The Miami A'Z E T I E liH
It Says H er e "
Miami-Gazette Moves to New Building near _Locker."Plant
veryth in?: in ' a p rintit1~ shop have to. b so heav ?' gru ntej the move rs as By Smitt y 1850 SERV ING WAYN ESVIL LE SINCE th Miami Gaze tt ' e ui~ m 'nt The i- ue of why Waynes· ' NS KEAR C 'liAA \ a~l n ferred thi week to :t F IVE CENT S A C,OPY ondary source of ville's No. 4377 ---t'_a.ac Karn s who ,h as been I~e \\ t el·a -, Li. "onel' te buH ii.lg in the Mon- ------------------~---~-----~-----------power.wa not u 194f 15, fHUR SOAY , J U L Y OHIO .LE, ESVIL WAYN a rcsi j nt , of Bellb!1ook fo r on th all ea-t of M.ain Stree t day black out thr e week ago n several years passed a:wa has been larifie by Dayto near the Waynesville 'Locker ofMo n ia. evening an j \ a bur· Power and Light Comp any . " fic ial. ted from th McClure Funera1 Plant. It was a four· day task to , has Home, Thursday. No one in Waynesville The~ Burial \ a in prina'bo ro m o v~ the plant forcing this the authority to thr0W t11e gh Vergi I . "Wi mpy" Bradshaw Cemeter "here hi wife and. we .. k' , issue to. be latep r althou switcI~ ~ n Lyt[ Road to bring be· , ~ inle'· rn ... ,b had Jre buried. He leaves fI li I' • a<Yc electn clty from another line. Club's Jul y meet· , cam to Wayn'e ville 'on Wed· chil Ciy-ic The brother and several for th e mov ing began last of half offi.:e som~ Xenia Not even the red appea , week last of y nesda evenay Mond held be ill w ' Monday. niece ~a n d nep hews. the'company has that authority. ~ng the village council to get before o,y ~ the , Hook Camp a,t n~ I of tcher In the old buHdir.g on Main dispa: l centra Only the .. . camp , sIte. er summ s Scout cart n et, which the newspap.er ha.d tr Oa'lto in y an the comp permit to st:art a taxI servIce a the at meet will ~ ember M o cupied for mo re than 40 order the swit..:h thro Im _ and paId $5.00 for the ' here, rch Chu hodist Met sville 'vYayn t years, the doors were too nar. The reason for th is i that at 6 :30 p.. m. on Mond~y to permit. He arr~nged to rent a row to 'let the large cylinder repai rmen might be wor kin[{ drive to the camp fo r dmner. room here and ann ounced that pre s be removed mtact. TI~ e on lines which would he affecthe ' day Satur g llowin fo the on trans· have not do who press was dis mantl ed by Ed ed by the switc h. The y could be Those 24-hour servic e. start would ct conta to asked are tion porta Braun of the S, and W. Macelectrocuted if a "dead" line Mayn arc;i We ltz, club secre tary I about noon on Friday he , But ' Cincinn ati. suddenly were tu rned on. before the meeting. M. H. Coffey, a student at hine Company inwhich of town in his Kreen out drove alone frame Hence, the dispa tcher must and has not been seen in. Cincin nati Bible Seminary, has Then itsmore than ;}. t O'l, was cab are . know where all repair crews Francis Gene Brown, presi- Waynesv ill e since. moved into the Church of weighs side ar.J rolled workina' before he perm its the dent, urged all members to atthe~ made Christ parsonage at Main and tipped onto door disappea rance His onto a truck in. t front cu the . .secondary power to be tend in order to learn more a· Wedn esday special meeting of High Streets and has begun his out the porta tion Trans k e Larric pOS Rad io repor ts make this bou t the scouting movement. council even less significant duties as minister of the churc h. of Other on. Leban out y, black mpan sible. Monday's long Mr. , Coffey' s home is in Co The cll!.b is spons or of Wayn es· than before. The. meeting had d anforme press the al of sever parts was due to the fact that vifl e s Boy Sco ut Troop 40, be'en called for third reading olf Staun ton, Va. He has two years lines ' ad. he o t on truckl trees were down which is to leave for the cam~ an ordinance to sell bonds fo r more remaining at the semi- other near Sprir.g Valley, but the reo ,sho rtly. The linotype; job press, pa200,0 feet of pipe and fittings , nary. He plans to marry a one them s acros pai rmen came per cutter, and other equip ment Weather will not affect' the for the town' s' new wells, but Sprin gfi eld girl this fall. one each t h thoug and .at a time Th e schedule of services were place d on sk.ids and push· club s trip, as the dinner will the only copy of the ordinancle it did time no At last. was the be served in the camlP dining '. had been left in Dayton by at the Church of Christ ed into place 011 roll~rs. Th en would it that them Sun- came the ted ious lob of novseem to be : hall. The campers will, provi de Village ' Sollcitor C. A, Ander- 'hereaft er . will e. servic e restor to long take an enter tai nment after dinne r. son. It has not yet received thre' day school, 9 :3 0 a. m. ; Morn· ' ing drawe rs and trays of lead, •• * , ing service, 10 :jO ; youth meet- type, without spi11in~ them. third readin g. th rough YOU TH FELLOWSHIP TO Seen ' drivin g ing, 7 : t 5 p. m. and evening There were no major mishaps. ~ayn es vi1 e last Tuesd ay morn _ service at 8 p. m. 1 he new ~,u l(d i n g was be· MARK THIS CHANGE M.SOCIAL iCy vacar mg : A new sedan bearing HOLD ICE CREA the Mr. Coffe y fills gun about a month a,Z(} with the The Youth Fellowship of the IN YOUR PHONE BOOK M. R. Zaca tecas fi cense plates. Yes, I of left .by the departure pouring of a cGn:rete flbor t 8 John J. Burske of Route 2 Johnston , for N ova Scotia on 'by 40 ' ft!~t, and five inches said Zacatecas, and meant · it. Lytle Methodist Church will The tags were black on yellow hold· an ice cream s<?cial at ~he wishes a recent change in his June 1. This is the new minis· tr ick. The walls. and roof of ' church ~n S~turday, July ~.4. phone number to be publicized. ter's first indefinite charge, al- . interlocking , steel panels were but smaller than Ohio's. Neve r b ea rd of it ? Neither T,~e a!falr Will last all e~ent.ng . His former number,. 2849 , was though he has filled pulpits tem- raised and bolted together, with had I, but an atlas I?rov~d I . and wdl feature ' home-made 1Cf!, takep away and given to Ho- pora rily in a numb er of chur h- six w.indf) 'v'i, \\ I ~, l ik.;r} d,)ps , n' . r- ~ seeing .things. It is cream and cake. ' Everyone IS , wara Shutts es. and 'a l a rg~ garage-type door. .a. st.ate m central Mexic o, west co rdially 'invite d to attend the , Mr. Burske's number is now Fiberboard ceilin g and walls, ,. of the Pan American Highway social, chat with your neighbors 2099 . He has not moved. along with fluo rescent lighting, t. It is separated from' Texas and sample the wonderful ice e a 'mode rn appea rance to ' -giv some 300 ' mites -of the state cream and cake. SAFE FOILS BURGLARSRaymond Braddock, super- the interio r. When it b comCoahuila, which also has , licCH ERBA LAUT .. RAY MUR AT ,intendent of Wayne Township pleted , the exterio r will be ense tags rarely seen in U. S. BAILEY BUYS BUIL DING S R"reen roof; d white with aconst Here endeth the geography OCCUPIED BY FAIRLEY'S The Murray - Lauterbach Schools, s~bmitted a note of re- painte ruction the of ·, Most . on, used Leb~n of , .(! son for lhe day. any Comp t, Stree Main per~n local n by bui14i The signatio,n at a special meeting work was done by 'Fairley's Har~ware and new car dealers, was th¢: ied ownoccup A. T. Polinsky, part The question of m1any local Store and Smith's Restaurant, victim of the third burgla ry in of the schooI'board Frida y eve- sons. the Housing ' Company of er . Jes ldents about the practicality was purchased, last w~ek ·by ' recent months. Earl}, Waines- njng, effective August 1. htes the pre-fabndistrib The meeting had been caned which of ·television sets in Waynes. Stanley Bailey, . proprietor · of day morning ,of last week, a buildings, was a utility cated ville has bet,n answered. They · the hardware store. burglar broKe a window' and r, along with worke ant const for to draw up specifications 'vork. owner was I enter ed the building, whiich ,an Bob Hastings, , Th~ {?reyious Wlson on addition to the school bus 'Sherm Paul GUMin bas been oper- Mrs. Clara ' Arnan, who now houses ' a large repair shop, . Edgar Smlth aid the ating a set for some time' in his plans to move to California Dodge - Plymouth . showroom, garage, on whicl1 bids are being ' and others wiring. ' , Ildio shop on lower North shortly. The property had been and the offices of a used-lear as~ed. ~treet, ~nd reports fine recep owned by members of the busiqess. However, an attempt tIOn of _programs from Cincinto break intp the safe was unAman family for 76 years. nati's W L W T. AJthough Waynesville -, is near the edge of the 40-mile ~ HODsON-STRIpcL£ , circle of guaranteed reception Miss Lillian Hodson and Mr. there has. been no difficulty. ' Howard ' Brown was , elected S~ r Strickle were married in . . Arthu oprra. iii ercial set a Comm There IS also chairman of the ng and ;~O Club at ·'the, second meeting of Dayton last Friday eveni tion 'in Lytle. he is where nsin Wisco the new organization' in -the left .for . -r.j- - -.- e engin l Diese a at yed Wednesday emplo decreased by the 25 cents per T.win , Theatre ' nIght. It was decided to ,meet plant. The job of translating or- ,100 . 7 Hu rt miswas point tial essen every other ThufS'day in the This ' dinary English into the ainie'ht Six persons frorn; Miamisbur~ langua~e of laws and ordin'- sed by the editor of the Mi~lmi homes of .members, beginning . ~~d one from' Middletown were ances IS a thankless one, ·ac- Gaze tte as he listened to the July 29. Injured Saturday morning when cording to Charles Ja~ Vil- formal reading of the ordinance , The ' first project will be to about two brand-new 'cars collided lage clerk- of Waynesville;. Un:' at a council meeting. Amid the compile information head-on at a ·curve on Route 13 less he translates it back into "To wits" and "Wllereases" he building lots for sale in and near d Waynesville and make these ' a mile west of HarveYSburg English again . people learned that the tax, was neede plainl a that owne facts available ' to persons in.. A Buick convertible understand· what it is all for current expenses, and aon't y isburg terest ed in erecting ' homes . by John A!lams of Miam it had to becer tlfted to count . he finds. about on bitJ .the here. was driving down His case in point' concerns officials to 'be placed on the !balwet pavement, and apparently the tax referendum 'lhich will lots 90 days before the. election. skidd~d into a ~ew Oldsmobile ~ on Waynesville ballots next, 'fhe editor jumped to ;the CAR FALLS OFF JACK , sed~n which had ne.rly .stopped November. It calls for a levy false' conclusion tJiat the 25 HURTS IW11I ASIIMEAD OIl Its own side. of the road be-. of 25. cents per ' '100 of val- cents would be in addition to ... Keith Ashead is recovering fore the cras~. All six occu- uati()n to be placed on Waynes. ' the present tax. He was not pants of the Buick, including ville tax rolls, ' BUT ' it c,orrected until the headl ine, at his home from hijurles retwo young children, were 'hu~ will not increase local taxes, "High er 1)x Soug hf' hada p- ceived last week when an auto. and one is expected to IQse one Jame s ratien tlJ explained this peared' in the paper. mobile felt off a jack while he e or both eyes. peopl liopes still s Jame Mr. the e enabl y week. ,I will Simpl the tax levy and was working under it. He was village to continue collecting its ' will understand year. Othen ,ise, taken to Miami Valley Hospital vote for it this Last year, 33 per cent of all , present tMc, which was voted ·he -fea rs, '-they may not get all in the Stubbs ambulance and res~veral years .ago and is about persons ' killed Qn America's d fail this of their garbage collections and mained there several days, streets and highways were ped. to expireit: Ifdidit shoul last year, the other service in 1949 . estriaJls. Watch while you fall as tax would have' to be suC(essfuJ. town's walk I
Civic Club to Hold ·Meeting,at Camp Hook
, \\,h ' d, s
Cabby Gets 'Permit, Leaves Town .
Choreh0f Chr-,s' Pastor Arr,·ves
SII . Braddock Resips .
Commercial Club Nalles
No lacrease _. _,
' T ax
In Cra ." 'I ii
-----:----;;H~.w::..::..:.=ar~d~Br=-=-oWD~C~hlll1ll;=·~m~-·Wea~ngs. "
, f ' "15 ·S .ry U " na ' I
The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED J850
DO'O"'~ N ,...,
Published Every Thur' day At Waynesville, Ohio, CARL G, SMLl"H, Eclitor Ente red as seco'nd class matter at the Post Office S,UBSCRIPTION RATE: $1,50 a Year in Advan~e
MW111111NO IlllUlHtAH • •
f' A
I •
, .
Mr. an i Mr, Earl Qu ig:le y
1 ft Satudn y f r a nin -day vlcation trip ' to Mi' i si . pi, the
moky M L1ntain I an?, t~l C! kylin Dri/V f Vlrgtnl~. While in T nn ' th will visit M'r, L1igley" family.
JULY 18th , 10:30 A. M.
Hymn . No: 502 Prayer Mrs. Rufus Watkins Vocal, Solo , . . . . Miss ~uth Earnhar"t Ad ress; ''The Crusade · for Chri t: Its Accomplishments" " Mrs. Ken~eth Howrh
Mrs. Frank L. Ta 1 rand Mr. and Mr, ROlUl:t Hawke \\'er , LInda) linn ... r gt; c;;tc; ul Mr. an j Mr ' . Fre j Harts k f Mitfor I at th T ' rrace Park Country Club.
" SUNDAY, JULY 25th, 10:30 A. M.
Mrs E. ·A. De Laney of Madeira i visitinp: her on-inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Runy n at Mt. Holly.
Leader, R. C. Moler
Scripture Lesson Loyd Davis Prayer HEALTH. WEALTH. WIS,5019, "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer" , DOM AND SlICCESS .I .-. Mr. and Mrs. Huold Fil r of . Heber Jackson ltv LOVE. near Alpha visited M r. and Mrs. Introductory Address . . . . . R. C. Moler T. C, Runyon. unday. ' . Atldress, ,"Learning Religion- in the Home and Church" CharI , M haffie, lay reader , Iva ~rown , AUCTIONEERING of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, II Learning Religion in the Community" .officiated at mornin {!' prayer in Kenneth Hough Christ Episcopa~ Ch~Hch, Xenia, STANLEY and ,KOOGLER la t LIn ia , \ .'hlle Rev. Chand. BROKERS LICENSE ~olo, "The Holy City" J. J. Burske I ' r Crawf ' rd of the Xenia Phone 2fl94. Wavne.vill • . SUNDAY, AUGUST' 1st, 10:30 A. M. church was holding Holy Com- For ·Dates. Ohio. Reve,... Chargee munion at Waynesville • . • Sermon / . .~ . . Rev. Bernard Baughn Vocal Solo, "Hear Thou My Prayer" . . J3ernard Hamlin Mis~ Jean , Hartsock
SUNDAY, AUGUST 8th, 10:30 A. M.
Sermon .•. 'Rev. Bernard Baughn . Vocal Duet, .~e Hea.rLof God" . .' . . C. 8. McA~ee Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earnhart €h'l:1rch School Each Sunday at 9 :3.0 A. ·M.. , J. J,. Burske, Supt. ST. MARY'S TO START REV. COLEMAN PLANS , BROTHERHOOD CHAPTER 'VMCATION IN. OREGON , St. Mary's 'Episcopal Church The Rev. R. B. Colem~n of
here will oon have a chap~er of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, a . nationwide organizat!on of Episcopal laymen seekmg·to give active aid to th.e program of the church. . At a preliminary meeting in the rectory last week, it was decided to hold mee: " the second and four th Wedl)~sday of each month at 8 p. m., in the homes of var.ous members. .Namt!s. are new being' collected fo'r submission to national headquarters in York, Pa., along with the application for a charter.
Waynesville Methodist Church will be absent for four Sundays beginning JUly 18 for his annunl vacation. He and Mrs. Coleman . plan' to. drive to Eugen~, Ore., where their qaughter IS now eJ:nployed.
The Wayne Township Farmrr's Club was entertained :"It the " home of Mr. and Mrs: Omar HollingSWorth on Thursday with 'a" chicken dinner. " ,The guest speaker- was the Rev~ Myrice of the Otterbein Home, his subj~ct being "'Reljgiori in . World Affairs.~' Guests were Rev. ' Myrice and wife, Mrs. Elzey and daughter Anne. . , (
. Father Krumholtz, Priest Masses 8 and 10 A.M. ' .
Bible Sehool Communion '
9 :30 a.m. 'b'flCAIE. U. B. CHURCH . 10:30 a.m. Rev. · William Shannon Sl1nda y School 9 :30 a.m. CAEsARs CREEK FRIENDS M'rs. James Garriso~ .Supt. Rev. David Stanfield, Minister Preaching 1St and 3rd Sundays Worship Service 9 :45 a.m .. each month to :30 a.m. Sund~y School to :45 a.m. Evening Services 7 :30p.m.
WA 21·119 . ,'.
Delivery Day Each Week .
Sibc, Representative
'9 . .E·. 'Le-wis
. Warren
Representing Weatbeimer & Company . Members New YorlC Stock E~chariKes and other regis.t~.red, Exchanges ,Investment Trust . Shares . B u~ht - Sold - Quoted Phorte Waynesville 2530 Dayton, AD3267
, ,
. PHONE::, WAYNESVILLE 2725 any :Evening
After 7 P. M. for . Estimates
R.B. Coleman, Minister Church school 9 :30 a.m. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST , J. J. Burske, Supt. Byron 'Carver, Minister 10 ':30 a.m. Bible School , . Worship se'rvice .9:3"0 a.m . . Youth FellQwshil1 ' 'Morning Worship 10':30 a.m. , 7 :00 p.m. Prayer. Meetin~ : ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL • Youn,g People s Meet.ing , Samuel N. · Keys, Minister 7:0.0 p.m. Moming-Pfayer 1'0':30 a.m. Evert~ng Services 7,~3 0 P m.
MT. HOLLY MEniODIST ...• First Day School 9 :30 a.m. T. M. Scarff, Minister . . Meetinf' for Worship Sunday School . 9:30 ,a.m\ 10:30 a.m. E.A. Earnhart" Supt. ·,vors.hip Ser~ice 10 :30 a.m. " WAYNESVIU.E ,venmg Service , ~ :30 p.m.
Let us insulate your home' against extreme summer· heat. It pays; for itself in fuel savings. We use Lifetime Fi Blak Premium M,neral Wool.
Lacy's Quality Market PHONE 2662
he held Jui
" . - . , ___ _,_ - ____ _ - __ -
- - -
Corn Sticks ,With
1 C)
at 11 :30 a. m.
at Wa ne Park.
, ,-
Ditiners .,
~ -II
. by FOX HOLLY ( ... p ' ial -. CH ICAG 111. ' '''herea 111 pini n u d to' be that valley - IiI< ur ()Wl1 Miami' all ey r,e ~ i lf1 wer' ' I and , c mfortah1 most f til year with bu't a li ttle h t "ea th r, th: la t month am 11,C." ou h C!.~ changed m, mind ' c" mpl ~te l ) . , ince returnjn g tn ,th e Great Lak" regi n' with it (l,1m1osl constant 001 l reeze', I' m n w This' is the time of year to make the most of the abundant val ~ • convinced that Ohio is one of the h tte t tat in the UI1 ion, i'ety of fresh fruits and vegetables our grocers-and our gardens have and I do mean for weather: 'to offer. To add the crowning touch to a SU,D'Imer garden dinner, ther~ is nothing better ·than golden crusty corn sticks. An wa ' I 11 be 'eei n u all I Corn sticks are .the ,s implest of hot breads to make, and .those in the nex t couple f wed< . won'derful ear· of-corn shaped pans are now back on the market. ' Uere's a new corn stick. recipe that will give y'qu crisp, delicioW' · all t Re I' t Del t" ' Tll 0 C It.orn sti~ks wi th very little effort, Serve corn sticks piping hot witq Intern ati nal all-Liph ol t red ~lenty of butter, ,and ~ven the simplest dinner will be one the bmil;, " chair now ad rni l1 ,~ the T \ 'in' ,) l'emembcl."I. ' f1 r rank al11o n ,~ th ) st t at Lightnin' Golden Com . Stic~s ' in hi f( I' an th ~ atre lar; e Mak~s 14 small com sticks r s\11all...11 w d I kn \V? , rime': 15 minutes . Temperature: 425' Mail 1 ' 'fro m the film < IC" l1 11 1 cup enriched yelJow corn meal S teaspoons baking powder h J11 all; m t f til m 1 cup' sifted enri~hed flour 1 egg \ re ;! maz2d that t le T \\' i q ~~ cup sugar 1 cup' milk m, na ,~ ' m nt ha i g n t su~h 112 teaspoon salt 14 cup shortening· ·C · t 1" ~ l11 e, f r v ()ur () m f rL 1. Sift together dry ingredients into medium-sized bowl. Ad. " ?i:t 'n unU ntified al man" egg. milk and shortening. " « ,'1 1 I hanon al1't n1l' tl rL' 2. Beat ;with rotaTY beateT until smooth, about 1 minute. not overbeat. \ " nt nil in th atre comfor t. ~n . 3. Pour batter into hot greased corn stick pans and bake in f m r ~ . . : in fa t it un n Irlg .. : hot oven (425°F.) 15 to 20 minutes, . that tl1 e Quiltv at p' pI "Shol·te~ing must be at room temperature. ' .. 01 n't 'odu t \"' a, ne 'ill -. e .... - _ .... 9.4W ".!t.-:d.'!": ,.2:1 tl 111 lve f r r al theatre ___ c m f r " " ', fan of M rle Oberon will show.' will" tart at 8 :45 ,m., T l ('1~ e of ou \\ ith h3rn watch h I' skillful performance so do your shopptng arly. f a in a ting hvo separate r.ole to Dennis Morgan, who thr'ilear mi g-ht h; c n i II T al jmi I' vement in the s un:l "in h r m~ n. Maybe it will pro- led mo~t of you in "My Wild to' the lovelorn or ' Irish Ros" ( ! me folks don't sv tem nf the Twin, n w und er vid advi th e prote tion f the .Atle 1 ve horn of this area. Dana Gare fo r Iri, h n how) slips bal~k Servi e Co rp., who e ag- nL And:e\~, wins Cathy (Oberon) next Thur day 'and Frtday 111 ~all .reglilarly and . who with in the eild of a story which "To the Victor,." filmed in y ur wn am Huffman ,keep tries to register a mam point France. Many of you European (111 in orde r. that , great wealth can do go"od veterans may recognize s~rne , , Br'lefvi ~s: -Charles tarr t if employed properly. Warner of the territory, especIally . ' Kid New and "Gorilla My Omaha Beach. If ' you were m hi .rol e of th~ Duran~o :l Dreams" support the headliner.. there, feelings which .only you Days of Hoot , Hill," supporte . can know wiJ1 return as yO!} return Saturday only, in "L,ast Tuesday , certainly will ans- watch Morgan as the blackby the 7th chapter of the 'ser!n.1,. 'wer local-deg-Ipvers who have marketeering American ,who "Danger of the Canadian "pestered" the managemlent to f' t t th I V , bring more animal shows. Irst'"'proec s, en ov,es Iveca Mounted, '" entitled "The Fatal d Lindfors (a newcomer to the Shot." Western fans nee no "My Dog Rusty" with Ted screen), and then outwits the more information a J'm sure Donaldson apoears for this date 'col1abor~tionist gang whicli is that Ithe Kid will provide plenty ,only. That's quite an appeal- after her and the racketeers of action. ' . ing picture of the dog on the who are after him,. .An added ,' One of tho8'e really unusual July sh0wbil1, 'tand you who. attraction is Tommy Tucker's pictures spends SUI}day an,d attend will WI ness, a story ,Orchestra. Monday at the Twm ... RK<? s that ,could happen , anywhere. "Night Song." Even the title The young son ,of a candidat~ Have you used your special m~y be confu iryg, lll~t you for m~yor: is addicted. to telling eut-rateticket at the Twin yet? ml~Ioverb WIll thr!11 tQ untruths. When the Incumbent The man t onsored ArthuJ Rubenstem, as ·he 1Jlays M~ayor is unjustly blamed for a 3000 adul or e th 1 ian<;> ~ith the New Yor~ pol1uted-~ater scandal, qonald- recent Legion program, pfacin ,l?,' Pt 'lharmol11c Symphony Grch- son, the' little boy, knowni~' the a half-fare reduction , offer on stra (h ere's where D~k Cam~ truth, scrams. When his do g the reverse side good fQr ~ln .v pt 11 and hi~ Golg en RI,ver. lads be.comes ill, ' h0wever, he re- Tuesday or Frida in July. Go m ~y pick up a pomter or two). turns" clears the mayor and fo that'drawer \ her. yo u dropThe show, howev:er, is not so wins .the. resped ..,l)f his father. ped th~ ti ket and us it mil it-ove'rdone that th.e aver· This Columbia pH)ducti on yvill sDmetime'; yo.u'll eni oy a short a O'e fan will not · enJoy the ,prove a welcome .tonic. , Second "vacatio.n" at the. Twin. cl'omic relief given ' by Ethel Barrymore and ' Hoagy ' Ca~, .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\ ill he h 1 on
La t ,year, a majority of , ~1l
Am rj ans kill d in aut m.ot lIe accident m t l 'aih dllrin~ the h .111" f dM · 11 ,Night and
icnic will
day - -drive carefully !
'Protect the Appearance and Value of your Home with
Balo/lced Formula
ME· 1lf()!IS.tPJfA!12
'. Belcher's ,SUnDe,'o' Service
the rna
SMITH ELEcrR~~ ' SERVICE For that extra Receptacle Or Anything Electrical
House ~ Bam -
GOOd..,·line of ' parts an~ A:~cessories . '" U. S. ' Royal Tites . , Open 7 Days a ' Week 7 A. M. to 11 P. ·M. '
Call Smlttr .
PHONE ~~3 ~'
WaynesviUe 2704 .,
Sun, 'rain, snow and dusty winds pound ag¢nst I , your ,h ouse .the year 'round, we~nq away, I its appearance and vdlue. A thin layer I ' of paint is its 'only protection. I That"s why home-owners ' who know paint 1 J choose ACME. . For ACME Hou~ Paint is made to 'a balanced formula. A. form~a that protects against heat as well as cold, dust as well as rain. Co~e in tod(IY and see our selection of the beo.utitui. new ~CME colors. Gallon I,
SMITH SERVICE and''SALES South Main Street
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, •• - .. f' "
', '. r8-
who hit a ~wer~g hpme Tun WAY'N 'E,S VILLE, OHIO No.4Wr7 , ·P O ,' R " nIE TEN 'TOP Hrn'ERS into , the wood-pile in deep l~ft THURSDAY, J U LV 16, ' 1948 field. Bellbrook's first-~asema~d waynesvi1l~ Softball League .: Spitler, got a brace of hJts as dl Williamson tot '[Joost the lat"c ' · _ ' (Based on 20 or more at bats) ter's batting average to the PlaY..... T--. , . AB R H AVE. .484 mark.. Miller's classy __ T,. T ' hompson, legion ': 29 8' ,1 5.515 pitcher" Sackett, tletl h}iSdothh~mrThe Sundh'a y dS~ht 001 of ILy!le ~ 6 5 484 wise perfect con ro e u e I Church will 01 , I S aRDua pIC.. BOB O'REGAN Williamson, Benbrook 31 , 1 :400' in the sixth, when he all~wed nic next Sunday, July , 18, at , , James, Legion 20 6, 8, two walles, hit two men m ~ Harmon Park, lel>anon. The , Sunday night at 8 :30 ' Mar- , Bailey, Kier's 23 , ' to 9 ..393 row ' and allowed three runs, Sunday School. and a short ine fiel'ds an industrial leader Moran Legion 22 11 8 .362 Wright's, Benbrook'S! shortstop, preaching service wHl be comin Dayto~ Softball Circles, :w'.i11 R. Duin'ford, Bellbrook 2~ 86 8.34,8 fancy fieldiny r.o b b e.d 'bined. The . group will leave oppose Spring Valley. The VISIt- QuigleYj Fai~ley's 2':1 . 10 ' .345 many Millermen of hIts and hIS the church at 1 l' a. m. for the ors ate managed , ,by Char~ey HartsocK, FaIrley's 32 10 11 '. 344 four RBI's also contributed to pjcnic dinner. Everyone is Blankenship. Dill, Spring Valley 27 3 9.333 the winning of the game. cordially invited, • • • . Moore, Bellbrook 21 9 7.333 If last week's and this week ~ s Mr. and Mrs. L. V. C1.1l1um Rogers' ~hre~-hjt 6 inmn~ Murphy, Kier's 24 7 t3. .333 games are indicative of a trend, of Columbus were dinner scoreless pltthmg and some Plank Fairley's 30 5 10 .333 Waynesville fans are in for II guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett so1id clouts by his team'mates c I , , • better brand of baseball. All the · Early Wednesday evening. gave Fairley's Ha1'dware a 10-1 Thompson with two tJ'ingles a creakin~ 13-11 win over the recent games have been topMrs. Wi1bur Clark was a win over Miner's last week. apiece Jed M\l1ford',s team. Osterman - Sawyer • 'pitched notch sfugfests or pitcher .bat- ' guest at a luncheon at the Fairley's batting power was The' Waynesville Junior ~am.. Mulford's ·"boys" ·got the ties. The members of all the home of Mrs. c. W. Ypunce in well divided among l1artsock, American' legion team tra',:el- kinks out of their . sys~ by teams have become accustom- . Dayton 0Jl Thursday ,(Of last Vic Thompson, HopklD~, and led to Lebanon for the fIrst sending eleven men to t~ plate ed to playin~ as a team and weeK. ' . Rickey, each of whom ntled a game of , the best two out-of- i~ the first inning to scot'e six have been chcking at field and M'rs. Glenn Roller and Httle pair of hits, Hartsock's home three tournament for the War- runs. However, their ever-fight- at bat. Next week's .~ames .· daughter, Connie, of Dayton run helped him account for two ren County champeenship. The ing opp,onents pul1ed up to tie should all be as good, or poss- spent Friday with her mC'ther runs, while ViC Thompson first five innings proved to be the game in the fifth, nine an, ibly even better, than the , re· ' Mrs. George Custenbord ~r and chipped in with a double and a a sef)-saw~ battle, but some solid and went out in front in the. cent conte~ts. , Next MJo~da,y fawily. single. Rickey'S pair of bingles hits and sloppy fielding con- sixth by twp 'runs~ The last in- will see Weazel Miller's Kler s Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre Jmocked in tW0 w,hile he .sq)re~ quered the local team, 9-3. ning, though, saw the winners Garagers face the hard. slu~- and Mr. and' Mrs. J. B. Jones two himself to gIve ~ hIm tn- Bob Hastings, peppery local sandwich five bingles and an ging Mulfordmen of Fa}!'ley S called at the home of ,the Re~d pIe deuce for his 3:t bats; ~OP- catcher got on base every tiP'll! error to score four runs and Hardware. Wednesday wJ11 ?ee er sisters at MiartllSburg, Sun. kins too chipped m a paIr ~f by virtue of two errors and two win. Rasnick. coach for "the the out - of - towners, ,Spnng day evening. Randy ' Woods, Fairley team, hit a screaming Vall~y, face MHler's Re~taurant Mrs. Alfred Rasnake ' anll one-basers and long-!eggeq , Jt one-basers. across the home dIsh three Lebanonls pitcher-catcher, add- liner to left center for a homer which should prove an mtere~t- son Lester visited Thursday, ed three- hits to ms team's at- and got a sintle in two trips. ing baUle Qetwe~n two gre"t1y with her fath er Mr. Hcnr " timed. In one of the, best games of tack. And here's one for the r,e- Arland, had two doubles, and im,prov~j teams. '("wo te ams Belcher; who ' i ' ~s.e riously ,P,l th~ season, Kier·s Garage went cords t_t- we wish wouldri't be a single, in 3 AB's. H. Bane" that have be~n on or cl o s~ to at his 'home on the Townshlf) ,two overtim1e f~ames to nose there. In the eighth inning, too met · Ute ba.l1 squarely , to . the top all sea!lon, American Road . Mr·s. AJrnold Burkl1art and out Bellbrook 5-4 and take -the Waynesville made six errors. collect a walloping' homerun Legion and B.ellbrook, cross , bats at the ,GeIger gardens on ch ildren o'f . Mansfield , are league lead ~ Ludington scored They're 'the kind ' of thing'S that ana two singles. " the winn inK tun in th.e last half we hope don't happen too ofIn the second contest, Bill Thursday mght.,. " , .s ending a couple of weeksof the ninth with none out on ten af least not when made by Sawyer's Legion nine trouncec:t For ~h ose of thIS column ~ with h r parent, M,r. and Mrs. Fairley's 21:-6 in a wild.hHtin K ' reders, 1f there are any re,ader A. D, C:m;th of the Dayt n ' a wild pitch by Joe ' Zennie. Joe us. ' enefit contest. Every man in the Le- and I hope there ·are, who are Pik e. lost a heartbreaker, for he had SundaYi nig-ht tl The L tie E vat r has hce given up only four hits,' while double he~der fOT Bob Osborne gon lineup crossed the pl ate statistically minded, ' the league Murphy ,of t~f( Garagem'en of Fairley's drew a crowd of and an but two got-a hit. Red ' scorekeeper after consultin?; ' a busy' place lai(ing in w . eal s~a~ed ~Ight hltS., 'Bob', Pene- approxjmately 300. The pre- Price got a trio vf bingll!s; ~ arious adding machin e and fo r more tha n a week . ,1' cars Wit m hl~ gebut With Bellbrook liminary tuss.1e saw lrv M\Jlford M~rle T~9mpson "con~rn'!lt .. d ~l co.'m'Ptomet-ers' has arrived at. sh 'p d II with a,;prO): lma.! ely got a tno of ll1ts, nclud~g l. pitch his team of old-timers to tnple, fv1111er a palT of duuhle~, the , fo 1lowin,g- team (lVl"r::tp'es ~ ,0 0 bu l~ I to 1he ~:ar. rt . double, in four trips to the ' Moran a homer, H1rv'~ , ,1 tt' ; ; for all p'a mes un to and includ- we ail er 1 n II n fa '0 ( (11" e plate,' Kier's ,center ~ fielder, pJe and a home~r, ar:td Charlll! in cr Thursdav's ' encounter: and , h 'Y 1: t IS <.. 1 '. C'O t nt Bradley, paced the winners· atPrice a doubl-e and a Sin gle. Fairley's ' ,3 048; B.eJ1broo kl quality. tack with two Hits, one a two- Check Your Brakes! Kirkpatric'k batted in. t\\' O !'un$ . ~(H 7 : 'I e~j ()n. .282 : Kier's , Mr a n d ~ rs . ,H ~l.ry ev D u :-~ r , baag.ge I!~' ~' ~ l p, e rfe~, a ~" a! an9 scored. ont: 111mself ';or .247 ; Sprin,(T Valley, .227; and net1 Mr s, H r ll~ V' ' U lW ~ \ \ bt FaIrley's wl~h hIS hot;ter and Miller's,. 213, The leaKue as a daug;ht r, nd ~ ., t, r's. ,. -,. "'-.- GET YOUR ' tW0 s.mgles m three tnp~. RI,~- whole is hitting- at the .264 Seth . Furna i ~l r, ,e the power ov~rwh,el.n~ed key hIt a homer, too, whlle VIC mark -with 69 doubles. 1 ~ 'tri- \/aY I T w .:.~'h F l i! rle!s 'fhompson got Iii tr.lp , ~. , ples 'and 15 home rims ha VIng' Club at the I (1):1 e \ }f f.~ r. and Fairley' 9-6 in an exhibItion, Mrs. Onnr Ho Img-sworth r.e~r tilt last week. Don 'Brewer led The erowd contrJbnteq a to., been slugged out this . sea~on. the ~ winners both at bat , . t.t! ;,f 35 dollars to 'lC'j) H, t ' Oregonia, Thursday. . Alfterm!ath;: :lelt *seems some Mr. Arthur Greathouse of and on the mound allowinJ: but Wfn.lOUT BEING STOPPED Osborn's , me~ical ex~enses. seveR hits, while collectmg a ON 1lIE HIGHWAY This column wishec;' tu thank local 'sports-minded fan~ are Naples, Fla., was, a Sunday double, three singles, and scor" all contributors, the players, unaware that any disher-upper guest of his father, Mr. Levi jng three runs. in fonr trins to I and the umpires, Kenny Bait- of sports news can hamoon, Greathouse, at the home of the plate. Kirkpatr,ick and Vic ey, "Pop" Pummell, ·"Df)C" lambast or otherwise assail ner- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton. ' WE· ARE AUTI-IORIZED TO Wri~ht, Jim ~iller, and t;dgar sons, places · or ·things wi~t)ut Othe.r dinner guests Sunday ,ISSUE S TIC K E R,S , TO Smith, for theIr generous help too much recourse bv th 0se of- evenmg were Mr. Carl Gre",t, ., . fended" unl~ss it be libel "r hous~ of Dayton and M,r. . and to ,Bob. VFHICii.s INSPECTED BY This week'ss,chedule· opened slande;. ooth of which are (rl ' .. Mrs. Loren Routz~hn and 'Heme-made Ice Crelm with a 9-5 tri1~mlph by . PeIJ- ficult to prove. , With this 'ad· daughters of Frankhn . U..S DURING JULy ./ broo~ over CJoorge ' Mlller'f vantage, yours tr~lv has , a:land Cake Re'stauranteurs. ,Bellbrook was read ' stated pubhc 1-\L....a.ru.:~~IL--~_----'-,----:---.-..---::c-~. led by the fancy hurling of Joe print that before I would call ' "~ Sponsored ,by METHODIST Zennie who ,whiff~d te'n Mil- ' Clevel and Penderg;ast :~edljy riend6 ~ome ' YOUTH FELLOWSHIP . g~e lermen and allowed but four . goor. he wo uld have tn aDoear U ' hits. Joe struck out five of the h f're ,~() far J'm rig-ht inas-: Miss Nelle McKay of Xenia HURCH LY"LE ,C . ' ' , ,first six inen ' to face h~m, the much ,as he and his cluh took a I: \ spent the week-end with her only man not tlO str;ke out be- powder I have been chall~n~ed aunt, Mrs. J:valyn Pet'erson. ing the ce'nterfielder, Clark, for ,any le~al tender , to Mrs. Olive Curl attended the ~=~:::=:!=:!:===~"':~=f~=::::::::'~~-'--:-~"';'~~~~7'--7~-~ drag' mly bat to the plate and International hlstitute at Anti. " , tTy to solve Pender~asfs "mir- . och College for two days 'this ' ' ' il ·' " . acle-1ike" heaves. Who · me? week. ' . . , , \ ~::' .I., ' " " .,. . . ' Silly people' A!1 1 e"(~r (i(). i Mrs. Alice Clark and Miss stand on Il\Y natlOnal reputation Elizabeth Chandler enjoyed the . of having been the only bes-. piano recital of the pupi1~ of pectacled umoir'e in . profession- Mrs. Mildred, Campbell at L:ytle. , al baseball. The fastest ·pitcher , Church on Sunday afternoon. I ' worked for was "Wild Lee~' Mrs. Lucile Armitage and Grissom. Cincinnati Redle~ Mrs. Leah Mdls with Mr: and ' 'hurler, in exhibinons on_e sea- Mrs. William Strouse, Mr. and son. He was. so .wild that Van- Mrs. John Burske, Mr. and, Mrs. LOOK 'nIESE OVER dermeer could be rated 'on con- Emerson .' Earnhart and PAlsses trol alone,. Mv active baseball Ruth Wardlow and Marilyn 1947 BUICK ROADMASTER SED,4N or s()f t h,,11 d' lelings will ,~e con- Burske enjoyed a pi'cnic supper 1946 CHEVROLET SED~ . . fine d ~ ' :y ,.:· ·, :"~ c rc:;, P~+te~ up- at Cl.'a,utauqua Sundali'j even1941 :DODGE 4-Dr. SEDAN J who's next? And , don't turn on lng. II 1940 CHEVROLET TOWN SED~ eo.Iel1o.'s JICId., Mrs. Ralph Johns with her 1938 PONTIAC CLUB COUJ'E sister, Mrs. ' Angie Hecathom , AU. HAVE RADIOS AND HENI'ERS SHEEHAN SELLS BlJU. of Lexington, Va. called on Misses Mame and Annie Brown Elmer Sheehan ane son of Saturday evening. Waynesville.. . Ohio (ecentlJ, Miss Elizabetli Chandler was "NOR11I BRO~WAY LEBAIION cw.~ TILL • 1!1. II;. sold 'the bull Tob, A., No. a guest at the BridR:e Club on 89679, to H. c;:. HQll!ngsworth, Tuesday at the home of Mrs· New Burlinrton, OhIO accord- Honald Hawke. l ing to a report fro{). F(~d S. Mrs. Ella Dakin was a guest 1dtge, SecretarY of' tile Brown on Saday " of Mr. ..a;nd- Mn. Swiss Cattle Breeders' George ·B. -Jolmson an Leb'-'UualUi lion, IkloM, W~ anoD. . ,I
..., LANT
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Music Lovers wiJI be enchanted . • with
Market Expose in .
France! Travel in Danger with
awRS w(Sy
MOlJ'N1lE CARD N.. 2·
The- VICTpr ,
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-- -.--
THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAtae 9 WAYNESVILLE, O'HIO No. 4377 T H U R S 0 A Y, J li LV , 15, 1948
' DELAYED ' . Mrr. N Hi Madd n f Clark, sville wa til w ek "nd Rue t of Mr . liv Curl. . • Mi s li ve \lVilli am" r ~ t u rn ed on Tu day fro m a ix -w eks' yi 'it ~ ith j' lati v an fri n]s t. ' .,' In Illinois and Indiana. HIst~I IC OhIO" 1S oHen referred ' Mr. " and Mrs; , Kenneth J. t~ as Th e Mother of Presidents" Th oma ~md on, Warren, \ SlOce no less that:" ei ght presidents , Thom.as, of near Lebanon call d~' f the, United ,States \\'ere born in on Misses Mame and Annie oj' elected from Oh io. '
~rown MI
linda e vening.
! I . I,
In adttition, three vice preside,:ts were' born in Ohio. .As a result. there scarcely, a part of th~ state which does not have an historic shrine. a 'birth- ' museum or. a memorial hon- " ' onng those Oh10ans who have ,'). reached ~hi? highest position in the ' " nat ion; ,
]e11l1a ·Marsh of Day-" to.n spen ~ the. Fourth holidays wIth h r COUSIn Mrs. Lucil e ' Armitage. . ' , Mr. and Mrs , Will' a St . . I m {O U e \ ere supp~t guests , ~ n V\ dne . ay evenmg of Mr. Str Mills.u e s mother" Mrs. Leah Mis M rtIe ' ' Stevens of ' M Ell' ]} a F ste, F, 0 . ca ~ d, on rs. Dakm unday aftern~on. Mr. and Mrs. Ern¢st Ma:rtin
I ,
• "
' "
r . sue was the 9th PreSIdent of the United States. Born in 1773 in Virginia; he' early made his home In Ohio at North Bend jU$t west of c"incinnati. Her.e ' .. )f Dayton along with Mrs. he is buried In a memorial tomb *. 'I Marti.ns' RPareknts, Mr. and Mrs. t(h}a t) the Ohio River. \ ' 5 . ..:M aun e oes in cal t'ed on their (~ many fri nd at the Horne Sun- i ' ULYSSES ' S. GRANT was the ' day afternoon. ,econd' Ohio president and the 18th COURTfSV.'HESl'ANOAROOI\.CO.. (OH'O) .. . ' ' '',l- , === , Mi s sr with Ruth Mrand ElizabCurl th in man to hold the office. The house ' , ' "t Chandl . Olive whicb he was born still stands land, is still used b)r his heirs: and mer of his brother, ' and Mi s Minnie ' Dodson pent ' 'a t Pt. p'le8san~ on .Route 5'2, south-: b open .to 'the public. Garfield Is Ct,arles B. ,T aft. ~(14). Thur day after:lOon in Dayton. .ast of Cincinnat,. '>0. dQes bUried ·,n Lake.iO", eemetery In WARREN G. HARDING. 29th ) 1I0URS: I ~s h0tym~(a12t Gndeorgetown 10 BrQwn Cleve~and~ (2 and 3). Presiden,t, was borp at ' Blooming 9-12 ea 'h ll1 o rnin ~ o,un . ' a 13). l ' BENJAMIN HARRISON, grand- Grove In Morr,ow ' County. His .~ 1-5 afte moons except When the white men discovRUTHERFORD B. HAYES, the son of William Himry 'Harrison re~idence at Marion, Ohio is used \Vednesctay ered this country, the Indians 19th l'resident of the United States and 23rd President, was born in as a memorial museum /and he 'is 'Were 'running it. There were no was born at Delaware ' in 1822. A. North Bend, ' on the Ohio River entombed in a beautiful memorial 7-9 Saturday evening t axes. There was no debt. The tablet has been erected on the site. west of Cincinnati. (15 and 16)~ ' on the outskirts of Marion. (7'). , Other evenings by . , women did all the work. And "I His . home at Fremon,t, Ohio in . WILLIAM • McK:INLEY, 25th The three Ohio vic.e' presidehts . Appointment the white men thought they possessiop.. of his heirs and he is President of the United States was are Thomas A. He~df1cks. born at I curied tnere on the grounds in bom at Niles, Ohio, . is buried E~st Fultonham In Muskingum "' they could improve on a system TELEPHONE 6:!-R Spiegel Grove. A memorial mu- in one of , the finest memorial County, where the house still . like that! . seum' is located near the home- tombs in the country at Canton, stands; C~arles W. Fairbanks, stead .. (1 and 8). 'l Ohio and another memorial has born in Umon County; and Charles been erected at NUes (5 and 6). G: Da~est 'bort) i!l Marietta, Ohio. JAMES A. GARFIELD, 20th " ' HIS bIrthplace still stands' in this <;>f the States, was WILLIAM TAFT, oldest Ohio 'city. (10 and 11). tj!1 Optometric Eye Speeiat ....f' born in Or~nge. TownShip, Cuya- 21th Presid:ent, wa~:. born in M@unt , (Anotherstoryinthisset'ieson r, hoga County,. HIS old reSIdence at Auburn, -Cmcinnatli, Ohio. A Taf,t Ohio Presidents will appear in an 26 Sbuth Detroit Str~et Mentor on Route 20, east of Cleve. I museum ' is maintaineu at the for- eariy issue. 'Watch fOT it.) .
Dr. C. ,E. Wilkin'
ol~ij'~i\ttEGRAN·Gt;:O", · ~"~~-'i;~~~~in ~addili;;;t - ~ -' ;ATRoNii~-~AzETT'E'~' .4n laona. m~" wrd if u ~ood fifty' eonlrad.
JULY 15-CenlroJ Burma campaiQn
, ends,
~~ • 1'1
II-Mary 1821. Boker Eddy born.
17-"Wronq Way" Q,mqan
' G
.... .
flies to Dublin. 1938: i
Pancho Villa ldlled. 1923-
wom~'6 noht 'con·
,!entlon held, 1848,
2O-S111lno ,Bull s~rendel'8.
, I
f '"
' cash prizes"offered by the 10 ' state .G~ange. Mutua~ Ins~rancc Assoclat~n, first: pnze wmn rs , A youth Farm Fire afety will be aorded a trip to tht! Contest wi1l ' be conducted this state Con ntionin Cleveland year in the Granges ot the state, ' with an expense~; paid. The subaccordin~ to an anouncement ordinate Granges 'having t if t made t,oday 'by Josenh 'W. prize winners Jlll the state will Fichter, M',a.ste r of the Ohio be ' awarded $25. The winnin~ State Grange. The contest in contestant in each division will each Grange will be in charge represent the Ohio\ ' State of the Youth Committee: All Grange in a National Contest. state prizes will be contributed . The contest closes, Aligust b the 'Ohio State Grange . 15. All entries are to be sent Mutual ' Insurance Associatien, to' the Ohio State Grange, 1·0 Newark, Ohio. Over 1000 .en- ' B~ Town Street, .Columbus, 15, tries are expected.' Ohio,on or before this time, , een All boys 'and girls betw. 'A·'~N'".,. 113\ ~ the ~g.e s of 14 and 21, incluslve; who are Gran ge m.embers in good. standing , are eligible. to '"0 It!t; . 11.,_... ~-' ' ,If parti lpate, \ Ith ' at last five ,"' ffI, C71/UTUr~ · entries in each Granre. ' . -A-'l. ~ /! Each cbntestant inspects at , MlC/ f".1ttnI!Ir./ • ' least two' sets of farm buildings and answers questions on 'forms to be provided; lists fire hazards j ' founa; indicates hazards cor~' ~, rected and how; list fire ' pre,vention'm asures used. There will be ,two divisions in the contest--a boys Qivi ion and
"': " 'Use The Almanac To' -, • Cheek The Weather But Use , ' GAZETIE CLASSlf'lED ADS To' Buy~ Sell. Rent. Loan, Borr,ow. Any Time of The Year
Shoe Rep'a lr $.,vlce ,
Invisible Ha]f Soiing Or~hopedic (:orrections Cork Extens'lons " .
Henry H. Moeller
111-13 Eo Mulberry .st.
'N,E'·AR"E ","I''t·"-y' H "
A T THE uFrie-;adly Store"
OME ' FURNISHIN.-G S '! "Hard-To-Get'~ Item~
Q rl''
. PIIOI, ~
2111 ,.,. .
LOST MOTION Our ervice is avaiJable every min:. li t in the year. Our equipment needs no last-m in ute tmkerilng, and we don't have to spend any time getting- under wa . ' ' And once we are called, we .relIeve you of .all responsibmty.
(Floor and 'rable) ,
Co'me to our' ~hop and we''1l show ,ou the goal of every ~ousewlfe- Easy Street .. is right m ,front of you. , It is I ss work and sensible economy, too, to have us do your cteanmg. The time, labor, 'and money saved and the possible accidents av.oi. ~ed is worth m~ny times m0re than out mo~e! rate charges.
.. "Eaat MaiD Slnet at WIaiteaiaa" \..-
~,AGE' 7 THE MIAiY'lI GA£ET'r) WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. 4.)7/ 'THURSDAY, J U L y , 15, 1948
nn j an hdv arc new thin ~ - th:'tt \'Oll / \ nuld gra nd 'on, or 'h uld ne lik to ' "e " in tl Miami sa gr.a n~i La lv , :1I1d, al' .Jill. , tt . , n i W l a ~ kill~' about them. And s) it 'g es~ It i..: Ii k REDS OFFER DOUBLE preach r ;ll waT tryin to ay HEADER FOR LAD'IES til -am l) ] i tl,ling ' s li n t til 'y witr OLlI d l1e,> , but t) at is th F m in in 'ha t all fan arc in A FARM DIARY me- f r a do uble b:lr?:ain at, ero Ie way life is. am tim , by 0 .~. FRAIZER thing new happens, lik 'th Fi Id n aturda., Jul, 17th as Miami' Gaz' tt mavin int :l the Cincinnati Re i are schednew building. Main treet will III "d to meet the Bra klYl1 The Miami Gaz tt ha' t n t. 10 k ju t ri .~ ht with out th Do jg r in a Ladie Day move. hat mean that am 1 old i novel' th doo r. ul le-header on th at at. d week they a r g:oing to ha v t J I wonder if til yare ("oing ' Th 'R ds " \ ill op n a 14W rk under great pre ure to to leave ' the old steps for the, grr me 'home stand on Thur day, a the, men's clu b t sit 0 11, r i- it July 15, meeting the Dager m g t out the , papel'. editor a ked me i'f I c uld gping: to ha ve a n w fr nt jOWl1 a night 'ame. Followi,-tR' the write 'up one 'letter ah ad of to tbe si je walk? Now that I Lad ie ' Day twin bill aturday, tim 1 s mething that would see how mu h we do go over the New York Giants move int( .fit any date. and over the ame o ld thing, r I , Fi ld th f Howing day I 'V:1 houseclean ing' so I maybe ' yo u need a new column for a abbath double-header th ught of that a ' a topic. as \V 11 as ,a 11 \V build ing-but I and a ingle game M nday. The Th re are a great many school am afraId I kn w' a many of Bo ton Braves will m to f thou,!?:ht clbolJt that. Some. YO'u that you wOL~ld be to Cin innati Tuesday ' through lik to fean , the fir t hri!:::ht polite to ask f r 'L)01cthing Thursday, with a night g-ame "<:;pring: a. , . Some wait tin it hew. uggestion are always Wednesday. Th en come the is warm, and sOJTle of u con- welcome even if We don't fol- Phill ie . ' sider January one of the h t low them, and now a the Ticket for all Redl ' g g:ames tim s to ' clean house, Whil~ I Gazette mov s into a n w mod- ,ar on sale at tJle club's ticket \Va cleaning- I came across my ern building, perhaps some one offi e at 307 Vine Street. Mail files f the Miami Gaz tte and can sen~ in some id a~ f r rd rs will be accorded prompt I be,~art to .look thr ugh tll I1i :.ttention and conside.ration. from 1940, when I first beR~n to ",:rite the Dr1 y RictgUncle S~ Says lar , until n.ow. , I have 'been accLlsed of repeating mys If. I plead ,guilty, but how can one try to hold up the mirror to common everyday lif on a farm without releatinK.? Life r peats. True, this spring is wet. In 1941, May 27 was hot and dry and we ,ate ("I ur Hr.a new pea~ from the ~ar. d n. "(That must ha.ve been ne of those years I like to talk about when we planted them in March) but other years lik 1946 were cool and wet, ev n' weU r than th i yea r. In 1942 \ ala had peas by 6 :00 x 16 FIRESTONE tIl" la t of May. . TIRES $13.95 H m ' ,g-rowll strawberne . ' ti~ure in the late May and (plus tax) e'arty , J .. n numl)ers. 'I had, seven tra, 1 erries from my garYoar part fD the security Lou ,den th 'i~ we k, but I' hope next ~e. llilDUeeS but beneftts of your uyear to be able to tell you all tion may, lut a lifetime. 'By Ilcntnc ALSO FULL LINE OF ahout the, wonderful shortcake .p &GClay for the payroU savin,. plau f.r iUTlnc United states Savlap FIRESTONE PRODUCTS tha·t I ma have if all of the ' Bonu you work, or the bondhundred stra~Vber- plants that a-monthwhere plan where yoa ba.n1t. If Y" BATTERIES 1 'planted thi sprin~ .~ro w and, are seU-employed, y ... wlU be on tile road to seourlty. SmaU savinrs bear next spring. That froz en:.combed brown GOme blC ..vlul'S wilen you ..'ve .,.... tematleaUy - automatically...- proMTEXACO-SERVICE Leghorn ' r oster seems to ably-salely. an allot. have been doin~ damage in my meJit' of ,3.75~ora esample. 8. MAIN ' ', PHONE 2364 week fol' savlnp ' garden since 1945, That is " bond. amounts to $2163.45 in Just 11 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO much too Iong-. H wever he year,," ', Your Security I. ,America" 8ec~rl&y. must be so old and tough by now that I wouldn't have the nerve to take' him to the sale and sell him, even though the y still have the ' sign up, ,~, All poultry sold here is sold for '/ ' breeding ' purposes an d is sold by the head." ~hey put t~at , Sign' ,up in the days ,of price , ,BUILDINGS -'IIUULS" ,AUTOMOIILES lIA~ILln "control when it ' was the , r lie that all ~otiltry sold for meat u4-,W AY FARM ,~ IN.U •• NCI;" , must be sold by the pound. It is 'still up. Brown L;eghorns are 'i n the Ohio Fwm will ~ JOU broad pmceafoa .pinat louea tough and long , hved, so he OIl yOur 'farm.lt coven your.,'bulldinp, ,oar cbaueh, J'OUf automobil_ might be ~old breedln~ stock ucI your liability fo~ acdCle':lts , to otb~ .Why pot Me ~ toda, ~~ without cheatin~ , anyone. But I , YeN .... pou'N safe wbea joa'N ~ Ua die Ohio ,~, suspect he w ' uld be tough .,' eatI'ng even if h \ fat. V.ear by' year;til 1ences nee ~t re; 'lild;ng. Year by. yeflF the stock , gets ,out. FIrst It was Valentine, our good Guernsey , bUll. A grand on of his is oUr prize calf right. now., ,and. sqon he 1l1ay be getting out. Hl,sjory repeats. Then there w:as Billy, the Jersey that caused Mr. Sholtz so,' much trouble in' 1944., , (The feA e," that ~e needed so' mucb , is noW" built btit it still hasn't any barbed wire on the .fop and if ,Bilty , , were here ,be wou!d pio~ably go , right over , it). Thjs year w.e rev.ersed things ' and It was hiS bun that came over on our plac~. Yes, all that "tripe" a"The Home of Dignified, Disbout the stock gettin~ out, as tinctive and Kindly Service. . ' , on.e reader says. • 'Shearine- tlle sheep and weaning the calves come in for their TD..EPHONE 22:afl W~~VlIJ", o. yearly ~view. Lena's calveS her ,
,As U nner OhiO S~S,. -
TOLD BV'flg ~ONSEI<,:/ATION DIViSION ' .4 _ _ ~
STUBBS Funeral HOme
figure is m'aily issues, and sbe
has a calf for m-e to talk abQ,llt now.-.!fiTe twins are her daugh.. "
11i\-j'--<l"-:II. . - _
ARE AT ,/2 NOR.TI-4 '17-i11U)
sr· COCtJM&US'
)foe· V~JAlA,~t>..Dh~~TtKI ,
1Hf~ IS
~ ,--
We're experts at tracking down those squeaks your car!
'We don't do it by guesswork-l>ut Withn'iodern equipment and Sobio Lubri-Check-a scientific '" c~eck .Jist covering the applic~tion of a dozen different types of lubricants-the way the car manufacturer w,a nts it done. Complete lubrication only
• PAGE 8 THE MIAMi GAZETTE No. 4371 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 15, 1948 ' THURSDAY , J U L Y ------------------~
Mo '~r blade grinding and repair. Electric and Acet 'Iene Portable BILL LEE, Wayne Park , - 715
CUSTOM BALING By Bal-O-Matic vViretying. See Waiter Sheehan or Phone 2991 Wayn ~svi11e . --7 8
Extra Good 6S -acre farm, wep ini.proved. Must be seen to be appreciated. 1 Pric~ n t qu ted ov .r teteJ phone.. hown by appointJ ment. Closed Sundays.
Estate of Emma O . Kersey Dt ceased. . Nntice is hereby given that Je·h n !\V . ". el~ey who --e Post Office address is Waynesvillel Ohio has been duly appointl!Q as Executor of the Estat of Emma 0, Kerse}" late of War- . ren County, OhIO, deceased. . Da teo this 9th day of July 1948'C. Donald Oilatush: .atty. Ralph H. Carey , Jl!dge 0: tr:f P'rob'll'~ Court Warren County, Ohio.
Waynesville, Ohio , Phone 2651
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
DON'T FURGET TO CALL us for' Insura,nce. All types of Insurance at a savings. CaU Francis Gene Brown, phone t ' Wayn esville 2472 , or call I colta-ct. Wilmin~ton 2'11 t.
I sui..... _-------THE EARm- .
IF 'IOU HAVE ANYTH ING in Real Estat for sale, get in touch with 'Ben E. Cline lic· en~d ?roker, Sp rin,( Valley, ~ OhIO, In Real Estate Business J.~ since 1911. Experience telts. ,' _ Try me and see. -8 26
CARDS OF THANKS .I want to thank all .the players, fans, and all those who, arranged the game for so ~en erously contrilJutin?: their tune and for their ,donations. Bob Osborne. FOR SAI.E . We wish to offer our sincere Cauliflowe(, ,celery, and late thanks and appreciation to out ca~bage plan ts. 10c pet doz. friends and neighbors for their Chas. C. Strouse, ,1h' miles many acts of kmdness and ex~orth of Waynesville" Cor- pressions of sympathy extended , ner of Waynesville, Ferry to Us during our recent bereaveand Lytte roa:ds. -715 ment. ~ , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheehan '. KEL.. VINATOR soft drink cooland Sons. er, ' green enameled. Excel. Mr. and ~rs .. Davfs Fl!rnas lent condition. Belcher's Sunoco Service, Phone 242'3 and Mr. David Furnas wishes -~-_ g--to sincerely thank everyone , . , . who helped at the fime of the FRYERS. C. E. MIchener. fire in their field last week and . ' Phone 2926. -729 to the Fire Dep:artment for ELE~TRIC HAWAIIAlN Gui, !heir quick ' and efficient servtar. Bill Blackaby, on Chas. Ice. ' E. Michener farm, Lvtle -------N-O-n-C-E---Road. ' -722 ANTIQUE FURNITURE~ REGISTERED BULL,. 2 Years Repaired and Refinished. All Old, Roy Applestock; Call work guaranteed. New Burlington 189 ~ .cHAS. C. COOK and. SON. -7t5 PHONE 2645 WaynesviQ.e, O. _ . --624 FRIER! FOR SALE George Henderson, Phone 2982. , '-715 PATRONIZE GAZETTE -----,----;;.B:-::R:-:A:-:N:-::D~N:-:-ew-~B';"' ic""" y~ct~e~f70=r~s===a~le~.-~-'--~· ADVERTI8E'R8 Won at 4th of July GeteW A NT brat~n. See Robert A~ft~ DEAD .ST.OCK . I
Uohn Deere Wagons, Trailers, . Uohn Deere Corn Shetter.
. Phone 555 .
c........ Also, AD SMALL STOCK Accwdlll, t. SI.. 'A
No'., 240 Roughage millslightly. used. Pricea to sen. ' Guarantee. .
"=':~n~~'SS t. . '
WANTED To correspond , . with descendants RiChard '1 Snowdenn or Isaac Allen
Arter, 2910 S. Brownlee St.. Marion" E.
, ,
, Indiana. . •
J '·l m , speedily I
1..tIMiaoa B 311
' ,U
Cinoinnatt Union IMook Yard. . "Ive W~ ... and 1~..lv.. An o,.cranizatio" ..oonll' to non.. 8t,.letl" ••11.... on the .,.. a" a,.ound market In til. oO,untrY.
, KRVIC! TH~T ...AT • • I •• WlHIO Day.tOG .1 2. SO , Ill.; '1'.
DIal UO. 'WlLW ItLD~ -tOI'
18 -
'll.ooi HbRSES ',.OOIIlOGS '3.00 I
'X E N I A Fenil'iter . .
. E. G. Bucbsleb, Inc.
aI .
Motor. Car Co. ' LEBANON, GIIIG
USED CARS . ~ny ~ak. or madel
" ~HON.
~ ~~4~S!4~ ..
'0 R
CAt I .
P.iJm: Bun il J1 Co-Op elevator at • Mason ,s prepared to handle • JB=en\JU,lace,
-7~ ~
De.dS·t oek
. ,
....... c~r
' wAttrEDWest. , Write M·rs. J.
$11.00 9.00 3.00 cwt.
Mr . , Em ma Clin f Oayt 111 i th housegue t of her BIDS SOUGHT iter, Mr. -j'e Harlan, ealed prop aI- will be re' Miss Mad. e Artn Cotner of LOUDEN BARN EQUIPMENT . . " . Wilmington i 'pen ~ng veral c. IV l y th Boal d f Edllc.a- day \,vith h r uncle 1iPllct aunt, STALLS" , tlon, Wayne Local ' hool 0 1 -. Mr. an j Mr . Jonathan B van r tri t of Warr·en County, Ohio, at their , country home, - south STANCHIONS f town. I at the Office ,of the Clerk in the 'vY A TER BO~/LS High School Blli1di n~ in Wayne Mr., and Mr, J ohn Becke.tt . . ' Sr. and son J ohn of Franklm STEEL WINDOWS T 0:vnshlp, Wayne VIlle, OhIO, visited thi week nd with Mr. , . until 12- o'cock Noon Ea tern Be k Ws parent, Mr. and Mrs. LITTER CARR IERS Standard Tim.e, Augnst 14, Ben Beckett.. ' FEED CARTS ' 1948 for all labor and materGerald Pame returned .home ials ~ecessary for the erectio~ Fr iday- from Lincoln, Neb. , ,, Mr. an i Mr . Auzwood MarOn display at our C)tore. of a 2-car-garage·addltto to tin and' son Douglas al1d · M i~s ..... the pre ent school--bus garage, Jane Fite were guests of Mr. accord in to plans and.. specifi- . and , Mrs. Jam.es J ordan Sr. and Immedi:.lte D t;~ ivf'n ' cat ions on file 'with the Clerk fam,i y We~nes ay 'afternoon In Wayn vlile. o f sal'd ,Bo,a rd of· Ed uca t'Ion. Mrs. Nell Alhdering and BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. . Each~ bid shall be accomchildren of Cincinnati spent P,bOD~' 55,S panied by a bond, with Surety severa1 days th Is week at the Lebanon, Ohio Of Surdie satisfa cto ry to the home of Mrs. Athdering's -722 Board of Education or by cash brother, Mr: Lee Boerstler. . .. ', Mrs. W ~ E, Frost entertamor certIfied .check on a solvent ed th e W. S. C. S. with a lawn bank in ' tne State of Ohio. The party at her h ome Thursday amount of said bond. cash · or afternoon. The hostesses were, certified' check shall be equal M,rs. 'Grant. Carnes and Mrs. of the total amount ~f Rlc~~~.da~dl~~~~\Vill Drake ·of to the bId and ,t he bond shall be Blanchester were Sunday .F or You To Feel We'!! in favor of the Board of Educa- guests of Mr, Drake's sister, 2' holUll every dllY 1 daYII eVl!ry week. never IItopping. the kidDeYII filter . lion of the Wavne Local Scho'o l Mrs. Alice Urton. waste matter from th,s blood. Mis.s Evalyn Tuc~er is District 'of Warren County, If more people wen, aW&fe of how the kWn,eYII must coutantly re move lIurOhio. The cash or certified spendu:g a few days thIS week ~ fluid. ellcelll! ac,idll and other W"Bte matter that cannot atay In the blood check shall be forfeited if the at Ind iana Lake. without injury to hE·alt h. there 'Would bidder fails to enter into conH~rbert Doster is ill at his be better undentan.ding of lilia, the whole IYlltem ill upllet when kidneYII (ail tract with the said Board of home. . to function properly. Burning, lleant)' or too frequent urin.. ~rs. Ida CollIns returned to Educatiori within ten (10- days , tlon aometim. wamll til at aomethinl after Notice of ' Akceptance of ~er home here Tuesday fono~fa wron,. You may auller nalg!ql backache. . headachea. dillZin_.. rhellmatl. , his proposal, if ,the award is mg a ~eekend .at St. Mary s .-aina, cettimg up at ft1llhta. IweUlDII, 'made to said bidder. The Board her home here Tuesday follow• Why not tty DOG"" Pi',.! You will tie usIng a medicine recommended the , of Education reserves the right ' ~ake: country over. Doo"', Itlmulate the function of the kldneya and help them to to reject any and all bids. .Ml~S M, a dge Ann Cotner of ftuah out polsoDoUlI wut. from the By order of the Board of Wtl~lngton was a Saturday blood. They contaial DothlD, harmfuL Get DOG,.', today. Vi. with eoa.8dence. Education. ' . eyenmg guest .of , Mr. and Mrs. At aU drue ,tor.. . C. W t Barnhart ~Aitt-zw-e~son Clerk Bd 'of Education. Douglas. . , . Mr. anr Mr~. Thomas Welch were Sunday guests of their 100 PER CENT 100 son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. -. Cecil Lirtkous and famlily of Lebanon. Member . of the Friends For Ctfurch enjoyed a :picnic . dinGreate'r Safety of Farm Owner- ner Saturday afternoon ' at ship Jaoob's ,Park, in Wellman. Rev. ·and Mrs. Ward of the Fina~ce with a Land Bank'bNm ,HarveysburgOpen Bible LONG TERMS Church, . have moved , into. the , LOW INTEREST Snell apartm:e nt on ' Main St.. iU:PAYMENT pRIVILEGES Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence --cobs -have returned from a. LEBANON NATIONAL. FARM vacation tr.ip th r.o ugh the LO~N ASSOCIAnON Hastem States. . RoOm 5 Old Bank Bl.... . Mrs. 'L~ura -Shidaker was-,the . '1 S. Broadway guest of Mrs. Ida ~owe Sun.' day ·at her hom'e 10 Dayton. ' LEBANON • ' OHIO Phone, 448 . Mrs. Howe is confined to ' her Ellis H. Sturm, Sec'rTreu. bed due to illness. NORR,18 8IROCK COMPANY
'AnDitage &: SO.. ,
, lAND ....
ftI..._ __
, r
The Miam,i GA 'Z'ETTE
It Says Here By Smitty The dust, scrap pap 1',' and d,iscarded item f '4 - lid . ar. ca me to li ght wh n til Miami
" ,f
,T,hen ther,e was November, 1932, when the paper urged all its read'ers ,to turn out, and vote for Hooyer ag.ainst tlGov.. ernor" Roosevelt. ' But rn, 0 s t · fascmatmg were the few isstles from "The ,Miami' ' Gazette and Harvey~. burg .Report,!r·' ,in t 8 79. The front ' page bad little local news then but devoted much space to items like U A Ruse to Cure a Young Wido,,~ af GantlJling" 1\nd "St-range Items Cast Up 'by 3ea on Enlrlish Coast. '.' , ~o......;--- We al!6-lea;n 80m the t 8.79 papers that the Br~tish c0mtnissioner in Auckland, New Zealand denied ' that '1 case of can· nibahsm had occurred there in recent years. , ' , . , Sur riSe I ' . Thf Miam·i Gazette's phone , was moved to' the new build. . " t he'n" t was wanted an~ mg .W I0. u williJijSonly one 1l bce to , the company. And' the T~in Thea. tre has had its request f.or a phone fulfilled. , (Th,e number there is 266 t, in' case you ,want to know what's playing, who's standint on Main , Street" 01' where's 'Junior). As 'for long' distance service. a·"call to Washington, D. C., last Fridav night ,went·' through -promptly, out a call t,he same (lay to Wilmington, , D~I., re· suIted in the parties bemi! ,cut off twire .before the cal1 was ~inished. ' , ' The Lebanon Chamber of , ' ~mJnerce dehlands that Ohio Ce ral Telenhone Co. be ref t'h t" b °t d es so bad e JO 1 0 b Jieved 0 ly. Waynesville's Civic Clu which flared up on the subject last February,. has an01her cue now' to expre~s its opinion. W
th M..
VaileyW,.,C. T. U. Elects Mrs.' Lane The annual 'm ee tin~ of the Miami Vall y Woman Christian Temperance Union was held on th e Chautauqua .g-rounds near Franklin , Ohio, Tu sday July ,
The France Willard Cottage is op rated and maintained, by , distr.ict W. C. T. U. o r g~ m~a· bans to offer an inexpensive and desirable place for wom~n to have a vacation. Mrs. J)rusIIla Vaughn of Centerville· has a-, ,g-ain been appoinred £lostess for the cottage. , The following p~r~ons were erected for the eqsl1mg- year; year; Mrs. ' Ralp~ Lane ' of Franklin as president; Mrs. George McCreipht of Dayton as vice-president; Mrs. Morton S. Scruby of Dayton ,a~ r.eco.rding secretary; Mrs. bruslll'~ Vaughn of Centerville' as treasurer; Mt:S. Alta l:ewis of Wilmington on the Board ,of Trustees and Mrs. Walter T. Hare of Wilming,to.n as ,publicity chairman. In the afternoon Rev. , Don~td ' 'Brownell pastor of tbe ~iv.er dale Congregation Chns.hat;l ChurCH of Daytpn led devotions and Rev. J. Taylor McHen<;iry of the Lebanofr'- Pr~sbytenan Church was the princip(al sp~ak .. .er. The Resolutions 'Committee submitted nine resolutions as , follows: , , 1. Support the Uni~ed Na, tions to slren?:then their work. , 2. Favo enactme3t of Cap. per Bill agail).~t l.i.qtfor ads. ' 3. Assist state. of Ohio to ~et out of liquor business. '4.41 Exert pressu~e t~ make ,all form,S of ,,ambhnR' 11Ieg~1. , 5. Request that all app'hca~ tions for Ji.quor license must be pu~1ish~d in ,all ne~spaperspf coiJnty m whlch ~pph~at~on w~s ' made. 6. Advise the State I?epartment of Education to . mclude alcohol education in the schOOl" health courses. . '1. That teachers training c~t leges include methods of .teaching alcohol education 'in their trainin1?' courses in h,eaJth. 8. , That, a~hletiC games , . broadcast by 'radlQ be sponsored' by ot~e~ groups than brewers and dlstaHers. 1/ ' 9 '.Th a t County Local , I Option' h 1 be sponsored by ale urc 1 workers. ,
\ . Brad jock, who - re 'lgnation take_, ffe t Au llst 1. Mr. R trllli k ,was graauated t fr m Wayn vill High ' School in '1926 ani fro)n Wf/mington ~ Coli in 193'1 . He rec ived a . Mast r De ree fro m Teacher's, Colleg of Col~m~ia University in New York City m 19 37. ' For the past 1 7 yea r~ he has , been in school work m A.shta bula and Trumbull C9~nties, Ohio. He haS b~ n a supennten. dent , for nine years1 th~ last two being at Bloomfield, abqut 20 miles north of Warren, O. He is married and has two children. Mr. Retallick is ,now visiting in Waynesville with, his mother· in-laW, Mrs. Car.oline Swartzel. He met with members of the Wayne Twp. schoOl b,oard Tue~ .. night and County Supt. .Raymon 'Hatfield anno\lnced hI'S ap ... ' , pointment the following day. , The appointment ' wTIl be confirmed later at an official meeting , of the , boa~d.
13, 1948.
talli k \ ap' liP 'rinlen i .ht ~f 'hool for \\layne 10\ nshlp thi we , k t u d ~ay ~ o nd K
r int
Gaz tte niDv d ou t of it old shop last week.. Among the Ie qlli pment" in the shop, ,I discovered were: A grease - meared corn et \vith one k y mi 'sin${ and with no mouthpi ceo A child's troller, dismantled and scattered am n ~ the an, ient files of the Gaz tte. ' Assorted bottles of nled icine and liniment. . A ledger of the Gazette' weekly profits and los es for for several years around 1910. A photograph of Dayton Val· ley Scottish Rite l od ~e taken , in 1910,. and several local photographs of. similar vintage. 'About 100 postcards of such Waynesville scenes as the old covered bridge, Main st. befo re U.S. Route 42 was ever thought of, aIid old views of Miami Cemetery.' ' Quite a few historic issues were in the , dusty books and 'boxes of old Miami Gazettes which had heen on the same . she.1ves for years. Take April 1'1, 1917, . for instance'. That was the first issue after the United States entered • World, War J. The only mention of war was a little story on page ' one bemoaning the fact that local youn~ men were waitine- to be drafted instead of volunteering for servite. Warren County ,young m~n ~id n~t ,wajt to be drafted m 61, It broadl~ hinted, A "patriotic meetin wa's tb,be held in l..e9w .......--..,.' no, ~tffe'paper said'it "behooved, young men to see and , hear how 'patriotic they could b e. "
Kenneth M. 'Retallickls Appointed As New Superintendent of Schools
McClain G. Jackson of Waynesville is listed '. ~m t~e honor roll of the Agncultural College of Ohio State University, according to an announce· m.ent by Qea~ Leo L., PUl11.lrne~I. to ach ~eve thIS ho~or" McCtam 'obtained a scholash.c avera~~e of better than 3.25', in his subjects for the sPXing quatter. Mr. and M,rs. t'rank. Hess, former Wa~esvil1e reSidents, are ,now resIding in Bellbrook. "
Iva Brown will speak on . the R l' . "'Learning e,lglon In' Hoin¢ and', Chur:ch'" and Kenneth Hough will inspeak on .uLeamini' Religion the Cgm. " t th ' . services munttj" a e mornmg' d' t ' in Waynesville Metpo lS Church next isSunday. Rev .. R. B. Coleman on hIS , vacation. I d R. C. Moler wi1'l be ea er ' arid "give the introquct<?ry add'ress. Loyd ' Davi~ Will give the scripture leSSOR. Heber Jackson will sing a solo, "Beautiful Gar- ' den of pr~er." J. J. .B urs.ke h will conelu e the pro~ram Wit a solo, "~he HQly glty." '
, . , d I all dlrecti'o~. when thll young' ,teer TerrorlZed .pe~ttator:e~erOIL.lt: to a ¢Ieveland ItoCi(yard. It to.o k a car· t I h nlmal I" a backyard. A fast escape" from a rue load of pollee aJhalf tlTouhr /)a:og:v:la~da Press ief:'lman, to freeze the shutter enabled atnes ,n , action atld make this unusual Speed Graphic shot. ,.
. ' Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Reason and 'Mrs. Elsie Hockett heard the barbershop qu~r.tets at Chautauqua on Saturt1ay evening. , ._ '_ __....... ~ . .. ..1.1;
r 'r(
The Miami Gazett~ EST A "SLISHED 18 5 0
. . . . . . _ . _ .... , .
Pub li shed Every Thursd __ y At Waynesv ille, Ohi o CARL G, SMITH. Ed.itor
, Entered as secon c' class matter at the Post Office S U B SC RIPTION RATE: $1.50 a Year in Advance
PAGE:! No. 4378
.. = 22,
1 D .: .....''''NO 1I'1UDCh ~ ,..,.
Events Co,m ing. Up t
(To have events listed in this calendar, not,ify The Miami Gazette , before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) , , FRIDAY, JULY 23
Softball 'am, Mill r v. pring Val l y, 7 p. m. Exhibitic n suftl all, Legion vs. Dep t. 5 , Fri idair , 8 p. m. SUNDAY, JULY 25
Go ·to Church ! Exhibiti n oftball, Kier's v . Vulcan Tool Co., 8: 15 p.m. .Jr. Legion bas ball, Waynesville vs. Southern Hill, 2 p. m. MONDA~,
Wayne vil le Am.erican Legion, 8 p. m. Softball, Miller's vs. Kier's, 8 p. m. . TUESDAY, JULY 27
Board of Public Affairs, 7:30 p. m. Softball game, Legion 'IS. Bellbrook, 8 : 15 p. m. WEDNESDAY, JULY 28
Softball, Bellbrook vs. , ~pring Valley, 8
', Mr '. E. L. Thomas had for . Mr. and Mrs., ,Kenneth Ft')x AUCTION.EERING her Sunday evening guests, 'Mr. and so ns have returne,~ to , and Mrs. Harry Burnet an.d Miami Florida, after spendmg a 'STANLEr ,and KOOGLER daughters, Mr. and Mrb. Ells- few w'eeks here with re!ation~ . BROKERS L,CEf\lSE worth Winks and son of Lytle, Mr. and Mrs. SI~th E. ' Furnas Mrs. Eli zabeth Hole had as For Dates.. Phone 2894. Wayn ..ville• Ohio. Rever•• Ctwara .. . and son of Mjnneapolis, Minn" Sunday dinner guests, M'r. and ~r. and Mrs. ' Myron Thomas f Mrs. Harvev , K. Hole ' and . dayton and Mr. and, Mr '. Wil. Je anie and Judy of Dayton and liarn Thomas anl~ daughters of Carolyn Campbell. Lebanon~ ,
30ftball, Legion vs. Fairley's, 8 p. m.
R.B. C.oleman, Minister
Rev. David Stanfield, Minister Worship Service 9 :45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Sunday School
school 9 :30 a.m. J. J. 'Burske, ,Supt. ' Worsbip service " ' to :30 a.m. youth "Fellowship
Meetin2' for V{ o'rship 10:30 a.m.
a.m. a.m.
By,fon Carver, Minister I} :30 BIble School Momfng Worship 10 :30 7 :00 Prayer Meetin~ , Young People s Meeting , , 7,:00 ' Evenin,g $ervices 7:30
First Day Sch.o.ol : 9 :19 a.m.
Rev. William Shann.on . 9 :30 a.m. Sunday School M,rs. ' J ames Garrison, Supt. r Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays 'e.ach montp 10:3'0 a.m. 7 :~ Op~m. Evening Services
9 :30 10:30
Samuel ~ Keys, Minister 'Morning Prayer ' 10 :30 a.m.
Bible Sch.ool Communion
Let 'us insulate your home against extreme summer , beat. It pay~ for itself in fuel 'savings. We use Lifetime Fi Blak Prt:mium Mjneral Wool. '
vnCA,.E., U. B. CHURQI
Gold MILK.
. , ' IN ; , ·SUMMER
Father Krumholtz, Priest 8 a~d 10 A.M. Masses • .METHODIST ' ~CH
a.m. a.m. p.m.
H. & I.e'.vis
Warren COUDty Repr~ative ,Samples and L-iterature May Be Obtained .at Thel~,a' Lunch, .I Waynesville, or ' .-
P m.
The Past Matrons ,and' Pa.M'f.,' HO~Y ' ,METHODIST .•.• trons of DistriCt ' 21 will enjoy their annual picnic Sund'ay Jul" 25" at 5 :3'0 p•. 111 ,at the home j . M:' Scarff, Minister " Sunda,}' . School 9 :3,0 a.m. of Mrs. Lucile ' Steritz, the DeE.A. , Ea,rnhart, Supt. ' puty Grand M\atton .of District Worship Service 10 :30 a.m. 2 t and 'ptesident of the Past ~en g S;ervice 7 :30 p.m. Matrons ~nd Patron~ organization.
TUES.-1HURS.-SAT. Same Delivery Day Each Week
o. scorr
Revrese'nting Weatbeimer & Company Members New York Stock Exchanges and other registered Exchanges ,
PHONE~:, WAYNESVILLE ,2725 ~ Evenia.g
" lDveslmmt , Trust Shar.
Aftet 7 P. M. 'for Eatimatea
, Phone Wa,..eaviDe 2530
Bought - Sold - Quoted
. . ...
, .
. . Lacy's.Quality Market PHONE 2662
./iwAilDS OFFERED ... . , . . . '
,L"fle ne~j
Mr. and M r. , lEv rei t ' '1:11' ' of Dayt,n w "r . un d:t afkrn 'In g'U " t , f ~ Mr. 1111 i Mr.: , W I hur Clark, Mr" . Ndti Emr ick \\' 'nt III th . h me f Mr. and ML. Lc: nl1 Sa~1 oury at W~ hin gtoll . H. Fn jay t \ 'end a '( 'e ~ k, , Mr ". ~, , !':I end: 11:111 :1nJ daughter, P, tty o f Ti pp Cit \' w r' last \ e ".k ·," ;r "' :'. 1.' , f. 11 c', moth I' I1n I hI' t. cr, M r: , G u ' Routzahn and I u r II. Mr: and · Mr, Ml:I~ y n i3 nnl I of Jam . to.wn and Mr:' an M r , M r1 y n ani a 0 f ayton ~ p nt' ' Sunday with til ir m- the)' M r~ Ma Ban a. Mr. and M r ' . 11 cr t Hunt and n, Wa rr 11 rf Fa yettevil e a~t ~d d, the _ unda v chool picnic at MtLrmon Park, L han n, unda v. . B bhv K er rick ann . Jer~ y R.ush, memlh ' r of t e ' N' .'ne . vIlle troo p, are \'. nd'ng til ;" week wi t h 1he 13 0 v c "L ~t Camp Ho k, Mr. anel ~~:r .• Harry Pursley of Bethel, 0.110 , were entertairreI 1. dinn r Monday a1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon hlr ·ky. f .l :lrcv T l'mh 1. . r l)l1 1'(,11 \.1/1, il 11 :1, ir:p;. \Vedne day afternoon J ' '1 kin · I"('i ri ,~~bt. ar. 1. There I !"R n doctN a vailahl e, . I e was taken to St. Elizabeth Hosavton. pita l, Mr. l' n d ~~ \T , 1~ ~, r (· 1'I q ei ke and sons, James and · Dale and ' r. ,, \,,1 ·il en r nt fr m Thu rSdlY " nt H Sv nd'l v :11 r,"'n~ 'I ('he t rfi l d, at Che~ t ' rfie'ct 1 Ind ~ ,.' . NrTm.a Pnlnrlsand S(1n Billy. J . ~) h Grassi' ancl El ~ " ,(' rl r.r~s i nf ·elmo.,t D~v ton wer 'mday evenin,g- d'nn r .o'll _ t .(If M r, .and Mr. Walter nr:ck. ' Gu Routza] il,"in c m l"' ~n y ,. ith ]' i. hr t her - in - 1aw, Sf erry (\ i1T\r"'tt ~ rl othe r "; r ,., C ~1' Tr r , . i<; '1;1 Fi '" · ; p: ~ r'1" f " AI\, ~ r i ! 1 q Cr' ,.,.(} a. Mr. and Mr : Raymond 0 --· burn f en ia were Sunda aftern all !!.u e ts r.f Mr. ~n,; A r . . Th "'rl.r Jones and in the 0 n Mr. nnd ,"':: . vening c:ll .' R. .1 0. es . . Ru ~ell and Rohert Pursley gave a party Thur day ev,enin ry ill ) nor of their littt"e cau in s'" at and 11Ihnn Rurkhart of M ~fn fi - Jd. . .
, Ohio's Most TYPlca rarm F4mily to be selected from one of the 88 eou nties' i~ Ohio will receive 4$ first priIe_ the Ford tractor ,and plo~ pictured. on the Jeft. Examining the tractor from left to right are O. T'homas HaYW4rd, p:osident of the Ohio 1rractor and Implement Co. of Columbus" Edwin J. Bath, Ohio State
.. ~~
1'11 '
~h, and Mr. , ~" ' ,. " LL'iQ<' d the Mill Relln icn ... lind n \ ;'l t th h m.e 0 f . Mr. and
~ I f'rn
', • .
'. pt
.• I~ :"~
,- .... :
. .. ecidea
I )att ... rn.' c\nesm. Miss
.L I ..: 1 ai n ~ d 1. - l ~r were
~ r;ll P ' d_ nt. H,lrvey ! .... 4-H iu
, :, . I
l' l
The will pi nic - wi Lll th ' 'l lI 'l Monday,' J ul 'I t at W ayne, Pa rk. J
Th B t -y i \1" ; I . ! I ~ .:Iub met W dne da .l UI.' 14 '1~ . Harveys bu r)' H i g:h ch \ t~ o rrie 'eeon mi r ' om . witl . la Hartsock in charge ami M ~lrtha Luken pre idin g. ' , There wer tWL: ', members present. Th y dis u _ . j a picnic and silver t a. B t y Bogan demon trat d' jl "mming a dress. Membe rs will an w r · the roll call by their fav rite fo od ·at the n ext Tpeeting. Ther was a sew.~ ing- period and a recreation period. ~ Mary Jean Leyes was a guest.
A FREE TRIP TO NIAGARA FALLS AtlD NEW YORK CITY b 'addition to .t he awards mentioned .....,.,.,.., fl);:~.ove Ohio's' Most Typical Farm Family wI,1 be taken on a FREE trip to Niagara Falls and New Yon City plus a boat ride .uP the Hudsoft River on the re'"'''" trip. . The County Agriculture Agent in each of the 88 cO'lntll' hIS nom'n-tion bllnb , .• Itd...yotinCl-,..tit"",~ . ' ',. 1 1 Mr. and M-rs. Earl Kimberlin gan r~turned from Phoenix, of Franklin and Mr. and Mirs. Ariz., last week and visited at Russel Kimberlin of 'Dayton the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Ev- were Sunday afternoon guests rett Early on Thursday. They of the Mainous family. are now visiting at the home of Mrs. Blake's sister Mrs. Paul ~isses Laverne and Patricia Williams and family in Leb- Mamous of St. Petersbuqr, Fla., anon. are the guests of their grandThe Woman' .Society of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Main- . Lytle Church m et Wedn'esday ous. ' · . afternoon a.t the country h ome of Mr. Ern t Harlan. Mrs. H. Stubbs Mr. and Mrs. ~verett Earl y, progra'm leader, and daughter, Yvonn e were !ntrodu ed Mrs. Vernon Whip- Sunday evening supp,er' ue ts. ple, of Leban n, a guest speak- of Mr. and Mr. Eve r tt " ner. M rs. WI'ip~ Ie ,who has re- . denhall of New Burlington. cently returned with lier husGreece, g-ave , a band , fron Mr. Glenn Hopkin i con(\Flderf~) l. acroun! of their trip. v~ le ill(1" and Gran dviev. HosThev VI Ited their on-in-law. Rltal following a m aJo r opera- . daughter and littlt grand- on a bon. Athens. Mr. Jame Har't ock a taken eriou 1y ill on Sunday and removed t n M CI ' l1an Ho 'pita!. . , Mr. ~nd Mes. Leo Conner n Mr. and Mr.. Ron ah '1 J. t. , daughter had a v. eek en rere g,'u st f th e Franklin g-u st Mr. and Mr . Jack B ~ rn' hart f Zane vilJe. M r. Bal111 ar t F~rnH~ r Club ~t tll" hnm 0 -MI P 1'1 H!1e y and Ntr . ~ nd Mr. Conner .erved tO~'et ' ·e J bn h M iller on Thur , :'" ID overseas mil iiary ervi
Mrs. M. ·F. ,W Hz was a guest of M.rs. K. R. Hill in Grove · City durin{! the. past week.
Mr. and Mrs. S,tanley last W ednesda'l called on Mr. Beh Hawke, who has be·en seriously i1t at the Grant Hospital b Colum.b us f r ,several weekS. ' M,r. Harry Sm.ith·has returned to his hOf!1e ~ft.er s~yeral days ·stay at MIami Valley Ho~pital, where he went f or observation and treatment. Mrs.
Robert Th omas and Bobbi,e ) rene, have returned to ' their 11 me trom Grandview H o pit:l1.
Whil·e L. H. Gordon i on a Iva Brown ]$ actmg as postmaster. ~ix -w .ek varation,
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulker' daughter had as a rruest dur , ., the past week. Dr. F. Wright of Mliami, Florida. Mr . Jessi~ H .vnlan is spc'~ l ing a few ' week s with. her ~': 1';1, Robed H. m an, J1car Chic I" 1 4
~ ....( ';
MdsS ' Marilyn Burske ha.: '- :1' tered Wilmln ,l( . 11 Colleg- · • .i': the um mer te rm. . M r. and Mr~. Raymond dock have returned after, t? ,Cape May.. N. J., and 11 !nts. --'_·
Br:.1 'at t d I ot~ · ::. ~ .. _. t
REAl:> QAZ ':: TTE Cla. .ifietl :' '. i
-. •
-p~7. t.lftt...
• ~
_D"Nf1TURE . DROOF' ru
Belcher's Sunoeo Service
SMITH ELt:CTRlC SERVICE For that extra Receptacle 0.; Anything Ele~trical .
HOUle -
" ,. \1 ) 1 15,at '1"', ,,LC \ ith r". Klontz
M r •. Mil,t" n Dill, near prin,g'· or . M :. :-l1ld Mr. H ome l: M ol1 r e l 'If'ci 1'- '. '_' on of Plymouth J?i lly Stub! " Boh i 1< ' r l, l, Ohin, neat Lake Erie. weI') Pefer Key, R nni RL ~11, an '\ week-en gue ts of their par- George. ~art ack are '. at Can'1~) I1t Mr. an Mrs. Bartlett . HP?tkdth1t wee~, 'Thel ~' par nt M once. VIS, e a a ~ lCI11 SUI per ' on Mr. an d' M.l'. . Ra, Blake (n ee Wedn e day e.veni~'~Y' . Ruth Earl\) an Bolhv M o~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·
~-t'; '
I' ,:-
" 'l ed by
CIllhm'jT11: Mr" . "I ,l1 t/ -
, '
'. GAS-OIL-LUBRICATION Gond l ine' of pa.rts and'· Accessories
Barn -:- Outbuilding!
U. S. ·Royal Tires Open 7 Days a Week 7 .A. M. . to 11 P. M.
Call Sml,t ty . PHONE 2423
To Boy, Sell, Trade Rent, Bonow, USE ·
CIA55Ifl,( - -
CB a . . d
BOB O'REGAN That ~ l11 i k on n i:11 1) :1 ' KI r ' fa V\' 'In thy nlurn st 111m I fru111 hi ' '!)'Ilr 'L:III n - 2 triumph' ov r Fair! y' H;frdw 'lr, (rh ill" the"! fqJ'm~r til ~ un 1is~ ute! fiL t-ll'llf ha mpi nship d th eio-ht ,rin ' ill ten g~!1 1 ' , Th 1 -iiming , i ' tory I u ' la y p i 'hl wa ' ~a it ' the m t ' ifing- al11c f tll
sea on to dt t . Ki r 5 ' C rt!d single tall ie in til con j an I thi rd fraJlle ' I ii, tll winnin ' run in th thi rd extra stlnz,{' whil Fai rle two runs \ /ere "punch ~" in th sixth inning. Oh, yeh, Don Dakin of Wa nesvilJ e Hi fame cant red acr s with the winning run on Kenney Bailey's ame-winniing line drive to right fi ld. . Wonder if Dakin gloated in his youLknow-what because until MOl)day night he was on th~ olltsid~ lookin{! in as 'Fairley' s had dJsCarded him )n favor of (ie~)fge Kirpatrick, .whose, peppery mask and pad wo rk has helped Fairley's considerably, Pete Murphy, .as usual, pitched super~ly for Kler's ,!llowing but two bmgles and bemg in real trouble only once when Earl Quigley, , Fairley's firstsacker went to thitd, in the 9th via B. , Quinn's error and a couple of p~sse~ ,balls. However Murph w.11dpltched an i QUi.I.!'lcy wa' erased at the plate as husky Bob' Campbell "flred'~ a strike to ,~urph wh0 covers home plate l!ke a tent. We are not "seconctgl!essers"; , therefore we agree vlth Man~ger , M:,jlfbrd, who J
An evening
.. t ¢
tt C
... 9 31 20 - 23
15 1
6 9
10 11
' s.
3 ...
10 1t I
----. ,
,:;ec: . ' . '
lENNOX HeatiogEquipmeot ,
Sheet · Metal Slop Acao •• FaOIl P08TOFFICE a:tr
27 21 24 3
or, m re at 1 at' ) .AB R
I don t v ri Know h \v t pr p rly I egin my tirade: a- , ail1 t th P r nl I' P l' 11 who "d s crated" the Ib,cal hi h choo l ba I all di amon ~, tUI' day nrn'ht or arly un da lll orninK with automobil e tire ~--~~----~--~--~------------track, the r by cau in O' the Junior American' Le 'ion ba~e all · tea m to fo r~eit at tournament gam,e to the Lebanon American Legion 'and subsequently travel 20 or ma re miles 'to play We t Carrollton, in a ,game covered elsewhere in this column ' To print mv thoughts \\(h,en i first s . IV ,I e "outrage" Sunday more nm e' would be im'Possible. Bill Sawyer, the American Legiott athletic officer felt likewise, as both of u were confident that our baseba ll nine: would trim .Check, YC)ur .Brakes! Lebanon and advance ' to the cha.mlP ion hip Play at ' Cincinnati. So th se careless, irres, GET YOUR . ponsible persons cost . 15 Waynesville youth a much deserved trfp. M;aybe the culprits fe .1 m, i hty 'small with out all of my WITHOUT BEING STOPPED ha rangue, but several local citON THE HIGHWAY ' " izens inform me that such action are part 'of t.he town and must be tol erated. I .don't think ,",,--;..WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ~o. ,I 'm wageri'ng 'tha . enough " mmute-men" exi t to safeISSUE STICKE RS TO p=lIa rd the fie ld for tl'e remHlab+lin",,_~~_--;:-----,-:~,.........:F:...;R=IG~ID~A~IR~E~,~Pl!!o!!!.s!!..t-w~al!...r.....lmlll!o!odY!e~IL-'---~der of the season, and that if VEHICLES INSPECTED BY ,the e charac~eJ's, are apprehend. KITCHEN CABINET U~ DURING JULY ed at the ~i ht , time the Board NO-SMOKE HEATING STOVE of. Education '1\<i1l pitch in to see 3 PLATFORM ROCKERS that some examples are made. , Is it my fault that rno'st local DAVENPORT-BED , ' you th s decr.'y tha.t they have nothing to do in the summer3 CHEST OF DRAWERS time in Waynesv,il1e ? · , Anyway the .Junior A1rnerican WARDROBE with, door mirrQrs L~lgiOn , nine take's on Southern CEDAR CHEST HI Is Shnday at 3 p. nl. at ·the Waynesville ' di amond. The 105 LINOLEUM RUGS ,( c,als won the·ir last encounter with the Ray Dodds coached ~_ VA~IE"tY OF T NILES AND' CH,AIRS visitirig club in aIII extra inning -: • ,' contest. Either, Earl Powel) or , 4 TABLE LAMPS ' "' "Duke," ,Vickers will a cend th OTH~R HOIISEHOLD EQUIPMENT mound for Waynesville with' ' Bob Hastings "receiving. I In a game postponed from the ,Jul y 5th holiday, ' Bill Sawyer', TEi.EPHO~E 2143 OR CALL 'AT .MIAMI GAZElTE Legion nine trounced Sp rin g Van y, 13-3" b ehind Pur~s' fine four - , hit ';iurling . and Tom
.PAGE -4 ·No. 4378 22, 1948,
,Safety . Sticker '
' Heme·made Ice Cream 'and 'Cake
. ...,
0 11
" o rd~re(;i" Qu igley to try to score; because IF Earl had mad e th e score the game wo uld nell . . . r have reached 'the e.xtr'w' inning. When yo ur guesses click, yo u re good when they do not the fans 'ride ' you. Tip Departm nt: Quigley wo uld probably operate better if he wore those cheaters at night too' at least his reflex wO,uld ' imp rove. I know that from p,ersonal experience. As a last thought, this colunw believes Murphy d ~ F berately wild-pitched in order to "suck" Quigley into an out. Dan,gerous stuff, but Kier's ' are capable. '
July 24 ..
Player and Team T. Til mp'on Le ion \V illiam on, Bellbrook am ' 5, L gion Hai le , Kier's M raq, L gion' R. Oumior:i Bellt.ro k ui Ie., Fail'le ' Hart ~ oc k, Fairle Dil l, pring Va' fey M re , Bellbrook Muq h , Ki r's Plan,', Fairle, s
,Crea'mSocial! ,
\ 'a 'n viI e Softball Lea rLi
~----+,' Ice
for fiv
NOGUESSWORK~ .. Our mot~r experJs dOD't ,"g,uess" about your car's health. ' Like your own doctor, we dIagnose t~e trouhle·· and,then cure with' tOP-,notch repairs. '.' W'e also have complete facilities ' for electric arc welding and t I " aceyen:e cutting' and we,lding, ,
t- ,
UMCi Cars with, a Guarantee That CoUllts .
• . . . ~~·"--:-'~pr.{~oi:Co"~g·e~C_,,~se:PTe~ ;-'
in ,/I'......
., l
• I. 4!l .j-~yEach a pastry (or a part, is this ap,uot cottage cheese pi.. servia&, is top~ with ..~fp~ cr~DI nests r -. :.1 I , crowDed with aprK:Ot half.
' ;1.1
! ~~\V&Dt-aaextra-sm~ dessert to make a debut at-a -special dill]
...er!. An apricot cottage cheese pie may take a liWe lIlore fuss ~~ \ some, but the rewanl is ...re prepare. A.·the guest bites iato a ge~ . . erous wedge of this luscious pie he wiU discover that beJieath I ! whipped cream and apriCot pmjab lies a cre::l"~ of cottag . ~ cheese custa*aod _ _ law&5. ~Y crust. • _I . , _ _ _ _ _ ___. • aflY 4
. .k*will* *mark the .r nd Th i \ eL of the; fir t half of the schedul e of , t he ~la .. e ville SnftbaIJ L.eague. Kier \,,'i ;1O r of t l r f r·t:' !~'qlf, PI ··" pet Vulcan Tool I
{hi , . ID( I~, . . ll w ht ~ t tI e G .b r diamond with th.e sia rtin,g- tim 8: 1 .5 . C:0mpanY'
·2 a.ps "'.~ cooked apricots ,.i I teaspoon lemon ntract
,Mix ingredients well.
' illi l.ansi n ,g'e: '1 ;'~ ' I' . WI" at .11 i, h (1 m e M n chl '/ I (~. 11. H \ r ~~ 11'~"' d I erc' . t, r mtl.n y val'S,
weni tn DRyt'1 anq liv erl severa) 'ear I ut return d (' h i ' home J;. r t SDen d his Insl
th 11,
.'" ,t r.
(' r1 i
r ' ~"J.-- -i ' (' n fi t1 ('(,i to his b , f 11 '" wing- a' s ri s of attl"-lrk .
Mr ~ t ,.t" (.'1 '" " " d ·l.3 " h a v I r'~ l,,,, e ~. rt1 ~ 1h P.,' re.l :l.ti Iff' S from . [' i vrn) a, 1 he ~'L!e ts are Mrs. arah Hartman, their c1aLIgh1e r 1 utll, " nd h rhus. hand . Mr'. Hariman anri riau gh t r f nrmerl I i v e rl h.f' re in t e ro'pertv nnw (v'cUt· ied by Mr. and Mr . Art EdgIngton . . . Mr. and Mrs, Charles Kabl ra d a f am.ily ,gathcrin,(!" on Sun, -
Y2 cup su,a' % teaspoon salt 2 eggs, beatc:n
'I. 1tl
t j
I cup ~;ftc:d t'ntichc:d
poon s.llt
V! rup :: ··· ·\r ... j" lt
The Clau e roud home w a .scene of a very en i oyabJ'e . picnic supper @Il Sunday evenin g when ·;"'r. and Mr '. G ~ n" t~~
Ahren ann jaug-hter. . andra Mis Muriel Azling, all of Day: ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Carr and two ch.ildren ·and Mr. M,aude Cr.aoe of L \)anon, an d Miss P~tty Brown :were g'uests,
You1' be proud of i~. You.r fri ..!""';: and ,neigh ors wit! . .L; n over it. And. best. of ~II. you'll be assured of ul ·n· ~ <" ~ !l. venience and perfect cooking results for years to come.
Mr. '," a'nd Mr. Gilbert Fr 'e
ra n
J' ,
an d
,. ,
: .;Ab ")
.' ,
aturday. Au!!". 7 in
, TIRES $13.95 (plus tax)
'The Friendship Club ntet at the' home of. Mrs. Cora Rich
1 •
on Wednesday afternoon.
enjoyed andthe hostess, assisted by Mrs. Bernard OaJey and Mrs. Ray Miller, served fruit punch and cookies. The club adJourn. ed until September, ]hating Au• . l'USt a vac,atlon month.
Waynesville . National 'Balk
Fairley Rdwe. Store , . ' W~YNESVI~E,
. .pHONE 2441
'Waynesville . ,Hillsboro
Lynchbl: ~'>'
Sabina ·
- .--.
OIH The Bond ' A. Moot-h' Club
range. t ' l11o 'L ra tely tllan' many ( j 11 '1'· ' S that and quality.
SATURDAY ONLY , . Th e Durango Kid Ride Ha·rd... • Ii
6:00 x 16 FIRESTONE
ut t1 i ' re-
_ .____---...o_.......;.~.....~-.------
you all al
REGULAR PRICE $174.95 ,Jf1"7' ' " . SPECIAL .,RICE $149.95 j " FOR SHORT TIME ONLY "i' ~~.I"
Th m a.s:
Friends and relativ in this. communit }1 :1V ' recieverl invi~ tatic)11 t() th ~ w ~ddil1g- of Miss Margie ' Patters l n and Paul
· SAVE $25!
Mr. and Mrs . .Ie Thomas, Mi s Ruth Satterthwaite, Mr. and ~ r-. Roh rt , atte rtlw/ aite' and L m i \ and Hen'·y Satterth-. waite w re am o n ~ th ' gu tort. h en M r. and Mrs. Warren Esp,ey celehrated their , twenty-fifth .we jd il1 ~ annivers-· a rat tl. i Iv m in Cen t ryill e.,
C()lumb~s at the H o~e Mem:or~ . ial Pre byterian . Chur h. "
. Co~e i~ and let us tell markable coal and wood priced, actually cos~s less do nof equal it in beauty
. "
SPT(, =- '~ apricot iayer eved y"int<>. p 'e 5h:·.1. Bake in hot o~en (425 de ' ':;ees F .) 10 minut{>s. P.;:'Ur co: LC'~ r~ ~ "' ,: e cust ~ rd over ' . . ~ J 1 p;~ s!.ell. R"·:1uce heat , ~ . )':,' .( 325 d.egrees F,) and con·' : ~ baking 50 minut es. Garnish' \',: . I whipped crenm ('.I d cooked ~ r :i :ot halves, if des: , d. ' ~..._:..:..:_ ?.r:~ n.!ne:in.~ p ',e.___ . •
(6ve-ply ~ \Valls) for better coohnt amI beking. And . there .m: ~ ot~ .~~cl~~y~ f~~~ lW~1. bh..
ir.gre.dientS" '. I
and son ' entertained at Sund'ay dinner, Mr. and MIS. BUilieft r utter \tortl and s n of Leb:!"' il, rv r. a11 d Mr. Ern e t Butterw'<?rth and two granddau,gh-
r. ;! l1d Mrs. J hn Tate are ' mi nI[ another dau,g-hter to th · ' r h me. ' . ,f\r . ~ " ri \' . Ge rg', Smith· of n f'~ r S:t i1ina visited 'with ·Mr. a,. rl Mr..J· C , rl H e~ s Sunday. M r...and M !'.. Elwo d Th o'J11as we'e in t n \\ n nturnay evenin~.
'c oal-and-wood ra.nge will look in
your kitchen .
fi Remember. the Copper·Clad is the only range w:!h C ,.1C';'eI' ~ Linulg - to prevent rust. Then. it has Thennos C,,(IWtfU'..:t .OD
2 to 1 tab ~PU":' h. -;r Jd In!er
,Sift togethr flour and 5:1 !t. Ct.~t . or rub in short.ening l: i' :1 m::{Iture is crumbly. Sprir.k '~ wal at ;over flour mixture and ni :'~ to a dT)' crumbly dough. Turn 0"·· o. . ,lightly fIoured pastry cloth.. r ·er. ~ :dough together. Roll out DJoU. . I()n~-ejghth inch thick. Line deep inine-inch pie pan. T ri m and flu te 'e!f!:~ -"Lp~,,!t!l:.."pri£~ _ ~!~h . ~,!~: ._ ..
\',' £'
A pleasant social hour was
teasl>O'ln a ImonJ uluct cup $" /; ':'1
Add 81lgnr a~ ·plt t~ ('{;gs. Mix !ind cheese. B1c-nd 'Yell. Add muk, vamlla extract . thc:ou~hly. . .
f,r- If ee k ' with th em (lnet Bah C'· 111 _ Tn take them b.ack to ,r~: nta vith him .
an'd Mr . R,ns. H. H , rtsock and Mr. Lucile Armitaze attended a'11 Oregonia cia 's reunion at th e home of Mr. an Li Mrs. Zain ArmH (1~e in Lebanon on ~und.ay eveni"n,g.
Jun 1magiIRr bow-thts-wunderlully-attnrctive New
I cup· m,ilk . I teaspoon Yatlill. ~xt,.ct I cup cottage ch c('!~
fohn Robert Kable s wife and on have beefi""":men-dinr- ~'l
Thoma ·n ll
Cottage Cheese Custard .
. Th'e De Luxe Cabinet M c ::-" ~-
An importaat poiDt to ftIDeIIIheIo ill ...Irina tIiIe pie is tha~tb custard lIlast be baked at a rathr low temperature to keep i milk and cheese prOteins tender. S"mee the ~ erast ahould· be s jio a V'ery hot oyen, 0111, the apricot ",er fa pJaeed in the abeIl for til :initial baking. After ten min~t take the pie from the o.en and POll~ : the cottage eheese custard over me aprieot layer. Return the pie to the. ' .o!.,en and finish baking in a slow (325 degrees P.) oven. ""--' . ,
"(' ~ ....
a= layer
~ cheese
ni e
- - -- --'- -
Picttlre It in YOUR Kitcl?n ...
. ,
Who Killed. Doc Robin ,~ '.
TIiURS.-FRI. Virginia Mayo, Ceo. Brent
Oat,01 the
Blae .'
_IIRCMAN rGUNl(L ._' '
.. Alflll IIICIClCl'S
-"'~_"'tI ~..., ••• '1'
'. f.
• PAGE 6 .
an 'i th iI' ,I,..U -t Mr. Milll .1 THE MIAMI GAZETTE No. 4378 rl a 'lur wer r "' nt ' U ' t · f WAYNESVILLE.. OH 10 22, 1948 \ r: :1 hi Mr' , F. C. H:ut: c,ck, , TH U RSDAY ; JULY ()f Milfor i at 111' Te.rra ' Par' ~ (J Ul1tr . luh, \ r:- . T! Illf hi , i:it 'r, Mr" . ](:ll~ h Ha ting' . 1. '1- I1 lJ~" r ' t.urn d to h 'I" bum in . tamf r i, C nn . li t and Dr. an I M r: , . da ughter arc' . 'nj ')yil1 ),!';! tW I)\\ k va ation trip. I'll \' al WEST WAYNE COUNCIL 5:1\\" th' I un {ra ,It M iam i
Lenses b~
FOX HOLLY . hica go, 111. (--I ial Di pa t ' h ) A wir fr IJ1 tht.: T yi n man -
A killin . and lh e fIL atin f ill egal territorial 1 nd r vide t11t.: crim \\ hi h tll Duran 0'0 over th{; w ~ n . r '111 .. eni o~ - Kid unravel in 'Bu karoo from Mr. 'and Mr -. ss Hartsoe' , ed th .h w, p ciall v th r n- Powder Ri . r,' app arin\[ atMiss J all Hart ' 0 " Mrs. L na urda y nl al n g with tlle diti n of Hall , y Ca rmi ha 1 "Hart ' j( anU · Mr. all 1\\1 s. ighth chapter of ('Dan ers of "Who Kill d ·. 'Er.' It' alv. a . H 'lH 0 k were Sun I,l Owen th Canadian ' M unted." Localnice t kn w that a f w peo " gu -rs or Mr. and Mr . S. M. ite ee m t h i11a int ai nin ~ ple appreciate shows of a hi.g-her I v ) and) m rea ana y sure th ei r inter ~ t in thi ' 12-week . }jurn tt 0 ~emervill~. ria l. 1'h Ia t chapt r al solthat wa the m tiv·e of the viMr. and Mr . H. L:. 1{y anJ it ors from the Friend Horn e, ute! fr , (read yo ur Au.e:u t who attend d Monday even- .;howbill for further r rti ul ~lrs) Mr, and Mr '. t{LlS::; HartsuCl<. provided the holder' ha at .. r c ntly em flam..:. I . ~r. anLi ing. f tended for 'eleven consecutive Mrs. Alva 1 nUll1p~un ana Mr. An out-of-town famHy held wee ks. Bugs Bunny offer "A an Mr. J. K. J reston at we the winn in.e: Mountie card num-' Feather in His Hare" (W8). If High iew Terrace. ber last aturda v as Mit's. Orlo this one is half 'as good as War~ Reese, Social Row Rd., 'Cen- ner's "Gorilla M.y Dream" preMrs. Ronald Hawke nt rterville, heard Bm StansberrY sented last week, the shQrt is ' tained at her home on Tuesday call her number: The . Reeses almQst worth the price' of ad- of the past week with a dessert have been stead v wee~end vi· mission itself. ' bridge. Members of the Argun?t sitors for some time. )f ) reo ' Alfrect H itchcock's great member correctly there are a· "Notorious" is comling Sunday Bridge Club with Mrs. Mane bout eight of them to seat in a and Monday with Cary Grant Riffle, Mrs. Alva ' Thompson, row of those beauty-rest chairs, retuming to the Twin screen Miss Elizabeth Chandler and (How's that for a plug for those with Ingrid Bergnlan and Mrs. D. R. Salisbury form'ed chairs, boss m.an ? ) . Claude Rains. On this· program three' table for the ~ames of I understand the deportment will also. appear Warner-Pathe the afternoon. -------:--. at the Twin has improved tre:' News concerning the' DempMrs. Leona Kich haa as ~UII athe f cratic convention. A mendousl v this month although day evening guest~ Mr; ~nd M~s . a few inconsiderate people still Sportscope on pin games rounds H. R. Moss, Mr. and Mrs. GII- . persist ;~ puttin.(!' th~ir feet on put the };f .... :am. " 'bert ' Frye and unoccupl~ seat C'ushlons. Thev On Tuesaav Only will be Reba Braddock. sons a·no Mrs. "Who Killed Doc Robin '?" this story about a murder that didn't Mrs. Lucile Arm ita o'e .ann ... happen is presented in that good old Hal Roach Ill! nner ' Mrs. Leah Mills en't('rt :1:~l ed and in Cinecolor too. True en- with a delicious fried. ch I ~' K ~r, o.ugh, some of these films only '" picniC supper. at Chaut~l.\qu . o.n run a out one hour but would- .Sunday evenmg:. TheIr ,l!uests n't you' rather be I entertained were Mr. ,and M.I". J ohn J. for one hour than be bored fnr Burske. MI Manl vn Bur ~e, t'wo? An Ed,g-ar K~rmedycome- Mr. and Mrs. J. William Strouse, dy "Dig That Gold" will sup - Miss Ruth Wardlow and Mr. po're :11ld Mrs. E. F. Earnhart. Openin~ Thursdav for two BIRTHS days will be "Ouot Th , Blue" , 2I-Roanolte colony, Va., with Mr and Mr , Robert T\wmas George Brent and Virginia founded. \597. , M,a)'loJ who provide as zany are a'nnouncinlr the birth of a a picture as has appear,ed in daughter at Grandview Ho --' som,e time. An,yone wh,: c~n pital on Saturday, July 1 , sit. thru this one with a str:l.· 1948. hsh Irom Spain. 1104, face will . be my nersonal * . nominee to succeed Old tone Mr and M'rs. M. 'A. Fulkero · '~Locomohve makes sue· Face of mountain fame. son ~nd dau.e:hter, Zana Mae, ceSslul trial run. l81t Th~. picture is rather breezy, were week end gue··t of ~ r. . 26-New York admlued to so n\ake your laup;hS many but and Mr. Edwin Randati in Union. 1788. short so as, to enlOv all of the ~l e v land . . . " ....... pr il1: htl y situations that deve~op 27-Seheneetady. N. Y.. bo uQht It'om IndIans. beween Brent, Mayo, the late Mr. and Mrs. Ron :a.ld Kawke 1661. Car Ie Landis, and Turh an Bey. 28-Bloek Tom explOSIon . SA-eS unSJdd 3 .,10. l~ i 'f l-e)· "gl! ':;-;--:---::-;:-:::----1t------t9+&---I\'IftN""""...4-~_ (\' ,,, . " ') . ,; i " '-:t 'A g H I 0) G :: I~ ' ~· u·tr· , ..w·l a~pe~r "", -. '- ~ n A' io' - , 1i1v in {lse Th 1 Almanac To " La t RCll ;t1 'up'." mne of th e other pi .ur C,' ~ du d f r Cbf."f;·'" T ' _ ') W3ather A;u' g ust ar "Rv j t· Rio', Aug.. ... U::' .' 1-2 \ " Alluqu erou' , Au ~ . 5-n: "April h \ ' r-" " ug. .-9 : 'G:' ZE'rt£. C'.A~S!FT£f.\ ~: " " It. . ' , - .... ( ; an i "Rele " Pel" - '''''11 (' ;, ..... 'AfJ~, ~ ..... . . n, ' Auo·. '" 2 . .....0 Fuy, !: -~I,. Re·:~. 30. ~--'------. Loan, Borrow, . • IN CASE OF FIRE, DIAL 2222 • . A! :' T:~c of The Ye~ t .'
II' " .
agement a ur j m that th o. who atten i d "Ni uh t n ,. ~
N~~ :=:~:~:: :.70~
I; "
t I .. ~ ;
'-. 1. .
., t I . ...
f r Lt. Ow n~ r..
ve nmg.
----_ -
t ·
K nneth Bai ley of . Mi a.mi.:burg and Dr. and ' Mr . E. C. Wright an dall hter .
C mlli:l :1d ... r -R, h ~'rt in -: in ~; l1ll.'1ti Oil Frida"
rr'l r " \. .l.
• ' r'~ "l • f ' ... fit
\. ,"" \' e11 J
Mr. jwd Mr . a Mar Earnhart wefe wet'- e:hi (!'uest · of the latter s parent. in Caldwe ll, )hio. Mr. ana Mrs. Loyd Da 'is en- 1lOURS: tertained at dinn er on unda y 9-12 each morninz· h on ~ . · n!!: the irthd' v of thei': . on, Clarence J. Davi 1-5 , rnO(lr s except Guests we re Mr. a ,d Mr. '-.AIe ..n~' .- \ ·a.\' Walter Manifold of Lc!e burlY . -I ' C) " ;U : ' .! V ~: venln~ • , .a .-,.. ... . :!l1d Mr. Cecil M. Davi, of Dayton, Mr. an i Mrs'. r:larOther e n' n~~ by ence J. Davis, Miss' Marv Appoin1ment ch etz, Bill Davis ann Mr. T I ::) H •.:-r- f ~ - R Frank Holmes. . . tv.r . Will St. Jo.hn with Miss Thelma Johnson of Springfield, ha ve returned home from a .busin ss trip to the 'United Nation, Lake Success, N. Y. and a fjv~ day vacation in New York City. '
Dr. ttr:c C. E.Eye Wilkin :Sperial'i..-t
Optom ~6
J ,
Goodyear· •
> ' .
Sboe Repair . Serviee .
Inv isible Half .!ill Orthoped ic Correti n;, Cork Extensions (Y
Henry H. Moeller 11 ~-13 E. Mulberrv St.
AT THE " Friendly Store"
OME F~RNISHINGS! "Hard-To-Get." Items " , ,
CURTA~NS - SLl~(:OVERS 'rabl~)
ST~DIO COUC~ES (Fuhy. Spring Filled) NO ' LOST MOTION OUr s rvice i .availab le · every miAute in. the ear. Our equIpment needs no last-minute ,tinkering l and w.e don't have to pena any time getting Ulider wa . And once we are called, we, reli·eve you of .all responsibility.
.MeClURE. fU·N ER~L 'ttOME ,
~ T~el
XENIA. OHl{1 .
LAMPS (Floor and
., .
So,'·h nf'troit
Mr. Car] Stephellson of Leban 0 n was a 1ursd a;:r;yLl/i{:;;u-;=r.e';s=r-;o~----~----::-----_.__a --- • .:...~._.--.;,.;..-.~.
had , unday . ! i)l g" di nnL'r gu t , ,:VIr. and Mr: . Hul c.::r Bai l y and d::lUg htt! l f C nterville, Mr. ' and Mrs.
i~lr \ "e,
Mr. and Mr , . ~ : I~
Mr. and .\1r . . !, \ il1itln1 , 3 1l~: Mi,:': Marihn Utl r::k
(Y H
I ail ey dau , 'h t ~ r
Come to our sh op and we'll show you the goal of .ev~ry housewife- Ea ,'I Street -Js TIght in.. front of ou. It is less w rk and sensible econ my, too, to ' have us do your Cleanmg. The time, labor, and money saved and the possible accIdents avoi • ded is worth manY times more than our moderate charges . .
UCoi!iplete Home Furnishers"
HOME PURNITURE .P hone. 912R ,
"East MaiD Street at Whit......'
THE MIAMI GAZETT~ No. 4a78~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
J~ U
JI~I'Ve'ltJtul'g Mrs. Al in
M ont~ 111
rv, wh :,P n~ v ra 1 wee k wi til r la tIV ' In Tr y hit return i to til " h me of- h r - n-in-law an ,I ctau ght r Mr. nd Mr. Da lla art nand s n . I Mr . E,mm a l1n. ha r turned to 11 r hom in ayt n f 1lowing- a we k' vi it -with h r i t r, Mr. se,e Harl an. , Mrs. Ge rO" Wat rh u f vyayn v.ille wa a Thursday att rn 11 D'1I t f Mr '. LOlli ' Fite and da ughter Mi J a ne
Mr. an i Mr . .r. B. Cral be Philip CrosTand, municipal . an j . daught r, MJ'- Raylyn omt reporter for the W'ilrningeral ,ha\ e return d aft ra t Jl1, 0 I., Journal-Every ' Even· thl' -w ek t rip through the ing, wa a g~l t this week of \\" ._t, ani yi:i tin g' t1pir 0 '1" art . mith, who formerly arne Julian rabbe and famil y ' 11 \'a' empl y d by th R-i ~ blan i, Wa .11. ----~I ~W pap "' I'. i
.7-QI. Capacity Cold Pack Canners . $2.05 Eacb
.Ironing .Boards --- $4.91
,~Mr .
and Mrs. Har'ry: . [ucker and da ug-hter Mi s Evalyn Tucke'r \~e re 'Sun jay dinner guests of the Tu k rs' s n-in-I aw an j l daught r, Mr. and ,Mrs. Richard Wllfj;'ll11S and family of \Vilmington. Mrs. Ida Collin had a h r Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collms of Centerville a nd Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Ingale GAI2GIT Of-COWS' UOOERS .and sons of Gr enfield. Mr. and Mr. John . Stewart . CAN BE .CAuJfO BV ST~EP and daughters 'of Beavertown THROAT OF- NI LI<.E;QS. were atu.rday guests of Mr. Stewart's parents, Mr. and Mr . Raymond Brooks . and fap1i1y. M;iss Esther Luken was clMrs. Ral ph Hastings had a's guest of relatives over the week by illness, is much better and Wednesday dinner guests Mrs. able to be out. end in Richmond, In,d. Salome Hoffman, Miss Marie ' Mr. and MIS. Robert Will. Mr. and ,Mrs. W. Carl Brown Loher and Mrs. MHler of New iams have returned to their are spending a f~w days this Indiana and Mrs. GraCie Cas.tIe, .home in St. ~ugilstine, Florida week a:t St. Mary's Lake . L. Smith. A, group of friends ' and relfollowing- a two-week visit with Mrs. William:'s parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. James Doster Mr. and Mrs. Seth E. Thomas Mrs. Fred Sherwood. of Dayton were weekend hOll e.. and son Le~ of Minneapolis Mr. and Mrs. Charles guests of the Rev: -and Mrs. J. Minn· " are visiting .friends 'and Swindle attended the McKay P. Thornbury and Mr. and Mrs relatives for a two-week vacafamily dinner held al Ne\'(.Burl- · Herbert Dbster. tion. il Jgton, Sunday. atives from here att~nded Edna, baby daughter ,of Mr, funeral services Fridav at H ' . Mr ..and Mrs. 1<. N. Hou'gh and Mrs. Vivan Fry was taken nab Funeral Home in ~rilm!n g and children we.re Sunday dinhome heret. Sunday , from ton for Charl"es Wi11iar:: M:1 '<ner guests of Mr. apd-Mrs. HarMiami Valley Hospital, where field J.t;. wh<? drownej .ne:!r his ' old B. Earnllart and fam ily. she has pe.en ~inc.e birth. home at Clarksville earlier in Mrs. D. C. Ridge had as SatMr. and Mrs Harr,Y S. Tucker . t~e week.· Maxtlel:t was the urday. evening dinner guests, and daughter, MISS Evalyn gra~dson. of Mr. , ar..d Mrs. Ed Mr. and Mrs. E~rl Davis of Day~ Tucker,. bad as their house- . .LeWIS of Harveysburg. , ton. . . Kuests a few days last week, .Mr. Tucker's neplj w-and family . Carolyn Campbell was the . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell Me and M;rs. Robert Tucker of guest of honor at a surprise birhave sold their farm home on Dayton. On Sundavafternoon thday party at the 'home of Mr. State Route 42 ' to . Dr. Leon they entertained Mr. and Mrs: and Mrs . .Harvey K .. H~le SatHunter of Cincinnati. . Clarence Williams of Amelia urday afternoon. InVited guests .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doster tJ,-rre Dotty Ann ~Eitl"ille, RuLh M.iss Marsha Meyers of and daughters, ' Janet , and Ann Bell t Her~y Meyers, Joan Springboro is the houseguest of Barbara., returned home, Tues- Kay Bost, LOIS Jean Hunter, M 'r. and Mrs. Glenn Boraen. day from. a ten-da,r vacation Jean and Juqy, Hole. trip~theea~~d ' Canada.
Waynesville Furnitur~ & AppI.iaDce ~ ~ South Main Stree.t across' from Grailge Hall
Telephone 2422
We're experts at tracking thos~ squeaks in ~ 'Your car!
.We don't do i~ by guesswork-but wjth modern equipmept and Sobio Lubri-Check-a scientific check list cove~g the application of a dozen different types of lubricants-the way the oar lrianufacturer w~nts done. t
Compl.,. lubrication only .'
Mrs. Alice ' Urton. 'Who was . confined to her home 'last week,
i Uncle · Sam Says I
.aRM ••,URA.C."
~ die Obio ,..... wID .... J'4:MI b-.l ~ 10IIII .. ,our fum. Ie a79WI ~ banell... ,.,., ..... ,oar ~ .... J'OaI IlaNUtJ lor Mddeoc. to ocben. Why DOt '. . . . . tocta,.~' Y....... _ ........... , . . ....... fa ' " , 0biD ' . . . .i
Por "r;ng lubrication of· lOU, car ~ sle UI . .
u ,..••w ... IUD "lao worb
r.atto,... mill tile .....,ontllla_ne r tutIoD Inllla~ ,By tUlDr the edq IIlnq .... puWar It Into 1Jalte4 ~ ............ boa4. tllroa,h t.be ,teD avID,. plaD lie adullt wo....; ; M IIIttIDr & h~me nm fO.r "curlty lot
! I
_If an4 COGDtry. ' Your CODDtry Dee. mlWo~ of
preserv.e the Datloa'. lecurlty. America's securlty ·.s your lecurlty. DOW to
U. S. T rtr t:tr)' nfJParf1MM
~'-----~ , --
.. --~-
Ful'kerSOD service
y_ taoirlel ,... IaII4 ......... I.... ,.... p!&yer, oa "~"4ir;I" i l t . pedee. pltela ".... illIG
......" ...... for aa.. tak4 t~WeD, ,...'4 bYe tile ...... ri.bt
.' !.
The Home 'of Dignifiett. Distinctive and Kindly Service.
STUBBS Funeral Home
. , MINIMUM ,250
DON" T F RGET T CALL liS f r in ' uran ~ . All type of
insuranc at a · sav ing . Call Fran j .J n Br wn, phone Wayne ville 2472 Or call collect. Wilmin ··t n 21 11,
I SELL THE EARTHIF Y U , HAVE ANYTH ING in Real ~ ·tate for sal , g-et in . tOtlch WIt h B n E. Cline, lic. ens~d ,broker, Spring Valley, OhIO, In Real E tate Bu ines since .191 1. Experience tells. Try me and s e. . 1" - 8.26 FOR SAL£- ' ~'-~--.~=--------------,/' ~ 'INA TOR soft clrink cool. i, gr een enameled.' Excel" lent con"cti ion. Belcher's l ei ·e ryice, Phone 2423 ( Sut)<' -78 ·;rtYr:R~ , c. { Michener. Whonl 2926. -729 I
J' ·r
i'LECTF . Ie HAWAIIAN . GUttar. ~ , ~11 Blackaby, on Cbas. I E. d" Ichener fann, Lytle Roa -722 I
)eere Wa.~ons, Trailers, . Joht I Deere Corn Sheller. BAM TA IMPLEMENT CO. Leb_a D,. Ohio Phone; 555 Letz N~ )" 1:40 Roughage millsliglttl:y lJSed., Priced to sell.
:;bhn t
Guara n.tee.
" BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. , 1,ebaDon. ~io . Phone 555 ONE , PA~IR ROLLER RINK Shoe lSkates, ' size 8. CalI .2634., H. E. BIstro. -Ind 9 Cu.' Ft. Electric Refrigerator Porcelain inside and out. Ex.. , ellent . condition, . $125. Phone 71 O-L Lebanon. B. R. -i;:----;--,--~--,,-.. 'elloh, Merri'st(}wn. -1
1940 TON and- a half Chevrolet truck, grain bed. Waynesville Farmers Exchange, Phone 2371. -:-722
WELDINGMower blade grinding and repair. . . Electric and Acetylene Portable BIU.. 'LEE, iWayae Park , -715 ' CUSTOM BAl:.INq' By Bal-O-Matic ·Wiretying. S~e i-T-:---:::------,----"~-.-:U-4l~ r Sheeb an or Ehone 299t Wayn~svi1le. ' ---78 NOTICE Of APP.OINTMENT Estate of 'Emma O . Kersey O~ceased.
·Na.t1ce is hereby . given that {Jc.hn .' ~V. t. el. ~eV' who~e Pnst Office address is. Waynesville, Ohio has been duly appoin.t~d as Executor of the " Estate of ~" O~ Kersey, late of War- ' ren County, OhiO, deceased. . Dated this 9th day of July '1948. ". c.. Donald Dilatush. 'atty. . Ralph H. Carey . :, Judge of' . 1t:e Prob'tl~ Court Warren County, Ohia. ,
WANTED! Y~ ' MaD (25-35)
to learn merchandisIng,. Some selling .experience preferred. Mast be high school ·graduate. ~.oba salarv t o start. Excellent pppbrtunity for ad\ a1t~ement. Apply in ,pers'on.
J. C. PENNEY Co. Miamisburg" Ohio
NOTICE ANTIQUE' FURNITUR£.;.... . Repaired and ·Refinished. All \\.ork guaranteed. CHAS. C. COOK and SON, PHONE 2645 . Waynesville, O. -62 4
of ~aynesville, Oh io . At the close of Busine ~s on . 'Jun e 30, 1948 Char'~er No. 2220 Res erve
istrict No. 4
Cash . baJan ce- with ot h r banl< , in cl uding re en' . bn.\,l nCE' a nd en. h items in p,r ocess of co ll ectIon .... . . . . .... . .. ......... 525,871. 58 United '. tates Governm ent obligations, dir ect and guaranteed :. 23,969.82 Obliga tions of tates and political ubdivi Ion s ., . . .... ~ ..... 326,441.75 Other 'bo nd s, not , and delbentures .. .. ... . ............. , .... . 40,,000.00 Corpora t ~ocks (l111 ludlng $4,5 00.00 stock of F ed ml R e. et've b ank) .•.. . .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,5 00.00 Loa ns a nd dlscountel (in cluding $140.05 ove rd mft ) ......... .... 342,182.07 None, furniture and flx t ur s $2,467.53 .. 2,457.53 Ba nk premises ow ned TO TAL ASSETS . ... .•... : .. .. .•...... . .. . . . . . ....... . .. . 2.0.65,422.70 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, pa..rtnershlps', and corpora110ns 1,433,9 37.47 Time d eposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora.tions .. ,161,004.28 Deposits of United states Governme~t (including P,o ta l s a vings) 29,550.42 Deposits of States a n,d pol1.tica l subdivision ....... .. , ... , . , .. 258,000.91 O ther . d epos~ts (oertifIed and cashIer's c;:.Ihook.s, etc.) . ..... . ..... ~4.18 TOotal Deposits •••.••.•...• , •.••••.......••...• $1,882,557.25 O th er lIab1liities ........... , . ...................... .. .. . ...,..... 6,929.6 3 TOTAL LIAtBILI'l'IES .......... . ... .... .... . ..•...... . . 1,889,486:79 . . CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ommon stDck, t Dtal par ,75,000,06 ... .... ......... 75,000. 00 .,. I ' r oUI'}i 'Us ••.•. : •••••••••• ' ••••••••• •• ..••• ~ • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• 75,000.00, Undivi ded prDf i ts ................ 20,310. 23 Rese rves (and retirement accoun t for preferred stock) Unallocated. 6,62'5:7 ~ TOTAL CAPITAL AC-COUNTS •....••• . •........•. ..• ••.. 175,936:96 T OTAL LIABILl[TIES AND 'CAPITAL ACCOUNTS •.. ' ," , 2,06 &,422. 75 MEMORANDA . Assetts pledg'ed Dr as!;;ignell to BeiCure llabU1Ues and {or Dbher . pu,:,poses ..... . ..... . . .10 • • • • • •• t. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 99,931.25 State Df Ohio., County of Warren, ss: . . . " . I RDSS lEI. Hartsock, Presidenlt of the a:bDve-na.med !bank, do solemnly swear thM the albov4a statement is Itrue to. the. tb est of knowledg& and
ealed PI' po als o\\ ilJ be received 1 the Bard of Ejuca· ti n, WaYJa- Loca·1 .ch 01 DistriCt of Warren County, OhiO, at th e .office ' f the Clerk In the High' chool Buildin,e: in Wayne Town hip., Waynesville, Ohio, ' until 12 0 ' clock N on Ea tern tandard Time, Aug·ust · 14, ,1948 , for all 'Iabor and ma,t er· ials necessary for the erection of a 2-car·garage-addition to the present .school·bus garage accord ing to plans and specifi· cations on file'. with' the Clerk of said Board of Education. Each bid shall be aCCOnlpanie.d by a bond, with Surety or Sure ties ' satisfactory to the Board of Education, or .b y cash OJ' certified cheek on a solvent bank in the State of Ohio. The aqlOunt of said' bond, cash or certified ' che ck shall be equal to 5% of the total amount of the bid and the bond shall be i"n favor of the Board of Educa~ tiori of the Wayne Local Schpol . District of. Warre n County, Ohio. ' The cash or. certified check shall be forfeited if the bidder fails to enter into contract with the said Board of Education within ten (10) days . belief. afte r Notice of A\~ceptance of ,. his proposal, if the award is Sworn Ito. and subsci:1bed be:t-ore me this made fa said bidder. The Board \ o'f Education reserves the right CQRRECT~Atltest: 'fo reject any and all bids. '. By order of the BQard of , ~. J., WaterhDuse Education. ' Everett Early _ W. Barnhart HDward Surface ~lerk, Bd. of Education. Directors
1• • • •
•••• •• •
• •••• •••
• •••• '. '
' FD r You To Feci Wc~ ~ 24 hours eve ry day, 7 days ev ry weck . n ver stopping, the kidnoys filte r wast.e matter Irom t he blooe:!. • H more people were aware of how the ~ e ys must cOl!s~antly remove sur~ fl uid, excess aCIds and othor wlUta matter that eannot stay in the blood wi t hout injury to health, the re would . be .better und rstanding .of tDhfl the ,whole system Is upsct when kidneys fall to function prope rly. . Burni ng. s canty or too frequent urinaIon lio'metimes warns that aomethlnl is wrong. Yo u mny suitor nugglng backa -ho. headaches. diuinetl8, rhe~m .. tt. ," ni ne. getting up at nl,bts. swelhn,. "' Why not try DOG"" Pill., YOll wW lie usin, a medtcine recom mended tbe , co un t rY over. DOG"" stimulate the funotlon ot the kidneys and help them to flush out poisonoUi waste from the blood. They contain Ilothlnl harmful. Get OOG1I·. today. U .. with con6denoe. At all drull stores. ' '
Cincinnati Union Stock Yard. Livo Wi,.. and ProGr•••ivt. An oraanization Hoond to none. 8triottv •• lIer. on the beat
ROSS H. HARTSOCK, President 14th day ' of July, 1948. L . .H: GORDON, Notary Public.
:, .
. $11.00
, Acc..d'nt.to S.z• • C."dltlon
Phoae .' .XEN,JA '
. '
'WiLMlNGTON ,1712 .' 2362
- ""(1
For . Greater Safety of Farm Owner. ship , . Finance wjth a Laad Bank Loan' LONG TERMS ~ . '.. l LOW INTEREST REPAYMENT 'PRMI.EGEs · LOAN AS~IATiON ' R 5 Old Baak ...~ oom. . I 11 S. BroadWay , I,DAtiON, OHIO Phone 488 ~ H. ' Sturm, Sec'rTreu. .
D..... '
$11'00; HORSES '9;00; 11005$3;00
.S J A :' Fertilizer .
E. G. Buchsieb, Inc.
PER CENT . ' ~
Jnunedillte Dc!iven'
9.00 . 3.00 cwt.
Dial 1300. WLW ClDclnaaU 12: 40. Dla.I '700. for. 0uI" Da.11y lMarket RepOl':l..
SERVICE THAT SATlaFIE4S WHlO ~7tou 12: 10 E. S. T.
Mrs.. Glenn Borden attended Mr. . and Mrs. , Raymond . Stomp and son of Miam;lsburg, the meetinlZ' of the Dayton Pike Communit v 'Club at the home LOUDEN BARN · I~QUIPMENT, Mr. and Mrs ...C. H. HarbisOR and son ~t'ld Mr. Harold Tayof Mrs. James Shutts in Genn. lor of Dayton, Miss Geraldine STALLS town on Wednesday afternoon. .Breidenbflugh of Dayton, Mr. STANCHIONS Mr. an,d ' M;rs. Seth rho~as Carl Wr~ght of Bellbrook, Mr .. and son, Lee of ~i1waukee have WATER BOWLS ., Paul Harley of Dayton, . Mrs. Doris Kennedy ,and .daug4ter, returned after spending several Miss Irma' Fires, and Mr. Robert STEEL WINDOWS days with relatives here, in' LebMeredith were picnic supper LITTER CARR'IERS anoD'~ Dayton, and Spring ValtYests of Mr. and M~s. Louis . ,.,. ,ley. Fires on Sunday eventng'. The FEED CARTS supper honored the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. : Stomp ' and . WANTED Mr. Fir.es. On display a~ our store.
c: .
-. ---
PAGE 8 No. 4378 22, 1948
It Says Here I
Th·e Miami G.l \ZETTE
,By Smitty Th . tii i thing b tter in ~ SERVING WAYNESVILLE SINCE 1850 19 ~ than in '[948 , --------~------~-------------------------FIVE CENTS A COpy n th fr nt I ag-e of the Uo, 4379 , ~i a ~i,~ az , t!~ Ul l ) . 5, 1932" ~~Y~N~E~S-V -~IL~L~E~ ' ~~~~H~~--~~~~~~H~U~R~SD~A~Y~,~ , --J~U~L~V--~2~9~,~19~ there I a story whi h \-\'as r _ ---,--- - -____________ ,_____ ' p ... ate i, with variation, on the p a t w ek nd of Jul y 24, ' 48. But the outcome was diff rent ' this timet, The sto~y from 1932, written !\,it.h a wry humor that makes It ttm,el~ss, reports that "Village , Marshal and ' Township Cons. table C, p, Joy received a hurry. ' kiTh up ca II t 0 C rosswlc ast ' th urs. day . afternoon , s It eems ' at (name deleteq to save embarrassmt:nt .at, thiS late date) had b~en Imblbmg, too freely of f9r,. bidden beverages and had been terrorizing ' the entire neighborh~od, The officer placed the man under arrest and brought hif!1. to, the village ,prison to regam hiS ,senses. ' "Friday morning, ( _ ) was arraigned before SqUIre Walter Kenrick, charged Wltlt drunken· d l' d t ness an d d Isor er y con uc, and, a fine of $50 and costs was assessed, Unable to paylthe was , taken to Leban',on, were he 'II WI remain an involunlary (uest for many , days at the Hotel f.ulkerth, leaving his wife lnd three small children withlut his care and support. ., The ottlcer tells ,us that in $pite of the havQc he had wrought, no witness or victim of his actio~s was wil~,ing to p'refer a ,specific charge ag,a,lllst ).: W~~~ '.(. , vted. , the ~n 'had QUiete.d,"1o:r ini ~ould be arrested only on the h f d k 'th t ~ arge , 0 run enness Wl ou , the sworn stat~mC?nt . of ,so~e ont w~? hac.t Witnessed hls ac Ions. __ ' _ That happened' 1932 N f.;..
Selectors Chosen For ,Draft Board
' Water Board Draws 'Crowd'--- 6 Attend today
Waynesville's Locker Plant ' Has Its ·First Birthday Aug~ 1
Thomas J, Herbert named a three-me,m ber red' ·t " i n an unusual burst of civic commen tn2' COI}H'~J tee In. each inter-est in Waynesville, si busOf Ohio 's 88 counti'es to nomin- inessman 'attended Tl1 e~)day The Waynesville , Locker ate ,members of local selective night's meetinlY of the Board of Plant is one year old this week service boards which will con... duc~ the registration of 18 to 26 Public Affairs to dis~US3 ways Ne~."s but did you know' year-old youths beginning Aug- Of h lpin~ the village to ,~row. ~ yy ust 30 and ending Sept '1 8 They asked if the pipes from That this plant], incorporated " the town's new wells could not FOR' YOUR POCKETBOOK under the law or the state of , The recorrunending com. ' be run along Route 42, to serOhio, was built and ' is entirely itfee appointed by \ Governor ve possible new homes allc ng Waynesville m'erchants ,and own~d by folks living within Herbert for Warren county con- the highway, instead of cutting- the public in general will be r "- serVice range? Farmers,' busi. ,sists of ,)4lton F. , Brown, Pre- across coun ry to join the preness men, an,d friend's have seen' sidin Commo.n Pleas ' Judge; sent four-inch water main! on lieved of the most annoyin,g their hopes come true, and their. of the OHio sales 'tax trustees 'are able '10 report a Ra I p H , C arey,}D ro b a t e J ud g!!,• Water Street, The wells are a part next week when all one-cent t d " and Gardner H, Townsley, edlt- short distan'ce north of Waynes- tax collections ' are abolished. s ea )' fam m business during or o.f the Western Star. ville, oetween Route 42 and. the Ais soon as Governor Herbert the pas ear with a prom'i sinl ' rivet. The board decided this sl'~ns Senate BI'11 No.' 364, pass- outlook or the year ahead." At the same time, Major would not be feasible. ' General C. W. Goble, state Discussion also centeredl on e July 23 at a special legislaTh.is plant was bunt fo1 ' dire~tor of Selective Service, th 'bTt f th d ture seSSion, the sales tax will pernut the owners to 'inee1I d th t 1' e POSSI i I Y 0 a nor war start ' at 41, cents , instead o'f, the . furth.er,nee~Without awpens'lv" annqunce a 127 ocal extens'on of the corporaltion t 9 ts H i d b Id h L,. boards will admjnister the 1948 liP1it~ '0 this area, which was presen cen. e s expeete r~ UI mg. e locfi.er roolll Selectivt! Service Att as' com- d d ft t Ik to, Sign it August t to simplify contains 791 lockers and .. pared with 330 in World roppe a er some a a year changes in bookkeeping. . held at zero automatically" W·a r n. ' ag%he board decided two new The Ohio Newspaper Assoc- Within this rOOm is established: homes at the upper end of High iation briefly outlines the new a quick.freeze cabinet with th~ st. would have to provide septic la~~ follow.s: , . terperature held a~ 10 to 20; .tanks, because the board cannot e act ehmlllates the eX~lSe , e 0"[f through whiCh all pro ... D _ 0' get m;lterials or funds to extend tax of , 1 cent heretofore leVied ~e~se foo4 m:u st pass befora , ,iUtt! U the ,sewer to the~. on sales fro~ 9 ~ents ,to ~o \It IS, pl~ced III the lockers. , " On page 7 ~I,.IS' weet., the Mlayor H a r r y Sherwood , ,cedntts. Tkhe vend,o r ISdnotfrequllr,- , ~1l I,resn b,eef, l,a~b or pork UI ~ brought up, the .fact that last e . ,0 eep r~cor s 0 sa es IS received at a Side' entrance, ',~M4amt a " ~ ' b ... ~ September-it was vofeko' have -'ll;lder 4.t , ce,!~ ~~ ~aV not be . '''' ,' (~~~ ~ ! * I) new ea re,. esl5ue to flng a l~lrge door cut 'in the power 1SSeSS~d h,fO .~s'Ulcb salts s~r ' '- 'e ~ back memortes · to the old~ plant walt so that the villtag'e ' b, ecause e. l,al s t9 keep suc M_ ", timers and tickle 'the funny bone truck could be kept in ttie records. aL of the younger :generation: Each . building. This has never been l,t,,a .vendGf does not have . ' wee~" quotatlons from the done, and garage rent is stm ' adequate recprds of sale~ ~nderquL_ 1Miamj Gazette of fifty years b~· being' paid for the truck 41 cents, -t~a commrssron~r 1fD.,...--g-: ! 00 fOl:e wilt be published, exactl'y as ,_ . mav make a test check oJ hiS . ' , III ., 0"C: , written by Mr. and Mrs. Thom3rs -~ sales under 41 c~nts during , a ,Mrs. Howard .Stanley won that the defendant, was pun_shed J. BroWll, then publishers of MORE WARREN COUlfIY representative period, and from t~e year's subSCription offered . .... ROADS TO B~ ,REPAVE:D that check 'may determine the to the person who identified despite the lack of a prosecutin~ ' the paper. , proper proJPodion tha.t the most of the unlabeled pictures , witness. ' In 18(}8 the United States But . the '1 948 ' ended was at 'w,a r ", with Spain from , Additio~al funds re~f~ntly vendor's sales under 41 cents in the Miami Gazette's files, with the prisoner p:oing scot- February : till JUly and with Allade available to the OhIO De- bear t(!) the vendor's total sales. printed two weeks ~go. ' free after onlv' a mght in jail. PHilippine rebels from( Septem- partment of Highways have Sales from 41 c,e nts through She na~d 15 of the 19 per. , AS ' in the 'above case, a Qrunken ber of '9,8 till '1901., In 1~98 permitted the expansion of th,e 70 cents are still taxed at 2 sons shown in the picture page. m'a n was. t.errorizlng a neighbor. Pierre and Marie Curie di~coV'. Departm.ent's surface tre~ting cents; sales fr.om 71 , cents Altegether, all but one of the hood - - reportedly with' a .knife ered radium and the empre~s of program, accordin~ to ,J Arthur through $L08 are stilITaxed,at people were , named by afleast which he no longer PQssessed ,Augtro-Hungary was ~ss;ls~inat- GoIQ~chmid~, DiVision Deputy. ' 3 cents. Tax rates on , sales a- ope entrant in the contest. The , when frisked by Mr. Joy. A ma'n ed, What happened in Waynes- Director of Division No.8 in boye $1.08 reni,ain , unc~ange(:t. 'One ' who remained . unnamed was foupd to si~ a warrant, ville and vicmity in this period Middletown. Vendors' discount on tax ' was the center man in the triand M'r . J.(}y made the arrest~' is what this column wUI bring, I,q "considering the two year stamps purchased remains' at ' 3 pie photo in the top row, ' B4t on Sunday~1 am tOldt;,the to you. .:A. p~Tlod, 1947.'19.48., tllis-mleans per cent. ' FIve of the picture's turned witness withdrew . his charges that by the end of the year, the out to ' be of Rox,anna' Canning and the prisoner Wrui freed. 'R'ellle'ID State 'Hignway Department will GRANGERS,', WIU. HOLD , Co. w.orkers, a fact which " , DD hid rf' stumped a number of Waynes· ave camp ete tue resu acang PICNIC ON AUG. 7 ville people who have ' had ' During' Hie 'scuffle leaamg to the aD'es.t, Mr. Jois shirt w.as The descendaqts of Daniel of !?5.~~: miles ~r 38.9~ % of the little contact with the caUhc:ry liberally spotted with the prison. St. John held their "annual re· stat~ bl,g h,ways m, Warren Co~n. On. Saturday evening, August in (Arwin. ' " " ,I er's blQQd -- flowing . tiecause union at the home ,. of Mr. and , ,ty ~ lI~stead of the 41.00 miles 7, at 6 :~o Farmers' Gtange No. The identifkations establish: ' . the man bad "pushed his hand. Mrs. Glenn Bland and daugh • . prevIously reported. Contracts 13 will hold its annual picnic at ed by the entrants make the fol, ,throu,h a window in his home. ' t~r ~ea, r Ridgevi11~ . .A. b~sket utilizing' the additional · funds the Harry Smith Patk. The 10W'i~g nam~s seem , 'definite,: Sever·i l ' weeks ago, ' 's(])me dmner was served 10' the ,base- ~ave , already been, solq and delicious supper will be prepared Left to Right: first row: Bishop' local boys esCaped punishment 'ment and a short prograll1\ and Warren County reslde{1ts may and sold by the Grange HolDe Henry HODson at, the Episcopal for reckless driving and speed- reunion were' enjoye(J on the expect' many more miles of saf. Ec.onomics Comm,ittee, and aU diocese of Southern Ohio,; Jack ing. , One, ,o f them lost a f~nder laWn. , ' , e r , smoother roads in the next proceeds will go to the Student \'.'Ills. ~annin~ comp'lnY Paul on a ne~rly.new ·tan ca~, but ' L: C. -St. -'" Jo~n, rettred as few months. Loan Fund.. ' . , TUl1)er; the unidentifiea1 man none of th,e mwould "accuse" . preSident' and WllI C. Sf. John ' , , ' 'and Willie Dunn, aU , of the , o~hers~ So they were not was ~I~ted as new president D . t. Will' T, . Keelor Accounting Service in , ar.rested. _ ' for C0n:tI~2" y~ar. . -, ~fOOIS Lebanon; Leo Freeze, canning I ,': compaoYj Harold RiSinger. ' ~ Seconu row' Silas Snyder' ,a Has everybody the , power to PO.rffel,fceerr~,~arges except the police ' soldjer named Shaw, whose first r .,r,j ., " nat.1e is u~known. eharles Suppose we had a murder , Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rambv ' " ~rey, ' school' , superintendent " here. Would..the victim have' to are announcing the birth of a ' The photographic I studios especially anxious for everyone '.,;:I~ 30 01" In ore "year; ago; lL \ign a warrant before anyone daug~ter, J~ne Ellen" at 'Miami ,who recently took pictures Of , concerned tp be On hand ,to' ex- C. , Moler; Mrs. E~na Dnv~~, of to~ld be arr:ested? , Valfe'y Hospital Qn,JuIY 22. Mrs. many local cltildren for pub1ica. press thei( preferen~e of' the . the . cann~n~~ ,·ompany. rrhtrd ro .v: "{r-s. Grcl~! tinPolice officers don't need " Ramby and daughter' have re,- tion in the Miami 'G azette have · pose to be used ' for,publication ,warrants to m'a ke arrests if t~ey , turne~ to their borne on Fourth the prpofs , ready. They ' will be or, as the case may be, tbe one coln ~SIJlit~; Miss l!Dia,Pire~ ' and . see evidence that a law has been Street. ' on hand for 'selection by the they wish made into personal Ruth Burnet, both nurses at Violated.. They don't have ' to (} parents, ,at Waynesville ~n~nge pic~ures. This,. parents ,in'ay, do Miami , ,valley , H9,p.ital; , Mis~ ' , see the ,rime itself. If YOll don't \ NDERWOOD REUNION Hall ,Tuesday August .1 , from entirel v of their own choostDg, Jean Baker; Ervin ' Ll!wtsj Mrs, believ~ it, ~it through a munici- ' The Underwood families held 1 p. m, to 2' p. m. for it is emphasized again that Irene' Burden df the canning W 'I th t d' h d th' bI' t · , company. . . pal court session in almost anY their annual reunion at Wayne hI e e s U 10 as ma e ere IS no olga Ion · m con· The bottom pHoto Max city or town. You'll find police- Park on Sunday. About fifty men ~oing a good deal of the friends and relatbes enjoyed every effort to notify nection with this newspaper ' Votaw of Cinc~nna.tt.. I Roxanna testifying against defendants. basket dinner. by mail, the Miami feature. official.
1898 Gazettes To Q ted .
ft,. '
Staal8y 'm· It'·' C test
Sa. J,L-
' /J;' 1:.1.' " '"
1,; '
,n,' , Be ReadJ "OD",'lUesdaVo.'
F ," .'" ' or ''A,ll ",Local " t".lute' ,"'Kiddi ' 'e,'' En .· tries
himself and it is his fifth racer. He cut parts from sheet metal, ob ta.in (.1 an Offenhauser y-s EST 'ASLISHED 1150 ~ engine and ot her part~ and Pub lished Every Thursday G~es Ellis Special as "emlJled them to make the ' At Wa ynesvi(le, Ohio trim looking maroon speed ter, CARL. . G, SMITH. Ed.itor . "It's a wonderful race, ladie Entered as secona Class matter at the Post Office which ha done quarter mile and gentlemen. Now th'e cars in : S~ ond_ anthe SUBSCRIPTION RATE: i the half in ~o are c ming 'down to the wir . $ .50 a Year ) n Advance ' fl at. , It looks like' a photo fini h (H an oil paintin,g-. .And there goe 'Peewee has been racing for the winner, not Biedelbaum, but "Tootie" for orne time now, I No. 57, driven by 'Peewee and th two make the circuit Schoonover of Waynesville, anj of all the dirt and black-top (Ta have events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette owned by 'Tootie' Ellis, for- tra k in thi area. They cover merly of the same town." before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) . ' the Tri-State Circuit, which A. win ' for Eldon "Tootie" includes sd h tracks as ZanesEllis and Carl "Peewee" Sch-' ville, Logan, and Pomeroy' the SUNDAY, MIG·! oonover is not uncommon fo r Buckeye Association; Winches'with fifteen years' experience, ter, Plain City and Dayton and Go to church I . the two midget auto enthusiasts the Indiana Circuit-LawrenceExhibition Softball, Legion vs Lebanon AIr·Stars 8 :30 p. m. .know just what it takes to have burg and Richmond. that checkered winner's fla~ MONDAY, AUG.2 "Tootie" has ·beet:l emploYed 'waved at them. At every traCK at Fairley's Hardware for the Town Counci l, 7:30 p. m. where the two have raced the last eight years aIild recently Ellis Special, No.5 7, "Peewee" moved to School B.oard meeting, 8 p. m. Lebanon f~o'm and· "Tootie" have come home Boy Scout Troop 40 at 7;15 p. In. . Waynesville. "Peewee" works " with some share of the prize ,at the Roxanna Cannery and Softball, Bellbrook vs Fairley's .8: 15 p. m. money. , , lives on the B~l1brook Road. WEDNESDAY, AUG•• , No. '5 7 was b1l1ilt by "Tootie" This Sunday, they will ' race Softball, Legion vs Miller's, 8: t 5 p. qt.
·Whoooosh ....
The Miami Gazette
t. ~ v-'
... .
Events Coming Up
:.1....., _ III a .
11 . '
~ .....~ . .... ,1UItCIICIO
s t No. 57 in Proctorville, "Ind., on a dirt track, ' and in Oayton on a black-top ring next Wednesday. Lytle Su~dav School Board met at the Church at 4:3 p SU!lday afternoon. Th~ Mam dIS· cussion was to .orgamze a V'ounv Married ,Couples Class. _ Plans also wenf forward for a con test beginni'Ol,! Sept. 1st and ending with Rallv Day Oct. 10th.
TIiURSDM", AUG. 5 Softb~ll, Spri~g
Valley Vs Kier's, 8 :15 p. m.
Lacy's,QUality Market
- Dr. Emma Holloway left for Richmond, Ind., Satl:lr?ay to R.B. Coteman, Minister attend \he golden weddmg of 9 :30 a.m: het friends ' Mr. and M'rs. Clar~ Olurch school J. J. Burske" Supt. , ence Thomas. · Worship service 10:30 a.m. Mrs, Vaehp,a Owens and two Youth Fellowship . children, Winnie Jo arid Stevie ST.. MARY'S EPISCOPAL • spent Slij1day _nd Monday with Samuel N. 'Keys, Minister Mrs. Owens m~ther, Mrs. Lu.. Morning ' Prayer 10:30 a.m~ cile Armitage . . ,
. .'.
. _.
FRIENDS . , Mrs. Evalyn Peterson left the __ -First . Day SchooL. 9:30- a.lt1. Home It Saturday to live with Meetinsr for Worship her sisters Mrs., Alice Telfuir 10:30 a.m. and Miss Hannah Greene in WitWAYNESVILLE . mington 0. , ... . aruRm OF CHRIST Misses Elizabeth Chandler, M. H. Coffey, Minister Minnie Dodsbn, Olive Williams, Bible .School. 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. Ella Dakin and grandMornmg Wors,hlp 10.:30 A. M. 'daughter Miss Janice Dakin' of . ' Corpus :, C~rist~,. Te.x., , spent Young People s ¥eett~g 7.15 P. M. Thursday afternoon m Davton Evenin{!, Seryice 8 P. M. and saw' the "Easter Paradei ,· ilt . ' . Loew ts~ ·• Me .HsOcJLarfYf, MEM1.J::~DIST ,..... MT M iss Donald Herrington of T West Nyack, N. Y. was the ' Sunda"y School 9·:30 a.m. gues:t this week 01 Misses Ruth and Elizabeth Chandler. On , E.A. Earnhart, Supt. WOrship Service to'30 a.m '( uesday. and Wednesday ac..;veoing Service 7:30'p.m. com~anied by -Miss. Gertrude' Chandler th~y had a delightful , ST. AUGUSTINE trip to Bardstown-and Hodg~n~ father .Krumholtz, Priest . A Ky, visiting the Linco,ln Masses s-and 10 .M. · V'ille~ Home" and other places of hlS~ Memorial, '~My Old Kentucky cAEsARs CREEK FRtE~S toric interest. Rev. David Stanfield, MInIster ' " Dr. Dudley Keever ofCenter~ , Worship Service 9 :45 , a.m. ville and son, Edwa·, d Keever Sunday School 10:45 a.m. of Dayton were dinner ' guests on Sunday at the Home. . ~CAE.U.B.CHURCH Mr. and Mrs~ Charley Blowers ~ev. William ,S~annon and infant son, Ray Edwards, of .sunday School ' 9':30 a.m. Shiloh, O. ,allled on Misses . Mrs. Jimes Garrison, ' Supt. Marne and Annie Brown ',o n Sat. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays ,urda.v afternoon. . ' : each month ' 10:30 a.m. , 'MISS Janice Daktn of Corpus Evening Services 7 :30p.m. Chr.isti" T~. visited 'her gratld~ CHURCH OF CHRIST ,mother, Mrs. Ella pakin, on and Thursday. BllOD Carver, Minister I· Wednesday Dr. and Mrs. Gale Russum, , Bible School . 9 :30 a,m. Mr. arid Mr. Robert Kersey MornIng" Worship 10 :30 a.m. an children, and Miss Margaret Prayer Meetin~ 7 :00 p.m. Ru. sum of Dayton, . Mr~ and Young People s' Meeting . .' Z:00 p.m. M rs', \ 'it on Edwards and Mrs. W. Rh~in am! children of ening Services 7 ~3 0 p m. G.pringfield . visited with their MEiHOOIST,. " aunt, Miss Margaret Edwards '- unda - afternoon. mUJl~ , M ' M· . t Mrs... chmidt and daughter Dr. Josel'h ye'rs, lOIS er ' Mrs. Hough of 'vVjlmiTigton S1lndav S hool 9 :30 a.m. called on Miss JeSsie Garner Mrs. LUll Saylor, Supt.. Worship ervice 10 :30 a.m. Sunday afternoon . '
• •
In. fact,
when you do not bOy quality. You may -think that because the .
"Price Per Gallon" is ..tess, you ,
will spend less -. ' - BUT ...
A! gallon of cheap paint , . '
two coats on
500 square feet.
And cheap
$2.40 '
paint i$ gone , i~ tvio years while
$2.50 -;
' quality
quality paint
ers only 225 square feet with
'lasts four to fiv:e
Fresh Pailt Preserves!
PHONE 2281
Locker Plant-. .
(Oontanued from Paae 1)
wh ere it is hoi ted electricallv to th e' tra -k for wei ~hi n g' , and th en pu hed into .the chill room, to b held in a temperature of 38 to, 40 degrees for 12 to '16 hours. After thorough chilling all meat excel t ~ ork i pu hed into an tl r r om for aging and held at lea t day or long-' er if desired by the patron·. ThIs room is equipped w'ith Westinghouse Sterilamps which purify the air and prevent mold and bacteria growth . The temperature is kept do e to 40 degrees. Pork is not aged but handfe d as speed iI , a possible a.fter thorough cooling in rooms s'pecially prepared for proper tem,perature wh il,e the po rk i taking the cure. All hams and shoulders ,are given a cure y In.i ecting' a curin ' olut ion with a special pump at a pressure of , ,. 0 pound , p r sq uare inch. A'fter sufficient tim e for effective curing, all piece Tequired to be- n e ked are transferTed t(1 a rrH' L. rn sinoking cabinet wl'f' ,,, i ' ':;',1 er; ture i autcmraticall y ~ )1111'01 el, and given an Id-f;!, hion d I (d smoke 10 a l ~', ' rt!··, ,. and k ' pin g q ;. r:y, Tl' .'n th e. are 1ak·cn \.0 , r •
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Lard" r... n e.e I b a '3! e m ' jack (/p" n k ...tIe i c' ';f: _
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r ' ;-: I' ' to r . , ... mok III '" , Ie" t,J ....,., ,bu"g',Pr r. ,,,, .~"'" ". " r... .'• 1,... .... , in ~ 1ar a ' ~ a: \) :1' ~ ,- ~ :: ~ sr i e 1'1ete I. ' r 'j~ ' " ve ~ 1aole ar , quick-tro7.e n and st<D red in locker" but are preared and placed in containers at home. Omtainers for that purpose are kept on ' hand 'foT sale. ' . f3ccf, . Iamb and poultry can be kept fo r a year or longer \.~
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Edgington and so n of ' \.Vaynesville, is enjoyin g a va ation in the East . Mr. and Mr , Jam s Park and Mr. and Mrs. Cl:iarle - wi nd- , dauR'ht r of Cin innati were I r left M nday for a va ation , ~~ 'lnda v evenin,g' ,guests of Mrs. trip in the Northwes ern ta tes. ark' pare r ! , Mr. and Mr? H. While in Montana lhe ~ il1 ' 'it Mrs. , indl I' hr th .r and i . '~~, ~ ~i ':1" i' r mains ill ter-in-Iav "Mr. ani Mr" ,t r !' I ' lla .' I. iome , L Ba, r . M . an Mr. G ~ t " ~l COOK. Auzw ad Martin p 11 : ., '.:,.: ,, '}11i1 an M'l ,\fid Mrs. urda \' an Ll n<1av wit' his J.l hn Be l · ..... tt, Sr.., " I son of ,gran jr ar n ts, Mr. ap ti Mr , :, ll killl T atu n I " I!nir.g Arthur M,artin of ,At '\it 1dtia, h ~" t 0 f : . an l 4II'. " Ben
'1 """'_
J. ,a
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. Bill StanSberry spent Sunday and Monday with , his bTother and sisteT'-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stansberry.
Mrs. Ali ce' Urton ~a. a guest Sunday afternoon, Mr . Nellie ayers and Roy Sa. er of Wil mington. ' Rev. Arthur spent Mon day in , the vIHage visiting- mem b rs of the Me~hodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Frye and fam il y were weekend hous~guests of Mr. Frye's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frye at . their home near HillsboTo. ' Miss Evelyn Wilson of Dayt n was the weekend house, .. _. • ,L " •• \ ' '4. 1 'r 1... e p' a t guest of her parents, Mr. and . . . . .r1 ...• y e'... .. _... ' _ " , ... '1 '.11 .). Mrs. ,Ernest Wilson, Sr., and '. : ':~ : ;'. J L ':'; ' I'J~ .... du.l can i",s fam:ily. \. J u. I. f ' l j VI ..:!c.i. h anyone Mr. and Mrs. HUJ{h S. Vance "nt""r' ", o' 1... ,1" t " I~p- !"c:.; " -J " ""'1 attended funeral services in Wil-.~, _ L , ''' .. : ,:' :' o · ~~' ~ I:or. mington, Tuesday for Mr. d ' " ~ ' " ... _ I _>.. ., l ;:' • • J. . '~ 0 1n:, Vance's mother, Mrs. Laura i_... ,.. , 'I l iii . th w rk Va nc~who died at the Probasco 'j ne I ere. 'Th plant will be Nursin~ Home, Sunda " ' k. pt up- to-date; 1mprovements Mrs. Sadie Reason in com· add d and ' ervice r ndered at panv with her grandchildren, lh~ lowest price consist.' 'J: with ood bu 'ness.
p , lt ry i /, 10 N?!. r i" Ri ') ' ' . 1cas ,'5 't' !'.: ~ !::;." :: ..: ~C dGr;e, frez l;~ g. T l:.J 1'"l t ' I: 1. :. S~Jr.:: til ' f wI ir, :, j :. "J' G I' l .. k'" i, hom'" to : , (Jr ~ it. , Lurmg anll
but exp rts in tl i frozen food indu try In 1st th at pork' i".o uld not b k pt , lHore than six months f I' best, re ult . SA VES LIVING CO"'STS tati ti in tl1l: National ~~)() d Mit IY cll ,ne show t ll a t fam ily of fo ur, an av up t $13 u er .H h , u-in r a locker a t=I r ' : t ~ 16 a y ar,' by bu in r f rum f rmers 'sav $2 ... per .car. If ,ou produ e 'it a r ~ lf the savin will be - 11 what reater. 'h b il ~ in is heated and hu t " :V ater is lurn i hed by an oi l- burning f.urna e which " .mi ate dirt, at n a' he . 'I' undt.. irabl' in any food or ra Lun, SAFETY MEASURES ' j h lJ al !'C ,n ' afet.Y has been t k ~ n C.lI· lJ by a safety -dooI i:l tI, - · .. 1: 2 rr a 1 which can - .:::c I f, "m :n ide . :u . ~: L,on 10 the ewor, a )1' " -huH (In l'>y the door will l lr'~' ','I ,. I (! ',_ thai can reach
arate room wif ! '!n exh au t fan So tha ; .n odor of o'of in~ fat ev r 'an I' a'il o th er mea t) poultry or v ~ tables. POULTRY FACILITIES Poultr'y j dr· e:i and ~hill d with cO)'d wat r in tl e,bas Tn nt, whicb aga in i cI o 'ed off from all otiter J art of the build inll' so no odor reach the pro es - in .~ .room. TQ liver poultry t e dr'e ed, the patron can ba .k hi car or tru,ck dir ctly to th do r or into the rOOln to transfer hi , poultry t coops kept for that purpo ' e. All eq.uipment throughout the plant is of the late t tYI ' and design ma :e , nati nail ' known manufadu rs., Comple te pr o'ce ~ inK rvicc ., are rendered to local farmers, restaurant an q a"ny cnc who can use them. At rCs_nt th ' r ie' includes coolin;>', t!gin g, C t l in ~, . wrapp'ng ar, I L'cc=;n,g' a. I me ts and storing them in t!h~ at,on' locker. Dr , · n .~ ann c i l 1 i n ,~
Dr an I ~rs . Gar,' m Minson "f ~,~ :;~ :Jn wer ur ~ :t v , d i ni1er
;,1:- )f It: r MunSl :1' arents, and )\\1'.:'1" J () hn ': I~lp:on . Mr" an .i :\ , r . aut ~ Kni,e:ht and son of Dayton were weekend hous gue t of Mr.,' Mc' Knight' mother, Mr.:: . Myrtle" .\ ~ . ~~i.gt\iura Ri hard, on, who has been ri busly ill the past f we k, has g ne to tile ,home 0 her d u}:b r near D~ yton. , Mrs. GeorO'e Wat rhouse of Wayn svill . ~ ent Sunday afternoon with Mr . Lolli t Fite and daug~teT, Mi Jane Fite. Initi'ation ervlC were presented ' at the Mas nic Tl!mple (-riday -eyening- faT three new membeTs. Mrs Ida Collin- returnl~ Tuesday from a few day's visit with her son-in-law an d daugh1er" M.r. , and, Mr. terlmg lngils ' and ~ , )115 , of Greenfield. 0' 1 :..
k If.
1 I
TUES.-nruRS.-SAT. ~a me
Delivery pay Each W (.' ( k
STOKES DAIRY,,' Frank Sibcy
. ''''\ .
South Main
.£blekeas ,
For Oai.L P"'on~ 28M~ Wayn..vllle. Ohio. Rever•• Char"..
For that extra Receptacle ' Or Anything ' Electrical ·
Barn - ' Outb\4iMingl,
House -
, Call Saltt)' Wa,.iesville 2704 .
Good line 'of . parts 'and . . Ac~essoTies U. S. Royal Tares Open 7 Days a ,Week - 7 A. M. to 11 ' P. M. PHONE 2423
Waynesville Locker ' Plant' l
PHONE 31,71
~~~~~~=====~======~~~.=== '. ~.
Tp BUJ, Sell, Trade Rent, Burrow, USE .
Mi Mary Loui Conno lly, W illi am Fa and Mr . McT ag. g rt of Da y. t n wer unda. :tflernJ n (rl c ' t ' of M r. and ML . Lutlr r Harts k and . n . I
Mr. H, H. Willi am on :md Mi G ra" \ Vill iam 11 , .t o ~ , th r wiih Mr. and Mr ' . Ira O . Mr. and Mr . John J. Bur k , I n'wn ar: j n. , ::t rt.: I. " • Mrs. Ad a Courtney and Mr. an til foll owing on tm day : Mr. Mrs. John Fromm att nd d an Mr. Harold .Will iam' en and East rn tar picnic at th e home dau ht r, Mr . Eth el Hauk, and of Mr. Lucil teritz, 0 put. Ed O'<;l r .. 11 rk nd dauO'hter Mrs, Grand Matron, near .Lyn ll bur '. and Mrs. M~lry McK ay, all of .: Day ton, and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mi. an d Mr , Earl Conner Willi l11,Sonl of L ak woo d hi . J " and son we re T hursd'a'y dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Con. ner and d ~u g hters . Mr. and Mrs. Clyd e Fromm we re guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Earnhart · on SaturMr. and Mrs. Ralph Hast ingand son had as Suriday dinner day ev,ening in Trotwood, when guest ' Mr. and Mrs. Bernard il1cy entertained with a faml1 y Foley and Mrs. C. A. H izar of picnic dinner honoring the birthday of their Father, Frank Lebanon.. nyder, of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Lester j. Prether .and famil v of Dayton are now Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis occupying the former Burnet are, spending the week at the' brothers home on 'Lyne -.Road. Decker cottage at Chautaqua.
Mr. and M.rs~. Ra y and children left on or Bestaburg., Michigan the will ~ie n d t v 0 \ ee k Chri ti an ervice, Camp.
Kl ontz unday where at th e
PA3E 4
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart and Alton Earnh ar t w r unday aftern oon gue t ,of M r. and Mr . Karl 8abb, n ar Pai!) t. ervill e.
No. 4379
2.9, '
Mor th an 8'0 ' r ,: 'ent .o f 194 7 au tom hile aC'iLicn t in 'urr I in t h L·'ni+' 1 ,~ t a l : cl ea r wea th er. Driv e arefu l1y al way!
. Mrs. A:r thur Gambs and Mr. and Mr . Alva Ludingt n and on, J ohn Ludin,gton, at- daughter of Cinci nnati were un day aftern oon gues ts of Mr. t·end ed ' the bacc:al aureat ser- . vice f or Pa rk er H ig-h chool at 'and Mrs. W. O. Raper. Presby1erian W e tmin ter Church in D ayton on Sunday ~------------~~----------~-------evening. . Mr. and , Mrs. Z. L. Mos,C'f v have sold the 'I H i1Itop .Cabins" to Mr. and Mrs. Cly de W. Mead of Troy who have taken charge. Mr. and Mrs. Mosely have moved to Lebanon where Mr. MoselY has entered the insurance business.
For Sale
Virgil, Isaacs, P. A. Runyan and Raymond Bailey have returned fromt'a .fish ing tri'p ip Canada.
. Cozy' Home I
, oj
6:00 x .,6 FIRESTONE TIRES $'1 3.95
(plus t:llx )
WARDROBE Wifh door mirrors
"1ate New ' ~rotW'ood $325.00 DOWN, BALANCE $8.,0 0 .A
'NeMT ' Alltla
, AIL ALUMINUM , $550.00 DOWN, BALANcE $12.75 A WEEK
,Eaton's ·Motel and Trailer Sales
(D '7"'~- B " r~~~ . . .,
LENNOX., Heating Equipment ,'
Sheet Metal Shop MAIN .T.
• caO••••011 P"STOF"ICE •
~ ..(J.n;'1~YACATION
, UM6
D_Re, .
OPEN TIlL • .P. Me
Plymoatb' .
lJiIed That COURt• . can . wi~h a Guarantee .
, '
------------------------PEACH ES FOR SALE
Th outh Wa n ~dvi orY C OLIn it h Jd a va ~<di n m e tinK n Fl ida y ve ning- and the ~ r dinnn gu t f' wiN' their husba nd ' a f me -WI . /11n;; W' II in uni rville . A od II h pr wa ' enj ) ell fn1l.()win ,g- th c iin ncr.' , .
s~~:~s Bv
hark I-{ye i hi" h JIll e on 'Main
nr il Ii ' : A$ T hey Rip n G
CUM 13EI { LA.~
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tre t.
POF:-' J ORCh::.t.,r D
Big news of the week co n~ Mi. ' ~ _ of T n ! ' Li~h£ cerns the complete reversal of --: ATRONI ~ E GAZE7TE form exhibited by . the . Junior CENTERVILLE, OHIO ADVERTISERS ~merican L~gion baseball nine , Ia~t Sunday III their thrilling- 3-C2 wm ~ver the Southern Hills tea~ 111 2 extra frames. Losing , ~-o. In ~he · las~ of the 7th (last .... . - . " ... \J,!nll1~ !n Junior play) .the Le~ glon nme fashioned two runs ."'t. ' , out of Dan Simpson's double to ~ig-rooted, cold ~~ drouth 'resi~tant com .from.th~, hig~ plat~u country center fo.llowed bv Pinch hitter of Mexico was successfully transplanted m 1111noI5 thiS spnng by corn , Earl. Powe~l's 'ulistering triple breeders of the DeKalb hybrid seed com company. The Mexican seed to· nght field. Robbins slow ' was started in a greenhouse earlier in 't he spring before Illinois soils g-rounder to first base alJowed were warm enough foe com, and then transplanted outdoors in paper 'ice-cream cartOIUl. • P<?we1l's crossing- of tl1 e plate o ' With th e tying run,. In th e 9th fra~ne B<?b Ha tings bea t out an mfleld hit stole , eC'."lnd and theJ') on the sec0I'!d str ik~ to · ~ " . .r · ' ; uken, t Ie thi n l and ca me ll:ow often have you day-dreamedj "h om e on a wild til ' w to , L j:C about owning a gleaming aew~ th e winni n,g- run . '''O uk e' ' Vic. kers, Legi on hU'r l er, hurled ex. ultra-modem. stream1in~d ruger. ~ell e n1 ball through out grallt- ' WeD, here it is. just waitmg f~ tn g but 4 hits and witll ) i 1tJ ~ bd- ' you - the Copper-Clad, America's I t er u ',p ~, rt 111 if~ 1 , 11:1 VI! 'h II t finest coal-and-wood ' range. out outhern Hill . lj' ng.. we d;Ll n;t kn ow 'ii I Compare. it wit~ other ~ge!t j u n", : hat "0\"'1 aze ll' "'\ iI!er,' You'll6nd it unequalled in beauty. r' mentor and G eo r~e 'Mi )Copper LlDlDCJ in quality. in ClOOkiDg performaooe, I r, M i }; ~r ' · }1- e ta ura.l t aT to prevent rust. I m th r. - ' go 'c -th "y 3 U'C .4n in fue1-ecoul)my aDd in durabillty. 1"'&18zu.4)_ COulNctioB S' nd wi h . til e Clu:r I -i ',\'c: n F or com lfteding work, the t~ conserve heat and l LL 11': w it h ~.ier ' In tt '1 , Mexican com must produce Come in. Let us b,lJiain the many sa:ve fueL ' tassels, pollen and silk at the {il;,' I ' i:'h wa : er " i t ! i1 1_' t ,' .1. ' , remarkable features whi'c b make same time as nortbem ~ Arched·to, Alrtl,"t OnD ' . I 0 , , 1 an, g r I rvin Mulford the Copper-Clad the ideaDy beauBeca.uae the Mexican com is • for perfect baking " ~ :,.'~ ) S I i co nt a L ' :' ' (! ~ i 11 _lower growing, it had to be tiful and convenient range you·ve ~yab1. Enamel PaD.lI ,l:I!ley ~ af - ~ a 'i' Illny, ' L" "'- , planted 3 weeks earlier than the 1 , ~~a)'!, c!'~~ Of ~ I In breds. Thia experimeqt may reI Less you forget tilt! foflowll1 ,! ' ~during ~~~ sult in bigger-rooted, more drouth and \. !,ltl chant have purchased Jun_c:~ld-re!S's~!!l_t. ~~.!~...2f..J.!1s !~~.9~ .. 1('; 1 e~lpn basel>all suits. Lacy's ----------------~----------Hymj(ln s; S mit h ServIce: Smith's ElectriC.; Sawyer" gion 'trailed 5-2 going into the Mrs. Ernest K orr.Knld returnMom's Pantry; Fulkerson ~ fast of the 'sevenfh, but a triple ed to her home in C al ifo rnia on Service ; T ex ac.o i B. & R. bv "Wild Bill" , Sawyer, M onday after 'being a g ues't of ,Cleaners; .Wa.Ynesvilte Furni- walks to MiIJer, Charlie Price, her parents, Mr an d ~rs . Fred l 'R EGULAR PRICE $174.95· tur.e; W ayn s il~ Brrrg-, Store'; and ,Bob Workman, and s1J11{}es Gons, for the past thr e w eeks. : F.alrley's ; Kier's; Roge rs II by M. Stanlev and Red Price, On Thursday even in,{!' Mr. and SPECIAL PR.CE $149.95 . SImpson and Dot Foods. gave the Leg-ion the win. Bo t Mrs. J. Z. ()ons ' and Mrs. FOR SHORT TIME ONLY . Sprin, ' Va lley. eked out a 3-2 W rk m a'n ' walk f o rced in th e Robert Cot.ner, M ad~e -Ahn and victory over Mmer's in a thril- tyin~ run, whll.e -~Red Price 'S" R0bin Cotner (If Wilmington, ling conte t last week. The tw o single brought the w1nninJ?; tally M:r. and Mrs. Rob rt G ens, . across th e plal:e. J oe ,Z~.111 ie, Mr.. and Mrs. Paul T omlinson, teams h ad previously fotig-ht t a 5-5 dead lock until force d L , pitching f nr Bellbroo k, h ad a Mr. and Mrs _.K ellar Hoak, Mr: PHONE 2441 WAYNESVILL£, OHIO , stop becau e of rain. Sack l no-hitter fN fiv e inning- . and Mr. Rh odes Bunnell and pitched f9 ur~]llt ball, fQr tl: " ~ ~ K ier', ,Legion ana Bell- daughters, Miss, M onimia Bun6 - GREAT STORES ....:- 6 k er • whlle Don Brewer twi rl- brook ·qualify for th e playoff' n ell, Mrs. N ellie BUn ell, Mr. , ed a fine five-hitter. ' w hich will fo l1ow th ' end ' or H arold R i in~er, M r. and M~rs. Waynesville Blanchester Wilmingt l'1 In an ex hibition g-ame Legion the second 'nalf ch ed ule. ! l . ,Fred ,Gons and Mr. K omgold ,- ~t Depar:t~ nt 50 of Frigi- ip s il .l e f or th ree oth e'r t eam n joyed a pjenic sup ~ er at Cold Hillsboro . Sabina Lynchbe :· ..· cla ir, Dayton, )-2, wbile in a to qualify in fne s cdnd h al Sp~ ings. ----~ ---.....-.----~~---:;;..;..~-=-- -, w ll d-hiffing- contest last Sunda v thereb y 'plowin{l' ix clu l-'" .; ---.- Ki 'r ' :be~ t Vulcan Tool :lIs ,: of the play off b.ut th e. " (I " . ' , More than 90 per G~t-A-ktt---~___- • ...:..,---;:---~---l_ _ Da.ytol1, 21-1. ,' ~ - -bucket' says ·that Kjer - and . ,a utomo bile arcid n ~s in 19 ~7 A ctiv'ities ' for the secollj half Le,gion will qualifv again w ith '," ( ! ar, .. th - ap P lrent , got und.er w~y ,last Monday Fa lrley"s nosin ,g' out B ' 111.' ; k; ~l1echanical defect . Drive care~ ' l l'y ! when Kler's behmd Murphy's superb t w,o:hit , pitching, be t -~-------.....- - TEL. 2661 Miller's 1'1-2. Bob Campbell of LUCKY No. 110 .th e G arag-emen hit his first REI..AX IN ' COMFORT WITH OUR' NEW I , hom er , of the year deep into left fiel9, while Pete ' IMurph" Today helped hIS own gante with two singles and three runs scored . OUT OF THE ' BLUE The first half 'ended TuC!sdaY . - Virginia Mayo )Vit~ the Leg-i'o n comirt.~ from -.. ,;--==-=::---::-:-=-:-::--~~:----~~~~----......,....behmd to beat Bellbrook 6-5 SUN.-MON. SAT. ONLY. r and ta'ke second place. The Le.,:
The Range..:Beauty You
'tie Dreal1ted 0/- }Ours Now ;11: ~l
De Luxe Cabinet Model
~ COl-'~ER-CLADl
l l
, .m
SAVE $25!
Fairley Rdwe.
, ,
I f
,. \\
The MIAMI Gf.lZi:1 It
- .--- -..
nte°WD-Op· llo1jJ ~ J . .
Th'e Bond A .Month ,Cilib ,WaynesviUe ·Natiooll BaH
'I OS_ ~/ ,...... I
\ lDiB,"'·AI· _.111
f1---- --Best Comedy in 1948. Bring-, The Who~e .Family.
:3 Shows~ St~rting at 6 :30 P. M.
,. I
----1HURS.--FRI, - --
PLUS: 9th
-_ . .
aIAP.rER SER2/.r,
ians, reduced to playin~ carni- ment, leaving no room for val in ''ta nk' towns as result of wo rd ~ B ri e fvie~ s: La t day to catch \ f r pr tt eat's wea kne$s 'Oul of / the .Blue,", tarring / wQnlen and hi c'onsiant squande Altldrew Edg-i ngton f Hf!1Go rge 8 r nt, Turban Bey and il yTh ering of hi pal's dough. 111i call on th e. Ed.e;'\r GravItt in a 'colorful famJly ed little' bad habi t put fh m in Vir ri nia May in ayt n, ' Ull 1a v afomed of laLl O'hs, wit11 RK0 s tCfllo on. troub l wit h a tough carn ival . wner es} ia lly when Ho e 'Fl ick r Fla.J 1 acks" supportMrs. Elwood Rhonemus and wrec k th sh ow whil, attempt- ing. Oldtimers h6uld' nj oy the b!" M r '. Gene va Ed ~i n .t1()r. and , jng to ride a I icy!-':le along a latter. Wonder if Orville Phillips ch ildren j \ ' ;Cf' Loui~;! :Ii.d FOX HOLLY high~w ire. .. th y be'come recogniz any of tl1e old films Gec·:ze ;lh t.! J1 c d a birthd,o. l / ~ ;( ' .CSpecial--Chic go, Jl1: stowaways on a lu xury liner pidu r d . . . 11. u ed, to rind ty given by Mrs. Madolin Hun(th e ,lu cKY d viI) bound for the' machines In the silent days for his daddy at the Twin loca- ter for h er daught r , haron whO , W e' ll hit the \ ad oon our- Rio de Jane iro, where th·ey enselve:; in order to 'return to th e counter "Lan Lam our, save her ton. On Saturday o nl~, Gene W :1: three ye<.t r old J u1 v 2 1. d hi ' fam 0US horse, Mrs, Elw ood Rhonemus, Mrs. peaceful Miami Va11ey, but from the pulp book version Of Al:ltry must broad a t 10lidly the prais- the "fate that is worse than Champion, tread the silver C:klla Thomas, Miss Margie Pates ' of that other 'road'-' IRoad death." , cr·een in 'what may prove thr terson, Paul Thoma'- anei Mrs. to Rio, " with ' those perfect After some hilarious sequences hest Western of the year. Autr,) ~1l sie Bond atte rded t1; c wed"nuts" Cro by and Hvpe, sup- all three pr incipal chara ~ te rs combin e' Singing, li ooti ng and r:n.e: uf Miss I-r ow e n ~ Pur~ o m ported by lovely Doroth y La- wind up at fNiagara; Fal1.s ha rd-ri din 2' . And of course the :tll d 1{1 ber t (C hUlt l nt \Vashmg- " mour and the , Andrews Sisters, (l ovely spot fo r honeymooners, ninth chapter of 'Dangers of ton Court House Meth cdist' appearlTl2' for two days at the believe , " me .. . I ~em emb er) the Canadian Mounted" will Ci l lll ch Sunday afte rno oll. M,y Pbylli , f.halJail ·ll d I? () Twin, Sund ay and' . Monday. where Lucia Maria de Andrade also 'be billed, and the weeklv cash award presented. " J'e!'t i k op WI I' be m ar :'ie I in tli ' What can a poor reVIewer say (Lamour) marries . . . Sorry, haryn Moffe , t is featured in Presbyterian Church at Bellabout this Paramount triumph you will ha ve to join that fast •••• = of mirtll, ' since tons of print forming line in fro!!t of Kier's a small town homey story Tues- broo k FJljd ny ev enin ,~' ,Jul y 3 0t h have been expended bY. famous Garage to get that answer. Of day ' e v ~ ning en titled II B-anjo" , with Re v, Day Kenncd\ officia· columnists like Winchell, Gyim, course some "traveler" to the 1"Rattled Rooster" from War- ting. Eve r one is invited. A briRadcliffe, Blake and Parsons? bi g cities will probably ruin the ner 's ,apparently in~x haustibl e dal sh o wer was given / rr.iday It portrays the ,zany activitie, show for yo u by supplying the supply eff good cartoons is also evening at which m:ln y useful sched uled. A' highlV publicized gifts were received. These oj Bob, Bing and ' Dot as they ehdins-. . . The ,Twin mana~ement will Western · epic ~appears ' next youn g people are .e;radu.1!~ s of wend their way thru a Soutn American trip where the gags run three shows Sunday and Thurs ay ' and Friday as Ran- BellbrOOk Hi gh School. Phyllis are thick and fast and the Mon'day night, jf necessary, ' to dolph Scott one of the best he- is the daughter of Mr. ahd Mrs. whole show is just ONE con- give every man, woman and man actors, port.rays a' Texan ,Earl Shalian and the groom's ·tinuous laugh· The songs w111 child in Wayne Township an' in "Albuquerque," a ·story of parents are Mr. and Mrs. L. G. I lOURS: please too: You Don',~ ljave opportunity to see the really lawlessness and violence in that Hoop. The couple will have all 9-12 each morn in,g to ~now" t~e Langua~e J" Ex- . great picture.' Softball fans, who New Mexico town around 1878 apa r~ !'nf~n t 'at th e new home . of 1- ~ afternoon s e.x cept . penence But BeautifUl and' never miss t hose fine games at becau e of one man ' ruthless the bride s 'pa 1'- ' nt west of V\'e .h ' )d , ~' Ian to build hi mself an empire. town.· "A!palachi~ola, la ." j;The story. Geiger'S Stadium. on Sundav , Mr. and Mrs. W . E. Drake unfolds . WIth If?cat .SVj,eeney evenings, will be able ''to come Does Rar.dy stop him? The i - ' C; I U t \' l V en .il ,:!. are offering their , propert" for (Crosb~) . an~ Hot LIpS , Bal- to the Twin as late as 10,: 30 answer is obvious ~ut the way Oth er e en i n ~ t y a s h e . is beto'n (Hope), a couple of on~e- p. m. either Sunday or M\onday' he does it isn't, You folks who s a I e ApP ' in1m nt like to see'ern drp p will see as ing transferred to M!arion, prosperQus Hollywood ;muslc- and ' see a complete- show. hectic a finiSh as was given in Ohio where he witI continue Usual prkes pre vail, 40 and 18, TE1 .EPH O . E 6., -R as the "boss" believes' that re- '-'Sa'n Antonio " some months workin K f or the M o n s~ nt I gular patrons shoul~ be treated ago . Thi s is truly an "A" pic- Chemical Co. ture for s-' veral -reasons :An all Mr. 'Lewis Lynds spent part to the best and the mediot:re star cast, action-packed thrills; of hI: va ation In th e easi an . films at the same reasonable Adventure-loaded; romance and returned bringing hi s parents prices. There are ,only 192 new O'fltom~1 ri '" EYE> , SpeciaL.If Bugs · amazing Cineco.lor. A with him for a few: wee~s. · uphf>lstered seats in tbe Twin ':>6 Son th Df'trC)it ~ - r~e' so cQme eatly . ..Jack Jllmes Bunn y car toon completes the , bill. was the weekly Saturday prize Mrs. E. V. Barnhart and Mrs. . " . ~E , . " .~ " O,~" i~; " .~ I don' t kn ow whether it will' Marie Riffle' left Monday to . Witmer. Unlike most victors he he had nothing to say'; but' his , rain Aug. 8 or not but an urn- . spend 'a few days with relatives face was wreathed with enjoy- ·brella of enjoyment is possible i,n. Amelia. for those who tab that' date and see Jack Carson and Ann Sothern 'in II,Ap~i1 Showers. ' -
Bellbrook N'otes
. ... ..
.. _..
.Dr. C. E. Wilkin •
~ 'l-:~ ~ ~onIt«~. ~
vent«. born. 1803.
C AUGUST . '~ ,l'-S·wl.. Day.
Independence ,
, '
~o I-FoundinO cl Army Air . Ol'Cl8.
Pyle born , 1~. "
eck Your· Brakes!
RAINBOW ADVISORY. COUNCIL HAs MEETING 'G ETYOUR The Rainbow Advisory ·C0uncil met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr . and Mrs. Ho, ward Wertz . . In the discussion WI'IliOUT BEING STOPPED ' period, plans w.ere made for a tour to Columbus to visit a ON THE HIGHWAY number of interesting points. After adjournment to meet with ~.and M~. Harold ' W~tz, WE ARE AUTIlORlZED TO ga·mes wete cmjoyed .and reserved. ISSUE ~ T I C K 1:' ~ S TO fre t ments -'--- _._-- - -- '- ED BY US DURING JULY
'·1nvisible Half So1in~ Orthopedic Corrections . Cork Exten~ i ons
'S ticker
Henry H. Moeller., .1
111-13 E. Mulberrv St.
, Check Tbe Weathe~
. But
- ADS , To nUY, S~H' j Rer i , L(' an, ' :'r'~ 'l l' : .. Any T:me of Th ... Year J
FAM1LlES ' WE HAVE NEVER SERVED ,BEFORE will find .at our funeral home the same dependaple attention as those we have served for a gener(!,tion. We apprecia,te the kindly comment of our old friends Whom we have ,meT in their troubled days, and we grate~ ful for thejr approving wo~d.
Af•• Styl~ ~nd sp'-',Hess clea~.Iiness are im~erahve ' accessones to the fastld .ious woman. And nul' modern dry cle:aning .adds ,just that to . your clotfiin~! Our Rrices, too" ma,ke you relltlize that all this I - and econh in hand. ' omy may
.• Medusa Floor Coatins with .. new ' , imp'r oved rubber ' ba~e i$ ideal for , pai~ti'n8 exterior· or interior concrete. It makeS ,a beautiful, colorful surface that "bounces .off" wear .. It is proof again.t water, alkalies and 8U types of c1eanin; compounds. Supplied in fi"e color.: laiy to apply. Write or phu:, " coday fOr color chip folder. '1
"".lfed '",:
;.:.. Asbestos ,shingl. siding Cc. n(l'Er:e in-
.a...... nt. • Showroom, . Hospitals and "haol. ' · ~air". and bo•• rie. ~.we, ,Ion" Swlm",ln, pool.
Unsurpassed .f•.' '";n,tin, IXI.r;o, or (oner.',
$4~90 Per Gallon
.Waynesyjlle Fumers Exchange f
GAZETT~ , -----------~--------~ I
60, Years
! Uncle 5ath SBys .~ I
,Lglle nW~
I '
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet vi ite th ir uncle and aunt, Mr. a~1 j ~. In Ha~n r at We t\ I'll , Frtda . Mr . Hayner, who ha b en an inv altd for s vera! lL i v ry .i l{~ , • , . ' Mr. and ML H rman Arthur of. SarLiania w~re Thursday guest- of the ir daug-hter, Mr ". Charles Tum~le.so~ and family.
(Froni, the Miami Gazette of July 27, 1898) in e last week'·s issue of the Gazette, a' very manifest ,improvement in the prospect of the gas welt has taken place. , The volum,e of' gas in thle new w.ell far exceeds that from the other well, this from, a depth of , about 300 -feet. The company has not yet decided as· yet what further action wilt be taken~ but . will probably decide befor:e the next issue of tbe Gazette, and th " plans for utilizing the, gas wilt be decided upon and be f!1ad~ known; Most likely the ItghtlOg of the town will ! e the ' first and main idea. As to other wells that remains to be seen to, bter. •
81p1D, aD &mericaos! SiplDr ,an ~erioaDS! Tbe Sec_tty LoaD .. __ ,ear mod Important business to!laT. Your country'. secarlt)' Is Ia ' y .... hands . . You caD belp keep ~erlca strong by bulldlnr up TOur cnr1l flDaDclal strength thru tbe Pay.0 SavlDgs P ial) for buying U. S. SaVtDp Bonds. Savin,s bonds are security bonils because ,bey pr(wide !'alan security for you~ and at the
• • •
. Report of th·e Waynesville National Bank;· Resources, $198,327.41.
••• ,Lieutenant Mayo
Venable raIsed a company of engineers at Cincinnati. Another son of Professor W. H. Venable, Emerson, by name, '3. graduate of this.· year's class at the Univer· -sity of Cincinnati, joined as volunteer cava.1ry, a,nd is now on ~ his way to Cincinnati. He is 22 years or age. (All this was during the ' progre~s · of the Spanish-America.n War.)
ame time belp to maintain lbe .ecoIlamJa 'lecurlly of our countrJ. Sip lIP
for the automatic PayroU Ply where you wor'. UlEBIC&·S SECURITY IS YOUR DeW
*.. * *
• ro Ulu,atrate· the geneJ'08it~ •• of'\ fp',rm folks who are contributing' milk, to the Ohio Food min ' for', overseas relief. Nancy Rife pro-'I duced this oversize bottle M a re-f ,cent ,Mcntgomel'Y ,eounty demon-, Istration. : • : i The Food train · is being !p04-' 'sored by the Christian Rural Over,seas program (CROP), 8UPPO~_ .~ both ProtestaDt IIDd Cadtobc. ehureh poups;, land milk ate bejq ill ~r.... lar other ' ......... in wIIt ·be ~pted. , It c.~~~ tW ... !train W111 be . ~ eboat Au··
len and attended the ice cream socia,l at Lytle ~hurch Saturday venm,g-. " . . Mr. and Mrs. VernonPurslev and ,sons entertained at dinner unday, Rey. Joseph Myers,l. M.r. aI1d Mrs. Roy Winks and family and Mr". May Banta.
. .
" All emp(oye~ of the ,Lytle Elevator, attended the Cincin,natf-Philadelphia Ball. Game on 'Saturday afternoon, as guests of Everett Early. ,
• • •
Mr. and , Mrs. Frank Brown Mr. Crist Boitnott of Tipp' CIt were over unday guests of Mrs. Guy Routzann and Russell. .". · ' " Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas, Miss Mary Brown and .Mr. and Mrs. Walter ~enric~ attended .the , Warr~n '. County HistoriCal .socIet v pICnIC and dinner at Fort Ancient Monday evening, as guests' of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gray.
Irvin Harris i~ improving after a tWD weeks' s.eri;>u~ illness" ' Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas, Miss ara Corine and Seth Jr. attended the Underwood Re. union at Wayne Park, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collins in Dayton Saturday. Mr. ~ Collins is quite poorly at thi time. Miss Kathleen Hannon of Dayton was· a week-end guest of Mjss Marlyn Hammond. Mr. and Mrs . . Leslie Gray visited their Uncle and Aunt, Mr, ,and Mrs. A. O. Willia.ms in Dayton, Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. .Raymond Hartsock of Hamilton were week.. ,end guests of Mrs. Jennie Mul·
at: d
• • •
Mr. ~.nd Mrs. Leslie' Gray, Mrs. , Cleo Tinley, and 'Frank Kurfis visited Ben Hawke at Grant Hospitai on Tuesday of last week. He is somewhat ,im.. proved and is to be removed to his home -on S. Princeton Ave. t Coium.bus on' Friday.
A::= "hea4
~st 15Ui. ,
' '*
~. _ . __ __
. ' '.
' f !-. , .' ,
"IIllp . - -- ,-The Wife of the Rev. · R. A. .. Atia.ms, pastor of the Bedford Christian Church at Blandinsville, Ohio, m,ade the followinlr ; , Crossing' between intersecstatement: "I was troubled with tions killed 3,200 and injured nervous prostration and pains 51,000 pedestrians . in this, and soreness that extended clear , ,country in 1947. Don't j~:y.; frorl1 my bac~ to nlV, heart: My walk! ',' , . h~sband havmg read in the newspaper of DR. WILLIAM'S PIN K PILLS FOR PALE' PEO· PLE introduced me to try. them. J began ta~ing them last· Nov· ~eptesentin, embe·r, but experienced no reWestlaeimer & Co.mpany . lief until I 'had taken six .boxes. I am nQW taking the eleventh . Members New York Stock box and ,have been greatly beneExchan~es and other. , fited." · , '., ,registered ExchQnges •• •• Investment Trust Shar. One can Sit In an audience Bought - Sold - Quoted ~nd tell the women · with new waists by the jackets that are . Phone Waynesville 2530 Da 00 AD3257 ,. off• .
.a4-WAY FA;II·.
, .fa . . 0bI0 ,.~_ WIll ... ,.. .,... p&'OeIeI:~ .p.m.c I.... OIl JOUt Ie C8ftn JOUr haUdIap, JOUt chea.,lL .UI~ .~ ~ .,1IabJJIty f()t ICdcleDta ' ~ . ocb... "WJaJ tocIayi y- .... ~.. ..,.. _1Ma ,........... die Ohio!
'* ... ..,.,..,.i ro-
MAKfS YOUR SrORE WINDOWS ...------'-' ., --- , ~
srop lWlef A$ MANY SHOPPERS .,
There are, ~t~r' ll,l.l, only two ways to, increase sales: to attract new customers, and to sell , present qtstom~rs more. Th~ tirst . st~i)}s Planned Lightitlg- especially for your wind~ws. Tests prove ~ba.t' Planned Lighting actua 1y stops more twice as inany people as ordinary lightin'g ,: Planned Lighting , is not just more light: It is t4e right · kin~of "'g~t'- 'several kinds for speci6~ purposes. Planned . . Lighting for .s to;e vdodows is ~e . ·ble. It_includes go~ ,. , genetallighting; floodlights, footlights, spotUghts-a com- " , ' bin~tioD ' o{ light sp:uc.s for sp2rkle without glare . .', , Plan"ed, Lighting inside 'your store stinlltlates traffic, lef,S people ,see more thi(l~s they w~nt" ~akes them want more of what they see. It alds color ~atchlng. makes label reading easy, reduces errors and makes a favorable impres,siori , on customers. It r:t"akes money for you.
• •
The Home of Dignified, DIs, . tlnctive and Kindly ServIce.
Waynesville Furniture
S1'UBBS Euneral Home
'& Appliance ~ Company
UGHlING Service fol' you • • • without 0""90lIon . ,. lavit~ "The Mao Who PI~ns'" tq cOme and help,. "'-"'.L~'" you with your lighting plans.. He is a friendly, competent advisor woo bas helpful inf01mation about PLANNED l.IG.i TL IG; iaitor·made for each offi(e, stote, plllnt or 'institution. ' rust ,·a.\} 11~.' Comn t'r ial Lighting Depaclment ·o fThe On rtp n p",, ' 'r and l.igh (' I~ ., rany: lelephol)c FUl~ too '3 l31 - Ext, 2?4~
'H E DAY1 .... .--
r ~ tJlfder-o/un S~S- ~l
NOTICE ANTIQUE FURNITUREMINIMUM 25c 10 PER WORD Repairell and R finished. All . _ _ _ _ _ .B . Y~ __ _______ _ _ -?5'1 . . /' , As_TOI.,.D CONSEQVATION DIVISION work guaranteed. ' CHAS. C. COOK and SON, ObN'T F RGET TO C LL PHONE 2645 Waynesville, O. us f or in ur:1.n' ·. 11 type .of · . , - 62'4 ' I insuran e at (l. avin O' , ' Ca ll , Fran i G n Bro\\ n, ' phone BIDS SOUGHT I \ ¥ayn v ille 2 4 72 or . call ~~~ '\ T~e CONSEIlVATION ' c.one t. Vilming-ton _1.11: ' , aled propo als will lJe re..,.,~~ DIVtsiON OFFERS I SELL mE EARTH- . ceived bv' the Board of EducaA~iiiIIF"': ~iiiiiiiiiiiii~-=:::- FR!E ILLUSTRATED tjon, Wayne Locat' School Dis.: \.~ FOLDERS LISTJN(; ).F YO U HAVE ANYTHING trict of Warren County, Ohio, OHIO BIRDS 'FOR , in R eal E tate for sale Ret in at the Office of the· Clerk in the CHECKIN&" touch with Ben E. Cline, 'lic- !-ligh Sc~ool BuildinR', in WaY,ne fHES& FOLDERS , ARE eSPECIALLV ensed broker, Spring Val1ey, I 'O wnshlp, Waynesville, OhiO, HEL.PFUL 11) THOSE Ohio, in Real Estate Bu iness unt il 12 o'cloCk Noon Eastern WHO KEep · tiRO. SON6&HlDS .WILL COME since 1911. Experience tells. Sta'ndard Time, August 14, LI9-rS' SOME DISTANce FOR ~lMING . Try me and see. , 1948, for ali 'labor and materAND DRINK'N6 WATER.· - 826 ials necessary for the , erection . PROVIDING FRESM WATER HOUSE FOR SALE-. · of a ' 2-car-garage-addition to . RE6ULARL'I , 19 ONI:: WA'Y, .. the pres-ent school-bus garage "11)' HA~,& etRD VISITORS ' EimER IN -n.4E eOUN1R." Va:luable Main St. property. acco rding to plans and specifi. ' " OR THE: CITY· Rent .from three business rooms caUons on file with the Clerk will make paym~nts on entire of said Board of Education. :10-room house. Residence side Each bid shall be accomlS I~TING 7D WA7t:lf NliSTIN6 BlR.DS ........ 'has s' x rooms and 'bath, new panied by a bond, with Surety 'BIJT "'/JIE BEST'TJ,IING 'tOU -furnace, electric wiring- arid or Sureties satisfactory to the CNI DO IS NOT eo ~ plumbing. Office side has three .Board of Education, or by cash CLDSIJ 7O,Jfcf J ' roolJls now rented to doctor. at certified cheek on a solvent·· .... ' FL6D6L1NtflS ~riced right for quick ' sale. ' batik in the" State 'of, Ohio. The' '. ALONE ~hone 3 t 45. MrS. Kathr.yn amount 'of said bond,' cash or -729 certified check .shall b~ equal .Mendenhall. to 5% .of the total amount of 1f'OR SAJ.E the bid and the bond sha:lI be at , ', ' ~! 'in f~vor of the' Board of Educa- -.---:-"';"'---~------"----fRYERS. C. E. Michener. tion' of the Wayne-Local School - 729 District of Warren County, Phone 292 6. . f ONE PAIR ROLLER RINK Ohio. ,The cash or certified Shoe Skates, size. 8. Call check shall be forfeited if the 263.4, H. E. Elstro. -:-ind bidder fails to enter into contract with the said Board of 1940 'TON and ' a ,half. Chev- Education within ten (10) days' ~olet truck, grain, bed. ' Waynes-' after Notice of ~ceptance ' of '. .ville , Farmers Exchange, ' his ., proposal,· if , tbe award is l IPhone 2371. ' -722 made ,to said bidd~r" The Board Rem,ington' ' typ,ewr:iter, good of Education reserves . the right , condition, '25. Rev. Sam,uel to reject any and all bids. N. Keys, Fourth & Miami By order of the Board of "'=':':":'_ - Sts. .' -729 Education. , . , C W. Barnhart -..,~----~---,-----...,.-cS-TI\TE Heatrola~ oil-burning Oerk, Bd. of Education . . stove, two 50-gallon drums - - .- - - - - . and fittings. R. H. Smith, S. Main St. :-729 .... CLASS I FIED AD RATES
fine ' 'em Water
24 hours every day, 7 days Vl'r51 week. \I ver stopplni, the k idneys 111 or wilste natt~r from the bl.:>od • l ' nore pl'ople .were nwnre 1) ( ho w ~ite kt.V! ;18 must constantly remo'-l' sur· p • .A) lI uid, elt~ ocids and oLher \\"PSle matter that cannot s~ay in tbe h o<ld wit houCl injury 'to healt h. there would be be~t r undorstnt1oin'l': or ·t{'h" 118 whole system i s u pset whl'n kidneys (nQ to (unction prop rly , II trnlll\j. Bcunty or too fl-Ilquent uriua' tion sometimes wnrns thut so met bin. wro ng. You may su tTer ntlisi!llt l, ,,clt:\<':'8. hendnchea, diu.in_,' r b<l umatlc ..... "I ns. go: ~ti ng up at nlihte, swelliDr_ - .. WllY not try Doo,,', Pi'laT You wW b e UBing a medicine reeommend~ th. countrr over. Doan', atlmlliate the flUll> tloD 0 the kidneye and belp them to Hush out pol-tonoua wute (rom tn. • blood. Tbey eontaiD llotbiDe blLrmCul. Gl't Doa.'. today. U.. wlih coalldenee. At-a ll arue atore:!.
,.Road to ·Rio '0
GIRL to run' cash register. Call
· _l~___________________
at Dot .Food Mariet:. --ind
.8trloUv ........ 0. t~. .... aN arOunci market, 'In til.
'aERYICE THAT eATUMrl.e W!;HIO . Da,yt0ll 11: SO a So '1'.
~DI~. I " o r " l '
~ eDt·
. "i.oo
. The J'i 0 m e Economics NOTICE Of. AJIPOINTrtE.NT ComoJllittee of Far,mers Grange ·No. 1 3 invites all grangers and ( want to Sincerely tbank all lamilies to the Annual ,Grange '£xe4:u_• . 'Picnic Aug. '7 at Smith's those· who made my birthday So with thcit many cards Park at 6 :30 P. M. Th~ com- uleasant Estate . of S. " H. Burnet Demittee will furnish all foods at and gifts.· '." ceased. , Della Venable. -729 a nGminal charge and urges all Notice is he~-ebv given ' that ,'members to attend. Harry Burnet whose Post Of-8·5 WANTED -fice _address is Waynesville. DEAD ' S TOCK. Ohio, R. 2 has been dUly ap, ,NOnCE OF APPOINTMENT. cows pointed as Executor of the tll.00 Estate of S. H.. Burriet late of HORSES 9~OO . '. Estate of Emma O • . Kersey Warren Co qn ty, Ohio,' deceasHOGS 3.00 Cwt. D~ceased. , Accer............ C•• dII.... ed. . , • Nntice is hereby given that .~ Au SMALL STOCK Dated this 2:4th dav of July John \V. "-el:ey who . . ~ F'0st . ' . , UMOVED PROMP11.Y 194~ , -office, address is .Waynesville, ,PIaOae C. D,onald Dilatush, Atty. . ,()hlo' has been duly appointed XENIA WILMINGTON . 'Ralph H. Calrey ' .as Executor of the Estate of' Judg~ of'the Probate Cour.t .Emma O. Kersey, late of War1112· 2362 Warren County, Ohio • ren County, OhIO, deceased. ...... e ...... -812 Dated this 9th day of July 1948. Co Donald Dilatush. ,atty. , Ralph H. Carey . Judge,' of the Prob~te , Court . . . Wlrten. County, .,Obio.
NORR·II MOCK COMPANY Cinolnna" UnIOft ' etook Yard. Liv. Wi,.. altd .....fH8Iv.. Aft oraanlaatioft eeooncl to ·, none.
SCRATCH PADS' 10 cents per pound
at --T.HE MIAMI GAZE "~I. '
FOIl' , Greater S~fetv of Farm Owner. ship , Finance with a ....d . . . LoaD LONG TERMS . LOW INTEREsT REP~YMENT PRIVn.EGEs LOAN AssocIATION~ Roo.. I . Old 8arIk II, S. ~~ , fFBANON, ~PboDe 488 BIia H. Sturm, ·Sec'rT.....
aw.. .
WANTED! , <.. Yocmc MBa (~5·3S) to learn , merchaQdising. Some selling expei'!ence' . preferred. Must be high school graduate. Q)od salarv to ·start. Excellent ~ortmrity for advancement. Apply in person. J. C. PENNEY ·Co. Miamisburg, Ohio
'11.00,;'HO~ " 9·00~ fIOQ!I"'3'~ ~
. .
( It ,Says
The Miami IiA 'ZETTE
'Death Curve' on~' dule,'73 To Get' Sod"um Light otl"lriaJ ,
I '
The Dayton Power and Light C mpany will install a sodium Br Smitty light at the 3rd tr et curve of SERVING WAYNESVILLE SINCE 1850 R t 73 t 't t . . Wlaen a t wn's populqt~on ~aCyr,eai~~: nbl s~ne :,er-cent in a No. 4380 FIVE CENTS A, COF'Y fJ. ibllit e on thdted~~gf~~~sers;~t ' it was decided at the town -Two f~milies, of four per- WAYN'E,SVILL.E, OHtO THURSDAY AUGUST 5 19148 co 'I f M d ' ht sons each., are' 100kin<YI'.. for ' " t. paul s Way ide Cathedral Mr.lInCI mee of mgthe . onD ~ ay ---------~-~----------~ .--Neilson P. pIg & L.. ,homes in Waynesville. ' The MOTOR BICYCLISTS of the , Epis opal Dioce e of Xenia office ' informed the h~ad of each family took a REQUIRE LICENSE Sout~ern .Ohio will ,-:isit . St. coun il that his company would - P1ositEion here effective Aittgust ' A'ttorney ,General ' H' ugh S. Matr y s parikh, vv.aYdneSvll~e, for b willing to install one or two .M4 a \Vo-wee peno begmnmg od ium lights for a .3 o-da y trial . aCh one replaces a man ' who resigned , but is not mov~e ' P,~id Fo ' Jenkins, durin~ the past week, AlIKlIst 1 6 . . at no cost to the VIllage. ,If reD" w ruled tl. at a : driver'~ license ~ is ': I he ~athedral IS one f the , tained, two sodium livhts,' will iog away, so the town has a net gain of eight, or about one required for the 'operation 'of a first trailer church~s to b~ co~- , repl~ce the present light. The percent of its 833 population With Kenneth M. Retalli~k motor bicycle on the highway:> secrated and. put Ih servIce Ir:t upk~ep. on the potentia~ new 10 the ,1940 census. attending assuperinJerident for of this state. ' the w<?rld. It IS the Catlledral.of lights would be ,65 a year as . The families are those of the first tim~, the Wayne Twp. ' In answe~ing. the 'precise the B~shop of Southern OhIO, c mpared to $23 a year for the ,Kenneth M. Retallick, new su- School Board voted Monday question covered by the opin- The RIght. R~v. H~nry ,Vi· Hob- present light. ' , dJ767 50 d ion, Jenkins aid that minors son, and IS especIally fitted to ' . . . perintendent of schools, and . Itt . h' f nlg 1 0 pay" . ue on fourteen 01' f'lfteen years old meet the needs of rural com- After the thIrd. Cl:nd fma.}' re.admg , J ames J 0t1 es, new cas ler 0 ban instruments ' purchased of the bo d 5S e d t ,Waynesville National Bank. last year ,by . the Band Boosters may . . under the ' provisions of munities in the mining areas of ' . ' ~ I u, or mance 0 Mr. Retallick has brollCY'ht , a Ohio bw, be issued restricted the state. , fma,nc!! water 'lmes frof!1 new ~ orKanization. wells U1t t tll d trailer here for ' a temporary Michael Hauer 'of the' Hauer licenses by the Registrar of , A beautiful ,trailer equipped ' 0 , ow~, ' ~.or mance Motor , Vehicles , to operate as a complet~ chancel the Cath- was pas~ed by councIl. . home, while Mr. Jones' tarnilx is remaining in Bucyrus unti1 Mu ic Ho'use in payton attend- mot r I : ycles and that persons dral was deSigned by an archA reslde~t , of WCl:yn~svllle he can fi[1d a house: ed the board meeting' to point under that age may not be itect of Boston and built by the wa? pr~sent at the meet.. ng t,o _ out that payments on the ins- licensed. ' Aero-Car Company of Chicago, comp~atn of anot~ler reSIdent s Just a reminder: truments were two months in I ' The interior is flnlshe\d in wat- ,d umping trash m .an alley. nut and has , collapsible' pews Mayor. Harry Sher~vood assured One of"the first news items arrears. (The Band Boosters this paper printed after my ar- disbanded last January and a 0 '.D S ,0 capabl~ating 25- pe~ple.. the-.9 bzen that It would be rival here on Feb. 1 was about note on the' instrument was , The altar is reversible and doors ,stopped. the lack of a leader for the Girl sbigne9 by dthrete faculty tmteh~openin~ in the.rear of the coach • -----~...-. Sco,:!!. troop; which had 22 ers: l!l or er 0 preven elr ' I~ make It pOSSible for outdoor ' memlJers. "N Leader, No Act.- reversIOn to the seller.) services to be ,held without ivities, I said the headline. ', It The ' ·board will now make Fun~ral servi~es will be held ' sacrificing the beauty of the drew an, ind ignant letter to the ' full payment ' as soon as an at 2 pm SaturdaY' by the Wayne . Cathedral. ' editor ' from a form,er resident itemiz,ed bill i received. , Twp. Post 615, American Leg"A public address system a· II w in Tjpp City, asking why ' It was al o. voted to hire ion, for Pfc. Robert W. Dakin, llows services to be carried to such an important activity was MI' . Oram Shoup arid Mrs. Wh9 was killed Feb. 14, 19.t5, be carried to many people at a James E. j ones became being dropped by default, but Marion Adams as cooks at the on .~uzC?n, the m.ain i~hmd of t~e l' dist~ce from the actual congr¢. P~lhppmes. Bunal Will follow m gabon. An electric organ cashier of the Waynesville it apparently never got any 10- high school next year. . , . ' ' adds ~eauty to the service. A'n National Bank on Aug. 1, fill- . cal reaction. " , The ' a~ignment of fanitors, ' Mlam,1.Cemetery. There ' are ' still a score or cooks, and food buyers to the , qakm was 20 years .and ell~ht electnc p.honograph is u e'd t \ ing the ' vacancy .left by S. L. rgore, pptential girl , scouts but two s.chools will be the main . mpnths old at the time of his,' bring music to the areas served. ' Robinspn's ' resignation , last ' ' ' no woman to lead ~hem. item of ' bu~iness at it special , death ~. . " , ,: , ~rogfa~s of stories and chimfes January. Mr. ,Jones will move ,here , + board.' ~eetJ.ng next . ~9nday IjfIS survH,ed by ' five are ,~~st popular. A sound pro'f evertmg. ',. , ~6UJers, H.arold ,oft Waynles- jector lSi carried and movies are from BUCYfol\JS, Ohio.. as,.soott as A lengthy discussion w.itl' Ville, Lawrence of Rout~ 1, R,oy present~d in .many of the 'small he Gan find ' a home. He has been in. the Sales Department school bus drivers ot)ened the , of Route 2, ~ussell. ,of Lebanon, , towns and VIllages. , of the Smith Incubator Co. in' T session. It is understood the and. Ch~rle,s In "the U. S. AmI'>:; For some years, he work Oeveland for the past few C ,H llUe drivers ask ,$80 per 'month and and four sIsters Mrs: Lela W.tt wa.s under the leadership of , year:s. ,Before ' that, he was .~ , , the 'board's offer was $65 " of Dayton; Mr. MIldred Lutt- ' Charles Ayers, a ,layman of the assistant -cashier of ' Second A demonstration of hillside . rell .and Mrs. LaVerna Shaw of diocese who later was' ordained Nati?nal , B ank in Bucyrus anet,'. terraCing wiD be given, next MJ:'J;'TiNGS ARDAN~ ' , X~nla, a~d M~s. Jean Ho!fer of to the ministry 'a~d had charge Tuesqay on the farm of Harry ••~ ~.. Waynesville Route L HIS p,ar- of the church in Ironton. Dur-' cashIer ' of Farmers' Nation3il , R. :Thomp~o~1 soulh of Wayne-, FOR FRU~~ ."~ODUC~ ents. are Mr. and Mr.s , Ernest ing the war when tr.ave! was Bank in Sevemuile, ' Ohio. ' sVIUe, begmnmg at 1 :30 p. nit Ohio fruit growers ' are in- Oakm. . ,'. . difficult, ,Captain Estbrook of White 'at SevenmHe he walS ,.Persons ' previously inex- vited by C. W. Ellenwood, ,Persons wJshmg to pav their the Church Army in the U. S .A. president of Hie Butler County , perienced in terraoing will do s'ecre,tary, Ohio State Horti.. respects may call at the conducted the summer program Bankers A~sociation for a It I S ' ~caur~ Funeral Horne ~ny in. t~e Hocking" Valley and the year and a, member )', of the the work with ,the Warren .Soil Conservation ;District in ch'arge. , cu ura oClety, to attend one tIme before Saturday mormng. mmmg · areas around Martin's J3ank Management Committee , T " or both of the meetings Aug. F the Ohio Bankers Associaractors and two-botto~ , plOWS 18 and 19., The· Summer Meet-. errr;' ' of tion for four yea'rs. ' wteill b~ \lsed; A,bt·o~'bt two mllteStodf in" Aug. 18, is to be at the W. C.. T. U. TO ~Ect T e wforkfewll45 char~ied.tohntbhY A native ,of Augusta" Ky., he rr,acmg ar.e 0 e co~p e e Price Orchard four miles north,means 0 a OWS Ip WI ,e was gr~duated frpm Centre f N ' Wayne~vi1le W. C. T. U. will Pre,sbyterian I Church "and ' the dunng lhe aftemoon with 15 ~wark, and Orchard meet on Friday, Aug. 13,at 7 :30 staff was composed of both College m Danville, Ky. to 18 tractors e'xp~cted to par- 'west 0 ticipate. " ", . Day, AU~. , 19, will be ,a t tbe p., m. with- Mrs. Golden Bord~~n. Presbyteri;lns and Episcopalians. , His wif~, 'M,ary is a registered xperll~ent St,ation, ,A full attendance of membiers The present director is C~ptain !1urs~, . a t ~radl!ate . of Grace To reach the farm, take tlie OhIO . second ro.ad to tlte ,right beTo'w Wooster. -~ is desired as thi the ftm!e to John PriOr of the Church Armv. J~ethodlst 'Os¥ltal ' 111 Hutchi,The firs~' ,tour at the P~ic.e annual' election ~f officers and He has sJ:!~nt Plany years tn son, Kansas. hey ha ve two WaynesVille on Route 42, and tum in at .the, first house on the Orchard Will st.1H at 9:3~ a.. the business for the coming year rural areas m thiS country, hav- sons, ,Jimmy, 1~, anCi Johnny, " ,i ,m., , Eastern Standard b~e. will be discussed Mrs. Olive had mission parishes , in ' the 8. left. The p,ublic is' inyited. ,t , There are. '100 acres' to be in- ' Curl announced. .' . Catskill Mountains of New ... Mr. and Mrs. Ellis McClure spected, With apples and peach- " ' York, North CarolIna, Verm.ont'p $lOO FINE IMPOSED and{ children, who have resided " es the main crops. The land ' FARMER'S GRANGE; New. Hampshire, and in the ' FOR DRUNKEN DRMNG at . the home' of Mr. ~nd ' MrS~ ~nd~J"1 the ·Orcbard has : been ProvlDce ef Quebec. ' , " EI,mer Sh~~h.an, the latter's owned by the Price f~lJn:i1y for T~e Home Economics comThe staff · thIs summer who A~ young 'man~o r~used 'parenfs, ' for the ' past' several ,125 years, and the present or~ mittee 'of Farmer's Grange No. will corne ' to Waynesville will , to' give tlis rtam,e to 19on'stable James Viggers' of Charles P. Joy and Magistrate months have moved to their chard was established by Tom' 1 ~ ~re v.ery bus,Y preparing the include new "home in which ' Price and his father. H. C. Price. pICRIC dmner which they wilt Springfield, ' Mo., a stulient pre~ , qarm(n Crane after ~ arrest was they . Qrcbar4 , ~f.~~gement, there serve at the, Harry Smith Park ' paring for the mhlistrv, William fmed.f,.1 00 and ,costs 'forAru nk , IS . ,~~ ~e -.p~acbcal side " .but on Saturday .evening. ,A portion Henderson of Wellesly Mass en dflvmg and $10 and costs for notli1p~ 'ID ,equi~ment "an~ mao- of the ,proceeds Will gq to a a student in the Church ArmY" not owning a driver's,license last ~ement has 'Ileen sHted / 10 wortJiy cause, the Student LO:iln and Captain Prior., ' Monday. Arrest by,: Offi~eti JOy ' The Rev. Samuel Keys' of St fo!1~,we~ the ' defefldant"s ,brmg' the ' -trees int-o ' the hirfa I?,Hn4. staJ~ ' of productJv~ness they ' · r , 'M,a rls Church, will ' be the host ~rlvlng mto ,' and damaging the now show. A large e~hibit of REGISTERED BUU SOLD to ,t he ·catbedrat.andw.ill work ' steps at"the '.lloi'n;e of "BmerSon ore,hard ~achh)e!y " ItRd eCJJ1ip. ,Simon ' Gassert ~f W~yn~: out th'e progra:m' with tHe , staff Earnha.rt. Att~r a ' ,~hort chase ment ,wilt be displayed,. 1 T&e ,111e, Route, 1, recently ' pur- and ',the -laymen of his parish. the '. driver ,' ' ' ~~,s .~pp'r~hendect , Orchard has a new refrigerated . 'lased ~ tbe registered Brown Mr. ana Mrs Ray Mainous and ushered. mto tlUf t , jail. storage, and modem gradi " ",wiss 'bull lazY' Jim of' Knob and sori, D~n,· witb ,grand- He s~id he 'posses~~;·, 1eatrier'sr equipment is used ' to p~epare ,Hilt 83794 from Charles V Os. daugbters, Misses LaVern and perrn.~ WQlch ' enbtles him to the fruit for , market. ' borne,' New Bur1in~onF Ohio ' P~t. Mainous, ' "enjoyed, a ' Tele· :'" Cfr!ve . o~ly wh~n·/.a' n~nsed , ' R R d' ' Vision program at tbe' home of ,dnver:ls 1ft the ellr w.ltb ~bbn., Ellenwood reports Ohio's Idtse: ~~:;[a~~ I~~ t~e B~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Lon Allford Thurs., He identified ' ltim~ol£tto -Mrrs: Earnbart.' as ton ' Al1~~ of, 1948 a~pte crop to be tight but 'Swiss Cattle' BreederS' Assoc:i. day'evening. its qualit¥ gooct, with total pro- ation, Beloit, WIS. WayneSVille Rt. 1. ·..).~ d'~ction for th'e State under , o 2,000,000 bushels. The, peach Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hartsock crop' is spotty, some orchards Miss Ruth Conner arrived have returned after" 'spending . Miami Chapter 107, O. E. S. havmg ' a good crop and other home on Monday evening after the WIll meet in regular sessio'n, Mr. past week as guests of orchards none~ Grow'ers have a two-month vacation and and Mrs. Wilton Hartsock in Monday Evening Aug.9. Thi ' l had another difficult. year in si'ght .seeing trip to the W , wilt be a very orief sum me . Baltimore, Md. controlling apple scab. Coast. , , _ meeting. _J •
, -d,e Cathedra I Ways. W.-II V.- -It St. Mary,'s
B d I " ' an Dstruments To
R bert ' Dak-' B d'Y Retn'roed tor Buc.-all "
Casheler Chos'en AN ' at B ' ank t atl-on j
. ".- 'D-
TefraCing Isplla,Y S hed led' sday
The MiamiH , E :\ E :... :-
~ ~
~ azette
1 8 5 Q
No. 4380 5, 1948
Pub li shed E vel',)' ihur s c ..ty At Way nes v ille. Ohio ' , CA RL G, ~SM ITH, Edjto,.
second class matter at the Post Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $ 1.50 ,a Year in Advance
• ..-
BRIDAL 'SHOWER HELD FOR DOROTHY MOYER Mrs. William Strouse of Lytl~ entertained to a bridal shower at her home in Lytle, Wednesday, for Miss Dorothy Moyer of Germamtown,' Ohio, who will be married September 4. The livin~ and dining room were attractIvely decorated in a color scheme of pink and green, with sevenit bouquets of gladiolus, pink carnations ,and chrysanthemums. ' , Several games appropriate to the occasion' wer'e enjoyed by all present, after which the ' bride-to-be opened her many fts .
