improvil1R' in Metho d1St C tlre Wit a .£ruest health at 'Grartd 'View Hrospital . spea~~r. in Dayton and 110ping s@on to -----.:.:..;......:.:::...-__ return t'O the home of hel! s~ster, . Mrs. Earl Swai neaF Lebanon. • _ _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j






, .

, 2:-25:.Qucrrt Hbpper 'Capacity., I



~ ~






' ,



3.-Will Sow 11.6 Acres a,n Hour qf 4 M. P. H:



, 4.-Distribute evenly and in accurate amount p,er acr~.


Father Krumholtz, Priest Mass 9 :00 a. m.

Bible School . 9:30a.m. Morning WorShip' to:30 a.rn. Prayer Meetin( 7 :00 p.m. YounK People s M,eetinK 7 :.00 p.m. Evenin~ Services -7 :30 p.m.



Worship Service. 9 :45 a. m. Sunday School 1.9 :45 a~ m.

RALPH E. STIN80N, Mlnlater

. , .' SEEDER .





1.-24-Fbot ·Breadcast.



:: ,

5.-Ad·justable '· to a l,t ' : makes of tractors.


Our Ambulance Service is yours for the asking~and at a faPt price .

STUBBS Funeral Home

1'EI.EPHONE 2211


Rogers ad Simpsol .Trador, Sales E. NORm

PHONE 2342


; I






Sta.te Rotite No, 73, Ordin'a nce 20,

;'1: 0 .

200.' Date o f Enaoi m ent, }<"e ,


An m rgency ordinance ' e nacted by th V illage of Vv'a ynesvlllt!, Warren County, ' Ohio, In th.~ matter of the here inafter described improvement, under t'he supervision Of the Director ot Highways, I,

INDEPENDEN"t LEAG by Betty Thorn .:5

WAYNESVILLE BEATEN 71-50 .BY MARVINS Wa nesv ilJe did it again I Y es th ey fost another g-ame .. ' Al: tho~,g:h Way ~sville tried to stop Marvllls from scorillR; the y wel'c una Ie to (:ope with Marvin -:. ' team. ' . ' Referees were Cec il Rus' eJls and Benn·y , chlagheck. The sconnp::


Pts. 13 4

Rickey Bernard Planck ~ ackett lIdil1~ h1Il


T otal

, ~

22 20

, 14 10

Us II'! 11sod


Total core b quarters: 1

.\ '. ayne ville r1a ;'yi ns




I' ll, ells H : 11 ~ t~a d F' x


5 '

" 1


' 1-4

SECTION II (COOPERATION) BE IT nEsoiNED, that the oun il of the V illage of 'W uynesville, Oh10, does h el'e oy pro'p ose to cooperate with the Stat ot Ohl.(), in the co't of th e above described impt'ov men t, !by assuming and contribultlns Vift een Dollars In clusive of the" cost uf e ngin ee ring , p ' , limi~-at'y coot in "'encics and other inci d e n ta l ex}> n ses, SECTION III (AUTHORITV TO SIGN) , E IT RDAT~ED, that the Mayor of th e 'y11Iag Of ' ayn sv III e, Oil 10,>, be a nd he is a uthollzed Ito nter Into a greeme n ts fo r the malnI): n c and . val:klng for Fed eral P!:oj ec ts, parking l' g u lation fo r Stat l\ rl1 je ~ ts and speciaL ~o n,tra-ctual obligations, SECTION III (b) (PARKING R,EG'ULATIONS) , .BE ilT 'O RDAINED by the Council of the V illage of W(8.yne ; viHe, Ohio!' that upon c ompletion of said improvem Ilt by the Dll' ~ 't.or' of High ways,' it is h ereby und~rs tood a nd agreed' t hat said VUlage of "Vaynesvlle, Ohio, wlll th ereaf t er. ~a) Keep. said higlnvay; open to tl'a ffic at a ll ,tim s, a nd (b) ', R,egulr te par!dng, t ,


Bndk \' f\'arvins


, SECTION I (CONSE'NT) 'ViHiEREAS, the Direotor of Highways is .considerIng the matter of the folJ owlng Improvemeut unde~ his impervlsion of the publ\c hig hwar particularly de sc rl~ ed , as follows: , B6glnnlng at the intersec,t ion of U , S, Route ,42 and state Route • 73 in the VlIlage ot: Waynesville, th en ce east ov r a nd a long State Route 7:: a dls,t ance of 0,619 mll,e& .fO I' th '}>UI'pose oC l'cs ul'faCi ng with T -32 IHla-f:we,. and " HE;REAlS, it Is declared t o be In tlhe public interest that the consent of the Vl1lagc of 'l\ ay nesv lll c. Ohio loe given' fol' the above des I'ib ed 'imlJl'ovement, under the :sup I'v is ion of the Director of H llghways in ac1:00'd a n 'e with plan " pecification' a nd esti m ates as pr ep a r ed by said .Director , , :-\OW T HEREFORE, s uch '''1151:' I1t be an d is h e re oy g ly n, r r the en n ·tru ction of th abuve d t'~ I'Ih ed impl'ov:elil ~n t,

-ed by the said companies hav e agr eed to m n k I;t ny a nd Q 11 necessary ' , plant removals or rearrangeme nt In sueh aina nn t:r a!5 to be cl ar of any cron8tructl~n called tor by the plan of said improvement and said companies have agreed to I1l.ak su h neces a ry rearrangements . ' immediately after notification by Ule village 01' the a eparst m Em t and th e village agrees that the salcl d'epllrtm e n t o f hig hways of the state of OhiO, shalJ be a nd is her by sa;'ed h a l'mle " (rom all y an d a ll dama-ges or la lm A tlhereof arising ,! l'om or gl'owing out of t he r e- .. a rra ngement of snid utlilty ,company or stru t ureA, (c) 1t is hereby agreed that the m age s hall, at its own expense, ma~e all rea.rrangemel),ts of wat l' mains, serv ice lin es, fir e h ydra nt , valve ho~~, san·lt.ary sewers Or other municipn.lIy owned utili ! ies and/or any appurtenances thereto, us may be n ec(> ~sary to con[orm to ~he !'lai d improv ement and ' a id I'earl'n n g mil ts ha,l1 be done at such time as requested by the Department 'of Hign\\,nys E n O'in et' insu 'h ~i manner as n ot to int el'fer unduly with th pel'lltion of th ~ con· tractor constru ling the impl'ov m ent. 'rha\ this ordina.'nce sh~ll take erf ct and b't> In COlTe frO\'l1 a nd a ltel' t.h e earlies t period a J\()wed by la w, P a ssed: F (bruary 20, 1948, Alt t est. : Charles J ames.



BE lIT RESO~VED, by the Council of VltJage of Waynel;3ville, Ohio,. , that: ,I 'I (a)- The righ t of way necessary for the 'Construction of tlle a foresaid im, ·provement i . hereby certified as being avallable therefc r. (b) .~ra.ngement's !been m.ade with and agreements obta ined from all ' Qublfc utll1ty cNnpanies Wh08~ Hrtes or 8I14'uctul"es will be affect.,

















H.i M.IWILLI' . It 1 f \ n-A~, t'



,I ll f:


, I'

I : '




Mr. and Mr . Stanley Bail ~. wer unda y evenin~ dinner ?:uests o'f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Car~y of New Vienna, ' when th~ Careys entertained the Worth y ,Matro'n and hu band f Oi trict 21 . Order of ·(:a tern Star. ue Ann daughter of Mr. Mr '. E Rumny. 'cleL rated ninth , I irt h ja y n Ft·j.:lav was a dinner .I?'ue t of Mr. Mrs. C. E. EdKington.

and her and arId


F~hruary , 20,


1948. , Spring:

all week ,but winter again thi morning'. All weeK th e wa'rm pring su.n shine and ' the frost cal1~e' out of the g-round ' and we , !I;td M UD. ~he birds, san~' and rt seemed a if the buds would op~ n any minult! but .fast night the cold came' down aKain and the ground is frozen' hard. But it is better that way. It is too SOOn for warm weather to stay but it was nice while it lasted. Sunshine was good for' th e al s thi week. W e went. to one on Wedne day planning- to stay for only a little while but Slln wa ·So warm and th pleasant and we want~d s e




what corn sold for so we stayed tlhtil almost the end. It averaged about two doll'ars a bushel, sold in hundred ' bushel lots. traw went for 49 cents a bale and hay for little over a dollar a, bale. There was hot competition all-lOng the 'ju,n k buyers for the alp irOl:'L Mo t thtng ' old \ve ll though as usual thel e we I' ' me h,argains.


All the Id sale fans were ther . and so me new on "5 that J expe,c t to ee at more salessam ) Of tbenl ~ e pie who ha v just bou~ht farms and haven't stocked up yet on all the thin~s that seem necessary to a farm. .Funny how ~any old buckets and feed cans' and trouKJls and othe.r odds ~.nd ends it takes to run a farm. It may cost,l1lorc in time to buy them a tal es bul it is more fun., The trouble with it i that for everything that yo u need you carry 'home three at least that. yo u don't neeQ and

THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE 4 which clutter up you'r place until someday you hav,e a sale and WAYNESVILLE, OHiO No. 4357 someone else ' carries them THtJ~8DA'Y, FEB,RUARY 26, 19 home. ' They sold wrenches by the at the spot which the 'w~lI-wit­ han Huls, all sizes, shapes, kinds cher' first chose. This was in a and , conditions. It · made one better place fo r us and seemed \"'onder how anyone could have to have just as strong- a pull collected that many. That man 'but there isn ' t anything about must have been a sale fan. water witchin,g', which tell y u renches are the sort of thing- what you are going to hit efore ' you 'find in the box of junk that you .~·et , there. "We had company this week. you buy' because you sa v{ someTuesday when we look d lit thing in it that yo u could us~, or that yo u gamble a dime on to by the barn there was a very see what i ~ in it. ,I bought a nice looking white-faced black curry 'cDmb and a ~ rush to bull with Lena. Sometimes we grool1\ the mul e with, but with would have been very much upt but this tiTtl e he ' was ver v them I g·ot. ,two littl e Id grease guns and a three tined hay fork w kome and- o/e promptly made arrailgements with ' hi ' without a handle. owner to let him stay for a The well drillers have been week or so. Now I will not ha Vc working thi ' we ,k hl.jt the y to bu,' a hull. ' ha ve had , trollble. ' They were We are wa iting: \\ itll intere t drillin,e: tl! 1' , l~ ,!..': I) Lia and the combined rain and thaw tUrn,e i f ' r .our first te t-tube calf whi 11 it into oup an j fill '0 LIP more i due ' Il'ext 111 nth. You h ar .than half f" hat they wid dril- tale · of the dire re liltS of artTh 11 the ' cam e to ificial. in eminati on and th led. I' ck, and drilled , and irillc:d. , It ma'ga,zin e, are full of the good wa one of tho~e bi,e: ' and stone ' result $0 we \ ill, ha ve t wait boulders that they always se m and -s e. These' will t Thanks: to hit around here. Tllen they , .gt.ivink calves (if we ?:et them ) drov.e the pir e in and when it and we will be thankful. It was a bit funny for it ha hit the houlder it stuck. They alway been our ' bull in the couldn t pull it out and the couldn't drive it in and it wasn't neigh aI's pasture before, and down far enough to leave. They they can not tell this time just, where he got over, but he did. \~orked and they worked ancl fmally.they t off a, charge of ,The next thing is, will he ?: 'dynamlte but that didn't m ove h me the same way or will we It.. It took four charges of dyna- ' have to take him 'home? It i mite before they got it loose; the little things like this that then that loosened so much rock add spice to lif~~ on the farm. that it filled up more tlian ,ten feet of what they had drilled and Mr.. and Mrs. A. K. Day had they had to start in a.~ain. No as theIr ~uest on Tuesday night water yet. I am wondering if and Wednesday, their son, Mr ' w,e would have done any better Frank Day. of Winchester. Ky •.







F~-ur guest stars wjil be featured at the Young Artists' Concert in ' ____--=~_Jhe Waynesville High School auditoriuin on th~ .evening ,of Friday, " Marc~ t 2 • .A~! are from the .Cincinnati Conservat~r~ of Music. They are: William Wilkie, ~ playing the euphonium ;of baritone hor... ; Arthur Moor.efield, clarinetist; Maurice Mandell tenor vocalist, and Ward L. Swingle, piano accompanist. , " '


Twill Th.,e ' '.

. .




'I nomIna . t e . ......... :...•........... "' (name) "


...... .... .......... . . . . . .......... .... . ,


uM,E'A DOW 'GOLD Products" , Phone 21 , LEBANON, OHIO


r ~'RA""K ~IBCY, Representative




. .... .......... . . .. . ............... . (Your address) ,





. ' Pllo.. 2341



Waynesville 'furniture and,Appliance Co. "


(address) Waynesville's Tycoon of 1948 '

PHOj'ft: 2422


Open to all extept employdes of Twi,n Theatre. ' ' (All Ballots Becom'e 'the property of :Twin Theatre.,) lBallots must be deposi~ed at Twin Theatre when purchasingeither adult or child's tickets, b\' 9 .p. M. March 1S. ,7




Cae6aN Creet

on the si~k list. Talks were .g-iven on: "Group PHONE MANACER TELLS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bog-en Recreation" by Darwin R. OF IMPROVEMENTS MADE (OOotmued tram Paae 1) and daughter Carol Mae, of Bryan;" ~ bs and Joh Analysi ' ' Dayton were dinner ,e:uests of by MarVin Ru k, as ' lstant ~1e.r- already connected In the exMr, an i Mrs William ,,"mith and -,-SO'(l . ' f- r the Qh-H:+, -...,>\,' n,g-e WI e 111 11 , 3 100 era u~htcr one day last week. Farm Bureau;, "Farm Bureau" . i" , ne bf these, 3171 ha aIMr. and Mrs. Luther Hainc.:: ' 1 y Art Hoverland, and a di cu - r ady been hooked up at the ha ve returned home from a vaion on uTeehllique 'b John Waynes,ville Lock r Plant, and cation trip to Florida. , Williamson" or~'anization rn'ana- m re in thi ric will follow. Mrs. Irene Burden entert,'in ed ger\of Gre n C ,umy. , Out- f-town 'ervi ce i du Th re were I X c untl re- f I' an i2a rJ improvement when a group of friends at a birthda th ~ tw new trunk line ' to Lebpart) Monday ni,e:ht in honor of pr sented by ~ ~roup qf :' her YO Ulige:t daughter, Barbara. 60 P ,ople. rh v l~lI1 g was an n are put into peration. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry West and pent 111 q'uar ' , f Ik, II' Ie an i EqLli~'ment for thi ' \ a rk arrived , ,g'randsQn, Wa ne mith hav,c! re- da.ncin.g' in charge f In Leha.n n Tue aa y Mr. Aug: - ' turn d from the ' south where D'lrWtn R. Br an. Mr, E;lrl hurg I' sai:l, and an in tallati n th'ey p nt a few week; ' ,Dugan at the piano. man i at W rk ' nnecting it. Mr. and Mr ,William mith Lunch anp slipper wer s 'rve:i hoth in L ban n and in Wa ne - ' i1le. Thi 'h uld ' l e finished in' and daughter entertained at din, by a commltt ~ fr '.!1 th e H(l m. nei' .. unday Mr:. Luc y C mptol1 and Co In f!1 unit y , (JI'I LIp, M r~, th very n ar future, he ai 1. and Mr. ancl Mr , Raleigh Bogen H. R. H arns, C/1a II'lnnn. ther . ,q 1I i J1 men t , f 0 r afternoon ca ll er ' were Mr. anli Wa ne ville ha I 11 1'1 r Mr . HJr I j McClellan, Mr. and The kirt came down in ' in ' , the end of the war, in ludMr ', Eva n Bo,g'en and ,g'J'and- 1947 and beauty was fottnd t ' il1 .Q' l1 e W in t'rument . daughter Carol Ma and Ma tel be only shin deep. -Greyhound News Wa, n mith,

Mr. and Mrs. ' Donald Haines TWIN LENSES entertain'ed the Young Friends Gro~p at their home Sunda y by evemng Feb. 15. FOX HOllY . Marilyn Sue Smith i iOlprov- , H y, g-irls! 'It' YOU H J UI'l1. 1I1,g' at ~er home after havin .~' unday" February 29 , i' Lean b en a patient at Miami Valley Year's Day - and ' every wo- Hospital for a few days. man who DRAGS a man to th e Mr. and Mrs.' Theodore McinMatinee at th Twin Theatre- tire and son were dinner .e:uest , will be admitted FREE! All you of Raymond WiI on and wife _ need do is have the boy frien i ', Sunda,y.. ' Mrs'. Ever tt Hain s has be n ticket clutched in one hand and the Boy Friend ill" the other!! the fe;\iure that day (and Mon- go on!" day) is , I~ed l· .... !tl"l l1 s hilari ,us , The Twin Th atre Mana'geI orfruyal of II Merton of, th L ment announces the fir t of a Movie " (M G M), plu a' fa ceries of contests to 1I h I' in inatin.e: hort" "It Cant" Be tbe pring s-eason. ot surpri -' , Done ' (MGM) , and W rid i'n,g' that Bah O'Re.l~:an, Twin , New (WI3), owne r, chose St. Patrick' Da. BR IEFVI EWS: We rec m- March 17, for hi first award 1 mend th e finc ' a 'tin ,~' f Jal11~ , ' 11 that day 'i ched uled th e Cagn , and G ' r.e: Raft in Great RKO pich.lre "T coon." "Each · Dawrlt I Die' (W B). And on that da l rize will he COUNTY FARM BUREAU c()u~1 1 d with an q,ction W stgiven to Wayn ville Tycoon COOPER~VE TO HOLD rn, " tage Coach To D nver ' f 1948, chosen by YOU, th l.! (REP), Friday ' and Saturday. people of Wa y,ne ville a'nd sur- YEARLY ~EETING MAR. 8 "De ire ' Me" ' (MOM, Wednes- roundinR c ' mmunitic , Cant t Th 2 'vVal' ell ( \Int Farm , and Thursday oferin.e:~ is rated rules are: Bureau Cooperative A cia.FAIR ONLY , by the critics, 1.-Your candiqate can be tion' nnual 111l? tin ,~ ' will b thou,g-h Greer Garson and Ro- male or female -but Illll t live in held MJrch 8th, Monday at 8 bert Mitchum give box-office the Wayne ville 'R st ' Office p. m., L banon Hi,(!'h ' hool appeal. Two' excel1ent short., area. Building. i'Dan,g'erous Dan McFoo" (W2.-You mu t hand in your , In luded in th progradl will ' 13) and "Ice LiKhtning" (PAR) haLlot when purchasin.e: thea· be the regular annual meeting ' tre ticket anytime ,betwe n now election reports, John Sim, liven up this p,rogram. DESE and DON'TS DE- , and March 15th. A person O1a v manage'r of the Ohio Farm BuPARTMENT: Please don't pur- submit as many ballots as he o"r reau C operFltivc Association, '" .; chase a child's admission to the she desires. Columbus, will give an addr 5S. Your Twin Th atre Bal10t is Jack's Xylophone Band plays a theatre if you are 12 or 'over. in this , and subsequent iS5ues of returning engagement. Thi Accordin~ to Ohio State Laws, ban i will be remembered from at' 12 you require an adult yo ur Miami Gazette . . , ticket. , Play fair. The ' Twin _ To Date, the fo1\owin~ mer- last year. All members and friends are management does not want to chants are donating- prizes: Hyman's Dep't S tor' e; invited! play policeman. Ask Sa-m Huffman, Twin smith's Resturant; B. and R. The Farm Bureau Youth Con- ' Projectionist, what~s the .srreat- ,Cleaners; Gray's .Barber Shop; est headache of an Exhihitor: Lacy's Quality Meats: Servis ference held an all-day and eve- , ' he'11 tell you "Li,e:hts.'J Why? Texaco Station .. : . others are nin~ party Saturday, F·eb. -21 , Becaus'e it isnlt like the ' or- ex'pected to be , announced next at the Lebanon Hip:h School Bui1di~g. dinary business, where you set week. up' candles "when the liJ!hts go 0,,1 and carryon ·as .USJ,Ial. Eleciru:al trouble at the Twin stops everything'. If it's a simple mat- . tet of fuses, the audience is in. convenierlced but momentarilv. But, if.a !, lamlP~.urns-tlut in the IHoJecbon machme. you re!lll v ,have trouDle. "That's what J1arpen&d recently," Sam said. "We had two ~pares. but , they blew. too. We ran the last show on .one machine. instead of the customa:"y two. That meant a ,p.ause for' rewindin,e: between reels. Goth, I died .. a thousand deaths." As this mitht happ'en to anyone. I questioned his e)Cdtem'ent. "Yes,'" he replied. . ·'but you forget. The show Must Raise Dunham White Rocks--~hey have been bred 14

.Exercise, -+~I------'fresh air" 'plenty of good food 'for healt"; says Elsie. ' '.I

And good food means plenty of pure, fr.e sh; pasteurized milk. Of course, Borden's tnilk, with . the famous Quality Control, is always wholesome. Why not ask for Borden's ... 'd elivered to your door or at your favorite store? ,

t· ' -'





IT '\

iT S (,()~

f-'(l/'!()fN '-.




",', ---,=--


r •









years to give you ' hi~her, more profitable production. ·




The Bold'! Month Club . '




. .,.


, \ Federal Land Bank, Low Cost - Long Term LOANS


Waynesville' National, Bank,'




',Lebanon National 'Farm Loan, ELLIS H. STURM, SEe'y-TREAS.

, PHONE 448

2 SHOWS SAT. 28 Reissued by popular demand. A stark Story of the underworld. FRI. ~27



. BOB O'REGAN, Owner


MAIlCR 1948

- EACH DAWN I DIE ~ . Co-starring James C aBDey and George Raft. , And

Stage Coach to Denyer


AIaD Lane, 80IJ Blake, Martha Weat.worth

Lebanon, Ohio

~UN. 2~

We also Hav.e a


and see us for a

pr~ce .



in '

General Electric- line of Light. Bulbs Champion Outboard Motor,.

SMITH SERVICE and SALES" South Main Street


MON.. MARCH 1 , Hilarious ' comedy from Harry Leon Wilson's famous Book Depicting early Flicker D~ys ' in H<,>l1ywood. ,

Merton of the Movies ~ Starring: Reel S ton, Vir"ia 0'- • Brien, Alan Mcnrbra7 A-dded: Latest and Short. "

line of Acme Paint.

WED. 3 THURS. 4 NotJlinK so t i'ange as this tury of war s aftermath and 'a man's dl" it ill' his love for GREER ,GARSON i )



with ' Rob~rt, Mitchum, Richard' Hart. Plus: D~ou, Dan McFoo (\I\'ll) Ice Ligbtaina (PAR short)

NOTICE TO 'CONTRACTORS , STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Columbus, Ohio, 'Plebruary '21, 1948 Engineer ot ales ' Legal Copy No. 48-62 UN,IT ,PRICE CONTRACT , eaJed PI' OPO als will 'tie received at th-e ofUce of the Sta,te Highway Dh'ector of Ohio, at Columlbus, Ohio, untU H):'OO A. M., Ohio Standard Time, Tuesday, Mal'ch 16, 1948. tor improvements In: Propo a,}s Nos. 1 to 3 Inclu ive are offered as one proJect and will be awarded 31S one contract. PROPOSAL NO. ,Greene Coun.ty, Ohio, on part of Section 6.37, State' Route No. 35, in Beavel' Cl'eek Township, by <!leaning and palntlng Bridge No. GR-~67 A ov I' the Little :Miami Rivet· (Span 159 feet and 0 Inches, Roadway , 15 fe t and 8 inches). , ,. PROPOSAL NO. ~ arren ounty. Ohio. on part of Section 8.45. S~te Rout-e 1N0 . 48, jn the City of South Lebanon, by c leaning a nd painting Bridge No. WIA4 - 1. over the L~ttle Miami RiveI' ( pan 260 fe t and 2 inclies, Roadway 14 .feet and ,8 Inche~). . . , ' . PRO,POSAL NO.3 Hamilton County, Ohio, on part of Se tion 8.04, State R9ute No. 7-1, in' Andel"OI'} Township, by cleaning and palnrting Brid~e No. , lI~74- 8 oyer the Little Miami River (Spans: two at 244 feet and 0 inches, RCJsdwH.y 26 teet and 10 In~hes). ToUtl s tlmated cost ......... . ........................ , ..... $14,700.00 . 'P1'oposal Nos 1 to 3 in.elusive of this })l'ojeot to be ompleted not , Jot l' tha.n Augu t 2, 1~4 . " Th min imum wage to b ' paid to a 1\ labor e mplOyed on this cont l·!1.c t s hR\} be in ;l COl'dan with the ", ch dUoI of PrevalUng Hourly ,W a:ge Ra.t es certained and Detel'mined by The D epartment of Indusl.l'ial ReJatiol1s a ppli 'a'bl to tate Hlghwl y D epal'tment Improvements in ac 'ordon e with c tlon 1,7 -3, 17-4, 17-4a, 17-5 and 17~·5a of the G 1 rai ~ d of Ohio." , The bidder must submit with his bid a c l'.tifled, check in an amount qual to five pel' C1 nt Qf the es limated cost, but ill no' vent more than, t n thQusand dollars. , , " ' , Plans and specifications a l'e On file In the department of highway. . I1 d th ' office of ~e r esident distri t deput,y dh'ector. '£he dll'eclol' I' 'erves the rig ht to I' je c~ ahy and~l1 bids. EARL L. RIDES State llighway Direotor


of basketball with the sevel~th and eighth grade boys. -The SIXth ~rade won by a sc'ore of 15 Min Hardin) to . t 3. HiR'h POi!lt man ,~a~ . Miss Walker s first J,{radc is John Fischback WIth 6 pomts. learning: to te,lI time. They are Next was Howard Florence with going to make their own docks. 5 points; then ~al'n,es Dickensheets with 4 pomts. Mrs. Paine's third' ~rade chi1d ~ Day was out of school ren are maki'ng books in which , on Miss to sickness. Mrs. Monday'due they will illustrate with pictures Fred Grauman took her place. the children of other countries. The second grade has almost completed writing their numbers AUNT GIYES SHOWER FOR RE~ENT BRIDE to 1000. Jerry Barton has'm/Dved from Mrs. Clarence J. Davi was Waynesville and Miles Cullom honored on Sunday afternoon will be leavin~ at tl1e end of when her aunt, Mrs. Howard this week. Hurley, of near New -BurinJ,{ton The Fpurth p' rade a new entertained with a miscellaneous pupil, Freda Smith, from Sand sho,v~ r. QLJitc a numher of re· , latives and friends were present Gap, Kentucky. . Mrs. Sheehan's room hact per· and the honor guest received fect attendance two days last ' many lovely ,gifts to use in tll ' week, with only ·seven absences apar'tment' into which she and her ·husband plan to'move. The\' for the entire week. Ruth Ann Benefiel is , back ' 'ar.e now students at Wihningtqn after Unee weeks absence with Colle.e:e. Guests from Wet ynesville at th.e shower ' w re : Mr. virus pneumonia. Julia Traylor pelled down and Mrs. Clarence J Da vis. Mr·. the whole fourth- ~rade in a Loyd Davis, Mrs. Josiah Davis. Mr:s. Gilbert King, Mr. H. B., Spelling Match Friday. Hazel Hobbs moved to Earnhart, Mrs.. A. H. Earnha~t Miamisburg last week. and Em· and Mr. E. F. .Earnhart. t1 rna J ean mith moved to Mr and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs- and Waynesville fro m Jackson, Kentucky. ' . family had· as Sunday ,e:uests Mr. Last Thursday the sixth grade and . Mrs. Earl Heaton an d boys played an interestin,e: ga~i daughter of Germantown.

-Grade School Notes , <.y


Mr. Herman Surface is confined' 'to the hospi1al in Mur freesboro, Tenn. foltowin~ an appe»dix operation on Saturd~y. Mr. and Mrs. Surface are resll~'­ ents of Murfreesboro, but he IS connected with the Ai·r Field at Albany; Georp:ia and was very ill when 'he arrived home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. ~ur.. ·face and little son were former 'A' aynesville residents. M

Mr. Earl Earnhart ;mu M;: E. F. Earnhart visited the. Mia!1li Valley Sport Show at 'Memonal Hall, Qayt,on, ' on Sunday afternoon. -------.

Mr. al1d Mrs. John J. Bur k~ had a dinner ,guests on Saturday evenin~, the m.embers of (hell' Cincinnati card Club. The Rainbow Advisory Couri . cit met at the home of Mr .. and Mrs. Lou ·Alfred' Ol} Tuescta v eve: ning with 'a large. atte~dance. Mr. Ralph Miller, diSCUS I n leaier chose tlie u11j ect "In ura'nc'e." A soci.a! hour ,was ~n­ jo ' d, with 'games and refre -I ments. (ttt) Walter Cast ,I'









,I ..


&: Miami Sti. ;


.f·· i




HUy from the


'~Ha~d..To.,G et·' Ite.msi'






LAMPS (Floor


STUD'IO COUCHES (Fully Sprin8 Filled) .

t. ~



"Complete HOme Furn.ilherl"


Main Street













f" ~"""" ~




breed~r. .


I., '


' ~.I

.. .1:j\Jl'bllv.m'g.:, DtJ~ White 'R~ka, y~~'~ get. the dlrect benefIts of our .trapnet .. pedlgree , '~ brcreaing program for high liva ilit)!, r pi'd g rq,~- ' -th, ;\a,nd ·highcr egg ·~ro.duction. . . . Every DUNHAM White ROck ~~ick is :sired ;by an irtOividual1y wingbanded U: S. · R'. '0 : : P. mal~efinite 200 to 3 15 egg ·breeding. The breeding behind our chicks enables them to produce at' a higher,' more profitable rate tllan ordinary ' hatchery chicks. Consi'der what 5 to 20 extra eggs per layer would mean ' to your ·profits. You' can afford to pay several cents more per chi,k to get this breeding~nly three extra eggs per bini would'mean you COl)LD pay 10-15 cenfs more per chick. . Dunnam White Rqck Chicks are Ohio-U. S~ Certified and Pu,lorum Passed .

o ME '!"F tJ 'RNl'SIH'I Ntl $:! . 9 s 12 WOOL RUGS ,





, , ,Just ras in ' 14yjn~' s~ed to plant" , y~ rrtU$t .ick , . 'tire best pto(1ucin1?:, ~tock. I yO,u. .~~n,)lo ; ~hauld

, I




that broke the camel's back- do so bad. either tertained on Thursday at ,the lor in Cincinnati. : country home, on the Township After dinner we fired UP tI~e Mr. and Mrs. Sillman Stewan fun packs consisting of food, Road, of Mrs. Stanley ' Bailey. . and family of Lebanon were en.. cooking gear, blankets, a tent, fireplac es and \vith all th e moke we smel1ed like smoke:t -Mr. Paul Johns 'of Cincin- tertained to .dinner Sunday at anGi ' the other unneeessary the home of their son .. in-law thin~s boys lake along. Explainhams. When thoroughly \ armed nati spent the week-end .and unI ,- til Monda y evening with hi and daughter Mr. .and Mrs. Jun- ing the tents and-b-la,"n-l'&-k~et~s.-,. J.Ju-oC;:Ir-"--iw~'c~ttToo~orll<k--AdA-1own t-he--tents, reI ew~ grandmother, Mrs: Margaret ior Clark and little son, Michael. said, "Some day soon the hike packec\ extinguish, d the fire . I John. The were Sun - , The neighbors of Mrs. Ogle will turn, into a camp and we and trud~ed home. My. Paul ~ol)ns of the Uni- day ev nin,e: ' g,uests of ,Mlr. Billville of Route 2, tendered ' have to get accustomed to carher a surprise party Tuesday, in ry'in lr a load,.' . ' verslty of Cll1cmnab and. Mrs. and MrS. Walter Kenrick. Mr. and Mr . Ed Raml y ~ n :t of her birthday anniverWe tra' m ped out into th " children were unda y afterno n ho)'wr Marg-aret Johns attended the Mrs. Nettie Emrick returned " c(mntry about a mile . and et· and evening ~uest of Mr. and wedd jng, of the former'.s cousin, home Monday after a couple of sary. and Jim~p canlp. Two of us fo.und· that Mrs. Louella Swank Miss Linda Lou Haines, and Mr. weeks stay ,viti'} her son-in-law Mr . Geor ,~ Ramby in Da. t on . . of Dayto' n were Sunone tent was s1i~htly deformed mie Swank . Lawrence Bledsoe at the and dau.~'liter Mr. and Mrs. Leon day guests of Mr.-'and Mrs. E. B. but on closer inspecti 0n found Church at Bellbroo,k . Friday . ali bury at Washingtqri C. H. ' that trying to turn a side into a' J. evenin,g and the recepb n f tMr. and Mrs.- Harold 'Steinke Longacre. Mr.. and Mrs. 'Forest Gr~- bottom didn't 'work. ' With all ---- .... --.--. lowing at "The High, View Ter- and James were Tuesday even. race" there. ing dinner g~est at the home of ham arid Mrs. J. B. Jories at- the fresh air a fire was the ne. t '(he Woman's Soci~t.y of Mrs. ZelIa Flatter in Dayton. . tended the dinner and meeting item for consideration. A tream of the Farmer's Exchange" at I,earby supplied the stone for a Lytle c hurch will be entertained Mr. and M j' . Vernon Pursle next We.dnesday afternoon, ' ~nd sons were dinner g-uests Sat- ' the hi,g-h .school buildin~ Satur- fireplace aod th e wo ds r 1 nty ", f fueL The scouts who had March 3 at the home of Mrs urday evening of Mr. and Mrs. day ev,eni~,g . the tent trquble were at it a.g'ain Walter Cowan. The hostess wili Rat.pb Taylor hl Franklip. , SCOUT'S VERSION and made a bi,gg:er fire ou t or be assisted, by MI;s. Charles Bun-Mr. and Mrs. He,nry. Saylor their match box than ut of t.heit· n~ll Mrs. P. ~\'. Cornell and Mrs. f Five Point entertained th e OF SATURDAY HIKE OFFICE CLOSED fuel. But help ~iven an j til ' har1es Tumbleson. Saylor family to' dinner unday FEB. 1 aturday morning at about il1ell of sau a~e and p tat e., Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark in ho~or. of the fifth 1 ~rthda 'y to 10:30 four scouts, Scoutmaster fryi ng- wa eVidence th ~t th i r attended the funeral of Mrs. Lil- of th Ir httle dau,e:l1ter, .Lmda. lie Palmer the mother of ·Mrs. MI'. and Mrs. Walter Cowan J oe James and his a sistant ,set fire was we11 mad. W f un :1 MARCH 1 Eve rett C'tark, ' at the Morris .of the "Ruth:Mari~n' farms out on a short hiking- trip. To that a ponch makes a ,p;o d While on Vacation motored to ChlcaR'o and p,ent a townsman it appeared that windbrake and the tents don't " ons 'Funeral ' Home in Dayton each boy wa surel y lo.adetl t WednesdaY ,afternoon, and' bur: last week with relatives there. the point of fhe proverbial straw Get . Your TRUCK and ial at Woodland Cemetery. TI)ere wasn t any Church , Mr. and Mrs. Seth FUrllaS, Ser vlct; here Sunday .11 account 'BUSINESS Miss Mary Brown and Mr. and ~f the .111ness of the pastor, Rev. . AUCTIONEERING Optometric Eye Specialist • I G N ·5 , Mrs. Walter Kenrick attended , Joseph Myers of Dayton. STANLEY and KOOGLER of ' 26 'S outh DC,troit the monthly meetin,g' of th e ~rs. Ruth ' Burough? of BROKERS LICENSE Wa1"fen County Historical oc- Spnngboro has been staymg ·at · For Oat• ., Ph~n. 2894. Wayn ••vill •. ,STANFORD BOGEN XENIA. OHIO ' Ohio'. Rev.,... Chara •• iety at The Golden ' Lamb at the home of her SOrl, Mr. ~nd Morrow, Ohio • _ Lebanon on Monday evening. - Mr~._ Guy Burou~:hs nd famlly, Mrs. Henry Saylor planned a dUrir:'g the cold weather. Mrs. Walter Clark and dau~h­ hirthday party Thursday for Mrs. Vernon Pursley; other of ter, Miss Wanda called on ML. the party were Mrs: Roy Winks Paul Wi11iams and little son in' Representing and Mrs. Qlaries Bunnell. They Lebanol) Saturday afternoon. Westheimer & Company ·dined at the Seville Tavern in Mr. and Mrs. George Brack- ' • Dayton and afterward saw ney 'o f Route 2, are Quarentined, .Members New York Stock " 'Cass Timberlane" at the Col- on' account of thr·ee in the tamExchanges and other onia!. ' ity having scarlet fever. . '. registered Exchanges The Lytle Card Club was enMr. and Mrs. Harold Steinke . Investment . Trust Shares and, family and. Mr. Walter: BurBouR;ht - Sold - QIIQted ' dihe were guests' Sunday at the Waynesville 2 ,530 . Phone home of Mr. and Mrs . .Otto Tay-

'· . . '~'It n " e

... __ ...

Dr. C. E. Wilkin '

....... - - .- ..

o. scon







Daztoa AD32S1 -






~'.~-==-~ ·...... r ••





CathoUe , Phlldelph!o.

)If .. ...~ pcIItJ IouMo


eel .... •



'. . . . . . . VearOay.




. '

1...N"'ka admltlH •• Union. 1867.

a:.:.v~ 01 I.Jnanc,a ~1_ ,1






(£Iothes are like people, thev 'get .'old before their tlJtTt without ,the .proper care. If you want to get mote' good laok1bg wear out "of themr-Jet us see to it with ' 9ur ten He cleanihR: metlrQds . <

.. ..










"4~WAY •




in the Ohio Farmen will give you b~oad protection agams,J ' losse~ your ,farm. ' It C0gers your buUdjn~, your' chattels, your' aDd )'OUt ·ll_bWt)' for accidents to others. Wby not see u.s today! You _ou you're .ale whm you're ialured in the Ohio Farmer.' 00

larl D. 'Dam Iosurance Agency'


fai"ley H~rdware Stores

PhOD. 113, 20 E • •ulberr)'~ LEBANON, O.

OHIO " ••••S........ CO_AIft , ... OIIJO MIM~ ~.nJCI'" .~


6PHONE 2441




Mr. Willi:l~ 'j Mu:,., \ ' Id) acJ oh n Deere Owners-we are I!qltipped to J,Cive you prompt companied his Aunt to her home service on our tractor and -1n Los An1!eles 'Ieveral w eks farm equipml!nt. ArranKe your tune-up ' 'or overhaul work ago, return,d to his h me on -oon and be ready for Sprin~ Saturday. \"'.o~k. We can restore the CLASSIFIED AD RATES 9 n gmal power to your trac1c PER WORD MINIMUM 25c Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wade tor at a low cost in our momoved to Spring Valley on Tue~­ dern John . Deere service REAL ESTATE hop. V~lve,~, cylind- day, intO' a homc~ which they er rebonng, nn~ installation recently purchased!. Mr. Wade DON'T FORGET TO CALL and bearn,(!" adjusclI1ent done , has been in the' re:a1 estate busu fa r Insurance. All types of to Deere specifications. An iness here for several years. , In. 'urance at a savings. Call Mr. and Mrs: Bernard Baug-hn ".~ork ~uaranteed. Only Genand children of HarveysburR' will Francis Gene ' Brown, phone ume J.ohn De ~re repairs usect. occupy toe home which Mr. and 'v\'a nesville 2935 or ' call We pick up and deliver. Mrs. Wade vacated. collect. Wilmin~ton 2111. BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. •• Lebanon Phone 555 Real E,tate For Sale-3 4 PRAYER SE,RVICE IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR EARLY FRYERS ! ! ! FA.RM TO . SELL Can or Write TU£SDAY· N'IGHT start chicks now-have early f)on Henderson. Tel. KE3448. 6t 7 fryers--they will be in bi,g: Ltlraln Ave.• Dayton,. Ohio. ttc at th e nome of. d·eman 1. S t a I' t e d sex e d James Harriington cockerel chicks n \V availFARM WANTEDable. Nort11 and Water treets \VANTED TO RENT, farm on DUNHAM WHITE ROCKS th ird or will con ider work- ' , Conducted By Phone Waynesville 2916 illg by 111 nth. Best of refer~ev. H. Hor.nsby, of Hamilton . ' nc S. Leave word at Gazette NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT a ffic. - 22 THE PUBLIC IS INVITED -. - --, Administrator WATER HEATERS-: N tiee is hereb g,ive,n that R A~E - N.ew eredric \Va- , Albert H.Shlb . whose Post t r heaters, .one 6 6-.~allp!\ _ f~ic e Addres i Waynesville and ne 80-RaIJ0l1. Will tnhl o ha een dul y tlppointed tall. Myron. Hag- meyer, a Admini tratn!, of th Estate . Phon Wayn esville 2956. of \lenora Lee Kirk~ atrick late FOR SALE of Warren County, Ohio, de. cea ed. * Oat ct this l oth day of FebJ tan iin,g- Lamps; Eledric -. 11'{ 11; FloI' and Dust Mors ; ruary19 1 8. · Aluminum (:0 kin-g' Set and C. 0 nald Oilatu h, Atty. RALPH H. CAR'EY, other cooking utelisilS; 2 AxNORRIS BROCK COMPANY Judge of the Probate Court mini ter Rugs, 9x 12; Steamer Cincinnati Union 15tock Yarda Live Wire and ProQre •• iye. An \r\ arren County, Ohio. rrrunk; Silver Ware Service for OrQflln;zation second to none. -3 4, ; and other artictes. Strictly aellers on - the' De*t all around market in- the Carl W. Lacy, Phone. 2662 . TRAILER FOR SALEcountry. SERVICE THAT sATISFIES EL~CTRIC RANG£-' ' ~HIO na yton 12: ~o E. R T. T\\ a-wheel ' trailer, eiiht-foot' Dlal '1800_ ' WLV/ ,ClnclnnnU ELECTRIC RANGE for sale. In' body, for sale. Ashmead 12:'40, 01 '" 700, fOlr Our ' D a·ll\' ~8rket Re~ol't. '. . ' . g'09d shape, being used every ohio' Service, North Ma'in 226 day~ Lee Lemmof), ROl~te 2. Street. · r LAUNJ>RY~ : . C~EST OF DRAWERS-:.... To dol 'in my home. Quick serv- Antique walnut chest of draw- . ice. Phoile 2986. ~ , _ _ _ers for sale. Ben Furnas phone Waynesville 2953. ' MACHiNERY FOR SAl E J 0hn Deere rubber tired wa~on, KiII.fer sub soil 'plow; John Deere 5 ·foot .tandem disk; John Deere No.4 ' mower with horse or tractor hitch; John Deere 10-inch hammci: mill; John' Deere Model CC Field Cultivator; John Deere tna~ure loader. . BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. Lebanon Phone 555. -34

, Bolens Huski Garden tractor~ 1 % and 3 H. P. Models with complete line of quick atta:~hm.~ tools, plows; disks cultivators, sickle bars and lawn mowinR' attachments. Ideal for· the home .(!·arden aJ~d truCk. R~ower. Our ~ UPl"V .wIIl be hmlted. Order with. out delay. BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. Lebanon ,Phone 555 . -3 4 BUSINESS SERVICESTra( t r. and .. f~ rr)l machin er" . cleanlilg :tntf painting:. Tru k ani auto motors cl ai, ed. Call us for an e tim ate. BANTA IMPI .EMENT CO. , Lebanon 'Phone 555 , '


Acet lene an I AI', WELDI NG. Portable equir ment.- Bill Let! nea_r Wayne ParK. Phone 2 4 .' 1.


-31 R


Route 73, One Mile East of rl ar·v~ysburg.

Fri.; Eeb~ 27, '48 1:00 p.m. 7-CAnLE-7 .1 H91 tein Cow fresh May 1; 2 Jersey Cows fr h, extra god; 1 Guernsey Bull, 2 years old; 3 . He ifers, springers.



HORSES - 2 ". 2 Wor~ 110r e~, extra good, Weight 3600 Ibs.; 2 Sid s oJ Work Harne s and Collars. MACHINERY New Idea Manure preader; 2 Wagons; 1 Molene ~ ft. diSC, like 'new; 1 John Deere MQwer., ,Big 4, ·like n.eW; '1 John Oeere Culhpacker, go()d; 1 Corn Planter, McCormicK' D ering, extra goop; 1 Grain ,Drill, .5 ft.; 1 Oliver 12 'in. Walk, ing prOW;·: 2.i r. 14 i'n. Case VI ow share- i t pr.1_ . ill plow . shares; 1 SpIke-tooth J-IarJ'{?w;

15 - HOGS ~ 15 4 Brood Sows, due to farrow 15 of March; 11 ' Shoats weight 125 Ibs. , .

, FEED .

40(Y Bu. Corn; 75,. ,Bu., Wheat; 60 Bales Oats H~y. , . MISCELLANEOUS - . . J 1\\il,k cans ; 2 Buckets) 1 Sttainer; Hay';Fork'; 'PHch Fork; ·' Double Trees; Pulleys; Soft Belt. . TERM~CASH.



, -. __ERR¥ .GSB Auc·tioneer.

. Doster &., Shidake~, Clerks. ,



a ,rowin.. 'avarite

Relurfacin. and ,Driveway Rec:oatinl EST, ' I MAT E S


'--_aIG-M--let____INIit-ylleId · f.rtm.era lor ,our ..t. . . . . - aD . Said eropel II - . p fertlli8ew beuiag the lot blibelt ....t7' . BIO II brad perfonill up Aad .It'l ........t war.:for to that reputed_ ...... it ___t7 yean. , il II1wll7llUc1e .,. to . . . . .

"'rdt '..'. ...,. doD

WhU. our Immediate ClOD-

. cer.. i. tbat 01 lupp.,i ... _ a prICe. bi,b-pota.b-c:oatftlt '. '.










cw. ... hom pour dNIet "".. . . . .-h • .Mla~1 '.rtlllz~.Conipan, 'Of'ICI IN DAYION, OHIO 'ActOay 1"- n ... IH. ~IO


lIfMnu 'ertlllaw COo....., II _ . ....".,."..., lIf... v.n~ _ _ uncI," dlrtct o".r.tlo" 01 It. ~

.Any' make or mode·1 'WE HORSES




Fred. Kahn PHONE 321







X E N I ·A '. 'Fertilize,r .Reverse Charges


4 '5.4

E. G. Buch.ieh, lac.


Xenia O.


C'.-r Co~






Public A.action .

Jetf~ Stanley,

Letz No. 240 Rouj.thage mill, used one year, complete with trucks, separator an pi .

·· ..--34


a_ .... _._ ..

. . .J. . . . f~._.......-u

re hay, grind chop ~nd . and separate ' and mix small ~rains and ' corn~ Fullv R'uaranteed a,nd :priced to sell. . BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. Lebanon PhOne 555 .

THE . MIAMI G'A ZETTE PAG~!iI AUTO LICENSE TAGS WAYlNES,V ILLE, OHIO No. 4357 O~ SALE MONDAY AT 9 ~~URSDA~ FEBRUARY ~, 1"8 ale of 1 48 Ohio auto lieen -e plates \\ ill start \1t 9 a. m. evenin,g- dinner g-ucsts of Mr. next M0ndtly at · Kier's Ford and Mr . ~. ~. Ed .~inR'to n and Garage, Main '~ln Miami son. treets, Miss Phebe Miranda, de- . puty registrar, has announced. M-r ·. Harry Burnett spent MonMr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulker- day here \vith her, Mrs. son 'and dau,l{hter were Sa turda y E. L. Thomas.





GIVE Generously to RED CROSS ·It Says

-- Wayne township's .ot,a Is $700 ' ----


Waynesville Wins ,Goonty Title,' Faces Next Test at 2:15 Saturday




By Smitty '

.5. Florence Dies After Train Hits Car


, Where are you, Waynesville'? ·DISTRICT PRELIMINARY There's work' to 'be done. , SERVING WAYNESVI~L.E SINCE 1850 Waynesville Hi~h School.'s Right now there are at least basketball team, which swept ,FIV'E CENTS A COpy three "lost causes" in town. No. 4358 , ' the Warren County tournament They are ~ood causes but they ' WAYNESVIL.LE, OHIO T H U R S',o A Y, MARCH 4, ' 1948 week by beatinR;. Morrow, last are, tied up for lack of a Jeader., Sprin~boro, and Carlisle, is busy Nobody wants to put in the vol. ~ gettinR" ready for the" sevenunteer work that It takes to put couts ,in' uan arJ~ Funeral :;ervices were held county district tournament. Fi·rst them 'across. ,aturday aHetnoon at the Me- opponent of the Spartans will be ' 1. The.Red Cr.oss annual fun'd "& 0 Clure Funeral H.ome fo\' Mr . 'Ranlio-Iph Hi,g-h ch001, whichC 00 adie ' Fran e Florence" 64, fini hed 'third in the Mont~om­ . drive, which Lebanon reported ' It was totally l~aderless in Wayn'e Girl out Ti'oop No.. 1, ears old who died at 1:10 a. ery Count matches. Township until the ' Warren. The Wa T wn bip 'Chool which ,has _8 members and n ,' m. la t Ti1ur da'y of injuries sufRandolph tilt is scheduled County Ch'apter , conceived -the Board, is scheduled to drive to leaders, has t m~ orarily ' discon- fered when a pas ellger tr'ain forThe, 2: f5 ,p. m. Saturday at Oakbrilliant idea of droppin~ it in Huron, Ohio t ll\orrow to ' in- tinued it \\ eekly m etinl!s and truck her automohil the pr - wood. ' If Wa nesvitle wins, it the Miami Gazette's lap. ' I ~d a ' hool' buil iin,g of pour- other activitie , ' ecause no' on ~ vi us da y. ' . will then fac the winner of'the 2. The Girl cout tr op, eli-concr te con~truction, as a can be found to take char~e f 1 h ac i :lent OCCUlT (ion the Oix n-Phillipsburg ,g-ame t be which follied up over a munth ~ t p loward plans ,for building- the troop. , . Oxford H ad near Middletown. Y d earlier afternoon. Many ..of the memb rs are: dIS.. Mr. Floren e. and her husband', pla,Sprin ago and for 'whtch no ' leader' bas a new elementary school for oi'o, ec nd plac com'e forward. , " which bon'lis have b · en sold appoinfed t ecause th~y had re- Howard, bad j'ecently moved to tea'm in 'I Warr "n , has 3. A pro; pe tive Cub c ut here. ' , cently become second class near 'Middletown after runnin,lf draw'n th e odd 19thCount ,Position de,l, on w,hkh the snowed-o.ut The board members will b- scouts and were ·Iookin,g: , for- a farm in th Wa nesville ar a wHI meet the winner of and the ' meeti\1~' of the Mother' Club;\ ward ,to p,'oin,g- ahea' \\ ith ·b:ad. 'e for about '2 ears. game' between Ver aill es and month 't,g'o was to have heard an' a xompanied on the trip y work. Her death came just at the BriJril1 . .If 'it wins Hs outline by Dick Claesrfield ex- County" Superintendent Ra.y' Mrs. Margaret Ann Chapmall start of the \A/an;en County bas- Xenia-St. next o.ppon nt will be:: the wjnn F. Hatfield and by ofa Col. w1l1C) . 1 ont! ecutl"ve for this area. he last I . numhus representative the resign,ed as troop, leader ·e'ffec- ketb aII ' t oumamen 111 ner of the Monroe Townshipsaw of Mr. Claes, he was go- national Portland , Cem en t tive Jan. 28, due to the press of her ,g-randsons, Wilbur Flor- Kingman clash. " ill,c)' around w~nesvilJe lookin,!." of 'other activities. Mrs. Chap- ence ' \"as a 'key ' nlayel' for 'the :-.. ,~ A oCiationr, accordinO' to plans ,v " r. Waynesville's games , in the t ur a man to a vise and lead the . d ,.. h man. will help a.nyone wbo is in- winning- Wa nesvllle team. Cubs' if a den were formeil. ftlade at t e boar's mont Iy terested in takinR' the positon, In addition tQ her husband she county tOl,Jrnament brought the and asks that any womc;!n who is survived by six tivinJ! children Spartans' unbeaten streak ' to There may ' be other ' lost ' meetin~ Monday nlght. Huron, a town ' of , 1800 per- would like to work with y()un~ Thomas and Wilbur Florence Sr. mne ~ames.· Coach , ~d Payn causes that,l don't know about. , But the~e three look rather ur· . sons, is on Lake Erie 10 miles ,e:irl's con.tact by diatin~ of Waynesville; Mrs., Marjorie h<\d many a good word for the gent., , east of Sandusky. Its grade- 2712. ' . Kuntz of Franklin ~ L~on 'Flor- WaynesvIlle cheerin~ section at , The' Red Cross drive, iri which school building" erec,ted in The ttqop was organtzed two , ence of Paris, Ky.; Milton Flor- , the tournament. Marv Ann. BurWayne Township's quota i:: 1943, is considered a model for years ago, and met r~gularly on ence of, Cochoeton, Ohi0' and tOll, cheerteader ' said th'e g-ood- , 70~, is supPbsed to: ru_n fwnl su~h construction Tn Ohio. . WedneSday afternoons in the Mrs. Christine Sparks of Cynthi- luck kewpie do tI . Hdid it, /I but arch 1 to 1 O. _The theory is . The board has confeJired with hi,e:h school until Mrs. Chap- ana Ky. There are also 25 as the MiddJetown paper said, t on ,March 1, a highly or all- E. C. ' Landberg, ~ .Cincinnatl man's' resigpati~n. AU the 'girls , grand-childr~n and three great- "Let's not take the, credit away , Thomp-son an'd ,the ,rest ,of -'.r",'Wf!'~~, .it,_ ' ,owed rnUFh t:rand!=hildren. , \ ' , ,. acfloh to .carry · rna e a decision in the :coming · hapman saltl. Rev. R~ B. Coleman of the the boys"-" , Becaose , of . ~n ih}ury Ken the every~ne in a : month' as to retainint him ' to ' Methodist ' Church ·in cha:r~e Vicker:; was Inot· able to play in ;few " , plan the' new scnool for UCENSE ,NO. 51-LP of the funeral service. Burta! the M' o rrow g-ame but Don Oa, - -I#ioh .. , ' ;~ "''";'''.ked .here,· ' ,w-as; th Waynesville . .f Mr. bandberg ' T ftUl'U I&. . . . . .NW~was In M~ami Cemetery. ", ' ' e wa~o 'pI th t6 ' dis : IS FIRS (OoDt4DUed ,on Page ') , , (t) I teleplton_e~ a few people, ' e 'anner 0 e -room: a - , MRS SMnH AS BUYER ' including last year's chairman,' dition for tbe Le,badon Schoof. ' • . ' NEWTON 1HOMPSON' COACHES' AU.-COUm t&fil'ld out who was runni.,O' the. Also discussed ,at the board Those flashes of yellow that ," drive. NoboCly was. " (,2 )" Oh meetinK were the new schooJ'. we are Seeing on the streets ' Newton Tl1ompson died at his TEAM HAS 2 SPARTANS , Marcil !'i~fhe qpertigg ct~y of the buses bei~ bought to brin~" he these days aren't',spots before home south qf W~nesviUe last When the 'seven Warren . drive, l!ne charter 'Ie~der cal- present fleet up to seven vehicl- , the eyes-;-they are just .the new Sunda'y ' at 1 p. . at the age County, basketball coaches tot led me to say U hear by round-, es. The S4'·passenger bus, al- black-on-Iemoll Ohio ,1ic,ense, of 71. \ ' " togeth'~r at the: tournament to ' He ,s'ury.,ived, by his,wife, .. 'vote on 'an 'all-county ' team, about s,ources tliat you mjght tie ' read.y acquired but not placed in ,plat'es whiF~ went o~ sale Mo,~interested ,in being- dtive chair~ serVice, cost '4,450 of which , ctay mornang. " , ~eanette; ne son, Robert, liv- ,WaypesvilJe players go:t two of man~ f~r t~.e tpwtlship." (3') The the stdte , will, pay the entire ~s usual, the' first-day sales ~ ,~J)g ~t bontt?; :qne .grancJson j one the fn~e berths, on the .f~J1st team, tho. u~ht I)ad never entered my amount, it was staled.' The sec- w.,ere prisk~ . with l1l an y people SIster, Mrs. ,geborah Gregg of and one ,on the second team. mmd' and I said so. .c 41. He ond bus will Qarry ,6 0 passeng- W3:nting t~eir. ola nufnPers fl- W~nckester. Ohio; and a brother . The all-cOlu:tty team includes came to the Gazette office with ers and cost 'S~8t 1 of which gain. Pheb~ Mtrand~ deputy re- Ja~s Thompson of Cherry . Vickers . and Thompson ' 0 f the p ernatia that ·J! 'with . almost' the enftre amount will · gistrar ,. for 'WaynesvrJle, is sell- ForF'k, Ohio. , ' , . ' Waynesville, Schuchter of 'MorCOlleClum~~'Dmls. window , stick come- fro, m state funds. , ing.,the ,tags. at .,Kier's Gar,age, utJelal services wer~ held H h f S . l.. d receint _cards" Tlle of concrete Ma,lR and MI,;lml Street~ be:Km~ , ,w.e~n~d, a'y ~f, te;rnoon at, t,he .A. row, OUA' 0 pran,e:l1oro, an . 1eff t~e, m construction ' include economy,' lling~-9 a, ,m. ' throu~hout _,. H-S, t\lb~.s ,Funer~Horn.ewdh 'Fog-Ie of Carlisle. On ' the~ sec:' ~---=C'---1.. ;:"=~~an~-thatt'~'--=--T~ I! less tendency for .,Jeaka~e space 'March. . ' ',. the Re~." R. B. Colema~ 9f .-t.he "ond t~am' is Dakin of the Spar- ' ,-So now, WQn',t .e.yerybod~ saving due to. thinn~r walls, ''and , The fust ,sale, as for sev~ral Met~odIst ·~ Ch~reh. , offlclattn,e:~ tans. ·", -' \' pJease h~lp the Red Cross dr\ve,? vatioUS. otlier, factor$. the bo~rd ye~rs in th~ pasf, ~'as t<? ' Mrs. BUrial was 10 Mlanllo Cemetery. RuTH LeMAY BEGINS ' , ~ ,. " ' , was told Monday by 't he c~ment MIldred P.~lce Snuth w~f~ of " . ' The old ~tory of the irresis- , r:epr~entattve. , , ' '. Ralph Smit~ of ~aynesvi1le. J:.j .' ~ mtRSING .WORK IN N. Y. table, force ~nd tlie immovable The board ,heard two coin- , Sh~ ~ot her ~cc~stomed nUl1!ber, .l ' . Mr~ ~nd Mrs. Charles LeMa,Y, . object ,has come UP. agai~. p1aillts by ' pareht~, one 'asking '51::LP, the :, fIFst m W~yne~vl~le~s .f ' and ch1ld,ren of Route 3, and " Mrs. ,Jesse Thomas visited Mr. ~nd MFS. , F. U, LeMay of Last Monday the' 10c~1 school for an inve~ttKabon of t;lctics senes. board faced a probJem like that. used in·, temperance~ lessons giv--.--------her new gra!1ddaugh!er, Joyce Lebanon, attended the ' graaua'. Ann, ,Russel, lDf~nt. daughter oftiqn exercises of Miss Ruth Le. , , As one member· said, "We have en eacb month at the grade : ·CIlORCH O~ CHRIST , two g-fOUPS and each O,ne is abe sch()ol by W. ' C. T. U. ,leaders, HEAR CANADJAN Mr. a~d ·Mr.s. Virgil ,F. Russ'el, . May, ,at the Jewish . Hospital ' .. , ' solutely certain ltls fight." The and the ' other ' referFinv to. a MISSIONARIES SUNDAY on FfI~~y and. Saturday. JO'yce School of NursinJ! in 'Cincinnati, dispute without a ,solution was " upadd1ing"~ given tb 'llis third -' Ann w-flgb1s eI,e:h! poun~s, mne ' on rhursday, Feb.rua.ry 26th. ' sta rte cJ.l?y 'a parent:s com, plai~t grade ~oO, who bas sinfe been Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rempel, ounces, ',was bopn feb. 24 at I On Mon,day of this week Miss that hiS daughter' IS. taugot In 'transferred to the Sprmgboro who are planninft to J!O to ' India St., Anne s Pfospltal III Dayton., Le,May reporte~ for duty ,M the ' aSf,) Chr-istian mIssionaries ,next ~ , Henry Street Settlement in New " school that he is condemned to "scliool. the nether... regions for opening fa 1, will speak at the Church of ~ Mr. and Mrs., Donald. Gilpin ' Xork City wh~re she ~iH spend " " , Christ Sunday, March ,7., (at the .of Fosters are announcing the SIX ":1onths domg. ,Bu,bltc. Health: a bottle of b.~er'hl his home. ' , That touched , off an hour- 'MACK SAUER· TO SPEAK ' morning ser¥ice only). This bIrth of a son, ,[)onn Lee Feb Nursmg, after :which she will relong discusSion about "thetem- BD't?RE ST~OLi>~ , young couple are from Cariada, 24. Mrs. Gilpin and infant: with tuitn 1Q 'ake 'hei State Boa'rd perance lessons required by law , The, feature-d 'speaker" at the and are p.ersonal friends of Mr. the older son~ are ~, the home ExaJ!llnahon at .Columbus. , . 111 Ohio schools . .The law reJohnston, the minrsler., Alt the ,of .her parentS, Mr. and Mrs. . MISS -LeMay was one of two ' quires.teaching of Utemperance" annual stockholders meetin~ of re~lar Sunday evening servke, IrVin Mulford, for a few days. 'J!lr1s chos~n from Cincinnati for day a, but the the LebpnQn National Farm Mr. Johnston wilJDring the §ier' ' .' " thl~ <?ourse of the Visiting Nurse teaching heroe is done for short Lo'an ASSOCi,alion wilJ be , Mack mono EASTER~ STAR PLANS Ser;vlce, '. the other being ' Miss periods' once a month by vol- Sauer, well known columnist , INmATORY WORK MON ~~ary .Ehzabeth Richeurt of Cin-' ~~IO lecturer from L'ee::bu r ," ) GRANGE TO HOLD, M' . . , cmnab. ' unteer W,. C. T. U~ Inembers. ' " BIRTHDAY SESS~()N ~ . laml ~hapter 107, O. E. S., Everyone in the room seemed' to agree ' that no child' shoulCi There wiJI be other special willf meet In regular session on MISS McKINSEY GOES be taught do~ma'tically to con- numbers including- Mike and Ray The Quarterly birthday _meet- ~onda'y evening~ March 8, at TO HOME OF SISTER demn somethmg, his parents be- Wirsch giving but "Old Time ing of · Farmers Grange ·No., 13 eIght o'clock. , rollowing the ' , ' Iieve is right. But nobody agreed . Fiddlin' and Guitar Pickin' " 'a- , wnt be held in. the Gran~e l1all business session the initiatory Miss , Laura McKinsey, local on what should be done about lonK ' a group of G. I. far- at 8. o'clock Satnrdav. ni~htJ work Will be ' ~iven for caridl- !e~~h~~ w~o has been seriously itJ.~o the answer was inevitable: mer~ taking part in a panel dis.: honoran~ m.embers whose bidh- sdates. Mr. , and Mrs. W. E. 111 m M,IaJTU ValJey Hospital, wa-s Cusslon. days fall betwun Jan. 1 ~nd troud, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. St. removed. Saturday toihe home , "we'll see." John and Mr. and Mrs. Ross of her Sister, Mrs. Earl Swain All, of which led one specta" Meeting dat~ is March 9 at Marclf 3 t. Mr. a'nd-Mrs. Eve tor tQqtilpt. "Let's be temper~~e . lebanon, Ohio. , ', Early will an ,charge 'of - " Rowland' will serve on' the en- ' on Route 48 near Lebanon' in ou{~ea~K 9f temperance." A good turn out is expeCted. fresl1ments. ' · tertamme,nt committee. 'where she is recup~ratjng. . ,

BO'ard 'to lo'speet

CODerete S ti I


Q d

uir dNA No Lea er, -=ti'i.ties.


nPW'n . . .






your son or daughter. A small THE MIAMI GAZETTE , PAGE Z shove off the honest side of the WAYNESVILLE, OHIO '. No. 4358 by FOX HOLLY ,street can payoff ~ruesome ' di- THURSDAY, MARCH 4,1948 ( . . Publi.hed Every Thurld.y Tycoon - Tycoon - what d i, s a Tycoon?!1 My telephone ,vi ends as a ch lid ~row.s up. 12th BIRTHDAY PARTY ~t W.yne.ville, Ohio ~ -' CARL G. SMITH, Editor rang' three times (Ohio Central How careless can you J{et? ' :~ " ~ HELD FOR TORE BALL .... ,' Entered as .econd 01 .... m.tter .t the POlt OHlce Tele phone Company please' , SUBS'CRIPTION RATE: Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Ball enternote) with requests for a ~efini,1.50 a Year in Advance tained -on Saturday afternoon tion of this word, as ballots pour honorin'~ their little- daughter, I . in to elect W'~xnesvllle',s , TyTobe, who was celebrating her ' coon of 194,8. ' Tycoon,'" sa1d twelth' birthday anniversary. Bob O' Regan comes from the Gam.e ,- with ,'prizes, and Chinese word 'Shogun' meanvery thing pertainin,l!' t a .birthing Chjeftain. In plain Am~rican day c.elebration w'e te enjOyed by '" (To have events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette Tycoon means :it citizen, male or the little ~uests. , , female, considered outstanding' Nex t tim \\ e re R'0in.e: fo d . before, 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) ' in his own field and in his COI11- , it with only n l1l~ch. Otll.erThose present were Donna 'munity, a leading- citizen in the ' wi 'e it was a pretfy ,e:ood' 111ke a~d Carol Luttring-er, and Sally . SAl"URDAY, MARCH 6 best spirit of the word:" on F b. 29 . Fiv e scouts, Joe and Mary Bard,Lever of SpringFarnljers Grange, Birthday meeting 8 P. M. , So come on, Waynesville! J ,uiles and R nn ie Rush trudge I ' ~oro, Judith Weir of MiddleWaynesville vs. Randolph at Oakwood, 2 :15 P. M. Cast your vote! A Twin Theatre off ft om th e cilbin. They car- , town, Winnie Jo. stout, Doris '. SUNDAY, MARCH '7 ' ried only knives anp axe to be, Brown, Janet Keys, Marilyn Go to Church! , Ballot is in thiis issue of your used in preparinlT fU,elfor f1ractal}sberry, 0 ann a Hadley, M'iami Gazette. . Contest rules 1'0 . Youth Fellowship 7 :30 Methodist Church Sandra ~an, Elma Jean Mcare' in last week's "Gazette. The iice fire building'. After wa ki~ ,(',' MONDAY, MARCH 8 , to a' woods ahollt one and one- Clure, Mary Sue Croll. County Farm Bureau Cooperative Association -annual meeting, winner will receive wonderful half- miles from town, the Refreshinents with all apprizes donated by Wa ynesvpI" couts located a g'ood ,J) ace and pointme,nts in Easier Y-ellow, Lebanon H. S., 8 P. M. merchants. . The WaynesvI!k were then g-iven 15 minutes to were served by Mrs. Ball. Boy Scout T'roop 40, at 7 :15 P. M. Drug Store IS ~dded to the ltSl ' find fuel and lay a fire. Each Miami Chap'ter, Order of Eastern Star, 8 P. M. ". ' of donors published last week. scout then received two m'lt'TUESDAY, MARCH 9 A careful driv r want to know ou~~~;~~!E~~~. ;'~~fda\,a~~~ c1~es. No . ne was su~cessful when Burma, Shave is going , Easter Choir Pr~ctice, Methodist Church. Saturday is a natural for the WIth t~e fIrst match" WIth tb put verses on both sides of Happy Ho.u~ Ciub, Home of Mrs. Warr~n Braddock "I 'A b tt tl exceptIOn of th I aders. How- ,to ' 1 I f i ts signs to he won't be tempted 10 e ami ~~ , ~ e erlan avever on the s' cond, fires were w Waynesville Lodge No. 163, F: & A. M., 7 ,P M. to turn around and read the ones Silterage Westeln, large scal~,.very se n blazin,g-. Tiine passed Miami Valley Co-Op Milk Producers Association, Dayton facingthe other ' way, only to !ecen~ly,rele~s~~~, (J,~st f1l1t?hed ' quicklY and at 4 :30 p" m . . th e more Hotel, ' 11 :15 A. M. , - , find that he's seen them before. Run), Shl,rley fires were carefulTy extinguish!ts Cmcmnatl WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10 femple handl~s h,er fI rst sert~US d d th ' t ~ d, t d' e s Oll s epar e . adult role in "That Hagen Girl'" e an Friendship Club in home of Mrs. M. D. Baird, 2 P. M. (WB) Sunda'yc and ' Monday. Subjects studied at the reg-ul- , , THURSDAY, MARCH 11 According to trade dope, thIS er Monday night meetin .~ w r Lenten Service at St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 8 P. M. picture was pointed at small rope-whippin~, taut line hit- , . Represe~ting . towns such as ours. "The , Un- ches, and semaph r cod suspected,' (W13:) , Wednesday ,work. Westheimer & Company "N,oles -~-~--~ and Thursday, is highbrow mur- _ Memb r New York Stock The offerin~ Sunday for cOvel' der-fare. Claude Rains is superb. Miss Anna E. Meredith of Bxchan~e's and other IIE\\\V~' J ' eas Relief was O'ood' however. Recomme.nded S11 art s , are Cincinnati spent the w k end ' register d Exchanges 100' quite a number of our members • tcStunt Girl" and tfMade 111 U. with h Mr. and Mrs. Walter lnvestment Trult Sharea were not present. Will you S. A. (both PAR.) W itaket and Mr. a'nd Mrs Ra Bou~ht - Sold - Quoted please bting or send your ofJ~rSam Huffman, Twin Project- Mil1~r and dau,g-'hter. , ' . ' Phone Waynesville 2530 111.e: next Sun'day.iOllist gives a further 'low-down , Dayton AD3257 (ttt) 34 . ~he 'Yq~th Fellowship Group this week, Seems' the sprocket r '. H. Gordon IS d~scovertt)g- that Sunday even- holes (tiny holes that hold ,the --4I!I;_o___a __"',__• __u_ _a _ _a _ _ a__ a__ a• . METHODIST CHURtH ing is , a successful meeting 'filn~ in place on; the t:>rojection , , PRAYER SERVIC~ . , , II. 8; CO,,"EMA'N, Mlni,ter night. ' , < mac;hine) can jmak~ or break Sunday' ~chool ' ? :30 a.m. TUESDAY NIGtiT f' t d your night out at the' movies. · W e 'are · havmg , J. J. Ilurske,. Supt. IRe at en· Torn ,or damaged sprocket holes WonhiP Service to :30 a.m. ~~ecitinis~ unusually interesting cause 1iiJm to Jump, ·the track. . at the home of Youth Fellowship , Since all films are rented, Sam Jamea Harrington OPrOMETRIST Th ose~ W h0 have 'no t be en -t- . spends a reasoflabl-e-a-metmt-1'lrt--.-----'---:---' Thursday, 7:30pm. tending are requested to be pre- t!m~pra}'ing t~at the pro,iec' North and W-ater Streets htl l ll was a food sent · next Sunday evening at itOntst before -,'MT. HOLLY METHODIST OFFICE HOUas: 7 :30. " guy, careful in the use 0 tbe ' Conducted By T. M. 8CARFF, Mlnilter T-he Easter Choir is preparing prmt. Nine times out of 10 his Rev. H. Hornsby, of Halililton Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. TUeL 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. the cantata" "The Resurrection prayers are answered. T, h e tenth E. A. Earnhart, Sup.t. Stone" by' Carrie B. Adams, to .they aren't I ' , Wed. 8 A.' M. to 12 Noon THE P~LIC IS INVITED Wotship Service to :3'0 a.nt. be given on Palm Sunday Even'J:30 p.m. inK. Match 2~. Evening Service "Some prints arrive with the .'-~-_ .. _a_a_a_a_a. s~t. 7 P. M. ~ 9 P. M. sound track scratched, too. Due ' :--~-_ _ _ _ _ _ _~ to the delic'ate aL'npliflers, every i , Get 'Your TR UCK and ST. MARY'S ~ISCOPAL ST. MARY'S LENTEN small scratch sounds to the audB aAMUEL N. KEVS, Mltliiter "'-ocated Across from Post SPEAKER IS NAMED ience ' like a cat , _ o n the b~ck ' USIN ESS Church School 9 :30 a. m. '. Office. • . '0 N • ' Nursery.. Scl)ool to :30. .a, m. , T~e 'speaker ~t: Evensong fence at nig1)t: "The wQrst of it :. of ~omi,ng Prayer 10:30 a. m. next Thursday evemng, March . is," $am finish,~d, {'the films 11, at ' 8 o'clock will be' Mr. aren't deljyered lby the truc1dng'STANFORD BOGEN" ' George Lei~hton of the Easte'rn , tc.ompanies very far a'head .. of Moh'Ow Ohio llrlCA E. U. B, CRURal Sates Division' of the Ame,rican ' lme. REV. WILLIAM 8HANNON Roll~K Mill Company of .Mid- , P4r~t~ ATiENTION! L~t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday Sehool ' <) :30 a.m. dletown. . week we reminded the children . , MrS. James Garrison"Supt. Mr. Leig hto t:1' wiH speak on that .at the age of 1-2 or'. over Preachipg. t st and-3 rd Sundays "Inter - Ohurch Copperation". t~ey ,~ust buy a~ adult t~cket, to :30 a.m. Everyone in the community is accprdmg ~o OhiO , State. 'law. each mont~ welcome to ,hear , him. ..... yes.t~rday . wee, heard , a _parent urgmg hiS son to "Say , yo~'re WA\"NESVlUE Mr. and Mrs" S. N. Hall enunaer 1.1 . Thet lI never 'know CHURCH OF CHRIST 'tertained during the ' past "week. the diff!rence:' You're 'right, R. M. Johnston, MinUter the Bible School , ') :30 a.m. the SQuth Wayne Advisery Parent. They may not Council at th.eir country home. difference in your case. But two i 0 :30 a.m., Communion things could happen:, ': ' SEED EASY Evening Serv'lc~ 7 :30 P. M. Followin,g the business session Mr. ,R. . E. - Asbury led the dis~ , FI RST: You could ,lose your ,SEEDER FRIENDS CUSStOn ,~n "1.nsuraI1ce 'f~r the ~ome ~0V{~ theatre~ Let's 'face First' Day School 9 :30 a.m: F~lrmer. Dunng the social, re- It. In' thiS present busmess slump freshments were served by the operatio!l' of any business isn't .I-1eeting for Worshi,p ,1.-24-Foot Broadcast. _ ' t 0 :30 a.m. hostess to the members , and -easy. Fal,r play helps -.:.... morally CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS guests, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence , ' and actu;lIly. Let's play fair. 2.-25-Quart Hopper W~RST: You could lose REV. DAV'ID STANFIELD, Mini.te.r Edwards. , '. Capacity' Worship Service 9 :45 a m. I Sunday Sch~ol . 10:45 ' a: m. . 3,.-,WilI ,Sow 1 t.6 Acres an Hour '/tt 4 M. P. H. ST. AUGUSTINE Father Krumholtz, Prieat 4.-Qistributes 'evenly and ' Masses 8 and 10 A. M: , ' an accurate amount ' FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST per acre. I ,


The' Miami Gazette , • 8 TAB, L I 8 B • D 1 ... 0




Eyents Coming Up




. Methodists'




- '






- .

-RALPH ,E. 8TIN80N,'

Itible $chool

' 9 :30 a.m. MO,mJng Worship to:,O ,a.m. Prayer Meetio( ' ,7 :00 p.m. YOUDK People s Meetin~ , , 1:00 p.m. 7 :30 p.m. EvenlnK Services

Mrs. D. C Ridge was a guest' of retatives in Dayton several days during the past week. \

5.-Adjustable to a II makes of tractors.

A modern and complete Funeral Home, for ~he comfort and con venience of our public .

, STUQBS Funeral Home TELEPHONE -2281


Rogers and SiIlpSOl ,Tridor Sales E. NORm -




ANNUAL FARM BUREAU~ MEETING IN LEBA'NONTO BE NEXT MONDAY The 14th Annual Meetin,g of the Warren County Farm Cooperative Association will be held in ·the Lebanon High . chool~ Monday, March 8 at 8 p. m. G. D .. ~ook, formerly of W.a,ynesville, now livin,lr in· Wilmmgton, havin~ served many yea~s as 4irector ,of th~ organIzatIOn, WIll retire. There will be ' two directors to elecL ' John Sims, who has been elected to succeed M. D. Lincloln ;is. executive secretary of t le OhIo Farm Bureau will speak on , "Objectives of' Agricultural Cooperatives." . A spec!alist ir:t soil fertility in ~IS OW.A nght, SIms took a posit,l~n w~th the Tennessee Corporabon m chan~e of distributi n From this company, he ente)' -d Farm Bureau work and becam e General Manager of the Ohi o Farm . 1;3 11 rea u Coo·p ra.tiv ~ ASSociatIon, and now has heen chosen to suce ed Mr. Line In . . Jack' s X. lop h9ne Band ·of. Rlchm~nd, In\i., will furnish the entertamment with specialties in mUSIc and dances. I

Dr.· and Mrs. E. C. Wri.e:ht and. daughters were Sunday evenmg supper guests of Mr. . :1 nd Mrs. Stanley Bailey and ,;llIghter.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fr e and sons, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Moss, Mrs. Cora Rich and Mrs Reba Braddod( were Saturday eyening dinner ~uests 'of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rich.

EMER GENC Y ORDIN ANCE State Route No. 73. ' Ordina nce No. 200. Date of Ena~m ent. Feb. 20, IUS. An emerg ency ordina nce enacte d ,by the Vt1~ge of wayne 8v11le . Warre n Count y, Ohio, In the matter of the herein after describ ed iniprovem ent, un~er Mle superv ision of the 'Direct or of Highw ays. SECT ION I' (CO NSE'M T) . WlHER EAS, the Diredt or ' ot Highw ays i8 .consid erIng the matter ' of the follow ing impro vemen t under his superv ision of the publio hlghws ,y , particu larly descr~bed as f91l0w s: ' Begin ning at the interse ction of U. S. Rou~ 42 and State Route 73 In the Villag e of W4yn~vUle, thence east ,over and a.long State Route 73 a diSit8lnce Qf 0.&1-9 inl1es for the purpos e of re~urt aqing with T-a'Z 8urf(LCe, and . WBER l!)Al$, it 18 dedlar ed Ito be in the public -intere st that the COIiIlIeot of the YUlag e of Wayne sville, Ohio tbe given for the above descri bed Improv ement, under the superv ision of the Direct or' at mghw ays in a<::cOI'dan ce with plans, specif ication s, and, e~timates as prepar ed by said Direct or, NOW TH.EJR EFORE , such cons I1t be .a nd Is hereby given, for the constr uction of the above d 'scl"ibed Impro vemen t. SECT IO N II (COOP ERAT ION.) . BE IT RESO LVED , that the CouM il of the Villag e of Wayne svillo, ' Ohio, does here by propos e to cooper ate with the State or O,blo, In the cos t . of the abo"e descri bed Improvem~nt, Iby assum ing and contrib ultin:g, ~ Ii' ift een Dollar s incl",s lve of the cost of engine ring, pl'~lImina,ry COlltingen cies and other I~cldental expe·n ses. SECT IO N III (AUTH ORITY T O SIGN) (BE IT R~AlNED, that the Mayor of the Villag e of 1 W aynesv tuEl, , Ohio, be and he Is authod zed ,to entel' into agl· ement s for the main, len a n ee Ilnd parkin g for F.edet· al PI'Ojec ts, pat'kin g l'eg,ula tions for State pr jects a nd specia l contrac tual obllga tions.

ed by the said compa nies have agreed to .make any and all necess ary plant remov als or rearra ngeme nt In su<:h a ma'n ner as to be clear Qt any constr uction called for by the plans of said impro vemen t and said companl~s have agreed to make such necess ary reah:a ll,geme nts Immed iately atter notific ation by the village or the c!epar: i.ment and the vl1lag~ agrees that the said departm..-en, of. -hIghw ays of, the sta.te of Ohio, shall be and Is hereby saved harJ:lll ess from any, and all damag es or claims thereo f ariSin g ,f rom or growin g out of the rearrang ement of said utility compa ny or structu res. ( 0 ) It is hereby 'agree d tha.t the village shall, at Its own expens e, make all ~earrangemellts 6f water mains, eervic e lines, tire hydran te, valve boxy, · sanita ry sewer s or other munic ipally owned utlll-tie s a.nd/o r · any appur tena ces thereto , a s may be n-ecess ary 'to contor m to the said Impro vemen t and said rearra ngeme nts shall be done a.t such Ume as reques ted by tl,le Depar tment of H 'i ghway s Engin eer in sucb a manne r as nQt to interfe re unduly with 'the operat ion of the contracto r constr ucting the improv ement . , Th8lt this ordlna,n<:e shall take e ffect and b In ' force fl'om a nd after . . , the el\l:lie st perlod allowe d by law. Passed : FeJlu'u ary 20, 1948. Mtest : Charle s James . . clerk WARR EN BRAD DOCK lM'ayOl' .ff. W. SHER WOOD Presid ent ,of Counc il ,


Won Lost Wayne ville 36 24 " Henderson 34 26 A111er. Leg-ion 34 26 T mmy Place 3 27 Good Housekeepin~ ·31 29 Columbia Rec. 3 30 Han jig:as '2 32 Eagl es 14 4'6

. SECT ION III (b) (PARK I NG REG'U LAT IONS) !BE liT ORDA INED by the Counc il of the Vl1llilge,of Wlayn 6svIHe, Ohiol~ that upon, compl etion of said ImpJ:o v-emen t by the Dlrec't or of High\ aYl5 It' Is . hereby unders tood and agreed that said VILlage of Wayne svile OhiO' will th erea:fte l'. ., , . " , . (a) Keep said ,highw ay. open to ' trafft~ ,at all .times, and ' (b) 'Regul ate parki~. SECT ION I V. (CERT IIF ICAT,I O N OF A V AILA BI.l..IT Y OF IRIGH T OIF WAY, UTI L ITY RE ARRA'NGEM ENT' A ND SAVIN G -r,H E STAT E OF . OHIO HARM LESS' OF IbAM AGE8 .) \

BE; IT RESO LVED , by the Couno ll ot Vihlag e of Wayne svnte, Ohi(), that: . (a)' The right of way nec~8sa.ry tor the constr uction of the afores aid impl'ove ment Is her®y certifi ed as being ava,l1a ble theref or. ' (b) Arran genien ts have been made with a~d agreen uint 8 obtain ed trom all pubUc utmty c(\Jllp anies whose i1nee or' etruct urea wl11 be affect ..






Q ...... II)





. c.

Palhler O. Rose .R. Gons V. Hill E. Ramby 1. Mulford










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Vl ". ---- Q.)


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192 202 t48 134 146

153' 151 : 149 145 , 168



766 2397



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499 166 545 182 457 "1.52 437 146 459 153



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154 192 160 158 145





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C 37 . 57' ,35 59 60 51


am~zed that you wore fashions like these so recently. Even the fashions shown in the windows of 1943 look strange when we · compare them with the "New Look " in Baster Fashions for Spring. 1948. The window on Second Street show interiors of the Gay Nineties .... 'a tivin~ room, a bedroom and a dining- room with authentic furnishings. The anti~ que costumes in these windows are authentic museum pieces, assembled 'with great care, Rike's 95th anniversary sale will ' be held from March 2 throu,g-h March 6 ... and these historical windows will remain



that this percentag-e was well a- , bove the average.

J. Arthur (joldS4:hmidt, DiviMAllRIAGE LICENSES , In celebration of their 95th s, i on OePuty' Direj;rtoL of DiviJames R. Vale, 22; Morrow, emAnnivers'ary, Ri'ke's in I?ayton sion No.8, Ohio Department of halm~r's apprentice, Betty Knapp, are unveiling in their w:mdow' H'l~ h ways, has 'anounced that 18 Morrow, typ1st . ' a very, un,usual story of, "Fashthe plans for the '1948 ' Surface Robert ColUer~ 27, South 'Lebion Through 95 Years. , 1a . Treatin'g program for Warren anon, restaurant owner, . The large corner window at County have be n completed Doughman, 1S. South LebanoD ey Second and Main Streets shows i on and that the various projects punch operator. ~ a replica of's Sto~ will be offered for sale sometime Corless Blevins. 24. Lehan , which was domg busmess In in the !~p.~r fl,lture., . factory ,\vorker, Jean Elinor Kins1853. Men, women and children ' In considering Ithe hvo year worthy, 20, Lebanon. , 34 ' in authentic costumes of. the perperiod, 1947-1948, this means B-arold Hamilton Parker" , iod are shown "Shopping at that by the end of the year the Dayton, machinist, Frances Jean Rikes'. . HiKhway Depart~ent \vil.1 have Brandenburg. 27. Lebanon. factory Another windm shows men, completed the' re-surfacmg of worker. ' 'r in women and children promenaq41.00 miles or 24.43 % of the Charles Lamb. 19, FJfnk ln, ISing in Easter Fashions of 1873. State.. Hig-hways in Warren', spector, Enna Jean usser, , jn the window of 1893the dirt walks change to the boar9 ' llin~tl~1f~O~u~.~~h~t~h:is:.!.pe:r~io:d~:"-'""""'"'....i_.:C;::o~u::n~t,~y.~M.:'~r.:..G~O.:.:ld:~:C~h;.:.: mi ~H~a:.:d:d~e.:d_;:;Sp:.r_in..;;g~b_or_o.;.,_ch_e_ck_-_ou_t_._:-~-:walks used in that period, and , , the family promenades with the . baby' carriage on their , way to churcn. , In the window of 1913 the , idewalks become brick walks, and teena ers w ar fashiorrs of the period in a park scene. WARREN COUN-TY FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION In th 1/:)23 window th e , walks become ,c ment, and the 'LEBANON HIGH SCHOOL ~UDITORIUM models w ar tli " flapp er fa hions of the perioO. MONDAY - MARCH 8th'- 8 P. M. . The ' next han e in fashion com~s in ' t <)3 . and ou wilt be



/, .

' .

al'lle'ld ural - (I


, . Mrs Emerson Frazier of Germanto\vn was the Sunday ~uest of her son-in-law, Mr.. Carl Shidaker and her grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Auzwood MartlO. Mr. and Mrs. James park and ~ daughter of Mt. Auburn were t~~ weekend guests of Mrs. Park s par.ents, Mr. and Mrs. ' H ..S. Tucker ' and daughter, MISS EvalYll Tucker. Mr and Mrs Ben Beckett had as their ' ,g-~est for , a few da ys til i week Mrs. Beckett' sister, Mrs. Mi,mie Peterson ,pf Cincinnati. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herbel·t Dost~r had qS th eir g'ue'ts Sunday theIr sons and fali1ili es Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Doster an j daughter of Spring-field and Mr. and Mrs. J am s Do t r of Dayton. Mr .. George Waterhouse and Mr , L. D. WOOlly of Waynes,. ville were urida y afternoon guests of 'Mrs. L.ouise Fit~ and daug-hter, Mi's Jane Fite. PROGRAM Mrs.' Ethel Smith has returned to the villa,g-e after a vi it at the Reports - Election - Address by J ohn Sims, Ex utive SeCrei~l1:y Ohio Farm hom e of h r on and dau.~ht r .., Bureau Cooperative Association, in-law, Mr. and Mr. . Edwin mith of ehanon. Chur'l1 night wa. ob erv d Jack's Xylophone Band will ent~rtai~ you with music and d'l11 'C nLlmb I". . . .. la t Thur cla eve nm~' "at toe Gran.e:e HaiL ~ ver d ii h All mem,bers, th eir famili~s anq friends are invii- ct! cUnner \Va hI d. Mr: Clermen1 "Bra ~ Foley a form r re ident f the villa,\!' \ now of Columl 1I, ustained ;l br ken I g ,recently in a 0 vling alley accident. ' , Mr. and Mr . Paul I aacs and famil y have moved to the village f ro m Farmersvill . into the . property they purchased from Mr;, and Mrs. W. T. Green at , the, top ' f the '( '1 Hilt ' . Mt. and Mrs. W. P. McCarren who have been vacatlohinK in ' Cuba returned to their home ~ here aturday. Mr. nd Mr:~ Charles Lapp · of near Washington Court House accompan. , ied them on their trip. ' The Ad~isory Council met , at, the home of Frank... Swartzel . near Ore~onia, Fricta,y evening. . Mrs. James ThOrnberry ~ve ~ dinner Sunday in complimeht to her 'husband whd celebrated his birthday anniversary· Feb. 29th.,. , ' , 'Several friends 'made a sur. prise ,to' the , home of Mrs. A. , S. Col1~tt; Friday evening' to help her celebrate iter birthday. Her R'uests were Mrs. Clyde U~vicy, ¥rs. '. Laura, . Sl)idaker, Mrs. 'SadIe Reason, ,Mrs. Osee Harlan, Mrs.-,Lisa Curl, and Mrs.. . . H. S. Tuc~er. , The ladies ~njoy. '~" ' 'THE FABuLOUS :tExAN·, " 'ed seve'tal rQunds of cards. ' ,. , . ' ,M,rs. ': Truman ,Easter a for- . .", (J.ust Played Cincinnati ~ : ' " mer residel1.t of t,his '. cO,mm'4rilty . '~, ,pa~se~ away ,at 'her 'home near " - Wllmll~gton: Saturday. She was ' 1he mother of Mr. Charles "eas. '. Jer who ;nJanaR'e~ , the " Collett " , ,farm \ "Ho'le: in the ' Woods ,H " . , \ ' ~ "" , . south ,ea,&t :01 the viP age. .. , , . , - '. " . Mrs. , S~qle..F~~~son who ~as, ',' "} ' bee!l. r~sldll1,g' . ,m . Waynes,vllle ' I' . durmg the , winteJ1 months ' re' , , t~rned' tar he'.r home in the vii. la.~e for a few days. ' , , Mrs. Lizzie HOU~'h had as din. , , ne~ gu~sts Sl;mday. 'Mrs. Laura , Sh~dak~r and .. Mrs .. 'Sadie , Reason '" " ',' 4. ,,g'foup:,of 'Iaciie's ' assembled at the 'hCltt1e ,qf Mrs. Clyde It.e.,', ' V!cy, Wed,nesd.ay eyenin,g' ,in hOllor of ber blrthda:y lannlver";, ,sary.• Those, present, w:ere, Mrs. A. S. Collett, Mrs. Osie Harlan' and Mrs~ Laura Shidaker. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beckett and SUNDAY MATINEE dau~~ter Miss :Joan Beckett en . ~h30 P. M.· . ' . tertamed on Sunday Mr. and , Mrs. Glen Cook and ,/amily Mr . and ',Mrs. Eu~erie Sno~grass anci famIly and Mr. and Mrs. John NO SH~)W TUEsDAY Becket! Sr., and son all of Frankhn, and Mr. and Mrs. John Pete~on ;tnd Mr. 'Robert Glenn of Cmcinnati. ''11IE UNSUSPEcrED"- 'J... Caulfield, CIaacIe R...



14th Annual Meeting











PIaoDe 1341


- Wm.-11IURs.

~--------------~7 ~----~~~-


........ oa.u........


~i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 'PAGE 5

THE MIAMI GAZETTE OHIO· No. 4358 T 'H U R 8 ,D ~ V, MARC'H 4, 1948

Mrs. Robert Baker Jr., under, went a major 0t>eration at St. EUzabeth's HospItal on Tuesday , and her puny friends are11Opin~ , for her speedy recov~ry.


REGI$TERED BUlk SOLD N. E. Cullom ot Waynesville

recently: purch~sed the registered Brown Swiss bull Victor Boy of Salem No. 87494 from Ellis Mc(:!ure of Lel?anon~ Ohio according to 'a report from Fred S. Idtse, secretarY of the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Associa,tion, Bel.oit, Wis.


Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Con-

Ret were Thursday evening din-

by REMBRANDT of Springfield, Ollio.

ner Kue'sts of ·Mr. and Mrs. Perry Benton and son in Fairfield :

Dtiver's licenses expire on September 30 each year but it is surprising the , number of' motorists that have-not renewed their licenses," Mr. .Fogo said. "Many are under the impression that fhey have until April 1 to le~' ally obtain their new per. mlts,' he said. Motorists are ur~ed to act immediat ~ y an'd prevent congestion durin.~ the sale of. license p.ates. . . I

Mr. and Mrs. William Sawyer Ml1•. and Mrs. Orville Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn were Sunday dinner ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ChItwood in , Dayton. .


HOURS: 9-12 each '-morning 1-5 afternoons except

Wednesday. ' 7-9 SatureJay evening Other e:venings by Appointment TELEPHe>NE 62 -R

TUESDAY, MARCH 9, from 12 noon to 7 P. M. • in Rustic Room of SMITH'S RECREArION-:-EAT Go to Smith's TODAY for Your Coupon ! ! !


Dr... C. E. WiIkiD

Mrs. L. C. St. john spent several days during' the past week Optometric, Eye Specialist at the r.ome of Mr. and Mrs. John .ettiemyre near Lebanon 26 South Detr~it Strf!et caring: for her grandehildren Than'ks~iv­ Holiday feasts at · while Mr. and Mrs. Settlem yre in", an'd Christmas take 95 per , XENIA, OHIO were in Columbus a ttendin ~ the cent of the annual U. S. turkey "Corn School". crop. Mr. and Mrs. -A. ' H. tubbs had as Sunday guests, Mr; and Mrs. Robert Root of .Dayt n. P~-PRICE F~ EGGS! 'I ! ~



Lebanon National Farm""

Lebano~, Ohio





Rai e Dunham White Rocks-.they have. been bred 14 years to give you"hi~her~ pr~f\table production.


We ,also Have a 'complet see. us for ' a price. and' . , Eleeffie-line (7f---tigh-t- Bll] b Champion Outboard Motors








South Street

G~~,~tte al1.d peposit,t~em ,at T~in

VOTERS: Clip Your BaUots'from the,Miami . .~ox6ffice by 9 P. M. Ma~cb t 5.

Twin Theatre I n om'i nate




.......................... ; .

, (name)













............ ·..




. '






MARCH 7th FROM 1 :30 'P. M. ·T9 5:30 ~. ·M. ,


, "






. '




......... '{y~~;;' Sj.~I~~t~·I: · ·)·""····"

. A well-cleaned suit should mea·J1 two thingS-:-Iooks a.rid comfort. We . guarantee both with our knowledge of fine cleaning' .and ..... , ...... .............. . . . ......... ~ .......... . (Your address) the kind O'ti t>ressing that .lasts . longer, ' whether your work is Open to all except employee strenuous or not! . . of TWin Theat,e. .. (AU Ballots Become ' ttle pr0perty of· Twin Theatre.) ,Ballots D11:Jst be deposited at Twin Theatre when purchasin~ either adult or child's tickets by .





... ,

. "....-


PQST No. 81.

. -


.. -

-- -


for ,Waynesville" Tycoon · of

. (;1

·194 8



. - -



'. 9 P. .M. t

M~lfCh t






TES'T .SHOWS FRANKLIN SENIORS ARE SMARTEST '- --..i1tudents from Franklin High School took seven of the top 10 ratings; and"two of the four honorable menti,ons, in the General Scholarship Test for Hi~h School Senio{s, accordlOg to results announce"d tQday b Raymon ,F. Hatfield, county superintendent of scnools. The test was given at Franklin on Feb. 6 and at Lebanon on 'Feb. 7 for students of Lebanon and the county ,system. William C. Coriboy of Franklin"held to ranki,ng with a score of 240 in the test. Mary Jane Vandervort of Franklin was second with 219, ' Howard A. Knuts'on of ,Franklin third with 206" and PhiHp Lee, Class 'o f , Lebanon fourth \vith 205. " . A different committee COI1ducted the test in Franklin. . No one from WaynesviJIe was listed amon~ the 14 leaders , \\ ho scored over 167. The top ratlOg' ~n the county chool s stem (outside lebanon and Fr,anklin) was attained by Albert Willit\m Kolb of Sprin~­ boro with a score of 188.. David Lee Chapman of Morrow scored 183, and James Arthur Bustle of Mason 'attained an honorable mention with 176.


this week for Lakeforth, FIor:. ida. t f Miss Day has been ou 0 (By Mias Bardin)' ' -ichool several days due to a Mrs. Marie Riffle entertained Sharon Stanley enrolled in bad cold. last Tuesday afternoon with the the First Grade this week. ' H~r parents have an apartment III Mr and Mrs. Walter Frasure,. Argunot Bridge Club , members the house on Fifth and Tyler former local residents; I)ow ot as her gue~ts. Two tables were recently iSol<;1 'by Stanley 'Bailey. near Wilmington entertamed on in play during the afternQon) , Mrs Ralph' Hastings; Mrs. Sunday ' honorin~ the birthday with Mrs. J. B. Chapman, Mrs. Walter Sileehan and Mrs. Wini- anniversaries- of their two sons H. l... Rye and Mrs. ~lva fred Hartsock visited Miss Laura Jerry and Jimmy, with Linda Thompson winning the pnzes. McKinsey who is convalescing at Lee, Sue Ann and Homer Ram- Refreshments 'were served folthe home of her sister near by as ,guests. lowing the games. Ridgeville. More than 390 ,greetin,g cards already received, together with flowers. and other messages of cheer, ,bespeak th in which she is held by YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE , ' Mrs Frank Thomas has been esteem her many friends, and present FAMILIAR with prices and matquite iiI' and confine~ to: her bed and former 'jUPilS. erials in 'order to get fu)) value at her home on' MIamI Street. A study 0 Holland is in proat our funeral home. She was removed Monday to St. gress in ' Mrs. Ha tings First ' Whether a family Gom s wit,h ' Elizabeth's, Hospltal in pay- Grade a'nd',the room is gay with unlimited means or. a most meaton. tulips, ' windmills" and Dutch ger amount, they alone decide girls. This project, toboys Mrs. Audrey Burton ', and R'etherand the cost. To each.. we offer the the Easter ' tory. is, , same co-opert\tion and the same Mary Ann, Mrs. Ann Atkerson, holdingwith the interest of the childMrs. Grace Schuler, Mrs. M~g­ ern as materials quality of service: from. these subgie Thompson, Mrs. Harnet jects are correlaiell with Art ~rinne'y and ¥rs. Louis~ C~nMusic, Spellif,lg, and the .Story , g-er spent 1ast Monday' m Cm- Hour. cinnati and a'ttended Ruth Jerry Tamp'lin, of the seconll . Lyon's Program, then had din : t • grade, withdrew f ro m school to n' r at the Netherland Plaza. WAy N E$ V.11l L E, ' 0 H 10, R'O with his family to Arizona. Edgar, of the second Mrs. Goidie ~Tom1in 'of . Os- grade, born; Ohio, ~pent -several days ley. has moved ~o ' Spritlg V,al1a f week WIth Mr. and Mrs. Carolyn CuJIom is l eav ing Delbert, Conger.

Mr. and ,Mrs. Richard Anderson and children of Xenia, 'and , Mr. and Mrs. Earl , McCoy and family of Wilmington were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cook and sons. Mol and Mrs. Leo Conner and daughters were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Me110h and son near Lebanon. ' , Mrs. E. F. Barnhart had as her guest, during the past ~e~k" /' Miss Elsa Juer~-ens of Cmcmnati.

, Grade Sch~~1 Notes








NOTICE TO CON~RACTORIS STATE OF OHIO ·DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Col'u mbu8, Ohio, February 21, 19(8 Ellglneer of Sales Legal COpy 'No. 48-62 , UN,IT IPRICE CONTRACT , Sealed ' proi>osals will Ibe received at thll office or tlle State High~ay Director of Ohio, at Columlhua, Ohio, untl'l 10:00 A. M., Ohio St",~dard Time, Tuesday, lMarch 16, 1948, for improvements in: ' ProposQ,ls Nos. 1 to 3 inclusive are offered as onll proJect and w'i1l be awarded aIS one eontrac,t. . ' PROPOSAL 'NO. 1 Greene Ooun.ty, Ohio, on part of Section 6.37, State Route No. 36, In Beaver Creek TQwnshlp; by :cleaning and painting Bridge No. 'OR-a6': 67 A. over tile Lit-tIe Mla~ Rivel" (Span 159 feet , and ,~ inches, Roadway 15 feet and 8 Inches). PROPO&AL NO.2 'Wat'lren County, OhIo, on part . of Sect1~n 8;45, State Routte 1N0~ 48, In the City of ~outh Leb~lnon. by cleaning and' paInting: Bridge No. WIA:fR-87 over the Little Miami , River (Span 26()' feet! 2 inches, Roadway 14 feet and 8 Inches).

Earl, Chicks .;'


CHECK THESE FIVE ,SIMPLE REASONS '••. 1. 4948 red.,meat supp,lie$ wiJJ be lower than

' 1947.


There were fewer layers on farm Jan. , 1, f 948 than at any time since 1941. }. Gull~s eO,ntillues heavier tha norma[ ,


4. Baby chicks started during' Jan. and Feb. will be far b~low normal.

5. Feed prices have dropped from $5. to $20 per ton. ' ,' ' Be ready for these high-priced fall eggs-Have early fryers when ,t~ey are sca,rceStart your ChiCKS e'arly. , '



The bidder must su/brrilt with hie bid a cel"l1Uled che~k 'I n an am61mt eQu;"l ,to flv~ Per' cent of the , estimated cost, bur in no ~ent. more thap ten 'thousand dollars. ,' Plans alid speclftcatlol18 are on fUe hi ,t he depaJlitment of hlghwa},s and the office of. the r'E!sldent dlstrlGt deputY director. The directoT reserves ' the right to reject anY.' and all bids. EARL, I." REEB


NO.3 Hamilton County, Ohio, on part of Section 8.0'4, State Route No. q.f. In Anderson Township. ' by cleaning and pail'lltlng Bridge . No.: HA'14-88 over the Little Miami River (Spans: two at 2U feet and 0 Inches, Roadway 26 feet and 10 Inches)'. , Total estimated ' -CO$t .•....••..••••......... ~ •..•••. ~ • . . . • . •. $14, '700.00. . lToJ)08alll Nos 1 ,t o a Inclusive of, this project to be completed not la.lerthan Augu.,v 2t 1948. The minimum wage to be paid ,to all :labor employed on this conuaet sb~ll ' be, In ,accordance with the ".schedule' ,o( 'Prevatllng Hourly Wap Rates 'A ecertalnecI and Determined by The Department of 1DcIU8.. : ~1 RelaU'Ons applicable t~ 'S tate HIghway J)epartmeft~ Improvements in accordapce' with Sections -17-8, 17-4, 17-4a, 1'7-6 ~nd 17-'680 of ' the 'GetneraT ~e or. O'h,lo."

wm Be Profitable

Just as in buyil)g se.ed to plant. you must pick the best producmg stock. I 'you can, you should buy from the breeder: '

, ,JUo'.Braad Pow-Catrale helpe gi. . . . . . Qlra _ .

In buying DU~ White R~, you get the direct , ~el1eflts of our trapnet-pedigree . breeding ,p. rogtam for high Uvability, rap ' id g'rowth dh h ', ' an Ig er egg' production .

tiGl YitQIDiu au lIala.caJe 10


protectl ,oUr c.... 'G!lGiul ..taIlUJD;ai••ral daficteDC,. Ch1cbl"va _cia Cl _rt de'..lop IDor.IOU.eIl, . , . mCl.. .....i lICl,~n. " ' I ' Cl perfect =j'~m. Idaotlce IoCla.. ' u1·


Eve!y' -!>.YNHAM White ROck chick is sire'd by an m~lvld~~lly wlnJrbanded U, S.R. O. P. ~ ,.;ar, order yow cCk,.. ,male7-defm1t.e , 2QO lo 3 1,5 egg breeding. The frOal WI ~ow 0 .... ,.. Cl 3-dCly breedmg behlOd our chicks enables tliem to "Clrt of ~ltrCl.BrClncl Poul· ,produce at a higher~ more profitable rate than ~trClta ~~. _ , ordinary hatchery chicks. Consider what 5 to 20 extra eggs per layer would mean to your profits., You can afford 'to pay severallcents ~.ore per chick tQ get this ~reeding-:-only thre~ extra eggs per bird would n~~n you COULD 'p ay t 0-15 .cents' m,ore 'per ~hrck. , " . I:lunbam White 'Rock ~~~ks a're Ohio-U. S. Certified and Pullorurn Passed.











PHONE 2918 \

R. H. KIER, Proprietor. Ph. . 1341



"ham 'White ,Rock Fann WAYNESVltlE, OHIO "\:.,




Mr. Newton Dearth and Miss Ina Dearth of Franklin visited Dr. and Mrs. F. ~. Gregg on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Harold Thackera and wife of near Centerville called 9 n. Mr. Thackeras' aunt, Mrs. Allee. Ctark on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Woodrow Owens and children Winnie Jo and Stevie of Springfi~ld spent Sunday with Mrs. Owen's mother, Mrs. Lucile Armitage. , Mrs. Evalyn Peterson sp.ent , the week-end with .Mr. and Mrs. Esper MacMillan of OJllDe,lc ville. " Mrs. Mary Johnston and son, Mr. Terry Johnston of Cincinnati, called on friends here ,Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Johnston was Miss Lula Terry, an old resident of Waynesville. ' ,M.iss Ruth Chandler, Dr. Em.: Ina Holloway, Mrs. Ella Dakin 'and Mrs. Olive Curl attendea , the funeral of Mrs. Georgianna Ivins on Thursday afternoon at the Oswald Funeral Home in Lebanon. , , Miss Ruth Chandler and Dr. ' Emma Holloway spent Friday in -Dayton. , Dr. and Mrs. Gale Russum and tittle R'randchildren and Mrs. Iva Lou Hill of Dayton called ort their aunt Miss Margaret Edwards on Wednesday after, noon. ' Mr. and Mrs. , Ken net h Thomas with their daughter and son-in-law of near lebanon called on Misses ,Annie an,d Marne Bmwn, Sunda aHernoon. '

Mr. and Mrs. C. ' Lee Hawke and Mr. and Mrs.~ Don Hawke have return'ed from a vacation in Palm Beaco, Florida. '

(OOnUnuecl froID



kin made 16 poi,nts to make up. Vickers came back (or the Springboro game and showed some nice ball handling. The scoring iq tliat game ,was even': Jy (I1VJded with Thompson-7, florence and Vickers-6, Dakin and Hunter-5, and Smallwood3.


The box scores of all three games: .

\ , Erdean Hania VI. Clarence Hanls, divorce, e~eme cruelty, 1. T. Riley. -Earl Bahr V8. Helenand lIa,rley Brunk, to set aside deed, restore I title and other relief, Cross, Scher. er and Haie. Grant Black 'VS. Geneva Black, divorce, grOS8 neglect, J. T. Riley. Harry Beachler vs. Ti'essie . Beachler, minor, divorce, gross neglect of duty, Young and Young. ,I n the matter of Walter Hitle, Amold· Matthews, J. T. ROBS, Joe CoMey and ' Raymond Mikesell as Trustees of The Church of God, authority to sell real estate, Young and Young. Ernest Zimmer vs. Dr. Nonnan Smith, for money only amount · claimed $2500 and costs, Sao1o'rd Headley. . , Abila Carrier , vs. Ray Carrier and The Waynesville ' National Bank, . alimony, gross neglect, Maple and Maple.

. Ella Calion VI. ~maD Onion, divorce, extreme cruelty, 1. T. Riley.

Cathe~ McCoy va. Roy lames McCoy, , diyoree crOIS neglect of duty, H. O. Finkelman. ,







fa ft Pta. 328


Thompson Dakin Florence Hunter

7 2 16 3 2 ' 8, 102

Simpson Tinney Lukens






i8 8 44 fa ft . oPts. 4 '0 8 317 135


Schucbter L.ewis Bennett

Fairley Hardware Stores


113 2 ' 0 4

Smallwo~ d



Phone 2926






10 2 011

Woods ~,

Allis n , .




fa ft Pta. 3 1 7


Thompson Dakin Florence Hunter Vickers .Smallwood

2 1 2 ·2


5 6

2 ·


'4 1







l1,ip32 . Pta.

. tg

S ringboro


0 0 1

1 ' 2 2

Hause Robinson Webster Hough Marstall




1 '0 ' 2 .







'-"2 ' 5 29

-, fg ft Pta. 3 2' 8 3 6 12 5 2 12 226


Thompson Dakin' Vickers Florence SmaItwood

1 1 3 102


15 13 43 ft Pta.



Longm,an, Fogle Beachler McQueen ,Smallwood . Hus~sbur,ger

1 1 3' 3 ' 4 10


1 .. 5 3 11


,2 , 2 ,



'-12 ' 11 . . 35 "

AUCTIONEERING ,STANLEY .-act KOOauR ~ , BROKERS LICE~8E "" For ,Dat-e, lithon. 1814. WaynHv.iII•• ~ Ohio. Cha...... ' •


, Elswortp Winks


(ttt) 34 , ..

'. ,a ,

, BUII.DIt.t'S





F~RM INSURANCE';-' will p.e JOU brQad pro~oa against Jones

in the Ohio Fumen OIl JOur fum. It coven )'Our builc:liDp, your cbaUell, JOUr automobile IDCI J'OUf 1IablIJ1J for uddeall ~ omen. Why Dot .1ee IU coda,? ,...~n ale wbea', J'OU'" iaawecI ' ''' .... 0bJ0 Faaaen,

yo. ....

lad D. Daiio t.ruCe AgeDCJ

PhOD. 113, 20 'II. Mulberry. LEBANON, o.


... _MIII....

OHIO " ••111........... AIIf ' gli -


'TUES'PAY, MARU'H 2ndthrn




- ~

~ II I

It I h i · , . ;




• 0' I P \ , \

.. \ \

I 0 ...,.

.. II I 0

ing experiment that they are try- THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE 8 in~' under Mr. Wilson's direction WAYN~8VILLE, OHIO " No. 4358 is a hedie of multiflora, roses a,- .,. H ~ R 8DAY, MARCH 4, 1948 . Acetylene and Arc WELDING. tong one of the ,lme f~nces Portable equipment. Bill Lee where the ground IS so rough Mrs. Stanley Bailey, Mrs. D. near Wayne Park~ Phone b~ ~~~.M F~~~;R that it is diffie.tilt to (~nce. ~~ev C. Ridge, Mrs. R. ,H. H~rtsock, -318 2451, ' say they will soon gro~ thick Mrs. Marvin Smith, Mrs. Bertie , enough to turn arty kmd Qf , Mills, Mrs. J.ohn Fro~ Mrs. PAPER HANGINGOLASSIFIED AD RATES February 27, t948. Rain tostock, even hogs. If they are . William Strouse 'Mr ~nd Mrs 10 PER ' ~ORD ' MINIMUM ,25c Call at Alva Allen's in Corwin. ' day, ,but yesterday was one' of the ·same little while roses that. John J. Burske 'and ·Mrs. E. F' , J. H.,Rainey. "those days that make you feel I have, they would ~o that very' Earnhart attended the Inspect~ REAL ESTATE -3tS that Summer is right here, or easily. ~nd also p,rovlde fo~d for ion of Daylight Chapter, 0., E at least just afOlund ,the Gorner, quantities. of bards. 1 thmk. I S., at the Masonic Temple in DON';]' FORGET TO CALL SEEDCO~"':and that this is spring. Sugar shall try It on a few places In Cindn~ati 'on Tuesday afterus for Insurance. Ail types of noon. time is her.e bUlt this isn't very my 'fence. JUST ARRIVED ~nsurance at a savings. Gall ~ood weather for it. I hear that Unti1 it star~ed to rain, Buck --------DE KALB Francis G.ene Brown, phone they; are gettin~r eight dollars a w~s here startmg to pru, r te my , Mr. and Mrs', E. F .. Earnhart HYBRID SEED CORN Waynesville , 2935 or call Assure yourself of quality seed, gallon for .syrup. I like a lot apple trees .. They have ne~ded w~re weeke~d guests of fhei,r , ,collect. Wilmington 211 t. hig-h g-ermination;, and top but that is beyond me, so I shall a good .prunmg for a long ttme. child en Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Ro. ,yields , by ~ettin~ your seed h~ve . to gQ ,on using Maylene TI~en, If they were spr.ayed we bins,on of DtlYton and of' Mr ~eal E.tate For 5.1_ today. Available now in MP unless we ~an tap our trees an? might . get a , ~ew good: apRle~" and Mrs. Charles B. 'Earnhart hi IF' YOU HAVE A PROPBRTY OR and LF ,g-rades. Phone or , ~et a little of,our own. ,But It ' So few pe~ple tr¥ ~o r·alse tJ;1elr Trotwood; !; PAlU.:f TO SELL oa11 or Wrlte writ~ or see Leslie Rothman, i's discou'ragin~ because the trees 'own apples any more fOJ Just Don Henderson. Tel. KE3446, .7 R. 2 your DeKalb Deater are so . scattered, and ' it takes so tb~t reason. I~. so~e Olle wQJ.llq, . ~ Phone Lebanon 610-R. much sugat w~ter to make n start, a spraym~. Ser lee ' iNat Lorain Arv~., Dayton. Ohlo. tfc wasn t too exp~nslve, ! am sure -318 gallon of syrup., ' ..r,~ ~ If I had i to do over again ~()fe Reople. would be mterested ROOM W ANTEDNOTICE OF APPOINT" ....n a I would do what we talked about I~ their frUIt trees. When ,we! "d.oing but didn ~ t do. I w0uld first moved here, there were • I·strator. Furni hed room wanted with Admm plant trees. If we had planted some o.lq peach trees thai. had modern conv niences. Phone Notice is h~reby given that the ' sugar ' grove over on the the loveliest I eve'l ate. 2662. Carl W. Lacy. --':~4 Albert H. Stubbs whose Post hill .that we talked about the' Because of the bltg~t we ~ave ELECTRIC RANGE....Office Address is Waynesville, trees would now be bi~' enough ," nev r had. any good ones since. has b~en · duly appointed to tap' and the fine blldde~ 111C- The old tl ees died and. th~ new ,i ELECTRIC RANGE for· sale. In ' Ohio as Administrator of the Estate kory and walnut' trees would b ones soon fol1ow~d. SpeaklO ,~ r g-ood shape, bein~ used every of Venora Lee Kirkpatrick bea'rink'~ The ,thing to do with:t peaches, I began ~o eat some or. jay. J,.:ee Lemmon, R,Oute, 2. of Warren 'County, Ohio', late de.. new place, is to get in the slow rruy frozen ones fJOm the lock~l . ce~sed.'" '. ~ thi,ngs as ' soon as possible. Es~ and .~re they go~d! I. wa, so MACHINERY FOR SALEDated this '10th day of Feb- pec;.iall,y: ,f ruit an,' ct nut tr~es, an SurPI Is~d at the fIr t bite that J obn Deere rubber tired wa,gon, ruary, 1948. . " asparagus bel1 aln~ smaI1 fruits. ~ , t,hou,gbt summer wa he re aKilJifer sub soil ' plow; John C. Donald Dilatush, Atty. ' Then you. will have a chance to gam. Deere 5 foot tandem disk; RALPH H. CAREY, enjoy'th,em. " Even though it is ' dri~zlin " I Jonn Deere No.. 4 mower Jud~e of the Probate Court Even was damp al1li am far, mb~e mterested ,m gom l~ . with horse or tractor hitch; NORRIS BROC~ COMPANY W~rren Cbunt~, Ohio. drizzly on Wednesday some of - out and seem£, ~hat ean ~e done ' John Deere 1O-inch, hammer _ _ _.....,-._ _ _ _ _ _ Cincinnati Unia.., atock Vard. -_3_4 us went do.wn to the Mout- than I am tac~lm~ that Income Live Wirp and" 'An mill; John Deere Model CC ' 1RAILER FOR SALE gomery County Girl , Scout ta~(' return. It .s not ver':! good Oraflnizatlon .eoond to none. Field Cultivator; John Deere Strlctlv •• lI e r. Qn th, · b••t MorroW to look over ~h~s year o.n the. farm SIde. In all aro'!nd market . In the .manure loader. . Two-.wheel ' trailer, eight-foot ,Camp_near the g,round for ~)ome . im.prltv spI~e of h1gh, pnce~ , I had, ~o eounttv. . ( BANTA IMP~~T ' CO. body, for sale. Ashmead ments that 'the Four Seasons ,many expe~slve th.lngs to au SERVICE T.HAT SATI8flES WHIO Dayton U:30" !:I.T. .' Lebanon Phone 555. SOOIO Service, No{th Main Garden Club, to which I belong that .those" hl~h profIts yeu hear Dial 1300. WLW 81nelll1lRU -34 12:40. Dial 700. for ur DaUy . -226, is going to h.elp wHIl th~s sum- abO, uf don t ,show on ~ bOOKS. Harket Report. mer. It is, a bealutiful tract of I had· to bUytOD mu~~ fe~d. , Letz No. 240 Roughage mill, CAR~ i O~ ~KS- , hills and woods. but. it .'sadlY but pe~haps ,the st~k I carra~d ' used 'one year, complete with We Wish to thank all our friends.. needs some col1servatlon work. , o:v~r Will Iti One .ml~- '~Iiioi!I!~IiI'r.~-r.P"",~~--"", . tru~~s, ' ~ep.arator. and' pi}?e. for their kind remembrances The fint 111ing~, ~~e' plan to <10 tak~ I made that ,I dldn t ~hls machme WIll fill sllo, following the · death of Mrs. u' n der the ditetlii>n of ihe Con- cult enou~h ' chickens last fall. , chop - 'and stor.e I hay, grind servatio~ Department is to lime , But that I~ one 2'ood thin2' a-, Florence. and mix feed and separate . Howard FJorence and Family and fertilize a few acres so that , b<?ut No n1.atter what. small grains and corn: Fully . ' -34 we can get som~e grass started · ,....;mUllils~ta!;~~~~ , guaranteed 'and priced to ·sell. , " " to prevent ' f urth~Jr erosion and to season cro.wds y01;l ~ f~st that BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. ' w :al:lt . to thil!lk .. each and , make a comfortable play groun~ " you never have bme to brood -:r:-::---- ' - - -. Lebanon ,Phone 555 ~verY()9~ fQr their cards and for the ~i,rls. The open f:ield near' over t~em. A ,hasty look at them -34 h.ttle gifts ,Of rememb!aqces , the sWll1ip~ng ' pool 'is so poor . as you study the farm acco'unt~, SJDce my stay an bed,. " .that nothmg but oor land ~rass a resolve not to do that thIS Bolens Huski Garden tractors. Ed Cook .and brambles wil grow. We are year, and, y.ou are off on the t % and 3 H. P. Models with ~~:-,-"-N-O~T-I~C~E-"""-- ,going to have it~imed, an~ then plans for..tlie new year. . ' plant a goo~. p sture n1Jxture . comp,lete line ~f quick. , at.' .tachmg tools. , plows,,~ -dlSks1 . Waynesville Lodge No. 163, . and-try to Ket it i ~to trass. Tbey ,Kathryn C. Gibbons !






c~t~a~~ ~c~e ba~ ~Q

laWn mowing attachments. Ideal for ' tne home garden


'will · be limited. Order with-

out della. ":' ,

F. ' mdA.M.willh~dam~~ f are , P~nbng~ e ~o/ tre~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Meeting,' Tuesday 'March 9, ,"at thoug~h -thea hav~ a' fine piec" ,': '. ' P t.'iI ,f!! f dl , .,.. ," 7:00 : ' m. . ' . . 0 ;Woo aq. m05t, mterest~ ,., . ~'B

.;lae'••'t o'p· .Drlv-.'-,-









Phoae Waynesville 2916






~' '

Tar , Kp p Ii. d , '



......eo......,. .... ~



t ......................

• • ICI IN DA."./ ONIO " ACIOaY IN . . . .IM, . 0,







HORSES ~'9·00 tC()W5





H<>.G5 $4~OO CWt.


a ' 'S' a '

'-'BO " ~ :

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.' ,"



:" , ~ A.~' I FNNoN, O~O, ~ , 221-1r


~ ",'


Charp• . '



0 •• ' .




John Deere OWQers-we are equipped t~ gNe you p~ompt servIce on our tractor nd farm equipment. Arrange' your tune-up or overhaul work " sOQn and be ready for Spein", ' Work; 'We can restore the o.rigi,nal power to your tractor at a low cost in our modern John ~eere service : shop. V~lve g~ihdi!li, cyli!1der rebonng, rlOg mstallatlon and bearri£' , adJustmerif done to Deere specifications. All \~ork Kuaranteed. On}y GenUIne' Jphn ,Deere repalfs use~. We pick up and deliver. BANTA 'IMPLEMENT CO. ' Lebanon Phone 555 ' -34 EARLY FRYERS .! ! ! 'S tart ehkks now-have e~r1y fryers--they will be in bi go demand. S tar t e..d sex e d cockerel chicks now avail~ able.

~ 'WY'


......,.., o,w..-y Recoatin. F R ~, .. _,:,E ·! I' T 1 M A T -:.... E-'-tIS!--'-:-~,:

. -"






, R0

'-34 ·

,tractor: and__ farJ1.1 ~m~chinery , cleantn~ anld paltlbpg. 'Truck ~~~~~~~,~,~~~.:aned~ 'Call . " , BANTA 1MPi.EMENT CO. ' LebaDoa' ....oDe -555 " 3




----------~----~----BUSINESS SERVlQ:S" . ' I




~ ~ ..


ILCL ........._...


GIVE Generously to ;RED CROSS -- 'Wayne Township's Quota Is $100· Telephone President It sa.ys T h l! M ia Replies to Prote~t m i ' Here ..




MRS. IRENE mOM AS Mrs. Irene Th'omas, wife of Frank Thomas, whose home is on Miami Streel, died at 6 :15 a; m. Tuesday ,in St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Dayton, where she had been ill about a week. I ' In addition to her husband, she is survived by two daugllters, Mrs. Inez Robey of , Dayton and Mrs. Anna Earnhart of Beavertown; three sons, Everett Thomas of Roc;:hester, N. Y., Lowell and 1-<0 ert Thoma -f Wet. ne ville; t\\1 brothers, Sarnuel urface of Lake ide, C)., and Le 'ter Surface of Lebanon; an d ~ ven g-randchildren. Funeral s rvices will held tomo rrowaftel'no nat 20 lock at th A. H. tubb Funeral Home, with the Rev. R. B. C leman of the Methodi t Church officiatin,.,:. Burial \ nl be in , Miami Cen.let~ry.

Waynesville's '·tro uble s 'shoul d be over" in two weeks " " '' ' ,,', " . ' " " By sinitty 'Yith r~spect tb, difficulty in get, . 'tmg- lines' to Leb,anon, accord.n~ Is, there a human' dowb ar in to the followin~ I tt~~ mailed " Waynesville, - a ' muscle man ' this, we k by Geor g'e J:j. QuatSERV ING WAVN EtSVI LLE SINCE 1850 , so stron,g- that he -o,inks nothman, presid nt ~nd ,(!,eneral ,ma,ihR of prying loose thin:~ that No. 4359 nager of the OhIO Central TeleFIV,E CEN,T S A COpy ,are screwed down? phone Company, ,tQ Mrs. WintLE O T H' U ~ S ID AY, "'MAR CH 11, 194 AccorainR' to Bob O'R~ .~an , W1AY NESV IL , ~o H ,fred Harts ock alld Maynard I , of Twin , Theatre fame, Sll h :l Weltz, in reSponse to protests Jell ' character exists. And Bob \ ould on behalf of the W man 's ProOp IIt~rs just as oon be rid of hini. It pJ ive, Club and Civic Club: seems the unidentified,superman "Dea r Madam" an j dear ir: (or stuporrn an) leahs back in "We acknowledg- receip ,t of h!s seat at fh mov.te and push s } ur fettt;r f Fe ruar y I 8, reA small ra iio and two electri hIS knees through the seat in htiv , t th e additional trunk shaver weI' t len ft m H' front. Of. him. B-y 'this ' method ' . ir uits hetw, en Wa·yne ville man s Department , tore last the. vll'lam ha~ actu~lIy ucce.e.dand Leban n, W \ i h t as ur Saturday evening- b, two men ed m tUn crew.lf1~ seats fr nl th.: , u that' ur c mpan y ha wbo were c1as eli b A. H. P 1floor an:l I 0 ' enin~?: a f1 ( I ( 1'' want dtll ' e cir uit in falJ d as ' insky, the pro neta r, a " 10 Ut,·board. " much q a.n , s'ig;ner of that eof-tow n perators". Th e loot I~I cOllldl ~ t dn if mv 'If \\' ithtiti on. We oj'der ed th m mor was valued at all ut ~ '75, out a crowb 1'" . c<J mm ' nted than t\\ , aI' S aRo. We g t half Th theft 0 currcd betwe, ~ B b, who i no. weaklinJ?: in his of th I' r quite a few months 5 :15 and 5 :30 l. m. Saturday. own right. " ' .I : a' 0 but the th I' half 'of tile When ihe ,m n entered the WAL TER C. BURN ETT ,/ r ier ill ' t a w >ek a~ . The copD n t pass thi . in iUent b ' store, one of them -hawed an W . It 'C 8 ' tt ~ith out 'a second th O ll~ht, f r , ir uit ' /lI::tw n the two interest in c1othin~, in a back 4 ld It may affect \ our own , come! . d ,U I n ,7 , al ' have b en up wa itinR for corner , of the 'buildinR'. The 0 , I d sud enly at 3 a c1oc~ clti f tNt ' thi equipl11 n-t mnre than i' other, ·unnoticed, . appar.ently Wed!1e Qay m o rnln~ at hIS or , eW. up 101stered chair ar. made ,off with the three l:t~me on R ute 2 ne~r Wayne ' ar o'n order for- the Twin, tt "It ha I) t \1 en, plea ant for s o u n d e r his 'coat. The theftItems was vill e.. replac e , ' the prese nt us wood to ree IV the con'stant ren (Illes. But' l wouldn't blanlle Bob t d'Iscove d t'l b t He !',ISCharl surVIv ed.' b , Y, f two no h' l"llkes re fr m trlle pu I'le for th ' un I a ou 8 0' brotlle es' If) h 1 clock., ' ' or ' es!httin,~ .about making: , . W 1 W O~l:1 la~ k At a meetinsr held last night , of these facilitie when we Mr. Polinsky said he later lIved, and, Qhfford, who lIved , weI' that chanKe, If hIS patrons s!l \\ in the Methodist Church 'base- learne h d that one of the men on an ad,.I omm ,g- ,far~ Well and we 1, Jes in the ituation no more III vel'. [) dy for many 1 than t th hmte es.t' in bthe d'pl:!_· I' . f t ' d lll,:nt, v,o un eer so lCltors or rle to se11 an e I ' razor in known as.a far.mer .Tor mann months ,( that ectnc e uman ~row ar Il.1 we \v"'re dOI'n, ~ tile Red Cross drive in Wayn e a Waynes~me filling' station y~ar~J. he lived 111 thIS .area a I ~ Bob also went in , f or afterevery h thing ' in , our' powe p k' r d to n'e f S d . b 9 dinne ' Town s ip re,ceived pledge car s, a. out 0 ~lock that n,ig ht, but ' hIS ltre. He· ma.rned. ~. r s ea , 111~ a the equI·pment. It·I not a Qu·.esun a " pins, sticke . rs, and other equip ~ did not succeed. ' Funeral servIces Will b~ held ~ion of just trillgm,g- a few mor.~ matinee when some patron~ ment for th"e 'drive. . ' The theft was repoi~~d by Saturday afternoon at 2 0 clock wires between ,comRlained abo low hUIll the two" The executive committee for Cons ta, b le C .. P. Joy to the ~t the McClure Funeral Ho~e, munities. It versation ' rfer~d "'':'1 I mean s ;automatic ', . . h d,4 b co.un, ty sheriff's offiee. but Mr.. In, cha,rge of the Rev. R. ~. switch ~~'!~~~.s~'~~~"~~a~fq ~~ lh~ R~~. ~~ja~IJS es ate rel.1ui 'ae:. ~~ POltrfSk atd' tthlt tJ '-to u~s~ Coleman rO ~ t h.:.-.-. dials ' fo' operate"! atred for' th",'" bo~. ' the stage I to tell the' me~crrs appointed by Mr. Cole- ' day, the ' end ~Of nOisem ers what 'the score is. man are R. C. MQler and Everett to no investigator had come C~ur~h. ll1 ter ment Will be Jl1 these wir.~s before they can be ' see him. . MIamI Cemetery. used. Th se · we cannot make, "If the shoe 'fits wear it" he Early. MRS. ADE LAlD E-£O MPT eNr- w~ hav~ to byyjb~J1) ana we are said n.amin~ no::'names, l~lIt h . ~hisyear he. tqwnship quota , I],.~t ' made It clear he 'doesn t \val1 ~ . IS $700 , a conSiderable increaSe ' me mercy of the Automatic Funeral services were held at t~e business of va·n~als. Electric Company at Chica,g-o ' from last year when the actual Saturday afternoon at Caesar- ' for' them. ,amount raIsed was '581. ' ' 1WIN DAUGH'J'ERS BORN crt~ek F'riends durc h for Mrs. "Th'e,y are here now. and the , Anyone. who is not coptacted TO WAT KINS FAM ILY Adelai'de Cor'n!Pton, 92 men. are instalJinR' them. It wi1l by a solicitor 111 ttie next week " M~. ' and Mrs. Donald Watkins old, a " former residentyears , of reqUIre two weeks to wire them , is I.Jr~ed to. bring his or her con'. 'are announcinK the birth of twin Wayn esville. ,il} and then your troubles should tribution to the ' Miami Gazette 'daughters, Patricia Suzette and Mrs. Compton died last 'be over, in the respect." affice. " Pamela Sherry, at. Gr'andview . Thursda'y at 1. :30 a. Il!. at the " Hospital on Saturday morning, home 9f her dauJ{hter. Mrs. J. CIVIC CLUB,MEE TING TOW NSHI P TR\J~ , , , March 6. F. Seibold, in Middletown, after MONDAY TO FEATURE MOVE MEE tNC DAT E ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles ,Char.)- ' a three weeks' illness. ton are 'the maternal g-liand-, She was born at Leipsic, Put- ELECTION ~F ~~ICERS , parents and Mr. and Mrs. Henry ' nam County, Ji116, 1855 . . The W~yne~~iI1e Civ,ic Club Watkins are the paternal grahd- Her husband, onA]? EHPcth Comp ton, WII! parents. ,Mr. and, Mrs. Watk.ins died Feb. 23, 1.932. two' sons ' officehold Its an~ual election ' of rs at the March meetinJ{ are nQw the ~rand-parents of also preceded her ill death. . next Monday evenin~ at 7 o'~ two pairs of twins; the other sBesides the daughter with clock m the oasem ent of the beioJ': the sons, of Mr. and Mrs. w:hom she .was living, she is 'sur- Metno d~st Ghurc h. K. N. Fox of Miam ,vlved by another ,daughter, Mrs. ' " Nemmatrons witI be present~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i Florida. '~~ ' ~'~~- ' Mabelle Fib~~~ld cif Middl~ ed by a : cdmmit~e of five aptown; a brother Herbert Corron pOintt:d at the. February meet~ of. Lookeb,a, 'Okla.; ' eight grand m~. 1 hey are R. C. Moler, the chl,ldren, 1,3 'g,reat-g;randchil- Rev. R. B. C<?le Will St. dren, and' three great-great- John, C. E. MIChman, ener and RoThe season's, first fly ' buzzin~ " grandchildrel1. ' be~t Crewe. " .in window lends emphasis to Services were held Friday All members ~re urged to atthe " Edmiston,~' plea, for the~' evening in Midd~to\\!n: i,n charge tend this meeti n'g, and the t.rash. is left !'yin1{ ~round, ,of ,the Re,v. R. , R. Weed, pastor retary urges ,that all reservation the ,more !1Jsect ~hfe \Ve have. , of Calyary Methodist Church. ,.~ards ~ 'ret~rne d to him as SOon Another th.m~ - , for :every fly . fmal fltes were ' held Saturday as 'pOSSible. ' . you $,wat Ill , March" thousands afternoon at Caesarcreek in o.f potential Au~ust flies are charge of. the' Rev, R. N. Cha'p- ' ,CONSERVATION SESSION ' ': . nipped in the bud. , man of Xenia: Burial was at TON IGHr IN ~ANON Caesarcreek Cel)1ete~y. ' The Warren Couniy Fish an.j. ,' ' G!lme Conservatiori As ocia tion DID:CT~ STRA W11i ER ' . ~~IJ meet .-tonight at ~ ,o'clock Funeral Service's arranged by , '~e thhe .Gr~ntge tH~lJ on South the , McClure Funeral Home . c anle ,0 ree In Lebanon were held Thursday 'afternoon ~he ICha:~K~ ,of location from its Waynesville's, water ,system' in Dayton ',for Dexter Strawt_g,~ua meelmK place was made was sout down , f?r a few hours . ause daM the r.e'cent , yeste~day . mormng while ' a h.e!:, Owne r f a restaurant in fire that Dayto n, who died ef.:rly ' this break .wa~ beini repaired in a ma·,g-e em:orlal ~all. water maID on Tyler Street · a wee~ after l)ein,~ ill With ' pneu- TRAILER ' few~yarc!~ above Main Street. ' mO,ma. Burial wa in Memorial BY LOU AN PARK BOUGHT ,Park Cemetery. WarnmJ{ was J{iven to ' the ' u , D MARLIN local residents -the ' even in£, heLou. ~nd Marlin," operators fore that water would stop of t~e ftlhn,g- -station at the inter . . Mrs. Clare'nce Rye and son ~echo f1owin~ 11t 8 a. m. Wedn'eS~ n, of state Routes 73 and Four guest stars wil1 be featured at the· Young Artists' Concert Mr. Charles Rye, visited he:' da.Y. Fortunately fhere were no the Waynesvill , 48'k ~ave purchased a ' trailer e High School auditorium on the evening of Frid . daughter, Miss Gladys Ry> at fires . j'n tQwn (furin~ the "dry p~r In Eau G alii e, Fla., 175 March 12. ~ll are from ,~"e Cincinnati' Conservatory of M University of Cincinnati on Sun- mIles ~pell/' f • north . of Miami on U S da'y afternoon. This is Mrs. Rye's Route They , are: William _Wilkie, ~laying tpe euphonium-' of bariton . The street 1. Th~y plan to 1{0 back f!rst trip' to visit ket daughter there some horn; ArthUr Moorefield, clarinetist; Maurice Ma~d'ell, t,enor time next -month toO sIDce she fractured her ankle J{et ready for a an Ward ,L. S ingie" piano accompanist. , the comin(l' sea everal month a~. son. , :-.

Ii A ZET 1 E , ,

0ut-of.-Town Sh Get $75 L , oot at Hyman's




ol.-c.-tors rgam·ze '

fu" ' ,







ToHE MIAMI .GAZETTE PAGE 2 SAUCERS NO LONGER WAYNESVILLE, OHfO No. 4319 AIR.BORNE; NOW IT'S A 'J' H U R'S 0 A V ,. MA~C~ 11, 1948 . 8 TAB L 18 B._ D 1 •• 0 FLYING FOSSlt STORY : Publiahed Every' Thur8day The 'following- 'plans are the At W.yneiville, Ohio g-eneral outline,of ithe Pre-Easter Did ~;o u ever see a flying fos~ AlWIIY_SINO 1.'ltMNT""" CARL -a. SMITH, Editorand Easter Services of the Meth- sil? Tflere are such things, so Entered a. aacond 01." matte.. at the Poet Office odist Church. . . read on and ou'll know 11 SUBSCRIPTION RATE: . A e · On Sunday~ March 14, \ve about it. ' $1.50 a Vea .. in Advance t II I t be at One venin,l( last week" the r~~uC1u~ch SUcJhggfO~t e and two Scoutmasters Of Troop 40 at th . service of worship at departed on an ClltAOO sIAm, NIW fOIl 10:30, Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson camping trip. Tramping oVer IAN ,IANCIICO . will he th'i:~ soloist at the 10:30 roads, hills, and ditche:s they ar· . . service. The sermons Sunday rived at ' a . suitable site with (To have events listed in this calendar, t:Jo.tify _The Miaml Gazette m.ornin~s have been in keepin~ darkening ' hours closin~ in. EASTERN STAR PLANS ' before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) " WIth the approach to Easter, and Their teht in place and a fire INITIATION ON"APRIL 5 he Evanaelical emnhasis On blazin~'4 they cook dd tsu~per ?Miami Chapter 107, D. E. S., .; tPalm l'o . r; • I FRIDAY'• MARCH 12 Sunday mornlnft M~~ch wI" l lCh ,was consume a :30 met in regular session on MonWoman's Auxiliary, St. Mary's Church, 2 P. M. · 21' at 10:30 there .wiI be are. P. M. Soon Joe climbed into a day, evening wi.tll a larK~ attenW. C. T. U. at home of Mrs. Waller Whi aker, 7 :30 ·P. M. ception of members: Special' slcelJin,e: baR and Ronnie slipped dance. The Qusmess sesSIOn wa Young Artists High: School, 8 P. M. musk~ and sermon. . between his blan'kets' wtiich held after which ' the initiatory SUNJ;>AY, MARCH 14 On Palm! SundalY evenin,e: the wefe consist nUy slippinK (r'om work was ~ivet'1 for a ' lass of . ' Easter Cantata' "The Resurrec- him. G o to Church! candidates. . tion Storl" b\fJ , Carrie B• A·fter a restful night, ' they ary's Club at Rectory, 7 :30 P. M. " J1. ' Plans were made to hold a st. M Adams, WIll be given. b th climbed out and prepar,ed break- special meetin,e: on Monday eve· MONDAY, MARCH 15 . choir. ., fa t. SpendinK sor:n e. tim'e ex. nin~, April 5, for tl~e purposl! Civic. Club dinner, Methedist Church, 7 P. M. On Easter mornin~ at' 6 0'- ploring the s~rroundmg areas, of initiation. . ,. Boy Scout Troop 40, at 7:t5 P. M. clock " The"Youth Fellowship they returned to camp and conMiami Chapter will holds Its wil) conduct the early devotionstnicted an oven from lime· annual in spection on Saturday TUESDAY, MARCH 16 al service, followed by the Eas- stone. : Thro wing some ingred. evening', April '10 .. Township Trustees' meeting, 7 :30 P. M. . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 ter breakfast in the Church din· ients tq~e.ther, they SOOI1 had ing room. . ' delicious biscuits from this oven. The Church SChool will meet However, one mistake .alm.ost . ' Miss Mary Dora Hou/?:h will Special Co'mmunication, Wayn~sville Lodge t 63, F. and A. M., hom e this week f~bm the , at 9 :30 · and the Easter Service spoiled the first effort. The ari'ive 7 p. M. (Maste r Mason Degree) M' a ry Burnham School for of worship and sermon,at 10:30. lim~stone df which the oven Girls atA. Northhamptbn, Presentation of Tycoon prize at Twin Theatre, 9 P. M. Mass., Promptly at 10:30 Easter mor- was constructed contained frost. for the sprin,e: vacation. THURSDAY, MARCH 18 , LenJen service at St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 8 P. M. . ' 'nin,e: there will be a baptismal The fire caused an explosi n H S 7 45 P M service for childreil. We ask the that sent ,fossils flying ,through d hIt L b Spelling bee for county g(a esc oq s a e anon . .,: . ' entire ChUfCh and constituency the air. No l1arm was done. And to support these services. \ the hi cuiL were not a hard a . We are havin~ utlusually m· tlle IF ssils. Representil!g After one more meal in camp terestin,g' You t h Fellowsh,ip meetjngs at the, Me.thodl t amidst 'a cold drizzlinR rain the Weatheimer & Company Church on .unday evenmg-s at 'scoutmaster' :,cfolded camp. an i Member Ne\ .· York Stock 7 :30, sto le away. ExchanKes and other On next Sunday evenin~ Don registered Exchanges -Henderson, Dorothy W'ilson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hook ha{1 and W'arfen Sheelhan will 'pre. Investment Trult Shares as Sunday afternoon callers, .Mr. Bou~ht '. Sold - Quoted XENIA REcrOR TO GIVE sent the tdpic. ST. MARY'S COMMUNION ... Special music will be .a vocal and Mrs. Ernest Martin and Mrs. Phone Waynesville 2530 . The Rev. A. Chandler Craw- duet, "I Love to Tell th~ Story'" ,Nita -ttathawa y of Dayton. Dayton AD3257 ford, rector of Christ Episcopal Paye Creech and Harlan'. EarnChurch .in Xenia, will . officiate hart. ,METHODIST CHURcti PRAYER SERVICE at Holy , <;:onimunion. -at 10:30 . . , . . . R. .B. COL;EMA.N, Mlniet... a. m. 'next Sunday at St. Mary's . ·ST. MARY'S AU1ULIARY . . TUESDAY NIGHT 'Sunday School " 9 :30 a.m. Church here, white the Rev. WIU.. MEET .TOIIORROW , Samuel N. Keys of the local On. Prid-ay aftelfnoon, Malich J. J. Rurske, Supt. at the horrie. of ' church will ~o to Xenia to con12thl at 2 ' P o M.~ the Woman's Wordlip Service , f 0 :30 a.m. I OPTOMETRIST Jamea Harrin~on _ duct Mornin~ frayer at Christ Auxiliary of St. Mary's Church Youth Fellowship , Chtireh. · ' . _ will meet at the .home of Mrs. Thursday, 7 :30 pm. North. and Water Streets . Ronald Hawke. -F-'--I7""'-OFFICE HOUDc-.,...,----'--1 , Conducted By . . MT. HOU.Y MErHODIST ~i ~iT~ HARVEYSaURG (FRIENDS , Rev. H. Hornsby, of Hamilton T. M. 8CARFF, Mini.ter The Waynesville W. C.T. U. CLASS ENTER....A.JNED.. "Fu.. 7 P. M. 9 P. M. S~day Sch~ol 9:30 a.m , will meet Friday evening- March.. . The Gleamer Class' of the W.. S' A. M. to 12 ,NOOIa ' . B. A. Earnhart, Supt. 12th with ,Mrs. Walter Whit- Harveysburg ' Pfi~mds Church 11IE PIJBLIC IS INVITED W01'Ship Service fo:30 ...... aker as hostess and p'rogram met at the .home of M"r. and ~." b _n_"'-'I_'_._i~._i" _.• Sat. 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. Evening Service ~:30 p.m. leader, The meeting w}ll begin Mrs. Lawrence Starr Saturday at 7 :30 P. M. A full ah~ndanee ni~ht with ten 'members. and fpur sr. MARY'S EPISCOPAL of members . is desIred, guests visitors. After the business ~esLocated' Across from Post MMUEL N~ KEY8, Minllter ' are always welcome. '. _ sion," the ' meetin~ was turned Office. .;. over to Mrs. Starr 'and Miss Nel· " Ch h Sch I 9 3 '. . : 0 ·a. m. ST. MAR~S CLUB TO SEE lie Davis who entertained' with urc ' 00 ' . Wa,..,aviUe. .Ohio. ' Nursery School f 0 :30 a.m. TRAVEL .MOVIE SUNDAY . a nu-mber of ,coD tests . . COlDlllunion 10: 30 A. M·. The regular monthly meet. )\t the dpse 'of the meeting , --.-:r ing of the St. M~",Y's 'd ub will . M·rs. Starr, assis'ited by Miss UTICA E. U. 8. GlURCH ." held .Sunday March 14th . at .I?avis served ' iCi~ cream· and REV. WILLIAM ,,,ANNON " 7 :30' P. M. at the Rectory. The cake. SUA,day School . . 9 :30 a.m. ' rcrogram will be a 'mQ~rje M'r. .and "1rs. " tawre~ce JaMrs J'ames Garrison . Su~t. ected travel topics. ' . ' . cobs and daughter Glona ~r:tn ~ . Every member is cordially In- and Mr. ' Bud Roberts were YISlt· \ , . , .. ' Prea~ bang. tst . ~nd 3rd ~un ~ys . vited, to bring guestS. T~e Drs,. The .fol1owin~ members at. each month fO.30a-m • .and, llostess for the evenmg wIll ·tended: Mr. and Mrs: John'Starr "ret&'NI". ~ be Mr. and"Mr.s. S~m Keys. . and daughter Son.ia Kay, Mr. WA\ ~~TILI.oI:t . ~nd Mrs. Eldred Tietmeyer and CHURat pF cHRI~ , daughters Miriam 3lnq linda, M'r; . R. M. JoluiatoD, Miaiater . and Mrs. Maynard Hackney' and 9 :30 a.1lL dau~hter .B~madinet ' Mrs. Anna . bible Schoo' Communion ,~. ,0:30 ' a.m. Mae Roberts" Miss Nellie DaviS,· and Mr. and Mrs. Stan' and son . Evening Service 7 :30 p, M. Larry FRIENDS . , , and , Carolyn . ', Jean. ' 1.-24-F06t. Bro'adcast. . 9 i30 .. m. . First Day , S~h.ool" .~ ·eeting for Worship . .. 2.-25 .. Quart' Hopper . - to :30 a.m. ,9apacity. ' . , CAESARS CREEK. FRIENDS

The Miami Gazette

Methodists' Notes



Events Co·m ing Up







. 1

I ,







Worship Service .... 9 :45 a. OJ. Sunday Sch001 ' 10:45 .3 Qt.

3.-::"Will Sow -1'1.6 Acres . an Hour at 4·M. P. H,

ST. AUGUmNE Father Krumholtz-f PRett Masses 8 and 10 A. M.

4.-I?istributes eve,nly .and III accurate amount ,per acre.


- .

- of 'CHRIST ' FERRy cHuRCH RALPH a.,8TiN.ON, Mlnlater

Bible School -9 :30 a.~· Momlnr ,Worship - ·1 0,:30 ..... Prayer Meetlo( 7 :00 p.m. ; YOUDK People 5 Meeting . ., :00 p.lII. . . E,enlor Services 7 :30 p.m. Charles .Reynolds

(ttt) · 311

S.-Adjustable' to a II makes of ttact9rs. A modern and.complete Plinera1 Home for. ' . the comfort and con venience of our pulbflc

STUBBS' .TELEPHO,.III. . Funeral Home " WAytiESVIWE, o.




Rogers -.I SiiIpsoa Tractor: .SaleS· . E. NOR1H


, \



THE MIAM I GAZE TTE No, 43&9 T H U R 8 DAY , MARC H 11, 1948

ItOlD"" e'

men and American milita ry leader s wh'o believe tbe day has . passed when large masse s of foot soldiers . will be used in' warfa re, and that in the atomic agle air power will be aU. impor tant, both for offens e and:'---tlS~p "rll", defense. The Join,t Congre~sional Air Policy Board last week report ed in favor of a ' greatl y expan ded air force to cost from thirty- five to forty billion dolI81'S dUl'ing the next ten years. Senat or Ta.(t of Ohio , has proposed that an additional billion dollar s be spent I during the coming fiscal year for enlarg ing and modernizing the "Air Force and ' the aviatio n arm of the Navy. Many members of Congress ar~ strong ly opposed to permi tting the State Depar tment to have anyth ing to do with the admin istrati on of foreig n relief. Thes-e . legisla tors, insist the State Depar tment is neithel' efficie nt rior economical, and that too many officia ls of that Depar tment are radr~als ~or Communists. Heari ngs held by a Subcommittee of the Appro pria. . eLI ~&8C. J. _W II ,M . . . . . . c:......... , . ow. .,..... tions Committee of the House disclose that a considera ble Ilumbel' of employees and officia !s of the -n';ba te On the Europ ean Recovery Progl' am legis- State Depar tment' 'w ere retain~d in 'their positions lation starte d in the Senate the first of ' last week clespjte overw helming evidence of their radica l 0 11' where it is expec ted the measu re wiil come to a vote , ' communistic , activities. A coPY of the House hear~ aroun d March 15th, A determ ined effort will be made ings on tRe Depar tment of State appro priatio ns fOl' by 'a score' or more of Senato rs to write amend ments 1949, which contai ns all of this testim ony, can bt~ into the bill which will preven t any of the benefi ts obtain ed fro~ the .Clerk of the House Qf Repl'esenof Ameri can aid to Europ e finaHy l'eaching R~ssiatatives, ~ashin gton, D. C., as long as the , s~pply or the Soviet satelli te nations. It is being claimed lasts, The sordid details of the personnel setup in th(~ that nearly a billion dollars of American money went State Depal 'bnent can be found on pages 170 to 21(}, into Czechoslovakia, in one form or anothe r, be- inclusive. tween the time the war ended and that cduntr y came " ••• under the domination of Communist Russia . Over on The Congl'e~s has passed and sent to the Presid ent the House side of the Capitol" General Wedemeyer, a bill, ~hich he ,is expected to appl'ove, for continu,· whose report on China ,has been suppre ssed l?y the ing and expan ding resear ch in the variou s metho ds Admin istrati on, testifi ed before the Fo~ign Affair s of produ cing syntbe tic oil and gasoline. Some sixty Committee. The General insiste d that the furnis hing million dollar s will, be spent by the Gover nment on of financ ial or economic aid to China wou,d not alone study and resear ch in this field during 'the next ,fivE~ OE:' suffic ient to ,stop the spread of ' Communism in years. In additio n privat e indust ry is also ard at , that secti2n ot'tlKl globe; 'and if milita ry aid is not work on the pl"oblem of obtain ing for . the J:lation ,n given China, Ameri ca 'will pay in blood for . her fail· 'cheap er and more plenti ful supply of synthe tic oil Ul'e' to -extend su!b aiQ. and gasoli ne to supple ment and finally replac e OUI' • • • dwind ling natura l oil resources. The House had before it for consid eratio n this • • • week legisla tion to g1l;arantee contin ued production The Senat e is expec ted to take up tlie Knuts on of synthe tic rubbe r in this countr y for at least two Tax Reduc ~on ~il1 soon after the middle of th€! tears to come, with the probab ility the Gover nment month', follow ing the Senate vote on the' Europ ean : Park up your porch with Acme Fioor and' Porch 'Ena~(:!lI Your :pt .' will keep some sort of contro l over synthe tic rubbe r R'elie~ .. Ii is Progr am legish~tion. The ' ~enate Financ€! • the first part of your house ~isitota see, 01;1d 'U 1"t·s taken an ," 1I1ul produ ction for an even longer time. Certai n Gover n· ,Comm ittee has ~l~eady, given its' appro val to thH : beating flom weathe r and wear. ,ACME is lU8~ t4e thing. Becaus lI)ent-owned rubbe~ planta will be kept in stand. by gener al plan e-it for red~ction of individqal income taxe!; • resists water. weathe r and wear. eondltion I'IeILdy to start production on short notice. this year, , , " but , when the Senate completes its worlt : For porche s. Btair~ay8. or \nletiol iloOt!> that have to stand 'hqrd Other s will be, sold or leased to privat e manuf ac- on the Knuts U8e, on measu re it wilt ,proba bly call for an : . ACME Floor and Poroh Ename l gives iC?ng·loa1ing beauty turera , lIubJeet to Gover nment contro l of production. over-a ll ta~ reduct ion of somew here ' betwe en foul!.' • and orotecli on, Use it on all suriaca s- "nu~ tol wood ,,-nd The use Qf certaiJ1 amoun ts 01 synthe tic rubbe r in and 'one.:h .' al1 an~ five biilion ,dollaTs 'instea d of thE! : . cor.crf,': te-~iJlside 'and outRide tile house! the manu factur e of tires will 'be continued. Qt. six billion' dollar ,c ut contai ned in the ,House bill. WiAYNE8VILL~. ' OHIO

,'e -II-ft- y OU .I

"" 1"

W ith ,a Bu ck ey e In Co ng res s. ~ •


•• •

:•• ""j lh ,







The speech , of tk&Br iti8h Defense ', Minis ter in-the

House of Comm onl ,i n liondon last week, in .hlch it was announced that the numbe r of soldie rs in the groun d forces of the B'ritiah Army would be reduced ~aterially, while' ~mphasi8 would ~ placed on Increasi ng Britis h air power, h_s at~W much attentio n here in CongreBS. Ther~ are mant Cong nalf"





'The so-called' South ern ~volt again st President; Tru~n has beep growi ng in intens ity during the· past ten days and consid erable talk can now be heard! - that South ern leader s ,will demand that Presid entl Truma D 'Wltbd taw from the Presid ential race or a numb er of norma lly Demoeratie, States will not cast tMlr electo ral votes for him. ~




'Floor Q/ld IbrcA £Ilamei

S 1 73

.". .



: -- ,,-"J1C?I!E QUALITY HO{f$E PAIN:! ••• You can , ~blP the weath er-and , the beating •• it gives hour.e the year 'round -with this


••• ••• •• ~





"BALANCED FORMULA" , Dl=Jint. Made to protect agains t heat and cold, ci\.l"' ~ winds and ram-t o make 'four house ,od!: lovely ~nd .Iast longer" Enhanc e the a ppear once 0 1 , .. d'lue of your hOlile with ACMEI

Gallo n

'. • •• •

•• •• •

.'••• •• •• ••

...,.. . . . . ,




BUILD • • ., ,


REMut ".. ". OR "RECONVERT • • • YOU ARE .....INKING













' .


•• • ." ••

, '











New colorl matc:JaXEM·TONE colon. Give. a smootb. lOtiO! blah , 9.D Jdtch. . and bathroOlD wall.· -or any IOQM, linperriOl.18 to CJreaM ~ dlrt. and ca,lI be easily c1~td ' withou t 10.~CJ , it. luster,


ACME Q(/ALITY YARlIO-.l.AC Stajia and varnJsh es in ooe ealY opeiatlODI Make~ worn wo'ecll~k, like 11ew. ~d oew wood ' l~k like a mlUiODl U.. Vag»L ac on thOM pet , ~ieces that 'J 1'8 beginn ing to 1&01&: ahabby , ~ hdrd 01 .oft 'woocl flOor. and IriJn. "'"

QuaI t






mDlther, Mrs. Ina Kempton and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spitler and , daughter of Brookville. , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Henry of Dayton, purch'asers of the Ebert property here, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early. Mrs. Milo Miltenber~er, Mrs. Ralph Hammond and Mrs. Calvin Longacre, attended ' the Mother's Club at the g-rade bui1din~, at Waynesville , chool F.rid~y afternoon.

for nine years. Mrs. Clyde Wha~ton accom,· panied Mr. and Mrs. Lor-en Routzahn of Frarlklin, to the Mr and Mrs. J. B. Jones enChildren's Hospital ,n Cinci~· tertained' at d'nner Thursday nati Sunday ' tose'e her \ittle evening, MI'. and Mrs. Therle ,g-rand-daughter, Lorna Sue Jones and son, Milton, and Mr . Routzahn, now five weeKs old, Nettie Emrick in honor of Therle is a patient at the hoswho Jones.' birthday anniversary. pital. , Mrs. Louella Swank an j Jimmie wc1t1k were \V ek-end Mrs. Earl Mendenhall and g-ue is of Mr, ana Mrs. E. B. daugbter Patty, ' of Tipp City Long-acre and On unda y acwere week.:. end ,g-uests of her companied Mts. Swank's p"uents parents Mr. andl Mrs. Guy to visit h r aunts, Mrs MoJIie Routzahn. Mrs, Margaret Johns Davis and Mrs. Lucy , Fite at Mr. and Mrs. Routzahn anat Cillcinnatl. / ' Russelh accompanied the m Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early, , home ~unday evening. Mr', ahd Mrs, Ernest Harlan, (The followi~g- copy was omit- , Mr. E. J. Carmony of SpringMr, and Mrs. ' Thede Jones, ted last week due to lack of field ,~pent Monday . evening at Mrs J. B. J ones and Mr. a.mi ,space. ) the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Wal. Mrs: ,Walter Kenrick attended , , . ter Kenrick' and· showed slides the qwgterly birthday· banquet Mrs. Dena Thomas and two of ~ Western trip of 76 days, at Farmer's Gran,g-f! at Waynes. childre~r moved last week to the that he and Mrs. Carmony had ville Saturday evening. cottage of 'Mr. and Mrs. Elbert ' - taken in May and June of last Mr. and Mrs,. Ben Smith of Wallace in Lvtle. year. 'Those present who Dayton were entertained at Mr. ' and Mrs. Lawrence Elliott thoroughly enjoyed these picdinner Sunday at the home of and 'son Tommy of Dayton were tures were: Mr., and Mrs. Wilbur I' .\\1': and Mrs. Calvin Longac r $unday evening dinner guests. of Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ' and family. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kennck Burnett, M~s. Marga,ret Johns1 ' 'Mr. and Mr's. Irvin Har ris re- and children. Mrs. Everett Early, Mr. ano turned bQme last week ' after a Mr. and ' Mrs. Paul Shipley Mrs. Therle 'Jones:, Mrs. J. B. 'lwo-month stay at the Keener and children spent Sunday with Jon~stJ Mrs .. P. M. Cornell, Mrs. chicken farms near Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lane at· Nettle Emrick,. Russell Rout., , Mr. Paul Johns ofo the Uni- , Chillicothe , zahn, James Hames and Mr, and versity of Cincinnati spent the Mr. and·Mrs. Tho~as Collins · Mrs. Kenrick. week-e,nd, with hi grandmother, and Mr. Charles Collins of DayMrs. Margaret Johns. ' ton were Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Milo Miltenber- guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter ger visited Grandview hospital Kenrick. , Dayton, Sunday artern.oon" to M-r. James Wical returned to see the latter's little nieces, twin his' home from Grandview Hosdaughters of Mr. and Mrs. Don- pital} Day~on where, he underald W.atkins. we~u: a major operation a week Mr. ' and Mrs. Henry,' Saylor ago. and dau~hters entertained at Mrs. Margaret Johns Mr. dinner Sunday Mrs. , Susan Say- and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and "lor of Day ton and MTs. Saylor' J ames Haines w.ere Saturday eventng dinner guests of Mrs. Nettie Emrick . . • BEAD THE CLAssmm ADS • • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett visited tneir uncle anq ,au'nt, Mr, and Mrs. John Hayner and daughter' at Westvi.lle Suntiay afterneon. < . Virgil Longacre" Dick .Irons and Don Gilman left early Monday mornin~ for -a trip to California, in, Vlrgil's car. Mr. Allen ' Hole, who suffered , -- ' hip., was taken to 'St. a broken HELSIN~R Elizabeth Mospital, Dayton on SHOE REPAIR Thursday. He is in a serious c(mdition at this time. Mrs. Alfred Rasnake was called to the home of lier parents, Mr. and M·rs. Henry Belc· her, on' the Township Road Wedn~sday, on account of a faU and serious illness :of her ' fat,her, ~ho has' be~~ ,an invalid WHEEL GOODS





>, •

Recommended 9a t varieties THE MIAMI GAZ~TTE PAG~ 4 • . ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. 43&9 for northern OhiO are Omtan, T H U R S iD A Y, MAR'C H11, 1!M8 Ajax, and Wayne, For ijle soetth ' ,_ half of the state use Columbia, Rats are art the nation,at Clinton, or Gopher, except that blacklist, and a concerted cam· Gopher is omitted for Ohio paign is beinK made to remove River bottom. lands. ' as many as possible of them * '" • from cit}' and rural dhtricts. The most effective weapon is Recent awards made in com- poison bait, and the safest poipensating farm workers for' ac- son to use i~ req squill. There cidental iniuries include $1,304 are much more powerful poifor the' 16ss' of three fingers in sons tban red squill but most , an ensilage cutter; and $8,901 'of the others are just ,as deadly for a 14-year old boy who fell to domestic animals and to hu- from a tractor and was an invalid for four yea rs before 'his man beings as to rats. ' Red squill poisons only rats. death. ~



, Federal Land Bank" \ , Low Cost -, Long Term LOANS " ,




Lebanon NatioDal Farm 'toaD,




PHONE 4418




Phone 506.X ' 5 'MUlberry St.








Il didn't cost ~ulch liatk in 'the depreaion y~r of 1933 to · trav~ byauto~obi1e. But cimes hav~ . changed. Today"prices 9£ automobiles, autOmotive prOducts, Psoline, service and parkin&,. have, spiraled through th, ceilipg, bill .,,01 Gr"bOMfId Itlres. Ther.;le lower ,than they", were in 1933 despite increased 'Cosu of new buses, terminals, lupplies a~d o~1rating ~erbead: ~ow, as' never ' before, you.en'j.oy 'lm cre luxuri~us co~fort,and save mor~ tra'vel mone~~ y"en yon travel byGreyhou~d. I


GO'LD Product." p 'o ne 21 LEBANON, OHIO " , FR'ANK alBeV, R.,.!prqentatiye


FAR• •ltallllAY HUDQ




One ,Round . Way





WAYNESVILLE DRUG Store 'ElJ1EPf.10~1E 2-121 '

Trip ;


' ~t~~~IELD"


(Tax In~luded)

'tRAcrOR 'SAl IS

PIa. . 2341 '


:56 '

1.,7 8 2.93 .30



" PAGE 6 THE MIAMI GAZETTE \MAVNE8VIL,LE, OHIO , No. 4359 T H U R 8 10 A 11, 1948 . V, MARCH '

Michael. . ,Ella Casson vs. Truman Casson, case dismissed without 'recOrd,. Margaret Pursley vs. Cecil Pursley, hearing. set for March 11 at 10

Lorain and Evelyn McFarland, .lot in ,Franklin. Harry and Ada Smith to Cledus David Lamb, 0.29 acre in Watne township. ' . Chat:les Weissmann to Robert and Alma Sprouse, tract in ' Salem and Washi1l2ton townships. Robert and Alice Osborn to Robert and Alma Sprouse, 2 lots in ·Morrow. . , E. P. Powell to Clyde C.rr, lot in Franklin. Vivian L. Blair' to C~~rles J.r. and Mary Hof-fman, 54.80 'a cres' In Clearkcreek twp. Bertha Ellenbarger to Otis and 'Robert Curtis, 0.25 acre in ' Harveysbu~. . N eva and Earl Davidson to Perry and Florence Osborne;. 0.98 acre in 'I>odds. . Benjamin,Blackburn to 'Pearl and Louise Williamson, .0.616 acre .in Clearcreek twp. Mattie Settles ,Gra, to John and Ida Jear;a Hawkins~ lot in Lebanon, Henrietta and Henry Dawson to Breck Herald, 282.40 acres in Wayne twp. . Vernon and ' Elaine CarloCk to ' Owen Bowli~g, 0.118 acre in Washington , twp. ' Nancy Fred . to Julius Fred, lot in Lebanon. The Commercial Realty. Co. to .fohn and Cleda mery, 1.23 acres in Franklln twp. Lela May Simpson to Stella Hays, 0.35 acre in Washington twp: Stella Hays to George Hedge, 0.85 acre 'in Washington twp. Edwin and Thelma Tamplin, to Luther and Edith Haines, 65 aeres in .Wayne twp. Charles and Grace Woods to Or-rille. and Irene Phillips, 50 ' acres in Hamilton twp.



- Ohio State University will offer 88 tuition scholarships _ one to each county in the state -next autumn quarter, for students who desire to become teachers in the ~Iementary . schools, P'resident Howard L Bevis has announced. Aimed at meetin~ tl.1e acute shortage of teqchers in elementary education, the 88 scholar.ships, wort.h about $8,000 an· nually, will be for the full four I. years required to complete the training. Arrangement also will HOURS: be made to assist the scholar9- t 2 each morning ship holders to earn a portio.n , 1.-5 afternoons except of their other expenses by jobs · Weqnesday at the university, Dr. Bevis

Estate of Henry Heiden, dec'd, Harry Heiden appointed executor. . Estate of Elmer Sheets; d~c'd, Jennie Sheets appointed administratrix 'giVing bond with sureties in the Stun of $2600. - " Estate of Ida M. Sill, dec'd, Arthur Anderson appoi~ed ex- ' ecutor. Estate of William Greathouse, . dec'd, W. Ches'tel' Maple appointed administrator . giving bond with sureties in the sum of $4000. Estate 'o f Namon E. Landen, deed . Czzic Landen appointed executrix , J:~ to tc of ' Ernesb Gorsuch, dec'd. adcled. ' Li: zi Gorsuch, exefutrix invenThe procedure of applyingtory approved. for the scholarships is being' Estate of Angeline Martz, dee'd, worked out by a cOfl¥llittee Henbert , Martz, administrator inheaded by Dr. Bland L. Stradventory h~aring set · for March 15 MARRIAGE LICENSES ' ley, vice-president of the Uniat 10. v~rsity and scholarship chairEdward Shaw, 22, OregQnia, Estate of Lloyd Clemmons, man.· farmer, Elizabeth· Jane Sexton, 17, dee'd, NeJ.'IVa Jane Clemmons, exOregonia. . There are 21,81 elementary ecUtrix inventory hearing set for tea~hing positions in school 22, at .10. Ohio with an annual demand of NEW CASES Estate of Carrie Speidel, dec'd, about '2 ,500 trainees. The com' Floyd Scnoonover vs. Dorothy Bradl~y, executor invenbinedoutput of the 25 teacher Schoonover, divorce, gross neglect, tory hearing ' set for March 22 at training instituti~ns <turing 1948 10. Young and Youllg. will be 851, leaving a deficit of Estate of George H. Beel, dec'd, Albe'I'ta Van Meter vs. Jay Van Meryl B. Gray, Commissione'r resome 1,500 for the state. Meter, Jr., divoree, gross neglect, port approved. C. Donald Dilatul5 h. Estate of Henrietta Seibert, Walter Bunce VB. E. M. Busing- dec'd, Eugene Seibert, admhlist!-,aer, for money only a.m.ount claimed ' tor inventory hearing se.t for $147.10 and costs. ' March 17 at 10. ." Estate of Lennie Whitacre" de'c'd Ruth Marie Purks vs. Raymond Elwood Purks, divorce, extreme Blanche W·h itacre, administratrix filed first and final account. cruelty, C. Donald Dilatush. T!he American Loan and Realty . Estate of James O. Price, dec'd, Co. vs . . William and ' Shirley Mae Gertrude 'Price, admin.istratrix inMalott, to foreclose chattel mort- ventorY approved. 'Estate , of Catherine Hildeb'rand, gage and judgment in amount of dec'd, Geotge Hildebrand, executor ,422.27 with interest. You~ and inventory app.roved. . Young. .' Estate of Isaac E. -Treon, dec'd, The Sand Y Construction Co: Anna Treon, executrix inventory . ~ , . ._ _ . VB. Cbarles and- C'arrie Weingart, hearing-eet for ?Iareh 18. at 10. . ~, ,... . tW.. for foreclosure of echanica. lien Estate of Rudolph St. ,Jobn, -. 7.01 .. , and judgment· in &mouqt of ,1&57 . <.. ,~ and c,9sts . &180 allowance of at., dec'd, Jewel' St. John, executrix filed application for transfer of . torneys' feel. real estate; gross value of estate The '1'947 survey of eJ{g mar-_ Lo~1 Jean Frisch, ' t:"IIl~ VB. is ,17,981.65. ketin,g'.in two Ohio cif.ies showed Ralph Friael\,_ divorce, grOS8 ne• Estate 01 Robert A. McCutcheon that the. greatest number of eggs gld, Thomas· Stubbs. ' :Join the Easter Parade, even de'C'd, H. Z. Gray appointed ad- per cap)~a were used by the two Ethel Lake VB. Ed Bennett,' re-, ministrator de' boni8 non giving if you don't buy new c~othes. lowest . Income groups. . ~ggS plevin, Meryl B., Gray. Coats, suits and dresses with 8~tle8 in-th8:?8um . of ma.-,Y-have been meat SUbSlbtut· ed our way, you'll agree, look Walter Thomplon va. Elizabeth $80,000. - es. as shop new as tl1e day you Thompson, divorce" extreme cruelEState of Hen" Weis, dec'd, 'The number. of sheep and ty, Meryl S. Gray,. bought then:t! . Mary Well appointed administra- lambs on feed In t~e U. S. .on Harry Gray,' Jr., VB. Effie ' Mae trix . giving 'bOnd with lureties In January 1, t 94 8, wa~ the small- , Gray, divorce, gr011 neglect, C. sum of $11,&00. , est for that pate sance 1928. nonld DUatua-b. ' Estate, of Charlel. O. Thompson, tack of '~heat for pastlJ~e cut Walter 8eott VB. Martha Scott, dec'd Licla Thompl~n appointed l~mb ~eedmg 60 per cent In the cUvorce, extreme cruelty" O. Don-' ~xee~trix. " .. aId DJ1atJllh. ' , Any.plant can. oe kdled' by " Dwln Bryant VB. Frances ~clUe --Estate of George Bacon. 'dec'd. .865.26. , pr;e.venhng the grow!h of lea'ves B~nt, min:ot, dfvare., e~ ' gl'Ol8 alUe of 8sta1ie • WA r IVES Viii E. 0. cruelty, C. Do~1d ,Dftatuah.. ' aEAL . . BSTAD TJtANSFERS' . that provid~ scanty fee4 ~~~

c. .,

7 -9 ~aturday evenin~

Other evenings by Appointment TELEPHONE 62-R

Dr. c. E~ Wilkin Optometric Eye Special,1st


26 South Detroit , XENIA" OHIO


TYCOON BALLOT Twin Theatre I nomina.te .......................... .



S {, .f t



They tell of a . theater in Kansas that ad vertised (. Mother Wore' 'Tik'hts, and Selected Shorts."· Reminds us oJ the one up in Richmond, Ind., recently. The marquee said "Two . Bi~ Hits: "The Eg-1{ and I". __ ...................... ..

•••••• I ••




(Your signature)

............ ,. .. ,....................... ..



(Your apdress) Open to all except employees of Twin Theatre. ' ' , (All Ballots Become ' the .pro. perty 'o f ·Twin Theatre.) . .Ballots must be deposited at twin Theatre when pJ.lrchasin~· either adult 01' chi~d's tickets, 0\' 9 P. M~ M·arch t 5. ,

~d ~P. Mo~ ' ~w pa~res " ===========~~=~~~====~=;

" - been grazed too early. 10 the . COIIMON -PLEAS , ' Courtney Combs to Le~y Gil- spring" too c1psely ~unng the Evalene Wilder .va.. Gilli. Wilder. , bert, lot in South Lebanon. -summer or too late an the fall.


. d~v~rce to ' ptalotlft, ehJldren .t o - plaintiff. . .. , 'Loui.e Balttn-n.. Rat Bastin, di , votee to plalntitf, ·· plaintiff re~toMd ; to fermer' name.; ot -J;ouise . :

Besie Keever ' to CharI.. ' Waggoner, 0.21 UN' in Le_n~n. JeaH and Mar~ ' .,n~ to

Green lea,ves' feed plant roots.

um .....

3 'PIECE BOUDOIR AND BED $7.25 and $8.30 ;,;





0U88DUD ADa •





,2 PIECl BOUOOlR LAMP ~ETS $4~2S , _--:>





, , $ 1, .'2 5 to $1.75 .' ,ALSO A SELECTION OF CHOCOLATE EASTER EGGS -



.'ayaes.e '.. NatiOaal Buk





ALSO Large SelectiOD of Easter

la"" Faniture I Appliuee ' Co. Soaih ... Street ..... fiaaa Graap Hall T........ 1 4 . -


lb. and 1 lb. 59C aDd Igto •

PHONE 2121

cards. "




PAGE. No. 4359

NEW CENTURY CLUB HAS , T H 'U'R SO A Y, MARCH 11, 1948 FLORIDA AND CANADA by TOPICS ON PROGRAM Miss Ruth Chandler. FOX HOLl.Y On Friday afternoon, March Mr. and Mrs. LO'irv and Mr. I Mrs. F. B. Gregg spent SUIl5 the New Century' Club met No seasolled poliitlcians are and Mrs. Haper from. SpringfIeld day with Mr. and Mrsl ' Tom' at the Wishin~ Wen in CeQter· the people. of Wayne~vi~le, be- called Ion Dr. ' and Mrs. F. l3. Foster a their home near Fo'sville. Miss Minnie Dodson was c'ause advan£e camp,algnmg for Gre~g Sunday afternoon. 'ters. hostess at luncheon, enjoyed by Waynesville's Tycoon of 1948 Mrs. Aman,da Hartrum was 'Lucile Armitage a:tte~d­ 23 member.s. is slow to get under way. Ballots the dl·nner o'uest Sunday at the ed Mrs. Eas' f ern Star tn Leban,on on . . are drifting in at the Boxofto. b t H After a brief busmess seSSIOn, fice, with promise of ,the usual home of her son] Mr.. Al er . Mon,day night. , the president furned the meet- 'Apooto finish", but: this week Stubbs and familY· ~ftt~;,~rMl~s tteocfs~rfr:.~ CMr:!~ let the campaign 'ROAR!! If Miss 'Minnie Dodson enterAlva Tho.mpson. . ' you have'n 't filled out your bal- tained . the New Century Club lot, DO IT NOW! Surely you "at a delightful lun,cheon at ~he J Miss Dodson read an account have a deserviRR: fri,end in town Wishing Well nn 111 Ce;ntervllle SPARTANS LOSE FIRS'!" written by a friend, abouL her who you think fills the bill .. Give ' n Friday. att~dmg from GAME AT DISTRICT trip to the Singing Tower at him or her a chance to , wm the the Home besIdes MISS Dodson Lake Wales, Fla. The tower is honor ~nd the splendid prizes were Mr's. Evalyn Peterson and PLAY-OFF IN OAKWOOD' built on the highest point in dona~d by Waynesville's mer- ,~t~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Waynesville Hi~h School's Florida, 325 feet above sea chant~. Don't be slow, Joe. Only basketball tournament ' hopes level. At one time it was' a 5 days left to GET HEP! \vere smashed Saturday after- place gf worship for the InThe Twin picture ballots noon when the Warren County - dians. Edward Sok, the donor found on the Theatre's March champi ons were tro~nced, 3 ~- of this beautiful gift to America, mailin O' card, are comino' in fast. 25, by Montgomery County felt it was a proper place to ;'" ,.. stablish a sanctuary for birds If you w'a nt any speCial movies, ' th ird-place Randolph team . your ballot in for the rna.' Wil ur Florence paced the an d f or aII 0f us. At th e en- get na O'eme nt will endeavor to sec- . part~n's scoIill~. in the ~inal trance, one may read this to. game of the yea'r )Vlth 11 ~Olnts. thou~bt of John Burroughs: "I ure In future bookin,gs those picThompson had SIX and VIckers come' here , to tInll myself; it is tures receivin~ t1) ,e most reo . th uests. fiv~,Rando lph ~ likewise was so easy to get lost m e BRJEFVIEWS: , A T win parked 1 'itn 11-point 'man, world./J Western Bill Frida I and, SaturHaber. ' Mrs. Thomp'son reviewed the day, ALONG THE OREGt} N The' box score follows: boo k: "Mrs. ' Mike," by 'Ben- TRAIL (Rep) AND M KY Waynesville: fg ft Pta. ' .iamin and ' Nancy Freedman. RIVE.R SERENAD£~ ' (Col. ) en Thomp on ' 2 2 6 This is a story of a -girl from Esther Williams returns in her Vickers ' 2 1 5 Boston who ,on ' a visit to her natural element as the aqua. l25 l76 151 rna lIwood 0 1 1 uncle in Canada, met and mar- star of MGM 's Technicolor mu- C. Palm r 127 . 161 , 15 6 O. Rose 1. 0 2 ried a member of the North- ' sical, "This Time' for Keeps,' , impson 172 l1 9 I. Mulford 154 ,00 0 w st Mounted Police. unday and Monday. This is a Dakin 148 104 '154 3 5 11 The , next meetin~ will be at big picture, includes Jimmie Du. V. Hill Flore n" l 67 ' E. Ramby 154 119 fg ft pta. the home of Mrs. F. U. LeMay rante, Johnnie Johnston, Lauritz Randolph R. Gons S 1 1.1 Melchior, Xavier Cugat arid his in Lebanon on April 2. Haber 724 737 ' 72 6 o 1 1 wanke , band. WB News, also. It leads • 4 0 8 " The Busine~and Proks~on· up to the bi~St. Patrick's pay , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Woolery .4 l 9 al W0J11en met qn Wednesday Special "Tycoon;" p I a y i ng Mumma 2 , 1 5 ni~ht at the home of Mrs. W. Wednesday and Thursday. "TyKern 1 0 2 H. Madden. About 19 guests anp ,coon'" Kennert is RKO's mammoth' o 1, 1 friends were present. A. guest Technicolor. picture, of 1948, a Woodard speaker ,w~s enjoyed. Re~J7e~h- saga' in the \vorld's biggest setDr. and ' Mrs. H. E. Hatha- ments were served by Mrs. Ahce ting the untamed Andes, way had a§ Sunday afternoon , Croll, Mrs. Waite( Sheehan, about the titanic stru~gle of a guests' . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. A. T. Polinsky, and Mrs. . man who moved. mountains~ Davis and four sons of Brook:' W. C. S~. ' Johrt. bla'Sted tunnels; ' t~lmed floods, " but met his grea~est challenge ville. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and ,FRI. It SAT.--Along The <1teaoa Trail'3 \vhen a women of luxury invadthree sons' were ormer neighANJ}-5moky River Setenacle- -..." 11 ed his br~wling . world. 'It stars bars of pro and M'I-so' Hathawa~. , Mrs. Una Madden ~==~~~~~~ ~~~*~~~~~~~~La~ine D~ (Mn. , Loo ,Durocher to youse Base Bailers!) 5UN.-MON ' and John Wayne. "Tycoon' needs little attentipn --from me. y ou've se~n it advertised wideMGM',' StaJ--Splashed Hit! ' ly especially in Li1fe's arresting WE ,PLAN- A SERVICE FOR full color page. 'Nhai DOES THE, LlV~NG, since it is they ' need attention ' frc)m us .all i~ who keep, the final , tribute in . OUf local Tycoon gf Wayneslasting me~pry. ,. ville for 1948. ' YollJr ballot is in Therefore, " between., us and this issue' of your Miami Gathe family we 'ser,ve, tHere is al-' , zette. Vote now and until.Marcii , w~y~ the closest cooperation. 15th for ,y our. e'andidate. The winner will be presented his or her prizes on the 'T win sta'g e ' the night of Ma. rcb t 7, Wednesd~y. Gi,ve your candidate a chance! VQTE NOW!! Mary Ellen Fisher was ab· . $en f. fop ne~rly a ~,eek froJ!l ' tile box offIce, at the ';"'NIN. ~We wel- ~ caine 'her· back and ar~~ glad 's he ,is feeling. fine ' again. We. tha'n k Mary Stansbury JOt 't aking over in her absence .. 'It. ' isn't an easy ,job to b~. c~shier, at. ,a .the~tre. Another behmd-tlle-scenes Item we take for grant jed. Sellfng iic-', ' kets is only a part of the cashier"s ,job. Sbe must keep -track , of ,every licket sold"by number -this for the F.C(i1eral tax c~ck.. ,'UNTIL MARCH"'! S ONL~ ' ," ' up. She must ngtire the ,t ax on the · ni~bt's, sale~~ before she 6 PER' DiscOUNT ON ' , Ballots Before closes 'the bGx,.o:rfice. Her fig9 Po' M. MARCH 15 , u'res must tally w'ith, the tickets ,. .and with the chanfe that the manage~ent Qas glv~n her at This Coupon Entit\es ' 'Bearer , the start of the j~ve'nmg. On'ce t,o aFREE Box of Pop Corn.! t a week she must' maKe out the payroll· and' distribute, the pay. :, COMPLETE AUTO ACCESSORIEs ' Right now , s~e must find out !:FREE I ' where ' people arje ,from, as the LUBRiCATION 4 REPAIRS Twin is taking, a geographical GROCERIES - DINNERS ~ DRY CLEANING, ETC, census of its pati-'olis. And thruCARS WASHED ' out it aU she plf~asantly passes ETC, ALL GOES TO WAYNESVIU.E'S TYCOON. GET WRECKER. SERVICE the time of day with her .neigh. YOUR FRIENDS TO V.OTE FOR YOU - BALLOT ,O N bor"S thru the box-office glass. PAGE. ' , It ,takes more than a pretty faCt! to make a goq1 ' cashier, yes? TYCOON PRIZE DONORSa ~ Mr. and Mrs. rold B. E;arnhart and tam attended the Hyman's, B. & :R. Cleaners, Waynesville' DrugS, 'lacy's fine program. by the M~s-, Meats, ,Gray's Barber Sh~p, Texaco - Station, Smith's Rest-_ onic B Square of the Friurant Phoae 2341 Main & Miami Sti. g-idaire Plant at oraine City on Saturday even









l. H~ 'KIER, Proprietor· ~

-. - ------- - --



PAGE 7 ' THE M1AMI GAZETTk WAVNE'8 VILl;.E, OHIO No. 4359 T H U R a ,DAY, MARCH 11, 1948

rid of this year. One of the March , farm maR;azines, has , an ' article about gettin.~ rid of it. Ilwtl#nwA, n";~ ,C!''''ns They say cultivation and fertiliz- ' , «Ai~, V I HA..I ~KI...t::' SAXTON-SHAW WEDDING er will do the iob~.-.!T~h~e~n~ic;;e;...::s=u= n-____-=A'7.S~TO,--i..D BY 1lf. CONSERVATION DlvislOII A "ARM DIARY HELD AT PARSONAGE shine this mornin~ says, ome - '- _ 7=_ by D. J. FRAIZER out and ~et to work,' but that Last ,Thursday evening · at cold east wind says, ("Stay in 6 ~30, ' Mr. Edward C, Shaw and where it is nice arid warm." Miss Elizabeth Jane Saxton March 5, t 948. "stars of the Another b~ sale this week both of Oregonia...: were united Summer Ni~ht." That is the way, out toward Harveysburg. 1 went 'in marria,g-e at tne Methodist an old song starts but, what we , but I did not stay except lon~ Parsona:~e in Waynesville by the .. would sing about right now 'are' enoll,g-h to R'et a sandwich and a Rev. R. B. Coteman. T~e single the' stars of these cold early piece of pie. A group of women . . ring vow was used. They were spring, or more exactly, .late from Harveysbur~ were servinK , R~ S'IIOWS accompanied by Mr. and Mr.s. winter nights. It has been too lunch and 1 never saw sucn a 'THAT FEW ~/RDS George Miller also_,of Oregonia, cold to go out and enjoy them mob trying to get sorfiethin~, RAISED IN PENS AND RtLEASED I}/ who st,?od with them durin~ the but when we c~me out of church They served in the basem'ent THE WILD $J/OW UP so lehllllzatio n. IN GAM!: 8 A.;;S· Thursday night everyone ex· , ,g-arage, a' lon~ room with a 10n~ clatmed over their beauty. Who counter where the people were , can tell me what the planet is lined up four and five deep wait•. in the west about nine o'clock. in~ to ~et something'. By the It looked too bi~ to be anything time' my turn came the ham , (By Mias Hardin) i.dt l'eHUS but It seeined rather sandwfches were aJI"gone but I We have thr:ee new pU!,its late ,; r V e'lllI' to be that hi~h in did ~et a chicken sandwich and this week from Kentucky: They i.l ~ s",y. a. piece of pie. The y were out of The psalmists were students cups ,about that time so I didn't are Martha. Lou Herald in \ ~1Je sixth grade, Hazel Ann in the and watchers of the stars. · It wait to ~et any coffee. It wasn't , second and Randle in the tbird. . might do our troubled world that there were not lots' of peoMiss Day wishes to thank all good if the rest of us looked at pIe working and that they hadn't those 'who remembered her the stars more often. A woman provided lots of food. There with cards and letters during told me once that she always . were so n1any people who wanther illness. Mrs. Lawrence looked , out at the sky the last ed to eat that J wondered how Brown substituted for her last thing at night, that. it seemed to ' many were out there bidding or do her ~ood to watch the stars whether everyone was in trying week. Mrs. .paine's second and third for a moment. "The. Moon ahd to' eat. I ,heard however that grades have completed their the stars which .Thou has ordaln- thin,!{s went well, so' some one , contest. in obedience and re· ed". said tbe ,psalmist, "What is must ha ve heen oidding, fraining f.rom talking. . Prizes Man that Thou are mindful of And by the way, don't for~et 'were awarded to the following: him and the son of man that the' Red Cross. Second grade: Betty Cooper Thou visitest him." Lo k up the _---:...._ _ _-....,.._ and Sammy Bailey' TJiird ei,e:hth psalm and read the rest ~NTY-FIRST DISTRICT Grade, Louise La ni b it,n d- of it. Mahn'bhas thte domi~iond0Y'er o. E'. S. CHAnERS ' . Cbarles McKeever, Another the eart ut w 1(\ t ar,e we omg contest for ' the ' next si~ weeks ' with it? SCHEDULE ' is now in progress. This time of yeal:..when every1948 lrispections by Worth ----..-.- - - - .. one is signinsf up for c.onserva- (Jnind Matron. Zena Watkins: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fromm tion payments and makmg p'l an ' June 16 Lynchburg, May 24 had as Sunday dinner guests, for the coming 'year is a good Greenfield, Worthy Grand PaMr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder and till!e to t~ink about what we are . tron, Eugene B. Bacher. April domg With th,e land: A~ good , 12 Hillsboro AsSo. Grand Pa. daughter of Springf.ielQ. " f·armers we thmk of It from ·t· the t ron, Wm. fl. u' Ow el1, view. point of the crop,s I IS In~pection by .Deputy Grand going to yield. As landscape Matron Lucile 'Ste'rit,z. Mat:ch 11 Franklin. March 20 . gardeners and .artis~s we thin~ of th'e pi~tures 11 WIll. m~ke. As Warren, Harveysburg, April 'L wild 'hfe consetv~trQDlsts we Mason, April- 9 Le e s • . M' . W think of it in terms of food and b ' A 'I ayne.sshelter for wild life. But as. beurg, ~Prt 10 IflmJ )'Ieve' rs I·n God w,e must think of ville, April 20 New Vienna, April 27 ' Carey, Blanc all these things, for poor land . May 3 Wilmington, May -5 l:n.ull~_ _ produces poor people. It seems row, May' 7 New Burlington, needless to say these '1hin~s f~r May 25 Martinsville, May 28 f:lr.r~f ftarut a~~dw~dgi~~":n;: Leigh.on, Sinki~g Splling. thi~g; about it? 'They say that $10,000 CONTEST lIi.-Qreat Atlantic: Itate. bUaanl.l_ cows and sheennow tile dif! 0 " ference between pasture that has PEN TO STATE'S . been fettilized ~"d that which YOllNG ~DENERS ha~n't and that .wei~ht for Ohio junior growers whose weLg~t th~re . Ism O'r e members' 'won seven a~ards in ... nourlshment '.m hay' fro~ good ~ the" 1947 production and margr~unddt~dan ml"·ttthl~.t fIom. P. 9 ket,ip~ ..cbnt~st 'of. t~.e . N~tiQq.a.J ~, " .-:. ... fI,htlng ald. 10..... a~cl.cono' mvr , Ma."ftv a farm " :& We I a I ~ . p .owm~ ,e JunIO! ' ,vegetable C ro we r s' ''''' •., C!ther tf~y .b~t that, IS Jhe fust ASSoclatabl), will hav~ another ' cI I~ .. .' Id d L: h d 'I tll~e thiS ~mte~1 that ,w~ were QPJlOrtunity in 1948 to ,improve accl .nt cou U 1IjJ. avo • .y avln, mo .m ••ctrlc '( , II.h"",'n"o'" and out~ Wh'~ ,OU can ••• wh.... ,OU ...... anle to . dq' any. We said l~st tlleir records. fall thaLthls y~at, we wer~ gomg ~ In the ei~hth...annua1..con'"te~s"",t_.-=---,~ " . , " " , " t~ do some w!nter plowlU~ ~ut Ohio boys and O'irls bel'ween the Iilng th'r. I. much I••• dan ••, trip. and fa., •• PI..." of 'as usual we didn't. We have a f t A ' d" ' I' . ..lfe ages 0 "'" an :2 f are now e I· ,,,ht to, ... what_ you. ~... doln, .p••ds morn;", ' I'd ,0 f 1at~' planted w.heat ;" f~e gible to compete ,for the'6,'. ., and , are wonderJllg g-about. 1s It gOIt:1~ 000 in aRl'icultura:1 seholarshlps chor•• ahd ...duc•• flr• .l!a~ard. 'ln 'arm bulldln,•• . 0 do anhthm , or not? ,Some . offered by A ' & P Food 'Stores, ." " ,U. TIle AliDaaac ~o y'~ar~· we ~ve pl~nte.d wheat ~~ .each ,year. ' . the yard, -carefully . plac.d r.fI.cto; unit. ' , Check The Weather late ~s TJianks~:tVmg , an~; , sttl ' Junior growers , can enroll ", ' , But Use " had Just the same a,mount of through their local 4-H .club ' prowl.r. and poultry thl.v•• a. w.11 a. marauding anJm~I•• w~eat as t~e a:v:¢rage on our )ea(;iers or a~ents ' and through ,', GAZETFE CLASSIFIED farm but ;the cold cam... last ~all instr:uctors in vocational agri. , ' ADS bef.o!e thiS came uP. a.n~ w.c: are culture: . ', ' . To Buy, SeD. Rent, .PRoila YOUR .yiS WITH ELECTRIC UGH' waIting to, ~ee what It l~. go~ng ,to , In additio.n, this yea' r ' s LoaD, BOrTow1 • ' do, Th~re, IS a , patc~, of brome NJVGA pf,ogram will ~gain "In. , ' . Any TbDe,of The l' ear sedge that we are gOtnR' to try to elud.e the juhior growers' anR.adlng,, ••wln", 'f~rm 'account keeping and .chool hom.:' , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ . ~ nualAelrion~ration contest , I





Grade Scheol Notes




















iu the Ohio Pumen will &lve you b~ pro,*"oo against lo~1 oia JOUr farm. It COftfI JOUI' bUild.iap, yoUr cha~ )'OUt automobile .


~ UabillC)' for' ~ odlen. Wh, DOt Me 1U today? Yoa ..., rout. ale wIND JOUtN ~ . . . . 0bJ0 'armen'


BROKERS LICEN8E , O.te., Phone '28M. ••ville. Ohio. Reve""-C"'ra ••





work ar. al~ hard on,he eyes unless, plenty of good light I.

avallabl •. Modem electric lighting ,e nable. the whole fcimll, to do,elo•• e)fe wor~ at once without huddling around a ""gle ,I~mp and ,without working in ' gl~o~


gl~re. For

the lat••t Information on farm Ughtina, see your County


Agricultural Agenfor the, Farm-Representative of The. Dayton ' " , .


Pow.r and light .erving your neighborhood. . Company (



call C. E. MlatENER ..... 2928



Tun. lit - "MOUI' O. CMAI",,' Sunda" 5130 , M,!

. -WH'O-IONALD COlMAN. 'uNda" 9130 ',M.


III lA"'•.••• 11 ••• 111.1 C••••


-, ,


REAL'ZESTATE DON':r FORGET TO CALL us for Insurance. All type.s of Insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone \Va nesvi11e 2935 or call c91lect. Wilmington 211 t.

Real E.tat.e For 5al_ ·. IF' YOU HAVE A PROPBRTY OR PARM· TO SmLL can or :write


He derson, Tel. KES44e, &1'1 Lorain ·Ave., Dayton, .obio. tfc

ROOM W ANTED~'' ---~-Furnl h d room wante 1 with m d 'r n

onv nien

e'. Ph. ne

.. 662. Carl W. Lac ', ,


ROOM FOR RENTR m to Rent for one gentieman . Phon ,




FOR SALEP ttable "g-at. s for 'ten\porary pen. Ph ne 21 6 after 6 p. M. , . - 1,8 Good C al ' H ear.,. Paul R ALE' Handsome 0iftsChina T ea Service, China alad Plafes and Cut Gtas di hes. Mrs Peterson ' Friends Home, Waynesville, Ohio. -318 ", Home Comfort Range. , , , C. E. Michener, Phone 2926






LOST-Probably on desk shelf in bank, Shaeffer fountain pen. Reward. Please return at Gazette office.



EARl.~ FRYERS ! ! '! ,

,Start chicks now~have ear!y fryers--they will be in blJr demand~ Sta rte d sex ed cockerel ,chicks now a.vatlable.


The Junior Class play entitled " Handle With, Care' was presented at the School. Auditorium,. Friday evenin~cunder the dirc~c­ tion of Mrs. LIllian S. Carr. , R!,·of. and Mrs. H. C. Milligan and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moore were weekend houseguests ot Rev. William Moore at his paronage near Norwalk. , Rev. ·Moore previously ,vas pastor of the local Methodist Church. ,. Mr'. and Mrs. Auzwood Martain have moveti into the home belonging to Frank McCarren on the Avenue. Mrs. Martain is the former, Miss Phylli~; akeJ'. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cotner and daughter ', Mado-e Anne of ' Wifmington were Sunday afternoon guests ' of M,r. ana Mrs, Auzwo d Martain. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tucker , and daught~r" . ,M,iss Evalyn Tu ker wei'e undar. ' dinner guests of ,the Tucker on~in­ la'w, ~nd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James ' Park and dau~hter of Cincinnai i. Mr. and Mrs. Fred herwood, Mrs. A . . Collett and Mrs. Laura Shidaker \V re 'Sunda'y afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elbon of Oregdhia. The W. C. T. ,U. [n titufe met for an all day ~essio n ~t th e home of Mrs. Frt:d herwood ~fhursday. Mrs. Lfme, County PI' sideht of the ,organization from Franklin was in charge ,of devotions and the' speaker was Mrs. Ruth Hadley state' director from Wilmington. Mrs. W. Carl Brown entertained Miss Esther Prather, Mrs. Floyd Hook and Mrs. Hiram George at a dinner at her home Friday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cook and family of Waynesville were Monday eveni~ guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carl Br0wn. , The' 'B .. Y. F. of Jonah's Run Church .' m et at the home : of Misses Vernie and Prances Hen, kins, Sunday e.vening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cook ,and family and Mrs. Bessie Cook of Waynesvi1le, Mrs. Osie Harlan, arid Mr. and Mrs. W. Carl Brown all of Harv¢ysburJr were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis of Leesburg,. The Masonic Inspection and dinner was held at the' Masonic Ternp1e, Mondayevenill'g. MISS Mary "Lou Moore has




been quarantinedl with scatlet fever, at her dormitory in Wilmington Colle~e. She IS report· ed to be improvin~ satisfactorily. A Public Auction wa~ held at the farm of Bert Bard, 1 mBe west of the village Wednesday., The Community helpers were 111 cnarge 'of the dinner. Mr. Louis Thompson was a Sunday guest of 'relatives in Athens. A bridal 'showet 'was .~ive'l1 by the Commumtv Helpers Tuesday evening: compl'imenting Mrs. Auzwood Martain.

(Th,e following copy ,was omitHarrison county farmers are ted ' last' week due to lack ,of trying ,an experiment of ,growspace.) , in~ theit fences on the fe(nce Mrs. Emerson Dill was supper guest Thursday evenin~ of line. EiJrht landowners this Mr. ,and Mrs. Ralph Dill in spring will set enough mulitflora rose plants to provide 60 rods Spring VallF,Y. . Mr. and Mrs. George SIT)Jth of [.encing when the, plants ~et of Dayton ' called on Mr. and their ~rowth in from four ' to Mrs. Raym'ond Smith Sunday eight years. The mature phint is about ei~ht feet high and about afternoon. , " MrS. Everett Bunnell ' was the same width. The rose hed~e taken to the Miami Valley Hos- provides a good crop of berries pital unday evening. ' , ' ,for birds. Mr . Hazel Gruber and family . pent Monday even ing with Mr. and ,Mr. Everett Bunnell A. C. Tomlinson (ttt) and fainily. , ~' , Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence' Ling and family pent Monday even-, Mrs. Lena Hart ock pent a ,with Mr. . and' Mrs. Ernest, fe,w da, s durin.g- the , past we k , 'in,Q' Hass and family. With her' ~randctaug-hter, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ever tt Bunnell and Mr. Gene IEllih,!,!'t nan d and family' were StipP ' r , 'Ui.. liaughter in Eaton. Thur ia eveninR; of his par· nt Mr. and Mr . Bert Bunn ell Mr. , and Mrs. Karl [i ,1tt f Jam stown wer Sund't ev n· , f near Wayn s){,jlle. Mr . Ali ~ Turman j p ndill ,~' guest 9f Mr, and M t,' . A. ing ,1: f w da with Mt. and H. Eamhart. Mr '., e\\'c C mesto-ck and family f B nv ~ to~~o. , Mrs. Thelma B rge 'd i aug,h kr Nan ,y Lou of Bea vertown called (1m Mr. ,and Mrs. Lue M r~an 11 n d a V afternoon. th ' r calkr wel'e Mrs.' Rob rt , I G reene, MI". Wilbur Steveson ' Mr. and Mr. E:Tm'er Compo and Andrew UpchOrch of Da _ ton, Mr. an f Mrs. Everett Men- t denhalJ, Mr. and MI'. Je se onMr • and Mrs. Thomas sp n NORR', S BROCK COMF!ANY Shanks of New Burlington 'and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Lue Cincinnati Unio1' StOCk Yards Mrs. Amanda Hnrtrul1l weI' Morg~n. " , Live Wi rt' and proQr.aalve. An orafilniza\lon a.cond to none. unday. afternoon g-uests of Mr. M dM L Strlotlv a.ll e ra Qn the ' and Mrs. A. H. tuhbs and famr. an rs. eWls Crawford all around market In t)1. 'I ' , of Xenia spent Sunday with Mr ' cauntry. ' , I y: and Mrs. Clarence Crawford. . SERVICg THAT SAT-IS,FIES WHIO Dayton 12': 30 E. S. T. Mr. and Mrs. Trumbles of M d M . E ' t '8 tt Dial 1800, WLW €Inoinnn tl r. an rs., me u er- near WayneSVille spent Frida 12:40. Dial 700. tor Our, D1-Llly w,o rth and Mrs. Lena Hartsock evening- 'with ' Mr and Market ReJ)ol't. were among' the R,'uests on Sun- '- Ernest Hasga.· . d~y when Mr. ,find Mrs.. Stacey Mr. and Mrs. Hit GibsOll ~.~~~'='='""o:-:~=-=:-:~~~. ~urnett entertal~, ecl wlth,a fam- 'Mr. and M..-s Morris (ewis and WAN TED lly d.lnne.r at their bome In Cen- Mrs. Everett Bunnell attended , tervJlle. the funeral of their uncle Mr. ...." .,.. ' . ' Albert Poff in ' Dayton at the .' , ' COWS $1'3.00 . M r. J. K. Pre~tonl a former Weaver Funeral Home last ' ' HORSES '$12.00 . .,ay~esvi. e. , resld l~m, now of ;, Thursday " HOGS $4.00 Cwt. Cmcmnatl, IS confme t ~Beth'~ ' . • Acc--:tll"1 te Siae a Co.. dlllo.. esda Hospital for observ-ation r. and Mrs. 1 hemas RunAlIO, All SMALL STOCK and trea.tment. yon, Mrs. Clarence Crawford , REMOVED PRO""'" v and Mrs. Anna Lucas called on ........... Mrs. Mattie levi and son W-ellPhone , _ A budget was set 'at aro",nd $175,000 for 'comtp'iling a new in~ton at the ,home Qf Mr .and XENIA , WILMINGTON dictionary. It ultimately cost Mrs. Ellswo.rth Smith in Dayton 1712 ',2362 $544,OQO. Which is prooably a Sund~.¥ afternoon" Mrs. Levi ' clearer. definition of a bu'd~et remains Quite ill. than any the new dictionary.' ' ' -Washington E.veninK'Star ,


DW., .,. 8'1',0, CK

Phone Wayneavme 2918

' CARD OF THANKSWISH TO THANK ~11 our friends for' their kind remembrances after 'the death of my husband, T. N. l'hompson. Jeannette Thompson and family.

-311' , Acetylene and Arc WELDING. Portable equipment Bill Lee near , 'Wayne Park. -Phone



PAPER HANGINGCall at Alva Allen's in Corwin. H. Rainey. -31 ,8



BIG M ,.,'••I~ yield 'ettlll.e" fo~ ,~O"t . . .... _ d WeI ..,.,1 BIO II ~ fertlllalr lOt ~ ~ , qud~1 " BIO, " JaDd JMirfOlJl-' up , ADd ,It'I,..... that WQ for to diat ~~ti~ " IU Ie it, ~ ' it.twQa ..... lIP to hiPeIt , OUW Immediate cae- , 1taDcIatde. " ..... cia. . to .... i. that' 01 eupplplill ..,&ce.' ,. , . . .re IIllh-pota.b-coa..teat ,

""1 .....


, , .,




, 0... . .. ".".,... ...,.",..... "

.... Miami Fertlllnr Compan)' Of'ICI IN DAY'" OHIO 'ACI'OaY IN 1I11I1N, 01110



,.".. Milulti . ' , ... c..., it - ' __ O Uftd.,' diftet o.,.,.,iaftV.,. 01 ' II. ow-. .....~,


I ~


A: sure yourself of quality seed,

hig-h g-ermination, and to-p ields by RdtinR; your seed today. Available now in MF and 'LF , J.rrades. Phone ot write or see Leslie Rothman, R. 2 your De Kalb Dealet Phone L~banon 6 t OaR.


A dollar an acre extra return

fr ~11 Ohio's pasture woul add ' '5,500,000 to the state's farm , income. Improvement wit h lime and fertilizer will double the carrying capacity of pasture.



wE1PA¥FOR 00

cows $



11-0() ' ~OGS ,$4.00 ewt.·


X E N I A Fertil '4' 54 Rev.rae








Th.e frame bu.ildin~ on .Majn Street. occupied by the "Idle Hour" testa,u~ant, wHl probably be demolished as a, resuJt of the SERV ING. WAYN E'SVIL LE SLNCE 18~ fire last Sunday ' night which . ·No. 4360 FIVE CENT S A <:OPV ' cause'd ,about $500 dama~e to . --..,....:.....---~-=--~--"---~---' the --bui1din~ and an unestimated WlAV NE&V tLLE, OH.lO _ T H U ·R SO A Y, MARC H 18, '1948 amou nt of dama~e · to thC:! ~---~~--~----~---~-----equipment . of · O,"'nle (pat) · Malone. . State Fire Inspector Niels(!m . came ' here Tuesday fro'm Os:. MI",ITARX FUNERAL born, to inspect and photograph F0R DAVIS' S.' BOG AN the structure after the' tire. M·r. ' Nielson h~d ' previously ordered Davis : B~ga n, 38-year-old Franc Gene Brown was the . bt"i)dili~ r wir d, ' and this veteran or the ' European theatr e elected is ·preside nt of ' th)e had not been dO(1e .within the in World War 11, died ofa Waynesville Civ.ic .Club at: the specified time. h~art attack Sunday at the monthly me ting' in the MethThe inspector cnt a recomhome of his mother, M,rs. Ber- odist CLllIrch basem nt . la t , mend ation to the state. fire marnice 13og~n, iq Har~eys ~lUrg. .., M.onda ni ght. . . hal ' office in C lumbus. that Funeral services were held ' Mr\ 8r \\ nJ a naltiv~! of Anoth~r th buildi n~ h ' ordered ' torn terday,.afternon at the A. H. Wayn ville, is dist'rid manager down . 'Actio n on the mattei' is ubbs · FLlIleral Home ·with the for Warren~ Greene, and Clinex e ted h Mond a v' Mr. NielHeY',' J. P, Thornberry of Har;- ton Countie . of t~le Farnt and son aid th' a t even if the ouildveysburg: officiating. Services ,' Home Mutual Insurance Comtnp; , ,ver repair ed to w re alSb held by members of pany. He ' will. · Guy Brentlinger, as istant to tion' bef r til blaz ~ itshe condi ed AI' T. could the Lebanon post, .y.eterans of Polinsky as club SUCCe presid ent. r the ptesident f the Ohio Cen.- Jl 1 as it, acc6r inK' to Ma~is­ Foreign Wars ~ Burial was in Other offi0crs' eleC.ted' by the tral Tete hon ~ 'Company, . and hat' Carmen Crane . Miami Ce~le~ery. Civic Club are: b~ev. · amuel Harol:\ Au~s l ur 'er, manager 0 No ca u e has ~C{. oumi MT.' Bogan was in the Arm y ,N. Keys, 'vice-preside ¥ay- the L . an n cxJ1ange of ' the f r unday's nj~ht bcenf fire, which frobl July) 1942, unt~ Novem- . nard, Wel:tz, re':e~ect~d nt; comp an ,. rent two hour" lasl tarte in th ba as secrek, ear an out· ber, 194.'). He received two tary; Ralph Hastmgs, trea Frid~ y aftern c on e 'J laining' thl tlr~r' io r stain a. len R' into the flbattle ' stars on the European Mr. Polinsk and A. H. Stubbs, whys ' a 11 ",iherefores 0 f par:ment yt!l' Miilan:ti Gazette Theare ribbon and ' was in ' the members of the executive com- Waynesville'S telephone p li gh ~ fHce. The fir) spread throuR :h disastrous aattle oft the Belgian mittee for two years. to a ,i~att ~roup of 10cal reo the space betwe en the ' ceiIin ~ Bulge. . ,. ' . Mr. keys ' reported on the sidents. al~d g-able j roof, and . fir~me it ( . .. In ·a?dition to ,hlS mother, he lephone sit(lation; stating that , The mc e tin.~ was na to chop' throu ~h. the-ro of · t o IS survived two of the .. Rev Mrs. ' th tators home P9ur water on it. Since, there . Ke chairman' of Edith n ".as no wi' In tl e area .d 't ~rtly-m.oTh rtldi;1! burg; broth~rs, led, an . tl e OLi mc\nna h e n · . Bogan ot Waynesvil1 Civi Mrs William ' phone, companya represen , ver was turninR: off on RQ~!~ Bogan at home, ' ande~' Carl J' G ' • BoIII his liome, last Ftida y bad . e ~ 73, so t~e veteran _got out III gan Qf ' Wi1mington~ ra,ce ing' a match. . ' . ed on ' a friendly basis but Waynesvlllec-l'hat- mas before P. . • Cl b At' The fire was di cover ed ~bo~t t def· t a s e 0 f ' 8 ' a. m.. He ~ook his stand .at the s , rogesslve 'l;l. s~ lO'1S p. 01, by Carl Jones , . ~~ints~ tnl e n w rs " n a ew bresef~hwa 1th ~ ~ar! Sti , 'e dl- . was walkillK' along the east who· curv,e ,on N!>rth Main Street and sid" A'motion was be. . o rAc:n on e:. t~~I ' or~f b~ou ht of Main awalted ·a !Ide. Stree t. He located Congin ,the task of assigning" street t ~ P s passe ~ and tflble C. Mr. an d -m p~ Joy u r' S.= La ence Ll', in another res- , h Some a ··flv~ fli hours th b _ d little t e h ' ,.m au'The weJ;e. wr num ' efs. f:"ura o' nt very and theat ouse arm was turn··... f,un 'Wr·.ir aSnld < wiriag of con.necti0ns is . .. a eor~a dear wear- are the proud paren~ of an Way~~svIUe,. as a. follow-up to finished at Leb~n !~ gAt i1. t 0n and ·R't ·1 . k j h'(1) and one-half. pound son born · t~e is .ed in. Harty , L~iser, who lives t erection of str~et completed at Waynesville'sbeing ex- ' in a rQom behyeen .th~ Idle Hour ~~r. on . th! \~im to Y(~n~ Hi,· Sund~y m,ormng. at · St,. Ann's signs.recen B~th moves are ~ssentl~1 : chaage fOr' ,the use 'of two lie '.\· .~~~ ~":tiW~d~r?J~~y y 'Ie b 'p'e ~ Hospttal. t~1 :;!df~~ . to s. ory rosslb ·came le home delwery · of trunk lines which ,\.rcre strun out p ce y 1 ce " ' th (, ma' ' the e H s' on ...... f ' the ft _ · M ' ' ~. ' . j .,re IJl ,'''' Phut was ,to (I "to tYo back . and u \,Ire. .~. bet,ween' h'ere a'nd Lebanon III ~~nde~ ~~lo;t~ to 'Ii' hi I a ci~A s~ven pound, eleven ou~ce ,.. BrO\y n. as he~d bhc of the , Pl!I 1946 bu~ which have 'not y r make . ,sut:e there a€tua are1te brought out th~ faCt that daughter, Beth. E~erYt was born .~ffalf lly was a b·s left love ·had no hand 'fa ~uesday at Mlanll Valley. Hos· the s .cO~.l1lJttee! \Vas gl.ven . been put muse. . , blaze: ' . numbermg assignment. . The service gtven ,by OJ) . c~ver .Jis involuntary w.n9in~ pltal to ~r. and t,\rs. Olatles, The bliildin~ ' is one a row . Two new memb e(s ta~en mto tors is bein~ cllecked and im- OWned by Mrs, Susan of , :rt a·i.r, 'n the road brought Nolan of WayneSVille., Scanlo t:l. the club I were Rober~ 0 Re~~an, proved. " out t~~· b~Ck in·ury. B' ~t he which lias been under sctuti ny . . ' , . , mana ger of th~ rWI~ T1J~3ltre, . ~_ !.!le ~o .' an .~9J.\~ple. of Mr.. Nielso didn't say muc~o an.Mr. and Mrs. t:a1hs ,Fer.a;ee .a~d ~rt G. n since a .roof fire ~mlth,..ed.lt9r .of. th,e , _automatic tonnectlon-orea.kmg last, Decembe'r t' S w e r He's 'i ns ' and l P.ame are the p~rel\\s of a· baby . ,Mlall)l Gazett~: the Miami ~ . ' ", " device as desirable.._. even 6azette. Amant!'' over", d'dn'1 wa~t t~ sound too much girl born y~$ter the new orders (lay, March 17, The1 " ~uestto.n . ' of c~Qsm.~ 'though . some subscriJjers object like a quiz Rrogntm. 'So: .all I ' at Otan.dview _Hosp of the insne ctor i~ one for . a (. ital. . . r~aynesvill.e busll1~~s ,pl,};ces dur- . to it .!Qe~e is n'o intention of know abouf the sto~y is w~at is new ' front secti0 n of· ' !roof for lOS; the um0J.l servic ~n ~ood ren~ovtng It. . recorded here. } ," the Gazette b~ilding, also o,wn- , MASO~Ic' ~ TO HO~~ FT\~ay .!lfternoon eM~rc~ , 26, NO,th,ing spe~1fic was promis-, ed, by Mrs. Sc~nlon~ ". I hope he ~ot to Maine wf'fh- ,ANNUM.. INS~CTlON , .' . , ;was . brought up b'Y Mr~, K~eys. ed' on ' mstallahon of tlut doing' nermanent injury to new tele, ' . . ' ' " " . '- anq al,· ~emb6rs , pl~~ged phones but the work is' prQ. 5.()F7BALL .L~G I: b '~ t' , . " WayneSVille L!>dge No: .163, their sever UE . . . l ·. coope ratu)n . . ' R'ress ing ll~ ac. I! ~ " as phon~ are!received, .QRG ANIZ ES rON lGM t .' .' v' ' , . F. an~ Jr. M. will ,bold , It$ an", ' " ' A. new direCtory will be 'is- .: . . nuat inspection ~ext ,Wedne.s- 0IAMP10N 'S PEt'. ERS · s'ued in ARrl) in which er,rors of : :Fomg~t s , me~ti.qK . of t~e ~a¥ .~arqh, ~4. T~e ~venlng WI.1t ARE 3' EIGHtH 'GRA DERS ' the present book are ixpected ~ay.nesvII)e , ~tlilehc . Assoclab~gin wdh a dl·nner at ,6:3Q . . . \ t 'b ~ . t"'f' d ' " ' .~ .served .by. the, ladies Qf the lo~al ,'Waynesv'ille's contestan.ts uon at .Kler's Gara~~ at 7-:30 . ' in . a e rec I Ie. y , P. M:. Will 'b~ a very, nnRortant. " C t :e • the W nes ~f e' chapter of -<>rde~ of Eastern , th~·.. War'ren:County speUin~ bee us Q01 .rs If.l ay VI StIr.,. actotdin~ tQ Bob '0 Regan, ,. . .. tonig ht at L.ebJlnon Hi~h School Drl!g ~~ore ,~st Th\j(s~~y''f y( re pr~sldent, who stded further .ilspecting officer wUl be will be Shirley Ann .Reeve s, Bar-' asktnt Doc Dra~e how tie get William a. "Good. of, Pranklin. that franci:lises will be ~iven out b~lra Stanley, and George He rtthe bandage on hiS h~ad, only to'· clubs which Tile 'j ooth·anniversary of the . sock, all of the " ei~bth .,(raa.e. There wa~ a 'big. n'olse but no presentative , present have are.,. :'1 w~rked .into a roo.~."'':he re- "'od«~ will be · celeb rated this They ' were ed ~fter sp.¢l1- 'serious dam.a;ge Satu~ pl\ed. ' No~ a, d,o.or blJt}1 roof. after'. la~.t week's' · m~etinR" was faU; ' The cbarter '·was. granted' . d.owns involiselect ng ,aU' PUPilS i~ the . noon when a· collisionday' , Then ~e. explained It .so con· in · ~pteinber· 1848 ' and the Sixth, occur red . hlghh .(hted the eJectio.,D· of oetween cars operated' by ·Mrs. . Ralph (Stirnby vil\cingly. that: ·the a~~ien~ 'lo<Jfe, ha~ been" in~ cOQtinu()us g·rades:· seven(h, ;. and el~'jh1 ) Edenf ield as vice-' ,. Howard Brown of Morn's Pan- president ana Ge,orge: feally Ibeh~,yed It. Seems Doc operation. Since. that ~ate.. , Miller as .;The three best spelJe,r.s i~ ,t.he try and .R Springfield man. ' was walktng '. around the cor- 'I .' The celebr~bon whJch IS h~- count secre tary-t reasu rer, · and ac!ler of ~ garag~ Thu~sdaymC)rn~ . in'go pfanned will feature a visit Warr y ' e.venf Will rerresent · Mrs. Brown was backinR: in'- ceptance of three local' the c1Ub. s en Caunty on Apri 10 at to ·a .parking place en Mairi Fairley's mg: . 11 was s'!Pl'ery underfQot by ·~the Grand ·M.aster ·of Masons ' a distric Hardw are to be ma~ t Jntatch in Dayio'n, . , Stre~t when the Springfield- cat,. naged py Itvin Mulford' Mille and. ~e wa~ IOf>km, ~t the pathh- . in Ohio, Raymond A. Younger ' _ Last year'S winne rs in the a new Ford, scraped the left Restaurant with Geor~e'Mi1ler r's way. He ~Idn t thmk abo.uLt e of. cehn a. ' at " . . count. y were v Welch of side of h~r 1941 . <;:hevrolet.· the helm ' and Kier's Ford overhanglng e~ve a! the. corner< Wi1liam P. St~ad~ is Master Harveysburg, Shir.1e Garearotmaria . Kelt- ,E;ach cat had d~nfe~ f~nder, age wit~ its genia of the ft~rage until hiS bead ot! the local lo~g'e., " l proprietor . , n~r of ~aso. nt ~nd Agnes Noll ·a'nd the Brownacar bumped Into it. had Its front R~y X;ier h?lding the guide~ . of lfamllton"Mam~ville. bump~r bent and bf.oken. Con- relDs. . . ' . Miss Mildred Coleman 0/ , . stabTe C. P. .Joy made a. report, . Ha!veysburg. Sprin~ Valley Mrs: J. B. Chapman ente~ '~,Eugene, Ore~li. writes that for Mrs. Oyde H•. M hut no charges were filed. .tained the ArRunot l\ridRe Oub jh~ pa~t mon~ they have ~ad Rober and erther Bellbrook Spring ,Before anybody could make ... boro are. expected toOIY on Tu~day ~ftemoon with ·two sptingtime wltb qocuses, _ nr.,.} ~nd t. McGee of ' ~end re: M.ass Phyll is any -.remarn-J,bout woman-dri~ pre~ntataves to-Joni~bt's meetia\»1is In _play ' and the qU.Its, and caltlelhas \1l00!D .. g: utrtb"s- were er~. M~ JBipwn <I1Iliddy ex- ' ang at which time eligibility rules wer~\Vo~PY.:' M ' and heard frogs proclall11ang .-naests of Mr plame d~ and Mrs. H.' L. Rye. d :Was . only her wRl be: spring time as early as Feb. Mosher and . The opening "Secod d tecid dessert course was ent ,1 e rs of - nifht~s t 6th. teQ.tativelj Lee. . By SmittY About two weeks ago, an Air Force :veteran walked 'Out of a military hospital in· California .. He had spent four years in that hospital - 29 months of iUn C;l body cast - but now he w~s .going hom.e. He could orget 'about the broken Qack provided he kept his wei~ht llnder 1,40 pounds,. the doctors said. 'But it \V'ould be tougher to forge t about the hand he had lost in the' .,war-time plane crash. • Home ' to this veteran · was near Van, Buren, Mai1}e - just as far ,from Califorma as an_ U. S. citizen coul.Mpossibly 1iv~. Van Buren is on. the Canadian border more thai, 400 miles north of Boston. Before he could buy tickcl ' the young man's ocket .; .~ picked. All hi$ money. was gone except . a handful of mail chang-e. He t ok this star, t · a local Red · Cross chaptl!r, whi: h verified the fact that a lar.e:e slim had beert forwarded to Ma.ine for him. But be could 11 t ~et a loan f.or his fare. His parents are not 1ivin~ and th~ r W 'l no one whom he could WITt! fur funds. 'So this veteran, 1n.j ~­ I,V recovered . from a bwRen set out on a 3 S06~!llil~


Civic .(Iub Elects" F.'O. Brown President



.Conference . -Held on Phone Plight








N.·e .·. . Ana·' ···er' .


se for


t-7 .

• I

The Miami Gazette

GOC)D FRIDAY SERVICE ~ Friends' Meeting HO,llse 1:30 P. M.

• • TA.LJ8BBD Publi.h~d Every Thuraday At Waynesville, Ohio CARL G. SMITH,' Editor' Entersa a ••.• con c ••• m. r , ,






$1.50 a Veal' in Advance

Two Wa,ynesvme ,.. boys are among youths froro.,. throU~hout the Ullited States entered m the 1948 Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild competition for deSig-nin~ and buildine' of model autQmobiles. 'They are: J. H. Newlanq, Ewing Stumm ,both of Route


"I Have Overcome The World". "Good Friday" Silent Comm.union ' 'fTo have events listed ,in this calendar, notify The Mia!lli Gazette Hymn, "Bene~th the Cwss of : "Bear~ng the Cross" , , before 4 p. m. Tues.dayS~) ,



Seth Furnas


Youth Hymnal No. ~ 06 Rev'. R. B, Coleman


by School Etfsemble Hymn,' "Fairest Lord Jesus" , Hymnal No: 143 '4Relation of Easter to Good Friday" R' v. Samuel N. K~ys Palm, Sunday. Go to Church '! ,H "l D" All l Ell' , "Meth 0, ' d'st Church, 7 :,30 P. M. ove Ivme,I f G ove }(ce mg Hymnal ' NQ. 1'1 Can tat a, "Th e Resurrec t'IOn 'St ory. I ' S ymn, I "Th T b d I W·th M ., , MONDAY, MARCH 22 00, e a ernac e 0 0 s I en Jean Hartsock Boy Scout Troop 40 .at 7 :15 p, M. ~ Pr~yer , FRIDAY, MARCH 20 Sophomores' party at Hig'h School, 8, P, M, , SUNDAY; MARCH 21





R,emember to support the Red Cross.



WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2~ ,Annual Inspection, WaynesviHe Lodge 163, F. and A. M., 6:30 P. M. ' THURSDAY, MARCH 25 " '

Evening Prayer at St., Mary's Episcopal Church, 8



The pro.gram for the Palmi Sunday Ca~ntat~ to be presented at the Methotiist Church at 7 :30 P. M. Sunday, follows: , -, ' "THE RESURRECTION S"tORY" ' 'By' Carrie B. Adams Introduction, "Rejoice, The Lord is Risen" Chorus by Choir .


"There is a Green Hin," Solo, Miss Ann Weltz , "0 Come and Mourn" Chorus, and SoI9., Mrs. Elsie Weltz . "Near the Cross was Mary Weeping" Contralto Solo, , .. " , M'rs. , lrma .Frye 'J"Late on the Sabbath 'Day;' · Quartet, Mrs. M. A. PulkerS(;m, ,Mrs. Doris Corner, Gerald Rich~r.d Merrim~n. . "Thou Sore Opp·ressed.", Conttal~o and Tenor Solos and .C~oirs, Phyllis Gahris, Phil ,W9rkman. . ,PART, II-THE VICfORY , "Awake OtiUt-Soul","'irio, '·sopran@,. alte:) tellO'r, Mrs. Roger Brown, Mrs. Don Galiris, Mr. R.Qger' Brown. , . TIS . e or IS Risen", soprano solo, ,Miss Jean Hartsock "Morn's Roseate Hues" Women's Choirs ', "Whosoever B'elieveth Shall Live'!, tt~' nor and alto solos and, Bernardi Baughn, Mrs., J. Brown. ' , ·~AJ.l Hail", Men Chorus , "Come Ye Faittiful", 'soprano, tellor, and conta:altp solos, Women's Voices and .chorus ·by choir. Soloists, .Mrs. Fu~kerson, ' Phil Workinan, Harr~i~t Workm~n. Mr. Don Gahris, Qirectoli . .. ' Miss Virginia Hardin, Org%nist.




Father Robert Krumhol? of St. -Au~ustine,'s Catholic <;hurcl), renewed his pastoral. dut,les thiS week followin~ his return from a mohtn's convallescence period in Arizona. In his absence Father Stanley Walfer of Mt. Sf. Mary's Seminary Cincinnati, conducted all services. ' , This Sunday, Palm Sunday, marks the annual anniversary 'of the traditional bLessing of the palms and procession , of the faithful, both cer.emonies to be conducted at the 8 a. m. mas,s. Palms will be distributeg a~ b.oth 8 o'clock and the 10 0 clock mass. , Good, Friday services, ' March 26, will be conducted at 8 p. m. with the stations 'of the Cross , exercises; medita.tion by F r. W'alfer and veneration .of a relic, o'f the' true Gross by , the faithful. ';

, Mrs. Warr 11 Braddock op " ned her home on Tuesda'y aft tnoon to the Happy Hour Club for thei~, regular March meet. in~.






.... _._ ..

at the home of . J_eaH~on North ' and Water~~=-I--J:~-:::-;-"":'-"':-~---:-----:"






The Craftsman's .Guild is 'of- ' a total of S65,000 in awards, includin~ eight univer~ sity scholarships, to the boys who desi~n and build the b~st model this -year, The Waynesville entr~nts wHl Compete first ' for, the 14 state awards offered in Ohio. 'fhe top Junior and senior winners t~en will -vic w.lth other boys f~om neiR'hboring states .for re~ional and national im'nors. Deadline ,for shir ment ', of. 'm.odel is July 1. ' #I> ' ______~_ _::' ferin~

'rile busmess sessl9n con- Glenna Woolard ducted by .the r reSIdent, .Mr, ' Russ~1 Wilson, and Sltde, s~owmR fhe, work of the G90dwIn In.dw,tn ,were ho'''n h Mr. ,MIller of ,Dayton .. Severa,l Representing !eadm1{s also were an .mt~re t· Weatheimer & Company 109 Pflrt of t~e prop-ran,. Refreshments were se'ived to. ' Members New York Stock Exchan.l?:es ,and other ' - about 'thirty members and tli.. registered Exchanges ' f0110win,~ .~uests: MiS. Glem1 Borden, , Mr ' . Clarence Barker Investment Trust Sbarea anq son,' Mrs. Lena Hartsock Bou~ht - Sold - Quoted and Mrs. Bernard Daley and Wayneaville ' 2530 Phone dau~hter. Pamela Sue. . Dayton AD3257 ~

Waynesville W. C. T. U. met Friday eveniNg, March 12, at the home 'of M"r. a.nd ,Mrs. Waltet WhitaJter. with · tenme~­ bers in attendailice ' including Mr., Whitaker, ;In , honorary membe·... Dr. Emma Hoitoway, preSident, conducted the busmess se~· sion., . _ Plans for the W:~rren County ,Institute' were. ,announced fOJ f1UENDs . r 'riday, April . (2, ill 'the ' Presby, 'Irst Day School 9 :30"lI.m. teri':m Cht,lrch ip tebanon. Tile :leetlng for. Worship ' meethl~ will begin at 10 a. m'., , tO~30 a.m~ a covered djsh diinner' will be ~~<~ --served at ,rioo~ fol· which each . METHODIST CHURCH WA\'NESVIU.E person is asked to bring one ' article: of ' food ' and the table CHUROI OF 'CHRIST Waynesvi'11 e, ,'Oh'10 ,.. -, R. M .•_L~_.:':" a.!_!._a._ ' ' s ervice. ' Sunday, March 21st, 1.948 . VIIIIa"UD, ~ Church School- ' 9,:30 A. , M. ,Bible SChOOl , 9:30 a ..... , An intefestin~ program is be~ . J. J. Burske, Supt. " Communion ' . ).o:~o I.m. ' in2" 'planned and· aU memberst Worship Servic( 10,:3.0 A" ,M., .,: ~v~ninl Sent ~ , 7:30 P~ -M. are ur~ed to attend. Department, . ~ ' B. : Co.teman~ M\lDlster ", . , ra.e1u ··' directors w.i11 ~iscu$s ~~~ir, pl~ns Spe.clal MUSIC "', QEsARs. CREEK I'~,DS hf work. ..' 's I "'Th H "I C·t fl _ ' .R av.. pAV:IO .TA,.FIELD, Mln'at,.. . ~t the conclusio: n af bu,iness, ,, 0 o'Mrs. ·t6~ bal1~rs~ Worship- Servi~~ 934,5 a... m.,· D,r Holloway turned, the meet-, ' BaptisOl~1 Service arid .reception' S~nd~y School 10.45 a m. , ini over to Mrs. ~rhitaker, who of memb~rs, ' introduced Miss Lucy ErnJie who . UQU....aR" read' a papet "Alcohol versus in, ST. A .,.u. . ~ , . ' . dustry" whic~ brou~ht out much ' Father Krumholts, Pried discussion. ' " " , MT. HOLLY ~HOD~ST '. Masses ~ ~nd 10 A. M. , Miss' Grace MaJlhe",son's art- \ TS· ~d' 8CSAFth~F'·IM,nl.ter9 30 ' ' 'FERR ' Y OWR"g 'o' f ~-..... icle in ·the Union, ' ~;ign:al '~Rules ' un av c 00 ' , ' • a.m , , "'... "-AftIiJ1 . t r A' '1 t " ' db M '. E. A~' Sa-rohart, $upL · , '\R~LPft'~ $~I'N8C?N" ·~I~I.t... :' Whit~~f:: 0 issw~:lt~~wsJn , 'WorshiPI Ser,:ic~, , 10 :JOI a'An. nlble ~S:Cho_ol . ' . 9:3~a.m. in~' Na'tional W. c. 'f'.: .0. ,Cor. ' Evening Service ?,,: 36' p.m. Mornan" w',?rshlp 10 ••30 a.~ . re~pondin~ ' seFreta'TY, !r~vels ~, Prayer ,Meeh~~ , " ? .00 p.m. , Widely many tames .by Air, and Youn{ P.eople s Meet.n.~ , . naturah y is much concerned sr.' MARY'S EPISCOPAL 7.00 . p.~. that AH~pHots should not be MM U ilL N. KEYS, Min'lm.. Evening .ServiCes , 7 :30 p.m.. consumers.of beve..a~e alcohol. 9 :3'0 a. m. Church School Nu'rsery School 10:30 a. m. , Motnin~ Prayer ,.10 :30 a. m. '., Mi. and Mrs. touis Em'el-, heintz ,and childrc~rt a:n'd Mrs. , ,l1I1CA E. U. B. altJRat ' .Nettie fiorne , of Oolumbus, and ••v. WILLIAM SHANNON 'Mr. and Mfs. JohJll Grove and Sunday School , 9 :30 a.m~' Mr. and Mrs. Geo~r~e Waltz of Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. , .c..o 1M".,. . . . . . " Dayton were Sund~y dinner and Preaching. 1st and 3rd Sundays 'WI flNICI.. ~ supper .(uests_of 'Dr. and- Mrs. each month-- ., 10:30 - - - - - - -. ._ A.- E. Stout and u~hter. I



Located Across from Post















1.-24-Foot Broadcast. " 2.-25·Quart Hepper ' . " Capacit.y. ,

hi: .,

4.-Distribufes evenly and in ' accurate . amount p~r acre; ,


5.-Adjustable to ' a II makes of tractors.



Mr. and M'rs. L~on Salis bun (If ,Mrs. A. S. Collett. of Washington C. H. were Sun. Mrs. ' Jonat han . 'Bevan left day ~vening dinner guests .of unday with her niece and husMrs. Nettie Emrick. " band of Lebanon for a two, ,~ fJ Mrs. Calvin Longacre Had thlt week vacation in FlotTd . ' ~c'lile ,' e. misfortune to fall down the Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Doster stairs ' at .her ' home, Monda and Mr. ahd Mrs. Charles Oils , morning. No bones were· brokeh · were daughter of Springfieitd , Thursday guests oJ Mr. and MiSs Velma Smith , were but sh,e was badJy bruised. D6st~r's parent~ Mr. and Mr-s. W.ednesday afterneoll guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Wilbu Arnold Herbert Doster. ' .• , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baird and and family ,of' Mason, rKv. f 1', Mrs. Laura Shid~k er, Mr. and daughters. , , merly of Denton, . moved last Mrs. Fred Sherwood and Dr. ' , Mrs. Ralph Lewis of- Mianlis- , week te, ~h~ farm her;e" known bUrg called on Mrs. Mar~ar~t as the Hlraml Eyer .f.arill. ~r. and Mrs. Earl Frost were ,ca:l', Johns on Wednesdav afternooil. ahd ,Mrs. 'Hefman :filerer, who lers in Middletown recently. A number o.f ladies from have beell Iivin~ on ,this farm, I.\'. Mrs: Ida Hendricks is serio.usill at tl1e Probasco Nursing Lytle attended Warren County mo.ved to. the S~rlngb9ro Pike. H me .,irt Wilmin,gton. Annull;l Achievement Day at Mr. and Mrs, Thed e Jones onald Clark, son of Mr. and Lebanon. T,own Hall on Tt;le', and son, Milto.n,' entertainet1 t , Mrs. Ralph , Clark, is now' staday. .. . ' dinner Sunda ; Mr. 'and Mrs., tio.ned with the Arme d Forces Mr. and Mr~ Fromm of : Edwin Nu1tt a'n a ~rand Garry ,at Ft. Worth, Texa . Waynesville were Sunday after- , of. near Centervij1c'" son, J05Mr. and Mrs. Ra Clark have no.on guests of Mr. and Mr. eph Myel' of Da,to nReN. and Mr; sold tl~eir proper,ties in the' vj.lWUbur Cl'ark" and Mrs. J. B. ' Jones . ' , lage and purchas~d home ,in Mr. ' and Mrs. ,Hob.ert' Rou~Mr. and , Mrs. Clare nce Smith . Wayn~sviI1e. They a plan to zahn· of near Yello.w SprinR's ,' received word recently . o.f the. . spent Sunday evening-' with their death ~f his sister-in-law, Mrs. mo.v·e 10 ' th near. future. Word has been received here grand-mother, Mrs. Mar~a ret W,ellingto.n Smith at her ho.m th~t Wil1i:tm Al1 tram , 8,~~ died Johns. . ' in Lo.s An~eles, Mr. Ev- ' Friday at his III Los Mrs. Paul .. hipley entertained ere'tt . mith surviCalif. ve. Ang les. 'N\L Antram was a. na~ the Lytle Card CI4b 'at her hill · ,. tive of this village, was a for,' on TllUr day (f thi we k. ~ mer past 'ma.ster f Lebanon. Mr. and Mr . L li e I I'il \ ' ' . He 'moved to , Los An eles, J _ dau'R;hler MLs.' Wilma all i t\ n ' ar,l Je'l ~, U~'t J rears ' ag·o. He j survived br- ' I :I t M tl lelr Ul1C e a 11 aun, r. :W I.t wo daugh and four ~ranc Mr~, A. O. Willian]' III Oa . n, Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Cli e. Jr .. ' th.ild ren: ters '' ' unday aftenH )n. and daughter ~eraldine of Col' Mrs, Haz 1 Rhoad e f near . Mr. and Mr , Guy Routzahn lIml u were we~k end house ' to.wn is the ~L1 est of her On ~lnd un, I{ussell h,ld for their Kue,sts of Mrs. Chve 's paren ts" and daug-h ter-inIa,w "of Detro it lind a. di nner gue ts, Mr. an d NlI' • • anl!' ,Mrs. Herpert Doste r. , Mr. and rs. Mayn ard Ecto Mrs. t ren Ho.utzahn an d 1 he Adult Bible Class ~f of D~yton were Sunday glle Itn' d'lll gh ~Li nda of Frai,klin J.onah s .Run ~I~~rch met Fn- , of Mr. pctOll'S parents, Mr. an:i . ~- -- d~y ev nmg With the pasto r and Mr. William Ecton : ', wlfe, the Rev. and Mrs. J. P. · Thornbury. ' , There is usually oniy one reat. The Business Men's Club met son whY.,a man buys somet hin~~, in r~g.ular . session We~nesday but with a wom.en rt might be .evenmg. Hosts ·were Mr. Ho.. one of eigHt, they say: (1) be~ ard Grah am and Mr. Thom as . cause l1er husband says she Welch. , . can't have it; (~) it will make " Mrs. Charles Swmdler . of her look ,' thin' (3) it come's Dayton was a Monday ~V'emng , from Paris; ('4) ' guest of Mrs. LOUIse Flte and can't afford it· (5)hernobo.d y lias daughter, Miss Jane Fite. . , onej, (6) everybody else ha,g . Mr. Howard Collett of Wit- ' one; (7) it!s difierent; (8) '''be:mlOrton anI! Mr. Robert Collett cause /' . o.f Oayto n were Sunday guests / ~Jndustrial News Revie~v








U~cle Sam .S8Y8_ 1~ .JJa~Ve'l6~~rg J;l;gl Sc~Qol f

, by Mrs. Gladys Hook " Harveysl urg- School is say- in~ Hello. . Our ' school ' year has been ·a very pleasant one und~r the' ~ui­ dance of our ' new superinten..dent, L.-- b. Freshcorn. ' .' We have hali a new coach this year, Mr. Jacksoil. . Ou,r. b.oys haven 't been , so. ' s~ccess;. fut in, whming man y games, 'but we feel th,at they did a . nice tjo, in winn ingJh e spo.rt manship ,.,::~o': :::wac~e~a:II!~~:a up, of " which we are ~ vt;-ry are IIlnrle or marrie d aDel ,h ave I pro.ud. Mr. Jackson IS the kmd doseD c~ldreD'l U's '$he pr."pON) iG of man that in tills in our boy~' jolll Ol~ Pa.yroll SavID,. PIU 101 the principles that win ' even !:~ ~r:Dta~A~:=hS'i!'::-aTo:::; w)len the 10 e. We hav'e anther new teacher, Mrs, Gene va bank If you are self-employed. MU· UOH of my nieces aDd DepbeW! Y Ilg-er, f r tI~e third }(rade . have learne d from experle~e that , Pupil 'a r' tud In'[1' lInqeJ.' the a ,rowin g neskr g bullt by regUlar 'uperv ision of Mrs. WIlli fred buyia r 01 United States Sa-ving. BollCl. Is the best person al guaraDtee . tar to \ in the ~ ellin):!; ontes t of a happy fnture. ' . ,_ u.s. Tr'/J.$IIryD,parll",,., Mar'11 18. W'e ' are tooking forward to ---.:-----~----the Mi s Anna -May l're~ lar ,of minstrel h \V that is to b Dayton wa a weekend ,~uest of giv n und r the super visi n · of her par nts Mr. and Mr. J. ur mu ic ' teacher, Mr. Edna Earl Tresslar. 13 p:an, April 2.



FRI.,' ,. The


star of


' . Den... Mar.... BOB O'REGAN. 0Waer WAYNISVIlLE. OHIO

MA IlC B S9 U-

sAT. ao

Wild Irish Rose il


Bad MeD 'af liaoori , with J.... W,..... and

W.,... MorriIIa

Plus: A light.hearlled comedy ,

Ilo rk 81t•• ••n _. ~ JMIda co.. ., and a.. R.... .

Spice and zest ~n an Arabian Night 's'

dream of gra e, beauty, 'ove, withdelicious YVOIitDe DeCarlo in

, Seq of Se.laeraza~i ,


,ecDlllcolor) ,

E•• ·.... .... ..

World News by WB

WED. 24 : '. , 'nIURS. U ' A rea~ story that will uge.t you" wher e you h:ve • . • , Starrin~ Soaa y Tafta, __ Blyth



Add~d for .Ke~plng' You Posted:

Popu lar ScienCe Short in color ' "20th

CentuJ)' Vikin g" (Par) new ~onders from cookin,t~ shiptiuildinK.

ave WAYNE8VILLE, OHIO No. . . . town." T H U ,R 8 DAY. MARCH 18, 1848 I note with interest in- your last issue: "GIRL SCOUTS IN QUANDARY * NO LEADER • ~uny. I believe the crows sense NO ACTIVITY." this for they do not leave' the . trees as Quickly as they do the . To' me this . picture doesn't ~round. We have done this four 'Mf\rch 16, t 94 look exactly right. or five times this afternoon and Dear Editor, In the first· place , I ' don't I have only used one shell. So far the ctows are ahead. PerIf the complaint of the believe. that the people of like so ma:ny comhaps if 1 set up a target, or bet. ' Waynesville, . \Vh . 01 lects to his munities in the U. S., ~unde rter still everal tarK~ts, and do daugh-t'1" being ' taught temstand the true 'meanine' of some practicing, when I do- ~et perance could b~ · faken a an .' a chance I may hit sometbink. mdication of the general trend Scoutil1g. . This is T.hursday, and Com. To me, Scouting of today is . f thoug;ht in our school dismunity Sale day but. the' ground trict, we wO'uld have reason to a challen,g-e for the World Fel-was covered with .snow thi be concerned ,about the future lowship ~ of tqmorro\v', -Many morning ·and all da y there has of 'our community. But let's are quick to deny ' ·their time been an ic{ wino blowing, so hope that this att..tude is a rare' with the problems of the present-day youtll but 1 noHce that I stayed a home. Last, night e.xception to tlle rule. they are quickerto ' c ondemn I 'went out to"Ket a chicken or ." No . one will deny that partwo to take, Jlut the hens all hact ents ha,{e the rig-hi to deci e ~hat same YOUtll when he goes _ such nice red cOlnbs' that '1 how their hOI'te shall be run ' a~tray. ., and what their children shall be 'We ·speak ,of i.uvenile delin., .. thou,g-ht I should let them: stay taug-ht at ,home. But to attempt quency but , it is' we ourseJve.s and pay ' for some of toe feed to· deny this tempera~ce. train .. who are a contributing facthey have eaten. ~ friend of. in~ to the vast maJority f tor in delinquency when we do ' milie ~ays she is getting sixty~hildren whose ' parents are de:nothinK to prevent It.. "","_,_."",_ ~ six eggs a day "' from seventy~ cidedly in favor of it, should As t.he old saying, goes. "All . d~ , ~ \ seven hens but l am not doin~ cause 'a loud protest from, ,these unc ~ e ti " th ' T"~! ~~. S that - welt. L should get some .paren.ts. . goun~ °of P~ui:'~ IWhlinw~~ le~ , .NJ/.~s~,Jj,f:X~I-!·::'·.:! chic~s started for e!lrly pullets chool board youtH's problem eX,ist we are ' , Let's let th CJlI.JJRI>1IHYLL, exPOS!""C; . and next fall g:et ·nd of every know ·h.ow we feel. If YQu only trymg to cure' them but JI/fE==Jift,[;~TEIIS old 'hen ,on the pl.ace. .' . ' think thei re ri?;ht, telL tnel1.1 not prevent · :the:, contributing «Nt FALL SCENES· '. THe Miami Valley Cooperasol . factor of the ' juvenile' detin. .. ' . tive Milk Producers Association Just in ca e, some of your quenc of tne present day. had its annual meeting yesterreaders don't know' who the These same boys and girls . day at the ' Bmmpre Hotel ' in school board are,' it might be will 'be your leaders jn your tost any of my time in be!nK , J/J. I Dayton. Dinner was served and well ,to pUblisl1 their names now community in time to come \vith these boys when they need . ru '<;',idae i the meetin~ was held immed.iate. and then. How can they .lead if they aren't help at the most 'important per- t ~ " Iy afterward. Roy natttes from ,g-iven the chance to wOTk but iod of their life. Everybody's F~lrrn conducted a ' Roger Brown. . . ., their small problems of today? I a:m ndt blatnlng the peep~ A P'ARM DIARY broadcast and the Lucky Penn.y You speak of Girl couts in for their lack--of interest m DY D. J. FRAIZER f", trio furnished ·the music. ,They March 15, 1948 Quandary - "No Leader':"- No ' Scoutiil,g- bu~ I am asking for did it well too, but it was the Dear Editor: . . ' -:--:-. first time I ever saw ahyboiy Activity. I wonder how 'the peo~ . the privil~ge of :showinl~ them pIe would feel if ,th. a t heading a 'plan whereby th.ey mlgh~ r~. March 11, 1'948. rhe , ~rows sinK and chew gum ~t the s~me Although I am now living in would ~ead like this: . store a creattV'!! mterest an and I ,have a new game since I time. She.was a cute little thin.~ Tipp, City~ Ohio, I' was former· ' Waynesville in Quandary _ . SCbuti~K in ~aY, n ~svi1le. How got some shells fof. the twe~t~and .san,{!' well" but It was sin~ ly, of Wayn~s.Yille, and the No Leaders No Activit. V _ For a~C)ut It WayneSVille, are yo~ ~wo. They ,corne' al, o nK at;ld hg t to the first paus.~ the~ che~, Miami Gazette is the only ceothe p.ast 3 yearS while livin~ in With me! Thank you Mr. Edl- m the. trees ~'? see.. \V~ether .-tbe .. chew, chew, and go on aKam. Tipp City I have served in the tor. .. coast IS cl~ar. Then th~y fl J' couldn t .believe It at first but capacity of Assista,nt Scou-tma~As 'a.lways,· \ ~own ..and light by the sprang or "; ,' watched and that's what she , ter - Scoutmaster - 1 st Mate . Buck: Mendenball. m the gully. J .grab the K,un and did. Perhaps she got the 'habit and at the present time as Ad. sneak Itt an~ try tl;! open th.~ on the early mormne- broadcast vfsor for the Sea Scouts - Air Mr. and, Mrs Oeorge Rambv bathroom wlDdow Without then when there ·was no one there to Scouts - and E.xplorer Scouts, of Dayton were Sunday after- seeng ' me. They su.spect some~ " see or care. In the audience one of. this community. noon guests 'Of Mr. and Mrs. thnK an~ wal~ , al.o~~ as clase :is .. out of ev,eFY three jaws ' ,was , I simply 'cannot feel I hav~ Ted. Ramby a,nd family POSSIble to ~hlS sloe of ~e ~ully 'wagging but at least" didn't see ~_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _~~_~~__ ._~'~~~ , wh~elcuts~~em.Thm~ myb~~~ . . . ~ . they come out mto the .open a· 'T h ' ., gam., I li$t the gun" take aim ere .improm~tu de. and before . 1 cal) shoot they bate as to which-should imllk tlJe have said' "caw" and flapped . cows, .the man ,or th~ ,!,oman? tlieir wings and are gon'e. ' am poe ,?f therp ~~tled It by say·. ,afraid' to shoot at them when 109, Th~ kids, ~rld everybody they are u)Hfl-4he-tfees ,because - lau~bed. Th"~1 ~e.nO~5 sp,eech'~ of a' twenty-two "bullet carri~s ~ t~~ day; ~as Farmer ~~?pera. long:' way when sho,t ,·up, ' aitctT ' 1lyes. Meet th~ 'TPp~hc. . He , do' not wish to hit- one of my toucHed on suc~ questions of the neighbor's cows-or my own~ - Aay .as-taxes, and , the coop~ra· so ,I can only shoot down toward , tLves and the oleo tax. He claim· . the bani on the other side of the e~ that so,),'bea~ ~nd cottonseed 011 ",ere fitst glvmg way again t6 imported cocoanut 011 ·which ' was crowding the farmer ·o~t of ' the market. ~. . Lann~n. S.. Sherman, a . . blind MethQdist minister; pve the ins~ ,.' 'pirational :talk clf the tlay. He w:as a Iivin~ example df hQ'W dif. ficulties eart be Qvercpme, -for he . tr.avels alone. He ·had. a ,-goOd deal to sa¥ a~Gut the' impot. ta~ce of bemg not only a oheer·· , fuI. ,iver hut ,. a cbeer. ,luI ' -rece·iv~r'o It.. is ' sometimes harder t9 accept help' ~r.aci()usl~y , than It IS ' to give . It, ,P.·robab1.y we have all noticed hew 'often i'~ hootes .,t he·day Is spoiled for . . SQllle OI~e. ,when a wetl".rneant . p'ffer is 'brus~Ly refused. GQoP,eratlon at. h()m~ ' and ,in the nationsis a two way affair. ~,' , a:'h'ere come ttie crows again One of them is on .the ground: .;.Can I g-et it? INo, they 'were .gone before I could get the window open. Perhaps it 'will be a . warm day some day and I 'c~n leave the. window apen. ' STOVP " DON'T FORGET T'HE RED' €ROSS., l"' , ~." .., -


To' the Editor


'[ lj' ( .







WAVNE8VILLE, OHIO No. 4380 T H U " 8 0 A V f .MARCH 18, 1948

NEW SUITS Eva Gray Williams VB. V.ernie Williams, divorce, elOtr~me cru.eity, Maple & Maple. Naomi Bullins VB. MiltOn Bullins, divorce, gross neglect, Young &

YOUI')B. &-.


Estate of James Ward, dee'd. Kenneth- Hough, administrator, filed first and final aceount. Estate of Lyle Milburn, dec'd, Richard Milburn, executor. filed first and final accolUlt. . Estate of Myrtle Smith, dec'd, Sam Smith aJ)potnted administrator, giving bond with sureties in Sl.\m of ,2,()25. , Estate of Joseph Gole, dee'd, Marvin Young appOinted executor giving bond with sureties in sum. of $2 025. ". . Esb,.te of john l{ammerer, dec'd, C. "Donald Dilatush, executor, filed first~ final and distributive aecourtt. . Estate of Elya Runyan, ' dec'd. · i)'lVer. t o1·Y hearing set ·fo.r March 27 ':\t 10: gross value of estate is

Harry · Gray Jr. vs. Effie Mae Gray, service by publication. Harry Beachler vs. Treasie Beaohler; plaintiff ordered to 'p ay def4mdant $10 per week and $50 attorney f~es. $1) ~ 11. 70 . Robert KiLburn VB. Cora Kilburn divorce to pl~intiff. ' Eva Gray William./! xs. Vernie REAL 'ESTATE TRA~SFERS . '. WUliams, · hearing set for March F~d and .M arian Mount to ' Jean,13.. at 10. . nette ~ays, 6 acres in Deerfield Catherine ~cCoy vs. Roy James twp. ...)fcCoy, de.:fendant or!ier~ to pay M l' J h n to 'Thomas la onso .' " Mrs. ' Anna Lucas spent a ,$4.6 .per week . and $50 attomey ,. and agno Clara D~lton, -lot m Lebanon, few days l~st week WIth her f~ • • Harold .Smder tQ Irene Dearth, . son Raymond. . Columbia Fire Insurance Co. vs. 80 acres IIi , Turlleereek/twp. . Mr. and ' Mrs. GeorK~ Smith ,Ohris Page Sr., judgment to· plain~ The Oommercial .Keal~y Co. , to . ' of Da ton caIJed on Mr. an i t~ for sum of $847.66 and costs. ,Otto Parker, 1.96 actes 1n FrankMrs. Raymond Smith Sunday Rev. Harner vs. Dixie Obio Exafternoon. . ' press Co. et aI, case di8lllissed Un twp. William Simp on to Catherine Mr. and Mrs. AI Caperson without record. Cincinnati spent - the weeken~f Mar,garet Pursley va. Cecil Pur· Simpson, 2 aeres in Harlan twp. . . Dr. Earl Spencer to Jerry BUrns with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence , sley" f~mer entry affirme~. 0.424 acre in Turtlecreek twp., ' .cr~wford. Otner calJers ,Were . Mollie Carmack to Lona Tooley, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Crawford , PROBATE COURT " lot in Franklin.' I of Xenia Miss Minnie Crawford Ernest ~ and Mamie . Garrison to of Dayton, Mr. , and Mrs. Paul and Beatrice liamilton, 2 lots Charley Crawford of Ci·ncin.. . in ',Springboro', .oatL .. , ' . E,' H. and Mary Maggie Brown Mr~. RI~hard Hanes of Xenia to Raymond and Martha Hatton; spent a few days last week ~itl1 2 lots in Waynesville. he.r parents, Mr: and Mrs. Hil.' William and Lucille Noland to Glpson. James and Christine Hurtt, lot in -----~~......----..........- i: FranklIln. . Alvin and -Clyde Erbeck, execuI . tors, to T1ielm~ Erbeck, 14 acres . LOUDEN BARN in Deerfield twp. Gussie' Drake to John and Ve.., EQUIPMENT. rona Lehman,- 3 lots 'i n Leb~non: " J. L. and Viola Knapp .and Nettie and ' E. W. Shawhan to E. W. Steel WindQW& Knapp, 40 'a cres in Hamilton twp. .PlemiJqr Inv~lDentl, IDe.: to Feed .Carts . WilbUr 'a nd Bertha" Butt, 132..47 ,. acrea in Clearenek ~. f::(ay Track & Carriers f



vAa,. . ... _


and Mrs. Morris Lewis Sundaj: NEw 3-YEAR ' TERM AS 11. evening. FARM LOAN DIRECTOR Mrs. Everett Bunnell returned . , and Mary Bell Kilburn, 85.70 acre~3 home Saturday morning from A near _ record attendance in Harlan twp. ,. . the Miami Valley Hospital. She Was had at ' t~e Annual StockRobert and Edwma WhIte to is getting along fine. holders . meetmg' of the LebaBertha Lee and James Chandler, Mad M Dewey Come- !l0~ National Farm Loan. Assoctract in Hamilton. , stoc{an~ fami~y of Beave.rtow.n latton March 9. The directors Myrtle Mapel to Ed and Adll .. were Sunday afternoon guests re-elected ~~r the. three-year Wills, lot in Franklin. of their aunt Mrs._ Alice T~~m w~lrl:' ODh~vIS dFuJrnaCs~ . waynesw '", 10 an . ' . F d to M R N 11 B ' . usse maQ. · \ Wilson, Mason, Ohio. The diraney " . re , Hom,. 6 lots m ~~n~n. . MfS. Arth~r ~organ and ector 'elected ' to fill the unex,-' Ralph Kindred to Clayton and d~ught~rs called on Mr. and Mrs. ired term of Myrem Clemons Et~el Amburgy, 2 lots in ,Spring- Hily GIbson Sunday afternoon. ~as . Victor J. Woe11. Harrison, boro. Ohio. Ray and Mary Parker to Delbert The malri feature of the and' fannie P.a rker, 2.90 acres iJ1 afternoon program \\ie re th Turtleereek twp. wit. humor and home spun philRoscoe and Juanita Nease t<> the . osophy of Mack Sauer, music Trustees of th~ First ' Baptist by Ray Wirsch, panel discus ion , Chprch, lot in Franklin 'twp. by local 9. I. farm~r s . and the M d', C rrie Glancy to Sidpre~e ntat lOlI of citation fo r ae an , a .. acnlev Ill!ent tn ' the ' Local ?ey and Jane Sadoff, 62.88 aere:s AssociatibI) .y W , W. ictenou . 10 Salem twp. Ir~presentative of th e Fede r~l Land Bank. " 11 /)/J ' The drnner was served by ·th ' ' Leban 1l Gran~e Commit1 e. -Plummer, lot in Harveyaburg. L. W. and Marie Kelly to M.

\ 1 '

' ffl ' 'l. "....N-oll'l' .




., Inwstm.nts, Inc., to

Ruslell and ' Zelina~ett, "41.40 a:cre. in Cle¥Creek twp. . JI,'1emiJ'l' Inv••tmente, Inc., to Neal James and Lil,. Mae Murray, 1&.97 ' acres in Clearcreek twp: . Pearl ~ B)'Ua aruLEtMI Hazeltine to Alma Erie, 1;&0 acrea in Ham-

iltOn t1t'p.

. ' , .,. , Jo~, auaMian,to Sid-

Nina at. ney and. Alice Brown, '0.2& acre, in WaJl1~~e. . '. Carl · . SchOellmann ' to ,Carl J. . ·E~..t and , Paul· SchoeUmann, m.N ~ in'· Balllilton 'twp. . 'GrO~ Knappl to Wari"en C.ud IItrtlred N. NeliOlli 2 lot. in Leba- ' >

Don. '

Eittei" Carrie~s ;..;,.. " , Stalls and .Stantions

Mr.. and Mr. ·A. H .. Stubb s and family were Sundt\ even,ing dinner guests of Mr. a n ~~ Mrs. Robert Root in Day1 n. _ Harvey M. . Burnett, operator of th~ . Waynesv)ne Locker P!ant,. entered ~ Columbus hospl!al early ~hls week for a [lllnOr operation. On March .9,· Mr. Burnett was re.-e~ected d.lrM ectol' for Warren, Chnton, and Highla:nd-Co-uniie~_ bv t~e ~iami Valley Coo~er~bve Milk Producers AsSOCIation.

HOURS: , 9-1 ~ each morning" t -5 afternoons except

The proof of a' good ,pudtling i , in the eatin~ and the proof of -rt good cleamnlt service is 'in the testinJ{. ' , You'll find that our prices are low for the Quality w rk"manship we offer ~ and drat one trial ,vilt con vince . yeu that PUPS is th type ofrservice for whiCh you've b~ee.n looki~g. ._





Other .'evenings by , , . ' ApPOintment ~TEb~NE62-

planning t(}- build · or remodel do it the Louden Way S10,p in for ftee, pl~tns. , ;

Dr•.if·[ Wilkin ' . Optometric - . Speelallit 18 South Detroit:

. .Lebanon, Ohio Phone · 5,55 ~








$t.2S· to .$1.1S '.' PLAC~ YOUR ORDER NOW r


, ...




tinent of ~pe any time she wants it. However,"

she is nQt prepared to tight the United States ex-



cept in Europe or Asia, and the Uni'ted States at present does' no~ have the miUtary- strength--:out. mised shipment didn't come in, How are you fixed for Eas· and only· a last.minute dash a. side of the possible use' of the ' atolnic bomb-to threaten Russian military supremacy in Europe or ? B tt .A~ia. .Bi,h Government officials have been very , ter e er gel th eo Id Fedo' r'a round t he countryside brought d'l . . ' del cleaned or buy a new bonnet, you your refreshments. Do you I atory an preparmg an ' ov:er-aU national en~ fo.r some of. you are going 'to b(! 'reall'ze how much there I'S ,to prograD\. A modem 'air force appears to be AmerE t 'ht ,. ica's best 'guarantee of national 8eeud~r. The nations on the Twin stage as er DIg , popping it just right, ~"nd seaof, Western Europe are fonning a' military' alliance March 28th! as prtie winners sonin,e: it well? It's got to. be . . against RU88ia. 1'00 United States lIoay jojn this in . the TWin Theatre Easter kept warm, too, yet' enough , military ~llianQe. Such military, alli~Lnces" always Gl,Iessing Contest. The rules are must be ready to serve one or made for del~n8e purposes, u8u~ly lead to ' war simple: ten of you at Otice, acc()rdin~ sooner or later, and there i's always the,danger that ' Starting Friday ' (tomorrow) to the crowd. The machine' m1u st sqme unfores.een incident · may bring ' war mu~h and for one week, pictures .o f be kent clean, both fO'r your sooner than national leaders expect. B1llt Russia will 20 movie stars will be hung in health~s sake and for the flavor not s~k a fighting war as long as she can gain the theatre lobby. You 'a re · to of ,the product. ' It's one of th e ~ eLI UNe. J•••0 . . . her ends by other methods. . . ctentify as many as you ,can. smaller items for an exhibitor M . . . . .1 cO........ ,.. ow. DIatrIII • -, .• '. • imply write, the name~ of !he to keep ih hand, but a Iittl~ ,By the time this column appears in print 'the The. Sen~te Finance Committee late last week, tars on a piece of paper, sl~n world - and an ,important ('n _ Senate will have R8ssed ~he Vandenberg Bill to , by a ~ote of 10' to 1, repOrted 'favorably a bill which your name, aqdres.s, and tne', -'- in itself, Ask ",Ba.rbara Stafiauthorize an appropriation of five billion t;hree w~uld n!duce jndivtdual income taxe's ~ -retroactive dat e, and hand Itl With your tl~. I~y~ in tharge~' of the ,p6Pcor.n , ,hundred million "dollars to finance ·the EUl'Q~an to January l/J't" ,tiy 801l)e four billion Eleven hundred ket at the . theatre any time up 'machine at the, Twm. ' Sbl! RecQver.y Program for the next twel,!,e . month~. Over and seventy.five million dollars. Th'e ' House had to Frida~, March 26th, 9 P. M. , knows, and this is no " cern l ' ,' on' the House-side of the Capitol the Foreign Affairs previously passed th~ Xnutsc)D Bill reducing in.. Prizes (to , be ' anflounced, in Well, the box s.-c r this week. Committee is expected to report an 'Omnibus foreign ' dividua~ income taxes by nearly six and ' one·half next 'week s Miami' Gazette,) tl T ' relief.,bill, carrying the authorization of five billion billions dollars. The Sena~ Bill, like the House Bill, will e awarded to the man (or in the ,e:ame I etween le Wlll three hundred million dollars. for the European increases md.ividual tax exemption-a.. to Sl'X hundrod boy ) am:t the w ' o'm'an , ( or 1"1O'irl) /land e public i two ... out"th JlJd o ne barr d .f. chaIr r th e' Reeove~y Program; five hundred and seventy million dollars exemption to those over sixtY·five years of who ,R'uesse the most correctl y, rest of tIle sea on (hie to in . dollars for ~conomic aid to China, an additional one a~ and to blind. persons. Both billl~ also permit ' tn case of ties the pe rson hav· I hundred mill~on f01' military aid to China, and two husbands and wives to divide the famBy income for ing his co ntest p~p e r in firs t will juries, Tbe tw o chairs t Utt wel'e hundred and seventy.five million dollars for military ax-paying purposes. The only diffe]~encf! between be the w inn e.l~ _ that s the rea- broken be nd repai r h.('\ ct t o b" , aid to 6reece ~nd Turkey. A fight wi~l undoubtedly the House and Senate versions of the ~l'ax Reduction' f:t t' 'rhl lak en ut, and tl1 ne wh s ' f t'h H t d th B l h " on or c a tn~t Y° \.tr paper, . a rm l'llSt ,Jl · Sc'lpi" • . e . , . . l"~I-I , ,' PI be ma de on t h e oor 0 e oUse 0 re uce ese i 1 is in t e ,percentage amounts py w'hich tax rates on test . is fun to do. Hun I . - , <~ ..I I ' L .... ~I t :"'l(" I'11I' · t sums, and to write .re'stl:ictions into the , legislat~oh ~re' to be reduced: The House wants t() reduce taxes Hurrv _ Hurry! t~in.\?: I ever 'h ard o'f, ' caLI . ...: which :will Jjroperly protect American interests as 0)1 net incomes of less than one th(lIUsand dollarl3 Sri fvi ews: On th e' screen the public IS the 1 se r. St11.n 1to the way the l"eliei !un~s ~hall be expended. ' by SO per cent; on tbose up to four tl:lOusand by 29 Friday a11d aturd a V is twin ing; r om will s06n e at I\. r re· . '. per cent; and oVer four thousand by 10 per cent, hill. tl Bad Men of Missouri" WB rtllum! The nation, including Washington, has had a case The Senate proposes a 12;6 per cent cut on the first ----,-.;,......;,:---of ""ar jitters for- the J>.ast w~ek or so; The Com. two thousand dollars of taxable income; 7.4 ' per . i ' a wes tern r is u so gomi munist coup in CZe'ehoslovakia seems to have started, cent on incom~s between tw;o thou~lan4 and one that th e T win management deided t o brin p; it to Wa yne the war scare, although it has been apparent ever hundred and t)Jirty·six thousand dolls:rs, and 5 per slnce' the Potsdam Coiiference that Czecho~lovakia cent· on incomes over one hundred nnd thirty· six , ville. Its an outdoor 'a ction was ,antler Russian domination and could 1>e taken thous8~d. In all probability the HOUSE! will approve story of ·th e Yo i:Jnger· Brothe r ' 'over completely at ariy time~ The possibility, if not ~he Senate Bill. The President has ,lthreatened t,o clash with Jesse and probability, that the CommutPsts would win in ~h'e veto any tax . l"1eduction measure, bilt some' Demo. sfars Dennie M0rgan, of II My Italian national elections April 18th-, is also causing cranc leaders believe . he will "sign the Senate' bill. ' Wild Irish Rose" fame,. also to 'concern. Statements by Secretary of State~... rshall, It is believed, however, that in case of a veto ,the appear here spon, Coupled with President Truman, and o~hers in high positions have necessary two to one vote to ~nact ,t~ke tax cutting this ' is a clever comedy ' " tark increased the fears of the people. How~ver, most measure into law over his veto can be, obtained. Bites Man" UA that take a di g' observer-s, doubt there is any imm~diate d.anger of • • • at , lanc\lords in . this housin gwar with: Russia. , Some even suggest t)1at once the Due tb the pre..sent unsettled sta~l . of the world s hortage era. Jackie', cooper Admini8tratio~ gets enacted it$ legislation a:uthoriz. . the CongresfJ i~ ex~ted to, appro~ 1llracti~any any - and ,Gene Roberts featured" : ing ,the foreign relief appropriations ,that are ·r e·- and at.l appropriation requests made b}1' the Secr.e1ary Beautiful 'in ,Its TechnictHor is qu~sted, the crilJi/! . anc;l ~mergency will quickly dis-' . of National D~ellse ~or the .Arnly, ~~avy' an.d Air ,'~SonR: of Schehet~zade" 'U I, at aPllear. ~ Forces. 9n oraers of . N'ational Defense Se,cretarY. the Twin . Sunday ,. and Mon~ay, ' . • • ~orrestal, the Jqi~t, ChIefs of. S~ h,ive been h~ld- Yvol1'ne. DeCarlo .s IbVC;l,Y ' ~nd " 1, Oertain laets stand out in connection with the Ing a .eries ~ of coDfer,ences In ~ey West, ~lorl~a, , there',S .a fi~ht between Pierre " " present war talk. N,ither Russia · nor the Unite(l ff!r the draftmg of new natio.?Jl al ,defenlls~ pl~DIt which Auma'n' t and Phl·II.·p Reed "usI·n.!." Ohe of every home.~laker·s- pri... t er .A1f F oree. I::JUC :. h ae tion 1I bull whips ,as weapons that's 'r ." - .af~ mar~ concerns i~ to eep her hOI'\le · d t o 'fi g ht or, win a' war. Under center around a a:r~a ~...!...-.:-~S~~es IS prepate, .. , and ,I kno.w. you'll be in., present condi~ons Russia ~oUld take over the ' Con- a little late-but It is'-sttll, 'better ,late tQII lIeyer. . ally sornethin,e: to watch. • ,tere.ted in ~hat I learned recently ~a... 0 "S ell G " 'ULl n'tes'Sonn whftl I met Mr. Hayes Quinn, C01011, ' 26 '· Fn.v,•• ·MIAMI - . E. S. FRIENDSHIP CLtlB . \ Ja.~ '":; Tufts~nd A~~ elythi~ Wedne.s~ consultant ot ~he Pittsburgh Plat~l ATIEND FRA,NKLIN FETE Mrs. M. D. Baird, with Mrs. ,.. . . . . . . wdaYt ha,nd Th~BJlSldtaJ'sOfelattir1e9" Glc~~o~~an be u... 'fo, ..f~t1' 'M~~ 'Mr. and Mrs. ~EVtfFett Early, H E H th M 0 R ~ I · a c IdA nn y 1,1. ny . Quinn e~lalned that-b\dUltrv bas' A . .' a away. r. " , . • ~ a . ' .. h ' I duce, # Mr. 'and Mrs. Ross R0~ylanllj M , , . .... « , yeArs 0 , S e' was runner·up til ' ~ng us coI or to b e pi te ac-, b\r. and Mrs. John Bursk:e, Mr Unglesby ,and rs ', ' Clark , . ' , ' \t . tbe "best supP9rUn~,,' acftess' eidenta and 'raise' morate inpl~nt8.! ' aQd Mrs. William Strouse, M'l". ,as 'co-hestesses. 'eritert~in~d the Savin~s Olaee possible by ' division for "Oscar" honors of WeJl,.it, i. certainlY,logical that we, ,and Mrs. Harold . B. Earnhart, i;'::~~~~w' ~W~ ~~a~~d~t~~~~~ ' Nint ownership, of 'some farm t.94~, . a~d · !s qharlt~s ~oy~~·~ . ~o?usj.~:"n~:n~:: tWri:reco~:::i Mr. an'" Mrs. Marvin., Sm'ith, :Mr. · an~e. ' Mrs. CQra Rich was'n machines are ind icated 'I1v the leadm~, ~ad~ In hiS lat~~t film A " may be used' ~. danpr .i..... - 1 and Mrs. ' E. E. . Earnhart. Mrs. h f th de t' d f 1 -ed 'ct'''' 'n p· ernt·n st Woman s en~eance. . ~ . other color. u8e4I to ,lnduce cleanlie vo IOns an 0 - , r ,u Ivn .1 o . CIIi I ~ co per A last reminder on your ,:Twin ~es. and ,0041 ho~.ekeepi"g. I'd St.aniey Bailey, Mrs. , D. C. C ar1re 0 Rd Mr J OI F M ,: lQwing the busi'ness session, two ' hour when the nurnberof hours Picture Ballot: Youn'i find the like to · aorile. ,of the -new) " .. 'BI 1{t·e "s, M 10 elommB" rs. espeCial'l.y inter~sting re~dings 6n the ma~hine is ,in operation is ballot 'on your March theatre ...~ for pa~nt~ tnat. we found aftert . er u~ I'll S. TS •. ,,",o ger rowJl, "The MQst Unforgetable '.Per. . ' , '" , " , ' d'" It ,. h t ' thlnkin, ove, this Idea. . " . h M J J mtreased. The per hour . o...ver· ... ~,al' . gtve.s you a c an~e 0 Flnt, we painted our · basemen(l Mrs. "William , Sawyer,...:Mrs. EImer.' Gr.()ve; Mrs., ~n1nr~ .Foulk~" &otl " . !(er,e given y r~. . , head ' cost 'of 'ope:ration 'f or a vote ~or , plctules~-,'-wfnf ' ,~p,' a: color. . A. ,the.e '.tep,' ' , 'A _ bro~tht. to "Waynesville. r,Ob ar,e pne.r~ny ,n9t lit •• well ,,'qtb·' , ' Mrs.,~Harold 'Beckett. Mrs, Har- B\.trsk~ and Mrs. O. R. Urigles· It · r! ' . Whitaker, Mrs. LuCile Arm.- by., Group singing .was also en· ,.1 •.",0,0 c~mbl~e IS . ,,$~V when O~Regalt w.ants to book . your. en, tbe "allt ~lor. paint ,help. to" ~~~"":':":""=-Q.l!~t:';' an'(j "Mrs. , F.r~cS. "Qu'sb Ire: ioyed . . 0; ~ the machine IS \lsetl only 25 favorites. Soon he will be order,. . better '. ,d , ~ve. daJ:lliirout ," presente~, Miam j;, Chaplet, at the . Refreshments were 'serve<1 hours a ye~r. , :~ng tPictufres'9' ..fsor :t~.,he'dla~t' t· hix' . " '~i~hf~-:nde , f:!n~:'~:I~~~ lDs:pection of , Franklin ,Chapter d,u ring ' the ' social hour by .the m$n th~ 0 ~ .,.. ; I S on~ , ~t bandle in bright red ~ a. a danlelf on Thursday evening. , . hostess and her ,assistant~. ' . Jar ahead. ,t's ,,!p'to you whether 'i(nal. ' , ' : . Brooder houses ' shQuld ~ive yOU h!,-ve th~ pl~tur~s yo.u wan~,. After W.f tia~ .. ~ecompUI,hed ~he~ " I " GotnK once more behmd:,;the· '~fety prec~utJ"ns, my 'de" th~ cfilcks plenty of ropm. J:ac;h ' sceneS' at the Twin, ·there's tbe- ' .e~~ed to p.;l'Rt e~ch one of bit ~I~ . chick need$ · from one half , to . Httle. . ' . matter <of pop'co~n It ~Itlh a dJtt:er~:ll · eo~ol' handl~ ' - tq , . ,: ' -' " ' t. 'I 't'" , b t· b "h', ~ " flelp .chC)Oie tluHn 10 a Ilurry. '; " • " three fourths <<;If.a .s quare;foo 9f ' seem.~ Il~e, u It,~an. e a eau~, erd, not. to ~, outdolle, I ' did ,t he floor space. ~urlO't the tn'st SIX ' , ach~, too~· There s' t~e cprJ:l to ~.!lme ~~.n. w.ith: tay) kiUih~' uten.l ',. ' weeks. A range shelter: used as keep un "o~d,er, ,s o that 'you'll e!ls. You!d tic! !v111·, "I' !I-lp,d J.e)\' mUf" a sun ,porch' cpnne~cted 'With ' the Ket the best, and ,it will be fresb. ·l~e~ . r:c! :.:,:1::' "Y " be '. ;1''-'' br.ooder house will ~ive extra There's seasonin~· lto be 6ought, " yh.c.~ ~,(u" I : , . . nit I'" "\ :~." I floor spate as the birds grow:. ,and boxes. One. night a 'pro· o.\\~~,.·c ' Ii~::j,j .. 1,~, i . i' j.,


With a B~ckey.~ . In Congress•• '. '









, _'y

'WITH' US·' FHERE ,IS ONLY ONE STAN'DARD OF 'SERV,., ICE. . J'" " Materials. of, course, may be selected from var.ious grades, but the character of the serv ice is ·t he same tQ .' aU. REGARD· loESS OF ' PRiCE. ' 111.: : , , 1.":1; :'

deep ci.. lt1l· \\ c>ur ho' - '! -



.: : ,(\ n.. ,j, I ..;., 1~l d, iHIJ'lll tlti i z l:.'s l

fl '! '; wi!. ' aJ'e






lC/!ing'" to


'lISe OUI' 11.1W L\ai~ ty , ~ui"t fc:,lea dote.ns o! ~l.h~r p ! !tN·"'. too. I thtn~: "'~t all. o~ us t;nl.. "lllt u~e evc~ ',.,e~hod ".e :m,~~ .\It ;,0 il'.Gure hom~


, ,••fet!~~n't 'y6U ~ ,




One way '· to cut tbe expense ~f f~rm machinery." is ,to ~ve It such good care ..that the cost per year becomes very low


* .'


. ' Rel>orts, of~ Qhip' dairv' ber:d Improverne~tassoci,ati6n~


;1,2,017 cows out of10,27~ pro- ' duced 40 pounds' or) more pounds of butterfat In Decem. ,b er and also· that at' least 239 cows were such poor mDk producers their owners sold them for beef. ~1i2h feed prices ,sOon ca~ up With the Income from poor dairy coW's. .'



PAGE 7 'THE MIAMI G'A ZETTt WAVNE8VILLE, O'HIO No. 4380 T ,'" U IR S 0 A V, MARCH 18, 1948


Waynesv-me ' Tommy's Place American Legion HendeFson Good Housekeeping CoJumhia Rec'd Handigas .


Invitations htlVebe~n received here by friends and relatives to the wedding of Miss Frances Re,e:ina Shirde'n. daughter of Mrs: William Einmett Shirden, to , Mr. FranCis Gene Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence , Brown, at the St. Columbkil1 " Catholic -Church at 9 :30 o'Clock SatlJrday ~ morning, April 3, in Wilmington; ,




-.... C. Palmer O. Rose . I. Mulford V. Hilt.. '. E. Ramby R. Gons ',


Mrs, ' A. S~ · Collett of Harve'ys~ur.~' · en te r t a i ned th-c . Wayne ,Township Farmer's CluD on Thursday. In the ahsence of the' President, .Morris · Cornell acted as ' chairman of .the meetin~:' M'rs. Elsie H.ockett led the special ' topic for the, day "Community Interests and, R,esponsibiJity. " ," ' Guest sp.,ea:ker was Mr. Herbert Carr ' who has ·. ch,an~e ' of the AgricultUral part of the Veteran's Administration p'rogram, Guests were Mr. Robert Collett, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cellett, Rev. an(1 ,:Ms. Thornberry, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham, Mrs. . Sadie Reason" and Miss Ethel Mannon. ' Mr, ~nd Mrs. J. 'I. Gdns will .have the April, C~ub meetin~' at their home in ' Wilmington at 331 South Street. '

162 1,66

147 125


150 143

156 133 140 701


I:I/. >


~ .












t: I....

<.J 6243 10130 8'083 9737

THREE DAYS A WEEK 'Wilmington College will g



'-'--students'. . , ,


EEceUeDt protectlo.

aqaiDat aUD, rain, duat, wind•• Come in today, and ... die new S "

kale coloraJ

$.5.49 ,




'Mr. ~rsj. Ronaid Hawke , eel~b~ated · t~eir ihirty-fourth '. weddm~ , anDlv~rsary on Sund~'y and. «refe dinner g~ests ,of. ' : ·'Mr· and ,Mrs.''' Ftied:-,Har.tsOck in '1a.iJ:~~~~ ,Mltfo,Jid.


AUTOIOlill*S ' " ~IAI' I ,


,.,...I c conn ,our 1MJdI..... UdlWa,


. eMr. :E~e'llett thpmas of · R~. che~ter" N, Y., was called here'


... WAY' MRM ••• " :_.IICI" · , lb. Ohio lumen 1ri11 'am JOia bfo.d proteCdon .~t I~s

,oar . . . . . fOU ~~W1e lor acd.... to o~ Whp ' DOt ... ~ toda,? , y_ .... ,..',., life ..... ,.,a'n' ......... Ja .... 0IiI0 ·~...-,rar ~



, Mrs. ·Ie N. H~u~·h; Mrs;''H. B. Earnhart, ' Mrs.. Ernest ' Harlan . and "MrS. Harol~ . Beckett with thei .. dau~~ter:s ~ a~d Mrs. Stan;. , JeAy Bailey ~ were gue5ts -'a t the , tea given · for. Mothers ,and daughters in' . t~e RaInbow Assembly, which is 1Jeing fomt-

aD , . , .



Mrs. D. C. Rjdge hacfas Sun~ . day dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collins and son and Mrs. Velma Col,ins of ~ay't<m.

. ....,.,~'-----"'"






,DR.', CooK HONORED . , ( " IN' THEATHE l'O"~l.a ed at ~~ban9n, on Sunday . afternoon~ Mrs. HouO'h 'and Mrs. '. , In' coniullction with the shvw· 'are on the'" Advisory m~ of "Tycoon" at the Twin , B alley B d f th ·' I ' T eatre, Dr. Mary Coo~ was oar or , e new ass~mtJ, Y. acc,orde;d ·the ponof , of. be!ng . ' . . voted WaynesYllle's outstandmg :Mr. ano Mrs. Frank Day of .citizen af 19.48 "by· the" .thea' ~mch~ster, . Ky.; spent · Sunday 'tre's patrpns. . ','/ With hiS parents, Mr. and M'rs R i. -. . ' ~~ K. Day. Mf~ Day accotnpani: . . unnef~·up 10 thiS contest ed th.em on. their return to~. A. , T. ,P.Qlinsky, local de. cinna,ti wher.e.he entered . store operator; ' Ed flospita,l for obser,vation coac.h , W ville , ~realm.ent .for a" few days. ' . ,




on the air next week wit.h its own radio program' uCaPlPus P·arade." The show will be Protect the broadcast .Monday, Wednesday Appearance and Value ' and Friday, at 4.:45 ' P. M. Y stati,~>n W P F B, Middletown: of your Home with Program will origmate in a speCial studio set up on flle\VilBalaned min~ton campus and will be car- . A ,Formula · . .ried' JJy direct wire to the stain Middletown. tion ., Col1~ge students, fa'clilty members, and campus visitors ''Whlp. ' wilt be heard on the prog-ram . the These will include niusical Weatherl" . sh0'Ys~ dr.amatic programs, interVIews, campus newscasts, talks, etc. ' . First 'program, . Monda , .. March , 22, wilt include ,an in- ___..., terview With· Wilmin~on's new . , ., young-president, Dr. ~a,mueI D. ',' , MathIe, aJld two ' ,musical n~m­ ,bers. Wednesday-s program will ,~ '.bt} a dramatic presentation of 'early WUmington . Collete his~ tory, .produced ., by ' dramatic TWO Bl CAR was jnvolved in lois accid ~ nt Jlet~ l ~ , London, Ohlf). Th~, vehicle wrapped i~elf around J1 tree after .skidding 'on ,he ~ighwa~. Driv~r was. critically injUl'ed ,



141 450 150 147 43 171 462 . ,154 161 63 156 ' 270 135 144 ,56 15 t 457 152 150 65 276 138 ' 9691 65 13.4 274 137 5553 . 11~90 37 75 2189 144 150


Morris Lewis





. ", !

durmg the past week on account ,of the sudden death of : his mether. and has remained ,to . spend· seyeral dajs ' with his Father, Mr~ Frank E. Thomas. Mr. al)d Mrs ..Samuel Surfaee af >lake.sld~ PhIO, ~Is(:) were guests- . of Mr. tllomas and family. '




The comforts of . a ,home for those who wish to ,hold services here

STUBBS lun.ral Home




.35 "c;



3Q 32 34




27 28 29

34 32 31

Vl I....


39 38 37 36




\Von Lost


- ,



Mrs. A. E. Stout entertained

her Bridg e Club on Frida y, with Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson and Mr .


H. F. Dye as guests. 'Two' tables wete' jn pla'y and the prizes were won by Mrs. A. T .. Polinsky and Mrs. S. N. Keys. Foflowin~ the games, ice cream with strawberries, an'g'et foo d cake and 'coffee were served.


DON 'T FORG ET ' TO CALL ·U~ for- Insurance.' All types of InSur,ance at a, savings. cat1 Francis Gene Brown" ph(;me Waynesvi11e 2935 or call collect. Wi1min~~on , 2 t t t.

Real Elta! e For 5.1 _ . IF


HAVE A ~'lY OR ,P~ TO SELL or Wrtte Oon Hen~erson. Tel. KEM46, 617


Lorain Ave., Dayton l Ohlo.


FOR SAL EJ ortable ~ate s for temp orary

pens. Phone 2 t 6 after 0 P. M. -318


ALE- Hand some Gifts-

hina Te,a Service, China ~ alad Plates and Cut Glass I

di he • 'Mrs.' Peterson


Pri~nds .Home, Waynesville Ohio. . -318 FOR SAL~MACHINERY- . John Deel'e h avy' d~ty wagon

n I"lJbbe.r. Roll-o ver· scraper for Kractlllg and excavating

Hammer mills and feed R'rinders, new and \1~ed.

BANT A ·IMPLEMENT Co. " Lebanon, Ohio Phone.



40UL D 'Shallow well wate~ . system .with press~re tank. Bcrftt;a Imple ment Co. Leb~:?-:-:--,--a-! ~,o -,-, n~ Onl o. Po on e 5 55. -325

aUSINES,5 SERVICE We .glve you prQm:pt efficie nt ' serv'i~e on Y0l:lr ' John Deere Tractor and related , equiptn~nt. · Only ,genUine Deere par.ts used. Our .mechaOles tramed to give satisfactory service at low cost. W ~ carry a large stock' of re, p~lrs (or all John Deer.e Il!ac-


hmer y.





Lebanon Ohio Phon e SSS



shoes or other

, will






M· ' :;I:-~, 'IIe ' ' I aIB I ' I'' I E E' G


2 Part-time Teachers , Replace Coach Payne


T~ ' , ' ," , . ' , • . , ' ",' ,

By . Smi~

IT. "


Edwin Payne's resignationWhen as eoadi aml teacher at WaynesviIJe High School t~)Ok effect last week, two part-hm'e teachers were hire 1 to complete his work for the school' year. H. C. Mi11ij,!:an, who wa superilHenlient of the , Har:veysburK School for seve"'al 'years uptil he retired last year, is teacning Mr. Payne's morning' classe~ in ~cience' and history . Charles' R. Games, a senior t W'l ' t C It ,. t k ~ ' I mmg on , 0 ege, IS a lOp: "over the ,afternoon' classes in aeronautics and ph:ysieal ed-tlcation, and will be coach of t 1- d 1.> b 11 M G rac~ an as.e a. r. ames j an Army Air. F rc ' veteran of World War 11 cl'Dd will .l?:raduat~ next June. His h me 1 in Wesl U'nion, Ohio. He is not marriea. ' ' Practice ih track and ba ebalJ ' ~g~n~~ers~~~~et11e:hJ~en~~~~ or

The " , i~ngle" is no more. It ' SERVING WAYNE'S VILLE SINCE 1850 ' · h t I ~gd °angce~m~~~lrf~ , ~1c~agn~'; FIV'E CENTS A COpy way through the maze of over- ~~. f61 : -- ~., , head wires that one,e gtaced tlle WIAY~£SVILLE, OHIO T H U R 'S DAY, MARCH 25, 1948 Miami Gazelte office. _ ,_ .' The rewjring job, ordered b,v . ~ ,the sta~e some months ago, ,IS 'no'w 'finished. Metal conduits ' 6 iJ . ' , carry the wi~~s 'in ~traight lines, ml~tteu alon~ the celhn~, and, {our-foot ' '. . j. fluorescent, tubes. provide ~etter , )ill'ht than ever, before. wltb aRepaIrs to, the IdleM' Hour " I,' " ODlg '" ' :,, c ! " I ' St Rest boot half as much current taurllnt buildtn~ on al~ ree, t 3~ Another advantage - r no damaged by fJr,e on March 14, The , Waynesville , Athletic Ass ciatierl ' rheets tonight at longer have to climb upon desks were begun yester~ay after the wner -Mrs. Susan Scanlon,. ' ' 7 :30, p. M. at Kier's Gara,ge to , to each he l'lo,ht· sw'ltches r f I' h ",~I a 0 t" visited' 'the state Hre ' marshal's ' MISS , Laura Elizabeth' Md in- further plan f r th~ 1948 ea~f~agh f~/~ sh~r~r~dit~r YN ~v office in Columbus and received sey, who h-ad , bee ,~tea(~h~r son, which in the opinion of v : a'll tile switches are the' t1Ull- instructions to be~in the work. ~r 35 years, 1l.1cJuqmg 2~ In teran ~erpb e rs . prcimises t " e chain type and I can giv,:> liP It had otiginally been reported , ' aYMPe TownshIp, dIed at ~) p. Hle l\fst to date. HONG KONG BISHOP the acrobatic a , roach ' that Inspector 'Nidson had j'e- n:t. onpay a~ the ~om.e , of her With Sprin,e: Valle,Y a'nd the ,,' Since the W~~k lias I een onuuended-an order to, tear th~ SIster, Mrs ..Earl ~wam, on Route local American L"e?;iol~ attend- !S CUE,S T OF RECTOR '!n,~ last week, and being cl~s - , The Rt. Rev. Ne-Ison Vi tor started nlay ' om:e'thiII I?,' \ 'iIi l)u.ild~np: down but Mrs. Sc~nlon 48 n.ear Rld,g-f vll1e . , MISS McKmsey ta,ught the Ifle~; only ~ne vacancy ren~ams, Halward) Anglican bishop of be' don'e soon about the 20-odct , said she was told there wa~ no four-th grade here u_ntil th~~emi Halv~ysbUI~ C!f I3elIbr9ok IS ex- Hong KOng, ' was a din'lter guest ' cracked , or mis~ing . . windpw record of the. recom~endabon. .' If ,the repalls can be complet- of .Janua~y when sh~ became pe~ted to receive the s!xth .fra~- yesterday of the, Kev. and Mrs. pan s' in th~ building, ed) Ownley (Pat) Malone plans seriously Ill. She was 111 a Day- chls,e, ,and .con~pete w'-t~ Kler S Sarn,uel"N. J(e 's Qf , t. Mary's ' o n t look rOF those' h\ 0 to re-o eri his business, which ton hospital for,about two weeks Ga.l.age, MIll ,r s..Res~aU1ant and Episcepal Church he~e" 'Bishop new phone jrunk lines, ,to was 'covered by insurance. before ,g-bing to her sister's F3:J\ley s ,Halthhlfe, o~her ,cer- , Halward i~,.in th,e United ,States: borne. Her das.s ,js:being taul}Cht tlf.led.league members. with 10 Chin . se,, all banon until next week. jhat,s th ., latest ' word fr m. Harold W. 's C. S. HOLDS ' the ,rest of thiS, ye~r -by Mrs. . The le~gue, under th~ bllper.. of whom are spendin~ this /I ucysburger, rna'nager of thl! Ali-DAY MEETING , " Maynard Weltz. VlSI~n of Bob O'Reg~n loo.p 111 nth at parishes in the diocese Lebanon exchange. The intri'''', Early in her career Miss Me- pres!dent voted to .allow but ~w of southern Ohio. The 1 ishop cate wor_k of connecting the -The .Woman's Society of Kin~e'y also taught at Harveys- outSide players WIth any ·team, came- here to confer with Ml' ' lines with -Waynesville phones Christian Service held art all- burg and Harmon Grove. each club ~eirtl?: limiteCt to ' its Keys n the w rk of the Depart: is under way; nowever. Al () day ,meetin2' at the Methodist Funer~1 services w'ere'held to- own, township boundaries. At 0 Inent of the Town and Country on fhe way is a new l'\)rectory Cliurch on Thursclay, March day at 1 p'. m. at the McCRure , d'ecided wa'~ the . limit on p'lay- ,Churches, f which 'Mr. Ke 5 Is .for April.. ' , ,1 8. The guest speaker was. Mrs. Funeral Home wlth "the Rev. R. ers; each duo WIll be pernutted rovincial chairman. Eugene Riel of Dayton, secre- B. Colem~n ip ohar~e. Burial to ' have only 1.2 players, -aI',-' . , tary of' MissIOn , Per-sonnet, was in ~ial)1i Ceroetery. €lasses thOl~gh it is expected that an a· 'DAVISSONSJ.iEAVE for the Northwest DIstrict. wefe dismissed at 11 :15 and mendment to allow more play,- ON ]"D,AILER TOUR A nijn\ber . members from 12 0~c19Ck in her memorv., Her ; 'ers during, the first 'month of ' ~Y" the Lytle were gue~ts. fellow ~ t~acflers were 'honarary P.Iay will tie ' passed at, this, ses- , Mr. ,and Mrs. Floyd 'L. Dayis: ~Mdi~iii""~.~~"$j@~~~ pa.!lbe~~~. , A 0 of ~r U:, sl nj! , " '.. ~ ~ son and "'daughter. . Bonnie left all ,Friday I'fISr-" ent 'to t e ' nerat Jl e -t)ue to pressure ofr; bUSirress ,Saturd-ay with their house-kailen ~UI"~" power to fJ off a'nd ditmer an a 'bo4y _yesterd,ayJp pay t. eir Raiph "Slim" Edenfie-Id fentler- for an , extenQ~d tour. of the uently duriilg e"storm. ' Gonner, Mrs. ' r~spectS, Both tea~liers and., pu- ed his .resign~tion from ,lis vice soutbern states. Their fir'st. dest ttig ht D~~ton operra- O. R',r Unglesby; plls gaye floral tributes. ,-"-,-, ---.Lprestd-ent's office and Alvin Lud- tination is New Orleans, af.ter ' , PE ~ Ta ' ,- --:-7 , lQg-ton was placeq ' in that of· which they will go to Florida. tors were 'fellmg caIlers that T61ian lawsdn. ' circuits to , Waynesville -were Devotioqs were led 'by Mrs. 'D.' BANT~ fiee. .. ' M~. DaVisson was publisher of ' " ' , the ' Miami 'G,azette for about broken. J\lst one of thQs~ things. Glenn B~rden. ~)'s. H. e., Ea.mthree years until; Feb. 1. Jrfe has hart sang.a solo, ·'The Golden Peter D. Banta died at his , ~ ho~e in lytle at 7 :45 ' p. 111. F ' F A HOMEMAKERs no immediate plans for resum-. Another "Friday incident: ' K~Y.'" Tile Illest. sneaker stressed Saturda~, at the a~e of 71 ,', . • ~ NU~.· ' ' T in - the p'r·lnt.' ...~ "'usl'ness unt'I'1 Th e t ruc k-t ral'l e,r th at ran 01,&f " ' next g .' u. S. 4,l south 0f . here with. a the n~e for more "missionaries 'U'ears. . '"6Jl had been a farmel' ·In -. HOLD AN, I'U., BANQUE , faU whep IIt eyU expect to be load df about . too calves. Most ' and called on he grou~ to , he Lytle ·,area for many ye1ilfS ' Boys and . girls of the ,\toea;. ' in the Southwestern st.ates. ' ' of the anim~ls eS,eaped but were rea1i~e ,that' we are livil)~ in "a " SQry.ivors include' hiS 'wife; tional agriculture ,and, home ' -' , later recapt\lr~d. Spine were s.cieritifi( , and atomic age tooo May; two ,_sons; Melvyn Banta economics departme.pts.featured ' BUFFET SUP-PER HONORS ' , 'killed, ,and of co.utse some were yeats ahead ,o'f eur spIritual ag~. , of Jatnlstown, and,. Merlyn ' their ann~al' joint'banq'uet Tu~s- J. ' c::. HAWKE ON HIS 88TH. •• A • h h d Banta of. Dayton; and two da evenm 0' Ma ch t 6 l'hese . ~b~~' ~~~~eI?:reu~;~o~te~ i~~aeeCONGERsENTERTAIN brothers, 'Ro,Y Banta of'Leban- ' ~r~anizations~ ' P~ture "Farmers BIRTHDAY \ANN~SA,RY , - , . hl~de no ' effort 'to dispose ,' of EOR MRS. 'WEBI~ , . on, and Robert Banta of of America and Fu~ure HomeM,r : J. C. Hawke celebrated the dying animals eVt:~l when Mrs. Glenn Luebke (nee Bu~ Middletown. Puneral servkesIrt.akers of Arn~ricat e~tertairi.ed his. eighty - eighth .~ bir~hd~y , bystanders suggested shc1'utmg bara \Vallcer,>,ofWestDePeret 'were held -Tuesaay. afternoon l wdh a roas~ C;:~leken , dlOner and anDlversa~y 'on' W~d'nesday tllem " ~. WIS·I " IS spen(itng lWQ at the 'A. H. Stubbs a 'program, in' hon'or of their March 17 and reeeivea many . , ~ -~ her nome ,here and with other Home, wirh ther~e,,:-Jose:ph parent,S. 'Richard ,Gr:aham. was greetings ' ,and' cO!1gf atulatory STUDENT KNOWN HERE , rela~ives ~n(t. friends'in and near ~y~rs Of payt.on ~ of,ficiating; toastmaster , a1)t1 Wtlbur cards f.r:Opl his friends. , . ' ', ; ' SCHOOL WaynesVille. ' , Burial was In ' Miami Cemetery,- , Florence , ~ave tbe welcome. . On Sunday ,he was honor " ,QlJlTS CZECH , , . M'r. 'and' Mrs. Delbert ,Con- ~.' HEBE ' O~B' .. ~D REuO.....ON ' , ': ·. ""~ ' JDHNSO < ' N " J.oanne , amon gave · a. ta Ik", gues t wh.en' t;;.'~ ulS son-in~)aw 'and ~ a'..-..n '1f .. ger ~tertained.'on 'SundaY"with, ...' - f t , "Ec~oes , from , Home Bco- daughter, Mr.. al!d Mrs: , John"Milten Q.r'aham, who ,is well a famal:y~ p,arty an hooor of M'rs. FU,neral ' serv' ic~s ' were 'held nomlts". and Ear! Rye told. a- FroO,lfl:l, eptertamed with a kn0wn in W~ynesviIle, ' was a ' luebk~. Tpe invited' g'-lest~ w¢~e: - ,Monday in' McKee, . K}<, for b~ut ' fO!!r OrgamzabOl"~; ' With buffet s-uppe~ at their home ' st,\ldent at Ch,~rle$ Univ~rsity in, Mr. and Mts. E., M,. HIli ,,'of Mrs. Rebecca Johnson, 55, who hlst9':Y! I~eals and. purposes. . " GuestSl' with Mr. H~wke w'ere " ( C.zechoslovaKla when the receilt Xenia, Mt~ and Mrs. Earl Wal-\ died Saturda~ -evening at the MU~lcal ~ntertamrn~nt was Mr. and Mrs. Ray . H~w,~e, Mr. , CommuDlst coup occurred In_ keT: ' an~sQn Qf,Day,t~n,\ Mr , and , h. orne of her sister Mrs Akin<'n sandwl(;h-ed In with _a ~trls' duet , and Mrs. Carl Haw."e, Miss-Bettv '·try. ite g ' 'ertyM-Benton son'a'nd of an Hau-~It " . ! t antI14 tr 0,1 id • ,r.. . t ha t, coun prompttly WI'th - Mts. ~a'irfleld r N'eil',' an.d S-.-Zth .. on,- 0 " 'Arrangemelilts all tt..He b'oYS" .dO~)11e' Haw ke~ ,an d, -r , 10m LUJ)msky, of . drew froml the school to pratesf ••. , •~ lI"th " " were made by the Stubbs ,quart~t., A PI;lO<;> , SOlo was given Dayton, Mrs. Mel,vyl'). ,Baqta of. ~', '~disrn.issal of ffl-y ,professorsand son. ~~ J3le~no{ , S , Mr. " Funeral Home by Shuley Coppoc~ -and cornet Jame'stowli, Mr. and Mrs C ' Mrs. ; Johnson _was a ,sister sqlos ' b,V :MiltoQ J~nes.. , Lee Hawke" 'Mr~ and Mrs. ClYde , imp'risQt;lment of my fellow stu- ' GeOll!.e Wtstdo'l'P of st. B~r.. ,', ' , dents/'7and _a recent ASSOciated . nar~t -Mrs. ~ M~"h~Watkerl M,lSs' ; of Mrs. 6i~en Purkey of this DaVid Purnas, presJdent of fromm, -'~r~ c,lnd Mrs. pori _ Press rep,ort said lie Was one J,ane Walker ,and M~. ana . Mrs~ township. Her husband , al'so the V.oung FarmeJiS'lof .America t1awk~, Mlr. ah.d Mrs. ,Maynard : told of Jhe, work and Ideals of Weltz, and faml}Y, the host and , of 23 American stuaents seek'!' ~or~ Walke:r"all of; lel.ian-on. survives , ' ; ing to 'deternline tli'eir status in Mlssq>ral<Pb,t1nbwer and: M r s . ' that ,org'anization oryouJl~ men hos~ess: ' ' . Prague " -, .Josephlne, Se~strom of Mlddle\ who are. out (jf school ' members " -.;....-~ , ~:.-.~~' it ,, ' h'" I t9 wn, 'Mrs. 'B lel Walker"of Mid- ,MRS. MABEL FARR " of F: 'F. A. ~nd who meet o'Q'ce POMONA GRANGE ' G(lham ,IS t e son ofot c ate land, MIS. Pat RiSher, ,kvnGnM. rs. M. abel' Fa~r, 'a noWall' , e: ', . a week. fo'r ,nigll( Classes to ~tud, v' BAS',KET DIN"'~ . r ~ d d fa b AEoK Mprns an d J\Ilna Du ke ra h am. burg , Mrs. Eve~n EdwardS and '1+I,s gr, andPar~n,t, s~, the la, te Mr. daug''hter oftf ' 1"lml'n,~to< n" .i.nd .Jlatl~nt died early Sunday morn,- an , ISCUSS arm pro ,Ierns.. " and Mrs Wtlt uraham were -., it 109 at the Carr ' R~sj Home, in Dr. O. F. Boyd Q(, ~i1mll)g- , Pom~na Grange ,oJ Warren ' , '. , Mr. and Mrs.. RUsS~II , aywoaa Leban9n~ Funeral 'servIces were ' ton ,Colle,re gay~ .a~. County will meet· here on Satur. .' . ~;~;nl~'r ht~~~e'~~ew::ar~~ s~~~ and £Iain of Oak'wood. held 'Wednesday anemoon at ,' talk on. -resp~m~lb~llbe~ and In- d~y ev.enin.g at tfle Gian,g-e Halt the Stubbs ' Fune.ral Home -with te~ests 10 , aR'tlcultur~ "and' to our ~Ith . a basket dinl}er' at seven ~ ving as - a pe~sonnel " offic~r ' 1ri the China,,:Bu~J)1a-lndia tbeatre. MiSs ·Ruth Earnhart daQghter , the Rev. R. B. Coleman of the homes an,d our country. , 0 clock. An entert,ainin~ pro- ' Hel was graduateq from Antioch of Mr. and Mrs. J::larold ' B. Methodist ' p'urch . 9fficiating~ , , Ha~oJd V" Martz, ',state' repre- , ~ram is being arra,n~ed With one _college, an June- t 947 and ,then Earnhart· has -been selected as Huri'al was In Miami Cemeter~. , se,nta'bve froni Wafren County, n~mber to be gi\'en by Wayneswent to Pra(ue for fU!1per one of tile -officers in 'the newly SurvivQI'$ include her hus- , g-ave ,a btief talk str~ssln-g the vlUe Farm~rs Grange 13. ' study. He majored in pohtlcal formed Rainbow Assembly ror band, Frank of ,Lebanon, and a -value of stud~an~ what 'it means sCience. girls at Lebanon. ~epbew in P,ayton. " - to g-ef into rural homemaking. (ttt)' 41

Damag ' e Per'





'M_' MK'" DISS' losey lesTallgul!.t I'or a Years

Softball League to,Meet T · ht 0De. VacaDCY L'ellt.t













,,' ' : , <









G'-I ECenemusl, .to RED CROSS .. -la

TOWDship's QUota Is $700 ' •




The Miami Gazette ' • 8TABLI8B.D 11.0



Publi.hed Evet!y Thu,,8day At Wayne.ville. Ohio . CARL O. SMITH, Editor Entered a ••econd ola •• matter ' at the Poet Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $1.50. Year in Advance

Easter Sunday, ' March 28th, 1948 8 A., M. DEVOTIONAL SERVIa:

Conducted by the Youth FeUowship Leader Douglass Henders,on, Pres. Call to Worship , Hymn Church Hyrrilyal 151 Prayer Pray~r Poem, "An Easter Prayer" , Dor.othy Wilson Responsive Readifllg ' ,' . Hymnal Page 629, (To ha~e .events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette Hymn, "Christ is Risen , Todal''' , Church School Hvmnal 94 before 4 p. m. Tl,lesdays.) ,, 'The New, Testament story of the First Easter , Mary Ann Button Solo, UMy Task" , Hadan Ea.rn~~rt , FRIDAY, MARCH 26 ' .' Story, "Sunrise on the ' Altar of Heaven" Patsy ' Baird Union service at Friends Meeting House, 1 :30 P. M. Poem, "Easter Joys'" Mary Dora Hough Stat ions of the· Cross at St. Augustine's Church, 8 P: M. Soloi t, Rohert Hastings International Folk Music J:estival at Wilmington College, 8 P. M. Song "Christ Arose" by the Youth Group , Chorus SATURDAY, MARCH 27 Benediction :Pomona Grange basket dinner, Grange Hall, 7 P. M. Breakfast for all in ,the basement dini~g roo~ , SUNDAY, M4RCH 28 ---""-----...--'-'----.---- .~- -----~ ,- . '.i Easter Sunday; Go to Church! , ~ ..... - - - - ••• - =:= - - .,;. • . - - - - - .. --;;-- ' Sunrise service at Me thodist Church, 6 A. M., Presentation of Easter prizes at Twin Theatre, ~ :Jt) P. M. ~: MONDAY, MARCH 29 As TOLD BY"'" CONSEJ<.VATION DIVISION Boy Scout Troop 40 at 7 :'15 P. M. • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 , ---------~. Fourth Quarterly Conference, Methodist Church, 7 P. M.

Ev ntsComi-.g Up ;

, -) tlnL1rer OIlilJ SIlH!S.




Mr. Ronald Hardin, who is attending the UnIversity of Tennessee at Knoxville, spent the week end wi1h his parents,\ Mr. and Mrs. T. S" Hardin, ana fa ~nily.

, Mr and Mrs. Harold ,B. Earh-

h~rt and children', Misses Naomi

and Ruth and Harlan Earnhart, Mr. 'and Mrs. K. N. Hougq and children, Mrs. Viola Harlan, Mr . Harold Beckett anti -daughter, Mrs. Ernest Harlan and daugh~ ter1 Su~annle, Mrs. ' StanTe,y Bailey and dau~hter, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. st. John and Mrs. Earl Hockett attenqed various parts of the Rainbow Assembly , for girls at Lebanon on Saturday afternoon . .

Rep?esenting Weatheimer & Company

HIGH MASS TO BE SA~ AT:S 'EASTER MORNING , Hi gh, m'ass at Sa" m., w'ith a second, mass at 'l O a. m., will

Members New York Stock Exchanges and other , , registered Exchanges Investment TI'UIt SIuarea

Bought - Sold - Quoted ' Phone Waynesville 2530

hig-hlight the C\f, tholi~ services for Easter, mornin,{ at st. METHODIST CHURCH Augustineis Church. Father R. B. Coleman, Minister Robert KrumhOlZ, rector, will Church School , 9 :30 A. M. be assisted by Father Stan " J I J. BUTske, Supt. Woelfer of Mt. Sf: 'Mary'S WorsMp-,S , ervic~ 1,0 :30 A. M. Sem1 inary in, Cinchmati. , Youth Fellowship . , , Tomorrow evening at ' R Tbursday., ", :30 pII!. . 0' clock 1:he St~tions of tlle Cross service will ,be hel~ for G90d Friday. , '


ST. MARY'S EPISCoPAL ' aAMUEL N. KEYS" Minlat... ~--""'-~

- Church School Nurse~y School Morning Prayer

(} :30 a. m. 10:30 a. 'me 1'0 :30 a.1 m.


Dayton AD3257



Mr. 'aDd Mrs. E. F. Earnhart had as Sunday ,guc~sts Mr. and Mrs. J. N. R,obinson ,and coildren of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Earnhart ·and 'daughter of -TrotWOod. Master Donald J. Robinson remained ' for th,e' E,aster vacaUoo.

" St. Mary's Episcop ~1 Church ,services for Holy week are ~ Noonday ·, Pra~ at: 2 every FRIENDS day. Thursday, ·Even9:30 ~.m. song 8Maundy First a.y ~hool P. M. Good Friday, part· icipation in Community ,Union h\~ting for Worship , Service at the Friends' M'eeting , f 0 :30, a.m. House 1 :3'0, P. M. Easter D~'y, . , M 'R · F" ' , f G ' , Church Sch06~, 9:30 K. " M." r. oy ~rnas " .o. eor~e ST.AUGUSfINE , Choral" Eucharist, 1,0 :30 A. M. Schoo]" Pa.,! IS " elCl~ oymg the Father Krumholb. Pri~ ~The celebran.t on Easte,r Day E~ster vacatIOn ,at Ithe home o~ Masses . 8 and 19 A. M. will be Chaplidn, Col. John C. hIS parents, Mr. and ~r~. Ell , w. Linsley·. ;'. , ' , Fur-nas. ' . , \VA\ "NESVllJ.E , The off.eting on E.aster "Oay will be used for ' r~pairs ,to St. " CHURCH OF CHRIST " Mr. a~d, Mrs. '~;' i B. SqUi . ,Minister Mary's Gh1:1fCn ,and ,Rect9ry. ha ve arnved home after spend 9 :30 a.m. School , ing the winter in 'fucson, Ariz.' 'Communion i 0 :30 a.m. ~ with their san and dau~hter.inEvening Ser~ ~c~ "7,:30 p .., M. r;...,. , ' 1 ,,' t:aw; 'Mr. . 'and" Mrs. Wilfred ~,.ie,ndd ( -. Squire.s ' an~ daughter. ',CAEsARS CREEK. , FRIENDS Mr. Newfon ' Dearth and , . , REV.,DAVIO 6TANFIELD, Minl.~.r ,daughter" Miss " Ina Oearth o( , Mrs. R. "R. Ben'scm ot'lndi ' Worship Service ' 9 :45 'a•. m. :Fr.anK;li~ spent' ~und"ay a'fter- polis \yas.a g~est of :her .pa1rents, Sun,day School t 0 ~45 a, 01. noon With Dr. and Mrs. Frank ~r. 'and Mrs. .W. j'P,. Salisbury Gregg. . 1 '""the past week . ' , ' . Mrs. lucile,· Armitage and FERRY CHURCH of· CHRIST ·Miss Ruth-Chandler spent Mon- , , RALPH ,E. STIN80N, Minlat... day in Columbus. BIble School 9 :30 "Dr. an'd Mrs. , Gate ~ussum ~oming W~rship 1o:3(), of Dayton called on their aunt, Prayer Meetin~ ] :00 p.m. Miss Margaret Edwards on' Sun" Youn~ People s Meeti,n~ , day', 'afternoon. " at the ~ome ; of of 7 :00 p.m. , "Mr. ArUlU;}' Th'oroas Jamea'Harnqton ,: Evening S,eryices 7 :30 p.m. Bea.verto-wn , called,. on hIs cousins;·, Marne and . . ~'nd ' Water': Stre~ts Annie , Bro\vn on , Tuesd~y MT. HOLLY M~OD~T morning. ' " Conductedi' "By' T. M. SCARFf'. M,n"ter Miss Ruth Chandler ,spent Rev.,H: Hornsby, of HlUDiiton Sunday School 9 :30 a.m . . Saturday in Cedarville,.' t.he E" ' A·.'· 'Eam.Ii aIi, S, upt• ' gu~st Mr. and Mrs.was J. F. Hilt... , 1lIE PUB".C IS 'I'NVlTED , Mrs.o( Ella Dakin a ,Sun. Wot'~ll1p ' Ser':lce 10:,30 un. day dinner guest- of Mr. and Evenmg SerVice 7:30 p.m. Mrs,. Geq rg-e , Johnson in , ~_ _ _"'_""'~_ _ _~I ,Lebanon , 'Get 'Your , ToRmCk. and ',Mrs. , Lu ile Armitage was the, ' , BUSINESS ' UI'lCA E. U. B. CHURCH REV. 'WILLIAM 8HANNO~ week en j guest of her cousin,' ; , ' . Sunday School 9 :30 !II.m. Miss Glenna Marsh,~ in Dayton.' . • • 0 1'1. .. Mrs. Evalyn Peterson attendof' . " Mrs. James Garrison, SlJpt. . ed the funeral of her sister-inSTANFORD Preaching. 1st and 3rd' Sundays law, Mrs. Alice MacMillan on eadl mC?nth 10:30 a.m. Saturday, a1 Chester.

OFF1CE HOURS: Mr. and M'rs. W. · E. Stroud ~ad as· dil!ner g'ue~ts on Wednes(Jay evenmg Mr., and Mrs. R. b Brown and Mr. and Mrs."Forest Graham and son, Richard.

9 P. M. Wed. 8 A. M. _ 12 NOOD Sat. 7 P. M. to • P. M. UeL

7 P. M.



Mrs. R.ose Fires was removed to Miall1i Valley Hospital on Monday.-morning with ,a fractur..; ed hip as ~ a result "of a fall at . her hOl1)e on Friday. .'

Located Across from






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2.-25-Quart Hopper Capacity. '


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3.-Will Sow' 11.6 Acres an :Hour at 4 M. P. H•

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4'. -Distributes evenly and in, ace-urate' am'ount .


per acre.

5.-Adjustable to all makes of tractors.

. , ..Rogers and SimpsoD ,E. NOR11I

Trador·Sales . PHONE 2842

,AGE 8 THE ,..IAMI GAZETTE ,...---:----:--_-----------------:..-:-_ _ _ _.:..-_ _, IWAYNE8VILLE, OHIO No. 4311 Won Lost T H U R 80A V, MARCH 26, 1948 . Waynesville 40 29

American Legion Tommy's Place


Hende~on Good Housekeepin~


Columbia Rec'er: Handi.e:as Eagles f ,


W'ITH l,1NIFORM CL~ING . All members who have their uniforms from last year's American LeR'ion baseball season are asked to take the sUfts to the B. and R. Cleaners by Saturday in preparation for the new seaso".. Mana.e:er Bob 0' Re~an said he IS hopeful of starting practic'e. no ' later than the 'second week in April. ' --:----.,;.-....-

WAYNESVILLE RATES SECOND AT 'TOURNEY Waynesville's ' Independ ent , Lea~ue basketball team emerged in second place at the Fayette. ville I.nvitatioJl(\,1 Tournament 'la,st week in Fayette~i1le, Ohio. The local team' was beaten . in the final game by Frankli'n, -l::!39 on .Sunday ev nin~. PreVIOusly Wa ' n ~ svil1e defeated Wilmingt n Able by a -49 -47 ' score on aft'~ r­ noon; Blanchester by 37- 5 Oil Thursday and Fayetteville bv 40·35 on Saturday. " .





, --





.....In R. Gons O. Rose .I. Mulforp V. Hill E. Ramby C. Palmer






146 159


129 158

177 126

b( .

-..... :':!











U if)



' L?

34' 36 5:2




3'1 32 33






'0 , ~




136 , 147 125 171




"t:I ,


138 166




'0 "

-;; C1J


39 ' 38 37 37 35 33




E C1:S



L? '

173 10640 161 140 5974 149 137 ' 8495, 1'44 151 10189 150 148 10134 149 6243 147 1'50 1'50

66 40 59 68 68 43

Mrs. Harty Satterthwaite,



421 412 452 443

'785 . 713 , 749 :2247



afternoon. Mrs. Elli McClure taught the ' room during her absence. . . (By Min "arclin) Daintv Easter Baskets in argaret Cewser' affi-v.e . ~n , p-rin-r€e.JefS- have been ma.cte Waynesville last Monday, in Mrs. Hastin~' First Grade Marc'" 15, from. B~nton. Mo. , and the children are eagerly She is in t,he sixth grade. She awaiting a vlisi ~ from ' the Easte~ will leave , tbis Thursday ' for Bunny. ' Little Rock, Ark. 'Sharon BunneH of the first Harold Yonkers has with- ,grade has been confin-ed to drawn fronl. the second f'rade home for two weeks, With and moved with his fatni?y to ' measles. The class 'writin." Belfast, O. period was utilized one day to The second grade pupils a L ' write letters to he~. . makin~ Easter booklets, inMrs. George John son, mother eluding the Golden Rule and of first ~rader Larr Johnson" maxims that they haye learned is in Miami Valley Hospi.tal during- the year. Also, the where she underwent a maJor bookiets' will contain lessons in ' operation. The children have writing, sp~l1inJ~, arithmetiC, made greetin~ c~rds to send per and art. , . as soon as ' she IS able to enJoy Mrs., Sheehan's room. has , them. ' been workin~ to Improve spelling. So far this term, twenty, of Mrs. Davis Furna entertain.:. the ,thirty-one pupils have made ed with a miscellaneous shower "A' every day. Billy Kier, in on Friday even ina hOflOrtna her the fourth R'nH' ~, has nii sed ",... only one word this year. Bill ni~ce, Mrs. Ed. Shaw, a recent . has the enviable record of hav- bride. in.e: missed but four words in his Game~ and cont~sts With , entire school career. lovely prizes were enJoyed and Mrs. Sheehan , att nded ,the ' the ~riC\e.. fQuod many l<;wely ,funeral of an unCle, Mr. J. C. p:ift awa l tll1~ her. , Refreshm nts were served. Collett, in Dayton on Tuesday

Grade School Noles

"Jligl School .rIoied

.4Vic" Thompso'n, --torward ,on' the coun!)' Champi 11~aynes~lle baskctball kam, was .!riven honorable mention ( rt the all-s,tate team. Selections were matte following distri ·t tournaments 'by 1hc officials who ' " refereed the ,post':season game . A steak dinner: wiU be 'served at the school cafeteria Saturday ~vening in .honor of the basketball squad. c"" ' , Arrival of a movie projector and other equipment fr'om a U. '5. war sUfJ)'lus depolt is being awaited, Supt. Raynwnd BraCt· dock has announced. Tile Jrult-, erial is availabte to schools on, lfayment of sJlippin~ costs. ,This amounted to abou ~5 for the movie n1i3chine. A link train'r. ' which o,iginally cost ~3.,OOO, has also been ordered with only shipping costs to ,be paid. This will be used in the aeronautics'






The 9per~tta, oriRitHllly scheduled for April 2 will be held on April 9, and the freshman -, tea has been moved back from the ninth to the second:, Classes were djsm~sed this , afternoorr- durin~ ' the funeral service~ for Mrs. LaUfa McKins,ey, veteran 'grade school teacher ' here. Tomorrow ,afternoon,' pup'lls ' will be '· dismissed to at· tend the Good Prtctay union ser- ' vice at ,the FrienCls Meeting Housel >


Callers on Mr: anq Mrs. Earl Evans the' past week,: were th'e the former's sister and brotherin~law, Mr:' and- Mrs. N. D. Smith of SpriOe- Valley, ' the lat- ' te 's br01her Aaam ,Ca,mpbell of ' Harveysburg, ,~t., !lnd, ~l1s. W~ 'Flecher oJ Cmcmnatl, Alfred Fragee of Oregonia and Mrs. Grace ,Schular and Virginia Schular. Mr. and .Mrs. Gayle Evans ' had Mrs. Evans parents, Mr. and Mrs,. Wm. Fiecher of Cincinnati as guests over the week end. ' ,

to .J,Sel T~

Rllt, Btn-O", USE

'. Cook, by th.: ...ver-equallecl

D"tm ~.n mefl:tod ,



Come in tOday aDd ... hi maDY _tur~. t&. , 0( SiuJe ServM» B~..., abown at left. See how the

Spiral FlallMll;w~eri focue the heai-aDct'.n. ... ' it'e kept ep.rklinc clean, ~tiN top aDd burner' bowl' ~ aU in 008 piece or pore:.1~ J~ ....,. way you'll find th. M~yta&Dutch Ovea ' 0.. R.ap ia. trulJ out.,.ridi,.,. See' , it riPt .wQ~ -1,

...... . ., ,

, Note how euily





,. . , Orqhouacl 01'. . low, fare. "to all part. or the . . . ~ With your GreyhouDc1 ..ent the Jery nat, \ time ,.. pia • trip. AlIO uk about GreyhoUnd a;penaepaid toun to any of America'. favorite play,aroundI. " ' , IfMiiI "O,.,bound Can rd. You Anlwla••" .~

' t

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~til. l_u. 01 ODJone'.



. '" , ,




m ~ A~ .


Mr. an.d Mrs. Clart!nce Craw· rl. . ford were dinner I{uests, Sat· ,, t. · 0 ' U urday at the home of ~r. and i7 Mrs. Lewis Crawford of Xenia, Mrs. Clarence' Mich eal called Mr. Charley BTalr and mother on Mrs. Clarence Crawforj' Etta Blair 'Of Xenta spent SunThursday. day aftern90n with Mr, and Mrs.' Mrs. Frank DakIn v. as sup· Lue Morgan. Mr. an9 Mrs. Pat Hopkins , per gue t W,edn sday of Mrs. Hily Gibson. and family spent Saturday eve· Mr. and Mr . Earl Crawford ninl{ with Mr. and Mrs. Everett of n ar . \Va'y nc! ~ v ilie ~ nt W d- Bunnell and family, ne day evening with Mr. an i . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morgan Mr . C. Crawford. / . and' family. Mrs. Clarence CrawMr. George Smith a'nd Mrs. ford spent Sunday afternoon Ruth mith ailed on Mr. and ~it h Mr. and Mrs. Hen~y Berges Mr . Ra .mond mith, of Beavertown. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Runyon . . . visited Mr . Runyon, mother 'Of LANDSCAPE SERVICE \ M-rs;' De Lancy . at Madura Sun. day. Mrs. De Lancy has been a patient at Our Lady of M.ercy Hospi.tal . ~t Mariemont the past Lawn & Garden Maintenance \\eek. " , Mr. and Mrs, Rayniond Sulith TOP SOIL SHRUBBERY spent Saturday eveninl{ with Mr. and Mrs. Hily Gibson.



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Wilbur Zimmerman ·vs. RoQ.ert et aI, dismissed wit hout record. Wnltel' ~cott vs. Martha Scoa, hearing set for March 27. at 9 :30. Chap McGuire ' vs. Nanie McGuire, service by publication or· dered. . Lois Jean Frisch, minor, vs . Ralph , Frisch, defendan,t, ordered to pay plaintiff .$.12.50 per week an'd '$50 to plaintiff. . ,C allie ~amb vs. Mon.!oe LamJ>, dismissed without record. Stella Powell vs. WilbUr Powell, dismissed without record. Jean Missi'ldine ·vs. H~ward Missildine, hearing" set for April 6. Wilford Griffith VB. Georgia Gt'lflith, divorce to plaintiff, plaintiff ordered to pay $50 per month for ~upport. , Robert lIoman vs. l\f. J. Grace and Howard Mitchell, judgment· to plaintiff f01' $831.99 and from de· feudatlti, ,M ; J ; Grace. ~alU1t


Phone - - Leb.' 246·R. -42:!

LOUDEN BARN . EQUIPMENT Steel \~ ind "s .' 'Fe d Carts


Hay Tra k .& Carriers Litte r Ca.rrie r talls and

p"GE 4

WAYN,ESVILLE, OHIO No. 4881 T H lJ R S or A Y. MARCH 25, 1948


8ANTA IMPLEMENT CO. Lebanon, Ohio Phone 555

singer spent ui1day, with h i parent~, Mr. and Mrs. G. H; Kersinger. Mr. and Mrs. James Wildnnn of Jackson, Ohio, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart a,lld family. Mrs. Wildman for a few days. . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mor~a11 , and family caned on .Mr. an 1 Mrs. Lewis Crawford of Xerl~a Sunday eveninK. , There ' will 'be a birthda y party at the hurch ruom Frid

William Herrington to U. G. and Myrtle Shockey, lot in South Lebanon. The ' Village of , Franklin: to Herbert and , ;Martha Emel'ick; lot in Franklin'. " The Village of Franklin to Eugene and Lera Eme1'ick, lot in. Franklin. . 091'a Tnompson to Walter and Marga1'et Green, 0.37j acre in .Massie twp. ' . . Walter and , Marg.~ret G1'een to Paul ~ndiew and ' Zelma lsaaes, 0.37 acre in Massie twP. ' , Chap MaGuiie to r~Uckey 'Mc· . Guire, ,2 . lots in Union t~. WUbur and' Josie Zhnmerman to ' Ralph lIanaghan, 17.16· acres In aukliB twp. ' , ~ , Florb Ru'nyaJi tOeLenora W. HoI. 'lon, 7.43 acres in '- 'Pu~leereek-:-tw;p. Owen and Susan Bowling to Marson and ,Helen We!lls" 1~.9~ acres in Washington tlq). ,. The Loveland MutuaJ Bldg. '" Loan Co. to William ,and gUen ,Denney, 2' lots .in South Lebanon. Minnie ' Walker to James and Magnolia Johnson, Q.19 acre ' tn Lebanon. ' !I I . . Ge01'g'e Henkle to John ana Martha E~mtstO", '4;64 acre' ,in 'Wa:yne twp. I.' I I, \', " Monroe and tallie ULmbJ fo Earl, and June Lamb~ lot in Frantd\m . and ' Glpii,. ~ee~.r r to Lyie Jlnd ' l>9~thY TJnpel' , 1,22 ,l


. J.



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11 S. Mechanic St. LEBANON. OHIO




, Leror







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Mikej,,~d, Jflora , ,~~ ~ Cecil .

./al1d DelJl.ll ~1I;lb, 50 ,cres in Wa,h· \i gto,n

tU'\ ,





, ,,r; ,,,~~~," wn~p8 '. to


t , l ~\ 1



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H~f .~ t..JI 1 , ' . (/_ <Cl . J ~ l ~(I rAJ' • r 1,H' ( :{ ~ (J~.)





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T. D. a~d . ~old.e t'~• .hall" 6.~ acres ,n Tnf~ { ~ec':~'i ~" j." . .11 f , ~nja~.~ ,~~~ea , to Letta' ola~es, 'I O~9 (&ere in Leba'no~. ' .

"; T f' ..

Corwin Fred 'tp Virgil Rapp, 0.80 .. . .

acre in Union twp. . •

. '










PAG~ , 5

T,HE ",'AM' -GAZETTE WAYN,E8VILLE, OHIO No. 4381 . T H U R 8 D A V , 'MARCH 25. 1948

I ' ,military alliance with the Weste~ European powers Mr. and Mrs. Harold. B. Earn- _ to stop the spread of Communism , Europe.. or simply resort to continUing our foreign aid ,loan, h~rt ~nd family ha,d as Wednes- ' program, which up to date has seemingly been of day evening supper guests Mr. little benefit. The faets are that the Congress , has and Mrs. K. N. Hough and child. long been ~head of the I;'resid,e nt as faF as "standing re,n ~riif1Vrrs."~olQ Har'lan, cete. up to Russia" is concerned. Ever since World War brat~ng the thirteenth birt'hday Two. ended Congressional leaders have been demand.. anniversary of their dauIYhter ~ , ing a firm policy to.ward Russia and against Com.;. Ruth. munistic aggression. The legitdators .have also insisted that the United Nations be mad~ to work. The' Congress also has been doing everything withil1- its Mrs. Glenn ,D. Borden and power ~o ~top- Com~unistic activities i~ this country, Mrs. S. S. Ellis were 'lunCheon both Wlth!n and witho.ut the Government, desp'ite the guests of Mrs. Harry. ,Hot'mes oppo~ition of some high Administration officials a'nd in Lebanon on Friday, t ~ many " pr~ssure groups. .




tThe Sen'a te has pas~ed the Knutson Tax', Reduc.. 'tion ,Bill in:' a~' ain~nded ' form ' w.biC'l,1 .will make' ~n "over-all cut h" individual incQm tax ~payment~ ,of apPl'oximately four Milion eight, bund~d million J. dollars fo~ this year, retroac~ive to January lat. The House will now either acc~pt the Senate am'endments to the measu,r'e or send the ,bill to ' a Conference oommittee, where the diff~nces ,b etween the House and Se~ate ~er,sjons will be ompromised. , Final approval by both the House and Sen'a te appears certain and it Beems likely-if the President) vetoes the tax measure-that the n~sarY two, thirds : majority to enact the bill into .law over a veto can pe ' obta,ined. • • • . ....... Everyone in Copgress is as mystified as the rest of the country over the reasons for the President's sudden decis~ion to a~dre:ss the J'oint Session of Congress last' W~dnesday, in ' which h,e 'took a little . 'stronger' 'position against' Russian aggression'. How-" ever, he gave 'the Congress and the country 110 new ' information on the foreign ituation, white re-stating his support of the European R~overY Program and Universal Military Training legislation. The " only new 1lhin~ Mr. Truman suggested , was that a temporal'y Selective law be enacted for the conscription of men needed .to build up the armed services. He made' no suggestion relative to the Immediate need of' a la.;ger ~nd more modern air force. It has long been a · New Deal praetiee to 'create an emergency or ,crisil\ 'just pefore Congress is ~l1ed upon to ;vote o.n '80m,e important pieCe of legislation. ., . . . , ' , " .. Most memberS o.f Congress l'iatening' to the ~esi. dent'~ add.res'S last Wednesday were hopeful ' he would se\ fdRh it) clear and underatandable ,terms just what our Arne can, foreip policy actually is. I. Ce~inly' t~.e Con~e8s and ,th~ country are_entitled ,. 't9 khow whether t)le IPresident propo!$es ' we enter a j







. With the nation beiDi threatened by... crippling strikes in , the coal mines and vl!orious industries of the natioii, it is comforting to ' know ;t he ' Taft-Hutley Act, is on, ,the. stat\lt~ bOQks, .and· that under it , tli~ President of ,t he Vnited ·~tates no.w has the P.9 wer to quic,kly bring an end to any stl'ike which ; endang~r8, the' pubiic:: health~ safety or. ~elfare. It i~ HOURS: ' be hoped' the ~sident will use these powers wisely , 9-12 each morninK and well, and that he will not he~itate to use them t -5 afternoons except whenever it beeomes' neees~ary to do so. Wednesday ,


, A~u~ ' Nel~ri'

Technical knowled,g-e, r;ractical

7-9 Saturctay evening

, Ten days before the P~esident deiivered his adOther evenings by dress to Congress, the ltepublican leadership in the , Appointment ' House and Senate .announced , it would be the party policy to grant 'any 'appropriations requested by the TELEPHONE 62·R Arm~d Services foJ,' national defense purposes. In fact the 80th · Congress has already appropriated mor.e money for national defense than has been requested by the 'President, and is leading the waf In urging' the modernization of our armed forces. It . ,Optometric Specialist , now :appears mOfft likely that our military serviCes 26' South Detroit ,Str~et will be materially strengthelled within the next few I " months and. that the Air Force, in particular will be ' r XENI~; OHIO ' greatly bw~t up. The Cpll:~e~,sional Air Polie, 'Board, so~e weeks ago reported iI.1 favor of a strong modern Air Force and many Republican leaders have been urging that action be taken immediately. ' • • • · best capable of judging do not believe war with Russia will come any time soon, and that our building ()f a modern and stronger national' defense "may /prevent the coming of war. The facts are Russia is not 'in shape to fight another war 'any .'time soo.n; ,· and" certainly no.t : ha\re to as long as c~n get everYthing she wants wtthoutfighting. Neitber is the U,nited. States or any, other nation ' .rea~y to 'fight 'another war. Actually no nation is . prepared to. go to war at thi's time. So It ~r does c,o,me it will not be for several year~anywhere fro.m five to twenty years-unless sOl;~Jmfor·s..!:~m---+.-....;.._-;,. inc"i~ent should bring on an -unexpected ' armed conflic~; alld ' there is always the' danger such tncident m~y pccur In such _tgrbulent ~m,es."

experience, modern equipment ' . . . on these three import~nt

, factors GO we base our cleaning



Dr.•C. E. Wilkin ''. "

ervice. I..,et us show you the· iif~ feren e ,good cleaning make " •

t ..

EYe '



2 GM.LON CAN-$1.69 5 GALLON CAN~~.18 '

H&nry ' Brown 'vs: Hattie Brown, divorce, gross neglect, R. Z. Gray.i I, ' Henry Young ancl Employers, Mutllal . . Jl,labilitY'..Yhsurance Co. of Wisconsin vs~ Ralph Kindred, for money, ' only, apl.ount claim,d $125 ' and ~.~ of suit., I , I

Mrs, John Settlemyre an'a,. daughter. Nancy, were Tu'esclay evenin~ supper ,guests 'of her parents"Mr. and Mrs. L, C. 'St.. John.


(Regular Price .Is .>1, cents a Quart) ' ,



Bu-"ti~g ' V$.

db.rlel. Slnltlt! ; mi or, for 1I\oney on\y :amoUIi~ . cl~.~edl ~9,~, togethD With, inter.te ', :' " j In' the ; matteli of 0hai-let COok, ' I Hre~" eatT: r May.nard ,. .Ha~kn8y, _ Lawretlee StaR'al1d 'f.erey 1te.8~hs , , ~ triiateei' of tb~,,-JI'a~~,,~rdl f~nd Of1 tlle ~ 0rthodox , ( li'rientJs r ' of w~1fi~~Ue" a~~hO'ritF to sell teal ).,ta~, ~owaen" ,aldner 6 'c.-ew. .3 11$ 2 j H' , j·;f1J I. ',I )1.1 ! ./, . tl,J 10 '/" ')hJ~ t • (, '1



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; ~ON ~1'2:6S! ~ ,I,




~ 'q,~ Jand. '1 lb. .1' , S9c ~~' .~p~. ,' ~: "~

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TWIN ~.D.e. ,


f the TWIN / nte t i ' draw- - - I mean the 'nt t of the ,n actresses· : ' ' r on the leftf tb inner lobby. C mte " t -\ 'e Fri day ' at 9 P. M, 'Th prize ,ha en't been an,,: ntlJun d but it ' little bo'id' told 'me the awards would be sev" . eral ',passes g-ood for ' it month's arta of pictures at the Twin. Imagine nine or more features absolutel free to tne men, women or children who corredl,~ idenJify the greatest numb'er of {hos~, hotographs, A mon'th~s , fr Ictures could mean a savin .~ of $5.00 'or more. So hurry' hi sch 01 lassies ,... 'certain'yy you can name some of, them. Remember, you don't have to correctly name them all" ,but yo u, d.o have to write your choice on paper; sl,gn your name

and address and, present it to ' New York University In Basket,the Twin boxoffi'ce before ' 9 ball. "Oreams on Ie 'color re,P. M'. Friday. , . winners wil'l iS,sue fav0rite, is also includel~, be announced Easter Sunday, at The middle of ,the week pteboth the matinee (2 :30 P. M.) tures Susan Hayward in Untand evening performances (7 versal's "Smash-Up',', with LeI.! and 9 P. M. ' ' Bownian, former Cincinnatian, Briefviews: 'f.hat "BB" com~ in , the suppof(in,~ role. This picination that spells dyn'amUe ture is strictly adult ','medicine '. hits town Friday and Sat in To relieve the stron~ pressure, "Dark Pass'age" (WB): starr- '''Sambamania'' a Ptl'I,lCe anl1 ing Humphrey Bo'gart and Lau- '~ongfilled story-plot of Latinren Bacall in a story that is re.. American life is added, ally terrific .' . '. from the grey ' Extra! Extr~! Last , week to pnson walls of San Quentin .to u·Se, the pI'cture' b,'lltot on tile the, tropic coast of Peru. . Hope none of the dyed-in-the March show calendar. Hard t wool ~ors~ opera ,fa~s' object to understand why more . peopl " ,the stlencml?' of the horse s haven't dropped their ballots at hooves this weekend. , the TWin boxoffiCe and saved Easter , Sunday and 'Monday one chHd'~ atimi'ssion price, apre'se,nts ,lovely· little Mar.garet lon~ with assLlring themsely'es 0 " O'Bnen m MOM's TechntcoTor ' "d~ciPingi' to 'a 'l arge 'extent m uS ical, (~T h' e LJnfinished what plct~res - will tome . to Dance" with ' the setting around ' Waynesville. Anyway we apa metropOlitan ballet ho'use ~., predate 'requests like" one from' lovers o~ music and ballet num'- , Rayniond Burden, R R1, who bers will see "Swan Lake" and reaJly ~tered. in~o the spirit by "Holiday for StrIngs" and the requesting, ,no' les~ than 16 pi ent'ire family should fil}d the tures. Thanks, R ay~ Some of actin,g- of M iss O'Brien and the-those you want wiII be, screened dancing of Cyd Cliarisse (Re- at the TWin in the. near future. mem,b,er Fiesta?) ver-:'l,good eq .., Happy ~aster. , tel:ta!nm erlt. In 'addItIOn, WB News . pi'esehts scenes of the "PHANTOM RICI~HA" Czech ' envoy defying ' the Com- IS FAVORITE STORY niunis ts,; rare scenes of EverRudyard Kiplin'g's, ronlanti' ~lade light; and Notre' Damevs. and; supernatural tale "The Phantom Ricksha, selected b D~ems Tayl r as' his. best-loved story, will be dramatized Tues. ,qaiy, March 30~ 'aJ 9 :30 p. 'm. . :on the Dayton , PoWer arid Light. ,cotb'p'any's p.rogram over If






Characters \vill b-e played hv an all-star Hollyw( od cast w'ith Ron'ald· Colman as host and narrator. . '. BEAD THE CLASSII'1£D AD8 •








'like the one we had e'arlier in the day 1 may try to plant some somewhere. I would like to try , q. to plant accordln2' to the tradItional signs thls year and see March 19, 1948., 'Sprin~ is how it comes Qut. here. Today (he crOCuses are in Fence bUilding time is also bl60m and the March lion rO~lrs. Here and, glory be, we are gOiu,g , The wind is blowinl!' so hard to have,two m.ce new line fences that the turkeys gave up, trym~ that , .ha,ve ,wanted for ' a long to \valk across the pasture a. nd IO,ng tIm e. The one .south , of turned around and went back my bouSe has been nee,ded for do\vn to the w'oods. The, wind ' seventeen years. When' we. first blew them . off balallce and moved here ,our neighh::ns told ruffled their feathers the 'wrong us we would have to ,build 'a new ,way, The gobbler 'was leading' fence. They haa patched theirs the procession with hjs tail and thought it would do for a spread like a sail. He tried mnn- while. It was an old picket fence in~ befo re the wind but it djd,n 't witb band-split .plckets that had work. The feathers we re strain- been there nobody kno\\'s how ~lf almost to the breaking po'itH, long~, Any determ1ned ~nll1lal but th y wer n't. set in the :righ . could break them out and get ,place fur a sail, 'and rhey tWISt- " througll. Then ,the hole,would e ed. tir,st one way and then the p~tched up ,with a few sticks. uther till he g:a ve up and l~ i . I.n some places there, were even hi harem back to th e shetter of some old pieces of woven wire the woods. , The mtle clump of fence but it was uncertain ann lavender crOCLlseS that· to, d' ,so caused us much troul'te" We straight and brigttt this, I11 Qn;lUlg,' patched our enli for a few years is almost blown 'to piece,S bl;1t and' then we put un a nice '.... nce they are open and the bce~" a're but still {lothing was, do~e about, th,el'e .i ust t ' prove that the theirs: The "place chan~ed hands' c,alendar is ', ,riF,'ht and sprin~ I and many pages of the di.arv here at last: i':Jve been devoted to the stock The wind will dry the gro,und thai' went ' ack and f0rth but after today s show rs so hai at last new posts are ,bein l:!,' std. plowin.' can $tart again. Field fine, strong, well-brace,c1 en " after field ,already shov s clean posts, and the new wit i brown ,furro'ws and ach tirhe read~ to .be stretched. ' There yo u KO down a·road , (bere is isn't any mote pleasin,g' ight nlOre ground broken. We have in the world to a land owner on1e sod ground plowe.d. n was than a nice new well-stretched pretty, ,wet when we turned It "fence and that isn-t all, over on over but we knew there would , Township road' we are .~f)It1~' to be rain ana perhaps frost before ha ve a new line fence too. The we wanted to use it. My almanac turkeys are trying it again. Thi says that today and 'tomorrow, time tbe old boy ntis his sail are the ,days to plant peas. [f we down an,,! he !s g-otri~ b,etter, do not ~et ano her cloudburst but the 'WtnQ shit catch . under the feathers . and· tips ' them f -\'~ ward~ A gust' ahnost I'lew n' t~rkey over bu~ tbey al C .~n i11'r: : ' / to ~ke it this ' time, rhe "y' ar,,,, out of 'sight ,how and will soon , A "ARM DIARY Dy J. FRAIZER


. the" morning of Resurrec~ion WIth its promise of life eter~ an,d join 111 pr,ayer for peace the " ,; world over~ WE WISH YOU ALL A JOYous EAST-ER ~ , "

each the baro. -

Spring is here and Easter soon .aft~u get this paper, so' we wish you a ': joyous Easter. "The Lord is risen.'~ The answer come~,back, uTh~ Lord is, risen int;ieed .." After the darkness 'of Go'od Friday comes the resurrection. Sbme day ,if we try hard 'enough the w2JJld may"be at pea<;e., i

~--\~i11 COIUC






Ypur Business Organization While Sound lnvestment ,




the WH 10 . ing B~e 0 April ,10, 1.948: " , LOIS Mae't, ag~ J14 t ' grada 8 'of J-Iamilton' -' Maineville, School.,Janet; E. Doster., age', 1 2 grade ,7 ' of the HarveYSburg ,School. Edna 'Pearl~ne Phillips " . age 13., ' ~r~de g of the Hamil: ton-Mameville, SCllool ' . Ot~er 'pupfls who : rema'lne(t . standmg after several rounds in, lude: \' M~ry Hopkins,' Harveysburg SchOOl; Shirley 'R'. Welch Har- · yeysburg ~cl:iool; Barbara Jaer.l- ' - 109, Hamllton ..,Maineville,; Geraldme Vallee, Har.lan-Butle"rville , School; Rarnpna Brown" Morrow School; Rita Blair Carlisle S~hQol\;. BV,elyn Wittmann;. Ktqgs Mills School~' ,Carol' Jean GOS~t Kings Mills School i Shirley Ann Reeves, Waynesville School; Jo Ann Brannaman Car.lisle School '; Opal Adams Sprmgboro School; Gloria LIt,ley, Mor-row. Sthool. ,





South Maia !IIIelt




sclloals in " alley Spell-

ar' . Miss Raylyn '"'er3bbe rive to spend Baster with her parents, 'M r. and MrS. J. H. Crab~~J after studYJng in Mexico CityJ,. mexico for the past quar. , ter•. :)he .wiD re~nter Ohio State University after her vacation.


. ren baptized at the Easter at Lytle Church next Sun. da~ ADS 'th M " V , rs. • . ml, rs. ernon Pursley and Mr. Roy Smith attended the- funemt-ef the former's sister, Mrs. Albert. Eberts at Dearborn Mich., on Thursd!lY. ~rs. Eberts wa.s instantly killed m an automobile accidern:on Tuesday. . Miss Sara Corine Furnas who IS teaching ,a t the Friends Select ' ~choo~ at Philadelphia is spendmg this ' week's Easter acation with her parents, Mr. an~ Mrs. Seth Purnas and · brother Seth Jr .• of Social Row.

Golden Anniversary Couple

MRS. WADE IS GIVEN FAREWELL SHOWER Mr. and Mr~. J. R. Wade, who lived in Waynesville .for a number o'f years and rec'en ly ~ov ed to Spring V~lley, wa's ~ Iven on March 1 7 a farewell show'er arranged by Mrs. A. H. Stubbs. Mrs. C. A. 'Clark. ,Mrs. O. R. Un~le sby and Lloyd Davis, at the home of Mrs. Stubbs. Sixty-seven varieties of , of food were included in the gifts and Mr. and Mrs. Wade are very appr.eciati''ve to all the givers, to ,the unknow~l d o n or~ :J,! 0 to the hostesses. , " Mr. alld Mrs. Wad'e spent iii ..! Sunday afternoon ' with Mrs. Wade's mother in Loveland.

Mr. Everett Thomas returned to his home in Rochester, N. Y. on WednesdaYi 17 and was accompamed home by his fathei', Mr. Frank E. Thomas for a short visit.

, RAINBOW COUN~JL Mr. and ' Mrs: William O'Banion opened , their nome on Thursday evening for the regular · meeting of .the Ralnnow Counci~, \vith sixteen members present. Mr. R. Q. Miller, th~ discussion leader, chose for thc evening topic; . "The 'Marshall Plan ' . Games and refreShments were enjoyed dui-in2' the social hour after which the council adjourned ,to' meet with Mr. and Mrs. Hora~e Shaer .in· April.

CARDS OF 1HANKS We wish ·to thank aU ' who took part in the farewell shower especially the unknown donor ahcrt e' osfesses, Mrs. C. A Clark. Mrs. O. R. Unglesby' Mrs. Lloyd . Davis, and Mrs. H St bb . U s. ' . ,Mr: and Mrs. J . R. Wade


~I-w-: ' i:-s~h-t-o-e-x-p-re-s-s-a--:p-p-re-c-ia-t-io-n 'for the I<?vely cards and g,reet ~

mgs received a,t a: card snower "

honorin.~ trly 8Sth ·birthday.


J, C. Hawk

We wish to 'thank all our relatives, friends, and neighbors for their g-ifts and ~ood wish s on. our golden wedd ing anniv rsary. Mr. and 'Mrs. :1. F. Penne\vit· ' R. G. Moler




. Thank' You For Past Pfltronage ,


MR~ AND MRS. R. L~ BROWN Across From RoadSide Park ?HONE 2841 One Mile South ·of Waynesville

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Borden w r Sa urday. evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. ·Wilbur Dugan In Mason.


. Betw~en 75 and 100 friends, neig~bors, and relatives., :it· ', tended the open nouse last Sunday at which Mr. anll Mrs. J. F. Pennewit- celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. They were ~ married " March" 17, 1898, at Spring Valley by the late Rev . . White. .The couple receive~ many presents and flowers. Ice cream and cake 'forming a golden them~ were served. 'T he .above pictures show the Pennewits at the time of th~ii' ma~riage and now,; . , MARRIAGE LICENSEs

attended, Inspection of the EastRobert- Taylor Jr., 36, Franklhl, ern Star at , Harveysburg, ~at- , . ur:da,y evening. '. forentah~ Neya Stiver" 23,~an:klin, M r. and Mrs. Seth Furnas, .....",. r-. telephone operator. 00ft_ _ 1.~ Miss Mary Brown and Mr. and . Argus Osborne; l\10lTOW, railroad Mrs. Walter Kenrick 'attended • -u.s. ~ .1rtttIh __ (.retired), May Frazier, nlorrow. the monthly meeting of th"e • ' ;. In AdcIfttIc. 1141. Frank Weisenl>erger; 20, Miamis- Warren Co. Historical Society burg, laborer, Dorothy Murphy, 18, at the, Golden Lamb at Lebahon ~ . '• . , . . , Sundar' , Franklin, offic~ wqrker. Monday evening. ~ lI-Pah.,A "eaD unton Russell ROl1,t~ahn was absel)( fonMd. um from school last week ,on acH.ri'·I»-JIStb~t~ co.unt of baying the three·d~y • 18'1Q. ' , : ", ' measJes. ' , -, Mr. and: Mrs. Thomas Col.: .. ton'<burftg;:J-t~' ;:;-;Mr-." a.n d;, Mrs. Eyerett Earl y ,tiqs a'nd.Gharl~ Cpllins :of 't;)4l¥' ana M!~ . and Mrs. Ross Ro lal~d ton spent Sunday". afternoon . sI?en~ .1u~sday . o.f .Iast . week m with Mr. and Mrs .. Walter Ken,. Cmcmnatl. , , rick . 'fwenty·five frien~s ,of ,Mr. ' Dick ' Irons, Vir~iI " Longacre, , Use The Almanac To ' .' and , Mrs. Rob~rt, HUFlt·- andson, Don Lackey anQ )Im Hartsock, . , Check ,Weathe~ tend er~~ t~e~, ~ f~r -, :1 . who left for California a r~w . . . hun.ten ..... , Warren, But ti.. .' ~ell par.ty ,Wedne~,day evehmg, weeks ag,o. returned home We'd~· ,rl"., .~cul.r ~E~SI~IE.D as, . '~hey are movmg ," soon to nesday afte.r ,an , 18 day trip ' ,1A~YDJ:I!llNO, their new home on a farm near thru the W'est. ' , . IIOII'I.riaJ , To Buy, .~u, "Rent, ' 'F~yett ville, ~hiC~.. they r'ecent· Mr. and Mrs. ,(Juy Routzahn "",,,b(~tbe LOIIII, Borrow, ' , ly purcl)ased. and Russell spent Sunday with .: 8CJeeD by Any Time of The Year • 'Oo Mr: and Mrs. ' Everett Earl ~ Mr. and ' Mr~. Earl Mendenhall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f ~ nct daughte~ , at , Tipp City. - " Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Younce ,II :., ., a·nd Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flory ' ~ l of Dayton sp.ent Stlnd-a,Y even- " . 6~' ~~J-'~' , I\6DU , ~ .. . : ing WIth Mr. and Mrs; Wilbur ..... Clark. .. - . , =.... ",. . ~"" ~ '. Mr. Everett \ ~arly is ' canvas'I .!. in~' at. every houst} tiere iil in- ' BUllln'GS ·; ·'"[HiliUs!:. AUTOMOBILES ( lABILITY. terest of the Red ~f0SS. ' "v - . I: . : :',. ' ", Mr. Paul Johns and friend, ."4-WAY _ " , r . , .'FARM I IN,S URANCE" ' Mr. Ro 'Romaine of the Uni~ in di~ Ohio P~en ~... pft ~u ,broad protedf~ apiost losses v'ersar of Cincinnati ' were etln. ALSO , OQ your fum. It COftII J'OUf buildinp, your chattelt, yj)ur automobile ner ,g-uests Sunday of Mrs. Mar,garet ' Johns. Mrs. Amos Cook 1-948'. Beat Cartoon ud J'OU JlabBlq for acddeDfl to others. Why DOt see u . today? of near WaynesvilJe and Rev. ". . Yoa ..... 'IOG'n .... wb. JOU're ' IDauna' III .... OhIo '~" . Joseph ' Myers of Dayton were •_____...._ _ _ _~......,.. afternoon ~uests. ' WED.-moRS. There Will be several childU-I ' SMASH·UP Phone 113~ 20 E. Kulberry, LEBANON. o. AUCTIONEERING Susan Hayward ,Lee Bowman ! STANLEY aael KOOGLER co.. . .BROKERS LICENSE l&#ftlla.Y SHOWS 7 &: 9 P. M. ' For DaOtea. Phone .... Wavnnvlll•• 0" - .,~ .fJII. h Dhlo. R."..... Ch8ra.. .



n' ~,

"':;t, ' 'J,l"'. e . ' ,ewJ.,

Yl. ' ,




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,. . ... OlIO MIM: .... eta

-, \ Kul"D. 'Dakio Inswce .Agency , -OHIO""11111' ...... ,


,.eMMGE ~,~ - '-'--.,-~ I
















.JJiiiliiM. ALSO

Warner-Pathe News AND DREAMS ON leE CoI. SUNDAY MATINEE"- 2:30'P. M.





returned to her home here ', EAJU.Y,fRYERS ! ! .! . Mrs. Ida ' Hendricks who bas been seriously ill at the Probasco start chicks now-have 'early Nursing Home in Wilmington is , fryers--they will ' be in bi~ reported·to be much improved. demand. S tar ted sex e d Mrs. H. C. Milligan Prof. and ' cockerel chicks now availand Mrs. Ernestine Moore were . , able. , CLASSIFIED AD RA'T ES callers , in ' Cincinnati Friday DUNHAM WHITE ROCKS 1C1 PER W.ORD MINIMUM 26c Mr. a'nct Mrs. Harry P. TUCk- afternoon. . F . • PhQlle Wayneaville 2916 er. had as their houseguest this Miss Esther' prathe spent the REAL ESTATE weekend, Mrs; TucKer's sister, weekend with her parents in HELP WANTE~ Mrs. Jenny Ben ()f Somersville. , Clarksville. I) DON'T I FORGET TO CALL The Red Cross sti11 needs can, Mrs. Hugh S. Vance was a . us for Ipsurance. All types of vassers to cover areas in which 'Mrs. Robe)'t ,Hough under- bus'iness caller in Dayton MonInsurance at a savings. 'Call . no one has volunteered ,to 'con- went a major ope~ation at Mc- d Francis Gene Brown, phone tact his neig-hbors,' If , you can Clellan hospital Wednesday , a·~r, Jesse ThompSb,n, of WaynesvilJe 2935 or call . spare a few ·hours· fnr a worthy morning;, "She !s repo~ted :to he Washington Court House, is spending- a few days as the g-ue t cause, phone, 2143 or visit the P!9gres~m~ satlsfactonly. ' . collect. Wi1min~ton 2111. Miami Gazette office. Mr. and , 'Mrs. , Lawrence of , his brother, Mr. Charles Hough hcrve l:et.l,1rned to their Th ompsOlll ' Real Eatate For SaleNOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S home in Sabina followin~ a visit . Mr, and Mrs. "Billy" .'Carr IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR SALE OF R~L ESTATE wi th their sOli~ Harold , who is 'and family of Columb~s were FARM TO SELL Call or Write Notice is hereby given 'that '. stat~011ed with the Anny in San 'Wee~end housegues,ts ot Mr. DOn Henderson, T~. KE3446, 6t 7 sea led bids' will be,e'ceived until Antomo,. Texas. . Carr s parents, Mr. and Mt Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. ' ttc and including ·April 1.5" 1948 . Mr. Carl Jones and MISS Joan Heroeft Carr. ,. b David Ralph Smith, Executo; 8 ckett were·:caJlers in Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beck tt enFARM FOR SALEf ~he Estate of , George J. atufday. . . , tertained wHh ':a bfrtHday drnner mith, deceased, for the pur. " ~r. aI19, ·Mr . A~z"Y0od M,a.I- Sunday honorin~. tne Becketts" BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER ha e of parts of in-lots tJ~ and MISS Jane Plte were S~t- daughter, Miss ,Joan Beckett SAVE COMMISSION numbered . even (7) and 'eight U1.da.):" aft.r~oon g,uest~ of ~ISS their grandson; John ' BeCKett (8 L in Presid~nt's quare, MmnJ~ Wl eg~nd a.nd MI s Elame Jr." and Mrs. Beckett's si ter, 70 nere, ' improved, .\vith '7- \iVayn svi lle Ohi and the Mullel of Dayton" Mrs. Minnie Peterson all 3 of 1'0 _m modern hOll , 32 d\Vellilig · h o~. e loc.ated thereon. " Mr .. and Mrs . . mart ' whose birthday anniversarjes ar a 're ' available for sp rin gaid real, e~tate fronting .70 entert~I. lwd the Ad~uJt Bible Class March ~ 1st Those' wll0 attended ~~Ianti",g, ,18 acres alfalfa, f et · n H\g'h Street and runn- at !helt, home, T4 tsd ay ev en l1Jg. th ,dinner in addition to th ,' 1 acres wn at, exce ll ent 2141h feet on Fourth Street f.he P;;T. A,slPonsored til ,11' , gu~sts df hon r were, Mr. and pasture with never-failing ill~ extended, is , the property Annual , banque.t " Mrs. Dane Elbon and daug'ht T pring-fed streams. ,Early formerly occup'i d as a resf-: WednesdayBasket~all e~~l,1mg" at the HIgh Jacque]j~e of ,Morrow, Mr: and o sin. Owner will finby the late Geor~e J. School gy!1111as.JUm.. Mrs. Russell Kissell and daughance: Robert ,Wilson, fi,rst . dence M-rs. WIlma Tt~01;nherry . was ter Janet, Mr. John Peter on mith. farm east of Lytle on n rth bid ' must .c ntain th.e ~ostess to !h~ , Mlsslonarv SOC'- Mr. Robert Glenn and Mr. Joh~ ' side of WaynesvlIle -, ty tle fullEach nam~ ~ve.ry pers,on (0'1' lety of Jonah ·s. R\.1n ~hur~h, Young, of Cincinnati, Mr" , and Road. -325 persons) so9f hlddm~. The right W-edn~sday eyenJ!lg, M! S, AIJ~e Mrs. Eug:ene ~nodgrass ana fa,l11IS reserved to reject any ana all Hou~h , of Sabma" presenced tile ily, ,Mr. an9 Mrs. John Be€kett LOT FOR SAL~ bids ' .' lesson ,and Mrs. J. P. 'Thorn· St., "and-Mr. and Mrs. Glenn qook an9t family all of FrankLot 75 by 210 teet just North' , Said ·prop,e rty was appraised berry condu~ted the, devotions. O. E, S. m~pec;tlOn was hel~ 1m and Mrs. Carl Jones of near of Waynesville on 'Route 42. at $6,'835.00 'by the., Probate ' ,. , Court or ' Warren CoU'nty , at , th e M~oJ11c 1 emple Satur- Harveysburg. Phone 2834. . M.r. and Mrs. Clarence Price -318 & 3 ... 5 Ohio, and will 'be ·sold at not day evemag. Jess than the appraised value. ' Mr. and : Mrs. Charles Swmd- cele~rated their 32nd wedding , fOR SALE- . Terms: -Cash upon delivery ler were Sunday ~~tJ~sts of Mrs. annaversary at their home SunR,uth Murray of Leesburg'. , ,day: Their two 'sons, Oarenc of ·Executor's Deed; . ' . Davie : -Ralph Smith, , ,. , Mr. and ~rs. , Fre~ Sherwood JunIOr, and.· Charles togeuier One Cello, ~ood condition, and Executor. of the Estate of were g~,e,st~ C!)f'rela,tives In COT~ w!th their famiIies ,spenr the "(fay a % VIOlin. Ross Hartsock, Phone 2921. ~41 ' . George J. Smith, Deceased utnbus dunn.e- the. pa~t week. wlth ,th'em. . , Mr. ,and .Mrs, v,,~ , P. MCCa~'- .. ' . Piano in ~ood condition. Leo Charles .A. Anderson Gentry, Waynesvil1e ' Route Attorney-Nt-Law . r~n ,Of Coshocto.~ and their ~ ; Y01JB SUBPLU$ :rrBII8 . ' 3. -" 325 ' ---4.8.- . daughte~f Mrs. Bruc~ Wallacee INTO QOIOK, BEADY CA811 ang chi dren of ·Walhoundinp; • BEAD TJq Cl+&8Smm AD~ _ H9fpOJ'nt ~efrig~rator, . Ennis spen.! the weekend at the Mc- ' . Thompsoh; Main st. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conner and Carren'shome here. WELDING -32'5 daughter W':ere .Saturday evenin~ Mrs. Laura 'Shidaker who has , ' guests' of Mr 'anctMrs. -Robert been the ho.useg;uest of M-rs .. Wa~ville Ice House Regina sweeper A-1 ·shape. All . Billet in .Centerville. Marne Hatfield in Lebanon, has . " WamePark . • atia~hmenb . . Iryin Mulfo~, ' ~~~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ . ' Phone Waynesv,IJle 27,23. , . ' i7-

JJarve'l~tu'fl noietJ





Evet'y 'Job Guarant~ed Free Estimatei' Cheerfully , , Given


SHARP.& WILLIAMS _. Corner Main & '









Cincin'nati Vnion Stock Vard. i.;iYe Wir, and Prollre ..iye. An Ora,.n izat.on '.eoond to none'. StrIctly a.llera on the beat all around ' market In ' the country. SERVICE 1"HAT SATI&FIES

~HIO Day_ton ' 12: 30 E. S. T. .IJl~l 130IJ WLW Clnelnna U

12:4.0. Dial , 700. ' tor i Our Dally

Market ReDort.