~ - ..
~:,-· G()D'S PLAN ·FQR ",.
'-- -
~ ou :are,invited to hear this' subject ~iscussed by
G. RUSSUL POU.OCK a.m. Earnhart, Supt. , ' \ '·Norsbip. Ser,vice to :3Q , a.m. ME11IODlsr ,aruRCH , .vening: Service 7 :30 p.m. ~B. Col~mani ' Mi,n ister ,.,' ' Qurch schoo 9,:30 a.m. CAESARs CREEK FRIENDS Rev it Oavid St~Dfleld" Minister , ~'. J. Burske, Supt. ' Worsbip Service 9:45a.m. " , NVOISbi~ service ' ' to :30 a:m; ' Sunday School ! 0 :45 ~.~. Youth ' Fellowship ' ,', '..,UIIUla'
', -
8 p.' M•
, MIAJtU .
vftCA ~ U. B. QlURQI , Samuel ~. Keys, M,inister ' kev. William Shannon SUnday School 9 :30 a .... , "om~, Prayer ' to :30 a.m.
Mrs. J~es Garrison. Supt. ,· Preaching t 5t and 3 rd Sundays , , ~ each month 10:30 Lm. PInt: Day School . 9 :30 a.m. ' EftDing Services , 7 :30p.m. nJIIB)S lI.tID~
for Worslup. , to:30 a.m. ---- "
, ,,AYNESVILLE ' GIURCJI OF 'aIRIS! ' \ , M. H. ~ffey. Minister , BIble School ' . ' 9 :30 a.m" ·Mom... worsJt1r to:30 A. M. ' ~OUDIl'eople S Meeting , " . 1:t! P. M.
:a.'n..~ Service ~
sr.. AUGUS11NE
8 P. M.
Patber Krumholtz, Priest Masses 8 and to .A.M.
., .', ___ , ' PllUtY CHORal OF CHRIST ByroD CarVer, ' Mblister ': ', , Bible SChOOl 9 :30 '1 0Moralnt' Worship i'O:30 ...1. Prayer It\eetinJ. ' 7:00 p.m." Youar People 5 Meetlnr' ,, .. ' ,7:00 p.m. ,( . . Services 7~'30· pm. _ 1,nt.E METHODIST CtIUR'OI
Dr. Jos'eph Myers, Minister Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. Ruth Saylor, Surt. Worship ~ervice ' i 0 :3 1 1 a,. m•.
Lacy'5 Quality Market PHONE 2682 i'
, ;. f"
. •• _
.. ____ .-o..-.. _ __ .. . _
......... .... ..
... ""' .
-:._4dwi~h , Buns'
REDS TO PLAY ONLY 23 MORE HOME GAMES Onl y 23 hom e gam " remain on th e schedule for the Neun 's Cincinn ati Red who were batt!ing th eir way al ong- the' AtlantIc Seabo ard t hi week in their , next-to-Iast inva i on of Eastern ground.' The Reds do n t appear at Crosley Fiel d again until Aug. 9 when th e St. Luis Cardin als , provide the oppo ition in a night game whIch will open a five-gam e home stan 1. Rounding out J he card will be a singl e Ladies' Day contest with th e Cards on W ednesday, th e eleven.th ; a night g'ame with the Chicago Cubs on Frid ay, t he thirteenth i and a double heade r with Charley Grimm 's 1 r GOd food is the keynote of a quick .enu or crew on, Sunday, the fifteenth. JU!~N.do':.:ha burger8 011 enriched ~nd~!~..bDDS. Th e Redleg sguad, continues .. ser.ed with pleDty of prden fresh 0GftIU• ......,..--. to lead 'the loop -tn the engmeer~ ou " h' h f t 'ha~b;rgers '~~ 'relishes is ' i~g of doubl e plays and is rUIl A serye-.r l'8elf mea W Ie fun this is!" Sandwich buns nmg second only t o th e New rertain to draw many co:dme~~:me give the 'burgers that wonderful York Giants in hOITl.e-run PI' - from the bakeshop or m d ~ ~ h . the buns are easily shaped from ducti on. Paced b v " Hamm eri n )' .. special, flavor. .!he~ bya ;:'ltlng i~:; small balls and ftaUening to th~j , ~ plain yeast uvug . I . H ank " Sauer, wh o ha Ie j the ' ,tesired «hape. f fun 'mar' It Ie a rood .tIN . . . . . maj or l eague para ie pract l ~ - l With the pienie t~easo:! :!ke care of ~andwich needs , for several ally all season, tll e Re is gen- )enough buns at one Ime rYes their freSh quality. 'I ncidentaUJ, thet d ~ays. Careful storage prese ,. fire . ~ , ' d t t I era e a gran 0 a f 73 fo ur. buns taste wonderful when toasted .ohe~al:t0fbe' neai-by friendly baker m aster in the f ir t 90 ga,me , L On oth~r oceasions you WIS ic:hed sandwic)l buns he lupplies T ick et fo r all gam ',n th e ;Save you tIme and energy. B .~n~ net iron Q{ remai n in, Red leK hom he :t - . :also provide ~ impo~nl .VI .. mml_• , .• • ul, whi 'b in I Ll d~" fi Ve night buns. , : ~ . SaMwlch Ba.s ...._~;' """, grtm'l-' ,n i f ou r d( uhlel: a iL' '''. .. ___ . - ~ J tcul)OOftS IIh .., .~ . ,,,.,. _ I are n a e now at th e Re i s , , packaltdk,east. ~~_o.!_.-. . . \ V4 evp mortcnin,' \~',i~ot, ~~." .... tick t off i e at ."' 07 'i n t. y. cup lui tWarm w..... , ",• .-;:, "" ._ J f88S _ ". Cill I'nnatl',' 2. ' . I cup milk t",.. .'_!i~~. J "'~ ~4Y2 cups sifted Cftticr.cct floltf fabout" ....... !4 ClIp sUII. !.. -t ':0:'. ........ ~ -~.,....~~ "'I d bl d --. , te .beets. Let rise an.. OU e a (about one hour.) Form -remainSo'f ten y.east in lukewarm Scald mdk. Add lugar. 88 a ing dough , into smooth bal! . . shortening. Cool '~bllu::;a~ci GreaBe surface lightly. Cover and . Add eggs. ~eat unb. en;}l· Add put into refrigerator. When ,softened yeast. MIX e • ft wanted remove dough from reo Mr. and Mil' .Le 11 ~li: 1 tirv ,remaining flour to ma e a so d f ' i r and punch down. Mold o f W a l1i J1 ~t n C. H . were \1 11;dough. Tum out on:tl~fht1y ~hu:rid ~ a~~~~ °or if preferre,d, let,dough \ board and knead un I smoo d. t d" warm ' rt)om for . an hour day " V 11 111 g' o'u : t f Mrs. !I'atiny• .Place in lightly gr~8'se s. fore anmolding. Le~ rise unt.il N tti e ' Em rick. ' bowt G~ease surface Cover. ~:j :~ubled. Bake in moderate oven f M )~. and M r . Ever tt Earl \' rise untIl doubled (apbo u\on (375 degrees . about 18 1: left W edn sday mO'rIlin g or :l one: half .1Iours). unc o~. ~ minutes '. ~~), two week vacation trip t Shape into ~um~er of biisb~~~ Yield: two dozen four an1J one- J.,i sired by r~lhng mto sma d . h half inch buns. ; North rn Michi an . I 'a nd flattening to fol'D,l san W.lf! ~ ~ I ·Mi s La,ura Rosna Ie of Cin ~~~~~~~~ ~ . cinnati r ~ tu rncd t h 'r hom " . Pa ine ha reF alH Ferr Mond ay: even in g after pendfn ,: , pare·l; ts.-Mr. , and Mrs. Estill e ceiv f d a contract to teach in th e se vera l day \\ ilh '11 r 111 th r-i n Ph ill ip. . Mr. and Mrs. 'Har vey, Mis. Cl ark vill e school t hi falL H e lao/ an j : leI', Mr. a 1 , 1r -. T (l ura R n n~l e, an Mr.. an i .' expect to t a l, junio r 11 igh Harv .y 8 urnet , ':In f nm il v. M I". H arnl <1- \lVhitak er attende i h001' Eng'Ii hand o. ia1 stu dMr. and Mrs. tanley B-ai l I th f un ral f th eir ~ un t. M __ : i . . H i to ~rad u a te fr m W itMrs. D. C. Ridge, and Mrs. El -i' Hock ett have return ed from ~.. John Hayner, at 11e·r . l ate re- m in gtn n ollege at the en d f the umm er e ion. v acation in the Black Hills f si ' ...n e in Vl e tv ill e" Fri d:t South D akota. aftern oc n and th e burial at rMr. and Mr'. Vernon Pur I v bana. S " . were apt onK the glle t on lInentertain ed to a f amil y dinn er ' , J\~r. .and M r . Ev r tt , Kcn - day ,\ hell Mr ·and. 'Mr . L. ~. unday evehing in honor of 'the birt hday of the latt er's brother ' 1'1 k, . . .on and daughter, Mr. and . . Bran trato): en terta l11 e j at their .. \ ' MrS. Lester K en ri c~, Mrs, B - h0m e in Wi lniin ot n. Th M r:'. Roy mith. i Kenr ick,. and Mr. and Mr . Kue t 'incluti d thos ,of Mr. Th oJllaS Rlc11ards and W alter K ennck were gue t. :tt Warren and Clinton ount le, ba y da u -ht r of ' Ly tle Road Mr . wh o are winter neighbors in the rec pti on for Mr. and r u/'ned from ,S1. Elizabeth Cl aren.ce , Ma ley at th e. hom. 0; f. Bradento n, Florida. A ba ',ket ai tH , ay ev I~ m. ' dinner wa erved to ab ut flib . r~. J . B. J nes and Mr. and· th e bride 's mother, Mrs. N II! el;Y, in D ayton. atguests. , . Montgom M r ' , W alt r ,Kenrick attcnde:turgay evenmg., Miss C;leo Montth . 7th Degree mee ting o f 'omer y an i Mr. Mal e", ,,,ere W ar " 11 Co unty Granges at 11larried in th e ell. pel of M;·. anC! Mr. Han ld B. Earn th e Gra nge Hall at L~b a n o n South Park M. E." 11:',·,1, on . hart ', and famil y, ~i ss , Mary 'tu d:1 .., ve n in g of ·last week. Brnwn ct. .t 4 :3 ' Saturda' I \. D ora H ough and Loran Houg- h Ml'. an i Mrs. Cliff Beckett Re\', 'oames T ' ma" 'rl. wi1 enjoyed a"pic'nic dinner at Serand' 'hil ir n of near Lebanon resit. ..:. in B t! " 1" 1-, ':-. : . pent Mound €ln Sunday. . . Thursday evening dinner f Mr.- ,and Mrs. Vernon . ~------~~~~----~--~ , and on. Dick ey and ' ~-----------K ay ue Beck ett r'e mained for 'tlle week- end. Mr. and ·Mrs. Ch arles .Mullenix attended th e, funeral GAS-OIL-LUBRICATION . , ot th eir four-year-old nephew, Morris Eugene PhiJliips, Friday GQod.', line of, pa~,ts and Accessories afternoon . ,at the ' United , Brethren Ghurch ~f. ,Spr!ngboro', . U. S. Royal , ,Tires and th e burial at Sprmgb9 ro . Open 7 Days _a Week ' Cemetery . The boy was killed 7 A. M. to 11 P. M. Wednesday, as he ran .acros the Franklin Road, Route 73, PHONE 2423 .WAVNESVILLE, OHIO in front of the farm of his
Mr. and Mr . Chari e O. Mr. 'and M rs. Robert Clark' James and little son left on at- and chil dren were recent guests urday f or Opp, Alai ama, l.where of th e latter's ~ ar nt , Mr. and J am. , I .e fore they wiJ1 visit Mrs. Jam e" Mr .. Cl,larle fat her, Mr. Charle W al ker. . '_ l eaVIll, )' for a vacatIOn tr ip . t.o . Mr. and Mr ~ . Ch al'le" LeM ay "fa hll1gt n D. C. and ~o VISit and children, Mr. an 1 Mr :, f riend in ~ \V York Clt v and CharI Burt 11 and . hil di'en, n tat 11 / ' I ~ nd. Mr. and Mr. R h rt -B urton and Mrs. L.. J . Burt 11 att en i ! t h Yo t famil r llll i n at A r m ~' ark 0 11 ' ullli :ty. " , Mr . Ruth D enni - f / ' , vt 11 was a Sund ay i inn r ,n ue :t I Fra nk Holm and r. and Mr . Loyd D avis.
Mrs. CharI LeMa return 1 via pl ane on Satur a'y e nil ,I;, Mr. an j Mr . WaiteI' Whitafter spending the pa t h ' tl aker left Thul' da III rn ing by weeks in Clevel and. • plane . for p k ane W ash., wh re th ' y ' wi IJ pen d a few Mr. and Mrs. in ent day w it~l M r. andI Mrs. Asa Eve rdin g and f amily enj yed a Wh itaker . T hey will accomweek end t rip to Georgia n Ba y, pany Rev. and Mr . F • B. Col eCanada. m an, V{h ar in . Eugene, O r on t heir return home.
ofgfle .nW:J
• ""'"-" .. '
will be held
ill fro\nt of
,\Ii "
h r!i
Come 'in and 'see how simple 'a nd ine:xpensive it 5s to
Belcher'sSunoeo Service
To Buy, SeD, Trade Rent '·Borrow, USE
Waynesville Fu·r niture. I
and Appliance
South Main Street across froin Granse Hall
Telephone 2.4 22
- - -.-"
~WAYN..4lVII •
----.... --
g -
OHIO ' "
, We are auth,o!rized by Dr. - - - - - - - - - - - - , to her four time, and each time herwood to announce the he )ia- told me it, was so sudhirth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. den. " . . ... . ., • • Edwin Furnas on Sunday, July A Gazett repre:entathe in ' 31. atten :Ian e at the Miami ValleY , :I< ' * * Chautauqua at Franklinl MbnOne of the Philippine insurday, ha the pI asure and privi- , ge nt leade rs is a be~utiful (From the Miami Gazette ot lege of Ii tening to :l ir.rin ~ ad ____ wo m,an whose life seems to be Augu t 3, 1 98) 1r _ from. Booker T. Wa hin~harmetL he has often ru hed t n, who tand' as the foremos t iJravely. into the very feeth o'f Alreaq indications are in man of the world, today. ' death from uns and , cannon, . ' evidence that gas has been negro Prof. Wa hington i principal but has neve-r been wounded . stru k in our town, as improve- ,of an industrial for color- , Frequently we ~ee people in this ments have already begun : Esq. ed people in school Tuskegee, Ala- country who live so long- that Keys has had a new workroom t nma, an j is termed the Mose their live seem chllrmed also, . built in th rear of I. E. Ke s' of his race. 1 ut the only charm about it is harness shop; the I. O. O. F. tha~ the keep up their stren~th lodge has' erected a shelter for * * . ::: and vitalize their blood with A. B: Si ies' horse at the west GRJ.ND' MID.. SUMMER that celebrated remedy, HOSTside of the ware hou e; Grant CLEARANCE SALE Men ETTER'S STOMACH BITLewis, being' so inuch encour- tailor made uit --take our TERs. aged by late results, began dig- choi e of all our finest suits ing a well in his back yard, but con i tinO' of ' ingle and Double Wayrlesville Council has ap- ' 'struck a vein of water at a Breasted Unfinished Worsteds pointed J. H. Coleman to fill depth of fourteen feet. Veril y with and without ,silk facing, out the vacancy caused by the things do move. ,. ilk-lined Cutaways . and Enl:1rsh death of councilman Theodore • • • Clay Prince Alberts, $14.75. Thom'pson. UWomen have so little origin- Other suit $4.98 to 9.98: Boys' • • • ality. ' "I presume you are all-wQol · uits, $3 .25. Trousers 1S said that it would take talking ,about some one for men and boys, 5oc to tenItmen ,\lith scoop hovels to woman.' "Yep. I have proposed $4 .75. throwaway money as fast as the people of the United States are wasting it in drink'.
50 Years Ago,
. . .• '
, ••
Dear Friends: '['he Thirteenth Annual Reunion of the Old chool Association \v ill be held at the s ho 1 house in thi la ce, aturday, August 20, 1898. Exercises ,,,ill begin at 11 o'clock a. m. YOll are cordially invited to be present. Your ola choolmate, Isabella Brown, ec y; Will Henley, Pres. Annual due 10 cts.
Coz,y ,MoIne Trailer. , FOR' $475.00 'DOWN BALANCE $12.00 PER WEEK
No. 4380 5, - 1948
According to California del- arrive early for good seats, a egate G. Russe1l Pollock, who mu ' kal pro(1'ram , wi,n begin at Will addre the general con- 7:3 p. m. Admis ion' is free. vention of" ASSOCIated Bible No o1lection will be ,taken. Students," tomorrow evening at 'Chautau'qua, Ohio, the CINCINNATIAN LOSES Creator of man not.only know ' FENDER ON MAIN ST. the ever day happ n in g of The right r ar f nder of a human~d, but" irre pective oJ what (nan mayor may not do 1 3 Chevrolet was n ariy torn ff in a colli ion\ in fr ont of or what this nation ,or that nator last ,Fairley's Harchyar tion may do, i ~ working all aturday mor11lng. things toward the full accompThe driver of the h vrnl t, lishment of His foreknow n and Vin ent M. MI..Glinn of Cin Inpredetermined plan. nati, \Va iriving outh .on :A~cording to delegate Pol42 . Hi m (11 1', \V anng Route l ck who i I cturin (1' througha ':1, t n her f ot, \! a bing out the nation and presentmg taken in the ar t ' a Cincinnati his theme weekly ove r a net of p' h . sician for treatment. California radio stations. it is l The cra. h occurre j when God and He alone that knows Elm,er ' heehan of. Wayne-ville, the end from , the beginnin )'. aft r uI1ing out of :t ' hortl The end, claims the speaker, parking ~ laCe, cau. ht hi fr nt will not be the sma hing of all I um~ er in M Glum ' fender, earth's atom into universal ripping it I - . Damage t chaos and disintegration, but at " h 'ehan ' ~ ~r wa ' light. Each the right and pr per time and in driver blam d the oth r" but the ~reator's own way a ' swift wa ' \10 arre t. there , halt , will be brought to the destructive use of not only atomic" but all other powers in Little Terry Ben t n of FairfieU the hands of men - that have i ~ pending a week with Mr. and been cOllceived and are ,being Mr . Delbert Can er, whi le hi ' planned for the annihilation of pnent are on va ation in races. ~ p r Mi hi gan', They spent Tb make it possible for the un,t l y at oLll'd ·ville Lakl!, people uf the , Miami 'Vall ey to in m~ an wi h Mr'. Grac hear this subject dLcu ed, the chulel'. auditorium will be thrown open to the general public ,. Friday evening, Au ust 6, to hear the lecture, "God's Plan for Man. The lecture will begin at 8 'o'clock and will last one hour. For - those who would like to , <.:
'- ----
, 1
It 1I~~~S~aCh aft
New Trotwood
Ne"W Alma
in me Ohio Pannen will give you broad, protectioo against losses on your farm. It covers yout buildings. your chattels, your automobile and your liabillt]r for accidents 'co' others. Why not Ice u.s today,? You ..., JOU'ftl ufe whee JOu'ft' insured' fA Ohio P~ment
Eaton's Moiel and Xrailer Sales
.Karl DII"Dakin Insurance Agency
'~Ph()~e 153, ~o E. Mulberry, LEBANO~, O.
" ,!
'~EU IN~ eo. .~h IJ~
moon' exc pt Wednesda '
7-9 Saturda
evening Oth r e,; nin,e: y A ~ P \i i1 t men t TELEP HO!':E 62 -R
r. C.~.J( w·n~: .. !...ID D Optometric Eye Special
26, South Detroit 'Stri!et. XENIA, OHIO
LENNOX Heating: Equipment
, Acao•• FaOIl .OSTOFFIC, E . '
A Real.Sock Picture!
CEO.O'BR' I EN . "
6 :00 x 16 FIRESTONE
TIRES $13.95
(pJus tax)
And ,10th CHAP. SERIAL
RAY· MORGAN Sheet .Metal Shop MAIN ST..
And late News PLUS: DAfAB!~INDS --~--------
Weekly Cash Award
A Real Small Town Hit!THE
Wall Flower "
PHON£ 11M '
PAGE 5 THE MIAMI CAZETTE times. Don Luk ens of th ~ l ocalWAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. 4380 ites .R'pt three hi ts, including- a THURSDAY, AUGU~T , 5; . 1948 ' doubl e, and Bob Hastin gs a tri-
Edgin ton
TEAM. 319 69 .96 .3 01ple ClI)d a ingl e. N ewland of th e Cen ter ville nin e hit two FAIRLEY'S tripl es and a singl e. irkpa trick 13 J 5 .38 5 T hat even in g Ih Leg-ion nille Osbo rn ... 1 3 8 .3 81 -pIa ed a twin hill witl; Mi dd leRickev . 16 5 6 .37 5 ' town' Gard ntr - Richardso n 9 3 3 .335 tea m and L , l ano n's AlI- tars. Ryerso n 34 10 ,11 .324 T h , I ,t the , ~t1.me to Lebanon Hart ock 8v 33 '.8 10 .3 by a 5-1 margi n an d t aBard - ~ui gl ey BOB O'REGAN 33 5 10 .30-1 ner- Richa,ri on, which ~ l ayed P ank H opki llS 30 9 9 .30,0 , m' i nus Cl evel and Pend' e rgast, Faithful fo llowers of the Rogers 17 4 5 .294 l ocal' oftball lea ue were t reat- 8-3 . 32 4 8 .250' T hom pson In OHe of the wildest ,g-anle ed to an unexpected double:. Huffm an 1 7 2 3 . 17 7 header Sunday evening w hen pIa ed y~t on th e G ig'cr ' Vv' rkm an '6 4 . 125 32 ' the American Legion ' .pIa ed Rr lind, J3ellbroo k no ed out Charli e Johnson's Lebanon cl\lb Fai'rley 13 - 1 _ in ne overtim TEAM 297 6 5 85 .286 in the opener and Mi ddlet own fra m,e. Th I a:1 in the game I in the nightcap. No one is reall y chan IYe:1 ten tim e r w ith . FairKIER'S sure w hy Middl et own showed Ie s orin~ a m arke r in the re at 11-all 'L ackey 2 0 1 .500 up. Could it have been th at they sev n th t tI the , \ _8 10 10 .35 7 and s 11 1 th e am int t he Bail v ~ ad just a·r.ri ved . after a ~r uel1 Murphy 28 7 9 .321 m g 20 mile tnp which 'com- overti m e f ram es: '- chot nov'e r 29 4 9 .310 Jmenced seve~al w eek s ago when Pender ghast an ComThe re eem to be eveml Mill er 24 4 7 .292 pany disappomted m any .hun- mi infn rm ed I cal softball er ,Dakin 14 4 ' 4 .286' reds? Any way the celeb r ated and spectator ' who are n t C. G uinn 1S' -t 4 .267 col ored chuck er did not mak e ,a\'var.e. th at the ruling whiCh ilra :I ' 16 4 .250 th e tdp here a ain, but m y con'- prohibited th i 'nin of on n 13 . Guinn .2 5 4 7 ) . , r ati n w ith a Mr. W agner tt b, th Anh..-rican L 'gi n ' a m ~ I ell 7 , _00 , wh wa hal) i lin g the c1l1b in- wa one {f , the l aU r wn 1.J \. .. > J 4 .1_5 dicat ed that bef ' re tLe ea - )[1 i ' making- and m ef ie t all c1 n. Lu' ilgon -t 2 • . 11 1 ov r It hat Pen der hast \\t ill ap - ~he r "'l l a tio~l, ,which lIte rally houp 0 f .083 p~ar ( I ff re:i t , I u ,th ropt: he,q the L ~i :" l1, S 1m ld ~, ·"a' ~') In ~ \ l,l 2 l> 0 00 t n ti him) on a un i ay night their a r ' n1d t i~ t ~l ,);d card , Il1U h f or tha t. an, Le ionair who wa J1 l in Ti:' M 2 3 53 67 .23 7 ... • ... go j 'tanO JJ1 11)" Ma v 1 7 *** 1( ' tt jOinei t11 ' Legi 11 iu t LEGION A cia ' y itchin 'duel be- - r entl ) : ,Following ~ majorit, 1 1. 0 00 1 tw ell J Zenni' r 13 111 r ok vote 0 11. Just that po mt by .th, a';,Vyer 1 .5,15 15 8 ttl : ' . Ull 13 1:.,; ' v' r ( f I ring 1- oth~ r f ive, l eagl!e team ., ~h o T. f hompson 29 8 .4 I , w und' up ill a vi t r . f r }J lously we,re l1.o t g!=> lI1 g t Ja me '... 0 1 t 8 .3 ~ tl all ,'it ~ I a _- 1 m:l1'll'in, ~Ive a ~yer and hi c? l~o rts th e , M oran 21 111 w inn i no' n rave up II crea m, of el even m Illion vet- W rk m an 34 8 10 .2 4 two hiL ,c-. , wliil l' all w d S c o .t t " s appear- Bradl ey 24 9 7 .292 th ce bi ll gles. an la t week, even fo r Cook 2 3 7 6 .2 6 1 " 11 n"' . t ni rhf awa \' in eara!lCe, lat w k, even for Purks ' 23 7 6 .2 61 e nr F;liri ' 0'1 ~r L o-i n I ' l1e ll111111, was Ill egal, and ta nl ey 4- '1 1 . 250 th rt.m mar /ri n, with Purk -f ,c ul~ h ave fo rm,ed ~he ~asls f or ~.i11~~ice ~ ~ 108' 88 '.241 .216 the L ~i011 ~ivill ~ lit iv hits 1 te t . had F:alrley s l<?st. 1 .200 a and 19 r of Fairl y" f ur . . c tt hl ~self IS no~ bem,g M . Thompson 5 2 2 .125un j y ' , aft fI10- 11 th e ' J,lIIed aga mst. Followll1g hiS R. Price 16 7 2 .077 W ayne ville, Junior American I I a e . ,f~ n~ SptIng . Valley he H arve:. 26 L egion team tra velI ed t o , Cen- \,~a notIfied . to m ak e a deal f or' T EAM 2-9- 7--------85 83 .280 terville, and 10 t under p rote t 111m If. h ul d 'th league vot e by a 1 -;8 sco re.. Th e ~(u:n wa ' to. re t~m , the ol d r egul ati on, ' MILLER'S a , e- aw 'battle all ~ h e wa ,' whl h It. did. Y our par agrapher 1 1 1 1.000 With the lead ,changm fOlir hop , s till ex pl anati on wHL hetp Mill r Brown 1 .333 ' 3 cIan fy til at angl e of eligilibilty Hoa'k I 7 "... 5 . 294 _. . 0 (hat ,P ctat ors and ball- , Phill ip' 32 6 9 . 281 .., 7 SMIT H E ..ECTRIC SERVICE p a crs WU! case th eir 'j aw- Shank 30 6 Cons 2 7 3 7 . -5 9 For that extra Receptacle dig and p lay ball. . John -011 3 1 -+ 8 . 25 8 , Or Anything Electrical ly CIUSl1lg ' dv i e to dis· B i ' hIe, ' l I~l . lJi1l1plilyer IS eIther 4 '1 1 .250 39 7 8 6 ke p.' th e !eagu stro ng by, x- Clark .17 7 en 'trd 34 . House - Barn - Outbuilding2' hlblt1l1g le~lg ue and team spirit ack ett ' 33' 5 5 . 15 1 or ls,c makt:. .the league stro ng I; T urll 7. 1 1 . 14 3 b w l thdrawmg from the p ic1 · 1 Jones 1 1 0 ture omp l et ly ., Or xercis . Adam " 1 · c.. 3 '12 1 Waynesville 27~4 YOlU: co nstituti'onal rig,h ts by tewft rt 0 0 .(lOO ' 9 u~ tll1 g ' t he l eague offi cial ~ who ~~: , , ·l.rntat ·yo.u, by the PI' per TE AM 295 39 m th ods, I. e. petit ion, etc. , AUCTIONEERING J ust be ~ur~ your allega tions S~RING VALLEY" __ _ , can b~ p roven wh en nece ary. 1' 4 11 STANLEY and KOOGLER • RelT! em ber league official , in - DeHave n · ill D ' 3 28 9 . 321 BROKERS L.CENSE cIud1l1 g th e ' president onl 25 -+ 8 , . 3~ , ' c~ rr.Y out th e , fre~ly ex'pf ~ _:I ' . ott Ni le 1 5 , '" 7 F or Dates . Phone 2894. Wavne.ville. \\ IJI , of , the · ma.! on t,'i of votin 0' Oh io , Reverae Chargee ' , cl ubs. ,.., E. Brewe r ,22 8 .27 , , D . Brewer 0 2' ,250 ,and' rso n ' 1 2 ' · _5 (J H aine 25 3 6 .240 8 6 , . 20 6 ,7 8 .195 4 2 · ~ 67 5 4 .1 6 7 0 1 . 143 Wi lcher 7 1 0 .000 , PLAYER ' AS R H " Ave WHliams 1'3 3 0 .00 0 Cul berson .4 a 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 o· .,00 0 0 0 .000
Am eri an Lebion js the batting I ' ,~ I ad r at th~ n j of the first hal of ct ivities with a .515 a ra e, He is fo llowe i by W ill i 'lm on of Bellbr ok .451J) Jam ~ f Le (l'~o n an 1 .Ral ph Dumtor j are tle:i for third and fourth pl ace with an even .40 ' whi l 13 b 0 'born of f airley's . is fifth with .381 . T he top ten , are roun ed out by M oran Legi on, . 2; Bail ey, Kier's: .357; Hart ck, Fa i rl ey' ~ , .324 ; an j Murph , Kier's an j D ill pring valJey, .3 2 1. ' Thompson has also scored the mo t runs, 1 5 and has the hemal most do ubles, six . Moore and See , Wright of Be llbrook have cro~s e j the pl ate twelve times t o at the GAZETY'E l e' ~d there. Hopkins of Fairlc ' s is ahead in th e t hree-bagger fie ld with two, while H artsock ,: of the sam e team with three ~-~-__~-_ _...;..~;.. home . runs is the " Babe Ruth" of the ci rcuit. ;~.r .
- . .,... .
Gre~t~ B~rgaiDs!~!
NEW " '
Equipment i Harry
PEACHES FOR SALE Va r ietie : A s Th ey Ripen
POFF'S ORCHARD lAo M~. East of Tt a ff i ~ Light
Y e's, the educati on of ' , ' ~ II chil dr n, thei r entire future ' w~ , · far , i yo ur respon ibilify . [ : '. ' charg:e it cons,cientiously a:: J EASI LY by ' sav i n~ REGU L\I.L Y. W e are ready to help \ \ 1 , now. Stop in ! .~
10 cents per pound
" .It will h,e a
GREAT , F?AYforyou ~.the Day you
Ca ll Smit t y
. ,'
, (Iet your
De L U'x e Cabinet Model
'- --:-C=--O PPER-CLAD ' RANGE
' ·MeadOW 'ld'.,'Ba.ttiug :'1Ver~g"J
'TI1Qusands of American women look back upOn their pazc:t.. of a Copper-Clad Range one of their most 'fortunat~ experIeDcer.' In addition to range-beauty of which they are ~tin gl)' ., d happil) proud. they have discovered thrilling ~ew cooking :lnd baking performance - pIns undreamed-of convenience and fuel-econom. '
ff)r Fir~~ , ~~:f
, Fraak Sibcy ' J. Zeilnie
Rep........... _..111!!11________ '.
,' Barkett Wono
8 1 38 3 28 6 28 'S 30 · 5' 27 1'2 4 1 4 0 26 12 t5 2 8 0 t7 2
4 3 11 8' 8 '8 7 1 1 6 3 1 2 ' 0
.400 .375
'.28 9 .28 6 .286
Come ,in. tet us sho~ y6u ,why Copper Lining, Fi\'-e Jy Thermot. Construction. Airtight Arched~top Oven, Removable Enamel Panels and a host of other remarkable f~tures make the ~d merica's finest' and most ~esired coal-and-wood ~ " ~ ' ., ;'
~: ·~g~l;nd 2~
GO MILK' ~tt~s;:1~1B,orr1~~·. ::~~ ~l:~r
Pene\v it G, Dumfo rd Spitler DELIVERY' DAYS ,Hidy Hoffman Same ,Delivery Day Each .W eek , T. Zerinie Moore Ridinger , Kener Wright
g' ~1r£t
SAVE $251'
2-.S..... 51 63
REGULAR ~Rif;E $17,4 .95
.. .
' ;'
1'778 36 2 456
.259 TEAM .250 .250 ' Bellbrook .231 Fairley's .200 Kier's .1 25 , Legion .1 t 8 Miller's .000 Spring Valley
38 16
12 4 19 6 8 '3
Fairley , Bdwe. Store
PHONE 2441
6 -
3 4 t
8 {" '~, WDmingt', ~l
Sabina~"______~____ L,achb ________~~____________ [t;;~::~~f_, _
GREAT stoRES Blanchester
THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE 6 One of the -, best romantiG Ladd as gang foreman will give WAVNESVILLE, oHIO No. 4380 an y of yo u enough acti on and THlJRSDAV, AUGUST. 5, 1948 ~omedies ' hits the screen for ang fights are very good next Tuesday only. I ' really th as mu h rough- ami'- tumble ----------------~--~-' hope the ticket-taker nee js Mr, M. F. Weltz 'and I extra hands' to get all of you in battlin takes place. Dot J.-am- 'da ughter, Mi Anne' W ttz, and because "Wallflower" is a sh o~ our p l' vi j e th spark in La jd's Mr_. c. iLee Hawk \\ ere in .01' so true to any small tlOwn like e uml U - . 1a t week wh n Mi s ours. When ,one sister is pretty, Ann e Weltz t ok hr entr an e · xamill ati 11 at t he ' Cap'ital personable and popular a.nd th e ~~ other , is a wallflowe r with ' ni\lc r it .' They al- a ca \1 ct on FOX HOLLY ~a nt meanin~. ambitions for .masculin e conB 11 H awke wh ha heen re1l1oved t hi h m after ' Enroute to Waynesville via • .. quest, there are sure to be om- ' SHAHAN HOOP RITES eral weeks iIln . at Grant the( The, Riley) "April Showers docketed for ' pli atibn_, not to menti n 0 11t~1e Sunday-Monday headliner -sid~ra,ble , fun for the audience. Mi s Ph llis Shahan and H ~ pi t a 1. gives to you the much repeated ThiS IS another of those \6n 'Robert Hoop \'{e re married th ~ 'Fl ash: Annabell e mith,' local s~ory of t~e hardworking vaude- running Broadway ta!ye shows past week the Pre byterian Mr. an:l Mr . Inl O. Brow n Ga.J., was the lucky Mountie Ville family who finally crack adapted ' by Ph ebe and Henry Church. 1'h at ori:ie wa's attend-, and s ns joine 1 in a picni card holder last Saturday the top circuit after years of Eph!on from the tage pIa y ed by hc!r sister Janice j Sue llnd ay evening at Cold, prine evening. struggle. Jack Carson and A~n Re _'maid D nham an j Mar y Ada m, Norma Saylor, and with Mr. an,d Mr : Claren ,S'?thern depict the Tyne family Orr.. . J ~ al1d 1 Darby shir~, who is a W av.er, Mf. an j 'Mr. Milo BRJErViEWS: The western loving folks With. t 2-year . old Robert Ellis J C?yce ~e:yn olds is the shy girl, 111 e of the o')'oom. Emerson · Fen1 , Oa vi j- and Dan Wea'certainly have an opportunity p!aymg th.e child Who will worni forced mto the, ba~Kground ' by Darbyshire, a brother-in-law of ver; an j Harriet 'W i Tom to see' a big outdoor picture 'h!s way mto your hearts with her glamorous Sister, Janis the OT OOlll, sang f ur song and F al , all of Franklin . .tbnight and tomorrow when hiS performance. Everybody is Pag~. Robert Hutton is the bi g Mrs. Linda e ou Bledsoe played Randolph 'Scott b'attles his way frank and ' easy-going and li Q'ht in both sisters eyes. You h the pi ano. The lmr h was 'iIIMr. and Mr -, Earl Walker through some unusual scenes in having an enjoyable time, even experience a picture of family ,' ed with relat: es and friends. A and Kenny of Dayfon. Mr. and Paramount's epic of the West, witn their occasional tears, and life in a small town with alt of ' re eption for 150 guests was Mr . P. E. Bent01~ and Terry of "AJ.buquerque." Coupled , with I .hQnestly believe this mood the ~.window-peeking. neighbors ' given ' at Highview Te.rrace. ' Fairfield spent aturday with George "Gabby' ~ Hays, that Will be transferred ,to those of and the. damaging ' effects of T~e ¥:room was 'attended by the Mr. "and Mrs. Delbert Conger. veteran horse~opera player, and you who alway.s say, IIJust give local ~OSSIP that should! provide bride, s brother. with Barbara Britton for love- me those vaudeville days 77 iumutes of wholesome enMr, ' a'nd Mrs, Ray Mainous interest, the story Is really big again." The Warner News will joymenLfor all. Edward Anlold The Bellbrook Garden Club and son Don, and R. B. Peters in all its' doings an-d' should sat- ' screen for you the highlights of is the father of the gil'\.5 and his held its annual picnic at the attended a reunion in Hamilton isfy all c\l~tomers, even though the recent Democratic con- ' best lines are where he rebels , mith farm, N1 auction netted unday. some of them' may not be ventioA, or shoU1d I have kept 'against, all women. a nice sum: for the treasury. inveterate fans. Saturday night that a secret in this hot-beet. of " Although , thi~ community is ' . The Garden Club is p~epar- , an ol~, old ,~eteran returns as R~~ub1icans ... Ohio, that is. thru with wheat ,harvesting, mg to m,ake several entries in Mr. and Mrs. VI\ gil F. Rus I . and daughter of Lebanon were George O'Bnen slugs his wa,y As.a~ i:I?ad Minds T~e Ba,b y," , next rThl,l rsd ax ' . ~nd Friday's , the flower show . throug,h 1,'Lawless Valley" to whIch IS the supportmg short, attractIOn, 'Wtld Harvest" 'Shirley and ,Be,verly Hodson week-end , gue ts of Mr. ' an~ event~ally triumph over the ' ,perhaps I should mind my own should be worthwhHie. With ' had their tonsils remo ed Mon- ' Mr , J e s Thomas. ' ~ _,~1i,,,-- ~ \. ' , forces of evil. And don't .forget business, period. ' Alan Ladd in tne, driver's seat day and , aJ'~ recoverin r nicely. -the 10th chapter of "'Dangers ' the audience will 'travel across ~ ~ 'tV\1\\J "~.tJ of the Canadian Mlounted" - the country with many hardy Forty .per cent of all 1947 ~~~' brings you faithful' followers of men equipped with massive traffic deaths occurred on weekI\t\! -". \ , , c,Ombines to service whole com· e,nds. Drive carefully oil Sat' \\ \\\-, ~"'-: Iiil , ~ . :"\,: ' . • , ml:1nities in one Undertaking. urday, Sunday '- - and every _ ~ ......... ;:;.. 'J' " ..: Repr~senting day ! Westbeimer & Company Members New York Stock Exchanges and other registered ' Exchanges
that weekly thriller-diller just two weeks away from the special free matinee shows (2 & 4 p. m.), August 21, 'for th ose who have all eleven sectior).s on their Mountie card punched." I ,N ow, That Summer Is Gone IS the ~arner Bros. ha rt ~m the program ... hope ' that htle has not , a toC)' 'si nifi- "
Belib,' rook N ,oles '
• • ' ,
\1 '
Investment Trust Shares
~T" tJ marlr 01 perfection 10
8 ught _- old - Quoted ' f>hone Waynesville 2530
Nar ~Illth
Da on AD3257
'he imperlectlom 01 o,Mr•. AUGUST '-Anoel 1I1and founded. 1775,
, ' , 6-Atomlc, bomb ' dropped
on _ _ I94> 7-Nathanlel Green bom; 1742-
• •
~ *
Prescription For Your Car'
The Home of Dignified, DiS- ' tinctive and ' Kindly Service.
STUB:BS Funeral Home WAYNESV~,
TELEPHOl'JE 22':11
8-Pres. Truman Ilona UN charter 1945 t-frqncis Scott Ke.y born. 1780, '
' " lG-Mlssourl admitted Union, 1821.
, tyl e and p ·'tl,c cleanline are imperative at e rie t ' ,the fa· tidi U ' w III n, And I') ur m 'derp iry '~ ea n in ' 'l iJl~ i u-t th ~ t : to ul' I th ing ! ' Our , ' pnces, too, make V u realiz · that all thi' Iuxli r : and e~ nomy may go han j. in h~ind.
ll-Anlmate ~ot1on' pictures introdUced. 1914WMU ·....
In.visible Half Soling Orl hopedic CorreCtions I - , , Cork Extensions , -
, ' Use The Almanac To ·
, Check The VV ~at~er Bu~
GAZETTE CLASSIFIED , AD~ , To Buy,, Sell, Rent, Loan. Borrow, , Any Time of The Year ,
:roux' Car Ready,:,
for Vacafioning?
A SERVICE AT OUR FUNERAL HOME means relief from any fear of improper mortuary preparations. K~owing .the importance of last unQresslOns" .we bring to this work the best in its tecnnic~ al science and th'e best in skillful perfo~mance.
fUN ER". L NO 'ME: ~
WAYiN,.VltLL •• ,0
Drive in 11l0W and '.let us re~dy Jour car JOl" : the . open roads, - p~~ ,i t !n tip-top shape for ' (","safe, smooth summer - driving~ We check it ~ . ~ho~oughl.x from bumper to bumpe~ ... ' serv- }' Ice It completely. , ' ,
Plymoutb ~
with a Guu~t.. That Counts
edge out to look ahead and there is a car just starting up the hill on the other side, or there is a 'curve ahead and no chance to pa s, AAd so on mile after mile. Then cornes the .turnpike A FARM DIARYwith no cross roads, tour lanes, plenty of trucks but no place by D .J. FRAIZER where you can not pass and it is. ~ard to '~eep your speed down, July 31, '1948. Vacation is t(!) w~at IS safe. The speed 'Oyer and we got home the very limit is 79 miles an hour but day ,that they . hreshed the I try to stick to 55. Part of the ' wheat and the oats. The wheat roads through Eastern Penn'vasn't quite as good as we ,hop- sylvania and New Jersey was '.:d but the oats came aut better just as bad ·for trucks but many than 'we expected. The pastures parts Were thre~ and four lane are ' green from the recent rains roads. ' and the corh looks fine. We Out of New "York .and! rest ......- have a nice new heifer calf. of the way to Boston there are Everything is growing, \ dndud- . parkways where no truck'S are ing the weeds. • allowed and all cross traffic is taken care of b v special enThis year I 'drove to Marble- trances. The parkways ma~e for head, Mtass., by way of New speed ',and pleasant driving but York but. 1 did not have ti.mlt even their ,carefully landscaped to stop m New York CIty. , areas become monotonous and Everywhere 1 passed in OhIO we are glad to tclte some of the and .P~nnsylvania . they were ' side roads that go through the <:ombmm~ wheat. There were small towns and villages though some fiel s cut and shocked but , it makes slower trave1ing. . very f~w. At that time, a~out This time after a visit to .the July ,elfJhth, there wer~ fIelds . sea~hore and a sh~r~ tr!p to where hey were workm but Mame we went to VISit frfends Inany that had not. starte ~et. who have a cabin on a small . The Pennsylvama Turnpike lake neat Conway, New HamlS a wonderful ..road. bl;lt'you lose pshire. The tiny lake lay like a -L: st f tl e t me gained there III 0 th 0 dI It . h d rth . k nll'rror for the hl'11s and '''oods ~y on e roa s a eac eh~ I" pm around it. From there we went that,l ~,en~ up every II m en· on througn the White Mounnsylvama m back of a truck ex- talns and across Vermont to cept on the fO,ur lane roads. The Burll'ngton wh'ere we ' took the road f,rom. Hig'.hway. 40 to the fe, r,ry across Lake Champlain, d ked T k 1 11 ur.nPI e IS 11' y , an croo . then along Lake Champlain to and only .t,:vo lanes, so whe.n ,Ie, Lake ·George. Beautifll~ scenic ,xO\L get behmd a tr~ck there IS c'o untry but 'alas, most of tbe little chance o~ passmg. UP a!1 d way it rained so that we could up the long hllls you go while not see all the beauty. the heavy truck moves more '" "" ' and more slo,vly and the pro, hen hom~ acr?ss N w Y0,1 k cession behind it gets .longer State, Pennsylvama, and OhIO.
every roadside stand, fields and fields of beans Qnd p tatoe. . , Too bad that we could not have televisoned it all to the Russians. I wonder if Stalin himself kno, s what we have here in America. Of course '·he does not dare to let his people know I ut do he and his men. know? The millions of cars on the road, the towns full .of houses~ though notenoug'h for all the people, the quantities of still uncultivated land, the factories, the farms, the lakes, the rivers the happy carefree crowds at all the ..esorts-all the things that go to make America - all the thjngs that could be had by all the people of the worldif they had ~ chance to get them by workmg for· them.
Pomona Grange met in the ter of Columbus were guests gymna ium Saturday evening last week of Mrs, Tetrick's parDinner Wa erved in ' th ... h,lme ents, the Rev. and Mrs, J. P. Thornberr'y. econ mi s roofl1~ Mrs. Alice Urton celebrated Mr. and Mrs. \"'r/, P. McCarren of Walhoundin~ . ; ent nl " her 92nd birthday anniversary aturda y and on Sunday she weekend at their hom. . here. was the -guest of honor at a Mr. and Mrs.' John Denn d'inner given by relatives In and n and Mrs. W, C TichenDayton. or of Dayton spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. _ Tich nor's Mrs. loa Collins spent unhome,c'The Springs~' day morn-ing near West Liberty Mr. and Mrs, George Wall where she enjoyed on, ,excursion and sons and Miss KathIe rl through the Ohio Caverns. Graham have left for a tour Las~ "Thursday Will. Gustin . of the East and Niagara Fall Mrs Albert Reynolds enter- was vIslt.ed by hIS cousms, th.e , ' " DelM arals Sisters, and, their tflmed the B, Y. F. t~ dmner mother, Mrs. Julia Gustin Clark, , of Covington, Ky., on their at h?me, Sunday ~vem~g. MISS Janet Doster, Mlss LOIS way home '(rom giving an enter· . lu~ensJ R<?b~rt Doster, Chas. tainment at the Payette CounElltson, Vlrgtl Cox, Howard · ty Fair . in Washington C. H. Doster and Fred Wall returned Travelling by trailer, the girls home Sl:lnday from a wee~, at present entertainment featuring the BaptIst Ca":I p, L~ke. Ene. a magic act at. fairs, hotels, and , I A 'commumty plcmc' was theatres," held Sundav at Jacobs Park in Wellman. PATRONIZE GAZETTE ~"n~rso~~d ::ssset1· :~dH~t;;;:~ ADVERTrSE,R8 Mrs. Carl Tetrick and daughvisited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hietman at their trailer home mtllllMllllllnlllllllIHllimmmmmmllDlHHlIIlIIlllIMlIlIllHHlnllllmllllnnHIWWHIHnmIIHJI1111U1. on WIlmington College 'campus _ _ aturday. , ~ _ §§ Sgt. H:iF'old Smith bas receiv'E .~ a "growing-" favor, ite ___ ed a promotl'on to Saff Ser-
RHe~ndt.lbHe isGnow statiohned. in v, el e erg, erman avmg h been moved from BerJ1-,tn, were he spent two and one half ),ears. Mrs. D. H. Fite and daugh-, .ter , Mrs" Frede r'Ick· Mu' thert and Shirlev Alone of Glendale were, Sunday dinner p'uests of Mrs. L.c)ui ~ Fite and ~iss Jane Fite. • Mr. and Mrs. Em'erson Masters anq sons, .terry and Tommie, left Saturday for a twok at' . ~t 1,. 1 wee vac Ion m rlor "a. . Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Cluence Pric~ ,
. ~~~if~fye~~ 1~:to;~~~tieofr!ce~, ~e~ d~, ~~~ ~~stS, riP~gi~g, ~t~~~ ;~~es~: o\e~:~°tpri~~;: pSa~~~~l, b~~~~~~up~eed~dyou
= ===
BIG M for maximum
of your wheat cropl BIG M for highest market quality I --= ~L._. _,_u ._ ~tbM ~-;;-;=.-While our immediate coo. fl' cem that 0 .upp YIIle more ishich-potash-conteftt
;;;;;; ~
; ; ; ; oJ _liE
.E!!I E5i
~ =
.= 9E5
== ~
.- ;
= . =
i FertmzerCompany
The Miami Pertlll.u Complttly" ...
iI!5i :
. atandardl ••• never doWD to a price.
:,r:;:,.ed1-::' !,~v:y'~.
Ord.r -.r,bDaI joaur cfMlu Io. w..
:-: ' is ,.,.-_.~
fertili.zfer~l!dr Yti~ur, neCthds, every ert! Izer eanng e BIG M b rand perfonns up to ~tiOD becauae it ia alwA,Ja made up to hipeat
. ~~~~lll~~I!lIUU!I~llllllll~!IIIIl1!!lllIltlll~llIUIll~IIlI.lli~liI,l~n~~!III1.11lI11III11I11I1I1JIlI~III~IJIIIIIIUIIifi
rle~ ~~~ and~~__. P_~_,c~~_e_s~o_n~~,_M_r~'_:l_n_d_M~~_._C~I_ar_c_n~~_I_'r_ic~e~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
_ __
•__ _
• _ _ _ _ J' _
in Real E-tate for sale, ~e t in touch with Ben E. Cline. licensed broker, Sp rin.1{ VaHey, Ohio, 'in Real E tate Bu ines· since 1911. Experience tells. Try me and see. -8 26 ------.;-------....;. FOR SALE" ONE PAIR ROLLER RINK Shoe Skates, sizt! 8. Cal 2634, H. E. Elstro. '- inj : :"'940 TON and a half ChevJ\ !'i olet tru k, grain he i . ' aynesville Farm.e :·~; ~c chan ,9'e , Phor. 2371 , _.~_-__r_ · 2_~ .. -Se lected tree ripened Roachester p aches. The best yellew \'- .free stone. ·Blemish peaches / j1.50 bu. Bring 'contain~rs .. ; Oth,s yello\ <md· white peache later. Ling', Fwitl 'Farm on Cylo and ada! Row Rd. ii4. , mile W. of Ferry. ' -85 t .seller Breakfast set; 1 KitIChen Cabinet with m'atching utility side cabinets. ' Good " condition. Mrs. E.~win Surface, Phone 2917. . -712 --...:-----.--....' - -,-::---::-:-=
WHITE IVORY PORT~~E : RAlDlp. . RUt:l s on flas~'~ht , l?attenes .and a B battery t ._~! . ' are available _ ,a t lr~~an '5 are any ime. er feld Elstro, 2634. HELP WANTED-\
ANTIQUE FURNITURERe ~ ai red and Refin'ished. All
work ~u~ranteed. CHAS. C. COOK and SON PHONE 2645 W vn esviII O' ' a.r .. e, • -624
For '¥ou To Feel W t"
.----------------------ealect 'proposals will be 're-
ceive i.b v the Board of. Education, Wayne· Local' School District of Warren County, Ohio" :1t the Office of the Clerk in the HiO'h Sch 01 Buildin.!?: 'in Wayne T wnshi '\ Waynesville, Ohio, until 1_ o cl ock Noon Eastern Standard Time, ~lugust 14, 194 for all labor and materi,ds necessary for the ' erection of a 2- ·~ r:'garage-addition to th e pres nt school-bus garage according to plans and specifications on fil e with the Clerk of said Board of Education. Each bid shall be accom·:. panied by a bond, with Surety " , f t r · t a th e Ii' .. Ll 'LTc':: .::a U5 ac B ~r:i of EduLatio n, or by cash 0 ' c rtifi d cheCk on a solvent bank in th State of Ohio. The amount of said bond, cash or cert.ifi d check shall be equal tp 5% ,of the total amount of the I;>i j and th e hond shalt be in fa '.'0 1' ' f the Bpar j of Education ' f 'the \\'ay n~ L (, ~tl School District of Warren County, Oh io. The cash or certified check .shall be forfeiteCi if ,the bidder fails to 'enter into contract wi th the said, Board of Education within ten (10) days after Notice of A'cceptance of . his proposal; if the award is made to said bidder. The Board of Education reserves t~e right to reject any and all (nds. B order of the Board of -E uca -ion. C 'vV. Barnhart Clerk, Bd. of Education.
Box Brownie Camera lost off ' r unning board of. car on 73 or GRANGE PICNIC '4 2 Sunday, July 25, Call J,ack The Hom e Economics Preston 2929. Committee of Far,merS Grange No. t 3 invites all grangers and I..;OST-In vicin.itv of ' Routes families to the Annual Gral1g e 73 and 4~ black, tan and Picnic Aug. ' 7 at ' Smith's white female terrier. AnsPark at :30 P. M. The comwers to the name of ·'Juli." ~~-:-'----:....,..:..-1I1lmee-~~;w:JUSI~Ll;.l-I.W.l.la~'---_~~~~Box A, ' Waynesa nomlnal charge ~nd , urges -86 members to attend. ~8 5 WA NTED ' " I
:DBA,~ .TOe~
: Estate of Enima O. Kersey
D;!ceased. ' Nf'.flce is hereby , given that :,)c.hn \\1. "el ~ey who~ f'ost Office address is Waynesville, Ohio has , been duly appointea IS 'Executor of the Estate of Emma O. Kersey" late of Warrell Countyt . Ohio, deceased. Dated thlS 9th day of July .t948. C. Don~td .: 'D~tatush. atty. , R.~l1 ' H. ~rev , ' . ~l~~ VI, tf,e I Pfob~le ,Coqrt , Wttrreri ' Coun~y,' ,Ohio. J 7 T fa ,fTt ~ WANTED! I
:' 9.Q() Hoes ' 3.00 cwt. Ace........ ', . . . . . a c ...." .... " AIao, AU SM.\LL STOCK "!$MOVED PROMP11.Y
2362 ,
24 bours every day, 'f d ay s , eV llr:! we k , ever stopping, the k idneys filte r Wli t~ ..lIotter froto i'h e b ood . i: lIore people wore a ware u( It '" the 1<11 "lC':S JDust co nstantly r omoy s urp.i\au tluid excess acids llod ut h (lr W,Slat« matter tha t cannot stoy in ~be bl bod without Injury to bealth . t hp,re wo uld bll better' un derstand ing , 0.( ~"" t e • wbole sY8~em ill u pset wh ·n ,<ld oeYI Call . to C'lTlotltlD p~operly. . 11 ~: n i I!L. !!l 'un y or l OO Creq u ll J1 t u~l!la. tlon lon:e Li mel wnrns thllt lom"t \ 111 il wrong; Y ou1may sulfer llll\rgin" blA ck· .. '11-J. h\'rl'bc~ es. dl ~% iucea . , rlle!lmati« ..... (I .mJ. "ettl ni u'p at nlghtr. iiweUlog ~ , Why Dot try Doa,,', Pill", You ,;w ~e usi.lll: a ml'dicioe recommended th. ' (1 un lry over, Lloa,,', stimulate t bo (unotl:l n of ,the kldnc)'ll and belp th m to , RWlh out poillonoUII ' waite , (rom ths blood. They eontal~ DotbinC harmful. Qat 1)OG"" today. u.. " Ith c:onfldeoeo. A~ all d"'r IItb:ea. \
NORRIS BROCK COMPANY Cincinnati Union Stock Yard. Liv. Wire 'and Progr••• lv" An oraanization Mcond non•• Strictly •• on the beet aI' around market In ' ttt. country. ,., SERVICE THAT eATI9FIEe ,WlHIO Dayton 12: 51J E. 8. '1'~ , Dial U,IO. ~W Cin.clDDau 11:40. Dial 700. for Our Dally Harket Report..
POSITIVELY MUST! order your Tru'ck apd Business Signs, now or else pay "much more" in ' just a few days, states Stanford Bogen -:- not~d sign & truck sign artist of Morrow, Ohio. He pays 10% to anyone whe sells a sign ' for nim~ Sell 'yourself a sign now and save 10.% and also a 30% higher cost. Stanfard Bogen Signs make you money.
GIRL to run cash register. Call at Dot Food Market -ind
DON T FORGET O CA~L ~ fo~ msuran -e. A~I types of msura.n ·e at a sa vin S. Call FranCIS Cfelle BrEwn, phone WaynesYllle 2 12 r . call collect. Wilmin gton 2111. I SEll THE EARTH-
At' the 'tast meetirig ,of 'the American L~gion t-Jost 6-15, Cpl.' Dan~ahoney of the State H i.ghway £~[Ol presente~ , a. bnef orlentaiton on the formation of the new "Disaster Relief PER ,CENT 100 Program." . 100 ' The uDisaster. Relief Unit" will be comprised of volunteer Legionnaires ' who will recieve traming from the Stat~ Highway Patrol. The purpose is to ' Por . --..;819 traan and o.rganize Legiorlaires . Greater Safety of Farm Owner- ., from every county in OhiG into , efficient, .fast-moving relief ship , 'NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT 'units cap'able of taking over in '. Finance with a ,~cI ~ Loaa all maJor ' disasters such as; LONG TERMS ., floods . .' explosions, or , major LOW IINTEiu:sT Executor REPAYMENT PRMt.f.GES , Estate S. H. Burnet De. fir~il Legionaires who we~e net present at the last D),Ceting, are , ~- , LOAN ~IATION . ceased. requested to' contact CommandRoom 5 Old Bank Blda. ~. Notice is, ,hereh" giv:en tha•. er. CheSter Carey for fUAher in- . , 11._S. Broadway Harry Burnet ~hol se:. Post 9,f- formation concerning ~is pro- LEBANP". OH,O Phoae 488 fice addre~s 'IS . 'Waynesville. EQia H. Sturm, Sec'rT...... . ·Ohio, R. 2 bas bt~en QuI v' ap"- gram. LEBANON NATlON~ FARM pointed , as Exe~utot: Qf tbe ':JATRONIZE' GAZETTE Estate of S. H.. Bum~t late of ADVE~TI'EtR8' Warren County, ,(l)hio; ·deceas-
Dated this
2'~U~I ' dav of ,July
i.948. ", ... ~j ' ' . C. Donald Dilatush, Atty. ' , Ralph H. Carelr· , .' , Judge of the' Probate Court
,Warren County, Ohio. '
, -812
Y0UD8 Man
(2&-35) to learn merchandising. Some Idling ex,perience ,preferred. list ~ high school graduate.. llooC! salary to statt. Excellent SlI'P0rtunity for ~dvancement. Apply in person.
X E N I It .-f ertil'i zer·
E. G. Buchsieb· Inc.
Miamisburg, Ohio
04. 1',
x..ia o. •~ ' S' " I
Rtw .... Cb~.
tage &SOn.
SAND aad GRAVEl,. , .
It Says Here , By Smitty
Little Linda Morgan, the ' motorized.' eight-y~:ar-old, ,has been gettmg In trim lately by ' circling her back yard on the "Doodle Bu'g." The red motor
, Civi~
Club to Hold Ladies Night ~MoDday The Wlaynesv.iUe Civic ' Club
will hold a ladies' night meet-
,at 7 p. m. MJonaay in the Methodist Church b-asement. Tbe speaker will be named, later. , , Judge Gorman of Cincinnati ,had been selected for the spea~ er, but early this week he wrote . that federal business will require ' him to be in St. 'Louis. ing
Farmers to Help -]'" · · T, h ' e,I.lI,amI-,'Fill 'Food 'Train
~~~:~e~~r~~%~ ~~bles~~itu~~llbear- ~-t-'i-~-D~~~s-~~-R~o~o~.--~N~e-w~--~~-.h~o-o-I~H-'-e-a~d weeks she gets "the urge" to limber it up again. , When 'Ute current spell of sco~ting came upon, Linda, nine cents worth of gaSOline 'went into the Doo~i1e Bug's little tank and its controls were 'set tor 1 I ' . d F I S o,w.crUlsmg spee ~ . or sev:ern evemngs now, she ,has been roaring aroum! the shrubbery with parents and neighbors egg'h Sh' t tn~ er on. e never seems 0
'1.0 Std a.eguar'' At· , 0 OIStS
Kella.r Hoak is chairman for Wayne Township of the Christian Rural 'Overseas Program , (CROP), which is' planning to form an Ohio "food train" for relief of war-toni nations. Warren County's goal is three freight cars of wheat an4 other commodities. A!ugust 24 is the delivery date for foodstuffs, while cash donations may be ma.de at any time to Hen.ry Hudson, treasurer, Box is 2, Lebanon. ' " CROP will accept $'ifts 'of any kind of food. PeTlshables 'Will 'be. conver.ted into cash to p~rchas~ items suitable for 'shipptng overseas.
,Mr. al)d MrS. C. I. Sattertll. The Pennsylvallia 'Railr9.~(1 waite, son and daugh.ter or began MOll day to remove a SIXAaexandria, Va., were, recen ' by-eight foot extension from' its guests of re'latiV'es ", here and were honor guests at a fa'mily st~tio~ here, in ord~r to .give gathering at the , home' of Mr. motonsts a bette. r v leVI, of th,e . ~ h h d and Mrs. Jess Thom'as. A .line track~ approac mg t e gra e , dinner and · reunion· were en- crossmg of Route 73. J·oyed by , Removal of the . extension ~r. and Mrs. C. I. Satterth- had been suggested by tocal Boy Scout Troop 40 will stage a paper . drive' Saturday ~~c1~~zzlhe"~~k~~~r ~~;~'~t~~ waite and family of Alexandria, sc~o<?l ,board memb~rs, ~ho 28. This will be a curb . August sec(et lies in ~idJng barefoot. Russel and daughter, Mr. and said It would Ip.,'3.ke the crossm:g . pickup . . It is suggested that aU · Mrs. Herman Stibbs and son safer f,orschool buses. Joze:f Th e scooter has a handlebar Mr and Mrs Charles Satterth: ', 'McCoy, in charge of the statiOrll, paper and magazines . be in . , con'trol ,. w,hich races, the ' engine waite and family, Mr. and Mrs. said it will ·also mak~ the station ", bundles Or in cartons and be on ftill-speed when the rider. lets Arthur- . Sum.n1er . of Lebanon mor:e compact, ltghter" and the curb not later than 9 :00 a.. ' , , m. ,go ,of the lever. '50 whenever Mrs. Sar~h Tolle, Mr. and Mrs: easier to heat. , ~, Linda faUs off the Boodle Bug, ~ ~. . h d it roars twice as loud. But.she Warren ~spey of CentervIll.e, . T~e , ,extension, ouse an I calmlv reaches for the switCIl Mr· and Mrs. ~ames, MQrns, , operator s booth I~ the days · MI~s Janet. Morns, ~ISS Mary when passenger trams stopp'ed and ' turns it off. A few minutes. after a spill, Oltve Cur!ls '0.(. Sabma,. ~. J. at the Corwin Station. Now It is I saw Linda again ~ pl~ying . Sattert~waIte ~n4 family of flO longer need,ed• . sedately on her ' swIng. Enougtl DaytonCi M.r~ .. L~~tle co~'Pt~nci ' , About 50 local children were , . ~ must ." have been erlough. Mr .. a~ , Mrs. , R'alp~ OIl. ~n taken to Con2 Island n ' t hree KENNEUi 'M , ~TALUCK . _ ' l .oralOe Compton -of Spr.mg' . . Federal author-ities" hav~ Don't forget to devote a few Valley, Robert ' Crawford, .of trucks ·yester ,ay by Beeman. , The . n"ew superintendent ~f announGed migratory waterlowl minutes Saturday Ito pondering Xenia; Miss Geraldine C,omp- stewart for the annual "Dot Wayne Township ' ~chools IS hunting regulations fOf the the bleSSings of peace. Three ton and Robert Berry of Troy, Food. ~ Day" sponsored by the Kenneth M. Retallick, who is ~ ~48 seaso,n. 1~ the Mississippi years -ago on AAlgust 14, the Henry Satterthwaite,: Miss Ruth . (hllU of '{ved store}: ot wn .:-h moving here from northeastern tlyway, which Includes Ohio~ AJ shodting war with Japan ended. Satterthwaite, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. ~ tewart's store 'IS a pa.':"t. Ohio. His, wife, Mrs. Carolyn season of 30 consecutive days At 7 p.m. ,that da.y, Pres. Tru- Harry Satterthwaite, Misses ' ( , Retallick , has als.o been hired is prescribed, opening Oct. ,29 man announced that the war .Betty. arid 8'onnie ' SatterthMrs. Lester. tShaff~r '~nder- as a high school teacher for and 'extending to Nov. 2], over, , ~as over, though it wasn\t -un- waite, 'Byrd Lackey and the went ~ maJor. operabop .at the · c~m~iJ:g year. . the w'h.ole state" except Pymat" 0"
~~~~:~lh!a~l~r~t~~i~If, ' h.o~:::':;R~essRO · ~ ,~, HE ' ~R' B" GE!Ran;:e~,:::alS ' °KnFI:,d::~,Y· .Sth~ol., StanS.S!~l ?; :~:?l:;~:~~~;:~~~ !~J on~i.:ob~~~r~r~T~~l , a u'N'·~GR' ,ftUI~T ' U ' R E,tA , ' BOR ANo-loBoard Faces Suit ~~v:~d3,runs t o and including ment of vrart de t 7 ' ~ " " lit ' Several hundred Wayne There is to be n,o shooting be. i~t~.da6n j~oli.s-ifg~ ~S~ . '/ INDUSTRY.PORTRA!EDBY FAIR J~c~~~rcb~~J~gtfu:S~~y ~~~r. f~tJ;/ ;~OC~t;e~ond::S ~~~~ War I. " " ( , GREnlNGS' " 7, but the hour \Vh n <:lasses one-ha.lf hour before sunrise tQ
. ,_ This is an op.en, letter to some~ , ' uo behalf 01 the people of one who is probably too ,lame.. , Ohio, It I.e my honor anel pri~brained to read. So 'If you ~now liege to welcome ,ou, to til. su~~ a person, ,pass tbe l.1less·age 94th annual Ohio State Fair. on III words of one syllable. As Governor, and as a' Citizen Up until !ast Saturday night, of this great State. 1 tat. much pride In' this educational I had conSidered , Waynesville portra,al of 'our .grleultUral people as be,ing wertliy of trust and IndnstriaJ prodocth,n. - .. ~t Je~ast to the extent of leavmg my car o'n the street We Ohioans have alway. been proud of 'our State Fair without having to lock it tightty. . Of course,' it's common sense because It gives recognition to fo remove the ignition key" but til. extreme importance of the I didn~t think' tfie::-wjrutO-ws had (ertilit1 of 'our soil and tbe In,to be rolled up 'these hot days. . genuit, and skill in Agricul;-The illusion. was s~oiled Sat- , ture. Labor- and Indostr1~ as well as the most modem devel'! urday when 1 retume to the car oplqents and improvementa ID ~nd found~ the headl,ights bumthese fields. It is Indeed I fact mg. Probably ' the prankster that ProYidence haa rlchl, en""no turned tllem .on thinks he . dowe~ thJ, 8 State, and -the peohas a s:ense of humor. He hasn~t. pie who ,call it home. He ju~t has ~weak mind~ He ., R I feel ' .are that thb Fair . aidn't know. whether I'd. come ' ~GO~RNOR BE . ~BRT ' win .urpa.... ' ail · prevlool .tback befOre the battery ran' DeetarfJll thai "w. 'Ohloana tulv. fort. ,ID attendanc.. and leGit" Clown. He ,didn't care whether I ' ,ahyays been proud of oUr State Fail' (SllDed) Thom.. J. Herbert had to pay a recharging bill. He ' . because -it gives recognition to the ~ -Governor of OhlQ just didn"t think. . utnme Importance of our son and ' Because of a character like the Ing~nuitJ 'and skill In Agrldul- WI educational portra'1t\1 ~ ~ that, I'll have to lock .m y ca'r ~rn':t;ho:?~~ ~211· ~~; . agricultural and fndustnal ;rocta«ll,even j,n Wayn.esvitle .hereafter. predicted tliat the gdli Obfo -State tfon," stated the Governor. eaJI!. Other ~~iv.ers would do we,ll to ..F~, Augult u throug~ Septem- lng attention .to .the fact that thf.. bU 8 ,"WIll .~au all P~OUi ef-, 1eat'S "fair ' will portray the mOBil : lock their ~ars too. The potential delinquents have tlJetr own • torts In lj .~dince and ICOP"'" , modern developmen~ana Impro.t~ '. '')lot rods'" tomisfreat. Uet's And ••el'Jone from Director of qlenta In the lel~s 01 agr!cultaftt,. make them leave otber folks' Agriculture Frank Farnsworth and t.bor,iaDdfnd08try. ~ , cars aJone~... ., . ~ 'State Fall' Managu EdwIn J. Bath Gpvern~ _ ~"t)eI1 bas ahOWlD.. . oil don _ memben of the Ohfo partfC1Jljr Interest In the junior dI-~ . Mrs. Lina Madden was host=~ Pair v.td-are. worldn. dDI- nmoDa of the county faira which ess to th~ annual Van Doren _ , J and with apparent reward h. 'w vlaited and In the ahibltl: Gum Grove Sc~ool Reunion on of IDceess to make it'the high Cl8JI of thes. boys 'and girls at the Ohio' , . Sunday. FortyJriends and tela- ' _. e4uatlonal mirror.of Ohio'. adi•• ' ~~~F;rth:~!:~o:;!lly!:::I:CU~~ tives enjoyed a bas~et dinner<,)n _ It)' which Gov. 'H~rbert bal Dr,"" ftfee;Jn leho'ol, ',?n farm and in ciqr. the lawn. Guests were present ~DWentlng on laSt ,ear'l ~tate ''W. must do' en~1'ything we can to from' Dayton, qarksville Rus- ",!'i:,00•• Herbert, who mad~ manl Itimwate their interest in such fine s~lviIl~, Inqiana, Loveland, Cinthe tI :!:'~~:::~:v~~!ditfg:~ AmeHcan institutions as count)' and . cmnatt, Wilmington, lebanon visit, .tatecl that American Illgenu. State Fairs today, a8 a'safeguard Mlddleto'Yn, Morrow, and it1 hBl never round a subsUtute ' of the America we seek to preserve WayneSVille. . , for..tbe ~tate Fair. "I tait!! ~l1!!.e .~ tor the future:· he said. I.,
one hQur b fore suns ·t. . Bag 'and posses~jon limits for . ducks in the Mississippi' flyw:ay; t t . 1 d· Oh· 'II s a es, me u mg 10, WI re .. main: the same as last year - .. fbur a day and eight .in}possession. . , . Geese: D,aily baR' and possessi?nt 'f?ur, ' including in ,such limit elt~e~ two Canada geese, or two ··wlute-fronted' ·geese, or one ot each. , . . ' Coots: The Bag hmlt reduced from 2'5 to, 15 bir~ a da V, and not mOre than that number in , possession. S 't wa -. f' 'I1·e- d tI'11S week" at· Rails and Gallinules: Sept.. , UI b 1 tOt b 3 gain t the Wayne Township em er, a coer O. Scho0l Board oy Mrs. Lula Bo- . Woodcock: October 8 ItO , gen..f Harveysb~rg.fQr $2,1,00' November 6. Bag limit sa~e ' w:hlch . she alleges IS que nero as last· year. ' ~rs. ~ogen Was ~ seventh grace · '. , ,..; t~ac~er in the Wayriesv'ille , BRI,D~.sHOWER~IVEN ScPO() 1 system previous to .,th.e . FOR MRS. WM. RICKEY ,~ ,947-48 schOOl ,Year. She IS , . ' ,' ,~~pres.ented " by' , .the law ·firm Miss Frances' Whitaker gave of 'Maple and Maple. ' a shower at 'her horne in lytle ' ', . ' ~ . I, thursday evening for Mrs. : SPRIN'G BORO SCHOOLS ' William 'Ric~ey, a recent bride. OPEN SEPTEMBER 1111' . The €olor scheme was ' ~ink Th ' CI~' " . " , .;: . . and white\ The bride received e. ea(~ree~ T~wnshlp ,many lovely ,g;ifts. ' lee €lIeam . sc}tools ,m ~pftng90to 'YIII oJ?en and cake ' were served: to, the .wlth 2 h..atf~day ,mornIng session following: Misses Bon:n ie ' Satt.. oR/Tuesday,S¢pt. 7. according erthwaite, (:>afsy Baird" '! etty t?. AI,;I '~·' !n;ter1., ~URelrintendent. ' Campbell, PO.Yllis Martin, ' aye' I\~~ ar ~lasses "11 $t~rt at. Creech" N9rma , Long cre, , 8 .~5 a. !TI. Wedn~sday, sept. 8~ Jeanne ' O'B~nion Judy Conrter, rtt_e Will be a g~l1eral te~chers Phyllis Bailey ' Eileen BrQ.w-n m~~ting on. L~bor Day, Sept Glenna . Klein1lenn- . Miry ' 6, at t PI' m, in .the S¢hool. Scheetz,' Yvonne Stubb's, Phyllis ' , Burnett, Sblr ey: Cop~ock~ Mal'! The Garden Club enjoyed a Jean Rickey; Madams; 'Rtchara ·~icnic dinner on ' Thursday at Whitaker, [owell Thomas, t:art the-horne of Mrs. Cram Shoup. Rickey, liarold . Whitaker, . -Twelve " members enjoyed a Rebec,<::a Sue Whital(er and the fried chicken , dinner and a guest of honor. MrS. William pleasant, afternoon. Rickey.
. will start in the morning has not yet been fixed by the school b'oard .~nd the new superintendent. Additioil of two new buses. late last sprinO' .is expected 'to ' enable all pupft~ to start at the ' s.ame., tim~ this year for the fir t tm1~ III '30 years. At' {l special board meetin ' Monday, Mrs. I:lsie ,Stroud was. hi red' as ~o()k and food buyer in th ' grade school. .Mrs. Winifred Hart,sock will cook tbere. ' Mrs. Oram Shoup will cook and buY he_ high school, ,and ' Iyn Adams will cook.,
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L I SHE D .) .6«7 E v ery Thursday
larn}· Gfazette
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PAGE 2 Nq. 4S~1
1943 '
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,.:., " 'nes vi tl e, Oh io 'P L ()- SM I TH , Edjtol'
ma tter at the Post Office :Sl: BSC R" PT I ON RAT-E: 1.50 a Ye:l r in Advance , :.
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sComing Up .....- - -
Mr. 'and Mrs. Lewis 'Fires are Miss Marjorie Swank, daugh- ' announcing the engage m en~ qf ter of Mrs. Charles Drake, of their daughter, Mis Irma Fires , Dayton, and John, A. Ludington · to Robert Meredith. The marFRIDAY. AUG. 13 were married in NewpoTt, Ky., riage will be September 11. I W. C., T. U. el 'ti9n meeting at Mrs. ,Borden's., 7 p m .on Saturday evening_ The~ are~iss Fires h a gra.duate of ',.:..;.......... SATURDAY, AUG. 14 ,a,t home to their frIends at the Waynesville Hig-h School and ~hird anni v 1 -ary of V-J Day. ' , home of the groonl's p,arents, Miami Yalley Hospital. S~hool Special communicati'On, Waynesyille L0dge 163, F. , anQ A. M.. Mr. and Mrs; Alva' Lud,lngton, of- Nursmg', Mr. Meredith, son , 6 :30 P. M., M, M, Degree. , where the father and son are of Mr. ,and Mrs. Herbert .assoc,ated, in ' farming. Also the Meredith, near Bellbrook, i~ a . , SUNDAY, .. AUG. ~S groom is corine.cted ~ith gra,duate , of Bellbrook ~Igh Go to Ch urch I .School" , served four and one Moraine , P'roducts in Dayton'. Co unty Methodist Brotherhood picnic, Harmon , Park, 3 P: ~~ . half' years ip Military .. service Exhibition ' softball, Monsanto Ghemical of Dayton ys. Kler s, <:ORBIN-HUNT and is now connected wi th the 8 :15 P. M. .Ii. j Amlin ales and Service in MOND~'Y, AUG. 16 Mr. and Mrs. S. Carlton COok Xenia. 'Civic Club Ladies 'Night, Methodist Church, 7 P. M. .an'd children, with Mr. and Mrs. Boy Scout Tro,?p 40 a~ ~: 15, P.: M. ~ .. Robert Hunt o'f Fayetteville, Mr. Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Childs Softball Bellbrook vs. Mtller s, 8 P', M. and Mrs. Russell , Campbell of ' SHIRLEY GRETONA, and dau~hter, and Mr. and Mrs. le , UESDAY AU'" 17 Lyt 1 • Dr. and Mrs. Marston T ,\.II. Hunt of Al'abama, Herbert Hunt Will ChtlGis of Richmond, Ind., The ', Greton.., famo~1 wire of Franklin, Frank Turner and Mr: and ,Mrs. 'George Stroud of rownship Trusteesl,m'eeting, 7:30 P. M: waiking family, featuring little , WEDNESDAY, AUG. 18 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Starr of Dayton, Mr. and,' Mrs. H. H. Shirley, seven year old wire-walk. =5oftball Kier's vs. Legion, 8' P. ,M. Cedarville, attended the wedd.' Wadsworth of, West Carr-ollton, illg wonder of the world, will be ,I ' , , 11IURSDAY, AUG. 19 ing of Miss Genevieve Corbin Mrs. Maude Crane' of Lebanon , only one of a great array of top~ Softball, ' Fairley's vs. Spripg Valley, 8 P. M~ and Mr. Warren Hunt, brother and W. E. Stroud were Sunday r notch, talent east itt the GUB Sun ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ofM~.Cook, ortJuly25, at the d,inner 'guests at 'the Claude ! "Stars of Ohio" grandstand ::how as I listened to the chorus .on bria,e's parenfs in Columbus, ' Stroud home., I at the Ohio State Fair" starting my 'first 'night home. ' , and tne reception :which fol. August 28, with a performance In the July 29th- number the 1 d Mr. and Mrs. John Frqmm) each evening through ' ~ptem~el editor raised the question of o~r.: Canipbell ,of Lytl'e'Served M ~,l~ .and Mrs. Qype Fromm, 12. The ,grandstand a~ractfoD ~JJ arrests and now J w01,lld like to 'as best .man. J. C. Hawke and Mrs. May " Friday night September B-ftnal Mrs. Hunt was 'a teacher in Banta ' were " Sunday dinner night of the fair-will be, a eom· raise 'the qUestion of what to· do by 0 .J. FRAIZE:R '-.J, with them 'when ,they do' arrest the Columbus Business School guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvjn pletely new show featurlilg WLW them. It may be a mau's ,right , and Mr. Hunt is associated with Banta in Jamesto\vn. The radio stars. ~ August 6, 1948. AU.~lIsL Tht! to drink or do what he pleases his father in farming at Fayette- dinner honored Mr. Fromm's Perched 45 feet high .. Shirley, name brings to , n:lInd hot as long ' as it doesn't .interf,ere ville, where the young couple ,birthday. the little blonde daredevil inches ckmdless d,aYS1 but this week with someone else's right to , will soon take up residence. b~r way across the wil'e' but novel 'Mrs: ,orland.o Haynie and wonif~s , about falling because she we had' tool rain a'nd now co~~ sa.fety ,and peace, put · when days that r.emind us,th~t fall, IS they ovelistep· that and·they ~~e ,....,.. , .son Mr. and Mrs. Jack St<?lJe- ,.a18, "~, am · very car~u.I" not too far away. At mgbt the , arrested, what ,'then? IS I~ ~ 1.,1 ' roc k a.nd daughter of .Sprmgkaty-didf? keep tlR , the cl:onis, endugh t~ 'put them in jai~ ~nd :.::.:T',.~end6 .-' , " ome ' (ield " were , Sund!lY evening ~ATRONIZE GAZETTE . Mrs. Olive Curl spent Mon- guests of Mr. ana Mrs. Frea ,rKaty-did. Sh e-did-she-d~~-she ' leave the~ there for ~. whIle or ADVERTISERS did." Then an ot.11~r s~ys S!le- dap " a fme 'o~ th.em? What , day and Tuesday v'isiting friends' Hook. did?" with a n mg mflectt~n . earthly good ~oes, It do. unl~ss in Wilmington. 'ar . it all begips ov~r agam. you do sOplethmg,that ~111 pre:. M,rs. Lee 'M~on of Mason, Th e crickets du their loudest vent th em from repeabr,g ( A called on her sister-in-law, Mrs. ,up .their fine ,just take's m~>ney that Alice Clark, Thursday 'after. .: song, it yo u can Gal It a so~g. probably the ~ famdy ne~ds, noon. Just how would you descnbe and as far as -I have seen has no Misses Ruth Chariqlerl, ~liza tHe n0ise a locust makes? , A effect at' all on most of ' them. beth Chandler, Olive WIllIams, whirring noise? A b~Lzzing ? ,At. .1\ jail sentence is not much bet· ,Mar Boston an(! , Dr. Emma any rate the chorus IS 10ud and fer, once the repeater has started Holfoway attended Fri'end·, de,a r, so.loud ,th,a.t I \v~s al~ost on his way. If th~re ·~ere work Quarterly Meeting~ near Selma, as conselOUS of It the ftrsf mght for them to do; 1t might ~elp, O. on Sunday. .- A restful~ li0mey atmosphere in , that I was home as t always ~as but Warren ,C;:ounty hasn t a. , br. Emma Holloway spent ,a fine, beautiful residence. as a child when I spent the f~r$t work house. As far as ,1 .:can the, week at. a COnference on ni~ht , in ,the country: . It is a hear, after ' the litile ,cl.ean up Friend"s . Pea~e testli'n,ony at nOIse that 5eePlS t.o , accent the wor)c in, thel~ quarters IS dot:l e Earlham College. ',\ ' stillness or p~\haps J,ust the .ab- there is ',nothmg to do but SIt. ' Miss '"OJi.ve' VVitliams spent ' se,nce of faml!Lar n0lSes. It l~a '!Ie still haye no place f?r several days this ~ve.ek tJie 'guest lonesome nOIse a~ any , city . Juv~mle offemiers. Th~y , are, , of relatives -in Sprmgileld at!)d " child who has, vlSl,ted m the supposed to .be separate trom Selma 0: ' , tell you: .Lone,some the, others but. they. can talk " Wiison Edward.s was a dinner .,:.....:.",..-::-='--~~..:.....--===-'rt...,....y..-tr..+..n.;..-.........,.-bo-,..r,:M-Alh-t-----;i-- them and . lIsten ' in alL ~he guest on. Sunday- of ,his aunt, conversations. 'fhe fear Qf bemg Miss Ma,rgaret Euwartis. ' . , , shut "up may, in som~ Miss Muriel Neal, of ,Colum'. 1, was away;" ~as cases act as a "deterrent 'bu;t It bus, 'called. on M'is~ Minnie Dodcoml?a~mg notes about .tt WIth iStft enough , for ~the .re~eate,r. son friday afterl1loon~ " a: fr,l~n.d. , She was telhp~ ~e , They need,sqrnethmg which wI!l ••• • •• •• • •• h~:v much she used to. enJOY ch-a.,nge th~ .pattern ~f , the~r VtSlts to ~ farm ne~r Toledo, but thoughts and strengthen tpem, how loud the Ihse.ct chorus even gObd hard 'w.ork ~ould be ~eemed that Orst ' n"j~ht. Th.at better , 'than they ~ave. .Why r.emin<1ed me of, all the detaIls couldn't they be put to /Work' at ,~ arriving at m:y upcle'~ farf!1. the count, Home Farm 'or even First there .was the all day , r~tl.. at the PrJSOn Farm 1 Of course r9ad, rid~, wi~h ~e lunCh n~~tly it would mean guar~ and prob,paclc~ tn a shoe box: dev!leCl work would be worth, but fUlY:" ' , , ham ~a~d~iChes" har~.flolled thiJl' that,would ,Ii~lp ' tQ ,re~ ,,'IOURSI , ~ggs, . 9bves _114 C,ake.. ~~ere a ~ 10 .the c_m~lty m ' i-t 2, each ~o, m,in. ' may have, ,6een o,ther , ~~tn~ bQ~ b.etter cQndltlo~ than ,when he: ,1-5 . tftemoo~s, 'exce,t' · th~ , were the d1ol~t ( items. was shut uP ' WQutd be, ,,~tth itt ' , " . ' th~ chlnte' . at"tt91~~t a~d~'tben ~"iU~ 'FUst' atre$r themr 'iild " ~«IaleIdaY I' . the change ~t GroVttet1 , the.v then reatly do sdmethinc JilO1,lt 7-9 'saturday ,eYeo•• tittle. jun~lion ,where the aan4.. tHem, " ~ . ', .. cars came ' by; ~ . \& ride ' Have you a-llJcker ,at the now Otber!!!f'lpp'~ in the 's~y' fiOlIi the ~tlon to ' errtite~ hom~wne4 L04er ... ~I'I""IIIUA~ '
p 'l) /-
,' !, i;
l U~, J In this t',~ V! . 4 p.
alendar, notify The Miami Gaze e m. Tuesdays.) ,
~ ~."'~th~ =y~~~C,:::e,:;::" fa~i1iar gas' li t. rnstea~. otl " at the loCker plant wOJ'thr'the.
ca~ · ~ . people· passmg , oost of. a locker. let's make ~ur the homseJ there WQ' the ltislsf- 'locker plant a real commuruty . ent cHoruS Wilt grew " loqder institution. ' , and lQuder as the house grew . . ," quiet and it seem~d as ' thoue:h , t " , " 1 was never going to sleep. Mr. and Mrs.'"'Fred ~90k. attend. :Then, suddenly it was morning.. ed .a family diImer at the hom~ ~fter the rush of cars all day on of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hook, near the road, history repeated itself Harveysburg, on Sundayw
AT .
1M ,MlAIlI WEm
P~GE 3
No. 4381 ' 12, 1948
, Tuesday on ly brings the do show of 1'94,8" "Shaggy," featuring George Nok and Brenda J y e, Children and do ' lovers, young' and ,01d , wil l r joi e in, t hi ~ Cin c lor l r ductk n bout a b and hi do~, anj th vindi ation of that dog who i.. • u ~ pected of sh ep ki lling, ner and utdo r . h tare ~utiful.
Thi talt r a\ 6 tru )- f Urlfl1t1~ In the B\'Inats of ArTlerl:. II . el nile 5," next Thur a,v tan hi~tol'Y 1s the Harrison family. and Friday how. Here 'i an f h ', \trilere one han oexc 11 nt Technicolo r. l'ict,ur whi ch provided a signet· 0 t e H me I _ .. • I"> t Declar ation of Indepe ndenc e, the on's hat, and h me I where installi ng Rob ert You n ~ in hi BENJAMIN HARRIS,ON ninth President of the I United the h ar t is. In both re pect I'm fir t picture with We tern back S1ates and the 23rd President. home after a mont h's vacation, gro'un Cl. In a sen e this pictur _ Som' e historians trace the Har-.... and i1 100ks might y good t me, ha every thil1K that .can be ex r isqn lineag e dlrectl y back to the even thoug h we;re in the midSt P cted f a West ern - - and Indian girl, Pocahontas, , of decoratin g- and evei' hin c:r' som ethi n~ more. Tt' a natur al The first Benja min Harrlsorl, piled in th mi dd le of the fJ or. for action lovers, but at the born soout 1740,' and who served Wa int rested in n0ting thal arne ' tim ha a wider app aJ as Gover nor of Virginia long be:neighborh~od and drive-in thru, e m 9 vin ,l( scenes involvfore there was a state of Ohio, was ' til h Oh theatr e ' m and , aro und the ing 'a th ,.".~, mare and her foal. Barto n the signer of the, Declaration of t fo PreSid~nt, ~ Chicago area" are booked MacL ane and Akim Tama roff Indepe~dence. imilarJy ,to T he Twin ; also /that assist, with Margu erite Chap His son, William Henry HartlMrs. Pat "0 Brien, ' Koin~ thru man pr vi ding the feminine son, was the th'st Ohio man , tQ be 1n s()uthwestern Ohio ~re Chicago enr ut e to St. Louis for appeal. he plays a part tha t elected our nation's president lind number of points of interest in-a the pr miere of P~ t 's new pic- suits her real] er , nality, that of his great grandson, the second eluding the Miamisburg -t ure " F ighting- Fa t er, Dunne," Mound on under standi ng, kindn ess, ' and Benja min Harrison, w~s the 23rd Route 2~; Fort Ancient, with was fashi Qn-wi e in her . h~. icc good s.ports manship. She wa 1ts president. prehis toric fortjfic ations ·tl on h Route n ted t n T frele, snes and J{oo President Benjamin Harrison 350j Oxf,ord, site , 0 f a bl ouse t'o go Wil er g rn ' : hu'mo r d"'rinO Univer' the war in 'enter ~ ,tailor ed suit. Aro un d the neck of was born 'at North Bend, Ohio. alty,' the McGuffeofv Miami "" ,., Museu m honollse , her mime (clois e ) tait:1in g at soldier. gatherings. I oT the bl Augus t 20, 1833 al)d is buried orlng the man wrote school there close to the m~morial which books whkh an who was very subJy , and delicately reme m be r meet tng h. er w hen earlier generation was erecte d tOl' Presid ent Willia m studied; the Galloway log cabin stenciled. , she came to entertal!1 at. an Henry Harrison on the bank. of at Xenia and, r east, on " Army ,Gene ral , Ho~pltal near the OhiO. Benjamin Harris~n de- Route 73, the furthe () tgh I'm noflgurcshour:td, ~ fitts~urgh, and ,h.er only besettfamou s Serpent feated Grover .cleveland for the Mound. S ". ntS lo me the chances are a- mg Sin was a deSIre for coffee presidency in 1888 and In 1892 wis' .- The factual lessons of McGu,ffey \, ,ii 500 l0 -\ aga inst wha , - and MORE coffee. Since .thaI's in turn defeated .by him, Readers is ' interwoven with lesI ~ !Jelled , at the Twin last Sat- my favori1e vice, too, we form ~ After his term of office, ,.... sons in sobrjety, honesty, ldndn,ss, urday. " Jane Kendrick of ed a warm' and nt friendcame an international lawyer 01 incJustr,y, which even today Waynesville held , tH e luck I ship over coffeeplea~a aftect from midgreat repute. the thought of millions, descended COU""'SV-'II. Mountie Card, and she's the night 'till 2 A. M. Yet 12 OI~ co. ..v .." ..... she was ' Harrison was ,r8duated In 18S~~ from those who were under the much ~ I..cond in her fam ily :0 be .1 on hand at 8 A. M. to start a at Miami University and practleecil ~nftuenee of McGuffey'. wlchl n,. Cabin of the theme e>f UncI. 'tom'.,: winner in ten we,eks I WIS developed. , three- day run o~ ward visiting. Jaw in Cincinnati. He aerved all durin , Ichoa) days. -, :~ Be on the looko ut for throw Brl-efvie ws . Tonig ht an'd Frida y , 81eneral1n the c~vn War and W8I1 While in ClnclnnaU, many will (A ~othn .tOf1/ ." .hit """. ~ an "Icter In the Presbyterian vilit Alan Ladd, Dot Lamaur, and aways re~ard'ng the Twin 's new ' the horae of Hame Ohio t Beech p,,,lcleftts tDi1l 1PJ)t1 f It er Churob~ Ht wu twice mIni. . _ I~w. In , Walnut HWI. Where r (~ hcl't Preston are Jightin~ serial, 'Brick B~adford." It ea,llI "lUe. Wok" IfW u.~ , , . heir . way; and each other, start~ Satur Aug. 21st, at ' " • Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Hart~ across the West in '·''vVild Har- the ~ight day, Mr . C oldi e "', U; L:ce ,is enjoy perform1ance, and .Mr~. Ida Parsh all has been sock, Mrs. Lena Hartsock, -ing a two week va alion vest." Pretty weil review ed runs tor 15 chapt ers therea fter. at tlie qUite 111 at the home of her Misses Elizabeth and last week, this is just a remin der ' Ruth home of ,her s n a:td daugh ter.daughter, Mr.s. C. Hawke. Chan dler, Mrs. Paul Tomlinsvn , in-law, Mr. anl tl at 'the pictur.e is full of _inMrs. ' Herm an Mr. and Mrs. Kellar Hoak, Mrs. Surface and son, aCAlb tr .gue · and hard-punc~in~ any, Ga, 'Amos Cook" Ernest Cook , at ion. .': , Mr, ,' , 11 Mr. and, Mrs. Raymond Brad- daughter, Mi S' 'v'i lliams on and Let's hgpe the Twin 's washed Grace, a're , dock and family Dr. Em, rna spenq in 1 a air cORdition'ing works wert i w days a.~ th~ a.v Hollaway and A. c. Satur day, night, for if ' I'Smp krng 'J.. Toml inson home of Mrs. E Let Houk, near were amon g those who attended Guns" with Ken Mayn ard lives Dayto n. fertil iur. for your neede, Friends' Quart erly Meeting at up to its pre~~eV;', tY . --_.... hou 'lI: smell '!:" -:=i B,r: ~ every. .ertild er bearing ,the Selm more gunpow,,,er a on Sunda y. an In' any Mr. an I Mrs. (,h arles Orfor d for muke t q~tyl BIG M brand perfon n. up Weste rn .0 date. Also at this' of Detro it" Mich igan are tbe ADd it'___beeIg,tbIIt _-.y f . ~ that reputa tion beCau.e it show you must get the 11 th house . . . tt.a t~ yean. guests of Mr. and Mrs. it alWQ'I mede up to biJha t Mass Mildred Hartsock of punch (In your Mounties Card While our,iznmed iaU caD. Ernes t Su ~ ierwor 8tanda rda •• . nerer dOWIP to th. Wilson, North ,Carolina, Mr. for Lhe 11 th Chap ter of ce'" i. that of .upply iDI a price. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock of Mil:' "Dan gers of the Canad ian Mr. and- Mrs~ '- Rober t ' Davis ..an bilb-p ota.b- conte1 a1 ford and Mr. and Mrs. Harris Mounted" serial. This· 11 th and 0NIiw . . '.... ..,.,. . . ". .... Mosh er and daugh ter were sup- and daughter recently r.eturn~d and last "punc h" is necessary ..... ..... ..... ...rCOm pany per ,gues1s of Mr. and Mrs. R. Ir . m a d liph ~ d vacatIOn trIp in order to see ,the 12th and i h rou~~ I ' , , ,' ,v. v Moun tains ' . M. ' Hawke on Friday nig:ht. 1.. . OIRCl -DAYl ON, oHIO final c t1 ap ter f ree at' tl4e 2 or 4 IN. OHIO c; 'c1ock matin ee. Saturday, August 21 st.' Line forms 'to the right I n. -..it"=:': ~ .. "Tau t as a drawn Bow eI ... -,tring," says Charl es i\r,onson, reviewing ' rater, of .gThe Big Clock ," showing' -Suna ay and Monday. Ray Milland, Charl es SENSATIONAl,. ' DEM OISn JRIZ ER La'ughton, Maur~n O'Sul livan, and Elsa " Lanchester , are the CAN; BE USED OVER AND ·OVER .A~IN , stellar caSt to whet the appet ites of real m6vi~·goers. An interesting plot 'device finds 'Ray DOES NOT DRiP HORSE SHOW: MiII;md trappe'd in the clock Z9 Per Package tower of- a magnificent office , .. SUND AY. AUG UST ~, 1948 'boHding. 'Struck by ~h~ fact that his ,predicament' stems from a , ~OOD TaD ? ? '1 ,. series of slashing events happe ning a few short hours baCK, the ~ THRILLING .EVENTS -16 came ra" takes' the audience to WAL L PAPER AND 'PASTE AND S'C~~NG M'ail Your Entries Now! the starting point ana rushes to , a supercfiarged climax. SusG. E. BULBS - NU ENAMEL The Xenia Lions Oub" Box ! 144, Xenia, Ohio or ' pense and melod rama play tag KEM TON E with 'each other in a , skillfuJly Fred Mats~n, 844 N. King St., Xet)ia, Ohio , a~ranged pictur~, ,the .,exact story not to be divulged In ad, 'ADULTS Soc CHILDREN 3Ge vance. ' This ' has been rated as South ~ Stree t actol l from Graa ae H.tU ICIL-KARE PARK one of .the excellent and unusu al :flickers of the year. On the Wit.YNESVILLE. OIDO Telep hone 2422 On Route 35, 3 Miles' West. of Xenia, Ohio same program. is We.rld News and a Pete Smlth speCialty. ' ~~.
.)-81G ' !:'!!bi..,.. '
"groWl-ng" f..n.r.ete
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Waynesville furniture &.Appliance
1, Bily, Sell, Trade .leat Btrrowt USE
fJ ' I ,-/J
auto trip to Northern, Mkhigan. Robert Friend, Waiter Kend rick and Ru~l1 Campbell Mr. and Mrs, Harvey' Burnet appraised the estate of the late attended the West Wayne S. H. Burnett. Saturday. Council' Wednesday evenipg at The Lytle Church folks will \the home o~ Mr. and Mrs. be hosts to the Warren County Charles EJlis) Waynesv,iI1e. Methodist Brotherhood and ', Guy ,' Routzahn . retorned their families, at a basket picniC home Saturday evenmg from ' dinner, at : Harmon 'Park, leba five-week fishing trip to Mani- anon, next Sunday at 3 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas toba, Canada. . Mr. and Mrs. William Berg- Mr. and ' Mrs. P. ,N. 'Cornell, Mr. daH, Mrs. Edmond Minser and and Mrs. GeorKe Welter, Mrs. chiIdrert of Daytonl called at the Nettie Emrick, Mrs. J. B. Jones home of Mr. ana Mrs. J. B. and Mrs. Raloh ' Hammond atJones on Friday, tended the funeral of Joseph Mrs. Edwin Nutt ot near Cen- McCra at the Sch,midt-Gebhart terville spent Thursday' with her ' funeral home in M'iamisburK and the burial at Miami Cemetery, daugh ter, M'rs. , Therle Jones. Srnest Harlan left b'y train W~ynesvi1le. . . Mr: and Mrs. Paul W,l1tams Monday on a business trip to San , Antonio, Texas, and will and httle son, and ~obby Mor- , return by plane. gan ~f ' Lebanon were Sunday Mr and Mrs \~, H e,venmg gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. • • • vy arren ow- Everett Earl 1 land of LOUIsville, Ky., were Mr. and Mr . T l10m s Col ins week-rOd £,uests of Mr. ,and Mrs. and, Charles Collins of Dayton Lowel Thomas. were Sunday ~fternoon guests Mt. 4nd Mrs. Everett Earl oJ Mr. and Mrs. WalterJ~enrick. :eturnbd home Sunday aftet an Mrs. E. B. Lon~acre attended' '!
. ~ulle
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·N OW·. ,
Ho:me Trailer
the 'picnic dinner, of the Past near Waynesville Saturday THE MtAMI GAZETTE f..IPAGE 4 and Present Councilors of the Aug. 7 at Newport Ky. Mrs. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. 4381 Warren County Home Council Ludington is the grand-daughr TH'UR&D.AY, A:UGUST 12, '1848 on Tuesday at the home of. Mh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. LongPaui Shaffer near ferry. acre of this place. Sue. Callers in the late,. afterThe Woman's Society's • • • noon were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ev'ening meetrng and ' wiener Mrs. ' B. W. Whitton (nee Wilson and' children Jerry, and ro ast was fostponed unUi ' J,ean Furnas) and two daugh- Jerra Jean of Dayton and M,rs. Wednesday 0 thIS week, on ters are making their home in Mary Bog,an. account of the hard rain last Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. Dorothy Smith and Wednesday. It was at the home " daur-hter are . pendin~ part of k' this week with Dayton relati~es. of Mr.. and Mrs. Earl Young. Mr. And Mrs. Ernest Harlan. ' 1''' rt.r. an d Mrs. Charles Stan- , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker e6arj ley and family attended the and daughter, Rebecca, Mrs. ' Stanley reunion at the home .of Nettie Em,rickLMrs. J. B. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Luther Haines Mr. and Mrs. Raymond carl' and Mr. and M.rs. Wlillter Ken- have returned fr om a fishin.l( near New Burlington, Sunda v. rick attended the Grange picnic trip to Canada. Mrs. Sallv Bennett of Dayton at Smith's Park near WaynesMrs. A1ema Wilson , left spent part of last week with ville Satufday eve,ning, ,Monday morning for a' visit with her daug-hter, Mrs. Irene Burden Miss Almetta Steinke ie- t elatives in Kn oxville, Tenn. and family. Mr. and Mrs. 'vVlilliam Smith Mr. arid Mrs. Edward RO~J turned Satur.day' from a cruise of the Southern Ohio and ' M.~ss- had as Sunday dinn er guests vear and Mr. and Mrs. David issippi Rivers, aboard the new M.rs. Mary Bogan, Mrs. Lucy Stanfield and family were dinsteamer, Delta Queen. Numer- Compton and Mr'. and Mrs. , ner guests of Donald Haines and ous shore stops were ,' mati~ RaleiKh Bogan. Mr. and Mrs. family, Sunday Miss Jane Ellen Whiteside of with a to~r at Madison, Ind., Emmet Nevin and sons called in being one of the, highlights ot the afternoon. Washington C. H. spent a part the trip. ue ts in the Bo,gan horne of last week in the home of her ' , Miss Norma Longacre an d f r Sa turday di l!1 er were Mrs. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Stratton attended the Evan Bogan, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Charles tai1lev and family. Mrs. Mary Bogan, Marilyn wedding of 'the. former 's cousin, bert 'Bogan .and daughter Carol Miss Margie wank of Dayton M ae of Dayton and Mr. and' Sue Smith and Mr. and Mrs.. and Mr. John Ludin ~ t6n of Mrs. William Smith and Marilyn kaleig-h Boga n aU ncl d tilt. Cl ea ver, Carr, Rich" reunion ' unday aftern oon, at Jacob's Pa:rk. . M'rs. Mariann a Bogen atten \ed the Mu s i c committee at the hom Qt , Mrs. Winifred meeting of Wilmin gton yearly' Kildow near Hi ghland, Monda ' ri i ht. ' '
Cree .
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. CaJl ahan and chil ~ re n of Mt. W~ashingto'n, Cincinnati, spent Sunda y all ll MOl~dav with Mr. Call ahan' parents, Mr. and M.rs. T. C. Runyon of Mt. Holly.
Ne~ ~~Qt-'W--"';';'·o-o-d--'"-
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N ~Wi' Alll1a' ALL ALUMINUM ~ , $550.00 QOWN, BALANCE $12.75 A WEEK
. Eaton's Motel and' Traiier Sales'
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rualll, dOD" . ciUute Oynatuel with olh.~ , ' ,a.oUn. Walt Ilnlil "oar'.aDIl e.pa!'-'da.D tiD ap B~noco
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Belcher's 'SuDoeD Service ,-
PHONE , 2423,
t 6:00 x 16 FIRESTONE
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LEN·NOX "eating _.-_ Equipment .
RAY MORGAN -Sheet Metal ·Shop
8UtlDIN@~ _~ (MAllEts
_ "4,,'.AY .-- '-, --.-'FAR. l, iliil.AitCE~" , in die Ohio ,.,.en wW am ,.,.. ~m.a ptOCeCdoo IpJaat tOIlet .
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TIREs.' $13.95
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E. IIlllberr.r. LEBANON, 0,
'AlIlIIS ••UIBUI":_."" --------~!----------
1Roots; of ~UlpJ:'~ :::/~~ '~
Wayntsvi'ltc Softball League
Based on 3..0 or more at bats ~·UGt./ST-PET<IJ)07 OR SA RIXJNYX , ; HAVE. AB R '~ EGY?TS PHA:<Q/,,""~ PRIZED ' ,. 17 .425 . Williamson, Bellbrook 4 0 ;' 12 .364 ' Bailey, J:(ier S 33 11 7f,'£ PERIDOT, JEALOVS',LY , 12 .353 R. Dumford, Bellbrook 34 11 . CUARDING ITS CHIEF r 11 .314 Hop,kins, Fairlets 35 10 iOl· ,"?C::. 7HC"sERPCNT IS- , , , . - -,. -, 11 .314' , .Murphy, -Kier's 35 10 ~~ ' J ....., uy ly1Nl)." IN THE R~D SEA. 10 ,'313 32 , 5 Schoonover, Kier's BOB O'REGAN .311 14 Spitler, BellbrOOK 45 5 \\'lith the baseball season fast Hartsock, Fairley's 42 12 13 .310 dwindling away, (that is, 'the Osbor~ Fairley'S 30 4 9 .3 0. horse-hide version, since the 10 . L94 , Plank, , Fairley'~ 34 6 ,I "muShball" ,league still , has : weeks and , weeks to operate) can watch the bases and take taken. n,ot enough type has been de- advantage of the opposition's * * * voted to the activities of the missed bases. Up to Sunday it Sunday night the Monsanto ' ' youthful b~llplayers sponsored was always ', some member nf Co. of Dayton, with Chemical and managed by Orville the "board" who had ,to yell a record of nine wins against a ' Gray, 'local ton~orial , expert. the play but Simpson's alertnes From rockbottom, ' Gray has Sund~y made the season seem , single defeat, crosses bats with gradually built his team to a successful. The Legion closes its Kicr's Gara~e at 8 :30 P. m. Stan Bailey wants to remind point where by next season regular season Supday, with a aU you "old-timers", to he sure these 12-year-olds will be ' journey to , Spring Valley, o be there Sunday ,night for giving cJassy exhibitions. . . . for a tilt at .3 p. m, Gray's ' your game at 7 :00. Stan prourlforlunately your scribbler is youngsters wiU engage in (l mises to supply all liniment a,nd not too goo.d with the names prelim ,at- 1 :15 p. m. ' Although mustard plasters that will I e but Florence (good pair of the locals defeated the valley needed. . ' hands) Vickers, la r!!,"est lad on nine in a previous' rneetin~, the the team, and Jimm y Carter Greene County lads are ravor. appear to be defnit e pro pe b ites this time. Kier's, behind 'Murph y's in two years f r i.~- 'thig" LegNext , weekJs column ' will ei~ht-hit hurJing:, I t w' k . ion nille, 11 j of course ,there - ,) trimmed Spring VaHey 4 - '1 t are other. J us t a word to all ... c'a ny the nam_es of th ~ T ~i 'rem ai n n top of' ,th sec 11 ~ THE tffNCIINTS- BEL liVE. keep .Y ur spirits hi gh, as I'm county All· tar selections for half' standing-' . Wil -n\1 pitch· " AS 1)0 SOME MODERNS" ;.convinced that with Lhe pre ll > poth the Legi n nin e and G'r-a y' _ il1 .~· fo r Spring Valley" allowed, cooperation from sponsorin g outfit. Th e' older 'All- tar te(,lm , III J,V four 1 ,;lg1es ~nd strqck . -r:!!-ATrtLtltR!flfi rHE 1 J,;iJM~ '19~ Qliganizations, hasebal1 ca 1 , 1 - witl "play Bellbroo~, Tri-Cou,nt v out n'ine. but allowed "even I • ." S'ARDO~VX 'ENSVRU A rais d in ,WaYlle viJll ,t ',a 1Q p, chall1;ps, , llnday August '22 'whic~~ ~~feal 'd i)~m . : \ . ~ ./ HAPPY MARRIA(jE. much higher plane ('I l il a I , at Bellbrook at. 2 :30 p. m. and walks V\' aynes'Vr!h!' ', ' Junle. , Am__ r~' C0J¥U9M' 1~8)it, . 'l~ 1950 there sh ul a 1 t o .: n . I'll tell y, u, now that five memo iCl-!1 LG~i 0 '1 tea rfl t'l"k:t.:' \ tk: club, a 17 -year-old Legion : . bel' . of the 10 al C;lub hav e b'een lInd efcated, ',5, Ilbtook ' n!pc "n ~-- , ---and at least two teen-age .club . selected, 0 it is hoped that a i t, I m c'lRmonc 1<\ t Suml :.l 'J 11& • ... goodly crowd will journey to and f· UIiG i df on th ai1 'r.. ' ~\ l . Bellbrook t cheer on the local C if " n 8-4 ~ 'ore. The lU '. :.t1 ilj'. le . - - - - - - - - - --~--, _·_·-·-M.....-rPerhaps most of the spectat- candidates. 'h . . »' '1 " ~ M.rs. France,s BrannockMMrs. a, nd .tMr. Irat O. tB.rownupe . . nr ' r . l a 1 r<. 4 . y . 1 t.' . .. r at th e Bellhrook·Leg ion ha i th, wi th Cha rley 13 h:~:5 dri- Harriet McGinnis, ' M.r. . ', Ft. Gars w ' a one lnle s r.l'" hall p'ame .l ast unda v fa il ed () AJpparentl v man y of the local ving in two of , the rUlls ' and Coff.ey and Mr. T. B. Brannock. t~ndent of ' th W'ayne vlll~ grasp Uie full, ;signif1cance of softb aller are still unaware that Dann,Y ' in'lpson, 'th,. . ()cal chr' w.ere dinner guests of Mrs. Flos- ;th091s~ \ ' Danny Simpson',s Hwatcti-do,g" power of. declaring the eligibility first-sackeT, aneth r tall '. Howsie Carey and family, ' last fri, ' . , I . ' , \ .1 I , t acti n l at~ in the, game which f any ,player in t ne league wa ev r, ' .McMkhaci, pltcllin~ foi' day. F' ~ a' r t~is' G' ~ ne g~bW'n\ , I'd'is~riCf _ ca 1 ~, d a vlsiting r~n to be . ve~ted' in th e leaguG president the wmners, held W, a vnb'l'l1e a ent of ' Amencan Farmers nullified when the local first- , b unanim.o u vote of the six Mr. and Mrs. Orv,ille Gray Mu ual' Insurance Company, ~s sacker detected that second ase , clubs pripl' to the opening of the to three hit ', wh ile llit'tio.' two' single and a tremendous home and Mr. and Mrs. William vJsiting the company's hOlpe .o fhad been , mi sed. .\11 ea 'o n ' second half. The, rule prohil:?itrun. i Sawyer had as week end 'u'e ts fice, in- ~icago on ,business fOI ' lon g the Legion board f strat- ing the Ameri can' Legion from Fairl ' that same .evening Mr and Mtrs. 'Russ' e } ~al of a fe'v d'ays. egy (Pummill, Huffman and 1Jsing any players but Legion, .. your truly) 'had pounded awa naires 'in gOOli standing as f trounced ~ast Side Merchal;ts o~fl' JacksoQviUe, Fla. Mis Shirlev Mi·. aI1d Mr '. John J. Eursk:e on the point that on any play May 17, 1948, was n<;>t changed, Dayton, under the leader hip o~ Neal, wl1p ~ 1J~en a guest there i always an infielder who as til e si clubs voted 4-2 Russ Wi1lou ghlJy, 9- . Johnny here f r the st;1mmer a comp- af1 ,I ~~ u ht r, M,iss M,~tilyn, against afiy chan-~, of ' such Rog:ers turn ed in a ~tel Ja r tht e~ ' anied her iJarellts l11ome. entertall1ed at Sundayl (linner rules: This is, being repeated so hit performan,ce; a,t1owing only ' '- ~ Mr. and Mr. Lew Terting' am all ' may kn'ow the real circum- one ball" a trIple, to be hit out ' Mr. and ~rs. Ratpl'l Main otls , ~r. and Mr -, rt : Gall aIlld PEACHES FOR SALE ' stance. Appa.rently th~ team of the infield. He comr letel v and chUaren, Allan and Lynn daughter of Cincinnati Mrs manager neglected to inform hand cuffed th e, Mer .hant - the of Detroit re guests of Mr. an j Leah M;j})s and Mt. and Mr~; , th ~ ir pl ~yers, ,as I have had first three innings, trikin g: out Mrs. Ray,.ty\ainous anti Donald W/iHiam trouse~ I ' • Varieti s : As Th V Ripen several recent conversations, , ive, . and retirn ,g- nl ofiTer four this weeK. , GOLDEN JUBILEE some on the "hot" ide too I"~ " n . .' l' -: un d- 0 1I t t , h i m elf' OUMBEF,LAND with players of yario~s' teams on The Legionn aire last MOll-' su~h mattefS. I hope my expland'a, , led by Harvey- mre'c nits HALE HAVEN ations were clear enough. Noth;"1d 'CharJi Pri e hom r, de·, LATE RE D ing.' but ba~ic . English and · pre)fated pring Vall y 9-6. A. BRIN G OWN 'SA KETS - fanlty were used, as anyone. is thrilling last-inning- J'all y b v the' ali \ -. m 1en ho rt v.. .~ en \ . ~: bound to become a little angry POFF"S ORCHARD ' w'hen his 'best effo rts to , RI 're all last t~r o ' batter went 'out: a square treatment 'are misun- vi t b th e · bas fitl e t Merle Mi. I;ast of Traffic Light derstood to such a, p'oint that a Th mp 'on and Ray Purk divida ~ 'wh ispering ' cam .' ~ll l ' j J e,d l it hing ' chores for the WIl1 .. ,hind his back has to, 'be, w ' ners. Pla,er aDd Team - _
.. .
- - ;.
Ch~ck the ·Price There Save' the. Di£ferenc,e .J
Wheat Harvesting Time and Action Packed WIth ALAN . LADD - 'DOT LAMo.UR , " in ,· ' WILD ' HARVEsT '
- 0 . - - . , -. . ... - .... -
'·PLASTER 100'" POUND BAG: WAS $1~25; 'OUR PRICE $ .95 20 BA~S (Ton): WAS $22~S(); OUR PRICE ,$ IS.S0
DELIVERY DAYS TUES.-nlURS.-5AT. Same Delivery. Day Each W ~eJC '
~'~ ' -=----~---
" ,.
.. _ _ _
Giuns Blaze with KEN MAYNARD IN ' , SMOKING GUNS Ala!>: 1 ~ th Chap Serial WEEKLY CASH AWARD TUES. 17
Time Runs Out Fqr ~Y
MIlJ..AND in
F ,a irley' Bdwe.· Store PHONE 2441
6 -:. GREAT srORES w.~
H6borO '
Blanchester and LATE NEWS.
SO Years' ·Ago I (From th Miami 'Gazette of , Al:lgu t 1 ,' 1898) '
A fa,ir fa 'cannot ato ne for an untid house.' Use apolio. I
Leban on J1as call d meeting to petiti n th Pennsylvania R. R. to give them better cars on ' their road to Cincinnati. The cars are said to be old rattletraps that leak so badly that passengers have to sit with raised umb.rellas when , it rains. .
that he believes that there is a good po I of oil nea r Waynesville.
this week's issue of the Gazette. The Gazdt i pub!i hin,\; ' th~ entire book in ' serial f orm.
Mr. Charle Berry is 'very u fu l in raising; poultry. h' n w ha about fifty thrifty Clung ducL, which make n int r ~.tinJ;- i rr ~t ~hen waddlin ,~ t th e water In on flock.
The X nia new paper an'd council are having a ro ugh ami, tumble time of It, meanwhile the ' city is in - darknes fr m absence of street light, and orne of th ir m ost us d street badly out of repair, ' from a counts nearl y as bad as' our eorn talk avenue. It- remains to be seen whether' newspapers or e uncil comes out ahead, but w take chane s on the newsJ aper , for the are on th e ide of the people.
Mr. Pontius, the oil and gas expert from Lima, who was here last fall and recommended thJs as an oil and gas field, has written to . Mil. James Stoops ' oongJ7atuJating him upon the i\ su.c~ess of the well, . and adds
, * '" '"
Bu ' farm,! Get you a permanent home. You can do it with ea e if you go to the New , outh to do it. 'land alon ~ the Queen and Cre cent Route $3 to $5 an ' acre, , and on ~asy terms. choo l and ehurche's, ho pitable neighb rs. No sunstrokes, · no blizzards. Grass grows green ten months in the ea r.
W. C. Phillips ' lead -still, on , cor. Main and Franklin St., in blacksmithing, woodworking, buggy trimming] carriage painting, ' and macnine repairing. For all kinds of work in the above n.amed lines, call on him, first class work guaranteed, and prices moderate.
• • •
Part III of Robert 'lOUIS Stevenson's new novel of the sea and pirates is appearing in
E.. '0. SCOff '
' RepreseQtirig , Weatheimer & C u l1lpaoy M'embers New York Stllck Exchan .~t·s and uH t:~ registered ExclJallgt:s Inv~tment Trust Shares BouRht . Snld - Quoted Phone Waynetlville 253£1 i Dayton A.03~5·,
Prescription Eo~ ·Your Ear ,.
Mr. and Mr . Gl'enn Hod on
and family h ad as 'uests over tHe wee k end til irdaughter
,Bellbrook Notes
R'EMEMiBER if you , are , dissatisfied with the size of piece or with the quality of the chewing tobacco you are using, get BATTLE AX 'PLUG and you'll get your money's worth. The 10- cent piece of Battle Ax is larger. than ., the 10-cent piece of any other brand of the same high quality, and is the largest of any really good chewing to10 cents. bacco ·that is sold , for .
• • •
• • •
th will make th ei r home with :his par'ent-. Mr. Th mas \Va emIloyed at WG'i "ht Field until a few week ' :lP:( ', ,~ h va a ~ i jent of prin'ufield until thi prin y . H r r ar I1t wer in hal', f th I thian h 111 in pr ing:field unin h r fath r' dea b l a t Desember. Late in the aft rn 6n the couple 'l ft, b, ar, f r a trip to Maine. Thev will t , ~o ne abo ut two week.
Lillian and hu I and from Wi con in. ' . The Pr I yterian Church i choo l holding th ir unda in ' the' town hall while the church is being re-decorated. The 4.H girl of this community brought home quite a from the few blue ribbon Greene Co'. fair. The Bellbrook Garden Club ~on a good share of prizes at the fair.
Miss Margie Paterson and Mr. Paul R. Thomas were married aturday Aug. 7th at 2 :30 in , the Hoge Memorial Presbyt~rian Church. The bride was attended by her s.isters, Miss Charlotte Patterson and Mrs. Gwendo'lyn Humphry. The ,best , HARDIN R~UNION HELD man was Wayne Stephens and the ushers were Raymond LamThe Hardin famlly reunion me, a cousin ,of tJhe groom, was held Sunday at the -,home and Marvin Humphry, brother- of Leonard Tinney. in-law of the bride. Rev Scott · Those present were Mr. and Tli'rner Ritenour ef Westminster Mrs. Lawrence Kohls and famChurch of Dayton officiated, ' ily; Mr. and Mrs. John Spradand 'the bride was given in mar- ling and, family; Mr. Noah, riage by her brattier, Don Pat- Spradling, Mrs. Harriet Hardin terson. , ' of Berry, Ky; Mr. and M'TS. Wedding music was played Richard Berry; Mr. and Mrs. by the church organi!st for ·a half J;:lmer Berry and family of Saylor Park, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. hOU~ preceding ' the' ceremony. A reception follewed at the Harold FJye and and family j home which was attended by all Mr. ,and Mrs. lieroert Van who were invited fo:r the wedd- Blariceehl of CinCin'nati, Ohio ; M,r. and Mrs. Sid Conrad, Mr. ing. . and Mrs. Robert McCarthy and More than' tllirty attended family; Mr. Hayden Marksoerry from this comm unity and of Crescent Springs, Ky.; Mr. Waynesville. " , The groom is boilldin~ a new and Mrs. George Schenk 'and house near' his par,.~.nts home daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Schier Rice of Columbus; Mr. and ·Mrs. on the upper Bellbrook pike. Until the house 1S complet.ed H. W. Bradeen of Eldorad~,
No. 4381 12;
.-( t • I • ...-r1$lHO IUIIMHlAA :: r' '
, '• • "
hi ; MJ. H ward F:lor nee and gra n 'I n hHrl La w on of MidC\1 t wn, hi' Mr . James, M Cormi k an n T mm of Da t n, hio' Mr. and' Mr .' T. . -Hardin, irginia and , Tn:. l er Hardiri; Mr. and Mrs .. ,h rman Tinne ami fa mily; Mr. and Mr. Muriel Tinney and' famil y: Mr. an'd Mr . Win: Tinne and fa mil y j' ' M r . Nettie Tinney; Mr. and Mr' . Lawrence Hardin; Mr. and Mr. Jame 1.'. Hardin and on Kent and Virginia Brown i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schenk and' fa mily; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee. Hawke enterta in ed with a buffet dinner Wednesday evening llOnoring the birthday of Miss Ann Weltz. Guests with Miss W eltz ' were Dr. and M (s. Vance of Will1lington, M;r. and Mrs. M. F. Weltz and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke.
"'--·~ I
1~""'.Dar· '
. -Friendly Store"
,9 .s 12 'WOOL RUGS
" Perhaps Jour ear needs a tonic. Is it usmg t~o much g~s -:slow 'on the pIck-up.? Dnve In -:-we'l1 diagnose the trQuble and prescribe accordingly • '. • ,or phone now; we'll pIck up and iltliver your car. '
Yes, the education of' your children, their' e,n tire future wel. fare, is your responsibility. Di5:charge it conscientiousl y and EASILY by saving REGULARLY. We are ready to help YOLI now. Stop in! '
'9 s 12 FE.LT BASE RUeS
National Bank
(Floor .DeI
STUDIO COUCH~F1I1I~ Spriaa FiUed) ,
.KtER' S .Garagr .
STOVES " . . ' "Ce_plete Home Fa....b.n"
HOME FURNIT:UR,E AT THE McCLURE FUNERAL , HOME, the character of the service is in ,no way related.to the . cost. ' ' The ,lowest priced s~rvice re7 ceives the ,same attentIOn as the highest' and is attended with ex- . ~ctly the same measure of cOQsideration and r~"ect. ' , THIS HAS' ALWAYS BEEN , OUR- ESTABLISHED POLICY.
"A'.IIVI'LL . . to
Phone '
_epal. Seol••,
. Invisible' Half Solin, Orthopedic ' Corrections Cork EXtensions
H., B."
111.13 I. ........ry !It.
Style and sp~tless cleanliness are imperative accessories to the fastidious woman. And our m,odern dry cleaning adds just that to your dothing' Our prices, too, nuke you realize that all this luxury - and tcon .. , omy may' go hand in hand.
12, 1948 No. 4381
'Wayside Cathedral' to Arri¥e N'onday'
FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST 'Byron Carver, ' Minister Bible ',SchoOI 9 :~o a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m'. Prayer MeetinF.: 7 :00 p.m. Young· People s Meeting METHODIST CHURQI , . 7 :00 p.m. R.B. Coleman, Minister ['''lening Services 7 ~3 0 p m. Oturch school 9:30 a.m . . J. J. Burske, Supt: I .YTL£ MEnlODIST Holy Communion· 10:30 A.M. aruRCH Dr. Joseph Myers, Minister ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Sundav Schoo! 9 ;30 a.m, Samuel N. Keys, Minister ~rs. Ruth Saylor, Supt. 10 :30 a. m. Worship Servic~ Morning Prayer .1 0:30 «:m. FRIENDS . ' first Day ~choot 9 :3'0 a.m. COUN"rY'S MEniODIST Meetin~ for Worship BROniERHOOI) TO MEET . 10:30 a.m. THe Bimonthly Meeting of .Warren 00. MetHodist Men~s WAYNESVlUE Brotherhood will be held aRJRQI OF CHRIST Harmon Park, Lebanon, Sunday M. H. Coffey, Minister ' August t 5 a~ ' 3 p. m., ~ccording Bible School . 9 :30 a.m. ~ t(} Robert Tucker, president. Rev ..John L. Whit !Jf Clifton Morning Worshil' 10:30 A. M. \' oung People's Meeting ; Methodist Church .HI ~: t~e' . . . 7:1 S P. M. guest sp~~ker. . . n.cnin2' Service '\ 8 P. M. . F:0U~Wi11g the meeting, to ,be Lytle Chur-cl\. . sponsored AUGUSTINE t 11 ere wit be a ' picnic Father Krumholtz, Priest . supp'er for members and their Masses 8 and '10 A.M. families.
- '
sand persons have attended For ' the past tliree months services \Since 'the middle of the W;.yside Cathedra1.has been June. . . The. Wayside Cathedral is to engaged in work in the 'south eastern part 'of' Ohio; Through- yisit St. Mary"s Episcopal Parout this area ther~ are hu~dreds . Ish, Waynesv~ne, ,from. Augu,st of small, communities 'entirely 17!h to ~ugu~t 2~. Services Will withpul . adequate religidJ,ls in. pe . held lQ s~~eral o~ the. outly- . struction and where people bave I~g c~mmunlhes and 10 Waynes· little opportun,ttv to worship in Ville Itself. regular churches. The Wayside .The preacher, Capt. John Fellowship between the Prespy. .Pnor~ ha,s spent o~e~ 10 'y~ars terian and Episcopal churches workmg 10 ,rural mISSions 10 the SCOUTERS MEET Nf makes it possible each summ'er $outh and Ih N.ew England an~ CHAUTAUQUA ' to seng forth this well-equipped IS at present director of candt· Council Scout~rs ,were guests . trailer staffed wUh men from ~at~s for the Church Army, ~nd of the Miami district ' of ' the both denominations. These men IS In ·charge of the Tratnfng . way School at Cincinnati. · . Mound Builders Area , Council minister in ·o ut-'o f-theplaces, aSSisting in Daily . . The schedule of servlceS IS last night, when t~e last in a Bible· Schols .conduct- as fl)1.1ows: , ' series of three ."fellowship Vacati'On meetings' was' held at Chau· ing recreation for the children L tIe, Tuesday," August 17 tauqua. The primary purpose of holding services and preaching: Orego.nia, W.e·dnesday, Aug. 18 these meetings was to promote the groups with the nearest. Harvey burg, Th~rsda y Aug. 19 friendship and : understan111ng always in the hope· of tyiNg up Harveysb,urg, Fn ay; Aug. 2 · .. J Aug, ... t between the various parts of the ~ roups ·with the nearest Way~e vllieLSaturdaY churcl1. This summer the CathCorw!n, Mbn ay, Arugust 23 the council; . edral has been in Monday, East Corwm, Tuesday, August 24 Those attending from here w~re S outmaster Joe James, ' ~layton, Doanville, Glen Rob. Bellbrook, Weqnesday, Aug. 2~ . Ronald ' Rush, Ralph Hastings, bms, Dorr Run, Poston, Car. Bellbroo~, Thu':5 da y, Aug. ... D Roger Brown, ' Therle Jones, bondale, Duncanwood and is at WaynesvIIle, Fnday, . Aug. 27 Lowell Th31'fras and John present in ·the mining camp aj Waynesville, Saturday, Aug. 28 Glen Robbins .•Over three thouThe Rev.. amueI N. Keys, in Fromm. .
HOLLY METHODIST . T. M. Scarff, Minister Sunda)' Scttool ' 9 :30 a.m. E.A. Earnhar.t, Supt. , WorShip Service 10 :30 a.m. .veniDg Service ' 7 :30 p.m. ~ftS t'nr~ FRmNDS
CAES Rev. David ftA
Stanfield, Minister Sunday School 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Worship Service ~-
vTlCA E. U. B. CHORCH Rev. William Shannon . Sunday 'School ' 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. J ames Garrison, Supt. . Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays each month 10:30,a.nt. Evening .Services 7 :30p.m.
- - .~
charge of St. Mary's Church, cordially invites all who are Interested ·to·inspect the Cathedral and tak~ part in the services which will be" conducted in this area. . Services will be h~ld froll\' the trailer each evening at ".p. rn'.
BROKERS 1-teE'N 8E ,
Fo .. DateS; Phone 28~ Wayn..vlll. . Ohio. Rever.. ",hara.. '
SMITH · ELECTRIC :' SERVICE FQr that extra Rec~Ptacle . Or Anything Electrical' , ,
Smi.tt~ ·
....... '-:
I '
"Aru.,i yo .. ••• JOUN.·ro
OPEN TDL 9 P.· ...
~i _ ~-~--.~hU--,' -ji~\--r~----------~------~--~·---.~-Nr-, -n--AO-l~' _. ~--
Ij{!iflM YOU' ~/)t.
• "..\..,
DON'T .fORGET TO , CALL ' , , us for insurance. All types of ' ' . insurance at a savings. Call , ,' , POSITIVELY MUST! ' Francis q.ene 'Brown, ,pbone Waynesville 2472 ,or call , collect.. Wilming;ton 2111, order your T,ruck and Bus) SELL mE EAR'nIiness Signs, now o.r ~lse pay "much more" to J.ust IF YOU HAtV~ ANYT.HING a few days" states St~nin Real Estate for sale, get in ford Bogen - '~ot~d Slg~ touch ' with Ben E. Cline, lic'& truck sign arbst of Morensedbroke r, Spring Valley, row" Ohio. He pays 10% Ohio, in Real Estate Business to any()ne who sells a sigr;t, since 1911. Experience tells. for, him. Sell yourself ,a Try me , and see. ' sign now and save 10% -826 and also a 30% higher F-O-R-RENT---~~-------cost. " ,Stanford Bogen , Signs make you money. ' '\ , --819 , THREE - ROOM Apartment ~emi-modern. Can at Dot -indo Food Store. ' The 8'3 rd annual '<;<?l1ettMcKay picnic- ,wilt' be held FOR SAtE Wilmington on , ,Saturday, A:ugust 14. ONE PAIR ROLLER RINK Shoe Skates, size 8. Cail Mr. and Mrs. , Ira O. Brown 2~34, li E. Elstro. -ind and sC'ns, George and Billy. t940 TON ' and a half Chev- ~~~~n~~nd~~o~ftetnoon" at ' the ,~olet tr,:!ck, grain bed. , Wa.ypes_ VlhtI~ , ' f3arm~rs 'Exch~7ge, Mr.s. H. - H. Will\amson ' and, .. ,22 Miss Grace ,Williamsen are . one 2 71." i' Seller Breakfast' set; ,'1 ~it- spending,"a week a~ the guests chen Cabinet with matching, of Mrs. E~hel J:iauk 10 Dayton. , , II' Wh't utility side cabinets. ' Good ' condition. Mrs. Edwin Sur- ' M~. and Mrs. Russe . 1 e, face Phone 2917. -712 Mr. and Mrs., Ralph White) of , \ ' , Dayton, spent Sunday after~ WHITE ' IVORY' PORTABLE noon with Mr. and Mrs. Walter RAlb"~o, Runs oh 'flashlight Elzey. , :,;...------batteries ftnd' a B ,batte~y fhat ate avail able 'at Hyman's Mr. ' and Mrs. Gilbert Frye ,' , Store anytime: Calf Harold and sons, Richard ' ~nd ' Don, ~_ ';BIstro, 2'634 " ,have returned after two weeks' , at Bass Lake, iiCanada. YeUow Gage Plums. Phone ~'- 2951, Gilbert ' Frye -812 Miss Geraldine Briedenbaug" of Miamisburg, Carl Wright of ~"'--~---'-+"'r":;:H"N FeR-S-ALE~ J. A. Hart- , Bellbrook, Miss . Irina 'Fires, and man, Phone New Burling-ton Robert Meredith were Sunda,v 307. -819 ' evening' dihner . guests of Mr. and Mr s. L~wis Fires. FORS~E- ' AP,PLES. ' S~mmer ~ RainboW, Alton ~arnhart has returned Jeffries, Wea\thy; crab apples ,for , jelly. Underwood Orc-h- after- visiting several points ill' ard; Harve.ysburg. " -812 Eastern Ohio. 'He was a,ecomp, ' home by Don Long of FRYERS. c. E. MICHENER, anied Caldwell, Ohio.. PHONE 292 6. ' ,. . ' -819 The Edgington ram mes h'a d SITUATIOfiS WANT~ a picnic sup:per Sunday evening Would Like Hbuse~ork. Emma at the' home of Mr. and Mrs,. Crew, W~ynesvil1e Route 1. Howard Widener near West " -8 '1 2 Milt<:m. '
'll'l!!=1 e."' , ,\.O~" '
..... _..__.J__ . . .... - -...... ........- , . , '- ...
t; _
Ph,o lo 'C1CIMies For 2' hoW'll every day ' 7 day. every week, " ever atop~lng. t he kidneys 'filter wuste nat ter from the blood. ' r f 1I0'ro people ~ere aware' o. how ,tbe ld b eys DiWlt conatantiy remove aurIWtoJ ft uiii exceu acida and ot ber wute ' m~tt;er tliat eannot s tay in t he blood , . 'wit hout i njury to noaHb. there would . be better undenltanding o~ ,' tII"r the whole syatem upset' 'when kldneya faa to "lnctlon properly." . D .rn in~, ac __nty or too fi'llquent url~ tlon aom etlm. ~arna t hat 8~ metbJ.n. is wrong. You may s uffer nasl(lol backRe he headaches, dluioellll. rheumatl • -'0 ' n~ gettlnl( up at n'll(hta, swollin,. ~ .. Wh y Dot try Doo,.·. PilJ.T You w1lI b u us ing a mediclDe recommended the 'cuuntrr over. Doo,,·. atimulate the funot lon 0 the , kidneys and help them to lI uah out poiaonoWl waste frOID tIM blood , They CODtain l10thinl harmful. Doa,,'. today. 'g. with ocm(iden. . drUI atol'1!8. ,
~ pb~to,rap.~.~ oPttratlng ..ar-power"on _. branch.
'$NAPPIh6 ' 1VR.TI-ES MA'" BE' A~LE 1t) ~~/rs our Or WATEiR f't,I
, The ,Lytle Busy Fif!gers will , h old an ice 'cream so.cial 'Satur. " day evening, August 21.. , ' . " , ' -8 .." 19 . ~
.: NOTICE OF APPOINTrytENT.' " , 'Executor. , ,
Estate of S. H.- Burnet De;<ceased. ." , Notice is hereb v" given that , H arry ' Burn~t ~h~se Post pf. flee addr.ess IS ' Waynesville, , Ohio, R. 2 bas b~ep duly 3rP.pointed 'as Executor.of .,tlle Estate of,S. H. 'Burnet' late "of , Warren Co~ntY,Qhio, deceaS'ed, .: , ' '~
Dlal tWO Mark-et
A '1811J- ,~ NjW~k
Phone ' xENIA
' ,'
' 2362
1 ;'"
Our Dally
.' 100
PER. N:.R.(f'
Greider Safety-of Farm' Owner. ' .. ' ship • Finance with a Land Bank ~ LONG TERMS-
' LOW INTEtmST , .'
,', . '\ 1 S.Btoaaway , LEBANoN,:OfIKJ Phone 488
, ,Ellis,' H. S~ sec!rTrea.~
$11.00 " 9.00 '
'WlLW OlnclnnaU
12: 40. Dial 700.
, 'DEAD' STOCK, ", Ace.rdln. t. ,S 't. . .
SERVI,OE 'THAT SATISF'lEe 'WIHIO l,)a.yt9n 12 : 60 E. e. '1'.
o.t/r!AJIY.JjrrL£ ONES?
, NOTIC~ ,
Cincinnati Union Stock Yard. Live WI,.. and Progre •• lve. An ora,anization .eoo,,~ 10 nori .. St,.lotly •• Iler, on the IMft all around market In the countrv. " ,, '
Mr. and . Mrs. i.-Stanley Morris o'f Cincinnati ,were ... Sllnday , guests' o.f Mr. ,aind M'rs. :M. ~. , Fulkers~:m and", (laughter. 'They t were flccPl1)pamed "home by , thelr d~ugittetj ,~N\ary Elleij, w1;to h'ad been a guest 'af the Fulkerson home for several days .
Dated . tJiis. 24th 4av of 'July 1 948. '~ . ". , C, Donald Dilatush, ·Atty. , ' . Ralph H. Carev ', ~ Judge of. the Probate Court Warren , County, Ohio. I
Long of ,Caldwell.. Ohio, ~ Mr~ and Mrs" Lamar Earnhart, Mr. and' Mrs', A. H. Earnhart, ' and Alton Earnhart were Sun.; day dinn~r guests of Mr. andMrs. Earl l:3arnhart and children.
Bucbsleb, , Inc.
There'll Be a Fall Festival · JiLlfum,.lliic Group ·Votes .. .
Cooner RealioD
The First Annua4 little Miami Fall Festival will be held in Waynesvi1Je in October, ~ccord ing to plans · formulated by a Civic Club conunittee yesterday ." ,evening. ' . The exact dates will be set next Monday after it is lellrned whether a carnival can be booked'for the event. Tentative plans call for rides and concessions to be set up· on Miami Street, with nearby granges, clubs, and other groups 'beIng in~ited to send exhibits. A. H Stubbs is chairman of ' the cornimittee in charge. Others attending the ,first' meeting at his home were M'aynard ,Weltz, 'Ross ' Hartsock, E. 0", Scott, Samuel Ball, Francis Gene Brown, and Carl G. Smith. Stib~committees w.i1l be named Monday. . The decision to undertake . a: fall festi val was made at Monday's 'Civic Club meeting, Wlitch was ,addressed by Stanley Mouse,. a,ccount executive af Station WHIO in Dayton: The speaker's top,ic was "Pass a Laugh' Along. ' He -did just that, leaving his hearers wishing their memory for jokes was better.
Every tGwn has street rights. SER~I~G WAVNeaVILLE SINCE 1• . A reuni~n : of the Conner of"W',ay on the official maps 43$2 Five CENTS A COPY families held Sund.ay at the wh~~no~re~huenr~u~ N~~~_ _ _~~_ _ _~~~~~~~=~~,=_ hottle ofwasLeo and Raymond f!y been laid out. Portions of W/AYNUVII.L:" oHIO THU'RSDlA.V; AlUQU8T 1t. 1141 ,Water Street come under this ~;.;....-_ _~_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Conner" featuring a bas~et dinner on the lawn. Guests tn· Hea-ding in , Waynesville, ,along t: ~ C7\ cluded Mr. and Mrs. Harry , with several other. locations. S . e/.,)ea"hd Conner arid daughter, Mr. and But' not until re~entlv did I ' . Mrs. William Houston,. Carl lea..-n that a housing develop· J CLARENCE RICHARDS Conner, Mrs. V~ctor Burr~s, Mr. ment is bein~ held ~p ' solelYt be· U'w Clarence Richards, ,t 7, of . and Mrs. Clinton BurriS and cause of a nllssing street. Three ' , , Route 2, ' :waynesvilJ.e was daughter, and MTs. Emma , cellars were dug and materials ' Edwin G. PorteJ, ' a ~une killed in an auto accident -a t Grubb all of Dayton; Mr. and for homes were hauled into a graduate of Ohio State l!hlVer- about 2 a. , m. Saturday on a Mrs. P.aul Burris and daughter - site where' no 'street. exists. sity was .chosen from a fl~ld of rural road near ' Roachester. of Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. Ho~er The unfini~lled homes are in five applicants. for. coach at According to the report o{ Conner and d·aughter of TlpP the square bounded by Pift~. Waynesville High School. by Dr. H. M. Williams, Wfarren City; Mrs. Russell Bentley, Mrs. Street, Route 73, Dayton 'Road, the sc'hool board Monday ntg~t. county coroner, Richar,ds, with Sadie Conner, Mr. anq M'rs. a~d 9hapman Street. ~~ey face Subjects :which Porter ~In William Kinner, 23, and Nelson Earl Conner and' son, Mr. 'and . the lme where the efflclal ~ap teach have not yet been de~ld. , Jones i 6 both of Oregonia, Mrs. Raymond Conner and shows H?ixth 'Street" b}lt Sixth ed. His home is M'ingo Junctton, as passengers was driving along . daughters, and Mr. and .Mrs, Street IS o~ly a proJect. It three miles south of Steuben- the rural road when he 1051 Leo Conner and daughters. has never been paved or ev~n ' vitte. . ' control of his' car. It turned c~ea.red off for any kmd of The board also hired. LOUIse over, it was 'said, causing fatal vehicles; J. Morton t6 te~ch Enghsh and .. injuries to the driver. ' • . I don .t knmy what ca~sed the Latin a~ the ;hIgh school. She Kinner 'suffered a fractured tr , - 'homes to ~e , started wlth~ut a . has t~ught the past Jour and a neck and shoulder and Jo'nes a JOHN JlARRY HUll street, but .It would s~em hkle half years at.. Mo~ow, Cler- fractured neck. Both were reMr. and Mrs. J. W. Hull are , that t~e bUilder had understoo mont County, OhiO. She r~· ported tod'ay in seriouS con- announcing the birth of a seven - that Sixth St.re~t was gomg to ceived· a college. degree m dition at Our Lad'y of M'etcy pound baby son, -John Barry, at · be put througH. Anyway, pi es 1920.. . hospital at Mariemont. Richard's . Grandview Hospital on Saturof concret~ blocks, lumber,. and The board voted to hire the body was brought to the Os.,' day evening, August 14. Mr\ soil can be seen at. the site ~f following bus drivers: Robert wald funeral home in Lebanon. and Mrs. Ed Hopkins are the . 'matenilal grandparents and Mrs. ' the ' abandoned project. Tha~ 5 . Baker Don Gahris John H~eall. '. meye;, RiChard McK~ight, Ray CHURCH .OF, CHRIST Edith Hull of Leesburg is the ~.. ' Harper, and Deca.tur ThompSENDS N 'INE TO CAMP p grandmother• .'aternaJ . Guest colummst for the rest 'son One m0re dnver and two of this space is Rev. R. B. Cole- sub~titutes are needed for the Nine youn'g people from th~~ STORK SHOWER GIVEN man, who ,has conht.ributed at seven ' buses to run this ~ear. church of elirist attended Tri- FOR MRS. J. W. HUU. Two drivers were injured and ~'trav~loKue' on. IS recen • Ralph. Ederifiel~ was given state Christian service cam,p las~ " a "contract to bUIld a two-bus week ,at Tar-Hollow .state park, Miss Ann Campbell and ~iss both tbeir ca'rs nearly demolishvacation 10 'Oregon . A clogged raaiator ~t Ric~- . addition to the school bus east of Chillicothe 'Ohio: ( Virginia Schuler.' entertamed ed when a 1936 sedan skidded , mond; InCl., was the flr~t, in~l. ' garage for $2,300. They are Barbara ' Dicken,· dunng the past week, ,at ~he into the path of a t 948 coupe dent of the Colemans trip. , ' sheets, Gharles , Orndb~f" Robert home of the former, nononng . during a ' rainstorm here ·Tues. After that, be wrUes,' Il~e' l ~e~~ , " , e : II_J_I Hayden, 'Blanc~e DicJcensheets, Mrs. J. W. Hull with a stork ' day ¢vening. The cras~ occ,:,r. .w~.....·.vJ Indi~napotis, ~ha"!palg:n! . 1 '~~I"'eDS DU:IIiU' _ JimQ1Y 'OiCkensheeis, Ot~rles shower. Contests and games 'red on, U. S. Route 42 O'P.pOSlt~ ,. Jl1.1 Burhhgfon, Iowa; Lmc~ln, LUAI '. " 1:l~yaenJ ~iUy te.w.fs, Jc;'h'p em:. "were eI'iJo~l1. ' -, ~ _.... ~.~ Vf ~y~eS.l{mel s .po)V~r. h,9'p~. ~ 'Both dnvers were" faken to ' Neb.; (!:heyenrt~, Wyo.; Bo~se, . Donald ' Lukens of Waynfs- 'dorf, .and Frank Hayden. A dessert ' course, in appoint. Miami Valley Hospital. Ted The minister, M. H. Coffey, 'men,ts fitting the O.ccasion, was Idaho, and thence te Eugene!! ville H. S. won a gold medal. in Parsons Corwin, driver of Ore. , . the /"Udginp' contest on dairy served as one .of the instructors. served. Guests were, Mrs. J. the ol~erof, car, suffered multiple _ "We crossed the McKenZie ast Fr1da . at the' W/ooster He will also return to the camp W. Hull, Mrs Grace_ Schuler, face lacerations, two fractured Pass of 'the.. Gi-scades, whe.re we ' ~~y eriment Slation.. · His 381 this w.eek as an instructor for Mrs·. - Oelberl Conger, Mrs. r[bs, loss' of blood. The oth~r. ' foun.d consrde.r.able snow m .the ,ouf ofa possible 400 points the Juni'or camp group. Glenn Hopkins, Mrs.. Sta~ley Crevices and 10 the heavy tlmdriver' , L. S~ Mortenson of Chi· .' th B'liley,' M'rs. Everett 'KenncK, cago, ' h W · was the highest score In e EASTERN , ST'· ... , D . TO 'H OLD " ~ h ' . k' M E'" i was released yesterday ber along the hl~ '!ay. estate . Aft Mrs. Art ur Hop lOS, rs. u. morning after treatment for a '· m.ad,e the. 2,5.55 , Mdes from Lee CY.Ba.nl:en and. 'J\il.lie,' PICNIC AT CI:IAUTAJ,JQUA H'opki'ns, Miss PhyHis ~ic.key, frraetuted knee. · , , R hmond to five days d Mrs. Painter, Mrs. E. C. Wnght, is be. Parsons, drlvlng .south, IC"EuP'ene IS . a. b eau ' t'if. U I CI,'ty 'Carter also' accompame InMiami ·Chapter. 107, Onder Mrs Howard Bu ' rton, ' M rs. Ray structor . J B. Cra:bbe ,to the f E t St I ' l lieved to ha ~e pulled out tQ pass ,.0 3 000 tbe he'l, , .t of o. . as ern ar, , ' IS p annmg:: lAl ! organ, Mrs. ' W ymer Dr~lce, of over. 0, . In event and' placed high ' in the f S d S t 5 t ~,,; the timber section, ~f ththe NOh~hf- " 'j·Udgrn~ . • Some 9000 Ohiq pICnIC or un ay, ep. t a Mrs. John Hover, Mrs.. Eveland another , car " and applied . his brakes suddenly on 'seeing, Moro' tt;.l d 6 ,p. ,~. at · Chautauqua. All and Mrs. Keith Ashmead. west LumbenT\J IS . e c Ie occupation with Irrigati()~ farm· school o.ys a en;ue . M,1anu Chapter members and ,. ___' ______ tenson's car approachipg~ . He skidded at a rig:ht angle to the ing second ,> and the tauns' bus· ,. .' . ' .t~e.ir families 'an<t all Waynes. MIt.K PRICE FOR JULy ine'ss third. The city lies in the . 8: l:-. RO.btnson "~as return.ed Ville Lodge 163 F. and A. M. , road' and was hit broadside with Willamette 'Valley ~hich is ri'ch' after spen~,lng ~ few d~ys With members ~Ild families "are ex,· IS $5.52 PER CWT. StIch force that the .middle of and productive. String .beans ~re hiS (ather In Philadelphia. ~ected to attend. ' _", Milk producers fn the Day- hi,S car' ·is, only about thr~e : feet tOh-Springfield , market a,rea. wide. a m;ajor crop, ~nd ~he schools ' " do not open unb,t. a large part·of . \ ..--WiJI receive a ~lend price---ci Wayne Township Repub". them are -gatherati; a<[Qund ·the . ,~ $5.52~ ' per c,~t. for 4% . ~i1k lican Club will meet Wednesmiddle of September. ' . ' , marketed in July, according to day, Aug. 25, at tbe home of Leslie C. Mapp, general manag~ Mrs. Lawrence ,"EngliSh <waHlUts" , fllberts, ~ Hardin on MaIn fruit and' mint. ~re amon'g l~ader of the Miami Valley Coop. street. A spea~er fro!ll the ing 'crops. 'A , good~ deal of hveerative"Milk Producers Associa. , stat~ , 0rgantzatJon Will be tion. ' stock and fme ' dairy 'h~rds are present. . . , to been seen. .. . two' .week~ , there blend price , 'Farmer's Grangt? , 13' .will, 'forThe, JUlyproducers' IS i8 centsp~r cwt. meet ' HWe spent in regular seSSIOn On Sat· , ho with' our . daugt~er \y I~ emhigher than . in Jurte~ The blend urday evenigg, August 21; and price fO.r milk , testing J.5 %, :.a fine program will be giv~n by ,ployed in the' city hbrary. We.. stayed ·in the home whe{e she butterfat was $5 ..05 per hun. the Springboro Grange. All ~rcd pounds. ' ' mctmbers are urged ' fo be · rooms and boards. When we left 'Eugene, we dro~e north .to . ' . .The July price for Q .ass I. present. ' Portland,' then ~ast via th~·. C(i).. umbja River h.,ghw~y, one of milk, t~at used for bpttling pur- , 't. H. Gor,d,)(l has .returned the most scenic sectIons oJ th~ ,£gses, IDc,reased 18 cents per. after ' two weeK'; at Mal'tinsv.i11e, · , · Northwest. . We stopped " 'at c}yt; over :' the Ju.ne C~ass 1 Jnd.,' ~'~'e.r,e he w,! nt for c(.Jm. , Bonn'eville Dam, whe.re a .great ' price, w~ile the July Cla~s IlL 'pr~te ~ r.es.t an~ . tr~atment . .our. fish/ ladd'er helps, ~almoh' a~d price , dropped 8 'AI' cents per 'lOg .hls Mrs. Gordon was· othe.r ·fish 'to ascend, the stream. hundred P9 unds fr.(}m' the 'C1!lSs a guest. staY1. of Mrs. Eloise tang in One may 10Q'k 6ver and"' watch HI ,price for the precedmg Cll1ciI1nati. L ' the fish' jump ,1 he steps. • . month. However, . 'the blend -----~-.. "Our ~cond 'stop was .~(i)S~ ,pric¢ which i~ computed on the .Tile ~lJnpual, Hc:~wke reul1i,on t coW· Idaho where we VISited 'utiHzation ' of the ' total volume will be held a·t the home of ~y 'boyhood friend, J, C. De ' of milk 'received ' in the market Mr. and Mrs~ " \\ alter Larrick wut J';hen we went north to , showed an increase over June. on State Route 48, just south of lebanon, on Sunday August 2~t ' 'spokane, visiting OVh~rt·' Pr'oduction ion July dropped J. nt ht near Wash., there with Asa WI· C. Hawke .IS president ana. ak~r for the homeward JoUrney f 0% compared with the preced. Mrs. Katber(ne Fromm Banta , via,' Yellowstone Park and the ing month a.nd was one I'er . is ~ecretary ' of the group. ' Black Hills of South Da~ota. cent let s .fhan. .1Pr tlle same -My t940 Buick now registers month in '19'4'7. Ra~D ' GAlETTa ct~.alfitd Ad. t 22,000 miles." ."
CoaCU an,d-'' Eog,li h Teac. her Ar' e Ue . .
B. l
Two·Drivers Hurt ,II S~idding Crash'
.. .-
' ("
The Miami Gazette E !3 TA B LISBBO 15.
inspire; tools for work; pi tures of societ '. the world and the 1 urch -to challenge. These 9t P u b lish ed Every Thul"Sday In tr ret and use them, At W aynes v ille, Qhio ' eleme nt ~ and the people to CARL, G, SMITH, EcUtor when ~ u p e d, toget-' . _ Enter ed • • •eco nd ola •• ma tte r at the Post Office her ,around , a Cathedral Could SUBSCRiPTION RATE: ,,1.50 • Yea,. in AdvanCe ' make a program which will ,be of real use to Southern Ohio provideCi it is able 'to go to the people who need it most. It can go. if we put -it on wheels. . M_ ream is not of some fabric (To nave events listed in, this calendar, DOtit) The Miam ~ Gazette of eaut in one of the cities of before ' 4 p. m. Tuesda_ . ) , , S uthern Ohio ( valuabl e as su 'b buil ings are in certain FRIDA\Y. AUG. 20 c nters) , but of a Wayside Softball, Kier's ~s. Legio~ 8 p', , Catl)ed.;.al, fully equ'ipped for a_ side Cathedral at McClure's Fune~al Home, 7 p. m. the work "hicfll our Departm nts are -seeking to do. Wher, SJ\TURDAY, AUG. 21 ' ey, e r it goes' it will say . " You Wa)side Cathedral at McClure's corner., 7 p. m. see here the symbol of a Church Farmers Gr.ange o. 13 at 7 p . m. \\ hich moves fo rward on its SUNDAY, AUG. 22 m ission to teacb, preach, win Go to Church r men to Christ, nurture them ,unior Legion All-Star game at Bellbrook 2 :30 p. m. with His Word and Sacrament, Exhibition softball, Bellbrook vs. Miamisburg, 8 :30 p. m. an extend His Kingdom:' \ ith old-timers game ' at 7 P. M. ..J The diocesan convention end r-ed the plan., The generMONDAY, AUG. 23 ositv of several persons enabled Bo cout Troop 40 at 7 : 15 P. M. Bi hop Ho son to proceed at Ameri an L gion Post 615 at 8 P. M. at once. Norman R. Strugis, an ' Softball, Kier s ys. F,airley's at 8 P. M. ar -hitect specializing in church , a side Cathe~ral at Church of God, Con in, 7 P. M. ~ ork, developed plan which TUESDAY, AUG. 24 c . mbined. dignit a£1 beauha side Cathedral at, . rch of ' God, 9> rwin~ 7 P. M. wltli maXimum usefulness. WED NESDAY, AUG. , 25 the Generall Convenhun in • o At Softpall, Miller s vs. p rin.,g Valley at 8 p.. M. tober, 1937 the Wa si e Ca he.dral made it' fir.::t ap! ear .l~ ide Cathedral at Bellbrook, 7 P. M.. . ance. . ' , THURSDAY, AUG.', '2 6 Five cbi'ef' , a'ms . r re ke t, Softball,' Legion vs. B.ellbrook, 8 P. M. before tho.:e 'ho tanned the.. ' Vayside Cathedral at Bellbrook, 7 P. M. pr ~ram: 1. To help unite the dlo ese as one family. 2. To strength!n small rural parishes and missioTJ : 3. To reach iscilate mem r of the EpiscolPal Church . 4 . To er: e unc'hurched ' areas. 5. To encourage fe,11owsbip ,ith other Christian bodies. , In Journeys Oft,' is the MT. HOLLY METHODIST motto of the Vva)'side CatheT~ M. carff, Minister dra,l. It Jives up to its motto umlav 'SCh,(\ol ' 9 :30 a.m. as it journeys from Church to E.A. Earnhart, Supt. .'- Church from rur;aJ. area to isoJat~orsh ip Servi c~ 10 :30 a.m. e farm home underprivileged flel;Jtn g Service 7 :30 p.m. .mining community to forgotten METHODIST CHURCH hamlets in the hills. , . ~ , , R.B. Coleman, Minister CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS "Find child ren '\ ho are cut '9 :3 0 a.m. ke'V. David Stanfield, Minister off from regular attendance at Church chool , J . J . Burs1ce, Supt. i 0 a.m. any unda y School." Sunday School Worship anq Sermon ~orship Service 11 a.m. Help ,the a 'ed and infirm, 10:30 a.m. ' tJle shut-ins, the isOlated." Special Music , UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH ' I ~G~ to.. the ~m,a11, or weak, congregatIOn anl1' offer aU the Rev. \NiJliam Shannon ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL 'help the Episcopal Church can ' Sunday School 9 :3 0 a.m. gi e." . Samuel . Keys, M i n i s1e~ Mrs. J ames .Garrison, Supt. Morning PrC:lyer , 10 ;3 0 a.m4 Preaching t, Help , other Christians do a 1 st and lrd Sundays j Q b. ". , better t 0 :30 a.m. each month FRIENDS " These are some of the conf;vening Services 7 :3 op.m. stintly re.peated instructions . First Da School 9 :30 a.m. ' that Bishop Hobson fives to J Yn.E METHODIST Meetin2' for Worshio tJte W a~lde 8athe(tal staff, (~CH , \ 10 :3 0 a.m. who are now guests of The Rev. Dr. Josepb ~yers, Minister Sa:mueJ Keys, rector of St. Sundav School . 9 :30 a.m. Mary's N. Episcopal WA YNESVIU..E Church, ~~. Ruth. Saylor" Supt, , CHURCH OF' CHRIST Waynesville. , " ' \\ ()ishlP Servlce 10 :3 0 a.m. M. H. cOffey, Minister _ Miss Marilyn Burike is enjoy-, Bible School 9 :30 a.m. ' . ' Morning WorshiJl ' 10:30 A. M. . FERRY, CHURCH OF cHRIST ing, a ~·hQrt vlca tion between :\ oung·People's Meeting - ' . BYron Carver, MiniSk r summer studies at Wilmington 7:t5 P. M. Bible SChOOl 9 :30 a.m. and fe-entering ~ o\Vling Green . t "eni02" $ervice 8 P. M. Momin~ Worship 10:30 a:.m. {,'n iversity. - ; &c. ~ '. AUGU ' ,STINE ' Prayer eetin~ ,,7:00 p.m. ~r ,y oung Peqple s M~ting Father Krumholtz, Priest . . 'i :00 p.m. Massts 8 and 1 0 ~.M. Everiing, Services 7 :3 p.m.
Events Coming Up ,
IIOURS: A ' bleak future loomed for ·have to be. There have been «)- i 2 each morning st. Paul's Cathedral, Cincinnat~ , magic ,carpets which transport t -s aft~moons except , A dissolving congregation due ' passengers from one place to W~dnesdaLY ~ to a changed neiJfiborhood, and another. in 'a quite ,remarkable and a disintegratlllg fabric which ' way; So chairs sometImes travel 7,-9 Safurdaj evening ' 'threatened to eat up funds with- ,around. ., Other 'evenings by' ' lOut adequate return in service, :, "What I want is a chaar - ' Appointment demanded some drastJe action. , a Q.thedral - 'which is not Bishop Hobson recommended to fastened down in 6n~ ""'urch TELEPHIQNE 62-R the 1937 Diocesan Convention in ' one City, but one v. , can that the old Cathedral building travel around to every Parish be demolished, and then in telf- and Mission in the Diocese. ing of his dream for the future , "Such a chair would be rather sa!~ : . . useless if it mefely provided a Optometric Eye SpeeIaljII , \V h ~t IS a Cathect ral ? It' :; place' fOf the BISbop to sit. It 28 South J)etrolt Str.et a chai r ! Th~t s wh~t the word must be sqrrounded with other ./ meanS. ChaIrs are lIke carpets. essentials and other people. An , XB!W~, omo . Most of them are rat her seltled altar for ~ wo rship' ' books in one place, but they don·t to ,study ; things of beauty to
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
REDS CHANGE ~ ON AUG. 27 TO NIGHT The Cincinn ati Reds-Broo k- : Iyn Dodgers game scheduled for Friday, .4.ugust 2:] I at Crosley Field, has been converted into a ni ht game by mutual agreement, Redleg president ' Warren C. Giles announced this week. It will be 'necessary fo r fans who, ha.ve purc hased ti ckets for this 'contest in a.dvance to exchange them at the ·Red' s ticket office at 307 Vin~ ' Street, Cincinnati 2 . Ti,ckets for all gam ~ at Crosley Field du ~in~ August, which' will see the four Eastern clubs makn ,p: their final 1948 , invasion ' of Cincinnati, are available now and may be ordered by mail.
; • , . AS • •i II _
Dr. E. R. Crew of Fort Laduderdatle'f h~la·b' 'tVhas aRwbeek en gues 0 I roo er, 0 ert Cr~w. Dr. Crew, ~ former
• 2
t' ........ ....,_,' ~ .......
CleCa '
Margaret Hanan . returned this week from th e Glrl Scout Camp 'NIhip - Poor ~ Will Hills where she has been, a councillor' afte r leaving Miami University. Mrs I3ertha Prickett of L wistown Ill., is spending- two weeks wit h, her daughter Mrs. Ernest Harlan of Lytle - Fe,rry Road .
Mr. and Mrs. Clare nce J . Davis had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manifold ar. j ~~s~~~~~edOfW~laYM1~~lile'Vall:~ Mrs. Roy Hurley and son of Hospital fo r more than 27 . Leesburg. . ' -ear bef re leavin due to hi ,- - - . - - - - health. He i now supe rintendMr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harlan ent of a hospi~al in Fort and daughter have, mo ved to their new home 'near FayetteLauderdale. ' ville. r. and Mrs. Earl Earnhart. Mrs. L. 0. Woolley \S enjoyson and daughter and , Mr. and ing several week's vacation In r'. Bernar Dale' l e~t MonCal ifo rn i.a. :t .. morn in!" for Niaga r'a' Falls . ncr p jnts in C.:.raJ.l. Mrs. Robert Hunt of Fayette: viII e was a week end guest of M . arid Mrs. Ativin H. Earnher son-in-law and qaug,hter, hart an son, Mr. Alton ElJ-rnMr. an j Mrs. S. Carlton Cook. hart w re atur ay evening inner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ~ATRONIZE GAZETrE Karl Ba b and son, Mr. Dean ADVERTISERS Babo, near Pain tersville.
- --------
, . ~ _...
,,'!:\: '" •
A restful, homey atmosphere in res i dence.
~"---'-"""-------'i:l-J..J..U.C'--"JCa u ti ful
STUBBS 'F uneral Home
WAYM:.SVILll, O. ,
' J'
.Household Sa~Drday, .August
28, 1948
, ,I, havin,g divided my house, am, offering at, Public the following:'
Upright Piano ' Libr.ary Table Book Case , Dining Table and Chairs Large ,Punch Bowl, Glass with CUP's Dishes Rocki~g Chairs Victrola . Rug, 1.1' - 3" x 12' Axm-inster '
', Gasoline Range
. . ... 1.
,~: 0:.: !
,Oil Heater, Small Room Ice-Box . Scal~ No Springs W,ashing Machine and other item.s ,toonumeroQS to mention.
.. :
, TIME OF SALE IS 1 O'a.ocK '
Margaret A. Jobs' mRMS' OF SAI·E CASH 'Stanley and Koogler, AuctioneerS Charles Doster, Clerk.
of $1~238 a ye(1,r now, but' be " Inventions Contest sponsored 69th" .as previously advertised. INVEST IN MACHIN¥.5 e uld ,:' ~ecf his hors.e. ar:td k~~p joinlly by the Twill Th,eatre anG on the latter was destroyed by , CAUTIOUSLY, F~MERS his f' ,-Ui "1 11ent ' f!r: :.r: for $577 the Miami Gazette, with $3.00 fire recently and Warner Bros. ADVISED BY ECONOMIST () . " .1nu.,";1' ii' .;.....•. ,,.. . to the first prize winn~r, $2 .00 was not able to cOQrdinate its' /- \ ·:'t: ,ll " ... ~ i ,:.) " ,g- of power to the second place winner, ,and bookin~s to include Wayne,s- , _ Expected changes in pri~es of fa rm mac III ry 0 mak "~he - - a pass for 0)1~ .mqnt~ of pictures ville, Maybe you people WIll 'farm products, ,in availability o.f operator! r1ept>n~~nt of utslde to I the thud best.' Just forgive because if it's action you power farm mach,inery, and in m:, : hme a , ~i ',' make less , , sketch your invention and give want, the sub titute George Lh .... number of ' farm , workers . ' '" "' I rk for cust III pcT'lfors; so a brief description of it ' on a Brent picture ~ ill hold y u 'on cause J. H. Sitterley, rurC\1 eco~ rmerS ' who ar~ , not nomics depar'tment, Ohio State single sheef of paper ' bearing the edge of your chairs. i'ull eQtli;J1Jcl~ ~r 'balll.,· §oon your name and address, and Looks as though George University, to urge Ohi.o farm- will be able" t ' haye ' I tOffi\ (~f.S to. taRe considerable care in mail it by Sept. 1, 1948, to Brent is weekending here as \ rk at 1 w~ r ra,t ' and jeciding on the amount of farm 'l., I~ ' .contest Editor, Miami Gazet- "Slave Girl" a color beauty of j~quiprnent they will buy in 194 9 \"' itt~ mI.;dQne ~ ;' :"g,:nl t Cl -:l!i fL torvl te. FOX HOLLY girls, horses, camels, and lmen p rf rmane , A f~n1 r ~ :.. ~ ~ut and 1950. Let your imaginatic:m ru~ riot, in costumes, hits the sound ma ... hic2ry III ... tm cnt 1 ,omt Did yQU receive your Brick as the winning en,tnes ~Ill be tracks Sunday and Monday, supThe changes expected are pur h,a s" with n ' i;':h1 f !':, if the Bradfo.rd Club card yet ~ The judged on the baSIS of mterest ported by Warner News arid a ,more machinery , owned on Ol en Clr. ag- r e lJI1 : !' :lril\ : work are available at the Twill 'ibea- 'and not draftsmanship. Surely Paramount musical. farms, lower prices fQr 'farm and t '. tre 'boxoffice, Do.t 'Food Store; you m.ust once have said" "Oh, A' s an adventure storv it s not ~ roducts, and a l!ttle easier farm Th r' i .~ ~( , )\ \ , nswer to Hyman's; Lacy,'s, Waynesville if someone would only lllvent Quite llelieveable. As a com~dy labor situation~ Farmers have the tl nhJlI nt l f 1l1 ~ _ ~ 'nery. a Drug Store and the bank. These something to ." ~ere's it never gets out of the slapstick , teen buying as much power farm \. should. WI1. F (rm slze'l cardS mean 15 weeks of su- your' opportunitv to get paid for st.age (talking camels, no less), machinery as possible fQr several person;llity of tl farm ' wner, spence and action in CQlumbia's puttlllg your thoughts qn paper. but as " a~ p~lIr with Andy De- ears because labor was scarce fa mi1 1a10r uppl, :t ~l i ~~ebt , great Brick Bradford Serial. Judges will be annou~ced ~ext Ivine and Arthur Treacher for and the machines permitted a th farm all aftect the load on EverYQne must be aCQuaint~d week. Decisions will be ' fmal laughs, the picture should amuse farm operator to turn out more an \' ' r, with the Kin~ Features comtc and entries will be the propeIty all ,except those With frozen high prked products. AnQther strip by the same name, which of the Twin Theatre. jaws. factor was the impossibility of Al nz Monger , f Lenoir appears daily in Qver 800 newsMaybe, 0' Regan ,v.ill get a MGM features, at sent from getting custom operators to do City, Tenn. , spent th~ we.ek papers. wall-stretcher out of this con- the , Twin ' for several month, work at the time the farmer with his br ther and slster-mThe Brick Bradford erial test, so th se "crowds" on Sat- re-enter Tuesday. with Wallace wa...nted it dQne. law, Mr. clnd Mrs. RQb.ert op~ns aturdav aftenioon' at the urdav nights can be handled. Beer 's great 'role of Jjm Mr. SHterley estimates the. Monger. O n ;,'.v11 a ' ven'mg Twin' -peciaJ matinee ,. ho,vin fY lu K tllmilles.' Talk about Breedin, the ex-convict who ave ra lYe tQtal' investment in his son, J, C. Monger of payton at 2 & 4 P. ,M" when f oIl we r t ' t st at~lt and event l'o call the Ken iri k' ,on the weekly - horses and machinery on,aW l" ..."'.d nd took his father 1home nes 0 go r " o.f'the Canad ian Mountie erial caSh award' at the Twin la t ual1y does, ,in " lias a Gentleern Ohio farm in 1909 wa . with him, On his return, (\ on.zo " wh mpiled ' lev 11 I unche . 'aturday evenin~ for the third man." As u ual the Twin will $1,736, the investment-increas",ill visit two daughter In emI1 n thei :' M r l p- t i ," ,~ jtr:l will b in eleven weeks and the time hav~ three shows on Tuesday ed to $3,818 in 1929, and it cinnati. admitted FREE for ' the 12th shoppers. now is an'1rf'lyima..fel, v_.>O!'~8~o.!. o!.!..!n.:.",._ _~,-~--;'-;;;.- -- - - t and f il1 :11 'hapter. So there w"iH- 'econd wee}; " c,dnsecutively. nigb t for late F 'd ' b'll t'"~ '-=r J r. and Mrs. j. K. Pres on, , Eah time a different memberc I t ex T lur clay, n ay s I - Depreciahon, repairs, other t f C ,( " r five .chan ' thi ' inK of ' ·' ai~on' features Alan items, and fuel anli oil cost a were wee'k end ues s 0 Satur ~1 a v to catch" til penin g of the famil has, on. Thi h;rte r-of th e Braiford s rial: time the Hbreadwinner Everett Ladd as a di char~ed Army Air we tern Ohio farmer an ave age relati es in Chicago. ___~~__~ cop ed the prize. ' Looks like Force veteran who takes on a two attern on an::l thr " hi ,~hly .. paid as-igrnnent to' fl , a. th;e m' a nagement will have to jp ,p' 'h ) 'V - , I ri be that famil to keep them gUb gent1em,en of means into A. f1 r 11 winnin'~ again. ~ut then, Sai~o n for moo Ster1011S rea on . from treat ~ of trip t what's wrong With private en- Ho\\ ev 1', Veronica Lake makes the '. prnt tion nf trip tob and the complicat rpr i e, hone tl cQnducted? , imp il Ie We:ll' o n' r in\! ti- Briefviews: Last chance to sec the tion are ilOt slow in ari ing. In ti n b) the I ading I am I.:r. Robert Ta I r and Marguerite th nd Lactd i the tire j ut Kane £1' hm nd, hI} ' ()'" , 'Chapman In URelentless,' epic vi tor:iou hero, " 1:" i : r;tl aid. AJ ~ ( 'In th if the W!estern plaIn.s. will slay ou). ~radf r i ali! ' Mi _ Ruth Conner was the aturda { feature will be to r turn ' t ttl 1 th nguest of Mr. an j Mrs. Robert "God's · Countr and the Wo-' tur via a Time· Tqp to . et ' a i11 Columbus 'during the Farle · man ' in tead Qf " The Fighting secret formula. 'Fanta ti v a~t ,\eek. ne of the f w remaininO' pri"tlts were the 'radio. and " · ~ ut telephone an airplane, : ll, { c:1t(h f -iek .,. ]l aJ te l' , an.i ~'''''lmUlmIIllIlIllIllIIllIlHHlImU1nlllH,"IIII1I1I11I11I11I1I11!IIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllnllnIII","IIII! enter t.J '- Bri k Bra f r N v
P~G~ 3
'j. ,
.L -e nses
'I CI-
- -- ". -, - ..---=:;-==---~
BIG M- a "growing" favori1,
== ==
BIG M for maximum yield of your wheat cropl BIQ M for -high"eat market quality I And it', ' been that way for
= ~_. mo;..:a:u~=e~::'~on. =
. :
cern is that of supplying more hilh-potash-content
Order now hom
,fer.tilizera fo~ your needs, every fertilizer be~ring the BIG M brand performs up t~ that reputation because it h' h
= ::= "=
',== . The Miami fertilizer Company FAc:rORY~TR-=BEIN,
Waynesvi.11e Locker Plant
.-"_ "
PHONE ~171
Miami Fe"ilJa, COmpll;ny .. ·.n independeht Miami Vall ey concern amd.r direc' o;,e,.tJtm 01 it!! ownen.
--.- . ~
WaynesviiIe ,Furniture'
AUGUST 22, 1948 "
Mail. Your Entries Now I
001; · THE WORK
, Noon Till ? ? ? THRillING EVENTS
, '$ 1:29 P r Pn.ck~1o' e
. ' ex9 -:- 9x9 - 9x12 PRICED AT $3.98 '~ $5.60 &
:Merely ploc:e a portable F ASrr... WA Y , 11.t ~ Reater in n receN,acie co ntaining lI'all'r. t ' ~ \I g) in nearest socket, ' Pre tol Heats waLer qm 'k' , for bathing, scrubbing, wlloShing, etc, Also,clean'" ina milk separators, e~.-speed dePf!!1dlDg on;' quantity, Heats fast a av e..r0 ~ gas burner, , fires to 'build or hot water 10 carrY-DO ruemn I up a.nd dOwn stairs, r-io dirt. no muss, no toil heavy fuel bill , ,'illJldyl Inexpensivel No'\l\' eo.~ , lleslI tban S2,2'~ ('auiionr Read directioJlJl b~' ' Ifofe qaina. For ~~ l:!.l'.,... " ,
r4ANITEX Felt-Ba~e Rugs
-= ,
iIlIlUIllIllUlml~UllllllilllllUlmhll:l ! Til IllUm,i iUUi uiilllhi'ihil ilUllmllllllUlllllI~III1II1IIIII1Iii ---'-
-== ' ==
~~~~~?s ,:,~~en~~e~odo~ e~~_
dea'~r la, '~aI1,
Lions :' Club, Box "144, Xenia,Qhio
On Route '35', 3 Miles West of Xenia, Ohio,
Fred 'Matson, 84.4 N. King St., Xenia, Ohio ADULTS SOc
,Waynesville Furniture & App)iance€o~ South Main Street across fr:>m Grange HaU
__~~~~~~~~__~~~~ Telepb.one 2422
·,10 'Buy, Sell, Trade ': Rent,,, Burrow, USE .:.-.- ..... _._-_ .... --.. --
inspire.; tools for 'Work; pictures of society, the world and the ,1 I a I E9TABLISB]UD ' Church to challenge. These Published· Every Thursday int rpret .an<,1 use them, At W.l'n~&ville, Ohio ' elements ',and the people to CARL G: SMITH, EdJtor when g r. 0 u IP e d toget, Ental ad .a .econd cl ••• matter .t the Post OHio. her around a Cilthedral could SUBSCRIPTION RATE: make a progra, m which, will be $1.50 a Year In Advan~. of real use to Southern Ohio provided it is able' to go to the peopl~ who need it most. It can go if we Pllt it on wheels; My dream is not ,of some fabric (To have events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette of beautv in one of the cities of SO'uthern Ohio (valuable as " before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) su ,h buildings ~tre in certain centers), but 'of a Wayside FRIDA\Y, AUG. 20 Catbedr,al, fully equipped for Softball, Kier's vs. Legion at 8 p. m. . th e work 'which \ our DepartWayside Cathedral at M,cClure's Funeral HOl11e, 7 p. m. . men ts are seeking to do. Wher. SATURDAY, AUG. 2,1 ,ever it goes it will say "You Wayside Cathedral at McClure's corner, 7 p. m. see here the sYmbol of a Church Farmers ,Grange No. 13 at 7·p. m. which moves. forward 'on ''its . SUNDAY, AUC.22 mission to teach, p,reach, win Go to Church! men to Christ, nurture, ,them ,with His Word and .Sacrament, ~uni.o: ~egion All-Star game at S'ellbrook, 2 :30 p. m. .an j extend His Kingdom." Exillbition softball, Bel.1brook vs. Miamisburg, 8 :30 p. m. , ' The diocesan convention enwith old-tifl1.ets game at 7 P. M. ' d rsed the, plan. The generMONDAY, AUG. 23 ositv of several persons en'abled Boy cout Troop 4q at J :15 P. M. . Bi ~ h p Hobson to proceed at American Legion Post 615 at 8 P. M. at once. Norman R. Strugis, an Softball, Kier's vs .. Fairley's at 8. P. M. . ar ' hitect specializing in church Wayside Cathedral at Church of God, Corwin, 7 P; M. ,vork, developed plans . which TQESDAY, AUG. 24 c . mbined. digni~~ and beauty wlt}i maximum usefulness. Wayside Cathedr.al at Church of God, ' eorwin, 7 P. M, At the General Convent')un in , WEDNESDAY, AUG. 25 • o tober, 1937 the Wayside Softb~l1, Miller's' vs. Spring Valley at 8 P.· M. Cathedral made its fir t a'ppear. 1. 'Ide Cathedral at Bellbrook, 7 P. M. , ance. THURSDAY, AUG. 26 Five chief aim " ere kept Softball: Legion vs'~ Bellbrook, 8 P. . M. ' before' tho who lanned the Wayside Cathedral ·at Bellbrook, 7 P. M. pr ~ ram: 1. To help unite the dIocese as one family. ' 2. To strengthen small rural parishes and ,missions . 3. r 0 reach isolated members of tile Episcopal' Church. 4. To serve unchurched areas. 5. To encourage fe llowship with other Christian bodies. " In Journey's Oft," is the , . .MT. HOLLY METHODlS'J' motto of the vVJayside Cathe. , T. M. ~carff,. Minist~r , drat. It lives '!lP to its motto Sunday Sch~qt 9230 ,a.m. as it journeys fro'm Church to . E.A.Earnt,art, Supt. , Church from Jura}. are'a to isolat~or~hip Ser~ice 10 :30 a.m • .' .ed. ~arm home, .t~nderpriviJeged "Ve",~~ ServIce 7 :3"0 p.m. ~m1l1mg communIty to forgotten , .' ~ hamlets in the ·hills. . CAESARS ·CREEK FRIENDS "Find children who are cut
The Miami Gazette
Events Coming Up
Dr. E.
Crew of Fort Laud~rdale, Fla., was a . week end' guest of hi brother, Robert Crew. Or. Crew, .a former , resident of Waynesville, was connected with Miami Valle", Hospital ·for more than 27 . year l efore leaving due to his health. He is nQw superintendent of a hosp ital in Fort , Latiderdale. , R.
'l Aa.:11l _
• I .. ;
--- --,
._IC*!G' .
' Margaret .. Harlan .returned this week from the Gtrl Scout Camp \Mhip"""';' Poor - Will Hills where she has been a counciHor' ,after leaving Mia,mi University. , Mr. Bertha Prickett of L ~ wistownh Ill .., is spending two weeks. wit her daughter Mrs. Erne t Harlan 'f Lytle - Fe,rry Road . . M and Mrs. Clar:ertce J . 0 or. h d as Sunda ' guests Mr aVI a a} . 1 . an? Mrs. Walter Mamf.o d and" MIS. Roy Hurl~y and son o( Leesburg. ---------Mr and Mrs. WHbur Harlan and dau'ghter have moved to their ne\\ home near Payette. vi) Ie ..
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Earnhart, Mrs. L. D. Woolley is enjoyson and ' dau~hter a'nd Mr. and ing several week's vacation m Mrs. Bernard Daley left MonCalifornia. ia morning- for Nlaj~ara Falls and points in C;:i~ aJ.\. Mrs. Robert Hunt bf Fayetteville was a week ,end guest of Mr. and Mrs. A\lvin H. Earnher son-in-law and daug,hter, hart and son, Mlr. Alton Earn'Mr. and Mrs. S. Carlton Cook.• h~rt we,re ,',aturday evening dmner guests of Mr. and Mrs. "ATRONIZE .G'A ZETTE Karl Babb and son, Mr. Dean AD'lERTISE~S Babb,. neal Paintersville.
urske, up. and Sermon
The Cincinnati Reds-Bro kl-yn D0dgers game scheduled for FiridaY, August 27 I at Crosley Field, has been converted into il night game by mutu4.l1 agree- , . ment, Redleg presidenf Warren C. . Giles ,announced' this w ek. , It will be necessary for fan ' who have purchased tickets for this contest in ad·vance to exchange them at the ,Red's tic.ket office an 307 Vine Street, Cincinnati 2. Tickets for an ,g-am"' . at Crosley Field dur~ng August, which will see the four Eastern clubs makng their final 1948 · invasion of Cincinnati, . are available now and may·· be ordered by mail.
Sunday .School Worship ' SerVice
.10 a~m.
. A restful, homey atmosphere ih a 'fine, beautiful residence.
off~om reg~ar atl~dm~ d
any Sunday ,School;" 11 a·.in. '!Help the aged and infirm, 10:30 a.m. the shut·ins,· the Iisolated/' Sp,ecial Mus'ic UTICA, E. U~ B. CHUR(:H ' . "Go to the ·small,. or weak, ST. MAR,Y'S EPISCOPAL. Rey. WiJUam "Shannon ·congregation anQI offer aU the h 1 9 3 l1elp the ' Episcopal Church can Sun day Sc 00 ;' : 0 a.m. give." Samuel N. Keys, Minister Mrs~ James Garrison, Supt. . P 3 10: 0 a.l)l. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays .' ',Help other Christians ,do a Morntng rayer each month 10:30 a.m. better jQb/" :. , . . S' 73 r These are solne. of . the conEvenmg er~ . ' : op ..m. stintly _ repeated instructions 9:-30 a.m. I '\'TLE ' ,METHODIST ." First Day ~chool ttlat Bish6p Hoibs0n ' £,ives to' Meetini! fot Worship (I'~CH " lJie W a)\;.tde· Cathe~al staff; 10:30 a.m . . Dt. Joseph Myers, M';nister' , who are now 'guests of The Rev. , Samuel N ~ '.Keys, rector of ' Sf. Sundav . 9:'3o· a.m. Mary'~ . Episcdpal Church, -WAYNESVILLE ~~~T~----'o.dD~~~~~~~:--~"---"1"T.~~~~~~~~Su~P~t.~..--~i.a.~1lesvi11e. . ' M. H. Coffey, Minister , Bible School 9 :30 a.m. . . .Morning Worshi~ 10 :3P A. M. FERRY' CHURCH OF CHRist Byron ~rver, Mlnist"r . :\ ouog People's Meeting . . 9 :30 a.m. " " 7:15 P. M. Bible SChOOl l~ lenin2' Service . , 8 P. M. .Morning 'Worship to :30 a.m. 1 :00 p.m. Prayer Meetin~ ,S ~ '. AUGUSTINE . ' . Young Peopl~ s Meeting . , . ~ather ' Krumboltz, Priest 7 :9.0 p.m. Masses . 8 and ,1 0 A.M. Evening, Services 7:3 . p.m. ~
Wk¥SIJ)E~CATHEDRAL': -A"': bleak future loomed ,for .. St. Paul's Cathedral, Cincinnati, A' dissolvinJr congregation due ' to' chan~ea nei~nb'orhood, and and a disintegrating fabric which ~ threatened to' eat up funds with\ out adequate return in s~rvice, ',demanded some drastic action. Bishop Mobson recommend~d to the 1937 Diocesan Convent!on ',that the old Cathedr-al buildIng ~e deqto'~h~d, and then in telf. mg of hiS drea.m for tbe fut",re said: "What is a Cathedral? It':; a chair! That's what the word means. Chairs are like carpets. ~ost of them are rather settle~ In one place, but they don't
How Was ItStarted?
have to be. There nave beel1 magic carpets which transport . passengers from one place to aQother in ~ q~ite rema.rkable way. So chairs somettmes travel around. t' "What I want is a chakc a Cathedral - whi~h is not · fastened down in ant' ""'urch in one · city, but Qne v.. . can travel around to every 'Parish and IMission in th~ Diocese. , , "Such a chair would be rather useless if it merely provided a place for the ' Blsbop to sit. It must be surrounded with other essentials and C2,ther people. An altar ' for - worship b'' books. to study; things of ~auty to
I,' having diVided my house, followitlg! . . lJprighf Piano ; Library Table·, ' ,BQ(jJ.c case Din.ing Table 'and Chairs L~rge: ,Punch Bowl; Glass .with Cups; Dishes', ' Rocking Cllairs ' Victrola . ~. .Rug, ~ l' - 3" 12' Axmlnster , :.0 r~ . .: ! . Gasolin.e Range , ' ('l.. . Oil Heater, Small 'Room . Ice-Box, ' . ", . Sc~lC;S, ~o Springs Washing 'Macbin.e , ~nd~ other items tOQ numerous mention.
~uction , the
9.,t 2 each m(jrnlng t -S afternoons except . ' Wednesday ' . 7-9 Satunt.~y . evenjn~ Other evil}ings by , ApPOintment . TELEPHONE 62-R
Optometric ICye Special... ; 28 South D,e trolt street ,.,... , XBNI.A:, omo ' ,
1 :
Margaret A. doliDs
or.'c. I~. Wilkin"
mRMS OF SAl~E CASH, , Stanley and 'Koogle~, A:uctionee..s Charles Doster, Clerk. '
of $1,238 a year now, but he Inventions Contest $p0l1s~red 69thJ "a,s previously advertised UNVEST IN MACHINES C'QuM : .:!eci his horsec; and· k~~p jointly by. the Twin Theatre and on the latter was aestroyed by ' CAUTIOUSLY, FAilMERS his r ,..CUi" ijlent fYr::.fl' for ,S577 the Miami Gazette, with $3.00 fire recently and Warner Bros. ADVISED BY ECONOMIST ... " , r: <"' •. , ilnu,,& .: ... . , , . 10 the first prize winner, $1.00 was not able to coordinate its .. _ I ':'t: ,l1:·" . . j .:J:i .g' of lower to the second place winner, and booking's to include Wa nes- , Ex.pected ' changes ilLPIkes of . -a pass fo.( one month of pictures ville. Maybe you people will farm products~ .in ava.iJability of farm machinery to mak the to the third best. ·Just forgive because if it's action you , power farm machinery, and in operator i ct .. pendent qf outside , sketch your invention and -g.ive want. the substitute George th ... number of farm workers m ~.\.. hi l1e a . ~i \' ;:. make Jess a brief description of it .on a Brent picture will hold yuan c'ause J. H. Sitterley, rural eco- .\\, d rk for custom pei'ltars; so. armers who ar not single sheet o~ paper 'bearing the edge of your chairs. ' . nomics department, Ohio State 'ull y eqlli~1 Cl~ r r'Jb"lbJy soon University, to urge Ohio farmLooks as tllough George your name an:l adC\ress, and mall it by Sept. 1, 1948, to Brent is weekending here as e:rs to taR'e considerable care in will be able t h~ve· . 1 tom\ It!' ·7r, ::b.... . ,Contest. 'Editor, Miami Gazet"Slave Girl" a color beauty of decidi ng on the amount' of farm \ rk donl: at I \ J,,: i' raJ . and FOX HOLLY te.· girls, horses, camels, and )Dlen c:~quipment they will buy in 194 9 \:. l il~ m rfe fc;.:::' rli t\ . :t!i 'fa .: torv p rf.orman " A farn . ']' c :' cut Let your imagination run riot, 10 costumes, hits the sound and t 950. 111:1 'hit:cry inv... tri1 cnr I v ;oint Did you re~eive your Brick as -the winning , entries will be tracks Sunda and Monday, supThe changes expected are Bradford Club card vet? ,They judged on the baSis of interest ported by :Warner News arid a more machinery owned on pure 1aSL with t:), ::-i:" hht !'.' if the Olen car. a~ r e ~i n : : :l ri 1. work .' .are available at the Twin 1thea~ 'and not draftsmanship. Surely Paramount musical. farms, 'ower prices for farm ts, . ~s an adventure storv it's not I. roducts, and' a little easier farm and tre box office, Dot Food Store i you must once have said, "Oh, Th r;c is I~n )W' , nswer to Hyman's; Lacy,'s, Waynesville if someone would only invent quite believeable. As a coiuedy labor situation. Farmers have the am . li nt ,I nn~ ~ i nery a omethinK to . ." ~ere's it never gets out of the slapstick '1. een . buying as. much power Drug Store and the bank These I' h ul i \ I , F: I'm size, farm e cards mean 15 weeks 'of su- your opportumty to get pald for st.'age (talkinsr camels, no less), as pOSSible for several per anality of th farm t wner, spence and action in Columbia'S puttlIlg .tour thoughts qn paper . . but as 'a' pair with Andy De- rnachmery years because labor was scarce famil y labor uppl ', .. 11 '\ , ~ebt gre.a t Brick Bradford Serial. Judge.s wlll be . announced next ,vine and Arthur Treacher for and the' machines permitted a . load on th e fat'm al l :lffe t he Everyone m~st oe acquainted week. Decisions will be final lau~hs the picture shoul j amuse farm operator to turn m·ore with the Kin~ Features comic a'n~ en~!ie~ \,,:i}l e the property , all e~cept those With frozen high priced proCiucts.' out Another strip by tl:1e s~me name, which of the fWIll I heatre. jaw. fa ctor was the impossibility of Al nz M nger f L noir ~~g~;:.s daily in over ~OO ne\\ sMaybe, . 0 Regan ' will get a . MGM features, absent from getting custom operators to do City, Tenn., spent the week w~l1- tretcher 'out of this conthe Twin for several month" work at the time the farmer with his br ther and sister-in;. . . Th e Brick Bradford erial test, so those "crowds" on Sat- re-enter Tuesdav with Wallace wanted it done. law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert uniav nights can 'be handled. .Beer 's g'reat 'role of Jim opens Saturday aftenioonat the Twirf pecial matinee h win r,Mr. Sitterley estimates the Mong-er. On :,',ui day vening at 2 & 4 p, M" yvhen foll v, er . Talk alJOut lUCKy' t.am illes- B! edill, the ex-convict who averag-e total investment in his son, J, C. Monger of Dayton of the Canadian Mountie erial the Kendri k' won the weekly tnes to .go ?tr~!Kh~ and vent- horses and machinery on ~ we l ~ calle~ and took his father home wh r'tlr i1e d n unche caSh award at the Twin last ually does, 111 Aha a GentleOhio fa.rm in .1909 \Va with him. ·On. his return, Alonzo (I n the ir M "p-r .~\ (:t · i will he , 'aturday evening- f r the thir:\ man.' As u ual the Twin will 'Sern 1·,736.1. the investment increa - \ ill vi it two daughter in Cin.. admitted FREE for the 12th tiI11e in eleven weekS an~ the h~v~ thr,ee sl~ows on Tuespay e,d to ~3,818 in 1929, and it innati. ' . econd. week, consecutively. I11g ) t fo) late shopper. and f i n ~tl haJ ter. So there will now is a}?proximate, $8,000. i l rr ur ( r five han this ' Ea'l1- time a different rnembe( Next Thursda, , Friday s bill- DepreciatIOn, repairs, other Mr . .and Mrs. J. K, Preston, in.g of ' ,Sai~'on" fealures Alan- items, and fuel and oil co t a were we k end ~uests of Satu I\ nv t at 11 the pening of the family has \\ on. Thi time the 'brea i:winner ,Everett Ladd as a di charged Army Air wes,tern Oh io farmer an a \ erage I ela ti 'e i'n ,Chicago. ) 'pt r' J the Bra~f rd two afternonll an i thT copped the prize. Looks I1ke Force veteran who takes on a ~ iI ,.· : h ow~ " . the management "ill have to highly-paid assignn~ent to' fly a !--~---~---. r ~ f, r tl , eri al' . . bribe th~t f~mil y . ~o keep them gli~ g ntle.men of means in~o treat t trip to the m fro 111 , wmnmg agalll. ~ut then, ~ alp:on for 111) s~er' us reasqn . what,S wrong With pnvate e~ - HO\ eyer, Vel' nlca Lake ':lla.k~s ' the PI' t tion cf irnp o ihle w ilr n r in\' 1 _ t l'pn ~J.. h.one tly conducted... t~e tn~ too and t!le c~J'!lPllca'. ti n b the lading ) an t~r Bnefvlews. Last ch~nce to s,ee tl n al not slC?\y In al ~ mg. In Kane rt hm !1 j 1, ' r ' " r ~ R b rt Ta vI r and MaJ'~uen~e tl~ I~ i Lad I the tired but • Chapman m '.'Relentless, . e'plc I tOflnu . hero. ,I. 'i~ . . n'r fntd. 'AI , (and thi wil,1 lay yo u). Bradfor i al)1. f ~the We:;tel11 plalns. . Mis Ruth Conner was the t . r turn to til I th nsatu.rda s feature Will be tur via a Time-Top t ~ t 'rr . ~iGod'~ Countr }nd .th~ V\!9- ~llest of Mr. an i Mrs. Robert secret formula. F anta ti :, \. . . man mstead of T~~. Flght.1l1g Farley in Cohim us :turing the . ,) ut were the radio and ne f th~ f w remalllll1g ',pnnt pa t \\ eek.. telephone ani airplane, . Ju t :ltch ti ' i~ w ek . hap ter, an .i ~',,"lmUlHllllllllllllillllllllmmlOmllllllnIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIllIllIllIllIlUlllllllllllllllllllllilllll1111111111111""11'-' ent r til Bri k Brn jf rd '"I
:L 'e naes,
1 :
....-------,....--.. . . --.. . Fresh - k'::'led
.~ BIG M-a "growing" favorH,,: BIG M' for .maximum 'yield of your wheat cropl',BIG M for hI heat-market quality I And . " -been th f it. at' way, or more than twenty yearl. While our immediate concern is that of 8upplying more bilh-potas~-content
:;: -
e55 5
.fertilizers for your needs', every fertiliz'e r bearing the BIG M brand performs up" to that reputat ion because it is al',vavs made up to highe;ot ~ tBndards . : ,fie er down to a price.
= == = . =
= = _
lor I.,J.
= .=
:.' ' . .
= . == = 1'11. Miami fertil1xer Company Ord.r ..,. horn
On Hand
Waynesville Locker
P~ant "_
PHONE. 3t71
-- ,
= =
~~~--------~------------------------~~----~ i
MANiTEX, Fe ~-tSa~e Rugs ' ' ' IIIIIIUI'IIIIUIIUIllllillIUIIlIIIIIUIIII!,' ~-,1'1: 'flillIHlIH.11I1 hlllllllli'.:IHI mill Ii IIl1hlllllllullllll"":; III~:;;;:;lfii-~I---'--:--'---G-x-9--- -:9x9 _ 9x 12 --- _.- . _-
TIt. Miami F.rtill• .,
:;:;:':.1,,:, .::'~V~lek8 c::::::. COmpany
liI ·an
PRICED AT $3.98 -
IT REALL,Y 0 E THE WORK $1.29 , P r Pa 'ka o'e
:HEATS"F,AST AS GAS\llter, . ' . Merely place a PQrt.able FAST-WA
$5.69 & $7.49
.Beater in a recel' t.a cle containing water. l' lu lQ in nearest ~ o Qket . P rllSto! Heals water qui II.' for bathing, scrubbing. washing, etc. Also clean... IDe milk separators. etc.- peed depl!nding quantity. Heats fast BS a'\'ertl~ gas burner. . tires to build or hot water to carry-no runnin . ' up and down stairs. No dirt, no mU8~ , no top , heavy (u.e! bills. 1:llUldy Ilnexpensh'.el N?w cos~ 1_ tbn ~2.2I.. ('aut ion I Read dIrections b&f' lore Ulil1.a, For Jc Q.y -:- . .
0; .
AUGUST '22, 1948·
. Noon T'
Mail YOll.)" Entries Now.1 .
The Xenia ~ions ClutJ, .a'ox 144, Xenia, Ohio
is 8 0 c C H I L D R E N 30e
Route 35,. 3 Miles West of ·Xenia, Ohi-<>,
or .,
Fred Matson, 84,4 N. King St., Xenia, . Ohio ADUL
Waynesville ,Furniture' &.Appliance,. Co. ,
South Main Street across fr;)m Grange Hall
. Telephone 2422
'To Buy, Sell, Trade .:Rent,.Burrow, .US~ _.
.., ...... _._
. .'
yard exacetly 11le dress ,(oods. You can buy a yard of it and
(Fro m the Miami Gazette of , August 17, t 898) By order of the Board of Education, a new wen is being dug in th~ school house yarer. .Ohmer Lewis located it with his forked 'stick, wit.ch stick it is called. Lincoln Sides sold to M.r. Funston "700 bushels of wheat weighing from 60 to 63 Ibs. to the bushel. THE POPULAR INSERTION WAIST: Timely hints ab0ut a new material which comes for decorating a summer dress: For $1.50 you can get a yard of insertion. Lace insertiol1 cOl?es this y~ar in all colors. It IS about a yard wide, some-' times wider, and is sold by the
000. This
. .
was paid' direcUy from
the treasury, besides which the ' make a very nice little neck expenditures has bleen enough to bodice to wear over'one of your bring the cost up .t:o .150,0001 silk. ' vests. These 1ittle lace 000. Congress, lbefore it aabodices can be made so that they journed, appropriated $36,000· can be worn over an~ waist.. 000, expect,ng it to hold out The favorite color is black be- till Jan. t, t 898. Although the c~use it goes so wen with everywar is supposed to be about thing. But · you can get ~reen, over. the army is still under pay mauve) mouse color, and· 10 fact but the cost will not be ne~r as any ot.ner of the new shades. To much as was anticilpated by that be very fa:shionabie yo'u can appropriation, at the end ot ~his make elbow sleeves of bright year. velvet, which can be adjusted. to any waist. These ' sleeves hook with safety hooks all around the HO'MES IN NEBRASKA: If armhole, and may be fastened you think of changin~ your , at the shoulder with a brg fancy location remember this: Nebraska soil is rich and easy till~d. pin. No rocks and stuinps. All grams and fruits that succeed in other One of our esteemed ex- 'sta tes in same .latitude flQurllti changes says that the war has there. The climate is well-nigh cost Our government $927,- perfect, the air heing dry and 000,000. These figures are.way free from malaria. An abundabove the rna'rk. W'e have before ance of pure water is found. It us a carefully ·tabulated report is a great state fOT stock raising from the government up to anC feeding. There is no state in , August 14th, which gives as the the Union where a hard worktotal outlay for the arm1Y and in~ farmer can do so well. navy to that dat.e, . of ~98,oOO,- . Thousands of poor men have become rich in Nebraska. Farms can now he bouKht on easy I
terms. Prices are low,
It .is said that i n London there are no fewer than 10,000 professional musicians and that more than half of · them are women. .( Recipe. for nail pommade: One-half ounce white . wax, one-half ounce sperlllactel, four ounces almond oil, four ounces rosewater, two or three drops of cochineal or a small tablespoon of' beetroot juice. ,Shred the wax and spermacetI, put them in a jar with the almond oil and let melt, then. add thf. rosewater and colonng, and beat until nearly cold; then pour into small pots, anq ~tan~ aside to cool. This quantJtJy WIll last some time. · ·. 1
F. E.' Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thoma.s.and daue-h- . ters had as Sunday guest~, Mr. and Mrs. John Robey of Oayton, Mr. and Mts. J. M. Earnhart and children of Beavertpwn, MI. and Mrs. William Riekey and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas of Lytle.
The LY 'le Busy Fingers wm . hold an Ice cream social Saturday evening, August 21.
MARG~.RET GORDON. ' IS SHOWER RECIPIENT A miscellaneous shower was given, for Miss Margaret Ann Gordon of Harveysburg on Wednes.day ev~ning. August 11, by ~elhe D~V1S. . 1 ht evenmg was ~pent ~Ith contests and. openmg gifts. Many loyely and ,us~ful gifts were receIved by the bnde-.to",be. Refreshm~nts ~ere s~rveQ to the. followmg guests. ~rs .. Rosllee G~rdon Mrs: Be~ha Gordon, MISS El1en Dwyer, Mrs, Mary Ann Daugherty .Mrs. ~o~e Mane Daugherty Mrs. MafJone s tar.r, Larry and Carolyn Mrs. Lucll1e Starr and Sonja Kay, Mrs. Elda Hackney and Bern~- ' . dine Mrs. Lavone Conley and Charles, Mrs. Josephine Pennlngtori, Mrs. Wilma Thornbury., Miss Mary Stansber~y, Miss Mar.tha 'Hel1derson, ' MISS NorniCl Longacre, Mrs. lnez Hartsock, Mrs. Helen Foley, Mr ', Martha Jane Mitchell, Mrs. 'Claudia Brandenburg, M:rs. Helen Eakins and usan, M1rs. Mae Cook, Mrs. Mary Bogan, Mrs. flu renee Collier Mrs. ~ba Welch, Mrs. Lizzie Hough an~ Judy, Mr . Edith Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Re~ben Sprinkle of Englewood, N. J., visited. the R. L. O'l<egatts over the past weekend ..
HOlne ~railer ' ·
" ·,The Ne'W .
ftAGE 4 'No. 488e 1t, ' 1948
~rot\Vood ,
$325.00 J>pWN, BALANCE $8.00 A WEEK ~.
'Ne'W .Al11\a
It · IJ..' " n"~
AU ALUMINUM , . $550.00 .DOWN, B~C£ $12.75 A ,WEEK
~" iV {'l
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t I!~ j .!I (wv' ~ . lln a I, I L ' / ', I". ~'() :I _ U:lI r ',. ,r r ti\'l: 11\ h(lt'k· r "''' . 10,.:. 'l~h • • d i~t TI(' ' • • I\'l J.lllt\ Llr . ,...: . ", nt . 'Ii! 1m at nis:h\..q, $ V. (II I n~ • " ' .\ it t ry ' {) II"'. PUl," YI)U wID ,.. • (I m (ileine, ref.omm end~
'Eaton's Motel and .Trailer Sales
t in'l .11: ' (' b'\~8 Wllr "
r. /JQ(1~·lIl1timul.te tho r neo \I;!n oj lhe I id n'eys and hcJp them to ,f u:lh out llo!sonolUl wlUI.te from tl:. , 1:>1000, 'l'hey contAin nothing harnlf.a1. Get V ()a"', today. u.. with confidence. At .11 drug ltor•• ,
. ',' (' V
8uI'I000 OV1',tu.1 witll olb •• , ,llIo I1D.--w.U QDdl .,OUI IIU~
laDM", ...pay-da• • • •p
' Belcher's Sunoco Service \
PHONE· 2423
LENNOX Heating . Equipment ,
Sheet Metal Shop· IIAiN ST.
Acao....aoM pasTO.,..lca
aa'4 -WAY FAR. INIURaNCE" Ia ~ Oblo ,~ will ..... ,... Iaed ~ 'p¥ IOIICI - ,ear fu-. II ..... ,.,. ........ ,.. che..... , . . aalOalobl.. ..d ,... Jlahilln, for 1Cd.... . 1O 0Ibas. 'WIa, Me . . _ . . " y- .... ,.... . . . . . . . OIIID ...... t
,..n ...... .,. ...
D~ ~akiD PIa._
IosDraoce Agency
Ia. ao B. M1I1.,.,.."
_ _____ as", _ _ , _it "811111
6:00 X 16 , F.~TONE TIRES. $13.95
. (plus .tax)
PAGE a THE MIAMI GAZI!TTE . Who says cows are not like WAYNISVILLE, OHIO No. 4382 . people? Yesterday we ha'(i a 1'HVR8DAV, A'UGU8T 19,. 1848 'dog fight. Buck came Qver and
he turned over my chores' to h.is younger brother and began to vo rk elsewhere, , , growled at J0dy, who is young it' was his job to come to and tried to defend his right to my' house twice a day, • _ _do as he pleased. They started mIlk my cows, feed my 'a~ to fight. · Susey couldn't stand , pigs and chickens, take ~ to see her son picked on and care of my furnace and do A FARM 'DiARV joined in. Smokey got into it all the other little things . '. by D oJ. FRAIZE'R too, until there was a good four that every farm needs a ~ . ~ way dog fight going, on and boy to do. '\ none of them seemed ,to know Wilen we had , you~ A~gust t 3, 1948. Late just who w~s fig~til'1g who. The visitors from the city, Clarence ,t aught them how summer weather. Since the rain , .boys came runnmg and I ran, ' to m'lk and to feed the pigs. the other night it has been dear out of the house to try to , They followed him aand warm, hot in the afternoon stop it. Then across the pasture round the place getting in but not too' hot, good _,corn tUH-speed came the whole string weather with plenty of moisture of cows and calves and put their his way and binde1'in~ his .in the ground. The prospects are noses over the gate to see what work but he never. got out of patience with them, . good and right now tfie sweet was going on. Just s~art a dog , corn is good. The canneries fi,ght on Main Street -and 3ee he only laughed and, help- . have not opened yet but expect what happens. . ed to make their visit ~ to do $0 about the seventeent:l. The other day I was going happy one'. When any of the family needed money, Right now the corn is ' just right alqng one of 'WaynesvJlle's if he had any it was theirs for eating, though some of ours streets and I saw a little .girl , is gettin2' too hard too fast. on a bicycle just ahead ot me. for the a king, He wa ' Where on earth can you find I ho.nked th~ horn a lit"le, just a hard hitting fighter as good eating as in Southern to warn her tha t there was a when pl\shed to it but I r . . Ohio in August? 'Green corn car behind her. As I went bv I never knew him to start a jUst off the stalk, cooked 'until smiled and waved my hand. She fight. We were all glad it is Just done, not over.ctnne, was a pret :y child with blue eyes ' wnen the coroner said that he had not been drinking eaten with fr,esh butter. Green and light cuds, but she t.u,rned beans, wax beans, shelled 'lean on me wLh the ugliest fObk I before the crash. There are many of us ' who w.i1J and, lima or hutt~ r hean '. Take ever saw on· a child's face and OU will , find it well worth, your time to attend your 'yo ur choi~e, Som ~ .like green saici in the m,ost unplecLsant miss n.ot orily the work of , countY. and Gtate agricultural fairs. There you will see all his hands but his wise beans. ; prclrahl.v , Kentucky . tone, "JUS( honk aU you want the newest aids to more profitable .farmiD3, more 'c omfortcracks and his j 'kes, his Wonders, with some of the ' to. ~· I was stunned to ge t such able living-electtically. All the new eJee'tricaJ work-saving beans sheIJ r.d and ·some just be· a return for a smile anc1 a friend· wil1ingness to help and ginning- to. form ' in the pod;-'- ly warning. I am glad to say ~hat his friendly sympathy. hous~hold appliances ,3r-,d f lfm e'luipment now available to cooked with a piece of pork and it was not a child that J k,new. Drv 'Ridge' will be a help you are worth inves .:gating tboroughly. , poorer place without Cap. cooked lon~ enough, ~o the Wras it perhaps just a passing Mo~ernet~cttic lii;hting ma~:es w rk e:,.:sicr and safer, int" ~\ !ern experts say, to cook gesture . o( was it something . , u;t all the vitamins but to some , d~eper? , A reflect.i(~>n of , the The Farmers Grange No. 13 doors and out. Pfot e;: ~ eyesight. reduces flre hazards, minds to cpok in all t~c fl,nvor, V·I<?lence. ShOWh Ill , recent · of WaynesviHe, Ohio anq guards poultry and livest;Jck dgains: pWI,vling thieves. \A,f ax be~ns pi~ked y~>ung andstr*es? ~oo mlu~~ rac\lo?' The friends were ~uests of the Home An eJeqric wateJ' system sa, es bours ot' work., miles of tender WIth a bIt of thick cream Isam ... sort , of fhtng that bas Econom·ics Committee at the 1 steps-and e~aJly increases productjdn and profit and a lump of butter added as c:.l u"ed juvenile va{1dali,sm, in so annua'l Grange picnic at Smith' soon .as they' are tend er al1 l1 many places? ~hat IS I~ ~~d park Saturday ,evening1 Aug. ! An electrified "dairy means bigger checks, lower costs; immer 'd until the flavor soaks how can, we reheve the stram 7. The social gatherink was herd ~ helps you h. a ndle ' l arger herds with less 'help. See the newint e','ery bean. ' These should and tensIon that underlies such amid rustic tables sumest milking ~na(~in'cs, al!~omatic watering CUI'S, milk coolbe .served in an old-fashioned things and ~i.ye to our children mer iluwers a quiet p'ool and sauce , dish and , eaten with a a ~ense of security and well outdoor fire' place. ' ers .nd sepa~tors. . _ spoon so that none of t~e juice being? ' .. '- ,-, Ap. electrified poultry bopse-with brooders, ventilating K?eS to' waste, . or' serv.ed ~lbng We hape tha t- the . people of Mr, at}d, Mrs, Mitchel Turner, fans,: modern lighting-me~s healthier birds, better egg slae· of .a, · fr~s~~v '. balled new the CQmmunity will 'join . the St. Mr. and . Mrs. 'tester Davis, and produ'ctiQn. ___ ~_~.. potat<? ~hlch . WIll soak up th rr t 'Mary's Parish in the services of two children of Norwood, and ext!ft JUice a~d make mor ,l'·.cod the Wayside Ca.thedral. Corne Mr. Edgar Mainous of Vincent, Let electricity do these chores for you-quickly, safely, and ~ed ' sliced and sing; laugh, pray and wor- Ky., were guests of Mr. and eat mg . . ' RIP~, " economicaHy: ~ois~, mow·cure and baie hay; clean grain;. . Mrs. Ray Mainous on Saturday, tomatoes, plalI~ With salt, or ship. It wi,]] do you goo~i. ' husk, .shel J or _sbred corn; cure corn and smaq g~ains; cool,~ even sUgar 'or WIth mayonnal,s , , ' P . . S. And by .'the. way. Now evening. " . ..-,-,...._ '-- .....- '-"--~ I hav~ even 1rea~f peol/le is 'l'he time .to put 'something up candle and grade eggs; shear, clip~nd groom livestock; • . ~ho at~ them wlth. sug~r an 1, for Donation Day. at the Cnildspray truit; work ih vour farm repait shop. , ~, ~ . c~ea~. fhese are Just a few ., ren's Hospital in November; _', " ' ,' " . ' For hel ptul intormati on about the many us~s of electnc hIghlIght .' '" Canned tomatoes or juioe, service to nit (he. heav iest burdens and inake;l country living '. New Ehgland has Its blue canfled fruit -s·r felly or preberries and a ' ~lueberry pie is serves. If you need cans caU me et " 'r tor the whole family; wnsult your Count)' AgriculPOSITIVELY MUST! yery goo I, but If I went down up and I will buy you, some and t "" .. :. ' ( I •. : the F:t :m ~epresen[aij" c ot Th~ Dayton mtothe pasture I probably call for them next'· November. order your Truck and Bus, ., ' .; 1.,Ighl Comp;~ny se rv ing your neIg hborhood. could find ' enough belate in s. Signs, now or else hlackberries to make a black~ Since I wrote the ' column . pay much more" in · just. dated August 13; death has berry pie . whicl) ' would · ~aste a. f \V days, states Stan., .i~lst as good. Lobster, a,nd sea brbugbt sorrow tc;> Dry ford Bogen, '-,. noted sign fIsh are good but Where IS th,ere R'd Cl a:I,1ything beUe.r. th.an a nice, . I gee ar:ence Richards~, & truck sign artist Of Mor-. or' Cap as we, alway. s called ' oung, Ohio c0rn-fed chioken, row, Ohio. He pays 1'0% -Y . b ·th him in our farm diary, ,waS , to · anyone who sells a sign fr ied to a CriSpy rown wt killed in an auto acciden.t. for him: Sen y o u=-=r-=-s.:..; el,.:;f~ a - '- .."........,.~---1 J-.,------~~---..,-___• He has lived nere 'since he '. plenty of gr~vy for.,s,our mash-_) , sign now and save 10% ' ed potatoes.? Gracrous, I · am t' f kI f d ahd .also a 30% higher a Ipy, rec e- a e i e'tttnP'CJ hungry a.n.,d there isn't a was red-headed , kid. F r' the crist. , Stanfor i Be gen 'l i ing, 111 the ic~box '.ex~ept · o~~ last four years un til l'U S,t S gn ,make yo u m ney. . c(.lcJ ha.mbu'rg~r. Per.laps I d b . --819 a out a month aK~, ~~ e~ . bette r go pull ,so~e of that c: orn BOB 0 ~£~!. Owner ~ .. TEL. 2661 R~M IN OUR UJIHOLSTER ED CHA1RS I was lalklng aboU!. .. RELAX IN OUR 'AIR-WASHE'D COOLNESS --_. ,_. - _.... .._ ._----- . ._-'- -- , ., . " I SAT. ONLY TJ.lIS ' THURS.~FRI.
. : f, •
Saahaw .Ellctric Sertiee CaD halp yau maka' ., ,
IIDfl mDDI, ••• IISlar. I
vIIl/nldVdAy 98IA fWi C~IJ
I I'
......_ _ _ _ _
. . . ,win i : . ectlre
.,M'ead~w "
Same Delivery , Day Each ,WeeK , ' ,
.' P. . . . . , ~ ....II••
Check th--.e--·'....P~r-ic-·-e-T-h. . .e~re-'-,Save' tria Difference , .
Fairley. · .dw~1! Store WAYM:svtu.!, OHIO
.....+ ..bIr
, MATINEE: 2 &. 4 P. M, .. FREE to All Holders of Mountie ·Card .with 11, Punches ' ,
,._._. r-
PHONE 2441
\ViImiD8toIa L,......
PLUS: Last Chapter DANGERS OF THE CANADIAN MOUNTED Also: WHAT PR1CE FLEADOM SUN-MON. ' Yvonne De Carlo & Geo. Brent SHOWS (6:30.8:00 &. 9:30.) SLAVE CIRL , (T ecI:micol or) News--Music. Short. NEXT THURS-FRI. TUES ONLY ALAN LADD WALLACE 'BEERY IN SAIGON " lAS A GEN1t.EMAN AIDDED: 1st Chapter BRICK QRADFORD at M;atinee and Evening.