Locust, posts. H. Gibson, Mt. HOlly_ . -325 , . Two pump coolers, one inside , and one Qutsiae Coke cobJer. Also. lighted showcase. Belen, . er's Sunoco Setyioe, Phone ~423,, ' ' ,' ---,.325 Home wanted f~/two pla·intivelooking g-oldfish. Call 2143 ~


FoR 'SAL&::MAcRINER -" ' . ~o~n Deere heavy ~\.lty wagoQ '

nn rubber. 'Roll-'over, scraper (Of ~rading- and excavating. ' Hammer "miJIs and feed grinders!' ~e:w and ,used. BANTA iMPi£MENT' Co. lebanon, 0liio ,' ;; Phone 555'~; . -325 GOU LD ·Shallow \vell water system with pressure ' tank . .Banta Implement Co. leb. anon, 011'10. Phone .5 5-5. -325 BUSINESS SERVICE- . -...--....;............ If· We , ~.iy-e you ~ro"'Pt ,effiCient serVl'ce on your John D~re Tractor anq 'relateq, equ,ipment. ; Only genuine Jolln Deere, parts used. Our ' mec' hanic~ lrain(d to' give satisfactory , service at 10w cost. ~~ .c;arry a large stock of re, ~~Irs for 'all Jonn Deere macnmery. . . ~....;.'

BANTA 1MPI.F.MENr Co. Lebanon Ohio, Phone 555 FOR RENT.;a... WalJpaper steamer. itt' c. St. John, Phone 2705. . ,~t


. '






The 'MIAMI GAZETT1~ . PHONE 2143 ' "




, .




· ., P. . Joy r~p()rted tllat be had dUI! up some brokelL storm ' sewers on High ". Street ,an~ . ' · -..: '- . . - 'found "large s that had rot-, ' My . Ite~' on the sal(tS fax led Qnto the stone pipes during 'recent brought several com1l1en~ heavy rains. mostfy from merchants wllo ''

:~~eiflw~~~t ~h;;~ 1~~;~1!;~:~~;


of tne framle

uitd- ,

109 with concrete blocks. Th~ ,

' hearing will settle ,whether th~it . order .must be carded QuL " Mayor " ' Warren B'raddoo" )VhQ reQeived .n0tice of the heaI~: " mg~ was .001 informed wh~t~el r he or ~ny other local ' o'ff,ICIa,ls '·1':


SheIfden-Brow'n, yV' lOWS 'I.-1:Ite ."k ila en ,')' N

tho. Ilt .




M . !ll~~ -I' ";'}~ " UPllill rgu ... ass OD IlPII OJ ." j I'

e!1 He , L'




t·. cent ,M th'eir sales. O.nIy 'on' Meanw:hile work is ag'ar~l " .'. . person t rose t11 th~ dcren~c Of JOHN BELL '. ,'",_ li~lted on"the bui1:din~ ~rid d~"n. ' ,". th~tsta e., '. and . lat person lack 7 , ' . . . 'br' i de's aunt ' : , Mr: s . F. f>., !--eary:, • ley (Pat) MAlohe ' awaits word At a n' ~ ed. be cour~g~ to sign 1 is let er, ' .John Ben" 8S-:y'e i :fptial high rirass in ·St. and. Mrs. C. " L. McGu mn, amI ~r-ottl far- ,0n ~w~en he Ca1} . l:~sume his res;. ", Coluinbkille 'Cath olk Church . Tbat wl1te( ipsist that the 'n~er ,'Y~~.hil~ been ~Il . for sever irt 'herco usihS , Mi'sse s M~rt' ~nn at , taurant business. ,\ ' Wilmington last Saturd'a y'morn. McGuinn, H,e!en and h,a. Rose tax. on ' $5.0 \ oHh of purch.ases y~ats, dled~at 12.:4C? a~' m.' 53;tTuesday's naitstor-m inte !. .ing .MisS ' Frances Regina $hlr. Taylo is $1.50 , 'ana " no more. , He's urday at .h's h,op1e' In H~rv~ys- rupted r. The couple then left 011 ri~ht, bu~ 0nl~ if he spends ,his burg. He)s survlved .by h~"lre, Th,e . wo!'k: 0 11 tl~e roof over" der: anti Mr. Fqtncis Gen~ a w~ek'~ trip 'to. ~~ 'un.qisclosed Miami GazeUt:, .also o rl1e 1'" , Brown were married by, the d~stll}atron $50, an 'm 011e plate. fie con- , Ada i two dau~~t~fSl ~rs. N~me , ~fter which they ed by staie fIre offICIals. " . Rev. Theodore Stub,er. . ven,ently f~rg~, ts thl1 odds Joh,!son 9f ~tl111ICQ'[he a!1 d Mrs~ ' , . WI}! m: f l.~e ~h~}r home :o~ South . , , . .' ., MiS:Blowh ,s the daughte~ Of . Mam. m , ~ayne ~taokec\ ' agamSt ,peopr-e ; \VJ1Q _ David " Segal . of DetrOIt amT sville . .. Mrs. ·William 'Enmt'ett Shirden: spend amounts ' Tess - than : a ~ th.r.-ee ~6ns; Oharl~s BeIr of Day- . Mrs. Br1 o, w n IS. a ' ~radu of. . -, _ ~ , _ emns .. " of Wilmih tl'tdll. Mi'."Brbwil, wllo ·· Wilm.ingtbn" Hi~h Scnpoate d'Oll ~~·. . '. ,... , ton. ~n~ ,Geprge a~, ,Ever~tJ_ t .aQli was , ,recently: elected 'president ., attended ' Wjlming~on cone~e. , upppse ',he 'e ats frequet;t,tJy , .Bell h.vl~g ·· at home quor ~" .of the WayneSVille Civic , CliJ~, - Sl1·e ,is pers(,) m ,a, local- restaurant.\ as I do. He :", , Puneral' servlces'. were held,., pal secret~ry ,t(~ tb,e ' ! • is the son 0f Mr.' and Mrs .. Law- Pub).lsher of ~ the . 'al,wa:¥s ,bUY$ the 85-~~ nt dinne{~ , 1;'uesd4,y af~~rnoQno a:t ~ion Bap. Wllmlngt011 '~, At the -Spring Jnstit~te ,of the repce E·..·' BI·own of Wayn·esV'ilIe.. . Ne\v.s -U~ur arid 'Jl.ays 3 , cents tax ·on it. Byt tst CIi~rcH ,10 Har.,v.eysburg, In naL , MF ~'fO'Wrt.. IS, War rehC ount y" : Woman's 'The , oiide wore a· street- a graduate of W,,-ynesv\l the ",time he has ~pught' $'5 0 elJ,arge of, . the ' St~bt;s le HIJ(t1 FUne ral Cnristi~n ' Te.n-.p~rance · ~nlo11 ' . I.ength dress of Ctl}~ty rose with worth ~f 8S-,c~nt,dmners, '( 58 ' Horple. J3ut.I~1 W'~s ,10 Clarksville ?C~Q9 r and' s~r;ve d , i n the Arrn.y . last FTld~y,. Rev~ J,. T~.):lor MG- ' navy blue ac, .. Her ·cor~ In ~ - 'of th m) he, bas p'aid '1".74 11'.--' Cernet~ry~ , World Wa'r 11. · He g~ps an~ ' Hend ry l)q>ught 10rth f.acts on sage was., of :pink rosebuds and , mari~ges sales tax, 0 ~.48 -per cent• ., the I:.:lay 'do~k ln~ura ". nce. '. th~ ,tremendous "toll Whl~~ bev- white lilies' (lfthe valley. ., , Se'rvlee SUPP,?se" he" i~, mpre :ec6rt.. " .urn ·art d is c,tistrJ'c,t mana~er erage ornical and always buys ·a. 50. , nOer e 0 ~J DD ng ~, '-tal aJe~h.~I)las, taken m men~ , , ' Mrs. Chflrles . p. Mcl1ugh of', ot. Amenc~J1 :' Farmer~ . ~u,tuat ' a~~ phY~Ical he!llth, s,\fety, Garot~ersvtl,~e, Ind., w.a's ptatron lnsur~nce. Cq.. ·, cent lunch. The' ~50 will'. last ,I I ] '" L:;..: and ~conoml~s. It , w,~~ st~ted of qonor ,an.c,i the, bnde s ol)lv hi~n fol' "100 l~rlclje~, . ~mt'~ 'he', ~D~ ~sDlDg. ICeaSeS., ~' .. )hat ' W (! d qI n 2' g1:l s JrQ1'l1 est ,t~e w~al'lkn~ s ' OUbr'tClt-f'~' a-ttend~f.)t. . Do~al,d .l3r_awn~ WayneSVille w.lll pay 2 cents tax on e~ch were Mr. ' and s: ~ze~S, }n s~a pWl~g t e ~I 0 . lunch - a total of $2.00 . Then ' Waynesville , ....:.. Fairle v Hard": brother of the oqdegroom., ~vas I:-awrence. E. ~r.9 \V n, fJat,ty,lvlf. .EJ,-., th~ Ilq\JoI .adver ~J~ern ents . was . best man. Usher-s were WIlham ' 'leel\ and Donald Brow Ohiq's cut. na~ jumped ' to ~ 4' ~~, ware, SmlitlY arid a n, Miss r~sult Qf· th~ spJrltu al 'pover ty~ P.!' McGuinn .of ~e:~ar,viI'1e . 'anQ ' Mary Brown, Norris Brown, ~r. " . cent on the $50<0 .' ·Sales •. , , " , which pervades our ~ountry. . J. E. Ush~r of Cnlcmnat'. , ' . and; Mrs. H ' a'' t"'eysb Pa.ul urciBrow n , and Welch 'RICSuppo, se !!e', gt:(s .' d~WIUlgbt Har" , ' Thebecau ,. accep of , ' soG'Jal ". . fioo ~ harIes'.'F 'E' 'h' " ,. u-~ 'evils iSf, ', h ~. D M r' L Cook' u· · se tance tax ·.reve nues C frugal and holds hiS lundl down ". . "~ r.IISC er, org~n af'rl,J r:_. ~ y waf,e. . ,y,lISS. . was called a short:sightedpollcy ,played , R~ssml~ ' proceSSIO,n(l.t "Lucy .to : 20 ,cents \ ever.y da:y. Then Lebam>" '~ Russe , Em!ly , M~. and 'Mrs. Harll Carr. 'Wes~ as the aUendin~ ty 'de. an~ . recess!opal. marchesl Mfs. old .W, h~takier, ~f. , and S5? .wlll pay for 2,50 \un~hes. . fern' Auto, Bashford Appli. grada1iQn and costpover MM'IS. . of crime far . WI!1 F! Hams directed the 'cl1~lr Morns HuP' er . hMrt H.e, pays a 'penny ta)( on each ' ~nce Store. ~ .~. r. ~nC1d rs. t " offset ' an ' financial' returns ' wh,lch sang .the m~ss.' one~ pr a tetal of '$2.50 . This Springboro· ,l - South~s HardEmers on. E ' " arn a, . .~ u d The org;m iz~tlon adopted re'AI recep tmna t the "Genefal Strou4, Mrs. Gra,ce Vice Mrs.e sO,ul i~ p. ~ying 5 per ~eIit, ware. , , soh,lti Qns advocating eapp er Deriver Hot:el f(:}llQ~ed the' ~efe.-.. Irene Azlmg, ~nd Mrs. *0 tbe state; , . ,, " Foster - : Tomniy'~ Fish Fry. . Bm to. p'Tohibij Intersthe Irene tate liquo r rno/ny. H9s,~e~ses were the. Henderson. In other words, ·the less you ,Prarlklin - Colel1'lan's, ·Good adve~b slllg· a,nd the Rees Bill spend, t~ higher tax you p~:v ' brut Store, . Hayes Shell Oil, to wi~h~ old fro01 br~wers on it ', . ' . ' . ,Franklin Rod and tun Sh~p. and dIstillers.grain ,t also~ent on. r~. ~' Kings M-ills - MurriS G. War. ~ord , as QP,p.OSIOR' Universal Milo , .k htary Tram . , P. S. The' goai is still here, Ma~~~:- Thomp,son's Hard." ·A local mg ..isSue which ,was ' looking happy. I'm still h~re ware ~rongly cnbciz~d was the leasperiod I . t • . mg of the Palr Grounds for • Pleasant Plam - '. McHenr.y harne ss racing which the group :' , Grocery. ' . consid ered of doubtful value to Harold', B.. Earnhart . (ttt) .'48 R~d Lion ~ Ivins Grocery. . H~ the peQPIe. of the' county. r

WC"T UCd on ' ",

Li . ''''\lId' U s, ' .- M_.T",, '... ':' ",' .,



't B' H ti ";,' I



• \-





Ob .D oc to r'

~re~ · ~ 2 'Acta-··Cast of 80 8;1 8 P. M. Tomorrow' at 'W. s..' •








TO CALL us for Insura nce. All types of Insura nce at a savings. Call . Franc is ' Gene Brown , phone Wayn e ville 2935 or' call collec t. \~ilmingt on 2111.

Real Estat e For Sale -IF YOU HAVE A PROP ERTY OR FARM TO SEI.JL Call or Wnte Oon Hende rson, TeJ. KE3446. &17 Lorain Ave., Dayton , Ohio. tfc


' r ' '';,

im prove d


73:1 aLr ~ fo r 'p ri ng planti ng, d a re - alf alfa, 1( a re r nL::tl, xc ii nt I a -,lure \\ itll 11 "'vcr-f ailin g sp J'\ ll g-f i . -tr am , IEarl .' ~ 0 .: -, i n. Own er wil l finan ' . R. I ert ,\r\fil - n, fil"t far m ea t f 'L tic t il n ) rth - i d~ f Vv'avn' vUl - L ytl' R ad. ' -325 " \1 111

111 1\1 I'll :l\ ail :1bl ~

1l 0l1- e,:


'-31 8 & 32S


Pian in ,g'ood condi tion. Leo Gentr y, Wayn esvill e Route


dem and. S tar ted sex e d cocke rel chicks now avail- ' able.

DUNHAM WHI TE ROCKS Phon e Wayn esvill e 2916

The Red Cro ' s sti Il needs canva er to cover areas in which n one has vollln te red to co ntact his n ig:hbors. If you can ' pare a few h ur for a w 'o rthy C' lU e, phont ! 2 143 or visit the. Miam i Gazc tt ) offi e.

NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE N tic i h reb y.· given that

Lakd I id ' wil l be-re ei ved until an i in hiding April 15, 1948, I .\' avid Ralph Smith , EXeCllt r lI f til' E ' talc f G e rge J. , 111 ith, dec ased, f I' the pur· chase f " art fin- l ots n lim I' ~ r Li eve n (7) and e i gh t U~) , in Prc idc:nl ' quare, \ ay n '.' vill ) Ohi ), :l11d the i\\ dlin.Q,' huuse III ;lkd thel'eo n. ". aid r a I . e ' tate fr ntin~ 7 ke l 11\ Hi gh ' tr0et and running 2 14 I;~,fe t n f mtll tr et xt~ nd e d, i the t r p rt,Y f rrn ' rl.v 'Llpi~d a - a. r 1dcr~ e by th.e: late Geor g J. '- I11lth. . . . Each hid J11U t ' ontain t1,e full name feve r p r 11 ( r p r~ n ' ) S . hid .1inp;. The right I reserv d t reJ t any and all hid . aid ~ 1'01 r( \\ as app raised at $6, 35 .00 by the .Prob ate C ud a Warre n C Ulit y Ohio, and will ,be sold at I e' . than the appra ised value . Term s: Ca h up on deli very f Execu t I' S Deed. David Ralph Smith , Execu tor of the Estate of Geor~e J. Smith , Deceased Charles A. Ander son ' Attorn ey-At -Law


-3 25

a point

Refrio 'erato r to.. • ' ThOn1p~on Mam St.



Regina sweeper A-1 shape. All . attach ments . I rvin Mulfo rd, Phone Wayn esvill e 2723 . . ' . -41

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conn er and daugh ter were Satur day ev:eni ng gues ts of 'Mr. and Mrs. Robe rt L3il1et in Cente rville.

Two pump coolers, on.e inside and one outsia eCok e coole r. Also li.~hted showcase. Betcn er's Sunoco Servic e, Phon e

2423 . .


Home wante d for two plaint ive. lookin g ,g'oldfish. Call 2143 .

FOR SAL E-MA CHIN ERY John Deere heavy duty wago n n rub.ber. Roll-o ver scrap er for grading- and excav ating; . Hamm er mills and feed grinders, new and used:

Mr. and ' Mrs. Harry i . Tucker had a ' their house.Q,'ue t thi weekend, . Mr. Tucke r si -tel', Mr . Jenn Bell o f Some r ville . Mrs. Ro ert HouRh under went a majo r perat ion at McClella n . h osp ital Wednesl1a 1110rning~ She is repor ted t bt: P!9gr ssin~ ati fact ril.v. Mr. and Mr. La \ rence Houg h have return ed to their hom in abina follo\\ ing: a visit with their on, Harol d ' \\ h is tation ed wit h the Army in an Anton io,. Texa ' . . Mr. Carl J nan d Mi Joan . Be'k tt \\ r , aller in Da t n,

. . aturda '.

Mr. and Mrs. ·tlZ\\ o ~i Martin and Mi Jane Fite were Saturday aft rn a n gTlest of M i " Minni Wi egand :lIJd Mi -- Elain e Mulle r fDa ' t n. Mr. and Mr . Charl e ' mart entcrtaine i the Adult Bible Cia 'lt ~ heir hO~11e, Tues iay ev 11m g'. fh .P.- r. A. ·SpO Il r d th eir A nnual ' Ba k tbal\ banqu et" Wednesda vcnin~, at the Hi ()'l~ S h ool ~ mna iUll1. . ,..., Mrs. Wilm a 1'h rnbcr r \! 'as h t ss tot h Mis ina r v ciet f J nah" Run Churc h W dncsL iayve ning- , M r , Ali H 1I,g'h f .. abina , pre~n[ed the Ie SO il and Mr. J. P. Th ornberI'. condu ted the dev ti on . O. E. . inspe cti 11 was h Id at th Ma !lie Temp le atLirday eveni n.e:. , Mr: and Mrs. Charl es Swind l er were unda v. g'ue ts of Mrs. Ruth Murra y of [ees .urg. . , Mr. and Mrs. Fred , herw ad were gue' ts of r'e lative s hi C 1umbu durin!]' the pa t week. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCa rren . of Cosh octon and their TURN YO'UB 8'tJBPLU8 ITEM S daughterf Mrs. Bruce. Walla cee INTO QUICK , BEAD Y CASH and chI dren of WaJllOllncfin n' .' . READ THE CLAS.S IFIED ADS spent the weeke nd at the Me: Carren ~s home here. ' .WELDING Mrs, Laura Shida ker who ha been the houseguest of Mrs .. Wayn esvill e Ice Hous e Marne Hatfi.eld in Leban on, 11as



HORSES $9.~ .c~ws


$4.00 Cwt.

: CAIJ .



4 a.cIaS.....4 1x__ o.

Ee G.

IDe. .

BANTA IMPLE~NT 'Co . . Leban on, Ohio Phone 555

.-32 5

GOU LD· hallow well water sy tem with pressure tank. Banta Imple ment Co. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 555.



on your John Deere 1 ract r and related equip : ment. On I, g-enurne John Deere parts used. Our mechanics trained to giVe atisfactor y service at < l ow co ·t. We carry a large st ck of repairs f or all John D eere machinery .



Wallp aper steam er: Will C. St. John , Phone 2705 . ' -41


d 0 iI

R~.cin. t<


SHARP & WILLIAMS ~ orne r Main & Mi ami



Cincin nati · Unio1.' Stock Yards Live 'Wirt! and progre ssive, An oraani zatlon second to ncne . Strictl v sellers on the best all around marke t in the countr y. SERV ICE THAT SATIS FIES WHrO Da.yto n 12: 30 E. " T. Dla.l 1300 . WLW Clnclnnat1 12 :40. Dlf11 700. tor Our D a ll M!lrke t Repor t. .


DE AD · STO CK . COW S-$1 0.00 .

HORS~$8.00-:..:..:-- ;·

Phon e





T . ·r · App lied . and Drive way Reco atinl EST 1 MA T ' E 5

B~ B. ST RO UD Pbo~ 221-L .._._._._ _._ .•.._._._._._._. __ ._.. .._._ .. 1-


.. C A S H" _

. FO R



. "



PHONE 2143


HOG S-$3 .75 cwt. Acc,e rdln. to 11.0 a Condit ion' Also, All SMALL STOCK REMOVED PROMPTLY

26 ~ Av -. ' LEBANON, OHIO


BANTA IMPLEMENT Co. Leban on Ohio Phone 555

Free Estim ates Cheer fully ·Give n .

'. An y m. ke ·o r mo de l Fre d Kahn Mo tor Ca r Co.'


BUSINESS SERV ICEV\ e giyc yo u' p'r ompt efficient

Every Jab Guar~nteed

Bl ac kt op Dr iv ew ay s


X E N I A Fe rti liz er Rev..... Char....







. .



Rovo,. o Ch8r... .


THE MIAM I GAZE TTE PAGE 8 WAY.N ESVll LE, OHIO No. 4361 T H ':.l R S D A V, MAR C H 25, 1948


Bill LEE


H. Gibso n, Mt.

. -32·5

no ieJ

return ed to her h me here Mr'. Ida HeAd rick wh o ha ht!en -eriou ' l y ill at the PI' tlas 0 Nursinp: Honie in Wilm ingto n i ' rep rted to be much impro ved . Prof. and Mrs. H. C; Milli gan and Mrs. Erne tine Moore were call ers in . C1ncinrtati ' Fri ~a ' ar ternoo n. , . Mi s Esther Prath er pent the weekend \\ ith her paren t in Clark sville . Mrs. HlI,g'h . S. Vance \Va a husine caHer in Dayt n M onday. Mr. Je se Thom p o,n . f Wa hin,e:to n C urt Hou e i -pend ing a few day as lhe ,C.'lIe t f his br ther, M r. Charl e Thom p QIl Mr. and Mr. "Billy ' Carr and family of Colllm bu '\\ er weeke nd -11 1I gue t a t Mr. Carr' par nt, . Mr. and .Mr: . Herbe rt Carr. . Mr. :l11d Mr. Ben B kett ent rtain d wi th a birthd ay dfnne r lin iay h norin~ the Becke tts' daugh t r, Mi ' J an Beck tt 01 ir ..~'J'alld on, J hn Be kett J r., and Mr. 13 k tt ' - i te r Mr ' . Minni e J t r on alI ~ f \\'11 - birthd ayan niv r ari c ' ar Mar h ~ 1 t. Tho e \\ 11 aU nde 1 the dinn er in a. j iiti 11 to til' ,~' lI t f .h ~1 r were, Mr. and Mr . Dane Ell n ~nd iau!!,'ht er . Ja (]u lin (f M rrow, Mr: and Mr . Ru ell Ki ell and daugh ter Jan et, MI'. J ohn Pet "r ' 11, Mr. R b rt Glenn and Mr. John Youn.e: f C in ~ innati. M r.' and ~r . Eugene n dgra ~ anCT r ~U'l1II , Mr. and Mr . John B ckeLt r., and- Mr. and Mr. 01 nn ok and famil a ll f Frank - ' lin and Mr . Carl Jane of n ar . Harve y bur .~· . Mr. and Mr . Clare nc Pri e celeb rated their 32 nti wedd ill" anniv~rsa!' at th eir h om e uD. day. fhelr tw on CrarenCL Junio r and Char le' tOR,'etner \\ ith their famili es spent the 'ray with them. · . '.

Wayn e Park


Locus t po ts. HOlly.


start chicks' now- have early fryer~they ' will be in bi~





Annitage &SOD ·

TBLEI'IIONB8 WAY NBsv iLu . .1 MOBa OW . . . . LlBAN ON Oltlee 6'1. an. 11&



bu - years. estabHsh d 'tn the early 1800 's Whell tJ .: f~+,s t church w(\s' e~ect­ 'ed, .chiefly' with . 'yQJ,unt~~t Ja'· bor~ , ""'" ,MJ1. . JOInes said the 'churCh board VI: trustees actttt uncreli SectiOn _3465, .of tfie O~io general code: 1 The action ,had oeell under · J;;;cussion bV "d'i rustees and b" t :e official b o ar~t f,).J~ ~~ , Jo

' three walls of t'h e fram1e build- Dayto n Herald, has been'of partinK with concl:ete hlocks. The time rasto r of L tl ,ch urch had dUe- up so~e broke n storm ' hearin~ will ·settle wheth ince ,June 1, 19-1-5, e\ er on - HIgh Shee t and ' ord r must be carried that found larl!'e stones that had roTMayor Warr en Braddock • led onto the pipes during recent who received notice f the he nr~ h av rains. ing, was no! inform ed whether , he or an other I cal ffi ial;; would be .summoned t th~~ hearing. __ _ J Meanwhile, work i again JOHN BELL halted on the buil iing' ,Hid OwnI ride aunt, Mr . F. P. L arv ley (Pat) Ma.lon e a \\ aits word John Bell, 85-ye'ar-old far- on At a nuptia l hi gh ma ~in Sl. and Mrs. C. L. M 'Guinl.1, an'.:! when: he can [..: 'ume hi rc ',. Colum mer who h~d . been .ill for ,severar taUl-a b.kiHe Catho lic' Churc h 'in her c0u' in' , Misse Marth a nn nt busine s . ' years, died at 12 .:40 a. m. SatWilm ington 'last Satur day m' o rn_ M Guinn . H !en and Ro ~ Tuesd ay's llaiLtorm inter·, ing, Miss Franc urday at his home in , Harveyse a ShirTaylo r. The couple then I ~ft all rupte d work n the r of vel" den and Mr. FranCIS Gene burg. He is survived qy h~ ~ire, a week 's trip to an undi' ~ I o 3d The Miam i Gazet te, al 0 rl..fer .. , Br \VA were 111.arried , Ada; tWb daughters, .Mrs. Nellie Q'y the destin ation, after eel which they by state fire officia ls. Johns on of Chillicothe and Mrs. Rev . Theodore Stuber. will , m,ake th , ir home on South David Sega l' of ,' Detroit. .an:1 Mrs. Bro\vn is the daughter of Main tree( in 'Wa 11 sville , ' thre,e sons, Gharles Bell of DayMrs, William Emmett hirden Mrs. Brow n is agradu ate ,o f -ton and Georg e ' an~ Everett of VI/ilm in ,..:~ o n, r/ r. C r \ ii , who vVilmjngt n I-l i,g'h Seha I and Bell liying at home. was re ently elected pre id ent attend ed ' Wilmington College; f he Wayile ville Civic CluT1, Funeral ' services , were hehf he is personal secret ary tn tIle j the 11 ( f Mr, and Mrs. Law- publi her Tuesday aftern oon at Zion Bap· At the pring InstItute of the .f the Wilming:ton tist Churcn 'in Harv.e'ysb\Jr.~, In Warre n , Coun t , WOnian' - ren e E. Brown of Waynesv ille, New -J ournal. Mr. Brow n Is Th e hride wo re a treet- a gradu ate of W aynesville Hi,~'tl charR'e of the- Stubbs Funeral Christian , Tem.perance Union Home ; Burial wa in ClarksviIlc last Frida y, Rev. J. taylo r Mc- len ~:th , dre s of du ty rose with School and served in the Ar~ y , Cemetery . .' Hendry 1 rough t torth fact II nav y blue acce ories. Her cor- in World War n. He owns and the tremendous toll which bev- sage \Va - of pink ro ebud's al1li manage ' the-Haydock Insurance: , ervice and i ,di.strict mana ger rage alto~ho.l h'a taken in men- white Iilie of the valley. Mrs. Charles P. McHugh of' of Am ' rican Farm ers Mutua tal and phySical health,, l and economics. I.t was tat d "Carotlier ville, Ind., wa matron In uranc e Co. that the weakne s of our cit- of honor and the bride onlv Wed qi n 2.' fro 111 Brown, \,yavne Ville wereguest izens in - wallowing the bait of att 11 ian t. . Don,ald Mr. and M,. . Wa) nesville - Fair!'? v Hal' \- the liquor adye.r ti~eme brother of the hrideg-ro om,' wa nts \vas I awr' e .nce E Brow n, Patty, EI.ware, mlith I!r ice ami ;t r~sult of the spiritual pover ty best man . U her were William le'en and Dona ld Brow n, Miss Sales. P. McGuinn of Cedarvill and Mar'y Brow whIch perva des our COUl1Iry. n, Norris BI'own, Mr ~ Harveysb~r,g W-eIch HaHl~ The acceptance of social ' J. E. Usher of Cinci nnatt and Mrs. Paul Brown and _Ricware. ev ils bee-au e of tax reveilues Charles ' F. Fi cher,' organist, haro; Dr. Mary L. C ok, Miss Lebanon - Rus 'ell Carr, Wes- was called a short-sighted polley pIa ed Ros ini,'s proce ional Lucy Emily, Mr. and Mrs. Hartern Auto, . l3a 'hford Appli- .as the attendin~ pover,t , de- and rece sional nlarches. Mr , old Whita ker, Mr. and Mr . gradation, anq cost of criille far , Will F. Hains directed 'the chotr Morris Hunter, ,Mr. and Mr. . ance Store. offset which sang- the mass. any finanCial returns. Springboro - 'South s HardEm r on art, Cl a u 'l1 ' A1 reception at ' the General Stroud, Mts.Earnh The organ izatio n adopted' reware. ' Grace Vice, Mrs. ons advocating the Capp er ' Denver Hotel followed the cere- Irene Azling, and Mrs. lrcn . . Fo -ter - Tommyfs Fish Fry. . soluti 8m to prohibit Interstate liquor , mony. Hostesses - were the Henderson. Franklin - Coleman's, Good advertisingj and the Rees Bin Drug: Store, Hayes Shell Oil, to withholu grain frOOl rs' Franklin Rod and Gun, Sl1op. and distillers. It also wentbrewe on reKings Mills - Morris G. War- cord as ·opp·osing Universal Mi1wick. litary Training. A local Iss\le whic h' wa!5 Mas'on Thom pson' s Hard. strongly criticized was the leasware. in~ of the Fair Groun ds for Pleasant Plain -- . -McHenry harne . ss racinj{ whic11 thegroup Grocery. . considered of doubtful vatu{· to H~ Red Lion - Ivins Grocery. the people of the county. .., o



My item' n the al'-.S tax broug-h t .ral omm eniS 1l10 ' U . fr m merch ant\ 110 a~Te d that their tax lIe tl 111 are alwa 111 re (han lhree \_c=r cent of their ale. Onl1 1)\1per ' n r e t the d.![ 'ns~ t the t"te, ;:inti tha l per 011 lacT<ed th e co ura.~·e t ikn hi letl er_ That "'r1t i~ in i t thattr.1; ta x on 5 \\' rth of purch a i $'1.50 , and no 111 reo He l , right, but nl if he -pends his $5 all. in one plaLe. He CI 11veniently f rg t · thiS dds stacked again i P opr whO spend amounts c-}~than- ' a d llar. . ' ' UppOSe he eats heque ntly in a lucal re -taurant, as I do. He ah ayS buys the 8S-cent-t1inner and pays 3 cents t(~.x on it. -By I , lime he has bought $50 worth of 85-ce nt dinners, (58 'of them) he has paid $1.74 In sales tax,- aT 3.4~ . per' cent. Suppose he is more econmical and always buys a 50 .. cent lunch. The $50 will last l1im for 100 IUllches, and he' will pay 2 cenis tax 6n each lunch - a total of $2 .00. Then Ohio s cut has jumpe d to 4' : 'en t on the $50. ' Suppose Ire gets downright frugal and holds his lunch down to 20 cents every da '. Then 50 will pay for 250 lunche '. He pays a penny tax ,on each one, or a total of $2.50 . This frugal soul is .paying 5 per cent to the state. " In other words, he less you spend, the higher "tax you pay on it. P. S. The ~oat is s'till here, looking happy. I'm still here,period. Harold, B. Earnh art

(ttt) 48

C. P. Joy repor ted that he

Shirden-Brown VOWS Are Taken At Nuptial High .Mass on April 3~'1

W. C. ,T. U. Condemns Liquor Ads, U. M. T.

Where to Buy Hunting And 'Fishing Licenses:

Oh 'D oc to r

Op ere tta in 2 Acts---Cast of 80 8;16 P. M. Tomorrow at W. S; ~



The Miami Gazette • 8 TAB L 'I • B J: D ' 1• a0


. Published Every Thursday At Waynesville, Ohio CARL G. SMITH, Editor , Entered .s second 01 ... matter at the Post Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $1.50 'a ·Year in Advance

-(To have events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Ga.~ette .. before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) ,

tel'S, Mrs: Alice Sarvis, Mrs. Martha Satterthwaite and Mrs. William Bradley of Waynes.ville. He endured a long 'mness,. of 3 years and 3 rnonthshan<t pas- , sed awa,y' in -, his , orne rn WayneSVIlle, March 26, 1948. , He will ~e g-reatly ,mJssed by his family, and his many friemt and was laid , to rest' in MiamI ' Cemetery MarcIi 29, 1948. '

FRIDAY, APRIL 9 _. Operetta, "Oh D etor," Waynesville H. S., 8 :15 P. M. SATURDAY, APRIL 10 .Annual In p Cti011, Miami Chap,ter, O. E. s..; 6 P. M. SUNDAY, AfRIL 11 . ,Go Ch urch ! 'MONDAY, APRIL' 12 County Me t'hodist Brofh erhoo j Father-Son Banquet, .Red LIOn Church, 7 P. M. Boy Scout 'Troop 40 at 7:15 P. M. . Miami Chapter, 107, O. E. S., 8 P. 'M, regular meet mg. TUESDAY, APRIL 13 Boy's Club at S. N. Keys ' Hom, 7 :30 P. M. Stated Meeting, F. & A. M. Lodge 163 at ·7 P. M. Happy Hour Club at John Gons home. . . , WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 . Friendship Club at Koogler' home. , lHURSDAY,'APRIL 15 Methodi t W.. . C. S. ~t Moler home.


CROSSING THE BAR Sunset and Evening Star . And .Dne" clear call for me; And may there be no moaning Qf the bar When I put out to se'a, But such a tide 'as rnQv,in~ Seems asleep, , Too full for s9imd and foam When that whIch, dre,v from out the boundless deep 'IT.uiirnllls~,.;~gain .~e~e. ;_ .


,.. •


APRIL 12 • i8



, '"


.~ /


" \.

The time h~s ardved when every rigllt thinking American n1ut~ ' JN80lutely face the flid that the enemies of' religion ate ,now withl6 ' .nd without' our ,frontiers. I COUNTY METHODIST MEN . ThE' advocate, of ali("n godless ldeolo,le, are l\~'in, no stone uq..; I TO, MEET AT RED LION .rned to 'discourage the children of America from .acqull:ing a knowl- I edge of God. $ _ . ' ," ( , '.! The imonthly meetin~ of . Just! ho~ successful they will .be depen~s upon the Amerlca! .1 , the Warren Gounfy Methodist , ~rent who owes ' hi~ chilcJ s ~eligiOU~ ~ucationr : ~ , Men's Br.otherhood will be' held .

METHODIST 'CHURCH R. B.. Coleman, M'it)ister . Chulich School '. 9 ;30 ' A. M. J. J. Burske, SUj;)t. Worshfp Service 1'0 :30 A. Nt . Youth Fello'wship ". Thursday• .., :30 pm. '



8AMUEL N. KEVS, Minlat...

Church School Nursery , School Morning Prayer



9 :30a. 10 :30 ' a. m. 10:30 a; m.


First Day School

Meeting for Worship : 10:30 a.m. .


'..... AUGUmNE

,.Pather.lCrumholtz, Prieat Masses


8 and 10 A • .M~

WAYNESvIuE CHURCH OF CHRIST , , R. ·M . Johaaton, Minister ' Bible Schoo~ 9:30 I.nt. Communion 10:3.0 ' a.m. Evening Service 7 :30 p , ~. . --.......; , CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS

REV. D~VIO ' 8TANFIELD"Mi,nl.t...

Worship Service Sunday School


9 :45' a. ·m. 10:45 a ID.


Bible"' School " 9 :30 a.m. ~oming Worship to:3q 'a.DL Prayer Me.eting Z :00 p.m. Yount People's Meeti'ng. " 7 :00 p.m. Evening Services . 7 :30 p.m.


T. M. SC'A RFF, Minister

Sunday School 9 :30 a~m , E. A. ' Earnhart, Supt. to :30 a..m. Wot'Ship Service Evening S~rvice. 7 :,3 0 p.m.



Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. J ames Garrison, Supt. Preaching. f st_and 3rd Sundays - each month to :30 a.m.


Monoay, April 12th at the Red . " KEEP IN MIND '\0 ' " , .Lion Chureh. ., " . Religion t;1t~ rL;6er'7 w.,;Il,NOI. ••i"'tlln 'l'~/1 1,,' , .:A~l members are urged to .. An~ 'PAINTING brin~ a: boy for this fath rand 1948 Samples On Dispt;lY at My son Jjanquet. Dinner will be ser- EAsTERN STAR .UJNIT ved at 7 P. M•. by tl1 e W •.~r. . (,C;,. .-'~T~ · O~H;;;;O~L:';'D-="I~Ni..iSP~E~·cr~I~O~N.-n--;-:;--,;;Home S. of the Methodist Church. G~est speaker will be th ', 10 Per Cent . Reduction Chapter 107 0 , E. S. . , Rev. Jam- cos Walston of the wi1lMiami On All B at Lowest hold its reg.ular annual insDavid Edward Cook. son ' of Riverdale 'Methodist Church, pection on Saturday ev~ ni.n :Y Georg-e and Susan Cook, was Grades of Paper Dayton. with dinner by re~;rvati'on, at born 111 .Waynesville, Ohio.. Feb: '. ----:..-----:...-. Also Carpenter Work six o'clock, followed ,by the ins/' 16. " 18,76 ' and /las -lived in this NEW SIGN IS GIVEN, peetion at eig-hi o'clock. Deputy vicinity his enttre lifetime. age D. E. STANDIFORD St. Mftt.{Y'S .CHURCH Gra~d Matron Lucile Steritz will 72 years" 2 months, '11 day~.­ BY BR()'WN SISTERS be the inspectin,~ ' officer. Visit- , He was united in man:ia~e :O~_I_I_I_'_'_I_'_. A glassed. in moyabIe .; type ors will mc1ude Lillian Sher- with ' 'Effie Pratt at 'Lebanon, P~YER SERVICE , sign for church" announcements ' wood; grand represe.ntative [0 ' Ohio. on December. 18, 1901. • Three children w~re born to has been placed in fro.nt of St. New Brunswick, and Elizabeth nJESDAY NIGHT , , Mary's Episcopal C h u r c,h PuJse, gra~d representative ~o them, namety, Mrs. Glenna Frye '.' . of Waynes:Vllle, Qeorge who through the generosity of Misses PennsylVanIa. at the hOl11e oJ On Monday eve· · Mlarr.~ passed away at 20 y~ars of age, Annie and Mam'e Brown: James H......u..ton . Dav(s also of Ch~pter wiP me~t In · re~ular --and Mrs. ' Ruth The R'ev. Samuel N. K~s an. .sesslOn at el~ht 0. clock. " ' WaynesviUe. , ' nounced that the Misses BrQ;wn , . He is survived also. by one had given th~ materi~ls a!,d that Mrs. Irene AzHRgf Mrs. Grace' . granddaughter JuOy DavIs ' Bob Crewe ·gave 'hiS time 'tn . Conducted ay assembline- and varnishing- the Vice and Mrs. Irene IHendersoJ:l; . daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Ro: with Mrs. Maude Crane Qf bert Davis. ' . Rev. H. Homaby, of Hamilton· sign.. .' ," ..' uebano, n , were Saturday after. Three brothers survive 'name. This week Mr. Keys attended an invitation'al Easter ' lecture noon guests. o~ Mr. a~d Mrs. ly Frank, Charles and Morrrs, nIE PUBLIC IS INVITED of ~aynesville. Also three sisseries at , Kenypn Col~ Charles Doom m Readmg-. ege~ Gambier, 9hio. by.a the~-' , logian from Umon Semmary m New York. . "7 r






QUARTERLy 'MEETING . HELD BY METHODISTS Routine business \ vas transacted ' at the fourth , quarterly conference . ·of the Methodi t Church ' here on Wednesday, March 31., with the district superintendent presiding. ' W. C. T. U. TO MEET The local W. C. T. U. will meet at 7 :30 toni,~ht at the ., home of ·Mrs. Loyd Davis. Safety D.irector Alspaugh of the Monsanto Chemical Co. will show pictures. . FRIENDSHIP ,CLUB The Friendship Clut) wilrho1..i it~ April m~etin?: at the home Of MrS. Charle K ogler on ' We~1nesday aft~rl'}oon April 14, \vtth Mrs. Russel Wilson and Mr.s. John J. Burske as assi tal'lt hostesses. Elv. "ood Rhonemus ,

(ttt) 48

• ,


.. For RepreSentative



Twilight' and evenIng- bell Al'nd \after that the dark; . And may there be no sadness of farewell ' When I embark, . .For thoug'h from out our bourne of time and place Tbe flood· may pear m~ far . J hope to see my pilot face to face I When I have crossed the bar. -Tennyson '




CoUJ1e., of Valllbn Shoemaker, Cblcaro ~aoT Ne. .


F,f,ed J. H.agemeyep ,

Your· Vote and Support .W ill

Be: Appreciated

'Republican Primary May 4, 1948




- ~~" ~i ' I


, II


Won Lost

WaynesviIle .. 6 American Legion 44 To~y's Place 41 Henderson Bros. 40 Good Housekeeping 40 Columbia ~ec'd. 35 Ha.ndigas 135 Eagles 19








3 ~I 34


4,) '



-..... ~

'S --p.



40 40





--'0:::C5 . lSONS CI)




1 -

. '

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashm,ead Mr. and Mrs. Vernon GarbeI' and son were · Sunday dinner. of Springfield were Sunday guests oJ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. dinner g-uests of Mr. and Mrs. St. John. Clyd.e Fromm.

~ '




0 > Although' the Waynesville > f« ~ ' ~S £« t'l:S ', Athletic Association Softball VI ' • II) "0 "0 t.III ~ <.:> <.:> League has muste'r ed but five C!) t: .~ = ... , E: "0 ~ .... . C!) "'0 teams· to date in Its contemplated C'a ~ .... II) Q) .... .;Q N (J) (J) ~ <.:> six-club loop, Bob O'Regan, league prexy is · confident that ! C. Palmer 191 ... -155 147 .493 164' 7207 147 49 the sixth club will 'b'e obtained O. 'Ro,se 14,5 164 t89 498 166 11730 16'3' 72 shortiy. , ' I. Mulford l1l have been appointed by Edw. & Sons . 153 121 150 424 '141 9408' 145 65 Tonight's meeting will be V. HiJI '1'31 191 181 5.03 168 11149 151 74 h'r dealer for Super·Crost and H~ler.Crost highl(l{hted by the. ' appearance E. Ral1\by 133 157 , 132 422 141 ,10988 ' 148 74 of representatives from tfll! , . ~ I' R. Gons 5974 ' 1·49 '. 40 ] H~rid Seed Com, " payton ' .Umpires AssoCtatlOn, 753 788 .799 2340 156 15t. . . , I am now taking orders for this ftne new convergentl" , whose members will handle the • , . Improved Super·Crost and HOosler~Crost Hybrl~ majority: of:the games at Wayne viUe, with information ,that Park , thiS season. O'Regan, a prospects . are bright for a pump capable of deliverIng, not ) Seed ,Com, produced by·Edw. J. Funk & Sons. former professional umpire hun- , ,W aynesville nine in the propos- t~an 860 pounds ' pressure at the 'com is deflnitely a new development i~ ~~ , ~ybnds.. self, coritends that fhe "cure- ed six-club league ,whose age pump and a: tank of not less thalrl 400 gallon ('avadty, lSaddle ta,nli:, al1" for most league aHments of limit is ~ 7 years oid as of Jan. inch high press ur,e previous years will ' be out-of- " 1948. This m.e an,s that a boy 1000 feet of hOs'e, thl'ee high pressuI'e nozzle ' lown 'officiatinfi instead of th who was 17 befor Jan. 1, 1948 and otl1er mt ceUaneous equipment old "choose-me' : method. ,~ is ineligible. at the opllon of the Boa11d 'of Trul!iSporting- Goods salesmen are Represented' at' this initial tees of said 'l'~wnShip aooordtng also expecte'd to be on hand t meeting were clubs from · Cen- to the general specifications on W e , display their wares. terv.Hle, South Hills; (Dayto.n In the Ollfloe of tne Clerk of s aid At last Thursday's mecling' uhurb) , Lebanon and Hell- Township, Bill Sawyer was announced a' I rook. Either Sptingboro or l" the: manager for the American Franklin is expected fill the .13, Ot;le 16S" Wheel ba . Cha 'sis, Legion' t~am, report'edly the sixth berth. " ' and Cab, 2-2'h Ton OapacitY, 8:25 loop favoTlte at thls early dale,. by 20 ten-ply tires front and r~l'.. League OOlltracts were distrie tentative opei1in~ .date dual wheels in reaa', 6 cy,lind-e:l' bu 'ed to tearns present' last wasTh, set for Sunday, June 6, with motor, 'nelux 01'1 Filter, Extra Win4:l week. Next week FOsters f the 10-game schedule ott a Shield Wiper, increased capacity teams will be announced. lwme-and-home basis. bl'akes, increased capacUy ooo11-n g, Tile season will be 6 speed transmission, extra , rear 'LOCAL BASEBALL NINE . conduct~d in split-season style view mh'ror, one hea.ter ' a~d defros'tOPENS ITS TRJ~ING with the first 3 teams of both er at the option of the Board of hait seas'o ns conducting- best Trustees of said Township aCCol'dThe smash of hickor a~ain the horsehide will resound lIn- ~ tourney: play while the lower 3 Itlg to the -Genel~a1 specifications oln day afternoon, from .3 to 5 , teams In 'both halves will con- " flie In tbe Offlc'e o~ tbe Clel'k olf m. at th,e local hi~h school di n- duct. a consolation tournament. ' said ' Township. The next meetinK '. is to be mond as. Waynesville's AmC I ' d A'1 t 'th . Bidders may ~ubmlt bids on either ec~nom,. h Id ,ican kegion ba~ball Club; wll- , e M:on ay" . pn 12, a el . er (a.). 0" (b) 01' Ibotb as they s~e fii dtr the manag-erial reins of Bah Centerville or Springbdro. Each ' bid must contain the tull O'Reg-an, opens its 'trainitl,g ses .. LEGAL NOTICE name of every pe~son or compan~y sions . . AU can,d idates, 17 ' years Intereste'd ' in tJ:ie same , a~d be ac- . and younger,. ar~ request ct l<l SealM bids will be r~elved by companied by a -oertUlied check on , report for t!tISc.ilr 't practice ' the Board ot Trustees of Wayne so~a' solveQt (Bank In the, sum of. meeti~g at \vhich time season Towl1ship,~ Warren · Co., OhiO; 8I~ tho not less than ten per cen tum. (10 % ~ plans ' wiJI · be outlined lW Brt, Office ot thl>, Clerk ot said 'I'own- of the amount of the bid . Good olef - fashion ed - tasting a bid O!Re~an and , his assistant, Bill shIp untU slx-ifhlrty P. M. (6: 30 bond in like amount as a guaranty Buttermilk, refreshing and nuSawyer. p, M.) on ApJ'fl 22, 1U8 for furnishthat 11' the bid Is a cepted, a' COil ,. tritious' Or creamy, just-right In'g: -- -=;0 , , traot wiJ~ be enter.ed . ll)to~ and, 1'61 LEGION BASEBAll ENT.RV A. One High Pressure Fog Fire performance ~ecuret\. . Cotfa,g e Cheese, so appefizing,- .~(l~~~w.,., '. ::1 JOINS 6·TEAM LEAGUE Fighter, Pump, Auxlllary " Pump, The Board of Tr,u ·t ees reserve,' in so many different ·ways! Bob 0' Reg-an, , American l.e- Tank, Hose, No'zzles a-nd other the, right to reject any a! ,d al'l bid> 'Y our Borden, milkman or Bor(gion baseball mana,{ter; re- EQu'tpment installed complet9 ~n a 'By Order ot the 1:':0:11'<1' /1 f T~·il ': tl".~ ·; den dealer has these and other turned from a ... rileetin ~ Truck Chassis tQ be lfurnished by ot· Wayne Township t'hrough a R eo! menu helps for you' ',',' of junior baseball representa~ the Board of Trustees of said Town- solUltton adopted at regular' meet... ' Ltive at White's Kitchen, Center- ship.' EqlUlpmen~ sh8iI.l oonstst of a ir18 on March 16th, 1948 and entereal ;' "'" ~--'--....;,--~-..;..- -.....----~-------_:. In tl~e minutes qt said meeting Maynard F. W91tz, ", Clerk of .,Vayne' TOt\;nshlp WlElynesvi11e~ Ohi- --,---,--,,..,,...-,~~.~,,,,,::,:,,~~~--:;-;:.;:~--77"'"











J~ ~k







.Fresh~flavored . Dairy P,o,ducts fo! . ". _nd goodness!



Yo~r Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated


Candidate For .


Commis$ioner WARREN COUNTY Subject to Rep'ublican Primary, May 4th





To Buy, Sell, ·Trade. '.Real, 'Borrow~ USE

~ I


Mrs. Everett Early aU-ende 1 Pik~. An Auction sale was held Sat· THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE, 4 OH'IO No. 4383 Walter Burdine and James urday afternoon at the former. TWAYNESVILL:E, a lune-heon at the "Wishing H U R S ID A V, APRIL 8, 1948 , , I _ __ _ Well" at Centerville on Wed- Steinke spent the \veek~ end residen[ of Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy nesday with Mrs. Gaston Foote with Rev. Ceorl~e Gold at lud- Clark who has recently moved , Miss Francis King of Dayton of Dayto n, as guest speaker. low~ K., and returned ,Sun'- to Waynesville: " pearlized orange blossom tiara, was' a weekend guest of Miss Mrs. Margaret Johns under- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Esther Prather spent the :'.~ :.. _':1r i~ct AmericJIl Bea,'Uty Almetta Steinke. went ' a major operaticm at Harold Ste,jnke, Gene anel weekend with , her parents at Roses. She wa ,g-i ven in mar~ Mr. and Mr . Robert Thomas Miami Valley Hospital on " Frl- friends from Dayton who jOined Clarksville. l. riag'e 1,\ her father. Her sister and children moved from the day. At this time she is doing- ' th em ' at Rev. Gold's home 6n Mr. ahd Mrs. Vivan Fry are Mrs. Donald Dumf I'd, carryrn~ Wallace prop'erty tQ Wa nes- .nicely and expects to ,return unday. receiving congratulations over · yellow '{l.rnntions, matron-of.. ville: Wednesda to the hom .. , h r horne here Saturday. .. ,the birth of a 7% pound daugh. honor, P;l wned in , blue chiffon of Mr. Frank Thoma. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steinke ter, early M0!1day m.ornin,g- at with fbll ,r: .. th red skirt, fitted' Mr. and Mi· . Ed. Hopkin of and JaJjl1es 'viSited Mrs: C'"'Ora St. Ann's Hospital. ' Dayton. bodic\;, IOIlK full sl.cev and Wayne~vi1le pent. unda with Ferree and fanr;l1y at Castine . u"a ' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Doster rtIffl d busde .... tyled identtcally Mr.and Mr. Everett Kenr1ck ,on Wednesday. ' , ,..,C;j ~ "'" 'and daughter of Sprin~fietd' ,in pink chiffon were th e brides. and children. ' ,Mr. and Mrs. Hugbo-S. Vance were Thursday guests of Mr. nfaids, Mrs. Thgm-as Fordyce Mr. and Mrs, Alva dcott, of Dayton wer Sunday afternoon who have b en resid mg in Day- poster's parents, Mr. an i Mrs. and Miss Geraldine Dumford, and evenin,g- guests of Mr. a'nd" ton for several months. have Herbert Doster. \\rho carri d pink and' white carPERENNIALS MI" . James Haines. ' reli'nquished theIr apartment , Mrs. W~ p. McCarre~ has en. nations. Daisies Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ' Clark there and removed to their tered,' Hardmg Memonal Hos- , Mr., D nat i Dumford ,was spent Sunday with th eir ,spn-In- country hom'e, slOuth of town. , pita} in Columbus for ob erva- be t man\ and Mr. Cliff rd ErSweet Williams l aw and aug-hter, Mr. 'and Mrs. Mrs. , Louise Fite and daug-h- tion. , , Ii tt and Mr. Ri hard Brown Lilie's ' MiS0 ,Jan:e Fi i te were SaturChurch Night was obse,rved , were usher. , Claude Riggs in Oakwood. , ter, ,Chrysanthemums Mr. and Mrs. J. B. -Jones . day evening gue ts of Mr. and ,Thursday eveni'nJ?: at the hiJ?:h The bride's mother wa dresIris, Hibi!cus, etc. , school auditorium. FolJowin,e: s~d in gray crepe~ , " ere Sunday dinner gUests of Mrs. Thomas mith. Surplus tock, special prj eS dur- M·r ~. Nettie Emrick. , Mr. Gilbert Welch arrived -the usual pot-luck supper a ' Nuptial musIc was presented Mr.' and Mrs. Ev rett Early here Sun;day afternoon from her series of motion pictures "as befor,e the ceremony by Mrs. i,flg- A'p ril aHended the dedication service ' h 0 m in Detroit, Mich., to spend presented n IITithing." Perry J. Thomas, ' piantst and EDNA ST. JOHN of the ' new pipe-organ, new a f w days a the hOllseguest of M'r. and Mrs. Hugh S. Vance Miss Betty anders, soprano. ' ~hancel , f urniture, baptismal her m;oth er - in - law, Mrs. Oba were weekend houseguests ' of A reception' was held at the Across from texaco font and' altar vases at the Yel- Welch and Mr. and Mrs. ~rs. Vance s sister and family bride's home fonowlng the cere~ low Spring Methodist Church Thomas Welch. lR 'Columbus. . mony. ,Ice cream and cake were on Sunday and afterward vi ito, ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Cas,Mr. Clay Masters and his sis- served. ed Mrs. Eal1y's mother, Mrs. sum o,f Colunlbus, were week- ter, Mrs. Kitty Gentner of Alpha Mrs. Ror-dyce is the daugTiter J . W. Huston. end bouseguests of Mrs. Cas- were Sunday ~ue ts of Mr. Mas- of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence BockLANDSCAPE SERVICE Mr. and Mr . Guy Routzahn ' sum's two broth rs and \their ter's son and daughter-in-law, oven of Sprin,g' Val.1ey Road and and Rus ~ l ent rtained at fin- families, Mr. an Mrs. Dharte~ Mr. and ~rs. Emerson Master~. Mr. Fordlce is the son of Harr y ,Lawn & Garden Maintenance . R. . F r yce of . Wayn svill ' ner Sunday ev~ning, Mr. an t Doster flnd~ dauRhte'( and Mr. ANNA MAE BO'CKOVEN ' • Mrs. Sperry BOItnott, of Troy,-' ~nd Mrs. , Herbert Doster. WEDS VERNON FORDYCE R ote~"l -and t. P ter bur~, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Mr. Mrs. Vada Barnhart bas re. Fla.. and the. late Naomi For' SHRUBBERY a,nj M(s. Earl M,en r nhan and turned' home from a week's visit AT SUGAR CREEK CHURCH d. e. The ung oupl e will b daughter Patty of Tjl p. City. with 'her son-in-law and dau~h- 'Before a bank of palms, wIlite at hom;e t th ir friends soon Mr. and Mr . J. 13. J 'nes and ter. Mr.. and Mrs. George Woods ' snapdrag-ans, white calla lilies in til ir n w h me. no~v b in .~ TOM P1TTS Mr. and Mrs. Therie Jones at:' , and fam'ilY. . . and sottl~ ' ,g-Iowing 'candles i,t coml,l eted n \ Vil1111 11gton R aJ te' qed the .fun~~al of , the ror- , Mr. and Mrs, Har1'y S. Tuck- double rtn~" ceremony united, near Ferry. 24G.R. ---:-:---'--mer s nephew fX.\r. Carl Knear er had as their g-u sts Thurs- Miss Anna Mae Sockove:1 Lnd ~t, the Robefts Fun ral home day venin£: their granddaugh- Mr. ! Venion D. Fordyce en l1urMr . Berti Mills was a, Sun· 10 Day~onFnday and the burial , ters, Teryl Sue and Peggy Park riage Saturday evenmg, March day' 'gue t of Mr. and' Mrs. Will at DaVids C~meter'y on Dayton of Cincinnati. 27, at eight o'clock at th e S l ~ar,1 Tu11i~ in Springboro. Creek CQnt:r~g;ational ChrislIan '_ Church. ,Tne. ervice wa read by Rev. ~obert Vance, m1inisier , to the church. • ,. PLOW SHAR~S Th e ' bride wore ' white bridal ' satin with a l eaf de i~n worked Sharpened, Repointed" Hard' in ' seed pearl~ 011. tlu~ bodi~e, a', Surface by expert. We have sweethea'rtneckhne, full skirt the services 0f Bill Lawson, ~ finger ,tip ,veiI ,wfth a and w1)o ran a blacksmith sJ:lop for years. ' Special grinder for ,harpeni;ng mower blades, ,

,L'Ille ne~j


J.J. "

a-,In'! At"

BILL LEE Waynesville Ice House ' Wayn~


11 S. Mech~~c St. LEBANON,.OHIO

,W HEN WE ' REFER ,:reS": A , FAMILY'S ABILITY TO PAY, , it do~s not 'mean their ex,penQitUf Ishould ,deprive' thenl of their last d@l1ar. ' WE KEEP IN MIND THE) HAVE OTHER ', BILLS TO ,' PAY. It is ,this practical (:onsict- ' eratioq, of ~heir, needs that keej' , th · goodWIll 'of ' those who 'call , us.



_1145 - I'

s. ...~ " l

y- asittl ~ ....

. ' "PANCAKE DIAL" preclalo. ' heat .elector~a.~ to 'lread.






'. TWO W aDd, medhaDl-to ilult your nMda • ,Se,yW by, He,.,y Drey/~' SEe IT TODAYI : ., .




fib your.haiad, Pl'Ot~t. it tN.. heat ' " .. • LOW·ANGLE 'I;e";el or . '0 1. ' ,', plate eli.,. e ..Uy under;butw.. ' ! • THUMB REST~mak.,. lro. ; ~~er ~ .ulde and UM ',. L • WIDE HEEL REST-.b" ~" i firDl' support when Iron I. t



to ,..,t



We' Now Handle • ~ • WHEEL.' GOODS

, J


Phone 50,a.?, 5 ,M~lberry St.









Warren Cqun y Republican Primary -

May 41 1



FAR-- LO~N' S ' ~ ",y~


. , •

FEDERAL 'LAND BANK -- LOW COST LOANS N\) Application, Ap.p raisal or Co~ission Charges 4% INTEREST 20 OR 33 YEARS TO REPAY PAY PART OR'ALL AT ANY TIME You Ar' A Member of a' Farmer- \\ n~:I r ' it (Dividends Paid c;m Stock) t


, WRITE-CALL . LEBANON- N. F -.-L. A. PHONE 448 _.;i;.~_O_O;.;.M_5_0_L_D_BAN_K_B_L..;.G_D_.__'-_...;L;:EB=:.;A:;:.;N~O~N~O~H:!:IO~



emphasize the latter point, Mrs. Gowdy read many selections from American poets, ' Refreshm,ents were s~rvel1. MRS GOWDY ADDREssES .__ Mrs. C. L. Hawke will be the NEW CENTURY CLUB next hostess on April 23. . The New Century Club met at" th~ hpme . of Mrs. F. U...Le~ay, Frlday ..afternoon, Apnl 2, In Lebanon. Twenty-one members were present. Mrs. C. T. Ellis, program chairAfter the business session man, intr.oduced · Mrs. E. ' F. Gowdy' of Dayton, dau~h.ter of the late Judge Shawen of LebanO,n. Mrs. Gowdy spoke on antidotes for the drudgery and Qiscouragem~nts of .the housewife, treatin~ ' her subject in both light and senou's vein. She stressed the value of spoken appreciation in lifting one's spints and th relaxation afforded by the printed page. To

Caines, Steamrot PeabodYi Mrs. Lena Hartsock flas re- Detroit, Mr. Ramby was one of Mary Ann Caines; ' Sapphire 11; . turned after a few .days with two h~ndred chosen to repreJ ames Wiseman~ Docto'r; Those Mr. ' and Mrs. Gene Ellington sent the N. C. 'R. in this tournain the chorus were M·yrna Mir- and son in Eaton. Mr, ~EllJlli~n..;.gtLUor.u.n_ __ -v:..........=-_ __ acle,. Rita Clark, Ethel Gentry, IS coac of the now famous Mr. Thomas B. Brannock and lola ·Johnson, Dorothy De- Eaton Basketball team. Mr. and mqthe(\ M~s. Fra'nces B~annock Board, Joan Beckett, Marilyn Mrs. Ross Hartsock and Misses left · on Monday ' mormng for , FoIr a fine selection of Conley, Joyce Hosier, Laverna Jean and Jane Hartsock al 0 Silver $prinR's, New Mexi 0, Mother's Day candy and ~ifts, Reeder, Gladys K~ros, Wyona visited the Ell ing,ton 11 me where they witt Visit fri-end , drop in 'at the Waynesville Drug Dabe, ROlna Medley, Edna on Sunday afternoon. Mr. 9.nd Mrs. L. C. St. J Ihn Store. .....:..Adv. Brooks, Clive DeBoard. Ken'attendecl a family dinner Sunneth Wilson, Andrew Doster, Mr. and Mrs: George Stroud da at the home of their son -inJohn LamJJ. Ernest Davis, Ro- of Dayton were Sunday .after- law an~ dauJ{hter. Mr. and Mrs. MlNISTREL SHOW GIVEN Winifred noon , guests of the Claude Glenn ~lan,d, near Ridgeville , ATHARVEYSBURG SCHOOL bert Hilderbiecht. On Friday evenin~ at eight 'Dabe, Mary Jo Rich, Madeline Stroud family. . Mr. an i Mrs. Harry .Mattt :w o'clock in the Harveysburg- Sizemore. Juanita Peterson, ' Turner and sO'n were week, 'ld High School ,Auditorium, a Phy1tis Kerns, Donna Jacobs, Mr. Ed. 'Ramby left on Mon- ~ues'ts Df Mr. and Mrs. J. H. l{roup' of ' students participated Mary Belle Bo~an, Frieda Belle day with the N. C. R. Bo\ ling ackett and. on Sunday all v. ere In a minstrel show entitled Willtamson, Maynard ' Frost, Team, .to attend the A. B. C. guests of , Mr. and MI" , Hit r y "Button Busters" under the dir- Janet Hildebrant" Esther Os- Bowling Tournament in M. Tun-ter in pa ton. ectiQn of Mrs. Edna Compton · born, Freida Campbell, Fred Bo~~n. Those particip'atin,g- and W,all and Robert Shafe~. theIr role we re: Ernest Moore, ' • ' The Woman's Society of interlocutor; Eugene Clarv, ~im Piltface; Nelson Grant Mike ·Christian Service , will meet Egghead; Leonard Mil,j Sam Thurs.da, April 15, at the home ' . . Paddtefootj Dan Topkins" Tom of Mrs. R. C~ Moler. Assistin.~ Fishface; DouKlas Reynolds, ' the. hostess will be Mrs. Warren Rastus Mudhead; Howard Dos- Braddock. Mrs. Lloyd Davrs and ter, George .Mugwump; Barbara Mrs. L. C. St. John. The proHosier, Millie Milkpod; Mary gram will be in charge of Mrs., .... F•.• E,arillln.h.a.rt•.~~.~• •: Lou Stein. Cactus Tedii;. .B.eiitt•.Y.E


for ·tumber Dial Number ZZ8:1 ,





. Eve~y Job' Guaranteed ,Free Estimates Cheerfully Given



, SHARP & WILLIAMS . . COJ'ner Main ' & Miami ., ts.

fhe comforts of ~ ' 110me for tho 'e who wish to hold serv,i e- here


STUBBS F.uneral aOme '





HOURS: . , ' ,9-12 each morning , 1-5 afternoons except' Wednesday ,

Other evenin~s by Appointment TELEPHONE 62-R

Dr.'C. 'E. Wilkin , Optometric Eye Speclalilt '-" , .' 26' 'South · Detroit" , XENIA,OmO




Roben Furnas . ,.., A ~grd not :in the dktionary ', but meaning false economy - to eke out small savl'ngs by denying YO\lrsel'f' the b~s~ in life ! Just try ollr , cleanmg s rVlce once and, ou'U find that home cleaning methods save you nothing- when your clothln,g' will, stay dean much longer ,,·ith, ur t:n etJlOcts.


,Ttie 'Bond A " .



.Montb Cillb











Kelll)ubIiCl~'n Primary May 4, 1948 -',





, Ruth is crippled, she is half migJ1t be the ne:x:t thing that ' pure-bred Guernsey and half they would have to fight about. J wish they woulld do some· 'gQod .Jersey, and the Artificial thing about John 11... Lewis and Breedmg Service brags a lot his miners. No one man or _ _-.L'----'PA~R= M'_ D IA RV • about its ~ood stock. The calf union ought to have the power has alJ the marks .of good breedjng and is big and slton~~ to make all of us go colll. When . I found it, it. was al- . Watch ~t for' sto.p :sl~ns. Th~ stat~ cops are on the April;' 1948 .. Sprin,g- comes ready up havinp. something to watch. di-dn't notice that stop I slowly. ,I hat would, be very eat. So far we have had none sign where Hjghw~IY 123 turns of t~e ill effects that we were' , ~ood but it keeps ,raining so comin.e; into Lebanon from the that we never g-ot any. plowing- , constantly being told would east. My eyes were on the road hap' p en. Ruth hasn't lost any dolle~ In spife of th~ wetness we far ~head . . There "yas nothing planted some oats ana the next more h~ir than the other c;ows conllng and I went nght past the and everythil1g werit nonrially. rain "carn'e before we finished sto.p ,sIgn into the 'trap waIting T.rouble was bound' to come disking them in. We went over for me. rhe st,?ppett me .them once but should l1ave when· people began to interfere and gave me acop scotdmg a gone over them a~·ain. At least' with the weather: I see in nle wa.rmJl~. Th anks ' to tbeand fact they are in the ground. , NO\\ papers that they were passln~ that I live liP in , this end of the as soon as we ' can, we will drill taws · no one except pro. . 1 didn't 'get a fine. But in the clover with the fertilizer. perly authorized 'federal , wea- county, he s.topp,ed at least five more Most of the week · it has been ther men ' were to be allo\ved ,cars whIle he was ma,kln2" out ' too wet to do anything. , Th\;. to try , t~ ca,llse rain bv dropp'in~ , :w~'rnll!g' and,lo'okin.e: at my forsythia is in , bloom every- dry Ice mto the douds. No OiJ1e~ 'my ,dT1v~r S ltcense. They w.ere ,I ,' to be altowed to spoil . his where and ' the little e110w co~mg around that lust j nql;)ils are in bloom ,in every' rival's. picniC nor drop ' rarn ' on . as If there wasn't corner any sl.e:n door way. Most pe.ople around th e neighbor's hay, if Ithe gorv-, . there; 1 think it is a good thin.~' here ca11 them Easter flowers erI:lment - knQw~ "about it. Last and 1 congratulate them! on doand this ear, they realty were. winter I. saw that Nevada was ing somethin.e: aoout this proThe rna Ie are In bloom and ' about td sue California for blem of careless driving. Now the woods have a gra v: ~il fuzzy tealin{!· r.ain nut of _ cloud~ that J hope t~ey ,e;et after them aloo k but fortunately there llas ~ ould naturally .have drqpped bout paSSJ1i~ on hills an 'crosspeen enough col ' "weather .ro It on Nevada - 01' perhaps it ing, the yellOW line. , was ~I~ vada ,teating rai' n from ' , hold th e fruit tr .!es I a k a lIt. The, Red . Cross Icampaign ts t~h. 'At ' any rate the idea IS I e. " Our long awaited test-tuhe .the same. I bay.e often said ne ~ rly, ended. As usual Clear~ , calf a'triv.ed early in the week, how glad .lam that Congress. creek rwp. had trouble ma'kin~ a fine stur y Guernsey bull. ,I has no control over the wea- its quota: There are so many did so. want it heif 1', for though their, but it looks as if that who work in factories or st.ore"s



where they collect, their contri- THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE. OHIO No. 4318 butions at the shop , that the WAVNESVILLE, .,. H' U IR S ,DA Y, . APR~L 8, '1948 coUectors always have trouble. It is also a township without much comm;unity feelmg. W. H. S. TEACHER WINS Springboro always seems so , much farther away than ' 6-WEEK ~IP TO IT~Y Waynesville. The real dividIng Mrs. Pauline Bard', teacher'of line is t~e Da.yton P1e, so that Englisll, Latin, and dramatics as J have said before we who atWaynesvi11e High School live betwee~ Township road was notified this week that she and the pike Jive in No-man's- is ,one of two teachers in OhIo land. who 'Yon a scholar.ship to study Latin 10 Italy for SIX weeks this summer, with all e~penses paJd. ~ '. She plans ' to acc~pt the sch~ I. " ': olarship unless'. there is trouble ~,.ten~ :.H-om'e ,. . with co~unists 'in Italy before .' Mrs. Olive , Curl " and, Dr. this summer. , Emma Hanaway spent Friday The award was nude by the at the County W., C. T .. U. Ohio Classical , Confe·rence. , l~'eeting in Lebanon, ", .' '''''' "... . Miss Glenna Marsh of Day'ton 'spent the week-end ' with her cousin M s. Lucile Arnu· tflge ' , ' . ' ... . III ... OPTOMETRIST Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Edwatds, Mrs. G. E. f<hem and children of Spnngfield called on their aunt Miss . Margaret Waynesville Office' , Edw:ards on ' und'a" eveilln a; .... '" *,' . '. . Will Be Closed Mrs. Lizzie, Brixner ' ,'and daughter, Miss Angie Brixner of Until' .F~r~Jler Notice Germantown d ll,led on Mrs. Amanqa .Hartrllm Sundctv afteri'



. ..........\"


Located Across from Office. ,

Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Gannett a'nct the Misse - Maro'aret . ' and J eann ett~ Warner of \N ell ,. J1l g;t~,)fI, OhiO, ,c. ile'd on Dr. an.1 Mrs. F. ' B,' Gregg the. pa t week. '


. ,For. ·s ~·fe , ~it~ Ilvinill '" "... k~~p kites :, awaY,' from 'E'LE'C'TRIC WIRES Kite fir-iog can be ail fun, a happy hobby

L eep Iqt'es-. kite tails, and , kit'e: '


.-:-.:. :,: .:.: .: . :. . ,.,.~~;.a-~_ _fo_r 'early spring': Or ~t can ,be.a traged~.

~t~ngs safely ~way' f~o~ ail :elecuic .

, For kites can caus~ accidents it ' ' , wires. E"en it. they 'tangle with high voltage line~.

'"i tc rna}'


:ake no ' electric.






don't get h~rt. ~'('i u{

t I..olll'missioll a p'o\ ~r

ijne thaI .sup,plie~ 'ght and power to

with 'the danger 'of

bospita t~ amJ the like,

shOck, ' serious . burns or even ~.

'''a wire fOl a Icl,te strln9. rwln. that hal wh.. or, tinsel in It I, eq,!~lIy , dangerous" . ' ". , fly a kite ,whit ,0 we. tlrin8. W.t string Is particularly da"gerou~ : be(~t)!f! it conducts ele"rlclty rlgh~ down to the kit. fJy.,. i' ,




fly a kit, n,ear .'ect,lc of any kind. Kite., yvith m~ta' parts .,re ' especially dOhgerous Ilf thay fall acro.s wi,. •. "

4. NmR




' run


o~ro., .t~e.'~ or;hlghwoys whll. flVlng a ~Ittt,

dlmb pol•• or tree. to ~h kit., caught' in neor wlr...


,,._'IHO". O'COIMAH;" CHA.,.," 'Uft.;, .,s0 "".',

p. f,M'. At.







. . . ...-.-----l l -illlil-....a:· •

----~--- <-··~·-~--




XENIA ' One ~ay ' ,





GreyhQUnd ~er"" . tiuihty· l~w f.-ea' to' all ~8rt of th .laticm.' I, . . Check with. yoUr ' Gteyhound , ' agent th . e very next• ~e yO\! plan ~ trip. AlIO.~ ~bout ~hound expense_ ~ toura .t p any of Amenca • favorite playgtound.~ ~d u~re.Y.hbund Can Talc. You harwher." In the AsJrl1 iNue 01 Coronet.






'aREYRa , •

' 4


and walk'ed off whistlin~ some taken at the famous deluxe New air about the g-reen sod of Eire, ' York ni~ht club. "Copacabana", Your. guess is as ~ood as mine. the setting- for much of this ~icDid you 'know that in the Thea ture. The previews of the famtre business, it is not uncom- OUS 1:t beautiful Copa girls are mon for managers and owners wonderful, ' and Groucho Mar~, to receive requests from patrons playin{!' for the first time withto let tITem, WO!1c arpund the o,ut his Iikew~se famous brothers theatre, in order to ab orb some l Harpo, Zeppo ancl. Chico, is at of the atmosphere 0 Ute thea- his best. Groucho, ~s yOu aU trieal world? Well, I'm not , know, is the master of, the glib sayin' tha t Dolores Berry is iongue) equalled onl .by Fred loo~in~ for a movie audition AUen m the fast give-and-take '~~ .7 , thro~g he;r genero~s offer of over a b,aI.1quet board. An unFOX HOLLY her tIme to the ~Twin, but I <!To usual movIe occurrence is that know that Mr. O'Regan has Marx's' wif , blonde Kay Gor~Ithough ' surpr!se~ t0 note comlmented on Miss Berr.fs l2er- sey, is also in the film, and they TWin owner up bnght and ear- sonality-v , ery important in -:his do a dan,ce sce ne to,O'e ther .. :. ly the other morn - couldn',t I' ~ ' have been la'ter than 9 A. M. business-pleas,n,~, but reason- ~agme' be-ing paid to dance (Editor's ,Note; .. . even I'm: up ably' firm in her ;handling of th e WIth yo ur, wife! !, ! , ' 'by tbeh) ~ .. was not too flab- ticket.:taking job.. How many of you know that bergasted , to ask ~why he \vas BRIEFVI EWS: ' - Skipping- Carmen Miranda, the heroine, ' lookin~ critically at' Qis pwperty ver Warner Brothers '~Cr:V ' was born Maria de Carmo (fa from the other siOe ~ Of th'e Wolf", starring Errol Ftyim Cunha in Portugal" beln~ stre'et. ' Always willinp: to ~ive ~n~ Barbara , Stanwyck, ~hich b~ought. to Rio' de ~ane}ro white solid 'information, ,when possi- , fi~.lshes a, two-~ay ,run tonlR;ltt, stIll an Il~fant? Ralse~ III a conDie Bob O'Regan emoted with Friday'S attraction of "Aaven- vent until she was fIfteen, she "Wait until , the: end of this tures of.- Don Coyote" in beau" became a fashion store model " month and you'n . see 'some 'tiful cmecolor a'nd "Vacation tn in Rio, and was "spotteCi'" when changes. A new paint job and Reno" is one of the best twin- singin~ on a radio program,. those long-awaited' chairs wlTl bills to hit Waynesville. Richard Wednesday and Thursday ~ make- their appearance the first Martin takes honors in his real- "Deep Valley" (WB) is serious wee,k in May barring- unex:pec- istic p0rtrayat.. of one man's theater, with outstandinK acting ted developments, such as 'lack fight against the West's worst by Ida Lupino. You can chuckle, of coal ... no they don't make , badn1en. This i~ balanced with , however, with the short, "I lIphdlster-ed chairs out of bit- Jack Ha)ey'~ side-splittinrr per~ , Love My Mother - in - Law, urninous proQuels yet, but it form:ance in RKO·s swelt come- ' But I" (MGM). ' . takes coal to heat the steel fur -,- dy ot 110W to 1lave trouqle tn naces." I 'tried to find out the' Reno. . ,, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. HartSOCK, COlor-scheme, but our Twin A nove;} way to win free tIc.. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. St. John, o'wner smiled and said "What's kets to "CopacaDana", Sun'day Mr. and, Mrs. John J. Burske, the best' color in the world?" or M,onday, will tJe to bring. it , Mrs. D. C. Ridge" Mrs. Stanley photo of , you or your famiTy Bajley, Mrs. Glenn Bland. M~s. John Fromm, Mrs. &ertie Mills, Mrs. Marjorie Brown and , Mrs. W. E. Stroud, represented Miami Chapter, 0. ,E. S. at the ' Mason Inspection on Thursday night. R'epres~nting Mrs. O. R. Unglesby and Mrs. " W~theilner & Company ,EvelN n W·at~ins also attended. Members New Ybrk Stock Special interest in this inspecExchan,ges. and other ' tion was shown since the'registered Exchanges worthy Patron and Matron ar.e Investment T~t Shares Mr. and Mr~. C~rl ' Sanker (Mary Bought : SQld. - Quoted , Margaret Unglesby.) Phone W.,..eaville 2530 ,/. __Ponce de' t.On Janda In Daytc»n AD3257 florida. 1513. (ttt) 48 Clarence Freeland


TW'I N ' Leases




Mrs. D. C. Ridge was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Collins and son in Dayton, and w~.ied home by her niece, Mrs. Paul Sowas'h · of Mansfield, who will be a houseguest for this week. , "

: C'T/!U'T'

.r,Iva ,I ,

Water, Weuther and Wear




, The weather, worb the year 'roUnd to make ~ur porch look . run down. On your wide floor., another kind of wear-from ' , IcrubblDg or mopping cmd the conatant scuffing of f ••t-man , the beauty of the flnJah. That's why. wI•• hom..-.oWne.rl rely on ACME Floor and Porcl& Enamel! For ACME II .peclally ' dea1gned to realat water, , weather cmd wear-to give long-lastlng protecUon and beauty to surfaces. wide and outside' the house. Ideal for wood. CODcrete and metal floorl: porchel; ItepI: deeb I - of boats. Come in today and lee the beauttful aew ACME colorl. -: QUart

South Main Street

SUN.-MON. ,Sun. Matinee 2 :30 P. M.



II-F1nt Ihot fu.d at Fort Sum~. 1861. It;;.HUQUe,not ~ .

AUlOioBUES . ,



. .a.-WAY" 'tAR. IIIIURAIICI" , ,, , in · the Qblo rumen wU1 am JOU b~ protecdoD .pJos~ roues JOUr

UUW., for .aa:lcIeaD

to ,otben.

Wh, ,DOt






n.e Almaftac To



, ,



Yoa . . . JOG',. ..,. ..... ,..',. fAnred ... the Ohio ' .....i ..

Ent~Jfta, inm8nt...

, THE '"

.. ,oar' fum...It CDftra.1OlU bulldiap, ",.ir ~ JOUr aatomolNJe


That NEW 'Word in


n.:sa,etvPlnpatented. 1849.

,Y J-lri t..•• "

II "


~"~M«~~U~ ~

at '


H-cdfc{8atQc~: 19c' IBn

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastin~s and son" Robert, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. ' Georg-e Osborne in Morrow. Mrs. ,Osborne is recuperating after a major , operation Christ Hospital. . ,




~-'---.:..,.,.=:~Ch ,-. eck The Wea~er




ADS ,'

T." 'Buy, Sell, Ren~.

. 'Loan, BorfOWt..


, . " Any ,Time of T:he Iear '. '

,.f\". .



,Ida ,Lupino ALSO: Pete S.,nith Short .'



Commissioner .






I '



YOUR LUCKY PUR· ' __.u..~... OF OUR DELICIOUS W!'n.!I"''''~ FRIED -POPCOR~ . lit{ ,

Republican Primary May 4, t 948





!~OPAC.~~~ --






NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT . Executor Estate of Waiter C. Burnett ' De eased. ' Notice is hereby ~ive n that S. Burnett wh Sc Post Charles CLASSIFIED AD RATES Office addre s is R. F. 0 No MINIMUM 250 10 'PER WORD 2, Waynesville, Ohio. has 'beel~ duly appointed as Executor of • the Estate of Walter' C. Bur- ' REAL ESTATE net~ late of Warren Colinty, ' DON'T FORGET TO CALL OhIO, deceasea. . Dated this 1st . day of April .us for Insurance. All types of ' Insurance at a savings. Call 1948. B. Gray, Atty. Meryl FranCis Gene Brown, phone Ralph H. Carey . WaynesvilJe 2935 or call . Judge of the Probate Court collect. Wilmin~ton 2111. Warren County, Ohio - 422 Real E.t~te For SaleNOTltE OF EXECUTOR'S IP YOU ,HAVE A PROPERTY .oJl SALE 'O F R~L ' ESTATE ;. PARM TO SELL C8ll or Write ' , .' Don Henderson, Tel. KE3446, '6l"l Notic~ is .hereby, given that bids ylllI bnecejved until sea!e9 , Lorain Ave.• I)ayton~ Oblo. tfc and m~ludm~ April ,15, 19.48, FOR SALE- ' by David Ralph Smith, Executor 7 Cubic of. the Estate Qf Geor~e J. REFR IGERATOR foot 'Kelvl·nator. Frank E. mlth, de'ceased, for the ' pur. chas of parts of in-lots nUIl1 ered seven (7) and eight' Thomas. Phone 2404. _ __ _ _--:.-_ ___==-,4 (8), in : President square TWO J ER EY B'ULL I - Wa, I: ~ vi!h:, Ohio, and the subject to reg:istey. .~ilbe~~ d\\:. t!ll1,g' hou~ e located thereon. Florenoe, Or 'g-oma, Rt.. 1. aid rea). estate frontin~ 70 -422 feet on High Street and runn_ _ _ __________ ll1g 214 ¥.! feet n Fourth Street 200 wood eneer hairs with ex~ended" is .the property m tal sid ~ , available Mon- f t mer! occup ied as , a resiia . $~ p r chair. If intere. t- dl!l1ce by the late Georg'e J ed, le'ave writ ten offe( at Cmith. . . Miami . Gazette office, Each bid J1T'.:Sl contain the , . ·ful1 name f .every . person (or Mah ,g ~n'y knee-hare ~esk,.?; ad persons)- so bidding. The righ conditIOn. Also "Oak kltch~n I . reserved to reject any and all ' . upboard . . El~!1a St. John, ' , bids. Pho~e' 255 t. --41 aid prol ,e rty was appraised EARLY FRYERS! , , at $6,835 .00 by the Probate ;::::-::--.-:-:--_ _ _o~o---- Co~rt ' of ~ arr n Coun ty, Start chicks now-have early OhiO, 'and will be sold at not fryers-they will be 'in bi~ Jes~ than. the appraised value. rerms: Cash upon delivery demand . .started sexed f Executor"s Deed. ' cockerel chicks now available. : , ' David 'Ralph 'Smith; . . DUNHAM WHITE ROCKS Executor of the Esta'(e of l'hone Wayne.viI : Ole 2916 Ch . George J. Smith, Deceased arIes A. Anderson PAPER H/~~GINGAttorn~y.A"t~Law ,





MOTHER'S DJ1Y . COMlNGWE ARE now accepting- orders for Mother's qay ' Candy. Make yo ur ele,ctlon now. Be read when May 'comes W~ynesville Drug Store

LAUNDRY_ LAUNDRY to do in my home A~so ~ curtains stretched 40c ~' p~lr. Quick service. Phone ' 298.~. , / -429 C~D OF THANKS

, ~ur. sincere ·'thanks and appr~clatJon. are extended to} rela~lves friends and neighbors for ' t~elr ki,ndness sympathy ,an.d Jov~ly . floral bouquets r.ecelved dU~II1!!' "the paSSing- of ' o~r huslJanli and father' Mr EClwtlr d Cook; to Rey. Cole maj~ ~0r hiS c,ons.ol'in{!' words. to Of !Ollt for hiS ~ever ti'rin,g' ser: VIC and for lovely cards and to Mr. , , tubbs for.. the way he ' , onduct d the funeral. M r,s. Effie P. Cook Mrs. Carl Frye Mr". Robert Davis ~OTICE OF APPOINTM~NT


Adm:inistrator Estate: ~f Lelia Irene Thomas Deceased. . Notice is hereby grvt'n that Fra!lk E. Tho~as whose Post Of~lce Address IS Wayncwitle OhIO. been ,dlJ1y appointed as ' Adl~~ll1lstrator of the Estate of LeIJa Irene Thomas late of Warren County! Ohio deceased '. , Dated thiS 29th' day of March i 948. ' C. Oonald Dilatush, Atty. , Ralph H. Carey , . Judg-e of the Probate Cour.t Warren County, Ohio. IN OA81l


NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE OF OHIO 'DEPART,MENT OF HIGHWAYS Columlbus, OhIo, April a. ' 194 En@~neer of Sales Legal Copy No. 48-148 . UN.IT PRICE CONTRACT Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of tJhe State Highwa.y Director of· Ohio, at 0lum1bu8, Ohio, until ~O:OO A. M .• Ohio Standard Time, : ' Tuesday, April 27, 1948, tor improvements In.: Propo~ls No . a. to 5 inclusIve 81''9 offered as one projeot and will be awarded as one contract. . ' . PROPOSAL No. 1 Montgomery County, Ohio, on Section 0.00, State' Route No, 725, in German TOownship, by applying a bituminOous treatment. Item T-32. Pavement: Wlid'th , 18 feet. . :, : . Length 27,772.8 feet or 5.26 miles. PROPOSAL No. 2 1M0ntgomei'y ()unty, Ohio, on lSeCltlon 0.00, State Route No. 123, 1n German Township, . b~ applying a bituminousl treatment, Item T-S!. Pav~ment: 'W ldth 18 feet. :' . Lehgt~ U,777,6 feet or 2.42 mi)es. ., PROPOSAL No. ·3 Wal'ren County; Ohi~, on , Sections (30'.08 ,Franklin) and 30.38, state Route No. 123, in ]~ranklin TownshIp, by IlPplying a bituminous treatment, Item T-3 2. ,. Pavement: Width 18 feet, Lengtih 13,939,21 feet. vVld tb 20 feet, Length 1,584.0 feet. Tota.l length 15.523.2 feet 001' 2.94 mile. PROPOSAL No. 4 Montgomery o~nty, Ohio, 'o n !Sootions 12.16' ~lld 1'7.98,-18.1 5 ~n t 1'vill ), State Route No. 725, in Miami an<l Wa-shlngton OJ;own hips, by applying a. ,bltumln.I>US tl'eatmel~t, lItem T-3 2. ' . Pavem nt: Width 18 ·feet, Length 30,729.6 f.e et. ~ tlth 18 feet, Length 1,478.4 feet. . Total , Length 32,208 feet 01' 6.10: mHes. , PROPOSAL No. 5 ~i':) Wjarren ounty" Ohio, on Sections (14.66, 14.77 "Yayne ' vm e ), 15.29 and 15.46· :(Part), StAte Route No_ 73. in 'WJayne and Massie Townships, by apply ing' bituminous treatment, ]jtem T-32. · " ; ",' Pavement: Width 1 f-e et, 'Length '19,588.S feet. W idth .2S feet, Length 580.8 feet. Wlidth, 18 feet, L ngth 316.8 feet. Total leng;th 20',486.4 feet or S.88 miles Total e tlmated cost ............. , ................... :" . $52;086.20 Proposal Nos. 1 to . 5 inclusive of this ' pl'oject to be comple:ted not later than September 1, i948. . - . The minimum 'Hli~ to be paid to lall labor employed on thl~ contraot sball be in accordan e with the "Schedule of Pl'evaiitng Ho'u rly Wag .. Rates Ascertained a nd Determined Ib y The Departmen t of lndu,strla, Relations appUcable to State Highway Departmenlt lmpl'ovements !n accordance with S ections 17-3, 1'7-4, 17-<la, 17-5 and 17-6a of the Gen-el'al COde of Ohio." . The ibidQer must submit with his bid a cer tified cbeott In an amo~ni equaJ. to f ive pel'. oent of the estlmaJted cost, but in 1l0' ~vent more &\ali ten thousamd dol1a~ !~. . 'Plans ' and f1pedficatlons are on file in tlhe depar~ment of high. ways and' the off.1co of the re&ide-nt1 ,distlrict deputy .dll-eotor. The director reserves the..xigh.t to rejed )lny 8 nd .all bids. EARL L. REEB S~t e ~\ghw~y Dir.ectOor

PAGE 8 No. 4363



. LEGAL NOTICE . otice is hereby given that the Tl'u tees of the Grave Yard Fund of the Orthodox Friends of Wn,ynesville, OhiO, have fl,led their petition in -ll1e .Co'm mon Pleas COllrt of Wal'l:en Colinty, OhiO, entitled :'In ·the Matter of Charles n. Cook, H rbel't Carl', May'n ilrd H~ckney, ~.wre~ce 'S tarr, and Percy L. Reason a~ Trus tees of the: Grave Yard Fund of the Orthod'ox ~iends of W(\yn e6~iJla, Ohio," an uni·n corporated r eligious association, ·b elng Case N umlh l' 18336 on the dock-et of said ourt, pl'aying for au1hor!ty to Hell and convey the following d escrlhed re:Ll estate now owned by saiQ assochtUon: : Situate tlhe VlIlage o~ WiL,vnesvHle, County ,0'( 'Warl'en, and State of hlo and bing the northeast one-hal! Ph) of Lot Numbered E IGHT (8 ) In Waba h Squar~ in said Vmage. Said lot laYIl 53 5/8 teet on Tl11t'Cl Sb'eelt\ ' and rU~ !;I back at dght angles I;tnd parall I with l\11ami 'e t 204 , f at an a lley., . And l11at th e ame wf.11 be . for h l'lring on rafter ' the 23rd day Oof April, 1945. ' '



HARLE A. A . ·nr.;RSON Attorney for Fe Itt on r,


h ad s D. ook Herb rt C,arr ~ray.n~rd Hackn y Lawrence starr Percyl, 1.. R.ea sori




As Tl'ustees of tbe Grave Yal'c) FUnd of the OdJl1odo~ Friends of \\ aynesvlll , Ohi , .





NORRIS BROCK COMPANY Cincinnati ,UnioD Stock Yard. Live Wlr" and progre •• ive. 'An'



to none.

. I

~trlctlv . .eUer. on th, :be.t HAPPY HOUR CLUB It Ch~ch Cem.etery Abandonall' around m,rket .n the A, U CTIONI::ERING ment:' Lytle. Methodist Church The Happy Hour.. Chlh will cbuntty. ' ' trustees,. actmg under , SeCtion 8ERVIC~ THAT SAT'SFIES WHIO Dayton 12:30 E. 'So T. 3465, Ohio General Code · vot- STANLEY and. KOOGLER meet in r~)?'ular session .at the BROKERS U . C ENSE !lOme of Mrs. John Gons on ' P1~Jo~~~ial 7(){)~~ 8~~CI¥J~~1~ ~d Peb. :·1, 1948: to .abandon Phone 2094. WavnHvi l!e. rue day, April 13. Market R~port. the cemetery adjacent to the For Dates. Ohio. Reverall Charge. , . . . " . ..-.c...... cI~urch. }"he f'family, friends or kmdre.d . of persons buried in WANTEJ) the ce!11etery hereby notified of . thl~ , abandonment' 'ana ' of DEAD 'STOCIt theIr. nght to remo,:"e bodies .of COWS-:51 0.00 relatives the:rein buried and R 0 a'd 0 iI a ~ d Tar :' HORSES-....$8.00 mon~m~nts marki.n.g- such g;ravHOGS-$31.75 cwto Relurfating , and Driveway Recoatina es' wlthm 3:0 days after first Acc..-dln. t~ SI • ., a Condition ~ppearance of this notice. Bod- ' les anq monuments rem,'aining Also, All SMALL STOCK . at th~ end of 30 days will' b... REMO.VED PROMPTLY rem?,ved by the ,church to "suitPhone ' able J;round near the present . XENIA ' WILMINGTON c.emetery. For further infomia26 Oakwood Ave"ue LEBANO~, OHIQ Phone 22'I -L 1712 ': 2362 . tlon, com!municate 'with CalvIn .a_D_._":"'-~__ .o. Longacre, RFD 2, WaynesvilJe, Rey.r.. C:tiar." secretary, Lytle Church trustees~ -415




Blacktlo,p ' Dri;veways ,





$1 1.



CAU, '

'X EN'. A ' Fertilizer Rft.... ,4 '5 ,4 o. ·



c:w PIU MAL _

PHONE .126

, . ' .' "


00 Cwt.




Any makle or model '. .. Fred :K _hn, Motor ,Car :eo~



pr: "




MOBaOW If. . . LEBANOIf Of. . . ' ,.


.. , ~







. WELDING . • Waynesville Ice House Wayne Park BILL LEE




.The "Miami GAZ ,E T T I ,

By Smitt y One of the most astonishing facts from the 1'947 traffic acciden t record is this: more than 80 per ' cent of al,ltof1lobiles In fatal , accidents last. year were going- 'strai,ght ahead. Only one of each five of the faulty mQtorists was turnin g" ba'c king, .skidding, stopp ing or stoppea when the death -deali ng craSi1 carrie. The other four were ~og in f"o. straig ht. . l • The ' reaso n, accor dm,lt' t fh " e ' Trave I ers I nsuranee C om- . panies of Hartf ord ,vhich an· nually comp ile the recoro, is the false sense of secur ity most driver s assume on the strai.e:ht. away. If Ithey are tur11ln g ri.g' h t , , I t ' If tl or left tley are a er . are backi ng up,' the, proc~elecly with caution. If the are preparin g to stop, th e driv e wlt i! tare. " But wh n they hift in to hi,g-h gea r t drive a few block s. O ( mile ,in the iUll e direct ion, th e al 0 ' shift in lo a care e s frain , f mind. rivin g 1 ec In almos t autom atic ' and th ' relax. The ecom e th tar,~~t f or a bfmv ut, an UI1-, e 'pecte'd curve a th ought le s' I l:i d ' ·t· , " t l ' 'I ' I · , 11 ~ a'I' In~ , nto l e ~I.e: lwa . . Which proba bly explall1s wh ' the death rate on Harve ysbllr g' , " " hill is ne~liK ible comp are '\ wi~ the death s on a Rood r ad like U. S. 42.

Heavy Rains 'Delay 'Farm Work; Flood Coses SthoolSlor. 3 Days




';])ea/~j ,M Rt, A.MN DA M. ,STARR

F:l j'mcr - in thi area were set back at least 1 ' da s in thefr , pring' plowi ng at)d p I~~tiIl,g , as a re ult of the heavy rams WhiCh have faUen since <::un,day. The rain also raise :! the Li ttl e Miam i River ' 'over "The .A venue '. to Corw in from Mond ay to ' Wednesday,' forcine- the W~ynesyilt e chools to close because buses ' c ' uld not ero the, rfve f, . " 'I haven ,t tume a slnKle furrow' y\et, ,,' said a t plcaT ' \-Va 'Ii Towrishi~ fan 1C!r. " I':ve b en , eri n,g- LI t f Ike", 1 ut now it' s ,~90 e:v en fb r tha,f. '" .. , Many recalled last. year , 1 la te pbnfn\~, ~ :-:ro. " " 'r' 1':: ,1, was f a II'' (\i'\ell , ...I I ). ' l L at ", ,-. "11 1 . and. h ped1th e faH wi 1J he l;!t agam tbi s year to 'all w fail tIl.. time I in o' I(" s .' .. , T~affic ~as ' r cked ff 0 11 h d b u t th e Route 73 for tree t t l 'ayh eno 0'11 wa er nev'er. rose 1 ~ to close ' U. '. . 42 south u~of 'Way ne ville as,it did. in prevl0 lts fl o ds th,s .yeaI'. One ,Wilm mg- , fon dr-ive r' tried t h C 'rwl11 ' '1'0 in ' M hd ay ev ni!1 {Y bnl'y 0 laVe wat er ~urKle mto hI exhau t pipe and tall his moto r. He used his starte r t qack , ut f the , water, . and , found _ no p rm~n el1t damage d I''le . . " . Wa f1 sville cho 1 \Ven~ ' due to r,eope n this nto rnin g-. H wever:, , the sec nd h Wlh.i{ of the on.ere tta '40h D ctar.' J t-' which had ,been pla.pned f r , la t ni ~ht wa . ca n elled bec.:ause the c1osin ,;,.fo r three day had piled up so much work fiJI' t he tll lent. ;;"";;'''':''';:''';-'-'-_ _

Funer al servic~ \ ere held at the Wayn esvill e Metho dist No. 4364 FIV;E CENT S A COpy Church ye~terday. :nornjI1J?: for ' T H U R 8, DAY APRIL 15,' 194t; Mrs.' Aman da M. Starr, 76, who W, AV:NESVILLE~ OHIO , dled' Saturday at her home, 905 EARL RYE WINS 4:'YEAR · N. Main SL, Da ·ton, after .a .e SCHO LARS HIP TO O. S. U. long' il1r,~ .~. Buria l was in Miam i II Ceme tery.. ' The Rev. R. B. C;o{e' ' , Earl ,Ry e, a ~enior at Wayn es- man ', '1 ~u.:te th !'\ s~rvlC , ville Hi ~h S -hool, sco red 144 ' which , ' re arran.e:e'd ' by for the [ p mark in the state in Stamp er Funeral Home the of . In an effort to' help instru ct last Febru ary's compIetitive ex - DaytO l. " tians In a,.e:riCu ture, atcboth ballpl. ayers and spectators, ' am:ina M'I'S, ~tarrl i l.ll'vh f th cor d'Ing' t 0 h'IS t eac he 1', J • B . , dau,~h-~ f . Mr, ~ari e" . iS,t1\,.,.f.our lJ.rav, Bob 0 Re,gan, p{eSipent 0 . e Crabb'e. As a re uJt, younR : Rye' Mr . ,M 'illha Mathi as, and MI es Wayn esville A,t lleitc Assocla- will get one of tIle 20 schol ar- Mabel' L: . and Margare t A. Starr" tion, has arran~ed for the Day - ships award ed in ' the tests. Each all of Da y~(m; three br til I',S, ton and Cincinna1i UmpireS scholarship is ko od for fo~r ," nd S'I'X, O' ra,ndclll'lctr n. A sociation to 'conduct severa I ' ' I' f"o th.e C , 01 I ege ~ f A g:ncu rules interp reta t ion meeti ngs. years tinOh 7 S'he nlove d, to Oa,v. ton from t t u t rl'rst f th ese sessions will ,o,' e ture a 10 a e OIver -! . Harve sbur~ ' seven years a.g'Q. held tonig ht at the Wayn esvill e MRS: McKINSEY Hi',!?:h c11001 gymn asium at 8 P. M. With. Clarence Menzler., , . 11 ." Mrs. N ellie McKin e. died (n Dayto n Association, in char~e. . . . f ' M emori al hos Hal; Piqua, Ohio, The classes will be held eadl 'With " the r eceip t a ew ' Apr' ' . age-7..J- " ~ . Thur day, in conju nction with m or e co ntribu tion ' this wee,k, -' 'Funera-l 'W,ed n~sda y at 2 P. the regula riy scheduled meet- Wayn e Jown sfiip 's Rei Cross M., April '14th fron~ ', G.llt1l1g ing f the softba ll l eague. drive reached , $501 .84 by Fun ral ' H Ol1~e,' We~t M~lto n, .t.t is the intent i n df,O' Re,g-an ye,s.~er,day m, orning .' Mea'n,wbile, Ohio. Buria l ,m Ve~nc :hff Cefl1e to' thoro ughly ver e a I playe rs ,. tery. She was the Widow of M'ad-. ,i.n the srx-~lub ~oOPl w: el1 :t inb tl1~ th e Warre n, Coun ty drIve as a ison McKinsey . I ul,es, b.ut ~11 softt1a I am ,ase whole had passed .the $8,00 0 . ball sla,sts discus are wlflco to rtfmark I' o'in enthu l'n tile of sion-pme eriod Mr. ' a nd 0 000tOJward its goal Mrs. Wa.rr enK Bt'at1' , . . 'r ' 'I ' t· f P 1, . do k w ere in W ameg o, an as, ,W111Ch WI I be ,~ VIta por .lOn 0 vel' ,the:\v ek:-end and attendeach ,rules sessl?n. D ed the fun eral servic.:es for Th e c1as~es ~re to ter~lnate Q Judg,e WiHia m E. Smith. J.u~,lt'e Thur~day, 'A pnl 29,. With a, . ,: ' :: . mJth' ha frequ ently YISlt d haWing' of baseball films, secMiam I .Chapt~r J 0.7, 0 .. L. h re and is \ ell know n. ' Weeks of work were .culmlna~ from the Dqyto n Baseball " held Its annual mspe chon " ted f or 80 · stude nt si,ngers, am1 Club, which is a ,p 'a~t of the S,·da~: evenin~ \vith Mrs. L~~--, ' an unCOunted numb er of un Stln ~ Cleve A numb er of fri ends 'an'ci reland Indian "s farm organ - clle' Stel Itz, Oepu ty Gral!d Mell atives here attended the fun- ' helpers 'and facul t, , ' izatio n. These ' films depic t the , toroh~l ()f t~e Gr~nd i ~f3:£~ 'eral services, 'i n Will11in~tQ n. on . o 'e f ' ' 0 IO~ as ID~ e ,~~ng In I", er, W. alBS r" .Mrs:- __ , I C Jn1! e S ars a~ I ac we ,1) ln ty bers 'an go'es~s Nora h' W e"ltz, Mo ther of Mr. school 1 Frida recent warnin ~' by Coullt,Y Cincin nati, Wa'rren SpahnJ ' Bos- en-joyed a chjsk~n djnne r. ~, e May nar,d Welt z. " nanci ally, ~tmeans th.a t the En 'ineer H. C. Stile a 'alnst schoo l choir wilt get robes ' for ton" "Braves and BolJ Feller , , tables were Slrbstlcally arr,an,e.ed . 111't hel dumping- cif ,g~rba Cleve land. ,John ny Mize of the ' with ,sprin,g- flowe rs and ~avonl. Its forma l ap;p-e-arances. Bu t f or .Mr. -and Mr :-Wit~ur Lacy tin an . along tate andge and Gi'ant s and local sever al other slug- Two hundJ;ed guests rc,g-Istered , and Mr. and Mrs'. the perfo rmer and direct or Archi e Betke r roads was 'h eartil y end r ed this ' r are also 'filme d. ' far the inspection, incrudm,~: attended the funera l . of Gahri s, it means that at la t th \' their w ek by on.e of 'th e truste s of Last week the league was ad- several .d'jstin~uishe r.i ~'uest can , rela~ witho iIt w nd el'ing $. 'f ath ¢r, Frank 'Betke r, ~ge. 9~, Wayn e Town 'h i. Violat ions, dre ed by Mr.. Gtoss, sec~et~.ry, Twen ty-elg 'ht differ ent Cha how the show is going to b t~r~ Wedn esday at. the Rle mg-c..J' are especially Da yton UmpI res ASSOCIation, were represented. MI:, . Stanl ent here, Tl e receivt!'6. T e) Funeral Home In Dayt on ana exp, lained and frequ who expla ined 110w that or~,an- Bailey, 'W orthy Matr the .law will have n, wa ' th,!;:; tIle burial at \,vood land Cern ~ - to be enf0rced. T o the more than 500 per- izatio n wO,uld handl e the variou s presid ing office r. n ,wh o aiten e j th e sh ow i. , .. - tery. , ' , almo t every -town,ship of ' Fol1awin~ the was an ent rtainin~ evenin "'l tJlIS season at Wayn e , activl lle , , the count 'r efuse can be found P~l'k: Ea.r~e Red!l1ond, of the , ~veryone was inva~d to t,TIe iin~' PEAN with -a·.plo Uhat mighf have J e ' n , STAN LEY TO SPEA K. , aJ ng ' th e ~ighw a s am~ in va~ ' ~ 1I1ClO natt Athle tic Goo~s Co., mg room. where ,fl:li1t PUih.. •• W~i..; AT , lifted ·f rom th e silent ' movies of CIVIC CLUB MONDAY ca nt area Ju ' t 'off th~ highway . 30' years ag , and with a var- Introduced,. th.e Golds mith ~an s-e!ved. Gu~sts. wer~ from WIl ,-' Mr. Dean Stanle for y, , examm a Leba' ~tlOn lon Large and pOSSi oll'ec ble mmgt on, Cll1c1l1nah, New . ~ur.. tio n , areas. for Kar.Iety o f tunefu l 'ong: . ' ~ baRe :ire n \V- located 111 Umon league adopt ion. , lingto n, Lebanon, Harve ysb\lr R'. attor ne, pecial credit au, 'hl tp go t will . add): 5S t'be town hip (Z ar r ad ) in Salem ,The Fairle y !'fat-dware te~m, Mason" Morro w, Lynchbur.~'l N nna Longacre.., the accom - mana t Wayn esyiLJ e Civic Club at it t wn hip panis t, for hOll rs of piano play- contraged by Jrvm Mu,Iford j fll~d Martm sville , Lovel and, payt on, mont hly dinne r meeti ng, in , th e M emor ial~ nea r th e sit of Mt, and in , r aLlklin and cts, being the first c: ub to Green field, Bethel, ' H!llsbo r , . Metho dist 1I1g' \Vitholl~ being cau O'l1t in any Churc h basem ent at , Wayn e tQ\vns hips .. ' sign , I 2 play~r s, accordm?, to Frank lin, Go hen, Sablll;) and 7 .1' m. next Mond SOUI' ch0rd s" S e~al of the .ay. Ilis topic Not onl y i the leagu litter e secre unsan tary (- ' Geor~e MIller . Milfo rd. " - }I i t w ere outslandll1g, and ha not yet J~e n dl . 10 eel. tary and un ig:htly , but it ,IS UI1, Don Rye iets the humo r laurel s Clifto n Owens, FrankTin. was lawfu l signed as one of Fairle y 's slab-' ~~ FUTU RE IS HERE til s said. He poInt ed f I' hi black-face role, : , ' ' l i t th'at can an d oth er I;etqsc men. , Al Polinsky" local merch ant, da ma,!{e mower and 0 her 'macand a forme r league playe r, was hiner y lIsed along the, Digh. , " 'way . , .. '" , elected to the prote st board. The league vqt,ed ~() condu ct Mr. and Mr . J. R. Gons of play on Mond GARD EN CLUB H~RS ay, ~ednes~ay " , " . Wilm in gton entertained tIle . and Thursd ays, With posslb~e ' ABO UT AFRICAN 'Y IOLE TS ' ' . re ()rctin~ i,s a. proc,ess AND GERANI~M , CULT URE \Vayn e T q wn h,ip Farm ers Club- exhibitiQ.~ g.ames 'to be. booke d Newsreeis, sports ' featur>-. which photo gra'phs WIth high TIl e' ard, n Club he'Id ifon othel n1g'hts of t~I~ ' week. : ' and drama tic progr ams J1' Thurs dilY. ,Th e ' tab l ~s were ,are ctfid elity proJZrams. as th ey ,are coml. i'ned March and The consen ofop.mlOl1 was luong the NB~ net\~o rk' 'teJe~t April ' o r~ ed wi'tIl s~ ril1 .g,· ft weI's. - , :prese nted "Live ' 111 tl}e ong-l11al meetjn.~' with Mr '. Paul MallHugh Hi~hland. ProfesS.Qr of that th~ leagll~ opela ted too sian shows which Will be avallcw YI..l!'k hroad i1 t. ri c and Dr. , Enup a H lloway , Dram a tics at Wilm ingto n Col- many 11IghtsJast s~a 0 11 and It able to metro polita n Cinci nnati Cin inna ti tekv iew' e r can ex, ~l was co -h oste SeS' at th e home of voted ", to ' curtaI l la t year S audi,encess tartjn j! Satur lia:y. The lege, \\: as ~"uest peaker. Dr. t within th e ne xt few weeR t he fOrmer. raul Vand ervor t of WlImin~­ schedule. progr ams are the 'r esult of a t o see Fox Movi tone N \\~, Fo llow ing' the busin-ess scs, Bellb roak sent w ord t0l1ay confr actig ned'l ast week in toiJ ~a ve two vocal solos, Ne w "Tele vision Thea tre,' ,featu rin,e: si n, a paper on "A ri can Viol,that they ljWith out A Son,g'' ' . and "Be_ wO,lJld be repres ented York by officia ls of the Cros! ev Broad way actors in top-.fli,~'l~t ets" was 'read by, fMi at tonite s t ra 's me tin,!?:. Provi~ling Broad c'asting Corpo ration , o p~ plays ca use." He was " accOlnpanied j "Spor ts horts ', the ra' hep herli, and JIG they ranillm ace pt "d by , Charles Pischer, a ,graduate tire leag-ue wiIl erators of WLW T. l1i -telev i ion fe ature "Auth or Their 'Cultu re" was the s an e o'f 'the Cinci hnati C0ns ervat ory be at its de~ire j screng t,h of tOPi The new 50,OoO-watt tel evi. m ee t's Critic , " boxin g match e's of Mrs. Fred Hoak. Mi s Oliv~ Qf Music. ' Miss Robyn' Cotne r six clubs. ion tra·ns mitte r' a 571-f o ot to- and I ri lefjr'h ts from MaHson Willia ms also told of "New a granddaughter bf Mrs. Gons" BOY SCOU TS TO COLL ECT wer in Clifto n Hei,g :hts-w ill ~o luare Garden, indu~1 ,in ,g- th Vege tables " for this eat. played two. piano seJectrons . . into Use Saturday. This will en- f rthco ming .Louis - Walc ott After adjou Durin,g' the recess preceedln'.~ PAPE R HERE APRIL 24 rni~g ' t()' ' mee t able any televisiqn witllin 4 world 's he~ vy we i~Jlt ~hampron- with ,Mrs. Lawre nce Flirna the' business session Mr. Fischer s ' l11 Troop 40 of the Boy Scouts miles of Cincin nati to rec ive ship battle, and the Dem9 cratic May, a pleas played several of his own .selant social hour was the progr ams barrin g unexpect- and Repuhlican nation al con- spent with refr 's~n:tents. ectIOns. Mrs. Frank Le May of will hold a paper drive in ed difficu lties. The first proventio ns in June. ' Lebanon reviewed "Insid e U. Wayn esvill e on Sa turday , Al ril g- ram Saturday will 'be a Ci, n cinNetw ork 'Contract 24 -it was announced this week ilati-S y racuse baseball game fo r STOU T FAMILY MOV ES SA. " J y John 'Gunther. ; WL \V C, COlumhus, and . The Club will meet with Mr. by' Scoutmaster Joseph E. ' NBC netwo rk pro!\r ams will WL WD, Dayto n, televi sion staDr. and Mrs. Alfred E. ~O llt and Mrs. Harve y Sacke tt on James. Resident are asked to be speeded · to Cincm nati by tions to be rected I y Crosl ey anq daugh ter have move tie newspapers and ma~azlnes Kinescope film q Into May 13. recording. Many Broadeastin~' later this year" t heir new in separate bundles and have will be scheduled h!lme o~ N?rth Street . them ready by 8 o'cloc k Satur - witkin 24 hours ofin Oncjn nati also have been drawn up ' with Dr.. Stout IS contmuml~ to hold their initial NBC and will I'~e igned in the office hours • BBAD TBI: m.A8 8DUI J ADfI I day l11ornmg . .a t ~helr forme r prese ntatio n in New York. Kine- ' near future . ' , home on South Mam Stree t. .. SERV ING WAYN ESVIL LE



Classes O So'iJtball ,Rules Start Tonig'bt .. t



' '$50'} tor Redeross




Eastern Star Has IDspe ti c



Quit aoadside Dumping

O! ' •




Town hip Of.ficial A

'I .


Farmers Club Meets

Te' IeV IS • ·o ~rogra I 'n' F" ' , .' m s' T 0' B eg IR • ·Sa·t Dr ' d'ay ', t:

-- -- --

-- -- -

The - Mi~mi Ga~ette S T' A B LIS H E D 1I 0 .£

Mr. and Mrs. Fnllicis Gen~ Brown have nit'umed from ~helr


honeymoon and are residin,g' in the Larrick Home on

Published Every Thursday At W.y~esville, Ohio CARL G. SM ITH, E.dit·o r Entered .s second cl ••• matter at the Post Office .


SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $1;50 a Veal:' in Adva!"oe


PAGE 2 WIAY.NES~ILLE, OHIO . No. 4364T H U R S DAY, APRIL 15, 1948


Mi-s' Luc Em1ly . spent Ja ~ t Friday with Mrs. Carrie Lippincott.. '

SlAnu .. ... ,...



on 'account of

Mrs. l ;ov;eTy·s fath er, Mr. E. ,L Roberts.. .

. Mr. and Mr . -Kenneth Elzey

and daughter, Marjorie df Dayton, visited MT. and Mi·s. Walter

, EI.z Y unday

kjar Ii Whitak r

(ttt) · 415


hom of the teacher, Mr .. A. f(. .' Em ry. Other lected were . J 0 eph Hitting . r, vi' -president, r , and Ma'r . Hol1,ingsworfh, secretary. Games wer~ 'p1a~€d durinR.' . the so ial h ur and refr hrnent .were rve:l'. Th ~next me#in~ , wi ll e on M ~d~y. April _6. " WILSON.......SACKErT VOWS EXCHANGEt> ,.'

.METHODIST CHURCH . ... R.. B . .. C.oJ~l11an, Mini. t ·r Church 'School



North Ilnd Walter

to $15.00

. Ph Your Or .er and We, will Fltrni h . Beef ,Pork or P ultry atWIJ Ie ~\'Ie pric s

, . a.t the home of ~ames Harllington s.treet.s


9 :3 6 A. M.

,~ J. J. 'Surske, Supt. . Worship ~ryi c 10 :3 0 A. M. Youth Fellowship '


Sunday, ' 7 :3




· 8AMUEL N. ' KEYS,. Minister ' Church S l ~uJ l 9 :30 a.' m.


: Nllrsety Sthool . fO :3'0 a. Morning Prayer l 'P :3 0 a~ Ill. FRIENDS

. 9 :3 O. 1I•.!!..m~.~'I'f"+-+n-;.,

. First Day School ~,,,


.........,....;-::-:----.-..:, .

for '

Worship ,


·ST. AUGUSTINE ' Father Krumholb, Priest

8 and 10 A. M.,




"',, - - -

'WJ\YNESVIbLE CHURCH OF CHRIST R,' M.. Johnston, Minister 'Bible Sch.oo l · .' '9 :30 'a.m.

COmmi.mion '.


" . 0~30

a.rri.~ 7 :30 'P M.

Evenin.gS.erv,' c , .





Sunday SchOOl



J :." ... .

10 •

- '


a,' ni.





RALPH E. STiN,SON . Minister '

Bible Scho I . ,',' 9:3 M:orning W 9rship . '10:~O Pr~yer Meeting 7 :00 Young .People's M etin.1t . 7 :()O Ev,eni.n.~ ervi ' . 7: 0


a.m. :l.m. p.m. P:D1. p.m . ,


For RepreSentative '

T. M,. SCAR FF, Minister

· Sunday SchO Ol

" '.

, :30 ,

' E. A. Earnh a. rt, Supt. Worship Service 10 :3 a ,m. · Evenipg , rvlce ·. 7: . 0. p.. n.

To The General ~ssembly I



SchoO l

". 9 :30 a.m .

.' Mrs. J ames Garri' 11, upt. · f?re~chin . 1.. t and ~nt , lInday' ,each m onth





1(.I.: ( r m.


Chal'Je Orndorf ~'a ' ele"

pre ident of the; Crllsadl!1" -: L~


the vVaynesv ille Chu rch Ill' Chri t II it last me~tin~ in l h~ '


Your Vote and Sup

, I'



rt Will f3e Appr ciate<l

Rej'lublian Prim.ary May 4> 1948

' :


WayneSVille Ameriqin Legi )11 Tomni 's Place G ..od Housekeeping Hen\ierson ,Columbia 'Rec d. Handigas Eagles

~ -


PRACTICE RAINED OUT The first Am'erican LegIon BasebalJ practice, scheduled last Sunday was rained-out, but managers Bob O'Re,e:an an i Bill Sawyer have caned another session for next Sunday. An candid,a tes,17 years' and under, are invited to be at the Waynesville High Scho01 ,diamond from 2 :30 to ' 4 :30 ,Po M. Any. boy who was -seventeen bef0re January 1, 1948 is not eligible. This club will use the baseball suits fr,om last year's LeK- ' ion , nine, : so that all any rJoy must provide himself with is ,' his own glov,e and hoe·s. Catchers' equipment- , will be proviged by. the Wayne~ville " AmencanLegtOn.. . '




40 36 35

38" \ 42




~ ,



, ~

0. ~


. en











> <C












' c:o::






u) .




134' " 190 141 200 17.5 159 155, 145 '. 125 185 ·,



t"'" ' ",


'. c.n ~




, 0,)



-c:; ~





165 169 149 1 7 202

mi. JJoft"

Formula ,




489 '16 7"p96 148 52 510 '170 12240- 16 3 . 7 483- ' 1'61 ,9891 146 68' 407 136 115'56 150 77 512 171 1 1500. '1-+9 77 59.74 149 41 , 730 ·87.9 "792 240 '1 '1(50 '1-5 1. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Welch- . . , r 'p ent W~dne sday even,in,g- Lue Morgan unqa. , M,r . . D w . Come-t ck or with Mr. and Mrs. Morri Lewis Beavertown catltlt on Mr. Hil ,and fam:iIY. Mr. and Mrs. Eug-en Welch- Gibson Friday aftel noon. (Hel.d Over 'Fr m Last Week) er called on Mr. and Ml:S. Hily Mr. and Mr. Pat H pkin ' Gibson unday evening. SKIllED DRIYER'S Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 'Crawfor I , SCHOOL ,STRESSES: and famJl y of Wa ne 'ville m ved into their ne",; hom a1urf Xenia s~e:nt the weeken~ IT CI.~"'l HAPPEr,l TO YOU day. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Clara Dau~ers sp.-ent Clarence Cra~ford. "Safer Streets ana' Hig-hunda,y aftel'n on with ' Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roger, ways" is the '0(\1 f the War,Mr . Thomas Runyon. ' , Mrs. Emma Gibson of Bell- ren County 'Skilled 'Driver-;,' This sch ool j:s par t Mr. and . Mrs'. Hil y Gi n, br ok ,p,ent unday .with' Mr. . School. . f a c ntinuin g- traffi ' afetyedMr. an i Mrs. Morri Lewrs and and Mrs. 'Hily Gibson. Mrs. Gib. 1 Jerry;" called on Mrs. Di k ' 11 i i' mainillg ' f0r a few ucation. progr,am originated b~'{ Hanes in X'enia Sa.-turday. ek the National Safety Council and. , M1'. an d Mrs. Everett Bunn 11 w e s. ' beine- locally carrred 0ut by th ,'~ 'aHed n MJ:. "'and Mr . Har t i Mr. and Mfs. Ernest Earnhart Warren County Skilled Drivel" S Hog-ers and Mrs. Emma Gi 11 and on David" and Mr. and cJ1001 with sessions twice at , Qf Bellbrook, Monday evenIn g. ' Mr G. H. Kersinger spent th . month at the Lebanon I-n~tl Mr. Ev rett Bunnell called w ' ekenct , with Mr. and Mrs. choat. " n Mrs. Ruth Davis of Wa 11 ' - James Wildman of Jackson~ "It can happen t y u" 'i tih~ ville Friday. ·Ohio. , ,; theme of the April dri e' to im~ Mrs. Clarence Crawf ' r i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. ~raw- press on 'everyone the tIl 'UgIll spent T . hursd~ afternoon \viD) fO,rd caH~d on Mr. Carl Rldmger that acCidents don't always hap- ' Mr . Thomas Runyon. , " and fam~ly Sunday afte,~noon. . pen ' to the ' other fenow. Mr. and Mrs. Russell' Mor~an Mrs. Robert Greene of D~yNational S, a fety re,of Lebanon sent Wednesday ton, Mrs .. ~0,:Y . Shaw of Xerll a, cords . show . thaf' 'Council orie out , f eveninJ( with Mr. and MIS. Lti ' M(s. Henry Berg-es 0! , 8 7aver- \ ,e very two Am,e rkans now livrn ~~ MQrgan. town called 'on Mr. and Mrs. has been or will be injured rn a traffic acCident , uri'Iess -.onr . streets and 'h ighways-and OU WE CONGRkTULATE the cast; director, and back sta'ge , personal habits-are ma:le ' af~ er. assistant~, of the Waynesville High School bpe~etta~_ IiOh The . officia'l . sl ,g't,l 11 for the sC' h o.o l is "Your Life 1 In Your Doctor' for an excelle~t per.formance which was ' enjoyed Hands." This' means that ver ' th j' ughly by all pr~sent. citizen must accept personal re-, sponsibility for traffic safety. If each of us. would just save -MR. AND MRS. HOWARD BROWN one life 'every day-our o\\'n-, it would be easier t 'make' our town a , safer tQwh the.Y a,r round. . . -, , O. Rose ' I. Mulford V. Hill E. Ramby R. Gons






Appearance and ... VQ1~e of your ;H~me with



' -'

C. Pa

Won 4 9 ~_~' __11-'-:_--== 4 2 44 . 31

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Sun, r,aiD, snow enid ,dusty windS po~d ci:gabiat ) your house the year 'roUnd, wearing away 'its appearance and value. A thin larer . , of paint is its · only ptotection. I'J . . . - Th~'s Why home-own~rs who Jmow paint choose ACME. For ACME ' House Paint, Is made to','a balanced formula. A fo~u1a that pr()tects ,agaibst heat as well as cold, , dust as well as rain. .Co~e In tod~ ~ ~

see our selection of the I Itta.utll1ll DeW AQW: ~ "







Mr. and Mrs. A. H. tul1I1s " and children had as Sunday dinner guests Mr. ,and Mrs. Sam 'Stubbs' and on of. Balttmore;----'-~·· Ohio, and Mrs. Amanda ' Hart- , .

South Main Street


~ .

Your Vote


and Sup~ort. Wii~ Be Apt:'reciate.i


Also Wide Line 'of GROCERIES ~d CANNED GOODS Candidate For , ALSO AVAIlABLE: . ,








COmmiSSiOner' •




Lacy's QuaIity··Marke~ .

PHONE 2662

To Buy, Sell,. Tr~de .Rent, Borrow, USE





to Repliblican Primary, May 4th -Polilical Adv.




~I I .~ritlna6 ome Mrs. Mattie . Stoops' of Van Wert Ohio Mrs Mary . Berryman 'and M'rs. R~th Dennis Of Columbus were dinner guests on.. Sunday of ·Miss Minni e DOlt· son. . Mrs~ L. Mc' Hender~on and MISS Ruth Chandler With Mrs. Kellar Hoak, MIss Anna lou e _ ~oak and Mrs. lester Gord~n spent Wed~esday afternoo.n 10 Dayton. , '

Mrs. Olive Curl with Mrs. Nellie Madden . of Clarksvi.tIe spent Mo.nday in Cineinnati. . Mrs. Evalyn Peterson, nr. Emma Holloway and Miss Orive Williams attended the Garde~ Club Thursday af~ernoon at th home of ~rs~( L~ls Maurice. Mrs. Ollve Curl and Dr. Emrna Hollowa~ were present at the W. C. T. U. meetin,e: ,t the home of Mrs.' loyd Davl on Friday evening, . ' Mr. Newton Dearth and daughter, Miss Ina Dearth of Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. leste t Con~e'r and Mrs. ' Gor~uc h of near leban on called · on· their ,cousins Dr. ~nd Mrs. F~ R. Gr~gg on Sunday afternOQn.


mo.rning. A hu~e picture of the pro.posed buildling was u~vened , and students were asked If they wo.uld like to. se.e it erected. The answer was an emphatic "yes." Then came the next que~U~n, "How many wo.uld be \~lll~ng to. work to see lhe bU\IQm~ become a rea.m y?" The answer wa~ unanimous . One groupi of students surged forth pledging 50 ho.urs each for ~ the projec[. Before the gathering was complete, than . 300 had , joined the U 50" c~ub. Another student had. an even "bigger' proposal - 1 00 hours .. of labo.r eaeh -- and his U 100" club soon had nearly 1 00 ~ tu­ den ts and facu1t~ mempers. This group was then hatldeti toe picks . and sho'~els an~ ' were given the hono r of turnm ,l?: the , tlrst ·dirt.

J.lighSc~~ol .


Three members of Tr.oop 40 accompanied leaders Joe Jam'es · t" and Ronnie Rush on an ov~r. 0 e6 night camping trip Friday, ca r,. . rying packs rangin~ fr o.m 2 A de zen sen iors are. spendingto 35 pounds. En route they at Wilmin~to n Colle~e awere offered a ride but refused 1: ::.:; with 50.0 ther niors to turn th hike int a hitch· from 150 schools who. are' guests hike~ . at the eiKhth ' annual liigh . The first "incideOL r came school senior day. They ,are ~o shortl y ~fter a suitable site was tour the campus, see a Y~rlety .' found ·for pitching a lent.: Bob show by the cnllege m\.lSlC D~iaiea de~ Mbran thought- the qUickest partment, have djpner . there, Swee t WiUiams way to. getr-Id of an old trn can 'af)G ge~ information about colLilies , WILM INGT ON COLLEGE would .be to. kick it jnto a near- lege courses. . Chrys anthe mums STUDENTS PLEDGE TO, by' creek. 'He wa surpri e i -The. annual party Itiven by HEL f' BUILD DORMrtOR~ w"hen his shoe follow ed the can the freshmen for '.th'e rest of the. Iris, H'ibi1cus, etc~ into the water. Surplus SttoGk, sp'eciat prices dur. . In an unpr~ceden ' hiR;h scho.ol will be held' tomo rted move ', PROG RESS IVE 'WOMEN ·The scouts crawl ed betwe . en ro\V night at 8 in the gymnas. ing Afpril ' Wilmington · College, o.rganized HON OR SENIOR GIRLStheir blankets shortly after., SlIP- ium. Betty Satterthwaite Is to help itself when its ' 650 , . ' per but £.DNA ST. JOHN . was he.ani at freshmen president, and .most o· students and fa~ult y ' members . The, ,Pfogressive Business odd hourst. alkin~ Just after Jo . . JalTIe ~ the 'class members ' are servin~ pledged this week.· to.·te . ,Wo.m'en held their .re)tular m~et­ found that his walch h~d stopon committees. . ~59,OOO .worth of labor to.warg., : ing on Wedn e¥e~mg, Bed at 1 :30 he heard ano her ' Arran gements are be i n ~ construction of a badly needea April 7, at thee~;day of MJs. ' ; tellin,g- Peter Keys, made new dormitory to house 75 Alv.a chem,istry stuctents to A pot-luCk ''It's 4 :.)0. ' Two hour after atten i for m n. the ato.mic· energy show was enjoyed with · the that the scouts ' v 'nture d forth, at Miamisburg April 29, t May LANDSCAPE SERVICE Then puttin~ a~ti0n b~hind Senior girls a~ guests. The table their words, t~e g-roup left the covers, ' napkms . and ~11 v ot~er bllt the scoutmasters waited to . 1. ' asserilbly and desp,ite rain and decorations were decorated With . g~t ~p' until a nie- w.arm fire was I bla, z mg. Lawn & Gard en enanc e " mud~ started diggin.l{ the fo.undWILH El.MI NA JlRADDOCK, ted rbses, the 1948 flower , After breakfast the SC,out ' De- 'JERR Y ation for the new buildin~"· Boys, and .each ~uest wasclass COO K APPE AR . ' pllesented gan hunting for. "fo.ol s .tt 1j" girls, facult y ON memb YOU ers, TH and BROA the DCAS with T a beautiful ga"d~l :i a c()r- to settle their CUrIosity at out .he SHRUBBERYcollege president lined liP sIde sage. substance. All they found \Va ' a Jetry COQ,k 'a-nd Wilhelmina b,y side to turn the first ·hovels- , MusiC' and ga:nes were the b~d of blue da.Y, in which they Bradd ock of 'Rout e f', Wayn ful o.f ~irt an~' then ' kep't at it 'entertainment provided follqw- · wrapped their " TOM ' PITTS po.tatoes to bake' Vill~, represented the Waynees-. ' a1\ day ' long, wadin~ in mud in~ the, dinner. ',. for dinner . . Many fossils :were vi"lle Farm ' Bureau youth knee-deep. ,., ' . ' found , but none of the flyIn g Coundl this ,~ft rnoan on a , Wihnio~to.n College's youth- . The WaynesyitI~ Farmer' variet y. When dinner, '.vas stlr[mad cast featuriul{ W3rr ful p.resident, . Dr. Samuel D. , Grange will meet in reg':llar sesed, the po.tat oes were burn '" to County Farm Bureau Youthn , Marble; presented' theid ed and sian ort Saturday and a crisp, but Ronnie made. Councils ver WRF D, . Worth~~ Ii!!"'!'"!~~~~~--- plans f0r :the new dr>r,mltdry an , especia'lI,Y fiti~~ program'. Is excel lent biscuits. After c\... n- ' ing-ton; Ohio. to the entIre college Tuesl1ay , bein. g- arranged. ". . in,e: the c~mp ~rou\1d, th '",ut· . Spring'boro '( outh Co.uncil· starte home. was r::: presented by · Andrew Billhardt, RQute , 1, Lel!anon,. Mr. and , Mrs.C taren ee J. and Teen-Unity C:ouncil by PLOW SHARES Da vis moved Saturday ,from the Willi·am Me ef, Route 1, Le::ba~Sharpeped, ' Repointe'd, Hard .. home of his · patents; Mr. and <;>n. ' Surface by expert. we have Mrs. Loyd Davis, to their newly " T.hese · menlbers were acthe services of Bill Lawson, . decorateQ , ~p~rtment at Thifld . :col11;p '~nied . by ' J. M. Greene, who ran a blacksmith shOp for and Chapman Streets, '" QrganizatiQn manager, t~ the years. Special grinder for , Worthington Studio. ~harpening mower blades. The 'skilled driver's scho.o , n, o w beiPK cOl1ducted BILL LEE Leh. anon, secured through the W&Ynesvil1eT~ Ho~ ' Aff0rt s of these Yo.uth Councils. : Wa)'De Park













Phon e 506-X 5 MulberrY St~ LEBANON, OHIO



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M~y 4, 1~,


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thirty-five years .of · teaching which she accomplished. Laura was a ~ood teacher, devoted to her work, and to her pupils. Each year new names . . .';- were added 'to her list-b ut her 'If, , emo ria m love~ in~erest and pride in them " ,> ' ' ~as great ~nough to fnelude . ' A Trib,,~ tOt Laura McKinsey ~ach .onc. , Lal,Jta McKinsey was bom . She was unassuming, Dec. 2 1884, ·at the old Me- appreciative,quiet, a valiant friend, ' Kinsey homestead, three mites . who S~W no malice il1 any .one" . southeast of Waynesville, Ohle. . and who never l.ost a friend exShe p.asse~ away after a' . ccpt by deaHI. '.. and ' p~mful Illness at the home On a samp glvel~ her by ·a of her only sister Mrs. ' ·Earl · former teacherlerwhe bas knewn Swain near Lebanon on MarCh· .' h~r since childhood are fol22nd, 1948, for twenty- le~n words w. hich ,thetheglv~r two . years she has made her . ftlt ,,(ere cbaracteri~tic of Laura home followinK- the death · .of McKmsey \ ~~d '~hl~h her parents. , Having . graduated pe~~ed here by request. ~re refrom Waynesvitte HiKh Scho.ol . Sweet are thoughts in the class of 1904, she attend- which 'Savor. 0f the conte nt.' ed the National Normal Univer- quiet mind is richer thanTh.ea sity in Lebano,) and spenl many cro~vn." 'She had a. habit of. col· summers . dOlh~ educaUonal leetmg poems. which appealed work to Qualif herself fer tbe to ner and tIllS o~e seeme d to , ' be a favorite~ . " ,., , ""In Pastures Green" PAl liTI NC Not alway s-som etime s He Who knoweth best in kind,.. , DEC ORA T,IN C '




ness leadeth me, ~ " Mrs. Ralph Barger and childIn weary ways, where heavy I. ' ren, Barbara and Randal of shadows be, ' , " . '1~' e ~W6 , . _ _ Wash ington ' C. H. spent the And br still waters? No, not weekend witl1 and Mrs', always so; , " Miss Wanda Clark, : daughter . calvi h LongacreMr. ' a'nd famil y Oft time the heavy tempests of Mr. and Mrs. WaIter Clark . and Mr. . Mrs. Fred RuSh .'round me ,btew and Mr. Rebert Channell of and familyand . ' I And Q'er my soul, the waves . Dayton, were married at' Lytle Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Herm an 'and billows go." I •••• Church Sunday ,afternoon by entertained Mr. a'n:t Mrs: am But when the storms beat loud- , Rev. Joseph Myers of Dayto n. W. Ricke at. tVnest and I cry . The imrneQiate families were . ner Sundayy.of Cincinnati , . Nlo,ud for help, the Master present. Mr. arid CI de Hay, er standeth by, ' Mr. and Mrs .. Everett Early, moved froroMrs; Dayton last w ;~ k' And whispers ' to my soul '.'Lo Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shipley, Mrs. ,' te the Wallace Cottage her ', ' . if is I" · .' .J.. 8. Jen~s ! Mrs. Guy Rout .. ·. . ,Miss Margi e and Jimm Ie : Se where he ·Ieads ' me; '1 can . zahn , an~ Mrs. W.illiur Feulks S\~an k of Dayto n ·spent . le safely 'ge " attended ' Inspectl9n of the week·end with their r JrAnd in "the blest hereafter I Eastern .s tar . at Waynes,vi11e ents, Mr. and Mrs, E.K'ramtB. LO.lg" shall know . Saturday evenl(~g. . . acre. . . , ... . • ~ Why in his wisdom, he has led Mr. and Mrs. Tperle Jqnes Mr, and -' Paul ·' Shil vV me so." '. . attended the concert of the ' and children·Mrs. spent Sunday with Written by.her.'former teacher Junior Philhar!l\Onic Orcbeslr~ : friend ~ near W' a shlng ton, ' C. H· · and Life ton~ friend.. . Sun~ay afternoon at the ' Att . ,Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur . Clark In~tttute" Dayton. , Their so~, entertained a,t ' a family ' ~ .fnner Mrs. Rose, Fires, who fell at MIlton, IS a memb er of t~l1S Sunda y evenlOg, their chlldr n her hOme, several weeks ago, Orchestra. and famili es ·froin Dayton. and fractured her hip, ' has re¥rs: Ruth Burroughs ' .or . Mrs. Ma,rg-aret ., Johns , who turned froml Miami' Vatley' Hos- Spnngboro spent ,several ,days . under went a mafo r opera tien pital, and is cenfined to 'bed at last ~~k with her sen and wife at Mia.m i Valley Hosp ital, reher heme. · . Mr. ~nd Mrs. 'Guy BU,rreug'hs turn~d ,to her ~eme Saturday. and ltttle son. She IS ,IUS(t n faIr condition .. , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CoUin ' Tuesday dinner guests " of and ' .Mr. Charles Cellins of Mr. and Mrs. Routzahn Dayton \vere dinner guests Sun- . and Russ~ll wer Guy : Mr. and Mrs. day at, the pome 'of Mr. and Sperry Boitno tt ' ot Troy, Mrs. Mrs. Walter Kenrick. ' Earl ' MendeI)hall and daughter , Mr. " Paul Johns of the Uni- of iipp City and Mr. andM yer~ity .of Cincinnati is spend- William Tirine . and 'hildre r , n .of' 109 the ,Spring vacatien with his Wa ne,syille. , grandmether, Mrs. ' Margaret ever'al men ' ,and 'boys fr III Jehns. · here attended tll i! father ancf '·lMrs. ,Nettie 'Emrick is son b~l119l1 t ~f he t! ' h di t The comforts of a ' home ,fol'. , w ah her - daUghter; Leon Bro ll1 I'hood at Red 'Lion, ~.~ nthose ' who wish to hold servic . Sali.sbury at Washlnghm C. H. da, evening, Milten . es ,here Jones was until Mr. Salisbury is able t on toe program with trun t re!l!rn home from a hospital· in ac mpanied b," f\Hss Inchanapol. is, In,d., wh~ re., he unWhitaker on th ph~ no. derwent a maJor operation 3 ~--:-.:- - - ,weeks ago. . . Earl W. ,Conner




Every Job quaranteed Free ,Estim ates CheerfuUy . G,iven







each morning

'. t-5 afternoons except Wedn~sday


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'7-9 Saturday·... evening

OtQer eyening:s bl Appointmen · TELEPHONE Q2-R

.~Dr. C. E. Wilkin O'ptoJrl~e ·-Bi.,






'26 Sout h Detroit StNe t . ,

DNL \,



' WAtNESViLL~'S '.

· .






'The perialty for cleaning' cl.oth.. . ing at ~ome, is being a tub of fuming cle'aning fluid, ali ironing board, and ' the ever~ presen fear of fire I Why be guilty of such a crime, wh~n our prompt service fits .your ,taste

and bu.dget.





· Wa. ~ ·

. ,.


l.ii.DaI Bok .




Priaa aq



4, 1848





. -


an. Health Association held its now unusuall ~ood coopera·· annual meeting and dinner at . tj n be 'ween the Health Assocthe Golden Lamb in Lebanon. .iation , an j the count BoaTQ of There, were ab0ut ,thirt - five Health. -A' FARM DIARY , there. Mo'st of them had been Our drake doesn t like roo by D • . J. FRAIZER attendin,{{ for a ron~ time but I sters. He, lo oks at them and _ \ a a newcomer. The battle a· then Koes after them on his ' 9, 1948. Cold and ~' a~n t . t~be~culosis is slow but tIe s~ort legs with his WIl1R:S chilly wiI\GS are ' blowin~ to- It IS l?egmnmj! to show results. flappmg. If he catches one the day. The sun is shining, but Like\ so many things. the cure feathers fly. there was a 1i~ht frost last night. amt c . ntrol qf tuberculosis de\yarning to owners of cocker Today ) have a furnace fire pend a great de.cur on early re- sp'anlels: A rumQr has come to with my few re~ainiI1g shovels- , cognition of the disease. it is , me that two spaniels, one ful of coal and it feels very there that the society is direct'- black and one brown, were seen Kood. It ~as ·a.sur:prise as yes ter- in~ Inost .of efforts. The mobile - runninK, sheep in one of our day was so warm and pleasant. X-ray unrt has' reveaJed unex- .neighbors' pastures. He shot at I sa\v pear trees in bloom but pected cases, some in people the dogs and then fonowed only a faint show of cot r on' hand ling food or in positrons . them in to Wayne'sville to try to the peach trees. ,I hope that it ~v~ler.t: they c utd easily sprea(.1 find where' they belonR:~d and nas' not hurt the fruit. ' ' . mfectlOn. ' A~lOther place where. . to warn the owners. The do~s , . I-.t is,' very hard on rilY little mar ' help is needed is ' wh~re went Iound and round but dill new pigs. 0rt e , 1i~t¢r . wa-s born the bread Winner .·of the fa~ily not betray their iJames, so thetr t\Va days flg'O a'ud another born, mu t e hospltahze t Time pursuer ,"vent home' without yesterday. here were ~even In , need~d for a. cure ~an be cut In identifYlnK them. ' Th~ !)ilme p.ay' the 'oIcle t litter but thl morn- half If the dlseas I? recognrs,ecf ,two of our lambs . disappeared. ing on~ was dead. One of them ar.l.y' a~ld the patient can be We do I?o t know that. the a gs \" , crawled throu~h into the oth .r· h sp ltaIrzed promptly and know were on our place hut we are p,en and the old 'sow looked at . that tl~e fa~~ly ....wi!L not ~uffe~. warnin~ their owners that It i u every ti !1le we tried -to ,get it Peace f mmd means earlier re- dangerous for them to be seen .50 we left it there until we Cftn covery. , in th is neighborhood. They tna y keep her occupied eatin '1' while Mr. Camel' n of Oxford, the be y0ung dogs who don't know we ~11~a)( in and g: it back . peaker, stre.s(.;d t,he imporfance . any better. Sheep) a,re such .silly w~er,e 1t bel l1,&'S. f coopet:atJon m alI l~ea1th thinR:s and it is sUI(::h fun to cllase Have vou ever wondered movem nt::>. ~ re,co~mended thetn, any do~ would say, but where . your ' -hristm-a~ seal a I Li , lth coun II for every COI11- I know what ,It means tt:> lose , . m ney .g.oes an i what th 'y d l1111111ty and operati n witI1 a dearly: belovetl oog' eca use wi,h it .? M IIld ay ev ning the the local authorities. I he thoti~ht tl;'at w y.' So watch Warren C unty'.... TubercuY 'osls "" w-as .e:!.ad to hear that there TS your d.ogs and keep Ulem at

2Jr'J RiJge

home bef reo~et into bad habits . . THE MIAMI GA'ZETT~ .~ heep runnin .1.r and sheep killing WAYNESVILLE, OHIO mean a ieath seI1~,nce. · T H U R S D Ii. Y, APRIL

PROSPECTIVE NURSES OFFERED 48 PRIZES IN ESS},Y CONTEST A conte t for outhwe tern Ohio high ' school girls offering 48 ca h prize total iin $ ~,­ 000, will be sp. onso,red < b.y the Southwestern Distr:ct: CounCil of the Ohio Hospital As oCt'ation from April 11 Jo, May 8, it was announced this week'. Prizes will e for the best entries of ', 100 words rIess,' ,c mpleting the statement. "I , would like to be a nurse because •.. ' II Ten prize of $5 wiII be ,e;Iyen each w.eek for four weeks. Grand prize winn ~ rs will then be elected from the w"nriers of the weekly onte'sts. The followin,g' grand priz s will be a\varded.: First, $350 ~ Second, $225 . Third, $ 125; 5 Fourth Prizes of ·2 eacn . Entries may b'e made n a ! lain sheet f white paper, o·rv10 0' tl~e name, addre - , a,e:e, school ~n i cia - ear ' f .the entrant. All entrie 'mll t be nrall e fa CareerS in Nursing: Conte ·t Ci,n cinnati ~, Ohio. . J fOil' a fine el ecti n of ,J Moth~r's , Day can,d . ,ap j gift , drop' 10 at the Waynesville Dru,l{ Store. -A iv.


PAteE' 'No. 4364 15, 1$48

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Halt ' pent the week end at Rus el Point and, enjoyeq some earlv fi h inp:. . Mr. and · Mrs. J. K. Preston: of Cincinnati expect to arrrve at their farm 'here tbis week, to spe'hct the sutnme~. Mr. llnd Mrs. J. B. Ri h as w.eek-end ~uests therr and , dau~hter-II1-law, Mr. Mrs. , May,n ard Rich and sons of Pittsburgh, Pat

ha d son and two


Waynesville ' Office

Will B~ Closed Until Fu~ther Notice ,

Located Acro 's frolJl Office. Waynesville, Ohio

Mrs. A. K. Day enier, d 'Chi"i t ~. spital last week, for J servatlOn an~i treatment.

w~ hereby. GU~RA~TEE 'to give 'you

I. faster Ito, \vater,

, 2. low.r-cost.II.t waftt, ,.


th8ft a~y, other' oil or electr~ ~at~ heater Of YQu,r money back. Read this guarante'e : Try a C~leshan for ~5. days. Compare with other' Ol~ or el~trlc . storage;:.type heaters of equal SIp. Coleman must give ,you' hot water faster and at l~w"~ cost , or we. will tave " out 'and ref~nd' your



1 \riIl sell at , public auction, on · the. Bur,nett Brothers farm, 'located on The Waynesville and ' Lytle roao, 3 miles norNl \\ es. of Way'n~svi1le 2 miles east of L tie. Take route ·4 8 to Lytle I'oa~" p-o east: route 42 to W'aynesville take " , Lytle .road, nort'h west on . "

~ ,

. AmasinS 'low "'.. c": Coleman ~r~vides ' . ample hot water for ' average family of 'f our by burning 9P)y ' about .ten gallons of oil a ·month. Store a whole ,wi liter's o~l ,uppJy in a SO-gallon f;lrum. . ,' . '



2 ....;..: HORSES -



· Work., I~Y";he~e • • • 'fow~ ., ~ ~he ,Coleman bu'r:ns fuel .oil; 'no ·ga. or' 'electric ,connections. needed. auto";'ati,c tOogtves y~u plenty ~ hot water anytiJ'lrle '. t tIM , tum 01 a tap.: off~ycle periods.






It-, .


Regular Price' 119.95 139.95 '

20 Gal.

30 Cal. 45 Gal.

169.95 , . .



'l l \

......... ~, ~ .....Y.. .,





. wag?n "with flat top'; wago'u .with box bed j Tractor double diSC;, 8ra~k m~nure spreader; M~Cormick Deering mower, SIX ft: cut; ·B~.<;k Hawke' corn pla~ter ~ith fertiJi:zer ~~tachl~ent; S.lng.1e, cultJp-acke.r; Buckeye wlieat drill with fert.. . Ihze,~'. attachn~ent; steel tooth ,hay rake; w'alk'ing breaking , plow" plat fOlln scal,es; ha.y fork .rope and pulleys; harness;' f?rks, shovels· anci many small arhqles too numerous to mentlon. . , " ' ,

,. 1:

700 bu. corn '.


8 -






. '


Fairley Hardware 5


•• ,

milk test.

1·5% Off 102.1'6 119.89 145.59 '



w rk mares, :w~rght · about 1 ~,o II,s. each. .. 13 -..; H~D OF J~RSE;Y cATnE ~, 13 . 7 Cows' ~iYi,ll~ g.. d 'fl ow of 111ilk; 4 '~eife, t:g ' coming, two 'years' . oll~ ;. 1- helf~r 6 months old; 1 yearling bull. 'Fhe'Se catt,le 4a ve .all. 1een Tal ed, by. ~s ,are T. B. tested, sound and·,have a higll ' 2 extra ood.



Wilbur N. Searl. Au.cta.

, PAGE 7


WAYN ESVIL LE, oHIO No. 4364· T H U R S DAY , APRIL 15, 1948

T "' IN -

L en se s

starring Ida Lupmo and Dane Clark closes its two-day stand , tonight at , the TW,in. A real double feature is scheduled Friday and aturday when Eddy Dean and Ken Maynard form a. hard-ridin.g, dad-e ye shootin,gcombination · in "The Whit Stallion", 'which shoul ' ,g-ive you rabid Western fans your heart 's desire' for real, hone t-

by FOX HOLLY " Here's a tittle credit where credit is due. I' understand that Sam, the Twin chief projectionist, is tu t or~ng several youngsters froor the community In the ,secrets of movie project.. , ing, and t~ose wl~o don 't think th.a t f1:1;OVle, projectors aren' t harder to operate than the home Eddy , Dean type (8 and 16 MM) ar blind to reality. Also, the Twin ma- to-goodness riding- and shootin' nagemeI;lt is ' interested in sign- -Dea n has b en absent fi-om ing- up other interested p'C rsons the · Twin for some time. ' All I for projec;:tionist duties this , haBvoey',heard ~or ~e.veral days is, summer, but they must at I a t t ~a~, t walt to see Eddy be 17 years old. ' . D~an ,aga.lR- , .so I uppose Bob For t~~e who like to plan 0 Regan, TWl11 owner!. S110Ul fam~ly entertainment far ahead ' haVe: been warned to mre twod ~heck your A.pril showbill fO:' , cas.1~I~r? :tpd. a: wal~-stretch that bargain of bargains ' . . .. Seem I b lievlIlg, however, er. thre'e adults admitted 'for only . no actor .01' " actres has lo~de<asl . 50 cents to anyo ne show from W.{lynesvJlle s only tl1ea~ un day, April 25 thru. Saturda.', thl cqlumn has been Inre eslryce t.. May 1. SI11P that speCial saving3 en~e. A horse ca!11e .d.ose Ito .coupon from your April show dOIl1.£!' It _ nce, which IU t ~oe bill Now. ' to show ~hat I:l0llyw~od , BFiefviews: "Oee p Valle ' shOUld, play upmathebeanlm, al kIn.!!.'oom mstead.. f the 0 call 1· I


intellectual group. A B10ndie picture, patterned after the famous Chic Youn '\, comic strip, is coupled with .th ·' Wesfern. The Bumsteads should be worth many a lau.e:h as ' wQod emerges rrom a bed o-f concrete (like l~~ head, say tI1c review to outwi t the rascally plotters. . In the wee kend attraction ' John Garfiel f team with UBi Palmer, ~ Vienna-born English stai', in "Body and oul,7I a fa t and furious 100 minutes of ~ction in ni~htclubs and the squared circle. The fi~ht pictures in this show are wps, say the experts. They sh9.w Garfield a,s middleweight cham;pion ,in the early twenti'e and show how corru,Pt the fight game ' was in certam area., It all turns out o. . k. as Mr. Garfield suddenly "~ets religion" and fight~ t.o W,in , hiS last bout aft I' prevlousI ' a~ree in <Y to lose. You wolves will get a kick out , of Hazel ' Brooks, newest Hollywood tar, who was born in Capetown, South Afric'a, some 22 ' years ago. Along with one of 'the most arrestino" faces In HOllywood, an ~ye s~opping fig'ure she i reputed to be :t ' schart' lassie who .can talk as fluently on Thomas Wolfe, Aristotle, and the Brooklyn Dodg'e rs a she can on mOVle- , mak1l1g". As the "'other woman, ' the coppery-haired . ir n just about ste'als the ho\v.


Next Wedn da and Thursda two of til fin ,t educational ul i ects, "1'111 an ",IcQholic" (R KO) and "Dru nk Drivin~' (MGM) ar . ' c upled witl) Dc.anna Durbin best s.ta.rrin !?: role in Univer al' mu ical, "I tIr b e Your ." The two short sub, j ct JlOuld be w rth tIle prIce 'o f admission thems Iv es and . parents '\' uldn t be makin~ a mi tak in takin g ' the ,hoI

-~-----~"""'!""'-~--. '


Westh eimer & Comp any


1S-S.S, Titanic ~ Ice-

bero and aInU.

~ ,

18-Bei;tum d.el~ ind..

.,.ndoni na1Io~ 11m 17-000111118 ...uudel'l bomb

: _ l~c:~!.r~.I, SCO

~. 19-~uss el orQonlzed, . Ar •




lei .

20- War declared with Spain, 1898, ,


21-Flrsl steamboat ascends


Mississippi, 1824,


No tic e to Fa rm er s. UNTIL JUNE .. We Will Sell , ,

ESSO · 'MOTOR 'Ol,l ·' IN CASE LOTS , 2 to 4 CA~ES (24 Qti. Cans t~ ~a~)

famil~ .

--.:;.- ----'..! ;,..,;.. ---'

Everett' Harlan

(ttt) 41 S





SUN .-MO N. Su'n. Matinee. 2 :30"P . M.


Karl D. Dakin"Insurance .Agency

GAZE~;t c~~s~n~:IEP

.. Jf\ New Kind of Adven .ure

, ~ " ' Phone~53 " ~O. ,E. Mulb erry, LEBA NON , q . .' . A New Kind A[}S =--~. " "O'HIO ~'_ .' . •"'ERSINIUUN. ~ COMPA,"' To Buy, SeU, Rent,, 8 ' 4 , .IND·.......... ... - co. :. , A~.~ . , . _" Ot; '_.... £kS . ~~.~ VBUI Loan, .Borto w,.& . ' ......... . " Any Time 'o~ The Year . '

of Thrill t '

White .Stallion


WED .-TH uas. SPECJAI. . TWO Education'a l Short Features "I'M AN


"DRU NK DRIYING' (ReCOlll1)1 t:l1dl"\ . 1',1 L\ ~(ju atioll Cente r' . fpr EntI r~

F'l ll1ilj ' ) ,



'an r'" nmar y

t:l'U) LI -

c a Gall :

5 or more cases

in the Ohio Farmers will give you brOlld prolectioll against losse on your farm. It covers. yoUr buildin gs, your j:hatteIs, your automo bile and your iial>i1 ityfor accideots to others. Wby not see us today? You , -ow ~u'J'e aate wbf=n yoq' re .insured ,in the Ohio Farme u,



.9 8


SeQo loundatlon


READY-COLORED OLEO CARD OF THANKS SOUG HT IN PETI TION We wish to sincerely thank The first step in a movement all who did so much for us at to' bring about a c,han e in thime of .sister, Laura J-a·w-o f E>hio to perml e manu- McKinsey's sickne ss and death. facture and sale of yellow oleo· For the many , m' an . ca,rds margarine was completed Tuesflowe rs ,and g-ifts sent her at the day when Hugh S. Jenkins, At ~ torney General z approved a pre· ho pilal -the heautiful 'flow r ' liminary -initiative petition sign- for the fune ral-th e pall b ~ a r­ ed by more than 150 housewives el's-t he grade teachers as'. who propose to initiate , the re- hono rar pall beare rs-th e rhi-. nister for his kind \\ ord and ttl e quired ,leg-islation. . McClure Fun ral Home for t le Identical le.e:1s1attal1 was it tr - court eous ahd effj i nt n'\tln n r duced in the Ohio Legislature in which the funeral wa . C' 11last year, where it was passed ducte d. Again w say- man y . by the Senate, 23 to 11, but was thank s. defeated' in the House by the narrow margin of 18 votes. . Earl and M innie ,v ;~ in - 4t5

:A iJ

Tokyo. lett -, -




Member5 New York St ck Exchang and oth r' • registered Exchanges , Inves tment Trust Shares ' B tight - old uoted Phone Wayn es"ill e 2530 Dayto n AD32 57 .,


\"I~'-I 11_

A. Menjo u t · ,.t")

~Political Adv.




NOTICe-:...TO CONT RACT OR& THE MIAM I GAZE TTE PAGE 8 WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO STAT E OF OHIO No. 4364 First Class mechanic for John T H U R S' DA ,Y , AP~IL 15, 1948 DEPA RTIME NT OF HIGH WAYS Deere 'Service Shop. Man with Colum lbus. Ohio, .Apl·n 3, 1948, experience on John Deere tracEngin eer of Sales Legal Copy No. 48-148 , LEGA L NOTIC~ tors preferred. ' ', UNIT PRICE CONT RACT NO,Uce is herel)y giVen that the Sealed ,propo saJ.s wUl be receiv ed at the Office 01: Ute Banta Implement Co., Lebeitat HighCLA8 8IFIE D AD RATE S T.a·uste6s ot the Grave Yar~ Fund way Direct or of Ohio, at OolumJbl,ls. OhiO. unUl 10:00 A. anon ~hone S55r M., Ohio stand ot the OrtJho d,o x Ft-tend's of Wn:yn es,10 PER WORD MINIM UM 26c ard Time, . MOTHER'S' v1)le, OhiO, ' have med tl\(\lr . petitio n COM ING - Tuesd ay, ApriJ 21, 1948, for impro • vemen ts In: In ·the Comm on Pleas Court of War • PropOe lals NOB. II to 6 inclus h'e are offere d as ODe projec WE , ARE now accepting orders REAL ESTATE t a:nd will . . ren Count y, Ohio, enttt_a d "In the ' f9r Mother.'s Day Candy. be award ed as one c'ontra c,t . Matte r or' Charie~ 00. Cook, Ht'l'l>ert DON 'T FORGET TO CALL PROP OSAL No. 1 Make your selection now. Be Carl', MaYn ard Hack,n ey, Lawre nce Montg omery Count y, Ohio, on Sectio n 0.00, State ltoute us ·for Insurance. All types of ready when May comes. No. 725, In Starr, and Percy L. Reaso n 8S TrusInsurance at a savings. Call Waynesville Drl;lR: Store Germa n Towns hip, by applyi ng a bitumi nous treatm ent, Item T-32. tees of the Grave Yard Fund of the. Pavem ent; .Wldth 18 {eet.. Fra~cis Gehe Brown, phon'e ' Orthod ox lFr~end s of Wa.ynee~11I~, CAUNDRY~ ' Lengt h 27,772.8 feet or, 0.26 mUes. Waynesville 2935 or cal) Ohio," an unlnO orpora teli religio us PROP OSAL No. ,2 , ' collect., Wi1min~ton 211"1 ,' LAUNDRY to d(i) in ,my home. , · 1M0nt gomer r, COllnt y, Ohio, 8. lI'SO elation . ·b efng Case Num1het' Also curtai,ns stretdiec{, 40c Germa n Towns hip, by' applyi ng on lSeCltion 0.00, State Rout,e No.:' 123" tn '18336 on the docket of said Court, a bltumln oi,Jst treatm ent, Item T-3Z. Real E.tat e For Sale a pair. Quick service. Phone Pavem ent: Width 18, feet. pray Lng for alu thority to !tell and 2986. convey 'the follo\y lng 'd 'e scrlhed , real --42 9 JlP. YOU BAVB A PROP ERTY OR Length , 12, 7?7.6 f~~ or 2.42 miles. . estate now owned by said aS8oQi:,1. PARM TO SELL , PRO,P OSAL No. ,3 or Wrtte NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT , , tion: . ' Wah'e n Count y, Ohio, on Sectio ns (3~08 \Frank lin) a.nd Don Bemlt hon, Tel. XB3448, 617 . '30.38, State Situat e In th~ ViLlag e ofl Wh3'n~s­ Route No. - 123, in F ,rankl1 n T.own~hlp, by applyi ng a b!~umh , Executor lOus treatLor,alp Ave... Dayto n, ObIo. ttc vIHe, Count y of Wvre n, and ~State Estate of Walter C. Burnett ment, Item T-32. ' of hio Decea a.nd bing the novthe ast sed. Pavem ent: Width 18 f-eet, Lengt h 13,939 ,~ feet. . HOME FOR 'SAL E-one-ha l! (%) of Lot ~u~bered Notice is hereby ,e:iven that " id th 20 feet, Lengt h 1,584.0' feet. 'EllOn T (8) i'n Waha ,9 Squar e in said 7 ROOM HOUSE, hot air ,fur- Charles S. Burnet! whose Post . Total length 15,523.2 feet 2.94 miles. Villag-e. Said lot 1l'\ Ys 63 5/8 feet on nace, hot and' cold running , Office adaress is R. F. D. No. PROP OSAL No. 4 Thh'd Stl'eet \ a nd ~:uns back , at \v~(~r. Roomy gara.£';... Mc;mtgomery COllmty, Ohio, on ISedUon~ 12.161 ahd (17.98, 18.15 and 2 \Vayn esvi11e, Ohio has been ~nter­ l'ight angles q,nd paralle l with M,l ami chlcken house on lu( 5 )( duly a-ppoiI1ted as Executor of villc), State Route iNo. 125, in Miami and W'ashi ngton Town hips, by Stroot 204 f eet to an alley. 200"ft. co'm er 4fh and Cnap- the Estate of Walter C. Btlr- applyin g: ' a :bltuminolUs tl.'eatm ent, ~tem T-32. And that the same wi,)) oe (or man Sts. Call evenings after l1et~ 1 t , ' of Warren County, Pavemen~: Width 18 feet, Lengt h 30,729.6 f-ee~. h a ring on ' <lr af~r the 2-3rl1 day 7 :00, P. M. ~ (s. Leah Mills, 01 tQ, decease\.i. I WIdth 18 :feet, Lengt h 1,478.4 feet. of Aprll, 1948. } Ph/one 2472 : Dated this 1st 'day of April . T!>tal ngth 82,208 feet or ' 6.H)' mJles. 1948. • ' , ~22 PROP OSAL No. , 5 · HARL ES A . . Meryl B. Gray, Atty. W1tu.i- 1\,. OU ll t y, Ohio. on 'sectio ns (14.66, 14.77 W'nyn esv1lle ), 15.29 . A ttorne y ,for .A.~DBRSON , FOR SAL El'eti Uone.r's -Ralph H. t.arey nd 15.46 (Part) , SUiL~ Route No. 73/ In Wlayn e and Ma$sie , r Towns hips, Judge of the Probate Court by applyi ng. bltuml n()us treatm ent, lltem T-32. e ha,!'] 's D. ook John 'Deere Model CC' 8 foot , ' \~'arren, County, Ohln Pavem ent: Widtl.l 18 teet, Lenstl ) 19,588.8 feet. Herbert Carl' field cultivato r. Prepares a betlMayna r'd Hac~n ey ~422 Width 28 fe'et, Lengt h 680!8 foeet: , ter seed bed for all crops. ' .' . Lawl'e nce starr Width 18 feet, Len~th 316.8 foeet. BANTA; IMPLEMENT CO. NOTI CE Of ,APP OINT MEN T Total PercY' L. Reaso n length 20<,4.8.6. Lebanon 55S ' , 4 feet or; 3:'88 ' mll~8 , ( , Total estima ted 'cost ......•_.. ; . ..... .. ~ • . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . $52,085 Administrator . .20 3 RIDING HORSE , for sal. Estate Propo sals N~S . .1 to Iii ' Inchls ive, of this projec t to 'be c<>mp of Lelia Irene ' T homa s leted rio~ later All mares, Eugene Wilcher. Deceased. r. th~n Septem ber 1, 1948. prin~' Valley, Route 1. , . • Notice ,is hereby gIven that' The minim um. wa,gie to be paid to tall lwbor emplo yed on this contra ct -415 Fran.k E. Thomas whose Post shall be in accord ance with the ·'S~eaule ,o f Preval Ung HourJy Wag TWO JERSEY HULL cq\ves, Of~ice Address is Wa'yne~\' illel R~te8 Asce~talned abd' Determ ined Ib y The Depar tment of IndusU'Sa!.. subject to registry. Wilb~r OhIO has been duly appointed as Relati ons' appl1c able . to St'ate E1ghw ay Depart men)t lm~l'ovements !n florence, OregoOla, 'Rt. 1. . Administrator ' of" the Estate ' of aCCOl'qatice with S8<:\1on$ 17-3,: 17-4, 1~-4a, 1,7:-6 and 17-6a of the lrene Thomas. late of War~ Ge·nera;) Code of Ohio." ' , . '· -422 Lelia: ' r~n County, ,Ohio, ·deceased.' The Ibldder, must submi t ,, his bid a certifi ed checK In an, a~o-un ' POR SALE-T~o ' sows and Bated this 29th day of March 69,ual to IJve per ' ~1~ of. the eStima lted' cO*"t, but in. no ev.ent. mOl"e t!h!attt pigs. Everett Sears, 1 mil'e 1948 . ',' . , ten thousa nd dollars . west of Waynesville on route ' C~ Dontl OiJatush, Atty. 'Plans and speclf~Qatfon~ a:re on file , In' the depart ment. . of ,high73. Phone 2242 . Ralpn H. Carey ways and:"tb e Qfflce ,ot ther~81dentl dlstflc t deputy .slrec~ r. ".it ' _ .. .,' , 'The direCt or rese,~ve& ' the right to reject any a.nd all bid",. Judge of the Probate Cour ~15 ' NO"R I,s BROC K CQft1PAN:\" .. . ' Warr en _ COun , , ty, Ohio. " ,. , . EART. I. 'lEER ONE Double B@ct, complete, ~Inoi·nn.ti Onion 8to,Pf< V.'-d. State Highw ay Direct or Live Wir, ' .'rId -PrOAr••• I"I. An innerspring mattress. Everett orQfln lzat.on ...oonCi to npne. ·f,-----'-----'-uustin. ' StrIctl y ••I,llr. · on ~h. . -- '415 ' .11 around ma.,ke t In beat ttl. Church . Aban donAtiC countr TION y. ~ERI " ' NG , Heavy' Duty John Deere wa~on blent : Lytle Methodist Church 8,E RViCE THAT SATIS FIES Call at Aiv~ Allen's ,in · Col'\~in. ~ears 011 rubber. Killifer, ron- , trustees. acting under SectIon ' WHIO )j. Qayto n 12:30 E. S. T. STAN LEY aDd KOO GLER Dial 13uO. ' W'LW Clncln 'naU over scraper. J. H. Rainey, 3465 , Ohio Gene rd Code, vot12:40. Dio,) 700. for Our Daily BROK ERS UCEN SE BANTA IMPI,.EMENT CO. . ed Feb. 1, 1948 , , '-42 9 " Marke t Rel)or t. abandon For D.. tea. Phon. 2ij94J. Wavn ••vil\e. Leb~non Phon e 555 . ,the. cemetery adja~ent the Ohio. Rev.r•• C~.r~e.











h. The~'fami1y, ' friends or USED · . John Deere No. 999 churc kindr ed" of persons bmied in Corn Planter, \HC cornplantt' the .cemetery hereby notified er w~th , tractor-hitch, Massey of thisa bandare onme nf and of HarTIS ' 1 px7' Wheat Dnll. '. their right to remov.e bodies of BANTA' IMPLEMENT CO; . relatives therein buried ' and , Lebanon 'Phon e 555 ,. monuments marking' suoh graves within 30 .days' ' after f.irst EARLY FRYERS! ! ! '~ appearance of this notice. BodStart chicks noW'':''''have early ies ., and mon,umerits rem:~inin~ fryer s-the y will ,he in big' . at the end of 30 ,days will' be demand.' S tar t e d sex e d rel1}ov¢d by the church to "sui.t~ cockerel' chicks now avail- ' able" ground ' neqr the present able. ,." ~ cemetery. ' 'f:or furtHer inr()rma~ DUNHAM WHIT E ROCKS tion, . ~om;muni<~ate with ~ C~l!vln: Ph . .' Longa,cre, RFD 2 WaynesvllJe, one Waynesvdle 2916 ' I~ecretary, Lytle Church trus'tees.





,,~c ...dln., t.

'l•••1 C.ndltl.~

Also, All SMALl.. STOCK


Phon e XENIA




' ...:..-415

GOO D SHORT' htue-~ra'ss so'd. , Gene Dunn, 509 Wvomllng:

Sf.. Dayton. Call , FUlto'il W~YDe . sville Ice. H~~se ' 5735: -:.5-2 0 , , ' \yayn e Park . WAN TED TO RENT.....:... ' BILL LEE 3 to 5 ROOM apartment or house in WaYlie ville. R. C. noddy, Centerville, Bnx 29 " ,-41 5 - WE~PAY ~O~ , TRJ~CTOR WOR K• HORSES $9,0 0 .COW S$1 1 :00 HOGS $ 4,00 Cwt. . TRACTOR WOR K Wanted any kind. . M.. L. Field , Route 3 ' ACCORDING TO SIZE AND :CoNDITION ,W,a. nesv1l1e ~




JOHN DEERE REPA IRS- ' W~ Carry a ~()m 'plete line of

Genume John Deere repaill6' for all Deere equipment. Prompt efficient service on ali John Deere D1achinery. Call us for our Deeds.

BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. Leban on Phon e 55&




The ..Mi a w i MR;~n~:~f~S::Nheld Demolition'Is Begun ' E Jr. I i A ZET: T

It Says Here



By Smitty are of a, new quirk in Bew




yesterliay at Hamilton for 'Mrs. Clara Th mp on, widow of th




D~mo liti o n 'vork i , compl ted II the one 5- bin sto ry frame buildil1.~' form t'l 0 c u ~ ~ ied by th~ Idle HOtll' Re . ant, fo mak ~ r 111 for a t~u on tory concrete-block tructure to , be hu ilt ar und th con cr l. , floor of the o!d tluItding. o finite action on the ill Street building, which had M be n closed since the fire of SUI day ni~ht, Marcil j 4, Game thisweek when wrecking operation ' began. It is understood tha t Ow: ~v (Pa t) MalQne wil t ~o back nl in t" the restaurant nusiness the when th~ buildin~ is c0!11pleterLt with two larJ!:e rooms; The c nstruction work. will includ e 3. new rear stairw'a.y for the Miam Gazette building next door. ' i

Church 0f Christ about r ago al,ld who later taught35s yea - h I) I Waynesville telephones, That SE RV ING WA YN EoS VIL LE at Lytle. SIN OE 1 8 5 0 , s, d~e:i S t d ' Mr ' 1 t Tho 43$ at m.p ear-splittJng triple click, so fam- ' No, 6 Me ( 1\ Ho a ur ay DIg 1 FIV rcy _ s,E CE NT S A CO py pital ' in Ha ilia~ to ~ll of , us, has the mi lton was buhab ried in Memorial a'nd WIA YN ES VIL LE, OH IO Park Ceme- , now of sounding: off four or fivit TH IU'R SD AY , A P ,R I L 22 , 1948, tery,Dayton. e, She was a member , seconds after a local call .is , of Miami Chapter, O. E. S., answered. It used to turn up on , here and of the Ol out-of-t<?wn calls prima , \mt at .Terry, Ohio. urch of Christ " nC?w It literally has our rily The 'following ,l1undJer ' ApPoIntment" of com ts were Her husband ,died in 1925 . mittees selected this Weekstutoden lucally. tak e , for the the Su coJ rvi il,in ving are two dau~htersl g yea r, ma de at It 1Tlla¥ have caused some ' exe an tests for state ratings at Miam cutive committee session on i Mr s. Raymond Hartsock a~a hard feelmgs, because the cal ler April '12, was announced , by University in Oxford on Sat1Ur- ' Mrs. Howard S\yank of Hamllapparently doesn't hear the day, May ~, Supt. Ray ~'hll:stly no1se. The called person Secret1lry Mayn,ard Welt~ at the Braddock announGe m,ond W. 'ton, a son, Curbs P. T~omp?on d: b's monthly me of Bethel, 1 ~ grandchlldren 9 IS apt to J,lse more potent words clu g in the A e' h' t O Methodist Churchetinbas l d l gre atgrandchlldren, a brot jler than "he llo " when the first Mo ement ' m n~an IS ory, ona nda y nig ,uht. and ' a sister. , thi n\ he gets from his receiver kens; Latm 1, Sue Furnas; Engthe Conunittees are : !ish IX, Betty Satterthwaite; CL is a urning ear. Then the cal' ff ' P . P G bl AR 'En EN glis CE h H. X, u ,ICcha EDWARDS a irm ris Wo ard j airan' ler wonders \ h he 'IS be'n re Brown s: , Ra ranClS Ena,..-Il'sh XI, El'lDo een~ Brownoll lph ,Haene v y st' En gt J! CI ' H " viled. 1" Iish XII, Earl Rye; biology, Har- 55, arence ' arvey Edwar ds, h M ings, Lowell Th.omas1 Cl)arles Ian t Oll1g ht a t 8 r a farmer north of Waynes Wayn . , a , th e 'Ea rnh art ; che mi stry , esv Robert ville, died at 5 a. m. Sun ille High School the It is stian~e that a little goat foh~.nderSOri, and Will . C. Sf. . . Hu day. Wa sville Athletic Associ nter; algebra, Emery Rob- Survi can cause so much comment. Ina .. Membersh.ip: , Samuel N. bins; vors are his wife, Myrtle; tionyne off ers gen the era l sec sci ,stead of talkin~ about the wea- K ond enc in e, a Ro sen be:r e . t a daughter Reba; ,his mother, of ' R B Campbell; plane geometry, Mr ther, at least a score of people ~beyS , chaIr ma n;. ' . el s. Elizabeth Edwards, and ~ ruleweekly- baseball and softba ll 0 em1 an, Dw ert Crew, igh t Mi Ch ene Dr.. r', soc H. s interpretation~ meetings, ial E. stu Ha dies, brother Charles of Dayto,n. Ser have ask eome, "Is the goat still aw~y, and Ernest Edgingto thn. wit h Vic Roy C. Ern t, presi ien . tor Th om :pso n, , and worlld vices were held yes in your ~ackyard? " Well, it's Agriculture: Eldon Retallick, 'histor ter day afl cry, Oh Da io n Sim Sta te Uillpires Associati n pson. back after a vacation in the ad- cllairman; C. E. MIche n at the ' Stubbs Funeral ' arid ner, \ValEi,.g'hth graders will be ~iven noo Ne ,joining lot. al C. Kruelin, president , ter Sheehan, Lew Chandler aild , their state examinations', at the Hom'e with Rev. R. B. Coleman Cincinnati Um pires Associati n William' Luken~. officiating. Burial was in Miami in . high ~choot tomorrow. Robert Q'Regan, manager of cha rge . . Cemetery. the 'Twin Theatre, has, reverted ' maProgram!: A. H. Stubbs~ chairBo b O'R ~ga n, local softba ll Samuel N. Keys, and C. R. ' ----:"" to his old occupalion-umpirin,f{ Men.; ass oci atio n chi ef, po ints out that ts haffie. CLYDE WAYNE LA MB ' , base baII games. ' ' • • '. ! the gen era ' 't l pub lic, C male or p. 1 PublICI G S Fu 'tl ner al services were held male is we y:R C ar . nll 1, . Last Saturday he was, behind c haIr lco 'I'h S me e d . WO ' M In,a f 1 n's ' , Soc d L t'ety . ' of P, atur a,y ,a ternoon at t he Fre e school, first of it kin the plate calling the oalls and H. man; . ' . 0 er, an " Cluistian Service met at . the e .111 T.h 1 thO It Go rdo n. ' tm tS 'eco sta mll~ y, WI'tt presen t , l Church In Cor,\vin 1wo bascom strikes w.hen the University , of . ' hom e of Mr s. ' R. eba C. ll Mo film Cincinnati defeated Notre Dame :, Wil. The Boy Scout Com1mllttee Thtusday afternoon witler on for Glyde Wayne Lamb1 10 - Stars of Baseball" s. "Pitch in , h the month-old son of Mr.. ana l be announced Jater. The II Battin ," in a double' heilder, 4 following hostesses: Mrs.. Mo M'rs. Stars of Baseball,"ana Th ,club ' voted to rene~ ' th,e cha ler, Wi u,rs iay llar d Lam 2 to 1. He attributes tohis3. and b,. who 1iv~ 5 miles April 29 at ' the r-, Mrs. .Warren_ Braddock" Mrs. ap- ter of Troop 40, ~hl~h tt sp<?near:ance for u.te first Hi' g h SQ Sch uth ool , of Way nes vi11e~ , Jam es, through the cou 'to ,sors} and the troop s 'Paper, dnve I d D < M L C st J I rte Lar sy iib fact of ()f. ...,Q fici Ji til , ate '. a Sharo aVI d. S, Bu . rial rs. was in . . . o~ SabJrday was ,announced. ami Cemetery. an d Mtss En uly Jacobs. ,0 m" Mi , ' the Da yton Indian Basebal , The baby ",='(1 at l ' 1', Ill. Clu Th~ ' business , me~ti~ w~ Th ~op, b. verbal ress- 'LEGION, CIVIC a. ' u lng down, conducted , bY WMPSt'k '" ' rItf;ul par ..s~ay~ SUTvi,:ors are -.tfie " Last \~ek , he league l.oo p $pe,eding when he TO' SEND LOCA ua'- '" ' L STUDENT Coek. Mrs. Ru fus a Ins aSSJs ..· br, ents, four sisters; , four fi-';'itahllY Iearne d O 'R ega th t \' recdei~ed, to BU CK EY E BO \'5 n ST wa AT s , E on ted by Mrs: Cora f{ich had fatothers, the ' 'ola.ternal grand .; -W Il e a 111;ISStO nits0 fSiXBe'fhtll.. chJfk) 'Y aY: to officiate ,at a U .. C~e her l·roo · cha rge of 't e . devotionls.s~all,nKdhaa~nmi'Ai1" an, a hotlI 'l);]\" ~rn, al ,o-rand,.- unde~ the Expenses of: sending a prayer e fF'""~ ma ' nag el:s hip , . ., ga m. was made by Mrs. Walter ' parents. Charley Wi11iamson, 'who pla, y-', - _--,, , OhJ , T~esday, ,~e used the Waynesville High School stu;, Whitaker.. Mrs. Em ed \vith Millers ' R talll'ant In erson Earn·, ' AARON FR EE tA NB t to ,,tbe ' annual Buckeye hart' theatre s , day off. ~o g:ood a~. den gav e the les son eason . stu dy "T he' Boys S~ate at Ohio Wesleyan Ea vantage by offlclatmg at two Uh rth and Saturday aft ernoo n I1lU h· the Inc rea !" " She ~ron Freeland~ 84 years, , h,iglt sphoOI gam~s iQ t,!e' Cin" ,be tverslty Delaware Ohio will ' also read a peem Apse, nee ded repail' work at Wavn , ril" . o~d, ,formerly ef Harveysbur.g cmnat. area\ ,But th~t time ,he theshared by the CM c Club and Mr . , s. Par Cha k 'will start undel' the ,~Lti j. fle ~ Ell is gav~ , are . _ died at the ' Warr.en Am an leg ion post. '$'2l \vas mo Co unt hre.hcareful. Itwhile passtnOl't' •. ,..... "al'eric v anc e sed al", 'onO' C1Vl'C Club por t on th t Home at 5 a. m. Saturday. He pre of Allvin Ll\dlJ1~'lOn , vic~· , e throug S aronYt e. zon e me Da' e mg y sid 11. 111, " . t0 • d b league, "lh o members Monl1ay for their ' ces - aps. k ttentt of the SUrViV e , y sev:c(aI nie Th e ' ; nex t me sM. etin la wor kers ,-repor t I.Ly 2 sha " aqd nephews. Rev. J, p, T11orn· o w11l be May L~st Saturday yOll1~ ,editor Iy re. The Legion bad previous. l't. v ted fund~. I berry iciated. at services Mon'. visited , the ,stu~o~ 'Of , WLWT 20 at the Methodis t,' Chure 1, (\~y inoffStu 1h e stu d~nt, to be set~ctect with a ·pot bbs Funeral Home, 20 REPQRT whtcll opened its full-power tete- li ,luck dinner. Each ' with bwial in F:OR FIRST Miami Ceineter.. , LEGION BA LL casting with an exhibition base- ,a e~amination later; 'Y ill g~t mel~ber is to bring a gue st. WA RM -U P 10d, a y' sta y at. the umversity baH ~ame. (Th e 'Reds beat the this ' sum l i ner , learnIng much a;. '- yracuse Chiefs). I was, assured bou nder the tch ful eye 0 MISS EDNA HO~ND t Am eric an state and local , l11anag'e r '-BobwaO'R that recepti'o~n SI:lOuld. oe g:ood gov g~lJi an Mr s. Be ern die ment. , anywhere vithin 40 miles of the Mills' flas received Coach Bill Saw Th e Wa yer ' Y1 , almb t ... 0 'lesvit.1 S.ew-So 4-H-' word of the 'death of Mis Edna , '" ransmitter, · which stands o lln~' tel's l:al1 tll1'oug;h the -HOME FREEZING' IS TO PIC Clu Ho ,ini . wla nd at "Mt. Olympu " nea r Clifton on Gr and ~Hospital in tiel! practice JOI' th b l11et Friday April 16, at Co AT HA PP y HO UR CLUB e Wa yn e . .' . 'in Cincinnati. Waynesville H, ~ lum vi11 bus " , Mis s Howland wa · Amel'ic a.n Legion nill< \Naynes~i1Ie High ~chool with is .' ,' ' 1:1 qui t te lIn ~ ' ~r el1 in the 40-mile circle. So fa.r , 1 . )<n MI: s. \vn Edenfield and Mrs. Klontz ' Tlere as sh > 'da y at th e hi Mrs, ,Jo hn Gons opened hel' ~'h _ ')(~0 1 , iia m Qnd, was ' ,a tca~her for thr ee yea have not teamed or' any tes'is of hom in cha rge and rs. Ett een Ne xt Bro pra wn tice e j'''~ c h ~ dul ed for in the here wh en the' Normal Teacher;:, Fri country, o'n ,Tues- presiqi'tlg- .' , television reception here 'but. I'd day eve da nin ' , t ?' of at 5 :30 P: M, the pas TraIning chool was ,held here. wit t week, for the ' They' elccteci like to know apout any \\ hich Ap ne h ~ ' th off e ice thir rs ril d as me \ ork out t 1 , etin g , of the ,. are made. ppy followS: President, A:nn Roger ,_ . stag~:I " und ay Hour Club. Thirty men1b ~Ha :if t s; rnoon oJ :3 (:) rs and , Vice-;Presidertt, J , u dy , Da vis a nin : nbe r of chi ldren C)yed Secretary" Wiihelmina , Bra Mr~ and Mrs. Jesse Firender-, ' the illeetin~ wid1 Miss'Menj arg gas't ,and, MisS' C;:Uherine Pr aret ' dock j Treasurer, Joyce Be den d-B ay DR OP S BASEBALL , al; GO UI, l ty Ho me Economi~s News Reporter, , ergast had as week end and , Jud d y Co Ag nne GA ent rj ME ," ,as TO 'gu BEAVERCREEK Mrs est . spe Alice Turnfan returned aker. ," Her Retreation Leacters, Sunday guests, , Mr. and: Mrs. I sub : Ma jec r y t wa hor s' "HO ne 'Ole Fri day Breezing." after spending Bl'):an Prendergast, ,Mr. and Mrs. , Frances' Hartsock and Doris few . W~ _ 'n ' yiI1e' tla eball t am w.eeks with her niece Mr'sa. los James Brendergast and Mr" and conAn enterta,nin-g 'contest was ' Brown. Dewey .Cumes ~ock anct, family , !het rts thll',d baseba1\ game ~)f IMrs. M~lville Byles of Cincin- ed ducted and the club ad,iournTh ere sea on "by a 10- 0 sc re ,\ hen, we re 20 me mb ers ~pre'- at Beavertown. . nati. Miss CatheIiqe Prrendergast Sm to meet with Mrs. Harry st:nt. It me . ith' in May. Rev. T. M~ Scraff of .Sprin,f{ Of Grt Beavercreek High SchOOl attended a meetin~ it)· Gincin,,:' , Gu est s we re' Joy eene County ,0!1 the ~iol11 ce Bea l, Jun e Valley was a sl1pp'er guest A delicious de s~.rt course was A I',t , nati on Mon'day and remained hur We , d· Jan dla et ~on Pet d Tuesday atf,ernoon," ers , ser ved JuC . iy nesday evenin,e: of Mrs. Hity ' with these relatives for ,an inDa vis , Ca , rol Ea yn rhe Da r the.. Sp art an nm e had kin . ' ' -...,...--..,..;...-Gibsori and Mrs. Emma Gib- bea , defioite visit, ' , ten ~pn n{t· Vatl~y 1-0 'and Mr.. and ' Mrs. Warren Brad- ' HO son, Mr. ler oy Tucker called in dro SPI'tAfL OFFERING p~) ed It~ op~ne:r Wlt~ L~b ,anon the evet:ling. d~ck enter~ained with a 'fa,lT! " Miss Rayly.n Crabbe,. of Ohio dan . e , by or:t pom t In extr,a mnmgs. B act ion ner 'of the Vestry' of ' on ,Sunda:y, honOring state. UniverSity spent the week ~rs. Fra Mrs. Mattie lev i ,and son of :l y " , : nk ' Bra ddo ck, who was St. Mary s Eplsc,opal end with her parents, Mr.,' a.nd celebrati C~urch, th.e WelHngton retumed "to their STUDENT IS IN SH ow h~_ her , 75th birthday. , Open Of " ,Mrs. J. B. Crabbe, On Sat "' I fef lng !In ' Su nday, AP~II ~horne he,re St;lnday. urday ,Gu.ests of the , day allt1 those Ma rily n ,Bu evening Mr. and Mrs. Cra 25t rsk e, h, dau wII 'M Yp~ , ! !,ht rs. er glv Ell flf -en sw ort t.o h t,he Sm C~ll­ ith of E>ay- Mr . .and Mts. bbe who joined the 11onor ' guest ;, dren and da'ughter attended ,the we Joh s ton Ho n spi Bu b tal sta rsk yin e at of Cm g a can wh nat ile a. with her Route 2, was one re, ,Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ding ,of Miss Lois Elaine MO\lntd-, we (')f' th i'rt"-seven mother, Mrs. Levi. Ell M is and fam ity of Kil mlf lgman mb ers of da ugnter of Mr . , and Mrs'. Mr. ' and Dr. the Da and nce Club at . and Mrs. Fra nk Sexton, Bo Mrs. jam es Melntir~: and son, Ra rs. Ralph Vanc,e of Mr wling Green State Universit Thomas A. Mount of Indian Rif. Mr . and Mrs Da lph yto n V~n spe y ce nt ~r" the wh we o ek end participating in a dan 'fie RoadJ and Mr . Kenneth M. ,tire and son ~ TlTt!odore Meln. ~ave spent t,he m Flo!wit ce h con -Mr cer . t and Mr s. Ra ymond last Thursday anll 'Frida Boyer of Knolwood at the Mt. mond Wilso, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Ida, r~turned to t~elr hom~ In Smith. v An ril 1 5 and 1 6. ' Mr. Joh n Wilson Wilmmgton. ' .· t Zion Ev:angelicaJ and Reformed ' Mr . Robern, Mr. and Mrs. RalPh Dill of durang ' the past t Wi lso n, Mr . ana week att(t with -Mr. J: C. Hawke, Chu(ch. T.he bride and Miss Mrs. Fred ring, Valley were sup~r Braddock son and were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. Wi llia m Crabb~ were former 'roomma evenu~g sup~r s Monday evening of their stroo daugh~ers, and Mr. and Mr tes s. at Chlo stale. ' gue~ts of Mr. and Mrs. Joh n ' Mr., and Mrs. Emerson , -dub, seof .ntertained their carei , Bernard Daley and daughter. , ancinnati~ Fronun. , , I

ClY··le CIDbC ' omm·tt l ees

13 to Compete at Miami U

, '.

'Men in Black" to Talk,




'w S C S Mee











Sew-So 4-8,Club Elects


:' . ----.-


mi. ~ ., .ollu





home on


The Miami Gazette EST ABL ISH ED llle» Publis hed Every Thurs day At Wayne sville, Ohio CARL: G. SMITH , Editor Entere d .a second cl.aa , matter at the Post Office

Mr. and Mrs. ,H. . Tucker and' · jaughter, Mr-. Eval)"n


Tucker attended a birthda . din. ner Sunda . ,at th.e home of Mr. an~ ~rs. Ricl~ard Willi am, in \Vllmmg-ton glv,en in honor f their little d,au~hter, Anne. Mack Collett, a student at O. S: U:,. was a ,Sunday guest of Ills aunt, Mrs. A. S., C lieU, FRIDAY, APRIL 23 New Centur y Club at "Gi' en Room" Miss Grace Smart who ha" l' en in Martinsville, Ind., for Legi,on ba eball practiee, 5: 30 P. M. the past week, returned to ' 'her SATURDAY, APRIL 24 home here, Monda.Y. , Boy Scout paper collection beginning ,at 8 A. M, .. Me and Mrs. Roy Ellis re eivAlthletic As ociation men to clean Wa vne Park, - P. M. ed. a group of friends ami relatives -on' Su.nday, April 1 I at SUND'AY, APRIL 2S 'a pot luck dmner In honor of Go to Church! Mrs. ,Ellis' b~rthd~lY" Alpril 12th. Methodist Youth Fellow hip, 7:30 P. M. Those present were, Mrs. Frank. .Legion baseball practice at hiO'h s(;;hoo l, 2 :30 P. M. Bevan, Mrs. Florence Daughtery of Wilm ington, M·rs. Harry , MONDAY, APRIL 26 Boy Scout tr.oop 40 at 7:·l5 P. M. Horne, Mrs. IdaL Horne Mr ' Will Allen, and Mr. and' Mr: , ' TUESDAY, APRIL 27 Clare nce Allep, all of Dayton: Boys Club at S. N. Keys hom,e, 7 :30 .p. M. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fulke rth Board of Public Affairs at township house, '7 P. M. Mr. and, Mrs. Hayes Keever Mr' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 and Mrs .. E. -D. Anen, Mr' and ' spewciatk<=:onElnl;UniGation, Waynesville Lodge 163, F. & A. M. Mrs. Alvm Harvev, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harrison of Leban n, or m . A.. deg'ree, 7 P. M. _ ' Mr. and Mrs. WaLlter Hartman , THURSDAY, APRIL 29 ;ll~d .fan~i1 Softball rule class and baseball movies at high schoot'gym, 8 P. M. tenotn,g y ' of Sabina. Not atthe dinner tmt callin in tlfe ~fternoQI} were : Mrs, Nida Gerhard and faml1 .v and Mrs Betty Mi;ssa l and ' daughter of Waynesville. Rev.. ,C. L. Wamsly, pasto r of the Methodist GflUrch ha retl!rned from Whit- Cros Hospital, Co lumb~ls w~re he ubmit ted to ohservation and treatment. " Mi's. Minnie Ma.rtin of Da\'t?11 was th e Sunday ~ue t of h~r Sister, Mrs. Mar C;yfeid. '" nrd Wit- rec_eiv~d, Sunda y .,.

$1.50 a Year in Advan ce

Ev en ts Co m in g Up




, that A:. P. E\>'eland Jr .. 1i d at

his h me in \Villllington Satur- , da '. Hi \\" j w is th~ form r. Mi -s Marj rie huma:ker, nativ.! of this villa~e. • Carl Tall'-, d. J r., \!ih i ' 'b· tic ned \vith 'til navy at Great L~ke~.i spe~l1in \{r t\velve day ~ with hi S parents, Mr, anG Mr ' . Carl Tall'ert 'ir. Mr~ and Mrs. W. p , McCarren f. V\ alh6unding spent the \\ e~k end at th.cir hom here. ' Mrs. Henry Fry who pent s~vera l da vs at the home f her on and, Mr. and Mrs. \ ivan Fr, and family returned , to her hom.e in Hillsboro, We incsd a '. " Prof. ani Mr , H. C. Millig-an were in Cin 'innati Frida ' to' attend the mujcal, "Annie Get Your Gun.' ' " , Mrs. Lu y Price won $75 .0 , at , the weekI\' fea, tur d bv th~ Syndicate Store in \ V ilm i 11g·t h, '


- Mr. H ward Collins remain, ill at hi - h me on Maple Street. Mr. Griffith who has been' ~'ending

tt1e winter with rela·,

tive in Clevelan i, has returned

to the home of her son-in-Jaw and da~.~ter, Prof. a~d Mr '. ' H, C. Milligan. ' " Mr. 'Gerald Payne, manaO'er for t.he Haryeystmrg- .Fertilize Co., IS p'en.:tm?,' a few days with his falluly 111 PeorIa, 111. . The eni I: Class pta 'Crac ked Nutts '. will be PI' sented Friday evelung at th e Hi,g-h School Auditorluin, under th direction of Mrs. Lillian S. Carr. #

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McMil· Ian and hildren hav.,e moved t the J rdal) home in Harveysburg; , '

Justice, Equality, Peac the nee -, of a turbu lent \\ orld. manate from TRU THthe basi: of CHRI STIA N SCIE NCE

presented clearly and Iog'icallv In 'A ",FREE LECTURE CHRI STIA N SCIE NCE: The SCIENCE of POD 'S ONEN ESS by Margaret Morri son, C. S., f Boston, Massachusetts Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church Th Fir t Ch llr ~h of Chri t, Sci nti t, iil B , ton, Ma-sachllsett~ , MEMORIAL HALL, First and st. CIa ir ~t5. •





8:15 P. M.

Second Chur\;h ,of Ciuist, S iontist. Dayton -' Cordially



AURE D DIETZ , dairy It.rtl. ma"l loolu on wit ". an mlllrln" mach. ;'. m,ilra "flnll," 01 til. '~';".,.d on , •• I. Kuek". ' I,ookl lcl. palry 'arm 'ocated N.w Knoxv .lle, Oh.o.





aav . labo r • •• I"cr.a~. proeluc,'on ••• eu' 6ae 'e,'. eou,.,. ,


• Electric milking macliines ~ake it pra~tical and profitable , to operate a dairy farm. such as Mr. Kuck's 300-acre Broc;>ksid. Farm with fe.~er heJpers than would otherwise be needed. Three milking m~chine8 enable herdsman Dietz to milk.fiftyfive cows twice, a day with no outside help. It ,would take at least fou't men to ,' ilk thi's many cows by hand • .such • savi'ng of labor is important at any time, but particularly ~~_no _wadays wh~n dependable farm help is so scarce. Besides doing away' with considerable hard, tiresome work and freeiag hours for proper care ~f ih¢ ilationally famous Krick herd of 200 ~uernseys, electr~c , milking mach~nes in· crease O:lilk production ,and materially lower the bacteda count, according to Mr. Dietz.

·~Wil.'---or lI.ct,'e pump and WII'.' .yat.Ift •'.ctr'e wa'., It.a'., fa, prop.r ca,. 0' ,,'.na" , , and .""'pm.nt

, Automat', wII'.r'n, ay.t.1it w,'It dr'nk.", ~uP."'n tit. II.",., mlllr coo'.r to chili Ift'(k, qu.ckly and k ••p ,t coo,



,cia'" "rn

W.". walt'n , '


, For additional information' on electrIc heJpen fot the dairy farm, 'co~sult your C~unty Agricultural Agent and the Farm Representativ~ of The Dayton Power and Light Comp any serving Y0ur neighborhoed. " ,


Co m m iss io ne r.

12 Years Experience as Township ,


T~~stee-Union ~oJ.,ship '

PRIMARY, MAY 4,19 48



'- POlit ical Ad,,:.




For Repre Senta tive ,




Geneta't ASsembly

Fred J~ Hagemeyer'





'..-UK.OPI 0' QlAIIf '," SunrJay, ,,~o p. M.,-W H',O' RONALD COlMAN, T.,.,Jay, ,,.to M. " 0

Your Yote ahd Support WHI Be Appr_t~ RepubIic~n

Primary May 4, t 94 8

.' I


-Poli tical Adv.


Pe"6on~/-~ noted T he Friendsh i l Cluh m eeting for Ap ril has been can cel ed and no m eetin g \ ill be held unti i the regular May meeting. Th e N ew Century Clut will hold its reg-ular meetin !! on ,Fri-

ay aft rn 0 11, with Mr . C. Lee harle' 8 . Ea rnh art ,and daughHawke as h oste ~ - at til e Green , te~, Joan, of Trotwood. Room. Mrs. J . H. S.ackett and Mr~ . Rice Snapp will he , in Mrs. J . J . Burske was amon " , ~haro'e of the program. , the gue t· on Wel1ne da whel; Mr~ .. Gertrude Da rbyshire of mm 'ton ent ertamed th MJ: . A. H. Ea rnllart and Mrs. \Nil 1947 Past Matrons ,of DI trict D. C. Ri ~ge attended Church ,in .2 1, O. E. S. CentervilJ e on S.unday, \ ith din ne r at th e Wishin e- Wen an j . / ~pe l1t th e aftern oo n callin g' on . Howard L. Sm ith of Wa Ih~ ' ­ friend in Cent ~rv il1 e and ba y- ~ JlI e, . has sol d t he buH Pans to n. Adelm e's Lad N . 88393 to . B. Hull and. $on of T dll esboro, Ky., accordm , t a report fro m Mr. and Mr . Cl yde Fromm Fr d S. Idtse, Secretary of th e ha d as Sa turday 'eveninK su p~ Browl ,1 ~w i s Ca ttl e ,Breeder' per . O'u e~ts Mrs. Pran k Snyde r o f ASSOCiatio n, Beloit, Wis. . Spnn gfleld and Mr. and Mrs.




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country. SERVICE THAT SATIS'FIE3 W ill • lOao Da Yton 12: 30 E . S. 'I'. rn a 0, WLW Clnc lnna tl l '~: 40. Dial 700, tor Our D a ily Ma rke t Report.

¢:o rner M ain ' & MiaJl1i Sts. '.

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Here are four sounCi rea'sons wily DAIRY FA~ING offers ,


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i ·


you greater opportunities than any other type of.. farming in this area~' Reasons ,that mean more security, for ,you'" Fir$t, tIM ~ for fresh milk in the Dayton market is tMwn 'Clairy in' the Miami Valley ar~ sUilplyil\G. Thi~ peat demolld for pure fresh milk will continue ~o




farm leind investment tllr()ugh the ,years. ' the value of your , Fourth, taken over a period of years, ,dairying provides . one of th'e most st~bl~ and dependable types of fa~m income. '

Write' ,f or FREE booklet, "Planning the Dairy Barn," plus co~plete

IDairy Barn and ' MilT< House plans for low-cost

constr~ctioln CAl?proved by the ', Dlvision, of . Health, City of '

' Dayton), an~ ' informative folder, ' ''fQrmer~s G~ide to More ' , '

'''Second, dciil')iftJ offers ,..., Mr. Fa~er, a cash inco.,... ,

month after month, .,wry m~n"', thr~out the year~ lhlrd. dairy farml"t"'cto.. INN .., IT.dld soil fertility tlian ,

any other Iype of farming. Th"s, doiry)ng actually increase.

Profitable Dairying." Start your plans todayl

Address5: DAIRY INDUSTRY ,, ' .



321 TAILBOlit BLDG., DAYTON 2~ ,O HIO , '

DAIRY · I N ' D ,'U 5 TRY ... .."......., II ......., ., 'HI DAIlY INDUSrlY 01 lA,,,.........,.,.., ..,,,..

2,.", JeJge

the skr is deep blue. ~o far it hasn t been cold enOl:lRh to hurt the fruit Th e peach orchards are pink with bloom A 'ARM DIARY an 1 the apple blossoms are alby D. J. FRAIZ ER most out. The redbud is deep brigh t rosy red ami" every thing . is at its most bc:!awtiful, but the April t 7, 1948, Dry Ri ~i!{e. , Ohio River. is on the rampa ge i drying off after the heavy . and lots of people are driven rains earlier in the w~ek. Today from th eir ,homes. Some one a cold wi nd is blo'wing and it suggested the other day ,that \\-Ias .cold enough for fro t last would' have to change the nameI ni 'ht but the sun is shinin g and of Dry Ridge but it is still 'n

lot drier than most place: . QUI' trouble is that we are ~:ra 1ually wa -hing a\vay. Erosio n i ' our proGrem. The otTler d:ty when , the pigs w re alit ro?ttng. hole: in · the pa ture I deCided It ~a:> not a bt\.d thin,g' becall 'e dun~g; a heavy rain each of tho e hol es fills u'p , with water and , tll,at'much water i ' held back tn Its mild race down the hills. The fir t mushroom' of th sea on- on our I In e wa


fund yesterday but we have n't found any m.ore and this cold spell will discourage them even though there is lots of moist uro! in the ,g'rollnd to start them. 'Even fence buildi ng goes slow.Iy. ~/e are trying to fen·ce in a mall I t for our wanderin~ hog's but there were days this last


We Now HaDdie ~ •• .



The comforts of a home for those who wish tp hotd servi,ces her~ , .


cost s


ST UB BS Fu ner al Ho me . , WAY







Daisies HibiScus, Sweet Williams Chrys anthe mums EDNA ST. JOHN


• ·' "tl " , . , All Despit e the spiral of iDflation, G.r eyhou nd fares have held the liDe. In some iO$tances they're lower than they were in ,the depres sion . year of 1933. Now, more than ever ,.. before , you enjoy more tra~el value "when ,y ou GO Greyh ound.

Across from Texaco




Lebanon ' $ ~20 -:40 Xenia ' , .30 .55 Cincinnati ~98 1.78 ' Columbus' 1~61 2.93 Greyhound Terminal Waynesville 'Dru Store . Teleph-one 2121



.,hone • •



WE WELCOME' COM PARI SON The best way to de'ter· mine the values of' our f uneral merchandise is, to see it "Nhen We advertise our Moderate PrIce Schedule we me~n a range of prices that effects a definite and ubstantial saving in funeral costs. We also mean good ser· vice. ' " .





fU N'E'RJ tt .




Lawn & Garden Maintenance


G,.yho und Far.. Fram




OM 10







Phone 506·X 5 Mulberry St. LEBANON, OHIO

Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreeiated. •




Corwin 'N.i xo n ' FOR


FRAN K SIBCY , Repres entativ e

Warr en

Coun ~y

Republican Prima ry -

.FM lI i LO AN S .•. •• FEDE~


"MEA DOW GOI..D frodu cts" Phone 21 LEBA NON, .OHIO

L,acy'sQuality Market· I;AND B~K ' ':-' . LOW ~ COST LOANS . N" Application, App,~1 or' Commil8ion Charg es , " 4% INTEREST 20 OR 33 YEARS TO REPAY · PAY PART OR ALL AT ANY TIME

You Are A Member of a Farmer·Owned Credit Association

May 4, 19'4 8 \

(Dividends Paid on Stock) WRI TE-C ALL LEBANON N. F~ L. A. PHO NE 448 __ R_OO~M_5_0~LD~B_A~N~K_B;,;L;.;;;;G;;;;D,;,;,.'_~-..:L=Q=AN:.:.0=N'r..:0~H:;:·1:;0:....:·




en ug·h for" -ervicc that I am name i the 'hu:r~h is -t. going 'fo "ell and a, couple of feph en. If any of their Won Lost youri~ gilts that 'I am going to ,friends should be tn that neigh \ \ aync' me 5I 30 The little .pi,e;s are round borhood they would ,e very Amer ican L gi 11 ,48 wee'k when it was too wet even ~eep: ,33 . and fat a' balls and shiny as ,. . Iad to"see them. Tomt ny s Place 45 to dig hIes. Yesterda. we mov_ ... 36 " G -atin. d Housekeepin~ 43 ed the big hog's to tIle other .. , . ' ~ ] am: glad the question of 38 We are now wallm ,l?: !o sec; dumping trash a,long the, hi,\1;hHend er on 4 t barn where the SOW " are and 40 ' ~ . ~ Columbia RecorLiill l!' 37 'hut thenlJ in. Even ,there two "hat has happened tD:th~ (llfal~l ways has been brought up. It 44 , Handigas f them climhed out. As oon se~d that \,ve s~ell '.lust befo) e i disgusting the thitigs that ar~ 37 44 Ea O'les 22 • as ' 'they a're fat enough, off thl la~t ram started. Ma.ny peo- - .thrown out along- the sides of 59 pIe said that they had lost aU fhe roads. Then too there is th e they KO to mark et. There are -0 CI) b\ 6 !;ood registered boars 0'L1 . th~ clover planted l~efore the lesser evil , f papers, candy ... ... 1) ...... ral~. and are reseedln~ but I am wrappers~ lunch boxes and junk b.( 0 'U ~ .. ,... 0 > E > e::: w;utm,g- to see: We have always like that, thrown out of cars. by r:: E 'r~ <t: <t: t'd thought o~ ~alfalfa a , o~e of the people who wouldn't think of lJ . -c (.J -0 U ~ cu crqps that )s R:ood fo~ !he ~rou?d ~akll1g their garba ge. and old s:: c: ..... -0 8 t'd "0 and restores Its fertility out le- tm cans out and dumpmK them. ::: h h C'd h CI,) I CI,) M U) M (.J if) 0 0 ently the reports ,that are c~m. When you have finlstled your C. Palm er in,g- in f;rom ~xpenment ?t~ttons lunch or what-have-you, 'put the 179 133 137 449 15 8145 148 ,).) - -' O. Rose are be&'i~ninj?; to doubt. It. As papers in the ba, and iusUeave 16 9 177 146 492 164 '12732 163 78 I. Mulford a legume It does restore mtrogen ' It ' in the ar until' you get a 137 147 167 451 150 10342 146 71 V. Hill tn the ~round 1ut when th~y suitable place to t 'et rid of it. 158 146 146 4 50 150 1'200 6 150 E. Ramb y 142 153 170 4 cl 5 155 1 1<.) 65 150 80 fi,~'ure up {~e amounts of the The picnic season · is' comin 80 g. R. G,on other essentials taken from the How do your leave y ur picniC 5974 149 4 0 5974 149 40 23 0 7 154 round by heavy Grops ent 151 or -SSIP~O!!.t.!.?.....--------~~o:-.;:======~~==~=!!== . 210se , pastur in~. it hay is a differ =======:::=======;:==:;:===. ===~ ,story. They say that unless the , h~y and pa~ture crops are fertilized and hOled or some left to he plowed um1er, often .the ground is being weakened ,1l!5t a steadily as It ,would be With too much ' corn'. Alfalfa has such deep roots that it taps the su~. ! NEXT WEE K ! s'o it. Th is is g'ood in that It You can send your , finest silks breaks up the sobso~1 but when 3 - GREAT RKO 'S HOW S' - 3 a.nd satin , ur c stliest dra~r­ alfalfa will no longer grow on USE YOU R APRIL SHQWBILL SPECIAL COU PON ies to this cleaner without wor- a certain field that m,eans that TO rying abouf their welfare. They those deep roots ~ave faken SEEAllTHRE E ~HOWS are I and th 'rougbly, but more out of. the SOil than has ently, and pressed by skilled been put back in. So they' SUN .-MO N. WED .-TH URS . say',. FRI. -SAT . nd careful operators. , Sua. Matin ee 2 :30 P. M. . watch your alfalfa ~nd give It lime a'od .fertilizer. . '(I Fri.ends ' of the Parks family . ~. wilt t e ,:tad to hear tha~ they are getting settled in their new ' hom.e. The address is Rey. and "KArE'S ' J Mr . Ralph Parks, 3237 Fou~th IU••,ES1••• in t. Wyandotte, Mich. Mrs. ' G • 'mil everv .e...e oul Me~rick is still wUh them. The 01 Ilti. world I"


1:111' ]II":~ ~. ~







V) ' (I,)





f tY



.. .....her. •• ,



• She!J. lout ..

""", I f{isS."'• ,:. dIving a •


.b .




"FLA ME" (Wonder Dog) ,& ." LEON ERROL COMEQY

Wha t city· gfrl could

TON ITE I'LL BE ,YOURS D. Durb in - Ai> Menj ou'



& SArU RDA Y WALL PA~ER - ' NU KEM ,TON E - . G. E. BuLBs ,



9-12 ea~h morning ,1-5', afternoons e~, Wedn esdai " ' ," 7-9 Saturday evening Other e¥.enin~s by ApPOintment TELEPHONE 62-R

,OptoDr.metriC.c' E.Eye Wilkin Speci allAt 26 South Detroit S~et XENIA t omo


~lonth 'Cilib




Waynesville' ~aticn~! Ba..k


COUNTY ' May 4, 1948



-Poli tical Allv.






Mr. j Mrs. L. . St. john a 'tine election of., had as Sun jay afternoon caller Mother's Day candy and gifts, drop in at the Waynesville Drug Mis. Ottie Nixon If Tcxa " Mr. -Adv. and, Mrs. Will st. JOlll1 an i Mr. Store. , and ~rs. John Fox of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark of Harveysburg have purchased . Mr. and· ~rs. K. R. H ill an i and are , now '(esidinf' in the son visited friends in Wayne Whittemore proper.ty on Third ville, last Frida ... IMrs. M. F. tre~t. Weltz returned wiith them t , Grove City for the week end. F~1\l'


T~ · P.



- .

Waynesville Office

. Will Be Closed Until Further Notice ,

Mr. and Mr'.

Walter Shee-

han, Mrs. L. M. Henderson, Mr -. Bertie Milts, Mrs. Snapp, Mr. and Mrs. JOllIl Mere 1', Mrs. E. W. Hopkins, Mr:. Earl Swain Miss Sarah m\lth, and Mr. a~d Mrs. ' O. M. Ridge attended the funeral of Mrs. N~l- . lie W. McKinsey at West Milton, on April 14. ~ Mi ::, Naomi Earnhart had as




her week end guest, ' Miss Pat Newton, of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Borden had as Saturday evenih.g- supper guests Mrs. Mmnie Rehse and ' Miss Elizabeth Coleman ' of Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bursk~ ceJebrated their weddin~' anniv.crsary on Friday and visited the Ruth Lyons radio program in Cincinnati,

Photos ' That Click

Restore Woodwolk" fUlnitule, floOIS, · ~ith' IOIlE·.



Jerry Cook, son of Mr. an t Mrs. L'awrence Cook was ,a Sunday guest. of Ns friend, W.~lter Dean COn:tpton, near Xema .





I will sen at public auction, on the Burnett Brothers farnl, located on The Waynesville and Lytle road, 3 miles


north west of Waynesville 2 m:i1es east of Lytle. Take. route.. 48 to Lytle road, go east': route 42 to Waynesville, take Lytle ro~d, north west 'on . ,

Here's just 'wbdt you Deed to make those worn ll00re-or woodwiork, or pet plece8 of furniture . -ablne wltlrnew life and beauty I ACME Qual· ity Vamo-Lac qiV438 a beautiful fimm to old and Dew wdOd. brightenIng and renewing shabby ~urface8 ~nd Wiping ' out the signa of age «md wear. r' For Varno-~c stcJins and v.arnishes in onoJol'erationl Easy. to , apply, , Varno-Lac dries unusually bard and tough· to a 8ervic:eab~ flDish. Can be washed with soap and water Without ·spotting. i Economical to US!9. too! Available in beautiful. ricb· Quurt looking wood collQlB. Come in today cmcl see theml


'Tuesday, April 27, 1948-


Beginning' at ONE ,O'CLOCK, SHARP, the following chattel property:


For Date.. Phone 2890!: Wayne.vill •• Ohio. Rever.. "h.,.ae. .

Representing Weatheper & Company Members ' New York Stock Exchanges and other . registered Exchanges , Inveatm~t T~st 'Shares Bought - Sold - Quoted Phone Waynesville 2530 payton AD32S1


. 2 extra g60d 'work mares, _weight about, 1.500 l~s. each.

13 - HEAD OF.JERSEY CATrLE;..13 , . 7 Co'ws giy.il1,g' good flow of miJk; 4 heifers corning tWb years olc1_; 1 heifer 6 months old';. 1 yearling bull. These,cattle haVe al1 been raised, by us are ,T. B. tested, soutld and hav,e a higll ·milk test. '



South M,Up Street

Y~ur Vote and Support Will Be 'Appreciated


, IMPLEMENTS 1 wagon witt)' flat top; wagon \1(ith box 'bed; Tractor douQle disc; Black Hawke manure spreader; McCormick Deering , mower, six ft cut; Black Hawke corn planter with fertilizer attachment; single Gultipac~et; Buckeye'wheat driU with fert- . ilizer attachmenl; steel tooth hay rake; walking breaking plow; plat form scales; hay ' fork rope and pulleys; harness; forks; s~ovels and many small articles too numerous to m~ri­ tion.





ubj~c t

to Republican Primary, May ,+th .






. Carl Abaecl1erh ~














, ,

Republic,an Primary, May 4


Same Delivery Day Each We~k I

., '.






ma'rried to Radio Executive vou the 'stuff that L1reams are inade f, and what can come Thomas H. A. Le" Is, and ha two €hi1~ren. H~r ten-year-old o~ tl}t!.m, abl{ \:tctJ)ed al~)l1g by , Ma'l and Bons Kctr. daughter' Judy was quite di'- Vlrg'1I11a loif. B~ on' the .alert for your tressed because her mother a- Mitt\' ,1'0 klet tellln~ you how d0pted blonde tress~s for "The t dream the, Mitt)' "ay. The - Fa(m~r:s Daugbter." On the ' -hort n th i-bill, "Goodbye sam.e prog-ram is RKO's Golf Mi Turlock (MGM) won the Doctor Sportscope, and the Academ y Award for the ,best , short f 1947. , current' neWs. (WB). Are 'you a dreame:r? Under b . _Mi Yvonne Stubbs observed the skin we an, are, 'more or less. Peopl~ who mak~ good he'r eighteenth birthday ;tnniFOXi10LLY , are ~eople with bi1{ dreams. versar on Frk1ay and in her Bnefviews: Best family en- T.hat s undoubtedly why RKO' ~ , honor her p,arents, Mr. and Mr~. tertainment to date is at the nSecret Life of 'Walter -Mitty" A. H. Stu b had as dinner Friday and Saturday. at the Twin Wednesday and ~llests Miss Pats. Baird1 M~ss "'Hal Roach Comedy Carn,ivaI" , Thursday has hit all box-office~ Mar Ellen Fisher ana MISS (UA) is actually a double fea- with a..!-,ang. D~nny Kaye shows Phytli' Burnett. ture, including the story of Pabulous Joe and of Curley.' Joe is a jalking dog} who puts his .. .. masfer in the aoghouse , every tlme ', he talks. Curley tells of ', a bunch of kids, angels until ,'they start raising the devil. Producer, Hal Roach gives you 112 minutes of Cinecolor "Comedy." , The Week of Weeks starts 1 mil,e east of Cent,erville, . Ohi o, \. t tion Rna ' Sunday, April '"25 thru Satur,day, May 1. It's RKO week ~t 1he ,Twin. The special coupon STOCK on , your April showcard will 5 Horses and ,Mules; 12 head Cattl ; 17 Shee'p ; 1'0 Sows admit three adults tor just SOc. and Pig~ ; Poultry.; F~ed ; Dodge Co:lip Sign cO\lpon, and t~ke advan, tage of this 5Sc savmg. 'uThe Farmerts Daught~r"" .MACHINERY for which Loretta Young, \von -' Com:plete line farOl m,achinery inctudin~: 1 - - ~ O M Cormick the Academy Award recently, Deering tractor. on rubbel'. F-JO Farmall tractor on rubber 'ushers in the week. A sure-fire with cultivators: Letz 340 hay ho~'per; hal:ne'- ani a "arId com.edy emphasizing' ,the American way of life, it tells how a of small items. dynamdc young farm girl invades ,the city and eventual1y S. 'D. BARNEIT & SON Owners wins a seat in Cong(es~ plus a ,youni!' Congressman os.eph F. T. Martin an i C. E. Riesan, " urtil l1 r otten-and captivat~s his 703 Comn~ercial Bldg'. On. t\ n , aristocratic Mother - , Ethel Phone ADams 3261 Barr. more. Loretta Yaung is PAGE 7


'W~YNE,8VILLE, OHIO No. 4365 TH'URSDAY, A P ,R I L 22. 1948

T ,W 'I '1 f



Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell , "HilI and Mr~ C. E. Ed~ingto entertained at dinner on Satur· winning the prizes. day evenini!' with Mr. and Mrs. -==~:'==~=::=_ Ch 1 D t M '. d M~ ,. . . . . ..nI,.S.NO .u.~, .a~ es os er, 1. an - L. '"' ~ WIHiaI:tl Doster, Mr. and Mrs. . ..... ' . '-' Her~erH:;aT , . 1 .. I. HIll, Mr., and . Mrs. Donald Coates, Mr. and Mrs. George Wal.1 and Mr. and Mr~. C. E• Edgmgtol) as guests. Bnd,l!:e was nATn.C . . . . . . .... flANCilCO ' t played wlth~ Mrs. Charles Dos.ter, Mr. Herbert Carr, Mrs. B. I. Ii.- - _ - - - - - - .


Wednesday, April 28 at 11 A. M.




P~lIYfor Penny"Milk is


Your Best

More protective nutrients,. including minerals, vitdmins, compl~te prot ins! ..




Bu" ,









. '

in -the Obio-Pumen-wi.lJ-gtve-you broad protection againsr , losses OD)'Out farm. Ie covetl )'Out bplldings, your cbittell, your automobile ADd )'Out Uabillty for' accidents ,to others~ - Why Dot see Us today'? Yoa ..... tale wben )'Ou'te, iniured fA the Ohio Fa.t;



Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency l








~ S



Pho~~ . l~~,. 2~_ E. Mulberrj, LE~AN~N. ,0.



.... OHIO .AlMld

I~~ •

. . ~.





2 to 4 CA~ES (24 Qh. Cans to Case) ,

98 c a Gallon ,


5 or more cases ,.

Republican Prim.ary May 4; 1948 ,-


PHONE 3136




LEGAL · NOTICE Notice is hel'eb~' given that the TI'ustees o'C the Ot'ave Yard l"und of the Orl!hodox 'Fdl:lnds of 'Vn.yneSvOle. Ohio, have filed th('ir pelltlon in the Conlmon Pleas Court oC 'Y(l~­ ren County, Ohio. enUtled "rn the Matter of Charles D. Cook. H l:'rbert C~rr. Mayna1'd Hackney, La Wl'enoe Starr. and Pel' y L. Reason as TrU3tees ot the Gra~e Yard Fund ot the Orthodox !Friends ot WaynelivUla, Ohio," an unincorporated rel1glous association, being Case Numiber 18336 on the dock·et or said Court, praying tor atuthol'lty to sel} ,nd convey the follOWing descrlhed relLI estate now owned by, said association: Situate In ~e Vlllage oq Wl9.ynesvlHe, County o,t Warren. and Sta te of Ohio and ' being the northeast

Col~mbus, Ohi'o, ' April 17, 1948 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT eat d prop a ls w1ll b received a.t .the ffice of h E! ' tate Highway I it· ct I' of hlo. at 'olumhus, Ohio, unlil 10:00 A, M." Ohio Standn.rd .CLASSIFIED AD RATES 1~ PER WORD MINIMUM 25c


us 'for Insurance. All types of . Insurance at a savings. call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2935 or caU collect. Wilmington 21 t 1.

Re.I Estate For Sal_ . Phone 2691 J. r · Third St. . -56 . HAva A PRO~T!' OR TO BBLL oaJi or Write

IF YOU PARM Don Hmdenon, 'l'el. KE344e, st'l LoftSD. Ave. ,DaytOn. OiIlo. tie

HOME FOR SALE- . 7 ROOM HOUSE,. hot ait furnace, hot and cold running water:. Roomy garage antI chicken house on lo( 50 x 200 ft. corner 4th and Chapman Sts. Call evenings after . 7 :00 P. M. Mrs. Leah MIlls,

Phone 21; 72.


FOR SAI.E ' FARMALL E·i4·on tubber ' and , related equip'ment completely overhauled. Bob Wilson. ,1st. .Parmr east of Lytle on North side of Lytle-Waynesville Rd.

'TWO JERSEY BULL calves, subject to · registry. Wilbur Flo(ence, Or-egoma, Rt. L

-42'2 . 1936 CHeVR6LET~' 4-Doot sedan, ~ob Davis, Thi.rd t . Street. -422 COAL. Range, $50 and outsid ,3 'todet, wired for_electricitYt $25. J. W. McKeever,

Third Sf. ,





EARLY FRYERS! I ..t.::......., Start chicks now-have ,

fryers-they witt be in bi~ demand. S·tar ted sex e d

cockerel chic,ks now DUNHAM WHI'rE' ROCKS Phone Wayn~vi~le 2916 ,


Tue day, 'l\lay iI , 194 . for improvements in: , (Proposals N.o . 1 to 7 hi lu Iv ilTe offered as ' one ,project and wUl be R \\-a, I'd~d, as on~ contra t.) PROPOSAL No.1 Gl'eene Count3·, Ohio, on .Sections 2.80 and 6.90, State Houte No. 72. In Jefferson and Silver Cl'el'k Townshlps, .b y applying a bl.tuminous treatmen\t, Item 1.<:$1. . 'Fa vement: Width 18 feel Length 25,713.6 teet or 4.87 mlles: , . PROPOSAL No. 2 Greene County, Ohio, on Sections ' 0.00 <and (1.73, 1.89, 2.09, 2.29 Bowersvn~) State Route lIio, 72, 1Il" Jefferson Township, .by tl1'plylng a bituminous treatment. Item T-32. Pavement: 'WIdth 18 feet, LeJl8lth 9,134.4 feet. Width 18 feet, L ngth 3.00,9.6 fe~t. Total Length 12,144 feet or ,2.S0 miles. PROPOSAL No. S Clinltop County. Ohl!;), on Section 0.87· (Part), '·S tate Route No. 3S!), In Chester . TownshiP. by . applying a bituminous treatment, Item T-32. Pav~ment: Width 18 feet, ~h 11,827.2 feet. Wlidth 16 teet, Leng'th 19,M8.• feet. Total length 31,785.6 feet or 6J)2 mUes, ~ROP08A.L No. 4 Clinton County, Ohio. Section 4:14 (Part) arid 9,35. sUate Route No. 73tl, in Union, Adams and Vernon Townships, by app)Yln~r a 'bltumlnou~ treatment, Item T-32. . 'Pavement: Wl4Jth 18 feet. . Lellglth 25.344 ,feet or 4.80 mUes. \ PROIPOSiAL No.5 Clinton County. Ohto, Section 7.93 (Part)" State Route No" 360, in WashIngton Townahip. by applying a bituminous' treatment, Item T-32. Pavement: Wld'th' 16 ' feet. . Length 16;948.8 feet Ol; 3.-21 miles. 'PROPOS~L No.6 Ollntton Cou~ty, Ohio" SeCtion 0.00 ,(Part), State Route NC). 134, In Clark Townahlp, iby a hitUmlnous treatment, Item T-31. Pavement: Width 18 feet. . Length 29,092.8 fe~ or · 5.51 mtlee. PROPOSAL' No.7 . Wlarren' County. '.OHlo!' 'S ectlon 9.74 (Part), Sta.te Route No, 123, In Salem ~ownshlp. by applying a bituminous treatment Item T'::3:1. . Pavemerrt. W~.dth 18 feet. ' Length 14,784 feet.or 2.80 mllE~s. . Total ,Estimated Cost •. : .•..... '.. '•.... , ...'........ ': .. . .. " • . • ,56,331,817 Proposals Nos; /l to '7 ,inclusive ot this projeCt to be ·completed not later than Sept~ber 1,' 1948. _'.. '. ' The minimum W&h to be paid to;alI lalbor etnployed o'n this contract . sball be In accQr.d ance with ,the '~Schedule of PrevatUng H~urly Ra.tes As<:ertal,n ed and Determined 'by The Depal'tn\ent. of Industria, Relations appllcable to State F,llshway Dep'artmenlt linprovements ' In accordance with S!3ction-s 17-3, 17-4, ' 17-48., 17":5' and 17-5a of the General Code of OhIo." . .. '. '. i The Ibiddef· m1,lst submit with hJs bid a ~ertlfled :cheCK In an ' amount . eqUal to five per cent of the estlm.ated cost, but In ' nO' 'event more ~ll ten· thousand dollars, ,,) , 'Platts and speCifications are on fUe In the department of highways and the office ot the resident' district deputy dlrect.()r. The dlreotor res<,rves the right to r~~~,t any and all bf.ds. EARL L. REEB at,a.te ;Highway Dlrectol' J

~-----------:::.........,.,--::::::::-,:,"":",,=,,,,,=,"-=---~---:----;,----:-.- - - - - '


Workin~ 'house- '


keeper , to took, se~ve . tab.l~

Office adehiess is H. F. DNa. 2, Wayt:l'esviHe, Ohio has 'been

~ Exeoutor of the Estate" o'f Walter C. Bur-, nett late of War(en Courtty, ' Ohio, deceased. . . Dated this ' 1St day of April

.duly appo;nted

' and dean" downstaIrs. Must ha ve '" pleasant p~rsona!i-ty, W~TED TO QUY- . ',' ' , ' high .standard ,of cleanliness GOOD HORT bille-Kf.ass :sod. · agd 'he' personally ' , 11ea~. 1948. ' . , ' , , Gene Dunn, 509 wyom~ng Should 'be capab,le of a sum- . MeJyl B. 'Gray, Atty. St., Da ton. Call "FUlton ' ing responsibility, p·e fr!!e to Ralph H.l.arey 5735 "'0 {ravel in suin;1ner. C::ountr,y Judge of the Probate Court . - -... . location family. ,\dth chiMWarren COllh,ty, OhIo TR/JCTOR WORKren and dog-so Pleasant piiva,te Estate' '0' f Norvl'1' E. Lanca' s·.te'r " T'RAC'rOR .' WORK Wahtecl roon1 ana bath furnished. de~eased. ' . . Character rC!feren es rC~luir'" atl:,. kind. , i~,:t,. . Sa'la?e . ff.,' 150.0'0. W"I'~e ' N ~t'" .. 'I b .. tht' , L F' 1..t Ro te 3 "", r p , l ' .. 0 Ice -.lSlere 'Y' ~'Jven a ' . .' . Ie ~s, t,L , giving ,re ereryces, br.i.ef : I?~r- Wmiam. E. 'Fox and ~. Z. Gray . WaynesvH1e . .... . sonal h.lstory antl avallc:lbiJ,ty whose Post Office Addresses are J .' ' '- 56 .- for il1tervie\y: to' MJis. H. \V . . Cenf.erv.i1le~ Oh1,0 and .Lebanon, ~ER H~INC- ' Nichol~ Jr., cIa Fox Paper Ohio h~ve been d~y appo~~d " . " . C. ' Co., Lockland (Cinti), Ohio. as Admmistrators 0'( the Estate Can a~ Alva Allen's m orWll1. · --,56 of Norvil E. , Lanc~lster late of , J. H. ' Rainey.. '" . W ' r'" 't 01 ,. ' d d -429 'NOTICE' OF APPOINTM.ENT arren vvun y, HO" ece,ase . Dated this 13th .lth'lY of April FARM .L OANS-' , Executor 1948. . '.,' Estate' of wattei ,C. Burnett H. Z. Gray, Atty. 4 PER CENT Harm Loaris Deceased. . ' ,Ralph H. Cafey . . , ' Easy Terms ' , . Notice is hereby given tflat Judge of the Pro'bate Court Ca'll George Henkll! , Charles S ... Post Warren County,OhlG . Phone 2 Lebanon . -513 , W~!PAY . FOR SITUATIONS WAN"rEIh-


, c



PAGE '8 No. 4-365 22, 1948

ne-halt (~) ot Lot Numbered EIGHT (8) in "~abash Squat'e In said Village. Said lot lays 53 6/8 f.e et 0 Thl.rd Street\. nnd runs buck a t right angles and pa rallel with MiamI Street 204 ! et to an aILey, . And that the same wlU be !'ot heal'lng on 01' ayter the 23rd day of ApI'iI, 1948. CHARLE~ A. ANDERSON Attol'ney for 'Petillont:'rs Charles D. Cook Hel'bert Carr " Maynard Hackney Lawrence Starr PercY' L. Reason As Trustees ot the Grave Yal'd Fund ot the Ol'thodox Friends ot ,\Va,ynesvlUe, Ohio .


j '



REPORT OF .CONDITION ·OF THE WAYNESVI'LLE 'NATIONAL BANK of Waynesville, Ohio At the clole of BUliness on April 12, 1948 . Charter No. 2220 ,Reserve' Diltriot No.4 . ASSETS , Cash. balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash Heins In process of collection ..••....•..•..••........ $8,78,54-5.2() United Government obligations, direQt and guarafllteec:t .._ 963,619.02 'Obllga'tiQnoS of IStates and polltlcal subdivisions •.. : .......... 318.786.0_ Oth~r ,b onds, notes, and debentures .•.•• .•.••• ••...•....•.• ~ • 44,993.75 CorpoL'ate sto(.'ka (including $4,600.~0 stock of !Federal . Reserve bank) ..•.....•... ~ ! •• ..• • • • • • • • • .' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4-,50Q.00 Loans and dlscounts (Including. $350.23 overdra~ts) .......... .. . 334,784.02 B t1 Jl!k premi~e8 own'e d $500.()0, fu~~n[tul'e and flxtul'es 112587.40 .. S,!)87.40 , TOTAL ASSET~ ...........•••. , ....•.••....••••.•......•. 2,048,S14.4l LIABILITIES Demand d4:)posll:ts of ind'l vld'llals. pa.rt-ne1·shiPS. and corpora'tlons 1,3'13,594.59 Time de-posits of IndividUals,. partnerships. and corporatlons .... 160',542.1 Qepostts of pnlted States Government (olncludlng postal savlpge) '69,030.1!l Deposits of Strute .I;l.nd political 08ul)dlvlsions .... :....... ••• •,.. . 2,64,796.07 9.181 .'93 Oehel' depOsits (cel'tUled and cashier's dlU3Cks. etc.) ..... ....... 'T otal DepOSits .......... ... . , .......... ,' ......•1,867,144.84 Othel' Liabilities .; •.......•. '...........•. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . .••• . • . . . 3.472.9 'TOTAL LIABILITIES . , ... :, ...................... ,. ... 1,870.617.71 CAPITAL.; A'CCOUNTS CnpLt-al Stock . Coinmon ,Stock, to'Val . pat' $75,O()'0:00 , ....... .. .....• , •.. ,. 75.000.00 S urp 1us ~ •....••.••• , •••••.• ; •.• 75,-000.00 23,670.91 I



' • •





' . '



~~:~;!!:<1 (A~~O~I!:ir~~~ '~~~~~'t' i~~' ~~~f~;l:~d' ~t~ ·k) .... ·.. · ..

Contingent Reserves ~ .. '...': .............. : ..•.. . .. ,........ 4,125.7!' .T OTAL CAPr,rAL ACCOUNTS . •.•......•..•.... ......... 177,696,64 TOTAL LIABILITIES A..."'ID CA-PITAL ACCOUNTS .•.•.. 2,048,314.4\ . . MEM-ORAN'Dt;M Assets pledged 01' assigned' fA> secure, UabUltles ,and for otn~r J)urposes. . ..•..•.•. '.' ..... : .........•..................•• \. 30.9,831.2ii ' State of ' Ohio, Oounty, of Warren. ss: " . , I' RoSS H, Hal'tsock, Pi'e!iltdent; of"'tlnnl.bbve-named tbank, do solettmly swenr thnt the n/bove statement Is true rto the best of my and beUef. . ROSS HARTSOCK, Pre.ql.d n j, 8wqrn to and subFcrlbed before m this 16th dlay ' of AP1'U, 1948." , L. H. GORDON, Notary- PlIbli ~ , CORRECT-Att t: Gao. J, W.ruterhouse E\oere~ E;arly Howard Surrl;\lCe Directol'S " "


, Mr. and

Mrs. Milton Sheehan .

of Centerville, Ohio, Mr. . and Mrs. Earl C,ark of Dayton and Mr. and MfS. William Clark of Lytle. were Sunday glles~s-6f -M,r. -, -I . hm;,;b.m;~~~~~~~r-and M~s. ,~a1ter .Clark. , , P d" , Mr. and Mrs. 'Jess ' ren ef- ·. .q·.as~ alll:t little ctauO'h.ter ·ca, lIed t d M Wt-.· j Cl ' 0'11 M:r. an . rs. an~ a arK Channell Monday ,ev~nmg: ' .



GEN ERAL . houseworK" white , wOIl\~n. Emma Crew, Mt. Holly. Waynesville . R~. 1 ~ MOTHER'S DJ1Y COMlNGWE ARE' now accepting orders '


for Mother's Day'






COW~$ ~o


H~ $4.00 CWt. :



WA'DfB8V1LL8 _1

Of,.,..._ '. .

, 1I~', Jf.. ,' LBBAJ(Olf


Make your selection now., Be ready when May eomes. Waynesville DruR' Store

LAUNDRYLAUNDRY to do in my home. Also curtains stretched, 40c a pair. Quick serv1ce. Phone ·2986.. " _ -42Q

.Arinitage ISDn.


aChar ....... .._




a. Bacia...., IDe.






to Vote ~Tuesday


Next Tuesday,

places will be open from 6 :30 mber c'ontests to s ttl . HarMay 4, will a. rn. to 6 :30 p. m., accordmg old V.ofMartz and Fred J. ~agl~­ mark the end of the primary to town officials. Voters living , 'election campaign In Ohio. The south of North 'Street will vote meyer both seek to be can~hdate for representatIve In the Oh~o candidates will stop their anxi- "at the ' Emerson Earnhart home le~isl ous touring of the county and on Miami Street. Those living Marviature. Carl Abaecherli at1ld the fate of their candidacies will north of North Street will vote' ing forn E. Young are competthe pros cutine- attorney be left to the ,penciled ' X's of at the firehouse. nomin ation, 'and nine men are the voters. . Those who vote in the Re- runnin~ for the two nomin ations Waynesville's l.wo polling publican primary wilt find a nu.- for county commissioner: •

Surpassin.\;' tllese in im'portance, however, Is the TaftStassen fight for C1 1 gates to the Repuhltcan' nati' nal convention in Philad elplHa ne:t June. L 0 C aI v ter f v rin o' Stassen will place X s by the,"" names of Carrington T. Mar- ' shall, Lloyd J. Wall, and Jame E. Meals for Qelegate, while

Taft backer wiiI mark ach of the other t I n am : ' on tb t'itl, lot for delegate. D mocr atk v ter an 0 . little but help !Settle the ton test between Miller and lau I,. for , the governor's nomination. This is considered 'a test of machin e an independenf strength.

Senior OratorS .Chosen at W.

It Says



Mere By Smitty , Every once in a while this newspaper spells a nam~ wronK or m·akes a mistaKe of some ·kind. That should ~ive me a kindly . feeling toward others who' put mistakes into print~ But I couldn't resist toe temptation to do a nttle editing: of the n.ew telephone directory which carrie in the mail thIS week. ' " . Phone books' are supposed to be proofread -three times, and most newspape~ use them ~s an . authority on the spell in~, of n~mes. . , Here is a --' partial , list of Waynesville ' people whose ~ names are misspelled in the new directory, according to the best infor1mafion I can .get: J. P. -'Fromn: (listed as From ), Rober! anp Roscoe .Furnas (listed as Furn~e), ChaFles Hage. meyer listed as Hagenmeyer), Robert (l\ste~ Sa . ' tbe




APR ,I L. 29.


New Fire,Truck Due in 60 Days As $8,000 Contract Is~igned ' I'f.'he Wayne township trustees ' 1000 feet of 2 % inch hose: 40(J of 1 %. inch, hose, ana two awarded a contr~~t 'Monday feet 10",foot lengths of suction hose. night to ,the Fire Fighter Truck It will be ne~es to re- . Company of Rock Island, 111., model the fire housesary Patsy Baird will be valedictorian on ChapEarl , Rye wIll be s'alutafor a new fire truck to be de- man stree t to make , room for. torian when the Class of 1948 holds and comm ncen)erit exercis ' at livered ,within 60 {lays, accord . . the new truck, since ·the old . W.aynesvilte H. S. on Friday , May .21, it was announced this inl?' to Maynard W'eltz, clerk. truck will be kept. No action ' week by SuPt. Raymond y.J. Bradd ck. lJnlike the traditional red wasta ken on this Monday, how· The conuuiencement speaker will be 01.. W. . Guil 1',- pr f or fire enginel the new vehicle will ever. ' . of education at Miall1i University · in Oxford. . be'" enameled . white with gold . The contract 'calls for an enThe bacca laurea te servic, :e . witt be held at the high lettefing: school on ., Kineer to corpe here for at ,least Sunday, May . . 16, .with .an address by the Rev. ' Laur' nce Hall, 4 hours to assist Mr. Crane ons call for a 600-born associate rector ' of Ghdst. ·Episcopa1 CllUrch in ..... .,,,...... to USI~ B


serer~fla~sare~lilbkd Q · g~l~s ~r minu~a


• althougq they .have n't liv'ed here pounds nozzl~' pressure, and a sent . fOr the awardin~· . of OeERA;rOR for mcmths or years. Among KB:7 International heavy-duty ·the contract, along with ' Mr. TO SPEED ·T OLL. C~l:.SLS them ,are William P. Strader chassis. The tru~k will tnount C.rane and.-William Saw~, (listed on FOUr ttrst. although' ~ , l-nterdty dialing service ill' he lived on Main St. before he' RED CROSS CETS $535 moved to Dayton two years .I N W~YNE TOWNSHIP the next few t'ays, permit . ' . Lebanon long-distanwill The tate BulT 1t1lR' C mmi ce peratago) ; Silas Snyder" who moved FI'nal fl'gures on the 'R'ed sion . mu t · appr vc T)lut!pri'llts, t f the tate more than two ors to' dial nUl11llbersin Oa ton, ou . a ' S f I' the Middletown, a ·eveland, Chinew' re iaura nt . Cross drive 111 Wayne Towng cago, and many other cities • 11 Main treet b fore thI uildin ~~r:s (1fs~Jd ~~vva~~n~l:rt .~~~, ship 8hmv ~ifts totalli 10wn ng $535. .' without callin2" any operator in oUl1cil can i ue a permit for · 1 <'~ 11 J or a little thr,e.e fourths of d Tel, t d I e phone move difficu . ltie 0 n prelana ' tllose aou a cities, ; . it tJ...e was Cl700 a . , nnoun i t, quota Mrs. usan . ·canlon,. owner" ce't1 assil7'n ·P L ed by the vente " arr'lc'k who I l'n Alaska t' iP ~ d the Wa, y nesvi) 1e ·. Fire \Va this' week "d' I . ~11tAd t'lles hom tol,d MQnday ni ht-, by :by' Harol d Augsbur' e on d>Ul'i'ty ,chapter. . County-wide Comp' a.ny' Horn - gettin .O' an las r", v to ' the· gr, , L , ounci banor receip lmen. i mana ts, , o 'er Chair of man , the W. ou~h . Main St. to R?b ltO' -. Shurts, Jr., said. MondW. ~ ay, are ' farm of ' .ick A, Irelan'" in.tim e · hio .'C ntral Tel:er hone ". nly fO Ul)t1a han" , rk ~ an Reg'an and , FrancIs ., Gene abou't iii9 350' or 93 5 per COlll- ' ' cent to l sav' done ' unti.t ·this appr .val i.s e ' any of, . : the e ,barn , • ' , and ' p~ny., .' . .', ' C' . ' t' corncrib, Fire Chief ' Carmen .' Brown; and Melvlll LIermann, . of the;p $'1 D,bOO 'oal :assig;ned Crane Imllal" ervlce ot tnined to . It i un ier-too i ·the, n1' mila I said this week. \vh6 will be 'put in use In the nea r stat will r'equire d to Readi ng two by ' the -nati.Q nal or,~an ihai. the pl.ans izatio n. years move agO. , . ' S I' 't '1' ddt > II Pire which start includ d e ,ith toilet a fa future ililie That triple proofr.eadmg al. . ill l..' t! 1i1t! a ong with two a ICI ors an onors were a short circuit in the light ,wires trun.k , lin 's .to:. Cincinnati,marhe. 'structure is t l Ii so ' failed to get the book into thanked for ·their \ 1 it: il support. of the corncrib. resulted in totfll adde pu bli bui ding'.' . .~~-.""'" phabefCa'l Older. Ho\V'- COU NTY ' CANCE " ~ ·'D RIVE dest~u~tion of the , o~.rh,. v<\1u~d . - -. -i In,ter-city_ diali,ng", flr .t . 11 d . ever, last year~s pfize boner ~f EXTE NDED TO M'~.·A'V 15 at $~.750, and of hay and mac .. . ~y cities listini! 'a Bowen and two BowNew York and JUNIOR-SENIQR ~ANQUET , ~. ~. hinery. 'v~lued at~bout $3,0.06. ph·iladelphi'nia the areas, will yers· among the ' Williamses 'in u- TO BE ~ELD T(jMbR~OW. . The" annual ' fund , ,for There: wa.s $4,00 0 insurance on ally enable J6ng~c,1istance,event -the tebarlon s'ection was not re~ the Warren County C,adrive ppera - AT GEN. DENVER HO' ta ncer So- the barn. , 't9 rs to dial any number In an . . peated. · :. , .. ciety has been extended to last The f~rm is .on the· Old ·State ~ity in · the cnun try1h at has a In Waynesville the Monces throu~h May 15', Mrs. Jame s Road Wayn ,svi~le l-ligh . S ho<:>I'5 ' tto'rt-h of Waynesville,. ' dial sy tem. . come afte'r the Moores. (n Leb:. E. Wdkins, chairman, said, this annUl r .lul1lOr- el1tOr . banquet anon the'.'Foestons follow the week. Donations made directly When the Ire'an 'phone wa \\ ill be leld this year at the fugetts" Braftaln follows Brew- td the , society total $500 to 'used to ca11 firemen, the ca11 G ner::l:l D¢n v·~ r Hotel in ' Witw-ent , through Xenia to Leb'. .. er~ ": Brock fol1ow~ ' Brothers, . date, of which onli $10 mingt o ll, . tOIl'io rro\V evening. came anon, but they could not get , Montgomery , . Moore, tram Wa~ne Twp., Mrs. ' WilThis ' w ill be the first such af. Alt 8 0' ,lock tonight at the fair held outsi je Waynesville for. stahle y .fallows Stanley, Win-, . kiris said. Ho~veyer, this does Waynesville. Then someone drove to Waynesville an~ not: chester , follows Wiimans, Van nQt include the amountS placed ev·eral y ar5. ·. Riper follows Van ' Tress, 'and . in cans for tl1e l1nve, 'a t busfness ' 'uified Mr. . Crane, .who tried to Wayl)esvil1e~ High School two Tentative ' plan can for the se his fillin~ station phone to ' bas'eball films "Pitching -Stars" Seni r Prom to be held at ,the I so on . ' . ' Th' , ' . 'II b p aces. IS WI e coun ted t 0- sound the fire ·a:1arm. He was anirJU "Battl'nO'f'I stats~l, loa'lled h'10'11 shoa v 14 So if you don'.t .find, the nuin· night when l on Fri,jov ,,, , all the' cans are unable to ~et a dial tone. As through the ' r,,,, Ma . J cour.t ber you're )ookmg Jar,. search ' ret~lrned. esy of the The enio)'. ~ lay, "'Flxin~' Aunt• . ,~ 'a result , the firell,l en got Dayton Jndian's Baseball Club, ·Fanny," \\ ill. be PI' sent d ort aroun~. It ma~ .~e s~mewhere coupty's goal 'in the can- too la:te to pr.event a t.hef(~ total , el~~, Just as Evelyn s ~eauty . eel'The May', 7. drive is .$5,000. loss. . will be preselnted along w)th tbe Shop ' was under toe G's last " '. , ~~ter the Spring Valley fire- Waynesville Athletic Associayear WATER BOAR D .,MEE TING I . . m~n were also called. ' . . tion: regula . Under th'~ N'-s in .Lebano~' is 2 ARE ON J:l0N r rules i, n terpre tation OR ROLL . Mrs. Irelan reported th~t no meeting. These,\" films are op~n DROPPED NO QUO RUM the line "'LEBA,NON GALLEY AT O. s. U . .AG COLL . ; EGE 'animals were in ·the barn ex';' ·to the gen~ral public and .a: S-A" whic h the prInters used The sthed uled. med5ng . of The hono r roll 'students cept one' old sow, and it was good crowd -of men and to identify the . tYl'e before it achieving high scholaofstic wome n the Board · of PublIC Affa.irs on attain- rescued .. The wind wat away IS ex'pected to attend. was divided into pages.' Tuesd ay was not held be ause .ments (av,erages of 3.~5 or bet- from their hc;>me, but a uuckef~ This Saturday at 2 P. M, only one member. came , _ , fer) in Ohio State UniverSity's gn~d~as formed to save other work out for again wilt tJe performed the meeting, and ·two must I h'ave '. no way of ch~cking con~ge of A,griculture durmg be Ul mgs. 011 the wafA e Field under the preserit for any business to be whether any, numbers are print- the Winter Ouarter, announced Paul Stokes, son of Mrs. Joel direction 0 Alva Ludington. As -done ed incorrectly. If anyone has a . by True G. Watson, secretary, 'lega_l_ly_._ _ __ . correctiOn. to add on the .phone inclucles: this work is str-ictty on ·a volun. ' Stoke s . and the late Mr. Stokes,. teer basis it is hoped that en- , book, this column will 'serve· as ., Alton A Earnhart" McC lain. forme Mr. Mr:~ C. E. Ed~ington r Wayn esviUe re,sidents, is ough wiltiR~ hands wilt be pre- and sonandwere a clearing house fO'r such infor.- O. jacks on both of Wavnes- quite Sunday ,g-l:l~sts of ill at McQettan Hospital, sent to complete it in time for the forme mation. vil le. ' r's paren ts in Mos:ow Xenia. the season's openeJ:-on May 11;- Ohio. - - '-- ' .

'Phone Servl·ce ·De-lays IreI B . F ' AI • an arn Ire arm .1




BasebaII '. MBVle .s

Th,e emi - annual UnHed Thank Offerin~ by w. men or St. Mary" will I e re elved n ;st unday morning.

FRIENDS First Day.. Schlool ,9 :30 u.m. .w\eeting for VJorship , ' 1 0 :30 a.m.

The Miami Gazette - . 8 TAB L I 8 B B 0 1• I 0 Publiahed E\(ery Thursday At WayneaviUe, Ohio CARL G. SMITH, Editor , Entered a. second ,cl ... matter at ,the Poat Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $1,50 a Year in Advance





RAINBOW COUNCIt. MEETS . Adviso ry Council No. H) met at the Horace Shaners' Tuesda v ,evening, April 20, with Alva I udington president and. Ralph, Miller discussion leader. Th . . subject of the .evening was Er 'si n; and it was very, skillfullv han dl ed by ' th e 1ea der WI'th a 'iportrait in string" 'of ~,h e Miami River and die ~roslOn . probl.ems it presents'. A\fter the meeting galJ'les were enjoyed and refreshments were served. The next ~eetinR' will be held the third Tuesday in'.May at the hornie of Mr. and 1\-\1'5. (:harl~s Le May.

Hft,aRVEYSBURG FRIENDS AUGU5I1NE CHANGE MEE'FING DATE father KnpnI!loltz, PrieIt , The Friends Quartt.:r~ meetMasses 8 and 10 A. M. ing usually held in the arv~s. · WAYNESVIU.E bur.g Friends n un ay May 9th has ,been. changed and CHURCH OF CHRIST will be held 011 May 8, aturR. M. Johnston,' Minister I th rrs Hible SchOOl 9 :30 day, on' account tl , f IM dat "(TG have events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette Communion .. iO:30 a.m. Day fa 11 mg on 1e regu ar before 4 p. m. Tues~a'Ys.) , Evening ServtlCC 7 :30 p, M. '14 FARM COUNCILS ' IGH SCHOO ' L , , 'FRIDAY, APRIL 30 ' CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS MEET ,AT H REV., DAVID STANFIELD. Mini.ter Junio r-Senior Banquet at General Denver Hotel, W~lmington. Warren County's 1,4 Farm Worship Servit ce . 9 :4,5 a. m~ Bureau councils m.el Tllesday Legion baseball, practice, 5 :30 P. M. 'Sunday School SATURDAY, MAY 1, ..-...- 10 :45 a. m. evening at Waynesvitte Hl.I{h School for a covered dish , dinFarmers Grange No. t 3, Regular Meeting. FERRY CHOIRCH of CHRIST ner and a ' business session tea:. Town hip Trustees, 7 :30 P. M. '. " RALPH ,E. $TIN80N. Mini.ter . turing farm safety movieS and Athletic Assn. Volunteers to clean up Wayne .Park, 2 , P. M. , Dible School 9 .:30 a.m.. a talk by Rev. J. T. McHendry • BEM) THE ClA88UUD ~ ' I SUNDAY, ,M AY 2 ' MOrliing Worship 10,:30' ·a.01. of Lebanon. Go to Church! Prayer Meetin~ 7 :00, p.m. Legion ba eball practi e, 2 :30 P. M. ' . ' Young- People 's Meetin~ , Confirmation service ,at St. Mary 's' ·Church, 8 .P. M. 7 ;00 p.m. 7 :30 p.m. Evening Services MONDA¥, MAN 3 School Board atW. H. 'S.,· 7:30 p. M. MT. ·HOLLY !METHODIST \Va nesviHe City Council at'Town Hall, 7 :30 P. M. '. T. M. 8CARP'F. Mini.ter Boy out Troop 40 at 7:15 P. M. WITH ATTACHMENTS Sundav School 9 :30 a.m . TUESDAY, MAY 4 E., A. Earnhart, ,Supt. Cast Your Primary Ballot 6 :30 A. M. t6 6 :30 P. M. Worship Service 10 :30 a.... Boys Club at . . Keys hO'rne, 7 P. M. Evening Servic:e 7 :30 p.ln. , 'WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 , Lytle . S. C. S. at ' Edna Burnet home, ,alrday. tJrlCA E.' U. B. CHURCH' REV. WILLIAM SHANNON . CARP TABLES r , . Sunday School ' 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. ·~3·80 Preaching~ 1st and 3rd ,Sundays each qlontb to :30 a.m. . WALL PAPER - KEM TONE I. ... BISHOP CONFIRIW .' . . ' 'G~ 'E. BULBS - NU ENAMEL I"~' ~FIVEATST. MARY'S Youth' Fellowship The Rt. Rev. Henry W. HobSunday, 7:30 p. rn. son of Cin~·ini1ati, .bishop' of the ~4 diocese of southern Ohio, will sr. MARY'S EPISCOPAL be at St. Mary's Episcopal METHODIST CHURCH . 8AMUEL N. ,KEYS, Minl.ter' ' Church for a confirmatIon ser .. South Main Street across from Grange Hall ' R. B. Coleman, Minister Church School 9 :30 a.-m. vice at 8 p. m. ~ next Sunday. Church School '9 :30 A. M. Nursery School Telephon~ 2422 WAYNESYILLE, OHIO 1,0 :30 a. ~• . Two children and th:ree adults . J. J. Burske, Supt. t 0,:30 a. 'me , will be taken in to the church at , Morning Pt,ayer Worship Service 10 :30 A. M. that' time• . , ' , .


.Events Coming ,Up



G. Eil Electric 'C leaner


h 1JIrt)

""I IIIE,\\\\jl"~ " 'rl '





An ar








bonded indebtedness of ·the County has been reduced fr,olll $240;000 to ' $20,000. 2 -The bupget has always been balatlCed at the b.eglnning of ,('he year'; and . ' each year closed in the black. 3-250 Miles 'of County roads have been maintained and improved, including 3500 bridges and c~lverts. ' 4-The maxim~m co-operation has been given the Township Trustees. The Towns 'of tHe County as ' well as the Schools have received the : aid of . CO\:lOty trucks and equipment ,,:henever requested. ,



. '



ELECfION ON MAY 4 -Political Adv.






• \



.Leases by FOX HOLLY

In lin!! with the current fash.'ion in movies, the Twin Theatre h,as.its personal mystery~ and Bob O/Reg'an would like it solved, What is happening to all the .SSc saving coupons on the April showcard? To give your. men~oIies a nm.1ge, the , coupon 'admits three adults to anyone in the R KO show for 'Soc. All current you nave "'to week do is

sign the coupon. and present it . seek il1~ at all costs new speciat the Twin boxoff1ce with your m.ens f~)f war-depleted zoos. f'Our bits'. . The large t variety of ani- ' Come, now, lefs not let . mals ever to be used in one our Mitty-day dre.ams lose us film was gathered for various sequences of th 's e 'n money, Use the coupon tonight ,c1udin2' I p'c I' 'tu:hyenas, r" I lions, zebr~s, and ee Danny Kaye dream in Ie 1 t t ' I&Tlle Secret LI'fe of Walter M'lt- e plan s; e c, ty" plus the Acaae~y Award There's never a dull monient hort "Goodbye Miss Turlock." working 'with wild animals on Also handouts of Danny Kaye's the set. One day in particular pictUres. ' won't be forgotten by the cast B" f' 'F' I . t . and ,crew. A panther, aptly nalie yl~ws. lila pIC ure ,m " med "Dynamite', broke her ~he 'fwm s RKO Wee~, sPc~clal leash and 'started padding about IS Ffiday and Saturda~J S . Tar- the premises stalkin.~ everyone zan and the fI untress. .Tarzan , in si~ht until- the trainer cau~ht .cJohnny W~lssmuller) IS back her. An elephant stampede cli,, 111 WaynesvIlle, an~ apparently maxes the picture i~ one of most we1c.ome Judgmg by m'any the most exc'itin~ finishes ever ,requests j smc~ January. , Once a- recorded. Added IS "My Pal''. a gam Tarzan, Ja!le, ,an 9 B~y are short with Ted Donaldson and teamed, up to fight ~nemles of Flame, the Wonder Dog. .1of ungJe currently In the form __~-= fir'_tune with the month of anhfe,unscruplttons woman '

May, Walt Disney's "Fun and Fancy Free" is your pr.ihg' tonic for Sunda and Monday. Ed ar BerKen, Charlie McCart y IC ey ous .Mortim- -' . ' , S 'd D er, n~r ana Id. DUCk, p I':Is 3 roltck1l1 ne,\V Dlsn, ey characters are ~ II oge th er 111 one? f th,e funm~t feature-len~th PlctU,l e you 11, ever l?ope to ~ee~ DOIl1,g the pIcture In Techn!color, the resourc~ful W~~t D!sney" pre- . se!1 ts ~ thre~ dImensIOnal cast , thIS tlme-Itve actors such as Ber~~n cartoon characters s,u~h , as ,MIckey Mouse and ma~nlkl~ , performers such as Charhe McCarthy. Dinah Snore 'furnishe the maJchless vocal accorrt:paniment song hJts you're humming now. WB News is with this show, plus a clever short "The Bear and the Bean" (MOM), and" Answer Man" U-1. ~


If's about time YOU knew [{bout thefTl, (Jtnd you'll find out n the screen'" Wednesd~y and Thursday. I'm' talki'n,g- about U' S. Treasury's tough terrific, ",TMen". "T-Men" (Ea "O'le-Llon) is the first motion picture to tell the sc~een-searinO' story of " Department'$ " the Treasury mao'nificent under-cover men. With '~n able cast he,aded ~y Dennis 0 ' Keefe, th~s picture: tells the true story of crackin~ billiondollar counterfeit dngs, smashin ' the 14Dope KIngs" and tra,ppi~g the ,"Big-Guys", of the underworld the way 'it hurts' ' h th' most-~ ru . ~Ir wo~en. ' . Cross your fmgers ;Ilong WIth the man~gemen~. New seats a~e du~ for mstallatlon at the Twm May 12th' , My Posterior region feels better alre,ady-same to yours! I

______________ ______________________ Your Vote and, Support Will Be AppreCiated

Frank Wil~ens . NOW A CANDIDATE FOR . ,





SHEI ....s Ie GUNS



B~1"S " GLOVES Subject to


Primary, May 4th

rRENOMINATE' Three and one-half years ago I wa.s giv"en , the great honor of ein ' , elected to ' serve, as your County Prosecuting Attorney, and I ~m now com'Pleting mly first term.' During my term of office, I have, diligently worked . Jon:(\' hours In the ende:avo r"to re~nder efficient,' faithful and hones~ services, haviulY h~ndt'ed unusually heavy criminal d6ckets, wlth ten excellent Grand ' :Hldes~ in which the :cases presened, avet~ged about thirty per tenn of Court, and have " higJ:i,' as fifty. I~l the ,great- majority of cas'es in which ind'ictments were returned and with the fine cotoperation ,of the other law enforcemjent officers " of the COUlity, I,.,havje been successful in obtaining , convi tions without trial, resullin,gin th~ savinig of considerable tiint! and money to til-e ta.xpa ers of War,ren County. ' ,



Carl·Abaecherli ,AS REJ»~LICAN

Owing to ' the unpreced nted amount of work retiuired qf my office, I have b en delJied the pleasure of making an e.xtensiv'e campaign for a second term; although II am making very effort to see per~onally as many v tes as ' possible.




' As ·to .my quaHfkations and 'background" I have been admitted to the prachce "of, law for twenty' years, 'including eleven ' years in Warren .C ')unty, 'am a graduate of the ,Universilty of Cincinnati, both Liberal Arts .Lnd Law Coneg~s, h~vin'g earned my own ed~lcation the. age, of fifteen as a laborer, ckrk, and school teacher ,of U!1ited, states History. Am 'forty-four years of age, married to a local girl, and am tbe father of three chi)dren, , Hay ' 'always , taken ;an active part in local civic affairs, ana prior to my term of office, served as ' head of a number of organizations, includin ' the 'Vv· rren County Tuberculosis' and Health Association, the Lebanon ' Kiwanis Club, Waynesville Civic Club, and several outstandil'1g fraternal orn'll niza· ,ions. •


. Piosedut~ng ' 'Jttto~n~y

Accordingly,' as a loyal citizen of Warren County" and as an attorney \Vit~ e," rience 'in the office of Prosecuting Attorney, I am respectfully -asking you to give my candid,acy for a -seco11d term favorabl " considerabpn: ' and that you will ' go ~o the pons and cast your vote for my re-el~ction on the Rm:"UBLICAN ticket this coming Tuesday, ,May 4th. Sincerely Yours, C'AlRL ABAECHERLl

MA'1f 4~ 1.948

-Political Adv .

~--~ -~~----------~--~---------~~----~~--~--------~

tion is, will there,be any pI urns? season. Are y01J the kind that thought the seed. wa no g od THE MIAMI GAZETTE 'PAGE 4 ~ ild plums seem to be sensitl e drives out ~ to the woods and :md put it a way without plant- ' WAYNE8VILLE, OHIO 'No. 4366 to coM, to drought, and other co,mes b~ck ,with g'reat branches in~ any more. I found it this THUR8DAY., APRIL 39, 194 thin~ , so that a good crop of of red bud and dog' wood tnat sprin~ and tested it and almost blossoms ' doe ,not always wilt before you get .them home every seed sprouted. 0 we are A "ARM DIARY i..... - .................. 'ooct crop of and armfuls of great white trill- planting it now. What happenm;ean a by D. J. FRAIZER plums. The day we decid~ ,to iums and dog tooth violets, ed before I do not know but I b'uy this place the wild plums sometimes called crout li.lies or , know now ,it wasn't the seed. were in bloom anCl I have often '. adders ton~tie? i hope not. Go Last year \ve planted aHalfa it , April 23, 1948. A wh ole thought that the veauty of that out 'and enJoy their oeauty. Let sprouted and started to grow week. of ~vorking weather for little plum thicket blinded my the children pick all the blue but it was ~augnt by' , a late ' t~~ ~Jrst t}me this season. The eyes to the termites)n the eel- violets that tfley can carry, It freeze when It was stilI in the IMInI . .... dirt IS flYI11?; on all the farms. lar and vari us other things won't hurt them but remember seed ' l-<;!af al1l1 every bit of it IMIIlMClICO Early in the week it was still , though I have never regretted that it ,takes SE:VEN years for was kIlled. We are planting too wet for plowin?; but there , a troul lily to grow to bloom- cJover today' and, this. week Mr. and Mrs. Geor~e Hendel'was plent~ of other work fhat Sunday there was· a nice ing size and that when. yo,u pick should see all the crover plantvisiting the former's mother needed domg. We had one or . " it, you kill , it and It never two cold days but the Sun shone pte~.e of cooperatIOn g'OIDg' on blooms again. When you pick ed and then we are ready for son were in Dayton on Sunday and there 'wasn't frost enouJ;h down at the Montgomery Coun- the big white trilliums you kill another rain but we hope not Mrs. Julia Henderson, who ' is to hurt anything. The wild plum ty Scout Camp nea~ Morrow. the plant because the leaves are , quite so much this time. very ill at st. Elizabeth Hosis in bloom now. There are two The place was alive With mamas on the same stem as the flower pital. thickets that I can see from my aryd papas anq , · uncles and , Look at- them" ' en']oy' them window that look like belated fnen,ds all ~orkl11g har~. The where they are, and leave them drifts of snow. Now the ques- ~en S cOIIDmttee was busy put- for others to enjoy. 'Keep the tmg up tents and (Jolnl?' all klOds cattle out of your woods until of Qdd jobs and t~'e rest'of the the wild flowers have ripened. people were helplng with the lhefr ' seed and died down and reforestation proJect, plapting '11 h .... I t f . ave p en y 0 spnn?;, the hundreds of little wn. iJp_pine you WI h t .~ ftowers. Keep them out the rest tre~s t a had been furnl~ed of the time aJild your young , I:taving sold m;y property, I wiII sell at the corner of Chapby the Federal Conservation ' saplings will ha,re ,a chance to man and 4 th. streets, W.aynesville, Ohio. Dept. The committee from ·the grow and Jill in' the gaps where Garden Club was ,atso there the ripe trees h~lye neen taken with ~hree ' cptored me'll, who ', out or the old ones have died. had been hired to do some ofPertilize 'yo~i' palstures ,and' you· the' heavy work of cka~ing' out ',wo 't need .'to '. pasture your Beginning at ON E .o'clock P. M. the followmg ~ the en trance and cutting' out w u js. In fact I heard of a case ,rush etc .. Every~ne w'~s having' where a man ·fertiJ.izea the pasa good bme "dom~r a piece of ture next ~ tfie woods and· HOOS~OLD GOODS .work that. will give pleasure to .foUJ.1d that t~e cows stopped go, ~fndreds of girls .thls sunun'er. ing in' the wO,O{1s to' eat because Magic. Ch~f qas ,range.; ,Wes~n,ghouse refrigerator; May tag s I)ext meet WIll plal)t the the grass outsidf~ was so much electnc washmg machme, tWill laundry tubs; 3 burner gas ~ ~nultlf)ora r~se , hedge and hun- . better ' . ' ~ , , ,h~t ~lat~; , di~ing ro:om suit~ ' with six. chairs... '2 piece living .. , , ,, , dreds of ·youn~ locust, trees on ~~om sUite;' hbr~ry table; kJtchen 'cabmet; utility 'cupboard j a, badly eroded ·slope. Ttresday It IS a' ~09d, plan to test your kItchen cuppoard i· Hoover eledric sweeper with attachthe man ' came with a load of , seed. -A couple of years ago we ments; bed dresser and wa~h stand , to match, with springs lime but he ~ad luck, the , had some alfalfa comnined but and mat~ress; m~tal bed springs and mattress; 2 iron cots; ground was stIIJ. a little soft and when we plantec! the seed the lot .beddmg; wash stand; small sofa; 5 rockers; straight '. n~xt year for some reason we he g~t ~tuck. . ThiS IS the sprmg wtId flower aidn't get a stand So that John chans; 3.stools; 1 rug, 12x15; 1 rug, 9x12; congoleum We NIW Budle ••• '; 3 nurrq!s; lot dishes and ' cookin~ utensils.

Ii' •••


Public ·Sale

"SAT. MAY 8th, 1948




~EY~IY'"lla ~..: ,



~• • •:

ca'. ' "


~~-=¥T~CO SERVICE 8. MAIN , PHONE 2354

~~~~~------ ~-


Garden tools'; lawn mower; porch furniture' porel)

,., and many otlier ' ~rtic1es " too numerous to m~ntion.


Wi'lburN. Sear's, Auct. Waynesville, OhiO-Phone 2651 Thompson and Irwin Clerks.





SATISFACTORY SERVICE is the expressions of ~lppr.o'val that come afterward. We appreciate them 'because they are always vO!Jntary and I ; )r thiS vcry 'r',~vn, we '~ Iy It) deserve them. "



Also Wide Line of capCERIEs a~d CANNED GOODS













Phone 506.X 5 Mulberry St. LEBANON~


Quality, Market .. . .

PHONE 2662 ,

F4RM ·LOA.NS ••• '


FED~' f:ANl> B~NK -


Warren ' County


FRANK SIBCY, Representative

, Repub6C8D Primary -

May 4, 1948

LOW 'COST LOANS N-> Application, Appraisal or Commission Charges " 4951 INTEREsT . 20 OR 33 YEARS TO REPAY , PAY PARt OR ALL AT ANYTIME You Are A Member of a Farmer-Owned Credit ' Association ' (Div.ide~ds Paid on Stock) . WRITE-CALL ' LEBANON N. FI\ L. A. ' PHONE 448 OHIO _ ROOM-& OLD BANK BLGD.



Cou~t new~


1\tARRIAGE LICENSES John Parker, 37, Dayton, officel' U. S. Army, Roma Ruth Tho~p­ , son, 28, Franklin, clel'k typist. Raymond Stone, 33, Miamisburg, bartender, Pauline Hazel Reedy, 22, Franklin. Robert Lee Schlagheck, 25, Kitrgs Mills" labbNl', Mar.y Kathleen Lewis, 23, Foster, faet,?Q . work~r. , 'William D. Haley"27, Franklin, stockkeeper, Jean M. Tillman, 21, • Frank1i~, maid. , Clifford Be,mard Lower, 26, Blanchester, dairyman, B~tty Jane Strobel, ::6, Pleasant Plain, s~cre­ tary.

. -~--




'I 'ltere'. a -Eamov. " SS. . . .".W'WAMS ,





. ~


'. •




SUITS , William "BUlIns VB. Gerald Couth~ amount den, for m :mey only of $10,000 and costs, John L. Undercoffer. William BUl'tls vs. Richard Satterthwaite, fOi' money only .in the amount of ~lO,OOO and costs, John L. Undercoffer. Na'omi But11ns vs. Milton- 'Bullins; di\rorce, Younk- & Young. VivIen' Blair VS. Floyd Smith, replevin, &tanley & Stan'l~y. Christine Kaehlin and the Hanov~r Fire Insorance Co. of New York V~ , .Joseph P~inelt, for money only, amount claimed $800 a.nd costs. Maurice J. Leen Jr. George R. Henkl~ vs. Lawrence and Helen M. Davis, . cogn~vit, Ma.,. pIe & Maple. Laura B~lhnger VB. Arch BaU,ing~rt . divoroo, willful ' absence, ' Young~ Young.




-.- ,~..




, -

offetstYO\l the world's finest ,paints for more beautiiul, iltore lasting home decoiatiClln. Why be content with ordinary-paint?. . Why go out of your w~y, to find, quality p~liiit? FrOm now on, Sherwin",Wi1liams Paints - ~e world's fineSt, most popular dec~rative finishes - will be found right " : here in out stdre. , ,

For your con\l'eflience we now cairy a wiete variety 'of Sherwin.. ' Willi.aM!$ Paints that wilt meet your decoratihg 'requirements. One loOJt'at tq~ line up of prod.. U'cts below will convince you we.'re right. You can buy tlhese ' ~s right

liere in out rieW ' n1oder~ selfservice Paint Center. You simply ,help yourself - selecting the quantity and cc;>lor you desire. Handy .color cards help you make your selection. Customer service sj:1eets show you how to ' make best use of each paint.


'Visit our' Sherwin-Williams Self-Se.rvlce Patnt C-.nter Soon ' THE' QUALITY PAIMTS YOU'VE LONG WARTED ARI WAITING FOR YOU.


' REAL EST:ATE TRANSFERS William', and 'Mar; GaiT.IBon t~ J. H. and ltfatti~ Garrison, lot in Le,ballon. ',, George Henkle, Inc., to, William and Clem... 'A~, 114.24 sq. poles in Wayne twp. James H~nry and Mattie Garrison to William and Mal'Y QarrisoD, , . 64:38 as:res jn Clearcreek tWp. , I James Arthur and Ida MA~ Brock to George and Ruth Apgar, loo t in Lebanon. , . Ward and Pearl Bowman , to 'SU:others and Lula Elam, 3 aCl'es in M'a ssie twp. Paul .' Hamilton t~ Shird and Jenn'le Kirby, lot in 'Franklin. Thomlftl and Eva Gorsuch t Holbart and , Mollie Lake, 47.69 acres in Clearcreek twp. O. L:' and J oaephine Lanss.w to Warl'E'..1l ,and ' LUc!f=Pence-, lot -in Franklin. ' , Clarence Bowman to Afton' Johnston, 1.60 acres in Turtlecreek tvip.



" "I A COMPt."S,IVtC" W."t eo know ' ·Jlbat. paint to use , fOl'l ~ , ,you need? •• , dc?p't havo, .11 ulr (,. thl, i:lformation. At your ~ .... ' ..... n · W,lIlan:i Self·Service Paint C~n'er, .11 ttl. a.n"v;c:rs to your question. ,,;.-.....c:..,afu"I... paiotlnl are down in black and white. lrnptntlon . . . ne:w decoratine· ide..... v"h~blc: tips' awc.i t yOI,J; p_l~uJ" 'o~? ~"much ' v~ c~or. v. ~".? You



Lucille Ann'a Wade to Roy N orman and P,uline Jobnson. lot in Franklin. Edna Steinhauer ' and Lotetta Uhrig to Cla,renee Mitseh, 2 lots In Foster's Park." . Nannie Ruth Jones to Martha Watkins, 2 , lots fn Lebanon. , Claude B1')d Bessie Myers to :Hugh and' Hattie Holt, 2 lots in Rl'anklin. ' " Wilber and Bertha Butt to Ted Davia Eichelberg,e r, 11.79 acres in Clearcreek twp. . , Walter Clark to Wanda Clark Channen, 2.2Q aeres .in Clearereek twp. ' " ,,' , William Johnson to pavid , and Susie Kendred, lot in ~'rank1i~. Earl L. Kirk to Eugene Hamilton, lot in Franklin. ' . Earl and May Gepbart to Wade Jr. a.nd Margaret A. Richardson, lot in Franklin. Robert A. MeCutcheoJ), by administrator to Fred Kahn, " lots in Frank1in~ , John A. and Beatrice Spradlinlt to Raymond ' and Betty . Elbrecht, 1'1'1;26 acres in Washington ,twp. The Selfont Co., Ine., to Tine Roberta, 2 lots in Franklin.



There's no waiting! No fussing! No wallte of. timel You limply hew yourself' til the finest hOnlt' d~cora tion money CM ",.~y. PiclJ out the paints you want ,in the quantities and colora you want. Every. thin'g'. there right in (,'ont of you, Prices are plainly marlt~. You~re on your way to a ,more .be4\!H!ul, more satisfYlIl( paint job. '



~EL!t YOU~, !~'" SAVI "MIl TROUILE' ,


Hyman's 'D ept Store .,








No. 4366

x .Rollert

Nominate ••• .







, '

Hild rbrecht and ,sons. . Mrs. Gilbert Welch. who has The production "Cracked ' been the houseguest of her Nutts was presented Friday ' Plother-in-Iaw Mrs. Aba Welch evening in the High School AtJd- returned to her home in Detroit Miss Ethel Winterhalter of ' . near itoriuin by th~ senior class. The last week. and Mrs. Stewart director was Mrs. Lillian S. Carr. ' Mrs. ,Charles Thompson who from Dayton Osborn called on ~rs. F. The musiC was presenfed by the spen~ last we~k as' the ~uest of B. Gregi!' -one' day last week. , Mr. and rs. H. S. Tucker Harveysburg High School Band her sl~ter, Mrs. Rebecca Tracy in Miss Glenna Marsh of Dayunder the ,direction of Mrs. Edna· Washington Court House, rehad as th~ir houseguests this 'Compton Bogan. . ton spent the we~k-end ~ith her , turned home. Monday~ weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence cousin, Mrs. LUCile ArmItage. The local Order of the Mr.. and Mrs. Ed Lewis celeWilliams. of ArD:elia, ana Mrs. Mrs. J. H. Higgins and Mi~s Tucker's sister, Mrs. Jenny Ben, Grange ,met in regular session, brat~d their Golclen Wedding Lulu Cook of Dayton called on Monday evening. }' , ' Anll1v~rsary l~st Sunday at theft Mrs. Alice Clark during the of Somersville. III the Village. William Hilderbrecht of Lon- . Mr. and ~rs. ~uzwQod Mar- home , The Adult , Bible Class of w~ek. don, OhiO spent the weekend at tm, ~rs. LOUise .Flte-and aaugh- ' Jonah's Run Chutc~ met reMr. and Mrs. William Crr, the home of his son and daugh- ~e,r MISS Jane Flte, ,we,re callers cently at the country home of craft of College, Cornet, 01~lo ter-inlaw, Mr. and 'Mrs. Hershel III Dayton" Satun!ay. \V'ere guests Thursday of MISS Mrs. May Harlan. ' ' , Miss Lois RlDSS was a recent Mary, Boston and an enjoy~d hostess to ' ~he Advtsory Council dinner at the Golden Lamb In ~t her home near Oregonia. Lebanon. " , Mrs. ,F. B. Gr.egg and Miss . Mrs. Lenard Hauser and iam. ~ly returned to their home Olive Williams with Mrs. Virginia Keys were dinl}.er guests III Niagara Falls after a visit with Mrs~ Hauser's parents Mr. last Friday of Miss Ina , Dearth ,and Mrs. Harold Gilliam and her in Franklm. NEW~HON~: Miss Ethel Wilt1m'an of Selma grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gilliam. ' called on Miss 'Ruth 'Chandler }. , Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Doster Tuesday afternoon~ 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown were Suilday afternobn guests ·of Mr. and, Mrs. William Gil- of Dayton called on Mrs. Alice liam. . Cbrk and Misses Marne and SMITTY·DOES·IT Annie Brown Sunday ~fterMisses Dorothy and Lois noon. Henne, Elizabeth and Enuna Miss Annie Br.own nad a visit Sunderla~d" Inez Wright of Saturday afternoon from a for.. . 'Spencerville, ·Ohio and , Mr: J. mer pupil at. the ,0 . S. and S. F. Eltsworth of WatJakoneta' , 0 .. Home in Xenia, Mrs. Marvisited w.ith Rev. and Mrs. , R. garet Burlein, who now. lives in B. -Colemlah on 'Sunday after.. Portland, Ore. noon. Mrs. L. M. .~enders n and

:J.riflncL .J../.Omfl

Servi~e ·

SMIlH· flectric

, < '

Miss Ruth Chandle,r ' with Mrs. Kellar· Hoak and ·Mrs. Clarence Barker and little NickeX Barker spent Thursday In Cincmnati. . Miss Ruth Chandler and Mtnnie Dodson ant'l .. Mrs. Evalyn Peterson aU,ended the 'New , Century Club on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ' McDorman and Mr. and Mrs. R: J. Warner of Xenia cal.. j on Mrs. McDorman'~ cousin, Miss Olive Williams on Sunday afternoon. , Mr and M~. Wilson Ed· wardS' called, on. their aunt Miss Margaret Edward'S Sunday afternoon. . SOUTH Wi\YNE COUNCIL MEErS AT FURNAS HOME

The South Wayl1e Advisory ' Council held the April meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Davis Furnas on Thursday eve' ning. Twenty members and Mr. and Mrs., J. M. Greene of Lebanon enjoyed a }Jasket dinner. The -topic of. '·'ErQSion" was chosen by the discussion leader;' Mrs. A. H. Earnhart and , remarks were added by Mr. Greene. The Council 'adjourned to meet with Mr. and Mrs .. C. E. Stanfor,tll. in May. ' I

Master Ri(~nard Frye and Don frye were 1Sunday guests , of Donald Wils,on.




Prinlary, May' 4


Franc,is Gene B,rowri" Chairman


, Lausche-for.:Governor Committee






VSnRAN ~ of •


W()I~T" I) 't

WAR /11 • -






Marvin E..·YQung •






F u rn a s



WAR REN COUN TY Repulblican Primary May 4, 1948


-Poli tical Adv. guests ,of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Sears, during 'the past week. Mrs. Sears and sons l~ft Frida y,for Norfolk, Va." where they will visit relatives, Mr. Sears . return ing to Berkley. M·r. and Mrs• .Albert Carve r of Cincinnati also were guests of their paren ts, Mr; and Mrs, Sears, for the week end. . . M St I . ' fs.a n ey Balley, Mrs. D. ," C. Ridge, Mrs. John Prom pl a~d ~rs; Ro~s Harts ock were an Llm.a, on Wedn esday and Thurs- . day w~ere they. attended the Inspection of lima Order of Easte rn Star and were ov·er· night guests of Mrs. Netta Sullivan. .'


Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Earnha!t,. Mrs. Stanl ey B.ail~y, Mrs. Wilha m Strouse, Mrs. ' Ralph Hastings, Mrs. Ada Courtney" M~s. L. C. St. John, Mrs. Bertle Mllls, . Mrs·. J. B. Jones , Mrs. D. C. Ridge- and . Mrs. E. F. Earnh art were in Dayto n 'on Monday eveni'n~ for the funer al services for Mrs. Emm a .Boor om of Bel1brook~ , Mr. and Mrs. Alva Thom pson entert ained on Sund'a y honor ing the twenty-fifth weoding anrrivers ary of the latter 's broth erin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. T~ F. Brow ning of Norw ood. A buffe t supper, with pink and wpite appom tment s, was serve d to' forty guests. Cinci nnati Columbus, Bellvue, Ky and Wilm ingto n. .

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Toml inson Mr. and Mrs. John Sears and opene d their home on Frida y sons of 'Berkley, Mich., \vere eveni ng for tl)e Alpril meetin~' of the East Wayn e Advisory Council, with Mr. and Mrs. ' J. M. Greene~ Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Ra:¥mond La Rue as special guests. Kellar Hoak presided and ' Mrs. Raym ond Braddock . led the discussion with "Con serva tion" and "Prim ary Et'ections" as subjects. Following. ad- . journ ment to' meet- with Mr. and Mrs. John Gons in May, a social hour., was. enjoye<.1 dunn g which refreshm;ents were served.

Mrs. ' Russel Wilson, accompanied by Miss Eva McMillan of Cincinnati, Rev. Jane Carey and Mr. Robe rt McMillan ' of Wilmington/ v}sited her brQther-~n­ la\v ana Sister, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bohla nder and children tn Fort Wayn e, Ind., during; the past weeK. Mrs. John From m, Mrs. L. Thom as, Mrs. Bertie MillsE.and Mrs. Stanl ey Bailey attend ed funeral services for Mrs. · Clara G. Thom pson in Hamilton on Tuesd ay eveni ng of the past week - .

Dr. apd ' Mrs . . H. E. .Hath away were host and hostess to ' the, Five Hund red Dinne r Club on Satur day 'evening, with Mr. and 'M rs. Ross H. H airtsoc k as guest s 'of the club. Snapd'ragolls and tulips were arran ged in the 'living and dining room and fo1lowin~ , the delicious dinner, cards were the dIversion of the evening. .

• BEAD ' TIlE CL&8811'1BD ADa




,I• .faster

It., wafer .), 6., water'.

2. l.wer~ost

than any other oil. or electric 'water heater

OR YOUI MOIO; IACI. Re~d this mon,ey.boc~ 9"!Qrant..: Try;· thiS ~leman 15 days. If it doesn 't give you 110t water faster and at lower . cost than other storage-tYP'e oil or electric water · heater of equal size, we guaran tee to take it out and r~fund 'your money ,

Ideal for farml -goe. anywh ere becau se

it bums fuel oil. No fire-tending! A Coleman's automatic. And you'll be amazed at .qolem~n'~ low fuel cost. A Coleman provides ample hot water for average family of (our by. bumi n, o~tv _~qt ten ,8;I.lon8 of oil a month.



Floyd L. DaviSson, forl1ie r publisher of The Miami Gazet te, and his wife and daugh ter are stayin g for a time at Larp:o, Fla.• ' on th.e Gulf coast befor e continuing their trat1e r tour of the South.

and we GUARAN1EE:



Mr. ' an,d . Mrs. Earl . Starnes, ' . . Mrs~ Cora Harla n, ,a nd Mi'. Dane Starn s of London Mills, · Ill., arrived here on · Tuesd ay t{L be guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Houg h'· and M,r; and Mrs. H. B. Earnb art and on theIr return Mrs. Viola' Harla n will accompany them for an indefinite visit.

Miss Maril yn Bursk e of Bowlin g Green University is enjoy ing a spring' vacatiQn 'with her parents, Mr. and .Mr " John J • . Burske.

Mrs. Roy Clark entert ained at her home on Third Stree t on Satur day with, a luncheo'n fot a group of-cousins. ThQse prese nt were Mrs. ' Frede rick Voltz of New Hollqnd, Mrs. E{1ward UI· lum of Leban on, Miss Elizabeth Clark and Mrs. Frank Swartzel of Orego nia and Mrs. Charl es Osbo rn of Cincinnati.




iaynesviHe .Dm g Store . ,

PIJON E 2121







Co m'l1Jl$slene'r

MISCELLANEOUS SHOW ER HON ORS MRS. SAck ETT Mrs. John ,perry Sacke tt was honor ed on Satur(1ay aftern oon when Miss Esthe r Lukens and Miss Doro thy COJlardt entert ained. with a mlscellaneous show er at the home of the for~r. The bride found a beaut iful array 0 f gifts arran ged ori ' the dining table. . Refre shme nts were served by the hostesses, all wlth pm~ and white appoi nbtten ts. Guest s were: Misses Ann ' Weltz, Mildre d . Bourne~ Jane Pfeiffer, Naomi ·E arnha rt, Margaret Schna itman Bet ty Tl:tomas, Phyllis Bailey, Norm a Longacre, Bonnie Satter thwai te, . Patsy Baird, Y,vonne Stubbs, Phyllis Burnett, and Wand a Lou ' Wilson and Mrs. J . H. Sacke tt, Mrs. Mark Wilson, Mrs. Robe rt Shaw, Mrs. Clifford Wilso n and Mrs. Don Adam s.















Standards to the effect that he had been in tOI') close 'asso~iation with known radicals, whose loyalty to the United States could be questiolled. Th~ broad inference was made that Dr. Condoll was not the' type of man whl) should ' ,b ead such a~ impol' ta~t agency of the Gove'rnm~nt, So-called hberal radiO commentators and news columnists violently prot'e sted the Congressional investigation, and Secre~'ry of CQmmerce Harriman stronl\~Y defended Con~n, insisting he had been investlg:llted and that the- records ,showed he was complet4~ly Joyal. The Un-American Activities Committee of the House then insisted Harriman furni'sb the comnlete records o-n Dr. Condon which he had In hiS possession, and asked that certain F. B. I. ' rep()rts and other documents be produced'. This Harriman refused to do, and President Truman later ordered hlm not to .. ~UMCa J. 00... M..,p .. ~ M ow. Db~'" present the papers and evidence to tlile- House committee. Last Thursday the House vote~Ol yeas On behal! of President Truman, Secretary of De.:. , to 29 l1ays~in favor of a resolutiolll directing the fense Forrestal is suggesting a 66 group Air Force Secretary 'of Commerce to turn OVjer ~be desired ai a compromise. between the 66 group proposal of 'recordS' and evidence. Later that lafternoon the t1)e Administr,a tion , and the 7~ group figure fixed President, in a ptes~ conference, strongly indicated by the Congress. Much, of course, will depend upon it 'w as the intention of . his Admimsltratioh not to the type of planes to be included. Congressional comp~ with the 'Congr~ssional resolution to furnish leaders insist all new aircraft must be the very lateSt the pa~ers requested. The next day th,e records in modelS, with continued research and improveme~t. dispute were all turned over to' the President. The It should be pointed out that. the passage of the pres'next move may be up to ~ongress: ~ust why any ent bi.}} authorizing huge expenditures for enlarging Administration should .refuse to furnish 'a Con~~es­ the, Air Forces, the Army and the Navy, does n')t sional committee with evidence which ~ould confIrm -necessarily mean that all such funds will act~ally or deny charges of disloyalty made llgains~ an imbe expended in ,the fu~ure. It will require at least portant' public official .is b~rd to un~erstand .. two years, and probably threEl or four, to get our " The Arrangements Committee of the Rep~bh~an national 'defense structure up to ' the full ,strength National Committee, in charge of pJ'eparatto,ns for , now being authorized by Congress. It , is, entirely the Convention to be beld in Phi1aEleI:phia begin,ning possiple the world situation may so improve in the the week of June 21st, met in that city last week months and years ' ahead as to make unnecessary the and chose Joseph W. Martin, Jr., of Massa~husetts, spending of a grellt .portion of the funds now beSpeaker of the House 9f Repres;ntat,ives, as .permaing authonzed for national ' defense purposes, nent chaifman ,of the OonventJon, and DW1ght H. , Averill Harriman has resigned as Secretary of Gx.een, GoveI11o~' of Dlinois, as temporary chairman 'Commerce to accept appointment as the American to deliver the keynote address. , Room and -ti~ket ~l­ ""roving ambassador" to Europe, under the European lotments :were al~o announced. Ohio ]la8 been given , Recovery Program. Last week the ~esident, anonly 118 first class hotel ,rooms invvh1~b to bopse nounced the appointment of Charles B. Sawyer of 106 delegates and' alte~n~tes, ~s wel\ as' aU Oh!o Cincinnati to succeed H'a rriman ,as Secretary- of officials attending the ConventIon. ~UI other OhI 9 'Commerce. Mr. Sawyer is well and favorably known visitors will be compelled to make their own arthroughout Ohio. He served as Lieute~ant Governor, rangements for rooms in, private residences or was the Democrat candidate for Governor in 1938, apartments in Philadelphia, or in , hotels .in nearby 8'1ld Democratic National Committeeman from Ohio cities. Less than 275 admission tickets to the Confor $evenl years. He also ,represented the United vention Hall will be available for use of all Ohioans. States as Ambassador to Belgium during the ~B!ly Philadelphia is a 'great city, but its ,auditorium is 'yuH of the ~ar.. Be is an a~le la.wyer and ' bu~tness . entirely 'too small ' and tts hotel , ajecommocktIoJ\8 man and his appointment"' will undoubtedly be much. too limited to pr~p.erly eliTe' for either the Repro~pt1y ,confirmed by the S~nate. ' . ' • pUbliban or Democrat National Convre~tion - and Some time 'ago, charges 'Were agaU)st Dr. . both will be hel~ there this year. Edward U. Condon, Duector of the U. S. Bureau of


Sunday Stars


At the TVliit

Uncle Sam 'Sa,Y8 I


a Buckeve

, ,In Congress••• ,

ae,ardle.. ' of 1Vheth~ YOG a ... prove tIIp De",. look ID f.~~, eye". o..e of my mec.,,,, aepbeW8 certablly ... III Ule ,__ with tile


DeW look ID leclII'l~. y~. aOQuln W. klD4 01 i00i' '1'here are two autom •••o p....., Nth


nr8 an4 oODvenlen': 1. U ),0. work" fOl' wagel or, ......,..-joln the PayPlan lor buyiQ I SavlDrs BoDds rea'lilarly.



·roU I


~ Is' tile only Installmen' buylDir piaD. 2. U you're In buableU, . or a professloD, 01' HviDg on . . III-

come-&Ip up a' your bank for tile

Bond-A-Montb ,Plan. , U. S. T"cu'''Y,D'/la,.,fIUfI'

GAZETTE ,CLASSlt 'I~i> , ADS To Buy, Sell, Rent,






. '

To The Voters of 'W arren County: ', On the eve of Ohids 1948 , Primar'y Election, it is worthwhile to remember the value of a free ballot-the cornerstone of' American Democracy, "the liberty we sometimes neglect. May r 'urge you .to vote next Tuesday. ~e­ m'ember, y"our vote is both a privilege 3:nd a duty! " May) call atte,nti0n to the f~ct that a Representative's work intp three principal groups:

IS ' div,ided


I.-THE FINANCIAL PROGRAM OF THE STIrTE. 2.,- CONSTRUCTIVE ,PROPOSITIONS HE WIL~ SUPPoRT. 3.~nroSE PRbPbSITION~ HE WILL NeT SUPPORT. 'In the latter group, there is now appearing on the scene a proposal for l!nic~lmera) (one-house) ' Legislature in Ohio. I 2m ,oppos~d to tWs ' pro'posal. ,I t is easy to pass' needed or urgent ,legislation through both HOuses under our present syste~, Our present sy~tem also provides many' ,stopping , p'laces for Jegis;lation 'not needed. '• '




I ,am alsQ opposed to any 'proposed chaQge where,by e'ach County in Ohio " cannot fiave at least one Representative in the st,ate's General ,Assembly. Any regr()uping of population for representative purposes' proba,oly' WOUld' tie u,s (W~lrren County) with ~ larger county and by so doing , WOo would largely IQ:se our identity. ' , , ' ,


And ,third, I am opposed to a State Inc0n.te' Tax. 'BecilUse "of our huge federal' Hebt, our Federal Government has adequatel~ covered this source of ' revenue. , I consider present income tax rates sufficletltly hjgh ~nd a State Income Tax unwarranted. - ", .


, Agaii1~ on', my record and desirolls of see~ing y.our aPP,roval of my candi- , dacy- ·for reelection. l am respect.ful,ly asking yaur 'support and vote at next''s Republican. Pri~ary. HAROLD .V. MARTZ.


, Republican' Candidate




Harold V.,. 'ariz



, '



Ohio G!neral Assembly MAY,41948



• • •


i-Retention ' of the ten-mill , limitation on Real Estate , taxation. . '2--Continued supp..ort of Aid to Aged, School and Highway pr<;>grams. . ' " 3-Payment of the Ohio Soldiers' Bonus Bonds from surplus revenues as they may accumulate instead of a levy on Real Estate, as approved by voters 'of the State. ' 4-Contimied support of tuberculosis and Bang's Disease programs.


Mr. ancl Mrs. Everett Early and Mr. ana Mrs. Ross Rowland \ visited Mr. and Mrs' l Harold Hamount at Greenfield ' Sunday a week ago. ' Mrs. Susan Saylor of Dayton s~nt the week-end with I , her chlldren~ Mr. and Mrs. Harr . The main topIC of d·iscussion Graham and Mr. 'and Mrs. of Lytle and the community is Henry Saylor and daughters. th'e proposal to alJandon the Roberf Lacy, who was rec:hurch' graveyard, and remove cently dischars-ed ' from' the the .remains to another location. ' Navy i~ visitmg tlls grandA number of peopJe 10 'the vic- mother, Mrs: Emmfa Lacy and inity object to thi ' removal and other relatives here. Mrs. Mae ' Banta spent a believe th,at the foun jers of this couple o"f weeks with her son 'place should be in peace. ,The Fred Rush family is and wife~ Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn quarantined on account of their Banta at Jamestown. ' Mr. and Mrs. sam'lel Nichols son, Jerry, having the scarlet of Cirtcihnati were Sunday fever.

cf'llt 'neW6-



That Click


The Woman's Society of afternoon guests of Mr. and Monday evening, for an extendLytle Church will b entertainMrs. Ralpll Hammond and fam- ed visit. Mrs. Cla{k hadn't seen ed with an all day meetill,g and her brother for 39 years. ily. . covered dish dinner, next W dMr Waite!: Kenrick M , d Mr. and Mrs. Seth Eurnas, nesday May 5 at the home of gue ts bf Mrs. Lidwere dinner Miss Mary Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Edna Burnet. TI1 e worship die oleman at Way' n esville, Mrs'. Walter Kenrick attended will be held bv ', Mrs. service Thursday. , the monthly meeting 'of the HisMrs. Weller HaInes of near . Orpha Clark and the pro~ram torical Society at the Golden Bellbrook and Mr. Paul Turner in charge of Mrs. Helen HarL~rnb at Leban"'nn Monaay eveof , Dayton called on Mrs. Mar.. lan. The hoste:,~ committee innmg. , ,Rev. Josep~ Myers, associate '. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pursley ga ret Johns and Paul Jollns Sat. editor of the Dayton Herald and sons visited the former;s urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith and pastor of the Lytle Church, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pursley near Franklin $unday. were Sunday guests of Mr. and will attend the American Press Mr. Pursley · who has been ill , Mrs. Wills Brown'n~ at Miamis- Institute Semjnar at Columbia ' . University, ' New York City, for 'some time, is now bedfast. burg. Mr. Paul Johns returned to from May 3 rd to t~e 21 st, and with a serious heart ailment. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith the University Of , Cincinnati will be absent from' Lytle celebrated their 53 rd wedding Sunday evening, after spendin~ Church, May 2nd, 9th 16th and ' annive rsa ry with a noon dinner a, two-week vacation, caring for 23rd. Rev. Bernarc.1 ' Baughn of Sunday. The guests were: Mr. his grand - mother, Mrs. Mar- Waynesville will supply , and Mrs. Allen Snuth and ~aret Johns since her return daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Ben from Miami Valley Hospital. Mrs. Johns is· recoverih2' 'nicety . Young and fanlily of Dayton. from a major operation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ChanMr. and Mrs. P. N. Cornell n~l1 (nee Wanaa Clark) re-· visited their brother-in-taw, Joe turned from, a wedd in~ trip a,. McCray, at the flome of his week ago and are now livin~ at dau~hter, in Miamisbur,g on Fri1'32 Park Drive" Dayton. day. Mr. McCray suf, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cloud of fered a stroke last. week and Wing, N. Dak." arrived at the is in a critical condition. home of their brother-in-law and Mr. and Mrs. ,Walter Cla·rk sister Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark. entertained at <1'!nner Sunday 'a week ago in -honor of their II-Coxt, ormlt enter. 38th weddin,g- anniversary. Mr. , and Mrs. Milton Sheehan of Centerville, Mr.--a-nd Mrs. Wil~ nm bur 'Clark and Mr. and Mrs. , DECORATING Junior Clark and son were -• NAY guests. l~cry Day. 0\Ild Health DaY. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR J


1ft .....


Every Job Guaranteed IUILDINGS



F~ee ~timatea cheerfuDy Given




in cbe Ohio lumen will .... JOU braed p&'OCKdoa apiDIt I.... 011- ,our farm. It' CDftII JOUI' buildiDp, JOUr ct..... JOur """OW1~ and JOUr liabiIJ., lOr accideotl to oeben. Wbf DOt . . . _ coda, 1


Yoa . . . . , . ' " ale wIaeD


Ia, . . 0IaI0


t-merlIh ecmtured by lJlled

fMS. t-Co'l umbua dtlco••rl armS..

Jamaica. 149l

·WaynelviUe Office

....~ rtolI tn Chl·

WiD Be ·Closed Until Further Notice

l-CorreQldor falll to JapaMee. J942. wor-..

, ClQQO• •1Blil&-

,..,.i . For Representative To


The General


FredJ. Hagemeyer



' ~SER\lICE ...........!L .. ~

[he comforts of a home for " til !lC who wish to hold services here

STUBBS ~uneral Home


-~ ~ .> ;;-'



-< <






Your Vote an" S~pport Will Be Appreciated


Rep ublican Primary May 4, 1'948 ' -Politica1 Adv.

...... ...,'. '



'X Clyde:B.Simpkins


each morniI1.~ t -5 -afternoons ' except .' Wednesday I 7 ~9 Saturday eve~inR; Other evenin~s by .' App01 nt men t. TELEPHONE 92-R '


Dr. C." E. Wilkin .optometric Eye Specialist 26 South DetrOit Street , ~





The Bond ·A Month Club






£oonty Commissioner


12 Y~s EXperience as Township Trustee-Union Township

~WaYDesJiUe .


~atiO!J31 Back


PRIMARY, MA¥ 4, 1'948 .


-Political Adv. -~












. "t:1



'C .








·E. Ramby

}{. Gons




cu cu







118 141 168 106





'"' CJ 222 513 -171 8658 169 486 162 13218 142 429 143 10771 179 466 155 1247~ 173 . 45'7 152 12422 5974 885 2351 1 5.7















149 58 163 81 146 74 150 . 83 150 83 149 41 151

---SSf--- ------ --- .. unner OhIO S~S 9 693



As c ' _ TOLD _ _ BV711 'm m CONSERVATION ____ _




i .





~ 1~"N MlTHOD







DON'T WAIT To Protect

.Hibi1cus, Sweet William.


C-'rYsanthemulDI EDNA ST. JOHN Across .from Texaco


For Oat... Phon. 2894. WaY"Hvi II •• . Ohio. Rev.r.. Chara ..

Your Winter Oothing Have It Cleaned NOW .And Placed in MOTHPROOF ·BAGS

Applications for sum-. mer Bud faU ' stB] being accepted. ' . StenoCjraphic ..

Secretarial .




A .counting

Machines Typing




,MIAMI-JACOBS ~ COL'LEGE ' 2nd" Ludlow


Order Next Winter's


G. l. Approved Call or wrhe for' Free catalog. No obligntion~


Same De.livery Day Each W·e.ek . .


LEBANON Phone 21 . .


Frank SibCy Representative



WaynesVille Fal'iners : ' Exchange Co. PHONE 2371


To Buy~ ' Sell, Trade ·Rent, Borrow~ USE


He Stands t.or Stassen







173 157 146 119 178

V. l1i1l




C. Palmer O. Rose I. Mulford

~ 0




well; Vice-President, Henry J. hufelt' Se retar - Treasurer, I' Robert' W: Cole; O'ele~ate, James E, Meals, ~ I "The club h~s waged an a~~~. gres ive campaign and, at tl,lIS 1- date, . the rnembe~s are . ~onfld­ ent that the ir candidate 'yl,\~ pull an up.-set in the "rock-rib R,epublican 7th Congres i~l1a~ DI,': trict since the 7th Dlstnct IS largely rural ana ince the farm people of Wisconsin ~nd Ne. braska saw fit to esta1JllSh Sta~­ sen as their man due to ~lS hone~ty . in his treatment With farm policies. "It is expected that Ui~ farmers of Ohio will follow SUlt. . "Headquarters for the club IS in Room 202, B~ncroft Hotel, . Springfield. . "Runnin~ with me for delegate is Lloyd J. ~an, lif~-long resident of Marysville, OhIO;, an established busmessman, bem.l~ district manas-er ~f one 9f their ' coal companies; IS marn~d; 38 years old and has two, children. '. , "Alternate for Wallls 'Warren L. Weidner a veteran of 1st Pictured here iis James E: infantry Division; grad.uate, of Meals, 30-year-old Springfield Ohio Northern Umverslty; attorney and veteran of 52 , coach at Marysville high school; . months in the Army. who is one is married' age is 28. ., of the two persons running for "The other alte'rnate is Wm. dele~ate to the Republican conE. Bailey,-Attorney 38, married; vention pledgea t~)o ' help nominate Harold E. Stassen, former a veteran of World War II, havj governor of Minnesqta. His let- ing served with Stassen in Halter on the Seventh District Stas- s'ey's 3rd Fleet." sen campaign follows: "The Clark County Division FIRE RULES HALT of the "Stassen f.or President GOODWILL INDtJSTRIES . club" was orga,n1zed in the 7th PAPER COLLECTIO~S . Congressional DistrIct approximately one month ago in my ofGoodwill Intlllstries trucks fice. . after May 7 cannot pick up newspapers, m'agazi~es ~n.a "The orgaJ)ization was for- . .waste paper of any .kmd. 1 hIS ' ~ifd not to embaqa~s or show is in compliance With a recomdisrespect for OhlO s Sena!or menctatlon m,ade ~y the Day.Taft, ,but ~ecause the ~roup sm- ton Fire Department, which said cerely bebeved th~lt. Harold E. '. A severe fire hazard is created Stassen had a suple nor .general b the collection of waste pabackground, anl1 was thema!1 p~rs1n the Goodwill building." that the p~ople w?uld ele~t If . ' Other reasons given were the ~epubllcan Pal ty saw fit to no fire hazard should be pernll~~ no~ma!e him. . ' . ted in a bui1din~ where handl... Offlcer~ were dected. at the capped eople are working and mlbal I!leetmg as .follows. that an. mdustrial process should President Edwa.rd V. Gre- not. be mixed with a salvage op-

FOR SEASON Won Lost 5 3 31 1 st Wa nesville 50 34· _nd Amer. Legion 48 36 3 rd Tommy's Place 43 41 4th Good House. 42 42 5 th Henderson ~r,os. 39 45 6th Handigas 38 46 .7th" Columbia Rec. 23 6 1 Rth Eagles

eration. This order is irrevocable unless a separate 6undin~ is 'provided for papers and magazines. According to Watkins, no se- · par~te bu'ildin,g' i,s a,:allab1.e ,vor adVisable at thIS tllnt.e. ( So after May 7, truck drivers will not be allowed under any cir- .. ·cumstance tu load papers and magazi~es.'" WatKins said. TRI-COUNTY. LEGION BASEBALL CLUB HERE T6 HAVE WARM-UP GAME The American ' Legion baseball team is fast rounding into shape with its schedule of two work outs a week. Practices are on Fridays at 5 :.3 0 and Sund~ys at 2 :30 at the . WayneSVille Hi~h School diamond with manager Bob O'Regan and Coach Bill Sawyer holding the reins. Over 20 .boys saw actiol1 in last Sunday's battin~ and haserunnin{,Y practice. Although only Waynesville bpys have tl!rned out to date, O'Regan pomted out that candidates fr9m other nearby corrimun1ttes, such as Lytle, H~rveysburg, Sprin~ V~l­ ley, Springboro and Or~g~nt~, are welcome. The a O'e IJnut 15 17. years as of January 1, ..194 8 which means that a boy, bprn . prior to January 1, 1931 IS no~ . eligible. '. . This Sunday followmg~ the usual hatting cage. session th\,.i " first practice game or .t~e season will be conducted with , the two ' managers dividin,e: the club for an intra-squad gam'e of several innin~s. .' Bob 0 Regan attendert 'another meet at Whites ~itchen, Centerville, Monday evening at . which time the lea~ue was officiaJly titled the ·rTl-C~nty .league as Warren, Gre<;n~ anl1 MontgoJ11~ry ' teams comprise !!.:. Other members m the tea~ue which will play a 1o-game season, starting June 6, are CentervtUe, Bellbrook, Southern Hills, Lebanon and Sp.l'ing Valle'y: EASTERN TEAMS INVADE CINCINNATI ' NEXT WEEK While it may be a misnomer to use the term "crucial" at such :1n early date 'in the s~a­ on that's about· what the CI.llcinl)ati Reds are facing next week. . Oil Monday, May 3, . the New York Giants brini , their powerful homle-rtln offensive to town for the season's 'init~1 night game. . , The Reds meet the Giants aKain 011 Wednesday in the season's second Lat11es" Day game . . On Tlll.~rsday, ' B.Hr Southworth - brings his Boston Braves in for . s\ngle game the ne:xt tht'ee days and the P.hillies follow on May 9, with thesecona Sunday double-header of the year, and May 11, The followin,g day the Dod,gers hit town for a night game Wednesd~y and an af~er­ noon contest Thursday. Th~ Heds' . downtown ticket office · at · 3 7 Vine Street, is accepting .orders by m,ail for all games through the early-M,ay home stand . . ·The offidal 40page souvenir ~~iok can also he order d from that office for 50 cents. I


H. F. Dye

(ttt) 429








by Highway Director Earl l. Reeb. Re~ue~ts for these fr e maps should be addresse<l to the Ohio Department oJ Highways, State .office Buildin.~, Columbu "

OFFICIAL OHIO ROAD -MAP AVAILABLE NOW, r I , . Ne\v ~ 1948 OhT.o roa.d map ', Guests of Carl G. Smith in With thirteen new scentc views the past week were his parent, and downtown maps of prin- , Mr. and Mrs. ,Julian F. Smith of cipal .cities, are now available Hyattsville, Md., and his ister ' to the pubhc. it was announce d Celia.

, ' AT THE "Friendly ' Store"



"Hard-To~Get'" Items 9]1; 12 WOOL RUGS , 9 x 12 FELT BASE,RUGS r



LAMPS, (Floor and 'rable) STUDIO COUCHES (Fully SpriDI Filled)


BAl(,ER MR. , ANDER'S Thes ' four persons at e pledged to support " Senator Robed Taft if the , Seventh Dlstric;t , elects them as its delegates and alternates t b the Republican Nation,al , Convention at Philadelphia. From left to right they are M~ss MRS. HAWKE IS HOSTESS ' TO NEW 'CENTURY CLUB ' ~ Mrs. C. Lee Hawke was host-, ess to the New Ce'ntury Club on h G Friday afternoon at t e reen Room, A dessert course was served. Following 'the business sessi'on, over which the president, Mrs: Glenn Sorclen, presiped, Mrs. J. H. Sackett and Mrs. Rice: Snapp were i,n cnarge of the program. Mrs. Paul Torp1insoOl


g~ve a brief talk on her recent visit to the Eden Park Conserva-

when. ~lel:tion of.. o,fficers for the carnine' year wnt be held. tory: , _ ---The ,g-uest speaker, Rev. J. ' Mrs. R, E. .Asbury was in Taylor McHenclry of the Leb- Dayton on Tuesday att nding anon Presbyterian Church was , the Spring Conced given by the introduced, with the "Ele~enth Dayton Music Club at the Biltd tl' h' C amman men. as IS subject: more Hotel, Mrs. H. R Hecht, .The club adjourned ·to m et Mrs. Asbury's sister was a mem .. With Mrs., S. S. ~I1is in May, - ber' of the Women/s chorus.




Margaret E:, Baker -of Springfield and' Forre~ t Ande r~ of Washington C.. H., both running for d~legate ,; ty\rs. Lillian Seatley and H., H. Crabbe, " " oth runnmg .fo,r alternate. '



"FIGHr CANe•• " ••• ,

, "Complete Home Furaishers"

HOME FURNITURE XENIA Phone CO OHI0 912R • "East Main Street at WhitemaD"




. . Represent!ng . Westheimer & Company Member Nc!w York Stock Exchan .~es and other registered Exchange~ Investment Trust, Sbares . Bought - SOld .. Quoted Phone Waynesville 2530 Dayton 1\03257

TrUe wordl~ Not when' you Icnow the .raglc fac.. of which these words are lum <and .ub~ stance. Las' 'year m.ore than 188,.900 Amtricans died of cancer-rich and poor, yount and old - one 'hree minu,es. Research and education are our most po'ent weapons In the WQr on cancer. Your contribution II needed to carry on .he ftgh •.- to wipe out cancer - to luard your.elf and ' your love'd one. from tMI dread dil~as~.



~-.-------,IA-Ula... rzan .and

the Huntress




Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated




'EDWAlD ",. SMAll ,. ,



TOUGH I , , 'EN511 TERRIFICI ..... 'RU~I ".,rI"I '




MARCH '1948 '

Rep,ubli£an Primary May 4, 1948


-folitical Adv.


------ -----






THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE 12 WAVNESVILl:.E, OHIO No. 4388 TH URoSDIAY, APR It. ,29, 1948 Columbus, Ohio" ApI'il 1.7, 1~ ~THR1" "E" MARKET , UNIT PRICE 'CON~RACT ~ECTION CHANGES OWNERSHIP Sealed proposals will be l'eceived at ,the Office of lih e' 'State Highway IN :HARVEYSBURG Director' of Ohlo, at Columbus. Oh.lo, until 10:00 A. M" Ohio Stalld~d Time, ' I : ~j CL'A&8IFIED AD RATES tlARVEYSBURG Mr. Tuesday, ~ay 11, 1948, for Improvements , In: , " ' 16 PER WORD MINIMUM-i5c and Mrs. Eve,rett George (Proposals Nos, 1 to 7 Inclus iv ~ a re offered as ODe project, and wUl . have 'sold thejr interest in be award,ed a.s one, contract.) the Thrift HE"' Market on REAL ESTATE , . , (527 ' • PROPOSAL No.1 . Main Street, .to Lo'uis L. Greene COI,l Oty, OhJO" , on Sections 2.30 and 6.90, State Route No. 72, in ' DON~T FORGET~ T O CALL and' Mabel' Jordan, of near CARDS OF THANKS Jefferson and Snve~ Creek TownshipS, ,by applytng a bHuminollS treatus for Insurance. All types of Xenia. The Jordans assurnment, Item 'I'-al. \ '''1 h ' express/ouf tn.any Pavement: Width 18 feet. 'ed ownership Friday, April Insurance at a savings. Call . t ur frien1s and .neigh:thank23. Francis Gene Brpwo, phone Length' 25,:713.6 ieet. or 4.87 , miles. 'f r th ir , acts of kindness The Thrift "E" Market PROPOSAL No. 2 Waynes,ville ' 29,35 .or ,' call . mpath . shBwn us dU,riJ.1g Greene County, Oh_o, on l3ecUons 0.00 and (1.73. ~.89, 2.09, 2,29 Bowerslocated on the first floor of collect. Wilmin~ton ,2 t 11. ' th " I kne s ' ana , loss of Qur vUle ) ' State Route No. 72, in Jefferson Township, by applying a 'bitthe , Masonic' Temple has , husband and father Clat~nce H. uminous treatment, Item T-32. been popular with ,many Real Eatate For 5.1_ Edwards. 'We also :\Vish to,thank p,avement: , Width 18' teet, 9,13-4,4 teet. ' people fq[ several years. , Width 18 ,f e,e t,' L ength 3.0M.S ' Dr. A. D. Harvey and Dr. Earl LOT 50·x '150. Phone 2691 Jord~ns are. very anx- ", The , Total l~nrgbh 12,144 feet or 2.30 miles. se rvices, C. Wright for 'their' w. McKeever, Third St. -56 ious to meet :all of you in .1. . . ..,' ' .....,.. . " PROPOS~L No. 3~ the , Stubbs Funeral Home 'for this ' v icinity and extend to 'lIP: YOU HAW A PR9~TY o~ 'their sery iees,-: ~n(1 Rev. R. B. ' Cllnlto.n 'Gounty, .ohi(), on ,Sectton ,0.117' (Part), State Route, No. ' 380, In you a cordial,,invitation to P~ TO B~ 0811- or Write Colema;n for ' bis consolmg Ohester To'wns~ip, lb y applying a bituminous treatment, Item T-32. , " t· , on: them. , ' call Pavement: Width 18- feet, Length 11,827.2 feet. ' Don Henderson, Tel KEU46. 611 words and the" pallbearers. will feature a comThey Width 16fee;t, Length 19,968.4 feet. ' ~ln Ave.,.D&ytOn. 01110. tf~ Myrtle and ReQa Edwards, plete selection , of Ea vey , ' , Total 81,785. 6 feet or G.O! mlles~ , --429 products fresh ftuits, meats .... ~ROPOSAl:. No.4 , FOR RENTand v getables, MaIers We wish to sincerely , thank CHnton County, OhiO, Sectlon 4.14 (Pat:t) and 9.36, SUnte Route No. 73tl, THREE room apartrnent1 fur- all of our fine neighbors an'd In Union, ..\dams arid Verno,n Townships, by applying fl: 'b ltumlnoul'l Dairy products popular ' ,nished. Fallis F, ' Paine, Waynes. friends as well as the Wa yneso treatment, Item 'T-32. ,brands of bread and other ' 'wtdrth 18 teet. ," -429 ville Fire, Company ,and ,the .P a vement: ville, Ohio. itellliS that yeu have come Lengjth' 25,344 feet or 4.80 miles. " from a modern to expect Fi~e (Lomp"ny for Spring, Valley :, WANTED ,T O RENT- ' " P,ROPOSAL No.6 '. .' g-rocery. , \; their gracious, help in Our recent , CI.l nton Couhty, Ohio, Section '" 7.99 (Part), State Route l'fo.360, lQ Wash • . troubfe. -, , An outstandin~ feat\Jf , 'IngtOh To,w nahIp, bY ,ll lpplylng a bituminous treatment; Item T-32. We feel .only fortunate in Pavement: ' Widt h .6 feet. they hope 'that will please having such willing and. able ' you is the line of frozen Le~h 16,948.8 feet or 3.~i miles. help., ' fruits and ve~etabl~s they PROPOSAL No.6 ' Mr. 'and Mrs. Dick A. Irelan Clinton County, Ohio, Section 0.00 (Part), Stata Route No . .134, In Clark plan to haye m stock very FOR SALE- . Township, Iby applytnl~ a bltuminou~ , treatment, 'Item' T-31'. ' soon. , HELP 'W ANTED FEMALE Pavement: :WIdth 18 t'eet. WhH,e you are in HarLength 29,().92.n feelt or 5.61 miles. veysburg next time' please COAL Ran~e, $5!J ,afld outsicie WANTED - , WorkiIHt ho~eo, PROPOSAU No: ., , " don 't fail to stop ·in at the ' 3~seat tOilet, wIred 'fot electkeeper to cook, serve, table , County, OhiO, Section 9.74 , (Part), State Route No. 123, in Salem "Thrift" IE" Mark~t" you'll , , 'riqHY1 $25. J. 'W. McKeever) and , dealt downstairs. Must ''I'ownship; by applYin8~ a, bituminous tre~~me.nt, Item '1'-31. , ' ' --:....50 , Thira st,. like the Jordan's ' selection ~ vemerllt. Width 18 fE~et. ' have ' ' pleasant personality, of groceries ana you'll like Le~h ~4,784 ' (eet ()r 2.80 mU~s. : high ' standard ,o f cleanliness FOR SALE - 1 Hamp~hire the Jordan's hospitality. "total Estimated COElt •• , .•.•...•.......••..•.......• ; ...... $56.931.80 and be personally neat. sow wif,h 7 pigS, 5 weeks (Advertisement) " .r oposals Nos. 1 to 7 inclusive of this project to be completed not later be capable of assum . . than Should old;- 1 gilt with 6 , pigs, 3 September 1, 1948. ' ing responsibility" be free to weeks old; 1 extra good cow, 'l'he minimum W&ge to be paid to all talbot" employed on this ' oontract travel in summ'er. Country . T. 13. and, Bangs Tested, to sh&ll b,e In, accordan,ce with the "Schedule -ot P,revamng Hourly' Wa.g.. location jn family with childfreshen in a few days. Everett , ren arid dogs. 'Pleasant private ' Rates Ascerbtlned an,d Determined :by. Th~ De~artme~t of lridu8~lat L. ~ars, 1, mile west of Rela,tlons appll~ble to S~~e ~1ghway ~wrtmenlt Improvements ,In. ro~:ml ;and "path , furmshed. Waynesville on- Route 7lJ . .cco,rdance with," SepUons ',17-3. 17-4, 17-(oal 17-5 ~nd 1'7,.6& ' of the Character referencEs ' 'require .... PflOne ,2242, "'~29 Genera.l Code of Ohlb." " • fed. 'Sa'tary ~150.vo. ' Write The '/bIdder' must' submit wltb\ hts' bid a. cerU~le<l chectC In an· amount TWO. Registered " Harnp'shite ' giving' reference~~ 'brief , per. • e,qu/Ll to, five per 'Oe-Dtt of, the eattm.a.lted COIit. ;but in nO' event r;nore that! , boars, 'one ' year ol.d. Eldon sonal history aml, avaiHibility ' ten thousand, dollars. ' . R~ tallick, .Route 1. Rt. 73, 2lh for interview to MFS. fk W . . Plans apd specifications' are on file In t;he ' d epartment, of hlghJl1'iles East of Waynesville. Nichols, .!I r., c/o ,Fox Paper ' ~ays and the office of ,the resident district deputy ~Ireotor. -429 :Co.,' .Lockland {CihtiL, Ohio. The director res~rves the' right to reject any and all bids, -'-'---- - -- - ~- -5-6 EARL L. REEB NEW IX aURNER BolttedSt8.te HIghway Dlr~ctol' , Gas ,Galoric range. Phon ~ ~01"ICE ' OF APPOINTMENT 24'04; F. E. : ' !lOmaS, ,Miam'i of, Norvil E. Lanca~ster late 'of 2( hours every day , 7 dpya ev ry ~4 ... 9 Estate 'of Clarence , H. Ed- Warren County~ Ohiio, deceased: $treet. ' weel<. never stopping, the kidney., filter Mrs. us~ell Martin Cttt) 429 w~ ~e mptter f tom t he blood. Dated this 13th, day 'of April . 'I : WIRE CORN CRIB, Aluminum wards ~ec~ased. . If /'II ors people were awalle of how the , roof Holds 700 , bushels Notice IS hereby gIven t lat 1948~ kidn eys must constantly remove lur. plus fluId. exceu acid.. and ot her Wl\8te " tIl' k Rt . Myrtle B. Edwards \"hose Post H. Z. Gray, ,Atty. , matter that canno IIt oy in the blQod WANTED $1 ,65 .. EJdon Re a IC, '.1, Office Address IS Waynesville, Ralph H. Carey '. without injury t o QMl t h; there would 21h l1J 1{les East of WaynesvIlle Ohi'o RI 2 has been dNly ap-' be better under8t,\'llding of whfl the , ' DB~D STOCK Judge of Ute ~robate Court w h lo,system ltJ ·upset wh n .k :ullcya f.iI on 73. -429 .. pointed a,S Ad'ministratrix- of the to (up.c tion properly" ' ' Warrent County, ,Onto , COWS-$10..00 • Burnln\!; SCllJIty or too lrl'qucnt ur.l na.' .. 1937 'BUICK Sedan; Complete- Estate of CIa'rence H. Edw~rcts tion ' ~omQtimes warnll thlii. uomethJDI HORSES-$8.00 ~ Is .,.,rong. You may lI~rr nnJ:zlng b ack- : ' ly rebuilt m'btor, s~e All at late of Warren County, Phio, ache, b eadaeh~s. d~:.:i n el!S , rbeum~tfc HOG.s..-$3.75 cwt. decea$ed. , -::- . Hyman 's. Phone ' 268f. .~"iI\,'l . i( lting up at nigh t., swelliDr, Accor"llJ~ to 111r• • Condition '\\Il\Y n ot t ry Doqn', pm.? You wtU -429 Dated this '24nd day of April be u t l(l C n medicine recQmmenaed the ' AIao, All SMALL STOCK ' coun t ry over. D9an·. stirn'l.!..te t he fune--.......---"'"---~:-:-:---:--:-1 948. ' tion of tlle kidney.. and h~lp them 'to REMOVED PROMPTLY' flush. out poisonous waste from ' the' Phone ' ' , .. G~v';~~~~l. ~j~j~te foal:egis\~~ Ma~~1p~ M~~1:ey~ttys. .. __~ blood. They -coqtalll-1lothialC IlatIDfui. Get .Doan·, today. Use with confldelloe. At all 'd rug' stor,eII. $35. Eldon ' Reta.\Iick" , Rt .. t, J-udge of the Probate Court, KEN'IA' WILMINGTO~ 2 % miles East of Waynesville Wal'ren County, Ohio ',,' , ~..,.. , 1712 2362 " on Rt. 73~ : -429 ' -5,13 :'






LAUNDRYl.AUNDRY to do in my hom~. Also curtains stretched, 40c ' -a pa,ir; Quick service. Pho~e 2986. ' -429r PAPER HA.NGING-, Call at Alva Allen's in Corwin. J. H. Rainey.






' "






Start 'chicks 'oow-'have early fryers-the:}' will be in : bi~ , demand. Sta rte d s~xed ' cO'ckerel chicks now available. " ,,' . 'DUNHAM WHITE ROCKS , Phone Waynel~lIe 2916 WANTED TO BUY~ GOOD SHORT "blue-g,rass sod. Gene Dunn, 509 Wyom(n,g, t.. Dayton. Call 'F Ulton ' 5735. ' . , ' -5-20

Wq~J\y.:~ FOR



NORRIS ' BROC'K C:OMPANV . ' ~ 1.u Est,ate of' Norvil .E. 'Lancas,t er CInolnnati Unio.n 81:ock. Vards Live Wir,cand P.f'OQlr ' ••'v" An ' deceased. , orPllnizatlon .econd to no"•. , ' Notice is' hereby given thatstr,otlv '. ener. Ok" th,e bethat around maret n •' W.1'll',lam F. F-9x an d T .Z. G r·ay' , all country. whose Post Office Addresses ar~ ' &:ERVICE THAT "'iATliFIEfr' WlHIO Dayton 12: 50 E . S. • Centerville OhIo and Lebanon Ohio have 'been duly appointed ' " W!'-1013~iai 700~': 8~Clr:.Ti~ ,as Administrators of the Estate, -Mark~t ReDort.· ,

$9.00 COWS$llOO


$4,00 Cwt.

TRACTQR WORK Wanted, any kiftd. M. L. Fields; Route 3 Waynesvtlle .... ·'-56 , FARM LQANS4 PER CENT Farm Loans Easy Terms ' call George Henkle Phone 2 Lebanon t --513



Rft..... Char...

LC-B........... "

X-i. O.


i.BBANON, ofnee 'UK




.... ......




By Smitty Coming events cast their shadows , .. , , The ' peculiar roar ,of jet ,planes 'from Wright Field' is getting ~o mmon , over Wayn€5ville, thou'gh one has to De ' quick in order to see' one. The' radio ~l!-ch da y tells some new ' srep toward ' t~e 'enacting. of ' a " draft, law~ Tbe Rus~ans 'are on every fiortt , pag~ . " , In the IT.Jidst of It ,a.ll, Miamis-

Furnas F'inishes Fifth 'in County With 658 I


bur~putsonacostl'ydisplayto ,acquaint : the publIc ' with the

. ';,


~~~~~~'~~ . ~~~~~~~~~~




FtV·E CENT S A COpy · T'HUR S'OAY., MAY 6,' 1948 ·


f!~i:e~fk::::f~~~e!~:~~o!i·· MI-am''Ie

,of "the crowd were workers af"



G '

'aze'tte to M'o~'ivet. tleoo'n.


v:'a,!ne Tow,nship 'Rep uQllcan vot rs gave an ove rwh Iming maJonty' to theIr own candidqte for coun,ty commi ioner, Robe rt Furn'as, but ·otherwise foll \v d the county-wide trends in last Tue day's primary balloting. '" " , The, cO.rtt st freo n vent iOl} delegates between 'faft and Stas" se,n ,was nearly a tie in thi to\ t) hip, with· twb Stassen delegates 9'ettm . 133 anrd '1:31 vo~~s While two Ta~t delegates 'ot 132 and 124. For delegat -at-Jar the .lone tassen, man oIled 1'6 3 while ,the I'eading Taft man 'polled 179. ' ' Following are the pr cind votes itl Wayn Town hip f' r maj r contested offices: · , FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE Waynesyil1 ~(lyn esv. i1l e Twp. 17wp. T\ p. ' total, , North ,' South , East NW SW Hagemeyer 56 . ' 54 : 45' 46 19 220 Martz . , 25 , t' 5 ' 17 2~ 9 8a