, ----' _ _
Mr. Margaret Johns and Paul Johris were , Monday evening dinner gu~ts ' of. Mrs. Nettie Emrick. ' Mrs. Clara Stacy of near P!ingboro is viSiting at home of her son-fno--law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ,'Leslie Gray and .family. ' . Mrs. George Custertborder, Mrs. Ralph Hammond, Miss Wilma Gray and Miss Marilyn Ham,mond are on a Motor Trip this, week to th,e Smoky Moun' tains and will also visit plac.es of interest in Kentucky., . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Foulks entertained ,the Foulks ~eUI1ion at ,their .country home Sunday. Fifty relatives enjoyed' the basket dinner and social . time. It was decided to hold the reunion with Mr. and Mrs. Foulks again next year. . ' . Mrs. M·llo Miltenberger and children, and Mrs. Ralph Ham:mond, son and . daughter, saw the boat races at Miami Shores, Sunday afternoon and enjoyed a picnic supper at Chautauqua near Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Everett ,Githens and Mrs, Lulu Githengave a family picnic, dinner Sunday evening in honor of the birth-
ei'llt nw~
Mrs. Lulu Githens' of , Oa - ' ton is making an extel')ded visit at the country home of her son and wife, Mr. and Mr!'. Everett Githens. Mr. and Mrs. W'lbul' ,Clark wel e Sunday 'lfternoon ,guest. uf Mr. and Mrs. Clau'de , Rig~' on Social Row Road. Mr. and Mrs. John Tumbleson of Sardania spent Thursday "iih their 'son an:1 wife M r, and M 1'~ , Charles Tumuelson and children. , . Mrs. Effie Surface of near Lebanon was a guest Sunday afternoon ' of Mrs. Margaret Johns and Paul Johns. · The Busy Fingers" 4-H Cluh will hold an ice-cream social on . the lawn, at Lytle Church next Saturday evenmg August 21. Mr. Milton Jones received his letter of acceptance ' to Wittenburg College, last week and, .will enter at the beginning , of the term. He will specialize in 'music. ' Mr. and Mrs A. F. Kyte, -Mr. and Mrs Leslie Gray and Bobby Gray ' attendet1 the funeral of tll: 'father of Mr. and ' Mrs. ' Kyle s house-keeper, Mrs. He'ster Grandville at Richmond, Ky., -------~~--------~--~ Friday. , " Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whit- ' . akar are building a new brick Representing' house on Railroad Ave, at Lytle.
Westbeimer & Company
Members New York Stock Exchang'l's a.nd oth II' regist~red Exchange Investment Trust Share. GOll,~'hl - • old - Quoted Phone W'aynesviHe 2530 Dayton AD325i
PAGE' NO'. 4382' 19,
min and Viola Ke'ys Hawkins. Mr. Chra Sadd and Miss Crystal ~ ott Of Bellefontaine caned on Miss Olive Williams Sunday afternoon.
BETSY ROSS 'The Bet y Ro s 4-H Club met Wednesda, August' 11, at Harveysburg , High ' Scho I August au ,with P4l'St:a( toLllhug $.24,500 , ' Home Economics Room' with Topping last year's entry list. 1,21 horses have been ntel'eo In thp Vi la Hartso k in charge an I six e¥ly-elosing stake events. Ohio racing fans will see 22 hOrRel' Mary Bell BOKan presiding, try fiJr the $2,000 pUrse and the trophy to be presentt>o by Govp.rn('11 Club memb ' r answered tJle Thomas J. Herbert in the a-ye~,r-old irot on the Thursrtay afternoon r911 call by tl1e name nf a State Fair Manager Ed Batll announced today that 1500 hlearhel 'summer re ort. There were seats are being constructed adjoining the granifstand providing a total even members present. The leating capacit, of approximately 9.000 for the rs('es Gnlndstanrl silver tea and booth at the fair , will o~en at 12 noon ,( ES';I') and races win begin at 1 :3U:' , , ,,,ere di u el1" The P011nd-l~p was talked ab0uc. Six member' Mi ~e' - Ie, Garner on Friday. are . plalining tc; go , days of Mrs. Lulu Githens, Mr. Mr . Hannah Cook Davis of Gue t~ {l):eo.; 'I1t "el'~ J\-'ar · Forest Githens, Mr's. M.arie aIled on Mis-es Bor.-an ana Laq'y 8 ~~:nn. ' Githens and Richard ' 'Stubbs Columbus Annie and Mame Brown one The guests were Mr. and Mrs: Mi Bonnie Big'g spent last ~rank Githens ano 'son, J os!ph, afternoon this w'eek., week visiting (her aunt and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Githens Mi, Clara Lile f Wa 'hingMr. and Mrs. Elwyn stubl'ls and ton C. H. i ague t at the uncI" Mr .. and Mr. H a-r ne ,: ~, at theIr farm near Centerville, ' son, Richard. ' Home for -two week -, ' Mrs. Ella Dakin spent M nM'iss, Emil· -lacol s arriv'ed at da ' • t th... orne of Mr. and her hDme here on ' Monda: Mrs. Ge rge John n in I. 1)- after a visit of e er 1 m nth anon. in Florida. , Mr, Mary TerrelJ with her ~~--_-. Mi Henrietta McKin of daughter Mr. Tregenna Bond Ashtabula, Ohio was a week and -two grand daughter, Mr . end guest of Mis~'es Ruth and Mary L.ou Jone , and Ann Eli~abeth Chandl...~. , ' TerreJl, II of near Wilmingt n and also ' Mr, Terrell's sister M' L '} A ' , r,s. u I e rmltage return- Mr Helen Harris of London ed o~ Sund~y fr<?ITI a h\ 0 , Eng'iand alJe j on Mame and \ eek a atlOn tnp throlt<Yh '" B Th rawn on urs a Yellowstone National Park a~d Ann~ " aftel noon. . ' . other pOints in the We t. '. Mr 1 c!rrell ana Mr . HarnJ Mr. All ert Lee Talmad of are formei' Waynes-v.iU~-~~'___ ~ South Lebanon vi Hed his aunt, dents, the daughters of Ben.iaThe 1948 Ohio State FJlI~, AaguBt 28 through Septembe,r 3. wil l feature five t1aV!l1 nf h8mp~!I racing beginning Monday afternoor
, Pte~cription For Yo))r Car . ----0·-.. . ,
- - - - -. . . . . . .
f .
"2o.-Germans Invade Be),
~ ·
21-BatUe of ChattanOOQa. 1863, .
, AT THE '-Friendly Store" -
Cross lounded at '
Geneva. 1884.
2S-f'1l'51 U,S, seaplane ented, 1911 I'
' 2t:-MosSacre of HUQuen Is, Paris. 1572 ~8nllsh
9 x 12 WOOL RUGS
capture WashmQ' \uNU "~.IU'"
Use The 'A lmanac, To
Perhaps ,Your car needs a tonic. Is , it ! :~! J 0; too l11ucn gas sJ . v; 0n the pick-up ? Drive in -,,'e 11 diagnose the tr ubleand prescribe J aocord,jngly . . . or pbOl)e now; we'll pck up and , aeliver your car. '
Check The Weather . But USC '
in "
. We ,help 'ou get the bes't fo'l' . th.e amount ou 'have fixed as the limit, and you will always e sure of ood materials. y u ca'l1 t pick shabby merchanjjse J'1ere - - we never havejt.
WAY.N IIVllLI. 0" 10
(Floor and
.Waynesville . National Bank -
,H eME FtJRNI' T lJRE . XENIA Phone": CO 912R '.,' ~ "
. ,FUNERA;L ARRANGEMENTS wit us are' not commercial tran ~tion ~ of buying and ell-
STUDIO COUCHES, ,( FullY ,Spring Filled)
To B~y, Sell, Rent, , Loan, Bo....ow~ Any ,Ti~e of The ~e-: .,
THEIR SECURITY RESTS WITH YOUr 'Yes, the du ~ ati 111 (r ' 1/ childr 11, their enfir futur e 'w ~ Ifar" i '_( UI' I'c pO'l~'b ; lit v. . harg'e it n it.ntiou_lv ~l : d EASILY b' a il1 ~r REGU LA' ,LY. \-\ e are real1~ to" hel p ,I now. St0P in!
"Ealt Main Street at Whiteman·"
.G ••d~ear .: 'S boe RepalrSery:_ce, ,
Invisible' Half S0Iin~ Orthopedic Corrections Cork Extensions
Henry H. Moeller, I.......,ry
-. ' ' .
"··f.BANON,, ~o ,
;. S(yle a11d s,Poj,l.ess cleanliness ' are imperative accessories to the fastidious woman. And. nur .modern dry cleaning: a'dds 'just that to y'our clothm?:! Our prices, too,' make you realize that all this luxury - and p.~on· o)l1Y may go hand in hand.
the one who drew the best pic- league. There is to be an all waite, Phyllis Bal1.~y, 'Nane/ ture would get a prize. It had star game played her~ Sunday . Na.ylor, Becky . Lucas, l.)IS ' been rre-arranged that~ Mr.' with a band concert and other Burns, Chelyl BUrAs, Faye Ordeau s dra wing would be en tertai nmen t. Creech, .Joy Forbes, Patsy James Kable (, is spending a Many neigltbors and friertds judged the best but the rest of Baird and Mmes. Ralph \Vatfew weeks with his parents, Mr. the men didn't know that. Mrs. gathered at the home of Mr. kins, Harold Whitake ", Harvf"Y .. . _ _ Burnet, H. 6, Hathaway and .and Mrs. Lawson Ordeau, on Ordeau; who ' likes antiques, I and Mrs. Chafles Kable. Maurice Hodson ran a nall resented with a """lmIrble -wa the Van . Eaton road, for a surCORDON-DWYER Lo\~ell Thoma~. , through his foot one day last prise party honoring Mrs. top stand. .In the rectory of St. .Augus-. HARVEYSBURG BOOK The Bellbrook boys ball team ' week while helping his brother Ordeau, and a covered dish sUQper was enjoyed. Later in · came out the victors ·in their David on his new home. . tine Church .at Jame.stown, Sat- CLUB HOLDS DINNER . urday. mornlIlg a~ DIne· o"clock, • the ' evening a contest was held Miss MafTgaret , J\nn Gordon, The Harveysburg 'Book Re- in which the men were ~o draw daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Gail . view ClUb lidd tJleir annual, p.ictures of -their wives. The men W. Gordon of Harveysburg, be- dinner on Tuesday. evening. in were : told that the wife of came the bride of James T. a private dining room at the , ... p ,. . , . Dwyer, son of M·rs. .Ellen General Denver Hotel in WH. Dwyer and the ,late Mr. Dwyer, mington. The fable was attracAUCTIONEERING of Sabina, in the presence. of a tjvely arranged with flowers US , few relatives and friends . and favors. Following a pleas- STANLEY anel KOOGLER . '. COt. U"'''' se,t. S Rev'. Urban Wimmers per~ ant social hour the members BROKERS L.CENSE formed the double ring cere- attended a movte. Thdse presPhone 2894. Wavn""m • .mony. " ent were Mrs. Charles Smart, For pates, Ohio, R.v..... Chara~ . 'Andrew Dwyer attended his .M'iss Grace Smart, Mrs. Oba brother as best man. Miss Ros'e- . Welch, Mrs. Wilbut Shida~er, mary Haley, ' cousin of the bride; Mrs. Donald Coate, Mrs. Mary and her only attendant, was at- . Denny, MTs. : George Pidgeon, ' SMITH ELECTRIC SERV]ICE tired in ydllo.w street ,length Mrs. Lester Starr, Mrs. Geor~e flATUR'S YO"'.' A mit to this superb fair is like • .'ftcafrock with white accessories, Wall, Mrs B. 1. Hill, Mrs. Wil- . For that extra Receptacle BOUND TO IN'OY ' dOll with pay. Here, amidst pleaSant and and a' corsage of whife roses liam Doster,. Mrs. William LuOr Anything Electrical interesting attiactioDS, farmers and towns• Co"", Sh•• p, Swln., Goa". and blue carnations. " kens, Mrs. H; C. Milligan and Draft Hor.... men alike secure a wealth of nluable The bride wore a white street Mrs. Arthur Wilde. • poultry, Rabbit., COVI ••• facts and ideas, wbich apply 'co their House - Bam - Outbuilding. • "Million Dollar" Porod. of length frock, with all white acbusiness, bome and community a«!Un. L1v•• tock, . Mr: and Mrs. Alva Ludington cesso~ies and a white 'r se cor. Here too are the· cultural treats, the clean • Acr•• of Farm 'Mochlnery, entertained friends and . resage, '. • N.Vi CerUned Seed ShOVi. fun and die spectacular feature. that • Dally Tractor Parod.. . The ceremony was witnessed latiye~ on Wet'mesday even in!?, please, tbrill and entertain. Prominent thIs • Junior Fair - Ohio ' youth by Mr,' and Mrs, Gail W. Gor.- : honon.lg their ' son and hiS ,yeU is a gr~at music festival, with the WaynesviDe 2704 . adlvilie•. don, Mrs. Ellen Dwyer, Miss bride, M.r.~ and Mrs. John A. public invited -to participate. Co~e:- ·· • Stale Dep't Exhibit. - Sci· and bring the entire family. • . Ellen Dwyer,' Mr. and Mrs. Paul , Ludington. Fried chicken was .nce , Health, Edueallo n Conse rvation, Highway., J. Daugherty and son, Billy served to 21 guests and the eveCrime Catecllon. THOMA. J. HIRBRI Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daugherty ning . was spent in games and Goy.rnor of Ohio '. R I Show~1 S.-oodeo.' •• - and daughter, Joan, Miss Nellie conversation. Dand., Ch or al G ro uP'1 RANK ,AnN5WORTH EDWIN I. IAnt ,.... Davis, and William Gallagher. Quart 1t0 J, Sotol, PlaYI. Dlrettor of Agric ulture State Fair Manoa., Immediately foJ/owing the cere- . ADMISSIONr Adult. SOc plu. F.deral talC. Cilii:' f ~ ,.. , ;:l~ r .. play, mony the wedding party ,\vent dren 2Sc. free parking opposite 17th Avenue .~ to the General Denver Hotel entranc.. . , in Wilmingfon for a bridal ur akfast. Mr. and Mrs. ' Dwyer I left for a short honeymoon af' ter which they will be at home IN on a farm near Bloomingt n, Ohio. Mrs. Dwyer is a graduate of: .Reynoldsville Hig:h SchOOl and AND ALL the Office Traintng School in Columbus and has been a steno- .. grapber 'at the WaynesviJle National Bank for the past several -'. , . months. Mr. Dwyer attended . . . Jam.estojV'~l sella Is and is a farmer. P.~GE
, ·&:'11
., O'",0' .. . ·, ' ..a
fA'. ,.....t. .
. Call SmittJ'
This e
A1r · ,THE TOP,I
Mrs. William Rickey ' ~ave a miscellaneous shower for Mrs. RiChard Whitaker, a 'recent bride, at the home of the for, mer's . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas, 1n . Lytle on W.ednesday evenIng. Blue and white was the color scheme. Among the gifts received was a deed for ,a lot, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Whitalcer, for ,their new home, .from their. grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har '-"v, Burnet. Nea.t)'olitan· ice-cr.eam, cak~, and Iced tea w'ere served. . Guests were: Mrs .. \\Thitakei'! Misses' Eula Hnak, Miidrell Bourne, Doris Feel.1er~ ·Frands
S~LE '
Re-roof your home 'vith high
TO' miles 'outIl or enia, 8 miles North of Wilmington, off of ROUTE 0.8, mile East of LUMBERTON, on WICAL ROAQ, at 1 :00 O'~LOCJ<, P. M., on .
quality shingles or roll roofing.
. ifhis Farm is improved with 7-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, Bath, For Loctll or State Rates Enclosed Back Porth, strictly MODERN except furnace. In~islt this Newspaper terior recently deconl.ted. 42 ft. x .52 ft. Barn, G'11icken'House, We feature Johns-Manville and , OR and Work Shop and all 'other necessary outbuildings .. Garage Call, Wire or Write, M'later under .pressure in barn and feed lots. 70' Acres tillable, Ruberoid brands . . our repres~ntdtives 32 Acres of 'gQoq Blue Grass with runni.ng water. All good "fences. Land in High State of Cultivation. Ideal Stock and OHIO, ~INC. Dairy Farm with .p~enty of shade., Will be offered with ' up317 CITIZENS BUILDING • ' . . :. $;tart bid of $167.00 per acre (a low. starting pI1ice for such · 850 EUCLID AVENUE a-farm, either as a home or .as an investment.) . CLEVELAND 14, OHIO • ER~~"~~:......!:....J~c.m~-1 0% of pur..ch~se price on day of. sale. Balance on SUperior 6700delivery ~f deed within 1 5 days. December Taxes paid by present own.er. Farm offered at 2 :00 o'clock P. M., Prompt. PHONE 2181 Immediate Possessiori. ' ' FARMALL F-14 TRACTOR On rubber, with Cultivator. ~VV~h:it:ak:e:r~,~B~o:n:n:ie:-~S:'a:t:~:~r~th~-~~~__~~__~~~~__~~~. .~~~~__~__ 9liver 2-bottom 12 inch breaking plow. FARM IMPLEMENTS - M & M Corn Planter, Fertilizer and check-tow Aorse drawn or tractor, has p~anted only 40 acres. ,: . , , IHC M.oweF, gO()~ as· new. Dunham Disc, good as new. tohoe Superior Grain Drill. W4g0n. Sled. MiSCELLANEOUS - Hog Feeder. Water Fountain. Hog Our.motor elperts do.'t "peIs" _ -.. fl. . bellth. Lik. ',.•• tWi :Troughs. New Electric Brooder, .Soo-chicks size. Chicken Feeders. 12 rods of 4-inch Tile.' 1~ rods of No. 9 47~in€h .4oder, we diapose the '1rI1ble- ..... an willa tep.Dltc. reP*L' Fence. 20 rods of Hog Fence .P.osts. 2 squares of ,Corrugated Roofing. Shovels. ~orks. Many Other Small Tools. '. " . WE ALSO tlAVB' J;X>MPLBTB PACJlDES fOR EIl!CJlUcAD IRQ I ', ~, __ "- r-"-r:,." FEED - Hay in Mow. WELDING AND ~cSllYJ DlB .,CUTtINO. UID ~INa.. GUERNSEY COW with 3 rd-Calf QY side. \ 1. .
' AD' DI"N . M W H. c( LU M B
· ·I_ _ _
~ ALlCNIII'lOi , .
Auto Sales'
- NORDI BROAJ?WAY PHONE 730 ' ~_ .....~ ,",;""~~~PrWI!I!Il""'IT';
,- -.....
24 -
23 BI'~ck Face>Montana Ewes, 2 and 3 y:ears old •. RaJg~ .. ~ ,
Estate dil Heater with Fan used ·one winter. Hot. Blast Coal Heater.~ used one ' wlnter. , Es!ate ~ange. Small Perfection Heater. 3-piece Living Room . SUite. 2 Beds, complete. Day Bed. 2 Dressers. Wash stand, Writing besk~ Extension Table. Chairs. Glass Churn, Dishes, etc. TBRMS ON CHA'lTELS--CASH. " . ' . PARMER STANLEY' JESS STANLEY & EARL KOOGLER, Auctioneers. (WaynesviHe Ph. ·2894). (Dayton Ph. KE-8879) MORRIS & SIMS, Clerks. . . HOUSEHOLD GOODS -
,.... ....
.....I_- - ·~:;"":-:_.- !._ ; r_::- .;,;;:::~;=,;:=-c::.I
• ,U1
U)~" .
No. 4381 1848
Uo.n, shall be reduoe d a.ccord~¥. or ,be eUmin ated ~tlrely in OBBe 8uf~ Jficlen t funds from such income ' are avaUa, ble and set aside for that purpos e, Seotio n, 8. That the Vlllq'& Clerk . be a.nd hereby 14 .dJrect M to Ot8I't~ ' a. copy of thts ordina nce to the Audito r of. Warre n Coun.ty, Ohl&. Seotio n 1~. For the reason s at8Ited In the pream ble, thlli ordi'na nce fa decl&r ed to ,b e an emerg ency' mea.sure and shall becom e etf-eoUve 'iJl:lme dlately upon: lots paBlI8fJ'8. Passed by the CouneU , AUB'U8t J, ' 1948. 'Signe d by the Mayor , Augus t 1:4, 1948.
provid ed ,by law, but lor not l'68s the rate ,o t n()t more than four (4) 80Ild pet centum ' per I annum , paYJa,ble ' 'than par and accrue 4 intere st; except 98tle, such day of the procee ds from ------------~ ---An Ordin-aJWe 'provtdl~ for the semi-a nnuall y Oon the first \ ----'T FORG ET TO cALL DON JuLy as atores ald, eball be pald ,into the of day first the' and ry and sa.1e ot bonds , and/f> r' Janua ls.!nle of types All nce. us' for insura proper fund. Th~ bond Wei a4'Ver Ithe prlnol pal notM ot the VUIa.ge of Wayne sville In each -year until Call s. saving a at nce ins~ra tiseme nt shan. state that anyon e dem.a .ture a.otor the .p~poee of a_ndi ng, en- sum i. paid, an4 IIIh1ai.1 ' phone n, presen t ' IL bid Brow Gene is Franc cordlD g to la.w ' In annua l InstaJ1.- siring to dO so may '18J.W~ng, and impro ving Water Worka call or' 'b e.sed upon 2472 bonds such esville .tor Wayn or bids c~. Frovld $c1UU ea to the extent .tJhat the In- me~ta aft«- th&lr is8uan . 1.i i 2 nt rate of ton differe Jming i a W. g t: 'bea.rln coUec their 'bids are ·recome from suCh water works la ed, h.owev er, that If um herein. Maltim the t'han t, .celve.d and the ,b onds are award ed int.erea 8Ufti~lenlt to cover the OO8t of all I S~ 1HE EAR THhowev er, ed, provid fIxed, before of iIliteresb operat ing . expens es, a.nd intere st ~ed upon a lower raute shan rates st Intere na1~ fnwtlo that IF YOU H~VE 'ANY THIN G charge s on such !bonds and/" r notes, than herein before, specilt led, such , centum , per one ot ~rt8r' one-qu be 10. in Real ~state fo~ sale, get in and-' to pro'Vlde a suffici ent amoun t bonds shalf bear such rate,' of H. M. SIU!2RW'OOD t amoun The f. t.hereo le multip or licthe ed in' touch WIth Ben E. Oine Mayor of the YUlag e for retirem ent or sinkin g ' tund to terest as . may be spE~lfi clleok to ens~d .broker, Sprirtg, Valley, retire such 'b onds 's,/:i they becom e resolu tion .of this Counc il approv ing of the bond or cerUtl ed ~ynes'Vf))e, Ohio •. 'bonds shall accom pany bid a ' shall be one per Bald t. thereo award the OhIO, m ~eal Estate Business.· due. Attest : ' CHlAiRLES .J~ " ceIl/tum (1 %) of the amoUn t OIl y, ~erfall ' le payab ~nd due ~com~ b ' since 1911. Experience tells. walng . Clerk ot the Cotin(:!1 Wthere a.s the wells' furn~h sold. . . of bonds to each In l'st mber /Septe on TrY ., me and see. $600.00 sville Wayne of e ter <to ,the Villag Sectio n 7. That there shall be ---82 6 . hav,e 'b een ()()nd~m~ed, a.nd Where as ,the years ' from 1960 ;to ' 1961, both set ' aside annua lly from the Inin IUBive, the last 'bond to mat:ur e, it is nec~ssary that tunds be provid " FOR REN TCome Of the Wa.tet 'Wiol"ks Si Bum be in tho prlndp al '0.ed .imme diatel¥ ' 1~ order to- m~t howev er, to a.l and ' suffici ent to '~ the' l!llter-eat on. aTHREE - ROOM Apartment the llecess ary requir ement s of the m.oun t of $300.00, The prlnclp id bonds and/.o r notes, a.nd Call at Dot 'VUlage of Wayne evtne, OhIo, for In tel"est ot 811 at said bondS' sha.ll foresa semi-mo~ern. atd -!bonds alf t~ey -indo impro ving its water ,s upply and for be J)P¥ab le at the c>Uice ot 'rIbe to I"etlre afores ' Food Store . due EUS speciti ed tn faH .rn the' Vll1ilge ot respec tively immed iate preser vation o-! the Wayne ,svllle !Bank the " noe. this ordlna FOR ~AI.E Wayne sville, , State 01 Ohio. l)U b.J1o ~e8iCe, proper ty, health and Sectio n 8. That for 1I:he purpos e. upeSlf r exp' shall bonds said That GRAPES , FOR SALE. ' Parry safety• . of 'provid I·ng the necess ary tu'n-de to the purpo se for which -819 , Wlherea.s, Itbls coune n h~s f~uest on their ta.ce Cook, Main Street. pay the i~rest promp tly :and to issued.; thrut , they are ised, tihe Vi1l~e Clerk to issue his Ithey Sire bonds and/p r half Ch~v cEmtiticate as to the es1.im ated Ute ~ued in p~r&uance of thds ordlna'nCe., discha rge tbe said 1940 'TON and shaH be ~here ty, ma~uri rut note~ ' rolet truck, -.grain bed. Waynes- Ott the impro vemen t to be constr uct- and ~aU Ibe sikned ;by the Mayor leVied on aU the ta.'Xable proper ty 1n ville Farmers Exchange ed from !the procee ds of the ,bonds and· ViUag e Clerk, and' sealed withe. said Villa ge, In additio n. ,t o all other -722 herein after 'referr ed ,to and of tbe the COrpol'ate seal of !ra id · VUJiag Phone 2371. . bear ,taxes, a direct tax, Ill.n~ual1y during . 'slh aH bonds anU"- !Said are CO~R~N:-;-;:F::::O:-:::R:-S=-A:-:L:-:E~:--:J-.-A-.-H-ar-t- notes, if any, to ~e lS8U!i!d irt cutive nU'lXllbere as the the 1> ~Iod for W1hlCtl said bonds c.lpat1on ot the issuan ce of ~ld ,sucb 'con&e less nO.t be shatl ,tax whtch gton, run, to Burlin , New e man, Phon VlUB.g ' Clerk shali dl~term.ne, S!l-Id ~ the maxim um -81 9 , bonds, ' and assuch' bOMS and/b r !bonds sh&U be desllm ated Water than the intere st and sinkin g l . fund 307~ matur ity .of tax reQuir ed Iby ,Sectio n 11, Art. Works Impro vemen t E:Ollds - 1948," bas Ql~rk e v:mag the R and .ENE notes; MICH E. C. RS. FRYE xm, ot !the COnst itution of ,Ohio. 'Sectio n 3. That the procee ds ' from ' -819 ce~i!ied ,to Ithis. COU:nJClt ,s uch esti-NORR IS aROC K COMP ANY PHONE 2920 . That a.'ll funds derive d from said ' the excep~ onds, b .' ~d of ' sale 'the (5) natf Union Stook Yard, 'five Cincin mated Ufe as exceed ing t~x levit>s hereby reqUir ed sh~H be ~crued inte)'9 St ,thereand' anti P!roar••• ly.. An .m WI... premiq Live the ied ;Certif r years a~d ' has furthe distinc t arid te separa a In placed ury Treaa HOOttd te none. !the n in' placed or ••"izatlo maxim um. ,matur ity .o f such bonds as on,sh all be 8111 in'with er' togetll h, .en the .... whic fund, ........ v 8trfott W'orks W\ti-ter the forty (40) yea,rs and of such note. to flhe m.edit. ot shall t In , tit. Bame, marke the on aM ar.ound t~rest collec ted t Bund. 1lWten, slon and Impro vemen " ' paytears. !the (2) for y. d two as countr , pledge r cably Two-Wheel heavy . duty traile JSectiotl. 4. That if It Is necess ary, be hTevo by ed ordain it !be ore, pal theref prin.c1 Now, and t eAT" Carl tntere tlie THAT Call of WVI~CIE il 11: I' Eo al'll!e with hitch $5 S. , ,t his Counc lll hereby determ ines .that . ment 8;'1'. ot o Dq-t0 e Vl'll~ ~e. . at il when . "Counc .. notes , !the r ' 9 and/(O -81 bonds · 72 of s~ld Pitstick~ lin anticI pation lsstied e h , sball nates ' . Ohio, of State , Wayne svl11e WlLW ClDcla naU , DIal lUG and as the ' sa~e shall lfaJl due. . ot ' said bonds. issue ' for OUr Dally ' . the 100, o~ Df.a.l 40. 11: be ity necess the That 1. n ' , ' FOR SALE - Yellow 'or white , , Sectio .. IF.... t JProvid~ nOWever, tha1\ dudng JlarD · Y pator· a.nU~i h uc' s , Th8lt 6: n ,Sectio here~ '.dec,l a.red at iesuin g s ,surplu tJhe wben sweet COJln for cannin£, --- and years' said of notes in the amoun t of not exceed - each L.avaJ. Cream. Separator, and', sell1ng '.bon4s ot the VU1!18e of ing earnl'h gs of the Wa.ter . Works of .---I.An ' : ' $'6,'800. 0,0, the amoun t of the bond Ia1 ' lIKe new -- 14-mcli Grain ' iWayn esvllle pursu ant to the genera l . issue,' VHlag e nre sutfle! enft, and a , • W Said shall ,be · issued bearin g inthe in Ohio of Sta.te the ot i l I - ,lmW9 is se~ ~s,l~ for. the :7'-7-7-:-"'--~-'-----ri.;;.B;:.u:::.;ster HarrU11e r terest .not to exceed ·the :rwte ot portio n thereo f princi pal amoun t of not more than C rn g It he Intere st meetin ot ' se purpo , ' f~ve (5) per can'tum per annum fUl1d a. e provid , ,to order In 00 $6,80(). 2101 these bonds and rele a:t matur ity (or semi- an- . change s upon payab 'its ving Impro of e purpos the' for ' Waypesville. them, lLa matur e durnually ). Su.cb noltes !Shall be dated '~ring such ot water supply by extend ing the water Por then the' tax levY for ' year, such ing 'e matuJ. A'ugus t 15, 1948, Sindt shall', s sow:ce new the, to a1.ttach to malna secNT this . Y b. ed requir as year suoh. LOUD EN 'BARN EQU IPME howOn AUigUst 16, 196!) .(provi ded, of supply , and constr ucting f~nllfies Ore.t er Safet v of Farm Owner. tba.t such not~:s 8hal~ be reever, g erectin wells, stich onto t ~ori.nec • ship . HA Y TRAC KS & CARRIERS to any In'tere st period ). pumps , fix- {}eemalble wells, said for r \Shelte NS CH'IO STAN d and ed ' ALKS Fioanc.e }Vit~ Lalid 8aak Loaa' ST tare/! 'and 'appur tenanC es, and fot aU Such ' n~tea shall be' exeout " .. an such and er numlY such in 'therered t1on dellve coD.n~ in ses expen 'o ther LITTER CARRIERS LONG ·~ . $8.S0 . denom lnlaltlo ns as may be reques ted W~TER ' BOWLS INTE REsT LOW . preof costs ttle ing includ wlUt, . 7. nates. STEE L WIND OWS ' ·such SO of' ser purcha · . he t I by SES g HOR printin the Jlmina ry Bun-ey e and REPAYMENT' PRIVU 2.25 cWt. HOGS Such notes sh8i1'1 be t,~ecutecf by the and pubUs hing o"f the noti~~s resolBARN DOO R TRAC K LOAN ASSOOIAnON' ~CMr"I".le . . . . Ceadlt le" utlons and 'ordtn ances requlN !d In- Mayor and Villag e (:nerk and bear GUTT ER DRAI NS Said ratlon. 'Blda. 'CoJrpo of the -ROOIIl I 'O ld nOC K ' AD Also, cident theret o; and · .to provid e a, , the seaJ Available For DeHveJlv r "Wa.te lated J10tes .hall be des~{-I II" $. aro.tlway . REM OVED PROM Pn:.Y fund. for the payme nJt of ,not to Free Barn Planning Service Not-ee - 1948." t vemen Impro Worka saId on et PhoDe 481 .-_!ex.oe~d Otne year's inrtete '~,,*,,'!"IY'.v-~=;'cE~c8~ANON. (OHI, O, ~;--::--;:-:::-:-....c.._-;:::;-::-:;-;-~"T_~;o-~r--:-T_ _-.,-.... PIaooe . SaJ.d notes sball be payab le Bit 'the ng ~or the use and e b ' aU T""" ~;r Sturm H. EIIiI , for us Call XEN~ . . W ~yne8Vme Nation al , Ibenefl t 'o-t the entire VillaP . includ - office of the ,gation . LEIIANON NATIONAL FARM Ba.n k. They .shall eXpl."~S8 upon their ing all . of its inhabi tants. fpr whlClh. ,theT Sectio,n 2. TbaJt liard bonds ot the face the J,)Ur.pose BANTA IMPLEMENT Co. 'they are Issued that an4 i~ued 8.1'e, ~ of Wayne svllle spall be IsPhone 555 VUI~gin nce. ordina Lebanon, Ohio th18 to n.t pursua 8a~d prlncl pal sum no¢. e:ltsue~ r notes ' and/lo ponds Said 6. ection s , , ceeilln g- $5,~0'0.OO for the purpo se 8.g Slnkifn the to d e 01fer' Ifirst be sh.a.ll NT IPME :FARM EQl:J toresa id. Said' bonds ~h8lLI be o-t the havofficer he t (or es Truste Fund be ination of $500,00 and shall 'We can give you prompt, ef- denom i{lg charge of tlle 'B ond Retire ment In on& lot and 8'old pur,su ant Issued JOHN your on e servic BO man~ ficient the ·geriera .t lawS and Constl tutlon, Fu.nd). of ' the VH~'e, ~nd by ta.~en be DEERE Farm EqUipment. to not shall as same the of ularly partic of the StBite of Ohio, Large ate. estim 801d fol' be in Stop er) shall UllItf.o rm Bond Act or the , Gen- said TrUlt,e es (offICl In the !1lIamLer Stock of Genuine John Deere /the 018l'k e Villag tlbe by ' at st intere eral Code; shall bear CLA& 8'F"ED AD RATE 8 MINIM U,.. ~ 10 PER WORD
' W AN t E b
.' Repairs. BANTA IMPLEMENT Co. Phon . 5SS , Leba~OIl, Ohio PEACHES FOR SALE
-.-"..... . .-.
Varieties: As They Ripen ·GOI,..PEN JUBI LEE J,.
Claa rPl ,
.* Mi. East of T raffie Light CENTERVILLE, OHIO
'rftANOK . . . . ·. .
E. ,G. Buchsleb. Inc.
saY lca I
Miami· Scfiools Open tuesday, Sept. ?
It Says
T ~1.J~' Houts Will Be 8;~~aY!~L9~':~~~ .. ~~~ h~lf~~~:lsiO~fd;'
E!; .·lI ..r:l E .T . D fl L , L • ·
a BySDtty at'l History can be habit.form 8ERVING WAYNQVILLE SINCE 1850 J.J~, ~ students. -The buses witt start in ingl , AMANDA HARTRUM time to have the students at E ' h No 4383 FIVE CENTS A COPY ver smce t e musty files ,of . , Mrs. Amanda: Hartrum, ~ass- th;! buildings at 1 P. M., K. M. tbis ,paper were moved out of w~vNa8vILL" OHIO THUR8~AV, AUGUST 28, 1948 d t 6 15 Retallick, ' superIntendent, has A.e al~ . b uI·ldl·ng" I've found I~ awav a ': a. m. ues.. . "'I U , : h d t th h f h anno'unced. Olsm Issed wi[ 1 be at . 'self : JrnuShing t rough the 0 d ' PAPER DRIVE SAT. A~r;eJ H. eStubWs~ ~l1o~~n~o~: 3 :30 P. M. . ~oples w e,n I .ough't ·to be do·, I' , ' , . , bout two weeks' .senous Illness. With the additio'n of two 109 somethll'~g useful. ' . " _' Boy Scout Tro~p 10 WIll M~s. Hartrum had been ' a school' buses, all students will " ' -Take 'the issue of Jan. 1, conduct a pape.r dr!ve ~aturday . r~sident of the Frien.ds Home be brought in ~t the same time 1862, for instance. In those A,ugust 28., ThIS Will be a ~urb for about four year ntil mov- and taken home at the saine days, [the paper' was 'called the " plcku~. It IS sugges~d t1)at ~Il ing to her son's home recently. tflme. Therefore school will "Miami Visitor," and its offices Members of the Society of paper ,and" magazl.n~s lJe m She is also survived by another open at 8 :55 A. M. and, dismi~s .wer.e', over a saloon. The Friends met at Waynesvme bundles or m c-ardboarq cartons son, Samuel Stubbs of Balti- at 3 :30 P. M., with the lunch evidence of th~t is an. ;ad which A!lg. 19.' to '22 for the Indiana and be on the curt) not later -more, Ohio, ana a sister, M'rs. Pleriod from 121:00 ' to 1'~ :30, proclaims: "Oysters, Pig's Feet, Yearly Meeting ,of Friends than ,9 :00 ,A. M. Lydia Haller of Germantown. beginning Sept 8. and ,Tripe J I am prepared ' to, ' Gene~al Conference. Funeral services will be held The teachers of grades 1 In furnish ·t he above delicacies in Epistles were read from at' at 2 p. m. tomorrow a~ the 6 will meet in the grade build· Arpp Fun ral H m in Ger. ing at 9 a. m. and high school any quantity, to families in the Friends in Australia, New Zea· 'lOlantO\l h f 1I0wed by burial ' in teach/er· in theIr building at bes! style , and on 'shortest tand,. Lon~on, Ireland, Fritchley nohce. 1 hese refreshments can Meetmg m Ireland, ,Germany, ' Germllntown Cemetery. 10:30 a. rn. on Sept. "'7. be had at ,all hours, in ~1l styles, Frahc,e, Hoiland, Denmark, and The afternoon sessIOn on Sept. 7, will be. spent chi ; fLy in ,at ·my saloon, under the Visitor Canada,. There were also mes,office. Raymond's Restaurant." , sages from. the following yearly e , \.t., , a jg'l:ng ror.ms alld arranging , , , 'meetings in th~ ' U. S.: PhifThe Hoosier State Shows will. iJ14iviJuai class s~hedul~s \vltIl Other ads of historic "interest 'adelphia (15th and, Race Sts.), bring three adults' rides, one 0 regular classe~ corivenill~ ' 0n in that issue a're: Philadelphia (~ch Street');· children's ride, an,d 30 con. At the Annual business \'i edllt'!)(iay morning. , t'Sale of Lu,mber: Mr. ~ . E. New York, New England, West- cessions to Waynesville for the ' ChJpren enteling the 1st Hebble; the buHder of the new erIb Barnesville, ' 0.; Pacific first annual Little 'Miami Fall , hp1~ldetintgth'Ofh the \\f"MC , G ·r·ldl!· Grade mus't be sIx yeal'3 of age e a e orne 0 rs. 0 le en or before Dec. '31, 1,948. bridge between this place and Coast, Illinois, and Wlilmington, cw. t· I f f ' d b " . 0, These, letters told of tLoe' J~S Iva pr Ive ays egmnm~ Borden on Friday evening, Aug. Corwtn, 'Will dffer rot public n Oct. 12; The committee said sal ~ at tq o'clock on Saturday , problems and wor~ of Friends . this is 'an, exceptionally "clean" , 13, the officer5 of the past pamag~s nex t, aU the lumber & c; re- m other parts of ,the world. ' carnival. , year were re-elected. President; main,il~g from :the buil.ding of The feport of the Rural ~ife The Civic Club committee Dr. I:mma Holloway, Vice Pres. the bndge. The Tumber IS new." Association described the efforts in charge of the affair, .. h~aded Mrs. Olive MI. Ourl; Secretary, (This 'mllst have been the cover"l to ~n~erest y'oung people in re- by A. H. Stubbs, is .also making ' Mrs. ' Olive' Wardlow;, Treased bridge of which pi'Cture post malOmg on farms. It stressed ' plans 'for farm produce raised 'Urer, Mrs. Jennie C.. Bradley. ' Boy ,S,cout Troop 40'S lo~ cards were recenty found in our the advantages of family-sized in this area to be displayed, A:fter'the election a few items cabin ' has been "undu fire' l ' t t· of routine business were trans_ 'this ,week. ' files.) ' farms and a conservation pro. and for Someone with better aim "Our friend .Chesterfield Myer 'ram.. ~he group i 'helping f atures ,~1ighawi11nb~~ d~~~~~J . acted, during which the SOciety has .entered the pork b~siness in est~bhsh. displaced pe.r~ons from later. " pres,ented Dr. Holloway \:Vith a than sense has been shooting Corwin:" . ' , Europe m ' r~ral sectl,ons. . ' Civic Club members will pair of white gloves as a"" a~p· .22 bullet~ at the cabin, and 1 as . " Lis'! of l~lIters' remaining' in The repo,It <>'~l l~dla?Affairs , m;al1: ~h' cashier"s booths of pre~iation, of her service for the succeeded in ' caus'ing about $7 th~) Post IOf!ICe at W~ynesvllle, told of the b.egm~mg of work ., the, ride,S, and, ;some nightly past. ¥ear.. " damame· The culprit also shot a O . Dec. 31, 1'861. These letters ,~m~ng the N~Y~J~S and , ~on. prizes wtll' be awarded by local 'AdJot,lrnment . followed' the robin, for which ' there. is a are subjee;t to a charge of one . tm~mg work all!ong: 9kl,aIlom~. ~. Dlerchants._, An automobil e ' acc~ptance ' of the. invitation: of heavy fine. cent ' for, adv.ertising, ~nd ' per- ,Inulans.. .~ " . 'be' the, grand prize af the close . ~' , Braddock to liol4-,-Ithe First ~'victim"__ of 'the rinist The FrIends reafflrme~ theIr of th¢ five.day event. . next meeting at her home. :was a 'can of pitch, wito which sons calling for them Will please say ' tbey are advertised." st~n,d oJ! 'Pe~ce ·' f?l1owlOg a ' The next meeting cjf com4 Scoutmaster .:oseplt E. James spmted diSCUSSion. . ' . ~itteemen wiI!' be , tomorrow DI;II RenDa·OO' had ,been patching the roof. (lJjere follow 25, names,) In beh,a~of llle Congrega. ' Re~orts on the Fr:lends night at 7 :30 III the towitSltip-~ ~ Bull.etholes let a g~1t<'m or more tional Church I Would' return board1pg homes sho.wed them hall ' The home of Mr. an . .! Mrs, of the pitCh, seep out, ~1.) h1c of ' sincere thanks ~to all who ' in any to be In ~ood comllta.on. . ' . Hemrv Finck and Mrs. C emmic i't going inside ,the cabin . 'Also way ' aided 'the festival. of ChrisfFred,erlck TOlles~ 1tb~anan.of CAR~IVAL TOMORROW, Zimrii~rman was the scene of shot out w re .l li.lrht bul::J. then LIb· AT , BEI.I.BROOK SCHOOL a reunion of the descendants of the s~)Cket which held · it, and Imas Eve.; als'o to the ' Sons of the Swarthmore HIstorIcal Temperance for the' use of their rary 'at Swarthfnoye COll.ege, Abner and Rebecca Dill 011 the msulator 0 0 the caLin's Bellbr0,ok is in the midst of Sun,day. A lov.ely pic.nic dinner power line. ' , <;ofnmodicfils hall, and to the Pa., talk.ed on. histOrIcal subjects , Trustees of the Union school at ,thest;, ses~l(;>ns. ,In a .tat~ the carnival spirit. The Belt. was 'erved on the law"t and ---.,.....,,--~ building for the use of reoms. elftltled .Rehfon ~n,d PQltb~sh" brook Lio'ns' club is sponsoring a l'leas nt ,ifternolll , of rcunipi! HARLAN TO INSTR~C'f Receipts 'of the festival were be mehtton~ tbe ~cco~plts ,- , a ,','Country ' Carnival" aJ th~ WJ~i eriJoyed ~. v "Mr. and MIS PERSQNNEL .IN T~fJ.S, $43.71.'" J " ' , " !~ents qf Fnengs acttve,m .p~h. B~~lbrook 'school grounds Fri· J~!\se '):11 ,an,1 MI. ani ,M·':. ' ' , "Isaac Wood, HoUse Si 'n ' tiCS, and expla~e,d theIr ; Wlt~- day. and Saturday, Aug., 27 and ' Dul.l T':'lJ1ple .) ( Elm a,; B-!f.nic Mr. Ernest Harlan, Ground , ' and Orna,mental Painter ' ~ , d~awa,1 fr~m ~hlS.fleld at certam '28; and eve~Y, body is taking a ; I 'til, !-~,. an;:r MI $ Chadc.) Di'!l. Safety I?lrect,or,_ Wi'right-Patter. '1 ff' . .' r - lnstorlcal penods. . h d E h th L' ':1 b M '1 d son Air , Force Base AMC, spectfu1 ~ 0. ers hiS .serVlces to He jelt , that 'histor 'd t ~n. ac ,year e IOnsc u Mrs. adel'ine DJ i and at;gh. ;J::l.y: '11. Ohio, has, b~~ '''l 1 c m. the ,public m all the branches h h'" Y, qes no gives some such worthy 'pro- tel' ,of Clayton, Ohio; Mr~ and . tl d b th of hIS pro{ession, ' and beln ' s. ~w t. t: mdlvl~ual Fnend w.~at Jec;t. Las~ ,yeat fro~ the money' Mrs. Emerson' om of Mt. lOa e ' y e' Comman.i of the master' of his tr.a.de does n~ h~s posl~lOn sh<;mld.be. , Eac,h l~_ ~~rn~d bv a · similar, 'event It: , }{(~1y;' Mlr. and Mrs~ Ralph ,Chie!-Gf-Staff. Heapquaiters U .. hesihate .to war.rant"Sati,sfaction. ' gI~~~t m~~.t . d~~ld~ that for ~e~ped extend the coo~ing fa~i_ om and , s'on of Spring-Y-alf¢Yj ' ~.,A~~ ~~r~i~S~:u'tt~;~i~~g~ ~: AlsQ buggy tnmmmg. Shop in M T' II'" ' I' ," A' d ' htles at t~e , .school and spqn. , Mir. ' apd.',Mirs• Ray",~p.d: Q3born " I' , ' I d ' the ~'airit r,0001)1 of J. C~, Collett's ' . . r. , 0 es ', a s~ ",Iscusse , the sored ,a wmnlOg boys' baseball. ~"f Xema; :, Iv\~s. ElSie T:lmt.r. VI ta'n personne a ministration " Mr. 'and Mrs. Rich , ard Lu, tz and school . build,in~ 4050 San Cartlage shop.'" , hfe. of Jam,~s., ~aylor, ,a co.nte:m. team. v e,ox showlng . ,• gorar . , 41\Vaynesvllle' Lodge 163 . it. of "Georg.d. .. "r.." ( daug'Iltcr and Mr. and,'Mrs. R'l- An,tonio, 'n b 'Texa.c;. '" These tour' s~ F A 11\ " M"'''' .. t. ow u~e Ideals of Fnends pro' M, i'sses B "etty Satte, rthwaite, ,bert 'nu~ ~, o, 11' a'nd dau~J ier f)f , WI e on t~m 'orary d'uty '. •• &nI'. .'4o>0,.s, ': me~t tat' duced "a "Quaker saint'" in difrl ,.. monthly from fme to ten day'" ~asomc ' H~l1 on Saturday even- tktilt times. 'On Sunda-y after. a;,Jorothy Wilson" Glenna Klein.. Dayton j Mr. an'd , Mr~. ich~rd , :dl' . f " ;) m,t - precedmg each a~d ' every ' '" (OmMtnued On .... I) henp , aq,d ..Jerry 'Cook are at·· Moore 'of' BelvertO\vn; A~ r' an~i 11 a, Ion,. •. ,fQll ,moon, unless ~he moon f\llls . .' . tending Youth Conference 'in Mr~. J . B. ! t r' es, Mr. and, M, s' 85 ATrEND GRANGE -I " o~ ,Saturday, when the !me~tings ', 'ANNE ROGERS TO MODEL Bowling Green this week. 1 hetlc.Johc~ [,~·. d son .. ~f LyU:'::. ,aWre., Mn .t,~at evening. T. L: Allen, sum. AT ST~TE F, MR ,> . . Farmers Grange No. 13 ;met · • _ j~ re,gldar ,ses~ion on. Sahj r~ay" MISS Anile Rogers of Wayne . evenang With ,elg-Ny flve' mem. Sew·So 4 .. H Club is one of ttiree b~rs and guest~ pres ~r'H. Mem. ' On ,the front i>a~e ; was an gj~ls- seleetled ', t() ' r~presen:t ' ~ers of. Springbcl t i Grapge til. "Original Novelette' entitled Warren ,.COunty ~t ~e 'Ohio Id .th,t officeS ,al i pre~~ritej 'a ·'The ,tittle Brown House" by State Fan. She 'wtll m<>del her prr'glam , ' of Mar;r:.ba ~Mu"ic. J. William .va.n Namee; author . tailor:ed suit, for whichsbe also Nearly oI:le , pers9n out .. of church' eonnectiOtis., TheiL sur. Mal~ Qu'artets, Recit.ations, '" pf. ~~Dfjftwood," '!.T he Un- madt;'Jh~ hat. handbag, blouse · 'every three in ' the Waynesville vey, 'net yet' com'plete, sho;ws Playlet, ~nd R~adings. ' :' kn~Iw.n.'~ , . ~IWoman~s Lov~" sc~. Al1n~ w~ , selecte4 In ar~~, has, no af~lia~ton with any ~hat ,30 percel1~ of, the' people, Ice , cream~ calCe 'a'nd 'coffee "Prtde and Passion," and "Juliet and 1946 Itl cotion dress projedtr rellgloDs organtzabo~. . In the ~aynesvlHe area (:10 not ,wer! ~e,ryed .. ;MdO·r~/·· That took up '. t,ree arid in 1941 in "dreSSrup.dress' , And half of those who do ,belong; any religious body. . ' Miss Frances " Patrick, of and a half columns. The' rest of \to r~resent Warren COUR-ty at . belong to churches fail,to attend ' ana at of the 'remaining' 10 AklQfi an~ JO~J:1 Parker J(., of , the .page was filled with c',l he tate ' Fair. E~ch time she them. Manv rtew~ornerS do not' petcentj only' ha:lf attend ,their Nort.h. BIQQmfleld, (')hio, were Dead B'ride," a' ~range mystery ,·~e" m odeled he:- costume. " Miss, know where ,to fmd PJe church ch~rches regular1y~ ' '. d . by Mrs. M. Ritch,ie. . .J~nnie I;.ee, Braddock ' placed ." of their choice. ' , ,. ;All peop~ Who are i~ phurch , wcc~, en guests . of A1t<.ln Earn· second In county , m "SChOdl These facts were reve~led on any Sunda,y' mor. hart~ . . '" ~'''I ~-:-''''''f',: P[Jlj1 An all-time ',record sale- was "r.ess" project this,year. Several tIlis week when tJ)e stare of st,' only 3'5 percent .. ~., '-" mad~ at..· M. A-. Fulk,~rson's of the girls ·modeled dr~ and , ~I's. Wa:~i~e ' Cathedral, ' .,' ·pdpulation. A'. Francis Gene : Bro.w.n~ ' district Sohio station Saturday e:,-ening aprons at the ' Achievement . Much IS ' V1Sltil}g St. of all the churches, ' in ' man,ager , of the Am'erican' Far. wIlen 139 gallons were poured ' Meetlng_ ~t .Lebanon Aug, t 2. ,Episcopal .!W , area last S~n~ay, AUlUst · mers Mutual Insurance Co. is inl.:; the tanks or a h!g truck. The WaMPe Sew-So 4.H Glub has a. showed that actual atttnd..: maUending a meetlng 'of district , railt'r. c.i(cc'cded the ' sta. WIs}1es to tbank all those who surv:ey of the ent~e. , a chur~h was Jonly ~~out managers with a ~ cQmpany vice. '~CQrd 'slagle assISted in any way in makJng Their efforts. have D~n . percent'of the total papUla.' (pr~iGent in GOlumbus today' ~~~,Ut t.) gallOns. 'this i 948 club year toward locabn~ f~.lles Wlt~ and tomorrow. ~..! 1., ,
Fp,I-ends' Do'Id Ind,-ao'a Yearly' .Meetlng Here
Festlv· . 0ate 'Set
For 0c.t '12-16' ,"
T. U. R'eelects ' 0r. Emma H IIoway
Rifle Boy Scout Cabin
d> , . _
DI·s'clos'es' , to.
F .
The Miamt Gazette .ITA.LISII.!) ' 1 •• 0
... »= _.
P"bliahed Every Th .......y At Wayne.vill., Ohl. ' , CARL O. SMITH, Etlitor " EMered a. lecond cl ... ' m.tter at the Peft OffIce SUBSCRIPTION RATE: ' $1.50 .. Y..r in Advance '
* _ '.
» •
». -
» -
_ _
Th~ Miami Gazett~
':(TO have events listed in this calendar, ,notify , before 4 p. JIl" Tuesdays.) .
d O______
Events Coming Up
..... ' _~ II.. a.:: a ,
Fl'.- .tlle wrongs that no!L!dl!c1 resistance, ' , For the future in the distance\ , And the 'gopd that he coulo do.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 29' 'Jo to Church! Exhibitio~ softball, . Bellbrook vS', MiamisbUl'g Eagles, 8 :30 P. M. Waynesville Old-Timers vs. Miamisburg Old-Timers, 7 'P. M. MONDAY, AUGUST 30 _ ,Boy Scqut Troop 40 at , 7 :15 P. M. ' ' To~vnship )'rustees, 7 :30 p. , M. ",Softball, Miller's vs ... Kier's, 8 :30 P. M. , TUESDAY, AUGUST, 31 Bo,ard of Public Affa' irs, 7 :30. P.M . . . , WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1 , Softball" Bellbrook vs. Spring Valley, 8 :30 P. M. " . ruURSDAY, SEPT. 2 I, )oftball, LegIOn v,s. Fairley's, 8:30 P. M. '1 --~--~~~~~:~~~~~,
I •
. ~n
classmates, he leaves to mour'n his loss, his father and mother one sister, Mrs. Marth:\. Jane Biggs qf Corwin. and six brothers: John Weslev and Al bert Enrl~y of WaynesvillePaul Lorin of Dayton and Fl'Oyd Edga'r, Everett WaIter allli'Howard Monroe at be·me.
WILMINGTON COLLEGE PLACES ALL TEACHERS Placement of the 34 'Wilmington Colleg,e, graduates who received degrees in education this year and , the 20 students who, have completed the two years of their temporary Cadet certificate in .. elementary educalion was announced Thursday by the college Placement Office. Among' them are: Miss PhyJlis Duffey" Wilmington, English ,aild b~ology, placed ~'t , Ma on High School; HarQld. Graham, Portsmouth, who will conduct driving courses at Xenia Cen tral High School i ' Waldo Hodson of Mason, place.d at BellbrOOk High School, , sc~ence and mathemat· ics; Fallis Paine" Waynesvitlej .history at Clarksville High School ; J arne,s , Ram,s~y, ' Loveland, professor of 'biology at Cedarville Col1ege; \\iilliam Ramsey, Loveland, physical education t~acher and coach at Monroe High School; Betty Jean Wilding, Blanchc,;ter, -,"1 mmc.:-ci.al tc(u:hcr at ~r.rin~ ,Valley High ~ch(l()'. '
Under His wings, what a refuge in sorrow! MT. ,HOLLY METHODIST T. M. scarff, Minister H~ , 1he hea!'t yeaming1" turns Sunda~ School 9 :30 a.m. to His rest! when earth has no balm t S up. t ' ' orten .A . Ea·rn h ar, , h I '~orship Service 10 :30 a.m. for my ea lng, ~,ening Service 7, :30 p.m. There l. find 'c omfort and there · ·those • who lcved H e I·Ive dfor METHODIST CHURCH , I am blest. . him, ' R. B. Coleman, ' Minister , CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS Under His wings, 0 what For those who knew him precious enjoyment, Church School 9 -:30 a.m. Rev. David Stanfield, ' Minister true; , Sunday SchoQl , to a.m. There will 1 hide till life's J. J. Burske, Supt. For the heaven that smiled 3.11 'a.m. triais, are o'er' , Worship Service Worship and Sermon bove him; , Sheltered, protected, no evil' can , ' " 10 :30 a.m. And await~d his spinL too; harm , m e; . , , Sl'ecial Mu~ic . . , E •U • ,B. CHURCH' . f UTICA For ,the cause that needed " Rev. WilliarQ Shannon ' RestIng in , J~sus II'm sa e ever,.' assistance, ' . ' . • IN CASE. OF ' FI~E, DrAL 2222 . , more. ST. MARY'S EPISCOptAL Sunday, School 9 :30 a.m. , * .. Iii ' Samuel N. Keys, Minister Mrs. ' James Garrison, Supt. Clarence Steven Richan.ls Morning Prayer 10 :30 a.m. Preaching 1st and ' 3rd Sundays was born in Wlarren County, FRIENDS each month 10:30 a.m. November 4, m-O ~nd epar_ " Evening Serv;ces 7:30p.m'. ed this life August -14, 1 )4'S elt First Day ~chool 9 :30 a.m. I YnE METii'()DIST ihe ag,e of' '17. Meetin2' for Worship , , Clarence was the fourtil son .of J bhn Edgar and , Sarah 10 :3 0 a~m. C lURCH . _ Dr. Joseph ~yers, Mlni,s ter Elizab~l Hart 'Richards, and WAYNEsVILLE ' Sundav School 9 :3'0 a.m. was the first one of the eight CHURCJ-I OF CHRIST Mrs. Ruth Saylor, Supt. .children to be taken. , A modern and cOJTlplete Funeral Home for the M. H. Coffey, Minister Worship Service 1,0:30 a.m. He attended the Sprin"'boro Schools until he withdrew to comfort and convenience of our public. ' Bible .School . ', 9 :30 a.m. pCDDy CHUROI OF CHRIST assi5t his parents, on the farm. ~ . . MomlDg WorshIp 10:30 A. M. , oung People's Meeting ,' By~on Carver~. , MiDlst~r , " He greatly enjoyed this type of STU~BSFuner.l , , " '- 1:15 P. M. Bible SChOOl , 9 :30 a.m. worK, and especiallv enloyed , n:LEPHONE 2~1 WAYM:".SVI~ 0." ' 1: J&min,.,. Service 8 ,P. M. ' Morning Wo.rship 1,0:,30 a.m. h'c lpmg Mrs. Frazier' with ber M ('ilcres. · , S'.,'. AU'GUSn-NE . Prayer . eetm~ M ' 7:00 .,.~ Clarence' was altways willing I! Young People s eeting . to lend a helpillg hand to tl10se Krumholtz, Priest ' , 7 :00 p.m. in BE f'd and wouti(1 'it'lconveni8 ' 10 A.M. Evening Services' 7:30 p.m. ence himself to ren ier a favor t", the others aroundmm. He recording clerk ' Gordon Foste(, W:IS 'always (';ble ,to face both assistant recording clerk; Mts. joy "and sorrow ' 'with a VI anda Clark of Pennville, Ind., ~mi]e. - ' (OOn.ttnued tram Page 1) , Besides his l')1any friends, ' re- ' readi,ng clerk. (noon, Mr. , Tolles addressed Braaoock is clerk latives, for'm~r teachers and 'J ydUng peop~e~ saying that of Wilhelmina' the Junior Meeting; ·Quaker.ism has , ,m eant most Roy Furnas, Yearly recording clerk, when youth was active. . , and Sue Furnas, readi~g ,clerk. , 1\:1 the 'J un,ior Yearly' Meetrng, • -epistles we,re r~ad from y'0ung Friends in Nebraska, PhIladel- NOTICE phia; North Carolina, and New Our arti'c1e last week was' Ehgland. Uftle lengthy for our state. Margaret Sch~aitman report- ment too !n the best loo,k ing ,c1()thes that we had 'visits with, llOURS: ed on the varied program of Raymond Marlatt and Earl RQ10 any class I T.bat's how study, recreation and de~otions .bertson, former residents ·of you want your ,.Young "--12 eaeh 'mOl'1rlinf / at Camp lllindo. Morvel Garner Wayn~svi1le wbo wish to 'be re. scllolars dressed this sea- ' 1-5,' aftemo'ons exc~,t ' l~ctLJred on :, pl~nt llfe , of this membered to ,their friends. sq; mra~e 1:IS your back. , son, ,W ednesday VIcinity. Sherman Pressler told ' to-school headquarters 'f or Also, ' Mr. and N('rs. Wal't~r . of ,a trip to ,W ashington 'On , 1venlilK, the kids of all nades. Give 7-9 Sa~rday e ,'. '. them a: IfdeanWstart.. ' ' which he contacted govemm.e nt Whitaker accompanied', us on '., officfals on peace-time conscrip_ our hOome:y.rard journey. other eveninrs -Rev. and' Mrs. R. B. Coleman Appointmen ' tUm. ' , ' aDd SXfuRDXy , , I ' Eula Hoak., Richard Eastman, ... - .. --- . -..... .. AUG. 27 and 28 ' TELEP-HONE 62-R .. .. .. and Ro,¥ Furnas were named as At .Bellb~ook , School Grounds a no.m~natlng tommi,ttee and v 110 prepare a diteeto~. Mrs. Valuable Door Prizes Ross Hartsock was cliairman of Games, Music, Ref~eshinents the committee 'which, served OptOm....c lb.'. Sp. . . . . Fun for Everyone , " meals. Miss Elizabeth Chandler' :rh~ 'whole wonderful world' is .& South D.tr.ott IItrea 'arid Mrs. Lena Hartsock were m,vlted. , the hospitalit)' committee. -Sponsored by 't he Bellbrook , , DNIA, 0810 Lawrence Furnas was named , Lions Cub presiding clerk j Ruth Chandler, I
--'-'-~ ,
Home ,
- ~~
OF. [ E. Wilkin
a reaJ treaf in stlJr~ next Taes.
CONGRESSMAN TO SPEAK of Foreign Wars and' Amvets. Mrs. Robert Furnas and Mrs. day only m ·'C,lgc.1 · Fury", lIT .. MIAMI-. ,CHAUTAUQUA He is also a member of ~he sons Raym o, d Wilson have returned' t . B t C b'bit; . lJ , s arrmg us er ra e. s a of the American Revolution, after a tT' p throu,lth th e Smokies Philadelphia's .Congressman ~bout the "Big To;,:~, episodes of the Cincinnati the and several I : ~ with the for. Society Hugh D. Scott, Jr .., a veteran of of ring daring :md back-stage World War II, who served ov~r· Board of Vis'i tors of the U. S. me:,'" ' c::-iri-:aw and daugh. plotfing, and.it winds up with a seas with the U. S. Navy, will Naval ACademy, and Phi Beta ter, Mr. and Mrs. B. W Whitton , ' I terrific 'man - t o -'man battle speak at Miami Vaney Chautau- , Kappa., and daughters, In ' Kno~ qua on August 29 at 3 p. m. Tenn. :, 11_ to the death, as fir.! rages over the cir.cus grounds.' o'ne review. Congressman Scott is Gover· nor Dewey's campaign manager er caned ' it "the mOIJ'n~est II!r _ PLEASE ADD nilS LIST TQ YOUR . . and his appearance IS expeded movie" ever t.u.rned out. to attract nationwide atten· fOX HOllY . :~ . TELEPHONE DIRECTORY , September comes, and with tion because of his ~nwortance this gorge-ous ' mOllth, next , , The Twin Theatre took on in the Republican Party in this ' the aspect of a "grind ll.ouse" Thursday and Friday, Burt Lan. election year. WAYNESVILLE caster arrives. "I Wlalk Alone" , (big city theatre that runs 1 2 (Par.) wi1J give you action of Scottis a member of the Inter. Ander:(m. C. E.-2r.! 5 hours) last Saturday when it a non .:. Western sort - just as state and Foreign Commerce Baughn, Bernard-3143 opjened at 2 P .. M. and ran 'till 'poten t in the story of an Committee of the House . of midnight to -accommodate all ex·con m'ah who is defeated by Representatives. He is also the Bogan,J. H.-Harveysburg-3 ·f 35 the free MountIe fans, .whose modern business methods. Of Pennsylvania member of the Brooks, ~. H.-Harveysburg· 2947 , club card had eleven punches course, . Lizbeth Scott doesn't National Republican Congress. Brown, Gene-24?2 entitling them to the final chap_ help plot mafiers but does aid ional Campaign .' Commjrtee, Bunnell, Rhodes-R. 2-:! O 2 ter of the Canadian. Mounted t'he rom,antic situation. The and a member of the Aviation Burneltt, Chas.-2552 serial gratis. Th'e Brick Bradford r'emme Fatale - always there and Radio Sub·Committees of Burske, J. J.-R. '2-20 99 ' serial started at these perfor. '~always a challenge, eh, the Interstate and Foreign Com· Carn'es. Grant L.-Harvey burg-i948 manc1es, too, and since the B B sisters? merce Commitfee. He has been Carr, Mrs. Wm.-Harveysburg-1943 Club Card is on the same prin .. active in many dvic and Clark, Roy-2483 cipie there ' were tw.o luck y charitable organIzations in number drawin~s that· n ~ ,~.lt. WAYNE SEW-SO CLUB Covey, Wilson-2963 Philadelphia, is a 'member of the Wdnner of the finale on Carla. Cuslenborder, Geo.-R. 2-3182 American Legion, the Veterans dian Mounted was I.he Orlo . Throug-h the courtesy of Dakin, Mrs. ' Carrie-263 5 Reese famil y of Cent ." r v i1'~. their advisors and those who Davis, Robert-2631 , while Arnold Walte'; cop,.' ' d furnished transportation the Doster, Wm.-R.3-3128 the initial BB AW11\1. Wayne Sew-So 4.H club made Downey, Wymer S.-R. 1, Oregonia-2864 a tour of the McCall Company . Don't o u think the n ~ w on Aug. 11. Highlight of tlle Early, Everett-R. 2-3188 serial' has a lot on the ball? lour was watchm~ the huge Elhs,- Geo.-R. 3-3121 It 's So full of imagination, and circular saw, whIch cuts a .PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL ElliS, Leroy-R.3-3126 it s.rikes me that Kane Rich. ,thousand patlterns at one op~ra Ellis, Walter-R. 3-3120 CONTltACTOR m o ld is 'a most capable Brick tion; also . watching the gi~l~ Eistro, Harold-R. 3-2634 ,., · ~ d ford . You' e seen him be_ -\ wl10 fold patterns from a rack Everhart. Fred-3141 "l , f re in features. Sam Katzman, at the rate of 1,800 paltterns a . Fires, Alvin-3142 . PHONE WAYNESVILLE . . J roducer of ~rick ~radfo.rd, ~~s day. It :takes a girl at least 6 Frye, Vivan-Harveysb rg-2008 a fertile mmd With sCientific months to a: year to attain that Gons, Robert O.-R. 1-_809 wonders. For In tance, in ' one of h is serials he dreamed up effi<:iency. Hammond, Ralph=--R. 2-3184 the jet plane; which later was Harrington, James-3144 , ..r,e .. ' 1 111 Ole L~ ~ t war. 11 Hartsock, Luther-2,806 t1. lIrr nt ' cliff. hanger .(-;:erial .. Hawkins, R. L.-2 6 20 to you) he has '9'nvented . th" ·Jeffery, Robert-R. 1-0regonia~286S Interceptor Ray, which neL~fal_ ' Koogler, Chas.-R. '1 -2805 ize. the deaElli .. e 'f ~ \~l (t \" '''gr~wing'' o LeMay, Frank, Jr.-3129 m issiles. So you may l:?e c;eein ' Lewis, Walk~r, Jr.-2534 . sCience' . in the making. And fertilizer. for your needs, BIG M for muimum yield McCarren, Ed w.in-H arve ysburg-3 127 d n't forget the Brick Bradf0r~i every fertilizer bearing the of yOUI' wheat cropI' BIG M ,Ntw Inventions Contest, . I ';r n ~ McG uinn, Th o .-R. 3-3122 BIG M brand performs up " for hilhest market quality·, oren y the Twin and the to 'that reputation because it McMillan, Her bert-Harveysburg-~001 ADd itt. been that way , . is alw.,. made up to highe:!t Miami Gazette which · clo5es IDON thaD tweDt7 yeara. - Meaa,Oy VI. 25 . standardl ..• never doWD to ept. 1, 19'4 8. Partictila is in 1;tst While our immediate COD· MisseIl, John W.-R. 2-3181 .. , . ~ 's :. a l l' ;'. cera il that of lupplyiDI Moore, Raymorid-2803 1D0re ~ilh-pot.8h-content . Morrow,Pran'k-2802 Btiefviews: "Saigon' (Par.) . Order . . . "..,. ...., dNler lor ,all. with A<lan. Ladd and VerrJnica 0' Reg~n, Robt.-2.661 11ie'M ami Fertilizer Company I ~ ke cl e its colorful run to_ Pennington, W. N.-R. 2-3182 ' night and Friday. Do you kno.w . OFFICE-DA YTON, OHIO Peter on, Geo.-2241 , FACTO'~-TlE.EIN. OHIO vher . ai ~ n i ? ,F rench IndoPrether, Lester J.-R. 2-2932 TIt. Miami "ertUiaet CompMI)' • . , Ch ina, and its.. popular on is over Reed, 'Flota-mond, R. 3-2942 independent Miami Valley COIIC»m . 110,000. Good picture, tno. untI.r ~incI oper_Uoft 01 it. owne.... Reta)]ick, Eld0n. R. 3-2801 . Rose, OrvaJ-R. 2-2097 .' On Saturday G e(' r,::::~ (rHl'len , . L( I t', riding ba'c k : ,t'oI t!le ·f\.... 11 Sacksteder, Geo. E.-2431 in a re-release that' 3 so W c~terl1 Satterthwaite, H. A.-2877 yow can smell ~ne :;ar-e-,bn'~h. Schnaitman, ' .A:lbed-R. 1-280.7 to "U, n fan Will love the plX, Schuler,' Virginia-3145 and 1a 1ies alwavs 10Vf:j G~(ln::t: .., ' . ' Pri en. The BB::-£"'lia' d1.wfer Shutt, HoweJ,rd-R. 1 nia. 2849 n tbe pro~ram thi~ . week is Silk. Col. Joseph-2793 "Fligt.t tu the MOOTI " If you STOR-AID . WARDROBES mead, W. F i-R. 2--:-2938 dl r t th ink they ~et there, sec 95 , ,Smith, D. R.-2 6 : J for YJu rscl(: Sm\th, Edgar-2 7 ( 4 . . '. , , h hrings ~'~ to a very . % Frank Courtney· StonYQrook Farm, 0;;"~( 1:t 1 Sunday an'j Monday R. 2-2621DE-MOIST .o;;):(W . I '" ' A "Personlll C~ Unla' , ~. Strouse, Wom.-R. 2-3187 , ~I~ll"is :, film with ' an A rating, 29 . Tay'lor, Clint. Harveysburg-312 4' 'a. 1'.11 . p~cttlTe frr anywhere (1'.'.\ ('verywhere" (m::l .~· b(' cv.en Taylor, Willard-R. ' 3-2895 WaynesviHe will like It), WIth Tinney, Sherman-2 185 a 'cast that ,reads like ,a Broad. Tomlinson, A. G-R. 1-280 0 way opening Ll.cllle Ball, Twin Theatre-2661 George Sand~rs, Si' Cedric WALL . ,PAPER AND PASTE AND SIZING Wall, G. R. Lumber & Building Materials~ardwic~, C~arles C?bu~n, . Harveysbu[g-2836 E. ' BULBS - NU ENAMEL Boris Karloff, Joseph Calle'a, Watkiris, Donald-R. 2-3189 [Ind Alan Mowbray. If you ,agree KEMTONE ' Wilson, Ma~k-Harveysburg-2005 : with m,,~ that a Sherlock Holmes pL~ a'1ct an ~minent cast make a great ·show . for .real draf!ll lover..,. then yoU' WIll not m!ss "Personal Column". South Man. Street across from Grange HC\Jt Animal devotees, espe.cially TelephoDe 2422 WAYNESVlI+£. OHIO . those who are CIfCU~ fans, have ,
No.4883· . 26. 1948
W. ·C.' BROWN ·
. BIG M-a
Special '. $.8. , $1.
.Waynesville Furniture & Appliance Co.
Reat, Burrow, USE .'
Centr~l Telephone · COInpa;t;lY!
. To·, BUJ, Sell, Trade ,
r" .,.Glt.Z.E·.T T E ClAS51flED -•
'tHE fe1IAMI G~E""E ,PAGE 4 ~ and drivers would not follow so nell and Samuel Meredith, WAYNESVILL.E, OHIO No. 4383 constantly in the same 'tracks, are .in attendance at the. De~- ' THURSDAY" AUGUST 28, 1948 ' , , 41 41 * to the. detrimen.t of the road.· Geratic State CbnventIon In Dt. ' H: O. Alexander has ••• session at Dayton yesterday and , ' opened an otfice in the south '. An undertaker ,wrote ·a letter end of the Leak Building, has ta a promt,.nen t ral'1 toa d com- today. " . ' , ' it pleasantly fitted ul? and is , pany complaining: of the slow TOWEL SHOWER GIVENready to attend to busme s. rail serviCe. TIle letter read; , FOR MIDDLETOWN GIRL RIDINGER-ELLIS as follows: "If you do not run ' * 41 41 (From the Miami Gazette ot The marriage 'of Miss Sara The pressure of tbe gas wells faster trains over your line you . 'Miss Marjorie Ross gave.a AJ.lgust 24, 1.898) was ,measured a few days ago; will ruin my business. My eus- towel shower at her home 10 ' Ridit:lger, daughter of Carl While columns are being at No. 1 they found 50 'lb. by tomers will not ship, their Lytle on Saturday evening, Aug, Ridin~er and tne late Mrs. RI. written about the brave heroes applying the meter as soon as' corpses over your system for 21 for her cousin, Miss Dons dinger, and Mr. Wade W. E11is who have gone to the front, a the pipe was opened; at NO.2 fear that they will not reach Roberts of Middl~own, who took place at the Baptist Church . word of credit must be given to ,they let the gas flow' off about. their destination before resur- will be marrIed Sept. 12 ,lto ' Lebanon, July 31, at 6:45 ' . Harold Roger of S ()~ervi11e ~at p. m. the summer girl, who not only ten minutes before applying the rection day. •• '. the. Middletown BaptIst Church. They wer attended by Paul , displays her affection for her meter, and found a pressure of A great many tobacco sheds The invited gues'fs were: Mr. Coblenti of- Dayton and Mrs. country by workin~ for the Red 65 lb. The purpose tq which Cross and other relief organiza- the gas is to be applied is still have beeri built in this sec1ion and , Mrs. Carl Ross and family ,Reva Leaf, cousm of the bride. tions, but also exhihits her pat- unsettled, but' Mr. Dubois, of tht! current season. , Thomas 'of Franklin, Mrs. Viola Ross of ', Mrs. Leaf wore a pink street and Mrs.MiddleRoy length summer . froc k WI'th bI ac k ri otism in her dress. This sailor , Chicago, was prese!)t at the 'Ze11 has ,pu t up' about t wen t y f Or Dayton, Roberts andMr.dauO'hter.of I'!at pictured above is made of time o'f the measuring of the farmers, we u~der, tand; (lrn 0ng I' accessories and a white rosebu -" I B town, Mr. and Mrs. (]ene, Ro s plain Panama straw. The crown gas pressure and is contemplat- th ~m one for G eor~e h. rown, and son of M~amisburg, Mr. and corsage. ' of the 'hat is covered with red 109 going into it with the view near Ferrer He allready had a Mrs. Allton Ross and Mr. and Th.e bride wore aqua with and white plaid silk and around of develqping it. ' she, but the new one is Mrs Jack Ross , of Springboro, b}~ck acces 'o ries, a l~rge black large .41. the smooth brim of the ha't is " ,ouer, and Mr. and picture hat nd white orchid larger, b~~ng 30 x 84 ,feet. He Mr.·H . . rold R sewed an ' edge of rough red J\, road that receives ' little has on hiS farm about fifteen R s l'\ co r age. , straw. A band of red, white and care soon shows ' wheel tracks acres of tobacco' which promise3 M rs., W '11 I 0. ' , Immediately following ' the This family gathering was ceremony the bride and gro an blue ribbon is carried around and ruts. If it was constantly well. the ,crown finIshed with two swept and frequently s,craped , , w. S. Harts.oek, delegate, also to han r their father, Alton J ft for ,the Terrace Plaza high loops of the plaid silk and both of these would obliterated, accompanied by the two wlieel- Ross on his 80 th birthday. ' Hotel in Cincinnati for' a few day. Due to the erious illness horses of Wayne townshm , Democratic/ party, N; L. Bun- READ GAZETTE Classified Ads o(the bride 1 father, ' no recep- . tion' wa held. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis are I'at b me" at th ~ brid' father's hOome. The groom i connected with the National CaSh Register AT HAMILTON, OHIO in .Dayton. "
50 Years ,. Ago
eight blue bird quills, whi'ch stand smartly at the side.
W e dd-In gs ~
Mr ."Ethel M. ton, and , 'Mr. B ron Cooper Miami, Florida, afternoon with W1l1iamson and
Cozy Ho~e Trail~:r: FOR $475.00 J;>OWN BALANCE 512.00 PER WEEK
Hauk f On 'and Mr. . Jay and s n of p nt Sunday Mrs. H. H. family.
The ,New Trot",ooQ , $325.00 DOWN, BALANCE $8.~0 A' WEEK
uid. e xee. and other matter that nannol stay in th!' wi' hout injury to hea lt h, th ore be b tler un d rs Loll clin g or 1II1a" , v:h t.:i! ~ y9~em is' up ~ t wh t'n I ;d neye to I'm'ctlon properly . ' B ir nin\:. scanty or t oo I, "que nt urin.. 'inn !lomf'i mllll WUrtllJ that somethlDI " is .' a ug, You mllY Ru ITer 'nagging back" r, hl'nrl:iehea. dizzinl!88. rhoumatic .. ,,! t Ing up at nights •• welliDR, ' n.ot I·ry Doa,,', pm.? You WIll ., ' . Ii ml'dic!ne recommended tbe , 1)\' r. Doa1i" lItimulate the fUDDo I : () t ',e \:ld1\cy, and hlllp them i. ' ~, :I ClUt po; ouOue w..te from the ,blood. They eoDta\n DothtD~ 'harmful. Got Boa,.', today. 11M with CODfld. .__ , At all drug .torea. ' l'- . u
Eaton's 'Motel and Trailer' Sales CORNER LINCOLN AND DIXIE ,HIGHWN'i
b... n-.l... dOD', dilate lI!uftoao Oy~"tu.J olh•• ,a.ohn. Wa.. IIftlii you. taD. AI a .... y .~pIY-"''''1W ,liP
, .
Belcher's SUDOCO ·Service· .-
PHONE 2423
a . ,i I
tENNOX •Heating "Equipment
. AC. . . .
no...".TO-.... -. C.
' .:OO 's 16 FIRESTONE.
abe Obio wm Pc 10U bIOiId ' proIKdoo lGA11 ,oar fum. II 'ODftn ,our ,baBdlap, ,oar .ct....... JOaI' aaIOIDCIWII .Del roar UalJiiUlJ fOr atd~ tID ~ WIi, IlOl . . _ ...." y- "".". ,... . . . . . ., . ,...... - - - ..... OWD 1M , . .. . 011
larl D. Dakin' IaslllUce
Pllou.' Iii. 140 B. M!i1ben7, ' 'PANON, 0. , 'AlIIIII •• IIPIIII . ' .~
(plus 'tax)
"4';WAY FARM ••• URaNCi" ip
RAY MORGAN Sheet Metal SlOp
a. , MAIN
is no alternative except bigger donations of a greate r magni tude or . a charity-sponsored affair in thle near future.' , The Junio r Amer. Legion nine winds up its season bv meeting a Dayton All-Star team at · the local diamond at 2 :30 P. M., Sunday. ., • - Harold· Florence and Jerry Vickers will play with ' th'e Midget All-Star team against the ·R" champion Southern Hills team BOB O'RE GAN at Centerville, Sunday at 2:30 . To err is liuma!l i to for'yive P. M. .. is divine. SO' we ',hope you wildeyed sport fans wilt ndort the Mr., and Mrs, Ernest Butter_ latter phrase in forgetting- about ' worth, with Mr. and Mr . Frank the blunder last " 'wl.ek. ' that He'ss of Bellbrook, are enjoying caused the sport coh.imn to be a vacation trip in Ver,mont. c~rripletely eliminated. But at :1 A. M. one is likely t,:. f )t~ ;~ t Mr. and Mrs~ L. C. St John were his own name in scramblin~ for unday guests of Mr. and Mrs. it de:lGline. .Glenn Bland and daughte'r. '
,I I
Now I kno\v how "plsto rs f souls" feel when week after weeK they are co m ut!l\~d to re_ ,:l;:nd their conir egalh)nS ill.it donations are ' neCC,:saTV for ' ~~~!L!!:!!!!!.!S~!!!~ succe ~sful oper,lti n·'. I t tIle same wa \ rth pur ~of 1 '1' 1 1 ·a, .g-u e, playing- t'1re :: 11 ,~ llL f weekday game an,] :'\;1 ~' : hi l '
' 11
t c., ' I;
,m l av
features: •
I! V ' 11-
,., . Ii an a·vera'''c.. ,.., out la y of $ 1 to condu 3
.ru~ti~e by a~other Ohio Pl'~Siaen~ aU IIleGIIlIftI cmes . . . "'" Warre n ~ Hurlin g. It was ' a baSke ' .a t• . be -bad reid positio n that fitted his quali6 ca· answe red the. tions. as he had been Kent Pro.'nle ~Ikft ,r;~l=~ll ' .. lessor Law at Yale; first Gov- Cincm natt, · at -ate. ~e I ' emol' the Philip pine Island s; rare «>llec tloo ! Dl!!lpit-e the fad ~I Dean of ' the Law Depar tment , watches 01 ~Dusu al ahapU the most I)ortJ1 Presit fent 1ft out, University of Cincin nati; Secret ary s~es-' ina<1i In UiI" tG ~ation's h~tory-be weigh ed 340 of War under Theod ore 'Roose velt centu tj;"Re re. ~ DOI_ _ ' f:()~n~S-Wil1!arn Howa rd TMt's and his entire life's ambit ion had of aU the PiiSl~nts LUlICIGIIII avorlt e J)astlmes were golf andl been along legal ,lines, . to HOover !mdth ewo:r ld...rc!lrlMllnMI. ong walks . He died in Washi ngton. D. C., murals 'OJ:eite4 ,I}» ~11s ' B~rn in 1851 in Cinci~na~I,. he on Marc.h 8 • .1 930• at :the age 72. canso~ .--. _ _ . ... _ I, tud led at Yale ~nd Cmcm nati T()day~ there are car.b on copies While ift CJ~e~u. I'IfGtl7 ~ w School and rus first ,Jol? wa~ of more than one millio n letters the 'rl9me O. Hilde ' B~ ' , aw r~porter for' the Cancl nnab ' which be wrote while .~ oMce, Stowe ' In Waln~ 'rimes . " .. much of the theme' ofHills. Uncle ; }t'rom the age ,()'f thirty, be was filed to.. poster ity in th~ Li . . ~ almos t consta ntly in public office of Congress, 'This ·vast brary Cabin was develo ped. .. ~' Seven~en ,miles to the , w~ !and was the ol.lly man: to hold the spond ence is chiefly becau se correfflaJ~ic reache s of ~, 'two highes t Qm.c~s in the land- admin istrati on typew ritten in his along letters Ohio River, is tlle 'lmpre ssiv4f tomlli !Presi dent of the United States and becam e comm onplae e. Added ·Cllief. .Justio e ' of the Supre me the letters are 'diarie s' numbe to o. Presid ent Willia m Henry HaPol r-in, risoll) first Ohioa n ele(le$t to 'o.} Couwt. 'I.'he latter was a post he more than .15,000 psg .. of $ingl e-hig h office. T.o the east and nol't,b.., Icovet ed far more t han the Presi... spaced typmg ! ' east are the ·histor ic eatihw (dency . How times· have· chang ed .from and mound s of the pre-I or ' nd~' . : .' Seven th Ohioan \0 be electe d to . the days of Wash ington -who Moun d Builde rs of Ohio. dot . the office, .':raft was inaugu rated wrote ' less than 20,000 letters !the twenty -seven th Presid ent on ,his entire career ; and ,from in abou~ HillS<jale and . ChiWCQt.be. the • •• " '~ IMarc h 4, 1900. He s~rved only days of Presid ent Grant , who kept (Anoth eT storti of the lives . 'one term. . copies of only, a very few of his ' Ohio J?rerifj~ts win «~(I' in
• • •
TLi '
j, not in Iud Krl)lllll.-. . r fe , ffi ial o~ ke pthe Cr fe , impro ' ment t ~~ , d ucha new ' a~e (we r ' u ~d two ets to iat : ) , 0 ' the new creenin R' vhi J ' ,:,~ I • !p J(lCf~d along the third bas lin e ~ Whee! It'a eom-on-Uae-oob time I an j b hind the late'. "gain! O\lr family i. eo fond i\ 1 Th Ie, glle c ffi er , including: . e make a com~lete meal ofofit! } • .have a huge helpin g of ~n l ~ ur rtll v, ' in r I I" , alad, black bread and too of bat- , averag-e donation of ten cents r ' all ready ' on' the. tA~ kcau•• ~ per . er on w uld e like our com cooktd JUIT SOl ~ such ,expenses. hell we pop jUlt ODe ear for each · , L....Ia. 1j}.1J,_.bL.\ULOa.m~cJ.£llief t&2iD& bUm . a,wl !JAQ_ ~ ~~W.'(W iIJ_.J. --t ccunt J av nJa ~ 1. ' l:i n' h • . f ui into ~ kettle of 'bOUm. wa.t er ! .lI' nd time tt.em euctl r 6 minutAa. 1 ' 800 people witnessin~ the conhile we ara -tina , the fNl~ I ' Mrs Irvin Mu1'fo~d 'and Ra.: IRMA FIRE te ·ts in a week. Ho'wever" ;1 0 Mr. and Mrs. John Sdt1emyre S 15 GIVEN OOked eal'l. well a" anotllew! Vi, f' klv Ue&tio.n 1Hl t (l fJpe d and mond ch ild ren had ,as weekend ' Mulfo ·rd. ~isi~e ~ Ja.ck TWO BRIDAL SHOWERS und cooking, and .1O w. ban '50 while too many week have guests Mr. and M~s. Hoyes Mc_ reih ~ked ears eveq tim.t We I Mulford who is m tramm g WIth . ' spen hut $35 O r $ 6 i 1 cl"l nt f the Ohio ,Nati onal g' uan over the ' e~ 'witb .,.."" . at Gowa n Miss and children ~f Gincill Irma Fires bride- ele.ct j ions. Camp , Atterb ury, Ind., on nati. Sun. Mrs. was em McGowan is the for_ honor and dig ed ID. with WbM a linen ll~ show_ u~ ev dri _ We k.. ~ of d Each ..j@1I11- spon' or \Va er mer dunn Evely gpa n t Cartwright. week at the h I1IL' a r nalktn l dOH ; . ay. • DO assesse~ : $25 to t~ rt the ~11:> a f Mr -,< LeR y t p 'r in D 'l\'.' ur.tttu te for a paper , ., . ; son. Obvi ously, tJ at amnunt me like thia t.') I Mr, a:nd Mrs. ' Johl1 ~\'ercer t n and a m i -ellC'me u iJ l).w~ r ~ , Mr. and Mr.. Stanley H. has lowl t ut surely heen con But our P'!8t love tor 11IIDJD8I'1 had as week end guest . Mr'. at the hom'e of her 11111t, .\~rs. . <lilt -,' Irvin M "I 'r'rd and Yir.g sumed,' and the ~ea~ue tre:l. ' ur ~ hot dOPe Some folb Db them I and Mr. George Men.:.:r and Ra mond St mps ill J , aa Ccrattended the Farrle'y 'th "the- ~orka" ••• ketchu p, ' Mr. (lnd Mrs. Lonni e Me r~e r is now . ust about "bus!eu." . ~f ~11ant wn en Wiedn esday . C mpan y pi 11 i at Sharon Ipickle s.. musta rd and Jdat about ~ O. K., wAat are we r()jJi ,~ t levery tDin, th§ ean think of. Our I Dayt n, Lon Gates of Mt. Or:l '(J d ' < "n unday . do about it, s\nce it's Ohvi':H l ' favori te IS Weleh nrebi t sauce anc Miss Margaret Oak ' of New Mr. and Mrs. Wi Jliam Gimt ) , . f hat witl' out incr a ed re \'en \I 'i :with. a goOdIJ, ~88b . of Woreester- ! , ork • . and son Alex, with George a.l 'j Mi e: . ut 1 Ann and EstJ1er from game's the loop will have !' shire aauce to give it zest. We fry. Billy Brown, en.l 0yed a PICI1lC York ' f F ' tcrs are guests' of t fo!rt lip 0 r' 'else the team jour "dozg " , in. bacon drippin~, i at Old . River Park, . Dayton, . th ' ir a.unt, Mr. J. C. HIsey, for . ' CARD OF THAN KS then !lplit them open, put tbe1'!1 <.•..,,: , s onsor will 'have (0 ante'! a- . !,buns la t Friday evenin . ' a ~ ew days. and POUl' the hot ~ --. -Rain. I take ,the stand that 'any_ ' over jt nl1 • . ,:)f, eouJ:se it's rare;:' :: ' _ ' , d:-,::> o:~ - J We wish to ·'ex re..l C'.:r ne ,watchtl1/? these ,Zrt me, but 'Ya t e, ap our .buns i!1.a r~-, : -' j 'grateful aJpre clation ' f r ,tll Mr. and Mr, J )1111 I( r Mr. and Mr:,. t e Conner and '11 ~ ny of which . have ft.)pped t~~~~:; " , j' have no ~c " E ': ~ ;; ' cards and :lnd flora) ~r n, Charles, hav:.! returned . daughter w re <rue ts of friends: contributl 11 . a j~ y cY.~lll~ ition in nearb y Ja I';:&.. r· Itl; , .•1. .' c guesse d it by n.' ..... ,~ , :-l ' we recel:v lr n~, , hould contribl.lte at ', a You"\t e d du r'ln the 10 s of , ;Jf tl!l' ~pending ten days lit in Zane!'vilre / r everal days family that believ es 'in :\t:~l ur ,n and brotR Ja t week. e~,. Clare~ce Heffel, Mich. ' least a d.ime. ~ , -;, ,[comfo rt ••• bence ,the pc' y \~')-! Ri hards. We espeCIally WhlS,h , 'm keeping in mind ,lhai ~ngs. B~t ",we. dr'!t'~1Ila~e ~f: to thank Rev, Haley for ' IS th ere are several ~o.od contri- £t. We .• 2w' It l1.Dple~ andwork we a ••j . c nsoling; words and the Osbutors with their nightl y quar- ways use p'aper n3p~r, 1>:: ~a:": ~ ld P neral H'ome for · their t f'r~ .and . in orne instan~c!s just ',we can use them l~ prciu; ~')n'l wa,. u. , . ' throw · them ' away and not worrYI effiCIe nt erVlces. plain "gree n"', s<? to all of you ~~.loJ!t h F '} .Pte, J-~~~~.~b.i~~... e. ~. '. , T e amI y. kihd folks there IS no inference being nlade i to you ethers, aU I can ay is that quit'! a few ,l!"all1 s are till' scheduled ' but the", can t be played if flin?., are not on hand to pay umpire3; S~T.-ONLY etc. The Dayton Umpires If-I,a-rd -Fiste d ' , Association, whlCh nas ;,andlpd GEO . O'BRIEN 'in ALLo TME NTs THIS SEAS ON W~LL BE ~LADD in 1!he gamtes with' a ' l1ttlc! help from ' Mijddlet'owp, has admit. tedly done a spJendilii job all sea on in maintainin~ rIa v l>l1 And CARTOON. a 'hj~h basis. Its $9 fee' t0r' two PLUS: 2nd Chap .' Serial. ----~~ umDlres is not hi-gl) accordrng a SUN .-MO N, to preset)t standards, .50 th f're .CASH AWARD
. k ~'
r - ..,
. , SAIGOrN"
: SHOR~ "
Listings Wanted
Buyers , Waiting ·
Roy E. Smith R. R. 2 WaY!1esviile On State Rt. .!l8, \i; mi. North
of R·t., 73
Phone Centerville '056
.. ,.'.'
':, i
-to '
' & SPOR T ~HORT .•
Fa irl ey Bd we .
PltON E 2441
6 -
W.,.l IviII e ~
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. rather small. Unfortunately the Soldiers,!' h~ping 1:ha1 most. of h the p~ople tnew ' It. The ftrst people had to stand up b ut t ey verse weill fine but the second are now providing seats. Tues- verse was a little weak when a A FARM DIARY d'ay night the meeting at train came by and no 'one could Oregonia was bc!tter ' atte,nded tell whether we knew the words by D .J. FRAIZER , and they had moved t~e pews or not. of tbe local church over III front Southern Ohio is full of August 20, 19'4 8. " Go o~ t of the trail~r So ' that th 7re wer.e -churches but it is sad that in too into the highways and the by. places to SIt. Seven 0 clock is many cases the churches are ndt ways arid cOJnpel th em to come r~t~er ea~ly for farm people to . full of lPeople. St~ltistics show in." That is what the Wayside fmls~ their chor,es and attend a that about 53 'per cent of the Cathedral and the men of th e service, b~t Betty an,d qlenna people 'in the United States are Betty ~ three ;connected with some church, Church Army a re tryi~g to do. along wIth young:sters, and 'Glenna's one 1Jut how manv' of them have a Up and down the highways and lO· the 'car an~ started (}lit. real working ever<yday '. relig. piled bywa.-ys of Warren Courtty they' ' Just as we · got .well s~arted I ion? have gone making a survey of Where the cathedral makes the cfiurch affiJiation of the heard the rum.bhn~ n01s~ that ? I n.ever recogmze I~medlately, longer visits, the m~n are able people. \ , h Yesterday I was <;>ne of the whl.c means ?l flat t!re. vye pull- to conduct Bible school and drivers. We staded .from house ed mto a nelgh~or s dnve and other , meetings as well as hold _ . _ to house. The student. that was . to. our. great reh~f~, Jean and .a ' 'evening services. School will ~v~u uoe Ij"'~ lim. with me went to each house of fnend came out and changed It the people ana whether they for us.' ~hat a blessing to have ing. Mpthers are getting out ~he were members of any church good neighbors! It was late then school ' clothes and wondenng and if so which one. At some but since .we had started we how they are going to let down homes we got a friendly ' recep- wen.f on. ,When we. got t~ere the this dress and whe.t her .Jimmy tion and stopped to chat a while .preacher ,:was , ~nnounclllg the can get in~o this pair . of before Jeaving the invitation to 'ext. WI{! hurrted the chIldren pants. Th'e kids are wondenng attend the meeting at the out of the car and when we got . which (teacher they will have to the seats, the' front pew was· and pret.ending they are sorry to trailer. , One woman s,aid "I don't the only one v~cant. Wh~n the go back but most of them are want none, Bub. " Before she ,s,ermop w.as ?ver and I~ w~s .looking forward to it, if only even found out what it was. tJm~ f~r the fmal 'hymn, It was for ' a good game.of ball at reAnother woman burned the begmt,tlllg t? ge1 dark. We ~h?se cess. If tbe children haven't had papers quickly as if they might to san.g .Onward Chnstaan their eyes' and teeth checked be some form of witchcraft that over, it ought to be done before would contamin~te her by school starts. Beginners ought merely resting in her hand. to have their vaccinations now Others took them politely and a to save theml from sore "arms few may even read them. a~ter school starts. . , Representing , ,The meeting at Lytle was Weatbeimer & Cc..mpany ELECTRIC HAY D:RYER IS REVOLUTIONIZING Members New Y o n~ Slod Exchan,l.:'es and )tt1 cr FARMERS' METflIODS - registered Exchan ~ t: ~ , There have been many Investment Trult Share. changes on the farm in the last B.ou~ht . Sold - Quoted ten years but the . most rev-J:utionary change has been Phone Waynesville 2530 ,Dayton AD325'1 brought about py the applic~.....- - -..........- - - - - . . . . . cation of ' a five h . p. electriC . motor and fan to the drying at hay in the barn. - ~ , , Hay 'has always been one (If the'. farmer 's mOSt valuable II-De FolWIt. Inv.ntor crops, .and has been one of the radlo tub.. born. 187&. crop_s most often lost beca~se , .. 'X;~~ ~ - ..._ , 4-~""':":'--=-=-~:--:---:-,::--::-:-=---:--of r.ainy weather. , No'M, With ':.0-' • I7-Battl. 01 Lono JaIand. . ~.; " . -":" - .• ~' ' I
:J)r,,' RtJglJ
Prescription For Your Car
1' ' .
28-U . S. troop. land on , Japon. 1945. ,
2I-OJiver Wendell Holmes
' ~o
.. .
. II
Mr. and Mrs. George Swain of Pendleton, Ind., and ' Miss Marion LongshQre, of Langhorne, Pa. were guests of the . Home during the ·Indiana Yearly Me~ting.
Mrs. Olive Curl attended Wilmington Yearly Meeting fro,m. Monday ut1ti1 Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. M,ilton Sheehan of Centerville, Ohio called on
bOm. ,I~.
Jamestown, 1619,
:l1-Firet auto.
':Ol~ PacifiC,"
crosses U,S., 1903,
SEPTEMBER . I-Chlld lolA.,
Use The Almanac To .
Check The Weather But Use
:Too Buy,
sen, Rent"
,Loan, Borrow, , ' Any Time The Year
- --- - - -
Th e W es' \Mayne Anv; Dry
Coun cil met on Frida y eve nin~ at th e home of Mr . . and Mrs. Ernest Harlan, with Mr. L. Rye leading the discu si( n f "Taxes. " Nine -een membe r ' and one gu.~t, Mrs. Fred Pric . hard . of Lewi ton, 111., were present. . Fo il winK adjournm ent fruit salad, wafer ali d iced tea were served .. - - - - - -
- - - -- - ----
. ..
Mr. and Mr . C. Lee Haw ke, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Fromm, J. C. Hawke, Mr. and. Mr. Don Hawke,- Mr. and Mrs., Clyde Fr<1l11l11, Mr. and Mrs. , M. F. Weltz and famil y and Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald Hawke attended the ft1 nnllaJ Hawke r L1J1ion 0 11 Sun day a.t the h IJl t' of Mr. and Mr :: Walter Larri k nea r Lebanon. Mr, Haw ke, Mr. Ronald Hawke and Mrs. ' Melvin Banta we re agair1 elected to serve as pres ' ident, vice.president. and secre=
3O-Fu'St NeQr08S amy. at
arg 0
t... \.raw~i
~erhaps your car needs a tonic. Is it U_!11[ too nme n . gas slow on the pick.up? Drive in -we'll diagnose the trouble and prescribe accordingly . . ' . or phone now; we'll pIck up and deliver your c~r.
; Mr. and Mrs. Mack Davis alld son left Sat.':lrday. !~ pend a few days With their son and daughter-in-law; Mr. and Mrs', . Ch arles Davis, in Albu- ' ,querqll·e,. N, Mex.
KltR'S Garage ' ANY PROFESSION MUST DEPEND upon the. final j.udge. ment 'of 'those who , employ its service. . the bereaved ,families who : have caJled us · for many years and continue ' to do so, give ~s their entire . approval -- 'vol. un tari1y. '. OUR THANKS. TO ALL OF THEM.
• \ ( " -t.
the use of the electric hay dry- THE MIAMI GAZETTE' PAGE. er hay can ·be put in the 'barn' - WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. 14383 while it is ' ~ti11 green with a THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 948 moisture tontent of up to .45 The large fan (36 to 48 m. an , Mrs. Alice Clar.k Sunday morndiameter) driven by a ,5 h. P. ing. electric mptor, blows up to Miss Mary Boston left Sun20,000' cubic feet. of air up day for a visJt with friends and through the hay. This picks up relatives in ' Pendteton, Ind., the moisture from the hay and and Indianapolis. keeps it cool at the same' time. Mrs. Charles James was a So far as it is known, no barn dinner guest on Wednesday has ever burned down from the 'evening of Mrs. Leah Mills and, combustion of green hay when on Friday evening her gues~s an electric nay dryer has b~en were hen·son, IWiInam Strouse, in use. The moisture of the hay and wife. will be lowered to less ,than Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kersey 20% after ten days operation and two little daugHters of of the. dryer. This IS considered ' Ph ill ips'burg, '0 . called on their a safe moisture content for aunt Miss Margaret Edwards proper storage. ' Sunday afternoon. , According to I. P. Blauser, Ex,. Mr. and M,rs. Irvin Dodson of tension agricultural engineer of Ohio State University Indianapolis visited their aunt, an ~ , sis 'shows that hay cured Miss Minnie Dodson, Thursin ' the barn by an electric hay da y afternoon. -Miss Aludrey Eden of Kansas; dryer is one \grade and class better th.an the same hay dried City called on Mrs. L. M. Hendin ' the field. He also st,ates that erson Sunday. ... there is less loss of leaves and green color. ' Blauser says ', the RAINBOW' COUNCIL cost of operation is largely the The Rainbow Advisory , tost of electric power ,and ' will Council met on Tuesda y even. be from 50' cents to S 1 per ton ing at the home of Mr. and . to dry. . Harold Wertz. Taxes and 'M!rs. It can easily be seen from the above fIgures that an their appropriation were discuss:electric hay dryer will pay for ed, and furth er plans were itself in one to two years wh.en mad e for the Columbus trip. The Council adj ourn ect to it will increase the value (if the meet with Mr.· and Mrs. Lon the hay froll') $5 to "lO per Alford in .5.epteniber. Ice cream ton as feed at an operation and cak' e and fruit punch were cost only Soc to $,1 per tc n. served;
LESLIE R. ROTHMAN Lebanon,' Ohi.o ~ 'R: R. 2 (
'G oodyear
Sh•• aepalr Seryle. Invisible Half SOli.n r .'Orthopedic Corrections Cork ExtenSions
Hear,. Hi." MaeDer
-- . .rry St.: :~.~~ ~':..
Yes, the education of your children, their entire future welfare, is yout responsibility. Discharg.e it conscientio,usly and EAlSILY by saving REGULAR. LY. We are r'eady to- help you now. Stop in I
' ' ~'';'' .NatieUl.- Buk_.
M~. and Mrs. Harry Satt~r7 thwalte held "Open H"ouse"" on Sunday afternoon and about tOO friends and relatives called , to congratulate them on their 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Henry R. Satterthwaite, Mrs. Ralph Satterthwaite and, Miss Bonnie Satter,thwaite presided at the tea table where punch, cookies and candies were ser-
Columblll8, Ohio, August U, 1948 ,Enllineer of Sal •• Legal Copy N~. 48·+12 UNIT PRICE CONT:flACT
Sealed proposals w111 be received at the otnce ' of .the St.8Ite Highway Director or Ohio, at Columbus', Ohio until lO:OO A. 1M., Ohio ~tandard
' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hartsock, Mjss Jean Ha~tsock, Mr. .and ' Mrs. A. H. Earnhart and grandson, Glenn Earnhart, ,Mr. Alton Earnnart, MI;'. and Mrs. Warren Braddock and grand-daughter called on Mr., Mrs. Gene Collett of Arizona, at the home of Mrs: R. D. Collett in New Burlington .' , Sunday.
Mrs. Winifred Hartsock and son, David, arrived home Mon. day after spending the sunimer with'her son-in-l'aw and daughte.., Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank Hawke in Illinois, Mrs. Hawke ana ' children accompanied Mrs. Hartsock and will remair. until Labor Day.
Tuesday, September 14, 1948; for improvements In: a~o 8'9 pa~JJo ~ 9Alsn[;)U'I 9 01 t 'SON Sl'9sodo.IcI projeot and will be awarded as one contraot. , PROPOSAL No. 1 vI~d. Clinton CouDJty, Ohio, on Section 7,93 (Part), State Route NQ. 35tl, In Clark, Washington and Green T.own~ips, 'by applying a bituminous treatment, Hem T-31. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Reason Pavement: Widlbh Hi feet. had as recent guests, Mr and Length 23,39004 · feet or 4.43 miles, Mrs .. John Reason of Toledo. PROPOSAL 'No.2 ' Clinton County. Ohio, ' o.n S ectio n 6.00, State Route No. '1.33, In Marion and Vern,on Townships j py applying a bltumtnous trea~,ent, Item T-31. PavemenJt: Wid,th 1'6 t-eet. , Leng th 17,371.2 feet or 3.29 miles .. K~R . PROPOSAL No. 3 BROKERS L.CENSE Warren County. Ohio, on Section 0.46, statEl Route No. 133~ In washl~gtton For D.t... Phone 28M. W.vn ..ville . -Townshlp, by applying a bituminous treatmenlt, Item T-81. Ohio. Reverae Chara .. . Pavement: Width 16 'feet. Length 3,590.4 feet or 0.68 mile. PR'OPOSAL 'No.4 warren Couruty, Ohio, on Sections 0.00<, 1.57. (3 .O<S ButtervUle) and 3.59. I ' SMITH ELECTRIC SERVICE. State Rout IND. 1-32, In Harlan. and Washington Townships, by applylng,_ blrt:uminous ·trea1:lment, !tep} T-31. , , For that extra Receptacle :Pav'emellJt: Wl1dth 18 feet, Length 55.598.4 teet. ~ld~h 18 , feet. L ength 2.966.8 feet. Or Anything Electrical Total L ng,t h 58,555.2 f eet, or 11.09 miles, , . PROPOSAL No.5 ' HoUle Bam - Outbuilding8 Clermont County, Ohio. on Sec.tlon 27.15 (P~rt). S ~ate Route No. 132, in Goshen To'wnshlp, by applying a Ibitumlnous tretltment, Item T-M. - Pavement: Wfd.th 18 feet. Length 6,072 fE-et or 1.115 miles. To.tal estiMated cost .................. , ............ , .. .. .. ,. . . $1'6,658.33. Proposa!ls NoC'. 1 to 5 incluRlve ('If thiR project to be omvteted not later than 0 tnher 15. 1948. , ' , Tille minimum wage to be paid 'to a ll labor E'mnlnypd on this con~ac.t Rhflll bl?' In accordan e with tfte "Schedule of Prevll11lne- HourIV' Wa.l"'9 Rail'S ,Ascertained and D termined by The Departm ent of Tndugt~.t a' Relation'!'! a npilcAlh14;l tQ ~tntE' Hf~h'WA Y D nartmpnt lmprnv<>m-en.tR In flC 01'<1t ance ~th Sections 17-3, 17-4, 17-4a, 17-5 a.nd 11-580 ot the General Code of Ohio." " The bidder must submit with his bid a certified ch eck In an amount equal to five per cent of .tlbe estlma.ted cost, but Itt no event more than . ten thOusand dollars. Plans and specifications ta.r~ on file i.n the department of hlghways IN ~ and the office of the resident district deputy director. . Th e director reser,ves the right ,to reject any and all bids,
Something dos:g nery moment at this big, clean, modern falr. Exhibits in endless variety. ·Prize winning products of field, orcbard and garden. Livestack of finest breeding. The latest in farm machinery. Housebold improvements and deco(ations. Art, science, health, educal:ion. Radio, television, electronics. Music, plays, contests, 'games. Daily parades, excellent harness races, a great borse show, mirthful midway fun. Good , food and refreshments. Sanitary .rest rooms. Come and get your share of information, enter. tainment and thrills.
CaJI Smlttr
'HOMAS .I. HERID' , Governor of OhIo PRANK 'ARNSWORtH IDWIN J. IAnI DIrector of ""rlculture State FaIr Monage' ADMISSION: Adults SOc plu. Fed.rol tax. '
Children 25c. Fr••, parking. opposite 17th Avenu. entrance.
'JArUI •• YOU'.' 80UND ro INIOY • Cattle, Sheep, Swln., Goot" Draft Hone,. • Poultry, Robblt., Cavl.... • IOMllllon Dollar" Parade of , llv.,'ock. e Act.. of 'arm Mochtnery. • New C.rtlfled S..d Show~ ,e Dally, Tractor Parade. • JunIor FaIr - Ohio yoilH actlvltle •. • Slate D.p't ExhlblhScience, H.olth, Educatlor Con,ervatlon, Hlghwo ye Crlm. O.t.clion. • RadIo Show" Broadcall•• Band., Choral 'GrouP' , Quartettu, Solol, Play •.
• 'Superb Grandstand $h.: f r; ~: :; :: ,,::. !Jb Jcay. I
Tills New/pIper
8tart:e High WRY Dlrec tor
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elzey and daughter, Marjorie of Day. ton, spent \Vedne~(l a\r with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey. '
for ·locol or. Stat. Rot••
SATURDAY, AU:CUST 28.. 1948 -
VI.lt this 'New.pap., •
;\ \r, Al'fd M '~. Ma~ D. Hart· S(/ :' K ilnd so.. :, 1 were Sunda'{ t.:u~sU of Mr. and Mr,;. V'; P. ~t r;1 de rand s'ms in Da IIton.
AT 1:30 P•. M.
Oil: Route t 23 - About 14 Mile' East of 3-C, Near Roachester
Call, Wire or Write, . our represe.ntatives
R. R. 1 '.
NO GUESSWORK. • • OUr .otor elperts ...'1 4~_" ... ,.. cai. bealtb. 'like ,0. OWl Met.r, we lliapne tile Ir............ ~ • ·• •Ic~ repairs. WE ' ALSO HAve a)MPLBTB PACLITIIS ' RlR BLBCTRICAIl MC WELDING AND
WBLoIN,G.;' "
;;·t '
OPEN 11U. • P. III
·P lpnoatb·
PUB~ICSALE 10 miles South of Xenia, 8 , miles .. North of Wilmington, off of ROUTE 68, % mile East of LUMBERTON, on WICAL ROAD, at 1 :00 O'CLOCK, P. M., on /
SATURDAY; S~ER 4, 1948
ifhis Farm is improved,with 7-ROOM F,RAME HOUSH, Batb, ,'EnClosed , Back Porch, strictly MOPERN except furnace. Int~rior recently decorated. 42 ft. x 5'2 ft. Barn1 (.1ticken House, Garage and Work Shop and all other necessary outbuildings. W~ter under pressure in barn and feed lots. 70 Acres tillable, 32 Acres of good Blue .Grass with running water. All good fences. Land in High State of Cultivation. Ideal Stock an~ · Dairy Farm with plenty of shade. Will be offered with up .. start bid of $167.00 per acre (a low starting price for such a farm, eitheras,a home or as an investment.) :rERMS-:10% of purchase price on'day of sale. Balance on delivery of deed within 1,5 days. December Taxes paid by present oWne~. Farm offered at 2 :00 o'clock P. M., Prompt. Immediate ,Possession. , " . FARMALL F-14 TRACfOR - On rubber, with ·Cultivator. Oliver ~-botton:t , 12 inch breaking plow. FARM IMPLEMENTS - M. & M'Coln Planter, Fertilizer and check-row horse drawn or tractor, has planted only 40 acres. IHC Mower, go.od· as new. Dunham Disc, good as new. 10.' boe Superior Grain Drill. Wagon. Sl~d. MISCELLANEOUS - Hog Feeder. Water fountain. Hog ,Troughs. New Electric Brooder, Soo-chicks size. 'Chi~ke~ , feeders. t 2 rods of 4-inch Tile.. 12 rods of No.9 47-inch . Fence. 20 rods ,of Hog' Fence Posts. 2 squares of Corl1lgated ,. Roofing. Shovels. Forks. Many Other Small Tools. n:ED - Hay, in Mow. . . ' . . ~....I$· ' " GUERNSEY COW with 3rd Calf, by sk\e. ''f? ' '. 24 - HEAD OF SHEEP ... 24 ' .,;" 23 Black Face Montana E~es, 2 ,and 3 years o!d! R.am!.
,-,OUSEHOLD GOODS ·- Estate Oil Heater with Pan used one winter. Hot Blast CO.at Heater, . used' one winter. Estate Range. Sma:ll Perfection Heater. 3.piece Uviog Room ,
Suite. 2 Beds, complete. Day Bed. 2 Dressers. Wash Stand, Writing Desk~ Extension Table. Chairs.. Glass',Chum Ds...... , ' etc. ' . " . IONI .
TERMS ON ~II"'S CASH. . ' .' , PARMER STANLEY JESS STANLEY & EARL KOOGLER. AuctiQoeers. .(Waynesville Ph. 2894). (Dayton ph. KE.8819) , MO~RIS &. SIMS, Oerks. _ .
tion, shall b, reduced accordlnslr, or be eliminated enUrely In calle autficient .funds from such income are avallable and set aside for that purpose. , Section 9'. That the VUlNe Clerk be an4 here'by la ~ directed to cer~ a , copy of this ordinance to the A!ud~tor of Warren dOU'lty, Ohio. Section 10. For the reasons stated In . the preamble, thia ordl'I18llCe 18 declared to ,b e an emergency, mea.sure and sbaJl become e~ectlve lmmedlately upon Hs p~. ,Passed by rth~ Counell, August a. 1948. Signed by the Mayor, August u.
'0 .
the rate of not more than four (4) provid ~ d by law, Ib'u,t for not les9 per centum per a.n:n~ ' paYlElble than' par and a.~ued Interest; and s emi-annually on the! first day of the' pr~ds from such sale, except An OrdInance providing tor the DON'T FORGET TO ' CALL January and the tlrs't day of July as aforesaid, sball be paid into the issue and sa.le ot bDnds a.nd/or us for insurance. All types 'of insurance a t a sa vings. Call notes of the Village o! Wa.ynesville In ea~h year ut:lUl ' the prln'c lpal prope~ fund. Th~' ~ond aale a4verFrancis Gene Brown, phone for the purpose of extendlng, ~n- ' sum Is, pa.ld, and e~.}} mawre ac- tisement shaLl sta.te It hat anyone deWaynesville 2472 , or can lalWi08, arid improving Water Worka cording' to law In annual ,install- Siring to do so may pr.esent a 'bid tacl11t1es to the extent tlbat the 'in- m ents atter th&lr Issuanc.: Provid- or bids ,itOI' such 'bonds based upon collect. \\ i1mi,ngton 2111. come from such wa.ter works is ed, however, that If bids ar~ re- theIr 'b earing a different rate ot I SE;LL THE EARTHsufticient to cover the coat 9f all cejved and the bond~ are awarded interest tban the maximum herein_ , ., - J - - _ _ llased upon a lower r1lJte of intelleSt before fixed, provIded, however, I F YOU ' HAVE ANYTHING operating expenses, and interest than " hereinbefore spe~1fled" such that fI1a.cUona'}. Il1Iterest rates shal~ 1948. charges on such bonds and/or notes, tn Rcal ~~ t;tte for sale, ~et in and be one-quarter of ODe per centum, bonds shall l;)ear such rate of Into provide sufficient amount tOllch with en E. Cline. lic- ,for retirement H. M. S~RWOOD or sinking fJUnd to terest as may be sp 1eci1'ied In the or ·multlple tbereof. The amount , tms.ed .hroke r. S rin g Valley, Mayor ot , the Village of retire such bonds as they ·become r.esolutlon of. this Council approving of the bond ,o r certified checli to Oh IO, Jt1 R~al Estate Bu -iness due. waynesville, Ohio. ' the award thereof. Salld 1>0nds shall accompariy bids shall be ,one per since 191 1. Experien tells. Attest: CHARLES JAMES Wlhereas the wells furnLsbing wa- 'be ome due and paya'ble senally, ' ceOltum (1%) 01' the amount of try me an is -e. Clerk of the Oouncll ter to ,the VU~ge of , wa~esvUle , $500.()O on September 1st In each of bonds to be 801d. - 8~ 6 Sectton 7. That th,ere shall be have been con~einned. and wibereas th years from 1960 to 1961, bot" --------------~~-rOR SALE, it is necessary that runds be provid- in lusive, the last bond to 'mJl.ture, set aside aJlnua.lly from the In-, come or the Water 'Wiorks a sum ed immediately In order to meet ho wever, to be in thE~ prlnoipal aFOR SALE - YeHow or white the nec~ssary reqillrements of .t he m unt of $300.00. The principal and suffiCient to PIlLY tale i'lllterest on asweet corn for cannin,g- Village of Waynesville, OhiO, for in terest of 8.11 of said bonds shaH for sai~ bo~ ds and/or notes, and 1?e La val Cream Separator, impt'ovlng its water supply a~d ~or be . ~able at the o~flce or' The to retlre ai;oresald Ibonds as they 'lIke new . - 14-inch Grain the immediate preserva;t1on of the W a.ynesvUle !Bank In the Village of respeotlvely fall due al!l speCified. in Bu,ster Hammer Mill ,t his ordinnnce. , j)ubJic peace, property, 'health and Waynesville, State M Ohio: Small Corn Shredder. Phone safety; " ecli, o n 8. That for Ithe purpose That said bonds shall express 'Up2101 E. L. Harlan of providing, the , necessary funds to VVlnereas, this counC!1 has request- on t heir fSice the purpose for whlc.h Waynesville. --:8i6 , ed the Village Clerk to issue his ,they are, issued; thaJt th ey are Is- pay the interest promptly and to _ .-- -------charge t he said bonds and/lOr lONE ELECT OLUX Kerosene c rUficate as 'to the estimated Ilte sued In pursuance of this ordlnaTlCe, di notes Rlt ma t,u l'ity, there sha,l1 be and shall !be signed , by the ' Mayor Size 7. A-1 Conaition. Phon~ of the improvement to be constructlevied on all the tauble property In and Vlllage Clerk, ami' sealed with , 2441. -826 ed from !the proceeds of the bonds said VlHage. in add'ltlollt to all other the corpora t e sen.l of said Vllbige. h,e reinafter referred to and of the bonds shall bear , taxes, ' a. . direct tax .annuafIy , during n A. ~. C. Electric Washing ' ~otes, if any, to 'De tssued in , anti- Said Machme. In o'ood condition Cipation of the Issuance of said such consecutive numbers as , the tlle, perlo~ for ~Icn aid bonds ar\i rno.tor ,in good hape, good bonds, and as to the maximum V1llage Olerk hall de;termine. Said to run, which tax: shall be not less wr mger. Tel. Dayton maturity of such . bonds and/t>r ibonds shall be deslg~ated Water than the Interest',an4 sinking ~ fund tax required !by Section 11, · Art. 'N\O-7.458. Near L tie on notes;, and the Village Clerk !has Works ~mprovement BlOnds - 1948," XLI, of the Constitution of Ohio. . 'ILytle Road. Section 3. Thrat the pro'c eeds from certifIed to ,t his Oouncn su<!h estiN'ORR.'8 B,ROCK COMPANY That all funds derived from said' the sale of sadd 'bonds, except the mated Ufe as exceeding five (6) Cinoinnati Union StOCk Yard. trictlv Fresh Eggs For Sale. years tax levies hereby requll'ed shaLl be and has further certified the premium and accrued Interest thereLive Wire and Ptogre •• ive. An Irvin Mulford, Phone 2723. maximum placed In a separate and distinct maturity ot auen bonds as on, shall be place,cr In !the Treaauryoraanization second .10 non•• -99 fOrty (40) years and of such notes to the credi~ of, the ';Va.~er Works ' fund, which, ' together with all ' InStrictly •• on the beet terest collected on the same, sball Extension and I~prov'ement 'Fund. all around market In the ' OOL . HI RTS Jumper, and as two (2) years. be 'Irrev~cablY pleC:tK'e d 'f or pay- . country. Section 4. That if it Is necessary, Now. therefore. be it, o.·da~ ned by Raincoat. Size Junior 9. l ment of the Interest, an~ principa l this Council hereby dete~lnes that SIEBVICE THAT SATISFIE$ t.he . OounCiI of , the ' VlllSBe of ,Phone 2099. ' -826 WHIO, Dayton 12: 60 E. 'S. T. of Slttel bonds and/or notes when ' Dotes shall be Issued .In antlclpatlon Waynesvllle, State of Ohio, ' Dial , U.O W'l.."W Cincinnati ' 'and as the same shallifall due. 1ST ATE 'HEA T'ROLA . Fuel Oil ,Section 1. That the necessity be .of the Issue of said bonds. 12: 40. nfal 700. for Our Da:1Iy !ProvIded, , however, that during ,Section 5. Thrut such anticipatory , Stove wit-h tubing- and drum. and is hereby declared of Issuing Market Repor.&.. eaGD of said years when the surplus gee 'Pat Hopkins, Route 1. and sell1ng bonds ot the Vlllage ot notes' l:n th-e-amOt:tJtt-1,t not e%eeed , ' -92 Waynesville pursuant io the genera.. lng $5,800.00, the amoUllJt of the bond e,arnlngs of the Water W.orks 'o f laws ' of th~ Sta.te : of Ohio In the issue, shall , ,be issued, bearing in- e.a.1d Village, are sufflclenrt:, and a . . cCormick-Deering Corn Bin- prlnclpaJ tel'est not to exceed the ralte of portion ther!30f is set aside for the amo,u nt of not more than der. Phone Centerville 7590. $5,800.00 In order to provide a fund tive (5) .per "Centum \ per annum, purpose of meeUng lthelntereat , -99 pawable at maturity (o~ semi-an- 'charges upon these bonds &lld refor the purpose- ot Improving ' Ita ~~Ill;C' fIlueh ot them B.8 mature dur,llUally). Such notes slilall be dated iU PE ' TOMATOES. Walter water, supply by extending the water ing such year, then 't he tax levy for August 16, 1948, 8)nd shaU mature For Dakin, Wa~lle - ville, Route mains to attach to the new sources ' ,SUM year as required by tbls aecon Au~st 16. 1950 (plrotVlded, howof supply, a~d constructlDlg facllWes 1.. -92 Grectter Safet v , of Farm Owner- -- - ---...,.......::.-.--- to co~nect onto lIuch wells. e,r ectlng ever, that such notes shall be 1'8l\t.J\NTED. ship , shelter for said , w~lls. pumps, fb:- " deemalble at any Intorest , period). SuCh no.tes sball be executed and ~ures and a.Ppurten~ee. and for aU ' Fillance with a Land Bank LOan ILOERLY LA1DY ,to be com- other expenses In connection there- del1vered in such nurq.ber and lIuch .LONG TERMS ~ panion for " another elderly wtth, Including the COllts ot pre- denominlations as may be requested ' $8.60 COWS Hidy.. Phone Spring Valley <llminary LOW INTEREST surveY's an4 the printtne by the puichaser of: Such notes. 7.60, HORSES 3-734L , -8'26 and publishing Such notes sh&11 J:>e es:ecute4 by the REPAYMENT PRMLEQE.~ of the notices, resol2.25 eWt. HOGS Mayor. and Village Cllerlt' and lre;ar , uUons , and ordlnanees requirild ,In, Accor ". to Size • Condition LOAN ASSOCIATION 'fARM EQUIPMENT the seal of the Corl)Oration. S41d oldeni thereto: and to provide a Also, All SMALL STOCK Rocm SOld Baak Bldg. We can give you , prom'IJt, ef- fund tor the paYm~nt of not to notes shall !be dellligllated "Wa.ter , REMOVED PROMP11. Y II ' S_ Broadway , fident service on your JOHN exceed one year's Interest on said Worka Improvement ]N'ot_, - 1948." 'P hone - ,LEBANON, OHIO Phone 488 DEERE Farm Equipment. bonds. all belD.&' for the use and Said notes 1Ih&11 be payable &t the XENIA WILi'.flNG1'ON Stop in fot estimate. large benefit of the ent~e V11la8e. includ- Office" of the 'WayneBYtlle Natlo~l Ellis H. StunD," Sec'y-Treu., Bank. TlJe,. shall expro811 upon their Stock of Genuine,John Deere ing all ,of Us inhablta:nta. LEBANON ,NATIONAL FARM ,Sectlon 2. Th8lt Bald bonds of ~e face the purpose, for' wbicb 'the,. Char... ' VUlap of Waynesville ahall be 18- ate iseued and that ,they are laaued ordillahce. lebanon" Ohio Phone 555' sued In said priJ,lclPai sum not ez- ,pursuant to Seot1on 6. Said bondlil and/pr DOte. ceedlng $6,800.00 :ror the purpose ashall be tlrst offered~, 1to tlle BlnJWlg OUDEN BARN EQUIPMENT foresaid. Said ,bOnds shall be of the Fund Ttustees (or tbl& offlcer h&vdenomtnatlon of $600.00 and shall be Issued In :one lot and 8O,d pursUant lng charge of ,t he BOI~d Retirement A Y TRACKS &, CARRIERS to ~he -general laW8 and ConeUtution Fund) ot . the VlDage, and so many 'T ALKS and STANCHIONS of the Stat~ of Ohio, particularly ' of the eame &:8 ahan not be taken b7 LITTER CARRIERS the Un.1!orm Bond Act of the Gen- aaid Trusteell (officer) shall be 11014 WATER BOWLS ' eral Code; ' shall bear ~tereet at ,by the Village Clerk In the maDner , ORDINANCE
No. 201
- - - -- - -
I~LEMmr' ~.
. Available For Deliv~r,v Free Batn Planning 'Service 'Call us tor estimate at no obli.. ' \ ,gation.
SIZE ~ cONDrrtOft .
,BANTA IMPLIMINT Co, .......,.., Ohio ...... 165 "
S0 ; HOGS "
Armitage &',Son
-uNo .... GiAvEi.~ BLA~TO.
~ wish to thank our friends 2nd neighborS for their cards and sympathy following the IItcent loss of our daughfer. Mr. and Mrs. John Mercer.
. - -826
, E. G. Buchsleb, Inc.
The Miami Varied Events Slated "Ii 'A ZEIT E: ArFattFes,tival'Here
By Smitty
The Freedom Train will be SERVING WAYNEiSVILLE SINCE 1_ j n Dayton next Tuesday for, No. 4384 FIVE C'E NTS A COIPY ' what thea.tre people wo'uld call a "one-day stand." From 1,,) WAVNl!SVILLE; OHIO THU' R~~AY. SEPTEMBER 2" 1948 A. M. to 10 P. M., resljents -r' ,of' .this part of Qbio may see the three carloads of documents' that , made America, free " I '" or: . helped keep it that way. Tho~e who miss It then can catch it at Sp ringfield the follewin.1t d,ay. The train is now nearing th~ end oJ ils nationwide tOUI after more tI1an a yea.r d , 'visit!ng major cities for a day or two at a t ;nl ;;. \Vh erevl~r it ~aes, it ,s a traffic.stopper. When ,the train was at Dover; Del., last year, I stood in line for mOre · than thr,ee bours under an October sun to see ,the exhibi.t. The double ' 1in~ was several blocks, long, and rngress was slow because n'o one moved very fast inside the tnrin. ' Dozens of ~chool b~s~s from a wide area p~oiJred _ out hundreds of youngster~ in a holiday mood. Balluoh venders' had a field day and the The delicate task of pi~king , (ufp per center), daughter of rrtevitable lost balloons soared out the "Cutest Kidd i:!" fr.Jm Mr. and' Mrs. J. R. I(yerson of ' " into t"e , sky~ , . Behind tjle gaiety of the oc- the photos taken ' recently' at Route I,. Third prize went to casion was a solemn· note of tli Grange.'Hall has been com- Christy Dalton, (lower 1,e ft). awe and , apprecia.tLon ,- for pleted by three ' impartial .J ud- 2%, year. old daughter of M.r. the liberties ' that the train re- ~es . and Mrs. H. H. Dalton. Fourth The winner is 2o -month-old was 2 presents and for tbe lives that year -01d . Kenneth had been ,dev9te.i to their Howard Storer, son of Mr. and Croll, (lower centet.) son 'of ~ .ll ·:;e. Mrs. Donald Stn rer of Waynes- Mrs. Alice Croll of Third St.. If. you can p')'),;ibly arrange v ill ,' , ' H e is in til! up per left Others in the ,above set are to ~,ee U;e 127 ,ducuments on . • q,el of the abc,\"! series of , Irma Jean Tibbals (upper the Freedom " Tr;lm, by all. J:. jc lllrf$. right) age~ 151 months, ~lnd Second Prize went to , 7- Sheila Wil~erson~ 22 months, r. .(.CiT}S ~o so. m" n.ttl.-o~d . ...Sa..~dra· Ryerson both9f Waynesvi1le~, . ' ..... In the mail comes ~nother of those "definition" gag?: A c.l, mmunist ::, a guy w;,o pa , es a rich man's estate and 'mutters, ~o man should haye so much." A capitalist is a guy '", Jlu I :.U~~::; the'. s~l - ~ c.;ttlte :l'd says, "Someday I'll ', 'have a p1ace likf. that." .
- '·Cut'e K-ddlies, Here Are the W-IOmg
* -:
Chest X..Rays ·to Be"Offered at .Fair •
~onymous letters are one of the ,causes of editorial gray hairs -in every city:' Once, III a while the proverbial Mfss Am, Y. Mous ,has something interesting' to say. But it just isn't sound policy, to prin( anx m,aterial wilen Its writer isn t willing to back it up with his name. My latest sp.ecimen ,is a letter' oObjecfing to ~ething - ·that appeared in ' the Da.Yton Herald recently. .It is sign~d in a chilcfish s~rawl, . "Tile Citizens 'of , Harveysburg." 'If, he, she, or· they will ideptify himself, her:. self, or themselves, this.' paper , could print portions or th~ letter.
20 Teachers Given Class Ass'.-onments 0-
With approximately 575 pupils expected to be enrolled when school starts at 1. P. M.. ne xt Tuesday, the Waynesville ~ch oo ls are starting out with a full complement of. teachers. Supt. K. M. Retallick relea d th,e fb ll w'jog- . li~t of ~acult,x assl~nmen.t thiS week . , FI.r t Gr~de, .. M'T. Florence Ha tm g: and M~ s Joyc foote. ec nd rade, Mr . Qla KerseJ:..., , . rh.lrd Grt~de a.nd , f:l eme nt~ry pn,nclp al, MIs Vlrg'I!lla Hard m. . e~ond and thl,rd ~~ade,combmed, Mr. LuclI,le P~1l1e. Fourt~ Grade, Mr. Mildred , . ' hee.han. Fifth Grad e, MISS Dorothy Day.. . Fourth. a..nd, fl,fth ~ra,d~s c m_ bll1e~; MI " ElSie Weltz·. . . . SI.xth grade, at ld bUllOll1g, Charles McKnight. . ' , SIxth grade at high chool building, Mrs. Thelma Elzey. SeVenth and eighth -grade, Charles James. ' HIGH SCHOOL: Mrs. Edith Lukens, Home economics. Miss Florence Foxbower, commercial ,subjects. Ray Harper, ' science and mathematics. . Miss Mt\ry Margaret Anderson, ,English. _ . .
The ' Ohio· De,pt. of Publie 'no disrobing"just a few minutes ,Health Division of Tuberculosis of your time; Reports are conis , ~ringing to' the ', Warren Co. , fidential and aremailedtoyour 'F~lr, week of Sept. 20, a MO r . hom'e 'acldl.'ess j also a co{'y is bile X-Ray Unit. The X-Ray sent to your family physlcian~ Service will be' free and avaiI- , This survey is a part of ·the ,able t.o the public _ each day ~.ass case finding program befro~ 10-12 :30; ' 2-4{ , ~nd " mg conducted by ' the State evenmgs 6 :30-8. Health Dept. in cooper.ation E~c.h individual 15 years or with the Warren Co,unty He~Jth over, IS encouraged' to take ad~ Dept. a~d tne ,Warren Co. Tu,.. vantage of tlti~ . opportunity to . berculosis and Health AssociaThree 'per~ons we-r~ taken to, secu~e a -C~s! X-ray. There is tjon. . hospitals th'lS mornmg as 'a no mconvemence whatsoever, res~t of a oon~~n on m~e : ~~~~,~~~~_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~ Route 122' a quarter mile west M:' Ch . , Mr. and Mr . Fred Grauman of Misseldin~'s co~ner, ,inyolvit,lg and IW"!~nes~lfl' ~~3 ~. ~.:, Sa were , G~lled t Marysville oil a near~new Mercury .and 0 A M '-'m emb Kd' t'h' Fridcly by' the ' death of the for~ 1935 Cnevrolet. , '" f· '1'· . I . . e~ . an elr Thomas Baird of Middletown · amlles wll pICRIC at. Chautau. mer's mother and for her fUIDwas driving his Mercury on",· qU~ on SU,nday •eV,e.,mg, Sept- eral services on . Tuesday. M:rs. Route i 221 which had a f-resh ember 5, at. 6 0 clock. Grauman was 82 years of age and ~Iac~top :su~face. Robert C~ew ' Miss Ann Weltz, daughter of hip. had suffered a ' fraetur,ed of Wayn~vllle ,was a~empttng Maynard F Welt ' 5th ,0.. N tb to ' tum from Township Road ~ " .~' a. o~ when the crash occurt,ed. St., Waynesville, h~s. been 1I~Loyd Davis 'and son Cecil 'Baird's wife ' and young fermed l?y W .. F. .Blttlkofer,.dJ- , M. Davis, enjoyed fis~ing' at daughter, suffered cuts and were " rec~or ~f ad~lssio~s at C.Pltal Lake St. Marys o'n .Menday. ' taken to Lebanon and tllen to Untversl~y, Columbus, Ohio, ' ' . a Mjddletown hospital. Mr. Crew that sbe has beep accepted, for . Mrs:. John Treadway IS se!was taken to McClelland Hospi. the fall te,n n whicti. opens on ,1Ously 1I1 at her ,home ,on MalO tal jn Xepia by the 'McClure Septt~ber '1'3. , Mj~s Weltz t is , ?treet. am~ula~ee. He 'ras not believed fel.nerldollolnrgmusas.ca freShman in the READ GAZE:TTE to .be lOJU-re.d senously. . I • CI...lfied i
Carl L. Duke,' 71, died ·at his home in Brandenton, Fla., on Wednesday, Aug. 25. f .. n. eral serVices were held, at the ' M,cClure Funeral H.ome Satur~ dav afternoon with Rev. R. B. ~oJel?an. offiCiating. Burial was ItI Mra'Jlu Cemetery;-'-'-lishM!~d t~~~~ M~ret,ot1" Eng-, ' Mr. Duke lived ·the firsi 66 Mrs. Ca ro lyn ' Retallick, years of bi life n his , farm . d h' t 0!1 Route "73 we t of Wa yne~,sCience an IS ory. . Ville. He was an 'orcll'al'Ll' 'and ,\ -; B. ' CI abbe; - "9cational agriculture and shop. " landscape man. Edwll1 Porter, physical ed- . He i~ survived by hi " wife, Ethyl; tw ,sons, Paul of Trov uca.tion and coach. Doh Gahris, musiC. and Robert of IndIanapolis; a K M R t II k daughter, Mrs. H len Nash 0f E.t. dent: . e a , ic ,superinten- Worth, Tex. 2 sisters Mrs. Nellie Hinkle of Leba'twn and Mrs. Alice TriCkey of near Wayne~~ ville, and three grandchildren. ,
, The 15 "'th annual' sessl'on of v , the Miami Primitive Baptist , Association, will held at Mid-
The Little Mia'mi Pall Festival, to be held in .waynesville Oct. 1 2 to 16, will include s~ch varied features as a street dance old . fiddlers' contest, amateur shew, barbershop quartet con .. cert, school bands' contest, and. corn husking contest in addition to the 30 carnival concessions and four rides of the Hoosier State Shows. The committee ' arranging the affair, headed by A~ .,H. Stubbs, also has announced that ~he g-rand pri~e 'of the, festival will be a Crosley automobile to be given away at 11 P ' M. Satur, day, OCt. .1 6.' . . Meanwhile a sut) _committee is working- out a' schedule of cla ses and prizes for exhibits ' of farm pr auce, cookery and needle\ ark. Arlan 'ements are xpected to be mad to hold the e di 'plays In th Grange . Hall. , "Als a cbmmunity enterprise, the Little Miami Fall Festival will be as successful as you and I and all the, people in this area want t make it,' said an enthu in tic committeeman. _
Primitive Baptis~s , To H0Id ' Meeting
. '.
4 miles
of aellbroo on the Waynesville. Bellbrook' road at .10:30 .a .. m.friday~ Sept. '1'0. A basket dinner at noon will be foHowed by . afternoon, services. Supper' and evening services will be, held a.t the B'ellbrook ' schoolhouse. . Morning, afternoon, , and evening sefvices will be held on Safurday. Sunday- services will start at 9 :30 a. m'~ Elder D. B. Oliver or Hamilton will 'be moderator and Clarence Derrickson Glerk. ihe Mliddlerun church was organized July 2~, t 799,. 'Elder Joseph Moor.e of Daytdn is pastor:. Services ate held the third Sunday of each mon.th at t'0:30 'A. M·. and 1 :30 P. M. , ,.
MR~. ESS,E, CRAY Mr . , Essie Gray, 84, a lifel~ng re~ident. of Har,veysuurg, dIed Fnday ,nlglit at the home of her granddaught~'l M.rs. Kathleen Beck" in Daywn,. I . Sh~· is .survived 'by a son, Charles of Xenia; a brother, R6bert M100ney of' Lebanon; ,three grandchildren in addition . to Mrs. Beck. and six greatgrandchildren. ' Funeral services were held Mon'day afternoon at Harveysburg Friends C1lUrch,' followed by burial in MidclJe, Run Cemetery. Anangemerits' were in charge of A. H. Stubbs. bJ.u~'. LICENSES
' '
Drivers' and chauffeur's lieenses for 1949 Will go ,on sale ' at 9 a. m. Tuesday, Sept, 1., at Kier~s Garage, lot was ann~ue"ed , this week , ,by Phebe M;1Tfl~da; deputy registrar. , Tha i948 driver's licenses, which • Word ,has been reeeived ,here expire ~ept. ~3Q, must be ,p re, by the friends of Mrs." F. R. s~nted at the tigle Qf , ap,plicaM'oomaw, 'former resident, now bon. Each ;lp~licant for a of Chi1licothe, that'slte has been ch~uffeur~s permit muSt also removed to' the hospial and that present ,a photo 2~' , inches he~ condition 'has oecome very ' sqqare. ' taken .witbin 30 : Clays before his application. serrous. ' i
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moler had ,~s th~ir guest for. the past week: their daughter,' MrS. J. e. Riker of Battl~ ~reeJC. Mich.
Frank E. Thomas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas at thetr Cottage at StMary's. ~. I
The Miami Gazette 8STABLISBBO ' ,.ao. Publisned Every
At Wayne.ville, Ohio CARL G: SMITH, Edjtor Entered a. second cia •• matter at the P.st OHio. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATE: ,1.50 a Yea~ in Advanc.
11 • • • • -
. . . . . . ·CIIIO
\~~----~-------------------------------(To have events list~d in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette m.
. FRIDAY, SEPT. 3 T own Co uncil monthly meeting, 7:30 P. M. SATURDAY, SEPT~ 4 ' Farm ers Grange No. 13 SUNDAY, SEPT. ·S G O to church! MONDAY, SEPT. 6 . Labor Day. Eastern ' Star and Masonic picnic, 6 P. M. Sch ool Board's regular meeting, 8 P. M. Softball, Bellbrook vs.' Fairley's, 8 P. M. Boy Sco ut Troop 40 at 7 :15 . P. M. , . TUESDAY, SEPT. 7 Schoo l begms at 1 P. M. Buses start at 12 Fr~ed om 'T,in in Dayton, 10 A. M. to 10' P. . WEDNESDAY"SEPT. 8 Softball, Legion vs. Miller's, 8 P. M. . . THURSDAY, SEPT. 9 Softhall, Spring Valley vs. Kier's, 8 P. M:
.,;,\VcD "l' _- - .--_.
~ 4 '1 '~~'
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Events Coming Up before 4 p.
habilitation" of rural churches In the area. It commented: "While· most of th e churches in this vicinity are very weak and ' stru~g1ing units of their de nominatIon. it is difficult to un: derstand why the people wha make up these congregations d<1 not try to do something a· bout it. : . . I . ''The Church is a home for new converts. It should be or· ganized to take care of its spirit. u'al children, and not leave them homeless and motherless." . -
. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shutts and children and Mr. and Mrs. William Hesey and son spent the 'past several days with · Miss Marie Shutts at her srimmer home at Petosky, Mich. Little Ellen Marie Shutts r.emained w~th her aunt until the opening of school. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Earn· hart and family and ,Mr. ~nd Mrs. Ray Conner and daughter ' attended. the' Frigidaire - outing at Lakeside ' Saturday evening.
MT. HOLLY MEnlODIST T. M. Scarff, Minister Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. E.A. Earnhart, Supt •. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. . lIel) iog Service 7 :30 p.m.
. R. B. Coleman, Minister 9 :30 a.m. Church Sehool J. J. Burske, Supt. Worship and Sermon . 10:30 a,m. Spe~ial Music
ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Samuel N. Keys, Minister Morning Prayer 10:30 a.m. FRIENDS First Day ~chool 9 :30 a.m. Meetin2' for Worshi'p . 10 :30 ' a.m. ,-
M. H. Coffey, Minister ' 9 :30 a.m. Bible School Morning Worship '10:30 A. M. ~ 0 Pea Ie's Meeting
r..-,enin2' Service
1:t S P. M. 8 P. M.
Father Krumholtz~ 'Priest ' Masses ' 8 and 10 A. M.
Rev. David Stanfield, Minister Sunday School to a.m. Worsliip .Service , 1 t a.m. UTICA E. U. '8. CHURCH kev, William Shannon . Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. J ames' Garrison, Supt Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays each month 10t30 a.m. Evening ,Services , 7:30p.m. I VTLE METHODIST
. Qr. Joseph Mye~, Minister S,u ndav School 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. Ruth Saylor, Supl ' Worship Service 10:3 0 ~.m. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Byron Carver, Minister 9:30a.m. ' Bible bchooJ ' Morning Worship 10 :30 a.m. Prayer Meetin~ . 7 :00 p.m• Young People s Meeting . 7 :00 p.m. Evening Services 7 :30 p.m.
For that extra Receptacle
Famllie belong ing to the T~esurv~Y9rs fOl!nd ~nly two Or Anytliing Electrical SOCiety of Friends (Quakers), fuIl-tt~e ministers In this area. totaled 62. ., These are the I?astors of the Thirty six families belonged Me~hod(st and I?plscopal church_ House - Sam -:- Outbuilctinp to the Episcopal Church. 35 to 7s 10 Waynesville. Tbe remainthe Baptist church, 33 to -the mg 11. churches- are. served by Presbyterian, 33 , to the Roman non-resident, part.time semi Catholic, 16 . to · the United retired, or student, pastors Brethren ohurch and 15 to the These i.nclude three ·Methodist; Church of God. ~---l.WElf-:l= . 'fl. ends, ,two Baptist, . two Ten other Christian: den om- Churc~ 0f Christ, one Roman inations, numbering only a scat. ' Cathohc, one Church "of God · AUCTI.O NEERING : . tering adherents, were reported one Presbyterian, andon~ by the survey. . ·United ~rethren. . . CHURCHES "IN BAD WAY" The survey report, issued by STANLEY and KOoci.ER BROKERS l.tCENSE . The surveyors found ' the Capt. Prior and Mr. Keys re-' strictly . rural churChes "in a (wmmentYett a "Thorough'pro- For Date.. Phone 28M. Wavneaville Ohlo. .Rever-M Chal'aM pretty bad way," Mr. Keys said gram of modermzation and re· The buildings of most were i~ 4 , run dow-n" cQndititon and bad 11" in .need 'o f repairs and mod: erpization, -he reported. ' But. , ~bstly, he' said, thdr congrega. tlons need the services of a full-time trained minister. . "Sunday isn't the only day ~~e Church operat(~s," fie Sald. The need of a pasto~ is con .. . stant. The phYSical condition of many of the country church.' The cost of · the funerals we conduct is ' re~ es, ~s well as the. spiritual con.' gulated .by the~ishes : o( those ~e ~erve. dition of their congregations demonstra tes this." . . ,
.Call· SlDltt~
STUBBS Funera]
. This v~l1age and \ts ,s urround. ing farm ·~rea can't be called a solidly church-going communi. ty. This was reported by the Rev. Samuel N. Keys, pastor of Mary's Episcopal Chur.ch; ·who, witli ·Capt: John Priot of the Episcopal Church · Army, h~ completed a survey of more than half of the families in the . 80' • square - mile area in northern Warren and . southern Gteene c9uDti~. . Families ~ontacted by a four. man suryey..team . I;lumbered 668, contallimg '. more than 2,500 persons. Of these, · 164 f;lmilies reported they had no religious affiliation. Most of these said they never had been asked to join an'y of the 13 churches in the area. Many had
WA~ . O_ '
.Church Survey.Report: It's Not Good . ,
been approached ' "once· or twice" t but hadn't gotten ' a· round to visiting .a church. Mr. Keys said there was one 1I0URS: outstanding fact about them: 9-tl each morni.nl' Their number is greater than that of al)Y single Christian de. ~ -S aftemoa:nsexce,t Wednesday ,' . nominath.>n in the area. They co,mprise 24.5 per cent of the '. "1-9 Saturday evenioK population, accordlnJ;': to the survey. otber evenings by . Appointment METHODISTS . STRO~GEST Amqng the religious denom· inations of this community, the Methodist ' church. has the most adherents, the survey indlcated. . Families of this faith numbered 152, representing 22.7 per cent of those surveyed. Next largest group found were members of the Church of Christ, numbering 69 families.
Dr C. E. Wilkin e
Bye .SpeeiaIJII · 26 South Debolt Itn. XENIA, OHIO
In the best tooklng clothes In any classl Thafs hoW' you want your .YQUDg
.scholars 'dressed thIS 'Sea,, n..
m ke us your back
to- ch I ttl kl1 t
.. ,
r -
Uuc!e Sam
Invitations have been receiv ed here bY- friends and relatives Miss Mar}:, ~ol1ingsworth at)d ' to the wedding or Miss Suzanne ~r. Da~e Rldll1ger were unifed' Gest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. In marnafe at the Wa ynesvitle Jefferson L. Gest, Columbus Church a Clirist.' Saturday eve- Mr. Robert L. Earnhart, son of ' ning at 7 :30. ' , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ' Earnhart, The bride, who entered on near Mt. Holly, on Saturdav, (~e arm of her father, ' was at~ September 11, at ,the King' A;yetu'ed m a street ,length dress of nue Mehodist Church in Colum. powder blue with an o'rchard bus. ' How \\' uld YOU like to \ r ' te • cor' age. Her matron of honcheck fot' S2.49&.94 to yours~ U da~·.~ d ' Mr; Earnhart is a graduate or was Mr", "Vade Ellis in a New Yea1\'s Day 19!;8? You c~n do g0\.Vn of gray sati'n carrying of Waynesville High Sch' 01 exactly that by sign.:::Jg yoc.r na.me whIte r se buds, They were s,erved in the armed forces overanY' time in Ja:lUary to nn authorization form a t yom' ba.nk 'Wilic h wiD met a! the altar by the groom , ~eas, attended Ohio S~ate, ~nd permit them to) bIte , $18.75 a month an9 hI onl y' attendant; Wade ' I,S now a tudent at Flmt MIchfrom th" fundf; ! cu ha.,·c cn deposit Elli , I3ryan Carver, a . i ted by Ig.an,. where he and his bride and buy one ~2 !i S!Lvinr, Bond for - J: SOWS AQ~. SHORT Mac Coffey o(tlle local church, will hve. you every month for the ne3d 10 Of: IODlNI;; I P\6S MAY years. The Pa . nil baviugs P~D pe rfo rmed th ~ h t1 bl c ring ~e r _ - ---:..---cows MANUJ:ACTURE which Is 'be partia,l "a.ymcnt way to m n aft r .. 'l' id ' a ": ''': ti l 11 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fr 'e B~ BOQN WITH. O UT buy S:tvi~gs UG£1ds wIt '. e you work wa 'hel d at thl! Ii m ! f Mr. a~d sons ,were Wednesc;iay ev'eVITAMINS IN TH& -is equaUy powe:-ful In productq',. , HAIR. and Mr . Edward Morris. nmg supper guests of , Mr. and sizable neb~ r; c.:t of ret. ~:n. r sav" e:U~.sT STOMACI-I , T11 •'rcw'm i a gr.aduate of Mrs. Burnett BuUer.worth and ings,. , :.-', S. ; t'c.lSu ry Dcpa,,'nurtl Wayn :i :e High ch o ! ( lid ~ son,~ at the home of Mr. Butter" the I (d ' of LeI ,an on Hjg'h' worth 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. - - ~, i : ' J an Davis f Cin,cin Scll I. They are at home at Erne t Butterworth who were on B'obby Woollard is spen din r' nati wa a week end guest the r om s farm east of town. vacation, in the East. a few days . with Jimm\' ani:!" ( f ML M'arilyn Burske. Jerry Frasure. . Friends and rel ~ th'\ n h tl ' f Mr. Tressler Hardin ' spent· received invi1ati ns t c , i~ ~ Mrs, ' Grace Scl1uler arld L ,t \\ ~ e k touring the Smoky wedding of Robert E. Me e,ft " M r -. Ann Ajtkinson are spenduntains and visiting hiS .\. Representing son of Mr. ' and Mrs. Herbert ing this week with the former's brother, Ronald, \\iho has just M:eredith, and Miss Irma Aileen , By flsler'he Borden Cow ·:/ (~:.heu"'~ler L-;, C ern? ,n y daughter, Mrs. Frank SmitH ,summer quarter mpleted a fire ughter f Mr. and Mr , \ and fam.ily at Madis0n, Indiana, Members New York Stock at 'the Univer ibl .of Tennessee. L ui , . Fir' ,' on aturday" - -- - - ----_ .t: xchan,e:t's and oth er ' ept. 11" at 7 :30 p. m, at th e ~ .. , : L~ d f.." re: , 'ra 0, BT ':,' 1' Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Conger r~g'istered Exchanges 1,1 ' ncsvLI . Methodi:t Chur .) ~ , have re~urned home after a,nd -(,11" wi,n rdurn to their Investment Trust Shares with a reception to .. follo w h ~! r.' ..' I!~ t-:ranklil11he enj )f the iSp,~nding ' a week in DePere, nou~'ht ' - Sold .- Quo~ed inimediately in ,tl~e Church \\/e~'k. :-l fier ~p:?n ,..:jin~ the '1 ..\I~l' Wis., wittl, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ,l-'hoAe Waynesville 2530 sea) rooms, , mer with ~/r . F. H. William(nee Barnara WalDayt6n ,AD3257 , Luebke. ker). ' son and daughter Gra e. q h. , and Mr . Rhcde, I3un nell entertained on , Saturda y eveninf', with their tahl cs f '" f{~"""MilIHHAHH'lRlllllnnmnnllmllmlll"lIIrmIllMIIIIHllllrn"III"II"lIImIllHlllnlllHJt"mn",,_ bri ~ , "' . r rizes were wcn l1 y Quality Always' Mr. \'\,i'rrraT1'l"'L..uken, Mr. favorite · Ge Irg Wall. Mr. Wall an j , Important! Mr. Charles Doster. FoUowing the games, a ,des ert cour C W :IS BIG M for maximum yield fertilizers for your :leeds, i Borden's System of Quality, Can· , . PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL of your wheat cropl BIG M every fertili~er bearing the !!!!! ',en c :f. ue '1S, wer~ Mr anj trol servenusf o/)e purpose ..' , CONTRACTOR for highest market quality I BIG M br;and performs up ~ ,' . 1.-, IS. B. J. Hi.l, A'lr 3P~; Mi ,.' to see thot your Borden's mil~ ADd it'. been that way. for to that reputation bee-aide it ' Ch arles Doster, Mr. and Mrs. reaches you perfectly fresh , more than twenty )'ears. '8 alway, mar. u" to , tllhc3t ~= ' \Vil jjam Lukens, Mr. and Mrs. While our immecl !atf" constandards, . " ' never doW!) to h ,' 'perfectlv t'csteurized. Ask kt GCI,' rge Wall and Mr. anj M:-s. PHOrm WAYNESVILLE cern is tha,t of 1\',ppl y ing a price. = Borden's, .' : for better ~ilk~ . }-li.:; ert Carr, more bich-potash-cQntent -:-
........ _ . . _
. . . - - . - . . ._
,... _
," ,
'. ,. BIG M - a'~growing"
, W. 'C. BROWN
Mr. and Mrs. Je,sse Pendergast had a:s week ' end guests Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnson at)d Mr,~ and Mrs. Earl J.ohnson of Converse Ind. M'r. and , Mrs. J. 13. Rich aLso ~ere SUllg,~y UII1n er ,guests.
•.t of
Mrs, Earl Davis of Day tOll, at the HI?:hview Terrace, ,near, Bellbrook, at <,aturday evenil'!'p'; dinner ',\ \r. illd
,: =
W:e th r lughly I:ender every detail of a f:'11 "ra'l rvice in :: n,lclnner that insures confid- ' e,nce, dignity and r 'ped _ Your selecti n dete rmines the cost
McClll R E' ,FUN ER~L ', HOME ,
.Waynesville ' Furniture · & Appliance Co.
,1", -, v:
,PffON£ '
. ~le
Carl G,. Sinitn, Da \ ij M'ln- ' tag, and Joanne Q'Baniun at'tf ,'oed Pre s D~v .1 ~ the ()!ll0 State Fair in Columhus Sun- ·
;,' .
~,.; ,
the Miami fertilizer Company
'Miss Winnie Stout was the guest of Miss Lorene Salis' !' ll rv at her hOJl1f' nea:' \\ il. min-gton; ,from Wednesday until 'Satun.lay. .
--- . -. . I(~ :I~~, was
Ord., . . . Irtiot "our d,..I." teN 11111. ,
1'1 r.. and Mrs. Frank Moorman and son riioved to Cin. ci r nati on Monday, where Mr. M{l nnan will ,' enter EJ]1bal' mjn,~ choot ' ..
Mr~. · D.
" If it 's Bordens ,.' -' it's go t to be good'"
Street across frolJl Gr8JIge Hall . South Main , ,Telep~one 2422 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO
Ott 10
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citizen to take up arms 'for his country." II I suppose so, " sa id Mrs. . Blimber calmly. Mr. Blimber felt a little irritated. liDo yOU know that means hardships and deadly dangers? " (From the Miami Gazette of "Yes," said Mrs. B-'. . . August 31, 1'898) , "It means sleeping in open From the Wilmington papers fie'lds and in - m'alarious we learn that an ordinance has swamps, long forceq been passed by the ' council of marcnes, wild forays, that town, prohibiting the . desperate charges and ~pi(t ing of tobacco juic~ on the ambuscades!" sidewalks and ordenng the "Yes. " . marshals to arrest any and all "It means fatal fevers, ghast. who violate this ordinance. We ly chills, hospitals, stret. would re peccfuJly suggest to chers, and amputations. '.' .the council of the yitJ.age of . , "Yes." . Wayne ville to give -us such an I, It m~ans - say, Mrs. ordinance. The bespattered can. Blimber, have you any dition of our sidewalks is often heart? Do you mean to an insult to the ladies of the sit ther,e and hear me tell town, who must sweep their of these frightful things skirts over them, besides without expressing tne being an offense in , th.e eyes of , h~ast regret? Do you want all cleanly persons: Let us have me to: go to war and get respect enough for o~r town to killed?" • have clean sidewalks, even if "Don't get excited, dear," we must endure Cornstalk Ave. she calmly remarked. nue. " There isn't I?:oing to 'be • • any draft." An ICEBERG: Brown-."Oid you ever fretze your ear?" mith-~"Worse j I froze my arm once." "How did you do iU" "Huggin~ a Boston gir'"
&0 . Years· : Ago
•• •
The Harveysburg , .Bank has disQoIitamed busine after a career of about thr.ee years. The bank was all right, but its 1..,- :.- · iness did not justify. The Waynesville Bank bought most O'f the notes and new will most Jikely get most O'f the business, the r.est will be divided around. W.elth and , .Dakin were the proprietors of the. panko . • • ~ , . Blimber thou~ht he wO,uld test his wife s atfection. ilMy dear," he said, "in the event of war it becomes the duty O'f every patriO'tic
August 27, 1948. Hot.Hot. ter. · Hottest. That is what we have had this week. Th'e August sun has burned dO'wn with scarcely a c1.oud to shelter us. The thermO'meter has stood at ninety-six every day on aUf porch. There is no comfort anywhere except at the swim~;ng pool. It · is , a' lovely pool but· in spite' of the heat every time _I have been there it has been run_ ning at half capacity. ~ty? because families can not affO'rd to come as ' often as they would
like to. True, Daytorli pools may small famHy th! best thing THE ~~AMI GAZETTE ..p~GE 4 ..:. charge sixty cents straight. and seems to Al.C.. to tie a locker; and WAY~ESVILLE, OH1'O 'No. 4384 expenses are high, but I still be_ a good refrigerator with a THURSDAY, SEiPTEMBER 2, .1948 . lieve that a lower :rate here, reasonable amount of space for esoecially for children, WO'uid storing frozen food. Even ,for a books home and see what we bring in enough more peO'ple to big famHy a locker has advant- ca(l do about it." make more money fO'r those ages. In fact a large family The news of Carl Dukes , who run the pool. POSSlOly sdm needs both if they raise a big death · has ·just come to me and · sort of ten-swim tickets jf nO't garden a!ld their own meat. W. e, I was sorry to hear it. They seasO'n tickets would help. As it nave a flOe locker plant here 10 were good neighbors and when is now, it ~osts to'o much for Waynesville and ,It should be . you have said that, there isn't . families with two :Or more child- used to full capac·ity. . much left to say. Have you tr1ed any frc zen ren to' come O'ften. HO'W about .a group, rate for organized grO'ups tomatoes? They used to say who come together in the morn. tomatoes don't freeze well but ings? . one of the recent magazines tells . do it and says they are how to The canneries are running The Lion's Club Carnival ' at full speed and the highways very good either sliced.or whole. are full of trucks and w:agons They recommend peelmg them, proved a big succes. h til in loaded"with sweet corn. We had as the lPeels are very tough. attendance 'and . financially. a pleasant surprise the ·O'ther . They can be sliced while still Th:e: ~tu/j !thanks everry one ' who helped in ' any way . . The day after we had hauled ()ur~ t? frozen. is late this year Chevrolet car 'was won by a Labor Day Corwin; We got our check rig'hi it makes August ~eem l;ke a Mr. Hodson a \ railroader of and away. Before, they did not pay Xenia. All the surroundinK' very long month. Another week until NO'vember · when .the canand then school begins. The country ·and .cities were re· · nery closed for the season. II teachers are beginning to' get in presented in the crowd which seems to ·be a good move as it must be just as easy fjom a line and the school boanfs are wa rerhap one of the largest working hard. We so often talk ever see·n in . the town. boo~keeping point of view and makes it better for the producer. about what we want the schools M'I' ·. tella Thbm,a.s is on the Our .sweet ,cO'rn was goO'd this to b~ but ~ow many are· trying j k' !ist at present. year, with large ears and hardly to ' make the schools what they ,The Women 's Circle of the any corn worms. Tomatoes are want . them to be by active Presbyterian Church met at beginn'jng to ripen and they say cooperation? The school board the horne of Mrs. Weller that they are getting all they ~nd teachers can not do it all. Haines, Thursday afternoon can handle a ~ the Tom Corwin Willen your. ~hi1d comes home with Mrs. Harry Graves and ,Cannery in Lebanon. I believe and complams that the lessons Mrs Harold Berryhill as cothat they are the anI V ones in are hard.. and that so_~nd-sO' is an hostesses. th is neighborl)ood that can any_ .old 'crab, are .you gomg to say, . The funeral f Paul Mille r, thing except corn. "You poor ~Ittle dear, no one ' who was killed five year ago With sO' niany home freezers ought to expect you to do overseas was . l ar~el y attended on the market theTf~ is a. great t~at" or a~e you going to say Saturday. ' The' firing squad deal of discussion as to whether 'Now don t let me hear any . fr m Miam i .bur~ had charge of it is better to have one or to uch t-alk as that. You gu to the services at the cemetery. . Linda Ray Barnard of' Day. have a locker. 'For a. small sdlo'o l to learn land not for with hel family like mrne, I prefer a foolJshness. I am glad that ton sr ent Sun a locker because O'f the service someone has backbone enough grandparents Mr.' and Mrs. ..... that I get. AJsol do not believe ' to try to ru~ things so Jhat you Carol Barnard. , that you can get the electrici y ' have a chance. to :st.ud~ and Mr. and Mr. Wayne for the price of a locker. For a learn. Now you Just bnng those Stephens of S!~ringfield visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stephens. Friday' evening and attended the carnival. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Thomas were serenaded Aug. ~ T THE "Friendly Store" 2.1. Ai large crowd enj yed the evening. They \Ver~ -tak n ~ a rid e ar und the Olill tr y 111 a truck. Mr. and Mrs. ·Arthur Edgington and Mr. ai1d M's. Andy Edgington and Ali e , and 9 s .f2 WOOL RUGS' George left Au~. 23 for a , vacatic n in Michigan. !il, It 12 FELT BASE RUGS One of Ray Barnett's sons CURTAINS - SLIP (:OVERS , broke h is leg the past week. M r: and Mr. Carr 11 LAM'PS (Floor and 'rable) .Barnard have a new granddaughter. The parents are Mr. STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Spring Filled) and Mrs. Lawrence Barnard f Dayton. LIVING ROOM SUITES
Belibrook Notes
OME F'URN 'I SHINGS! "Hclrd-1'o-Get·' Items '
F'IRE, D'IAL 2222 •
ROM'E (!
.Phone ' 912R
CO •
"Eaat 'Main Street, at Whiteman"
. '.•, . ~
6:00 x 16 FIRESTONE . T,RES' $13.95
'ot biIet oyaa.... ,.......,
wi.1a ...... ' . . . .lla. "'all ...... ycnU taU ......., ••pay-. . . au ..
(plus tax)
10 the 'O hio Parlpen ,w ill ane you bmad p$IeCIIoG &pian tDUel ,.at fu& II tCRal J8IIf bailcliap, ,ear chi.... J8IIf ePlDaIObiJe fQr acd....... oiben. WIar • Me _ . - . " Y_ ..... ow. ._,.,
PHONE 2421
"e-WAY ·FA • • · INSURaNCE"
dOD', dilate .
Belcber's .Saoato Servicr.·
.... ,.. UibW", ,....t ......... ',............... .
Do Iosaruce AgeocJ
PIa._ '111, 218. E. •a1~. LDANOJI. O.
------., .. ....
sma)) tt)wn thru the efforts of Barrv Fitzgerald, playing ,with his usual warmth and sincerity . '/HAT OIL the part of a squint-eyed ' old VIAS 0llC6 ""bachelor who takes the young (Held Over From Last Week) USiiD MA/Nty ladies ·in hand when they beMrs. Paul Flory .J,f Dayton , IN I<6ROSINE come marooned in r the town. spent Friday with her parents, I.-AMPS••• You are bound to like also the Mr. and , Mrs. Wilbur Clark. short that night, "'Little Brown Bobby Morgan returned to Jug." his home in Dayton Thursday, Next Thursday and Friday after' spe'naing a 'week with his the Twin is bringin,g a picture ' grandparents, Mr. '/ and, Mrs. ' ~~ to town because of mcmy, re- Ev~rett Early. quest~ and because Ifor ~ome M,rs. Margaret. Johns and FOX HOLLY unknown reason the pitture Paul Jo'lll~S were-Friday evenin~ , The crowd outsiC\e the Twin never show'ed here before. ' It dinner guests of Mrs. Effie Sur_ last Saturdav night was caused is Universal"s great hit "The face near Lebanon. not so much by cash customers Egg and I," starring Claudette Irvin Harris underwent an howling to! get ~~slde as ',by Colbert and Fred MacMurray, operation at Miami Valley Hos. the return of an odd creature of with a great supporting cast pltal on Tuesday. He has return_ nature. He clung, long and 'including ' Marjorie Main. ed home and is slowly recover_ ,many-colored, ,upside ,down ' Those who misssed it else- ing. . '..... riJ{M under the marquee lights, where, see it, now. Or perllap , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones and quickly ,a pool was set 'up as in my case, you'JI 'look for- entertai'ned at dinne( Thursday betting on what he was .. The ward to seeing It again. It's th e evening, Mr. and Mrs. Therle , Tumblesons of -Lytle won, Mrs. tory of a city gal who Jones, Milton J ones and Mr. Tumbleson reminding us that marries and goes to the wilds Nettie Emric~, in honor of th recently the Twin sc reened an of the state of Washinvton birthday of Mrs. Therl e Jones, animated cartoon all about the ' where her husband embarks on Little Linda Routzahn of fellow and Mr. Tumbleson tell- a career of chicken-farming. Franklin spent last week with, ing u how long he . uld ;e:ro :.' All , of you, on the farm her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. (or was that one f Mr. T' fi 11 off, will get a great kic1~ out C1 de Wharton. stories? ).' Anywa " it tor k ,of the thmgs that happen to Miss Nancy Tumbleson re_ some time t un'. La rl' tr ;'1.ifi ,a: this couple whose whole live " turned .home Sunday, after we . all admir 'o t . 1.' I~, rou suddenly revolve around "the:! spen :ling last week ' with , her Praying Mant i, . urge of egg"; ' and out of their neig-h . grandparent, Mr. arid Mrs. gra shorp r and, according to _ bors, particularly Maw (Mar- Herhlan Arthur at ardinia. th e a ci ' I.t t:gy ptians, ,symt ., I of jorie - Main). Excellent , sports Mr and Mr. A. D. Smith g od )uc" to humans. Dale hort, added, "Big-League and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith Glory." teinke would a~re l. to ,th and children returned Sunday latter. He was this week's winner * * * from a m9t0r trip tbru Virginia i. of the Brick Bradford 'a, h N te to t.he l ublic - _ Pleas::- Kentucky and Tenne see . award. Understand Department: . .' Mrs. Boyan Shinkle and ,'wo ....- .. . . ., W,hen the Twin man ;: tJ' e ment children of Portsm uth spent • • • pckr- a mother or father to Sf ' last week with Mr.' and .Mrs. Brief i ws: CI sing toniRht tf' the lobby when bahy con - Vernon Pursley and sons. , Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ri~gs of , Earl\' i- r'C rdio ecretary of ' The ' 'i ll ~ (artl (,'ul" d:ned Social How and Mr. and Mrs. the Club. is "I Walk Alon e" (PAR). tinues to cry uncontrollabl" . S9me say this is Burt Lanca ter s the only thou~ht is the hope at mith s Tea Ro m at Wilbur Clark visited the 'State big role, giving him true of getting babv under. control, Waynesv ille and spent the after_ Museum at Madison,· Ind. SunMr. and Mrs. ,John Kersey ' prestige as an actor. Lizbeth f'!C''t the li:ctea of ousting a no '\1 at ards there. day. ' , and son had as week end guests, Mr and Mrs. Ha(old Whit- ' ' Scott assists. One of the film hmily. Mrs. O''Regan felf Mr ~ and Mrs. Seth Furnas, Mr: arid Mr . Hollis Emery and industry's smartest deci i n b:ldly last Saturday when, in aker 'and daughters ' and Miss MC\ry Brown and Mr. and Mrs. family of Green Spri,ngs, Ohio. was to reissue "Tarzan's N \\ resp'onse to such a request, a Uela Hoak are on ' a motor trip W'alter Kenrick attended the They .were , jo\ined at· Sunday 'Yo rk ,Ac\ v('n ture" (,\'(..M whole family four stroh~ got this week to the Smoky ' M.oun. ' August meeting of Historical dinner ' by Mr. and Mrs. Luther ~'h w 'n~ ~" aturctay only. This i. un and marched out of tht! tains. Society at ,the Golden Lamb, HartSOck and sons, and on Sun. l : f P'e l 'e t ' . f the Tarzan show - _ we hope not- in a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tum- lebanon Monday evening. day' evening by Mr. and Mrs. series and shuuld please all of "huff". Often 'stepping to ' 'the bleson, and family attended a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ken- Willard Kersey and family of - m' lier's ' fan . . Tarzan I bby with baby will ' quiet him picniC dinner Sunday at h iloh, rick called at the home of Mr. l. ebanon. ' m !ete and take care of a difficult on the Ohio River, with M'r. ,and Mrs. BeA j arne in Lebanon arriv ;n New y- rk, with wife (Maureen ors111!ivan' situation. If not, jthe manage- and Mrs. Vir~i1 Arthur and Friday afternoon. Mr. James GE~ERhL LIVESTOCK and civili: 11 I the ~" to , f nd ment will gladly " giv~ a rain- thildten 'and Mr. and Mrs. has been ill for nineteen months "B y" who bas. beel1 tak n v a, check to any parent for are , Ev rett Arthur and family of with a heart ailment, and is CRAIN circu . Of hi m' ny hair-raisifl turn to the \show. It's only.in Cincinnati, in celebration of tbe quite poorly. adventur , not the least is hi the interests of-trying to giye a . birthday of Mrs. Tumbleson'S Mr. and ' Mlrs. Guy Routzahn ' and . , ', ~ ' leap f'r m' the Br "okl.," Bridg:e good show to all ' concerned br ther Virgil Arthur. and Russell, in company with WATER Chapter Three of t!le Bri k that such tequests are ,ever The 'WolPan's Society will be . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Bradford rial ~hows on tl e made. the guests of Mrs. Roy Winks at Tipp City, spent SlJnda'y in Cin. arne bill, It title ~ "Priso~rs of tLe next meeting, Wednesday cinnati and visite.d the zoo. ' the Moon." No better vacation Mr. . and Mrs. Rhodes Bun- afternoon, Sept. 1 st near Lytl~. Mrs. Everett Eadv was at the diet could 1 e ord'ered for Labor nell and daughters entertained ' Mr. and Mrs. R~lph Howell , home of Mr. J. D. Ardery of . RA~ F~RQUER Day ' weekend than ,. Where with a family dinner on Sunf Yellow Springs were guest.s 'of Woodview ftJve. on ' Thursday WaynE!lviUe There's Life" (Par). It's a Bob day, honoring the birthday of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas, son evening, When the offi~ers of Hope pi~ture all , the ",:,ay, and "the fdrme;r's mother, Mrs. :md daughter, o.n Social R~w, the Dayton Western College PHQNE 28~. Hope' was ~~ver f mmer even: Nellie Bunnell. Covers were aT - ouring Friends Yearly Meetmg Club were entertained. Mrs. with only a~nglerash , appe~r- ranged for Mr. and Mn\ Geo- at Waynesville. '_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iF1 e of Cro by. Ald~ by WllI- . ;rge Bunnell , and family of t. Mr. and 'Mrs. Lowell Thomas , i ~ m Bendix 'and Si~ne Hasso, Bernard, Miss 'M',onim:Ja Bun. are spending a couple of wee~s , ' Hope goes thru a screw-ball plot nen the host hostess and fi hing at St. Mary's, ReSe!v.olr, ' t.- at le:ld itself beautifully ·to daughters.' Celina. Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam • . 11 .' articular bral1'd of whip n ' , Ri key' will join them next ___- . J hum r, as in ' the ' finale, ,the , Stanlev Bailey wa~ ill at his ~ aturday for a\veek's vacation. III/~ I~ v:I a:n is flrtured by the ruse of home, for a few days recenCy. THE HOUSE 0;' COMPLETE COMFORT an ' ~rlo ding trick ciga~ Zaney . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , WJTH ' and relaxing the adje~tives y' UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS & COOLED AIR , for this g-oodare family lauJ{hpicture. WB News rounds out . . THURS.-FRI. ' SUN.--MON. the ~lIndl\Y and Monday ,pro.' , 'l\.TO~1r'T' . A Kiss, ' A Sigh, A Shot , in the ,::VV . , Back! gram. , :.L~~ Have yo u ~ver seen Veron i- ' ALLOTMENTS THIS SEASON WjLL BE BURT LANCASTER ca Lake ,turn sweet? Not '" often, but it happen, in "The, , UZABEnI,. scon in Sainted Sisters" (Par), 'r" ' " : )' ing Tuesday o~]y. Tw~showla~y ,". -, ' crooks in 'the Gay . Nmel!es (Joan Caulfield is the, second), .' " succurpb . ,to the charm · of a ,
I '
PHO~ 2441
R. "R. 2, Wa~esv!l1e' DU.
Bdwe. ' Store
. Roy· E.' Smith On State Rt. 48, , ~,
Listings Wanted Buyers Waiting
of Rt. 13. Phone Centerville 1056
-107 ( !iSS;:
ea re
Real' Estate ,-
' l'
6 -
GREAT STOQ! - . . . .n
. . . . .
S•• hs
. .........
AERIa • Chap. 3 ,
... ..-.u
-~ • , ...... .. .
SHOWS:'6:30 -
8 :00
. "
PORTS' S LANT , Bv . BOB O'REGAN , Mark down Wednesday , and , Thursday, Sept. 15-16 on your ca1endars. On those dates, a full~len.gth sports feature coupled with sport shorts at the Twin Theatre ~iI1 be the sole attraction in town. Local softball . games for those days will be postponed so that the softbalJ league can r.ecoup its fortu'n es at the Twin Theatre. , The tickets which are priced at ~
75c per seat will go on sale shortly and your favorite ballplayers will be a,b le to supply you with enough for your en;. tire family. . The league officials and the six managers reached the . above agreement Monday ev~ning . and it was ul1animously felt that cooperation on the part of the 72 league players plus several hundred of the reald)'ied - in- the-- ~DI . fall would raise enou~h mone,y to keep the league In operation.. The . present treasury i,s als:no~t depleted, and t~e league IS m debt. , #
* * *.
most people think. little or no money is 'required to rurt the league, With, 15 weeks elapsed, on'1y an avera~e of about $37 per week has ' been ·collected. Yet the weekly expenses are ov~r $60 ' when you consider the fol1owing: $36 for umpires; about $12 for lights; about $12 ~or LaBs and $5 per week for
Prescription .For · Your Car
-THE MIAMf GAZETTE PAGE' • Clint Clark, grounaskeeper and lett, sportswriter for the Da~ WAY,NESVILLE, OHIO \ Net. 4384 official colle,*>r, be.sides an 'lon Journal, will provide the THU·RSDAY, · S~PTEMBER 2, 1948' for the Locals' average of.90 cents nightly ,f or opposition curtain-dropper. ball· boys and almc)st per ~~ . , week for scoTekeeping, and Mr. ~a}1d Mrs. C. Lee Hawke, Roxanna, local loop cham~aintenance of league records. Mr. ann Mrs. John Fromm Several people have been heard pions last year, will cross bats Mr. J. C. Hawke, Mr. and Mrs.t to com' m e nt. that . they with Spring Valley In the Sun- Don Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. M.. tl10ught the umpires ,were free! day night exhibition league F. Weltz and family,' Mr. and ihe six. managers wer.e also while on Sept. 12, Hob Allen's Mrs. Clyde Fromm, with Mr. unanimous in main1tairting that American Legion ' nine will and Mrs: Carl Hawke, Mr. and the umpiring on the whole war. tangle with Mason, Ohio. On Mrs. Ray Hawke" Miss Betty ranted the retention of the Sept. 19 Fair-ley Hardware will Hawke, Mr. Thomas Lupinsk.v "men-in-blue" from Dayton to ' meet a strong club from Day- of Dayton and M.T. and Mrs. keep league play on a high ton. Melvin Banta, of J 'a mestown level. ' League fans . are aske.d t,o were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Since the show program h~s start a little earher for Geiger s Ra')ph Vance and son of WH. been spread over two days It as all future games will com- n1ing-toq1 at Old Riv·er Par1(, , is hoped that over 500 people mence at 8 P. M. due to earlier when they rec.ently entertained wi11 attend. ·Some folks have darkness. ' with ' a fish fry. Dr. and Mrs. asked why "The Babe Ruth Vance had just returned from Story" coulr. not b_ 0 .t~:n '. Mr. and Mrs. K. Nt Hough, j\Alichlgan and cau?'ht the ti~h lhat is because it's "heavy' , o n and daughter and Mrs. H. while there. percentage picture ,and ' the lea- ' B Earnhart have returned from g'ue therefore c,ould not prosper London Mills, 111., where they ' Recent w~e)cend visitors to a well financially. spent a few days with relatives. Waynesville were Mr. 'iT'd Mrs. • • • . They were accompanied home F. X Q'Re)!(ln and Mr. and Last Sunday s Junior Amer- , by Mrs. Viola Harlan, ~ho. h ad Mr, J,JI1Jl r , Tv!,cManu,:; and son TOf&l. all of Cincinnati. ka.n game :with Dayto.n wa pent the summer in llhnots. Th~y :trF.: ~h~ pLlI e,!lts ani reca ncelled, but this Sunday at 2 :30 ' P. M. the Dayton aggre- " M,rs. · D. C. Ridge had as la tJy P' of th e Pobert ~. 0'' tl d b Da 's C al Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Regal'S. ga t Ion spo sore y , ' 1 Paul Sowash of Mansfield. and managed by Miller CO'I -
I-V.) Day.
N~ .
M.H.KEEL0R and
. t-He~Hud8on arrtvee in New orklby.l609, b,e com •• a republlc. 18'lQ. "
~ "Labor o
S-..RWIS. JapS
Dilatush Building -
peacp ,
Broadway -
, I
II'SO 7-Sulllvan and Corbett
fic;aht, 1892.
8-Harvard University eatablW;led, 1636,
UseThe-At;;;na~· To Check The Weather
, Bat-lJse ~ETrE--eLASSIFt£D
To Buy, Sell, Rent, Loan, Borrqw, Any Time of The Year
THEIR SECURITY RESTS WITH YOU! Yes, the education of your cnildren, their. entire fut~re 'fe). ' fare, is your respoTlsibility. Discharge it conscientiously and _ _ ~L-...J~.:J.ILY h¥-saving REGULARLY. We are ready to help y ou now. Stop in! , '.
" Perhaps ;your car· neeps a tonic. Is it usmg too much gas slow on' the pick.-up? Drive ih -we'll diagnose the trouble and .p rescribe accordingly . . . or phC?ne now; we'll pl~k up and , (iehve'r your car.
Invisible Half Solin -~" Orthopedic Conections , Cork Extensions
Henry .'H'. Moeller
KlfR'S Garage
. Waynesville NatiooflJ Bank
(Except Tuesday Night)
'. .
Live Stock, Grange and Farm Displays, School Exhibits, 4-H Club and Vocational Ag,riculture, Flower ~how, HOIJle Demonstration Projects, Fine , . . Art, Culinary, Poultry, Rabbits, Pigeon and ~erc~ants Exhibits. ~p"
QllLDREN'S DAY " , '.
TUESDAY, 'SEPT. 7th _Children under 12 yrs. admitted free. Between i 2 and is yrs. subj ect to federal
tax of Bc.
) WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8th -Meri or women .in uniform. Also all soldiers of National Military Home : , presenting diSCharge papers;
ADMISSION: Established Price Federal Tax
a ••ny FllliiI
Coffee Cake 4
- Eng I n •• ,.
UNIT P,RICE CONTRACT Mrs. Olive 'Curl was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sealed proposals wlU ,De received at the office of ,the State Highway Furn.as at the Haworth-Baily Director ot Ohio. at Columbus, Ohio until 10:00 A. IM'., Ohio ~taDdar~ re.umon .at Dover Springs near ' \ .I'lme. Wilmington. Tuesday, September 14, 1948. for improvements In: Mr. and Mrs. · Paul Deafeneuo 11'8 P9,reUO a.ru 9AJsnioul ' 9 Ol t 'soN slwoclo.ld projeot and will be awarded . as one contraot. baugh ~f W/ashington D. C. . PROPOSAL No. 1 were week-end guests of Misses Clinton County, Ohio. on Section 7.93 (Part), State Route No. 860. la Annie and Marne Brown. Olark, Washington and Green Townships, by app.1ylng a bl~mlnoWi Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark treatment, Item T-81. I and Mr. Wilbur Clark of Lytle, Pavem'elllt.: Wldlth 16 .teet. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark of Length 23,390.4 teet or 4.43 mUes. Dayton called on their aunt, PROPOSAL. No.2 Mrs. Alice .Clark Saturday Clinton Count y , Ohio. on Section 6.00. State Route No. 133, In Marloll afternoon. and Vernon TownshiPS. by applying a bituminous treatment, It~ T-81. Mrs. Leah Mills spent Sun-, Pavemenrt: Wld,th 1'6 feet. day afternoon with Mrs. Marne Leng'th 17.371.2 feet or 3.29 mll~9. .Hatfield in Lebanon. PROPOSAL No. 3 Warren County, Ohio. on Section 0.46. state Route No. 138. In W8sbln&\tOll Misses • Minnie Dodson, Township. by applying a bltumtn-ous tl'ea.tmerut, Item T-Sl. Clara Lile and Elizabeth " :. -\ av through th:r. ouick coffee cake is a fi.~ : i: . : i • Pavement: Width 16 feel Chandler were dinner guests ; ch erries to lend appetite appeal to a g<,)od brcn., ~: . ~ Length 3,590.4 teet or 0.68 mile. on Friday of Mrs. Charles ,PROPOSAL No.4 _ . ;:'\ :. a 'lOt bre!ld that f eltures so much good eatin g. t ':c hv:. y Anderson, .Sr. Warren County, Ohio. on Sections 0.00. 1.57, (3.0S ' B utlerville) &D4 1.19; L' .::: ! C I \!e cake is e.:ccpt i-o llal1¥ e ~:.; y to m :.l ~ e, In to t!: ~:. :. ir: .: :)' i Miss Margaret Edwards state ,Route No. 132, In Harlam. and Washington TownshiPs. by applytng., ~v<': s a. crunchy lay ' of s re use;. t:1Cn a co .. cc ca',c b:l ttcr, t" ':':11 'picknicked Thursday etening bfltumlnous treat ment. Item T-31. [Sweetene::l cherries, finally more batter. This layered cake bakes in with Mr. and Mrs. Robert ' ~5 minutes. Ther. it puts in nn o. p ~ (l'nn er at the breakfast table to l Pavement: Wlfdtb 18 feet. Length - 5~,698.4. feet. Kersey and children at Cold g~Vf,! that meal style and i'l par k , ~ . '· . \ Width 18 feet. Length 2.956.8 feel I Uses for such a coff c cnl;e nee not. be limited to breakfast., Springs. Total Leng.th 58,555.2 feet. or 11.09 miles. 'Because it contaIns enr.iched ll nur. it is rich in B-vitamins, food energy" Mrs. -Olive Curl~ Dr. Emma PROPOSAL No.5 . . nd iron. With this. splendid nc trition al value, ·it is a mid-afternoon Clermont CouJrty. Ohio. on Seotl'on 27.15 (Part). State Route No. :t32, 1rta Holloway, Miss Jessie. Garner, treat for callers, a su pper de-sert, a brunch spe ial. Enriched flourl Goshe": TownshIp, by applying a Ibltumlnous "treatment. Item T-!-t. Miss Ruth Chandl~r, Miss roducts are good meilU-balan('el's, 's ine a ll th eir foo d v&.l u s a dd u ;> Pa vern en-t+-Wf4th--18 feet. Oli Williams and Mrs. Ella - on the credit side of the n1.: al. 'This co. ee cake is hi gh in the list oI' Length 6.072 f f' et or 1.115 mtJes. rsuch produ cts. Dakin attended the funeral of Total estftrta.t ed cost ..... , ............ . ..................... . . .'ft6.6f5S.33. Mrs. Amanda Hartrum in C!iER _ Y FI L1.. ED COFFEE CA..- E Proposa~s No~. 1 to 5 InC'luslve of this projeot to be completed not Ja.tet" Germantown ',F,riday after. .l'opping . t'ha" ()t'tober n. 1948. noon. . 1J4 cup su ar ' ! t ':l' ~{) n cio na:" ,,;, Tihe minimum wage to be pald~ to' 1\ 1 tn bor em ploy('~ on his conttraet . 1(4 cup eon h ~d !lQU t,.4 up ,hol"'r r ,:'1 .1., ,, ;,-: Mi~s Stella, Wiley of Oakshelt be In acoordanoe with the chedule of Prevantng- Hourly Wilge ,:i:J ;-'~" :', our, and ci n. a )';}',: CJt or r~::' L but'. : r _ wood was a guest on Sunday Rates Ascertatne¢ and Determlnt'd by 'The De1)llt'tment of '[nttuetrlal Reof Miss Elizabeth Chandler. lations appltcalble to State Hfgitway Depn,rtment Tmprovpm-eD,t s In aocordt 1(2 cu ps sifted enriched Rour Or. Dudley' Keever of Cen!~, '. ance with Sections 17-3. 17-4, 1T-4a, 1'1'-5 and 17-5a of the Genet-al Code 1/2 cup r . " " ... 3 I !- . ;-.- m -:1' I h- ' -, 2 le41 poon l\'; ing pc.. er of Ohio." . terville and son Edward Keever 1 .;...~ 2 \ ... : " u .. . ~ ) l ~t..... to. . ..... .. 3/4 teaspoon 531 t The bidder must submIt . with his bid a. certtfl~d check In an amount . of Dayton,' were dinner guests Sift together flour, S g''1r. ba' iI ~ ('h r ·i es. Spr!ukl e hall t he \CJ }) •• • ) equal to five ~er cem of the estImated' cost, but In no event more than .at the home on Sunday. cherries. Cov r VI 1\ l' . ..... 1 1 powder, and salt. Beat ~ ). r ' , ten thousand dollars. Mrs. Ella Dakin spent Sunmilk and nlcited short ning. P_I d ,.. ,: b tt r, and finally \ -it.h .:e' ~la.ns and specifications ere on flle In the department of b13hwaYfl day afternoon with h~r grand! .. .. : 1; 14 toppi Ig. B ke in • ,c r· to flout mixture, stirring t1 .• , ; and the office of the resident dlatrlct deputy director. daughter, Miss Janice DaKin, af .. : mixture is smooth. Spl'e ~ .. : • ' ,; y ho" oven (400 degrees F.) The director reserves the right to reject any and all bids. the home of Mr. and Mr. ' . th e battel' into 'greased .,:' 1 , . '.' , inutes. Yield: 1 coffee cake; 19ht by eight inches. '. :eight by ei' g ht inches. Cover w'th Geo'rge Johnson in Lebanon. ' EARL L. REEB . ,. . . - -- ' ...... Stwte Highway Director Miss Dakin will soon. be re, turnin~ ~hMhome~ Corpus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ Christl, Texas. . Miss~s Ruth and Elizabet'h . Mi~s Marilyn farrett, of Mr', and Mrs. Glenn Frye Chandler w~re hostesses "at a Wa,shmgton C. H., was a r:e and sons of Dayton were Sundinner' Tu~sday evening at the cen~ guest · of Mr. and Mrs~ day guests of Mr. and Mrs. GilWhispering Oaks Inn ,in Eatoil, Falhs F. Paine. bert Frye an~ sons. 10 miles South of Xenia, 8 miles North of Wilmington, . Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. off of ROUTE 68, 1Ji mile East of LUMBERTON, on WICAL Ch~ndlet', MJss Gertrude ROAD, at 1 :00 O'CLOCK, P. M., on Chandler and Mrs. ' M1ae HarriWAL fOlKS, I W , l lL B. E IN THe SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER '4, 1948 son. 'The occasion was the forty-fifth wedding 1m.niversary PAP~R 'EACH WE.EK irhis Farm is improved with 7-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, Bath, 9f Mr. and Mrs. Chandler. Enclosed Back Porch, strictly MODERN except furnace. InweSTERN tOSOPHV ANiD terior recently decorated. 42 ft. x 52 ft. .Barn, Chicken House, . . . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woollard Garage and Work Shop and all other necessary outbuildings. epwBOY NUHOR fOR YOUR ' left for Chicago, M'onday morWiater under pressure 'in barn and feed lots. 70 Acres tillable, ning by plane. 32 Acres of good. Blue Grass with running water. All good ENTfRTA"~M fences. Land in High State af C1,Jltivation. 14e~1 Stock and , ' .'SPOHS'OR D8Y.~.'. Dairy Farm with' plenty of shade. Will be offered. with upstart bid of $167.00 per acre (a lo~ starting price for such ~ JANES RENDERING , n investment.) .. tJ'ERMS-10% of -purchase price on day of sal~. Balance on delivery of deed within 15 days. December Taxes paid by A . NEEDED present owner. Farm offered at 2 :90 o'clock P•. M., Pro,mpt. IN Immediate Possession. SE RV.I C £ FARMALL 'F~14 'TRAcrOR - On rubber,' with Cultivato.r. NeWSpfJj,2l ' FOR EVERY Oliv~r 2-bottQm ~ 2 in.ch breaking plow. FARM rMPLEMENTS - M & M' Corn Planter, Fertilizer and , AND ALL IJJJIJ'JJ:~ COMM UN I'TV ,. check.;.row' ho}'se drawn or tractor" has planted only .40 acres. . IHe Mower, good 'as new. Dunham Disc, good as new. '10hoe Superior Grain .Drill. ·Wagon. Sled. MiSCELLANEOUS -- Hog Feeder. Water Fountain. 'Hor ' Troughs. New ·Electric Brooder, SOO-chicks size. Chicken s o Feeders. 12 rods· of 4·inch Tile. 12 rods of No.9 47-incb Fence. 20 rods of Hog Fence Posts. 2 squares of Corrugated Roofing. Shovel~. Forks• .Many Other Small Tools. ' . . ~ \' .F QD - Hay in Mow. . . . '- (.;UERNS~ c;oW with 3rd· Calf by side.
" I
\1\' ...
'A~llI!S I
READ IY 104,607 ' OHIO WIT" $10 IILLION DOLLARS '!O SPEND for Locc:il or Stat• .Rate.
24 -
Call, Wire or Write, our r,pre.entat~vel
..( .
SUperior 6700
Vilit this New.poper OR
Black Face Montana ewes, 2 .apd' 3, yea'rs .old. Ram. .' . . . HOUSEHOLD GOODS - Estate. Oil He,ter with Fan used one winter. Hot Blast Coal Heater, used one wlDter~ Estate Range. Small Perfection Heater. 3-piece ,Uvlng Room Suite. 2 Beds, complete. Day Bed. 2 Dressers. Wash stand, Writing Desk.-/Exte~ion Table. Chairs. Glass Chum, Dishes, . etc: . , . TERMS ON CHATrEI.' CASH• . . PARMER STANLEY JESS STANLEY.& EARL KOOGLER, Auctioneers. ' (Waynesville Ph. 2894). (Dayton Ph. KE.8879) MORRIS & SIMS, Clerks. ' 2·3
. ...
..... ...... .. . . .
-< -.
. . .... - ... - . . . , .. . . '
Photo Classics
DON'T FORGET TO CALL ~s for insurance. All types of msura.nce at a savings. Can FranCIS Gene Brown phone FOWL POI( vv ~\RNING Waynesville 24 72 'or call collect. Wilmington 2 111. ' IS GIVEN PRODUCERS Almost every year th ere . is FOR RENTa ~ er!o u ut!'J'-:.: d : of fowl P"' x ~\ en ' after ih'1.ets are haCtsed P RN I HED APARTME T, and ~ reduction starts, feed For Rent, Mrs. usa n W. " spe ialists s f the Farm bureau can lon, Mai n t. - ,92 Cooperative ~\ .::scciation warn. They claim the, disease; - e:15:ly FOR SALESl read by birds) cats, do~s an i R Tr:ail r, 21 - hv ther means . Losse can be Ex lIent condit,ion. prevented by , vacctnatin~' the 2 Ii J. W . Hall, pullets before winter. It 13 he- t clone , d urin ~ warm weather treet. - 92 " hen the birds are between si~ W.H ITE ROCKR~'r. -'- El on ,·.ei twelve wr eb of aO'(! All J R,etallick. Ph one 2801. hir -I h Ltld be vaccin ated at Waynesv ill Rt. 1. - 99 th arne ti me to prevent spread to unvaccinated poultry. 19 , CH ROLET COACH with h ater, G od 'running conditi n. Jes e Prendergast SOUTH WAYNE COUNCILPhone 261 " " - 99 The So uth Wa ne A,dv isory ounei} met , at the horn e of SJF-'laTT~D POLAND, OHINA Yearling boar" reg i ter ,d. Mr. and Mrs. 'J.. B. Crabbe on L~\vre n ce Brown, Waynes. Thursday e.vening wrth a good att ndanc'e. Mrs. A. H. Earn. VIII Rt. 2 . Pho ne 2935 . hart in charge f 'a general - 99 discuswas ion on vari ous topics. BOOK CASE, ide Board The council adJo urned to China Clo et, Heatrola and meet with Mr. and Mrs. Louis few Antiqu~s. Mrs. Su an W. Fires in September and during . '.\" ', ·; u tstandil~g news il i.:;; ure of the year" this Speed Graphic ! NORR,18 BROCK COMPANY 'S Ho t , ', 1nk Cushing won the 1948 Pulitzer Prize. It s h ows a b oy \ Scan19n. Main 'St. - 9_ th e ocial hour a r,efre$hing Cincinnati Union Stock Yard. - --, - ..,....~unm , . li ng a r~volver against another boy and darlnQ the police lunch was served by the hostLive Wire and Progre.siv e • An Ito come a nd get hlm·-whlch they 'dld. Cushing made the shot from the) ~n A. ~. C. Electric Wa?hing ess. fleconci floor of , a nealr-by, hou.e, by crawling out 'on ~he roof of an ell. orCianization ..oonCi to none. Machl,ne. In , good condition, ' Strictlv' .ellere ch) the best mO.tor in good "shape, good all around 'market In th. MONTGOMERY COUNTY Tel. ,Dayton EAST WAYNE COUNCIL wrInger. CHA~AUQUA O.QSING oountry. , FAIR TO BE· BIGGEST MO-7458 . Near Lytle on Tl1e Ea&t Way ne Advisory DATES ARE ANNOUNCED SERVICE THAT SATISFIES EVER, OFFICIALS SAY, 'Lytle Road. WIHlO Davton 12:50 E. s. '1'. held its regular August meetrng ' The ' Following dosing dates Tile 97th an ' nual Monthom e' of Mr. 'and Mrs. ' at the Dtal.i~O. W'l.;W clMlnnatt Strictlv Fresh Eggs For Sale. Roscoe , Furnas durin~ the past- have been announced for Chau12:40. Dial 700. tor Our ~ly Mark~t Repor... ' , gQmery County Fair, opening Irvin Mulford, Phone 2723-. week, with Mrs. Sara 8r~ddock tauqua ': , -99 Th 'S" I 8 t 3~p t. 6th, d continuing as di cussiori leader. The work e wlmmmg poo, ' oa through Sept. 9th., will exceed Dock, Golf Course, Bicycle ESTATE HEATROLA Fuer Oil ' done by the CROP -committee Stand, Coffee Shop", Pop Corn all previous expositions, ' Fair Stove with tubing and drum: in Warren Countv was discus- S d h officials assert. sed, and seve ral new le .~i lati e With more complete showtan ~ P oto Shop, Skill Arcade, See Pat Hopkins, Route 1. , Creamy Whip, Bowling Alley -9 2 issues were mentioned. After adjourning to meet with will be closed' for the season on in~s than ever before, c;ash McCormick.Deering Corn Bin- Mr. and Mrs. H!lrry Satterth- :the evening ' of Septemb~r 6, pnzes of substantial amolmts For ' have been set up in every de· der. Phone Centerv.i1le 7590. waite in September~ a l?leasant Labor Day. The Skating Rink will be partment. ,Racing program are Greater Safety 'o f Farm Owner--99 &ocial hour wa,s enjoyed with T d F'o St · carded every afternoon and eve· .--------------~------open on ~es ay, rJ ay~ , ,a ur. ning, e,x,cept 'tuesday night" ship , RIPE TOMATOES. Walter refr,eshments. day and Sunday nights \lntil Oct· Dakin, W,aWlesville, Route 'Mr. and Mts. Harry Satter- o~er . 10. with estimated purses, after en- Finance with a Land Bank LoaD ' 1. , ' -92 l·te, Mr. Henr'y Satterth- . T.he, Hotel and, cabms wtll trance fees added of $f2,O(Yo. LONG TERMS ' th ur,a, "" The track is in excellent con· LOW INTEREST WOOL SKlRTS, .Jumper, and , waite, Miss Ruth S,attertltwaite, accommodate ,church and lodge ' dition and fast racinlY is antid'ated q Raincoat. ' Size Junior 9. MI. and Mrs. Jesse Thomas groups Septemb.er 11 an~ t 2. REPAYMENT' P.RMLEGE.! , Pho~e 2099. ' ' -826 'were Sunday dinner guests · of T~e.se gJiO~pS ~11l be. ted 10 the P - '-'. LOA,N ASSOCIATION !Ar. and Mrs_ Arthur Sum~er Dmmg Hall whIch Will serve n? M.t. and Mrs. 'Harr Satter, Room 5 Old BalIk Bldg. Chem'ical indoor toilet. Phone 111 ~ebanon when they entertam. SmealS ftom Labor Day! ' un!II thwaite had as SundaJ evening ;:-;:-:-~~----"-'---->----"')-~~- , ---92 , 11 S. Broadway , ed m h?nor of Mr. Henry' Sateptember 11 afll~1 whIch W!ll .dinner 'guests Prof. and --Mrs. , 'terthwalte, ' theIr f~ther, who c1os 7 for .the, s.easop on Sept- Ralph Fowler ~111 d dau ,hters of LEBANON, OHIO Phone 4sa , was. celebrating h is birthday iemtber .1 2 , I w~ICth fl~ ' al~o .thke " the Univers'ity of Cinci~~ati and EIIia H. StUrm, Sec'y-T..... Good Home for White Milk anmv~rsary. . as av~!1~ b e ua e ~r pICRIC·' Fred' Hatch _of West 'Palm LEBANON' NATIONAL ~ARM mg faclhhes. ", ' 8 ' h FI . , Goat. Fr.ee. Will Deliver. ' Chautauqua's Post OffiCe ,and eac, a. ' -92 ..-:.....:...- _ -_____,___---:-"'-:-" " F.allis ' F. ,Paine. , ~DOF~ Generd~ficewilld~eLabor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FARM EQUIPMENT .' Day. . ' We wish to' thank our friends , , We can give you proml't, ef· ond neighbors for their ' cards and ' M,rs. Ethan Lewis , ficient service on your JOHN and expressions of sYPlpathy of, Mr. the Tacc.a Falls Bible InstiDEERE' Farm .Equipmept. following the death of ,Mr. tute; Tacca Falls, Ga~, w~re Stop in for ' estimate. Large Stubbs' in.other, Mrs. Amanda guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. ,Lee Stock of Genuine John Deere Hartrum. Hawke and Mrs; Ida Parshall ' Repairs. , Albert Stubbs and .Family. ' one day of' the past we,ek. BANTA JMPLEMENT Co. SSS Lebanon, Ohio
I ,
. Any -nak,e Or mOdel
'Fr.d Ka,h n',Motor Car
,GUTTER DRAINS Available Por Deliverv Free Bam Planning SerVice Call us for eStimate at no obU, gation.
- BANTA IMPLEMENT Co. LebaaoD, Ohio Phone 666 -"
HORsES ~6400; coWS ' ~7·50; HOG$, ~2.oo Cwt.
...... . ' x..ia . 45 4 X E''N I A Fertilizer' CAll.
0. '
E. G. BucbSieb, Inc.
It Says
Here -
Schools Jammed As 610 Enroll
With the war-time birth rate' hitting Waynesville scho'ols in the form of a ' record class of By Smitty 74 first graders, both local chool , buildings are seriously SERVING . WAYNESV.LLE SINCE 1850 Never before in Waynesville's history have 610 pupils overcrowded. Total enrollmentFiVe: CENTS A COPY turned up in the ' local school reached the all. time high of 610 No. 4385 Supt: K. M. Retallick _WAYNESVIL.LE. OHIO system. Consequently, never be. yesterday, ' _ _ _ _.___________ --:-______ ,_ _1948 _ fore has the chool staff faced re,ported. such problems as it is now meet. Following the failu(e of Mr . ' " ing crowded classrooms, . Florence Hastings to sign a con. jammed schedules, and soon. tract at the prescribed salary , A full schoolhouse i a sign scale, the schoots \'(ere shCirt, NOTE: Mayor Harry Sh r- FRED J. HAGEMEYER of a healthy and growing com· a teacher for half of the bi~ munity, even if 1t is a strain first grade. Mrs. Esther Gons is wood has a ked all 10 a1 busiFred J. Hagemeyer, county on , the teachers. But the full. filling the vacancy this' week, 'nes places to close for one hour c mmi - inner 'an Republican school al'o imposes some res- but Mr. Retallick said the posi. on each afternoon when funeral -apLii '1ate for Wanen County' ponsibilities 011 the town as a tion will be filled permanent ly s rvice are 'being held for a . t~te r pre entative, will be whole: . " by Mr, . ~yron Carver, wife of war ca uatt y wh ' se body i re- Luri d in Miami C meter y t . Fir t, to stand beh ind , the the minister of Ferry Church turned from overseas. ma n w' fol1 ,\I inK ervice~ at 2 school authorities who are doing of Christ. Mrs. Carver holds a PFC. JOHN D. WOOLARD P. M. at th J0hn on Fun ral the best they can., Bickering and regular certificate and will start Hom, in Lebanon. teaching Monday. , ,The other disputes won't help. Wayne Town ll'fp American He haj been a farm I' n ar is being taught half of the class tN. 615 will be ill' charge Clark \ ill for mor than 40 P, o , ' econd, to plan to relieve the by Joyce Foote, who recently th e McClure Fu· year " and wa pr minent in of service at crowding in future year. A finished schooling at Miami neral Home at ~ P. · M' . Satu Ma ni ' T III -. He \va - om· start has been made on thi University. day for .Pfc. Jonn O. Woolard mander 'of Let an 11 c n1'through the $200,000 bond by c1as es is: wh wa kill ed in action in mand r when he iiej and wa , Enr, d llment i ue for a new grade building-, France Jan, 12, 1945, at the pa t wor hipfll~ master of First, 74; second, 64; third" but even that may not be 19 age of 39. R v. R. B. Coleman' Clark ville Lodge. ,Masci nic ser. 49; fourth, 66; fifth, 67; sixth, enough if enrollment continues _ SO,; seventh, 56; eighth, 34; will as ist and a firing ' squad , vic are I ein g held tonight at to oar, ' Third, to see that the pupil ' ninth 52; tenth, 3 ~ i eleventh" will be at ,th grav in Miami , 8 o'el ck. 29, 'and twelfth, 31. ' Cemet~ry. .. Death was due to a heart do their part by taking classes at atta k at Chri t Ii pital in . Woolard ,formerly worked Pra tically every class is too seriou ly. The bigge r the class, the less time a teacher ' has to large for the room assigned to Fairley' Hardware , tore. He i Cincinnati, where ,he 11a j two survived by his mother, NelH ; ,op ration in the past fiv waste on the ones who just it, Mr. RetalIick said. his fatherj John; three, rothers, we ks. ur ivor are hi -, wife, aren't ill te rested. " Clarence, at hcime, Kenneth of ~e ie; a 011, three daughters, R ute 1, and Wilbur of L 'b. thr e 'hrother, and ei 11t iA!nd then there is something anon; ,thre i ters, Marga'ret, t r ., ' that Labor Day always brings at home, Mr. Bessie Milburn ' The Mothers' Club will hold up: Drivers who are used to ig-n~ring "Schoot Zone" 'si~m its first meeting of the 194,8.49 of Xenia, and ' Glenna Dalton CHARLES RYE durmg the summer must re- school year at the Grade School at h me. Charle Rye, 88, died at 8 member once again to "Give building tomorrow afternoon. A. M. Tuesdav at 'hi home on the ,Kids a Brake:' Decimation The mothers are invited to F. H. MILTENBERGER North Main Street! of cerebral , Fr~nkrn He,n ry Milt nberger, by automobiles isn't the answer come at 1 P. M. to observe their ' children in the classrooms for 81, dIed at . :45 P. M. Monday hemorrha 'e: , ! overcroWding., . He was born near Wayne . an hour before the bu iness in Miami Valley H pital of meeting starts at 2 o'clock and bu.rns sufferep Thursday in a vill on Sept. ~2, '186 , and . . ~ mo ~ wi,1t get an Qppo....tunit v ' flare·up of , gasoline he was lived in this area all his life. (Lifted ffom. "Conservation to ' meet the teachers and the pouring on a trash ile, H was a retired farmer. ,He " Scope") , ' Mr. Miltenberger had lived , is survived b ' · h~ 0 sons, Harvey new superintendent, K. M. Re. I think Lthat ~shall never see ' tallick. 42 years at his farm ' on Route a~d Clarence, both of Waynes. A man ' so asinine . as he 2 near Lytle. He i survived by vIlle; a dau hter, Mr. Hertha Who leaves his fire ere it's out, , a son, Milo, at home; a daijgh-' Hartsock of pring Valley; a And throws hi~ burning butts ter, Mr . MiHred A\rchdeacon of brother, J ohn, of Elyria; six about; , Dayton; a brother, Edward, of grandchilliten, and four great. A man who liv~s for just today, Eaton; five , Tandchildren, and grandchildren. , And burns the fo'rests, come Fune.ra.l service will be held on greaf- 'randchild. what may; , , He was alone on the farm at 2 P. M. tomorrow at the The Waynesville Athletic at th .; time, a' hi son Milo McCluJ' , Fu'neral Home with A man who hunts 'tween dusk , Association, which has run out and famH y we're at' ,the State Rev. R. B. Coleman of Waynes· and dawn, . of ,funds due ' to , in suffiCient Fair. A neighbor, Leslie Gray ville Methodi t Church in And catch~s fish that went to spectator supp'0rt of its, soft- ' ha'd him taken to Miami Valley charge. Burial will be Miami spawn; " ' ba.ll league, W1n recel ve all the Hospital in the McClure Am. CemeterY· Who kills a deer for killing's proceeds from a two.dar show- bulance. sake. ,' Funei'al servi e were held mg of "The Knockout' at the A:nd leaves it for the wolves to Twin Theatre next Wednesday this afternoon at Stub , take; Rev. and' Thursda¥, to enable the' Home with , Who overttaps a bea ver~ house, league to fintSh ' its remaining Graham in c!large. B And in closed season shoots three weeks of play, followed in Miami Cemetery. ruffled grouse'; by play-qffs. ., ' ,The Joe Palooka feature will CHESTER McKEEVER A man who gO'es his' selfish wa;y, Chester LeRoy McKeever, 9. And cares not who must some· be accompanied by ,~horts <;>0 baseb~V , a ~d football' . One Run month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. time pay " Elmer w111 feature Bu.ster Ke~. George McKeever of Waynes. For all the devastation wrought 10 ville, died at 2: 15 A. M. Sund;ly ' ton, recalled by old-timers, By him) who never 'had a the tale ~f a ~mal1tow~ lad try. , in Mianii Valley' Hospital'. In thougnt ' ,' 109 to wm hl~ spurs m· "fast" addition ' , to his parents he is For those whos.e 4eritage he;l1 survived by several brothers and spoil, ~ ' , , baseball company•. ' All ballplayers m the local sisters. Here are some mOr£ of the 'To whom he'll leav,e just rock Funeral S J'yi ' were held entries in the ' Miam i Gazette's and soil. ' ~eagu~ have tickets .for the pro. gram; or ·they may. b.e bought Monda.y afternoon in the Stlllbbs ' 'recent' "Cute Kiddie" contest. at the theatr.e box office. Funeral Home witb Rev.. Byron From 'left to right they are: . Mrs. Anna Williamson fell at Carver officiating. ,Buria,l W~lS in Cheryl Ratlif.f, 2· year,:, old her home on Tuesday and was Miami Cemetery. T.he: Wom~n's ,Soc.iety of daughtecr of Mr. and Mrs. E. , removed to the Hospital in , ~nshal1 . S~rvlce ' of WaYnes. DaytQn. Ville M'ethodlst Church will hold Ernest, Lacy" age 61 years GRANGE ,TO HONOR .acov.e(ed dish hmcheon at noon died very suddenly of a heart n'e xt , Thursday 'in 1he church attack 011 Tue da of last week; SCHOOL TEACHERS bas,e ment with a Dayton speak. at a cottage at Six Lakes, MiCh. , Parmers Grange' No. 13 will er to : address the ,group. ' where h and Mrs. Lacy and hoJd an open ni,eeting and reMr. and Mrs. A:rchie B~tkner ception for new and old teach. , ,The ' September meeting of ~er~ t~p.end a cO!lple of wee~s . ets in 'the Wayne.sville schools St. , Mary's, Clu,b 'will begin with flshmg. His. mAther, Mrs. Emma nn Thursday evenmg, Sept. 16'. a Pot. Luck Supper at the Rec- Lacy, and S1ster Mrs. Eva Young ' There will be refreshments and torv at 6:30 P. M., on Sunday, also ' live at Lytle. The body a program by the Grange. Sept. 12th. Please bring ~ cov. was. brought to the Miller and 9n funeral ' H Ime in Dayton ered diSh and your own table en ice w r held Saturday . M·r. and Mrs. Wade Turner service. Coffee will be fu ish. afternoon. Burial was in Wood an .i s llS have returned to ed. Ian i ,Cern te.ry. A numb~r of Phoenix, Arizona, after spend. ")ATRONIZE GAZETT rel'ativ s an j friends , from here ing the 'summer here with re. ADVERTISERS lative . attended the funeral.
Mothers' Club to Meet
Joe Palooka to Aid tocal·Softball toop ·
The 1 0o-Year histor of Waynesville Lodge No., 163, F, & A. M." will be reviewed before everal hundred guests at the dinner and ' celebration marking the I dge's centennial on Sa,t. uria y aftern on and evening, ept. 18. The a tual 1 ooth anniversary 'of th first lod 'e meeting fjlUs , on ept. 29 but Sept. 18 was ho en as a more convenient date for the distinguished gut t . . Raymond A. Younger, Grand Ma t r f Masons in Ohio, will be the principal guest and p aker. Pa t grand lodge ·of. fi er and other Ma ni notables will also h in attendance. John O. Cartwright, Cincln. nati, Ide t living- member of Wayn ville Lodge, will present hi hi -tory of the lodge at an e,arly ~ e sion. He will , als.o be honored for SO years' member. hip. ' ' Dinner will be served to local and vi iting Masons in the high school cafeteria at 6 P. M., by ladi e of the Miami ,Chapter, der of Eastern tar.
'Plan Festival Display ' ,Now, Farmers
A plan cant inued to c(ys. taBize for the first ann(lal Little Miami F 11 Fe tivat here' Oct. 1;2 to 16, a committee of Grang and other farm leaders i co mpleting- a 1i t f premiums and cia's for di plays of ,farm' produ e, cookery, and needle~ ' work. , ' A11 farm'ers' in this S'fea were ur~eci to av their be t items for the ' displ,ay, which i ex~ pected to be h ld in the Grange Hall. The vent \\ ill feature a grand prize of a 19 8 Crosley, stati n wagon, furnished by; Whitaker Motor Sales Co. in ar is now; Wilmington. Th.i on di play at Kier ' Garage, Main and Miami sts. It 'Xill re. main there until it is given ,away at 11 P; M. Saturd~y, Oct ' 16 . ..
Here Are More 'Cute Kiddie" Entries
,'f/fllD IM/iIlT
'Masons to Hold Centennial Fete Here Sept. 18
B. Ratliff of Route 3; Berni'ce and Benny Jo purkey" aged 6 ' and i, children qf Mr. and M'rs. C. L. Purkey of Route 1; Tom' my and Johnny Hartsock, 4 and 5, sons of Mr. and Mrs. ' J. ,S. Hartsock of Route 2. ' ' ,
. Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Pennington a daughter, Sundav Sept. 5 at the ·home ,of Mrs. Pennington's ' parents at Rich~ond, Ky. " . The W~rren County W. C. T. U. Convention will be 'held in the Waynesville Methodisl' Church,on friday, Sept. 17. The p ro.J.~ram " will start' at 1 0 a. m. J::'ach one; ' will please brin g a, covered di h a.lld her OWll tahl service.
jail, where Paulette sp'ends a THE MIAMI GAZETTE . PAGE. weather. However yesterday it night All together It'S a fast· Waynesvill~, Ohio No. 4385 wa rmed up enough 5.0 that the clip movie with no dull mom· Thursday, Sept. 9, t948 kids ' wanted to go swimming, ents. WB ' News and a good so we went. It was nice but the . , . tickets may be bought both short 'round out the bill. water was a little chilly, just 'Fred Mac Murray, does ~p , niO'hts -at the box-offic~ for the righ t for a short swim but by D .J. FRAIZER 10 7 c donation price providing interestingly 'different part not warm enough tu stay all "Singapore" (UI), on , the there are seats left in the afternoon. That is the time the eptember 3, 1948: Thistles ,high griees keep people home. ' screen Tuesday only. C~st ' ~s a theatre. Better to get your tick· ~ and iron-weed, handsome but When I had a season ticket I da hing! adventurous American ets in advance, however, than ,FOX HOLLY unp op ul~r. The thistle is, the us d to go in often on days who enJ oys the excitement and to risk ' the disappointment of national flower of Scotland. I like that and just have a half Flash! Att'en,tiOIi! Big doings! risks 'in sJ11uggling, MacMurray not being "in" on the league , do not know if those decorating hour or Ie s and if I had, some Next Wednesday and Thurs- goes 'thru an entertaining roo Benefit party. our landscapes at the present unu ed wim on a t (m-~ \\"m da , Sept. 15 and 16, the Twin m.antic 'story with the mysl~ries time are descendants of Scotch ticket I would probably 'do the Theatre is turning over its of the Orient and its conscient------immigrants or whether they are same. The life guard was ex· facilities to the local Softball ious secret police as back Ross Plarick has returned to natives. But they are sturdy pressing some of his ideas. He league for a bell efit perfor. ground. He is ably ' assisted by his hQme after a few days at and stubborn as anv Scotchman likes to see the kids swim and mance, all proceeds collected Av~ Gardner who, bv the way, the hospital in Columbus, where yet they are beauUful. They- I)a ve a good time but he thinks to go to the league. At 6:30, wears some most attractive he went for observation and say mules will eat them but ' I too many little children who 8 :30 and 10:30 on those two ' gowns. It's good yarn, full , of treatment. . haven't seen Jeanette lunching can, not swim are alJowed " to nights "The Knockout", a hil- sustained suspense. on them. I t is true that I come on Mondays without any arious Joe Palooka-Knobby (MGM.). "Killer' , McCoy" hayen't as many in the pasture grownup with .them. They try 'Walsh feature movie" plus starring Mickey Rooney, ' WIlt where she is as I have in some their b,est to keep their eyes on ,sports and c m ~ y S'lOI"i. , will ' 11ave only one day's run at tHe other places. In the market in all of them but it is so easy f<;'H be, screened. For ~vo ur 75 cel Twin on Friday, due to the man. Dayton one day I sa\v a stand a little one to fall or 'go under donation (price per ticket) agement s • decision to give filled with .great , bunches. of while they are looking at some yo u'll get an entertaining even- Thursday, as, weJI as Us "dosed" ~histles whIch were be~ng oth er that it nearly giv es them '. mg, plus helping the leagu,e re· day Wednesd~y, to the Softball . ..bought eagerly at twenty-five nervous prostration. "Eighteen co up it financial situa1ion. lea~ue BenefIt party. It reveals ,. cents a bunch and after all, cent baby itters" is what he Ti ket - may be ecured from Mickey Roonoy in 'his first matwhy nof? Not many flowers ays they ar,e. Anothe~ griev- your favorite ball players, and ure role, that of a two-fisted make more ' beautiful decora- ance was the large groups that at the Twin box office. Sports ,·tough guy ' who fights his way tions. ' - came from other place~ " on lovers and 'community-minded up from the gutter to greatness, , The hO,t weather end~d Monday ,' without a s4fficient citizens, krnowing the value of and who e loyaltv makes him ~bruptl.Y. w.lth a storm and a ,number of adults to take care softball ·to this town, will wallt stand by his ne'er-do-well httle hall. Smce then It has been ' .'of them. Another was the notes to support this benefit. But fa ther. J ames Dunn, academ y unseas<?nably cool for. several from anxious mamas, saying the main point yom columnist award winner, Ann Blyth" acadTHEIR SECURITY RESTS days, , coat and fireplac e "Please make SuseY:.cohle ·out at wants to bring out is this: 'For emy award nominee, aHa Brian WITII YOU! your cooperation with ' this Donlevy do tremend01:1s work .Yes, the education of your _ four o'clock." ~eague Benefit Night, you'll re_ in supporting roles. Rooney's children, their entire future welThere were so man'y things ce ive as good a night's enter· fight scenes in the ring, for fare, is yo ur responsibility. Disthat I wanted to do this week tainm ent as y'o u'U fiItd this side he t,rained a month before charge it conscit!ntiously and which ,before school beKins b,ut. here it of the Great ~VJlite Way. I film.ing started, are highlights. EASILY by sa'ving REGULA Ris Friday anq So httle . pon~. The kriow. I saw tile p·review of the . Wish the Twin could hold this Lv. We are ready to ' he,lp y :J. not weather hurried the rip~ning program last night. ' movie over, but it's on a ,tight now. ' Stop in! of the peaches.so that when we Lai1t time tonight Briefviews: went to one of the orchards for "The Egg and I." Don't schedule for 'bookings ,else. that advertised come-and- miss it. It goes out of circulation where. Although the Softball LeagUe ipick - them - yourself we in October. ' hopes advance ticket sales wiII found them almost over , ripe. ' , Pleasant part about · ."Black 'ensure a full 'house both Wed"But we pi~ked som ... 'and no:" Hills" (El)·, ' showing Saturnesday and Thursday nights,most of them are canned or m day onlY is th3,t., interspersed TIuJ' credilor Iwu aJI(IQY, a beeter t the freezer. I hop~ the frozen between ,the fist · and g~n fights memory ahan ,.lae debaor. ones come out as well a they , of thi,s quick.tempo , Western, SEPTEMBER did last year. I t'ried something some sweet' saddle:! music floats . new this year. The problem is forth .. Eddie Dean apd Roscoe t-MoJor BOllon police Itrik., 1919, to have things in' small enough Ates star, ,and E jdie, aided by quantities so this year I tric,d the u:Plainsmen", sings , HBlack 100RadiUm discovered J898 using two' cellophane bags in Hills" ; "Punchiilello" ; an one container. Last year when "'Let s Go Sparkin". I opened a ' package of frozen Even on the moon a man is peache it i~(llS more t'han I not safe,' for another woman could eat at one ttme. Some· crosses Brick BradfordJs path in times' the unea'ten part turned tJl e 4 th chap ter of the se rial bro\\ttl befpre, it was used but, skowing Saturday and entitled this way I hop~ it will keep thc "Into The VOlcano.". New uneat ~ n porti n fresh for an_ 1S-f'1J'S1 party nom11lcl11lQ th er t'tme. l'Ima bean are scientific wonders 'are sought, ! , conven 101:1 opens. 1812, 0 w\ih dire results. Y ou'l) be " WlfUP'•• "'... ' cotninK in the ~ arden n wand I breathless, . and you may be , It fj.i ____Ml _~,-.....~~.....,...... want to freeze some f them be. . lucky 'with the , right number on .i cause th.J is somethh cr elSe that U8e The It 1m"""" T ~ your BB, c.ard. Last Saturday i better frozen th:-" .'1 canned, Mrs. B.essle Thompson of I Check The Weather' ,And while au are canning don 't Waynesville was the winner. . But Use forget 'some cans of fruit or A cross-countrs romance in , I ' t()matoes fOf ' the Child ren'S wh'jch laughs and thrills are GAZETTE CLASSIF'I~D Hospital or a few glasses at 'said to ·outdo each other, Parajelly. _A~!--.:.,.....--,---_ mount's" Hazard" is the feature attraction for Sunday and 'Mon • .To Buy, Sell. Re'-;t, ' ..... ~nd Mr.' J ~llnes, Wether_ "day. Co-starring Paulett,e God. hold of Galhpohs were week 'dard and MacDonald Carey in , Loa" , r-,rrc.w, ' ,end guests C!f. Mr. and Mr~. , a story bas~d on Hoy Chanslor's AllY Time of The Yer" t~ Charl~s E. Anders<;m. ' In thelT well known novel about a pen1. 0 ,1 r, . Mr. and Mrs . .Ahderson niless society girl who can t h~d as' Saturday evel'!mg guests stay away from g'amblirig, Paul. He~d bac~ 'to your campus by GreyhouD~t Enjoy AN OUNCE OF Mr. and Mrs. LewI,s Thomp.- ette 'le'ads Carey' 'a ,merry chase Greyboon<l's ~oDveDie.;lt service to colleges anyPREVENTION son, Mr. , and Mrs. Earl, Conner before he eventually .takes her where in the nation. IS W,ORTH ••• and son, Mr.. and Mrs. M. F. . irt tow , and discovers a cure for' Weltz, -Mr. and Mrs. Gharles her obsession. Fred Clark, a's a ;. . FREQUENT SCHEDULES Apderson Jr. and ,son, Mrs. relentless, hard.boiled' gambling , RIce Snapp an,d Mrs .. Harold king, 'and Siapsie Maxie Rosen. • LOW tOST F.RES blbon'i 4$ a truck-d.iver, add Anderson and chJldren. • DEEP· CUSHIONED COMfORT color to 'the ad.ventures. "Hazard'" holds some gO' o d, ' authen. . Mrs. Martha Graves of HaREMEMBER, wbeh tbe football . zard, Ky., is v,isiting her sister~ tic shots of the seedier side of , ~UOQ opens, keep your sorority. los Angeles, including the not. M'rs.. John Treadway, and is " , fr.molty club" group together, 'orioustank of 111~e V',s An f.;e1 " Charter • Greyhound bill to the , assistili.g in: her 'care. '
TW'I.N , Lenses ..
Waynesville Nation 11 Bl~k
School by Greyhound ,. ,
!k ,
--0-- '
a p und f cure. Our regular ' servicing of your car keeps it in A No. 1 cOl)dition ... assures you safe, smooth, carefree drive mg'. ,let us service your car , every 1,000 miles., It's the wise \ thing to QO! Call 234,1 FOR PICK-UP SERVICE.
GaodiYear 'Sbo,
.e._la.· ,
Se~.J~;e . ,
Invi,sible Half SOli,ng OrthopediC Corliection,; "Cork Extensions
• R
..., I~
Y II C» l J N 0
aenty H. .Moeller 111.13 E. MuIMrry St.
DELWAR8 ' 0 . .
IND. · 2.40 ' 3.71 ~US TAX
Mr. , and , Mrs. Baird returned a couple of weeks with his get better instructions for 75 Saturday after a mofor trip thru parents at Lebanon, Va. Waynesville, Ohio No. '4385 cents (the price of the tickets) and. Pennsyl. West Virginia Thursday, Sept. 9, t 948 and of course all us ol'dtimers Lytle Sunday School is havvania .. will enjoy those shorts too, just ing a "blue and white" contest Mrs. Charles Oils and childfor the h~nd of tt. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs ojf in attendance, announced by However the rest of the Social Row were dinner guests ' Mrs. Henrv Saylor, Supt. (t will r'en of ,Dayton spent the week shorts on this specIal, special of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark end Rally Day arul - at the Baird home, while Mrs. Oils helped the Baird girls and program are also interesting on Tuesday evening of last coming on Sunday Oct. 10. and include 'Football Highlights week, in honor of the, birthday Those from Lytle who at- Bett v Campbell iq the grocery. Mrs. J. B. Jones s.pent Tues. 1947 and "shots" from Max ' of Mrs.. Riggs: , . tended the Eastern Star picn ic day with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred supper at · Chaut~uqua near Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Prieur Cairey's ('ex",Pit~burgh star) Jones and Mit's. Mary Knear w~re: Franklin, Sundav evening AIl·Girls Baseball teague plus of petroit were recent guests d children at Southern Hills. 'an Mrs. Susan Saylor, Mr. and BOB ' O'REGAN "quickies" of other sports to of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Long:. , Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mr. Therle be found on Florida sun-kissed acre. The rise of (rv Mulford's beacHes. All in all customers are M'r . and Mrs. Dora Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pursley Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ev:erett Fairley Hardwares' is currentl v assured of seeing two solid and sons acco,mpanied their Early, Misses Charlotte and Howland of Dayton, formerly the chief topic in\ local softball hours of sports..dealing pictures g\lests, Mlfs. Bryan Shinkle and Caroline Burnett" Bobby Mor· of near Lytle, are visiting their circles. Kicked around a little in and remember it's for a good children to their home in Ports gan, Mr and Mrs. Fred Rush son at Arcadia, California. the 'first half, the red-clad ~ause, so rally around this show mouth and spent Saturday and and family Jack Hammond, Mr. Mrs. Howland and son 'visited "warriors" are now the hottest and prove b~ your att~ndance Sunday, Mg. 29 and 30 there. and Mrs. William Strouse and' their cousin, Will H, Bonnevill, team in the league, especially ~hat you are. mtere~ted 10 keepat his home in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White Mrs. Leah Mills. since defeating the American 'mg the Ge~ger FIeld arcs on ' of Dayton spent Thursda.y Legion nine in a "croocial" , bat. for the r~mamder of the season, afternoon of last week with tle for first place. Johnny Ro· with Dayton umpires ,operating. their cousin, Mrs. NetUe Enl. gers who has southpawed most Remember there will be t.hree rick. o~ Fairley's victo;nes, is pro- shows each of the two mghts Mr. and Mrs. Rich'ard Moore pan ored by Lebanon Y. M. C. A. bably the number 1 reason' for at 6 :30 i 8 :30 and 10 :30 P. M., Mrs. C 1e m mi e Zimmer. recent successes but the entire For Cnildren 3 lh years ~o 6 years of age The Junior American Legion man of Dayton and the former's team plays inspired ball and baseball closed their season aunt Mrs. Martha Perry of New BEGINNING SEPT. 27th it would be very difficult to Sunday, nine dropping one sided Lebanon spent Wednesday eve. 9:15 A~ M. to 11 :45 A. M. &numerate stars, except to say' contest, 1S-1, to a the Davis nin with Mr. 'and Mrs. ' J. , B. Bob Osborne continues to hit Coal to. of Dayton. However 5 Day~ a week Jones. well in the pinches and Earl the locals did not fare too badl ,Mr. and Mrs. George Custen. Quigley, firstsacker, ' seemingly in this, their first actual sea·v border and sons . attended the Cour e includes: M~sic, Dancing, Singing, Elocution ane " Play Time has found the right stance and son, as th~y managed to play an Montgomery Fair, at Dayton is blasting the ball ta all fields. even .500 season, M'n1\ing 8 Monday ~fternoon and evening. Next Wednesday and Thurs. out' of 16, encounters. Next Mr. and Mrs: E. B. Longacre day, 15 and 16 September, the year, with most of ·the lads are visiting the former's aunt, ' . gathering spot ,for all sllorts- bac~,. t~er~ should be a very M!"s. Sarah Tharp and other rei. minded people of the local com. - strong JUDlor club. ahves at Augusta, W. Va. munity should be the Twin Bob, Allen's American Legion Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salisburv ,Theatre , whe,re on each ,night nine crosses. bats with Mason of Wasbin~ton C. H. spent Sun. day evenmg with the latte~r's . the fU~1ds are to be turned ove'r Sunday ev~n1Og at 8 P. M. to the loeal l~~gue m order tp Softball games for Sept. 15. mother, M-rs. Nettie Emrick Everett Clark of Dayton keep the toop· functioning .for , 16 are ppstponed until furt1ler ' the remainder of the season. notice. , spent Sunday aftern<;>on amd Tickets for this pecial shaw are evening with his parents, Mr. being sold by your favorite Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Borden and Mrs. Wilbur Clark. Milton Jones ent red Witten. oallplayers and the Twin box· had as Saturday evening 'dinner office, ~o pick up several and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eyre, 'burg College at , Springfield enjoy a ' good evening of sport , Miss Marsha Myers of. Spnng. Tuesday, wliere he will special. ' pictures, which has ,for the fe~- boro and Chester Pugh of Cin- iz in music. ture "The Knockout" starring ci nnati. , " Alfred Rasnake is spending , Joe Palooka and Knobby Walsh of comic.strip fame. Those of you who are familiar '\\,ith Leon Errol c medies will find the ·bald-I1eaded · cometty • a dist at honie in his , role ' of Palooka's manager. Joe Kirk· ' CASH FOR DEAD STOCK \\ ood po~trays alooka. Cows $7.5 0; Horses $6.00; Also included in the program Hogs $2.00 ewt. is a series of shorts dealing with According to size and condition WI,' RB YOUR pitching, batting, fielding and Prompt" Clean Service -I • baserunning and you'll enjoy PHONE COLLECT Xenia 1712 seeing such famous persons as S UC: B S'S of Wilmington 2362 Rogers Hornsby; Joe Vosmik JANES RENDERING, Waynes. (now Dayton's manager); the ville, Ohio adequat. Wlrln. Alels Profl••••• , deceased Lou , Gehrig; .Joe Cronin, Billie Werber; Wesley F.r.lng, lucc.~.ful Living ••". Ferrell; Schoolboy Rowe; Tom. \ WE PA Y TOP PRICES mv 'Bridges and others. Really To enjoy aU the benefits of modem e,lecttical living and you young ballplayers couldn't electrical farming, you need Adequate Wiring. Bringing 0.-. , • your f'rms~ead up to 1948 Adequate Wiring standard. Is ' ~AGE
PORlS ' -
StANT a.
neither difficult nor expensive. Here are a few of the 1
Prom the three-wire entrance service lines to the far. thest oudet in hO,use or f~rm building, be sure your electric wires are heavy enough to carry ample current cap~dty for your needs, present and future. Only with , an,adequate number of circuits and w.ires heavy eno~gh . can you guard against o verlo~ding, and voltage drops ' that dim lights and reduce the efficiency of. motors and appliances. "
IN "
This Newspaper , ~ND
WI'" $10 IIUION DOLLARS !O SPIND for Local or Stat. Rat•• , Vi.it this .N.w.paper -OR
'or praCtical suggestions on Adequate Wiring, (oasul' yout County Agriculture Agent, your Vocational Agricul. ture Instructo, or the Parm Representative o.f the electric power and Ught company serving ,your neighborhood. '
Call, W~r. or Writ., our repre~,entativel
-OHIO WEEKLIES, INC. - SUperior 6700
Plenty of handy conttol switches make for safety as well as convenience. S~itches that, let you light your .,., ahead -in and out of house or farm 'bUildings, up( and down steps, about the yard and feed lot at chore time--'· sav~ maQy a painful accident.
, r
Plan to include enough heavy duty cu:cuits and outlets for portable utility motors in granary, barn, repair shop or garage. It it a good idea to ,include several spare terminals far ,addition of more circuits as your fut\l1'e , needs may require ,them.
LESLIE R. ROTHMAN Lebanon, Ohio - R. R. 2
,.r "
,,. -
' ,.f'
. .'
7th to 12th Grade Students Are Invited ·~l:r~da~:lIe. ~h~t. ~.o. :::: ~. To Enter Presidential Essay Contest. Play Safe and Call ~. -
\\' h,)
'a, t:
id nt u f til'
Stand . r I il C 1111 all ( hi a ). . In additi Il, . hiu will PI' v id it I 'r 'i I ' nti al J\o\ da l, m ade b til' nit d tate Bureau', f Prompt Advice by '.' Dog's Best tll' Mlllt f thL Tr a -llf D ~ F.·iend" Can Save Much 1 artmcnt ·tt P ilaJ Iphia, IA til Misery l ' i l j - t r '.' jdc nt ' ~ I 'ted IJ th~ l ' 11 \ in n r ..: in til I )(al The dog is "man's best 'friend" . . j ' I "h . "11 I but the dog's b ~:> t fr :cnd is his .. Jlin luI' ,LI1 n lu r lJ . C veterinarian a nd the best advice I
Your Pet Is Sick
I'h' ~\ i, 1111 1 Gaz' tt ' ()' f ' fS a h .lI1 ' ~ t · a Jlll1 !Ur ~ln i.1 l1i ~ r ~
Veterinarian ·When
'X l ~n c - pai j h. Th ·
tilL ~r '.llL"t Pr .. ' B'l t . i :-lal ~\"? nJ
,\1; ?
. hi"
clluul - lU I '11 1 :I n I the ir d ~h " ~ l o altep d t It..: iIl;lllgur .. a 1I u 11 t.. / t t !J ' 11 '.\ I I ' J ..: . III 11 l or t h ' Ll1l l ~1 ut · ill \ a 'l}ingtun ill J:1l1U :lIT• , ' 11 c I~ J 'n 'c ' f ald in a lat '.-w il.l C 1 tb t.
t ""l "
th a t can ,be give.n to the owner 01 I a sick or injUied dog is to "run, I don't walk" to the ve te;rinarla n, I \ 'ha t i: 111 r' , a ~ al' nt wi ll states the Gaines· Dog Reseal'ch 't 111 : k I i1 c: 1r iJ. \\' i t h ;ll.: h' .t 'l t C ~nlel" New Y o r~ City. . ,\ il1ll'r. t According to the CC!lter, thousands of dogs li ' e out their lives " in misery or d ie needlessly because thetr mlsguided though well\! rite n · 1 ~ i lie a f the meaning own.e rs either ignore pap "r, pu tt in,)' ur n ~ m , .gra:le symp toms of di.;ease in their pets or else througo t he u e of home . I10I , ani a:l:l[' in th u'p er r emedies and treatments, 'put off r i.C·' t ·' han orner, to,!!,etllet' obtaining the advice of a vetel'iwith the nam.e of the teacher narian until it is too late. . One of the Commoncst mistakes / \\'ho 11:1 . 11 11'1 d y 1I gain . know _ dog owners make is to attempt to I len '" f or th e ' -. :1\, ; . worm a puppy at f,ome. Some of I a'} th ic to til Pre idential the very sickest dogs veterlna- ~ C nt t E itor f th Miami rians see 'are puppic:. which the owner has attempted to worm ~ Z tt n .t tat r tJ an m i~ _ himself wi th drug-sto.re remedies . • ' 'ere are five typical Presidential Medals whlch wUl to night, t her Worm medicines are of nec ~s ity composed of tox.ic and poten drugs ,\ •.mers In the Presidential Contest open to all Junior anil 'Rnlor and are definitely unsafe in ' the ,11gh school student.. The medals are made b1 &he United States MID' bands of the average dog owner. and are each three Inches 8eross. Shown above are the medals for In 194 7, ~,O .5<l J er I') n . ' . r.' Aside from the da nger involved in ' Presidents Taf~ Wilson, Monroe, Grant and Garfield. write an essaY' . ~i1}ed an~i 7 00 .. jni ured \\ 'll k-. hom~ worm treatments. many dog 9,. ,~" t ~'nk .P....ld.."t· --- Wa.. ~" aq4 wbl one! ..~ . Ill,!; on ru ral · hl g!'\v:1 v . In '1 , ,?wners do not realize that there GE~ERAL LIVESTOCK untr, wa lk on th e ' 1 f t 1 18 more than one type of worm h ulder of the r a:l -- an:l \\;t.: :1 . wit.h whic~ a dog may ~e infested -- - - ------------~---------~~----------.--------GRAIN white r carr a li cr ht . an~ that dIfferent r~medles are recont st, after winning the local his m other ot father and th e , . ' ,qUlred to be ' effectlve ng inst the an4 several types of worms, prizes, will bent red bv the teacher he selects at the ti m'e n ig h t ! Carune ear. eye and tooth trouWATER f ubmittin ' his e a will all Miami G zette in th ·tate-wi:le bles should receive prompt procon te t for the trip to Wash- ~i x g t o Wa hin t n with aH . READ GAZETTE Classified Ad s fessional attention, too. Running . or sore eyes, if unattended, can in ·ton, ---------~---------------~--_r lead to ulceration and e-/entual blindness, Ear troubles which are From all O hio, tWb winner '. usually indicated by the dog's con~~y FARQUER · will be· selected for the state I ~inual1y shakinl{ his. head, scratchWaynesville Grand Prizes. mg at the ear or showing unwillA T THE HFriendly Store" ingness to have nis beaa.~tbu:obed Eacll of the two tu dent PHONE 2824 I can bring on deafness if not tr.e ated writing tbe Grand Prize e sa. , correctly. On~ Of the most fooli things for a .dog owner to do is to go I?robing in his pet's ears with an Instrum ent, as the dog's ear~'·,Hard-To·Get" drum is easily perforated, Dental ~roubles in dogs are fairly fre9 It 12 WOOL RUGS quent. . A decayed or ulcerated tooth can give a dog a good· deal of pain and ·can cause toxemia and '9 It 12. FELT BASE RUGS othex illnesses, Having a vetprinarian periooically remove the CURTAINS.·- SLIP (:OYERS tartar from a dog's teeth and examine them with a view to the LAMPS.(Floor and 'rable) ~emoval of any abscessed molars '.9 good dog health insurance.
It' j - II .::i mpl co nt e t. You ma y pick any Pre id'Ilt \VI"lt ',ll) l It. T il 11 '. 11 t \' II V Ikll , i 1 " n ur n \ ' \1 \ ' ri ,wh .yo u th in'k h ~ \ a :1 ;reat 1 I' ,_ i nt,
, I
STUDI.O COUCHES (Fully .Spring Filled)'
"Complete Home Furauher."
HOl't[E FURNITURE ' Phone!. . X:ENIA CO. ' 9'I2R ' OHIO "E~.t Main Street at Wbitem~D"
iI·1A ~' .
4 ~
'or be., re....... don', dllu•• 8unooo Oya.fuel with . .aoUnG aad) youl.aa. .. a~l, emply-alaea till up.
(plus· tax)
"4-WAY FARM INSURANCE" me o~o Farmen ~ give ,ou broad ptOttctioa against lOl~ .
cvven )'OW' buildiop, your chanels, )'our autom~bi1c ...d yout UabUity ·for accidents to others. Why not ,~ UA ;oday? QO
.Belcher's Suooeo Service .,
PHONE 2423
6:00 X ;16 FIRESTONE TIREs $13.95
farIIL It
, Yoa ..... JOILI',. "".wbeo ,.,a'" buured ha . . Ohio
Karl. D. Dakin Insurance Agency
. Pho~e
E. MulbelT1. LEBANON, 0, .
OHiO ".MII' ....... IO. .AIrI
... 01lIO 'AIM~ Mar II . . . . . . . . ~
I7'AGE 5
TH E M ; AMI ,
Wayne ville, Thursday,
hi pL
i E. I
I :::
No, 438 5 9, 1948
' -:-"-;-·,'!.'iqi.tAJl!. ·S'<JJI'r'~_X
WED. ' 5
'f HURS.16'
All funds fo r ' these two days. th LOCAL SOFTBALL LEAG U E: G.~ Cc.. mmun ity-mind ed and patronize this, showing: Ticket from any baJJ player or boxoffi e, "
go t
, :" , "
()" io citizens this ,summer are finding welcome relief from stuffy
and apartments at thoust: nd.
of ,picnic' areas and parks throughout the state. 'l'hi~ ,typical ,picnic area is Sharon Woods, 12 miles nort~ ,
Cincinnati on Route 42. The locale ,in Sharon ',Woods is the large artificial lake in the central part of
Timely fa rm tips, submitted
by rural folks, provide a special featiJre on the pro~ram 4'Your Land, and My Land' sponsored , by PfIster Associated Growers, producers of Pfister hybrid seed corn, over Stafion ,WRFD, each' Monday, Wednesday; and Friday moming from 7: 15 a. m.
Real ' Estate
Roy E. Smith ," 2 Waynesville On State Rt. 48, 'h ~l1i. North
of Rt. 7'3
Phone Centerville 7056 -107
4th Chap. ~RlCK BRADFORD
PHONE 2441 WayneSviUe
Fairley Bdwe.· Store 6 -
R. R.
Listings Wanted Buyers Waiting ,
GREAT STORES:'- 8 Blanchester Sabina
The Miami Gazette
50 Ye ar s Ag o
11&0 B8T ABL I8B BD Publi. hed Ev,,">, Thund ay At Wayn .svill., Ohio
CARL G. 8M ITH, Ed.itor Entere d al lecond ola.. matter at the Poat OHlce SUBS CRIPT ION' RATE I ,1.50 a 'Yea,. ,In Advan ce
To the Editor
Waynesville, Ohio No. 4385 Sept. 9, t948 'fhur~aay,
i I • .t A,al l . . . II
RIght on Main Street there (From the Miami Gazette of Sept. 7" 1898 ) is a disgraceful situation that ouJti t to be looked into 'by II I II We will pass over the front someone interested in the wel!page of the paper which con· fare of Waynesville's youth. tains items about the war. This In the living room of a local te GUet i Miam The ' notify dar, calen page very grimly reminds us, resident, boys in their teens ations, re'gisfration, a radio (To have events listed in , this ' ,. before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) of , days preceding V-J Day, meet regularly to play cards for broadcast from the campus, three , years ago, when we money. Not for harmless match. and even a session on "How to . celebrated the climax, of the sticks, but' for money which Study in College". terrifying years of war. Following are the names 9f d or finagled at worke they come we T4rning the page some length to obtain ~ Winn- freshmen from this area:ysburg; to "Notes & Notions~' the page ings, presumably, go into pinEarnest Moore, Harve of local, news and ads. lle Coffey, Morrow; Wil. Jnabe other or s, ball, more card game • • • Pa,t. em'ents. Losings are re· , ter McCarren, Waynesville; a,mus ood Louis Sherw , Exce rpt: C. H. by begging at home , for ' sy Young, Lebanon;' Francise placed y. Sunda Xenia and wife ,drove to money on some excuse Weller, .Spring ' Valley; more rence hr, confe Th'ey attended the J believe , that, when a boy Gilmore, M,orrow; Earl Romo ¢> :30 p. m. there. They were most delightWiltt is old enough to be self-support Loveland; Earl Evere fully entertained by Mr. ,So A. ing, it is his own choice whether son, Lovel;md; Ellen Faye s Scarff and family. ' not to gamble. But so long Grapevine, Loveland; dJame or cure n Mc. mptio Shiloh's Consu as he is still in school he ought Hough, Lebanon i Harol cures where others fail. It is to be restrainea from it. And no Laug~hl in, Pleasant Plain; Jame s the leading' cough cure and no one whO permits boys to gam- Motsinge'r, M~amiville; Char. , 1 home should be without it. ble in his home can be blame~ lotte Wade, Lebanon; Bernard ' Pleasant to take and goes right less. , ' paley , W:aynesvillei Colleen TUESDAY, SEPT. 14 to the spot. . ts, let's brin~ this situa- Williamson, Harveysourg; Tru.t Paren Softball, Miller's vs. FairleY'~J 8 p. m . . the in sted intere Qffut All persons out in the open and do m~n Casson Franklin; tion at meet will al on. Norm Saturday WFJ;>NESDAY, SEPT. 15 ' something about tile forms of M,orris, South Leban ng, buildi l schoo e esvill Wayn the recreation OUt teen-age boys Wayne Township Trustees, 7 :30 p. m. 'tne for day, Satur · next 4, room REGISTERED BULL SOLD chao e for themselves. Softball benefit movie at Twin Theatre starts at 6:30 p. m. arte defini g makin of purpose Elmer Sheehan of Waynes. WORRIED rangement for the work. ' 16 . • SEPT ; THURSDAY ville, Ohio recently sold the See - our 25c plaid Jackets M. P. 6:30 at starts tre 's Buster No. 8941 9 Thea Twin . ~oftball ben'efit movie at .Haines & Co. FRESHMAN WEE K PLANNED lilUlIE. Ewing noon. Dowell of Williams. 12 t M h, E. W. S. C. S. luncheon in Methodist Churc Whew! But Septe:mb r ~bame AT WILMINGTON COLLEGE to ding to a 'report accor Ohio port, ' in with burning heat. secretary of Idtse, S~ Fred A full four.day ' program of from All the G. A,' R. Post of the Breed. Cattle wlSS n Brow county will assemble at County orientation, testing, getting ac- the Wis. , Beloit ion, sociat A Headquarters, No' 41 t ' Elm quainted, and regi tration will er" Street between 4th and 5th, greet 200 new Wilmingto n CoL Mr; and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart Wednesd'ay morninl~ at 8 :30 to lege students when the fall Earn. take part in the G. A. R. Parade semester at the College ' gets and Mr. and Mrs. LaMar spend . after ed return have as.. a county battalion. The under way with Freshman hart ~ gan Michi n l, ~eek past h, Waynesville band will furnis Week, ,Monday, Septembe'r 13. ing- the en the music fo r the Warr Activities begin Sunday even. County Battalion in the parade,. 'ing with a supper for the early, All comrades are cordially invit arrivals and do not end until - two weeks later with the week. MT. HOLLY METHODIST ed to. attend. ter Minis f, Scarf M. T. end Freshman, . Camp at Fort G" I P 9 :30 a.m. Sundav SchOOl Hill. However, Monday thru , r , oor m over' en- PLUMBING & ELECTRICAl. E.A~ Earnhart, Supt. She- Oh, pleas ; don t tease Thursday- will be given • CON TRA crOR 'Norship Service 10 :30 a.m. These . me ~o smg. I m, so hoarse tirely to orientationtwo partiein7 :30 p.m. s, . vening Service ets, to-nIght that I.can h,ardly elude two banqu METHODIST CHURCH a . picnic, a pep raUy, l. Q. and make a SOUD'~., R.B. Coleman, 'Minister to acCAESARS CREEK FRIENDS He. Ye,s, J ~now. That. s why aptitude tests, meetings , nister i M' ield, Stanf Da:vid a.m. ,Rev. the :30 9 with ' rs come of PHON E WAYNESVILLE Church Scho ] thm,k It a g~od tIme to ' quaint the new Lm. to l Schoo y Sunda Supt. re." ' e, us, Burst J. J. traditions of the camp have It zv~r ,!,Ith. t t a.m. Worsliip Service Worship and Sermon . quirements, function of the 10:30 a.m. l various departments and student Schoo t~ !Jack UTICA E. U. ,B. CHU RQI .. Examm Special Music of part t 'Wlba er. organizations, physical examin. Sh 'll' speech is the word am"? Smart annon kev.. , W I Jam ST. MARY'S' EPISCOPAL . 9 :30 a.m. ' Youth: "What, . the 'am what Sunday School ,eat sir or the 'am' what Samuel N. Keys, Minister Mrs. ~ames Garnson. Supt. , you is ?l, , you ays Sund lrd a.m. 10 :30 Preachmg 1st and Morning Prayer _ _ _ _._ __ 10 :lo a.m. each month READ GAZE TTE CI ... lfied Ada 7 :30p.m. ,Evening Services FRIENDS 9 :30 a.lQ. I .YTL £ METHODIST ~_--;T~--IFl=Ji~rst.Lt--JDu.aay ~choo I , hip Wors CQU RCH Meetin2" for AUCTIONEERING 10:30 a.m. ' , Dr. 'Joseph Myers, ,Minister ., Sunday Schoof , 9:30 a.m~ STAN~EY and KOOGLER IUE WAY NESV BROK ERS l.iCEN SE ' Mrs. .Ruth Saylor, SupL ,The cost of the funerals we conduct is re· CHURCH, OF CHRIST a.m. 10:30 ce Servi hip , Wors , gulated by the wishes of those we ,serve. For 'Oat• ., Phone 2894. Wavn eavill. , M. H. Coffey, Minister ' Ohlo. ,.Reve .... Chara _ 9,:30 a.m. Bible School Moming Worship 10:30 A. M. FERRY CHU ROi' OF CHRIST, •••• •• ~~---.-~ -~ . WAy t&SV JlJJt , o. 'lU.E PHO NE Z2:lfl. Byron Carver, Minister , Young Peop le's M~eting 9:30 a·.m. 7:t5 P. M. Bible Schaal . , " , <.-, <... < , - >: :>- .> *.' ~ . •\ 8 P. ' M. Mom in\t Worship 10:30 a.m. " Bvenin!" ,Service , , ,
Ev en ts Co m in g •Up
'w. C.','BROWN,
.. . .
29 49
ST UB BS Fu ner al 'a ome ,
.... ..
~~J':: p:::~~~
~.~ Mee7T.: :00 p.m.
, fathe r , Krumholtz, Priest 8 and 1 e A.M. ' Evening Services Masses
IIOU RS, 9·1 l each morning 1·5 afternoons except-
~ 'j, ~OUR
, ~.
7 :30 p.m.
l~ ' 'H~VE I'i.
~J ..
7·9 Saturday ,evening Other ev~nings by Appointment
in Dr. C.c,E.E7eWilk Spec ialill
Opto metri 26 South Detro it lin .
,om o
'" In the best looking clothes in any class I That' s how you want ' your 'yoWlg , scholars dressed thiS sea60n, so make us your back to-school l1eadquarters for the kids of alll\rades. Glv, them a "clea n start.
Waynesville, Ohio No. 4385 Thursday, Sept. 9, 1948
U~de. S~ Says]
We~dings BAILEY-HARTSOCK .... In a setting of white gladioli, at the Ferry Church of ' Christ on Friday evening Miss Phyllis Jean Bailey, ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Bailey, be. came the bride of Mr. David O. Hartsock, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hartso k. Palms and lighted tapers in ,seven-branch candel ab ra completed the back~ ground. ' ' Rev. Herbert Graham, assi ted by Rev. Byr n Carver, performed the d ub le rill g erema ny, whi ch was pr ~ ed'e:i by l pr gram f nupti acl 1I1 U i with MiN rnlf\ L ncr ' re a" pI,ani 'l, ann Harts ck and Jim Harts ck a 01 it. Rkhard Bradley 'V'la be t man and th~ groom's hrl, t: er, Jc' e and Jim Hartsock, \i. ' re u h rs. , i .. Bonnie atterthwaite, bridesmaid, wore a pastel blue w ( I, two-piece treet I length (,r s , with all black acce sories a ,d a cor age of pink I' I ud . The ride, who was O"iv n i:1 marriage bv her father, chose a blue-gray dressmaker suit, with I.avy acce aries, her offl.theface hat being feather trimme 1. She wore a corsage of white roses. I ' , The ·ceremonv was mr letec:1 with the singing of the "Lord , Prayer" by Dann v Hart ock a. the couple kneeled on a satin pillow. The bride's , mother wore. 'brown 'and the grooms mother chose grey with blac~ acce sories, each wearing a corsag of pink roses. ' 'Close friends and, relatives at1eoded the reception, which followed immediately at , the home of the brides parents. Misses Barbara ancl Mla ry Ftances Ha rtsock presided at the 'dining table, which was centered with a decorated ,three-tiered wedding, cake; , topped with a miniature l.ride ,and groom:' This was served with weddin~·bell ice cream and punch, 10 about ninety guests. ' , The bride and groom left on a short hbneymoon~and 'will :.' n , occupy their home whi~h i t> ' " recently purch.ased J11 Vv'ayne viJIe. ' , Mrs: Hartsock is a graduate of Waynesville High Schoolhthe Dayto n Comptomete'r Sc 001 and IS with the Lowe Paint Co. in Day tOil. Mr: Hartsock is also a, graduate of Waynesville' High School and is· connected ..ith the N. 'c. K ' plant in Dayton. ~ They were ho.nored Sunday evening whe,n MIss Eula !Ioak entertained, a group of fnends. 'Games were played and those who received prizes presented them ,to the bride and groom. Refreshments 'were served. Invited ' guests qf the even ing were: Mr. and Mr. Davjd D. Hart~ sock Mr and Mr. Richard Whit'aker, . Mr. and Mr. Will. iam' , Rickey, Misses ,Frances Whi,taker, I3011flie Satterthwaite,
Patsy Baird, Norma Lon~acre, Jennie ~ee Braddock, MIldred Bourne, Fa,Y..e Creech" Judy Conner, Eileen Brown and Don, Byrd Lackey, Jerry Creech, Da ve Straton, Don Brown, Richard Sheehan, Richard Bradley, Douglas Henderson Glen Smith and Seth Hoak.
EASTERN STAR SESSION Miami Chapter, O. E. S. will meet in rezular session on ~ onday even ing, Sept. 13, at Ig-ht o'clock. Followin,g- the re. gular busines se slon, the initIatory w rk will he g-iven for iX candid ate . .
Mr. and Mr. Jame Holman's, Dr. and Mr . Robert H. Pr ston and Mr .. Jack Preston of Cincinnati were Labor Day week end ' zue ts of their parent , Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Pre· ton. -
PRESEHl' TIMe How rna y thin gs have you
8REEP.s '
~' , S, 7'lc.;.s ur y Dc"arl1"~'
about you?
--. '-----.-~----.....
o. 'scon
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Hawke and children, Mr. and M,rs. Hartis Mosher and daughter, j\\r. Renresen,tin rr and Mrs. F. C. Hartsock f MiL t' b ford, Mrs. Winifred Hartsock \Vestbeimer & Cumpany Members I'kw Y rk Stock Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day alid son, David, were Sunday :' ! ' :~n n'e s :ll ! I other were guests of relatives in and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald \ rt.:g i~~c;:c " Exchanges near MJlford ' during the past Hawke, M,r. and Mrs. Frank week. Hawke at)d children returned t b -· '~ ~n:ca~ T~'U8t Shares their home in lllin oi on MonlJuuJ.::ht _ Sold - Quoted , Nti . Audrey Eder of Kansas day. Ph 01 e Waynesville 2530 City; . Kansas, was a recent 1~______~D~a~o_n_AD--3_2_5_'-c Kuest of Mr. and 'Mrs. J. B, Chapmaq and number of social affairs were given ~n her honor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hook of Wlilmington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' Hook during the ' p~' t week. ~------
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Borden were j{uests of ' relatiye~ in Urbana on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Weltz were Cincinnati visitors on Sat urday. . PATRON IZ,E ' GAZETTE ADVERTISERS
. . BIG M-a "growing" favorite BIG M for maxin1um yield ,of your wheat cropl BIG M ... hi&hest market qualityl ADd it'.' been that way for more thaD twenty yean. While our immediate con· eel'll i. that of .upplying ..ore
fertilizera for your need.,
every fertilizer bearing the BIG M brand performs up to that reputation be ~3uae it
J. always made
up to highest standarcb .' . . never doWD to a price.
Old. _
dealer lor llI1l.
'I1Ht Miami Fertilizer Company OFFICE-DA YTON, OHIO FACTOIY-TREBEIN, OH!O TIr. Miami Pettilger Co~pan,. .. an independ.", Miami Valley ~m under direct oper.'ion ot ita olPllen.
, 4l1-AluItlinuIn '-.
. '
Waynesville· Furniture & App iance Co. South Man. Street across from Ct~nge Hnlt Telephone 2422
To 'BUY. Sell, lrade BeQI, Borrow, ,USE
to ' up
m cney to pay Co;, th~m ? l' Ci:: :1:lPS in . 'o:.r own c:;pc::ence you m . eq. 'all um.:su:\l o1! .. o!·tuulty to !i t ~hea.d or to make a dream come hoe. You simply didn" ha.ve enough , money. M'l!ions of Americans are buying !O:avings BOJ ds eith2r ou the partia.l p yment phn where they work or on the B nnd-!\-Mouih Plan whereby your bank d€(~ uc ~!;'~ fuil a~oUDt of a Bond montaly from the money you hav e on t:cp.l : it. They will be ready far opportunit~es, but how
Miss Y von ne Stubbs and M,iss Mr. a.nd Mrs. J. C. Woods of PhyiHs Burnett were week end CenterVIlle were Sunday dinner guests of MLs MaryEllen Fisher guest~ of Mr. and Mrs. Fred in Indianapolis. ,Hook. ' ' Mr . D. C. Ridge was a 'Labor ay wee k end guest of relatives in Mansfield.
:, ~d
fOI'c J o b "c~u e ~ .l<1 ~~d n ~ :' s::. '
)'l' ISN'T A QUESTION OF ,JelLI NG. tn the matter of fu-, ~eral. m,aterial~, there isn't any' ~ lI il1g at our pIa e. When ~ he fa m ily tell us th amount f n~oney th ey. wish to spend, we Simply help 111 the selection. The total will nev r exceed ~he limi.t the family has set. This ~ our ' ldea of 'neighborly se~v 'IC
McCtU,RE F 'UN, ER~l
- ------- - .--
., .'-
Vi ll e, O hi Thur ' Liay, ' S pt. Wayn
ORDINANCE NO. 202 Ord in ance to amend Sect o(Ordinance No. 131 and to fix th e sa lary of the Clerk of the Trustees of Public Affairs. DON'T F RGET TO CALL Be it Ordained by the VirI age' ' us for ins'urnnce. All type of of Waynesv ille, Warren County, insurance at a sav ing:, ' Call tate f Ohio: ,ene Brn \'n, nh on Franci ~ .. tio n I. Th at Section II of Wa 'n sv ilJ· 2472 , r f cal! Ordina nce No. 131 be hereby collett. \Vilming-ton 2111. an:en ed a.nd that the Clerk of the Village of Waynesville be f'OR SALE- " allowed for duties of the ClerK f the Trustees of Public Aff~irs, WH ITE ROCK Fr v r , the . lIm ' of Three Hundred. ' ,Retallick. Ph 'n Twenty-five D011ars ( $32 5.00) Waynesville Rt. 1. p r an num, ' payable quarterly 1938 CHEVROLET C AC H f i'O fl1 the public funds under nt rcl of the Trustee of. Public with heater, Good ru nrun Affair. , conditiqn. Je se Prend rgast. H. That aU Ordin_ Section Phone ~613 . -99 ance or part of ordinances or SIflOTTED POLAN D CH I-N~ Yeading ' b ar, regi. teredo am ,ndc nts of ordinances ihconLawrence Br wn, Waynes- ~ is t nt herewith be and the arne ar hereby repealed, and ville Rt. 2. I h ne 2 35. , - 99 thi ord in ance sball take effect a.nd I e in force from and after Stricti v Fresh Eggs For Sale. the earliest period allowed by Irvin Mulford, Phone 2723. law. ' ' -99 Pa . ed by Council this 3 rd McCormick-Deer.ing Corn Bin- day f ept emb e r 10 48. der. Phone Centerville 7590. , • H. M. SHERWOOD -99 , Mayor Attest: CHARLES JAMES APPLES J onafha ns, CortClerk lands and Grimes Golden. --------, Underwood Orchard, Harveysburg. Phone 2897. HU OJ ',.: J{ ~~~ :1 -ind ---------~---------GOOD DOG ~ljC: -1 JOHN DEERE Corn Binder, power bundle carrier. Phone 2926. Charles Michener. Few Simple R u les to 40(;3,: :,11" Family Pet At His Best WHITE ENAMEL fUEL OIL RANGE, like new. A'l 0 Pre- , Are Listed mier ,electtic :sweeper, only. ' used twice. Phone 2352 .- By remembering a few simple _, _,_ __ _ - 99 ' rules of grooming, bac~ground An ion II
"~ew Twist
No . ..US'S 9, 1948
In Biscuits
-tnenbme photographer
FOR SALE , Lar~e Siz e Cler:- , has a good chance of getting picmount Base Burner, , new tures of his family pet which will much of interest in years to bowl. Reasonable. Mrs. Effie hold come, the Gaines Dog ReP. Cook. Third Sf. Wayries- search states Center, New York City. vUle. -916 photographs of puppies and
O.·aftg-;'t;;i~te~~ 'a~~ 'made 'C-;o-rn ~I-~ i ps 1,,;& n
iJ!' "
of bfscuii cl'Ou'gh~- with ' --
e ri nd and "Ug1lr roll ed intI) the dough. After baking, the
! wis l era
pebbly surface with a glisten of suger. (
,: ' C: if. bride ha.; l.aarned to make goo~ biscuits-and that s h" : j , " m l? ll!1S as diftkult as the cartoons \vould have us believe-;-.i1 :; : ,! .. :! 101' an advan,:ed les60n that includes making orange twis t '1' "
, I . ~ . ,,: ~rlS p curls of bl$'luit dough have an orange flavor accented 'by a ' cr 'Jet of S\l~ar, and tb~ ,hape ~s enough to turn them into R culinary , trl\lJl'lph for the cook. To form twilten. ftnt roll an Qrange rind-sugar mixture into the hl.ouit dou;rb. Then cut the dough into strips, double eaeh strip over and twh' with ~ne motion. For a variation, you might try braiding ~re$ &b('j~ atrips tOR:p.ther, pressing the ends toge~her firmly. ~ ')na~ ~"ters may be served wherever biscuits woul,d be proper, , 11~l '~ .." _leo IllccompanY,' afternoon cups of coffee or tea.
L·'or You 1'0 F (·~1 ... ." ":II ho urs every day 7 flnYJ ... . ~, \III lOl ," • 'Icve : sto !,pillg. t ho .J, ' .p . ~ j' " W!' ~:(' .natter (rom t he bl Qd. H ~ore p eoplo w re nwnr .)( hv " ~ I}u I< !! .., ys must cons t'an tl y 1'C'!'II OV'l SUr, p ...... !Iuid. exec s ac ids nn d o Ut". w~ te mn t ter t hat cannol l~y In lh l>l o" d wi hout injury to hell l h, t" t' - I.' ,,'('old be 'b t,t er . un d rs a ndln 1" u'i, 'J 1,le whole ,ystcro Is ups t w 11m id J neYtI ruil to hlllction prop ~ rly , n Hn in ', scal\Ly or too
i n l \ tl l'lIt U I' I IIU'
~ t on' 80m im II warllS t lmt 9 () m ~ bina i s \'.'Tong. Y .u mny lIulT r nU\;lli\lg bs!'ka he . ' hC'ucinchell, diuiness. [il umadc .- II;,n8, .:,'l ; ng up at n ights, swell ing, ., W ' , nllL try DOO,.'8 Pills? You wl U
a mediolne recommended the ove r . Doan's stimulate the ClIncthe k1d ne)'. and help thcl1l ,6 It \l~ h out 1'I011l0nou8 wa.te Crom tl:n ~I o n d. T h y con tain nothing liaT/llCul. (,et D'uo,,' , t oday. v.. wit h cOllfide r <: • A t ~!l drui storea. U ,;\ ol '
I , ; , n l '~'
t i ,"
.. .. ~
2 cup. alfted enrldl~ lour } tCH pOt li S ba ki ns powder
, •
2 to 4 tablespoons shortenin~ ~ to 1,4 cup milk
...r Orange Sugar
I leh pocm SIlt
$Ii nl;mr. baking pc)wder and salt
Orange Sugar into the dough. Cut into strips about three-eighths inch wide. Double each strip over end twist. Place on baking sheet. IlDd kMad one-half minute. Pat or Bake in hot oven (~50 degrees F.) I, .~I out eight.inch square ' 10 to 12 minutes. r' Qe"" e::~·follnh inreh thick. Roll Yield: About 18 three-inch twist8~ : Orange Sugar
~'etMr. Cut o,r rub in shortening. ~D l>:Uk tI> form a 110ft dough. • . . . 011 lirhtly floured boat:<!
: Ublapoc)1U auslt
' \, 1 teaspo&n glated oralige riad
" .... ,'~.ar _ _and _ _onmge _ -4 . _ " '" rind _. . _ . . .tog . ... _i t er. '~
. ___
__ _ ..
dogs rate with pictures of babies
CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my' many fri ends who 'so kindly remembered me with cards and flowers , during my stav in the hospital and my convalescence at home. Mrs. Lester Shaffer.
lor having the featest appeal and
human interes. In spite of the fact that many amateur photographers are quite expert, they are frequently disappointed in the ,results when they attempt a picture , of their pet dog or pUppy. These rules by the Center should 'h~lp. One of the first considerations is that the' dog oe looking his best. Long-coated dogs should be thoroughly combed and brushed ' so tbat the coat wil1 stand _out and
SMITH ELECTRIC SERVICE , For that extra Receptacle Or Anything ElectricBI HOUle -
Bam -
Call s ..itt~
WANTED l..aundryi to do in my home. Quick ' Service. Phone ,2986. --930
Waynesville 2704
Cino;nnatl 'U nion 8too1< Vard. Live Wlr. and ~ogr••• iv.. An Oraanization ••oond to non •• 8triotlv •• lI e r. on the beet all around market In the 8!ERVICE THAT SATI8F.IE6 WlHlO. Dayton 12: 60 E. S. T. Dial l~'O , WlLWClnelnnatl 12: 40. DlaJ 700, for Our Dally Market ' RepOl'I..
, I
·C :.A.S B
We can give you prompt, efficient service on your JOHN DEERE Farm Equipment. Stop in for estimate. Large Stock of Genuine John Deere Repa!rs.
FOR A homely, lovable rascal
BANTA IMPLEMENT Co. ' Lebanon, Ohio , Phone 55&
Dead Stock
, H9RS~
Lebanon, Ohio
cows ~'7·50; HOGS ~2.00 Cwt.
Armitage ·&: Son,
4 5 4 I' A Fe'rti izer '1
Xenia 0 :
E. G. Buchsieb, Inc.
C6. Phone r. r:
$6.00 ;
Available Por Deliverv Free Bam Planning Service Call us for 'estimate at no obligation.
'o r ~odel' 'Fred •• hn. Motor 'C,. r Co.
1I0UOW If. . . .' LEBANON 0Iftee . .
It Says Here·
Ordained Sept. 8 Civic Club to Hear
Tlte Miami
' Col. Silk ODIJet Cfaft Col. Joseph M. Silk of Waynesville, attached to Wright Field, will speak at the Civic Club meeting Monday night, ori Jet.Propelled aircraft, a<;cording to A. H. Stubbs, prb~rall1 chairman. The meeting will be held at,' tl1~ Boy Scaut cabin behind Waynesville Hif!h School. Club members, as sponsors of Troop 40, will get a chance to see the place where the boys meet each ' M,onda.v evening. All members are urged to at4 tend or send ,a guest · in their place, Maynard Weltz, Secre~ tary, said. The business session will · in,clude an im~ortani i- cuss ion on the club s Fall Festival project.
Warren County is one of 17 , out of Ohio's 88 ,counties ~ whIch , de;lths outnumbered births in May, the last month for wh'ich statistics have been sent out by the State Department of Health. , ,There were 1 2 deaths and only seven births in this county for that month. In the state as ', a whole, here 'were 14,004 births and only 6453 deaths. ' The figures for September are probably worse. If the per-' sent rate' keeps up, Wayne TownshdiP ahlone will produce a . dnot ozenmany eat births s thisaremonth, being and re- , ported. Social science teachers tell us that cities never grow by their own birth rates, but have ,to draw on the y' oung people' t from ~~fr~~r~u~aJt ~;tStie~eu st~~i~t~~ from Ohio. Cuyahoga Hamil-
~N~O.~~=~ , ~Q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
. THURSDAY ' SE~TEMBER, 18, 1948 '
Lodge Opens, ' 3 :00 P: M. L0 dge H IS ' t ory". JOe . ht, Past Mas ter, an d K . N. H oug, h . ar t wng , M. H. COFFEY· T.~ ' U. , Past Master. Presentations, Raymond A. Younger, Grand Master. , ' M,. H. off , mini ter of 50 Y~ar Pin and Medal to: John O. Cartwright, (Oldest Living the W~.Yne5vi1le Church of P. M. Waynesville Lodge) , . C~ri t mc la ~ luly, was or25 Year Pins to'. Loren G Brock Ethan C Crane Past Master' d to the Wed. , ., , dam ne day pt. mllllstry 8 at tile'onChur!ch William L. White of Newark, Jesse J. Mengle, Setl~ E: ,Thqmas and Pearl A. Turner~ . of Chr'i t in taunt n, Va., hi OhiO, unsuccessful candidate .' .Remarks by Past Dls,tn,ct ~eputy " C?~and Masters and hom town. , 'for governor in the Ohin Repu_ other OlstmgUlshed VIsitors He has ri w returned to blican primary last -May 4, will , ~o;ct' th~r~~~!~n'big~it;1~~~~i~! ADJOURN TO ' WAYNESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Wayne ville and i planning a address the Warren County W. all reported more than twice as 0 ' 6 P M serie , f nightl revival serv- C. T. U. convention in Waynes. ' manv births as deaths. All 17 mner, :00 . . ices in the n ar futur at the Ville Methodist Church tomorof the counties which' lost pop- Prepared and Served,oy Miami Chapter 'No. 107, O. E. S. chur h, row afternoon. TI convention will start at lIlation, for the month, were EVENING PROGRAM mall ones _ - most of them HIGH SCHOOL 'AUDITORIUM 7 30 P M ' 10 A. M. wi,th devotion~, songs, -: •• , ,, a buSinesS session, ana depart- , mallet than Warreri County. " ment digests. At noon there ,will Worst off was tittle Morrow .Invocation, R v. R. B. Coleman, Warpole Lodge No. 176 County , with two births ahd 18 Song--,Almerica-Fir t and Last Verses, Entire Group be noontide prayer and a covdeaths. A~d ' there: was Darke Welcome. W. P. Strader red di b luncheon. At 1 P. M. County With no blTths and one Address, Raymond A. Younger ' A barn and a 1940 auto- devotions led by Franklin 'union death and resolutions will be followed , If the rural counties are go~ , Vocal Selecti?n! Sc?tti~h R~t~ Quartet. , . mobile, each valued at S120'O, by Mr. White speech. in,g to lose ground this way Remarks-DistingUished VISitors: L. Todd McKmney, Charles were destroyed by fire in Lytle every mont,h it will ma,ke a B. Hoffman, Past Grand Ma~ter" Elmer R. Arn, P. G. M.; at 4 :30 a. m. Monday. W C T I' MEETING in our , Harry S. JohnsQn, P. G. ,M., G. Secly', Dean Stanley, Past The property is owned by . . ;.QU~R u. j)rofound difference Ii ~ Mrs. Eleanor M. M~neni~ ana HEARS LEADER iv ~ ,\,few year~ ff9m n ow. , ' Master", Lebanon Lodge No. 26. " , th~ car bv Richard IrQnSI The , On Sept, 7, the Waynesville Vocal ' ana Instrumental S~lechons, 'ScottIsh Rite. ~laze started with a short circuit W. C. T. U. met at the home for making Remarks, W. C. Good~ O. D. G'. M. Masons in, Ohio. 111 the horn of the automobile. of Mrs. Sara Braddock who led W Sugges,tlilons 'In' awYh':c;eShvtl e ~ tit.tle safer place ,Benedl'ctl'en, Harold B. Earnhart, Past Mast~r and Chaplain Th e soun d of t Ile. horn awaken.:. ' the devotional period, and I intro_ I o dfive. ' ' d M 1. Enforce the state law on ' CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE e rs. Mullemx's . hu band, ' duced .Richard Eastman, field parking within 15 feet of an in4, . Ch~rles, whp removed another Secretary of Indiana and Illinois tersectton. At Main and Miami Jesse J. Pren'der'gast, Chairman ' car from the barr:t but could not Yearly meetings. He reviewed, Sts., for instan~el it's almost R'oss H. Hartsock ' Earl Thomas ~emove the ~u~ntng one before "Where we find the drink prob~ impossible f a ariver coming. Lewis C. St. John Kenneth N. Hough ·It set the t Ulldm,g' afire. lem," a chapter fr m the study from the' locker plant to see' .,. William P. Str.ader, Ex-Officio TI:Je Wayne Township Fire hook, "The Alcohol Problem" haffic on Route 42 without . , Department an:ived in time to by Deets Pickett. He said, "The stick inK his hoqd into the path CLarles ,G. James, See'y. . ' save the MullenIX home, but the drink problem emerg-es in the barn wa a total loss. S?me population group 15 yeats of of traffic when cars are parKed up to building line. And where.'s : I: $300 wur h of other contents age and older and its conse_ the stop sign at that corner? ' , 'f!a h,d ' If n~ the bar~ we~e also destroyed. quences are ,diffused without 2. Put stop sigl16 at the inS. CARRIE LIPPINC,orr Eight hours l~~er another alarm regard to age." There are f~ct. lersection they are supposed to was turned I~ as the embers ,ors which we nfust understand , , flared ,up aga1l1, ' but there was .f we are. td locate the problem protect instead 'o f 30' or '50 ', Mrs. Carrie Lippincott, 87" no further dama,ge. These are, the inffuence' of in.. 'feet back, where no stranl{er ·died at 3 P. M. Sunday at her would ever lOok for them. home in Waynesville. The Clinton County Air dustry, income and social posit.. , 3. Keep weeds from hiding Funeral services are being Force orchestra will play 'for a ?ATRONIZE GAZETTE ion. .+! _ Jheld' this afternoon in the dance in the Waynesville High ADVERTISERS Raymond Braddock was also' stop signs. None of these suggestions 'Waynesville Church of Christ, School , gymnasium' on Friday, ' introduced. He said parents,. churches and schools are great would be expensive. But maybe , with M. H. Coffey, minister, in Sept. 24, from 8:30 to 12, with influences in teachinl{ ' temper. nobody has 'thought :of , them. chal}ge. · Burial was in Miami proceeds going to the Waynesance. A coach with' strong ideas " Cemetery. The Stubbs ~uneral ville Athletic Association, which , ' operat~s the local softball leaof temf?erance has a valuable in. Home is in charg.e. ' ' fluence over boys and girls in , , She is survived b~ two daugh. gue. t~TS" Miss ' Eva Lippincott at: i' Dick Campbell and Bob, t hiS ,ch·arge, he added. Jennie' Lee , Braddock gave , Mr. and Mrs. 'Carl A. Pitstick home and, M:rs. Marie Britain . Emerv of Waynesville are ' in Qayton; two brothers, liar-rv members of the air base band. ' two piano solos, "Preludes'" , annqunce the birth of an eight. ' S.mith of IndianaTickets will be S1 per ' from Chopin and "'Song , o'f and William pound daughter at Springfield polis ~ nine gandch'ildren and Love." , . City Hospital on Monday, Sept. five great-grandchildren. , couple. The P~esident appo,inted de13. She has been named Juli· . partmet:lt,· directors .for the anne. comihglyear as follows: ,Flower , MRS. MAm PAeKER HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL . , MisslQl\, Mrs. Eva: Burnett; EARNHART REUNION, , Relatives hele have been no- SafEDULE ~OUNCED Scientific Temperance Instruct. ,of -Mrs., Mattified of ' the death ion~ . 'Mits. Sara Braddoc;k; The Jacob Earnhart descen· W~th about 25 boYS' turning tie ,Packer, o.n Thursday . in., BlilreaulOf eublicity,· Mq. Wini <la!lts enjoyed their 3npl1al reo out for Coach Edwin Porter's M, a rsh~lltow;~, 'Iowa. Mrs. Pac. fret! whitaker.,, ; ' ,Uteratp!f.. Mrs: union at tbe 'Harry Smith Park fall basebaH tean:t ,at Waynes, . Mrs. E. L. ker was a , s lst. e r of Lena Hartsock; ChUd welfare ,on Sum,iay. boyd' Davis 'is ' presi. ville Hil{h School, a: six-garne t. and Whjte ~ibbon. Recrui~ Mrs., dent of tbe 'group and Mrs. Thomas and the late Mrs. Anna schedule with the other Oass B • Sheehan, and qui,te well known ' . Ath~ , -,Forna.s", ·N<?n-Alcbh<?lic ', Karl Babb wiH 'serve as sec'y teams in the ' Warren Count)" ; here. ' ' Fruit ,PraduclS, ' 'Mrs. f O1lve ,for the coming vear~ About sixty league was aJln~unced thiS' ' , \ WardloY/; ! ,I,.egislation, ftUs. relatives and friends ' enjoyed a week. ' ,Barbara: HarbQck; 'Health and $&0 FINE SUSPENDED delicious basket dinner. Mrs. Medieal • 1ieQlperance, The opening pme will be " IN 'DISORDBU.Y' CASE ,'Marjorie Brown' MJ1Sic, Miss played ' Tuesday, Sept. 28, a· Recent house guest of the , George Satterthwaite was gainst Morrow af the Waynes- Ir.r.::::'j;::"-;:~;-;::~. LRueYt. Emley; anodj'lmteJ!l.a!,iOnal Robert ,1.:. O'Regans was their ela lons" Mrs. ', ~. VC "",r,. , niece Miss Audrey Fraker o~ fined '5a and costs bv MaP. vi1~ diamond. The rest of the·~ trate, Carmen Crane Monaay· schedule follows:' Oct. 1, Har-·' Winnetka, Illinois. Miss Praker Mr. arid ·1t\rs. H. ·C. Ridge spent a week in ~ynesvnte morning on a charge· of dnnik veysburg1 th~re; Oct. 8, Spiing-" , , , ' and daughter, Joanne, of W.est and diSorderly conduct but the boro there; Qct. 12, before going on to Wellesley, Palm Seach, Fla., are visiting fine was suspended on condition Kings Mills here; oct. 1 S. Ma· Mass. where she ent~rs .. 'her Mr. and MrS." O. M. Ridge and , he not ,~pear before cour that ' son here, and Oct. 1 ·9, Carlisle freshman college year at Pine M' I S. D. C. Ridge. ' on such a charge ag~in. here. Manor.
Plans AU=Day SessIon ~ Here
Blarie' Des'lroys Car and Barn,
M , R
A· DIse Bandwell " .I i 'Play· at' 'Dance Here
'fhe Miami Gazette " :,T ABLIBHED 1 11 '6 0
Published Every Thursday At Waynesville, Ohio CARL ' G. SMITH, Editor' , Ent ered as second class matter at the Pciat Office ' SUBSCRIPTION RATEI ,1.50 a Ve.a r in Advance
.-- ---..:...--------
NEW ' CENTURY CLUB'j'! :'\lew n,tury Club will resume • g ula.r m ting$ on Sept. 24, II. rldu.y 0.1'1 l'I\O On, whcn Mrs. Rice • ' napll will II h ost S8 at her h<lme ' on 'l'hll'd HlI'eet. Mrs . R. E. Asbury I ~ prel'lldell t fOJ' th coming y ear, M 1'1'1 . I... I ~ I Ho 'k tl, vice-president M IHi-! I Ulth ('ha ndle r ~ cl:etary and,
Events Coming .Up
,\llsl'I ".Vtlnn l
(To have events listed in this carendar, notify The Miami Gazette . before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) , .
'00<2 son',
M.rs. E. L. 'rhomlls and Mrs. John 'I'om m wlll bo in charge- of the progra~ thl8 month,
FRIDAY, SEPT. 17 -. Fall Festival Committee, 7 P. M. • W. C: T: U. county convention at Waynesville Methodist Churc,h, 10 A. M.
PAGE 2 No. 4386 8EPTEiMBER. 16, 1t48
,I.Uncle Sam Says
, SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 Cen t nnial celebration of Waynesville Lodge 163, P. & ,A. M., 3 P. M. at Masonic Hall: 6 P. M'. at 'High School. SUNDAY, SEPT. 19
Go to Church', Softball tripleheader at Geiger field, 1 :30 P. M. ~xhibitiOl1 softball game, 8 P. M. , '
.. .
MONDAY, SEPT. 20 Civic Club at Boy Scout cabin, 7 'P• .M. TUESDAY, SEPT. 2·1
County Fair opens in Lebanon.
Wer.ner and President M re t~ lk over the Initial pians fOl the $500.000 campaign, for Ohio Northern University. by B. H. Abels . ,Ada, Ohio . . _ Bishop Hazen G. Werner, newly elected Methodist 8ishop of, t he Ohi o Area, ~ill take up his residence in Columbus 017 3eptember 15, sllc(:eeding Bishop H. Leste r Smith, who has retired aftel Jerving the Ohio post for 16 years. The Ohio Area embr.aces the entin 'Buckeye state wl~ere more than 400,000 Methodists reside. Bishop Werner is native of Detroit, Mi<'higan, and his pastor as a boy in Detroit was the retiring Bishop Smith. Bishop Werner is a graduate of Albion College, and Drew Seminary. He holds also, honorary degrees from thes ,inst!tutions and Ohio Wesleyan University. ae wa~ pastor oJ Gr:lce Church. ba,yton for 12 years,' before a8su~ing professorial :'!,;t. :e at Drew SeIIlinary, Madison, New Jersey in 1946. ' T;,e fi rst Ohil() Conference wide project that he will lead will be a .jJO(),:JOO cafnpaign for Ohio Northern University a t Ada, a Methodist ::·~!.itutidn. The Ohio Annual Conference at its May 1947 session voted U11c!nimousJy ' to set the year 1948-49 for a campaign to raise a ha lf lI1 '! linJ, for Ohio Northern. The project will enable the University to t':- ,: (,~. a mo(1ern dormitory for girls, additional equipment and facilities, :\nd ~he enlarging of the faculty. President Robert O. McClure of Ohio !'J t. ;-·. Ml'll. announ~~ed that _around 40 representatives including members t·f I' h~ ('a~inet , ministers and laymen, from each district in' the' OhiB . ('. ::(I;'l't'llce will meet with Bishop Werner at Columbus Sept. 27 to tOi"ff'ul:l!e the fina.l details, of th.e project. , ,;.: ,: (.1
T. M. Scarff, Minister ' Sundav SchOOl 9 :30 a.m. E.A. Earnhart, Supt. , 'Norship Service' 10 :30 a.m. .vening Service 7 ;30 p.m.
There are few Amerloana who can. Dot ,et a thrlD 'out of watchlm, erops or flowering plants Il'ow. And br 't he same token there are few who cannot feel the satisfaction of planHnc their mone, where It will crow. Inv~t In U• S. Savlnp Bonds and rour money wW ITOw, producln, $4 for evel7 $3 put Into these bonds. Your eounby neec1a 10ur mone1 and fOU will need monq to do the $hfup you dream of wor. If 10U are a wage earner lee to It that '10Ur name Is Included wloa those al. ~ eDrOUecJ for the P&1I'OU lavlnp j
' plan.
V. S. Tr'lIJu,y
:R.B. Coleman, Minister . CAESARS CREEK FRIENDs, Mr. and Mrs. Willla.rn 'Strouse 8tlI(1 The St. Mary" s Club held its Miss Sara Conner recently attend· 'Church School ' 9 :3<;> a.m. Rev. David Stanfield, Minister Sunda,¥ :School to a.m. first m~eting since vacation l ed the wedding of il\fiss Dorothy J. J. Burske, Supt. t t a.ID. with a covered dish dinner at . Moyer of Germantown and Mr. Roy PLUMBING & ELECI'RICAL Worsllip Service Worship and Sermon ' t he rectory. Charles Starr, pre. Swanson ot KeDlt University fl-t the :'. . 10:30 a.m. CONTRAcrO~ UTICA E. U. B. CHURQI - 'sident led a business m~eting, ·E . . W. B. ' Churoh In Germantown. kev. William Shannon followed by games under tile , IMrs. Strouse served as one .of tbe ST~ ' MARY'S EPISCOPAL Sunday SCh001 9 :30 a.m .. , Jeaqership of Mrs: ~arjorie hpst1!SBeS for the reception, MIss Samuel N. Keys, Minister PHONE VI YNESVILLE Mrs. J ames Garrison, Supt. Starr, and grou]p smgmg .wlth Conner assisted In lighting the 9:1 S A.M. Church School Preaching 1 st and 3rd Sundays Mrs. Gladys Bokn at the p,lano. C8dld' l ee and, ' Mr. Strou.se was an Holy Communion 10:30 A.M. usher. each month to :30 a.1n. Mr. ....nd Mrs. A. H. Earnhart, Evening Services 7 :3 op.m.. . Mr. and Mrs. ,La Mar- Ea.rnha.rt, FRIENDS Alton Earnhli.rt, Mr. and Mrs, Harf:irst Day School 9 :30 a.m. , 1 nu: ME1HODIST ' -old B. Earnhart and. tamlly attended Meetine- for Worship C'· IURCH the wedding ' of M ftss Suzanne aeat I ' 10 :30 a.m. Dr. Joseph Myers, Minister aDd ,Mr. Robent llla.rnhaN 1J1 ColSunday School 9 :30 a.m. , umbus ~n Saturda,y m.orni~g. WAYNESVILLE Mrs. Ruth Saylor, SupL Ch"-URCH OF CHRIST to:30 a.~ Worship Service M. H. Coffey, Minister , Bible School 9 :30 a.m. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRlST 'AUCTI~~JEERING Morning WorsbiR ~0.:30 A. M. Byr~n Carver, Minister. STANLE;Y · aDd KOOGLER ~ -oung People·s Meeting 7:15 P. M. Bible ~hOOI ' 9 :30 a.m. BROKERS L.CEN8E , We try t.o be u~derstanding and E/.eninf' ServiCe 8 ~. M. Morning Worsbip 10:30 a.m. capable m our' work. Prayer -"Meetinl" 7:00 p.m. For Date.., Phone :2814. Wayn..ville v.. M t· , OhIO. R.ver... Charg..' . ' S .,·. AUGUS'I1NE ' ' YOURg Peo'pIe s ee tnl , " ' 7 :00 p.'m. father Krumholtz, Priest ' 7 :30 p:.m. ' _~~~~~______--.~ .Masses ' 8 and 10 A.M. EveR,ing _5erv,ices
WOMAN'S ,,"uXILIARY ' SIX MEN INDUCTED , INTO BRonmRHOOD .. The Woman's Auxiliary of AT ST. ~Y'S, CHURCH , st. Mar.y's Episcopal Chure" reSix men of St. Mary's Ep,is- sumed regular' mee~lngs ~n Pd. (:opal Church were inducted ID~ , day at the , ~ome !If Mrs. E. L. , . ,'to the Brotherhood of St. An- Thomas, With MISS ,"katherine 1I0URS, j .drew at ' St. Mary's Episcopa] Pre~dergast as preSident. fol. ' Chu ch at Sunday mornin~s 10wlD.g ~he openmg d~,votIORS 9. t 2" each m,orninr J 'service bv Rev Samuel N. ~nd bU~ID~s. sesslo,n, " Hawaii t·S afternoolllS -except , , anc;! the M,IssI0nary Work" ,was Keys . Wednesday ....,. ,. , . discussed. Fono~ing adjourn. The b!ot~erhood IS a nation. ment to meet with the rresid7·9 Saturday evening :at or~anlZabon . of men pledged ent in October, ,a socia hour :to dally prayer and weekly se~· was enjoyed with refreshments. , other evenings by vice for the church. St. Marl S -'- -- ' Appointment chapter was organized abou a Mrs. Amy Herbert of Clev~ 'TELEPHONE 62~R month ago with James Baker of l>and is' visiting her brother.inne'a r Lebanon, a parish mem- "law 'and Sister, Rev. and Mrs. bert as 'direetor. R. B. Coleman. She ,and, the C~ Church school was resumed Colemaits ' returned Tuesday , at St. Mary's last Sunda v after from a two-day visit with reOptomeVic Ill1e Specl.1III a summertime lapse. Seven latives' in Cllicago., classes were org~niz~d; includ. 26 South Detnlt ..... ( . ing an adult! Class In church PATRONIZE GAZETT. DNIA.OIllO teachings, led by Mr. K~ys. The ADVERTI8ER8 hour for church school IS 9 :15. -"
,,Dr., It WiIkiD
.·B16 M-a "growi...'; favorite '~ .
BIG M ,. rnuimuaa
of ~ wbea~ ~.' BIQ II. IDI bi&beIt maJket qualityl ADd It',' beeD that __ f . .... tbaa tweDt1 yean. , ' , While our immediate COD·
.........,.........,... ,.
. ,cera il that of lupplyinl _ore bilb.pota.h-content
, Ihe Miami .ertlllzer Company OffICI-DAYTON, OHIO 'ACTOIY-TlEIEIN, OHIO
you ..
f_rtili ••"1 fo .. saeeda. - . q fertillHr beariDa the BIG M brand ' perfona. up , tID that reputaticm beCau.e it Ie .!ways mad. up tID hI'-t atanclardt • • • never doWIl to e, price.
AI. . " . " . . CCIm".,.,. .... independ_ v.zlq conwm
unci... cfinae ~ 01 fa ownen.
Werber and Roger Hornsby .. teams will, participate at thie; and of coutse Buster Veaton I date. !:'though Kier's, Leg-i Il, appOintments. Refreshments were The local high school will and BeUI-:-ook Qu~l : fied in the served to the gueets. Those trom commence its ' fall baseball '~rst h:tif, thprr jr a , , :r Ill!: , 'W ayn-esv1l1e 'Wet'e Mrs. 'Har¢8ock. season Sept. 28 against Morr- chance that F ~H c\ '3 will nose out une of the aforementioned 'the honor guest; M ra. Stla n ley !H. ow. Coach -Perter, receflt gradLBailt:y. M~. James Hartsock. Misses ' uate of Ohio State University, and thereby become the f,-' urttl Mary Fran es and :aarbara Hartw]lere he performed with the qua lifyin'g dub. : tv d.wJrct's J' tr.l ;' hic.s f er sock. Miss Bertha Ji'il r, 'Mt's. Joe baseb~l1 and track teams, will FHer, Mrs. Russel WlIson. 'Mrs. Elhave most of his strength from 11 ~ ' playoff champ a ~ ci rundon Retal~ick, Mrs Harry Lacy, Mrs. the Junior American Legion !'l: r."up, the lea,lrue is inkrested E, C. Wright, Mrs. Edwin Sur1!a.ce, club plus the additional pow~r if any bUSi'ne sman wants Mrs, Howard' Surface, Mrs. D . C. i d Irate ~ uch award '. Trochurch. Mrs. Fires wore for the Rielge. Mrs. Irv.in Mulford, Mrs. of several youths who ' w~re tpJ1ie rUIl fr m ~4 ~p, \, JhiJe past the 1 ?-yearl~ eligibility occasion a gray gown and the 'irgil Isaacs, Mrs. Ed. H<ipk~nB, indiv :(h a! :,:,-c d-fill (i :r ' "'111S rule of the prospective Legionbridegroom's mother was in Mrs. 'William Hull, Mr. and l\fi's. run a~ Pi' _: 'm " ~el '~' I. ~ ~ r tV ': . nai res. pale blue. Both had corsages of Arthur Hopkins. IRMA FIRES MARRIES La -t , llnda v r ,' . in g tl e 1n-' Las~ Monday evening's , softpink rosebuds. ROBERT E. MEREDITII al _ ,m ' r~ ~ n _ egion nii' c e'; ba ll meeting saw the-assembled When the couple left for a IN CHUROI SA1TURDAY tert:tined the ,.Ma s~m . ;' jr..:tt '_ managers agreein~ to conduct Nuptial vows were exchan~ wedding trip east the bride a: much play on Sunday after- ian hl! rcb t " 111 1IJ11~ a ~ thri11ed Saturday eveninJ!: in the was \vearing a brown gabardine n oons as possible for th re- i n Q' ;t l :l' ; !' j~ ~ e \' r -, ', <~:- 11 I a ye d Waynesville Methodist church su it with -coffee colored accesso rmainder of the season, due to hc re:-; h(' llt. \' - :J ~; the r -s .. j4 • The b v Mi,s Irma Aileen Fires ,If ies, Her corsage was an orchid, the coolness of the evenin 0'5. fl , ;~': 1''' n1·'r.. It 2-' f. \l ra in- , Waynesville, da.u~hter of Mr. The couple will make their Therefore, on Sunday, S'ept. I :11 ' ;~ L,ij', i': ITIi i,). L: :' tl1e , and Mrs. LouTs S. Fires of home in Xenia where both are 19, there wilt be a triple-header \. i ~ l1th :' f' 7 :1 when Cl a :ey Waynesville, ,and RoberT Erw.in employed. commencingat 1 :30 whe n Price C'll1ter ,! acre <: w'tll the .... he bride is a R'raduate (J Meredith, son of Mr. and Mrs, Bellbrook plays host\ tOl Miller'~, \".' innin. ' tally on Tommie Bv Herbert R. Mered ith of Wa yne - Miami Valley ho~'Pifjl' School Restaurant. The "hig-" game at Th , 'm: - ,' li ' - ;' , p-fl do::l-1e to , BOB O'REGAN vilJe. Rev. R. B. Coleman read of NurSing. Mr. Meredith ser3 :30 pits Kier's Garagemen ; . : ~I.t I ;" d. ~- ranb 'Buttl3, the the douhle ' rin~ ce rembil\r at ved four and one-half years in It i interesting to note against Bob Allen's American leg': n's ( . fneY-l' itch ~', was 7:30 o'cloc k 1n a ettin~ of the' Army. that such people , as Mrs. MadLegion nine in what may prove in LX 'c1h j • ilmn. ;il liti g ,MaThe groom's ~ift to hi s 'bride palms and ea onal f10,vt"r:', den of Main Street have bought _ tn be a knock-down and drag,n 1u I lit fl , .' ~.i~ w:,;I ,gamMi Esther Snitler f Dayton was a six skin Ru sian Mink ti kets for the softball league 'em out affair, as there ceTtain- erin R' h 0 hlows him .If. Cunnne~k s~arf. \\'a~ vocali t at d Mi ' D rf( th y all sport show at the Twin ), is no love lost between th e in g:ham, M'fl. ,n's el1U ker, was -Meredith, organist.' Theatre "hecau e it's a COJ1l- 1l'wo teams. A ,'Legion win ma y tl:' 1 , : -' _ y'h le . h f" " as he Wayne Meredith of Pullman, PEERS GIVE SHOWER munity project", ' and not be- rop the second half honors for " I ' , - d I' , I f:" "fetie and _ ''''a~l .. \I ' a ~ I~ ', hn ther' he t FOR RECENT BRIDE call e he - was interested in them. All of you remember, of C~i~, r : .~ , :-:L" ' l~. 11 ' ~:l.r S for the man and Dale Merpd :tl' " 1 · · es . " / ;a " lle - :Ue, Robert Huston of A shower wa:s held at the athletics. Said Mrs.\ Madden, course, that Weazel Miller' ..I !. J.:..I' \. , f 11'• .- ~. r I .... L' ub rather support this league "'mechanics" captured fi rst half L. i ~ t f' K!'~'_ wn, j.:'::Ict : Clint nald David of Wil- nome of Mr. and Mrs. Peer "I'dthe boys play near home h F 1 H d r ' ~ " l~. E- ~, ' ~, td lew ni gh ts in nors. air ey ar ware r.lingtCln and Carl :\:V ri gJlt. Jr. , R~uJe. 1, Lebanon Saturday eve'- than make them travel to " nct,ion of c 11'ectpI ¥." Perhaps this wel1tangle with Spring Valley in the 11i I p '1 r ' , f Bellbrook were ushers. nmg- In honor of Mrs. Georg ing YJ ur .donation~ .and caring philosophy , will finale, scheduled f r 5 :30, but Attending the , bride were R. Ki'rkpatrick" the form er thotJO'ht-out r-. at 8 p. m. 'the former club will f '"' [11 . dlg mon, a . ,t a tough I'" ris Kenned v of Oa t0n h - Miss' Mary Lou ' Supinger of an.,wer sr me ther Waynes- return to the exhibition IOQl , iob at it. best so don"t . h~ld . n r attendant, Mis Martha Route 1, Lebanon, L'u:1ch wa vil1ites, who thought they were meeting a strong Dayton team t;tover, Miss Ruth Burnett f erved in a decorative manner. a kin~ the $64 question when ,' . '. 50 , you softball fan~, there 'l:~IY m:tli·e 1:0 1' Mr. lark when , Dayton, Miss ~ariorie. Huston The ,yeddinR' cake was cut by they said, "Give me one good , wilt be a total of four games 1~ __ ' puts h :s tin. . . an in. front .of y u and says ''It WOUld be n,lce f Troy and MIs' pons ~ere- the bnde. After lunch the entire rea on "\ hy I shotlld support t th G' st d' thO to co Ueet ' enough to pay fot dlt~ of Waynesv!l1e, bn'des- poup enioyed Irish Ballads sort -illl v hen I dOB' t care for aSunday. e elger a tUm IS _ the lights . Jimmie Stansberrx ~~ld5. They -yvere In gowns of ' sun~ by the host. The bride the game. ' hould rain cancel out Sunor perhaps y u call him "Re.d, ' faille taffeta. In shades of rose, received manv lovely gifts. is headman on tile ball retnevAt Polinsky is ano.ther per"day's program, all games will green, fuchSIa, gold and aQ~a. Those attendit'lJr were Mr. and ing, crew and. has been doing .a son who can tak~ a bow, for, be played as shown on , the Jim The gowns were made WIth Mrs. C. H. Supinger Misses s)Vell .lO'b. Ditto to Nolan, piS as soon as he heard there would McCl'ure sponsored , 1ea~ue off-the-shoulder necklines, puff Char.lotte Esther and Susan rother,' who has been keepm, ' he a sponsored everit, he said, chedule ~ if yo u have lost sleeves, fitted bodices and 'full Supinger.' Mr. and Mrs. Milton score recently. "1'11 take $10 worth j will that )'ou' r s, pick up another at the skirts .with bustles. They carried b>avis and son, Mr. and Mrs. Y1 be enough ? It's JjeQpte like Twin ' b oxofficel. On Sunda V, ' ( I, rI . 1 bou luets ~f. sea ona CJal;lde Nelis and son, Mr. and these who make. one wilting to Se'ptember 26, the same policv f1 'v, er and w He SImIlar tlow- Mrs. Charle's Wright all of R , endure unjust criticism and all w~l1 hold g,ood, as ' ailother ers in their hair. , ' R. 1, Lebanon, Mr.' and Mrs: , The bride's gown of I?uch- Charle~ Wh~eler, Lebanon j Mr. of the heartaches that accrue tnpleheader IS scheduled" weaesse at'jn Wil..L:Ipade wIth ' a and Mrs. Robert Hartman, R. from trying ' to' promote_one oL_ J~er pe'rmitting. This mean 'r : ,m~rquisette yoke above r s 2,' W:aynesvil1e; Miss Millie' 'the things, in my opinion, that toen, that the playoffs can g~t ON FARMS makes thi U. S. A of urs the started on Sunday Oct. 2,. It . , pomte la, ' a fitted bodice ant} Hartma,n, Waynesville .. . place i~ is:-athletlcs. Without not possjble to mention wInch NATIONAL COOPERATIVE a full sk rt worn over a· hoop , them, would there have ,been _ ... __~_ _ _ _ _ _ _- - ! ~'Hi , c 111 ~ ' let ej with a trair BRIDAL SHOWER HELD_FINANCING , a VE or VJ Day to celebrate? ~he ",'ore a halo of seed pearls ' Mrs. David D. Hartsock was fr m ",hich felt a fingertip honored with a bridal shower on TO FIT YOUR INCOME I hope man y of the young length vei i of illusion and she Friday evening, when Mrs. Loren ballplayers who ,attended procarried, ' white flowers with a 1 Routzahn._and Mr,8. Bernard Melloh LONG TERMS ...:... fited by the _demonstrations of KepreSem !ng 0f ' hie\. Mr. Fire gave hi ' '6~tertained a.t the home of th forLOW INTEREST the old-time greats such -as caughter in, marriage. ' \Velldl-=imer <;' . :. Cl....l1P~i..y mel" in Franlclin. The honor guest Leftv Grove; Wesley Ferrell ~ ,:~ :· .... ·c t c;~ W 1 bel 1:11.: Member. New 1 U J'K ~II \,~; .fo'undman.y lovely gitts awaiting, Mickey LEB~~ON N. F. 1.:. A. Cochrane i Billie bxch ~ln ~ c :md the:' lEBANON, OHIO registered ' Excllan~: t~
her in the diBing room which was
IbeauUfully arranged with all bridal
.~-- -
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"'f'( :
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to .
, •
..... .
Land Bank LOans
Extra-Special! . '
B~autiful , -' 3-PIECE WALNUT
THEIR S~CURITY RESTS WITH YOU! y 'e " the edu ~ation of your chil r ren, their' entire future wel" fare, is our responsibility. Discharge it consci~ntiously' and EAS'iL: by savirig REGULARLY. We are ready to help _'o:! now. Stop in!
,- WaynesvHie ' National Bank ,1o Buv, Sell. Y,rade Rent; Burro.w, ,USE ..
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1<,\ ,11 ,:.: 111
EA Y TO FIND- OUT Male . and More the 'p'ublic is exam inin g (un ral prices and materi al' in a i - ancc. And inde d, \Vh hou]dn't this be the i'u! ir..: ' e'. d c f the ex~et:> tion ? ' It i ' a practic<l way to deter111 ine the. actual (acts -a t price tll'lj servl'e. We ,welc me visitur at any time.
M'cel URE ' FUN HOME . . ' 'ER~l . .
. i
:waynesvi~'e rtirnitur,e &' Appliance Co. ,
9Jd' - Quoted ___ _ -t-_-I:--4'_h....,:.o_n...::.e_ WaynesviUe 2530 ~Dajtoa AD325,
_$120·0~ (
Investment Trust
S~tuth Mail. 5~re~t "'I crnss ' fr"m Grange HAll ,
0" 10
Teleph De 2422
GA'Z[·J·T'E ClA551flEO .
,. _ - _______ ,..-._ _----.-~.--..-.........--1Io'1icDz .. • ~·__'..... _ ...... uiz;ziiii "- -,
Presidential .Essay Contest Prizes Local prizes in the essay con_ test will be $ 5} first; $ 3, secand; and $ t t lird in each division; junior and senior high school. , Here are the rules. 1'. Write on one side of the pape'r only, putfinr your name, ~nde, school, ana ,addrec;;:, :It tht' ,\lpper right hand' corner. 2 . Name one of your school. teacher just be!ow yo ur nanl ... and address. 3. Do not write moi'e than 250 w rd . 4. Conte t will be judged on the merit f the es a a u submit, not upon the judges', personal hoice of presidents. -'. Winner will be announced. a qui kl a possible in both local and state ,contests. 6. No entries are to be sent direct to the state can: te t '; only th e prize winner in th 1 al ontest will be entered in the tate conte t. These, e a 5 will be entered , b v The ' Miami Gazette foHowing- the .i ud, e' decisi' n. 7. Prize will 1" di tributed a quickly as th medal can e ordered and received from the Unit ed tates Mint. Each wi nne'r will aet the medal of the Pre ident about whom he wrote. 8. Entries must' be mailed to the Presidential Contest Edito r ' of Uy ' Miami Gazett h:+~ r ~ midnight of unday, October 3, 1948. 9. Judges decision wTrt be final and no essay will be returned.
The ' Claude Stroud family has as guests for Friday evening dinner guests of Labor Day weekend, Mr. a,nd Mrs. Charles Azling and daughter, Patty, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ahrens' and dau~hter, Misses Martha and Muriel Azling, Mr. and Mirs. Dave Thirkield, Mr: and Mrs. Charles L. n and Ji~l Norman. all of Dayton, On Monda y eyenirt~ Mr. and Mrs. ·Robert Old. ' ham and daughters Mr. and Mr. Richard Oldham and sOt:\, Mr. and Mr. Wiesley Pease, Mr. Oharles Brow"', Mr. ahd Mrs. 'Irvin Sansberry and Jim Norman were dinner guests. Mrs. Frances Arhinal of Dover, Ohio, , was a 'guest over the entire weekend.
]n , 1947, 990 Americans were killed and 22,000 injure:1 by automobiles with defe tive brakes. Check your ar and ' check accidents!
' -_ " ' ?
U/lltei ~ ,OhiO SIlmS
As_TOLD 1!J-_ CONS.ERVATION DIVISION _ _ BY 7 '_ • ____ ___
l .'...",::)FtEDS OF YDUNG / ', 6 LERS Wl6~l:' 7 , ,en.LED A'lr /~'iS1 OHIO
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f MOVED THE ,"'ReAT OF ~ ", c:. ' .r~ . ~~h 11 oRO~Hr AND INcREAS::: ~ _':b~ "C:''' l~ E.D CHANCES FOR A ,.. .;'"
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'Paul' Johns returned to the University of Cincinnati Tuesday morning, beginning his third ". ear there. MIT. and Mrs. Harvey ' Bur. nett attended the Hayner Reunion Sunday . at the' horne of Mr .. an:t Mrs. Allen Fry near Springboro. ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collins and Charles CoHins ot D'aytton ,ere unda y afternoon g-ue -ls at Mr. dnd Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Miss Sara Corine Furnas, . who ha' been , sp nding- the umn\er with ber r ;:l. rents, Mr. and Mrs. 'eth Furnas lm Sodal Row, left last ·week for Lakeide, Cleveland, where she 'will teach the coming lear. ' . Mr. and Mrs. . B'. Jones were entertained at dinner Sunday ev ning at the horne of "~r. and Mrs ~ Carl Pickering in . I
.Photo· Classics
<.... . ,~7'-'
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fJO()O DU~I( CROp · .. ,
Centerville. . . 'Mrs. Nettie Emri ~ , M'I'. Ralph Hammond., Mrs. Paul hiplef, Mrs. Charles Ander. son and Mrs. \Natter Kenrick ' spent W(ednesda in Cincin"natL They atteded Rutlll Lons Mornin~ ' Matinee at \}..I. L. w, ..and a tour of the Crosley Butldtng. Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Clark attended the marriage of their,...) grand. daughter, Miss Dorothy Lee , Younce, to ' Mr . . Richard Aumiller at Grace Methodist Church, Dayton, at 4 :30 P. M., Saturday and afterward 'at- , tended the reception at the Country Club. , Mrs. , Dora ' McCray of MiamiS urg spent the weekend with Mrs. Nettie Emrick and Mr. and Mrs. P¢arl 'Cornel1, a,nd called on other rela·tives and friends. Mrs. Ralph Hammond enter, tained ' a't luncheon and cards at her horrie on lPripav the fol. lowing guests: ' Mrs. Theron Howell and daug;hter and Mrs. Forest Thompson of Route 73 and Mrs. James Lovely of near Ridgeville., ' , Mrs. Alfred Ralsnake arid son' spent several days last week, with -hu.. par~,;--M.t:... and Mrs. ,Henry Belcher, who are both v~rv il] at teir 'home on Town. ship Road.
Mrs. Lucile Armitage returned Tuesday from a delightful trip to many interest.in,g and historical places in Virgima. Miss Mam'~ Brown with Miss Monimia· Bunnell spent. Sat. urda,y afternoon in Xenia. MISS Emma Peacock of Dayton, a former resident of Waynesville, with her .nephew, Harold Peacock and wife were callers at the Home Sunday afternoon. '
.'~ -, "".~ ii' ... .~
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Karl D. DakiD Insurance ' Agency '
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I.U. ~o E.llulbeJT)', LEBANO... 0,
,OHIO , ••••S........ ..... '11f!'-
if _
, 'Tl,RES $13.95
PHONE 2824
6~ s
in abe Ohio Parmeh will give you broad ptOr~ctioo apinsf IOSSl"c 00 JOur fum. It COftn yom buildia8l, your chaue1s, )OW If Ul"mONk _ JOUr llabilll)' lot ucideDu to omen, ':('l1> .10t see us loday I Ya .... J'lIII'. . . . wbeD ,.,..'~ u..r.t ..... 0IU0 , . . . .,
~'Y FARQUER Waynesville
••. when you let us drv clean th~m our m?dern, efficient "'ay. We use orilv the finest cientific soluti~ns, res,tor~ that napp:)" nubby finish to sweaters, woolen ,jackets.
te ....we.
Marilyn .lBurske was the dinner gues~ on Thur,sday of Mrs. Leah Mills. . . Mr. and Mrs. Madiso'o Earnhart of Dayton with their. four children called on Misses Marne and Annie Brown Sunday after_ noon.
Here'. a ahot the photographer .Imoet ml...... After tak~"II' p,nu~. of an ope. .. hou.. ftN from the roof of • fou .....o.., bllnd'tI" Curti. O·Neal ~med to the atreet .nd w•• packl", hla eqlllp"'"' when he apottecr til.. "Oft....I.nt flNman. O'Neal quick', fooliMd hi. • ....d Graphic .l1li ..... the ....o~ • moment ~fON • pol-,...." .......... hIM
Mrs.. Ella Dakin :ipeI'}t Sun_ day WIth her son Paul Dakin and wife in Le anon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Rhein 'and ring-field, O. Mr. children of and Mr. nobert Keresey and ' hildren f Dayton ~isited their Hunt Mi ' Margaret Edwards . Sunctay afternoon. . " f Mi" Mary Boston retu~n~d unday from a' visit with friends and relatIves in Pendleton and Indianapolis, Ind. She was accompanied horne by Mr. and Mrs. Horace Boston of Ind ianapoli who were 11er 'guests at dinner. ' ' . Dr. Emma Holloway ' spent Sunday at Friends' Quarterly Meeting at Pennville Ind. I Miss El izabeth Chandler left Friday to take up her school dutie at Hampton Institute, Va. Miss Clara Lile left for her home in Washington C. H. after three week as a guest at ' the home. Mi Minnie 'Dod on accomipanied the Charles Michener famil y on an al1-day trip on Sunda y to Le'?(ilJ1,gton, Ky. They en,joyed . a, picn i dinner at Blue Lick Springs Park near Lexin gton. . I The ' annual meetin ~ of the ~ome Board appointed by Indlana Yearly Meeting was held at the home on Wedn'esday Member- were dinner' guests: Those present ,were eth Furn!ls, Raym ond Braddock, Mrs. Kellar IHoak, Mrs. A!mos Cook, Mrs. . Roscoe Furnas, Paul Tomlinson, : Ross Hartsock , of Waynesville; O. T. Battin Mis!s Mabel Wilson of South Charleston O. Mr. and Mrs. George Swain of Pendleton, Ind. and ' Mrs. , Robert East. man of pringfiel,d, O.
ta x)
.A.f ,SO FUl.t L~ NE OF L
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.. .,. , . . .-- , C ~ '. l C~• ...:./ '-~ , ~ • LJ~
::b,.,.ledge A FARM DI'ARY , by D .J. ' FRAIZER
September 10, 1948.
Once again it is time for my annual quotation from the most per. fect description of the season that I know, Helen Hunt Jackson's "September." The golden ' rod is yellow; . The cotn is turning brown; The trees in apple orchards ' With fruit · ~re bending . down. . The gentian's bluest fringes Are curling In the sun; In dusty pods the' milkweed Its hidden silk has spun. The secl!?:e- fl aunt their harvest. I.n eve r meadnw'-l1nnk: And a teL h Il'e br0nk i e .' M'ake a ters in ' n, f' 1 0n t- . From dewy lane at mnrning The grape' wf ct odor rise; At na nn the roads :tn flutter \ "iq· yeilow \1utterflies. B 'all these lovely lokens eptember ' da vs are here, With sum mer" be t nf weatl er Ann
h ,t
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Hot Water ,in th' M,II, House
~§ ·~~~m~J
..oJ:.\~~D':~ AHIMAt. .HIAl.TII -111111:11~--- SEASON' CHOLERA authoritie's, Is the proper time fCil first vaccination of young pigs. · EAR 'ROUND the Vaccination at or a.round weaning ALL Y AMIiRICAN
Hog cDolerl knows no seBlon. must \;Ie wserved, all year 'round':- if American farmers hope to check the ravages of this deadly virus disease of swine. • ,Veterinary auth~rit1es report that comple~e losse of large Precautio~
~ven sanltntion and clean pasture a1'en't proof agalrVlt cholera.
droves of swine; due to hog cholera. have occurred In the middle of the winter as weli as d·.'.ring the hottest summer months. - Also. there l:ieem~ to be no sc.ientifie evidence to sup :>r " the old superstition that the feeding of new Jrn is somehow related to ' .:I t. reaks of choltn'a T:'le 'Only thing s~asonaJ about nog ch. lera, according to th~l!Ie
time, for eacb new crop of pigs, 11 the surest ....nd most effective precaution against devastating lossea from this tast-kUUng virus. AJJ an .added aafegua.rd against hog cholera, farmers are urged to guard against letting Jdck swint' bt> brought onto the p'remises, There are ,many way. tha.t cholera call be transmitted from ont' herd to another. Flies, for instance. may carry the virus. But many outbre8;ks bave been trace9 to Infection carried from farm to farm , on the cloth ' g of threshing cr~ws . In uncooked garbage, in, contamlna,ted feed bags . on wagon and truck wheels and other equlptr;lent. Stil.l other dangers mus.t be kept In mind. Hog cholera virus and hypodermic needles, carelessly hE. dIed by persons witbout the proper training. can spell disaster. Furthermore, pigs sl;ould be given a general pbysical cneck-up by a veterinarian to be sure they are ! In proper condition for vacdnatton, because if they ar ~ not in sat18. factory condition. they may IIOt dcwelop ' Immunity. ' ~,
heer. Time out, whil I went to tlle reocue of t \\ 0 baby ch icks probably they will. . . .. WAYNE FARMERS CLUB that had gotten inside the screen .W!e went to the Community MEETS AT BRANSTRATORS' and \\ er cheeping loudly to get Sale yesterday but there was a out to loin the old hen and the ort of KJoom hanging over it " The Wayne Township Farre t f t,he famil y. This is the due to the illness of Vlfgil Rus- mer Club held the Septembe); time of year wh~n a few hens Sf.n. It oldn't seem quite right meeting on Thursday at the a].wa ys appear with belated, to have a visiting au!=tioneer, home of Mr. ,and Mrs. L. V. familie. I understand many no matter how. good he. is. Bra~strator in' Wilmington with It is now gener~lly agreed for ' washi~g. ' Now, he has. a chi ken 'raisers raise some Sept. Calves are higll_ ~he .cheapest a large attendance. A ham din- among dairy experts.. that the . supplv of steaming: hot water 1"1 1 er rhicks and say they d one went at about twelve dol- ner .was served, fol.10wed by modern milk h9 use must have a ayailable in his milk , house at very well. I, am tempted to try lars. I didn't stay for the cow the usual busines;; session .. The continuous s~pply ~f hpt water all times, thanks to the autoit as I haven~t ' raised any thi sale, but tt 'Itakes milk to club was ci.eeply grieved by the if high quahty mIlk IS to be matically controlled electric summ er. I w uld buy some 'pulI-, raise cp.lves and , milk is high. loss of their member Fred produced. dairy wat~r: heater. ets if J .could find some at a We waited about a month Hag-emeyer, and . the ' r.ecenl ,,- ~alter~en_ce of. R. R. 2, St. . According to Mr. Pence, h(!··. reasonable price. W e were hav- too long to selJ the calf we death of a former member Carl Pans, has sOlved hIS hot water uses hot water for bathing' sore' ing so ) lUeh trouble with faxes sold~ We would nave gotten Duke. Letters of" In Memo'rian" 'problem with the ins'tal1ation of or wollen udder, for washing: for a while th,at I didn't try to enough more per pound then to for ,both \ were reaq by Mrs. a' t,:n ,gallon ,~on-pressure, , thre u iders before milking, an(f rai e any . have received the same amount Gi lbert Frye and Mrs. S. S. eIectnc hot water heater for taking care of mother and calf at time of freshening. In of money we got yesterday ' Ellis. ' Rev. Ward App'legate (see photo abo~e.) . Wh is authonty on wild rder to draw h t water from Don't forget the Warre~ , gave an inspiring talk on "Free- ' . Mr. P~n~e saId that be~ore he n wt.:rs in this rieighborhood? I County Pair. Come and bring dam." the heater, it is only necessary' ,In.sta\led hIS new electriC hot am not sure whether the blue an exbjbit: , \ water heater, he .had t() heat to pour water intio the inlet flowers growing- in a comer of . Rev. R. B. Coleman also water on the kitchen stove funn el on the top anq a like my place are gentians or n t. .~ave n ' inte re ting accoun't of ' twice a day and carry it out to , ~ujlOunt of hot water is forcea They are a lovely shade of blue ,his recent trip thr ugh the 'the 'milk house fa wash his out. J t is thermostatically conr tl~ hey ar.e not like the Calor - , Mlss Witham of , Richmond West . electric milk ing utensils. 1!1 cold trolled and ·a supply of steam. do g-enti":l . t1at I am ac 11'1'nt_ Va.! spent Labor Day weekend · \ The ' club' aajourned t~ meet weather, the water would cool ing hot water is a vaitable at a.1l d --rith. They, may be a kino of witn' her aunt- Mrs. J. E.. Wit- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. too quickly and he had to carry times. netr "', I have ~lwav~ re,p'retted hart:1, the Gallipolis State; In st i_ Gilbert Frye in oct ber. Guests , the milking utensils to the house q' at my h'idl s hool tt':lcher of tute, .GalJipolis, Ohio. Sunday and Mrs: .•~E[li~F~U~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ included 'and M~ daughter ' ~d ' Juliehotany l.;ct n 1t teach us to mor.nang. the ladies' enjoyed a ·nas . ' :-- nal u , fJ wer and fi nd it in- motor trap throu~h the country' Gons. thf' 1-,' k. Do 1r.· " te:1(il t,.,"t in and dinner at the Lafayette Hotel. . " (·t· .,. :, 'ho Is.? Or ~.re the ~ ~ t"ny Miss ' W itham returned to ar 'j . . :rr'y t ;l:1~ tl.e'. ·' tf" 1 'ust S~~,S LUj 3/1.0'v' Hichmond Sunday evening. 3.LJ.3Z'lt~ 3Z1 N O I:L1. 'v' d haz geileralities? Whenever I", quot a p ,em I' wonder, too, are' TEL. ·2661 , HOT POPCORN ollr children filling their minds · A LWAYS COMFORTABLE ' ALWAYS COOL with bea~tiful words and phras. , SCHEDULE: 6 :30 & 8 :30 . es that will come back to t)tem . in later days, ,or just the slang of . , . ' the ' thugs in the , comics? Are they dri11ina hard on "I saw" , Note instead of J' seen" 'and "I .lie dowh' n w" , instead , of "I lay down now,ll or cio the teachers BILL BOYD in " just think "What's tne. use, most BE READY \\lITH A RELIABLE OIL BURNER ,people say ,it wrong any wa:y COLEMAN ' ; ~OURNEY ~nd I'f I tTv to teach them And say' it right maybe they Witt QUO THERM C};apter 5 BRICK BRADFORD catch me aying It- wrong:' ~nd " ESTATE PLUS: PUSS 'N TOOTS SUPER FLAME
Listings W~~ted ,BUyers Waltmg
Roy E. slniib R. R. 2 Waynesville OlLState Rt. 48, . ,. mi. North of Rt. 73 . Phone Centerv,i1le 7056 , -107
PHONE 2441
6 'Wayaesville
~~ ~
~Y ~~~D·-FRMIA·
softball alive in this town, handled in the right way - is a. community responsibility srnce So many fans are evident. Wen, another ' school year's under way, kids, and from a.1l I ,can glean, vou're all kind of
baron of the early 'West. Miss Saturday nighters at the Twin TH E MIAM I GAZETTE PAGE. Sheridan, as a Southern beauty can go home with a picture of WAYNESVILLE,' OHIO INo. 4381 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER' 1e, 1948 transplanted to the sage-brush Bill Boyd for the asking. 'yvas never lovelie'r than in thos~ 1870 hoop-skirts. This saga of America rushes to a dramatic I Clint Gray, in Albuquerque, arlle'l6bu , rQ New Mexico. : climax. Supporting cast is ex-
othmg so good as getting {lack and catching up on th~' "dirt" of the entire summernothing.-as invi.gorating as being on r~)Utlne agaIn (you 1\ havt. to admit that's right) and looking ahead to unknown vistas of knowledge., . Watch Mlickey Roonev gainmg. knowl~dge the hard way in
Mitchell and Bruc.! Bennett. The W. S. C. S. met Thurs,World News on this program day afternoon , with Mrs. Robert too. . , Stump at her home on Main . The poignant storv of a little St. assistant hostesses were gIrl who creates a magic world Mrs. William Hoover and Mrs. nf her own out of the humdrum Raymond Brooks. atm'Osphere of a New York tenThe Business Men's Club met ement district brings that wond- :in , r~gular session Wednesday er child star, Margaret O' Brien, evenmg in the Home Economics to. the screen Tuesdlay only in Room of the High Sc,hool build-
TW:IN L,e nses
~eas~d ' about
As we go to press, tickets for the Softball Benefit night at the Twin Theatre are going ,nicely-a good many sold right at 1~e Box office, which is a good sign. As 'you read this issue,
the whole thing. '
you'll know whether or not the' "!<Iller M'cCoy". (MGM), to.
"1 enth Avenue An/!,el" (MG
ing. ijosts were Robert Stump,
benefit was a success. Certainly naght only. ThIS IS, NOT aM). An able supportmg cast- Gail Gordon and Fred Sheryour local theatre went all out gangster picture, but a picture A.n~ela Lansbury' Phyllis wood. ~, 10. supportit:lg this ci~i.c. enter- , for ~he whole family. , T'h'axter, and George Murphy •. ' A KfOUP of 'Iadie~, members pTlse~. donatmg all faCIlities and Bill .Boyd comes ,back for a help tell the tale 01 a child who of the local M:etho~lst Church, stanomg all exp.enses. I hope ~n~. mght stand Saturday in I~se~, and gains, her faith in ~ttelJded th~ reception and bus. the
~ mIster
are not a blot on the
town s escutcheon, but on the ~~!rary a tribute to the t9wn's S~1f1t. Personally (and I say it wIth fea~ and trembling in this .ports hot.Jbed) '. a~ I'!ot a softball f~n, yet I dld~ t skIp the opportumty of bUYing tIckets for these particular evenings, on two counts., One (selfistl)d the progr~m was good an keyed to mterest both ~po'rts fans and those not so-mmded. Two, the purpose _ to keep _ '
1# ,II. eanMII AU Jail bOO, lOiU .0011 , , SEPTEMBER
aM ....."
Il-lndeJjendence WI
~ .. ~ f'
' ~ #..
5 Day. a week Course incJud'es: Music, Dandng: Singing, Elocution am Play Time '
1873 21 - LOUIS /ollel explorer 164~
hale executed ,
WI''' "'.1.,..
, Use The 'Abnanat.: I'o Check The, We~ther , B~! U&e
- '-
, To S\:,_', :' :::11, Rent, L08l4, Borre w,
Any. Time 'of The Ye8 r
,- -
... '- . ...--.-..--I ~--.;,.....-·..;. ' _-------------
111-13 E. Mulbenv St. .
Gillia~l were guests ~abor Day, at a dmner given at. the Peerle~s Pantry, MiamisburK by Mr. and Mrs. Charles 01) Jer ' and daug'hters. In the afternoon and 'v em n g , th e v ' a tlen v dep the Montgomery Count Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welch hl!-ve returned f.rom a visit of ten days with 'friend and relatives in FL Dodge, Iowa,. where they resided for several , ear prior to ,moving to the village. ' . Mr. and'Mrs. Clifford Doster f pr.ingfield are receiving ngratulations on tbe birth of a 'on, their second child. He has been named; Bruce Taylor. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and M'rs. Herbert Doster of the
Churl-i, Wednesday evenmg. Guests of honor were the new pastor and h is wife. Rev. and Mr .. A. . Arthur of New ~urlIngton and Dis!rict supermten.dent, Rey. ~arkm, and Mrs. Parkm of WIlmmgton. Mrs., ~. '. Collett, amI Mrs. Charl.es Smart left 'Sunday mor~mg on a ten ' day vacation to Niagara F~l1s and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carl Brown and Mrs. Brown's niece Mis~ Georgeanna Babb, of Col~mbus retur~ed to the village Saturda v' evenIng from a ten day vacation ~i1lage. tour t~rougbout the Smoky M~ynard Frost, son of Dr. M,?untallls and otber southern and . Mrs. E. F!ost, ha~ pomts. . retul ned hO.me follo~mg a tw~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doster ' ~eek. ' confl,nel,nent. at Holms and , daughters, Janet and Ho plt~l, OnclIlnatJ. ' Barbara, and M,rs. A. S. Collett LoUIS Thomp on has returnr> . . atten.ded ,a dinner Saturday t the home of Mr. and Mr!;. ev~n.m~ gl~e~ by. Mr. and Mrs. Gentry, near town. He rec~n)l.y WIlha.m GI.lham m compliment tJnder~ent an appenolcU:ls 10 their SOO' and daughter-in- \ per~tlO,n at a Columbus law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gilliam hospital. and famil y who are visiting here from New York City. CHEERFUL CIRCLEMrs, Alice Urton and I hel: u .. ~.n"> Mrs S Tl'l1ls en r r· brother d . t . 'U' , ~.'U ~ an SIS .er-m-, aw, tained on Sunday evenIng of ~.the Mr. and Mrs. Will. Drake of ' past w-e~k. with the Cheerful Ch"le Blanchester, were dmner guests members as &-uest8. This was also of relatives in Dayton, Monday. a farewell for Mr, and Mrs.-BranMrs. Will Ecton, who sustained traJt.or who h ave now lel t to llCJl d an arm injury recently n few months In, California. Guestl! " submitted to an X-Ray which were Mr. a·nd ¥Is. L, V, Bl'llnatra· revealed 'a broken bon'e. Her 1 r f Wilml , lg"o ' . l r . fl nd .\I1r. manv friends wish her a' speedy M. A Cornell of aytun, ~'. (J Mr . J, B. Ri h , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest recovery. A birthday shower was Smlrt.h and Mr and ,Mrs. Glenn ,given this week in compliment .~,utterworl'b. 'M'T. a.nd Mrs Harry to Mrs. Laura Shid~ker woo i Borden. the houseguest of her son-inlaw and iaughter, Mr. and Mlrs. • IN CASE OF FIRE, DIAL 2222 • ,.
InviSible Half Solin~ Orthopedic Corrections Cork Extensions ,
GAZETrE CLASSIFlcl> ;;--~-!-i,:"",,:,.._t J,
Shoe B,e palr Se..viee 0"
mess meetm g held at Sha!on
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
. . ,
BECINNINC SEPT. 27th' 9:15 A. M. t~ 11 :45 A. M.
2O-,New York City panic,
12- Nol.hOIl
in , no quiet way.
plenty nf action on Tenth Avenue. And there's a w,onderful short with the fea. ture, "Uncle Tom's Cabana." Next T.hursday .and .Friday ~omes ~ picture umque m that It s straight romance and mel. odrama, a picture that's been wide!y discussed. It's "Golden , ,Earnngs" (PAtR) , with Mar ~en~ pietrich portraying an unInhIbited gypsy an~j Ray Mit.. land a reluctant British army officer. There are some steam. heated sequences, and the story is not planned for' children. it .uses contrasts, . throwing into sharp relief th~ moods ,and manners of the Gypsy, English. man, and even the Nazi. Great est surprise to me, in this prac( ica.l,da y, and age is the endin~. I didn' t think ne;d do it! See lf you agree with me. . GIVE, _ I\way __ Dep't.:
Sponsored by Lebanon Y. M. C. A. FQr Children 3 ". ye,ar~ to 6 years of ag'e'
II-Somuel lohnlon born. 1709 COl '
I here's
Pre-School Nursery
Day In
Constltullon Day I
( !J A) . A
J 0 u rn.e y"
picture concernIng railroading in the wide West, it packs a wallop and is rife with adventure, riding, and ,gunfire. "Bradford at ~ay" is the title of the 5th s,e nal chaJ?t~r Saturday. June and Sandy Jom the rest on ~he lun'ar planet this week with mteresting complications. 'Winner of the B B Club Ca~d prize last wee~ was Dean Bogen of WayneSVille. Good luck to you all for next Saturday. . Topping your list of IImusts" IS Wrarner Brothers' romance of the old West "Silver River" ilt the. t~e~tre 'Suryday ,and Moh. day. Unltmg ~gam E~ro.1 Flynn ~nd ~nn Shendan, thiS IS excit... 109 and colc;>rful cinema fare. Plynn returns to his devil-may _. care type of mle which suits hIm b~st, play!ng ,M-ike MtComb wh? IS , cashIered oul of the Umon Army to become a robber
Mrs. Gordnn of Kingman was
a ' Frid'ay evening guest , 'at the 'home of Mrs. Blanche Cart and Mr. and Mr~, Emerson Masters. Mr. and Mrs. Gharles Beck and Liaughters of Dayton, .called on friend s and relatives in the village, Monday. 'Mr. and Mts. Erne t Gilliam and family of New York Dtr, who are visitin,ll; Mr. Gilliam s
47 kinds of ·
for immeqiateJ delivery. ,We will also have RO E , F:RUIT and SHAPE TREES. Come see us. :( ocaied on Mpund and Buck RUll Roads ' 1 If.: 'miles outh of New Burlingtf' l1, Oh,~o.
------------~--~..;..;;.~----::..-:....----'- ' -.
'- - 0 - '
a p<?l!nd of cure. Our regular servlClOg of your car keeps it in A No. 1 condition ... assures you safe, smooth, carefree driving~ Let us service your car every 1,000 miles. It's the wise -thing to QO! Call 2341 FOR PICK-UP SERVICE.
CASH FOR DEAD STOCK l-}eYSC'"l $6.00' " , Hogs f2~OO cwt. , ~
Cows $7.£ 0
T.hat's because 'there's golden cream in every drop ... '. nght down to the bottom of the bottlel Extra vitamin 0 " too. Ask for Golden Crest HomoDee for b4eHer ~ilk. Delivered to your door, or at your faVOrite store. J:..
, p, r
II -' () (., [)
Illig' tu Slit! and conai lion Prpmpt, Clean Service ,PHONE COLLECf Xenia 1712 . or Wilmington. 2362 JANES ~DERING, Waynes Ville, Ohio f\l: ~U
68 Years Jigo ,
(From the Miami Gazette of , Sept .. .14, 18~8) Enrollment of the Waynes. ville Public $chool. Elementary Department, Room 1 Jennie Dinwiddie. teacher. 1st Grade" 19; 2 n9 Grade, 15. Room' lIt Mariana Chandler, teacher. 3rd Grade, 1'1; 4th Grade, 15 ; ~oom, Ill, Carrie W. Barley, teacher. 5th Grade, 16; 6th Grade, 13. ' Room IV, Minnie C. Dodson, t~acher, 7th Grade" 1 7; 8 th, Grade, 11. 1:I igh School Department - S. A. Stilwell, Supt. and D. A. Ferree, Prin. "A" Grade, 9; ' "B" 'Grade, 16 ' tIC"~ Grade, 13; "0" Grade, 19; Irreg., 3 Tota,l fo'r ~chool, 177. ' •
,tbe rehearsal for the wed4Jng ot theil' daughter, Irma. to Mr. ' Robert Meredith. wt,th 8. lovely outdoor party for all the wedding party. Rev~ and Mrs. R. B. Colema.n and Mr . .and Mrs. Herbert Meredith. Miss Ruth H LeMay who has ,been In New York City tor the pas't ebi: months receiving training With Visiting N'UrBinIg (Service, has been the guest ot 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles ~Mla.y before taklng up her studies In Clnclnn8itl wh~re she w1ll soon complete her tra.ln!ng.
Leban<.>n, Ohio F9ur. ~reat ' pays SEPTEMBER '. 21, '2~, ·2 3, and .24
New Plymouth Two-Door Sedan And ' other big prizes
• • •
Ticket Agent Piatt sold 235 eXCtlrSi0n tickets to Cincinn<lti from' Corwin- Station from the 5th to the 8th inst., inclusive which was but a few ' less tha~ were sold at. Morrow:. (Most of ." t~'ese were for persons at. tendtn~ the G. A. R. encamrp'. ment.) ,
. . ,.
,DaiiyProg'Fam ' Race Program
McClure and· Ha'rper, Under. take'rs and Embalmers at Main and Miam i .Sts., have recently placed a telephone in their office so that they .can be'caned any time. One coach furnished free. '
Superintendents of Speed: D. W. Bishop, ' Ralph Van Meter and Thomas E. Barnhart
TUESDAY 9 :30 A. M ..... Judging in various departments 7 :00 P. M ...•...•.•••••...•••••.•.•....... Band Concert M. ~ ....... B. Ward Beant's· lnternational Congress of Daredevils
8 :00' P.
Mr.\ and M.rs. John J. Burske and, \ daughter~ c-:M'ss MarUyn Burske wereSu'nday, . dinner guests of reJatives in Toledo, . and op return Miss Marilyn re. main.ed at Bowlin~ Green Uni. ver~ity ,for her JUl)ior y~ar.
'9 :30 9 :30
t :36
1:00 8:00
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. 'Stubbs
WEDNESDAY A. M .....Judging in various departments A. M ...........'.......... Judging of Baby Beef P. ' M............................. Harness Racing P.' M'. ,••'•••••• ;••••••••••••••••••.•••• . Band Concer.t P.. M••.•. Majo ,~ttes . George Bird's Musical . '.
WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22nd 2 :26 Trot ................................ Purse ,400.00 2 :26 Pace ............................... 'Purse ,400.00 ---=2:-.-yr. -old Pace Sta es O.C.S., Est. value 800.00 Trophy . given by' Herb's. Place THURSDAY,. SEPTEMBER ,23rd Free For All Pace and Trot ...•.••• Purse 400.00 3~yr.-.old Trot Stakes O.C.S., Est. Purse '8 00.00 Trophy give,n by Lebarion Citizens National Bank
THURSDAY t () :00 A. M. ........... .... ..... ........ Band Concert .1 :00 P. M................... ~ ...•. ~ ... Harness' Racing 7 :00 P. M. ••• .••• .••••• •••• .••••••. ••••..• Band Concert 8 :00 P. M..... George Bird's Musical Majorettes
acconipan~ed . their daughter, . MIi~ Yvonne, to Bowling Gree@, , OhiO on Sunda~ where she en.
tered Bowling Green University for her freshman· year. F'RIE,N,D8HIP CLUB
3~Yr.• old
9 :30 Ii :00 , t :30 ,8 :00
• at the home of .Mra. · Glenn Borden on Wednea4ay atternoOD, with a , atten4~e.
,Mrs. R. lB . Co'leman waa In charare ot devOtions . and Mra. Berna,rd Daley Waa In cb&rp of a program ' ot ~m.. and ~nte&te. The club &c1journe4 to meet w1~ Mrs. Irernard· BaUl'lin In October all4 "e. fl'eahment. were aerve4 bY the hoa~ ea. I&.Ild her uet8ta.ntB, Mrs. Elmer ~beehan and Mr.. Clara. Sheehan.
Pace Stakes C.C.S., Est. Purse 800.00 Trophy given by King's Grill FRlDAY~ sEPTEMB~ 24th ,
'~e .F\'tl~lp CIlub held the . first rei'ular meetlD« .alnce vacation
MI"8. lI'r8d Hawke ot Tampa. Florida., who haa bem tbe auNt · of relaUve. · nauo ClarkavDle, vi8ltecl Mr. and /Mr•• Ronald Hawke this week.
arren' County Fair
FREE TO THE BOYS~ Whistles with every pair of knee pants, or a French harp, or a gun . that will ,shoot any Span iard, with a suit that is $1, $1.50, or $2. Mose Cohen, The ," . Children's Friend.
More entries in the Miami Gazette's 'recent Cute Kiddies Contest are, left to right, W~l. ter Fischer, 14 months, · son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Fischer of Route 2; Peggy, Tommy, and Johnny Miltenberger, children of ·Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miltenberger of Route 2.
DILLAHUNT-COFFEY The wedrling of Miss Wilma Jean Otllahunt of SJ?ringfield and 'M. H. Coffey, mmister of the Waynesville ·Church . of Christ, took place Saturday, . Sept. 4 in the First Church of I Christ, Springfield, with John Wilson, minister of that church, offiqiating. . A reception was held later at the bride's home, after 'which the couple left fot a week' wedding trip to Virginia. They are now at home in the parson-' age of the local CHurch at M'ain and High Streets. .
Welcome to ·the Great
The college students who a. gain put on scholastic harness for another year's work are Messrs. Carl Duke and ' Fred tanton, who left yesterday for o. S. U., Columbus; Misses 'Grace Cowgill and Flora Tib· balls go to Delaware; Willie ' j ibballs will be detained at me for a while wrest'lin~ with the mumps. Miss Winifred Harris returns to Smith. e
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fires enter. talned . 'o n Friday even.lng. betor-e
2:17 Trot ...•• ~ .................... ~ •••.. Purse 400.00 2:t 7 Pace .... ~ ..... Purse 400.00 2-yr.-old Trot Stakes D.C.S., Est. Value 800.00
A., 1,\. '.~ •.••••••• : Parade and Band ,Concert
P. M. ~ ............... Auction ot, Baby Beefs P. M. .................. ~..... Harness Racing P. M. ..................... White Horse Troup
,, Trophy' '
. ,
by Hufford lnsurance CO. ,
PRICES Membe~hip Certificate ........................ '2,.00 Exhibitor's Ticket •••• ~.............................. 1.50 For each person (aduUt) .................... t ticket
"'Tickets, each •••••••.••••• "••••••••:•••••• ~..............
Children under twelve ............................. Free For each auto or otheJr vehicle ............... ~ 25c Grandstand, general ~............ ~ ........... ,....... 50c, Grandstand, reserved ............................. ,1.00 Above prices include aU·taxes, Federal and State.
DON'T ' FORGET TO CALL us for insl.lrance. All types of insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone , Waynesville 2472 or call collect. Wi.1mington 2111.
HOUSE FOR SAL~ NEW BR ICK HOUSE on lh Atre ground. 6 Rooms and ' bath, , Utility room, modern kitchen, oal< floors, HeataJatar fireplace, steel windows, gara~e. First House just west of Lytle. • , Ed. Longacre, Owner.
No. No. No. No, No.
,1 on the 1st 2 ()n the 1st 3 on ,the ,1s.t 4 OJt the 1st
5 on the No. 6 on the No, 7 on tJle
APPLES JQnatbans, Cortland'S and Grimes Golden. Also RED DELICIOUS ' Underwood Orchard, . Harveysburg. Phon~ 2897. -:-ind •
No.8 on No. 9 on No. 10 on No. 11 on No. 12 on
the the the the the
day of September, ~ay of September. day of September, day of September, 1st " day of' ,September, 1st day of September. 1st day of September, 1st day of ' Septemb'er, 1st day of Septernlb"er, 1st day pf September, 1st day o! September, tst day of Septern,b er,
Sf! id bonds are Issued , for tbe purpo e of extending, enlarging, and
~l Ib ids mnst state the ·n umber of bondS bid for anl1 the gross amou.nt of bid and accrued Interest to date of delivery. All 'bi<l's to be accompanied 'With a bond or certified check, payable ,t o the VlUage ' for not less than one per cent of the amount of bonds to be sold, upon condition Ithart: if the ",b id Is accepted th~ bidder will receive and pay for such ' .bonds as may be issued as abov~ set tor.t h, within IthWty (30) days from the t,me of award, sl;tld bond to ~ forfeited or said check tOI be retained by the Vmag~ · tf said cMdltion fs not fulflUed. '
'- -ORDINANCE NO. 202 An Ordinance to amend ,Sect,. ~~__~~~~Lll~~~~~~~ 3t and to fix the salary of the Clerk _ of the Truste~s of Public Affairs. Be it Ord;lined by the Village' of Waynesville, Warren County, state of Ohio: . Section I. that Secti0Il II ' of Ordinance No. t 3A be hereby amended and that the Clerk of the , Viilage pf 'Waynesv,Ue be allowed for duties of the aerl~ of the Trustees otPubtic Af.fairs, the sum of Three Hundred. Twenty-five Dollars .('325.00) per annum, payable 'quarterly . from the ' pUblic funds undel" control of the Trustees of Public , ~ffairs. . Section ,.11; That all Ordl"• . ances or parts of ordinances or amendents of ordinances incon. sistent herewith be and the ' same are hereby repealed, and . this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from ,and after , the 'earliest period , allowed by
Passed, by Council this 3 rd , day ,of, September 40 48. H. M. SHERWOOD -, . , Ma or Attest: CHARLES JAMES Y
Between .sixty and seven!l:y guests gathered at the home of !Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kable, Sr.. one evening recently for a shower honoring Mr. and Mrs, PaUl Thomias who were married Aug. 7 in Columbus. A beautlful 'f loor lamp wa.s the gift (1'001 the who!1'e crowd. Several stut:lIts were arranged for /the couple. Ice cream, cake fl/nd ,punch ~ere 's erved. R v. and 'Mrs. Rudolph Hartrum spent a few day,s wltP the Tate familles last week. They have mov~d to Petersburg, Ind. Th'is community was shocked last week by tthe sudden deaJth ot "Dutcb" Tri klet'. His cheery · pres, nce will be miss d in all church and town activities. His w}.fe a.nd young SOn' have oUr deepest sym, pathy, Mr, Tri.c k1er was only thlrtynine ~ears old. . Seveml friends from here attended the wedding of Mt6JS Bonnie Dumford a,nd Mr. Richard Ehlers I n Dayton Srut urday evening and ~ r~ceptlon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dumford or BenbrOOk. They recel,ved many beauUfu1 and useful gifts. They ·are honeymooning in ,New York. Tb y have .their home furnished 'In Arcanum, Ohio. 'Mrs. Pierce remains very sick at , ,her home here. She Is the mother ()f Mrs. Roy Black.
24 hours every dny, 7 days t" ,":' i" , ever Ht o pping, th~ klltnry,. HII,.,r wa' III .t1nt ~'r Crom Lbe !JloC;lll. I Jl ll ~e people VI re aw ro o( b<l w the ' \" h oys must eone t nntly remove IIUI.. . ,) Jlu ill" :loess ncids ' ond 0 her w... te mut ter thut cannot stuy In I.he blo",d wi t hout lu jllrY to hl:'ul h, thoro would w,
L l'ttor
or 7/'!'" Llle
undera Lnnding
whole SYlitom Is unset wh C' n ItldllCYIl r.11 to (unction prOperly. ' 1.1 lrulll~ , 8cnnt y too Cr quont urillA' ilon lI\>m eLimes warns lhaL Hllmet bini is wrong" You may sulfer IlUgglug back, he, hendl\cbes, dizzlbess, rheuM!ltlc ,.... 1' :.111 . II t t Ing up ut nights. swelling, " ... I . noti try DO(lft', Pill'? Y o~ wiD til< 1 '·;\11': n medicine rocommended lh. , • ntry ovqr, poon', stimulate the rUIlct l n or the klcbleys 'and help them t6 :1 Ish (lut poiaonou. waat.e Crom the hl ood, They eontain nothing harmful. (j ut Doa,,', today. u.. with eoDfldcDCB. A t uti drult Itores.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker. had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meredith and family aDd Mr. and Mrs. Harry , Meredith and daughter of Lima and -Miss Anna E. Meredith of, Cincinnati. '
, Mr. and Mrs, K. N. Hough and children, Mrs. Viola ' Harlan, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earnhart . and children 'were Sunday din· ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ev'er~tt Harlan and family near be sealed and' endorsed: "Bids for Walter Works Im'provement Blanchester.
Bids ml\1~ Bonds - 1948",
-NOTIC 'E WANTED Laundry' fo do in my home. . QUlck Service. --930 Plione 2986.
1950 1951 1952· 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 U58 1959 1960 1961
ImprovIng water ,yorks faclUtles oy extending- water mains to a1lta.ch to the neow sources of supply, and constructlng facllttfes 1:0 connect onto uch wells, erecting slhel>ter fo.r said weBs, pumps, tfxtUl~es and appurtenances, aJld for a1'1 other expensee In oonnectlon: ttherewl,th; am! under Ruthority of the CemlJtlt'lltlon and Jaws of Ohio and o,t the Uniform tBnnd Act, and under and in accorilalllce with a. Cet'ltal.Jrl ordinance of aaid VillBige entitled "Ordinance No. 201- An Ordlnrunce Provic!ing foT' the ISRue a.nd Sale of Bonils and or No-tes of the VtITage of Waynesvtne for the Purpose of Extending, Enlarging and Improving Walter Works FaclUUes to , he, Ex-tent That the Income from Such Water W~rks fs Stl~tlclent to over the Cost of All Operating Expenses, and Inter&St harges 'on .,such' Bonds Blnd/,or iN<ltes, and to Provid's a Su~(lclent Amount for Retirement or Slnkhlg Fund to Retire Such Bon,a s as They Become Due", . p~sged on the 2nil e1n.y of AUgoUBt, 19:48. ' !Sald bonds w11l be sold 'to the highest ,b idder for ~OIt 'TeEIS than the faiCe \r.alue thereot and accrued Interest.
19'38 PORD 2-Dr: Se~~n, good rubber and' fair runnmg condition. Also All.Metal Trailer , with good rubber. B. , T. Edwards, New Burlington. . -916
(Sealed proposals wU'1 ,be received at the office of tb,e Cl-erk of rtbe Village of WaynesvUle. state of Ohio, until 12 o'clock Ilioon of Octoiber 9,1948, 'f-or the purchase of bonds the said V11lage, in the aggrega.te sum oe $5,80Q.00, dated' Ithe 15 day or Octoboer, U48. Said 'b onds will be twelve (1,2) In .number 'a nd numbere'd ,f l'om one (1) to ,t,welve (12), ooth lnclusive. EraJCh of said bonds wi11 be o-f the denomlroatio[l of $500.00, the l.ast bond to matut'e, however, to be in <the principal arpoun:t of $300.00, ElIDd wlU draw lnteresIt a.t the -rate of not more than foul' (4) pel' centum per annum, payruble semi-annually on :the first day of January and the first d a y, of July of each year upon presentation and surrender oIt tlbe interest ' COI,mOnS, to be attached Ito <said bonds, Anyone desirIng Ito do so may present a ,bid or bids for said ,b onds based on ,theil' beaJrlng 'a different rate of , interest than thM herelnaibove specified, provld-ed that when a fractional lntere~ rate .is bid such fra tlon shBiII be one quarter ot ODe. p er cent or multiples ther~of . .Sald Ibonds wlll be due . and pa ys l>le as follows:
THREE ROOMS of Furnitur.e , . conSisting of living ro~m, . 'bed room and kitchen. Good condition. Call Spri~g Valley 37203. Donald Lawson, Rt. 1, Waynesville. . - ' 916 WATERMELON and Muskmelons. Harmony Gro>v choolhou e on Corwin New 'Burlington Road, :5 miies NE of W~yne~vi11e. Ed. Laughlin., -923 ESTATE HEATROLA ,arid white enamel Kitchen Warmer, both in A-1. , condition. , Also two 9x 1. 2 rugs. Paul C. Picking, Phone 2182. . . --930 ,
Bellbrook' ,Notes'
C1er~ -9~O
For that atra Receptacle . Or An~ · ~ectrical Ho~
__ Barn -
Cal'l .I
NORR'I8 B,ROOK COMPANY Cinoinnatl Union StOck Vard. Liv. Wlr. and PI'oa....ilv•• An o..aanization ' Hoo"d to ' no"" 8trl.tlv ••11.... on the beet ai, arOunci market In the
oountry. &ERVIOE THAT 8AT'&F'IEe WIBIO ~~ 11:10 JD. .8. '1'. Dial lWO, . WLW ClDotDD&U 1Z:40. Dial 700. for ' ~ Dally
Wa",~ville 2704
Market ReDO'-... , '
Armitage&: San lAND ... ORAVEL BLACit-TOP DRIVEl
t •
TAR ..... ROAD OIL LAWfel ..4 FlU. DIRT
Board 'Calls 'TOWD -' Meetin'g ' ;T o Debate' School 'D ilemma It Says The Mia'mi Here ' GAZETTE •
There will be a town meeting at the high school at 8 P. ,~. Wednesday, Oct. 6, to seek both short a~d long·term remedies for over-crowded ' schoolrooms. EveryoI1e IS urged to. at~~nd aI1:d join th.e discussion. Every organization in the township IS espec. ially in vited to send representatives. Here, in brief, i the quandary faced by t~e loc~l s~hool, boa~d. 1. Enrollment is 75 above last year, and IS lIkely to rise every year for so me time. Every room is now overcrowded. 2. Tll i , year s increase en titles the- b.oard to, state funds for one more high chool teacher, who Will be hired as so?n as By Smitty pos Ible. Next year a ,similar increase will probably entitle It Ever see a photograph of the SERVIN.G WAVN~8V'LLE SINCE 1850 to two more tea chers, but there would be no room for them or for th ir cia ses. United States? .NO. 4387 FIV~ CENT,S A COpy Nonsense, • you say? This _ _--..:_ _ _ _ _ _---:-::--=-~~~::::=:_:::==::;.;_~;; 3. The $200, 0 bond issue voted last November for a WAV,NESVILLE, OHIO rHURSDAV, SEPTEMBER 23, 1948 country is 'too big for a camera· new buildi ng will only pay for eight rooms, without a basement, man to put on OIm, you think? '. at pr ot price. A year ago the same am,ount w ul i have WeH, in the U. S.•Air FQrce be n good for 10 rooms. , . there are sbme people ,to whom 4. It waul j -take ,$3 5 , 00 or more at pr~sent prices to ~ut the 3,000-mile ~xpanse , of the up the 1 '-to-20-room addition that is really needed. OtherWise United states is just one big the ob 01 te grade chool building would have to l?e used even The Clinton ',County Air panorama of scenery, so they after the addition goes into use. ' Force band will pla:y at a dance t90k a picture of it. Kenneth Brf\dley was elect~d ' 5. No more money can be raised by sel~in~ bon~s, becau~e That picture was on display tomorrow night in the-Waynes· commander or Wayne Th'\Xll- the towns"Jiip is within $7000 of the legal ltmlt on Its debt, It at tfle Air Force Day open house ville Hi,gh School gymnasium, ship Post No. 61 5, _. Ameri~an last und ay at Wrigl~t Field. It sponsored by the Waynesville Legion, at the regular meetmg terms of its present appraised value. A reappraisal of real estate drew quite a crowd, but it was Athletic Nlsociation in an , ef- Monday night. He will succeed IT!ight help, but no one is. sure how much it would add. . eclipsed by the huge planes and fort to, pay all its bills for the Chester Carey as head of the ..... softball season. other exhibits on the flight Hne. current post' for the coming year. The benefit movie last week 'Actually the picture was a netted the softball l~ague about Others elected to post offices composite of hots taken at a· "140, but still , more is needed, are: . First vice-commander, Bob bout is-mile intervals from a League President Robert 0'- Workman ', second vice- 0111- MRS. 'PORA 'S11)LTZ high.flying plane. They over- Re"an ' announce<l. mander, Albert 'Brannock; ad·' Funeral services were h ld lapped enough to look like one ..lutantJ Bob Osborne i, 'finance Monday afternoon at the Stubbs Asserting tha t an but one . big' picture, a foot wide and officer, Bob Bernard; s rgeant- Funeral Home for Mrs. Dora of the new pow r plants under at-anus, Albert Hawk ; ch~p Stultz, '81, who di d cd 3:30 A. nl0re than 100 feet Ion.'?:. At'the lain Don Workman; service M. Saturday at the home· of development for , future air. rig-ht-hand end was ,a big blurry offi~er, Earl Quigley ; publicity her daughter, Mrs. Edith Mc- plane are jet' engines. Lt.-Col. l:dank - the Pacific' Ocean. At LINDA GAIL ELSTRO. Joseph M. Silk described some officer, Charles Price; .and dirthe other -end, a similar blank Mr. and Mrs. Harold ' Elstro ectors fa r two· years, S. L. Ro.: Graff of Oreg~nJa Route 1. of the new engine and planes ,vas the Atlantic. Somewhere to Rev. Paul D. Chiles of Lebanon and Francis Gene officiated and buHal was in to the Civic Clu MOQda.y _ th~ left of center was payton, announce the birth of their sec- binson ni~ht. ' Brown. recbgflrzable ~by the crowd of ond child, an -eight pound, 7 . Miami Cemetery. , . Usin,{!, . movies and slides to p'eople , standing, there looking ounce dau.l!'hter, in Grandvi.ew In addition to Mrs. McGraff, ' illu trate hi talk. he outlined for their homes and other lan d· Hospital on Tuesday. Sept. '21, 'lODGE CENTENNIAL she is survived by another the basic principles of jet en. mark. The plane appar ntly .She 'has been named Linda GaiL OBSERVED SATURDAIY .daughter, Mrs. Rose Freeze of .~ine, and the pas ibilitie of pas ed over rrorthe.m Dayton, so Waynesville Lodge, 1'63, ·F. Waynesville; nine g'randchildren each type - turho ' jet ', ram & A. M., . celebratea its one . and 10 ,g-reat-graildchildren. ' Wa ynesville mis ed ,l, :n .~ in the CHARLES MIllER jet, pul e ' jet. and rocket. shot. r . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller are , hundredth anniversary on Satur. The meetin,g' began with dinAbout half of New York City announcing the birth of a riine day afternoon and eveni,g-. The HAPPy HOUR CLUB ner ' in the Boy Sco ut cabin, an The H~ppy Hour Club re- annual custom of the club. was shown, and a cluster of pO!Jndr nine_(i)unGe ~en, Charl~s opening meeting was at the "people who've been around" Robert, at Miaml Valley Hos- Lodge Hall at three a clock, sumed regular meetings, after. Scoutmaster .10 eph E. James were hunting' for familiar spots. pita) on Saturday morning, Mrs.. w:ith W. P. Strader, Master, pr~· vacation, ' on Tuesday ' at the and Assistant Ronald Rush ser. " . home of Mrs; Harr.y Satterth. ved food prepared by scouts" One husband poln'ted triumph- Miller and infant son have re- siding. antly to a white line across New turned to their t,orne on Third . Grand Master R: A. YOlln,g-er waite. J:ollowing the busin.ess mothers. " ' Jersey 'and said "Loqk, de~'r, Street presented the fifty year pin and se~sion, a program' of readmg this is the Putasfc'i Skyway that and' medal to J. O. Cartwright , was given, including a review NEW BURLINGTON WOMEN we drove into New York on." BENAJAH.......GUSTIN. of Cincinnati, tl,1e oldest living , of IILife of Elizabeth Frye" by ARE W. S. C. S. GUESTS Past Master. of Waynesville Mrs. Elsie Hockett. Not far from New York came REUNION 'IS HELD The Woman's Society of The club adjourned to meet Bethlehem, , Pa., and then the . the 16th annual reunion of Lodge, Loren Brock of Indiana· Ap,patachians ~ diagonal dark the descendants ,o f Jeremiah polis, E. C. Crane of Center- with Mrs. Carlton Cook in Oct- Christi,an Service held it regular strips of · trees crOSSing the B'enajah and John Gustin 'was ville and Jesse Mengle of L~b. ober. Outing the social hour, monthly meetin)!, at the Meth. ' patchwork " farmland or Pen- held at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gus.. anon were p.re~enL to r~celve a desse. t course was ··served. ' odist Church on T~ur~day Sept, 16, 1948. Forty members and nsylvania's . v.alle~ Tben At- tin's farm 00' Route . f 22 . last 25-yearpins. . enjoyed a ,covered dish' gues-ts toona, more , mountains, and Sunday, Sept. 19. There were A history of the IQd~e was 107 . 0 . ,E. S. , Miami Chapter di. n ner se(ved by the Fellowship ' Pittsburgh, where. smoke clouds 53 registered guests and some ' presente<lPv Mr. Cartwri~ht and , will. 'meet in special session on committee consisting of Mrs. ,f\id ,the ', big steel plants.. The who· did not regoister. There K. N. Hough. Ohio River, Newark, Columbus · was a bounteous jinnef at 'Over 'three hundred members Monday, October. 4, elght 0'- Ray Conner, Mrs. 'Vibla rawson, for initiation of candi- Mrs. aint ' Clark and Mrs. O. - so clear that peopJ,e were noon. . and guests were serv.ed a roast dock dates. ,R: Un"lesby. picking out the street on which . Guests from a distance were: beef dit.mer at the .Hi~h School , Mrs. ' Carlton , Cook' baa Route n40 passes - and then Mr. and 'Mrs. J:'Iynn of Newtoh" ,Cafeterra by the M.am Chapter , Farmers' Grange No. 13 charge of the business meeting . ' , III., Mr. and Mrs: Flynn of Wi!. '107, O. E. S. The tables were held a reception for all the and welcomed Daro . · guests, the' . y following west Third. 'low Hill, 1I!.j Mrs. CondJlia arrange~ with bowls of sum met teachers in the Grade and H• O"h New. , BurlingtonUteSOCiety. ~e$. Street and Route 351, it was easy LaMonda of HillsborG 0 ' who flowers ana favors. . 1't • to pick out Wes ~Iexandria, sang a song and recited poetr' " The evening· program op'en-_ S~h601 on Thursday evet:tmg, , ponse wa·s. made by Mrs. Eaton, and Richmond ami~ the <;:hestet.M~ndalrand Ann~ G~~ . e4 in tl1e I Hi~h Sc~ool Audltor- , wlth.a .large attend~nce. An en- Harner, the president. Mrs. farms. ,Indianapolis sprawled tin of AnderSon · Ind.; Mr. and fum with invocabo.n by Rev. . tertamm.g program and games Cook ' reviewed ' the ,g-oals 0" all over one segment of the Mrs. O. w. , a~rk of Co,vin' _ R. B. Coleman and a welcome were enjoyed and refreshments the society for the year 'and ' read an instructive tetter from picture, with Monument Circle ton, Ky.,; Warren Gustin ~f by the . M~ster, w. P. Strader. . ' were served. Grand ,Mast.e.r of Oh19~ R~.Y- _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ __ ,' one of the District, Of.ficers, about an eighth of an iilch in Fletcher, 0.' S. E. Gustin of Mrs. Cutler and one from the diameter. ~hen came a series of FJ~jda; John, W Gustin of }nond A. YQunger, was' the · chtirch"s own miSSionary, Esther ,rivers - the Wabash, .Uinois, Wtihhinrton- 0." Francis L speaker. Music, bot~ vocal and . 0 '· 8 L~ird, in Korea. ·Mrs. A: K. Day Mississippi; and about too miles . Bety ofHBatavia '0 '. lew Gus.~ instrumental, 'was given by the Jed, devo'tions. Subject was of the Missouri - ,before the tin Qf Middletown; ·,Mr. and Scottish Rite Ouart~t of Pha y • "Christ-·the Ongoin't 'Powerr of next :ne,tropolis, Kansas Ci~{ Mrs. Jam~ ·l • . Cook of Cin- ton. Amonl tile dlstlngutS ed our Way". Rev. Paul ' Chiles ' the endless farms and ranches cinnatij ,J. CoQk and family guests present~ wh<? ma~e short lebanon Methodist from of Kansas stretched out for , of Wyominr Ohio and Sher .tal'k were l. ' Todd Mc~i,nney . Church spoke on the subject seve~al yards. In, Colo~ado the iff P. P. austin of Hillsboro. ' - D. G. M., Charles B. Hoffman, . "Make His ,Way Known." .terraln,'!jegan to get rough, and Will O. Gustil1/ remains P. G. M.., Elme,r R. Am P. . , The October meetil1~ will be . as the route bent down into president and Joe Gustin ' was G. M., Harry S. Johnson P.~ G. ' held at ·t~e hqme of Mrs. Cook. Arizona it seemed to be a barren made ,vice-president. The presl. M. Ind G. see'y;, Dean Stanley and empty , wastelal!d., . Those dent read a memorial tribute P. M. and W. C. pood D. Dr. H. E. Hatbaway has been who had peered Intently at for dead members o'{ the' fam- .~ G. G. M. of Masons m Ohio. y Quite ill at' home durln~ th~' Mayor Harry SherWOod regver ~egmenf 'fn the East were , I~t and there was a .minute of pa~t week. , egtnOing to·_Wllk quickly past 51 ent prayer for Earnest Marsh turned' to his home on Satur. the desert But the Grand Can· of Lebanon who died ' durinK Miss Mary Jane ·'Anderson . ~on stopped,tbem cold. ('It takes the year. The next reunion will dMacYaealflatenr Hboe!npfta{1~flr ~;~er!~ has . returned ' to her studies at up more space than Indian- be at th.e sallle place the third '" Ohio Wesleyan UnIversIty. (~ - .... 'I> ~unday In Septem"~r, i 949. days.
Dance Tomorrow To Benefit League
Legion Post Elects Bradley Commander
B;,.tlu' I
7 t 12 Gra'd ' Students! I)'o n't fo''r g'. • t
this paper's Pres-l-dent1-al
E's say Contest
Deadline: Oct. 3
Civi'c Club Learns About Jet· Planes
The,Miami Gazette e
, . , S T. A B L I "8 HE 0 ' J 0, 0 Publiehed Every' Thursday At Wayntllaville, Ohio CARL G. SMITH, Ed.itor , Ente red ae eecond, claes matter at the Poet OHic. SUB$CRIPTION RATE: ' ,1.50 a Yea r in Advance
No. 4387
Mr. an d Mrs. Fred Henderson of Lis,bon, O hio , were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John ' Lions and daug,hters for the, past several days. Mr. and Mrs. Gons also had as Sunday guests Mr. ' and Mrs. Al Schoeler of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. W ade, Fulton of Xenia and Mr. Harry M. Turner and son. , .
Events, Coming Up ,
(To have ,events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette , before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) I
, I Uncle Sam
bene fitting ' softball .league at high school, 9 p . m. Last day of Warren ' County fai r.
\ '
S~ys ~
Farmers Grange No. 13, regular meetin'g. SUNDAY, SEPT. 26 GO TO CHURCH ! Softball tripleh eader at Geiger field, 1 :30 p. m. Ex hibiti on oftl all, Legion vs. Cincin nati or' Xenia team, 8 p. m. MONDAY, SEPT. 2T Boa rd of Public Affairs, 7 :30 p . m. Boy Scout T roo p 40 at 7: 15 p. m.
Here's a marble nke that has the pleasant rontrast of a tart orans.re . , marmalade IIlIIn.' itin~. ., and a .mooth I~ven·minute , ~
f3aseball, Wayn esvill e H. S. vs. Morrow, here. Boy Club at St. Mary's rectory,' 7 :3 0 p. m.
:! Cu rs suaar
Wayne Township Trustees, 7 :30 p. m.
MT. HOLLY MEnlODIST ' T . M. Scarff, Minister 9 :30 a.m. Sundav School ' , E.A. Earnhart, Supt. , 'Norship Service , 10 :30 a.m. , ,ven;ng Service 7 :30 p.m. CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS Rev. David Stanfield, Minister to a.m. Sunday School Worstiip Service t 1 a.m.
UTICA 'E. U. B. CHUROI Rev. William Shannon Sunda y School I 9 :30 a.m. Church School 9 :15 A.M. Mrs. James Garriso'n. Supt. Holy Communion 10:30 A.M. Preaching, 1st and 3rd Sundays '10:30 a.m. , each month FRIENDS ' 7 :3 Op.m. Evening Services 9 :30 a.m. I YTLE METHODIST First Day ~chool Meetin2' for Worship CruRal 10:30 a.m. Or. Joseph Myers, Minister Sunday School 9:30 a.m. WAYNESVILLE , Mrs. Ruth Saylor., Supt. CHURCH OF CHRIST Worship SerVice 10:30 a.m. , M: H. Coffey~ Minister Bible School. " , 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 A. M. FERRY CHURQI OF CHRIST Byron Carver, ' Minister ~ ~Olmg People's Meetin'g , , '" :t5 fJ. M. Bible ~ChOOl 9 :30 a.m. E..reninr- Service 8 P. M. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.. Prayer Meeting 7 :00 p.qt. S~'. AUGUS'i'tNE , Yount Peo}>le's'd Meetlnl '. ,.( , , 1 :00. p.m. rather Krl:lmholt,z, ' p,riest 7 :30 Masses ',8 and 18 A.M • evening services ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Samuel N. Keys, Minister
"Golden Glo",'" is an odd name for a chocolate and white cake. It's ,10 called because ita layers are separated by a fimnJit of oranJite mar-' , Imalade. Your taBlte wilt tell you that the JitlowinJit tUling ' is a good' IRavor foil for the cake and its smooth frosting. , I There'. no trick to obtaining the ptarbled effect 'of the cake. The ' ; smooth batter is divided in half jUlt before baking, with melted choco- \ ! late folded Into 01!le half. Fill the layer cake pans by droppinJit in alter. nate l1)oonful~ of liJitht and dark batter. A cake like t his is an instant success, especially when the piec81 1 , are generoully cut and seconds are available. ' \ , ' , LADY GOLDEN G'Low CAKE ) ¥4 cup bultu or ma raar int ~ teaspoons baking powdtr ,
METHODIST CHURCH ' R.B. Coleman, . Minister Church School ' 9 :30 a.m. J! J. Burske, Supt. Worship- and Sermon 10:30 a.m.
1 teaspoon salt I Vz CliPS m ilk
4 t llltS. separated Grated rind of OInt 'oranllt 3 CUPS sifted enrichtd ftour
,.OU keep on tbe "up" side of see·saw,lit The b umps come wben you are on the "down" side and they aren't funn,.. For most of these bumps are fin ancial ones and ahe,. burt, unless you cushion the shock. Million8 of Americans have discovered the safe, automatic pH. low agaimt financia l bu~ps. That pillow is U.S. Saving8 Bond8. By allotting onl, 82.50 a week, "ou wiu I!# •
:! squares chomlatc
~.e II
' Cream butter or mar~arine with olate and mix welt Drop light and ~ .. b I I f ;sugar until light .. Add well beaten dark , atters · a ternate y rom ~ iegg yolks , and 't he orange rind. spoons into greased layer ca ke, , ! Sift Hour, baking powder and salt pans. Bake 40 minutes in moder- ~ l together~ Add 'wUh milk alter- ate oven (350 d~grees F.). Put :nately to creamed mixture. Fold , lay~rs together WIth orange m~r- , :in beaten whites. Mix into smooth malade and frost with leven mm-, uI ~ , Ibatter. Div ide the batter equally. " ute icint. ITn one balf. a~~ melted~~ ':yield! T~~ nine-inch l~.e~·~:.. :_. j a:!e 1!!~:~'!!n::n:~~Jh:,d~ ___-~_~______ ' _ _~"';-"~_ _ _-.:..__ - -_ _.-_._- _- _ _ _ _.. , for the purehase of U.S. Savings Bond&-the Pa1"oll Savi n g!! Plan ~ a m eeting and luncheon of where you work or, if self-,omployed, A I h Ph· Ch t D It K the Bond·a·Month Plan where you om pal ap er, e a appa bank, Tr~rw DeJ'lQrt",,,,e
_. " ,r:nn 'JJ. ,,-=-,
n -=-
Charles S. Moore of W~shing ton" D. C., cal1~d on his friends here Sunday l!!2!ning. Mrs. , Woodrow Owens and two ' children W'innie Jo and Stevie were Sunday guests of Mrs. Owens' mother, Mrs. .Lucile Armitage. Mrs. Hazel Heplogle, Mrs. Adeline Oiler and little son 'Billy called oil Miss Jessie Garner Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Lucile Armitage is serving on the fall term of .the Feder-al Grand ~ ury in Cincinnati. ; . Miss Ruth DandIer attended
Ga mma at the' Van Cleve hotel in Dayton on Saturd ay. Mfss ' M a rg a re~ Edwards attended her , card club at the home ,of ~rs. Katherine Bani, hart on Tuesday. Herbert Ed wards of Denver, Colo., visited his aunt Miss Margaret . Edwards ' Saturd ay afternoon. ,
Richard Graham and Robert ' Sherwood have returned after a vacation trip througl1 the central states.
For D~l,\\tcc:.,..~;..vlll. .
to be understanding and in o~r' work. '
.. sion as possibly never before. The Resident Chairman pro- llQURSI t' · .,. .. ' moting the observance of the S 'U NDAYiS NOV. 14 ''' 1~ ~ch- momin« .day in all churches' in this neight -S aftemoolDS exce,t' The ' churches of ,Waynes.ville borhood is the Rev. Samuel N. W~nesday , ~re bein~ invited by the LayKeys of: St. Mary's Episcopal men's Missionary Movement to Church. , '" 7-9 Saturday,' evening I t()bserve the: 18 th, annual Men and Missions Sunday on Nov. A deliCious- basket sup'p er Other evenjngs 14. was enjoyed on the lawn, SUlP ' ~p~~intmen day, evening, when Mr~ and The plan is to have a layman TELEPI:IONE 62·R speak briefly on World Miss- Mrs. Robert Barnett and famions before , the ' morning , i1y had as their guests, the ' sermon, and the pastor wnt In Friendly Class of Dayton's most cases, discuss a similar Ohmer Park Methodist -Sunday School. Rev. Wal~e(, Rev. AlOptometric li;,. iopi~ a~ that morning service. fred . and Rev. Olmmins were Men - - not leaving it to the 'dl:l0JJ a19 q~!A\ ~uas~uc( , II 80atll ~leDoIt ..... , ; ;women' f91,", alone - -will be DJIIA, 0810 MISS TBm I'UN confronte(i ,witll their respon- DON'T OCT. 11 -.; It 'Sibility for Christian. world mis-
•81G:M-a ;.......;~ favorite t .:
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"r" l.tUb.,. for'
maximum "lie. .. JOUI' wbeat ~I Blr ,. . ~ ~ cp 'I • : ADd betIID tbAt, ~ fc.I
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.... MI_I .erIIlla...,.. Company
Dr. C~ . E.. WiIkiD Sp-w...
OfRCl-DAnON, ,,"10 'ACIOIY-TlIIIIN, 0"10
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~our an. .
donated. ' This is not possible ~uara, nteed that his Greene, ter·in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Vi van :the Official Board Monday for the dance, since the orches- County lads will definitely take Frye and family" evenin ~ to discuss r-Ians for .t1 e tra~ must be Raid and so, must a the field in this "battle of the Miss Evalyn Tucker will ensuing ~ car. nominal fee 'for the floor. cellar." MIT. and Mr. D~n Hll') kin spend the winter in Dayton to • • • At 5 :30 P. M. larry-Spitler's Ibe near her te.aching duties in entertfl ined IIrith, :t f .. mily dinner Back to the crack of cowhide, ' hu~t1ing B~1tbrook outfit will the Northridge' school ,system. Sunday at. their country home horsehide or what have you. try to w:restle the second-half Mrs., Zora Ecton, who suffer- near town. Guests were Mrs. Last Sunday's league tnple- cha~pionship from Bob Allen's ed a broken arm sev.f!ral days Alrch Penny, Mr. "nd Mrs. Grant header was a success as far ·as Legion nine. B0th clubs have ago, is recoverin~ satisfactorily. Crl rnes and daughters. the games were concerne~. Fans dropped only two contests this Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Cline Edward Dakm has been saw everything from a forfeited 'half, with Bellbrook scoring' admitted to Christ 'Hospital, ;,ld daughter Geraldine' f Col,a. balJgame (Fairley over Spring , seven wins a.gainst the Legion :Cincinnati where he will under- umbus were ' weekend houseValley), tn two extra-inning ' six. (Legion has a pDstponed , ~o an operation fDr , cataracts. gue ts of Mrs. Cline's par,ents~ BOB O'REGAN games plus both good and ' game with Miller's). Should the W. C. Tichenor and Mr. rMr. and Mrs. Herhert Doster. , See y'ou at th~ dance tonite. ' sloppy oaserunning, a.tong ~ith 'Legion win, Bel1br~ok will de- andMrs. Re y. G. G. Wright of \Mill .. Mrs. John Denny and son, This doesn't sound like a sports one club suddenly dlscovenng mand that the LegIOn play out of Dayton, erfor e, pastor of the local A. visited with friends column be~inning, but since (after the' ball was hit) that its schedule. Anyway, should the in the village, Saturday after- M: E. Church, was the Sunday': athletes are supposed to be fleet it had only eight play~rs in the Milter-Legion game 'be neces- noon. Mrs. ·Tichenor has been dinner J{\Iest of Mr. .and ,Mr j. .of foot and with balance and field. Then too, George Miller 'sary, it 'will be played nex't residin~ with the Denny's for' Floyd Mc Kni~ht and fan1ily . ~ase, why sho~ldn't they 'patron- of the restaurant probably set a ' Tuesday evening " at Geiger's., 'several weeks. Members .of the local Masonic ' Ize the terpSichorean arts (if park record when he fouled-Gff Playoffs are to , open Sunday, Mrs. Emerson Masters wa ' Chapter atten ded n:e Cente~n hadn't seen -Ri,ta, Hayworth in ten consecutive pitches, at least Oct. 3 featuring Fairley's, Kier's hostess at her home, Fridav ial eleorrrfon for the 1 '0 th Down To Earth" rd never six of them gGing into ' Ithe Legion and Bellbrook. Drawings evenin~ to a 'Stanlev Party.' , Birthday Annive'r ary of the J1ave been able to phrase that ,drink". will be conducted , at a special Mrs. James Parker anrf Wa yne ' ville Lo igc. whqpper). It's for the 'salva, Mr. and Mrs. J ol1 n Simp.)oIl , Miller's the fuckle s club of ll1ana ,~ers' meeting Monday, dau~hter Peg~y and TeryJ (I f tion' .of their ' own league in the ,the loop, fou~ht an uphilt battle Sept, 27, at the resi,dence of Cincinnati ,vere weekend g' Ie t entertain d with all" I.en house fast-waning- eason of t 948, all the way with BeIlhrGok, be- yours t,ruly. atu r iay evening for ' of Mrs. Park's parents. Mr. an J arty · which has seen well-played and ' fore dropping a ten-inning 6-5 fr iend and relative in celebraSpecIal Thanks Del?artment: Mrs. H. S. Tucker. Thev , ere wen-officiated ~ames' at th . contest. Miller's behind 5-1 in To D. Stout. tan Ba.tley, Bee- joined Sund'a.v mornin~ hv Mr. tion of their 47th W,edding Gei~er Stadium, but not wdl- the seyenth, roared back with man Stewart, Al POIIOSky. Al- Park and returned hom tha Anni ver qry. slIppGrt d games in , (lfar a fi l- ' four tallies. A walk to Tom bert .Hawk, and several other~ evenin~. ances are concerned. Zennie fGllowed by RaJph Dum- . whose names I do not know, Local members of the W. C. Anyway, he ;'e is a chane to ford's three-haser in the la~t- of accept my th~nk~ for your gen- ·T. U. attended the Warren , Mr. and Mrs. Rhode!;! unnell and ga in eve raJ ho Ir of wh r l s · me the tenth settled the issue. Dum- ero~s cGntrlbutlOns .to ,last ·County Convention held at tl e d n ughl rs aJ1d :VIr. ari d Mr!i . .c. E. entert:'! inment j" tl'C' . VI t a' - ford with three for five and T. week's oftball , movIe, ev~n ne ville Methodi t Churd , ' Edgington a n d s~n W r e Bunda , mosphere for 5 C 1. ,. ;'son, an'j Zennie with 2 for 3 led the vic- though the, maiorlty of you did Wa Friday. . c1 1nn I ' ·... u p , t. f tbeir Mother, Mrs. .of cour e tl'ere will I"e'" the u ua l tors, while Phillip banged Gut not have a chance to see the 1':1 ' Ie Ho ck lL ' "Friendship Night" wa ohcold pop; ice cream; sandwiche 3 hits for Millers show program. '.,j ~served by the local O. E. , ~. in ~ I'~ f r a li~ht tir nd Six nln s in the , seventh f r I don't k!low. what profession the Ma onic Temple, Thur da I Mr, and Mr.3. Ern ;·t Ed,gingtom , an.d supervised by ,Mr. George Bob" Allen's LegiGn nine spelle B.ob Camp?ell mtends to ma~e evenin.g'. Chapter fr0m LeI a'1 r-~ a n d tin a,nd .\ 11'. and .xil l's. M.. A. MIller and her committee of dLa ter f r the ,first-half ~IS ma~k 10, _but s~lesmanshlp WayneSVille, Wilm·n,(ttnn. Rl anu lk I' S n :11 <l daugh tar ha.ve reteam wives: Me, da'mes Mulforci. champion Kier outfit, whG ah- IS certamly .down hiS alley ..H,e chester., Clarksvi11e, New Burl- turned aft~I' spending the past Not Ie, ,Allen, Spitler and E. sorbed an 11-6 defeat. Jimmi topped all ticket sellers, selltng : ington and Martinsville 'were mont,h In l\llchigan, MilJer, along with Mrs. Luding- ~;\ iller. Bob MI<H'an and Ray 17 ~ickets 'or almDst 10% 'of ' present'. 1 n and my boss. Purks blasted homers of the all tIckets sold. WGuld th3:t each r The members of the P. T. A. Ml'. "a nd :Mrs. Edward Long of ,~~ u ic wiII be provi id by th e Legion while lead-off man Ei11 'of the 72 ball players 10 the ponsored a reception and dina ld ~el1, Ohio, were guests Of their hmed Clint n rount v A irto -~ Pope came through with a ball- league had done half as much. ner, Wednesday evening in th<! -,(lO-in-law and daughter Mr. and Orche tra, Which ha s f)i ~ k players' dream . ' , ' a perfect gymnasium in - compliment to Mrs. LaMar Ea,t'nlla.r,t tor 8eve~1 Campbel1 and Bob Emer. ~ay, with f~ur juicy bingles t~e school faculty, which con. days o! this week. local youths, amon~ its m - . ' In as many tnps to the plate. ' Sl ts of L. D. Freshcorn, Supt, h e r~ . Rumor has it (from tan .In the Sunday exhibition arcMrs. Lillian S. Carr, Mr . Glad ys Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L.Bailev) tliat one f'f P' I' 1~ame, Fairley's 'defeated AssemHook, and Mrs. Wi'nifred Elzey and daughter, ,Marjor.ie "caJlers" 'around he-re wi he r" bly Z, NCR, by a 9':1 'score Starr, high school instructors. of Dayton, spent Su1'lday afterhand, for the 'squa re- ian'ce " b~h in~ J?hnny Rogers' three- , Mr. and Mrs. David Etbon The eJementary teachers are: noon ,with Mr. arid Mts. Walboth young and old . can whi111' hit- pItch mg. George Kirkpat- and daughter Jacqueline of Miss Evalyn 'Ellis, Miss Jo.yce away a fine evenm.lr. pl({c t' : rick's , four base smash in the Morrow were , Saturday evening Roberts, Mrs. Helen Robert on, ter 'Elzey. ,.va 'ne ville Hi£'h School At1 / - second featured Fairley's five- gue~ts of Mrs. Etbon's brother- Mrs. Imogene Valers, Mrs. Thelitorium. Time: ' 8:30 t m :d- run inning. in-Ia wand sister, Mr. and Mrs. _rna George 'and, ~iss Mary ,Lou night. , Closing out the regular sea- Ben Beckett. Moore. The musIc supervisor The tWQ-da y....spon ored 1"0'" : son this Sunday will be another Herbert Doster, who h~s a:ga~n this yea'r is Mrs. Edn~ at the Twin Theatre last W ' f " triple-header.. The usual ev.el'ling been confined to the Miami Compton Bogan will gross arouRd $140, when an ltght-~ame WIll ,be between the Valley Hospital for several A. ? Arthur, pastor of , ON FARMS . '''U team returns a e made. Th is wa <; Amencan Legion and, a.ccordin,g- week' , returned to his ,home, theRev. , MethodIst ChurCh, met with not up to expectations, e oe itll- to Bob AJlery" a strong visiting Saturday. His many friends ' NATIONAL COOPERATIVE' Iy since on ly aho.ut a dozen Cif club from eIther Cincinnati or wish him a speedy recGvery. · FINANCING league players attended them- Xenja. A:t 1 :30 P. M. Fairley's Mr. Robert Wilson of Day- ---~.--------~~-------selyes, hut it will help slash the wilJ tangle with Kier's. Contrary ton was ague t over the weekTO FIT YOUR INCOME out~tanding obligations. Th e to' DT.evl~!.I . information, Fair- end of hi~ parent, ' Mr. and. M·rs. TW in 'mana,{;ement oid nrt ley's IS "10" the playoffs regard- I,\:rnest Wilson Sr. and 'fa.mlly. , LONG TERMSRepresenting , charge an v ,rental or fees, and less of the outcome. Mrs. Henry.Frye of HIllsboro ' LOW INTEREST Westheimer &. CcoJp:..r.-:'y even the pop orn re eipts were At 3 :30 P. M. Miller's battle ' spent a few days this week at Meptbers New YGrk Stock Spring Valley. and Dave \ Noble the home of her son and daugh..._'- ::---_ LEBANON N. F. L. A. l: ..chall~l' ;tJl! vl /;(: LEBANON, OHIO rcg'stered E>.cJ l.l11):t: PAGE· 3 THE MIAMI GAZETTE WAY,NE8VILL'E, OHIO No. 4387 TH.URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1948
' '. ,
a~RTS '- '
Land .Bank Loans; J
hwestment Trust ' ~hp.ret: III II~' h t . So Id - Quoted .,.---,t--f'N- one Waynesville 2530 DaYton AD3257
. THEIR SECURITY RESTS WITH YOUI ' Yes, the '~ducation of your chiJdr n, their entire future wel'are, is ) our resp'oTlsibility. Dis-, , charge it conscientiously' and . EASILY by saving- 'REGUL~R LV. We' are ready to · help you now. Stop 'in! ' "
Wayoe'sville' . National B'ank ,
Ttl' BUJ, SeD" Trade'
Reid; Birrow, USE \
WaynesviUe Furni,ture, &' Appliance Co. ,
South Man.
BE HEA V EM Ef T I ~ H A RD ENOUGH TO BEAR WITHOUT . THE ADDITIONAL ' BURDEN OF' SU DDEN A:ND EXCESSIVE EXPEN E. ' Our funeral ost ~ re low, becau e our overheal1 co ts are low. This 'explains ollr moderate , p rices.
across frcm Grange HaU
T~lephone 2422
WaynesvUle, bioI '2. Tha.t the owner is: Of, own ed LATION,. ETC., REQUI'RED BY by a corporatl,o n. , its name l a :ld . THE ACT OF CONGRESS ' OF addre s must ·be eta.ted and ' als A'UQU8T , 24,1912, AS AMEN'DEI[) Imm 'd..iately t~ereunder the name' BY TH E ACTS OF , MARC H 3, 1933, CI nd addresses of stoc.kho~ders \ ,:: AND JULY 2, tt46 jng or holdin~ one peroent or mo, ·.' Of The Miami Gazette pwbllshed f ,tota l amount of stO'Ck,· If not we kTy at Waynesville. Ohio fat owned by a ;corporatlon, the names Sept. 1-6,1948 a nd addresses ot the indiVidual 'ownSTATE OF OlHIo ers must be given. It owned ,by a COUNTY OF WARREN tirm, comI?any, or other unln~orpor',B etore m~. a notnry publi c In and ' a t ed concern, its name Q.Jld a ddl' ess, for ,the State and c ounty of afor a werl as ,those or ea.ch Indi id'ual said, personally appeax:. d Ca rl G, m m ber, must be given.) Smith who, having been duly sworn al') G, Smith Waynesville, Ohio accordil!8' to la 'w, d eposes a nd , Y,' 3, That the known bondhol'd er , that he Is the Editor-Publisher of mOJltgagees, and other securitv the , Miami Gazette and tha t . ·h ld rs owning or holdi'ng 1 percen't .1i<llowillg is, ;to. the 'beat t , . ,r more of total amount Qf bond I ',k nowI'edge and belief, a true st~.lI mortgagees or other' se u r ities ar . : ment of the ownership, manag men! (If there ar none" o ' state,) ~nd .i f a daJ1y, week,ly, semlwe k ly Iren'e F, Smtth Hyattsville, ~1d, or. triwe k ly n w paper, th clrcu ' 4, That the two . paragraphs n ext BlUon),. etc" of the atoresaid publio above, giving the nam s of th e ownation fo r' ,the date hown in, the J' , tockho ld ers; . and security .above oaptio n, re'quire.d by the a t h Idel' s, if any, oon taln n t on Iv ' t;of August 24, J 9'12, as amend d lJ.y Ii t of '"tockhold J' S and ~urity. the acts of Ma rch 3, 1933, and July holde J's as they appear Upon ' . 2, 1946 (section 537, P~staJ La" s booJ:t of th e ompany 'but a lso, i and Regulrutions), pI'jnted .on · tll'~ a es \\ h ' ,· the stockh01der ' or reVGrse of th is form, to wilt: . e c urtty J:! olde,' app ears upo h ,I. That tJhe names and addreS'ses bOoks Of the COmpany a truste o r' . of th e publi sl1er, editor: managi ng jn a.ny other fiduciary relation, th I edi,tor, and 'busl ness managers are : name ot the p crson Or c orpol' Li , I Publi h'e r . arl G., Smith Waynesfor whom -s udh· lrustee Is aoti.ng, is ville. Ohio; Editor Cp,r'l Q, Smith g1v~Jl; also that the sald two paraWaynesvUIe,Ohio; Managing editor l'apbs cv ntai'.ll Slatements embra ,_ Carl G. Smi,t h Waynesvi-lle,' Obi lng a.r. ianl ' full knowl dge Business n~ I J~
TH(E M~AMI' GAZE,.,.,E PApE ~ b lie! as ito the ciro:umstarrces and. i WAVNESVILLE, O'HIO No.' 438'7" conditione under which stockhold , a,n d ecurity ,holdt:rs wh'o do not THUR8DA~?t SEPT,EM,BER 2~. 1941'" appear upon ·the ·boo}r.s of the co~p any 8 S trustee, hold . "tock and secuCharles Aman and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dolan, rities in a capacity ()ther than , thal of National Park, New Jersey, Miss Aman, left Waynesville on of a 'b ona fide owner; and tbls were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday and witl make their aftiant has no reason ·to bel1eve that Leslie Gray and fam,ily from home in Lo~ Angeles: Calif. ' any other person. a8sO'Ciation, OJ~ Wednesday till Friday eveningcor,poratlon has' any interest dir ect of last week. ' Mr. and Mrs.. Kenneth St. or indirect -In the s~lld stock, bond$ .Jolln and daughter of Hubbard, Mrs. Leah Mills of the o.r otlher securities'th,an as so stated ' Ohio were weekend 1{uests of Friends Home spenf .Sunday by hlril, their parents, MT. and Mrs. L. with her son and wife, Mr. and 5, That Ithe average number of C. John. Mrs~ William Strouse. copies of each issue of· thi~ publica.- , Mrs. Ethel Duke BradeniO!,!. sold or distrl'butE~d, thr ug h th Ross Planck has returned to ton. Fla~j spent severa'l days malls or 'otherwis,e, to . paid BU\>a hospital in Columbus for furwith Mr. and . Mrs, E. B. Long- ther treatment. scribers during the twelve mon.ths . acre and called on a number of PI' ' ~ ed·i r g Ithe d'a te hown above is friends; also visited her sisterMrs Fre-d-B -r~d-~ anti 530 (This information is required Alic:;e Trickey and children were weekend O'uests in-law, Mrs. from daily, weekly, semiweekly, and Mr. and Mrs. livin Harris. ,., triwe k!y p - 1Ioa t h; :1 c nly) , I Mrs. Nettie Emrick had , for ' of her mother, Mrs.. W:ilhelmina \ CAR~ G, SMITH her Sunday dhiper guests, Mr. . Underwood in Wilmington. , Sworn to and suoS'Cri'bed before and Mrs. J. B. Jones Mr. and Fred BraddOCk attended m e this ] Hh day of Sept, 1948 Mrs. Therle Jones and SQ}1, Mil- the'M.r. of Company E, at reunion RO S H , HARTS CK ton. .
:: .: . L)
. 1)' c omml
ion - xpires Feb, :"7, ]9 0 -.. --.. ,
:-7EL P W i' NTED-- MALE J
El JABLE Young Mnn with some experience ·in mearl. counter and g;Tocery sales. Job has good po ibilities for the future. Call at Dot Food Store. - ' ind ADV ERTISERS
Everett Early and Lowell' . Lebanon on Su.nday. ' Tho~as of the Lytle Elevator John Fromm, Mrs. Berare . having their usual display tie Mrs. Mills and Mr. and Mrs. E. at the Warren County Eair f]lis F. E~rnhart atiended Friend hip week. . Night at Harveysburg Eastern Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones en- Star on!uesda,y evening . . tertained at dinner Monday evening, Mrs. Ethel Duke Df BradGroeting was a we k'enton, .Fla., Mr. and Mrs~ E. B. endR'obert gue t of his , aunt, Miss Longacre, Mrs. Nettie 'Emrick, Emily Jacobs. ,. ' Mrs. Therle Jones and son Mil- ' ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter .M.r. and' Mr5. Ray Conner Kenrick. and daughter were Sunday din·Mr. and 'Mr. . Charles Bunnell ner 1{uests Mr. and ·M'rs. Os ar entertained a number of friends Smith and of sons at South Solon. at a card party at their home· --------~----~--- ' Saturdfl:Y ev~nif\g. . Drs. Robert J. and Jane r:. Mr, . and M,ts. Harry Burnet' MacMillan and their two gi ') e~tertamed at Tuesday evening · Mary EJ.i~abeth and Janet Al1ne~ elll1ner, Mr. Ethel ' Duke of Boston, Mass" are visiting Bradenton; ria., Mrs. Blanche of Dr. Mary L. Cook. Miller and Miss ?earl Riley of nea r Ridgeville. Mrs. Duke acMil K PRICE DECL!NES compani~d them home . .' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cowan Miami Valle I mill: prodi" r. .of the Ruth-Marian farms gave will re ei e' a bl n prj f a family dinner Sunda y in honor , $5.5 r er cwt. for 4% 11': lk of -the 1 oth ~irthday of th ir market d in A ~" t I ("<..lif' I.. daughter ,Janet. Tl1e . follo\Vin~ M.app, t!'e" ,rat man '! ,~ , nf tl' , " r~ ~' e t,,· Mr, anel Mr. HarMiami Vall v C00peraVve .~, it 1c o~d Cowan and dau~hter, Mr, Producer . A, d ati P , 1 ~ '. aod Mrs. Murrell Cowan and announced. , r n M', R0hert:l ani Mr C % e'~ <' '~p' .., ,'t. Thi i' Hubert Cowan of ' Dayton, 'Mr: ' lower than the "ro;-I '" "e: r I'P:'_ u and Mrs. Louis Pursley of South , t hI ,,· ,i J eoa non; Mr. anel M,'s. J: E. ed in .lul v. Tl' nrke fnr milt,. te"fnn~ c: % Cowan and daughter, Mr. an'ct Mrs. W. ·S. Cowan, Jr. daughter. hutferfat was ~5,03 ner cwt. Ann and Barbara, and son \N S.. III, Mr. and Mrs. E'dwarct GENERAL LIVESTOCK Wlrsch and son of Lebaoon, Mr. and Mr. Robert Hettinger an GRAIN Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cowan ' of Waynesville. . and (Til
h~ to 'pt to t1ie
.ce. AJiiI this .DlQI'DIq
you get away with it. But • •• ,
--. \
RA'J FARQUER Waynesville PHONE 2824 '
Real Estate Listings Wanted Buyers Waiting
Roy E. Smjth
R. R. 2 Waynesville On State Rt. 48, ~ mi. North , of Rto' 73 ' " Phone ·Centerville 7056 I
You'll be later than ulual at the office this
you loo~ at your 'own child. You need .n ever morning. A chjld lies pathetic . death be- pay this terrible prlc~ if you will de) this neath your wheels. The rest of yoUr life. simple thing: Drive eztta carefully in IlCliool you'll relive this horrible.,scene· every time zones. stow up and let the children IrOIW up.
&~*.~,. """w ~1e,. t ... . . ..
.. d
..1 lr~
An official pub- ' Ite ..me. .... lag. pr.par.d
Council In coop.,otlon with the National Saf~,,' Ca.lclL
by Th.
\. '
- --
That's OUT way fOT y<?ur drapes -We u e the type solution your individual drape fabric. ' resuires, send them home to you bright and crisp as ' new. 'Get rid 0 f summer-s it by calling u ' t day. '.
' . ,q.Ol
- _.....
_r,.~ -'
Pa e
'-.-N-~i::stottp. Meili&!; -l
\ .I
Boosts Value of0i948'. Btg Crops
September 17, 1948. , ' September's good weather cQntinues and the!' ground , gets drier and harder. TDday there ahould co-operate fully ,ld promptWARNING AGAINST are a few clQuds but the weather 11 wltllloeal veterlnarl/1.M and live· fQrecast , makes nQ mention 'Of , ANTHRAX 'SCARES~ stOck Anltary oftlvials E-<:cept i~ Of aU the dille&; !.I atfeeting eatabll.8hed anthrax areas, an out· any prospects ,'O f rain. The llvestock and buman beings; one break usually can be controlled by pastures are so drv that we are iJf the oldest and most deadly la vaccinating stock on the infected gDing toO have' .tQ begin to feed, anthru. It spreads fut, and some- p'remlaeB and adjacent farms, One of the common and serioUi in f~ct we should be, fe~ding hay t:me.1J caUSe.1J, disastrous IOBse's . The mistakes, In handIJng new outright nQw. We a're' beginning to brea~, 18 the indiscriminate vac· hnve trouble with SDme 'Of the el..ation ot cattle, horse4 and mules stQ·ck. The CDrn fields are tOQ oUU!llde the actual danger 'zone. This practice may Berve to start tempting. The 'Only 'One that fresh outbrea~ s, 11 '114 .1 ~1I 1l,· ,ct ill eq'liv" .. J dDes nDt seem toO be interl'stetl , In all cases; one precaution Is : to l!r ~ as wdl u ,IOrt ..nrn ;a in grass i the calf that we are vital. Carcasses of anthr .X victims I mU ~ lrated in th, ... ,,1\1," 1\4, mUilt be disposed of. ' ,1.1ickly and gDing toO wean. I tied it out in. thoroughly, by c.omplete burning, I (Abo,'e) Ear co~" 1e IClIllc'~~ In ' the yard where the grass \Va And the persons dOing the job t to the hulldi~'1r th";IJ,h ntr.·,,·· nice and fresh . but it was nof A eo Idlled by anthras. eouId Ule every precaution to r .b!e roof I'l·('., •• (P.!:h'..) "Bare , avoid aposure. Jiuman ~ing8 can interested in grass; it 1" 'Only .Jpor.ea or .anthrax live in the sotl, ,readily contract anthrax by care. pile aro""cI \·Clnt".:l~IG" tunnel. cQncerned with ' W;lI m ' mill:, :mJ'V117±ng for years under the leu handltn -:- ot sick. or dead When build'", f. tJ If". ~I worat oOt weather conditions. right at the SQ\lr~e. I see trDuble " a- ImalB. , blown into !h'. Lunl" ' ~ b)' ~1.t. CQming but as SQon as ~ve get Nevert.heleu, anthrax • !!car~ When a suspected or known cue : ,fete f~n ~."u"'e"8 b.!'w~el\ .&l.d indlacrlmJ.nate va.cclnatlon , of anthrax ap'PEa the first thing the cow, whose calf we sDld, -mould be avoidel. Outbreaks haft to )0 I. to call the veterinarian. , lIn:; ar.d (,Ilfrt" ~"h turf' o'.:t reconciled to b,eing mi1ke~, W~ been %eported In almost every He can examine tht. ailing or dead ! thrQugb ~(\l' ""~~. will try this one. - ..tate -at var' lUS times, but ,the -anlmal, determine whetHer. anthrax diae~e Ie a coru..tant haJ:ard in wa~ the cause of the trouble, and Squirrel se,aSQn is here and .1nl~' • fe\\- well-de1lned regions. prescribe measures to check the , Corn irrowers, '!(\nfrontAd witt, '''~~ :>( facilities 'for handl!nat J- , l r ar ' ut ,in , full f)rce. .u all a.nthrax outbreak occurs ,outbreak before it causes Wide,their record yield thl. y.,ar. n" ,v 1It~' obtak "twly~develop~d bUJ~~., The hunters on 'Our farm h e In a new area livestock owners spread losses I ings that (ncre.'. tr'~p 'V~lu~ b)' i!r~,nf ~. wflll as storin~ t e gr~ln;, killed moOre than usual but , I .! Th~' I~ew a'It'tj.~')!tUria) (l;··.. t-l'pn ' .. r.' !~ ~ Q. u~}:1set .Sh3G 8daptatlo~ I ttlat handl~t ';.'{\!'fJ ~m!.~,t:" d ~~.' WI~~• • ,.;()~a. de~ler~ ea~. erec~ ~n & t 1tnk' b v now they ha v rna t 'Of . •. them quirrels ,ar c u ~e tut The disease gets it n ~ m~~ · 1J(:'.Iip it Ic, .. t;c' ·~!"':: ('': f'l i.1 ' few dt)'8 t'm~. nrr2~1~~Oa~~~,~Pf~~te • . where they get too plentiful in a ChDi e between 'One that I want frQm the darken ing 'Of the comb~ : :>'1 rrorcir.g 5it ,I :, "~.. • ......\'rn ",t ,1~"! r!Lte 0 , ;: rnillute. ~ \ b' otO'c.1rivel'.l.';& tQwn they 5.Qm times .get but do nbt need and 'One in the and the skin and shanks also The Q\'()tm~! j~ ~ u'pped o,'it~ ~"t~ ,I racl,ng. am) - h 'tJ' ~d! hQg pa 1ure where we really tu ril a 'darke r than natural color , ana II ,'attp.~ trlHl\l'W()l"\c which I'uns ,~engthwise throug~ .t ~ almQst as bad as rat.-. They hav h:' '111 1NJ;'j ,.t>nte~ . ( :r. !f, p,!ed around the tram. forms a tunne m .\~.~ : uch a t me 'with them in D mer. need It. me day I hor e toO III . birds have a high fey r tI blown The 3i.· d rc.ulat.ea thToulb the corn, absorbs .mOll' u~'er; They 'Often get in the 'h a u'e -' a rt u have some sort ·Qf a water hole wh ich is' followed by temp'e.ra~ . ,.,F and f!sr.apu· throu&h vents at the buHding'it. top .. The speCial equIP1\! many ti mes the peopl r in every field and good fen es ture rrp I . " ! ' ~n h.t !'tmov~d e~8ily when the Quonaflt '8 deSired for, other u p.s~ elow normal, and the ., that ' ~hey are , PI' tected. T :' all the way round. Wouldn t bird lose wQight quite rapidly. l1()t hp, corn-handling unit, the Quonset p'ortable crib fe~der, ~ : 'It" ;I .. ,:,'oti8d to eUminate most of the labor- 'I! hog production. \ , S' d pa l t 'Of that'is, there can be that be wonderful I. Th e disea e is mo t likely tOo '!.~\i l!.>ush'!!i nlllD. of the crib , w ill feed apprmnmately 40 pigs fro .' ' nQ . 'Open seaSQn l -:: 4: We"have ,some tQmatoes can- atta k birds five toO even ~w~r'l!lg , '!h~Ut.10!~1_f!>r~@,~k~t._ . _. . " .. .. _ .~ - _. .,,-- ' ned for the Children'S hospital. months old, but ~hickens of any sl', oQting is not allowed in to\' We never seem to hav a!1 HQW ahQul You? DQnation Dav age may have t lue cQ ml we want 'Of every thing in the is in No_vemher but if anYOne disease. Mr . Ralph 01 erhanl h lei a SITUATIONS WANTED gan I. -o r L. er', l j'c '. \ wants to Kive' theirs befDre fhen. sun d e p:1. rl. at ll'da v eve:li ng, The treatment recom mend ed never had en~ lima eans \! e" w:n tore thel1l fDr yQU an , ReIia Ie 01 red Woman in hQnor of 11er husband' birby the University po~ ltry p.ec-. but this) ear 'e ha\ e 1.1 ',\Ie C; :1 n see that th e\' 'are sent at the iaJ thday, wjth a pink-and-white L t i to stop all gram f ed mJ~' \ ant work ". l tl' e day, Write eat ;mei o'me to freeze. The"e . prOl'er tim.e · but if YDU, ke,e-p until birthday cake and gift-;, TI' ; the t irct have recovered. Mil r d Vall rhl, Harvey bur~ them, T'erh~' S yOll wilt ha ve A laxative m.a ~ e frQm t"re~ present were Mrs'. Louella hepwill probably even be some dr hio or ca ll ~.l t r~" ide nce 'Of John one' ,but th is year we have ver" some mnre f~y that time. If YQf\ fourth l Ql Ind 'Ep 'Om salt in herd of Wilrnington. M1'. and tewart, s lI th ea ~ t coOmer Main 1 Ettie cab a, e and no pumpkin- want t kno,i ' anvthin{?' Clbo,', t jf twn gallQn of water , (' le ft in Mrs. CQrwin Avy of Wa. ne _an i Cr t 'Nt·. and nD squash. The tomatoe ' call me ~t WaynesviJJe 253::;. drinking vessels fQr 'two hour . ville Rt. 2; Mr, and Mr . Kent Ary and son and Mis~ Nina Scott are wQnderful but J am afroi ~ The f nal p ha~e of the treatment ' of Spring Valley Rt. I ' Mr, and "that ,the turk-ey . ha ve fo ~md is toO place one teasPQon of PD- Mrs. ArnQl ~ Barton :111 chi' .. ' Mi': and MI' . h fl1' l s LeMay, Miss them fQr I fat rid a numl r nf DISFASE CONTROli CHJJ:J:' ta siuIl1 dichromate in four g ~1 1H: Le~Iay a nd Mr. Robert nice one art' eate:1.! · ~;:'."o PROBLEM,OF POULTRYMAN Ions 'Of , water and to u~e tile ren; Mr. and M roo H a 0 11 Ruth Burton attnd d the Soil ConserhiJdr n; M r , "I Pq told ii" t :f ' , ' p"1rt head ui.. ease contro,l still is th . s01utiQn to water' the flock for , Lemmnn and ,:'ation Fielo M l'et a.t Urba~a. 'em. Drumm nd and dalJ~ht r;· Mr. J ' t" reT" ~ w li 1'1teriTan' :ant ~reatest single problem 'Of 'fl- e four or five days. 1' h ur d ay, MI', X. MAy competed iII ' and Mr. EI rv Brook all ·of it i': tf' a CQld frrtnle "nu can Oh.iD ·poultry.man. a.nd po"Hr ' the. Sotta-'Ight p1owln" contest anil AnQther treatment fo r blue W';tyne ville Rt. 1. have y.our own leW'r " n lIntil hushanorv speciali ts at (I" 'i f' won second pIa e In the stat-e. cQ,nb is' to put one level teaf::hristma <:.e!' a1"<: j; it ' .. state Universitv say the trollhl _ spoon tlf pob jum chlQri_do-re_ ' i_n__~ ~ i., -:' "t ' rn j il",~,ttrv it. Plaut is likelv to continue l. . ecau~p n 13\) each gallon of drin kin g c:p'" ~ " .~ 'I '11<:"'; diseases appear ahDut ~. ' ''~nirll Severe ,case are tre~te,d hv T: . - eiry wea ~:: e r hrin,;:; up as resear h worker ·fi ...·,~ W1 ,'c; ' -!~I... ~ r, o~:e:tn j one-! alf pOlln t; tl' . T· .... 1 'r. + ,r , " ,',- ., 1 ' 'n re toO prevent 'Or ,contro1 'those a'- of r'o'ta ',:iunl chlo i l~e i 1 flO ' ponds. The man trDm the con- . 'ready knQwn. . 1)('1I '~ . f) f m :l~h :l.fter th 1 iI', ~ .~(' r' ;l t f' 11 (.)ffj e in Leha.n on was One 'Of t11e newer J11 " l ~rl ' ",r. have had til chlori e i1 their here the other dav and we walk-· chickens is calJe hIll , 0" 1, cfri k ing- water for a "eek. Th e ed all tl e. l. . lace d·scus. inK ~'0 nd disease. Its CHue i~ ,,"vno;' ., medicated ma sh i- f , ·for ,onp it . ,ropt "r nlo w iJ~~ and ter- The first symntQm of hlue cQmb week. '. Muriate f p ta h fertraces .h It w haven't done any- disea e i los ()f 'anI etitc'. an ;~ ilizer i irn pu re r ot,a ium th 'in~ vet. He W::l SU t' n ed to fOQd eaten ren):1 i ns in th p- nor'. chlo ride and can he u t!:I. roni'e h ~ k hut ' he t;:1<:n'.t doOne , " So) let. Our Dond ~ have erved th eir J urpn '1<: \ :-It " r 1 0 e, hut t they are fillin ,g' un and' "I nul , f like at te, t , one lnrr:rer 0np.. I
I• •
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10h n
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. '11 t"
abDut hQw ' they built pDnds in· ' " Indiana , forty y.ears ' a~n ' that ' are stiJ] R'o.o<i. rt sQuhrle(i' like a ,!YoDd icten T1'f' t" .."'" , tl'~ a dam (Ill th e way J1 round the pGnd hut, where er th' wrttp.r would natura.JJv ' rurl into the pond thev n~lt tilec; +hru ~?m . so' that the water th ,runs intt) , the tlnnn has hl'pn h~rk Sf) that it droOps some . its load 'Of soil·and, runs Jnto tf, Don d tf, rll the tile ~ent1v with ~Q m""" w~shing. It would ost more than J want. tn na v f now to fix all t ~ on~, 1Jlai.. ~aum
(:MArTELS ..
u4-WAY' ' fARM '.SURA'NeE" •
the Obio Fanuera will give You broad procection.gainst lesses f0ut .f arm. Ie awer.s your buHdiogs, yow ch.mas, your automobile
&tid , )"OW' IiabWr, for. aeddeats to othert. Why GOt see 121 cOday? You JOU'rt we whem fOG'" 1.raureC ia abe 0IU0 Fanaen .'
---- _. . . . . LESLIE R. ROnIMAN
, LebanQn" Ohio ~ R. R. 2
tlaCe .. $.
~."'f. ·
. _...
I ' ,.......--.-~
I ··'
PAGE A MI G~~ETTE not desirin~ cards THE MI' tJ10se and fail . song. _ y-Bird DicKe ar No. 43~7 popul C?I:tUO Five LE. Miss es E8V,IL Another girt 'besid , I ed of the task of WAY'N reliev be will 23, 1948 . R EM,BE day SEPT , Satur 8DAY T.H'UR Spot 'was lucky last' 011 s tossi~g them into the Postoffice carrie n Durbi 'eanna Q , L~yes, .Jane Mary is She mght. air, 'when she waste-basket. Route 3, Waynesville, 'winner the music in the th1Jrlg in the "Some in rs appea o.f ' the B B' Club. award for ,last Mr ' and Mrs K N H h NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF ouly. ay Tu~sd , on (UI) " Wmd aer ,week: Remember, ' .anoth No. 13 iockey and children,- Mary DOTa o~~d FARMERS CRANCE , "Ward ~his· com,ing Satl\rday. It The story of a girl c!iskinteresting complica- Loren, and Mrs. Viola Harla~ - ~~mbers of 10~al G~an8:e and has many could be you! . . Hons in a plot that lets' Deanna were Sun day dinner R'uests 0 \families are cordially mVlted to ' "GQlden , Ear- range from uKeep Your Baby ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Earn- the ",Booster Night" .supper and Brief,views: If!o rings" (Par) ' closes tonight. ,Lookin' Nice" to '''II Trova- hart and family. Th,is was a eV,enmg, of fun, Friday, Oct. 1, FOX HOU .V yn Vye, tore.t~ A, ,good show, plus a farewell for MISS Mary Dora t 948 . 10 our new Hall. Each kbaw that MJurv Hats off to Hatton! Here~s as Did you h + tl.. t· . who Jeft on Monday , to study 'f . " a little, story of prommen In 'Ie . c.s~ , eaded b V clever Daffy Duck ~rtoon. , cov- · family is asked to brin~ e,a Sup gra t I ymg f th ' .. servic Diene table Marle anaan4 dish d ered Millan Marv Ray year at the ~ comin e or ehonesty, ant! fair playa s you'll doubl a you gives 'Twin The longthat' of ·P. star - per will be, served ' at 6 :30 find 'tbis side of Heaven. Tom- trich, was t)le'~Oklahoma?"~ r next Thu.rsday and 'Fri- A. Burnham Scho'oJ in North heade al music run dollar five a ~. followed by an open meetfound n Mrs. ~atto and my hoping to find whether or ampton, Mass. Mr. day, ure" Tteas ref Sec s ' an, "Tarz .' ago. long and p~ogram. 'not 109 Twin i tfle-Naom at bill town likeS double lea- · Hou~h and son-and Miss the not only, night day Satur ), (MGM Mr. to it ted repor ptly nd a , , He prom different pic- E~rn art .accompanied her the most entertaining tures. Two utterly "The J;:velyn Wiggins O'Regan, who told him to sit is ' one of. . Sena~or ' wJ11 remam for a few days: ? are. offe~ Secy~ Mason Gran~e tight. If it wasn 't claimed it of this popular series., Through tures Indiscreet ' UI, WIth Wlll- FALL FEST ivAL OCT. 12 _ ItfJ ~as a with iation assoc l , n's Tarza no a wante was his. But Tommy ition, ' ~old is ~~m Powell and ~!la Raines a!ld ,part of easy moiley. Twice dur- s~ientific exped ht ' Bury Me Dead ( EL) With mg ,the ensuing week he stopped ,dlscovered, and ' evilthebroug white Mark D,anj,~ls and ~u!1e Loc~ ~ by by the .Twin tn a_sk 1Ij'f anyone into the jtmglrIches . There are ha.rt. The Senator IS an hllhad claimed the five-spot. Last inan 's lust formoments", la'!lpoon of the Amersuch as ' ~nous Saturday came a young lady many "thrill n cal scene , whe'rein polJtl . IC3: battle tearflJ lly asking if anyone hact Johnny Weissmuller'sBoy's es- William P9 well as. Senat.or turned in a five dollar bill, It with a crocodilea andrhinoceros. Asht on. deCIdes he IS White was identified as . closely as , a c~pe from livan and , Boy Hous~ tImber al)d goes on the O'Sul situation , of, this type c'an be. , Maureen beaut iful underwater . funklllest campaign, trip ypu'll a stage to glad hand, on ' was Tommy Cheeta is eve~ 'see, He's aga!nst both inturn over the money to its right- swimming exhibition,guess who .~Iatl(:m ,~nd deflatIOn, but for fuI owner., More ,power to you, there, of course, and flabqn" and favors a health Barry FitzTommy, and to the family who None other than expec t to find. bIll ~IVlng every person in the . Tommy else you wouldn 't !s .behlnd your ethi~shis normal te.mperatures! teacher g~ralcil Coupled with Tarzan coun ry. liS m the 5tTrgraoe, Pet~~ Lind Haye s IS cast as a . is Chapter 6 of the Brick Brad- PO~ltJ is Miss Day. c.al press ag~nt and Ella ,. . ford serial, "Back to Earth mes scores again ~s a com ... ,R3: Hi~- i}'~tl1rn to\ , earth adds a the other Side of the n.~? .e.dla harroWJQg experience to BradMe Oead" is a Bury ~------------------..... r, ledge ' ford's life thru a diabolical plot the fascinat'o.n bas~d ry ?lys~e qf Laydron's. Ing Idea of a· woman returnin~ ". own Three Dar~ng . Daughters' , home after attendiflg her her ~ that ' ctm~ suspe funeral and (MGM Techntcolor Musical) ,away do to tned comes to the T~in Sunday and b~sband has Monday, heralqmg the return to With her. ,She's anxious toin find "t4t.w her the 'screen of Jeannette' Mac- out who has been 'sburied infor one there , Donald, following five years in tead. Now" ' , ! conc~r,t and opera tic fields, ,trigue . Jose That's right, it actually costs two-thirds' less to ~y Sharmg stellar billing with A .lIouIaJUI a"'w Mil '&CI' streqlJe have ns patro al Sever Miss ll Powe Iturbi and Jane aavel by GreyhouDd thaq to drive your own car. a the~ mail Twin the that ed iful beaut a MacDonald plays What' s more, you caD r.14x iD deep-cu~hioDed, SEPTEMIEI g ~aYJO c~rd, s~ow mber Sep~e with n woma successful business recliDihg seats -· fr~-, of all drivin g and parkin g 10 the ed receiv not was 2S-l\eoIM1nQ 01 Fall the~rs Her ters. daugh three gr~wing worries, enjoying Greyh ound's convenient serVice are cards .be:r Septem All mall. with age marri romance and every scenic mile of th.. way. SO why drive? Go you h 24-Zac hary Taylor born, ,mont thl,5 for so g~ne, , s mix-u quent )! Iturbi, ~nd subse Greyh ound. Save mO:l' , 178(. U'I' th~ews explamlO,g to her three adolfs4 wll1 have' to rely on s playcent youngsters highlight the paper ads to learn what U-Balb oa dtlCOvera PacifiC ' • t. We ' 2~5 o:r.~ ISI1 bumorous plot. This musical has ,lOg or call 2661you 10 o.~ob er, ' every.thing frqm Bach to shall rem~mber C *..A. the 1st mber Oc:iy .Nove Indlcm 28-Ame ncan Adler · and. startm'g' !3oogle-Woogie. Larr .10 •. . ,.OWI m per~~ ~:ards out Ica, Ann Todd, .of "~ear)jn '/ Twm Will mall ~ maJlm a r1-Flf lt LIbert y ship sign who. appears with his magic ha[mo~. a.Ily to those d In the lobby. It launched , 1941 , . fame) and Edward Arnold ,top !ISt to be po~te I::ib,. in this ~, an excellent supportin~ cast. IS to be hoyreds.that, 28-fron cet t Willard bom ' pesJrlng -1839 truly patron those Almong ma my song hi't is th e cards GREY HOUN D TER IV! 11",' t\ ! WIll receIve them without I
.4~1' : t3~
III llil ,I/ 'U NI J!,
OM"''' .
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_Ame rIcan. reoccup y Detroit, 1813 _ur••,","
G oo d- -,·ea r
l o -Ji ..... c T ..... AIm-ana ~Use--'Th""'e....
, ,;
Chee k The WeRther But Usc
'Sh oe Re p,a lr
Invisible Half SOJing ,Orth'opediC Corrections Cork Extens ions
GAZ ETIE CLASSIFI~D ADS To Bu~', Sen, Rent. Loan. ~rrow. , Any'Time, of' The Year
HenrySt.· H. MLoEBelAJe~ON' ""'.. ' N
111-1 3 E: Mulb errv
.·Four and Ooelhitd Acres at
f '
- W e H av e 47 'k in ds of "
for immediate delivery. We wiil also have ROSES ' FRUIT ano SHAD'E TREES, Come see us, , Located on Mound , and Buck Rti~' Roads 11,6 trtiles South ' of New Bur(ington, Ohio .. "
$345 P.er Acre
Six ind . wo Thirds, Acres ,
$25,5 'Per Acre
a pound of
Our regular
servicing of VQur car ke.eps it in A No. 1 condition .. • . 'assures you safe, smooth, carefree drivmg. Let us service your car every 1,000 mites. It's the wise thing to 'do! Call 2341' FOR . , PICK -UP SERVICE.
1 and 2-A'CRE TRACTS
On ,Dayton Pike -Rou te 48 Han~y
Bus Setvice -
at Route , 73
Main Highway Ph~e
, CASH FOR DEAD STOCK HorSes $6.00 ; Cows , $~.50 ; . . Hogs $2.00 ewt. Acc0rdmg to size :mM co~diti n prom p:,,'p ian Service
cr Xeaia 1712
or WImiaatoa 2362
JANES ~DElUNG, Waynes Ville, Ohio ,
60 Years Ago (From the Miami Gazette . of .: ~ ... Sept. 21, ~898) ..... . John M~Br,!yantl" reports latest advices from his soldier boy, Calvin, dated Apgust 6, at Manila. Calvin had just emerged . from a 40-day cainpaign in th~ hospital, where he had severe ' engagements first with typhoid . fever, then with measles. From these .he came out with the loss. of 40 · p.Clunds of fIe h, which made him unrecognizable to the boys. He thinks he will be all right after this
List .of 'I!rem1ums .
Dumford ·for bringing his tractor and mowing machine artd mowing the school yard. It (By Mia. Hardin) , looks mUeR nicer. and the child.. . School was dismissed aJ. 2 p. ren have a better time playing In. on Monday afternoon tn softball. ' order-that the teachers could go We are feeding almost 260 to Lebanon to ~repare a school Fair Booth. ThiS is made up' of children per day in our cafeteria. work dOl1.e by the children last There are three women preyear and saved for the Fair. paring the meals . . W.e SOW eThis proves to be quite a times wonder how long it task for te~che,rs, . but, in spite .would ' take to peel potatoes for of the extra work, most of us 260 children! But it doesn't enjoy it, because we see old take long to eat them' • • • 'friends and 'make new friends among teachers, from all the We have a new electric coolcounty $chools. alchool is being er for the milk. The bottles· are di missed on Thursday and Fri- put in the cooler and I.eft there day in order that children may untit lunch time. This'makes the 'enjoy the Fair. milk much more appetizing • • • and lessens our chances of getWe are grafeful to Mr. Dale ting sour milk .
Gnde .School Noles
(Produce must be brought to Grange Hall by Noon Wed. Oct. t 3) (Plates and tables: Furnished) Longest Ear of (;()rn .••........... ~ ..... ~ . ..........•.......
Tallest Stalk of Corn ....................................... .
.75 .SG
~75 Largest Turnips ...... .50 .15 Largest ca.1;>bage •.•.•• ~ .••••••: •••• :~'••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••• .50 .75 Largest Pumpkinl.............. ~ ................................ . .50 .75 Smallest Pumpkin ' .......•.•........•.•.•. ... .t. •••••••••••••• '.50 Tallest Stalk Tobacco Seed ............................ . .50 Tallest Stalk of Tooacco Spanish .................. :.. . 50 il'aUest Stalk of Tobacco Burley ....................... . .75 Best ~ peck Irish potatoes ............................... . ·1.00 .75, .1 .00 Best w- pecK Sweet Potatoes any variety ......... :.. .50 .75 Best ~ dozen Beets ....................................... . .50 .75 'Best J;& peck On'ions, ,any variety ....................... . ( am taking over the. agency .50 .75 Best 2 heads Cabbage ••••••••••.. :.• ,.................. ," ...•. • • • in WAYNESVILLE For .50 .75 The sold'ieTs ' came through Best ll4I peck Turnips ....................................... . .50 .75 Xenia yesterday by the hun- Best ~ dozen Ca,rrots ••..••••..•..••....•.. : ................. . .50 .75 dred . There wer-e five carloads Best 1,4: dozen Parsnips .................. , ............... ~ . . Roing 'north to 'be' mu te.red out. Best quart shelled dry beans, 'any variety ........... . .5.0 .75 A couple of carloads of Rou~h .50 .. 75 Riders went through. They were La,rgest squash ............................................... . .5 Qi 1.00 m o~ly cowboyiS and (ndians, Best plate of ~ apples .... ~ ................. :................ . and seemed to be a pretty tough Best display of ornamental squash ................... .. .50 .75 lot. Some of the hOys say that Best plate 5 Kieffer pears .............................. .. .50 1.00 , Tom Brennan of the station AGENCY AT .50 :15 restaLirant, was held up for a -Best -plate of 7 persimmons ... .' ....................... . 1.00 1.50 sandwich, hut Tom denie the ' Best 10 ears of Corn, Hybrid, any variety ...... .. MR. HAWKINS' HOME . 1.00 1.50 Best 10 ears of Corn, open pollenated .. ~ ....... .. story. CORN~R MAIN AND SOUTH STS. .5~1 Best plate of 10' 'Walnuts .............. ~ ............ ,. .. . .75'! Mr. ' Wilt, who has conducted .1 , 1.00 1.50 2.00 the boring of the ~as wells Best angel food cake ....... : .......... ~. .... here la t Thursday shipped his' 'Best devil''s food cake .................... 1.00 1.50 1.00 DELIVERY' TUESDAYS NND FRIDAYS machinery and bid g:oodhye to Best fancy decorated cake ................ 1.00 1:50 2.00 . Wavnesville. The encourage.50 .75 . ment for opel}tn~ other. w.tts Best pumpkin pie ........................................... . YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE was not sufficient t detam 111m Best fruit pie r...........................................'; ••.• .50 .75 here longer. . . APPRECIATED .5() .75 Be~t c ~eam pie .........'............ , ................. ~ ....... . • • I 2.00 1.00 Dr. Harry Barg .. informs the . Best flower arrangement ............................... .. Gazette that he hears reg1;ltarly Best apron from feed sacks.: ...................•...... 1.00 .50 from his brother Ralph Barg, Best child's dress from feed 'sacks ................. ~..'. LOG .5~' who is stitt prospecting irt the .Sit LOO Best knitted object ............................................ . Klondike.· 1.00 .50 • • • Best' crocheted object ....... :.............................. .. CARLOAD .OF No. 9. FENCE "They raked .in a pretty Prettiest quilt ....•............. /t.. ... ...................• 1.50 .75 tough tookin~ot. thi's morning, Prettiest tatted Jacew.ork object ....................... . .SQ 1.00 AND 7-FOOT STEa POSTS haven't they," said the stranger to the reporter in police court. 'Any deaier, will be welcome to display seed corn Tnese have been very scarce. "You're looking at the wrong bunch," answered the ·reporter. Any e.xbibits donated to the Civic Club will be offered a.t Buy NOWt "Those are' not the p'risoners; auction Saturday at 10 :30 ' p. m. they are the lawyers." ,(Civi~ Qub· is not responsible for loss or e~change . of goods HA~re you Mrs. Lawson,mum? left for exhibit.) "Yes'." "Well, I've been sent to·telt you HALL FESTIV~ PRO~ your husband's head is broken, PHONE 2441 and I'm t~. break it t.o you gently, mum.'" ,T.uesday night, Tennessee Corporatiort Hillbilly' Band. \yednesday night, amateur show. . , Thursday night, barbe~shop quartet contest. . TEL• . apolis." commented one wit. Friday. night, high school bands' contest. ,.. , •. 2661 Finally the mountains and plat- Sat~rda'y afternoon; c~m husking contest on Thi~ Street. eaus'of California ended sudden .. 1y at'the Pacific. ' , Saturday night, Old fiddlers' contest followed by street dance:. There it was • - the United States of America. Not 'a map, but the country ~S l it re~tty Mr. and ·Mrs. Ross Hartsock Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hart,~ock. and daughte,r, Miss Jan'e Haft~· looks. OearJen.Ougb"to. pick out. Miss Jane Hartsock and Mrs. every· street of the Cities, but h sock, haye returned from ~a. ~ SAT. ONLY reduced to a mere· 100 feet wide. ~ena Har~oc~ were among t e dison, WIS.,. where ·thelr daugh.. •. , II Just think I drive 1/600 th- guests: on Sunday" .'Yhen . Mr. ter, Miss Jean Hartsock entered , JOHNNY WEISSMULLER Will .o f the way a~ross the countrv ahd .M~s . . <;:iene E1hl!rlon en· the University. of Wisconsin. thr~l1 -you again. . every morning going to work'''' tertatn.ed with ~ famlry dinner .s<>meone was sayi!lg as he step- . at ' ~helr hom~ ID , Eaton•. This time in· . • ~ ped ba'ck 'from .tlle pictt1r~,. "I .' never'· thought af ·it that , way "'1.. . ~S before." SE(X ' ~~ The, Air Force thinks of dis.. tances that way. Presumably, so .~ do the air forces of our potential ' I I enemies. Whether these ,facts ' " 11. . ; .. are fascinating or ' frightening LATE 'NEWS r , , depends .on us. ., Ie p. 6 ' WHAT MAKES. ORD~ Nf;>W! Ovic Club' members got a jolt QAFFYDUCK &; --~ ,'l ALSO CARDS FOR ALL OTHER Monday night wh~n a question · . . OCCASIONS of busmessmen's hours during NEXT 'I1IuRs.-FRl. 1\JES.ONLY 1HE SENA1'OR WAS the fan festival was raised, and HAROLD ELSTRO SOMETHING .. INDISCREET it turned out that only two of PhOae 2634 IN the score of men in the bUSiness Df;AD 'IHE #IND. men's meetipg actually, have stores oil M'ain Street. . , It . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mode1 'Cleaners l
• • •
Just. Received .
Fairley Hd.e. '. Store •
. I
"f'\ ._~
aUav I:
~-~-.-I-flt-~--(fJIIA~ . .=-, -~------------""'------;;;!tNr
£"iui(!;A ..\.~
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, \O~"
DON'T FORGET TO CALL ~s for insurance. All types of inSurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Wavnesville 2472 or calt eollect. 'W:lming-ton 2111. ~ -' ---'- --' ._-- ._-' -----,HOUSE FOR SALE-
/Sealed pt'oposals wil'J be received at tile office or the Clel~k of Ithe Village of Waynesville, State ' of OhiO, until 12 o'clock noon Olt Octo'b er 9;1948, tor the purchase of bonda of tile sald Vlllage, in. the aggregate sum ot $5,800.00, dated Itbe 15 day ' of october, 1948. Said bonds will be
twelve (12) ilf number and numibered ,b 'om one (1) to 'twelve 4[12), both
NEW BRICK HOUSE -~;;.N;re gr<;>und. 6 Rooms and bath, Utility room, modern kitchen, oak floors Heatatator fireplace, steel windows, garaK. Fir t House just west of Lytle. , Ed. Longacre, 'Owner.
In Jusive. Each of said bonds w1l!l be ot' the denomination of $5,00.00, the last bond to mature, however, to be In 'tile ,principal amount of ,aoo.oo, a.nd will draw intel'est at the rate of not more than four (4) per CElntum per
a nnum, payable semi-a.nnUally on :tbe first day of January and ,the first 'day of July of each year upon pt'esentation and surrender at t1he, interest co upon s to be attached Ito said bonds. Anyone desiring .t o do so' may pt' es~ n t a bid or bids for said ,bonds ba sed on ,their bearing a dlrr~ent r ate or interest than that hereinabove. specified, provided that when a frac tional Interest rate is bid suoh fraction sha-ll be one qUB.l't18r of on£. p ~ r ~e nt 01' multiples thereof. ,Said lbonds will be due and parable as t ollows: ):0. 1. on No, 2 on No. 3 .on No. 4 ()Il No. 6 on No. 6 on No: 7 on No. 8 on No.9 on No. 10 on No. 11 on No. 12 on
70R SALE----------~
the the the the the the the the
1st day of 1&t day of lat day o f 1st day of 1st day ·of 1st day of 1st day of 1st da.y of 1st day of 1st da.y of 1st day ~ 1st day of
September, September, September, September,
Kalamazoo coal and wood Floyd Hughes, Spring. ;V,ai1ey. Ift~ge.
--- ----------------------:-923
white enamel Kitchen Warmer, both in A-1 condition. Also two 9x 12 rugs. P~ul C. Poi~king, Pliane 2182. -NOTICEWANTED ' taundry' fo' -do in my home. QUick Service. Ptron~
QRDINANCE NO. 202 An 'Ordinance to amend Seet. iOn Il t and j) fix the 'salary' 6f the Clerk • "tile Trustees of ,Public Affairs. ae. it Ordained. by the Vi11~ge' . fWaynesville, Warren C~)Unty, state of 0.hio:. . . Section I. That Section ,II of ;etdi'nance No. t31 be , hereby amended ,and that the 'Clerk of ilie Village of. ~Waynesvi1'e . be :allowed for duties of the ClerIC .f the Trustees of Public Affairs, ..• e sum. of Three Hundred;. ITw~nty~five DollarS ('32S~OO) . ' ter annum, payable: quarterly ~.~ tile public .funds undet:' . . .,nt~r of the Trustees of Public
'section II. TJtat aU Ordln. -·. ces or parts of' ordinances or lIIDendents of ordinances incon. ' I )listent herewith b,e ' and . the ·
. Passed ,by Council this 3rd - ~'ay of September i 0 48.
Mayor .
', NOTIC'E OF APPOINTMENT EXECUTOR · Estate of E'88ie Co<bb Gray Deceased: N{)tice Is hereby given that Kathleen M. Beck whose Post Office address is 1501 p. Wlestern Ave., ,Dlaytcm, Ohio , has been. duly appOinted as ECcecutrtx of the Estate 'Of Essie Co'b,b Gray late of -:Warren ounty, Ohio, deceased. Da.tecf ,this n th day of September 1948.
- __
Ralph H. Olt'ey Judge of the Probate Court Warren County, Ohio C. Dona.1d Dl181tush, Attorn~y 107
- .w' I'
a ppointed a,s Administrators of the Estate of Ali ce E. Tel~ ry, late of Massie Town hlp, Wa rre n County, Ohio, d ecea Sed, Dated this 8th day ofS ptemb r 1948. "
RALPH H. CAREY J udge of the Pt:obate Court WARREN: COUNTY, OHIO & Maple Attorneys f
GALl.EY .. TWO . ..... .... . •
FOUND - Small' Grey Persian Cat. Owner may claim samet by caIling 2351 0r 2661.
N9TICE OF APOLOGY The merchants of Waynesville wish ' to ·apologize to -the survivors of Pfc. Robert Dakin, for the fact that business places were not closed at the time of his military funeral on August 7. It is hoped that all merchan\s will close for future military funerals. . Waynesville -Businessmen
, ' 24 houl'll every dllY, 7 day. tl vu ry week, ~evef atopplng, t he' kidn ya III te r waste A1lltter from the blood. If -.ore people were aware or bow the ki,,,'loya muat' constantly romov-e Burpi,tU fluid, excess acidll and ot her w".te matte.r that cannot stay in the bleod wi t hout Injury Ito bonl t b, there would be better understand ing of whr the whole lIystem Is upsut when kidneys f.lI to functif)n properly. B Irnln~.lIcanty or too fr llq1l 0 lll urlnal;ion lometimOll warns that lIomothlnl is wron\f. You mllY s uITer nagginl baeknehe, hC':lC)llehea. dlzziDea8. rheumatic ~ainf! , 'gettlng up at nights, sweUin¥. Ii W hy not try Doan', Pill,? You will b u ing II medicine recommended the coun t ry over. Doan', atimuillte tho fune. Lion of ~ho ' kldn.ey. and help thom teo Hilsh out poisoDoua WIl.te from the Alood. They contain Dothln, barmful. Get l)o~" " today. u.. with cODf1d en~, At aLi drug .torOll. '
' a'
IIHAVE ._" . " -
We wish to thank the McClure Funeral home for its effiCient service, the M ini~ter, Mr. , Coleman for- his well- , chosen words, \he 'Fairley Hard:' , NORR'IS BROCK COMPAN't war~ Employees, the American , Olnolnne" Union Sto01c Vard. LegIOn Post 615, all those who Live WIre end ~gre ••lv•• Aft . Oraenizatloft MOOrid to no..... .~~ cards. or flo[al tributes, 'trletly . en the belt those who came and -those who ell around :market In th. were .willing to pause for one ,ountl"Y. hour in memory of one who harl THAT fATlaFiRe paused for eternity,. . . ' ~MVICE o Daytoo 11:1 ~ , •••• The Fa~jJy of the late DIal. lUt WLW ClaoIp_U .0. o'f81 100. · tor Our Dal1, John D. Woollard , ,.12: Market Rep~ , ' ,
The MIAMI GmM · •
· ~ffairs. ·
arne are hereby repealed, and
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ADMINISTRATOR Estate of Charles E. Rye Dec ased NoUce Is hereby given th 8lt -C larence Rye and Harvey L. Rye who~e Post Office Address llf WaynesvUte, OhiO, have :been dulf appointed IS S Admlnistrwtors of thE? Estate of Charles E. Rye late ot , Wayne' Township, W a rren County, Ohio d eceased. , 'With a bond or certified check, pay&lble to the VIlla«e -tor no - 888- an Datec this 16th day of S eptember one per cent of the amount of bonds to be 'Sold, upon. oondlthm 1ha,t if 1948. the ,b id Is accepted the bidder will r eceive and pay for such bonds •• ,. •. •. Ralph H. Car y IlS' may be ISSUed as above set .forth, within tthlrty (30) days from the . • ..Judge or the ProbMe Court tlme of award, said bond to be forfeited. or saJd check to be r'~tained by Warren- County., Ohi o the Vlrlage if saId condition is not fulfllled. ' Meryl B. Gray, Attorney ' Bids muSt be 's ealed and en«!orsed: ''BIds fot- 'Waster Works' Improvement -107 Bonds - 1?4S".
'"is ordinance sball tate effect '!MId be in force from· and after " • iIle earliest period allowed by
WA.NTED-Man in dajry barn Call Mr. Law, Phone Lebanon 677-R. Ralph Stolle -923 Farm, Oregonia.
L960 1961 1952 1953 1954
.sept~mber. PPLES - Jonathans, CortSeptember, 1955, lands and Grimes Golden. September. 1966 ' Also RED DFLICIOUS September. 1957 Underwood Orchard, Harthe September. 1968 veysburg. PhlJne 2897. the Sep,tember, 1969 -ind the September. 1960 -the Sept~ber, 1981 WA TERM ELONS and M uskmelons. Harmony Gr ve Sa id bonds are issued for the purpose .g! extending, enlar,£1ng, and SchooThou e on Corwin, Impl'ovlng wllter works fa:cllltles oy extending , waJter mune ' ito attaeb Ne\ ,Burlington R ad, 5 t o th e n ew sources of supply, and constructing faclUtles t o connect onto miles N E of Wlaynesyille. such wells, erecti'ng shel·ter for said wells, pumps, fl,xtures a,n,d appurEd. Laughlin. -' 923 . tenMlces, and for all other expenses In co nnection /therewith; and under - ._- - -- ---- - - authority of the Constitution and laws of OhIo. and of the Uniform 'J ERSEY COw. and Calf. Ennis iHond Act. . and under· a.nd in acc(Jrdance, with a cel'ltain ordinance of Thomp on, Waynesville, O~ ~ nid Vlllage entitled "Ordinance No. 201- An Or41namce Providing for f . -93"0 the Iss ue and Sale ot Bonds and or Notes of the Village of W':LynesvIlle tor the Purpose of Extending, Enlal'ging, and Improving Walter Works TEAM of BAY HORSES, gentle FacUlties to -Ithe Extent That; the Income from ,S uch Water 'W orks Is.' and good work~rs i One- Su!fJclent to Cover the Cost .of All Operating Expense!!!, an~t ' Interest Hor.se Wheat Drill with Charges on lSuM Bomds andf,or Nutes, ~nd to Provide a Sufficlen,t Amo~n.t fertilizer attadiment, excel- tor Retirement or SinkIng Fund to Retire Such Bonete as They Becom& lent condition. W. E. O'Ban- Due", passed ' on the 2nd 4ay of August, 1\l'4~. !Sald bonds will be sold to the hlghe!Jt bidder fol' 'tlo't less than the talee iOn, Phone 2976. 'Value thereot. and ,accrued Interest. . COLEMAiN Oil ' Burning ,Plo'or ,b ids must state the ,n umber of Ib onds bid for and the gr.ous amount _ Furnac~. Phone Waynesville of' All bid and accru'e d interest to da,te of d eliv ery. All bids to be accompanied ~
PAGII. No. 4387
__ .,
'l§I2=1 .,
~~- :-
C()~S',.IO; HOQS ~2,.oo o.t.
45 4 .
E. \G. Burhsieb, Inc.
Any make'or .nodel , Fr• .d Kahn Motor Car CO. ' "
LI8~OIf. . . .0 •
j .
.............. ...... . '1W&. . . . .
,,.,aDM .. . .. ,...... . ...-·i · "
·It Says ·
Farm at -BliDker Light To 'Be 'Su'bdivided
Chutch of '~Ctirist 'Wilf - Have Revivals ,
Here. B, Smitty There comes a time when parents <;>ught to go to school. , . Such crUme win be n-ext Wednesday wilen all Wayne Town. ·Shit' residents ·irjterested in edu- .. cahon are invited' to a "town . mee'tl~g" at the high school to , , discuss what to do ' about overcrowded schools . . " 'If y6u ,d(;m't attend that meeting, you will. hav'e ljttle excuse for .complaining ,if' you dOI)'t like the measures that VlilI have to' be 'taken when 1he crisis ~ets, worse ,;next year. The school board is ~howing its desire to follow the 'public's wishes on the building program. The'least the p'aren~s can do is cooperate by making·their opinions known to the board. . More classroom space has to be found next year. Maybe it ' will be in makeshift space such as lodge or church ,buildings, ar maybe it will be the long-await, ed new structure. But what it , is will depend lar.gely on what YOU and YOU and Y0U tell the ' school board Wednesday 'night. '
No., qaa ,. FIVE CENT8 'A COPV -~~--~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAV,NESVIL;LE, OHIO ' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, SO, 1948
.'Washboard Road' .Being .Repaired·
EDWARD H. FOREHAND Edward ' H. Forehand, evangetist. from Virgima, will be the guest preacher at a series of re:vivalfservices i~ the Wa,xnesville church of Chnst begmfILng next 'Sunday e:v,ening, it has been, 'announced by M. H. Coffey, minister of the church. Everyone is invited to the services, at 7 :30 every evening except Saturday for two weeks. Mr. Forehani:i's 's'ermon topics fo r the first week will be: Sun. day, The Bible for All Peoples~ Monday, Scatter_ed But Unitea j Tuesday, Churche's of Power; Wednesday, Pleasing Whom? Thursday, Repentanoe; Friday, The Lotd's Supper.
This year, " Fire Prevention Week will be observed from October 3 to 9 . .A;nd f.1ever~ in our history has there peen. a , time ,when the week was more imPo°rtanf.t., 't " till I ur Ire was e ,'s s . runn\ng at an all-timy hiR.h. DuringJhe first :Seven monttis Gf th,is year ,~ , the destr..uctIon aJllC~unt d
Long-needed leyeling work on Main Street was begun by State Highway Depattment, wo~k~'rs on Tuesday. First step in 'smdothing the roadway was a thorough scraping 'whIch took off the high por tion. ' ,
This portion of U. S.. Route 42 .within·Wayn~svi11e had been one ·of the bumpiest sections on the highway. Night-riding trucks nft~n took to the left side where It looked smoother, and a num ber of truck tire blowouts were blamed on the bumps. , N'ow all tk is will be ' set ,right. . 4
New Centurv' CI b ' ) .• B· I94: 'l'; g Y'ear emDS ~ 3'
. '.
, An 80 acre farm west of Waynesville, on Lebanon Pike at the blinker light 'cressing of Route 73, has just been sofd byy the heirs of Carlton Diers, deceased, to George Henkle, Inc., . .... local .realtors. ,Mr. Diers wa.s, a welt known Da~on manufuc~re~ who had impro.ved the farm with ,new buUdings and Kentucky white board fence ,in the 'past ' ~ .. _ __-~ few years, ' . 'Ownership 'prior to pi~rs had been held by the Reeder family .fQr many year. The house i an ancient colonial briCk with the brass door 'knobs and numerous fireplaces of early d8.ys. On one of the h~gh es t points south of Cente.rVIlle, ,it, commands a splendid view of upper Clearcreek ' •Va.lley. ~ ni~ ! i~~ ~ :~~t. ~ . the •H-ous'e. ~ . - . , ,The purchasers it'!.te,nd to ' divide and .sell the 'farm m oI}e, two and five acre "tracts, With ,protective. restrictions: The farm ha ffontage "n Lebanon Pike, both siqes of State Route 73 and tfie South side of Harlan Road. A fine stand of ash ,woods is located on this side of the farm.