, the new at.omic research cente r FOR PROSECUTING ATfO RNE Y in Miamisburg,' '{Jut most of , Young " 66 51 65 S6 17 ' , 255 them1 w'ere just CUriOUS about Nbaec herli ,2 , 27 16 2S this new~and a little fearf ul16 11' FOll COMMISSIONER fhiAR: ~hat is commg to ,this part of OhIO. Furna 4, 69 8'3 ' ----... 70 34 begin eviction proceedings, Nixon . The' dis'p'l~y~, ,within ·-the ' , Th.e. Miami Gazette will 1)10ve, to "Rem 22 1 23 16 7 odelin .e: of tbe buil'dirig" , Earnhart 'llml~s ,of mIlitary seerecy, laId lt~ off,lce an,d., equIpment < 29 10 ,6 to a 12 was the reas, o 1 n given for' the where uranium comes ~ from ' different ,lo.catlOn this month for ' evicti ure ' 15. 1S on by Fallis Paine McCl 10 11 4 how it is treate (t to produG~ ..the fir~t time in. about 40 years. Barr . son 17 of Mrs. 12 , ,Scan 5 lon, 5 to wh0n1 7 40 plut0rtiurn~ how workers. are, " . A prefabrica:t el buildin,p'" she has.turned Over the hlanag- WPlkens , 14 7 1 9 protected' frol1\ radiation how will ~e er.ected e~mste' 45' the rear of inl!' of,the prope r-ry, Ji expla'!n- Simpkins 241 radiation is detecteC1 and how the lot befween the Lenno 6 t:3 fur- ed that the major i,teme o{ ie- Ullum.. , 2 ' 1 it" can be used for peace ; The' nace store .and the ' Hawkex bar0 3 2 , modeling will ~e a s~airway Hines " ·show left the , averag:e visitor ber ,shop: Facing ,o n the alley lea' 5 - 1 2 0 1 1 , dlnR' from MaIO Street to the muttering, ,I'What Next '" DELE GATE ' between Main and ' Water apartn:Ient AT' LARGE over building. No Brick er stre.ets, it will "~ ' readil y ac- fllture tenant ofthe· the structure is (For Taft) , Mjanlisburl!' got its start ca- cesslble frollJ , 43 42 end of Miami known yet. 37 46 11 179 r tering to ' canaler.5. shipping on .Street, and, it the Mar-s hall is hoped that a The Gazette·s' new location, t'he' Miami an<1 erte 'c anal. passagewav from , Main Street ' will have a concrete floor an'" (For Sta sen) • 33 ' 47 34 0 19 ' Water power from the cana1 will be available. 163 ' walls of 's,eel panetS GOV wtth celo- " , ERNOR . (D,EMOCRAT) stimulated milling: in Miam~s- , The move haa been ~n the tex 14 15 1.4 " 15" ' burg, teo and ,the products planning sta'ge for So~ time, will, insulation., The outer walts Lausch~ 12 4 could be shipped 'out, cheaplv by but urgency was glyen to it. this a~d be painted a light color : Miller 2 2 0 ' t!1e ·y-shapea steel roof Cox can~. The ~wn became ' ~ weekwhenM~.SUDnSca~on, ~ wdl be 1 2 0' 0 of a da~ co~r~tlnr ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ center of machine , work landlord of toe ~~~~~ . now color. The date g wih




~~~~--~~.,~~~~~~~ij~~~"~~"~ ~~.~~~~~~ .fOJ, red several toy rac. . lorles. "

School B.oaru, A

flREH OUSE ' RENO VATI ON Miamisburg, somewhat tO' its ,J t' , sun)rise, was sel~cte.d rec'entty , WilL BE DiSCUSSED CS for . the M'oun(1 Laboratory . O ' T " A joint meeting ,ot the town which the Monsa1\~o--enemjc;al D ' counc il a d the Wayne' TownCO,mp,any \\ ill opeate 'for the ' " ship trus tees wilt be held at 7 :30 ' AtomiC Energy Commission" -r:he new pIa.ot is on top (;)f GAHRIS,. ;. HARPER, FOX- p. m. Satur day in the firehouse to a ' high shale hdl overlooking BOW ER, ANDERSON, discus~ plans Tor e~J!>andine' KER- that g to hold the new ~iamjsburg and .iust acros's the SEl' AND PAINE GET lWO - $8.,00buildiU 0 fire truck which i to hlgh,way from tne MiamisbuJi' YEAR CONTRACT OFFERS be delivered !in 60 days, Mound, hlghest apd steepest Of ~he old 'ea1'thworks in 'Ohio The ,Wayne , Township You can still oliniO. to the crow'~ chool BO'ard voted 'unanimQusnest . on top of the Mdund but ly ,Monday night "to extend two. a. sign warns ' agam st ' ta,king yea:r c b ntr~cts to:, six teach ers pJctl!res. now ser,ving on a one-:year basis~ " anJl to . hir.e two , As POl' 'Tl}e E.victicin of the teachers for 1948- 4'9. Three~ew va. s s t'll Ga,e zett.e' " . 0n th e The following cast of• 'characcancJe I remam THE LAW: The HOi:l~ and staff. ' ' ' _ . ters has been announced of '1948 says- thaI a ,The Two-year,contraCts went senio~ play to ,tl.e .glyenforth next t .rl~nt '.can!lot 1J~ evicted,Jrom to Don' 'G.ahris; Ray Mar- W~dn~sday evening at Waynes-' ,~IS- ],l OJne I~ less' t!ta'n 60 ,<:1a~ ' 'per~ Miss Florence M.V. Fox" , Ifhe lias P~I~ the, rent .~nd does " bow~r, Miss Mary A. Anderson, ville HighvSchool: " porot h Ra~(Jolph, Patsy " not 'create a , nulsa,nco, eJecept Miss ota W. Io.'ersey,' and' Mrs, Baud ~ '. ; ceBOtdob; Mac:o~, ." Witb. ur Fred J.Ha Floren --ye r or, ... ',.. e S e II OWhlg MarvID . reason D ·· 'E• y oung k s, : , th ", ., ,.. f , 0---Lucille PaiQe, ' '",' f 11 ' ; y u Ivan, IC :: ' -:-::-.::':::-".~::=:::-::-,,"""""-..7'----~-. , ,."a. If a landlo~d or 'a mefi'." -~~..........-:~~--, A new the primary Graham; lucy Rand;o!ph, Fayi "RUU :S INTERPRE"rATtON', b~r of his immediate' family , gr~(j'es will be Miss Joyce Foote FA~MER~ GRANGE HOtD S , Creec h; Jame s ~ando lph, 'Earl MEE T, AGAI N , Wishes to OCCUpy the quarters. S~~ ED 0, BLIGATfOu FOR. TW of Blanchester, who "IS due to Rye i, T.~d Ran.dolph, Bob Sber- . ,0 ' , ."b. , If . the t~rl(tlord has con.. . comp lete ;her ,trainl'ng 'at. Miami . wooq; Clalabelle , . ,Jackson, " The Ol" ' ~ayriesvil1e ,Softb.all, " Farmer's,Grange ' No. 'tt3 'held . ~racted to . sell tJte place to a t1nivers,ity in ' Oxford this ' Phylli s Bailey; Fanny Green, Lea;g~ will conduct Ih: 'purchas~r ' for his . i~mediate sRr,ing. . , i is regtll~r l11eeUn,~ on r" Satur_ ... ' Norma Longa i' ..yudrey Nel- rules mtetp'retatlon meet:mthl'f.d person~I , occupancy. ' ~ at day ,evemng, wi·th the, ob\iga; Samuel E. Russel1 - of Route son, Phyllis ' cre Burnett i Janet the local ~Igh s~bool tOD1~ht -at tion , '~c.,1f' the l~ndlof(.1 wi'shes' to' 2, Lebanon, was hired as' yoca- Reed, being Kiven .to ,two candi- , de"\ohsh the structure or fo at- tiol)al agriculture.instructor for, B1ood y,vonne Stuebs,; ' 'c. 8 P, ~. w11t1 Clarence ~enzl~~, dates. F0UoWing trle business ho\.(nd a'ailey, , D~ilny veteran Da~ton m session a t~r It s':1bsj,antiall~t under spec- ve,terans, ~ffeotive June 1, ~t:l. ' hH~rtsock; fine program \ya~ en~ and· . Isaaore, Elsen ~ ~~arge. , A busl\1ess meetll:tg ~or Joyed, with Ifle,~ ,conditaons. ' '~ der a federal program. Wilhelmma Braqelmer, Oene Sben~e ... "" .." softball mana~ers,.only Will ~ol- dock d. If t.he landlord seeks to , ,Five othef . teach~~s" includ· g-ivinl r a piano, solo, a The, play" en~itIed . Flxm ~ow the r~les m:eetm2' accordl!1.e: , poe~ wift1draw the ,pl~ce from " the , .ing Supt. Raymona,' W. Br.a~~~ Aunt " Moth~r ·' by' M'rs. Ha;old ren~a1. ma.rket (SUCh accommo:.. ,. dock) are .on conttnulng c'On- by Mrs,Fanny., Will be . dlreoted , 1~<? Bob a ~e§an, leag:ue ~resld- WhItaker,. two vocal solos ' by Pauhne Ba~d. ' '~nt, who f~rt er announceti that .Mr. Earl Earnharf, 'accom , dattlQdPs) "cannot' there,after , b~ ,tracts; a"nd two mlore are ur;td- T panied PSON'S S'ELL H""ME· ~)n Thursday" M.~y. 13 , the .194? b v Mrs. 'Gilbe ren e . . er. \ong-~erm . contracts whIch ' HOM rt Prye, ' readin , ' . . , ~. ~orld Series , pictures , Will, tie, . ',fSpring" by MfS, Ernest Butter-g ]n paragraph. C, note the words ' have not expired. , TO MOVE TO DAYTON screened throllgb, th~ courtesfi worth ,and "su~s!anliatJy':. and , '" C'uqd'er g with another ' ' , M,r. an. d M ., rs. Alva ThOmfson ~I' thb e Of ayton .IndIan s B3,seba I vocal , selectclOSin specl.f1ed condihol,1.," .,The irst" NO sUMM ion Dy Mr EarnER MATINEE "' m~ans the<.1ellng rnust' be .-! u 0 the aev~lan~, Amer- ' hart. . ~~1d " their ' h ome on Main S reet ~can Leagu e org,anlZ.abo,n.' Last , thoroug.h ~ not 'j\lst papering' , Sunday matinees have been f Mrs. Eve rett Early told'o1 the Mr. ~nd pa!ntil'lg. They ' tell me ' a' discontinued 'at the Twin Thea- Mh. Charles Burnett, Mr{ and . ~"eek the lc>caro~g~mzatlon Was , program planned for ·the mee:Thompson are 19aned two tramm'g baseball mg on May 15 ,when Mr E new staltway. is plattned, tre for the .summer seasorn y locate in ~aYton. , expec"ting to films, by the Dayton Club. The second phrase, "under , error this was nOl announced , ' Car~onv .of SprIngfield witt , ' , specified conditions"·," means last \veek ttlough no matinee movies tak;en on .a recent Miami Chapter 107 0 E S (~EN CLUB TO MEET ' s1:Jow that detailed Ji]ans for the pro- was held last Sunday. tr~p, which ' covered 17,00 0 'II ' t. · ." posed rem.odellng must be subMrs, Lawrence FUrnas will be miles. ' WI ' rnee In regula r session, ostess'To th.e Garden Club on ,All members and famili mitted as evidence to justify ' es are " Moad ay eveni ng, eIght o'doc k, ursda y aftern oon for the rethe eviction. urged to be prese nt for this William Strouse (ttt) ~6 May 1Q ar M-av meeting. ' nteetin~. 1

ea"hers Jobs '


Cast oe SeDio~', Play Named at , W~ H. 's. r







,The Miami Gazette B8T' ABLI8BBO llao

.,Roots • ~C · ' · ~ .: ' ,-YOIJRBIIlTIIITONI lU I ' UllUre AtIIJ ITS M1ANIN~ I

pubii.hed Every Thursday At Waynesville, Ohio CARL G. SMITH, Editor Entered •• second cl ... matter at the Post Office , SU BSCRIPTION RAl'E: $1.50 a Yea'r in Advance



Events Coming Up




.,. .


, (To have events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette . :' befote 4 p. m. Tu'esdays.) ,





WITH H .--.. ~~e&.:._


t ..


Legion aseball pr'actice, 5.30 P. M. M.other s Club at grade school, 1 :45 P: M.


Legion baseball pradice, 2 P. M. Hatveysburg Friends Quarterly Meeting.


SUNDAY, MAY 9 ' Go to Church! Mother"s Day. St. Mary..s Club at Epi,scopal Rectory, 8 P. M.





. . '



9 :4"5 a.m. 10:45 a.,' m.


RALPH E. STINSON, Mlnl.t... . I


" Bible School 9:30 a.m. Morning 'Worship 1Q:30 Prayer M~etin~ , 7 :00 p.m. , Youll~ People s Me,etin~(


"Home and M,other~ ' Dvorak- ' Choir. ' , Mother's Day Sermon-Minister Youth Fellowship , , Sunday~ 7i30 ,p., 1l1.

a.m. ,

Evening Services

7 :00 p.lII. 7 :30 p.m.





nt ' II.T~'




Mr. and Mrs: Alva Thompon and Mrs. · Charles Price entert'tin,ed "n aturday afternQon with n bridal shower, honoring Mr . .Th mpson' niece, Mr . Be_ veri, Boone of Hamilton. Thirt f.riends and re'lative ' wer ~

a,.y-~ '...





THURSDAY, MAY 13 Garden Club at Lawrence Furnas home. Wa nesville Athletic Association at W. H. S., 8 P. M.

Worship Service Sunday School

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and family had as Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lu. klnbeal of Fr~nklin alld Mrs. Amanda Hartrum. ,



, J. J. , Burske; Supt. ' 1'0:30 Worship Service ' ' SlJeciat Music ','Mother of Mine" Freeman-





Colonel and Mrs. Joseph M. Silk ha 'e purchased and are occ~pyj'ng the former home of Dr. and Mrs. A~ E. Stout.






WEDNESDAY, MAN 12 Senior Play Fixin Aunt 'Fanny" at,w ... H., S. 8 P. M·. 'Fr}ertdship Club at Charles Koogler home.





MONDAY, MAY 10 Farmers Exchan O"e directors' meeting. Miami Chapter 107, O. E. S., 8 P. M. , TUESDAYt 'MAY il Happy Hour Club at Harry Smith home. . . 4 Waynesville Lod e 16 , F. and A.' M.' stated meeting 8 P. M.



Mrs. Viola Harlan left on Wednesday.' morning for London Mills, Ill.} for an e~teoded visit wi th relatives.,' . ,

EVEN,oN£ .,(lsss).

8 p. M.

M01HER'S DAY R B. Coleman, Minister 9.: 30 Church School




'. SATURDAY, ~ 8 'Joint meeting, Council and Township trustees at firehouse,




Mrs. ' Ethel Johnson unct rwent an eye' operatlori last week in Dayton but is now at her h01!le recovering very satisfactOrily.




~'."t .' lIAftU


Mr. an Mr. Harold B. Earn-

HAPPy HOUR CLUB . Mr. Harry Smith will be hostess to the Happy Hour Club at her home,.on l~uesday after,noon, Mav 1-1, wiith Mrs. 'Raymond Braddock and Mrs. Law~ 'r.enee 'Furn~s in (:har.~e, of the prbgram. ''

The Loyal V\'omen s Circle of the 'Pr -byterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Thelma Camden on Thurs lay afternoon April 29th. M~. Cart a k 'an j Mrs. Clyde Gibbons were cohostesses. ' 1«


' '

__._ - " ' ! ","_ __

hart and cbil :ir~ were Sunday

The' rite~ were he1 at the Meth dist Chur h with bur.ial in the Bellbrook , cemeter..

aft rno n ?:ue fs of Mr. and Mr . 'Carl Bab :' n ar Jamest wn.

* '" * Mis Katherine ,Prendergast linda' Lou Man field, who e fell at her home on Monday , par nts \ ere at one time teach- fraduring her ,right. arm, and ers ,'in t~e local school, is ' was remove to Miami Yalley in Miami alley Hospital s~f­ , ~o~pital. · " ....... ~ering with pneumonia fa lfow-' m~. an atta k of measle ... • BEAD THE ' CLASSIFIED AD8 •

_ _--

~~··rder-Next ~nttr'







Mrs. Doggett 2Lnd daughter, Mr . Harry Gnfves ,visited ,Mrs. Doggett's 'sister in a Columbus hospital one day the past , eek. , .


,, * *

lit '

WH~is Hunter; phQtographer of Waynesville toark the pictures of each class in the Bellbrook School" last Tuesd.ay.

* * ••

Mrs~ TimotJ:tv ~ 6orum, south,

of town was buried



SAMUEL N. KEYS, Minlnar"

Church 'School ' 9 :30 a. m. Nursery School ' '. 10:3'0 a. m. Morning Pra~er ' 10:30 a. ~.





SURd'a y S~hool , 9 ;30 a~m, ' Mrs. James Garrison, SupL: , Preaching. ,1st and 3 rd Sundays 9 :30 •• m. , e~ ,~ontJi " 10:30 a.m.

9 :It



LAMPS (Floor aDei Table)

FRIENDS ffrst Day School ,Meeting for Worship ,io:30 a.m.



UvI'NG 'ROOM 'Slll~ES."·

._ "

The Voun'g ~People's Group of .the Fri~l\ds ,Church m~t at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henrv ' ST. AUGUSTINE R. Sa'Uerthwaite' one ,evening Father Krumbolb, Priell' durinj! the past week , fO'r the : ruES.-~RS.~AT. , reg ular busi, n ess ' session. Dick , '8 and 10 A. M. ' Eastman" a Youth Leader of Masses Same De1iv~ry Day Each Week. South Charleston, with Mrs. WAYNESVILLE Eastman and child also met with CHUROI' OF CHRIST . the group. Many ideas, far the advancement of the work being R. M. Jobaatoa. MiDistel' done by these young peopie.. LEBANON Frank Sibcy Bible School 9 :30 I.m. were dIscussed. A, dessert course was served. Communion iO:30 a.m. PIroDe 21 Repr8leDtative . Evening Service 7 :30 ,. M. A. Schnaitman (ttt) 56 :,





- '


HOMEFUBNlTURE · , ,'Phone 912R I

. CO~



"£&at Mala Street at Whit........




ag-ain. I like the idea that rLEGION BALL WORKOUTS it arrives.,O.n M thers ' Day, and i there not a woman in the cast , I l1l't" CAl.tED FOR f'ltl .• SAT· A real treat for' Mother-some: With last ullday's, practice thin,e: diff"rent. Time Magazine e' sion eliminatecL _by wet ~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~r~o~u! n~cts~ M~a~ na gersO'Regan and raves. "One of tIle best thih~s from . . . Ho.l1yw·ood since it learnSaw. er of the loqtl I eKion ed to talk." I t's a' wonderful picI":t eha .l nine I ave aile I practure-forceful-about a futile ti e f r 'Fri a ev ' nine- af hunt Tor .golli. Bogart is paced 5 :3 0 P. M. an:i aturda at 2 y Walter Hu ton, Tim Holt, P. M. · and Bruce Bennett. Jack Holt Although ' ver 2 local by (Tim's famous father) makes \ Quth have turn d out to date, a brief appearance: f the l.ej!i ol1 hos e ap'ain ointed ' , FOX' HOLLY ' "I?ust Be M~ Destiny" WB '. out that any boy trom the surrounding country side who was \ As ' Editor Smith wrote last · starrmg John Garfield ushers ill not born before Jan. 1, 1931 week ': "Everv o~e in a while Wedn~sday .and ThlJrsday, 'but is eligible and a cordial invitathis -1'fewspaper spells a name ~ o re mlport~nt, this famous -Ft~­ tion is extended to players from wrong or makes a mistake"Issue ushers ,Ill the new, uphoTSpringboro and Harv.eysburg. etc., ' etc. So-Smith admits 'i t tered theatre seat.s at the Twin. and we don t deny it-but on For once... the pIcture takes a M r. Charles D. Fraker and the front p'age of the M i~1l1i ,Ga- bac~ seat III honor of this lon,l{ daughfer Audre Fraker of Winzet~e last . wee~ Wil'S miss'ine: an awaIted,., event. H w lon,e:? ' netK,a, Ill., were , gu sts last ~l rtlcle announcinR' that for ~ome ... 0 years, th~y tell , us, week nd of Mr. and Mrs . . Rothe duration of tlie, sp ri~g and slllce the. theatre had nee~ed ,bert L. O'Regan: North Main summer S .lason, -no matin~es ~~w sea!s and the red~coratmg St. Kent Hall Fraker, son of Mr~ WQuld be on view at the Twin Will be sJJ}lultaneo~sly ready for Fraker, returned home with his ~n Sund-ays. The managem'ent WaynesvIlle the ~Ight of Wed., father, terminating a six-week IS desolate that 'those who M~y 12th. Both have been provisit with the o 'Regan_s, his sQowed up for the matinee last mlsed Come, ~elp us celebrate aunt 'and uncle. . Sund~y ' \. ere . dlsappointed. A- -or rather, gIve a prayer of pologles are , in urLler and are thank.s. hereby 'being made. But tel1lemCluldr n who are shoved 'into ber-for .the durati n of ,the the th ea tr~ ~y parents an~ told Kood old umm er tiille, no ma- t~ bt o\Jtslde by the close of the . tmees. O.herwl ·e the Twin seh- fIrst sh~w always have 'excuses~ edule goes on as you are u ed accordmg to Bob 01 Reg-an. ~TER the bride-to-b'e h~s op,e ned the standar~s of tl~~ coffee Illdu~try. her last shower gifts: coffeE! and Here's tbe reoape for Showeato i~.,. ' , ~o~e of. them ,are pretty in cake tor refreshment, 'of course! Cake: ' ' Bnefvlews: 'A e ~ to press .ge~lous. However, the youngMake the cake something special. ,' while 'IT-Men '· 's ' making its sters '.who st~yed ?n last SunUke coffee-ftavored Shower Shower Cake farewell at -the Twin. This show day 11Ight were telhng the stark '.4, teaspoon Cake, with tresb spring ftowers , bud· 1 ,cup shortening about th¢ Treasury's sleutns IS t~ut~ w~en they said mechanical ding out from Its hollow center. .3 .,cups sifted' bnkirlg oM. . cake flour ~ cup strollg a "must" . dlfflbultJes stalled the first show . " T his delicate' S110\\'er Cake, wl11', ~ tell:8P;Oons coffee \ TONITE ON~Y , cause , conversation wller,e ver It ,l Sbakln'g powder Ih' CUll evaporated It's .a -little harll 'not to ove~- EJectrical disturban'ces ·· arose seen ot tasted. It Is baked In .90 tube 1,'h cups sugar . milk 'el~ the Fr.iday. aJ.1d Sa~urday of- Hlat could o~!y be cured by a p-an and the ,enter bole Is fllled 1 t~a!lpoon salt .. egg yolks 'f f h ft ' 1 ~ea8poon rum fJavorl.n g termg at the T,vm for' the rave trouble man from Dayton, w Ith · a h an dtUI 0 res ()lwei'S revie\ys . by those who know The ,is' most grateful ' which seemingly grow out, ot deep , SUI' sbortenlng until softened . . DENNIS O'KEEFE h~v.c ..been very strong. Most of " for, the patle~ce sho'Yn by the , swirls of pastel frosting. UndeF- Mix aud sift ftour, baking powder. neath;,the coffee·flavored cake Itself sugar and salt; add to shortening. u 11<l ve read I ubliclty on the patlOns who eIther waIted calmIs everything the ' outside , promises. ' Dissolve baking soda in coffee, com-, " w rlisman'" Col. All done ap ' ly for the .second show or acLight In · texture, and delicious in blne w.fth ev.aporated milk; add half in ~: echnicolor, it shu Larr cepted ."ram checks" for an- , flavor. ·1t will be hailed as a creation 'this mixture, . with egg yol)(s, to COl UlBIA P1C1UIe P~rks (of J.plson Stor y) and other 1?1.~ht. · ,' . by friends and g~est-of·honor alike .. shortening al~d flour mixture; mix LAm~~ " Ellen , Drew. Here are- a re\v ' Statistical Note:, Only, 4 per . ) And show the bride you know until flour fa dare r:c'r.c.d , n~d 1 mIn· , s()mething, about coffee by serving ute. ,Add remaln,l ng C,offee mixture inter.estillg pO'ints' on the mak- ' c~nt of the 'coupons for Rl(O the ~a,ke with ' step,mlng cups of a and flavol"in~. ~ea:t- 2 JDlnute~. li..ll'e ·ing of the picture: ' ." \veek at ~he TWl1~ (allowing truly.deUclouB ~l-ew . You 1J11gl~t ,e in greASed an(l ·flQured . 9·lncb tube The setttn~ is Scotland in the for a savmg of~S5c per every mind , t.he lucky $ 1'1 that g~ c~otr~e pan 1(1 ' muil~rate oven. 350°F" , 11~ t 8th Cent'ury. Wilfrid Pettitt three adults) were presented at wl11 tiring good ,cheer to b,r home hour8. Let stand In pan 6 minutes. wr.iter of the screenplay is ~ the Box Office. Which must 6y "gifting'· her with a coffee· brew· Remove from pan to cake rack. . ALSO Ing device that bears the ~atlol1ar Wb~n cool, frost, ",nb cooked frostdire~t' desGendant of the m'-fa'ted mean 96. per cent of the c()UCoffee-Association's Seal Of· Recom· Ing made with 4 egg whites . .Trnt Ma'ry, ' Qu,e¢n f Scots. 'B.ecaus'e ' pons fell mto the hands of peo.- THE THREE -ST-OOGES mendatlon. The round Seal OIl the frosHng - wlth rood coloring if deColumbia" was anXlOlIS ' not to pIe ,whQ are so. rt~h that they ,I device Is alSeu,r ance that the coffe ' Ired ~ FllI center · with fa'esb sprlnJ! IN ,offend any~ exi~tiQg Scottish do~ t .care~ 0r e,se· t.hat the maker can br.e~ coffeE> that. m~et!) flpwers. ' ~ .' clans, the stud,io's research de- maJonty of the peop le m town SING-A·SONG OF . p~rtment ·~e¥ised two plaid de- and the surroundme- countryside SIX PANTS s~gns uJ!hke any now; in u&e hay~ deepseateq gasons for aI~D bv real-life clans ' for the cloth- vOldmg the TWm . Theatre. 0'- rMY HOME SCHEDULE MOTH~'S CLUB TO ELECT , ANSWER,MAN No. ,3 · ho ing; used in the ;picture. Glowan R~ga!1~ 1V claims ' he doesn',t OF CINCINNATI REDS ! OFFICERS TOMORROW , , Castle, one of the most inlpres- . critIcIze unles~ ,he Aas a r.em~dy, Thursday, , May 6, ,Boston, The Wayn'e. , Town hin sive, 'sets ever built .for 'rilO- st~~es that. he would welcome MOTHER'S DAY (Safet" Patrol bay); Friday, Mother's Club will meet on Frition picture, was deSigned by wntten O,l" v!!rba! "BJa~t~" in, SUN.-MON. Les Thomas, Art Dire,ctor. The orde.r -to !41fll~ hIS ambl~lon- May 7, Boston; Saturday, May day, May' , 7' a't ·'1 :45 'p. ' m. at 8, Boston, (Knot Hole Day}; the' Grade Building. , ' building well over 300 foet , to !;'Ive thIS area Its best Thea· Mrs. Florence Hastin'gS, first TREAT YOUR MOrnER TO Sunday, May 9l.. Philadelplflia, wide, b~asts) ?:rey turrets risin ~ . tre m shows an~ comforts. ' (Ladies Day)~ ' J uesday, ' May grade room, will have. the proto a height of more than 75 O. K. l-!e's . askin,g- · for it THE SHOW OF 1948 " ,.feet. • ~ any. of the. outd00r. answe_r i'hllll. b,y ~~it,ln.g thi.s c91- 11, Philadelphia,. (LadiesDay) ; . , gram. THAT OFFERS NO , Mav 12, BrookMr. Stanley Markey, Warre r, sc~n,es .In '4The 'Swo .. d~man" , umn ot ~9~m,~mcat~ direct With Wedn esd~y, WOMAN: COMPETITION lyn, . (Nigbt Game) ;. !bursd~y~ County Sanitary En~ineer will were filmed ' at June Lake in the TWill owner. ' " May 13, 'Brooklyn i Fnday~cak to the ~roup fOI a shol t , NO WOMEN IN TH~AST California's high.' Si~m71Tu'e ,to '-' ' , " ' , 28~', Chicago, (Night G~rne); tJP1e •• .' . ,' . • th e · altihitle (,over' 5 0.00 ff) FRANKIE CARLE, TO, GIVE ThiS WIll be the last meetingthe traditional Scottish due)' b'e: SUMMER MUSIC, PROGRAM . Saturday, May 29, ' ChIcago; Monday" of the year and the officers \ tween two Swords~en. (~arKs Nimble 'fingered Franki~ (Double Header): Mav" 31, St. LouiS, (Memp:rial for next ye~( will be appoint. and Macr~ady) brandlsll'lQg, 8 Carle, his bahd and featured Day)" (Do\:1ble Header). . ed. , pou!1d.~ c1aymo~eS took , 5 days vqc.alists will inaugurate a, new .to f!lm\ and last~ b~t thre~ and 'Q " r.~dlo series, "C,arle Com~s Calh~lf on t~e screen: The. hng", the new ,stimmer Electric ba,!t1~, IS fO,ught walst-de,ep tn. t~e House, Sunday, May 9, at 5db c1ullmg , wate~. of iil lake, Wltl~ , p. m., over WHIO. sponsQred in the men wearnf2".:;m<?~e th~n_ 2,o ~his ar.ea by the Dayton 'Power , poun~s of , clotlim-g ?lnd 'neay1Y and Light company. , ' Vocal chores on , the new , cavaller 'boots. Say ~~d Y9~ note '. those fa~cy s gIven a- show will be handled by preHy yvay by the :'wm ~' anagement Nan Wr~ght and Gre~,e: LawIII . ~ooEeratlOn With Stokes ,r~l!ce, who .returned .to. t,he muDailY, . ,~b,a~on? . . S1C bu~!ness. after servlllR" as a NO~1 .,;[reasure of,tb~ SIerra P-51 , P,llot m ·the ETO during. Ma~r~ wB ,at"ih~' l'wIU S!ln- ' the recent wa.r. '(he Star1i~hters day ,a Q Monday, IS son;tethlllg, -,~tiattet will' a'lso be heard. 'NEXTW~


'for a Shower


TWIN Lenses







. I




, I Wish to Thank all my friends for ,theIr vbtes ' and support in the "primary for coun ~'y co~mi's .. si()ner last Tuesday. <;




, SMITH SERVICE ad SALES South Main'Street






. ~


Dust Be My Destiny






Th, e Miami Gazette ' IISTABLl8HBD 1850


Published Every Thursday , ' At Waynesville, Ohio , CARL G. SMI1'H, ,Editor ' Entered a. .~ond cia •• matter at the Po.t-.O.ffice SUBSCRiPTION RATE: $1.50 a Year in Advance l






.EventsColl1ing Up .



(Ta have events liste4 in this calendar, notify The Miami G'azette before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) -

Mrs. ' Ethel Johnson - under. went an eye operation last week in Dayton but is now at het hOI?le recoverin~ very satisfac• tortly. ,

~~ - AJ.THOIlt:H INCJ'II7EMPLE WAll.; .,i'/•...-:!~~~c;r."': ,~~~;.~~ I

FRIDAY, ft;fA Y 7 , Legion baseball pnictic~, 5.30 P. M. Mofher's Club at grade school, , 1 :45 P. M.



SATURDAY, MJIi 8 Joint meeting, Cotincil and Township trustees at firehouse,

,Mrs. Viola Harlan left on Wednesday morning for London , 'Mills, Ill.! . for an extended visit . with relatives.

8 p. M.

Legion baseball practice, 2 ,P. M. Harveysb~rg Friends Quarterly Meeting.. MEf)~£VAJ,


, SUNDAY, MAY 9 Go to Church! Mother's Day. St. Mary's Club at EpisGopal Rectory, 8 P. M.


MONDAY, MAY 10 . Farmers Exchange directors' meeting. ' Miami Chapter 107, O. E. S., 8 P. M. . TUESDAY, 'MAY 11 Happy Hour Club at Harry Smith hom1e. • Waynesville Lodge 163, F. and A: .M., stated meeting, 8 P. M.



Mr. and Mrs. Alva ' Thomp. on and Mrs. , Charles Price en· tertain d on Saturday afternoon with a bridal shower, honoring Mrs. Th mpson' ni e e, Mrs. Be. v tlv B one of Hamilton. Thirty friends and relatives weI" ent. "':



Otpy.~", '.~'"'


' .--

.. THURSDAY, MAY, 13 . Ga-rden Club at Lawrence Futnas home. , Waynesville Athl tic Association at W. H. S., 8 P. M.

Mr. and Mrs. A. ·H. Stubbs , and family ,had as Sunday din· n~r guests Mr. and Mrs. Paul , Lu~ kinbeal of Franklin and Mrs. Amanda Hartrum.



_WEDNESDAY; MNi 12 Senior Play "Fixin' Aunt Fanny'" atW. H. S., 8 P. M. F~.iendsl~ip Club at Charles Koogler home. ' ,

Colonel and Mrs. Joseph M. Silk haye purchased and are occupying the former home of Dr. and Mrs. A~ E. Stout.


HAPPY HOUR CLUB . Mrs. Harry smith will be .... hostess to the Happy Hour Club ca l ,her home .on' Tuesday after. noon, Mav 11, with Mrs. Ray. ( mond Braddock and M'~s. Law· , rence 'Furnas in ch~lr.~e of the , . , ~--4--~

Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Earn.: bart and children were Sunday afternoon g-u ts Of Mr. and Mr. Carl Babb near James· town,

Th rites were held at the Meth dist Church with burial in the Bellbrook cemeter.. .

* * * '

Miss Katherine Prendergast fell ,at her home on Monday, fracturing her right arm, , and was remov'e dtq. Miami Valley Hospital. ' '

linda Lou Mansfield, whose,: parents were 'at one time teach. ~rs ~n' t)1e local , school, is m Mlliml Valley Hospital suf. fering with pn~um6nia folIo~ •

B~k~~~~in~~~a~n~at~~~ck~.,~of~m~e~a~sl~e~.~~~'_R~~~'~_~_~~'~8~8~~~m_~~·~. , The Loyal 'Wome'n's Circle of, the Presbyterian Church met REV. D'AVIDSTANFIELD, Minl.ter- at the home of Mrs . .Thelma . . C.~l1?den on' Thu'rsday afteraoon WOlship Service , 9 :45 a. mo' Apnl 29th. M~. Clarback and Sunday School 10:45 ~ m. , Mrs. Clyde Gibbons "Were Co· hostesses. " •


, METHODIST CHURCH , MOTHER'S .DAY "~: ,'B. ~ le~'an. Mi'nlster 9: ' 3 O. Church School J .. J. -Burske, Supt. ' 10:30 Worship Service ' Special Music "Mother of Mlne-' Freeman- , Chmr.

, "Home Choir.


a-nd~ M()ther" Dvorak~


~ - ,'


Mother's Day Sermon-Minister Youth Fellowship S~ndaYt, 7 :30 . p. m. , '



* ,* *



..Wa!inesyj:l le Farmers-

Mrs.. Dog'gett and daughter, RALPH E. 8TIN.ON, Mlnl.ter ' Mrs. Harry Graves visited Mrs. Bible School ' 9 :30; Doggett's sister in a Columbus, Morning ,Worship to:30 a;m. hospItal on.e 2a ~ t~e . past week. , PHONE 2371 " '" Prayer Meetin~ , , 7 :00 p.m. , Willis H~Flter, photo.grapher .. YO,UDR' People s Meeting 7:00 p.m. ofWaynesvill. took the~ictures . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Evening Services 7 :30 p.m. of each class in the: Bellbrook Schqol tast TiUesday·.

.'E xchange


* *




II! ,

Mrs. Tiinoth v Boorum, south of town wa~ l~lt~ied Tuesday.


unday School 9:30 'a.m. E. ~. Earnhart, Supt. WOfShlp Service t,O:30. ...... Evenitt, Service· , 7 :30; p.m.


SAMUEL ~. KEYS, Minllhr

Church School 9 :30 a. m. ~4rsery .' Schoo'l ' t 0 :30 a.m. Morning Prayer 10:30' a .. Ri. FRIENDS FIrst Day Sc~ool ' 9 :30 _.m. Meeting for Worship 0 :30 a.m. "


9:1t 12 FELT BASE RUGS '



Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. " MrS. James ,Garrison, Supt., Pre'aching. t st a,nd' 3rd Sundays , e.a. month to :30 a.m.

, . LAMPS (Floor .,ael Tahle) STUDIO COUCHES (Fully SPria. Fillecl) ,





The Y, oUJU~ .People's Gr.oup , of the Friends Church m~t at DELIVERY D~YS the hom~ of Mr. and'Mrs. 'Henrv ST.Auau~ R. Satterthwaite' one evenlng ' Father ~olb, PReIt . duriD2' the past week for the TU~.-'I1iuRS,.-SAT. regular busine' s s session. Dick . Masses 8 and 10 A. M.~ Eastman, a Youth Leader of Same Delivery Day :Ea~h Week South Charleston, with Mrs. WAYNESVIIJ..E Easttnan ' and child 'also met with OIURCH OF CHRIST the group. Many ideas. for the advancement of the wo'rk b,ein~ R. M. Jolmatoa. Miaia~ done b'y these young people; LEBANON Bible SchOOl 9 :30 a.m. were discussed. A dessert course was served. Phone 21 Communion iO:30 a.m. Evening Service 7:30'. M.. A. Schnaitman (ttt) 56 \











.HQME FURNITURE Phone ,91,2 R "wt

' COit '

MaiD Street at Whit......"




LEGION BALL WORKOUTS else again. I like ,the idea fhat -' . - - . .. -.. - . . . - s=:==zr it arriv~s on Moth ers' Day, and ARE CALI.ED FOR FlU•• SAT. ~ tl\e re ' not a woman in the cast - , . With last un i ay'~ practice A real treat for Mother-some: se 'ion eliminat,ed ,by wet :------~~-_......--. _ thin,g- diffe rent. Time Ma~azine groun.d Mana ers 0 ' ReRa n and raves. ' lOne of tIl best thin ~s .. aw.\ er of th e total L~g- i tm frohl. Hollywood sin e it learnh 1 ehall nin hav " all " prnc ~ ed to talk. " It's a wonderful picti s for Frida y e,v' nin l'" at ture-,, -forceful-a bo ut a futile 5 :3 P. M. and atur :lay at 2 hunt for ,gold. Bogart is paced P. M. ... b Walter ;H uston, Tim Holt Alth oug-tl ' over 2 )Gcal and Bruce Bennett. Jack Holt uth ' ha e turn d out to date, by (Tim fam ous father) mak es the Legi n h e a~a in pointed a hrief app,earance, out that any boy~ rr m th e surFO~' HOLLY HDust Be Mv Destiny" WB undi, ng ~ountiy side who was ,r' o As Editor Smith wrote last , starring John Garfield ushers in not born before Jan. 1, 193 1 w~ek: "Everv oMe in a while Wedn~sday and T!lufsday, but ,.J is eligible and a co rdial invitathis ffewspaper spells a name more Important, this famous Fe'to players from tion is extended wrong or makes a .mistake"issue ushers in the new uphoTS~ p r in gbo ro and Harveysourg, etc., etc, 'So-Smith admits it tered theatre seats at the Twin. and We don' t deny' it-but on For once the picture takes a Mr. Charles D. Fraker , and , the front p ~ge of th e Miami ,Ga. back seat"'in honor of this lon~ daught r Audrey Fraker of Winzette last 'week was missine' an awaited event.( How , long- '? ' netka, Ill., were gu sts last 'lrticl " th t f S.ome 20 years, they tel, us, week nd of Mr. and Mrs. Ro· ~ e a~nounc1l1 g; ~ , or smce the theatre had I needed the du r ~ hon of th ~ spn,n g and be rt L O'Regan, NOI:th Main summer s ason, no matinees ~~w s~a!s and the redecorating t. Kent HaJJ Fraker, son of Mr. would be on view at the Twin Will be sllnultaneousl ' ready for Fraker, returned home with his on Sundays. ' The Jnanagem'ent J Waynesville the night of Wed., father, termin ating a six-week is desolate that those who M~y 12th. Both have been provisit with the O'Regans, his showed up for the mati nee last mlsed , Come, help us celebrate aunt and uncl e. Sunday " ere . dIsappointed. A. -or rather, give a prayer of pologles ~re 111 or~ler ~nd are thanks. hereby be ll1~ made, But l"' mem. ~hildre n who are shoved into ber-for, the durati n of the th e th eatre by parents and told ~ood old summer time; n ma. t~ b~ outside 'by ,the clQse, of the tmees. O.herwise the Twin seh. fIrst show always have' 'excuses' ~TER the bride·to-be has opened the standards of the coffee indu !': try , - , edule, goes on as y u are used according to Bob O'Reg-an. her last shower' gifts. coffee and, Here's the recipe for Shower A ' So~e of them are }5retty in .., to it. cake for refreshment, of course! Cake : ' , Bri efviews: W e ~o to pr "'ss ~entous. ' However, the young-Make the cake something special-' while ItT.Men'· ,s mak'ing its ' ste rs ,who stayed on last Sunlike this coffee.flav.ored Shower Sbower Cake ' farewell at the TWIn. This show day 111ght 'were telling the stark ,~ l llaspoon Cake, with fresh spring flowers bud:· 1 ,c1!IP shortening ding out from Its hollow center. 3- c 'ups s ifted " baking :;odll about the Treasury's sleutns IS truth when they said mechanical cake ftour ~i ,c up s t rollg , difJi~lties 'st:iJte<.1 the first show , a " must'1 ' , Thl, S d e IIcUe S , £lower Caka. wtU S· teaspoons cotree ', . TONITE ' ONLY cause conversation wher,e ver It hi 'bi kJng pow~er' 11,: CUll evnp9r a tec1 It's a 'little ha'ra not to o'yer- Electrical '. disturban'ces arose seen or tasted. It is baked, in a tubE! ,1'At cups ,sugar mll~ sell the Friday and Sa~'urday of- Hlat could only be cured by a pan ' and the 6lenter hole 18 ftlle(ll ' 1 tc~aRpoon 'sa lt 4 egg y olks " 1 t.easpoon rum flavoring fering at the Twin, for the rave' tr0uble man" from .Dayton wIth a h an dfuI 0 f f resh fl O\verEI ' DENNIS O'KEEFE which seemingly ' grow out of dee,{l St h' shortening until . J;!oftened, by fhos who know The Twin is 'most grate'ful re:view swirls of pastel frosting, UnderjMi:~ and siet flour, baking powder. IH~v e ..been Yery strong. Most of , for the patie~ce shown by the neath, th~- coffee·flavored cake itself S,U gBl" nnd salt; add to shortening. u have, read publicity on the patrons who either waited calmFRI.-SAT. Is ,e verything the outside, promises. DhlBolve baking soda in coffee, com" w rdsntan' Col. All done UI ' Jy for the second show or acLight in ' texture.. and delicious in bi ne with ev.aporated milk; add h alf in Technicolor, it stars ' La rr'v ce pte~ ,"ra,in checks" for anflavor, 'lt will be hailed as a creation' thi~ mixtu1'e, with egg yolk ~, to by friends and guest-of-honor alikEI. sbmtening and flour 'mix-ture ; mix Parles (of Jolson ~tory) and ,other ~I,l\ht. , , ) And show ' the bride YOll know until ft,our 'Is d:ln: r. c i~cd , Beat 1 mIn' Ellen Drew,. 'Here are ,a rew " Stabshc, ~ 1 No~e: -Only 4 per something about coffee , by 8ervlnl~ u~,~, Add remaining co"e~ , mixture ~nteresting p,0ints dri , t11e mak- c~ ntk0f the, coupons for Rf5:0 the cake with ste~ming cups ot la an1p flavoring. n.ea~ 2 minute:>. B...k~ mg ' of t~,e plCt¥re: ; , " -wee , at Fhe TW~IN , (allowmg 'truly d,ellcfoUB b1'ew , You might rE!~ in " gr.~aB~~ and tl9ured 9-1n<:11 tube The settme- IS Scotland in the for a savmg of ~5-c - per f;very , mtn<l the IUC~l'& rl that good cuffee IllPJ" Ml muderate 'oyen. 35t)°f .• ll.(&. will brfng good cheer ,t o her, home -hours. Let staod In' pan 6 minutes. , 18~h Century. ,'Wilfrid 'PettiU, thre!! adults) "were_ pr~sented at by "glftlng" her with a coffee brew· Remove from pan to cake rack. ,wnter of the ' screenplay ' is a '. tg e Box O(fic~. WhIch must ALSO Ing devlc"e that bears the Natlonai Wben cool, fa'08t with cooked frost~ direct descendant. of the iJ'I'-fated mean 9<5. per cent , of the couCoffee Association's Seal 01 Recom- Ing 'made with 4 egg whites. Tfnt Mary" Queen qi ~cots. B'ecause pons fell mto the hands of peo: THE THREE STOOGES mendatlon. The round ' Seal, on th,e tfClstlng__w1.t.h.J.oruL...C.olorl f IN ' Columbia' was 'anxIOus not to pIe who are So rIch ,that they f device Is 'assurance that -the COffeE Ired. FUl center "lth tres~hIi>--lJ 8P"-r""'ln~I!-':""':""" offend any e~is.tihg , Scottish do~'t .care. Or e!se· t.hd the maker can brew cotrf'P that. !!!~et$ flp'w:er,s. I SING-A-SONG OF clans, the studIO'S research de-. ma,l,o nty of the peopie In , t-own , SIX PANTS 'partment ,devised two plaid de- and the surroundt.n2" countryside , signs unlike- any riow in' use hay~ deepseate~ r as6ns for a"I~D MOTHER'S CLUB TO ElECT ~v real-life clans, fot the ,cloth~ YOldm~ 'the TWI!l Theatre. 0'- MAY HOME SCHEDULE ANSWER MAN No.3 OFFICERS TOMORROW . 109 used m the picture. Glowan ,R~,g:a!1, l\'ho claIms he doesn't OF CINCINNATI REDS Castle, one of the most impres- cnticlze untess fie lias ,a remedy, sive sets ever built for a mo- sta~es that he would welcome Thursd,ay, May 6, '8'ostol1, Th e Wayne, Town hi n MOTHER'S DAY '" , tion pictu~e, was de,signed by wntten or 'v~rba~ C;Bla~t.s" ,in (Safet v Patrol Day) ; Friday, Mother's Club will meet on Fri· SUN•...:....MON. "Les Thomas; Art Director. The,r ~o fulf~1I h!s a,m bltton- May 7, Bos10n; Saturday, May , d~y, May 7 .at. 1 .:~,5 p. m. at bl!iJding, well over 3 0 f.eet ' to glye th!s area It~ best Thea· 8; Boston, (Knot Hole Day); the Grade BUlldmg. ;' , Wide, b~as ts g-rey turrets rising: ,tre mshow~ am) ,!=omtorts., ' Sunday, May ~~ Philadelphia; Mrs. Florence Hastings, first T~EAT YOUR. MOTHE~ TO to a hel~ht of rn'Ore than 75 O. K . .f"!e s askm~, ' for ~t (Ladies Day); I uesd.ay, May ' ~Tade room, will ,.have the pro- ' .' THE SHOW OF'1948 feet. ~ Many of the ~utdoor answ~r 'hIm by ~ritin~. this c91- 1,1, Philadelphia; (Ladies pay) ; '., 'gr~m. , ", scenes , in ' "The Swordsman" uIpnor commfUmcate direct With Wednesday, May 12, Brook-, Mr. Stanley Markev, Warre r, THAT OFrERS NO were filmed at June Lake _in, , the Twin owner. ' , IYl1, (Night Game) ; 'TtlUfsda:y, County Sanitary EnJ?;ineer will WQMANCOMPETITION California,'s high Sierr'as. Ou'e to , May t 3,.,Brooklyn; Friday, May' ,speak to tbe ~(oUP for a, sho r.t- ,-Ng- WOMEN IN THE CAST , th e alti~l!de . (o",ei 5,009 ft.), .,'FRANKIE CARLE TO GIVE 2~, Chicago~ (NigiH > G~me) ; tin)e. . ~. ' . ThIS Will be the last m,eetmg , , the traditIonal Scottis~ duel, be- SUMMER MUSI~ ~ROGRAM 'Saturday, ' May ~9, Cblcago ; tween two Swords~en. ,(Parks Nimble fi'ngered' Frankie (Oouble Header); Monda!y" , of the year and the officers and Macrea,dy) bran(1lshm~ , 8 Carle" his band and featured May ~ 31, St.' "Louis, (Memo.riar 'for next year will be appointpou!1d claymoreS tookS days _ vocalists will inaugurate a new I?ay) , (Do\:lb~e Header). ' ed. ' I



' WI' N T

Refreshment "fot a Shower

. " 'e n'ses I



. T-MEN,!


~f~m.andl~~b~ilireeanda " ~~~~rie"ccCa~~~sCal- ' , ~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~ half ,~m,utes on m.e ~c~e~n: The hng'" ,the neVI summer Electric

- ba~tl~ I,S fought walst-d~p In t~e ,chlllmg ,wate~ of 'a laJ"e" , ~lth ' the men wearlI1e-. more' than. 20 P9un~~ of flnd hea~ cavalier boots. Say qld Y!Ju note those fancy ,s gwen a'!fay b'y the !.wm ~anagement m . cooperatIon., With Stokes Dairy, Lebanon? " , NO'f1 '~;rreasure o f ' th~ 'Sierra

HO,use, S\1t1day, May 9, at 5 :30, P..1!J;' over WHIO, ,sponso,red in .thl~ area by , the Dayton 'Power and Light company. ' Vocal chor~ .on the new' show will be handled by pretty Nan Wright and Greg!! Lawr~nce, ~ho the muSIC , b~smess after serving- as a ' P-51 , pilot ·,in the ,ETO :dl.lF\n'g Madr~ . WB aLth~, T~m S~n- the.rece~t 'war. "The Starh,g-nters , day alrd MOI',day, IS somethJl1g _·, Quartet'will also be heard. '


I W,ish

to Thank all my friends for thefr votes

and S~PP~it in the prim,ary for sioner Jast 'Tuesday. '












South I


Be My DeStiny A#4SO



• ,





April ,194. \ indm . were made to 1001<. out of. At lea t that is \ hat ( think. Some people think they were m;tde to ever up with curtains ·but J like mine WIthout an thin,g- to obstruct the view. My north windows look toward the highwa though I can't see any farther than the line fence: But , can see the dog house where Jody is '·tied and if I 100le out when he is ·barking I can see which way he 'is 1 oking and can guess what he is,'barkmg at. I can see when the hens gather ,around



MIAMI GAZETT,E PAGE' 4 the h0use. Just now there i n t butt that little black thin~· that THE th feed room do r \\ hich how WAYNESVILI:.E, OHIO No. 4367 . was with hi moth, e r t ut I think that it i pa t ' chore time or a cow in siRht bUll the. -often THU,RSDAY, 'MAY 6, 1~48 it i forg-GUen now. , tbat om ~0 ne ha f rg tt n to gather there e pecia,lly when the The plum blos50ms have fad. 'ate to the west pasture is clos- feed them. ' I can ee when th are working on the tra tor in ed a it is now; My ta le often e j and the little g-reen leaves Routzahn , of Harveysburg, Mr tands t this window ,; here I are comjng out. The mar I and Mrs. William Tinnev and the uarage. I ~an see who has am writing this, and here I eat leave are quite large hut the children of Waynesville and Mr. riv' n in \ hen, I hear a car, so mv breakfasts . .Just now there locust are always slow and and Mrs. Earl Mendenhall and that 'j. 'a r practi ar window is anI one ,duck itn sight. We ~pring come lowly tq Dry daughter ,of Tipp City. with a . near ~ew. ' had\ pair of whi lte ducks and Ridge, which i till Dr Ridg~ , * '" >II the e.a t \ inLlOw look to,as we' nl got a g-entl rain we bou,g-ht , ,one then recently Mr; 'and Mrs. Lawrence Petwar j the barn and me lane \ here pe'opJe jrive in~' The win- , a neighbor. It was a ques- during the recent wet spell and er nn of . Indianapolis, Ind" in do" s ov~r I1\Y kitchen sink are tion as to whether 5~he would be node ot. ,the heavy "torm . The company with Mr. and Mrs. Mileast windows and I can ee what accepted by the othejs. She was storms go north an(1 the torms ton Sheehan of Cent rville i gping on at the barn and who persistent and foUowed alon~ go south but most of th m miss whom they were visiting, cal: .ted on Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur i going in or', out the la,ne. It wherever they went but right Dry Ridge. Clark Saturdav afternoon. i through the east window of' nO\ the v have t1llcl1ed her and ------* :Ie * my bedroom mat I ,see the she i all alone. We have a pair 'of brown ducks but the Mother's Day wilt be .obserwinter sun:rise. v ,d next Sunday at the Sunday ' The west ·windows look to- white ones and the brown ones , School hour with a 'prog\'am in ward the sunset. They also Jook do not associate with each other Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hinger charge of Mrs. 'Vernon Pursley's out across the chick'en yard to 'except occasionally to fight. The are announcing- the birth of a Class. white drake does not like the the hog hbuse. In the winter daughter, Sandra Sue, at,. Miami * :It lie brown one and the ,other day there is a lovely view of the VaHev Ho pital, Saturday May Miss Frances King of Da • ,n there was quite a battle. This is sunset . through a gap in the ' wa a weekend, guest of Miss trees, but the summer sun sets the window where I sit and 1. :It * :Ie Almetta Steinke. ' behind the woods and "my best watch the birds. "fbi morninR' a Mr. and Mrs. John Burske of * •• ' apple tree has grown so large little 'wren came and sat on the Mr.. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett that the vie\v isn't so good in fence post. It mig:ht been the near Waynesville were Thursthe summer time~ But it ' is out· wren that has ' the nest in the day evening dinner guests of attended' the Discussion Group Wednesday evening at the home ide this window that the suet garage: The blue jays have a Mr. and Mrs. ,William Strouse. :Ie * * of Mr: and Mrs. Vernon Branshangs and the, birds feed. nest 10 the cedar tree. Perhaps Miss Janet Jiammond re- lra{Qr in Wilmirigton. , ,My south' win<low looks out ~ should drive them away for * * • across the pasture" down to ,the the sake ' of the gth ers. The red- turned home from Miami ValMrs. Paul Shipley, Mrs~ P. N. p ring a nd off across the hills. birds love the big old locust tr,ee !ey hospital, Fril1ay, after havThe front'yard . is not very wide with the dead branches. The 109 undergone an ' 'emt!rgency CorI)ell, and Mrs. J. B. JOlleS , and the pastu,re comes dose to robins did not come back to the operation for aeute appendicitis accompani,ed Mrs. Nettie Enirick " porCh to build t11ls year, but on Monday of last week. She is to the hom:e' of her daughter, recovering nicely at this time. Mrs. Leon Salisbury at Washthere are always birds,in sight. * * * . ,afterington, C. H;, Mondav And last but not least are the car windows,.J~hat keep on Mr. and Mrs. 'Paul Johnson n on. Mrs. Emrick wiH make an the g-o up and down the ro,ads. and daughter of Dayton we're extended stay there; ,as Mr. SalI 'have said al1 ' thiis before but Sunday '~fternooll guests of Mr. isbury , r~mains ill at ,a hospital · it is a lon~ . time. ago and per- and Mrs. Leslie Gray, son and haps some f our new readers . daughter. do ndt know my wmdows when .* * * Says I refer to them. ' " Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Lewis and "Did 'anybody ,bawl for Beu- daughter and Mrs. Irma Sweetlah ?" Pinkey does several times ' man mtOved last week from the ,a day. Beulah was added to our' Harris prope!ty*,t~ Dayton. cow fami'ly last Sunday. She, is black with a pair of ,white bob. Mrs. James Kaser and GhiIdby-sox and a white tip t~ her ren, Mrs.. Cecil Dunham and tail and Plnkev is so proud and d~l;lghter of Middletpwn w.,erre . fooli'\h over "her mat we haveVlsltors Friday at the home of ~-....... trouble with 'ner.' ~last we :. Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Kenrick . let Pinkey's calf :run with her * * • Mr. and 'Mrs. -N~m;.J.+--A-IoJ.Y.l.---,1-until it was grown and she can't uftderstand ,vhy we want to song of near Yellow Sprin~ vis.· Weather in w~ich yO,u c~n't keep the baby in the barn in. ited their -,g--randmothe.r- ' . Mrs . .hang out clothmg you ve Just ,stead of takin,g- her out in the !Aargaret Johns Sunday even~ c1ea~ed doesn t bother us. AU, sunshirie but BeulaJh will have to mg. ., * * , cleaning sent here is done in- be weaned some Q.ay and we do Mr. and Mrs. Guy Burrou~hs' . doors in a made-to-ord'er atm'os· not wish to 'fepea~t last year's phere fhat assures odo~l~sSly experience. Her first calf is. now and son spenl last week with clean clothing. a b!~ roan steer bul until Beulah the latter's sister, Mrs. Mary America'. securitY beeiDI rI,bt ta arrived he continued to follow Ha' at Troy, ~hollas been ,oar bome. MalEe yO'il fatare I~ ' his mothet even wnen, she was quite ill. . aad yoa aft belplD, make your Doantry'l luttare secare, too. That'. dry and he resente(t-the new ar* * * M.r. and MrS. Therle Jontls wbat ·the Secarity Loan meane to rival even' as some big brothers • . Your part In Oil. bOQel 'elrl",e do.. However, now that he is and Milt~on were Sunday. ~uesfs ,oIi II to IIID 'a p for aatomaito bond shut in the west pasture with of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt and bay In, .....ou'b . tbe Payroll SaVID,. . the other steers he seems cbn· family near Center.vine. Plan wbere y~a work, or' tbe Bond. * * * '. &·Montb PII~n ,at your .ban " ypq was to tented. Hi5 nr~t i . , Mr. a,nd Mrs. H'arold Steinke, are leU-emplc..yed. U~ S. SavinI'S James Steinke and Walter Bur- boDdl are traly lecarlt., bonds, tbe aUotmen' 01 only dille-visited M.r...-and M-rs. Wal' " "bleb week, .,.a , lace, Howell and familv at Leb- ret retarD a wboppiD, bll Delte" anon, Sunday. ' la, 1. yeafl. For example l AI Uto.



11 S. Mechanic St. , LEBANO~. OHiO ,

, ,*








Phone S06-X 5 Mulberry St. . .. LEBANON, bRIO · ,







al p.'5 lDve.teel rePlarly ever, week will brlD, YOIl '2183•• b,. 11)58. PIE RICA'S' SECURITY IS YOUR IECl1RlTY1









Mr., and 'Mrs. Guy Routzahn and RusseJJ had for their Sunday dinner g:~ests: Mr. Kerr


AN INCREASING N1UMBER OF PEOP,LE are seeking in. formation ' in at1vance of neea regarding funeral servic'e; costs etc. ', , '




Also .Wide LiDe 'of GROCERIES .and CANNED 'GOODS

It is a sensible business pro.

cedure, and of course ' is AL. \YAYS HELD' IN STRICT PRO. , FESSIONAL CONFIDENCE.

McCLU'RIE, . FU.N EIt~L ' HOME·' '



"MEADOW GOLD ~roducta" Phone 21 LESANON, OHIO - FRANK SISCY, Repre..ntative





, t·


La~y's Quality PH~NE , 2882










,There is much grave coneem in Wa ., run~ton over the thl'~atened all-out War in the Near East between the AI'abs and the Jewish fOl'ces in 'P alestine. , It is feared the struggle may prove to be the spark which, will set off World War Three. ' There has already: been fighting in J,,'l'usalem, and an all-out attack against the Holy Cit.y may well lead to destructi~n of many ChTistian shrines.



ow. ........

Bya vote of 260 to 106, the House last Wednesda~ passed the Rivers Bill to repeal all taxes on oleo,margarine. For ' sixty-two yoeal's margarine hail carried 'F ederal taxes of one-fourth Of a cent per pound for white margal'ine and ien cents for colored. In addition manufact~rers, dlstributol's and retaiioers have been requir,e d to be Federal licensed., The House passage of the bill to ,repeal the mar" garine tax came after a long penejd of parliamen- , taTY maneuvering, which incltHled its defeat in the House Committee on Agriculture, the filing of a discharge petition, the obtaining of two , hundred and eighteen signatures to make the petition effective, and, finally, th~e days of hectic and blUer debate on 'the floor of the House. While pr6ponents 'of the Rivers bill insisted they were interested in .lowering . living costs for , the ' consuming public, actually the real battle was between Southern producel's of cotton~eed, peanut and soybean oil on the one hand I\.nd the dairy interests. of the North on the' other. The support of many Repre'sentatives from the large cities, who thought they wel'e voting ,to lower the price of margarin\ to the consumers, tipped the scales in " favor of the bill's passage. Actually, however, twenty-three', states, including O,hio, prohibit any sal~ whatsoever of colored mar-


Betty Lou Gabbard vs. James l\1urphy, bastardy. Juanita Baker vs. Lester Baker,

lafter un dt:rgoing a maj r operation during th'e past week. ' M r. an i Mr -, Mdvin I3anta. .of Jame town were Sun iay din'ner ' gu -t f h r paren~ , Mr. .and Mr. J . hn Fromm.

Mr. and Mr's. Le Ames and children f Morrisville ·were Sund ay dinner guests f)f Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Hook,

Trlt. *ords? Not when you know th. tragic facts of which '" words or. sum ~nd lubstance. Lost year more than 188,000 Americans died of cancer-(ich and poor, young and old - on'. evettj 'hr •• minu'e.: Research and .du,c atlon are our most potent w.apons in the war on cancer. Y~ur contribution Is ne.ded ,to c~rry on). the flght - to wipe 'out cancer - to guard yourself , and your lov.d on •• 'f rom thll dread diseas •.

The House Commitooe on Armed Services is ex· pected to rep~rt put a new Selective ~l'vj(:e Bill some time ' this week. According to l'epOrtS' the proposed measure will can for the registration 01 all moen between the ages of 18 and 30, with those in the' 19 to 25 year age gToup subject to conscription for two years o~ military service. Exemptions will be provided for veterans with mor~ than 90 days, of military service, married ·men; and those oengaged in essential occupations. RegistTants will pl'obably not be subject to induction, however, until either thoe President or the Congooss has declared their_ induction necessary to our national security. , Co~sider­ able opposition to the passage of such a bill is expected. ' ___ a . _

Mr . Everett J 01111 ( 11 :3 cOI) fined at Miami' Valk H pital

"',GHr CANeM"•••

Federal officials have issued warnings that a , gasoline shortage is impending and will be felt most during the corning vacation season-especially in the Middle West. The demand for fuel oil, heavy shipments overseas, the 8h~rtage of steel to build new pipelines and tank cars, and sea-going tankers, are blam'ed -for the short gasoline supply.

• • •

di orce, ex.treme cruelty: C. Donald Dilatush. Eil eu pha l'.. vs, Leroy E. Gephal't. divorce, gross neglect, O• ,


.. .


county, transfer ' of funds,

'" .Hugh' Evert Rose, 24, Franklin, p"per worker, Geneva Stephens, 24, Franklin, ' factory worker. , H,J;lJ'y ,G,r eathouse,' 32, Lima, bus ddvCit; " Ada "Cornelius, 27, Franklin, fa~i?Ory work~r. ' Carl Patrick-O'Harold, 28, Lebanon Route l~ maCLhinist, Jeanette Louise' Arnold, 20, 'Deballon, press operator. ' '


, AnQther fight is · b~wing in the Senate over President Tl'uman's appointment of the Atomic .Energy Commission. The President wants lo reappo'i nt val'ious Commission members for long terms-som~ u,p to five years-while the Republican majority in the Senate believes the incaming President should be given some consid~ration in connec-, t,ion with sueh important appointments, and are proposing that no term of any Comll1issioner extend past June 30, 1950.

In Congre_s•• ,.


Mari'aret E. Peterson vs, Clarence Peterson, di orce, extreme . cruelty, J. T. Riley. Ch;l'les Pence- and Ethel Pence v's. Pearl Gl'aham, recorder of Warren county, Ohio James L. Gross, Ernest Earnhart, Verner Simmons, Louise Moore, incorporators of Carlisle, injunction res\tl'aini'ng l'ecordel' from making l"ecord of the pl'oceedings and furt her certifying the transcript in thoe matter of the incorporation of t.he village of Carlisle, Ohio, J. T.

. .

With ', ft 'B'u ckev e ........ c.-........ , ..


garinoe, whether( taxed or untaxed . So, as a l'esult, m Ohio and twenty-two other states dairy interests will suffer, while ma't'garine consumers will not benefit from l6woer prices.





a ••




Est~te of Charles ' C. Simpson,

deceased" Kenneth Simpson, ad- , , ministrator, inventory approved. . Estate of S. M·. ' Maa'g, ,decoeased, Helen M. Maag, administratrix, filed application for certificaoo of transfer of real estate. Estate of Clarence H. Edwards, deceased, Myrtle B. Edw~rds, ad, .· COMMONP~ ministratrlx, ' authorized to sell _ Gra~e G. Clark vs. tNeva Crist, personal proper y a public sale defendant gl'l1nt~d leave to file for cash; ' inventory h~aring set answer and c.rbss petition. for May 11 at 10 • . Ruth Marie Purks vs. Raymond ' Estate of S. M. Maag, dec'd, Elwood Purks, divorce to plaintiff, Helen M. Maag, administratrix, de~oendant ordered ,t<! , pay $25 pei; estate exe~pt from inheritance week for support. tax. ' Newton vs. Cecil B. Estate of Mary C~ BeJtz, dec'd, Ve-rnon N ewton, plaintiff ordel~d to pay 4 Mapha I. Belt~, executri'X, inven~ defendant $20 per wElek and .$50 tory approved. attorney fees. Estaoo of Stanley F. Hatfield, , In the matter of the transfer of· dec'd., Dellos M. Worley, adminis:funds of the Lebanon ' e"emptoea' trator, filed application for certif, village 'Bchop} district of Warren ,i cate of transfer 'Of' real estate.




Karl D. Dakin Insnrance Agency

9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons exce~t Wednesday 7-9 Saturday evening Other evenings by " Appointment

E. Mulberry,'LEBANON, o. '. OHIO COMPANY . . OHIO '~11lJ INDUUIIIY" tJM.

' ~PhoDe 1&3,20

'" aM1Il _ _




or. C. E. Wilkin ,

Optometric Eye Special" 26 ~outh Detroit XENIA, OliIO


.Puhlic Sale Having ~old IlliY property, I \\iilJ sell at the corner of Chap~ man and 4th. streets, Waynesville, Ohio.



,Willis Hunter


U ..-WAY ' FARM INIURAriCE" io' die 'Ohio' Pariaen will .;..~. ~. broed Protecdoo againlt loslel CID ,oar Iaha. Ie ....,...,. J'O'U buUcHap. your 'chatte14 your auto,mobile aDd JOur UabJII., 'for acddeocs to olben. Why DOt see lU to4a, ~ You ....., ,...t~ !file wbaa ~tft I.asured III the Ohio Parmerst



MAY·8tn, 1948

l3eginning at ONE O'clock P. M. the followmg

HOUSEHOLP GOODS ' Magic Chef Gas range; Westin,ghouse refrigerator ; May tag , electric washing machine, twin laundry tuijs; 3 burner gas hot plate; dining room suite with six chairs, 2 piece "living 'room suite; library table; kitchen .cabinet; utility cupboard; kitchen cupboard; Hoover electric sweeper .with attach' ments; bed· dresser 'and wash stand to match, with springs and m;attress; metal bed springs and mat1ress; 2 iron cots; , lot bedding; '?lash sta-hd; small sofa; 5 rockers; straight . chairs'; 3 stools; 1 PllK, 12x15 j 1 rug, 9x12; congoleuin ' ,rug; 3 mirrors; lot dishes and coo~in?: utensils.

OlD The Bond A lonth Club


Garden tools; ~wn mower; porch fumiture; porch swing and many ,other .articles· too num'erous to mention. ~ASH:


The comforts of a home for those who wish ~to ho14 service) here

STUBBS Funeral Home



,WapesviUe .- ~ .National Bank


tEAH MILLS Wilbur N. Sears, Auct. . Waynesville, Ohio-Phqne 265 t


Thompson and Irwin Clerks.








Miss Bonnie Satterthwaite en- THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAqE t tacK home dem >n -tration a· WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No.4367 · gent: Mrs. , Denni . of the X,el)iu tertain-ed jt the home of her THU·RSDAY, MAY 6, 19, 48 librar expre. ~cd her appre 1.1- · parents, Mr. and ' Mr. Harry ti n of the club' ~ I i ic project, atterthwaite, on ' Wednesda v "'hich i b :tulifyil1~ the Bell· evening, . with a surprise party tl! ook li"'rary ~i n~:l1 j,. honorine' Mr. ,eyrq Lackey who was celebrat·ing his birthday anThe Roll Call for the day niv ersary. Games and m I ic . Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Greg'g left \ a that each member maKe ' r were the entertaInment · of the Friday to spend the summer at and \ ear a corsa~e. Corsages evening and ' c ake, ice cream and their home in Welfmp;ton, Ohio. \\ ere als iven tf-Ie j{uests. coffee were served. Guests were , * * * .... . The President, Mrs. Kable, Misses Phy.llis Bailey, Faye ·Mrs. Otive Curl spent the read a 'short poem rin April Creech, Betty Satterthwaite, . weekend viSiting friends at The hostesses w:!re Mrs. Ken. Eula Hoak, Betty Thomas, Orient,' Obio. d~I I.Black and Mrs. John PeneFrances Whitaker, Norma LOh~... oI! * WITH ATTACHMENTS wit. Each person present found ·acre, Norma PUQlmill, David Mr. and Mrs. MIlton Sheehan a gladiolus bulb hidden in Hartspck, . Doug Henderson, 095 of Centervitre with Mr. and Mrs. her favor. Jack Tinney, Dick Bradley. Bill Lawrence Peterson of IndianaRickey; Don Baird, David The Ways and Means Com .. Stratton Eolis, Ind., cal,ed 'on Mr~ . .A'ice and ·. Milton Jones. . mittee announced a bake· sale Clark Saturday ' afternoon. for May · 12 tho Beside baked ... 1\1 * CARD TABLES Mr. and Mrs. Eli Furnas ~ngoods there will be ,plants and Miss Olive Williaills was a other articles for s,ale. ~ . tertained a. gronp of neighbors supper 080 on Sunday even. and, friends on Saturday. even- ing of guest ·M iss Monimia Bunnell , The club plans to send Con. iQg, with cards as the diversion and Mrs. Nellie Bunnell. me Coon to .F. F. A. camp· for of the evening. Following, the * ..* * . gam,es, ' cake and coffee were one week thiS WAI,.l. ,PAPER -- KEM TONE The annual flower show Will served by the hostess. Miss Jessie Garner is now 'a be May 26th. . resident of the home. G. E. BULBS -- NU ENAMEL Invited guests we re Mr." and ••• Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry R. Sat- Mrs. J. B. Rich, Mr: and Mrs. Mrs. Amanda HartrUll} spent , terthwaite attended the weddin~ Luther Hartsock and sons, Mr. Sunday,at the home of her son. of the lacter's mother, Mrs. Nel. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye and sons, Mr. Albert Stubbs and famtie AshmQre, and Mr. ' Dick ' Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Flinspach and ity. . ' " . . r Hosier in Clarksvme;pn Weddaughter, Mr. ·and Mrs. Henry * • • South Main Street across from Grange Hall nesday evening,. Apru 28 a~d R. Satterthwaite and sons, Mr. . . Mr. and Mrs. Will Tate of the reception which followed. at and Mrs. Ha·rry. S~terthwaite Bellbrook called on Miss Minnie Telephone 2422 ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO the home of the bride near and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dodson and on their aunt, Mrs. Clarksville. .Lawrence Furnas and son, Mr. Alice Clark on Sunday afterand Mrs. Willard Furnas and noon . .- ... -- . --'.... * * *. son and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Day. Miss Ruth Chandler attended .', \ May tag Company Sets oW asher Productionllecord I . . . . a luncheon ,meeting of Alpha ____ ________________ ______ __________________ __________ Phi Chapter, Delta Kappa . . · . Don~l~i Brown has resul11;ed . . Oamma"at the Bee and. Thistle h,IS stu.dles at Unwerstty of em- Inn in Osborn on Saturday. cmnah after a two·week· vaca-. ' Hon at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown. Mary

BELLBROOK Gt'RDEN CLUB the aft :rnoon, on plant Ge raph, he hall picture f HAS APRIL MEETING Inan . lant native to the difThe 'Bellbr ok Gaden Club ferent parts of the world. had its April meetin l! elt Hi, 11Mr. E. M. .Henderson, re- _ view Terrace with a lun heo n. gional director O1a de a few reMr -. Floren e Fi (hbei n of Dayton was the prin i pal peaker of . Inarks as Mrs. Dorothy Stan~


G. E.: Elect!ric--Cleaner

, ,.$57 $3


Furliitur~ ~& ~ Appliance

Co. ·


1 L-~











., When t~ 64-year-o[d May tag Company of Newton, Iowa, produced tt" five ml~lIonth washlar rech'dy" : the occasio,n was marked by a ilpeclal ceremony. Iowa Governor Robert D. Blue and leader. in business, '-lndu8trial, labor and chic orplllzaUona gathered to celellrate the event w~lch let a new recor'd in washer I production .hlstory.' . 0 ., . To~ .Smith, head. of the research division, which' devuloped the modern Maytai, Is ,sh,oWlll upper' left, .! autographing the one-piece aluminum tub which has had· a large share In buUdlng Maytag popularity. . . Assembly workers shown below lowering the tub into Its enameled steel ja~ket. At right. Miss , Rosanne Morgan,' 1947 Maytag Que~n, Is christening the ml'chlne wlth a botUe of milk. Looking OD, ·[ nearest the camera from left, are: W. 1. Sparks; secretary of the Maytag Company who halB been with the firm 'torty-nine ·y ears; Letha Trent, Miss Morgan's predecessor. as May tag' Qu~en: ROy Bradt, May· Itag vlce·presldent 1n cliarge of sales and advertising anet .president of The AmerlCl;Ln Washer' and Ironer IAssoclatlon; Verne R. ~artln, Martag sales manager; Fred "Maytag II, Iowa State Senator and thlr.d '. . :gen,eration ppesldent of ·the washer company;, and Io:wa Governor Blue. . . The 'Mayt8g Company made Its ·ftrst waJlher In 1907 a:nd 11$ mtUtonth machine In 192:7.. Between Itbe tour mUlionth May tag In 1941 and the ft~e millionth machine, May-tag took three yeaTS time out· ~rom ' peacetlme producti~ to engage 1~ war work. The~five mm19~Pl waahe~ ~ being ref9.ined by: Jdaytag as a souvenir. . . ., . ' .'

CANDY to '$ 1.35 " 4 ASSORTMENTS




... ....


_ '_

. .,



.Fairley. Hardwao re $to.res PHONE 2441

To Buy, Sell, Trade Rent, ' Bo~ow, USE

6 ,-



PHONE 2121






.,. \




"JJarVf!'1dturg The Conununity Helpers met Monday evening at the home of Mlf.\ 'and Mrs. Rqy 'Clark in Way'nesville. .

• • *

Mr. and Mrs. 'Dallas Barton and, sons . 'and Mrs. Bartons' mother Mrs. (AlIda Montgomery entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Lytle to dinner at their home, Saturday evenIng. .. ..

** * Mrs. Will

Mr. and Drake ' of Blanchester were Monday guests of Mr. Drake's sister, Mrs. Alice Sexton. , ,.



Mr: "and Mrs. Charles Doster entertained this BrIdge Club to dinner at their home Friday evening.

••• . Mr. and Mrs. Auzwood Mar-

Clifford Doster and dauo-hter, Cheryl of Springfielll. \

* '" ,,.


Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Tucker and daughter, MISS Evalyn Tucker ~pent friday evening· and Saturday with their ~on-In­ la\v and daughter, Mr. and Mr . ~ames Park and daughters of Cincinnati. ' .:

and family of Franklin spent Sunday with Mrs .. Cook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B~n Beckett and daughter, Miss Joan Be kett. * >I< lie . . . p~nny, little son of Mr. and Mrs. J ess Pennin ton, is recoverint from an attack of the mea les. .


'" * '"


Mrs. Ellis Bishop of Wash-

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cook

ing-ton Court HOtlse ~ pent Monday with Mr . Mar Pi Lon.




E. S. attended in a body, serv. ices at the Jonah 's Run Chur h, unday morn'in.i!:. .


*' . .

Mr. and Mr. Clau'de J on * and ' fami.1y pent several da Mr:. and Mr: . Lee Collins o f this week· l-iv-in~-t'"Afl'--'-I~r---C ;;::;;e--"-ri ervil' " were Friday gue ts ne e.· '" * * o f Mr. Collirr's par nt , Mr. an . Mr-. .H war i Collins. Mr. arah Wri ht had a .* * * her . guests r centl ML . Ri hard Lindnw i and Mr ', R Ila Lamarr f X nm.

'" * ,;:

The Warren O1aL1ter

_4 O.

'FABM -LOANS ••• FEDERAL LAND BANK - LOW COST LOANS No Application, Appraisal or Conupiasion Chatp




You Are A ·Member of a: .Farmer-Owned· Credit Association (DiviClenaa Paid on Stock)

Dilatush Building :- . Broadw~y -

Leba·n on, Ohio





tin, Mrs. Louise Fite and. daughter, Miss Jane Fite were Sunday guests of Mrs. Dollis Fraz- . ier in Germantown.


* .....

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert poster had as their house guests this weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clin e and daughter Geraldine of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. ,


Dr. 1'. P. Gro$venor OPTOMETRIST WaynesviUe Office Will Be Closed Until Further Notice

. P£RENNIALS Daisiea HibiICua,. Sweet William, : "" COryaanthemums EDNA ST. JOHN Across from' Texaco

. Representing ~_tbeimer. & Company, Members New York Stock "Exchanges and oth~r registered Exchanges Inv~tment ' Trust Shatel Bough t - Sold ... QU0ted .. Phone Waynesville 2530 .



"Loo~-~who gets squeezed ! Union leade'rs representing Ius than one·tenth of railrolld 'amployis reject rrcommendations of' President's ,Eme~genc, 'board--refusa to neg~tiate excep·t on their own terms~thfeaten' t~ p~ralyze nation by strl~.1 , TIlE q:A.DE~ of three railroad unions, representing l~ss than one- tenth of all \ raUroad employees., have called a railroad strike that would paralyze the nation; ...... . . . These, lea4ers refuie toraccept a 15¥.! cen~ an hour wage incl!ease retroactive to November 1, '1947. This increase was recommended by mi .partial Emergency Board 'appointed by President Truman. This increase of IS¥.. cents already has been accepted by the 19 other. railroad uniohs. But .the Brotherhood of Locomot~ve Engineers, " , ' the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and , .. . Enginemctn, and the Switchmen'. ,U.nion of North AmeriCa 'Won't accePt what Irlore than 90% ,of"an ranroad :~loyes 'have .accepted. They have .called a . e to get mo~1 .

Uniot.. refuse rule!! discussion Cedain rules ·chances demanded b7 these union leaden-.:.whlch would" Increase waps ItIil farther _ werereeomm~ded by the Board. But the anion leaders want moredemaad that the n11roads put bdo efteet, ehanps they alEe.! ' for, IdcludlDt . the BoanI' ~It should he de~. . On top of this,' they insist that eertaba rules' e......... proposed by the nllroacla be withspite of the fact that, the Board reeo.........ed diem! These ,unlol;l leaden ' . have refusN to negotiate exeept_upon these atbitrarr terms.

.t:I . the






u. The Ahnanac""To

Check·The Weather But U.. QAZE1TE a.ASSIFIED


To Bay, Sell, Ir'-t. Loaa, Borrow". , Arty '11m8' of The I ear


after ' hearing evidence for as d~ made reconuitendatlona 'based on -all the eta In the case, The raUroads have aeceptecl- these recommendations. ' .

Who's in lblame? Although they deplored ISO large an extra coat burden, the rallroada -acceP"tea tb~ report. 01 the Board because they left it wasm tile public interest ·to 1,lphold thc~ spirit .and Intent· ol the Railway Labor Act. ' ,

In contrast, this ' small group of lIallroad union leaders are attempting to flout the I lntent and spirit of the Rallway Labor Act, and dictate their own terms. . They have dictated a paraiyzing rallroad .: strike. . . , : You will-be the victim! ' How long wlll the American pubUc stand fo.. the undemocratic; arbitrary, and ' abusive use of the right to strJ!te and the dJsrenrd of the obUgation . to provide transportation? Row long can the American people permit ~ few dietatorial union leaden to defy the . proCesl1l provided for-peaeeful settlement o~ dlsputes? .. or Foree seldom produces settlements that.... either fair or lasting. Moreover, a point It often ' reached when personal Interes" must be held subordinate to the greater pubU. welfare. That is why the raUroacls have .e~ ~pted the Enierrene)' Board reeoDunenda. tJOIIL That Is also why the leaden of th~ three unions should .-econslder their deelslo& to all • paraIydq' strike. I


- .

Comlpare lhasa wal~1 witb wbat you maker


Here Is a comparison



t . ANrII'



of averag·e .a nnu.l """ . . . . 1 ·I_J'IIII....."".111111 . .NOI....RU , and ftreman' 1939 ' n (p,re-wat:) and I1'T. Road .......t ........... ...... ".111 AlIomoWDlsw~t1J47 . (Local aDd WQ) , earni.ngs Would have Road ~er ..••. .... 3,eaa been if the 1.,~ centa· Road ~t '(Tbrouah) 3,14., Per hour increase. :ifyard •.' ........ ,.,....... 1,7'"


earniRp 01 enaJneen

1141 A.. ,... A-' •• ,.1... 'ItII ....

IIC"....._ .....

., ....IM!! .....

, fered b, the'o(.dI .. R'MIN • and re ec:tecl. by . Uie .. lload Frel81it ' ...'...... t2,73f \ . .,110 "'711 union eader., h·a ·d (Local ancl'WQ) . been in effect tbroU4lh- '. BoacJ ~ '......... .,7U ........ '. r. '.' out tlie entire 'year ' Road Frelahl ............ 2,on 3,410 '.81 .. INT. " , yard ........... .,........ I,HI 3,·l M ...... RaUtoad waaea CC)Dlputed from Intemate ~eree CommIMlon Stat.aOftt M-300


Greater wage ~creue not. Justifl~ Engineers and firemen are among the highest paid of all employes in America, as . the box ahow. This strike threat doesn't justify giving a greater -increase than other railroad workers received. . Emerg8fl.CY Boards are a means l'TM·! (~· · by the Railway Labor Act in the publi(' " ,' . . to avoid 1trIkes. Tlie PreIIdent's r

e,oa '.11'7 4,740 .

1" LIBERTY STa.KIf • NEW YORK. NEW p'u~,_lIatalnl this and other ,dvertlaements to talk with )'Ou at mattei'll which are important to everybocl7.





REAL ESTATE DON'T FORGET TO CALL tiS for Insurance. All types of Insurance at 'a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2935 or call collect. WilminR:ton 21 t t.


Real Eltate For SaleLOT 50 x '1 5'0 . Phone 2691 J. W. McKeever, Third St. -56

IP YOU HAW ,A PROPERTY o~ PAR1\{ TO SELL Oa.u or Write Don H~nderson. Tel. ~ ~ 617 ,Lora.1n Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tie

-,unnr,er -- OhiO ShieS ,


Call at Alva All n s in Corwin. J. H. Rainey. -527 '





.. _

. - -al -





L .... cis _ _ _ -




2 BROWN SWISS BULLS BvUuHl IN WAYf4ESVILLE Everd l M Cull<Jugh, of Wayn e ville, r 'centl, purchased the 'r gi t ' r ~d Br w,n S\.viss bull H nry of O~k View' No. 86457 from ' C. F. Y rk, Greenville, Ohio and J hn Kemp I',e cently pur h ~s. d the r (I'iste red Brown wiss bull Royal Bob~s Delaware Beautv, 88244 from Walter G. Moye r, Box 07, New Carlisle; Ohio accordinK to a report from Fred S. Idtse, Secretary of the , Br6wn Swiss Cattle Bree 1ers' Association Belo Wis.

I wi h to thank , m. .m any friends for th ir upp rt In the primary election f r co~nty commi - ioner. CI de 8. Impkins, Lebanon. '

NOTICE OF .APPOINTME~T Estate of Clarence H. Ed-' wards deceased. . Notice is hereby gIven that M 'rtle B. Edward whose ~ost Office Address 1S Waynesville, Ohio R. 2 has been 9u1y appointed as Administratnx ,of the 'Estate of Clarence H. Edwa~ds late of Warren County, OhlO, decea~ed. . qated this 2_nd day of ,Apnl ' 1948. ' Mapl & Maple, Attys. Ralph H. Carey . Judge of the .proba~e Court Warren County, OhiO . -513


'~. ,


YML CA1r:H' MOIeE PAN FISH IF YOU LISE A I SELL THE EARTHSl'A.TE PARKS OFFeR.. sMAL'- SOlJaER. 50MB OF TM~ 1=INeST IF YOU HAVE ANYTHiN9 AND MAKE SlJIeE PL'Ace6 1'0 SEE -me YOUR. HOOK. in Real Estate for sate, get m' ~LOWE"'S· ISN'r 7bO J.'A~E CONSERVATION CONT~u.eD touch with Ben E. Cline, lic- NOTICE QF APPOIN~NT PARKS ARe opeN nLL 'ensed broker, Spring' V~l ,l ey, • 'USE HARD SERVICE VEAR fOR HUCERS AND Ohio in Real Estate Busmess Estate of Norvil E. Lancaster OlHERS 'SEeKING; OUTDOOR. GET MORE ACRES , 's ince' 1911. Experience tetts. deceased. RECQATION· .. . , Try me and,see. Notice is hereby given that -8 26 William 'F. Fox and T. ?. Gray PHONE 2451 BILL LEE whose Post Office Addresses are ENTOMOLOGIST SAYS DDT applied either as a dust or as FqRRENTCe ' terville, OhIo and Lebanon, C.aJN KILL CORN BORER , a spray. For the spray dilut-e ~H REE room apartmen t, fur- ", Ohio have been duly appointed ON EARLY SWEET CROP one and one-half pounds of 50 nished. Fallis F. Pail)e, Waynes- as Administrators of the Estate .vHle, Ohio. -429 of Norvil E. Lancaster late of Se'v eral years test of tre ati'ng per cent wettable -001' powder Warren County, Ohio, deceaseq. sweet C0)'11 wi th, DDT for corn with 100 gallons of wa,t er, with, WANTED TO RENT~ Dated this 13th day of Apnl borer 'has had such ~oocl re, five ounces of a commercial spreader add ed. FIVE or SIX Room House ' ,in 1948. suIts in Ohio that H. T. Parks, 5 per cent DDT dust is reWaynesviUe. Call WAlnut H. Z. Gr.ay, Atty. . extension entomolol~ist; Ohio com'm ended for corn borer con. Ralph 'H. Carey 857 '1 in Dayton. State University, recommends Judge of the Probate Court the treatment by used b v grow- ' trol, directed again t the upper -429 surfaces of the l:eaves, into the Warren Ohl() ers for commercial canneries whorls, int o the leafaxils, and CONSTRUCTION FOR SALEand oy hom'e gardeners. ' upon new shoots. Four applicaHANDLES ' , The control treatment' is not tions are required at 5-ctay inBOOK CASE with gla s door, recommended for fie:ld corn or , also library table. MI:S, Walter~s. ' 'SILAaE 'for sweet which is being grown ter Whitaker, 3rd. Street. Treatm ent is r·eco mmended for seed. The cost willl run frO~l When egg masses can be,ifo und Phone t 503. -56 . $10 to $14 per acre, so tt IS on five plants out of 10. ' Th~ , 'COAL Range, ~50 and outside not practical except on corn eg~s ar,e white" usually placed 3 -seat tOilet, wired for electthat has ~ hig:h value in the ear-. on the under side of th e leaves INTERIOR , & EXTERIOR ricity, S25. J. W. McKeever, Iy market or' that is wanted for near the midrib. . Third St. -56 liomlf table use. The treatm):!nt ually starts about' e: s cond Every Job Guarante~d reduced the: number of borers week in June in sout~ Ohio. ~~~--- ~ EARLY-f.'IClERS I, , !~ from an average of 19 per stalk Free Estimates CheerfuUy to less than one per stalk. Start chicks now' have early , Given ' The 'Friendship Club wiII Parks says DDT may be meet at th e ' home of Mrs. Mr. fryers--th-ey will be in big demand. S tar ted sex e d Charle Koocr jer on Wednesday ~A" AUCTIONEElUNG SHARP &. WIL~IAM~ cockerel chicks now ~vail­ afternoon. D.UV.IY, able. Corner Main & 'Miami Sts. STANLEY 'and KIOOGLER , N~W't DUNHAM WHITE ROCKS , WANTED . BROKERS L.ICE,NSE , Nil.. focIa" Iw ".. folder and Phone Waynesville 2916 DEAD STOCK

Plow -Shares

p"" ,

For Dat... Phone 2894. Wayn ..ville. Ohio. Rever.e Ch.rgea

WANTED TO BUY. GOOD HORT blue-grass sod. Gene , Dunn, 509 WY,omtngSt Dayton Call FUlton " • ' 57.35. -5-20



, For You To Feel w(_~ 24. hours every day 7 duya C!very week, never stopping. the lcldncya tit ter matter the blood. aware o( bow the tly remove aurand othe r wSlBte in the blood without • would be better underata g ' 0( . 10hll the whole' syatem is upset when kIdneys faU ' to (unction properly, . Burnln~ ••canty or too r ,'uquen~ urlOa,tlon aometimes .wllrns that aomethi~1 la wrOQI. You may' auRer ,naaalnl backache. h,adachea • . dlzzlneu. rheumatic .~aln.e. ,ettlne up at nleht8! ....mnl. , Why not try Doa,,'. Pilla? You wW be usin, a medicine recommended the country O\'er· Docu.· ...tlmulate the (unetlbn of the kldn8YII aod help them to flush out POllODOua .-ate from the blood. They co'o taiD Dothinc harmful. Get DoCl~·. tod~. Use with CODftd...~

~'~ 1~~-':"'-~~~~~~rntK=4M[Tm;rt;-~rH=?t~~::t~ t~. tber~ ' •

any 'kind; M L FI' elds ' Route 3 . . , Waynesville -56

F ADM LOANS~,~ . , , .4 PER CENT Farm Loans

Eas·v Terms ' J • Call George Henkle.. Ph 2 Lebanon one ' -513


HORSES-$8.00 HOGS-$3.75 cwt• Accordlft, to 5131. a Condition AI~o" All SMALL STOCK , REMOVED PRQMPTLy Phone ,




1712 ' \.

NORR,IS B'R OCK CQIMPANY Y d · Union Stock. a'A • ,Llv. 'W,lr, and prollrtl.,!v" n orallnizatlon •• oond ng;:t Strlotly ·••11'... Ok""'" I" the all , arOund mar... n oount..v. SERVICE THAT SATISFIE6 WJHlO 12:60 E. S. , Tu•



At aU druc .tores.

WLW ClnCl~a

HEILP WA~TED F'E MALE ' , "11111!1_"'~_. ,1f~~~tDlt~pJ~' .for Our lly WANTED-Wo~~gho~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, keeper to cook, serve table ' W ' ....P:AY FOR '

and clean downstairs. Must · have pleasant ' peiS'otl~lity" ' high ,standard of cleanltness and be personally neat. . Should be capable of assuming responsibility, be fr~ to travel in summer. Country location in family with children and dogs. Pleasant privaje room and bath fUrnished. 'Character references requir' ed. Salary ' $150.00. Writ! givin'g 'references, brief Eelsonal history ana availabIlity for interview to Mrs. 'H. W. Nichols. Jr., c/o Fox ' Paper , Co" Lockland (Cinti), O)lio. -56

' Dlal1800

, .... ' .

HORS . ES,, $S.OO; , CO , W~$l' A.OO,~





$3 00 , ",'


c ,.



X E N I A Fertilizer · 45' , 4 Xea_ o. LG.B. . . . ., ....



Armitage .-&-SOD BAND. alld GRAVEL



om. . . .... JaL




The M ia m i Ii A Z 'E T T E

It Says "

,H er e By SmiJty (' Only one thing is holdIng Waynesvi11e, ack from a terrific increa se in popu latio n'and business. . . That one obs : acle,~ the lack


No. 436g




T,iH U R $ 0 A Y, MAY 13, 1948 ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~


EDW ARD w. RICKS , Edward .W. , R~C K S, a former Wayne ville re i ient who m v· ed awa al out 30 'a r' a '0 , wa killed late Morida nigh t when a tru k pinned hi s car agai n t a pm r pole at Irw tn and prin O'field Stre t in Dav ton. ' Mr. Ri k ', who address was 524 N. Detroit t., Xenia , ,is survived bv his wife, Reva; a daughter, MISS Eltadella Ricks, and a son, Richard Rick of Da yt' n.. He attended the Wayne vtlle h ool. FM the past eiJ!,J1t e<trs he had been a ~uard at the S}~ffield Corp. in Oay,tOl!. Funeral 'servlce will e hel<1 tomorrow at 2 :30 n. m. in th e McClure Funeral Home with the Rev, Edwaili A. Puff o'f . Da.yton in char~e. Burial will be in Miami. Cemetery. 3

'8Ull ' a aIo·T,ruek Dliv '· er' )'S KelI led it~?~~~~~t~~~a~~::~i ~;~i ' At · U - nl'Jeghted ' Curve' Thu'rsday of new housing in or. near the Vil~~~~ do-I know this, you ~sk.


Church of Christ. Will ~ Lose' Pastor ,



The Rev. R. M, J hn t 11, who has filled 1h pulpit , of tIT-Waynesville Church of Christ f r four months,' :\vil1 preach h ~ farewell 'sermon Sunday morning, and will leave soon fo r his h me in 'Nova $cqtia, Canada. Th ere 'will be no evenin?; service Sunday, and nO' supply pa 'tors have vet been' chosen for the fu.ture. ' ' The de'partin ' pastor and his wife will be honored at a "family night " tom:o rrow in the Grange .Ha.Il, arranged by tYl e Church of .Chri t Bible School. A pot-luck dinner at 6. :30 p. m. will e followed by gam s and entertainment. The Junio r Bible Class will be in char~e Of ,the program, under Mrs. Ruby Hilton, teacher. Mrs. Francis Brannock will be in charge of the supper. Members and tllerr friends are irivfted. Mr; Johns ton ,has finish ed a curse at Cincmnati durin g ~v~i,ch ,he served as pastor here.

to ask If I know where he can ' , ' . find a ' home in Wa nesville. ' . Here a1' some typical cases: Charles William Koons, 26, The cab ~as practicallv de,': 1. A n~an stat\oned in this county, in conne ction \yith 'the of Buffalo, N. Y., ~as instanLl . m,olishecf but the trailer was un. h" r killed Thursday night when a . damaged., , ' .' "Big Inc pipe me expect tractor-trailer plowed through Koons had picked up the 1 ad Jive here or in Lebanon, for several .years. He couldn't find a the five-foot dH i embankment of, punch-press plates Thursday on Route 73 at Thi.rd Streef aftern oon at the Arm;e o plarit CASSIE A. HARDY home in \.Vaynesvi1le. came to rest with its cargu in Middl 'etown, and was dnv I ' '2. A res arch man with the and f t ' IC t With . tern, h t 0 s eel sheets p''1,ed on t he dri. Mrs. Cassie AI Harrta., 82, Monsan to Ch eas ' emlca o. expe s ver1s cab. \.°1 Dr. A. E. Stout . pronounced years ,Old! died at~ her home to be assi gned ' to tile research in The crash . occurred about 8 him. d,pad and the body' was WayneSVille .at center in Miamisburf this fall . 2 :55 a. m. Fri:>' and he is devoting his week- o'clock on a rainy evening. The taken She, ,was a widow. to the McClure Funeral day. Funeral . services were heM ends to \!'i itiil~ t wns within _0 street light at tfie curve was out. Home. A brother from : Buffalo Monday afternoo'n from miles of Miamisburg, looking The 20-ton vehicle failed to came here to ' arran?;e 'for fun- Stubbs Fune'ral Home with the ~ 1 mate the the sharp Curve where for a 5 or 10 acre farm to ive several other acCltlents have oc- era} services. Owne r of the truck is J. J. Rev. R. B, Coleman officiating. on. ' curred in the few years. Tromanhuser, Kenmore} ~N. y. Burial' was in Miami Cemetery. 3, A Daytori worker .whose Rescuers foundpast Koons' badly This was the firsl traffic She is survived bv a brother, wife comes from Wilmmgton inangled body wito a' hand still death in 'Waynesville for' more Clare \v.ants a home beLween the tWO nce S, Smith of Lytle, and ., th €Hies. \Vaynesville WOll~d be gnppll1g e emergency brake. th several nieces and nephews. The morninK service will l e , an a year. . . held . at the local ' Methodist i\:llaS~er~ehrte' .bU: he can't fmd -a ytoman \.. 11 DAVID V.. DAVIS h at 9 :30 a. m. .nex t SunIyor IDeS a There have' been othersI S Mr. and Mrs. John P., Froll"m Churc . day instea d of the 'usual 10:30 , f , - d · I: only half of hem had foun and Mr. and J\\rs. Clrde Fromm t0 perrru't ReVe R', 8 . C0 Ieman , what they w.anted in Wayne,attended the' funera , serv'lr o \'n ~astor, t<;> attend dedication :' •• OS · Ed'''ard A. O'Connell - e would vill , the villag be weI 1 r.. , & Dayton on Tuesday for ~Mr. , eremontes fQr a new M'etl10. . l~ ",II on its' way toward a new pros- . V d ist' h rch b ild'n - Ra' Dayton is in jail .in Lebanon David V. Davis, brother-in~law' boro erity. Peopl e who can afford c his boy'l~oOd J! hl~nle . m~~ , I OU P pe.l)ding 'paym,ent of two fines of Mr. Fromm. Mr. Davis was ' ' . ' . ~ h' w € mmute 15 or· 20 mJ'1 es t0 T d ,I . h employed at Elders in Dayton Highland " ,County . .. , Imposeu on I~ ' ues ay mgt . work ·are generally t~e ty e for a num" 'ar of . years and ' . Ch~rch · sc~ool. Will follow the Froin now on, you ,get your by M~or Warren Braddockl' to ~ ,lJI'.' . w " worship ser Ice Instead f p e 'Con, ,.hell- was arrested . quite well know r t , ' IDa:». ear or you a ' . ~et·lt ~ after n here . . g ,It, .' fo...r v . thiS . Qne, Sunda 0 . r co~u y ~ IV~. 9,e¢.m unW the next mo-tnln, g. y fqr er attc driving . t 'the' traffic JOHN only Mr. • , toJ.em an an,nou nced . light in W. a ynesv lUe on Mon.. . STANLEY IS HURT Postm L H. Gordon has 'd ,Tf-e service will stress 111',0'11 How, eaSily t 7 45 we f orget ,... decre WHE ed aster N that AUT the O ' OVER Wayn esvill TURN e S ay a Jl : p. m.. . ~ Ma~ , 8, t 94-5, was a day of P t Off' " schdo l 'graduatiqn time. " 11 b Mr. J k d The ' f ines wer~ ,73 and ·o,icln costs. « . , . . . __ ~nd John . s_ o _ 'emn St..aRJethank \f.-..-"ls s- prom rej rec6'Vering Coleman'S serm'on topic will be os ,ptly lce , WI e ocday. e • .... for drunken dnvm g and cf 50 f I'. d~· -t f 1h at 6 p.. m. ever,y . . ,es h J . . . " glvmg, an ,mos 0, us . ou ~ht. This Speclal . rom mJun e receiv ed when "Th e Supreme Ch" gives, less than ~nd costs fqr dnvl~~ Without a his nearly -new automo-bile left music will include olce.' we'd always rem,ember It. T at an c..hour to pick UK their' even- licens a· solo, Stepe. A 1O-day J~Jl t~rm was the road , and overturned while henso was V-E Day. Half of the n's "I Sough t the Lord ". suspe nded. world's most terrible war was ing mail after it its been dis· he was returning from Da~ton by Mrs. Don Gahris, and Park's F 'd 'ITt over~ " tributed. '-;" S WAYNESVILLE STUD ENTS ia~e;Jtig~~ a~dHgr~~:::hr1~t !~~ /l'W W Id S ' J cho~. ou ee !Jesus, 'b.Y t he But May 8, t 94 8, apparently The reason ' for the drastic TAKE HON ORS IN MIAMI able to climb out of t e wreck was just another Saturday, the order, Mr. Gordon said, is that SCHO LARS HIP TESTS ' day when everybod~ \viiS getting young vandals ~ave been en·, through the . windshield. ready ' for M~ther s Day. No- tering ' the post -office after the " Waynesville students who lJod v had ~an Armistice Day windows are closed, ana break- went to the scrrolarship tests m'ood. Can it be that we've ing into boxes. One box was at Miamj University on SaturII forgotten 1945 ? ' broken"open after the, boxhold- ' day, May , 1% were paced by The Mothers Club elected er had already emptied it, so Donald LUKens" who won S In a Missouri village where the purpose could 0 ' Mrs. Charles Le May as presionly eighth place - in the district in . I once Uved" the volunteer fire- been vandalism, not tbeft. have ' tne . dent for the 1948-49 year at American history test, and . The famiJia'r shout, "Play its closin g meeting of. this 'year men one night ' resp'tmaed to a Several ," boxholders have Eileen ' Brown, who r.anke d .Ball, " will ech~g-h \VaYli e in the Krade school , frtda y blaze, hitched t~ hose t~a: been wondering what advant- ninth in English ,XI. .Park , next Monday at 8 p. m, afternoon. Mrs. Samuel N. hydrant, and turned on the w.a· age they now have per- . Other Waynesville studen:s when .th'e reorganize ter.. Nothing happened. W~ile sons who get 'mail freeover b-cluh Keys, the , retiring 'president, h who took honors we're :Harlan Waynesville Softbal'Jd' Leagu presenfed a bouquef by someone's roof burned merr.tly, general delivery. 'The throug box is ,Earnhart, 1~th in biology; Earl . h~s Us game, with e was sixth the firemen looked for the supposed to , nable its renter grade r Tobe Ball, who the to ' Rye, 19th 111 English XII, and Miller's Restaurant team meetsan~ /lLi ~tle Old , Lady." , trouble. They found . t~at a get his mail after the windows y Robbins, 'in algebra ing Kier's Garage, a newcomer . Other new officers will , be spectator had pari.ed her car close, but if the ,building is lock- Emer I. ' . to the lea?;ue. The ' Warren M'TS. Edgar Smith, vice~presi­ squarely ' on their hose' tine. ~ ed at that time he cannot do ~tate -wide rating s in thes.~ ,C~untv American Legion band dent; Mrs. H. F. ' Dye sec· This hasn' t , hapl'~ne~ In ' so. subJects had hot yet been c'om. Will parade arountl' (he grounds retary, and Mrs. 'Wilbur Waynesville yet, out. vllla·ge uUis, The order also incoRveni- piled when Supt. Raym ond W. at 7 :40 artd ,local dignitaries treasurer. councilm,en ' were talkmg last ences pers~ms wh<;> co.mmute to ,veek ,, ~bout . ways '?f' k~eping work an ,other cities and do not Braddock- released .the ' stand. will make brief speeche~. The ·first grade the PTOings this week. Thirteen 'local The two Dayton Association gram and a speec~ave m'otorists from ~ettmg m the always get' back to 'Wayn~sville ' pupils h was made went to Oxford for the , umpires' will be ~scorted onto by Stanley way Of fi~em~~. . . ' Marke y, , count by 6 o'cloCK.. v sani" . tasts, each taking the quiz in the field ~y th~ band playin Their diSCUSSion bOiled down .' tary engin eer. ,'. ' ' a differ ent subject. · ' , ." "Th!e e, Bhnd MJce"j but t,eague to a few simple safety rules: .' , MEHAFFIE IS HEAD '. ~ . ~ / preSident Bdb O 'Regan mSlsts BUSINESS WOMEN , 1. St?P your car. to, let the ' OF TRd op COMMI"IT EE . / ] ; ' , . that .their presence will elim- REELECT OFFICERS · fire engme pass. " ,f ' ': I. ...1 2. If you MUST folloW the inate the long arguments and Charles R. Menaffie was' . .,rl,j ~ ?;ame delays' of other. seasons. firemen par,~ far from the .blaze elected chairman for tile') 948', Th,e Busin~~s Women held ' Mr. and Mr.s. Charles, Ander- "Pro" umpires will work ,all the and 'waik,t.fie Fest of the way. 49 charter year" of , the Troop son fmal me~lmg Of the, ye,a r The' exercIse WIll d~ yo~ good. , Committee , for Waynesville's of Jr. are announcin~ the birth 1948 gam;es here. . ' . ' . on Wedn esday eyen l.llg at the 3.,0g ey anv ~ffl~er ~ or ~e- . TFoop ,40 at a chili supper ,m son,a ten · p·ound, three ounce, . The league will play a split h.o~e OF Mrs~ Ray ,Miller with Charles. Austin Anderson, season, with, every tea'm meet- sixtee ~uty S Signals and alo/ays. giVe ,the cabi~ Thursday nlgnf. Other on, ~unda y at Miami Valley , ing all five others twice in each prese n me~bers present. The , fire , appa(atus th~ benefit of membe~s of the committee Innt officers were reeleoted Hospital. . , half, and the 'top three teams . for the coming year .and any doubt ,about nght-bf-~ay,. clude Roger Brown, S. L koMrs. " " of each half meeting in the Alva Thompson was In charg , ' t iinson Therle Jones lowel l ' 'e Gr I ' I t Sat J_ 'play ~ off~. Cemplimentary of a short program. N. Y. STOCK lXCHAlNGE(O 'Thomas, and John F~om~. In . ' F III~ 0 ee scorecards will be given out , TO BE CIVIC CLUB TOP Following aL'JPurn~ent, a other cap~cities are Ralph Has,:, , ar~e~ s Gran ge ~o. t 3 will , In a late announcement, Bob strawberry short Harry Vonderhaar, a part· tings, . Institutional Representacake with m reg~Jar sessIOn on Sat· O'Regan" local softball head, whipp ner 'of Westheimer . and Co., ,live, and A. 'H. Stubbs, Neigh- , m.eet ed cream , y and coffee were urdda ev.e.mng. Alll mem,bers announced that Mayor Warren serve Cincinnati 'and Dayton, will ad· borhood Commissioner. d by the hoste ss and her an famltles aTe urged to at· Braddock is expected to throw assist dress the Civic Club next Mon.. ants. " Plan's for a camp to be held tend. out the tirst pitch , next Mon. day even~ng in the Met1)odist at Camp Hook on May - - - - - -;::;. . Mr. Carmonv of Springfield day night, with either Church on: The' ~ew York were discussed. The affair2'2-23 Supt will ~111 s~ow m.a!lY lovely an.d Raymond Braddock or Jobn The W. C. T. U. will 'meet Stock 'Exchange and Its opera- be for Boy Scout~ and their IAtere stlDg movie s taken on ~IS Gou~, on Friday afternoon a't the . School board preSident, tions. ' dads. ' extended tour. recelvmg. , home of Mrs. Jenni e Bradley.

Methodist Senice To Be an pour Early


Post .Locked '. M Fe ' 0 e, A At 6 R M B ' eca ' e UDuceDsed, Drank 0n,.•ver thS Break·'Boles I





Mo,h'ers' Club Ele"ls





League's I Mnday


Mrs.' Le May Preside,nt




,The Miami Gazette BSTABLISHED


1 8 &0

Publiahed Every 'Thursday At Waynesville, Ohio CARL G. SM ITH, Editor . :Entered a. second class matter at'the Post OHic. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: ' $1.50 a Yefir in ~dvan~ce

To' the Editor

hone t offi ial , we would 'til b' . ,1 dtcr f'f. Caflgratul;lti n t t1~e Den~ ratic voters far thetr> choice of go d reput~ble peoll ~'-ta repr nt th m ele tion




the c mlll,(l' fall

) " nn 'th Hm Grove City Ohil)


Th/ere has t 'e'en an th ' I' a 'cijent toni -ht, 1 suppose to , a r , lot f p ople' .iLl t ano 'her a id- 3 NEW MEMBERS JOIN ent, an j I SUI pose th re , \\'lIt te mOIc. There have be n SEW·SO 4·H CLUB HERE & (To have evel1ts listed in this calendar, notify The Gazette plent ' of accid~nt in the ame The Waynesvi1l~ ew - 0 , before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) .' Hura] Life unqay' wil l te place' b fore. But what has ever 4-H Club met Thursday, May en.! yed bv the vanous Gra.n '" 6, at Mrs. Klontz 11 me with been don abcmt the caus of FRIDAY, MAY '1 4 accidents in this particular Mrs. Klontz and Mrs. Ed n-, so ieties of Warren County '''11 Churcl1 of Christ Famil night at Grange hall, 6 :30 p. m: unday, May 16, at Fort spot? Nothing I. A great part of field ill harge and Ann Rogers " W. C. T. U. in Mrs. Jenni Bradl,ey home. Anci nt tate Park, wher a the time the st.reet light on the presiding. The g,roup , ha,d American Legion 'baseball pr~c~ice, 5 :30 P. M. ba ket dinder wiU be served aCt 1 .00 in trert ury (rom la t corner is out, as it was lonight. St. Mary's Women s Auxiliary. one o'clock. ~al~l Marble, pr -iThere are' no signs indi cat1l1~ year. It was voted that .05 de,nt of . Wtlmmgton ColI , ' e~ that a particularly bad eurve is would be the dues. The new . SATURDAY, MAY 15 W ill be the ~uest speaker. In' who wanted to join members On the road. Yes, there are a Farmer s Grange No. 13, regular me'eting. ca e of ra-ill the affair will c couple of arrows on the corner, were Elizabeth Ma.rlatt, Car I TO\ nShip trustees meeting, 7 :30 P. M. held , at the Lebanon Grange bu t~there is no chance f r a Jean. Adams, and RIckey' Pai. Legion baseball practice, 2 :3,,0 P. M. Hall. vehicle to slow up enough after mer. ' ' . ' SUNDAY, MAY 16 the signs are seen, especially Memf1,ership cards were also _. Go to Church! , on a bad night. . di tributed. Miss Katherine Prenderga t C<?unty Grange - rural life :Sunday, Fort Ancient, 1 P. M. The next meeting, will be at We have a good little village has returned to her home after BacCal aurea te serv:ice a.t W. H..S., 8 P. M. here, a progressive population Mrs. Klontz hou e Thursda,)', a few days in Miami Valley Legion baseball practice, 2 P. M. anxious to do things for the ad- May 27 at 1 P. M. Hospital. She had fallen at her MONDAY, MAY 17 vancement of mankind. I , h~ve home and a slight Jra • . Oivlc Club in Methodist' Church basement" 7 P. M. often wondered, why the village . , The Friend's Quarterly Meet· tUre of thereceived shoulder. . couldn't finance ' an adequate ing was held at the church on Sof~ball opening game, Kier's vs: Miller's, 8 P. M. sign at the top of the hill, large Sunday with a basket dinner~ Boy Scout Troop 40 at 7 :15 P. M. and hideous enough so a' per- Prof, Charles Berry of Earlham . , The Hodson , fam.iJies spent TUESD~J, MAY 18 " son could see it. Boys Club picnic, 6 :30 P. M,. College· was the guest speaker. Mothers Day at the home f ' There was a man killed here ' Hansel Hodson and family, , ~NESDAY,MAY19 tonight, and wno can say it was Softball, Bellbrook vs. Spring Valley, 8 P. M. not negligence on the part , , LO,dge 163, F. & A. M., special, meeting) to conter Master Mason of ,our village? If this mad bas . degree, 7 :30 P; M. a family, perhaps a law sui,t a,Commencement at Harveysburg school. gainst the v'iUage wO,uld cost a , I g:ood qeal more: than ade.qua~e mURSDAY, MAY 20 s1gn. 'Smcetely hope the powers Softball, American . Legion vs. Fairl~y's, 8 P. M. • that be do. not need too' many W. S. C. S. at Methodist Church, ~12 noon. repeats of tonight's tragedy. Rainbow Council at Cparles Lemon ·home. ' ,Dr. H. F. qye EDITOR'S NOTE - Last Friday, the night after this trag~dy, ' 110 str-eet lights were ,.burnmg anywh~~re in Waynes, . ville. All. that stood- between Main Street and ' total darkness ''f ere ' an-night signs of two grocery stores. But nobody seem/ea to consider this an emergenoy. Why?

Events Coming ·'Up


We're experts at tracking 'down those squeaks in your car!


I _ .- ...... tenda,. l ~"f

• ,

METHODIST CHtJRCH . ' R. B. Coleman, Minister Worship service 9 :30 a. m. Church school ;10 a. m. J. J. Burske, Supt. IY outh Fellowship ',Sunday, 7 :30 p. m.



aAMUEL N. KEY8, Mini8ta,r

Church School 9:30 a. m. Nursery Schoof , 10 :30 a. 91. Holy Communion ' :10 :30 .a. m. FRIENDS

Worship Service Sunday S~ool

9 :4S a.

1 0 ': 45 ~

It was gratifying for forl1'\er m. , Waynesville· citizens to watch m.

the results of the past primarv' ejection with the ' Democratic MT. HOLl!Y METHODIST voter~. selecting Frank Lausche as heir standard bearer. T. M. 8CARFF, Minl.tar Th~ primary election is the Sunday -School 9:30 a.m . . !ll'o~t. un;portant of all, because It glVes the voters a chance ta E. A. Earnhart, Supt. separate the wheat from the · Wof~hip ,Service t a :30 a.IIl," chaff. I'm , not stire .that the. Evening Service ' 7 :3() p~m. electioo in WaynesvjJ1e brought . out a record vote, blit it was ... cJose to being an all time high. , . I f the , p.e(!)pJc~ , all over the REV. WILLIAM 8HANNON cou~try would uSe the same dis- . cretlon as Wayne Township ' Sunday School _ 9 :30 ,a.m. . Democrats in the' selection of Mrs. J ames Garrison. SupL conscientious " and candidly ,Preaching. 1st and ,3rd Sundays eacJl month ,. to ;30 ••m. Evening Set~lcc= , Z':30' p. M.

. ~rst.Day Sc)1001 9:30 &l.m • . w. S. ·C. s. TO MEET ' meeting for Worship THURSDAY AT CHURCH .


to :30 a.m.

ST. AUGUSTINE Father' Krumholtz, Prieat




8 and 10 A. M.





R. M. Jobnatoa, Miaister Bible Schoo1 9:30 a.m. Communion i 0 :30 a.m. , ,






Bible Scl1ool ' 9 :30 8.m. Morning Worship to.:30 a.m. 7 :00 p.m. Frayer Meetint Youn~ People s Meetin~


Complete lu",'c~';on onl,


; .The Woman's ' Society. of ' Christian Service of the Meth. odist Church will meet Thins. ' d,ay, .. May 20,. in the church basement" with a co.vered dish luncheon at noon. A business . '. meeting and religious ,service will be held at. .2 P. M. Each: member is ,asked to hfing a , ,' guest. . ·ST. MARY'S CLUB PICKS . OFFICERS FOR NEXT YEAR DELIVERY DAYS Charles Starr, ' coach at Bell. TUES.-lHURS.-5AT. brook school, was elected president of th,e St. Mary's Club,Sun. day evel1lng at th.e Episcopal Same Delivery Day Each Week rectory, ,as pa~t of the final bus=" iness meeting of the year. Other officers chosen are Carl G. Smith, vice· preSident; . Mrs. Helen Hawke, secretary, and Frank Sibe)' Gladys Bolin, treasurer. The LEBANON group plans to hold several Phone 21 Representative picni~s during' the summer.




, We don't do .,it by gUesswork-but with modem equipment,and, Sohi~ J;.ubri-Check-a scientific eh-:c.k list covering the ,application of; a dozen dil,ferent types of lubricants-the way the car manufac~er wants it done.





Evening Services

,7:00 p.m.

7 :30 p.m.




Por spring lubriNt'on of , our ~ar-see, 1I$ , --"


----. •




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



..,- .------!Iiii

y••r,, '. dependable



. 'PAGE 3 TH E MIAM I GAZE TTE . WAVN IESVIL LE, OHIO No. 436 21-22 , the ~uran,g'o Kid return ' T1H: U ,R so A V, MAY 13, 1948 te I the TWin screen. His auto-


di·es Joe Doak in "So You Want to' ·be a Gambler" and l ,do carto n "Curious PUPl .. "


graphed photos win iven out \ViUl each ticket. ' "I am a Bette Oa vis fan, and LEGION TEAM SLATES so loo k f~rward to seeing a- 3 PRACTICE WORK-OUTS gain "J~zel el," a WB re- issu~ Th Junior American Legion at the th atre Wedne da an i baseball nine will work-out FriThursday. n also stars Henry day night at 5 :30 P. M.; , SatFonda (nQw makin g a hit on urday afternoon ·at 2 :30 and the New York stage in Mister Sunday at 2. P. M. Co-manage rs Roberts) ~ GeorJ{e Brent, Don- ,Sawyer and 0' Regan urge all players to attend all practices ~ld Crisp, and Fay Bainter. It as. ~he \!?¢al nine meet~ th~ , IS powerful in, the way that unpleasant stori~s often are. With Cmcmnan Oola Kahn ' club the fea,ture are two re1i~f com~- Sunday, May 23, ' at the high school diam,ond. .


L en se s by FOX HOLLY

Bob O'Regan was in a slum last Monday. He'd just recei!. led a phone call sayinJ{ that for reasons beyond the' factory's RYo~rrol, the new chairs would 'Wedn esday night as promised in black and white on the contract. " Robert Burns voiced it long ago," 0 ' Regiin said, ('and it's as true today as way back when " The Best Laid Plans of Mice and ~ e n, etc., elC. Here I've promised Waynesville comfort'able theatre seats from the , 2th of May on, and I've tried to . h.ave the repainting and decol'ah!1g work dovetail ,for . that biR" 11Ight, and now ever:ything goels 'boom', and here ,I sit between my ears not able to do a thing about. it." .


, Mr. and Mrs. John R0bey, f Oa ton and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ea rnh art ' and famil y of B (). erto\\ n were Sunday after. no n ue t of Mr'. F. E. Th rn a . . Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Hover and chil jr n of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mill er and daughter of West Carr llton, ' Mi Mar Jean Ri key and Mr. J immy Miller w re Mothers Oa supper R'uests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. MIller. ,

The Garden Club enj oyed th e re 'ular May meet-in. ' at the country home of Mrs. Lawrence Furnas last we k. --Pap rs on "Lila c" and , "New Perennial-" wer r a:1 by Mrs. Elizab eth O1Hh ~nd Mrs. J ennie Conner, f 110wed by a g-en ral di 11 si n n' all flowers. I Following adjournment it .!lleet with Mrs. Maude Mauri e .Miss Freda · Harvey \Vas ' a m June, 'refres hments were ' rweek .end g'uest of M'rs. J S1.,; y.ed by the hostess. Prendergast.

r-~----~~------~--~~--~ '

SMITHflectric Service · . NEW TELE PHON E:



We hereby GU~RAt~lEE to give you

I Fas,.r hot wa,eri~hanlowany' er-cosl hOi water

. He's a perfectionist and belteves a man's .word is his bond. But 1 tried to convince him that the towll would understand, and that since the town had waite d 20 odd yeas for g~od theatre seats a feW more' 7 flights would not distur b it Both production strikes and the threa t of a rail strike are delaying . them, an~ they'll prob~blv Just sneak III some 'night wltho u':1 any fanfCl'(e, which is too bad, because f\ think the event deserves fanfare; After all, a good· theatre is an inte- ' gral part of any good community, and Waynesville apparentl~ has not had a clean, comfoif.. able th'eatre for many, many


Ma ga zin e Ra ck s

other oi\ or e\ectric ~ater heater

'01 10UI MOllll lACK.

Compare with Try a Coleman for 15 ~~:tYPe heaters of other 9il 'or electric at 0 t give yOI1 hot water equal size. Coteman mC:t or we win take It , faster ancl at lowe1" • t and r~fu,,<1 \'our money. ou

OTHERS AT $8.95, each EL~CTRIC FA'~S



$6.21 $9.31 $11.3 7




You'll be cama.... at Coleman's low fuel COlt. A .C olema n provid es ample hot water (or average family of four by burnin g ~)OJy about ten gallons of oil a month .



. . Bi'iefviews: Columbia presents "Prince erThieves" Friday and Saturday, in Cinecolor, starrin2' Jon Hall as England's ' quasi-outlaw Robin Hood, of A!.lexander Dumas im[llortal story. He replaces former Robin Hoods, such as D()Uglas Fairbanks, Sr. and Errol Flynn, as the bandit of Sherwood ,Forest,. aided by The Friar, Little John, Will SC,arlet and others. The color and settings are 'beautifu!z. the, elaborate. ' 1 here's plenty of • action, and Patricia Monson, , Adele ~ergens, Alan ,M(owbraYt and Michael Duane hel~ make the picture. stellar.,~ Answer ~ Man' short plus a short, Fight- ' . in&, Athletes and a ca~toon are, ,) adCied. · , '. "Ginger Rogers and Cornell Wilde give- the · best . perfor ~ mances of their 'careers in this comedy, 'apd it is' the lau~h, hit of t~e year." So ~oes the trade- ' paper review of 'It Had to Be You" Col. at the Twin Sun, . day and Monday.' This story has to do with a girl who couldn't say"'. Do" ,at the altar and the hilar,ious reasons dis: covered i.n, her past tc? e~plain her p)lOblat before a firefighter '(Wilde) WinS her. . , Friday and Saturday, ' May ~a~

Idea' 'or farm. - goes anywh ere because It bums fuel oU.








Fa irl ey . lid we . ,S to re so~ ·





FOR SAI:.E ../ ...

Ru sti c 'F ur nit ur e ,


Waynesville Furniture ,&--Appliance ' Co.

South Main' Street across' from Gran ge Hall Telephone 2422 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO '


-!-----------------------DING --~~.L----------~~CELO -STEE L BUIL DEALERS



. Manuf acture r of nation ally ad" rtl ad assem bled-o n-site utillty · . . bulldi ngs,be t in the field. d Sll' to establ ish so utld, active dealer - . ships IMME DIATE LYt . . IStruc tw'es consis t of steel framew ork, fully ' insula ted asbe tos cem ent sidewal118. ~ow in unu s ua l d em a nd for hldust rial. comm ercial, Carm and hOl,ls lng purpos es. Quick, suibsta ntia.\ profits assure d.

Celo-Sleel Bldg.. Div• OHIO VALLEY STEEL SALES CO. Steubenville, Ohio. Tel. 2-972 3 .



(:ALL AT .




MONDAY. MAY 17, 1848 (T. .da" If ~ OUt)




Bud Pr..... . . =7:40 P. M.

-..-.-~~., --, ~ - . - -' , __ _ I '



8 P. M. . All Donat~ons for Betterment of League

SMITH SERVICE and SALES •South Maia Street: \


were out from the, 'other pIa e ' wir is fa g-ood help in m~nding the community sale. If THE M,IAM I GAZE TTE these pAGE 4 and \ 'e had to go and get them f~Ii"e'e too: , grow that sh uld make t!nough f WAYNIESVIL LE, OHIO No. '"4368 ' out of ur nei ;hbor' field an 1 Th un ,j comin ' ('ut no, ' for more lh.w (ne. J had It T fH U R S D' AY, ,MAY 13, 1'948 tilen fix the gat, Then all the and the veral times' thi \\' ha v g ne 1 a.: k ring: but 1 ,pig got out and we had a bu .' , tLl the w a j to g-et ut of the haye only nough plants A FAR,M DIARY for did that. orne .even do now day. ";ind. Th du ks have combine lust m . A long, as Mrs. Hop- t, t where can by D. 'J. FRAIZ ER they do it? Most Yesterday afternoon and last ft r 'e - the brown the kins has uch, goo j.fresh·cu!of us do nel want to sell off '3' night the rain ,really cam , whit ,and aT ' ~g and \\' n ' l- whil -you.wait I can, aJwa s go ,bit of land here 'and anoth ,A Gold wind is btowln~ from down. Bef re that It ,,'as loud\' era er th pa tu re. They had thc!re when I need it f r com- bit there, though a trip up and tne west and a cold rain is fall- ' most of the week with li~ht better stay a'i av from south pany. Aspara 'us i something ,down the highways show that ing. Lena and the two calv . . s, how r hut the \\' r still line fen f r' that i the \\'her I th at verv ne" home owner many are doing it and hard th"e two steers, and the lit tk able to plow ,and mad 'ood as und the h ad of th e fir should plant as soon as poss- it i to get' m'aterials. Little t ro:m heifer are stanIDrig" out· progress. The \\ orkers n the \, hite du k side the west pasture gate with line fence cleaned out the fence drake rather \\ had, '~an i the ible if he likes it. Plant it along- houses are springing ' up on the fen e back of the flowers every road. From my south their backs humped up against row and stretched the w'ir. a fox proba badfy mangle bly. He has reeov and year after ye ar it will sup- window I can only look across the wind and .saying by th eir Fence costs a fabulous price ered. ply you with the spring v O'e· the t5astures and hills] very attitu:i e that they do not think now. I hope the lower prices Perha ps the new ~rs. Duck table and make a pre,tty back· much the same as wnen thiS much of pasture life in this kind on st el will help the fence Sft- has no of wea ther. 'If they but knew uation: Yesterday we mended, haps theyrace prejudice or ~ r· ground for your flowers all bouse was built about eighteen ' it the wind has shaken the gate one old stretch of fence that I for protechave bantlcd togeth er summer. I also planted red cur- twenty. ~nd I li~e it that. way. tion. At any rate, rant bushes; I. tried to plant back and forth until the old thought was too far gone to do brown s and whites are livin 0- some when we fir t moved here p ,st has ' fallen over and all anythin~ about but a ,few steel peace 'Mrs. Eli Furnas entertaineQ ably toget her now. but no sooner than I set' out the on Thursday with a luncheen they w uld have to do is push posts helped. Straightening the at a little and go up ' to the barn. wire carefully by hand, \I(.e theWhile I was out huntin~ for bushes, th e sun came out ' and one o'clock, followed 'by an pigs yester pay; I found a the, d baked so ,hara that afte rnoon with two tables of But ,for , once they didn't think ' made one ptece that It nice patch of water cress near they groun all died. about it. Yesterday the cdws should hold up for so , anoth er the spring behtml the tobacco , ries but I need Ithehave 'raspber. bridge in .play. Invited guests currants fo'r were Mrs. A. E. Stout, Mrs. year at least. A little ba~ing barn. I have trie<I several times raspberry ' currant Jelly~ Gilbert Frye,' Rhode's 'Bun~ to ge't it started in the spring Mr. Red Bid is out in the nell Mrs, Harold Whita ker, Mrs. near my house but witli .no locust tree. Hi~ red coat is red· RaY" 'tlnd La Rue, Mrs. Paul success. Before the rain yester- der and shinie r than usual but Tomh nSon, Mrs. Raym o.nd da.y the boys planted some he didn't stay to sing , to me Bradd ock, Mrs. luthe r Hart. more asparagus roots for , me , becau the wind is ~ still blow- sock and Mrs. ' L. V. Branstra. so that ,( would -take them to ing sose hard. The wren's nest tor. ., has five e 'gs in it. Tilere i no ho,:!sing sllOrtage in the bird Mr. and Mrs. Jop.n J. Burske world. AlI the, have t , do i. were Moth rs Day dinner guests get out and build th eir own. ~f Mr. and Mrs. William strou se There was a time wh n men III Lytle. ' ,

!, WHEn EVEninG comES/

6:00 x 16 FIRE STON E .TIRES $13.9 5

(plus tax) ALSO FULL ,LINE OF



, PHON E 2354


You 'n edn't ever be guilty. of tl~e social error of saying"'- 011, I d love to go, but I've nothin g to wear !',' ••• if you keep your gowns fresh and lovely b v hav· mg us dean them , after each w aritl o'. '

Headaches warn yo u of possible sickness. Noise in your ' engine warns you of trouble · al1 ad. Don't wait for it.-br ing your car in now, and prevent costly repairs later. '


\ t· •



11 S. Mechanic St. LEBANON, OHIO



is planned to make more money for , '


PI.~N.D LIGHTING in tb~ win.flows attraCts





, the~ IIlterests them and brittgs them' into the ,Itore . PLANNBD UGSn NG in' circulation area. ~ulates leads customen ,t o notice more merchan~ makes your entire store a display case.' PLANNID J.rGHTJN~ in sales area ~




, 1O.u• Remember, good general lighting lets people more' ~ things they w~t. Good sP'Cial lighting makes people til.", . more of the things they see. PLANNBD LIGHTING d,*.both



/' ' , • . from fhe .malle$l neighborhood store fo the 'argest department store, every mercanti'e estab'ish",e"' needs Planned ,Lighting. Planned Ughting j I is good public relat;ons, good p~ofi'able bu.ine ".



.Phone 506~X 5 Mulberry St. LEBANON, qHI9

AN INCREASING NUMBER " Of PEOPLE are seeking in·' , formation in advance of need regarding funeral service, costs" etc. It is a sensible business ,procedure, and of course is AL'WAYS HELD IN STRICT PRO. FESSIONAL CONFIDENCE.


~MEADOW GGlD Produ oh"

, Phon. 21 LEBA NON, OH.fO PRANK IIBeY , R.p,.. ..nt.ti ve


makes merChandise more tempting, makes buying easier and " mote satisfying. That'. why it ~akes more for.YOU;


'LANNED U~1:f1lNG Service 'or you ••• wl,laou' oblll:a'ion. I~vlte "The Man Who Plans" to com. and help you with your lighting plans. Ii. I. a friendly, . competent ,advisor who hal helpful Information about , '~NED LIGHTING, tallor-made for ' e~ch office, atOre, plant or Institution. Just call the Commercial . lightin g Department of The Dayton Power and Ught Company: relephone FUlto~ 3131 -bt. 294. '

oll. e '

THE 111101 PO WI IIII LIl li •




Crist Vickers, since a major ' op- MARY CARO LYN BRITAIN PLN US, FEED AND SEEDS e~ation at. Miami Valley HostlFeed, including ,pet ,food, MAR RIES W. E. PENC E pital a week ago. NOT SUBJ ECT TO TAX is not taxable. Vegetable, flowMr. and Mrs. Winks enter . MOT HER' S DAY IN 'DAY TON , The Ohio Department of er and grass seeds are not stib~ . fJ , tained to dinner Mothers Day Mis Mary Carol n n Taxatipn requests publication j ect to tlle-...L,tL;!...-- - - - ew~ ,the latter 's parents, Mr. ' ~nd and William E'jO'ar PenceBritai , both of the following item to , "Sale s of food ;HIJCitl in~, . , Mrs. Charles Coate of Troy, Mr. of Columbus, were c1arif united in its rules. ' ,Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wallace ~n~ Mrs. Gerald Beard of Dn· plants such as vegetable ;mel marriag las1 SUilda'y afternoon of Cincinnati spent Thursaay in lO~, and Mr. and 'Mrs. ~'llswort.h , ,at fruit plant are not subje~t to the East 'End Church of Christ "The re exists uncertainty in in I Lytle. n, with Rev. Farrell of some sections of the tate as to the tax. This e emotion' also . WIM~~ :~3 ~~'. ' Therle Jones thatDayto church officiatin '. Mrs. Mma Kempton of Day- and Milton ha for dinnet guests I the proper. applic'ation the applies to sales of fr~it trees.'; The bride is the daughter of sales tax on sales of fee ,I,of eeds ton sp~nt the week-end and Sun- Mothers Pay, Mr. a.nd , Mrs. , Mr. Mrs. Waiter 'Britain of and plants. day wIth her son-m-Iaw and Edwin Nutt and • BEAD TBB OLAS SIFlID ADIJ • son 1331and Oakri daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hen~y Garry Moran of neai'grand dge Ave., Day co 11, r. in whose ; hor:ne a suppe Saylor a~d daug~ters. Mr. WII- ville and Mr. and Mrs.Cente r \vas -J~ B. liam <;:relghton was also a Sun- Jones. held for the wedd ing party after ceremony. The bliide'groom day dinner guest. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steinke the is the son of ' Mr. and Mrs. I ' , Mr. and Mrs. Everett' Kenrick Jame s and Judy were Sunday Henry Pence of Hillsboro. and children were entertained " g'uests at the home or Mr. ana ' Mr,s. Martifi Craig at dinner Saturday evening- at Mrs. Ott9 Taylo r and family of WaynesvUle was ,matron of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Law- in Cincinnati. BUILDINGS CHATTELS AUTOMOBILES ' LIABILITY' honor and Paul Robert Pence tence Etlio,t t ~nd son In Dayton Mr. and ,Mrs. Roy WinkS" ,of Kenton was best man. in honor ,of Mr. ~enrick's birth- , were Thursday evening i<1iI\ner FARM IN.U RA NC I" dav anniversary. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon I EASTERN STAR HOLDS ill lb. Ohio Parm _ will an. JOU bJO&d procec doa apbu t J~ , Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Monce Pursley. MEMORIAL SERVICES OIl your fum. It c.vnn- ,our bWldl ap, your cbauat ., your automoWl. returned home Saturday, after ' Mr. and Mrs. Adams . and , .eI Miqrn )'OaI' UabW " for acdcleaca Co, o~en. Wh, DOt . . i Chap ter 0: E. 5., m'et \II toda, ~ spending rast week with their children of Xenia have moved Yoa ~ rou'.. ..,. wbea JOG•• IDaured Ia .... ~ rumenr in regular session on Mtmday dau~hter Mr. and Mrs. Huron to the Joe- Smith ' prope rly, ....evening and memorial services which thev recently purchased. were given for Mrs. Clara Grace Mr. ano ' Mrs. Calvin Long- Thompson and Emma acre and children were dinner Boorom. During Mrs. the business guests SU!lday at the new home session plans were made ,for " Phone 153, 20 E. Mulberry, LEBI\NOlC, O. of M.r. and Mrs. Ralph Barger holdin~ a food ~ale on June 5, and children, Barbara ~nd Ran-, il) the dinin(! rOom of tne TemOHiO fAl ""'S ._ ... .. daB at Wasnington C. H. pie. ~ ... OlIO 'AIMIIS, IND.II,S h ~_. M~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tumbleson ' and family visited the Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rye enforme rs' parents . a~ Brownsville tertai ned to MQthers Day din- ' an j tRe latter S parents, M-r. and ner, Mr. an'd Mrs. W. P. SalisMrs. 'Herman ~rthur at Sabina, ' bury. Mr,' ____ _ .-.!P and Mrs. Russel on Sunday.' , .' Benso n, enrou from spendin Mr. and Mrs: Harold Steinke the week endtewith' their, son, entertained a group of twelve Richa r at D nnison Colle o e, friepd ,s from Dayton and Mrs. on Mr. and Mrs. Salls- ' Forest Thompson ana Mrs. Ew- call At the PRING VALLEY 'HIGH CHOOL, ing Strumm. of Route 73, Sat- bu'ry, also Mr.' Clark ,Salisbur urdav evening. M 'I:chandise and Live Stock, at 1:0 of DaytoIt was an afternoon Mlr. and Mrs. Frank Bro\v'n, Mr. ' and Mrs. Earl Mendenhall guest. and daught r and ,Mr. Crist Boitn,o tt of TiPl? City, M,r. an , Mrs. Willjat:n TInney and ellil- , , MERCHANDISE St, John find fa,mily near South dren of WayneSVIlle were Sunday evening dinner guests of Lebanon. 2 Power Lawn _M,(3wers. Hand Lawn Mo\-\ el'S. set of EI chic Mr. and Mrs. Guy RoutzahQ . Mr. and Mrs. The,rte Jones , Clipp ers. Carpe t. Chair s. Stove s. Dishe. s. ' and Mr. and ' Mrj. J. · B. Jones and Russell. Carpet Sweepers. G. E. Sun "Lamp, like,ne\v. tnfra.-Red H ~t Miss Alme Ua Stein ke visited called at the 'home of , Misses Lamp. Good lot of Mi ellal111 ous. Doll Hou e \\ Ith 'electn Ruth . Eva and Ethel Reeder at ' over the week-end with Mi s lights: Bo. sBicy cle. Many, manv other ani les Frances ~ Kine' 'at Leesburg,. 'Mian;i,sburg, SundeW ev~ning. aild Mrs. Fred Lang', Mr. 1I01) RS'; Mr. and Mrs. M-a-rold steink e andMr. Mrs. Roman Haas an<.1 Mr. FARM MACHINERY and Judy spent Thursaa~ and , and 'Mrs~ Walte r Lacy of Da 19-12' each l11ornin~ ' Friday at Michigan ,C;:ity and 2 M'pdel A John Deere 'Tractors with 14-ill h break ing t n were Sunday dinner KU ', pI \, s. 1-5 aftern oons long Beach, Ind. , except , , of their m'9ther ana Mode l A J ohn Deere Tract or, with Cultiv ators and grand ' 14-in h Wednesday 'Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Purs:ev mother, Mrs. EnlIrra bacy. Wal-breal,dng plows. and sons had for their Mothers ter is able to be out some now Cultivator for W. C. Allis Chalm ers Tract r. 7·9 Saturday evening Day dinner ~uests, Mr. and Mrs. after a serious illness . 1944-::-1 - Ton FORD Truck, Ion ': whe 1 base. A. D. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. other evenings by -Roy Smitl1, son and daughter. Appointment M~ss Anne Weltz was soloi'st FARMING IMPLEMEN,T.S Mr. Wil1.iam Grah am and Mr. at the wedding of Miss ~enevTELEPHONE 62-R Forest' Grah am attended the fu, 1 '4~inch International Breaking Plows. Inter~ational Cultineral of fheir cousiri , ~\r$. LeUa" ~ ieve Weeks and Mr. Richard " :vators. McCormick-D erin~ Planter. Case Pick-liP Baler, Uke Sellers at her late residence at Loveless at the First · Reformed new. John Deere Hammer Mill. New Carter Manure Loa 1er. Springboro Cemete'ry, Church,' in Xenia, on Sunday III. • • John Deere No.3 Mower with tongue truck. Avery Mower. Mr, Kenneth Vickers is im- afternoon. Miss ,Weltz ana the Optometri~ Eye Speeiali8t No. 75 Buck Rake on rubber, new.' 6, 8, 10 and t 2-ft. proving at the home of hIs bride wer.e c0:workers in the 26 South Detro it Stree t ~-1_~G~at~e~s.~G~ar~d~en~Tu;o~o~ls~.--.;;;:-:-;-:~~--:~rand-paFents, Mr. , ~ ' Mrs . . N, C. R. office. -~-::---~

IJ ,.;J..''1 ile




""-WAY "


,: Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency • Ai

" .







Saturday, May 15th, 1948

n.. .. C' E' Wilkien

, '




• Set of good Breechen Harn SSe 2 $OOd E,ng,li 11 Saddl es. Rid· in-g, Bridles. ,Riding Boots, etc. , "




LIVE STOC K Guernsey Cow 4th calf. due in A\.igust. 2 good blooded Shorthorn Bulls. ~veral Stock Calves. l-:l0lstein Heifer" bred. ShorthQrn Heife r,bred . , Guernsey ,1~etfer. bred. Angus ~ow and Calf. Full blooded Guernsey WIth 1s~ calf at Side. 2 Registered O. I. C.Bo ars, 8 mos. old, papers made out to buy~r on, day of sale. Pat Sow. ' ",


The Bood 'A . looth"Cub ,



'12 Ewes. Registered Buck.


, WaJD~viUe

CASH.. Tilis Sale Conducted by ' SPRI NG VAIJ.EY UON S a.UB '

Matiolil' Bilk

rl , Koogler &. Jess Stanley, Auctioneers~ Phon e-KE 8879 ) (Waynesville Phon,e 2894 ). ~V\"y Lunch on Sales Ground. z_




Mr . Laura 'Shidaker. .

Mr. . and Mrs. Percy L. Rea~o n of Waynesv'iIIe were Sun(1a dinn r Kue t 0,\ M.r. ReaI ll' rn ther, Mrs. aj le Reason. t.\rs, Emma Cline f a to.n I ~ ndingventI days this Mr. and Mrs. James Thorn- w k at th'e home of her sist r, b rr an i famil y arid Mr. a~ld Mr .' Osee Harlan. Mrs. C 'cil Linkous ana, famll Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gra'of Lebanon 'W re Sund ay uest ham and Mr. and Mrs. George of their parents, Mr. and M:rs. Wall and family spent Sunday ThonlaS Welch. with Mr. and Mrs. Charles EastMr. Gerald A. Pa fie w.a er at their farm-home, "Holecalled to his home in Peona, in-the-Woods" ~outheast of . lilinois unday owmg to th e town. , illnes 'of his wife. . The fathers, amo'~ the conMr . .and Mr, Charlt~ Ger- gregation of Jon~h's R~n don and on, Mr. Robert Gor- Church presented the speCial don had as their dinner gue t, Mothers Da Services at the Church , Sunday morning. CarSimtlay, Mrs. Gordon's moth ,



HarVeysburg ,Restaurant . HOURS: 6 A '. ,M . to 10 P. M. DAILY Be


Robert · Brandenburg, Prop. HARVEYSBURG.,

n 1 ~ i G ns were ~: 'eli to all rL · mothers ,presen t an d ' ~o tteuA '-n~rry plants were presented to the desl mother and III ther with un g''l: ~ t I :tuy ill attenLiance, In r ecogn it.i o~ for tlleir l~lln . acts of go -wIll ~ ward fn ,n i ' and n ig-hb r MIS es MelVina and I Frances Hinkens were also

ri \'


"-'L - ;:' n ',_ __ - -... ..__

po f tl!d plln t-;.

MrS: I'da Howe and sun Mr. Harry Horne f Dayt0n called on friends and Ftdatlves in the village, W ed n esday~ , Mr. and Mrs. Wilt O~ake of Blanchester were ~uests of Mr. Drake's sister Mrs. Alice Urton. 'last Saturday. The Friends District QuarteIv Meeting was held . at the Friends Church Saturday at n@on I?ot .luck dinner was served. . " .. , Mrs .. Osee Har1an was a Sun- ""You don't do anything special; ' day dinner guest of Mr. ana :but stick to the recipe and watch you're doing." Th~t's the adMrs. ' Earl C1•me a t M'ddl I et.OWl~., ' what vice of Miss Valeria Johnson, 17, ' The W. C~ T. U. met With Chicago, recently crowned "",amMrs .. I-f. ,S. Tucker" at h r home pion cherry pie bak.e r of, the nation Thursday afterno In. . an competition with entrants from Mrs. Fred Sherwood '" as eleven states conducted by the Nahostess to the Civic . League, tional Hatchet Club in Chicago. A nd here's her tip on how to serve Safurday evening. cherTY pie for best eating: serve Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brand- it with a gt>n(>rous wedge o'T a f."'Jd' enburj! spent the weekend in· cheese . . . . '. ' • . Cincinnati wh.ere they atCended I'le Crust a birthday dinner ~5,a turday evel cup. /tour I lip ••alr nin . at the horn e of Mr. and . Y. cup .hon.nint! M r~. Nelson Conn~l...r. Sift · tlour then measure, Sift ., Pr ayer Meetino' services wer agai n with salt. Cut in shortening s;. with Pastry Blende.r. : Add water conducted this Thursd~y even- /needed; Flour p~stry cloth a~d at the Jonah 's Run Churt;h. rolling pin , stockinette. Place. In ~'



1).I ~

IPie pan. !ldd prepar,ed cherrIes. 'Trim crust. Covel' WIth top crust afte., steam vents have been cut. :Turn top crust under bottom crust 'and flute edge. Bake in hot oven ' (450 ° F ., 41) ~inutes. .. Filling




PHONE 2851

just before filling lower


cr : -,us _·_ t. ~~:--~---.::==_~~-,-~~-=:::-.

Dr. T. P. Grosvenor OPTOMETRIST


Waynesville Office Will Be Closed Until Further Notice



Doster Peed 'Store PHONE 2834




To .Buy, seD, Trade Reat Borrow, USE •





MRS. ST. JOHN HEADS BOND SELLING GROUP Mrs. Will t. John hasbee.n appointed chai~man of. the Air Craft Secti n All' Material Command, Dayto n for~l,e sate of ecurit Bonds. Dunng th war 6 7% 'of the personnel - at the Field were participating in ~ond bu in{r thru pay r 11 deductIOns. During the last year t}1e p r cent has dropped to 2()% . Mrs. t. J ohn and her assist~nts have for their goal 6 5 % u Ing bonds again.


- 1..'/ I

MASSIE SENIORS MAKE COMMENCEMENT PLANS . Miss Fri da B IJe, William~n \ \f ill be valedicto nan ana Miss Betty Carnes will be salutatorian at the commenc ment ex-, ercis s next Wejnes~a. · at Massie twp. hi.rh s hool 111 Harv eysburK. Oth I' mem.oers of . the graduating class Will be Erne~t Moore Lenoid Nill (class presIdent),' Fred Fairchi11, Jr. , Nelson Grant, and Estber Osborn. The commencc:ment speaker will be Dr.. W. S. Guiler,. pro: fessor of education at MJaf!11 University in. Oxfo rd, who 'Yill. also address the Waynesville seniors two days later. Tl~ e baccalaureate sermon wtll be preached Sunday b v the Rev. . J. Taylor McH endry of L all on..

, SETH THOM-4S WINS PROMOTION IN MINN. eth 'E. Thomas, a gra iua~e 4 cup. chetT'iu of Wayn esvill e High School m • I/f cup (helT)' juice the class of 192.1, was recently I / , cup 4 up. corMI.reh promoted from branc1~ operaI up. bURn ' tion manal{er of the Untted Mo'I. Up. .Imond utran . tors Service Sales o epartment. . Put sugar in sau~e pan with '4 IN ASSORTED .FLAVORS.. :(,Ul-' juice and bring to boil poi!,t. in Minneapolis" .;Minn;"to aS~1 t- , .Mix h'st of juice (% cup) wIth ant zone ,m~ n age r of the firm Home Cooke i Meals 'tol"fl:starch and add to sugar: mix-, in .t hat territory accoralflg to , tUI·t' . Cook for fA few minu'telS. Re. Morning; Noon and Ev,ening'. mov-e from stove and add butter word receLved here b v \lis mother, Mrs. ' E. L. "Th9mas. .and almond ex.t ..act. Add cheri'es CARTER BEVERAGES


THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAQE' WAYN,ESVILLE., OHIO No. 4368 T .H' U R S 0 A Y, roll A Y 13,' 1948


Wale' H.d1lVare PHONE 2832


Bellbrook Notes James Kable arri ved. home Friday from .- Oklahoma to · spend Nt'other s day 'With his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kable. The Presbyterian Church a lar~'e :'attendance Jor Sunday School and ChiJrcn on Mothers Day. A 'short prllgram was given. All m o tber'~ were given · ~ carnation by' the Young Me)l's Class. , The Methodist Sunday School had a Mother's day ' am. and

tio 'which was The ' partly destroyed,by fire is ,being' , repaired. " " " ., Miss Margie Patterson of Columbus 'spent a few days, with friends in the community and , attended·· the 'Mother and' daugl1 ~' ter banquet. ' There was a large attendance , at the Mother ' arid 'Daugh~er banquet and a gooa program was enjoyed. Mrs. Harriet Buck was Toastmistress. There was, group ~inging. DOri~ Meredith ga ve the toast to Mothe(s, and Mrs. tlarry Dumfor.d a toast to .~h.e. daughters. ~ . plaIl,O· d\}et was played-by Dotls Engelhard and Qorothy Mer.edith, -arecitaUo~ ,b,YI Phyl1~ Dumford, an accordon solo by. Barbara Larrick,. and ' a play by, ...several women and girls entitled "In · Want of a Servant." .




GE 7


'Uncle Sam Says

Mr. and Mr' . D. R. ali bur re " lIll ay ~lI e ~ of Mr. and Mr . "Villar.d Furnas. w

Mrs. William Mi hener and

'SO n, Mr. Frank Mi h ner, of

Pitt bur 'h, Pa. ,arr-ived here on ' Thur da,y and spent the weekend with h r parents, Mr. and Mr . W. E: Cornell.

Mr . J osiah Davi entertaina ~ a Mother s Da y dinner on Sundav at Cold , Spring Inn. Covers were arranged f r Mt. an d .-Mrs. Howa rd -Hurley of Ne.w . BurlingtOll, Mr. and .Mrs. Cecil M. Davis of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. , Roy, Hurle v and son of , Leesburg, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert King and son, Mr. an j Mrs. Clarence , J. Davis, Bilt Davis, Miss Mary Sheet , an~ the hostess.

eq her fam.ily

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye and sons, Mrs. Cora Rich and Mrs. ' Re a Braddock visited Serpent Mound on Sunday and also visited relatives in Bethel. Mrs. 'Harry G. Hudson and son Of Columbus -were Mothers Pay guests of her parents, Mr. allu Mrs. Charles Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller and daughter, spending a few 'days wi ~h Mr. and Mrs. " Charles ,; Meredith and family in New Kensington, Pa. , , ' . ' , ' ,. ", Mrs. Carol me Swarfzel spent Mother's Day at the home of her son 'a-q'd daughter-In.;)aw. Mr. and , Mrs. Frank Swartzel _ ~ear Oregonill·, , Mr. and Mrs. , Elmer , Sheets (ne,e Mrs. Bernice Hough} who

SeecUDl' time on the farm "aUe for the ae of Itron" pure leed able to

meet weather alld pest attacks alld come throu,h with 'a ,ooel bar"en. Untted S~te. Savin,. Bonds are . like ,001 reJiable leeel. TIley ,row a erop which ul,l be left to taU, rleh m~lty In ten yearl a' the rate of " for erel'1 ,3 Invested. Take a tip from tile wlH farmer who .. ltorin, up a crop of ,""urlty ", InvelUnl' now in 8avm.. lIonlla.' Be Is crowlIII' .-aoro mone" leeurlty for 'IlImHU an4 hlI , family mel Heurlty for his eoutry. ~o1U', .carl'y Is America', Heurli7.


U. $.

r,~ DII.,.,.,

Clarence M e n~ le r; veteran Dayton umpire, Wayn sville High School. The audience includ. resorts to the blackpoard after gestures' fail es managers and players of the 6-tea m league, him in e)(plaining a compl'icateq rule at the ' and. the ge n er4 1p~blic who will watch ,the Waynesville Athletic Associa ltion.'s softball ru- games starting Monday night. les classes which, are concluded tonight at

"ere married during -~ast week Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gons, were Sunday afte rnoon guests of Mr. and Mrs~ W. B. Squ\res. ,were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sheets are residin ~ Fred Gons 'on , SUJrday., near Dayton.


Mr: and Mrs. Carrol Barnard Mrs. WilJ St. John spent the attended a family supper Sunweek ' end in <:;lyde, O~io the ' d, t i evening at the home of· Mr. gue t of Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Mrs. Albert Beam of nea r Ir ns. ' Xenia. ' .. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elzey , .and, daughter, Marjorie' of DayPattie Peterson celebrated tO,n, spent Sunday aftempon her birthd~y SU!1day. There was with Mr, ~nd Mr~. Walter Elzey. '. a Stanley faml'Y gathermg , in . , . the . af~ernoofl ' with a S4QJ.t!' Mlrs. F'red Gons, Miss M onr~ Pattie ,received manv nice gifts: mia , and . Mrs. Nellie Bunfl'IfJl ' , IN CASE .OF FlBB BlAt . . ~~~~~y~n fr,iends' at, L~banon on

Closed Tuesdays

Shows 7 &.9 P. M. NEXT

,F RI·-SAT. '




IN '





'& ~ompany Members New York Stock ExchanKes .and other , regi~tered Exchanges ,


Inveatment Trust Stlarea B9u~ht - Sold - Quoted Phone Waynesville 2530 Da on AD3257 ,




NOT EVEN n= SOMi OF. ]tiE .




IF '«>U '



It-LeWIs and Clark beQln ~Ioratione. UOl ,










." '

. I


pute lIttled, 1929l


::. To Buy, Sell; Rent, LoaD, Borrow '

AD, Tune of The


LAND BANK No AppUutioa, Appraisal or Commission -Cbaraea 4~ INTEREST ,

U.. The Almanac To, Check The Weather . But Ule




17-ChlJ-.Peru boundarydlt-





; ~!

Day. '"


-. .

~ U~


"nda flrIt to AusftallQ,'

viet Ihip

1787. '




You Are A 'Member of a Farmer-Owned Credit AssoCiation (Dividend. Paid OD Stock) WRITE-CALL. lEBANON N. F..... A: ~ PHONE 448



~ I



''''I\~ PERCY WARAM ' ,


Scn,npl" b, Nori!',n Pin,,,,, .lId Mel_'" rllnk


Directed ~'y.!~N HAftTMAN Ind RUOOLPH MATt R£ ' , A001t H6IIT~ fROD~CTlOM • A COLUMBIA PICTy . ,



But ervill'e, 16 1; Wilhelmina THE MIA-MI GAZETTE Braddock; Waynesville an:! WAY,NESVILl.E, OHIO . Robert Earl Parlfer, Hamilton- T H I U R S DAY. MA\Jl Maineville, both ' 160;· Joyce Alb .. t H . tu bs, Ad~njnl b'atol' ot th~ Esta te of Venora L e Klrkprutrick, deceased, Lee Howling, Hamilton-Ma·ine- PAPER HAMGINGLEGAL NOTICE viJIe, 158; Barbara Susan Joerl"', ·P . l aln tlft, , ing, Hamilton-MaineviIle, 157, Call at' Alva .AlleD'S ill" Corwin~ No. 2288 VB. and Henry Webb, Blu Ball, F'I'anc s N. Mel'c r and John M~rcer, . J. H. Rainey. hel' husband, et 3,1, Defendants. 1--54. . -527 Otl)er leadin<r Wayn sville Ill. pursuance o( t11e order of the ' Prohate ourt of Warren County, Pupils were Bart~tra Lee tanOb io, I will offer for BaJe at· publlo auction on the 12th day of Jun e, . Mother's Day gue!its of Mr. 1948, a~ 2 :00 o'clock, P. M., on the premises the followl.n g descrl~d real ley 140; Judith Ann DaviS, and , Mrs. Rhodes Bunnen and estate situaJted 1n the County of 'Wiarren, State of Ohio, and ill. incer- I 139; Janet M!arie Michenel', d'aulYhters were Mrs,. Sadie Rea_ 138 ; Willa Deane Hudgell, l't • po~ted Vi1'~ge of Waynesv1lle, and on the south side, of lMl11 Street, 136; Joyce Elaine Beal, 131 i son b~ ~arveysburglAMrs . . EI.sle there ' being no street n~ber fo.J' said premises, and said premise.s are Nancy Mae Baird, 128; J.oan Hoc.kett• .Mr. and ~rs. ,Ernest further located !between Main Street on the west and vYater Street on. Gar.rett, 126' Ja'net L ' Peters Edgl~g~on and son Mark, ~iss the east, a,nd said premlse~ are most pa1't1cularly descl'ibed ' 8.8 (follows, Ito-,vlt: , and Robed Hayden, both 12.), \' ~OD1mla BunnelI and Mrs. ~JI "Situated in the County of Wlarren, in the State of Ohio, and in and Shirley Ann Reeves, 120. he the Town of Waynesvi.)le and f)ounded and describeD as follows, Top scorers 'from the Harto-wit: Part 'of 'out-I'ot NIO. t"\Vo (2) in the , ~QWi1l. ot WIa.ynesyllte. , veysburg school were '"Mary Beginning at a stake corner near a ,b rJck bullding formerly use 11 . Helen Hopkins; 128' Bob Lee as a Bla;cksmith Shop in th,e alley on the ·)ine of Water Sq-ee,t In Sh~fer, 127; Shirley Welch and said oowh~ The~e with said 'aolley and ,b inding thereon t~lve and Wilma Elam, both 123. ' on~-~a,lf (12%) POl~ to an~tl.ler alley. Thence witb the Jast ~en­ NOTICE OF 1>UBLIC SALE STATE OF OHIO .. WARRE'N COUNTY, PROBATE COURT



REAL t:STATE DON'T FORGET TO CALL us for Insur~nce. All types of Insurance at a sayings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2935 o.r call collect. Wilmington 211 t. LOT 50 x 150. Phone 2691 J. W. McKeever, Third St. -56 • SELL THE EARTH~ IF' YOU HAVE .ANYTH ING in Real Estate .for sale, get in ·Uoned 8111ey and binding fthereon, seven,t y (7()-) feet . thence at right · touch with Ben E. Cline, licangles tw'e lve and lOne-half (1~~) poles to .VV'p:\tel' Street; tbence ensed broker Spring Valley, with said street seventy (70) feet to . the lbeg1nnilllg . .Ohio, in Reai Estate Business · Being the 'sam-e premises, conveyed .to Phebe "A. MIranda bY since 1911. Experience tells. Eliza 'M iranda by deed d~bed AU8'Ust 9, 1915, and recorded in Vol. 103, Pag'e 6'78, ,of the Deed Records of Warren County, OhIo. Try me and 'see.' And being the same premi84!e conveyed QY Phebe A. Miranda -826 to Venol'a. L. Kirkpat,rlck by pf'ied dllited ianuar'y 16, 194~, apd FOR SAtE record~d in Deed Record VOl. 146, at page •.102, of the Deed Records of Warren County, Ohio_ TWO Wine ru~, $15 ea~h. Said premises are appraised at ;the sum of ThreE~ Thousl!-nd six Charles C. Hardesty, . white , Hundred ($3,600.00) DDllara and must be 130ld for not ,l ess than two: bungalow next to water- fthirds of said appraised value Ithereof on tile follOWing terms, to-wit: -513 Cash. works. ~ .' COAL Range, $50 ALBERT H. STUBBS, AdmlD&strlator of the Est'a te J. W. McKeever, Third St. of Venora Lee Kirkpatrick, deceased EARLY 'FRYERS ! ! I C. DONALD DlLATUSH, Start chicks now-have early AttorneYt for Plaintiff. -63 r ' fryers-they will be in bi,g: demand. S tart e d' s e.x e d WILHELMINA _BRADDOCK cockerel chicks now , availIf yo'll want a car til at will - able. . . , Wilhelmina ' B~addock of take you ~nywhere with .. DUNHAM WHITE ROCKS Waynesville gr~de school was Phone Waynesville 2916 out repair bilts, see the tied with Rooert Ea'rl Parker of Hamilton-Maineville School for .. WANTED TO'BUY1937 2 Door Buick Sedan sixth place in the ,county-Wh,le GOOD SHORT blue-grass sod~ I have. The nlotor has annual eighth grade tests given Gene Dunn, 509 Wyomln~ ,on April 23. Ten other Waynesbeen completely overSt., Dayton. . Call . FUlton v\l1e . eighth graders rank.ed in 5735. -5·20 the, top 2~ per to hauled aqd ~11. NEW parts a "B" grade. HELP WANTE-D-MAI E . installed. , Top scores (ereased bv M,EN- An qpportunity worth ty Superintendent .R Contact Al at Ryl'n,ans jmcestigatin~.' Men who hav~ field were: Carol , a m~chamcal b~cl<ground, ner, Mason, 1 70' ~ ~atrida Rose '. . the PllPllc, who , IpE8ENNIALS' W·Hson, Hamilton - Maineville, like folks and folks like them. Daiaiee 166; Edna Be:lrlene Phil1!pS, A ear is necessary. Age limit _ lIbileua 'l:i!t milto o·Maineville, 164; Bob. 21-65. Call: 9-10 A. , M. 4-5 Sweet Win'm, by 'easin5er Clark, Harlan. arid 7':8 P. M. only. '130 N. Patterson Blvd:} Dayton, ~f1rst,.~· , AUCT.ONEERIN~ · Ohio .. Ask for Mr. Dilgard. ...;;:..;_A_C_T_OS_s_f..;:,To_m_ ·T_e_x__ ac...o___~ · STANLEY ....1 KOOGLER , ~3

5Jritlnis .J.Iomtl

Plow Shares

Mrs. Anna Williamson and ~ daughter, Miss Grace William- _ , son ate spendio2" tbis month at . the home. Dr. Emma Holloway, Mrs. ', - USE ~ SERVICE Evalyn Peterson and MISS Olive GET MORE ACREs W,jl,liams attended. the Garden Club at the hbme of Mrs. Law- ' r.ence. Furnas last Th\trsday. Bill LEE Mrs. Woodr'ow Owens and -two children WInnie Jo and Stev;ie of Springfield and Mlrs. Robert Burne,t of Centerville spent Sunday with their mother Mrs. Lucile Armitag~. ' Mrs. Ella Dakin spent Sunda y at 'the home of fter son Mr. Paul Dakin and wife in Lebanon.

I .

HELP WANTED-PLEASE! I'M in bad shape. Need atten, . tiqq before those Spikes. hurt ~ me Mondav night. Eight of ' ..1 y0u can condition me. Sig~ed .L WayriesviJIe Softball Dia· ·· mQnd. P. S. Sawyer or 0':-' Regan are my agents. Con-

" 4 PER CENT Farmtoans '."

. Easy . Terms .


Call G~orge He,nkle Phone 2 lebanon , -513


BROKERS LICENSE , For ,Oat... Phont! 28M. ·WaYn..vUl.~ ',. . . . Ohl ... R.".........chara.. ..,. ~


(ion' of. the klelneys anel htlp them to flul~ out , pollonoue waate trom tit.

. blood. They eontaln Slotblnl ,harmCul; , Get DOG1i', today. U.. with OODfldence.




, . COWS-$10.00 ~RS~8.00


For T ou To Fed W b!! .

24. hoUl'll evel;)' day 7 days every week, never stoPP(OR, the kidneys filter , waate matter from the bJood. , If more 'peoplo were ~,wate, of how. the kidney. mVlt constantly remove surplus fluid,' eJtCt!lll acids and otlle, ",:tate ' matter tbat cannot .tay in tlte blood witbout Injury ,t o hl'.altb, ,tbe.r8 would be' better underatandml of- "'''r the "Fbolll 8)'lItem II ,upset~ben kidneYI f~U to function . pro~dy. ,' , " Bumln", Ica~t)o or too freque~t urlna, tlon IOmetimeil wanu that 'Iomethinl Ie .wrbDI. You may luffer nllllnl' baekaebe. ,iiclldacbell' dlplnlaa, rheumatle ... hls. lettiDl up at nl.bta~.lwellin.l; '" 'Why not try DOGzi', Pi",? You wiD I be ullng a medicine recomJDellded tb., I country over. DOGiI', Itlmw.te tbe funet

Free Ea6matea ~Cheerfully , Given,




Acc...~I•• t ••In • C....ltl.n



. NORR'IS BROCK COMPANY Unlo.D1 Stoole Vard. cllv. WII'; and · An : . o..q~n'zatlon ' ..oond to nari•• Strictly ••11.... qn th., be . at all around malr~at In . ,til. . ,ountl'Y. " ",

Dear Gids': uft Had' to Be .' At ~ drat ltortlll. 8.EftVICE THA1r SATI$FIEfS. You" so in.eet m.e at the Twin WlHIO Dayton 12 :.60 E. 8. T. Theatre Sunday or Monday Dial 1800.. . W!LW 81nCIDnatt night. I'J.t oe' wearing :my fir~", ' 12: 40. Dial 700. tor ur Dally , Market ~.Dort. . ' man's hat. Si~ned Cornel . Wilde. , P. S. Don t tel1 Ginger, . . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENil' wqpA-y. FOR Estate of Clafence H. Ed. wards deceased. . Notice is hereby given that . HORSES$S·OOi COWS $10,001 tlOGS$3;OOcwl~ , Myrtl~ B. ,Edwards who$e Post Office Address IS Waynesville, ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CORD~IOfl ,Ohio R. 2 has been. duly appointed as Administratrix of tile Estate of Clarence H. Edwards late of Warren County, Ohio, deceased. _. D'ated this 22nd day of April 1948. " ' . Maple &; Maple, A:ttys. Ralph H. Carey .Ch...... Judge of the Probate Court • Warren CQunty, Ohio _ -513







The M ia m i GAZETTE

It Say~


Here By Smitty , When the telephone is COl}stantly slower than an automo, bile, It is time the phone company either made some drastic -changes or went out of business. ' , Last Mohday qlorning, two Waynesville business' men tried to telephone Dayton. After long delays in ,which they were told "The' circuits are busy, both of them gave up and drove ' to ,Dayton to c'arry out their l;msiness. ' ' " One 0f them. says he 'placed his ' call at about 7. :45 a. m. and waited more tban an hour before sending his truck to Dayton. After his truck had returned from the trip, his caB came through, and of course he refused to accept it. The other business, man was me. Albout ,1'0 :20 a. mr. I put in a station-to-station call to find ouf if some paper was ready for. me to PIck. up. One hour' later~ ha:ving heard nothin e- fro.m the call in the meantime, I caned Lebanon to inquir,e. It ,took, five ~inut~s to get 10'1lg-dista.nce, and, then' I was , told the drcuits were still usy. I can'celleCithe call and drove to D'ayton. The order was not ready, so it was a wasted trip 'which the telephone could have saved me.



No. ~


WIAYN ESVtL LE, OHIO T H UR S O' A V, MAY 20, 1948 ------------------------------------------~---



Even worse (s the fact that no .one in Waynesville ' could get .the Da.yton power and Light Co any in Xenia

:' :;;M~i;I;;..,;;g~ po~e~






news pope r peop le the symbol "30" - 'den otes the end of a story; but more ' , than -thot . it has token on 0 half-mystical ~ aur~ as ,a term ,signifying the endin g of , anything. And ther~ is anot her symbol , that, appe ars ot the bofto m of ever y page of 'a' story exce pt the lost. It is simply the , d" more wor . II, , .I ,

Your formal e'd ucot ion may be complete d now. For some of you, undo ubte dly it ,is. That 's' 1130. 11 But a new. story is beginning --:- 0 yarn ' of ' continuing' work : a~ e~­ ~f'~' anding' mind ,,~d viewpoint" 0 g~+heri~g of expe rienc e, resp o'r:tsibilities , and ' incre ased . knowl'e dge. lt will 'haye many page s. and 'at the botto m of ever y 'one will. be ' written I' •• mor~ ••• more '••. more •••

bUt ft was not un 1 after the power went back on, so , it was rejected at this end; On ' the ,other ,ltand" ci1,ool upt. Raymond Braddock says a call to Kansas City was put through 'fOF him in three minu.: tes. Maybe we should do business. in Misso uri instead ' of in f' Dayton.




"'I b p~ ~ "d:>


Woman Hurt Two Coupes " , · ., '' Damaged In Crash Sat.

"ivie "U 00 ers 'Deat'h'Curve' ' ,on 73 'by AMt~.kneeLelliP i~jury ~as suffered ' , ", Smith of Lytle

The' County circula-' tion manager ,for one of the CinCinnati daily papers has -moved to Hamilton, and reports ' Ways of , preventing furfher that he ,can ,call Warre n County loss of life and property at the pOin'ts much petter from there sharp curve on Route 73 in' tnan he could when he lived in Waynesville were discussed at LebatlQn. " the Civic Club Monday, and His vacated home in Leb-., it wJls voted ~o hM'e ~he, pubUc anon is occupied by "Inother "affaIrs com,mlttee chalXman atman 'whosejob c0yers ~h.e · who~e ten~ town council'~ next .meet'county. ThlS man tells me .he 'ls 10:2' ,and ur:ge ~ffecttv~ . , ' seriOl~sly considerin2' a m'ove 10 . ,Club , mem1:)erS favor' actIon ed both Frartldin, to ' escape the Ohio , the elimination of the curve Central Telephone Company:s, and the Jillacing- af a' iarge warnexcHange. .' ing ,.si~n, at, the 'toP. o.f 'the 'hi11 , ." unhl It can be el,lInanated: It , Ye~, the, telephone co,~pany " was poiqted ou't that the state , ,has given us b~tter ~ervlce to an,d town must share the. cost " Leban~n by m~tann:~g new ~f )~provl~g the curve ~ecause ~ trunk hn~s. , l~ ~as Improved ~he ' It IS an the cprporation hmit. courtesy. of Its ~perators" and Plans were 'made to , hold a has pu~ m a fe~ new phon~s. . summe~ m,~e~in2' Oof tlie dub ~t . But Its .long-dlstan,ce service ,the Boy Scout caban. '' mlgh~ as well not eXIst. ' Harry Vond erhaa r of Cinci n, It IS toler.ated , because W,ar- Dati made a ,talk on Ute New' rep County h~ never ,had real York' Stock Exchange, ointin s~rvlkce, and m anyhre- Qut that tbe 'meeting w~s heini ,sl~ents . dC;>1J t , now wh at. t ey held an th~ t 56th anniversar ~re mlsslng. The Jlu~er of 'f th , h e' f d' ~ . telephones I pteIt , C3,Plt~ ~s f 19W,: ' ~ovi: ~~~ ~~~w ~ v~~n th~g'exabd shows · it e 0 . 1m· ' .chartve I rQving. The slowness' of calis ,,;q .. , '. : , ,m'ajor ' cit~e~ IS a ra~al defect , ~~vestlgate before" you ,Ins~ll ' towns tbese ,(lays. ves~, ow;~s th~ speaker s ~~osan, g It will cost Ohio Central a lot a.dvI~e. Do,! t p~y attent ion. to .... """Py to bring us up to the' bps.A . broker glyes all the: 10System's standards, but if forrriatlon he ~an on the, worth .are not' willing to do it 9f .a security but the cu.sto~er sllould retire from the. field IS ~~pect~d ,to mak.e hiS own 'let a capalrte comp anf take deCISions. .Warr en 'Counfy should satisfied with' anything PATR ONIZE GAZE TTE, best. _ ADVE RTIIE R8 •

29 Members of "Class of ]948 Get Diplomas --1'eDiorroWilHfigh"School Commencement exercises for :29 mem t rs of tlfe senior class at 8 p. m. tomorrew in Wayne ville High 'hool, clos of another year of la ~ es, tests, and activities. ' , I, m.orro\\ m ~nin ' the annual Class Day program will be gIven In the gym naSlUm. The commencement program follows: Processional , ' Invocat ion by Rev. R. B. Coleman ' Salutatory by E~rl Rye Selection, "Jellalabad" by the band Valedictory by Patsy Bair j Al umni greetings by Raymond Da yis Aadress 'by Dr. W. S. Guiler, professor of education at Miami University .1 March, "National Emblem," by the band Presentatiqn of A,wards by Don G. Gahris Presentation of diplomas by John Go~s ' Benediction by Rev. R. B. Coleman Last Sunday the class heard its baccalaureate sermon preached by Rev ~ Laurence M. Hall" associate rector of t Episcopal Church in Cincinnati, who stressed human relatioChris ns as the main problem the graduates will face in the world. Mr. Hatl built much of, his talk around the theme of John Donne's poem , ~IAsk Not for 'Whom the Bell Tolls, It Tolls for Thee." He also read a letter sent by a veteran to comedian Joe E. Brown, praising Brown for aeeepting a Japanese prisoner's offer to shak hands on u Pacinc island during the war, as an example of the Christian spirit. '


~e held mark~~g the


.. fbealL HOBERT BAKER, Sr. Robert F. Baker, ' Sr., died at 11 :30 p. m. Tuesday at his home here at the age of 75. He had been a farmer in thi altea until he becaine blind about 20 years ago. Survivors include his wife, , Ina; a son, Robert, Jr.; a grand.. daughter, Mrs. Jean Wagner; two sisters, Mrs. Esther Be rs and Mrs. Lou Richardson, both , of ', CQvjngton, Ky.; · two brotllers, 'Bernter Baker of White Oak, Ky., and Elva Baker of Mt. ' Zion, K!. Funeral selivices will be hel , at ,2 p. tn. 'in the Wayn esville MethoOJst Church, followed by burial in Miami Cemetery. The Rev. R; B. Col man will offie'iate. Friends may call at the Stubt s Funeral Home tombrrow evening. .. -

Xenia Rector to Speak ·At Memorial Day Riles The Rev. A. Chandler Crawford, rector ,"of Christ ~pisco­ pal Church III Xen1a, Wilt deliver , the main addre s at, the annual MemoriaL Day observance in Miami Cemet ry on unday, May. 30, it .was 'ah; nounced yesterday by Luis ' Thompson, eh,airman of arran ements for the obs,ervance • . 'Waynesville'S American Legion Post No. ·615 has ·also ar· ranged a program featuring sel. ections by' the Wayne ville High School ban j, invoc:ation b the post chaplain, benediction by Rev. Samu d N. Keys, and rec,itation of the Gettys. burg address by a 10 al student. A I,..egion . comm ittee will' place flags Gn veteran g-r;:tves III advance of the program. In ea 'e of rain, the affair will be he) j in the Methodist" Church" . I

MRS. ,MARY CAMPBELL Mrs. Mary Campbell, 75 last Saturday morning 'when a qied 'at 9 :15 a. m. Tuesd at 1934 ,coupe' driven , by her qus- her home on Route ay 4-8 band Clarence, collided with , a ' ('Waynesvill Route 2) f llow1935 coup.e driven by Miss Ann ing a lengthy illness. She was American Le~ion Pos ' 61 5 Wheelan of Harveysburg. a widow. . • has The' crash oceurred ~t Lyt"ule~...,.-~S\:l!u~r~y~jy~QlIr:s.S..1ljn[]jc:llUJ!ld:w,e~fo)l.u1+r..{dHla.,.yu*gA-h--;;m~l~tt~pick d th,\! 'fQ 110w in g camRoad ahd Route 73 exactly on ters, Mrs. Ruth Benham of of ' ;;-e=;c~h~a;;:ir~men fnr it Fourth t~e , cor~oration line' qf Wa~nes- Xlel)ia, ,Miss Eva , Campbell of lastJuly celebrati on, ' wl)ich will , three days this y ar:Ville. MlSS Wheelan was drtvinp: Columbus, 'Mrs. 'Edith 'Lewis Gene ral chairman" , Louis west on Route 73 bound for and Mts~ Mary Schmidt, both Thomp son; ~ ' Grounds ' aJll( d Centerville where she' is a wait- of 'Waynesville; and fiv,e sons, props , Rober t . Workm,a n; ress. ,The Smiths 'were driving A/Jr,tl~urof Centerville, ·Lawrence Sport s, Willi, a m, Sawyer; Re- ', into Wavnesville from Lytle. of Springboro, Russell of Lytle, freshments, Chest er CareYi Mr. Smith said he stopped for ' John of Dayton, and James of Prizes ~ 'Kenn eth Bradl ey; Tlcthe stop sign; started to turn SP~~~eYa~n;lr',vices will be held kets, Ralph Peters; firewor.ks, ' left and then saw the other car Francis Gene Brown and S. L. too' late to ~vert ' a crash. Miss ,Friday 'in the Stubbs ' Robin Wheelan insisted ,he had not Funeral Hom,e, with burial in cis son';' Entertainment, FranGene Brown, Bob Mehaffie, .stopped. 'Smith was brought be. ' Miami Cemetery. .: Bob Osborn, and Bob Bernard,' 'fore Mayor, Warren Braddock's court. and fined 0 ' '-and costs CORA' SMITIi ROBERSON SEATS 'ARE CHA\NGED on a char~e of failing to yield the right.of~way. " , ~r~. Cora Smith Roberson, IN THE lWlN THEATRE _ 62, died at 4 :50 p. m. · SalurBeginning last rtight, ,' the 'SALESMAN RUNS ' OFF ~~~+e.att ,h:~e~oanmel·{'l'n esOs',roefgOsenvi~ Twin' Theatre has 1'92 uphols- , U ' S '42 N~A.n TOW N ' eral ~mont hs. , ' tered chairs for its patrons, in ' ~~ of the quarter~century~old . , :An untdenttfied . . salesman She is survived by her' hus~ plaee from. Delaware OhiO escaped band, oscar- Roberson; four , 250 wIDoden 'chairs so familiar injury yesterday when his car da1ughters, Mrs. Zella Hill of to most WaYResville, residents, ' ran off U. S. Route 42 about Dayton, Mrs. Louise Singleton, The ch;ange was c~)lnt>leted be.' 2 mUes south of WaynesviHe and Mrs. A ice Mills tween yesterday motptng. when , Mrs. Ev- ,the snapped off two , guard-rail elyn Gray, all of and shipment ,of seats arrived, on; and posts. He continued ,on his way · two s~ns, Harold, Leban and 7 p. m. yesterday when the after his car was towed into Ray in California. "at home and fi'rst show started . ' , Waynesville to have its fender . Graveside services were conand ,butn;p er straightened. He duetted in Miam i Cemetery by Miss Irma Fires l1as resigned reported some papers fell off Re~". -R. B., Coleman of Wayn es- her nursing position at 'Miam i the , seat and he was leaning vii e yesterday afternoon with down to retrieve them when he Stubbs Funeral Home handling Valley Hospital and is now connected with Dr. Ellis and lo~t control of the car. arrangem~nts. ' , ,.- Hendnckson in Xenia ."

'A, ..


. .

Legion Picks Committees For July 4 Celebration









The Miami Gazette 88TABLIBBBD 11ao

JJc I ,


, '- I.


', orne '




PAGE 2 No. 4389



, The Friendship Club h Id th e Mr. and Mts. Harold Wilregular May meeting 6n Well. , liamson daughter Betty of n sda at the home o!f Mrs. Dayton and called at the Friends Charles Koo~ler, with Mrs. "V. Home on Sun by. E. Stroud and Mrs. John J. Mrs. George - wain, . Mrs'. Burske a~ assistant hostesse. Mrs. Eldlbn Retallick," Mrs. H~rt nse Kinnar i, Mrs. Ali e Frank M.orrow ,a,nd ' Mrs. Roy MacCurdy, Mrs. Harold MacClark were guests. Devotion:S Curdy. and Miss Grace Lewis, ' were .conducted by Mrs.. R. B.'" all of Pendleton, ,Ind. came to Coleman and contests, were held the Home on Thursday to sur· (To have events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami G~ette of the afternoon. ' , . prise their cousin Miss Mary Monday. for Wn~ington to join . ' before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) , , The -club adjourned to meet Boston on her ,birthdaV. . ' her sister, Mrs: Afice Telfair in June with 'a IUlncheon The Mrs. Lucile Armitage spent for a visit to their niece, Mrs. place \ViII be announced later. the week-end in Dayton with Edith Farquhar Bacon and' hus. FRIDAY~ 'MAY 21 ' , A dessert course was ser- her cousin Miss Glenna Marsh. band in Cleveland, Ohio. ~ommence menlt at W. H. S., 8 P. M. ved. . ' , Miss Olive 'Williams left Mrs. Earl Burnet· and daugh • . , SUN~AY, MAY 23 Friday to visit relatives in ter, Mrs. ' Hazel Harness of Go to Church r . . HAPPy HOUR (l.UB, MEETS Urbana, Ill. ' Bellbrook ,called on tlieir aunt Legion baseball team vs. Oola, Kahn team of Cincinnati, 2 :30 p.m. WIlli MRS. ~tRY ' SMl'm . Miss Mar~aret Edwards is Mrs. Atic~ Clark 'on Sunday The Happy ,HOUf Oub mem- spending a rew days at the Softball exhibiti9n game with liearthstone Inn, Xenia, 8 P. M. bers ,enjoyed the ·May meeting home of her nephew Mr. Wil· afternoon. , All-day meeting at Mt. Holly Methodist Chu ~ch ~t .the home of Mrs. Harry son ~dwards and , family near FARMERs CLUB HEARS . Corporate Communion fo'r St. Mary's Men, 8 a. m. ' ,SmIth on Tuesday, with about Springfield, Ohio. ABOUT MEMORIAL DA~ twenty.four members and guests MONDAY, MAY 24 MISS Minnie Dodson was a present. The Wayne Township Far· , BoyScout Troop 40 at 7 :15 p. m. , guest on Thursday at the FarFollowing ilie ,business ses- merl.s Club held at the home of mers Club met with Mr. and Softball, Bellbrook vs. Fairley's, 8 P. M. ' sion, Mrs. Laurence' Furnas and Mr: and Mrs. Harvey Sackett. Mrs. Harvey Sackett on Thurs. Mrs. Raymond Blraddock were , Mr. Ira Brown and son day and enjoyed a pork dinner. .. WEDNESDAY, MA'y 25 ' in charge of the program. A George of Franklin ' spent Sat- The special topic was given by Kitchen Kookers 4·H Club of l,.ytle at ,Ross borne, 7 :30 p. m. \ book review was given bX Mrs. ut~a'y at th.e home of M:rs. Anna Mrs. Paul. Tomlinson her sub· Flower Show at Bellbrook. FUrnas on . the livres of 'Mary WIlliamson. ' I Softball, American Legion vs. ,Miller's, .8 p. m_ jecf being "Origin 'and Customs and Martha!' and Mrs. Elsie Mrs. Evalyn Peterson left ' o f Memorial Day in the United . . Hockett read two selections on THURSDAY, MAY 27 States. " "Mo,ther", Miss S'lie Furnas Sew-Sq 4-H Club, 1 p. m. LOST AND FOUND gave two piano solos and a con. . , Th~ ' gue,st speaker ,~as Miss Softball, Spring Valley 'vs. Kier's, 8 p. m. test was conducted by the comMinnie Dodson from the Friends mittee in charge. Will the girl who left her Home who talked informally on REV. ' COLEMAN TELLS "Unrelated Guests The club adjourned and dur. · OF CHURCH DEDICATION g,irdle .it:l a booth at Smith's ,were Mrs. J. Events." E. McClure, Miss ing the social hour ·a dessert A remarkable envelope col- cours'e was' served. ,Mrs. Ray-~ Dodson; MisS' Reba Braddock Restaurant this week please lection of ~1,"7t2 was given by monq Wilsop will be the June and Master Kenneth Gray. ,come' back. ' SHe can have , the 406 persons attendihg the hostess. The June meetin ~ , will dedication of. a new $20,000 th' e g~rment upon 'identifying be ,at the "Town House" in Methodist Church in Rainsboro, Mr. and Mrs. ' Clarence J. Highland County, 'last Sunday, Davis spent the -weekend with' it. No Questions asked. Franklin with Mr. and Mrs. Rev. R. B. Coleman reported. her parents, in ' Leesburg, 'Ronald Hawke as hosts. METHODIST CHURCH Rainsboro is his boyhood home. Mr. Coleman also pointed R. B. Coleman. Minister out that n,ext Sunday will' be Church school ' 9 :30 'a. m. the last In'' the present c~:>n· J. J. Burske, Supt. ference year, . artd · the' annual Worship er.vice 10:30 a.m, Ohio ' Conference will convene , Youth Fellowship in Col\lm~us Tu~esday, May 25, Sunday, 7 :30 p. m. at the Broa'd St. Methodist Church. ' . s:r.-MARY'S EPISCOPAL ' aAMUEL N. KEY8, Mini8ter ST. MARY'S CHURCH PLANS Church School, ... . 9 :30 a. m. CORPORATE ' COMMUNION Nursery School 10:30 a. m. ' BREAKFAST FOR MEN Morning Prayer . 10:30 a. m. Next Sunday, Trinity Sunday, ther~ wilJ be a Men·s Corporate FRIENDS Communion and Breakfast at St. Mary's Episcopal Church. First bay School 9 :30 &I.m. The Service will begin at 8 Meetin.g for Worship , A. M. The men of Christ 10.:30 ~.m. Churchl._Xeniaz will be present , also. Tqe celeorant wil) be the S'I'.AUGUmNE Rev. A. Chandler Crawford of Xenia. , . Father Krumbolti, Nest At the breakfast in Smith's . . Masses --' 8 and 10 A. M. Restatirant following the se"r. ' vice~: M,r. Crawford will speak WAYNESVIUE . on laymen's work. ' CHURCH OF CHRIST .... Bible . School 9 :30 a.m. W. C. T. ,U. MEETING . to , ~ 1948 gradua_ We are a cocal failure Communio~ , -iO:30 'a.m. . .Waynesville Worne'n's Christ. 'when it comes to thinking up good advice fot thiI ' -itCH ~ CHRIST, tlan Temp'erance Union met on ~y CHU great ~ioo, but 'we did collKt a few good old ,.,.. May 1'4 · at 2 , P. M. Mrs/ J.en-' RALPt1 E. STIN.ON, Mlnlat... , nie Bradley was hostess and btomJdes, viz.: "Hew to the lioe.~' "Shoulder to' Bible School 9 :30 I.IIL program · leader. ' " the wheel." 'Wote to the .griDdStooe." hpeet: on , Mo~ing Worship to:30 ,I .... , Mrs. Bradley led in devotions the JP'OUIld." "BY. OIl. aU." .' , , P M r 7 by readin.g a portion of the :00 ,p.m. , 13th Chapter ist CorihU1ians ' rayer ee IDJ. , If ,011 fI1iIl/oRD.,.u 0/ 'MI. )wU H" 'W.. Yount People s Meeting , which was 'fol towed by prayer. . ~.u fllhhOllJ 0IIr .wk.. A.,..,,,,, IIlI "'• . , 7 :00 p.1D. Th th h Evening Ser~ices , 7,:3~ p.m. ' . ' e ,erne of t e meeting 10 110 .'" 10 .eOtlgr~ ,OIl . . 10 fIIiIj ,011 " _ bemg Child Welfare, articles filii . . ,1¥H1 iii•• CAESARS 'amEI( FRIENDS were read and discussed conREY. DAYIO eTAN~IELD, Mlnlateft 'cerning tbe child life., A review of th~ Union Signal Worship Service 9 :4S a. m. and a chapter of the .study book Sunday School, 'f 0 :4S ~ m~' "Notes an the Alcoliol Program" were foliow'ed by sug'MT. HOUY METHODlSI' ' ·,e~tions for work by 'the LegT. M. acARF~, M'l nleter' Islativ-e',' Director, Mlrs. Sara Braddock. Ai short business ses. Sunda! School 9 :30 I.",. sion the. program and W;;ShiP ~~~~rt. s~g~o ~~~e~eetll1£ a,dJourned unti~ , . Evenin, Serv~ 7 :30 p.m. During the social hour the , hostess served delicious refre'sh_ tmCA E. U. B. OIUROI !J1ents wh~ch is an innovation ...v. ' WIL~LIAM SHANNON 10 the Society, , " Suaday School 9':30 a.m. ~rs. E.. V. Barnhart and Miss Mrs. James Garrison, SupL Marte Riffle ' had as Sunday, Preaching. 1st ~d 3rd Sundays guests Dr. and Mrs. John Ayer eicb month to:3,OLIIl. and. M'f;. and Mrs. Atkins of Evening Service 7 :30 P. M. Xe.nta _. Pabliahed Every 1ihursday , At Waynesville, Ohio CARL G. SMITH, Editor E'ntered .a aecond claa. matter at the POlt Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $1.50 a Year In Advan'Ce

Events Coming' Up













tII.-" ~







" AG~ 3

.TH.E MIAMI GAZETTE WAYNESVILL'E, OHIO No. 4369 '. T H U R S 0 A "i, MAY 20, 1948

fin i~hes its run ton ight, starr1n~ Bette . Da:vis. "Durango Kid' fan~ \ ill b ~lad ' to see, "Ph~m­ tom Valley" COL. with Charles' tar~~tt, miley Burnette, and Virgi nia Hunter, n the screen Frida. .\4nd aturday. With this • newest Durango ptcture goe , to ev ry tick t purchaser, an . autograp hed photograph of Starrett as , the Ourango, Kid. ' ''~ hantom ' Val1ey'" has a new twist for a Western-the arch by villain is a woman. WitTl the ' f ature are .a musical Western FOX HOLLY short' "Tumble Weed Tem:p s' Welt, it's happened' They' re U-I, a stooge comedy "Hold in I Somehow, a n yth in ~ you That Lion" COL., and a color say about them is an anti-cli- cartoon. max, after waiting: some 20 . , Put on yo ur Kelly green, gi v years. It's worth a trip to the your bowler an I rish tilt, and box-office j~st to walk in .past you won't need a Shamrock for freshly painted walls, OV& the ,g''Ood luck, because Warner deep, new c.arpet, and walk'-"': Brothers' big parade of color don t run-down tlie hew side and songs, colleens and Kilaraisles to ) our fav orite spot .. in ne , " My Wild I rish Rose", will the Twin Theatre. Sit down, be' at the Twin Sunday and sink in, then pinch' yo urself. Monday. Shir'ring Dennis MorYes, it is the Twln. Yes, you gan ~s the Chau'ncey Olcott, are enjoyin2' solid comfort as Andrea· King' 'as the beautiful \ yo ~ watch the screen in your Lillian Russell, and Arlene Dahl own to\vn. It's hap pened at.Jast. as Rose Donovan, the original The new uphol s t e r ~d. seats are "Wrld I rish Rose", it tells the in! life ' story of Chauncey Olcott, Seats 'are placed for better celebrated composer,- singer of vision, and there'll be no di- Irish ballads. A sweepin~ backand breaking bO'ards, which ground ~f m instre·l days, the traGtions such' as creakin g wood race of the Robert E; Lee and caused turmoil bef reo The new the ' Natchez, ea.r1y Am:ericttb color s heme green and w.hite vaudeville, the old Fourteenth on the front and the foyer, pas~ St. Theatre, Re~tolr·s, the tel green and -subdued red in characters of William Muld'oon the lobb . The auditorium will .and William Stanton, viv.e hisI ~ €rubbed and painted, too. torical authenticitv to the film. I hope lhat many townspeopl Old costumes (not· so unlike who have been givin{! the Twin the "new look"), rich 'Techa wide berth these past several nicolor scenes and Morgan's . ars will again be supporting , sinO'ing merit special attention. their local theatre. . World News (WB) is on, too, Briefviews: f'J ezebel ' WR and a "Juvenile J ' U-l


Leas.e s

-short. As sho\\ n in. the film, Chauncey Olcott was one of the originators of the m,odem musical play, and received his first training in show business as P~lrt of a , typical American minstrel show. ,With Wednesday and Thursday's fe ature" I Love Trouble" (Col.), wherein Franchot Tone plays a sm:ooth' detective role 111 a neat lIttle mystery involving five beautiful women, there's a clever all-star conledy short,' "Sillie Bille" COL. fea· turing an old favorite of the theatre, Billie Burke.

·Meadow · Gold .

Mr. and Mrs. Charies Mummert of Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Dillon McMillan of CinCinnati, Mr. and Mr ~ Arthur. WiTson of bay ton Mr. and Mtrs. Ted Mclntrire ~nd so n and Mr. an'd Mr . Herbert McMillan and family o f Har~ vey burg were Sunday afternoon ,g·uests of ~r. Russel Wil on and famity. .

SMITH rlectric Service NEW TELEPHONE:




Mrs. E. V; Barnhart entertained on Tueisday f the pa t week and had as guests, her Brid~e Club, and Mr. D. R. Smith, -Mrs. · Alva Thomps n and Mrs. Marie Riffle~ , p i ~ll gue ts. Three tables were hl r lay duri'ng the aft rn o n, with Mrs. H. L. R e, Mr . R nald Hawke and Mrs. R. G. Millet rece iving th'ir prize. Refre hmeni . .followed the games. .


AII··Metal Porch Chairs' - S. PECIAL-


$4.30 EACH


Sam,e ~'livery Day Each Week GREEN & RED



PI,one 21

Frank Sibc" Representative


G. E. BULBS '-




WaynesviUe furniture &: .App6aace Co.

~th 'Maia'Street ac:rou from cr....e Hall .·WAYNESVIIJ.£, OHIO

;11 '

! E~ER ONWARD, EVER .UPWARD I . ¥our p-adaadoD ~m hi....eChool marks another mile-

, ·elooe in your climb up the laad~r of.lUoo.eM. '





Mar We 'o&'. our m~ IiDceft coDbatw.ti~ OD yoUr .chieveiDeDt. We are proud ~f the fad that our eenieee . may haft.been helpful, eYeD in emall meaBure, in ald.


that we may eo.:atiDue, ~ liene you ill the futuro. .

.~ MeClure~ · P uneral .

Bome '.


.... th • .tay t • • • I.

..... .



·trt MIAMI


~ \. Call Your Greyhound "Ientfor ~nronna1.l!", ~. on Scbedul.. and the FollowlDl Spec:1al' t ServiCft: EXPENSE-S:-AID TOURS i Gri.yboUlld',· carefr.., a11.'f!C'u.iv! tours . include botel .....rvationa, ••PtHeml, en- i tAtrtainQl8llt, meal" far.. - all planned in advance to fit your individual plant and vacation budpt. ' . "

o."".,..RIID· • •IIYHOUN~



eoaton' •.. • ,1320 . ...;, York . $12.65 Pitteburgh .. . 4.10 Louiaville I•• $2.35 Memphia ••••7.95 Evaneville. $5.00 Kala"'azoo. t4.65 o",,'w Q' P.,._P/Q.~. .,.jT.. . - - ;

Mac1<inaw City · •..• . ,'. • • '10.30 'Miami •• •• $11.35 A~hevill. ' ! ' .7.25 Phoenix· . '. $31.65 Los 'Angeln -.,7& .. IX:. Ch 'Ic_go •..• ..,_ ~

" .~ ....



_ - ..........

• .J





• for Comlart . , . CGnv."ienc. , • fOr"...,,. . , . a-



iDlYou 'in tJ:te attaiameDt of y~ur goal, 'and we







' . ' . 11111

Your ~l\lb or lodle will enjoy. Greyhound charter Car convention., balll.mea and ptcnice. You'D be amaHCI bow little _ chartered






v""••vi lie



P'hone 2121



planted potatoes but they are on t11e top and another leap to limb to limb and eemed to be not cornine- up very well. 'clear the other side. Now they ,teasing the cat. Tom's tail qui. Thi week we sold the ring- tell m~ that ,even at the sale vered and swung but the .1,ay leader of our band of outlaw th~y couldn't Ikeep him in, that kept just too far a way ·for ~lm pigs. Aft:er 1 saw him, jump he climbed rig:ht up the side of to prinlg' 0 finally the Jay from the ground to, the top of the pen and got out not once fle\v away and the ,cat came t~e Jmanger, at least three feet but s·everal times. We had no down. I f the cat could discrim ihlgli, and then g:o over the other place for a pig like that" even ' nate between English sparrows ide which was another foot though we would ' have liked to and song sparrow r and blue higher I decided we had no put another fifty pounds on l~im jays and r d 1 irds I would place for him. This time he before selltng. . . . thmk, All right, PUSSy. those didn't hang by his fronL . feet Our white dlrake disappeared sparro\Vs are just as bad as rat and scramble over it, it 'was a too, so now Mrs. White Duck and mice so go get them but (::lean jump with all four 'feet must live with the brown ducks save our little wrens and the or alone. Now that the color song sparrows." line has been broken down, she stays with them. We hope there wiII be no more trouble since Buck shot a fox on our place the other day. He took the paws to town and collected his bounty. The fur was hot prime, so he could' not goet anything for that, but the place may be safer now for IPoultry, May be, 1 say. For last night th,e dogs barked and fussed alldwanted to ' go out after something; when I went to the window I smelJed a familiar smell and kept them in the house; Maybe ' tJl~. four I saw , last year are back looking for more setting hens. . ·1 am afraid the Holstein cats are qird catchers. At least they try harder than J like. Just a minute ago 1 'saw Tom coming ' AS YOU CROSS down from the big. locust tree .THE THRESHOLD and then he ran .up the small locust tree after the blue jay. carrying you from The 'b)ue . jay hopped from I

, Ma 15, 1948-Corn planting time 'but no Corn planted. The twelfth was the date recommended byt on the afternoon of the eleventh it rained again and ]las b~en cold an-d rainy ever since. The locust trees are in bloom, the iris and th e little yellow roses and the lemon lilies. Two weeks yet until Memorial Day. That means are early this year in spite of the cool weather, for lemon lilies and iris are my m';lin stay for bouquets 'for the cemetery. Though the flowers are early, very hUle is' planted in the garden. We








vye ~lad hop~d the tivir;; us Onol and Gerantum to g9 with Beulah but their . calve turned out to e' Almas and Andy instead. Just two days apart and so nearly aliketnaty u have to look at the . fee~ to t 11 which is which. Amas has longer white socks than 'Andy or perhaps it js th e other way around.

A ••ther .lIellt••e, aad a •••••e •••


For years you've been working and hoping •• . and now reached it'l

school , days into the a~lt worl~. please add our name to your list ·of well-wishers. May the full me~sure of .uc.,cess be yours in the . years to come.

6:00 x 16 FIRESTONE ,TIRES $13.95 (plus tax) ALSO FULL LINE OF


w~Utd R,'lVc


PAGE .. No. 4369 ' 20,1948



Our heartiest congratu- . lations, graduate. f?f 1948 t May . you reach every milestone you Bet out for on the road of Ufe I



MOM'$ .




TEXACO SERVICE ;-=--:-:-8 .



"Meet Me at



'. This age' of iet plll.lel leaves


older f~,lb, a

bit .bewildered. It's up to you, gradultetl of . 1948,


to keep up with the swift, pace of tocilY.

It ."eans alermesl, studYi quick .. chan~es of pace ; •• adaptability. . , But whatever the future may hold, we're ,put. ting all ourI be.. on you. We know you'U "'t a.e ,~' jt in your ,stride. ',' and

to an of you,



s~ &: 'SERVICE



0.1t.; GRApUATES. you'~e made the 9I'Qde,'



three rousing cheers, for each of


you. We think


I l



Phone 506·X 5 Mulberry St. LEBANON, OHIq, , I,

and here a:re



WE HAVE BEEN SERVING , This Commul1lty ,· 'for many years, long ~nough. ~o knoVJ that WITHOUT QUALITY, no {'rice however low win be satIsfactory to a bereaved family. .:A1 our funeral home, you will always find good materials t - WE HAVE NO OTHE'R KIND TO OFFER.


just tops,

and we're Willing to .bet this haH . ;

of the world on 1t~ Any further

proof you care to brinq to becIr .


ion the subject will be warmly · . welcomed by

au ,of~.




Photo Service.


JJa-';ve'!::ib';'" . •





Mr. and Mrs. Dalla' Barton and son were aturliay evening ~ uests of Mr .. Barton' brother-in-law and famHy of Xenia. . 'M rs. Louise Fite was a Ruest of Mr. and Mrs. George Waterhouse in\.... Waynesville, aturday. . Mr. and Mrs. John Hardin of Dayton were Sunday guests of Mrs. Hardin's mother" Mrs. Clara Garjubia. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collins of Centerville spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Collin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collins.

The High Scho I Glee Club un· er the direction of Mr. Edna Compton Bo an -presented two mu ical numbers. '~The Lord~s Prayer" by Malott and "W hispermg Hope" b"y Hawthorne. The Rev. J. P. rhornberry of . Jonah ' RU11 Church delivered the Invocation and Benediction.


Mrs. Roger Brown and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart attended the Ba- , tavia Eastern tar In pection on Monda evening. , Dr. and Mr . A. E. tout and daught f, with Mr. and ' Mr. Geor~e Waltz of Oay c n, aw "Macbeth at the Little Theatre in Yellow pring on ahl1'day evening.

Miss Ea thel Alexander, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Leonard Alexander f Bil! Hill, Ky. and Mr. Letcher Alexander, s Ii of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alexan· der, weI' united in marriage at Ne\ port Ky. n May 12. Mr" and Mrs, A1e xa nder are now residi!1~ at th home of Mrs. Nettie Tinney in Dayt n.

Clifford Doster left Sp rin gfi~ld Sunday by autom'obi le to 10'10 his wife and dau~h­ Mr. and Mrs. John J. Burske, ter who are visiting friends and Mr. and Mrs. William Strouse, ------and Mr. Roger Brown relative in Hollywood, New Mr. and Mr . Fred Braddock andMr. Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mrs. H. B. children visited relatives in . York. ihe Dosters plan. to reEarnhart, Miss N a0111i Earnhart, and children had a unday Hillsboro on Sunday af. moon. turn home ' within two weeks. Mrs: J. P. Fromm, Mrs. Stan- even in dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Dollie Frazi~r of Gerley Bailey, Mrs. Marvin Smith, Mrs. Arthur · Wild ·and. son of mantown was a Friday 'jtvening ·Mrs. Lucile Arm itage was a Mrs. Elmer Grove, Mrs. D. C. Harveysburg. Mr. Wilde' left weekend guest. of Mj s Glenna 1 dinner guesL of her grand~ Ridge, Mrs. Lucile Armitage, Monday . fo:r two weeks in Marsh tn Dayton. daughter, Mrs. Auzwood MarFlorida where he will be on tin. active duty with Reserve ofBACCALAUREATE SERMON • PERENNIALS Mr. and Mrs . . Howard Col- GIVEN JtJ. HARVEYSBUtCG ficers. ett of Wilmington spent SunThe Rev~rend J. T. ~c­ Hibiscus, ~ay afterno~:m· . with Mr. Col- Hendry, minister of the ' LebMr. and Mrs. Clarence BarSweet Williams lett's sister-m-Iaw, Mr. ,A. S. anon Presbyterian Church, denard and daughter, Kay Ann, Cllrysanthemums Collett and son Robe rt. livered the Haccalaureate setof Alpha were Sunday a:fterEDNA ST• .JOHN Mrs. Osee Harlan had as her . mOll Sunday eye. at the Massie .noon guestS of Mr. and Mrs. Across from Texaco guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Twp. Hi h School Auditorium. E. F.. Earnhart. Matt Cline, and Mrs. Rubv stump. , Mrs. W. E. Frost was hostess -lIOURS: to the Woman's Society of Christian Service, at her home . 9·12 each mornin'~ \Nednesda y afternooI1. ' . 1·5 afterlloons except , Miss Esthe.r Prather spent the . Wedne~day weekend a the . housegue t of BUIlDII-GS CHATTELS AUTOMOBILES tlABILITY Mr. and Mrs~ Charles Voier 7·9 Saturday evenin~ at their country home northeast u4~W 4 Y- FARM INSURANCE" Other evenings by of town. ' AppOintment in the Ohio PanD.. will Pft you broad proaecdoa ag.ahQt lOiIet Mrs: Wi! ur McCarren was OIl JOur farm. It COY~ JOW' buildiap, JOUr chauel., JOut .\UOmob.U~ ho tess at a stork shower Riven TELEPHONE 62-R ud ,oUr llabWlJ for acddeota to otbera. '\Vb, DOt tee as today ~ at her home, Wednesday evening, in <;ompliment to Mrs. AuzYa, ~ JOG'" aI. ~ )'QU'n iasurecI Ua .... OhIo Jranaent WOL d Martin, (nee Phyllis Shidaker. ) Mrs . . Essie 'Gray, one of our OPtometric Eye Speeiaud I' , . 01 jer citizens, is quite ill at her I COllUDeDcement, (III' the 26 SoutJl Detroit 8tnet home on M~in Street. . <iBPhone 153, '20 E.lrlulberry, LEBANON, 0.' Mr. and Mrs. Cottingin and : name alqDi&.e.. Ia Dot 'the XENIA~ ,OHiO ·'AaMI~)INlIUII. COMPA"" falnil who have been residingend but tbe ~ wi ;h Mrs. Essie Gray have mov, . .... 0lIl0 .AIM... '" -:.. _ ()M. the be9'nn'nQ oj a Dew ed in 'o the -Lytle home on Clark adventure UpoD . wh1ch A.venue. You are about to embark. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis and / . Mrs. Laura Shidaier, alfended .~ you c:loI. the cloon OIl Jlaytag Company Sets Washer Production Record a birthday surprise dinner given ~ ldqh 8Chool careea at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. . cmcl 101IIUY ~ CD that Harry Howe in Dayton complimenting f.\r. Howe's mother new ad. .tuN. . . . wIah Mrs. Ida Howe. . ~ you ail ~ cmd Mr. and Mrs. Charles Easter .ucc:ea. entertained-lthe- W--elcome Bible Class of Jonah's Run Church at their country home Wedneslay even;ng~ . Miss Mary Lou Moore student at I Wilmington College sp'ent th~ '.weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl

....... "...... .... ...

Dt~ C~

E. 'Wilkin~ll',

,Karl D; Dakin Insurance Agency .






TIuJJ li.1Ie


. T~ have, changed since

i ..... eeDter of the ~.,t ~ .-

your parents went to ichool.


to .~~ 1but .Mp ,,0111' eye

.em i~ ....da.te. of '19481 ' We ,

jGlt, bow yoatre .oln. to



....., "o~r in.rk l~ this wOl'ld, , ...d we · .... yoa '"ol'leb 01 ,

pod ' Ja~

Today'. Swift competition d~ds that you be


pared. Co.grlllulMimts _~ ;" Or,

tJu,,,,,JfI)~'''~ might,,,.~



When the 54·year-old Maytall~ Company of Newton, Iowa, produced It's five millionth washer recently.: the occasion was marked ,by a sP(~clal ceremony. Iowa Governor Robert D. Blue and leaden in buslneslS. industrial, labor and civic' organh~ations gathered to celebrate the event which set' a new record In wasbtir production history. . ., '.rom Smith, head of the 'resef,rch division, which developed the modern Maytag, Is Sh\)Wl1 npper lett, autographing the one·piece atum11num tub which has had Ii large share in building.. Mnytag popularity. Assembly Vf.()rk,ers are !'Shown below lowering the ...tub, Into its enameled steel jacket. At right, MleB Rosanne l\lorgan, 1947 May tag Q111een, 1R christenl'n g the ~achlne wltl1 a bottle of milk. Looking ,on. nearest the cameI'll {J'om left, ' arc~, : ' W. I. Sparks, secretary of the Majtag Comllan, who has been with the firm forty-nllie years; Letha TrtrttL, ~ iss Morgan'", pred",cessor as May tag Queen;. Roy BJladt, Maytag v.lce·presldtmt In charge of sa,\ea and advertising and president of The American Wuher And lron"r Association': Verne R. Martin, ~laytag sales manager·; 1-'1' ~ r,'Iartl\g II, Iowa State SeD.tor ' aDII third ' generation president of the wasJller company, and Iowa QOVlYl'l'f'll' .Rllle. The May tag Company made Its first washer .In 1907 and it!'; ;"l;)l'nnth maclltne ftl 1-927. Between: the four mtllionth May tag In 19U and the five mtllionth mr, dl' :"~ " ,j·tag took three year8 tlm.e outl from peacetime production to e:ngage in war work. The five millionth washer ,18 be~ retained by, May tag as a souven'" ,

. . bll/IIJ,.10 mMlillbtltlll


National Bank


ardware ·S tores 8 -







PA~E , No. 43&~ 20, , 1948


Pitcher I.. Murphy complete. 'ly stole ' the how in Monday night's opel r in the Waynesville Softhall league with a brilliant one-hit, 2-0 win for Ki,er'~ t G~ r:u; over Miller s Restaurant. ' , Besides limiting the losers to , "', ,~~;{ one lone single in the 6th ./ :.; ,J fraI1)e, M~rphy si!lgled bdme , ~ his club s first run 10 the fourth 'I along with fanning 7 of the Miller's. Bailev scored ' both !u~~ for the white umformed Kler s ' outfit with manager "We'a.. zel" Miller and 3 rd basetnaI'\. Bill Pope gaining top defe.nsive ' honors of the evening. Manager J ohn Sackett secured the 10se('s only hit. ' About 300 people helped us~ her in Waynesv ille"s 1948 softball season and their generous contributions were acknowledg. ,ed over the PA system by Boq O'Regan, loop president. Mao yor Warren BraddolCk," John Go'ns, School Board Pre ~ent and Constable Charles .Jcy part1cipated in the pre-gam ce remonies, His Honor zippmj! a "called third strike" past Mr. Joy who thereby emulated th famous Casey Jones of p'ro e , and poetry. 'Mayor Braddock, Mr. Gons and Henry Geiger, owner of the park where ail 'league games are played spoke briefly of the good th at. the softball league can accomplish. ' Umpires Pugh ,and Gross of the Dayton Umpires Associa, tion pr~sided. Complimentary.. schedule ~ sponsored by Jim McClure, local spor(s enthusiast, were dis .. tributed. Lillian Mae Stansberry, Waynesville, ~-.:.......--.;.. Gene Steinke, Lytle LEGION ' NINE TO MEET Yvonne Stubbs, W'aynesviJIe CINCINNAn FOE SUNDAY BeHy Thom:as, Lytle Waynesville Junior Ame'r icanLeah J. Thompson, Route 3 , Legion basebalJ team 'Win make its first start of the season, this Victor M.' Thompson, Waynesville Sunday at 2':30 p. m. at the _ Jame~ F. Weltz, W~ynesville high school diamond,. meeting Class Colors-Opal Blue and Cream ' the Cincinnati American Legion ' Class Flow~r-=-Red Rose , Post 372; managed by Ray Class Motto - The Past Forever Gone; l:rnst, President, ' Ohio State The Future StHI our OWJ1 Umpires AssocatlOn. I

, !,



Phyllis Jean Bailey, Route 2 Donald J. Baird, Lytle Patrida Ann Baird, WaynesvilJe Sam Brown, Route '1 Phyllis Burnett, Lytle , Faye E. Creech, Ro~te 1 Donald M. Dakin, Route '1 Maryellen Fisher, Waynesville Wilbur C. Florence, Oregonia Route 2 Rich.ard Graham, Lytle Norma Gruber, Waynesville

John \-t. Hagemeyer, Route 3 banny 'Hartsock, Route 2,' Milton E, J ones, Lytl~ Glenna M. Kleinllenn, lebanon Shirley Lawson, Waynesville Norma F. Longacre, Lytle Joanne O'Banion, Route 1 Earl W. Rye, Route 2 , Bonnie V. Satte.rthwaite, Route 1 , Robert Keith Sherwood, Reute t Oris F. Smallwood" Waynesville



Y01IlIave ~ tumed a pace

You've anchored yo~ ship ,of dr:eame iD the Harbor 91 ACcomplishment and are r~dy to embark on that ,l ong yoyage in aearch ,or experience a~d 8Ucceu.

iii the Book of J,;ife. It is beadJiDed in 1etten ·of ,old" "Gradaated fr4t)JIl Higb School, I~; .~ proud s-ae, and we conaratuJate

We willa you bon tJoyale. May your cour.e

••• aDd, ',U your bopea take winp. ilia)' we voice our hope that the IBD1e spirit that ha. animated yoa to tbi. pretleDt 81JCceu win carry 7911 ' em to ',tiD


be c1uarted 'MOIII'" ~I, GAd meay you faee wi,1a poile aiad corafidenee ,Iaose tJay.

when ehe lOGIer, are TOuB" GJ&d .tormy.




Stubbs Funeral Bome



• • •

of jet pl~nes. buzz-bombs ond other scientific mir~de.s. Tc:> keep pace, with this ~stounding " 8ge. "


~irhhi9h and maintain a steady course. ' I


Wayie$ville Itrug Store PHONE, .2 121


" ,

You MY. elMlked.p •• HVf.~.. reeord

- ......tlll.. thll

m'.......iHI .. trust ,., .....

dorh will ...... with


comp.,.w. ..c....

Crane's Garaqe N. MA1~ ST.

. PHONE 2781 .'








mi. fiott"