,~ 1. 1 ' , ~eath& JAMES WILLIAM McKEEVER
James William McK~ever, 51 years old, died at 1 a. m. Sunday at his home here following a' long: illnes . Funeral service were held yest rday .from the McClure Funeral Home with M. H. Coffey, minister of the W'aynes.. yille Cht}rch of ~hri~t, ~fficlat' mg-. ~ un al was In MiamI Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Lizzie' a son, Garl McKeever; four daughters, Edna Davis, Georgene asone, Betty .Brown, and Ruth Whittemor; six brothers, ' George, David and Robert, all of. Waynesville, Charles of Indianapolis, Harley of Washington c." H., and Ralei~h of Long Island, N. Y.; two' SIsters, Mts. Ada Arnold ot Jeffersonville, 0., and Mrs. Orlie Sellman of Hillsboro; and eight grandchildren. "
The Waynesville Furniture and Appliance Company recent.. .,. ,, ly moved one of its two stores The first meeting of ~the New Miami Chapter 107., O. E. S. ftom the, southwest corner o'f Cent.ury_Clubf.or.tlieyear.1948- will meet in special session on Main and ' North Streets to the 49 Was .. held .at. . e ,home of , Monday' evening, Oct'. '4/ for building which had been OCCUp. Mrs. . ' initiation of candidates: Retresh- iea for more than 4,0 years by ts follo~ing the Miami Gazette. not , loca. " ~ ~ . -:- oas, aTe .Q~btf . ~Q.mn :;;.,~:o."'-......~" . 13"" . "~P.Q ~ Scanlon. . iIIO',.."n:r eJeceed n~ Hie t6tal lQf the Fridman 0 New O . The Past ~a~rons anq P~t \ The furniture store will cony~_~r of .f 944. And w~ and Mrs BesS . . PatrQns.J of DIstrIct 21, Will etl- tiilU'c to use also, its room be.. ,cannot 'Iblanie this ' 'on higher . ' . joy their annual meeting on d' F . ' . prices and values. TJ1ey~are a . Tbe meeting ~as catted -te Friday, -October 1, at M~ason. tween Mom's Pantry an alr- . ~-. ~rd~ the gresld~n "M~s: R. ·- A covered~ dish dmner wilt ~e ~~:s, ~~~~r~N~iay ~~~ ~~~~f: fador, of c()ur~ JM.1be f~ct re•. 2. GIRLS <;OMPLE1'E ' , maius that we are bavinE more 4-H SEWING PROJECI"S " t s ~r'y', w 0 asked th.e s.ee· served at Qoon. Mrs. LucIle sp41ce. The roam has been wallfires, and that the average fire , ." . re ary to read the constitutIon Steritz is presiding- ,officer. . papered ~nd pablted, G'ivinG' if is' causing rt:lore 'destruction: Of the twentJ;-slx, guls, who a~"d py-l!lws. " , ' ' . ' h ~ l'\ ,~ " ;, Fire preventio.n Is . espemally b' egatl a PCrlo~e¢t 10 W ayne S~wI-' The roll, catl ·' was re10nded The many , fflends of !v\rs. a mue.!!. Iig4...tetr appeabrance. I important on farms aJId hi rural s0 4-.H u wen t[y'-fo~r glr, s, to by ',members makin an in- Anna Williamson are Very separa~ enu·ance has een proare~s, w.hlGb us'ually lack first- completed t eir work. The final terestin~ e'Omment on t e sub. happy to know that her condit- vided" for tll'e apartmel1t oveTl' class tire , iJtbtmg facilities. gr~d~s ~re fro~ ~ve~ag1n~ ~he ject ass~gned to them: , ion .is slowly. improving at the business room . . AccQrding to~ tfie NatiQnal Board grade glv~n ~Y the 'advlS9(S, ', An appreciattve note from Miami VaHey Hospital wher.e oi Fire Underw.-iters, 'farm fi,res Qn~ on the proJ.ed wO,rk and e~e"·. Mrs. F. Wilbur Clark was read' s,be is confined in Wa,rd 0 ' of WILMINGTON COLLEGE ' ENRdLL~ REACHES , tai~ ~,500 li~es "intl do -,H)O,- r\grade 9~ proJc£t ~polt. there also :tpe~l r~signatlon ' qf ' Mrs: t~e New BUilding. 090 006 worth of pamage al)n- , . were s~v~pttren A , g~a~es ~nd EVaIY.B Pe~e-rson" who has mov' . , RECORD HtCH OF 59S ually. 'And ' nearly one-third of se,ven ,.B , grad~\:rfi~ p,to1.eots ',to' Wllmi~gton'. M;ss Gladys Rye has entered ..' 'those fires could ' be preven d wet~,' i.~t's S~Wt (Ir~t Y.ea;~; Mrs , E: Go' Thomas «ead a the University ,of Cin¢innati for For the eighth consecutive by ~he Installation of . , an9 ,, ~r.t~ol~t,o ,tds~~~naW:ear., pCJper on ","Wit and 'Humor" ,-h6r Junior Year and Earl Ry'e term, a new ~nrpl!ment reco.-d rods of tile proper on ~~con~t. 'y'~P. Bub member Il) Th~, two were contrasted and has entere<l c>hio State' for bis ih~s se·t ~t WIJW5n~tUnt.CotJ~ge builCi "(£jther major of eseS~Tg~ouPs mak: tJhre~ articl~ . ex·a,~ples ,of both . '"occurred freshman year~_ st~~e~rse reag1st~red ~o-~ l~~~s:l farm are -,"" p . r r~ ~1~ -werg thrOiughout the paper tn.. tHe . '" , " , ' L t . i t ti .' t." 'd·' of . '," . Cpt~on amu,sement of all~ It rOVe'd Mrs. ' Alva ' Thomps h a' a e ~eg 5 ra ons are exp"e~ , e "ft :bress/' anti, the truth of 'the old c~uPlet · form~r Waynesville l~dent tQ push the tCi>tal abov~ th~ 60~ fr~m, ,lrd "~augh and ' the world ' la~iltll$' iS~COllv.aleSCingt at~ Mi~mi VallrY " ~aJ~. addl«-o'n . to the full-ti~: OnE!/ra,rm~!'m. 0 er, c btl. -:wlth l,0u,~~ep and Y9u weep, ~ sPita~t, , follo":Vmg ,~a, major 'students,WUinington has 41 en_Q-J~ ··"r'lso·" ",alOne - .. I - " ; ' . . 0 ~ra.tion Gn pn~ay. ", . . -rolled for night clas~ 'on ,tlJ~ -:0' ~rs. , J. P. Fromm haw . , . campus .and nearly 400 student;$ r .. ".,...b ......!!r. the ' is, c~ , the ' ion center ' a~ ..""....... Qf"Mfs. ' Pield near , f ~Q.v~
, '.
", '
ma:Jf.)1:: A1Il4~W'tinl'~
t" .•- .
-------_. - -
WANTED-Man in d'!iry ba rn Call Mr. Law, Phone Leb~ an on 6 77-R. Ralph Stolle Farm; regonia. -' - 923 . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT EXECUTOR , 1': ::I Lttt~ uf tisie CObb . dray Deceased:, lo t ice is h ~ reby given that Knthl e n M . Beck whose Post Ortic a ddress is 1501 ~, W at,e rn A ..... , Duyton, O hio has b e en. duly appointed as Executrix or l h e Estate ot: E ssie Cobb Gray la t e of Warren ('a u Il ty, hio , d eceased. Dated ',t his 13th d ay of S pti' mb r
~ e led proposals wil I be 'r ee i ved a t the office or tIle CleJrk oJ: t he Village of vVayn esv il le, 8tute oC OhiO, u ntil 12 ' o'clock n oon 0,1: Ol.!tober ~, l ~H , f or the purc h ase of bonds of th e said VUlage, 111. the aggregate su m of $5,8uO.OU, d ated .t h e 15 d a y of u ctol>er, 1ll48. Sald bonds will be twelve (l2) ir1 n umber an d nurnberf,'ld 11'om one (1) to (welve (12 ), both I lld u ~ivc. Eac h of sai bonds will h e Ol t he d en omi na.tion of $509.0 0, t he I t lJon d to matur , 11 wev r, to be in tl e principal ·a m o unt of $300,00, aJld \\ il. I n.l W inl l' ~l al the rate of not mon:~ thu n fou r (4) per contum per /l llll u n!., pa yable semi-an.nually on th.e first day of January and the first day o f Ju ly of acb year upon presentatio n and s urrender ol tJhe interest cuu p on ,' Lu be a t tach e d ,to said bond s. Anyon e des iring .to do so m a y p l'e~e n t a bid or bids fot' said bonds based on their bearing a different 1'.1 e f interest than th a t he r ei nabove specified , l)l'o vld·ed' that when a fr:l ' I l1 ai interest ra te i s b id u c h fl'acllo n shall be one qu arter , or ODt I, •.' t ' \..cl iH v1' multip le t her c'lL ~a id' bOl1ds will be due a nd p a yaule as
DON'T FORGET TO CALL ~s for in ur:l nL.e. All types of
Insurance at a sa vi ngs. Call Francis -e ne Brwn phone Wa vnesv ille 2-172 'or call collect. \ r:l mi ng-ton 211 ! .
n 1h
A.tre gro und. 6
R 00 l11S and bath ', Utilitv ro om, m o~l 1'[1 kitchen, ak fI lo r Heatalat or firepla . ,t ~ I WIn <low, g-ar;u:~'.:: . ' Fi r.;t H (l l l " just we t of I. yt lc. '
Ed. L
1 o n the 1s t d a y 1st day 1s t day 1st day 1st day 1st day the o n Xo. 6 • T O , 7 on tIle 1st day ~o, 8 o n t he , lst day No. 9 on the 1st day ~o, 10 (In t h e 1 t day , '0. 11 on the 1s t day No. 12 on t h e J st d ay , ' 0.
2 on th e Xo. 3 on tihe No. 4 ,on the No. 0 on th e .. '0.
PPLES J onatl1ans, Cortland s and Grim es Gold n. AI
----~ -
OW and
.. al f. Enni
" Thmp -on \ a)l1 ' -vill ,
- 9:n
and S; od Horse Wh at O'rill fe rtilizer alta liment, ex ellen t conditio n. vv. E. 0' Ban'on, Phone 2976 . --_.... _ ,-- , LE,MA'N il Burn ing- -Flo r Furnacf.. Phon 'v\ ayne vi lle
1958 1959 1960 1961
id bo nds are 1 ' ued for t he pur pose of exten d in g , enlarging, and water ,yorles fac ilitles oy extenqing water m a ins to attach to h e n C'w sotJr c s of u pply, and t:ons tr ltc ting faclllt tes to connect onto I'll h w lI s, e r e ct in shelter for said w ells, pumps, fix t ures and appurt na nces, a nd f or a l l oth e r exp e nses In co n nectio n h e rewith; a.nd under authority o f the on tltu tio n a nd laws of Ohio a nd of the Unifor~ r.n n 1 , c. n n,l un d f'[' n nd In accord a nce with a cel'ltain ordinance of f: ;l ld V!II n.g- enUtl d "Ord ina n ce No. 201- A n OrdlnalllCe Proyldlng for tl1e 1. !'ue and Sn Ie of B onds a nd ' or Notes of the Vlllage' of Waynesville I' r th PUI'PO e of Ext ndIn g, Enlargin g a rid Improving W ater Work ' I"nc l1lti es to the Exte nt That the Income from Such Water Works Is F;utflc len t to ~o ver the Cost of All Oper attn g Exp n ses, a nd Interest C h a r ges on Su h Bonds a nd /.or N ' tes, a nd ' to Provide a Sufflclerlt Amount t or R etirement or S inkin g Fund to R etiTe Such B on4s as Th ey Become D u e", passed ' on the 2np 'day of August, 1948. aJd b onds will be sol d to the hlghes 1lldde r f or n ot less han t h e face value t h ereof a nd accrued interest. ' _ rt
In ,p1' "Ing
2108 . '
Kalamazoo oal and W od I I' i ng r.;.ange. Flq ), i Hugh 'Va lley. -9 2 ! ~
All bids mu t sta te the n u mber ' of bonds bi d for and th e gross a mou nt of bid and accru ed inte r est to dale o f d liv ry. A ll b ids to be a ccompan ied 'With a b ond or cer,tlfled check, payrubl to the V11la g e 10r not less tha n one p er cen t of t h e amount of bonds to b e s old, upon conditlon t h a.t if the bid Is accepted th e bidder will r c eive an d p a y f or such b on ds as' m ay be i s s u ed as above set fo rth, within thir ty (30) days from the tIme of award ,' said bond to be fo rfeited or sa id ch eck to be reta ined by the Village if said condition Is not fuUmed ,
\\'hite namel Kitchen Warmer, b th in A-1 condition. Also h 0 9x 12 rugs. Paul C. Pick in g-, Ph ne 21 -. ,- -------NOTICE--:W A NT ED Laundry ~o do in my home. QUick Service. Phone 2986. --930 -ORDINANCE NO. ,202 An....Ordinance to amend Sect_ ion 11 of Ordinanc'e No, 131 and /in fix the salary of the Clerk r the Trustees of Public Affairs. Be, U Ordained by the Village .{tf Waynesville, Warren County, tate of Ohio: Section I., That Section 11 of (Ordinance No. 131 be hereby :lmended and that the Clerk of liJie . Village ' of Waynesville be allowed for duties of ,th.e OerIC ~f the Trustees of Public Affairs, re sum of Three Hundred. lTwenty.;five Dollars <'325.00) 'J et annum, payable quarterly ,fhm the , public funds under , e>ntro,r of the Trustees of Public ~ffai1S.
Section 11. That all Ordih. ' ~ces or parts of ordinances or ~~ndents of ordinances incon. sistent herewith be and tile :arne are hereby repe~led, and , . :2fJis ordinance sl1all take effect rand be in force from and ,a fter ',AIle earliest period allowed by
Passed by Council this 3rd - by of Septemher 40 48. H. M. SHERWOOD Mayor tte,t: CHARLES JAMES .
Bids must h e sealed a nd endorsed: "Bid s for W rut er Works Improveme n t B o nds - 1948",
NOTICE OF APOLOGY The merchants of Waynes· vill e wi h to apologize to the surviv ors of Pfc. ~obert Dakin, for the fact that business place' were not closed at the time of hi ' military fun eral on August 7. , It i hoped that ,all mer hants wiIl clo e for futur military funeral. 'v\/ay n vine Busin essmen.
NOTICE" OF APPOINTMENT . A OM I N 1ST RA T .O R Estate of Allee E. T lTY Decea ell Notice is he're by giv n t hat Meade M . Terry a nd Walk er H. T ' rry whose } ost rti dur ss is R. R. 3, \ VaYIl ' vil ll?, hi hnv bee n duly a ppuin t d a A dmlh isl l'ators of th e E tal of. li ce R Terry, In t of lVlc[IR~ i l' T \) \\'n,-;hip. \\\ n' ' n , ounty. hi o. i ece.ls d. Dat d th l th day f S ' ptemb ' I' 1948. RALPH H. CAREY J u d ge ( I h l-'r bal C Illrt \ RHE T OUNTY, HIO I n p l ' . :\la pl U OJ'n ~' s
1950 1951 1952 1953 19 54 1955 1956
of 'ept mb er, of S p tember , o f s e p temb r, of , S pt rob 1', of September , o f e p tember, of · Sep.tember, o f S e p tember, of Sep tember, of Septemtier, of Septembe r, of SepteInber,
.-.J& ----------------
1\ )1 : ,""5:
Underwood Orchar, Harveysburg. J h ne 289 7. , - ind - '-- - - - -,- --ATER I\\EI '~a n I Mu- k111 I lJ 11 ~ . llarm 11\' r() v' . h 111 u. e 011 'Co rwin] N \\' Burli nRI 11 Rc ad mil s N E Vf , 'NaYI L!S ille. ' Ed . L.aug-h lin. -923
' -~ Ralph H. ,Cux:ey Judge of t h e P robate Court Warren County, Ohio C. D un a ' , ilatush, Att rney 1948.
fOUND -:- . mati Grey Persian Cat. Owner n1a, cl aim arne ' by ca tlins; 23 51 or 2 1.
GAL l.EY .. TWO ......
NOTICE 'OF APPOINTMENT ADMINISTRATOR Estat e 'of Ch arles E. Rye D ·pa.sc,l ' N otice is hereby given th:1 t C la r eli e Rye a nd Harv y 'L. Rye whose Post Office A dd ress iJ Wayne ville, Ohfc . h ave ,been du l ~ appoin ted o s Adrnini str a ,tor s of l h' Estate of Ch a l' les E , Rye late or Wayne T ownsh ip. W u rr. n C unty, Ohio d ' ce a s d , D a ted th is 16th d a y of Spt m ller 194 8. .• •• •. •. Ralph H. 'an·y .. Judge of t h e Probartc ourt Warren Co un t y, Ohi, Mel'yl B. Gray, Attorney .~ -10 7
CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the Cle -k McClure Funeral home for its -930 efficient service, the Minister, Mr. Coleman, for his wellchosen words, ~he Fairley Hard· ware Empl oyee, the American Legion Post 615, all those who 'Slf11\t cards or floral tributes, those who came and those who ----~~'e ,willing-t:o pause for one hour in mem()ry of one' who ha(f paused for eternity. The Family of the late John D. Woollarcl
For You To Fee l W.~ ~ ' 24 hourg ev ery d a y, 7 u ays -\ ,- "Y week, \lever otop pin g, the lciJn l1Y s rill"f WlIs I AHlLL r fr om Lhe bl ood. I f ,.orc l] co ple were uwaro of huw tho ki .,' 'lCy s mu s t conHtltn Lly fl'move su r J" ~ , t Huld, excellfl It Ids Bntl or he r W"SUl malt r that cnnllol stay ill Lhe bl fJ o d wi l II tit i njury to h l'lI t h. t h"re would be ~cLle r un derstanding of "'h u the whole syst e m is ups,-l wh.·n ki dn e ys lail Lo rim Li l) n prop erly . B Irn ln :. sca nty or tOI) ( rt-( PU' lll u ri na' l ion 8om ~l irne8 wurns r hut R(),ml' lhiD IL is wron g. YO II Inny sulTN II HI(J,:i ng buck, neh f' . h ·a ci nch cs. uizzi ll l:l8S . rh eufJIll t ill ..... uill H. Il ttlng up at nj ghUl . swelli ng . " \\ 1I y n el t ry Doal", 1-'i ll s~ You will h ,' u, : ,,~ Sl Dwdic ine recommend ed the co. n r ovc r, lJO(I1I' , stimulu te th e (unc· : n of th e k idn y8 and h elp til n'1 l c. ' hl!!lh o u t p l)iaOlH)U8 wasto fr o m I ho bloo 1. " 'I'h y contu in. no thing hn r mrul. CeL !loun's t odnY'. ll. wi t b conl ld ""e9, A t all drug storos.
~AVE &
Cincinnati Union Stock Vardl Live Wire and Arogre ..ive. An ' oraanization leoond to none. Striotly lei IeI'I on the beet aU . arOund
00 ;
, 12:40. DIal 700. tor Our Dally , Market Repor", ,
Any make or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. ' 00
, CAI:.L ~ -
x....o·4 S 4 X E N I A r eriilizer Char_
a2~:'::~~~""""':: '~ 179 '~
E. G.
Bu~: h"'leb,
·OeadStoek $6.
W1HIO Da7lon 12: 50 E. 8. "l'. , Dial H'O. WLW C1aclnnaU
.. ..,~~'
'f' ~
.Armitage &SOD
- ' -~
.......... .......
WAuatl£Ul"OII,OW ... .
',BANO....... . .
Churcb 'of 'Christ
It Says Wilf Have Here
Farm at Blinker Light To Be Subdivided
The Miami
An a re far m v." -t f Wayne ' ville, OIl L ln n n I ik at the hlinker light ero ' in.g of R ut , 7J , ha ju ·t been old by th e IH~i r ' of Carlton Dier , deBy Smitty eas j, to G r e Henk.le Inc., SERVING WAYNESVILLE SINCE 1850 , There · come ' a time when 10 oa t. realt r . ' parents ought to go to' school. Mr. Dier - \\ a a well known ' FIVE CENTS A COPY No. 4388 uch tnime win be next WedDa 't n manu fa 'turer who nesday when all Wayne l~own WAYNESVILLE, 'O HIO TH ,U RSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 30,1948 , ha j impl'}v d th . farm with ,ship residents interested in edu- - - - . - - - - - - . . . : . . - - - - - - - - -- - - - - new I uildin g·- an K ~ ntu ky cation are invited to a "town '7\., 'wl1it ~ b ;H 1 fell 'e' in the past meeting" at the' high school to eLJeath~ fe w year . ' di cuss what to d about over\\'ner hip ~ rior to Di r- had crowded schools. JAMES WILLIAM McKEEVER heen held 'l ' the ·Re :i r' family If you don ' t attend that meetJ am ' Willi am M Keever, f r man ' aI's. ing, yo u, will have little excu e The lioLis i ' an an'icnt 1, 5 '1 ear..: old, tiie i at 1 a. m. for complaining if you don t un i a y at hi' 110me h 'r ~ fo ll ow- 1l1ial I rick. with t.1l or door , like the me'a ures th at will have Long-ne ed lev ling \\ ork in g a "ttlllg: illn e "'. kn I - and llUlll rou fire pla es to be ta ken when ,the cri is ~ets on Main tree t wa b gun by Funera l er it: .- w r h l:t of arly d~ s. n one of the w r nex t year. The school State, Highway Department ve -t 'rda v fro m the MClure hig:hcst po in t ' ( ulll f C nt rud is howin~ its. de ire to worker n Tuesday, Fun ra l " H l l11 ' with M. H. vilte, it c mm and - a lendid follow ,the public's wi hes on the C ffe mini -tel' f til ' \' a \ n ~ .vic\\'· f up p 'r ' I 'ur I' 't.: k Fir t tep in moothing- the b,lIi1din~ pr gram. rhe lea t the vi lle 'bur -11 f lwist, offi 'ta t, Valley, ni~e _ .pring i near roa j\\'ay wa a thorough crapparent can do is coop rate by ill Q '. ljuri:!l wa -' in \i ami em' til hOll 'e. ing- \vht h too k off the high pormakin~ their opinion kn own to tel' . 'I'll pu rchar in tend to ti on. EDWARD H. FOREHAND the b al"d. He L' ur i eli hy hi div ide and - II 'tile farm in \ ne, More cia sroom space ha to E :lward , H, F r han j evantw and fi ~ 'r t ract ', with Thi p rti n of . . Route Li zzie; a - n, arl 'M K aV l, pr te bve re trid i n-. The b . f un.d 11 xt y~ar . Maybe it , geli t 'fr m VirginIa, will be th e 4 2 within Wayne ville had b en fou r illll , hl er, Ed na WIll be 111 makeshIft spa~e such ,~ ue t preacher at a rie ,of .re- ' on of the buinpiest ection on Geur, ' nc Sa ' n t3 tt 13r wn, fa rm ha - front a, L' , n L I anon a lodg or church but! :lmgs" or ' viv.al erv ice in th Wayn Ville the highwa . Night-riding tru ks and Ruth Whittemore; 'ix I ik '. bo th ide ' of tat' Route en rg David and 7 and til S- uth ide f Harlan maybe it will be th long-awa it· Church of Chr.i t beg-inning nex t , nft en took to th e left ide where bl"Oth r, ed new structure. But what it Sunday evening, it has been it loo k d moother, and a num- Robert, all of Wayne ville, Rat A fine :thn i of a -h w d i will d pend largely on what announced by M. H. Coffey, b I' of tru k tire blowouts were Chari of Indianap Ii Harley i I 'a ted on this i Ie of the blame 011 the bump. Now of Wa hingt n C. H., and farm. YOU and YOU and YOU tell mini ter f the hur h. th -chool boa rd Wedne day Everyofie i invit d to the a1l tfii - \\ ill be et right. Ral igh of on',I{ I land, N. Y.; two Sl ter-, Mr . Ada Am Id of FURNITURE STORE night. services, at 7 : every evening Jeffer on ville, ., anLi Mr. OCCUPIES FORMER ex ept . . aturlia y for tw week'i:J., Ortie ellman of H ill -boro; and PRINTINC OFFICE . Mr. Forehand' ermon t pies This year, Fire Prevention f I' the first week wilt bg: Suneight grandchildren. Week witt be observed from day," The Bible for All Peoples ', The Wayne vilt Furniture October 3' to 9. And never in Monday, Scattered But United j LODGE NOTICE and Appliance Company recentour history has there been a Tuesday, Churche of Power ' ly moved of its two store,s time when the week was more Wednesday, Pl ea in g Whom? . Miami Chapter 107, O. E. S. from th e , one The fir t meeting of the New southwest corner of I important. ' will meet in special session on Main and ·Ncrth treets to the Thur day 'Repentance; Friday, Centur' y Club for the year 1948Our fire wa te is still running s Supper. , 49 wa ' h ld ,at the home of . Monday evening, Oct. 4,' for building which had een occupat an all-time high ~ During 'the The Lord - - - - - ,- , Mrs. Rice Snapp, .who gracious- initiation of candidates. Refresh- ied for more than '40 years by fir t seven month of this year ly received the eighteen me01. ments will be served, following the Miami Gazette. Both locaalone the de truction amount d _ tion are Lowried 15 Mf. St.Jsan ......... _ bees rPre~ent - at),d· thr .glrests, tbe re,-ular m,eeting. .. to , roo~e than '431,000,.000 .. Mrs. ~ Ma1'le 'Riffle, Miss Edith far ex'ceedln~ the total for the The Past Matrons and Past Scanlon. New Richmond, O. Fridman of Th e furniture tor will con· entire year of 1944. And we Patrons, of District 21, will en- t:!luc and Mr . Be s Ander on. u e al 0 it room becannot 'blame this on higher ' joy their annual meefi'ng on tween' toMom' Pantry and Fai rThe meeting wa called to 'Friday, October 1, at Mason. prices and value .' They- are a ley s , storeroom. The change order b . the pre ident, Mrs. R. A covered dish d inner will be factor, of course; b\tt-th.t: £act re- 24 CIRLS COMJ»LETE give more di'pl;J.y and torage E. Asbury, who ask d the sec- served at noon. Mr. Lucile main that we are· having more 4-H SEWING PROJECTS pa e. Th e ro m ha been wallretary to read the con titution $teritz is pre iqing office'r. fire ' , and that the ayera .~e fire . ._ papered and painted, ~ivin.lt if i . causing more destruction. Of the t~entJ:'-slx glrb, who and by-law. a much lighter appearance. A: Fire prevention is especially began a project III Wayne S~w , The roll call was reiond d The many friends of Mrs. separate entrance has been pro· important on farms and in rural So 4-H Club,. twenty-four girls to by members ,makin an in- Anna Williamson are very areas which usually lack first- completed theIr work. ~he final teresting comment on t le sub- happy to know that her condit- vid d for tL1e apartment over. class, fire fighting facilities. grades a.re from averagln~ the .iect assigned to them. ion is slowly improving · at' the business room. According to the Natiqnat Board ' grade gIven ~y the .advlsors, An appreciative note from Miami Valley Ho pitat where of Fire Underwriters, farm fires one on the proJ.ect work and <;me , Mrs. F. \,yilbur Clark.\Va rea i ; he i confin ed in Ward G of WILMINGTON ,COLLEGE ENROLLMENT REACHF;S take 3',500 lives and do $100,- grade on proJe~t ,~ook. There also the resignation of Mrs. th e New Building. 000,000 worth of damage ann- were s~v~~teen A gra<1es . an d Evalyn Peterson who has mov- ' RECORD HIGH OF 595 ually. And nearly one-third of seven " B ,grades. }'Il~ projects to Wilmington. Miss Gladys Rye has, entered For the ei .~hth cons utive those fires could be prevented wer~, ,L.et s Sew, fIrst yea:,; Mrs. E. L. Thoma read a the University of Cincinnati for term, a new nrol1ment record by the installation of lightning and ArtI,des to Use and Wear. , paper on "Wit and Humor" her Junior Year and Earl Rye wa et at W'ilmin~ ton C011eg:e rods of the proper type on secon4 year. Each member. In The two were contrasted and Ius entered Ohio State for his th,i week as 595 full-tim ' d\lY buildings. Other major causes of these ~roups make t~ree arbel- example~ of both occurre.L..lreshIJlan yea~. student regi tered for c1as es. ' farm fires are iowroper handling t;r., .T e other ,proJects w~re thro,ughout the paper tn the - '- - - - - expeCted Late registration of .gasoline, ana chimneys 'and Und~~g~~ments, ~~tt~!1 amusement of all. It · prove'd Mrs. Alva Thompson a to pu h the total al are ove ,th~ 60 0 flues which are dirty or' in bad f?re~s,. ~ch6<?1 Dress, a.nd the truth of the old couplet former Waynesville , resident, mark. . " i! condition. Simple.care and ade- . Tallonng. GarIs from t~lr~ "Laugh and the world laughs is convalescing at Miami Valley In addition to the full-time quate maintenance would e- year 4·H work ~pd over com- with lOU, Weep and 'you weep Hdspital, following a major students Wilmin.~ton has 41 en\iritinate the vast maJority of plete.d one gar!Jlent. alone' · . operation on Friday. roned for night classes on the ' MISS Ann Roge:rs received an these." d'ange'rs. Mrs. J. P. Fromm had choscampus and nearl) 400 students The toll of , <d~ath ~ntl ' de-' .':~'" gr~dt~Il'!!l()d!liDlr Iter tail .. en for her part of the program Mrs. Leonard Tinlley' is conat th e extensi n . enter lit stru'Ction QY fire can an~ must be ored SUIt , ~,nq accesso~les af the . a . t:'evie~ of th.e ,"Pennsylvania valescin~ a~t the home of Mrs. . Wri~ht-Patterson Field near "Fire Prevention !Week St~te Fall. ~ . ~. ~Ie tt;lve Dutch Cook Book" by Ruth Nettie Tmney' in Corwin, follow- . Dayton~ . . itn. ,I peak of aotiv'ty pOllJtsr' ~ ' Wh . ~,I II ~nal .ade Sfiepherd Hutchinson. enrol,lment a year .The book -contains 1000 ing a 'major operation; ,j ., • ;', : a~oCampus' ",' by the forees whose job ,.is lO,"I,,,5 ~vea ed'i ' , ' I , ' . '" , was 575 students. For the revent fire and: jo educate,'tft;a _1'~lV~l ....t· . ' -I~ei ' '''8 -A Club recipes. Mrs. FrO'~m had copiM~::,, 'l a·nA MPC!d,' !Clyde Prom'm' ,first frme in several years the,re lie '-. CQ. d • " U ' ~e.r ex- e'd one of ,th~e for each mern" h~ is a more even distril1qtion of . , ~d b,oo , . tlnel\' Co~ i~r,~n(i fh~ were read ,and were ~ week ell :;gu~ts;' Df the students among th a' 'las uI'ft·~"I~.·"'''' fa • . . lat:ter~s patents In ,. Spt' ringfield. Jeyels. . rl()US, C207,s discussed. ....... . , . Freshil\ene. vt~ta.t T~e hostes,s, assisted QY .M fs. ~ ~ ~, ~ . 'sophi~ar~s 1,?'&. 'jupIQt:s 133, Bess Ande-rson· served refresh~; &.~ tt ~, . ~J. r,. ann,s~l).'ors '19·~}~~ ,~re cl~'S$i~d 'mtmts. ' 'tI, J ,~. 't1t~ ~a '"as speCIal stl'idepti' witb no class \ The next meeting will be jlt " . .- . ,. ran k ' ,.' . .: '. ' . . the home of Mrs. Paul Tom.' ~ ',f "'. ( • -. ' , tlilbert JillSon on '@ctober 22. .aIUI~Lc"reml ht . ' -~;..;. ' .~ .....:.-.~-,' , Lou ~and Marlin . Summers Bm~st 'Mr. "and l1avld ,t .forg.~ " form4lly -I/j; ,ill(\l,~1, -. soc~. Mrs. , '.:.;:' .... ) :: , . " . nQw DnEw . ~.. !Wbere' t MrS. &4. OUI".a&liOlt' , • ~ '. ' they litNe .1l . Bar deurt,-: ttive of Mrs. WIII"_ Rue'\" ~ .~r ~.,: ,r:erumed .· :JiolD .' . Isiflng; .13 • ..J ~ _, : , their '-_f-,Mn.antl Md. !:ewJj ~r.81u.D~ Rish tih · RGQte· 2'l.Gd~r. .In~ .. ' . . .f :, " ·'Mrs. UWlj Sumtneis.~e di~ ,napolis., Mr.and ;Mrs. ' Rlsb
'Washboard' Road' Beelog Repaelred
,New Century CI~b Begins 1948-9,Year ,
:' ':.."\ ,', (, ,':
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Students'" ,... DOD. . ,' I
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The Miami
. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pence ,.W£ MIAMI G~z!n£ . PAGE 2 and Edgar and Ruth Britain of W,A YNESVILLE, OHIO No. 4388 Columbus, and J-{arry S. Smith THURSDAY. 8~.PTEMBER. 30,1148 ot Fort Worth, Texas, attended _, the funeral of Mrs. Carrie Smith / , . . - - - - - - - - ' - - -'- , Lippincott here last Thursday. • S~Y8
BEGINS NEXT FlU DAY "Great Scenes lFrom Great Plays 1J, an entirely new aeparture in religious radio p'rograms, .sponsored by the Episcopal families of Warren County, will be broadcast fOf the first time on Friday even- , ,ing, October 1, from 8 to 8:30 ~ U p. m., over Station W CPO Cincinnati and every Friday (To have events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette evening thereafter. I.t will also I ·' be broadcast over the Dayton before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) Station WIN G by transcriptIN ion ' every Thursday night from FRIDAY, oct. 1 I 7 :30 to 8 p. m. Baseball, Waynesville H. S. at Harveysburg. -<:irange Booster night at Mason. "Cyrano de Bergerac", AND All Edmond Rostandl ' s timeless Fall Festival opens if', Spring Valley. drama of self-denial, starring . . SUNDAY, OCT. ~ Wa Iter Hampden, who created Go to :Ch urch ! the part nf the daring, ' poet 'a nd Softbal1 playoffs, afternoon and evening. philosopher Cyrano. i.n more : than 1,000 stage ,performances Revival series opeI1s at ChurCh of Christ, 7 :30 P. M. S l will be the first "Great Play' MONDAY, OCT. 4 tn be broadcast coast-to-coast Wayne Twp. School Board, 8 P. M. over 500 M. B. s. stations. This Waynesville TO\vn Council, 7 :30 P. M. unusual radio series is produced by the National Council of the Bo~ ~ut ..Troop 40. at 1:15· B M. Protestant Episcopal . Church Miami Chapter, O. B. S., initiatio~ session. r.EAD BY 804,6')7 cmro . ,FAMILIeS with the cooperation of ,the WITH $10 BILL!ON OOtl~R5 10 SPEND TUESDAY, OCT. 5' 800 members of the Episcopal for local or Star. ltate, . Actors' ,GuHd. Mr.. Hampden Boy~ Club at st. MarY's rectory, 7:3 P. M. Visit this NeW.paper . , will act as host for all sub.seOR WEI;)NESDAY, OCT. 6 5luent programs. " Call, Wire or Write, '·Town Meeting" at high school, 8 P. M., on school issues. our representatives A radical departure from the usual religious programs, "Great Scenes From Great Plays" is aimed directly aJ: 317 CITIZENS BUIlDING approximately . 70,000,000 850 EUCLID AVENUE Americans who have, no Church · .' CLEVELAND 14, OHIO ) affiliation, as well as those other SUperior 6700 millions who 'have aliI owed their churGh affiliation to lapse. Plays for broadcasting on successive Friday evenil)gs during the ensuing months have MT • HOLLY MEnlODIST been carefully s'eleJ:ted by the T~ M. Scar.fi, Minister '. National Council with two ends Representing .S~nd~ School .9:30 a.:m. in view. First a reliigious mess.. . E.A. Earnhart, .supt. . age 'is determined u~on, and Weatbeimer &. Company "' 7'~..-..... . 'Norship Service 10 :3q a.m. then ~ ,search is' .JJ1la e for the Members New Y()rk Stock " tMETHODIST CHURCH ~ .... veni~g . S~rvic~ . 7:30 p.m. o~tstanding drama tlh~ be~t porExchan ~es and other ( trays the message. For example, r~gister~d Exchanges 'R.B. £oleman, Minister CAESARS C~ FRIENDS in "Cyrano de :Bergerac" the re. Investment Trust Sharel church School 9 :30 a.m. ' Rev. David Stanfield, Minister ligious message to be delivered Bought - Sold - Quoted J:J. Burske, Supt. · ;Stinday' School . 10 , Lm. ' is that man's noblest moments Phone Waynesville 2530 ' Worship and' Sermon WOrstilP Service II LID. 'come with denial of self and ·the Da on AD3257 substitution of great love and , t 0 :~o a.m. UTICA E. U~ B. CRURQI faith. ' Rev. William Shannon ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL ' Without hymns, prayers or Suoday School 9 :30 a.1It. reading of sCfiptur:es, ·'Great Samuel N. Keys, Minister Scenes ' From Great Plays" will OlUrch School ' , 9:t 5 A.M. Mrs~ J ames Gar~ison. Supt. Morning Prayer t ~30 a.m, Pr.eaching tst and 3rd Sundays be heard on Friday evenings in to:30 a.rn. frank competition for listeners each month Evening' Services 7 :30p.m. ' with other broadcasts. FRIENDS ~8TA'BLISHED
llao Published Every Thursday At Waynesville. Ohio , , CARL G, SMI.TH, Editor Enter ad as second clau matter at the Post Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: ,1.50 a Year in Advance
Events Coming Up
Uncle Sam
TIJ;, Newspfll!f.
VaeatioD Time t What a wealth of memories thia brlDp to mind. 0. the keen uatJeipalion wilh which We waited for those tripe to the seaIhore 'or 10 the mountain.. The wonderfnl tImes we enjoyed are IIW vivid remembrances. Bal .how aboUt the futUl'e? Om 1'011 look fOrWar4 10 the "azards of Ihal future with the same alluronee? You ean If 1011 have a nice nell-eg, of U. S. SayIn,s Bonds. Simply l i p up for the Pa1l"oU SavinI'S Plan ,,"ere 1'011 work or foJ' the self-employed Join the Bond-A-l\fOlilh , Club at yoar ,,'
own bank.
° 4
ctruRaI '
Dr. JQseph Myers, ,Minister Sundav School ' 9 :30 a.m ..
Mrs. ~\lth Saylor, Supt. '
Worship Service '
M. H. Coffey, Minister Bible School 9,:30 ~.m. Mornlng Worshilf 10dO A. M. '\ -oong People's M~eting.
8 ' P. M.
S".AUGUmNE Father Krumholtz, Priest '8 and 10
' Masses ,
. Mr. . and , Mrs. Harold Elstro D. R; Salisbury of neat 'Wil. , and children are now occupying mington entered Christ Hospital -the apartm~nt recently vacated in Qncinnati .last .Sunday:, .and iI:ij Mt. andMrs. WilUam ' Tirt~eI is reported in critIcal condition• . .and children, who have movea He was a WQynesvllle resident 'fo' the' country. until I ast. year. ,, " .'
,M~~ w. P. Sa1is~Ur' anived t
. Mr. and' Mrs. George Oilver ~. and son 'Of D~yton were Sun- ' '====: day . afternoon and supper ', guests of pr. and MrS. ~. E. . Stout and daughter. '
Mr. and Mrs. Benry R. Satt-' ertbwaite recently' attended the wedding of Miss Mary Jean 'R oberts and Mr. ,Harold Rager i n ' Middletown. \
We ,try to be understanding and capable in our work.
FERRY CHUROI OF aIRIST Byron Carver, (.Minister Bible Scho'ol . 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship to:30 a.m. Prayer -Meetin~ " 7 :00 p.m. Young ' People 5 ",eeting 7:00 p.m. . . Evening Services 7 :'0 p.DL
, 7:15 P. M.
~venin2' Service
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Conger Mrs.Grace Schuler and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Benton and son spent Saturday in Blanchester and attended the Fall Canllival.
-Mr. 'a nd Mrs. 'B. W. Whitton , 'a t her home on Suilcl&y after a and , daughters of Knoxvi11~t stay of several weekS at the Tenn., were guests In the past .b ome of her daug"ter, Mrs.·' R. week of Mr. ' and, Mrs. Robert R. BeqI9D,.In Itldiana,p.oUs ' and Furnas, " , . . :.her . soa. ,' Leon ;, SallSbuq' rID . , 'WashingtOn C. H.-··· :Miss Margaret Minerva Har" ." '" ,' ' Ian has left for Washin~on D. ~. 'C ' where ' she Is enrolled as a Mrs. '€artie JohnsoD of ~ . Junlo,-,in the Geor~e ,WashingAngeles, Calif., was the recent ,top Uhiv~rsity. uest of · Mr. , and Mrs. · Rob~rt urnas ~nd son,~ Ben .
tlOURSz '-Il each maminr ' . .,f -S afternoons'! jexee,t
Weanesday , , 7-9. Saturday eveninK Otber eveninls by . , . Appointment TELEPHONE 6t·R
. , ' !..
. P.HONE. 2820 . I
Tf'Nnf';' D.;orltMffl
I ,
First Day School 9 :30 a.m. Meetinl!' for Worship 10:30 a.m.
U, S.
Fairley's and 'Ki"er's' league tilt Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rye have SECOND HALF Snapp. was cancelled. FINAL STANDINGS M' r s. Ella DaKin' spent Thursas 'house R'ue 'is Mrs. Stella! , ' . Pet. day in Lebanon and attended . Evans and Miss Helen Evans Won lost This Sunday marks the open, 7 8 2 .800 the Watren County fair. ing rounQ of the playoff series Bellbrook who are enroute from Californ6 3 .667£arl Smith supervisor of the among Legion, Fairley's, Kier's Legion 6 . 3 ' .667 home, spent Thursday in Eaton, ia to their home in Miami ·Beach,. Fairley's and Bellbrook wiffi play sched4 5 .445 O. at the Methodist' Conference. Fla. uled for 2 p. m. between Kier's 2 7 .2:23 Mrs. Martha Henderson, with Fairley's and Kier's and" :lga1n Miller's 2 '8 .200 Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Gordon at 3 :30 p. m. between Bellbrook Sp. Valley 'and Legion. The two losers of le~ion-M!per's (C~ncelled) ' 4lnd Mr. and Mrs. ,Gail Gordon, called on Mr. and Mrs. , James a. the afternoon games must play Fa1rley-Kler's (cancelled) . Dwyer at their home near Port whittle down the teams to three ' \Viilliam on SUl)Qay afternoon. HB BkOB O'REGAN entries only. in . the first day's Rev. Ralph Parks of WyanON FARMS' . uc s on the pond" was the play. . dotte, Mich .. ·was a visitor of , . valiant but fruitless ' warcry of ,. . . Misses M}ame ' and Annie Brown NATIONAL' COOPERATIVE Bob Allen, popular Legion manOn Sunday., Oct. 10, _jlnd FINANCING ~ " . ;, ag-er, last Sunday afternoon .as Sunday, ~t. 17, g.ames win be Mrs. Nina ' McPherson, Mr. (\n Wednesday afternoon. Otto Spencer of lebanon· his ~ad~ dropped a hard-fought, " sche~u~ed 10 the a~ternoon ~nd and Mrs. George McPherson " 12 mnmg 8.7 contest to Larry a~I.~~l aJ 8p. m. Sunday to and · little daughter .Geraldine, called on Mrs. Alice Clark Tues- .' ' TO 'FIT YOOR JNGOME Spitler's hustling Bellbrook nine even mg. of Wilmington were dinner day afternoon. ; who thereby , captured second ' Each club has posted a specia. Kuests on Sunday of Mrs. Olive Mrs, Jessie Muffler of Cas - LONG TERMSlOW INTEREST adaga, Fla. and Dr.' and Mr , palf honors m tbe local l()op. . fu.nd · of $25 with the league, Curl. Gale Russum of Dayton were It seems that the two genial ' ' wlth $50 ·to b~ returne~ to. t.he Dr. Emma Holloway spent callers of Miss Margaret , !l1aestros bet each other on runs . playoff champions plus l~dIVI.dLEBANON N. F. L. A. I Thursday in Dayton . Edwaras Sunday afternoon. •In ~he ball game and for eleven ual ;award.s. Run!1ersup I~ the and ' Mrs. Robert Bal1ard lE~ANONt OHIO mnmgs neither had an advantage Iplayoff wl~1 rec~l~e a SUitable of Mr. Miamisburg calJep on .their as the score, stood 2 all .. The t r9phy while Kler s . and . . BenMr. and Mrs. Perry Benton OLD BANK BLDG. Miss Jessie Garner, Sun: floodgates broke in the top of brook have already cmched , cousin, day aftermooD: ' and son Telry of Fairfield spent the 12th stanza as Bellbrook trophies for, their respective half PHONE 448 from Friday until M09day with Miss Olive Williams was the . counted six juicy tallies amid s~son htles. . . "" ." .... Local ~ookles are quotmg guest on. Sunday of her cousins Mr. and M~s. Delbert Conger. the moaning of Al1en who wa ' . throwing dollars toward Spitler the fol~owmg odds on. the play- ' Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDorman each time a Bem r(1 O' pIa er ' qff.s y~u are , we1cop1~ to 'em. in Xenia. Mrs. John Hilt and little son dented home I I:lte. However Fal~ley 5 1 to 5; Kler s 1 - 4; thanks to the nf"er~ aY-die Legion " - 2 and !3eIlbrook even Johnny and Mrs. Rena Duffield ,work of hi O\V Il b .y, Allen money. M,y advice: Don't bet of cedarville visited Miss Ruth aIm st got even as five con- on ,sports, ., . Chand1er Thursday afternoon. Dr. Mary Cook was the _ secufive ·hits ~nd an u£field Mos,t ~oslbon~ _on. Coach dinner guest on Ihursday of error brought' home fiYe runs - P~rter ~ hIgh sclio.oJ mne .~re Dr. Emma Holloway. The in the legio'n's half of the 12th. beln,g filled by JunJC?r Amencan . Bob Workman, Legion main- Legion pla.yers. Their al1-summ- occasion was the birthday of . stay behind the plate,' as- er p,tay shott1d pa'y ' off ~s both. of them. ' Misses Minnie" Dodson and cended the mound' for this con- pracbce a.nd expenence will te t. and t.wirled excenent ball make the dIfference b.et:ween the Ruth Chandler attended the until Scott Hopkins opened tl' e, lads who playe~ t~IS summer New Century Club Friday aft4~r noon at the ~ome of Mrs. Rice f~ ta) twelfth WIth a 10ng: triple to and those who dId not. I ){ht center and two legion infield ~rrors. plus. '~inninJ.t pitche r . --: .."\' ~ , enme ,s doubl,e Ju~t abbut sew~d .up th~ . g.a~e. Bradle,y l a '~t Jl1m~g two ~b as~ swat kept L ~ Ion hores hl?,'h but Pur ~:-: pop , ~Iy en'ded the long c.ante t '-'t ·,· , after HaT\~ey ' and Workman .:' ha counted , runs number four . (!~, ~ ,p~~, and five. BilJ Sawyer, elongated ... ...,....::...legiop first sacker, led all hitt-, i4 ~ . .. ers WIth three safeties while the )e~~~e I~~ding hitters, . :'ITommle .Tho~~sOl!...of LegIOn and ~/«J~!Charlie; WI lial11§On, ' of Benbr.o.0k w.ert! neld to one safety apIece. \ , " , , , '. In other contest George For~ v?'uobl, minerals 'and vitamins, for "comRlete" Miller's Restaurant bounced out , of. the cel1ar, nailing Spring proteans, for food energy, depend on milk' . Valley 5 - 3 for tbeir finale of GREY.HOUND TERMINAL ' ' the season. Johnny. Sackett WAYNESVILLE DRUG STORE ' twir)ed wen for Miller's with TELEPHONE 2121 Bob Gons Kainin~ three out ot I four to lead the wmners' at ~,.ck. , ... . . .. -.
. V'A~NE8VILLE, OHIO No. 4388 THUR8DAY, 8EPTEMBER •." 1048
PORT-S ;LANT . . .
Land ·Wank·Loans .
':". \
:~~~YtfdODomJ >1~ / ~ " '" ~~~ ' . -:: ".~ ' '" ~ ~ ~ ..
!_,'{. , ~~'~ '~ . '
1.- , ",
- -- -
.'$13.72 7-WAY FLOOR L_S $14·72 ,&:. $15-53 .
FRIENDLY HOMETOWN PEOPLE Throughout 'the year man y new families move into our tow!l and country territory. In such mstances, we offer more than mere profes_ional service.: Wle try tf) represent the kindly c mmunity that is here. We bring with us, ' if we are permitted to se,rve them, ,the friendliness that is tlie background ' of our met Wl.1. '
COMPLETE WITH BULBS . BOUDOIR LAMrS $1.90 Each Fine J-ine of Electric Heaters
TI-lEIR SECURITY· RESTS WITH YOU! · Yes, .the education of your chj)dten~ their entire future welfare; j$ ~our respoTlsibiJity. Discharge it conscientiously and ·EASILY by saving ·REGULAR· LY. We ~re ready to help you , '. now. ' Stop in!
. 'Waynesville ' Nationa! Bank , ' .
-Waynesville ruroiture &.. Appliance Co. ,
South Main Street across frcm Grange Hall , WAYNESVILLE. OHIO \
. McC.IUR'E FU "NER~L ,H\),M·E
Don't fret~just send them to us! We'l1 'dry clean them, -as well as . y,our bedspreads and other ilOu~ehold ' effects, "and send everything home freSh as newready for the ne~ season.
with loving kindnt~ss to aU. School will close next Sunday.. "HE MIAMI GAZETTe PAGE. . , She was a devoi:e-d mother, a . Pa.ul ~ohn~ of. the University ' · WAYN'E8VILLE, OHIO . ,No. 4888 n pmQriam kind (neigh,bor and hue f,riend. of CIJ~cmn~ta spent the week- THU'RSDAV, sEPTeMBER, so, 1_ Carrie Smith lippincott, daughtShe leaves to' mourn her 10ss . end With his grandmother Mrs. er of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. the two' daughters and · 1wo 'M,argaret John~, . at the home of Mrs. Henry SaySmith, was born near Waynes- brothers, Harr,Y and Wifl Smith Mr. and Mr~. Guy, RO'utzah,n lor on the Five Pojnt Road. vj1le Dec. 20, 1860, and PASSed of IndianapoJis, t(>gether with ' rand ~ussell vIsited the former s away at her home on Sunday nine ' grand children and great- ,father, Kerr Routzahn,l!ear GOOD WJu. REPoRTS afternoon Sept. 12, 1948 at the grand children. ' . Har.yeysburg, S.unday ev~nIDg. advanced age of 87 years, 8 Her devoted daughter; Miss Mr. a~~ Mrs. Leol1..Sa1!sbury DONATIONS DROPPING montlJs, 22 day~. . Eva, did all that she' could for of Washmg10n C. H. were 'Sun- . Goodwill Industries reports She was married to William her mother in her declining day. aftern~on guests of Mrs. . that colledion~ of furniture and A. · Lippincott. To this union years Nettle Emrick. ' clothing in WaynesvHle , have three daughters were born, ' CROSSING TIlE BAR . Mrs. H.anr~ah Rike, who w~s decreased since it , stopped Susie, who died in Infancy; Mrs. Sunset and Evenin.t, Star taken qUite til at her h.orne JO collecting newspapers and Marie Brittain of Dayton, Ohio \ And one clear call ' for me; . Beavertown SaturdaY, was magazines las·t spring. and Miss Eva at home. And' may there-be no moanin£, brought to the ~pme of her This chan'ge in policy w~s She was a devout member of of the bar daughter, Mrs.. George Custel\4 brought about by the Dayton the Church of Christ, but for When I put 'out to sea . 'border, where she is bei~g-I car- fire ' department order that ed for. ' the pas~ several years, owing io But such a tide as movinD Goodwill must stop taking ;-.. . M'r. and Mrs. Seth Furnas, newspapers in the same building the infirmities' of age, has been Seems asleep, , MIss Mary .Brown and Mr. and with handicappe'tl workers. unable to, attend the stated Too full for sound and foam services of the church. At the When that which drew from 0\11 . Mlrs . . Walter Kenrick attended Robert E. Watkins, executive time of her death she was probthe boundless deep the September meetil!g of the ' director, stated last )veek that W~rten County Historic-al 200 handicapped people depend ably the oldest member. ' Turns again home. . A few days ago.; a change Twi1i~ht and ev.entn~ bell ., Society at the Golden Lamb upon these contriQ,.utions of in Lebanon Monday evening. came, she -grew worse rapidly, Alnd. after that the dark ; furniture and clothin~ for jobs A number of relatives and and wages. He urges continued until the feeble body could no And may there be no .sadness of .. friends tendered , Roy Winks a support of Goodwllt Industries, longer withstand the ravages of farewell • surprise birthday party aL their which is one of the backers of disease and the weary soul re- When I embark, ' .. For though from out our bourne country home Saturd':tY evening. National Employ the Physica'l1y turned to God who gave it. Mr. and Mrs. Therle, Jones Handicapped Week, . to be op. Kindness of heart and symof time and place . pathy were her distinguishing The flood may bealr. me far \~nd ~ilton were Sunday even- served October 3 to 9. traits and being possessed with I ·hope to see my, pIlot face to mg dmner guests of -Mr. and that "Char~ty t-hat thinketh no face Mrs. Edwin' Nutt and family Miss Ann Welti' of Capitol evil" her words were ever gentle When I have crossed .the bar. near Centerville. . University spent the week end and considerate. . Mr. and· Mrs .Thomas C911ins with her grandparents, Mr. and . The hands ever ready tb ex- Tennyson and Charles Collins called a1 Mrs. C. . Lee' ·Hawke, . Mr. and tend help in need, rest upon a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Mrs. M. F. Weltz and family pulseless heart th~~ in tife beat ' ter KeJlrick, Sunday afternoon. gnd Mr. J. C. Ha - -·c also were Sunday guest~ , Mr. and' Mrs. lIwd Harold Steinke is reported Hawke, . Mrs.· W-eJtz and son . . . • -:, very ill at present. Miss accompani'ed The Woma,n 's Sodet . of , Jimmy Rally Oay arid 'W'()rld Wide Weltz to C Jumbus on Sunday Communion serviices wiJ1 be ~ytle Church has been postpon- and called on Ben Hawke, who observed at Lytle Sunday School ed a 'Yeek on account of the remains in a 'very critical con- , next Sunday Oct. ~,. There wilt ' ladies serving tlte lunch at the dition. be . also a Consecrdion service Sale of Mr. Roy Winks on next for the officers and teachers ·W.ednesday. who were last elected. The Blue The meeting wilt be held on and white contest of the Sunday Wednesday aft~rnoon Oct. 13,
n II." .
D ,/)
- ,"..i) C~::= #
. . 0IU0 , ...~ wW Jift , .. bnMMI ~iaa ....... JOlla - ,..,. ....... It c.,... ,.,. ....di..... .,.,.., ~ ,... .~. ... ,... ,Ihh'lltr .. . .~ II» ocben. wa., DOt . ." iii . . . " y - .... ,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01lIo . . .I FI'
. GENERAL . LIVESTOCK aLL .the cOlllforti and e."v.nl.ne'-.
,GRAIN , and
' " .Iectrlcalllvina .nter your hom. at the ......1 ••Mee .~ee:' Low co•• elMtitt .eme.·~allie. ye. t'; u.. fan. In' hot weath.r, portabl. heat.r. _d el.ctrlc .bed coverlnl' In cold w.ather, .unl~~p. and ' other aids to health and comfort all ihe ,ear throulh. Modern .,e.savlnllllh~nl make. ,our h~me more comfortable for ·readlnl, nMdlework, .chool home. ., work ar,d h~ba;"e~. Wherev,. r there I.,wOrk to.b, ·done. the right IIlht make. It ea.ler, quicker a,nd sa'er to do. ,, , EI.ctr~cal work.savlnl appll~nce. can m~ke a bil contribution to the comfort a~d livability of your h'ome•. Ev~ry lob ,ou turn over to tlreJ... eledrlclty m.an. more worle accol!'plished In Ie.. time and with I...... physical eHort. Electrical help.,. .ave hour. for lei.ur. . tho.e houri. ', " . and con.erYe you; ·ener" to enloy .
HJ\ULJ,NG· Waynesville "
PHONE 2824 '
- - -- --.
SUN.-MON. SEE JON HAU. in. ' Guaranteed to be most E1ectriBeautiful Technicolor as fying as ' . 'i'HE VlGIl..ANTES RETURN ' A & C JI~T A1so ' THE WJS1'FUL WIDOW Chap. 7 Bradford OF WAGON GAP And ,' Flicker Flashb~cks. Late News. ,
Real-.Estate ,
Listings ,Wanted Buyers Waiting , .'
Roy E. Smil.h.... R. R. 2 Waynesville' On. Stat,e Rt. 48, ~ mi. North . of Rt. '73 Phone ·Centerville 7056, .
-t<17 .
....... .., BqianJng
~""WA. . .
---~------------------" ---of the money from our Christ- UNnlRIFTY POULTRY ing up before the legisiature, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainpus ' mas seals goes for. had as their Sunday 'dinner ana what action should . be MAY RESULT FROM A FARM DIARY , The ' rain has washed ' away guests, ,Mr. and Mrs. Ed~rcl taken on them. Mrs. Hafold D oJ. FRAIZER the dust and brightened up the FEEDING, NEW \blEAT Wertz was in charge of the Baker and children, Betty an4 , pasture. The golden rod is at Several poultry raisers have social hour, ,followed by the Wayne, C?f Sidney. September 25, 1948. The the 'height .of its beauty and reported sick birds soqn after serving of refreshments by the , ' Fal-r l'S over and the drouO'ht is the big purple asters are making feeding new ~he~t, accotding hostess~ Mr., and Mrs. Wi1li~m Lukens l'J a show: 1 locked up the blue The council adjourned to and famfiy, and Robert Hastbroken. Of course the rain came ,flower that 'l did not know and to feed specialists df the Farm just in time to make the race found that it is a ' variety of Bureau Cooperative Association. meet with Mr. and Mrs. R: G. ings visited M'iSS 'Esther Lukens at Earlham College on Sunday.. track too muddy and· the clouds lobelia. I do not know whether Small qualltities of new wheat Miller in October. . Miss Lukens has ,entered Earland cool weather dampened the we have -any genlians here or may be fed satisfactorily, they • IN CASE OF FIRE. DIAL 2222 • ham for .b er sophomore year. spirits of many who would have not. 'The~ rain" freshened up the en,Joyed the'fair mor.e if the eve- zinnias and other garden report, but excess ·feeding usualnin~s had been warmer. But flowers to their usual fall beauty ly results in some ' loss. Floc~s WE HAVE RECEIVED 14 tONS OVER there again high prices were the and 'Waynesville yards 100k having 'received new 'w-h,e at whiCh appear unthrifty should eUR ALLOTMENT OF gre'a test damper'. Everythin~ is' , very gay. , " , be fed no more wheat. Three There is a nip ' in the air ' that so high that 'it does not seem worth the doing. I am a great makes me very gtad'my winter's or four tablespoons' of molasses beJieve.r in lower admissions to supply of coal was put in 'the to the gallon of drinking water' get larger crowds.1On the whole cellar this week, even though for the next two or three days I found the fair this year rather 'after lookin~ at the bill I hate will usually correct the condidisappointing. The' Junior Fair to begin usmg it. This is fire- tion. 2-12-6 FERTILIZER , ,was the best part of the 'wh ole olace weather. The daily chore thing. 'If the older people would now is to bri!lg i!l enough wood RAINBOW COUNCIL WE SELL. SACCO HOG MINERAL take as much , interest as tJ1e for the evenm,lr. Juniors there wouldn 't ha' e Soon the nuts will be coming , Mr. ' and Mrs. Lon Alford , ,'. 'i" ; been as' many empty pens in the down. The rain brought UP a were host and hostess to 'the . Falrle~ '~W ', stock building. Nn one ex- few mushrooms and a little Rainbow Advisory Council for hibits except tJ' e professional ' warm weather will bring some the regular September meeting. breeders. rt seems as th ouR'h more. It should be pumpkin pie ' Ralph. A. Miller led discussion PHONE 2441 ' WAThESVt...L£, aIDa something ought to be done h v ' , plant tfme but year we ~p:r:o;bl:e:m:s:..:co:m=-~~::::=:::;;:;::::===::;~=:;:==:::::~==:;::;::=:;;:=t, the ' Dairy Impr6Vement t\·:sociany this pumpkins anddidn't pies O,.nl~th:e~v~a~ri:o:u:s .. rl ton . Why not e~hibit the best never taste Quite as I?:ood when cows found by the cow-testing we have to ' buy the pumpkins. program ~ ' Of course J kno" i~ That isn't just stingin,ess, but is an expense ,and a Id () .l there is a zest to lookmg over tfouble to exhibit, and to most the pile and picking the choicest producers it i '4 st d(\~!'T" ',t Sf" ; ' that getting it · out of a can wotth his while, but if the fair doesn't have, though it ,is easier. is an edlJcational institution, At least I had all the lima those are some of the things beans 1 could eat this year and that should be done. my locker is full of them. And The Central Ohio Rrp.I' di t1 ')' so ,it goes, com cutting and ASsociation has a booth showinR: wheat planting arrd the cycle . some fine calves bred by art- begins .again. f cial insemination. We could have sen~ two good calves to W. ,C. ST. JOHN SIJOWS ,MATO~_&t, IAJR that. Perhaps fhere was an ex'· SUP . hibit by the cow testers also but Will C. St. John of WaYtlesif there was J didn't see it. , ville wa1ked away with the The gtanges h ad good ex- :prize for the biggest. tomato. at hibits, and 4-·11 clubs, Boy and the ,Warren County fair ~Y dis- ' Girl Scouts, ;lnd the ' schools playing one that w.as 19 Inches' all made a good showin~. There 10 ' circumference. His home " were no drawings or paintings ' 'garden' patch on Fourth Street or other works of art and not also gaine~him ,first premiums very much ' needle work. The , for best purpJe tomatoes, turcakes looked lovely. The judges nips, and mangoes. . were working on those as I He is sowing seed from the . came by and it made my mouth 3-pound super-tomato for next water to see them cuttm:g into year's giants. , , . some wonderful looking nut cakes. Umm. EAST WAYNE COU~CIL The Health Association had (STAIRTING 7 P. M. EACH EVENING) the mobile unit there and ,was The ' East Wayne Advisory AT taking lunK pictures at the rat~ Council heJd its September of about one a minute. That meeting at the ho,me ,o f Mr. and SPRING VALLEY, OHIO was the best thil}g in the f=!ir Mrs. Harry Saiterthwa1te, with eve 1 though it may not l. ave Mr. and Mrs. ,RQY Flinspach and ' ' :' ttraded the most 'attention. daughters as guests. , Tl,f' fir t step toward curing The various biJIs before legtuberculosis is ear.ly recognJtion islature for', the comin .~ session ~FEA TU.RINGof the ,disease. It is \usually cur- were discuss~d, with Mrs. Ray- , 'able in the early stages and then mond BraddOCk as leader. After - PI~T PARADE ' is the time to prevellt its spread-, adjournment, to meet With Mr. ing. Jf you missed"it at the fair and Mrs. Eli Fum'as in Odober~ - AC:aRlCULTURAL EXHIBITS and think there IS any possibility a social hour, with refresh .. of xour having it; contact t~e ments~ was enjoyed. (Prizes For Best Exhibits) Health ,. Department and 'have - RIDES, CONCESSIONS your X-ray. That is what most READ G'AZETTE' C 1au,fled Ads
SaeeD f'LSO.
R' u
e. "Sto"re'_'J
OCT. I &:2
- a "'grow'in," 'avorit BIG M for 'maximum yield rert"~~era lor your' needs. "eTJ1 lertiliaer beerin&-, the _ biliheat market quality. ~ BIG !til brand perform. up
of your wheat erQpl BI Gil ' ADd it'a beeD that way f_ " ..... tbIID tweD~ yeara. wbne our imm~.dj.te COD· eena i. that of ftuoplyilll ..ore b i lb-pota.b-colltent
- ... ,..,..,.,
to tIlat reputatioa beeaute it i. alwaya made up to biihe."t atandarda ••• ,..,., doWD to
.................... CeMpany , ORICI . .nON. 0lIl0 MGIOIY-........ OHIO
This Jatter picture, an ulUlsual durance Engla1)d's Charles II, Mrs. Katherine Barnhart a~d THE MIAMI ·GAZETTE PAGE' . mystery, is substituted , lor during - his exile in Holland. Mrs. Marie Riffle had as their WAY.NESVILLE, 0.-110 No. 4311 THU'R8DAY, 8EPTEMBER, SO; 1948 4fB1on~e Savage"; which was Adventure and sword-plav are ' from Wednesday until advertised on t~e show card for rampant. Doug, Jr. seems to guest Monday, Miss Edith Fridman of ~eptember. ThIs was. an ·occas- be out-Fairbanksilrlg his famous . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker New RIchmond, Ohio. They Ion where a bookmg agent fathe". -:-- . have returned from a very in~ were joined, 'for Sunday dinner, couldn't come thru with a print . by I?r. 4\nd Mrs. John Ayre of teresting vacation trip througb Bromised, . bur will give us ' . "Blondie , in .the Dough" Michigan-and Qinada. · . Xema, Mr. ' and Mrs. Victor 'Blonde Savage" 'at seme fut- .cCol). pl~ys Wec.1ne~day, usherb!, ' Miss M:argaret They visited Detroit, Toronto, T!mmerman and ·. ure date instead. ' , 109 m the SQftbal1 Benefit Ni.agara Falls, Chicago, IndianFOX HOLLY . shows in Octobler. Not onl~ Timmerman of Wyoming. apolis, 'and visited relatives in During . Octobe~ the Twin wj11 . Last Saturday night . .the ' Dagwood's, ~ut l~fso Blondie s . A~derson, Ind. . be open I seven mghts a week. lucky .B. B.. Club Card wll~ner awkward blundenrtg add~' zest PATRONIZE GAZETTE The former "closed" night- was ~dly Kler of WaynesvIlle. to the comedy family this trip, ADVERTI8ERS . T~ls Saturday, when every- 'with Blondie's conr.ections addWednesday-will offer the same good-calibre pictures, and one . 10 the ' hou~e has another ing considerable,mallJma to the prices wiJI be the same. Osten- c~ance ~t the prize, the feature Bumstead exchequer: A popusibly it wiJ1 be just ' another pIcture IS a'· better-than-average lar animated cartoon Wednesmov;e nig-ht. Behind the scenes Western. It IS "The Vigilantes day helps make this pr01{fam a , , the story is different. Proceeds ·Return" (UI). The action natural for aU tastes. of the .four Wednesday nights ~hat yo~ Wes~ern fans d.em~nd The campus is ~iven hllrk to in .Octobe-r will benefit the In gun-play, ndmg an.d flghtmg the carefree colleglenne ThursSoftball leaguel 'nelpiJIg defray !S there, in a~dition t~e picture day ~nd Friday when "Good end _ of _ the _ season financial ' IS 10 color, WIth beautiful scen- News (MGM) plays the deficits. This is the Twin man- ery shots. M~rgaret Lindsay is theatre. It's better even than the agement's final effort to help the feminine lead, which tells' stage show. You'll be !'Lucky In ' the league. Try then, to make a11 fans that the acti.ng is ab.oye Love'\ when June Allyson sings. 'Wednesdays during October par, and JQ!1 HalI IS the Virile Peter Lawford does ., I he Best one of your family movie ~ero .. Cha~~er 7 ~f the Serial Things In Life Are Free" and A wide ' choice of sty1es .in this nights. You will gain, and so ·IS e~!It1ed Into. .Another C~n- Joan Mc~racken .the "Varsity will the league. . . tury , and, beheve me, Bnck Drag". The whole works are an specially priced group. All Br-iefviews: Tonight William and Sandy a~tually g,o back to . e e-feast in Tec~nicolor. The / with rayon st~etched shades, Powell and Ella Raines prove ·the 1700S '!l the Jungles.of cast is studded with Broadway r . 1 f,; humor is needed on the Pres- Centr~l AmeTl~aJ. and th~ ~f.f?rt . !cdt.J.t · .:oan ~\( Cr~cken dance.1 ., and indirect lighting fixtures . I":~ idential platform . in tHe closing doesn t s~retdi your sen~lbll~tJes In both '.'Oklahom-l" and l' run of "The Senator Was In- at all- -Just your Imagmabon I . "Bloomer Girl". Patricia Mar." discreet" (UI) plus a second Added short - -Flicker Flash- shall, femme fatale of , this movie! is the Broadway star of feature "'Bury Me Dead" (El). backs. N? 3 . ThiS IS a light-hearted week' the hit HDay before Spring". at the Twitf (and in view of In fact, everyone in the cast exserious world conditions . as we cept Peter ' Lawford is a recruit go to press, your' recreation from the Great White Way. COUldn't be better planned),. Lawford, besides his hoofing, for Sunday and Monday we shows some mighty . football ~nng back Abbptt and Costello tactics in the picture. m ' "The 'Wistful Widow of Since the Wednesday pictur~s MaiD anel Whiteman St. . Wagon Gap" (UI). Here .the are ~ot listed on your October ~o zanies are. happily team~d show card, clip' the following XEMA, OHIO Wltp . the' pnceless Marjorie and paste it on, to complete Pl:one 91::-R MaIO 10 a horse opera. Abbott your movie schedule: and Costello, gun-shy and timid Oct. 6 onJy - - - Blondie in the in the six-shooter West, are Dough funny eno,!gh, but hysterically Oct. ' t 3 Ortly - "Bene Starr'" ._~ ' ao.-Mull1d1 Pac1 I1Qfted. so when WJdo\V M~in (plus Oct. 20 only - - ,"Devil Ship" ~\... 1938. . her 6 children) become ro'mat- Oct. 27 only - ·"Two · Blondes . . . and a Red Head" ically interested in Costello. : oc:IOID AWt . Don"'t miss the fun. W B World ~ ~A-_T~dyna, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Earnhart ~ews present, too; mJted. 1810. . . " -:--. ...,. . to=w=n~ ' , ~PM-----:---'---'. D~)Ughls Fairbanks, ·Jr., with an d Ch j) dren, of 'Bea verT ~~--'....--+-I_ l-f'irltU.a. U'OCk mMt held. hIS dIscovery, .new .actress Paule Mr. and Mrs:-John Robey and' ". 18'11. ' . Cro~et al1d reliably lovely Mr.and Mrs. Arthur Thomas of . .0a-\~ AIIYCIdM, ~IOI*I. Mana Montez, do ~'The Exile" Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell ORDER NOW! (UI) for us on Tuesday only. 'Thomas and Mr. lmd· Mrs. WiU 1.1..50 C RDS. FOR. AU oTHER T.. ~ J:,nQliah Bible print· This starring vehicle was' both iam Rickey· of Lytle were Sun- ' ed. I535. · OCCASIONS . L written and pfOduced by . Mr. . day guests of their father, Frank ~~~~~I1Mcov.rB Fairbanks, He pl!yS' with charm E.· Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. , HAROLD ELS~RO .' , ' 4!nd considerable physical en- Robert Thomas ~md daughters.
HOME FumitureCo.
~"f1 .
@ ..... L_
I-Jenn.r LInd. smoer. born. 1820. , 'InIU""_
-G oodyear
I I :
. . GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADL. . To Buy, Sell; Ren~, Loan, Borrow, Any Time of The Year -or I
B'e palr Se..vl.ce lT1yisible Half Seli.n.g (lrthopedic Co rJ'ie c.ti on ; Cork ExtenSIOns
111·13 E. Mulberrv St.
47 kinds
H. Moeller LEB~ON,
CHRYs'A~T HEM UMS, PEONY Bulbs, PHELADENDRONS for immediate .delivery. We wi1] also h'ave HOSES _ ~. f ' FRUIT .
FO!Jr and One Third Acres at
and SHADE ~·R EGS. Come ~ee us. Located on Mo.und and Buck~ Run Rca .s 1 h , miles Sout~ of New Burlingt'o n, Ohio. 1
$345 Per Acre
.Sixand Two .Thirds· AcrE~s '.
. -0--
$255 ,Per iAcre C.t'.. SH FOR DEl~D STOCK cow~ $7: 0 , . Hor~s $6.00; . . Hog. $2.00 cwt. According to .size and condition · 'Prompt,' Clean, Service PHONE COLLECf ~eDia .t 712 or WBaa~_ 2362. JANES RENDERING, Waynes_ 'ville Oblo '.
a pound of cure. Our regular servicing of y ur 'car keeps it in A No. t condition ." . assures .you safe, smooth, carefree driv. mg. Let , us se.rvice your car everv t ,000 miles. It's the wise" thing , to do! Call 234.1 FOR PICK-UP SERVICE.
I'S Gafage
.ALSO t and 2·ACRE TRACTS On 'Day~on Pike-Route 48 'at Route i3
' Handy Bus Seryice ~ Main Highway
Call FRANCS 'D RAKE ..:.. Phone Leba~on 3S4·R
'. \
r ) ! \ \/ , -, l
-1' (-.) Dr· , ~ r
. r I •
I. ' ;- . .'
• .-'
•• ,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKnight Mr. and Mrs. Ben 'Beckett and tin and son 'Deugie'" Mrs. hctorily and is expected to reLouise Fite and daughter Miss turn home some time next daughter Miss Joan Beckett and and son (\f Dayton were week Jane Fite, were callers in Wit- week. . , '. Mr. Earl Jones were almong end guests of Mr. 'McKnight's . mington ,Saturday. ,, ' , Mrs. Louise Fite was a Sun- guests at a birthday dinner given mother, Mrs. Myrtle' McKnight. Mr. Herbert Doster, who is Mrs. Alice Urton left Sunday day evening dinner guest of Sunday f r Mrs. Beckett's Aunt to spend a fe'Y days with her , Mr. and Mrs. T,homas Smith. tt'rs. Sara Cor-nwelt at her home ill at his' home is soniewnat improved. brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carl Brown in Mulberry. Jand Mrs. Will Drake in Blan- were weekend guests of friends Mr. and -Mrs. ' Eugene Snodchester. in Dansville, .111. and Williams- grass and family were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fires enMiss Barbara Wilson of Col- port, Ind. ~~uests of Mr. . Snodgrass's tertained Sunday dinner, .Mr. umbus spent Sunday with her Charles Voiers is confined to mother, Mrs. Dan Salyers and ' and Mrs. to Robert Meredith, Mr. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. his home; near town, owing to Mr. Salyers and Mr. and Mrs. and' Mrs. Herbert Meredith" Hugh S. Vance at their home illness. . (From t~e Miami Gazette of \ southwest of town. Oti~ and ~orence Hadley ..~ohn .Beckett Sr. and son of D()]othy and Dale Mer~dlth, . Mrs. Doris Kennedy and daugh.Mr. anq Mrs. !'larry ~. Tuck- celeprated their 60th wedding f~rankhn. " Sept. 28, 1898) , ' Mrs. Jo11n ~hoades of near' and Mr•. Paul Ha:rley, ~fn ,ob..; We are glad that the Waynes- .er ~ntertalOed With a dmner at anmversary, Sept. 5 at their to'Yn has been 111 for a few days ter servance ~f Mrs. 'Robert ville correspondent of th~ Leb- their home Thursday evening. \ home 9695 Magnolia Ave. With a heart ailment. Meredith's birthday•. anon Star has joined in the out- 'Guests were Rev. and Mrs. C. Arlington, California, with a cry against the disgtacefut ap- A. Arthur , of New Bur1in~ton group of ,their children and pearance of Corwm Avenue. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherwood, close rel'atives attending. Mr. This outcry may yet bring good and Prof. and Mrs. H. C. and Mrs. Hadley were born in results' but "How long oh Lord' Milligan of Harveysburg. Harveysburg and were farmers ~ow. 10n~.2" The reagiest plan . I Th,e Haryeys~urg, , Band in this comm~nity u~ti1 they m Sight IS tn erecf a fence or under the dlrectlOn of Mrs. moved tn Arlmgton m 1923. ' to eat and meet your friends at barrier alo R: the north side of Edna Compton Bogan was pre- For ten years after this they the avenue that witt for all time sented at the Warren County operated a service station and catch and hold the stalks float- Fair last week on Wednesday, restaurant erected with rocks ing in time of high water. Thursday, and Friday. which Mr. Hadley. hJiuled him• • ~ Mrs. Ed, Edwards of Corwl'n self to the desert highway be.. tween Ora Grande and aarston. Send your items to the was a recent guest of ,Mr. and which is now under the new management of The Hadley's have five living Gazette. Don't keep all the in- Mrs Fr.ank Shutts. Mrs. J. W. Snell is ill at her cbildren, R. ~. Hadley, Charles teresting scraps of news from MR. AND MRS. LANGLEY (Hopalonc) CASSIDY Hadley of Riverside, Mrs. Henon Main street. home,here the press and then complain Mr. Edward B. Dakin ' who son of Victorville, W. S. Hadley that the press does not give the SAME HOURS SAME PLACE i~ ,confined to. Holmes Hospital of Arlington, and Mrs. Earl news. Cincinnati, . following an eye Squires of Perris, Two children, • • • . ' . Some of our friends did not npera~ion is recoverit)g satls- have died. get home from the county fair until 10 or 11 o'c1oc~ Saturday ni ght. • • • "What . would you do if your hair suddenly turned white?" "I think I'd dye." .
&0 Y~ars 'Ago
You Are Invited' MOlD's . Pantry
• •
The death angel thit had so · long stood at the threshold of the home of the venerable Jacob Haines, entered last Sun:. · day and the ag~d husband and father obeyed the summons and passed over 'the m:ystic river: The 'funeral takes place ' from his late residen~ ,on .;rhitd Street. . '. ' •
When Jesse Burton ,left Waynesville three years ago he was a pale face, 'fail looking youth, whose appearance and general health gave little or no · .promise of prolonged life. He has now served nearly three ' years in the cavalry o.f the United States army, and has been in active and hard service in Cuba. He has endured hard,ships as a good solaier and has returned to his old home a fanned, stout,' fine·lookin~ soldier .and ' utters not a complaint a: ,gaJnst the g'overn~~ he has so 'nobly served." ,
. JJarve'l"rfm,, ' Rev. and Mrs~ C. A. Arthur' are announcing the engagement of their daughter Lois, to Mr. William L. Baber of Plainsboro ' · N. J. Miss Arthur is a laboratory technician in the offices of Dr. H. Richard Qabb and 0 '1'. J. H. ' F.ram~, Wihnin.gton. The wed": ' dang' .IS to be an early, winter. ' . .Mr. ' and M~. , Ch·arles LIndsay are , announcing the · sale ' of -the "Harveysburg Garage" which they have owned ad ' operated , for .the past three .years to. Elmer Tietmeyer of near Harveysburg, and Her~~rt Hall o~ Leban(m. ' , Mr. and ,MrS. H. C. Milligan are J-(aving as 'thefr guest a few days this week, Mr. MilIiga:n's , nephew of Massillon. ' . Mrs. A. S. Collett, and Mrs. Ch arIes T. Smart returne~ to th eir ho1Qes. WJednesday, from Can ada. Mrs. ChyilIe Bam'hart is spending a few days with her ·son-In-Iaw llnd daughter Mr. and Mrs. Merle Woods and f amily of Xenia. ,Mrs! A. S. €DUett is spendinr " th!s week with relatives in WI'f.; -nungton. Mr. and M·rs. AUZW'ood Mar-
_'~ _
·f .
"" ...
'* &,r~ !:
t>o ...........t4 I .J .Ur,.!
' ESt
-, -,
Thert",'s big excitement in our showrooms these days, folks! It's all bec'ause of ....... the 1949 K~' ISER, on ,display at our dealership now. And""""f:C:r-:;:, ·a:n::lkr:111r::y:--w~e'r::r-;;-e;j'7;' u:::Jst~as:-----;--;:---"""""""''''Ir--l~ excited as any o,f our visitors. We didn't see where big. improvement could be made in a car already prove,d years ahead ~ , by mor.e ·than a quarter million owners ' , in more than two' billion 'miles of driving.but they've added t 0.3 n~w features arid 'refinements for '49 to the other fully;proved ~aiser-Frazer values I You'll , "\ ha ve to ~e these cars to know what we're talking about. Come:' in today.' . a.nd let us ~how you!
' . .. . . 0
, '\ , .. . I
-. .
~ '.
1 !
. . ..
I .. ~1 ,
.... I
, ...., ..
No. 4388
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBEt:', \30, 1948
• r
C~A&8rFrED ~D
DON'T FORGET to CALL us for insurance. All typ-es of insuranc'e at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown,' phone Waynesvi11e 2472 or call ,collect. Wilmington 21 t t.
fOR SALE:APPLES ~ Jonathans. , Cortlands and Grimes Golden. . Also RED DELICIOUS Underwood Orchard, Harveysburg. Phone 2897. -ind J~RS EY COWl and ' Calf. Ennis Thompson, Waynesville, O.
' .
COLEMA'N Oil Burnin~ Floor Furrtacft. Phone Waynesville 2108. ' ,
, \
white enamel Kitchen Warmer, both in A-1 condition. Also two 9x12 ru r • Paul C. Picking, Phone 2182. ill
Home Comfort range and litchen sink. Phone 2926
fSealed ,proposals W;lli be ~eceived a.t the ~Ulc~ ql the Clerk of the Villq'e of WayneSViLle, State ot' Ohio, until 12 o'clock noon of October 9,194:8, (or the purchase of bonds of tile said V1llage, In the :aggrega.te sum ot ,6,800.00, 'd ated Itbe 16 day of OctODer, .1948. S~ld :l:IPFl4B w1ll ,~e twelve (l!~) in; iD.umber a.nd numbered !from one (1) "to ,twelve (1J). both Inclusive. Eazc~ ,o t flald ' bonqs wIll be of tfte denomJnat1on dt $500.00, the last bond to mature, however, to be_in <th~ pdnclpa,l amoWlt o;e fSOO.OO, wnd ' w1l1 draw interewt at the rate of not more than four (4) pell' centum per annum., payable semi-a.n,n.u~IlY on ;the first d~y' ot ,Japuary, ~a.nd the first day ot July of each year upon presentation and surrender 'or. tlhe interest coupons to be, attached t o said bonds. Anyone desiring to do so may ' present a bid or bids for said bonds based on th~1r bearl~r a different rate ot interest than that her~inabove specified, provld-ed that when a } fractional intere9t rate is bId such fraction shall be one qu~t'8r of one per cent or multiples thereot. SaJd ,bonds wUl be due. andl. payable as follows: , ' .
, ,T EAM of BAY HORSES, gentle and good . w.orkers; OneHorse Wheat Drill with fertilizer attAchment, excellent. condition. W. E. O'Bartion, Phone. 2976.
. .. .,
No. 1 on the 1st No. 2 'on ~he let No. 3 on 'the l~t No. 4 on the l 'st No.6 on the 1st No. 6 on the 1st No. 7 on the 1st No.8 on the 1st ' No. 9 on the 1st No. 10 on, the 1st No. 11 on the , 1st No. 12', on the Let
day day day day day day day day day day day day
of of 9f of of of ot of
September, September. September, September, September, September, September, September,
1960 1951 1952 1953 1954. 1955 1966 1 ·1957 ot Septe~b'er. U58 of September, 1959 o! 'September, 1960 of September. ,lge1
Said Ibonds are issued tor ,t he purpose of extending, enil!1.rgtng, and tmprovlng water works talCl11tJes DY extending water "matnll to attach to the new, soo ces ot supply, and constructing :facUlties to connect onto s uch wells, erecting shelter for ~ld wells" pumpd, ' fIxtures and appurtenances, and for a.J1 other eJq)ensEl8 In connecti$)n (therewi,t h; anel uneler autliorlty of the ConstttUtion and laws of Ohio and of tile ,u niF.orm ~nd Act, and under and In .accorda.nce with a ceMaln oll'dlnance of aatd VllIage entltled "Ordinance No. 201- An Ordln~ Pr'ovtdlng tor the Issue and Sale of Bonds and or Notes ot the Vlllage of 'Waynesvllle for the Purpose of Extending. Entargirig a.nd ImprOV;;ng Waliter Works FaclUtlea to !the ~tent 'l'hat tlle Income from Such Water Works fl fSuMlclent to Cover the Cost of All Operating Expenses, a 'nel Inter_ c1l8.i1fes on .such BO!llda and(1Or N'Otes, and to Provide a Sufftcl,ant AmoUDt tor Retirement or Slnklng Fund to ~tlre ' Such Bonets as Ttiey Becom. Due"; p&see4 on the 2nd c!ay of' ..A.ul'Ust, 1948. • ,S aid bon48 will be' 801d. to the higheSt ,b ldder for .not ~_ than ~ e taiCe value thereat. anct accrued Interest. '. '
Essie Cobb ' Gray Notice is h~eby ,given ,tha:t Kkthleen M. B~~k whose Post OffiCe address 'Is 1601 N. Wlestern Ave., Dayton, Ohio has, ,beeD! d.'Uly app~ln.ted a~ Executrix of the 1!?,$tate of Essie Co'bb Gray late of Warren ~ County, Ohio, deceased. Dated "~Is lStli day ot September 1948. . - - _ Ralph H . .c'eJ~ey Judge of the Probate Court, Warren County, Ohio C: Dona1d Di]aJtush, Attorney 107 Dece~ed:
Payments for Blue Cross Hos.pital Care' f~es for members enrolled ~hrough the Community of Waynesville group should .be paid at the Waynesville Nation. al Bank before oct. 10. This quarterly payment will cover membersJ\ip fees for the period of Oct.10 A 0 , 1948 , t 0 Jan .J., 1949. Bills are now being malled to the ~etnbers' homes, cording to Hospital Care Corporation. During Augu&t alone" 7,501 HospitaJ Care members were hospitalized at a cost of $475,31 D.3 8 . . The average stay per · member during August was 5 ' and one-half days. .
" .I '
NOTICE OF . APPOINTMENT ~IlM I N I ST\~A TO R Estate ot Alice E. Terry Decea,se~ Notice Is hereby' given that Mearle M. 'l'erry and Walker H. Terry whose Post Office Address Is R. R. 3, Wayn~svlite, Ohio 'have been duly appointed as Admlniatrators of the Estate ot AliCe E. Terry, late of Massie Township, Wlarren County, Ohio, decea:sed. Dated this 8th day o.t September 1948. , RALPH H. CAREY Judge of ,the Probate Cou't't , ' WARREN COUN~Y, OHIO Maple & Maple Attorneys
2,j bours every day, 7 days I.!v..ry IVo ek. , ovec . t opplng, t he ki~neYll fil ner waste ..ollner (rom t ho blood. ' l ' ~ore people were aware of bow the lIli'ley. must constantly r move 8111'p. .aJ fluid" exccBS acida and other WAIte m l\bter that cannot atllY In the blood wi thout Injury to ,health, there would ' Ile better understa nding of 10k" the Whole system 18 upset when kidney. fBI to (unction properly. : , D .rnlnl:, SCBnty or too.frequent IIrin .. lion som etlmel warnl that lIometblnl fa wrong, You may Buffer pagginlr backache; headacbl!ll, dizzinC!l8. rheumatte ~ai n., setting up Bt nl8bta. Iwellin's. " Why !lot t ry Doa..'. YOII wtIl tie uain, a medicine recommended the co'untry over. Doa.ti'. IthDula~e the funo. tlorl of the klclne~ md help the~ t. flUlh out pojlOl\oua waite. (ro'm the blood. They eontaiD Dothl!l, harmlulr Get Doa,.,~ tOO.,-. u.. with ClOn6deDoe. At dru,
NOTICE OF A~POI'NTMENT ADMINIST,RATOR ----930 Estate of ChaNes lilt Rye Deceased Notice , Is h ...by . ..ven thwt LARGE ESTA!fE He~trola, like Clarenbe Rye ahd Harvey L. Rye new. Phone 2724. Earl Conwhose Post Offloe ' A4dreea 1* '-930 ner, Third Sf. Wayn~svtlle, Ohlo, have Ib een dulJ Complete set of Plaid Seat appointed as Admtnlstraltol"8 of thd , Covers. Pit6 Dodge ' Sedan. All ,b lda must state the number ot bonda bid for and 'the glDB8 'amount ' Estate of Charles E. ltye late of ExceJlent Condition. Reason- of btd and a.ccru~d Interest to da.-t$ of delivery. All ,b'1da to be aADCOmpa.nte4 , Wayne Township" Warren County. ably Priced. ' Call 2351 -ot With a. bond or certified che,ck, pay&lble to the Vlllage for not lees than Obio deceased: 2661. -=-"':":on ':::'e: per oent of ilie amonnt of bonda to ,b e sold. upon condition th8lt it Dated thIs 16th day of September the ,b id Is accepted the . bl!J4er will receive and pay for ' llUeh ·b,o ndl 1948. -BLACK COA T and Brown as may ,~e Issuecl as above set 'forth, wtthin th~y (80) elay., from the •• •• •• •• Ralph ,H. -ca:~ey Wool Dress, Size t 6. M:rs. tline ot a;ward, _ld bond to be f~rtelted. or sa.1d check to be r'eta.lne4 by •• .fudge of the Probalte Court D R. Sn1ith. -930 the VUl'age it salel oondltlon Is not fulf~lI~d. W..rren. County, ' Ohio JENNY LIND Bed with two inBids mUst be ' sea.led an4 endorsed: ''Bids for Waster Works IJtiprovement B. Gray, Attorney ner~p)ting , mattresses, and Bon4a - !to". ' -10'l
sprmgs. One large chest of '.\ drawers and one small chest E)f drawers. Albert Pummil. Phone .. , - Centerville 7583. --107 ,J
CHAJRLE1B '.TAKlDS Clerk -930
-NO:T'ICE,W ANTED Laundry f.o do in my home. QUIck Service. Plloqe 2986. -930 HELP ,WANTEDRELIABLE- Young Man with some , experience , in meatcounter and gr(),cer~sales. Job has good possibihties for ; the future. CaU at Dot 'Food Store. ......:..ind lIEN ·AND WOMEN WANTED FOR FACfORY WORK : STE~{)Y w.ork wit,h concern which"ran futt all through last p depression. Good wages and : working condition~. 'Excellent opportunity for ad vance· meni-. Write to Dave Bal)e, Fo.x Paper Compal\Y, Locki ' land, Oncinnati 1S, OhiO. . Give, facts on your backi , ,-round, edudltton, age, etc. experience not necessary. ,
PERSONALI The Twin theatr' 't,kos, :yourj)atronage every 'nliht. '
Both tile Twin and the Softball League ril Ji~ ),opr patronage n WedneSd_y' naghts dunng Die GeautifullQ91ith of Octobet. ' 'W.A.YNI8VILL1D ClVlC CLUB DI,HW ' YOU TO , .JOIN
. . <JIUN
" .
CARD OF THANKS Our qeellest thanks and appreciation are extended to relat"ves, friends and . neighbors ,for their kindness,' 'sympathy and' lovely flowers received during' the passing of our mother. Mrs, Carr·ie Smith lippIncott, to Mr. M. H. Coffey for his cons lin sermon and to the Stubbs funeral home for their efficient
,The Daughters
frll~~f~~' _ ...Il.t. · " . "r .
D •• '
amV1C!: THAT eATlaII. . . o ~ 11:10 II. . . . . r
It Says H er e
a es Iva The Miami GAZETTE
th e FU N
By smitt y
!Witches a,n)i goblins were tieVer like tJtis. The old-time hal;s used to be l1al)ny stirring vile br~\\' ,' anj P"Llling curses on peppl e. But their Waynesville sU,ccessors are differf.r.t. Their id~ .l of fll!l has Kottel1 much mote :..omp lk:lted . So if you have an outside toilet, prepare to g'uard ' -it Qr expect to find it upset. I f you have a car, lock it tightly in ::' .garage, or most anytll;n'~ ca n happen. If you have a goat, b~ ware! If you have pOI'('h furmture, now is' the time 'fo store it in the attic for the year. In fact, if you own anytl m ,~ movable, it isn't safe. ' ' The first "fun nigh t' of tht~ r re· Hatttfwe'en ~eason ~ 1:111 to bve been Wednesd ay of ' ill IS \\, cek. Auto horns m ~ tuiollsIy It;ran to blow durin?: ~hc town Ir.rding- in ttlt high ·oqchool. At least one car had it~ motor tampered with. A cOlll Ie of toilets were upset. An 'old aliandoned car was pl ,~hed over D!1 as side in the alley behind the Twin Theatre. A d Hal!o\\-;e'en is still 24 days off. -
·Impossible to Get .Rid of Grade . Building Now, Town Learns
Addressing a "town meeting" of Waynesville citizens in the high school duditorium No. 4389 FIV E CENT S A cop" Wednesday night. E. C. Land- MRS. NETTIE C. SPRAY ' WAY, NESV ILLE, OHIO THU~8DA.Y, OCTO BE'R, 7, 1948 t erg, :l Cincinnati architect, exMr's. Nettie C. Spray, 80, a pJ3, inecl the possi,ble ways of relieving overcrow'ded schools former Waynesville resi"ient, with tl1e $200 ,000 available for died Sept. 29 at the home of uildln g. her son, William, in Zoar, He opposed any, temporary OhFiou'neral services were held structure or remoqeling of an old build ing a co -For the first time (at lea t in Saturday afternoon at the Mc- than they are worth. ting more many years ) Wa ne ville i to Clure Funeral Home with Rev. No hope wa 'off red that the be favored with a concert series Stricklan of Maineville officiat- 57-year-old elementary schonl of seven "out tand ing p rqgram ~' . ing.y Burial was in Miami Cem'e- couid be entirety teplacecl, deThese programs are of varied ter 1n· addl:tl'on t'o the, son in ~pite the fact that the $200,090 .types to, be of int.erest to everybond issue was voted year one in the co mnlUnity, and a,t Zoar, she is survived by a son, with the understanding last that this Le ter, in L-eba n9n; a daug'~ter, would be done. the same time ~ resent out tanding' talent from other cities, as Mr. Elsie Rhodes of KtnKS At Qresent, Mr. Landberl{ Mills; two sisters, M'rs. Goldie said, the' funds ~!ll well as local groups. a twoSurface of Waynesville and Mrs. story brick aJdlt~onl;mtoitd'the preThe series , opens witti '1 Her- Lillie St. J'ohn of Chinook, sent high school, c~nta ining bert Petrie and his white Hus- Mont.; a rother, Tom Rich of ei~ht to' ten rooms., "ReGent sars;' on 'Wednesday, Oct. 20, Oregonia; 11 grandchildren: ,pr:ces ,rises have been costing. at 8 P. M. Petne's famous and 2 great- granochildren. The youngsters in and around you .1 dass.room every three group (White Rus ians, aU Wlaynesviile are goin~ to cause r.1011t liS.· he s· ici, p'oin~i I~ r:u~ American citizens) has been tothe Staridard OiY Company of -DELLA ZELL 'MeCLELLAND th f 20 t 25 that a 20-room additlon would s Ohl'o to ral'se I·ts eyebrows in la ~e er or 0 , y~~r, p yRelati ves here have beeh no'be recommended if mQn~y could mg before 'the pubhc frent bewilderment. coast to coast in large cities. tified of the death in Seattle, b,e ~~dM. ' Retallick, 'supel'inten Trying to'encourag~ the study One year ago tt,ey decided to WJash., 'on Sunda y, Oct. 3, of d t of American history, Sohio d tl1 t' b Mrs. Della Zell McCleHand. Fu- en, -opene take their talent to smaller come mee 109 y sponsored a contest in which ner~I , services were held yester~ saying there are now nine munit ies; s,.. In April of 194.7 classstudents were to explain the , "The White Hussars" were day .m .S~a ttle.' Sh ' 1 ftt f ' rooms in the grade schoo~ and e e our nine in the 'hlgb school. buildreatness of the 32 P~esi' .. . _ _ . .book, d to . r2~. I~. ~s~~ e -w.a& . ~. but h~..&I;~~ company a great deal eVe Sam uel N. Key . , : Petrie and his Hussars .. are Grace , LincQ ln Smitf l, of nee~ of expense for prizes .'15 rooms. ~ex' as, Waynesville and pro· An, and is wet1 remem- , addition contammg·t year. motion. It invlfed newspapers only as 0rdination ceremonies will be famous instrumentally as' the b d h ' . . many rO.oms as the old grade Of the state to, Join wit~ it i~ held SUl,lday at 4 P. M. for the Don ere ere. school WQuld leave the PliPils sponsoring local contest leading Rev. Samuel No' Keys, rector of Petrie Cossack cho~us vocally; was a majo r in the United Mrs. William Spray, with just as ' crowded 'as they are up to the state-wIde contest. St. , M,ary's Episcopal Church. States Army in Wor.ld War II. other relatives, of Zoar was a now. This paper agreed to 'cooperate, I h di , On~ ' day last spring Mr. Jo.~ Sunday- afternoon guest The contest was publicized for of Mr. sionPublic discussion at the s·esn tetr a tio~al "laying on Little of the Cincu:mati Consershowed most peaple and Mrs. of Edwln handsof " ~bolizin four we eks .. sUC-' va tory stoppe d t h . essio h00 I Mrs: Goldie Surfa~e..Ramby and seriously disappointed at wer~ . t&.;g the d f a t e the sc How many 'Iocil students c n e pries 1100 rom house with a young artist propro~p ect of havin g t,.. keep the were interested enough to try time of :the apostles, Holy gram, which was booked and ,Mrs. Alva Tompson is ~onval old school even for two or three to win the trip to Washin"ton Orders will be confe rred on Mr. prese nted in the W~ynesville escing at her home in Dayton grades, but no way was found which was the state-wide prize? K~ys by the Rt. R.ev. Henry W. High Schoo orium a shor1t following a major operation. at to avoid this. Ho'wever, there NOT .A SINGLE ,ONE. Hobson, bishop of southern time later tol Audit a small group who M' . V 11 H waS sonte minority sentiment What ' will Sohlo think of Ohio. . ' enjoyed their entertainment.. , laml...:....:.~ aspl't,~1' , for keeping it, with some im.. Waynesville when It «ets a letAbout 200 persons are ex- Tllu-s the idea for a Waynesville prove ments. Mrs. J. K. Preston entered ter explaining: that no local es- pected to attend the' service in Conc The ,school bo,ard, at its Monert Series was born. Good Samaritan Hospital, Cinsays are being submitte:! for the the local church, with several day night meeting, hired Sam This year Don Gahri s, music d 'nnati, fO,r a- minor operation Huffm state contesl because there prominent Episcopal clergymen instru an as janitor at the gtade ctor, and a comm ittee have on Mond ay. , ~eren't any? does such taking part. A reception will invited , the co.nseIY~tor school; Mrs. Harriet 'Clark as 'v ~,,, - - - -_ _ _ _~----=, o_ , -follow In the rectory, with mem- provide three of the concerts 'assistant cook there, and Ro. bers of the St. "'ary 's .Club in,' to 'provide three of the .concerts sonMr. and Mlrs. Harold' A'nd~r- bert Workman as regular bus and children are now resid- driver replacing Henry , charg-e ' of arrangements. to the Waynesville public. There ing in Centralia, r. Wash., where thwaite. No action was Satte , Ch I ~Il' I b" t d h· . ' , ~ take~ will be a violin ar es c IS ce e ra e PariS, Anderson is' accounting on a new teacher of social ~s ., Confen:al ,o f the priesthood France, a marimistbi'sfrom t from the Mr. st~ teach er birthday.anniversary on ~onday on ,Mr. Keys student advisor' at will mea~ that he Phillipines, together with many the Centrand dies, as'authorized by the stat4. a~d in his hOllor Mrs. Ellis enter- . ~an administer HOly aUa Junio r Colle ge. Commun- other young future artf,;ts of tatne~ at dlDner , on, Sunday Ion and other sacraments. Out- America ' Mr. and Mrs. Ea'rl P.ar~s evemng.• Guests were Mr. a,nd c;ide rectors ~iI1 no, longer have MAN SUFFERS BURNS The Christmas program wilt route from 'their home, enMrs. Willard Mockabee and to V'J.~tt St. Mary s for these introd in IN GASOUNE MISHAP uce two new ' school Youngstown to J:7lorida, where ,daughters ' and M,r. and Mrs. occa~lons. organizations _ the Junior they wilt spend the winter, were Lawrence Elliot of Oakwood; , Estill Phillips is recovering illl Mr Am~n f the ' visitin g c,terg ~Hi~h Girl's Glee Cll,lb and the , Saturday dinner guests ,~f Mr; , Miam - Valley Hospital froCh d . ahntd Mrsf· eeEd't De~lkler Aalnd menE Wil be the Rev. Dert • All qoy's Choir ' alon~ with the and M.rs. A. H. ' Earnhart. Mr. burns i he ' augl ers 0 nervI , e. so A. .de of DetroU, who wilt a!so ' Hir' School A Capt> suffered last week in ella Choir , ' and Mrs. Earl Earnhart and Corwin when on Monday evening, the dinner Preach at t,h~ l~~rnlng s.!rvJ~e Ea he was pourin( fiuests w.ere, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ~t St M,ary s, tt e Rev. Dr. G11- ual;j, ~ou wi11,appear ,individ- children. Mr and Mrs. La Mar gasoline' from a bottle into the ' ess of Bellbr~ok, Mr. and Mrs. bert P. SyrnOI1S. ,Canon tt:! the wilt and Vhen the 'three groups Earnhart ,and Mr. Alton Earn- tank of a car with the motQt Le Roy Ellis and. son). .Charles, ,otd.lnary; the J~'v. Frede.rlc B. choirbe combined into one large hart al~o we're dinner KUests. running. . ' ' .... 'of f 50 voices. ' Mr. and Mrs. Erwm EllIs. The gasol ine flared ' up, Atkmson, diocesan mi-;sJOner; c, O YThe bands will ,provide the ,The ~rgun ot ' Bridg e Club, ering film with ,flame s. Supt. ,the-Rev" S. Hughes qarvln, rec- February program along' with with Stella Evans, - Mrs. K. M. Retallick and two school t~F o~ the Church of the Asc~n- individual instrumental solosits Marie Mrs. slon III Middletown; the Rev. and _the final concert will be ,ton Riffle and' Mrs. J. K. Pres- board members, who happene¢ , Dthr. ~weli!1 Bf• ~thong, rector of ' presented by the High School eon as guests, enjoyed a 1unch- ' to witness the accident smoth. at Highview Terrace, Bell- ered the flames and called thQ e' ~Iurc <? • ,e ~edeemer, 'ta 'choir. brook , on Tuesday. Hyde Park, CJncmn~ti, the Rev. a , ca" ' Stubbs ambulance. 7he programs, if properly ' , . ' A, <;handler Crawfora, rector of supported, will enable us to not The many friends of D. R. Christ Church In Xenia, and the only pay th,e expenses but also Salis! Rev. Dr. 'Phil Porter, Sr., Rector buy choir robes and band coats of Jury' are pleased to h~ Mesdames Elmer Sheehan'l hiS improvement at Chnst Bertie " Mills, A. H. Earnhart, of qIlr,ist ,ChurCh;, Dayton, and Mr. Gahris ,said. There are 816 ' Hosp preSident of the ~taO(fjng Com:. seats to be sold, and a season returnital and that he expects to Sherman Tinney, Roger Brown, to his, , neat WIt. Rice Snapp, Walter Sheehan, mlttee of the diocese. ticket witl mean a big savings. mlngton, this home week.. La M'ar Earnhart " Glenn Bor-, Clare nce). Oavi.s has accept- The committee has worked out den, Charles Ell s, and S.. ed a position In tlle pe,rsonnel a. family plan to flt the pocket Mr. and 'Mrs. Tolian Lawson Ellis attended a lPlastic S.Dembook of both larg,e and small hact as their houseguest d\lrlng onstration office of the Dayton Power and at the of ..Mrs. families. '-:"Light Company in Bayton. ' the past week, Mrs. frank" Reed Elfis McClure in home Leban on on .- of Washi~gton D. C. Priday -evening. 8ERV ING WAYN ESVIL LE SINCE 1850
:J j-ea,t~
Keys Ordination 7-Concert Series Is Sunday at 4· Planned at W. ,8. S.
The ,Miami Gazette B8TABLISH E D 1.150 Publi.hed Eve!"y Thursday , At Wayn es ville, Ohio CAR L G. SM ITH. Editor
Entered as second class matt.,.
COUNTY BROTHERHOOD MEETS HERE MONDAY Th e Wa rren County 8 r,ot herh ood of the Methodist Church will meet in the loc:tl Methodi t Church Mond ay evenin g O ct. 1 Hh . , D inner will be rved by the laa ie ' , of th e Ch urch at 7 a lock. ' The ' peaker will be Mr. Loui , Warlin gton. of Shelly Coun ty who has made two tr ip t Germany, One this summer. He is an inte r tin g speaker. Mrs. Don G ahr is , ill ing two num bers. All men whf) atte nd th e 10 al Ch urch a re req u te i to attend th i me ti ng . .
at the POlt OHic.
SUBS'CRIPTION RATE: $1.50 a :Vea,. in Advance
National .Newspaper Week
.Oct. 3
This NewspajJer . AND ALL
Any day 800n you may be faced OHIO WEEKLY PAPERS i. by lome real bugaboos if you are /. .)
v ilts Coming Up
.,ty , ?"(1 ' "'
~ , ~/"'. ~
. • EA. 8Y .0',.07 - OHIO FAMI".. WITH $1 0 BILLION DOLlARS ! O SPEND' :
(To have. events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gaz~tte before 4 p. m. T uesuays.) '.
For Local or State Rates ' Visit this Newspaper
Green. in the r adio seric:i GREAT SCEN E S FROM : GREAT PLAYS, FridaYJ\ Octd~er 8, at 8 Fl. M., EST, on aU Mutual stations. The .play teaches the importanc~ , of the teaching professiOll, in • tense d!'ama, alld at the end of the play there is 'a shol'~ ,.lQess88!! from tht~ Cburcb tf ~e.listeoer..
~ Rally l1ay will be observed at' the Methodist Church next
Sunday Oct. 11 ,th
Th e Annual Horne-Coming of Lytl e Church will be held next S~nday Oct. 10. Sunday School Will be at 9 :30; a sermon Oy , Rev. Joseph Myers at 1Q:30 and a program in the after. noon. A ~asket dinner w.i1l be served at the ' noon ' hour. The. October meeting of the Woman's Society will be ~ the home of Mrs. Henry Saylor near Five Point, next Wednes- . day afternoon. Oct 13. . .
F AL~ESTIVAlr-Loorr.
Coleman, Minister Church School 9 :30 a.m. J. J. l3urske. Supt. Worship and Sermon , . , to:30 a.m.
ST..- MARY'S EPISCOPAL Samuel N. Keys, Minister · Church School , 9:15A.M. Moriling Prayer t 0 :30 a.m.
Rev. William Shannon Sunday School ' 9:30 'a.m. Mrs. James Garrison, ·Supt. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays e ach 'month to :30 a.m. Evening Services 7 :30p.m.
CHURCH OF QlRlST , M. H. Coffey, Mtnlster ' 9 :30 a.m. Bible School Morilln, Worship 10:30 A. M. , ,-oungPeop le's Meetinl .' " . 7:15 P. ,M. f· Jenin~ Service 8 P. M.
u.s. .T ,.eG/JUTIi
CLEVELAND 14, OHIO SUP.erior 6100
noi salting away a port of your wages every pay day., Bugaboos can pop up unexpectedly and now is Ihe lime 10 prepllre (or Ihem. They can hit you many wOY8-money need,ed for your ch.ildren's education, enough money to retire, or suppose your wif~ or YO'lr children shollld become sick? The besl aunck on . the8e bugaboos LS 10 buy U.S. Saviitgs Bonds, week afler week,. month after month, year aCter yeaI'. So 81gn up today for the PayroD SavIngs Plan wl,ere you work, or, if lIelf.employed, Cor lhe Bond-aMonth Pion at your bank. .
w. C. 'BROWN,
We.theimer & Company Members New York StocK Exchanges and other , ~gistered Exchanges
Invesbnent Trust Shares -SOught. - Sold - Quoted Phon'e ' WaynesviU,e '25'30 ,
Dayton, AD3257
We try ~o be understanding and .capaple m Qur wo~k.
For D.oteha.. Phone 2894. ·Wa.v nMviit. .1•• R.vera. Chara..
Rev.' David St~nfleld. Minister Sundaj School to a.m. Worsllip ,S~rvice t t a.m. .
(' "lURCH , . Dr. Jos~ph Myers, Minister Sunday' School 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. 'Ruth Saylor, Supt. WorShip Service to:30 a.m.
1I0URS: 9-12 each mort:llin~ , 1-5 after"oons ·except . ' . Wednesday ·7.:9 Saturday ev'ening Oth~r evenings 1) App~intrr
1t DRIV,f'RS. ho..t
Byron Carver, Minister ir Sc 0 1 9:30 M rn mg Worship 10:30 Pra.~u M eetin~ 7 :00 '~. ,\UGUST.NE , ou ng People Meeting at. r Krumholt~ Priest . 7 :00 8 and 10 A.M. Eyening Services 1 :30
1,2 --1& :
: MT. HOLLY METHODIST . t. M. Scarff~ Minister AUCTIONEJERING 'Sundav 'SchOOl ' 9 :30 a.m. and KOOGLER E.A. Earnhart, ' Supt. . 'STANLEY , , 'Norship .Service 10 :30 a.m. BROKE·R.S L.CEr, SE .'vening S~rvice ' 7 :30 ,p.m. l
Call, Wire or Write, our representatives
Mist; :-'Jane CowI n who will ~, play the' courageous teacher ! in the Episcopal Church's t production of Th.e , C;oTn is I
FRIENDS "F irst Day $c,h001 9:30a.m. eetin.r ,for Worship , . to:30 a.m.
Uncle Sam Says
to 9 "
Dr. and Mrs. AI. F. Con stein of Vpper Sandusky Ohio v~s ite d with Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Coleman fr om Tue day till Friday of la t week. Al a Mr. and Mrs. Gear e Irwin of Uppe,r 'Sandusky, ,called at Rev. Col eman' n th eir way to Asbury College, where th e ir so n is a student.
a.m. a.m. p.m. p. m. p.m.
for kids, 'S10'
.9 pt'Dometric r. C. E.Ey W ilkin 8T (lcialilit 26 South Detroit
IA; • H T ~
15 · -t.T clo' "
-: "f'
thing to do I htldren , , q. light, ~oss ' at com!!!"s, k"6l' ... 1 t
Be ~c.re~ul -the chU ci . .' .f • ..."';
~ "'0, C· i •
.qy be your ~wnl "
- --
i.owC~t, flighProtein Dish
50 Years .Ago ' ,~ (Fr m the Miami Ga(:ett
Oct. 5, 1898 Th re W ..l ' a, ReI ulli all meeti ng- here la ' t night, ad-
St: j
11 .
,e th Brc)\ n,
Ale x 13 w~ ll, ani E. J. We ' t. Th bi ,t wa ' to pour il n le tr uhl d politi '1 1 w ater ". We go ,to pre " t ' n t give report
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· ~'Jlle flew;'
and burial at Miam: Cemetery, M onday aftertl(mn. . Mr. 'alld Mr, Mi lo Mirtenberg r aiten ed th e' fUl1enl ' f Mrs. Su an'" Tulli of Midland ,the laHer' aunt, M r, Be ie City i vi iting her on and wife ed, \Vc in l"a afternoon, Mr. and Mr, Ro ert Tulli and at the Un,l?,'l cbce Fun rat Hom e , eh i1 dreno in Franklin an j til ' hl ri al at Fri 11 L ten er i Mr. and , '" pringhor Cemetery. Mt , Roy Wink an i fa mil y a ' Virgil ane! Keith , ong-a re, farew Il par ty fr ida e,' nil1 l", David Stratt 11, La\\'ren e r oThe \Vink hav ~ ur ha d a ne [nd 'eorg . h ono VI.T, farm near Chri Han hLll'~ an :1 atfend d th e fU~l raJ f onal j will e moving soon'. They live How " at Zane ill·' ~' u n 1;\. :L on the Earl Ke- , r T arm an 1 we k ag, ir 'il hei n,'\' a l':t 1ar havillg a sal fhi ' \ ek, h ar r , Mr. Ho we \ 'a kill ' j in Mr. and Mr . K en neth Brad- 'In aut o ra in~ ae . i " 't. He ha 1 le move Monday f ro m t il b 11 a for mer drivt! J' f if 'ii " home of Mr.' and Mr, Ral ph r ac 1'. I1n to the brick hot! e on th e Mr, F,:ank Elli Ba k fa rm. Mr. an 'l f\ '1' : , on and daught r of lllldalia, Ba k and son' ha v move 1 int Mr. W . . Hain ' , J ~r. and their 11 \V home. Mr ; Robert Rain e an d cI ildr 11 M r, and, Mr. Paul Willian) of Da, tn, I re un h ' ve li ng : and litt] son of Le anon weI' dinner .11:U -t f Mr. an Mr_ uncia gu t · of Mr, an:1 M r.. .Walter K nri k. to par ~ s ea~y' ' the ' family's nutritjonal requirenlents up Keeptn~ t hi h protein food are ~omblned m E r tt arly. Mr. ' and Mr . Gu y f uLzahl1, ~nd 'fcoln~l1.ca~i:~ee: s~~I~ ~~sK'idn:y Bean Rabbit . In th~s attrac~ivel Mr. and Mr. J, B. Jo11e at- Mr. ,and Mr . Le Ii Gr a. , Mr . Havol, u. a~n ' . rotein in the beans, some m t he blead. tended the Hom e-CominR al1 appt! ~)Zll1gf dhl~hh' ,therl\lys pS~~:i~ in the cheese-plus th mill< mineral Clyd e Wharton, Mr. arid Mr . and ,lots 0 . 19 qua 1 in cheese ' 1ask t dinn r at Mt. H 11 " rr'!llk II fi. . ' r. an Mr., Chur h unda. , ~nd .,lilk v~~~~~~t~~ ~a:aife;;Jnd of ch c?:.Ie to ;ive ()L1 Alvin ' Earnha rt, , an Mr. and .nu C • h Ie ound of meat wit h :::l mode l'llt<j Mr. and Mr , Clarence Mal y Mr~ . Mil MiItenh rgl: r vi ited p b ' ISof~, ~~/!~~elfat~~a~c~ding ~o the United St.ates De ai·tm c of BU,c yru an Mr. Nellie th ' fun rat I arIor in olumbus, n 'lture Office for Food and Feed ConscTvahon .. And a h a, 't Mont: 'am ry of Da t 11 WeI' , w ll re th e bo I , f ,Mi', Ben 'pi f chees~ provides the suggested 2 ounces of rotem for a m~ln ~a tu riay aft moon ,t;ues', ni l a, unday aft r noon. i•' "{ ' on 'feeding four. . , 'd' h Mr. and Mr, \~alte:r Kenri 'k, Hawk '1.1 find Kidney Belln Rabbit one of your easIest mam IS • ~l\ M r , Mia y Banta ntertained Mr. and Mr. Gorge Ki r '- Lo (i n t 'I' u'ltia Mi', and Mrs. yo °l,~st make a rabbit, of the ingredients, and serve ' hot on C'l'lSI patri k of Wayne ville have an t a of Jamestown, I 08 t. Try it today. KI-d ney Bea~ Rabb't I , mo e:i t th CI aI'll e _mi ' , M IV,Vn M r. and M J' • 'M rly n anta of ~ tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons catsup h' propert '. , Da n, Mr, an Mr , John I green pepper chopped 'AI fea E'poon W orcesters l're sauce l ar,c:e ' r wct en i \" ,l I 1.\1 ' Fr 111m and M r. and r . Cl yd i2 tablespoons butter or . Salt, pepp r , caye;me ' Day at Lyt!e Church Sunday. Fromm of W;a 11 vill ' ,. ,m ar al'ine Y.! lb. Amencan Pa&teur~ze d . A fin c horu ~ f the \' ~ lIn ,' 2 cups CP'o~eq kidney bid ns Process cheese , sheed - . . . . . .. \ people been ry:m"I'Cz i Tv, :J t Mr. rll1 l ' I' Uj' .nl1ett of under the :'Il re 'ii 11 of Mr , , . Saute t he eho'{lped onion and gre 'n peppel' in the butter o~da~, """ 15 m !' II t ".' r, ~ l1 ct Mrs~ Mildred Camphell. T he 1 11I t?: 8l'ine in the top of a d()uble boile ', P ace over hot water. .A t ~ Pre . "I. 1 \ r, and Mrs. '~ell drained b~ans, catsup, Worcestershire sauce, seaso~,ll\g t ' and won in the - unda y S 11 01 11rlu Mar 'arnlJart d l i6 . d a' cheese, Cook slowly until the cheese mplts. Sel' e hot on CllSP as te t. 13lue had '7- () :l I th e.: I i nic 'up d i F ,'t Ii ' ient on W'hite 7< ( . '~t 11 ,;t "
.i ll - 'i iti Oll hear al lit th e I ' 11 " wi 0 '" 1" •t (\ n .[ '5' I I. ·\I ? . iit - - . ' . T Jp' j i t r k \ \ t i t \ of . ur 'e'?
Ben Hawke, a f r m ~ ' L \t ,. .citiz n for a number Qf . ear, 1'. an d , I . tout pa _ d awa his ,h m in Col- 't i 4:1 I.l?; t (.", v isited tll "Potumbus. after everal month i11- ' tery 'Lilli Art" e hi it at Birch . unne s. Several fri nd ' from here Mall, '{ eHaw attende the grave- ,id s rvite day a ft rnoon.
. . ,.
kno w :wha t
painter wand with it happy I ti j -of plrre whit and mild brown, ha ~ ma j of h Morga n ' prop ert a teautiful phunta. mal ~ idur. hame that It should be 0 111 a ba h 1 r" han ger, den . But, uTime, th ~ 0.11 n t l Y - .. -' , ~
A great ieal of exp n e ary to lHoped 111 Sto I ill.
Waynesvjlle Far
e i'
l ump
n ~ ()'e '1
NTA -Nut, Egg, 'an j 'Lump
RED ASH=.... Nut, Eg Y, an
'r .
t '
'; PHONE 2371
!II""!~-"""""-----~"""---'- ....;;.-----~------~-~
5WI,N,G ,LA ,
are available, to any familY ' in this or 'adjoi ning co unties, and we reach any nei,O'hborhood no matter how distant, within a. few minutes after \ve are called. There is no additional charge on account of di tance nor is there any curtailment of service. Our field is county wide.
BOUDOIR LAMPS $1 :90 Each Fine Line of Electric Heatf1rs
THEIR SECURITY RESTS WITH YOU! Yes, the education of your children, their entire future weI. fare, is our res~ onsibility. Dis· charge -it' co.nsci~ntiously and EASILY by saving REGULAR· L Y. ' We are ready to . help 'you now. stop in',
Waynesville, . National Bank
-Furniture &,Appliance
Co~ ,
Telephone 2422
Ii Jl Z,ET TEI:(455 .
WAYN'ESVlllE. 0"" 0
South Main Street across from Grange Hail
III Buy"SeU, Trade Rent, Burrow, USE
one. Kier's then had another op- THE MIAMI GAZETT.E PAGE 4 portunity to play, ~ince' Fair- WAYNESVILLE, OHIO No. 4389 ley's wanted to beat them ' on THURSDAY, 'OCTOBER, '7, 1948 , the field; according to-Manager Mulfora. After a short powwow, Kenny Bailey and ' Pete Murphy, whom this column has lauded more than once for bril- , liant playing, decided .that they JAM·ES A. GAR.IILO' stm didn't like the "deal". Their nasty departure left Kier's To the Editor: , with insufficient players. They The other day I had a call at had only eight eligible players, my home in Evanston, Illinois , S0 who's to bl 4me 'Campbell for from an old time fri\!nd tho saving- money? He lost enough Evan Lane who wa born and in the Wilmington tourney in reared at Franklin; Ohio. He r the now famous Pender,g'hast made a remark f1'hQut the Miami deal. (You 'remember, that's the Cemetery that I knbw \'; ill ~le of guy who didn't show up to play intere t to all of u. who were our Al1- tn.r .) I now under- reared in \V,ayne ville ommunstand that the rea'son ' he did ity. . , , not appe :1 r was I ecause last Mr. Lane. until h retired a year he did flot get a much few months a~o. was president as he W:1.S supposect to g "t or of the Fire As oeiation of thought he hnuld ha\'e received. ' Philadelnhia. It is one of the Rumor had 'it that the Leg-ion larg-e t fire in urance or,~'lI1i z a \liould have withctrawn had tion in th e country. I b ca me: Johnson played, but I find that 'acquainte0 \\ ith Mr. Lane hard to believe. because, like , lanrelv a, :1 n in . . urance newBellbrook, neit':'e r cluh seems 'tf' p'aper man. I often said that worry mueh ahout the 'OPPOSI- th onl y . )aim to any reputaLawnfield, the home from which Garfteld in the White House; and Standing In \he sam. yard with tion. So gues you were tion /. have a a newsnaper man ,omes ' Abram Garfield was e1e- ,the President's collection of cane.. the Home is IA 101: oabln replie& pumng my leg, Boh Allen, in was the fact that I cam frolT' vated to, the ~esldenoy. I. located Here II the Memorial LlbrU'J 01 Oarfteld'. birthplace... ItRkin~· ~n Rout'. 20 In Mentor, Ohio, about erected In 1885 to house his larle and 81gnlftoant lessc.n Jb AmerJea=,= reference 10 the doughboy ask- · the same counhr in Ohio ats miles ea.t of Cleveland. In 1936 collection of books and finished histol7. . m~t for their contributions back, "Bill" Lane. as we called him. Jt was opened to the pubUc al a with beautiful hand-carved white Jam.. A. G~8al'c1 waB bom ir.. Mr. Lane recently went to ,This cominK Sunday after• Ja e. A oak ceiling and woodwork. • 111' CI~IO IS mn.. to thf h · t th o noon at 2 p. m: Belt rook and Frontenac, Michigan to attend ~. fine 0 a R. mem l7 o. under m the. The home ld II rlcb eno'""''' In 10 W..... "'ownshlp Ot, ,nd Lucretia Garfteld b .::" -, WI' .' Fairley's will tangle, with the the big reunion of his fraternity )usplces of the 'Weslern Resarve tents 'to proy e roWl..,. mat , NovttnbV ·1t. I 1. Ha aerveoS loser of that cIa h meetinl!' the of Rut~e.rs Cn\1e,g-e, Sprin.l!field, Historical Society. for ~lmo8t evel7 type of oo~:tfi durblJ the O!VU er u a majot Le~ion at 3 :30 p. m. (Last Ohio. On hi " ret"rn to PhilaThe ftrst two floor. of this thtr- Over 25 oil p~lntlnll bana on I " .....,, ' aDO ......Iltct from · th, we got the time arrangedelphia he was ciriven back h v week ty-room mansion ' bave been . fe- wB.II!. , Ther~ over a l~zen) ~ to uwmt a leat In CoDgres& p art 110 ments backward. One of the Leone of his friends to Franklin stored substantially as they' were strlkmgHftre acel, 1 ~ ~ et"'~ Ita t=IO b. was eleCted U. S. sena. gion boys missed the ~ame on ~nd enrnute he stopped :It aA The orne I. ocat~ .1' ut QJ' • m Oi\o,'o and W8I e1a.:. th( during the occupancy of the Pres- midst of a 180-acre 10th of thll Umt:d'State. t.hat score, so a,t least we have Wa.ynesville 1'0 take a look . t 'dent and his family. which . a number of th. <IV c1 the taD 01 aem-,ear. one reader.) Miami Cemetery. He said U ' t . Here .15 the desk he used as famlly still reside. Imme41a '. ...a 'r..' _ .. Due to the unsettledness of a he rod along the hig-hwa v President of Hiram CoUege.; the surrounding the ROm. a,a over ~. i\&~\vu' tUJ .. Sunday evenin,sr weather, there 'he weilt to the too of the hill lunch basket Ile carried on tr~lns: one hundred, beautiful taU tf... IS In • mlJJlori*1 the cradle in which famlly ~radl- ~f many speoles. exot;lc u weD a. ' Ii) n, Cllmete17 it. wilt be no playoffs ~aines at at Corwin ~ "'d 'A~ ti 7ed Hutt ' ni~ht. Following next tindav' Miami Cemetery took on th'e lion d...... eve,., Garfteld baby nativ•• most of whim w~. fihaU sleep; tha speelally made ed, by the Praldent an" ' . , array of games. the champion- ouiet hut ' - rf' .. ;,., ,.. """~'lden" of "reading, chair" constructed so the Garfield. The ont-.wr1 t!~ thll .eriea O~ ship ' will definitely be settled the won de f '1 ~. i m : countr , user 'might, dangle a lei whU" office bulldinr d US. II ~ utn oJ)J>tGr ." Of, on oct. 17 in the afternoon in A a n~tiv e f t: e W,ayne ville reading; dresses worn by Lucretia the Bri)~mlfl. ' ~_ ......._td!,.Jat. it.l either the first or second game. communit I naturally have atLast Sunday' s te~ion-Bell- w~y taken a "fond interest in , brook clash was unusual as Joe Miami Cem'ldery chiefly per(n'er th ' I e,g'iOli ./.; F ·; .. 1 " that tinie. Zennie, winning ,twirler struck hap6 hec::tuse my father ,.., To return ,to the main theme. oot but 'one batsman, while Boh president of it many years a~o. were winning the easy way, by forfeit. Kier's withdrew ' f,~r!:o~m~-!F~a~ir~le~Yh'~s~a~sk~e~d~_~an:;:d~rr.re~c=ie::-iv~e~d:!...-~W~oLJrk~m~anu,,~l~eg~i.on's side-weiler. He natur~ lIv h~rl m~"' '' ~,.. :_ the tourney due to friction b~~. permIssion to use Charlie John- 'failed to fan ' any. Workman's ations and activitie in t!1e cnm~ tween themselv es' an,i ' Ot,,. · son of Lebanon fame for the control was v~rv spot.ty, and munltv but this cern fer was truly, who was only actin,g' with playoffs, due to tbe 'in.ability qf Rell/1rook con\'erteci two free one neare t hi s heart. He \ ork:. the authority tbat the team Johnny Roger'S, theIT crack , tickets into runs. , ed hard for It developmetft and Bv managers had , g-rant d . . Olllf southpaw, to participate because · Thirdbasenian M'oore's four- exte'n ion. He and m y mother BOB O'REGAN weeks 'a~o when the - eco nd-h ~.If of illness in his family. It seems base swat with on-e a oard 11 (\\ Ie p peacefully \\ 'thin it meeting conducted. Itl hort, Johnson is bener known in cinched' Bellbrook's vi.d ory in lY" t·~ Factually the softball I ague the teamwasman;:urer~. !I',,,l,1e t ' . '-," ~' P, ;·t tha n' thought and the sixth frame. Cooke ~arnerIn connection with ' Mr. playoffs boil down to a titanic I' mark J recall that struggle among Bellbrook, the come to an a,greem nt ':, m ., ~ pre nce :mmeciiately Gom.. ed two of the losers five blows, , ane th ~ + , , (p." menced a turmoil amon~ the while Haines, R. Dumford, Charle M. M'oderwel1, a prothemselves, agreed I'people's choice''' ; , J;=airley ' Hardware,' the "dark-horse'J an have the sole' auth rr!t" ~~ t " Kier. players, especially" when Moore and Joe Zennie each min ent rhi c:1 {Tf'I I,·.<::i'r""" m ~" hether r not a pl::t 'e \' W:l., Bob Campbell knew that his ,banged out a brace r,f ,safetie. who \\ a. l'Tejdent of its, Board , season; and the American Leeligible to be si~ned, exc " t " ... " w !\ 'due," j'o make matLast ,Sunday's collection tn- of ~duc:1tion for 'man year, : gion. The latter club, man for that the Ledon \ ~5 f .. ' I"' t ters short, Ki er s ecided to tailed $27 Clnd was the hi,g'he"t at t '.n~e~ .\\ ~t tn Wayn esvill e man all year. has had the best e 1!. ea!est h~lt\r ' withdraw; Johnson ( ",hom I ,gross of the season. Thanks are to VI It 11'1 - nIece, Mr . John F. • play under 'th fearn, but absences of key playcap I have ever seen nnpo"t' f'II ' , know rather welt in an athletic due to the many people who. Cadwallader, who was fot ~' at various times, for rea~ a club, hut one t!" a va~ tl p'r sense) then displayed the high despite the fact that only one many year the wife of the besons best known, to themselves, (' P "- ~ ,"' i,, ()· : t ? I ( I " ,·inn a- type of sportmanship that is ,game was played. did NOT a k lovej reet r of St. Ma,ry's have had a poor effed on th e O' reed ,a t th e start of th e ~ ,. seldom seen. Realizing- that e for their money back. - ----,C.....,'.llIr -- fl . I r J!ani Mr. CachvaP.. .2;...;;.:.~~---=:.:,---....u::~£...;)..-l!.'\;;.j.~l-tll m ora Ie . . . :'C il t(1 11 , ,: rop T '" !!:·nnna.rie.' personally was causing the ,con· d In , t~e ,initial play.;off round . J h k d f h' . ". - ._, a er as tIL nlOsf useful, hetiJul al~d tho.rough-g'oing minislast Sunday, Bellbrook pound- in ,good standing- a' ,of Ma v 1 7 , fUSIOn, 0 nson as e or IS re, 1.948, and memb rs of ,tl~ " -tatillJ! th at he w , uldn't un .E~N~ ' CUT" ter WIth whom J have come in ed out . a conv'incing 7-3 win Wayne Township P t 615 :- t, spoil the tournament for any- FOR THE contact. . He loved peol)le ami ~__"""r_.--,-.- --' ~---- NEW SEASON was an:tious to assist them in every possible way. One thin ,~ he believed in ttle Id fashion ed ~ u~~ · e. . hearty hand- hake. He thought that people could do a lot m o r~ SECTION 8 ROWS 8 'SEATS 816 ' if t l1e v would l"ut into. their han d- hake a lot 0 vigor ' and per onal Kood-will , ' I A I I I. A i 1 I I I 'I I I I I I I Referring to Miami Cern t ry B r I 1 B I I I I ' I I I I I I I' I , I have always felt that mnch C I I 1 I I I C I 'I I I I I I I I I credit \Va due to Rol '2 l't '0 D I I I I I I f' 1 I I- 1 I I: 1 , , ~hirla 'e r who was its custodian I I E E for manv years. In . speak'in~ of t I I ·1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I , ,M r. Model'wett, he stated t1 el'e F ,I F I I 1 I I I 'I 1 1 1 I I were two cemeteries in the mid· G G I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I dle\ 'e.::t i 1 mall towns that UfH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 1 11121314151 6 17 H That much admired clean-cu'! passed all others hi their beauty. look will be ·yours when you ' One ' was the Miami Cemetery The ~bove 'sedionts one of ten seGtions into whiCh the High se'nti 'your dresse - ports and and the other the Mchain Cem- . formal-to ,us for quality dry dery .at ",'cl,.,ahl, Ill; which was , School Gym has I een 'di,vided, to allow 816 available seats, all c1eanin ', We get out spots POI1 ore i chiefly by Rutll reserved fOf the Music Department Concert Series. scientifically, press u,perbly. Hanna McCormick who developed it largely ·i~ tri'bute t her Budget price ! husband, one'-time governor of YES' 816 SEATS I1Jinois 'and later U. S. senator from the state. Mrs. McCormick was the daughter of Mark Hanna of Qeveland who was LET'S FILL EVERY SEAT! GET YOUR SEASON TICKET! credited with being responsible PRICES ARRANGED TO FIT EVERY POCKET BOOI<. for Ma,jor MCKinley bein~ made <Ocmtmued' 'on, Pale &)
To the Editor
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. by 0 .J. FRAIZER
t2~16 '
october 1, 1948, October is , PAIPAAID BV ' here again and today is a typical AMeRICAN FOUNDATION FOR ANIMAL HEAL.1'H October day. Not the kind .of hydrated ha y con tains plenty o. day that we always think about TIPS, FOR BETTER Vitamin A, for Instance, but little when som'e one ays October" Vitamin D. In p:- .... '" r. min<>rals CARE OF CALVES nor the kind that is written and In view ot today'. high prices it should be kept in mmd that rIOt sung about, "October bri,g-ht of meat and feed. livestock raisers only calcium and phosphorus. but blue weather, " but the 'kind are probably more concerned than also 8up'plementa] iron, co:>pcr an~ that is just as typical. ever before with the need for . rals~ cobalt are necc£sa ry i, some loing healthy, fast-growing, vigorous calities. The local v terin a rian can It raiDed last night and thi usually advise as to which mioneral calVe.l. . . morning i a oft ~ray day~ mild Every calf I·0 8t due ·to 'mls- , deficiencies exist in anyone area. and damp. The sun tries to come Clean maternity stalls are im- . ' management or disease, before 1t portant, too, to give calves a out then i wall ' wed up in the healthy start and reduce the dallger soft gray cloud .. The pa ·ture of joint ill. SCOUI'S, and pneumonia. I o~ fr sh and green and These same troubles can be caused Jeannette seems tie enjoying also by failur . to properly disinfect the navels of new calves and it. So fa r '" ha ve not had keep the calves 3t':ay from eonenough rain to fill up our I on 1s . .the :'I."" t Ohh J !!nior Exhil it. ""hk!l won ~e::~ r.d p!~ce :lr 'l ~'! taminated premises , even though Lebanon , and r··'.Il,a., tit th .. ,Q., "'1 .. ... ... .. " r .... - ..... ...... ... Calf 'pails . should be cleaned Franklin both had he:lvy rai. Health precautions can 88ve thoroughly; milk i.e an excellent thi week. ho\ver perhap. th , place for geM11s to grow and multiJ I: f:> .. U . .:cJL .~nl In all curnel'S 01 ; 'nat! ::i (;: Hul" ;:,t.\J~ L':'I\t! 1> ' ,!:- " L man1 more calves. ply, If ' pOSS i' Ie, the ' colostrum J \ '!: ~ h ~ \ e heen alIed ' for tl ~ e Buc]; e:v'E' State are busily pre- Thursday and Fri day. Ocfo ~"' r 14 ••ts Into full production or reache. (first milk aft~r birtll) uhould be " _. J. ' • t " r fell, they p:.:.r.ing OhiQ's !»rize Jer:.:eys for the and 1& . The Sale of Stars. in which market age and weight. is a ter- saved , and f ed to . the calves. Coonly la ted a ' hart time. third All Ameriean Jersey Show at more t ha n 50 of Ameri":l' ~ fl ~e. t rific ftnancial loss and 8 w-a!!te of lostrum contains needed v1tamina \\'heat i' lant ng ha I e !!U' . and helps. bulle'! resistance to in• f~ed , C~lu,!,bus in Oeto~r. where they Jersey cattle are being sold at Steps to assure the ,best possible fection. cto 'f'r fourth i. tI'e offi ~ ! :l , WI)) compete against. the b,est auction is scheduled for Saturday Besides foHowing sound managecalf crop begin with the proper Jerseys from the entire U mted rl : J.. t" i c;, ear ' 1 u t the .y h a \' St;ates and Canada. The Ohio State afternoon. ?ctober 16, rol1~wed the .ment and feeuin r. practlc.ell. ~e Clare and feeding of the pregnant jJ mped the (Yun . i; man y pb e . cow. Good quality hay, ba.l!1nced calf raisel should '\)e alert for Fairgrounds is the site of this same evenmg by the O~JO State La t year we planted Penn vlwith minerals, ~Il:lmins ann pro-. signs of disease, R:1<'l 1\)" -:- orompt national event. the 'I argest one- Jersey Sale. . vania and had a wonderful . taml let n!'l. Is e~pe(" '.Il 11y I lmpm·tant. De· steps If they apt>ea r. brned flhow in the nation. y,:hich An add~d feat,uTe of the 1948, but when we thre I~f' cl :t .. begins OCtober . 12 and continues Sale of Stars will be the Sale Of fnund there was m re , tr:'! I I ' for five fuU days. Junior Winners. with the six top ....... 4-B and Future Farmer boys and .animals in the Junior Jersey Exth an grain. It did '0t rrOl1 I 'e girls will occupy the spotlight the position being sold by ' their young a ' well a some other that we fint tw" ""VI!!.. ownel'tl. planted. We had a fair " i l ' ~ from the late planted wheat tr a we were so doubtful about. " didn't come UPI until sprin,g- hut Miss Judith Schuler of Leb- .1 the yield was just about ave " ~e of Waynesville on one of the side .roads I saw more crows anon spent the week end with ,. . . IUILDINGS for this farm. I,am t:ll thinkill CHA nElS AUTOMOIsILES lIAlilITl about planting some-winter oat. ' than I ever saw before. The air her grandmother and aunt, Mrs. "4~WAY FARM INSURANCE" .-though it i : a Ftt. l:,te for th at was fu1l of thein, . the pasture Grace Schuler and Virginia. was black with them, there must and ome 'of this Ball a rye that in me Ohio Parm. . will p.. JOU breed ~ apiDIt 10IIII Mrs. Louise Conger had as ' th y ta, k so m:lch about. N \ have been' th usands of them. . OD JOur farm. It COY. . . JOUr buildinp, J011f chanela, your .1ItolDobll~ th '" t . hav It t:'actor w't! a There were plenty of them in her Thursday dinner guests, aDCI JOUr lIabWry ~r accidents co othen. Wh, · DOt lee . . tocIa,~ self ta rter perhap , can ,i!'et th e corn field too but that is Mrs. LilIiaQ Wiertz, Mrs. Amy y.,.. ,.." JOU',. Ill- _heo JOG',., ~ Ia die OhIo ......, out and try ~iittle exrerimen - ,not where most of them were. Brandt, Mrs. Bessie BenneU, Wherever there were low Mrs. J. F. Hoover, Mr . Buelah ing 'on my own account. . I spent the other aften (, r ' - ,g-reen pat ne in the pasture Ross, Mrs. Catherine Vest, ' and .tr lnr- t l?'ather- tl'e r main It'ft they were busy picking up some- - Lillie Carleton a,tl of Dayton . in the truck patch. I, pick ~ i · ,thing. I looked around for somePhone lIB, ~o E. Mulberry, LEB~NON, 0, beans and yet more bean and one whn cQuld? tell me abollt-H--" A--I~ ' N --"'!"' · '. . OHIO fIIMEISI.GIIAI ••. COMPANY "verv time 1 turned around them but there wasn't anyone in sight. Were the d, o ing some chere were · more 'eans, sam@_ ' ... OHIO .AlMEd INDIIIM'IY' " .~ ~ dry and some still green. I am thing helpful or harmful ~ ,If naturally thrift.\! and '1 hat 1 anyone knows, won't they . , ee even a dry hean ~o to waste. I? lease tell us? 'rhrift i ,~o t no )ular .now and I think it is the tesult of .flle LETTERS TO THE f;DITOR cllrr ''':t high w rve . Ev ryone ha. the d0Jtar-iln-hQur comnlex . (Continued from page 4) or . even th d lIar-:ltid-a-half . ;,)l~lS p;,)llun ;,)tIl ]0 lU;')P!S~ld t' V .l if thev ail-hOt· c m )l tx 'OlllO 'U1PfUEJ::I JO ~UPfEddS REASONABLE are not work in 0' cfr.~' (m'e Peter Sellers, who wa.s the hea i HERBERT B. DAKIN el e. That r1lake", a f wI ; 'lll . of ' the W a" ne ville pl' l;1 1i Phone 2641 k . r·"'.e'lsi e to bot!1c" \ !th. schools, went" to ·some mall WAYNE VILL.E 12:30 P. M. N one wants to pick tomatoes coIlege down in Oh;'o or Ineii-107 on shares or even .'can them jf ana,. I forget which, to take .~ you (!i e them to them. As for charge of · the colIe,{!'e. He inHOUSEHOLD mending anything, it just would- duced his niece, Hanna Seller, GENERAL LIVESTOCK 3 Piece Mahogany Wkker' Set n't p-a y when time is s'o valuable .. to go to the co.lle~e and he~ come head of its mu, ic depart~ GRAIN 4-9 x 1 2 Rugs , . Ho\\ ever it .was' enc'ouraging to ment. ,She was regar ej in her see ' the nice sewing done by the 2 New Linoleum Rugs and , 4-H clubs and others at the ' day, as the fine-~ t piani t in . . I ' 1 Kitchen~ tte f'1ir.. . () 1!irl, o·r· hoy either,' W(,lynesville. Th ere she met a WATER ' 1 Kitchen Cabinet should be allowed to" grow up young doctor f(om Franklin, O. '3 Piece Living -Room Suite without I ai'n in !! to ew and take Later the ' wer married ah'd 1 Frigidair care of their clothes, It seems went to Franklin to live. At 1 House Comfort Range . pitiful to see the young married various times ' Hanna ' would RA'Y FARQUER 1 Studio Couch igirls with little children who do come to Wayne vH1e to attend 1 Dining Table Buffet Chairs I'" not know how to make e'ven the annual meeting of our Waynesville the si~plest clothes for them, 'alUmni association of which she 1 Bottled Gas Stove, 1 Tank of Gas PHONE 2824 paying the extravagant prices -in .was very .proud. Bed Room Suite C. M. Cartwright the stores for .things tha t would . 1 Atwater ., Kent Radio Evanst.on, 111. · , take so little time and so little Dishes, orne Antiques --"---- ..- - . rna terial to make. "1 Shot Gun . There goes a squirrel that the C7' OtJ:Jer Articles too numerous to mention. hunters missed. I wonder' if it ... I . I ' knows how much safer its life -.r"'t!ndJ .' o.mt? Listi,ngs Wanted LIVEsTOCK is today than yesferday. When Mrs. Olive Curl J.eft Saturday Buyers Waiti~g I heaved a, sigh of relief tnat for a short' VIsit ' with relatives SO White Rock Chickens the~e wOl1l~ be no .more hunting , and 'friends in Sabina O. . Mrs. Leah Mills and M'rs. ' untIl rabbIt season the bovs laughed and ~aid, "How about . Goldie Bentley spent a plea ant R. R. 2 Waynesville crows and ground hogs and day on Wednesday at the home foxes?" Squirrel hunters report- of Mrs. Bentley's sister. Mrs. On State Rt. 48, ~ mi. North of Rt. 73 ed seeing two foxes nearby or Vi~tor ' Burris in Dayton. . Rt. 73, half mile west of Waynesv·iIIe. Phone Centerville 7056 'perhaps the same fox twice, and _ Miss Olive Williams left on the crows -grow bolder every Thursday to visit with her' niece 4uct. WILBUR N. SEARS. -107 day. last Sunday driving south Mrs. Della Hoss in Indianapolis. C: <~ . ~
" .-;~p
I t
,I I
Karl D. ·Da~in Insurance Agency
,'S ale of Household Goods'
-.....-..--- ---
Real..' Estate
Roy E. "Smith
in e the poll i nation-wi ie, being nt out to thea.tre mana r all ov r the Unit i tat . \1\1 '11 l et you know th nation al re -ult w-he11 the all ting i ver a,nd the \ inn r ' announced.
'TWI'N LeDses
Weddings RATLIfF -
tiv' - here and was quite well . known her . ' '
, Mr , H. L. Rye and Mr . W. P. ~ : Jli - I~llr atlended the w ctdin o' t f th . latter's ce, Mis EIlzahet h Lu e and Mr. hili p E, Lan,~ at the M'ethodi t Chur h
REMINDER: The T\ 'in i open SEVEN ,\, a 'A' e k duri :" OCTOBER.
in Xen ia on
have lust ompl ' t d , th e \\ ay , T, ' \1 TI e:ttre s I allot f r 'Bo)( We hay so many n c:o~~lc a 'k 'Offi t:, ' a Nati nal ,Film W ee ' I,' on Sahlrda nig,'llt: "I s there: a of ,t.r movi e in iu ~ tr y. :rhL . med, t onig-hf? ' jbat. '01 ,yj 'ui mag.l . . in c i's condu tL ,Q,' a p 11 t , to annou n YES, th re I thi: find out wh are th All-Am rattn'day. Often, with the se rial. lcan SCI' en favorit f 1':>41-\, one ca ll't b work d in, hut h',an we ar to s lect 1 _ female time W~ have non e ( he.r til an tars out of a out 275 name' funny'-man Ed, ',U nned .. ubmitte , 12 mal tars out f ., "Hon I' of tile Ran, 'e" (Film over 300 names ubmitt d, and CI a . i ) i t h f atu r a11 d all 10"Westernstarsout fap " - yo u K n ,Ma nard funs \' ill I~~ ible 40. The Twin entri in n intere t d th at, in th i' hn rd .. r il way tepre eI1t the opinion of file in j?: W tern, Ken 1 la: dll:d ma'nagement. They weI' el ,t- .r 'Ie, and ver y 0' 'od he is,. actin )' d olely n bo ffi r turn s, him elf and hi we aklin' t win which hould show th a tors hrl ther, \\ ith hi -' W nd er h r ' and a tr es preferre 'l b.\ Tarzan ah a a t h and to h 11 "Va nesville. Don t kno\ tll at lit in In ' itua tiol1 . 'Y ou 'll this all mean anythinl, b~lt it wRnt to fitld out to , iu t \ hat w iII b intere tihg t ' ho" hanll ns to Bmdf()j'i wi h t)1 r' ' our local preferen t,: ta k up n ~lti ~ - in Chapt r f th' with the re t of the country, 'eria l entitle j Buried Tr a LII' (" and \Vh th luck I B \f inner i , 1. :t5t \' C:'k it wa 'car Kk ' , henn. ·Mar v a iv ' nfure in th : ~ 111 t . 1,1. zi nK cn.:en lim.'. wh 11 . : r '11 Gra .A Vv omi, :'., (F o x ) , t arr in ~ Pc,- ,', Cummin ·. harte C lurn an 'l R bert Arthur, pl a. .- Sun la ' and Monda ' . Phot( ~T a phc il~ Te I1I1i o f rami:i the c [1i " m lIll ; in ': f L tah al1d the fame i ra ing val f l :l' ' :' le', 7-James 'Whltcomb Riley Ohio, the picture c m in /11 born. 1853, ' the thri 1 f it pr d ess rs "My Friend Fli ka '. "Thu lld~r head" '\ on of Fli ,ka", an l II m k., ' . 'That wiI j, fi r c tal. derl ead filifi ll 1 i., heritage as a hunted ,raider 0 tJ, rar; ' , and tl}e -t ry we ~ ~ 1~ IO-U.& No'olo~\ied A",d."",. Annapolis, , 1845 thru ~ age danger " of tile ran !l copntry, with it fi ghting hoI' -e" . ll-Edlson patents vote reo and marauding wolf pack I t T":' corder 1868 La b ro the high excitem nt of ',: tat >
unday aft moon.
.i · s:;. . . ~ h·.. l,..
Land B·ank Loans ,FA~MS
LOW INTEREST M 1'. an j Mr. J' st: ~) 11 d r LEBANON N. F. L. A. t attended , tll w"thlin,Q" of l. 8 0 I OHIO !\i " Bdte L \\ 'man an 1 arl· Davi j Martin at til GI:i1 -, Meth Ii t Chur 'l1 in Da ton ' n ( I I) AN BLDG.aturd a' v nin g, The Ibride" PHONE 44 moth r, the 'form r Cilarl otl ." ", T'y ~ on frequentl v i it ~ rela7 , ~,~~ ~: a
.... t
"~ :::~::I::II~~~Undod . .
-Columbus Day
,' Ia-Napoleon amves at SI. Helenn 1815 W 1'.""'"
', I Fair Harne I.
Use The Almanac To . Check The Weather But Use ,
I .
SO' c.~,
A 'R O D FL ': ,\...; :~
'. . I Phone 2634 . .• '~~~~~' ~~~4 "ati;~~ ~.;1
EASTERN STAn. PlANS FRIENDSHIP NlGHT OCT. 11 Miami ChRpt r 1,07 ,E. ,. wi ll ob erveJi=rienct hi~ , ight ,at
l?ct fre
thei'r r g'u lar mel ting on M nday ' evening, Octo . er ,11. Invi·
tations have been Issued to all OPEN DAILY THRU OCT. & N<)V. . hapt r in Di: tri t 21. All · TEL., 2661-2351 "HOT POPCORN Ra . Thrll it al Miami · Chapter memb rare Y NI HT runs a tide.of human drama, the a k d to provid :alnd and and- SOFTBALL LEAGUE BENEFIT EA ~1 \ ' ED E tor of a b ! and a g.irl, and f \\ iche _. TONITE ONLY SAT. ONLY
.Repair Serviice nvi ible Half
To ,Buy, Sell, Rent, Loan, Borrow, Any Time of The Year
. .,.
, 0 '"
n (
111-13 E.
C; lin~'
Dual Brother Act for 'KEN MAYNARD ·in
H'lnor of the Range , Also:. Edgar Kenned,Y Comedy. And: 8th Chap, erial.
.j IllS
Henry ' ·H~ Moeller ~ulberrv
PIli : W .ee!U-lJ;:......6,a.£!:If-AW-flTft-:---...---,,--;
SUN.-MON. .,
, t
Fonr and ,One Third 'Acresat
Plus: ' .
s DautJhter
- -.--.----- --
WED.ON·LY (.ft all · Leag- ue pre ents
, 'Bell e Starr
$345 Per .Acre ,
a I ound of cure. Our reg~ll~r servicing of y ur ar keeps It In A No. 1 cb ndition ..• assures you safe,. smooth, ~arefree drivmg. Let LIS ~ r V I e, your .ar eVery 1, 00 lTIlle . It s the WIS ... thing to do! Call 2341 FOR PICK-.UP SERVICE.
On Dayton Pike-Route 48 Handy Bus' Servi'ce -
~L ~OR
DE:'..D STOCK Cv\i S $7, 0 H01'Ses $6.00; . ' Hogs $2.00 cwt. . Ac (n,iillg to size and condition . Prompt, Clean Service PHONE COLLECT Xenia 1712 , or Wilmington 2362 JANES RENDERING, 'Waynes.
. -0-
Route 73
Main Highway
v ilk, Ohio Call FRANCIS DRAKE -
Phone Lebanon 354-R
(OCTOBER, ' 7, 1948
, "
. '
TUESDAY, NIGHT, Tennessee Corporation Hillbilly Band. . . WEDNESDAY NIGHT "Amateur Show. ::::-...:::.--'-'--'----- - --'-.
. ,
FRIDA~ ' NIGHT, High School Band Contest' featuringMorr~w, Centerville, Harveysburg, Carlisle, and
Waynesville Bands. .
. , . SI\TUROAY AFT£RNOON, ' Corn HuskIng Contest in nearby field. . . .' SATURDAY NIGHT, Olct-Tim~ ' Fiddlets' and Street Dance. I
Brintyoar produce by noon Wednesday I
DON'T FORGET TO CALL us for insurance. Il types of insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2472 or calJ collect. Wilmington' 2111. FOR SALE-
Notice is hereby .g iven, that In pursua.nCe of a. reSflutlon of the Council of ' the VtlIt)t'e of Waynes-· ville, Warren County, Ohio passed the 2nd d a.y of July 1948, there wlll be submltteil to a vote of the people or the Village of Wo.Ynesville Warren County, Ohio at the Genera~ Election to be beld In said Vlllage at , the regular places or votlng ,therein, on Tuesdo.y the 2nd day, of Novi!mber 1948, It r dn ewo.l or a. tax at a. rate not e~eedlng two and one-half (2*') m.ills tor eo.ch one d.ollar of valuo.tlon, which amounts to twen.t~;-flve (26) cents for each one huridri!d dollars of vo.luatlon for
mlnlstro.trix of the Estate or Da.vid H. Lucas la te of Wa,yne Township Warren County, Ohl(), deoeased.Dated 'thJs 27th do.y or September 1948 . .
CAREY Judg.e of the Probate Court Wo.rren County, Ohlo. H. Z. Gray, Attorney RALFIHi
.JJa,.ve'l~tu"f} , Mrs. Mary S. Pierson and Mrs. Helen R. Hill attended the annual meeting of past I:l1atrons and past patrons of the twentyfirst di trict O. E. S. at Mason Friday. .
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Richard William and family of Wilmington. Mrs. John Rhoades of. near town Who has been ill, is able to be out again. Mr. and MfS. Charles Mac Donald of Cincinnati, ,are announcinR: the recent birth of a son, their fourth 'child. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mac Donald of the village are the paternal grandparents. . The cast of "Wings over Dayton" a daily afternoon feature of WIN G, Dayton, appeareq at the "Full Gospel Church" in Harveysburg, Wednesday evening. Included in the ca "t were Mrs. Sidney Corell , the lady sky-pilot, George Garaner, the navigator and Marge, Vivian and Dee the ftyerettes; Cliff Block was pianist for the group.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Edgington of Waynesville were Satur• '.NOTICE OF AP-POINTMENT day guests of Mrs. Edgington's . EXECUTC.R ' grandmother, Mrs. Sadie ReaEsto.te of Essle Cobb Gray son. Deceased: Notice Is hereby glv,en , Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Tuck,t hat Kathleen M. Beck whose Post , er were weekend houseguests Office address Is 1601 N. Western of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence WillAv:e., Dayton, Ohlo ,h as been duly iams in AmeJia. o.ppoln.ted as Executrix of the Estate Mrs. Josephine Pennington is of ~ssle CO'bb Gray la.te of Warren ill at her home on ,Maple St., County, OhiO, deceased. but was reported improving, Dated this 13th d ay of Septemb er Sunday. . 1948. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cline Jr. Ralph H. Carey and . daughter Geraldine of Judge of the !»tobate Court Columbus sp·e nt the weekend Warren County, Ohio with Mrs. Cline's parents, Mr. C. Dona.1d Dlla.tuah, Att.orney and Mrs. Herbert T. Doster. 101 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gordan and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Easter NOTICE OF A,P POINTMENT were Sunday ' dinner guests of : -107 JOHN E. HOLDEN, ADMINIST,RATOR Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham. ----------ChaIrman ONE GIRL'S Water-Repellent A. M. PARKER, Estate of Allee E. , Terry Decea.secl. Mr. and M·rs. Rov Valentine red snow suit, Size 3. Mrs. Olerk. Notlce 1a..hereby g1vell that Mearle and family of W;'lmington were Edwin Surface. Phone 2917. M. Terry and Wo.lkerH. Terry whose Saturday guests of Mrs. ValenPost Otflce Address Is R. R. 3, tine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Or-, NOTIOE OF ,ELECTION ON RE· HELP WANTED-FEMALE Wo.yn,esvll1e, Ohio 'ho.ve been duly ville Barnhart. NE'WAL OF A TAX OUT'ID~ appointed as Adminlatn.to1'8 or the The members and their TEN MILL LlMIT,ATJGN WOMAN to clean large· auditorEeta.te ot Alice E. TEll'ry, late of families of the Civic League will i,um daily. C~1l2143. ' Notice 18 hereby gtven, tho.t in M.a.88te Township, W8.irren County, be entertained at a Halloween p~uance of a. resolution of the Ohio. decea'8ed. , party Saturday evening Oct. 9 MEN AND WOMEN WANTED Board of Ed, u ca.Uon. of Wayne Local Do.ted this 8th day ()f September at tile country home of Mr. and . FOR FACtORY WORK Bcnool Dlatrl~t, WUnen CouIllty, 1948. ' Mrs. Howard Graham. The RALPH B. CAREY league will also hold an election STEADY ,work with concern· Ohio. pas~ed the t11t da.y of July ..:.· Judge ot -the Probate Court of officers at this meeting. , which ran futl alt through last 1948, ttbere win be lIubmttte4 to a • WARREN COlJNrrY, OHIO Mrs. Charles Gordan will be , depreSSion. Good wages and vote of the people ' of aid 8Chool hostess to the ·.W. ,C. T. U. at j worki,ng conditions. Excell- J1istrlot, at ~he GeneraJ ElecUon to Mo.Ple II: Maple Attorney. -"--''''-,-.. . ;. _ ent opportl,uiity fQr ad vance- be held In said ·8~Ool-'Bf8trtrl:C'ethart't-------;:::t::.:::;:::;:::::::::==~---~hv,er;.-:home Tuesday- afternoon, NOTICE OF AP.P011NTMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ctiarles Harner . , mente ·W rite to Dave Bane, the ~egulo.r places of voting therein. ADMINISTflA'rOR of near Xenia were Wednesday ~; _ Fox Paper Company, Lock- on Tuesd8IY the 2nd do.y of Novevening guests of Mr. and Mrs. .'. land, Oncinnati 15, Ohio. ember 1948, a renewal o~ a. tax ·! Detate o~ Cha:rl. . m. Iloye Deceased Robert Stump. ' Give facts on your back- at a rate nat excee(Jlng three ' (8) Notice f8 11....,. tha.t A group of women belonging i ground, eduC'atton, age, etc. mtLls tor eo.lCh one dollar of valuatlon. which amounts to thirty (30) Clar.nce _ . and Har'Vey L. Bye', to tile local W. S. C. S. met Experience not necessary. -102t cents t.oi' each one hundred donare Whoae ·Poet Office AddnM ... with Mrs. Frank Morrow at her PERsoNALS • of valuation, for the purpose of Wayn~l!IVIl1" Ohio, have been dull ing ta count the cancelled sales CURRENT :i:!lxiPlDNSms, of the appolDte4 . . Adm1n1atraton of ttl" tax receipts the Organization The Twin Theatre likes School District, for a period of metat. of Chule8 Eo ltye late ot has be~n collecting. !y&ur patronage every nlrht. tive · (6) yeara 'bec1nntl18' w~th tbe wo.~ Townahlp. WarreD Coua~. M!r. and 'M:rs. ,Dallas Barton 'Ohio 4ec.ue4. ' and sons attended the HamilBoth tlie Twin and, the Softball tax year 1949. . League will like your patronage · The polls for _14 electlon wtU Dated thle 11th day o,f September ton County Fair Friday. ' .' Mrs. Edna Compton Bogan '" n WednesdaY'Dights aurlng the . open; at ~:80 A. ·M. and. remain IN~. Deautiful month of 'O ctober. open untll 8:~ p. M. (Eastern was absent from music classeS Standard Time) o.f 8&ld d&.!'. •• ••• ••BaIpIl-IL Care,' at-school a few (fay this week. . By order of the Bo&l'd of Dec••••• .J'u~ of th. PI~bMe Court suffering a severe cold. ¢lona pf Warren County, Ohio. Wuren COl1DtJ". Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Clfiord Doster, , JPBlN 3. HolJDlliN, • ..,.. B. OI'Q, Attorn., .- dBaughter Sharon and-baby son, C.trman . , -107 ruce spent Sunday wlfh Mr. ~c A ACETYLENE . and Mrs. ,Herbert Doster.. ' M. 'PARKmB, alerk. Miss Evalyn Tucker' was a -1018 ,. , Guests of Mr; andl Mrs. Earl weekend houseguest · of her Young of Lytle Sunday were: NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Mr. and M,rs. ,Carl Pickering of 'Portable Equipment ADMINISTRA.TOR Centerville, Mr. and Mrs. John ! Can Be Brought to the Job " Eaq..te of David H. LuC88 Deoeaaed ' Traiper and Martha and Thelma NoUce fa hereby a1ven tbat Anna. Tralper., .Mr~ and Mrs• . Robert . E. Lucas WhOlie Post OUlce Ad- Young and son, Mr and Mrs .dresa. Is R. tR. I, Wafne.~ne,' Ohio B. Gillotte of Dayto and Mrs: . emma LacJ~ Mr. an~ \fS, OJas. h&a :~n duly appointed . . , ActBunnell an(l daugh~e of Lytle. APPLES -- J,onathans, Cort- . Jands and Grimes Golden. Also RED DELICIOUS Underwood Orchard, Harveysburg. Phone 2897. -ind. ----~-------------------Two Children's coats; Size 8. On Jight hIue, ummBr weight, and . one navy blue, winter weight, Chesterfield t h<e purpose of CURRENT EXPENSES of so.ld vlllQJge~ type. Phone 2721. M. A. f th ... __ lk or e year 1949 and for .0. FU e,rson. - "- 1 0 t 4 period of four yea.!"s thereafter, JENNY LIND Bed with -two inThe ports for said election wtll n e.r.sp ring mattresses, and open o.t '6 ; 80 A. M . and. remain open sprmgs. One large chest of until 6; 30 P. M. (Eastern Stando.rd drawers and one small chest Tlme) of said' day. ' of drawers. Albert Pummil. By order of the Board of EtlecPhone Centerville 7583. tions of Warren Coun.ty, Ohio. ' LIaoA
Fol' You To Feel
W(~ ~
2 4 hours every day, 7 duys C\ ". week. ,over "toppln~. the kidney .. filtfl r waat.e ~,u, ter from the blood, . l ~ .ore people were aw,ure of how tho Id'f'1 cy8 mUlt conltantly rcm,ove lUI'piu.; fluid, elleea ·aclds nnd other wute matter that cannot Itay In the blood without Injury to he alth, there would be better understanding or wh. tb. whole sYltem is Upsilt when kidneys rail ~o (lIbctloD properly. B Imin", scanty too frequent urlD" tlon lometimell warn. that lomethlnl la wronl. You may lutfcr nllggln, backBllhe. hea.d.cbell. dlulneu. rheum. tie ~lI i ns. get tin, lip at DI,bta. awallln" • Why Dot t1'y: DoCl"', Pi'Ia' You will tie U'lonl a medicine recommended tb. Clountry over. Doa,,', .timulate tb. fllDotiob of the Idcln.,. and belp them te flUllh out pOlaobOu. wute from tb. blood. Tbq eoDtaJD DotbiDl harmful Get DOli.', tod_,.. v.. with CODllden_ , At aU drq .to,..,
A Ao
.,'. X'U THAT. MTIW.D II." IL tp. fifL~~':~· ~
-F OR' , Any mak_ or model . Fred 'Kahn Motor C.r C
illlJ • •-
PHONE 2411
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Conger .nd Mrs. Grace Schuler were the Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. ' M. Hill of Xenia.
Bill ·Lee
. Mesdames Stanley Bai1ey~ O~ Rldg~, R. .H. Hartsoclt, (Everett Early Ada Courtney, E. L. Th'omas, 1· J. Burske, L: C. St. John, John Fromm and E. F~ 'Earrihart attended the Past Mat~ons· and Patrons meeting at ,Mason . on friday.
Live WAre .................ve. All
• ............" .••••",. til ....... ......'" ....... .n the .....
NO ....... MOCK COMPAtt¥ Clnolnn... 'f"I.,. MMIt V.....
'7.10, ~
'2~08 c.t.
Xe.iao·4 S4~ XENIA Fertilizer E., G. Bucbsleb, Inc.
Armitage, &SOn . ......... ..
~RDING TO ~ AND ~NDrhr.k
DIit ... .
LII!IUOJr ..... . .
Garbage Collections to , As -town's Fund Runs Out.
It Say§ ·HeFe
By Smitty Whether we like it or not ~here are' goi,ng to be pupils , In the 57-year-old Waynesville Grade School .for 'at least several years. Not so many as are there now, . if the school 'board decides to ,build the .larges t possible addition tf) the high ' school, but ·two or three grades will have to remain there. The question then comes u What can be done fo make the old building, less undesir'able? With this in mind. I ioined Supt. K. M. Retallick and an interested parent in a "Cuok's ~ tour" of the grade school after last, week's ' town meeting. Here a,re some of the thin,l(S I learned: ' t. Only one of the nine classrooms has good electric li,ghting; The rest have one ot two sinf:le Qulbs hanging from the ceihng. The winng would !lot stand the I~ad of putting In enough bulb fixtures to 'pro "' tect the children's ' 'eyes ' but fl~orescent light could' solve thIs problem at an estimated cost of '1200. " 2. To' one used to "city" plumbing, the restrooms are a sorry and smelly mess. They a.re being kept as clean as .pos'SIble, ;lnd t~e "s.eats" have re-cen tly , been painted. But flush toilets ~d a· few more, washbowls ' would' notr CGst much more "harr the lfthtini WG'lJld, 3. .A·1ew othe~ 'Slifety facfors ~utd .ll~ .f.ix,ed che.ply" ~ch as. I ~ .." , 1.a'i' a'IS., ~. n ~. Xhe cafeteria could b~ enlarg~d, by ·taklng out ,a wooden
NO. 4390 - WA¥NES-V-'L-L-E-,0' -H-'-O-----
TH U RSDA Y, OCTOBER, 14, 1948
1WIN DAUGHTERS Jane 'Ann and Judith Ann were borp Sept.' 30 to Mr.. and Mr,s.. D. Wilbur ~i1liams 'of Wllmm.e:ton, O. . . . Mrs. Edna Janney 'Walhams IS the paternal gTandmother. Mrs. Ruth E. Janney of De ~anq, Fla:, formerly of Waynesvllle, IS the. g-reat-grandmother of the twms.
John, L. 'Rye, 79, rl5ed at ~. ' Saturday, Oct. 9, at Elyria Memorial Hospitai after three months' illness. He was bon,1 in Mt. Holly on Dec. 24, 1869, and Ii ve.d most of his life in the Waynesville area. When, his wife died nine years ago,' he went to five'" with his dau;ghter, Mrs. Edward Burton of Elyria. ' In additidft to Mrs. Burton, he leaves two other daughters Mrs; Elton Evans and M~: Howard Bean, both of Xenia. Funeral · services were held yesterday at the McClure Fun~ra' 1f{9me with Rev. R. B. Colel11an officiating. Burial was in' Miami, Cemetery. 7 :15 p.
'Messiah' to Be Sung By 100 Voices Here
- There will be no more gar- . bage collections in WaynesvilJe until ~anu~ry. Money 'allotted for thiS purpose by the village council has been used up for the ·entire year, according to Charles James, clerk of the council. ' . The vmage , truck bas been . collecting ashes, trash, and other waste every Monday, with ' the crew , being paid' per hour. Bilts for the men's time were paid from the "Garbage' Fund" in the i 948 budget. Now ' that this is gone, they cannot e paid from any other fund. Mr. James warned that the , fund for street work is also ' running low and niay be, ,ev~ ha~sted , before, the year ends. ThiS would mean no sanding for the town's hills in case of a December snow, 'he'said, urging that this money be used sparingly. " , . " , Fur~hermore, tli~ garbage collections may never be' restored unless the voters of Waynesville give the needed two-thirds . majority 't() a renewal of the , present 2" mill tax levy on the ballots November 2. This levy for 1949 'through t'953 will keep the village tax rate where it is now, ,and Is necessary for current ~xpenses, one of which IS garbage removal.
A two-hour' program from , Handel's ' famous oratorio, "The Messiah," will be presented at W,'ayhesville High School · on either Dec. 22 or 23 with outside soloists backed ' by a 100-voice choit of -local res. idents. Due to the length and d ifficulty of the solo parts, a soMr. and Mrs. C. N. Eve prano, alto, tenor ,and bass will land . of New , Vienna are abe brought to 'Wiaynesville 'each nnouncing the arrival of Clifwith , previous experience , in 80 AITEN9 E,' S. 'ford Nichols Jr. ' on Oct. 4, singing "The Messiah." FRIENDSHIP NICKI" 1948, ' , The chorus will consist of The proud ~randparents are Mr. and ~rs. Richard Campbell· the high school choir of 60 ' Friendship'. Night was -obvoices, merged With 40 mem- served at Miami Chapter, O. E. bers from the various church S., on -Monday evening witD ch(;irs of Waynesville. ' Re- eighty members and' ~uests prehearsals are tn ' be started sent. A ,most enter taming proshortly. I gram was arranged by Mrs. It is h9ped to ~ave-n electric Ralph .HastingS. ., organ,harp, and pian'o accomDoris and David Brown and panfment at the high scho,ol for Tobe Ball, 3.'11 in 'costume, gave the occ'asion, a:ccordlng to Dbb lovely vocal numbers and a CMC CLUB MEETING " CLASS OI:'l:'ICERS N·.& antft Gahris, music' instructor, who playlet was , pi'~sented- by II'" ~ftLUI:oU also reminded Wayne Town- Messrs. Ross Ro\V~and, Ralph ,DELAYED UNTIL 21nt · ' ' Oass officers at Waynes- ship resitlents tnat s'easo,n tic- Hastings, Roger Brown~ John . The monthly meeting ' ~f the vil e High SchOOl tbis year 'are: kets are, now on sale for a Burske · .and William Stlrouse: Waynesville, Civic Otm ",ill be ' Seniors: President. Bot; seven-concert series which wn~ ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Earn- post~()ned until . tile fourth Hasti1\&'S; vlce~l*'esld'cmt, Bob start ne-xt We.dneSday with haft gave two vQcal due~s. Miss unterl.aecr~l.. BU& 'Hoaki Rei'hert 'Mrle an 'fils Wblte Naomi EaI11hart ~as' ace6rnp- Monuay tbis..-m~ it "u-an..' tre'asurer.. Judy conner, news Hussar.s. '''The Messiah" Will anist for the ' entire, program. nounced by Maynard ' Weltz , ~t is , e~'p~ted that reporter Fr.ances WhitaKer , SaJads, s':lndwiches and coffee secretary. 9111 reports the Fall festival Juniors: ' President. Dan not be a part 01 this series. were served' in th'e dining rooin. bein~ spo'n(,.~ sored by the club" partltlQn~ ' , Simpson; vice-president. Oyde - .... -Guests . \Vere present' from will be ~v~n -af the diMer 'th~ r~lati:v-ely , he,a~" (in Sm!l!hvoo~' ; ' ~retary.. Martha ' ~ Fra.nklin" LynchlJurg, Cincin- Oct. 25 In tile "Methodist terms nf J)uildlngcost) c~a!1g- "ukens;' treasure'r, noris. Wool- , ·-ecl-'~ ~gs Harv~e'ysburg, New Burl,es would make the 01ci butldmg: lard' business manlcrers Don- ' iVV: QIH " !lati, :; MorrcJW, Lebanon, 01 urch basement. ' m,ton, •, more Jlv.ble &net ,healthier. Of n'a Barton and HafJ.n EarnLeesburg, Blanchester, ' New W. H. s. IJASr.aAi'!lI, IU -course . I~ . ~ ,s!J1I h~e hart; ne~ r~fte , Mar, Ann SC01T - B~oac Vienna and Oarksvnte. .creaky woo~ oors and s()tne Burton. . , , Mn. Martha Scott of Leb. PlAYING .100 SEASON . we~k fgfts .hi~e ~1~ter• .ButSopbompres,: __' .Pre,sident'. arion anCl Mr. T. Ir. Brannock HARVEYSBURG 'O. E. S. With four of ttJeir six count}:so 0 ~ 11~ • er sC1Ioots. Do~otliy Wilson; vlce-presid- were 'tU1ited in mm~ge. at league games behind them t~e Th' J . ' - f ' ent. Warren Sheehan: $ecre- Covington, Ky., oh Friday. lIONORS ITS 'MATRON . e, Dine cI~ooms in the tarN, Be~y Satterthwai.t e; tieas- They ,were quietly married .and T.ltursday evepfng members 'Waynesville . .Hlgh School' aut~ , old bUlldi"g. ha,:e (Sf 90 square urer,' DaJe Oaklil; news repo!'- ·gr.eatJ.y .surprised -their , 'many ,of '-the ,HarveySburt chapter of urnn baseball team has wo~ , feet while e.aght In ,the prQP9sed .ter Alberta Brannock~ frtends. ' , ' J the O. 'E. S. met for a SUrprise t\~o games and' lost t"'o. The ne" bbildlrrg,"uld 'have 6~ 60. • P!eshman: President, Jim Mr. Brannock, a v.eteran of gathering at 'the home of 'their first pair. of victories Were won - Henfj the tl'tl.oaed ..ddltl~n Rldteyj vice-president, ' David World Wat II, has made his ~worthy matron, Mrs. HeienR. ever Morrow, t 7 tn S, and Hatwou .t verlUiT~l~ tquat it an Hartsock; secretan', Mary ho...~ il) WJaynesville but he 'Hill, to present 'her with an "1_ veysburg, ' 9 to 4. Then came yapael y. w.J,T ihe old buildinll Rose W'ard; treasurer, Beulah and hfS bride lIave' pur~hased a ,ppreciation gift" in re. the .~c) defeats at the hands cOgBitien of her : efficient ser- Of. Sprmgboro, ,6 ~Q ''/, and Kinp ;a~te~cro , eel a!.Lwe dOl) t Florence; news reporter, Shit'- new home/in SoutH Lebanon , ' : 01 overcr.owu- the-rneW; ~Iey Reeves. ' .. , vices'during her term is W'ortl1y. Mills I~st Monda,)' afternoon, 11 one fight away. , "' The Junior Plav "Marry- ' GARDIN tCuB MEETS matron~ " " to 7. . '' . ' , ', ' , . '. ~ ' .'" M:",aret." Is sCheduled for ' ~T..pEmRSOtf HOME ' Mrs.. H. C. M'iI1igan was a.Coach , EdWin Port~r's. squ~cl ' Fire drills .ha'le proven that ' November '5. the f:rsfbasket. , ' 'Warded a"going awar' gift. stall faces two mpt~, opponen~ the grade ,school can -be empt- ball ram'e will ·be November . ~Ii~ Gariten 'Club' held 'their She and her husband. , Prof " "both at home. rrhe~ are ~g, In 0tsne, and ,a h~lf minutes. 12 against Blanche~t"'r, awaY regular October meeting at the MilliJan, plan to move' to ,Ma: ' son,. to~orrow aft~moon, arid IS • se . ~~ ~ecord 'for speed. , . "! iJ" ' , . • ,hom~ 9f Mrs. George Peterson son ID November. : carlisle, next TueSday. • but I~ Isn t b,~. ~ . teacher 'SOFTBAU. ~'VICTORY on Th~rsday afternoon, with Following presentation ' of 1 DON"r .... '- ra. explaaned that .Mr clllidren are DANCE" scr.mULED . ten members present. M.rs. Paul . $C,ared !to d~t;I:l of the *en . .,', Maur'ice gave a paper -on '''Pro- ~h~o1~:~~~i::e;.adl~s' enjo~ed J'~, ~TlVAL, ®T~ , steps o,~ t~e ~econd, floor fire " In ~.I!. effort to recoup I?ari paration ,of Winter, Plowers." ~ape. , ' . ~. \ j f . th~;, P.tesetlt '*25d deficit ' -Mrs..~ena . HartSoc~ presi~ \ of th.e ' Waynesville Softb~lt ' dent! Mrs. Oram "S~up, vice~TlO" NO'I$ , L~gu~l a season-ending "VIC- jlresl-i'!nt and Mrs. -Jennie Con-' A I()~al, reSt.otant bas- In- , to~y Ga~ce" ~II be hetd at , ner; iecretal:y-treuurer; ' ,were' , st~lIe;d !ts ,first pinball machine Wa~es'1l1e H.lg~ School on ' all I "-elected for the coming , ' I b~Ueve the .best solution to th'e scho~l . o~ -Which. yo~ ~n More ' -one Sa,tur<lay, . ~. ~3, fro~ 8; 30 year~ . ' . ' " prOblem in Waynesvi1le:-would be: millibn . WithoUt - Winning any- . P. M. t1' midnight. 1\ feature , Followtng 'adjournment ,to thi~r. It . replaceS ' a ' machine ' o.f, 'the aance will be resen&- meet with 'Mrs. Frea HOOk in whICh ,.h. a 'Iltht :Yor bile 'nilll ' ta~L ~f ,team ·trophies · for the Novembet, refreshments Iwere .;....... Do n~tJiing pntil prices come down. This , ion \bl;lt which ~g ve free.,g-.n~ t 7ft~:! 5e lS(Jh/'lh~' IridiVitltial, ~o1(1 " served. ' - . 5 ,seeltln, 'tempOI'ary quarters for for scores, abo~e ~o,ooo. ' Will s~ ,ua1Is t~ m~mbers-of t~e " . next year's' .overflow. a d~presslo,n bring back. •."ach- ' Winning team (l~on or Bell. & C MOLIR ~ ' ... :.... Bui1d the largesf ·.'ddition p:osslble , &1\d ' ,ines on WhiCh a tmete. 50, OOQ tbhroo~ dependlDg on wlio wins BY BIR11IDAY PARTY remove as ~any children as possible. ,Pl:Qduces f,ee:.,arpesJ ' .· ~ " e . plaY~~ffs Sunda,.') , '. , / , from the- old bundlng. ' , " . ' Comm... for ,the , dance .R. ..:.. ~oler ,,,as given a sur-., , ' M s~tl' ' , ~. .' . ' are: Con~ions. Mr. and Mrs. prase party , at his liome Tues, rs. ey -BadeY,.Mrs. D. George Wiler; orchestra (pro- a~y e!en~.I. in bonor of ' hL~ ••••••••other (Spec'fy) • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~. tRidjet. rs. R. ·H. Hartsock, bably a baH-and-half groUJ» birth"". TIle ~OJu,ests includIf you .. want a voice . In the decision but wrslilain°S~o~~~ ~drs.~J·. . ,~etsl.'· and Mbrs. AI ~udinrton. Tic. ~1T::~dall Sch.ftleOOILcolYassal cannot attend a school board meeting, return J m ' ' - t, • an . may e obtained 110m any f J 0dnM,oume, Mrs. Bertie J/l J~ member of the softball league o. onroe Metliodist Church, , this ,ballot to the Mlan.'i Gazette, ,and ,the ' adn Frlrs. E. F! Eapthart afteJld- or at the , Twin Theatre 6ox! which .M r. Maler .taught results will be given to. die board for .Its con"' ' e' endsbip Night and the office. . . when he was.liying in Monroe. slder~tloij. The a~1 d~lonJ of c,ourse, must 3S Nth ' l\nnlversary celebr.tion MusiC~1 selectio~ were .the be made by the board, which Is tryiag ' to do M ew- 'Burlington ,Sastern Star ' diverSion of. the evening, and Cl
.JIi," Sc"oof noted
~. ,
~pter during the
past week.
refreshmenis were served.
whrd . Waynesville wants. . ....
Ine M·Jaml· r.,;; azet te
, ~"
,Mr. ' and Mrs. Eli Furnas and THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE J.. family were Sunday evening WAYNESVILLE, OHIO NO. 4390 guests of Mr. and M,rs. HarryTHURSDAV, OCTOBER, 14, 1948 Satterthwaite.
C 8 J. A. B L 1., S H B 0
1. • 0 Publi,hed Eye, y Thu"lctay At W.ynesville, Ohio CARL G. 8M ITH, Ed.itor Ent","ed •• lecond cIa .. matte,. 'at the POlt Office
Mrs. J. B. Jon,es in company with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cornell and Mrs. \Villiam BergSUBSCRIPTION RATE: dall of Dayton visited their ,1.50 a Year in Advance 'friend, Mrs. Cora ' Davis at ~ Spring: Valley Thursday. Mrs. D a vis has been ·quite ill. '-. Mr., and Mrs. Lester, KenriCk were recent guests for sevIN '. (Ta have events H~ted in this 'calendar; notify The M ami Gazette eral days of Mt. a,nd ' Mrs. Ho, . . before 4 ,p. m. Tuesdays.) ward Swank at Hammon. Mrs. Lucy Fite of Cincinnati FRIDAY, 'Ocr. 'I5 wa' s a guest , of her brot!1er~in . AND AU. 'Fall Festival features High: SChObl . B a~d Contest. law and sister, Mit'. and Mr.s. Last of ,rev ivai series at Ch urch of ~ hri, t, 7':30 P. M. E.. 8. Longacre from' Saturday' Baseball, \Vaynesville H. S. vs. Mason, at home. until Mo~day and attended th'e ~Al"URDAY, OCT. 16 Home-Coming at Lytle church Big wind-up of Fall Festival - stre~t dance and 'grand prize. ',' Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Everett parly " , _ '. .. SUNDAY, OCT. 17 attended the , Fair at GeorgeGo fo Chu rc h I , ,, 'town on Thursday. "ot tball pl. ayoff, Legion vs. BeUbrook, 2 P. M. Mrs. Margaret Johns, i~ / " , MONDAY, OCT. 18 company with Mr. Ch arles , Do 10U know the beat wa1 to ... Boy Scout Troop 40 at 7 :15 P. · M. lure 10Ul' children a fine educa· , Buckles, of Dayton, a friend of T U::S='_'_Y, ocr. 19 'don? Possib11 right now 10b are. READ BY 104,6D1 OHIO FAMILIES Paul Johns visited him at the picturin. them ' In a colle.., Cap and Boy1s Club at S. N. Keys' Home, 7 :30 P. M. WITH $JO BILUON DOLLARS !O SPEND University of Cincinnati, . SunIOwn. Bul 10U must realize these 1.! ~t:: :!b; lI , \ '. :,"12 :.:vi l~ I-i. . v's. C rlis-Ie, at home. for local or Stal. Ral.s day afternoon. \ wm represent the entire cost or ,a Visit this Newspaper WEDNESDAY, ,OCT. 20 , '" coDe,., education. You need ~I. nol Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence OR walt untn the1 enter colle,e to Ilarl COl1,~~rt at \yaynesvUle H. S~ , Hetb~rt' Petrie &. Hussars, S P. M. Elliot and .son, Tommy of pa;rin.. ror it. Starl n~.w on tile lafe, Call, Wire 01' Write, Dayton were Sunday evening ~ORSDA~OCT.21 ' I .......yin. way wid) V.S. Savings • 'our representatives guests , of Mr. arid Mrs. WalMetho dist W. S. c.. S. at Carlton Cook home. ' Bond.. In len yearl 10u'li have '4 to lpend .Jor every 13 10U pili in. ter KenriCk. There arlt Iwo automatic way. ror 'M rs. Guy Routzahn and son lhe purehaee 01 V.S. Savin,. Bonda, Rus~el1, iri company with Mr. 10..... firm's Payroll Savin,. Plan, 317 CIJIUNS BUILDING and Mrs. Frank Brown of Tipp or, if Hlf-employed, 10ur bank'. 850 EUCLID AVENUE Boud...·Month Plan. , City, spent : the ' week-end ClEVELAND 14, OHIO ., V.S. Tr~ DeJ)CIri"'''' with Mr. and Mrs. ,Perry SU...,ror 6700 ClingaJ} at HudsOIil, In.d. · , FALL F~TIVAL'. , OOT. 11 - 1.. , , Mrs., Emina Se:lrs. lI~ nd , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wlhite of Daly ton, Miss" Ruth Nutt of centerville and Mlr. · and Mrs. \fr. 'HOLLY ME'I1fODIST ' leoti Salisbury of Washington T , M. ~carff. Minister C. H. were ..callers at the' home Prepare now for Winter! Stock .Sunday Sch<'oT9 =30 a.m. of Mrs. Nettie Emrick Sunday up on anti-freeze., We've the . ' S.A. Earnhart, Supt. evening. ' . , - '- .' ' finest quality at lowest pric~. 'Norship Service 10 :30 ..Ill; , Mr. ~nd .Mrs. ~f'chie.. Bettker r T~ our expert winterizing ser-I r.iETHODIST tHURl"II ' ~ venlnr Servl~e 7 :30 p.m. met With an aCCident 10 Oak'vice'too! We , call and d,elivel'. ," ~. ' . ' ~ wood, Thursday, '~N'hen a coal R.B.-Coleman, ". Minister " "~ I' ~ ~ FRIENDS _ truck ran into 'their ~ar. They Chure" Schf,)()I , ,·9.:30' a.m~ Rev) David Stanfteld, MiniSter received cuts and bruises and I J. J Burste,' Supt, , Sunday School to LID. their . car w:as badly damaged. Worship ind -sermon '. J , Worsliip. Service ' ',' t t LID. ' Mr. $1d " Mrs. William . ~ ~~ Strouse, Mr. and 'Mrs. Everett " " to;30 a.m.' • ..;. ; : t' . " ' . lCA .t;. tI... .-n,,~ ' Early, Mrs. J. B. ' Jones and , IT IlAltY'S EPIscoPAL " ', kev. 'Wllham Shannon . . Mrs. Susan, Saylor atte.nded Sllftuel N. · Keys, Minister . Sun,day School • 9.: 30 LDI. Friendship Night (llf· .the East~aaurcb ScIlool 9 :1 5 A.M. Mrs. :lames Garnso.... Supt. ern Star at Wayne:sville, MonH~ly Comm~lon I .to,:30 A.M. Preachtng 1st and 3rd.Sundays , day evening. Mlrs~ Vernon Pursley and each month. . to:30 a.m. FRiENDs Evening Services 7:30p.m. her Sunday -Schopl Class of , ' .. ' .Repr~ntin,' . ' PIrIt Day &:hool 9 :30 a.m. I f'I1.E ME'IHODIsT Girls , visited 1.'IEverybody's . W ...........IE·eo..p.ay Meetlnl' for Worship , C'YIURat ., :f:arm" of WLW;- near Mason, Saturday,., '. 10:30 .a.m. Dr JO~h Myers, MiDlster Members' New York Stock Sunda ) 001 " 9:30 LUI. LiHt~ . Unaa . Routzahn. of . Exchanges and other WA~~..... ' M~ Ruth SaylOt SupL . F~anklt~ IS spendmg some time . ,registered. Exchanges aRJRaI OF ~. . ,WorshIP Service 0:30 LIIL ' With her grandp~lrents. Mr. IDv....... 71'U1t ..... 'M. H. o,ffeJ. MlaMer . _ . and · Mrs. Oyde '~arton, as . 'Bought ,- ' Sold - Quoted Bible School 9:30 LID; FERRy atURQt OF CJIRIiT ber mother, Mrs. Loren Rout. Phone WaJD_viD. 2130 , Daytoa AD321, ~=-":pO~I'M:::~O ~. M. Byron "carver, . Minister . zp~~~' :O~didy' ~~d~~~re~a~g~: , • 'I! P M Bible ~OOI . , 9:30 Lm. ' . ~ , . ~., 7. 01 . , • MonalnrWonb.p to:30 Lin. A numbe~ of. pe,op e E,enht~ Se~k:e 8 P. fA· Pra)er .eetiQI' 7:00 'p.m. ed the hemecomtng-at-the , . 'r oun, People'"s Meetinl " ' Church. Gu~st~ wC?~~ from ST. A~GUSTINI . , . ' - ) 7 :00 p.m. umbus, •. Canclnnaf!, . 'D~yton, Fatber ICrumboltz" , ~riest . BveaID, Services 7:30 p.a Centervtl!eJ Mlamlsbu:rg and M~sses 8 aDeleto A.M. . · Waynesville.
Events Coming 'Op'
TillS' Newspaper
'DON1 Wait 'for Storm Signals!
,~ II~I'S Garag-e'
YOURS: ,. t leach monlinr
t·5 afternoons exce,t . . Wednesday 7.;9 Saturday ~,eninl Other evenings b, , AppolntDien .
,.. ~
_ TELE.~"ONI 62-1( l
_ _ _ _-
Baail Rathbone, Miss Beatrice Straight aDd)lr. Walter He- \. :.i"n hAVe . , sc.ript confer ence in preparatiop for the Episcop:.i, \.- ': \lr Il'S radio b!'Oadcast.of Th e fBGrr'etil 'of Wimpol~ Stred. in tht. ' $t'ri;'~, rJ !~ ~ T SC ~ - F.~ FROM GREAT PJ.. AYS. Mr: Bo.thbotlei :.' ,.. s r-~":,: ' ''7~ :,~ l<;s &traight, :; Uz beth, !lI~. H lkltlC4CD Is b~8~ " ,' f p l j ' Qp'''!' ~'''' , . ' " r'rogl'lu~ ' . ,: b.._,~ ard over a~l ,M~tual. • tatlo~, • t- r " '.' ' , ' .' 15, n.t .t , program IS anoth,~r of t ·e . ,'1 , : " , \ . ' :. LT"'" nr ~., ~ . ''', tl 0... sic idea of reachiag p"IPj~ who will no, t~ w · '0 .. -~ • ....! IJ .I.""; ,of re!igi~UI blOldaMl. . ,\,fl'.
Itr. C. E; Wilkin
and J will gladly.call on you to show the , Wide' variety of des.igns which are ' available. o Will make apRointm'ent a1 your own'· convenience.
ler, who disloca ed his kneecap recently. ' TH'UR 8QAV , OCTO BER, 14, 1948 Irv Mulford Te;llly found out ,how much pitching means to ~ a club last Sundiay, when his ~ "dark -hors e" ,Fairley Hardware nine eliminated themselves .from ijie playo.ffs, by losing to Legion, 11-1, and to Bellbrook, 11-2. Johnn y 'Rogers, Fairley's ace 'twirler all season, was unable to appear due to ' - I: lSc.\yte re 'illness iii his !family. BOB O'RE GAN ; Neither Pat Hopkins nor Joe A n'other softball season will Ryerson could quell be ' wrapped in burlap follow- brook or Legi<?n slugg the B.ell ' ers. , ing this Sunday's encounters at The, collectIon last week aGeiger Stadium at 2 P. M. Bob mounted to ! 17, h.araly enough Allen 's fightin" American Le- 1P defray ex~nses. , J15 was gion nine will try to return the ~pent for umpIres and ballchampionship of the Waynes- bpJ's, and ba!ls had to be pur-, ' ville Softball loop ,to local chasett; ' - Thl~ Sunday maybe channels, in tfleir game with some folks wIll follow the exBellbrook'. Roxanna captured ample of Bill Stroud, who alth e title' la t year. ways hit the plate with folding~ Bellbrook, cha'mpions of the money. Thanks Bill. Each Wednesday in October, second half, holds a on.e game ed. e 3 -2 in their season 's con- all league softball players are te t with the Legion. Should the gueSts of the TWill Thea- ' Bel1brook win the fir st ga m,:. tre, as t~e proirats 'of ~those th e seaso n " ill be over, hut if nights are, being donated to the Legion comes thru, a sec- t,he general league fund in orond and final game will f('l t , .. der to pa , th eir bills. Last Wed' .. lC :: i tel . Belli rook ,vill be nesday one could have tossed a crippled by the abot.:n e of th eir handful of bird-shot throu,g-h hustli ng ma nag r Larry )i t- the assembled audience with- . out' 'hitting: two persons - - - - - - - -, - row . . Therefore the "take"infoar W ELL GRO OME D the league was poor indee d.
rO Rr s SLAN.T ' , a. --.,
Jennie Lee Braddock, daug'hter of Mr. and Mr. -Ra ymond W. Braddock of Wa'yn esv it:l e, is a senior this fall at George School, Bucks County, F'a., which recently began its 56th academic. year. She, is out for girls' hockey, i a member of the : girls' council and is also active in the cooperative work ,program of t,he , coeducational boarding school.
COM MUN ITY HOSP ITAL ITY Every community . has its
strangers and tho e recently arrived for · tempora ~y or permarnent lTeside nce. When we are calfed ih such cases, we are st'rang-ers no longer. The Heart of th i mmunity is ki 1d, and in y our bereavement y'ou will find it out in f.ull .and gener ous measure.
Mrs. George Peterson and so~ Roy, with Mr. and Mrs.
George Peterson Jr. of Golum bus have return ed after. ~pen d ing a few days with Mr. an:t Mrs. Sol Drago and infant s m in New ,York City. This was Mrs. Peterson's first visit \vith her new gra'ldson. ' " , Mr. and Mrs.' Luther ' Hartsock and sons were Sunday dimner guests of M,r. and Mr. , Fr(~d Braqdock and children. ' - .,..-- ------,- .-- --, .. '
FUNER~t· .
WAY N E 5 V III E. 0"' 0
his r,' c:o r,d
'm er it '
Ltlther H. rt 'ock and so r.. ~ were Friday evenin~ supper R'uesis of Mr. an~ Mrs. John Kers~y and. ,.son, Ro~er al1 i . Dale retnammg ,fls overni~ht guests.
. . . is 'what ' you men will tie Wl1 n yo u, use 0 Ir superior dr .; cleaning and pressing .services. We pay special attention to dl - ' tails, 'go over CQ..at rnin .~ s and replace buttons. YOU ~ ay I 0 more! ,
....0 . .
J. llerhe rt, who ....... ... OJdo'. pven aor two
, ..... ... ' beUev,. bu . job eaUa for . n.... die peopl e , b, deed . ,- DQI .., eeekl~1 cheap pahllell)'~ C4!D-'der "
.... ~ ~r.d ' aDd •
you, will', of
EYer, cl,plrt meat .. ad.r
llerhr t', eoDtroJ ... Improved
ad .dlv.te d. every obUpt loa
the ltate ".. meL Yel deepite '
National BaD
• G
To Buy, sell, Trade
Relt, B~rrow, USE
hll, Idmlni&ttatioD, liale
,Tom Herber t aene. DO' favored cI•••, II. del.' " 1Ia. 'nIh" ot
weller . lnltitut ionl reCeived aid ' toa. Deeded. F.cllit1 el for treat. Inl tuJ)erealoll. ba~e be'e~ ~. tlr,ed. Old peaiioDa. lid 10 ,
'& Appliance. .company '
Teac:hen ed public ee.booli .... cel".cJ ID ecJeq1I8\" appropriltloD lor the tim, fa rean. .' , 81th,. a,. are beID. npld l,... pro.ed. Itrip mbifa. leaJelidoa hal . II .... heea eueled . Rellaqullh m.. 0( cel1lll~ tas 6ela "vea 6rilDcf8J ' relie' to
PIJlDeJltJ are largely being fi· aaaeed throusb ~. lrealur y IUr~ plua.. IDl,tead 0' by levyinl 8
.Waynesville ,Furnitu :~e '
Irelled local ,overn mentl. ,;.Tom
special ID. Tom Herbert COnli&-' lived W moraey.
.v.8rythlal ' the lowered 10", DOl lDerea.ed laxea•. At .hli -r,queI L Ib., _erl.l.t ure reduce d 1,,,,raJ 'ltal. tasel. Ine1udial . th.. wee Iu. World War II bonu ~ OD
_UUI -UIIR .-M Gllte4- #or
THEIR SECURITY RESTS . WITH YOU! , Yes, lhe ed u atiori of your cb ildren,', their entire fut\1re weI. fare, is, yo ur responsibility. Disch arge it conscifmtiously and . . EAS ILY by ·saving REGULARI.Y. We, are re dy . to. help you now. top in!
w..i bIm to .~e apln,
meata l bOlpi tah lad to t,b e bliDd; ~ve aU beeD fncrealed • ,
,1M emir. peo-.. W-hea Itriken delea, e~liatltutionaJ ,'alt. b. did bIe"~dUl, without fl " Iilira) P1III1r~otID~ AI , hil ' , . nfl.· ...t.
troop. fe.tote d b "
;~ 1II1
~, .ctio~" Qol wQr~..
Herbert hal eamed the ' .-tshl ,to re-el~tioa. Vote foi him IDd 'tol' the other
Republica'; ~aadldatea
oa the ~Inot ~tb him. . .'
Ohio ' Republican £am palg n Com ml". .
" " ' H. Johnson. Cholrmon
R erber" ,aN .aIa, publk
17 N. Hlth ' St..
Co."",bu., OhIo
,.. l
I.' '
.. 1
! -
"~' l
, , \
,, , I '
, ,
. .1
.•nd Pr......s ~
'1Ile WOJtld'a, and Am~Ca'8, ~t -oil well was.brougatt Ul ,itt TitUsville, Pennsylvaitia, in 1~9. That hasn't left mUeh tim~. fer the, __t changes,' .•• great progress .•. in which Am~rica bas led world with the 'aid, of petroleum. From then until . now, tbe U8es and-products derived from pet~le~~ have . grown a thousandfold. . '
. ' SohiQ and the_ 34,000 'on companies who' find ' o~l, proQuce J" . . it, refine it, transport it land distribute , , it to yo~ are today shattering every , record to satisfy yo~r . needs. These 34,000, I
\' loi} companies with ~4e(rracilities ~ ~ore than
1,500,000 of their employees .. . . so ' we all . , are working ever harder . ,'!Iill h~ve the 'oil that means more pO,wer, more' c,?mfort, 'bett~r health ~d ~e .better living we often take for granted. ' \
Publishef:1 by Solli~ 10 call ~ attention- to .the good worles 01 Ohio's oil men, itlcludi. ave~ 500 Ohio oil jobbers and . compan,i~s, \w~ are c'e lebratinA OIL P.flOGRESS DAY.'
,$ TAN
0 A RDOl L Ur.
•. f. '
·P a rm ·
. WAY NHVI LLI!, OHIO NQ.4a90 , . TH'Uf laDAY , OCTO BER, I14, 1948 o
2,." .RiJtje-
The other night .• went out for w;hich plans are being WES T WAY NE COUN CIL ' A FARM DIARY to catch a chicken that I had made . " . Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Dye were ,. , ~ by D .J. , FRAIZ ER' promiseCl ~ to 'the refres hmen t Apple s and cider are at the:lf host and hostess t(\ the, West ,0" - , comm ittee for the ordin ation ' best right nowt.,. an~ that b~st Wayn e Advisory Council on ~, 1 ,/ reception for Mt. Keys. I took is really good. tsut Just.~ w~:~t Frida y evening" with Mr; and ' Octob er 8, 1948. Birthd ay the flash ligHt : and went up ing: go easy ,on that Cl er I'ld· Mrs. J. M. Green e o'f LebanDn and ijownl ' the ro~t looki ng IS either tao .new or t.on «;J .greeti ngs to t~e four wQhmen 'at • and Mr. and :Mrs. Eart Hubbell my diminishing supp'ly of h . friends of mine w 0' s are hens for one suitab le for the Abou t ' the thud day IS just as guests. '. Mr Green e led 10 the dlsOctob er eighth as their birth- occasion. I wante d a good one - or keep it a~out two d~ys and day. , AlU are readt:rs of this p~- but it hurts my fee1in~ to kill then put It In ,the refrlger.3tc)r cussi~n on th'e topics, ~'B~ng's per too, so I will sal radiO' a 'good laying hen, thoug h and it will 'stilt be good for. a Disea se" and ,,"Yo ur duty to few , days longe r. Ther used ~() vote. " the council adjDurned styl~l '~Happy birth ay to they d have the best ~avQr. ,ke~p. it all wmter, bu how d:ld to meet, with Mr., and Mrs. Ross you ., ' ' A few Clwere stilt laying. Some they , do that? . Does kanyolnte The fire in the fir¢place is too ock in ' N0ve mber. Pie and tl1ery, and some of aro~nd , he~e still m a be ttO ( ; ,Harts coffee very comfo rting as it is cloudy i thempinfea were served. had almos t nn feathe rs at fashl<?ned ctd~r app t e u er. . ......and toO'l with a breez e blow- all. One I picke d· up was so iHere ~ . hQp'mg the good Farm ers Gran ge 13. wrIt hold i'ng. The house 'is just toO' cool thin I bad to' kilt It, .at once. for 'comfort, and yet I put off Final ly after consld~nnl( ea.ch weath er IS go!ng to be here for , their regul ar 'l)1eeting on Satur day eveni ng, Octob er 2.3, Inlighting the furnace. 'With ,my iOl11e\ n' :~l.ckdd a 'i1ce whlte . the Fan FestIVal. . stead of Satur day eve, Oct.. 16, table drawn near the fire I can ROck just be~ginning ·t o moul ,due to ' the Little ' Miami Fall " .?I", still look out my south window and appar ently :nice and fat,t WAYNESVILLE TALENT , . , -~..,-. ... Festival, and the disp'l~y which . .. , '~' ''~'I;.: and have thoe warm th from thoug n sDmew.ha~ ' on the o!d TO ENTERTAIN MILKERS will be in the Gran ge ,Hall on . the fitt. The trees are beginn- side, and put It m a , coop till Milton JDnes and Franc es Oct. 16. For the regul ing ' to turn', but from here I morl1in,l!'. -.. ' ar meet. Whita ker, both of this ' town- ing on the 23 rd MasD.n Grang e G~ ,r.not se~ ~n , ~ of the best ,.kl the, f!lornm~ when the ship, will provi de musk, t n, will ' prDvide one$. The suga r ,m :1,pl ' bv th.: water was nice and hot, offlcer~ , and I, tDok tertai nmen t at.' the annual dis· give the initiathe tory work m the old ,Marquardt hOll s- t;ro" ', I my trusty, ax and w~nt out ON .FARMS ' to trict meeti ng of Clinton. High- third and fourth degrees. more ~bri11iant ,v f'\ day and get the bird. But ,the coop' was NATiONAL COOPEAATIVE down in the 1':1 ture there is it empty . The boys had O'Dne to land" Brow n, arid Warr en Count ies~ Miam i VaUey Coop h ' ne - - -- - - - d ' k FINANCING wUd cherr y that as tur .,-a. hool- so it was.· up' to,., me · to' eratio n. ThiS . WI'11 beat· 8 P • M. hadMr. and Mrs. Henry . , F'mc ' as their lovely soft rose red. Willows' catch anoth er. guest one but this Frida y in the gymn asium of week the latter for the past TO fiT YOU R INCO ME and locusts are slow to turn. 's aunt I Mrs. was ' quite a dtffer ent pr.oce ss. Kingm an High Schoo l, ClinThis- we~k ha~ been cool. and , I got some (:orn. 'First ~ tried ton County. The chief speak . Bessie Newlin , Df Jacks on, LONG TERM S cLoudy With only 'Y~ry. light in the .h en house but ~ld .' not er 'will , be Dr. Samu el ;::)_ Mioh. , , LOW INTE REST ~ho. \,' ers. Whea t I) lan~mr;, IS ~o- succeed. so I Iwent outsid e an,,1 ' Mar.ble" president at Wi1mjnl~- ' _ _....;;.,;,.,;;,;~~..;.oo;........_. .....,... .. 109 on and corn plckln~L h' Kati1f red the flock aroun me~ ton College. begun, th~ugh I would b,e a , While the! were busily deatirig AUc nON EER ING LEBANON N. F. L. A. _ _ _--.,;-= -_ _ little afraid to crib the c~m-- I wo~d ,rab. After sever al DON'T i.mss THE LEBANON, OHIO :ruN ST ANL EY aDd K~ yet, unleS6 we had a drxm g futile attem pts, fin~l1y I cau~h t OCT. 12 1~ system . The farm m~gazme~ BAOK ERS L.CEN 8E one that I ~hr u~ht wOlJld ~o, OLD BAN K BLDG . , are fun of ways ,t o build Cu rl _ not quite as large as my fust dryer s and ha.y 'dryers al)d tl:'e one but some what younger. For Oat... Pho"e ~ W.vn_"lII~ ~HONB 448 Ohl~ Revet 'Mhar ca •• great advan tage of dOl!lR'!t Next time J will make sure the but so far we have not tned . It. the coop is firmly fastened . • ' ~t jhe rate our hogs are eatr ..J: : On ' Monday nigM, er It I wond er ho'o/ much we Wil. 4 the T B and Healt hOctob Assoc have left to cnb. T~e shDwei S '. 'tl B' d had its faU "meet only wet the ~iJrfaq!. of the ~a on ' GaT , . t d th t 'the groun d and have not filled th e mg .. They repo~ ponds at aU. Fortu nately H:e ·moblle, X-ray . unit~ had aa most , ' spring is still runni ng so th ~ t su~cessful VISit. at J}le c.oUt~ Y the cows h~v.e' clean ' water t IJui,DJD 'CNJTT~LS " AUrOMolllES illlnI lY ' .... fal~. The next pr~Ject IS { drink. '. " ' annua l sale of Ohns tmas , sea s .a.-W AY FARM IN.U_&II~E~' " REAS oNAB LE RATE S HERB ERT ,B . DAK IN in abe ohio PUIDID ' wW al... you broId protec doa ' apialc ~ Phoa e 2641 'OIl ,oar ,... Ie CGftn yoar buJidi op, ,our ~ JOlU a~l . WAY'NESVILLI: .ad ,.,ar JlabJUq for ncddeo ll to ochers. Why DOt lie III "1'
t • .,.-,
, .q:~
~ •
• • .•L
Land .Bank Loans
Yo. "".,,' 'tJIIin ad. wbal )"09I'n baaured ill die 0Id0 .... ,
'n. ,
anel '
Wa1DesviDe PHO NE 2824
' ,(T~eated , Against Choler.a ' and hav ,p~'s $ect" " ~ t:'Jegative Bang Test) ,
. OCTOBER 18.1• .:20, 1148 MONDAY, TUESDAY till WEDNDDAY ~". ,
AFI'ER t*.""
Jess Su.aley and ~ filarl Keogler, Auctioneer5. W*p csvU lePb. 2894) •. (~n Pla -8819. •I -' ,.
. , "~ . 'SltlCJaket and
, Clerks. .
,~ '.
Columbus· exhibitors have been tossing around the question 01 "babes-in: arms" the , part two weeks. As one 'exhibitor said: "If I don't admit p'arents with babies in arms' I'm every kind of a heel, and if ) DO, I'm ·a· so-and -so according to the standards of those who leave the .babies' at home. I don't kno.w What to do." H'·s a tough decision 'for an exhibitoli to make. Seems to me that if par. ents don't mind bringing bab~ into' a filled auditorium and ]f they're willing. to cooperate by takmg Junior to the foyer when he , screa~ they should, ip' a small situation such as ours, be given "entree'. . Briefyiews: "Black Bart" (UI) closes tonight. Due to this so-called super-Quper Western mak in r such close inroads, Saturda .s 'feature is a departure from usual policy, NOT a Western but instead a musical comedy with plenty of action. It's "Delightfully Dangerous" (UA), and you'll find it full of Strauss and jive. Jane Powell 9f Three Daring Daughters fame is: the tuneful lead, and she's a~ly assisted in comedy by Arth.' ur Treacher, Ralph Bellamy, 'and touise Beavers. We think 10u'1l like the change-over ftom the usual routine. Chapter 9 of ,jB~ick Bradford (Col) 'is on the ,sc-reen, wl1erein nur hero is stalled between centuries, no less! Lucky clLJb mem,ber was Donald Lynch of ·Waynesville. May it be you this Saturday. , "critics as theHailed seasonb~s preview most engrossing
Totter are v.ery much : present and easy adaption 'of Eu~ene in a sturdy melo.drama Tues- O'Neil's" Ah, \Vilderness,..' It day night only, "High Wall" has. few larl}e scale 44 produ rt(Mgm) . Strong meat,. much iOn numbers , as is conltlV)D h too strong for children, the . the average good mUSical, but story is c;onfined within th~ has a most effective musical high walls that guard a state score, .wherein all the mem· instituti.on for 'the insane,. With bers of the family are called a b'ackground so authentic upon to sing · a litt1~. Rated a$ that it's chilling, Taylor and ', e~cenent by all rf~viewers, here Totter unr~vel a romance en- f is a picture to whichy~u'n be riched by murder and psy~hos- . sorry i1> y/Ou don't brin~ the is. Herbert Mar~hall as ists. whQle famil r, ' . 00' Softball . League ' ~enef!t . Sorry about the mis in,g m~ht;Weclnesday. only- .Dev]l Edgar Kennedy comedy last , Ship (Col) tJ~s .up, at th~ Saturday, or d~d!t1 ' t mnny oj theatre. DevJ1 Ship I~ t~e t~an - . you miss him? He didn't arrive sport that carrle? cr~nll~ab ·to du~ to one of those slips beAkatraz, and thiS PICtUI e teps . tw~een Cincinnati and tlle ,y .. ist ,the ~t,ory, of her hC?nest, but that o~cur ' froJ)l time' to time·. tough, skipper ~ho IS (ramed Sad part about it to "the manby Alcattaz killers tr.ymg t,o agement is that fie: and his com.es~ape from, the ~ock. fhere 's edy ,haven't' crrrh'ed yet and erough . actJOn, ]mpact, and he's paid for! _' _ _ _ __ suspense for two m'elod~amas in the wprking' out of this plot · Miss Bonnie Satterthwaite in its unusual setting. The pro- . and Mrs. William Rickey reducer is Martin Mooney who cently entertained a ' "large brought you "San Quentin'.' . group of friends to a wiener Mooney is a "big-shot" movie roast, with ~t. and Mrs. David mogul now,. but he wi!! always Hartsock as honor 'guest~. be remembered as th~ hard- . _hitting reporter who accepted , Mr. and Mrs. B. ' F. Earnhart a jail sentence rather · than re- were dinner guesjts of Mr. and veal the source of one of his Mrs. J. N. Robinson and child· daring exposes. ren and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Next T'hursday and Friday B. Earnhar,t and dlaught~ when is a family affair. Mickey they entertained with a dinner Rooney, Walter Hustbn, Gloria at the home of the form'er, DeHaven, Frank Morlo?:an: honoring the birthday anniversButCh Jenkins, A~nes Moore- ary of Mrs Earnh :~rt.head, Selina Royle. This superior cast is backed by a tech. DON'T M188 , ~ I'11N nicolor m4sical which is a light FALL FESTIVAL <reT. 11 - ~8
...... JVlr. an d Mrs. T am Fl orence
and son are now residing in New ,York City where Mr. Florence is 'attending Columbus University.
.BIRDSEYE Frozen ·Fish COD - . PERCH -
FIVE-POUND BOXES or by the Pound
WaYI)esville Locker Plant
PHONE 3171
TEL. 2661-2351 . ''THE HOUSE OF COMFORT &. ~oo'D SHOWS" ~-~---
nruRS.-ERl. ,
Gcodye'a r ,
Sbo'e Rep31r
Black. Bart
'High :.Wa'l . ~ .
screen (Udrama, ,. "The Naked, 11'1.13 E. Mulberrv St. ' LEBANON,' OHIO J) produced by the . Jate Mark Hellinger, comes to ----~~--~~~...~~~~~-:-----~ the screen on Sunday and Mon-, day. The star Barry Fitzger'aJd who plays a colorfl:)l and, for bim, different part as Defee- " tive Dan Muldoon. The ,story is of New York's -H{)mic'ide Bureau, its methods, its seeing eye dogs, and a chronicle or the ~reat ' Metr.opolis itself. Here IS a chance to visit New York "froni your 'comfortable seat in.Jhe Twin, for all street scenes were SRot ,with a hidden cam,eraJ showing Mr: and Mrs. New Yorker au natura.lcl. Ed~~-:-"::-::-":::----=:':':":"'-g"-a';:;""r-,--r,.::,e":":n:'::-' ned y Co~ed Y . 'au d WJOrld News supplement the feature. . . Robert Taylor an Audrey
Recommendation:' Adults Ortly ,.f •
. And . , MUSCLES & :rHH tAD¥
'Henry' .'., H. ". Moeller '
--~~--~--- ---- -- -
Invisible Half So!in~ Orthopedic CorJ'e,ctions Cork Extensions . ' .
-Barry Fitzgerald '
Softball Ni'~ 'Again! All Softbailers adm Ittect . fr ee tq ee
QEYNOfllll) i ~/~' 'KFITEIIS1
Devil Ship ' ---
And: You W~re Never Ou kier Snftbal1 Procet!~!:i ~) 'l 'Nt'll. O~t . 6 were $?o,O.· Help your tea'gue pa.y Its way by attendin~ each . Wednesday. , -. - --------~--""!"'--
CASH FOR DEAD STOCK . COWS $6:50; ,HORSES $5.00 . HOGS $1'.50 cwt.
Ac orcilng to size, and co~dition ' Prom'pt, Clean Service PHONE COLLECT Xenia 1712 or Wilmington 2362 . '
'~ bod dream, db,urb on honuf man", 81eep.
, ,'lId
. I
14-Wlmam Pen~ born 1~4. squad, 1917
" Relax 1 Let Greyhound do your dtiving for you. ~. t'" ' Mod@!~, comfonable coa~hes. Dependab14. driY4! ' ; ~ ~ ers. Fregue.ot seJ.'Vice eveJ.:vwhe.t.e. '" .' . ' , ~ ~
JANES RENDERING, vi'11 C", . Ohio ,
, IS-Mata Hart shol bY
i, , " r'"
YO )
DONE ___
. . . __
_.. _ _
I ·
..... -
_ ..
- - .. . .
pue 7 '
house guest during the past Mrs. Ralph Vance of Wil14r. and Mrs. rrvin M'ulford Mrs. W. H. Madden attended week, their cousin Mrs. David mington was a Frida and Mr . y . Raym and Satond Mulfo rd are the ~wenty-fifth wedding cel~ T. Hogg of Atlanta, Ga. They urday gu~st of moving to the former' COOk bratton for Mr. and Mrs. "WItaccompanied Mrs. Hogg to Cin- law and sister, her brother-in- home on Mr. ,Perry and Road, Mrs. which bur Hadle y at Clark sviUe on cinna ti on Monday evening, John Fromm. The W. S. C. S.. of the Meth they recen tly purch ased. Sunda y. where she odist Church will meet ar-th ew~l1 spend \Some home of the president, Mrs. time with relativ ------------~------~.~t~,~;,~--------------~--~------~----~~ es. • ---Carlton Cook on Th'u ~daN Mr. and Mrs. John afternoon, October 21 . Mrs. J. Burske . Rufus Watkins 'will have charge were among the guests on Sun· of the d'evotions and Mrs. M. day evening, when Mr., and A. Fulkerson will review the Mrs. Stanley Johnson of Sabina entertained with a dinner for lesson. a large group of friends. Mr. and Mrs~ John Fromm were week end guests of ' Mr. . Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashmead ,and Mrs. Melvm " Banta at and children were 'Sunday dinner , guests of Mr. , and Mr . .J amestown. W. C. St..John. Mrs. Luther Hartsock w'as a ' Mrs. Walte r Frasure and son ,guest at Dennison University on .... of n~ar Wilmington were Fri,Saturday and played fie,ld hockday evening guests of Mr. and ey with the Alumni Team. Mrs. Ed. Ramby. Mrs. J. William Strouse, Mrs. Cora !Rich and Mrs. , Mrs. Stanle).' H. Bailey and Mrs. • Reba Braddock, with Mrs. Marvin SmIth attended a lunch, .eon at Lynchburg on S~turday. Florence Collier of Harveysburg, enjoyed Sunday dinner in Wilm ington and were guests of Mrs. E. V. Barnhart and Mrs. Mrs. Effie Thompson for the , Marie Riffl.e have had a~ ' their afternoon. I
H er be rt .P et ri e
-- -- --
and' his
W hi te H us sa rs
. REPO RT OF WARREN COUNTY CANCER SOCIETY " . FROM AUG. 31, 1947 to AUG. '31, 1948 Balance of 50% of Former Contributions 399.1 1 Contributions of t 94 to Au~st 31, 1948 , 2422. 1 t "
pe rs on .
O ct ob er 2.0 ,1 9 4 8 ~
-- -,--
$2821.22: , _Nurses Salaries for -Cancer patients ' ,484'.75 Paid Juanita Merrell for Typing, etc. 12. 0 Postage, stamps, and shipping 6.98 Telephone and .Telegrams 2:85 'Office Supplies and, Stationery ", 6.95 Mileage to Columbus, ,Ohio to Conventions and school 9~68 "Muting Expens~ 6.50 Dressings, Bandages, Medicating. etc.· 2 t S.Ot !dver tising and Publicity , t,6.89 frans porta tion of patients for X-ray, treatments, 56.00 film f:~r pi~tute shoy.rn in County , 14.00 -literature and, pamphlets, fer 1948 Campaign t 2t.78 'Miscellaneous 5.06 fo American Sance r SOCiety on 50~ . Contributions . ' 1000 .00 · ',
. 't969 .48" , J. M. Gr~ene, Treasurer Aug. 3 i, .948 Lillian B. Wilkin~ ' Pres. Bank Balance ,867'. 77 eDonations from 'Whlynesville amou~tecLto '5 '1.56 )
ADULTS $J.20 . including tax
FRIDAY NIG In," HJgh School Band Contest fe:,a tur.MollOY, CeD~rvUle, H.,-veystJurr, CUUsle and Waynesville Bands. SAru RDA Y AFJ'I RNO ON; Com Hust ln, Contest In nearby ~d. . . SATURDAY NlGHI', Old·Time Piddlers and Qance. '
/ .
, field, O. ,/ Miss Ruth Chandler was 'it guest at ~l\e Golden Lamb in Le.banon Tues'day night and attended the first ,number 'Qf th~ CLAS SIFIE D AD RATE S " , Commun ity Concert AssociaNOTIC E OF ELEC TION ,O N RE. minist ratrlx PER WORD of the Elstate ot David MINIM UM 25c M'rs. R~bert Brande~bur~ is tion. ,. NEWA L OF A TAX OUT8 JDE H : Lucas late of Ws.yn-e Towns hip ill at ,her home on the Avenue. Misse s Marne Brow TEN MILL:. LIMIT ATION Annie DON'T FORGET TO CALL Warre n ' County , Ohi(), deceas ed .• Herbert : Doster, who ha Brown, Mar.garet n, Edwa us for insurance. All types of rds, Dated ,this 27,th day of Septem ber been seriously ill. Notice Is hereby given, tha.t In for s~vera l Ruth Chand IeF • insurance at a ' savings. Call pursua JeSSie Garne r, 1~48. 1 . weeks, is recovermg sattsfact· Mary Boston, mrs. L. Francis Gene Brown, phone Counc nce ot a resolu tion or the M. HendRALPIB! H. CARE Y il of the Villag e ot W)l.yn es. er~on, ,Mrs. Oliv'e Curl; ~rso , orlly. .. Waynesville 2472 or call JUdge ot the Proba te Court ville. Mr. Warre and Mrs. n CouQt Fred y, Sherw Ohio passed oo.d Allee Clark, M.rs.' Leah , Mill:>, 'collect. Wilmington 2 f 1 t. Warre n Cotlnt y, oCto. th.~ 2nd day of JUly 1948, ,there ' ga.ve ' a dinner . party a~ th~'r, Mrs. Ella Dakm, Dr. , E m~a will, be 8u'bmi tted to a. vote of the H. Z. Gray, Atto~ney home .Thursday evenmg · In Holloway! Rev: W.E. _Dakm FOR SALE people of the Villag e of Wayne svllle. -1021 ' compliment to Prof. and , ~r. and.Mr.. 'Carl Smith attenC the · , W~rren Count y, O~lo at the Gener al H. C. Milligan wha are movm g ordmatlon of the ~ev. le,ci s. N, ELECTRIC WASHING M,ach- Electio n t<> be hel~ In saId VrIla.ge to Mason. Other guests were Keys on, Sunday aften:lOon. . CARD OF TI:lAN KS ine ' with wrl,nger - $25. at the regula r places ot voting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Welch and ' -- Mr. Ben Smith, Waynesville. Call thereln , on Tuesd ay the 2nd I 'wish to thank'- --'all thor-;e da.y at and Mrs. Harry S. Tucke 110 r. ' F9 wing a Canad a vaca2S54. Novem ber 1948, a renew al of a. tax whn have so kindly remen " ,rMrs. Charles Gordan was tion, in the Nippagon count ry_ ~FOR SALE _ HEATRObA at a , rate not exceed ing two .nd ed 'with cards ) lette'rs and tl u w- hostess to the W . C. T. -U. at Mr. and Mrs. Charles D~ Fra:_:-=:1 om~-balt (21A1, mUls for each one ers during -my confinement in her home Thursday afternoon. ker, Winnetka, Iiiinois, passed second size" burned 'f P:1(rJ ,dollar ot valuat which' amoun ts the hospital. , , Mr. and Mrs. W. Carl ,Brown a few days with the R. of one season. Also laundry to twenty -t1ve - ion, 0' .. (25) cents tor each Mr~. Anna Williamson were callers in Leesburg, Sun- Regan's at their Main ,' L., stove. Wymer Drake) Ph , ne one hundr ed dollars of'Valu a.tion stree t tor day. 2 : 21. ' residence. Mrs. Jean Fraker and -indo t 'h e purpos e of CURR ENT . Mr. and Mrs. J ames Park Mrs. Dorothy O'Regan are sisWe wish to thank 'our friend s APPLES - Jonathans.' Cart- EXPE NSES of said ~ vllla.ge, an.d ters of Cincinnati ters. Mr. Fraker is associated lands and Grimes Golden~ tor .....ilie tax year 1949 and for a. -neighbors, and rel;It:ives for the were daugh Mond ay evening dinner with Riter & Company, broksympathy' given us during Also RED DELICIOUS period 01' four yeats thereatt~. guests of Mrs. Park's parents ers! on La Salle St., Cb·rt:~go, Underwood Orchard, Har- " The polIa ,tor satd elecUo n will the recent los~ of our husband Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. ruck er. whIle Mrs. Fraker .was formerly veys.,urg. Phone 289 7.. open at 6:80 A. M. Bind remaJ n' open and father. We also wish to Mrs. Louis e Fite was a Satur- a member of the Goodman , , . -ind until 6: 30 P. M. (Easte rn Stand ard itank Rev., Coffey for bis com- day afternoon guest of Mr. and Theatre St~ck ~ompany Chifgrtin.~ wo.rds, the ' Jr. O. U. A. · \ , Time) ot said day. Mrs. Georg e Wate rhous e of cago. ' Two .children's coats, Size 8. ' By order of the Boud of Elee- M. Lodge, a~d ' we espedatly V\4aynesville. , _ _ _~___~~ One 'light blue, summ~r tions of warre n Count y,. Ohlo. wish to thank Mr. lEarl Qui~ly -Mrs. A~yce Urton has return'. , weight, and one na;yy blue, , and the McQure Funeral Home ed to' her home JOHN E . HOLD lIIN, after' a visit with' winter weight, Chesterfield ' Mrs. Lizzie McKeever and · her brother 'and Mrs, W. H. Madden was, ~ sister-in-law hostes · type. Phone 2721 . M. A. , s -in the Progressive Bus'A. 14. PARK ER. Family Mt. and Mts. Wilt Drake of Fulkerson: ' - ·1014 iness Women's Club on. Wea-, Clerk. Blanchester. nesda y, evening. A 'covereCi dish ONE GIRL 'S', Water--Repellent Rev. and ,M'rs. Ward and suppe r was enjoyed. Due to the red snow suit, Size 3. ' Mrs. NOTIC E family spent the weekend, with ,J.I , c OF ,ELEC TION ON RE' m~eti ng " at the school house, Edwin Surface. Phone 29t 7. (I relatwes in Detroit, no, progr am was planned. NEWA L OF A TAX O,!T8 IDI! Mr. Miss and Frances PolHtt of DayMrS: Vivan ~rye and " Green and, ted 'platd snow T~N MILL L:.IMIT ATION ton spent Mond~y e"enin~ with family had as ,lfeir guests Sun:- ' suit,. size 5, , good condition. Mr. Frye's parents, Mr. and, , Notice la hereby BIven, that lD Mr. and Mrs. Je~se Penmngton 'day Leo Gonner, Pttone 247 ~. punu ue. ofa 'r8l101utloD of Mrs. Henry Frye of Hillsboro" the arid son Danny. · , and ' Mr., -tO t4 BOard of lDduoaUoD. of WqJle ~ ~lDd Mr~. fool ~~sbford .. Miss Ada Grace Schoonover and family Schoo l DJatrl( )t, ~ CoUD t,. of near Waynesvi1~ of Albens. ' , . ,I{ was a OhiO, PU&ed "the Jl.t ti.y of Jw,. weekend house guest Mr. €arl Llvin gston ·is Efln: of Miss fin~d 1H8, tilere will be .ubm1ttecJ to & to Veteran's Hospital, Gladys Kerns. 3 IJnfurnished rooms for .rent. vote . . Mrs. Margaret Johns " Lytl.~. Dlatrloof th,e people of -..4 IIChooI ' Mr. and ,Mrs. Dan Solyers Dayton. Mr. t, at and the Mrs. J Gener a! ~OD to , ' of Franklin spent Sunday after. t02t \" be ' beld In II&ftl 'acllool 'Dlttrl et at " noon W.ith their son ' JJ ! ' ~lDd dauKht}Je !'e8ul8.l' placell ~t VOt1-DC th ....In. ter-in-la'Y, Mr. and spent Monday ev~ning with WANTED TO TRA DEM.rs.1 3ugene 'lin on TueadBiY the Ind ' day of NovMr. Beckett's par.ebts, Mr. and Snodgr~ss and family. aye bo~ and need ~ewing ember 18fS.. a renew al of a tax Mi r s. Ben Beckett. ', Commun ion serv'lces were machine, or will make sep- ,at a rate not excee 4l_ three (I) obserV Mr. and Mrs. , John. Rhoades '.ed at ' the Methodist ~rate deals~ H. E. Elstro.1" mUle tor eaeh ODe doUu of VIla- Olurch, Sunday ,morning ' with were Sunday ' dJnner guest~ of Phone· 2634. ' -10t ,~, Uou. wh&ch ...,... ... to tlalny ' (-at) Rev. C. A. Arthur ,officiating. their Pllnl~r and \v~Rev. ~nd ~,ta t.or, eacb 0118 lluncln c1 dollar . \livan Frye , was absen t from Mrs. Hope, 'MiCldletown. HELrw~ of ,vaIuM (oa. fOr tile purpoe e of wofk several mt:ys last "week, CU.lUUDNT 1I1XIWDN8BS of , tile --ewing to illness. " WOMAN to clean large auditor- 8.,1 Dldrlott.~ .. ~ 01 \ Mi'S: Ma~ie - Carte~ of near ' ium daily. ~11 2143 . " tin (1)7U I'a ~DC WI/tII the town 1S~IJ1lt her hOlne. ' '. , ta& )'ear Jett.! :',', , , Mr~ and MIlS. ~arles :bmii. , Mn. ' t)live tetume , WANTED , The plNJa e&I4 e1eataOD wUl say have vacated their ~ rooms Thursday from ' aCurl Some one to quilt two open at t: 10for with reI' A. )I. and i'eIDaID i~ .the Gordon apa1r.tment on atives and friends visit quilts, from' my materials. in -Sabina and open unUl 1:10 ~. II. (~ ~~ln S~. ~nd have moved to ClaJ'lks~ille, O. . Phone 2936 8t&n48.l'd :TIDiI) '0« I8Jd 4q. NeVI Carli~ 1e. The lroOm Rev.' WIllter E. r1I"l~i"', 1~ . -to.t4 , ;By order ac tile Board 0( Deo~ no~ OCCUPied ~~y Mr", ..ands are ~rs. , 'Louis, Mo, __ ....,. . . AND WOMEN WANTED ~ or w&nen Co. . . Ohio. ;, ,C'Ac,d Mtdfey aruJ ~anllib'. " . Home fOt,. fetI,..-wiell:s.---.:-'-~~ " t~+'~~--=i·0i~~~.MH."-'8RK;--7-C: ' olPBN z. HOLG lmN. M~tnb ers of the C'vic t.tl«u e ' .MiSI ,Cba1 I'-.a enj~y~d a H~lloween ~ S-'l- ~d F STEADY work with concern . i t . It 'o f Ai II. -P~ urday af the eountr)r :Iome' of several days with which ran ful1 all,through laSt, " and Mr,s. ' aa~ Mr.. and, 'MS., Howard pr.aham. J. Wilson Edwards near Spring. :' ,_~ , ' k ~~ condi~~ tions ~~ Excelt -~OO ~~ '~..:-, ~~~ w~re elected~b at ,QiisW~ , ~eet1nl. , ~" ~'~'~'~'~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
....._-- :-:- --
;.:1:~~~'t fgra::V:~:. O
Fox PapeJ ' Company; ~ock. land, Oncinnati t 5', Ohio.
~~: :.~~~::: ,
Mr. and Mrs. John SI~pson. '~ Bletate of Da.y14 'R . t~ o.ceu e4 . Ma~tba AtI~s of tOort. Give facts on yo", bact· , Notl. . . hereby fta ·UuIIt 4ma wl~Miss " spent ~ \we'eJl~nd _With ~ grpund, education, a~, tc. -B. 'L1a~ "nOM ,P oet, tHfJce" Mher ,grant bnotb er ",rs, ,!JianclJe " EJperience not necessary. dreu Ie R. Be 1, WQD emUe . OhIo Garr, and Mr. and . --102 1 bae ~been duly appotDtecI ' ... A.a- Masters ahd'Sons. Mrs. ~merson
Ii; G.
Bucbsleb" Inc.
It Says
'4 'Golden Glovers Start Training Here
.C. ODDer Resigns ,
FrQQI Town Council
.Earl Conner's resignati'on Fou' Waynesv.ilIe youths be·· Kan traintng Monctay night for , ttom the village council was re.:. hext , 'Februafy's~Golden Gloves ceiveo at 'a special session last bO,xing tournament. week, devoted to details of the By Smitty , 'This will be the fourth year bond issue fot pipe to connect • in which a Waynesville ·team new wens to Waynesville's SERVING WAYNESVILLE SINCE, 1850 Lots of New Yorkers have enters the tourmlmen~, and th water sy'stem Mr. Conner was never visfted the Statue of Ub- second under the sponsorshi p ~o . 4391 FIV'E CENTS A COpy 'not present at the meetin~. No . erty, and ,1uts 'o t Phi1adelphian~ of B. . and R. Cleaners. Jim ...... ,, action will be taken untsl the THU.RSDAV, OCTOB, E R ' ,21r 194& never go to Independenct, Hal\. Hartsock is the tralocr and ses- WAY-NESVILL!.E, OHIO ie' g ular sessioq on Monday, Nov. People seldom . think of theJ.r sions are to be held twice a I 1, when the remaining four' home town as a place for sight- week in the barn at Harfsock ' . councilmen ctre expected ' to seeing. . home· north of 'fo..wn. pick his' successor. It's , the same way here in . This :;eason's f~ghters . ar : Warren ' County according to Donriy "Pope, flywelKht; Pick - the current issue of "Conserva- Lawson, light'weight;, Don Hention Scope," published by the derson, welterweig·ht, and Ralph Winners ' 'of prizes aij the t~ John and Rav Mainous. · coun(y. Fish and Game Con- Purdue', middleweight. 'Lawson Little Mia'mi Fall Festival last Besf ¥.I;" dozen parsnips, J . servation A sociatiOn. These .and Henderson fouKht in 1a t week were: . p, Frazier. F t rua ry's bouts" one lo~int: by passages from its, article, "Wara T.. K. O. and the other oy a b.1l1U contest-HarBest qt. . shelled dry bean~" School ren County: the BeautifuJ," are veysburg, first; Spring Valley, Charle Hagemeyer. (B,. Mia. 'Hardin) close decision. worth thinking; about: second; Centervi11~, third, and Largest squash, George Hen, Warren County offers and C~rlisle, fourth. Judging com- derson. . . affords Mother Nature's beautmlt,tee, O. J ; Gray ana Mr: and . , Best plate of 5 apples, Win PrTday, Oct. 15, ended the ies, and there is no b.etter Mrs. Don Gahris. . st. John. . . first si~ weeks of school. Since month in the year than October The W:ayne Tow~ship Far,'.A'mate,ur contest-Nan MiIBest · ornamental .;qua~h. our grading system 'has been to fully . appreciate what she mers' Club met Thursday, Oct.' lard of Springboro, first with a Clara She'ehan and R. G. Mil- changeq, we are offering a few hold in ' store. 14,' at Hie home of ' MI' .. and ~ndition of "Indian love CalL" ler. ' . words of eXJ)lanation. . aynesv~lle Barbershop QuarBest 5 Ki ffer pears, Charles . There will be f.ewer "A's" , ,See for yourself. Make up "a Mrs. Gilbert Fryte. Rev. Rl.. party of. friend~ and neighbors. B. C,?leman gav~ a short talk tet, second; Trio of Harlan Hagemeyerf', " , this ·year. This wnt be a disPack a .p'icnic lunch. Load up.. .:. on _hiS recent · tnp to Ore.g(;m, ' tNh~odmit and RutlI Earnhart: Best 7 perSimmons, Perry aDpomtment to ,some chUdren. the automobile with the wife and' School Supt. K. M., Retalhck Jr. 'Cook and Will St. John.. d'A'~ will mean a graqe of from and kiddies and head for the ga ve the malO address on B~r~ershop qqartet, . first, 1 Best .1,0 e,arS of·· hybrid com, 95 to 100. "B" means 85 to "astern par·t of Warrenl Countv-' "What Is Wrong ..with Our consistIng of Kenneth Vickers La~rence Brown and Eli Fur- 94; "C" means 7S to 84; "0" , ' .. Schools?" A live:ty 'discussion Earl Powell, Harlan 'Earnhart' nas~ .. , , . , mean~ ' 65 to 74' and "F" It makes little dIfference followed Guests, besides the ~n~~(Jb,Fi~d~::t~rntest ' eo~ Best 10 ears open pollenatect me~ 0 to 64. '''F'' is ' not - which way you go, for the hills the speakers, were' Mr: and Mrs. corn, ·O R. Fisher. · passing. ' , ' . Best 10 ' walnuts, Ethel In order that you may com' and the Little' M.iami 'river will Hartley Moss. ' The .club ' will rge McKeever" first' and Tom :be there 'to greet a!ld' we1co~e meet in Novem~er w.itb M,r1. and Collins, second. ' . Schmidt and Charles Hage- pare these with last year"s grad. 1yOU, but to appreciate the trtp Mrs. Harvey. Bu.rnett. L,~~~~'!~ ~~~~y~ meAer. mg ,system, we are gLving you ~g~e a~~l~os:kr~~~/~~al~~:h ' Fisher and Walter Sheehan: R. :an.d r!etH~~~~~·. Will ~t. John ~~~rfr~~~, 9~s t~h~b~7~~' lW~ or pick up the tratl at Foster, ' Mrs. Lawrence Furnas, Mrs. . . Tallest stalk of com, A!fred SEWING AND COOKERY to 89 j ' "C" 70 tQ 79' "D" 60 .and ,:work your . way north. Ross Hartsock, rs. Alva Lud- A;ulabaugh. t 3 .f t.. 6 Inches, ~nd Best apron from feed sacks ' . to 69; "F" 0 to 59. : ' . As far as posSible, forget ·the ington, Mrs. J. B. C(a~be. Mrs. verLn Sherwoo~ .t 3 ft., 4~ inch. Martha Peters and' Margaret The new system is used in .rnain ~ithw'ays, ,; and take · to Raymond Braddock, ' Mrs~ . A. at~est turnipS, Will St. . Cbapman. : , most of our colleges and wls . ;lhe side roads. Tbev will cross ~ . Earnhart and Mrs. ~aM.ar John. ..' ' . Best child's dress ftom fc:ed. ad~p~~d , I., ' qearlx.. I.U th~ r " "" . . - ' .1' Earnh~rt, . . at~ a... D}sUlct, Ldl:1:rgest,C3b~..~.R_ & ~ ,sa~ Mrs: EntOIt lfefaDtci/ . County ~h vis Tas!y,~r. Un.. malay. "p ' ~ '. ' . 'l he' AVer F'frm Bureau-dinner meehn~ at an WlII Sf. Joh'n.. . " . . B~st crocheted object, May der . the new ',,,,admg system ,-twists .and winds itself tJtrough Highlaqd o~ ,'Fhursday. . la~test pumpkm" Georg~ Banta .and Mrs. R.- C. M~.ler. , you ' !lm knQw lh~t your chUa 1he valley, ,lletw~en ,the hills. Schml(Jt and George .F. Brawn ,Best Kn'ltted' Object, May' 'IS dOlOg a very hlgli grade of . At times YQU will think you Miss Yvonne Stubbs of Bow- ehSrr:alle~t . pumpklO; ;. Mrs. Banta and Grace Prendergast. work when he receives a grade :re Idst, but'edOtLL let this ling Green Univ-ersifv arrived . ar es, agemeyer' arrct1:e r ' Best quilts, Grace Prender~ of "A". , ~ iOther you, All you have to 'home on Thursday evening for Schoonover. . gast and Mrs. Harry a .ine On Thursday, Oct. t 4, the Pr~ttiest tatted object, May children from tfte (}rade SChqol :emember is ",hether the rivet a ~eek end wtt~ her parents, F lct~~est ~tal~ 9' tobacco, seed, J on-your left or right. Wo,rk Mr. and Mrs. A\ H: Stubbs: r ()O .' . Banta. (two aWlrds). ' went to the High' SchOol Cym I(1P, down, over and across, and Mrs. Emma~ Gearhart of Day- I Tallest stalk of tobacco, bur·, Prettiest flower arrangement, where they were entertained fo( again we repeaf if you run 'into ton, Miss' Marv Ellen Fisher of eY R. ~. Peters. ' Margaret Chapman and Mrs. about an hour tiy a magician. ';a main highwai, leave 'it at the In~iana'Polis, .-Paul ArOll?ruster . est % pecIC. Irish potatoes, flora Ross; , Wetea~hers wish We w:~re able firSt country road leading, to- and Buddy Kleirtmeyer dJ g!J(e~ M;eredlth and A'd,. , Best pumpkin' pie, Suellen to hold the. children's attention; -ward,s the dver. r(ijJ will find Tole<to also were g,uests during" BI,n. lellis. ' ,. . as well 'as the ma~ici~n did! , if ,will become fun and each the weekend. est ~ pecK sweet potatoes, . Best, fruit pie, liJcill~ ,Armi" ' Hav~ you written to th4 ' jurn ,will bring something· new C. E. Lmda~~od and Charles " tage and Ada Dakin. President of the School BO.ard, Mr. and Mrs. Ross If. Hart- I:i~fiemeyer. ' B e s t cream' pie -Mrs. Jennie Mr. John (jons, "and told him and dif~efent.. . ;. , You will pass through ham: sock, Mr.. and ·Mrs. Owen Hartest ~ dozen beets, Mrs. , Maino~ , ' . ~,hat you think should be done . Best angelfood ~ake Eliza- 10 regard to building a new leb, tOW,lls , ~d 'villages su~h sock and Miss jane Hartsock Charles Hagemeyer. . ;15 , ~aynesvll1e, ~ pregonaa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and . Best 'Ii peck onion, P. B. beth Furnas and Florence Mor- Grade School? If not, why' not , .Mathers. Mill, F~. AnCient, Mor- Mrs. , Freeman Saberton 'in . Voung, and Will St, John. alD. ', ' ' : do it now? .We are .living- in ; rGvI, KlOgs Mills,. ~uth Leb-_ Ghent, Ky. Best two 'he!lds-ca~bage, Erect Best ~evil's food cake, Grace Ib democratic ~oun'ry w~er.e;, II anop, afld FQ.stler. , , . .' , Hook and Will St. Joh~. Prendergast and Nancy Blird; , e~ery~ne has a pght to ,express, ~" Each and every place Mr. and MrS George Han-, .Be~t % peck turnIps. WW St. Best' 'de~orated .cake, Gale ' hiS opmion. ,open,' up ne~ 'v, i~tas ~it~ scenic • nah, Jr. of Lake BlUff" (1Iinoi~ Johl1!. ' ., . ,: _ ',." Evans, Ethel You,ng, and Ada . . ~ ;(fandeur)... ste~ped 10 colors visited the Robert L. O'Regans Best ~ , dozen carrots,. ~ III BeJ.l Klontz. M'\Jsic by, the Greene ,Coun~ .~p~~~~~~~ Thu~Q~~~yofl~ --~~~~---~_~~_ _~_ _~~_ _ ,h~~a~dl~~~~ ef afford~~ Y.o·u will', find week.,' ~rs., Hannah 'and Mrs. fr, t948 ~oftball ' $eason '«lie . 1, n~scapes tliat would defy the O'Regan were Pi Beta Phi sor- FRIENDSHIP CIlJB MEETS HAPPY HOUR .a.ua Waynesville Sat~rday even in,. , .-Ibrush of any painter, add each , ',ority sisters at the University of AT BAV~ RESIDENCE '1mET! AT 'MRS. coOK'S Tile WilynesviUe Atbletlc ASSA,and every plac;e hoMs interests Imnois. " • ~ . . ti t " . t ' D f .7'. '.~ ipf " historIC nature, fO.r ou are 'The . Happy Hour Cl~b en- cia on s .Y' Ie orx. ance, .,' rom . The F'riendship Club niet on ' and Mlis. Robert Thomas \ Wi~ dnes da ~fte rnoon at th e .I~Dye . d the October ,meeting on Gym, 8 ~30 to. ' .t .~, 'l!1e' High by SChoo . ,i n til e' Ia~'d of the ' MQun 6uildMr., will be in blghlithted pre.1I• , , ,er, the .fore,runner of the Amer- and daughters and M'rs. F. E: ,h«?me of 151 Bernard Baughlo, Tuesday, with Mrs. Carlton sentation of awards to team aaid . iean ; Indian. ' , Thomas' were antong the guests With Mrs. War~en Braddock Cook as hostess .at her home 10" d" ~·d I' f ' 'if Ih ' I ' Keep Jout eyes open, for on ,Sunday when Mr. and M.rs and Mrs. Cora Rich as co ..host- ,tlhe country. ' About ' twenty ID IVI ua s ar~ 0 "e eagu~ you wOl observe rQad s'gns di- .Earnhart enterta,ned with a esses. • members and friends were p,re .. reeling you tn Youth Educat- family dinner . at, their 'home .in Much. time .w,as spent , in . s,ent. FC)l1owin~ the business , ional Summer camps, t~cked Beavertown. excban~jn~ gifts · amon, the siession. Miss Monfrrila· Bunnell. away' iri thtf. hilts hi seemingly , " "Secret Sisters-', when the a,nd Miss Betty e,lesbea V!#re ' ' out-of.the-way places. War.ren, Mrs. L. J. Burton had as · a names ' of sisters for the past ,in chatge:.~f tfi~ pr~m, Mrs. County has more of these than week elld guest" MJ:s~ .Bertha year, were' revealed. ~rs. Waf- Pau' Tomimson gave a fine re" , te~ 'Whitaker ' was elected pfesi. v'lew . of "lal,ld ,o f' Shorter I any othe.r -county in' Qle state of : Baughman, ~ Ak~on. ,Ohio: Dri~e into them, and you , ' dent Mrs. Charles Davi~, vice:: Shadows" bv Earl Stanley' Gar.. . ....11 In "a sm~U measure have Paul M. St, John of Los Dresident; Mrs. Bernard diner and 'Mlrs. Luther Hartsock - some ~oD~ption . of t le pa.rt Angel~CaI"", son of M·r. and , Bauga ¥cretary and Mrs. p'lay.ed .a pfano solo. ' . " Warrep o>ul1ty IS' pla'y1pg. an M~. . C. ' St. John ·~f Bernard: Daley treasurer... Re· ~ The club adfourned to meet the )dU~ mov~ment. ., . Waynesville, was the honor . freshments we:e serVed. ~Ith- Mrs. Ralph Shaffer In' ~ ..~ """ .- . ' pest Sundavat a gatbering in ""I November, and . dorln. the Arpnot Bride Club · tbe home of Mr. and 'Mrs. NEW CENnlRY IWW.. ,.. Mn. Stanley BiDey ana , pav~d Ross of' L~banon • . son~. s~t)clal ho~r, refreshments in RI~e as gues~ were In-law and dauf'hter of the W. The New Cen.h&ty Club Will k,eep'ing witli file ,autumn' sea~iI&IIIICU' by Mrs. S. D. C. St. Johns~ ffe will 'vOOt here meet at the home of Mrs. Paul s n. were served. ' In Leban'on, on Tues- for some time before ,returning Tomlinson on Friday afternoon Mr. and MrS. Eugene Wnch. . . at a dessert brid~e. Mrs. to california. other ' guests at with Mrs. Glenn D. Borden and . Mrs. D. C. ·Ridte and the Sunday affair were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crabbe In charte of and sons have moved Int() B. Chapman received Mrs. ~Wil1 Hutt !lnd the Wilbur the program. recently purchased bonle_:~es. . . Hutt, famiTy, all of Rld~evil1e. .. Bowersville.
Fes:tival Award's'
Grading' System ,Changed
Farmers~ CIDb'
'(t. "
The \Mi~:ni
~ azett~ .
Dr. a-nd Mrs. H. E. Hathawa y have as th~ir houseguest, Miss Laura Rosnagle f General Hospital, Cincinnati.
t, ~ Be Broad~~ast
'Dark Victory'
Publishe,d ::ver f Tt,ul"sday
At W.ynesvill .. Ohio ' CARL G. SMITH, Eciitol" Entered •• second cl... matter at the Post Office
Friday evening at ~ P M. Miss Celeste Holm,; Motion Pic" SUBSC,,,IPTION RATE: ,ture Academy Award Winner, ,1.50 • Year in Advance and Walfer Abel, will be he:.. n l 'Ver the Mutual Network iu the famous Broadway succe s "Dark Victory". 'Thi i the fourth radfo pJ'e.'Sentation of "Great Scel1es fr m :fl~e have events listed in this' calendar, notify The Miami Gazette Great Plays" sponsored by tL e " before 4 p. III. Tuesdays.) . Episcopal famifies of Wa 'ne. ville and other ' communities, How a woman conquers a great and abiding inward fea; , fhrough 100e is thc~ fundamen- , tal theme of "Dark Victory." , ' The great lesson dramltilect in this play is , th,;ilt ,love ca.n always conquer fear - ' a prinCIple demonstrated by mil .. lions of sincere Chn ,Hans ' throughout the world \ ho kno\\ how the love of God brings rea ier peace and sec': urity,
Events e'o ming Up
Mrs. Alva Thompson of , Bellaire ~ e, Dayton, formert of Waynesville wisbe. , to ,thank her man) friends for the lovel cards, flowers, gifts and cheerful noiles sent her while he was confined in Miami Valle Hospital. She is now home an doing very Ricel~. Thanks Again, Mrs. Thompson.
- IT·PAYS ' ~ TO'AD r'F'R SE
Uncle Sam Says
Tnis New!p(Jp~1' AND All
READ IY 104,607 OHIO FAMILIES WitH $10 IIWON DOUAI$ IO SPEND for Local or Stat. lat.. ' Visit thil Newspaper OR
Can, Wire or Writ., our representative,
I' -•
The man in the l.,.-eovered bo.... ".ean be 10u. Or tbe eouple aboard that luxury liner can be the mIN... and you. An.- , iha. young (eUo" "alkin, acroat ihe Campn8 can be your 80n. AU of these future reo . wareb are possible through the reau. lar purcllale of U. S. Savings Bonds. . An aUotment of onl,. '3.75 • week will brln, you '2163.45 in just ten year.. The ea y wa,. to ..ve fa -IJuou(Jb the ' Payroll Savin.. Plan where lOU work or, If eeIC-empJoyed, lhrou,h the Bond-a-Month Plan a, Jour bank. u. S, Tr'lUury D,ponffN'" I
REAl;» GAZETTE ', CI •••lfled
DON'T Wait for Storm Signals! ' Prepare noV{ for Winter I Stoc'k up on anti-freeze. We've the finest quality at lowest prices. Try our expert winterizing service too J We call and deliver• .
MY. HOLLY MEntODIST ' . T. M. ~arff, Minister , . . WHEN YOU ~ IT Sunday Schoof 9:30 'a.m. . . ~
, ,
E.A•. Earnhart, Supt. Service 10 :30 a.m. "vening Se('Vlce "',7 :30 p.m~
' ~orship
, " ...-nJODIST aruROI ,R.B. Colem~~ Ministef . Cburdl Sc:haol 9 :30 a.m. J. J., Burste, Supt. Worship' ind Sermon I
t Q:30
"'ltiR'S .Garage · '
CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS ' Rev: O~vid Stanfield, ,Minister
Sunday School . , to' L a Worstiip Se~ . , tt LID.
Main and Miami Sts.
UTICA ' £.
U...' CHURaI William Shannon Sunday S,cbool . • 9:30 a.m. Mrs. James' Garnson, Supt. Preaching·tst and lrd ,Sundays often tips the scales in favor of ' , each month 10:3Q a.m. Representing. , Evening, Services 7 :30p.m. y01,lr business as welt as your W ......imer & eompu.y social success. We dry clean and , . 1 n1.E 'METHoDIST Menibers' New york Stock 'QtuROi ." '- Exchan~es and other • Dr. Jo~ph ¥yers, Mmlster ' pres~ the s~ientific way-aim,, registered Exch:anges " WAYNEsvIu.E ' Sun(tav 'Sdlool ,-9:30 1.111. ing for your utmost:,safisfaction. IDV~eDt Trust Sw. MrS. Ruth·Saylor, Su~ OIUROI OF otRIST ' Bought - Sol~ '- Quote~ M. H. Coff~Minister . Worship Service ..1 t .0 :30 a.m. Phone ,WalDesvine 253Q 8itile ,.' 9:30 a.m. , ~ , DaytOb AOS2$'1 10:,3 0 A. M. FERRY' OIURaI OF QIRIST p
sT; MARY'S EPISCoPAL Sllbuel N. ~js; Minister '. , Chprch School 9 :.15 A.M. Holy Communion to:30 A.M. ,FRlENDS ' Fir$t Day &:hool 9 :30 a.m. Meetin2" for Wo~hip. 10,:30 a.m.
~~~~'·~~-1;~......ft~te:!ulee~,=-=--,=--!~rpn carver~ Minister ,
8 P.',M,
, fattier ,Krwnholtz, Priest
~ , and 10' A.M~
9 :30 a.m. Morning .' W·~rshii> 10:30 "~. ' Pra:; ttMeebnJ. . 7:00 p.m.
P. M.
Youqg People s Meetinl , ' ' 7 :00 ,p~m. Ev~ning Services ' 7 :30 p.m.
We try to:'be understanding and capable in OUr worle.
'9~t 2
1-5 afternoons e.xcept
1-9 Saturday
" ,
Other evenjn~ by ApPOintment •
or, C. E. Wilkin ·
- Optome~c. S))t·. :~l'" • SoQlh Malt. Streei aCl'Oll hop. Grup IJAJI
26 South D'etJ'Oje
' ......
~fo",~1;i;;;;-/j,A , ( 1/UJJ(j/!tUb'
,PHONE 2834
and ,I will call on Y0ll. to show the '.\Vjde . variety of de~ . signs which are available. o ; Will make ~ppolntmeiit at your own cotl~enience. H.
will 'again provide the foldingmonev so necessary for such things.' But the team ,is badl ... ·in n'eed of a real place to work out. Last season they tramed in a local gara.e;e at nights-hard!y ~deq':1ate. by any strftch of the Imagmabon. In t 94'6' there was a barn set aside for such doings arid that equipment etc. still that building. How, remains ever the owner (a new on~ since 1.946) is not in sympatl)y with the youthful members of the "sock 'em and rock iem~' club and Will not permit the 'premises to be used for' sllch degrading practices. Wonder ~f that ~a.rt,y is aware that 'l1ariy of our best soldiers in combat
That ~und.ay 'weather good luck charm that the local softball league has been using' for' . so~e weeks . suddenly took a ,change for the worse this past weekend. As a result, there is nl) champion YET unless last night's contest was captured by Bellbrook. That was the first of what Boh Allen said would ' llefinitely be a two-game series .between his fi~hting Legio~ nin:: 'and that' hu trinR: bunch of f~rmer-laos from up Bellbrook way; led by Larry Spi·tJer. if the Legion won laot ntJ.;ht th l n the champi '1 hip will ~ 0 itl v l.v be, settled tonite it l th tl c club will have e n - defea t d once, in this two and our I b \" off. (Dear Ed: ' The e weekly I taint \I pIa v port c lU!11i ~' heck with coherence in writ. ing!) Anyway) a championship club v.:~n be teted -thi Saturday m,ght at the local High School 11 where the Greene County weetheart 50-50 dance orchestra w:i.ll play for" the Wayne· ville Softball victory dance. Big event of the ev.ening should be the seasonal trophies and individual awards to each m... m.:. ber of the winning dub.' There.' WIll also be ' a rno t vatlla;,le player prize along 'with a sr e ial .. award to the , plflyer vote .the "most sportsmanlike pIa er . The ~e last two awarti are th: re ult of a poll of al l m,1na,!!,crin the teague1 \~, ith tl;e ffi ' :1 results to e tne j'surprize ~ ,age of the evenin.g. " YoU "' h ·, lelic-minded. persons an .1...... 1lowers of the national :p' rt please take .adyanfagr. of t1"1 ' ~ .r.. _ ,1.1 ,. _: t th e 10 p ai <;1 give it 1'00 percent suppo -to _ ~emem~er, 50. cents spent - a ' urday mght ~wlll be' ygur as~ ur-' ance that softbalI will be strongr tl all e '. r II ext "eason and n0t weaker as a result cYf the softb:(lUers ha vin2; to fjnd an 'ang~ r to pay their biIJs foT' I ,..' . Kier's Garage ' and Bellbrook haye already .cit1 ched · a trophy apIece, for their resp,ecNve halftime titles ..Tnere WIll be a spec. at two- ,t ( lot , .''1'1 as to be :von twice for permanent keepmg) do~ated by tl3e J'win Theatre for th.e championship tearri . . . t his is on _of those new . t'/pe trophies with a'figtu:,e 'atop ' 1': ~ . Idtime .~up , d~sign. . Oh yes" there wIll' be "an a ward I 11 ,Hi to the <;hampion hitter of ' tl,~e regular season and all sea son records are being' reo"~ ie\\' lli in. order that the . rj~ht . i t t ' wm~ ' . . . presentl y It aJ1'~ , ill' that Tommie Thompson, Legiori or Chariie Williamson ·13 ... llbr ok m4ght c P. the award I ut since they botl1 faltered in the final ,week some "dark. ' . hO,rse" mig"t . ~tab , oif the
outfits either had or r.eceived one suggest( a way to g-.:V that special training in bo:-:ing in old. site of the irs in ope rc~t:t) n order to convince 'certain 'na- agam? . White perusing the Gazetk tions 1!hat we aimed · to tay . fre~! As I loek ' at it, trai'n.ing in mailing hst recently, noticed the manly art of s etf-d~femc -where GaOO- Paul, of the Ci::teach es a lot of ~ - . t' l e ~:'C l: , 'innati Reds n: 'eived a weekl y such 'as self-restraint; seli- re!i' e\~itiol1, Wh:tt, aP ('umm e: l '·' n~ , ance (you're certainly on Y0ur and po comments, tsk, tsk ! own' in that i 6x i 6 ring) a.nd Same for Freddv Fleig tc maybe the boys witI learn to whom . I ,add, there mi~IH h~ dodge quicker, which is nelpful a player 'or two in a year or in a communitv' where flst au- two up this way. Keep your tos are commonplace , on our , . , ·t!s pealed. public streets. AnyWay, J'lerba,p _ Mr. and Mrs. .Harris Mosher. Hartsock's boys coul~ entert:)in and daughter, Virginia, were us ' al1 with some interec;ting Sunday dinne( , guests of Mr. bouts throu~h the cold winfe~ and Mrs. Fred' C. H arlsock in months ahead if onl y··thev had Milford. some place to traj!!. Can ' sOlrne
J.1'! CHfO 1"H1S F ,\U~ , ", .. ! ' ," ~ : , t: . , - '; :00 A_ M. to , 4 :00 P. M. Pheasant - Novemher 15 10 25, 'Bag'limit, 2 Cock birds per ("I~ : '. Po ~ esj · n l:m it, 3. Rahl1it- .- No . mber ' t 5 to December 18,. Ba,lt limit; 4 per day. Possession limit 4. ' 'Deer-restricted to 1 ~ c')unties, December 13' to 18. One
per person, either
.,$5.,{)O license" required.
Mrs. Emma 'McChlre of Franklin wa, the wet~k ei,d .guest of Mr. and Mrs L. H. , , (: 1
I LIze.
, I'~ still tea.rniJ)g things 'about the ' various sportsdoi'ng ' of this community .. '. didn't r ~ , t~at . i,nt~rest wasn't higl" on Coach JIm' Hartsock's voung Golden Glovers. Bob ana Pl' Workman, last year's . {,ongor ,
To ,Bay, Sell, Trade Rent Borrew, USE
~D8 IRJI'l' onJIAft around the cloCk
they mU8t have 8tmfutther rate and fare
~ery day aDd m,hf of the year.~. Although.tbv"kDow thlI, leaden of 16 ran- ' Demandlll Uare'PQDabJe '
~8 Ron for Eve.,hodtNot Em.PioYei Alone
_ _ The 1'8il!oad iudUltry m_.ane not o~ but Gad unloD8 an.emanding a flve-day, MOD- ~.-'---:. - . JDaDy II'OUPl~Pl'Oc\u~, buaineaamen, ahJp~y ~u,h ~da~, week' for OJle million . Tbetee employee ha've bad sUbstantial rabeI ' . . ., puaengers aJuI the aeneral publicIaiiroad·emploYei. . : . duri,q~d.98< thelwar.~elraveral8we,ek. mght and day, every day of the year. These , , . ' " " ' Iy eaminl8 au higher than the average weeJdy unions a M proCeeding. ~ utter diaregard Of i' They want 48 hourB pay for 40 boon work ~P of wOl'keral !n lIl8.Ilutacturing Indue- ' this important difference between raihoada ~ba l~ a 20% wage increase. . trt.. TIley have' more job security than tile imd other iDduatriee. Industria! plants ,can be. :, The~' a1Io deJlWld a minimum ~f 12 houri averaae worker in American indU8~. They shut down over wt!ekends and holidays, but y for any work perforD;ledon Saturday., aI80 enjoy paid vac.atioDl, a retirement sya- . freight, mail, e~pr888 and passengers mU8t d 16 ho . pay for any worJl performed OD ~ and other ad,yanUlgee more generous continue 'to move. EVerybody who enters rail. undays a t.d holidays. , thaD the average wlorker receiv~. road employment knows thia. ,
•' On top of all thiS they want an additio~
pcre8le of 25c an hour .for every employe. '.:.
You'd Pay the Bill!
lmmjnl up these demands. 'they mean that , heee union leaders'seek ,t o force the railroacW . give one'million employes an annual hiCh would a.verage $1600 per employel i
t9ta1 cost of t~ would 'be DO leli thanl
billion 'dolJan' per year, which u mONl han twice tl,te e:rpec~eQ Det blcome of thel .' cia this year. . ; / I:. . I . You'd pay the bill. becaW18 if th. . In-; " creued coata are' foreecl .~ .. ~ _-'~1" , I
. In contrast with the demands of these 18 . .Strike Thr.eat mdoDa, wbleh a~d up ,to the eQuivalent of 48e aD On September 18, 1948. the leaders of theae .lIoar. the CoQduetor's and TraInmen reeentl, 16 unions be,an taRin, a strike vote. But eM Mttled their wale req1lelt lor an Increase of lOe threat of a BtriJl~ wiU not alter the opposition 01 an hour. ' the railroads tc , s~h unreasonable derniuul.1 "
:, Thc ,MiJ,:ni ~~ '
, ,. 3 'T
Ga~tt~ ,
J' ,I 0
'Dark Victory~ tl~ Be' Episcopal Broadj~ast
Every Thursday At Wayne.vill., Ohio CARL G, SMITH, Editor Entered a ••• cond cia•• m.tter at the Poat OHic. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: ,1.50 a ~.ar in Advan~ " Publi.h~d
Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Rathaway have as !!l.eir hous~guest, , Miss Laura' Rosnagle of General , Hospital, Cincinnati.
Fridav evening a't ~ p ' M. Miss' Celeste Holm, Motion Picture Academy Award Winner, and Walter Abel, will be heard Q'V'er the Mutual Network ill the fampu's Broadway succe. s '. "Dark Victo'rY~ '. ' This is the fQuriit! ttldfo Ptehave events listed' in thiS calendar, notify The Miami Guette sentation of "Great Scenes from : Great Plays" sponsored by tL e ,. before 4 p• .Ill. Tuesdays.) , Episcopal families' of Wayne. ville and other communities. . FRIOAY, OCT• .22 How a woman conquers a New Century Club at Mrs. Paul Tomlinson's 'home. great and , abiding inward fea:-, SATURDAY, OCT. 23 " throu,g-h love is thj! fundamen,. tal theme of "Dark Vic~ o r.y~" Soft~al1 'Victory Dance at high school gym, 8 :30 to 12. The great lesso~l dr~mltIzect Farmers Grange meeting. postponed from oct. 16 in this play is that l o ve ~' crtrt ' . SUNDAY, oct. 24 always conqu~r feat a Go to Church! " principle demen.strated. by mil.Corporate communion for ey.ery-member canvassers ,at St. lions of sincere ,Christians Mary's Church, 7 :3 6' A. M.. throughout the world who MONDAiY, OC.T. 25 . " , know how the love of. God . Civic Club dinn r 111", ting, - P. M., p1ace to be announced~ brings greater peace and sec ~ Boy Sco'ut Troop 40 at 7 :15 P. M. urity. W yn,e Ameri ul.1 Legion post, 8 P. M. C -A - R-"i) OF n~ANKS- " Board of 'Public Affairs, 7 :30 P. M. --, " " , TUESDAY, ocr. 26 ·Mrs. Alva .Thompson of " . Beltair~ Awe, DaytonI forme,rly Bo'y s Club at S. N. Keys home, 7 :30 P. ' M~ , " of Wa'ynesville, wishe ,to thank , THURSDAY, OCT. 28 her many friends for the lovely Republican rally at Lebanon Memorial Hall, ' 8, P. ~. ca,ds, flowers, gifts and cheer- , fol notes sent her while oe was confined in Miami Valtey , Hbsp·ital. She is' now home and doing very ni~ely:.. . Thanks' Again, Mrs .. Th.onipson.
Unele Sam Says
PAGI! I No. 4311
R.8• .Coleman., Ministe ,ClurCh School ' .' 9 :30 a.m. J. J., lJurste, Supt. VV9nhip and Sennon
FirM Day
Meetine- for
. .9:30 a.m. , . 10:30 a.m.
W9~hIP '
, 'Call, Wire or Write, :, our representatives
Sunday School Worstiip Semce
for Local or State Rat•• , Vi.lt this, Newspaper OR
The man 4n the 1Y)'-covered _u.. can ~ 10,U. Or the couple .board that luxu..,.. liner pa~ be the miuua and you. And that young feUo" walki.n g acro8s the campus can be :' your .on. All of these future reo warda are pu!lsible through the rep- - , lar pl1l'Chase of U. S. Savings Bonds. .(n aUotmenl of only '3.7S 'a week ,,111 bring 'ou 12163.45 in just ten ,ears., The eaS1 way to save Ihrou,h the Payroll Savin,. Plan where lOU work or, If eelf-emp.loyed, throu,~ the Bond·a-Month Plan yo~r biuak. U. S. T,.'tUNry D,t,IJrl,"".,
SUp.riv 6700
READ GAZETTE Cla••lfled ' Ad. I
Prepare now for Winter! Stock up on anti-fr~eze. We've the fin~st quality at lowest .priee$. ' Try our ~~~ert winterizing service. too I We call and deliver.
'ImR'S 'Garage·'
Rev. David Stanfield; Minister ~tO
aJmL ," t ,t &om.
uTIcA E. u. II. aAJRaI "
ST. MARY'S EPiScOPAL . Sa.niel N.·' J<e~ Minister ,
Sunday Schoo1' 9 :30 a.m. E.A. Earnhart, Supt. ' . ' ~orship Service 10 :30 'a.m. "vening Service ' .7:30 p.m.:
ChUrch School '9 :1 5 A.M. Holy Communion 1b:lo A.M. ,
T. M. !),car{f, Minister
'i . '
William Shannon SUD;;idaYj Scnool i 9 :30sua·tm. L.' _...._..... _~ j . MrS. ~ ames G arr son. IP ,. " , ',' , Preaching 1St and 3rd Sundays ' often ' tips the scale<; in fa~or of 10:30 a.1Il, , . ., • , each month Evening Services 1:3~p.m. your business as well ,as your , I fTLE "ME11IODIST' , social success. We dry clean·and 'C.nUROI ,.. . . Dr. Joseph Myers, M'inister press the. stienU{ic way"':":ahnSunday ~Scbool ' 9 :30 a.m. ing fo.r you,r utmosi: satisfaction. Mrs. Ruth Saylor~ Supt; , Worship Service ... i 0 :30 a.1IL key.
" ,
, Weatbeimer 8£ Company
Members' New York .Stock ' Exchanges and other , ' . regis,t~red Exchanges . , , ' Inveibiient · T~, S~ Bo.ught - Sol~ - Q~oted . Phone :Wa~eavlUe 25~'() . . Dal!ob 'AD32$7 '
By-ron 'Carvel, MiniSter .. ., Blble ' ~hool ' - 9:30 ~m., . Moraing .VV'arsbip to :30 a.m. Bveoio2' Service Pra" tr Meetin~ - 'I :00 p.rn. S '", AUGUSTINE . . Young People s .Meeting ' '. FaUler Krumholtz, Priest . ' 7 :00 p.m. M~ .8....and 1.0 A•.M~ I EV~niDg Services 7:3,0 p.m. I
9.. 12 .each mornin~, 1-5 afternoons except . Wednesday 7-9 Satutda.y e\reniD~ atiter evenings by . . ' J\ppointment TELEPHONt: 6z-R ".
• I
and I will gladly call on YOlt to show the 'lVide variety pf de! . signs which are avai1able~ ~
S~utb Maia Street acto.. .
TelephoD8 2422 - ,
Will .make appointment at your own convenience. , .
&0... C~e fJaJl , I
will again provide the ' foldingmoney so necessary for such things. But the team is badl ... in need of a real place to werk out. Last season they tramed in a local ga'r-a~e at nights-h;::rd!,Y adequate by any str~tch of the imagination. In 194&there' 'was' a barn set aside for such doings and that equipment1 etc. .still remains in that builoing. How~
BOB ' O'REGAN · That Sund.ay weather , good luck charm that the local soft-
ball league has been usin~, 'for some lweeks suddenly took a change tor the worse this pa. t weekend. As a result, there i nl") champion YET unless last
dition, What,
'utnrne: 1" r:g . cia:', Po ~es i! n 1i l11it, 3.
<anhit- No 'ernl er 15 to ance (you're certainly .oll your and no ' comments, tsk, t k ~ Same for Freddy Fle:g t ; December ,1 8. Bag limit, 4 per own in that t6xH5 ring) aI1!d whom I add, there mi~' ht h.~ day. Possession limit 4. maybe the boys wilt letirn ' fto a pla.yer Qr ' two in a year or Deer-restri~ted to ,~ c')undodge quicker, which is helpfllt two up this way. Keep you:: . tie~, Decemb~r 13 to 1 R. One in a' community where fast au~' l!S pealed. per person, etiher ~ex Special · tos are commonplace on 'our '$ 5,00 license ,required. ' public' streets. AnyWay, T'erhap _ Mr. and Mrs .. Ha:rris Moshet Hartsock's boys could enterta un Mrs. Emma, McClure' of and daughter, Virginia, w.ere us aU with : som'e interec;ting Franklil) was the wec!kend Sunday dinner guests of M r. bouts through the 'cold winfi~r guest' of Mr. ,and Mrs L. H. and Mrs. Fred C. Har, t sock in months ahead if only they hClld Milford. . ' o .(j " . some place to train. Can -some
ever the ,owner '(a. new one since 't946) is not in sympathy with the youthful members of the "sock ·'em and rock lent" club and ' will not permit the premises to be used for SlH.:h .degrading practices. Wonder if that party is awar~ that' ""any of our best ~dldiers in combat
one suggest/ a way 'to g~V th at HUrITjNC REGUlATIONS old. site of their~ in ~penltion IN CHIO TH'S F /'. L'.. agam ? . While perusing the Ga7.ettt' ' ".... !' " , I ' . 1; . .,_ .; ;' 0 A. M. to mailing list recently, nQtked 4 :00 P. M. where Oabe Paul of th E Cl~:. Pheasant - Novemhcr ,l5 to 'innati Reds fG 'eived ' a weekl y 25. ,Bag limit, 2 Cock birds per
outfits either had or recci\'f~d special training in boxing :in order to convince certain niations t!hat we 'aimed tn stay free! As I look at it,' t rain ill~ h' the manly art ()f self-d~fen !: ' te:lches a lot of goo \.' Ie '::::-:1', such as', self.restraint; self - re.li·
~~~~~------------------~------------~~---------- , --
night's contest was 'captlfted h Bellbrook. That was the first of what Bob Allen said would de-
.finitely be a two-game series between his fighting Legion nin:: and that hustling Qunch of far- . mer-lads . from up Bell rOOK way, led by , Larry Spitler. If the Legion won la t nI,~ht til n the cham pi n 'hip will 0 itiv Iy be settled tonite a, U th tl c Club 'will have be n - defeate d once, in this two- and <HH I 1:1 '," off. (Dear ,Ed: T·he",e weekly port c. tum; rtai n! pia y heck with coherence in writI
, ing!)"
a championship club
will be eted · thi. aturday · night at the local High School , 11 where the Greene County Sweetheart SO-50 dance orchestra will play.for the Wa ne~ ville Softball victo.ry dance. Big event of the evenmg should 'le
the seasonal trophies and i"n-
dividual awards to each me-m- '
ber 'of the winning Club: There ' will also be ' a most val ua hie player prize a'long with a src ial award to the player · vo~e ' the "most sportsmanlike pla er I . The~e 1:lst ,two awards are th ,' re ult of a, poll Jf al t 111 nager .
in the Ie. gue, .\/ iti tl. e ':",ti results to be the,"surprize ~
' ;t
al{e of the evening." You' h · letic-minded I ersons a 11 A~ 1- . lowers ok-th.e-..,...uationai :pnrt ple~se
take advanfa e
.r:,·. ',H,., give it 1
f i'" ' .
th e ' 10 p a; d percent su f 'ort. '
Remember, 50 cents spent . a . - urday ni~ht ;.wiIt be your as~ ur ance that soitb.all will be strongr theltl Po l ~ r uext 'eason a:nd n(lt a result cPf the softweaker bal1ers having to find an la'p g~1" to pa,y their ' bills fO i' . . Kier's Gara.ge and Bellbrook hay e alre;ldy cinched a trophy apiece for their resp'ective halftime titles. There Will be a spec. '{11. 1WOa. i"l. 'v (T as to be won tWice for permanent keeping) dOl1flted bYthe Twin Theatre fo~ ~h~ chap1pionship team, . . " tin IS On of those ' new (" pe ~~o1?hies with a figllU' ,a top
cup design. , 011 will be an 'a warl
'.1 I' C'
I!111d .to the champion hitter of the regular season and all se·a · son records are being ·re'., ieWLi in. order that the . rigllt I J \ " . Will:; • , • presently it · app enr~ that Tommi"e Thompson. Legion or Chariie Williamson, 8 ... 11b~·o ok mjgh t cq1? the award L'lI't Sin e the both falter.ed in
, th e final
horse" I
week ' some "dark- ' might ~~ab oif , the I
I'm still learning things about the various sportsd O'in~ ' of this community ••• didn't fl' ,"
that interest wasn't higL 'on · Coach Jim Hartsock's young Golden ' Glovers. Bob and Pl' Workman , la t year's . ponsors, "
~n..OAM IImJ'l' ORBAn around the clock
. W1 day aDd lIIahf of the year. Although they1mow tbJI, lead. . of 16 ral1. un!ou are demanding a ive-daY, Mon'; y through Friday, week lor one ' million' d employ.. . . '
10 BIY, SeD,
Trade' Rent Borrew, .USE ,.
nm further rate and Ian
, BaUroadg Ran tor Everybody"':"
. Not Employ.,..Alone ,
: TIse ~':i ~du.t,y ~uai ~e ·not one·but .
groujle-prOducerB, 'bwdneumen, IhIpemployee have bad aub8taDtlal ~ pef8, paMengen · and 'the general pubUCdUl'iD, and aince the war. Their averap'weeknight·and day, every day of the year. The. . ly ~g8 are higher th8n the.veragewee~y - uniona arre proc~g ita utter di8reprd of " They want 48 bom pay for 40 houri work eaminp, of worken li n manufacturing Industhis importan,t cillference between railroada Jtaelf a 20% w81e increase. . '. and' ot~er induatriee. ,Industrial plants C4Il be ,trIM. They bave' more job security than the abut ',down over w~kends and holidays, but ' avenge worker in American industry. They , 'T hey &lao demand a miDimum of 12 hoW'l freight. mail; expresa· and p~ngers muat , , ' ~ enjoy "p~d :vacsltio~, a re\irement sysy for any work performed on Saturday., , continue to move. Everybody who ent£rs railtem and 'other advantages more generous d 16 ho , pay for aJ,l1 worI[ performed OD road fmlPloyment knows' this. ' . than the averale warier reCeives. undays a t..d holidays. . '.. , . . Strike Threat . In contrut "WIth ~le deJDallu of t1aese 18 , On top of all thil they want an additioJl(U On September 18., 1948. the lea.ders of theae ' anl~D8; wblch add up t: o the, eqal"aI~nt of 48c an pcreue of 25c an hour for every employe' , 16 unions began taRing a aorike vote. But 'th. , "oar, . the Conducton. and TraInmen recentl, . You'd Pa; the BiU! . ' , Hided their wa,e reqlle8t lor aD Increase ollOc , threat of a strike will not alter the opposition of the railn;xuu' to 8.uch u~retu01UZble demancJ./ ...... _ . an 1I0llf. nmming up' these demands, they mean WIlt . ~ heae union leaders seek to force the railroadJ' " give Qni"miUion employes an ,annual m,." hkh would averatJe $1600 per em.ploye/ ! , The'total coat of tfiia would be no 1... than' ~ billion dOUan Per y .... wbleb Ia mo..1 twice the expecteG:.net bacome of the~ .• ' de this year; : 800M 114 • 141 "IB • • T~ STRBET • NBW JOaK I. N.J'. I . ' I You'd pay the bill, ' becaue if th. . In-; .We publishing thi8 and othe~ 8dverti!Jementa to With you at 1lnt. hand abOut matters which are Important l.o everybOdy. creued coata are foMed .~ ,$be .~~,1 ·
E! . +-In
they ~UIt bay. 1DcreueII. . '
- . _. -..
-" ~ ...--.-~::::.
flour, one teaspoonfu] of soda, for g;ving her is opportuni,t~. Mrs. Lee ason \If Ma5'-('t!1 , ~ two eggs" Add the sOGa in .1 In-hw, M r~ , little hot water. Bake "'llckty. called on her 'Thursday. -N. Y.. Led~er. Alice Clark, Mrs. Evaly~ /Peterson, of Spring is· broke up Wi1min,g-ton was a ,g-uests at . over .the idea ' that she. is ~o!n.e: the 'home Thursday and Pri' to have a saloor:1. She has con- day. ,g-ratulated herself for a number . Wlilliam Strouse was a guest . of years with the though t for supper Tuesday evenin~ of that she has not had a aloon his mother Mrs. Leah Mills. ~Jrs. Emma McClure of within her lim,its. But re:'ort~ Mr. :lnd Mr have been. floatin,g- around that ,Franklin ·ap Lester , Cor0('1n were dinner the time has arrtved fwd in a very short time she witt be ble .. guests on unday f Rev, W. sed (or cursed) with one more E. Dakin . Miss Ruth,' Chandl r spent new business and that 'Will h~ Saturday in Dayton and' ata saloon. ' ' -Spring Valley Blade tended a luncheo'n of Alf ha rhi Chapter. ' Delta ' Kappa • • , Haines & . Co.' sell the "De" Gamma, at the ' Vr n rJ'e vc Hotel. ' ' . wey" collars."Miss Margtl;ret , Edwards ' is ' . . ••• THE HAIMfMELL HOUSE is spending a fe" nays this week . our leading hotel. Modetate at the home o,~ her nephew, Dr . prices, free hack, Feed and liv- Gale Russum tn Dayton. Mrs. Ella Dakin and Mrs, L. ery. Mr. an'd Mrs: N. H;.. Ha y ~ M. Hepderson spent Tuesda v wood, P~o's. . . the 12th in , L~ballon. ~_. ' . Mrs. Ella Dakin spent Friday I and Saturday visitiui her ,.if'et~ ome friends, Mr. and Mrs. Cal , Ervin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miss GI~nn~ ' Marsh' of Da" - Brant, in Osb()m, Ohio. ton spent a few days this w.eck 'Mrs. Nellie Madden of with her cousin, . Mrs. Lucile Oarksville, C)hio called on Mrs. .Oliv'e Curl on Saturday Armitage. Mrs. Olive Curl is ,attendinG' mornlOg. the state. W. C. T. U., conven- • -tion in Cincinnati., She i~ g[:t~ PAT~ONIZE GAZETTE ful to the local W. C.I I.. L'. ADVVlTt8ER8
. '0 ' ""ears ' ·a , Ag'o' '.
val~e,; al~
(From the Miami Gazette of October 19, 1898) Prof. A. Howard Geeding, late instructor of music in Waynesville, is , now loeated ih 430 Pike BU,ildi.ng , Cincinnati. where he holds himself in read.iness for enga~ements for either parlor Or publiC concerts. We pred ict sue ess fo ( Prof. Geedmg, and .his, finely cultiv.ated baritone voice will 11e hi" hest advertisement , , • • • Miss Lina' and Mr. Horace Wrlgllt most chaJim'inKlv enterlalned at progressive eitdue on l~st Thursday evening.' Mr. Chamberlain' of near Lebanor. , carried off the gentlemen's . priz~, a handsome, ashtray: Miss Cora McKay won the lady' s prize, glove buttoner, and ·Mi ~ s Marne Brown added one more to her collection of booby ,prizes. , : .
The man who fights and 'run D awa V may Jive to draw a pens-
Buttermilk Waffles: 01ie quart, each of buttermil\ and
The~ -House
. '_-•
BUilt 'On -'a RCd.
ocrOBRR 18·U .. '. Rpnn ....r..,p It, ~.ymen·e Nett.,••1 Commits -., Vanderhilt Hotel. New 'Yon IS. N, V -. alwaYfI ' have said, and alwaye will sa:;, th." • of the sacred voluMe will make b@tter eitizenti h.. :" •.1 ~. . • ~~l buebands.'t-Thnma, JeWersop. . {~I
" . ' fir
I ,I
GOVI: . OcnlO crnllc Slole
LiUSCHE ~ .• •
Xl'Cufivc Committee •
lugenc Honhorl . Chairman
us,s ell Gar·r·;S3n
Veteran of World War II . ,CANOIOArfE FOR
ON DEMOCRATlC ·TICKET Election .;November , 2, t 948
I,: h I
1\ i
\ 1 I \ I:
(I I \
Bor~, M~!row,' ~hio. Lived in Warren .County 28 ,years. Engmeen~g offIcer all through World War fl. Different
I " \ "\
I \ '\
I (I
II I (
served during war: ·Africa England South Pacific, I~ places including Okinawa, Egypt and I~dia. . ' . •>
I >
"GE 6 · .. THE~IAMI GAZETTE No. 4891 TH U,R'8DAY, OCTOBER 21 ; 1948
2)"" R;Jg~
-- ------------------------~~~--------------------.--------~~------------------~~--------------gone into one of the sale' Mr,. and Mrs. R.. E. Asbury though we have had a few pureentertained the Middletown A FARM DIARY breds for two of three years J:ritique Literary Club ~t th c by D .J. FRAIZER now. J have a gilt to register Golden Lamb- in Leba non on but I haven't found ' a name Tue day evening. October 16, t 94.8 Bright ' for her yet that suits 1ne4. They have such fa"ncy names on the faU weather and fa rm sales 'gc ,reg,ister that just ' plain Porky, togdhei' like ham and eggs. wnlch IS, what I call herj doesn't Y ~lS PERri'·ct losis- and the diaeaae baa ' been BaUCEL.J."VD The ~ ale bilts are ,hung up in ,seem quite suitable. ' I might u:D 'regarded .. not transmlutble from rowS and you can piCk YClur call her Dry Ridge Porky but PIGS, CQWS; PEOPLE one ap.clea to another. Now, howda y ;tnd go.. It makes a good that sounds very plain com- l JlrUceUOIt. hU becom. · one Of ever, the goat type ha.l been found tIaa ~ dOMD moat HrlOUl dJ.I...e in swine-'a nd t\1e swine type in ,excuse for a ride throu~h tl~e pared with "Revelation Star", ~.. f6r Araerte~ '\ Uvutoek the udden of cows. ' lovely autumn tinted country, ' ~ Spothaven Starlight", and · a .i'AIII.n. ~,., the 4iHue s. , Brucellosis of both cattle and . around the back ,roads and up ' few omer~. a tb1'ea.t to catts. 3.Ild .wine-bUt, swine ' does ita grea te.9t damage and down the hills to stand :l - , , And now the ' rain has come st can lie paued OlD to huma in causing abortions, ' .8UIlJ)irthS round and watch the oth~rs bid and by next week we' will pro- r WtDp; too. 4 Ift8t' m.uv veteri· , breeding fatlures. and I1cl:ly young niLrlana anl! work.D W'l9I liv••tock' Also. it C8UE "S a. decrease , in mllk NOR F< IS B }.' C' C K co "" P A '" Y or "join in and buy somethill~ fjably be tomplajnin~ about output and u 'g ('nt':-al 1'.1)ln g con· C n c't nr' at i U rli on ' lSloel< V."d, -sometimes a , bargain and that dition. Liv. Wi,., .nd Prog,....'v e . An sometimes something that you The control 01 brucellosis sa 6til J oraaniz.tioD ••co"d ko none. 1& gely an individual herd problen , wonder what you bought it fnr Str ,(.tl v sell e r A on th f oe.t Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ludington to be worked out between thE' whl"n you get it home Usuatlv a1l , around m.rket ." til. local vaterlnarlan and tbe hr.r r countrY, !here are ,good homemad ~ pit! gave a family party on Saturday ·owner. First. the extent of th (l SERV!CE T~ I\T ~" "'I C: F IES , evening. A delicious supper was and cnffe e and other t"il1 ~$ tor diseue In lile h e rd" must b~ de· WI-nO P :l\' \ on l'! : ~ !I F. t;. '1'. music enjoyed and t ards and a lunch . .you meet thf ' ' th e1 termir.ed. ,Tben a herd history 8$ Dtal UJO . WLW C"1nc>lnDa.tl Those present were played. !'egst-ct. t- :-uct'l1osll mn~t be u· sale fans and visit. In this IO." e. , ~ II III ' " ~ / · II .. t () . , I n Ua1l! were : Mr. and Mrs, Fred HUJlt t.:1,bb .l lled . ~f f.1rk,", "PPor .. Iv weather it maKe a pte/! an ~ " T Le t _:~l control program dEi· way to spend the d ~' v !Jilt Hi ' d,f Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. pend. on IUcb factor. u: the numr (1 ' I ('In t ·., f)" k "t l~ f m ". , ~. r Charles Drake and-son Robert: ber of reactors In the herd: the after all th e. ~u 'shine i~ ., jut Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Sculke 1nn age ot the animals; acUvlty of the lnfecUon; Importance . Of mafntaln· as bright and warm at h')me. and children, and 'Mr. and Mr. . ~or 1nI production and br,eding Un.. : the trees "as gorgeously coloTc\.i man Van Meter of Dayton, Mr. Ooa.ta, ,\1 well &Ii -.:Attie aDd contrOl and proper - IsolatiOB ()f ana Mis. Earl Fox and s 11 I' and su h lots ·.of useful -thi .. ~ ".-iDe can t'&r'I'J ItrtlOliDOIIIL newl1 purchased a.nimats. ., to ! e done But 'once the sale Spring Hi.JJ,Mr.. ar.d Mrs. J ohn come down with undulant fevelr TIle control program may mON FARMS fever is in your blood' the lu: e Ludington, the h t aLd host e'" ., year. due to contact wlUI vol.,e both proper vaccina.tion and of the sale bill '!S too ~tron g ess. )rueell mrll'( ~ rrie'r anlmall. blood tr.stlDg. state and federal NATIONAL COOPERATIVE .lust latel y~ a new eompU(.:tIUOrl , 1a~',"8 relating to indemnity tor ;md '10U <;lrop your wOlk ." ' .' FINANCINC~ . I'lU entered the picture. Swine, cattle reacting to brucellosis should a' l( ,~lst go tn ' S'!f what the" . cattle and goab! are atrecte4 b3r ..., be lho:-o' . lghly underlltood '" ,. .1''':, , often · go, lti C ~ . 0 l" TO FIT YOUR INCOME· . " " " '. what they have, and th e'~ :' I, Uncle 1 three different typal 01 lIrucel-- the Jlerd owner. . ,.r.: at sfied. LONG TERMS LOW INTEREST . It; · ~ti11 dry We had a ~h u rt ~' ,: ; C . or two earl Y III t' e \' .,.1 . . Mr. and Mrs Ed R:1 mby"and hIlt we had a 1i~(~1 fr (w t fne children were Sunoav evenin K LEBANON N. F. L. ~ r A(f:CT10"EERINC other ~Vight and ' ~illCt! the~ j ' supper guest$. of Mr. an<1.M rs.. . . , LEBANON, O~IO ' , h.s heen bright :lDJ c1e!\f George Rantby in Dayton. STANLEY aDd KO~...tR • " 1' ·ct wcat'er. 13t.: we nuO LD BANK BLDG. ~ , -, man are never · n~l H.~ safi~reJ rn d we d'o need n ;, One fi el,4 " PHONE 448 of wheat is p atltedan~ so.-' e . corn is cut, The pa5ture:; look f r ep. t1 lut tile );;1 ass is :., ~,hOf t that it is iust about ~s nourish , . Ing as green pai~ It r,ll i . ";he cowS into tryl.1!: t'1 get me,~ :'m'!' off it, bjt we h:l Vi"
Land ,. B~Dk Loans . ..
~ Say.
' h,ld :
1'~ gin ' t 0 f ~ c :1 11 'IV that a nic,~ pi~ .:e
;' r
,. ()f
pasture that I' wou1ct like ' to use' is Ij~ide qhe ~amt! 'fence a" our shC'ded corn Both the c ws and t think t!:at it i: too l' ·d. Th .. r . l10t kn o,",· ab -..l'. tlo epastu re hd so,n r~ of tl, .<> m r '1 V" hI" _n un am! tried the , corn a: d · fOUll ct it ~00 . i. No w 'r Ver) : once hi . a wItH !! they stoP. by Jthe fen ce and k(j"~ !f' ng tngl v UP t Ie ro:td at the C0 rn .c;eld -in e ~J J11 f' .. cte ~1 til l! , place in the fen ce'-W h ~ r e i );" y ,e' l' "" 't(' ng- out . T here. ' :1 i e 10ts of w-alnut ' this year Out. not so many hickor.y outs. We, have gathered 1 '1,: ' a k. of tliem and spread ' t~ · In i11 the lan e for thl! automobiles and 1ractor to h1,11 for us. Then 'we go out and rake them up' and read th ~m else"",tel' to' dry. ' I ha v. been rereading " 8ovnt)' of the Wa , ide" h'l ~atter ~eebe Wilder, preparIn,g for", book review fnr my' garden club, and have en jc.' yed it e:ven 'more on second rt....ad, ing than befol'e In the ch",pter on nuts he says tnat they. sterilize and vacuum pack .any , , nut meats not needed · immcd:' \ iately by putting them in fruit - j'a~s loose~v dlp'ped and plac- ,. tng these In b011m.g water. Atter a half hour, scr ew the caps on tight and store the iar5 in the, dark. None of them turned rancid or developed ,bugs '-that he can remember. Next Saturday is &be Fourth Annual Warrell" County Purebred .Boar and Gilt Sale We are sending a (ouple of nice .young boars as our offerinl. This is the .first time " ' hay,
FIII'IIllq ... OOmb....iioa 01 ••ud~
......... home. And I .....n ....... that • well-lila'" buiD. . mUlt ...inaaJa .......cl.II'ftIeI'Ye ..
. ,
i.o me Obi~ Fum., w~ P' JOU bruad protectioD apihat ...... oa roar farm. It COftn your buHdiDp, ,our tblue&, ,our .dt. . . .~
JOW liabillcy .for lIa:ideotl , ~ omen, Wby ~o' lee ' us todti;,1 Y. . ~ , .... ufc whca JUU'~. iDlurcJ iD ' &be ' Ohio ' , ..... {
GRAIN ' and
U. S, "reGs .. h ' 'D(I ~a t;lm'" '
• IN ~AS~ OF C'IRE, DIAL Z222 ."
Me1II'ity ........ futUN neeU and emerpneiee. ThJe nee"e .. bufh up durin. the .,.,.. yean, like lhi_, oDe, "lam IDUI)' ~,. ue the ~. Pel fa hhto17. It mUll be in die ..Ie.l pouible lorm and' .lw.,.
available. NOlhinL....eela thes~ re~ment8 110' well as :U. ,So ,Savings Bonde. You 'k"ow , that Savings .Bonda p~vidf( ....ore security than cuh beeauee lhey: will be replaced !~ Joel or stolen an" they Illso bear . mterett, parin~ '4 fo" ~"'ery '3 hi. YflIted,"in len yeare. . -
. 'U"lD~.&S ' c,H~"ELS
potte Po·J and ' Ch'i aa •
Bred' by "'vYat'ter E. Mceo y jl~d
charle~ MbCOY
. Will 8 'e SOLD J;.T A:UCTION
Friday~ , Oct.
22 -- 7:30
At tb.e heated pavilion, Fairgrounds WASHINGTON -C.
A quality offering. Fast grow~g. and prolific. PHONE 1371 -
... !
of Walter McCoy's 27 .years
'the result
of diliunt ~
week in Chapter 10. "The On Wednesdav (when bene- ular . and refreshing story to THE MIAMI 'G AZETTE PAGE .• . Unseen Hand'. There's car~ . fit goes to U14~ Waynesvme ' see justice done. Two good WAYNE8VILLE, OHIO No. ~ .THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1941 ,toon, too "Superlulu~ ~' . Softbal1 League with no ' pri.::e. fight scenes are in ' the. opus. A:bbott and Co~telJo most change). there's a l1 ghthea rt e~l Speaking of solid entertainor Mr. and Mrs S. S: Ellis encertainly ARE tn 'The. Noose · musical comedy called "Two ment, you wi11 find it for 50 HanKs High" (E-L), at the Blondes and a Redhead" (Col -, cents a person Saturday nig-ht tertained with a covered dish thea'tre Sunday and Monday. featuring Jean Porter, June oct. 23rd, at the Wa.vn~svi1le supper on . Friday evening, as We've had a few calls to tJte Preisser, Judy eJark, and Tony Higb School Gym, from ·8.: 30 a .farewell for Mr. an~ ,Mrs. boxoffice from people in doubt. Pa~t6r alldhi$ orcbestra: ,ma- tl'\ midnight.. It's the 50'- 50 Mack Wilson who are' moving II!' due to the ad on the 'October · gine the complications when dance of tl1e Waynesville Soft- near Centervi1te. Games were FOX HOIJ..Y show bilt. Actual1y; the ' carica- the R¢4bead, a wealthy 4ebu- ball League, and the proceed: played. Guests were Mr. and . Wen, we're ' back to oU'r tures on the ad, are .Abbott and tante, secre,tty. joins ~ Broad- to to payoff final League Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Westerns this. coming Saturday Costello, and Joseph Cal1ala, way chorus illstcaj 0 , ~ oin1!: to debts. Trophies and award Henry Satterthwaite and. sons, . night, and thereby hang~ a t~I~. Leon Errol, Cathy Downs are ftnishin gsch o 1, .. 1'1 j la,ter b r- wiIJ be presepted tn winnin~ . Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Frye and Last Saturday the 'fwm tned supporting' players. Involved ings into her pompous 'home teams a~d individual player', sons, Mr. ·and Mrs: Harold a light musIcal comedy, and with ~a·ngsters and' horse-rac- two· b)~mde cl10rus girls whom and refreshments will be avail- Shutts and family, Miss Marie the crQwd was below the us- in~, there's a howl' for every she passes off as elite. Sc)1001 ·able. The dances will altern ate Shutts, Mrs. ·Prances Gray and ual Saturday ·par. Was it be- mmute you're ' in th~ : show, . friends!l The. m:usic ~nc1u~es with square and straight· step- sons, 'Mr. . and Mrs. Charles cause of the carnival, or 'be- right up to the end of the 'pic- that . ever..favoTJt~~ "Sunny Side ,ping, to the · music of ~h e Hagemeyer and SO~, John cause our .patrons , P!efer . a ture when Cathy powns hugs of the Street." " . Greene ' County Sweethearts, Henrv Hagemeyer. horse opera every :::;a t~ rday ·fat littlle Costello and coos: . Next Thursda. itn Frida y a 'with ' Chuck Smart as Caller night? The Twin management "You really are' Sir Launcelot. " , Twin bill hits the Twin. One is Slick · .Bowerm aiSter, fi ddler ~ Mrs. Stanle.y H. Baitey, .Mrs. will appreciate 'expressions . of .W;ith th~ g·reat comedy is WB ".Blonde. ~avage') ('~-L), star- Clyde Ewing on the banjo an d D C R'd M 'R ' H ' opinion; for its ' poli~y is your World News and a goad ' short rmg , Lelf En 'kson ' and 'Gale mand9fhi,; ' a' m o1tier-Q'lld" (I n H~rts~Ck,1 ·g~rs~ . ~s~rtie oS~i1Is: d sir . Pla,ytime Journey. Tbey say . Sherwood; the. other. "The Bi~ complDahon -. ~etta W~eel.er Mrs. John J. Burske, and Mrs. Tw oun men reluctantly Lou Costello' public scho'ol Pun ch~ ' (WIB) , starTln~ Wayne as .smger, gUltanst, and plams! . William Strouse left on Monought ticke s with . a sigh: teacher in. Pa ersQn, N. J., was ' Morris a,nd Gordon MacRae, and Charles Wheeler, the bas , day to attend' the Grand Chap- ' " hat. no Western tonight? '!" reponsil}le for his best-paying with .Lois Maxwell. "Btonde player. on tbe washtub. John ter, session, Order of Eastern But other, such as Mr. Tum.: gag. T'o: punish Lou, she 'made Savage?' is about a white gir'l Ernst IS manager. Star in Cleveland. bleson of Lytle, said: "An ex- . him write oil the blackboard brought up by natives in the ') .cellent pict\Jre and a nice 100 times f' J"'m a , oad bov." jungle and discovered by Er ~ck change. Just enough cOIhedy The phrase made an indelible son, an adventur 'r w ith a plane and fine music, with a singing impreSSion on Lou, and he's and a .wise-cracKing buqdy" star that's ' good to lOOk al · used" it successfully in , ' the Frank Jenks. . (Jane Po-w~I1). " Jane Powell, team's movie,. rad_oJ ' and sta,ge • This is the film booked ,beby the way, is charmin~ beeause appearances eyer since. fore at the theatre and "snat-. of h~r ·.compl~te na!uralne~s, ~ "Woman in· White" (WB ) c~ ed" at the t~st minute, becordmg to Bob 0 Regan s SIS- . brings romance ,ana mystery to cause there were llOt enou ~ h ' ter Marianne who Is a feature,,- the screen Tuesday only. Wi!- . prints tb keep up with th e writer .with the Cincinnati Post ki~ Collins book. '. of the same ' d~m~nd. ."The· BjR,' , Punch" is and interviewed the star in title, written in En~land in the ' the story of a sm~lIl-town minisTONITE ONLY Cincjnnatj recently. . 1850's, is ' still a best seller. ter (Wayne . Morris), who harBriefvi.ews: Mi~ke y Roonev ' The- reviewet s rating on it i. borS a bIg-city prize i ightt;i ac- '4 Ah Wilderness" al}d ,an all-.star cast tu~eful! y ~x€.ellenf, ~lWr i~ star.s Ale : i ~ cu.sed of murd.er (Gordon Mac- Returns thru MiCkey Rooney in chmax tbelr ~tay tomght 10 ' SmItH, ' Eleanor Parker ,(l ast Rae), and, throuJ~h red-blo<?d.ed "Summer Holiday" (MGM). seen here in Voice of f : .: faith and two-fisted courage, . Sa1ur,dav only, Monte Hale Turtle), and the sinister Sidn y ' carries his pal th rough a singAnd: Weekl y Cash Award. and Adrian Booth perform in Greenstreet~ . " -~-..;-:.--------------:-:-:---:-.. ~. - - .. ... ~a, Trucolor Western entitled . SUN.-MON. "Under Colorado Skies" (Rep.) .... , ...... . L.ou .& Bud Hale, as a bank clerk and medical student, becomes nicel v in volved in glJn~barking, . · flstfighting, and fast riding white bring ing , a hold-up gang to justice and saving live's by his Inyisi~le Half Solin~ knowledge of doctorinJ{. Some . __=--'-----"<.catchv musical numbers are in, 0 Jithopedic Co rrectj on ~ terspersed ' by the "Riders of Cork · ExtenS .ions the.P-urple. Sage/ ' . Last week Betty Jane Carter " JOS~ CALLEIA • ~~RROL • ~~HY ocmNS was tbe smiting 8-year-old winDer of the .BB Club award, and hal!>pily informed -Us that . WED~ . ONLY! · she w:as going to' use it for .... Softball Show Fund: $ 11 ,0 0 ce Mamma's Xmas preent" . Excellent idea, and we hope this Sionies and 4: ' Saturday's "luCky winner has an ' ~p. d hea ~ equally desjrable spot for his .award. Brick Bradford progresCartoon -pough Ray M'e-Ow ses on his dangerous path this
SulQJllcr Holidav'~
Under Co'orado Skjes . -'
,............ .,-.0 .-._...........
, :. "" J
. CASH' FOR DEAD , ~T9CK .' COWS $5.00;·HORSES·$5.00 ; . _ HOGS $1.50 ewt. .
According to size and condition Prompt, Clean Service PHONE; COLLECT Xenia 1712 or Wilmingt~~ 2362 JANES RENDERING, Wa yne$ vilJ~, Ohio .
, . II-Alfred Nobel. Inventor. • born. 1833. '.
~ b ..
~ •
~m Houston elected
* .
first .presldent of Texas. 1836.
23-~~.rl~ ..~ed ~ B,C,
M-QulsllnQ executed. 1945 25-N e w
opened. 1004.
. "Your Greyhound Super Coacb·wi~d~w is ' yo~ . frame for a livio S e'1_ : ' ·.l'il loog remembe~. ~b~o you go Greyho.~,n d yon ~ . 'le ."front doo~" rouU~s and see the rettl FaH beality of AmerIca. Greyhound . travel glY~S you an 6 nsurpassed close-up vie,~ ot-all . the glori91'S things you don't want to mIss.
,, I
,. I
.....Northwes.t PaSSOQe dis-
covered. 1850.
t"t-···· . ,
v.. The Almanac: To Cheek The Weadl...
Bat Uee
GAZETrE CLASSIFI£D __ ADS To f'uy, Sell•. Rent,
Loa. Burrow,.
htY ..... ~:n-' T
-: - ---",-_ .. _.' ~ -.,GREVRou-ND~tERM"'NAl: "' ·- . ,. •
A laymen's meeting was the in the New Surlin~ton Methospecial feature at the Jonah's dist Church. The bride's father, Run Church" 'Sunday morning. Rev. C. A. A'rthur officiated. , The choir led bv Mrs. Edna C. The Business Men's Club met Bogan was presented in a group in regutar session, Wednesday I ~ - ' of special songs, with Mrs. J. evening at the High School ~al'llelL"bura P. Thornbury at the piano. Gymnasium. Hosts were Her. 7~ Prof. H. C. Milli,g-an was the hert McMillan, J. W. Snell. and Mrs. Harry S. Tucker \Va g'u t speaker. William lukens. The ~est hostess to the W. S. C. S. at . E. B. Dakin" who has been' , peaker was. Marvin Young, Leher home, Thursday aft~rnoon. convalescing at the home of banon attorney. Mayor \and Mrs. Charles Dos- Mr. and Mrs. Ren Ga,nes. CinMrs. William Ecton who suter iri company with 'Mr. and cinnati following an' eye opera; stained a fractured ann, a fe",' . Mrs: Wilford Cossum _of Col.. tion at Holmes Hospital there, weeks ago, is; recoverin~ nicely. umbus ' spent the weekend in was accompanied to his home William Welch of Detroit, stop'" Oak Ridge, Tenn. here Sunday by Mr .. and Mrs. ped at the home of his ~rand Mr. and Mrs. WUbur Wilson, Gaines. , mother, Mrs. Ora Welch Wed,Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Gra- nesday everiing enroute home of Charlestrm, W. Va. and Mrs: Wlilson's . sister, Mrs. ham and daughter, Miss Kath- frcm .. Mexico. , Charles Tem.ple of Lanca ter, leen Graham, and Mrs. A. S. Ohio spent Saturday with Mr. C911eti.'attendel1 party Saturday evening- at the home of Mr. and Louise Fite and daugfiter, Mi Mrs.' 'Sam Henkle in Lebanon. Jane Fite. .. , Jimmy long of the Spring The Harveysbur~ Band tied Hill Community was host fo the · with ' the Centerville Band for B"aptist Youth Federation of an award at ttte Little Miami Jonah's ' Run Church, at his Fan Festival in Waynesville . last Tuesday, Oct: 12, the F:riday. The H,arveysburg Band home, Sunday evening. , Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Thorn- llnder the direction of Mrs. annual County Teacher's Meetbury, Mrs. A. ' S. Collett, and Edna Compton Bogan, and the· ing was held at Mason High .Mrs. Gordan LQng attended s~s- Centerville. Band w~re each School. A lovely ~upper w.as enjoyed after Which Dr. Sam-' sions of the State Bapbst presented WIth $.2 5. Church convention in Dayton Mr. and M'rs. Charles \\'ea- uel Marble of Wilmino·ton Col,. v.er and family of near Spring- lege spoke on "Youth and Wednesday. Mrs. Osee Harlan wa a Sun- boro were Sunday ~u~sts of Leadership" . day dinner guest of Mr .' Be sie 'Mrs. Sara Miller, COok, ' ather country home ' Mrs. J. D. Pennington who near Waynesville. nas been ill at her home is much . Gerald Paine, manalg r of impr.oved. the Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. ' Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Welch, flew from the Cincinriafi Air- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherwood port, Saturday to North Caro-. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tucker and ' lina on a business trip. daughter, Miss Evalyn 'Tucker, Mrs. A. S. Collett attended and Mrs. Mary S. Pierson at. . the Wayne Township Farmer's tended the wedding of. Miss .Club Thursday at the home of .Lois Arthu~ of New Burhndpn Mr.' and MrS. Gilbert Frye; a.nd Mr. Wtlhas Baber· of Pf'llnWaynesville. field, N.( J •• Sunday afternoon PAGE 7
' ~YNE8VIL'::E,
Mrs. McKarren, who has been .employed at th~ First ~ational Bank in Wilmington, Ohio., has. taken her new pOSition as Secretar . in the school office. \Ve are very glad to have her. , "' Supt. K. M. RetallicJc. and county Supt. Raymon F.. Hatfield went to Columbus ' Wednesd~o look for an additional
Hillt School ~eacher.. Thursday, the entire school was entertained by Hubbard, the maridan. The sa111e aftetnoon Mr. Retallick spoke ' at Farmer's Oub, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Erye. Don't forget the Concert Series. Buy .your tickets now. '
:. NOT I·B~'I~!
~ -'
I . "'" """:. ,
•• , . ,
• A big help to quick Itarting • Save drag on th~ baHery " • Glva I...... nt lubrication
wmI YOUI Yes, the' education of your
".. 'n' a..a•• ~ oil ~ ~ yow ""vI,.. ,
,Belcher's Sanoco Servia
, '.PHO~E 2423
u.. ..S.
,; I
McClURE., 'UN" ER~L HOME· . ,
AT 8 P. M.
CQnvenienj Terms
"U l
... ..'N.
• Eree fI~wlng ~way bel~w ~ero
·WaynesviUe N,atioDai..Bank
chi'stren. tl)eir entire" ~ture wel~ fare, is .¥our responsibilify. Dis-charge It ,consci.ntiously and EASILY by saving RBGUlARLY. We are ~eady to be,lp yo,u now. Stop mr . "
BUSINESS VOLUME LOWERS COSTS Just wh~t is essential' ,to the right. kind of funeral . service ~ We; ' shc;uld say 'experience first, then, ample ~quipment, and finally, 'but by no means secondary, enough business to . enable a funeral director. to meet the needs (jf toe les~ , fottulijl,t~ 'withoqt cbun~iil~' -the las~ Qime af profit. .
, -
JJigA Scltoo!
- '.,.
DON'T FORGET TO CALL us for insurance. All types of insurance at a savings. Call FranCis Gene BrowIT, phone Waynesville 2 4 72 or. call collect. Wilmington 2111 .
FOR SALE. FO R SJ\.lE H EA TROlA, second size, burned a part of one' season. Also lal:1ndry stove. Wymer Drake, Pholle 2 : ~ 1. -indo I
APPLES Jonatbans, Cortlands and Grimes Golden. Also RED DELICIOUS Underwood Orchard" Harveysburg. Phone 2897.
TWO COAL-BURNING Circu'lnt inK heaters. Walte.r Sheehan. Phone 29 91. -1021 -
CHRYSAINTHEMUMS At ~pecial prices through october. 30 colors. Edna St. JOh~l South Main Street. ' -102 lS
Notice is hereby given • . that In pursuance of a r esolution of the Council of the V1llag e of WQynes-' vllle, Warren County. Ohio passed the 2n.d day of July 1948, tillere wfll be submitted to a vo te Of the people of the VUlage ot Waynesville, Warren County, Ohio at t he General Election to b!'l h el~ In said Vl11age at ' the ' r egular places of voting thereIn, on Tuesd~y the 2nd dar ef November 1,948, & renewal of a tax at a rate not e~eedlng two ~nd one-hal! (2 % ) mIlls for each one dollar of va luation, which ambunte to twent y-five (26) cents for each Ite hundred dollars of valuation for t he · purpose .' 0 f CURRENT EXPENSES of said vlll88'e. for the .tax ye~r 1949 a.nd for a ' period 01 four yea1"s tberee.fter. The , ponS -tor 's aid ~lectlon wtll open at 6: 3~ A. M. and remain open until 6:80 P. l\I. (Eastern Standant Time) of salCl day. By order or ·the Board of Elections ,o f warren County, Ohio. . JOHN E. BOLDlDN..
FOR RENT 3-----~~------~------~ Unfur'nished rooms for rent. . Mrs. MiargJret Johns,' Lytle. 1021
LOST - Black Purse containing driver's license and. other papers, somewhere bet een my h:o me and Waynesville Farmers Exchange, ' alon~ routes t 22, 42.j and the " Avenue," or on m v lane SQuftt, ~ 12'2. {Libera) reward. Har,ry Van Meter, Lebanon, Rt. 2 Phone 6'86- K.
To Clo olain sew~ Prke rea~ sonable~ Call at residence one and half miles ' from Waynesville on Lytle roa4. The Charles Michener farm . . Mary Black~by.
WANTED ing in
my' lieme.
NOUce 11 hereby stven. that 1ft PUl'lJuaaoe of a 'reaolutioD of tbe Boar4 of muoatlon. of Wane Local
• ote of the people of ' ·...4 .chool D.wtrt~
at the Gener... BleOtloD to be hel4 In _14 School Dl8trlct at the rcular p1acea of votlne therelD, on Tu~ ~e ' 1114 4a7 of Novembfer U48, ... renewal Of a tax ..t a rate DOt aceeltng three (.)
IIlIU8 for ea.bh one 401lar of ValpUou. which aiDounta to thirty (aO) oent8 t.or each one llun4recl doUU. of ftl~ for the purPo- 01 CtJRIUDNIrr lWtPJIiNsms of tbe $obool Dlatrtct, lbr 'a
Company, . Lock·
land, Cncinnati,
t 5, Ohio. Give facts on your ~ack. ground, eduQatton, age, etc. Experience not necessary. .. --t02t
OhiO, paaed the 11et 4a.:r of .TuIT IH8, there will be aubmttteci to •
MEN AND WOMEN WANTED . t;i" (I) TMl"a taz t-r' FOR FACI'ORY WORK STEAOY work with concern . which ran full all through l~ depression. Geod wages and working conditions. Excen· e~t opportunity for advance~---:-::-~:,:,::...----..-...=.. Wrlte-"1o Dave Bane,
~ 1nt.b the
The poIlil for aaI4 election ,wtJI at ....0 A.. 11. and remata opeo unUI ':10 P. II. ~1DutInl , s~ TUne) 01 "d~. " _ order of the Board of lDIeo-~ODII of ~~ (:om.. Obl.O. .JOBIN a BOLOIDN. ", .' CbatnnaD
mlnis tratl;ix of' the Esta~ te of David H. Lucas late of Wayne Township Warren Co~nty, Ohio. deceased .• Dated ,t his 27jt h da.y o l~ September 194:8,
Dough'n uts .0," Dunking
J'udgoe the 'Pro'b ate Court Warren Count.y. Ohio. · H. Z. Gray. Attor.ney · -1021
Administrator Estate of J. C~ Gra y deceased Notice is herebY ' lg iven tha t' Ch arles H. Gra y and! Meryl B. Gray whose Post Office Addre s is Xeni a, Ohio and Lebanon, Ohio have been dul y appointed as Administrators of th e Estate of J, C. Gray late of Wanen County; Ohio, dece ased . . Dated this 14 th day of October 1948. . Meryl B. Gray, Atty. Ralph H. Carey Judge of the Probate Court Warren County, Ohio. -11 4 f
Mr. and Mr. Alva' Ludiniton, Mr. and M:rs. John Ludington, with Mr. and Mrs. Pred Hunt of Columbus, ' who had' been their overnight gUf~Sts, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ana Mrs. Robert Scutke and children in Dayton. . Mts. Cammie ' Dunham ,of South Lebanon was a week .end guest of M.rl and Mrs. \V·a1ter Sheehan. . '
Doughnuts and 'eider are a traditional combination • win. new frlen'ds each year. ' •
. i . Whether you buy the~ at the bakery, or go home and f~ your I !own, doughnuts have an appeal that make. them all-season eating. , lT h t: ~ = sour milk douJl'hnuts have. exceptional ' tendernes8 and puff ,' , lightl y when downed in deep hot tat; ·· i !' uoughnuts are not hard to make thouarh there are certain po'nters :
i wh ich make their) special 8ucce~ses. Measuring corree~ly
!an I
are cut from the dou.gh. Use a floured cutter to keep the .ymmetrical and avoid .ticking. . . ~ '~e sure that the fat is ' ho.t enough- not .moking, but up to the '"dou ~hnut" qr 376 degTeee F. level on the fat thermometer. Slide the : I dou g hnut into the hot fat and 'watch it bubble to the' .urface 8S it ~ /browns ita underside. Then turn and brown the other .• ide. Just one ', , tu rn insureS that the doughnut is evenly done and not soaked with fat. IThr f'" "fl in utes will do both ,ide8; are KOOd ju.taa' they an, but you may want to roll I, the' l · ;j Irhnuta oowclered auitar or shake the..- in a with CQar8e granulated
Kidneys Must .', ..Work Wei ''F,
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Strader and soris of Dayton' were Sunda.}' guests of Mr. and Mrs: ' Max D. Hartock and ~;on.
IV. fuspnnns soda .~ 'e~iponnl
1\ '/ \.
4~ ·up. ~Ifted MIICI\ed lIotu
S ....
cream ttl fa"a.
(.o:.uoocm. sal,
..,. , .. '" - ....
I cup ...., " , tabltspnanl shortenina, melted
('II~ IOUI mille '" buttcnni"
' ~; ~t tOlrether ' flour, soda, eteam loi La rfAr, salt and nutm~. Beat i ea''(~ until thick and lemen-4;Ol'ored. Add.u..... .rraduaJbt beat~.nJl it in. Add Iho$lll~ and Ibuttermilk 01" IOV milk. A:dd flour ,mixture. lUX ..... . . out one., . h · 'ila •• , •••• _ .....aI, •
ftOUNd or pastry 'cloth. Cut i with a floured clou.hnut cutter. f Fry ID deep ho& fat (376 degreea F.) tor th.... mlautea~ Bl'Own one . Iide and then the other . Yield:... About three ctOkh do~h- , .utl 511.... ·ineb. in eliameter. '.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rich and . Mr. and M.rs. Kenneth Elzey Mr. and Mrs. W,. E. Cornell are and daught~r -Marjotie of Day" visiting Mr. and Mrs. ' Maynard' ton spent Saturday; 'eveninr Rich and sons and Mr.• and Mrs. with Mr. and f ts. Watter Elzey. William Michener and family in' Pittsburgh. .. , Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred ijubbel! M.... and Mrs. Phil Barlm_b ana soq, Mrs Jennie ' Mullin, Mrs. . Marie Fleener and family spent. the weekend at the cottage ' of " Mr. and Mrs. ,:Rex 'Black at Lake
, ,White. Mr. and Mrt Tom Dur· ton and daughter took· dinner with them Sunday. ' .
A1 11. P.tUUt1IIR.
is important, '
In this case, 'ingredients should be well mixed before doughnuts '
~ shape
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. M·oss
had as Sunda} dinnel guests Mr. and Mrs. Marion Linde of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fox of Columbus.
1. •.'. _.
.' 0Ierk..
Betate of David Luau ~:.cs :N:oUoe 'w '~ ClveD tIUIt Aiu.' a Lucaa WbOIII Poet 0ft1ce Addree8 ~ R; & :1.. ~emge; ,Qhlol baa 'been dut,. appol.Dtecl . . .A d-.
Portable Equipment
can Be Bro~gIlt ·to the Job
I4IID . . CD.IAYa .IU(S..... DIUYII TAIl ... IlOAD 00. LAWN ... PILL DaY E;G.
aCAV~TDlG ... ~
,Club Votes 20-~7 "For M-or.e Fe$tival$
..... - 1
~:- _
After a lively aebate on t~e ,issue of gambling at· carnivals, the . Waynesville Civic Club voted by secret baUot, 20 to By Smitt y 7 . to make the btttle Miami Fall Festiv'al an anIJua1 .affair, Ezra Cha!les, boxer whose and to have the festival . next ,bout will, probably ' be. for neaT Labor Day'194.9 if pO' the aband oned . h~a vywelg}tt Previousl y . the memberssS\ble. , title of Jo~ LOU1~,~ ml!st. have voted down an amendment had ofa stra·n~e Idea o.f polace pro,- fered 'by R. C. , 'Moler to eli, cedure, .Wayn~sville , style. . minate all 'gambling from the .The flg~ter wouldn t'Say any- . affair. This was also d'one by . ,thmg agamst- ,o,:,r town, 9f secret ballot and the result was co~rse, fol, . he 'gQ~ a sguare , 21 to 7 agai~srthe ' aniendmen t. " Qea~.. , Ha~f ,an. hour aft~r ~ A committee was app'oil1ted Unle s you want a sharp recolh~l~m at. Malt~ an~ Miami to consi the possibility of SERV ING WAYNE-S"jLL~ SINCE 1850 Sts.,. mvolvIng hIS shinY new the club der' :l uction in v.iltage services, vote sponsoring a ,minstrel . - - - - - - - GadJ11ac convertibl~, h~ ~as show during the ves 0~1 the 2 ~ mill tax renewal winter. ' No. 43&3 FIVE CENT S A COpy on the ballot next T,tiesday, vilfree' to go athead wlth)1lS .td~'P. . Final financial reports show- '-WA~ . ,NESV ILLE, OHIO But the me hod of decl ang ed that the fall festival went 'THUR SDAY , OCTO BER 28, · 1948 lage officia ls urged this \veek. _ _ _ __:-....;___ ___ -_ __ _ t~e case" must have. amazed "in the red" by less th;tn g The two th irds v01e needed to 1 O. ~ renew h!m. the present ta~ rate was , . School Supt. K. M. Retallick W D f;7\ not there wasn t any tr~al- gave a brief talk obtain . I ed last November, on the pro~ealh~ and most be obtained this tim~ just an interview of parties to , blem of disinterested children the crash\ led by the const able, who are "only going to school or the funds for .current ' ex- ' '.'ALT ER CO',,:uAN' I . U0 '~'Y wY penses simply will not b~ sufwith the public forbidd~n by until I'm t6." Dinner' was ser- ' \Vatter CQWCln. 57 years-aU, fic ient in 1949, councilmen the ,:constable to enter. Y~t the ved by women of tile Met,,Mrs. . Della Venable,' 84, is of .the Herman farm near acting mayor and the v1,11 age , odist Church. Lytle. , say. ' . rec,overing: at ~iami Valley died early Sun~ay mQrnin~ Likewise, schooll board memsolicitor were there listening, at , - -.. Hospi tal from bruise s and ibra- , Miami Valle y hospital. where bers shudder at the thought of and if a trial had been necessary e sions suffered when she was he had been a patient more how thev will meet the "interview'" would inevita.,. ses struck by a Cincinnati car than a week and had undei- 'next year if their 3-mi11expen bly have affected the conduct renew , " , whi.le crossing Main ~tre.et in gone a major operation. Funer- al, on the same ' ballot, shouldof it. The Republican Committee the block between MiamI and al servic es were Tuesday after- fail. ' Who ever hear~ pf a judge. of Wayne TO\\alsniPI m fit HigA Streets. ' Both organizations are , C llnoon at the Johnston Funeral listening in on a pre-trial ques- Thursday evening In the home She was return i"g from . tinual the ly hanC\icapped by shOlt· Hlime . in leban on with bur,hi tioning ~ WhQ ever heard of a of Central Committeeman L. eveni ng servic e at the Churc age h in of the Lebanon Cemetery funds, even with ,the law enforcement officer taking r:. St. John, when caUed : of. Christ to her home on Main Dresent tax rates. Votes' of .()ve,r the jUQg~'s duty of decia- together an the precirhe kt work- Street. She was taken ,to the Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Furnas ICYes l l on both 1evies will save ing who may enter a court- ers. · hospi tal in the McO ure ambu lroom? _ Zain Armitage, ch~irman ol ,ance, accompapled thy Mrs. E. ·and son have teturned from them f~om eve~ 'Worse plights. Zanesville, where The boxer ,may " net have Jhe Warren Countv 'Exec attended R. Bentlev and !!'rs. ·M. H. the 'funeral of they M(rs. Furnas' Wayn thouJht of this a,te. : Since no Committee" was present to utive esvill Coffey. X -rays disclosed that ·father, P. H. Pannehm, ,judge ' is over. Twoe's garbage crisis pubhc trtll '1188 al(1, _a war- instnlctions pertaining to give no bo~es ' 'were , broken. The of the Muskingum County Court been given anlocal men have rant could stitt be Issued against election on Nov. 2. Severthe al , driver ,of th~ car wasno.t li'e~. · of Common Pleas for 15 chise to collecexclusive fran" .hIm if an~one wanted to ac- candidates also gave short t ·tr,ash from , years. cuse him of 'ree'ktess drivin~. talks, including Corwin Nixon, homes f~r ~5 ce~ts a. we~k. . If a juNe Sll~ . • '~..di~ ~&!nId:.W~ den, aild ' Mat\"in PARTIES · ,PROMO i t ~,' . Mr. ·!.and Mrs.' Roger Brown -:sed," the, C'AlnstifUtfmi "foi'blds E. Young. "C:ou , GARRISON aND IDAC Y atten~~d Masonic ~rand Lodge tile same (har~ being b.rought Sample ballots will bl! pas· \l1U ' Wan:en CQunty nem,?cratic in COlumbus dunng: the past ' . up again. Witl\out a t~ial, ther~ sed out by the committee. Any" lea'ders will give a series .c9( _week. Mrs. Brown w~s 3. guc:st .IS no such' assurance. . The one who wants further infar- Garris9n-fo New Centu ry _Club met t-Sheriff. &>.art)es, at a num~er of Why 'did t~ cQnstable 'bar ,matieD.. is asked to conta(;t the affair s 'at the count ry home of Mrs" witbe Yery pody Invited f (or a for th~ Iidies, among them \Vas Paul To~H the public ' after one ..sPectator central committee-man, Mr. nson on fridaY1 good tirlle and refreshments. a~ tell at the hem~ of the Oct: had already_ been -']lmitted? St. John. ' 22, with ,22 mea:n bers .an9The ule is: Tonigh t the ("ove n or. Could it be tttat the second one . yenn After the meeting, a sociIU Tom sched g the roll c:tll with. com .. Corwin RooM' of the 10 enter was one against whom hour was held, w1th refreshmen~ OR the '~ubJe cts asslg n~i GoJ~~n L:amb in ~anon; Prihe bears a personaf dislike l . ~r. and e.rl D~ham, ,A le.tter from Mrs. J .. W. . WIt-. ments serveit by Mrs. S day nlghf at American Legion; With Mr. Mrs: , and Mrs. Robert ham an. honorary m~mber, waS • • • , J~hn. ~ , . HaU ,in Franklin; A\9nday night r(:tlambe~lain .of LebQ lD, saw . Code of ethic for Halread. '. at the Morrow GaraR'e. ·" tJle OhioWISC (owe'eDers: onsin footb all " Thel rogra m RlaIA RD. STANSBERRY cOp1m ittee was .... ~.\' J , i f I ' T . '."~ ':. game in ,Columbus on $atut - Mrs• • B. Crab1;)e ~ifd Mrs. So.p i" ,gtass !s ,ppro ved '_Vl NC' IN YOKOHAIL\ ' READ J GAZ rn,1l 0... ... ~~ ~ay. ' .exc~pt 'tIlat vulg " . - " Glenn ~orden. Borden introd~ 4-~e~~ ,...... c ' .• --;':'A. .. •• - --,-~ -an - .- .. x ' '-' uce,d words are out. MISS Raylyn <;rabbe ",ho ' , Recruit Richard ' A; Stl",,5." "-'g . , .I .. : Moving movable · ob.iects is berrv of Waynesvitle is noV( came from her class- room·. at ser" ~'I" ~_~ "' all rigbt if 'they aren' t d~~le~ ving "Ith the occu~tiotl forces ''' 4 .& Ohio State University ' to tell , or praced where tlley endanger in Yokohama, Japan, accordtng of her experiences as an ex. tlfe or prorerty, and $re ,.put t(\· an Army Public Informa, change student at the Unlverwh~re tile pwner cUbl et .them ~tion OffIce, telease. sitv of Mexico last winterJ Miss . Crabbe's' talk · was. instru ctive . b~~im 6r~g ~witb;' cars 6r their ' Yolto~ama, ' one ,of ·the I';.. and entertaining. motors is 110t tood cle-an fu~. gest clt~es ' in Japan; 15 located Delicious refreshment~, sere It, m?v ' be c(,stfY. ' . in .the centr af' patt yed in ' buffet styl~, and " HonSbii,' FtSt.qgPing , tr~ willi.. piper Japan"s maht iSlan~, of pleasant social hour brought and 'is wdl dlJesti urt- aoytb}ri" i)ut .have known as ' ,U'a-pan's rn~jor port' the meeting to a'close. yo~,-ev~n tried to remoy~ ( tOll ,cit.[X· ~t .pr~~nt the city is beGuests of- the hostess wei~ of :t? " J. " lint ..sed lls "tlie supply baSe for Mrs. 6valyn Peter&on, " M?r. . 1 be re w!ll. be spme deout~e:;. the: gc~ ..t!P.n {~oe tin :central QUincy,. Gons , Mrs. e&,~tct on duty for .several night:;, Sf) Japan. Jlartmaltl, Mrs. Anna ' Ho"l , ' ' M'iss Raylyn · Crabbe, M~ , beware, goblins. ~ . ' Stansberry. wilt ha'Ve an GpR~ber t ~ns,' Fred GOI)S , Mr~ , 0BsER . portunit~ to contin~e his educa. John Gens and :'"Mr~. 'Raymond ~S ~~v Ition ' while . he is: Japan . ' a t LaRu e." ~ " COlD EN , , '& We Yokohama ' Army Educa2 ;' : I' · . ' 4 "C' :~ , ~U ;,J., A'" ~ Gill" ! ,tiQQaI ~~e~lWb~ re course~~~ Mrs. Charles' Bauer und~r r. Q '''It· . \;;I. .. bffer ed·~· ' tIle ac~d~ mlc ,~IJJ ~ 1,\ent a ~ major operation' at ."wU ce ~t:l1 f.e ·~·~11 fiftieth VI • as well 'NE6l[(TfD bl' , vocatlon1-1 trainlH' , \ din" ..nnl.-ersary 'on Thursday, Ch, jstJ'~o~Ritlll, <linoiri,ati, •. " ~ • , iii~· .Nov. )i4, and ~JII ~.qgt eceive ITS ' fRIEN~ . Ing tile pat ,,,~k • JQlrupg tile Arm,y 10 , MU:lh , th.' eir-,friends' \J~till $UDaly , ~ov. · t941 ,~t C(~~land. Stan IIT_. -~ . - .. 7 ' at .the 'h~me of.' ~efr · 'son. ca~~J!R- Japad 1n AlII.~t ,'. Miss Joann e O'Banion IllS , in-laW. dadtb ter, Mt~ and ,Hif, 'was assig n. ' ~~ Ie _ er:- position with 'U1e.'MiafDl M'l'$. y ~, ' P" ' , '1J~efi;1(l in t ~! GUll' ,Batt~tloq' in Yo . ~' Gazette to' bec0atf , ~'~lI~r: 'f Satiln...,:' will:. enjoy' a Wn· iiiI!'' '' 'This; ufi1f ~a a Rike-Klimler ,tJO.· In DaYton., , ~ r ner ·:9P- S y' at the Gen~aJ role in the'ice . pan ' I Del i. ICitel lJl: Wll tn on ~y. ~ratit "of. llu~v f.r
The ' Miami GAZETTE
' Hurt I"HeomabA t
Wheo , t
Vote Yes on Tax Renewals, Local -' ,Voters Are Urged
R,epubtleans Med
N'ew'" Ce-J. l'L,;'b '
uo - - '
Al l'" -'C AN "
"'w.:' .
'w, .-,\Plrs#ft t.&v " vo .~r sevml1!iUdretf., Mrs. Ha.eef
_' .'
-(". e
., ~~my ~~~
, .. ~ . of tBldOrado Mrs: ' "my .MWo~ .H.remeyer,-was glen CI'II..··~ " ~.. 'iDhitI, 1M-' .~ .~..It u .~'the . hbme D~ ' " o'f,~ r1 ~ts, ' L . .NtItla " Mrll~, ..-..~ Mis. Brale - . m'f•." . ........ -.au ~.. 11 " ~fIII!! .~,!,~'I""""Paul aDd VIa utt--W S · eo to Miam i ~ .~ ~ Hospital "here be _ L <
THE MI~MI GAZETTE PAGE ' " \vere enjoye t WAYNESVILLE, OHIO "0, 4~92 , Those attending were: . Mr. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1948 lC::T"T"' ~ ' ; ' ~ \J , Mr' . lvin Ea, lhart, Mrs. and Mrs. Folger Hunt; Mr. and I Publ i shed ' E vel y Thurs'd ay Cha.rle ~ Davi ', Mrs. Glenn Bor- Mrs. Albert Hayslip; Mr. and At Wa y ne sville. Oh io PLANS CARL G , SMITH. Editor derf, and R v. and Mr ~ . R. B. Mrs. William Creagor; Mr. and L YTI.E Wo. s. c. Ent~r,:, d as seeo nd class matter at the Post Office C 1 111:111 att nd e 'I , the Dayton Mrs. Harold McClellan, Mr. and HOBO PARTY ON NOV. 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATE: District 'meeting of the 'Wo: , MrS. Donald C lieU; Mr. an The Woman's Secie~y of ,1.60 • Year in Advance man' 0 iety of Chri tian Ser- M.rs. Donald ~ones; Mr. ; , vi e in Epworth Chur h, Oa:l- , Mrs. David Stanfield; Mr. and Lyti~ Church will be entertain-I ~ext Wednesday, Nov. ' 3 rd ton, la t Tuesday. The 10:30 Mrs. Leonard Ellis ; Mr. and service at the loc~ll church ne xt Mrs. Donald Haines ; Mr. and at 1 :~O o ~ lock, at the country Sunday will b~ a ,children's s r- Mrs. William Smith; Mrs. Ray- hC lme of Mr , james Wical on (To have events listed in this calendar, liu til T he Miami Gazette vice.' Parents aT all requ sted mond Burden; Robert Wilson j the W a nesvilte Road. The to bring their chHdren. Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Stanley feature ' of this meeting will be before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) , " and the host and hostess. a "Hobo party. " Mrs. J. B. YOUNG ADULTS HOLD Thanks are due to all the Jones is leader of the Wo rs"il> FRIDAY, OCT. 29 MAlSQUERADE PARTY . '. ~r.andparents who served as ' Service and Mrs. Hicks wilt Mother's Clu~ H'allowe'etl "'Carnival, 8 p, M. i1Baby-sifter. " have the program. 'fh.e comThe Younger Adults of SATURDAY, ,OCT. 30 Mrs. mittee aSSisting are: Caesars Creek meeting. were Mrs. Glenn Borden was a Ci arle ,Charlton. Mrs. Metv1l1 Wayne Township tru tees, 7 :30 P. M. p'leasantly ' entertained at ' the Tuesday dinner guest of Mrs. Meh~ffje and Mrs~ Ralph , SUNDAY, oct. 31 home of Jack and Goldie ~nnnie Rehse in Franklin. Jahns. Go to Chur 'h! Hawke, Sunday e~vening, Oct. 24. The Hawke ht e was deMONDAY, NOV. 1 corated in keeping 'with the Village Council me ting, 7 P. M ~ Halloween season. School Board me ting, 7 :3 0 P. M. ; Most members and guests Boy Scout T:ro p. 4 at 7: 15 . M., Prepare ~O\V for Winter r Stock came mas,ked David Stanfield, TUESDA Y, NOV, 2 up on anti-freeze~ We've the electioheering as "'Sen Snort," finest quality at ' lowest prices. Elecft0n Da y. Don't- YOIl h re fOfo'et to vote! was chosen best dressed man; Try our expert winterizing serVirginia Collett as best dressed 'Boys Cl ub k y' r ence,' 7 :30 P. M. vice- too! We call and deliver. woman; Donald and, Virgin ia WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3 , , Collett as ' best dressed couple, Lytle W. . C: ' : at Wical ,resiqence : Bill Creager as , [nost original TH~RSI;>AY,NOV.4 ,and Donald Haines as U~liest. Garden, Cub, ' r:eguiar meeting. A photographer 'took pldures before ' and after they w~r,e unMain and Miami Sts. Ph. 2341 masked. ' ' After, several contests, cider, popcorn, ',apples and candy ,
'Ihp ){Ii r:!Ii C.1zette ES T 13
Methodist ' Notes
.. Events Coming·Up
DON'T ,Wait for ,Storm.Signals!
KlfR'S Garage
E. 0. ' SeOTT ;
Representing Weatheimer &: Company 'PLUMBING '" ELECTRICAL . Members New York Stock , ' ". C;:ONTRACTOR ' Exchan ,~es , and other registered Exchanges 'PHONE ,WAYNEsvn.u: ' Investment Trust ,Share. B9U~ht - Sold - Quoted " '", Phone W.yn~viUe 2530 ,
MT. HOU.Y ,MEmODIST T. ' M. Scarff, Minister 9 :30 a.m. 'Sundav ' SchOOf ' E.A. , ~arnhart, Supt. 'Nor5hip Service 10 :30 Lm. . ~ ~eI1tng Servic~ 7:~0 p.m.
-; ,
, ~---'-- ',
" MAHQQIST CHyRCH .. ~ . .... . ..-
J ,.... i -"
Worship ,and .Sermon ;_ ., " , ' ~t~:30 ,
R.B. Coleman Minister Church Schooi 9 :30 a.m. ' . J. J. Burst~ Supt.
kev. David Stanfield, Minister 10 ~ Sund.y School , Worsliip 5emce t 1 ,La
E. U. ~ ~aI William Shannon Samuel N. ·'Keys, Rector ' , ~undav School 9:30 ' a.m. Church School' 9:t5 A.M. and we lead in quaiity (tr.y Mrs. J ames Garrison. Supt. MO'milY( Prayer, to :30 A. M. ' Preaching tst and 3rd Sundays . each month , ,to:30 a.m. cleaning by ., giving conscienti. FRIENDS ' F.venin~ Services 7:30p.m~ ous service based OIn the la'test First Day ~hoot 9:30 a.m. 1 n1.E METHODIST , ~jentific ni~ffibds. W. inspect, , Me.tinl' for Wgrship to:30 a.m. ( ruRCH . ' Or. Joseph MyerS, Minister " sort,~ label each artie!' clean . SL:ndav School " 9:30 Lm. and press thoroughly, deliver WAYNESVILLE Mrs. RuU, Sa,lor, Supt. OIURCH OF CHRIST \Vorship Service ' 10:30 LDI. promptly. .. : M,. H, Coff-ey. Mini~r' Bible &:bool 9 :30 a.m. Momi~ ,Worsbi~ ,to:30 A. M. FERRY CHURCH OF. CHRIST, YOUD, People's Meettnl ' Byron Carver, Minister:
k cv.
We try to be UDders_din, and capable 'in our wo~ · ,'
Bible ~h001,
9.:30 LDL Mo,raing Worship , to:30 ,LIIL 7:00 p.m. . Praj er l\eet~ Yount People 5 Meetlnl '
7:15 P. M. 8 P. M,
Service '
father Krumholtz, · Priest
8 and to A.M.
sem. ,
7 ':00
Sponsored by Mothers Club
~~.Id Jlra•• I,~ g'O "'
, Eampa ..
'P~l. 'it~ Beutif.1 GoWen Cit.., SlIMes
.. '
9-t 2 , each momior
1-5, ifte~ooas-esee,t WeclDesday , 1..9..,.SaturdayeyeftlDr . ..... . - , OIlIer e\palNslbY •
,. ,'
I '
~. ,
Appolnbient TBL!PHONE 62·a
' ;r
:A, _ ' ~ "' IIidaIlreel~ ,~Crnnp"' , '
Ev~lyt) , ~i.'al~ins Bea~ty Sa1~n
" t 0 Children's ShoW' Tickets
.' '
. Twin Theatre'
WaynesvUle -Drug Store
" Gal:. Ice Cream"
t doz. Assorted Pop
, ", Optom"c .880db
l1li_ VII!IiIYIV
,Mom's Pantry
Thelma·s Lunch
24 Candy Bars <
,3LoO CQb..:
, Electric Com Popper , Waynesville Purnlture 'a A'ppliance Co.. . YOUNGEST MASKED '3.00 Merchandise order Hy1;nap's Store ' !'!:·~N 5- Po wer 'Trojan SPfg1a. t . Blze~s ' ...... ~2.00 Merchandise order , Smallwooctts , ' NATIONALITY '2.()O Dry Ceanlng oreler . B. , & . R ,', Ceaner's' , a.OWN ,2.00 Cash Mc\Vl1l1ams Sind ·It' ,Gravel ~orta ' CHlLDREN 'JOo _ ~
Caftdy.Bars . ' , ' ,1.00 Cub Stubbs Funeral Home' ,24
,2.00 Cash
Cosmet~ Kit
, Shanw OG , ,: , " Wave "
,_,.YiII~- "Fai1litiR & IAppliiaee·.C8.
, 9''by 1'2 GIN ~:BnH Fclt-Base Rill, $9.95 . ~.'
8:00 P. M.
Wil1iamson o( Bellbrook. be.• ing te closest. Compt~t~ bat. t nl averages 'wlll be published !:oon. When John Sackett WJS an· nounced as v. mner of the I sportsmanship award (silver . niedal1ion), yo.u could hear a pin drop. Then the clapping I and shouting became tremendous, which assured me that the right . choice mu'st have been By . made. Johnny ' perrorm~d ,most BOB O'REGAN capably for a club that was . Suits of local :;cfth.~1Ier.; .1re in the ceHat' ,most of the sea!:>e'ng mothballed, and ' f0r ··the son. Bob ,Plank. (Fairley's) oldsters the liniment hatite can and Larry Spitler (13ellbr00k) ?l~O received votes. be corked again. .
the second leg, we~ )] get that one next sea on". Dunno. '1 telieve all other clubs wHl reany be gunl1ing for yo u next season, r oh 1't, as \. hen :t dulL wins the pIa yofif afle j' Failing to win either half, rival team managers are hard to live ' ,with.
Last Saturday mte. the rafters ('If 1be high school ~ym ~roan e d as ~he softballers danc~d the Lght fantastic (the way 's~me of them struggled thru the ,Iuare dances rCininde.d m... of tf!e Ieft-footer,s fj'orr: l:hlde Sam d~ys-. All in all, said Mr. Ad.ams, school custodian, three w7L never w:.l~ so much enthusi.tsm as shown by oerhap.~ 1 ,cJ people, doing theJ.r best tc bii '\~" Jhe l"agr out of tiL re,l W1J n final return ar':! m .·ld ~ t:,e mushball circuit : hUlll d clfar 'at least $ 100 . The 1 e IT'ight be need 01 :mother dance, as mention Wrl5 made !ast week that debts of the l~'ague ' would reach $250.
In 1947, 5 Am ,·i.:ans were killed .and.· 87,000 injured , in ac iden: invul in ~ automobiles wh i h 'v' re t mf:1 " left at the time of the accident. Kn \~ \01'T ;l(~" .',' . - -and , use ther '1!
• • •
• • •
. . '. .
i believe the indivldua: WdJ
ds given' til.! Legion
. Most val'uable pIa 'er award · was conferred 'on Pete Murphy of KierJs Garage. Ali· season long he was fhe stabllizer. on :1. cinb that " : a ~ in and out Without . him. Murphy's great 'pitchin~ overshadowed . his other ab'ilities 0'( playing any PGsit ~ol1 on the , field, besides slappmg out crucial hits from time ' to time, but when the league managers vokct, it was alm ost unanimous. Other standout players are Davp Hartsoc_i< (fairley's) and Jimmie Miller (Legion. )
-, ..
This column is open fur winter bowling, boxin ~ or 1141 'ketball 'news of any ·variety. Can 26,61 any , evening, . r arop around and ten me wh :l t you want in print. I.
- --"'--- -
- - - -~-----7--+-~---:'---- -~---'-~~-...:.....,--.--
• • •
Team trophies for their fi'rst and second half were awarded Kier's and Bellbrook, the latter alsi) reteiving 1Tie trophy for second· place in the.... playoffs, which American legion ' won last week by ,copping a doubleheader from erstwhile undefeat-
r la~r e:' ~
plt':lsea an, anj th~ sr.lile.s 0 f.H"es· like Co~ popular t'~;;. baseman, and '~ommie T!1om l~~ . who re~elY ~d the h,.. ch.·mpionship ~old ' mcdall" ,'" \'1< uld have re.Jched the lt~!lg't ' :'nd l' :'cadth of Ohio. Thomp. son's mark flf .-+.¥5 o~td iG h ,~. all other hitter~. \\' Ith C!n .r lIe
eq , ~enbrook.!'
Bob Allen genial Legion maestro, als~ accepted the Twin Theatre Two-yeal: trophy for his or~anization and public.ly. said, 'don't worry ab9ut
.~I ------~----~----~----------------------
.....----InruRS·--FRI. .------------------.....--.--------------~~-' Double- Header 'MAYNE MPRRIS battles man's greatest Foe-Himself! See. 'BIG PUNCH Jungle Thrills In . . . , BLO.NDE"SAVACE
-'Hoo! .
Love .
- Jlayl
of JUNB- .HAV-ER.-..inAi
------ 'IVES. ONLY .
WED· ONLY , Softball Fund: $15.0 0.
IT ALL cAME ·TRUE HArrER'S CASTI.E I~---~-:----""-""'''''----~~~--'-'---r
Ma~ing Margare,t N~V. 5, 1948
8 P. M:'
H ••••• ' ·.
at. .e
Bo. . -WIthe.. .,... . ' I..,. puU, "'0011
b, '''.000.000. Appropriated 'SI,000,000 lor wettare IIIIti~oDl• .::.._~gIm~ or plaeeLaader e~... net. '2S,Ooo.0Q0 'of welf.re bw.ild. lnl eODltruetio~ Recru~ unwieldy .tate liquor' TIloMl ·~rda teIIdae .toI?'~ Y(t" in\l."ol1 '17.000,000. Put aU . under eiYlI- tenie•• wiD eerie....,. walit ' to re.el.t io~to" aeYoked 11. f.ke dub permit•. Tom Berber,. · V"t~ .1M 1M' Beo A•• rded 8" 'hf,bwa, projeet pabUt'.an · Iqisttlto.... Th., .... CMltncl. to ..Iue ·.f t61.655.775. pled,ed 10 the tI. . . .' prine1p_ of effieleDe,. falrDetM. SJI4t HOD.. tOleoa.petlti.. .i.U ..... om,. that e,n ah'_ ~ .Herbert Ie. •• "mb_toM. ·Appn." "nly adadnlatratlon r~ aecompJ,.h 10 ~ ;r-rtidonat .mploy.a. maeh. aooCl ' f~ dhto, Se4lftrl"'J ,..d8:;~~l ·of law f.r • ,~ll!i1u~ I r .11.., mine•. (oc,..Med Ohlo ',Rept-oHcar• . lII,t" ,Id !u ce'u::--" 1 of bm~.l~ · Campaign Committ~ l~;!' .00 ~l1t:r t:.:-m · 'Dlm.r dC.. , Fred .,. Jeh".o..,. '''.1~ ·, .. tOol. Paid ~ ~, ~lvi8ioD' of , 7 "N. Hltlh .St.. ~Iumbu.. OhIo ..ov~rn,...e"t '209. 1171.,!'3. I
HII OPPON.NT. ', T~ redaedn.
....cJ""'" Pre..... .....
.~""T .tIIIi ..- "....... Soldl';"
,.all. t. neommend ...... .• Ih. 1•• lllalllre. · [lId 'nothla, aboat the BODl1I. Vetoed appropriation hiD, · for publiC! ' eehoob. 'Provided '17,000,000 for welfare 1IIIIhillion.: Cc.Dltrueted o~ plaeed under' eontraet. · .f4.. 000,000 \ the appropriation. Left ' behind ellorbitant Inveatol'1 unulabl. brand. · of .liquo~. · Failed to Itop illuaDce of perml" 10 c!luba. . Awarded 55'; hl.hwa~ project eODlrae~ to value 0' n6,9~ ·S.288.
A-Dt!1LTS 40c
1. Buy, SeD, Trade Reat Borre", USE .4
• ..
. .,
Beld .DI, • tompt'tid.. lerviee ' C'samlft~;,u".. Approved . 11.5," provt!.~!!".. ! ~np,o~M"" T.lked ~~\ Itr'ip ~il'"
", .
, ....
.I . i
,! "I ,
tiM!. tl""re~ ~~ !.'t!' fill ,,!me. ~ a.!rintjHH'e :"Il,!~qQ"if' aid "lIalnet !hC:i anima! ~!1Il'1!I8el. PrQri"~ loc.~ .\ ,/~IVlSloo.. of ~,ve'mm~o~ C'~T f IS! ~12.4~, ..
, ................... eo...,....
Chap. ii-Poison Gas. . WeekJy Cash 'Award.
SUN.' 3. - MON. NOV. 1" Thrill to the
TGIII' ......' •. oppoDeDl .ID ... eo...... eI.etlOD ..... ~ dae . . . . of .... two ............ aad .... sa 0 .... dOahi . . . . .... yoa'D ~ for. Bere ..... ~ .. ~ ':J. I
'· Ie.'
TW'IN ,~ I
berry, Coppocks, Clayton LBobbv a l~b, Stans_ Ga y Ronny Davis and Jimmy Jone . 5. Reading -- ,. A Th nk . ~,~ giving Fable" by Verna 1\ ill. . . The second half of the pro,.u am will be under the direc~ ~-:.. tion of Mrs. Kersey. . h·· Be sure to see the lunior meeting. Announcer ~ Charles KerFOX HOL.!-Y class play called "Marrying , Don't forget the Halloween se~ ... Re it, tion ._ jane K _ enMalrgaret ' on Nov. 5. Tr.. Party to be held at the Waynes- rick. J.ust to make you feel good, , characters are: ville High School. Friday night, ' with November's wintry blasts October 29th, 1948. Spo nsor . 2. Play - uln dian Raider" in the offing, tihe Twin TheaHarrison, Roy F urna~ . Characters: ed by Mother's Club. Winifred, Martha Lukens. __ _ . Sisters: Jean La Rue; Esther tre's new oil burner is working , Satterthwaite ; Julia Mt.h1ffie ; ship-shape, so ' you can count Lula, Mary Ann Burton . on good, even heat, during the Marraret, Joan Watki.1.. Sally Workman; Janet Com.cr; cold months. That's the seqmd ,( Mary Lachat. " Aunt Harriet, Maril yn Hal~lbig-time move to give Wayn.esnlOmi. {By Miss Hardin) Visitors: Lynnj~ Irelan ; ShirviJ1e a modern theatre, the fIrst , The two second grades are , ley Wylie. Lrona, telh Cree 11. · being, of course, your comfllT1 eonard, Dan Simpson. preparing the Mother's Club l!1(. i<\. ns : Iwger ~t.... n berry, · ta.bl~ uphot sterelt chairs. There's Leo, Harlan Eirnhart. program of Friday, Nov. 5. The ,! 'mmy u!li.= , Bobby Woollaro, a third item under contemplatNlarjorie, BarlTara Hart aeL program will begin at two ' 0'- Geor~e Miller, Charles ROlltAmelia, Donna Burton. clock. zahn, Stevie Smith, Larry ion' which would really bring Noel, Jim Sheetz. , The first PM't as foll ows will Johnson, Paul T'hompson, and the theatre up to modern stan~ dclrds, but that will have to Ross, Eddie Dakin. be under the direction of My ;; . Charles Kersey. ' wait , until box-office receipts Ethel, Frances' Reynolds. Paine: Father: Elmer Jones. show that Waynesville can sup1. Reading - HOn Thanks3. ' Song~l!ntire Room. Lorin', Oyde Smallwood. port a fullv equipped show M.axwell, Bill Davis. ' giving Day" by Carole Covey. 4 . Solo-George ' Miller. ' hou. e. Let's hope the ao 'we.- is I~natuis, Dick Lawson. 2. Exercise "Corn in Col5. SoJo - Charlotte Klontz. YES. First basketball game i a- l'llial Days~' by Susan BlackabJ - 6. Pray~r - Entire Room. , Briefviews: Another in the; ' . -'-- - - -- - way ~t Blanche ter Nov. '12th. Lavern Hobbs, Brenda Wyrick, ' First home game is with Frank- barba-r,a Gruber and Nancy Mrs. Glenn D. eo~dert, Mrs. popular Bill Boya series, "Bor()Jl the lin, Nov. 19th. , , ' Carr-ieT. Warren Braddock Mrs. Ber- rowed Trouble", ,~ onl'y. WIth screen Saturday This Thurs~:lav there witt · be 3. Reading, - ., Elsie's Thanks- nard Baley and daughter calan .assembl y in or4er. to ~ele,.t giving" by Gertrude f licker . . ' led on Mrs. Haf.o~d B'orden ' and plenty of action, and a com,eay cheerleaders. They WIJl b~ ?.T'_4. Exercise - "The, Shoe- .· Mrs. ' Anna Williatnson ·- and to relieve the tension. Chapter . ,maker and the Elves" . by \Je'- daughter in M1 ~mlsburg on 11 · of the B'rick , Bratlfoni sernounced n~xt week. iaJ comes up tltlt night, with ,There will liC' no school Fn- liJab Bogan,- Bobby (ira. H:4tr- ~ 'ednesday. _-----l ' _ POiS(lO Gas the main enemy of day bec!luse of the South yve t,- rison Lamb, A:1Jen Cain, B i ~t y ' OUT hero. Last Saturdly little ern OhIO Teachers Ass clatio 'l Brown, Don Frye, David Fo ~.. , Po E.A,:) 'c A;;: TT.: C .• Ujh~ Ad. Charle's ,Stansberry wets the -~. ~: , · lucky BB award wfnner, 'and h '~ kept right on smiling even' when _ ..... .' , 0 I insisted on calling him Bill. .MteT . all, brother Bill StalJsH'
C '
PAGE f NO) 4,;'92 ",..1', 1911fl
TfoIE f..HAMI Gh .. E TTE
oCTcn F~i1
- - -.- ---- -- - -
berry, usher and popc l1 rn m i 11 is a valuable cog in the Tw n wheel, so perhaps little Ch'l. lie realJy didn't mintf: Usual awarc1 wil1 be given this Saturday, of c;:ourse. : I
Miss Letitia Schatzman ot Cincinnati wets ,3 Wednesday guests of Mr. and MfS. W. O. Raper. '
Grade School Notes ,
.·~ ':. ." t·r ~"J~l,f~ . . . . '"~ ... ... ... _... 1 'I.'"' .
I ... [)
...... .._._-- ._.. --- -.- -:-:===,-
HAD I' 1OI,fQ7 OHIO ......,
WI1II $10 l'UtON DOLlAlS '!O _ for local., .......... VI.I. , thl. Htwtpapet ,
Call, Wlr. or Write, our r.p .....ntatlv..
117 (InnNS J.UILDIN. 150 EUCl~" AVENU,
CLIVIlAND '4, OHIO IV...... mil
Veteran of WlOrld War tr . CA,NDIOAITE FOR
WARREN :'COUNTY · ~ 'SHERlFrF ,. Election : November ', 2, 1948 ,
Born, Morrow, -Ohio. Lived in Warren County 28 ''Y~rs. ; Engineering officer all , through World , War' II. Different , • place~. se~ved. ' durin~ war: Africa, England, South Pacific, includmg Okma,wa, Egypt and ,India.
" ·l'\..
tMPJ '~ 7~,tMe.;
~ , 4 . ~I" , '-'
lor 'R!lAXED__COM~ORl
'G R'E Y H C).tt N D I -U·S
lorR!AreCONOMY ,foi'NATIONWIDE TRAVEL' ......--1 4!!".""'S.""- - . . . . ;_ _
_ __ _
, . Birthday on Election Day , .-
I was bo rn at Morrow Oilio ' have ... ' 2, 1919, lived In Warren County 18 \ ta rs. On Election Day i wilt be 29 . The birthday gUt 1 wo ul·1 I j :; t of all is your v(Ae If I am elected, that would hI! th e ' m,ost wonderful pr(>s~ :1 t I l'vef received and I will try to l11.1k ,. you· a good sheriff. Ju: t mark your X ill , fr :mt o f Russell Garrison for VI aI" \.: l County Sheriff. .J wish to m :lk ~ a correction-it has been rum · (·red that I hav~ moved,' '0' , of the' county, this is not t!'ue: ' Anyone wishin~ to contact J1lt" - I ;ive 5 miles east of Morrow ('n 3C fiighway. " Thank Y'Jlt on t and 'all. Your vote and support will be great1v 'ap- '
qn IN0Y,em b er
- ..Pol. Adv.
The 'Rainbow Advisor)' Council met at the home of Mr. 1nd ' R. G. Miller on Tu.esd;ly evening. Mr. Miller' led ~n the discussion on "BuJlets or Ballots, " Mrs. Lon ~~ford was in cbarge of the soclal hour, after '\lrhich refreshments were served. .The council adjourned . to meet with Mr. and M rs. f:harles LeMay in November for a turke¥ ditmer. "
------------------------------~------~-~~~------------------~-~----.--Mrs.' Frances 'Gray' has the an'd Russell. ' . Wilbur · Clark 'and on Suilday ------------.-'-.~-~--a11 accompanied Mr. and 'Mrs" , I great honor of having the Mr. and Mrs Th'Omas Collins Claude Rig,gs of Social Row on Our Barber Shop blouse, which she made and and Charles Collins of Dayton which received first ,place in the were Sunday afternoon gllests a motor t~ip to Hockincr b will be Closed loca], co\mt,y, an'<! State Grang- of Mr. and ,Mrs. Walter Ken- Co!mty, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Arthur es, now placed on disnlay at rick. fo.r 'Vacation. Sardini~ spent from Wedof the National Grang~ in Maine. Paul Johns of the University nesda v- until Friday with their of Cincinnati spent the week- son-in-law NOV. 6 to 22 and daughter, Mr. . end ~ith Mrs. ~argaret Johns. and Mrs. Charles Tumbleson Bobby and Jane Kenrick are and family·. ORVIllE GRAY . spending this week d the home 1- ' _ _ _ ... _ "__ . and Mrs. A. O. Williams their uncle and aunt Mr. and of Mr.Dayton Mr. an':! Mr ~; . H1rve 'i B'ur:l et of CHESTER CAREY were overnight EAST WAYNE COUNCIL Stanley Bailey ' on the . y,uests Wednesday of ' Mr. and enterbained the West WaYlli:! Mrs. . The. ~ast ~ay:rie Advisory Acvisory Coundl on \\fe dne~ Township Road. Mrs. Leslie ,Grav arid family Harold Steinke returned and all enjoyed th e' evening CouncIl met Frtday evening- ::I t day ' evening~ Miss Laura Hosh.<?me frw.n St. Elizabe'th 'Hos- with Mr: and Mrs. A. F .. Kyte, the home of Mr. and Mrs. El i :~:-l ·.. le was a guest. . Furnas with Mr. and Mrs, J, Mrs. Harold Whitaker enter- pltal FTJday after nndeJ:going a,nd theIr Television, The WilM. Greene and Mr. and Mrs ' tained the L vtle Card Club at an operation. He,s doing nice· liams 'also visited Mr. and Mr; Eldon Retallick and sons a' Der home, ThursQay afternoon. ]y. Wi11iam Graham. ., M.r. and Mrs. Seth Furna guests. Mrs. Sarah Braddoc " Mrs. J. B. Jones spent. was the leader of disclJ stO n on Thursdav with Mrs . . Wilt iam and Miss Mary Brown att~nd- .,. ~rs. A. 0. ' Griffy and Mrs. ,ed the Warren County Histo i· JO·Ylh Davis entertained at the "My Vote-and I," stressil g that Berg-dall in Dayton. everybody must go1o the pO I ~' i d " I ;. tir " I r"':lagle of Cin- ical Society meeting at the Gnffy home Thursday afterThe council adjourn lT cinr ati i pell ding a vacation , Golden Lamb Lebanon, Mon- noon, as a farewell for "Mrs. , meet with Mr. aKd Mr . . 'Ve ' ,with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bur- day evening. . .. Lee Talmadge, who nas moved NCR;:. :S ri~(\C K CCVPANV Guests ,of Mr. and Mrs. Ev- ro \V hiilingtori. Guests were ' lar Hoat io' Novemh ' r t ; • I, [ . r~r, " II r relatives, O in'cif'l r'la ti Uni o " S~ock Vard. refreshments we fe ser L 1 Mrs. E. R. · L,.iv. Mr. and Mrs ·William Tinney erett Earlv on Sunday were: Mr~. Talmadge, Wire and ProQre ••lv e• An and children of near Wa yne'!.- Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Rolfes Bentley, Mrs. ·R. 1•• SntterthOraan iz2tl(; n !.econd '0 non.. "'3A ZETTE Strict'I ••·l ' ~r. on the beat ville were Sunday dinner-gu'st ' of Cincinnati and Mr. and Mrs.~ walte, Mrs. Jesse Thomas, Mr . , _ C: -1 T SERS .11 erc, .. I,U 'THi ,'''et In til. of /.\ r. ,and Mrs. <;iuy Ro uLaim Ray Blake and Bobby Mor~an H~rrv Satter~hwaite and Mrs. co u"'." v . of Dayton. ' Ehzabeto Smith. Two tables of - - : . ; . . _.- - -- - .. SE. ~" t CE TrA'T eAT_SFIE. , Everett Githens, is convale, c_ c~rrts were in p'Iay. ' '\' " , . I '0 V \UI I ~ _bll F., 8, T. ing at his home here since re-' Dh ! l..J [ W J~· n C'.lnnft.U turnin~ a 'week , ago after an , , ~. 1 '\ , : , V v • . _. . , llnll~ M ,i ll lLd 1 t :'OT" • operahon ,for hernia at M iani i . Valley Hospital. His mother, , Mrs. Lulu Githens of Dayton , ., is helping care for him. Miss Safah B~rnet of .Dayton was a dinner guest Sunday . of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet POSSESSION NOW and Mis's ·Laura RosnaR;ie. Miss .. ." Burnet accompanied Mrs. Malocatecf. two miles East of W·aynesville on Route ,3. Twobe} Dinwiddie and ' ~aughter story, ' eight-room frame house, slate roof, two baths,·, hot MISS J\utha z ' to ,Dayton. They water heat, stoker, two-car garage lots of shade. " , were e,e!lm g callers e Shqwn by appointment any time except ·?:~ys. . :Burnet. 0111.. Miss ,Nancy Tumbleson gave . WILBUR N, SEARS. . a '·slumb~r. ", party" Monday The guests were:' Misses June WAYNESVillE, ,OHIO PHONE 26&1 ' Mendenhall, Rickey P·almer ana Marilyn Stansberry of Wayne..:. ' T"
8 Acres \~ ith .Mpdern
,10 "
vill~ ,
Mr. 'and Mrs. ,1:. J. 'Carm ':lny 'of Springfield , were ,overnight , gues~~ ~aturday
Mr. and Mrs.
Land Bank' Loans ON
In the Ohio Parmers will gi.e you broad protection aGainst tOlMJ ,~ ,.oar fum. It c:men your buildings, your chattel" ·,OUI auromobiJ. , IIlCI JOUr lilblllty for accidents,. to ·oth~J;lI. Wby not lee' _ cod.,1 You ..... lOc·,. ale when )'()u're iosumf ia the Ohio ....... ,
'mOO :....
J~ Icbolz, 16-year-oJ(
. to :
.. ';;-
•• : .. ,....
... -
...1..1\ 'l'i! "./'~ ~
",. .
' OHIO FARMERS IMlau. . . COMPANY ' .' _~O." AlMIU I~ ,. :-co. ~~_~~_~ Cit. ..•' -
1::\ -, -
~ o ~ Oal~ !" ,
K 'e:, R 5 P I'c, r> '
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t/II ." .. ~ ~'8,," ' ,'
Oh.u Rev.,... Ch.,.,. '.
- . -- -~
and . WATER - '.
" I. II"" ,.... 1.1 I ••• '
fwe I i -. . . . . . . ....,. NO • .M.-WHIO
, . W.,..... PHONE . . .
We the unders\gned founders 0'£ the Banta 1m' Iernent Co. of Lebanon, wish ' to express our sincere appreciation fp r the bUSiness and patronage , extended us ' during 'the pas~ three years by our farmer friend~ around Waynesville.
Yoor patnioage has made possible our business expansion at- this "time. We lOOk f~rward to greeting "our· old customers .and making new ones , at our new location at 35 W'eSf Mulberry St.', in Lebanon s()on after Nov.ember first where w'e will do ljusiness with 'QUf partner , Eve'rett Hazel: WOO? under· the name o-f Banta-Hazelwood Implement Co. Inc. . ' . ., ' " .
. .' .-. :r ·.ti ,
~, RiNG .
-= .
. :~<r',
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AU f:
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IIsurance geney
....am of , . , electric: ..-nee campa,. . ~
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TO FIT YOU R I NCONt.J.E:--":'--l~--':"'---S7--!--1~--t"'r*""7"'l---w-----~r----lONG .;. .' LOW INJ"E~T '~ ' Pb'on~ 1 53, to e. Mulber:y. , LEBA~~N ,' O~
' l.J
cattle stanchioDl. The.. tam art automatically controlled in the winter @d manually controlled in the sQDlJDer when they are Used at milking time. to say about the,electric ventiJoe Scholz has lating,l ,a ns: "They keep the walls of JIl~ Dalry Bam rfectly dry in the 'coldllt weather and ,keep (lOWs a -healthy condition. They provide ~ more 'pleasant place work." ,. Whatever other de(trical equipmeot a farmer uses, one otthe most valuable uses Qf electric ,setvice i. a running water ~ystem. As every farmer knoWs, water-and plenty of'it-is a buic Decessi~y in producing food. An electric water system not 901y produces more milk, bigger egp, healthier livestock and better crops; it also stretches manpower by saving miles of steps and boun '01 chore time. Por information oil electric veadlaUoI laos and , ftiDDioB water .,uema, consult your County AJear. ~doaa1 Apica1ture teach~ or th~ Pum ~pn
"4'. WAY' FARM "NS,URANCE'~ , .
daught. ~f Joe khOIr, lIWlager of th. Gl.o Grov. Parm at Urbana, Ohio, is shown at. the electric ven~ting 'fan, on. of two ' Ini..u~ ~ the Dairy Barn. ~barD contaiaa 40
Thl1l~ Agahl'~ Dr.ep ·n a~u~" See. ' Us. ' '* ..,.. ,
r- ~"""_~.:I
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.- c_ _
'" __ :~t " Coff•• Cake
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2 j?a,kaae' ~ast. compressed or i!ry Rranular '14 . C1IP lulmrana water 1 (\:~ mille ' ~~ CIlP shortftlinc,
II '
:M. II. ;... y;
;•. D. IORIO
2 cups cran1lcrrics
Y.t cup water
• Ri;A ' } 'll! ' L; . _ _ _ _ _
" .. '. 31.
CASH ' ,. \08
~ cup su....
' . tealJ)OOlll ..\t :I c.... k."" . , cup••iftrd cnricW ••• ( ....t) ' Cranberry FilIi.1
8ecm:ltyJ No matter what yoar pre.me II. or wll.t ,..ar , . ..... ".)' be-uvlDa ....y will at r.. rut..... ,.. . .! AIIII .a.ere'. i . . ..tu. ~OI'. -pro"ble ave
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tile eODvnlnl PaneD Sav",,'
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........... wbere " • •GI'k! Eve . .0Dar tacked 1tHd. Ioda,. .. part .., ,oar ''take-heme a~ laP"-IDO~ GROW8. U,.,j, promille ., better till.... aIIead for ,.. ud year family. rer .... u,,~ emplo,ee1, tile ....·&e•••tII PIa. wbere ,oa b.u Itrov'" til. aaio-
cup .u..,
~ place 1m Uae P~rade ..
" -'
.. t.blcsllOOll' comstalCh 2 tea.poons .rated OflQC rind
Cook cranberries In water until eonatantly. Remove from heat Mix SUR'r-:.r and and aM oranKe rind. Mix .thor· ' eiornltareh., Add to eranberries. ou«hiy. Q,ol before uI.... ,.nd '... "'._.-eook until -. -thicke~ed. ... . . ..... r.tirrin« .- ~ . .... . ... ~ _ . ... _ . ..
ITt~ ;\1S
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the s!dna burst.
~· · RP1 ~·S
( ! r r( ' !\
Soft:,n Y\)SEt i~ tuke*3lr. water. lar sheet about 10 "Iebel Ina' t:::l~d mUk. Add .bOr'~nin«, 8UA'· and 15 inche. wide. Cover half the ar ucl u!t. Cool ' to lukewarm. sheet of doulth with CranbelT7' Add two cups flour. beatin« well. Filling. Cut' the other half of the: Add softened yeal~t and beaten sheet ·of do~h into even number. ea-gS. Mix well. I~dd relllaininA' of IItriP' tJlree-fourthl inch wid., · flour to make Q !c::ft. douA'h. Turn cuttinJt to the eel... of the Allin«. out on liabtly floured board and Twist two adjoinin~ strips toknead . \Ult~l amoo1t!l and satiny. I.,ether, and lay brist ~er ftl1in«. . Place I. ~\ bowl; eover and Fall~ ,end~ of twisted 'I;Jtrips by , h~ rile ,:M11 cJpbJed lil bulk tu!=klnA' them · under the ~~ of · 'about two hounlk'When -dotaA'h coRee ealce. Plaee onp.llud hal", · I. rill., make , ft11intr~ When in« sheet and let riSf. untU doubled , c10uala , I. UA'ht, 1)unch down. Di- in' bulk (about one hour). •ke , "de Into two 4~al pomona. in moderate ovel' (8-76 aeRl'eu Cover and let n~.t 10 minute.. F.)I 25 to 30 minutef.l; Malees two RaU each portion into a rectanA'U· . coffee cakes. . CRANBERRY FILLING .'
\o ~ n
, IND.
Twists of sweet yeast dough bridge the cranberr1 ftlli:tg of this
eolee c:ake. Extra glamour i. added by the drift of confectioners sugar idng. .\ Cranberry twist coffee cake it! one of those appealillg hot. Lr ' ac!s which are almost te,o attracti:ve to eat. But just h'" ak nway one of · the lattiee.like sections and taste the wonderful t 'inatioo of tart eranbeiTles and sw~et yeast douJth. In .pite of ita intricate ap'Pearane,~L the coffee caiee is ' easy to make and can be duplicated 88 often alljJle family demands. Even the end of the eranbemr season need not put this recipe out 01 cireulatlon, for canned whole ernnberry sauce may be used' as flUinA'. • .~ In food value, coifee cake is alwaY's in season. In ita yeast dourh ' Nse is enriched flo'llr, a buie food which provide. B-vitaminl" iroll, . )'Jrotein and food .merlO". Flour i. 10 versatile and economical that it should be used generoully. '. . , Serve eranberr,v ~st coffee ake as breakfast bread, mid-after noon treat or supper ,dessert. It shapel up into lOme of the beat ..tina fou'v,e lIfo:1. · . CRANBERRY TWIST COFFEE CAKE )
..atio, ...e, .-re, ,roatable way to pi Imto &be 8eoarltJ ......e. Sign ap for 8ecl1ll'1iJ toda~t ADd remerrt-
i '" . . .
IS YOYJ SECtntrn·t
l ,
.•,_ ', .
(/. of. l'~tUtf'; lhparhti~'· •J .... .... . ....·t ...... .. • • !
It 8 8 12
__Ba1tIe of White Pklw.
!1'OTAL ~ Electoral Vot ':),·,
to' Elect) .' ____ r= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~:-------_ _----~--~-------------~~~ { ac......y
~boe .Repair
llI' •
\118. '
II-SIr Waiter 'flaleIQh' be-
30-:::~:: r 1882. Jr, born.
CASH FOR DEAD COWS $5.00; aORSES' ,$ 5.00; ~OGS $1.S0 c:wt. Acco~dmg to size 'and c'o ndition Prompt, Clean Service PH,ONE COLLECT Xenia 17'1 2 , or , Wilmington · ~362 · .
, I
," vdle, Ohio
~ S .. '
l-ConQr •••lonal Ubrary opened 1897
2-North. Dakoto oUtrutled , to Unlcln. \889.
In visi hle Half Solin g Orth re ~1 ! c ( "(1 'Jed' ll n _
S-Peary I discovery 01 North Pole confirmed.
C~)j k Ext~ns lO ns
Henry H'.' Moeller
111·13 ~ . M~y 51.
IptANON, 'OHlO '
A re~J famJl1 treat for yO"ung and oldl- Thq Coupon and ,t.oC!' Win admit 4 Adults or 1 chPdren. Brlna your 'ftieDds .r YOlll "'mn~
. '.,.
, Mr.. and Mrs. J. N. Robinson and children of ,Dayton were[ Sunday' 'guests of :their parents" Mr. and Mrs. E. F. - Earnhart. '
Mr. and MtS. P. L. Reason were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Sadie Reason in Harvey~ buU. ' Durin~ -the afternoon they were ,;omed by Mr and Miss. Ann ' Weltz. of Capit(,l Mrs~ Virgil ·(Ott of Dayton. University was the' week-end .,' . guest of her grandpa'rents, Mr. ,and Mrs. C. Lee Hawke, Mr. Mrs. Harry Satterthwaite was and Mrs. Hawke, Mrs. \Veltz" a Friday afternoon' guests of and son accompanied her home' Miss Cora ' Pflaumer and Mi '$ on Sunday evening. Isa Reps, in Wilmington .
-.. ' ..._ , ......
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. troll e and Mrs. Leah Mills were SunMrs .. Roy Piinspach ~md Mrs. day, ·dinner ~ues~s of Mr. and ' Harry Satterthwaite visited Mrs. Dan· Clme In Dayton. tb~eihr . Mo'ther'FMrsk'l R. E. Hal'_ _ _ _'_____'_ 1C t near ran in on SunMr. and Mrs. John J. Burske . day. visited in New Castle, Ind., on Sunday. , , .,. Mr~. Grace L. gmith was a -Ruest ot relatives ira Columbus . . ~ Mrs. Matt,le Stoops of .Van frum Sunday until 1 hur~day of \\ert and MISS Ruth DennIS of ' ~he past week. ' ' '_ _ _~'" Dayton were :Saturda v guests 1)f Frank Holmes at 'the home of Mr. and' Mrs. lo yd Davis. Miss Ada Courtney attended Mr~ and Mrs. Clarence J. Davis tile Ohio Librarians Convenalso were dinner guest ' bon at the Biltmore Hotel ia Uayt1.l! on Thursd~J and Fri' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud day. _ and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson .and daughter enjoyed 1 h~ Girl's Friendlv Society, a sight-seeing trip in' Kentucky '\': ith Mr. and Mn Don Hadon Sunday. leJ, Poev. aQq Mrc;.. S. N. .Ke}s, ....i-.... , _ _ _ __ ~I, r. (;nd Mrs. V ,~(non Simpson, Mr. and Mrs.' Gilbett Frye Mrs,' Charles Mchaffi,~ an~ Mr. and s!,ns l enter~ined at diqner and Mrs. <;:::harles Starr, visited' on Fnday evenmg_Mr. and Mrs. tll( C~ildren's Hospihl in ':in- ' Marion Linder, Mr. , aDd MIt. CiltnJ1.i t1'n Sunday afternoon. H. R. MoSS; WiUiam.. MGss, Mrs. '1 hey enjoyed Sun~ay even:ng Reba Braddock anl 'Mrs. Gora supper with the Woman's AuxRich. . Iliarv in !loard H"~ . ,
Don't let t~ls happen Ie ,eul
Winter Oil Change Dyna-Lube Mercury M~cle
.Y~. the ~~ducation of your children, ~ entire future Woelfare. is 'yout RSpoiisltinlfJ. DIscharge it conscientiously IIld EASflY by saving,RBGULAR_ LY. We are ready to help you' now. Stop in r
~Replace 'Worn nre~ Witl] New'
.Belcher's .Snoot.
maltriah~· '
the _
We .pervlse all arranpments, ~~ to the cosls. and ~we ,atteRd it personaUY ' 1f essary. ' .
,"eCtUIE ' 'UN ,EI~' l' ,H OME .
~ "~
PI:IONE 2423
cost.: We want to make it clear' that in sueb 'cases there need ' be little expense.
Batteries Sunoco , Auto-Lite
U S; Royals
,tal"ce add
Anti-,Freeze Zerone-Thermo Dole Thermostats for all cars .
'ayaesviDe . 'Natiooal Bank
AI\I~WHEREI , We have been , asked if fun~rals held at "a dis-
WAYNI.VltLL 0.10 •
THE MIAMI GAZETTE.. PlAUE 8 , WAYNESVILLE, ,O HIO . No. 4392 THURSDAY, OCTOBE~ 28, 1949 ------~-------------~
FOR SALE - FRY'ING Chickens live or dressed. Phone Spring Valley 3-7202~ -1t4 CLASSIFIED AD RATES '1o PER WORD
us for insurance. All types of insurance at a savi'ngs. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2472 Or. call 'coned. ~i1mington 2 t t t.
Noti-ce fs h~reby given, that In pursuance ' of ,a resolutIon of the ' Cauncll ot the VUJage of ~7Des. vUle, Warren County, Ohio passed , the 2nd day of July 1948. there wlU 'be submitted to a vote ot the ~OR ' SALEpeople of the VH1a«e ot WaYnesvllIi!. Warren County, Ohio at the General , Started Poland China sow' with Eleotion to be ~e14 in said Vl'lJage 10 pigs. 45 Ham..,shir 1 ig:l at th~ 'regular places' of voting ready to wean. Everett L. therein. on Tuesday the 2nd day of Sears, one mile west of November 1948, a renewal of a tax Waynesville on Rqute 73. at a r~te not e~eed1ng two and PllOne 2242. - 1 2>3 one-half' (2%) mUla tor each one ---~---- .---- . -. ot, Valuation. which amounts ENSILAGE TOCK at Rox- dollar to twenty-five (26) cents tor each : l nn a Canning Co., Roxanna, one hundred dollars of valuation for Uhio, wiJI be o pened on the ' purpose 0 t CURRENT Monday, Nov. 1. -10 2 ~' EXP~SE8 of 88.1et" vii1ace, KENMORE KEROSENE tange, tor 'the Itax year , 1949 and for a table top. Good condition. .period of four ~s thereafter. The pone for saJd' eleoUon w,11l George Henderson. --114 open at 6: 30' A. ' M. 81n4 'remain open Buscher Alto Saxophone, $60. until 6: 30 P. M. (Eaatern Standard , Windsor Clarinet, $40. 8 Time) 01' said day. , Victrola records for drums, By order of the Boa.rd of Elec, 4.50. ,8-tuhe Majec;tic radio: tions of wa.~en County, O~lo. All in good condition. Mrs:, JOHN E. HOLDJDN, '
OF APPC.INTMENT Administra1tor I ,Estate of J. ,C. ·qr.:ay deceased Notice is hereb ",R'iven that Charles H, Gtav and Meryl B. , Gray who , e Post Office Address, is Xenia, Ohio and Lebanen, Ohio have been duiv appdint.ed as Administrators of the ,Estate of J. C. Gliay late of Warren Cpunty, Ohio, deceas:' ed. ' , Dated this 1 ~ t~ day of October t 948. ' Meryl B. Gray, Atty., , _ Ra~ph H. Carey Judge- of the Probate Court , , Warren County, Ohio. ' ,
Earnhart, ' Phone - ,1 02-8
MAYTAG Washing ,Machine, ' new model , used one and a half "years. Square tub: Mrs: John Chenowet~, d~fense cabin half mite ' north of Lytle. -{028 FOR MILE - ~ H'EATROL_~
secGnd size, buJ:ned • pan of one season. AJso laundry :stove. Wymer Orale, Phone "2: ~f~ . " -indo
APPl~- Jonathan~ ()>rt-
lands and Grimes uolden. " ~ Also ' RED DELICIOUS • Underwood ' Orchard. Hat-, I. ' ,veysbutg. Phone 2897. . ,.. . -1rIIl .
i-White Sewing Machin! i-Upright Piano ' (Weaver) , 1-8 Piece Dining Room suite with China Closet ' t-9x12 Co.ngoleum Rug 1--Platforin Rocker Ohalrman 1~Overstuffed CI1air A. II. PARKER, ' , ' '! -Simmons Studio-Couch Clerk. i-Glass Cupboard i-Simmons Metal Bed with springs and inru~r spri~g NOTICE OF "ELECTION ON REmattress NEWAL OF A TAX, OUTSIDE I-Lawn Mower TEN MILL ~IM.ITATION AIJ in GO(\~ Col~dit on. MoUee .. 1»:,....". ..~ tlI&t In ,.pursuance , of a ....lu~1l ·of the PHONE 27l~3 , Board of lDcluoaUoD, of WQUe 'Looal School Dqtrjct, WWNa CoUDt,.~ , J. 'I . ¥ . , ~ ~~':ay:ne.sv.me I
the 118t' ~ or.
_Kj d n .~. 'l' $, ~ U at '~. .Work Weft the recuJar pJace. of votlq therelD, ..-s '
Tue84~ the ID4 4&,. of Nov-
,11.i. , a
,reaewas Of a
at a rate DOt ucee1liDc three
tas (I)-
mIDII tor eatoh oDe 40Uar of .aaUon. ,rhSch ,tIlIrtJ' _~O) cente tor each Oil. IlQl14N4 doUare
open unUI , .:10
Stanclar4 T .....j CII
For You ,"0 Feell '"
'. -
CHRYSAINTHEM,UMS .~ At amounta to special prices through Octo. ber. 30 colors. Edn~ St. dohn, of ftkiatton, for the P1IJ:'POH. of , South Maln Street. -102g CURRENT ' EX.PiIiNSJDS ~ ,tile , SITUNI'IONS WANTEpt- , Scbool D1etrlct, ft»r a period of five (5) year" -.mnu.. 1ritIa the - . ' Witl take care of one · or two "am ~ dt4.. , The pone for eaI4 electloa wiD Children in my home days. open at ':10 Ao ' 1I. aD ........... Box 16t WayneSVille. I
s t:.
It,48, there wtU be ribadtte4 to a vote Df the . people of 8Cboo1 Dletrlot, '.t the 0eDera.l lIlI~oll to be bel4 In IIL14 801iool DfIItrlct
w " ~'\!'II:
AU 'voters., nQrth · of N~r.th street will vO,te ,at t~e fire bouse on Chapman Street.. . All
, south of North Street will v.ote .at Mary Earnharfs ' r~idence ',<>n Miami Street. General elee. tion : Nov. ' 2. I
Portable Equipmenf ' ,,' can Be BroUlbt to the Job ~
al Lee ,
.~ia \ .
=~,~fn, '~-:A~ "hole~~f • . ~_t ~ .~ , i'aaiitJoa prop~ " at! -=~~I=t7,,:.:ot~:~':'~Ut~\; :e:el'Oll~!::b~cII~::"~~~
".Iae. cettinl QP at D!cb.....~, _ '__
'~,. ':r..D~t ~r:.I=·~="'': r.:
' eountl7 0 . .". DN.'.8daiUlatetbe' fWl" tlon or tbe Idda.,. aad IieIp tM. Ii'* , ftueh out POiaoD01a '=1Iif~ tiea.. .ti aII' 4l'11K '
P.'" (........
a14 ~.
' "~JLP~ ~ . ': ','0l0rIL r~ . . -
-1011 .
' ,!
24 boun • .,..., ev.. Q' "eel( ••:natter ever .toppla:,' 1I"loq. ftl t,et ,. "ute frolA the tt.. b~~~. If llon Reople~.,. a . .~ 01 b~?, ~
matter tIIit..-aot
NOW OJ'EN, By order 'or tIa.', ~ Of lID..,ro.r..m ""'p ...t _ -tiona of Wu,;.. eo... ,Oblo. for 'custom butcliering=-~--P= , .roJDt a BOL'DBN, 'service: Gail Gorg~n~. Harveys- , 't,urg. Phone WayneSVille ~OC!6d. ,
' ,
" .\
.... ~ ,
r. .... ..
~~jt Ben.
Lrlotr .. Brink .Del David
l)f".'tra, k.atD« 'de.
ON BO~BOWED TIMB,"to be pre-;
I!lcnted eel ttw Bpiecopal Church~. radio p ......m -GBBA'!' SCENES, .( FR~M GIP. .~T ~LAYS, Friday, Odober 29 al ~'l.M •• EST~ FIOID
beautliul ,lav. the ChuicJa dl'a••• meaa•• of 1m . e"erJ ......rer. eBpUiaU, to heaten who do net,belC!DI, to aD1 '
, ~~ ~ ~ MII~ B~ ~~_ .~~ ,
' 'J. ~e6ar6 C'. *reek
of out Qleml'er5 are
attend~ng a series 9£ lessbn~Jl,r
Hinle Sc1too), .. jy9rR:ers in \\':,. p1i~~to ' ,bn ' "p'\d~~ , 9ight~ ..
Mrs. Raleigh ,Bogan en er- " Mr. and Mrs. William Smdh tained members of the W. and Marilyn Sue ,and.Mrs. Mary ~. T. U. at her home last "Bogan 'were 5qnda V dinner 1 uesday afternoon. , guests j~ the Bogan J~ome. Some oJ the ~omen <?f , . In "honor of her Mother's Ca~ars Cree~ meetan~ m~t 'at ' b.il'thday, Mrs. _DQn~~' HaIJes, the- .borne 'Of Glenna' Wilson entertained 'her I>at'~tc;; Mt. one ~ft~rnoon , tast week and and Mrs. WhefStolle.-e>f Xenia, 'mad~ toys for children n"er· to ' dinner one eftiJn(' last ' atas. T ~y are p 1nnlng to m~t week. '. _ again thIS week. JoJm W!ilson and Rob~tt ~nd Mr$. Stanley-H. Bailey, Mrs. Mr. ind Mrs. Rlyrnon~ Wilson ~. 'Villiam Strouse ~rs. R11SS ' aUt,o~iled a familY1. -reunlot. in H Ha.fL'ftclc, -Mrs. BtNie Mills, .~~. r Hif~land County, Sunday; ' Mr. and Mo. Everett Earlv, Marilyn Sue Smith afietHIed Mf, and Mrs. Marv.ln Smith" a SChool aass-Party at ,1111' and . Mrs John J. Bursk~ athome of....Shi,ley Lovelet near tcn':'~d the Grand Ch~ '- .I Or. 401 X ' re,"~n, " cf- E'astem~ ' Stat,. enta 'Y~ " eer ." eve" kaleigh 8(),an waCl' enter- land during the ~~ w~.ik~ Mr~. tained In hoaor . of hiS birth- JmJn. Fromm, ' rS. , H:arold B. day al a famU, "'dlnner at tbe E.ar!lhart~ .MiSs aomi S.....hatt kome of his btother, E~an HI)- aad J. J. Bunke atteniled on -an am! family 'liI Da"'or..' "1'Jtun:day. b 11~ ~ -,. Mr. and ,¥ 'rs. RaymGnu Dur• den and daughters eutertan:~ed ~r. and, Mr. 'Louis Fires", Mr.s.. seviral frienils wi(f1 a "~fish:- DprlS ke..ned....ltiMiry lou kenfrt~ one evenIng Jasti week. . nedy~, · Mr. l1Kl Mr~. , Robert Miss Jerra Jea(l 'WilsOh ot ' M&edith and 'Paul Harley were Dalton is spenJing ' afew days sunday dinner guests . of Mr. ~th lier gr'andparentS, ~r: atlj, ~ ,aJUl'. Mrs, C. 1:1. HarbIson ,ill , MI~ Weldon "'i1son. " . Oakwood. J
''---=»------.. .
It Say-s._ ·Here -,
Th~ Miami ,
SchooLTown Tax Levies Pass Local voters gave a resounding "Yes" to the two tax renewal que tions, unofficial returns show. Th~ schooi board's' 3-mill renewaf, covering all Wayne twp., received . :759 favorable votes to 221 votes agar~st. , The village's 2lh -mill renewal received 35 t
for and 83 against. Both are for five years, ending in 19:; 3" Otherwise, Wl,ayne twp. w... nt olidly ~epub1ican except for the heriff contest,' in which it gave Democrat Russell ' G~'r rison a margin' of abour 100! Detailed votes from the tow'nship on contested positions are sho\yn elsewhere on · th i~ page.
. B, Smittv ' How ' much attention do, FIV,E CENTS A COpy people pay to a riewspaper? No. 4393 Tne answer isn't , very flattering to an editor who likes WAYNESVILLE, OHIO "HU '~SDAY, NOVEMBER ,4, 1949 tn think of the public hang--~----::..--------=--.-.:....---ing on his every ' word., , Take politics, for instance. All through the past 16 ears, editors nave ' ,been a stanchly W~yn e ville 'vVayne Wayne Wayne , To tal Republican gr'oup. Th ey have t North South East NW SW tried to get their reader's to be' , Schoo.! tax: ' Republican too. Last T~ s day, For 2 2 150 132 203 ,1 2 for · the fifth time in 16 years, 759 A ain t their 'effort, failed. feur fifths 42 40 34 74 31 2 21. of the nation's news~pers are V ill age tax: 'For . Republican, but more than half 198 15 3 351 of their readers still go on Against 49 34 . · 83 voting Democratic. President: Truman 113 92 9~ 144 39 479 , Ther are .other time \V·hen , Dewey , 1 56 1 29 12 8 1,65 73 , 0 5 1 editorial. "influence" i n' t there; Maybe it's just as well that Governor: way,' It shows that Americans Lau che 107 96 97 146 42 488 are till u ed to doing their OWn Herbert 157 119 120 162 74 6 32 thinking~ So long as the 'people Sheriff : don't fall for everythin~ -they Couden (R) " 133 ' 93 99 124 54 503 are tol d, freedom bas a' good Garrison (D) 132 120 1,11 181 62 :;06 ~hance. The oPPosition from C unty Commissioner: the press can be gOOd for the Barr (R) , 151 116 110 148 68 admmistration too. It's bound 593 Nixon (R) 143 , 107 114 147 65 to I ring aut the otller si~e of 576 Kearns (D) . wh'atever steps the. White 108 96 95 144 50 493. House wa'nts t~ take, and keeIt CommiSSioner, unexpired term: Washington on it to.es. ~. Hagemeyer " 26 19 4, 3 10 52 . HARRY 5. , TRUMAN ALVIN W. BARKLEY Locally, we will f,:ontinue to' be represented· in ,Congress by .a leader of _the 80th !'Gongress whlch was so decisIvely repu, (liated on. Tuesdav. Whether MRS.' ROSA E.' BAUER . this' 'was the will of the people , Foul' 'persons wer~ i'hjured ' Max D. Harts~ck ' ~as elecor . not, ~.e'tt nev~r k~ow. Mrs. Rosa E. -Ba,qer,' 56, of . • ~... 1Men ' c:u:s ,. ted , t~ _th~ ~a.r~e~sy'lle . to~ ·Waynes¥iI1e "Route 2 died SatThere Wa5"'t allY,.choiceo'" ~yaes~il1e-t1igh Scllpol now , Near1y' 6000 Warren Coun .. t:!riven hy Walter ,W. Sd~a~f ' council.,Mo~~ay ,fJ'l{ht J:>y the urday evening iii Christ Hos- has a new 16 mm. motie pro .. tians vot¢(! fot President Tru- nf ' 70(1 ~lawfold St.• ' Middle· -four members whO[ reml!,ined pltal, Cincinnati, of comptlca- jector and ,a concert grand lIlatl, but they had no chance 'town" a~d W,I ter Nle~amp, f')f ~fter the recent r~lgnafi0!l of tions resulting ,from a recent piano tn broaden Its educat· to vote for a conrressman to nvam vi!te, InCl., eolhdc:J a t Earl Conner. Routme busl~s operation. , . ' ional program~ , back up his "I'rorram. Nobody MisseJdine~s cpmer: SOUtil r:.f was. transacted at the monthly Born in Newton, Ohio, she The projector was purch~" ,W I$ running. Lef's hope there \'/4ynesvilIe. The front e1!G ,~ . ,- sesston , a,ttended by , Mayor . had been a resident o.f this area ed by the school board Man.. ylll be competition for this of- "oth cars were demolishe 1. ~arry . ~herw~o~ , for ..the f~rst for eight to ten years. She is day night at a cost of '500 ~ hereafter. The crash occurred 011 wet time slOte , hiS ser~ous 01· survived bv her husband, less -th.~ trade-In value Qf i1S ' p~vement when -Sc.h:aaf's 194 t ' ness. Charles; tnree daughters, Mrs. cumbersome old machine. Supt. sedan emerged from Sta t~ Margaret Mathews of Mount K. M. Retallick told the board Route 122 in the path of Nie- W. c.' ~ #U. TO MEET Washin'gt~n, Mrs. I katherine the old machine discouraged kamp's t 948 car, traveling ' The' Waynes:vine W. C. T. Ewers of Cincinnati, and Miss 'lC\e of movies in 'school alHI 'south on Route 42. Twi) high .. ' U4 will meet in the Church of Loraine Bauer, ,at home; four was the only machine available, w~v. patrol cars 'and a d~puty Christ at 2 P. M. Frida'{ Nov. sons, Henry and Carl of Fay- tpgr~ups in town for iii mm. sheriff. were pn the scene to t 2, to hear a. report on the etteville, Robert o,f Waynes- ,sno'YlI)gs. He outlined the filmS' In a storm v trial Tuesday :ecent state ' convention bya vill~. and Harold a~ home; 8 available an .rental when '. evening, four b~ys were ac- ' member who attended, . . grandchildren, and a sister" good · projector is on hand, and Mrs. George Eioher o.f Bremer- a~reed to have the school's cused of hav:ilig pushed over , . ~- -J ton, Washington. , microphone fixed with scbool.. an ,.outdoor tolfet on, HaUo'we' en night. . However, court { 0 ' . 'l..larm Heads Back S~rap Drive I Requiem ~ass was held yes- funds to 'use with the projec• ObI I' . , , ~terday morD,lng an t. ' Augu3- .tor's speaker as a public' adcosts of about IW-were levie'd " . ~ . tine Catholic Cburch with Rev. dress system. " On the complainant when she Robert ·, Krumholtz officiating. The conce... grand piano, was unable to , prove the charges. , . Burial was in Guardian Angel wa~ bought in , Dayton, to be Cemetery near M:t. Washing- paid for by the: proceeds of , M,rs. Susan 'Scanlon swore ton. Arrangements were in ' the Waynesville Concert Serout ,~arrants, against "urn ,charge of the McClure Funerat ies. profits after the first con.... ~~r&:er, Jr., Earl Thompson, .' cert .a!one are almost enough Home. , william Pope" and Toddy _ for thiS, he said. Quinn, on charges' of destroying " .J_OHN S~ COMPTON The board also approved p.ropetty. She had no: witnesses, and the boys contended the 94, dt'ed , the hiring of ,~rs. Lucv McJohn 's. Compt~n. '': Garra'n as a secretary to Mr . building "was' ~ot :,tol?pled but :at 3 :3,0 P. M. ,- Sunday at his ~eta1lick~ and held furthej, .i ust Utllted .. " Pope displayed a bo~e nort~ of 'Npw ~urlington. dIscussion on the vacancy fOt , 'welt on his fQreliead wh~re he , He IS surVived by one son', ' a high· school teacher. ~ " said a tleputy const,able had hit " plmei', who lived with ~im , .f him with a blackjack while the' I ,oj:Funt'rctl serv.ices In ~harge ' of EASTERN STAR. PLANS ",' . , four were being arrested. ·the Si'l'Jbs Funeral HODl~ were T - Mayor Harry,Sherwodd 'fre~l:f held yesterday afternoon at '{he ' O ', ELECf ON MOND.AY· :_ the bo,rg on the ground 9f lack . New Burlington ~rtends Church.. . Miami~apte .. 107 0 .-- E S. of " eVlden~e,. Actfng M'a yor Buriat was in Sprjn~ Valley ~'''l meet 10 regular session On l.,oyd DaVis a159 beard testiCt:metery. Monday evelljnt~ Novem,cr 'A mony. ' d ·eight 0' c1o~k:I.Eiectiori of ot! Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith ficer~ and payment &f' dues for OLD TOYS WANTED and Mrs. L: 1:1 •. G~rdon were coming year w!ll"be 'an inipot, FOR JIOYS TO REPAIR called tq CII~9Dnab during the tant part of. the busin~ ses·lpast.'week by 'the death '(j,f Mr. sion. , ' Th, Boys Oub wilt spend Zepf. Mrs. Z~pf was th~ " A, ~Q~ere~ di:ih' , su.pper witt Philip its meeting periods from , now 1 former , Miss teah Smith of be enjoyed In the diDlog rO~nl ' 'until ' Chrl~hl~as repairing old • ' Ohio leaders of the Ibte ,-n clubs and "FA ehapt3s met 'Waynesville. at 6:10 P. M. 'and everyolll- is toys to be gi\'en to less for- ". . f'ir!~ ::matl recently to drnw plans for participation of the Buckey~ - :-..: requ~sted to provide own tahle ' tunate children from "Santa". ' · f :: :"11 ;rc :.th ehlb! In a.. four-state ,.... :·...l . to canvass farms for seraPi service. ' Anyone having toys to. 'give for metal. W. B. Palmer, Ohio ' ..8 lea( ·~ft; Bill Stroble, Mldwes,er~ Mr. and Mrs. David Hartsock thiS purpose is asied .to see the • Scrap Drive eo-ordinator, eenlerj a. . i~aJph Howard, Vo-Ag 8uper~ Mrs.- J,. B. Crabbe is confined are now living In the home vl5Ol', rl,ht, have JQt eompleted 1) ,:: l S for the drive . which wil Rev. . Samuel N. Keys or Ul'I'J froID Nov. , to U. Cash prizes wlll b~ awarded to the 4they purchnsed from Mr. at her hOI¥ ufferlng 1Vith a Ch'l:rles Menaffie. .Io.....a ITA ehapten eoUectln,·the largest tonnagel of scrap metal. Mrs. Earl Conner .on Th!rd fractured ankle, as a result of a fall-at her home. Ad. " - ..... ---
How Wayne Twp.Voted
New Councilman
School Gets 'Projector
W CoDcert' PUe" -
, f
might attend the Southwestern Ura'de Sch00I N~~tes ...... OhiQ Teachers Association in I'
The Miami Gazette
Cincinnati. Tw n very fine 'ad' , ' dresses were given fn the morOn Monday! Qf laslt week, ning. Careton Smith. who has Mrs. Carvel' was o!lLof schGol , just returned from a trip to on ·account Of sicknel)s. and Europe" spoken on Russia. Mrs. Lawrence Brown taugnt the Wayne GlIthne, who lVitn~~ FIrst. Grade. Mrs. Brow~ .~lso set! two test- of th e atom lomb , . subs.tttufed for Mr. McKnight c.ec;cribed what ~ould happen" hl on Thursday. . '. the future if brotherly love is , Did you ever get SUI excited not practiced tG a greater deover something tnat you could- ~r\!e. D. nOt f')rget Mother' ~ Club (Te have events listed in this calendar,. notify The Miami Gazette n't sit still? There wem 343 before 4 p. Jll. Tuesdays.) . ' chi1dre~ in that "fixH last ;- IId ·Jv. Thursday. It was the' day for -------... ~ the Hallowe'en Party. Must of FRIDAY, NOV· 5 !he afternoon \vas. used in playlay , at Waynesville H. S., 8 P. M. 109 game,s, ' paradm,L" c()stum~s, \Junior . , and eating popCorn candy , SATURDm, NOV. 6 cookies, apples and d'ol1uts: Th~ ( Delayed) fifth and sixth grades ha.d cider! Farrner_ Grange No. 13, regular mee}ing. The rest of us were 1ic:kin~ 'but Mrs. Olive Curl received word ~~:rr/the • __ n_••_ our tongues, but it ' tndn'~t do Frida v of the death in an au- . ,appetites' Serve SUNDAY, NOV. 7 any good! tomobile acident of her brother- C' a relilb ·with . Go to Church! , Wed.nesday morning, Miss .in-l~w, K,arl KI~in of ln~ctiana- r :aJ:::~moe:!s a .!:k or'sand. Corpo rate communion for every-member canvass, St. Mary's Weaver, ~ spectaDy trained polts. Mr. Klem 'Was the husch IW;;d'. You'll 1bld the veraa" stat~, spe~ker, pres~uted tn the . band of Mrs. Veda McPherson . 7:30 A. M. . e little red berrlel pep up menu.' fourth, ,fIfth and slxth grades. Klein who several years a 0-0 U lOon al they appear on the. tableJ ~ ~. Bere's a snack-time ide. that. MONDAY, NOV. 8 a fine talk and pictures 'on the waS a musIc. supervI50:, m eeta with approval--a big boW~ evils of alcohol. Sh'e~ did not Wayne Township Schoo.ls. Cranbel'l')' Applesauct,-'mugs 0 Miami Chapter, O. E. ." elecfion of officers, 8 P. M. neglect to mention t'mf. alcohol . ' • •• ' t chocolate or coffee and a haa \\layne Twp. Legion post, 8 P. M. Mr. and- Mrso Bert Collins ,'plate of do!hnute , or 'yotni , also may be used to advantage, Boy Scout. Troop 40 at 7:15 P. M. but not as a drfn~ , , of Sh·eridan, Ind., Mr. and ='~h~:\!~ae"~~~a~o= School was dismissed on Mrs. Lawrence Peterson of eDU after the sbanr TUESDAY, NOV. 9 Friday in order th:\t teachers In.dianapoli~ and Mr . ..and Mrs. \ CRANBERRY APPLBSAl1CB ' Waynesville Lodge, F. & A. M., election of officers, 8 P. M. Milton Sheehan of Centerville '~2 capi lUlU - .~'. '. ' ;'- ~ i . called on Mrs. Alice Clark Sat- ',;. • .:~" w·~I~,g~:~· ~ Harvey burg H. S. Junior play, 8 :15 P. M. urday afternoon. . ... c::.~aabmia . ~ Boy Club at S. N. Keys home,. 7 :30 P. M. Dr. Emma Holloway spent 'BOD ~ aDd ".ter torether HIS STORY ·AND WED~ESDAy,NOV~ 10 Wednesday at t~e State W. C. or =~t,:"3n=~~l:';'~.;:i~ : , HE~STORY T. .u. at the Gibson Hotel in are 80ft, but not muh,.. Adcf Sadie Hawki~s party for. W. H. S. seniors, 8, P. M: Cincinitati. '~~_cranberrlu and cook With. (By Mia. Hardin)
B 8 "i ' A B L I 8 H E D " IS {I Published 'Every Thureday At WaYDesville, Ohio .CARL G. SMITH, Editor , Entered a. second cl ..s matter at the Post Office . SU~SCRIPTI 'ON RATE: $1.50 a Year in Advance
.Events Com.i ng Up ,
• •
part,.. · r·
Brow!l spent ~~t"tu;.t~u~ ·2:1~ Mrs. lIIMu aboat 1~ quartat Cen114....1£,' -.~ _ , ,~;"- ' - ,,' ·,ct , ter vllk. . ' BERIlY-ORA$OB.,BLltJlI Mrs. Ella Dakm was th~ ~ , " '$~ crubedieI Sun~ay guest. of .her son, Baul l ~ faape ~ ,1M ~ :. ~ I
~iSS ~tahymhe
WI er COUSI~ H~ymond Montgome~y m
•n ay
Armistice Day. t
Da~~ ~1~111:~feK~ev~b~~O~en. ~~l!.a0jld~: ~
terville and s~m ~dward Keever aBcl ·,mIz welL Chm In ire\ of nayton were dinner. guests \jq In ho1U'll Wore sent Sunday cl~' the homt',~ ' i'UuCe wIll~P n~ Thia.,MJs• .Leah Mills with Mr. and 's,or 'u1lAPlll ~. ,~ Mrs: William ' Strolls~ were ' .... .' guests on SJlnday of 'M r. and , -ATRONIZE GAZ-RTTB Mn. Dan' qine in Dayton. . ADVERTlaERe
MT. HOLLY MEnlODIST ,r T. M. ,Scarff, Minister Supdav School 9 :30 a.m. E.A. Earnhart, Supt. .
Worship Ser,,:ice
'. METHODIST OIURai ' R.B ..Coteman Mini ter' Chu~ch Schooi 9 :.l o a.m. J. J. Burske, Supt. ., Worship and Sermon to:30 a.m.
•venin, SerylCe , .
7 :3 p.m.
Rev. Da,i id '· Stanfield, Min~r Sunday School , to LID. Wotsliip Service 1 f a;m.
are our dry c'~lnit1g suc,cess storie$. Our famUy service is . based on q'u;tlity" economy and fast delivery. e ,are ·re4dy '· to do a ,superlor job ' on clothes , ' and hou~holq I articles. •
UTICA E. U. B. CHJRaI kev. William Shannon ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL '9:30 ,a.III . . Sam~~1 N. Keys, Rector ' Sunday Schaol Mrs. James GarrisOn, SupL . Chutdt School • 9 ,: t 5 A.M. 'Preaching 1 st and 3rd sundaYS Memlng 'Prayer, to:lO ·A. 'M. ____ each mouth' .10:3:0 LID. . . Evening ' Services: 7 :30p.m. FRIENDS ' . ..! ... ,P iist Day ,School 9 :30 a.m . •' l 'Y'1"J£-l' MEniODIST, Meetinr for 'Worship . ~~ , , :- ', '.-'. " 10:30 a.m. Dr. MY~rs. .Mtnister 11 Sunday Sc 001 9.:30 a.m. WAYNrSVILLE It\~ ll.JI Saylor! 'SupL , aKlRai OF' . 14. H;.COffey, ·MinlSter ' woriblp Service ,0:30.'LIIL Sible School ' ~ 9 :30 a.m. alURai'OF CHUST Mom.,Worship to :30' A. M. FERRY Byron carver. MlDlster ¥ CMIDI-People's MeetiDl Bible ·SChool .' .9:30 a.m. ~r ' 7 :t5 P. M. Efeobit" Service 8 P. Mr . MOP'lling' .Worship t.o :30. LnL Pra:,er -.te~in~ 7:00 p.m. 'i CMQlI People s Meetinl sr. ~UatJSTUfE 7:GO' p.m.. I lOURS. . .tiler Krumlloltz, Priest .... 8 and to A.'M. EveaiDl ·Sefylces . 7:S0~ 9·12 eacb momdlLI f·5 aftemooas.·.tCqt ~edneId.y , , v,ate .indiyid,uals 'of LY!l~ ",' . .. ·? CAam OF 'I1WIICS ,. 7·9 Saturday,,-Illac ,Waynesville, Co'rwin, and VIC. , ~ " I :Tt'lsh; at this time, to thank inity to so generously donate Odier Appolatiieat anyoDe1 Who In any way, con· supplies and- money that ex~ 'trib,*o'. to the suecess of our cou'~ be held .t a .~~ TBL!PHON~, 6a-1t Mo~e"'s ,club CarnivaL Mrs. Marv ·8. LeMay,oPres. Partlcularl.Y, I WOuld 1~ to thank the PllJance COmmittee -and. their ln41v1dual C8mmlt: OptCa*lc . ,. . . . . . . . 1ees. wbo ,both donated maler· ials -and time prior to Friday ' ·•• 80da ·. . . . ... night "s well as worked ' especially hard that night at their ,ZINIA, OJllO booths aqd counters. & It was very kind of all mer· chant, b~siness houses, and pri· ~ ' ~~r~
Dre C. E.' ~r..
KlfR'S ~rage Main and Miam'i Sts.· Ph. ,234t
,t. ~
I . ',
. ,Pr.epare now for Winter f Stock up on anti-freeze. We've' the finest quality at lowest prices. T.ry our exp~rt 'winteriZing vice . too! We call .nd deliVer.
laii:for Storm Sipals!
_..,eseotin, W........... O,tmpaay, . . Members New ;York: Stoc); Exchat)~es add other . registered Exchaille$ . . . . . . TftIIt ..... . Bought - ,Sold - Quoted Phone Wa,aeniIh 2ISO AD321."
serial this week, and we hope ' Last Monday the Twin the club winner will be awake Theatre cooperated with the and screaming for h ; ~ prize. \Va~nesvi1ie Grade Sehool in .. "The A1dventures or Robin ~rening the theatre during the ,.. Hood" (WB) is one the "nev- :tt!t'r~c)on frJJ the showing' o! 'er-jje" stories of the centuries. edu~ational films bi tbe \""OC':il-'---~~ Hen\ce w.e tak~ .spe~ial prid~. in Col~ Company. Bob O'Re~an announcmg RabID Hood's is glad to go' this kind of tllhlg, . (Continued trOll1 Page. 1) , return to the screen iq _T echni- for he feels that a theatre should ... I l . • ' . ~. I " class. , play- entitlpd "~\;trrj In~ · guide traffic past tb: wrecked color Sunday and Monday; star- be a beac{)n of service to' any Elain~ Weaver, pr~';idellt f)t Mar~a~~t,': on ~Jida ~ Nov; 5. ring Errol FlYnn and , Olivia . worthwhne community project. CH5. the OhiO Youth Temperance Admls~lon. Students ·_5. A"l,Ilts Don't hesitate to see him for deHavilland. To my mind, no Schaaf sufferej cuts 0.1 the Council, gave an inh~~' estil1g I .:I n. TIcket n13\, he p ·rchased similar . projects in the futu're. do Robin Hood . as one can ·face' and legs; hls wift. Emma, . speech on .stimulants and nar- frcf!1 any J';lDlor.. thoroughly as Errol Flynn, and hild face and rc,ciy cuts. Th~y cotics on Oct 2 ' ) ·tt the 11:e enlOT ""111 ha ve· their Miss deHavilland is a.. lovely . . were taken to Mkloletowll Waynesville High Sch~o1. She "adie Hawkins" Hi;?:.~ ~ 'hool Hospital in the 'McClure ·am- Maid Maria.lt. Basil Rathbone 1$ emplo¥ed a~ a C)cientifil: tem- Party on ~ed~e:;d~y, . Nuv'. 10,· plays Sir Guy, ' Claude Rains is ~ . bj!~nce. Niekamp had Clll. and peraRce mstructor in th~ Ohio Wa,ynesvltle s first b,a,sket'Ahn Hale is Little al'VB'Ie.I . ~ rg Prince John, shoulder injuries in itddihl''l to schools by ihe Stat;! \\1 . . C. T. ball g:ame of the seas' n wI,ll he JO.hn, and Eugene . P:tllette is . Mr. and Mrs. Harrv S. Tucb(".)al . cuts. U. Miss Weaver previously held 10 Blanchester on Frrda.Y, Fnar Tuck. News by WB rounds k~r spent Saturday in Somertaught school in Nj{e. ~ , Ohio. Nov. 12. . ou~ ·the program. . VIlle as the ,guest of Mrs. Tue- · She was workh!f' in lhe ' \VarWe are .pro"Jd to announce There's a- gay ' musical ker's sister, Mrs~ Jenny Belt. , ren County Sd~e))ls all last that ehe fir ·t concert of the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Garris- week. She had visitei four other Sl' a~on held on Oct. ~· wa~ comedy at the' theatre ' Tu~sday :-.:'. "C!:1de;"(!.1 a J ones" (WB) son and baby sop, Terry, have counties before Vi J.fre/!. " ' sl!ccessful. starring Joan Leslie and Robert moved into the Frank McCarIt is gratifying t~ tJ :we SlIC!1 ........-~--Alda (the ~cr.een's George ren home on Middletown Rd. a large enrollment !n tl1~ 11 :)n1e 'BURG FIRST GRADERS. ~ Gershwin) assisted bv ' many recently vacated by Mr. and Economics Dept. r! ,crr ;;tr~ S;) PARENTS GIVEN pARTY "', fun makers includin~' Edward Mrs. Raymond Rich who are girls in 3 classe(:. Everett Horton. Mary Martin"s residing on the J. H. Bogan , The 18 Junior.: eni'Jr girls Mrs. Thelma George enterin" it, too, by the way. Base'd farm near town. . . now makin O' . ,;kir~.'i) .1Jlou . ~ 2s taine,d , with her An!lUal ' Halare . M'ayn-ard Frost has returnee on a streamlined 'version of th~ Greeting'. am' he t wi~ hes tn Cinqerella - Glass - Slipper tq his home from l:tollTle~ 1I0s- or pajamas. WWl two l1e~\' e~ec- lowe en party,. Wednesday evtric- sewing- machinl!s l:i an eni~g at the HIgh School Gym· a new little Twin Theahre pa- fable, the picture has a ,neat pltal, Cincinnati.. . tron, Ph IUs Joaf' Kenrick, little plot with .lots of good Mrs. Bernice Bogan has mov- inspir~tion, the girls ' are d'o , . ~aslum" for th~ pleasure !>f her b.om Oct. 24, aDd congra~u1a- music, da~cing, laughs, and a ed fro!l1 her farm home near ~ng v.e~y welt. Tl'~. class has fIrst gra~e pupils and thelr/art' ''11. tc :1. ...: v~ r e tt Kenncks, punch endmg. . . town 1"'0 the apartment on .lust fm!. hed a vo"'ation dLcuc:- ents. Pnz~s. were Jlwarde to r' f{\ !\ " t an (' r''' (!"l1.!T (US • _ Main St. owned by her son- Sion period in whiCh t~e po, _ those parh~lpafing m the mas.tomers of Wayne~vi11e's movie ~ \Vednesdav n~g~~ a new Jo~ in-law and dau,hter, Mr. and . sibilities of various kinds of querade. CIder and donuts were . bouse. Last -Saturdav mght nu- E. B~o;,:,n sta~s In The ,Tender Mrs. Hershel HJlderbrech't and work~ were thoroughly outlined. served. As a s.urpnse to Mrs. peorge mber 37 won the BB club:l- Ye.ar~ : (Fo~). Always before sons. . . . . a'he ultimate . result of this disHerbert Doste-r, who has cussion was looking fnl'watd tr:> he~ pupils sho.~ered hFr 'with :ward, 'yet no one came for"/ard d,ssoclated WIth comedy only, . many lovely g~fts to . h~lp. her to claim his prize. If number ),fOl{11 retu~ns tn the. c;creen been seriously ill is able to be hom~making. • nere are '19 Sophomore celebrate. her bl~a v anmver, 37 can prove' by the punch on . .after ~ 10D'g jablsence, tn ..the out of bed for short intervals girls in the class OJl c1othin~ ~ary, whIch she observed that . ~is card that he . or she wa ,: u,ram~1Ic rol~ of a, small town ·during. th~ .day. study. Thev are usin~ Nicholas day~ spresent la~t Satut.day. ni~ht, "th~ , ras!~r .wh~se moral sens~ of ~t. and Mrs. Charles Dos- · Theatre Will split the prize 50- ]USh~e In 111~ fight for the. pre- ter and daughters gave a din- and PrilUng Workbook . Oil 50 on the theory ' that number v~ntl~n of, crueltv to. , ammals ner at their nome.A Th1llrsda y clothing: which deals \vith oeD. C. Rid~,e entertaiaed 37 ' was either asleep at the conflicts \vl~ht the stnct. ~e~ter _evening for Prof. .and Mrs. H. sign and structure of pwper at her home on Tuesdav after-switch Of out for the 7th innin~ of. the law- .t s been acclaimed, C. Milligan and Mr. and Mrs. materials. ' DQon .of the' past week ~ith the stretch at the time ' of the f:me 3!SO, the !,es~ .father . a~~ son J. Albert Reynolds. . • .22 Freshman girls are study- . ArR'unot Brid~e Club; Mrs. A. of the award. '. . . , plchn:~ of ~11 bme~e~ It s no! . . M~. and M.fs. Morris Bogan mg, foods using- a workbook en- E. stout .flnd Mr~. 'Marie Riffle . . .. ma\1dI1J! wlt.h sentiment, hu, of Center Communi! enter- hUed Homemaking ~·v Greer. her guests. : M,t~. 'R>os~ H. )~nefvlews: ~ Your l~st tlm~ has Simplicity an~ comm~n . tained with a HalJowe'~n party Thev .are learning prope'r menu as Hartsock and Mrs. , R.'G. MiltoDJght. te ~e ~uJ1er-A footb~h. . ,sense. , . ~ ... ~ r~, a~ . their . home Thursday eve~ pla.1,,,m,- and preparation of ler rtceived th'e prizes~ on. t~~ screen . Spirit of West IOennis; 0'Keefe. ~·.cfor ; at1d nlD~ f~r .1he 'Pleasure . of the br~a~fasts. r Refreshments were s~fved by . Po.~nt . (Fe) . closes. . '. ' Ed:ward SmalJ, produce?' the .ch~Jr: .memJ)~rs of tlie . Jonah's . The 'J,¥liors will pres~nt' their Nle ho.stess. ' S,turday's: wes~ern. IS ~e· .. palr .who. . .brougbt j'ou . the R~n Ch4rch. . "ubhc'~. '~fornJa Fue,btann" story of the U. S. Tleasurq's ' . Mr.. and Mrs., J .. ,~lbert Rey10 ~rucolora~d set in the C~lif· tough ,"uys . in T.Men, have nol~s entertamed f:larvey~burg FOR PROMPT SERVICE prllia b~om ~ays. Mon~e, Hale. j~jne~ ,~rce.s again arid turned Band members. tn.. a wlen~r ~n(1 Adrian Booth star with Hale' 'out another powerful ' araiIU\~ Joa;st. JP:d haynde, Wednesday evening. "" , both the man of actIon and the This time it's !'Ra'w' LET US HA,uL YOUR GARBAGE AND TRASH pUf!eyor of songs. Guns are " ( b[ )-;-·a- ~aut story of love and ' . Miss Sally Smith of Wayn~s ,. eglon and ho):ses. run r:lmpant, vengeance on the wron~ side of Ville spent the weekend With HAVE IT READy MONDAY MORNING . , lis we llk~ them j.n Waynesville the. law, which will be at the Mrs. ,A. S. Collett. ,n a Saturdav night. . Br~ck theatre ' next Thursdav and . Ge.rald ~aine. ' Jeft Frid~y . COST: ONLY $1.00 PER MONTIf Br~dford f~ces t}qe "Door of Friday, with Clai·re Trev'(\r and ' , mor~mg . for hIS hpple ' m . , I . Disaster" ID Chapt;,r12 of his J\\arsna Hunt. . ; Peona, .11., wher! he ' will ':.r: ' ' .re.ma'in for 2 .days with MrS. by Everett (We~sel) Miller-Driven by LeRoYGulnn Pair e '3; ld dau~htet. , ., I Mr. ,and .Mrs. Oyde Levicy *'. u ,.-..._ .. - rrr:nI · and granddaughter, Joan, Mrs" Sad!t: R~aspn, amI ~ .. s. A. ~" , . Collett spent Frjd~~i lh Dayton. ~_. ' . Miss :!.::·\fiTyh Tucket en.1 WAYNESVILLE•. 08\0 BOB' O'REGAN, Owner a. weekend trip · to the Smo YOUR COMFORT ASSURED BY OUR NEW M~uP.~ains. ' LENNOX ' otL-BURNplt . FOR WINTE.R-TIME C:;OMFORT ,.. __ ' lJr. and Mrs. Carl Tetrick ." SUN. - MON. '.. .and daughter of Columbus were TONITE ONLY . . CHO.O SE FROM AMONG 4 FINE MAKES: . ' \ .... weekend ',houseguests of Mrs, GLENN ' DAVIS AND' FI:LlX ~i1i11rla.. Tetrick's parents, Rev. arid M.rs. "OGC" BLANCHARD ill ' ESTATE J. Po" Thornbury. . Mi Kathleen Graham of DUo-THERM Da -tOil spent the weekend with Use Sp'!ci 1 Coupon on page 6 'COLEMAN her par.ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ho.. ward Graham. •' SAT. ONLY SUPER FLAME Mr. 'and Mrs. James 'Doster MONTE HALE Rides again in of Dayton spent. Sunday with Mr. Doster's 'Parents, Mr. an j WE CAN NOW OBTAI~N OIL FOR ALL USERS Fire1i,an~ ··~ Mrs. Herbert Dosfer. , . The Communitv Helpers Clut? p'ius: d~1'" i 1 Brick,. B:ra.df~rd serveq t.he Election Day dinner, . ------~~~------ , ALSO Tuesday at the Grang'e Hall. Seria 1 "DOOR OF O'-:;ASTERIf l'HE DEWEY STORY Mr. and Mrs:' Carl Snell are A'1so: W!O:kiy C'.~h 'A warcl ~ ~ .~ ...-.-... - .--By \\ arner News . announcing the birth of a. son, ~_ _-:.-_____. . ". . " _ Monday momi.ng .at home. •. Wbl.ONLY , PHONE 244 t WAYNESVO I E, OHIO 'ruES. f . . PATRONIZE GAZETTE BOGART AND 'SHERIDAN in
Wreck ,....
" 0 ;
Dear. '
"" win t
't .
. Spirit of W.est Point - -- -~
Cali{ornia .'
,. '"
I FaiFley ' Hdwe." Store
The Tender 'Years .~
main for a few days to undergo further treatments. Mrs. George Waterhouse, o,f Waynesvi11e, cfn<1 ~rs. Louise Fite and daughter, Miss Jane Fite of H,a rveyburg were Sun'day afternoon guests of Mr.s. Earl Cox in Washington Court House. ' ' Gerald Paine returned .to his home here Saturday after a week's business trip to Colum. bia, S. C. ' Mr and Mrs. Ben Be~ett an'a daug-hter, · Miss Joan Beckett and' Carl Jon'es visited "The Sev'en Caves" .ne~r Baimbridge Sunday. I . ' . Mrs. O. B. A~ Welch and her son and daughter-in-law, Mr: 'and Mrs. Thomas Welch were Sunday' dinner guests @f Mr; and Mrs. Cecil Linkous and family of Lebanon " .' . E. B. Dakin has returned to Holmes Hospital, Cincinnati for final treatment, following an ('\,e (' it ' ~dion perfv ·1~f'1 ' therr. three weeks ago. The Harveysburg P. T. A. . sponsored its Annual Hallowe.' en Social at the gymnasini, Saturday evening. Dinner was served at 5 :30 followed by the masquerade in the evening: Many prizes were awarded 'for the best representations -a.n j costumes . .
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cline Jr. and daughter ' Geraldine, of . Columbus, 'Were weekend house guests, of Mrs. Cline's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Doster. Mr. Rpbert Collett of DaytOI) , was a Saturday ' gue t of hi . is~er-inl law, Mrs. A. S. Collett. . Mr. and Mr. Howard Graham entertained the- Adulf Bib" la, of Jonah' Run Chur h at their counfry ~ome, ;fuesday ·evening. Mrs. Howari Collett of· Wilmin~ton was in Mrs. charge of devotlOI?s, Charles T. Smart presented the Ie son and' Mrs.- Will,iam Gilliam was the recreati9n leader. Mr. Charles' Go.rdan is con· fined to his home, owing to illness. Mr . J. P. · Thornbury entertained the "All Day Missionary Sewing Circle", at the parson· age, Wednesday. Mrs. Helen R. Hill and Mrs. Vi Ja Hartsock ' attended ses, ions of the Grand :Cl1apter meeting of the . O. E. S, held in Cleveland last week , . Mrs. Fred Sherwood, Mrs. Clyde Levity and Mrs. H. S. Tucker, attended sessions in ,Columbus .Wednesdav and Thursday of ~" the Conference , m'eeting fot members of W .. . C. s. Mr. and Mrs. Auzwood Martin and son "Dougie" a~d Miss Jane Fite called on friends in Centerville, Saturday afternoon Steve and Anne Williams of \llilmfngton ~pent the weekend with their grandp~rents Mr. an'" Mrs. H. S. Tucke,; . 1J 'Mrs. A. S. Co1Jett had a" Sunday dinner guests Mr. anci Mrs. Lavern WilSiPn, Mrs. tiny Warren, Mrs. Meril Richards9n ""'-----:;and Mr. Eric ,","nters of . Davton. Afternoon ~uests were' Mi -' Sara Smith. Mrs: Reb~ Braj· dock and Mrs. Irene Rich are of Waynesville. M.rs. Edwan.1 Ricke; ~1 d . daughter ,have movert frmn Dayton into the E. B. Dakin JUNIOR CLASS pr0perty on Main St. of Rallv dav was observ ed at the MetlJlodist Church Sunda v HARVEYSBURG Hich School morning' with the pastor. R " . . C. A. Arthur officiatin,g. At , WILL PRESE?NT noon a basket dinner \Va~ r· .' ve~ to the group and the .!!.nest". of honor, ProJ. 'ana Mrs. H. C. Milligan -who will move from the village Nov. 3, t,., ffieir re·
..'::C.-~:"--..,,--':""'-':-Q*H-I-l,L-~j.A;.H-al~t: (1
r e ~ id en L
• •"
Ch&:k for f,atllty flue pipes, this fire fighter Points out to the Y~uDg ladies. The Ohio Fire' 8afety Committee has wa1"Aed .that entirely too maDY fires 000U1' in ' these cold winter mootha becauIe f~ just' don't bother to k~p • check _ Jaeatiug equipment. . : . ~ '. " ~
"P l '· . eope Are Funny"
Mason. Th Miftig:m's ha v·" taken an . -a~fve part in the church here for several v~'ar ' , Mrs. i i l1i~atl erved :I ~ l~Pt. and Prof. Milligan tau~ht the Adult Clas . . Maynard -Fro t returned Sa turday, ' .to . Holme HOS1'11at. Cincin nati 'where he \v ill r -
AT 8:15 P. M~ , TUESDJ\Y, NO~MBER- 9 In the Auditorium " .
,,.~,~\t\ . YOUR . IIEALT' AT MAQN£TIC
., ". ..:
It·s fun
to b~ healthy! It·s tun tQ your hca.l th the hapPI way! •M Plan a week at Magnetic Springs c :> w! D:-. Conrad is always in att"l £,3 tc:~d:\n.::e; to supervise your trip -_........-. .. n t~e (J Ilin road to health and ~~~~ rct :'n,:l 'il.'.': ! :v1oderate rates. American Plan. No miracles performed. Bue most chronic ailmeats are relieved abroU8h the famous Ma.. perit' Spriap barbs at the Dr.
r~.'··· :n
Conrad Horel. Open
year. Ie- "
. line ~ ~d·weaeheJ' adles ..... paias. . Wrile, wite or .......
I •• .(0.1., .O'EL. t<~/ _._
:. !:Ol'n in Cleveland, November 14; IE. 5, one d a '-:a:LliIy o~ 1) c:: :: ';:: c.n-.car~~ "in 1:-:.: :} . circumltance:.>. Eecame a star sandlot bnll i.i-j:~ ' <:r 2.. Cnvc:i .-i n Vlo;-' ::! ' -.':r 1. rose to a S:~-',:d 1; : ' · tenat)t. 3'. E~oame a proi essional baaeball player• . 4. Appointed Judge of the ~unicipal Court of Cleveland by 'G overnor Whit-e in 1932. Elected, 1933, leading 11 field of 10 candidates. 5. E~. ::,:~ed Common Plea., Judge. 1935~ leactiug the judicial field. La'·.nched wal;' cn comme~ci~~zed .~bling and racket~eri.ng. 6. Elected Mayor of Cleveland (1941); r.·.lected 1943. by record-breaking majoriti.___aiDed national recopitioD a. UJ ilUlpired war lud.;J'. 7. Mayor x..1i.che · ~ Law Director Barke whC~ lucceeded him. 8. Elected Gonrnor of Ohio. 1944. Chief Jailice Weygandt ..cbqiailt.rl oath. II. Pri...cl1~ ' to labor ~d ......ratanding of tb. De.eta Qf indaatry. Laalch. attained . ..ti0llal npatati.on for abl1i~ to briq labor aDd ........meat c1.et t ....th.r. 10. Goftl'DOf' ... Mn. La_ _ (fol'lDft J.... 8beal). marri.d in 1928. II. Appoillta 'J.... ,Baff...... _ _ of .... • •lMt, U. L ....tor. II. GoftnIor La• • • , •• ". Rl. . . . .. TI U. Two peat
--I..uIclle ... DI
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------------~~----------~---------------------~~,------------------------------------------Everett Hazelwood, formei SOUTH WAYNE COUNCU. salesman for the Lingo HardA FARM DIARV LIVESTOCK HIALTH 0 The South Wayne A ~vis.o r.v ware Co. and Harold and Estel Council by 0 .J. FRAIZER ' held its October meetBanta ' Implement Co. ' of Leb- ing on Thursday evenin~ with anon l\ave formed a new cor- Mr. and Mr . Clarence Rye at poration to be known as' the their home in the country. October 2 i, 1948. These are "My BaQta - Hazelwood - Implement Vote and I" was the ubject dog day~ .On Dry Rlct~e, even f ' Co. Inc. if this is October, Last wee~ a lively discu ion. The Council Susy had three pups, and four According to spokesmen fo r adjourned to meet ,ill Nove~l1-' or five days later Smokey had , the new firm, they will con· l cr for a turkey d1i1110r, '\'Ith. seven, 0 re 'ardle of the time tinue to handle the John Deere Mr: ' anj Mrs. A. R. E,unhart f year we are having , dog ' line of Farm Equipment. The y' a ho t and hoste ~. ON( r'-lIRD .OF PKilS cia ' ::'. ha ve leased the old Lingo N pleasant social ~our was ., it S,)' , had d"ch.kJ l'l;l~ sIll:: DIE BERlRE THEY warehouse building on We. en joyed and .the gue ts, were ' va ,g-o ing to ha vI! ner pups -.; n Mulberry a.nd will move into sated at pinmg tabl~5 wh~re R.EACw MARKET ~GE . my bed: Afttr I l::ll ed h~r the new ,quarters soon after Tefre hm ht in keepm- ,wIth off for di,g-gin.l; :1 h 1 in Hie the H<1l1m e n sea on, were November first. bed spread, a:l l1' tilan· two ' r served. The building to be occupieg tnree other fime-, 1 finally got by, .the firm has recent! heen her e. tabli 11 d h .~ of ·the remodeled into a mod rn farm furnace in th e c'11ar. That store with amrte hOD faci!iti : CflU ed troubi' t O'l, 1 eLa u ~ e to service farm tracto'rs and .when Smoke. began 1;) hunt f r rel ated equipment. , ii111 :1 tt' "n i , \' ... , rJ , 17. \' wou1dn t let ·~1 '1' come dowl; iii the cellar. fi1.1:1 t1 v I fi xed
: J11 0 :" C .. ~ I ~ .. ' I
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old canvas .. past Suzy'
, .:,
COws tbtd HOQSES,
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'and let h.:!· l.IKE PEOPLE, HA'" La t time S'VE~' SINUS TROUBL'. I ; j ',') put' ~o ' he N O RRIS F ""'C I( COMPANY , tried to steal Stu:,. s. This t'ime Cincinnati Union Stock v.rd. ''';T.GRINAR'ANS Live Wire and Pr-ogr...lv., Are Suzy tried· 10 stt!al some .of,. , oraanization ••con'd to non .. TQEAT TJ.I (; M ev' . . J r ~ , ueJ 'JIl> or t, 0 8trictlv teller. on ' the ' "'e! r~ f!lem s veral tirrll" 'aild ~Im SURGICAL'LV all arOund market In the tl' erl back with the pri'per oountl"Y. mother. Now thin~~ are morc SERV'CE TLJIIT !,IITISFIE.8 , , "., i 1("1 naVI", , 1>(. ~ 8. T. l.! , ct'tul but · I stil' have to go Dial UJO WLW Clacb111aU (l .- .)!ncel1ar with Sm ke y if ~ ll/' \' 14: 'III I ,i·,1 ' ~OO. lu' \,)ur Dal1~ r ' t~ th 're fir. t 'bCC2 l15f' ~J, r, time or two. Then we iinally, seven weeks since he had beeq' M" ,·k... , R "f)m , ! '1nr, in front of ~er pups and . IYot her out and on the highway there last. '. growls when .Smokey comes, by ~ w,:' ~nde~,1 .jC tf) hear of I ~1I7\1 is boss III the do,C famll, '" headed. for home, and in agaIn. 1"(' .k 'l tl. '. fin,' .. ld friend allJ , A.UCTIONEERING . . . ., ; Yesterday was one (If 1h(1~t> We thought that it would be ex-neighbo:-, Mrs. l:l,iie day. ! First r had tn T'l1t P a good idea to take tier tryrnugh Dakin,' at her hom.! in In 'j:ana. ' STANLEY ..nd KOOG.LEIl . ; , '''/ and iier two pH~; b:lck III to my house but she did not Sh(> was truly a (Ol'j 11eighbl'lr BROKERS ~.CEN8E . · . .WHERE the pen .. 'No SOoner than , I .had think so. Round and round 'A'e tf) ' m t> for, m 1 '~~, YC:trs \\,hE~n For Dat... Phone . . . . Wayn..vill .. ~e1t1ed , do'~n 'to. ~ork . than-. th~Y .. ,..wen~ until she. fqu~ a h~t~ ., -went awav' she took care of SERVI,CE CO~ES FIRST Ohl., R.veree Chara. , told me that DaiSY, the whlk in the .fence and was' ,off abam. took care 'o f my house and heVer, was gone. VA';!. had ver,v By this time it w~s nearJy d::trk stock. Willen there was sickness SECURITY ASSURED . G~ LIVESTOCK • Uttle trouble findin,t:, her in a so we gave up. .This mornm~ ' and .took care ' WHEN FARM IS ' FINAi\:CE, 0 . .:i, 1.I'oTs ra ·tu're~ but then the we found her right back whe:-c off1e ..came us. Whenever we GRAIN frOllble began. We ~ot her to we started ~rom ye~tcrday ~)eedeli help she wa" right on with John's gate ana turned her :,n morning. She IS now ' lJi mv uad tl1e. ~pot. , Sh~ .-coulli' make the A FEDERAL LAND BANK and they went about their plasture ' and I hope sbe wm best chicken that · I ev,er LOAN WATER 'Nork. \Vhen I came home from stay there until we ' can get put in'fried my. mouth" e5peciaUy the Community sate l ' looke.i heT to market: when she fned one of her own across the fields as , . went l)\~ LEBANON N. F. L. A. ~nd there was a white heifer . The Community Sale seemf-l, r:lbiil~. It is indeed a gi~at ' lo'5~ to lTIl. "r.\~ her mal1\' .. 't!1 .. :r LEBANON, OHIO ' on the old railroad tr~ck. The more like itself Thurs~iav f~>T fIicl!.1' RAY ' FARQUER others had not come hom.! frf) m Virgil 'Russel was back a.o-:11.11 PHONE .448 Waynesville the sale yet so I waited for ' and even cr:ied part of th~ ~le , the cho o! bu and g t tJ;~ He says he never ,wants to h~ar ', Mr. · ana M'rs. O1arIes Ed. • w"· ' ,; ' ..._ : ' """ • '~ PHONE 2824 .. VQ : 'l~;: r two -GhUdren and 'went the words "Tak~ It easy" agam. wa rcls of Dayton, Mrs. Cly'de afterner. ·Jin.ks and I star.tell He heard it so manv times tl' ,1t KeIJar and sons and Mrs. Ed to drive her down the trac'ks he is sick of it. He . thCl.- lEdwards were Sunday evening she jumped , oyer a fen ce (ll1d all those who helped ~arn on guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray_w_e_n~t-.t~ar_o~u~n~d~th_a~~~~a~,=f_o_r~!~~_'_d_Ur_i~ng~~'h~i~S~i~1l~n~es7s~._I_t_h7a_d__b_ee~n~i~m~o~n_d~c_o_n_n~e~r_,___ ____ POSSESSION NOW ~o.t)
The N. F. Le A.'
Lac t d two mi1e East ' f Wayne v,ille on Route 73.' 1-\vo'Storv, eight-room fram house, slate roof, two baths, hot water h at, stoker, two·car garaO'e, lots of shade. Shown by appoi'ntment .any time e~cept Sunday~~
.• : !. ~
SIGNS AVAILABLE NOW at, the M ,i ain'i Gazette'
10c .
3 .'f or 2'5 c
PHONE '2651
-----, ----------~------
"4-WAY FARM lit.URANCE" iA th. Ohio Farmers will give you br0a4 PfotectiOO against to.~s
your farm. It' ~en yout buHdiop, yow chanda, your automobiJ~ ..... JOUI' lJabWq for acddmu to others. Why DOl 1M as toda, 'I 011
y- ..., ,..'N m.
'-. Karl
wbaa JUG'n kIIuted la abe 0bI0 .......
Dakin ·lnsoraQce .l\geocy
rhone 1&3.4'.0 E . .M,ulberry,
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OHIO .ii_lt..............
1aIII... _.......fA!in'?' .~E
51 -
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.. pletely handled' their last d~nce 1tHE ~"IAMI GAZETTE . PAGE. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO . No. 4893 ticJtet reports. ' .. ,....tJRSDAV. NOVEMBER 4, 1948 . The Twin Theatre is dona· ting "15 for the Wednesday night shows, wTlich did not pay off as was expected. fTbe Twin did .- 1t take lJl enoUl!h money tn pay the cost of tbose hows, but it is keeplng th e BOB Q'RECAN . . same system for Novem'1er Last · week's paper certainly and your earnest suppQrt is exshowed me that one has to pected. • • • ' , , step sometimes to keep up with . local news. Mr. Eua Charles It appears that ·one or two of Cir.dnnati was a gues\ I~ more (lances will 'be required the localpolice force fer a per- in order !o. completely P'",,' off iod of time but yours ."Vuly w~s all bills. when three dates are asleep at the switch. Had ) an announced remember tbit ~1. opportunity to talk .with or more spent with the league Charles, whom I know s1i~htl, I, will ,assure us of a so1J~ founperhaps we could hav~ induced dation fo r next season. 0. him to rema i'n e:: nd ~ jv ~ S3me The best 'story eomes from . poiriters to Jim Hal ')c~ ~ s ar- Bellbrook, where agitation over ray of boxer: . Maybe we can losing the playoffs reached such still do it~ Jim, before th~ :iC·1- a oeak that the storv wa3 circulated that Bill Sawyer select- Fri., Nov. 12 , 8), n. l c:: te r. there son is over. • • ..•, ed. the' umpires for th r. last' two Before the I ~48 softh'llt ''I~a- games with Bob Allen's Lcgicn fri., Nov; 19, F ~ a nk ti n, here . h" nine. My, oh, my, ,, the Brain son is forgottc 'l t e ':':4 ~lIe rs Trust will welcome Bill with , Tues, . N C' · ', 1 ~~ , L c,ha J:I) !. tlh' rc. still in a~rears, c1l;1e to ;~~ I. ~il1s orcn arms, as then ' there would Fri., Dec. 3, Open , ·as umpues, .~hlc~ c~ :-t ()~!r he a rour-wav ~plit ot all fin31 $~OO, and .th \o. · lights... wh.'",~ debts instead. o.f the present ~ri., Dec,. 10 , Merrow,: there . . . cost ~pproxu~l ('.tely ,,3!, ~ . . three-way split. Anyway fOJ F' D . Thir~y . gian.t balloon figures and 20 bands ~Ill ~nt~rtaJl~ the season. ~ :)t~l un~aJ(! 'dt:~ts the records; Mr. Kettlehake of fl., ec. 17, Harveysburg, H m the big {:hnstmas parade co-sponsored by the Cmcmnatl are ,,400, which. mcludes the ex- the Dayton Umpires ' !As~ocia- Fri., J.an. 7, Carlisle. 'here ' Junior Cham?e~ of <:om~er.ce a~d tHe' Fourth Street Area Mer- p.enses of th~",:?I~l·,:·off~. ,Co!1ee- tion, ' who .w.or~~d the. final T ues., ·.Jan .. 11, Ki "1man, tHere chants -:t'ssoclatlOn In Cmcmnah, Wednesd~, Nov. 10. The . t!ons on the ·Ie j I ' r ,. t" en- tames was assigned !~s were carav~n will' begin to roll, rain or s~ine,. a~ 7 p.. M. tlr.e season were ,7·J9.,)4 . ~.ug- all oth'er. umpires ,in the normal Fri., Jan • .! 4, Ma~on. there: . . • ~ mented by $150 from. team manner by M-r. Gross, secretar)' . . Startmg at two Circles In Burnet Woods, near the band.. e'ntty fees. Two nIght shows at of tbe Dayton 'organization Tues., J~n. t 8, W. C,urollton H 'tand, the .par~de will wind its ~'y througb . Un~ eHfty -Avenue the Twin ' proauc~~d $150 and," Also - Kettlehake was without and into the University of Cin~innati 'stadium, ".wbere ~e mile- the two dances brought another question about the best official Fri., ~~. 21, Open and-one-quarter parade will. be viewed · from .the comfort of $150. Alt~gether ,t, ~ 70.1 ? here this season. Fri., Jan 28, Springboro, ,here ,eats. In addition, a · pre-parade vaudeville sho.w · wilJ be J2re- was taken In by the league thl4i _ •• senfed to the e~pected audience of 30,000. season to d~te~ fe. Had a short tal'- -with bas. Fri., Feb. 4, Kings Mills, here ketball Coach'1:d Porter .the Sat., Feb. 5, Sprint ~ValJey, T . . other evening and plans are . , It h~ paid over '500 on good for another scrappy 10c~1 Wed., Feb. 9, Centt!rviIlC. there Myron Hag~meyer, w~o un- t.he ~mpJre.s' account; $.135 on -o utfi~ if double,practi-:~ sessions derwent a major o{>eratton at the I1ght bllt and has paid corn~ can do it Fri., Feb. 11, HilJc;horo there Miami Valley Jiospltal during pletely for balls, which cost _'_ _....._-----. the past -\\ ,"cw., i~ convale~in~ better tb~n. '165. Also, the lea-' at the home Qf hIS parent!, Mr.-. gue paId almost '100 fllr Mr and Mrs. Max D. Hart.. ~ and Mrs. Charl.t s HagemeYI.'r. grounds and collecting fees ; sock entertained · on Saturday - -............--.....---~~-.:o.:.._ about '20 for 'scorekeeping, eveping with a Hall.....-......~'~'---11--::-":'---.,.." and reduced the bUl on ne~ .party, all 1)f the gues1s arriving , ur Barber Shopscreening. -from . ,75 "to , .. I. 10 · costu1l1e. Games and BaJTht!re were also rel?~irs to ·the lowe'en stunts made a ver" be Closed p. a. syst!Jr.1 adv,ertismg, dance pleasant evening. Lunch 'n for Vacation .. band fees, c1eahrhtg ~f lights, keepin, with ~he .season, was etc., fan of whkh cost abqut served bv the Jiost ahd hostesl>. ,N OV. 8 to Z2 "150. At present, mv figu.rcs Guests' were Mr. and Mrs. W. TlMBERTEX PAPER DRAPES .... 98e per- pair show the league to ow.: S609.- P. Strader and Mr. " and Mrs. ORVIlLE GRAY LUNCH l'ITS $2.70 .m .t: . __ 87 ' with '182.19 on hand. Ross 'Bode of Dayton, Mr. alld Several 'teams have not com- Mrs. Roger Walton and ;Mr. and Mrs. Tom' Houston of CARD TABLES $3.95 Spring Valley. . IQl)DOIR LAMPS $1.90 each ··
Santa's Secret .Weapon
·W ynef.ville S ,.~~1~ 3dule
$2.70 ·
Qothes Dryers
I ·
Waynesville. Furniture. &!Appliance ,Co. - .
So~th Main Street acr>.'~~s from Graage HaD, "
Telephone 2422
.. r
In visibl,e Half Soling . Orthopedic Correctiotr.; Cork Ex tensions
Heary!. .iioeller '\ 11-13 ·r.. ~uIJe;~ It. .
. ".1.1 ,: .
&-Corn cUecovered In Cuba
&.-f'lJrl' modl1ne ~ pat, enl Qranl~ 111m
~... .
by Columbui. .1491 . W ii; , .....