There will I be an all-day meeting at Mt. Hotly Methodist Church this Sunday, May 23. The speaker is expected to be Dr. Mary Stone's dau~hterfrom Bethel Mission in Chma. Mr. Ralph Hutchin, Mrs. Eunice Davidson 01 Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers and Mrs. , , Emma Gibson , of Bellbrook called on Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibscm and daughter, Mrs. .Richard Haines Sunday afternoon. and Mrs. Everett Bun, nell and ' family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ' Bert Bunnell, near Waynesville. Mrs. Anna Lucas 'sp,ent the weekend with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thompson: Robert Greene , of Dayton 'Mr. and Mrs'. HJ!nry Berges and children of ~avertown spent Sunday ,afternoon' with Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morgan. Mr. and Mtrs. Eddie Marlatt returned home ' last week after spending a few weeks in Xenia:. Mrs. James Wildman of Jackson, Ohio called on Mrs. Hiley Gibson and Mrs. Richard Haines Wednesday afternoon.

DONALD LUKENS TO CO TO BUCKEYE BOY'S STATE ,Donald Lukens 'was elected , as delegate to the Buckeye -Boy's St~l-te, to be held from June 12 to 23, at Ohio Wesleyan Universi'ty; Delaware.. Delegates to Boy's State must be Juniors ~in high school 'and' are selected on the basis o f scholarship, ' leadership, character and service. ' , Waynesville's delegate .is sponsored by' the_W.ayne Twp. Veterans Post No. 015 with the supJ)ort of the Waynesville Civic Club. '

FAMILY DINNER HELD AT ROY CLARK HOME - Mr. and Mrs. Ro Clark en· tertained with a family dinner Sunday 'at their hqrne on Third treet. The gU'ests were Mr. arid Mrs. G. ' M. MacDonald, Mrs. Mary Tucker and Mr. John Tucker of Harveysburg, Mr. and Mrs. Howard MacDonild of Sabina, Mrs. Lena Clark, Miss Elizabeth Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swartzel of Oregonia, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ullum and sons of Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs: Charle~ ,Osborn of CinCinnati.




or. T. P. Grosvenor



c'en t per pOlin 1-

Waynesville Office Will Be Closed '


Until Further Notice


.. ,


IS 1948;'

boy and,girl gr~duate8, a year filled with marvels, full of opportunities,

ROBERT BRADDOCK'S 8th BIRTHDAY HONORED ,Mrs. Frea Braddock' enter\.." tained on Friday afternoon, ho. noring her son, Robert, who was ;celebrating his eighth birthday 'anniversary. :rhe ,af~er. noon was spent 10 playmg games and ih opening the rp.any gifts brought ' by the guests. A beautiful birthday cake with ice cream!' was' served. /" The guests were John M:arsten and Janel C00k, Jerry and Tommy Cook" Max, ' Larry and Sammy Bailey, Danjel W-ilde, Bobby P,eterson, Mrs. Wilh~l­ mina Underwoo ; NH' . ,Arthur Wilae, Mrs. Ca Iton Cook and Mrs. Lawrence Cook, Thesam,e group of little folks celebrated the birthday John Marston Cook at his home 011 Saturtl'ay afternoon. .

The diploma,tfJhich ,ou '0 proUdly di,play today is ",ore than an en- I gra"ed ,croll tied w.ith laney ·r ibbon. It u a .ymbol of your fint harvelt, represeD~

are 'being graduated now must ae.' ,

cept ,the challenge



or the times. '



D., Be, SMITH '



'Rogers and Simpson 'Tractor Sales, FORD TRACTORS &: DEARBORN FARM



I~ ,

Representing Weatheimer & Company



. fl.ljl'

B~lL I

.. , '/ ,-:I



IDVestm_t Truat , Sharee

BQ~ght , '- '&old ~ . Quoted , , Phone 'W.,...yjUe' aS30 , , ' D.' oD 'AD3257 ,




GET 'READY GRADUATES! This Ia ttl _ II the 'one '; 'e'v.e beea waltlq 'or" wWIrIiac f~. TIllS ~ G-Da,. B-Boar. Jut.1IIII1 brI..... DOW before ,oa "bit tile beae"" Oaeck ,oar ~pmea&. YOII _ . .Id ban ,... .....p, .......... -I'D, laaowIeqe ... rood

tile ..... la, ... ,M ...sqW be au 7R ~' \ y~ _jeOUv. laliGUt ........ Y- wOi 1OIIl. OJPOII........ ' ~_.


, bet ......... ,.. pi aaen. ,

Soulb CarolIna acImlttId

'1'.... till. ~ and ,ood


, to UnIon. 178&

.. ~ bddge 0IItftId.

. . . .....,. ...... oI~1\Jo ~0an. . . . 1787.


We willa you courage, hope, , Joy, .ucc~ae--and godapeedl

ID. the ~tpat of the 1ears of 'lUdy and effort "'D ialled in yOID' sehool The seed. of hi.h ideals, toll, hOlleSI1, peneveraou, faith aad the other rucllmea~ of a .ood erop have been implanted In 1011 dllrt... tllese eehool 1ear1, ./ Ca l'l'1 these seeds with 10B as 10a jOllmey lato the world, and all YOllr ' ..tare harvests wiD ,be equaU1 frailluL

'E. 0., SCOTT.


a nd ... full of problem3. Yon who I

Menibers New York Stock ,Exchanges ,and other ' registered Bcchaag6L-






FRI. _ SAT. , l)uraaao Kid IN


ALSO: Stpo~e Come~y. "



Tone and J. Bta-ir~




. PAPER HAJ'lGING. Call a t Alva All n's .in Corwin. J.. H. Rainey. -527




PAGE S No. 4369 20, 1948



LOST,, 1~ PER WORD PURSE . Containin~ $_5 and • personal belongings. Reward. REAL ESTATE Mrs. Henry Finck, 'Rt. 2. DON'T FORGET TO CALL Behveen Jess Stanley's place; us for Insurance. All types of 1 'mile beyond Harvey~burg, Insurance at a savings'. Call and Waynesville, 1'-100 lb. , Francis Gene Brown, phone ' Poultry Scales with spring Waynesville 2935. or call and rope to hang up. $3 reo.' ward for return of scales. collect. Wilmin~ton 2111. , . Will Gustin, Waynesville, O. Phone 2542. FOR SALE - 5 room house, electric, city water, storm COYLE TRUCK PAINTED windows, large lot. Located BY STANFORD, BOGEN in Waynesv.ille. ", Price Famous' Artist Stanford $4500.00. Wilbur Sears, Bogen do, s another of his Phone 2651. ' closed Sunfamo!-,s acts as he paints -52 0 days. the Earl C. Coyle Giant Silver meat trailer truck I SELL THE 'E ARTHfor Coyle's Meats, Waynesville. . He lettered the MurrayIF YOU HAVE ANYTHING Lauterbach ;truck of Lebin Real Estate for sale, get in anon - these are great touch wi,th Ben E. Cline, licoutstanding jops. ensed broker, Spring Valley, Ohio, in Real Estate Business His cJaughter Alice res,ince 1911. Experience telTs. cently was seen on teleTry me and see. vision '. -82 6 TWO ARE MAIMED BY WAlNDERING MOTORIST FOR SALE. . Sometime early Sunday mor. Flowers for Decoration Day, ' ning an unknown driver 'turned At St. ' John, stop at N. W. east onto Chapman Street from Corner Main and High St. or Dayton Road, drove partway on Call 2551. -527 the sidewalk and ,bent over· the , sign at the inter-section. ELECTRIC Range, good COll- STOP Continuing two' m1ailboxes dition, with new oven. Priced standiniL at east the Northeast right. See Tootie Ellis at ner of Fourth Street wereCor-. da': Fairley's. - , 527 maged beyond repair. . The unidentified motorist is 9 CUBIC foot"" Cold'wall Refrigerator, 2-oven Frigidaire believed to have been intoxicatelectric range with Cookmas- ed as the, -wheel mark indicated ter, 8 Cubic ft. Frigidaire that the aut0 came" within inhome freezer, all one year "ches 'of a tree at the latter inold. Moving. Will disco'~nt tersection. It was fortunate that 20%. Also 1947 Chev. deluxe these' 'itwo" .'were inanimate. . $port Coupe.. Phorte ;2431. Otherwise' the population , of Waynesville mighf be I'ess or TWO Registered Hampshire someone might b ~ receiving =-'----,.~".-.;.LJl.JJars Qne_ year old, double convalescent cards. immune. Priced for quick -Joe sale. Eldon Retallick, R. F. D: One, 2 miles east of Mr~ and Mrs. Oliver SmallWaynesville on Rt.· 73. , wood had as Sunday afternoon , , ' _ -520 g41ests their son- in- law and FOR SALE - Sweet Potato daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald plants, 60 cts. per hupdred; Baughman, and childr.en of . ' all kinds of garden plan1s, Clarksville. 10 cts. per dozen. , . , Chas. C. Strouse 1 lh miles north of Waxnesville corner of Waynesville, ferry, and Lytle 'Rqads. , '-624 For You To Feel W,,~ CLA~IFIED



A lb l't H . t ul>bs, Admlnl t1' tor of ~be E , ta le of VEin rEt Lee Klrkpwtrick, deceased, PIRinttrf. "



'sale. . '. 'WiII Gustin, Phone 2542 Start chicks , now-have early fryers--they wilt' be in big demand. , S tar ted sex e d cocke tel ~hicks now. ,avail· ' able. . , ' . ,~ DUNHAM WHITE ROcKs Pbone WaYDeaville '2916 WANTED TO BUYGOOD SHORT blue-grass sod .. . Gene Dunn, 509 Wyont(n~ , St..r. ,Daytot1. ' Call FU1to'tl .57J5. -5-2@


24 hour1l every. day 7 days every week, never stopping. the kidneys 'fiILo.r waste matt"er from ,t he blood, ,If more people were aware 01 how the kidneys must constantly remove lurplus fluid. exceal aeid8 and other wnate matter that ~nnot stay in the blQod without in'jury to health. there would be better underatanding of IOh~ the whole System i. upset when kidneys raU to function properly , , Burnin", lcanty or too rrl!quent urlnatloll IOmetimoe warna that 80methlna fa wrona. You may lulTor naegini ·backache, ileadachoe. dlUlneea. lh.• umatle ,....alns. trettlne up at ollhtl~ IweUlni. " Why not try Doa ..•• Pi",' You will bts Ultn. a medicine recommended the 'country over. DOG"" .timulate the (uno, tjoll 01 IddDey8' aod help them ,to flUah wuw from tile bl~. Dothlol ha ~ -!ul. Get L. witll 00Il8eience. At aU

PAIN, Tl~'~

No. 2288


l!'ran ces K. Mer cer And Jobn Mel;cer. her husband. e t al. . ' Defendants.

C~ .



In pursuance o( the order Oif the Probate Court' or W~rr n Count y. Ohio. I will offer for sa-Ie t pubUc auction on the 12tdl day, of Jun e, 1948. at 2: 00 o·c lock. P. M., on the premises th>& following des¢ribed real estate situat;:ed in the Co~nty 'of W/arren. State ot Ohio. and in. incorporaood VUl/age of W"ayne8v1lle, and on the south side of 1Mii11, Stree.t, there being no street n umber for said premises. and said premiSes are further located )l>etween Main Stt'leet OUi the west ' and Water Street on the east, and said prc~mises ate most parUcullarly described e.s ;folloW'S. to-wit: . "SLtuated In the County of Wlarr.en, In tJhe State ot Ohio, 'and in the Town ot WayneevLlle and ' bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Part of out-lQt No. two (2) In the town ot WllLynesville. Beginning wt a stake corner near a ,b riok bulldlng formerly used as a alacksmith ,S hop In the alley on the Une of Water Str,ee.t in said town, Thence with said aUey and binding thereon twelve and ' "Jne-half (121h) poles to another alley. Thence with the Jast men.t ioned alley and Ibindlng tllereon, seven.ty. (70) 'feet thence at right angles twelve and one-half (1~%) poles to VV\ater Street; thence with said street seventy (70) feet to the Ibeiglnning. Being tM same premises cor.veyed :to Phebe A. Miranda by Eliza a~~Uranda t1r deed dlllt'ed Augru's t 9. 1916, Slndl recorded ,in Vol. 103. Page 578. of the Deed Records of Warren County. Ohlo, An,d being the same premlses conveyed by Phebe A. Miranda to Vanora L. · kirkpatrick by deed, dated Jan\!ary 16. 1943. and re.corded tn De~~ Record Vol. 146, at page 102. ot the Deed Records of W9.rrEm County, OhiQ. . 'Said premises ar'e appra\B'ed at it1,le swn of Three Thousand six Hundred (~3.600.00) Dollars and must be sold for not Jess· than twotthIrds 'ot saId apprailsed 'value thereof 'on the followmg terms. .to-wit:


Every J vlJ Guaranteed Free Estimates CheerfuU" qven

SHARP '" WILLIAMS Corner Main & Miami Sis.

Welding Plow Shares USE ,HA~D SERVlC~ GET MO~ ACRES


ALBERT H. STUBBS. Administrator of Estate of Venor.a Lee Kirkpatrick, dec'6ased




PHONE 2451


C. DONALD DlLATUSH, Attorney, for Plaintiff. -6,3

LYTLE 4-H GROUP MEETS FOR ANNUAL EI..ECTION The Lytle I<ikhen Kookers 4-H club met Wednesday, May 5, at the l:. tIe Methodist church with Mrs . .Charl s Bunnell and What you may need in the 'fu· Marjorie Ross in charge. . ture is . . . . . . The election of 'offlcers resulted as follows: · President, Charlotte Burnett, Vice-Prresident, Ma.rjorie Ross, on your real estate loan Secretary, Nancy Ba'ird; Trea- This, plus 4-0/0 interest, repaysurer, Carolyn Burnett; News me.nt priviJe es,serv!ce and Reporter, Marta Rus-}j; ' IRecsecurity m.ay be had 111 ~ rea t ion Lea de r, Ca 1'01 Long - ,_.,__t=;~..........,::--o=;;:-;;:;:-;-;=...-=-:___,----'--fo acre; Assistant, Beverly Baird. Guests Present: Roberta made through Bunnell. - Next m,eeti11J~ will be held THE LEBANON at Marjorie Ross' home WedNATIONAL 'FARM LOAN nesday, May 26, Leb~on, Ohio Phone 448 AUCTIONEI~ING . Ellis H. Stunn,· Sec'y-Treas.

· ' " Farmers. o

TIME ..•




For Dates. Phone '2894. Wav.,eaville. Ohio. Reverae 'Charaee


COWS-$10.00 HORSES-$8.00 HOGS-$3.75 cwt.




~~!I~ D.&lV•• .,


II",. .." ,., ".. ,.,., and II....




'AClOh-MIDOLnow..., OHIO

Acco,dln. to .,• • Condition









lnolnn"U Union lltoole ·Ya..d. I Iv. WAr" and Pro,'. An oralln.zetlon HOOflid to non•• 8trlOtIv ••II.r. on th, beat aU arOund ma...tet In the oo .. "try. , '


SERVICE THAT SAT'SFIE6 WlJUO Dayton 12: 60 E. S. T. ofal 1300 WlLW Ctnclnnatl 12:'0. Dial 700. for Our Dally Kark-et Report. ,


" , MEN~ An opportunity ' worth




in:yestigatin,~ . . Men

who have a ' mechamc;tl background, able. to ~et the publtc, who like folks and f01ks like them. A car .is necessary. Age limit 2 t -65. Call 9-10 A. M. 4-5 and 7-8 P. M. only. t30' .N. Patterson ' Blvd&'l Dayton, Ohio. Ask for Mr. DUgant.. .. . '-63



SITUATlO'PiS· wANTEDBABY or young child to care - for dunnK the day. Phone 2936. " -520 lilt

x.... o. ,L~.• " " . " "


It Sa--y~ Here By Smitty

Tit e Mia ml~l- ~emorial ~pa~ ~~~!i~es l~~~S~~d~y '" Ii A'ZET T E ELECTI


WAYNE HIGH SCHO ,,, BAND GLEO BANNER Chaplain, Americ~l1 Legi n P )Cst ' l ~

~ TAR ~ PA







out Tr op N . 40 . . . '" BAND

SERVI,NG WAYNESVILLE SINCE 1850 One of the .few advantages INTR 0 eT ION f EAKER . . \1 LOUI THOMPSON of being an edii,or is that you No. 4370 FIVE CENTS A COF'Y Commander American Legion lost No. 6 15 never find our po ·toHice box . by REV. A. CHANDLER ' eRA WF RD ADORE MAY V, 19~ THURSDAY, empty. Sometime the mail is WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Former Chaplain ,U. S.. Army nothing 1 ut bilI , ads, and P\lb~ ; BAND M IC AMERICA ., ' . Ii ity .lh andout. But often it Keys, Mini ter amuel 'N. , confains something fascinating. BENED ICTION TAP Last week an envelope ar- ' MO~RIS MARLAlT rived ,with a Toronto postmark. erv ice in ~ethodist Church in case of 'ram It con tained a leafl t aimed at Louis T hompson, Chairman Morris Marlatt, son of Mr. , convincing me that Qu bee' and Mts. 0., B. Marla tt, died at gold mines will yiel j me a forhis home in Spring Valley Tues- STORES TO BE CLOSED MONDAY TO OBSERVE tune on a , small itlVestmlent jf day morning. MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY I would nly follow the advice "How are they going to move of the stock broker who sent those things to Harveysburg?" All Waynesville. . bu-ines the letter. local residents wondered when place will be clo ed next Mon Then there \ as a, card ,ad- 20 steel supports for a new day May 31, for the Memori al Mrs. Co ra Gentry of nL'ar dressed to the ' ~Chro nicle" in viaduct were delivered to ' the Day holiday. Memorial Day Harvey ur~ was fined $ 182 y rail freight station at Corwin Waynesville, wantin,g to know actuall y falls ~n Sunda.y, May Mayor sbWarren Sat, two months ago. . I why no sam,ple sheets had been 30 when Amencan LegIOn ser- urday night onBraddock ~ charge of received for a certain ad crEach of the supports is a 36 ' If you are an Aimerican giirl ; vices will be 'held in Miami tiser' copy in Ap ril. I' had neve r ' inch J- beam, 60 feet long and have beauty, poise, and person- Cemetery but for business shoplifting. When arre ted the woman heard of a "Wa vnc::svi lle Chron- weighing nine tons. They are to ality; are over 18 years of age; through o ~t th e nation, it will icle" or of the advertiser in be used in buildinK a viaduct to are a resident of the Miami -be marked by' closing on Mon- had $10.1 3 worth of groceries' question. , carry State ' Route 73 over Valley; and a user of dairy pro- day. There WIll be no mail serv- in her, car which she was charged with Having taken from More se'rious was a notice Caesar's Creek at Harveysburg, ducts, you are 'eligible to enter ice on Monday. Stewart's Dot Food Market in from the company which made four miles east of here. PIers for the MIami Valley and Ohio a shoppin~ bag. The ' loot ,vas en~rav inRs for our , photo- the viaduct have been in place Dairy Queen Contest being all returned t the store. . sponsorea graphs: ' 'Due to a dispute be. smce au t umn. , " Ch b b( Cthe Dayton Junior d th am er a ommerce' an e tween labor and managem.en t, ' Last ·Monday a Cincinnati this shop wili 'be cl.osed until 'contraCting ,firm, began moving OhiQ' Junior Chamber of tc)mTh~atre t~ the 60-foot I-beams to the via- merce. The Miami Valley Dairy fu'rther notice." One day. I wdmlered why , duct site by truck, one at a time. Queen will be crowned June 5, The U. . Civil Service C manyone in W'hite River Junc- A. crane was stationed in as a feature of the Dayton Inmission this week announced an ti 11, V rmont, would be writing' Corwin to set tbem on the dustrial Show. The Twin Theatre will he She wiJI also be entered in examination for Substitute clerk open Tuesday e venings and , to me. It turned out to be an truck, and another was ,in the the Ohio Dairy Queen Contest , for duty in the Waynesvill e, do ed on ,Wednesdays hereoffer to teach me how to by- creek bed to unload them. Each, trip involved crossin(! the and will be judged' in Columbus Ohio Post Office. iJa~ the engraving process in after, ' in conformJty with the ' The basic rate of pay for rest of Waynesville's business making metal plates for print- old bridge .' at HarveySburg, on June 1.8. Cash pnzesof $50, plus :$10. Substitute Clerks ,is $1.04 an p.llaces, Man.ager Robert, L. O'ing pictures. All this would be which has been ,temporarily closed ,twice in ' the past three per day'and travel expe!1ses for hour. After one 'year of satis- Regan announced this week. ,taught to p1e ,for a m/!re $265 because it was , deemed personal appearances WIll' be a-, factory , mcluding time man lhs pl\J,~ travel expe~·ses r . This change will permit the unsafe for nQrmal traffic. How- warded tfie. Miami Va.l1~y · ervt!d as a Special Delivery ' theatre 1.0 ~.;lnge, slJ,ows four ever, ' all tile beams wer! fi~lU ~(t , ~~en'..;'The wmner, of the. ()Iuo . messenger, the basic rate of pay times a week instead of the cusThere's an imposing 'list of safely' across it. Dairy Queen Contest will be is increased 5 cents an hour three. 'BeglnninK June mail that comes in every week, Each "shuttle trip" took near- , awarded" $250 in cash, plus $10 each -year thereafter until a tomary from the "Ohio Republican ly an hour, and the t~sk was per day and travel expe.nses for maximum. pay of: $(1.54 an 1, there will be feature attrac- , . on Sunday a nd Monday, ' News" to labOf papers like "The fmished yesterday. sponsored appearences 10 other hour is reached. When a sub- ations one-night-only 'show ,on TuesTrainmen's News." (The form, stitute em.ploye i~ appointed to days, another show on Thursday viaduct wiJl eliminate, Ohio cities. er has devoted itself so eom- twoThehairpin 'turns on , the steep Entry blanks for the co n,test a ' regular position, he is as- and Friday, and , a one-night pletely to Senator Taft. that I ' tp ths. pr~sent bridget may be .obtained from the I~ay- signed to a s~lary grade corres- stand for the ,traditional Saturam wonderinJ,?" whaUt will do if, approadi and wi1,4.oarry ~oute 73 arouna ton JUnior Chamber of Com- ponding to hIS salary as a' sub- day '(horse opera.;' ! hy some horrible mischance, the the village 'of Harveysburg. merce, GIbbons Hotel, Dayton, stitute. , ' Repuplicans nominate someone ~ The age Iimits for ,these posit- RAINBOW COUNCIL and must pe submitted wl1th a " else in ' Philadelphia next W. S. C. S.PROGRAM photograph of The entrant by ions are 18 to 50. Those a~e month.) . FEATURES SnJDY.TALKS May 31. limits will be waived for :per ons HOLDS MAY MEETING Every week the ,State of Ohio ON EUROPEAN WOMEN " entitled to veteran preference The Rainbow Ac!vls ry Cosends reports on sales tax ' re'and under certain conditions, uncil held ,the regular M!iy meet'ceipts" unemployment compenThe Wom)3,n's' Society of e es ar Y for'" ar service indefinite em- ing on Tuesday. eveninR" at the , sation news, attorney general's Christian Service held ' an ·all ~_li ployees. No specific experience home of Mr. and Mrs. /Ch~rJes opinions and other' items pf day meeting at the ' Method,ist a 10 ~d OOP ' or ed ucation i required, but all LeMay, with Mr. and 'Mrs. F. ' applicants must pass a written U. LeMay of Lebanon as state-wide int~rest which the Church' ,o'n Thursday, May 20, d:tily papers can handle much with th.e followin~ hostess comFQlIowing its 6-to-1 defeat of ex,amination designetl to te~t (Yuests. more' quickly and thoroughly mittee: ' Mrs. ' Cora Rich, Mrs. the Fairley's team on Monday their ability in s<?rting and m , Mr. ' Halph' Miller, discl.l sion than 'the we'eldies. ' .. Joel Stokes, ~rs, M., A~ Cor- evening, ,' the Bellbr ook ' -club following rnstructJOns. leader, continued the topic "Soil neJl, Mrs. O. B. Marlatt, and took first plac.e in the WaynesApplicants for tnese 110s1ttons C nservation, and how it afMFS. Mary Earnhart is Just- Mrs. Warren Braddock. ville Softb,all League with two must actually reside 'within the fects the 1110rals and , mentality, ifiably upset 'over the comment On account of the illness of straight wins and ' no delivery zone of the Waynes- of people." ·the President, Mrs~ Carlton ' However, at press time" Bill ville Post Office or be bona fid e The club adjourn,e~ to lTIel!t in this column ' ,last week that Cook, the business meetinsr was SawYer's American ~Legion patrons of that office. ' with Mr. arid Mrs. ,Walter heeApplications for this .exam- han in June. Warren County has never conducted by the vicepre'S ident, team was favored to ~ain a first-place ' tie l{y beatin,g Mil- ination must be filed With the known '.good telephone service. Mrs. John B.urske Homemade cake and ice She was the oL1erator tn WayneThe program ' was in charge ler's 'Restaurant m the Wednes- Sixth Regional ' Office. U. , S. cream were served durin~ the svi11e before the dial 'system was of Mrs. M. D. , Baird. The sub.; , day night ga~l1e. Civil Service Commjssion. U. S.. social hour. installed" and is proud of the ject was "Women in Paths of , At the bottom, of .the heap is , Post Office and' ICourthouse, perso,nal attrnt~ot) s,he -~~ve tile - Se(.vice". 'Devotions were con- Irvin M~lford's Palrley team Cincinnati ,2, Ohio, not la~er PATRONIZE GAZETTE / ; subscribers. rn t1\ose days the ducted by Mrs .. A. .K. Day. A w.hich has lost two starts. than Jl)ne 16, 1948. ' Furt~er .mADVERTI,8ERS present mechamcal troubles study on a "Woman of BelBellbrook's' first win came formation and application , hadn't started yet, but the seeds , f.iuml" was given 'by Mrs. Baird, with a' las.t-innin,g- rally that· form's may be obtained from must ' have been sown for the 'A Woman of Nefherlands and defeated Spring Valley ii-tO. , Postmaster Lester H. Gordon at present lack ~f sdufficient equi- France" by , Mrs. Ba,qgher, ' " A 1.0. , WaynesviJIe 'or 'from the . in -, p~,ent- an d . lOa equate 10rt.~- daughter . 0 f England' by Mrs. , , Greatest hitti~g pro~es~) has formation office of the SIX th , distance: servlc.e. , R. C. Moler ~nd I'A daughter ,of neeh shown to date bv the ; Region located on the ninth . ..:...",... ' the Philippines" , by Mrs. Reba American' ,legion club with a floor ~f the Federal Bui1din~, .' PAI~E'I ~y. Ir.1,S TED Br~ddock. .; . tea'm hatting average of .400 Cincinnati, Ohio. IN GRADVAT~NG CLASS , The next l11eet~ng Will; be held _ and wit.h seven play~rs' avera~es , Nf WILMINGTON COLLEGE ~m Jun~ 17th With the follow- exceedmg .500 m the fIrst MISS MARGARET HARLA~ . ' . , lOg hostesses: Mrs.. Carlton fame. . GRADUATED ,IN VIRGINIA FalliS Ferree Paine of Way. Cook, Mrs, M. D. BaIrd, Mrs. . Sunday 'evening' the Hearth. H I tiesviUe is one of31. seniors c,tue, Eva)yn Watkins, Mrs. O. R. stone 1nn team' sh'ut out Kier's Margaret Mmerva ar an, to complete their work at Ungle~hy, and Mrs. Myrtle Garage, 9-0, in· an exhibition. daughter ~f Mr. and M\rs. ~rndest Wilm~ngton <;:ollege by June 4. Edwards. This 'w,eek-end an outs~aI1lding L. Harlan, Rout~ 2, d~~relve ~ He wd1 tecelye fhe Clegree of Lebanon team will ' face th'e h<?m~. economics I.., 0ma ~ lJachelor of Science in Educa~ American Legion nine with Ray JVI~gmla l.nt~r~ol'1t College III tion. ' • I. Purk ·pitching for Waynesville. B~lstol, Vlrg!ma, @n May 24. trtj 6 _ . ' MISS Harlan IS a ~en:t-ber of the Robert W. Emer of WaynesvilJe is one of 39 wbo will comMr. and Mrs. Robert Britain Speeding: was the, ~jrect SHome U EO~bmth~ g~b'CI~~e plete their work by Aug,ust 13. of Dayton announce the birth cause of 9,400 deaths and even- Pd St ff th C1as~ This group will also participate of a daughter, Margaret Ann, 260,000 injuries in 194 7 traffic' ~e fa~1e~0~ an~ is p;esident in the college's commencement at Gooa Samaritan Hospital, ' in the .U~ited States. ' Heed foctheYB ~ts 'and Saddle Club. o~ May 24, 1948. speed lImIts! 0 e a on June 4.

9-Ton l-Beams Taken To Harveysburg For Viaduct's Supports

Woman H_eavily tFined In Shoplifting Case

Dairy Queen Contest Open to Local Girls

Substitute ,Postal Clerk's Job Offered

€Iose Ifd,., With 4'Shows a Week


Blibrook Tak E I ' Le d· ball L







were pr~ ented ' by ' SANDUSKY- TO -CANADA ~ the High chool Glee CI'Ub and AUTO-PASSENGER FE~RY 8STABLISBED 1160 Mi " Ilelia J (lhn ~\n" tl e villa," e' RESUMES DAILY TRIPS Published Ev-ery Thursday", ou ihful ' pran ,. pre en e j :t andu 'k\' Ohio (Vacati nAt Waynesville, Ohio vocal ala. . New ' " ~rvi e). The C'wad· l and , CARL G. SMITH, Editor Th e met SaturdH Entered aa aecond class matter at the Post Office ian ma il kam r P It: r u m ~'~ e " nin " in the High , 'ch I , SUBSCRIPTION RATE: it, ' ervi ' nn , a rud a , June dit riu~11 . Mr_. H len Hill gave $1.50 a Year in Advance 12, and \.vill opcrat 'a iaily th W I III 1 and Fred Fairr HlI1d ' trip fro m Sandu k, . ch ild, J r., memb r of th is \ ear ' Ohio, to PeIee I l aT\ I, Kin ~' 'rl';) Illa-t ih o' I'a _ O'a ' he re_" pan e~ Mr. Ho\\ ard CoB tt f ville ' or L "::l 1l1ingtl \Il, : ntan , 1 t. anada, th r lwh Sunda Wilmington in keep,ng with hi ' 12. usual custom delivered a bri f -(TO' have ev~nts listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette spe~ch, prec ding the dilll) er I During the pa t leven ' years , ' , before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) \vhich was s 'r veli at 7' o'clock. of its ~internati nal s rvice, Mrs. Edna Comptol1 Bogan, thou ands of motorists and pa SATURDAY, MAY 29 music supervisor in the local ng,:er ' have relied on th i W. H. S. Alumni dinner and dance. school sy tern presided at the service for a short cut to north-' piano durin~ the dinner OOUI. ern Canadian vacation spot, or SUNDAY, MAY 30 A ' Cincinnati Orchestra was commuted to the popular fish'Go to Church! pr , ent for the Allun: m i, dance. ing resort, Pelee Island, or the Memorial Day' services in Miami .cem etery, 1 P. M. A group of ladies assembled ummer reSO rLS at Leamington Legion junior baseball, Wayn~sville .vs. Harveysb urg, 3 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Osee Har- and Kingsville. Thol!sands Softball exhibi tion ga~e, LegIOn vs. Lebanon:'team, 8 P. M. lan, Friday evenin1{ to help her more enjoy the Touno triP for celebrate hel: birthday. one day since it, gives them , MONDAY, MAY 31 The Hilarity Club m et Suneight hours on the lak and 2 Y.! Softball, Spring Valley vs. Legio?, 8' P. Mr. day at the home: of Mr. and hours ashore in Canada. Boy Scout Troop 40 at 7 :15 P. M. . Mr. Charles Gordon. A baThe Steamer leaves daily ket dinner was ser ved at noon. from the Municipal Dock at WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 ', Miss Ester Prather, who has andusky at :30. It tops at Softball, Fairley's vs. Miller's, 8, P. M. b en re iding at the H rbert Pelee Is'tand, ant. daily, each Doster home durin{!' the schobl way. Its mainland destination i THURSDAY, JUNE 3 term, left Thursday t return to Kingsville, Ont., n undaySoftball, Kier's vs. Bellbrook, 8 P. M. to the home of h r paren t Monday, Wednesday and atSew-So 4-H Club, '1 P. M. near Glarksville. urdays ; and to Leamington, Me )and Mrs. Jame Park ant., on Tuesdays, Thursdays' and family of Cincinnati spent and Fridays. Arrival on the M nday with Mr '. Park par- Canadian mainlan ports is at ent , M.r. and Mr . H. . Tucker. Mrr . Minnia Martin ,and niece of Dayton \yere runday guests ' of Mrs. Mary Syfeid and son, John. , , Mr. and Mr . 'AI . Carl Brown were called t.o ' 411umbu , SLlnday owing' to the ud ~en death f Mr. " Brown',; 'brother-inThe Meth odist Sunday law, Mr. John, Babb r. of that Schoc» will hol d, brief mem- city. METHODIST CHURCH , Mr. and Mrs. Auzwood Mar,orial service unda_ May 30, R. B. Coleman, Minister at the closing of t e school, tin and Miss Jane Fit were caIChurch school - 9 :30 a. m. under ihe direction of upt. lcr. in Ma on, Saturday. J. J. Burske" Supt. J. J. Burske. Mrs. Ben Bec.kett, accoma.m. 10: , Worship ervice Songs "America' and Faith ' palJied .v her taughter, Mis of our Father ' will b sung J oan Beckett, and Mr. Carl Youth Fellowship , hy the Children' departmt:l1t. Jones, spent unclay aft moon ' $lI:nday~1 :30 ~. 'm., -ttncoln's 'uett sbur,g- Addre~s at Coney Island. ~ .. ', I, , .. will be recited by J rry CooK, Mr, Harry Tucker of Duncan pent th " \\ ekend _.......~_ _ ST. MARY'S EPlSCOPAL followed by, rem'arks and. clos- Fall 8AMUEL N. KEYS, Minister ing i1l'ayer I y the upennten- his mother, Mrs. Mar Tuc er and sons at th ir rlOme near ~:----+----bflltlr-c~n School 9 :30 a. m. dent. town. ' Nursery School 10 :30 a. Ill.

Ov rture"

The Miami Gazette



No. 4370 27, 1948


Events Coming Up.





5 bIG


... - ~

.,... 'WQaco,

1 2 :3 ' , dcpariur~ at.3, r 'tu.n:ting to Sandusky, at 7:1.5 In time ' 0 make trail) connections. Th Stl ip carries :twelve autos freight and 0 , pas ' ngers. Advance re ervations are required for autoS.

Howard Brown of Wayn sville was among; the tl~ou ands who visit d Holland, ,Mich., I~st wee k- end for the ann ual tulip fe tival and parade. He reports . that the acres of blossom were 10 vely, but that a fire in a fillin,; tation n arl marred the parade. ~------

Mr. and Mr , Ronald Hawke, Mr. Winifred Hartsock and "son, David, wer '" \ve k-end g-ue ts of Mr. and Mr. Ftank 'Ha\vk c and family in Evanville, Ind. ' M:rs. ft'art ' ock anJ son will remain for til ummer.

Methodists' Notes' a

,H oly Co~munion 10:30 a. m.

. .JJaI'VB'I3turfj

fRIENDS First Day School 9 :30 a.m. M~eting for' Worship





to :30 a.m.


Father Krulnhollz, Priest Masses


8 and 10 A. M.



Dr. W. . Guiler of Miam.i University d livere j the class addre s at Commencement Exercisi'S Wednesday evening. His theme wa "Achieving- peace and Securi,ty." The Rev: J. P. Thornbur gave th mvocation and b nediction. Bennett':s "Iridian Boy" and "Bright Stat

Mrs. Oram. Sho\lp 'and Mrs. Marion Adams entertained the: _enior 'girl of this year s graduating class last Monday eve- ' ning at the 110me qf Mrs. houp. Ai 'very pleasant evenin,; of gam sand conte-sts wa enjoyed by all. Delicious refreshm,ents were s~rv/ell at a late hour.

* .I N

- .


a.m. .,0 :30 a.m. Cj :30




: EI.ciric' W.t.r H••ting'••• Ellctric Milk. C~oUn. ' Two necessities for profitable dairy operation ate: 1, a plentiful supply of hot water .for cleaning and ~terilizing milking utensil" and ·for the ~are of dairy animals; 2, a means of cooting milk to SO F. or le$s within lone and a half hours after milking. On the Wa rrea Grimes' Glenn-Wood Farm these two eUenda1s are O)et with electrical equipment. , , The elecuic water heater lllUltrated is fu~y en~losed, well·insulated and is thermostatically controlled. To draw hot wat~r, you pour water into the inlet funnel on the top of the h~ater and a like amount of hot water is forced out. I~ water is. piped into the mil;k house, it is bandy ~o have a cold water fauc~t , placed dir~ct11. over the heater~ -~

CASE OF FI R E. D,IAL 2222 •


~;-:---~--:-'imre:siCJi()OI- '

Ja. Sd.alz, far~ mpnager ~n the Warren Grim •• ' GI.nn-Wood farm, R. R. 3, Urbana, 01110, (0) g.ttln, a bucle.t of Itat wa'.r from a J O.gallon el.efr'c dairy water Itea'.r; (b) placing a 10gallon can of fr •• 11 warm mille 'nfo an .I.efrlc mil" coo'.r.

Under 011iO s~s



, r


RALPH ' E. STINSON" Minlat...

Bible School 9 :30 a.m. ,Morning ' Worship to :30 a.DL Prayer Meetin~ 7 :00 p.m. Youn~ People s Meetio,( .. 7:00 p.m. Evening Services 7 :30 p.m.


'r...i •• Prlcl' inl......, ReliC'


9 :45 a. m. to:45 , 3 m.




9 :30 E. A. Earnhart, Supl Worship Service, 10:30 a.m. Evening Service ' 7:30p.m.

Sunday School


trnCA E. U. B. aruRQI


Suaday School

becauae '

Much of ~. milk rejected by milk plana it turned down the milk wu not properly cooled at the farm. Milk cannot be cooled much below '60 F. with running water. Low tempera~ ca~ , be seaired ~ith ice, but there the difficulty is in getdng a ,de~ndable supply. _ Th. automatic electric milk cooler offen the 'most satiJfact0fJ. mea1lS of ~ooling milk to a safe t~mperature within the time limit • ' and at a cost that i. uiually lower dwi cooling with iCe. Mon., lost by rejection of one l~gallon can would pay for electrid~ to operate an electric milk coaler for several mondis. DaiJ;ymen CUI , often get an extra premium up {o 15c per ~undred pounds for milk produced on farms· Uling automatic electric milk coole!,,For. more information on electric:al da~ equipment, coDlulr )'0Ul County Agricultural Agel;lt or the Farm Representauve 'of. The Dayton Po~er and Light Company serving ~our 'neighborhood.

CAESARS -CREEK FRIENDS , 'Worship Service Sunday School


Tult. Ilt-,W HlO-aONALD COlMAN,

9 ': 30 a.m.

Mrs. James, Garrison, Supt. Preaching. t st and 3 td Sundays each month to :30 Lm:. Evening Servic~ 7 :30 ,P. M.





• t


' .



!ge,.6onal nol~6 . MiT. and Mrs. Charle Ander.

son h~ve left on' a vaca 'i n trip t o ~nzona. . . Mr. and M rs. J . K. Pre to n had a w eeke ll d KUl: t their children, Dr. and Mr , Rol ert Pre -:o n, Mr. :md Mr. James Holmans and Mr. 'Jack Preston, all f Ci ncil1nati. Mrs. May McElfre h and grandson have reft.!rned after spendin g a ' few days with her cho I .for the Ur.1nl ~ J'. 'son, Mr. Ernerson Miller and fa mil v in North Carol in a. M i"s Phyllis Bailey has enter. ed the Dtt , ton Comptorn eter


• * *


* '" *


Tele Under ·The 'Big Top "Give me • ...... y. C::.pte'n Broom. "To me.e clelln .weep of e,v' ry room. . I Attic end bll.ement. It.,n .nd .~ ed : I' • I Where "r~ there'. rubbi.h. fire. ~re bred. ' ,f

"It', too much work .Ione for wive.:



So, men end children: Help '."e .Ilvesl Spring cleening time i. now ..t hand: Plel up II broom lind join my blind.

"Keep your own fam'ly free from h.rm-' From hell ring the dread , fire alarm. " . When the whole hou.ehold helps, it'. fun .. To' get fire h.urdL.rd.lLeJ.Un "_ _

,Mr. an i Mrs. Frank He s f near Da t n were unda y ' di nn'er ~ u e 't of Mr. and Mrs.- Roy E11i and son.

® IINS ~ .. tlol1.1 " ....fl .. lun of lIutu"





"What brou,c:ht me nere"? asked the 1'0 ebud. , The talk answered the rose,

Don Frye, on of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye, C l eb ratelt hi seven th hirthday anniver . ary on un jay and had a his ,guest f or the day Charles Kersey, K enn y G ray, 13 bby G ray , Donald ,-\ II on and Richard .


'If yo u don't m arry rn e I'll take . it ,rope and hang luyself in your front yard". 'ow, Huber I know Pc( doe 11 t like au hanging aroupd." .J

HIt s not the work I enj oy aid tbe cab driver. "It's the peopl~ I run into".

Mr. and Mrs. Lc t'r Godon PRIMARY OP~RE1TA have as their housegue t. Mr. , PRESENTED AT MASSIE L ) ui ~e ~~ ' hna b I f Wa hin ,c:t 11 Mrs. Th Ima G or~e preD . .C . sente i her primal' cia - in an I 01ere tta, • Children of Old Mr. G. ' H. Cook of Chi ag-o, Moth er, Go e.' Friday eveni isiting-h is i fer, Dr. Mary L. ing at the high' choo l auditorCook. ium before an esti m ated au I. ien e ,o f 400 . Al11on~ pecial Mr. ailti Mr . Everett Marlatt feature f.or the evenin1?,', was a .ha ve mov ed into the Geoq;e pre el~ taii on by a kindergarten M ills property which they r-c 1<1 of Wilming;t n. . 'c ently purchase(!. ~Ir. Grace l.. SmHh spent the wee k end and M,onda v with READ GAZETTE Classified Ads relative in Dayton.

_-- -. .. ... .



hl.ur. ~·

. . ... ......

, Cole Bros.. Oll'eu and televlJioD mUon \".'1.WT cooperated la!it w '!ek ill preeeD~, ill OlnelnDatl, the firf.'. 'cua: telecut in the , Midwest. WLW'r televlled ttle entire two-l1u _~ show, iDcludinK this ; ~ee b1 . . . . eleplaaDta. . . - ', .... .


Medicl'ne Cabinets,

WI~ METAL SHELVES $4.39 each .)



i I

HI-CHAIRS $8.62 and up ,

Baby Cribs Com:pJete with Waterproof


Mattresses '$34.70 each


UrrUA do.


pUO.ldoer ot l 'be

Archbold, '(Ohio) Buekeye. WaF elected preaident of the Natlollal Editorial AssoclatiOD at the annua l conveqtion of that organlzatlon I" Ptnehurst. North ~rolinL Thp. N F.A repreaenta the Weekly np.Wb Pli~t!'" 91 the UDiteQ State8. • , ,M r. Taylor . . . former prtlsideot .,r the NoJ'tbw...... ' Ohio- N ewa· lMp8r GI'ODP; Tbf' Buckeye Press Auoctadon. ~eDtin.the weeklies In Ohio, aDd • • tl'U8tee of the ~ : N .....pp- ~j.tion.




The weather ~()lks the year 'round to make your porch look run down. On your inside floors. another kind of wear- from IOrubbing or mopping and the constant scuffing, of feet- mara the beauty of the finish. . ' That'. why wise home.ownerli rely on ,ACME Floor and Porch Enamel! For ACME is specially designed to resist ·w ot<:r. weather and wear-to give long-lasting protec:tion and beauty to surfaces, inside and' outside the house. Ideal for wood, CODcrete ' and metal fioors;porches: ~teps: decks - . of boata.Come in tOdar and 8ee the beautif~ Dew ACl4E colora. ~

Waynes-ville Furniture . &,Appliaacer-l.C-A-o.----J.---~...........~~~--4-A-A-~~ ~th Maia Street across from Cranle Hall

Telephone 2422






.Spartan Electro-Rod .DRAINS


Cleaned l'




William Sawyer PHONE 2174

THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE, of th 1 n diln~ ton s of the WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 1 No. 4370 e:i, as they became m re 1eepl_ "Cheruhim ong.' What a T H U R-S DAY, MAY 27, 1948 entan led in u ject- that were ur~ ri t di ' Iver \ "'I i.:es that "Greek'" t them. HO\\'ev r \\: didn 't kn w were there! M..r. Walter R ploKle. Mr-. ter, Mrs. Lue ' Morg-an. SENIOR CLASS HISTORY with tl1 patient trainin~ f Mr. Ajnoth r outstan~ine' ev nt ..I ,_ ~er. 'U on and Mrs. Hou h, th Y was the pre entation of their W. J. Walter ahu on Bill ' f 1\\1'. anJ Mr. James V\'il d. cl,a ' , hi tory uf man 'lg-ed t ' all t their wits. hanqu t t the niur: ' f -+7 Dayton called on Miss Jessie, , man of fa k 'un. (The hio were Hi lr"h r printed ho I"s thi '4t>s Th ' e1e t d cas I ff' weekend gUe st:' of her parents .,Waynesvill , niors is beil~ 0 (Ler a ' an(I th ey II r al II'i th e t'Imes th v' Garner Wedn,e da, afternoon . Mr. and Mrs. Milton heehan Mr an j Mr ~ . Er.nL:st Earnhart " f 1I0w : Pr.esident, Oris Small- sold ak s, 'candy, peanuts, Pre Lient, Vic and sport ' han:ibook a the .f Centerville and Mr: an j Mrs. and fami y. .week instead of in last week' - \\ 0 d; \ i . c mmence nt j - u b ause Thompson; Secretar, Betty home basketball atue. Their Earl Oark 0'( Davin 'called Mrs .. CO"1 arba , of Kings ... , copies of th. hoot annual, Tlloma ,an j tr a urer, Norma f'Irs t Junlor-semor n Mr. 1 Alice Clark unday t . ' PI' m ' a Iso Mi!ls '~;' p"n . 1ing' a few ~ys ' con .a}nmg t~e hl~tory, were not Longacre. Mis Foxbower was occurect. that jear.' Let's not for- afternoon. with h r si ' t r, Mr ~ , G. Kerr~celved until this week.) ,their CIa s adviser. Taking ad- get theIr "All Ameri an par- , ',Mi s Ruth Chandler left for ?in ' \,,;/". , who '\\ on I'Co unty Norfolk, Va., Saturday and will 'tWa back in the 'ear 1944, yantag~ of th,eir sta~dih ',t~ey tans' Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Cra wthirty _fwo bo sand o-i rls Imw~dtately began ~vlth pa~tles, Champ" and,} were really top~. accompany her sister Elizabeth aturdaj/ eyenin~ ~. haYride and hayndes Danny Hartsock was Presid nt· back here to spend the summer. ford p nt in hi~h school ft ' , I .. '. ', Patsy Baird, 'VI'ce-Presl'den ' t ~ made their d but with Mr. an j Mr. Claren e Miss Jessie Garner is conto claim the honorary title but a er a y~ar of g-a a activItIes , , Crawford. fined to her room by illness, "Freshman. ", With pleasure ,the ~ettled for a three-month Faye Creech, Secretary; Mrs. Leah Mm~ was a ,dinner Mr. and Mr~ . Edga~ Poff of they greet d that year because ' yacah0.n. Charles Conard, Treasurer' guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Cent rville were dinner R.'uests they ,then were eligible to atHaVing ma~e the grade as ' Phyllis Burnett, news r porte/ Burske on Sunday. , unda , of Mr. and Mrs. Hily tend high school parti s, vote freshm~~, , thIS class of youth Phyllis ' Bailey . and Earl Rye Mrs. Ella Dakm spent TuesGibson. Other C-a!lers in the and choose their own subjects. and abll,lty proce~de~ to enroll business man'agers. The Class day with Mrs. Emma McClure afternoon were Rallph Hutc~­ With little hesitation thev dived ' ?-s soph.omor~s, this tJ~e choo.s. of '48 owes its gratitude to, at ,Franklin. inson, Mrs. Eunice Davidson of into. algebra and Latin, their mg, their sub.Jects mOl e. ~areful- Mrs. Lukens for seeing- it Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Harot i only aim to evade th usual rou'- Iy. Under the sup~rvlslon of through such a busy year.: Roger, Mrs. 'mma Gibsqn of tine of Readin-R.iting.Rithmetic ' Mrs. Houg~, ,they endeavored With pride and dignity they . to make thIs year as pleasant emerged as Seniors in , 1947~ Bellbrook. ' - - - - -...- - - - - - a the precedmg- one. They but loo.k! Not aU, of them were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crawford elected, President, Vic Thom-p- there. No wonder there was call d n M'r. and Mrs. Clar nce son;' Vice-President, Charles such a 'v.ancy. Their , faithful Mr. Richard Haines, Mr. and Crawford unday evening. Conard; Secretary, Betty treasurer who carried them Tho.mas; Treasurer, Danny (hrougb ,their junior ' year has Mrs. Ralph Haines, Mr. and ,Hart ock, and news reporter, _ de erted them. ~We have also Mrs. 'WiIlie Faha of near Xenia Kay, Jud and Patty Jayson, Pats' Baird. They gladl ad- lost Mary "Hart and ' Flora called ' on Mr. and Mrs. Hily daughter qf Mr. and Mis. mitted Faye Creech into - their Thompson in the excitement. Gibson, Mrs. Richard Haine ' Walter Jayso n of Dayton, were , la s but lost Poll lou Wise- However, the cllass welcomed Saturday evening. week end ,g-uests or their uncle man, Janet Lakes" B.e tty Mere- D ,n Baird, Joan ,West 'andMrs. Ettie Bair of Xenia spent and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank dith, Mildred Hill, anq l)~is ah s, Oris Smallwood a~ain Monday eveninir witp ' her sis- LeM,ay. mal1wood. . appears on the sene. Th ... As Juniors th e endured coneniors have 011served one' f tinual excitement· however, the class who is doomed to b they bade g db y · to Don Gil- come fam u~; the man with I n- and the fa-mous Gerrard the horn, Milton Jones, stands t ~ ins" Don and Doyle. Never gefore . them wU:n , a melodious will th cl ass Qf.~ '48 fo rget the s n P' from h is trumpet. 6:00 x 16 FIRESTONE th rill of perf rming its first The ' class ' ~ected Vic ' cla play, "The Calamit Thoolpson President; Oris TIRES $13.95 Ki j rec ivin ,g: their class Smallwood, Vice - President; (plus ta)f) J. rif\o'S, and ;also their Christ- , Faye CreechJ Secretary; Wilmas pre ent, the most tal nt- bur ~F.loienGc, Trea urer. Mr. The comforts of a h III f ' • ed music instructor, Mr. Gahris. Payne was the class adviser. those who. wish to hold s rvi es here ALSO FULL LINE OF Their succe sful mixed chorus Near the middle of th e, year ';'~_ h i among their memori s never they waved , their r gretful , FIRESTONE ,PRODUCTS to be forg01ten, f r it marked gOOd-byes to Mr.. Turner. another , bri~ht pot in every TheIr authority enabled BATTERIES TELEPHONE 22,91 WAYNtsVILL~ O. . Til eni rs, tog ther with thenl to bring about a Stuaent SEAT COVERS th ir • fellow , .tudents, want Council, and in the midst of never to 'for.g:,et the e hoes of getting dressed ' up to have their TEXACO SER=::V~'J~C~E~::-~-=tl=le_ir_c-=h_o~ru~s_r_in_g~'i:...-n_g_in_t_o_th_e photos made, getting the Way.. cehan unde r way, performingS. MAIN PHONE fUM the oper tta an I a class 'play, ' ---=-~J1otos - WAYNES,V ILLE. oHIO and attemptin.~ to publish th ir annual, they squeezed ,in a ' HCl an-Up Day" to boo t their morale., ~ORTRAITS Suddenly their fun and ex- ' citement ceased ' as May 23 GROUPS SMITH ELEctRIC SERVICE drew hear. They appr ached ORGANIZ~TIONS the strained echoes of "Pomp For that extra Receptacle and Circumstance' and realizOr Anythin'g Electrical ed that all too soon their ' hi~h school days were drawin,!! to a close, Enviou~ly they eye their un ierclas~mei1, 'yet ,eagerly . they await what might be iri store for them.

Our log of '48

It wa - different, the v discover- , hall

Y,.iencl fiome



STUBBS' Funeral Home


,W il'is ,H unter

eall amltt,.

Headache's warn, u o.f possible , . , ur engme warns :you of tro.uble -ahead. Don~t wait , for it-bring your car 111 now, and prevent costIv repairs 'later. , .

The Claude Stroud home \vas the scene of .a f~lmily. gathering on Sundav when the birthday of Mr. and :'Mrs. Ahrens , and d'lughter and Patty Azling were ,' celebrated. Dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ahrens and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Azling and daughter, Patty, Misses Martha a.nd Muriel Azling ~nd Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thlrkield of Dayton.


uFriendly Store"

' O , ME~ FU'R NIS,HING'Si uHa~d-i'o-Get" 9


Items'· .





, ,LAMPS (Floor and 'r.hle) STUDIO COUCHES (Fu~y Sprina Filled)

11 S. MeChanic St.







Phone ~.X 5 Mulberry 51. I.EJ'ANON, OHIO

IN GRATEFUL MEMORY of those , who' gave










~IOM, E ,



Home F1U'IIiahen'"


"East Main Street -at WhiteJllab"




the gray - of our \\·arriors. A , to b strorie- enouO'h to bo ld our good time to rememb l" their' own with bulli sand" e have to braver alid to 10 k at the care en ugh t be ready to defutilit of war. ' It is the most fen'd other from th,e bulli s. ~~steful thing there is, and yet We ha Vc: to h tron 0' en ugh so It IS til only tl1 ing w~ know of '!ha,t bullies will not face us. It that can stir men to full use of I n t an a y path but this ~s-a-, their ability. If we could ~o all good time to think about it and A FARM DIARY out for con tructive work do our own hare of it till we by D. J. FRAIZER there is nothing that could not can off,er peace along with ou'r May 2 1i 1948. And now be accomplished. But though flowers to the memory of thOSe what? School is out, c m- love may stir the few to give who did all they could. mencements are over. The themsel ves com.pletely to what church conventions are ' over seems to ,them the greatest and SEW-SO 4·H CLUB an~ summer is here except by best cause, hate and fear can MEETS AT KLONTZES the almanac which calls it weld a people together alm.ost The Waynesville Sew-So 4-H over night. Truly the way to ~pring until June' twenty-first. Club ~let Mond.ay, at Mrs. rhe weather is stiIJ spring-like peace is like the road to heaven, ~Jontz s home WIth Mrs. Edenthough the leaves are aU out it is steep and narrow and there field and Mrs. Klontz in charge and the weeds are growing tall are few that find it. However and Mn Ro~ers' presiding. ' The gardens that were plan ted' remote and vague it may seem, I the officers were to go early look fine, but many of the fact remains that for all of to AI, Lebanon to an officers meettl~em are slow. Two of the , us it starts from where we are, ' ing Tuesday at the high nicest gardens I have se'en are right he're and now. They tell school. Miss night Bay was present us that the way to ,peace of in Corwin, up on the hill near a~ the meeting to i , nform the saw mill. The pe'as were in mind is to face our faults and gIrls of the coming activities.the bloom, early in the week about . difficulties; recognize them,' next meeting will be held May 1 or before and they and then try to do something- at The Mrs. Klontz's home Thursconstructive about them, if have the largest potato plants day, June 3 at 1 P. M. ! have seen. I have a few peas . something can be done or Club members who wilt take something new ,if they belonQ'" to In blossom, all that is I ft from in the program for the part those th,at the hens ate early in the dead past. As individuals, next meeting are: ' the ,sprmg-. Just enQugh to be as nations, we make mistakes. . Doris' Brown, fou demonstraWe meet the same situations tantalizil)g. ' tIOn; Donna Hadley, Annette . Stitt almost no corn planted. over and over until we' face it . Tinney, Janet Keys, for Rerhe came just as we were and get the best of it. Then we' freshments. ready and th~ ,ground has been wonder why we never did it that way before. Someday we ~oo wet ev,e r since. The alfalfa IS almo t ready to cut. A friend may learn to do ttlat with the f mine the other day said .u I situati,ons which I ad to war. ju t couldn't tand to far~l. It yve can not win peace by .giving 111 to forc e. We can not buy all der end on the weather." peace we can not g-et peace b-v 1 Y s,' th at i true and y t there political man euvering. We have i an unfaili,ng inierest in th at to w~nt peace more than we nt st between man and the want our wn \\ ~y. We have w ~ther - ' that gambler's han. e that thin gs \\ ill turn out PERENNIALS all n .~·ht. L! ,uall_ jiley d . A Daisies tc al r p failur e i rare. You HibiScus, n ver can jo ' thin gs twic exSweet Williams a tl y alike: ' You an not layout Cilrysanthemums a tim c: -table for the year and EDNA ST. JOHN wor,k on, schedule. But some of Ac~oss from Texaco ~I ltke it that way. Good farm' 1I1g m a~s work in , with the ' ••••• ~ . a~ons a~ld not against them. I hmgs hke ' plantiil$t barley , la t year, wh n the 'Corn crop was short. It has done welt thIS y ar, See those lovely fields- on , R ute 73 ju tout id of Wayne viII .\"""T-Itese will be combined before the wheat or a t are ready and the.y will ha ve good. ,hog- f e'd un ttl the ' new "cr p f co<rn is ready while 1lOURS: many of LIS will have to buy 9-12 each mornin~ more an j more COFn. Th 1-5 afternoons except wheat looks fin,e and the oats Wednesday . are beginning , to get a good ,tart. I. still ~vant to try "wlnter '7 -9 ,Saturday evenin~ oats. 1 hey like them across the Indiana line. Other evenings by Mem~ri~l Day will soon be . Appointment here. TIme to make beautiful TELEPHONE 62-R ~-

Betlb'rook Cemetery. La wrence Barnard and family called , - n M r, an i Mrs. arr 11 Barnard one jay reJame Kable has return j to c ntly. ' hi work in ' Oklahoma. . Farm er i th i- c mmun ity Sev ral per ons from -t~l-e-~lll ,have a husy-wee k if wea· me corn ' is communit attend d the -flower ther pe rmits. show at the Aft In titute in plant~d , but mu h j - 'et to ' be, Da ton last weekend. M ·t ard n are lookin,g- ood. MemoriaI' ~ervic swill t c conducted Sunda aHemo n at READ ,GAZETTE Classified Ads

Bellbrook Notes 0










in cb. Ohio Parmen will ah'e you broad protectioo ' aPi~t 'lolses ~' farm. Ie COftta your buUdiap, )'Our 'cbauch, your automobile JOUr UabWt)' , for . acdcla1ta 10 others. Why aot Me 111 today? Yoa ..... )'Qa',. ~ wbea JW',. iDaured Ja the 0bJ0 rUmenr OQ

Karl D. Dakin Insurance, Agency

~ '.


Pho~e 153, 20 ,E. Mulberry, ~ANON,

OH 10,'AIMIIS• •



. ... OIUO .AIMIU . . . . . .










... .--_ ... _- ...




~orks anywhere • • • town-or farm"':" the Cole'm an burRS fuel oil; no , gas or el~ctric connections needed. It's , automatic, toO-:,gi".,es you plenty of ,h ot water anytime at 'he turn, of a tap. No off-c~le periOds. '

26 South Detroit Strtet



, You needn't ever be: ,g~iltv of the social error of saylOg JOb I'd ~p go, .but ('ve n~thini to wear! '., If you keep your gowns fresh a~d lovely by hav. Ing ~s' clean them after each weanng. '



You .. ~~ 'C! now! Our amaz.i nc expires June 12. Don t rna.. thll oppor~ity ~o have all the hot wat~r you want at the turn of a tap. With • Coleman there s no ~rk . . ' . no din...:..automatic COD«OIs do. all the UI'.-tAifftdin~ fM ')'OU. See III ,tOcia7' , I

The BODd' , A' Month Club -NatioDal Bank



I j











Am,t':'ng low fuel cOlt: A Coleman provid'!s ample hot water for average 'family ' of four by burning only about ten gallons 'of oil a mon~h. Store 'a whole winter's oil supply in a rum ..

Dr.-C. E. Wilkin):! Optometric Speeialtat . ' ,~N1A,



'F airley Hardware .Stores , PHONE 2441

• -










even in?,'. Mr. M "ndenhall i ' the Sco ut Leader. On ' ~unday the. ,ew~ R utzahns were din'ner guests of Mr. ~nd Mrs. Sperry B Itn dtt m La t W· ek) at Troy. . Mr. Paul J 1m f Univ eJ:... Mr . 1 e lie ,Gra. L erving sit of Cincinna ti .and Mr. and the Grand Jury at Leban n. ' Mr. Rohe rt R o utson.~· of Yel· Mrs Ever tt E'ar l attend d low Spring spent Sund ay with a luncheon hri jge at the home. th ir grand-Ol" ther, Mrs. Mar- · ()f Mr. C. ' A. h ~ nk in Oay- garet J alms. . ton the , past week. . , Mr. and Mrs. Thoma ColMr. ang Mrs. Guy lins and Mr. Chari s Collins and 'and Ru seIJ 'spent the weekend Mfs. Norma Pounds and son ' with Mr. and Mrs. ,Earl Men- Billy and her' father, Mr. Joseph denhall and d~ug-htef at TiPI? Gra 'si wer~ ~ undil Y afterno 11 City, ahd attend ct a Scout gu ts of Mr.' and Mr . Walter meeting and dance Sa:turday K nrick. Mr'. an j Mr . Robert Hetting- , er, ha v inR 'old th.eir farm on the Township Road, ,moved la l we k ,to th e b l t apartment of ,the Herman nouse on th~ Ruth Marian farm. ~r. and Mrs. Everett Ea,rly a ·C( mpani ~ j by Mr. and Mr;:,. Ross Rowland of Harveysb urg: pent' Friday in Nit. Yernon, Ohio. ' MIl'. and Mrs. William Tinne y and child'ren of WaynesviHe spent several day~ with Mr. and Mrs. .Gliy I outzahn and Rus'sell. A number of mem\bers attended the Gran~e at Waynesville and enj oyed · the pictures shown by Mr. 1::. J. Carmony of a trip h ~ and Mrs. Carmony mad e in the Wes ~ . Relatives and friends here were so rry to hear of the lragi . deatn f Min r Ho e at the home of his son near Troy, lase week, Mr. Ro~ a~li his fam· ily lived at Lytle a numb er of years. . Mrs. Th rle Jones entertained the Card Club at her home on 'l'hursday afternoon. Th'Ose o.t your coPY of this new . present · who enjoyed [ht! oc· folder, clelCribing prapt__ : .casion were: Mrs. (0111 Burton, ...., ·p... paid Wlcalion lours to ! . Mrs. Stanley lJalley, Mrs. ! ~lmer Groyes, Mrs. Harold Whitaker, Mlr'S. Lowell. Thomas Mrs. Paul Shipley and Mrs . Ralp~ Hanunond. Miss Janet Hammond enter"MACKINA .C tained, . Misses Rl10da Bunnell, Sandra Sim!pson, Linda R,amby r~-----i~H}D~-;;-;;,......-...........-.i~()."'V:---and Peggy Miltenberger to ner Fnday evening, honorin~ __ IIiet.oIk J*'8CIi8e for' 101f, rid· her 12th birthday anniversary. nri"l'"inl ..s IunriouI Later in the evenin~ Mr. ' and Mrs. Hanunond accompanied the ,girts to a ' show in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark \ M\)SKOKA LAKES , 'accompanied Mr. and Mrs. E. J~ ,; 3 Days ~ •••••• $25.50 Carmony of Springfield ,to the Warren ,County M...seum and TfJ a ~Y WlKatioD ill tbe creat DOrth eo.tly-s-d m crya.l Mulford's Green .HoLlse at Lebw.e w. .... deep c..u- ..anon and later to dinner ·at the QIIietIIr. Golden Lamb Hatel. · .



ALh: "AM ERICA \ .........·-for ex4"'ple---I


Mr. and. Mr . H ~arvey Bu'rn ( rilotor d to Ottenein H · me ullt;ay afternu m anu ' n their ret urn called on I'v\.iss Edna M Ewen an 1- M ther tladden, at ·pringboro. Mrs. Netti Emrick \ a acmpani ed home ' fro m Wa ' hlEg-ton C. H. 'rue day by Mr . It al[ h Hamm nd and Mr .. E. 8 . Long:alse. Mrs: Emrick has been visiLinJ?; at t.he alisbur:) home, and reports Mr. alisbury is honl,e .from an Indian apO'lis hospital anli is much improVed in health.




rh d of 3 p -J.) . om , I e -tatnr " Jl1 l"lamed th<lt vi itin!," lla yer- ' 1, C' ke j older than the 17-year limit on iur.iM 1'1'. \ 'ct'S, ht ' I, h::!rt 0 ' Reg-ane "tehing- th e Wayn e vj]le outfit, a} chat in 1 ~3 4 - 35 when :he was workin g with state . ham pi n hip Legi n ·t~ams, . the ,l aye r - were even bIgger. . . . . Wa y n esv lll ~ s pitcher Powell did well for ' 'i hree inn ings with a deceptive side-arm ' delivery, and will open against Harveysbur~' 6n the mound .




PAtt.e ~ No. 4370 27, 1948

Mr'. AHon Earn har t wa in Ch icag:o u.r in ~' the past week, n a "FieldT( ur' WIth a group from Ohi State. He' also spent , ome time with one f his fri n'd, wh m h met while vers~a in milit~ ry erv ice.' ...

" rrl ') , Mr. and Mr ..Alv,a 1 ml- , son and son" Vlct~r Thompson, were unday dmner glle~ts of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald SahsMr. and Mrs. J ohn J. Burske hur. , near Wilmington. HARVEYSBURG ":IS ' NEXT, UL1Ctay dinn er .I;ue t , had a OPPONENT OF JUNIOR Mr. and Mr '. Wnliam S ~ rous,e Miss ' Edward . e~ LEGION BASEBALL CLUB and -Mrs. Lellh Mills. tertained with a. dessert bnd~e on Tuesday at th ~ home of Mrs. Waynesv'il1e' Junior Amt:ri,can , Le~i o n baseball dub 'plays Rev. and Mrs: R. ' B. ' Coleman Alva Th ompson. Three table h'Ost to Harveysb urg, Sunday at. left Tue -day' t attend Meth- wer.e in play during the after. 2:30 P. MI. at the local high odist Confer n e' in Colum4 us. noon. sehool diamond with Po, e ll Mr. and ~rs. Robert Satter- , 'M 1'5. Arthur Wi1de and son. and Hastin,gs as battery mate ' fo r the home tea·m. . th, aite attended the , Mason Mrs. 'Wilhelmina Unde rwood Last Sunday , Cincinnati High ch 01 Alumni meeting; and Mr. Al be rt Rossell , were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. American Le.Q,· ion Post 312 on amnia Fred Braddock and children. swamped the WaynesvilJe bo s, leaving a hundred -odd ' hom (!- , " The Class of 1908 , of \vh ich Mrs. Tonllmy Whittemore rooters by their battin~ Raymond Oa vi, President of and infant son, Tommy Ray, prowess. ( Everyone ,eel11s 1:0 ' the Alumni', is a member, is ha ve returned to their home have 10 t count c f the re plannin,[ a \luncheon at the from 'Miam i YaHey Hospital. but it wa s ,mewh ere in the Gr.ce n Room on Saturda.y. I







.Waynesville Farmers Exchange

COll\pany " ·May 25, 1943 ,


At .the last , meeting' of the Board of Directors, several things ,were discussed' mat we thought should be brought to the ' attentjon of the 'Patrons of the Association, '~ , \

Our business volume has doubled over the past five y~ars. To ,accommodate such a volum.e increase, a much greater operating capital is necessary. ftijJproximately $15,000:00 more is n~cessary to maintain sutficient inventorJ: ~ and recently the accounts receiv~ble have incre~sed alarmmgly - approxl01Ia tely$20,000.00. This has , meant a total CapItal outlay of approxImately $35,000.00.



• flORIDA •

Days •••••• $73.20





' .,.


So effective this June l~t., all accounts not paid by the 10th ,. of t~e month following purchases, ;will be ,charged 6 per cent inter~~. This s~me charge will be added on ,the 10th of each succeeding month the account reo rnairis' unpaid. We ' feel that is . the only fair, and equ~l way , to handle ·the situation. '


&ok To.-......... .

Prompt attention to. your accounts will ' sa ve money for you and for the Association. Please Cpoperate with us.

.;\:: 1

Ke, WcaJ

Since we do not have the capital on hand to take care of such an increase it hfls been necessary ,f~r us to borr?w the mon~y. yve feel that it ,is right and fair hr those who are not paymg cash· for thell: purchases to pay the " usual interest Charges.'

DElROO ' • ;

If at any time any of you have suggestions relative to runnin~ your association we, the l30ard of Directors ' and 'the Managemen,t welcome 'You ' to voicle your opinion.

3 ~. '••••• '.$12.19 p~tbe puIIe ofinchlltrial..m.tcric

Detroit. V'lIit Greedeld v ..... 'R ivei' Rouce Plat . . . . General Motor', BuiktiD&.

Pard', ~...


'j ~

Mown do not inohIIIe ,..... - ,~t.tion eo ...,tin, poin' 01 ~ .,...rnment t • • or ineal•• AM Tour Pricee Subjeot 0....Without lfotic:". •




Sincere} y yours.;







Same Del~very ,Day


Each 'Week ,




10 Buy, Sell, Trade Rent, Borrow, .USE

Carl A. Pitstick, Mgr. , R. M. Ha. wke, P.res. Rhodes ,B~nneU, V: ~res, Gilbert .Frye,: Sec., ... . Treas. . H. R. Moss '. Kellar HQak H. L. Rye Paul Toml'inson

ClA551FIED .

\.....::....::.. -



-I I


~ome of the 7S,O()O ABC Pins Get Ready to Travel I


The Twin owner; ha a k ed for a paragraph on th.e new i>olicy ~t the '1"win, tlfrtinR June 1. fhere are three point to ·remember. . . First, th e Twin will be closed W ednesday night instead of Tuesday. as in the past In o.ther ' words, open everX night . EXCEPT Wedn esday. fhis is to .conform to th e policy of the ther Waynesville merchant, a thing 0' Regan wanted to do fl"O ~l the first, but c 'uld nly ngllleer now because in the picture business, the p~oduct is bought fat in adva nce. 'Seco nd, ther ~ wiil be four sh w changes a .week , to .j)'i .. ye YOiU grea t er van t y in en (ert~inm ent. This m eans that your 1 uesda.x & aturday ni ght pictures Will be shown onl y nc night, a if there's a mOVie you particul arly want to s on nof these I-tlght, rem em be r t cat~h it at its only sho\ in,r.!:. Third, eff ctiv Jun 1 p rices . .will.... change. Adult tic~ kets Will be 40 cent ( . c plu 7 cents .government tax). Chil dren ' . tlcke ts will be 18 c nts ( 15 cents plus 3 cen t g- vernment tax). This is due t risin ~ c t of ope rati ons. It i hopeli that, thru this column and oth' r advertising, a minimum' f contusion will r esult t o the pe pIe of Waypesvill e, in win,'.m g the n w schedul into ef. f ct June 1 st. ' B ri.efvlews : That 'p renni al favo nte Edward G. H hin on



. E.


Weatbeimer & Company Members New Y ork tock Exchanges an j . other registered Exchanges

Investment Trust Shares


Did you know that rules of the American Bowling BIiSures that every teaJ1) ;"'m compete under exactly the Congress call for daily replacement of the bowling pins same circumstances. In the pbotograph above a girl i. on its ~O tournament alleys? This m eans some 75,000 new repacking a few of the discarded pins for distribution by pins are used in the course of the event. ,The ·practic.;;. Chevrolet truck to privately owned bow mg esta IS ents. .

~ .


n tisni, the thin o' Cl audel t: wil l be on th cr2en Fri:\a ' I i,e:h t a ~ Co lbert doe in 'the pictur, and aturda_ ill' of Murd 'r' (W I3 ). (t' s a come- Cb lll and j ll jg for our If. pc ial on fhe bill i a Bob dy-ga,llg ". r pic ur ', havit l,~' -t H.ope-BingCro b c m.edy, . d. ~Ith a I )t\c o', r wh · goes pl u Warner World News. ' tralgh t and ha - In )r tn til Ie Tu day (renl'J!mher, on ( fun 11 y tr ubI ) \\'lill It 1 gi i iv I' Ilad night o}lly ) Jimm. t wart ap mate busin . than h " It' A W nderful w ith an illega l 11. PI' g'ram pear III Life (RKO' ~lec i a1). Donna ' 1 a . short i "Fron d I' Froli • Reed a i ts him. . od all -\At e tern mu I at. Heav 11 nl kll ws wh Ameri a's we ' th art of (UA). t ria y; Mary Pi kford, now "H aven .' '11'1 K:now turnc::li PI' dLlcer, j - rc: p nsit It: < t the T win n . t Tliur. d~y and Friday, \Va givn u h a h andle<!' fr ' " "it: . p, M L ve' (U A) at the Twin unday and Mon: I' a ril" . - I1nr 'in ' · g·un-tot in ~ F medy and day. Th ... pi t ll rl.! -1.(1. Clau 1ette V\ e tern, full Colbert, \ ith l{O l't!rl Cum- with la tran ge, unforgettable aid h min g ,D un me Ie, an j Haz, I t heme' o f a , m an wh Brook . J\\ ad \ '}' m the fam- cou ld do anything ~ and did! U' Ili er" .M : '~:az in eria'J, It i one of the bett r first-run l ater publ ish i a' a Ll e t -s lIer W terns, starring . Brian 0 nb ok, lhi ' swry hit ' evo ked the l evy and I Rob rt CUl11mj ng- . Apparently the produ€er w onwi~ie ' ~ ~ o nlr Ve l" 'jlm nx t . chla~n t, . p5ychol og:i ts, and dered a~ol,lt th a b ~itl , too, for medl al men a t \\ hether or wo rd has been receive i that 110t a pI" n can h m ad 1 to . tartinl~: oon, th is J ictur.e wili d , und r the in flue n f hyp- be bit ed as "Montana Mike." Be on the looko ut for a ser-


. Bo ught - Sold - Q uoted, ' Phone Waynesville 2530 Dayton AD3257,

Dr. T. P. Grosvenor .


SCRATCH PADS . 10 cents per


olin :i

Waynesville Office Will Be Closed Until Further Notice

17-Flrat atr croilltlq of Atlantic. 1919-

~ --r~nne qulntup1e1l born.


~ It-RhocIe r.t'ancl admlnecl


][ •


• • Il-Johnato.wn flood. 1889-

. .Ulto


I-TeM"'" .admitted to . UnIcin; 1798.





U.. TIle Ahaanac To , CIIeck 'the Weather

Bat U..



To Bay, Sell,



.:. Aray Tune of The Yeat .



ial starting- a \V . k fr m Sat urd~ (Jun. : .5) 'Lnd r unning: f r 112 con ecuttve Saturday~ ther 'announced after. Title ' t o ~ r~.e~t we·ek. The managem: I1t i i' 1111l1 g the reque t of ma,n y t wns eopl for til return 'f a movie erial to W ::tyne vilk. A vat of thank t til pelIe who are st i kinR their chew,,: mg gum on us d popcorn bo. es in t ead of on the new s at . m t t the trend, T bi~ and the mana yem; nt can't sa strongly enouO'h h w grateful iit is.\ Those who ar n' t ·i opcorn .eatq'l's, can genera ll y' fi n an ol d popcorn bo~ uuderfo t to dep ' it the l' main . f your

COMMISSIONER SPIKES SALES TAX RUMORS Persi -tent rumor that ,the tate f O hi will not I; ~ d em the n um 1'" pClrti n Of t1ie ellow p'repai:i tax rec ipt are rue~ ,Tax C mmi ' i mu . C. Emnry G land r str> ed thi week. ...... . The chan go in € 1 r of rpaid tax r ceipts fr om yellOW t gree n ha - caused man y rum r' to b ' circul ated ' that the ellow ta..x re eipts are not rede mabIe afler June 1, 19.48. Th redempti on ' C?f the consumer's p rti oR of prepaid tax receipts at the rate f three per cent (3 % ) of the amount of tax represented by th e f ace value of such re eipt pres nt ed for redemption' is ' pruvided for in -Sec tion 554 6~26a f the G n ral Code of Ohio . t he only stam ps \ hich are subject t the r(;dempti n pr avision are ,those issued pursuant to the application of the tax n retail sa les and deliver d .to the purchaser by (he seller. All prepaid tax r ct:ipts de-· liv red by v ndors or sell ers on and after Ma' 1, 19 8' will c ntinue to ' ·e red e' ma I unltil th above s cti n of the Gen~ eral Cod is , ith ramen j d or repealed b y. the ' egi I~ ture.



gu m.

J:glle ,nWj.,.


SM". 29

FRI. 28


SUN. 30

, MON. 31

' Mr. and M 'r . Harvey Burn t th 'ir 500 inn "!' Club. at their h me' aturday

I.?nt~ rLal n i e v~n1l1g.

The Woman 's Society of Lytl e Church .'will me t · at" the' home f M r . Charl e . Charifton on Wedne day afternoon" June 9. 'The m eetmg hl be'en po tpo ned a week on , aCCOUtlt of a lady p aker fr m Dayton, who cann ot come J'une 2, the

r. an j Mrs. Walter ~n'r i c k an brother, Mr. J ames Ha·lnes, were entertain ed at dinner Sun· " day at th e home of (hei r cousins, ,. NOW !t ANYONE ,CAN Hl\VE ' Mr, and Mrs. ,Aha Scott o.n HOT W J"TER Qt)ICK .! ! ! , . . Dellwood Drive, Oakwood. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt, of ptacle containing water. Plu~ in ; near Center~ille 'spent Sunday the nearest ·socket. Lo .and be- ~l.fternoon wIth Mr. and M~s. hold! The · FAST-WAY goes to I herle J'one? th.e la~te r of whom ~ork . at on.ce, heating water has been qUIte 111 the p~st wee~. like sIxty for 101 purposes.·Mr. and Mrs. MelvlO Bant.l , a' sufficient ' quantity for bath- ' of Jam estoWJ1, Mr. and Mrs. !ng, washing, scrubbing, clean- . , ~erlyn , B~nta of Dayt,o n we~~ . 109- cream s'e parators, etc. The . . )unday . dmner · guests .of th etl TUESDAY ruNE ]. speed dc;!pen'qing on quantity ' Mother, Mrs., Mae Banta. ' . • ' . Mr. and Seth F\lrnas, , IT'S A WQNDERFUL CAUTION! Directions for us- MISS Mary 'Brown and Mr. and LIFE' ingare ,' furnished with each Mrs. Walter ·Ke,n rick, attended heater. Read and follow Costs the banquet of the ' Warren Jiminy Stewart . le~s than $2.'2 5. No fires to County Hi~torical Society, MonNew Pocke:,' · Size Water or ho.t water to carry. No day evenmg . at. the Golden THURS~ 3 FRIDAY 4' Heater Coats Leu Than ,$ 2.25 . bUild. running up and .down basement Lamb· at Lebanon. . . stairs. No heating tanks fulh ' Mr; and Mrs. Alvin Smith of • ~VEN ONLY KNOWS' HEATS WATER FAST )Vhen a few gallons or a quart Dayton spent Sunday ' with hi s M~rely place portable FAST- IS want.ed. Handy! Portable! ID- pa~ents, Mr. and , Mrs. C. C. - Brian Donlevy WAY Water Heater in a rece- expensive. Smith. Their afternoon calIers Rob't C~minl. were: Mr. anld Mirs. Albert Davidson O'f Genntown, . Mr. PRICE and Mrs~ Al1en Miller of CeD~ ,CHANGES tlerville, Mrs• . J. B. Jones and EFFECTIVE JUNE 1 ~'rs. Nettie Emrick. Mrs. Smith ADULTS 40c remains quite poorly since bein~ CHILDREN l8c PHONE 242~ hurt in an ,\uto accident a week


Waynesville'· furniture ,. A~liance



. Babv or yo ung , Ch ild to ca~e for during day. Phone 2936 . . -527



• REAL ESTATE FOR SALE;SIX-ROOM Hou , ' larg-e lot, , with shrubbery. Third treet! Phone 2724. Earl Conner. -


SIX-ROOM HOU E, large lot. Immediate po es. ion. E. J. Aufd rheidc, Harve sburt·


FO R ALE - 5 room house, electric, ' city water, st.orm windows, large. lot. Loca~ed in Wa nesvIlle. Pnce $4500.0 . " Wilbur Sears, Phone 2651. Closed Sun-520 days. . DON'T FORGET TO CALL us for Insuranc;e. Ail types of Insurance ~t a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Wa 'nesville 2935 or ' caI1 collect. Wilmington 2 t 11. ] SELL THE


IF you HAVE ANYTH ING in Real Estate for sate, get in touch with Ben E. Cline, lic. ensed broker, Sprin~ Valley, Ohio, in Real Estaie Business ' since 1911. Experience telts. Try me and see. -826



Albert R. , tubbs, .~dministrator of the Estate or Ven or a Lee KlrkpaJtrick. deceased. . Plaintlff; s.



No. 2288

Commencement ,

P'ranct's K. Merc r and John Me rcer, her husb-and, et a I, Defendants.

Call at Alva Allen's in Corwin. J. H. RaiS?i _____________


The annual meeting 'of ' the Lot Owners of the Miam1i Cern- ' etery Association will be held at . the cemetery office on Monday, June 7, at 8 :00 p. rn. -63 LA VERNN MAINOUS HONORED ' AT FLORIDA FIESTA, RIDE;S FLOA(f

In punlUance of. the order o! the Probate Cow·t or Wa rr n County. Ohio, I will ofter for sa,le at public au~Uon on the 12th day of. Jun e, 1948, at 2,: 09 o'clock, P. M." on the premises the fol~owing desoribed real ~state situa.ted In tb,e County of W/arren. state of Ohio. and in Ino.o1'porated Vll~e ot 'W ayneevUle, and on the sou th &1c1e of, 'Mill Stree t, there being no street number f~r said premises. and said pr mises are further located b tween Main Stroot on the west and Water Street on the east, and said premises are most particu larly descrlbed , as follOWS, to-wit: ' , "Situated In the County of Warren. in the state or Oh~o. and in the Town of WaynesvLlle and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Part of out-lot No. two (2) in the to\\'n of Wlaynesv:i1le. . " Beginning rut a stake corner near a .b rick butldlng formerly usell as a Blacksmith Shop 1n alley on the Une of Wa.ter Street in . said town. The,pce 'with said 8.'lley aJ1d binding thereon twelve a nd ' ,ne-half (12~) poles to a.nother alley. Thence with the last menHoned alley anltl binding t'hereon, seventy (70) feet then~e at right angles twelve la.nd one-half (12%) Jloles to water Street; thence with said street seventy (70) teet to the beginning. . Being the same prem ises conveyed to phebe A. Mira.t:lda by El1za Miranda qy deed druted August 9. 1915, and recorded in Vol. 103, Page 578, of the Deed Records ot Warren County. Ohio. And being Uie same preml'SEl8' conveyed by Phebe A. Mh'anda to Venora ' L. Kirkpatrick by deed dated January 15, 194,3. and recorded in DEI~ Record Vol. 146, a.t page 102. of the Deed Hecords of Warren County, Ohio. . Said premises vure appraised at the sum of Three Th o usa nd six Hundred ($3.600.00) and must be sold for not .Iess than twothirds of said appraised value :th ereof on the follOWing t erms, to-wit:



School on Mav ' 20 ith music by the hi<rh school band. Doris, , Meredith gave the salutatory addr6s and Louise W 11 r the ·va.ledi tory. Thurman (Du ty) Miller of Wilmington ~ave the main address. Roger Kennedy ang tcThe Holy City:" . Baccalaureate services \V~re ' 6 .h held Sunday, May 1 ,WIt a ermon by the Rev. S.. Turner Ritenour of We tmih ster Presbyteri an Church in Dayton, who is a graduate of the Bellbrook ch 1. The hi ~ h chool girl s chorus simg "The Gr~en Cathedral" and "The Silent Sea." "Now Thank We An"Our God" was sung by a quartette co'nsisting of Ro~er Kenneoy, Bruce 'Penewit, odney Gibbons,and Dwight Barn'ett. TTle chorus , sang"Cherubim Son.g No. 7 1' by Mortniansky. ... The class of 1948 consisted of ten girls and two boys. Louise Welter won a scholarship to Wilmington Collep;e. .

ALBERT H. STUBBS, Administrator of the Estate ot V~ora Lee 'Klrkpatrick, deceased C. DONALD DILATllSH, Attorney, for PlainUff.




Mr. and Mt . R. M. J0hn tOll, of Nova Scotia. Canada, Miss Ruth Werkel, of Decatur 111., FOR SALEMr. Francis Brannock, Mrs. Flo~ers for Decoration Day, Flossie Carey. Miss Lucy Emily, What you may need in the fuAt St. John, stop at N. W. Mrs. T. B. Brannock,and Mr. ture is . . ' ,. . Corner Main and High St. or Henry Orndorf were' . , Call 2551. '", -52;7 dinner ~uests of Mr. and Mrs., Ernest ,Woolard and daughters LARGE White ena11leled kit· in Dayton. chen cabinet, porcelain -top, on your reat estate .toan ....... gocld conditio'n. Earl ConThis! plus 4~ interest, repayMrs. L. J. Burtc)fl is spendin~ ner, Phone 2724. -6 'J () ment ,privileges, service and a few days with relatives in 'ecu ....ity-m~y be bad in, a ' " Akr'on. ' tiJlty table and steel uti,lity wall cabinet" Phone 2936. FEDERAL LAND 'BANK LO~N Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hook enELECTRIC Range, good conmad'~ , through tertained to dinner on Sunday, BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. dition, with new oven. Priced ' Mr. and Mrs. Everett Monee of THE LEBANON right. See Tootie Ellis at Orient an.~ Mr., Ge:orge Edwards John Deere Fann Machinery NATIONAL FARM LOAN Fairley's. -527 of Martinsville. . LEBANON, OH(O . Lebanon, ' Ohio Phone 448 FOR SALE - Sweet Potato 555 PHONE EIlia H. Sturm, Sec:'y-Treaa. AUCTIONE:ERING plants, 60 CIs. per hundred; aU kind's of garden plants, STANLEY aDa KOOGLER II III per dozen. BROKERS LICENSE Chas. C. Strouse ' 1112 miles north of Way'nesville corner DEAD STOCK For' Dat• ., Phon. 2894. WaynHvill •• , of Waynesville, Ferry, and Ohio. R.v..... Chara.. COWS--$10.C)O -624 Lytle Roads. Mastermade Quality Stalls and Stanchions Utter Carriers Hay Carriers and Track , Steet Windows . Water Bowls Gutter Drains J.f planninl!' to huild or r~­ model use Louden Maltermade Barn Equipment. 'Get your free barn plan boo'k at our store. , Distributed locally by

FOR SALE - 4@ Pigs Black Poland China • Hampshire '---:--_ _-=--~_ ___.:r_:=::.:::;._-==b~~ .8 wee ks lold, Everett L. Sears. R. 73, one ~ile west of Waynesville, Phone 2242. ..)," , . -527 ).

---_ _--


·5, passenger Coupe. Not a d~nt or scratch. Also new motor,. excellent condition. poug Hen.; derson, Phone 2982, Waynes'lille ' ~3


,J 'I



Start chicks now-have early fryers.-they wHl be in bi~ demand . . DUNHAM WHITE RO~ Phone Wa,..eavil1e 2916


T.IME •••





. j


MEN- An opportunity worth investigatin~. M'en who have a , mechamcal background, able to meet' the public, who like- folks and folks like them. A car is necessary. Age limit :2 1-65. Call 9- t 0 A. M. 4-5 and 7-8 P. M. only. 130 N. Patterson Blvd., Dayton, 0hio. Ask for Mr. Dilgard. -63





"'''VIR., , NOW' Write facio" Iw ,,.. ,.,., attd .....



inoinnatl . UriioJi ·Stock. Varp. , Iv. Wlrr. and PI'O~r••• lv •• ftn 0ara'otni,zat onll ••• n~ tI'l v '.. r. oc.n qn tto th. ...., all , arOund market In the country.


SERVICE THAT 8ATlrPFIES WlHIO Dayton 12:60 E. S. T. Dial 1300 W!r~W Cincinnati 12: 40. Dial 700. for Our Dally Market Report. '


HELP WANTED-MALEMan ' Wanted to work 'on, meat counter~ Experience helpf1,ll but not nece~sary. Call at Stewart's Dot Food Market.


HORSES-$8.00 HOG5-$3.00 cwt. .ce.....I ... to liz. a Co .. dlilo..

, For You To Feel

2' hours e~ery day 7 days every week. never stopping', the kldnt'ys til tar ""ute matte r from the blood. ' f{ more people were aware of how the kidneys muat eonstantly remove a,¥- , plu. fluid. excess nehl. and other w"IIte matter that cannot Itay in the blood without injury to hea\t h. there would be better underst anding of tlIh" t he whole Iystem i. upset when kidneys fall to 'funetion properly. ' Burnin". scanty or too: rrllqutln~ urination sometimes ...ani. that lIomrtJlin. I. wrong. You may suffer naggini bllckache. ' headachee. dlzziDeIII, rheumatle ..... in •• getting up at nighu, Iwelling. !I Wb)' Dot try Doa ..', Pilla' You will tie U8lDg a medicine ,reeommended tli. country over. DOG"', .timulate the tIlDe- ... tion ot the ' kidney. and belp them to ftub out polsonolQ ",ute :trom the blood. They eontaln nothhlg tiarmtul. Get DOG"" tOday.'·U. with eonftdellc8. At all drul .toree.

Mr. Charles Ellis entered Miami Valley Hospital on Sunday for ob erva,tion and treatment. '

Farmers! .


J.' .. ...


:were held at Be Ibrook Hig:h


Miss . La Vernn Mai.nous, daughter of Mr. and M:rs. Vernon Mainou5, was chosen queen of the Ohio State Festival Society ' 'during the festival of the states last month in St. Petersburg, Fla., and was given an honor position on a, fJowercovered float in the ' parat1e, which marked the occasion. With girls representin~ other states ' on the float, she wore a light-corored formal gown and carried " a large bouquet of flowers.


No. 4370 '0, ' 1948 '


$8.00 ; ,cows $1 0.00 ; HOGS "3.

00 cwt• .





X-EN I A Char;.. Rft ... .

Fertilizer · 454" o.

X_ia E. G. 'B.cIui", .... :- -




om. " .


It Says ,

. -,-


" ~ Here \

By Smitty A!,!other Memorial Da:y w,eeknd IS gone, and an ther 200odd people made themselve subJect to memorializing by get, ting killed in fraffic accidents. HavinR; driven'· 1 100 miles durin~ ' that 4-day weekend, I can only be surprised that the deaths were so tew. I saw examples of nearly every type of reckless driving, an,d a few times it was only a good set of brakes that prevented serio us trouble .. One thin~ impressed me for the first tim.e - the worst of. ' fenders are the home folks 'rather than the long-distance , travelers. Most of ·the ,bad drlv- . . ing 'I s'aw was done by people , whose license tags mdicated ·they weren't far from home. Misso'urians did foolish things in Missouri. am1 lIIinoisan, were careless in llIinois. , In Ohio, it was Ohi<?ans, by and large.


The most common offense, of local drivers. seemed to b overt~kin~ on hills where they cQuldn't possibly see far enough ahead. Also, many of them di'ive at night without tail light.:; and with only ' the weakest headlights. If .some of these black-out drivers knew how near th y have come tn being rammed from the rear, they woula probably install taillights in a ' hur'ry. But they plod blissfully alongl unaware .of the curses aiOlea at tnem. . ;O,hio ~ is. esp~tal\N. ,.full L th e "Sunday driver", type, although no state is really' free of'thc!se specime~s~ Th,e "S.t,mda y ~jri­ ver" gets ' on a nabonal highway and dri;.Yes~om 20. to ,30 mites an hour whIle traffIC piles up 'helplessly behind him'. He slows down 'on hills and reaches . his maximum speed of 30 only on the straightaway. He heSItates at intersections be.cause he isn't sure which way he wflnt~ to turn. A ,highway patrolman in an Illinois filling station , made a point which it would be well for us in Warren County to 1 cll1ember also: "There are lots of paved side . roads with pretty scener-" for people who wanttfu4ak-e-a ride. ·1 don't see why' they don't leave tile national lilghways for people who really want to get somewhere., ThIs road wouldn' t . be so crowded if peqple wllo aren't · goin~ anywhere would . stay off it." \. ,

Tho Miami 'GAZETTE ' . '


3·Day July 4 Fiesta Will Feature "Midwestifayride Brocldeast, Rodeo

SERVING WAYNESVILl,.E 'SINCE ' 1850 ------------------------~-------------------------No. 4371 . I . FIV'E CENTS A COP," .

A t4Jive" ' broadca of ta . .' tion WLW' Mid\ve t rn Hayride from fhe .Waynesville High ' h I . ground on S'rthlrday~ J ul ,. and ' the, Tri(lngJ-R . Hade how n Monday July 5 .' ar ' among the t"eature scheduled for the 'annual JUly "4 cdehrati n her.e. American Legion Post No. 15 ha.s . also arranged for a b.ab how, a pet parad , an I a bicycle aract 'during the ' 'thr e-day ev nt. Other fea~ures are to be an'nounced later. those who wish to 'e nte r oa.JJies, · pels, or bicycles in the com. petitions are. a ked to contact A. h. Stubbs~ . Ptizes to be given away at the. nd of the celebration will include a televisi on set, ou tb~ard m.o t r, portable radiO, bicycle, and . a cOl11biriati)Jl toa ter and , hotplate. Fire wo rks for the celebration have already been !Jurchased. '


----------~----~----------~----------. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO THURSDAY, J U N E 3. 1948

215 Alumni Attend 6'Stb H. S. 'Reunion The sixty-fifth annual relmion o(f the Waynesville High 'chool Alumni was held on Saturday evenin ~, with , tw -hundred and fifteen In'em'bers ated at th e 'banquet tables, which were beautifully arranged with summer flowers. A ,delicious dinner was served by the ladies of Lytle Method i t Church. . The 'officers. in charge for this year were Raymond Dct vis, PI' sid ent; Mr. Rayman F. Hatfield, vice-president; Mrs. Inez Jan; Hartsock, secretary, and Mrs. Frances Watkins Conner, treasurer. ' . Following , the president's g.reeting and the ' reading! of the minutes, the cla$s of 1948 was given a welcome by Helen Dinwiddie O'Dell, followed by - a reponse by Victor Thompson. A beautiful "In Remembnince" was given for those who died during the year by Mrs. Sybil Hawke LeMay_ She also included the name ofC. E· Bratten, form,e r superiritendent, who passed away during the past year. , Mrs. Nellie Duke Henkle and MisS Mary .Pugh re., .plesented the~ ~t:ty year ~Jass and each ~ave a very fine talk. Mrs. Cecilia Gorsuch Aldrick represented the tw~nty-five year class _with ' a very witty review of their class prophecy. Mrs. Thelma Brannock Elzev present~d the silver cup to the class of 1908 fo"r the largest percentage ..of m;embers present. Mrs.' Mary L. Earnhart aocept. ed the cup for the class, this m~king the fifth time this class has won it.· M S th F 1 r. e urnas, c ass ot 1908, was recog,nized and ~iven -applause, when .the preSIdent reported. that Mr. Furnas ha-d never missed an Alumni meet. ing, to which he' responded with a .short talk. The officers _chosen for 1949 ' were President, Mr. Rayman F • Ha tf Ie ' Id ; V'Ice-prest'd ent, Mr, Harold WilIia.mson; Secretary Mrs. Inez Ja'mes Hartsock and treasurer, M,irs. Fr.ances Wat, kins Conner. · After singing . "The ' Or:ange and the Black" d~ncin~ was en· joyed for the. rem··ainder ,of tbe evenin~. . '

CLEVELAND DRIVE~ . HURT CHAN&ING TIRE The Crass . of 1928 at SOUTH O'F WAYNESVILLE Waynesville_ High School en. Louis Knox of Cleveland suf- joyed a reunion and picnic din. fered a leg injury wIlen he, was ner on Saturday at the Smitp struck by another car · while he Park. Fourteen .m,embers of tht was changing .a tire on the high- class were present. '. way side ' of his own car on 'Route '42 south of Wayo'esville. The Class of 1908 en,ioyeo He was take'n ' to M~amj Valley their re!Jnion on Saturday with Hospital in the A. H. · Stubbs a luncheon at the Green Room, ambulance. . Those present were Mrs. F. U. This was the , Waynesville LeMaY Mrs. S~san · Scanlon, area's only serious traffic mis. , Mrs. ka,Y.mond ' Conner, Mrs. hap of the .Memorial Day we~k­ Fr..ank 'iess, t Mlis. Lyman Day, ena, but while h~ was 'returnmg Mrs.. E. F. Earnhart, Raymond . from 'this trip, Mr. Stubbs came .Davls, Raym~nd Wilhamson , ,on the scene of anot,her wreck and Seth Furnas. near. Centerville and t(nk two injured Springfield women io NOT.ICE OF MEETING jh." same hospitaL The annual meeting of the One-third of the nation's Lot Owners of the Miami Cem,t 94 7 automobile fatalities oc- etery Association will be held at \ curred on the open highway. .the cemetery office ' on Mon~ay, June 7, at 8 :00 p. m. '"" Heed speed lilii.Hs!


Earl P. wain, 60. died suddenly about noon Monday at his home on Rout 48 near O. E. S. PLANS FOOD Ridgeville. He had had a heart SALE ON SATURDAY cond ition for a out six months" He died on the sam:e farm ,The ladies of the Miami where he was born, and wh re Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, hi s father 'was I am ome 87 '~i!l have a fine di play of de., ~go., ', ' hclOus foods at the Temple on years ,SU!VIVO,rs mclude hI wife, Saturday morning. At ten 0' .- MlI1nJe; hi father and mother, clock everything will be offered Mr. and)v\rs. A~fred M. Swain, for sale. ~n~ a, .Mlss Mary wain, livmg at home. " . Funeral . service ' were held thiS ~fternoon at, the McC~ ure ~unel al Home ,w.lth, a Sp nn.gfIeld. past,or .offlclat1l1g-. · Bunal was lit Miami Cemetery. Producers of motor fuels and lubricating oils have given far,- ALLEN D. HOLE mers first place on the list of .AlIen D. Hole, a farmer in ,people who ' wlll be furnished thiS area for m'any years, cJied petroleum: products this sum- at 4 :30 a. m· Friday in the !Der; but S~ G. Huber, speCialist Miars Rest Home near Morrow In agricultural engineerin'g after about two mon-ths' illness. Ohio State University, says thf~ He . was 72 years 010. fuel · supply for tractors 'may . He is survived by hi s wife . not meet all demlCmd's durin~" Elizabet~; a daughter Mrs: The New Century Club m,,t, . this crop season. ' • R~ssell . Cam,pbell . Qf Waynesat the home of Mrs. S. S. Ell iMr. Huber ~c1ail11s a great vllle; a son, Harvey of Miam~s­ Friday afternoon for the deal of 'fuel is wasted in ' the burg; a Sister, Mrs., Mary Sears on regular May meeting. operation of farm tractors. IdJ.- of Waynesville, and five grandMrs. Glenn Borden, presing motors, poorly adjusted car- children. The Rev. Byron Car- ident, the busmess bureiion and ignition systems, ver officiated at funeral service::> session conducted tlnd the officers elected and , high speed 0feration of Monday afternoon at the Stubbs for the coming ,Year are Mrs, R tractors eat up fue that. could Funeral Hom:e. Burial was in ~e used in actual crop prod'uc- Bea vertown Cem.ecery Mont- E. Asbury, preSIdent i Mrs. Elsie Hoc~elt, vice preSident; Miss gomery County. . , bon. . ' R';Jth <;ha~dler, ' secretary and Those , ~.auses of fl:'e~ waste MISS MlOnte Dodson, treasurer. . actually reduCf: the efflC1ency of HOWARD CO,LLINS .Mrs. D. C.Ridg-e and- ct: the tractor at the sa~ " bp1e B . . ~hapman were in charg-e of ' they .make ~he supply sItuation . Howard Collins 67, Iife- ·the pr:ogram, giving papers on worse andtCost the tractor o~n- I~ng resident of Harveysbur~, "Gardens of the Bible" and er un~ecessary expense. h_ died a,t . Q p. m~ Sat-u-FEia-y In "Biblic-al .flowers." f~el ~.Ixtures and faulty motor . lam~ Valley Hosp'ital follow. The club adjourned to l)~eyt tlmjng cut .down the amo,u!lt mg five years' Illness of a With Mrs. J. B. , Chap'ma:g m of wQrk whIch t1~e tractor wll~ sclerotic heart condition . June. " dQ on a gaHon of fuel .and als~) He is survived by his wife social h O~ r reDuring ,the", ~educethe trol!ble-free service Ida ; two .spns, Calvin E. of , freshm.ents were served to the hfe of the machme. , Lebanon and Maurice L. of .and guest~l Mrs. K. N. Centerv.ille; three daughters members Hough, M,rs. J. Preston, ~rs. Audrey Biggs of Waynes- Mr. Marie Riffle and Mrs. Joe ~ . ville, Mrs. Ruth Anna Koontz Norley. of Leb~non. ·and Mrs. Lucy .,,-'1,4 Ingels of Greenfield' 17 grand·MARY .. ..E.1H IRELAN children, ' one great~grandchl'ld, SOUTH WAYNE COUNCIL h MEETS' AT ST·:' ""F Mr. and Mrs. Dick A: Irelan tree brothers, and two sisters. ' ~"ORmS Of Woodcre~t Farm, WaYnes.. ' S~rvices conducted 'by the·1 T,he South .Wayne Advisory vdle Route 1, announce ,the McClure Funeral Horn'e were Council .rnet 0n Frida.y evenin~ birth of their dau~hter Mary held in the Harve,ysbuJ'K Friends at the home of Mr and Mrs, C. Beth, May 21 at Miami V~t~~,-J.C,J~,l11lUl.IrCJch1-..!·lnit11:. --iEi-.-=iS~tr;a-;:;nT;.for t h and Mr. and Mrs . Hospital. . ..' 'Y'lth the Rev. Otis Rich officiat- William Ellis. . mg. " Burial was in Miami "H appy . The' maternal grandparents C Land . and Happy are Mr. and Mrs .. W. E. Richard. emetery. Peopl~" was the topic chosen . son of Cl~velan.d. Ohio and the for discussi9n by the leader Mr. . paternal grandparents are Mr.. MRS. LEILA SMITH ' A. H., Ear!1jh~rtl and man.}' inand Mrs. F. H. J ulon "of Shady '. terestm~ a,rt.lcles were tead Lane Farms, Day tort. , Mrs. Leila Smith, 69 . passed a'nd remarked upon by the _ away at her hom.e in Lytle very · mem'bers. . . A daughter was born to Mr. .~n~xpectedly at 8 :30 p. m. After adjournment, the host and Mrs. Richard Hanes (Paul- [uSejSda.y. ~nd hostess served cherry pie J jne Gibson), Thursday mornle IS survived by her · hus-' Ice cream and coffee. . M 7 t . ' 1 band, Clarence; a son, Allen of mg, . ay She "2 , a Miami ' Va ley DaycoIl, and. two o-randchildren. .Hospital. tipped the scales b at 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and Mrs. Smith ""as inj urea.n an wa~ ntamed Donna Irene. automobile accident m Waynesville all MaJj 15, but her death was not due to (he acddent. . EAST WAYNE COUNCIL' Funeral services wIl l be held Tbe East Wayne Advisory Council met at the home of tomorrow afternoon at 2 o', ,. Mr. and Mrs. John Gons on Ft.i- . clock 'in , the Stu.bbs ' Funeral Home, with interment in Miami day evening. Mrs. Raymtmd Cemete ry. ' BraddOck cliose for the evening" a further discussion on"Soil ',I''b. Conservation", wh ich is ' of ! t ... Mrs. L. H. Gordon left dur: . great interest to everyone. ing the past week to ' visit '0 Following . adjournment a relatives in Washin'gton, D. C. social hour was spent during which refreshments ,J.,ere served', . Mr., and. Mrs. J.J. Burske attended the ballet at the Uttle Miss Abbie Graham. who fell !heatre in Yellow Springs durand fractured her hip recently mg the pa t wee'k' and saw .their at 1be hom-e pf Mr. and Mlrs. daughter, Miss Marilyn Burske Forest Graham, was removed take .part with a group from to Miami Valley Hospital on Bowl~ng. Green UniverSity, Sunday. . Bowlmg .Green, Ohio.

Farm "Gas Shortage Looms Despite Aid

New .Century ·Club Elects Mrs. Asbury "



[5; '

1':.1. ' .







THE MIAMI GAZETT~ . PAGE .. WIA YN ESVI LLE, 01"110 ,No. 4371 THURSDAY, J UN E 3, 1948


Bids will be rec~jved by ~he BOIIu'd of Trustees of Ptibl1c Miah's ot Wayne\"ille. ~tate · ()f hi, at the Wee of the Clerk of said ~oa·rd at Tru t oo of. Publh: Affair until ix O'clock P . M. , June 19; 1948, t or t1urni)lMng Two Thousand (2000) feet of six (6) inc h cast iron pipe, with a pr ure capacity of n bt ess tban one hundr d -fifty (150) . pounds p~r sQuar inch. ~ t r of

ess-ions sure to be h J. ..

Each bid ~u t onlfu ln the full of ev 'ry per. on or ' company in-ed in the· same. A c rtiflcate g uarante Ing the delivery of said pipe and a st atemenT the earl! st date of d Ilvery must a om.pb., ny eILch bid. The .rigiht is r e erv d to reje t any ~ d all bid. By '()rder of the Boattl at T rustee of. PubU Affairs. HARLES

Columbus, Ohio, Ma y 29, 1948 S~l es


.rAMES, Clerk.


Engineer of

With a Buckeve In .Congres~ ••• .

Legal Copy No. 48-268


The House last week, by a vote of 234 to 149, extended the Reciproc"l Trade Agreement s Act for a littl~ more than one year-or from Jun~ 13th, 1948, to July 1st, 1949. A.t the same time the Act was amended so a l:; to give the' Tal'iff Commission a new independent sta~us and authority to fix . a ceiling and a floor a&ve or below under which the Presid~nt could not negot iate tariff changes; The Pres ident would also be reqUIred to furnish the Tariff Commission with the list of items upon which tariff change mi.gotiations were being conducted . . If t he Tariff Commission and the President disagreed, th'e President would have to submit his recommendations to Conl~re'ss for approval or disapproval. Under the present law the. President can lower or raise tariff under the Reciprocal' Trade Program by as much as fifty per cent, in his own 4iscretion, without approval by either the Tariff Commission ot Cong17ess.


*' /

Before Congress adjourns i eem s certain that some sort of a nannual pay InCl'ea e fOl' postal worker, ' probably l~troactive, will be approv~d . The pendi'l:lg Rouse bill woqld give postal employees a pay boost of $085.00 per year while ~ Senate measure would give an !$ 00,00 ye~n' ly pay mcrea~ . Bills to increa e the pay of ot her governm ~nt workers are also pending, witb Iboth .the am?un~ of ' increase and final £lna ctm~nt uncertam at thiS time.

.. * ,.

As a result of legi lati ve developments in the Senate, the final fate of all Pl'oposed selective service legislation hangs in the balance. Over on the Senate sid.e Senator Lan~r of N orlh Dakota is 1illl'eatening . to s ubmit· t he Pt'esi dent's civil rights program as an amendment t6 t he draft bi11, while Southern Senators are insisting they' will demand the inclusion of a provision in the bill guarantooing racial segregation within the armed services. Over on the House side the Rules Committee has ~lot yet completed hearings on the House version of · the selective service legislation. A t1'tis column is being written some sixty members who oppose consGription at this time a~ asking an opportunity to testify against .t he bill. Many House m~mber feel t hey should let the Senate pass on th~ dr aft pro,blem before the House takes it up.

ealed proposals wjlJ be l'eceived ~ t the offioe of. th e Sta.~e Highway Dire tor of Ohio, at COlumbus, OhiO, unJti1 10: 00 A. M., OhilO .s~ndard Time, Tu esday, Jun e 22, 1948, for improvements on: Various Sections of . U. S. Route No. 22 in Clinton and Wi3.l'ren Countl S. ·U . S. No. 35, in Greene County, U. S. Route No. 42 in Greene and 'Werren Counties, U. S. Route No. f)2 in Clermont County, and U. S. No. 68 in -Clinton and Green-e Counties, for pain.ting old. gua·rd rail various types as per plan. Length 79 ,684 teet. ... " Estimated Cost ......... . . .. . .... . ...... ' .' ....... . ... ' .. •... . " $8,500.00 Contract to be com.pleted not later than fSe ptember I, 1~48. That public opinion is a potent force was demon The minimu~ wa'e to b paid .~ all labor -employed on, Chis contraot stl'ated early last week jri. the hist01;ic halls of the sha.ll b in ca,ccordance with the "Scbedu'}e of Prevailing Hom'ny Wage Rates ... United States Senate. Ten days ago the House .A sc ll~a ined a nd D~t rmln ed by Th e Depa l"tment of tlndustrial . Relations passed th'e Mundt-Nixon Bill ~ control the activi appli cable to ate Highway D p artmen.t lmprovements in accordance The ' "Voice of America'! is under fh'e again. Sen- tres of the Communist Pal-ty and , its membenhi p wlth Section s '17 -3, 17-4, 17-4a, 17-5 a nd 17-5a of the Genera l Code of ator Capehart of Indjana last week read from a here in the United States. A number of august hi o." series of radio scr ipts on the. subject "Know North Senators arulounced th~ bill probably would' be given , The b.ldd l' must ubmlt, with 'his bid a ertlfied che k in a n a mount A merica" as broadcast to So.uth America, as a part little or no consideration by the Senate. Then' th .. ' equal to five per cenlt of the . tlmnted co,st, b-ut in no event more than , of the "Voi~e of A.merica" radio program which ' i~ pul,>lic was heard from-aJld how! Hearings . were t en thousand dollars. costing the ta~payers twenty-seve~ million dollars a , ha tHy scheduled by the Senat~ Judiciary CommitPJan and specificationS are on 'file In the department of hig h"w.ys year. The Latin Americans were told that New Engtee and it seems a virtual certainty the Mundt~ e.nd ·the l()1'lfice of the residentt district depu.ty director. land was "foundE!d on hypocrisy" and that Texas Nixon Bill will be enacted into law in some effecThe director- reserves the rlg;ht to reject any and all bids. was "born in sin." Also that the Mormons in Utah tive form before Congress adjourns. EARL L. REEl3 ,S tate tHI'g hway Director . were "using rubber hose or clubs to compel citizens to contribute ten per cent of their income to a soThe Senaoo is preparing to follow lead of its • cialized state." As a result of the revelation PresiFinance Committee in ~pproving the Rivers Bill to dent Pro-tern of the Senate Vandenberg has ordlered NOTICE TO CO~'rRACTORS take Federal taxes off of both white and colored the Ferguson Committee to ' conduct an investiga~ STATE OF OHIO oleomargarine, with an amendment added .to l'Iequire tion of the whole "Voice of America" aetivity. while 'DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS all public places where oleo is served to jnform the .. ; Oolumbus, Ohio, on the House siele of th.e Capitol a subcommittee, public of that faet through statetne~ts. on the menus May 29, 1948 headed by Congr~essman Chenoweth of Colorado, is or properly displayed placar.ds. . condQcting a similar probe. Engineer of Sales Legal Copy No. 48-261



• • •





proposals will be received at the office of .the State HL'8'hway 'DireCtor of OhiO, at Columbus, Ohio, until ~~I:Oo. A. M., Ohio Standard Time, TueSday, June 22, 1948, for Unprovements in: . Proposals Nos. 1 to 5 ' lnclusi·ve are offel'ed as one project and wUJ be awarded .0.8 one contract. PROPOSAL No.1

"W'ar:ren County, Ohio, on section 7.39, State Rou-t e No. 1'22, In Cl~t ere I< and Wayne Townships, by 'a pplying a bituminous treatment, Hem

Congressional leaders will make a drive to COlD,p lete · m.o st, if not all, important pending legislation in time for the' Congress to adjourn on June 19th, just two days before the RepUblican Convention Qpens in P.1'IIiladelphia. It will mean that-beginning this week-ConJl'ess will convene at ·t en a. m. each day except Sunday, with many night

Pavement: Widtib 16 feet Leng,th W,7160.4 teet or 3.93 mUes PROPOSAL No.. 2

.Warren County, Ohio, on S~iO'D8 O.O~ and 5}50 (Part.) , .Start:e Route ·No. 741, inl Deenfield, Unlolll and. ·Turtle..-Cl:eek Townships, 'by applying a bftufulnous treatment Item T·-32. Pavement: Width 2() feet, Leng,nt 29,040 1eet .. \\rtlcfth. 18 feet, .Length 11,616 feet Total Jengtb 40,666 feet or 7.70 miles PROPOSAL No. 3

lltem T-31.

Pa.vemen.t: Wf<lth 17 teet Leng,th 18,586.6 feet or 3.5·2 miles PROPOSAL No.4

Clermont County, Ohio, on' Section: 0,.64 (Part), State] Route N~ . 132, tn Ohio .a.nd Pier-ce Townships, by applying a b~tumhlous treatm.enlt, Item T - 32.

Pavement: Width 18 feet, Length lO~ &60 feet Width 16 feet, Length. 5,280, feet Total length 15,840 feet or 3.00 ~Ue8



Warren OtlOlty, Qhio, on S-ecti~ns 0.19 (4.82 Mainevi.lle), and 5.24 (Part), Stwto Rou,t e No. 48,· In Boami·l ton Township, by applying a bituminous treatment, Itern T-312. Pavemen t: Width 18 teet, Length 31,892.2 feet W'ldJth 18 f ee t. Length 2,21"7.6 feet T<ital length 34,108.8 feet or 6,46 miles TottaJ. estIma.ted. cost .•....•• : .......•. _.......... . ............ $66,421.78

. Proposals Nos. 1 to '5 inclusive of this proj.ect to !be complet-ed "not la ter tJha.n <krtober I, 1"948. The minimum wage to Ibe paid .to aU la.not' ~mployed on tlhls contl'act shall be tn accordance with the "'Schedu'le of Prevailing Hour:1y Wage Rates Ascentained and .Daterml..ned . by The Department of Industrial 'Relations applicable to State Highway Department Imprto-vements In aooorda.n(le \lVith Sections 1'7-3, 17-4, 17-4a, 17-5 a nd 17-580 of the General Code of



. u


lin. Walter , and Alma Norron Clyde and !ldna Whitac.l'e to Wal,ter H. and Catherine' E. Walsh, Clarence and Eleanor Bowmat:l, 1 1 lot in Deei'field twp. lot ·in Morrow. . Paul M. and Rowena Turner to Fred and Katherine Slezak to Karl S. and Jennie · H. Cowan, 2 William G. and Hugh Tuggle, 1 lots in Turtlecreek twp. lot in Franklin twp. 'F lorence E. Stanfield to Charles John J. and Hazel I. Sidener to F. Camp, 3.50 aCl'es in 'Vernon ~nd Benjamin Jr. and Joyce E. Keams, Wa.sblngton'.L.!t~wu:p~.:--=--_--:~-_-.: 6.88 acres in Glearcl'leek ~wp, . Amos P. and Lucy Poe to. , . Han-y' Heiden to, .Roy E. Burton, Oharles. William and Charlene · M. 2.3 8acresin Hamilton twp. Koverman' 13.50 acres in ' Vernon Bessie McGuinn to Marian Simptwp. _ son, 2 lots in Union twp. . Jesse Mentz to F: ·L. "and Ger-· Glenn R . . Jones to EldQn and Freda K. ~ Wi1kersQn, lz4.44 acres . trude Rose, '1 lot in Franklin twp. F. L. and Gertrude Rose to Rob- . . in ' Washington twp. ert and Vada . Leonard, 1 lot in Betty Jane Clark to W. J. Brew- . Franklin twp. er, ' 45.26 acres in Franklin twp . . Edward E. and M axineColdirO'n Clyde E. Darragh to Elsa B. to Walter and - Flossie McCauley ·D arragh, 3 lots in Franklin. 1.71 8lcres in .Clearcreek twp. . . Alva R. Scholl to Charles E.· and Thelma C. JefferY, 110t in FrankDaniel E., and Laura ~ Routt.



.clermont Oounty, Ohio, on Section 26.27, Sta.te Route No. 222, in 'Batavia ,and Stonelick Townships, by' applying a. Ib ltuminous treatment,


In a poll of Congl'less ta~en by1tie United-States News--Ameriea's most 'authoritative magazine dealing with the activities of "lie . Government-Se~­ ator Robert A. Taft led all Pre&idential candidates. Out of a total of 329 members voting-55 Senators and 274 ' Representatives-Senatol' Taft was £irst choice of 197 for PresldeJli-, which is a very higb . co~pliment to the Ohio legisl~tor.


· T- ~:! .


• • •

• • •


The bldd .. must' submit! with Ih is bid , a. certified check in an amount equal to five P Ct· cem of the 'estlmated'cost, . but In no event more than ~ thousa.nd dollars. Pla ns and specifications are on file in the departmen.t of highwhys &nd the oUlce ot the ·resident distrlet deputy director. . The director reserves the rii1bt to reject any and all bids. EARL L. REEB State Highway Director


. ,.". . -.- - . -.,..---..:-----------,




By BOB O'REGAN , (During the summer season when softball and baseball are in t.he limeli~ht, this column will attempt to keep up with local ' developm,ents in these spo rts. Howe ver, it will not be closed to tennis, golf, hurseshoes, . or other summer sports , items if they come up. The author was publicity director for· the Cincinnati Recreation Commission for two years a,nd is a former suburban sports ed itor. )

Even a sports column must be 'born' - so with each succeedin{!" ed~tion athletic and . recreational information inside Wayne 'Township and other s'urrounding communities will be covered. Sport news is welcorned and contributors ·may contact me personalty or address information to eitner the Miami Gazette or P. O. Box 7 ' Waynesville. ' _ ' First on our weekly calendar is the official opening of the American LeR'lon JUOlor baseba ll nine Su'nday at 2 :30 P. M. at the high school diamond against'Spring Valley in the TriCounty 6 Club loop. The local c ached by Bill Sawyer and 'yo urs truly 'humbled Harveysburg 21.-7 last week with Carl Powell pitching. effective ball for 6 innings and Bob Hunter finishing. Bob Hastings and Emery, Robbin,s blasted homers witb third baseman Lukens' fbur hitS one a triple, leading the 16-hit attack. . , The Waynesyille Legion team is grouped with Centerville, Bellbro<?k, South.ern Hills, pring Valley and West Carrollt nand wUl- pJtl¥ every other w ek at home. Be on the lookout for pdster schedules soon to " appear .in local merchant's , indows. . Incidentally, any 10Gai mer ~ hant wishing to belp the Legion baseball nine by advertisine- on the back of the players .uniforms may contact me. I'm sure the money angle will be reasonable .enough tb start a st~m- ' pedel ' Best news In the s0ftball world also concerns the American. Legion Club - Bill Saw" yer's blue-coated outfit rests in e wins s Miller's and Spring Valley. failing ' in tha,t ' order. The' Legion also toppled


~iam i bur,g- unny Inn 9-8 Sunda y ev Oln~ in the w ekl .. hibiti n circuit con iucted by the local or an izati n. With a team battin . ave rage aroun j .400, th Saw er-Ied outfit i fav r <l to win th fir t half and the cry of the ' dtl:le r man a er s ems to be " W e~ 11 get 'you in the second half '. Kler's Garage and Bellbrook with two wins apiece and 110 defeats tangle tonite under the . Arcs with the winner tying- fo r fir t place with Legion Club. L. Murphy has been twriling excellent ball for the Garagemen and will be gunning for his third win. Sunda-y evening's exhibition game brmgs together one of those circus. matches - Fair· ley's Hardware a~ainst a picked Sharonville Girls team, coached by Catherine Fair ' who also will pitch a few innings. This game should attract quite a crowd especially since Fairley's have' been havlng a tough time and local odds are 3-1 that the girls will not b~ beaten by more than 2 runs,. ,. The Wom'a~ s SO~lety .of Lytle Church will b~ entertam, ed next wednesday afternoon June 9, at the country home of Mrs. Nellie Charlton. The Worship ervice by ~rs. Ola P,ursley. After the bus!nes,S se.sslon the program Will be m ~harge. of . Mrs. Ruth Saylor, who .tvIll, mtroduce, Mrs. ,Ben . Yanusab a Japanese Amencan of South Park C~iIlrch, Dayton, as th~ speak,~r of the ,af~ernoon. The comm.lttee asslstmg the hostess are. Mrs: Cleo, qray, Mn;. Maude Baird -an.d, Mrs. Mary Hammond.


tive here on Satuda and attended the Alumni reunion. ,

·John J. Fleckenstein \' ," Bonnie B. Fleckenstein, divorce to plaint iff, separation agreem nt made part of entry.

Mr. and Mr. Edw in Payne and family ~ nt the \ eek end and holiday with r l a ti v~ near Chili oth .

Opal . Bucker .


Rl!ckel', ca se dismissed by mu tual

:agreement of parties, costs paid. Doris Van Winkle. vs. William T. Van Winkle, divol"ce to plaintiff plaintiff restored to maiden name, costs paid,

Fa mer's Gra nge. NO.1' ill mee t .in regular session on Saturday evening at 8:3 o'clock. Follo\\ ing- the busin e s session, a m mori al, for those lost durin,!,!' th e pa t ea r, will be ,g-iven,

• 1N 'C ASE OF FIRE. DIAL 2222 •


James Weltz, left Wednesday for Palm Beach, Fla" for an indef.inite staY 'with his uncle, Deane Hawke,


'$ 9.31

Miss Ann Weltz underwent a tonSillectomy at Dr. H. M.'s Clinic in Lebanon Friday morning.


HI-CHAIRS $8.62 ~d up


Baby Cribs Comp lete with Waterproof . Mattresses $34.70 each

Miss Geraldine White . and Miss Dell Jackson, of Akron, Ohio., were wee k-end guests of Dr. Mary L. Cook. .


George E. Sacksteder, gene ral ~g;ent in Dayton fo.r the Ohio National Life Insurance Company, has moved into the C. E. Stanfbrth , property at Fourth and North treets here. ' He will commute daily to his office in the Commercial Buildin g, Dayton.



VS .

"Does my pra ti ing- make you nervous ?! ' a ked the ma.n who \Va le a rnin ~ to play the : axap hone. " It did when I fir t heard the neigh 01" di cus ing y u" replied the man next d or' but I'm getting 0 now I do n't ar what happens t u."


.,_J '"

G. . E. , BULBS -



W~~~esville Furniture &.Appliance Co. South Main Street across from Grange Hall



. Telephone 2422 '

MARRIAGE LICENSES James Willlam House, 21, West Alexandl'ia, farmer, Elizabeth Irene Bullard, 16,. Franklin, . Teddy McCorkle, 30, Mason, laborer, Tressie Beachler, 22, Mason. Michael Kaurich, 34, Middletown, steel , worker, Geraldine McGill, 24, Middletown, clerk typist.

CLOSED WEDNESDAY The Betsy Ross 4-H Club met 4 SHOW CHANGES 7 & 9 P. M. Wednesday, May 26, at th e Harveysburg High School with NEW SUITS THURS. 3 FRI. 4 SAT. 5 Mrs. Edith Lukens, assistant adBertell Melton, a minot·, through visor 'in . charge and Martha her next· of friend and mother, Guns Blaze in Don t Be Late F r the 1st Lukens presiding. . . Kathryn Parker vs; ' Luther MelChapter The're \vere fourteen girls ton, divorce, gross neglect, extreme 'OF Heaven Knows ~ present. We ·voted whether we cruelty, J . '1'. Riley. Brian Oonlevywould ratl"~" have Camp CJifton H ubel't L. · Sams vs. Donna L. Rob't Cummings divided into two age grOll!-,S or Sams, divopce, gro'Ss ~-neglect-of-­ ALSO mix them,. The majority chose du ty, C, Donald Dilatush. Moonlight Melody to mix d hem. The motIOn was Rodney Shearer vs. Aileen made' and seconded that we ad- Shearer, divorce, H. O. Finkleman. SUN. 6 MON. 7 jour,n. Several· games,led bY,our G.el'aldine Phillabaum vs. Wilrecreation eaders, 'were enJoy- liam Phillabaum, a minor, divQrce, Col orful Adv ntures " . \ ed. · ~ Next mee'ting will be held at ~e:~~ct of duty, Maxwell Finkle- . GET YOUR Harvey~burg 1-ligh $cho'o l George W. Carrel vS .. Marion B. CANADIAN MOUNTIES Wed.nesday, June 2' at 2 P. M. Carrel, divorce, gross neglect, Carl D. Fairbanks - M. O'Sulliv~ CLUB CARD AND . . AND Abaecherli. ' . . SEE THE 12th CHAPTER . Mrs. Paul Tomlinson, A. C 1948 BASKETBALL THRILLS FREE Tomlinson and Sam Tomlinson COMMON PLEAS PLUS attended the Commencement at Harry D. Lollar vs. the Loveland Warner-Patlle News. ALSO Gilford College, North Caro- Gas and Electric Company, etc., o tina, and visited friends in Robert M. Lollar 'and Katherine L. TUES. 8 Raleigh, N. C., durin,g- the past Rowland made parties plaintiff. ~ week. . " Gerald W. · MeWilliatlls ws. Mit- CRIME DOCTOR'S GMtSLE' Star'ring CHARLES STARREIT <, . . ' iam . F. McWilliams, dlvQrce to " With Warner Baxter A.nd Mr. and Mrs. R. ~'. WIlham- . plaintiff; no order made relating 2 Shorts. R KO Flicke'f Plash backs. son of Cleveland VISited reta- to c~sto,dy of


Sinbad ,the 'Sailor '

Six Gun Law



Spartan Electro-Rod-· · DRAINS··



. .

Cleaned NOW!






William Sawyer PHONE 2174




The MiamiB II:Gazette 8

Bellbrook. Notes

B 8 TAB 'L I 8 D 1 5 0 Published E;very Thursday At · Waynesville, Ohio CARL G. SM1TH, Editor Entered as second class matter at the Post Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $1.50 a Year' in Advance

Mem.orial Day wa ohserved Sunda y afternoon with a proOTam at the· Bellbrook Cemetery. Rev. raff of Spring Valley gave the address. Th Bell· I . brook £h 01 band .played a few appropiate selections. The \ B y couts under their leader Mr. Butts, were in the line of (To have 'events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette March. The firing s'quad was commanded by W. C. N;ussbefore 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) baum. All branches of the service were represented. M'rs. , SATURDAY, JUNE 5 Brown who taught m.usic in the Ea tern tar Food Sale at Temple, 10 A. M. school this yea r came back :ror Farmers Grange No. 13 , Regular Meeting. the afternoon to lead the band. SUNDAY, JUNE 6 The Bellbrook Garden Club Go, to Church! held its annual fllower show at Leuion .Baseball opener, Waynes\Lill~ vs. Spring Valley, 2 :30 P. M. the town last Wednesday Exhibition Softball, Fairley's vs. Miamisburg Girl's team, 8 P. M. afternoon hall with quite a few enSt. Mary's Episcopal Parish Picnic, 4 :30 P. M. tries. We can see quite an im- ' .. MONDAf{, JUNE 7 provement in the arranl?:ements Wayne Twp. School' Board, 7 :30 ,Po M. from what we: displayed at our Waynesville Village Council, 8 P. ·M. first showing at the' fair a few years ago. Boy .Scout Troop 40, ' at 7:15 P. M. Several of the school teach.SbftbaU; Hellbtook "'trs. Miller's, 8 P. M. ers are not: 'returnin~ next year TUESDAY, JUNE 8 so there will have to' be some Waynesville Lodge 163, F. & A.M;---.." 7 P. we \ new .ones employed. . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9 The Edgin,giOti families held Softball, Kier~s vs. American Legion, 8 P. M. a· picnic supper a·t th,g home of THURSDAY, JUNE 10 • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edgington, ~oftbal1, Fairley's vs. Spring' Valley, 8 P. M. Sunday evenin,g'. Mr. Richard Lindenmuth of Lexington, Kv., visited relatives here and attended Mlemorial services, Sunday. Thomas Edg-in ,!~to n 'spent the . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kreiling weekend in.· Newark. New Jerand son Albert Lee of Fort sey visiting his brother Ralph Thomas were dinner guests. of and family, who are planningMartha Henderson on Sunday. on movingto Cincinnati, thi Mr.and Mrs.' Ernest Mannon summer. RalDh is now employand Miss Ethel Mannon of WilMETHODIST CHURCH 'mington called on Miss Jessie ed in that city. The Junior Class of the Garner on Sunday. R. B. Coleman, Minister school had a picnic and attend·Mr. and Mrs. Gene EI1ington Church school . 9 :30 ·a. m. and son Stephen S'cott of Eaton J. J. Burske, ~ IPt. . · Worship Service 10 :JO a.m. called on Lena Hartsock Sunday. · Youth Fellowship Marsh. of DaySunday, 7:30 p. , m. tonMispentGlenna a few days with Lucile Armitag . · S1'~' MARY'S EPISCOPAl.. · Mrs. Olive Curl left ToursSAMUEL N. KEYS, Minister day ' for Indianapolis and ChiChurch School --4l9~:3 0 a. m. cag-o to 'visit relatives. . Carl Dakin f l.ebarion 'cal10:30 a. m. Morning Prayer led- on hi mother on Decoration day. fRIENDS , Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns of first Day Schoo1 9 :30 It.m. Clev· eland callel' on their friend " ,~eeting for Worship Mayme T. and Annie U. Bro,vne . ~0:30 a.m. on Monday. Miss Hannah Jordan of Ore· ST. AUGUSTINE gonia called on Jessie Garner 6:00 x 16 FIRESTONE Father Krumholtz. Priest Sunday. Miss Jessie is still conMasses , 8 and 1 0 A. M. fined to her room 'by illness. TIRES .$13.95 Mrs. Will Tate of Bellbrook (plus tax) WAY;NESVILLE and M;rs. James F,inley of ColCHURCH OF CHRIST umbus called on Mrs. Alice . Bible School . 9 :30 a.m. Cla·rk 'and Miss Minnie Dodson Communion . 10:30 a.m. on Saturday evening. ALSO FULL LINE OF Mrs. Lulu Johnston and FIRESTONE I~RODUCTS FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST daughter of Cincinnati were cat. , BATtERIES Mrs. R. H. Hartsocl.. spent B·ible· School MOQ1ing Worship . to :3'0 a.Q1. ' Tuesday here the guest of Lena SEAT COVERS' Prayer .Meetin~ 7 :00 p.m. Hartsock and Lucile Arrhita?:e. Mrs. Mary Miller of FisherYount: People s' M~eting TEXACO -SERVICE 7 :00 p.m~ town is ' a guest of Mayme ' r. Evening: Services 7 :30 p.m.' ,and .Annie JJ. Browne fo~ a . PHONE 13&4 s. MAIN ,. few days. WAYNESVIL.·LE. OHIO Mrs. leah Mills spent Monday CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS REV. DAVIO STANFIELD, Minl.ter afternoon and with John Burske Worship Service . 9 :45 a. m. and family. to :45 a- m. Sunday School

Events Coining Up




lJSERVICE The comforts of a home for those who \vish to hold service ' here

.STUBBS Funeral Ho-millie TELEPHONE 2291


. T. M. SCARFF, Mlni.ter


Sundav School 9 :30 a.m " E. A. Earnhart, Supt. Worship Service to :30 a.m. E:ve.ning Service 7 :30 p.m.

AT THE "Fneadly Store"

OME: FURNISHIN'cfrl " ."Hard-To-Get" Items '


Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. . Preaching. 1 st and 3rd Sundays each month 10 :30 a.m. ServIce . 7 :.3 0 p~ M; Mr. and Mrs. Charles James with Mr. and Mrs. Robe t James of Xenra and Mr. Goldie Spencer of Miamisburg enjoye i a trip to Kansas City and othe r western points over the Memor. ial Day holiJay.

9 s 12 WOOL RUGS 9 s 12 FELT BASE Rl!GS ' CUR~AINS -



LAMPS (Floor and '


WE HAVE ~EEN SERVING, This Community for many years, long enough to kn()w , that WITHOUT 'QUALlTY, no price however .low wiill be, satisfactory ' to a b.ereavf~d .fami1y~ At oui' funeral home, you will always find good materials ~ WE HAVE NO 0THER


'Wlilis Hunter·





- '



f?hotos That . Click



KlfR'S .Garage


Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Earnhart and family were guest of relatives in Liberty, In d.. on Sunday.



PAGE! No. 4371 3, 1948

arl G. SmUh att n 'fed alumni day at entral College in Fa eL , M )., a~ld vi'ited relatives in Columbia, Mo., during: the Memorial Day week"SLEEPY HOLLo.W" TALE '- end. WILL BE DRAMATIZED AS HUSTON'S FAVORITE . .Washington Irving's wellloved story '~ The Legend of ' Sleepy Hollow" ha been chosen by Walter Huston for radio presentation on the Dayton Power and Light company s Favorite Story program, Tues· day, June 8, at 9 :30 p. m. over WHIG Huston, the star of countle s stage hits and movIe successes, sele~ted th ~ delightful tale of Ichabod Crane's terrifying ride through the mo.onlight a - his favorite work of literature. . Ronald Colman, winner of Headache warn ou of possible last years Academy Award, wilt sickness. Noise in your enginl! appear as host on the show . warns yo u of trouble ahead. lchabod will be ' played by Do.n't wait for it-brmg your Sidney Miller, veteran' film act- car .in now, and prevent costor and the composer of ly repairs later. numerous s9ng hits.

:JrienJ. flome



ed .th. e ni ht . ball! at Cincinnati on' ni 'ht la -t w k. M I ~'. t1es I ~ett:r!" n l1a - heen pending- a few week with her son CharI ,and familv. iShe is empl yed at, a re t h m in Da ton.

. STUDIO COO~HES (Fully Spriaa Fillecl) UVING R()()M .SUI·TES



"Complete Home 'F uraiabe..."


MeCLUR,E " . ,



WAYN ESVlllE. 40" 10


CO '



"Eaat Main Street at WhitemaD" r-_



The summer chool at Wi( M'r. an:! Mrs. Harq CHne, are· re idin,lt in X. nia, until their cleaned and all the other Id min ton College is de ign i to ways for at least a month once a J r' and daug-hter, Geral iine of recent! a quir d prop rty 011 fill a two-fold purlo e. It aid pent unday and Main t i va ' ated b th e f ryear, th n we wuuld appreciate C lumhu lic school teachers wh have put our comfort and c llveniences M nday with Mrs. clin '. par- mer owner, Dr. and Mrs. VI. not et completed their d "grce instead of takln ' th m for ent, Mr. an i Mr ' . , H rbert . E. . Fro't and on Ma. nar L to' secure a j iitionaI colI e ' .... Miss Mary , (A'nn Carnes gran (e i. We are more comfort- Do tel'. hIding a p iti n, credit whiie Mr, Ali e Urton went to · daughter f Mr. and Mrs., Grant ab.le but I often wonder if we ar· and al 0 enabl s r gular tu~ an happier. T h a~e a heating- Blan he ter unday for an in- Carnes r~tur:ned hom~. A FARM DIARY d nt t any n an accelerated plant that warms the whole definite vi it with h r broth r from Miami Valley H pltal, by D. J. FRAIZER educa ti nal pI' (l'ram which will hou e automatically is w nder- and Sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ' ~ here she un ierw nt an ilPgive thelli a fo uryear degree . ful, but it is quickly taken for Will Drake. . unC1a evening, pendectom;y last week. May 28, 1948. It see ms good granted in thr e cal ndar year, le Mr. and ,Mr. Cha.r , wllldthe actual physical Mrs. Urton was the gue t of to have a car a ,~a in after its two comif rt and A full faculty of regular ~ , ro· en by ,the 'ler and. MIS Jane FJte were honor at a dinner giv of being warm is no weeks stay in the gCJ.rage. H.ow. ,lon ")'e r a pleasure to be savored Drakes, for . a group of reia- callel:s 111 Lebanon, aturda y fes or has b en employed ,for eve r th~ time passed so quic~ly the summer sessions, and 'an ene.venlOg. . · enjoyed. When y u bring in· tives. , and so many ueopl,' were t1Ice and rollm nt of 350 is expected. Gerald Paine, rrtanager of the ' Mrs. A. . C;ollett e~lt~rtamed wood, light the fire aud sit , about seeing that I got to the the , In addition to the campus Harveysburg ' Fertilizer Co., a group of fnen~s WIth a card by the stove ,OF fireplace; places, that I had to go that it down parti: at her home, Saturday courses" Wihil ington College spent the weekend with hi there' is a feeling of satisfaction was not as bad as I thought it and achievement added to the family in Peoria I1I will carryon a full summer even mg. might be. By riding ,the farm comforting heat that is lost in Re·v. and Mrs. J: P. Thorn~ Mr. and Mrs. Bern Shidaker school program at its downtown truck I managed to get to the chool in the Y.W.C.A. at even constant heat. But we bury are attendin~ the Northern of Circleville ,were Monday sawmill to get lumber that we an Baptist Conference being held guests of Mr. Shldaker's brother, Dayton, Ohio. WOuldn't go back even though needed for gates and some hog that loss of atisfaction ip mere thi week at Milwaukee Wis .. Mr. Karl hidaker. ~--.' trou~hs without, makin~ a physical comfort is perhaps one Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Wamsb'y Mrs. Meryl 'rerry of near speClal trip. ' We were both of the causes of some 'of the left the past' week for Colu·m- town u~derwent an _f>peration right there so when we went in restlessness of modern life. We bus where they will be present at M~aml Valley HospItal Monto get :some more sweet corn have more time but we have too at sessions of the Methodist day. . ' . for planting we could just go many break down nervously. Conference. Mr. LeWIS Thom.pson wa . right up and pick it out. I had It sUFprising how , much. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker called to Athens, Friday, owing special tax,i service to get me to mo're time I had when I had no a!ld daughter, Miss Evalyn 'td the death of his ~~andChurch and the Grange and the car to drive. 1 ucker, ,accompanied by Mrs. mother. rest of the time I stayed home Jenny l3ell motored· to their ------110URS: j and cleaned house. The whol e The first 'thing I had to do hometown, Germantown, Ky., SUMMER SESSION. house should be beautiful by when 1 got my car was to go to Sunday for Oecoration , Day. 9-12 each morning WILL OPEN MONDAY this time but I ~ot sidetracked a meeting of the Tuberculosis Mrs. AIda M'ontg-omery left Summer school at Wilming-1-5 afternoons exce~t .!.l onto so many little puttery jobs and Health Assoclation. We do, Sunday to spend several days to~ College win. begin Monday, Wednesday that I haven't · finished one not think much about that ~x· ,with relatives in Troy. June 7, Dr. Graydon W. Yaple, room yet. That room has just a cept when they sena out appeals 7·9 Saturday evenin~ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dos- director of the. summer session, lick and a promise for sO long to buy Christm,as seals but next ter and daughter Sharon, have announced today. The two fiveOther evenings by that this tim.e I began there, yea r's Christmas seal sale is returned to their home in week terms will end August 1.3. Appointment The ceiling is all done and the being planned. now and plans Springfield follOwing a two A full schedule of industrial woodwork has been painted are being made for the exhibit- week visit with relatives in arts courses will be offered this TEL~PHONE 62-R and some of the wall paper re- ion of the Mobile Unit ·at the Florida. summer as a s rvice fat teacher moved · and -cracks filled jllld County Fair. If you know of , Mrs. Mary Syfeid and son, who d,esire training in this field holes patched u'ntil it is almost anyone who should be X-nay'ed John, en tertained with a' fam- . in order to direcfexpanded high ready for new paper. That will for the' discovery of pOSSIble . i1y get-together, at their h'ome ~chool progra,ms: YVilmington be next week's job, tuberculosis they can have it, Sunday. Optometric Eye Specialist ' IS now accredited oy 'State DeIt does one good to go with- done th ere but better still they 'Mr. and Mrs.' James Thorn- partm.ent f Education to offer , 26 South Detroit Strt!et out the c nve niences that we Should not wait ,but call upon bury and famllYl ' Mr. and Mrs. a full 47 hour major in indu tare used to for a while. This Mrs. Robinson, the County James Doster, and Mr. and rial arts. XENIA, OHIO pleasant ' cool weather it has Nurse, to arrange for it at once. Mr. Ralph Nil and family enA num(ber of speech cour been very nice to have the daily That is what our money goes for joyed a picnic dinner at ,the will be available this summer. . _•• _••••••••• walk up ' my half-mile lane to and the most important factor ho~ofthcirparent~ Rev. and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ get the mail, but there are some in the cure of tuberculosis is Mrs. J. r"'. Thornbury. things ,that are not quite so prompt and early diagnosis and Mr and Mrs. Charles Doster good. ' . For weeks the' pump treatment. Did 'you know th'at and family spent the past week, worked harder and harder and Ohio has one of the lowest · visiting relatives in Columbus. had to be prUned more and budgets for public health in the Mr. ,'and Mr _ R()I'ert Slump more, but no one ever seemed : country and that Warren to have time to fix it until it . Count has one of the lowest in almost stopped and the right Ohio? That is somethin~ that moment cam . They were all we could do something ab~ut. st~nding' around .c-w1th-no job Elections are .coming pretty that had to be d ne that mit:lute soon. How about having some o they pulled out the pump Commissioners that are intere t· at:ld I got the ne w I athers that ed in supporting th e health UNTIL JULY 31 ONLY! had been waiting all these weeks department? ---,.....;---and in less than an hour the job was ·done. It was surp,risingly , " / 1/ I pleasant to pump a little and ~ .. ~ have the water corne. It was (J W~ WILL PAY YOU wonderful and once more r reMr. and Mrs. Ralph Rich and alized and ·appreciated the bless- family moved Sunday to their ing of plenty of water. newly purchased home in 050 .1:0 $20,50 , , We all should have to go Arcanum. ., , \lack to ,lamps .that have to: be Mrs. Jenny Bell ·of Somersville spel)t the weekend with' ',' FOR ANY OLD HEATER her brother·in-Iaw and sister, 1119!1WI!I. . . . _ _r- , ~'r. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker. IN ·TRADE' ON ~ NEW , • ·Mrs. Dollis Frazier of Germantown was a Sunday evening dinner guest of her grandchild,. ren, M'r. and Mrs.. Auzwood ~Wa~esvine , Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene' Snodgrass aad family mov~d from their hom~ in Franklin Saturday into thei.r .recently, acquireo home on Clift Avenue. THE OIL-SAVING Olt HEAtER PAGE 7 THE MIAMI GAZETT): W IAY.NESVILLE, OHIO No. 4371 THURSDAY, J U N E 3, 1948


2Jr'J JeJge"


..... ..•...•..•



. "

Dr..C. E. Wilkin





,The Bond,A Month Club



", , ,

National Bank



' ~~: ~J-~-

.:< = ~ -

,. , ' .P - "







e'4-WAY 'FARM I •• URAN,C I" u,' the Ohio PUIDID wU1 am J'OU .. ..... pcocecdaG . . . . lOIIIS

You needn't ever · be ~uiltx of the social error of saymg, Oh, I'd love to go, but I've nothing to wear!" .•• if you keep your gowns fresh and lovely by hay. , mg us clean them after each wearing.



GO JOU1' fum. k arJen ,our baildiap, ,.,at me"':' JOIIt aaCiOlDOWW lDei -your JJabWIJ lor lKdelaara to ocben. Why DOt . . _ coda, ~ y_ ..... roa'..... wbM ,oa'......... Ja eM Ob&o P_ _ ,

Karl D. Dakin Insurance'Agency · Phone' t~, 20~ E. JI~lberI'Y-. o. OHIO "IMEa,. .,...








OlIO 'AIMIU" .......2 ..


AIW . h~ f'JII.

Fairley . R~we. Store. 6 PHONE 2441 ·




builder_ to prevent them for action fan s'l glvmg you fini hi 1! the highway are the pictur s with ~ood ri iin o- utgang's n xt step in furthering- door bac'kgrourld, rIot susp'en e ' . and well-trained animal their cr oked ,project. ' At thi point, Captain, Chri Douglas FaIrbanks, Jr. and Ro al (a tor Jim Bann n) of Maureen O' Hara take you thru the Canadian Mounted Police c lorful, swashbucklin g events _comes into the picture to hring' in" in ad The Sailor,,' (RKO) the 1!ang ters to justice. Even on the screen Sunday, and Montiy se rial fa ns of l o n ,~ standin~ will day. This i a picture for advenFOX HOLLY t e on th e edge of their eats ture , lovers who like to be Action, suspense and breath- when they share th e hair- rais- I,ift~d out of everyday life an'd taking events , are jammed into ing adventures of Chris and whisked ba~k on. the magic car"Dangers , of the , Canadian his pretty aide Bobby Paige. pet to Arabian NI~rhts. With this Mounteq " , opening with ChapBob O'Regan announces a bill is the 'News •(WB) , and a' ter 1 on Saturday June 5th at conte t 'in connection with the good short on fa,mous basketthe . Twin Theatre, and running serial. Or perhaps we should ball players of 1948. call it a "treat". Every patron On ' Tuesday-orle night for 11 Saturdays thereafter. Th e story takes place near child or adult, who a.ttends the only-"Orime Doctor's Gamthe town of Adcan, thru which Twin this Thursday, Friday or ble" (Col) stars Warner Baxter run ' the international border Saturday will receive a "6n- an~ ' is based on the. famous. dividing Alaska from Canada. adian Mountjes Club Card." radiO program "Crime Doctor" When a,pro,6pector, Bill SaWyer, Save this card and b'ri'ng- it with ' by Max Marcin. This picture comes upon an ancient Chinese you each Saturday. Present it has .Dr. Ordway vacationing in junk, suppOsed to be part of a to the ticket-taker to have it , Pans and to find fleet of treasure-hunting- ships punehed. If, after eleven weeks the man responsible for a sent out by Ghengis Khan in of the serial, your card shows mur~er.. "Novelty Shop", a the 13th Century. he is murder- . by eleven punches that you captlvatmg color cartoon in ed by outlaw Mort Fo.wler. have seen' every chapter to whi~h toy shq~ characters cav~ Mort and his men, workinJ{ for date, the 12th and final chapter art m Disney-like fashion and' a rn.ys terious chief, are about to is yo urs "for free" at a "Wife ,to Spare' are 1he srlOrts begm a treasure hunt when special Saturday afternoon Gregory Peck does superb acting III "The Macomber Afthey learn that the land is to . matinee, on August 21. be open~d 't<? homesteaders upThe Twin management wel- , fair" (UA), next · Thursday 0I? completJ( I) C?f the Alcan comes two ,new members to its and Friday's show. Teamed HIghway. Attacks on tile road staff. .!Dolores Berry, cashier, with Joan Bennett and Robert _ and Bin StansbUry, u<.;h er and Preston, he makes out of Ernticket.taker are read to serve est Hem,ingway's famed short yo u. sto ry a powerful movie. Th.:! Briefv,iews: Last time tonight Afflcan scenes of bi"g-game and Friday for "Heaven Only hunting are exciting and acRepresen ti ng Kno ws' (UA), better titled c~rat.e, t~e .animal Shots fas' ~ Montana Mike", an unusual cmatmg. ~011~d around th~se Westbeimer & Company 'story ' starring Robert Cum- ~cen~s,. like a huge,cho;kmg Member~ New York Stock l11:ings and Bnan .Donlevy. The ' python, IS a. tnangle story of Exchanges and other ' Durango Kid (Charles Star- hurna.n emotIOns th~t has. you registered Exchanges rett) blazes away Saturday- guessmg and. makes It advisable Investment \Trust Share. one, night , only-in "Six Gun t<? s~e the picture from the be-, Bought - Sold - Quoted Law" (Col). The Twin is try- gmnmg. Phone Waynesville 2530 ing to make Saturdav the night Our Plush Public Oep't~ Dayton AD3257





'F , ·armlerS.,


What you may heed in the fu,ture is • . . .

~~ GdliJ ,






Phoae 21 '




'-Rome ran. toAtu... l9«.


tt \



Dilatush Building -

, on your real estate loan, This, plus ' 4% interest, repayment p.ri~ileges, service and securtty may he b~d in a FEDERAl. LAND' BANK LOAN made through ' THE LEBANON NATIONAL FARM LOAN Lebanon, Ohio , ~ Phone 448 EUis H. Sturm, S~'y.Treas. ,

7-Mt.ourt river abrtdoed with Iteel. 1879,

'-War 01 1812 declared. I-Geo~ Stepheruson,


•• ntor of locomotlve. born. 1781 ,




KEELOR', Broaciway ,~ Lebanon, Ohio




Til. undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Ven ra Lee Ki~kpa trick, deceased, will offer for a Ie at p'ublic auction at the late residence of the' said Venora Lee Kirkpatrick, deceased, located on M)ll Street in the Villag,e of ,Waynesville, Wa,rren Coun ty., Oh'i~, on

Saturday, JU,oe 19, 1948 ' COMMENCING AT 1 :00 O'CLOCK ,P. M. PROMPT.

BROKERS LICENSE For Oat... Phon., 28M. Wayn ..ville. Ohio.,... ,Chara..




noaIWa,. '

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, FraDk Sibcy



$-OanIeh Conatltutlon Day.



H. 1uu eN!Y"'''', who II


Same Delivery Day Each Week


e e e

3-Jeffereon Davl. born. , 1808.





M.arilyn Polinsky to Mrs. -0 ' - THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAqE' Regan the ni ',!"ht n w eats were W\AYN~SVILLE, 'OHIO No. 4311 in t'tlled: ~l l ' m kinda disa~- THURSDAY, J U N E 3, 1948 puinted I thought may~ th e d be velvet 1" \Vell, maybe 20 . numb r- (If rel ativ and years fr m now the wTIt he, fri end from h r aHended the with solid go ld tan iards. funeral r '\ l1' n Hole at the tubbs ' Fun ral Home in Waynesvilh.: Mon :la afternoon and the b ~ lrial at Beaverto wn Cern tery. and Mrs. Er'n est Harlar Miss Sarah Burnet' of , Da y- an Mr.aug'hter, 1 ft let t week fOJ ton spent the \ eekend with M-r. , ,Bri~tol, Virginia, where theJf and Mrs. Harvey Burnet and at-, ,daughter, MISS Margaret Mintended the' Memorial Service at erva, was in Intermont College, Miami Cemetery Sunda V after- She accompanied them on a noon. motor trip to Washington : D. Mr. and Mrs. John Cheno- C., and other places of interest weth and children moved from in the East. the William Creighton home Mr. Jesse Dm of Lima, Mr. last week to thei r home north Bernie Dill and M,T. and Mrs of town. , Charles , Dill of Clayton were Mr. and Mrs. Leon' Salisbury Sunday .dinner guests of Mr. of Washin'gton C. H. were VI .. and Mrs. J. B. J ones, the latter sitars Wednesday afternoon at the borne of Mlrs. Nettie 'Em- of whom accompan ied them to rick. Mr. Salisbury is much im- the Spring Valley Cemetery in proved in health since ' a recent the mornmg. op'eration. ' Mr. Jasper E. Jones of JackMr. and Mrs. Donald Baird son, Tenn., was the guest of and daughters Nancy and Bev- Mrs. Marga ret Johns and , Paul e rly spent Monday with Mr. and J ohns Monday evening at dinMrs. James , Greenflake at ner. Paul ha returned .from the . ' Greenup, Ky. University of CincinnaU to Mrs. Ada Northwa of Dayton ' spend th summer at his home accompanied Mr. and Mrs here. Charles Mullenix to the home of Mr. Thomas M',utJenix at Mt· Mrs. Jessie 'Robitzer of Orab Wednesday to pick Straw- Cleveland spent several days of berries. . th e past wee k with Mr. ahd Mrs . . A. F. Dyte returned Mrs. O. R Marl att. Mr. 'and home' Saturday from Miami Mrs. Merle Kerns and daughValley hospital, where she had ter of Clevelanp joined th 'm peen for awhile fa I observa- on Sunday and ,"v'ere accorn: tion and treatment. panied hom,e by Mrs. Ritzer.

, SMITH ' ELECTR~IC SERVICE 'For ~t extra-,ReceptaCle Or Anything, Electrical


HoUle -


Bam --- OutbuildiDp



the following personal prope.r ~y ~e!ongin~ to the Estate of Venora Lee Kirkpatrick, deceased, to-wit:Dining room table, buffet, 6 chair$, 2 iron beds and ' iprings, folding cot, bedding, . dressers, sewing.' machine, stands" May tag washing machine, kitchen cupboard . , , kitchen cabinet, table, chairs, 10,t dishes, and 'glass w.are, some coniidefed antique. . I


And other articles too num' erous to mention • I


:.... -

:rEaMS OF SALE: CAsH Wilbur N. Sean,.Auctioaeer.,








of the Estate of V~nora Lee Kirkpatrick, deceased.






to ·E rle Idris and ' M. Katherine DaNies, 4.29 acres in F~nkli n twp, Eugene W. and Lela M. Emrick to Arnold and Loui . e Hunter, 1 lot in Fran klin. Steve and Minerva A. TUl:ner to WilliEl H . and El ie Mae Kilburn, 0. 62 acre ' in Hamilton twp. B die King to E lmer L. and Marjorie K. Downing, 1 lot in Mol'row.. George and Thelma Foxbower to Albe'rt a nd Mollie Bastin, ' 0.23 acres in Tu rtlecreek t wp. '

6.52 acre

Bruce .L . and Hazel J . Carr to Eugene L. and Ruth A. Snodgrass ; 0 .72 acres and 34 poles in Harv.eysburg.

LeRoy and Clara Peyt on to Lawrenee and Flora Jacobs, 4.75 acres in Ma sie ~wp .

I Rodney

L. and Ai1€€n hearer to Owen C. and A1ic~ M. Hammond,

Warren E . and Gwelda L. Graham to Ma ry L. Weis, 1 lot in

,C _

~~'-i\Sp~ragUs Roi(~ups ' F~; ' S_~r

( .Uncle Sam Says ·

Now that .ummer time Is on the way. and the markets· are brim-

The kid In upper , captured your lIearl dormg warttme. In eplrlt you traveled with him toward Ills UDeerta in future on the battlefields. The kid ·apst~ir. today I, yours. The "kld"' may be a freckled boy or a , cllrly blred little ..rl-your son or d aachter wbo wID Deed your belp throqh .avin,. to fiDd a place In everyday ute. The Payroll Savin.. Plan for buylna 1,Jni.ed S.t atea SavIDp BODd' where you work Is the ollly automatic, "'e, profitable way r.r you to buy bonds by the installment payment method. In this wal' FOU eu build &be nesterc wbleb eaD malle ' the durereace between wlahlnC aDd havlDa' &be faD4a .or edueaUon ad • secure ..tare 'or yoar, ehilclrea. If yo. are "'-em..Joyed, bay .......h &be BoDd·A-IrIODtb .1aD wtere you bank. . \

bo... U. S.


D.,.,,,..,., ._--


Hamilton t:wp. . Dulcie Maxw 11 19 Mary ~. Frazier, 0 sq. rod in Pleasant Pla;n. Roy E. and MargaNlt H. {::ast-etter to Floyd E. and Dorothy Marie Huddleson, 49 :~6 acre in lJ.n.i.o.n .uv..p _ Harold and Leon a Read~ 0 James Ru ell and EI ie M. Zartman, ,0 acres in Harlan twp. James Barber to Barton and Ma andHn, 60.95 acres in Harlan twp. Gunther Milton Kennedy tt, ~u­ ella M. Adkin , 7 l ot in Decl'ficlc twp. John W. and Rena Tur11er to Lloyde H. and Ethel Barton, 3 aCl'es in Harlan twp. . Martin P. and Esther L. Burke to Walter and Dolores Good, 3 lot s ;!1 Deel'field twp. Paul and Beatrice Hamilton to Eugene and ' Lela M. Emrick,' 1 lot in Franklin. Eugene and Ruth Snodgl'ass to .Dan and Goldie Salyers, 1 lot in Franklin.

in Franklin twP·

mina- with fresh vegetables, it', a temptation to buy all the gree" things i" sight. But, if limited to a few, do buy 'some fresh asparagus

. 'and 'pla" to serve Al paraJus Roll-Ups tor lunch or lupper. . This recipe favorite II asparagus spears wrapped in a tender ' golden pancake and topped · with a tanlY cheese nuce-a dish that fairly ·s ~outs the neamesl of summer! ' . ! Asparagus Roll-Ups are just the thing for a luncheon that needs to be special, without long hours of preparation.' The pancakes for \ his dish cart be stirred up in just a matter of minutes from a pancakl" re~dy-mix . Cook fre. b asparagus until ·tender. make a cheea. ' lBuce, and lunch i. ready. I • A.p.rapi Roll·Upl , .., I cup. pancake rtady.mlx , '.~""'" A V vn·t(i . 2'4 cup. milk ' .......,.. 1. Ju.a . add mUk to uneifted paneake mfx at one; and sUr ,Ightly. , 2. Pour '" cqp batter tor each pancake onto • hot, liC"btly !creased griddle. ' 3. Bake to. a colden bro~, turning only once. , t. Place ....r.J .~an of cooked fresb asparagus across center ,01 each baked pancake. Roll up. Serve imRlediately with cheel' aauce.. sprinkle with paprika. .. _ _ 1G~mi.h ~ith ••trip of pim.nto ____o. . _r_ __ _ .. ...0.-


- -

Estate of Jacob J . V'flndet'brink Sr., dec'd co ·adminis tratol's, fil ed to convert bonds to cash. Estate of Ida L. Pre tDn, d.~c'u, Ed ' P}'eston, administra Of, filed · . p-p icat iQn for tran £e1' (,f 'rca1 ' estate. . E tate 01 Jonn Hayner Van Riper, d€c'd, Eve)yn Van Riper, a dmini tratrix, fil d fii: t, final a nd distl'ibutlve account. E "tate of David Reich~l, dec'd. Edward G. R icbel, xecutor,' fer of real e tate. E tate of Winnie J. H.m, d-ec' d~ P earl H . Magee, administrah'ix, g}'OSS value estate, $9,338.35. Estate Of Bessie S. Dechant, dec'd, Charles B. Dechant, administrator, with annexed, gross value e tate, $3~,803.87.




4,000 children under 15 years old were kilied in automobile fl.ccide.n ts .in America in

1947. InnOcence i fa talif don't drive carefully!

We're experts at tracking down those squeaks your car!

We don't d.o it by guesswork-but 'with modern equipment and Sohio Lubri-Check'!-a scientific . . ch~k list covering the application of a dozen diftere~t types of lubricants-the way the car manufactUrer wants it done.

(ompl.t. lubrication only , ..





, 10 cen ts p er pound








~f//I; .

. I

















Phone &06-X 5 Mulberry St.


~M ,..".)«,



To Buy, Sell, Trade Rent,' Borrow, USE·


r/ ~=~


--- -- -

-- ~~ .


- - .....-.......-.-

Fulkerson Service . .

MOONL tlIGHTS"ARE RA INLES.J'• TH£ . S'7ONE ME"NS '~NO TeARS: , ~ , WEARING PEARL$O~MOON· . STONES I.$' SAID TO 'CONFER ...... ~(£ALTH"WEALTfi AND .,."':? . ~ ,.,ONGt/FE. . \ . '. .~ ... - -;:; ,c .... _ . _ _ . _ ._ .. _......

For sprIng ••,.,.'r.~_r.lII_ ,o f 'lour car - see 11$ , - --







REAL ESTATE FOR. SALE- ' SIX-ROOM Hous , large lot, with shrubbery. Third treet. Phone 2 724 . ~Earl Conner. - 6 10

SI' -ROOM H U E, large lot. Immed iate po e sian. E. J. Aufderheide, Harve sb~rK· -63 F OR ~AL E - 5 room house, electric, city waler, storm \! indow, large Jot. Loca~ed in Wa nesville. Price $4 500 .0 . Wilbur Sears, Phone 2651. Closed Sundays. . -520


AUTO MECHANICS PAINT & BODY MEN FRONT END & FRAME MEN Ab olu1 ely top wages for ' first cIa men. Go d workin g: conditi o n s~ new building, a~l new equipment, 44 hour week, & group insurance. Murra Lauterba h Auto Sales, 509 N. Broadway, Lebanon. Ohio.




Man Wanted to work on meat counter. Experience helpful but not necessary . .Call · at Stewart's Dot Food ' Market. MEN- An opportunity worth inve tigating. Men who have a mechanical background, able to meet the public, who like folks and folks like them. A car is necessary. Age limit 21-6.5. Call 9-10 A. M. 4-5 and 7-8 P. M. only. 130 N. PattersoJ).. Blvd., Dayton, , Ohio. Ask for Mr. Dilgard.

DON'T FORGET TO CALL us for Insurance. All types of Jnsurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone ' Waynesville 2472 or call collect. Wi1min~ton 21 t t. FOR RENT-

FURNISHED APARTMENT ~ with bath, hot and cold running water, electric range. Fallis F. Paine. -63

I SELL THE £ARnIIF YOU HAVE ANYTH ING in Real Estate for sale, get in touch with Ben E. Cline, licensed broker, Spring Valley, Oh io, in Real Estate Business since 191 t. Experience teUs. Try me and see:

BODY SHOP HELPER Young' Man with some automotive experience and mechanical aptitude interested in learnin2' auto paint .and body repair trade. Good wa~es while learning, regular increases and steady work, prefer veteran. Murray & tauterbach Auto Sales, 509 N. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio. .



Albert E state of

tu bbs, Adm ini trator of the en Ol'a 'Lee K irkp M ri c k, deceased, Plaintiff, v s. F'ra nces I{. Mer cer and John 'M-er cer, her husband, et al, , D e te,n d ants.


No. ~88

, . In f>ursuance o~ the order o! the Probate Court of W .at·r en County , Ohio, I w1Jl offer for sale at publlc auction on the 12tlb day of Jun e, 1948, at 2 :00 o'c lock, PM., on the premises the following d es ci'ibed real estate SltUlllted In the County ~f 'W/arren, 'State of Ohio, and ' i n incorporated ot Wayneev1l1e, aq" 0:1, tlie south s ide of !Mill Stree t,

there being ' no streelt number for said premises, and said premises are further located bet ween Main Street on. the west and W ater Street on the east, and said premises are most parUouliarly described as follows , to-wit: "Situated In the County of Warren, in tlhe State Of Ohio, and in t he Town of '~a.ynesvl.1le ' and bounded and described as follows; to-wit: Part 0 :( out-lot ~(). two (2) In the town of W1a.ynesv1l1e. Beginning BIt, a stake corner near a . ,brick bulldlng formerly usetl as a 'B la.cksmith $hop in the alley on the Une of Water S treet in said town. ThEluce with Elaid Bllley and binding thereon twelve Rnd ' /ne-balf (12%) poles to another alley. Thence wital the last mentioned alley and 'binding ,t'hereon, seventy (70') teet theJWe at right angles twelve and one-haU (12'i1) poles to Wla.ter Street; thence with saJd' str~~t seventy (70) teet to the 'beginning. Being the sam-e premises conveyed to Phebe A. MlraDd~ by ' Ellza 'M iranda by deed drutoed August 9, 1915, and' recorded in, Vol. 103, P~ge 678, .,of the Deed Records of Warren County, Oblo. An'll being the same premises conveyed by Phebe A. Miranda to Venora. L. KiI:kpatrlck by deed dated January 15, 1943, and recorded in Dm~d Record ·Vol. U6. at page 102. of the Deed RecorQs ot Warren County. Ohio. SaJd premises ue apprais-ed at the sum of Three Thousand six HundrEld ' ($3,600,00) DoJlars and must be sold for not Jess than two'thirds of said appraised value ,t hereof on the followl'ng te rms, to-wit: Cash. . ALBERT H. STUBBB. Admfnt'strator 'of tile E tate ot Ven.or'a Lee Kirkpatrick, deceased

.C. DONALD 'DILATtJSH, Attorney for Plaintiff.

Public Sale


PAGE ~ No. 4371 3, 1948

HAPPY HOUR CLUB The Hapr v HOllr Club wiil meet on Tue eta aft moon June 8, at the home: ot Mrs' Raym.0ll:d Wil on. . A .prograni of mUSilC ana rec ltatro'n ' will he Kiven ,b y the children. FRIENDSHIP CLUB The Friendship Club will meet on Wedn esday, June 9 and in tead of the usual ses: sion, - a luncheon -will be ,enjoyed in Wilm ington and some entertainment is bein~ plam4e.d for ' the afternoon. LOUDEN BARN


Mas,termade Quality Stalls and stanchions Litter Carriers Hay Carriers and Track . Steel Windows . Water Bowls Gutter Drains If plannin!!, to build or reo. model use Louden Mastermade Barn Equipme~t: . Get y.our free barn plan book at our store. Distributed locally by /'


WANTEDCUSTOM WOOD Sawin~, with chain saw. Elmer Surface, Clarksville. Phone 155. -617






John Deere F&rm Machinery LEBANON, OHIO . . PHONE 555 -610



Waynesville Route 1, Phone 2946. Waynesville, Ohio LARGE White enameled k\t- ' ' -624 chen cabinet" porcelain top, goOd condition. Earl Con- , NOTICE , ner, Phone 2724. -61 0 ' Property of Venora Lee Kirkpatrick, Deceased, located on , I regret that .. have to ~ 939 CH EVR OLET-Pic-kh-.-I-U.J.rPr--c::'ll=os=-=e~m~x~WrT:aynesvi11e ofMill St., . Waynesville, O~io . . Truck, faitley Hardware, fice. However, _I_ will , be , '--'-~--J.Jhone 2441. - itt' g a to take care of any . A~ H. Stubbs, Administrator C. Donald Dilatush, ~ttorney fOR SALE .' Sweet ,Potato of. my Waynesville pattplants, 60 cts. per hundred'; ents at my Franklin office,. Wilbur N. Sears:, Auctioneer an .kinds of garden plants, East Fourth St., Phone (See Legal, Desctiption Above) 1 u ct~. per dozen. CY:a~. C. Strouse 1Sh miles Or. T. p~ Grosvenor. n(l rth of WayneSVille cornel CARD OF 1lIANKS 0 1, 'vvaynesvllle" ferry, and PA1:RO'N IZ,E GAZETTE WANTED L . tie Roads. -624 .' Our sincere thanks and apADVERTISE,RS preciation are extended to reDEAD STOCK 11940 CHEVROLET - 5 pass- latives,', friends, ' neighbors for COWS-;-$10.00 enger, Coupe. Not a qent OI their kindness, sYmpathy, lovely HORSFS--48.00 scratch. Also new motor ,ex- floral bouquets, ' to Dr. Stout HOGS-$3.00 cwt, cellent condition. Dou~ Hen- and Mrs.- Prances-;Brannock for Ace..... ln. t~ 11-:", C.... ltl.n derson, Phone 2982, " their assistance durin,g- the passw.aynesville -6~ AI.o, AU SMALL STOCK ing of our husband and father, Robert SaKer to the Rev R. REMOVED PROMP11.Y . tT.WO-WHEEt Traller with­ PhOne .. . Coleman for his consoling tie ' racks One new b reo sermlon and ,the Stubbs Funeral XENIA WILMINGTON , Henry Fincl~,j Phone ,2 939. Home for their efficient serv, 1712 " 2362 ,FOR SArLE '- Sow ,and six pigs ice. Mrs. Ina Baker ready to wean. Everett L. . '. Mr. Robert Bak~r and f~mi1y. Sears, one mile \Vest of NORR'IS BROCK COMPA'NY Waynesville on Route 73. Cinoln"'ati Union nt'oc1c Vard. , Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hawke Phone 2242. -63 ,Live Wlr, and ~l"O!Ilre.elve. An sl?ent the week-end in EvansOrafll"Ization .eoond to none. Strl,o tly .eller. ~I' thr. but FOR SALE - Mira Music Box' ville, Indiana, the guest of their all around market n the . with number of playing discs. son Frank , Hawke and , family. country. i Mrs. Peterson, Friends Home Mrs: Winifred Hartsock and , SERVICE THAT SATISFIES WlHIO Dayton 12:50 E. S. '1'. Waynesville'. ~63 David accomp'anied them! and , Dial 13410. WL'9V ClDciDnatl will spend the summer until the 12: 40. Dial 700. ·'01' Our Dally FOR SALE ---, Havi1and China opening of, school. Market R,eporL Tea Service China Salad , plates, andl Cut glass dishes, I large cut glass vase. ' WE PAY FOR Mrs. PeterS<*l, Friends ' , · H.ome, Waynesville, PHONE·S . 00 00 HO~ES $'8~00; CO~S $1 ; HOGS $3. cwt. POULTRY FOR SAl F FOR SAI.E



without be better of the whole ~atem ... )' upset k IdneYI fail to function properly. Bumin\:,lcanty 01' too fruqucnt urination 10motlmM 'warnl that lometblnc II Wronl. You may lulrer nonlnl baoka che, beadachea, dlzzlnC!tll, rbeum.tle ....ains. lettfntr up at ollht-••"e1IIDI. .. Why not try DOG,,', Pille' You wtll 00 uaing a medielne recommended tbe country over. /)04,,', Itlmulate tho 'WletioD of the JddDql and help them to fluah ou~ pol8Oll0Ul wute ' froID the coDtala BotblDC harmfuL . today. U. with ooDftdence. ator. .


A"y _make or model

Fred _Kahn' ,M,otGr Car 'e o.


Start chicks now-bave earfy fryers--they will be in bl~ demand. DUNHAM WHITE ROCKS Phone Waynesville 2916 NOTICE OF APOLOGY . I wish to apologize to the graduating class on my apsence from the ,ommencemertt progrant, due ' to being detained in Dayton. _ A CERTAIN JUNIOR.





,: CA""· -7 - -

~ '.=- .




X E N.I A Fertilizer

. 4 ·5 4 .

E. G. ........ IDe.



Amlitage &Son

LEBANQN, OHIO 'J'SUEIIIIOIfU .WA'Dr88YII.q . . MOaaow . . . .


om. GIll




It "Says ..


Here By Smitt y

The, 'Miami 'GAZETTE


School Board Sets Budget Hearing or July 6; Inv.estment Being Studied I


i'he Wa n Township '- ' h 01 Boar j v ted Monday ni <Yht to hold it annual bud et hearing it the hi h school on Tue da evening, July 6, in· st ad of July S, becau e the , regular m~eting date is a legal , holiday. The board also planned to , se k id on 'investing $195 ,000 in 'inactive funds. consist .. ing of most of the $200 ,000 in bonds sold last winter for construction of a new grade school. The remainder of $5,. 000 ,wilt be' used for prelim.. inary arch itect's and surveyor's fees before construction starts., -It was agre~d to divide $2, 700 equally am ng the full·time teachers who comp le.ted the 1947 -48 Y ar of teaching. This is the unused part of some' . $25,0 00 allotted for the year's faculty salarie,s. Mrs. E. V. Barnhart was ap .. pointed a member of the Public Library Board. Her place on the 7-member board was formerly; held by A.T. POlinsky. ' The board gave .the local' American Legion post permiSsion t h ld it three-day July ' 4 celehra tion on the High school grounds.

The editorial mailbag re· SERV ING WAYN ESVIL ,LE SINCE 1850 MRS. KENNETH SHAFFER cently contained a news release No 4372 FIVE CENT S A COpy from the Oh io Development _ i . --:_ _ _---'-'_~-__:=:-:-:-== Mrs. Kenneth Shaffer, =_:::-~;_;;_:;-~:__:;;;;:; and Publici~ Comrn i§ion ' · WA,v.~N dau,~h ~E:S~V~ ter IL=L~E= of ¥r. ,~O~H_I and ~O~~ Mrs. _ _ Fr~d ~T_H_U ~R_S_D _A_y_, _J_U_N_E__10_,~1~~_8 which deserves attention in _.Hook died at her home m Waynesville. Sharo'n, , Pennsylvania, durin~ , It is not up to one citizen. to th past week and . funeral services were held at the Hoyne say the idea should be tned here. But it should be 'given , Funeral home on Monday, with burial in M~ami Cemetery. thorough conside ration, as a There is a ot-deep hole "shot In the arm" for a ' small ' in the yardssix-fo , of t~e Penn. town. The story follows: and evening MRS. CLARA M. WOOLARD sylvania railroad station across , Morning "Imitation, proverbially t.he t~om Madden's Lumbe,r y~rd services are again being he,ld as MrS. Clara Mary Woolard, sincerest torm of flattery, 10- because a concrete usual at the Waynesville 81 died Frida y -morning, June pavm g Job dicates the success of the "Ud· is beit;lg' done at Harveysburg, Church of Christ despite the 4 'at ,the home of her daughter, co" plan to develop new in- four miles away. lack of a pastor. Mac Coffey .a Mrs. Florence Hollin gsworth, dustry. That is what Clarence The hole was dug se 21·year-old student at Cincin- of Oregonia, ' Route 1. Montooth, secretary of the cement for the Caesar'sbecau nati Bible Seminary, conducted In addition to this daughter, Leipsic CommerciaL ClUb, told viaduct project arrived Creek Mrs. In a the services last SlJnday and is the Ohio Development and hopper car which must ~e un· expected to do so again next five Woolard is survived by Charles of Toledo, Publicity Commission which loaded from the bottom. T.h~re Sunday. Mr. Coffe y is a native Jame ssons an'd J ohn Of Norwood is making a study of .recent are no facilities here for ralsmg of Staunton, Va. Geor ge of Centerville, ana1 growth, of manufactunng in th e railroad car or tiltinj?: it, so Meanwhile the congrega:tiqn Arthur of Brade nton, 'Fla. She Ohio. the hole was dUll beSide the is 'continuing its efforts to tind also has 24 gra ndchildren and "Leipsic is a bustlin~' track an.d truck was a permanent full-time pastor. 18 great-grandchildren. center in Putnam CQunty,. wltl1 _ backed mtoa d/lmp the hole. T,.hen, The position was last held by R. Fu~eFal ~ services were held a population of 1525 . Lid~o with the top of the truck ~elow M·. Johnsto n of Nova Scotia, Monday afternoon .~he stands for '~Leipsic ' Industrtal thy bottom of the hO~P,~ 1 c_t:' who left last month on com- Waynesville Church of inChrts t. De velop~ent Compa!"y,.',' ~h~ it was easy to un o~d t , e pleting his post-graduate , work Rev. Robert Vanzile, a f~rmer corporahon that LeipSIC Cltt- cement. at the Cincinnati seminary. 'He pastor of the church, return~d ' . zens organized to build a factThe De Salvo ~!1stru~bC!n was usually in Waynesville from his pres!nt charge In ory building, which is leased' to Com,pany of , Cm,cm dnly on . wee~ - ends , and' ~or Georgeto\vn, (nd. ,t.o officia~e In the Westing-house Electric Cor- charge of. the pavingn~11, Wedn esday :ntght meetm gs. ' at the funeral. BUrial was 10 Jobb, on po ration. . Westinghouse em- ' State Route 73 at H.arveys The interi or of the churc h is Miami Cemetery. ~rgt being redec ploys about 150 residents of dug the hole. It Will be f!llea orated, with m~m'. _ th is town'. The factory makes in whenever t~e " ast carl~ad ot bers donating some workmg FREDERICK GULLADY cores for the Lima motor plant. cement is recelv:ed accordmg to time. White \vallboard blocks . ' , "Capital raised by Lidco and its ~gree l!lent With .the Pennsyl- has been placed on.. the ceiling Predenck Gu)Jady, a, 77local 'labor produced a modern vama Railroad, wQlch owns the · to replace dingy \vallpaper year.<?ld veteran of the,Spamshwhich had interfered with the Amencan Wa,r, died .Tues?av at building ot 20 000 square feet. land. . indire d lighting system. The the , veterans . hospital In the Under fhe tefms ot the 'lease~ , ' A:fter that, e who walls, are now gettin,g attentio'n. ' SoldIers' Home, Dayton. H,e had ' rent' is guarantee(1 for five wants to unl<?aa anyon .another ho~­ , . years. If at a,ny ~tiffle nranufact-, ' per car can dig hiS _ be n ill tht . , weeks WIth . a· own hole. • ~ t~ · .. heart condition. u'ring changes should cause a . COOTS TOWD PostpoDeS loss of the industry t~e .town WAYN He was tormerly a farmer in ~VILLE S would still have ,the bUilding. the Waynesville area an~ ,1ive.d ARE CAMPOREE WINNERS Hous e here untit he 'went to VISit IllS , "Publicity on the Li~ico plan The air a~:e ended abruptly Boy Sco~t Troop 40 of SQD Edwa rd, itl Wi,nc hester , Ky., --li:H:f::l,I+9'IRt--'1'e1Etttt~~r-1oLinfor,!la- Waynesville was the only last' ek for':EmeLon tewart The WaynesvII-e---,'....-o:-w-n~ about two months ago: Other of h tion fro,In ot~,e'r commumtle,s. with 1 00 p~r cent attendtroop ar Wa nesville. ance Council at a joint meeting on survivors are four daughte!s, TWQ nel~hborlng towns, Desh- at the camporee of the Stewart had been fl ying' his ' d Monday with the Village reus- Mrs. Ellen Tracy of near Xema, ler ih Henry County and Ger:t 0a Builders Area , CouncilMoun 65-fto rsepo\ver cabin plane to tees discus sed probl ems create d ' Mrs. Della tansb erry, Mrs in Ottawa County were ~o .Im weekend at the-Duermit-Wetlast his i0b by at the Frig-idaire ·plant . purch ase of the new fire Irene Osborn and Mrs. Frances , zel ,truck pressed that they org~ntze d in Dayto n every day. Bu now . It was decide L b d to postTh Ea o-le Sharpe, all of Waynesville; a their own industrial develop- .farm near e anon. he can e f again pone ~ the he seen driving rebuil ding of the fire sister, Mrs. Noah Armstron.p: of ment companies. Both Deshle.r and ~o)f thr pat~ols ug-h town hall . ro?1 in until hi Mod I A, the new engin e arNew Richmo,n j, 14 grand- whic11 qnd Genoa have built new rac- Wayn eSV ille :t<?~k ftr t. place. m rives. Action w'a show no signs' s taken of r utprovid childr en, and 8 OTeat·gnm j. tor Y. buildings, and e~ch buil,d · the . compebt.lOn , 1I1volvmg ing 'for ,insurance in !!, wing . coveri nK both childr en. ing now contains an industry." camplllg, cookm 0', a~d Scout- the truck and the vVhen he \\;a c0mmutj ng by " (vices witl be held at 2 . ,craft games. The affair was at- fire force. air it t ok tewart 1.,. t 14 ' P. M. tomorl'OW at the McCI~re A wort·hwhile local project. is tended by 169 Scouts and A permit- was granted to funeral · e, follow minut es to g'et frnm hi fi ld 'ed by Illl eing ta~en to th~ people @f Scou,ters from Warre~ and ~ast. Mts. Susan Scanlon for the south of Waynesville to an ll1 r tenne nt in Miam i C metery . ..... \VaynesYllle for assistance. The ern Butler County. construction at -a cost of $500 0 fi ld across .th e road from the American ' Legion J.unior baseof ~ concrete blo(:k building Mora ine CLty plant of Frigiball team, no enrolled in a ~ix­ on South Main Stree t at ' the ' dair . H ~ u ed two ' gall ns' of ~~~~mmrtv~wu~~~ng' form~r 'Site of the Idle Hour ga a da, and 11ad les walking" a good job ~eeping flearly a Restaurant. . ~o do: th an, when he used a car. score of 'teen-agers busy ~t , He tIed hi plane to ' a fence Mr. 'and Mrs. Ed ~ane something- construc;tive, but It Laguna Beach, Calif. z of EDITOR TO ARPEAR , ' f or the day, ' ju t as if it were , anThe Rev, R. B. Col,eman was a horse. needs .uniforms. nounce the birth of a 9 lb. 13 ON RADIO PROGRAM ' reappointed as pas~or <.>f the , But when he landed , last A number of local business. o~. baby ,g-irl May, ~ 7. Her Wayn esville Methodist Church . ing committee of hi,Khway paCarl ,G. Sm,ith, editor of th~ men will ' sponsor the u!1ifQrm name is Anita Chrlstme., for an.oth er year, at the recent trolmen to inform .him tRat , Miami Gazette, will be the of one bo.V. They will be spotted Mrs. Chanez before her speak confe rence in Columbu.s. by their nanw on the back of lIliarri er neighbors were complaining of nex~ Sunda y afternoon age . wa:s a for~er The Rev. Clare nce on Wam the 'shirt. ' '''The sley Count his low flying around the plant. ry, Editer" pro, '. Waynesville girt, Mary ,LOUise , But Robert O'Regan, coach Zimmerman, ,daughter of Mr. gram" broadcast by ,Station was transferred to Goshen, He explamed tha~ he hac!' careWRFD in WorthiQ-gton at 3 P. Ohio from the Harveysburg- fully followed Vllr ' tr.afflc , ~nd 'af the team! pointed out that and Mrs: L. A. Zim'n1erma,n. I 'B rlington·Shal'on charge. safety rules, and C::AA mveshga .. :gifts for thiS purpose do not M. each Sunday. The suburb~n Nilew u. R tors found that thiS was true. ' have to be en04gh to p,ay f9r Columbus station set 1his 15- He is bemg succe ed~d by a eY'. Despite the fact that he is legala, whole suit. Abo y, can play minut~ peri~d aside last fall to Arthur, formerly of ~eesburg. . Iy, in .the, clear, Stewart has gone 'just as well bl ~ uniform bot:lght give the rural slant on news of A former WayneSVille past- back to c;omm\utin{1' in a car by 15 gif~s of • t ea~h as he can the week, and some 27 editors or Rev. John V. Lacy, was pool. His-employers like it b~tter 'in a suit bought entirely by one of Ohio weeklies have appeare~ as~igned , to Calvary Church in t~at way, and .his own attitude person. ' Anyone who gives a on Middletown. He served the is ' "I'm not gomg around look. ,the program since then. smal(arnount may find that. he 101cal, church for three years. ing for troubt.e. " bas bought the steeve that enANNU AL INSP ECTI ON cased the. ~rm th~t. threw the MlAMI .,~, o. E. s. spectacular ~h'row that ,put out OF TRACKS IS HELD , WILL MEET MONDAY . SIX BOYS Ii: I, (iEND the opposing runner, at home · " . T'he annual , inspection of place ,and save,d th~ ball ·game; Miami ' Chapter 107, Order ·F. F. A~ CONVENTION rails and switches of the Penn. If enou~h ,small gifts ar~ re.. sylvania Railroad in thi,s district of 'Eastern star, Donald Lukens, Lee 0' meet in ceived 0 Regan .says, he may was held Wednesday, June 2, 'regular session «?n Mond,ay eve- ' B~nion, Carl. Coppock, Dwight 'sew on S011U! shirts: "AnonyStation Master Jozef McCoy ning, eight o'clock, June t..4. Michener, Allie ' Carte r and mous ~enors", I nc" • disclQse~ •. The tracks through The Chap ter obsc:r ve{t a Charl speCia es l Hamm er together with Waynesvtlle were' found to be "Go to Church" $l;lndav and' Advisor J.B. Crabbe attended Last year, 2, 600 ~e~sons , in good condition. q\;tit~ a group 'were' guests af the wer~ kil~ , and 96,00 0 Injured annual convention of th, e Friends' Churcft, also sev- Future Farmers of America and . . . YO_ 8iJU'L 1JI Ii " in Ui S. tr~~c accidents as a DIiro - q1JlDK. UAD Y 0 _ er' 1 other Church~s were at- judging contesf at 'Colum result of dravmgJ)n the wron~ bus side of the roaC.1. Drive fight. ..... . '1'BB C".IS U'IDJ ADIIlast Friday and Saturday.

Tru ck "Bu rie d" To Un loa d Ca r

Cincinnati Student Fals Vacant Pulpit


Fly-iog 'Commuter eli;'s Own' Wings, Takes to Model A

Council Rebuilding' of Fire

0. :


/Ji,.IL ,

To Method.·s·t Church Here '




T·BSTABLJ8BED he Miami Gazette!860 ,

, Publil!hed Every Tl,ursday At WaynesvilW, bhio . CARL G. S.MITfi, !Ed.itor

Mr. and Mr. Everett Ertrly att n de~i a Gril in . D ak r<:: CI )r~tered as second clas. matter at the Post Office veptiol' ! in i=olumbu . Thur d:1V SUBSCRIPTION RATE ' an Frida. $1-.50 a Year in, Advanc~ Mr . Crau i ia Corn ell of near Ferr pent Sunda.y afternoon with Mr . Nettie Emrick Mrs. Margaret J ohns and Paul Johns ' were Friday even• (To have evenfs-liste4 in this caleQdar; notify The Miami Gazette in~ dinner guests of Mrs. Effie , , Surface near Lebanon. before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winks and family spent SundCllY with rela, . " . FRIDAY, JUNE 11 ' . • tives at ' Troy. Woman s Auxiliary, St. Ma.ry' - Church, at the home of Mrs. Helen Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Buntet J Hawke, 2 P. M. attended the Wa yne Council . ' Advisory Group, NO.2, at the . SATU~DAY, JUNE 12 home of Mr. and Mrs Morris Haryeysburg Communi,ty Helper'::; I e Cre,am Social: CQrnell in Oakwood Wecines. da.v evening. . SUNDAY; JUNE 13 , 1~0buy Kenrick :l !tended Buy Go to Church! . ~cout Camp ne? r I.ebanon Legion Junior baseball, Wayn sville at Be llbrook, 2 :30 P. M. tl~t' w~ekend. ' . Mrs., ElSie Turner and M r. . MONDAY, JUNE 14 and Mrs. Melden of Dayton ' Miami Chapter, O. E. S., 8 P. M. were Sunday afternoon ~ucsts Methodist County Men 's Brotherhood at Morrow, 7 P. M. of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones . Boy cout Troop 40 at 7 :15 P. M. . Mr. and Mrs. ·Harold \VhitWa llesville Farmer Exchange director' meeting. ake~ and WOe daught~r attended WaynesviIl Am rican Legion, . 8 P. M. J dmner ' ~arty Sunday e,,'cning Softball, Kjer's vs. Fairl~y's, 8 P. M. at the home of M.r. and Mrs. F,holil::s BUllnell l1t~ar · \rVa.Vllt~ . '. TUESD~Y, JUNE 15 , \ '''. Rainb " Advi or.y.•Cour:tcil No. 19. Miss' Norma Lon~a'cre i able ~o be out again after a serious WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 I)]ness. She resumed her dtlties Softball, Miller's vs. Spring Valley, 8 P. M. . at Waynesville National Bank Monday. , . TlfURSDAY, JUNE 17 . Clarence Smith is now stayMe thodist W. S. C. . at Glenn' Borden home. m,g- at the home of his soh and Wayne Sew- 0 4-H Club at Klontz home,' 1 P. M. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Allen m.ith Safety De~p nstration., L~banon H. S., 12 :30 to 5 :30 P. M. and daughters in Dayton. oftbalI, Legion vs. Bellbrook, 8 P. M. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry wartz of , . Lebanon calle j a t the home Mr. . and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Thurs, day evening. . Mr. . H. Burnet wa taken to. Good . amadtan Hospital Fnday evenmg an j will uniergo an operation thi: week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burne.t , entertaiIl,ed to six o'clock Monday, Mr. ,and Mrs. MorUTICA E. U. B. CHURCH r!s Cornell of.Dayton, Mrs. NetREV. WILLIAM SHANNON . tie Emrick an.d Mr. and Mrs. Sunday School 9 :30 a~m. . Walter Kenrick. ' Mrs. James Garrison Supt ~-Mr. and Mrs. Charles-BunneIt ~reaching. 1st and 3rd Sundays and -daught rs visi'ted Mr. and _ METHODIST CHURCH ea~h month f 0 :30 ~ ,m. Mrs. Howard Williams in ColR. B. Colema·n, .Minister Evenm~ Sef.\ijt.~ 7:30 p. M. umbus. While there they visited the State Capit ol, State Peni~ Church school . ':30 a. , m. 'te. nti~ry and the Columbus Zoo. J. J. Burske, Supt. . Mllton,J0nes and: Miss Norma Worship Service 10:30 a.m Pummill in company with Mr. FRIE~DS AGAIN. PLAN youth Fellowship and Mrs.' Don Gahris of ' Sund~y" 7:3<; p. m. VACATION RELIGIOUS Waynesvill attended the BacSCHOOL FO~' CHILDREN cal~urat~ Service at Wittenbur~ ST. MARY-'S EPISCOPAL .Vacatj~n Ret'igiou ' School SAMUEL N. K~YS, Mjnlst... Will 'agam be held . at , the . Holy Communi.on 10':30 a. m. Friends meeting house' July 6 Rev • .,. Hollister Lynch in charge ·throug-h 10 for all 'children in ' the com~nity from 4 to 12 years old. Hours will be from FRIENDS ,. first Day School 9 :30, liA.m. ~ :30 to 1 f :30 A. ' M. The sub..,.. " I~C.t for ·the, week wit be "The :-:........:::...:.....!..:-------.B:~!!!!U r Wor~hip . Life of PauL" , . 10:30 a.m. . Directing the sch(:)ol will be . .~ Richard, field ' secre .. ST. AUGUSTINE tary for Indlana land l1linois Father Krumholb, ~ Pried ' Yearly Meetings of Friends. A- " -Masses . 8 and 10 A. ·M. mong ' the ·teachers wlll be Wilberta Eastman, his wife, and WAYNESVIIJ.E Nancy Tayl.or, graduate of CHURCH OF CHRIST · . ~heat c.n Col1e~e with a major . Mac Coffey preaching ' III musIc. Other 'teachets B:. School 9 :30 a.m . . Communion ' l 0 :30 a.m. be added later. Parents are requeSted to FERRY aru'iCii of CHRIST 'send children in play clothes. Byron Carver, Minister Each child is asked to brhlg . Bible School 9 :30 a.m. 25 cents for. refreshments. ' ff . ,.Morning Worship to :30 a m. .tra'1sportatio~ . Is needed please . , 7 '00 p·m ' notify one of the following': . Prayer Meetin~ Youn~ People's M~eting' • • ,Mrs. Lawrence Furnas, Miss . 7 :00' p.m ' . Eula Hoak, Mrs. Robert Chap7 :30 pm: man, Mr. Paul Tom'linson, and Evening Services _ . Mrs. Raymond Braddockl CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS 0 . .REV. DAVIO 6TANFIELD, Mlnl.t.r n Friday, JUJy_ 9 a picnic W rsh' S . will be-held at Wayne Park o Ip ervlce 9 :45 a. m. at 7 P. -M. Everyone, 1'-" l·nvl·ted'. Sunday School f 0 :45" 3 m. _ On Sunday morning~ a fina1


Coming Up





THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE ~ College, Springfield, ~nda y W fAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. ' 4372 evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warren How- TI1URSDAY, . J UN E 10, 1948 I~n i , ~ Hi ~ ) 11 De an f ,Loui vl}l e, Kv., I ent the week-end PI III ....a.IING 111''''''''1 I ; ~Ith Mr. and.,. Mrs. I, Il~ o mas and daughter, Bett. ~ L . Al h~ rt a r ~ nn () k and Wilbarn RIckey of Vva nesvill e were (\Iso aturda - evenin gguests. ' , . ' 1* .• I~' Mr ..and Mr. Therle Jane • .... RWICIICO were dmner guests . of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin . Null and ' family !1ea~ Centerville Sunday. even- KITCHEN KOOKERS IDg. ' 4-H MEETING HELD Mrs. William Kirb y of LenLytle Kitchen ·Kookers nox, Mass., spent }.ast week Mr ' 4-HTheClub met Wednesday, and Mrs. Harvey Burnet and June 2, at Margie Ross' home Mr. a'nd Mrs. 'Harold Whitaker ' with Mrs. Charles Bunnell and ' and children. On Thursday Mr. Mar~ie Ross in· charge · and and Mrs. Burnet accompanied Burnett presiding. Mrs. Ktrbey to Cincinnati where Charlotte There were' ten members they. visited Miss Laura Ros- presenf A new member is Janet n~gle, the dean at General Hos- Michener. The leaders passed pltat. . out project books and gave inMrs. Margaret Johns and formation on how to fill them Paul Johns visited Warren out. RefreshmentS Thomas at his home on Social and g-ames ,enjoyed.were served Row. Saturday afternoon, Mr. Roberta Bunn~I was a T~o~as had just returned from guest. " Miami Valley Hospital where The next m' eeting- will be he ~as quite ill with jaundice. at Mrs. ' Charles ' Bunnell' He I slowly recovering but still . hom,e Wednesday, June 16 at bedfast. 7:3 P. M. Mr." and, Mrs. Vernon Pursley ~nd s~ms entertained to a famMrs. Orvill Gray Ily dmner . Sunday evenin,2' in andMr.Mr.and and Mrs. William honor of the birthday of her Sawyer attended a famH j' father, A. D. Smith. dinner in Franklin on Sunday, ~~rs. Lu!u Githens of Day- h:onorin~ the' birthday annivers, to.n IS makmg- an extend d vi it bf Mrs. At C. Bowm'an. M'rs. "lth her son and wife, Mr. and : ary B return d h me with Mrs. Everett Githens on the her daughter, Mr . Gr,a , for a h~m pIa e near Lyt,le . . Mrs. Githens spent Friday eveningvisit. with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ken- short Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Earnhart rick. spent the we ek n \ ith their Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet son, Char!e B. Earnha'rt spent Sunday with cousins at a and Mr.fami! in Tr tw od. c vered di 11 dinner at the home A fami) picnic wa nj yed on of Mr. and Mrs. Os ar Wade on . Saturqay evening, with fi hing Yankee Street. at Fort lorami e on ~ un iay. ' Milton Jones played the ,trumpet on the Michael Haner . Mrs. William. Kirby of LeT'! .. progra~ at Islalid Park, DayMass. was a ha ll eg-uest of ton, on Wednesday eveninO',' )lOX, her .aunt, Mr . H. E. Hathaw ay Miss Frances Whita'ker accon~panied him on the ·piano. His duting the past week. parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. rJ'herle ne, al 0 attended the conAUCTIONEERING cert. . , Mr. a~d Mrs. Earl Young-, Mrs. Emma Lacy, Mr. and Mrs. STANLEY d KOOGLE Charles Bunnell and daughters; an R Eveanna. and R herta, Janet BROKERS LICENSE and Judy Saylor, Mr. and Mrs. For Datea;. Phone 2894. Wavne.~ill •• B. J. Gotlotti, Mr. and Mrs. OhiO. Rever•• Charqes ~obert Yo.unF: and Bobby, enJoyed .a plcmc supper at Eastwoo~ Park, Dayton on Sunday evenmg.



-a•..,Garden Hose ,

' .



program will be given ' a~ the Friends. M~ting House at f 0 Sunday School 9 :30 a.lD. A. M. Illustrating the methods , B. A. Earnhart, Supl and sub,' ~ct .matter of the work Worship Service 10:30 a.m. '· accomp Ished during the week. Svenlne Service 7 :30 p.m. Everyone will be welcome. \ .


sa"'" ... _,



Same Deliv.ery ..Day Each Week


Phone 21

Frank Sihc,.





Representing .

MT. HOlLY METHODIST 'r. M. ICARPtr,. Mlnleter



Weetbeimer & Compaa, Members New York Stock' . Exchan~es and other registered t:xchanges

lav....... Tnat . , . . Bought - Sold - , Quoted Phone Wa,...vilIe 2130 Dartoa AD3217


~, ,



after it CincinnatI premIere (at Glenn Fea,ley, Mis Faye KeJ1 y, Mr. and Mr_. Pau l Mau rie Keith s n \\ ). ( In that 'vell1, all of Harv ev burg- and Mlr ," and on are mov in g to B 1m nt "Th Re turn of Rin Tin Tin," Eva Getlro of Qa t n, attend- . vi t I: , 1~L1rLhas d a ne,w al a current now in th e big Cd a dinner' undllY_ at th e hom h .. 't ' R v. Bro mfi el j and the hoir of Mr. and Mr . Lauren Feal - I~~'~'~.~~. tow n, i- due at our tbea tre Jun e ~.=:==~ 2 )th. unday. i Fla,g- Da~ , an:l f the A. M. E. Church of Day- e in Wa n'e vill . Mr, B 11~ \.\;alter 'CaJd1l1al an _ family , th Twin ha cho en a ti mel'v ton presented pe iaJ ervice , ' FYaley re ently ,celebrate'd he,r • f ,~J ut _, let,t I , ,m ot r .~n un da y afternoon and , vening 90th 'birth iay. hort wi th th e program, II onR ~ :1 l~ : ' (I t ' ll) n,I;X,! . ArI Z., of ih Nation", a special ded- at' he Harve. I ur,~ A. M. E. Rev. J. P: Thornl1erry (Y av.e to take ul jel:lp'~~~if 1 ~:~gence i 'lted to OUI' country flag, Church. an interest in~ ,account to hIS due to Mr . •Ca:rdl fllmlth. congregation n Slinda morn\\ orld New (WB) aI- preMr. CI~lY Ma tel' of Alpha wa Th \"1. . ;~ili [ lleet sent. a unday afternoon call er on his ing of the N~rt h,e rn B:,pti t by In 'direc t contrast to bi~on Emerson and Mrs. Ma ters. Conference, whlch he and Mr . f01: th r gul ar Jtlne- ~ee~ing, ca le pectacles com es ' '4 Roll Mrs. Gordan , Munsen of Day- Thornburv aHended ' la t w, k, June 17 at the, home f M,rs. FOX HOLLY Glenn B'ord~n,.,.with Mrs. ,Har~ .. ,. . . , ing- Home ' (Screen Guild, Inc.) ton \Va a unday ~'uest of her in , waukee., old Sh'utts, Mrs. Ropert Baker, , I'K c.y to .the Le~end " i ~ the one night only, Tuesday. Heres parent, Mr. and Mrs. John tI tle f Chapter 2 'in Republic's a honey and captivatin,g- littl e Simpson. The Bimonthly meetin g f Mr. Orv ill e Gray and Mr. Serial "Danger of th e Cana- smaJ!town st'O ry of stout heart, Prof. and Mrs. H ~ C. Milligan the Warren Count y M e th od i ~ t .Glades Davis a~ co- h Qst~sse . dian Mounted", at the Twin church spires pOinting the way , attended the Alumni reunion of Men Bro'therhood will be held Mrs. Walte rWhita.k6r WIlt be next Sa t.urday, and right here to God, of a horse wh had the Willl1in,~ton Col1ege, :whi~h was at Morrow June 14 th. Dinner in c~l a.rge of .the program to be we· want to stop and give the heart to win but not the l e~s, held Thursday evenmg In the will be erved at 7 p.m. Tickets ?:~ven , by the children. key to the legend oft he num- o,f a town whe re ble sings be- Kath arin e Denver Memorial may be purchased at the door. The .·, Harveys{JUFg Communihers on the Canadi an Mounties fore meals brought many bl ess- Hall. ' Prof. Milligan is al mem- Guest ,speaker will be Rev. t Helper.5. GJ~b will have. a ' Club Cards, given ut last week. ings after, of children, and of ber of, the graduatin,g- class of of Ott rbei n Alvin Myrice home-m' acte. ,ice cream SOCIal, Each wl'e k, in the Miami Ga- animals. Jean Parker is ,cast as 1923, which is celet ratin,g- it Home. aturday, :,),(lDe 12, 1948, at zette and in th e Western Star an unpleasant, proud, widow 25th anniversary. ' Robert P. Tucker Pres- the sc ho o~ house. will be printed a lucky number. whose hash the town eWes. A M il'S. Virginia Tucker Parke of ident of the group. Ev ryone is invited.,to come. If this numbe r corre~ponds with trotting race climaxes the pic- Cincinnati, 'daughter of M,,' and the number on your club card, ture. Two cartoons accompany Mrs. 'H. S. TUCKer of the vilI this feature. ' al yo u have to do is present A rei'ssue .in beautl'ful ' color lage, was featured soloist. Fri~ . ~ . ': ;.. . . . da y evening at th e- Annual your card at the box-office and co ll ect a prize. In addition, ·com,.es to th e creen next Thurs- Alpha Phi Kappa Alumni meete v~ry Saturday ni ght for 'the day and Friday. It , is "Valley ing ' held at "Twin Maples" at duration of the se rial, a prize of the Giants" (WI3), a drama Wilmington College. Mrs. Parke will be AVo, arcied lh e luck y card of the CaJ.jfornia Redwood and her two sisters, Miss EYalyn coun (ry. Wayne Morri nlavs Tucker and Mrs. Vivian WilhoI jer IN THE AUDIENCE. Thus v.() u have two way to an heir to ~ar,ge forestry inter- Iiams, are all members of this win I rize through yo ur -Cana-- est, and Claire Trevor is cast' sorority. Mrs. Parke, who is dian Mounties Club Ca rli , . n as ho tess of a gambling estab- widely recognized for her hold onto your ca rd. Prizes will lishment. Frank McHu,gh hand- coloratura soprano voice, offervar y ,from passes to the theatre les the comedy, Charles Bick- ed liTo a Wild Rose." (Mac Data merchandi e ~ifts or c~ h fI- ford the villainy and Ameri Hale we))); "Carmena," (W'ilson}; wards. Th ese prIzes are in ad- is priceless as ~ PaUl Bunyan and "Yours Is My Head A'lone '. liiti n to the fact that yo ur Lumberman., On the same pro- The accompanist was Mrs. Milcard, punched every 'Saturday ~ram is a short' '4 Kiddie Kon- dred Brackney WriO'ht. fo r 1 t weeks, gives you the cert." Mr. Gerald Painel"t returned to final episode in the serial free A vote of confidence to the 'his home here Saturday from f charge at a special matin ~e gentleman who voluntarily re- Peoria, 111., where he spent sevSaturday afternoon" Aug. 21. moved his small Son from the era} days visiting his family. The W. C. T. U. met ThursThere ' GOLD in them Ula r audience. 'when that small son Canadian Rockies Pall refused to sit still and be quiet. day at the home of MiTs. G. M. We don't do it by gu~sswOrlc-~ut With moder~ . . , . .. Jim Bannon, who plays Cap- No one wants to ask a patron' Mac Donald. equipm~nt and Sohio Lubri-Check-a Scientific tain Chris Royal in the serial, to Jeave. Yet sometimes 'it may 'Mrs. Alice Urton, who has is a college graduate from Mis- be necessary, if that patron has been the house guest of her , _ chec~ list covering the application 1:, :'..,. -ouri who, by the mere chance no sense of good taste and fair bro'ther, Mr. Will , Drake, and of a dozen diftere'nt types of lubricants-the of a football injury, became a ' Pl toward the rest of, t,he Mrs. Drake at Blanchester, resports announcer Instead of a, au lence. turned to her home in the vilway the car tnall:ufacturer wants it done. 'professional athlete. A natural lage Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde, \'ep for this good-Iookinp' chap . Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert was frOl11radio announcing to Ashworth of Osbo.m and Mr. and Mrs. Laura Shidaker a acting, ,Bannon still keeps his ' and Mrs. C, E. Ed.mgton .were ed funeral servi.ces for Mr. IEarl voice on the airways by an ,Wednesday evenmg dl~ner Swain at the McClure Funera'l occasional show and bv alwavs , guests Of , Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Home, Thursday afternoon. ' announc'ing Walter Winchell's Fulkerson. ~Mrs. Bene 'Fealey, her son shows when the 'latter broad- -~:;:ii-iiiii;----:---;:iiiiii!!!!!!!!!--------cast·s from Hollywood. ' Briefviews: liThe Macomber Affair" (UA), w.ith Gre~ory , Peck and Joan Bennett, finishes Friday night. Saturday night only. "Rose of Santa Rosa'" (Co I) will delight lovers. of action and good tunes, ThiS new ------------------~------------~--------~ _ ==r LUCKY NUMBER: 85. CLAIM AWARD .~ ..~_~ outdoor Mexican musical 'b1ends ~ BOX O~ICE ,BY PRESENTING r.iotous comedy, melodies old CANADIAN MOUNTIE' CLUB CARD. and new, romance,' and a fastrrZi Jl1 o vin~ story.- -:-fltose' - zany comedian-musicians, the Ho-, SPECIAL PRIZE EACH SATURDAY FOR 'DURATION, osier Hot Shots, head a good OF SERIAL TO LUCKY ~D HOLD~ IN, AUD.ENCE. cast. ) Looks like, hands-across-~he­ border time at the theatre~ for , THURS.-FRI. , SUN.-MON. car.-see II Adventures of Casanova" MACOMBER Aldventure and Romance in ' (E-L), the' Sunday and Monday AFFAIR' , .... . ..- -~ . feature uses Chapu1tepec ADVENTURES OF Castle' once the Mexican abode G.Peck J. ' Bennett. . CASANOVA of ill-fated Emperor Maximm~n PLUS: , and Empress ' Carlotta, as Its SO~G OF A NATION background. This costume r~-, ' SAT.~NLY 'm'ance starring , *turo de (De9ica ted to Flag Day) Cordo~a, Lucille Brem:er, and . -) Turhan, Bey, is a sp~cta~le of I ~ daredeviltry and , berolsm m the Jate 18th ' Cen~ury ' in Sicily~ ChapuJtepec Castle and grounds r'" now a national museum ,of Mexico, were chosen._for loc~­ tion sin.ce the ar.c~Jtect.ure , IS , CHAPTER tvpicaJ of , constructIon m ' the dCasanova" 'period. E,agle-Lion AND Studio is ' to be commended on ROSE OF SANTA ROSA Jetting the Twin r~!1 "~dven­ tures ' of Casanoya , .. directly



- -=.

T~IN '


c.:' .


We're experts _~t JPtzcfing J.own; those squea~s.: '~iJ: _" ~

]OU,r car! .:".






-' For spring lubrication of 'jo", us '


----- _-

, ' .

Fulkerson Service