8-Flrllt co11eo. football
G8odyea~ Slioe Repair Serylce' t
~ • ~ .J
.COWS $ltOO; HORSES $S~Oo; HOGS $1.50 cwt. According to size and condition Prompt, Clean Service PHONE COLLECT Xenia 1712, or Wilmington 2362 j . JANES RENDERING, yv d.vnes vil1~" Ohio:.... . . ,
Qmlle, 1&
01 Tlpp.eanoe, r ___ ~7-'"'fteU!,t!,n. l, '
-~~ . a-X.:ay' ellicowered' by ~~:; ...... .,oorpJO . . Rcl8ntqen. 1895.
9-St Louu. 11.'::Jrpvra1ed. 1809.
100U.S. Manne Corpa "tat> lillhed. In~ ·
Vie The AllliaDAC To Cheek TJlle Weather' Batt U.. DONE
and Mrs. -R~'ymond Conley and SOD', Charles; Mr. and Mrs. ElI , . dred , Tietmeyer and children, · , The Hallowe'en Party spon- Miriam, Linda an~ 'Keith; Mis~ sore~d by the Gleamer Class of Davis, Mrs. Sadie Reason, Mis tIle Harveysburg FrIend'S Church Bernadine Hackney, Miss Mary was we fen e with rrnmy 'Belle Bo,gan, Mr. and Mrs. grown - ups as well as Maynard Hackney, Mr. and Mr . children bei'ng masked. Prile'~ La wrence . and· children, Larry , were won by Maynard 'Hack- 'and Carolyn; Miss Betty Bogan, Dey~ Mabel T~rry, Nellie ,Davi-, Mis ' SIlen Dwyer, Mrs. G ail Mrs. Sadie Reason; Paul l3 ar- Gord on', Mrs. Amelia Brown, ton" Susann e Eakin , and Sonj a Mrs. Marv Bogan, Mrs. Alice Kay Starr. A cake walk ca use.J , '0 born, Mr. and Mrs. J ames ~xdtem ent when three ver v at- Dwyer, Tom Welch, Mrs. Li ztractive cakes were offBred a ~ zie Hough, Cecil Eakins, Paul pri2:es. , B.ernadine Hackn ey, and Donald Barton, Susanne Donald Barton and Lin d~ Eakins, J erry and Tommy ~ as and Miriam Tietmeyer who fleer ters, Barbara Doster, David and winning. Frieda Campbell " Harry Each member and, guest thd1 Hosier, Betty a nd R'O alee received a well -filled . tray of Campbell" and Richard Wal ker. Halllowe'en refresnments. Mr. and Mr . Owen Hartsock - The remainder of the even- had as S ~turday even i ll ~ dining ' was spent by slnging a,nct ncr guest:s Mr. and M r ~ \r\' Itvisiting by the f011 0wing guest: trri Hartsock of ~altimor .. Md." A he-a rty meat mix~ure hides , un~er the. erusts of ~hese !:": uh'i1ual meat pies. Serv-;d with a crisp, slaw, there s a Mr. and MrS. John Starr an d Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hart 'ock, complete meal~ wanting only a frUit dessert. daughter, Sonja; , Mr . Mabel. Miss Jane Hartsock and Mc. , Terry, Mrs. Edith Davis, Mr. I (; ,. a Har t3ock. ;. 1\'1 similar meat mixtures have alwa.Y8 ~een f :: ' ~ il +- "s wi~b
[. Uncle Sam Says
, 'p " t bla feet In the "D~ DOl ' op.'O , ' \ Ida bead, beeansebe I. a p a1l'O .... ; era Be Imo",."bere bll future -:a~ . the ft:.~t:. ! :; , Although they tast~ good and are high In f~ . t~CY dolUl .... eo.minl from. There. DO : selaom IlP ' ear befor e guests. There's no good reason , \ orp . .work about his plana foJ' ... i itism f or stews can be dressed up to meet company stan I .. eurlty. Automatically every P~T day I Flaky pastry crusts, covering the top of th~ large. , d u~l pdt of bla pay IMS '.nto Unlted \ cas3~roles in which t he meat and vegetable m.o~ture I :' , , wIll 8tat_ Savin.. Bondi ",blcb "W pay . I really put the lid (In' the entree. These crusts. wI.n puff nn\! I! vn so him " for each '3 in 10 ahOl't I enticingly that ever yone will want to be -first With the fork tpat unTean. 8eenrlty-future plau--wlll \ covers the filling. . belODl to other fello"l like p()p an- .. Pastry tops are made just as for dessert lnes. out tenderly leN 1- eoant yourself In with Ualted ~ and cut irito fitting circle, using an overtum~ casserole ~over ,as a Statel Sam..- Bondi. , guide .Crimp or prick . the edges when the CIrcles 8re ~tt ('r1 t" t~e U. S. T"~ D'~ I~ rameidns and cut a few slash·e.s in ' the top SO s~am can esc / . d:lle , I.. the l)ie bakes. . ' , • h i, _ - _ - - -- - -,---- - I , In this recipe, there's a further surpnse as the contents 01 t e , ~ eaaaerole disappear. There'. a bottom crust, too, 8S flaky and good as . :
Mr. and M,r3. ",arry Smith and \ the top ~~erinlt. , ,PASTRY.CRUST MEAT PIES , sun, Glenn, hact as Sundav dinSTANDARD PIB PASTRY .,:~ , ner g'Uests, Mr. and Mrs. Karl . .............. .... to. I teafPOOC' ult o al b and so~ :'~ean, of nea r \~ . f~ta~ I: ~ ,( \. 7 tablespoons cold ,, ~ ~r
tI Sift ~~ flour and _It. Cat b I iahotteidDR antil con-
Dilatush Building -
Broadway -
"'~ " ,:~,4'
thick. Cut an~ U"e individual cas-: aerolH with pastry. , Fill two- , tblrdJ fuU of meat mixture. Cover .
email pea. water \ ~ualll!. to form ave.", dr7 ~ with putlY.. Bake In moderately , doUlfh. Tou on IlRhtl,. ·Ioured' hot oven (~ ,d~ F~).;~~ut. ~ pastry cloth. Roll one-foUrth 1Dch . 40 mlDu\p. . .~: .,.' . : ' .~ ,
I ' I,
. ' iM
j •
: I
111is-,NewS/Jflper '
. '
MBAT JUXTURB ~ '::,' ,. -. ..
mill dJce'cl~ ' Iced meat ClIP ,llcell' ceIert y. oi, ~ oar
. ' .,,
Combine mat and eell17- Dredn·
with 8,111' and aeuonina. AM mOk and ..... MiX wen. FBI I ".\r7-liMd caaeroles and cover ; witll i:nat. . ,~ . , . .. . . . - .. ._ ....
Salt andb PtpI* lit: " 2 ~PI rot.. or ",uJ ' 'daCfd harcl coobd _
..., 'J'
Makes six IndlYldut " eauel'Ot~
four inches by 0,,8 and one-hal inches. 01' one laf&e ple to .. .... ' , .. . , _.- -,'-' .! .- '
j Mr. Ifl~ Mr~, Maiiiyn' 8~~ ,f RiversIde Drive" Dayto rnounce the. birth of a daugh .. · .r" Fri~ay, OVa 3, at GOd" - imarltan hospital. M.,~ Ma
put tad of Lytle is the patema1 .ran mother.. ~ , " '
Mr. and
Mrs.~ I.
Mondav ' and ~uth Chandler. ~ . Mr. Stout is a brother of Mrs. M'arla Elbon. MisS Olive Williams returned Friday ,from a month's visit with her niece, Mrs. Della Hpss, in Indianapolis.
HAD ., 0IfI0 'AMILIiS Wlllt $10 IIWON OOLLAU YO IPIHD ,., J.ocol - State ..... ' . vtIlt Newtpa,.,
, , oa
yom 80RLUB
~an, WI,. or~,
'I'tJIIlf I
our rep....."tatlv..
.. .... TBB
... t ----~~
117 ClllllNI IUlLOIN• . . ISO IUCUO AWN... . I ClIVIIAND I,, ' OHIO ~ .'r;.~
M. lStOtU, of
wrr~ guests on ""u~sday· of MIss <
Encinitas" calif.
CLU8D'IID ABe. ------~_
. MER . ~ elSE ""':' the arts of fine craftsmanship ~ave proVld.. ed lieautlful materllls at most "eas0l!abl." prices. Our ' lIle,dlandtSe c~J'IIIes .the 'tra(ie-mark of nationaDv 'knO'Yin manufa.
luras. " , .' . Every· piece of it Is tersonally JnSpkted, much of It Is ,low-priced, and all 9f It IS'ioo~.
lice D f ' . ..... _,aN EI~1l. HOME WA, .... VtlLL . . . .
'., y~
' of ' ~
dll1drea, tbelr~future WeJ.
fare,' is ~' • DIscbarre it '~_.lIld E~TLY by .~ RBGULrARLV. We .are ~~,f to 'laelp~u now; , Stop In I . .
.WanaesYille Natiooal Bok
Oil , Otange
.. Zerone-Thermo Dote Thermostats for all carS
Ojna-Lube Mercury t.\lade .' '
, .<. t.
Batteries ,.... il ~ ,
Replace "',Worn Tires Witt} New U. S: Royals
-.It, "
Sunoco. ' Auto-Lite
~i~ J "'~ , "t'o'R'" ~ ""r%!'l
Belcher's SODa Stmu ·W~-PHONE 2421
., ,,~
... -:-
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Conn er ha \' returned aHer spending Estate of J. C. Gray deceased Garrv .Moran of near Centerevera l days ' with their son-inNotice is hereb y ~ivfm that ville .spent the week-end witl1 taw al)d daughter, Mr. and Mrs. . Charles H. Grav and Mery1 B. Mr. and Mrs. 1;herle Jon Tom floren ce and son in New es and ~ra y whos e Post Offic e Address . Milton . '\ . ~. City, \\~:' t! Mr. Ftor ~ l1 c('. ) Xenia, Ohio and Lebanon M is'; Wilm a Gray e'ntert ained j, :lHendmg Ln111mbia U liver- . Ohio have been dui'v appoi nt: her class at schoo to a Hano S!tv. ' ect as Administrators of the wele h party Thurslday evening. Estate of J. C. Grav late of "WI conne ctlng the new Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Mr. and Mr~. Charl es -B. to the WAN TED TO RENT rn- presen t WatE:r System'wells ~:l.rren CO'un ty, Ohilo, de'ceasSaylo r enjoy ed Earnh Fred of the art and daughter, Joan, '\farin VI :g furnished hollse . for coup le e ., . and 1ag(> of Wayne svill e, acco'rd fng to his Penns ylvan were ians Sunda on y guests of their 'parand three ~irls. ReferenceOated thi 14th day of oct- Wednesday eveni ng in Dayns and specif ication s on file In ents, Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Earnfurnished. Call at · Apartment spla ober 1948. . ton, l S guests of 'the N. C. R. - hart. apove old Gaze tte office or a id office, Each bid must conl'al n Mervl B. G ray, Atty. 2S-Ycar Club. lh e ' ful) nam e of every person Qt' wri te Robe rt Ralph H. Carey Shi te r. com~t\n'Y interes Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn Mrs. s. N. Keys entert ained ted in 1bt) same. Waynesville. -11 'i'l • a.nd be Judge of the Proba te Court and son, ,Russell visite : 11er a c'OmpanH~d by a certifi ed Bridge Club on Mond a', d Mr. \Vart en Coun ty, Ohio. ell and ck <10 Mrs. some eveni T. solven ng, with Mrs. Josep h Silk D. .t bank. in th~ . FeR SALE -- . . ,_ . -11 4 Chric;tiansburg SUlldBoitn ott at as a guest. amoun t of Two per cel}t (2 % ) of ay. . · Mrs. A. T. Polinsky Mrs. Meeks and tlttl~ ctaug-h- and Mrs. L. E. Thom pson rebid !'.ubmi tt d as a guara'nty that TWO 1940' CHEV. Truc b . TOn if the bid Is accept ed, a co n ter of Mason move d la.,t week ceived the prizes. Refreshand a 'half, and three q tl l rt ~'r wl11 be entere d into' and Its tt'a~t Mr. and Mrs, in part of the home of Mrs. ments ' were served. A. H. Earn .. . pprton pi~kup. Waynesvill e Far- for.m a n e proper ly ecur.,,1, Should hart 'had as Sund ay dinner ' Marga ret Johns . ....:...mers Exchange. Phon e 237'1: a~y ibid be rejecte d such ('heck wi :) guests Alton Earnh art anll Don Mr. and Mrs. Berna rd ' MelMr. and Mrs. Earl Conn e>r Lon,g: of Ohio State loh and -Mr. be and son were Sunday evening . fort, and son Bitt". were Monh wltt h return ed to the bldder NOR-GER-EFRI GERA TOR for Mrs. Earl . Earnh day art guests an~~ guest childr and of their parent. . s of Mr. and Mrs. Leo ,A should any ',Md be accept ed en sale, one mile north of Ferry · Mr. and Mrs. LaMa Mr. r Earnha and J't~ Mrs. Cly1te Whar - Conn er and daughters. at old school house. Phone 8uch check will be return ed upon They ton. were, -joine . d at :supn~ the 'prope r b . r execut ion and se J urln~ MO 7989. ' -114 Mr. and Mrs. Karl Babb and Mrs. Evere tt Early and Mrs. . Mr. and Mrs. Clyde From m of ·the contra ct. . son, Dean , Wilbu of KENMORE KEROSENE range, near r Clark att,'nd ed a Book flf , Springfield spent the week' Pa.:ntersEacQ bIdder maY-- submi t tl bid for ville ~ . Revie w table top. Good condition. the entire projec~ or any part thereon China gi.v en by Mrs . end with his parent$, Mr. ~n i of. Gasto . n Foote of Dayto n. dres- Mr ~ . John From m G~org~ , liend erson . -1 '14 sed in the native ' costum~, at FOR SALE _ HEATROLA The right .1s reserv ed to reject tihe Hi~h st. .Method.ist Church Mr. aQ.d Mrs. A. K. {>av h'll! seco~d size, bW'lled I ,lit any and all bids. 1£" in Sprmgfield Thurs dav after- ' a's Satur day aftern ".. of one season. Also laund ry o,on guests By order .of the Board of Tru"3noo·n. , 'Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Scott and stove. W~r Drake , Phon e tees of Public Mfalr s. • -Wh ite Sewing Machine Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hansel- and gr4hdson of Norw ood and ~ , 1. -indo Novem ber·.t, lUS. i-Up right Piano (Wea v-r) man .• ~HAlRLl!lS JAME S, Clt'li'lr. 1-8 Piece Dinin g Room ~suite Piqua and Miss Irene Glade of Mrs. H. P. Godb ey o.f Ciricln· and Mr. and Mrs. Roy naU. ~PPLES Jonat bans Cort. . -1111 with China Oose L lands . and Grlines Golde n. ' Redin bo. of Sic.1ney were SunaeJ'W cm a II11IJU l "'r.'........... 9 C Also RED DELI CIOU S day aften lo,on guests of MT. Mrs. Hirry ' Schen k is conMiami Valley }-Iospltal dUTl 1 - xi 2 ongote~m Rug Unde rwood .Orchard, Harvalescing at Miami Valley Hosthe past -\\ £.C~, is convales~1 1--PI ,atfor m Rock er anrt Mrs. Walte r Kenrick. uysb urg. Phon e 2897 . Sever al friends of Mrs .. Net· pital following a majo r operaat the home Qf his paren ts, 1~verstuffed ~air " --Ind and Mrs r"l.arles H~,;'emeYl'~ 1--5l tie 'Emrick tende red TIet a' sur- . tion on Moncfay.. mmo ns. . Stud o-Cou ch , • VJ~ :-. 1-Gl ass Cu boar ruseparty Tuesd ay eveui n g ESTA TE Heatr ola in good t lmmo ns Metal Bed with of last week in hono r of her . Mr. and Mrs. ' Gilbe rt Frye (;:ondition. Will I(os~, ~ Lytie L-.......~.....---~--'!----~ and s'ons, Mrs. Cora Rich and 80th birthda),. spring s ,and inn~Jr sprin r fierry Roa~ in Lytl~. Mrs. My. Reba ' Brad~o~k visited Levi - 1 t' 4 .-Grea thous e celemattr ess .BOqS LOST Rock House, Old Man's Cave brate d his '92nd btthd ay on t --Law n M9wer Tuesd ay Nov. ~, He make s his and many other Interesting , TWf? B~GLE Hounds, b:iiOwn All in Go(\d Cond.i t on. home with his son-in -law arid poi~ts on Sunday. . and wliite with black J)la" kdaugh ter, Mr. DRAP and ES Mrs. 98c Clyde -- • ' PHO NE 2723 i ets. one ticked, Loc;t ~6uth Wh~rton. Miss lau~a Rosnagle <M Cin-' .... ..-- paU' . . .. east ·at ware svnt e Sundav, 5 $270 ch ' .. cinna Miss ti and Mrs~ Harve y BurPatric ia Dias ' J . I. of M Bos· ~ \Vaynesyille '1 ~t '" J . ea to. , r ouer 2. Reward. No t0n, M~ss• .and Mr. Kenneth neft were Wedn esday over , q' estipt}s asked. R: L. Bates, ....- - - - ni~der of Colum bus viere mar· night .guests of Dr. and Mrs. .~ Rural Route 3, W~ynesvi1le. ~~d '"b,Y Walte r Kenrick, ills- H E. Hatha way. . . bce pf the peace~t his resij- ' . NOW OPEN e~e ~ in ' Lytfe, Satur day even~ ~ . Ing. Alr' 9usfom butch ering . Prompt. 'They were accom panie d ~rvlCe. 'Gait Gord on, Harve ys, Fo~ You To Feel W. :. ------- =-y friend s from Delaw are. .' . -.. ~- aurg' Phon e Wayn esvill e 2006 . 2. bollft eyeJ7 U:1 ., da~ eYlley -Mr• . Itnd Mrs. Pa"l Picking 01,'0 ,eYe' atopplo... tLa klcID~ ftIter . -Inci are now · residi & • ng . in the home hate _tter frolll tbe blood. Mr. Dnd Mrs. Henry G S~lY, " , _ whic1J;.hey~ecentiv plJrchased • ~.;:rem~:.,::.~ani~oa::," I~ ~_':"-_-"--~+H\rH"\-&V'-'. do in my home . lor entett~ined. wiffi' a fami..., from\Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Baird, .... 1Iuld. e . _ aeldl and OItW waite dl'nne . .co!.!n t ry ' h mattlt . tbat e.DDot iD ·tbe blood Ick servl~e. Phorte 2Q86.· and ~r; an~ .M,rs. -Baird are ·.GC' . r.~ t tb elr ome, . =th~~D j~.:t! 'n-:ii li ~' :A:O:~ ~' ~,unday In honor . of tile birtho ' ~2&2 c ,lpvmg th; rtew "hom e wltlch whole .,.telll il upeet "hem kidn.,. fal day of. their .moth er, M·rs. Su· .~ they Have" built aurin } 'ttle'''past to BfllDctio" properlY. " s,'n, "D . '-'~ ayI or• . .".me, leaoty or too frequen t urln.. . . ._ _. ._ _ _ _ _. . . SJmmer. aloD eometi m. · 'WlU'U tbat .omoth DON 'T FORG ET TO CALL us for insurance. All types of insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville ' 2472 or ' call collect. Wilmington 2111. - _ ._- -,- -- - Hom es Wan ted-
eal e<1 b id s \\'i1 1 be ['ec Iv db;; lhe Board of Truste es of Public Affair s of the VlIlag e of' Wa.yn.eq· vill e, State of Oh!o, at tl':'R offi ~ e of th e CJerk of s'a ld BOI:l~.] until t " ely o'cl rk noon, Novem ber 7~, 1948. for fu rni shIng the necess ary rna hin I'y a nd 1a.bor for exctlvt tUnl{, backfi lling and l eadIng the jointH ot
w:tOR S &L E
$2-."0 'I
Kid ney s Ml\Jst
·W ork W I
lnl is WrODr. YOII aaqaUl ler.D. . . . backachl!. beadac h-. 'dia'n _ 'i IuiiuiIad e ,....ltlil. iettiD' ~ at Di,b~....~. Jl 'W t;y Slot tl'J' Doa,,'. r'UIIIlt .T_ WII be WilD' a medlcl u ~m ._cled tbe roUl.. t"'; oye r . Doo,,'.lI tImt'dat e U. '1111.. tbe IdclIUI,. _ad IWp til.. ttl pol8Olloae ..... froaa floDtaba aotbbur hanDf... &odaJ'. u.wltI a ~ioDed_. .
. .
'PHO NE 2481
Porta ble Equip ment Can Be Brou,pt to. the Job
.Bill 'Lee .
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,Deacl ,. t ....
. . . .
HORSES $'6 -00; ~w~ ~7J1O; HOGS~ ..~.oe
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· a.n.. . . _ o. 4 5 4 aa...... · X EN 'I A Fertilizer cAll .
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Mr. and Mrs. M. A. FulkerSon had as week ~ etld guests Mrs. Fulke rson's sisler., Mrs, H. tHo HaIller and daugllter of Culver,' Ind. ca~. Harpe l joined . Jhe weekend g up 011 Satur day, lind Mr. and rs. \H. M. Van Pelt of Sprin g Valley also were ~aturday eveni ng dinne r guests.
.... .... . ......... ....... .
. W& ftD, a.u _ '
TAIl .... 1lOAD-OD.
'-.00 11 ·. . . . .
" ' · CiVic Club to Hold ,
· Th R M l oa m i ·'Father-SoD Banquet 'li ' A' ZE'J T E Carotbers, Pannle
. sec:ond Concert To Feature 4 Young .Artists
, ' , : ' , ,'
Grace M'ethodist Churceld h of The Rev. in L H. Mayfi Dayto n will be the speak er , By Smitt y next Monday night at I the • . , Four youn'•g artists from annua the l fathe r--=-a nd-s( ln ban~ . Now that the village ' and ' Ci.nc~nnat.i Cons ervato ry of q,uet of the Waynesville Civic 8E.!'V ING WAYNEotlVILL:E SINCE 1850 , school ~x rates ' have been re- Mu Ie wIII .be presented next ~N-o-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-F-I-~-E-C-E-N-T-S~'A~C-O~lub. Each memb er IS urged to , P~V bring 'newed by voters at their pre- Wednesday evenIng at 8: 15 in a boy to the meeti ng sent level, the eouncil arid the ,seconc;1 featur e of the wheth WAY,N ESYIL LE. OHIO er he has a ' son of his l1HoURSDAY, NOYE MB.ER 11, 1948 school board have a little! mor~ Waynesville ' COncert Serie ~, own or not. -.-. . ---" ---------~~~------..:..-.....'-----aSS\lrance ~aga:inst going broke : The artists ai~: ' ' ,The dInner will be serve d in . But they still are not the rna t William WilkIe of Van Wert ·th ba emen t of the Methodi5t prosperous public tJodies on Ohio, Who flew 31 mis~ions ·Chur ch. record.. They "are operatifl~ radio opera tor ~on a 8-2·1 n ~ar the, m~rgin ' of safety. and bomb er from Italy durin Wl,ll ha.ve to ~n so as Ion?, as war, and who is now -soloigst the on prIces stay high. the euphonium or, baritone . How can the council avoid horn., . running ' out of funds for certain Paul Price of h~rg, services next hll, as it did this Mass., a fo~~er sergeFitC\ ant in - year for garba ge collecting? It Army M~~lcal Corps throuthe gh Ag ain the churches or' the would seem wise to ration such four PacifiC battles, appearing U. S. A. and Cana da are parfunds by months, to a sure Dec- as xylop hone soloist. ..... ticipa ting widely in . the obser", ember of equal fund s with JanMartha Fujioka of Hilo, . ance of Men and Missiont; Sun/. uary, ' D.~m Hawaii, pianist. ' . ·d ay. Over 50,00 0 churches will If this plan had· been lot<;:art Petko ff of Warr en. share in ·this 18th annual ob· · ' . 'BIZ ~ .'owed on g-arbage this year col:.. 9Jl10 a nt1;vr. vetera n, appear~ HERBERT J. CARR . ~e rvance on Nov, 14. lections mi~ht have been 'skip- mg a.s flubs . , ' Herbert J. Carr, 5'2, died at r)1e Rev, Samuel N. Keys, .. ped on me last Monday of " his ,home near reside Harve nt cl; ~irman of the Lay- . ysbur g at A driverless automobile several months, Instead of ~GION CONTEST 1 t a. m. IlICI1 Tues<. !S 1av Mis5ion~ry Move ment f')r of a heart cr~shed into. the Wayn esvill e st9Pi ing ' complet~ly in Odo- ON "AM ERlC Vf WAY " attack suffer \Vttyn ed csvilie earlie , as communicat~d r that Public Libra ry during :a hea,·y . b~ r. Also, knowmg that they "Th A._ ' f W ' h morn ing. wi.th local pasto rs of ~l deno'm., rainstorm last Frida could n't be paid for:.-:m()n~ than Is . ,~ ~''IeTican .. ay-W at afterHe 'Was a fa.rmer arid tauvh t. noon, di~lodging severyal bricks inalh;;ms. .\'lher evel' pOSSible" ' so many hours m a ~iven ' ,It? IS the subject the . gt>vernment . classes In farmfn~ .and loosening of the door-' arrarfgemenis have been made month, the ' collector~ mig-ht fIfteenth a!1nual .ess~y for conte st for vetera ns of Worl d. War Ii. way. Miss Ada part Courtney, librar· for a layman to p'recede the' baye hurried a little' more. sponsore~ In Ohl~ schools by He Was. a 'mem ber or the 32nd ian, .was in ,fh~ bUlld,ng and mor~li'ig, sermo n .with a Briet What ever steps have to be ~'ll~e American . Legion and Aux~ degre e Maso nic order in Day~ 'Was badly frightened but un· but intorm ative am! itlSl" it lng, taken tn save mone v in ·the llary. t missionary talk. ,Charl e, - Starr d ' f future should be plann ed far' The .contest is for pupils in . v~~s~~rg~ Bt ue L 0 dge i n H ar.. 'hurt will do this at St. Mary 's The car had 'been parke d on . fnou~h in advan ee to pre'l.ent ,the nmth thn;>ugh, twelfth Survi vors Chua'e are his li. wife, Litthe hill while its owne r went 's toppi ng of p,u6nc servke, Sop- grades. ~h.e subject IS .always pose the .street rep1ir fund one req u~nng the students, t~ lian; a son, William, of Col- into the bank• . Wben It b. . umbus; two · grand sons; his "to roll downhlll, the librar y was , should run out, for Instance, 'as stu~y vanou s phascs of Amen , 1t mav do this year. One skid- camsm. The conte st . b~ats !he moth er, Mrs. , Rose Carr, who the .first obstruCtion In its p~th.• - -....' - - - di,,~ aceldenl ' on "the l)iIt". appr~)yal of.. the O~lO. High made her home with him; two brothers, Bruce 'o f WitlJiington, tause d by' tack of fUbds for Schoo~ Ac~i!lbes Assoclat~on. Ohio, and Guy of New York . . .ndl~.rl coUld (O$t mort .than Comp etitio n Win, clOIe .In the ,City.. alldJI< _ .. • r ' Reb~ of ~ ' _ . ' " .. f08.d -' .o::~~'.~,:.;; of ""ftil lt!, to '. ..-t " and· HaffeyStftti'l-. ' . . a snow emerpnct. . ., . ' " , , , essays wlll then go through Funer ' Ire being Mr. -..d Mr~ Marilyn saari. _ eo~1y, dlsfrict artd~·state. elimi- field ,thisal 'se aftsli8O~ ftom the of Riverside . priv~ Daytotl; / . 7'. , A hint to Republicans: "For nabons: TW'elve WInning boys FrieR ~ Ch~rch In Harvey'sbur~ annou nce the birth of a daugh- On ~he fourth titne' slnce t 9')6. the and ' glrl~tbree from eaoh with ds ~¥~ . 1, tbe Rev,- Thorn berry of~ ¢cr, Friday, Not'. !», at OOtid'.: party is on th.-outs1de. looki ng grade-wu~ be taken next Aprit G~de Sbbo91 ficiati l'\g: Burial ,,111 be In Samaritan bosplta,t. M~ May "were ln, after ' lryinr '1 OU:,t the oil a week 5 tour to. WashfQg- . Miam en:!or talaed ,by i Cemetery. The M,Ou re . Banta of Lytle is the pater nal ~ ttl" ' ca - ~Ia 1s .1n " . . mean ~ 8*r. ;p~ple1 don't cololiial V1.ID~. ~ .Mrs~ Pr~ Hook was hosteSs: ~r \i~e . r,ictJ.a re• Mt_ v··Reg~ ....an! CoUld .a R-. ' MAJQ ON0 Miol!lFRlsH' 0toClub 00, Thu!5p ~h"c:an cu. te "'.1 in i 95 2 PR~ WOIO:lr.s " use ' dav" '"'Y' lakin r I , 00". -. !mty Uben1 a.ua liniN ! . at her home, . , " ! .:1.;; , ..' , Marlon Mc~fresh,' 74, died at with 41e~ea members present. . The first part qf the pictUre . 1" !llono or m'llo R "Po ~r.--M Uf...· . . his home In Wayaes'!'llie at Tbe aMm oon wl$·. plcas antly showed lite tIlt. ~h()tt(:O. , o,f it' adrnioi;. ArizoM The , Progressive Wom en's 6 :30 a. ~I ~~nd~y. . He is sur· s~t ana ;'pl.~ w~re made to ~esrl~' 12: U~on~ ,att shbw ld strati lln .f:ictj pO~lll:a: sue· Club met for. November at the -vidvedL..~f hiS' "Mite; '! ,ae; a .eet at fh~ home ot~rs. Jen- , 'in,' port.? 9r ~o..I~llt ~Ible . home of., Mrs.,' f$·velyn Watl;lns ' augu~r, ·Mrs. · a~y ~est ~ f .'hills fda . "... roa..:~~ qon.. -.:", ~_r for an b . ~.e ," aa tel" -to fi~d enough ·R'epUbllcan con- on Wednesday · Us that. The h'O'i' Done rall, ~.; ... son. ,Walt er ~venlOg~~~f ' ''1'jy gres~men w~n would be witling tess entetIainedn1rht. with ~ a~u~l ate, ROW. with ~yer" " of ~aJ.to, ' 1Ifd a bro her ~ohft a:o exdl, ...e f JI~ " tf; back up sUch a man ~ " U lted ~~ t , q~u"lI~r i lli/l the .readlngs and a pleua nt SOcial .1( ((~hlCk! 'I " h' . n._ I ~ ~" A~ 9"~ ,me thete . time was. ~oyecl. Pump kin 'Pie Puner al ,,~ ' .~ert ·het~ . Mr. arii:rM t Berna f(l DaleJ s wer~ The Youn ~ a mos~ as man.y as there of th and_coffee were serv..~;~ I ~~s.entl' ," Q{#~ m ,the',. enter tained on Thurs(Jay evel are 'g eople lD the: u. S. toda1 t. . Meth<K1is.t cinvasst:7"'h to g in with , Oln , . the Churc h for sUP,P. t.\r. and Mrs •. for the I , ec.e WI I . cover ed, , . • .,OrlnY who were ~ele"ratlDg show mg of se lit'" W Methotnst" Chllclre~! ';!f~me' a~ . ~~ dln~:er an~ mlS ~rs. ' their 50thU:rie(l~ii1g , ,~rtniv~{$- ~ken, with a ~:ive:' bel~' ~~hi.ngton!Ob,I!.1 \~" ,: .. I ri~ r.<.. w . ~ an . -a ~rlst UlI~ " ,of Harri ett ary. A Ll>I~ d' t social eV~llin, surface ofihe w..a~; and .~dWii Th Is a =sent~ oJir '·youtll.' ' I . p~as , was t:DI~e .and re~reshments some very intere stin, .. forms - Qf enga le in e.c~ t~ "j " , ' . ( . E t we~e cpeP.l~g wltJi ~ ~a~. ~ life, ," " . . . . Plea$e 1ft) _ In y6~t ' J:II Da on; . , ' Mali' ioy-el , offer in, as itt ' , , ,er.~ re~ At the ~otberS' qub meetlll, Wit. ." , 9f !layto n ceiveil !i' -be a ~h ~o:( )~ : u~ts~ inl . on . y, a '~equest was d M '. , ', Ch~I~s ' ,were Guests ,. wfth Mr ... , '- A\r~ ~ made fArFrida ,r. ~n solde , .additional pl~~ Ir Shaff er ,Sund ay of Mr. G "ff ' •, ~. UQund .equip ment and Qlj __ ". p 'SthUDerrdav. a ' and Mrs. · T. 8rant)ock,', wh 9 . g a_ were ng. ft del'!' are now establ ished ~ their , H S"1, tt U-; '"ff" i CIOUS dinne r was served. ~. be ' Qf service: A ' t6 fft; .sit" J . new •'home' in' South ·- Leban on ' . a~e, ~nfS. I: Ie Cook , wJI'. 'be pur~ . tit', ..~~ DJ'e_~,,"ft!!'!""''''''''''"f' 1f,d\;dt:'' :' ' ' ' ~ '" ' Mr,s. G.eorl~ ~etersoQ. future. If, cIIUdain gtaN~ es~~..• . Mr. and MtL ~ C. St. John . . t 4 ~ • ,t~in, to k~ them usy th~o -Joy ed ~e ~d with Mr., ~n~ Mrs. R. C. ~oler ' Is a great deil less \troub te . their son , &net 4audlter--~ .e~e . M~nroe' visitors , Q,~' ,Sun. '"J • , '/ ' " .. . 'ay Mr. and -Mn.'1'C~ dIi St. (fa" and Mt. taUl..b~ b\4S 'fill EN RE'nlluiS :; .. , Jolin and · daup fer at ' ~Huw;. . for,lIler Sunda'yMoler Sehtio l, I " U_~GlItiJ bird, Ohio. .: . . . ',the Pres~yt~r!an Church. ~ y He.len HaY;eS ~\. u~ .' ' \ , ' were dinner guests In ' H~~i tQn ,Ame nca after a brlllia ot: , , NOI'W~"" Mr. and Mn. Robe" Root anell on fflelr,.J'J.tuJq .. h~ hacJ In Lond on to IRam tt~ 'S~:...t~te.('rnl6 ) per. aad Mrs. ,Emma Geimart of as afte~o.on (.uests ~,. and · .mane nt lea~M . . ·l.~~ ·.' bn: 't ie ., ~U~lore Dayton; ~ . ~ .Cora .Root Mrs. eaud e Ryan; .--:- M~. Ira ~lectric neat ,. r~ over WHlo, ' of 'West , , ' SUn- Shafe r and Mrs.. .John S~afer Sunday, . Nov• .t4, at 9:00 . I~ · .g. . tt '" day ~ , .M. 1M ~ of HamDtOOi ' m., spon sorod pf , lo this area , . and ' t iy , k H. Stubbs: ' , ' ,. '. , " The Dayto n Power and Llilit J~hn Shoega~r et Oncfllbati: ' . Mr. ,and M.... J. Willi am Company. Mr.' an~, M , lest« Sbatf e; . Mr. and , Mrs. .Henry R. • .' • Strou . " se, MI'$. B~~e MUts} Mis... ' on her prem ier "'[H!Alraft.~;(Ij and children.. and the bost and terthw alte and, ns DOW' Joh~ From m and Mrs. E P on tie Elec:trlc JJrI. tte h ostess. . the ,farm home Which Mr. IDa att~nded, the rete, ; wilt play a ro., . Mrs. ' Mack Wilson,. vacat ed for ' the Wort lw G...n d has won _Ireat ~~tuq~ , "A'I'JION,Z. GAR ,t. when they move d near Cent"... · . of (;)bio, oilSa turdl yVictoria ·, ~Viidll.ri:" ADV .R?'8,. R8 vtne. . at Groveport .
Men and Missions Sunday Sched_led '
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The Miami (jazette B8 ABL 1SB ED 'lao
" Methodists' Notes
- - -!--
Our plans fo'T Christmas are as follows: \ Th Choir ·wiH give the Cantata, "The Music of Chr,istmas·" by Ira ,5. Wilson, on Sun ay evening, ' Dec. 1- 9. .
PuQli. hed Ever f Thurad ay At Wayne sville, Ohio , CARL G. SMITH , Editor ' Entered .1 second class matt., . at the Poat Office SUBS CRIPT ION RATJ:; - - -- $1.50 a Year in Advan ce'
Ev en ts Co m in g Up
8:30 P. M.
, ,
The Children~s· Dept. will give the Cantata HChristma~ ' Eve at Grandpa">" , the date to
I AS. _
be fixed later.
:(Te have events listed in this calendar, notify The Miami Gazette before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) . FRJDAY, NOV. 12 W" H. S. basketball opener at Blanchester. . SATURDAY, NOV. 13 Sf. A'ugu line Altar odety BiIlgo-Dance at W. H. S. SUNDAY, NOV. 14 Go to Church! ' St. Mar.y.s Club at Episcopal rectory, '7 :30 p. m; MONDAY, NOV. 15 '1 Civic Club in Metho H ~t Church basement, 7 P. M. Bo S out Treop 40 at 7: 15 P. M. _ • . TUESDAY, NOV. 16 Board of To\ n hip Trust e '7 P. M. (Dela yed one day.) Bo)'s Club at S. . N: Keys hom , 7 :30 P. M. , WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17 petial showing for oftba ll league at Twin Theatre, 6:30 ~ anct
-' .... .... . ___
.... .... Im. .
On n'ext Sumlay at 10 :3()
the local Women"s Society of Christian Service will observe "Tha nk Offer ing nay" . 'The s~ ea ker will be M,rs. Eugeile
Chure.h' · Show Star ·
RIel of Dayto n w'h o is a Per-
sonne l officer' tn our
Central Jurisdiction. Miss Toh ' Bal~ w.i~l sing a solo, and the ch oll' will sing a, special numtrl'.
The Wom an's , Society of Christian Service will hold the,ir regul ar meeti ng Thursdav Nov. ' 18th w.ith Mrs. Charles Ellis. The Quar terly Conference will be held Thursday evening I Nov. 18th at 7:30 fo'Uowed b a reception for the new Dist S~Pt Dr. Robert Kennedy anl wife. . '
~ , THURSDAY, NOV. 18 Methodist Y04th: feHQ' ship and Choir PractiCe, 7 P. M.
• IT PAYS - ..; lOA , •
s·1 'I'
.., ' I I
'or local or S,f at. Rat•• Vilit • •MI Newlpa per OR
Call, Wire or Writ. , our representatives
. .-. by '~,i~~iij .
!Appc aring ·in the ramous play! '1 d .-· ~ ,·d from Dicke ns II. Talei , ' ,j' '.!. '~ " o Cil;,., •• Mr. , Brian .. , _" . '" pres nt an un forget · . i , .. ~ ' . ~;1tl a: ".et in his self·s ac· , ,': r'j :c, ' c,'en to Jeath. The pres., ' , n,lati" n is one of the GREA T' ' SCEN ES FROM G REA T ,I ~ PLAYS produced by the Prot·; , ', estant Episco pal Churc h, with ~ the cooperation of the Episc o- ! Ipal Actor s' Guild. A prog.ram~ \is on the air every Frida y, eve!ning at , 8:00 easter n ~tanda rd
'I' :
su,... '700
:~ime, and , cor~ponding h~urs Im
the oUler tame IOD~. Over ' all Mutua l Broaacast~ sta- . ;&iens f:lDel maar independcmt \ , ·~, ta. tio,.ns. , ' , .. . : J
ties the improy-ea w-ay. . . ,.,. Tho~e h.a,rd to :ge1V. out · spots
" Mr. and Mrs~ Homer Ramby ..... W N~ of Hi ' vanish when we t'.lckle them Mrs.Lantana, F1a:.l, and Mr. and Merman O' Neall and fam- · , • • , • ~ • your ties cqme ~lome' l?ok- ily with Mr. and Mrs. David PLUMBING ..... ELEC " TRI ' ~ .... " Zmk of Dayton, were '~ond~y UK; , . .~ . ing fr,esh·, as n~w. Supe-rlor evening dinn~r gu~ts of Mr. CONTRAcroR , , I' . and Mrs. , Ed Ramby and , . children.,. c: " PHONE WAYNESVD.l.E ,
TIJBK ' you. 80....W - Ii t £I '. INTO , QUIC K, aUD y - O~ ·
• 8UD TBB cWS IPDD &De. •
T. Itl. · Scarff, Minister if'. . .~ .. , Sunday; SthQoJ ' '. 9 :.10" a.PI~ . ' B.A. Eafnh,rt, Supt.
MEn IODI ST CHORat R.B. Coleman" Mlniste~ - - . Chur~ School ' 9 ;30 L~. J • ..J. Burste, Supt. f
Worship a~ ~nn~:':30'~aL'
. Sr.. IlAltYts '~AL ' . ~ucbellh Ke.ys, . R~or
·\.yorsb~p Servic~
.v.lli g Service ,
to :30
CAESARS Cii.iK ,..
-. - ----~~~~.:-.~~.
S·· .JgIIalS!· . ·"
' ,
' 1
. Prep,re now for Winter t 'Stock' " up on anti-freeze. We've the ' quality at lpwest prices.Try our expert Winterizing ser-
LqL .
7 :30-I j.~ ,.
vice too I We caU and deliv~r. .
Rev. David Stanfield,' Minister Sunday School 10 ....... WorSlilp Se~ , t ,~ ....
UTICA ,E. U. ·~ ~ , ,' 1I0URSa :
a.-. SuDr
'9 12 ' ea "' 'ch m'om&..~ ~~ , - o~ . ". .9:t ~ A.M. Mrs. James ' GarrISon. "'4[ Nom l", 'Pcayer. to:30 A. M. . Preaching 15t and 3rd Sundays '. t-5 afterooons 'el[P' Jt ~ I'ItIINDs each ..,on.tb~ 10:30 ,LaL W~nes (I,y " 'ea-. Da . c .... 01 9'30 ...u_ y "","0 • a.m. Eveni , ng Se~VJc ,' - es , , ' 7 :30p.rru , 1-9 '8I:""",y. .venbll,·, Meet lnt for Worship I nu: ME1 1IOD JR otIleteVea. . b¥. :. , . to:3·0 a.m. ~(JI { I ' , . . Appolatment Dr. J~ph' Myers. 'MIaLtIer WAY NISV lLLE 'Sundav Sdlool '9:S0 .... ' TeLEPHONE62.a .. GlU Ral ~CHUSTM WOnbM fS. RSeU~ Jlor! -0_~ _ . ' M• H~ "",,,lie )', inlster ip I ... RoC os.:3 t .Bible SdlOOI . . , ·\· 9:30 I.m. !Mom _ 'Worship t.o:30 A. M~ FERRY alUR OI OF OIRI ST '.. .~.GUllI "People·s Meetinr Byron Carver, Minister . . , 7:t5 P. M. Bible .Scho ol 9 :30 a.1IL Eifenlnl' Servic e , 8 P. M· MO"J ing Wors hip 18 Sout h Detr oit 8t1 •• to :30 a.in. . Praj~r Meetin( 7:00 , p.m. 5"1'. AUGUSTINE DNI A; .OBl O Yotmg People s Meetln~ · • ..ather KrumhoI~ Priest . 1:00 p.m. "'Isses " , t8" and "0 A.M. Eve~lng Se"ic es 7 :~o p.....
I• • •
:klfR'S ':Garage ' Main and Miami S~. Ph. 2341
~"'fiIt ' ICHOOL , , -~I!f:. I,
On Friday night" November 5, the JUnior class gave a three act play called, "Marryill~ Miargaret." In the cast were: Martha Lukens, Mary Ann Burton, Joann e Watkins, Roy Furnas, MarJlyn Hamlllond, Stella . Creech, Dan Simpson, Hanlan Earnhart, ' Barl1ara Hartsock, Donna Barton, Jim Scheetz, Eddie Dakin, Frances Reynolds, Clyde Smallwo.od, Bill Davis and DIck Lawson. . It was a light comedy very well presented and enjoyed .by a . fair crowd~ . On Thursday, Nov. 4, we received a much needed grand piano. Come see it Nov. 17, . Wednesday, when William Win ie, Paul Pric~, ·Martha I.e~: and Carl Petkoff, · from the' Cincinnati Conservatorv 'of Music, will put on the second
concert at the high school buildi.ng. The High School cheerleaders were chosen last week. They are· Bill Stansberry . and Norm'a Pummill, SeniorS; Mary AIm Burton, Junior and Beulah Florence and Wanda Lou Wit· :-on. Freshmen. Wilma Grav was host at 1. HaUoween Party at her hom·e, Oct. 28,«o r the ' whole Junior Class. , Don't forget our first basketball game at Blanchester Nov. 12. Good Luck, Boys!
of study on "Money and Bank. ing ~erv,ices". ' Several TypIng II Stth.ient are ~triving to pass their Jr_ O . .p:.. T. ~ests during thi~ six-week term. There has bc!en a marked improvement in speed and accuracy In the class recently, which is encoura-gin g. Typ ing J students nave no \v learned the ' complete keyboard and will place greater stress. n accurate contr.ol, rh)thm~ . and speed bUilding. . Shorthand I and Book kerp,iilg I students are Interested in. th e! r work and. are progressin~ Clti. factorily. '
The student enrollmen t ;n the busines education ctt partment is as foll ows this yea .. : Qeneral Bu 1ness ,~ t . Bbokkeeping I . 17 , ! Typing I Typing II 1~ ~hort,l·. and I (1 .~ ,ss H. Hartsock was .ol¢~ t lecturer in General BllSi' I ~SS Class ' on Frida.v morning. The students ha~e completeci a unit
r ' H~
:1IlIH\ 1l~1 .. Build ing -.:. Broadway 'TEJ, EPliO NE 511
L~banon, Ohlo
C- _._
New l"hI, how trim, how .sy .to , Iii••• • -Ho.w comp act to .... .... .. , How .Iow \'
In price •• '. Yet '
Whe il.·w tiaIe.of a clean ing lob • cIoes •• '. For It'. . . a real. NEW
._ .... ...." as II
,.. -...
. 1"ns .". On~ .., ..
__. .______.
'WITH OUR THEATRE Bo<:)K OF TICKETS FOR ADULTS and ·CHILDREN . . . C nt~ t 'jur B5Xo ffice by "Phone, ' Personally, or Write U s~ ~~._IIIIi
't: ..
•• •
. . 1Hl!R~.-FRI. . .~ MT.' ONL Y . ?he Headhn .... rs of ~.M,",n. EDMOND O'BR IEN . & ELLA ' '8 UT 'on the wrong SIde of . '. ' . . tlie Law! . RAINES In a thnller of Myste ry.
., :1SMAlL ' ~ 4
: ,"=Ef: !,
~::1"'O'Il[[rr. ~.IDnHlR. u........ UGlIIR nun ... IIUU nICII~1I ~
All EA8l[ UOJII FaMS Release
ruES.. ONLY W ;AL T DISNEY.~~ Famous
.Song of 'the Soutb - -' - -- -
And: Chap. 13 Dri-k Bradf)rd ·"SINIST~R RENDEZVOUS' POPEYE CARTOON ' A'Jso: Weekty.-: Cash Award. .,
Years .~
. $UN o-MO N.
: . Solve Yeur Family Prol h~ms by ;:$eeing- ~RENE DUN . E'S HMot her" role in '
~ ... - -WED. ONLY
All Families. Should
) ~ uncy Miller, 19, Oxford, Ind.,1 hopes to be named "Farm er's · daugh ter of c. 1948". at National~ ,.,arm and Gal'de n Show in Chicag~ Coliseum Noy. 2'1 throJlgh Dec. 4. ! I She'll compete- ~th . other farm) girls picked by exhibi tors·· at 1;h~ ' "ig. eXpoiition of · im~lements, enuipm ent and home appbn nces to, . . ?zent them ,in contes t ' fln:-' s.' . ~ ". ':1 includ e a 'con. ·{ d.f! " :n: -: e and accessorics. .. . ·...'!shing to enter n', :r '-:m 'J . raphs to the. Show for pre~ ...1ry judgin g. Fathe r. of en.) ,.-Ilta mud oN.1an:Dara. _ ...~.. .. .
I"Remember 'Mama
C1eanlng tools for Hoover, Jr. pI.g III the front-t he ~
.' -
. . . . . .. .
Fa i.r le y Hd we . · §t or e' . PHONE 2441
.' .
I• .BIY, Seu, Tr,ade' Rent· Burrow, .USE
roIh rlghfalo ng as
....... . . . . ~tooIi.
Gil l! E~' TT E,
New'- ~!Contraptioil" For National F~lrm
lItvery livestOck owner in the United Statu .hould appoint him"If a "committee of on." to help guard againat today'll threat of
- ------_. - - - -"-
and Garden Sh01."
Mrs. R~lp.h Hastings attended the l:mplre Craft luncheon at the Netherland Plaza in 'Cincinnati on Tuesday and sa\\t the . Ice Show during the afternoon.
from Mexico, ll1ere 11 danger ths ~ the plague -nay somehow leap acroa8 the bo~der Migratory ·131rd. or otb~r . wildlife may carry ~e virus, ac~o dirg
to vdednary &\ U1orltiu:, It may be carrIed on the CllotJ11ftg of {a.rm worker. or otqer ,. pensons. !\o1mal. or anima.l prodtk u may get ~ugh\. in spite or fill p'rel'f-ut ;r :1s. 'lecause of these risks. An' crScan (armers are urged to be auaple1ott! when l!ymptOlll.S appear mvolv1ng the mouth or ' feet of f •.rID animals and to oall the nureat veterina.rian or livestock' health official 'at once. . At \ least four other diB~a8e., cauae symptoms sc lely re.sem· bUng thobe of teet-and-mouth dtleaae that only a \reterinariBJ (lan teU them apart. Instant &CtJOl In identifying the true caus, 0: trouble II the gre!.test I&feguard because toot-and-mouth dise&lrspreads like wildfire. It haa been known to ;wnp from one herd to 20 hel'da in two daYI. J'oot-a.nd ..moutb dlseul, ' even wba , 1t 11 not fatal, de.troys the economic value of an' animal. It dlctJ not only catUe but also ft'lne. aIleep and , .08.£ ,
\Vill st. John has r~turn~d 'l~en d il ~ it few dfi V at Martinsville, .' Ind., wh~re he :If!' ~r
went for treatment and rest.
MI'. and Mr . Fred C. Cole ~ of Dayton were ~ ui1dav afternoon callers of T..i.T. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway.
loot-aad-mouth 41aeaae from MJ'OII . the lrfaican border; .Aa long u a .ingle inteG-ted cow . ~mallll in Mexico, herdJ In tht. country will never be aecUN. lIaD)' tboulanda of Mexican cattle DOW carry the i.nteetioD, and the cam~ pa1gn to , check the au tbreak In ~1 country 11 tar from beJDI
. I h Iplt. , 'Of the ' quar£._~t1D' of 'De outbreak area' .me! the United ft&tea' bo.D OD l1~utoell lmportl
:mi. fJ./oll, , ~nl.J
1...-' _ell."
,.a. "m
brother' Paul BraUen in Dayton Thursdav morning.' " .
. . .' . .,.
Raymoiid' Smith wilt ' return
has been jn tlte Granj Vjew for 2 weeks . .
, Ho~pjtal
WELDING Portable
" .
Call Be B:-oLltmt to lnt Job
• • •
'.Mrs. . Robert '. Greene of ,Mr. and Mts. A. C. Rockhold and, daughter Marlena called on Dayton called on he'r mQ1h.er Mrs. .Delmont Pric'e ThUlSd1Y Sundtly, \MI. and Mrs. Lee Mor~an. m<;>r.nmg. ?
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ramby of Lantana, Fla., and .Mr. a'nd Mrs. Merman O'Neall and fam .. ily with Mr. "and Mrs .. David Zink of Dayton, were Monda.v evening dinner guests of ~\t.. and Mrs. Ed Ramby and children.
1' .
Col. Ray Cop'eland anj wife and M. -A. Charlton of Marbn. Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charleon of Fairtleld, Ohjo, visited with Rev. and Mrs. R.. B. Coleman Saturday afterno')n.
Mr. and Mrs. R' oh e "~ spent the, week len~ with Mr. Guthrie 'and family ,wer'! and Mrs. Delm«mt 'Price and . Mr~ , and ~rs. Orville Gray' dinner g-ul!sts Sundav of· thr'.·r family. Mr. ;and Mrs~ A. C. and lMI. and IMrs., Willia m'/ • •• . . ' ·p~ren~s Mr. a.n'd Mrs. Perry · Rockhold .- calltd . Saturday . Sawyer are enjoying- a vacation in flor~d~. . Mr. and Mrs~ Hilel~ Gibson (1uthne of Da· on. . " evening. . f' ~nd daughter SteIJa ,Le.,is $ent. ' . ' •. 0. · " .!. Qeorge M ' aU, abd a'U~i1tl' r " SundaY' :with Mr. and Mffl; Rid- , M,r. ahd Mrs~, Hlle~ Gihson ~r. and Mrs:'O.~ 'tf / Ke~.;m~eJ. Mrs. Dai~y Snyder of Cincinhard Hanes and daughter of railed on ·Mr;- and Mrs. Harrv Bessie o( 1):'0)' :spent ,Thurs'day nati wa.s the guest Of Mr. and near Xenia. ' Gibson, Mr. 'and Mrs. Haro1d h,,"re. . . l\U". Lester H. {jordon the past Rogers~ Mrs.-Emml 'Gibson 'JT Mr. and~ · Mrs. Atlhur Ker- \\ eek. • • • Mrs. Anna Lucas remains . B('JJbrook S~tt\rda.y cvenin~ ~ singer and , son' l'omtnv of quite ill aL her home here. . Dayton caJled oin their parents Callers at herl}qme Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Marlatt ..... were. Mr, and Mrs) Earl Lucas and family sperlt the wrekenct and family~ Mr. and )\ns. " with Mr. and Mrs. Gtenr: Cla'l Raymond Lucas ana 'family and r·f Leesburg; 0;.;0. Mr. and Mrs .. Loyd Thompson. ' • • • Miss, Minnie . Crawford of Mr. ~nd M 'r~ Dale Fair a.- r Dayt l )11 spent 'the w--ee)cend with , children .ca]]ed on Mr. a!1 j Mrl; ber parents ' Mr.. and Mr Edm!>nd Marlatt Monday Crawfon.1. . ' evenJOg~ Clarence -
Mrs. J. 1. F:·it ·, of Oak Ridge, Tenn" ha ~ returned to her home , f t "' r sp l· n\ : l n .~· a few weeks here ,jtll 11er parent~, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Salisbury. , ,
to. his' home in a few .days. He
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. ' Price 'of Martinsville, Ohio caned on .Mr. and ' Mrs. Delmont Price and 'famIly ' Sunday. ' '
Dni.ner'. d~.w4n.' of f t . .-.-heel dri.e tractor to be intro. .eed at NatIOnal Far,m .• nd Gantea Show in Chieago Coliseum ; November 27 - 'Deeember,'4. Nonl .ee'anllm with eDline in f!a, ill said ~ drit·. Uk. 'a te.... of laona, ~tth ··~ee.. and \ I haw" Ie.e.... ~ · to 40 work of onilDar, traetoH 'ln two hOIl1'8 Ir ~i leU tl.e per. • .• ;;' I ,I f~i... , . .Thia, ia JUK10llle"Of huiui.... ,of , Th. National ..Junior POllltI'J ( w a~ Ilmprp\IBd<,\I...pJeiii~p.~.H ..JaUih. CoDteat, the aeeolld aDequipment Hell\l tb 'b i' 'dIip"~t4 l"lar.-.. of tJae Karakul Fur ' ,for 'CfOD, ,ctabi, t lincf .. It."~k lib.., . . . .~t • "IlUldn, Der. $mnl,i tiraek fllllnlfd2~ tiat ""'" !'Farmer I Daupter" beau"~egetah" pateb.~ ~t.t aDd ..rioa eGnteltim ,-..11 and powe, ~~.: mq.~en, tIM doIDMtk ara are .moq a.,.. I weeJ lUI.n aM. ' 't'Atden .' aeeea- e..1 '\'enll planned II' ~oDJunelories " . Iilbtea' after- tton with die now. I b(~n leho"l. . :0 . " .' Farmln, ad farm activitl. :r!fil. no~ . fOf&~- will hold eenter of intenat ~ ·tt' .t the 'alrpl, /ana G~rden Chicqo ariD, the week of tM _g . . "''. In addlt~~n ,to ....t "ome '~9W. Belg held " CODC1II'I'I1'lU, ,p ' ' i,m cpe. inclu:d in, ,deep freue .... the ..8 Chah Co~ . . •, , t" dri~!ra::h w.. International Uyeatoek EspoeI. • "~ I . winl' inea aDd tlon and '1UD7 farm uaoeIatiOD , , . ~ . .. ~.~·lJ .,. a bS. ho.... unul ...tlnp, wblela will atl P.M ' /(. b~til)n wi&h ' CIooklaI aut .....t numben of runl rid- ' ~l •. '. , r.: ~)' II t.iona b1' opeN daDr. ton aDd apicult1aral........ "!, • •
• •
Mr. and Ml·s. ueonre 13rattc', a1tended the fUneral of his
• ,
Chas: McCoy ' and chHdren Cecil and Jean , Ellen ~ 1·.
Nov. 17 -- 8P. M. ,
( .. /ro.
,.,---- .,..-.
'\ \
• It's like a siesta in your . easy ,chair wI: 1 or go Gr~yhound ..• uaveling refreshed and , relaxed. Roll smoothly over America's highways. ' enjoying Greyhou'nd's newest and ,nnest highway coaches - -all tyl~~ for your greater comfort. . ,f
WAY"'8~.ILLI DM;Q -.18I1E
!:f38W3AON 'AVO~YnHJ. MEt 'ON Ol-HO '3",I\S3NAVN\
.. '
._- - .-
----.-- -_.-
-I!~r Ohio , S~s
~ ~,-------------------~~--------------------~----~.~.--------------~-------------------------------~---. b - . I Ie -fL' ~
J. by
. ~~
BY~ CONSERVATION DIVISJO,-: '. _ ' r _ _ ' _ _ _ wrr .
Mr. and Mrs. J o· n Burske experiment on twin cows. Perhaps they . might be inter- and Mr. and Mrs. J. William ested in mine. trou e were guests of rd~tives in Athens, Ohio, on Sunday. Donation Day for the Children's Hospital ·Is Nov. 18. If you have any canned goods OJ' jams and jellies please leave them at St. MarY's redory or call me at 2525 'ana 1 will comt" for them and see that they aTe delivereQ to the hospital.
November 5,. 1948. dThle ne~v " , /11 0 1..);1 wa hnght an c ear ;n the southJWest -.at (TUsk . Lsterd,l 'J and when I· woke in the nig-ht the stars were unusuall \I br~ l liant. But this mornin~ the sun came ' up out or a strangel \I Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Delaney streaked sky 'Snd the east wind and son of MadisonvIlle were is blowing. Is the corn pic;;'er Sunday visitors of their brothergoing to be able to ~et in thi ' SrARrlNG TIME; . IS AT THe DAILY in-la'w and sister Mr. and Mrs . afternoon and get to wt1rk b i, OFFICIAl.. Si..lNRISE HOUR,. th,d o rn fi Jd? ' It is a:: read y Thomas C. Runyon at . Mt. NORRIS &~I')CK COMPANY ' }-Jolly. . and waiting for them but t ll . Cincinnati Union Stoel< Va,.d. M.rs. E. A. Delaney returned rain this w.;ek has ' held u. up L:lv. WI,.. _nd Prog,.eallve, A" and now IS it going to n( n tn her home in M:adeira SUJHia y o,.aan ization ••cond to "On•• ;.un · :~ : q ,ay? The weat!k rm an after spendin,g- the p a, t f" UT 8trietlv .. lie,.. on ~he beet _lI around market in tn • . says it is and that wa a ·turm y months with her , on- i country . law and daup"htrr M', an d Mr , Jook insr sky this mor l in.c· }111t SERVICE THAT SAT·tSFIEe we will wait and hope. T. C. Runyon a1 Mt. Hollv. WIHlO Dayton 12: 60 E. 8. '1'. DIal l~O 'W'LW Clnchlna.U There ~o the r i el' ::l." 12 : 4'0 1>; -" ';'(1(), to lI t) I · ,~t' ~· . • ! N l".A~E OF e'RE, DIAL 2222 toI his hens down-to the .sprin~ to M !"l< '.! I r 1':' " . get their morning drink. 'Every • morning they burr l ' mwindow and now they hav~ htl ~ . • '111 ar com;nt: back • t;~ lay some eggs, may~e . At Farm , . least I 'hope s·o. They are almost. thro~gh moulting , :m r. --------.....;.~ , .....;.~, ----!..:."~ . 'f '-.J begin to look very '~resh and ~:!k,el., '~~IY Day Cou~t . ~ .:.;. ;. . - --------, 1 'It in their 'lew. fan feathers, , . One tu.rkey ben, howe-yer. especially nice. : did give us Jwins or.ce. , I 10!Jks as if she h~d 'been plucked. lena is due . to calve next see by one ' of t1le farm papc:rs wIth· almost no feathers at all week and we are 'WoJ:ldering that one of the experiment " , except a few winK feather ' . Mr. will it be twins this time? She stations is planning a ~erit:s of About two weeks a~o on '~ r r r • 1
- - - . - - -......
Work_h'o p
___ I .--..:.._ _
. -. , - 10 .. i
" ."
!~ '.
poults. TlWo of them wer.' ",) '" wt"~k and w.ere · prl'mT't' ., 1 . 'J h r; }1 ipci, .John picked nl' ( ne, took it home ,and nut it h ;..··-I t~e st~ve. but it sqon· died. J~ /'I
• .
' /1
.,... ' t ~ . I ... U
{""" vi Io. '
ST A N LEY aDd K.()()Gl.£R, 8AOK£R&· L..~E"'+~E'
r+ 1!r()'I11 '-~
n n..:> ""'!<'
....,........ fJI ,.,. .
,.. ....
them lying · on ·the SERVICE COMES 'FIRST appearently ~ead. I f)icked it UT' and found that there wae:: ~tq' SECURITY ASSURED ? ';+t' ". Hf" . c;:n , nut it ' ,.. " c.arton' with 'a twen':'y-fivi~ w'1 q WHEN FARM IS FINANCED hght and left it. 8'v eve~ in ,.' .' · '.' "'Jtb . 'Was trying to ~et up a'nd I m" ~ it drink, a ' (J'ttle water. R " FEDERAL LAND _LOAN . BANK morninl!it as on its feet Jonling for somethin~ t.o eat. 'th('lUtyl, I still a ~Jttle weak. J didn't h, "(' LEBANON ·N." F: L. A. any clabber but I fia'd some nrt> LEBANON., OHIO m,eal that looked as if it fl\irrh he ~ood turke·v food so J tried :t. 't U1('\rlrp~ ' The t"rt-e." t,,"("e:: ' it and its }li~h Drotein ('ontp.., t. ~..od liver oil, eta., are ius wh~.t It ne pd'ed. So my tllT'key live$
. .- -- -.:J
"n,n ~hri"
. (Don't
V't~litv [n,,! .
th ~nlr. fh'~
cnm"",)" .. ~ "rrb+ t::>- _.. .,_... 11) ''' "'(vI '" I . c.:"tr ~. ~aC'k f(lr that pli.t~' \ .-',
\. ""
~YFARQ~ ' W.yne&vine PHONE 2824 ·
a.palr .f Fann MIIch,l nety and Bullclln.. ...... ' Equlp••nt l
'Mr. A. E. B.a.... and his two Ion., ~p.rat. a 1200-au. tarm 10Uth of X.nia, Ohio. lh • .y fe.d out 500 b ••f cattl. and ' 1500 hogl a year. It takel nine truck., Ilx tractors ~nd pl.nty -==-::::.....:=----ll-~:-:----,IM-,ftth.r farm ma~hlnery to accomplish ·t hll productl~n lob. Accprdlng to Mr. Be.a mj It would b. Impol.lble today to POSSESSION 'NOW , op.rat. the farm machinery for luch a , modern larg.-Ical• lo<,:'ated two miles East of W,aynesvilie on Route 73. Twop.roduction farm without .an .I.ctrlfied farm workshop. story, eight-room frame house,. slate roof, two baths, hot Th. Beam ,farm worklhop Is equipped with an · .Iectric water heat, stoker, two-car garage, lots· of sbade. hoist; electric. w.lder, e'ectric drill pr.ss, and an .I.ctric Sho~n by appointment any time except Sundays. grlnd.r. Th.lr Ihop enabl.s Mr. aeam and his Ion. to make the best pOlsible use of all kinds of weather. I, makel It . WILBUR N. SEARS .asier to keep all their farm .quipin.nt 'In top op.rating PHONE 2651 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO condition so that 'good field weather is never wasted waiting for machinery repair and maintenance work. When unfavorable weather prevents outdoor wor~, the electrified workshop ' ll handy for the economical building of such items as gates, cqHle guards, wagon ut:lloaders, wagon and truel,· beds. :/
r"-" ; ~. ,,'. t "n"" I . t' . , • ~,(\Jng' 0 do wIth it? Am • rr " ,.. t,.. ha-ve .a pet turkey ,.... '" I n.'\( aJ~ winter? If, J try · ·p"t !~ "
t('l "pt It .,·"-"th t.he turkey · hen and her fIve; ,it won't have ~t>f1Ct> ~ nO l/ f"h tn sf v with them "" ,.,. 11 " + - I, n l ,' ancf di~ or get . ~,ackhet'ci. Jt . is ~lreadv gettmg too tall for this box · . . A ~ryickadee, . a tu'ftecf tItmouse and a. Carolina wren were 100kinK at 1T1e eml"~V suet baR' so J had to l1urrv tf) out out fre SII t , hn·uP.'nt fh e other day. Ho\Vev ~r. ~ a~ o' . ~ w nne of the cats lookin~ at th ~ "tI ~t . bag s~.r shall have to. mit .U~LDI"GS CHATTELS AUrOMOIiUS UlllUTY som'e kind of a protector arfll! . rl t -. "4-W& Y FARM I NSURa.CI" · the ~tr~e . so th at the clds ell " not clImb it or the" will p"et till .. bhlo Pa.rmen 'will .... JOU broad pIO~ I.in,, · 1.... both the birds and the suet if tOIl,..,. fum. It anren JOUr buildiDp, JOUf c:haa.Ja, JOUt lalNlObjl. they can. . ' . JOIII' 'uuw., for ~deou to oIhen. Why DOt ... - . . .,~ The pups are ,e-rawint!' ~o fa<:t . Y___ ,....... wIleD , .... ...... Ia . . 0IaID ~, they are almost read" to we.;:m . . Then comes the problem of ,, ' A. fi.nding homes for thetn. If th'" ·aU. P'!Jtco nn' .. are at' ' ~roJjfk as our bItches won't that .be nice. ·-Phone 11i3~ ~O E. lIulben7. '.E-NON. O. There are three litters eXDecierl .1••• , SOOn and we are mucb interested . ,- N . for .thev ate from a very rood'. ' ." _ , .IA••_7 .I.E- . . .,... boar _and we hope for somethin"
, What ;~bs . could, ~'.ecfrlc;fy. do for·,you?
Other farmers find electric workshops handy for 'such lobi a .. bUilding up 'N,orn mold boards on pIOWI, r.palri __• .slckl., and hay el.vator Iprock.ts. They .mploy low-cos. trlcIty to law, grind, bore, drill and 'w eld, t. run the in.r, whe.1 or cflalhe. . . For .exp.rl.nc.d couns.1 on planning and ... ulpplng cinel.ctrlfI.d workshop be.t .ult.d to the n ••d. of ,our own farm, conlult your County Agricultural Ag.nt. ~r Vocational Agrl",ltur. T.ach.r. Or talk OV.r ,qur Idea'. with the Fa..... . I.p.....ntat~~. · of ,our .I.ctrlc Iervlc. compan,.
I ..
I D DaD ki ''Insuraace/ ' . .._" OHIO .,.11111 .T_
.A"'. .W.I ••• J.lMi. C'~'ID
, - l--....c 111M. . . . . . . ' ....-WHIO-aOIUIa ....... ,-., t •• ,.AI.
Noble of Spring Vallev and Larry ,Spitler of Bel1broC'k, wilen they approach you in the next couple b~ :days.
On Saturday, Npv. f7. and
'(l(Yain on Satur.dav. Dec. 4, the
couldn't function? That high\ was Walt Disney's fam011S "Song of the S()uth" (HKO), a live action musical drama • Caturday only, there is a of the Uncle Remus tales, with departure from the usual. "The Dinah Shore's voice for. ba~k Web,' with Ella Raines and ground. So many ot you were EdrJ10nd 0 Brien, an a~ljon ' disappointed, and Sn many rep.acked mystery thrilter that quests were made to b.ring the you'll want to see frllrn the picture baCk, that - well L'eg innitl . Chapter· 13 of th€' here it is for one night only, I3ri k Bra df I'd serial is dubbed Tue!Oiday, and we nope all who "Sinister Rendezvous". Thel e asked for it will be on h~nd. (.EL) doses its tense dl ama on the ,::,creen tonight.
PAGE. No_ 4394
T'KU'RSDAV, NOVE.MB'ER 1~, 1948 '
lea<Tue wiil sf'onsoT .dances at . tlit'1'3local high sc!lool. :md beBOB O'REGAN ides the . square and round All YOU basketball fans, don 't dan e music t ther t' . will be forget that Coach Ed Porter's , 'other oonceSSIOllS that ar~ e .~.. , perted to swt!H th~ fund ~o Wayn~svJ1le qumtet opens Fn- I~:;t Hie final - $~5n~ C3n be wiIJ ,-. 11 e 3u:11 c ~ sh aW:.l1'd, da y, Nov: 12, a.t Blanches~er. I :l lJ ': 0 the follo,,, Ilig qreditt1rs: . of. course and 'a Po~ eye Car, Who's 'to blame for juve~ . We have It on faIrly .goo~ dope 'D '" ton -Powel "and Li~ht toone nile delinquency, guIlty pare~1s • • • that 194~ ,hc!,es wll! [.-i e on... ~204'. 5 8) ; Ci -.. . Athletic or guiltv children jl The drama the shootm and paSSIn of the . cis, ($62.88) 3 Ill' F;I:r!cy's Interestin,g- , award note: Bill at the theatre Wednesday only, following ho~psters: Bob l-:las!- !~~2A1). Recent' ;, the Daytou Stansberry, until recently em- "Dangerous Years" (Fox), is mgs, Ken VIckers, Oan_ SimI - 1 'n'pires were gi\ I!il tbt.ir final played by the Twin, and honce ' aid t.f'\ 11e ad with tartling sOl!, Earl Powell, Bob Hunter, settlement of $254.00. An in . not entitled to a BB Club C~rd, realism into this Knotty con~elth' Long~cre, EmflY ~ob- all. On Nov . .8 tTle' leagll\~ owed .acQ4ired a: card during h\s' fir 't tro.ver.sy. It's an expose 'of one bIOS, Jac~ Tmney, Har,Ctll Earn- $,73.87 and had depq,::,ited ill ' week a·s a patron fwm Mrs. of th e sources of the current part and Earl P.eters. ffco early the bank but $223 .. 19, which of Thompson, nn longe:r resident crime outbreaks, a picture all )n the camp.jugn to tell you course left a deficit of $ :~5().68. of Waynesville. Last Saturday . parents should see WITH th~ir ml,lch more excepf .that Porter _____ night., that card won. Htlv. children. Ann Todd stars, With is theonty one- ffiat's half-way luck '.' can you g-et? . Also. the William : Halop, one of the Fr 'J ., N.o ' . 1' ... ..n ' ,\.... '1 "I :.; tt'·r . there sure as to who will make the "lost" ·award of a week at ' "dead·end kid~" grown UtI. fri., Nov, 1 q, F '(llklin, here "first five". Saturday was claimed bv Miss • '" * o .:1 Celeste Fr'eeze. who verified Next Thursday and Frida~' Tu"s,. N .' 2». Lr h'll i l ) !, thl' re . by r.er number that she was in lrv Mulford's Pairley Hard"Magic Town" (RKO), whn Fri.; e. " ). ell . the 'audience, but was called ware bowling team, . 1947 two outstanding stars, Jimmle champions . in the Lebanon .'. ~ h-ome before. the ~ward was "tP'''ut ann J~ :le Wyman, will Fri., Dec. 10, Morrow, there rllade. As per rules coverin~ de1ight most loop, ate still smackin~ the of you, for ' it is t~!s sit~ation, Miss Freeze remaples dOwn in good style. the story of a small ,commun'ity Fri., Dec. 1'7, Ha'''Ieysburg, H ceIved half the award. Members of the team include (like Waynesville) whose very Fri., Jan. 7, Carlisl~. here Orville Rose, Clyde Palmer, ' is seared - and saved soul FOX HOLLY IVernon Hill, Ed Ramby an 1 of Ori~jna1Jv in Reade:-'s Di- with a 10t of comedy and ~ood Tues., .J an. 11, Ki 'I!man, there course the genIal captaih Jrvin gest, next a bl:st-se11in2' novel, . humor ' thrown iTlt. Jimmie Mulford. Tile team· bowls each the Twin management i5 finally a two-year hit ,on Stewart does' it again. This is . Fri., Jan. 14, Ma~oa. thef(~ . W~dnesday -ev.ening at Lebanon chuckling (but n~t guffawi,n~, Broadway, "', Hemember Tues., Jan. 18, W. C,lrrollton H and would .4ike . to see 'som/! because it's ,sorry It turnej nut Mama" (RKO) is the Twin's one .long . chuckle. rootei'$, in the gaUery in weeks ' thilt way) over. ,the fact that offl!ring for Sunday ar .d· MonFri., Jan. 21, 9pen to ' .come. %at about if, ,you SQm~ of the patrons, Vil:1e." day. Irene Dunne pJa;ys beloved Fri., Jan. ,28, Sprin~boro, ,here faithful followers in Wa~\ nes. . asked Why they didn't -u'i~ theIr HMalma'!, 'PhiltJ Or.rn is . 'vil'~ 'sports? . "Spirit of West Point" c.oupon "Paoa, and the supp tting cast Fri., Feb. 4, Kings MillS, here Following Monday night'~ entitling them to r~duc'ej ad includes Barbara Bel Geddes, ~at., Feb. 5, Sprin~ Valley, . T . meeting of the local Softball ml~sions for that great show, Sir Cedric Hardwl~ke, Ed~ar said the coupon came' OUI only Ber~en. and Rudy Vallee. Thic; League M'anagers {as ' usual, Wed., Feb. 9, Ce'ltt!rv.,lle. there , poorly attended} it was agreed the sa·m~ day of the show all 1 is' a heartwarming story of a that several more effprts would was not in time. The coupon Vla~ devoted Norw~y-hom mother Fri.., Feb. 11, HiI1sb~)I'o, there be made to pa v off the final merel;y REPEATED the sam,e who pilots her temperamental . bills of the seasotl. · Therefore ctay as -the sho'Y. Actuall:v l~ family thru many ' crises. · Its ther~ '9fi1l be a speci~l .effort also appeared In th~ Miami , back~round is San ' Francisco !:1 . to fIll the .TwIn :theatre n~xt '(JaZe'fie pf a week "previous, the 'picturesqu~ 1.91'0 era. The \\'ednesday, Nov.. 17 at . the giving folks ten days to plan .. picture is alive with human Our Barber Shop 11sual price ·scale of 40 and 1 8 their bargain . night. As y<>ur interest, ga will be Closed by the league managers, with editor .said' in his colu~n l:lst World News all qf the proceeos goin1 into week: .. How much attention cia ballt short are on for Vacation. the loop's general fund. Pleast.: people pay to a new~pape!'? The answer isn't· v~rv flatter· buy" a few tickets ·fr.om Bob Do you remeJ1lb~r one COld, NOV. 8 to 22 Campbel1, BOb Allen, GecrJ1;e ing." • • • bleak ni~ht last , spring wh~n MiJler., Irv Mulford and the oot\Vaynesvllle was WJthl~ut lights "Raw . Deal" until ORVILLE GRAY . of-town representatives. Don ' after 11 P. .M., and as one of· Twin - the results, .the . . Tlleatre
. ,. .
Wa.y nesville
Schedule ') \(
T W 1n
------'- - -,
Clothes ' Dryers
T.lMBERTEX PAPER D~PES ..... 9Se per
_... _-. -------, -
LUNCH KITS $2~70 each Pi
TABLES $3.95 CASH FO DEAD STOqc COWS $5.00; HORSES $5.00 ; HOGS $1.50' cwt.
BOUDOIR LAMPS $1.99 each NOVDtlEll
• ...:AmusUce Ooay.
1l-SlOCk markEl1 crash 1929
Waynesville Furniture & Appliance 'Co. ,
Scu\h Main Stree t acrou from Grange "'1',11 .
Telephone 2422
-Goodyear Sh.o . ae.p alr S ••yl•• InviSible Half SoJin, Orthopedic C0rr.ections . Cork' E"tenslons
~H., .13 Eo II
a...., II.
H. loeller " LIIWIOJtt, OHIO
IS-Roben L. StQtvenaon bom
·, 2 • 14-Pike·• . Peok discovered, r
.~ ~S. COrplO
According to size .and condition Prompt, Clean Service PHONE COLLECT Xenia t'112 ' . or .Wilmington' 2362 JANES RENDERING, Wa vnes ville, Ohio' ,
.. ... - --.
J>-A:le5 of adopted. l'n7 . , ' 16 -B(JttJ ~
, flU', VI .lsh mf,j· ton 1770 ' ,
t1-Presldem I~ooseveh reo celves lop envoys. 1941 WNl'
rr . fur.1.
----- r c
Use The /Jmc::.;lclC
'Check The , >Weatber
Bat, ' U,. \
CLAS~lf , 1£1) .
d 0'1'
No . . 4394
. What would you do If you leamee t the worke r next to you at the ' • otDce or ' In the. plant was. taldnr . bome extra pay every payda y aDd you could do.the same? Your ,Uncle Sam needs only one gl,less. Well, the PayroU Saving s Plau for Savin ,. Bonds actuaU y provid es extra pay becaus e It ' accum ulates Savln p Bonds for you which pl\ y oft at the rate of . ' for every $3 in 10 yean. All you have to do Is , to autbor l18 your emplc.yer, to hold .,ack a sUpulated amoun t wbich he will bad back ~ you In a better form of money -mone y whlcb earns Intere st -U. S. ' Saving s Bonds . Saving s , Bonds are extra pay. For examp le. , if you take part of your pay in Savin,. SoDds at the rate of $3,'75 pel' week, the BOlids becom e $2,1~,45 In t~t,
10 "~rL
U. $. r,.,asur y
rod"" 1M U,.it~J SttllB Mdf'itM CorP$ eomrnemortlt~s ;1$ 1.73rJ A",.wers"",~ Still holding 1o the fightin g traditions of. th~ ~tlrly Mari~s .,Iao sililed tM wooden smps 01 the "elf' '"'tion during the Re ... olutio n and the War of 181Z it...oJ~H lore•• ~ .so" 1M tOilfUl ia CmfUI (I) or 08 fIUIfta "'ns ,M t'.-no u "..in , Hses 01 the co..~try (r).
Mr. and ·Mrs. Jesse Thomas
have moved into their new home in Lebanon. '
Mr. and .Mrs. W. E. Strout! were Sunday dinner guests of , Mr. ~,nd 'Mrs. Rat h ~astings. ,
, Mrs. ' H. L. Rye and M r~. , John J. Fritz were ' Cincinnati visitors on Monday. - ~-.----
Ed Standiford,is confined at Miami Valley Hospital following a majo r operation. . '
EVe~y, ~R
WELCOME N~w 'familiec; making their home III O!1f town arid farm cOmniunlt.Y. find all ·fhe.J. w.ere lookl nl fOl'-C ood
schoolS, ",00.d cbufdaes.. '_,ood bUsiness men to deal ,w itlf and R tICt Jitri y RIS'I'S "hat is most bnportant of all I· 11tII ' 'WITH tOU I . good n~i,hJJors. .. V-.. the ltlon of your That's wlI..1 50 ~y. peop'le childr~ theireduc mllre future WeI. mOYO i~·aqG so few ever move ~fare, IS your .c.~e ' -It colllClla ,. . . . DIsc ad ~ILY by aYia r ' . ..
.' ~MYe-ClURI ~ 'U 'N 'ER~t "
WAY M.IV lttL 0111 0·
LY~ We are read1 to IIeIp you now. Stop In I .
" ayaaYiUe. Natioail Bank
Winter Oil Chance Oyn.-Lube Mercury Mlade
r,.~ ,. Anti-Freeze . Il ' · ~rone· Thermo 0,010 Thermostats ,I';" fo~ all cars .,. ' , .-: ,
Replace ' Wem
I ires Wit., New u~
S: Royals
BatteriM Sunoi1\
I ' I
Delcher'·s 'SOBotO Stivia
.. PHONE 2428 ,
- -
\ bora and Mrs. Lester Prether NOTICE OF APPOI1NTMEN"Fami daughter, were g\lec;ts of Administrator ' the Lytle Woman's SocIety, at , \ the nome of Mrs. James Wical, Estate of J. C. Gray deceased on Wednesday or last week. . , . . • Notice is hereby given that Charles H. Gray and Meryl B. A P,hSbC demonstration par~y Gray whose Post Office Address ,was. given by the Woman s is ~enia, Ohio and Lebanon, , SocIety at Ly.tte Church , .on OhIO have , been duty appoint- T.uesday evenmg. fnexpenslve ect as Administrators of the gifts .were for s~le. Home made Estate of J. G Gray late of cookies and cof.fee were servWarren County,\ Ohio, deceas- ed• ed. e?hon Pu.rs'!ey, was tend, Dated this 14th day of oct- ered a surprise Saturd~v evenober 194-8. . ing in honor- of his bir'thday. Meryl B. Gray, Atty. Those who en10yed the party Ralph H. Carey were: Mr. and Mrs." Gerald Judge ' of the Probate Court Baird of Union, Mr. 'and Mrs. Warren .county, Ohio. James Wic~l ana family, Mr. -114 and Mrs. Roy Wink~ and family, Mr. an9 Mrs. Ward Pummell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saylor and datlgtfters Mr. and ·Mrs. George Brackney, Mr. and Mrs. R~ ' Zeek, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray, Wilma and Bobby, ,.. Mrs. Nettie Emrtck was a and Mr. Mrs. Everett dinner fuest Sunday of Mrs. Savage and and children. . Margare J olins. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blalfe and -BObby Morgan of Dayton,' visit.. . ed Mr. and- Mrs. Ever~ett Early Friday} before meu r'eturn to Pheonlx, Ariz. ~ . Mrs. fmo Linneman and scm Jack of Dayton sp1ent the weekend with her brother and wife, . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur IN Foulks. Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Burnet attended the Burnet r cousins: NeWSjJ6p" dinner Su"day, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Blrown in DaytOn. ' . ". Mr. and Mrs. Ever~~tt Early Ie ft byauto ' Saturday , mornin~ for ~ month's s~ay at S"t. Ooud, ,
Sealed bids w lll be recelv db:; the Boa:rd of Truste~s ,of Publlo Attalrs of the, VllIage of WaYIl,eq. ' vllIe, State of Ohio, at tht', offlc of the Clerk of said BO$l.td un.tU twelve Q'clock noon, NoVember ]:l, 1948, for furnishing the necessary macbtnery and 1abol' tor excH.vat1n~. backfilling and leading th'e jointlJ or pip connecting the new wells to the present Water ~ystem of tHe VI!lage of Waynesville, acoordJ.ng to plans and speclt~catlons on file, tn sald ~f~lce. Each bid must c()ntain be full na.nie of every ' person or company ' Inter'e&ted In tht1 same, and be accompanied by a. cortlfied check on some solvent bank, In th~ amount of Two per Cel!t (2.%) of bid ~ubmltted as a gua.ranty that .If the bid 18 accepteli, n contraot wlll , be ' entel'ed' Into and Its pt>rformance properly secured. Should any bid b~ rejected sucb 'checJ< ",1:1 pe forth~th returned to the bidder, and should any ,t M "be accepted - 8uch check. will be retu'rnetl upon the proper execut(on and s6Juring of the contract. Each bidder may submit Il bid tor the en.Ure project or any part tbere-
us for insurance. All types of insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2472 or calJ collect. WilmingtQll 2111. Homes Wanted-'
WANTED TO RENT - t. n, furnished house ,for couple and three girls. References furnished. Call at ~partment above old Gazette office or write Robert Shiple\f, -11 H Waynesville. i 'OR SALE3 eOA TS, size 12; 3 suit,; size
12; 7 dresses, size ,.1 and 12; 5 s irts, size 24, and 4 ~we Lers. Phone 2691 fOf Information, or call at Mrs. McKeever's home on Third Street. . -1111
POR SAIlE , HEATRO~ second siZe, burned • of (;me sea'son. Also laundry ~ove. Wymer Drake! Phone 2: ~ 1.
right fa reserved to reject APPtES - jon afll lns, Cort. any and all bleb. lands and Grimes Golden. By order of the Board of Tru.,Also RED DELICIOUS , tees of Public .AiffaJrs. Underwood- Orchard. Har- November 1. ltf8. ' vPlysburg Pbone 2897 'CHAR.LmS J'AlIES,- Clerk. "" . , , .-ind - -1111 0
.0000~oI~YI ,TRAme AND SArlTY _.. " ..... ' " -
DMSION tw ---.... . .
- -
, ,FOR SALE'.....:.. PRYING Chick- I ens Jive or dressed. JPhone NOTICE OF 'APPOINTMENT S.~ring Valley 3-7202. . ' Ad~ -114 ~ . . '.'Walter Si Cowan, _ _......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Estate of KAL~MAZOO White Enameled Sr.. Deceased. ' , range, sm,aU. Broyn ,enamel- , , . Notice is hereby given, tbat Flor~da~ . r ed Warm Momdlg h~ater. . Hllda:. S. Cowan whose Post Of. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Ham· ,j. - Emesr'liarlan, Phon~ 2 '1"01. flee Address is R. R. 2 Wavnes- mond, Mr. and Mrs. Ell~ Back , .< ' , - f t 11 ·vllle; Ohio hn b en' duly al'- . and Mr. and Mrs. Mil() MUten,I 8RAIV WOOL SU IT for poirtt'ed )~dmin~sbatrlx of the ~ berger. , atte~ded the, 'fQ.otball °tt~, size 10 ' Also goat's Estate 01 Walter S. ,CowQt tate game_ID Colu~bus Sa~tur:day. pho ' e 229t ' , of Cle1lrcre~1t T,O'Wllshlp, WarMn. Perry Wadle, Mrs. . mi. n '~t t 1 t r~rt~ounty, OhiO, deceased. Charles Baker, and ,Mrs. Jo~ , , ' D.ted this ~9tn 'day of Oct- Wade and daug!lterS of l
. ' . WN d RllpJi H. Carey BLA " and BRO , ~pa~e Juttge"" of the ,Probate C~urt , fe ' ale dacbshuQd. MiSSln~ 'WA." Couilt)' Ohio. ' siqce Pr,iday, Nov. 5;. Ans,. , C , Denald DiI.t1iSh, Attorney , wers ' name of Fritzie. Re. ~1 ,l 't 8 wI d...· Robert! B. Shaw,'-..." .
Fo,Urth'~ anij NPrtb , Waynesville 2274.
, Sts..
Mrs~ Woodrow
Owens and , . •f , . ,'OPiii ' , 1" children were weekend guests for cdstom Inlttherbl~ ~tGm~ , of.:Mrs. .Owe,g's mother, Mrs. Service. Gall Gordon!.stHa"OO~~6- Lucile A[initag~~ at the Frie(lds burg. Pbon~ 'Waynesvi Ie ~d . Ho ~Airki\ ; t lICe . ,,~t ' " "
, ,
,:Large~.J)utdoor Toil~i.. 16 quire ' of rerry ~inc;. " ," . - i ,!. LAUNDRY tot., do In my' ~ome. Qti~k service. Phone 2986. -2&2
, ....
IRONING to d~'n myholfl • , Opal ' Lewis 'Iresslar,near high school , building on Ch,apman Street. ' . ,
. EI..ECTRICJAN...;. ,
HOUSE WIR'INO and Repairs. . Ed Laughlin, ~ld Harmony Grove Scboolho.-. five miles northwesJ of W~Yne~.;. ville. Phone New:. Burlington 306.
HORSES ,, ' _ : .. .
CO\W '_
'7.10 ~ 1
SIZE AltO COl,Dft. .. (:MI.
E. G. ', Bucbsleb. Inc.
The Miami Ii 'A I,EtT T E
'It-- Sa ys._ . 'H er e .
~Y Smitt y
Partly because "It" [-"lund nothing important tv say here "dlis week, aod mainly :) . ·(3U e the mail brought in 'a :-eadymade editorial 'of con,idc!rabl ~ significance, there 13;\ ,~:lIest columnist in. this spa e thi " week.
Pa pe r Dr iv e Boy S~~oo . conduct a pa per drive ' on Saturday November 27. The I ' collection is to ' be a curb pick up . and it· is requested that newspa.pers and magazines be bundled and put .in cardboard cartons and placed on the curb befC're 9 :00 A. M.
,Club to Sponsor Children's Party, Minstrel Show
WaynesviIle·s Civic ·Club will again hoU a children's N ,o. 43D& FIVE CENT S A COPY Chri tm_as party this rear, and will probably ·~p ,:.JHS·H ::t comWAV'~ESVILLE, OHIO THUR SDAY , NOVE MBER , 18, 1948 munitv minstrl!l show ,C1rll in 194';), accol',I,l1\1 to jecislons made at Monct..l.v' ni,O"l11' medin, ', Fled Rush '.Vl5 :!r,'c illd t) GEORGE ' WILL IMt DAVIS The familiar g-reen Stud e~ th Bo C\..lIt c')mm 1ttee ELECTION R~ULTS in OHIO Gorg e William Davis, 86, baker of GeofO'e Waterhouse replace Roger Br "lWll e,,~i1ttC' ly of near Harveysburg, died at i no lohger ' to be seen on r ign d 'from the dub. '\ 1 eAn ,Analysis by Congre:;~l11:tl1 at Wayn e' ville' farflung Rural ' olution was adopt 4 a. m. Tuesday at the home Large George H, BenCier .favo r; ' :~' Route 2" but the impression the closing of bu ed of a daughter, Mrs. Ernest Children's clothing, c:nd iness places The ele,eiio n -returns. of 1948 especially girls' coafs sized Mannon, on Route 73 near among some of hi 1 oxhold ers on the evening of Thur eta v. that he ha s stopped carr ing Dec. 23, will be studied and re:Jtud ied bv to 1 4, is being sought by the Wilmington . . He was a retired when "The Mes iah mail i not correct. , . h istor.ians for years b come Warren -farm er whose w·ife died some . County American i being presented at th e ' ~g h a.ne of the plvoh l :,htes in Legion for its progr am of ,aid years a,go. Thr'ee children Guy Burro has taken school. the nation is Ohio. lk _ ~U , e it to dependent' children. Donors urviye: Joseph, of Lebanon; over 'Route 2. ugh Mr. Waterhouse ' The Committee nallled to, represents a remarknb!{" ,-r' '. $- are asked ' to take any such Qlenn of Harveysburg, and entitl ed 1 y senio rity to first arran eYe the Chri tmas par : I i' 'sectiOn of the country as a clothing which they can sp:tre Mr.. Mannon. He was born ig choice when a change was comp o e of the R~v, R. B. whole, Ohio' voting re ... ord is tt) the following stations befor t tl:te Harveysburg area. made. ha taken t:J ver Route Colem John · Froin m . Ca rt a splend,i index fo the national ' the .pick up day riext Monday, Funeral services ar, bei,ng 1. There has been no chang:e . Smith, an, Edp'ar decisions~ Smith, aiJd . A. H. Nov. 22: held' this afternoon at the ,on Route 3. Stubb . . re Funeral Home with A ~tudy of fhe e ~ mparative _\'Va,.Ynesville: . WaynesvlI.le "kClu The committee On l min. trel the Rev. J. P. Thornberry of vote In 194.4 and 1948 re"eal~ 'furni ture & Appliance Co show consists of: Therl e Jones, . Harveysbur~ lin ~barge. Burial that President Truman carried Harveysburg:,;W-e1ch Hard-: , is ~hajr in man; Miam K. M. Reta~liok, I Cemetery. 21 of Ohio's 88 counties in the wale. ' M.ayn ard Wieltz , Ralph Hast.. " recent ' elections where Presi, Lebanon: - Western 'Au: ) ings, Will St. John, ' A. H. ~'. s~ \'ciate s. dent Roosevelt WOn . 0~.J y 14. MRS. OLIVE W • .DUK E Stubb s, and Carl G. Smith . ~.orrow! City Building .. -Mrs. Olive Williamson Duke , The , speaJ(er was the Rev. ' T'he majo r industrial areas Maso Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Larrick L. H. Mayfield, assistant pastor of the State, _..~here Roosevelt ruildi ng.n: rear room of t. \\'n . passed , away Ocl. 17, 1948, in Miami, Florida, at the residenc.~ are visiting Waynesvill had always obtained over .. e for tlie of Grace Methodist Church in Fa anltlin: Fire Dep'artm~r!.t in o f h er S011 RU53.;!-i · ~ , . secon d time since they whelming majorities gav.e Mr. T(lwn Hall. . LJ~ ; ::> ~·~ 60!~P: t Aln h At k ' • moved Dayton, who addressed the to MIam ' i b 193.5 : :_~ had ,,0 ~IC orage as a~slxyears . father-and-son • .banquet on Tr.uman a much smaller, marlived most l of her l1fe in Lytle ~go. They p an to ~art back "Spectators or ' Participants? " . gin. CUrahog.~, Co un ty cut the t and Dayto n. Her husba nc! died t~ Ala~k a about De_. 1, .and Democratic vict~ry ~bHert.ntial . ' ,..J 00 09m in 1934; She was born in WIll dnve uP. ~he Akan Hlghfrom President .Roose~e't·s " , ~ I ' .' , t t 2~83S ' "to ' 53,'8 7 tqr .pt',. siA reV( ~estaurant , and pool Wayn~svi~le. l"wo 'sons, Rus- way . , ' Vir lh6 ~ : ~dc , , -tbe tl(.cC!~t ~~g~ ,. ~~ w~. op-,ed: jJlis, we ~ . ~l E. and Charles q.,. and , ·Mr. Larrick has n.act\! the OMt\ S·U, .t.DO' n ,.... ' - , a~1i . . ~e l~·aska) ti . .b)'. air.,!!! set-,,' -atra ~ . ~ ,-. . 'hlg' Co YI ont~amcer " 'and comp eted building ne,d tn "the , 1ne, ' a 01 M am!, surviv~. rail, But, never by cat, he said Mr: and Mrs.-R., H. -J(: er . ~~ Summif reduced . the 1 r~man ' old Gazette o1f:fce · on "Main Interment "as .made in Wood- in describing his exper ience s to annou ncing the birth a -'I plu.rat.ities -by a cemnlned figure Stree t The buildinf giyes . a. lawn ceme tery In \.J~iami. the Civic Club Mondav evening pounq 1 t . ounce son of at tlie of approxImately' 20,06 0 votcs. ~ . Rlodern ap,PeaJ7ance both insi,de " ,tfefore the main 'Spelker WflS Miami yalJ ej9s pita l NOVe BAU ER--K UHN WED DING 1. . ~ • . 1lnd oufsltre, iRifroducpd:. He w~ ;i-c fiar er . 15th. He win go by the name Its freshly ~tankllt\ and Hamilton .. CQ- 'tfllow exteriorJWlth ' .and its modern IS SET FOR .SATURDA'Y ~'1emb,~r of th.! club 10 ye.ars of Thom as Harold. u~b~, ,.C!~bl=aclng, Colu!llbus a~d cafe equipment. Miss ~L.oral'n· e D:'ue.r, ..aAu~h"'er- ~~o. He is , now empl~p'e 1 at Cmctnnati,' gave Dewey. an m- . , I o.a .~ the U. S. cre3,§ed margin af 9,000 . more IS HON ORED ' ~ ! of M~. Ctiarles-' Baifer, 'WI. an )~ the ' A~nchorage. . ~ir belil! ncar FLIN SPAQ " votes th~n he received in t 944: . Everett Thomas df-.?Ro·ches-, late Mrs. Bauer and Mr. Edward . AT FARE WELL PARTY _ \ 1 , . . ". " . ~ ter, N. Y., arrived Saturday to Kuhn, son of ·Mr. and Mr~. W~nesville's November Mr and M ~u1 fJ1e d~clslve factor In · spepd sever al, <!ays with h his U?ster Kuhn. Ohl~ .. was shatp~v red.uc~d father, F. E. Thomds and with wIll ·be· m~nedof Mia~isbu~g, weather is u.ncomfortabiv war!D Hartsock entert ~~'ned ~ut o~ at 9:30 A!~. t(~ .the Larn~k5, after years I~ Saturday with a l!la.Jontle~ by ~hl:h ' Dewey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thom nel hboth ood Satur d~y~ .at · St. Augu~~lDe s W.hlCh the hlg~~st temp,~ra tur\;; '_ party as a 'farew as c.arri~d hiS 67 c9untles. over ,the and daugllters. ' ell f~t Mr. anel Ch~~cti! wl~h' ,Rev. Krumnoltz ' w.as 65 ~o 70. - , WO\lldn~,~ da~e flg~res he rotl~d up an 1944 . . Mrs. Rov' Flinsp ach and , famil y efflel atmg~ , . . . return In the su~m~r, In 30·, eounties, ·t b) RepubHcan he , who are moving into theJf T'hey were all joined on commented~ nominee carried by: :t margin ' Sunday for a family dinner by home in Franklin ~rs. Louis e -VVi;Sf> t\ and Mrs~ He descn~ed to the clup .the of less tban half of !:i5 eJ~e Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Earnhart A pot luck su . ·er was serve d Lou1s Conger were among the sch.o~!, hospdal, a~d mUnIcipal ., and five four years ago. ren others and family, ' of Beavertown, t 00 egu~sts hundr ~d was pta ed ,at the Peerless faclh.tIes of Anohorage. a tC?wn moved from Dewey 1944 Mr. and Mrs. John Re.bey of Pantry lA' M131l d ests were Mre Y nd lishurg, ~iH a of 10,00 0 prew ar populatIOn. MrsInvite .,to Trul1!an . in t'948, ~hile Dayton, ,Mr. and-Mrs. Lorwell dinner 'part~, given Lyma W Da Nd ~ by tll~He 1llsQ tola of prolect; under H' S t onlv three shifte'd from -Roose- l1homas and Mr. and Mrs.· Y'. lr. a~ rs. LW M"'l l'" Cl 'b ' w,ay for . n(~w roads horne , 'and W. enrv a terthw al. velt to Dewey. ' alte )a.g anCl u sons. on . . ,'. WilUa m ' Ricke y. ,. Mr. and Mrs. Harry; .Satterth_ . ,Tuesday evemng. . · . hosp,ta.o.I' . waite a.nd daugh ters' Mr. ' and It is appar ent from the IiGRA NGE 'NOT ICE Mrs. Willard Furnas' and son, ~ures ~hat for 't he (irst t,ime Mr. and Mrs. , Lawrence Furnas Since . 1-9i32,- tire ' R'!publtca~ Farm ers Grang e No. 1",~ will and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Par~y made substantial gains i'n. . hold its regula r sessio n Satur Frye and sons, ' Mr. and Mis, me~ropo1itan areas, only to fl~~ day evening, No;v. 20, witli . Eli 'Furnas and family those gains offset by 'DemoMr. ·and , Mason Grange prov:dinl.:., of- , Mrs. J. ~. Rich, Billy, Ashm cratic ' victaries or ' sub~tantlal ore .fker~ and elltertamment. -Mas<m ' and .the ,honored inroads in the nation~3 towns family. ' Gran!?,"e will also 'give the third and vil~ages. -.- , . an,d fourth clc~~rees. Lunch wHl BUR NETS ENTERTAIN . . Every , Republicap studyir,.g ';1e serv'cd. _ WAYNE FARMERS .CLUB .'1, . these r~ults must consider Hawkins Day, Party at the Gym There will be a spe.cia1 meet, '. their import~nce. Farm vot,ers Mr. · and Mrs, Har\.'ey BuTliet last ,Wednesday ~vening. Sev- ing of Waynesville Lodge No •. of Lytle entert wh.o ~aVle a~ways beeri reg-aIded ain d the Wayne eral g.ames were ' I?layeu. The 163, ' F. & A. ' M., at 7 :30, P. Township Farm , as staunchly R~publi~ap ~an no _. Freshmen were imtiated into .M. juesd~ay, Noy, ; 23, for , the Thursday. A roasfJ"'s Club on . long~r be cou~ted as Sllre fnt. the High School. Popcorn, , installation of officers ' elected was enjoyed. " Thepork dinner ~ lowers of the Republican Party . sandwidles, and punch , were at the 'rece.nt regular Novem- guests w,ere prese ' folloWifig The stand-pat attitude ~ of th~ nt: Mrs. J'•. l;i~ served. JUQY Davis: won' the ber meeting. Party. towatds (ural life must . Chap m;an, Rev: and JMrs~ IR_, Th . undergo critical examination, " , for the best dressed e annual initiation ·of the ·gprize B. Colem an; ' Dr. and'- Mrs~ 1-1. irl. ., and the ~ains 'registered' ,in the' , Greell . H~md~ ,of tlte ·Wayne~... Miami' Chapter . '. 07, 0 ... E. Hathaway, Mrs.' philips -and nation's clties .must be preserved VIlle F. F. A. was held last School was 'dismlssed last S., will meet 10 s,peciaL session Lynn Re.tatlick. . . '_ by polieies which witl coItsider ' Mondai' nigh*- Seyen Thurs day, · it being Armistice on MQnclay ~venin~) ,Nov. 29, , Miss Perle., Ri1.ey _ lD:ve a: . . the welfare of the city workers bers wern nitiat ed. teen mem- Day. at 8 o'clock for ~nitiation of j)1per pn ~" Industries brWarr~n The JunIo candidates. r Class wishe on , th~ · lo.ng-r~nge . basis s A)1othet special County". Mrs. Philips talked ' to . Part of the student bdd was jhank .thdse who attended theIr 'feaLbJre will be the' honorjng of on the "H istorica,l Socl~tv of necessary for mtelhgent plann- treated last Wednesday ritoln,. Class play Nov. ~. an past matrons and patrons of Warr~n County.') lng. ' .. 109 ·!o a movie by the Nash It was a lon~ and rainy Cirive Mi;ami Chapter. . -The December Club meetKelvmator , Corp. showing the last Friday mght, but ' it was ing 'will be held aJ tM "Wishln~ uses of a home freezer. This . well wortb the ' effort see .Dr. Ma~y l.. Cook Jeft on W~lt" in C~lltervl1te wltl) Mr• Sof tbal l Dan ce was the first time the new \\'aynesvill e beat B1anc~t e.)ter day', Nov. t 4, for Val- and Mrs. RoSS e Furn~ entery(ictor projector has been us~d ' 44 to 36. The noYs.., played a . at'H igh Sch ooi iso, Ind~ to spelld two taining.- etitb members ·are m the school. go_od game and we-h ope tI1eY With her niece, Mrs.-Mil- asked to note' that dinner Will S-at., ov. 17 Everyone enjoyed the S;:tdie keep up the good work. Powe ll and family --=. b! served prom ptly It {.{: .. .-.-..... SERV ING WAYN ESVIL LE SINC~ 1850
Carriers',Cbanged 'On ,'2 Rural Routes
Children's Clothes .Sought by ~ounty American Legion
Larricks Plan Return To Alaska by Auto '
Cale, P I K
The Miami Gazette ' E 9 TAB LIS, H E D 1 I 5 0
Every Thul"S day, At Wayne sville, Ohio CARL G. SMITH , Eci4tor
Entere d .a second class matter at the
SUBS CRIPT ION RATE : ' $1.50 a Year in Advanc~
in Church Drama
THUR SDAY , NOVE MBER , 18, 1948
oat Offlc.
Ev en ts Coming Up
(To have eve~ts listed in this calendar, notify 'The Miami Gazette , . . ' before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) '
_ _ ID • •
Fir t
l~o me btl k ·tball game" Waynesville vs. ' Franklin. o. l '
d gree work, 7 P. M.'
SUND AY, NOV. 21 G o to hurch! Commun iOn for every 7:30 A . M. ,
mber ca nva ser
t. Mary's Church,
MON DAY, NOV . 22 ' \\lay ne Twp. Amer ican Legion, 8 P. M. Boy Scout Tropp 4 at , 7 :15 P. M.
Boys' Club at S. N ~ Keys home, 7 :30. P. M.. , • ne ville Lodge 163, F. & At. M.., mstallation, 8 P. M. THUR SDAY ,
Th anksg iving Day.
All business places closed.
Mrs. Walter Whitaker was hoste ' s to th e Frien ish ip C lu h o n Wednesda y afternoon, with , a large att.endance of member and, gue ts. Mr . R. B. Col eI.n un was in charge of the d,.: vnttonand Mr . Russel Wl1 on rearl a poem. 'Mrs. Selma Gor~uch of Day'ton, who orgnn i7 cd the luh a number of ;y 'ars ago, gave a fine talk. , Following adjourt1m~nt ~o ' m et with Mrs. Ray MII,l er tn December r fre hm nt- w re ' serve d by' th e officers, MI:. Whita ker, Mr. CharI s Davi , Mrs. Bernard Baugh and Mr . B~ rn a rd Baughn.
Farm c: rs Gran,g
PAGE a No. 4395
;Mis8 Gene Tie ney, and Richa rd Warm g, atarri ng in the rad}o p~, ~
duction of Tlal E..nc1&aflftd COlltlft_ have ' . fiDa) script conference : 'with Walte r Hamp den, HOlt ~ the progra m GREA T SCEN ES ! :FltOM GRE AT PLAY S'i pJ'eleDted by the Protestant Episco pal ,' 'Churoh over a coaJtt to eou~Mutaa1 and iDdependeDt Det"o rk. The " Episc opal progr am. go on ~ air each Friday eveoiD g at eiglat, ~tI ~rD sr.nda rd . time, each otreriDg . ' fiDe drama tic presentatio~, ,..ith ~ .Jan impo~nt brief meua F froa till Cb,rch to peoplr. ,,!,bt» uve I jn~ !eguJa r C~~rcla aliliatfaD.,. •
HAPPY HOU~ a.ua · ~ '. AUCUS11NE ,MEET ~" _AT SItAF'l'"qS' Father Krumholtz, Priest "'f Masses 8 and i 0 A.M. Mrrs., Ralph Shafter was, , ,hostess ,to the Happy Hour MT. HOLLY IIE'IH ODIS T 'Club On Tuesdav afternoon with ~-TF-. M~ Scarff, Mlnlste'r , .a iarge attendance. Mrs. Kellar MEDIODIST an.,R QI Sunday School 9:30 a.m • .}foak anq Mrs~ Lester Shaffer, ____ -R.B. Coleman,..o-M~te , E-;A:. Earnhart, SupL , 'newly elected president and OUtc h'School 9 :30 a.1Il. - 'Norship Service 10 :30 ..11L secr~tary, '-presi ded. MI.J~ It\ary J. J. Qurste" SUJ)t. .wealD, Service 7:30 p.m. WIseJIj'l b, "'). . Dtlmoaiftlll'lg Worship .~ ~rmOD Ag~nt, was tHe gUlest speaker. ~ 10:30 LID. CAFS ARS CREEK f'ItIENQS Plans made to, hold Spe~~l ~usic ' Choir Rev. Da.ld Stanfield, ~1D1iter 1he Decemwere JJer meeti ng ' at th~ You~h Fellowship Thursday Sundly School 10.. ... home of Mrs. Luther Hartsock, 7:00 PM Wo~1p ServIce It LIB! ' with an exchange of _gifts'. Ice Choir. ~ractice Thursday U11CA .. U... aIJR GI ,cream, cake ana coffee were ~ 7:45 ' PM key. William Sliannon :served during the soc:~l hour. ""bY 'S EP ' 'I SCQ. DU, Sunday School 9:30 LIII. , ST. IrIAI' .-.u. :Mrs. James Gart iso, &IDle The Friend 5hip Class of Samuet N~ KeYs, RedOr Preaching t'St and ,lrd Sunaays 'Lytle Methodist :hurc n met at Church ~lJ.poJ " 9 :t5 ~.M. each month to:30 10m. tlie home of Mt3S Jan~t ~lje Momi~ Prayer, to:30 A. M. Eveni ng Services 7 :30p.m. Saylor last Th!Jr~~av aft~rr.oCln. Im E There were ., 7 , members FRI~ cnU Rat " ' p(esent. First Day" ~h,~~ "9:30 a.nv Dr. JO= b ,Myers, MtnL *r • IN CA-S-,E~O:-,F-"' IR-E"', DIAL 1121 .. MeeUn~, for Wrinhip " Sunda v 001 .' 9:30 .... " . t 0:30, a.m. , Mrs. R~ saylor! Sgpt. . ,~ . WOIIblp Service 10:3 0..... . • I
M H Corte" MialSter • •. · .n ' Bible Schoo l 9:30 Lift. Mom lq WO,.. .,llp to:3Q A. M.
Carver, MInister : Bible SChOOl 9:30 a.m. MOP1llnr, Worsbip to:Jo ..m. Pdja ~eetIDf. 7:00 p.m. Youur ~p~ , Meetlll' '{oung People'! Meet.... 7:15 P. M: ' 7:00 p.m. lilelliD.. ServIce " 8 P. M. SYaiDc Serv Qi . ' 7,:30 .... I lOURSa Ii .M. H• . Co~fey, minister of , ' Mrs. C. E. Frazier opened '·12 each mom mr ftl 'the W.,ayn~sYllle Church of her home in the country on t.5 , ~~o o~ ' J exce ,t Chris t , and Mrs., Coffey were ' Frid~y for the NQvember II ' Wedn aa~y , .calllea ,to Stau nfon ,Ya' last meeHng 'of the ~ an's .week d",e to the serious rIIness Auxiliary of St. Mary~sWom 7·9 Saturday e'. .f Cfturch. of Mr. Coffey's fathu . The uiual b~iness meeting was ()Uie , fvenlD I$ . held and Mrs. Marie ,Riffle was Ap,oiDtQlen The Cheerful Circle enjoyed in ch'a r!e of !hI study "riod , Sunday ev~nilJg at the home of , with . Alaska as TELEPHONE 63...1 topic. Mr: an4 Mrs. Harry Smith. ~aptalD John Pnorthe ,. who was 'Tqrkey dinner was se,ved. ' ' 10 cha.rge of the traIle r catheFive hundred was the ' diver~> drat vlslting here last summ er" 'sion of the ev~ning. Those spoke briefly. ' ,present ' were M,r. and MIrs. Refreshm~nts were served. Opto metri c _e, Spec'....· S. Ellis, Mr. '4nd Mrs. Glenn D. Borden, Mr. and Mrs. I. Sout h Detiroi1t St.'I'M Miss .Ruth Chandier left Ernest Butterwotth, Mr. and Tuesday to spend soine \ DNI A, OJ ' IO .Mrs. J. B. Rich and Mr. and with Miss Elizabeth Chantime dler Mrs. At. A. Cornell. at Hampton Institute, Va., ,
Dr. t [ WiIkiii
: ' ''IJI
,'llis NeWspllpil
'. • • by supetior service in every :-respect. We dry clean your clothes and household , effects equally carefully, gettln r the best results each time. OUf prices are right .• our personnel reliable! ~
IlIAD :IY . . . . OHIO ......--.---- WIIH $10 IIWON DOUAIS!O IPIND ,., local ., State ita... ,
Vlllt IfIl. Mew. ..... ' , 01 .
Call, WI... or Wrl't e. , our ~pr•••nlcitiv..
,tHIO WEIKLI~S, II. '117 CmaN. . . . . . . UO IUCUO AVINUI ~' C&IYIIAND 14, OHIO ,. ..,.... 6711
,I.C. BROW" \
PLUMB_ '.. ILEcTRlCAL ' CCftthCAcToR ,
' 29 49
No. 4395 :rHUR8pAY, NOVEMBER, 18, 1948
to over~sel1 it, but \ I haven't . give -you a s·care-thrill in "Son heard one person whl) s~w It of Frankenstein" (FC). as a "road show" (advanced • • • Next Thursday and friday, prices) fail to say it's the fines.t pittu re of recen t 'year~. one of the great est spectacles Set In ' pre-revolutionary 1763. ever . filmed I .; returned. It is when the French and nritisil "The Crusaders," agAin ,a Cecil ,were jockeying for colonial B. De MiUe -triumph, .;tarring power around Ft. Pitt, ontoday , Loretta Young and Henry WIlto become Pittsburgh, it-is the ,coxeA. • • • story 'of a man whn freed a bond slave, later fiAding him· Don't forget Saturday, Nov. self in bondage to her; ' of a 27, at 2 P. M. ic; the free maman who sought to conquf~T a .'.tinee fo~ all loyal Brick Bradcountry, later finding himself ford Club Fans wt-.o~e cards 'conquered bv that country j a)1d show attendance at a'~ cha.ptr-r, beyond these personal intrig- of the SB Seritl. ue , it's the story of a people, who tbemselves are the UnMrs. Rice Snapp recently conquered, iri spite of the cost attended 'Weddmg of her of winning .freedom in un· nephew, theJames Tnomas charted wilderness. Due to the Griffith, and Miss length of the feature, the -bec- Jeannette Gibson in Gladys ond show will not ·start until Methodist Church, Pi'q u,. Grace
. Exe utor Estate of Herbert J. Carr Deceased. Noti e .i · hereby ,y i\ .:! 11 that Lillian S. Carr whb.:e ?ost Office address is Harv.eysburg, Ohio has been duly appO inted as Ex.ecutrix of the Estate ' of Herb ~"'d J. C:11 r late 01 War. ren County, Ohio, d~e'lse t Dated thi 13th d:ty IJf Novemh r 1948. Ralph H. Cai'ey, Judr;e of the Probate Court '. 'arren ~o unly, Ohiu Stanle.y & Stanley, Attornejs.
One more Wednestiav remains for · community-minded citizens to help the Waynesville Softball League thni the Twin Theatre, for Nov. 24 ·closes , "Softball Benefit Ni~hts" at the theatr~, and starting Dec. 1 ·the Twin will be closed on Wednesday, its previous p·olicy. .
. ..
9: 15.
Discussions about age for buying adult , admissions are still on the fire from tlme to time. State law dictates thaT all children who have rearhed the age of 12 years pay adult fees (! ., tJ~e theatre, The few youngsters "passi]1gf, for b-- l<1w '; • would ' nof make ;t great jif. ference tn box offIce v r~ .. eiJ1t" but it's ' a matter of fair'- play. J.f you were in the box offic:! a'nd c:aw the number f 'J(iJs " :=.:-." up tht' i, P~l~:l; !.' . · f()r r ro[ er fare according to · theIr (Ige, you, too, woulr. have no symr.athy for the .few who t .:., to ' get by." :.
Wednesdav only '- and again let me "pump" for the Softballers, since proceeds thh night ~o, to the. League on our last "open Wednesday" Boris Ka rloff, Basil Ra 'hbone, and Bela Lugosi contrive to
Enioy -EXT.RA Travel Comfort and Saving.
. Take advantage of Greyhound's conv~nieDt sChed-
ales and purse-saving fares to make this Tha'nks-
family affair. Greyho~d provide~; &equent, ·time.•viDs service to all of America's cities and towns. ~u ~. telax in deep-cushioned 1U~-coech~cnmfOrt IDd the ddipdUl, scenic bea~ty of crisp November daYL ¥oall be sure of ~jyiDJ, ,at your family reunion raced IDd safe when JOU travel l>J Greyhouod. '
SivinS •
Briefviews: t4Ma~L: Tuwn ;' (RKO), with Jimnti~ Stewart and Jane Wyman, closes to1d;::h1. 'Saturqay, '·Johnny M.:lc.k Brown returns in "The Lone Star TI:aiJ" (FC), an ex'cellent \Vestern drama. . There have been a good ma~y requests for Brown ' lately. "RIV~r nf Revenge" is the 'tjtle <>f the B13 Chapter this week, .a r 1 the cash award will be Of! hand" (n~,'~l ' Bogen 13, rot Oregonia was. the winrter last w~ek.).., T'l ere's a Pop eye ~artoon Satu~·day night, t 0 ..
• • •
, A pa'rt of AJtlerica comes ' t~i \, tovl'n next S JnGay and Monda , in Cecil B. De MUte '.; "Unconqu~red"j starring Gary Cooper and pa-ulette . Go jdard, with a supporting cast LLhJ 1LiJ 1 ~ ' 2nd strong ,to enumerate. Vl h.cn a T::'chr,icolor epic as thi~ comes PhObe t t~~ .:. 'screen , it s diffi.::u!t n'Jt
.:Belther's·. Service 24~3
S.I~iD - St.
~. Witl, ~eal~£t
U'; LUi
' .
Magic T~wn
.The Lone Star Trail .
JIM .~iY
offering 'local bus service right to the family farm. -
NO. TIME FOR' COMEDY , WED. ONLY ~ ' last SoftoaJi. Show ,!~ ,
SUN--MON. . Turn to page 6 For this Special showl'
'OWN AND COUNTRY , . Grey. hound serv~ the nation often
Son of .Frankenstein ' .
~,1t ,Boyt ' SeD, t~de
Relt, Burrew, USE ,"
to Gio what the rest ' of his family can do. . It is .'equally bad, t pr al ~ e a child in front of him. A fc : . words of encourap;e'ment are fine and certain~y needed, but when we tell our friends how well. Johnny sings, how sri/art he is, that he .always has the leading ,ote in pr~grams, etc., that will cause hIm t" start bragging on himself, either. hy . word or action. This kind of action wilt not be tolerated by his friends, s" Johnnv soon finds himself alone, and very unhappy. The worst part of this is that it wasn't Johnny' s fault ! Would it pay some of us· to think about tbis ? &
(By Mias Hardin) J diffl"rent There are many kinds of children in our ~')ublic Schools t9day. A gre:-l! m~my of them are average, In mo t respects. However, we ha \Ie th ose who are different from the aye rage child in. one wa,y or .another. SometImes thiS differ nee can' he .!)y~rcome. May we offer a few word' of explanation? Suppos~ J~h~n'y i a who is very hml.d. The· pareI~ts realin this. bu.t make !h,~ ,tnlStake of telling' their frIend about it IN FRONT OF JOHNNY! He won't talk ~t school. He won't take part 10 ,1 r grams. He won't talk at home if yisitoT5 are present. All ; . this is told in front of ~ohnny! Perhaps Joh!lny i . :pla ing, and Mother thmks h.e . ]sn't hstening. Perhaps he IS stan'ding by her side, with hoth ears open! Wlhat "'ill happen to him, If he' conttnues to h~ar
that he is timid
He will begin
t" think he reaily is, and that no one expects !lim to talk.
0 he goes 'into his shell" and it is only with the use cf the greatest diflomacy that he .can be brough to beliey~ he 1:- a normal human being. . The ' same line of . thou,e;ht 'might be follow,e.d in regard t9 the child wh" is mentally slow. Mother 'says "I never ha.v~ to worry about Mary. She ahvriYs g-ets good grat1es. But 1 00r little John' I help n1m at night, but his grades are still 10\'. I don't know what ts wrong with . him." '. .Catters at the lue Morgan It is very dlscouragin ~ fnr . home Sunday were Mr. an j a child to . .hear l1imself dis'. Mrs. ' Charles Upchurch and cussed and compared wifh family of Dayt()n, . Mr~. Roy brothers and sisters. He may ShaW of Xenia, Mrs. Hemy ' g-et the ioe~ tha~ ,his paients don't .have hIm as ~uch as they Eergles and daughter Na!lcy Lue do the others. BeSides, Johnny uf ' Beavertown, Mrs. Robert may be putting forth 'a very Greene' and, Wilbur St~venson great effort) but .lust isn't able of Dayton. '. j.~rs. Elsie K()ester spent ;1
lew days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cornelius of Dodds. . Mr. and Mrs. Morris I.l"wis and family and Mrs. Elsie Koester called on Mr. and Mrs. Clu~ter Shaw and . family of Trebein Sunday afternp~n. . Those on the sick Itst are Earl ' Marlatt, Mrs. Anna LUC,lS and Mrs. Mattie I..:ive.. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Runyon attended the funeral of William Callahan at St. Francis Sales Church, Ctncinnati, on Thursday. He was the father of W. A. Ca1J~han their son-inlaw. Mrs. Clarence .Crawfr·.. . spent last Tuesday with Mr: and ' Mrs. LeRoy Shaw uf Yellow Spring. 'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lucas and family., Mr.' and Mrs. Un I '~ Thompson called on their mother, Mrs. Anna Lucas, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ettia Blair of Xenia spent the weekend with her siste'(, Mrs. Lue Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Crawhirj and dau£'hter Donna of Xenia spcn1 Monday with Mr ' an 1 Mrs. Clarence Crawford. Mrs. Richard Hanes and dalJghter Donna, Mrs. An:1a Hanes of near Xen,a catlej on .Mrs. 'Hiley (JJ"son Mo.uday afternoon.
,. ..,.It,., c.ncer ~
'Call B. Curbedl
Mr: and Mrs. ferrv :3..'lItm: and 's)n Terr'v elf f.llrfi.~1.i \' f. e W ednesda y and Thursdrt v .~ue. t.:. -of Mr. ' and :Mr.; , netl1ert
C( Ilger.
-------".'.":- .
M·r. and Mrs. Harold Osborn, Mrs. Martha Walker . and Tht1ma of Lebanon ~pcnt· the weekend with Mr: and Mrs. lJelhert Conger.
Keith M. -A-s-h-'-m-e-a-d-became. the first local casualty of the hunting season when . )he sprained his ankle On the .small l-:,....;....-!..-If----6........ e trek Monday morning.
D',lled· Egg ••oodl~ ' " "lIIrole Tast, DIIil •...oID wm be·••1dq " 01' the ftcIpe .rter tbey've tadedthla deVIled en .Dd needle c...erole," ..,.. Marjorie
Grl18a, Bar.1 Rome editor ., Cap-
per'. Farmet, ODe of the beet be. . rarm m....lnH.
0 . . . . . . . . . .aee•
. .• ~ blazing with the. .,
li gh t of giant' Cathedral candles set againsLa baekground and ' banked with Christmas. trees.
G-o.thic: arch
A Main Floor ....a.rylaDd puts you in a Christmas mood. (;reat white . candles illuminaJe' .green columns aiong our' gift aisles. . , •
A. dazzllDg Dew toyla'p,~ in 'our ~ew _ .
.' sixth floor addition twinkles ' with , thousands of multicolored snowAakes suspended from th~ ceiling.
Pro.. front door to top floor. ' b~eathtaking
'det.OT~'t ions and huge assorLments of Ch rislmas gi f~s . make . shopping at Hike's a thrilling part of yo~r holiday se~son.
The '8pl.r lt .of 98 £hrl.s t_o8es fills Rik.e's with warm friendliness. We welcome you as a fnend and neigllbor •. Come down. and , Qrillg the fami~y!
" ~'>"
, '''You'll tell them tber.e 'a DO tricl to making it," sbe writes in th, 'm agazine read by 1,300.000 farrr families. DEVILED EGGS AND NOODLE I e. DDeoolled Doodle. • bard·eoolleCl e,gs • &blip. mayonnaise 'liDu;ar ~ paprika 'AI 'sp. dry maa'ar. Salt aud pepper
1'.P. '.p.
4 tb!llp. baUer
4 tbSII. floar
1 tap. salt
I c. milk . . -1 c. cbeeti e eracllu oramb. I tblp. melled baUer
Drop noo~es into bolUng 'saUe water and cook until tender. Dra!. in strainer and rinse with .cold wa ter, Place in /buttered casserole 0 1 dx indiv.idual baking dishes. C\I eiga in balf. Remove and mast . yolk., .nils In ~ayonnai.e, vinegar Plprlkl, mUitard, ,alt and pepper wbite. and place on top of FW noodle•. To make wblte .auc~, melt butter. blend 'lD Bour and .alt. Adr. milk aDd cook unUl thickened. Itlr·
" rin8 ceutaDt17.
Pour Nuee. OYel
e... and DOOdle•• Top with erumb• .. mixed wltb melted buUu...... III 1D0000te 0ftD clIOor.) • at II ..
,. Short,. Sheroc~, orchestra t Ileader, of Chicago, m., had e~eer I of the Up in 1938. Toda)" thanks to prompt, effective treatment, be is cured. If YOU think )'bu ,bave cancer, see' your doctor at .once. Earl,. action can return a priee1ess dividend ••• ::vear8of healthy living to come.
• ~ . if diseol'ered early and treated promptly. Needles8 delay can Ute.,cUll mean the dUfel!enee between Ufe and ' death. Pain Is
seldom a sign of earl)' eancerbut tbere ar.e other DA~GER SIGNALS: '. 1. Any 8«!,re that does not heal, particularly about the, tong11e, mouth or lips.) , . 2. I.. painless hil!'P or thickening. especially m th.e breast, lip or tongue. S. Bloody diseharge' from ~he niPl)le or irregular r,leedlng 'from 8ny of the natural booy ()penings. 4. Any. chauge in the COl,., ' 0 1' lIize of a wart or mole. tJ 6. Persistent indigestion. , , Persistent hoarsenelll8 un~plained cough, or difficulty'
i ll : \" I1~ : f.'.win~·. 'I. Any change in the normal . , bt)wel habits. . Sec you.r docto., the MOMEN~ tlOll discover a DANGER SIGN~L,
I. .
i. I
11') Page
------------------~T_------~~---------------~~,--~----------~~~------------------------~ ."$-.-~, c:P' . Heber Throckmorton at their
- ....- •.--------.----.. .--------..--...- ......__ . . . UlU1er OhiO SlUes
- .-
As TOLD 8Y1" CONSERVATION DIVIS/C.:..t If' _ « __ November 13, 1948. Sun. ::":-1 shine and cold wind after last hight's shower. Monday ancl Tuesdav we succeeded in f-C ' ting' our largest field of COrn picked and in the crib sf) tll a1 . ~IRE AP:£ Mf),fE RA, '" the worst worry is off 0 "THAN PEOPlE . minds. There is some 'in the IN 71116 shock to be husked and then it COUNrR,Y --..; AND ·EACH will an be taken 'care of. We /CAr EATS hope to shred what h in the 50 P.OlJNDS shocks, but if the weath~r nr- FCJOI)/ .4 '\ ::A~. . . stays like this, there will not be much chance to do it. The sow stayed in tor a whole week but this morfling 'SIGIR ANNUAl. she was out again. This time COST" IS ~srlMAreD she broke the boards down f!" fllll Ar ....26400QOoo in front of a window and climbed out. She is h)() sm.:trt for omfort. The m '. lre vou ee of hog's the better Yllli . ,m understand the I' ~ ,-" pl t: ',"e sometimes caU ho~ '-:-.. Some.:. . 7NE DISEASES times c1ever and amu 'in,!!', s)~ek HY DARRY ' and apparently easy going, and HAVE CAl/SED 7t1OREDEATHS good natured, but realty hard THAN J1£t' 1HE" .;lhd ruthless when it Comes to WARS· . getting ' their own wa y, selfish _ . J and lacking in cf'nsiderltion 'for other people, The more \'O~ . ., ~ . Mr~ 'Kennedv said, ~. w 'fien ,see of farm lll"e and Farm t imaL the better VDl! can OHIOANS INCREASE prices Of farm commodities began to show their first signs .' understand many old "common LAND BANK LO~S 41 ~ of weakness, Ohio farmers ex r,¢ssions that we use all the Ohio farmers obtained 41 started converting their short time. without thinking. . "A little pig with a curly tail, percent more loans from the term farm mortgage debt to All pink~ wtme and pearij' Federal Land Bank of Louis- a long · term basis. Rising inr ale, ' .. ville during the first ten terest rate on short·term loans It is a very different tl1inj;.' by months of 1948 than they did further stimulated this shift to far in the same p.eriod of 1947, long term . mor~gag~s as the 'Fr:om the great bi~ hogs . report5 ·M. S. KenJ}edy, Jr., Land Bank u'f uoc:sville's Ill" t (;;~ t r ;1. ~:! ·; ,bave not ~i~en . " " som~ people , are.. " president. :.:' The,. question ' df ~ wh~t to 'dn The amount of loans made with my' little turke., has I'fen so . far this year exceeded Mrs. Ed Standiford had as a solved. When J got up the $2,510,000. weekend guest her '5on.-;....lnother morning 1 round H'e ou1In explaining the increased law, Mi'. Roy Lockridge of side door open,. the tur-keY's box ' demand for long-term credit, Shelby, Ind. on the f10Qr and the little turkc, gone. Dog? Cat.! I~at? J dl) 111' 4 kr.ow. But trc pups we still have" AUCTIONEERING \', ith I'li. They are so cute no\\' t ·· ... t it ~ hard to PHt WIth STANLEY aDd KOOGLER them, but that is the time they BROKERS L,~ENSE must go. . WHERE . . Thanksgiving is J1 ~x t on f !1L' list. What are you thankf:ll SERVICE ·COMES M FIRST for ?, That the electiojl is 0 {er, ,whether .you liked the results SECURITY ASSURED GENERAL LIVESTOCK or 110t? I am though I am d.efi!"litely net for- more cmUrols WHEN FARM IS FINANCED GRAIN of any kind, price CiT rent. with Th~nksgiving -_ "r~ yO't ~ ' thankful for the\:: ~veryd:Jy A FEDERAL LAND BANK WATER thing'S of life, tooa war'l11 tb, . LOAN tri n 5 , good weather and ba-a, ' . all the things we just take for LEBANON N. F. L. A. granted. Then ' don 't forg~t to' be especially thankful. for that LEBANON, oB 10. . ~y FARQUER right tn ' ,growl, and don't l~t PHONE. 448 . WaynesviDe anyone taKe it away ·from 'you. It is our great America'n ,1 PH()NE 2824 c .· ~
of,11e fJew6
home in Springborn Sunl1c1y afternoon. . Mrs~ Walter . Clark,' Mrs. Mrs. Nettie Emrick and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salisbury of Edward Bunnell, . Mrs. Robert Washington C. H., were Sunday Channel and Mrs. JunIor Clark dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. and son visited Mr. ana MI s. Eqdie . Caldwell near J 'Clarks- Ben Shoultheis at Dayton, Ky. On Wednesday of last week. ville. Mr. and Mrs. ·F. W. Acker- . Mr . . and Mrs. .John Shoeman and children of Vandalia maker and Mr. anJ Mrs ){ussel ' were Saturday evenIng dinner Me Kee and daughtta of guests of Mr• .and Mr~ Walter Cincinnati Mr. and MIS. Virgil Kenrick. Pierce and son of Dayton and Miss Mlarjorie . Ross enter Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shaffer tained a number of friends to were Sunday guests of Mr. and a Stanley demonstration at her .Mrs. Le:sier Snaffer. home Wednesday eveninsr,. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coll'ins and Charles "Coltins of D~ yton called at the homes' of Me. an~l Mrs. Everett Kenrick and children and Mr. (lIh1 Mr: , ~ (lIter . Kenrick, Sund l v Harold Steinke is V · "1 again and . was taken ,~h..: Hospital in Dayton en Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smitl1 and Mr. an Mrs. Vernon -" - ". Pur: Je and son were eqtc Itained' to dinner Sunda v at th e NCR " jS E ~ I)Ct< CCMPANV . ell"o j " ".ti L'ninn Sfocle Vard. home of Mr. and . Mrs. Ol!'l Llv. Wire and PrOgr•••lv.. A" rel 1vii!e in Springfield .. or Qll"\ .,.ll.(.n ...., v nd to none. Mr. and Mrs. Loren RCiLltzahn S~r i c:t'\, pf!IIf'''~ 0" the beet and daughters' of Franklin sr ~ ll t .,' '\rG ~i'ci . , .. ka, In the Sundav with Mr. and ·Mrs. G'Jy COunu 'Y. ~E P \"C E "' ~' AT SAT-ISF1Ee Pnlltzahn and Russell WTJlO Davton 1'1 r.n E . Mr. and Mrs. W\alter 'Kenrick Dial u..O WL W rtl'lC1DDAU attended the' Golden wet1ding 1:: ' 40. III I -;"H fr' \. IUI DaD!, anniversary of Mr. 'and Mr~. X h tlll't 1. t-V\1I , ~ . ~
"c-wa·y ah~
AUTOIOlius -. LlAIILln
Ohio farm.,.. will Jive )'OU broad 'Pl'Oiecdoa apinlt lo_ aD roar fum. Ia ClD'ftII JODi' buiJdi.ap, JOW' chaneb. your "I~" ucl }'OUr UabWIJ ~ a<ddcou &0 ocben. Why Dot 1M .• ' tacIq~ Y _ _ _ roue,. eafe wbco ,..,. ID ... OhIo ,.,..., In
Ka-rl D. Dakin Insurance
PbODe 153, ~o E. l4ul~e~> LEBA='lON. O.
OHIO "IIMlaS INiauMel .. .. 0..0
'AIMI~ IND_an , . 4I~ ~
- NO,
SIGN'S· AVAI'L ABLE" NOW at the .M iam·i GueHe ..- '
Having tented the farm, :we will offer at Public Audion on farm, know.n as t~e CHAUNCEY BUNNELL FARM, . near Caesarereek Church, 2 Miles South of Corn Stalk I School House, 3 mjles ' ~outh West 'of New Burlinghn,' 5 miles North East. of Waynesville, ~t 11 :00 O'clock, A~ N.., prompt, on '. .
SATURDAY, .NOV. 27th, 1948
BARRY-WEST ··.S IDNEY SMI~B ' J,ESS ST A"NLEY &. EARL KOOGLER, Aucl1oneers. (Waynesville 1t\ORRIS
a.. SIMS,
2894) (Dayton Ph. KE 8879). , ~ Oerks. . Lunch s~rved on grounds•
THE ~\!,'.I'\M I GA~ETTE PAGE. , Eamhart gave t~c locals :t well WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ' No. 439& deserved victor) :THUR'SDAY, NOVEMBER, 18, 1MB Simpso,ri, - accordin~ to , the ,' . D BIRTHSTONE' N UIJ ,.' . " NID /1$ MEANING I 'tatistics, ctac~ed the hoop six times in 13 efforts, ' which is just under .500 or a splendid average tn take int-> , this ~·-'-x-oc~ .....; c:::. , wee k s encounter at ht'm1C with THE TOPl4Z w~s NAMED Franklin, wlio, accordin~ to the " BOB' O'REGAN FOR irS CHIEF; ANCIENT , I dopesters, are' redhot again, OMf!'CE.. -MYSrERIOUS; SPARTANS DEFEAT with ., Mr.',' , ~hilpot~, ai;} el(;>n~- , ,FOG·HIDPEN TOPAZut' BLANCH~TER ·14-36 ' ~ded 6 ft. 6 mch pIV :rt!llan: ~u • I ISl.At' D,NOW J.os-r ro All hail ,to the local hi' oa.- the chief threat. Coach Porter, 'however, is somewhat" confid.-~ .......z---- NAVIGATORS'. ' keteers who nobly started l)'ll ent that his tight man-for-man 4 f their /48 season with a con- defense on the Spartans' small ,TH.E D£NTOPAZ YS vincing 44 to 36 vlctory a- court might reduce the visitors' SYMBQllZED C.J.IEERFULN,£SS gainst Blanchester at the latter's hei~.ht advan'tage. In any re~· AND PLEASANT DREAM$". court last Friday evening, Ti le peet, let's walt and see fur Reserves , lost, howeve r but ' ourselves, and for - hea ven.'s TH£'ANCIENTS BELIEVED more about them tater., 'SL,Ui:c sake give , the g~nial blond IT CUICi:D INSOMNIA. , it , to say, from the early nv)- mento.r 'a good ' opportun ity to ments of the Varsity glme show' his coaching ability. ReWaynesville 'had thiIJ.~s ,their member he's traveling in big • own way .. Bob Has!ings netted shoes' as most of 1948 County ISM CEtyTlIRYEVROPEANS the game's fi'r~t tW"I-pointer, Champion~ are now graduated fri., N v. '19, FI ' :ln:~lin, here BeLIEVED THATA TOPAZ and points bv Darny Sir'p 'on, and it's a tough job at its' best who led the locals' a1tack ,,'ith without a room' full of 40-cent ENliRAVED WITI-I A ::'ALTues,. N (' ~', 23, L )"l't:/')!. thrrc, 17 points, and Duke "ick~rs, "secondguessers. " CON ENSIlRED FA VOR , Fri., I . .. ' , Open ~ (;nabled the ev~n ~ ual vic.'.,r:. ', I , W(TH THE GREAT. ' Cards "listing the local ~,nort a 21-15lt,td at halftlillL Fri., ee, 1 n, MOj'j' l) 'I , th ere ' Waynesville led 39-,25 at the schedule inditated that the IVOVEMBEI? INCLUPE fAMovr $UR~EONS, REthree-quarter 1'1.1'\ k, 'fo1l0 \'. . :~ Springboro game, Jan. 28, is Fri., De' , 17, Ha"'1 Y ':i b ur~~ , I~ SEARCH WOlll(i"~S: MAIlITIME EN6INEERS;MYSTICS, which Blanchest~· .I.ied ha ~a In at , home. It should read '';It Fri., Jan. i" Carlisle. here MIIS"ICIANS,Ape'HAEOLOGISTS• . overcome thi3 lead. Th~ lo ~ers Springboro. " crept to within three pOints. at Some local athletes are Tues" Jan. 1 i, KI1I!Dlan, ther,e J.OVE AN/) FIPE'LITY 1:'....1 one stage in the closir ;~ mo· playing amateur baskc!bal1 in oJ , '/ Fri., Jan. L4, Ma~oll. there , AilE ASCRI8E/) TO ~~;f ments, but t):e Slr;lpslm· ' nearhy towns. How's about :t • Vickers combinatIon pb,; the Iil::e .lews? .......:..!: WEARERS OF" 71-1£ ,Tues., Jan. 18, W. C.urolltoll H all-round floorwork of Harlan J mentioned that \\' C might NOW OFTEN USED AS A have to fight "our way out of Fri., Jan. 21, Open /iRIENl)SHIP ,STONE. the ~300 debt of the local soft:. Fri., Jan 28) Sprin,~bor,o; ihere ba11ers. .some of the local 1WJN 'THEATRE gentry took me ' seriously. Fri., Feb. 4, Kings Mills, here 2 DAYS ONLY SUN.~MON. Present plans can ror h oxi l~ .~ ~at., Feb. 5, Sprinl! Valley. T bouts Saturday, Dec. 4, 31 the It's Great Terri1'c High School Gym. Phil and of the , bo~t 1s nece'.)' lrfi" Stupendous - A ' History treat Bob ... print this anyhow: It ~eem~ as Wed., Feb. 9; Cent~rviHe. ther" V.J orkman of B. and R. for School Children' Cleaners, who have w"rked ' Perhaps additional talent mig t If two- )ocal softbaJl players•.BilI Fri., Feb. 11, Hi11~boro, there w!th ' the Go}(1en u)over3 in be It)cated there. Sa,wyer and , Sam Huffman, • . t t j' In the l1;1eantime" ~1l you neither of whom played a~ much r ' I~, years: are ' In ere" e" ' In . social guys ana gals ar.! welhclpinJr thIS newest effort a. . ,t corned back aga~n to mu'>ic and , they would nave liked" to bably be , wil1in~ to drop 5 have appointed Earl QU1~!ey ~s soft lights, as the 50lftbl'al Ivop due to their respectiv ~ iOll..' bucks ,into the 'kitty" · if , the l usiness manager. Last \'e~r.'s will sponsor another' half ~mj would like to see most of th~ coming dance and ' fi~ht events 75 players, that cavort.!cj in the coach Jim Hartsock, whl) won not pa y the temaininr; • h • h' 1 half l ance, ~a'lurday, Nov, 27, . ~eague . do a );dle contr:')uting ' do hills. ' ' a..~ a novice c amplons IP seyera at WaynesvilJe Hi~h S"'hool ................ "o..a~ ' I~stead of " , ~ assing'" about th~ The local FalrleV HttTdware years ago, is also On tIle com- from 8 :30 to midnight. I h'JPe bIlls. These tw il fa:iuTII: ' , !e.i ,bowling club di~' not !dre ~ mittel! , ar,.: it appears to this to tell you who ,will, wa v~ till.! players have offered 1 "fin" well last VJednesdav a', they columnist that such hm.illg '(.. ta1ent as ~xjsts Ilereat':1uts ~at~n ,nebx~ v',C:'ek, b~t I' ~ SUfl' apiece as a osman token (If what dropp d two out or th '~ e ,to - -WOneE: -SHOWS A r · might be put to gQod ad~an- ' It \\- 01. t e Harry James. the league meant to them. Tommy's Place at tf1e Lebano:1 6:30 & 9:1,5 Due to Ie 19th IIi tag-e. Of course tb(~ A,A U , By the w~y, the league bO!lks Another player, iden t:tv pro. lanes, E. ,~amb) led the 1'"' __ I!.' $10'W. ( Dayton J w.. ll be called I~t0 are open to persons. j~r:e:ter. tected for obvious re~sons, with the 173 average fur three consultatIOJ:. as their' sanction in' what hap .,)cned ' tel' th~i.r stated that each week ~:c play l1 game; 204 being his highest sa ved · him "about 15 bucks~ as score. O. Rose ,with . ~ 183 pennies ann n1. kels: J would have blown it in'Toints score and Irv Mulford with . , .6\fter wrest1ln~ with my somewhere." He, too, witt pro· 180 game score were next to conscience all week, de~ided to Ra mby.
s~:s a.
IDO'ots ~e Cu ltu'
~ :
W a ynes,rille S~hedule
~& 1_1111111 a::&ei.':~
s tree
1i~hts .1:1&1 bull"~.
CASH FOR DEAD STOCK COWS $5.00; HO~SES' $5.00; . HOGS $1.50 cwt. JfOVEMBEI
~ ~
Waynesville Fu'rniture , & Appliance Co.
~ S .
S",uth M':lib Sh ~t acro." &om Grage Hall TclepJ:one 2422
llahed. 1417,
J8-Fillt tnQIIISh book pub-
1a-"Bosa"1'wIM<!, NYC, con, .ffroud. 1874.
~MlltftI ::;h,JIOIl}~I. 1\.1I11..h;
Cape Cod, 1620,
21-Helty Gre&n
22-"Chmo Clipper" InauQu, rates , Paciiflc mail eerv,
' ,ce, 193:'
23- Mlnule M en orQam ed, 1774 '
Shoe aepal.. aervl•• ' , InviSible Half Solin, Orthopedic Conections CQrk Extensions
Beary' H. Moeller ...:.1 11-13 L "MaIaerry St.
U-l\Iew Haven purchased (rom Indiana, 1638, wtfU
USe The Alman,ac To
According to si'ze and conditien Prompt, Clean Service PHONE COLLECT Xenia 1712 , or W,ilmu,gton' 2362 " JANES RENDERING, Waynes ville, Ohio ', ' '-.- ~-""' -
-- . -- -
R.obe'rt and' qeorge of Waynes. 'vIlle; TWf) sIsters, Mrs. Laura Arnold or Washing~on C. H. TH'URSDAY, NOVEMBER, 18, 1948 and Mrs. Cora Sellman of Hills. - - - - - - - - - " ' _ - _ boro, OhiO, and eight grand
dinner. C,
T. Batt!.,
t\l'r. and M:,~ Mi s M:th~1
Merritt R p h :' r: 3. Wilson of ()uth Ch.arkshli J Ohio, eth Fuma, Mr ', Ella Cook, ' Mrs. Anna Hoak, Mrs. ,; S ,' , Ch~~~~~cKeever was a member Martha Hend..r::-c 11 and Ra v· ' UbeIe Sam aY8 of ~he ·Church Of , Christ and mond Braddock of Wa 11 \ . . JUl110r O. U. A. ' M. ville. After leaving the farm and moving to . Waynesvi1!e he wa , employed for many years at 1h Farm,ers Exchange until hi health failed, At me time of his death he work-ed for Mr. Edenfi eld a carpenter. Mr. McKeever was kind lnd honest, never tlappier tha.n \ hen he could be with his family, always ready to help one in need. Being obedient to hi Chri t, . he . expressec.t to hi devoted wife his desire to be in heaven at rest. I J)ear Thy welcome Voice, That calls me, Lord, to thee. Tho' coming weak and vile, Thou dost strength assure, Thi Jesus call me, on the . . perfect faitl1 and love, How time fiies! that's a common expre"ion you've used' rel)caledly. .T () perfect hope and-· eace Keep it in mind when you think and trust for Heaven ~bove, about your future ond whut you con
do ' to make your future Iceuref There'a no Irick to @ ccurity. JUlt t!n.r oU today in the puyroU .vinga· plan where you work. Every pay day ·from DOW on you'll be aeuln. aside, In United States S. .lnp Bonda, money that actuaDy In 10.horl yeare you'll be .euln. back ,100 for every S75 you're wIHIy MUln. a side today.
:Jr,enJ JJ.'Ome
Q,"PRI:SS*N1=b A ~;'D WA9T~ 0):, 2.30 POUNDS
Mrs. Nellie ' Madden , of Clarksville has J'oined our Home f 'I f ' anll y or the winter month·-. .U. S. rr'GN4ry D'lan""'" Mrs. Olive Curl and M·rs. Nellie Madden spent the week end with relatives in \\'ilmington; emoriam Miss Mary Boston and Dr. ., Emma Holloway attendej t:le JAMES WILLIAM McKEEVER funeral of George R. Th:Jrr,e in RichlTll nct, hid., on ThursJam,es · William M;CKeeyer, day. George Thorpe was a_ ~On of David and Elizabe;th former ' resident near VJaynesborn in Ross ville. . McKeever Dr. Emma_Holloway left County, Ohio, March 28, t897, an,d departed from tHfs earthly Saturday for North Manchester, life Sept. 26, f 948, aged 'S 1 Ind:, tn attend 'the funeral of years, 6 months and 26 days. Mrs. Vincent Moore. Mr. McKeever was united in Mrs. .Woodrow Owens with marri,age .to . Lizzie.' Collins, her children ~'innie Jo and October 23, f9t9. 'To this Stevie .' of Springfield were happy union were. born one 'linner guests On Sunday o( Mrs. son, Carl of Dayton, Ohio: four Owen's mothet, Mr3. 1.,'lcile ' daughters, Mrs. Edna Da Yis, ,1\ Iinitage. Mrs. Ruth Whittamore and Mrs. Or. and Mrs. r. B. GI'C'gg of Georgean Sansome, an af \Ve 1ling.ton, Ohio, nave rt"urn· Waynesville, -and Mrs. Betty ed to the Home ~or 'the winBrown of Angofa-, tn". He had ter. ; six brothers, Charlie of Indian.l The Board of Trustees of Harley of Washington C; H.: the Home met here (in 'Ned· Rollia ,?f New York City. David ' n~~(.ay .and,. wer,! our gue;t;;at
. •
INTo ·
.DMSION.... OI~tMmC AND loVElY . . . . .. -. . .. .-...... . .
CI •••ifled
, 4
. Wa_ville NatiHal' Buk
: Maiit aDd Miami sts. Ph. ~34'1
now. ' Stop jof
WE WILL ALLOW· $2.50 On your Old Batt~rv A.
'3·.. ·'
fare, is. your res~IbIHty. Dischllge It · conlCientiously ad EASILY by savia, REGULAR. LY. We.are ready to belp you
wrt'H YOUI
Yes. the education of your chlld~ni their .tire future wel-
. ~~
XENIA, OfDQ ......... WhIt-•• St. ........12-R
. ----------~~----~----,------~----~--~--~----~~----------------ANNOUNCING 11iE OPENING OF ••••
Mac's Nlc Nae·Sboppe . EVERY DOOR SAYS' WELCOME -- New fami1ie~ making their iJome III our town
- ~ and farm oommunltt "DI find aU they were loot. . ro~ "
KhoolS" ·rood chufc:fAes. ioocf business men to deal W1tD and ~hat most Important ·of all lood neichborl., That's so ....y. people , move in, " so. few !Ier move- ,
Specializilg .in NOVELTIES 'WALL BRACK~'
, away.
r '
I: .,.
McClUl1 fUNEIAl ,' HOME WA'N.,VKLL •••0
R. Mehaffle, Prop~ Box C. WAYNESVI
~'t §..
PHONE 247.
" .
Mr. and Mrs. Williarn Strouse ~uests of friends in Akron for, the weekend. w~re
Make You.... Own
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Administrator DON'T FORGET TO CALL ' Estate , of Walter S. Cowan, us for insurance. All types of i,nsurance at a savings. Call Sr. Deceased. Francis Gene Brown, phone Notice is hereby' given that ~aynesv il1e 2472 or ' call Hilda S. Cowan whose Post Ofcqllect. Wilmington 2111. fice Address is R. R. 2, Waynes.. . ville, Ohio flas been, duly ap:. FORSAL~ pointed as Administratrix of the Estate of Walter S. Cowan titte of. CIc~rcreek Township, \V.uFRESH COW, Guernse an d r ~ n C::ounty, Ohio, deceased. Holstein. -1st calf. $1 75. O. Dated this 29th 'dav of 0 ,t3 weeks old. Robert Stiles. ol'c" 1'948 .. Waynesville. R. RI 1. -11 8 Ralph H. Carey , Judcre of the Probate C'1urt KALAMAZOO White Enam Ie i W!\rren County Ohio. ' range, srnaII. Bro wn en am lDGnald Dilatush, Attorney C ed Warm Morning- heater, --'1 118 Ernest Harlan, Phone 2101. . -1111 ..... - - - - - - -. Smah (,:Jt led gas heater and electric heater. Phone 2632.
--"- -
,' 1Pro
-1 2 2
1935 F RD 'Oump ' TruGk with 1941 rebuilt ' motor . Lec
Lemmon) !7oute'
-11J5 HEATRO!-_~
second size, bumed .• ~ of one season. Also laundry stove. 'Vyrner Drake, Phone 2 : ~t . -indo
APPLES - Jonatbans. Cort. · lands and Orlmes ' Golden. AlsQ RED DELICIOUS Underwood ' Orchard, Har· veysburg., Phone. 2897. , -tnd Rubber-tired' wagon and . 32 foat corn elevat,or. Franklin . Conway. Phone rMiaraisburg 516R-3. , -11 Hl r . New Holland cornsheller; J. I. _C3je hammer milL new Olive' con planter. ' check I row and fertilizer :' attach. ment; Planter lift for Ford' ~actor; ~u-foot ·endless belt, tHnch; buzz saw for Ford Tractot. Also Ma~ic Chef. j ,· : e'e fur ,bottled gas. 11.)38 I3'C> '.:~ coup~ in ~.ood shape. t
Per~onal · :nO~ ·
. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hay of Osborn were Sundav evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart. Mr. and Mrs. Julian F. Smith.J>f' HyfattsviIIe, Md., visited their son, Carl G. Smith, here at the end of a three-week auto tour of the South. The editor accompartied them 'baCk tn Maryland over the weekend, returning by train. . ,
Mrs. Ida Parshall wa the guest G( her sister, Mrs. Emma urface, during the past week. . . Tr.aditionally, the holiday cookie jar should never be empty. This t homemade oatmeal cookie mix-always ready for quick baking-will ! help you keep it filled d\llrlng those busy days. ., ' , . . Easy to use, you can make this mix in· just 20 minutes, then store I it on the ·pan~ry. shelf. Bake ,plain oatmeal cookies allY tim'e or addt ,numerous varIatIons. ' _ ' For ,a special holi~a3r touch, sprinkle shaved Brazil nuts over thei ' ,' cookies before baking. : . Oatmeal Cookie Mis Makes 8 dozen cookies 3 cups sifted flour . 2~ cups sugar . 1 teaspoon soda , 1 cup shortening . . 1 teaspo,on baking pl)wder 3 cups rolled oats (.quiek . , 2 te~POOIl8 salt or old 'ashioned, uncooked) Sift flour, soda, bakini powder, 8alt and sugar toget.':er threej .times. Cut shortening into sifted dr)' ingrediellts until mixture reo sembles com meal. Add rolled oats and mix weU. Store, in a c:ovencl container at 1'OOm temperature. To·. .b -I dOH. cookies: 2 cups O~tmeal CoOltie Mix 1 tablespoon mtlk ' t egg . . 1 tttaspoon vanlU. Add egg. !Jlilk and vanm. to mix. Beat untU well blended. Drop from a teaspoon onto lI'e:ased bak~ sheet. Bak~ in a moderate ove., (376°F.) ,12 to 16 minutes. " 4 'Yariatfona: '. . 1. Add ~ edp ·, chqpped J[lutmeats, raisins. coconut, or chocolate chips to prep,a red batter. Bake as directed above. 2. Add 1 teaspoo... cilll'UlmoD· and %. teaspoon natmes to dry miX. b!end well. Omit v~DWa. Add egg and milk; mIx ,ancl baD .. . ' '-directed - _... . akY3. _. . , . . . ..
Mrs. ·Marie Riffle was hostl!s:; tn the Argunot Bridge r.lub on Tuesday afternoon of the past week, with Mrs. Alva Thomp'~ son, Mrs. D. R. 'Sali~bury, Mrs. J. K. ·Preston anc1 Mr~. S. N. Keys as. extra ' ,guest5. 'A dessert course was served. Miss Anne Weltz, with Miss Mary Lou Lautenschlager and Miss Jeanette Bohaxcny k. all of Capitol UnIverSity, were weekend guests of M'iss Weltz' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Hawke. '
Mr. and Mrs_ Clare.nee J. Da vis were weekend .'guests of her parents. in teesburg, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Bailey had as weekend gu.ests, . Mrs. Opal ,Wfi1t~ and: gra ndsod'tJ! Russel ..\tkinson. of Richm o '! ~I , Ind. .
Dr. and: Mr.$-. A. E. stout and were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wal~ Dayton. . '
Chester 'Carc~ is e~ying a two-week vacamlll in Florida.
Kidneys Must ·
.. ~Work ,Wel For You To
\ Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Miller Mrs. Fred Gons left Monday and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Btaddock were Sunday dinner for Los Angeles to spend th~ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard winter with ber son-·ir:.-:.·bw and,' daught.er, Mr. and Mrs. ·B .f.L :"EI;.' W~lding Sh~p: ~ Daley' and daughter. 'Erne,st ~orngold. ' Wayne:, Park. . .: ' .' , <. ' ., " ' . f Frederick 'Robitzer of New , .. , ./ 9 x 12 WOOL RUG 'and Drop' York · Qity was a Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Ed .Payne, three Leaf Kitc.hen table, pn ~celain Saturday guest of Mr: and Mrs. sons atfd infant datlghter, and w00d lO')~ Mrs. '0. R. Charles Anderson and Mr. and Deb@rah, were weekend guests Mrs. Lester H. Cordon. .Smith, Pho li~ ~40 1. of Mrs. Pa,ynes' paretlt,~, Mr. -f1f3 anq Mrs. Davis J;=urna!;. WANTED TO BUY-M'r:s. R. ' ~. Benson ' of Mr. 'Paul St. Jo'hn of L)ayton Indianapo.1is spent sev,eral days . was a Sunday dInner guest of TOBACCO LATHS. R. ,Rob" . of the past , week with her parents, Mr. , and Mrs. \Y. ' P. his parents" , Mr. and Mr\. W. ' bins, Patriot, Indiana. C. St. John,. and c'aned ' on Mr. -1223 Salisbury. and Mrs. L. ' C. st. John in .the afternocll. - , HOUSE WIRING 'and Repairs. Mrs.' Ruth Derinis of Dayton ' Ed Laughlin, Old l:Ial'JIlonY- . , . and Mrs. Charles , Bereman of Grove Schoolhouse '- five · C91umbus sp,ent a few days ' of . miles nerthwest' of WaynesthIS week WIth Frank Holmes, ville. , Phone New Burlington at the home of Mr; ·and Mrs. 306. -122 L.oyd Davis.
o Mr. and Mrs. Rurgoyne Botner of ' Vincent, Ky., and Mrs. Mattie Flannery of ' Hamilton were overnite Ruest's of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous last Tuesday.
Master Charles Ellis spent the weekend with his gra:nd" patents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess in Bellbrook.
, Mrs. Maude Tlee of Urbana ' \ was a houseguest 0 f D r. an d, ' t cl nd daughter M'rs. A • E . StOu 'ng the past week durt I
anH ,Mrs. JO'hn ' Fromm were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fromm ih Srringfield,
Fee' W (~
II ...
II wrODI. You mlly aometlm.. Ilche. headaebl!ll. .....ulnll. lettine
. 1 WlIY· Dot "1'7
• l)e us inl a mt!dllelne ,:~=~g::1
nLryover. of tbe
Dead Stoek HORSES .$ 6.00; cows .'
.~oi ~0Gs '" .0fI1 CwL .:
M08ROW ... .
, Bill LEE
-PHONE 2451
,..---- -,--- - -- T1JIl.N . Y01J1t SURPLUS ITEMS' INTO
« 8BAD
QU1 . K,
~ " .A~'~_
ortable Equipment . Be BrougJ\t to the Job
a_'" how
fo custom butchering. Prompt service. Gail Gordon, Harveysburg~ ' Phone W:J.ynesvi1Ie 2006. -,:-ind
Z. boW'll .T~ clay 'J daYI eve'7 "cek. uver ltoppln,. tLe kldDeYI fll"", wute . .t~r from tbe blood. , ote people.en of tile kLlOieYI mIDt eonatantly remove 1t1p'~ fluid, ex_ ~C!ldl and other Wqte matter that eannot 'Itay ID the blood without IlIjUQ to health. there be be~ter UDdel'ltandlDI of .~r .tbe whole IIYltem 11 \lpeet wheD ldCfneya fa' . to fUDction ' properly. . . " , B arnlDv. acanty or frequent
LIIIlAN. . . . . . . I ,
.... . .
Masons Install • Brown as 'W. M.
It Says Here By Smitty "The army doesn't want draftees, " a burly sergeant tell rilen sent for pre .j'nctuction physic~ls in 'Cincinnati. "Not tt) ,insult you fellows, 6...t anybody . would rather work w 'h people who want to work . with him, instead of with people who ha ve to." ' . Then he caugh t himself. "Ooops, we aren't supposed t call yOI,J draftee;. You're . . selectees now.'·, , . * That difference in words typifies a subtle ditTetence :'1 the Army as it met. by 1948 dt:af'. . . uh, selectees 'It 'tries , to make men like it, not ju:,t endure it. r"!I~ 18 W:.1.ri·L~n ' Countian-s $e~t to Cincinn ~lti's recruiting cer,ftT last Tuesday were met at the bu~ statio'Q by two soft.: voice~ sergeants who divide.d t~, e~ into two groups. . One t,?ck the mental test fir st, and tne ott er sta-:ie.1 Hs physical
New officers, headed by Roger Brown .' as worshipful master, were installed by Waynesville Lodge 163, F. and A. M., ~t a sp.ecial meeting Tuesday e~ening. ~he insta.lling officer was G. F. Brown of Lebanon,assistect by Carl Conrad, Carl Abaecherli . ,' .William Fraser, and ,George Krager. , , Others who will serve during the 101 st year of the local lodge are:
No. 4396
, :
Senior ,Warde:l, John Gons. Junior Warden.; Donald Hawke . Treasurer, Jesse Prendergast. Secretary, Charles James. Senior Deacon, )ohn Sheehan. Junior Deacon, Cecil Davis. Chaplain, Joseph ' E. James. . Tyler, Carl Smith. Trustees, Harold B. Earnhart, L. C. Sf. fohn and Ross H. HarLo k. ' S~nior Steward, James Hopkins. Junior te ward, William ' Penewit.
Paper- Drive
Installation ceremonies are scheduled for Monday evening, chec~~ng. , Dec. 13, for ·new 0 fficers of Al~ost everyone of the 38, Mia'rni Chapter 1'07, E. S., was reJected in World War . U, headed by Mrs. Bonieta Strouse' ~xcel1t one who . only recen tly worthy matron elect, and Mr. returned ,from three year~ the WilJiam Strouse, worthy patron Merchant Marine, only tc face eleCt. . ' the draft. The group· mu.st have made the recruiters feel U'at the proverbial barrel ·had lost , its bottom., Only 3, or 4 men 'still baJ 32 ,of' their Own tee'th. SHARON Some could reacl 1tff. ano "'1t{rs. , CIl.rles g. ~p 'I.": MRS. MINNIE KISSINGER • eye chart. A , few mlde ,very Ear.nhart df Trotwoo~ are ' 'leU " ~ ) Mrs. Minn'ie B. Kissing~:,' 83 poor .scpre~ , .th.e , mental announc".tJre' birth of a i ~ " ~, died at her home in Lebanon .. . 1. • , aaughter, SHaron Lee, born at T.he following offieers were Monday moroin . ,test. L ' b' " i i . after 1.8 Y-9c. , jetted. ~eteria style Miami Vaney ttospitalj' Satur- . elected for - 1949 at a recent months' i11ness with a stomach In the , secC?~~ floor of a do~n day." Nov. 20. Mr. and ~~rs. ,meeting of Farmers Grjnge No. cancer. Her closest relative is .town 'oySter hOUse; consisted of Frank Snyder, of Springfield are i 3,: , ' mea; ~9t1,~ PcUJ~es. ( b~ked ~l1e maternal grandpatenfs and Master, Harvey Burnett. ' ~~~~W~jh~vilre~ber Boger ~~~~ beans, lettUce, bfeld ",d butter Mr. and Mrs.- Ii. F. Earnhart' Overseer, Edward GillUand. ' Sf'rvices were held in 'the milk' 01 cb1f~ MOd red"'liot are the P,atemalr grandparents. Lect~lfer, ~rs. Edna Eady. M Cl F I p.umpftin.ple ~r :IJ~~t.l~ creaa:g. _.. Steward, Edwin Surface. '~ ure unera' Home yester. YQ~ must tie ', {arm boys", Aisslstant steward, Glenn'Smlth. day afternoon; with , burial , In muttered ' the manager's 'wife Chaplain, Robert Crew. SPI ingboro ' Cemetery. The when , nearly everyoQe chJ~ Treasurer, Ernest Harlan. Rc.'v. S~muel N. Keys was io milk. When It cam time for Secretary, Helen Harlan. charge. .., the men ' to and hind in Gate ikeeper, Dwight Michen.er. ' ' their P1emm~t· ~I tICkets, Ceres, Gr:a~er Prend~rgast. . _ only one' Of th~bid a pencil, Flora,; Fran~~~ Gr:~y. . ' Ind on-e, other had I ~Dife ,to Pomo~a, M~ry Hicks. When Jack James went a· shupenlt. · c:= ' ., ' L. A~ Steward,. Al~~rta Surface. round his, Waynesville " mite , There was. a free 'h our ,for one Chorister, Heber-:3acksbn. with a .Dayton newspaper group between the twb pd (jf Pia~ist, Virginia Rardin. ' , M~nda~ evening; the conversa,t4e tests. Said "the sergeant: ' Trustee for '3 years, Robert tiot:l . With a customer went Crew. someth,ing like this: .'You can go ·ahyW"~rc;,. but b~ ba~k here by .30.- ~ J :wQ\lldn't Juve"ile matrGns,.Jean f)unham Reader: \WIo's wearing perdrmk , much If ,I were you. I.t " ,<' and Mabel Wl1son. fume around here? ~ould -a~e£t your ph~ioal ' BOB , ~ , ·1 . Jack: I dunno, but some noRD GIVE' kind smell's ..,een ' followmg condition, an.d. YQl}'d ~~" back QIRISTM.t\S',.~' , m~ around my roule. . some ot~eF dty for a ,r echerk. ",hen nelthe! o~e'. C}t , us wou,ld ~ . ~, . ' , FOR.MO'nItt\'S a:.UB' R~der': : Did· a i barber i;ut ' ,b e ha pp.y ." · 1'f()t 1.~ order but "BOW'~_IA 1!r'UlIdI~ . ! . ", . somt! tonic on your ,h1dr? '! an exp~a.nation. 1:,Ii.~ Is the new . , \III I~ -----:.III8J . Tt , next Mother's Club Jac v ' Nope Haven't had a it says meet; will be held on , . ', . I!!!ft I!!!O D.a.uCE Dec.' ,,~' ,at two 0'c19C~ at the ' Reader: Somebody sne?1t up , uv-u fta-. ' behind you and squirt it ~n r
ui ~
Fanoers~ ,Grange
.. 'Ag Om"JI'cer5;' .
.0, ,
.AStory That Smells!
A." r~y,.
h~re. ~-"
The last .o f a series of halfhalf da~ces. sponS()red ' by the ' Waynesville So:ttball ' League , is sQhedu~ed Saturday, N()v. 2.1, , at the high scb!lol .gyni, from ' 8 :~o P. M. to 12. R~~.;qm.ents "iIl be served ' under tb'e managership , af Irv Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. \.George Miller. Al Ludington\ wUI handle program ,.rrange~e9ts, Donation is 5C1 ' cents and ,all funds will help defray-....t;he $300 deb~ of "he softball loop. Tickets may be obtained from ' ,Bob Campbell b Allen, George Miller, Irvl~ or the Twin Theatr~. ~ ;".......111
New Advisory Council Starts
' . .. ,'I't' _'D~~Beat .", •u:~'b·r.,DOn .
Coach Porter's Spartans brought their , basketb~l1 score· to "Wo~ .2; Lost t'" thi~ week ,b y droppl~g a tlg~t game to Franilil1 Friday. mght on th~ ,h ome .court, 53 to ' 47, , and defeattng Lebanon ' at th~ ~arrl'~' court' Tuesday night, 48 to 43. . ,/ " . In the Pranklln ,ame, tlie wmn~ts grabb~ a commanding lead In the opemng quarter, and were never overbluled despite t 5 points ,by Duke Vickers and t 3 by Danny Simpson. High ,point man for Prllltiin was (QJ&IIII'" GD . . . . .,
Frlda~y, halr('u~~todaY. "·
Grade Building.. The two third graties, under the direction of Miss Hardin and .rs.···Paine , will present a Outsbnas pr()gram. I.t will be c.ompoc:"" almost ' entl~ely of musi~. Jlcluded among · the musical numbers wlH be , un~e Lord's Prayer", "0 Holy . Night", ~~01r1stmas Roundelay" "White cbil.stmas," ·'He Shall Peed His Flock", and 9ther familiar Cbrlstm.S songs. ,A reading, "Twas the Nig~t, Before Christmas" will also ti'e . glveh. The community is corialally hvited to attend.
Television . images aren't supposed to be receivable more' than 40 miles from the station's ~o:wer, ,but Pa;ul 'G ustin's ' 311' tub~ set has been receiving both sound and pictures from stati:1n WEWS in Cleveland, 200 miles away. Mr. Gustin also reports . 'interferen~ = 'ft WJ~T " when ,
. , DetroR's
he watches WLWT On tlie
C{ncinnati's same channel, No. S .' The Cleveland station came in Hallowe'en night and again last TUei,day on Channel 4,but it is erratic.. Mr. Gustin sa~ , five more stations are dUe to serve this area' within six months, and that sets hig'her on W~YQes~ille's hili !hould get 3 Cincinnati stations, two from Dayton, .nd~ possibly tWQ from Columbus. ' j,
FARM BUREAU VOTES ''- 1 TO INCORPORATE; IS '-', DIM:CfORS ARE NAMED T he .pot luck dinner and b~siness session of th'e County ,Farm . Bureau at l~banon High . School on Nov. '16 was well attended. A motion to incor.porate was c.arrled unanimo~ly as a protecttonto board mein,bers. It adds ,a' director ~t large' , ~rt·losmmthaeke·Csouthnety sYelOeuctthl' couOn -f ~ , on president a.nd vice-president from the . elected board rath.er
~~~~i;:~~d~~:S ~~;~ri~fe~f.
d'Irect6rs iI't l..i r r-- ~' lafge' by 'two: makyoU?" " , ' ' ing "fifteen, . and ,increases t;li'e ' Jack: I. don't think so.. term of service trum ,one yelr Fi~~lly ~hey 'eaUslit on~-~' t9 tl)ree yeaJs with nevet 'mQre. , it was the Da)1on paper that ~~aCnh !,'lexa .d.irectors , ·to b, ~,. C~QJIItI ' " smelled. ' T~e Ink" In ~ .perfu;me , . .Y" , \ Ladv~rt~e~ent w~s . p~r~D!~. Conu:nl~ee rep~rts sb"o"wed Jack was vindicated. ' more ' acttvittes -fot ~ past P. S. As of Wednesday ,yea'r: !tb~ Us~ . "," y~thl evening, the thing still smells. CounCils w~re ;actlVe In " tlbo It'll p.r~b!~.Yl Iightep the, Boy progr.. ,M\iSS Pee tQa~ner Scouts' t.sk In the!r paper sang two numbers with Miss drlve~ Saturday, by giving the 'Editgt ,d orsuch at <the p.iano. boys. something to sniff at. , Mr•. Fred H. Patton gave , 'bu' morous account of tlie summer Mrs. Jessie Hyman has conference. ft\iss M:~rtha Forarrived' in Miami Beach, Fla., mati reported On Youth pro-to stay th~ough tl\~ , winter.. _. " '(ODDUIIaed . . . I)· ' J
The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHE!J '160
Publi. hed Ever:f Thursday At Waynesville, Ohio CARL G. SMITH , Edlto .. Entered a •• econd cla.s matter at the Post Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: '1.50 a Year in Advance
Events Coming Up "
(To 'have events listed in this calendar. no'tify The Miami Gazette before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.)
. SATURDAY, NOV. 27 50-5 0 dance for softball league at W. H. S., 8 :30 p. m•. SUNDAY, NOV. 28
Go to Church!
AdY~nt'S un day .
MONDArt, NOV. 29 Board of Pu bli Affair, 7 :30 p. m. Boy Scout Troop 40 at 7.:15 p. ~ St. Mary's .Sunday School teachers' meeting, 8 p. m. Special. meeting of Mia mi Chapter, O. E. S. for initiation. TUESDAY, NOV. 30' _ Wa ne Twp. Trustees, 7 :30 p: m. Boys .club at S.· N. K~ys home, 7 :30 p.' nit
Lytle W. S. C.. S, at Mrs. Foulks' home:. , . .Minnie ,
- I
Hollywood's fCl\Vorite of screen, r~dio, am-d recordings. Dick Haymes, will appear in person on the staga of th e .', RKO Albee Theatre, Cincin• 811 IS . , n'ati, with his 'own all-star shqw, starting Thursctay, Dec. 2. Star of his own radio show for several years, Haymes has also scored in many sClreen hits including the recent . "One .!;~~~~~;;;~~ Touch ~ Mof. Venus" andl "'0 0 You . Love e. ' , ' . , He got his star-t as a vocalist . . with .Jhe Ben,ny GJl9 r.-....iiiiilllllriiiiii~______...........;..___...;. Harry James Orchestras. HiS' U.n ele. Sam . rise was meteoric, wifh' radio, . screen and recordin,~.Cl~s' s,eelUng '-~~------~--.-.. his talent. Shortly, Haymes is expected to branch off into ~ television. : .. ' . ' Featl:lred with -Hayrnes on the stage of the Albee will be Evelyn Knight, songb:ird of the Tex~co Star Theatre,. Gil Maison, Dick Buckley, tbe Juvelys, and Deke , Moffitt and his orchestra. ' The Mbee scr.-een 1that '.'.A......will feature, ' I Mlystery in Mexico" melodrama of international gem thieves. - ' st~geJ '
S '. AUGUSTINE. Father Krumholtz, Priest Masses 8 and to A.M. t MT. HOLLY MEnlODIST , • . ............... -. T. M. Scarff, Minister , ME'lHODIST CHURCH Sundae. School , 9 :30 a.m. R.B. 'Coleman, Minister "A Eamhart, S up t. ~ , Church School - 9 :30 'a.m. Norship Service 10 :30 a.m. J. J. Burste, Supt. .venlng Service ' 7 :30 p.m. Worship and Sermon " ---to:30 Lm. CREEK FRIENDS ~De:Clal • Music . Choir CAESARS Rev. David Stanfield, Minister Fellow-shtp-Thursday Sunday School 10...... _' 7:0~ PM Worslilp semc:e t 1 ..... _ Choir Practice. Thursday. ' · . ' .7:45 PM .UTICA E. U. .. aRJRaI , .' kev. William, Shannon ST. ·~Y,S 'Sunday School ' 9 :3 o· a.m. .MrS. James Garrison, Supt. Samuel N. Keys, Rector ChurC.h School . 9 :,1' S A.M. Pr~~~i~.o~\. and 3~~:~'t:':~ Morning Pr-ayec, ,t 0-:30 A. M. Evening Services 7 :30p.~ . , I rI'LE ME-liiODIST . FRIENDS , ' '. ( "{lURCH' , first Day &hool 9:30 a.m. Dr. J~pb Myers, Minister Keetin,. for WorShip , 9:30 a.m~ Sundiv School , 10:30 a~m. Mrs. Ruth Saylor, Supt. · Worsb,ip ,service to:3o Lm. . FERRY ·aruRaI OF OIRIST , M'. H. Co~ey, Minister B~n Carver, Minister 9 :30 a.'m. lIible School . 9 :30 a.m. Bible SchOOl Monaing Wol'$hip to:30 a.m. Mo~inc Worship 10:30 A. M. Pra,;, trMeetill( 7:00 p.m. ~rOUD'. Peo'ple's. Meeting . . Vouag. People s Meeting , ,.. 7:t5 P. M. . , 7,:00 p.iD. I: Service . 8 P. M. BVeniDJ Services 7:30 NL
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. GorJon • IN l,;ASE QF FIRE, DIAL 2222 ~ hay!! as house g,uests Mrs. . Lillian Fife of Washington,' D. , C., Mis$ ' Miriam Fife of Ohio IN STEP WITH GLAMOURI . St~te and Mrs. Eloise Lang , in Cincinnati. .
BeDjamla FrankllD ·..III tIaa& U . . . DOt "bat _penon earue4 b1dwbat ~ laved oat of hi. eam..... that -CODted. MIlUOD8 oI 'AmeI'lcau .Iut , .ar. bgyltac Saviap 'B aab' bow .,.. Fr~lla . . . r"bl. AD.Il....~t ., p.75 _ . . . . for .....
'..or,1.II. . . . . .1114 na wItIa· , ............NIt, ,.. pan
'Robert ·Will of th~ Qintpn , 'County Air Force Base, public information office, who spoke E. B. Dakin has returned to on the activities at t}1e base. " 1 •• e· I lOURS a -is !jODIe on Main from HaImes Mrs.. Laura Shidfk~r has, ,-t2 each mominl' HO~'p!~al, Cincinnati, following returned to her home here , an, eye... operation. t-S aftemoQDS ' exc~ . , . from ~buquerque" < N. Mex.~ , Wednaday ". . . !tir, ~.' and ,Mrs. Auzwood wlhere she has spent sevtral '7-9 Saturday eventar . 'ltartlri ~d baby son Dougie months as house guest of her lIave DJoved fro ... the M.cCarren son-in-law, and daughter, . otIJer ovenlnp bv ,Appointment .proper!y 'on MJddlefown (oad, ~r.. and Mrs. Clint Gray and , into ' Cllailes ..smart's double family. . . ... .::-t- •...i.i.:..- ... • • e . .TELEPHONE '6'2-R . lome on, Main Sc The ' Junior C1a~~ .play, '. • j he Har.v~ysburg Community "People Are Funny" wili~h was Club met at- the high :chool to .be .pr~ented, Tuesday Audi!o'rium, We;d"ec;day even- evenmg, Noy. 9th was post. ,Optometric _ . S))eclalMli ing with Mr. ana. Mrs. Ralph p'oned until, Nov. 10th owing .6 Boath' D.troit Street Ni1!, Mr. ' a~d Mr~. p'larles T. to the death of Mr. ' Cur. . , . It Smart and Mr. ani:! Mrs. Frank ~OJnn Morrow as host and hostess. Gharles Colller ~as ill at :The guest speaKer ' was Capt. his home on Main Street.
......... wile •• 1Dl1llou (If~. .
0eatI7me:a ...., ....... JnOtIo.
. . . . . . . . . PruIdIa JI"'MII•• .... NAIIL . u. $. 7',.,.", ... ......,
That's you, Mr. and Mrs., when you 'jet us keep your clothes spic and span our modem dry cle'intng' way. It costs 'no more and pays off In sodal and p~rsonal dividenJl$! Rapid "
w. [.BROIN . PLuallNQ .. ' aECTRlCAI-
D.,., ...... --------
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,Dr. ·c. E. Wilkin .'
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We try to be understanding and ~pabre in our work. .
~\ .
Funeral Home
:'~~8::V~~~:V:~~ER N~
=LA. UG.H,. : I'ts G00d.
Mama Skunk was worried because walk recently in the woods to see she could rie.ver keep track of her the leaves that Jack Frost )1ad turned two children. They -were named In into such beautiful colors. Suddenly and Out, and whenever In was in, they realized they were tost. "I wish' Out was out; and if In was Out was Emil y Post. were with us," said the . in. One day she caned Out in to her \ man. "I think we took the wrong and told him to go out and 'bring In in. fork.' So Out went out and in no time at • • * Science Professor: What always reall he brought In in. uWonderf~l," sults when a body is i~mersed in said Mama Skunk. "How ( in all this . water ?" great forest, could you find In in so Goed : ' "The telephone rings." , short a time? " "It was ' easy," re- plied Ou~. "In stinct." Not wishing to do anyUiing contrary to the laws of etiquette, a A woman posed for a picture in meticulous young man sent the ,folfront of the fallen pillars of an lowing ,question , to .the editor of a ancient temple ' in Greece while on Kansas paper: "Please tell me exher vacation. "Please' don't" get the a:- tl· when and where it is correct for car into the picture," she instructed, a gentleman to lift or remove his the photographer, . /I or my 'husband hat. " will think. I ran into the place! " Here is the reply he received from the newspaper editor: "When mop• • A man and his ,wife went for a ping the brow," when taking a bath, ,
... -
I t
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Payne of Whee :ersburg, Ohio, ,were Sunday and Monday gll~st s of Mr. and M1:s. Davis Furna :;. Miss ~ouise Moreton was a Mor.day ev'ening dinner gue-.t 'of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings ' ';{ nd son.
or You., .
when eating, ' whe.n going to wh.en taking lij)a collection, havin'g the hair trimmed, when shampooed , .when standing on head."
bed when being one's .
the Captain why they had stopped in midstream. liThe fog is so thick ~ hat we can't see the river," replied the Captain. II But, Sir," the passenger prote ~ted, looking Skyward, "I can see the stars." IIYes, Madam,': he replied "patiently, "But unless the the boiler bust, that ain't the way we' re going."
p a~seng~r
ROXANN ~\~ ~~ = ~· !NELS ~ asked
In a Ch~lrlotte N. C. domestic. court, the judge listened intently to bpth sides 'Of a case 1:gainsti an elderly man who was charged by his wife with non~support. After all the evidence was in, the judge told the defendant:'" You baven 't ' taken proper can~ of tllis good woman and I'm going to gIve her '25 a mont h.'" The . d,efendant . beained with p'leasure. " That's mightY! .nice of yo ur Honor,," he said," and I'll give her a dollaLr or two myself from time to time." A
••• " Did' yo u fish with 'flies on your rece nt fishing triP ?" . . 1/ Fish with them? Man we fished , camped , ate, and slept 'Y ith theJ!) !"
They met on .the bridge at midnight. They will nev er meet again. One was an eastbourid heifer. the other a westbound train.
• ••
aboard a steamboat
Miss Ruth Miller of BridgeConn., i .spending several .veeks w'th her mother, Mrs. , Ev a Mi11er and ·other relatives.
~ ort,
Mr. and Mr . Ed Ramby entertained du ring the past week with Mr. and Mrs. George Ramby of Dayton, Mr. an ~1 Mrs.' Jame s Ta) lor of Dayton, Mr; and Mrs. Homer Rambv of L an ~a h a, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Hum an ·O'Neall and family of West Palm Beach and Mr. and Mrs. David Zink of Dayton 15 their guests for different supper and dinner parties, Mr. and Mrs. Ramby and Mrs. 0 ' Nealll and family have now left fo)' their homes in Florida. r
CASH FOR DEAD STOCK COWS $5.00 ; HORSES $5.00 ; Accordin g to size and co~dit-ioJl Prompt, Clean Service
PHO NE COLL ECT Xenia 1713
or Wilmington '2362 . JANE S REND ERIN G, Waynes
ville, Ohio
.. --.r . .... .._ _ ___
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How 1Ig1II,1I0w trlm~ how • •Y to .i~ :-: . How ~ompact to
store ••• How I~w In
price . ' ~ ;. V.,
What • Wh...·Of a cleaning
. .. elMs' • '•• For .'•• Nell Hoover C~ean.r. "It b..I~,
.al II lwee ps, as '. :..... ... GIiIy
-0 ' '!l EY .' "N S' 'AN D TAKE IT
Avo{d bad weath er drivin g worries. Travel in snu~, -deep-cushioned cOplfort by Greyh ound. Greyh ound s time-saving schedules make it easy 'to shop, u n ... \ or comm ute. And rer- '" ' ? .. you save 'money, too.," •. ere are no p arking ' f ' : costs less to go GreY~llIu od than to drive you~ .. , (..ir.
C1eanlng tools for Hoover, Jr. ItI the front-t he ...., roll right along 01
tile -.c._ .. tooII.
~ ~\\
. '1tc.
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' Fa i'r le y Hd we . ' St or e ~_""",-;;~+~~___~~~~.~~" ;,,,-_~~~~,~ , ~ # ~....o..-_~-~_.TIJ &v, Sell, T..ade 'PHONE 2441
Borrow, USE
:,g 'l Z,[ T I E 1:14551 flED ,
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,The Miami Gazette s -r A ·B , LIS H E D ' • 5 0
Publi shed Ever ~ Thursday
At Waynesville, Ohio,. CARL G, SMITH , Edltor . Ent ered a s lecond cia.. matter at the Poat Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: ' $1.60 a Year in Advance
Events Coming Up (Te have events listed in this calendar, no'tify The Miami Gazette
, '
before 4 p. m. 1:'uesdays.)
SATURDAY, NOV. 27 . 50-5 0 dance for softball league a,t W. H. S., 8 :30 p. m., SUNDAY, NOV. 28 Go to Church! Advent Sunday. MONDAr/, NOV. 29
Board of Pub lic Affa'ir, 7 :30 p. m . Boy Scout Troop 40 at 7 :15 p. ·m. , St. Mary's Sunday School teacher~' · meeting, 8 p, m. Special meeting of Miami Chapter, O. E. S. for initiation. TUESDAY, NOV. 30 Wayne T wp. Trustees, 7 :30 p,; m, Boys Club at S. N. Keys ~ome, 7 :30 ,p. m. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1 Lytle W,. S. C. S. at Mrs. Minnie Foulks' home: • I'
-- .----~----~------------------------------------------~~--------
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gor~i on DICK HAYMES WILL BE lui ve as house guests Mrs. STAGE, STAR AT ALBEE Lillian Fife 'of Washington, O. Hollywood's favorite of C., Mis~ Miriam Fife of Ohio stage, screen, radio, and record- State and Mrs. Eloise Lang in ings. Dick Haymes, will appear Cincinnati. ' in person on the staglt of the ~~~--~~~------------------~ RKO Albee Theatre, Cincin'nsLrf' S ',AUGUSnNE, ' ~ n;ati, with, his own aU-star show, , Father Krumholtz, Priest starting Thursctay, Dec. 2. Star Masses _ 8 and 10 A.M. of his own . radio show for several years~ Haymes has _also " •J • 5 1 . MY. HOu..Y ME1HODIST scored in many screen hits METHODIST QruRCH T. M. Scarff, Minister including the , reCjfmt "One Sunday School , 9:30 a.m. Touch 'of Vepus" a~ld ,"Do You "R.B. 'Coleman, Minister , E.A~ Earnhart, Supt. ,. ., Church School 9,:30 a.m. Norship '~Service · 10 :30 a.m. Love "Me." , J. J. Burste, Supt. , .veniag Service 7:30 p.m. He got his star-t 3:5 a vocalist Worship and Sermon' _ with the Ben,ny G09d~an-and, , 10:30 Lm. ; CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS Harry Jam~s' Orchestras~ His ,5P.eciaLMusic " , Choir ·Rev. David' Stanfield, Minister Youth FellowshIp Thursday Sunday School , 10 LID. rise _was meteoric, wifh'" radio, , 7:0~ PM Worslilp ServIce t t L& screen and recordings , seeking ~is talent. Shortly, Haymes is ', -.;.. , Choir Practice Tbursd,av ' . ,7:45 PM .UTICA E. U... GIURaI • expected to branch off into , , ~ . kev. William ShaniloD , television: ' - . ' ST. -MARY'S' EPISCOPAL . ' SundaY School 9 :30 a.m. Featured with Haymes on the '~ I N K · Rect ' MrS. j ames Garrlso,n. SupL Samue stage of the 'Albee! will be ,. eys, ~r ,Preaching 1st and 3rd ,Sundays Chu,~h School 9:t 5 A.M. each month , . 10:30 a.1IL Evelin Knight, songbird ,of the Mo~ing" Pr-ay,ec, ',10,:30 A • .M., Evening Services . "/ :30p.m. Tex;tco Star Theatre, Gil Mai-' , , son, Dick Buc1cley, the Juvelys, -.FRIENDS I ,n1..E M£1HODIST ' and Deke , Moffitt and his , p't D ' C"'h I 9'3 ( 'llURaI , . orchestra. ~ .' ay · ..~ 00 • • 0 a,'~' Dr. Joseph Myel'SJ, Minister ~ Meehn2' ~for Worship Sunday School 9:30 a.m. The 'Mbee screen 'that week '; 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Ruth Saylor, Supt. will . fe~ture, " Nl!ys£~y in WO~,ip " seivlce~, to:So LDL Mexico" ' melodramiil of , inter- . national gem thievjes. QjU~CH atRIST FERRY OIURUI OF aotJsT ---~-,M. H. Coffey, Minister " 8lron carver" Minister . 9:30 Lm. , R~AD · GAZE"I! CI.umld · Ad, t!ible. School ' ' 9 :30 a.m. ~Ible SChoo! ' . BeaJam~ PraDkUn said Uaat it . . . MO, ' 1ling Worship 10:30 a.m. ,Mo~inc Worship t 9 :30 A. M. ':lOt wbat a persOD earned bu what Praj trMeetioJ. 7:00 p.m. he sayea oat ' or his eam.... that ~roun, ,People's Meeting , VOUIig: pe~ple t. Meetlnl coated. MlWou or Amerlclau who -, " 7:15 P. M. , .... baylQr, SaviD,. BOD4a 're....rb , ' 7:00 p.m. t:.teilin,. ServiCe . 8 p~ M. Even., Pow BeD Pr. . . . . . . . rIch&. AD.I7:30,.,...
• IN t;ASE OF FIRE, DIAL 2222 ..
.S.I.I'.IL••• "
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That's you" Mr. and Mrs., ~en you iet us ~eep your cI~thes spic and span our, mode,n. dry ' c1e'lnlng way. It costs Do, more
off tn soda!
p : rso~al
and Rapid
== ...................... ,.ta.tI,. Ja ,.oat 0'" baM,. ,.. IIU. .
of , th~ Oinfpn' Force' Base, public office, who spoke 'E. B. Dakin has returned to on the activities- at file base. ' • lOURS, '" ;-11 _Ollie on' ¥tin from Holmes Mr~~ Laura ', Shidfker has ' '-I:J each mornml, 1I'O~pital, Cincinnati, following returned to her home here operation. . - .n eye 1-5 afternoons eltce,t . . of .., ,. from . Allbuquerque, ~. ' Mex., Wednesday , : ,.~rJl : and ' ' M~s. . AUZWOQd W1here she has spent several . 7-9 Saturday evel~IDr .l. artIn- ~d b~by ' son Dougie months as house guest ,of her , Iiave ~oved from the M,cCarren son-.:..in-law, and daughter, OUser evenlDIS 'b y .proper!y .~)Q' MlddletpW'n toad, Mr. and Mrs. OInt Gray and ~ A~polnbienf _"- .., . ' mta" Gharles .,Smart's double fa:mily~ . TELEPHONE 62·R • • e " "'~"IIfIt!! J bome On Main 'S~ . , '~ • ' .. ~ The Junior Cta~-; play, j he Hat,v~~burg ~mmunity : "People Are Funny" wili..;11 was , ~u~. . ~et' at , the h_gn ~chpol to ,be pr~eilted, Tpesday ~Udl.~fl':lfllJ ,W~Elf1e~day even- evemng, ~oy. 9th was post~ Optometlrlc 'B7••!peelalMii i~!l, "WIth .. Mr, ana" M~s. Ralph poned until, Nov. 1(jth ewing .1 South DekoJit Street . NJh, Mr. a~d Mrs. ~ (harles T. tn the death of Mr. Cur. Smart and Mr, ana Mrs. Frank • • • DNl&.omn Morrow as.. hosf and hostess. Charles Collier was ill at .The guest speaKer was Capt. his home on Main Street. . .. --
~unty AIrmf~rmation
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oeaw"m..' ....,. .... Me . . . . . . . . . Wr.-ua .........
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U.$.T~D. .' . . .
"Dr•.C.,'E. lJiIkin
lotm.* ,.. ".15 • week ,for Bo_ , ., for 10 ,.ean woa14 ....... ,... wItIa
' 2949
. We try to be understindiDclDd capable In our wort. ,
'Funeral 'Home,
' ·'1 ' :- y OU ' . (. L ·UGH • .t 'S · G00d f. or .
O A'
Mama Skunk was worried because she could never keep track of her two children. They were- named In and .Out, and whenever In was in, Out was out, and if In was-out was in. One day she called Out in. to her .\ and told him t'O go out and bring In in. So Out went out and in no time at ' all he bro.ught In in. "Won derfu l," . said Mama Skunk. "How ( In all this . great for.est, could you find In ·in so short a time? " "It was easy," re· plied Otlt. "In ~tinct."
A woman pos.ed for a pict.ure .in front of the fallen pillars of an ancient temple in Greece whi.le on her vacation. "Please don't get the a·r into the picture," she instructed the' photographer, Hor my tlUsband will think . I ran into the place!"
A ' man and his wife went for a
walk r.ecently 'in t.he woods to see· the leaves tha't Jack Frost pad turned into ' such beautiful cotors. Suddenly they realized they were tost. "1 wish' Emily Post .were with us," said the man. "I think we took the wrong fork.' • • • Sci~nce Professor: What always re· suUs when a body is immersed . in water? " Goed1 ' ·'.The telephone rings."
Not wisbing to' do anything con· trary ' to th~ laws of etiquette, a meticulous young man sent the ,fol· lowing question to the editor of a Kansas paper: '''Please tell me ex· a:-thr when and where it is correct for a g'entleman to lift or 'remove his hat." , Here is 'the reply he received from the newspaper editor: "When mop: ping the .brow," when taking a bath,
when eating, wh~n ' going to I when taking up a co eetlon, ' l1aving the hair trimmed, when . ~hampooed, when standing on head."
, . In a Charlotte N: C. domestic court, the j1udge listened intently to b;oth sides of a case againsU an elderly man who was c~arged by his wife with .non-support. After an the ' evidence WalS in, the judge told the defendant :"" Yau baven 't taken proper ' care of this' good woman and I'm going to give her '25 a·. month.'" The defendant . beamed ' with p'leasure. I4TIhat'~ might}1 nice of your Honor," he said," and I'll give her a dolJar or two myself' from time to timt~."
.. ..
A passenger aboard a steamboat
Miss Ruth Miller of Bridge- ·· Mr. and Mrs. Charles Payite !=lort, of Whee :ersburg, Ohio, were ' .veeksConn., is spending several with her mother, Mrs. Sunday al1d Monday guests of Eva Miller and other relatives . Mr. and Mrs. Davis Fur~a:;. Mr. and Mr . Ed Ramby enMiss 40uise More~on was· a tertained during the past week Mor.day. evening dinner g~e ...t with Mr. and Mrs. Georg e . of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastmgs Ramby of Dayton, Mr. anj Mrs. James Taylor, of Dayton, 'w d son. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rambv of Lantaha, Fla., Mr. and Mrs . Herman O'Neall and family of West Palm Beach and Mr. a.nd! Mrs. David Zink of Dayton as their guests for different supper and dinner parties, Mr. and Mrs. R.amby and Mrs. 0 ' Neall ' and family have now left for their homes in Florida . .
-as.k<e-d the Captain why they had stopped ·in · midstream. "The fog is so thick ~hat we can't see the river," replied tile Captain. "But, Sir," the passenger prote ted,. looking skywar~! "I can see the stars." "Yes, Madam, . he replied patiently, "But ' unless the the boilers bust, that ' ain't the' way we're going." ,
. ..
"Did you fish with flies on your recent fish ing trip?" "Fish with them? Man ~e fished, camped, ate, and slept with theI!)!"
They met on the bridge at midnight. They will never meet again. One was an eastbourid hei(er. ' The other a westbound train.
•._-- -"- -
According to slze anl.i co~ditio~ Prompt, Clean SerV1ce ' , PHONE COLLECT Xenia 1712 or Wilmington 12362 JANE S REND ERIN G, Waynes ville; C?hio - '.j .-' - -,
. v, c
How IIght; how trim, how easy t;o . '. . liide ••• How cOM pad to .... .... How 10. In price • ~ ~. Yel . wbcit • wh...·of • d_n lne ....
'- ' - " 4'· "
. - - -.. .
\ ..
.. doe, ••• For ..., • real
AVOId bad ~eather ~iv ing worries. Travel in snu~, "<ieep-cushioned comfort by Greyhound .. Greyhound s time-saving 'schedules make it easy to shop, tea ''''1 or commute, And rer:- , . • ::." you save.money, too. I ... ere are no parkin g ;, . costs les~ to go Greyhound . th'an to drive you ... ,. _ .lc.
aeaMn ; tools for Hoover, . Jr. . . . III the front-t he . . . , roll right along at - ~~~ . . . .11 tooII..
bed, when being one's
•• • ••
BO RR OW E? .,.:-r:'ROM'
RO XAN N.'•• :.. __ !NE LS
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Fa irl ey Bd we• .Sto~e PHONE 2441
To' Bo,,sell~ Tride
ReII~ Burrow, USE '
---- -,.----
John Stapel, housewife, of Columbia, . Missouri, had breast can'c er-in 1943. .
Mrs. Sara Pappas, hO\lsev\.·jfe, of Birmingham, Alabama, had b .Q Jd c~ncer-in ]940.
George McCoog, scho ·~b.)y It. , '" :lIerson~ New It\nl. Geo~. Han, hous' , Janey, had cancer ·of tli:;! thish-in 1938. " tana, hCid .kln cancer- /'
Each of the lU':C had cancer. "
peo~le you see here .
, Each of them secur~d treatment early I I, -wl;en Ullcer is most easily curbed. ,
These nine people are typical of thou; sands who tecogni~d one of 'cancer's danger signals-and did something about it! They are livini proof that caocu , can be ' curbed i-' discovered \
early and trt:ated pFomptly.
If yO'fJ, think you have cancer, visit your doctor at once. For your very life:s ~ake~ for your family's sake'7"-don't ' delay. Give. medical science the time it needs to conquer cancer. Prompt ac;tion CfD return a priceless' divideh-d-years of happy, healthy
living to come.
.•. if discovered early and treated promptlY. 'N..ale·s5 d~lay can 'i,era'ly mean the difference between life ar.~~ .' death. "ain .Is ..eldom a sigft '';' ea'~y canc.r~~ thee are other ,DANGER SIGNALS: . .. . -. ,
1; An., . . that...... IIOt heal, ' ... . ~ ~ In .... 00I0r or padicularf., aVl" the ......., 111.01 a walt or _Ie. ' . MOuth .or II.... . . . . 5. 011. 2. A pain'" lu. . · Or' ~ -....., ..... ..., II 1M '. . ., ... 6. ,..,..... 110 ••••. , . . .
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SOunl WAYNE COUNCIL --------------~~~------~~--~~~.-----'-----Mr, and. Mrs. A. H. Earnhart were host and hostess to the WEST WAYNE COUNCIL ' Legi Icitivi Department of th e Souib, Wayne Advisory Council Mr. and Mrs. Ro s HartsoLk hi Farm Bureau, Columbus, 011 Friday evening at the Smith opened their home to the. West oke On l~gi - I a ti on, pointing ,Tea Room. The annual turkey ,W;ayne Advisory Council on lit that there are 169 represdinner was enjoyed, followed Friday evening, with Mr. and entatives and ena'tors at Colby the business m~eting 'and a MI's. Jame Jone~ and M t.' and umbu , and 214 registered discussion" On C'Organiz?tion." ', N\ r-s. Owen .Hartsock .as guest: , lobb its. M mbers present were Mr. and E. L., Harlan w~s substitute ' Reelected were Albert H. Mr. J. B. Crabbe. Mr. ' and discussion 1e:1'der. Banta, President; and the folMr.. Clarence , R, e, Mr. and 1'0Wing township directors; lhe club ad-ourned after Mr . H. R. Moss Mr. and. Mrs. Mr. wrilter Kruer, for S: N. Bal1, Mr. ,and Mrs. Davis planni ng ' a ,Chri -tmas dinner Clear reek; O. H. ' Hagemeyer, Fl,rIn. Mr. an,d Mr. C. E. - ano party for December. . De sed wa served durmg Han,l itton Township'; , MQrris Stanf rtll, Mr. and Mrs. R. E~ Goodman, Turtlecreek; Wilbur A hury, the host and h?stess. the social hour. Kee er, Union; ' Mr. LeSlie •.. _--, ----'-Earnhart, lady director at large. RAINBOW COUNCIL Eleded for the first term were : The Raintow Advisory Harolq 'Cox, vice-president; I. COntAlnuea irVin Page 1) Council held its regular monthly Mrs. ' A,t'va Ludington , of m. eting Tuesday e ening at je L in the county. W-::. '::esvilte. and , Mrs. Betty th home of Mr. and Mrs. Resolutions prepared by C. Beck, Lady Directors at. Large; Oharle LeM:t . . • Thanksgivin~ H. Hageme: er, Chairman, Ray- Pat:ll Runya n, ou~h director,; supper, with roast turkey an'd mon d W. ra ;do :,k, Harold- ' ' ~V a lte :- Compt(' n, Qlrector from all t \~e iJsual "fi"i'-g :' " wa Cox and Everett Runyan \Vere' Deerfield; " . S. Burdge, served. read and adopted. Franklin Township!. Clyde .. ' J. E. Garrettson from the Fordyce, Harlan ; \Vllham LuRalrh, Gu kain, Farm Bu'M nnager, \\ as guest re ~"" . . ;; ..... s f a" f' r. Mrs. R. 0. Mill r wa i. -h ,rg'e of g1m ~ during the AUCTIONEERING th, ocial hour. ,. S"'!" A fl.:l.EY · dnd KOOGl.ER Plans were made f(lr a t;;ROKERS L,~EN.8E (- , ; 1m as party at the home 0 WHERE f 0 " Oates. Phone 214M. w.vn ..vi·l~ ~~. anr' Mrs. lioward Wertz. OhIO. Rever.. Chara.. _ SERVICE COMES FIRST Those present were Mr. and I :'. D"'- n Workman and child· , SECURITY A'SSURED . GENERAL LIVESTOCK Ra ph · ren, J. Ml. Creene .Guck~in, Mr. 31nd Mrs. 'Lon 'WHEN FARM IS FINANCED GRAIN ' Mr., ana Mrs. R. G .. Ilford Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harold imd ' Wertz, Mr. and Mrs. Howard WATER v.'ertz, Mr. and Mrs. William' O'Banion and famil Mr. and Mr . Horflc.e ' Iner ' diugh. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Lu~ing. LEBANON, OHIO ,AA)' FAJtQUER ton, Mr. arid Mrs. Robert BurPHONE 448 ton, the host, -hostess and child. WayaeaviDe reno ' PHONE 2824
Farm Bureau . ".
The N. F. L.. A.
• ',. ' BUilDINGS
·"4..WAY FARM INSURANCE" in the Oblo Parma. will Jive you broad protection
.~~t losses
aD JOUr fum. It coven your buiJdiaas, your cbatteb.-...your automobile
NO Ri;tlS ' s~~C&.OOM.PANY~
Ci.ncinnatl - Union Stook V.r("" L iva WI.,., and Progre •• A." o <Ianization ••oond lo none, Stl'ictly .eller. on the beet , a I I around . , market /""" In .the
country. ' SERV,CE THAT
, 8AT'I&FIEe ' WIlDO Da7ton 12: 50 Jl. 8 •. '1'. flf ~ ' 1: JO WLW Clnclnnfi l1 ....... ': .J " j • -flO f o ;- Our n 2.U," \1 ;.
·k l-- . ! .. "ur •. ' "l'
lAd J'Oar lJabillt)' for .ccid~DU ~ others. ' Why Dot ... III today 1 V_ ,..",. ~'''' tale.- wh~ you',. iDJureci Ua the ~ ianDlll-l- r -
., t8
"Kari D. Dakin Insnrance ·Agency Phone · 1 b:S,
~o E.
M 01 h.e~ (.EBANON. '0. .
" , __________
.. :
I !
~" OHIO 'AlME~ INDIM~" '.t~~ f)~, 1· _
kens, Massie;' lawrence Man, alem; Delbert Fisher, 'Washington; Alvin H. Earnhart, Wayne. Mrs. Luther Hartsock entertained a group .of little f ' lks on Saturday afternoori, honoring the' fifth birt~lday anniversary of her little son, Roger. An afternoon ..of games was enjoyed. ·lce cream and cake were served. Invited gti~sts, were Charles Ker~ey; Richard Furnas, J oan, J an and Jackie La ,Rue and Richard and 0011 Frye, '
'PUBl.i'C ';AL~ Having rented the farm, we will offer at Public Auction gn farI:J1,_ kno,wn as ' the CHAUNCEY BUNNELL FARMi near Caesarcreek Churd. , 2 Miles ' South of Corn St,alk S"ho I House, 3 miles South West of New Burlinghn, S miles North Ea t of Waynesville, at 11 :00, 0 clQck, A. M., prompt, on
SATURDAY, NOV. 27tl 1948" j
IS POTfED SADDLE MARE . 7 years old, sound, gentle for chHdren. Saddle.
25-HEAD OF _CA'J1l.E-25 ' 5 Shorthorn Cows, carrying 2nd calves, pa ture bred.
Shorthorn Cows, carrying 3rd· calves, to , 3 Shorthorn Cows, carrying 4th calves, to 5 Shorthorn Heifer~, long yearlings. 5 Calves. Shorthorn Steer, long yearling. Calf. 2 WIliteface Bulls, 18 ~os. old.
3 freshen in March. freshen in March . S~lOrthorn Heifer Shorthorn Bull
4S-UEAD OF HOOS 45 , 5 Pure-bred Duroc Sows, bred -Noy. tst. 40 Au.gust 'Pigs, doubJe 'immuned. I
, 44-HEAD OF SHEEP-44 two ·year old Western Ewes. 22 Native Ewes. 2 Bucks. • FEED-800 or more bales of mixed Hay. 100 bales of straw. , POULTRY 95 two year old leghorn Hens. 90 New Hampshire' Red Pullets. Ele€tric Brooder, Soo-chick size. Oil Brooder . . Stove, 300-ehick size. . 20=-':
JOHN DEERE MODEL B TRACTOR , On Rubber, with Cultivators, Starter, Lights, In good con .. dition. ' FARMALL
On New Fireslone 6 ply .- Tires, with Cultivator, in good condition. Little Cteoius 14 inch T-ractor Plow. CA E CORN PICKER CASE PICK'-:""'UP BALER , With 40 b Ca e Baler. OTHER IMPLEMENTS
2 Double Discs. 2 ru,bber tired Wagon . ."uperior 10 hoe Wheat Drill. John Deere 999 Corn Planter, mounted on lift. John Deere Ham~er Mill. New ,ldea Manure Spreader. Power Corn Sheller. Side-delivery Hay Rake. Cultipacker. Rotary Hoe. MCCormick-'Deering M,ower. Corn and Hay Elevator. Dump Rake. Buck Rake. 20 hoe Grass and Alfalfa Seeder. Mounted Buzz Saw. Powered Crosscut Sa\v. " 9 single type Hog Boxes. 16x8 . Hog Box. '2 Self Feeder~. Mineral Self Feeder. Feeding Platform, 16x8. 2 Hog Fountains. Hog Troughs. ' ' . MlSCELLA~EOUS '- Home Pasteurizer, 2 -gal. size. Electric , Fence Charger. Pressure Tank Sp'rayeL P I~tfprm Scales. 100 ft. Gandy ' Drive Belt. 50 ft. Rubber Drlve Belt. Log Chains. Stee~ Drums, etc .. 'Brooder House, t 2x 12. , ~S -: 2 ,sides of' Breec1)en Harness. Collars. Lines,. "Bridles, etc. -. MILK EQUiPMENT - Six , 10 gal. Milk Cans. 4 ' Milk Pails. Strainer.
T£RMS..:-CASH. . .
at the· Miami Gazette
(Waynesville Ph. 2894) (Dayton. Ph. KE 86'7 9). , ,MORRIS a SIMS, Oerks. Lunch seryed OR -grounds. •
...... .
- . ..
• •• .t"
(OO'btamlecS tram Pap
Hanes with 20 tallies. At Lebanon, Bob Hunter and Tinney pa1ced Waynesville with 12 points each, whj1e Reynolds led the losers, also with 12. The WaynesviJ]e Reserves also won after a close game in which the lead changed hands several times. The s tatistic~. Franklin 22 '29 41 53 WaynesviJ]e 13 25 37 4' Local scoring: Vickers 15; Hunter 2; Tinnev , 8; Simpson 13; 'Hastings 6; ' Earnhart 3, and Powe)), O. WaynesviJ1e 15 22 44 48 Lebanon 4 18 29 43 Local scoring: Vickers 11; Hunter 12; Simpson 10; Tinney 12, Powell 2 i Hastings 1; Earnh art and Lukens, o.
. also had several battlers that looked well and J'm afraid that the local boys had better start hea vy roadwork if they want to sta'nd up before the competi. tion. . Ralph Dillon and Ray Dillon will plit referee duties . . They hail from ~ew Lebanon, so there certainly qm be no arguments there. Expect several .prominent businessmen to handle judging duties. The donation' will be SOc general admission and "1 . ror ringside seats. The coach is in charge of ring construdtion wh.ile yours truly and the softball managers will handle ticket selling. ~
Don't forget the Wayne ville SoftbalI League 50-50 dance tomorrow night, same' place as usual, high school gymnasium, wiII entertain from 8 :30 to midnife. Donation is but 50c, so why not fn.an to attend. Even 'if you can't square dance or round dance your contribu· tions :WIll hetp reduce the league's debts.
Monday the locals will play Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings an ·'A" opponent, Dayton were host and hostess re~ently Stivers, 'on the former's hardto the ,basketball , team and wood in an exhi ition game. If those Stivers are as tough as 'served the squad a steak ~up· I r.emember them from '30 per. Their guests were Kenneth down Cincy way,' . when '1 Vl~ers, Bob Hunter, J~ck attended Elder ' H·igh, tJ1e Tinney, Keit,} Longacre, EmerY Robbins, Harlan , E~rnhart, S~artans are in tough company. Danny Simpson; Earl Powell,. Coach Jim Hartsock , is pan Lukens. and Bob H~stjngs. priming his 'local fisters for the Mr. and Mrs. William coming Dec. 14 bouts here sponsored ,by ' the Waynesville Strollse, Mrs. Har01d B~ Sa ·n· A\thletic ' Association. Ralph hart, Mrs. L~cile Ar.mi,ta.~e and . Purdue, Dick . La wson, Bill & ' Mrs. Bertie Mills attended ~e Don Pope and several others recept'on for William Ow~n, ' are ~xpected to . dan 'local , Worthy (.j and Patron of Ohio, merchants' colors for the Order of Eastern Stal, . at occasion. Your '4eye" saw ,s ome Bethel 'on Saturday evening. ' of the,j.r 01 ponents last mt~ at · the D~vton Vets 'Home . . • Ar DryCten at 119 pounds for Cajo.oked ver_y ~good wilJ battle Donny p.ope. Brown, Dayton ., YMOA,
E . (';$ ..... Vl
O. Rose C. Palmer l. Mulford V. HiIJ E. Ramb y Handicap Fairley
183 139 ' 180 , 176 204 882 84 966
"0 .
483 430 481
161 143 160 161 173 160
519 2395
Fri., bec. 3, Open. Vl (1) Fri., Dec. ·10, 'Morrow, ' there "C "0 ~ ~ E ~ C\I ~ Dec. 17, Ha"veysburg, H t5 <.:)'- l:) Fri., Fri." Jan. 7, Carlisle., here 3467 , i65 21 285 '1 i58 18 Tues .. .hn. 1'1, Ki l~'ma(l, there 2811 148 19 Fri., Jan. 14, Ma!>oH . . there·. 3182 152' 21 3272 156 21 Tues., Jan. ' 18, W. (~,lJ'rollton H 156 Fri., Jan. 21, OpelJ
~ 0
cu '"'
15<) 141 143 113 165 136 159 . 14·7 157 158 788 72.5 84 84 872 809 g75 931
'"' > «
V'l C1)
Sunday evenin (~ for observation and t~eatmenf.
...... 6-:.-....... _~. ' --
.., LOco' Of ' Stott. 101.' VIii' this N.,Napaper , 01 ', ,I
Ceill, Wir. or Write, our 'repr entativ..
OHIO .WEEKLIES, INC. (;r~nherl'ies ar-e behind the 6ne ft~,.., ,contc.: ,(12 :-.. . lute steaming hot and ~
Fruity, moist, alld ric:h;-:that;s th,: ~ : ,- ' : pudding, ideal for des~erts all through. the Wtnter. Amerlcaul.. , ..I crall berries to the makings for a fine ftavored dish that takes well to hard sauce .' ~fter co,!,bining the ingr; ': en18 for cranberry pudding, them mto '!l well greas~ .large mold, such as a eo~ee can 'or a tube center f"·.Jdtng mold. IndIVIdual molds , may aJso be used. Set the molds into .. -.n ~hat hae. a good co~er 80 that , the steam from the simmering. , : r IS, kept · tn. Do not . : t water come more than two-thirds way \.j ' ~ the,~~de "of the mold .89 that ~t will ~ot s~ep i~to the pudding. Leave t . ~ C \ , . OJ. the. steam er on ul)tll the tIme IS up, then turn pudding out ::.nd serve hot WIth a hard sauce. . . , . Vary the hard sauce 0 casic,>nally by adding a lit' l lemon juice . and ~C'm()n rind, oIl ?I'ange juice and rind to it. , . ' :-d puddmgs are hearty desserts for hungry f lh and. f ~':' t'I~' ;.. ~, II~ nourishment in the enriched bread and flour' (' . '., ,: S " '1 ..l m'lk. " . " , CRANBERRY PUDDING '
'.' 1' ~ift l-d
I cg~ ,
enriched flour
: ' ,' a~r( '''' 115 !-t,l king powder I .l , "
, .t
_u.s. MellIn .. I.nt' to Boxer upr1alno. 1898.
.,7 ~ '
'r1 Canadlon drafl rIo Is.
28-Tea ships reach Boston, .
I/ J
(UP milk (lr 'Water
IfJ cup brown
on uh
(' :\,-I~hcd brt-ad ~rumbs ~ cup linely 1 cup chopped or ground cranberries .
~ u~ar
hopped suet
: " tu t;ether flour, baking pow- Po uri n to well-greased mold (."r. and salt: Add ~read crumbs. cover, and steam for two hours: Beat egg. ,Add mIlk or water, Do not let water come more 't han bro,,:n sugar, sue.t, and , cran- t~o-thirds of the way up the . b~rrles. Add egg. mIxture to flour SIdes of the mold. TUl,'n out . pudmIxture, blending thoroughly. ,ding. Serve hot with Hard Sauce. HARD SAUCE t. I 1ft cup butter or margarine , p t;, cur ' C(\fl (crt i,'-", , ~. H ~ .
I • asr non I' I\·tll.'" W J1.
Crean. 'butter or marl! rille unti l liJr.!lt. and..Au1fll., i\d~ sugar. Betat -
:, ': a l' ~rd sauce. '.
' j' ,: :
$116.40 '
"st7RPLUR ITElWS QL'l . K. READY CAIB • R£.\(l Tnl! CLAssmm ADa • 11\M'()
,Tills HelVSptlpef
Telephone 2422
~ ----------------
- . --
South Main Street across from 'Grange HaD
Wed., Feb. 9, Ce'1t~rvmc. there Fri., Feb. 11,· Hill \1nl'o, there
was removed to the hospital on
. Wayn:esville Furniture & Appliance CD.
Fri., Jan .28, Springboro, ih e re Fri." Feb. 4, Kings Mills, here Sat., Feb. 5, Spring VatJey T
Frank Kurfiss, of near Lytle,
tU ~
Waynesville Schedule
• -
_. -
!,! 1. '
I •
. ., Jrt.
29-Whltmantnessocre, 1847
riul 3O-Mcuk
T~"c.1O be m 1835
GoOdyear 'Shoe Repal,r
Invisible Half Satin, Orthopedic COTfections Cork Extensions , ,
QeDrJ H. ,' Moeller 111·13 E. • • Ift'y , St.
l-farsl typElwriterJlOlented, 1866. WIftI Mni... ,
Use The Almanac To
Cheek The Wea'" But
GAZETrE CU~Slt liD ADS To Bay, SeI, ~
sa. .-
Leases, b~
scr en. Such a picture is "Give LJept.,: One 0': our !'couts came My Regards to ·Broadway." Fox, !lib the bf)~ , f)ffice with the Technicolor story with 'inusic at report la,st Saturday night that tl1e theatre · Sunday and several people asked for The Mond·ay. Starring Dan Dailey, DUfClng o Kid, Gene Au~ry, Bill Nan -:y Gui!d, Fay Bainter, Boyd, or "any other go01 Charles Wihninger and Ruggles, \ Vr~tern" in the near ftlture. it's the story of a grand family The management is puz~le.i. of .trouper who Wouldn't give 'vVe :,how all the Durango Ki.t up when vaudeville began to and Bill Boyd Western~ we can di . The ,story of their amUSing get tAUr hands on. ' Autry ha ~ and often poignant efforts leads been away awhile, but \vitI' to a most unusual and agree- return to our screen early in able climax. The picture is 1949. ' Last Saturday'S John spotted with excellent hoofing, Mack Brown Western wa.i a singing and juggling. WB Wor1 j request picture - ~ folks asled News on this bill, as usual and for it. So we'll j:..st keep trying. . a good short on Hollywood. "Riff Raft''' (RKO), TuesdaY Mr. 0 . . B. Marlatt enteronly, is a strong adventure story full of suspense and surprises, tained at dinher on Thursday, with Panama City as the pi - with. Mr .' W. E. Cornell, Mrs. turesque locale. Pat O'Brien Lena Hartsock, Mrs. R. G. stars, in a role suited" to his M ill'e r and M~. Ross H. Hartrugged taleqts, as an inves- sock at guests. tigator. Alnne Jeffreys i- the romantic interest, and Walter "/~T M O . l ZE GAZ E TTe: lezak m ake a s~av e villain. JI. DVE R TISE R~
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hadley Members ' of the Golden Rule and daughter had as Sunday Sunday Schoo,l class of the dinner gu'ests, Mr. an'd Mrs. Methodist Church met at the Amos Coo , -Ernest Cook, and hom~ of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doster Conner for a social time last night. Refreshments were served , and d~ughters. following the meeting.
win " 'heal.,.~'
Hope you all had a delig'htfut , TEL. 2661'-:"2351' , . HOT POPCORN Thanksgiving and have down TRY OUR UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS & OIL HEAT on the agenda your next imporCLOSED EACH WED., COMMENCING DEC. 1 tant date, the matinee at 2 :1 0 --.~------------------------------------------SAT. ONLY P. M. this com1ng Saturdav 1t TODAY ONLY 'WDke Falther Like Son,'" the Twin, at which all loyal All History Students Can't You'll Agree as Tim Holt followers of the Brick /Bradforc1 afford to miss this story ! .. Crashes thru in serial (those whose card ~ re .punched to date) "ill be admitted free. At this matinee you'll see both 'the closing of f'lm: 15th Cap Bradford the B B Serial and the open in chapter of our new seria\ . "The Sea Hound", with Bu. ter SA:')". FREE MATINEE 2 &. 4 , p~ M. Crabbe as I Captain Silver. For Bradford Card- . . _ There'll be two give aways to .... tarti ng: fl ext Wednesday. lucky numbers 'holders , this orr .ctty ,Pun hr. J., weekend, one for the closing the Twin reverts to its former , . BB Serial and one for the policy and will be closed. SUN•.-MON. START SAT. AT AFTERopening Sea Hound. New._ Sea . NOON and EV'ENJNG Shows An unus~al double feature Hound cards are beIng given Chapt. 1 Silver Sails Again out this week. Both give aways combine heads up the ThursdaY will be handea , out at the and Friday program, "Fury at evening shc,w, . but those Furnace Creek" (Fo x) ; starring I and - 'Coleen I attendin~ the matinee need not ,victor Mature be present at nig~t to win . t~e Gray, w;ith Reginald Gardiner . and Glenn Langan assisting. , ~ pri~ e. '" Saturday will be a big day and night at the Twin. Also on tap is "Love From a \ Same show both afternoOn and Str~nger" (EL), with. -1oho evening. Th,~ only sad note is Hodiak and' Sylvia , Sydney. - - - - - - - - - - - - .. ·' - 0 . 'TUES. ' ONLY , ,saying goodbye to Britk Brad- , "Fury,at Furl].ace Creek" blazes ' . ·ford. , . with fire and action, the story. : PAT OBRIEN Is tough · in two brothers ,l vowed to of Briefview~: ," If .you haven't ,seen; ~ ~'The Cr.usadt;s" ,. by aU. vengeance In. another saga of .me~ns : ~Qqte . tonight' ,your the ~innlng of the' ·Wlest. The las( . hl~: . . , ~ , pidture"'~mnortat~those w m'eh , . " Sat!uj:l~y~~" , , f.eaklte.i " -alollg who defied Indian attack at Fort with the main events described Furnace Cr~ek, ,and tells . the . .above, ,IS lWildHorse Mesa," "Story' of ' U. S. Gen. Fletciler ( . an RICO w-estern put in lhe Blackw~ll, 'Whose two soos ...........iII~ the de luxe class by reviewers. strive to clear his name ' of ". l Holt does an unusually fin~ job ,court martial ' conviction. • . ............ 01. ... :~s a two fisted cowboy in this Romance and t,.er,thless action . SA1l1RDAY. NOV. 27. UN8 .Zane Grey drama of cattle fill this stpry .out of histo(y. " rustlers. Forgot to tell you that •. Love ' From ·A Strange~'" is little Dick W',eltz was .the lucky. a p~ychoJogical melodrama of AT WAYNEsVILLE HIGH SQlOOL , , I winner (last Saturday. murder. -.Plenty of action, yes , to '. buJ tar a subtle, mysterious, ",nd 8:30 to MicIDite . ' Once in a while a motion S\i!'pcnsefut n~ YOU CAN'T BUY , •• { picture of' tru(y heart warmini BETTER LUBRICATION family quality comes to the Yau Can't Please Ev~ryone I:
Wild Horse Mesa ~ ,. . -
Rift BaH,
.......... .,. .......... ".111'
. HALF- Be: ,.J IALF. . Dance'
Belcher's .Service' P.... 2423
s. I~ St·
TO Sl:IARE"OUR ABU~DA,NT' LIF!: • 'I1fEIR~I~ with a oee\1,y world is the spirit of '" Yee theeducatfon of your .' , chilo.. their entire future welTHIS THANKSGIVING DAY. ' fare. is four r~~onsi~Ii~. Discharge It colllCillltiollSly and L EASILY by savinr RBGULARLY. We are ready to help you I~ noVi. Stop inl ..