~~~'ldllt1~. . • . .I , SONIO ' ,del ,' .



To ,,Buy, Sell, Trade "Rent, Borrow, USE·



. global assistance, contained in the bill, must ttln f or fifteen month s instea d of twelve month s , as previously ,provided. These two action s mean an overall cut of about -twent y-five per ,cent in the foreig n aid prog~ram as origin ally author ized by' Congr ess.


'W ith a Bu ck ey e In: Co ng res s•••, , If a.AU NCS J. . . ,. .

II~ .. C-Pilel o! ftIt, . . . DI ....

It was definit ely decided week by the Joint House -Senat e Steeri ng Committee t hat every endeavo r will be made to complete .the legisla tive pro'gram of, this session of t he 80th Congress by June 19th. Wheth er adjour nment on that date will be sine die ot take the,fo rm of sort of a recess under a resolution which would permi t the Speak er of 'the House and the Presid ent Pro:te m of the Senate , as well as the Presid ent, to call Congress back into session, has not yet been decided. • ... • A numbe r of pendin g bills of a cont rovers ial natnre SEem to be doomed if Congr ess ' adjour ns Eln June 19th, as planned. One is the Feder al Aid , to Educa tion Bill. Other s will include measu res to increase minimum wages , to clarify the Gener al Revenue Act, to ,establ ish home rule in the Distri ct of Columbia, to subsidize increa sed produc tion of scarce minera ls, and to establ isb a new Feder al Agricu ltural progra m. While the Feder al Housi ng Ad will be extended to continue F . H. A. 'loans , vetera ns priorit ies, etc., the public housin g featur es of t he p~nding bill are expect ed to be elimin ated. Wheth er the bill to elimin ate Feqer al taxes on oleom argari ne win the Senate in an amend ed form before adjornment seems questi onable . , • •.• 'nhe House last week passed an appro priatio n bill for 'each: day it was in session. 'The most 'impor tant appro priatio ns we.l"e those for nation al -deten se and for foreig n aid under the Marsh all Plan. Nation al defens e appro priatio ns last week totale d nearly ten 'billion one hundr ed and n'inety -seven million dol'1&r8, of which six billion five hundr ed and ten million were for the Army Air Forces , and the balanc e for the 'Navy. Severa l weeks ago Congr ess approv ed an appro priatio n of -three billion two hundr ed million dollar s for aircra ft procur ement , 'bring ing 'the t~tal nation al defens e appro priatio ns for the fiscal Yes.r up to ,the thirtee n billion four hundr ed' 'million dollar mark. Th~ House reduced the Marsh all Plan 10reig n aid approp riation 'by five hundr ed fifty-t hree million dolla rs-or seven ~nd one-ha lf per. cent below the total amoun t authorized-.---and 'extend ed the ' period of time over wjli~h the remai ning five bil-' ~on nine hundr ed and eigh~1-one million dollar s for



As this column is being writte n the Senate is' endeavoring to get aroun d to voting Ol!l, a draft bill which would author ize peace time cOllscription, for a five year period " of young men betwe en ninete en and twenty -five years pf ag~ into the Arrne d Forces for two years of sel'vice, permi t eighte en year olds to enlist for one year of trainin g, and requir e both group s to serve in the Nation al Guard or Reserv e units for severa l years after ' being, discha rged from active duty. South ern memb ers of the &nate are suppo rting, ' racial segreg ation amend ments , to the measu re, while Senat or Lange r of N()rth Dakot a will attem pt to attach the Presid ent's civill rights legislative progra m to the draft bill as a rider. In the meant ime the House is marki ng time on it s versio n of draft legisla tion until the Senate takes action . • , ~ • !J1he Senate has passed and sent to the House a bill ' which would permi t two hundr ed 'thous and displaced person s to enter the United States within the next two years. Under the Senate measu re at least fifty per cent-- of these immig rants would have to come from countr ies taken over by Russin , 'and would ,consis t mostly of those ,.from ,t he "Balti c States ,. Po-' 'land and Czechoslovakia. A simila r bill is pendin g in the House which, while, provid ing for the admis sion of two hundr ed thousa nd diBplaced person s during the next two years, would requir e th~m to be charg.ed again st the immi~ratio~ quotas of th~3 variou s affected countr ies during the next ten year peribd . • • • The ~publican Policy Comm ittee o:f the Senate has decided to hold up the confir matio ns oiall Presidenti al ap,Pointments, excep t those where failur e to confir m would endan ger the public welfar e, until next Janua ry. This action was taken :in the belief that a Repub lican Presid ent will be elec~d next Novembe r and should have -the op,por tunity to hiB own appoi ntmen ts-esp eciall y Feder al J)ld~ships, inasm uch as most memb er$ of the presen t judici ary ttave been named to office by Roosevelt or Truma n.

* • •

More than five thousa nd 'so-called"lib erals, parlor pinks a.nd radica ls from New York descen ded' upon Washink'ton , and the Senate last week to protes t agains-t. enactm ent of the Mundt -Nixon' Bill to control comm unist activi ties and to prohib it the existenOl! of any politic al party direct ed and contro lled by a ' foreig n natiow.' T~ demon strato rs were led by Paul Rbbeson, famou s Negr-~ singer , who, a~ a witness before the Senate Jumci afy Comm ittee on the Mund t-Nixo n BUl, refuse d ' 'to state wheth er he "'s & Communi8~. Robes on has long, been conne cted with radica l activit ies in this ' countr y, ha.s often visited Russia , and, now has' nis soil in the Sioviet Union to be educat ed. It is estimat:ed the dE~mon8tration cost at least' fifty thousan.d dollar s. It would be interest ing to ,know who furnis hed the Dllimey.

THE MIAM I GAZE TTE LUKENS TO ATIE ND PAGE .. WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO No. 4372 BOYS' STAT E STARTING THUR SDAY , J U N E 10, 194 SATURDAY AT DELAWARE Donald Luken of Waynes- un ivcr ties. Those w~o fail of vil le will be one of more ' than electi on may land appointive 50 high school junio rs fro~n job e ome law'yers,or join , throughout Ohio' wh Will l arrive Sa turda }. June 12, at the BoyS' tate' Highway Patrol Ohjo We leyan' Unive r Hy, ur National Guard. Oelaware, to beco me citize ns in the 12\.h Bucke ye Boys tate, the OhlO~ AmerIcan ,Legion 's annual ,schOO l of practical government. Each boy will proml tly become a member of one of two mythical political parties, be assigned to one of 1 7 cities ane!' of three counties, and will be intensively exposed to both the . theo ry and practice of selfgovernment in a democ'ra y-I C . A !!lyle. , Almost every boy wi"ll he a candidate for public offi e, and by Sunday the B.B.S. section f the campus will be plastere j 6:00 x 16 FIRESTONE with home made political signs. (Jeneral elections will come TIRES $13.9 5 "," Monday. The 12th g,overnor will be inau,.gJ),rated" and his (plus tax) , cabinet 'aha ' supreme court sworn in, ' at colorful ceremonies that night ' in Gray chapel. ALSO FULL LINE OF Gov. , Tho'l\1as J. Herbert , will speak; and Justice B. ZimmerFlRESTONE1 PROD UCTS man of the Ohio.. Supreme Court wnt administer the oath BATI ERIE S . to the new governor. SEAT COVERS Thereafter, , the boys will settle 'into ,their various office , bolstered by special 'books on TEXACO SERVICE their duties and coached by a , PHON E:ub4 S. MAIN volunteer staff 9f Legionnaires WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO and a crew of 30 counsellors who are ' undergraduates at Ohio State and Ohio Wesleyan I.


THE ABILll'Y OF A!. FAMILY TO PAY does not mean -funeral costs must exhaust their funds. It means the price snould be an amount consistent , with the f~nanciaL-p.attern of th~i usual expenditure. • This amount ~hould never be a hardship. At the McClure funeral home we never permit it to be.

members who will take part in 'attention of Waynesville and the program for the next meet- other markets covered by Ohio inl!" are: Judy Davis and Char- weekly, seriti-wee.kly and triThe ' Wa yrte Sew--So 4-H lene ield, Demonstrations; weekly newspapers making up Club met Thursday June 3 at PattyEdenf Brow n, Marilyn Gons, the organixation , Mrs. Klontz's home with Mrs. Winnie Jo Stout- Refreshm'ent Direc,tors, of Ohio Weeklies, Edenfield in charge and Ann Committee. Inc., represent t:28 publishers . Rogers presiding. New mem~ers prese nf was in the state''S 88 counties. . The club decided to' collect Zana Mae Fulkerson; and Jean The new executive and bus~ales tax stamps to raise money LaRu e was a guest. mess headquarters of the group for the new camp. Annette are at 317 Citizens Building, iTinney, , Doris Brown; and OHIO WEEKLIES, INC., 850 Euclid Avenue, and' man,Winnie Jo Stout ~ere elected to agement affairs wnt be directed ~ol1ect them. There were 19 OPEN S N~W OFFI CE byOral S. Pflug & Associates, members- preSent. It was decid----O-:h-i-o-W~e-ek....;l'-ies, In.c., of whiCh nation ally r~cognized represent, that money should be taken out The Miami Gazette is a mematives . ' ' of the tre,asury tOl" refresh- ber, has established its new exrnents. , ' ecutive and manag~m~nt offices R,EAD GAZE TTE CI The next meetiftg will be held ' in Cleveland in anoth step in :at Mrs. Klontz's home Thursday its expansion programeraime( i at June 17 , at 1 :00 p. m.. Club winning new nation and state

Mc CL UR E FUNER~L HO ME YAY N IIYl llE. '0" I." ' "








* *



Prom pt lervl ce on' clean ing and repairl. • '


'RICH JEWELERS Det roit & -Ma in Sts.


Xen ia. Ohi o






ILGIN OWN .II-no w availa ble-th e new mIracle DuraPower ' Ma'" .pring fo, IIgln madel, from 193'9•.

' Gm~llng


and -rabl e)

S~Dl0 'COUCHES (Full y Sprin g Fille d)



LA~PS (Floo r .

STOVES Headaches warn you of possible s,ckness. Noise in your engine war~s yo.u of trouble ahead .. Don.t walt for it-br ing your car 111 now, and prevent costIv repairs later. '

Klft'S Garage

"Com plete ' H~e Fura iahen "

HO M'E ,PU RN I'T UR E Pho ne , CO -XE NIA 912R , . OH IO "Eaa t Main SlJ?e t at Whit8 mIUlIr'





magic? Doe your house lobk we could' get a rental magneto somewhat dingy? Then bO.TroW wh ile our wa being repaired. s me wall papenng tools and We brougl1t it home and after buy yourself a few dollars' a little trouble he put it on and worth of paper and ~o to work. the y cranked the tractor and For ears I have watched the it- went off without .a kick. women around Waynesville do We wi ll match our Model B their own papeJ'lin{! with awe with any other M del B in A FARM DIARY and admiration, ut now I have ,the co unty fo r length of ' ervice by 0 .J. FRAIZER fol1ow~d their exam.ple and ·and the amount that it has have just finished my first ,done. But it is getting old and June 4, 1945. More than room'.. It is magic. The room is going to ' have to have some three weeks sili ce it rained. Dry looked drab and dingy and expensive ,service if we can get Ridge and . very-where else is now if is bright and shining. to the point where the horseS .gett mg very dry. So far there It isn't ,as hard as I thou!iht, can do' the work for a f~w days. has been. enou~h moisture in after you find out where the Now we thlnk we flav,e to use the ground to , pout the corn paper matches. I tried and tried the' tractor, but after all, that and keep things growing but until I began to think that it sam. work was done ' with . the pastures are' getting dJy and was printed wrong 'and that horses not many years ago. We short. How glad I am that we there wasn't any match 'to it. even have , an extra horse that can not decide 'on th e weather; But when I found it, there was John is keeping as a replacefor the question would·be: Shall no trouble at all. It was what ment. But as long as we have we have it rain for the potatoes they call a drop pattern and s'o I Ginger, ,old Nellie and M;ollie or shall we keep it dry for the wasted some, but they had sold get along very well. hay? ,E veryone is busy puttin,g me plenty. In fact t think there To bale or not to bale is the in hay a fast as he' can. Two is enough ' left to paper the ' question. Will this _ good nice loads went In my barn this little hallway too. I wasn't weather hold up until we get morning but it ' isn't quite as brave enough to try the ceilin the rest of the ' clover cut and ~eavt~..ab~ii~Te:jII9.l:!ghti'kt · go· .1 ,p aintedtha,t,"4but, ~0Ifl<e ' pe 0 P e c,ured ,and put .in? Or shourd , ' mgo " ~. Bese wee so f .ary . say it is easier to paper t h an we s-et the baler to come and weather 'kept it back. We had to paint it · and lots quicker. get It in as fast as possible? It fine looking field of' clover Maybe ' ne>:t time I wilt try it. Some of our wheat is so heavy but it hasn't grown as tall as I am so pleased wIth m.y room that we are g-oing to have to get we thought it would. that I keep going in and look- some one With a heavier binder St. Mary's Church is ,going ing at it.. I am going to h~ve than John's to com,e and cut it to have a special service of company next week and I can or get it combined. We planted Evensong at 4 :30 Sunday fol- show it off. some "Pennsylvan~" wheat lowed by a parish picnic with Trador trouble this mornmg this year and it surely has sO,me of the members of -St. /,and 1 had to leave my paper grown tall and heavy. 'It is just J ames Church, <;:ol,umbus, ~s hanging and take Jolin down heading out now. We have gu.e t . "If that ~IL~lC doe~n t to Worley's with thft magneto. planted Thorne' for the last few bn ng- ram, th~n thiS IS a drought We were pleased to flnd that years. not Just a dry spell. ' Do yo u wish ' ~ a littk I


We ha e a new rat at her 'HOUGHS TO ATIEND in ' ur f j room . 1 h ther COMMENCEMENT ,RITES da we fund a ' nake kin where its owner had 1ft .it and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. e teria v Clarence , aw the , Hough and s n , orin and nake it elf. Not big nough to Harlan 'Earnhart I ft ~aturday wallow an eg~: et ut I hope r 1: N rth ampton, Ma -., to atit is bi enough to ci an out th tend comm ~ n tnl.!nt ex;erci es mi . 0111e pe pI wo uld rath- at the Mary A. Burnham er have rat .-than a black nake chool for girl where Mr. and but a long as it do n't take Mr. Hough' d'aughter Mary to eating ~gg ary i -h ick it Dora i ,l -tud nt. Enroute can stay here. home they wiIJ vi 'it Niagara Falls and other points of interest. BETSY ROSS 4·H NEWS The B tyRo s 4-H Club met Mi s Margaret ll-tarJan was Wednesday June 2 at Harv ysa unday dinner gue t of ~ iss burg High School Home EconoNaomi Earnhart. mics r am with Viola Hartsock in charge and Mlartha Luken:, presiding. There were two new members and a total of sixteen girls with only two absent. They discu sed ways of making mone¥. Some of the ways discussed were collections, home demonstration , and a ilver tea. There is fo' be a collection at the next I lOURS: ' meeting. Vice-president,Marityn Conley, gave a health talk and _ 9-12 each morninl{ ,1-5 afternoons except Helen Hartsock gave a demonstration on laundering clothes. Wednesday Mary Belle Bogan IS to 'give a 7-9 Saturday evenin( demon;;t ration at the next meeting. They discussed going to a Other evenin~s by church sometime durmg the Appointment next' few weeks;- had a st:wmg TELEPHONE 62-R . period and then a r creation period. Dianne Frye, was a ,guest. The next meetmg will be ~e ld at Harveysbure- High School Rome Optometric Eye Speciaillt Economics Room 'Wednesday June 9 at 2 :00 p.m. 26 South Detroit ,Street


.. -....

..,.- .

Dr. C. E. Wilkin

Traffic accidents ki11e i 3 J,500 Americans in 1947'. Drive



BALANGE in your, diet ~alls Jo~ ~ilk'


Mootlt-Glilh' I) 7,. tIOltDEN

Waynesville ' . National Bank


71o""lIs' ,




Bf (:' 000


an • • • • • • •

FATRER'S DAY· is ":lune 20

to.get vitamins, . minerol. and complet. proteins, ",Hk ~Oft"ot be dupilcOted! An~ lorden', milk It milk at its fresheat,--ppr· est best • • • alwClY$ perfectly pOlteurlzed. Ask for lord..•• • . • deliYe~ed to your door or at' your Itore.



, h

As (, low-cost source of hord·








Bemembep 'Dad

WaynesvUle Dog Store

PHONE ~l21




MI·iI ,·


$7.50 TO



Bustles and blushes are out of date, but babies are still in style! That is why the wise ,woman doesn't add to her other worrie~;' with clean)ng fine ba~y sweaters, and dainty silks. Notti· ing to irritat~, the baby's skin with our methods!



··.~WA Y . . JOUr UUUIIJ






to ocbe:n. Wbr

C O "L , E M . A

DOt _ _ ~,?,






y - ...... , . - ........ 'JflII/I.. ........ III ... 01lIo ~,

, Karl




ill the Oblo P....... will ..... .'Ou baQid proceCdoa 'p';" Ioua ,our fum. Ie COftI'I ,our baildiDp, roar ..... ,oar 8IIIICNIIOWl~




Dakin insUrance IAgency ,

Fairley Rdwe.' Store

'Phone 1&3, 20 E. Mulberry, LEBANON, O.


O"iO ." iIlIlE~JI:::EWI.' . . .AIIY

~_ _ _;M_ _"_'_ _O_'A_~_'_R'_ ~••lm -


tMr. _

6 PHONE 2441








LEGAL NOTICE Bid will be re eh ed by th Bella rd of TloU lees of 'Wasn vill, ... tate f hi, a t til Wee 'of the Clerk Tru t of Public A ffair unti l Ix 'do k P. M., JUl1e ishing Two Th u ' an d 200 ) fe t of Ix ( .S) inch cas t pr uJ"e capa i ly of not ) 58 than one }{u~dr d-fifty SQua r In h. I

Public AHa-irs or of said Board of 19, 1948, f or furnIron pipe, with a (160) pounds per

Carage nine was t ett1~ for all practical purpose the fir t quart~r le ader a both lu b' porte a 3 -0 r cord at pre -'tim. A h m r b Man:1",cr Mil- . leT and three hit oy Harr~ choonover highlighted Kier 14-2 win . ver. B 1111rook, la t




Bellbrook 'Notes :'

The Y. W. C. A. held it week. ' BOB O'R~GAN monthly meetin e' at the h me Many pectat r were di "} f Mrs. C. D. Barnard with a Th Waynesville, Jl,mior pomted A ' c rtifl cate guarant ing the d livery of said pipe and a statement Sunday evening when co ..:r'" i dish dinner. Ten memAmerican Le ion Club, soon to the Sharonville girls club, due 'to of th earli <t date of deli ry mu t a omj:Jlany each bid. 1 er were pre ent. be decked out with new un im,idweek automobile a~cident, The riglht is r ese.rvt?d lO ,r ejec t any an d all bid. Mr. and Mr . Warren ' teinforms provided by individual iwas unable to play Fairl~y s berger,. north of tOW£:l. e nterBy order of the- Board Of Trustees of Public Affairs.. local busines men, ope'ned its Hardware. However th~ 'R:irls tained mem1bers of their fam~ official Tri-Counfy - loop sche- promise to return CHARLES JAMES, Clerk. very soon- ilie at a picnic on Memorial dule last unda y with a rous- well, we're waitin,g-I Day, Almost forty en,' oyed din,ing 16-7 over Spring But Mana~er M\Jlforct s red. Valley. A , bie- 7.. run splash in jacketed outfit en,g-aged Bol> ner and supper. Rela ives from NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS the third put the locals far in South's Springboro Cluh instead Dayton and Springfield attendSTATE OF OHIO front and with Earl Powell fan- Following seven frames, Fair- ed., DEPARTM.ENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. and , Mrs. Willis Black ning ' 14 and allowing but )3 ley's scored· a 13 -11 vitirJry, Columbus, Ohio, will soon move into their lIC\\,?ingles, the Juniors were never B<;>b Plank's homer with the May 29, 1948 Iy remodeled hom'e, which their 111 danger. bases clogged settled the i sue. Engineer of Sales Legal COpy . No. 48-268 Mrs. Virginia KabI... daughter, powell , had a bIg day with "Lefty" R.odgers, winnin. t ; recently purchased from . Mi . UNIT PRICE CONTR,ACT the stick securing a homer and chucker, st~rted b,adly, walkin~ , Ida Welle r. She wi11 still make two sin,g-l'es and losing another four men 111 the first which . ealed proposals wj1J be received 'at the ottice ot the State Highway her home· with them. homer because of his failure Director of Ohio, at COlumbus, O'hio, unilil 10: 00 A. M., Ohio .stan4ar4 Time, with 5 hits provided Mr. and Mrs. -Harry Dumford to touch first base - ou'ch! Bob coupled Tuesday, June 22, 1948, for improvements on,: the losses with a 7-run lead' and family will move =nto the , Hastings, husky catcher, how- which the winner's erased with Various Sections of U. . Route No.2] in Clinton and WllU"ren Coun,house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. ever, ,led both teams at'bat with , 8 runs in the 3 rd. ti S, U . S. No. 35, in Gr-eene County, U. S. Route No. .2 In Greene and Alack. 4 for 4 getting Werren Counties, U. S. Route No. 62 In Clermont County. and . U. S. No. :a perfect day the way, how many of Mrs. Bessie p.eterson accomtiS in CIJD'ton and Green1:l Counties, for, painting old gtiard rall various two triples; a double and single youByknow that the public ad- panied O,\1r. and Mrs. Raj .'\ iltypes as per plan. besides a sacrifice hit. . dress. sy~tem used on Sunday ler to St. Mary's Lake over ' the Length 79,684 l1'-oot. , Joe Florence, peppery sec- IS 'through the coude y weekend. Estimated Cost . . ..................... , ........., ..... ~ .......... $8,600.00 ond saGker and a converted of JIm.' McClure, who re,g-rettcd Mrs. Elwoo'd Rh nemu i's left-hand hitter rapped a horner that the equipment Contract to .be comJ)leted not la.ter than !September I, 1948. was not on the sick list. ' and single. The minimum wage to b e .to a ll labor employed on this con.tract due available this past weekend Orchids are certainly due to shall b In !3,ccordance with the "Schedule of Prevailing HouI1'Y' Wage Rates repairs. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence all of the buSinessmen I have to necessary A centa ined a nd Det rmined by The Department of tlndustrial Re.1atio.ns , Brown observed their twenty\ spoken to reg-arding their applicable to at,at-e HJg.hway Department Improv menta in accordance . Robert E. Crew of Waynes- fifth wedding , anniversary on with Sections 17 ~3. 17,-:-4, 17-4a, 17-5 and 17-580 ot the General Cod-e of contributions ' qf $15 apiece VIlle a,ttended the wedcfing- of Wednesday. With their daugh.tOhio." which will sponsor one youth Miss hell y \Vestlake and' Mr. . er, Patty, they were dinner through the suinmer basebalt The bidder must submit with 'h is bid a certified check in an amount Paul Chanc~lor Long, Jr., on guests of M,r. and Mrs. Fran L equa1 to five pe r cenlt of the estimated cost, but in no event more than cam,paign it is programs June 5. at Christ Episcopal Gene Brow,n at their apartment ten thousand dollars. such as this that elimjnate those Church III Xenia. 0n Main Street. F.lans and specifications are on fUe in the department of highV!iRY8 big-city phrases of 'juvenile deand 'the :oiJfice ot the resid-eOlt district d ptLty director. linquency!' Anyway, the proThe dirootor reserves the ri~ht to. reject any and all lbi4s. gram will be highly successful if EARL 1. REEB all other' businessmen 'respond , .state 'Highway Dlrec.tor as h~ve the following: Hyman's "Doc" Drake; S:mith's Electric Service; Waynesville -National , 'NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bank; B. & R. Cleaners; Fulk8T~TE OF OHIO ers~n's Service Station; "Cap?' DE,PARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Stubbs; Dot's Foods; Sawyer's Columbus, Ohio; Plumbing Service; , MomJs M~y29, 1948 Pant ry ; ,and Rog'efS"" A--C~rFr""--I-----'-::---I , En«ineer of Sales Legal Copy No. 48-261 son. It 'will mean about 0 UNIT PRICE 'CONTRIACT local youths can be uniformed besides the 20 o'r more "little Sooled proposals wiJl be received at the oftice of .the State HJghway shavers" that ~Orvi11e Gray, Director of Ohio, at Columbus. Ohio, \lntll 1~;0() A. M., Ohio Stant!ard Time, local tonsorial e,xpert" has al- , Tuesday, June 22, 19f8, tor Improvemen,ts In: , , ready provided. The undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Venora Proposals Nos. 1 to 5 i~cl'Uslve are of~ed 86 one project and ' wUl The Junior balseballers jour>be awarded as one contract. .,' Lee Kirkpatric,k, Qeceased, will offer for sale at public auction ney to Bellbrook this Sunday, PRO,P 08AL No.1 .at the late residence of the said Venora Lee Kirkpatrick dereturning home June 20 to play ' w:a,rren Oounty, Ohio, on section 7.39, 'State Route No. 122, In CI~t Centerville. • ceased, located on Mill Street in tlJe Village of waynes~ille ere :' and W~yne Townships, ' by a.pplylng a bituminous treatment, , With the local softballers [tern T- 3~ . Warren Coun,ty, Ohio, on ' last evening's contest between Pavement: Wld,t il 16 feet ~;;awyer's Americal,l Legion OUD Leng,th ~O, 7:50.4 feet or 3.93 mUes and Weazel Miller's Kier's PROPOSAL No. 2 ~


h bid must connn in the full n me of ev ry person or company In-

ted in w e arne.






'- - - 'Warren County, Ohio, on Semion's (l.GO and 5.150 (Part), Stalte Route No. 741, in' Deenfield, Union and Turtle Creek Townships, Iby applying a bituminous tr-eatment Item T-,32. ,_ "-_ ____ iPav!l~ Width 20 teet, 29,040 feet .. W,1dth 18 teet, Lens:th 11,61$ teet Total ~ength 40,666 feet 7.70 mUes

Uncle Sam Says


Saturday, June 19, '1948



PROPOSAL No. S Clerm,o nt County, OhiO, on Section 26.27, Slaite 'Route No. 222, In Batavia 8lld Stonel1ck Townships, by applying a Ibituminous treatment, Ite~ T-31. Pavement': WJOth 17 teet Le~th 18,585.6 feet or 3.512 mUes

th~ foll~wjng personal pro~erty ,belonging to. the Estate 'of V~nora Lee ·Kirkpatrick, ,deceased, to-wit:~

PROPOSAL No.4 C~ermont COOl,nty, Ohio, on, Section 0..64 (Part), State Roulte No. 132, Sn Ohio and Pierce Town's hips. by applying a bituminous ' treatmenlt, ,Item T-32. :Pavement: ,Width 18 teet, Leng:t,h 1~,5160 feet Width 16 teet, Length 5,280. 'feet Total length 15,840 feet or 3.00 miles


PROPOSAL N~. , 5 ,Warren Counlty, Ohio, on Sections Oi,l9 (4.82 Malnevtlle) and 6.24 I(Part), Strute Roulte No. '48, .... n H1i'mLtton Township, by applying a bitUminous treatment, Item' T-32. ' (Pavement: Wi~th 18 feet, Length 31.892.2 feet Some da)' soon-perhaps W. vefJ Wldrth 18 feet, Length 2,21'7.6 feet ' 1&)'-0110 of t1Dcle Sam'. volDDWter Tdtal 34,108.8 feet or 6;46- miles representaUve. II ColD. to rIDe your' i"otJal estimated cost •.....••...................•.....•••...•. $65,421.7·8 loorhU &0 ••Il y01l to do ODe of the Proposals Nos. 1 to '5 inclusive of this pr<>Ject to Ibe completed not most ImpOrtaDt Udne. you CaD ' do )13 t r tha.n Gotober 1, 11148. IlOW '01' )'ourself aDd )'Our ClOUlltry. Be 01' ,. . . Ie IOIDc to urp yoa to The minimum wage to ·be pa.ld to all l&oor employed on this contract ttart, or to lDoreue, your b1l)'lDr 01 s hall be in accordan'Ce with the "Sch-edule of Prevailing HOUl'!ly 'W age Rates DDited State. SaviDP Boad. DJlder Aacerrtaloed and, Determined by The Department or [ndw,trial Relations a patrioUc, ~utoml.Uc . .d rel'Ular applicable to at>ate Higbway Depar.tmen.t improveme~ta In ' accordance plaD. II yoa heeel m1 Depbew or 'tVlth Section s :17-3, 17'- 4, 17-4a, 17-5 land 17-5a of th.e (Jeneral Code oJ, Idee..' a4nCle, youl' li be dolD, ),oarOhio.'" . leU • f ••or. Pal' Uane HOurii)' The bldd r must submil\ with iht~ bid a certtfied check In an amount , boDcl..-.. the)" do tbelr part 10 Inequal to five per cen~ of the estimated cost. but in no event more than I1Int . . . .bl. oooli,o m,., cornerltoae ~en thousand dollars. II tile fIdue leoarlt)' 01 our C01lD$!')' Plans llnd s]leclflcaUons are on file in the department or highways -wID pay yoa b.t:k It for eve..,. N The), caD meaD IUld the office of the l'esident district deputy director. ' " len Jeara from , yea IUUI yoIII' The director reserves the rlgb t reject any and all bl4s.



EARL 1.. REEB State Highway Dlrect<U'

r.mO)'. ~!!!~~~:: 8EC11BJTY Y'O t1B a;



, .Dinin g ro.0!U table, ' buffet, 6 , chairs,. 2 iron . bed~ and springs,' folding cot" bedding, dressers, sewing machine, stands, May tag washing machine, kitchen cupboard, kitchen cabinet, table, chairs, lot dishes, ·and glass ware, some con,sider¢d antique.




And other articles too. numero~s to mention.

:rERMS OF SALE: CASH Wilbur 'N. ~., Auctioneer. C. DONALD DILATUSH, Attorney ALBERT H. STUBBS, AdminiStrator of the Estate of Venora Lee Kirkpatrick, deceased.


I rof. F. R. Moo maw, former sup rin ten j nt of Waynesville School, called on Dr. and Mrs... H.E. Hathaway on Sunday afternoon. Prof. Moomaw wa enroute from Miami University t Chillicothe where ,he is , upcrintendent of schools.

Mr.and Mrs. Floyd Watrons and chi Idren or Huntington, Ind., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. P.L. Reason. Mrs. Frank Snyder of Springfield was a guest of her son-in-law and daughler, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fromm during the past week and was joined by Mr. , Snyder for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Harlan and daug-h ters have returned fronll the commencement at Intermont College, Bristol, Va., where Miss Margaret received her degree, and will now enter Miami University for further study.

------Mr. and Mrs. John Kersey

. a.nd son, Charles, were among the 'KUe ts on , Sunday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swartzel entertained with a strawberry feast at the ir honle 'near Oregonia.

JURE II)-BenJamln Franklln calla for uncensored pres • .



~ . . I,.t


nr.. 1805,

II-Iowa aeatedas territory. 1838,




Il-Columbus discovers Martinique. 1502.

e-FlaQ Day,


, .Mini· IS-Arkansas admitted to . Union, 1836,

II-First robot bomb hits London,' 1944. \llN.U ".".m

Use The Almanac To Check The Weather But Use


To Buy, SeftiRentt LoaD, Borrow, Any Time of The Year

Mis Marion Long- of Ohio Itate Univer ity was a we knd gu t Of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart and, Mr. Le'Mar E:arnhart, Mi S · long wilt be g-radualed n Frida) ....... MURIEL DICKENSHEETS WEDS DOYLE HARTMA'N 'MAY 27 AT LOCAL CHU~CH, , Miss Muriel Jean Dickensheets' of Wayn-esville became . the bride Of Doyle Lee Hart-, man of Dayton, Ohio at t~e Waynesville Church of Chnst Mav 27 at 7:30 P. M. The double rin)?; ce(emony was performed by Byron Carver, pastor of the Ferry Church of ·Christ. . The bride was attended by Miss Sarah Ridinger, also of Waynesville. Best · man was Raymond Strunks Jr. of Dayton. Joseph Ridinger and John Orndorf were ushers. ' . The bride chose a white street length dress with matching accessories. Her corsage was of red rose buds. . Miss Ridinger wore a p'mk ~ treet length dress with white accessories. She wore a cor'sage of white carnations. Music was performed by Miss Elizabeth Burnett of Waynesville. Mrs. Dickensheets wore a yeli w p.nnted street len~th dress with white accessones and a corsaRe of W11itc carnations. The receptIon was ' held at the 'horne of the ride's pare n~. . The cou Ie will reside til their new apartment , at Sulphur Grc ve, Dayton. ,


. Mr l.'ln Mr, K Jin tll Elze . and dauihter, Marjorie; of Da t n, s nt Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mr . Watt '!r Elzey.

Mr . Bertie Mill spent a few day in Dayton during- the past week and c~ lI ed dn M,i Abbie Graham at the M·lami VaUe,y Hospital, where she is confined with a fractured hip. '



Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Stubbs and family · were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Jesse Shanks near New Burlington.

.mi. JJ~II'J

Mrs. Robert Winspear and daugliter, Catherine Ann of New Richmond, were guests of Mrs. E. V. Barnhart and Mrs. Marie Riffle during- th past week. '

Mr. and M.r:s. Ralph Mainous of Detroit, Mich. spent the week end with 'their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous of Franklin Road.

SMITH ELECTRIC SERVICE · . For that extra Receptacle Or Anything Electrical

Mr. and Mrs. George Bratton of Dayton, have moved into the residence of Mr. Georg-e Marlatt of Mt. Holly. Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis Har.~ ve:;.t-__ Houae - Bam - 'Outbuildings, of Lebanon, called on Mrs. Elsi Koster; unda~ m'orn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lucas and children' spent the week-end w·ith his mother; Mrs'. Anna .Lu- , . ' cas, of Mt. Holly. . u ree Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Crawford little pig- . that le'ft home? were Sunday callers on .Mr. an i Mrs. Claren e Crawford of Mt. Th 'ir Id man was an awful boar. H911y. '.



.Durham' rolding Ca.rd Tables $3.





Mrs. Scott McClure and Mrs. Hany Cowan of Lebanon were Thursday afternoon guests of Mrs.. A. K. D~y.

Mr. and Mr. Chafl s Mummert and , chill1ren of Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. "Robert Chamberlain and fmaily of Lebanon, and Mr, and Mrs. Herbert McMillan and children were Wednesday evening picnic supp'er guests pf Mr. and Mrs. Russel ,Wilson and . children, ' at Cold Spring '. Park. The remainder of the 'evenin.e- was ' spent. in . games at .the Wilson home.

Mrs. Lu il e Armitag spent the week end in Springfield a the guest of h r children, Mr. Mrs. Woodrow Owen, , Dr. O. K. Bouing was a Sun .. and son and daughter. day morning breakfast .g-uest of , ,Mr. and Mrs. M. A. :,=ulkerand Mrs. S.R. Conard t son. Dr. Bouing wasenroute andMr.Mr. ' and Mrs. Hayden from the Miami University Marksburg, Crescent Commencement ' programs to Sprin gs, Ky., of and Mrs. Ella Ohio Wesleyan where he is an L.emons of Georgetown, Ky., instructor. enjoyed a picnic supper Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. T.S. ,Hardin and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs .. Louis Fires had Mr. Ronald Hardin,of Knoxas Sunday evening dinner g-ue ts thelrd aughters, Mrs. ville, Tenn., is spending this Doris Kenned V of Dayton and w ek with his parents, Mr. and Mil rma Fires, WhD is office Mrs. T.S. Hardm. ntJrse in Xenia, Paul Harley ' of Dayton" and Robert Meredith Of Bellbrook.

Mrs. J. J. Bursk and Mrs. William Strouse spent Wednesday 3.nd Thursday as the gut st of rela~ives in Toledo. On BRIDE-TO-BE IS GIVEN their return, . Miss Marilyn SHOWER BY SISTER Burske, f Bowling Green Uni- , M'r. ' and Mrs. . Henry R. Sat- v'~r ity acco mpanied ., them terthwaite' and sons recently home for ' her summ'er vaca- ' entertained a few friends hon- ti n. , I oring the latter's sister, M; s Doris AshtT'Lore, who ,will b - Mr. and Mrs. ' AI Stevens and come the bride Of .Mr. Marvin two childr n, ' Tommie ' and McCol1unl' of Morrow .Tu s- Janet, f St. Petersburg, Fla., day e~ninR at her home '0' ar were' luncheon gue ts of Mr. and Clarksville. The bride- lect re- Mr . Ray Mainous Sunday. They ceiv,ed many lovel g-ifts for were enroute · to. Detroit, Mich., her new kitchen ' and after a on a vacation. ' pleasant evening of ganies a,nd contests, r-efreshment ,\ ere served. ' Those present wer.e: . Mis Ashmore 'and Mr. McCollum, Mi s Evelyn, Ashmor~ of Clark: ville, ' M. and. Mrs. DavI Handy of ' Midland, ' Mr. and , Mrs. Edwin Surface and daug-hter, Misses Bonn,y and Bet~' NEW PHONE 2849 Satterthwaite and Byrd , Lact<eye

Je s Dill of Li_ma, B.urnice , Dill, and n, wife of Clayt n and Mrs. Burnice Jane of Lyqe called on Mh'. and Mr-. Emer 'on Dill of Mt. H 1Iy., Sunday. Mr . Minhie Zinc Kraf [, and Mr . Evans Patterson of n, Mr. and ,Mr. John M'cTago'eret of LewisburJ~ called on Mr. and Mr, K r in, er of Mt. ' Holl '. '




Waynesville Furniture &, Appliance Co.

HOWARD SHUTIS W~yneaville _._ _-11---_ _ _ South Main Street acroai from Grange HaU WAYNESVILLE, OHIO , -624 Telephone 2422


Have :Your DRAINS. , .'






Spartan Electro-Rod INSURES I f "






:wlU. . . ·Sawy.r PHONE .174




- - -.... ------.Un de r OI Un Sk ie S


HELP WAN TED -MA.I.EI!..... , -







. AUTO MECH ANIC S PAIN T & BOD Y MEN SV"" ... ..- As _ _ TOLD "CON ____ SERV ..... ATIO FRON T END & FRAM E MEN ___ ___ _ _ N DIVIS ION , WES T WAY NE COUNCL Ab olut I t P ,,,arres for first The We t \ Vayn e Advis ory CLASi SIFI ED AD RATE S cIa s m en . G d . '\ orkin g conCounc il held the Ma m.eeting' 1c PER WORD MINIM UM 25c · dition I new building, all new at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. M. equip ment, 44 hour week, A. Fulke w rs n with Dr. and M(s. · . group insura nce. Murra & REAL A, E. _._........::...>ES_T_A_T_E~F_O_R_S_AL to ut and daugh ter an(l _ E...-- . Laute rbach Auto Sale, 5 9 N. Mil'. an Mr. Carl Pitstic k as SIX-.ROOM House, lar~e lot, Broad way, on, Ohio. g ue ts. w ith shrub bery. Th ird street . -610 H.L. 1 Y was di cussio n leade r Phon e 2724 . Earl Confler. BOD Y SHOP HELPER , . of the eyeninlr and select ed th e - 610 """'-'SOUTH OF Youn g M an with some auto. t opic, "Farm ing as a Busin ess." CIRCLEVILLE" • FOR SALE - 5 room house, motiv e exper ience and m ec. Follo wing adjourn~ent to electric, city water , storm hanic al aptitude intere sted in m eet with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbe rt win do'ws, la.rge lot. Located learn inf auto paint and body 11/15 MTfI./A RCH "-UND ER. Frye in ' June, refres hmen ts in . Wayn es ville. WHICH CHIEI ' LOG,AN MADE Pr,ice repair trade. Good wag-es . were HIS serve d. FAMO US $450 0.00. SPEE CH"IS Wilbu r Sears, while learning, regul ar in", FEET HIGH -HAS A PJRANt!H Phon e 2651.: Close d SUI\crease s and stead y work. PreSPREAD OF 120"" FEET AND 1<uFFEfJ GRlJvJE days. -520 fer ve teran. Murra y & Lau:A~ GI~T~ CF .;,:;0 PEer CAN BE GOIT e LOUD EN BARN terbac h Auto Sales, 509 N. R.OM ANTIC I DON 'T ' FORG ET TO CALL Broad way, ~ebanon, Ohio. · EQUIPMENT ~s for Insura nce. All types of : .. -61 0 Insura nce at a savings. Call Maste rmade Quali ty Franc is Gene Brown, phone W~TED.stalls and Stanc bions Wayn esvill e 2472 or call CUST OM W00 D Sawin g, with Utter Carri ers collec t. Wilm ington 211 t. chain saw. Elme r Surfa ce, Hay Carrie rs and Track Clark sville . Phon e 155. I SELL THE EAR1lISteel Wind ows -617 Wate r Bowls JF YOU HAVE ANYT HING Gutte r Drain s CUSTOM BALI NG in Real Estate f.or sale, get in R. C.La RUE touch 'with Ben E. Cline, licIf plannin2" to build or reMr. and Mrs. Rhod es Bunn ell ensed broke r, Sprin,g- Valley , W ~yn esv i11e Route 1, Phon e Mr. and ' Mrs. John Nood jel mode l use Loude n Maste rmade and daught'Cr~ entert ained a't (nee Fanny Earnh art) 294 6. Ohio, in Real Estate Business Barn Equip meQt Wayn esville, Ohio Sund ay eveni ng sUlPper, Mr. daugh ter of Arizo na are and since 1911. Exper ience tells. -624 and Mrs. Laure nce Brow n and siding . at the home of re- . Get your free barn plan bqok Try me and see. · Mr~ at our store. paugh ters, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Will- Josia h Dans for a lew. week -826 LAU NDR YIam Luken s and famil Y Mr. and Mrs. Nood iel was gradu s. WAN Distribl:lted locall y by TED: ated Laurid r. y to do in FOR. SA...... I$~ rn.y 'home . Mrs. Eve rett Mil- Mrs. Harol d Whiti lker and from Wilm ingto n Colle ge on daugh ters. Frida y~ ANTI QUE , FURN ITUR E: ler. Phon e 2742 . I BANT A IMPLEMENT CO. '. Rosew ood piano , lamps , chairs ' -61 0 "/ dishes, pictures, and .otlier 'an: .fohn Deere Farm Machinery tiques. Also sideb oard and din- CARD OF THA NKS 'LEBANON, OHIO !ng room tabl,e ; 12x 12 Axmi nWe wish to expre ss · our Ister rug and pad. PHONE 555 heartf elt thank s to a1t OUf Mrs. Susa n Scanl on friend s and relati ves for the . -610 LARG E White ' enam eled kit- kindn ess and symp athy show n chen cabin et, porcelain top, to us durin g the illness and OF REAL ESTATE ' god\i condi tion. Earl Con- death of our husba nd, father , and broth er, Allen D. Hole. W e ner, Phone 2724 . . - 6 1C SATUR pAY, JUNE 12, 1948 also want to th ank the minis ter, ·1939 · CHEV ROLE T Pick- Up Byron 'Carv er, for his conso ling 1 ~. M. Truck , . Fairle y Hardw are, words and the Stubb s Funer al. 2·1 hou rs every day 7 daya evd y Phon e 2441., ' ,-61 1 Home for its ' effici ent s·ervice. week, never stoppin g, t he k idneys fil er Prope rty of Veno nl Lee Kirkp atrick, Decea sed,' locate d on / was te matter Iroln the blood. Mrs. Elizab eth · Hole . . I( more people ~el')l UWllre 0(' how the FOR SALE Swee t Potat o Mill St., WaynesviU~, OhiA-.~""':"""-~---'-----Mrs. M.ildred Camp bell K ncys mutt constan tly remove SUt-- plants , 60 cts. per hundr ed ' plus Muid, excess nclda nnd other \\'lltite Mr. and Mrs. Harve y Hole. ' matter th at cannot stay In t he hl oud all kJnds- of plants : wi t hout injury to heaU h, t.horo would Mrs. Wilbu r N. Sears C. Dona ld Dilatu sh, Attor ney he beUler und rsband!n g of whv t he A. H. Stubb s Admi nistra tor -610 wh ole 8Ylltem Is u paet wh n II'}·. faU Chas. C. use 1 % miles to (unction properly . Wilbu r N. Sears, Auction ~er Burnin" . scum.y or t oo frcQutln t u rinn./ north of Waxn esvill e corne l tlo n II mE-tirqe!! warns thnt some~hinl of Wayn ~svll1 e , F rry, and 13 rong. You may vulT r nagging backnche, Iil'ad:a uhes, dizzinC88. rheuma tie Lytle Roads. ":'-62 4 ....uins. gettin" up at nlgbta, swelling . .. Why not try Doa,,'. pm., You wtll b & using a medicin e .recomm ended t he G,IRL'S Bicycle $5.00 ; Wind · count ry over. Doan', .tlmula te t he hmesor Clarin et, . " 50.00 ; tion or the Iddney. and help tben to PA"tR ONIZ'E GA%E TTE flusb out poisonous wallte (rom the · WA NTE D Buesche r Alto Saxop hone What you nuly need in the fublood. They contain notbing harm(ul . ADVE RtiSE RS Get Doc",'. today. U.. with colltJdllDce.. $75.0 0, A·1 Cond ition. Mrs. ture is •.•• DE AD aT' O el( At aU drua .~Oretl • Harol d Earnh art, " Ph 9 n e COW s-$1 0.00 2614 . . -610 ' HORSES-SS.OO FOUR BURN ER NOR GE fable HOG S-$3 .00 ewt. ' top ' gas stov-4 -5 piece oak Accort llns to •• lz.,a Condl tl.n on your real estate loan dinett e suite; ' \Estat e Heat- This, plus 40/0 jnterest, repay Also, AU , SMAL L STOC K rola c;oal heatin g stove . All . ~e~~CU~i~~i~f~sbe ~;dv~~e a and REMOVED PROMP'I'LY 1 od ._. ~ Phon e oma,s, Ph,one 240'4 . FEDERAL LAND BAN K LOAN XENI A WILM INGT ON ., , ~6to made throu gh , SHOE Shop equip ment and THE LEBA NON stock . Good Cond ition. .can NATI NORR.18 BROC K COMP~NV ONA L Fa.n" . LOAN Clark sville , 391. -6t- o ~







Public Sale


Far m er s.


. .r. .

T'IME . '••



Lebanon, Ohio Phon e 448 EUia H. Sturm, Sec'y-Tr.eal.


Cinoln natl . unlo =' oolc:

Vard. · WILL TRAD E - ' 4 Regis tered "-Iv. YV'~ and . r ••• lv.. An orClfU !.zatlon ..oon sows and regist ered boar, 2 to non•. 8trlotf·y ••11.... qn th. ~ all around marke t I" tho "olan d Otina sows and oountr y. Hamp shire sow, some shoat s. In' 1947, . 6.30 perso'n s were lI' , &ERV ICE , THAT 8ATI .... Ee · Will consid er milch rows or killed and 2 t ,000 injure d on . WlHIO Day:ton. 12: It B .. · S. T. sheep . New Burlin gton 189. Dial 1300. W'LW Ctacln Datl 12: 40. Dla.l :rOO.· lor Oul' Dally . . .--61 0 bicyc les in the Unite d states . On ~ bike, play it safe! 'MuM ! R~t. . POULTRY FOR ·SAl F Start chicks now- have early WE PAY FOR 'I fryer s-the y will , be in bi~ dema nd. . HORSES $8·,0 0; cows DUN HAM WHIT E RocK s 00 ; H~ 00 ~ , Phone,Wa,neaville 2916 PERSONAlS' ACCORDINq TO SIZE AND CON DmO It

$1 0.


WAN TED: Right ·hand ed or left-h anded first basem an. at least five-'f oot-te n, 1 7 years or , young er, . for stead y emplo yment duran f summ er and 19.4 9 profe ssion a contr act if , quali. fied. ' Conta ct O~Re~an at high schoo l diamo nd Frida y night.

ftUIiF. . . . . .AD D'..... _


M'OII.oW ...

lAN D .... GRA VEL :'" , BLA CK-T OP DR1V8.1

TAR ... ROAD Olt,

.... . 0. • IN CASE OF FIRE; DIAL _

•. ,


'.0 0. __ .. .


Mayor Wat're n BrAdd ock submi tted his re ignali n to the Vilkl.g' oun U at a . p ' laL meetin g Tuesd ay ev nin g. H ' xpl'e S dis, a I fll ti n with a tion t.l k en by Counc il In onne. lion. wit.h \\" \' utlets ri ,l'e 'e nt bu ilding permi t, Qun('\1 will take no n, Ion on th re ignM lon until the next me ting FI'i ay. July 2, If the

ounei! Pr.~i ent Harry hel'w ood will ffrfilg co un lin; n will I, n W'

' ~-nrl--+lT"'-"en


It Says

The Miami GAZETTE ,

H er e


Greyhound Change B'us Schedules



The early-morni ng u lea vinK here for Columbus at ~:3 5 a.m. has been eliminated in. a chang-e of schedules announced l y the Greyh<?und Lines, ta.king ffect last Tuesday. This means the first north ound bus arrives in Waynesville at 10:49 a.m. da'ily. Delivery of some Cincinnati new papers will be affected. The early south-bound bus been . m ved up from 7 :20, to 7:01 a.m, The new 'schedule as it ,affects Waynesville pat, rons IS as follows:

DOUGLAS ALLAN MARTIN Mr. and Mrs. Atuzwood Mar~ From the mailba~: An im, SERV ING WAYN ESVIL LE ' SINOE 1850 tin of Harveysburg are receivpressive booklet entitled "Ohio . . in!!, congratulations on the birth Traffic Accident Facts, II 948 No. 4373 FIVE CENT 8 A. COpy of ,a son, Douglas Allan, at Edition." Out of its hodge podge of maps, graphs and sta- WtAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO ,Mial1!i Va~ley Hospital, Monday THUR SDAY , JUNE 17. 1946 , tis tics emettges the fact -that ---: ---- ---- ---' ---- ---- '--- -'-- -- evenmg .. ' fhe maternal grandfather IS Mr. Karl Shidaker of Warren County's auto accident , Posto~fice the village ' and th~ paternal record is nothing to be proud 11 grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. of. ' ' " Arthur Martin of Alexandria, Twenty peopl e were killed Kentucky. ' in thiS ~ounty by automobiles - , Mr. and Mrs. Ronal d Hawk ~ ' in 1947. Ouly 26 Ohio counSou thb oun d entertained the Wayne Town·' ties had more traffic deaths, atHou!'s USt. of leaving Xenia 6 :3l) ship Farmer's Qub at the Town though 48 have greater popuA,M .. 9 :55 A. M'J 1:15 P. House in F,rank tin on Thurs day. lations than Warr.en County. . Patrons of the Waynesvilte All M., 5:10 P. M'" 9 :20 p. M. famili es were prese nt but Nearby Clark C unty, with postoffice may again get mail unday s and Holidays only. one. A fried chick en dinner • three times ,as many people, from their boxes until 8 o'clock ,Sprm g Valley Lv. AM 6 :45, was enjoy ed by fifty-s ix m'emhad only four more auto deaths on weekday evenings, Post8: 5,10 :10, PM 1:30, 5:.25 , hers and guests . c, ' than Warren County. Clinton master L. H. Gordon announcun ia y and H lidays 9:35. Burl H. Candler will come to Election' of officers for the County, with 'five-sixths as eel this week. Mt. Holly Lv. AM 6 :53, ' . coming year resulted in Roscoe Waynesville ne...'X.t unda V from ~~~~ ..peoPle, had only hal c S - Effective tonight, the main 10:'18 , PM 1:3, 5:33 : unFurnas bein~ cllosen preSident, his home in Berryville, Ark., to day and Holi jay 9 :43 . · We can't blap1e national entrance of the postoffice will ct morning and evening Gil!Jert Frye vice preSident, condu Wayn esvill hiKhways for boosting this be left open two hours after the and e Lv AM 7: 1, es at the Church of Mrs. Frye secretary-treas- servic . ,10:2 6, PM, 1:46, 5:41 uncount)"'s toll, because even bus- ,general delivery and stamp Christ. He is one of the prourer. Mr. Seth Furnas was specti day and Holid ays 9:51. ier highway,s crisscross Clark . window is closed. This restores electe ve ministers from whom d to serve , on the execu- a min'is Leban and Clinton ~ounties. n, A. M. 7:2 and te r will be chosen to the hours which prevailed be- 'tive committee. ' Mr. Robert 10 :45; P. Let's put \it another way: fore vandalism forced M. 2 :05, 6:0 and fill W'orst, a teacher of Stivers R.M.the vacancy created when untia y ani Our 20 deaths were 1.1 per Gordo)) to lock t11e buildingMr. H lidays 10:l'O. returned to at Hi,l?:h ScJ1001 in Dayton, talked Cana Johnstcm cent of the state's 1793 deaths, e. p.m.' last month. da last mon th. ' Nor thb oun d' on "Presidential Candidates and but our population Is less than Mr. ,Candler w.ill be the The postmaster stressed that Elections." N rthbound, Le'aye Lebanon . houseguest of A. R. Emery 10:30 half of one p~r cenf of tl)e the late hours witt be contin At M., 1 :'15, 4:35 and ued Mr. Willia m Ellis sanK two while he is in Waynesvill e. All state. So our death rate per only so 10n2' as all users of the vocal 8:3 P. M. solos: "Whe n Irish Eyes . interested re idents are invit d thousand people is more than, postoffice behave themselves. Wa Are . n esv i l l e . Smili ng' and" A Little Bit to hear him pr'each Sunday. twice the rate for Ohio ' as a The early closing 'Yilt ·ag.ain. be Lv AM 10:49 , PM 1 :34J 4 :54, of. Heav en" in a pleasing .whole. . ' adopted, if any more 100tenng ,manner. He was accom 8 :49 . panied GRANGERS WILL HEAR AnQtber grapn shows' that or wanto Mt. Holly Lv AM '10 :57, • Warr en County had ~~r aecid- t.Y ccurs.n damagin~ of proper- by Miss M!ary Jean Abel of "HOME EC" PROGRAM P. M. 1,:4_ ,5 : 2, £:57. _. Wilm . ington . ents _ . not necessarily fata l-----prin . Vall y : Lv Invite AM . d :0 guests 5, \vere MI'. and W~yttesvil1.~ Farme,rs Grange on n~ral roads. for every 10,. Mrs~ Robert Wors t from Day13 Wilt meet m regular session 11 :05-, PM 1:5 5:1 0,9: 5. 000,0 00 miles , driven by X 11 i a: A, M. ton, . Mr. and Mrs. Harry on Saturqay evening, eight ' : 2 0, vehicles in the county. Only 11 :20, Palm P. M, er from _: 5, Mason 5,25, Mr _ thlr.iJr r:og.-fa·m spon- 9 :2 . 27 of th ounties had Waynesville W.C.T.U. met Mr. Frances" Eustis from Leb- sored with 1 \vors records on this score : Friday, June 11-;' at the house anon, Mr. and Mr . Curtis Beek Commby the Home E onomi s ittee. nu trition and The book also lists the of Mrs. Brannock on Miami ,from Sprin·gboro, Miss M'ary Children's DayAprogr causes of. fatal accidents, in am will be treet, with M'jss ~ Abel from Wilmington given. . order of frequency. One out as Lucy Emley. Jean . and Mr., and Mrs. William Ellis. ' A eOFlte t for th be t 10af of of every four is due to exceed-, For devotions Miss Emley , Uno-knead" bread and for .the ilg' the speed limit, and anofher John (Ja k) DQna read a cripture lesson and led best home-made blouse wilt be of Wayn ville \vas bldundBiggs lO per cent were bla~ed on . the group in prayer, also to ,readcO,nducted. All finished product the Warren c: unty gra.n j jury :;p ecl whith was le~al but too in g "This Is My Fathe r's must be in place and on di play un i~r $1 0 b01Jl1 Frida v by fa t for road conditIons. other World.'" before,7 p.m. ' Miss Margaret· Maglstrat Carm n Crall causes \yere driving on the Dr. Em,ma Hottoway, presn Bay Witt he the ,speaker, follow\Vrong side of the road. impro- ident, presented routine busmess a charg e ' f tealin g a 1936 About 50 or 60 entrieS Jre ed b several numb r b th p r passing, i~norjng right-of. during For j co upe b 10Ilf.l" ing- to Cary the society decid. ,yay) disregarding stop signs or ed to which · (Bu ) R no, al 0' f \ Va n s~ include the Flowel expected in the baby show to children. traffic signals, and improper Mission and Relief department be ilIe, The car wa' r c \'ered presented at 3 :30 .p. m. 'Sun[urns. 111l 0~lmag d in Harve y I urg. in its year's work, and Mrs. day, .July 4, as . part of the BOO KS OF YEAR CLUB , At this point, you're proba- , Olive Curl accepted the Amencan Legion's 3-day ~c~e~le~-_-IE~LbJE~C~TI=SS-lAt4l4RRSS:.~HHAAd-I"N~£E;SS,----I.:~ I he a rr ..:t \\'a made by hly thinking, "VeF j In.tetestiIlg, manship. It was decidechair~OUnlSs~t:.l-flhf+tle~tC;;-. p, Jo and d to bration that -weekend. heriff depu tie. but it's not my concern." ' devote a portion of e~ch BabIes will be divided into Mr. Luther Haines wa Well, the booklet has a page month"s collection for this three sets: Birth to six. months elected president for a year especially for people who think department's work. six to t 2 months, and 12 to at the June meeting of the DR. DYE' ATIEN DING that way. ' I~ ' points at Miss, Eniley presented 'David 18 months. In each set the first BOLks of the Year Club last VET~INARY CONCLAVE three quarter~ of all dr!vers . and Doris Brown who sanl! two prile will be a tint~d 8 x 10 week at Mrs,. Haines' home. who have accld'ents are either l'nSlfl'rational hymns. Dr. H.E Dye of Waynesville .In. th' h t hll h h ' t . Other officers elected. were: P , .elr oogr ap "me. , " t e coun y ,or m secon d prize M wo WId paper is s attending the 17th annual were M K read and wm be $2.50 and' the third . counties bordering their home ' dIscussed, rs. e on , cay, Vice· "Old , and New prize $1. Confe rence for Veterinarians ' ·president; Mrs. ' Virgo Mich· ,tounty. • DevelQpments in the , Liquor on the campus of Ohio State ener, secretary-treasurer; .Mrs. 'T hat means , we ean't make ' Situation" and "The 'Comics . Those Unive who ,rsity wish ' in to enter Paul,Jus. ' Tomlinson, Warren Gounty safer. by cuss· are not Funny." program Twen . ~heir babie s are ty-nin asked e experts in veterin .. to see chairm an, and Mrs. J.A. ing the long-distance travelers HartThe program .concluded with ,ary medicine and research are who pass through ·it. We can the Aaronic- benediction. After ~m~er~tubbs ' fjr any ' Legion man, press reporter. Mrs. J.W. Whiteside dis- on the speakers' list for the only ·do it by reforming our adjournment, flowers were cussed "Entertainment in the three-day conference which own dri.yin~ ' habits. Safety has made into bouquets with HAPP Y ·HOU R CLUB Papers" as part of the general began yesterday. They include !~ree1~~rt ng~t on our., ()~n appropriate . texts ' and sent to staff mernbcrs of the. Ohio , The Happy Hour Club met topic, uUnderstandil1g " the · Sta.t~ ,~olleg~ You ' don't even have ,to sick members. of Veterinary . . . . on Tuesday at the home ot News." J.W. Whiteside gave a leave Waynesville to see those Medlcme, which sponsors the' !h~ July, 16 Il~eetmg Will ~e a" .. Mrs. Raymond Wilso n with summary·, of "Wisdom Litera- conferences'; ,the Ohio 'loJa,tl'ons thaf cause traffic ' P1CnlC on FrIends Meetmg- Mrs! AgriV .:Jack HaWK e and childr en" ture." Miss Mae McKay gave a , cultural Experiment Statio house groun ds Mrs Lena sr,e.ed in M , . passin B n " stop Harts 'd D g deaths. ian d da~ h- lCom:prehet.sive discu. ssion of . ock ,Will . be ', . hostess. .terrs. P ernar ,.. a ey hio 9 . ' State 'I~ns, Colle ge dr I vmtb S of Medic on : the wron~ S . , arne a , ue, an d . 'rs. ' periodical, st,ating that there , me,. State Depa , eatinG" the re rtmen t · of d h·ld The are S 'l e, a'nrl d about 1800, M divide I d t into 0 ore '" an c I · ~ '" · EST WAY NE COU NCIL Agnculture" federal agencies, ren as. gues tsc ,0nf Ire th e cu. \'Igllt" occur every day' in W I b Re- 1Lhree groups-· mass ·circulation, and , I t ~ faculty members of several WaynesvUle. Most o;f the viol4 ·tat· s t d t l et qua i y or _...opinion; and special The" West Wayne Advisory CI lon, come ue s, I pay s ' intere othe: st. univerSities. ators live ' nearby and know Cqun dl held the ' , meeting and reading were give'n by \hat the only penaity they ,face on Friday evenIngJune ,the home jerry Shaffer, Carol al'ld Rhoda MJss 'MIra Haydock disfor breaking the law in 'of Mr. and Mrs. at H. L. Rye;' MBunneHtl, Wilhelmina Braddock, cuslsled the com Harry F. Themal of WitI position of sosmhe Waynesville is the death penal- A general ' discussion: wcls led rs. arry Satterthwaite and we -k'nown ove ,songs . mington, Del., is ,working ty. They're willing to take their by ,Mr. Rye and fbllowing ad.' . e Mrs. Paul TOmmison. dosed by playing Carrie Jacob~ during the summer for the chances with that, but maybe J' ournment to meet , with Mr. l)ond'·s "Just Al-wea(yin' for Miami Gazette. He arrive j here . rt F rye in July, th Following adjou. rnment for You" a few' good fines" would change and Mrs. Gilbe and," I Love Y{)U Ttuly." last wee.k follOWing completion e summer vacatIOn, a social th tory. ice cream, cake and fruit punch hour" with refreshments was The hos tess served delic ous of h is freshman 'year at the e ~Er.E'S TIE ' '-~'V? were served. 1 held. refreshments UniverSity of Delaware. By Smitt y

Restores Farmers Cluh Elects 8 P MCIosm-' g Hour- Roscoe Furnas Pre$ident Patrons M Beav h e,

Arkansas' Preacher. To 'Visit Loeal Church

W. C. T. U.

AutO .' Thelt Is Charged

Large Turnout Expected For July 4th Baby Show

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1.60

MARION LONG TO WED LA, MAR 'EARNHJUrr, ON JUNE 25 AT CAL:O WELL Published Every Thursday At Waynesville, Ohio Frien i and relation here CARL G. SMITH, Editor have received invit.ation to the Entered a. second clas. matter at the Post Office ' wed ing of Miss M,arion Long, . SUBSCRIPTI,ON RATE: ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar $1.50 a Year in Adv~"ce Long, of Caldw Il, Ohio, an j La Mar Earnhart, son of Mr. and M.r . A.H. Earnhart, at the, " " Caldwell Presbyterian Church • , on Friday afternoon June 25 . (To 'have events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette . Miss Lon:g graduated from . before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) Oh·io State on friday. She and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~~'~~ · Mr. Earnhart w~re gues~ at the wedding of her room mate SATURDAY, JUNE 19 in Cleveland on Saturday. ~armer's Grange No. 13 Mr. Earnhart, a veteran of SUNDAY, JUNE 20 Worl' War II, is a graduate of Go to Church! . . • . Waynesville High School, atJr. Legion baseball, Waynesville vs. Centerville at high school, tended Ohio State., and is now . 3 p. 01'. ; preliminary game ,at 1 :1? . connected with the Frigidaire Exhibition softball, Bellbrook vs. {v\lamlsburg, here ' at 8 p. ' m. Corporatioh in D:~yton.

' • U ' Events Comlog p

. MONDAY, JUNE 21 Civic Club at Methodist Church basement, 7 p. m.. " Boy Sco ut Troop 40 at 7:15 p: m; f oftball, Miller's vs. Kier's, 8 p. m. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 Softball, Bellbrook vs. Spring Valley, 8 p. m. THURSDAY, JUNE 24 Softball, .Legion vs. Fairley's, 8 . m. •

UTICAJE. U. B. C URCH Rev. William S nnon 9:30 'a.m. unda y School Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays each month 10:30 a.m. I;v nil1g ervices 7 :30p.~. L



YOUNG . -lMGEMEYER WEDDING VOWS TAKEN . . METHODIST CHURCH . Miss Kathryn Young of R.B. Coleman, Ministe~ Morrow and Mr. Myron Hag-· Church school 9 :30 a.m. emeyer were un ited in marriage J. J. Burske, Supt. . on Saturday June 12, in RichWorship service 1 :3 0 a.m. mond, Ind. Youth Fellowship The bride's only attendant" her sister, Mrs. Paul Minch; wa ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL. a ttired in gray with white ' . Samuel, N. Keys, Minister accessor:ies a"ri j white corsage . Morning Prayer 10:30 a.m. The bride chose navy blue with ~ . Sunday; 7 :3 0 p.m. a1l white accessories. John Hagemeyer served as· FRiENDS hi brother's best man. Satu·rday. First Day School ~ a.m. evening, they were guests of Meetin{! fot Worship honor at a reception held at - 10:30 a.m. the home of the bride's' brotherin-law and sister, Mr. and' Mrs. ST. AUCUSTINE E.R. Houston, in Morrow. ,Father Krumholtz, Priest TwentY-five close friends Masses 8 and 10 A.M. and .relations were present and gave the bride and groom many . WAYNESVILLE lovely gifts. CHURCH. OF CHRIST . After a short honeymoon Bible School 9 :30 a.m. t hey wi.! be at home in . their 10:30 a.m. new apartment in ' Dayton, Commun ion ' . , 'where [he g,room owns and FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST manages the Automatic Refrig-. Byron Carver, Minister . eration ServIce on Clove Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Street. Morning Worship 10 :30· a.m. Mrs. Hagemeyer was a Prayer Meetin t . 7 :00 ·p.m. waitress in Morrow and Mr. . Young People s Meetin 'H son of Mr. and !----'-~-~.---=.------=~----:-')~tHD:11rr:-lVm~';ffiirrf~'ffii"ag emey'e r, is a Ev'ening Services graduate of Waynesville High School and a veteran of World CAESARS ' CREEK FRIENDS War 11, havin~ spent one and .a· Rev. David Stanfield, Minister half years in Hawaii. Worship Servic'e , 9 :45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a',m. Mrs. Doni Hol1en~ MrS. Paul , Christenson, Mrs. . Floyd Lind. 'M T. HOLLY · METHODiST ..... say, Miss Inabelle "Coffey and T. M. Scarff; Minister Charles (Doc) Coffey were Sund~ Schoor · 9 :30 a.m. Tuesday evening callers on Mrs. . Richard Kaiset of Waynesville E.A. Earnhart, Sup£. Worship Service 10 :30 a.m. Route 2, .who is , convalescing '· Evening Service 7 :30 'p.m. after a serious illness.

SHOWER HONOIRS RECENT BRIDE FROM XlENIA Mrs. Richard Loveless 0 f Xenia, a recent bride, was honored Wednesday afternoon when Miss Ann Weltz and Miss Bonita ' Johnson ' entertained with a bridal shower at the home of M iss Weltz. Many gifts awaited the honor guest, and entertaining contests were followed by ' refreshments. Mrs. Dorothy Neber, Mrs. Ethelyn Lindblad, . Mrs. Lois Lilly, Miss Nancy Weeks, Mrs. Warner Weeks, Mrs. Claude l.ovele . . !), Mrs. Gladys ,.J3IlUl '. Mrs. 1. C, 1l Hawke. \\·s , !.\. I:. Weltz, Mrs~ C. L. Hawke, Miss Henrietta Riley, Miss l::unic~ Kettler Miss Euna Mo nre, Miss Alta 'Miller, Miss · Lorraine


C -mpton, Mi s Joann~ AlIiso ll, M i '- Maxine puterhaugh, Mrs.


!i \

I ~ .1 ', ;

I "


I" •

1\. , ' ~' 111 .11' •

Fl vnl1, lv,' n tt i Sl i ,•. 1 ':-, \\. :; Ha i.l. ki''';.p;ton , Mi , hl~r'a. " "":er and \ i:" l 'l1 ! 'ml 81 kn ii ' attended.

j)"iencL fiome .

Mar\ Boston and Dr. Emma H \lo\\~ay , i spending the week- n i in Ri hmond, Ind. Mis Ch 'Ul .i ier is th ue t of . Mr. and Mr ..Raymond Jenkins and attend in,g- Earlham Colleg~ commen ement. Miss Bo -t 11 and Or. Holl \Va are visitin .~ friend . and ·, relativ~~. M'

Mr. Oli ve Curl retur!1 ed Monday from a vI It wit~ reA family picnic was enjoyed latives in Chicago and Indiana- at the Raymond and Leo Con, polis. . ner hom.e ' on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams The guests were Mr. and · ~nd baby son of Lebanon c~~ ' Mr Charles Edwards, Mi. and led on th eir aunt Mrs. Ahce Mrs: . Herbert Edwards and Clark, on unday afternoon. family and Lester Durig of Miss Elizabeth Chandler, a Dayton, Miss Jane Deardoff teaclier. in the Education De- 'of Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. partment of Hampton Institute, Clyde Kellar and family and Va., is a g'uest at the home for Mrs. Ed Edwards. . the summer vacati on. . Mrs. Waldo Replogle and · Mr. an-d Mr.s. R. H. HartMlrs. Clara Oiler of Dayton cal- sock Misses Jean and Jane led on Mrs. JeSSie Garner 'Ned- Ha.rtsock, Lena Hartsock ne day ' a:fternoon. and Mr. and Mrs. Owen~ Hart. Miss Mary Brown of Social sock attended the Horse Show Row Road called on Mi s... s in Eaton on Sunday. Annie and Marne Brown and Mrs. Am.os Cook is · conval· ·Mrs. Jessie Garner Friday escing at Good Samaritan Hos. afternoon. . pital" following a serious ill·Mrs. Wilson .·Edwards of ness. pdngfield is a guest, at the home of her aunt, MISS MarAUCTIONEERING ga ret Edwards. 'Miss Ruth Chandl r returned on unday fr m a twoJwe k STANLEY and KOOGLER BROKERS LICENSE vacation with he·r si tl..r . MLs Elizabeth Chandler in Hamp- . For Dates. Ph()ne 2894. WavnHvill • • t n Va On th eir return to Ohio. Rev..... Chargee ,'Waytle ville they vi ited the Lincoln III morial at· Hod.e.\_nville, Ky., and shrines in Bard· stown,' Ky. Mi s Elizabeth Chandler with ~


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and Mrs. Arthur pitler of Br okvilIe. Dick Irons and Mrs. Charles J\:\ull nix atteril1ed the funeral of the former 's mother, Mr. Gamet Campbell, at \ aId Funeral h m,e at Leban nat. urday aftternoon and the hurial The Children. Day ' service 'n Lebanon Cemetery .. of Lytle unday Scha ' I will be . Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett at the Methodl t Church next Monee,' in ompany with th eir Sunday evening, at 8 o'clock. son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. The program consists of a . Robert Monee of Wayne ville, J'Ja.Yt~, music and songs. are ·visiting- relatives in Denver, ' Colo. Everyone is invited. M'T. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Mrs . .usan Saylor of DaytoJ'1 is spending tne summer here and 'James Haines were among with her children, Mr. and Mrs. the gue t at a dinner Sunday Harry Graham and Mr. and at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Henry Saylor arid daugh- Robert Haines in Dayton, in ters. . hOllOr of the birthdays of W.G. Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jone ' Haines and grandson, Billy attended the Alumni 'hanquet Haines. ( at Centerville Fri ia y c"ening. Mr.. a.nd Mrs. Leon Salisbury Miss Janet Hammond 'was a' and son, Wendell, of Washing. ·week-end .~uest at the home oj ton CH. were evening dinner Mr. A1nd Mrs. Forest Thomp- guests Sunday of Mrs. Nettie Son on Route 73. ·Emrick. Mr. ali bury is lowly Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kyte are recovering from a recent illenjoyin g a recently purchased ness. Television set. Mr. and Mrs. MIf. and Mrs. Clyde Hinger Le li e Gray and children were attended the funeral . of the invited guests to watch it, Mon- former's M ther, Mr. Beulah . day evening. Hinger Cr mer, at Piqua Fri. Mr. and Mr . Henry Say lor and day afternoon. dau.(!'hter en tertain ed at dinner Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Corwin unday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles entertained at 'dinner Sunday Kempton of Kin t n, and MI . in hono r of their house guest,.

Mr . Ottie Ninon of EI Caml 0,

1 cxa " Attending- were Mr. and Mr-. Martin Z hrin g-, Mr . Oorwin, Mr. Chri tina Dumford. Mr, and Mr. Paul Dumford' Mi · Patty ' Dumford, anJ Derryl Couch t, a1l of Da ton. , . H. Burnett underwent a maj or operation Wednesday at ad amaritan Ho pital, Da ton: Reports are that he is g~tting al ng nicely. Mrs. Calvin Long-acre visite j him on Monday evening. T en members of the Lytle Church attended the Methodist Brotherhood dinner at Morrow Monday eveninJ!'. , Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early, Mr. and Mrs. William Strouse. Mr . .J.B. Jones, and Mrs. Fred Ru h attended Inspection of ,Eastern Star at the Masonic

TempI, Dayton, Saturday Younce Misses Betty and e ening. O'ottie Younce and Mr. Charles Mr. and Mr. le -lie Gra., Barnh u t:: r f Da ton, Mr. Ricbon and jallghter, and Georg.e ard Aumiller of Columbus and fie ' '"Gray . Mr. and Mr ~ Claud e Rigg of ray, enterfairie Ii union at their c untr h me Social Row. The oc a. i 11 was un day. There were i. t_ -one the irthday O'f Mrs. . Wilbur pre en't, re.pre enting twenty- Clark and C. W. Y unce. fiv e families. They were from Talmonth, Ky., Hamilton, Mr. and Mr '. Gilbert Fry Da ton, and the, L ,tle vicinity. and sons, Mrs. Cora Rich and , Dr. and Mr . H. H. Herman, Mr . Reba Bnidd ck were Suno f Route 73, attend ed a reuni on day gnests of Mr. and MlI"s. of th e .past ph icia'ns and Harry Hurley at thei~ summier nur e of Miami Yalley H os- hOliTe on Lake t. Marys. M r., ' J ital at the Fair round in Day- and Mrs. H. R. Moss also were .ton, Thursday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. wilbur Clark afternoon guests. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wi e and gave a picnic dinner on t~eir ]a wn unday for tQe fol1owmg: Tom of Wabasl1 Ind., and Mr. Fowler and' Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clark and and Mrs. ' Ralp of Dayton called and children on Richard Mr. and M rs~ Paul on frien is here Sunday. Florv,1 Mr: and ,. Mrs. C.W.


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1." d 1Ile ~ a <e> ' .




.. •





set the tableS out on the lawn plant? At the pr1esent time it is and e.veral prinkles aIm st n ' e ar to do !s me refinancda l1l.Pen~d the buns and c~kes ing- and on its succ'ess hangs the , J..)~,U " .(J bu t n t the ' spiri ts of ,the ' fate of our toe-all locker. Once A FARM DIARY picnickers. It wa n't to wet, that i accomplished, there is ' by D .J. , FRAIZER however, for game and ev r no reason why it sh o ul~ nhot bde _ one had a good time. , a financial success. It IS ope . that the mortgages will be There wasn' t enough rain to taken up by a group of local June 12, 194 8. It worked. Th e am inatl on of, hay a!ld spoil th e hay either, but it did • people., The plant is worth church picnic ' brought the ra~n, soften the top of the ground a more than the amount that church picnic brou.ght th~ ram.' ' little 0 that the ga~d~ns could must be raised. ' The trouble At least we had a little ram. On be cultivated. Now It IS dry a- now is that the bank loan s were Dry Ridge the ' hO,wer were gain and we are cuttin~ more short term loans ana c~nnot be rather Ii ht anct dIdn't .help , hay today, invitin g more tain, renewed . the corn very ,much. It ~Idn t which is badly needed. . ' rain too mucl1 to spo Il the ' , It IS one of the m9 st modern picn ic, which was a great Company. from t~wn always - and best equiped plants in t~lis succe s. Th ere was a grea t deal means a , Irvely time on the part of the country. It can easIly of discu sian as to \vhether to farm too Jively perhaps at meet its running expenses and times for , the cows and, other begin to, make money if the Jive stock" It takes a whIle for loans ,can be put on , a different visitors to learn the r~pes. Of basis. The new mortga~e is . to course, each young 0r:t e has to bear five percent mterest, try to see if lie can mlik a cow which is more than any of the and hi s first attempts ' to help savings banks pay. Is 'Waynesbring up the s~ock are usua1Jy ville 'going to lose control .of based more on Ideas of a rodeo". important asset to the localtty than th e steady quiet pace when plenty of people have 'suited to a daIry farm. They money which is lying idle? This soon learn what to do and what is a group mortgage in which' , not to do. It is fun ~o be able anyo ne may invest: any amount , ,to say that ,you thmk ther~ and receive interest on the should be some fish in the pond amount that he has investbeca use we put them in there ed. la t summer, but So far no one has caught any~ Frog huntirig That meat comes in mighty was more profitable aJld ' they handy and those frozen peachactually got enough frog~, for es L,,<Jl,~9','. delicious. L~t's 6:00 x 16. FIRESTONE " 0 one sample of fried fro £, legs keep '"It '()perated by a 10calt'"1:'l ,r apiece. The dogs like com'pany company'. Other lockers are' TIRES $13.95 and are having a beautiful profitable inve~tln:ents ; this one ~, time ' ' can be, once It IS freed from (plus tax) ~! • monthly amortization payWe were amused ~o get 'a ments and an use its working post card from. Mr. and Mr~. _ capital to promote the locker Cardinal on then way to An- . business. prans are: being i. ALSO FULL LINE OF zona mailed at Waynesville, for many improvements and FIRESTONE PRODUCTS Missouri. They left early Tues- additional services.; Haven' t day morning and the Johnny you a thousand or even ,a few BATTERIES Rich'ardses ' have moved into hundred dollars that should be .th e Marquardt house , where earning you five pe~ cent in,SEAT COVERS th e Cardinals had been li\~ ing. stean of two or none at r.tll? We were sorry to. see them go, t bu t it seems natural and ' ;.........-.----~TEXACO SERVICE ,pleasant to h,ave Johnny and AI Jew membj~rs of the S. M~IN PHONE :l3M h ~ family back on the f;um. Friendship Club enjoyed lunchWAYNESVILLE. OHIO , :!*ow is a ti'me when it is nice eon on Wednesday at , "Twin to hav.e (he locker fuIl of meat. Maples" in Wilmington and What are Waynesville people visited the Hyg+ehic BuHding in going to do about the locker the afternoon.

"" ,

Ieidae I



THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE.Mi Ruth Conner" with Mi Edith M rcer of L I1 ch1 urg, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. 4373 Mi sarah 'Bizzell and Mi s THURSDAY.. 'JU INE - 17, 1~, Virginia Neibel of Miami ~ urg, Mr . A. H. Earnhart left Tuesd ay eve nin ~ for 19ht- 'LnLiMr.La, and Mar Earnhart attended -eeing trip to California and commencement at Ohio State ' th er' We -tern point-. I niv r it v 6.0 Friday. °



Independence Celebration W~YNESVILLE HJGH







(AdmiSSion ADULTS , 75c -

Children 40c -

Tax Included



Itlil knock your hat off •


FROM 1 P. M. ON: BAND CONCERT and Hammond Organ Conce rt by N. ,A. Nevel, professional entertainer. B~Y SHOW,








MONDAY, JULY 5 2:00' to 5:30 P. M. WILD WEST RODEO Big Acts


An Afternoon and, Evening ~. Carnival

• •


,1 0:30 - FfREWORKS ,(Admission AjDULTS $1.00 - CHILDREN 50c- tax inc-.)

~ ~-.---





They serve the most deHcious, HambuI:gers you ever ate - - they re trUly diffe'rent. HOME 'STYLE SOUP '-

~! ' will be on

The NEW "


- .

:'/ '0 ...


display 'F riday, June 18 at • .







,As'sorted flavors ~f Borden's Ice Cream and Strawberry ~undaes.

Cold 'Fudge '

Wharton Motors


.L ebanoll


,~----------------------~--------------------~ ,--~--~


Ideal for Picnics



Russel Wilson left on MOHday with the ' Farm Bureau Electrical Tour for ChiCa~o and ,paints i,n Wisconsin. Mr. and 'Mrs. A.K. bay had as recent gue t , Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Day and Mr. Ruth Hudson of Milford. ~--

.. - .... .... .... •••

1I0U RS: , 9-12 each mornillK 1-5 afternoons except Wednesday 7-9 Saturday evenin,l{ Other evenin~s by Appointment TELEPHONE 61-R

Jr. O. U. A. M. TO MARK 75th YEAR IN OHIO'

Member of 'Jr. Order nited American Mechanics oun eil in thi area are exoected to, participate ,in the fraternity's Diamond: Jubilee Rally at Central High School in Columbus lLxt Sunday. National Secretary Jame s L. Wilmeth. Philadelphia, will be the guest ',of honor and principal speaker at the event, the first of t h r e espe cial activities at which Ohio Junio rs this yea r will observe the 75th anniversary of , the foundin~ of their state council. A. statewide class of new members will be initiated in hono r f Wilmeth, who will make a, radio address , over WRFD at 7: 15 p.m. on Saturday and will be feted at a testimonial brea'kf.ast on Sunday morning'. Mrs. Newman ' Powell and children of Valparaiso, I'nd., are house guests of her aunt, Dr. Mary Cook, for several days. SHEEHAN BUYS 1W0 BROW N SWISS BULLS ' Elmer Sheehan of' "Waynesville has recently purchased the registered Brown Swiss , bull Ewing' . Buster 8941 9 from Ewing Bros., Mt. Vernon, Ohio according to a report from Fred S. Idtse, :5ecr'etary of the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Association, Beloit, Wisconsin . He al 0 'bought the Brown wi' Winnie s Star ' Dust 880 7 from MiIton ,Sander of Pem berville, Ohio.

Dr. C. E. Wilkin Opto metri c Eye Spee ialtet



26 South Detro it Stree t XEN IA,O mo .....


- . ..






Little Mar1ha Jane and Donnie Robinson of Dayton were Tuesday and Wednesday guests of 'their ' grandparents, Mr. and M'rs .. E.F. Earnhart.

HAROLD S. ANDERSON GRADUATE~ FROM O. S· U Harold Ander on f Wa yne ville ' receive j his Ba helor of Science degree in' . in etiucation at the commencement exerci es of Ohio State Uuiv n i y, . which were 'held on Friday, June it. The commencement exerci es for the class of 2000 graduates, the largest in the histor y of O. S. U. were held in the Ohio Stadium with Chief Justice Carl V. Weygandt Of the Ohio. State Supreme Court delivering the keynote address to th e class, "MYSTERY OF ROOM 323" IS FAVORITE STORY OF 'BURNS AND ALL~N I When it com'es to reading matter, mystery ra ther than madcap comedy, is the preference of George Burns and Grad e Allen, one of radio's top comic teams. So when the producers of the Dayton Power and Lig-ht com:p any's Favorite Story ' radio program asked the funny twosome to name their best-loved story, they selected the legendary "Mystery of Room' 323." , This story will be presented on the Favorite Story broadcast, Tuesday, June 22, at 9 :30 p.m. over WH 10. Host, as usual', will be Ronald Colman. Jan~t Waldo, 'leadi ng lady on many a net· work show, will be heard alon~ with Hans Conried, who received Radio Life m'agazine's a ward as top masculine featured performer on the air lasl year. "

Mr. J.B. Crabbe is attending the Vocational Teachers Can· ference in Wooster, Ohio, this week.

G oo dy ea r

The Bond A

Invisible Half Soling Orthopedic Corrections Oork Extensions

111·1 3 E. M'ulberrv St.'

To Eligibl e Banks :

d po it try of th fund , of: 00001 D istri t of ,arr n County , hio, will be ,'eceiv~ by the Board of Educa tion of sa id S ho01 Distri, t until 1 2: 00 o' ' ItJe'k nooll on the sixth day of July. 194 , A pplica li()1is :sha 11 ' tat I'\e rat (It' Int r-' est that will be p a id on inactiv e (lepo sit s belong ing to suid choot Distr! t, 1'\8 set fOI·th in the copy ' f the I Resolu tion made a part of this nOtI ' . the type of e urity pr pos d to be furnish ed and shaH b addre 'ed to t.h Jerk of the Board of Educa tion f Wayn e Local hool Distri ct. of Warre n County , Ohio. at Wayne sville, hio, mark d "n po Itory Appli< 'Mion," ' '.... " , BARN HART , Olerk IB ox 203-W a,yri sv:llle, Ohi() \'\~ayne LO<'a1



Mr. Frye moved the adopti on the follow ing Resolu tlon: BE IT RESO LVED , by t he Board of Educat ion' of WAyn e Local ch 1 Distric t., W)arr n Count y, Ohio, thM on te duly made, funds of said Sch.ooJ D'i s,t,'lct aggreg aJUng a maxim um amoun t of One Hundr ed Nlnety y lve Thous and Dollar s. ($195,0 00,00), shall be award ed as In8JCtive deposi ts;, , ' BE IT RESOI LVEID , that the active and I~l live funds of said Schoo l Distric t ha n be d epo Hed In a bank or bunks as req·ulr ed by ,l aw; and be It furthe r RESO LVED , ,thalt the 'bank or banks Irr said 'Schoo l Distric t) ofttirln g the high e st I'ate of Intere st per annum {)n inao,U ve d poSits be ;na,d e the deposi tory or deposi tories of funds of said !Schoo l DIstrk :t for a pe.riod ending the 24th 4ay of Augus t, 19~9. If, how'ev er, no bank lin. said Schoo l Distric t bids a satisfa ()tory rate of intere st per annum on said lnll. tive deposi ts, shaH be made the d~posltory of funds of satd Scho~1 Dl6tl'l ct; Intere st on inactiv e deposi ts to ' 'be paid quarte rly and compu ted fro,m the date of d eposit; and be it furthe r RESO LVED , ,th·a t bids be receiv ed, until 12:00 o'clock noon on the sixth day of July, 1948, and that notice -to all banks In. said Sc:hooL J>1strl ct and s,u ch bank or banks unt il ,b ond or securi ties nave been d posite d .with the Treasu rer of '.said IScho01 Distri ct as provid ed by raw. Mr, Whlta 'k er second ed ,the R esoluti on, and tih e roll being caLled upOn its adopti on the vote resulte d as follow s: Mr, Gons Yea. Mr. Frye Y~a. Mr. Thoma s Yea. Mr. W'llita k r Y a. Mr. 'Fulke rson ' Yea Adopte d 1he sevent h day of June, 1948. JOHlN GONS , Presld 11t Wayne sville. Warre n County , Ohio Airt st: c. W. BARN HART , Clerk




FATHER'S DAY is June 20 '


Henry H. Moeller

Waynesville National Bank~



Sb oe ,Re pa ir Se ry le.

Mon'ih CI~lb




Re m em be r Da d'

The . comf orts of a nome for those who wis'h' to hold services" here "

STUBB'S ·Fu ner al Ho me TELE PHON E 2~1


." I



. - ~ >-



'">;.1 ~-,~ - -< - ;" "

Waynesville Drug Store


. ,

, . '.:, (,

PHON E 2121


,l; :





Even the , ih riftiest women admit our cleanin~ servic e is one of true; ' economy. Our wo-rk is expertly and thorough- . Jy , done. ,We ar.e ,prom ptness . per~onified and our moderate charges are bffset by the longer life ,of the 'garmen t.


u4-WA~ '





c o


in che Ohio Farm. . will you b~ protee doa apintt 10ues 'your farm. Ie, emen your buildioat. JOur cbt«tel;., JOUf automobUe ad ,.,.. UabWcy for .~d~CI to 0111... Why DOC ... .. today? Yaa __ JUU'.. Ide wbca JOa'n- . . . . . . . . . . . 0bI0 , 00








... . . MIMI II'u• • 2"

~ ~ tMI.

E ,M , A ,N '

Fa irl ey Rd we .' St or e

20 E.Ku lberr y, LEBANON, 0 ,.

OHIO ".M Elll lIl... ... ...AIIY



Karl D. 'Dakin Insurance IAgency Pho»: e

$20·5~ .



PHON E 2441

6 -



, J






Girl - ha in O' umpire h me x tra inning ame he-, com ill ,t:' ~ 111m n-place ... umpire gi inK the ,ole hea ve-h to a pIa r who hould have in tead of been Ii t n in m oufhin' , . , a home-run that wasn't n~-aid infini t'um_ An the e highlighted the end of the firs quarter play in the local· softba ll 10 p, wh ich reminds ' me that the Liea' line fOJ" signm g' pia er except by -pedal permi ; n will be tonight. Hope all of th managers rea J this and don't try to cry in m beer later n. 'After rain cau ed t\V'O po tponements on Monda y and T uesday, Bellhrook . slammed two runs across Friday in the first extra innin~ gam e of the 'seaso n . . . the eIghth inning ••. to score an 8-6 win over the cellar tc~ ant, Mill er s Restaurant. Ma,nager Charlie ,Williamson's s~cond hit of the •

MIAMI GAZETTE PAQE' Mrs. Lila Lindsay , and on, THE bes,t-mannered allpla er, wa WAYNESVILLE, OHIQ " No. 4373 on the , bench ' at the time be- Charles, of M rrow, Ohio" T,HURSDAY, J U N E 17, 1948 cau e of havini directed "ahu- . were unday dinne'T gue ts. of sive profa nity" , to Umpi re Mr. and Mr. Richard Kal5 r C ' nl rvillc Bap ti t QlUrch. chr eLier in the 6th innm g, and family. when he was called out for Nefe Sunday afternoon callers Rev .an j Mrs. J.E. Finnigan of , Mrs. Richard Kaiser, leaving: second base too soon. and daughter, Margaret, at (Note: ect , 15, Rule 30, Official ftoall Rules, "until a LEGAL NOTICE ' lega l1y pi'tched b~, 11 has left the Bid ' will ' be l'eceiv d ,by ' the Boord of Trus tees of PubUc Affairs ot hand of the pitcher.") , Wayn'es"llie, State of 0 1-0, at the ofd'ice of the Cl rk of said .Board of Bailey drew a 15-das su, - 'l"l'uste .' of P u blic. fEa h's until ' Ix o'clock P. M. Jun 29, 194 , for fUl'n~ pension. It just doesn't pay t. I hing ' Two Thousand (200()) fee t of six (Ii) In h caSt [ron pipe, witlb a ar,e:ue too vociferously with the , pressure capacity f nOlt less than one hundl'M-fiity (160) pounds pe umpires in this league, especial- sq ual'e inch .. Each bid must conltilln the tull na me of ev:ery person or company inIy since the umpiring in general " of the Dayton Umpires Assoc- t erested in the same. A c rtificate g uaranteeing the delivery of said pipe and a statement iation has been excellent. of the earliest date of delivery must accorri~ny ' bid. ' That is why the sudden de-, The riglht Is re served to reject a,ny and all bids. parture of Umpires Folan and , By order ot: the Board OIl Trustees of Public Affairs. Wagner last Sunday night at CHARLES JA l\IfES, , Clerk. the close of , thje 7th inning" wh en the Sharonville A,ll-Star girls were tied 8-8 with George Miller's Restaurant, 'eft such a ,bad taste In everyone s mou th. No one deni s that MiIler's couid have won in 7 , inning~ ~nd that ,some of their last-tnnmg antrcs could be farcical, 'but a little diplomacy ' on the arbiters' part could have made everyone happy. Last Th.ursday, three hits by outfielder Bob Plank sparkeq Fairley's 11-9 win over Spring Valley. Our league needs a · tatistician ~ you ,know, sonre ~ I y The under igned Administr.ator of the Estate f 'en ra who wit)' handle the official Lee Kirkpatrick, deceased, ,will offer for sa.le at llblic auction core look and keep battin ,~ at fhe late reside'nce of the said Venora Lee, KirRpatri k, 1eaverages for the league. Pay? cea ed, .1 a'ed on Mill Street in the Village of \V~ nesville, ure, we even pay 10C to the kids for each ball fished out Warren County, Ohio, ,o'n f Mr. Gei~er·s pools. Our Junior American n club , failed to survive Bellbrook's ,8 run splash in the opening frame, 10si)1~ 10-5, F i ~ cher Earl Powell :t1lowc::! all 1 C runs in the first 2 fral1l e ~ . th ereafter pitchin~ his usual :~ )nd bran j of bal1. COMMENCING'AT 1 :00 O'CLOCK, P. M.,I:'ROMYJ:'. The locals engage the strong Centerville Club Sunoay at the Waynesville Ht~ll School diamond ,at 3 P. M. Orvilie Gray's the following personal property bflongin~ , to the Estate of 'CUttle Shavers" play the Centerville Juniors in a -mnillg nora ee Klrkpatnck" deceased,. to-wit:contest at 1 :15 P. M. Will St. John and Stan Bail-" ey, 'get weekly " orchids. Said Dining room table, buffet, 6 chairs, 2 iron beds and St. John, cCI'm not a ' business .. \iptings, folding cot, bedding, dressers, sewing n:Iac~'ine, man but I do want to contribute," whereupon he did. stands" May tag washing, machine, kitchen 'Cupboard, kitchen Bailey, ' like m~ny other local cabinet, table, c~airs, lot dishes, and glass ware, some conbusinessmen, had not been ap, proached to sponsor one baseiidered antique. , baH uniform (total cost $15.00) because of yours truly's And other articles too m~merous to mention. lack of tiro.e in seeing everyone - however Stan is now in the select group 'because of, his personal initiative in contacting m.e. Newly ,jOined are TERMS OF 'SALE: CAS~ Smith's Sales and Service and Francis Gene Brown's ' InsurWilbur N. ~I, Auctioneer. ance. Other businessm.en in'terested m'ay conJact me at c. DONALD DILATUSH, Attorney 2351. . Sunday nite Bob , Groves I Miamisburg fast I~ stepp,ing ALBERT k. STUBBS, Aclmiailtralor Eagles take on - the Bellbrook team in an exhibiition tilt. , of the ,Estate of Venora lee , .) Orville Gray's boys will present two youthful softball Kirkpatrick, deceased. teams in a , 5 inn in~ "prelim" , at 7 P. M.

on <e t unk Miller', . who e ria in<Yomartager John Sack~tt I f the I er "with two bingles. That n i-e la t Weline day night was the air out of the American LegioQ's balloo n as Mana,~er "Wea.:tel' Miller' , crappy Kier s nine emerged with a 7-3 win behind the I rilliant 3-hit p it ~hin ~r of Murph y. Infield er Jimmie Mill er. I,egion, and O utfielder Harry Schoonvel', Ki r \\ ere to sed out of th . game in the sixth frame following their sq.lffle at second ,base. Subsequently both players drew a 12 ... jlY suspensian from the league p: esident. Kier s victory ga ve them undis;puted posses Ion of 'first place, which they retained desp ite a 3-2 defeat Mpnday by Irvin Mulford's' Fairley.- Hardware club, easily the most im-, proved club in the lea~ue in recent A wild pitch by Murphy in the eighth fr,am~ spell ed defeat for Kier's. Fairley could have ~o,n i~ the 7th . ' when Pat Hopkms hIt a ,iremendous 'drive to deep cen'ter, l ut failed to touch fIrst base. Thi omi sio n dili n t e..)cap~ Bail ,. Keir' s h0rts ~op, who ' yell d to Mana g:er Miller to tag first b~se. Umpire By~a prol!l<ptt y called the oU'o, It IS IromcaL that Bailey, u ually one of the


..S' •• 'CH •• ,.AIIPOWI. ' •• I 1111.1111111 . jij

II "



,Saturday, June ~19, 1948






. . ~,.,.,. S H' " ..". , ............... .... iIIo.., .,... Alflt", L ,. We., A'••o"elri•• My,.,. WI". ., I.,,,,


""'0'" ""'"""eI.. ' ",on, onel 'a." .,.,...." ., . . . . ,It.. ...,. .~

It ,....." ••, woy to flu, ••M ••." , .....



, ... My.... WIIf.,••It... electrfc " ""'.Oel., AtIlt., "'oI.,~tM) eI " .NfI ;e -",....eI .......,..,__ ..." ."..,.

h"", c., ,""•. " ..... ... H' "'..., ..

.( • With d.pendable fann help I. scare., Arthur IN.e baker hal fouiiCI the anlwer. H.

bellev.~ ,eve" ~nn

, ,Ihould h,ID a larl. 5 H' molor for luch lob,

al Irlndlnl ..ed, blowlnl .traw, hay In'o the mow, I

- -+it--.uclGtrlnto-' the .110. Th. motor dart. with a pUlh but.

ton, run. for about lOC an hour, and r~qulr•• almo.t no maintenance. It .ave. ·traclor. for ,other lobi. ,'The Brubak.r fa.rm hal 100 amp. entrance .ervlce. ,


Electrical help.,. In UI. Includ~ refrilirator anel range, ' . home water .y.tem, bam water .yitem, dairy water healer, electric milker, milk cooler, froz.n food cable




II t \, ,






holltlnl hay, Ipray.


tvre Aglnt, Vocaflonal ,


f~ed, ch~rnlng,

I"aln, ' chop.

the USti of utility mofofl, conlult your County Alrlcul. , '

~ . .....










Inlfrud-.r or the ,

Company servlnl your neighborhood.

SAT. 119 Hopalong Cassidy .. Law on ' His SIde!

. IIllAnOl .OWIIIID LIlli C. .lll


Farm Reprelentatlve of The Dayton 'ower and L1lh. ~

'-a.. ,___ ._ ~_ ,_ ..

.......... ~-



Inl or runnlnl a lathe. For pradlcal IUlleltlonl on


powlr ~n your place, fOOt It can make Ihort work .f pinl and mlxlnl




'A portable eledrlc utility motor can .tr.tch man such chore. al cuHlnl wood,



net, a welder and, a feed , Irlnder.

SUN 20

MON 21


• ~


Honor Thy Father 'FA....IEWs DAY


Marked WODIID .I

. - - - - '- IIi.lLiY '


Silent CO}Dflict ~, Andy Clyde r No.3

. . With BETTE DAVIS _ in ,

(Not Recommended For Children)


AND-Soap Box' Derby.


Randolph Scott



~ -

• 'If


PAGE 2 No. 4373 17, 1948

Virg-inia Belmont, who 1'lays ' mini te red W:1 by lawles trail the hor -how at Eaton la_t Bohb Page in the , Republic dr-iver wlio, in thel-r m'ads rush Sund a. erial, ' Gho t Town" was di - to ' t cattle to marke deva 'I Mr'. Eth 'l Kall covere b a 'vVarn r tal nt ta t d the farmlands. t,Into this Harri t Buck ' w re u t - recout whi le, cashierin,1; in a La hedlam come "Bat Master- c ntl ' f the FlOwer A,ng Ie theatr e.! M re about son' (Randolph Scott ), trying , garde n lub of Oa-k-wo·fH"I.-+-he.r next week. to brine' law and or ter. Be ide lu'n heon flt High iew T I'm . P\. P dect pictur e for Dad a tory, you'll be wit'Dr. Chari Bu k p k come along on Sund~ n ssing th e r mantic tale of nerva tion. , '(Fath ers Day ) and Monday, a: Kan as start as one of the r:ichChari s Kabl had an a dp(cture that will relax the "old 5t wheat tates in the Union. dent at me t' Mr. unm(m' ~ . H's R KO' "The M u ic pervades the plot witho ut ningh 'am,the\Vhh re he w. ~ lin .. . Bachelor and' the Bobby-Sox - ' haltin ,~ it rapid pace. There ' er" , with Cary Grant , Myrna an old-fa ' hioned western barn h.ay. He tepp d thr . u,g'h a L~y, ,_and Shirle y Tem'ple. dance, and the ;' lively , and br ken ewer, IIljuring his kn \ A father-and- on banqu et i ' Come dy and roman ce 'chase so metimes haunt ing ,songs of bein giv n at the hool caf each other all ' over the Screen' Ann e Jeffre y and her colorful teria Satur day night. in this story of a bachelor art- dance hall girls. Georg e "Gab Paul Thom as is prog're sin' ist, innoc'ent objec t of a ' by" Hayes has a quaint and with his new home north f "crus h" from a teen-a~er and comic role as "Billy Gdat " town. Elwoo d Rhon emus is jothl! drastic "cure " carne d out Burns, Liberal' old ' deput y iog the brick worK. , by an older sister, a b autiful marshal. Miss Margie ' Patter son and woman . judge. In my book her m'o,t,her , of Columbus pent Gran t is a top com'edian, al'a few days Ia t week with the ways. Wait 'til you see him H.M. Thom as family. Jitter-bug! The short, "Soap . ' . The m:en and women of the ,Box Derby ", should please any Presb yterian Church held Dad. , , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edging- meeting last week to plan fora Tuesd ay's one-n ight-stand is ton and Mrs. Stella Multbrup repairing and, redecoratin'g the fOK the sophisticate, NOT a are spending a week in the Churc h. , children's picture. Hump hrey , moky Mountains. . Mr. and ' Mrs. Lawre Bogart and Bette Davis fans Willis Lausing'er is on the Kempt have purchased nce '11 the: prope rty of Mr. COJa Davi . WI want to' see "M ar ked W 0- , . sick list. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterman" (WB ), a meaty dram'a. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lynds sori and daugh ter Pat spent one Tex Beneke's Orche stra is in aIll! Mr. and Mrs. Howa rd · tlle t wo-ree Ier accom panym last week at the St. Mary 's g. Steele and son R,odge r attend ed , day the feature. La ke, ' as th e gues ts 0 f Mr. an d 'ITrail Stree t" (RKO ) on .. Mrs. Ray Miller, who have a cottag e there. the ~creen' Thurs day and FriFrank WiJ1iariis s I,ll remain ' da " could be called a big-scale very ill at hi home. Mrs. Sid 11Western, an epic of action and, strick er of Dayto n ha been historical destiny. the hi' t . stor,y of Liberal" KansaIt's s, in the e pmg 0 care for him for several weeks l' 80'S , where the only l,aw ad.

T~.N ,,­

L ea se s by FOX HOLL Y Winn er of the Canadian Mounties Club Card award at the Twin Satu'rday night was Shirley Reeves with number. ,157. Said Sqiriey, as she collected her cash award : "I Jever won anyth ing! I was so ~xcited that it seeme d to take me ages to .get froll1 my seat to the box offIce." Good hunting, Shirley. All cards are now in circulation. However, some left with me'rchants for dis,tribution may still be availab.le in the local stQres . 'Briefviews: "Vall ey of the Giant s" (WB) ' closes tonig ht and Friday. Latest Hopalong Cassidy adven ture with Wil'iam Boyd and Andy Clyde will ~reet ' old friends on Satur day, III the Weste rn entitl ed "Silen t Confl ict" VA. Lots of hard ridint!' and shoot ing in this. There 's a come dy that night, and th r.ial. Don't forget to bring your card for the ' 'V.; eekly , punch " and prize-pas ibility .

IBe'librook'-'Noles F

--- --- -Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thom a

SI DI NG : Now in Stock SNO WHiT E

. ~} I8-W m.H. 12_

'·][ , tt


.. ~,


19-Mat ma Charta Qranted.


• • 21-First Day oi SUmm&I. ,



22-Gl Bill 01 RiQhts In effect.








I?EPAII? ~(Ja,.~

ee l'




Headache wa rn all of possible sickness. Noise in your encrinc.: . warns 'o u of troub le ahead . Don:t wait ,for it-br m cr your car 111 now, and prey nt costI v repairs later.

KIER'S Garage SMITH ELE£~IC SERV ICE For that extra Receptacle Or Anything Electrical Hous e -

Barn ,


Ca ll Sm itt y

3 5·e55

23-lslon d ot Luzon . al&d, 1945,

YElL OW PINE SIDIN G 1 X 6 REDW OOD V2" x 6" and Y2" x 8" 'Bevel




w. H. Milddep & CO. TELEPHONE 2281


Youth's Bed Complete




• •


'w-F~ers' Day,



Mr. and Mr . Willia m awyer' I ft Friday t ~ tt nd the weddin~ of a' fri nd' in Buffalo on afur jay, returning home thr ugh Canad a.

entert ained to Suriday dinne r Mr. and ' Mrs. Joe Monee of Vandalia and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Russel and daughter, Joyce Ann, of Lebanon. '

17':'MlsslssIPp,l river d1IIcov· -red. 1673.






, HOW ARD SHU TIS ' , 'W aynes ville

South ,Main

-62. 4


& Appliance


acros l from Grange Hall

Telephone 2422


.'~--------------~----~P-~------------------~ ,


Have Your

'SpaftanEleclro-Rod '. ,








,W ill ia m Sa wy er


PHONE 2174








ning. at the en Bihl Chur h. THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE S Lost and FoundThe W. , . . S. nld ThtH - WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. 4373 T-lellow Collie Dog, tia y aftern ulln rtt tl1~ hom f THURSDAY, J U N E 17, 1948 wl1 ite ring around neck. ,ReMrs. Mar" PI r (n . . 'i tine: The i e cream oeial p n· Mr ; war . \rVilbur Flor n e, OrepieL' n \\" r Mr ~', lY ni.a, R: R. 1·. -617 sored by the Mpthe:r Club t . ~ '; ~l Ii:' 1] r '1.;,: _n ur.· :tn j ML . benefit th Harve sbur' Hi/h L I Rohert · n. CLASSIFI·ED AD RATES HELP WANTED FEMALE eh 0 1 band v. as held in the Chi ld ren's Dn y ",a b er-' 1c ·PER WORD-,MINIMU.... M----2"""5c, .gymnasium aturda y evening. ve:l lin a. morning at the OPPORTUNITY FOR Ml:s. Vivian Fry \va ague t J nah s Run Chur h and at the $': I • . . REGISTERED NURSES of relatives in franklin Wed- Zion Baptist Chur h. The Bets Ross 4·H Club Registered, nursesl ' Prom- nesday. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE;The CLvic league's an nual mel Wedne. da, June 9, at .FOR ALE - 5 room house; ,inent. nospital ,has several Mrs. Loren Woolley and picnic wa h Id . aturday affer.- Han s hllr~' Hi gh cl 001 electric, city . water" ·storm Imnl,edlate opemngs for gen- George Waterhouse of H m Fe 'nomic room with noon at the countrv. home of win :low large lot. Located . eral staff duty. Salaries begin Waynesville were . Sunday Mrs. Rose Carr. Guest speak- ·Viola I Hartsock in charge ahd in WaynesYille. Price at $2~0 per month, with $1 a afternoon guests of Mrs. Louise ers were Mrs. Burris Hyatt of Mru-i.lxn Conl~y, vice president, $4500.00. Wilbur Sears, year mcrease for three ye.ars. Fite . . . Wilmington 'and Mrs. William preSidin g. Phone 265 t. Closed Sun- $~O a extra for evenmg, . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wil- P.hillips of Lebanon. There were seventeen girls --520 mght serVIce. Three meals a liams and family of Wilming. days present with only one absent. Mr. and Mrs. William Doster . . day, laundry / and room in ton were Sunday guests of Mrs. enteTtai,ned their I>ricfJ?:e club Selling tickets fo,r ~ dog show DON'T FOHGET TO CALL beautiful reslde~ce all for $45 Williams'· parents, Mr. and Mrs. aturda y everiing at their counift Dayton was discussed. Mary us for ~J nsurance. All types of a m.onth, if desired. Liberal H. S. Tucker and their daugh- . try home. is to inquire more Belle Bogan I'nsurance at a savings. Call yacation polic'y. Write or wire . ter, Miss E,valyn Tucker. Saturday dinner ~uests of about it. A silver tea was disFrancis Gene Brown phone rODA Y to DlrectQr of Nurses, Miss May Harlan, Mrs. Osie · Mr. and Mrs. Herbert · Doster cussed some more. A commitWaynesville 2472 'or call Jewish. Hospital, Cincinnatl Harlan, and Mrs, A" 's. Collett 29, OhIO. . coHect. Wilmin~ton 211 t ~ were Sunday dinner guests of were Mrs. A. S. Collen and tee was appointed to plan for son, and Mr. ~nd Mrs. ·W. A. it. Going to church was ag,ain Mrs. Laura Shidaker.. ------~H-E-S-A-I-D-----discussed . . Janet DQ@ter is to I SELL -.;HE EARTHMr. and Mrs. Fred Sherwood Cossum of Columbus. give a demonstration at the William Wrigley said Mrs. A. S. Collett attended Mr. and MfS. H.' S. Tucker · and IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING ' next meeting. Mary Belle "The way to go broke the Wayne Farmers . Club, daughter, Miss Evalyn Tucker, in Real Estate for saJe, get in is to . stop feedmg your as guests of Mr: and Thursday Bogan gave a dem'onstration on motored to Ft. · Wayne, Ind. touch with Ben E. Cline, licMrs. Ronald· Hawke of money into advertisin,g. . making oatmeal cookies. They Friday and were guests of re- WayneSVille. ensed broker, Sprin~ Valley, Once you stop shoveling .were very good. There was a latives there. .Oh io, in Real Esta~e Business coal-- the fire ,e:oes OUT r! Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKnigltt se~ing period and a recreation Ladies Nig,ht was observed since 1911. Experience tells. of Dayton were Sunday guests I have · shoveled it to period. . at the Communify Cllub ThursTry me 'and see. Mr. McKnight's mother, the tune of 75c on every day evening. Hosts and host- of Mrs. ~826 Myrtle · M'cKnig-ht. clear dolJar-and I've Rev. S. N. Keys and family esses were Mrs. X. S. ColJett lived on the 25<: of it. Mrs. C. R. Frazier were and and her son, Mr. Robert Col- OPEN HOUSEFOR RENTThe best signs a man Thursday evening gue~t of Mr . lett, Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Thorni M· r s. J. L.Kennck when . an PASTURE for rent. . Contact can get in 25,000 m~les . The Golden Wedding AnnibU'ry, and Mr. and Mr. Hel'the entertained with a fried . any evening, Uiugh Vance, for' the mon~y - best laid versary of Mr. and Mrs. George bert Carr. out and most powerfulRoute 3, Waynesville. -71 chicken dinner honoring The Vacation Bible School Graham witt be celebrated with and Mrs. RobothanMr. are STAN FORD BOGEN of . closed last week. Tlhose who open house from 2 ·-to 5 p. m. FOR SALEIGNS of MORROW, '0. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. v attended sessions presented a . Sunday at their home in Mr. Kenrick , 'and his bro·ther 1939 CHEVROLET Pick-Up 25,000 miles- yes ' the Spring:boro. • -617 delightf~l rogram Sunday eve. d best- and you're back Mr. Robothan had not seen where you startea from • . Trude'l Fairley Har ware, • each other for twenty-five Phone' 2441. -61 t So just go.' to Morrow. year '. . FOR SALE - ' Sweet Potato But go today. Demand STANFORD BOGEN plants, 60 cts. per hundred ; Miss Bonnie Satterthwaite is WHILE A FUNERAL SERVo , all kinds of garden' plants, IGNS. That's like sailing enrolled at the Dayton Comp. ICE is held but once, it must be to cts. per dozen. on the sea! tom eter School. . Will a Post card get Ghas. C. tr use 1 ¥.! miles kept in memory ever after. nor th of Wa,Ynesville cornel him? ,YES! ' . wards, approvin o'ly or other· ' wi e. of Waynesville, Ferry, and Sweet Alice Bogen, Our famLytle Roads. . -624 ous fast swimminj! star and 3 . Realizing how our own responsibility is, we plan eadl F<.>r You To Feel W~'!! . TOMATO, Plan'ts. Walter Da- key board pipe organist, is now ' service with' the utmost care. ,24 h Uta ever)' day 7 days e .. "ry kin Crosswick, Waynesville. speeding ,' over the northern w k, ne V(lr st pping. the kidney s I\~ wastt! matter from the blood. , -617 shore lilies of Georg-ian Bay off M ·cCLURE If more people were aware or how ~b e - - - - - - - - - : - - - : - .- J3aril, Ontario. She kid no , mus t rElnlove sur· plu U\lid other v/Ilste HAY FORK rope and carner is the daughter of Stanford "--~-II....DI,~L..Ii.f~~~~r'~I, the l,lo'ld and pull.eys. J. B. Chap- Bogen, sign man and com. ury to t her e woulrt FUNER~L be belter undc rst;an 1I\r of wILli he . man, Pho'ne 2711. . -617 . niercial artist of Morrow, O. wbole system ill upset wh .m I:ldneys fall • to function properly, WAYNESVlll:E, OHIO -You are right, Georgian Bay is wANttD-..Burnln", scan ty .or too (r"Qu" nl uri!!". tlon !lolD ~es ... arns that som bhl DI a Ion~ 'way from Georgia. , is wroni. You may s utTer Ilogging backCUSTOM WOOD S~win?:, with a che headaches. dizzin ess. rheumatle . Mr. and . Mrs. Wade Turner .~u ln~. gettin, up at nightll. IweUiDg • . chain saw. Elmer Surface, '" Why not try Doc,,', Pill.' You wtu and son .arrived ' from Arizona Clarksville. Phone 155. b& using a medicine ·recommend«t .lih. countrr over. Doa,,'lJlltimulate the func-617 during the past week for an . tion () tbe kidneYII and belp ' them to WANTED indefinite stay. fiu.ih out poillonou waats fro m th4 blood. Tbey contain nothing barmful. CUSTOM BALING, Get DOB"', today. Ule with confidence. 'DEAD STOCK At all drug IItoree. R. C. laRUE COWS-$10.00 ~. WayneSVille Route 1, Phone HORSES--$8.00 2946. , Waynesville, ~j~4 HOGS---$3.00 c:wt. ~ccordlnl to. III:. a Condition What you may need in the fuAlso, All SMALL STOCK LAUNDRYture-is-.. • .' . . . REMOVED PROMPTLV WANTED: Laundry to do ~n Phone my hOqle. Mrs. Everett MilXENIA WILMINCTON ler. Phone 2742. 6-17 1712 on your real estate loan 2362 NORR·IS -· BROCK COMPANY 4% interest, repayThis, plus a ....... Che,... PAPER :HANGING":'" ment privileges, service and Cinoinnatl Union StoCk ' Yard. security may be had in a RA I N EY Waynesvil1e~ .Liv. and P,rogr, An J. H . , -78 oraanization ..oond 1to none. FEDERAl, LAND BANK LOAN Striotly ; •• on · the .bHt made ' through ' . NOTICE all arOund market . In th • . .. . oountry. " 1HE LEBANON ANTIQUE FURN~TURE­ SERVICE THAT 8A·rISJ'IE'S NATIONAL FARM· LOAN Repaired 'and Refmished. All WlHIO Day.ton 12:50 Ill. ·D. T. Lebanon, 'Ohio . . Phone 448 work guaranteed. Dial1300 ' W'LW OllnclDnaU . 13: to. Dial 700. · for Our ' ~ly . . CHAS. C. COOK and SON, £Ilia H. StUrm, Sec'y-Treas. ·Mark~t Rqort. PHONE 2645 Waynesville, O. -624 , • CARD OF THANKSWE PAY FOR We wish to . express our "PHONE L~ANON,. OHIO .. hearrfelt thanks, to . all of our 00 00 I;IORSES ; COWS$ll"oo; HOGS avt. friends ' and relatives for the kindness. and sympathy 'Shown to us durin" the illness and '1'D.U'JIONU ACCORDING TO SIZE ~D cortDmoN deat.h of our father, Fred Gul· , WA'DfaftI.La . . lady. 'W e also ' waht to th ank KOUOW.e. • the minister, Byron· Carver, /. L&BANOM Offtee a'IIK for his consoling words and t~e lAND. aDd GRAVEL . McClure Funeral Ho~e for Its BLACK-TOP DRiVU . efficient service. . .Mrs. John Stansber:ry . . TAR "'el. RO~ OIL " M'rs. Harold Osborn .' . Rtwene , . , LAWN aDel FILL DIRT Mrs.· Helen Tracy CharaREADY-MIX:.CONCRETE Mrs. Frances Sharp x..IaO.. Mr. Edward Gullady. EXCAVATING , aad. DUMP TRUCK . SERVICE E. G. ~.cIa"". lac. " -617 1 t





I •. ~ •




~ ~.








Farmers! .TIME ••.'


CKs "a



Any.make . ' o.r ·model



,Fred Kahn Mo,t or Car Co• .





X E N IA Fertilizer . 4 54

.... ...

It Says Here

The. Miami SA'ZETTE ,


By Smitty omeone named ,Llewellyn in SERVING WAYNESvillE SINCE 1850 Day.ton must have been a bit ,No. 4374 FIVE ...cENTS A COpy cantu ed the other night. His ,phone rang and he answ red THURSDAY, J u' N E 24, 1948 with the ,u ual "Hello." After WrAYNESVllLE, OHIO t~at" the - conye~ation ' went ~~~~~~~~~~~~ , ~~~~~~~~,~~~~~

SO~I;I~i~t; ~~:2~h~S?:"

No, this is Fulton 5069."


"Cute Kiddies" Contest Wilt Start July 13; Photos To Be Published

Town '8 Drain Problem Flares Up·at LocaUWic £Iuh's Aff~ir Th e t 11 h qu Hon of Wa Ile ville wer s stem x~ I de li into open debate-at -M n~ayl night s Civic Club me tmg when tan ley H. Mar~1' t.~~lln;~ak~~.itarv ,engin er, Mr. ' Markey , c'o m'pared Wayne ville deTayS in ca mpi ting its e,\ r s st~ ll1 to the antics of a little boy who knows h ,will to ,e:o to bed so metim e but wants to put It off as I lng a .po',: iblc. Speakmg of the pr!}iut i J r. 'Jf th Little Miam~ Riv 'r by IllY tr, ate. ~ .;' '.', :: g fru'n vVa Yllt:sJl1c, Mr. Nlarkey saiJ, "'t is ~ ~tt e r 1_, I :. ve so Il ! c-:- it ,;~C l11 to th e tr am, \'(h r , it can e partly purified lJ Y diluti( n, than , to ,have it flow in the ire t wh re kids tand in it. Jn th e n xt two or three years p\ am ou,nt of. wage , going \ll'tO tbe five WIll not be very, "reat. By th e tim volume in. creases, the disRosal plant sh uld be ,in uperation." A 'ked :vhe iher the lial ility; for. pollutIon can be fi xed on PI' perty-holders u in,!!: the' e· weI', the , engin eer aid, "The responsil1ility i tile -t wn 's. But Donald Lukens ~f the !own i. activ el v engaged Donald Lukens; a junior at , III reHmg a dIsposal plant built r m getting:, it 'financ'eS wo.rk~ Waynesville High chool, wa ed up ,to that point, we have to. appointed a ,istant state treabe patient. " Courts would not surer durin~ the 1o-day grant judgments in suits based Buckeye Boy' State att nded if a plant were on pollution by 867 Ohio hj~h school boys uI'lcter way, he said. at ' Delaware, 0., this m:onth. Warr,en Braddock, intro. Before , this ,appointment, he as "ex-mayor" because duced failed by 10 votes to. wih the elective office of "secretary of of his resignation last week week o.ver the sewt!.T situatio.n, ' st~te," on the sixth ballot. During the mi11.1.ic politic,s also sp' He pleaded for residents to "ge,t behind the preceding the , "elections," Lukens was chai'rman of the sewer system." and to cooperate "Nationalist Pariy'-' for one of pI.operties conuected the , score of '~dties" ,into to It. He deplored public "misunderstanding" of the ' prowhich the boys were divided. O'ram. He 'also brought home a Much discussion centered on certificate for his participation ,the $34.50 connection fee ,in , the event's cham!plonship which has been i~nored by: basketball ,team - one mem~~any sewer users. Village Sol~ ber of which hailed from ,HamICltor Anderson explained that noon Catflolic, ' one of the this ameunt was set afiter all state's leading class A teams engineering survey as the a.. this year. . mo.un~ eac, h potential sewer H is trip was sponsored by user would have to contribute the Civic Club and Am'erican to pay for a minimum dispo.~al ,Legio.n. ' plant. , ' Mr. Anderson and Mr. Braddock stressed that the virh3 .Iag~ ~as legal ' powers to en .. , Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ash- force Hs decisions on the sew.. me,ad pro.udly anno.unce ' the · ,ers, "and th~t tr e present, a .. birth of theIr second child, m~un~ f!owll~g mto. the. Lltt.le CheIyl SUe, at the Miami Valley MIamI Rn~'..eLlS-I1,o vlo.latlon of Hpspitat on June 16. The baby state laws. Mr. added weighed nine pounds' , five that when , I~e sees ,the flow: ounc'es " from the sanitary sewer, it is ' ~lw~'ys clear, while foul, smelly . " LOCAL WOMAN EDITS hqulds emerge f.rom the storm. WRIGHT FIELD PAP~ sewers. __

--~-~~----~-- '

Lukens Loses Election At Boy's' Statee, , Made '''Assistant Treasurer"

what city are "Thi is Dayton, Ohio." , , As in previous y,tars the ~ i o,n~l1y ,reeo 'nized fi rm spec"Oh, J'm sorry. I was callin,g Wilmington" Delaware." , Miami Gazette want a picture Itl!lz mg III th i~ type o! work, ound effects: Much clickin,g of every young ch ild in this' area. WIll be et. up tn a special Conof th phone plunger). so it can be published in :1 te t tudio in the Grange Hall forthcoming feature, "Citize~s on Tuesday uly 1 r-from 1 perator: "This 'is Dayton." of Tomorrow". But to make It P. M. to 8 P. M. Pictures of Another operator: "What? 11 doubly interestin~ for everybody uniform. size and good repro,Unidentified voice: "Hello, is -children, motners and dads ducti n qualit y are wanted so this Mr. Brown?" alike - a "Cute t Children onl y those taken for the con" Th n sikn~e--which isn't ~onte ttl . has been arra~ged. te t m,ay be entered. Every child under t n years gold 11. in the teleph one bu'-iness. Perhaps your, younr ter will be is elig-ible. Th re is no charge In C'lse OIL h ' t :i ' one ,of the wmners, , ( y ~ aven guessel This is. not a beauty con- 'to the parents. Parents need by' thi time, it was a Waynes- t t ' W . I t " t" not be sub cribers nor even vil/e' p,hone subscriber who start- 'pictures es . e- simp wandress ' cuwill e ' r aders of thi , newspaper. look'sy and e j all this, conf,usion by having- make no difference. Getting a Neither are th e obligated to t~e temerity to place a long- -rute p-icture depends largely on purchase ~ictures. Those who Istan e call. the mood o.f the mo.ment. But w~nt additional prints may ob.But there sa haPl?Y endin,g to with a skilled cameraman, a' tam them by arrangement dir!he s~orx. The deSired number variety of expressions cart be ectly with ~he. st~dio when the.y I~. W IlI:tll ng tOIi was actually ob- ' obtained and with a youngster 'select the. pose fO,r entry in the tamed m four mintltes. anything can happen on Con- contest and later publication. It test Day! Tha't's why this con- is entirely up to them. Kiddies The state ' highway depart- test should be interesting to have a lot of fun in an event ment took remarkably quick everyone. of ,'this kind, and, of course; The prizes to be aw~rded mbther and dad will get a big action when it was told that 'bang' out of seei'ng tne youngmany Waynesville residents are: 1 st $~5 .00 Vigoil Tinted ster's picture i'n print later. wanted better warning signs at the "death curve" on Route Portrait Framed,', 2nd cf 15.00 E~ery child's p'icture will be pu73. ' Oil Tinted Po.rtrait F~am-ed; bhshed regardless of whether a There is a large ~', HILL" sign 3rd $5.00 Portrait; 4th $5.00 prize is won, And remember, ,Yo.urs m,ay ' be 'among those at the top of the slope now Portrait. , " visible several hundred feet Here is how the event will be ,Judged by the .studio experts as • • _ a,way. Ad~..ed to. /the Qld curve conducted locally: An expert one o.f the cutest. Make J~ly 'SIgn, fartller down the hill is a children's photQgraph-e r frQm 1 3 a, date to remember in your panel advising drivers to.' slo.w the Woltz-Allen Studios, ana- family. do wn to 15M. P. H. LARD"CAN BURGLARY T~e vi Ilage is,sup 'o.sed to be SVSPECT IS PLACED workmg on anoUler hazard BOND BY CRANE , Ernest Hasz, 31, of Mt. H61- UNDER that ~?ntributed to Charles W. Koons death on that curve ly. ~as charg<eq' with reckless , Robert Leyes, 23, was bound last ' ~.onth--tl1e fact that the dnvmg after bemg tnvolved in over to the Warren County street light was QUt. This was an accident -Saturday night, Grand Jury ' Sunday morning due to. the light being 'hung so north of MiHord in whkh two by Magistrate Carmen Crane low that tall trucks knock it out !Jt~er Mi. ,Holly residents Were on a cbarge of breakin,g and as they passed, the Civic Club 111 lured. "", entering the Coyle Packing was told Monday. , T~e two 'Mt. Holly I?asseng- Plant in Co.rwin, and removing However, the co.mplete' elim. ers 10 Hasz's auto.moblle wh'o three 50-pound cans of lard. ination of the death curve seems were inj ured we're Ernest Bond was set at $1,000. ' unlikely. J.Arthur Goldschmidt lucas, who received serious Coyle, is, accused to taking the divisio.n engineer 'of the high: cuts on his tight side and o.n Coylee, is accused df taking the way department in M,iddletown his head and Mrs I2stt!l1e ~ans Friday, nig~t and remo,~­ expl'ained thi~ to Francis Gene , Lewis, who ,sustained serious JOg them 10' hIS car. At hiS hearing he claimed to have Brown" pre~ldent o.f the Civic ~uts on her ri.ghl1eg. ~- Club, as fo.llows: ~ - ) Hasz was -cHed to appear sold one of the cans in DaytGn., The deaft·mute defendant "Due to the , excessive ,per- lJext Saturday before Mayor was arrested Saturday 'evening cent of grade, it would nbt be Robert Stephens of Wilminghis home by sheriff's deputat desirable (to cut straight ton on char.ges of , r~ckless ties who ' found the 'inside of t:1rough to Route 42, eliminat- operation of hiS automobile. Leyes, c,ar spattered with lard. ing both ~ight-angle turns.) ~ur,ther, thiS would involve , Three cars collided on the some expensive ' real estate on ' ,causeway of· Reute 73 be- NEWSPAPER "HONORS Mrs. Martha Edmiston o.f R,oute 42." An :engineeI's sur- tween Waynesville and Corwin FpRMER WAYNESVILLITE. near Waynesville 'is editor of , v~y is still pending, however. in an accident late Sunday A recent issue of the Indian- "The Post Script," a four.-page Mr. Goldschmidt's reply to the afternoon that resulted ' in ' the ap'olis Times carried a ' large tabloiq-sized newspaper for mil. S:ivic Club's request for actiorl injury of one of Ute drivers. story and pidures of Mrs. itary ,and civil~an personnel of o~ the curve was dated only The accident occurred when Russ~lI Benson, nee Mabel Wright and Patterson Fields. ' four days . after Francis Gene t~e first carl d~iven by David "Volume 1, Number 1" of Brown, club preside~t, wrote the Fisher of WtlrnlOR"ton, stopped Salisbury, formerly of Waynes~ yille. Mrs. Ben~on is , the presthe new 'paper, dated June 18, request. , to pick up h'itchhikers and was Ident of tHe Indianapolis branch carries variety of news, .tearamJned into by an auto driven -o f the American Association of tures, aand p' ' tures ' of the KirCHEN KOOKERS, by A1li~ Cartef of Route, Three University Women. Wright-Patterson ' Air Base ac- ' iti Waynesville. Carter's car The Lytle "itchen Ko.okel.) 'was tivi~es. Its pubJi every in turn then hit by ' Kenton M'rs. Benson's husband is a two weeks: is Jointl;yation 4-H Club met Wednesday , Hazlett, subsidized who suffered mino.r , commercial photographer in by the Wright-Patterson We:l-June 16 at Mrs. Charles head in.iuries he hit the Indianapolis and her two sons, , fare Fund and the Central Post, dunnell's home " with Mrs. win~shield' ofwHen his car, which Russ~1I Richard, Jr. and Robert ' Fun~~. Charl~s Bunnell ,and Margie bore the greatest damage. Ro.y are students at' Denison Ross, in char , and Charlotte ~ef~e takmg , her new Umversity and We$tern Military po.sltion, . A ~tate ' .Highw:aY pa,trol o.f.. ' Burnett ,pre Cling. Mrs. Edml,iston edited There ere nine members flcer IOvestlgated the crash' ann Academy' respectively. , a newspaper for employes of Mrs. W. P. Salisbury, her Elder's Department. Store in present. Plans ~ fo~ gQing to made ~o ~rests. mother ,and a resident of Dayton. She had previously camp w re discussed. Janet Mrs. J. B. Chapman will be , ~,ayn~sville, is currently 'visit- been Micliener info.rmed the club connected ' with the abQut C mp 'Oifton, since hostess fo.r the New Cen~ury !fig WI (h her daughter and -5o.n- ' ''Wri'ght Field Flyer," a post she had been there before. Club Qn Fridav -afternoon at'" , tnl\'J~w< ' newspaper whiC;h was ~rol?p'ed ' r ~ ~vanna Bunnell gave 'a dem. after the \yar; - Her hustianil/ J. it ' " : her home~' Mt-S.~ John Fromm , ' PAT. ~NIZE GAZ£TTf'. onstratlon ot mctking fruit and Mrs. H. L. Rye are in J. Edmis~o.n, is' a niember of charge Qf the, program. ADVERTISERS salad. th~" Dayton ' Herald staff.

Auto :tIIishaps

I],i,.t',/ '



Braddock Explains W~Y "

He Resigned.

' . . Warren Braddock, explam.. ml{, hi~ resignation as mayor ' wl1lch was presenied to Co.uncil Ju~e 15, said this week that he belt eves the sewer ordinance o.f, , last fall s~o.uld be follow d' in ' al,l case~ or 'else be scrapp d, He charged thal Council h'ad retr.eated f,r ,m the intent of (he ordm;mce In recent building' permit cases, and also ill a 'ase where . i~ offere~ to pa y for ' pu.ttmg 111 a drama~e tile on prIvate pr~perty ' at the outh ' end of Mam street where , a sto.pp,a~e 'had o.q:urred .. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carter and children have moved near , Springboro. Mr. and Mrs. WilSQn ' Covey and,' - chtldren, Qf Dayto.n, are o.ccupying fhe fQrnrer Carter home.


TIle Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED

Bellbroolk Notes


Published Every ThursdiJ)' At Waynesville, Oh io CARL G. 8M ITH. Ed i tor , 'Entered as second class matte,. at the Post Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $1 .50 a Year in Advance

Even 's Coming Up

- -- ~----,---,


(To have 'e vents listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.)




t h ur h! L i n J r. Ba ha ll at llth ern Hill, Oay t n, 3 :00 p. m.. League All- tar v . Gord ~ . n- R i ' hard on If Middlet w n, ' :()O p.m. MONDAY, JUNE 28 Bo c ut Tr op 40 at 7: 15 p. m. Sof ~ ball, 13ellbr ok V - . Fairley' ~, 8: 0 p. m. Am ri 'an L eg i n, -, :00 p. 111. . . TUESDAY, JUNE 29 B ar:\ f Pu!lic AHairs, 7: 0 p. m.

WEDNESDAY; JUNE 30 Soft an, Legion 'vs. Mill r , 8:

. p. m.


TH~ MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE 2 prep:lra!ion tools. "v"en kind WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. 4374 of llItiva in~ implement t 1-.;[ ·\'L . tin.!;!' eq 111 ~ m nt , an d ,:pec- THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1948 i;L1i z i imll ments for farn, i!; :! U ' ~ ratit} , ,> i 1 <d." di I ''',t!cn l 71 " AOWIII.SlNO . . . . . . . . _ ... ( , \ ctions o f th nation. imp-' a n Tra'tor al wi ll carry the - ' ne\ - 0 arh rn [HOliuc t. An one int r t d in fil1llin~ .i) Oll l 111 ) re :lb () lI ~ the nt.:'v fal '11C D .~ ' SIiA1'TLC ...... I in !:' quil ment 'ho uJ d · orlt :lct IM~SCO • that omp any.

w m'en from this n1IllLlnL attende.d a tork h \ 'e r fJ'r Mrs. B tty tilweJI at the h ll1e of her ~rand111 ther in Xen ia last Friday. The (!'ir.s 4-H luh hact a picn i Frida at th h me of '- hirv Gillam on I3i~ ~ r Rriad. The g-irls rode their icyc1es.

The Rain! ow y\dv·i'sory i! me L at tl.e h m e of Mr. and Mr. \\falter heehan 11 Tu ia v ning for the reRub r Jun e m e t l n~ . Mr· R. G. Md ll r ) d th " di e ll ~ i 11 n \',' hat 511 L1ld r h ulli n.ot b I' urcha ed it - eq uipm nr n the Olin

~o ftba ll, prino' Valley v . Kier " , 8: 0 p. m. DEARBORN \~OTORS CO~P. _x_o_w_n_l_lip--.:....-T_r_us_t_ee_,~7_:3_0_p._m_._._~_ _---.:.:,._ _ _ _ _~. _ ADBS ,45 FARM TOOLS



ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL • Samuel N. Keys, Minister . Morning Prayer 1 0 :~o a.m. Sunday, 7 :3'0 p.m.



First Day School 9 :30 a.m. Meetine- for Worship 10:30 a.m.


WAYNESVIll.E ,CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible School Communion

The De£\rborn ~'~otors Corpora,tion of 0 t ra it unf lded at a recen t demonstration fortyfiv farm implement that have een added to t he'ir line. Ranging- from. ei 'ht t pe!' f .plows, ten vari ti uf - ~ed I eli

9 :30 a.m. 10.:30 a.m.

FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Byron ' arvei; Minister ' Bible School 9 :30 Morning W<?rsh\p , 10:30 PrayerMeetm~ 7 :00 Young People s M_ee ~ ing " . 7 :00 Evening St:rvices , 7 :)0

, a.~.


Meadow Gold MILK·

On Thur da aft rnoon Jun 17th th e W m an' ociety f Chri ' tian er v ic m t at the h m e of Mrs. Gl enn Borden. The bu ine s nieetinR' was conduc (ed by Mr . Carlt n Coo k. ' " Mrs. Walter WhHaker and ociety of Christhe Children' tian Serv i e had charge of the program. Linda and Jeffry Ball sang a duet. "This is ' My Father's World." Toby Ball sang "My Task." Mrs.' Whit· aker gave an. ins iring map lecture on the work of the DELIVERY DAYS C. S. C. S. This comprises the study of the "'- his 'ory of the TUES.-THURS.-SAT: . g-~owth of the Bible through the different a~es as well as Same Delivery Day Each Week the history of tne King JaIlJes Version. Mrs. Cook read a clip. ping about cookinl,!' schools m China and Turkey for the preparation of 'simple A'mer· ican foods. ' . Frank Sibcy' LEBANON After -adjournment, refresh. ,Phone 2t Represeatative ments were se'rved by , Mrs. Glenn . Borden; Mrs.. Harold .Shu as, Mrs. Irene Baker, Mrs. Orville Gray, Mrs. Charles Davis.



, Father Krumholtz, Priest M.asses · 8 'and 10 A.M.

Il \ ' :1 .~ (,: 1.: ' i :' j t o m t ith·, Mr. 'Lnli Mr . Howard W ertz in ", uly. Aft r .ht.: 1l1eding a . cial 11 UI' \'\ i rh .e:~l m e an 1 .refreshn. 'nl wa nj yed. Mr. an(l 11 ';;, ElJ i - M ' Cl ure w ere guest of the un il.


". ~ IIIE ~'I\tV~

R.B. Coleman, ' Minister Church sclu)QI 9 :30 a.m. J. J. Burske, Supt. War hi s rvke 1 0 :3 0 a.m. Youth Fellow hIp

I 'U m.





p ~m.

p.m. p m.


CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS , Rev. David Stanfield, Minister ' Worship Service . 9 :45 a.m. Sunday Scho ql . 1 () :45 a.m.

MT. ' HOLLY METHODIST .... T. M. Scarff, M'inisier , S.unday SchoOl " 9 :30 a.m. E.A. Earnhart, Supt.. Worship Service 10 :30 a.m. ~vening Serv'i e " 7 :30 p.11;1.

'U tICAE. U. B. CHURCH Rev. William hannon . Sunday chool 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. Jame Garrison, Supt. . Pre,a ching 1st and 3 rd Sundays each month 10:30 a.m. Ev'eni,n g ' ervi es 7 :3-0p.m.


Metbodists' Notes Due to numerous parents~ reques .s for the baptism of their c~ildren, baptismal service will be observed Sunday morni·n g at '10:30 1n the Methdis Church. Any parents who wish to have their children baptized (lr any. adults desiring bapti m are a ked to be present at the Sl:Inday services. ' The Church announce that it .~rea l ly appreciates the fine. attendance Clt t~e past serVices and requests ih,e members to witness the service on Sunday. '


Weatbeimer ,/II. Company Membercs New York Stock Exchanges and other . registered Excl}anges

Investment Trust Sharea . Bought' "' Sold - Quoted Phone ' Wayn1e8ville 253d DaytoD AD32S'1

~ SIZES ~ $ '16.7~ - 'WI~ ~D~-IN ' I





Belcher Suooco' Service


PHONE 2423 '


On , Wednesday af ternoon; Mrs. Dale Dumford entertained a group of children in honor Mr. and Mrs. C~ D. tacy of of her daughter Diana's· sixth ' Tampa, Fla., spent a few days , birthday anniversary, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. EuGi,fts were, brought by the gene Wilcher and family and gue ts, Tommy, ara, Bill also Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fisher Kenn y and Bob Moran, aobby and son. The Stacys will r:e- Ratliff, Sandra Allen, Carol and main . in Ohio for another J i.m Adams, Roger Runyan, month visiting friends and re- Stevie Conner, Jerry Gahris, latives. Janet Dalton, and Kay Milburn.






Lacy's Quality


' PHONE 2662






The Wayne So- ew 4-H Club met Thursday June 17 at the home If Mrs: Klontz with Mrs. Edenfield in charge and Judy Davis presiding. Roll was called and the secretary'S . report was given~ Mrs. Klontz told the girls how to put binding on an apron. Charlene Edenfield dem nstrat. · e~ French seams and Judy DaVI demonstra :ed flat-fell seam. New members . present were Sally Smith, Toby Ball Sandra Ball, Ruth Ann Benefie't. Next meeting: wit( be held at Mrs. Klontz 's Thursday June 24 at 2 :00. . .


The Betsy Hoss 4-H Oub met Wednesday June 16 in the High School Harveysburg Home ' Economics Room with . frieda Belle Williamson in J:harge and Ma'r ~ ha Lukens presiding. '. There ~ere ,n.ineteen girls present, mcludmg two new members with it ne absent: The commitee. reported on the plans for the silver tea. Mary Jo Rich is to give a demons ration ~t. the next meeting. · It · Was decided that a card i to be sent Mrs. Hartsock leader, who ' is siCk. Six girls plan to go to camp. There was a sewing perio I. Janet Doster Kave a demon trati'on on how t pack a suit ca e.

Pe,.:Jona! r/o/e:J. Mrs. J. Wit on Edwards of , ~ ringfi ld was h nore~ during tI pa t week wh n MISS Margaret Edwards entertained at ,he h me of Mr. Charles Ande.r~o n. Few r tables of bridge " we re 111 pIa j Ul'irlk the afterno n. Th\! prizes were w n by Mrs. D. R. mith and Mrs. J. B. ,Chapman and the honor g'\l st. ' . Those wl~ a.t nded afternoon were Mrs. J. Wi'lson Ed· ,ards, Mr ". E. V. Barnhart Mrs. J : B. Chapin'an, Mrs: · F onald H::l\\'ke, Mrs. R. H. Hartsock, Mrs. S.· D. Henkle M:rs. R. G. Miller, Mrs. D. C: Hld~e, ~rs D. R. Sr:nith, Mrs. Mane RIffle, Mrs. D. R. Sali b~ry, ~rs. Alva Thompson, MISS Eh?:abeth Chandler, Miss Minnie Dodson and the hostess ,

-----.:Mr. and Mrs. Cleve ~ .


i V :'. .=







.1itE LABORATORY INm~' ·~7 ~ TEH:HEn' IN 'TWE FN::TS A.!'tD




AND '!HE £FFECT THAT ROCKS- .... "............



~==::=====:~~===;~'~ '~------------M r , H. r.nrrl n " phlrne~ Mnre than '7 ()

T'~r cent of

hnme Frida v after a threp-week 1 c)4 7 automohile accidents ocvisit with relatives ann friends fl,Jrrl"ri "''1 ci!'y "~vem ent. Drive in Washington, ' D. C., and car.e fully alwavs! Maryland. . _ ~

Mrs. Frank L. Ta vlor entertained ' to dinner at the Golden . Lamb on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Harris Mosher and Virginia Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart ock f M'ilford and Mr, and Mrs. Ron· aId Hawke.


Oct.: "Foothalt and. win ter clothe ~rab th money." Nov. : "Elections and the cost of c al have pe pIe w,orried." Dec.: "Chri tma hopping."

Every month is bad f r busines , be ause in .... Jan.: "People a're brvke after the holidays." Feb.: "Only 28 d.1YS and everybod y i in Florida, anyhoOw:" . Mar. : ' Lent, and now income tax." . Apr.: "They're all . buying Easter clothes." May: "The weather 's too nice to tclY ind ors.' June: "Vaca i ns are coming.' July: "Everybody's away." AUI!. : "~verybodis still away.'!" Sept.: "People are still broke flt"Om vacati ons. "

T\\'o regiments \ h se officers were ,g'reat rivals were .camped al ong 'lde each .oth r during maneuvers. In ~ o the tent of the camp came a chaplain. "I found found I was able to sow the seed of religion 'in th~ fertile soil of the other regiment, ' said he. "I converted 1 0 men. " The colonel flu hed . with rage. "Route out a dozen men to be baptized," he yelled to the adiutant. "We can't let those fellows get ahead of uS on anything." . • IN CASE OF FIRE. DIAL 2222 •

...... .... -.- ... _.

We're experts at .tracking JoWl(' .those sq~eaks in

M,r. and Mrs. L H. G onion spent Sunday P. M. with Mrs .. Mary Huffm'ari of' Snrin~ Hill. Mr. and' Mrs: Chas. Huffman of Catiforn ia were also ,g-uests.

, ),our car. ,

lIOURS: 9-12 each mornin~ 1-5 afternoons except Wednesday

7·9 Saturday evenin~ Mrs. Vir,g-inia Michael and Mrs. Sarah Wilcher and son at· tended the stork shower in honor of Mrs. Everett William, son at the home· of Mrs. Perr,y Thma. ' ~'\r. ~nd, Mrs. 'Fox, their tWill son ~ and Jimmy of Miami . .- Flo ....' a arriv din' Waynesville on aturday and will vi it relatives here until af .er the ~ urth.

Other eveniIi,gs by Appointment TELEPHONE 62-R

Dr. C. E. Wilkin ' Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit· Str6!et XENIA, OHIO.

.We don't do it·by .guesswork - but with modern equipment and S'ohio L bri-Check-a scientific check list co:v~ring the ap,plication of a dozen different types of lubricants-the way the car manufacturer wants it done. Com~Iete

lubrication only

IT · IS OUR PURPOSE TO . GIVE who~e hea~ted co-opera:. tion to the families we se and to their ministers, and to observe their re'l igious require~ ments to ' the letter.

Me,·CLURE · . 'F U·N·.ERA'L . . V H ,rM E '


Mrs. Mildred Taylor ofStamford, Connecricut is the house guest of Mr . . and M,rs. Ronald Hawke' and Mr. and Mrs. Harris Mosher and daughter.

---_m __

LEGAL NOTICE BIds will be recelve«t ,b y the BOtflrd of Trustees of l'ubllc AItalra of V\o'aynoovllle. S~te of 0hlo, at the ofitlce. of the Clerk of saJd Board of Tlrustees of Public AIrairs until' Six o'clock P. M. June 29. 1948, for turn. Ishing Two Thousand (2000') teet of six (6) inch cast iron pipe, WifJl • pr'essuJ'e of not less than one hundrM-fltty (150) pounda per square 1ne h. ' , • Each bid must coOltlain the rull name of ev ery person or company Interested in the same, A c e rtificate guarB. teeing the delivery of Ba ld pipe a.nd a st.atemeDl of~ the earlieSt date of delivery_must accompcmy each bid. . The riG'ht (s reserve~ to reject any a.nd all bid. By order ' or the Board of Trustees of Public Affa.lrs. _ , CHARLES JAMES. Clerk.


Conner ·are enjoying' a. vaca .ion ' in Columbia, South · Carolina with Mr. and ,Mrs. Tom~· Florence and son, ' their son-in-law and daughter. ' Mr. · Florence is a player on the Col.umbia '.'Reds" baseball team:.· . .

. Mis es Marcell a and Jean .powell of Phoenix, Arizona are the house uests of Mis " Wilkerson at .the Geniece home of her p,arents, Mr. and Mr . Virgil Wtlkersori.


._ _


Mr. and Mr . C. Lee Hawke . .' Mr. an~ Mr . J hh Fromm, M/ · and Mrs. Clyde . PronUJ1, and Mr. J. C;. Hawke along with Mr. and' Mrs. Carl H·awke, Mr. and Mrs. Ray · Hawke and daughter of Day ' on, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Banta of James to\vn . enjoyed a Father ' . Day dinner at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Vance and son in 'vVi1mingl n.



'iis- 6a .•• - • . ----::a-Sa 11:

..A Y. N E S V I.L l E. 0" 10

For spring lubrication . . of ,our. car -:- see us

,--- -






- - ..


~- -~



Fulkerson Service ' --'

,,'j' JJ!•

Your d 1,1, d.p.11I





~.e.'.' 0






by D .J. FRAIZER ""




fl ,.

a I alwa.\ am gl aq that nO\\'J j. ys ' w11 ' 11 , ur hair ge t ~ gray y u ar n ~ exp ,t · j t I ut n a 'ap and i t at home , n j knit. J Ii ' t knit but there a ' ~ s many Otil r ni ~ thin gs in th' \\' rl j t :l l j k <g in ,lr




Ginger ,Snaps

hi j1 of hi roIit!ca] party to act in I 'half , f agnq.llture and th' ~' cncr;t l we lfare can be a ba i f r determinin g- whi h Con-· gn! "'111 n have r pre t! nte j th ~ P i le." ,

I -l , Th e

'" . , J unk~ il ha . hunch i, J11 u '11 ,t th ' urpn' f th ·ti ll L wh on i:l r th Dn' F<idg r ll lHi t h ir x III i\) prope rt v, and who r tr ated qU,l 'kii\ ' lou ih in ~~r o t t., J'rtllett , lh Iii ul , ha~ en riii n la k an'i forth tl r s t pa.: tu r an1 LI p and d \\' n tl Jan \\'ith on Fid r, with t \\'( rii'r ' <1nli \\i th thr~ rii cr -, Th onl v r a on th at h n.:! 'er ,ha i 'ollr ri d r' \\ i1 . that til I' \\ ',Ul t J'f) m en ug- h" . fter a ll J all tk i a mall !TI ul. Til yo ung t rs 1 arn d tt milk a W, ~ I wl y it L tru , J lit a h n ha manag'ed t g' t at I a t half a l.u k t f me up m ilk, Th -O\L n w in an ri rI y. fa, hion . and life 11a h !!'lJn t ~ ,ttl wn into a far m' routin , S f ar no fi h 11 :l V hc;'en :lU,Q,'lJ.t in t he p nd, howev r. Til rain has fina ll hI' ught up the c rn that \ e thought tha t w w r g Ill g' t have t r - ~la r1t. M re ha. ha- 1. en 'pro ught in an . m r ha~ b en cut j \ n. Th \\ heat i turn, inK t ~'J'ee n y - g Id and plans . ar I ein,' rna e f or thre hing. re n ~ ea are i.n man, garden an ,\ ul:l be in our if the 1": n had let th em al n . VV had m ' th e otber da fr m a nei hbor s garden and they w re wonderfully good. No bean . et, but the last of those : f ro m the locker taste just like fresh ones. The hollyhocks are in bloom and our little bumming bird is . a frequent visitor. The weather is still cool but things begin to have that . summer look, and the' spring ]ook is gone. Even the littJe browri . and black l ocust bugs have begun to , come. The potatoes are full , 'of potato bugs. One season slides into another without waiting for the official calendar date. The swim'ming season has opened but . so '. far there has b en t on much cool weather 'to make ' th e pool the popular place that it will be later on. M o day being cI1i1dren's day, we brought our small fry 111 for a S\ im. It ]ooked so nice that I joined .them. The 'water ': was ni,e and warm, in fact just Ifignt for me an~ I t~joyed it · ' lip


Crisp ginger cookies are topped with bright fruit jam (en~er <'<i in confectioners' sugar icing. When served with a fresh frUit cu p, ) the C90kies are an ideal dessert for hQt weather meals.


ram. In'\. 'CLWI. e aij u tm cnt Take Yo.ur "Sipring tonic" of molasses in the form .of crisp scallop d inger snaps-those all-time cookie favorites. Add to the food value I' in ~fi i nt III para t r ~f the molasses 1~he iron, protein and B-vitamins in ~nrich,ed' ,flour and ld - f ki mming milk ,In Lit the cookies total up to splendid nutrition as well ~s pnze-wmmng t!lste. :-: venl 1 p und a month fl 111 This is a dunl-purpose recipe since the cookie dough can be mixed, the am unt o f r am Ji rolled and baked immedia tely' or chilled before sli~ing for the oven. If t thL: ta ti n. the dough is to bE! used at , t1 ~ , roll very thin on a hghtly ftoured board. If you have a pastry cloth, rub fto~r into it lig,htly; you'.ll find t~at the Jill Mr. Gre·iner dough rolls easily to the papery thmness ~h~t msures crisp cookies .. Do I11U t he deliver \ not pick up any more excess ftour than required to roll the dough ,wlthf U1' da in umm I' t ! out ,sticking. , , ' ure g d qlialit, for- the p,r in To save the dough for future bak1Og, shape 1Oto a roll, wrap In , , waxed paper and store in the refrigerator. · Wrapped in freezer paper, liu t. T wi -a-we k mark er m,'"" , the cookie dough, can be frozen in the home, freezer or food locker for is preferable. ' ./ use whenever convenient. The ;peciali t ' a ', Jh Ginger Snaps. pr in ci~ al fac or f r PI' Liu .. ing 2 ' cups siifted enriched flour 3 teaspoons ginger ' high quality crea m are lean Y. cup s>uglf 112 cup dry blead crumbs ' I teaspoc)n soda liz cup molasses , l ean barn, :1n I cl ~11l ow Y: teaspcl)()n salt liz cup melttd shortening uten il . Mr. Gre'tller ad Ii: , - (l ~ teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons ict water I chlorine wash on 'th milk pail : Sift together ftour, sugar, Boda, oven (376 degrees F.) 10 minutes. an j other equi p m e n~ in addition aalt, cinnamon and ginger. Add (Dough may be shaped in a roll. to thor ugh c1ean in,' ,' He crumbs, molasses, shortening and wrapped in waxed paper and water. Mix together thoroughly. . stored in refrigerator; slice thin c'\;l in1' that hand skimming or Roll thin. on ligh~ly floured bo~r~ for baking.) \Val : I' cpar:ll1 n alw .1_ S \" :-,'l..! and cut mto desued shapes w i t h . . . cream. ' • cookie cuttez·. Bake on un-""" YIeld: About 86 two-mch run warm His adv ice i ,t areased Cookie , s!heet in moderate ~kies: milk t hrou ~ h the eparaf (J r an:t then to co I ' the cream from uch measures in 1948. each milking befor ' placing it "It 110uld be note'd however in the storage can. Quick \.. 1that . some of th e iegislator in 2' below 60 degrees will limit' did keep the promises which th e multiplication of undesirth e) made as candidates. A ab]e bacteri'a in cream. Cl an, study of the voting record will coo] cream wi11 make high agricultural committees Of both reveal who these are. quality butter when delivered Houses of the Congress conduct"The Grange will make a , to the receiving station every ed hearings last summer at tabulation on the votin~ record three or four days. many places in the nation an f the mem.bers of the present thus had information which Congress. An appraisal of the Professor Char]es ~ustin of , could have been brought to the: voting record of each Congress- Chicago called on Dr. and Mrs. .~ttention. of the Congress eariy man and pf the efforts which he , H. E. Hathaway and other 111 the seSlOn. , exerted to persuade the leader:. friends during the past week. ," Also, the 8011i Congr' ~ r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , faiJed to take constructive action on such vitall issues as edu' cation, health, and housing. I " The law makers demonHAVE YOU BEEN TO tra ted their inconsistency when they voted a small reductio.n in the income tax and then lat~r' DIU AND BROWNIE'S , voted for'mcteased expenditures which amounted to far mor .... than the SI)1~n tax reduction. ·'Man of the present memners of fhe Congress who p,'ofe sed o~ position t9government , controls, burealUcracy, and · regim'entation when they were They serve the 'most de]icious . Ha~burgers candidates in 1946 , vote9 for I you ev ~r ate - . -'- they're tr.uly different.



Fichter,' .Master. of Ohio' State ·Grange, Condemns Record 'of Eightieth Congress Joseph W. Fichter, Ma ter of the Ollio state Grange and Chaplain of (he National Grange, ,at a meetin ~' of the Grang-es of Lake County;Ohio" June ' 19, 8 :30 P. M. m ,lde th e following- statem'e nt: "The 80th Congr e~s ilas fa!!ed utterly to sh ow apP"eciation of the problens facing agric,uJture and' in man cases has acted in total disregard of the expressed wishes of farmer -. .. .. '.'Consideration of a farm program was delayed until the rush of the cJosin\?, days of the ses ion, with the result that farmers were placed in the p,osition of prerernng no program at a11 rather than one en ~ acted in feverish haste without ample time an,d opportuni \y for 'full public disCussion. "Ther~ was no justifiable excuse for this delay, f or the


i-:! 6:00 x 16 FIRESTONE

,Tasty dishes that are, econlomical' too, , are easy with Borden'!~·, help! ....

TIRES $13.95



, (plus tax)





Ass~rted fIavo,rs of Borden's Ice Cream -



Cold Fudge

and Strawberry Sundaes. ,

Cr~amy Cottage Cheese .•• old--fashioned-




lasling buttermilk • • • these fine · Bord,n products are delicious served so many ways. Delivered to your, door ••• or at your store I I FIT 5 B0 R 0


S -









f. E (~Co C· [)


l,deal for Picnics




Lowell Thomas,' Mrs. Harold Whitaker, '. ~rs,. Paul Shipley. and Mr .' We sley Mannin.g. Th se from Lytle wh at1enied the Gold n Weidin O' . Anniver ar of Mr. and Mr . Geo.rge Graham at pringhor.o '- un iay were Mr. and Mr . F r· st Graham, Mr. and J\ tu . \\ illiam Graham, Mr. ::tn i Mr. Frank Kurfis, Mr. and Mrs. L Ii Gray, ' Mr. and Mr. Hitrve Burn t, Mr. and Mrs. \\'alt r K n,ri k, Mr . . and Mr . Th ~ d J n , .Mr. and Mr . J . 8. J n ,Mr. Mar,gar t J h'n , Mr . N tti El11ri k, and Mr. Pa LiI J hl1 . Henry ayhlr, . CI," t1r ' t L. .t1 M th di I: l~l1r h B 'ard, anl1( U!lu:: i Lin da. cvcninp: thaI !l ex t atur ay has been set to.



I' ail utr




$7·,50 TO.

cq·av'· ......



OlD The Bond A MODth 'Cblb


·. Fairl,e y Bdwe. Sto'r e •


PH~)'Ni ;./;441'


Mrs. R. H. Hartsock opened her country home Tuesda·y afternon to the Argunot Bridge Club with Mrs. J. M'ilson Edwards, Mrs. Alva Thompson, and Mrs. Marie Riffle as special guests. Three tables were in play during . the afternoon' and lunch . was served following the . games. . .

6 - GREAT STORES - 6 , ~ . ' .. WAYNESVILkE, ·OHIO ZlC

'lE •._


CkifJrlln " picture \


• ~IN CASE OF FIRE, DIA,. 2222 •





Invisible Half Soling Orthopedic Corrections . Cork Extensions

I ~

Henry H. Moeller .11.1 .13· E. Mulberry St.


EfJery Picture To Be Pllblishetl Laler In This N~wspapers Femured Series



i i




neWf ler II searching' for "~eu focal children •••• NOT merely b CCl .. tiful children •.•• looks and fancy dre•• will not InAuence the judg.s. Th. child'. mood at the moment the . picture il Inapped may. determine wh.ther it i. a prlKe wlnn.rl ..........__"- a poutIng exprelslon can b. "cute" •••. IC? becau.e children's mood. change quickly, anything cQn happen contest I day.... that'. why .it·s fair • • . ~ and FUNI . Every chi.ld . under ten in thl. ·trading . area I. eligible.



I· I ,


The Home of Dignified, Distinctive and Kin'tlly....,.Ser ice. ----- -- -----...

.STUB'B S. Funeral Home TELEPHONE Z2:dl

UsuaI1y J.unior' s sui~s shrink ' much too small 'for him when th~'y come ' hack from the ordInary cleaner. ) But this 'time, the suit was sent to US, where, with 'our unusual, care, we can guarantee against shrinkage and premature wear. . Call us ,vhile you're . thinking : > f it. .

M 'A . N



L' -

Waynesville ' National- Bank·

O' L


Mr . \ 'ill ur Clark ..



.v ard, tri m tre :' and ut \\' ' c d ~ . 1[ ' a k d ~ :o r' 11 \\'h i inl' re t i and can II ) -il ly 11"l p t be there early. . . MI'. ancl Mr . Milton h ehan f Cent rvill \V re W'ecln ia 'lfterno 11 gu . t . f Mr. and Mi ara C rine Fuma arrive:1 . h m la t we k fr m I hilaclelphia, where she t a h s in the ' Friend elect . htl I, t P ~nd' th e ummer \ a ati n \ i h her parent and hI' ther, Mr. and Mrs. eth Furnas and Seth, Jr., on ocial I \Y . . ~r. Margaret John was ' :1 ill~n r · ue t Monday of her 1I Sill , Mrs. Sarah Tool in Centerville. Mr. S. H. Burnett return ed hi 111 from Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton, IVh re. h underwent a major perailon three weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and father, Mr. Levi Greathouse, spent Sunday with Mr. . and Mrs. Morris Wharton at · Miami Shores; 'Dayton.

Earnhart in the school cafe.Tho e receiving' th · c h!ria . ..:e.n 'fi ate were Mil() l3anfa, ' T m M Granahan, Martha F rman. . h irle y r. no k, La rl I'l ck, Glenna Kleinh enn, \ 1'5. R b rt ham herlain. aul 1'< un \,a n. an j Mack H n rlc k-: , 11. Th e WllO w r uncible t I pr ent but uc e fullv I '( I11 l"letei th urse were ~1 •• \'in F j r1e Gr 'l Mal ott. Jim . a1111 1. .11, , an j Mr . Vi ola· \\ rlri.













. .---




< _.



~ .








in ~e Ohio Farmers will sive you bI'OId ~011 aPmsc loues your .farm. It coven JOUr buildings, JOur eN_I, JOur automobile )'OUI' Uablllty for .«ideou to others. Why DOt ... . . toda,? . Yaa ..." ,...·n tal. wbeA ·,.'n ..... ._ . .. Obio -


. hODe IU, 20 E. lIulberl'J', LEBANON, Fl gii- "


\ !

nothing ·ne.d be purcha.ed NOW or LATER. You will be i .hown proofs from which to .elect the contelt entry and publica- '. \ . tlon po.e. ExtfCl print. may be obtained direct from the .tudlo. I If deilred, but · again there I. no obligation I See additional ~ detaill 1n new. column. of thl. edition.

Karl- D. Dakin Insurance Agency M_-_-_': ____........-t-_..... __._._


The... I. no obligation • • • no need to be. a .ub.crlber • • •


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"iP'" pbotograph., for Foli.·AUM S,lIIliol will lilA. lb. P;&":"~I III lb. plM. IIIIIl II",. gifJm ~"Ofl).



lat-$21.00 Vignette 011 · nnted Portrait Framed ~ncl-$II.00 011 nnted Portrait 'ramed· 3rd-$I.OO 'om-alt 4th-$5.00 Portrait


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. H.r. I. t •• rim. and Plac. to HaY. . .~.' ·Cont••t Plctur•• rak•• ~ e' . ~ _. _ _-~ .

-Jill, 13


8 P.I.

the last two innings on several THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAqE' Legion miscues to win. Earl W1AViNESV,ILLE, OHIO No. 4374 Powell pitched fine batt for the ,THU'RSDAY, J U N E 24, 1948 ,WayneSVille Softball League locals, fanning eight and grant, (oased on 10 or more at bats) ing but three hits, the same nice le ,lg-ue ' standings chart ' Player and Team AB R HAVE. numbe' Newlana allowed, 'but maintained '· in the Gazette's T. ThompseJl, Legi n ' 17 5 10 .58~ three errors of commis ion and , window? It's always right and ~ Bv 18 3 . Williamson, Bellbrook 10 .55 6 several of om i sin hurt his ' always current-50 far! (Edit r' comment ~ It always BOB O'REGAN 13 5 James, Legion 7 ' .5.38 cau. e very much. in The locals looked swelt will be !) •. 15 3 8 .533 their brand-new white uniforms Sunday night at 8:30 Cleve- Osqorn, Fairley's 13 3 6 .462 with ea h suit sponsored by an land Pendergast, colored hurl- Moore, Bellbrook 14 6 Bailey; Kier's 6 .429 individual local businessman. RED'S HOME , SCHEDULE er for the Gordon-Richardson THROUGH JULY FOURnI , 15 3 Club of Middletown, Ohio, in- Scho.on'over, Kier's · 6 .400 Add to las t week's listin~ of Tuesday, June 1.9, Pitts- ' vades Gei~er Stadium to meet Shank, Miller's 20 5 8 .400 sponsors, these generous peobur~h, Nig-ht Game. . a 'special all-star club compos- Haines, pring Valley 4 .40() ple,: Waynesville Furniture and 10 1' Thur day, Jul y t, Pittsburgh, ed of two players from each of Gons, Miller's 13 2 5 .385 Atpplian,ces, Fulkerson's Sohio Ladies' Day. our' six clubs and mana~ep ,by Station, Bob Servis Texaco Sta(includes Monday's game) ' Friday, July 2, 'St. L ui', Everett "Wea~el" Miller, the tion, and Carl Lacy 's Quality Night Game. Kier's Garage mentor. M'eats. Ray Kier, local garage Sunday, July 4, .3t. Louis, Penderghast appeared here maKic was applied Monday featured by Haine's triple sunk owner, is a new suit-sponsor, last season and twirled a no- evening under the arcs at Gei- Mille'r's 12-8 on the 16th of and should any other business- Doubleheader. hitter while fannin~ 20 hitters. ger Sta'oium when , playing- June. man desire to do so I can be . BANKERS VISIT FARM Almost 150 people crowded contacted However, this column believes manager John Sackett of Milat 2351. that this year's alL·star club will ler's Restaurant set down fhe the available space ~lt the local ' Incidentally, the collection TO STUD¥ 'MODERNIZED do better; even Jim Lovett, lo- league-Ieadin~ Kier's Garage- hig-h school diamond Sunday unda y was a little better than AGRICULTURAL , METHODS cal sportsman, would probably men, 8-2. Kier's was held to . af.~ernoon to ?latch the newI}' $14.00, which certainly speaks ' Study of the profitable operaconcede that point - after alt, two hits by Sackett, .who faced u~ltformed JUnior American Le- well f( r .tho e who contributed. ti n . f a modernized Ohio " they couldn't do worse. I have only 26 enemy batsmen. Both '-, g-Ion drop a tough 6-4 decision Thanks loads, for it costs a· g-eneral farm was he!d la t week bad the "pleasure" of umpirin~ of Kier's ~ its and their two to Centerville , in a Tri-County to keep a team the field at the John C011ins & Son lot for some of the country's best runs came In the fourth frame League contest. Doubly 'hard these days. (When inI opera~c!d near Cedarville, by 100 softball pitchers, amon~ them while Miller's tallied sin~le runs to bear was the fact that Cen- Legion clubs before the war, Farm hi banker and .g-ue ts, The "Dizzy" Kirkendahl and Billy in the first three inning-s plus a terville's ambidextrous pitcher, the best bats co t5 only $2.00 prog-ram wa spon red by lhe West, both with the national total of five in 'the last two Newland, who attends Dayton -now (hey are $2.65 and up!) A~r'fcultural ' Committee of The ' ' champion Ft. Wayne Piston frames. Clark's triple was the Ohaminade, is actually a io Bankers Association in This Sunday the local Legion o'h Zollner outfit; c.onseq,uentlv I game's long'es t blow for the Wayne Township resident but baseballers jou~ to Souther? cooperation ' with (he Federal find 'it hard to believe that victors, while Shank, Gons and due to having played with Cen- Hills, Dayton, for a ' three 0 - Reserve Bank, Cleveland, and , Pendergast is so much better Johnson each add ' j two hits terville last season, he didn't clock conteS l. Their next home the , College ' of Agriculture of to the Miller attack. want to change this season. than our lads . . Well, he's a fine prospect in my game will · be the 18th of next Ohio tate Universi ty. ' The All-Stars are T. Thomp'The visitors included Ross H. In other league contests dur· book and he may ~o far if he mqnth, unless an '"away" game son and R. Purks, Legion; BtH in~ the pasf weeK, Brit Sawyer's gets tutored correctly scheduled on Julv 11 With West Hart , ck of Waynesville, and ' .' bad Agnor and Brewer, Sprin~ Val- fadin'g' Legion nine dropped a habits formed now may cost Carrollton ·can be switched.. his family. They , covered the ley; Plank -and Hopkins, Fair- 6-4 decision to Bellbrook with dearly in pro ball in later Harry; Themal is now the variou fi elds' and projects ,of ley's; Wono and Williamson, the victor's thirdbaseman Hof- ye'ars, Newland. softball official scorer and sta- the farm oni ot and heard Bellbrook; an<.1 Campbell and fman's double , accounting for Harold Stanley, husky Le- tistieian. Newly arrived in lectures 011 the history an"cl proH. ,Schoonover, Kier's. the winning' tallies in the sixth ,~ion outfielder, .spanked a: four- Waynesville, Harry is a fine gress of each. Incidentally, the ten high frame. We understand some of master with one aboard fpr the pers n 'for this il'ltportant job, ' Like many Ohi farms, the softball batting averages will be the Leg-ion boys want to pull locals' big punch, while the vic- having performed in alike . ca- Collins Farm had a prosperous found elsewhere in the Miami out of the -team, i ust because tors pushed over three 'runs in paci ty in Wilmington, Dela- , hi tory for many years after Gazette weekly. they lost two g'ames. Forsooth! ware. Have ' you noticed the ' pioneer days and then started Spring' Valley's five-run rally ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to wear out, ' the bankers were * * *. A little lJoodoo pitching in the sixth stanza, which was toki. Modern methods of re'b uildin~ the , ~oil ' and bett~r hu ine s practices, started In 1 3 ~ pU l the farm on a return ,WAYNE lWP. POST 615, AMERICAN LE~ION, to su'cc s. ' Details of crop ro76 PRESENTS tati n fercilizing, replanting o'f " r, • trees, 'and producti it figures . showing ' how. each more than pa f \ it elf were di l~sed a( the meeting. ' The farm I held up as an 04tstanding example 10 , , f bet :er farming. . ' . Those r articl;- atmg m the pr gram in addition to ,he h~st farmer, were C. W. McBrtde of the Bankers' Ag-ricultural We t al m pre iden t, of the , WA,YNESVILLE HJ,G H SCHoa.L. GROUNDS Bankers A sociation; hio WALL PAPER AND PASTE .AND SIZING Edisl n H bstetter of the PomG. E. BULBS - NU ENAMEL ero y Na 'ional Bank,, ' chairm' n SAtuRDAY, JULY 3 f . the ba,nkers' '. Agricultural , ~TONE Committee; Claude I. Humm,el, 8:30 P. M. MIDWESTERN 'HAYRIDE - - farm specialist of the Federal Reserve Bank; Lyle Barnes of WHo~.. COMPLETE 2 - HOUR NETthe Colle.l;e of Agriculture; and '., .1., WORK SHOW. J.E. Odegard o(the Soil Conservation Service, Xenia. ' South MaLin Street aero .. from Grange ·HaU - r - -----;-___--;-:--r--.--.-----.~rTT"'~........--t......-_ Ch itdren 40c - Tax Included . . ..... Telephone 2422 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO PATRONIZE GAZETTE




All Metal Porch Chairs'


Huge a'-Day

Child's All Metal Porch Rockers $4.

Independence.Celebration ....


Waynesville Furniture --&,'Appliance Co.




Ham~ond .Organ Concert by N.




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professional entertainer. Bft-..BY SHOW,

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MONDAY; JULY 5 2 ·: 00 to 5:30


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.(Admission ADULTS $1.00 -






All Afternoon and Evening -



CHILDREN Soc -dax'inc.)


Plymo~th ..

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TlV ,'L e ses


" nl j

fav orite" re-

clre .song " \H: ' re all hun':nin g. YELLE--PETERSONW ( rl Li News (WB) on the r r ()~r ra m. t


Stree t" on .. th t morr w f Rin Tin


Mr '. Milt n and ' drt ughter of \ i id l tow n \\' re w k end o· u t ' f Mr. and Mr. Edwin 'P~lm h \' and' hi iren. Mr. and Zuik of L banon \r 'a i unctay afte rn o n ' al . were al er ".'

by FOX HOLLY Th .... n xt tw we k Twin are g in g- t b

Pvt. Ri hard Stan sberry ·return d to Camp Lee. Virginia, 11 unda e veI1jn~ after p ndv ral day wi th hi pa rin P' nt , M r. an j Mrs. John tansI rry . I v t. Stan berry i re 'ivi-n o ' t rajJ1i n ~ in th uar t rm:t ·t r i i,"i n.

ttt the '


H ' (l a ' he W:l rI1 . ou of ossible . N )ise i .~ yO~i r engine -a m .'r' u of .trouble ahead. Dnn:t wait f r it- bri ng your c.~ r In I: ' I W , and ; r v n t cost. i' r :. :Urs la _ r.




KlfR'S Garage ' D ADS ·

SMITH ELECTR. C SERVICE Fe r · that extra Receptacle Or' Anything Electrical


OHIO ' S'TATE UNIVERSITY TO ADMIT ALL OHIOANS, RESTRICT NON--RES!DENTS Ohio ta ~e U niversity will JUNE c ntinue its olicy nex t autumn ~John Cabot "cl1scove!\" Am.rico. 149'1. of adm·ittin~ as freshman all' Ohio residents who, are high U-VlrQinia admitted to seho I graduates, Dr. Howard L. Bevis, president Of the Univer. . CLOSED WEDNESDAYS si y, has announced. Nny 'Ohio ~ 28-Colonlal anny crosses TEL. 2351 ,~ Potomac. 1863. r' sldents who wish to tran~)fer NEW UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS . LUCKY MOUNTIE No. 224 $$$ SAT. EVE. from ' other colleges may do so * !:o 27-F'irst Jury tflal. 1665. • if their previous college -records F are satisfactory. . 28-Pal\ama Conal purchased I,rom France, THIS THURS.-~RI. Ou~-of-state students, on the .n~'1" 1902. . RANDOLPH SCOTT other hand, will be admitted IN only in limited number~ Those 2t-MiaBlon Dolores. Calif,. . lounded. 1776. TRAIL STREEli who have junior standi g with a '~B" avera,ge or better in an3O-Blkinl bomb teat. 1946. Andy Clyde Comedy. other co lIege 0 r uni v ersity nta.1.(~y~U_,-~"'_I!111@1_""""""""u__,"..-..JJ ~ SAT. ONLY ~ be considered for unde~~ 'ONL Y .MEN, WOMEN & . CHILDREN WILL uate train j'ng in agriculture, Use The Almanac To . ENJOY . h me economics, education and Che~~ The Weather certain departments of engine. f. RETURN OF RIN-TIN·TI~ . But UI~ ering and for the e911ege of ALSO GAZEITE CLASSU'IW Law, l he college of Pharmacy, Chap 4, Serial & Two Comedie~ ADS . the school of Nursing and the Departn!-ent of Occupational To Buy ~ Sell~ Rent, SUN.-MON. ' TUES. ONLY Therapy. ' Loan, Borrow, Candidates for the Uni'verAnv Time of The Ye,. .. Mark.. Twain'. sity' s Graduate School, who .. qualify schola t1cally, wil1 be BEST admitted regardless of residence. . MAN "Toda ," re ident Bev i . WINS said. "Ohio State University 's facilities for classroom , e~.tin~, and ·housing, as far as sm~~J e NEW PHONE 2849 students are concerned, are NEXT rnURS.-FRI. adequate for handling a]] Ohio HOWARD SHUnS men and women who want to . ALWAYS TOGETHER enroll. We are: not yet prep arWaynesville ed, however to open unlimited -624 ' .... Reynold, 80& Hutton admissions to :out - of. tate ___ FLA __ __ ____ ·





W!lynesville 2704



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, f. ,.





'- '•.





REAL ESTATE FOR SALEFOR ALE - 5 room 'h ouse, electric, city water, storm window', large. lot. Loca~ed in v ' :1 Vn s v III e. P n ce $45 . ).- \Ni lbur c"J. rs, Phone :!651. Clos-ea un-.520 days. BUILDI G LOT of c rp ration. kin .'

in ani out V. H p- 624


DON'T 1-0 RGET TO ' CALL us f r Insurance. All types of insurance at a savings. Call Francis Ge ne Bro'wn, phune Waynesville 2472 or all collect. Wilmin~ton 21 t 1.


Regi tered nurse ! Prom inent hospital ,has several imme jiate openings for g,-nral staff duty. Salai'ies begin at $2 p r m onth, wit h ~ I ) :t . ar in rease, for th ': '.;'11':' . ~ . :t mon th ex tra freY ·'l1 i n~. ni rllt -crvice. Thr e me a .s -:l d:t_·, laUll iry an:t n (1 m in IJ autiful r sidence all f H $-+: a month, if de irel Liberal vacation poli 'y. \rVrite o · yi r T D Y t Dire to r f 'u ;' - s, J ew ish HospI tal, CinLin ati _9, .ohio.

LAUNDRY\VANtED: LaumiTy m ' home. Mrs. Ev l ~r. Ph ne 2742.

6-1 7 YOU HAVE ANYTH IN~ .' in Real Estate for· salt::, gel .mC -A--R-D-OF THANKStouch with Ben E. ClIne, licA CARD OF THANKS ensed broker, Sprin,{!' V~lIe:y, Ohio in Real Estate Busmess I wish to expre s m'y sincere since'1911. Experience tells. thank and· appreciation to my Try me and see. friends, neighbors and relatives -826 for the cards, letters, ' flowers , and gifts sent to me during my FOR RENTrecent affliction. , Especially ' to Dr. E. . C. TWO -SMALL HOUSES. See Wright for his efficient medical Bm Lee, Waynesville. -71 serVIce, interest and kind attenPASTU RE for rent. Contact tion. an)'! evening, \Hugh Vance, To ·Mrs. Elsie Stroud, M'r. Route 3, WayneSville. -71 and Mrs. L. C. St John, Mrs. Jennie Mullin and Mrs. Goldie Borden· for the · many kinG. FOR SALEthings done for me during my FOR SALE: Gasoline Cook sh.ut-in days. ' stove with ; 3 burners and , Lilla A. Benham oven woodlined bassinet and -624 pad. 'Melvin Stansber.ry, corBUDGET NOTICE ner Main and Miami Sts. -624 Notice is hereby Kiven that FOR S)4LE-Two single . discs a public he'aring- o'n the budget with shank and clamps for of the Villa,g-e of WaynesXllle, corn ' plow, one rug, · 9x12, Warren County, Ohio, as preone rug 6x 12. Ponderos~ to- pared by the Council will be mato plants and Afncan held at the Council Chambers violets. Mrs. P. L. Reason, at 7 :00 P. M. Ohio Standard Tim'e on the second day . of ' Phone 2903. July, 1948. FOR SALE-Collie Pups. C. E. CHARLES JAMES, Clerk -624 Michener. Village of Waynesville POR SALE Sweet Potato BUDGET NOnCE ' ' plants, 60 cts. per hundred i Notice is fiereby gi ven that a all' kinds of garden plants, public heariqg on tl1e budget as t 0 'cts~ per dozen. prepared by the Board of EdChas. C. St(ouse t W miles ucation of the Wayne Local north of Waynesville cornel of Waynesville, ' Ferry, and School District, Warren CounLytle Roads: . . -624 ty, Ohio, for the fiscal year ending. -December 31 st, 1949, 'will be held in the office of the CUSTOM BALING . Board of ' Education of smd school district in the Hi,g-h R. C. I,.aRUE School Buiding at W ,a ynesville Waynesville Route .1, Phol!e Ohio, on ,t he Sixth day of July, 2946 Waynesville, OhiO 8 :00 p.m., --624 1948, :beginnin,g. Ohio Standard Time. . C. W. Barnhart NOTICE Oerk-Treasurer ANTIQUE FURNITURETraffic accidents injured Repaired and Refinished. AU more than a million and a work guaranteed. CHAS. C. COOK and SON, quarter Americans last year. PHONE 2645 Waynesville, O. Drive carefully! -624


Bernard T. Duley of Waynesville is on of tHe 169 youn men and w men being graduNOTICE OF DATE OF MEETING FOR DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORY ated .tonight from Miami-JacFOI~ SCHOOL DISTRICT MONEYS b C 11 e.g-e. lie camp) "ted the ~'0ur e in_.hi ,!!'h~ accou,ntancy. To Eligible Banks: Th commencement address ealed Appltcatlons fo~ desig nation as dep~sltory of to e funds ot i be'ing given tonig·ht in th e ~;a.rne Lpcal ohool District of V\r~rren County, Ohio. will be r eceived N. C. R. Auditorium by Ralph by the Board of Edu ca tion of said &hool District until 1_:00 o' ,lock noon W. Sackman, minIster of Ole n the slxth d a y of July . 1948. Applications shall state tJhe rate of', interNational Radio Pulpit and of e t that will be paid on inactiv e depo. its belonging. to sa id School , DisChrist Method i t Church in · trl t. a et forth in t he opy of th e Resoluti o n made a p rl of this York City . New nOiti ce. the type of cu l"'ity pro po ed to be furnish d and shall b addressed The 169 graduates are those to th e lerk of the Boat'd of E ducutl o n or Wayne Local h901 District. who finished cour s . in the oC W a rt'en Count y. Ohio at \\ ayne vill e. Ohio. m a rked "Depo itory 'in the la t 10 months, the Application." C. W. BARNH;ART, Clerk college- said. They ' are now Box 203-'\1 aynesviHe. Ohlo employ d in Dayton, th r nearb y i ti , and place as far RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR QEPOSIT OF SCHOOL disl t as T. o kyo. . DISTRICT MONEYS Mr. Frye moved the adoption of the following Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED, by the o(1 l'd of Edu a tion of W a yne L cal School Distri t, Wj9,rr' n QUIl ty. hio, tha.t on estima te duly made. funds of said School District aggreg ating a 111 xlmum amount of One H undred NinetyFive Thousand Dollars" ($195.000.00), shall be awarded as Inactive deposits; BE IT REI ()ILVED. tha t tb acth e and in):1 tive fu nds of aid School, Di tr"lct shall be d ' p05i t in a ba nk or bnnl,s as I' Quired by Inw; and be it further


RESOLVED, thrut the !bank or banks In said Sohool District offering the high es t t'ate of interest per a nnum on inactive . deposits be ttiade the d p o i to t'y or depositories of funds ' of said 'School Distri t for period ending the 2Hh dayt of August. 1949. If. how-evet·, no bank lin said School District bids a satisfactory rate of in~erest per annum on sald in~ctive deposits, s hall be madle the d'e posltory of runds of said SchOOl District; interest on inactive dleposits to be paid Quartel'1y anci computed frQm tihe date of deposit; and 'be lt further RESOLVED. that bids .be t"e<:eived until 12:00 o'clock noon on the sixth day of July, 1948, and that notice- to all banks in said SC.11oo1 VI9trlct and l;juch bank or· banks until .bond or saouriUes h!.ave been d posited with the Treasurer of said ,School >DIstrict as provided by law. Mr. WhitaKer seconded ,the R esolution. and tlhe roll being called upon ~ its ad pUon the ,vote resulted as follows: Mr. Gons Yea. Yea.. Mr. ~e Mr. Tbomas Yea. Mr. WllHaker Yea. Mr. -Fulkerson Yea. ' Adopted he sev~ntb d,ay of June, 19~8. JOBIN GONS, President Waynesville. Warren County. Ohio Attest: C. W. BARNHART, Clerk -624





For Dat... Phon. 28M. Wavn ..vlll•• Ohio.

WELDINGMower blade grinding and re" pair. Electric and Acetylene Portable BILL LEE, Wayne Park

LOSTHUBCAP from! green 1939 . Ford" lost Saturd~y i~ vic~e: inity of W 1J.ynesvll1e. ward. Roger Brown. Third St Phone 2193. .


TIlE LEBANON NATIONAL FARM LOAN Lebanon, Ohio Phone 448 Elm H. Sturm, See'y-Treas. i


Kidneys Must

. ' ·W.o rk


W~. ':r":

For You To Feel






$11.00 9.00 ' 3.00 cwt. .

a ,C••dlll.. • AbO.tAII SMALL STOCK · t ••lln


Phone .




Cinoinnatl Union 'took Vard. '-iv. W.i... and ProGjr••• iv.. An oraanization MGOnel. . to non.. , Strictlv ••lIer. on, .he beat 'a " arOund mar~.~ in the country. , SERVICE THAT :l !JATIStFIES WlHIO Dayton 12,: 50. E. S. T.

Dlal 1300. W'LW Cinclnn&t1 12: 40. DlILI 700. for Our Dally Market Re.ort.


O·4 S 4 X EN I A . Fertil'i~Eer '· Ch......

2362 ........ Ch_...

CA 'S8


"fOR Any make or model Fred ' Kahn 'M otor ' Car Co. PHONE all


24 houra every day '7 days eve ry wUIlk. ne.fer stopping. the kidneYI filter WII 3tll mlltter from the blood. . rr more people were aware or, how' the kltln l!ya mUlt constantly remove IUrpllli !luid. exeeaa acids and other wJUlte matter that cannot stay' in, th blood without injury to health. there would be better underatllnding of 1111111 the whole aystem ia upset wh41n kidneys rau to function properly. Burnln". acanty or too frllquent UriD" tlon sometimes warna th'at lometbinl la wronl. You may lutTer nalrlnr backQtlhe. beadaches. dlssln... rbeumad. ....ainl. JPttlnr up at nllhta" .welllni. • Why not try DOG"'. You will tie u.inr a medlcin. reeommeoded u.. country over. DoG,,'••tlmulate the IUDotlon of the IddDep and h.lp tbem to ftWlb Ollt polaonollll wute from blood. They eontalJa llotblDI( harmfuL Get DOG.'. today. U. with eoaYeo. . At all drq Ifto.....


R.vera. Cha.....




made -through


cows $11 000 ; HORSES $9 000 ; HOGS ,$3000 cwt; ' .





on your real estate loan This, plus 4% intere t, repayment privileges, service and security may be had in a



Dead Stock ,

TIME. • •




PAPER HANGING' J. H. RAINEY, Waynesville. -78


10 cents 'p er pound


Vv'hat you may need in the future is • • . . J




, Farmers. ,








...eow .... .

·4BAHOIf . . . . . .





• A t H ig h,Sc ho ol Gr ou nd s Ju ly 3- 4- 5; Don't M iss It

·ro Ie The, M'I-a' 1-· PasG. E_t Mas,Randterall,of LodOldge,est Ii 'A Z -E 'T T 'E' Dies in Washington ,


It Says . · "Commercial Club .'To Be Organized H er e ,



A is, Wayn esvill ercial Club expec tede toComm be forme d at an organization meeting at ' ~ rge E. Randall, who T l!er' nothin g lik e a g-ood ~l:~~~'il~'i'hne~:t~e~e~ne da'y in ~ '! e t . "" h ' per"at d a dry good 5t , re over SERV ING WAYN I~SVILLE SINCE 1850 pow r fal ur 0 prove , 4 0 ea r ag'o in the buildi ow Carl Lacy will I e temf1Qrary np' h II I s the modern ' generation chairman pendih.!!' an e now Llpi d t the MiamI ection No ~ 4375 FIVE CENT S A COPY Gaz tte, die i i'l ,whten it itS dle~ri.v~d of its , of office rs. Forre t Tucker ' f aturda v in w ' AYNE SVILL E OHIO 1 en HUR serv~ n, Y e ectnc lty. L t tile M R tal'l Cred l't Bllreau \'n WI'IW,a hington, D. c., of ' a' cond' .. ' ' , --J U L------~-T---SDA, Y 1 -'- 1948 ~----: g tiv heart condHi n. He was 'III ~a \va ol1poawYenrlleKshst, 'W aeynees- min gton will speak on how V t: . ( --I n V ry ~ ~u in,e 's men s club are or 'an91. ri ' e o f the wo rd--fo three Ize 1 111 other towns. He ha t b en th Id st livin?' h urs and 45 minut es, rb cause A ~ p~ t m'a: ter of Wil n sville a tr e fell across a wire in ' Mr. and Mr. Donald L. ~ a.dKt 11.)3, F'l and AI .' M" dandt pring M t ValleyI . bl 00' Hain ar announ inat'I the t hi Olav ) en 10n r · a , os p p e amed Waynes. b' h f I dg c I1t nnial thi fa'll. '. The first stumb lin 'block l'n Irt 0 a s n Paul Ri hard" He w,a a viII on -man "poli e for e" pa t rna t r in 1 7-8 f r failing t cut in the secondJune 13th. ' ' th e path of marita l bliss f~r Mr. at'y urc f power. All it takes an:t Mr, Rudolph Collins of STAT E ROU TE 122 TO BE dutrf atil\l . g' Iden anniv i a flip f a witch on the first , He live i in Da \'ton 0 v ar Maynard We1t~. ' Robert prin gfield proved to be a con- REPA VED BY OCTO BER 1 pole to the right 'on the Lytle Furnas, and Will C. St. John W rkin.e: with Hike-Kuml r cret blo k in th middle of ' Road, and power from another returned Saturday Aft r ,tile d ath of hi wife from a Route 42 . Cir~l~ ~ifi~, OWll'I' line O,~~nas can C~a~Par serve deodf wa?cnck J nni , In "1 40, he moved e ville. But threeday the sw'ltch 'IS pad meet'l ng of the Oh'lo TIl e co pie o ed alld·t e e tl I " d tate Association of Township the fl'11 s n, R· ber t H." contr act f r tIle repavl 'n t'I0" of It! I1 m u w r marn e in , Wa hingto \Va~ ~.o} ~~ei~s~?;r;It ~i~~!. not Trustees and Clerks at Ced~r Sa turda y morn n. He \Va a, ing in Coving- i~decler~~~Wc"J~nti~~. 'f;'~~~ cha rter .m mber responsible for changing to an:. Point, near Sandusky. of D. tn's ' ton" Ky. Th ey were driving the roads .to be repaved is a tillwa other po~ er source. But nobody ter Lo ige, found d in Mr. Weltz clerk of the hom e in the car of Mr. and Mlfs. four-mile stretc h seems to know who IS respon- Wayn'e Townshipis truste af State 1912. , Mr. Charles Board, 321 Southe~n: Route 122 in Wayne and Clear sible. Can anyone enlighten me St. John, in addition to es. Grave ide ervic e, with being,about that? Mr. Joy' also says tn ember of the local board, isa Ave .• Soringfield. Just south of Creek Townships. The con- Ma oni rites and pallbearers, h ' tract calls f r the application of were h Id Tu sday a.fternoon 1he motors on the town pum1pS president of the Warre n t e peony farm near Waynes- a bituin.inous tr atment, to be . would reverse them,selves and County Township in ' Miami Cemetery. . Trustees ville,. ~!1e car came ' over a slight completed, by O,ctober pump backward if this power Association. The three t of ,urviv or in additi on to his from dip and struck a concrete block this yea#" , were us d without changing a Waynesville were the only rep' son, are a daugh ter, Mi Sara ' in the roadway. caused the pair of wires on the motors. Ran~a l1 of resentatives of Warren County right frolJt tire ,toThis Dayto n, three blow out, and BLUE CROS S FEES It \Va a three-round bqut be. atten ding' the session. gr~ndsons, and two great. the c~r went over an emban k", WILL B£, RECE t\o\ een the blackout and Bob IVED grand ons. Amon ~' tlie speakers were ment, throu~h 11 fence, and ' O'Regan, and the blackout won former Gov. The ~lde t livin,g- past Frank J. Lausche, rolled over several times in a AT WAY NESV ILLE BANK all three rounds. master s title n w fan upo~ Congressman Michael J; Kir- field. . Paymen1s for Hospital Care J hn Car.t'yYri~ht of Cincinnati . .fir t, 0' Reg~n . bact. to .cancel . )Vall of. '(oun~stown., Earl L. ' The, newly marri ed p~ir es- Corporation fee will be receiveda . softball game (between , Reeb, state dIrector of high- caped - injury. Mrs. Board had by Miss Mary E. Sfansberry Fairle y and Bellbrook) be~ ways, and H. A. Thomson, ,a broke at n right knee and Mr. the Waynesville ,' cause there were no lights for secretary of the Pennsylvania Natio nal Board 's right hand was serious·, Bank. This quarterly payment the field. Cost: $9 for the urn- State Association of Township Iy cut They were taken to a. will coyer fees for the period Frank H. Fan, wh was pires who made _.Jl useless trip Supervisors. ' Dayto po n tma ter ho~pit al in f Waynesville the McCl ure of July 1 to October 1. ' from Dayton. ' The conferees al 0 were ambulance. duri~K , the. Mc~in l ey and Taft ' Nationally there are now Second, he was neatly treated to a boat ride on Lake fl,dn1t nlstrat As the t nS,die story d at 11 a. m. was r const ruct- over 30,00 0,000 ' Americans blocked from . opening his Erie, ,a fish , dinner! "mod ern ed yester da y afterw in the ard, Carr Rest a passin g truck enrolled in Blue Cross] Ghoosillg theatre because the 'lights went mystery" entertalnm'ent, a apparently lost three concrete this Home in Leban on, at th e age voluntary way of 'prepaying out at 20 minutes before 7 and dance, ancnr seties of discussion of 82 . His, block wife s ' had witho preceded ut the '" drive r their hospital bills. Communitystayed out until 10:25 . Cost: A periods. Charles R. Scott, him in know death ing at the it. arne An horne unide ntified wide membership in the ' Plan whole ,night's admission fares assistant state fire marshall and moto his only rist ~urviv sto~p inged to relativ move es the is made possible through the plus the pay for his employees for rural fire protection, direc- ' blOCk are two neplie , S out w , of Fred the road, Wlilite and had cClop eration " of the who reported for wO,rk as usual. ed a demo!1stratiori of fire en- remov g of Dayto n aReI Guy ed two of them when the citizens, servIce and leadih Dakin of Third, he couldn't use his car gines ' and equipment. civic California. ' Boards' car hit the other one. organizations. ' because it. ~as nearly out of Services will be held at 2 gas, and service stations have J. m., tomorrow ' at the tubbs electric pumps. Cost: An evenPIAN O RECITAL SLATED' Funeral Home, with Rev.. R. ' B. ing s ' receipts for the town's AT LYTL E CHU RCH Coleman of the Methodist filling stations. h pfficiati'ng-. Burial will Mildred Campbell will pre- Churc Last Thursday was a field he in Miam i ceme tery. ' , s~nt the ~ollowing pupils in a da y for ~rem:linst=-d:!aving ptalio reCita l Sunda I y JUly 11, en,g-ineered the success of 2 p,. M. at the Lytle Church. STEPHEN H.BURNET Dewey and Warr.en at the ReJanet Michene'r, Carol Longpublican ' convention. an army acre, Carolyn Conn Janet · , Step~en H. Burnet, 80-year, of. the invi.sible elfin. creatures Recently the Miami Gazette . the cameram~n snaps the shut- Cowan, Carolyn Camper, bell, Jud v old retIred ' farmer, died unex. ~ald us a ViSit: 1n typlcal.grem- made an announcement of a t and Janet Saylor, John, Mars- ;pettedly .at 10 p. m. Thursday t h lIT! st:y·le, they, sett,led I~ the , for.thcoming "Cute Children's e1~e~~~~~r~~~ettea~u~~l:~fi ton Cook, Marilyn' Gons. Mar- at his home 'in Lytle. MiamI Gazette s agm~ cyhnder , Picture Contest.' Judging by ' act Funeral services were held as judges and their decision ilyn ' Coppock; Charlene Edenpress., When exactly hal~ ~f last the many exp~essions of apMond ay afternoon at the Stubbs will be final. This child's win- ,Held and Betty Campbell. ' week s press run was fll1lshed, proval and delight , every fond ning Funer . Hom.e iD ,charge of Norm they s~npped 20 teet~ froIn! a local m,ama and dad is all set to prizesone of these attractive Copp a Longacre and Shirley ' Byronal Carve r, pastor ,of the . ock will play ,duets with should thrill any ' parent. se~ 9f gears . . Gro~nll~g WIth "help their offspring win Ferry one Chur of ch and of Ch'l'ist. Burial their sisters. Se.veral of the ram, the 0ld press died mstant- of the. beautiful prizes. Appar- someth~ youngsfe,r will have was in Miam i Ceme tery. ' mothe thing rs ,have const;nted to play ' to talk about when y. .. ' ., ently" Just about every youn.g- he grows up. He is surviv ed by duets two daugh. with their daughters" . No Miami Gazettes ~ould ster under , the ten-year age ters, Mrs. Mildre d ' Surface of Marim ba , solos. by Betty have appeared last week If the limit, living in this tradin~ area I.,.eban on and Mrs. These Ina Camp are Longacre bell the facts Will be Itlcluded. ' and only Lebanon Wester':1 Star had not will visit the contest photo: requi of Lytle i th ree rem, sons, e nts. ' Harry of An childr en in ~enero,usly permitted l:!s. to use "'grapher at the Grang Lytle, e Hall Russe this ll of area Ridge are vil1e, eligib ' and le. There will MI~S LOUI SE EYCK Its, cylInder p~ess to fmtsh the from 1 P. M. to 8 P. M. E ' ~ober t on of be, Cente no rville char~ ; ' e two of an kind! pnntmg. ThiS enabled the J~ly 13. All, whether , There Isters, Mr ; Mabel A group Dinw are of iddie no friend string ' s s and I ~othi relang G~zette to appear about ,noon wm~ers o~ not, Will later be need be purchased; and Miss Sarah tives' Burne from' t, both Harve ot ysbU' you, r~ do attend not FllOay. , , published In a ed series even have to oe a reader nor a ed funeral services Wednesday Dayton ; a brother, Harvey . T.he Western Star's generos- titled "Citizens offeatur Tom' o rrow. " . subscribe~ to' this 'newspa-per. afternoon at Lukens and Reyn- Burnet of near Waynesville' 17 tty IS even more laudable be. ' If you Wish to 'mav pur olds Funeral Home in Wilming- grandchildren and four gr'e~tcause their own ' larger press :he pnzes " to be awarded chase prints' of'yoyou ton, for Miss Louise 'Eycke of grandchildren!. ' . ur children had broken" down. the. sal!le are • . ,. arran Ande geme rson, nts Ind. with Miss the Eycke , studio beweek, . delaymg, their dehv~nes tst, '$2S. 00 ViF: Oil Tinted when you select the pose you ca~e ill whil~ visiting her. uncle by a day. At the same time, Portrait Framed' Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm ' , want published and entered in and aunt Mr. and M!I's. George attend the .delayed ' Western ~tar w~~ 2nd, ed a picllic at the Masonic $15.0 0 \rig Oil Tinted the conte st But tbat is entirely Denny ?f near Wilmipgton, , rolhng out of the CoD,let . Portrait Framed, Home in S.,rinrlield on Sunday ~p ~~ you, for there are no ob- . and died In Mc Clellanl Hospital 'arranged I'ress and the del.ayed Mlaml 3 rd. SS.OQ Portrait .. oy tFie 1944 Deputy hgatJops of an~ kind -- now, Xenia; Sunday. Burial was' in Gr.and Matro . Ga~ette was emergmg from the 4th, 5.00 Portrait ns, Order of Eastllen, or thereafter. Appoint- Miami Cemetery. ' ,cyhnder . pres~ 10 . the ~ame tern Star, of Ohio. " , ·ntents .re not necessary. All . room. ThIS eVidence ~f f~len~•Beauty and dress wUl not be' children, however, must be Sandra and Jeffry Ball left l,iness from Lebanon IS g-reatly considered. Neither are import. accom Charles 'Kersev underwen't a panie d by a paren t ' or 4-H ca, m p at Clifto -alW-rectated. n on Suntonsil . operation in Xenia dur. , ant! Cuteness at the moment other adult. ' ing the past week. /

By Smitt y

Honey'mooD, Auto 3 Atlende ' vent " i-on Ht-ts',Block' Upsets Of Ohio Twp. Or..ficers ,. ,


,-,-- .





eo: to



Ex-postmaster Farr Dies

.~ute K~ddies' Conte~t Brings Big

Response; Photos to Be ,TakenJuIy-l3-



'The Miami G;;1zette • S TAB LIS H 'K 1• 0 0

Mr. and Mrs: Vernon Pursley THE MIAf1/Il GAZETTE PAGE 2 and son's, Mr. , and Mrs .. A. D. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. 4375 mHh" Mr. and Mrs. Clinton THURSDAY, ' J U L Y 1, 1948 'Roherts and Janet Sayfor pic. nicked at Le Sourdsville Lake And Jame Haine. Mr. and Mr-. K nrick accompanied them n~ar Middletow'n, 'unday. to West Lafayette, Ohio, on Mr. and Melvin Banta Saturda . Mr'". N rma Pounds f J.amest wn w re Monday and on, Bill., Mr. Jo~eph evenin~ dinner gue t ' of the Grassi an i Mr. Elwood Grassi former s mother, Mrs. Mae ,of Dayton w re also , Sunday Banta. ' ev ning dinn r g-ue t 'at the Mr. and Mr. J. B. Jon ' K nri k home. spent unday evening with Mrs. John Zimmerman and Mr. Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Chapand Mrs.Henry Fink near Way. man attended the wedding 01 nesville. the latter's brother, Dr. Robert chmidt, and Mi , Emil, Ber_ Mrs. Vernon Pursley, a member ,of Ule Dayton Pike com. man on , Frid~ y afternoon nt munity Club near Lebanon, Chri t Epi copa! Church in Cinand her .t;'uest, Mrs. Henry cinnati; and th e rec pti n Saylor, With thi club of '50 which follow i in Hyde Park. lalHe , attl!nded the Ruth' Lyons Mr. Chapman erved a an ' program at W L W in Cincin. usher. . nati on , Wedne day of last week. ' Mr. 13alph Hammond, Mrs. Forest rh mpson, Mr. Milo Milten erger, all of Lytle, Mrs. Myra Wister f Springboro and M.r. Paul Schneider and daoght~r f Dayton, attended the Ruth Lyons program at W' L W ' Monday illorning. Prof. and Mrs. A. G. Steele, and, Robert Steele, of Pasadena Callf. spent from Thursday till Monday with their cousins Mr. and ,Mrs. Walter kenri k


Published Every Thursday At Waynesville, Ohio .' CARL G. SMITH, Ec:W~or Entered .s secoftd cl ••• m*tter at the Post Offic. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $1.50 a Year in Advance,

The Woman s Society 'of L tie Church will mel.!t Jul 14, at the h me of Mrs. Ernest Harlan. The me tin g- has been ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ po~pon d from the regular ' Ii. me tinK of July 7. Mr. ani Mrs. William, Ber~W' , ' dall moved their house.hold • , good la t week from Lytle to (To have events, listed i~ this calendar, notify The Miami Ga~ette their new home ,on Monterey before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) Avp, Oakwood. . " , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stenlke, FRIDAY, JULY 2 . and ' sons James and Dale, and . ~onal,d Gil.lan spent Saturday Waynesvi lle Town Coun ii, 7 :00 P.M. In Chesterfield, Ind. Softball game, BeIlbr ok v ~ , Fair! y Hardware, 8 :00 . M. SATURDAY JULY 3 Mr . . and Mrs. Seth Furnas . ' . I " M·'d t H 'd Sh H' 1 'and and , Mrs. the Walter Ken· Amerrca,n Le~lOn C~ ebra tlOn: . I we ern ayfl e ow Igl rick Mr.attended Warren cl~oo ! Grounds, 8: 0 P . . M. ~ountyHistorica] SOCiety meet. !11K at 'the Golden Lamb LebFarmer' range No . 1, Regu lar M;eetll1g , SUNDAY, JULY 4 1non, ,Monday evening. GO TO CHURCH' HONOR YOUR COUNTRY! Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rou t American L:egion Cele rati n, High School Grounds, 1 P. M. zahn and two daug-hter of MONDAN JULY 5' Franklin were dinner g'uests American Lion Cel brati n Rodeo 2;.5 P. M.· Fireworks Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Clyd . " , 'Wharton. 10:30 . M. CarnIval All Da . Mrs. Margaret J ohns wa"ill , TUESDAY, Jl!LY 6 last week but is some what imWayne T wn hlP choo l Bard Meetmg, 7:30 P. M. proved at this time WEDNESDAY, JULY 7 , Mr. and Mrs. E'verett Ken. Softball game, Fairley Hardware vs. Miller's Resta~rant, 8 :00 , rick, Bobby and Jane were SunP. M. day evenin.g- dinner g ue~ts of Mr. and Mrs.' Ed Hopkm~ in Waynesville. the church. trustees .and a number of members and others ' M'rs. Wilson Edwards, who ' worked there all day Saturday ha een the ~u est of her aunt cleaning up the Lytle Church Mi s Margaret Edwards for g-ra veyard. , . the past two weeks returned , to h,er hO Of,e' near Springfield n Saturqay'~' . . ME11iODIST CHURCH Milton Sheehan of Center· R.B. Coleman, Minister ville ' with Mr'. and Mrs. Church school 9 :30 a.m. Laure nce Peters n of Indian· J. J. Burske, ,Supt.. apoli called ' on' Mrs. Alice Worship servi e 10:30 a.m. Clark, Sunday morning. In the Youth f \1 \ hip afternoon her callers were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clark and ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark of Samuel N. Keys, Minister Dayton., ' . 10 :30 a.m. Morning P~ayer Mr. W oodto¥' Owens of SU,nday, 7 :30 p.m. Springfield with her two child. . ren, Winnie Jo and Stevie, were FRIENDS weekend guests of Mrs. Owens' First Day School 9 :30 a.m. mother, Mrs: Luoile Armitage. Meetin~ for Worship Mrs. Hattie Terre1\ of HighDELIVERY DAYS 10:30 a.m. land was a guest for two days of Mrs. ,Evalyn Peterson. On TUES.-THlJRS.---SAT. ST•. AUGUSTINE Friday they spent the day with Father Krumholtz, Priest Miss M'ay Harl~n nea'r Harveys. Same Delivery Day Each Week Masses 8 and 10 A.M. burg. , I Mrs. Martha Henderson left WAYNESVILLE Sunday for a vacation at the CHURCH OF CHRIST home of her brother, W. E. 75 WE WIU. ALLOW Bible' School . 9' :30 a.m. O'Neall and family in JacksonCommunion ' to :30 a.m. ville, Fla. Fraak Sibey , Mrs. Wilson Edwards, Mrs. LEBANON ON YOUR OLD BAlTERY FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Martha Henderson, Mi~es Ruth Phone 21 .Repte.e.atative Byron Ca'rver, 'Minister and Elizabeth Chandler were Bible School ' 9 :30 a.m. guests Wednesday evening of WHEN YOU BuY A NEW SUNOCO MQrning Worshi 10 :30 a.m. Miss Anna Meredith at the . - _ _.;...~_!~~___~., Prayer Meetin~ 7 :00 p.m. , home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter 45-Pt.A~ BAlTER)" GUARANTEED 15 MONnfS Young People s Meeting Whitecre. :, 7 :00 p.m. Mrs. Wilson Edwards and ng Miss Elizabeth Chandler were , Representing ALL SIZES 70 ~ WIlli TRADE.IN guests at an all·day ' bridge at Weaiheimer & Company CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS the home . , of Mrs. Russell Members New York Stock ' Rev. David Stanfi~ld,' Minister ~alisbury near Wilmington'. Wership ' Service 9 :45 a,m. Exchanges a,nd other Sunday School , 10:45 a.m. MRS. ASBURY BECOMES registered Exchanges NEW , CENTURY CLUB'S Investment T'nut Sb.-. Mr. HOLLY METHODIST .... PRESIDENT FOR YEAR Bought _ Sold ,- Quoted . T. M. Scarff, Minister The New Century Club held ~hO'ne Wayn~,.viUe 2530 S'unday School ' 9 :30 a.m. its June ' meetinl?' 3t the home PHONE 2423,· , :Dayt.~n AD3257 E.A. Earnhart, Supt. of Mrs. J. B. Chapma.n on FriWorship Service"'" 0 :30 a.m. day afternoon, with Mrs. J. K. Evening rvice 7 :30 p.m. Preston, Mrs. Lurie Hidy and Mrs. Harvey Burnett as guests. UTICA' E. U. B. 'CHURCH Mrs. Borden retired as presi, Rev. William Shannon dent and the position was ' acSun 'la y School 9 :30 'a.m. cepted b¥ Mrs. R. ' E. Asbury. Mr : James Garrison, Supt. . Mrs. ElSie Hockett', will serve Prea..:hing 1 st and 3rd' Sundays as vice-president, M~ss Ruth, each month to:30 a.m. Chandler as secretary and Miss ICE CREAM ~ VARIED F~VORS ' Evening Services 7 :30p.m. Minnie Dodson as treasurer. John FrO'mm and Mrs. LUNCH MEATS H. L. Rye, in charl{e of the SOuni WAYNE CQUNCIL soyr DRINKS progra~ introduced as guest The South Wayne Advisory speakers, Mrs. Helen DinwidMARSHMALLOWS . Council held its , June meet· dle O'Dell and Mrs. Lucien,ne ing Thursday at the home of Galle of Dayton. They tO'ld O'f WE WILL BE ,OPEN SVNDAY AND MONDAY, JULY 4 ~ 5 , Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Walker. their work with the "Gray Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Greene of Ladies" in . the Dayton hosLebanon were ' guests and Mr. pitals. Greene told of the history O'f , Following adjO'urnment fO'r ,. the Farm Bureau... the summer, refreshments were "1/ , ' •: The Councjl Will hO'ld a din· served. "" '"' 'PHoME '2882 ,, " ner in July, the place to be an· , nounced later. • IN CASE OF FIRa, DIAL _ .

U .' EYen' t 5 Comlng P

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Meadow ·Gold








:Belclter 'SUDOCO Service ·

.4~J's Qqality_Market









. PAGE 8



No. 4375


1'lH,URSDAY, . J U L Y


1948 '.

.Don't Miss ' Waynesville's



Midwestern JUi.Y. 3



8:30 P. M.

',' Baby 'Show JULY 4

3 P. M.

Triangle-RRanch Rodeo t,






















I ,












, .~

trouble with fi h escapin#!: from his pOJild in hi~h water, now jf th ey leave him perhaps he can · go and fi h them out of Kindle s pond. The T. 'Il. Association' is planning to hire a part-time ,<vorker for put licity work and health education. In this way rhe lh pe to increase their rvi e. The takine- of X-rays for the early discovery of tuber ul osi i proving to b~ very impor'tant in the lon~ fi~ht against this disease. More people than ever before have' taken advantage of this service, but it is hoped that having- the mobile unit at the County Fair will , make it known to even more. -1 Before we know it, the Fourth f July will be h ' 'e and the American Legion is plannin~ to make it a great occasion, com- , pI te with roqeo and firew9rks. Now all our amateur cow boys ca n e how it should be done, and ur ow and calves will ha ve to look out. It would be, hand though to have some ~'ood roper h re on the farm. Our ung Guernse bull made himself unpopular 'by ~oing over t.he ni e new line fence that Mr. 11. Iz had just put up. A fence without barbed wire is not enoug-h ' and tw barbed wire ar eUe r. L~aping lena even \\ ent 0\1 ran w n with two wires was ung. on it when h High fences are , expensive but they are ,worth it.

June ~5" 1948. fhe wheat field are r ct g Id or pal ~()ld r dotted with hock wne re th e harvest ha he1?:un . The ba rl.., j combined and the hay is hein.e- taken in a 'pos ible., \Vh re the baler are at " rk, . th e ha fields are dotted 'With the boxlike halees that have a 10 k contrary to nature. The k 10 k natural rounded ha a th ouRh nature ha made them without man' help but the bale I k d finite1 _ manmade. There eemed to be o!11 e ouestion about the thre h!ng ring thi ear. Some were ~oll1g to com ine and others wan ted . to thre~a u 'ual but I think i has fin~ ll fle en arra nged. We are ~o irig' to thre h as we w, .nt ~r str'a" , Vve haven't ft ot II the equir'ment for balin efr m the field a \ e will th re h and' bale fr m the stack. last year v. i:in t join a ring but sta ked our malt amount of wh at and oa t and thresh.ed 1a r ' when ver. on wa th rough, but thi ear "ve n ed ur grain t f ct the pl~ . ~ have a new mellll er f 1 ~1 farm famil, ' 'titl e Meow Pu _, aIl ed be au he has . \I 11 a I ud 111 ow f r such a small at. me' one gave, .her t John and he r uRht her home, ~ ut h pr ml1tl y 1.11Oved i~' m\ barn an' then to my Frank Holmes wh o ha b en lWu e. She f el that he h uld (It th hom f Mr, and Mrs. I a hou e cat and torments LI d Dan s for the past several 'Iimt ing up and do~ n the III nth r turn "d t C lumbus re ns at night until '\ e find thi week f r a short lay . .'s ome \ ny (st I pill~ the noise Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Haw ke o we :in, ~o r sleep. Once I an Mr. M. F. W "ltz and hildl1a j to ~et ur and t her ome- r il njb_ed it pi ' ni ' at Old thing- teat ut now 1,shut her River Park unctay. in the etlar. 1t i' such a little cat to ' e away from' its mother ut it i quite ' a. Ie to ~ret what jt want. It meows with a loud voi e. , f there is an_thing op n it com s in. It faces the ohi / at with ~pit and s ratch ' and when ple:l ed, it purrs lik a tea' kettl . Yet it is so little ou can 11 , ld it cuddle~ up , in nn hand. Ul' n ig-hb r, Jake Kindle i ,.ha \~j n,~ a fin ig pond bui~L Th 1 ull-1 Z I' ha been \VorKin . ! h I; f , \ erat d a . He tol j me that he started to make iu t a malt ~ and but when the sta rted to di~ :they ope'ned som vc r g d sprin~ 0 that . he ha d ' i i d t make it m r . tha'n h' i a bi~ ns he first had . plan d. Dr. H 'rman

of their families to a ' Father's Day dinner at their home Sunday. , Mr. 'and Mr , Willard Taylor and daughter Nancy, and Mr. , and Mrs. Walter Donaldson and daughler Marilyn ,spent Sunday at Coney Island. , , Miss Bett, Hunt and LeWIS Thompson of near Harveys burS!' were Saturday guests of Mi s Jane Fite. , Miss Frances and Mel,vina ' Hinkens received members of the adult. Bible Class at their home, Tuesday evening:. Mrs. Edith Luken was hostess to the . Mjssiona r 0ciety of 'J onah 's Run Church, at lier h m'e Wednesda'v after-


(Held' Over Frol1r1 Last' Week) Mrs. DoJlie ' Fraser of Germantown spent Sunday at the home of her grandchildren, M'r. and Mrs. Auzwood Martin and baby son Qougla,s. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Barton and sons attended aftenloon sessions of the Maraine Product's annual picnic held at Le ourdsville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cook and family of Franklin were Saturday eveninR; guests of Mrs. Co k's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beckett. n n. , A special program was pre. E. . met in reg-ular e. ented at the Me1thodi ~t G:hur h ' i n at the Masonic Templ e, unday in ob ervan e of Tbursda evening. Fa ther s Da¥. Mr. Arthur Martin who Word ha been recei ed here ha 15e 11 the house£,uest of her of the ieath of Mr. J. W. 'J'ands n and Wife, Mr. and Kibler of New Washin,g-t n. Mr . Auzwood Martin, returned He was well known in the vil- t her h me in ,Alexandria, Kv. lage, having been a former exaturday. ecutive of the Harve_ ~ burg­ Mr . Latfra hidaker, Mr. and Fertilizer Co. Mr . Howard Graham and Mlfs. Mr. and Mrs. George Wall Al . Coil tt and son, Robert an j sons entertained memb,ers ' attended the opel). house Sun-, dav at the home of Mt .. and Mr . George Gra,ham in Soringboro ,who ce1ebrated their Golden Weddmg anniversary.'





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PAGE .. ,No. 4375


~h. and Mrs. Herbert Doster were Sunday dinner I!'uests 'of their on and dauP'hter-in-law _ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Doster and Sharon of Springfield. Little Miss Ann Williams of Wilmin ton spent several ,days last week a the house ~uesf f her grandparensts, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker. Mr. ,Charles Thompson is the houseguest of her sister Mrs. Reb.ecca Tracy at her hOIil'e in Washington C.H. Rev. Wr'i£,ht of Wilberforce University who is pastor of the A. M. E. Church In the village was a Sund,~y , mon;ling brea~.: fa t ~lIest of Mr. and Mrs. leWIS Walsh. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Garber and sons of Dayton and Mr.and Mrs. Sterling Ingals and sons of Greenfield were Sunday guests ' of Mrs. Ida Collins, , Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Fry and family return ed to their hOIJ1e , Tuesday from ' a weekend visit with M-rs. Fry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry PrY, at their home near Hillsboro.

,hose ~queaks your car!







••p••••••• o ·

@ilW ...1.,





--_. .- -------..:.-C.HIC~-oF-TOMORROW



. . Vantross Hatchery of Marysville, ~1., won fIrst prize of $5,000 in the finals of the natiot)al Chicken-of- Tomorrow contest held last week in Ge rgetown, Delaware. ,Cornish - New HamlPshire crosses entered by the coast hatchery cored a total of . 1.59 ..8 pin ts to top 39 other fl,nalJsts from 25 state in th e oncludinQ' phase of the threeyea r program span or.ed by A&P Food ,Stores to develop superior meat-type chickens . Ohio was repr ented hy' T. S. Townsley, W,ilmin~ton ' and Wilford Hatchery Elyria. . ' Runner-up in th e compe titlOn was Arbor Acre of Glastenbtiry, ' Conn., whose W~ite Rocks sco red 151 '.5 pomts to capture $ 1, 00 second. mon~ . Fraction of a point behtnd, 111 third place with $500, wa th e joint Maine e!1 tr .v of H. E. Bate - ~E. J. BIttner, , ith New Hampshir.e . The ne xt five ,to finish were : Nich I' Po ultry Farm, King ton, N. 1-1., with New Ham _ shiT s: John , Spangen erge t Haven, Conn., with Corn: i h-\ 'hite Ro k. cr es; hena . dna h Hatcher ~ Maurert wn V'rginia, N w· ' , Hamp' hire ~ .J hn E, \Veidlich, R anGke,



Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kier of Dayton and Mr. ~n ~ Mrs. Phil Burri f Tuc n Anzona, ca]]ed on Mr. and Mr. R. H. Kier and on Billy Thufsda evenin g. Mr. :Ind Mi' . R. H. Kicr and Bill pent Sunda with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Kier and daught rs, Janice and Ph IIi, fEast Da nville.



Mr. and Mr , Dins and ons f Br kvill we re unday a'fternool1 guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway.










Little usan Gayle Elli an brother Larry pent la t Tuesda night with their 'J?:randparents Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Wit on.


'West Va., .New Hampshire, and in the United States, and he advisor for the club, 'in charg-e Linn's Hatchery of PuyailUp, ~sked th?se present to provide and Martha Lukens pre iding. Wash., with Cornish-New ' Illformatton If they wish their T~e)ve girls attended theMr. and Mr. Eug-ene Wilnames in the new history. HamlPshire crosses . meetmg and the sewing- and cher and ns sp nt the week More th an 1 0 P r on at- recreatl(Jl1 p rlods that follow- end nea r ' om ret, Ky., visitMIDDLETOWN B.R ANCH tended this meeting', including ed it. It wa d cided that there ' ing Mr. and Mr. t pp. and' OF GUSTIN FAMILY man y fr om Hillsboro, Norwood was a way for everyone to go Mr. and M.r. Floyd and son HOLDS ANNUJ\L. REUNION and oth r p1.ace. After a t camp; th eref re, there will Lowell. bounteou er, the president be no m eetin ~ held on June The annual reuni on of the ca lled the dinn mee ting to order. 30 to permit the girls to go to Mr. and Mr . Em r n Dili of Piqua, M nr ,and Middlet \\ 11 ongs and readings were on the il ver Tea was postcamp. The Mt. Hall had a their Sunda v Branch of the Gu tin. famil y program. Later, ice cream' and unt il A\u ust 11. The poned dinner gue ts ' Mr. . and Mrs. \\ a held unda y at th e Aeronc:1 , cake were served in cafeteria t attend the club decided Ralph DiU of Sp ring Valley. It Clubhou in Middleto\vn. style. h ' on Jul y 18. "Friend Chur , as th birthd~y of Emerson Tho e attending . from here and Mary Jo Hi hardso n is to give and the fir t wedd in,e: anniDill near Lebanon were Mr. and a demonstration at today . Mr. and Mr . Ralph ver ary of Mr. Evan Gu tin, Mildred The Waynesville ew-So m ~ti : 1' . Dill. ' ' Jl1 tin Thompson, Harvey 4-'H C]ub met Thursday, June Gustin, and Will O. Gustin, 24, at the horne of Mrs. Klontz \\ h i pre ident of the Red with Mrs. Edenfield in charge , i. n Branch of th e family. and Ann Rogers presiding. The bill for refreshments P~rotect the Appearance and ' \¥iII Gustin addressed the , . roup, t IIing 'how their ance - was presented a:nd paid. Contor ~a m e .from Jersey; an, is- nie 'Lou Klontz suggested , Value of. you:( Hom~ with land 35 mIles off the coast of making sequin pins as a means Franc . This island had a pre- 0f making money for the new war populati n of 35,000 and ~anlp site. was th t reeding center of the Jer attIe know n in the U. S. The Betsy Ross 4-H Club TheJl Mr. Gustin called Jesse me t Wedne day, , June 23 ,at W. , Mbor of Richmond, Ind., the Harveysburg High School to the stand. Mr. Moore is re- , Home Economics Room with writing a hi tory of the Gustins Mrs. Edith , Lukens, assistant



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Usu~11y J'unior's suits ' shrink , mach too small ' for him When they come back ' from ' the ordmary cleaner.. But this time, the suit was sent to US, ",here" with 'our unusual care, we can guarantee against ~hrinkage and premature wear. Call us while you're thinking Df it. .


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in me Ohio Parmen will gl•• you broad ~ J.... ,om: fum. 1& ~en )'OUr' buildiD..;-;oai- dMtcelI, ~ .acomobii~ ad JOUr, liIbillty for accidents to 9~ Wh, DOt ~ 111 today? ,Y- iNw ,.a... ,.,. wIND , . ' " IDIuNd la' .... 0bI0 'anMnf 011 .

,Karl D.

D~kiD Insurabee

wberry, ~ANON, O. OHIO 'AIMEaS 11111JUJ'" _ _AllY 01lIO . . . . .~ ••••,Uut . . . f)II.

PhoDe IU.

II..... .."





SMITH SERVICE and SALES ' South Main Street


'PAt;E • -




By BOB O'REGAN That peal of thunder Monda evenin g, follow er! brain ,and da rkn s, coul d h,a VI:! 1 een th e sudden realization of local sp rt fan that the had been ,really gypped last g p ed un~a . e enmg ",hen the longawaIted 1a h between our local A11,- tar ~o ftbal1 club and Cleveland Pender ast's team failed to , .material ize.' \ h. ? 'Onl be au e M'anaKe r Worman of the GardnerRichar sori Company claimed ') c uJj n t be reached in fm'e to can eJ the .game. Worman stat d he attempted to telephone m eveial times but the Leban n operators, were not familiar with my name. A telegram from Mr. Worman arrived late Monda vening (( had telephoned hjm that same after-. n onl) uote : "Events beyond my control, etc." , -


\Vt':i. ;1 Wfl

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a S!I ,'I1lt:

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laro-est crow' j, apprvx im.ne1000 fan s-, wa ' on h.and to witJl ~ 1!1 e cr nre ·t, and ih~ rl'sultant col;ectbn would hove ,11 Iped out ka:~u_ ' s finan Ce!'. Remember, we just oaid (.ut $55 to recondition cur public aed rG".l s stem. Per onally I 51111 will have to sec Pend~rgas r pit ,h and .. o m a me- nth or hv'v t:lc Middl.:!t,j wn ~ll ua I \ ill a r/ a ' ,1 be' ··chl.. . duled proyidinK th.~y. are. willing to , plst,a,forfell jl'~ Ir. adv~tnce. Don to. a .su ..; ,,(~r twice :5 my l~e,t aL \ 'J e 111 1;' ())11otiti~ Sl' · tJ Is

THE TEN TOP HillERS Waynesville Softball League (based on 10 or more at bats) AB R HAVE. Player and Team 16 3 9 '1563 Osborn, Fairley's 13 5 7 .538 James, Legion ' , 21 3 11 .524 Williamson, Bellbrook , 20 5 10 .Soo T. Thompson, Legion ,14 6 6. .429 Bailey, Kier s ' :14 4 6 .429 Mo re, Bellbrook 20 , 5, 8 .400 Shank, Miller's 3 6 .400 15 Schoonover, Kier's 10 3 4 .400 Rickey, Fairley's 13 2 5 .385 Gons, Miller'·s LONG-EARNHART VOWS events. The Junior American Legion TAKEN FRIDAY; DOUBLE RING CEREMONY , USED ~ Iti b w~s forced into two extra 1l1ning~ Sunda~ afternoon at Miss Marion Long;, daughter the PalrmDnt H19b grounds beMr. a:nd Mrs. Eagar Long, of ,fore heating- Southern Hills 8-6 of Caldwell, Ohio, exchanged in a Tri-County League tilt nupti al vows with Mr. LaMar Outside of the second frame' SOnt of Mlr. and M: Earnhart, ' when three of tlleir five ,hits' Mrs. A. H. Earnhart ' of coupled with two errors gave ll , in ';a double ring Wa nesvi the losers five runs, E~rl Poceremony, performed by Rev. well, Waynesville pitchP oples I ~l t Friday at Glen er, was m. conlptete charge. He fanned nine batters. Harold 3 :30 P. M. in th e: haron PresStanley paced the winners' at- byte ri an Church in Caldwell. tack with 3. for 4, driving in The op en Church wedd in g, was ,two runs WIth his sixth inning pre~ed ~d . by a prol~ram of do uble. ' ''Little ' Joe" Florence mUSIC, \V,lth Earl Ea rnhart, starred with four , 'runs and two brother of the groom, in gin~ safeties. Danny Simpson s ex~ "Always, " "Because" and "0 i?Fomise Me," accompan ied by cellent ·work at first base fea- hI ' aunt, Mrs. Karl Babb, who tured th e local's defense. ' also played several selections. Ray Purks, 'wo - hit '3·0 bride, glven in marriage shutout victory for the, Legion by The ,her father, wore a street softballers over Fairley's fea- len, 'th white silk frock, which tured the sixth week of play ' he made from silk brought in which Bellbrook held first Japan by her brothe~. from place thanks to its 7,-6 win over With this she wore all white ' Spring Valley. , . Due to the Am rican Legion accessories and c.arried , a corcelebration on July 3, 4 and 5 sage of pink ros(~-buds ·on her at the, local high school field white Bible. . there will be no baseball or soft: Mrs. Dom,inie Mileti of Birbait Kames during- that period . .

THE MIAMI GAZE'FT'!: m ingha(m, the bride's former WAYNESVILLE, No. 4375 college room-mate and only at- llHURS,DAY, J UOHIO 1, 1;t48 LY tendant, ehose a black and white model, with white acc~ Bernard Daley, who recenly sories and pink carnation corgraduated from Miami· Jacobs sage. The groom ~as attended by Business School, has entered his brother Alton Earnhart. Don Wilmington College: Long', brother of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Borden, Dean Babb, cousin oJ the Mr. and Mrs. L.V. Branstrator, groom, served as ushers. Mr. and Mr. Ernest ButterThe bride's mother wore a Mr. and Mrs. Harry worth,' blue and white silk dress, made Mr. and Mrs. . S. mith and from 'silk brought from Japan Ellis were Saturd~y evening by her son, wIth ' black accesguests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. sories and a pink carnation co rCornell in Dayton. sage. Mr. and Mrs. M,aynard 'I he .bride.grooni sMother Rich and sons of Pittsburgh; Pa. chose a black and white print were week end guests of their wi th black and white accessories and white carnation cor- ' parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J. B. Rich. Mrs. Rich and one so n age . A recep tion was held in the were enroute to Florida for a 'church din inK r om for the im- vacation, 'Mr. Rich returnin~ to med iate ' families and close his home, leav ing the older fi-i end, after which the bride son to spend a 'week .with his and groom left for a hart wed- grandparents. ding trip. They will be at home M·r. and Mrs. Ray mond La to their friends in Waynesville Ru have return ed fro m a 'al out Jul y 15. , Mr. and Mr . Long entertain- week with fri end in New York ed th e bridal party, imm ediate City. famili es, the pastor and wife to dinner at, their ,c untry home Mr. and Mrs. Ray C nne r prcce iing th e we,dding. and daughter have ' returned Mr. and M,rs. A. H. Earnh art, afte r. spending a month in Mex Mr. Alton Earnhart, Mr. and ico , and Southern California. Mr. Earl Earnhart and children, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. EarnMiss arah Conner, with hart, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. ' Miss Jane Qear ff of Franklin, Earnhart and son with Mr. and left Sunda for a two-w ek Mr . Karl Babb and Mr. Dean vacati on in, Florida. Babb of near Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs. J _ N. Ko binson and , Mr~ Ben Hawke is eri u,ly children of Dayton . and Mr. ill at a ho pital in Columbus. and ' Mr . Don Collett of N w Burlington attendel1 the weddin '.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bradd ck are enj oyin\r ,a vacation at their. cottage in the country.




THE BURDEN A funeral ' service is mu'ch mercbandise : and eq uipment. We have both in al undance, but we tlave beside~,. a very sincere wish to lighten the troubled days of thos·e who

3-~ay Independence Celebration


(, ~ ll

u .

') McCL,URE FU N' E , R~L IfIO·M E

Check Your Brakes GET YOUR




). ' ,


KlfR'S ·Garage

w.AY.NESVllLE, 0"'0



WORK SHOW• .(Admission ADULTS 75c -..:... Chi1d~,en 40c -



Ta~' Included


H ammond O~gan Concert by N. A. ' Nevels, professional entertainer. '




! ..tV



P.CNICS ~~_,



MONDAY, JULY 5 2:()O to 5:30 p. r,t.

. '46 "CHEVRf;>LET Club Coupe - IRadio and Heater - like new ~ $1795.00 ' '41 DOE)GE Custom , .4-IDoor Sedan - IRJldiC? and Hetater - Exceptionally cle_ -1176.00 '48 NEW, DODGE 1~ Ton Cab Ch ...i.. ' n • Sever~1 other older models that RUN /and ~RICE.

at •

10 Big Acts




10:30 {Admissio~


ADULTS '1.00 -


$500.00 IN PRIZES All Afternoon and Evening -

,mult be leen to

-S ,A.yE- ~



"47 BU JCK Roadm_ster Sedan - ' like new - very low mileage , be appl"eciated. '47 DODGE Cuetom 4· Door - Radio and Heater..- like new.

Au,t o

Carni,v~1 ~ORTH

( \


tax inc,)


Sales, LEBA.,()N


U-,d cars with a Guar~t" That ~Unt8



Meeting held their regular , the Canajian Mounte j" is en- screen. The stor i- timely and Bogan Sunday aftern'don. ' monthly meeting at the home Mee~ing joined The Fri' e nds ti.tle i ... Pu," uit." Pen oth r lu k y real, the Shan,{!hai scenes reMr. and Mr-. Charles Stan- , of Melod ' Ma -tr " (U I) in New Burlliahle. with the churches number h( Jjer ma y h~ v u i·n I unday " night. ' ington for their Daily Vacation ~iv s twenty minutes of good the audience. Add t all thi tt Haine and family ' E' v er SchOOl the past 2 weeks. Bible m u i • and who could resist? in an E 19-ar Kenne i co med y, "Hn\\" tl ' Clean Hue" the e hot w ks of political Th ;se teachin from here ,were att nded th ' Carey ' reunion at (R K ). The Twin m,anag- - conventions, "Olive Oyl For Au jrevrtatrre, {rene Burden, the home of MT. and Mr. ment has made , sp,ecial efforts Pre ident, " th · 'Paramount D ro thv Smith, and Davi" Howard ' Fi ~ h er near Fairview, unday. ' ' ".. . to cooperate with.the Wa ne - Popey cartoon with the show? Stanfield. Mr. and Mr${ Jack Hawk . . Mr. and Mr. CharI s Jones ville Ameri an Le)1; ion Po t and fami! ' were Sun jay dinner were visitor at church Sunday. celebration in bookin~ "BafQgue ts a week ago of Mr. and bi' (RKO) for S'unday', Jul y Mrs. M~lvin Holling 'worth of Mr. arah Wil her and Mrs. by 4. and Monday. July '5. Par nt~ n ar New Vi nna. Th Im a Grllshon visted their may 'send their young-sters to Mrs. Luther Haines has been ister, Mr. ,Dorothy Os orne The Friends Meetin~ House FOX HOLLY the theatre Sunda or Monda y ni~ht , knowing' the children has been newl y decorated and caring for her mother, Mr. of New Burl,ington, Tu sday. It can hap.pen, and it did. will be safe and vi'ewinJ!: the electric lights have been install- Charles Laird of Camden. Mrs. Willard Haines of TimBoth Mrs. Eunice Thompson perfect picture for "kids", ed. ' and Mrs. Ra mond Wilir/ inia, was a ,gue t sonMr. lJervilI, and D nald Weltz turned up while at the same time 'the Some of the Caesars Creek ' w r in X.enia Saturday and with number 160 on their Can- old ter can more fullv enter members attended the W. C. of her husband's parents, Mr. all d n Mr '. Wit· on' iter, adian Mounties Club Card at into the "Legion festivities at T. U. meeting- at the honle of and Mr . Ev rett Haines. Mr ~. Atlic mith, \\'h ha been, The Younger Adults of th e ill. th e Twin last Saturday night, the High School g-i·ouncl. ' Virg-inia Matthews ,near New __ • • . _ a __ . . . . . .. . . __ .. and walked off with equal cash , "Bambi" is a re~issue, a full Burlington on Flower Mi sion f the Day and everal bouquets w:ere awards. Mrs. Gladys , Murray I ~ n~th color cartoon picked up her week's pas to c ming' of' age of a faun. Its ma'de and given to the 'sick. th e th atr , won by the fact fasci natin ,e.' beauty of cene Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ro evere f that she, held luck y number and sound, the tral,l(ht forward ' Orlando, Florida are' spendin~ , 147, puhli. hed in the Twin ad- tellin ,go of its stor'v has a charm the ummer with th e latter's v rti ement in tne Western for all children and for ' all who sister, Helen Stanfield, and Star last week. Still no claims have not outgrown the fancy fam ily. Mr. Rosevere is attendfor the lucky nUlllbers publish- of childhood .. A Popeye cartoon in ,go Wilming-ton College. ed in y ur wn Miami Gazette. "Pre Hysterical Man" (PAR) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones HOURS: Wonder Why? Mrs. Thonip on ~ e along with Bambi, and and infant ~o n, Roger, called e~ch at. ni.e;ht so far was sure late t news (WB). 9-12 ea h morning on Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines that he was goin.e; to win. PerFor Tue,sday only: "Here and family Sunday afternoon. 1-5 afternoons excep't Mr: and Mrs. Evan Boggan. severance counts. Comes Trouble" (UA), in CinI-BatUe 01 San Juan Hill, vVednesday Cuba. 1896. • am Huffman tells me thts 'ecolor. This ' is the latest Hal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boggan 7-9 Saturda evenjn~ is ,l{ood wheat weather. This Roach comedy release, a m'elo- and dau hter Carol , Mae, of is my first stimmer spent in th e drama with accent on slapstick Dayton, 'Mrs. Mary Bog-gan of !' Other evenings by , the Miami Valley; and I'm glad comedy .. Remember Hal Roach near Spring Valley, Mr. and A~ pointment to know the 'veather's .e;ood for Comedy' Carnival at the Twin Mrs R. L. Compton and Mr. ~ Day&!' . something. It's at 0 ~oo for not long ago? A mi~hty clever and Mr . Charles Handm'an of TELEPHONE 63 -R Mr. Gei.e;er's pool and for the hort "pj'xie, Picl1Ic" (VA) Cincinnati caIled on ' Raleigh C). cr.: ' ::.&t • " IndependenceDay, middle ten row at the Twin r unds out the program. . Theatre. That's where fhe Addicts of the George Raft $-Davld FarraQUt, first U.S.. wa hed air system does you the type of highly keyed, tense admiral. born, 1801, Optometric Eye Specialist anc.r most good. If we survive at all, drama will welcome hi latest 6--John Paul Jones born, we hope for complete air 011- film "Intrigue" (UA\) , next 1747, . 26 South Detroit ditionin~ by next sea'son. Thur day imd Friday. It's the Briefviews: , "Always T - , tory of an ex-Army flier 'who '-U,S. Marines occupy IceXENIA, OHIO ' land. 1941. . r .. g- th r' (WB) 1s still givln.e; is sucked into the black lltarket laugh at the theatre tonight operations in food in postand Friday. William Boyd in World War II Shan.e;hai, of ' a "The 0 'ad Don't ' Dream" blond enchantress ' (June (UA) is the Saturday action Havoc) who lives by her wits, Western you like, another in and a Red Cross Canteen hostth.e Hopal ng Cassidy g'roup, ess (H elena Carter, a charming With Andy 'Clyct'e as California: newcomer). This is G,eorge Did you know that Republic Raft's first venture into pr.oduc. Studio has the reputation of. be- , ing ' the first of three films he TEL. 2351 jng the tops 'in Hollywod in ser- wit i produce as well as star in. THE FINEST IN 'UPHOLSTERED ial making, from, -the stand- It gives Miss Havoc her first CHAIRSFOR YOUR CflMFORT poi~~ of producing the most dram'atic instead of cheesecake LUCKY MOUNTIE CARD No. 825 excltlO,l!' and at the same time role, and gives an opportunity plausible situations? This Sat- to Miss Carter. whom R~ft beTHIS THURS.-FRI. ' SAT. ONLY urday's chapter of ,jDangers of lieves has a reat future on the ~LWAYS TOGEnfER BILL BOYD Ride Hard in For smooth, effortless mowJ. Reynolds & B. Hutton, ing, PINCOR haa everything DEAD DON'T DREAM ' ~ ,& , you've eve.r wanted in a Power TEEN-AGE TARS , with Mower'~ , • i SUN.-MON. · ~ 5th CHAPTER SERIAL } Four cycle 1~ H.P. 'en,ine20-inch cut - hand adJulted & i cutting height ~" to 2~"­ EDGAR KENNEDY all Iteel coaltruction-bullt-In COMEDY 'harpell.r~ chain ' I Let us insulate your home against extreme summer wh.el and ... el TUES. ONLY heat. It pays (ox itself in fuel savings. We use Lifetime drive -11f.,I•• Pi Blak ,Premium Mlneral, Wool.' HERE -1 lubrlcatioQ IDd ,C, O MES man, other f ••• FREE EsTIMATES -NO OBUGA~ION . TROUBLE '. ~' ,.'



No. 4375 1, 1948


T"'IN Lenses


. ~ ::::~:





Dr. C. E. Wilkin


t .....

••• __ • • • • • • • • •


•• T














"The mo.t


. ·xcltlng ~ Di.ney C,eatlon"




Hardware Store




Definite arrangements must'. be made in the office for wheat or for contract sale of the Lrop.

PHONE: WAYNESVIlJ.E 2,7~5 amy Eveaing After 7 P. M. for Eatima~' , RELIABLE DAYTON CO,.CERN f Serving Dayton and Miami Valley 22 Years Has Openings For Men DeSiring to Train in Sal,esfield. ' , For Appointment CA~L f



Due to some misunderstandings in the ' past, a definite policy for receiying, "selling or storing wheat will . be followed in the f,uture. ,

Warten County RepreSentative

WA 2171 DAYTo,," , '." -Good Territories Open-


INTRIGUE Geo. RaH , June Havoc:

Notice, to ,Wheat Producers

H,. E.' Levris .


oM. . . . . .





-....w" ''--''''-



sto'rag,e of

if no arrangements are made we will consider the wheat sol~. as the, delivering truck: leaves our scales. Don't rely on a driver to ,carry the ,message. Phone or call personally. -----.,


Wayne8ville 'Farme.,_ E.chaRga



BIBLE SCHOO~ Al l Children frOll ' 4 t 12 ear ·oli are in vitej to the Vacati . II R ligiou5 chool at Friend ' . M e tin ~ H9use,. at 8 :30 tct. \:11 :30 each day from Jul y 6 t 10. '




G ad 6S -acr farm, \\'ell iml r ·ved. Must be se~ n t be appre iated. Price n t woted ov r t 1 ph on , " 11 wn b ' a~ p iiltm' nt. J d un hy , WILBUR N. SEARS Waynesvill~, Ohio Phone 2651 DON' T FORGET TO CALL us f r Insurance. All. ty p~s of Insurance at a .savi no·s, Call Francis G ne Br'O\vn, hone Waynesville 24 72 or call collect, Wilmin~ton 21 '1 1. '1 SELL THE EARTH~ IF YOU HAVE ANYTr.IING in Real Estate fer sale, get 'in touch with Ben E. Cline, licensed broker, Spring- ' Valley, Ohio, in Real Estate Business since 1911. Experience tells. Try me and see.


FOR RENT~ TWO SMALL HOUSES. See .Bill Lee, ~aynesville. -71 PASTURE for rent. Contact any evening, \Hugh Vance, Route 3, Wa.ynesville. -71 FOR SALERIPE CABBAGE Plants; Call 'after 5 p, M. Will St. John., -78 Phone 2705. 3 TABLE suitable for market or . picnic. Vegetable table, metal-lined with spriFlklers. -very- reasonable. Heatrola, 18 x 24 tent, large p,op box, ·-- - - ,cheap.-M:-f}. Baird. -71 CUSTOM BALING



I-Ilot Weather Treat

.N\ r. and Mrs. John W odiel and daught r an j M1iss Ruth and Mr. HarIa 11 Earnnart left on Tu day for Wa hin ton, D. c., and. ther Eastern pQints. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Wood iei wl1 1 be enroute ' to thei r h me in Arkansa .


OPPORTUNITY FOR REGISTERED NURSES Regi tered nurses ' Promine nt hospital , has several irhmediat openings for genral staff du ty. Salaries begin at S ~ o per month, with $10 a \' ar in rea e f r thr e ye ars. ~LO a mon th extra for eV ' \l ing, night ervice. Thr e meals ;i. day, laundry and room· in IJ auti ful residence all for ' $45 r. 111Onth, if de iretl, · Li era! l'acati n policy. Write or wire TODAY t Director of Nurses, J wi h Hosll tal, Cincinn ati _9, Ohio. SPRAYING EQUIPMENTCUSTOM WORK "pra in~ eq uipm e nt. '~ Destroy . the weeds efore they de tro y au. Price per acre $2 ~ OO." W. L. Sheehan, Waynesville. Phone ,2991. -7~ PAPER HANGINGJ. H. RAINEY . Waynesville. -78

. ' M1'. and Mr. Ralph Ha tings and n had as Sunday dinner gues ~? Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Hastm ", Mr. and . Mr. Merle Hough and . daug-hter, ,of Dayton. :


Mrs, R. C. Mol r ha ' returned from a week with her daughter in Battle Creek, Mich. M·rs. Emerson Dill f Mt. Holly sp nt Friday with Mrs. Ralph om of pring: Valley. Spiced pecan squares are good to se rv~ with refreshing sort drinks when temperatu ..... s are high.


. , .F·a rmers.

Summer days are .o ften iong and lazy, with chummy gatherings of fr iends on that cool porch or patio , Good conversation flows more ,freely when thet'e al'4~ refreshments-prefera bly amber iced tea and a ' Iplatter of compliment-provoking cookies. The hostess can tJlrn out a ; lbatch of keep-w.ell sJlliced p~cal1 square!? in. the cool -Of the morning to have' this chewy cookie ready for an appearance at the afternoon' r efreshment session, . No fuss or frills are necessary, since the cookies are cut in selfdecorating shape. To make these .tempting diamonds, bake the cookies :in an eight-inch squue cake pan. When baked, cool before cutti nK_ ,T hen make diagonal ' instead of s t ra,ight cuts to form diamonds, The corners' will be tri ~ l1g1 es. fot: the coo k to sample, or to give little ;J l)hnny a promisE' of good thi ngs to come. •SJ~I('ED PECAN B .. nS

What yo.u rna v need in the fu· ture is .••.


STUNNED MIL:LIONS ~ 2 (1 ' ;- IlttJ \\n ricl t J '. u r t ' , ": \1 :' " Of' . ~ ~ ~ :J n s , ;> .: It(o4. .. . 2 k .I> P () n ~ balon!!! ~,('I \\ .!u r ' Stunned Mlitiions would be h 'c., r ('lon slI! r i .: IQ wn ::> (: :.t;r ,ons • 1 I!:'," r """ ('In ;; In-,m the answer of the American ten '~ It'.l SP'Jo n do,'\:, " t (~ p milk : teaspoon nu trnt:g People if they could view artist I t rn(f':)" " vanilLl eltt n, t Stanford Bugen's latest work Sift together flour, baking pow- milk a nd flavor ing. Mix to a Depicting a Peerlessly beautidel', salt nnd spices. Add n uts, smooth batt e r, B ke. in g r eased' 'ful lake scene, involving 5 Cream together shortening and eight-inch s quar~ cake pan in Drakes 3 of which , are-- taken nH)d~ r.ate ove~ (350 degrees P.)l sug-a r until li~ht and fluffy , Add from the Famous Wi ed eman~s ' illolasstts and eggs, mixing thor- 3\) minutes, When cool, cut in two~ oug hly, Add flour mixtqre to Yietd : 16 two-inch squares. ' Beer adv. panel known to all .. ct,eruned mixtur.e alternately wi th inch squares. Americans. SOLD to HERBERT YUNKES - noted turfman and Cafe oW-net of Lebanon ' - The title of the picture is - Last Take Beverly Kier of LJayron visit~ 0.ff of the 5 Great Drakes from edBilly Kier Saturday. . ' the 5 Great Lakes - I think . SMITH ELECTRI(: SERVICE you can see it at Herb's Cafe . PATRONIZE GAZETTE For ' that extra Receptacl~ , In Lebanon. "A'DVE'RTlSERS , Or Anything Electrical EAST 'WAYNE COUNCIL .. AUCTIONEERING The East Wayne Advisory House ~ Bam - ()utbui1ding~ . Council met Friday evening at STANLEY aDd KOOGLER the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Harry BROKERS LICENSE West. About fifteen members For Oat... P"one 28M. Wavn..vili •• were present for a general disOhio. .R.veI'M Chara.. cussitm, on various .topics. One • subJect of. great interest was WANT . E D the expansion ,program of the Warren County. Co-Op:- . , DEAD STOCK The councll -. adjourned to cows $11.00 meet with Mr. and Mrs. LawHORSES 9.00 ren'ce Cook in July. . HOGS 3.00 cwt. . A program of popular musk " Acc...tllnl •••llz. a CtI!ndltl.n was .given by Perrill Kern ~nd Mr. West. A lunch was served. AIa~, All SMALL STOCK REMOVED PROMPTLY "Y au ou~ht to be ashamed Phone of yourself,' . the father told his XENIA WILMINGTON lazy son. "When Washington. 1712 2362 was your age be had become a surveyor, and was hard at NORR,18 BROCK COMPAINV Cinoinnatl Union "took V.rd" work." , ILlve W~r. and Proill ..... h,.. An "Yeah," reto rted' the son,." and oraanization Moo;'ld t.o none. when he was your age he wa~ 8triotlv •• U.r. 0" the beet President" , .11 arOund market 'n the . -


t ~"

I.',h ;"l


• '

m "'. l>~ ;


. ... ) , l,'':



Call ~"'tltt~

R. C. LaRUE Waynesville Route.1, Pho~e 2946. Waynesville, OhIo -624 NOTICE ANTIQUE FURNITURERepaired and Refinished. . All work guaranteed. CHAS. C. ' COOK and SON, PHONE 2645 Wayn~svillet O. , , -624


No. 4375 1, 1948

WAN'TED To correspond with descendants of Richard Snowdenn . or Isaac 'Allen West. . . Write Mrs. J. E. Art~r, 2910 S." Brownlee St., , MarionJ Indian.a. . -71~ country. IT PAYS TO SELL YOUR $ERVIC.E THAT S~TU~~IE6 Waiter: "Your're not eating WlHIO Dayton ' 12: 50 E. B. T. WHEAT CO-OPERATIVELY! . . yu!.:r fish. \vh tIs w.rnf12:' With Farm 'Bureau Co-Op elevator at Dial 1300. W'LW 12: 40. Dla.l' 700. tOl~ Our Dally Ma on is prepared to handle . it? Market Report, your grain speedily! New. Customer: "Long time no sea." equipment in place! . . FARM BUREAU Co.Op Lebnnon Nrason .' 355 18. -715 COWS $11·00 u HORSES $9.00 ; HOGS !3'~ c:~. PERSONALS We wish to thank all of the AlCCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDmON·, Waynesville businessmen who h.ave sponsored our baseball C\IJ. suits, Junior American Legion Baseball· Team , . WELDINGG Mower blade grinding and re. pair. Electric and Ac~!ytene Portable " E. G. Buchsieb, hie. 'BILL LEE. Wayne Park

e ••

on yo ur real estate loan This, plus 4% interest, repay· men t privileges, service and security may. be had in a FEDERAL LAND BANK LOAN mage through THE LEBANON NATIONAL FARM LOAN Lebanon, Ohio Phone 448 Ellis , H. ~turm, Sec'y-Treas.


24 boun every duy 7 days 0 efY weck. never atoppinr, t he kidn eys Itlter wnste matter Crom t he blood, If more pClopl" were aware of bo!W the k'-tncya must conat3ntly romOVe-1Iur~ fluid. ' excetll acids and other WASte matter that cannot stay in the blood without injury to healt h. there would be better uDdent nndill1r or wh" tbe whole aystem ia upset when k idneys fal to Cunct ion properly . Burnln". Bdanty or ~oo freq uer)~ urin ... tlon lometi mM, warna that aometbiol i. wrone. You 'may suffer naaurin. backache. headl\('hea, dizzin_. r:heu~d. .....1111. eettlnc up at nl8htll, awelllD., • Why not try 000"'. P~"'T You wID tie usb,. a medicine recommended tbe country over, DOG"" ,Itlmulate the CunOo tlon oC the klctneya ' and help them to flusb out polaonoUli waate Crom , the blood. They contain llothlnC harmful. Get today. U. with eoafidence. At all druC ' ,



Dead ·Stoc·l ,




.- .-

x.-O·4 S 4~ X E N 'I A fertilizer,


Any mak'e or m.o del Fred Ka'h n' Motor Car Co. · PI-lONE 311



Armitage &SOD

i' IAND . _a



WA~"" .GROW . . . . . '8ANOX . . . . . .

-. ....




Swo n i as It Says Here By Smitty

ne of the worl 's oldest illusions went up in smoke again durin~ the last weekend. . A lot of people have the Idea that you can get rid of an ~ thing hy 'paSSing a law ag-amst i~. But it ish't that simple. A law IS \i orse than useles if th ~ public 10esn't want to obey it. , , \ , Take the law against fire\\ orks, for instan·ce: Nothing ~n ore explo i~e than cap pistols IS permitted m Ohio. But the law was a COJlwlete failure, at le:lst in Wa nesvill , b'ecause there was no demand for its enforcement. No one really believed it was wrong" for the youngsters to set off fireworks 1 The law" can hardly ._be blamed for doing nothing about th steady bang-bang-bang in town la t week, be au ' 'lwsta.nders would probably have 'reeted an arrest with jeer and ho ,ts f "Spoil- proH" There ' are other 'unpopular law on the books, and their fate i? generally the same. The 5 -mlle-an-hour speed limit is g nerally ignored unless a patr I car is in sight. It would take 20 tim s as many highwaX patrO'lm,en as , we 'now have, If e veryone \i ere to be' stopped from cruising at '6 0 or faster'. ,~~ ' lass.. niorceable is the '''prohibition'' by which a town Dr a nation cBroclaims that it bas b~come I_dry." It's easy. ·to get 'nd of Bars ana outward signs of drinking, but does any· b dy have a record of a single consumer of , alcoholic beverage becoming a teetotaler just because of a "d.ry" law? . <" Whether it's fireworks speed, or alcohol, the public has , to be convinced before a law does any good. , '

Thlr Miami GAZETTE


, Scouts ' Plan Davis Is,Appointed ·P aper Drive 'President of Council


, B _i cout Troop 40 will on iu ,t a paper dri e Saturday 1\ ction will b' Jul \' 10, Th a ur, pi 'k-up. It

I ' . l'

IU ' t .i , that ~ap 3


in a

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!11agazlOe e undl'd or pia i 10 cart nand b a't th uro not later than 9 A. M. The I :11 tr p plans to hav III 11thl, ll e ti n ' in th future 'and a k th at a1\ . }Daper ' be saved. ' 3








School'Board Acts On 6udget~ Salaries


nd H, Dunham, , 6 c , The estimated 1949 budg'et fath r of Mr . Walter he .. han f Wa me viile, di d Monda calling ,for continuation of the evening at hi ' home in uth pre ent tax rate~ was approvL hanon. He wa a r tire 1 far,) Tllesday' nt~ht b Wayne ther urviv r ar hi I WI. chool Board, and ~l- mer. wife; Cannie, and another arie ' for teachers were fix e . dau~hte,r, Mr. MH hell KarSupt. Raymond Braddo k talia of MilwCluke , Wi : wa a ked, by th e board memServices were held thi aft rbers to give up the insurance hu ine _he operates as a side- n on at the s\\ aId Funeral Iii, , and to devote full time Hom , in Lebanon, witll burial time to the ·schools. He indi- at outh Lebanon Cemetery. cated unwillingness 'to do so, but asked for 10 ' days to make 7 FROM , WAYNESVILLE AT SUMMER SCHOOL OF a decision. T~\is was ~ranted,. It was deciCled to seek bids WILMINGTON COLLEGE on an addition to the sch I Thirty Warren Countians are I us garage, expected to co t $ 1835. An applicant for jani- am n~ the 400 5tudents enrolltor was interviewed and other ed for the summer session at rutin u in ess was transact- Wiknington College, college officials disclosed this weeK. ed. There are 40 freshm~n" GARDEN CLUB TALKS 86 sophomores, 147 juniors, 86 'ABOUT POPPIES, LILIES senior~, and 4 t special students. The Garden Club ' held its , St~dents from Waynesville regular july meeting at the are: ',' borne of Mrs. Lena Hartsock, Bernard Daley, Robert Emery, t~e 'president, on Thursday, Paul Githens, Russell Hiteman, July 1. Interesting papers on Charles Nolan, Fa11i and "The Poppy" and "Lilies .and Lucille Paine, ___ Their Culture" were read by Mrs. G eorge' Peterson and Mrs. Miami Chapter 107, 'O."E. S. Evelyn Peterson. . will meet in re'g ular' es I n on Following ~djournment to Monday ev.enin~h July 12, at meet at the...home of Mrs. Dram ei~ht o'clock. T is will be a Shoup for a pichic upper, a bnef sumimer meeting and no pleasant social hour was enjoy- initiatory work wilt begin until ed v ith r.efreshments. Mr. fall. Ralph Hastings and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock were guests. ' Hat:ve sb ur~ F'nend Ch urc I1 Lee O'Banion, son of Mr. will Qold' a basket picnic Satand M,rs. W. E. O'Banion of urday- at Jacob's Park, Wellnear Waynesville was removed man. ' Tran portation will b,~ to Miami Valley Hospital Sun- provided from the church at day for a miilor operation. 6 P. M. f" , Ra III

Legionnaires Find Affair 'Unprofitable

The thre -day Fouth f Jul el bration SpOIl ored Wa, ne T\\ p. Po t 615, AmerLegion, nded Mo;ndayl night with a large crowd overfl wII1K th Waynesville Ri (~h HIGHER T~ SOUGHT ~ h 1 ground and with LeTurning to financial affairs g-lOn member , breathin~ igl, h >f r it ann ual hud/{ t hear~ r"licf. Theil~ bi?," ~amble- ing, Council pass dare oluti on with w at h 1', out - of - town h plac ' n the t)allot in n xt pr mot i n, and public enthu- Nov n~ber ' elect ion aI pro~ ia 111 all Ii ted as unpr di'ctabl ~ sa l t incr 'l ' e Wa. n ville's -wa ver. But it was not a tax rate y 2S cent p r $:100 great Finan ial succes due' to f valuatil n, A similar propo al high expen es, the members faile j la t Novemb r, it \Va rereport. , called ,b harles Jame, lerk, aturda night, when tile . \\ ho said tll added taxe are Mid we~te rn Hayride cast of needed to meet' current x~ tation WL W was the chief at- p nses of the vill a g:e. traction, the Legion post came The ne d for the ta boo t out just a little better than wa cited by Mr. James a 'he eoVeq. ~ un day, all attraction read the detailed budget for wer free, fr 'm ,organ music 'by 1949. It ended with the inin. Paul Nevels ()f .D;tytol) to a ous w rds: "B. lanc , Zer .'1 'ba?y: show: Monday the ro~eo, Waynesville ,Corp rati n's cal ntval; fIreworks; and pnzes , ta x rate on th last p r 'unal brought several thousand per- pr perty t~lX blank wa _. t 9 ,on .to the. gr und . per hundre t Thi \\ a ' th third W~nners m· th~ Baby Par:tde hi )'he t in th county, t 'pped only b M·a n with _.4_ and were,' , .Blrth t ix months: First, Franklin, $2.2 1. With 25 nts MI. and Mrs. Nolan; second, . ad jed, Wayne ville w uld exMr. and, Mr~. Robert Work- ceed 'Mason" rate by two man; thll'd, M Il'. and, M'r . Wi!- eent. lard Furnas. Six to 12 month s : First, Mr. CHAUTAUQlJA TO HOLD ' I and Mr. William Peters; s c- ' , ond, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peter;' W. C. T. U. DAY JULY 13 thi r j, M1'. and M ["s. RyeI' on. W C 'I~ U Da at tl eM ' . WHERE IS IT FLOWING? ' . . Chautauqua . . Y 1will laml ,Ont: ar to 1 months ; Valley be This might be , caned the First, Mr. and Mr. T ws n; July 13. Thi will be the ann'ual mys~ery .of the missing se,wage. c nd, Mr. and Mrs. Martin; m etili.!?i of the district of tht; , Or It might be entitled "The thir i, M,r. and Mrs. Lamb. W. C. T, U. supporing the Ca e of the Idle Pump." nl y ur 11 te : ome p c- Frances Willard Cottage. ' The story dates back to the tntor nn h d the light ',and . Th busines ' meeting, includWPA sewer projscl here alm:ost~'lobe at the north ast corner II1g the de tion of officers will a decade ago~ It seems the out'~Watch of the school ~uil(Hng, pl'ohab- convene in the France ' Willard. 'et for the whole sanitary sewer U Iy 'with a firecracker. , Cottage at 'I a. m. Mrs. G. 1. system is a pipe, running from ' " Norman f 'Oayt n will l e~ld the powerhouse on South Main ~' C t d voti n . Mr. . C. Lin coln treet- to the Little Mjami River~ ra~ge ,p res ident of the MontgQJ11ery But , ,there wa ' a sewer line J" t ' Col!nty vV.C:T. U. will rep( rt as along Water SL'e t which lay ,. 0 Chall'lllatl of ' th e Hesoll:lti ns below the level f Main Sfreet. ture of 'e~ery local child for Committe and Miss Ernestine Ne~: t Tue day i th e 1ig d::,ty publication in ' its picture series A barn and ·l~rge shed wt:;re Houdebush of Franklin will re .. .The logical thine- to do was to pump sewage from Water ' for f I' the Cute Children Con- titled "Citizens of Tomp rrow" completely ~estroyed by ftre port ~lS c\lairrnan of ,th e Norni.. Street' up to th outlet on Main test Picture takin~. The Miami scheduled for publication later. hortly befole , noon Saturday. natin,g- Committ e. tr et. Gazette is havine' pictures Every 'Child's picture ,will he on the, farm of Robert Wer!ltz, LlIllcht:on \- ill be seryed ill At that time, nobody on taken of all children who are publtshed whether or not it is tw n,111 s east of WayneSVIlle. the dinin,~" ro m. I-\~I·:::.on ' wi 'h'Water Street was connected to l?rou.e;ht by - a p'arent or other a prize winner. , The smoke was clearly vis- ing to attend sh 1Ild communiThe prizes to be award d ible from Waynesville at cate with ount¥ ~ re ithe 'sewer. The ' line was there g-uardian to the GJran>te Hall o~ly for future needs. But a on Tuesday, july 13, frbm 1 are: " 11 :30 a. 'm. but nobody put in dent. ,All member are wel-. pump ,was' installed anyway, so P. M. to 8 P. M. , 1st, $25.00 Vi~ Oil Tinted a call to ,the local fir~ depart- Come. · , At th e aHem , Oil mcetin12' 'in that whenever a connection "As previously announced. ' Portrait Framed; '2nd, ,$15.00 I~ent until after uoon. By that was made on Water Street; the the Woltz-Allen Studios, na- Ojl Tinted Portrait; 3 rd, $5.00 ttme the walls ,b ad aH collaps~d , the aoditorium Mrs. 1 alph Laoe flow could be pumped up to the tionatty known children's Portrait; and 4th, $5.00 Port- and spectators had already be· : of ' FraI1k\in, presi i ' nt of the outlet. ' , ~hotO'graphe~s~ will be in rait. , gun to go home. The firemen Mia~i Valley W', C. T. U., will The first user below Main char~e. A , pictur~ will be ' tak· It often seems to parents pun1rped water from a well to ' preSIde. The ma1l1 addres will ~l'~'l't tuwed , lIl .t to be tl'll! en of every youngster, under that children are little one spray the elllbers, but nQthing , be given by Rev. J. Taylor , McHendry and the' afternoon Waynesville Locker plant ' ten, brQught. in from this :t.rca' , minute and ~rown up' the next, could be saved. which uses terrific amQunts of ' an~ entered III the Cute ~h'ld. , so fast ~oes a ch!ld's ~rowin~ The ,buildings containec:i devotions will be conducted by water in its slaughtering and ren s Contest.. T~ere IS .no stage 'pa~s. Here ,~ a splendid ' som'e tools and implements, Rev: Donald Brownell, pastor freezing operations. In the past charge, no obligation, nothing' oPPQrtumty tt> catch a likeness and $~OO wprth of new roofiI)g" .~f the , ~i'~e(dale ConS're~a­ months, two more sewer coil- to' tiuy or subscribe to, nb\v oY yO'ur ' child or children a;t l}1aten al whICh Mr. Werntz had tlonal ,CI~n~t1an Chdrch.ot Daym~de on or here~fter. If additional prints this present stage for the plea,· mtended to' put .on the barn ton. An enjoyable m'uslcal pronectibns were Water Street•• homes in the are deslI:ed" they may be ar- sure you will . ~et out of it in later this ~ununer. ' The loss gr,am ha~ .. been, 'arranged by block between. North and Mill ran'ged for wit~ .the studiO' re- .future years and for the thrill 0'( wl'S' partly msured. MIss ' Nellie rels of Franklin. ' Streets. . ' presentative wHen the pose is- seeing 'it in print-or winning "l1li:' Tfie cause' Qf the fire is not ' Mrs.~ Drusilla Vaughn who ~ Th th d I selected for entry in the contest: a prizt. You wilt viant to' cli(? Id'!~it~~ There was no electric has managed the rentin{! of the ~. ese r:ee are now ai Y and later publication. , anCl preserve it for the youn~4't-...-:~.. _ in either building, and' Cottage will make ' her annual , coaatinUed 1m Page This newspaper wants a pic- ster when he or she . no . was being stored. report. ., ' e I

CU'te KleddleeS to ' the BlerJree" ,At G ' HaIl' , .Tuesd,av or oDte'st, Fe0Ire'RD , es roys Baro, 'S,hed, b t W 'F n

4' ,


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te Gazet mi Mia The 850 1 ED LISB BS' TAB

a Juliet cap emp arls The wit11

atta 'hed


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f white r 'e anLi

Mr. nnd Mr. Pe rr y Benton ani Terrv f Fairfi eld pent from Friday until Tuesd ay with Mr. and Mrs.. Delb rt C ng r.


The hlosso m. • bri ie al - ,,"or a bridal neckliD _ . . . .'ISINO ~ , . Mr. and ker al \\ ne J:1. , r penda nt , of rn a n tone la G ,I Har td Osbo rn of Leban 11 A \\' ith four \ dia~n .o n -I , .giv en t i an Mr. with ay Mond spent . her by the gro m. Best ' man \\ a Mr. Fressler Mrs, Delbert C nger. , , , Hardin, th e gro 1m's brother. ~ er, Kling . Mr, Loui e Wi! nan d Ushe r were Godf rey SCATTLS . . . . . . . dinreo 0 . were er . Cong J nald Louis Ro Mrs. , John Herm aine ' ~ fWICISCO . Hardin, and Evere tt .Beam. n'er guests of Mrs. Dick Carl . ton of Dayto n on Thursday. M ~yo r E. Boyd Jorda n of tte Gaze i Miam The notify dar, calen is th in listed s Marie event the d have (To Mariemont playe . before 4 p. m. Tuesdays!) . , m nt carillon b 11: befor e the Mrs. Fred cerem ony, and the them e FRIDAY, July 9 d carrie J icerge ns v . Leg ion, 8 p. ~. Mr '. where oft ba ll, pring \ all h churc into the th e for t solois was e Fred Lueck SATURDAY, July 10 ion. / ccas Ha rv y I ur,~ Friend picni , 6 p. m. The ,wedding r~ception fol• S Ct Lit Troo p 40 I :tper Drive in morning 8 lowed at the home of - til e bride s moth er, who wore a SUNDAY, July '11 go wn of powd r blue and a co J'· Go to hurch! ' ag'e of y llow ro e for her oftba l1 d ubi h ad r: O ld men 's game, 7 p. m. Mr . wedding. ja ughte r's Fairh:: _' vs. Legio n exhibition game 8 :30 p. m. gown of dark blue, n'S Hardi , Juni r Le i n baseball, Warr en C . playoffs, W ayn ville was set off by a imilar co r'. ti t ' sage. v . L han 11 at Lei an n, ' 1 p. m. the n, pti e ~c' r the ing follow MONDAY, July 12 outh the for ted depar uple co . rn p. 8 S ftb all, B II brook v . Mill . r s, and th e 9m okie, and up n B y 'olJtT ro p..J r)'1 t7 :1.5p : m. their return will r side in Mal:i . Miami .Chap t r, rd r f Easte rn tar, 8 p . m. m nt. Mr. Hardin, a vetera n of Cure corn elec lrlca ll, In Ihe bin • • • then Wayne ville American Legion, 8 p. m. the South .Pain years three W,aYl1'e ville Farm ers Excha nge di r ct ::,' meeti ng cific, will resum e ' his studie s . at the Universtty of CincinTUESDAY, July1 3 mar ket the corn anel u.. the m. p. , . . M., A. nati s Colleg of Engin eerin, Waynesville Lodge 163, f. & in th h i\, Happy Hour Club la/m . cr.1I 10 dry whe at WEDNESDAY, July 14 e Bursk J. J. Mr. and Mrs. . Softball, Kier's vs: Legion, 8 P. M. un day g u t of r Intiv e were Compan ,. IN. ICI"" dried "000 bu.h." Priendship Club.. . 01 cor" from 300;. .'0 1.5% mol"ur. (011' own. Newt in ""', olio dried 500 bu.h.I. 01 whlO'. . 5 mtJR SDAY 7 July .1 H. I. now bulle/lng a hoy,drying .y.'.'" which will UI. ,h • • om. fall and .5 np. Softball, Fairley's vs. Sprin g , Valley, 8 P. M. .I.clrlc mo'or. E,I1moted ' ca.t of drying Mr. /(ln9'" grain WOl 2c a bu,".I. Meth odist W. S. C. S. ST ~ AUG USTI NE Fathe r Krumholtz, Priest · 8 and to ~.M. Masses Publ is hed Every Thurs day At Wayne sville, Ohio CARL G, SMITH , Editor Entere d as second class matter at the Post Office SUBS CRIPT ION RATE : $1.50 a Year i n Advan ce

Ev en ts Co m in g Up

-t pllan (is




Same electric

blower fan ·


nCA E. U. 'B. CHU RCH K.civ. William Shann on 9 :30 a.m. Sunda y School . Mrs. J arne Garri son, Supt. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays 10:30 a.m . each mont h 7 :30p. m. EvenIn g Services


. METI-IODIST CHU RCH R.B. Colem an, Mi'nister 9 :30 a.m. Church school J. J. Burske, Supt. Worship service _ 10:30 a.m. Youth Fell owship

W ed din gs '



I a J ·/am •• /(1119, a9ed 10, 011 air duct 01 corn dry.r on H.ber ICing '. '50·acr. farm, SIal. Raul. 28, Hig/lland, Ohio. ' l 10'. a ·_ --+- -...f-b.JJ:-..Hab. ICina, who d ldnmolsl corn, .ingl. bu,h.1 01 lart year'. lIurai •• wil/l Dwight Johnson •• nlalir., Th. Dayton Pow... ond Ligh,

II.'' ,

TUE S.-THU RS.-S AT. HERMANIES - HARD IN Miss Laura Gretc hen Hermanie s, daugh ter 'of Mrs . .John Same Delivery Day Each Week Hermanies and the late Dr. FRIENDS 9 :30 a.m. Hermanies, was given in mar-v First Day School riage by her uncle, Dr. Gusta 'Meetin~ for Worship 10:30 a.m. Eck ki n, 'to Mr. Thom as Lan- LEBANON Frank Sibcy sing Hardin, son ' of Mr. and of . n Hardi Mrs. Thom as S. Repre senta tive WAYNESVILLE mont Phon e 21 Marie at . e, esvill Wayn CHURCH OF CHRI ST ~~~~ ~~==~~~=~ 9 :30 a.m. Comm unity (Church, Tuesday ~ Bible Schoo1_ " the with 29, '10:3 0 a.m . . evening, june Communion: Thom as Benn ett Maurer Rev. . officiating. , ~ • - -- Mrs. John Risley, of ~lbany, Byron Carve r, \ septing Rep~e of ate 9 :30 a.m. N. Y., a forme r classm Bible School. Weat heime r .& Comp any • was ma:tron of hon- . Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. the bride,wore . a taffet blue aqua 7 :00 p.m. or. She Prayer MeetinIY York Stock New ers Memb and net, while the . junio r, Voung People~s Meeting oth~r nd a ' ng-es Excha 7 :00 p.m. bridesmaid, Miss Betty Aston, nges Excha ered regist 7 ~3 0 p m: wore petal pink. The bridesfY Services . Inves tment Trust Share s maids,Mrs. Philip Phelps, Mrs. r Boug-ht ~ Sold - Quote d sleeves taperi ng at the wrist, ""~ FRIE NDS ' Miss . ' Phon e Wayn esvill e 2530 .1: field, Minister Gcrdfre_ ~ Klinger,and Dayto n AD32 57 9 :45 a.m. Dowt hy Dart. wore similar • a.m. gown s of , yellow. All carri~d bouqu ets of roses. The bride was attir~d in "'ite satin, featur ing long . . , tapering . at the wrist, 'Yown end,n g ' in a long ' ~il was finger-tip • with lace and

ST. MARY'S EPISC OPAL ~ Samuel N. Keys, Minister 10:30 a.m. .Morning 'Praye r





OU can pick your corn earlier, have plenty of time to get your fields ready fOf wheat, yet be early in the matke t with "'P grade corn. Mechanical drying with an electric blowe r fan and screen-covered air ducts is the answer. It means less ation ~helling in the field, fewer husks left ~n the corn, elimin of spoilag~ due to mold damage. When the corn is markete~, the same crib and curing equipment will take care of drying wheat ~nd other small grains ' and soy beans. You still have · time to prepare for electrical curing o~ this year's corn crop •.. J:or detailed 'information on selecting the blowe Ltm, placing air ducts an~ prope r use ·of buildi ng 'Paper for necessary sealing and lining of lower 'section of the crib, consult your County Agriculture Agent, Vocational Agriculture 'Instru ctor or the Farm Representative of The Dayto n Power and tiuht Comp any serving yout nei~hhorhood.


~ 'HE ,





, ,


Lac... y's Quality Market . PHONE 2882

..! !


ton and son D ave y and Mr. an d M,r . Frank Pennington spent th e \\ e k end vi iting relatives in Kentucky. , Mr. and Mr s. Harry Cline Jr. and dau,g-hter Geraidine of ·C lumbus were weekend houseI

Mr. and Mt . Homer Ram.b. AlI~;jiTJ, T xas. Thi. was -t.: r.I;!·turn ed fr m a week~ s vi sit e nt F ree man'. , f i rst vi sit with with his jster and f amily in and g-rand: n , f Lan tana, ' hi m' >ther in t.: 194 1. He has Flori ia, ar the gu t of M r. Canton. le n overseas\ m ost , ~hi ' and Mr. Ed win Ramby and Mr. and Mr. Ri chard ' Willti me. Th ey were nrout to ther relatives. .. iam and f amily of Wilmin gt on · vi it hi, grandparen t , Mr. and were unday ev ening dinner Mr '. Fred W. Robothan in I gue ts of Mr. Willi ams' pa r-, attl e, MI'. an d Mrs. Mari on Lin d~r AuI' ra, 111., and t ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Tucker. Wa h., where' he will aga in Mrs. Vivan Fr,y ,is spending of D a t n Mr. andM{rs. Lyl e 1 aye fo r oversea duty. Mrs. this week at the home of her Fox ot Colum bus were July Fr man ex pe t t o join her Fourth guests of Mr. and MT . parents. ' hu and at hi overs a p t as Gerald Payne left by air, H. R. Moss and Mr. W i ll iam n a pos ible. M oss. f 0 t T d f rom ay on ues ay or Lincoln Neb., to be with his wife who will undergo a m ajo r Mr. and Mr . J. . Kenrick Mr. and Mr . Clyde Fr 111m , operati on at a hospItal in that had as w ek end gUo ts the cIty. latt e r' ~ on, taff · erg-eant 'pent th e week enq at In iian Mr. and Mrs. Howard William M. F reeman and w ife Lak e, Mr. Fr mm rem ainin g Graham entertained a group f of th e Bel' trom Air Field, f I' a fe w days. relatives at dinner Sunday evening given at the White Hou e Restaurant in Wilmington. The guests of hon r were M r. and Mrs. Homer Kirby of Indiana.

Li ttl e Mi Shar 11 D o t '~. .~· lJe ts of Mrs. Clin e's parents, ~h has b~l! ll i ll IH'l1t5e gllc ~ t M r. and, Mrs. Herbert D oster. ill pa t we k of her grandRev. ,G. D. Ward of Detroit, parenJ , Mr. an d Mr . Herbert Il'l come to th e vill a,g-e t o erve Doster, return ed t o her horn e in as pastor of the Full Gospel Church. His family and he are prin gfi eld, Sunday. , j' t th h -f M d Mrs. Florcnce Ba rt on and 'r .Il I,ng a e .ome 0 r. an her t win grand n , Jo'lI1ny MI s. Steven Stem. and Jimmy Barton of Xeni a . Mr. an d Mrs. Auzwoo d, Martspent the weekend with Mrs. 111. and baby . on, D ouglas, and Bar ton s s n and daughter-in- ~,I SS, ·Jane Flte were Satu~day l aw, Mr. and Mr . Dallas Bar - a ti. 111 0 11 gue ~s o~ Mr. a!1 d ton and sons. ' M.I . James . JOI dan and famil y Mrs. Ida C lIin acco m.pan- uf Wayn esv Ille. . ied her n and daughter-in-Ia\\ Mr. an d Mr . C. D. Smart of Mr. anli Mr . Lee Collins f ~w ark were Sund.ay gu~sts fof Cen te rvill e f r a weekend fn nd an t . relatives m the . vaca ti n 'Lt ,1. Mar s Lak e:: . · v illage. Mr. and · M r -. Jo ' ph Hiet- . Little Mjs Betty May · Whitm an an j s n of Wilmin gton mg of Columbus is the houseDr. and Mrs. H. E. · H ath awere w eek end houseguests o f Kue t of her grandparents Mr. way attend ed th e weddin·g of Mr. Hid man ' ra rent ·, Mr. , and and Mrs. Fred Shewood. G eQlfge paeth and Miss Mr . Ra Hi tm an. Mr. and Mr . W. Carl Brown Frances Runyan at the Leban on Mr . J hl1 Babb and d all ~ h­ att nd ed rvi ces unday at M'ethodist Church on Saturday t r, Mi'" Je r ,(!,' a n ll~ Bah! f t he Meth odist Chursh in 'Leb-' , evening and th e recep ti n C lum bu ', 'Xt:!re \\ eke11:i £l l on. whi h f oll owed at th e bri de h 1I. ,I!'uc-t f Mr . Bahh ' - j - , Prot. H. C. Milli.e;an has re- home. ter, Mr . \ N . Carl Br wn, ami Mr. Brown.. .. Mr. ' and M r. Char1e 0 te l an d da ughter , J rllr t al d Barbara, left Frida y f r a ten day vacatio n in Canada. Mr. .nd Mr . Ro l'ert Lump 1 i1\ e Jl1l1v e i int th eir r nOv uTe1 a. ' d ho m n Main ,~ tr "; . \ hi h th y a qui r d fr n r. an Mrs. W. E. Fr t. ~ r. and Mr . Vi van Pr y and h ll! v· " . e \'e k ni . hOu'" 2~'1I ( f Mil. Pr 's par nt , Mr. and Mr . Henry Fry. at th ir country home near H ilIsb 1'0. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. 'T'ucker and daughter, MISS Eva). n ,T uck er, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willi ams and family of Wil~S mingt n, and Mr. an~ Mr. !anle Pa rk and daughters of Cincinnatr enloyed a picnic dinner Monday at Harmon Park, Lebanon. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Fro t .1I1d son ~ynard have moved into their property on Main St. , r.ecently vacated by Mrs. Ralph Rich a n~d fam:i1y who moved to .Arcanum. Mr.. and ,Mrs. ' Lawrence ' Jacobs left the past week for a vacati on trip through the' Eastern States. ' . Miss jane Fite is enjoying a two week vacation from her duties at Kuaz-Kash, Inc• . Mr. and Mr~ -~Sherwood ·ar . entertaining · their son-inl a v and daughter this week from Florida. Mr: and Mrs:' Clifford Doster of pringfield spent 'Sunday Wil h Mr. D o ter's parents, Mr•. , ,J ' • and Mr . Herbert Doster. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck and fa mily and Mrs. Essie Gray . , of Oat n pent the weekend at Mrs. Gra 's, .home in the village. , M·r. and Mr .. James Doster of D ay,!o l1 were w~ekend house guests 0 f the Rev. and ·Mrs. J. R. Thornbury and Mr. .and Mrs. Herbert Doster. '

Safet'y Cab ~~~~~ousSERVICE SAFE , PHONE Z634

. North St. near Main

.,24-Hour Service ·Starts Sa,turday ,.






·0 N'

E ·9

Twlc,e a year we· clear oar. stoc~-- ' to make room for new ,s hoes

.'Red Cross Shoes '. Reg\:llar .$8.96 · 11.96 Reduced to 6.86 A 'g roup of Buster Brown teen';'age shoes.; . . Formerly up t~o $7.60' · Redtlc'e d to 4.46'

,A group of casuals andplayshoes'. _Formerly $".9S~6.9·S. Reduced to 2.98 & 3.98 '

, ..

(He~d Over F~om Last \\ eek)

Members of the local chapter of ,0. E. S. enjoyed their annual picnic with their families, Sunday at Jacob's park in Well~ man. , • Little Miss Peggy Park, who • has been the house guest of her , grandparents, Mr. ami M\rs. H. S. Tucker, returned to her ' horne in Cincinnati, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett Sr. and son of Franklin were Saturday ~ests of Mr. Beckett's parents, '-Mr. and Mrs. Ben _ Beckett.


Children's Sandals:' red, white, brownformerly lip to 3.95 . DOW ooly L95




paONE 6



Summer Stioes·' .formerly up to 9.95 DOW ooly 6.95 ,


Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pennin,. ..L_..L------~---~;...---...-rf!'-




en and when we got a m ss of nice to hear fr In some of them fr h one. au would not ha e al ut \ hat Florida i like in the umme I' time. known , hich u weI' eatin g. Th other da ] wa ur risA FARM DIARY i with a ni . letter haded BIG CARS WILL. RACE by D .J. FRAIZER I () tI an j Marlin' Trailer Curt' JULY 18 Alf LEBANON Eau CaJ1ie, Fl orida, Box 128: FAIRGROUNDS TRACK R.t. .. 1. If I hadn't been g-oin ,~ Jul. _, 194 . Wheat htll:ve t Cham )i on h i bi~ car auto '(L1 tmp: It, \~ol!\d ha~e made me h . beg-un n j ha 1 ro ught 1I ra ing makes it 1 48 debut Ilnl ~ m ?: n~ht in my the fir t 0:1 rain in al ma t 1 cl 11k at tn . Warren COllnty fair nr and head mg- for Florida. ix \ ek;' It wa a torm ' hut gr un d In Lebanon nunda , n t lik the ne fore, all ' wind !'" a. t n~xt \\ in t r I mi~ht do Jul 1o, \ itb a fieli f ... 5 o~ an:i n rain . This one had win j It. ' Kn \\ 109 th e good thinj?;s to mor top stars ot the did bu t ' til rain came do'\\ n in eat that the. ahvay had d wn -pee d, ay eX I eded to coni· t rr nt un.til lhere was wate r ~ t ur c mer, it Qund temipt- pete for the pints that "a tomg when the say :' We have tanding in ' the co rn fie ld and , all th e things for the taking- ward the national title. th par h j gardens began t u h aces of the Roaring revive . Already the pa tures fre han d saH waler fish, crabIl1 at, turtle-meat shrimp Ro~d as ,Deb : nyder, Kent, 10 k' reen r an th e corn grew <? range: bananas: , g:rapefruit, OhIo' Bobby Grim, Indianinche in a da . 11l!1 I ,tangeri ne, and so m'any ap~lis; Frank Lupfow, Detroit · ow it i cool ag3:in and gs too numerous to , menthin Fritz Tegtmeri er, Elgin, '111.; . dried · off enough so that the . ti on. (That It! t ~ounds Hke a Speed Funderburk, Tampa , h at utting Call go on. So far :,al ). E'au is n tice of a farm Fla. f G uy Lindsay, LaBelle: ' en no comb ines in the , I ha .the French word meanlllg water Mo., J oe Baker, Indianapolis whea t. It ,mu t be ripe and dry b f re the can be us d satis- ~ nd we certainl have plenty of and others have i'ndicated they fa t ri ly, but wnen wheat is It. The Indian River at this \ ill b pre ent for ' the seven, cut ''l ith the binder ' it continues point is two miles wide. Als(> event program. The, races will be run under . t rij: en in the ho k. By the the Banana River and the Atat our door. lantic Oeean are the ' sanction of the Internationt im this i .ill print, weather We are locat d bet, w een Dayal Motor Contest Association l' rmi tting, tne combines will We will tona Beach and Miami. overning body ' of dirt track b 'oing full speed .. kin' g for yo u .this winter." ing, for th ·fir t time in hisb loo rac ur ci t c mpan has gone. 1 hat urely sounds nice, doesn' t tory of the Lebanon track. T il hou e se ms ~luite and Nal, nal pel . . dways, which it.. All yo u Florida-g-oer keep empty. Jeanette, th e mule eat in big Ca,r races and , pc ializes thl address in mind and maybe p a .full y in the pasture;: , but hi h u crvi es maj or speed\ I will meet au dow n there. n e In a while one looks up to An now gre etin g to all our \Va s and fair meet in 17 ~e ' if ttl re are any rid rs 'lokotHer friends who <hav m.ade ~t ate. will be in direct charge In r f r h r. The dog wander Fl rid a their h me. It w uld be .of the ~ pri nt-t yp prog ram . ar und re tlesst lookin g for ome and play .me one, ~ WIth them fh e chickens hang ~w==~~~.'!.; ;- -~~=~I~=~4~==~;:===~E~~ ar und 10 kin g for th at xtra ' ~it of co rn that th ey were 'gettll1g, In pite of the thin s that there are always waiting to be n , the da s ems empty wi th ut a famil y t c ok f r: It .I urprising how fast three w ks can o. . It 'is nice to be able to re~ a rt jha t enough people have dug down into the old sock, stored ::twa .in b.ui1din~ and 'loan . associations, savIngs, banks', and afety depo it boxes, to g-et en ugh money to re-tinance the , locker company. After waiting . until it looked as if no one was gQing to do anything about it, Everett Early ,and Hartley Moss took hoM of the job and put it over Hte top. Now if everyone will get busy and use ' it, there • :ill b , a home- . . .vned, homeEvery 'P;clu,.e To Be Published LAt". I" opera~ed ind}lst~y that ~very , one W I 1 b --gtoud of. Don't forT~;s N~wspaper!s Featured Serie~ , get t J~ ave our share of frozen peaches next winter and a good s,upply of green and wax beans pIcked just the way you ,",I_ new: ~r is .earchlng for llcute" local chHdr·en •••• NOT ,5 e them, without that canned ~ taste. We ate the Iast of mine merely be(,utiful children ••.• looks and fancy dre.s will not . when ] had compapy just beInfluence the iudges. , ~e child's mood ,at the moment the r fO,re there were any in the gardpicture Is snapped may determine whether It i, a prl,e winner! Even a pouting expression can be "cute" .. • • . so b'ecause children's moods change quickly, anything can happen contest . ' day •••• that's why It',' fall' •••• and , FUNI Every child ",nder ten In this trading area Is eligible.

;]),., /edge (Y'


.CkitJ,.'en " ,

~n "

ct r, th ,pr cnt leade r n


p lilt f r th nati nal hampion hi p, "ill b driving on a tra k in hi - h m state f r th e fir t time 'incc 19.46 . Th e dapr r da rede il from 'K l:tt mad e a lean w p of ra e at ha(COntinued from Page 1) ran, Pa. Ia t July 4, hi a nI" appearan e in two ear near U I'" of th ewer. BUT, noh i h'om. hod ha - \ er bo th red to turn El ectric timin.e; de ic , n the p l1m~ .... 11 i h i supp ed perated by a c rtifi d tim 1', \\ ill be u ed in acco rdan with t 'a lT. a, a.. " ir ewage. In IMCA r Rulations so that re- fa t, tt wn ffi ':1 \ ' ' Ilr n't even ure the lump \ i I work after rds an b offici all c rtified. . The, meet gets under way at ittin g' idle for s ~~ v ei~ al y ~ r . way at 1 p. m. with time tnals. An ybody \\fh, :an t tn· ee The competitive event is sched- the pumP can I _ r in to the . uled' for 2:3 O. b-'; 'din £" :1 n ~: flat-ra f d Ro ute 4 _, acras. fn m I3el cher's Mr. and Mrs. J ohn J. Burske fillin g tation. li t the buildin~ ent rtained at Fourth f July i I cked. " supper Lt.-Cmdr. Robert . Meanwhile, wha t i happenOwens of CharI tte, N. Ca., Mr. , I 0' t Water SHeet's ewage? and Mrs. Tim Ownley and Mr. L ee pin . iry t the ·oil to poland Mr . Jack Young, son and daughter,' of Cincinnati, ' Mr. lu.te the gro t!; 1 water? Is it Main and ' Mr . J. W. trous and mi ra ulou ly rbing' t treet f 'j{ own accord? Or ML j\1arily'n Burske. ' is it building up pressure for a ' Mr. . and Mr. Wilton Ha-rt- IJig bI w-up? sock, who enj ayes the July Fourth holiday here with Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Ha , 'erelatives, have returned to their meyer s n had as Sund ay home in Baltimore, ' Md., ac- gue t, and M r. Mr. Myron companied by Mi s Jane Hart· "Hagemeyer ofand Dayton and Mr. sock, who will enj y a va.cati n and Mrs. Adolph "' troh eh ih in the E~ t. ' and son of Madeira.

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We don't do it ,by guesswork - but with modern equipment ~nd So~io Lubri-Check-a scientific ' , check list covering the application of ~ dozen different types of lubricants-the way the car manufacturer ~ants it done.








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IN BEAUTIFUt PRIZES 11t-$25.oo Vignette all

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For spring lubrication

Tinted Portrait Framed In~$1 1.00 011 nnted P4»rtralt 'ramed 3rd-$5.C)Q Portrait


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$5.00 Portrait


car-see us

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TIRES $13.95 1

(r Ius


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,P HONE 2354



. All .~p." e6Ullrllfl" ·'/I.bologrll/lh.,. 1M Woltz,-AJl" SlIUllol will I!klllr., til lb. pltl&. l1li4 1i~1 gI"III' i.low. , ' " I There I. no QbHgatlon, .... no need to be a .ub.alber • . ' . nothing need be purchased ' NOW or LATER. You Will ' be shown proofs' from which to .elect the contest e.dry and .,ubncatlon po,e. Extra prInts may b. obtained direct from the ltudlo. If desired, but again the,. It no obngationl additional detcaillln nawl column. of thlt edition. ""

,iM. ,,,,



He,. I.



t •• "me and PI.ce to H~.

Con.... Pi.,.,.... 'a...... 1.

Grange Hall

July 13



,- I to 8 P. I.

Fulkerson ,Service ,

, yoar


' .

.\~ , ..,.,da'" • ~••'.r .• @i~




rJew:J ·

A iano -re ital \vi ll I e g'i en at , ytl hu t" h nex t ' undav aftem on" 1 V MI" , Mildr d CaJll1 hell and her pup il . Mr. Ever tt Earl y vi it d he r In th r Mr -. M arv Huston at Yell w , pring- M nd,:l an j a, her nliition r main ab ut the same. CI de M un tan j aU I ' t \ r M i.s ~ Edith a n I Ce(il ,'1\ uunt a t I;>ay ton, I . ~ 11 t 'I'hur d a \ e t.:nlng Wldl I )" . N t ie Elllrick. Mrs. Charles Ande rso r ~Li grand-childr n vi WaYliesville were also e en ll1g' callers f Mrs. E mri ck~ Mrs. Earl Mendenhall and daughter l.Jatry, of Tipp City, w re' week end guests of h r parent, Mr: and Mr. Guy Routt:ahn , and Russe ll. The ' Lytle Elevator tarted rec i e wheat Mon da t And th 'Ill oment sh'C a .. um ~ mana ~ r hi ')f 11 I' h m h will 1 e iu d .~ ed nits ap'p aran e an tha t f her hu band, , ' TIl tH lud,g- m ent will h~ t' t or:,bk if h tak ' advc n1ag f Ul" cleaning ' ervi e. An d .1 , 11 find i t ,0 t ' Ie in 1. , .' LIl Li, f I' with ur m odern






Uncle Sam Says




Mr . h ts to the ecretary In ternational A ' iati n . n W o. A- , ne da. even ing, June ,b out fift y m mber enjoyed a Unlted ' States Sa ings Bonds have pi nic IP ~ er on th e beauti ful made minute Chris tmas shoppin, worries a thi ng of t he past for , l awn. Mr. Azling r tir d a wise Ameri co~l s . In fact even though pre. id ent f the A iation you thought a, brmt wha.t to give an j \\ a' I rented with a portmembers of your fa.m ily or clos~ ahl rad i . ,M i V ir ~inia Oovm friends for a m 1)n~ b of Sundays you could not co 1\ e up with a. better f ayton I ca m' the n w Idea. than Sa'Vings Bonds. Think . or p re id en t. Savings Bonds ill terms of what they ------will do for the rec ipient. For exMr: an j Mr . W . P. Kink ead ample, bond s provide imme(:iate and 11; illi, Mr. and Mrs. funds In the event of a n emerg<.. ncy , and he lp to pa.y for education, t I'll vOtt ' Aile. , all of King; port, F~06S ARE ~TECTeO el, a. n ew home or a dozen and one e,y T~t: SM" e CLOSE 0 e. wee k end Ruests of T enn. weI" other things whl h members of y our • ,SEASONS AS ~CK eAS~ Mr. and Mrs. Ral ert Adams. family dream aiJout. Y our girt 01 a. . ' They w r: accompanied h m e bond m akes you a partner In" the rea.lliation of the lond est hope of b Barl ara Jean Alley) who m ethods, articles stay clean Jamestown. , h en a glle t ,her tl r the ' someone you love . What more could you ,ask of a Christmas gift? l onger. Mr. and Mr. L( wei l, J Ilnm a . U. S. Trllns ury DI!"nrt "'~ .. • m rn iJ1g. 1t i of a Rood yield an j dauuhter, Betty, • nt pa t I ol1th. an I ' ad quality. , the week end fi hing; a t. Mr. and Mr . Guy Routzahn Mary Reservoi r, Celin a. Mr. i it ed Mr. Ben H awke at tn'a caug'ht a f ur p und )\ppear~nce Grant Hos}:,1ital in CO'umbus as the l argest of the ea n. Friday and report his condition Mr. Nettie Emri · k m et \ ith a had accident Monday er y erious. Value of your Home with harl lIrnett and Mr. and while washing, cru ~i n g; .her " Mlfs.. Cliff Burnett and family left hand in the el ectnc wnng1'. he was taken to Dr. stout 's are rn o ih g fr m~ their farms here thi week to their new ffice for treatment. , , Mr. and Mrs . .George Cu th J11 in Waynesville. and son Georg-e Mrs. Mae Banta, with Mr. en ord and Mr . . Merly'l /~al)ta of and FI' ct, pent Sunday and unday .oi 'ht .in Cin innati. Dayton spent Sunday With Mr. ~r. and M r . J. B. J ones and Mrs. Melvin Banta at




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Bala/lced Formula

,The Bond ·1 Month Club

ACME, l/(}fIS%BlIKf'A

Goodyear Sboe Repal,r


Invisible Half Soling Orthopedic Corrections Cork Extensions


National Ballk'


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Henry H. Moeller 111.13 E. Mulberry St.


. The Home of Dignified, Di,stinctive and Kindly ,Service.

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Fair a~d W~rfT1er: means l ots of social actJv.ities" ' If 'y<?u would ' ha~e ,the riKh t clv t.hmg ready at a moment's notice for any occasion if 'ou ~ould have the poise a'nd con-' fJd ence that only' well-fitting spotless clothing can give you' Y,ou~n have Us clean them re: gu1arly. ,




Sun, rain, snow and dusty win4s pound against , your house the year 'x:ound, ',w earing away it~ appearance and value. A thin layer , ' of paint is its only protection. ' That's why home·owners who know paint I . choose ACME. Fdr ACME House Paint is made to a balanced formula. A formula that protects· against heat as well as cold. dust' as well as rain. Come in todQY and . see our selection of the beautiful new !\,CME COIOIS. Gallo~






in the Ohio Farmers will sive you bro&d prO~ apiDlt loua your fum. It COYert your bpildings, ,our .cbattell, JOUf automobil. aDd JOur Jlability for accidents to orb... Why Dot ... _ today? You ....., ,ou'. tale wbea ~'. 1DIund Ja . . Ohio Patmali QO

Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency


' ~PhoDe 163, ~o E. MulberrY. LEBA NOH" O.

OHiO ·'Adlll .......... ... 01lIO .AlMas _ _ ZIi . .




South Main Street


• )


- f


\ ill 10 k I ard


in a


r relim-

ma r\ g-a m at 7:0 . All proe'd will be ~iv n to Bob t h II pa f I' hi medical ill, Wa" n ville" let s have ~ big turnout f r a ~rand evenin~ of oftbal1. '

PA';E , No. 4376



ayne -ville Softball League Mr.a.l1d Mr. Je e Malcolm (ba ed on 1"0 or more at, bat) and on en tertained with a I LANT~' family gathering on Sunday. H AVE. AB 'R Player and T earn ' A picnic elim:ter, al1d supper 9 .5 63 16 3 O . born, Fairley's Bv Mr. and Mrs. M. A. ' Fulker- were enjo ed by Mr, and Mr . S' 1 1 . 550 T. Th mpson, Legion 20 BOB O'REGAN son and daughter had as guests Kenneth Fo_' and on f Williamson, Bellbrook ,24 12 .50 5 The best J!'a me in the eighth Dum pfo rd, Bellbrook Mr. and Mrs. Victor thi week, q .438 Mr.' and M ,rs. Miami, Fla., 4 16 round of the local "mu hba\1" 7 .43~ L. Wright and Dr. F.O. Wright, Charle.v Watkill -, Mr. and Mr . 7 16 Bailey" Kier's ~ 1 oj> should materialize, this 7 .389 who were enroute from Miami. , Henry Watkins Mr. and Mrs. 4 18 ev ' nin?; under the Geiger Sta- Schoonover, Kier's 7 . 389 Fla., to Boston • 6/ '18 Leo C nner anci dau,~h t~rs, Mr. dium arcs with "Weazel" Mil- JaI)1es, Legion . 6 .375 2 16 and Mrs. Donal i Watkms and ler ' Kier Garagemen battling Moore, Bellbrook Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Milo 6 .375 ,16 5 Bellbrook in another of those Gons, Miller's and family had as Saturday Miltenbetg-er a ld family, Mr. . 64 8 8 22 "hot' battles for, first place. Quigley, Fairlet evening guests Mr. and Mrs. and Nelson Wa'k ins , anel son, oth opponents are now part Robert Root anel Mr. andMrs. Miss Esther' \Vatkin. Mi neces ary. To all of you busi'f a three-way tie 'for. top runs in the first three frame , Carl Roads of Dayton. Shirley Brackne, and Mr. Dale honors, alori?; with the Le~ion had to withstand Bellbroolk's nessmen who so gencrou ly ' I Watkins. 'outfit. We can well expect that closing- 'rally 'of five tallies in, donated ' $15 .00 apiece for ' a Mr. an M'rs. A. H. Stubbs, Bellbrook's slugging man~ger ' the last two innings. Earl baseb~ll suit, all of the boys Mrs. France Brannock and Charlie William'son wi11 be Quigley's circuit swat 'along are deeply appreciative and and family had as Monday Of want , me to thank you. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charles Elze anel daughevening guests strug-gling for this one. Kier's with a brace of hits by Huff· L. Murphy, easily one of the man, Kirkpatrick, and Roge~s; course I'm sure most of' the Robert Root of Dayton, Mr. ter, Anne, hav e returned from ,b t pit her in the league, will sparked Fairley' ' off~nse, while lads hav'e thanked the sponsor and Mrs. Earl Heaton arid a vacation trip t New York daughter, ' Mr. and Mrs. Amos City, Niagara Falls and Canbe , gunnin~ for another Dumpford's three hIts for the of their individual suit. losers garnered top batting ada. triumph. Sad Note Dept: Because of Fe x of Germantown. honors for the game. the time limit on filing birth Bill awyer s American l:eMurphy pitched Kier's to a certificates, several members of ~ion nine, now playing excell4-2 win 'over Spring Valley, alent ball behind the stellar pit- l '" in,!!: but 4 hit. "Murph" was the local ' ba eball squad witl . ching of Ray Pur~S, plus good touched for both run in the not he eligible for the Legion clutch hittin?; by Charley Price fourth when hi usually flaw- ' tourney. Fortunately these lads _and the ,ecent~y irevitalize:t ' I Ss ,control faltered an~ ~wo are young enough to come back next season, so here is advan~e bat of Kenny Bradley, engages t.i'ccessive walks plus an mfleld ,informati Qin) ,~I ) ~ 949's hop Spring Valle tom rrow even.' BEAUTIFUL TABLE LAMPS COMJ»L'ETE WITIJ rror completed the damal{e. fuls: Be sure to J;ei. two copi s ing in , what should prove to At presstime, the I cal of your birth certificat before SHADES and ' BULBS $'4 .48 be an ea .y one for the ' local . Am rican Legion baseball nine next January 1. It's not to o It ' those ea y one, th ough; was to have engaged th e Lebih at unexpect dly trip leaders, anon Legion outfit last even- early to start acti on now. unday even ing Wayne ville ana , Manager Noble of the' ing in the first ,of a three-g.'am ... 75 I ALUMINUM FRUIT PRESS softball ?;et a twin Greene County club mjght turn er ies f r the,· fight to represent treat. Thefanoc awill ion is a double the tri k, with cott \10 the Wa)'ren County at th,e , ,Sou!hmound. Scott ,has turned in ' west m Distriet Meet 111 Cm- heaele r for the b nefit f 80 J several fi~e exhibitions this s a- cinnati later thi 111 nth. The , Osborne, ' who was hurt ina league cont t. At R::' son. econd arne will be Sunday recent the Legion nin will meet th_ WALL PAPER AND PASTE AND SIZING Last week Manager Mulford s at 1 P: M. ,at the Lel)anon field. Fairley's outfit in what pro red-c1ael Fairley Hardware ni!1 e The third and oecldiD,g;, mises to be a top,-notch game . . G. E. BULBS - NU ENAMEL racked up its fourth league wm, if neces ary, will be pl~yed here As an added attraction, two " KEMTONE topplit:Ig Bellbrook, 10-7; in .a next Wednesday evenmg at 6 teams of "old-titrnersl l : ; ' ,;)1 , twice-,postponed con test. Th 15 I M' so stay alert; all you this are'a headed by S,tan Bailey was the second time that Bell- baseball fans" and if '{<)J can't brook has figured in such an follow the club -next ::,t1n~ay, event. ' Maybe w,e shouldn't plari on seein~ that "crooclal" <?f schedule those Sugar Creek ladS .,game next Wednesday_ , South Main Street ~cross from~Grange HaU' course the locals ha~ to ~' 111 on Monday nite. Either it rains . hi;; com Ing "or the power al . :nyway the eitheH~-t Telephone 2422 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO :'Victors, after poundin~ out 8 '- unday , make the thud K~ne \~




HIGH CHAIRS $8.62 , '$11.95,- $16.82 ' ' ,



•• _.




Waynesville Furniture & Appiance Co.



FIT. We would not be permitted to serve a family , the second time , if their first experience was not satisfactory. Jt is these repeated assignments from the same families that establish good will. In any 1ist of assets, it is the b.est.

. ,


t ,

I ,.' ,10\0 1.,

, ~;."

1lOURS:. 9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons except Wednesday



7·9 Saturday evening , Other evenings py Appointment , TELEPHONE 62·R

Broadway , ~ Lebanon, Ohio

Dilatush Building -



~~~~~~ FU~N~E~ R' ~TL~H~O-M-E~~·~·tE ' W~ / "

Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Strf!et



....... _........•... ----------------~~

S~NDAY, JULY 1'1, 1948

I !,





Warren County's Largest and Most Modern ,Garage









At 8:30 P. M.



-,' , ,




, VI$.

t '

That's the word for our Service Department! ,




" OPEN TlU. 9 P. M.


Used Carl with a Guarantee That


... .

.• '


AT 7 P. M.


.. ,


AU Donations to. be Presented to Bob Osborne, (PaJrley's), recently . injured •


P.~GE 7


TW,. N '

Lenses by

FOX HOLLY Ju ly 4th ha' co me and 'one, . and we settle d wn to real In hat we'ather, hould be as brief as anti ·, 0 we'll try to \i,mit tho fl \ ing- phra es, I Briefviews: "Intrigue" UA" e rge Raft's show, closes tonig-ht and Friday. 'T he Return of the Lash" E-L is at urday's action pictur , with Lash LaRue and Al . ' "Fuzzy" t. Joh~. La~ue.'s skillful us of hI s whIp In Cnl king guns out of opponents hand adds somethin ~ n w to

thi \v pt " J'! . A ~ i . tory plot Ne\\' mlke it weeki ' appearwh ; rc anJ'f.l > 'ia rid ~ .' th range! an e, and a dev r artoon 'T ~1l1 • ker Time" L th "H me weet - Home" (P . r.) Illu ' lcal 'om q sh )rt on th' A fin Briti,h a ti n film. i I (W, nhd the. 6th c hapter f Tue :lay' - ho\\', ' "Th mugur -t! ri:l i i ·en title:i "tolen gl r ' (E-l.) in Technicolor. 'arg: ,·' . La t aturday:- 'win- It' the -to!' of Cl 11 y wh IJe lll.!r · f th :l.Udienc' a h award ' tra and hence i ~ pur ued b was Mi6S . Rebe ue Bogen. . Cl ban i f mug-~l e r. There Bring- yo ur Cana kln Moun- are blood -curdling scenes of tie 'Club Card - thi atur- hi flight. . But thru all thi runs da y it could b Y u. Lucky a urrent of de p r thought, numb r till'l'lpp'ea ring each the admiration of R :igrave, w ek in th e Theatre ads th mug.~l er, for th by's Still not always collected. ho\ Of courag-e, The clima,x Patrons att racted bv the titl e i xcitin g., the photog:raphy su· and publi ity of th stage play' perior. The tars are new to y,ear run will 10 k forwarq to most of us, and capable .. "WigVoir of 'the Turtle' (WB), Wa ITll Whoopee" (Par.) i the Sunday and Mu nday. This is h rt-ful1 of laughs. an adult situation comedy of . " M Girl Ti a (WB). stars phisti ak i . charm, abo ut the rin,e: am Wanamaker and Lilli roman e of a girl and a w ~ek- Palm r, .plays nex t Thursday endin g suhU r in war-time, and Fri iay~ This picture i the overcrow 1ed New York. Eleat r f N w York in 1905, nor Park r and I~onald Reag-an atid the love of brash, fa thandle their roles .commend- · talking- Mark Denek (Wanaabl'y, and Eve A:rcten, as the 111 Rker ) and Tisa Kep s· (Palgirl's flashy actres', fri.end, pro- mer )., an immigrant wo rking vides spice 'md ,contrast.. WB fo r $6 a week in a sweat shop. O



~ Special!

C I. mpli 'atit n regardin ,Z Mark' nc d for mon to study law, an j Tisa s Uf avin~ ' hoade j to get pa sage for her fath r fr m til old 'Otllltry. lea 1 to :m t!;x' itin.... t r. where n1 J the' interv I1ti n f the Pr ' iII ~ Ilt (Tedd R evelt) PI' ,vents 'Fj-scl' deportati n. Sa kgr, um"!: i HI, N \\' . {Irk, with it· ga ;:tit- dan in g cho)l, 01itical pi ni !Zivt!n h \ ard,. heeler . the idewalk and r min g; h 1I lif of th e ity, the t !rribly er.i u - bu ines of sjN.ldying for citi'rlen hip ' exam inati n . . I am mo tint I' t d in thi picture b au of am Wan:lmaker. Not y years ago, Sam was a stud nt at th Goodm an Theatre in Chicago, the iramati ' choo l of the Art . Inptitute, cC>\l1nected with tale) Un i ~ersitv of Ch icago. He 'Y as a, classmate of my 5i ter's, and hi$ (JutstamV/lg charaderi tic was persever~nce . During the summer th se Goodman tud'nts . d up a littl.e th eatre in the Dune ar a near Michif'an Lit, 111 i., the B verly hor. s Little Theatr, They did all

Mr., and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Rochester, N. Y. arrived her n aturda f r a va.cation with relative here and in Leb~ an Il, MI'. and Mrs. liver f Wilm.ington. tent the we.ek end \ ith their daught r, M'rs. L ui e Wilson, I

~ '1 0\' (\'U1U1J;


t. I


'[aeation.Trip· o

He'. lib (I bog·pipe, you nmlr laear him 'til lail belly" full.



1i(J. fJIlE'N(J(JNIJ

Per Gallon


Here's a sure cure for that what-todo vacation fever. Select a delightful Greybound trip to allY of America's thrilling pl'aylands. Go one route ••• .return another ,njoying.Greyhoun,d ' .Super-Coach" comfort each scenu: mile. And jlfst IOlJlrat the' precious vacation dollars you save.when you ' trav~l by Greyhound.


9-Geo~e Cllnton becomes


N~ I~:.:Y;::'::: •

3.95 Hardware Store






Check Your Brakes!

8-L1bElrty Bell crocbet,

1 CA;L. SEMI· PASTE . ADD .1 GAL. OF OIL ' WAS $~.45

aCarefree '

Mrs •.: Dorthy P rkin and daught r, '- hirl " Ann, of II' nt n, w re \V k nd guests of 11er p·ar nts, Mr. and Mrs. Fo r t Graham.





Il-Brltlsh evacuate Savannah. \782.

12-Iowa orqanizel Grand

Army 01 the Repub\lc.

ls..:-Oralt rlots in New York City. 1863.

WHU .... ll,lfH


Household Goods Aucfion


At 1:00 P. ·M. Saturday, July. 10th




ST. & SOUTH ST., .



l~~odore Perry_opens Japan to trade. 1883. ,


Use The Almanac To ~heck The Weather But Use GAZETIE CLASS[f"I~D ADS To Buy, Sell, Rent, . Loan, Borrow, Any Time of The Year


KI~R'S ' fiarage ..




. For complete travel an~ Expense- " Paid Tour Inf~mation Consult ', : ,our frieudl, GreyhoUlld " ..... . . ..


ONE WAY 'WAY.NfSVILLE TONEW YORK $12.55 NIAGARAl. FALLS 9.75 TOBERMORY 13.90 MACKINAW 'CITY 10.30 NEW ORLEANS 19.30 KNOXVILLE . 4.95 GteyboaDd Terminal WaJllenille Drq Store Teiepboae 2121 ',./


I.,... . . . . . ... , .'





General Electric, 8 ft. Refrigerator, One Dining Room Table and Five Chairs; Bench, Breakfast Set, Kitchen ~---:', Westinghouse Radio, 9.,tubes; One Table Model ' Radio, Piano and Bench, Coffee Table, One Lamp Table, Table Lamps, Telepllone Stand, ,One Simmons Bed, Jenny Lind Bed, One Sim~mons Bed with Inner-Spring Mattress, One Simm()ns White Single Bed, Small Cedar Ch~st, ' Walnut Wardrobe, THIS THURS~~FRI. One Wardrobe, Mahogany Wardrobe, Mahogany Dresser and INTRIQUE Mitro r, Sl'inet Desk, 2 End T'ables, One . Wicker Table, Antique Walnut. Table, 2 Mahogany Rockers, 4 Cl1airs, 2 Ceo. Raft Antique Chairs, Rot ker, Hall Tree, 2 Stands; 3 Porch Rock· Short-Cartoon . . ers; ~ntique Bed, 1 Commode, Flat Steam'er Trunk, .2 Wheel . trailer; Wheel Barrow, Remingto.n Double Barrel Shot-bun, SAT. ONLY titeel Cot, 2·5 'gal Milk Cans, Case of Mounted Animals; Sled; Lot of miscellaneous g~rden and yard tools, 'Chicken Fou~t- . Something New 'in Western.s! ain, I?ishes, Cooking Ut,ensils and Lamps. . RETURN OF LASH' PLUS: 6th ' Chap.' Serial MR. AND MRS. ALVIE THOMPSON, OWNERS. TUES. ONLY Raw Courage and Red Blodded


F. T. MARTIN lad C•.'E~ · RIESAU , , • • J








AD..... 3661 :s.



.' '.










. Extra Gopd 65-acre farm, \,. 11 improved. Must be se n to b~ appreciated. Pri not quoted over t Ie phon . , h wn by appointme nt. Clos"d un d~y . WILBUR N. SEARS Waynesville, Ohio Phone 2651


T) JALL us for In urance. All ty of Insuran e at a savings. C:tU Francis Gene Br WII , ~ 11 ne Waynesville 2472 Or all collect. WilminJ,!'ton 211 t.


----- - - - - - - -




IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING in Real Estate for sale, get in touch with Ben .E. Cline, lie. ' ensed broker, Spring' Valley, Ohio, in Real Estate Business .since. 1911.. Experience tells. Try me and se e. . , -826

FOR SALERIPE CABBAGE Plants. Call after 5 P. M. Wile st. John, ·Phone 2705. "-78

CAUTION AI~VISED 'IN USE OF 2,4·D 'ON 'CORN, FtENDING MORE RES~ARCH , - :-. .-.,. -------""' ,-,---- ----------------~~

- _ .. _ - - 1

OPPORTUNITY FOR ' REGISTERED NURSES Regi~tered nurses! Pr 01inen t 1)'os ital has . s veral imm di at . openings for general staff duty. Salaries begin at S~oo per m nth, with S1 a \' a I' increase for tlul.: e .ears. $- a mon th extra for evening, nig-ht rvi e . . Three III ~a ls :1 ctay, laun dry and room in h autiful residence all f r $4 . morith, if de ired. Liberal l: acati n po li y. Write . r wi re roo Y to Director of Nurs s, Jewish HospI tal, Ci"ncinn ati _9, hio. CU TOM

WORK "pr;lyi ng eq ui j ment." Destr y the w ed before they d troy u. Pri e per acre $2 . 0, W. L. Sheehan, Waynesville. -78 Phone 2991. PAPER HANGINGJ. H. RAI~EY, Waynesville .. -78 . BUDGET NOTICE The Wayne Township 'Board of Trustees will . hold a public hearing on the proposed budget for 1949' at · Township . Hall on Thursday, July 15, at 8 :00 P. M., Eastern .Standard Time. .

. Cauliflower, celery, and late cabbage plant. 10c per doz. Chas~ C. Strouse, '11k ' miles no rth of Waynesv"ille, Corner of Waynesville, Ferry and Lytle roads. - . 715

WELDING " -:Mo wer blade grinding and repair. . Elec tric and Acetylene Portable P k BILL LEE ,., ' nayne ~715

. l' .




) Proceed-with ' cautieln I

Although · the new · weed-killer, available in either powder or liquid form, promises to be aD lmportint aid In corn growing. at least another year of thoro1ugh telting tinder all kinds of conditions is needed before aU hazards of improper use can be known and eliminated:

In addition, almost SOO Ohio Certified seed producers will be doing tests on their own farms, having already purchased more than hundred aprayeH tor t:h at pUrpose. Invp.stigations will ".over the UBe ot 2,4-D both befor'a the 'c orn emerges and after the plants are up.


The warning Issued from .Croton in line with :.dvlce given by Dr. C. J . Willard In a 'new bulletin .of the Ohio Agrleulturnl Extension Service . .or. Wtllard BaYll .


Mr. and Mrs. L. C. t. J ohn h[td a . w k end g-ue t, their sO"n and dau,.., h.t r-in -Iaw, Mr. an I Mr. f(~nn th · St.John and daug'hter f Hubl ard Ohi . Mr .. and' Mr. t. John, with th ir' g:ue t nn Mr. ani Mr. B. V. ' mit h WeI' . lI~da 'y veni ng gu -1' f Mr. Cll1j Mr. 11 nn Bland ancf da ughter and enjoyed a famjl v g-athe rin g at the hom of Mr. and . Mr . J ohn Settl emy're n Monday.'



Vv·hat you may need in the future is • . . .

- I I'

Drop of 2.4-D on leaf Boon penetrates to roots. _ _ _'--_ _ _ _......_ __ tainly in emergency !lituations. There are many things we do not know and 80me risk Is involved. "Go slow. Atter all, we have rontten along without 2,'-D for a lo ng time. Except for emergency uses, it might be better to get along without it for aIiotheT y ar than to make cOlltly m!!!takee.':'-




TIME .•. on your real estate loan This, plus 4% interest, repaymen t privileges, service 'and security may be had if} a FEDERAL LAND BANK LOAN p]ade through THE LEBANON FARM LOAN Phone 448 Lebanon, Ohio Ellis H. Sturin, Sec'y.Treas. ~ATIONAL



': "The use of i,f-I» to control , weed~ appea1'8 destined to be an

Ohio' Certified Beed eorn prod'Uc . ei~' Bcattered throtUghhbOUrtt the state, important aid ID e<Im growing. are invlttng De g 0 Dg eornWith- proper precautionl, it may growers to consult them for lateat .p.!-,otl~ably be used .tlllls· year, eer-_ tnf0l:'M~tl.on o~ th.·tel!l~.

KELVINATOR soft drink cooler, green enameled, Exceld M CI J Mrs. ' Grace Schuler and e IN CASE OF FIRE, . DIAL 2222 • . lent conditioll. Belcher's Mr . an rs. arence. · mother, Mr. Arthur Atkinson, rr:::-:.".....,...;:.:....-.::.'---~_S.,. .u_n~o~c_o.:...S-.-e. rvice, Phone 2423 Davis spent at Lake spent several days last week AUCTION,EERING -78 . White near Ch.lltcothe. _ with rel ati ve at West JefferESTATE HEATROLA Oilson. STANLEY and KOOGLER burning stove, two 50-gal- .. Mrs. D, C. Ridge, Mrs. Bertie BROKeRS lICENSE ' . Ion drums, and fittings. R.. Mills and Mrs. Stanley Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey . For Datu; Phone 2894. Wavnesvill., H. Smith, S. Main St. -78 attended Eastern Star Funeral and daughter. attended the . OhIO. R.v..... Ch.r".. ELECTRIC HAWAII~ Gui- .service.s for A. L. ~atkins in Weller Reunion on Sunday at • tat. Bill Blackaby, on Chas. Frankhn Sunday eventrtg· the home of . Mr. and Mrs. WANTED ,. . E. . Michener farm, Lytle Ralph . Reeder near' Centerville. -722 Mr. an Mrs. Ross H. HartRoad. . DEAD STOe" sock had as Sunday evening . cows $11.00 " FLOWERS FOR SALEpicniC R'uest Mr. and M/rs. WitHORSES 9.00 G'eorR'e Henderson, Phone ton .Hart ock of Baltimore, Md., HOCS 3.00 cW!. 2982. . -715 Mr. and 'Mrs. Gene Shell of Accordln, to.Slze • Condition CUSTOM BALING Dayton, ~i s Mar~ha DeatheAlso, All SMALL STOCK rag-e and Charles McCullough REMOVED PROMPTI..Y d i7rT-.!....--------I'~~L.aJtuJ!.E.....---.;~_;:o:.;..f~D;;.;:-!.H-:; ar Mr, and Mrs. Phone Waynesville. Route 1~ Phone ock. . XENIA WI~~INGTON 2946. Wavnesville, Ohio . . • -624 . SMITH ~ECTRIC SERVICE 1712 2362 NORR·IS a'RocK COMPANY By f3al~O~Matic 'W,irety"in?:: See For thai extra Receptacle Cinoinnatl Union Stock Yards ' Walter 'Sheehan or Phone Or Anything Electrical Live 'Wire and ProQreaaiv e • An 299 1 Waynesville. -78 oraanization second to none. Strictlv lellers on the nut NOTICE House - Barn - Outbuilding! I





As Jts part it! the :;;tudy, Ohio Hybrid Seed Corn PL'l'(] ucers will conduct tests this Rlmm r at their Croton farms on the Illse of 2,4-D on every type of Oluo Certified seed.


Mr. and Mr. Will hlll r an ~l Virginia had as Su nela y f1icni dinner glle- t at Wayne ParK, ' Mr. and M... P. rry .Bent n and Terry of Fairfi lel. Mi Ju lith chuler f Lehan n, Mi Ann Carnpb II , Mi - H'lZ I Vint and Mr. and M r ", lbert C n- g-e r.

That's the w.arning on the use of 2,4-D a8 a weed-ki1ller In Ohio corn fields this year, Issued by Ohio Hybrid Seed Corin Producers from their headquarters at ·Croton. .

PAGE 1t No, 4376 '




F or You To Feel 2 '~


bour. every day 7 day

', lry week. n over sto pping. t ho k idneys lilt\lr Wll te matter from lbe blood. I { more people were aware. or how the ki l 'levu roust const nnLly remove 9ur" pf.hI {j uld. e x ccl58 acids nnd otho r wpste mnlter thl!.t . aa nnot s tuy 111 the b1"od wit hout Injury ' to b nlth. there would be better Wlderatnnding" or. willi th~ wl l Ie s ystom 18 ups£> when kIdneys Cllii to functil)o properly. . Burnln,/. scunty or too freQ1J ent urlna· tlon lIometimell wurns t hat 80methlna Is wrong:. '{oil; may suITer nalrlCing backnebe hCl8d a~hes. dizzinesa, rheum.a Ue ....ain; ; It'ltLing up at ni"bu •• welllng. " Why not try Dorn,', You wiD be uSing a medicine recommended the cou.ntry over. DOll",', stimulate the rune- I tion o( the kidneys and help them to oUGh out poisonous waste from lhe blood. They eontaill nothing hnrmful. Got Doa,,'. today. U .. with contld l1oee. · .\t :sll drug .stores.






ANTIQUE FURNITURE- , ' Repaired and Refinished. All work guaranteed. CHAS. C. COOK and SON, PHONE 2645 Waynesville, O. -624





" cou~t:ry.

C~II Smltt"




WoRIO Dayton 12: 50 Eo'S. T. Dial i 31}O . . WLW Cincinnati ·

WaYneavi~le 2704 "

12: 40. D i:l J 7 (H) . fo r ~I ark&t Report.

OUI' Dally


WANTED To correspond with descendants of Richard , Snowdenn or Isaac Allen West. Write Mrs. J~ E. Arter, 291"0 s.. . Brownlee St., Marion) ·Indiana. . , ..-71.)

IT PAYS TO -SELL ' YOUR WHEAT . CO-OPERATlVFLY! Farm Bureau Co-Op elevator at Mason is prepared to handle your graIn speedily! New LebanOli


~IlIOD 18






00 ; HOGS

Any make or' mod_I



Ch ."""

.E. G. Buchsieb,





$3.00 cwt~









F.r ed Kahn Motor Car Co.

4 S' 4 X E'N I A . fertilizer



Anmiage &Son lAND _CI GRAVEL

. ~

WAno:......... _

. -0...,.om..Ii.. ..,. . IaANOK


....... ,I~Y"


J. ... I-J' • ..l.- ••

. .-


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