M e C'," U· R:E , ,FU N E
' WAYNi.VlllL . . . 0
,WaynesviUe ' National Bank
I . i ., -
-HOME ,Furniture -Co. . . .d
wh';""a It.
Mr. and Mrs. J. e.' Larrick of Ancliorage; ' Alaska, who ventIlator window and dimbed have been sp ending some time cu~. It "was only about t 11 at their home here and with inches wide a:nd I <!idn'l think relatives, were . honor guests she could get her head Saturday evening, when Mr. and through even it she got tlie Mrs. Ralph Hastings e.n tertainnetting off, but she did. ed. Cards were played and Mr. Next we~k is Thank3g~vlng and . ~rs.. Larrick ' s~owed ·. · and there win be nO ComnlUnity beaub ~ul pIctures ta1:cen ,10 the Sa,le. Perhaps if we board those North. A , salad course was win~~ws up tight. we ~an ~eep served. ' , ' her m that long If. We feed he'r , G.u~sts were. Mr. a~d Mrs . . well. She isn't really an : (lId LarnCK, Mr. and ,~rs . W. E . . ~? w. These were her first pigs, Stroud" Mr. and ~rs. ~alter rtf s,~,e were in a ~e.11 fen.c~d Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. , M. A•. pasture she' wou1d ~sta y in .but Fulke~son and Mr. and Mrs. the trouble is we ' !hut her up W. C. st. John. and she doesn't like that. She , Mr. and Mrs: LarriCk also likes to have room to' m ;.ve were dinner -guests of Mr. an d and I sympathize' with ber but Mrs. : J.P . . Fromm on Tu~sctay ha ve no 'other place for her eyenmg. ~nd. Sunday dmn,~r . just ·now. I ·should take her to gu~ts of ·Mr. and Mrs. Walter .the locker.· · · Ross 'in Leesburg. .
good 'sportsmanship and courtFOR RENTesy, hllnting would, be good FURN ISHED Apartment, three sport for all. The gam!! that DON'T FORGET TO CALL rooms. See Fallis F. Paine, i killed and used for. food us for insurance. Alnypes of , after 'five. . seems to me no worse than insura.nce at a' ~avings. Call - - - -...., killing the animals we raise for FranCIS 'Gene Brown, phone NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT food and hides. 'But needless Waynesville ' 2472 or call ' cruelty and killing just for the coll ect. Wi1rnin g~o n .2111: Executor fun ' of killing, not usin$ th .. .F OR SALEEstate of Herbert J. Carr game, the ~wanton destruction, Deceased. the wire fences climbed and torn Notice 'is here by given that dowQ, hunting without permLBerkeley Juri1ior Beige dress, Lillian S. Carr wh03e ?ost ,~ion. spooti't~g , ,I stock. wool and rnin k-. blend. Brown is Harveysburg" c~relessness . espechlHy with Office address t rim. Wo rn t wiCe Phone _1 54. . -122 Ohio has been duly appointed , r.Ifl es, all make up the dark as Executrix of the Estate of side of the hunting picture . GREEN MOHAW K RUG, 100 Herb!)Tt J. C3tr late of WarTrapping and nlg11t hunting .percent wool, 9x 12, with pad ren County, Ohio, decel sed. are also in season. The b:)Vs a.1! small m atching ru g. Dated this 13th d~y of Nov.: have c~ught two' bi!~ ' 'possums ,PhQne 2095. -1125 . ember 1948. but nothing in their traps so far. John saw a fox on the Srna!. t.Jhled gas heater aTld Ralph H. ,Carey, , place yester a v. The mild • . electric heater. Phone 2632. Judge of the Probat~ Court bright mOOn light nights this -122 'Nar~en County, Ohio " week have been tempting to Many thanks to all those who , . 193 5 FO RD Dump ' Truck with Stanle & Stanley~ Attorneys. , the boys anq the dogs too. tomatoes Mr. and Mrs. ~ay L. i-Iarper . ga ve jelly and' canned '1 94J rebuilt ' rnotor. Lee There is a faScination about an ~ruit t() the rhildreh's h ~ve h,ad as theIr guests, .Mrs. Lemrnon, Poute 2. -1 22 foHowing the dogs with your Hospital. We took it dOwn Harper s parents, Mr. a,, ~ M.rs. -1135 -..-;:...---:...--;:... little lantern tJtrough the woo~s yesterday ~nd · It was much Howard , Wall~ce, of 'rvm, 9 x 12 WOOL RUG and Drop and over the hills whether y(; U appreciat~d. · - Pa. Leaf Kitch en table, .pn 'celain you ge~. anytt,ing or not. If . and wood lo'). Mrs. D. R. hunters',would Only lq~ ,r eason- ' Tua$ . ~otm.,..... suRPLus rinrs Mr. and Mrs.' Robert' Furnas - Smith, PhO li,~ 2401. ' able,farmers would Ic o-operate INTO ,QtfI : K, READY 'COB are enjoying the Thanksgiving . -11 t~ A FARM DIARY by providing prQper cover for h.olic;iay .at the home of their by D .J. FRAIZER APPLES - Jonatl1ans,. Cort. wild life ancj there would be '~~CCLU~~ ~ son-in-law , an4 daugtlter, lands and Grimes Golden. hunting for all who care for ·Mr. and M . B. W. Whitton Also RED DELICIOUS ~ November 19, 1948. At n ine t~is most primitive of all sports. and ' d'aughters, . In Kot'xvUle, Underwoqd Qrchtr~, Har".oIJ"'~·~ :.;;. Q. .. . . . . ' T ' enn..,, ; ,r ' rl ~I " ' . J Mond~y November The ,first day of hunting veysp.ur~•. Pbo~~ 289?'_1nd o'clock fifteenth, ' the rabbit~ , and se~son ~as a perfe:ct Indian M·r. and MO rs. 'M. K. Coffey ph~a§ ants and other wittl life Summer C121:Y, br~ht and warm .. POULTRY FeR SALE . ,have returned front 'staunton, .ended their last day of peace after- a "frosty n1ght. 161nce then ,Va., "where they J."ere ..cllled on . FROZEN ' FRYERS ' ready forA for some time. 1 The hands of we : have '\ day , Or' two . of . account of the illness ()f ,tHe . the .skillet at . any time. the clock had scarGely pointed ·I:jr~ght sunny 'weath4,r th~n it • , niinister's father and bro'tliu~ Dressed. orders taken Thurs- to nil1e w,hen the \:jailgs bl!gan b gins to cloud up and 'we have ' day and ' Friday. C.aU 2939. -at last two for each rabbit, . a ' little,' rlln, ,' just enotJ.glh · to Henry W. Finck. s(jmetimes three, but not always keep , us oul 0 . the field . --'---1216 from ·t he same gun One of. · and m1tke lhe ground too -Soft our boys was en~aged because for the-lime preadtr;- TdiC!lll it . -LOSTbe s~hTed up 'a~d ,hot .a sta,s itke ,thal- for '• .few ciays, rtnr. 'bo.'comes p.heasant, but another hunter gradually'. BLACK And WHITE MALE $1\ot as tile bird was coming a frosty night and webegtn over Springer Spaniel. Answers to down and claimed it. The boy . acabl . . The wIle.t looks fine name af Cookie. ,Missing claimed that he shot ·first and but it ·ts hard to finish , up he ~ sinCe Wed . . Nov. 17. Rewa·rd was going to take the blrd but other fall work. We had ho ed Phone 2848. Joseph Zajeel., the ma'n threatened him ,so he t i l " ~ eiid~ " . -10,25 . had to let it go. The man already · we ha e 't ~Ji _le Jh~ had one ~ut there is 'no pla~e gr~ ~~ ... ~J tp , 0 If ,!:fow r~ where greed s~ows -uD so , ,Ii ,. . ng' very la.e. ' quiclCly as '"it does in the ·h unt· Th I g' 'f t . , e pup.s are grci»W n as TOBACCO. LATHS. . R; Rob- ing field · ' . .. but they do not Illk e to 6e bins, I?-atriot, I~dlana. --:1223 Rabbits have been fairly weaned and they ma,t~ a great ple~ti!u~ t~is. ye~r but they have fU$S ,about it. They. can come --~--------~-----~ ELEcTRICIANnot ~ seen ~any pheasants. If up the cellar steps, but o~ce HOUSE WIRING and" Repairs. hunters would only obey . the thete t!Jey do not tnoY{ what Ed Laughlin, . d Harmony game" laws and the laws of to, d() next ' and . stand. ~here Grove . SchotJho,*-,_ ' fite . . hOWling, especially If! one finds miles northweSf of"Waytieshimself . alone. . Suze:y i)rought ' ·vOte. Phone New Bur1in~on them in part ,Oft • .lra~bJt the 306. --121 other day but her hu~tlhg has not been a'S successful a~ NOW OPEN for custllm butcberin,. Prompt :usu·al. ' . sel'Yice. Gan Gordon, Harvey!The old sow has heen out bur". Phone WaynesVIlle 2000. '8.~ain. rhis time she, tf)re the ' e -bid ' w~r;! ~etting of , ~ Iqrig 'n~rroW' W ~NTED MISC. ' ~' . LAUNDRY: to do In my borne. Q\lick servlce~ Phone .1986~ · .: ~ ... . '. .....2&2 · CLA&8fFIED AD RATES 10 PER WORD MINIMUM 25c
. . . . . - -•
2,,, RtJge
'·D ••·d SI
WANTED - IRONI.NG to do , hi my home. Opal Lewis ,-resslar, 'on Chapman St. near high school. , ,•
WELDING ,.... ~
yortable Equipment . • Be Brought to the Job
Bill LEE : -,'_'__ .m PARK AT ICE PI..AliT PHONE 2411
''1 __ ' H9GS. ~~~~~ ~ SIZE
t~RSES '6.00• ~ws AICCORDING TO '
x.... ·o·4., $,-:'14 ....• "
1' \ '
CIa..... "
XENIA fertilizer ,.
E. G. , Bucbsleb, Inc.
Tit I! Miami 4 Men Rob ·Belcher's Of $50; Suspect Held ·Ii A·ZE'T T E
He·r e By Smitty
There are some rea~ers of the Gazette witl1 longer meJXlol'ies for its news ' stories than the edit,o,r has.
Ralph Belciu~r·s filling station on South Main Stlreet was held up at 9 :20 p., m. Tuesday by four 'men in a stolen- car who fled with about $5() fr01;l1 the cash register. Mrs. Belcher was running the station while her husband was in Dayton. They were about to Close for the night when the 1946 Buick sedan drove Ut>. Three , ot the men went in.side ' the station and the four.th told the helper to "Fil~ it , up." A;fter asking fOi~ soft drinks, o,ne of , the trio in ide pushed a gun in Mrs. Belcher's back and ordered her to keep , quiet. He tried to open the cash register ,by pushing do~n two' keys at once. This jammed it, and he forced Mrs. Belcher to fix it and open the drawer. Th!Ul he scooped up all the bills and change, and dipped up a handfyl .f pennies' from ,a nothel' box, pi1~ing wme of them. All the men then got into the car, which was still being filled ' with gas. ' They suddenly ' drove off, leaving behind the cap of ' the gasoline tank. Mrs: Belcher ' immediately telephonecl the sheriff's' o.ffice, ~hat the ear 'was headed for Lebanon. How~ ever;' when the car was seen speed.. ing down Route 42 through the county seat, it was not stopped. At 4 a, m., Cincinnati police' cornered three , of the men in &. dead end street. Two fled on foot. ' but James E. Lewjs, 21, who,' said his home is in Winona, W. Va., , was captured. It was reported he c;ould, no~ run because his ,hoes , -were filled "with jewetry taken ill , a _store ~~gI8ry at Lockland. : . fUe Mr. Beleher said he ' charges of armed robbery against any of the group who are cap-. . ' tured. ' .' " 1 . ' ,
No. 4397
This week a reader reminded ~e of a headline several months ago which proclaimed' th~t a sodium arc light was to be put ovel' 'the . "Death Curve" of Route 73 on 'a trial basis. CI Where is it?" 'he wants to ' The Waynesy'!!e Natioi\al Bank know, and t still don't kntfl.v, Doe is !etting a complete face-lifting, anybody? with business going on as ~s ual ar.ound the decorators. A new fO\'ced-air oil heatinr The mail brings in all sorts of system is being installed. The six propaganda, and some , 9£ it large windows facing on Main .amuses me though the sentlers and North Streets al'e being re~ope it will arouse me to -great placed with glass-bric.k panels. The ,deeds .of valor jn their behalf. interior ceiling will be of soundEv,ery week an 'O regon ' concern 'absorbing white panels, and a new .sends out a: "letter from .. Joe floer is to' be laid in the lobby. , coni~ 'in fOl' a ne:-y Sel':a," which ~s genera.lly a tira~e The walls aga.. n.s~ so~iahsm, whICh. by hiS paint job. Some of the ' work is defmitlOn m~l?des, allythl,ng pro- being done out ide of banking gt:essi'Ve done l~the las.t ~6 yea~.-..- hours, and l>ther wor]< behind tar~ B t .J~e Serra s reacbon to tli~ paulins whi ch ' preved dust from electlOJl ought to be read by every cattel'ing too far. American '- especially thos,e, wh,o never write to cQngressmen or ,editors. Here it is ~
Bank Building Being Redecorated
New Siren Installed ) ,In Corwin Elevator
Mr. and Mrs. George Wieal a1'e announcing the pirth of a son, Richard Lee, on November 22, at Miami Valley Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph HilderbI:,echt and Mr. and Mrs. james Wica1 'a re the p~oud grandparents.
A n ew fire alarm siren has ~een installed jn the Waynesville Farmers Exchange elevator in Corwill, as an au tomatic warning deR~altois vice in case of fire , it was an: The siren, nou1: "eu this week. which' \' as tested at the la:st Monday evenlng ' fire ,practice session, A 90-acre farm, ·just south of sounds ' imilar to the one at 'Centerville on Lebanon Pik-e at WaynesvHle ' POWCl'hlSC . . Social Row Road, has been sold by Carl Pits ick of the exchange re- the heirs of James W. Campbell, ports tha t ' t he new siren may deceased, to George ' Henkle, Inc., sound once if someone accidentally; local l·ealtors. trips the mechanism, but if it ever Mr James CSplpbell was a well sounds for more than one "wail," f~l'mer ' in Washington known the fire department should be ·Township and had lived , on the call ed. It wi I : only sound continplace since 1912. It has alw.ays uously if a bUl'ning fire has stl'Btbeen considered a good producing eo in the elevator. farm as the land is ,r ich and level. The propellty is improved with an old brick and frame colonial house. which the purchasers intend to sell with 2 acres of land. The balance of the land will be sol~' in acreage tracts, as the farm has three-fourths of a mile frontage along Lebano~ Pike and Social Row Road:
Buy gO-Acre Farm for Sub-divisioD
Now folks, the election is ovel' -we have picked :the Captain alBo the ctew. Sdlne of the crew ..at:e clear 01 eye, - ' some are of " 22 g~uge and sl\eaked , in under" in Moscow, Ohio. Coach Edwin O. J. Myells and Robert Zehring the tent as the big, iree, outdoor , Port~r> spent. the holiday" at the handled the legal detaila, for,: t\le itt k I t the U i ' '~ . k. ti ' . C I b :hdtn. , Frqd Barnard ' ot he John. ahiJ> on t~ ,p ~ . a .a ,n. ... b~ Gf ·h,., ifother 1n 0 um Us~ Brownell Company, local realtors, 1*ii.....IirINIn. 11 6)';.a1Rl-larf, """the 1;' : The following stuqents recentl~ , crew i. averagei I "reckon, and received awards in Shorthand I n~go~i.ted the ~ale. , ' a:ld Typing I I from the Gregg .. - -:0-Deing on our payroll now, it lS , up to every 'D1othe~ son of us Examilling Board in New York J 'to tell the guy ~ ele~ted j~st, City: - ,,_, ' exactly what we w n done. So , oli saturda; evening the two Coin:>~tent tYP'i st C!€,rtificate for _ -take your pen in hand. '7th grades had a ' faU party at 48' ,words .per mi,nllte, Eileen If 61 people of each 100 , say wbich they played games and BroWn: ' ~ . I' to ' their ,man 'here, we , want to .., square-danced. . of. .Gregg' ,Artist; certifi-' H. E. Hathaway' opened' ' School was dislntssW on Thurs- cate; ¥ary _Anne B~rton, Joanlie Mr. and MilS. Leo Conner and ' her home on, Friday afternoon for ,go like England -:;- have the Govt. be the Bia CheeM - ,then that u ' u; and Friday. for the . Thanks- . Dicken8bee~, 'Barbara Ha!·~soclt,. daughters', Mr. and Mrs. Charles the November m~ting of the New what we' will have. But if 61 of giving Holiday., Mlss Louise More:" June Ward, Joanne Watkins, and 'E dwards and Misses Sarah and Century Club. A large ,group of 'each 100 ..y, Dis-we wan~ to spent the holiday at her nome Doris -Woollard: ., Ruth . Conn,e r were , among the , -members a~d gl1ests was present 'ilee the Gon brought back to the g ,u ests o~ Saturd~y eveni.n g for , and Mrs. R. E. Asbury, president, " 'style that our gnat grandpa had, the weddmg · of MISS M~ry Catlr- presided ov~r the business a'easin then ' we will h&~e ~, tJa~t kind ' of . , erine . Maus, daugh~r ot 'M'r. an9 Mrs. F. W. Le .May, BrlJIB;, Fred -Govt. . " ' BOldq' ' At 8 bouts Mrs. Frank G. ~aus, DaYt9~j' and ' Grauman and Mrs. Alva Thompson " It is th.~ simple. ~resBmen ~r. Chal"lea Damel Slle~Qod, son were in, charge of the program. ~ alert to votel .... ~·hD . detect At Hiah ScJ'lool "Gym, , of Mr. and Mrs. Howara Sner- Mrs. LeMay gave a fin~ revi.,.. of _i.... vi tcard wood, Dayton" at the Gr"ce John Guntheis book "Inside U~ S. "e~ clay ~or. '~ht, ~ . POI , , • Methodist Church. 'Tlle also were A." Mrs. Ha- Ralston :Was .intelegram, :or how. So ~'t P ... , ,. , ~ h' h f I ' u# . round »Iaming' CanaNa.' ...... bla.me :, . ' ' .' . , , guests at the recepti~n w IC .0 - troduced _ as gu~st 'speaker and '1. ' our own· 'self ,if this :N.~tio,n ~s '., :I,L~ midst of" it. annual Ohristmas lowed immediately at the hom~ of spoke on "Putting the Garden to . tJ:" -, the bri~e's parents. ' , Sleep'~. Mrs. "~ls~n's cha~acters , 1nto a bedl · am...-, you d1dn't, ~te wn seaI drive: " and la1 aown the la" to your .maD, ' , Seal '~, , In 1004 tuberculosis was the ' ' were flo\yer8, -:in a 'humorous story. there~ on the m, eanderiDC, " D•.i' " tourth cause , of death in this Mr. and Mrs. L; V. Branstrator " V' the" home of. their deligh~\Jl soci!A1 hour River. Tho,s e guys ar~ not as !11m': country. , It ,is now sev~nth. Pro- arrived at, ' "daugh. , ' .' • DurinB des~ert ~l:le eO\iJ,'Se was served. Guests were Mra. Wilbur Clark, pIe as some o~ . ~e... 8?metimes . . , John Holden of Morrow, well ' greqs h~8 been made "put , victory ter, Mr. and Mrs. :£h ,F ur,n as a,n d seeJll - they Just haTen't ,bear~ . ' , k~OWD civic ,wor~~ ,i n ~~tJ a~t- , haa not beell W9D. ' ne :fight a~ children, 'on Tuesday .fter a yaca~~ Mrs. ",Harvey' Burnett,' Mrs. from 19U., ,. , iVlties, has been named chairman ' ,ainet TB mQat' continue ' un~il this tion trip to Cali,f ornia. ~r. .and , . old , Whitaker, -Mrs. Gregg; , Mrs. '~'- o.f the '1948 Christmas " Seal sale ' 'disease ceases to tbrea~n the life Mrs. Branstrator \\vere ~~brati'ng Har~y- Ibllston, Mrs. Carolyn Yoqrs with the in ' Warren County, ac,cordi~g to and happiness Qt ourilH'ople. 'There their 40th wedding" anniversary Swartzel and Mrs. Jennie Con.' R. E. AUlpurger, ~resi4ent ' of the.' are many ways we' can help speed, and on Sunday Mr. a~d Mrs. Fur- net. ' WarreR 'Coulity Anti-TubercUlosis, the day when ' TB will be con- ,nas entertained' with a ' turkey din........:.-......;.0.;...;.....;..;..;-I~ : Association. The '~nd annual seal quered. One way of' enlisting in ,ner, Carol and 'Mark, of Sabina, ,· " sale opel,1ed ofiieially ,0 n .Monday, the fight is buying and using and Mr. and Mrs. BraDstrator ~,' ~nd se~s ~ ah:~ady ap~ariJlg on Christmas Seals" sole support 'of were ·the guests.' Mr. Ralph BranstlUQI . ~i1. Proceeds J!,o to the assOei. our local tuberculosis &8'sociation, trator of 'Miami, Florida, 'caned' , , " , tion's ' l~4t, ·' ~~r.cuI9.is contJ:oi , the.' sale, otwhich ' is being I, 'con- hi. parents iJa the ~terrio.on ' and i . ZIMMERMAM-FURNA,8 ' . " .. progr.am. , dueted betw~n , NOV. '12 and pve ~his greett,n g to ~ tbem. , " ~1 Chris,t maa. , ' _'~_ _ _ __ Mias' sara Corine , JVrnas of ~ '., !-In. Charl• .,Le'May. ill, W~YDesThe ,keystone of progress in this Mr. , and Mrs. RaY1Jlond Brad- near 'Cleveland, od Mr. and ·. . . " ville's member of the county com- fight ' is ' education. Ik!ca~e of the dock had a8 Sunday ' guests Mrs. Seth Furnas attended the we'd4lnc mlttee aiding Mr. ... II,olden. Other . man~, miaconceptioDa abOlit TB, ,Sarah Hahn ¥n-. Wtlhehnhia Un-\, of their brother aDd Ion, 1&. 8etll member. include Mrll. George fOlInden ' of the ' Natioaal Anti- derwood and Mr. aDd , Mn •. CUf- Fumas~ . Jr., and M~I Jlarjori. Wall, ,1farveysburCi Mrs. Raymond " Tube'n:ulosis. Asaociation rulieN , ford Hahn -of Wilmington, Mn. Zimmerinan at the "'~'D Dug••, SpriDl'boro; G. R. _tion, ~at ~he mOlt important steps in Ada Bi8k' of San Antonio, Taxa., Church in Lebanon Wed~ay' Lebanon: ~ .lIn: W. P. , JDaker" itS conq~ :was to giv~ t)ie peo- ; '.r. and Mrs. William Doster and e1l8nhlg. Other caeata fref. · thiJ Pranklin; ar•• Jtub~ Van Riper,' pl~ complete bafonnation .about children Mr. and Mri~ Fred Brad-, community were: JOia ' lIar~ ' South Lebanon';. Mn. V.~ Spaeth, , the di....e a.nd ita prriwtntion. dock ' ~d ehfldr.en, Mrs, Arthur Brown, Mr. and ,lira. .Maey Bur- . \~ . Mason; Arthur Ap1Qn, ,Morrow EduCation has continued t& be an Wilde and Ion, Mra• .Tennie Brad- nett, Mr. and Mr•• ,Charles Cor9'-!l • and Mrs. Ruth Sherwood, Ore. important factor in ~he work of dock Mrs. Viola Harlan and Mr. 'Mr. ad MTS. Vernon Brown and gonia. the national unit and Its affiliates, Alberl Rossell. ' daughter, Mr. au4 Mr. wnUam " The following statement W'as _ which now number 3000, including • Pine, Miss Carrie Milla, Ifr. ind released t}is week by R. E. Aus- ,our own Ohio association which , Mrs. L. J. Burton is the guest Mrs. Irvin. 1 Harrls,' Mr. and Mn. purge..r-1'he Warren County TlJbon duets year-round educational of her nephew, Mr. Roy Tucker Hwvey Burnet, and Mr. and Mr,. the work in Warren County. ercuJosis Auociation, now and wife in Marcellus, Michigan. ' Walter Kenrick.. 1
1;, '
eriJon,a ,
New Ce'oturv aab ', .' .Mrs~
teaat ·
"Hol'del" Hea - ds
.'Sal. :, -
C-.·,; .simas' ' ''''
,' ijar-
, W '-
.;J !n ', g' I
Pubfial;1ed Eve~y Th'Ur8day , - - - ' At Waynesville, 0111. CARL G, SMITH, EaitoP . ' Entered .s second cia.. mat.,. at the Po.a t Offlc. SUBSCRIPTION RATI!I f1.50 a Year 'in Advan~ •
The Miami Gazette__
THE MIAMI 'GAZET"fIE PAGE I ,HartBrown were callers on R. WA¥N:ESVIL.L E, OHIO No."'7 sock and family one ' 'a fternoon Tt:lURS'DIAY, DEC~M8~R 2, 1MB . 'last week. ' r a~d ·M~s. Wilson Edw~rds Mr. Mrs. Nellie M8~dden spent a couple of days wi~h 'h er brother, called at' the Rous on Monday o.nd I L liEF I; attended the Eastern Star meeting "~Ite r E. Cockerill, in Sprin'g in the evening. field. . , 'Mrs. Martha Henderson spent a Mr. and Mrs. Lee Talmage calfew days with h~r daughter .' in led on their aunt Jlessie Garner ,pn last week. Cincinnati Thursday. and Mrs. Reinsm(th accomMr. Miss , Minnie ' Dodson and Miss panied Mrs. Nellie Madden to Oli've Williams 'a lre sJ)ending a Saturday. Clarksville on couple ,o f weeks in Indianapoli,s, Mrs: Lucile Armitage was in Miss Minnie's hr'other Joe celeDayt~m o~ Monday, . brllted his 60'th w4~dding anniver-: under the' direction of Mrs. Edna sary last Sunday. . C Bogen wa~ presented in the Miss Margaret Edwards. had Wilmington College HO,me Coming dinner 'with her nephew Gale Parade Nov . .13. ._ Russum and 'fantlI:Y' Thanksgiving Mrs. Thelma George primary day. leac hfl in OUl' school was absent (DELAY-EO) Mrs. 'Carrie Gre!~g, in company from classe ' everal 'days Jast . with Mr. an<i ~Mrs. ' NRt Murtay, Mr: and Mrs. ' Ben 'B eckett .had wel!J, owing 'illness, Mrs. Geowas entertained to turkey dinner as guests thefr son-in-law . and rg ) \Y 'l acted ~ as substitute for by . ~·Mr. and Mrs. Charles .. Smart daughte ~ M,r. and M.rs. Glenn Mr. . eOJ\'e and Mrs. Helen R. of HarveysbuI;g. Cook and . family of Franklin. ' Hill was substitute for Mrs. LilMrs. Ella. Dakin was a guest of r an S. Carr. Edna, infant daughter of Mr, hel' son Paul in Leb~mon for th" and Mrs. Vivan Frye, last weel< day. returned to Miami Valley Hosp'tal ' PATRONIZE GAZETTE , Home guests were Ross It in Dayton for further treatment. ADVERTISERS Hartsock and J a:ne, and Miss Mr. ' and Mrs. Howard Graham Glel;lna Marsh of Dayton. Miss Margaret E:dwards ~ccom entertained the Welcome Bible panied her nephew Wilson! Ed- Class at their home. Mrs,. Sadie Reason was nostess wards home for the weekend. to the Civic League at her horn a Dr. Emma Holloway. made a business trip to Dayton on. Friday .. Saturday evening, Nov. 13. Mrs. A .' S. Collett, ,and Ho- PLUMBING ~ ELEC"nUCAl: Miss Edna Moss of Louisville, Ky., ~nd sister Mrs. Irene Grandon ward Collett of ' Wilmington atCONTRACTOR of California called on Dr. and tended funeral services, Nov. 12, , ~t NagI~y Funeral Home, Xenia, / Mrs. Gl'egg on Saturday. Pf,IO~ , WAYNESVILLE Miss Annie U. land Mamie T. for Miss Mary Wilgers, 85, 'a for~er school teacher in 't he Xenia schools. . The HaTveysburg School Band
, ,' Events Co....ing Up FRIDAY, DEC. 3
Ai_._. '
JJarvetptUNJ .
Mothers Club at Grade School, 2 P. M. , SA~RDk~DEC.4
Boxing bouts at W. H. S. gym, 8 :30 P. M: Farmers Grange No. 13, regular meeting.
SUNDAY, DEC.·5 Go to Church!
Vi1l ~ge Council, 7 P. M.
Wayne Loca) School Board, 7 :30 P. M. Bov Scout Troop 40 at 7 :15 P. M. . , TUESDAY, DEC. 7 Remember Pearl Harbor. ,Boys Club at 'S. ·N. Keys, home, 7:30 P. M. I
i., C. ,BROWN 2949
~ "'., AUGUS11NE
Father ICrwnholtz, p'riest Masses 8 and 10 A.M.
MT. HOLLY ME11fODIST' T. M. Scarff, Minister
MEnlODIST CHUROI Sunda'y SChool 9:30 a.m..,. R.B.! Coleman, Min~ster ',s.A. Earnhart, Supt. , ' Church School , C) :30 a.m. Norship, se~i~e te:» :30' ~1D7. J. J. Burske, Supt. .venlag Se~e . ' . 7.~ p.1Il! Worship Sermon . . -_ .' t 0:3'0 a.m. CREEK' FRIENDS - Special Music ' Choir Rev. David ..stanfield, Minister Youth Fel1ows~lp Thursday Sunday School 10 .. ... .'7:00 PM Woqlilp ServIce N ~ That's you, Mr. ailld M~, ,~hen Choir Practice 1burs~~is PM lm~ ~ ~:-iL aR.JRCH you- . iet us keep ' your clotlles key. ' William Slaan.oil , I ST~ MAR~S EPWscoPAL.' Sunday School." 9:30 a.m. spic.; 'and span OUIf modom dry Mrs. James :\(;arrijdn.. Supt. Saniuel N. Keys, Redor Preadling 1st and 3rd Sundays cle:lning' way. It costs no more Church School .9 :1 5 A.M. each month _ t 0 :30 ..IlL
Morni~ ,
Worship 10:30 A. 'M. ' Evening ' Services
FRIENDS . ' , f~ Day &:hoo,l. . 9:30 a~m. Meetini' for 'Worship . '~, '. 10:30 a.m. , WAYNISVILLE
OiUROl OF atRIST , -M. H. Coffey, Minister "
and pays. off In .so~al and . p~~sonal . dividends' Rapid ,
' Cf~~Ph Myers, Minister ' ser,vlce.
sundiv .Sdlool
. 9:]0, a.m. ' Mrs. Ruth Saylor! s.i6t. . Wonhip Ser.vlce 'IO-:3,b LID. ---
FERRY aRJRaI OF c:HltIft.'
,Byron' .carver, M.lnister '. ' Bible ~hool 9 ': 30 &1m., MOfllinr Worsbip 10:30 L1IL Pra~er ~eetiH ' 7:00 P.IIL YOUIIC People'S , " . 7:00 peE
Bible SchoO.l" 9 :30 A. M. Morning 'Worship to:30 ,A. M. . Young People's . 6:45 P. M~ Even,ing Service 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting_and , B'ible StudY~d., 7 :30 PM. By", r
--...I ~ ~DIST \
MeetID, -,-
$eroca .
7:S0 ~
.----~----~~--------~--~~----~------~~~~ W. 8. C. 8. LE$80N TOPIC IS ~OREA The Booth Festival held recently ,- Mrs. Charles T. Ellis was boatat First Church, Middletown, was ell to the Woman's Socte~ of . tor the purpo'!'e ' or-securing 'funds Christian Service at her home on • 1-IIVID. , ' :< tor Worthington Childr.en's bo.., TburBday afternoon Nov" 18. ~~ . , !lin. J{enne~~ Hoa,h ,ave the ~h mo~~~~ a ·Metho4iJA,-....~~n. ,. " The l'bu... i~'Olffe bY .the local lesson 's tudy on KOl'ea,t and 'Mn. R. t'.5 i~ 'Church 'ranktcl ,second on their B. , Oole. .n conducted devotiou. : Wed••day booth, and thitd on the amount of A ~port on ,the .DI~'" addr... ....' mon.". raiBed, which was ·$ U7.00• . 'eiven by' Mrs~ W. D. landrWD at 7-9 Satunlay e"en ..D~ Ou·r. ~tma8 ~ogralD8 will tbe Da,ton ' Diamot meetina. ·was 'OllIe . . . - by be as toll0.': , also .iyen by Mrl. Coleman. '. nl On 1S#il~~J eveni~, Dee. 19th; At tlae a~o1U1ml.J.Il~ . of the 't~- , . ~ sill the Churelt ~ Choir wi~l give ' the plar buain... a"tiDe. tbe hoatTELEPROPiIS 6:.-a Christm,s b'ntata, "The Mualc of ellS, aasiated by ~ Alva WbIa- ' .r Christmas" tiy, Iva B. WUlon. ton and Miss Sau, Smith, On ,MonClay ev\ming the 20th.' Je!reshments. ' The Childloen will 'g!1:e the ChristTbe' next meetjng will be held 'mas 'Cantata, ~'C~r18t...,a s Eve at Dec, 16 at the home of ·Mrs. WalGrandpas" by Fillmor!i! and Brown, tel' Whitaker. It is necessary to have these pro.1 &oatil Detiolt 'Strt!. grams on the tWQ consrj'utive . Mr . . T. W. Van Pelt, with ~r. nights in order to co-operate with anQ. 1\lrl$. H. M. V~n Pelt of Spring the School Program. Please re- Valley, left during t~ past . member the datE'S and, come. week, for 9 vacation in Florida.
,.,2afternoons .
,/ ,
WAITES' GARAGE Melvin Wa'ites - M. 'Dale Waites PACKARD SALES & SERVICE Pllone 67 LelJaa:t on , Ohio .-
FVLKERSo.N'S SOHIO SERVICE ' A1Jas ' Tires and Batteries "YOUR SOHIO DEALER·" W~yne~ville, Ohio ' Tel. , 31 ]5 CHARLES DOSTER Farm SuppJies - Feed - ' Seed Coal , Harveysburg, Ohio Phone 2&34 ' EVERETT EARLY INC., Coal, ' Grain Hay .and ,Farm Supplies LYTLE, OHIO Phone 2961
WARREN ,COtJNTY TRUCK 'sALEs' , Charles haw, Prop. New a~d Used Trucks 51nce 1937 52 4 N. Broa ,way l.ebanon 731 ,
. c. SCH\'V.~RTZ·
r;1 emori ~ l s ('I f H"g' e t 'Quality ' 22-2.4 Me'chaiii<r: St ' Leb~nQn 59 .. .
MURRAY AND L~UTERBACH , " AUTO SALES [;)odfe-Plymouth , ',Dodge . "Job,- Rated" Truc1Cs' , ! ,EBANON', , OHIO ..
' or'
PbCime 730 .'
'THIRKIELD'S DEPARTMENT STOitl Warren CountY's.:Shapping C,enter ' franklin, 06io ,', WM. L CORTELYoU ' Meats &:' Custom Butche.;ing , RobertS Avenue ' Phone 55,3 ' : 'Fr;tpklin, Ohio
cotu ~ _SO~ PAf;KING: ~'
' Beef";"Pork-Veal~lQoked , Me~ts
'Siusage-Lard '. _ _; ,WawnesvilIe,. Oh io .
P.hon~ . 2322 ' . .. 7 -;
, f:~'S ~WARE STORE Esta6lis~ed.JM9 ' . . .'larger' Ev.erywhere ~ecaus,e o.! 'Better Quality, Service' and . Pnce Wayne5:!ilIe, OhiQ'" 'if
Phone 2441
~ · Yo,ur f~rd Dealer . , . ... , LElMNON" OHIQ ..
' l,r'
, . ,
. ~ca.URE · fUNERAL " HOft!E , "
, ,t
'PHONE 2t t t ' -, .
EXOIANGE co. ' .
.'F~e sh~n
. "yow:F~Jim S~p-Ply Headqualters" ,
, JC>IfN., DEERE ·SAlli-ES A~~ SERVtGE 27 W. 'Mulberry ' - " Phone" 555~ LEBANON" OHtO
and Building MatericU 'Lebanol', 'Qhi o, . Phone 133
Can we see the power and the glory?
tha.t' come Dell/.' the end of the
V l.
,To ·everyone, perhap~, it becomes m 5t ' J;eal in c~urch, when th~ lhornt-ng ,' light filters through st~in~d' glass as a congres~ation softly recites 'tt,• • • • 'for T~in~ i~ -the ' Kipgdom, aJ)~ the power and the glory ... " ,
Ambutance Setvice WAYNESVILLE PHONE 2291 • D. 'R .SMlnt
White Villa Grocer Wa-yn'esvj1le Phone ' 2~Ot
, The b~st, ans'V'er~ to ' t~,a:t lies in what loo~ for. ' Mill¢t t.oWld .it 10 ,the $ig'" a man and woman standing .in ,thei):, ' field hi .a nloment of silent prayer, a4d ~en 'paipted his ',masterpiece-the A:ngelus. To Walt Whitman" it ,was in · ~he wonderful flexibility, of the human ' . hand, which "put to scorn alt machinery.'I' To the sailor, it may 'be a sqnseton a calm sea; to the fa,~er, the incre'dible. blue of the con'} blossoms; to the, city-dweller,.; the creativ~ ~ustle , of a crowded street~
B~ & R. , CLEA~S ", Qualitv Dry Clea.n!ng Pre sing & Repalftng '
Roofing, Paints, Gl~ss ,:and ,
Established 1875
words : ..
. Db they mean l\iJ}'thing at all, or are juSl: five words ~orld~s best-known er~.yer--.,.tbe Lord's P,rayer. , :'l " :
, . The ~w.er and the glory can be with .us throughout our daily lives if we can .but Jee it. Your ,church can ' help you to recogn,ize its
,. '
Pl~' youIself
loJ., that, you ,
, For ,It;;', ;1
do"" a,,4
,It, ki",-
~/" I'DC""
,II, ,lory, /orftler.
4 ••••
, MAT.6-iS
:came to Church SWlday'!
.. ,
.mi. JJoll,' Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill had Thanksgiving dinner. guests Mr. . and' Mors. Raymond Osborne of Xenia and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dill and 'son Thomas Kent of Spring Valley. ~8
Mr. James Wi seman of Jaokson, few days last week Ohio, spent with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart. . . Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Grichot, Mrs. Don Grichot, and daughter of Ind iana, 'Mr: and Mrs. Al Caperman of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Lewi " Crawford 'and daughter o~ Xenia and Miss Minnie Crawford of Dayton were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morgan were dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson, Mrs. Morris Lewis called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibson of Bellbrook, Thursday evening. " Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shaw of Xenia called. on Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunne)) Sunday. Mr. and lrlrs~ Earnhart and son David spent Friday and Saturday . in Jackson, Ohio. Mrs. James . Wiseman went back with them. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berges and daughter Naney Lou .of BeavertoWn, Mrs; Robert Greene and grandson Eddie Lee,.of Dayton called on Mr. a1ld Mrs. Lue Morgon Sunda, afternoon, ,·Mr. and Mrs~ Morris Lewis· and a.ni , Jerry and Billy, ·Mrs. Rlly Gibson spen:t 'Saturday in <;in..cinnati. Ill'. and Mrs. G. H. Kersinger ,. Mrs. James Wiseman and David Earnhart spent last Thursd~y in Kings Mms.
Mr. and M1·s. Maynard · Rich Mr. and Mrs. Harry Satterthof Pittsburgb were guests waite and daul~hters had as. of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thanksgiving g\llests, Mr. and B. Rich for the Thanksgiving holi- . M1' . Henl)1 R. S:attert hwaite and day. Mr .and Mrs. Rich and their sons, ' Mr . and Mrs. as ph Satterguests were entertained to dinner thwaite. and ~on, [Ill. J ck Tinney, on Saturday evening at the ·bome Mr .. Byrd Lackey and Mr. George of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye and Satterthwaite. • • sons. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Reason were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheehan and Thanksgiving guests 01 Mr. and sons, Mrs. Alice Croll and childMrs. Wllliam Watrons in Day- ren, Mr. and .Mrs. Dearth Sheehan ton. and daughters were among the guests on Thanksgiv'ibg Day when Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bumie.l1 I Mr. and Mrs. Ellis McClure enand daughters have· moved "into tel'! a~ ned . with a turkey dinner their new home, on their farm west at t heir home in r~banon. of Waynesville. . Mr. and M,r s. John FJ'omm had . Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout and as Thanl{sgiving Day guests Mr. daughter had as Saturday even- and Mrs. M. F. Banta of ' Jamesing dbirier guests, Mr. and M's. - town, Mr. and- Mrs. Clyde Fromm George Waltz of Dayton. of .Sp,ringfield. Dr.. and Mrs. Ralph Vance andl Mr. and Mrs. Miss :Marilyn> Burske of Bowl- . Ralp,h Vance J1·., of Wilmington. ing Green University spent the Mrs. , .James Hawke and Miss Thanksgiving holidays with) her Glenna Hawke of Dayton also were parents, Mr. and Mrs. John .J . afternoon callers. Bursk'e. Mr. 'and Mrs. William Strouse .and Mrs. Leah Mills also . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bodenbender . were ' Thanksgiving Day guests. ~ fl 'hi!aren of ntear Athens were - Friday evening dinner . guests of . Little Mary Lou Kenedy under- Mr. and Mrs. ·Charles Le May .w ent· a tonsil operaiion at l\liami and children and $~turday lunchVallet Hospital -on Monday' morn- ·eon guests· 'of Mr•. a~d Mrs. M. A. ing. .. . F:ulkerson; ' an~ sons
Mr. and Mrs. R'a ymond BraQ~ dock and d"ughters bad ~s Thanksgiving dinner guests, Mrs. Je~nie BracMock, Mr. and Mrs. Wa~el')' Braddock, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock and children, Mr. and Mrs . .Bernard Daley ,and ' daughters. ,
The EarnhaJ:'t families enjoyed .THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE f their annual Tha.nksgiving family · WAYNIESVILLE, OHIO . No. 4397 dinner at the home of Mr. and THIUR80AY• .OEOEMBER 2, 1948 :TH'l M:rs. J. M. Earnhart and children Miss Ayleen Mainous, who is , .in Beavertown, on Sunday before enroute . to Miami F lorida is the' Thanksgiving. . A deH r.bus Thank sgiving din- , guest of her parE'nts Mr. ~nd l\hs. ne~ was served to. Mr. and Mrs. R. S . : la:no.l S. :.~i _s :\1 ainocs, with Karl Babb of Paintersville, Mrs. her parents and Mr. Donald MainDean Babb and Mr. Alton Earn- ous were Thanksgiving guests of hart of Ohio State, ' Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and 'M rs. ' Ralph Mainous . and J. N. Robinson and childrey!' of family in Detroit. Dayton, ·Mrs. Charles B. Earnhart Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fulkerson of Trotwood, Mr. and · Mrs . . A. of Spring: Valley were ThanksH. Earnhart, Mr. arid Mrs. Earl giving dinper guests of Mr. and Earnhart ?ond ch~l~ren, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson and daughM r !=. !Ai Mar Earnhart, Mr. and ter. 1 F. E. Thomas, Mr. arid Mrs . E. F. Earnh,ut. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sacket !: eli. Mr. and Mrs. James Wildman .0£' Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. R~bert tertain - ' ~"', a dinnE'" ,. ., SunEarnhart of Flint, Michigan and day and ha·d· as guest Mr. and Mr. and )\~rs. ' E. b. Earnhart and Mrs. H ~ ·r.;' .1 TUrnf'f :-- ,~ daughson , David, joined the group · in ter of nay ~ o ""l Mr. an; Mrs, Hat:ry Matther'"' ;." .:,~ .. a" " n '\\Ir. and the ,. afternoon: Mrs. Ro' f"" f' . " W llJ1(i ' :' h . and Mrs. J . p, 8a:-'wtt. Mr. and Mrs Elmer Sheehan have left to sp end the 'winter in PAT RONIZE GAZETTE FloJ!.ida. ADVERTISERS
e ....·p.r •• ·••••
·In •••
Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout and cau:;htel' were aMong the guests for n Thanksgiving family dinner ·at the home of Mrs. J. J. Stout, .hi. I::-ayton.
. M~ .. and ,Mrs. 114. F. Weltz· and : o;nc; had as Thankl!Jgivi~g gqe~s, . !tIr: 'and Mrs. Jaek Collins and their daugllter, ~liss, Anne W~ltz .son of Dayton were. Thanksgivblg .' Mr. and' Mrs .. H . R. Moss had of, ,Ca"it~l ' University, Mr . . J. C. guests of Mrs. D. C. Ridge and '· as Than~lIgiv.iDg di neer . guests ; Hawke and Mr. and Mrs; Don ·t ier Saturday dinner' guests were Mr. and Mrs. ¥arion Linder of lTawke. __ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis. Dayton Mr. and Mrs. lyle Fox of Columbus and Mr. William Moss. £AD G~ETT.E C.....fI.d Ad. . \
. ,',. ,
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SaftIy. SaIl.
"",10n't . Why Takel Chances On Unl(no,,,n Brand . . BaHeriels ~ '
Vi ,t$,t one· BAnERIES eOST se. ''''If ~Payment5
" 7
The new Frigidaire Cold-Wall Imperial • • • fOr families that want the best money can buy'. a com·blnatlo,, ' refrIgerator and . home freezer. Upp~r door ' apens to "Locker-Top" for freez;ng foods, for I(eep~ng up to 70 Ibs. ",oz." food safe for months. like having a frozen storage locker In your kitchen I Lower door· opens to .Super-Molst Cold-Well Refrlgerat r . .. . '-'_ .. - ". • n uncl.rered food retains flqvor .ond qp ~ "' . . r days .•• i?v . thefamousCold-WolI m·etho.d jnv~.iled ~vfrlglda,lre.
p~~~~ ,
• New, more eHlcient
Model lhown .. ' . frigidaIre CI....10
; Aet(; r- ;f:lI$~ r
. mechcinllm
.• FuR-wlclth, roUer-hartn. percelaln Ifydrator with glass top • All-alumlnum, ~~-proof lhelvel
Servis Tezaco Station·
s. IIiI Slnel
..................... , ..... ....
• ........Drawer for ........ pt ria ••••
Bdwe. ·Stote , I
", _
2),., ledge-"
--------------------------- ....------------_._-_...:......_----_.. _ ',Merry Christmas c·:, - .
Pa e
Mr. and Mrs, Kellar Hoak were hbst and ho tes to th~ East 'Wayn'e Advi oi'Y Council on Friday ~vening, with vIr. J. M. Gl' E:ne la nd Mr. and Mrs. Philip Y~>ung 8S ' ;guests. Mrs. S~l'ah Braddock led in the discussion on "O l'ganizat~ on and Price Support for Farm Produce." The council adj ourned to meet with Mr. and -',i rs . Luth£'r Hartsock in Dec~mber and during til£, social hour, a m J ;: _ de iciou ' . C.' sert COUI·se . wa s "el'Yen t·y th ~ host and ho ~ tess , Mrs. John Hover a ~·:l children of Day! 0\1' ' '', 1',:. '-;eckend ~'u _Et, of h r par('n ~ , 1\1 '. a nd !t: ". ~ . G. Mihel'.
November 29, 1948. By special di pensation the deadline was lift-
ed and here it is Monday 'instead of Friday, but on Friday, I was still enjoying a Thanksgiving vacation. Ever since the Parks family came to WaY,1lesville. we have eaten our Thanksgiving dinner together. This year, as it was impossible for them b~ come to me, I went to tMm.
are ,
They now living in' Wyan~ dQtte, Mich., where Ralph is rector of St. Stephen's church. .,J'hey have been there since last spring and are beginnjng to feel somewhat at home. Ralph was the preache.r at the union T.hanksgl mg ervice to which we went after attending a sel'vice, of Holy "' . ••..10.1 . b a .. ,•. L . t~ ph I '5. ~~!
S-t( :~· r
.-: !~
way to wish your family anll season is with Chdst.mas cook ie"
,. _.= -'lI_......... _
. .
Year! 3¥l fliPS
"H! ~ th ~
best of the :"tiday
. -: ~n apc and d.c coratlon • .
tCll spoon soda 1. t('a~poon salt
expansion. There, is a Sunday Scbool . of about 160,. a fine choir and all sorts of guiJds and clubs which meet in the ' large parish house. I got ' home. to find ' things' . a: bout as usual here. Lena's calf has not yet arrived but while T was gOl)e the three litters of ;little
pigs arrived .and are doing well. The ParkJii family ·all sent their love and be'st wishes fo:r all good things to .. their Waynesville friends. There is a great field there :for lots of satisfying work but· there 'was a touch of' homesickness in their ey~s when they ' alked Of living in Waynesville..
Cla ••lfied
A FEDERAL LAND BANK LOAN · . .. ..,. "' '.
on the ....... m.,.ket .In th..
WLW ctlletanaU to) () ur Dall!'
~I1O . ~ PilOt .
t>l , )
Wayaeaville' PHONE 2824
- --
. rJE~- .'..... b.' "
- ... -.- -'
"4-W'A Y ·. aaM· INSURANC'E " . i,n the Ohio Farmeo ':v~ p ..e you broad prot~OD .ga.ioII 10Nft OD your fum. It your buildiop. )'o~ cbatteb, yow aucomobUe aDd your llabWt)'. for accidt,llb to others. Why DOl 1ft UI tOda,. 1 You L w ,.,....-.£e .beD JUDoA imutecf la ~ abe 0IU0 ,.,...,
_ _. . __ .. . . .
For Oat... :Ph~n. 28M. W.v.n •• vl llr Ohio, Reverae CharaM
.. •
NO ,
SIGN!5. '·AVAILAB·I.~ .NOW .~ . .' at 'the Miami GaZette :,j, ' ,
SATI9PIE. 1::. •• 41'.
_ _ _ " an
r'li\" " "
12 .. 0 .
·_IiiIioo.;wi: ..... - lIIii ..lilnllli..· . . ..... ... ·iiiisullli·iiill
Dial UJO
3 eqs. btatc:n
throuJ/:h cookie pres!' nnf I) U"lI;Tcased cooki e f. ,{ (' In i moderate oven '(:"7& \ 15 minutes. ( Mak.::s 70 two·inch : :::.:.: . .
"' 1'
Sift to~ether flour, BOda and !lalt. Cream toKether shorieninK and IUJ/:ar until light and fluffy. Add eggs. Add flour mixture to .' ~ed mixture. 'Force dough
Strictlv •• aU ( .... Ound count,,.y.
(UP' 5UI!3f
Cincinnati l.'nion Stoek ·Yard. Live Wi,.e .n,1 p,.opre ••lve. An . o,.aanization second 10 no....
:Sift together flour and .salt. ungrcased baking sheet in .moder. Cream together short.ening . and ate ' oven (Jjl, de~rees F.) ' :lb,,:.:t sugar. Add egl:l and vanilla ' ex- , 10 minutes. Makes about 60 twotract. beating enough to combine inch eo,o k-ies" which may be ingredients. Chjll. Roll . out one- frosted and decorated with ; , eiJ!'hth. inch thick.. Cut W)~h fancy Christmas candies.' Iha~ed coPki cu~. _Bake .o n , " SPRITZ COO'K IES <. .' :.' • 1 2 CUllS shortening . .'12 rurt' sifted enriched 'fJour
2 tM~ J tt'&spoon vanilla t.tuct
J cup shorten ing
l\-f- ~" 'i Mrs. Kennet h Eh.ev and daughter, Marjorie, of D~ytun .spent Thimksgiving evening with ! .... -. :: no Mts. Walter Elzey.
~ cUJ) sugar
sifted enriched 'I\our
J ttupoon, lilt
____ ....__.._____ ii. ..._ _ _
l!Iiu1er ()/1i(). SIlieS As 1/1 CONSERV~TION DIVISION
~u e ' ~
An attractive tray of Christm:u;' . '.' ahv ays goes with en50y:ahle holiday entertaining. The r ef l',', ' :~'l ts are ready in a mon: ent . ,,:hen friends come calling to see w i1:: t Santa brourrht.' You can 1,·1..ter ~th c "Merry_Christmas" from cookie clough hy c: :;ueczing it t hrough a ,pagtry tube. Make the Christmas trees from a r olled cookie dough. Tender .\ lcookies are the result of wotking with a 90ft dough. When you ro)) it 'out, use a pastry doth, so ~hat the dough will not stkk or ph'k up ~extra flour. These cookies may be frosted and deeorated"with Christ-· .·mas candies, nuts, and colored sue-arf';. I Spritz ' cookies are shaped with a cookie press into rosettes, bells, !stars, trees, depending upon your molding lllates. They may also' be I pi ped with a pastry tube. These eookies are nice to hang on the tree, :thouJ!'h1.hese are decorations that usually disappear long before the
.. _ ..~_IIIIiI!.,~-
and So·. r heehan Elmer Wayn ', T'" J' .' ' ntl ~ : e . . ;: " ::.d e.e regi" r I rown bull ham p' 1 \ o. fro1p Ho\ ral'ci L . C::m:th ~O ' l u :.:, Fl'nnkI' n , (, . '0. C" O n'n g t r. a l · P pO.rt from F red ' S, Idtse, secretary of th £1'0 11 -:, .' S Cattle B ~' .\.<~rs· it, W:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hook were Than ksgiving gue<::ts of their sonin-law an d dau"!'h'(,l'. M" ~lnn ;· lr . . n() '·"~\l·r.. Gessaman in Oakwood.
\' , f "' !,
ob,; ' ly 3'ooUt the same age as t. M, _. 's a it h: illS e mu~ll th s" u(? t : nn _ '~ . on . In' the beginning it wa vertical ' siding wit)l battens, hen it was stuccoeu S llii . now they h~ve taken off the stucco and replaced it with siding painted white. , It is all il (' ",\ ... clean insiCJe with 'a new coa ' ~)( paint. The , rectory too h'a~ hec.l all .renovated and is . c ~n ~: 1.' PJ'etty with a newly moder. iZ"'ti ldtchen 'and redecorated f rom t o: . to bottom. In spite of the fact that i~ is scueezed in between t~f' the . chuleb and the .M8!"onic Temple; the outlook is pleasant a . the' houses across tbe st eet ha~' -J 'n ice :awns and are n~ 100 c' o~e together . •Just one block 'down all ' ) across the street is a pleasant park fronting' on ,the Detroit River. ' an otte ' i " 'aominated by the: ~l : ~t che.:n lcal faotories. When ' th·. wh,d . is j1,Jst )rigbt y'0u are vf!;~>" COngCIOUS of them and the:" 1'" a1ways the smo~and dirt of an industrial to . . ucky to have a good de' I 6 . Wednesday .. for the drive up r.d. $gain on Sat:urday for tn~r~ tUlI'n trip. \V·hen J looked ou.t l'h1 -: ~'nl; T was very gl&'d that 1 had' come bome while the weather . was ,good. Melissa and Stephen Pa ks a ~ ,~ growing. Melissa goes to kil ,le.garten in a nearoy school. St. Stephen's is a large busy pari h _ith 'about 800 on fts mailing list and' an endless field ' for
Elmel' She an of Y' !,. yne, \·m e has rece'n tly sold ·the bull \"1 inn ie's Star Dust No. 88807 to 'Phil:ip Yo .. ng, Waynesville, Oh' 0 a ccording . to a l'PPOl't fro m Fr ".1 S. J<il 'c, . e.T tary of t h Drown · w s Cattle Hl'eeder ' 3. ~ o cio. . ion Beloit, W.isconsin.
a half-half dance failed miserably last Saturday evening, but my heartfelt thanks go to all of those faithful, like the Kirkpatricks, for stickin' with us. Ann Schuler h it the nail on the head when she asked where all of the softball players were. ' Miss Schuler, you . BY an I rhight disagree 'on what BOB O'REGAN kind of an orchestra we' had fo r One to g o ! That is, Saturday any of the dances, but t.here will 4,) ' 4) C) b ~ no difference of opinion on the 6 ·S night winds up the promotional nI C1:S . latter subject. I hope they attend ~ t:) efforts of the Softball League to U 0 ' pay it honest qebts. Again let the bouts in better numbers. Af'0 ~ c: en me remind all t he faithful and ter all, it is 'their League anrl f1") N not mine or George Miller's or those even just · mildly interested that igh t or inore boxing bouts Al Ludington's either, although O. Rose ' 167 141 159 'Will be pre entcd that evening, it's beginning to shape up that C. Palmer commencing at. 8:30 P. M., at the 'Mr. Miller and I will be left hold- I. Mulford 144 129 191 Waynesv~j~ e High g :;m. Local ing pIle bag. According to law, V. Hill 191 159 130 youths, such a Donny HawD , Bill we must pay all the bill s regard- E. Ramby 145 137 162 -Pope, Dick Lawson and Ralph Je!'s. W ell, boys like Bob Camp- C. Frazer 165. 129 159 Purdue will be wearing the C010l'S bell sure are doing t heir' pari, & 800 751 757 of the B. and R. Cleaners 'a gainst again Doc Drake's bl'st-li1<eel sales88 88 Handicap 88 man leel Rll sources in selling ticpicked lads 'from Bill Brown's 888 ' , Fairley 845 83.9 Dayton YMOA and N ew Lebanon. kets f or the la t ·dance. Eagles ' 859 819 876 • • • No one, least of ~1l yours truly, Jim Hartsock i in ~arge of .b elieves theBe bouts will be seng the boxing ring and el'f:ctin sational, but one thing is sure: 1\. . 1·. and "rib. M. y ' -:" d J.irh aTiel . each' 'lad with gloves on and fac- appreciate any a;}d all h~~ toing ' his opponent will be qream- night. How's about some am&t eur sons of Pittsburgh, Pa., spent th e; lng of what could be if he went carpent ' l's r..::- o~.i ng to t he g " m ? Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. to the top of the fistic ladderand Mr£. J. B. Rich. Kenny B- :t (!:::-y. the Legion's Iluccess and fame , etc. Well, may15e 1t~r . a nd Mrs. Gil bert Frye Imone of. them will. I saw some of hard-fighting thirdsacker, will help tertained at supper Friday evening ..Brown's battl~rs recently and they judge the bouts along with Larry· ' Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Rich and Cook, who I'm told was a clever _rJidn't look bad sons and Mr. and Mrs. John Rich. person withi~ the squal'ed-circ:e Donat:on.:: :! :. t;.e 1 o:;.:ing houls himself some few years ago. A will be 50 cents general-admis ion little bird tole m~ that Bradley Mrs. Minnie' Monger of )'"ebanon and $1.00 for ringside Te!$ervatiQns, . bowled ~em over in Army camy~ spent the weekend with Mr. and which may be made by C~)D. actinJ anQ held s~veraJ c1lampiomhi!". '-Mrs. Glenn Borden • • • • .any of the per sons or agen(" ?5 elp '" cribed on the handJ>iJls. Of course, during hi's service ~~eai's. :14>U maY' wait until the ,night . of , ' I ' I h " 1 th " tt nd th ' b t Slncere y ope severa. hU 1(h:ed b the e ou ~h o~!: t p~~ den, u 'will 'attend and voice their ap1C '\..".8 d W 'n b e.s , a ea fY P!l.~:... . Ill'ovais or disapprovals. - Bay 'and clIase Wl e glve n pre erence. R I h D'11 f N L b So hurry up, youse all, and contact ~p 1 011 Tom .l ew e anon Campbell, Allen, Mulford, George ~11l re1el'ee the bout.s. They look••• recentl·. JI.1'ller, B• .an d R. CI eaners. H ,- ' ed o. k. at Dayton man's E- very thOmg qUle .' . t on ·'th e ·b 3 k et ti k ts or the Twin Theatre for , c e "/ ••• 1-311 front this weekend.
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Fri., Mr. and Mr"'. L. C. St. J'ohn and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B~ and and daughter, Miss Barba1'8 Lou , d · Miami Univers ity were Thanks[,,!ving guests 'of Mr. and Ml'S. John Settlemyre and children. Mr. and Mrs, ~t. John are now at the Settlemyre home ,while they, with Mr. and Mrs. , Harold' Mark of Washington C. H., attend the Intel'national Live Stock Show in C~icago .. •
y~IDr Headquarters For
Ohitual'y Dept . l ..nother attE'mpt .f the Spftball .~ague to sponsor
. /
WaynesVille '. Drug', Store '
HONE :Sets ~
Waynesville S c1~. ·
. . ,.
r, e . ~
.d.ule j.'ell ,
Fri., Dec, 1<\ M Oi-roW, there Fri., Dec. 1 7, Hal" /e~ ',burg, H Fri., Jal~ 7, C:uHsk. here Tue '. ,J1 1. l I,' Ki '.:tntall, there Fri., .Jan. 14; Ma'loll. there . Tues., Jan . .18, ·W. l:,nl'ol1toll H Fri., Jan. 21, Operl Fri., Jan 28, Springboro, there Fri., Feb. 4, Kings Mills, here
\at.; Feb. 5,
Valle.y, J' Wed., Feb. 9, Centt!rviilc. thel'c frt, ,Feb. 11, Hillsboro, there Mrs. ~t8nj,y tT. BG.:".t: ; ree 'I t y entertained \\,.. .. .: ' ho .! honoring Mrt.<. C:.ar!c " com~tt, of New Burli!gton. '.r·he '" ort-il Mat1'Onll of ·1948, !\frs. LUvilc Steri z Mrs. Myers and Mrs. __ Mary ,C:)! ~ lett ~He . the gu('!t 'W~(l w~ th the honor guest, enjoyed , an afternoon , of games, with dainty refreS'hmenta served by 'the hostess. ,----,
TABLES - ' $3.95
f ,.
&§R-FOR DEAD STOC'K-" · . COWS·$5.00; 'HORS~ $5.00.; According to size and condition , Proinpt.... Qean .Service
PHONE COLt.ECT Xeaia 1712
~ ~. .aboUtIOftIII. . QeCL 1:, .
.Waynesville !Funaiture & :APpliauceCo. . South -Main Street aaou from Grange Hada
....WWCOMiJ1I _ MIchl, oem ~tcllY, l~la.
'-Edith Ccmll. fled CrQII IIun-. born. leGS.
• .,
Telephone 2422'
,,!it riua
or \YInaiDItoD 2382 . .JANES RENDERING. Waynes' .
ville, Ohio
I-Insh FlM Slale created. I~l.
7:....o.IaWQJ'81 ad~lted to
Union. 11,81.
. .,
I-wg;htnQ1on crosses Del, aware rl,,'er. •776. .
Use The Almanac To Check The VJ 1£ :'. tf !r . But Use'
ln v isil.'1le Half Soling:
' OrttlOpedic Coiil:ections
10 .'BI't~ sell, Trade R~~ Berrew, USE
C~'SSlt It.D
Henry' H." Moeller 1.11-13 Eo Mulberry St.
Cork . Extensions . "
. To B~y, Sen, Rent...
LoaD, Ba,rrow.. ". ~y TIlDe 01 The Y.r
d " "8 ·
P811.1110. .At The MIAMI GAZEm
TWIN Lea•••. ~
FOX HOLLY Las ' Saturday's' matinee at the Twin could almost be called the Chi1d1'l~n's Thanksgiving Party, because' mostly kids filled the houSe for ' their .f ree matinee resuiting from faithfu attel)danc~ at the Brick Bradford Serial. It wa fun hearing . their appreciation, ex, iH"essed with.' much whistling, chipping, and ~'ohs-and-ahs", until the impact from the SCI'een q.uieted them down. From all. reports, they liked the opening ch'a pter of the 'Sea Hound," too. Saturday's final BB prize was aw~rd ed to Dickie Weltz, and the first SII prize to Richard Jones. Did you notice that Rick Vallin, who played Sandy in BB, plays the part of Manila in the Sea Hound? Quite a different part - ·he's a "meanie" in our Ilew adventure sequence. . ' . • Last week Walter Winchell had R list of hright sayings from famous stage people, and I 'liked w)lat the famous Ch'a rIes Frohman said: "A play is like a cigar If it's good, everyone wants a 'box. If it's bad - all the pUffing on earth won't make it better.'" And act l' e ~ Helen Hayes' suggestion: "Maybe we can get someone to establish 'a chair in a university to teach people h9W to behave in a theatre." Arid the Dean of actors, John Barry~ore: uI never took myself seriously, but I always wanted others to take my work seriously." --' -:- Believe ' this latter hits ~ al1 ua 'humans, Whether actors or ditch.diggers.
••• ••
Briefviews: ' Double featur~ closes tonight - tllat varied combination of a mystery and an epic Western, "Love From a Stra~aret" (Sylvia Sidney and Joldr'Hodiak) and "Fury, at Furnace Creek" (Vi~ Mature). . f' With James 'Craig, Lynn Bari, .and. Johnnie Johnston starring,
"The ~an From Texas" (E-L), Starting this ~eek, we're ct.osSaturday's feature becomes a top ed WednesdaT until further notice. flight picture. Built around the Remember! . ' . story of the famous El Paso ' Kid j ~rom the ' Lone Star Staie, . the Thursday and Friday bring fi lm has a strong plot on which something unusual to the screen to hang its lootin' and- sho·otin'. in that you'll be 'seeing fact, not ' Its action moments . are lig.h tened fiction, in Eagle-Lion's unusual by the ballad singing of Jo'hnnie and thrilling picture "Canon Johnston. The Sea Hound's second City." (Th is is pronollnced Canchapter entitled "Spanish Gold" yon, by the w '1, but the peU'ng is on the program, and ofcou·r s.e eliminAtes the ' "y" - Spanish int he cash give-away. Particularly to fluence). Do you ' remember last be noted is th,e comedy, Edgar December, when big headlines told . Kennedy in "Brothel' Knows Best' of the jail break which · poured (RKO), for Edgar Kennedy died twelve desperate, armed ~llers the' other day in Hollywood. Let's out the 'Colorado State Penitentipause to give tri bute to a man ary at Canon Gity? Well, "Canon who has madp. people laugh and City" is th~ real story of this unforget . their troubles for some paralleled prison break, with ~ar20 yeaJ;s ' . oJ den Roy Best portraying himself • • • and introducing a new star, Scott If you like clever -comedies 1n- Brady, in the ~ading. role of Convolving a , Pe ('h'.'! bad boy, see vict .James Sperbondy. . For a Bu,tch Jenkins in "The Bride Goes ' breather, there's a cl~ver · little unit Wild", at the theatre Sunday and with the program picture caUed Monday. Van Johnson and June "Short Snort on Sports" (Col.) . Allys'on star, with Una Merkel, • • • Arlene- Dahl, and llume Cronyn E xi r:~ mlltche . at Waynesville assisting~ but to me little Butch !o High S. heol .:'atUl' ay, iJe::.·..I, star t steals the ' picture. Lt's about a at 8:30. See zh e first show at the writer of children's books (Van Twin and then attend the bouts, . Johnson) who can't stand child.. ren, and· his helpless involvement with a naug-fity little bo)r Whose favorite practical joke is letting loose his collection of ants. 'June -Mr. and '"Mt·s. Donald Bair'd and .~Allyson, prim Vermont . school ' . famiJy and Mr. an~ ·Mrs. · Wayne teacher who comes to New York to illustrate Van's books, is de- Furay and baby daugpter, have . termined to reform Butch. A mad the sympathy of this entire comauto chase climaxes this zany mQnity, in. the accidental death ' 'pictare. The weekly news is on of their daughter and w ~fe, Mary as usual and a short called ... Cathetine Furay, on Thursday .. A . number of people from here at" Flora.'" tended the fune·r al at the Pre~by • • •• ·terian church at Bellbrook, MonHollywood's first attempt ' to day afternoon. Burial was in film the timely problem of kissBellbrook Cemetery. and-run marriages' is "Too Young • • • to Know" (WB), Tuesday's picture. The story is from 'a Sa~ ,u l'day Evening Post Serial 'by the same natD'e~ The stars are Joan ·Leslie and Robert Hutton, the pair . ' 'who ' made a hlt in "Hollywood Canteen". Fortunately the story's' handled with not only intelHgence and understanding, but also with humor. It's really ~ _comedy romance, .but ' ti contains a n~at object lesson for young people who marry 'fir~t and think 'a fterwards; With the' feature- is an amusing ani"ated, ·"1'b.e Bear and The Hare." =
-1.,lie new:J ----- ~
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early l'etU'r.n ed Saturday evening from a three-week sojourn in Florida.
• ••
Paul Jo~ms of the-t:Jniversity of Cjncinnati spent Thanksgiving and the weekend with Mrs. Margaret Johns.
Harold Steinke returned Wed- . nelsday from Good Sa·m aritan Hos- '. pital, Dayton, w:here. he had re, centIy und·et·gone a "llajor operation .
JOIN OUR 1949 .
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and Russell werQ Thanksgiving ' Day dinner guests of Mr. and M1', William Tinney and chUdren near Waynesville.
• • •
Mr and Mrs. Charles 'Bunnell .·aud daughters entertained at s ' bmily dinner Thanksgiving Day. '
Mr. and Mrs. Theria. Jones and
•. • •
Begi~ now to. think. about n~xt year' Chrislmas expenses
• • •
. Waynesville National Babk
Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Foulks g ave a family dinner for l'elatives of .Ml'S. Foulks on ~hanks giving Day
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of 1'ipp City spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Guy Routzahn a.n d on .
'$5,500 were. made Dec. 1 to 10.9 members of the 194'8 OIRISTMAS CLUB
Milton spent ThanksgiVing with Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt and family near Cen:' tervi11e. Mr. and . Mrs. Walter Kenrick al~d James Haines were entertain. eld a family dinner Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ackerman and children in Vandalia jn honor of Mr. K enrick's birthday.-
,WAYNESVIU..E, OHIO' TEL. 2661-2351 . , f l . Shows 6 :30 and 8 :30 fJ
2 Shows 2 .
All the MatchleSs Courage of • the West in this 'Epic starring
Vld MATUR.E ,in .
.Fury if ' fiur~ace
yenientll located, offers an aebapel, space; and is modem In ever,! l'afficu~ar. It is hi keeplng In with" our' .community. . . " , . . " We ,have no elabOrate "show place, with excessive 'cost of ' 'upkeep . to . be paid fot by: the ' ta.Q1iJies who l.permit us to serve them. .
bundahc~:. of,
FROM A STRANGER Sdd\rtey, .. John H9dia:k "
SAT. ONLY JAMES CRAIG will Thrill y~u :~
from . 1,_· H Sea
T~e . "
TH'IS . &XP~INS QUR LewER .~' ~~Ia: .' SCHEDULl3:
Hound. , ',' AqSO.:~DGA'R · ~ . N ~Yl!!.. .'
,a:; · -...l U. I E '1]' ·'M
, (.
;~. I .
WquId. you like, to see hoWj .
YOfingster .Hstea~~' a
~ee ~UrrCH
Young Matft.ps', ,. Yes or Noll See PHONE 2423
T.Y'" to Know Joan Leslie, - Robert Hutton
. :
"" • ~'" '!"" ...
'Cflifil!:) , • •~
. ~DI
and Mrs. Woodro,,, Miller and chi1 l}ren, Ml'. and Mrs. Woodrow
DON'T FORGET TO 'CALL us for insurance. All types, of insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2472 or call collect. Wilmington 2111.
Galliher and children, Mr. and Ornal' Glidgill and fa\llily, aZl~
Hom~. Wanted-
Mr., and Mrs. Russel Wilson and had as Thanl{sgiving guests, Mrs. Le's sie Lawson, Mr. child ren
' !dl'S,
COUPLE and 3 well-behaved giils desire furnished , or un..' furnished house Of apartment. Above otd G~zette offiee. Write Hobert Shipley WaynesviUe. 1--12-23
Sealed Pl'oposals wUl ,b e l'eceived at the office oJ: the Slate HIghwa.y
shwll be 1.b accordance ' with th~ "Schedule ot Prevalltng Hourly "Wage Ascertained and Determined by The Department of Industrial Relations a.ppllca'ble to State Highway Department Improvements In. accordane8 with Sections 17-3. 17-4, 1:,7-4a, 17-5 and '17-680 of ·the.genera1" Code at Ohio,"
_ _~_ _. . . . .~~~
, bins, Patriot, Indiana. I -1'223 .J.
HOt,1SE WIRING and Repairs.
. Ed LaUlhlln, Old, Harmony
....... ihe' = ......... ,....... WOI .. ....T......... _I....
, ... . , ... ~' Ii',""llaIe -............ ~
.... a l l
he~ to
any_and aU
Call, Wlr. or Write, our . repr•••ntQtiv..
tV,...., ·'700 ,-'
' Ki.d neys Must ~.,_ Work
NIl ...... PJaa . . . ..~.7t"!".... Or. U pIO,..' ......
~eorge , H'mderso~
WIll ....... ,...It Ia,,,, ~ . . UJI. 2"1', ••" .,... . . ....: ~
' ,jR&. :.... a~ Mrs " Stubbs also had as IN SAturday dinner ·' . cuesta Mrs. EmniJ1 Gearhart and M:r. and Mrs, ch\ldren ' of N. i. AliJ1man I 'najton . and M'I!. 1and~ ~r'a. H I. " E. Andrews Jr. a1\d , chi1dJ~e~ of Ashland ·Ohio. Sunday dilnner Inlests ~er~' Mr,. and Mrs-;, ,~~am Stubbs of ' Baltimore, Ohio.,' ,Mr• . Bud~y . Armbruster of Toledo ~nd MISS Ph¥,llis .~urnett.
HORSFS '6""; ..ClQ\VS
'7Mi HOGS .fI'\~ .a.e.
MeA ~ _" ~' ,_ WELDING "" : ~oJtable;' SOIpmeat ~-"'~ Be Brougtit to the Job , Bill LE;E ..' ~~.-::.~mpARKAT ICE
PIIOrtE 2411
*- -"
eN'; ' .
4 5. _.... 4'.'•• , Fertilize,•
X..... '' ' :..
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Bucbslcb, Inc.
: TAR ... IIOAQ '08.
tW ,
WEtI' ~
, .-
u,; ,, •--1IeMI-.............. ..u... 8.... =:... I.. .
WA~"JS(:. t
the rttht to
READ IY 104,607 OHIO FAMIUES want $10 BIUION .DOLlARS!O SfIND for Local or Stat. Rate. Visit thIs Newspaper . OR
Mr. and Mrs. A. ' B. Stubbs had as their' guest thro~gh .1the Thanksgiving" holiday • their daughter, '" Xiii . Y~onne ,Stu»bs , of IJowllng (i~en University. 'The;y', with their daughter, and Mr. and .M rs. '"!i.al·ter Shtehan were,' Tbanksgl'VlnlJ' evening guests of ~r. and Mrs .
service. GaD GordC)n, Harve~ hI~_. Phone W.~J ' 200~. ~"&. . , ." -InC1 ,
'. MoW OPEN . ;,. for ' custom butcberlnl.' Prompt .... 4
ThlJnksgiving · dinner guests of 1\11'. . and Mrs, Louis Firles were Mr: and 'Mrs. T. H, Harbis.C?n and son and Mrs. Harola Taylor l' of Oakwood, Mr. and ¥rs: Robert Meredith of Xenia, Mrs. DoJti~ Kennedy and Mr. Paul 'Harley, of Dayton ., Iw ........... '. and Mary Lo,u Kennedy. ' .
.Grove SchoolhoUle , fiv~" miles northw~ . of Wa~es-t~ vUle. Phone 'NeW' Bilrtingto.rt 306.
mARL L. 'REmB . Sta.~e HIghway Dh'ector:
- - JI,.. ...,.,.. ~.,.:t:!:
R. R9b.;' .
. ,'.
ton Rd. Finder ' can keep money. Call Middletown 31062, collect.
·Plans and specltlca.Uons are 'on tUe in the depa.rtment. ot hlghwa.ys tind ,t he office of the· ,I~~e~t district 'd eputy dtrectop. '
Crocheted Po~ketbook lost at cQmer 73 ,and Day·,
,This Newspaper
The bidder must sull)mlt with his bid a certified check In the amount of U~..OOO.O'o• .
POULTRY FOR SALE "" FROZEN FRYERS ready for the skillet at any. time. Dressed orders taken Thursday' and Friday. c;all '2·9 39. Henry W. Finck. ,
APPLES - Jonathans, tort. lands and Grimes Golden. ' Also RED DELICIOUS ' Underwood OrchardL HarveySburg. Phone 2891 ~ , , ' --lnd
Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. "M. A. Fulker son · and daughter has as Friday evening dinner guests, Dr, and M s. A,. E. stout and daughter.
Columbus, Ohio . November 20, 1948 Engineer of Sales iJegal Copy No. 48-585
FOUR COATS, size nine. Mrs. R~th Davis, Phone 2631.
, --,"S-
(md Mrs. John Hull, all of
Executor DU:e.c,t or of 0.1110, at Oolumbus, Ohio, ulllll 10:,00 A. M.; Ohio Standard TUn.e, :OecembE~r 17; 'l1148'; for improvements in: Estate 0 Herbert ' J; Carr ClintonFriday, Berkeley Junior Beige ' dress, and ,Wa n Clounotles, Ohio, on Sections 0.00, 0.00; (17.04-'17.27) wool and mink blend. Brown Deceased. and 7.76, V. S, tWu'te No. 2Z and State Routes NoS', a, 35'0 and 380, in tri'm. Worn twice ' P.hone Notice is hereby given.' that Washing-OOIl, . VeroOTli and \Adams ToW1ll8h~p, . by gradingj dl'ainl.ngj , 2154. . -122 Lillian ,S. Carr wno3e ?ost pavlng . with reilllforced Portland cement conCl'ete and oonstructing So conjti.n.uo'Us steel beam ,br!1dge with ' conorete d eck and substr ucture Smah L.)ttled gas heater and Office address is Harveysburgt (Spans: 6S ' feet, 86 f'e et and 68 feet, Roa.dway 30 feet), Bridge No. has been ' duly :tppointea electric heater. Phone 2632.- Ohio as Executrix of the Estate of ON -22 ~ 27 over Todd Fork. -121 Herb~ft J. C~ur late of WarWldth: Pavemen.t 24 telet, Roadway 44 fe.et Len,g th 39,392.44 teet 0 '1' 7.UO ' mUes 1946 SUPERIOR House Trail- ren Cqunty, Ohio, cfecelsed. . er, 23·foot. CalJ 2904. Oon·tract ' to t)e completed not later than October 31, '1900. Asphaltic D~ted this '1 3th dolY of Nov---t 2-2 ember conorete and bituminous materit'l.l for prime ~'at s-hall not be placed 1948. prior to ,May 16, 1949 or between 1he dates of October 31, 1949 and May l' 93,7 ton and a half Ford stake .15, 1950 except tb y speclial permission of the Dlrector. ' ,Ralph H. Carey, truck with 1940 motor. ReaOhIo State Employment SQrvice, Court House, Lebanon, Ohio Jud e of the Probate Court sonable if sold at once. TeleOhio StaJte EmPloyptent Service. 119 West Locust Street, Wllmmgton, OhIo 'Narren County, Ohio phone 2251. , wm furnil3h the succt\ssful bidder an employment 'list from Wlhich ' all ----------~---tanley & Stanley, Attorneys. qualltied 1l,n akUled labor 8.8 Is' locally avalla:ble, 8~all be selected for Large white' enamele.d kitchen tlhts project. ' " ~bjnett, porcelai'n top, large --122 . ~ze Es~~.Je cpal Heatrota, 3, The attent~on of bidders is dlJ.'ected to the spectal provisions cove1"1ng aU/bletUng o'r as.sill:nlng' the contract, the use CAf domestlo mat~l'l8.18; burner Kerosene, cook stove. s eleotlon ot labor. hour~~ ot' employmen.t and · condltlons of empToy1D.ent; Earl Conner, Third Street. The mlntmum wage to Ib e paid to all labor employed on this Contract Phone 2724. ----1216 _ .-~ ........ \.
M r.
LAWN ... Fo. DaT RIADY-1l1X COIlCltftE a~VATlJlG ... DUIIP_11lUC& . .vac:a
, •
-The Mi-ami GAZETTE
. , Smitty WHO WANTS , . ' A FRANCHISE?
, Desil,ably or not, this is a di.stinction. Many a smaller town in rural Ohio has two competing dealers. The big names in autos and farm'· implements cover Ohio like a tent, but now t here ' is a hole in the tent. Either the law supply and demand has slipped a cog, Qr ' this gap is a sign 'of · . something. '
In ' pite of this . seeming rever· ,si n to the , Naughty Nineties, Wamesville . is not enti'l'ely, a .hors,e:·and-buggy town. It even has a liberal sprinkling of city s1ickers~ in its population, commuters ' to Dayton and Wright Field, who should ' be good auto customers a t the rate they wear 'em out. ,
Maybe' it was ' lack of' nearby ,competition; two dealers in ' town , might have needled each other into snaring more ·than twice as many customers as one was able to corral.
Former Resident Is Killed, Others Hutt in Tour Wrecks
Waynesville, a village of a thousand souls, has~'t a soul Wh9 will sell you a new car ' or tractor. I When Rogers and Simpson, tractor dealers, moved to the · county . s~,t last week, Waynesville joined the select company of farm communities 'without even on.e dealer in horseless vehicles.
No. 4398
'To .the Editor
Fire Levels Garage On Tibballs Farm ,
Hampered , by a high wind which fanned the blaze in one spot '}'Vbile the hose played on another, Wayne Township firemen put (jut a garage fire 'on the William Tibballs far'm two miles north of 'town Sunday evening b.e fore it co uld amage the residel)ce a dozen feet from the burning ga1'age. A 19.27 model automobile wa completely destroyed~ along with the wood eo garage ' and a small outbUilding. Furniture and personal property were moved out of , tjte hou e, but the wind was no blowing directly toward it. High pressure hoses on the new fire truck played water on the l:)laze from a nearby creek. Traffic on Route 42 was slowed but never entir.ely halted. ... The fil'e's origin is not known, .. unless chimney sparks could .be blamed. ' .
Smith, Carl G. WaynesVille, Ohio
Anzio Battle Victim T. Be Reburied Soon
I certify that ,the qualifications of the above-named registrant hav been considered in accord· ance with current regulations gov.erning acceptance of selective service registrants and lie was this dal e: Found acceptable for induction into the armed services. .
Mrs. Frank Dakin of Route 1 has: received word from the ,War Department that the remains of her son, Pfc. Melvin H.' D~kin, are being 'returned 10rreburial in the neat future. He was killed in action at Anzio, Italy, on Feb. 12, 1944. Survivors incl Ide h' s mother, thtee .brothers. and eigh t ister.s,.
'W illard E. Lowery Major, USAF Recruiting Main Station Cincitmati, Ohio \ "
Red ·Cr-o.. M~tin. The Warren County Chapt~r of ,the American Red ·Cros will hold its annual meeting-M-enday evening, Dec. 13, in the courthouse . audjtorium, Marvin Young, cou ty chqirman. announced today. .Officers ·, for the ~l)su'ng year wlll be elec~~~ a~ this meeting. Anyone contributing $1 or more to the Warren County Chapter in 1948 .' is eligible to ' attend 'the meeting and cal!lt a ballot.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Basil of Chicag.o announce ' the birth of their first child, . a 6-pound~ -6-ounce daugh· tel', at 4:30 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 5. She has been named Barba~a M~rie. Mrs. Hally H.a thaway of. Lebanon is the pateMal grandmother.
,Whatever the reason, there is now ,~ . vacant business building i~ :yvay~e3ville, in case ,someone .anta. to entrust his finalicial tu-
Walter Friend, a former resident f Ma·q. and Miami Stre t · in Waynesville, died last week in University Hospital in .Columbus of . injuries he received in an automobile accident near his home in Clarksville the preceding 'week. His wife, who suffered a broken arm and pelvic bone in the wreck, was in another Columbus hospital and was unable to attend services for her husband. Their daughter was also. inju'red, but not seriously. Both were taken to. their home last week in the $t4bbs ambulance. Mr. Friend wa a Frigid~ire employee. He 'was buried Friday in l\Iiami. Cemetery after services in Crar ksville Methodist Church. Raymond' Hatton of Wayne ville is recovering at a .hospital in Lexington, Ky., from . serious injuJ'i s receiv.ed ,last . Saturday evening when his car went off a mount ain , highway. about 100 miles southeast of LexiQgton. His skull was f.l'actllred. in two places and a brain . op'eratioti was performed after he was r~shed to the Uexington hospital, according to word received by his friends here.. His fa~i1y was not seriQusly injured and are to ' return home soon. Mrs. Charles . Koogler of Route suf~ered cuts and bruises Tuesday evening when the 1937· coup~ she was drivi~g collided with a stake truck at LJ1!le and Ferry Roads. She was taken to the Miami Valley ' Hospital in the Stubbs ~er ' two-year-old ambulance..
J, • ' da~ghter 8~red a. s.alt hea<!' ,~kers L , ~~re t~ ,ou~ E0Wl!' .. 'cut, a~ia .a younger babl in the, , _.., ..... ,car was unhurt. \ : KOWina tha t bave .only two The truck was' driven by 'John' ·or three more ' editions· of. the '". General '~14ad Anthony'" Wayne, Murrell of'· Box 380, Rural Route .Miami Gazette to 'p'1,Iblish befor '..for ' whom W,aynesville was named 11 Dayton. No arrest was made roin. into Uncle ~'s emp~oy at l~J ;y:ears .go .a lthouah he ap- jan investigation by. a fonpwing .,75 .a ·month ·(that Will- eat .up'· all PllI'ently never set foot in this shetiff's deputy. the in.co~e 't ax I've ever Wad ~ township~ will soon have a highpay) I feel like the man in a . way, named in his honor. , recent t ~o1le - the one, wllo was A burned-out red bulb 1n the Sta~ H)gh'Wa pirector Earl . ,givep a microphone. 'a nd told that traffic Uaht. waS • tactor in a ,he couk! say just one word ' into L. Reeb announced , that approxicollision at' Main .and North Streets -dt. Hel ~abbed the "mike" in matelY .100 special blue and white Sunday afte~Oll when a Corwin both f~sts" looked ' shiveriqly at mAJi~,"": ,mi:e tbe one .i llustrated resident, driving down North the big audience,. anei hollered, above are ' in the process ' of in,S treet, was struck by two cars on ·"He-I-I-p.I" . , st&Uation along' the mUitary route . Main Street and came to rest over . . . traveled, bYAAnthony' Wayne in his the si~ewalk on the Public 'L ibrary , .SeI1~usly, may~. lome reader campaian. scatut the . Indt..n. in corner. Noone wa. ,i njured. .can ~.lp,. if he knows of ~ J)8I' on 1~.!' _p14, 1 ~ . ,This route runs who wants to take over a . news- from. ' Cincinnati to Toledo via Harold SDtith su(feJlect t)le loils paper: As this i8 writtt;n, I ~ ~av,. , R,Ji\iJto .~P' q~enville, Cel. of two }ingers at the last tohit ~, .~:qeessot, th~ugh one may ina, Van" "' Wert, Defiance and on Saturday afternoon in .a com"tum up befor~ It i. " . ,~ '.' btqol~. ~,meIvjU8' was 'fou~d-e---''---'+--~'''''''~ . Qliebap. Mrs. Smith's~ sisAll '1Urg~stJonl, nC)Jmiittep h~w ~ ' ed in '1797 lrnen 't ne memory of ter, Ruth, came here frqm Detroit f~-tetcheCJ t~e1. ~7 ~s~e,tp, "rIll M'I~ A"th~1l¥ '. Wa~'8 ~ploits to help "at Smith's restaurant unbe welcomed. . was ' 'still triah in the seblers' til he has recovered use of the mi dll. " . \ . , . " hand. Sat.iy note: Never pour ~~lten . After .earning the , .e~ lnto..... container ' "bicb has STATE 4~ U.s. IW~ ,CONSTITUlIHG .obd~u~~ of "1'.t.4 Ant , y" in . .tar iii· th~ ~~ ~ Aak Da,. ~he ~~11 , , b ~ liia out-· I{o.._ what ~.l»pelUl then. WAYNE ' ,s taJ'ding leadenhip , and · br~very, ' " , . : :, FMKwAv $ySTEMt,I· Wayne' ,was appol~ , . tJt1tlJl _ ., ' : ington in 1m to luccm St. Clair in' the commaftid of·' t e 'westerli ann, with the rank of ' major .~neral. The ~lma8l.i!~tnued . ita eff~rts to _IWe the Indians ~~,~~....~:t~~=~=~=~~~~~~~~!-~~;J ' 1'\ . ' to allow "hlt" '~enta be,oUd " OF HIGHWAVS . , ....W~!l8 ~nJsII J , ~Jll~t.!l l~ "tHe Ohio but Upoll. the failure of· . AND .SAFETY "~n QO'{Ift . m"'n the mla.ion in 1/798' Wa;ne , ad- , ' of Ita , po ~!fll~ p,t !titlina Oh~q . vaneed to GreenYille. a Port on a ' 1he Al:tthon, W.,ne Parkway State Uni , itt, a i6~ ~ • "hr.anch Of', .tile ' GNat ·Miami . ill was d•• 1Qi~ 'bl" eompiline a liat : of ".ibU. hI.tor~t ~,~ Q~ ••dent. July of, 1"... '~, " the : State ~'ent's . ieal and·.nere_tional p~riie8 in '1le .O~ "8: "U. Bureau . . ' . , ' DiVIsion of . ib "~~~i.tety the 22 coulltiel tn western Ohio 'in , 01 :Public R~l.tiona. , _ilN.~.'" .WaJlle'. ~1in.L.!'ere ft, in- ill CoOP8!fti41J... wj4 "~~,,,, An~Q~{ . whieh the ' Anthony Wayat ParkTh , are 11, Waynenwel .tU. fOreed b7 abo.t 1.~ ' KentuekJ W.yne ' ~F" " ~;~ IlIell way Board operates. ~. . . . then. LebanOD baa 11 ad aDttla. ,!'he eGII6bl8cl · foreet ad- wU authorized by the State Lel'. Pra~ :baa 11. :Mason baa 6 and . yan~ to · ~ Deftaac:e/ oa the' IsliWre it *lK'1 ,j . ('1', .' '~. . . . : . MrG. S. L.' RobinlOn -,1 1..,.. .. '". ' Miami mfl". II... ,Wa)1le made ... ' ad IODNdentl, retul'lled frOm , .' fte Wayn~.me , twleDta ..... : a 1i'" treiaQ effOrt "wa the lb. , . This tnarcJ .w.:stOlllRqI~ of..aaJPh a~, . vUlt With lira. , aoblllBqlba '1'. Oiibbe, EclwlD ,L, Davi., dIau; VPoIl . beIDc ftbat'fed, 'he' , W., Peten, ' i~;: I.' ,~r M~'I bJIOtlall'·ln-la~ an~ IlIter, AI* '.,. " ~~ '''~l N. mov_, forward ·.ad cIeclIlftly 41... Amol, St~8J;: ~ D. ~~~ , Lt.·CoI. ami Ilra. Gei'ald E. Branch ~ O. 'lacbRa, t}Jem in bittl. of Pal,, " Greenriaih \jJliuMtft ;. !ltD" I ,-4 in, A"'~ ~ The, alaO were Walter W. IMDon, Bdwill L. 1_ 'l'iDlherI~ , TIaa: defeat', sup. ~.. E. Batell, boUl of Toledo: . .lght:Hel.... ill WuJalbatoD, It C.; ... Jlu)fwd. Georce pleDieDted bJ ' tt ~n- . IIUu S. ltulmi" Da.Jtcm; JIncl On tlaelr ntum bollle the, .....ltecI '". Jive, ~d , Or- mile, whlcb he ........ted· with the WInkleJohn, , ~:; Q. ... . "der- Mr. Robiuon'. f.ther . .d other "'1i~~. _. . Indla.. on ~ 1'JN.. result- man, Wo"~~~r~' J!arl L H. relatlvee in Philadelpb:la. ~.;~Pf.~.Ift"lbm~ • .•"P~ b7 eel ' ila " r ~ rtta....t - A: Rider. ' ~P.OfI6',' " d ' I / . , iIiil ~boro 1»7 Temto~ to ~.~t. : 1!chrir (" . "n, all of PATRONiZe 8A&1TT. " ..• . . QeCIalIllPw&1. T h e J of tbe ADva"TI." •• 1 . .;-. ..... . ; '
·"'12: ANTHO,tff
l!\li '
iped;g . .• . mi "
. ....... s,
• ,
boa... .....
w. S. C. S. TO MEET AT CHliRCH DEC. 16
The Miami Gazette E 8 TAB L I 8 , H 11: D 1• ,
at 12:30 p. m. Monday, Dec. 16. There will be II bazaar in connection ~'i th the meeting, featurirf'g The Woman's Society of Christ. articles given by Mrs. Pearl Mcian S'e rvice of Waynesville MethMaken of Lebanon, a member or odist . Church wUl meet at th e .he local ohurch . .church fO li a 'covered! rlL h luncheon At 2 p. m. ·there will be a business meeting with an addre s by . Ml' . Fr,ank LeMay. Each member • is asked to bring a guel)t.
Pub 1i.11.~ Every Thursday
At Waynesville. Ol1io CARL G. SMITH, E"itor
Ent"e-red' a. second cia.'. matter .t the Po.t OHio. SUBSCRIPTION RATEs . $1.50. Year in Advance
Events Coming Up .
.FRIDAY. DEC. 10 Basketball, Wa;ypesville at Morrow. 13 Shopping days until Christmas. SUNDAY. DEC. 12
WE .WILL ALLOW $2.50 On your Old BaC \~rv . When yOU buy A NEW WlLI..ARD '
· MOND~Y. DEC. 13 Waynesville American ' Legio'n, 8 P. M. Wlaynesvitle .Lolige 163, F. and A. M., 8 P. M. Boy Scout Troop 40 at 7 :15 P. M.
Main l nd Mia nii Sts. Ph. 2341
· TUESD~'Y. DEC. 14 B'oys Club at S; N. Keys home, 7 :30 P. M'. . Miami Chapter 107, Order. of Eastern Star, 8 P. M. . .W:EDNESDAY, DEC. 15 · . Wayne Towollship Trustees, 7~30 P. M.
W. S. C. S. at Methodist Church, t 2 :30' P. M:
" ' . .w ..dJd
• •
STUBB'S Funeral Home
TE.I.:EPHON£ 22::11
, w i \ ) ' N£S\ i u. ..L1:.~ O.
S. MaiD St.
AUGUSTINE Fatber Krumholtz, Priest MasSes 8 and .t 6 A.M.
~ ·16 '.
We are sincerely interested in serving weir and economically
Belcher's Service Phone 2423
" •• ~ave. the battery • keep. e.giD•• 'c le_ ,.
'. flows freel" . \ • belps quiclc~ starts
MT. liOLtyiiiiHODIST '. T. M. Scarff, Minister METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. ' ·R.B. Coleman, Mi~ister . E.A. Earnhart, Supt. 9 :30 a.m. 'Norshjp Service to :30 a.m. . J. J. Burske, Supt. ...vening Service .' 7,: 30 p.m. Worship and Serm.on to:30 Lm. CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS Speelal .~uslc " Choir Rev. David Stanfield, · Minister Yc)uth Fellowship Thursday to ..... Sunday School , 7:00 PM Worslilp Service tt L •• Choir Pradlce Thursdav · ....... -'" Tltafs you,' Mr. and 'M~, wben " CA E. u.; .. ~ · 7:45 PM UTI ~v~ key. William Silannon1 " you iit us 'keep your c1otbes _ ST. 'M ARTS Q'ISCOPAL Sunday ' School . 9 :30 a:;.m. . . ' Rector Mrs.' James Garrison. SuPt. . spit and span our modem dry Samuel N. Keys, · Preaching 1st and ,3rd Sundays Church School 9:t 5 A.M. each month to:30 a.1IL : cle:udng way. It c«)SIs Do ' more Mornill4 Worship to:30 A. M. Evening Serv~ 7:,3~p_~ _ aDd paj;"off lin. ~., ind
l8-~~_~FR~IEN~ . ~D;Si-'~~_~rn--iim~I~~~~METHODIST M'eetinr for Worship "
: 10 :~o a.m.
O~bl Myers.
Sundav ,
Minister ,
.L ... ·
dl"'d~II~. dsl "
Prayer ~tlng and Bitile:, Study ~'J 7:30 PM.
" : MI'$. Ruth SaY'~r, $g)t. '. -Worship Service .to:30 L ....··. -
c: T.
. . BveoiDc Servtces·
7:00 p.m•
" AT LYTLE ' . .CHURCH ' T~ 'pro~m "of.,the Way,nesville The , Chrl,tmas .Progl!ams of · the ,We e.' ~. :u.~~ , nUt . meeti~g (Sn .· LYtle Churc~ will be as ,folloWs: Fri~1" Dec! t~·, a~. 2 P. M., iDcl~dThe children will pruent their . ea a 'bfD~ldaf 'sbower.. The ' PJ'ogram SUQCia, morning, Dec. handker.q\feta' are. '~ be liven as 19,' duriJIc the SuDdaJ' School hour. Christmas sJ."eaenta to ehq~en in ODe of, the leatuNe of Wa prothe countY i CbUd!en~8 ,rome ~n gram will be the atoi7, "The Firat Le~anon.. Eacb ~~~~,r, is ask~d to Christmas" told with the , aid of contribu~ at least · one handkera F1annel~ph•. Don't mil. it. chief suitable fC?r a ,cl}.nd~ . / Oil ~Sunday evening, December Mri. Jennie Bradley . WIll . be .19, ' the bea~tifJJl candleligh~r hostess at the ' meeti~g, WIth Olive / ' service, ".C hrist, The Light Of The Wadlow al pro~~ ieader. World" will be held. ...We cordially . ' inile )'Ou to come and enjoy this )lr. Frank E. Thomas attended beautiful and inspirational ~ervLive Stock . Show i......lth the International . ce WI us. . . in .C1)icago during the past week.
. THEATRE " '.'
" , ........
Shows 6 :30 ,and 8 :3Q :. '
. Remington
FERRY, CHURGI OF aIRIST . M., H •.cOffey, iM_r Byron carver~ Minister . Blble Sch.ool 9:3'0 A. M. Bible ~hool . 9:30 a.m. ; • Morning Worship to:30 A. M~ MeniDr WorShip. tG:30· Lin. ' . YouOJ .'People's . 6:45 P. Me" Plajtr ~eetiDI. ' 7:00 p.m. Event.~g ~rviCe 7:30 ., P. M. ,younr Peopl~ ~ Mee,tlnl .
$_7-10 . . ~ :Sunbeam and ,$'23.10
RAZORS .:.. Schick, 00 to
' (Lady's and Gent's) .
$3·~ · to
$2- CART~N' p~ -'1.00 "7 .10 ~~
$1·~~ 10;
Go to . Church !
No. ' 43t1 ' .
(Te have events listed in this calendar, notify The ~iami Gazette' : . before 4 p. m. Tuesdays.) . .,
. '
00 A
WAITES' GARAGE Melvin Waites....:-. M. Dale Waites PACKARD SALES & SERVICE
P~one' (y7
Lebanon, Ohio .
Atlas Tifes and 'Batteries , "YOUR SOHIO DEALER" I Waynesville, Ohio Tel. 3 t 35 :
Farm SuppJ'ies - feed - ' Seed Coal! .ljarveysburg, ,.O hio Phone 2834 I
if, " . '
EVERETT EARLY INC. . Coal, Grain ' Hay and Farm Supplies LYTLE, ,OHIO
:.."" .
. .'" '.
' Phone ':?961/'
"f '
~ .'
N~w and Used Truck~ SInce 1937 ~4 N, Broa way " ' LepailOn 731
'" ;~
/,'.emori. Is H ·,g~ "~st " Quali.ty " 22-2 4 Me" hl'l nl . ~ t. ,. Le. banon 59 ...... . '"' r-.
~ ,
1 t
: AUTO SALES . I . ,Do,dge-Plymouth . , Dodge' 4~Job--Italed" Trucks ' "' , EBAN0N,' OI:HO Phone 730 ,
TtIIRKIFLD'S 'DEPARTMENT STORE Warren County's ShoPf ing Center , Franklin, Ohio WM. & COlt1'ELYOU .
WhoJ,esale Meats &- Cu'storn ButChering Rooefts Avenue " " Phone 553 . ' " Fian~1i~', Ohio ' :. f
, COYu; .•
Beef-Pdrk~Ve;tl:-Smoked Meats '
. Sausag~t;ard '
rhone . 2~~ .2 . ~ ,Waynesville, Ohio:' . ; FAttRLEY;S .HARDWARE ~ORE '
. ,
established .1849
target ·'Ev~rywh~r.e 8ecauseof "
'Ohio ;
. II "
P~Qne 244 t , .
" ~~ . " ' . , l ""': '" ,~. I , ; :. '. ,. I ,. "
and Building·, Material ' Lebanon, Ohio." ". ". Phone·1 ~ '3 ,
QualitY' Dry Clean~)t'g , Pressing & Repairing WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
THE WAYNESVIUE NATIONAL . ti: . . ,BANK . . Established . i c: 75 ' , 'M'E MBER OF THE' F. ,D. I. C: " t
SruBBS' FUNERAL HOME "'Ambulaftce Service W,A YNESVILlE PHONE '229t
p.R.SMiTH White Villa Grocer
WaynesvUle Phone· 2201 '
.. \
Not ~ .~Y'
years ago, aSwiss' mountaineer died-Mi mal) who
co~idered lie had failed•.
'.".' :F~; yea;s, he had heen ~g to s~ale' one 'of ,the hig~est of the Alps.
~es he
~ c.me clqse·to the 'top. JJu~:w.n!ething ~lways ma~~ him turn' back-'tt~ach~rous i~e, stingl~g winds, or snow which made 'progress,~poSsible~ .
JOHNsTON LUMBER CO. ', ' Roofing,' 'Palnts, 01a~ " and t
, ,,'.O HN .DE'ERE SAtES AND SERVICE . ' 2 7 W. ) MulJjerry , " ~ , ', Phone .5551" , LEBA,NON,., OHIO '
: B. '&
. .
t ·.
,,"Your Farm .Sppply
Quality, SerViCe' and Price
At his 'de:lt~, he h.d n~t Icbie~ed .' ~ne of his goals~ .B~t he ,had, re~ched greater heights, artd ~eengreatet 8igh~ than any other mar:~ " m,IUs village. ~..
" ' .
, .- _reeted j[)ver 'his grave . ca~ried three magnificent words,
And. the 's haft the, ' " ." ,ccH~ died' climhln~. •. . ~
, ,; •
All men do no ~: ~~~ at the ' ~am~ goal. Not everyone can climb 'the same mountain.
But your
. "')ws this to be t~e:-in all men:S hearts are good goals, 2;11 best be 'attaihed ~hrough ' participation in church, _, ~'" ,"( h bestows the spii:r:itual assistance that all men. need in
l' 1 '
, worthwhile j~(l;ll: ··
' member.hip. "r" tht'i r ·drive to i ~
· . ''IiJat i~ regularJy. ,
Wit,h height~
,\. ;:,: .' . 1: .the, r eat r~asons for ' attending you~ church · ,'I.,
' ..
W"o ."""
IN MIl 01
~ P (: r. . God's"s~;ong band. you .1ri11 climb the
.. ..
w. ... • ~
• _: I
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.0 .
.. . '.
J. . .
.. I ....'
.... J
,It. Lorll1 24:
!.. ~ "
,,.c••d 1.'11
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",' 1·
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cleaver 'recen't ly entertained their son and d'a~ghter.in-Iaw, Mr. and M~. Robert Cleaver and son at the Wishing Well in Centerville.
, ville High School in the class of 1942. 'GARDEN CLIJB'S LAST
MEETING UNTIL MAllCH ---r----The' Garden Club met on Thurs, Miss Viola 'Vhiting, daughter of . The Mothers Club held the reM'r. and Mrs.' Lawrence Whiting day evening with Mrs. Jennie Congular monthly meeting a.t the of · near Wilmington, ~nd Mr. ner as" hostess, 'assisted ' by Mrs, Grade Building on -Friday afterPhilip Hartman, son . of Mr. and 'Fred Hook. They home of the the business session, noon. During Mrs. J. A~tht1r Hartman ~f ne~r ' hostess was very ~tttactive with the club made plans to , give a New EU1'\mgton, were u~lted 1~ ,a Christmas tree and many other treat to the pupils 'small Christmas ~arriage , at 3:30 ~.m. Sun~y beautiful ,decorations in' keeping In the first six gl'aOi~:s and to pur,I n the Ohester Friends Meetmg wjth the coming season. A , wonHo~se. The Rev. A. Wau:d ,~pple~ derful covered .dish dinner ~as chase a large slide :for the ' playground. " , ga~e, · pas-tor', of.. WIlmIngton served and ali exchange 'of 'gifts A most entertaining musical ~ends. Church, C?fflcu~ted at the was enjoyed, Dr. .EmJJla H~lroway smgle nn~ ceremony. favored the members and guests program was given, by the third' , grade unoder the dirE~ction' of Mi ss Miss Myra Haydock, pianist of wit~ a ,lovely C~ristmasstory and Virginia Hardin and Mrs. Lucil·Je New Burlington and cousin of the Mr,s. Paul M.aur!ce tol~ of .the re- Payne. bridegrC?om, played wedding"'music. cent Garden CluD meetIng In ~ay'The altar was decorated with ton. ~ I:A!muel Trotter, ~~1, of Cineingreenery and lighted white candles. After ,a very happy evening, the nati, alleged triggE!rman of the The bride wore an afternoon dress club adjoumed and will not meet group accused of robbin'g Belcher's .of winter white, a black hat anod again ':lntil March. . fiU i llg station in Wla~nesvi1le last other black ,accessories and an Guests of the club , were Mrs. week~ is in the W'aiTen County' ~rcbid corsage. ' Cliff Burnett, Mrs. Willis Maurice, jail under $5,000, ·b.ond awaiting Her only attendant, Miss Jean and Mrs. GI~nn Hopkins. • , action of the Janu8'1'Y· grand jury Bloom of Wilmington, wore a dark on an armed robbery charge. He green dress with ha~onizing ae: "Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Baker atpleaded innOcent in a magistrate's cessories and a eor.sag~ of ",hite ~ended the International Live C'ourt Satur(jaY. Also held is James earnations. . . Stock .s~w...~go during the - F.3. Lewis, 21, first to be captured 'Maynard Curry was . best -.n. past weekJ 'Mr;'" and- Mrs. Baker '-aftel' two jewelry store burglaries Ushers' were · ;Natbal'l Hartman" 'r <O~Je, '~uest8 of Mr. 'ahd'¥rlJ. Wa'. , in ' Cincinnati suburbs the night of brother of thllh'bridegroom, ' an..) -ter' 'Uiluer. and Mr. lind Mr!'~ Wal- th ~ - Tobbel? ' " " James ;Wldti~9 ' b~ther of ' the .',teY._~r ·' 'd IOn during theil' Mrs. 'Fred' He1,'l'r y and children bride. Mothers of tbe 'Couple had stay in ·'Chicago. ',. ~:.', t " ': of Clevel.n'd have re't urned.to their identieal corsage! of reel ' carnahOlne in Cleveland lafter 8.t>ending tions:'Mrs. Bartman wore gray ' . Mr. and Mrs. Leo Con~er and, a few weeKS with Mr. llnd . MH. daughters had as guests Friday C.,a: 'e~ ~Ma~ and' children, and and "rs. Whiting bla~k. . After the ceremony the bridal , night and Saturday, little Roberla w:tll ct~er relati.'es. During her ' couple and their pa:rents formed Bunnell, and a'S Sunday overnight ,115it, Mr. and Mb; F.- U. LeMay a receiving line in the church guest, Cynthia -Ranalli of Day· Mr: ~·'lU Mrs.' Warren LeMay an~ vestibule: couple then left ton. daught~r, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leon a wedding trip to Florida. On ' ,Y ay Jr. and Miss &uth LeMay tlJ.eir return ( ' ~bey' wilt'live on Mr. and Mrl!l~ Lawrence Cook and were 'a lso guests ,()b Beveral oe· ' .. Waynesville. JlOll~ 1, ,w here tbe, /ions were . Sunday evening 'g uests 'r casions. . bridegroom is 'associated with bil 'of tbe Jatte~8 " parents, Mr. and L -, . ·brother and father in business and )Irs. T. J. Davis, in Leesburg. Mrs. .J. J. Burskte, MN. J. W. farming; The bride ,attended King. . ~--su-ou.e, Mrs JobD -hom.,. Mrs. Dan High School and the bride ~ATRONIZ'E GAZETTE Bertie Mills and Mrs. E. F. Earn. ~.o.uL.is a 'graduate of )Vayne& ADVERTISERS I art, Mrs ~. V . . Barnhart" Mrs.
Mr. William Strouse, Mr. Rogel' Brown and .Mrs. Roger Brown attending the installation of Masonic officers at the Madisonville Lodge on Thul'sday evenin~ Mr. Gel'alrl BUl'ske, nephew of Mr. , John Burske is the Master of' Madisonville Lodge for the comi,ng yeal:.
Mal'~ton ' Hunt. and Rev. 'Robert Murp!lY of Boaz, Alabama have returned to their homes after spending orne time hcn'e with Mr and Mrs. S. Carlton Cook, and with 'Mr. and Mrs: Robert Hunt in Fayetteville.
lAD GAZETT& C.....ffed
-~---- ----
••• ar.' •
c .... p.r ••• lil.'
NfJ E'lual 'orSAf!
,WINIIR 8Rlft'",
) '·1
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.. ~. Safetys~. ~ut
J '"
'l "
' ~
Iii' I laDI
Why ",ke Chance$ , ,oi..Unlr"'wi"r,ari"
., ,
11Ie new Frlgidalr, Cold-Wall .Imperlal •• ' ~ for families that wannhe best money can b~, . a combination refrigerator· and ,home 'fre.e zer: l:Ip,p e, ' door, opens to '''Locker-rop'' for freezing.: foods, . for keeping liP to 70 Ib,·. frOZen fOod .safe for .months. LIke ~avlng a frozen storage' loc,~er .In your kitchen" Lower door opens " 0 Super-Mols' Cold-Wall RefrIgerator . .. ere even' uncovered food retains flav<l : r. 'I~" ( ~! ~ - .:' days ..• by thefamou'S'Cold-Wr..<lI \~, :! oJ: .. , _.. , .. ~ byfr~gidc:ilre.
'.CI·"e~lel ' ;i tJ,."
'i't~fon_ BATTERIES cosr so 1"rtl'
• "_"!, ",ore efflclen" Met ",.chanl.",
.oIl .. ",'
.• Full-w.ldth, roller-beartng porcelain Hrdrator with .1.... lop
Made 'W1t.b
exC~WI~.,,, Fir '
-- a
mat8l'1a.l. , ~~: u.:. of tiDy, pip th!! TOll-d :to'
pn ;n
mg sll.". W.... llP.t these
tna4a on )'Our
. 'S ervis , Tezaao
• Ali-aluminum, ,
• .......Drawer f.r ...... padca...
tIIIII .............. a ..... ...
tim or ". caa fttruit:b YOll '
tires with thc2!e tnada &.1:-cady appllr.1I.
Fairley . . . . . aMl pI
dwe. Store.., ·.UJ. .fUl; .......
".1 5
2J" I<i},e -
----------~------------------~------~--------------~---. --------~------------------------~--~----~~----~~ Bailey and Mr. John J. BUl'ske are
the retiring Worthy Matron {lnd Everett Bunnell. month or else clear freezing wea· Patron and ' Mr. and Mrs. William; ther and we all still remember the Mrs. Robert Greene, Mr. Wilbur t big snow of 1944 that began on Stephens of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Stl'ouse a.re the Worthy Ma tron Dec. 11. One, man I was talking to ' Henry Berges and children ' of and Patron-elect. Dec. 3', 1948. The number of was wishing for freezing weather , Mr. ahd Mr. Dale Lair' a n ' ·Beavertown were supper . guest be served in 'Refreshments ' shopping days until Christmas are so that he could get lnto the corn childr'e n of near New , Burlington . t he dining room following the inSunday evening or Mr. and Mrs. being checked off the calendar field and pick the rest of it. .But were .supper guests Sunday even- )or Lue Morgan. stallation. ' with great -speed. Before we know no matter what the weather is, ing of Mr. and Mrs. , Edmond Mar- ' . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lucas "'I\J'lll it the great day will be upon us. this is the time to huy ' yom:. latt and family. lami.ly, Mr. alld Mrs. Lloyd ThompWe often hear from experts that Christmas Seais. ·Every cent of it Mr. and ~rs. Richard Hanes and son. called on MtS. Anna Lucas there are getting to be too many will be well used. / . little daughter, Donna called on Sunday. p ople, in the world, and \'/hen we their parent's, Mr. and Ml'S. Hiley Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael, Mr. go shopping at this time of year and Mrs. Dale Fa:!.'" and childl'cn . Mr, Paul St. John and Mr. Palll. Gibson Sunday afternoon. we ,begin ~o believe it. Again I 'Ross of Dayton, Mr. ~oe Hutt of Mr. and Mrs, :Earl Johnson of , were supper guests of Mr. 'and express my feelmgs about begin- Ridgeville and l\fr. · Keith Ashmead Xenia called on Mr. and Mrs'. A.1· . Mrs. Eddie Marlatt and family. ning . Christmas celebrations too wel'e Sunday dinner guests of fred Morgan and family S"tur~ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morgan sRent early. 'l'hanksgiving is now over, day afternoon, Thursday evening with Mrs. Hiley ,1:'. nnd Uro:. W. C. St. John . and it see ems ·right and suitable Mrs. Clarel\ce' Crawford spent Gibson. Mr. and Ml·S. William Strou ~ to find the stores full of Christ- ' 'with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Savage of Monday aitemoon with Mr, a.n NORRIS S~OCK COMPANY - -- -- - mas .tbings and people,' but already, Dayton saw the Sonja He~ie Ice Mrs. Lewi!': Crawford and tiale Cinoinn.ti Union aloth 'I' uda 'Miami Chapter 107, Order of because there was so - much out Show at Indianapolis" on Saturda y daughter, Donlla. l.ive Wire r."d P"OQ"~ ..\ve. A" Ea ·tel'n Star. will meet in regular ' too eSt"y, the glamour is ~ginn Those on the sick list include (' I aan fzatie>n ucond to no .... evening. session on Monday evening, DecStrict I" a'}l ' era on \,.t: I~.t ing to fade and the Santa Clauses _ ay ~m i t !\nd Alfred MO l'gan. ...----'-----em bet', 18, at eight o'cloclc. installaall around market in th" are ,beginl\ing to. 100 ,; 'a litt..:.: tl. Clifford Smith was a dilmer tion of officers for coming ye,ar e(\un trv. ed. They ar e eV U1 .JJegi n .~i I n' I , • IN (;ASE OF IC'IRE. DIAl. 2222 .. ~ ·at $t.nda. of 1\' and Mrs. will b.e the special feature \ of the SERVICE THAT 8A"I'I&I'IEe h~ve a few mal'k-oow'n S:\!,'> F 1 WHIO Darton .l2: 10 E. 8. '1'. evenintr, with William H. Owen, e n' th :n , ul' U,"l . \In..; ,I . •; .01, ' , Dial UiO \VLW (!lrld~n~_" Worthy Gran'C;l Patron of Ohio, RS n yh: '; ~ l1d l'li,o l'l.! ~.t· . ,'u " U:40. OJ!.) I 700. tor Our Dally ; n.:.t..:.o:l : l~ g officer. MrR'. Stanley H. Mark", Renor-•. '... ~ i: <. . ,\ i.. 'I .~ ~ t ' tloing you.!' , Christmas shopping early than , ... ~ -l:, .. in , ~ " .I= -.' BANTA' IMPL£MEFf COMPANY ' Gome artieles you have bought at . JOHN DEERE SALES ~ ~ERVICE CulL price and haven't even .ad ,t irn (; to presen · :t ~! ~ ,~, 27 W. MULBERRY ST., LEBANON, OHIO · to me that Christnlas is becom ihg PHONE • ~ON 555 so over-commercialized that it is . , --~_. .~~ -II .~u bound to produce. a reacti,on. But I We in VJte You to vis.it our '. . . · suppose all ~e old-fashioned ones 1 . ' . MODERN FARM IMPLEMENT ,STORE can do is to stay at home and keep the radios turned off until · •• aln~1 chili • f e carry a COMPLETE line of genuine John Deere Repairs the time Is here. I am clad pur I ...." Our modern shop has' the latest equipment to give you · hurch .~ill , siDca e beaatil I, n,ore efficient serv'ice On your Tractor and farm equipment. solemn Advent h~ Utat mean lor •• rl' .... rk.tln.• 80 mueh in p- . a Our ~ervice. men are trained by .J ohn Deere ~o 1nsure you ' real Chrll!Stmae, and sav',s the better serVIce, at lowe,r cost. . . • 18 f9r Cbriat:JD.a in all its Schedule your repair work, early. . b ;\]ty and glory. A 'FARM -DIARY .~ D .J. FRAIZEIt
,New Location .. ,
Eleet,ric B',ooder'
......... '....n'·. __.It,
,.iDc ' for
t~ mild and l!I';.ln.n.7. : Tht: , , oWs have ' their little,.pJl'8 out aifi!c ,them aDd lettiq ' tIl_ run . , in ibe surishfne. , I iet' t~ 'pups ' out and th~haDces .ar~ that in. stead 'of staying y the back of · tile house where the, are , safe, they are playiJ]g out in the drive where the first car that comes aJdng .""hI l'un over t hem. 1 hear that there' is to be a fox
'. Sto~e HQUfS j :3Q A. M. to' 6 :00 P; M. , daily. , . Open Saturday nigh'ts until 9 :30. ' I
Owned and operated by Harold A. Banta and Estel G. Banta
UTi ,e ' tins Sallurday. That seems
earUer tban usual but it they aTe OJS .
else-wliere . as
sum .: ~.1 'Ig' I .h IlThEli - on our
:,£.01.1.£1 to ':'0. il, place hav, sh o t
' Phl~"e
u ·-( ~t.f .
21'094. ·W.vn .. v t ~·,
or th·r ee' but they 'ha.ven't .SERVICE COMES FIRST Ohie. Rever.. Cha ..a .. i!l 'IJ g: ~t il) their bides or paws. ' , . f'" ...-. Tha' big sow just caine ' alonc, . SECURITY ASSURED , . . ... h,.vin&, . climbed ov-er the 'door but GENERAL LIVESTo.CK the dogs know .where 's he belong!'; WHEN FAFM IS FINAi\;CED , GRAIN and the three of Viem jast clii'led with .cr back. i: wondered how C , l eF.rth she was going 'to get in, but ' .~ FEDERAL LAND BANK t } .:l door ' opens in· so she was able ; I ', LOAN to" pus-h' against, it enough to " · s\.1t1 e~ze in The dogs should each ·LEBANON 'N. ' F. L. ·A. have a nice " treat · bec ..use for once they showed 80~e sellse but · \ , LEBAt,lON, O~)O RA:¥ FARQUER I t hought for a minute they , w~re ' g()lng to. . drive her out instead of PHONE 4-l8 Wayne.~Ue ip, Perb"ps she was the one with PHONE 2824 , sense, after all. The weather is so lovely that we. -e6uld use a lot, .more j,ust like it. 11 it ~tays cool we ' would like 1;0 butcher very soon now. If it hadn't ' -t!4! .looked so much .,like rain . this i . mornjng , I • t1rink we would , have' .. I r done it then. I wonder which ·wjll ~ • -'* ,.' . win out tomorrow if it is a, ni,c~ ' I' day, the fox · drive 01' the butcherBUnDIf~GS eM. nus AUTOMOBILES ' LIABILITY ing 7 I am glad of every good . day' because then we ('a n tUM ; "4 .. WAY INIURaNCE" some 'of our stock into the field .in the ohio farmers will &i.e you bload I'rot.eeUoo 10l~. where the corn liad been picked, OD )'OUt. ~ J. emus bu¥diap, ,oar chattel., J'OUt aucoaiobil. and into a big nastui'e that we .... roar UabWc, for acddeall to others. WhY DOl Me \II 1Ode,1 couldn't u se on af"-,"ount 01 th e y_.:. _ _ , . ' " ......... ,.a'" ___ .. . . 0W0 ...... ' corn field. I w.ould _like to have thlm get the !t,n " ~encfit of it before the IInow coven it. Lookiq back over the line-a-da, J find jOlt &. man)' earl, DecemMn tJlat Were pleaaant .. · thOH nt t
rimer A~:~n ,Uii.S r't1iS#ered SI,rop,jttr. I"n;i:: ~ on hi' 'orm north of Sidney. Thfl,. woolly ~,,:b;e.s arfil '00 "o'uo'bl. to r•. Ie. In ;946 one Allen's :0.770 ,am. ~. CiS se/ectft'd as 'he ~. c l rain of, th .... An.,,,.:!; Ohio S""opsh;~. 8rp.ed,rs A,,~da'ion .Jo.;'~·' ~.J :01. . Tn;s : ;'onpion lomb solJ ;or $225.
~ 'YerJ'
eo1d. I . . ._ .
~J""" ' P-''' 1nIt ' ''' ....0, ,..
__ _ft
.... Won tH middle ., tile
the e/ectri: broodf?'r show'1 ;n ,~(. $5, ,epa;d man;' 'jm{. !
it h~< ((,,,.d. · '
Sheepm~n ~ome from .,..iles ~rounJ to hVi' flmf"\ F. Aile.,!! r::gistf):'eci purebred Shropshire breu!· Ing stod· . .AU·... " !!ives the eled,ic lomb ~t-=.:d~r a 'ot d credit for tne help it gives him in brin;.iI"l9 th;:~e '"a'u~bio ' ... mbs soi .;'r. th,ouSh j:.;- 1i.". ·1 wErek or two of th~ir :h,es. . .",naediateI1 after the tr.;,Mb i.s born, A)ic ,: :, wipel it ~as dryas he ' ,a" 'tN.ith towels, on.d plCJce ~ 'it 'u nder the 150 waft electric heal laMr ~, ,n: urooder. The heat 'f rom the ' brood~r lamp k~ep ~ .
' 11 (
picl ':'-'~ -:".: Allen ~ess th"'n 'j ·.. ~r in j;'e "" 'r::'Ib~r 1(t~7~~
tho: 'bacy 'amb warm and finishes drying, hi!. wOCltly coat. Allen poil"ted Ollt tho' n;ony Icmbs catch Cio:d before .ney hav'(), a dlo.,ce to get drif t ' bfOcause barns are (~~d C"ld clrC!hy ill et.ldy s.a;n.~ . ,very t?tlrly larr.!J needs 'the protecfior, , d ~., GI.cfrk br~od (: ,. . . ' " . W;;i; p,jg~, too-an eledri, broo.der is a .,n;;"1~ f ·.Qwr. At weaning time cach :i:tte pig r.~;".6 · iii :.1;:)-.:' 2i ,~ pounds cof ~e-ed itJ,j to the
. 10;
'~'''''. I'; l~ ·.in9 h :J ·· one to two p ; ~s pc - litter an .;.;.ir.~ ;,! • .,c:i.r pr~ : "ch this illves1ment t=~:" pr",tlco' '''i,,~sti\:rs on ellH.tri r brooders for "igi und IUI'1iU, ,~n I ...'t ypur ~C»'fnty "I_nt, . "yout Vocot'o~.1 Alricultvrt I.Qch.r, or the ·'arm
••pr.....totl"••f you, .I.ctric
, ?
t '
'.hi,,, \.ompony_ .; ~,.I
THE ttHAMI GAZETT£ PAGE. , . . total $48.50. WtAYNE8VILL'E, OHIO No. 4808 , However, Bobby Campbel,l, the TftU'RSDIAY', ' OECEM'BER 9, 1948 'most hustlinlr ticket-seUer , have ever known for charity '8ff.,i rs. literally ran his legs off during ,the pre-seljing campaign and ' sold $46 wortli' 'of ducats. Yes, he was assisted by Jim HartsQck, Nolan St ansberry and Buddy Davis, but : ' t he fac.t remains that Campbell . c; ~ organized the deal, something none o o of the Qther managers in ', the' EEoleagu~ , excepting Bob Anen, have "0 done for any of the previous a:f~ C ~ fairs , and my books tell the ghast ly story, too. , poupled" with Don Noble's rose 484 161 4418 , 163 ' 27' 147 138 , 199 "fiver" - h~ carries the Spring Palmer 408 136 3259 155 21 144 130 134 Valley weight ~lways ' - and sev- MiUlford 420 140 3695 148 25 107 1()8 145 eral other small ticket-sale '''con- Hill 467 156 4129 153 27 125 171 171 tribs", the fight receipts totaled , Ramby 411 137 4127 , 153 27 131 15? 123 $114.50" w.hich added to ,$25.81 154 654 764 , 72'2 2190 ' 146 gross on concessions, made a grand Hand.icap 82 82 82 gross of $-140.31. Very good, but Fairley 736 846 854 BILLS' have to be paid, so read Handigas 8.81 882 938 farther~ . McDuff . Traveling expens'es ' and ref~rees" fees, $20.00. (Very cheap • for.' a card - that ,was almost do- thing that will rai e ,several hund- ring ide, though ~ the bouts wel'e Fri., Dec. 1 7, Hell '~' ~ burg , H red '''clear' doliar s. The League worth much more tha~ they cost" minated by outside talent.) Fri., 'Jar; , 7, Carlisk. here Coricession costs plus fe eding the is still in debt, just under the $8~ O.Credit Department: Thanks' t o 'boxers aft,e r the bouts, $26 01. 00 mark. So this ' colttmnist is go- Joe James for an excellent job at Tues .. 1:111. 1 1, Ki' i-!'nl ;lil, thL! rc Advert ising, $8.00. Ring Equip- ing to tu.rn ov~r the' final settle- the gate. It's o~ gh to take peoFri., Jan.' '14, M' a~d ll. there ment and ' boxing 'supplies, $12..09 ment to the boys, who were most , pIe's money" and make them -]jke .Pri~es, $5.00 ,( Doc Drake ' W'a yri'esactive ,in the meetings for a Class it, but Joe. 'did it. Al Ludington's Tues., Jan. 18, W. '(;,l'rroHton H ville Drugstore is responsible for , "A" league with all' of the 'trim- mother w~s seriously ill in Lebsaving u~ money here . . . thanks mings ' ( and they had it), whIch anon; that stopped AI's perfect ,Fri., Jan. ' 21, OpelJ Doc). A. A. 'U . Fee (Good for one means that the final indictment , record, of having- attended all Fri., Jan 2~, Sprin,t>:boro, Lh e'l C year) '$10., -Rental on Gym, $10. goes to the 70 or more ,players iJJnetions ,to date. Jim ,Hartsock Also, a 3% tsx will have to ' be plus the half-dozen managers. S'<} did a ' fiDe job of erecting a ring, Fr~., Feb. 4', Kings Mills, here paid' the , Ohio A. A. U. on the, far, ' many ' shows', nt the Twirt no eagy matter, and it had · to be f.boxing ~ceipts $3 44: . Gr and Bill (most ' of them conducted ' at no strengthened befote \ the dose- of ~at., Feb. S,. ~ p r in~ V ~ lIey. T .Total, ',$94~-6•• co ,t to C 1J League) plus 3 dances, the bouts, but it seryed the pur~ Wed., Feb. 9, Ce1,l tt!l'vil'lc. there T,h~~oi'e net pI-ofit,S froRt , the , , plus 1 bo;xing show have failed to pose. ·KennY Bradley and Larry bo,qug' show ~I .be:~6~77, unless settle the debts. 'I s there a leader ' Cook judged .11 bo1tlts in creditable Fri~, 'Feb. 11, Hillsboro,' there delinqu,e.nt reports' hm Geol'ge , among the playel's, who feels that stlye, agreeing most of the time. Miller and Larry Spitlez: 'raise ..the _something else might end the debt The Dillon brothers, . Ray an,j total. Hope they don't have, any' angle? Just write or drop by any- Rillph, 'of New ' Lebanon, refereed' bills, to rep<;,rt. tIme, anil let ... s hav.e YOU1' opin- aIr bouts in , dandy fashion. Bill ions. Now's the time for ~n good Stansberfy' and - Mrs. Marion O. K. McDuff, there's the brutal storr. The bouts. wel'e ,t o dra,,, players to come to the aid of their _Adams were i,n charge of conparty ( that is; if tlley expect to cessions. ' . many, many, people, and 1 actu~Uy believe tbat they were w:ell · at,.. haye ~ party in ',19). t ended '~y , the'" community, but However, the, 150 '41)r more per"Mr. an~ M,rs. Albert Cleave,: en~ ' aI>pk~e 'tl~ '. there , isn't any, ,one sons who ,managed tal get' in~ the te~ined ~obert Cleaver a~d ,s on
,C :P.ORTS' ·a.:;,'LANT ' ' Sv BOB O'REGAN The flrst amateur boxing bouts ' ever held in the Waynesville High School afe ah:eady acknowledged by the crowd to have been e~cel. lent ent~rtain~ent as well as . l'~ niunerative to the '.sponsori~g. organization, the local softballers. As to the 'bouts themselves, Dick La ws~n was the ' orily local to gain a decision, which he , did in splendid fashion. Poor Dick. pick ed up a real ."mouse', bu~ that .di,d,n 't !5tpp' him from 'wading right into his more experienced opponent. Jtalph Purdue ' dropped a, close one, his initial , entry, but . gave fine promise of. better things , to come, a~ with : a little more ring g'lneralship he would have kayoed his opponent. Those eh~nce8 must be missed, Ralph, but I'm betting on, ·you, so stay in there. ponny Hahn and Nolan Stansberry put , on a , riproaring ' opeI)ing three ro~nd clash, -y.'i th Hahl) getting the nod, '~ ',' . Other local boys were Bill McKeever, Bill Pope, and Jim gartsock. Differe~t parties are laying plans to dive headlong i . this newest "of promotions for-our' town. Wonder ,if a little advice might ",help • them hurdle. '8o#1e' of ,the rough points, we e~ilced? For :iil S~ talUte, the sm,.llness Qt,' the , local gym and the . natural , instinct of people to huddle toget~ , made t1le spectators present last - Si£~ , urday night appear to be "hun": dreds"" as one of the ,local wags put,. it, W ell, read on M~Duff, here are the "cold figures." A , total of 71 , persons paid 60 cents for pnenl "admisaions at the, door, while 18 ,ald. ,~.OO ~or . ringside reseJ"'!ations ,at the doo~ "
Waynesvill~ "
, bouts one 'way or tlle other, ' saw of Dayton at Th.nksgivi~g dina real program. Peo:ple like ,. ~G~e!<!n.!.!'e'--~nl4!e:J!.r...JiDD-lOthe Wishing ~ell resta\!rant Brown, who, in~idental1y, was at last week; " . .
~ _,.
_ _ _ _
• __ ' _ _ _ ..
tl~JrFOft 'PEAD'S'f"OOK-" cows $5.00; HORSES $~.OO ~ According to size' an" 'co!'dition,. Prompt. Cle-an ServIce , ,All small stock ,removed PHONE' CO~ ~~ ,712 or WamlDlloD ,2862 ,. , JANES RENDERING, Wal'ne~ ., ville, . Ohio " t
2,0 Percent OtifRegular Prices
'f t
Waynesville :Futniture , &' AppliaD~ Co. South Mail) Street
Teleph~ne 2422 '
. ". '" "
from Grange HaO
U--.AmericCm FiJat Commif' '6e diIIoJved. 1941.
. - .
Ii-War CK,JOlnat GeJmGJ'ly end Italy. 1941. 13-PllQrlnlS
IhQ, ~6211,
tu'S' ThonkIQIY' ,
, 'l......AlabQn~ Q admllled
Union, 1,819" '
I~Hartlord convention ,
r ....,,·
Use The Alma n - c To
Check The ~'eathef (Jut Us,e
Invisible ' Hal,f Soling Orthopedic Con:ection5
GAZETrE ClJ\sSlt li.D
Cbrk Extensions
Henry ' Q. 111·13 E. Mulberry St.
ADS -.
To Buy, SeIt R.t,
Loan. BorTc.w
Ally Time
'T, Bu, SeD, Trade Real, ,B.rtw, USE •'
·G,A>ZE. ,
' :
' ...
0" The Year
'd ,'a. B,
P8'IN11 NO At 'fhe MIAMI GAZEM ~
P~GE 7
his part, that he's a ~enil1s hates children, and ha's no trouble handTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1945 ling obstreperous offspring, ' Fot' a grand picture and, 'a, laugh-treat for the whole famify, d'o n't 'miss "Sitting Pretty". W'B World News is on too. Special! Get a baby-sitter , . .' for this coming Sunday night; so yO!jl can see : "Sitting PI'~tty" after the kiddies are tucked in. If you do, the Twin Ma,n agement has ' a free pass for ' yOUl' babyb~ sitter ,to ,see the ,sho\~ ' Monday FOX HOLLY night. Just leave her (or his !) _ you remembe'r a few weeks name ' at- the 'boxoffice Sunday ago when this , column mentioned night on your way in, and have '''Boxoffice'' Magazine's nat~on- him (or her) report to the ' boxwide poll on the most popular office Monday night. movie stars of 1948? In this COIl"The Fugitive" (RKO), Tues. test press and radio film critics, day only, transcends the boundarindependent theatre ' owners, wo- ies ,of any country, of 't ime, Of ' men's clubs, .civic' organizations, space. It could happen anywhere etc" etc, were asked to. vote. ';l'he and is happening everywhere toTwin voted, as the theatres were , day. It's 'the story of man's trugasked to do, on the basis of which , gle 't o worship G04 in his own stat'S brought the most people to way, despite dictate of "the the boxoffice in Wayn'esvHle, State". Made entirely in, Mexico Thought you might be intel'ested at -the invitation of the Mell.'ican ,in the oomposite' opinion of the na- , Governme!lt, it's , a brilliant Hon, Here ,'tiSt Bing Cl'osby first, triumph for Director; John Ford, Then in ordel' of vote recei v d, who gave us "Grapes ,of Wrath", Ingl'id Bergrnan~ Gat'Y Coop,er, "They We~" Expen fable',', and Claudette Colbert, , CI1lrl< Gable, "Stage-coach," , Henry' FOllda, a~d Lor,etta Young, Cary , Gr:atlt, Greg- ' Delores Del Rio star .with , .Pedro Ol;Y Pe~k, Betty Grable, Spencer Armendariz a capable villain, This , Tracy, Hurt:lphl~ey ~ogal't, and Rita i ' a sedou picture, with suspense Hayworth. These are the top 12. 'a n'd action. But - warning _' Crosby becomes the first male , sta~ while it entertains, it may make ever to get first place on the All- you t hinkl Don't f~rget the p cial American combined poll. Newcom- family rate - 50c pel' entire famers to the 1948, list al'e Loretta Young, , Bett~' ... Grable, SJ?encer ~racy, a~d .Ri~ Hayworth. ~ . Briefvi s: "Canon City" (E-,J,..) the fact picture on the Colorado State pri~on break, closes to· night, ' , . PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL "Buffalo Bill Rides 'Again" , (SG) unl'eeling OJ} the screen Saturday CONTRACi'OR only, is a thrilling and ' exciting Western> ou't door 'adventure .film, PIIONEWA~ and of.~ bistotlcal 'V8:lue a~, a mo, nument to a · greil~ A,merican figur~, BUffat~ Bill. ~e cast, ~ead, ed by Richard Arlen ,and Jel)nifer Holt, ,it top-notch', Arlen, as- the ' great frontiersman" portrays ' an episode' in B,uffalp" Bill's Ufe , where in he fights ,for, justice anl\ order, that lle~ .settlers in th~ lawless West may estahU.h law,abiding communities. Beiieve you'll fina the ,picture · to . your Saturday night taste" as JOIl will the '''Sea Hound'$ 3rd cbapter entitled "MysteI'Y of the 'Map.", Last week Billy IQer won the ,cash award, 9-,12 uch momq with ticket No. 226. Wonder what winner ·will come up this Saturt -5' aftem~ons exc:e,t ' day? , Wed~ay , In "Sittine, PNtty", at the theatre Sund~y 'a nd Monday, Fox has 7.9 , Saturday' eVeniDl" come up with a rare and rollicking otber evenin~ by screen ' treat~ considered ' by many Appointment ' critics tne beat comedy of the, Year. IIi 'his tint aU..out comed, ' . :tELEPHONE 62·R ' role for the acreen. CUlton Webb,_ .eminent Broadway aCtOr, ii seen " as se~-admired genil.. all4 babysitter extraordiJW'Y'. , Co-,tarring" Maureen ' ~a' and' {Wb,\"t , Optom8tltc _. 8pedal_ Young, plus some s~larl! " , . . impish kids. Th~ , picture ,IS ,o rl-(flP '.A:law!lPUa snoJ.lauq '(uu!ll int with ·~hat unlve~ p~oblem of getting a . reliable , ~aby-~itter, ' ls Web~ reli~bl~J 'J!, . st!tes, in "'L"~~~~"~~~""'~---
No. 4398
:T WIN I.enses
Uy on this nicht, the year's anniversary of the present manag'ement, N ext Thursday and Friday we're having another double feature, The last one seemed to please th~ public, judging by ,the fact that more ' than usual bestirred themselves to come out to the show mid-week. ' "Big Town Scandal' (Par) " combines the fast-moving thrills of the b~sket ball COllrt and ,the polic'e court in this latest film based on the Big
. W: C. BROWN ,
JOIN , OUR 1949
T&wn radio series. Philip Reed Midge, and Bugsy are differe.nt ahd . Hillary Brooke ltar, with the people when they leave the En'Our Gang" comedy kids, now chanted Valley, their hideout afgrown up, playing misguided teen- ter a holdup. Little Donn Gift (of agers. You sports lovers will ,like "¥ea::ling" fame) stat's, 'with thi- aeti&R-paeked picture whell'l re~~C7t1harlie , Grapewin, Alan Curtis; crime invades the basketball court, and Anne Gwynne. The climax is a game where By the way - last Friday' night "straight" youths and young at the TWin we blew a fu e or hoodl'ums baUle it but on a two (literally), due to the power, thrill-filled court. The other half or lack of power, situation here is "Enchanted Valley (EL) feain WaynesvUle, The last fu,se took turing over 20 animals and birds orne 15 , minutes to find and reof the North Arne,r lean fOrests, place, so that oar last 6 customers not jpst as background, but as at the late show decided !Jot to ' important developments to t he wait and walked out. We don't story. Done in beautiful Cinecolol', know aU your names, but we know · here is a film of sweeping pic- you py sight. You're entitled ' to torical beauty, with a sincere a free make-up show, so claim story of reformation. Johnny, your rights at the boxoffice.
$8,500 were made Dec, 1 to 1'0 9 members of the 1948 CHR1SrMAS CLUB
Begin now to think about next year's Christmas expenses '
Hyman's Dept. ' Store
Fairley Hardware Store ~,
,Waynesville Furniture· &. t Appliance Co.
Smallwood Clothing Stqre-,'
National Bank
~. . . .~- ,
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','" GEf
~~II,jn ~Y~n_ ••
, R'vh, Now .if pOssible
,GO 'EARLY if plans per'" IeIoH --..... ,. -
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0.".'" w""th.n at -.. .... 2'. 22.
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Decembe, Jr-J .:1UCIfJ 2
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r~lish ,the cooveoieocC ojf frequent scheduies ~~d
Christm~ ...ing fares Greyholund h~s ready foe yo.~ th~ :- holiday seatOn. And you' 11 apprecIate G~yho~d .s ~_ ".er-COac}t comfott wben ~ aJrive rated aaQ. re-
• f. _.:hed, tady for hoi., ,No, See die 'hb lAws. offerecl by C..,. .....d ... 6e a..,b•• msI. , .,;,..-- .~
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·No. 4ItI
CARt} 0'; THANKS ,'
MINIMUtt' 25c
COUPLE, and 3 well-behaved girls desire furnished or' uhfurnis'bed house or 'apart- . ment. Above old 'Gazette of:. fi,ce. Write ' Robert Shipley Wa.ynesville.' ~12-23
DON.'T ,FORGET TO CALL , ~s for insur~nce. All types of Insura.nce at a ~avings. Call FranCIS Gene Brown' phone WayneJv ille 2472 ' 'or ~ call collect. Wilmington 2111.
Homes Wanted':'-'
Columbus, ohio November 20" lU8
It beinir' impossible. to ~ee each one personally and , thank thea for their , visfts and cards :wbiie confi~ed in the hospital, I ner~b1 want' to th a n1~ you ' all. It Jtelped a lot to see and hear from you '\ and see yoti and t.al~ to you while tl'ying to 'pass the. hmg ' nOijfs a-. Way. I t ha'nk ,you again one and ,all. .
Engineer ot Sales Legal Copy No. '48-58 5 ' " 0_
D. ;E: .
' .'
Stand~ord. -129
, Notic~ is hereby given that S ealed P,l 'oposals will be received a t the attics o.f the s tate liighway on the 4th day of 'Decembef' . Directol' of 'O,rhl0, at C~l'U~bus, Ohio, ulltil 10: OU A. M.; Ohio etanaarci. 1948, th e Board or Township Time, F 'r id/ll.Y, Decembelr ' 17 j 1948; fur ImPfpveme nts in: , .' ' • Be k 1 J .. B : .~~Trustees of Massie Township Olinton "and Wanen C()untl~s, Ohio, on' Sect.ons , O.OO, Q.OO; (1'l.H-H.2q) r e ey unlorelge dress W,airen', C6unty, .Ohio filed ' it 'and 1.76~ U. S. Route No'. 2-2 and State ROute$ Nos. 3, 31m and "S80;' in wool and mink blend. Brow~ petition in .the Co'urt of Com- WashingtJOn,' . VeroOOll 'and \Adams, To\ynshtp,> by grading; draining; trim . . Worn twice. Size 15.mon Piels' of Warren Cnunty , paving' 'w ith rellllforcecll Portland cem~nt cono~te and co~ucttng a IN Phone 2154. -122 Ohio, being case Nci. 18)31 oft conltinuous ste~H, beam , Ibridge with . concrete deck a.nd sUl)etructure... (Spans: 68 feet, ,86 t!get and ' 68 fe~t, ' Roadway SO 'teet), Bridge No. 'COLDSPOT ;efrige;-;to7" in the pocket of said Court; lsk- ON Nel'~ ; i} Of.!! -22-27 over Todd Fork. ' gC ;>od condition. 7 cubic feet. ing that Twelve Hundred Do ~ . . . . AND ALL ' F "' k 1 J B Jars be ' transferred from the Width: Pavement 24 teet, Roadway H feet ~:n,quR~o~: ei 711. . Chap- General Fund to the Road anti Length 39,392.44 fe et , o:r 7.460 miles , , -121 6 Bridr.e Fund of said Townshir Contra.ct to be comp'ete~ · not la ter than October 31, 1960. Asphaltlc - =-----:-----!.-:--_ _ _ as provided by! .law, for the ooncrete . an~ "bit umlnoUiS matef~l tor prime coat shall not be . placed ' , Two Congoleum and one wool reasons ' set forth In saitt !)etit- . prior t ,May 16. 19f9 :9lr between the dates of ~Oct,Qb~r 31, ius and May <) x ,12 rugs. One Weaver io~, and that $ald , petition w.m , 16" 1960 except 'b y ~lal permi88lon of the Director.• ' uptight piano. Phone 2723. be for hearing on Tues~ay the Ohio State Employment ServiCe, Court House, Lebanon, ' Ohio . J. 1. ~ulford,. " ---':'129 , 14th day of December, 1948, Ohio State Employment Service, 119 West ,LocU8t Street, WilmIngton, Ohio · ----.--,-- at ~ 0 :00 o'clOCk A. M. . Will furnish the suooesotul 'bidder an employment 118t from Wlhlch . 11 Bol~~s 9ar?en Tract6rs - See Ci\RL AHA!ECHERLI q ualitled 'llnsktlled labor ' as la ,-locally' available. shall be aelecied tor dlSpl~ In our:- sales room. Prosecuting Attorney this project. Or~efl~ taken .now 'for Sprin,~ Warren ' County, Ohie , The attention of bl~ider" Is directed to the special provlB~ona c.ovREAD ~y 104;607 OHIO. FAMILIES delIvery. .'.' . Howard Graham ering' sUibletttng or assigning' the contract, the use of domestic materta.1s, WITH $1,0 Illl.lON DOLlA.'!O S'tHD '~A IMI:'~ CO. . Henry.., M:urphy " ' 'of IJLbor. Jtoure of employ~ent and conditions of , enlpToymen~ . for ,taco' or Stai. Itot•• .,; 27 W~ Mulbe(rv St., Lebanon As the' Soard of Trustees aeleQtton . The minimum wal'e to Ib e paid to all labor employed on th" contract Vi,lt thl.· N.w.paper , Phone - LebanOn '555 Massie tow ship ahan be ' In ,8.cMrdance 'with the "Schedule of Pre.va.1Un. Hourly Wage 01' " ~'~216 Warren County, Ohio. , A:8certalned and Determllne4 by The Department of Indu8trial, RelattolUl . ' .CQII~ ~~re .q i ¥/rlte, a.p'pllca:ble to ..s~te HJghway Department Improvements In' accar4a.nae 1937 ton ~nd a hal-,f-F-'-o-rd stak'e - - -'- - . , our ...e'pr.~nt~tive.t truck with t 940 motor. Rea- Louden Barn Equipment; Fee'I with Seotions 17-3, 1.7-4" 17-4a, 17-5 and 17-6a or ·the genera't Code ()f, sonable if sold at once. ' TeleCarts ' Litter Carriers; Sta.lls; Ohio:' , . p~@ne 2251. ' . Stanchions; Wat'~r . Bflwls, W. EE~tl'ES"JN&. < , The »ld4er must sub:mtt witb hie ,» Id a certlfled cheCk In, the' ariaount , , etc. av.ailab e 'Ifor geJivery. or UO,OOO.OO. ' .,' , ' " .' .' ,17 . CmDNl ,aWDIN. . Large w,hite enameled kitchen See display atOUf store. c~binet. porcelain ,top,' large , 8ANTA ,.I~~ ,CO•. " Plans a.nd spect(t~tlIOD.$ "afe on tile tn tb~ department C?f' b1«hwaY'; .' l. ,:v:.~~ SIze, Eslat~ cO,al Heatrola 3- 27 W. Mulberry St., Leba:non ILn,d ;the, ofn~!& of ,tbe .""dent .4 1strtct, deputy ' dltec;top, ,.. .."."., '. , . ," "';' butner k~rosene cook stove. . Phone - Lebanon · 555 ' 'The director rel!ler"~1 ,t ile rl«ht to· re,ect any &n4 all blels. . 1'" ': ~iiiiii&;;;;~-~-""iIiI_" .Earl COnner, Third 'Street. -1 ~ 16 _ Phone, 2?24. -t~t6 . ' EARL L. RBIJDB
FOR SAf..~
:::v.w. ,'ua:
FROZeN FRYB~S ',ready 'for
the ..~kil1,et at . any ..time. Dr~s~ed · atders take.n Thurs-
John Deere to ' Inch Hammer mill; pow.e,r ,cor,n she)ler with cob stacker; lime and ferti1i;.. zer sprea4~r.<' ,', ,', . is equipped with the .lateSt equipment tQ give you complete and competent se~vice; ,. .", , . Reborlng. ~ ,.... Valve Gr~ndlng, ,, , Magneto testing i overhauling; " Ca'Fburetor rebuilding service j Steam cleaning and repainting. . .. Whether it "' be a ' periodiC check-up "or a ~ompiet~~ 'over~aul job. our. Factory trained mechanics give ypu prompt ' and ,efficient service at a saving~ . ', , ,' f '. I
for' custo... .,utdl~~ Prompt'
o.u Gordon, Harv~~
~. ~
V~it our .modern, shop and schedule . . .your . . r~paii ' Vlork e'arly. '
-.;; 27 W. MULBElUlY' ,ST. OHIO ~ PHone Leba~on sss ""
, ?t
~rtabIe Equlpmi8t ,
Eledric;motor, Scissors Sharpening ~.-::~: ~.ItIJIT
. .
WaynesV111e 2006• . -md ,.....-
,Kidneys Must.. ;;f:~:Work -Wei'
TOBACl:O, LAtAS: · ' R~ Rob.. , bins; Patriot, Indiana. ~t223 ,
8i&t. ,lRlldlway 'D lrector:
JEWEL Coal Heating Stove. _ , ,St. John. Phone 27,95: ,- ~129 Letz 1 o~inch Feed Gi-inde~; , Letz 240 Qaugbage Mill ami Feea ' Makerl 'Brillion CuIU.' pa~~rr. , BANtA 1MPL£MEN'r ca. . 21 W. Mulberry ' St.~ Lebanon Phone - Lebanon 555
I· ·
27 W. Mtnbel'rv St.; tebanort . Phone '. ,Lebanon 555 ' , ,- -.1 21·6
FiJ:e Caught in Time ,At Hopkins Home Damage was ~onfined largely to a general' smoking up . of the holise When fil'e started Saturday afternoon in the basement of E. W. · Hopkins' bome near tlle west end , of -High Street. . Flames POU"ug out of B' base- , ment wi~dow ' ~re discovered by . two Dayton Power an'a Light Com- . pany repr.esentatives who sent in an alarm and then put out the blaze themselves with bucltets o! water. No ' one was at home at the time. Cause of the fire was uncertain. . . Hopkins said it destroyed a 'tool box and half of~ a basement Window frame . . Smoke ' filled the house, leaving a big clean-up job to be done on walls, curtains, and . furni~ur~, . -- - -
·The · Miami GA!·ETTE
Girl SCoul Troop TO'Be Reqrganized .
M er January 1t, Waync:J \' ille will once again have a Girl , · '; Otlt troop. At :30 p. m. on that date, a All sor~s of people must 'rea1:1 reorganization meeting for Troop SERVlNG .WAYNE"ItLLE SI,NCE 1850 ·this column. . . No: 1 will beheld in Wayn esville No. ' 4399 The , D~yton Power and Light FIV'E CENTS A COP~ High School, open to all gil'ls fro~ 'C ompany reads it" (or the query of WAY,NES-V-I-L-L.... E.-O-H-IO---~- ·r-H-I-u-R-S-D-A-V-,-D-E-C-E-M-B-E-R-"S-,-1-948- 10 to 14 years o~ age regar~.1ess ~eeksgo about the missihg ~~~~_,---------~._--.--J ~ ~~h~ ~q w~e membu ·sodium arc \ight at the Death Curof th'e troop last year or not . .... , ve w~s promptly answered~ Seems !vIr . Ropert Chapman, who has ~Iub they're waiting ,f or a part need been trying to fi nd leaders' for .. ed ,to put up ' the light, ' but are The . local Civic Clu,b wiU meet the troop ever since other activi,t hinking 81)out giving up tile wait a t 7 P. M. Monday, I:>ec. 27, instead t ies f orced her to r ign a t r op REYMER REED of next Monday because of the leader last March, rssued the foland mak~ng the delay ed par t lrush of other actfvit'ies during, the lowing annobncement this week: . themselv~~. . Friends here have 'received word week before Christmas, it was 'Troop No. 1 of .Waynesville The Dayton Daily N ews als\> of the death on Friday:! Dec. 10 ~announced yesterday. 'by ,Maynard Girl Scouts is planning: to reol'g-anz;eads ·it. ,R,a lph 'Vines, bless. hi~ or Reymer Reed, a boyhood resiA speaker will 'Weltz, secretal·Y. Scout leader s will be 'Irs: ize. PQrtly. soul, qU9ted it the ·otHer. d~nt· of Waynesville. He died in lbe named later. Mr . Marj od I)orothY . O'Regan, cay. H"e ' even added 's:.·> little carChicago where he , had ljved for , . Brown, 'and Mrs. Dorot hy Woolar d toon Showing a star-and':sh'iped arm Ii n~llnber of years; . . and Mrs. Doris Smith. ' grabbing 'me 'a way 'f1'ol)1' .a typeSurvivors include bis Wif2 anti uTroop committee member are ':writer by the seat of th e pant . a prother, E. N. Reed of St. BerMrs. Samuel Ball ch'ah'man; Mrs. Thanks for the point ed no. e; >felnara,Ohjo. He had no children. Shel'mall 'finney, Mr . A. ~. c h O~Il HeBurial was' awamusici~n. , 10V{- 9 ,lmnist. " . in Spring . Gl'o\'e Ce- IPARKS. FAM.I LY HAS SON St ubb , and Mr . .1. A. Ful1' ~r, on. The Weste,ri New~paper Unibn . . metery, Cincinnati. A six~pound son wa~ born early : Correspondence .for , the troop will 'in Ch)ciimati re~ds it, f or' l . have M an'li C1!apter 107, O. E. S. met Sunday Jl)orning to t.l1e Rev.' an1:1 be pandled by Mr$. Chap man. Any ; also· received , a ' fom~cnt or two in reg~lal: sessioll ou Monday even-' 'MESSIAH" ·WILL BE $UNG IM:rs. Ra1ph Parks, in Wyandotte, gil'l from 10 t o 14 year ' is wel"n l' t from there. . ' ing. Following ' the l'e irement of . u h THUR~DAY AT 'W. H. S. Mich,," where .. 'M:r. ,Park ~s i'ector come to come and join. Let 'S n1 ke it a 'good t roop this yeai·:' , ' df St. Stephen's Epi scopal Church, , - , Mrs. Stanley Bai,ley, wort y ma- ' Do', you llead it? If Not, please ' tron, and' of MI':" John Burske, liThe Messiah' oratorio by Geo- The Parks have another son and The tl'OOP had some 30 members ' lat. me know. ' . wor:thy patron, installation of of- rge F!riedel'ick Hande1, will be pre- daughter born while the'y w.el'e at ' last year. " , , fice r;s, · f o: 1 . ' coming year, was held'sen~ed by a hundred-vol'ce c'hol'r, " . '11 . ' " . St. Mary's parish in WaynesVl e, ' a colleg~ . newsp~pe~ ~ ln my past wit h ' the following · o~ficers in composed of the High School a ' Tbe. new son has not ye t been had a gossip column called "~e ' charge: . capella, choir and towhspeople, un- named. Eagle 'Eye", whic.h always ~wiu·d,:,. . Installing Qf.ficel', " wmi~tn · d'e r the 'direction of Donald Gahl'is, . ed "Tailfeathers of the Week' for , Owe~, Worthy Gl'and Patran; In- dire'c tor of music in Waynesville' prize boners, or for anybpdy who. stalling Marshalls, Juanlia ,Dewey, Schools, on ~hursday December Waynesville's Grange was Olie thought up a way to exti'acp mOJ'e Edna 'Har:tsock; InstaUi-ng Chap:.. 23, at 8 p. M. Ln the Way,'e ville of eleven Granges Ohio w,hich lain, Chaplain, Amy Bailey; In- High School A,uditorium, St:loi ts work out of the students., in the Honor Roll thi$ were lisfed , If r were handing out "Tail- stalling C~>Dducttes,s, Hazel Qall; Will be Mrs. ' Betty Stump, so- \ BAUER-KUHN month by the Nl;\tional Grange ' fe~thers" this week, it wpuld be lain, Mrs. Amy Baile~; In- ' . prano, Dayton; Mrs . . Phyllis . Monthly,fQr having 100 pel'cent h.rd to pick the booby-prize win- Installing Sentinel, ~ert Gall; l~-' ,Gahris,. Waynesville, "'aito.; · Harold • .M~,s~ Loraine C. Bauer, daugh- of .its members .subscribing' to tne ,I' net ' from among evetal candid,: stalling Organist, qla Kersey,;' Weeks ' tenor of Dayton and' Mr. ' t:er ' of Mrs. Charles Bau~r and, the late Mrs. Bauer, and 141'. Edward , monthiy. Ohio led . the stat:e~ . in ' Those i!lstall~d for 1~49' were: Howa;d, bass '01 'Dayton. . , tes. It, rnigllt be th~ ro'a d crew A. Kuhn, . son of Mr. and Mr~. the ~ m,llPbe:r- ~f. Granges achlevin , w,h ich resurfaced Main Street, only • Worthy Matron; Boneita Strou.8~; , . ~ .. thebonor thl5 montfL. . t K ' '(1:: 2! M ....... '\..- ,. \" ,,. #eW'. :hoiu. moeaking out i, ·Werth, Patron, William $trQuae; Mrs.: Fran~es Braimock, . Mrs. ]~s er 'UWl 01 ' lamlsDurg,- were ' from the town hall betore Associate ' .Matron, Ba~b.r-. , s,.w~' , Jlarriet MeQhirus, Mrs. ~d Jtamby tnarried in the St. , Augu~tine F " G N 18 ·...tll "h' Id arme;rs range 0.. .W4 • . 0 the tire~ohain. · season arrived: Or · yer: Associate · !atrj)D, '~ill~m and daughter' Jane, .-ere 'thursday Church on Nove'mOOr 20, The Rev. Fr. Robert Krumholtz ~' a Christmas Chee,r basket dInner it might :, be the gent who hasn't Sa.wyer:Secretary, Mary L Earn- dinl\el' guests of Mr. an'd' Mrs: T. the ' ~ouble . r ing cereon. ~aturd~f' J?ec. 18,. at 6:30 P. jllerformed bothered to ~place th~.treet U,ltt hart: Tre~surer, Luc.n~ · A~p1itag~; B: ~rannock in South Lep~on. -1;;, - t ' 9 l 30' A- M Wh't chr 14111 Grange Hall. There will be at Fifth .Street a-nCl:ROute 19; .rnis- , 'Conductress, Edna Smith; ASSOCl....ony a . .. I e yh f 26 t 'fts d -cen gl. ~n ling for over a month. " ate Conductress, Jane, Hartso~k: Mrs. Della Venable was- able to santhemums, with huckleberry, an ex~ ange 0 " ed at' t'h a' itar' a CbJ;'lstmas pr,ogram. The ' mV:ltaOn a personal ballis., .. it might . Cbaplam, Minnie F,r omm; Mar: return bome, Sunday, after sev- were, arrang , e, . t' .t b' ' . t th Ion s~nt o. ~eme~s lr ea ures e be the 'f ellow who 'f ixed' my fl.t shall, Bertie Mills; Organist, eral weeks spent in Dayton f-01- ·\ . Harold Bauer and 'Marion WeI, followmg onglnal ,verse: tire, and, was sUl'Priled ' lIhen. it 'Naomi Ea~an; , A~h, Ru~h, Row lowing h~r acc~de nt h!r attended the groom,"Johnh Kuhn F"lX your ' ch eenes " ' t d'IS h e.." , ~ f was flat again two houn later. land; Ruth, Edwyna 'EUisj ' ~sther, Henry W 01 er wel'6 t e usand W .; h' l'd ' ile .. h ' . . ear "our 0 1 ay sm On a publiS basis it's the people Cecil Shipley;" Martha, Irma BecSft4~ ers. . ' . . Bring a g,i ft for 'a patron, who will start ~heif\ ChriBtmas kett'; Electa, Marydell ~urske; . ~r::.~.... Mrs. Catherine Ewers, slster"of C · . Sa t ' h'l the bride, ' was ma~ron of honor . orne se~ n a ---- ." 1 e. shopping early on the ·moning of Warder, Grace Prendergast; Sen- ,, ~ • Dec. .O r tie ldds who want a tinel, Jesse ·Prendergast. I . . . a:nd wore a f.loor-length frocJt · of blizzard so :the sc:lioOls"will, close. , , The 'ladies aU' ap~ared i~ ' gol~ '-sl!!aweed ' green" taffeta, wit.h oft F ARME,RS CLUB ~ CL08ES But " all , these~ 'are outs1ione by colored formals, in observaDc~ o~" the shoulder neck line. Her, elbow- YEAR ' EATI1I{G 1IURKEY; ' lh~ to~scent in.ctJvldual who. still". the fiftieth anniversary; of, !\Jlaml lE~.ngth mitts w,ere !patching' snit. , G'A ME WARDEN 8P·8,AKS hasn't gottell around to a I job he Chapter in 1949i ,~ , ". she wore a net halo. . wes 'told to do six months ago, ~ Pages ·for the evening ,a~d who Her flowers were i~llow chry- .' The : Wayne ' Township Farmer's ,t he man who was told at a sum" formed 'an elcoi1 for ~he -Worthy BllntheDlUms.. the br.ide~mai~, ·1rfrs. O,lub members- were entertained at 'mer Village Council meeting to get' Matron were: , ' Ma17 Weller, sis~r of. the groom, the Wishing . Well in Cel)terville -doors OD the ,side ~er- -= Marjorie Brown, Josepbine ·E,m. a frock. of Am~r- last :Th\1rsch,.y with a roa8~ turke,. :hoole Widened' 80 'the village ttock " . hart; . rhyllis ' Hattsoek, .The~~.~ · ic:an Ros,e .of simjIar material. and ,', :'dhiner. Mr. and - Mrs. Roseoe Furcould . be sto~ed " there, to ._ save , ... Settlemyre, Opal Wr~g~t, VirglDla styling ,Her f1<~wer8 \VeTe lavend.. · nas ,w ere 'host and hoatess. garage rent Maybe ~he . ~ob . will Grove, Luc~lleBl.~,.;llelen Bt:Q\'in,. '&ll'-.i>ink '"chrysaD.themu~s·. .''' . . Harold' Brant, ' county .game waractuaU,,' be" done som:e 'day: . ~ ~arJ.>araWor~an, H~met Work'The bride· chose. a gown o~' white' den, ,spoke on fish: and game preiman "with John. J .. Burske as 8010, sUpper satin; made with net ~~ke, e-rvatipn~ 'followed by a tecqilic6lor: hilgh neck-line, with see. .d; pearl ' and . movie on bi~ Ute. . . " MrB. C. H. Harbison. of O~icwood " iat. · " • ,.' J ' -rhinest.one ernbroide~, 'l~mg , point;.. . '. Guests w.ere ' the Rev. ' and 14rI. enter.tained· . with 'a miscellaneous ' The chapter~. r~o~ wall ~auti- . . e(l sleeveg, 'and ~ fitied skirt 'eoD,l- R~ B. Cole~an, )lr. a"d 1'!frs. Davia bridal show:,r at · ,her 'home Thu~s':" ' fully . arranged WJth , Chn.stDl&S , 'day" evening, honoring 'her nlece" bells, p,ine, poit:lSettial, and whlte pleted with a .wide tra~~. Her fin~ Furnas, Mr. Mrs.· Robert Fur. g.!r-tip '" veil of silk net . ~mb~i~- n'aa,' .Mr. and Mrs. ;Harry Smith; Doris Ken~e4Y, . whoBe ~rriage to chryaanthe~u~. . elres~en~s . . .ered with pea.r ls' 'and rhineatolleB, '. Mr. Bfant~ alid Bert Carrol. Th~' . . PAul ,Harley of ~Jto~ , ~lr ~ke .",e~e~ ·.e;ved ,tq •. one liun~d f(ftJ . '1. ·cascad~d trom a hi~h be.aded halo:. JaollJlry , meeting , w.ill ~ at .the .,Place Saturday. gues" In the dining. room where , . () ' . . , the tables vte1'e-- very attractive · S11e can:i~d;'V(h,ite roses... ~e bride's .. llome of"Mr. and. Mrs. Paul .To.. ~e8~8 fr~m Waynesville were ' Wi"''''' i ' ttJ~ pine and 'red gt'andmotner wore bl~e pr1D~ 'frock ·linBon on Jan, 18. ' t: " .,. rs. ~LOulle~ Fires, Ml'jI. Ray Mil': . . ,WI! ~ Dse , , wjith pin,k camation c~ri&ge and. , '~ candles. ' ler, and ,MI'8. O. B. Marlatt" ~ '. ....;:. 'tbe~rQom's mother was ,hi 'a purple . 4ress ' witb yellow ' rose ' cor-: BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED E48TERit 8TA~ HOLD $I;ge. . _" ,. ' :" , ~, :'. " . ; FOR':E$nIER · L~EN8 . "' 1 YULE PART~ ON, DBC. 22 -'. Follpwing the cej!emo~y, ~ wed.- . 14 " II ' ., WriU&m L~" di"g breakfast W8J served to abOut . ,~. an ' : r~. . ' , ' 'Wedl\~~day. ~venl~ ' D~ember forty relativ~~, and f¥ie,nda a~ , ~he. are an.~ouncmg .the ~ngage_~ of :::a~.,-".:'~Q.' at ~i.ht ~lock Mia~i · Cha~.. hQme 'of the bride. "oUoWin. · • . · them daughter, m.tht?r, ~ ~. ·ter iO'1, Ord&r ot Eastern Star, 'wdl . buffet. lunch ht' tbe 'even.lng .the Robert . Greuli~h" lOll of ~,.. ,AIt f~ , eDterta~ ~ thek' qllual Christb!iida and groom left tor a Ihtirt , Greulie~; ~f RI~~m.o~, I~d. .\;, ~ .'inai party• •~nlcl members, of tri to 'C hicago ' The liride Chose \ Irftll" Lukeu (. a ~te of . ,WaJDuviUe Lo4ce .~ ~~ptern 10; traveUq ..' brOwn pbUdi1l8 wayhheBville u:!.~s: ~~ S~t ....embeta of ~apter it witb ' dark green accessories ' a lOP omora a . - rwltb tlfeir ' famnleB are ,invited. :!d an oreJlld coraage. Richmond, Ind~ ' . -. Bacb 'p enoll it ..ked ~ . pro"!,de .Upon their return ' the bride and " ~t; . Greulich: le a ~.~ oC a gi!t , for tile, ,gift enhaqe, A , 'oom win ' leside 'at the home of llieb~o'Dd High S,ebool .lld 1~ .. fille prop-am. b being ~nged : , bride, Ad th~ groOm win, be Junior in IIUUUl~, . UDlvenltr, aDd Santa Claus. will be· present. wet witb N · C R ' in Day- . where he iB majorlDl' in ~COU1lt. eo' nec . .•. ancy. Be sen-ed with the~8rd""" / in G-e~an1. . ~ '111'. 11ft. John .1- Bliiske No date bas been let for the left Friday ~OI'IlIJlg ~ spend a I' wecldJng. few days with nlativee 1ft Cbar.lesr. ton, W. Va. -\
,. '
'Eastern Sta'r Ins'taIls fi ' 50th 'Set of leers I
Il· ·
Dian CR0 1-
. '-
' ,
The Miami G\azette :F 'S T A.B L I S "H E 'D l l a .. Publi.hed Every T hursday ' At ' Wayne.ville, Ohio CARL G. SMITH, Editor ' Entered aa second ola•• matter at the Poet Office SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $1.50 a' Y'e ar in Advance
Events Coming Up "
4 p. m. Tuesdays.)
SATURDAY, DEC. 18 . Farm~r s Grange No.' 13 C~ri tmas Party, 6 ;30 P. M. SUNDAY, DEC. 1~ Go to Church r Church of Ghrist OlLristm~ program, 7 ;30 P. M. Cantata ,by Methopist Church choir, 7 :30 P. M.
THU~DA'" DEC. 23 ''The Messiah,''' Waynesville High School, 8 P. M.
' .
MEnlODISr CHURaI ', ' R.B. ,'C.ol,eman" Minister i) ,. Qurch School 9 :30 a.;m.
, J. J. Burste, Supt. 'Worship and Se-:-on . ·ua
,., a
ervlce Service ,
IV '
1:30 p.iII . •
Mrs. E. V. Ba1'l)tlalrt 'Was hostess, po the Womeri's~uxiliU'y of '
~~~~ · ~~~~fu~.~~~~ '~~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to...... ",fternoon, with Mrs. )~i8Y, Sn1.der
.. Youth Fello~lp TbuiSd~y Sunday. School ' 7 :OO PM , Worsliip Service, ' ' I'. Pr dl....... ·......ursda Ch o
. , The FriendshIp Clu6 met W~d- , . nesday \ ~ternoon with , Mrs. Ray , Miller as hostess, assi sted !by Ml's. ,Stanley iI. Bailey., and -Mrs. Charles Anoerson. Twenty-fi've members two gq.ests, Miss Sar~h Smith and Mrs. Don Gahrjs, were present. Gifts were e:l[changed arourid a , beautifully decorated Christmas 'tree. Mrs~ M. D. BI!Lird ' was in charge' 'of the ' devotions. ' M1'5. Charles Davis ,, read ' nThe~ Origin ' "Of Chl'istmas Cards"1tl:nd, Mrs. Alva , ' THom~BOn' ftad a 'C htistmall stOl'Yo' The 'club 'adjourned ' to .meet in " D~ember With "lrs. .R: , B. Oo]e" • man as hostess. ~,' - , . T. M. S~arfft MinISter : During the Bocial hour, refreshSund~ -School --9:30 a.m. '. ments . in keeping with the season .E.A. Earnhart, su~t. . d ,. .11 rsh·..l 5" too " ' . ' were serve ..
to:~O ..~ . CAESARS
, ~~~
The 'Christmas sel'vice at the Waynesville Church of Christ' at 7 :30 P: M. Sunday wm be a candlelight program featuring special Christmas .mq.sic and" 11 panto,n:lime , portrayal of t ~ Birtih of, Oh 'ist with ' j oungstel's ingitlg "Away in a Manger," 'it was annoup.ced this . week.
, MONDAY, DEC. 20 Methodist 'Children s 'Christr:na's Cantat~ in church,,, 7 :30 ' P. ' M B0Y Scout Troop 40 , at ~ :15 ' P. M.
. The Children'~ Society 'of, C,h tistian Service met TueS<iLay , evening. of 'the past' week for a dinner prepared by Mts. Walter Whitaker, assisted by Mrs.. Ray Conner. Thirty-five children were pre· sent to enjoy the dinner and an evening of game~.
YOn '81lBPLU8 IftIU
There will be a choral celebration of Holy Commllmion at St. ,M ary's Episcopal Cpurch beginning at 11 :46 p. m. on , Christmas Eve, Friday, Dec. 24. 'On Christmas Day, Saturqay, there will be ,Holy Communion at 10:30 a.' m., and on the Sunday after Christmas ' there' will be , another choral c le- ' bration at 10,:30 a.' m. The St. Mary's choir will· giv:o its , Christ-· mas cantata at 4 p" m. on January
FRIDAY, DEC'. 17 ' ,. Home basketball game, Harveysb:urg, vs. WJaynesville, 8 P. M.
" WE~NESDAY, DEC. 22 Easteril Star Christmas .Party, 8, P. M.. Basketball, partans vs. alumnl team~ 8 P. M. ' ,
(Te hav:e events listed in this calendar, DoUfy The Miami GaZette
.- . -, ,. 7:4S"PM --:- .' , .'
Sf. MARY'S EPISCOPAL S I N ' K Jve Rao;..&,,am~e . ' e ... . ~,:,r Qur~h ~ool
nof Cincinn,a~~and Mrs . Je8 ....e 'dergbt ana daughter 8S ' .gu,ests ,lJTICAio'lt U. IL CRuRal " "The Panama Canal" was ·the si~dy kev. , William, SliallOon , ' topic. :' : ' , '_, , Sunday $,chQol " • 9 :3~ a;.,m. ' During ,.the ,Bocial h~ur, t:efresh~rs. James Garnson. ~..pt. ments were serVed. Preaching .1St an 3rd ·SundaJ,s.
. t,t....
'f. .
'iDa o
9 .t 5 Ao'lt\. " eatljmonth ' " (0 :30 a.m. " ~o'rn~ngWorship . jO:30 A."M: , :eveni~g ,"Se'rvi~es 7:30p.m ... _ , ",, 1. _____ •
:Ji'RIENDs , .'
'.\ , "' , ' ,' ,
;'IN ' ..-iEP wrnl .GLAIIOURI MInister ', :" ~,
t· \"TI;E. METHODIST· ,'. . CHURCH ' -.
First .I:!ay' ~~o~l . • 9:~? a.~: : . ' Dr.,' JTclh 'Myets, M"tI~r- for WOrshll? .' , " Sundav " 001 ,. 9:30 LDI. In . ," - . ' " . t 9 :~o a.~. '.. Mrs., R"atti Saylor, Sypt. . . . WAYNEsvnu ' ,,", WO~,~P~~ , , ~.O· :3~"L~,,':
'aruRQI ftp ~... " , " . , . ~, V "' ~·'" ' . . nRRY~QlOFQIRIST ' M" .H. Coffey~ :MiDistet ,I, ~ ' Brion '¢arVe'"~ 'MinISter ' , . . \ ' l3ibl~~:School . '. : ,' 9:30· A. M. " Blble;:~hool ... ~ 9:30 Lip. <
ItJ. \ Mo"lO~ "'Wophip to:30 a.;m.. Youn.r peop.le'S' . 6:4'5P. M. ~Pra ' ''MeHta, ' 7:ne p.iIL ' I:verung service 1:30 'P. M. ' eople s Meet": ' ~rayer ,Muting ~d ' ", " 7 :CiQ.. p.DI~ Bitile Study Wed.~ 1 :30 ,PM. 'EveaiDC Serv~ .. ' 7:30,....
MorDlng Worship ' IQ:30 A.
PLBNTY OP BOXES op:CHRISTMAS"ORDS , . +9c "to 91e: . . 'loa ' , GIFI' ,WRAPPING AND TAPES OP Au; laNDS 10, Cents . ,
Waynesville Drug Store 1121
. . .. "
W 41TES' GARAGE , Melvin, Waites - M. Dale Waites PACKARD SALES & SE'RVICE Ph_one 67 ' Lebanon, ohfo 5
FULKERsON'S SOHIO SERVICE Atlas Tires and Batteries "Y?LJR SOH 10 DEALER" ~aynesvJlle, Ohio 'reI. 3135
( ,,1,"((
CHARLES DOSTER ' " Farm S~pplies --:- Feed - Seed Coal !iarveysourg, OhIO
Phone 2834
. E~REIT EARLy INC. Coal, Gram Hay and Farm Supplies LYTLE, OHIO Plione 2961
. Charles Shaw, Prop, ' New and Used Trucks Stnce ' 1 937 ~24 N. Broaclw'ay I eba;lOn 731
Hft.J;.~RY C. SCHV~';,', RTZ !.' em ori.:lI.' of H 'g' e' t (jua lity :2-2 ~ Med l.aT!i : ~:: t. Lebanon 59
Dodge HJob-Rated" Trucks E13AN ON, OHIO· Phone 730
T~ fIRKIELD'S DEPARTMENT STOB ' Warr~n Cqunty's ' ShQPping Center.. Franklin, Ohio -
" WM. E. CORTELYOU WhoJesal'e Mea,ts '& Custom Butchering Roberts Avenue Phone 553 Franklin, Ohio
Beef-Pork"';":'VeaJ~moked Meats ' ' . " , Sausage--.-tard hone 2322 , Waynesville, Oqio
FI\fIRLEY'S HARDWARE, sTORE Established t 849 larger Everywhere Because of Better Quality;:-Servlce and 'Price, ,Waynesville, Ohio . Phone .2,441 ,
~q.L\MGE. CO. ' Your Farm SUJPly Headquarters"
~A :~CO. ··
iJOHN DEERE SALES, AND SERVICE 27 W. MulberrYI:=-, ,Plume 555
, .. Roofing, Paints, Glass and a:nd {3uilding Material ,. lebanon, Ohio ' Phone 133
B. ·& 'R." a.iANERS
Dry Cleaning " Pressing ' &, Repairing·:WAYNESVILL~i OHIO
'. 1HE WAYNESVILLE NATIONAL , . BANK ~stabJish.ed 11875 ,
ten" ~ore years I..
te~ mor~ yealrs~
, {Jur $Cientists give ,us about will ,be so highly dev.eloped that nations line ~eing cro~sed.
. JOHNsTo" ~uMaER CO.
By t11~n, they a$sure 'us, tpe Atomic .Bomb blo'Y each (i)ther to · bits... wi~hout a'bounda~y "
borrowed t~e.
of' course,
we can wait out those years ,just to headlines these days. ' .
'Do ' you still think ,decision ,is now! . ".
:w-h~t happens."
can alford.' to w~·it. ' Or ' do
But check' the ',
a6ree that the ti~~ fOT
Some. people, ,searching for a sure pathway to peace, claim that . religion is u too theo- retical.'~ Yet these .sa~e people are quite , willing to ,put . faith in power, politics which have--throughouthistory-drawn nat,ions swiftly and .r~lentlessly into ' w~r: .'
STUBBS FUNERAL ,HOME ' , A'mb.utance Service , . '. , WAYNESVIl.:LE ·.PHONE 229t ~. R. SMI1'H White Villa Grocer WaYQe$viJ]e Phone' 2201
Take your ,choice. There's ~an's way.. No one wUI .press you for a derision..
RAY MORGA!·!.SHEET ' " METAL ~nuP ROOfing - ' Heating ., -
Spouting ' .. ' ~ WAYNESVIlLE PHONE 2744
KIIR'S GARAGE . '. " t General ' RepaJnnl _)'IIeSYiDe, Obio ' . Phone 2-34i
,'" But the
t;"", for' decision is
'Md there's GOd~8 Of •
, . '
BI.",l iI" ,"~' .otiM' God ;$ tA. ' .L.rl~P8.U.M8 33 .12.
- -. - ! ' I
tertalned at dinner ThlUlksgtvtng Smith are still on the sick list. Mr_ and Mr.s. Lloyd Thompso" day, Mr. and Mrs. Howard . Collett, Wilmington, Mrs. Murray. called on Mr. ::.nd J~rs. A.nna LuWaynesvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.-s-e • cas Sunday. She" l-eturned home with them :for a 'f ew days in MidMr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker 'had DeDtly, Mrs. Ob& Welch and Mr. land. E. B. ~1n: as. guests · ~jday ~ , SSlW,day' Mrs. Sadie Reason spent Thanks!\Ileir 8Tf:\nddalUght6J's, Peggy and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ,B ratten gl~ic w~ be daUghter, Mrtu Teryl Sue 'Park of Cincinna.ti .. and daughter Shirley A,nn ' of Day· Elsie Hockett, Waynesv1l1e. ton called on M,r. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. !Ben' Beckett had --------------~ as guests over Thanksgtvlng, and Bratten. Mr. and Mrs. R()bert Earnha~ tbe week their epn and dauglhterwere weekc..l',d g (l .:- s of her. partn-Jaw, Mr, and Mrs. John Beckett ents, ' Mr., and M:t ~. j Quest of ColSr. and ·s on of ,FrankUn. umbus_ . Mrs. LtIUan S. Carr has returned to her home bere tollow1pg a .v1eit Mr: and Mrs. Bill' Daring of D~y Mr. and Mrs. Cla]~enee Crawford wit~ her son and ~aU8'bter-in-law, ton called on Mr. and Mrs. Hiley spent Saturday with ~and Mrs. IMr. and ~s. · WilHam Carr and Gibson Sunday-afternoon. Z..ewis Crawford of Xenia. !aml1y ot Columbus. . Mr. 'a nd' Mrs. Bert Bunnell of IMrs. Alice Urton. remain's ill at near Waynesville called on Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D a vid Hartsock ber borne bere. However, she is Everett Bunnell Mon~ay ' after· had as Sunday o)mn('!" guests M;r. noon. ,,~~ed W ,b~ recovering ' In .. and Mrs. Stanlf,Y Halley and Mr. satillfactory manner. . . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berger and and Mrs; Ed' Hopkins, honoring tbe /Word b . been recelvec! here fami1y of Beavertown, . Mrs. Roof the · lllnes& of Mrs: l.llnnle ColbpJ' Gr eene, and Wilbur Stephen .'. birt~day annive L l~ry df Mrs. Bailey. ]ier at Nashville. Tenn. ,14rs. Col- of Day~on called on Mr. and Mrs. h er. a former resideDtt of ~bls com- Lue M.orga,n SUhday. Mr. and ?de".' Bailey, also were munity, Is a sister of ?tire. Lisa Alfred Morgan and Raymon~ ? Curl 01 the vlllage. Mors. Gerald Pa.1ne of PMrla, III., sp,e nt several days this week. witlt . Mr. Paine. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Paine enitertalned Mrs. A. S. Conett and Son Thanksg;1vln,g day ~tnner at tlbe "Twin Map1es~' in · W41mingFOURllf STREET. . LOVELY SEVEN • ROO!~ uLTRA. ton . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doster and MODERN HOME SrruA!fED ON HALF ~~CRE daughters had as guests, T.hanksGROUND. INSULATED~ • gl.vln day, IMr. ..and IMTs. CUfford {lRl~. FOR QUICK 'SALE "BY W [[)os~er and famlly . of Springfield. . ~75 • . .. , . " . <Mr. and Mrs. James Doster, Dayton, a·n d Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cl':11e and ' daughter. Gera.tdlne Ci.f.'. Col.umbus and Mr. and ·~s. W'llford . Cossum and family of 'Columbus, and ~r. and Mrs. Herbert 'Doster, Harveyabu~. , Edna., int8Jlt daugMer f Mr. 'aad :Mrs. Vivan' Frye" Is recovering 8\Lt1""~torllY ~o~ ltD o()pe~tlon at lMiaml Valley iHiospltal, and , w1l1 'be bome In a tew .days. Mr. and Mira. Pa.u11\lcKn~bt and ·fainUY of DaY1tqn, were Weekeind . ho\W!Cueata Oft ' 141-. MoKriight's moUler, Mrs. Myr~le 'M cKnight. . MI:. and ' Mrs. H. ' .'l\uck9r ~nd 'daughter, MI88 Evalyn Tucker were .Th~g1Vlng Day guests of Mrs: ..~~kWL sister. YritJenny Ben at SomerevUle. ldIr. " ...,d !M'Iw. . Howar~ ,Graham en~rtJ.lned the < Advisory ' Council at ~elr country home, ,Saturday
evening guests of Dr'. and Mrs. E.
C. Wright and daughters, who
honored her anniversary,
------------------------------C",'LDRE'N'8 CANTATA CHRIS1':MA8 EVE AT GRA'NOPA'8" .
WaYnesville Methodist :Church MONDAY EVE'NI,NG, DEC. 20, 1048 7:30 p, M. \
Libretto by Jagle M. Brown , Ch.r.ot.....
M-uaio by J.
oon,.,14 Wilson To be Ba.h Joe E:;mnllwood Ricbard Fry , WJn1H .10 Stout IJnlla Ramby
Grandpa King Grandlna KID&' Joseph (a. married 8 on)' .AJb~rt (a married .son) Be:-tha. (wife of .Joseph) ,L ouise . (.wi~ or Albert
Charley, Blanche, Ruth (chlldren of Joseph) Jeffrie ·il3a,ll, Ann Ramby, Carolyn nner Bill; , .Ann, Bess (cblldren or Albert) . . Lar'r y RetalUck. "Jerry 'Gahrl8, Diann D "!'m ord This represents a ,beaut~u, 1 home :scene. th e:- r h .!d·'cn a 'd gra.nctcMldren '('pendlng Christmas with their @l"8. dpar nt . Thi <; r'antata wlJ.J revive memories ot your childhOOd and m<lk e Y U1' n :-"~ n Chr,l stmas h,appler. · All the chUdren have parts In th e C' h ru · e' of th ~ antata. There will also be several epeCtal numbers by hl:d~en,
---,.-....--- .•
' r' - '-,".
. !.MeDibers of Zion Baptist ohurch,
. •• " 'REYN"ill
Ilara attended an aU day meeting 'lQt Sunday at F11r&t Baptist· Church ,I n Washlnaton Court House, and, :the ohoir of ,t he visiting church pre ~rit,ed' the music , ror m'orn~ng service. '. I PaUl Judson \Merrie or Granv.ille State Soo'y of IOhlo 'Ba.pttst ConvenUOf)j spoke at ," ona'h's Run . ChUJ'cb s 'u nday ~'ol'nlng at nOOn ~7+-''-'--:-'---;---;-:----i!\i1-r::-"-IIf6t'rtt!t-ftftfl-ftt!!> wife wet' e di n ner gU~9ts of the Rev, ·a.nd ·MrH. J. P Tlhornb~rry at the parsonage. Mrs, 'M attie Carter.' remai'ns ill a.t her home ne!lr town . . . Mr. an d M"l's, Maynard ~toll and son o:f Da.yton were weekend housegues't s of Ml'; Eaton' parents ~1.1'. and ',M'l.g,. Will Eaton,. Q\:!~·s. JaO'l · g P a rk' oJ Cinoin na ti wa . :l. .1, dday guest or h ey' p ;ents. Mr. a nd 1\1'rs. L, S: Tuaker: 1 hades Smart enIMr, and lVII'S. ,
' ''IID' TA'IE., II' ·EASY
., Why fight Chrj~t~as ' crowdS and traffi~? Grtybo*"J takes you '0. 4"J from your ow,n fllflorill ,iDpp;"g C~llltetl swiftly' and safely, you 'want to gol I~ frees, you .' from all win't er, driving.and parking worries ... letsl Y01) , tr;t.\'el relaxed ' in deep-cushioned' coPtIon .•. COStS ItwO't" 'rds Jess th:tn driving, your ~wn car! GfJ G:eyl.1ollnJ : ':': iJ CbriJtflUu • . . you'l1 be a head all the. y! ' ,.~
~' ~ . ~ ~
i-~&~'1 .
The n6'w . Frfgidalre Cold-Wall Impertal • for , families that wa·n t .the best mon~ can bUy, a com- "\
~-'-- ' ----":-"-·~::"'---':""';:-:---.";' ,r ----~-";""'-~~~--::-'
CLOSED for INVEN'~ORY : The' W~kof .De~~mber 27 . ..
blnatlon refrl9,erqtor 'a nd . h~e fre~ze~. ~pper , door, opens ·to IILocker-Top"" for freezing fo.ods, . 1 'for 'keeping . up. to 70 lb.. frozen food sGte ,f or months. like having a ' frozen ·storage loeker In I yC?~r ~Itchenl Lower d~or open, to Super-Moist Cold-Wall Refrigerator . " '. Here even uncovered .food retains 'flavor and '(f P:~ \_ " . , days •. ;' by th~famousCold-Wal! met .od i ... , ed .by~r~gldalr••
.. New, mo... efficient Mele i-I'(.j!.er ...echanl.... . ,
roUer-bearing H,lndor with .1. . . . . •
~ • AII-olumll\u..., ru.f-prH' ........
.Fairley PHONE MIl • I '.
" . "' . •
0• •
~ ••
. I
"GE 5
• --~--=-----------~~--
some questions to think about , right on our oWn doorsteps. . T. B. Is something that they are really trying to do something a. bout sd buy Christmas seals and use' them!
A FARM DIARY by ,D· .J. ~ '''AIZE'R
December 10, 1948. Snow. Last night I went to bed Without B thought cif snow after a 'bJ;'ight, HARVEY RY~ TO BE -HEAD mi~d 'day but wh"(m I woke up this . morning there it was, enough to .' OF WEST WAYNE COUNCIL ('over the groun~, Now the sun ' The West W'ayne. Advisory Coun~s out and it is a dazzling wincil enjoyed a vacatio:p meeting on ter day. Tbis time we were really , Sun~ay . evening ' with ' a ham dinlucky. Lena ha<l. her 'calf ' yester- n~ at the Smith Te'a ' Room. 'M rs, day 'atter~oon, safely "i\1 time for .H .. F. Rye, and Mrs. Harold Whi,t·:t t o b~ properly t~ken care of 4 ' .' :' v:~ :: ~ i:1 ~::~:.:g~ ~;f th e din· befo~e da,k. 'The ciimbing sow was nero . sent to the cQmmunity . sale. We New officers of the council are: did'n't have to ,go over the icy President, Harvey Rye; Vice-Presl'f,r.d? t :- a. or 'l)'('~ ,..nO ,l ' I~ \ ident, Edward Gilliland; See'ywas with us. Pexhaps I have been Treasurer, Mrs. Edward Gilliland; looking at the new moon over the Discussion leader~\ Gilbert Frye; wrong shoulder ~ 11 t e - . yeal·. Legislative Agent, Haro:d W h ·tI hwCVBl', there are some things .a k cr. . hat ought to h~ve been done ' whi h are riot, a piece of fen(fe to· Russell Wilson and john Wo rT y be hunt, _ ' ~~e fodder to be attended a sehool . Thursday and broug ht in, a calf p~n ' to be built Fl'iday of ' last week at the Farm an n ~."t "0 ' " Bureau in Columbus. They were n()t : ,t q be thankful .for feverY-l traiJ)lng lJ) th' e c"re and operation ,,_ 'i:: : I t gets done before the of Farm Elec~rlc.al Units $uch i oid ' cather hits. . as water pre5sure systems, heaters, and home pasteurizing units. ,," t:' c;~a y 1 had.' 0 go oyer into -n n on !='ome business ,and went . he Indiana State Farm, the 'l'hree Farm Bureau ' -Youth ":Peanut Farm". as th'\y call it Council delegates left by ' bus Sat.. ovel' there. When- I first hearu . !·' ·a y morning atten'd' the Youth • them call 'it tha I couldn t ;.... " sessions at the National Farin wny 'it got tbat n.me. When we Bureau Conventio71, Athmtic City, askeCl the way t founa out, fo! N. J. They are FreCl' Pa'tton, . :0. ,e askd if we wan*ed the Clearcreek Council; and Misses ;"', l.:. and right away we - Glenna KleinhenD' and Eula Hoak, .• il" .; . ..... Progres8iv~ Council, Wayne TQWD(,enal ,corniptecJ into· peanllt~. It ship. They were scheduled ,-to re~ to turn late Wednesday of this week.
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a. huge pllice 'thai - ~.eli:~
ole state. There is a 'q uarry, a , lime u r cement plant~ (I -=do...:.not.. know wbich), ·a farm that supplies food f ,1' a large numPer of. i~stitut~on8, all sorts 'of clothing factories and.' other th~ngs~ Tb~y, th~re are r.'I.· o'-2~ '.1.;l OO inmate., isn't that appalliDgl' h Bo"ev~; i~ 8~em8 ··' to me better than baving them ' sit. . tinl' idle ip very '"county .Jail3 Th~ (~uestion of what to ~~o ,w ith tho~~ . \ , ho commit ' cnmes and nus.de- I : "" ' ,,::or's is -certainly one of the, 'lJurn'l ng proble~s of th~ .~ day. What can we do witq our. drunk-..nd- , d,is~rderlies: arid ,a\l . ~ther offen- ' t e'!'s? E~en ' a .workhouse d . not cure ' the trouble; 'the' . sam.e one,~ come "l)ack over_.81ld 'ov~ '---1
as , workhouse for the
. i.
Friday~ Dec. " i 7th, . Henry
RIPS to the 27th Natio~al 4-H Club Congress in CMcago were g~' tau !' Ohio club members &8 rewar~ for their outstanding records ill .: . ~ " ! 8 National 4·H Better ~ethods. Clothing, Field: Qrops and n..grams. The state' winnElrs and brief outlines of ~etr r~
house Educational Foundation. ··Providlng· her famJly with plenty of l)ealthful home·grown vegetables was a major achievemimt for Virginta F. Orlblez, 16. of .Jenera, but she has now alsQ 'been recogni',ed witli. State honors in the 1948 :., tiona1 4-H G~rden progra~. DUI ;111; her seven .years in 4-H' Virginia plan~ed ~n~ telid!!d 20;160 square teet of · gard~n, com· p,leted 16 other . chib · pr9je~t8, and serV'ed her loca' club a8 president, vice-president, and re~reat1on l,ead. er. As a recognition of her ~ehleve ments, A lJi-:-Chalmers provided Vir : ll ~, -... :,11 an educational trip to the N <di ::.al 4-H IClub (""ngress; Chicag . An ontstA.nfiing youthf"l farm.er, 3ernard A. SJlider, 20, of Plain , Cit., has woh 'State ho .ors tn the '
... . ! ; (; that well~knowD " newlook" was l1ttle trouble for Edith Mae 'Henry. 17, ~f Ada, who ~e lected, sewed, made over or mended garments for herself a.nu other members ·ot the family -during e:ght years of 4·H club W'ark. In addition to ' completing 20 4-·H projects, of which eight were in clothillg, Edith served as secretar:Y, vlce-pr~lIident ,and , Junior leader; gave eigbt 4-tI tal,k s at elu b , L ~ unity ~nd sch~ol meeting and over the radio;. wrote 18 stoTies ab ut 4.. H touts, camps or spoci::l l events. Named state winne~ " . e 1948 National f·H Ckthtug J. _ evement program, she W " ~', ~. ''-'' rded an edpcationaI trip to the Ohicago Clqb Oongre(;~ t; : 0vid '.' a by Spool Cctton Euucatiolla l BlIre~u .
There"s nothing like
'When' '} ' ~aB :inquiring about ,th.e s:t ' ation ,i n· Our county jail and w.hY' pl'is(mers \th~J;e were not sent to , a wdrkhous'e .ins,tead . ot- , sitt~ng Idle· day after day, ~ turned)lP ~n odd storY;. I 'do not vou~h for It. The tale " as was told to me is; ~hai tbe -" county "used.:,to ' se~d prisoners to Montgolnery County an~ other workhouses and' pay ' to have them l<.ept there. ~h~tI some smart la~er . founu a lo6p"hole in the Jaw reqUiriBg t h m to pay, Q;nd they stopped pay;in :~ ~ nd that now the county' owes 0 lll~ch ' · mo.ney';to ' all the ·workhouses th~t . · 110 other. cou,nty ,v;1 .ake our
ball·k·los 'or one to in the
-t1, ~ .. S:1 v :n{!,8 Rond8 to ('.nablc ",t Hut Ufl lind 'f.~k the wUI'ld
e~'e" A 1141 )'f.HI It be clUIChlllo~ u handf d .,f ~~ .cm Otlf .trt: you k.low it if , ' OU '.!f~ !I now fo.r the .regular purcluUe
of U~ S. S~"inp BOnd•• With these L'o.nd. you'U I~ the uneom(9mdtle feeliri. that ~u'~ nO.t pttlnl,aheacL :, \vhaa'lI '1000 for yo.u ill G~ fOil ~III' , . eo.uritry. '0. 'lart ..ceumu"'~ ~ Savla~ Bonds no.w. In len Jean 10 : let ••ek ." fo.revel'1. Ia't'elt toda,. SiID_up for the Pa,...,U Ba•• ..... P .... "here "o.a wo.rk"or, If elf. employed, (o.r the Bo.nd·••Moath
'8 ,..a
·PIaia at 70ur banI;;. V .8.
r,....,.. D,.,.,..••
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Edith M•• ",.ft" Ro,.ma;Y R,i.p.nhof( Virgina F. Crib'. .'
Rosemary Riepenhotr, 16; of ot- NaUonal f-H Wi••• Crops aWiLrds tawa. ,h as fO~..1lut bet.te!' met" c1n t..o program. Beruu. planted and VI' ; _. cbi<.:l~en ,' cool mill;, : tended 10. c,Cl'M .f y ll.cat, 11 aClres ' ar '~'. f·/ods :by f :' eezin!; t1. o! oats, 27 a~r.. of soybeans and th : _~r, t. ; onal 4-H B3tter Me t i."'I uli 8 acres ' of corn this year and . Eh ,i:-ic pr'o gram. Rosemary l"arned much ab<nt seed bed' be :,'1 n:- :)'1 cd Smto ,"'j',ll1~r in' ibe preparation, use e( ~ 1 . m~"' rs and pr . " ,.... n In recogu ition of tile c.PPl'oved clllthali'n _ . ' ''' !'Veat-' IllfA ,. )' ~etter m~thods she' has teiQg nietboos. H e " '" -~ ~ j me ~ veln;..ed · tor doing !!lrm and liome to take part hI j ''' ', - '' lR tasks, She 'has given demoll't!ltra-. and to serve all j I ~ ;~. ! ' , .1 . (, ,' of Idonl'! on good grooming.' fil'st ·.'d, . ilis club, he1p!ng.•teach others, 'rpreparation of health cock't an @1ld W\lIlt iH~'1! l...-ned ~hrougl1 4~JJ. II) ,airy .: foodl .....snaek:- Rosemary "t?- ' fcCtJ p'lli, iuD of hlB 'aEhleve~ent$;. , . .had, an_iaU-ezpense trip to the International H8J'vea~r Co. pro, CJiJb CongresS', Chl- Vic, h~c.rllel'nR, rd with·. National 4·H naJ .-R , ' prc;Yided .. The Westing- '- ~~ub CongTc ~ s Irlp .awnrd . .
L _
t"jO~RIS. &~!)(t, K
COMPANY ,., ~" ,, ' Stoek V.rd. P,.ocU·•••,v •• · A" • • e"nd to no .... · ,.!> on the beat
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' LIve Wlr·,. ."t/ orc:o.,h ,, + r ; '
Fonda will portr~y "Young ~r. ' : AD of the_e actJvltfes are coD.du,ct.ed under the direction of·the Exit'n, ,Linro}n!' over Mutual ' Broadcast'lion Service, of the' State Ar;ricull1lraJ Collece ~d t:JSDA -cooper&UII.~. ing SYlftem,' in , the Episcopal radio se~ie~ "'Great Scenes from Great Plays.',' lIn this dramatic s~ry ,of Jhe 'yo\lt~ful IUtnois lawyer's de~ .. Mr. arid Mr Ronald, HaWke fen e fif two' brothe1!s·-aeeusect: of murder may be found the seeds were host B'nd hostess to their of resourcefulness .that e~ble him F a!~_) '.£m::ea:: aJ , isory group WedtG rise to great heights) later S 'r. Ld : y ;1,20 : :-~ .1 .,,1\1. Greene and Mr. t~e ' Em8.ncipator o~ . millions of t ..: Cr(' f!-n 0= : _sbanon were guests. hi~. fellQw men. , . WHERE' Mr. , ~nd M., s. Green are leavin'g The program is on the Mutual 'so'o n to taKe. a pOSItion in , Cler. SERVICE COMES 'FIRST Broad.c asting Fridays ' at 8 P. I~ .' . and on WING, 'D ayton, ' Thursdays m~mt Coun ·y. · They ~xpect to liv~ . in BaU\via. at 7:30. ' . . SECUR,TY ~SSURf:D
N~ame. Ohio·Top ~aD~rng. 4-H'er!
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SR,OKEAS L ..CEN8E For Oa~e .' - Phone ~P4. W.vn_vlU., . Of\'o Rev.rae C........ .."
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,': 'll~r O/IIiJ SIllJ!S': As Tf'LD BY.1/1 CONSERVATION
.... .
LEBANON N. ·f. L. A.
with ,
.' LEBANON" .O.H IO'. , PHONE ,44;8
Thel'.e are ' a lot thin 'Ued up with the question of ;J':-: ~ 0 . work. Should prisoner be paid? ; f '_ " how much? If,- they sit idle " in , jail .to "!ay . ~11 t 8: f'" me as they say and the tax payer has. '. to" supp~rt the~. an~ pay. r~lie£ . to their families, who 18 p2.~mg th ~ fine.? The ~ner or the taX.,Jl8Y- ., era' If a man 'Works more ~han . the cost of hi, keQ and fine. . oughtn't g~ somethlng ' fo~' his famll,,, CUi' a 'paal ~tatiOD
2.8 24
U4-WAY FARM ' IN:IU.AN:E'~ . '
in the' Ohio Farmeis will "v. ),ou 'broad. pr~tccdoo .pinsa tOIlet CIII ,.,.. ~ Ie:. . . . JUOf ·buildiql, .JOUr Cbauela, JOUf auaomobiI~' ... ,.,. u.bUkJ . for' aclddeou lID others. Why .aot 1M ,. . ...., ~ .
Y..... ,.............. ~ . "
do urthiDc to 'make .. mall bet1« , Ia_.be .00_ o~ '! 1a oJir
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of yesteryears are not bouneing arounq day in . and day out like the present crop of Spartan$ are . I t;e.call when playing in a 'Similar game ,many :years ago 'a t my ' h~gh ethool alma mater that 'a youthful lad named Joe '11lesing, who hit the headlines severa! years later at Notre Dame where he ' was an All·,American fullback, dribbled over, through, b0nind me. etc. and when .our coach mercifully "jerked" me ~fte~ a quart r ... I hung 'em up . . . yes, ' I t hought I was in shape
TH~R8DA~ ,
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0 ' C<lach Ed P o.r:ler's Spartat;ls of 6 > E Q:: < Ef~ , E ~ <CI) Waynesville will put their perfect ~ -c (J) -c ~ en 0 league 'record of one win on the Q) co C (J C cu ·t h 1 I h d d .~ ~ ~ .: -c -c e bl ock tom e at t e oca at" woo .... GJ ,C . (J) 4U C'd <.:) <.:) CI) I Icourt in the Har eysburg tilt. As en N ~ ~ close as these two towns are sit~ too., , 484 161 4902 . 163 30 Rose , 160 171 153 . ~ted the fur should fly providing . By t he way Dave Hartsock 473 158 3732-' 156 24 131 - 18.6 156 , there is room enough as the SRO w)lere in the 'neil is that amateur C. Palmer 132 4091 ' 146 28 396 I (standing room 'only) will eerbasketball dope you promised .' .. I., Mulford '126 140 130 151 4583 153 30 454 tllinly be hUi e.- oat by E a111", and ' .: so, Mr. MULFORD . ., . :your V. Hill 158 172 124 1 137 4538 151 30 41t Company. , . Tnat's C?ne sport. the bowlinno info should reach me be,- E. Ram,by ' 155 146 110 154 148 ' 669 town 'really supports a'ccor~iing to ,f ore deadline . . , help' me save 744 805 • 'all reports. , my legs. 86 86 ' 8'6 Handicap 830' 89'1 755 Jim 'Weltz, a faithful follower of Don y Pope's nand i s mending Fairley t/n.e local ~anWclad wa~dors .. , !,~ ' s hiding hi$ 'me 'fo the Legion 838 908 ·841 .' ~oints ' out~ thllt Porter's ' charges in Gold en Gloves. lOur games notche.d 192 tallies aNo one has come forward with F ri., Dc,c. 11 , H,1 " ' .\' ,b " urfl'.'J' H gainst' 176 for all opponents. Pret - a solution for the traiping site for they shopped in Dayton Thur : talk to the children by Rev. Jos" l', 7-' larli:l , J l '_L ~I'::> ty good m'a rksmansnip ,by Danny ' 'Coache$ Braqley' alrd Hartsock. " . ,Frl' ., J •• " . . It:. eph Myers. One feature of ' thjs day. , ,Simpson, who r~ttled, tbe back- a. · MT. Brown, ,B~avertown, ~till Mr. and Mrs. ,Guy Routzahn ·and Tues . .1"'11. 11, Ki l ,:.(nuli1, there boards for 18 points in the locals r:l t~f' Inclt on th ay:, which progra~ will be the story "The Russell were weef.cnd guests of First Christmas" told with the most recent win, 53-44 over M01·~ w.a loc:':ed ,b('''ause of allcb''''d of·' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown in Fri., Jan. 14, Ml,>oa, tjlcrc ' aid of a Flannelgl·~ph. , r~'w ' has swelled Waynesville's fen _es that t hE> MR.l'<1~is of Tipp City and also called o,.»-TCat,.-'l:45 the On Sunday eveniri' g point record. In the Morrow game . ,Queens"-e rY- uld not ,have conTues., ~an. 18, W. , l~,t1'1"~lltOl~ H. latives in Troy. "Light of the World" will be gi' Jack Tinney also bung, up 18· doned. , Roweyer, no n'a mes or • • • Fri., Jan. 21" Ope II points while Eanlhart . and Hast- proof has' ever been established ven. ' Mr. and 1\h-s, Robe t Hettinger ings hit for "'9 apiece. I Cornp.. on Mr ' Brown, . renew your Mr. and' Mrs. Claude _lliggs of moved last week from the Herman ' F~j'~t Jan 28, Spi-in.':boro, Lhele W~dn~sda" . Dec. 22 (.here wi!] trust in Waynesville's youth . . . , 'be olle ' of .th08~ ," it aDdU game~ , th~y ar~ no different, if handled Social Row pe~urnE!d ' l's~ week house on Ruth-Marian farm to the Fri., Feb. · 4, Kings MiI15, here as the Alumni taltes ' on Waynes- r:srht than we _wer,e .. ~:rthetmore f rom a three-w~ek stay with Mr. farm they recently purchased on ~at., F'eb. 5, prin,t!' Vitlley. T and ~ Mrs. Romo Riggs at Miami, the Austin Road. ville Hi. The, former ,club Will " I 11 tak,e the"resI!O~Slblhty. ,101' • t~e Mr. and Mrs. Seth " Furnas, .. Jr., present a , s~ng array 'of ex- . prope.r dec?Fum to 'be practIced , Florida. , Wed., Feb. 9, Centcrvi1!e, th re athletes when . you ' cons-.Je t~. _ . . Just .gIve ,me the keys. . ' ,1't1r·$. E , cr.e tt Early has been are now ' at home to their many quite ill the- pa'St wElek but is im- ' friends, in their beautiful ne.w Fr'i.,. Feb. ii, Hill bIro, -there "Smallwood, Bradiey,' Dakin, Dave ' home on,his father's farm 'on Soc~al proved at this time. . , Hartsock, ,;Vic , Thompson and 'n' ,.· ' '. Bow. ' . othen o,t.past eham " pionsmp ~S, 6. . ,A Mr. and .Mrs. W~lbur Clark en, will comPete. ~9wever, despite tbe ,11 ' 't!~~ " Thomas Mullenix' of Mt. Orab tertained at a family dinner on faet tliat ~ome of those graduates spent last week with his brother Dee. 7. are playing independent ball this The Christmas- programs of the and wife, Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles' column picks ' the 1948 edition ·to Lytle .Church will be as follows: . Mullenix, and assisted w.ith the , . had for e\'cWin close .game . ' . ' . as c!or;e as Th~ ehi1dr~nt '!!11 ' ,rresent . t~eir cement bloek garage Mr. Mullenix • Mrs. Nettie Emrick< . nex ~un':tay mO!"lllng, . b ·ld' .. I f th th t- ning guests Monday of last week, Mr. Ppr~r w~ntB it • . . no Be program "19 Tb· '11 'be b· ' d . IS Ul mg In pace 0 e one a Mn. Morris Cornell of Dayton, . j IS . W1 a com IDe burned . nb'bjDg ·it inj bu_t in basketball D ce. Mrs .. J.~. Jones and Mrs. Waltel· , " , . . . .' the ;)egs count and my , personal service witn' Sl1~day School at 9:30 .' Kenrick. . . .' observation tells me that the boys t :-~e C~:l dr en~s Program and ,a. sbort , )lr~" j. B. Jones was an ' 0Y " l ' Pan 1 \ 1' oh!ls (If CiJ)cinnati I,1.nd night guest Wed.ne:eday of Mrs. Mrs. Mar~aret Johns were dinner Car\ Piekering ,in Oenterville, aJld . guests Friday evening· of Mr. anti t)
W a.'\lnes ville
:;t,' " .
. ..
'J'' !
•• ~
;'::~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~al:M~r! ' s~~",~Ea~rl . 'l;homas at Centerville. 'E B. Longacre underwent an ' 1
Percent Oftf
, timlS'tMAS TREE 'UGtrrS ,~.
eye operation ,. for 'cataract, a t Miami Valley Hospital on Tuesday of iast week. He is reported doing fine at this time. Mrs. LongacJ!e is staying at the home of their daughter,' Mrs. Ch~lcs Drake in Dayton. ' , Mr. and !I!rS. John Missell ' and children' retul"ned last week from . a ~otQr trip to B~a1o; N. Y. , where they ' visited' the ,formel"s " . \ ' ,parents. " '.' ,
"-John ~ Wbiltier born. llkY1. 1
~ '. •
~ ,
{t ,git
~t-New J~I'I!tY Cdmltted. ~ Union. 1787, , II-Poor Richard', Almanac liJIII publlahed, ~ '
~u.s. takH.over'li.oulllano ,
'TemtOill' 1803.
. ~ 2l ..... PiIQrim. land a1 Plym· riu~ oulh. ,\620. ,' ,. 22-U.S, Gol! Association " fonned , 1894
D-loeeph Smith, Mormon
eader" born, 1B05, • , . WHO'.."""
. •
Use The Almanac To Check The Weather
InviSi,bl~ ' Half Soting Orthopedic ' Corrections.' . COJ:k E:Jctensions, .
But Usc ,
GAZETfE CLASSlf hi:D , ADS To Buy, SeII, ' R~t. J
,t . '
The Woman's S~cie ,y df Lytle was ,' entertained to an all . day meeting and chicken dinnt11' . for ,their Christmas meeting, on Wednesday Dec. l' at the ~ountry home ,9f Mrs. Wilbur Foulks. One , ~eatur~ of the me~tiJ1g was 'an ,,:. :exc,lllLnge of gilts. " Cb~l1'ch
THE MIAMI GAZETTI · Shirley Temple, 'and . Pedro .Amen- , WAYNE8VILLE, OHIO No. 4399 dariz co-starring at the,' head of TH1UR&DAV.. DECEMB'ER 16, ·1943 ' an imposing cast, "Fort Apa~he~ '
Wherever law and order · breaks down, the FBI moves in ' for the counter-attat:k, so except a picture of reality and force. Mark Stevens, .Lloyd Nolan, Richard Widmark, and a new star Barbara Lawrence carry off the honors.
(~KO) presents a striking drama of ~he U. S. Cavalry versus the Apaches in 1870 Arizona. This is your Sunday , and Monday picture at tbe theatre, and it's . truly an CASH FOR DtAIJ ~'fOCK Jim Weltz, in cbarge of popepic of action, ~dventure, and COWS $5.00; HORSES $5.00; fighting. The story, of a period corn creation ~nd sales at the According to size and conditio'n rIos.e ly following the 'civil war, Theatre,' is- not only an efficient Prompt, Clean Service weaves a' drama of romance and businessman, but ,s omething of an . All small stock removed humor along with its historic interior decorator as well, ' He has I 11~ ' , , PHONE QOLLECT Xenia 1712 character. and de1iv~rs a§. powel'- ideas regarding lobby decorations ot Wilmiaaton 2362 FOX HOLLY ful a picture of this type as you'll and sign placing; even to putting' JANES RENDERING, Waynes At presstime we do not know' ever see. The supporting cast is the large sheet f~r ICSitting , ville, ,Ohio just how successful the. Twin Thea- terrific - Victor McLaglen, Geo- Pretty' on the ceiling. If the scotch tape had held, you'd have Tgc O'Brien, Guy Kibbee, Grant tre employees' party was but thanks ' are in order for all who Withers, Irene Rich, Ward Bond , him to thank for a stiff neck. tUl'ned out Wednesday evening and John ' Agar (Shirley Temple's Seriously, he has some mighty thereby giving Messrs, Elstro, husband), making his SC1:een de- good 'ideas - main trouble. .is they ' take mone~ to ' execute. He's an Hunter and Weltz a larger melon but. , to 1 split. ~n other ' words, nil re, Tuesday only, Maria Monte~ and. all-~l'oQ.nd "dependable and good ceipt, less Fedel'~l taxe, were Rod- Cameron co a pleasing job employee and 'we hate to think given to the TWin employees, by in "·P irates of Monterey" (U-I), of the day when he'll be setting out . the community and , by tI1e Twill a Technicolor adventm'e story rich greater 'w.orld~o conquer. Greetings- to Harold Elstro, who management. • in scenic value, laid on the Calif• • • ornia coast in the . days .. when . is ~ow assistant projectionist at TEL. 2661-2351 HOT POPCORN Wednesday, Dec. ' 22, the grade- , Spanish Royalists were striving to ' the Twin. Since Bob Hunter's CLOSED EACH WED., Sho,ws 6 :30 and 8 :30 school children will . have a spec- oyerthrow the r ule {)f Mexico. haskeL' all activities at tl e high _ chool • and (;lam Huffman's 'new ' . THURS.~FRI. ial show in the afternoon, cartoons, You've; never see~ I;lnything to comedies, ' and, a good ole song- match Maria .Montez in the gowns ' rE7sp,~ms·bili.ti,es at ,the gl'llde school Xhrill .to the wish of THE BASKETBALL NET in . . . test will comprise the. program. of ' that 1>e1110d, There's a comedy have m?'Cle broad inroarls on their . ·BIG TOWN SCANDAL Miss Virginia Hardin is in charge. , tnat night, too leThe Truce Hurts," time, Harold is a welcome ad- B,eautiful Color in • . . , ,'" dition to the ~taff. Bllt what I wanted to say WBS uTbe Street With N.o Name" , ' J;:NCHANTED VALLEY that although the lights may be . (Fox), at the theatre ThUl'sday and . SAT. ONLY----~~~~~on, no adults are to be admitted.. .Frid.ay is t~e £i1'st full-}(~ngth moKiddies, that . means you'll ' l}ave tion picture on . d0111e tic crime RANDOLPH SCOTT in • .~ • . , all seats to yourselve , ever made with the cooperation of '-, FRONTIER MARSHAL • • • the FBI. J. Edgar Hoover says: . Serial Ca~h Award. . . Miss ' Ru~h . Cha~dle1'l l'.eturned Relief is in store for tho e peo- ' "The ' street on which ,crime pIe who couldn't,· make up their flourish~s is the· treet ' extending last week .f.l:om a visit with her " ' . ' ,. cSUN•.,...MON.· · : ' minds whether their ' eyes were .across America, It is the street sister, ¥iss ' Elizab~th . Qh~ndler, ,John Wayne '. Henry. Fonda - Shirley Temple. ' blinking or whether it was the with no name, Organized gang'" at H.Jlmpton, Va. . 0 ive Curl left Saturday 'Greatest A'dventure Story in Miss 5t'terism is once again t;eturning, Twin's projectors. N ewer equipfor a few day's visit with her ' . FOR T A ,P A C H E ment is' on the way, an,other of the, .If permitted t<> go unchecked, three brothel', Elmer MaPhel'son and News and Doct6r Bltiebir' d out of every: four Americans will improvements that were promised , . long ago, so continue your pat- eventually' b.ecome its vi.ctims . family in Sabina. Dr. Emma Hoilo~ay ' with Mrs. .ronage; bear with the_ manage- 20th CeotUl'y Fox revealed in. e'1'1)e ment's little crosses and steady House on 92nd Street" the s~ory_" Elizabeth 'S mith and Miss Mary of the FBI at war! Now . the s,a me Cook apent Thursday in Dayton. improv~ments 'will appear from M\sses Minnie Dod'sOIl and Olive ti·me to ' time. There's only one . stlldio, with . infortl;lation~ adapted . Williams ,returned 'Sunday from ~, .real big ' c'h~ng~ left to do and from our files and ·w ith ~tbe coopvisit with relatives in Indianaj>olis,; ' propriety won't p~rinii open dis~'" eration of this 'bureau, brings you Miss Dodsp'fi" attended the 60th t~e stotY of the FBI today <cussion. .- . "The Street with No Name!" wedding anniversary celebration of her brother, Mr. Joe DQdson and ~ec. 14 marks the Twin./ manawife. gement's f-irst official birthday "in Perry E&ston ~rtd daughter, l4iss Waynesville. Thankrto -those wllo Bertha ~aston called on Dr. -and remembered ~y. attending the Mrs. Fran·k· Gregg Sunday aiterspecial priced s~owing that night. noon. " ' Mis:; ~Margaret Irdwards with Briefviewa: Double feature her nephew WU"'on ~dwardB and' closes tonight, the b~ketban story wife' of Springfield left Sund~y . lemg Town Scandal~ (Par) and the morning to spend the winter in nature story liThe Enchanted ValFlodd'a . ley." Our favorite action· ~an, Ban- . l _ each momilll dolph Scott, is the star of Satt ..S .a~rrioons e~ce,t u~d~r's, featurtt "Fron~i4r .Mar-l shal (Fox). The Stor:Y, w'h ile in Wednesday the ,main a conventional one a'1-9' Satutday even... , ~out bringing law and orrler to the West, ,has some. original ,twists. otber evl'niDIS The pictqre has "sock", a .lusty . ApPQlntmen melodrama' with ,guns blftt'tlg from start ~o finisb .. -The locale i8 Tomb• 'fE(I!PHONE 62~R PII08 W~YNBSYILLE stone, Arizona. Nancy 'Kelly, ·Dinnie '. Da,r n,s; and , John ' Canidine ' . play excel.ent ' supportiq roles. - , Chapter 4 of the sea Hound serial ' is on ' the s~en. _berein Captain 0............ -- ., ' I ·1JIt ' .Silv:er "and ' his ' friends ar~ fiercely ~~C'j "~ • • ~al1'as.aed 'by Riak '~~rriOl'll us.SOaua De .. .... . mg the famous native wea~on, the ~. . . ~ bola. There'll be the usual · cash ~.... OHIO ,-' giv~awa~ /. '. With
.~illn~ JJome
· .._.
2949 ·'
-, ('J I
" Our 1141
~ 1rtn !~ ~
for dlltrRMatloll
Sat.-.r. llI'op
w.ere .ad~ "Dec: t ~
, ' BegIn now to think about IlDt
I. '
. ' ".
. . '• _Zerone--ria . ·~enao Dole, Thermostats ,for all cars
Mercur, Maa
Dyu-iii. '
to t 09 memb~rs of the j~48
Oil .· Chance
Replace W.m .lira ,Wltta New
U. S: Roya.s
Homes WantedCOUPLE and 3 ,w eil-behayed , girts deSire furnished 'or urifurnishe,d house or apart, ment~ Above old Gazett~ office. Write Robert 'Shipley Waynesville. -12-2'] .
DON'T FORGET TO CALL ' us for insurance. All types of insurance at a savings~ Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Wayne. iV i1le 2472 or call collect.. Wilmington " 2411. ,
be' 'beld at the banking house on
' ,
-1 2 -16
·j3-o-le-ns'G a;d - e-n T- r-a·-c t-o-rs---'" Se-e , displaM in our sales room. Or~ers taken now 'for Sprin~ d-e'h:very. .
I wish t o thank all my i t'iend and neig hbors for t~eir lovely
' 27 W. Mulberry St.,. Lebanon , Phone - LebanOn 555 " ", ' '':'-l2 16
,937 ton and a half'Pord stake truck with ,1940 motor. Reasonable if sold at once. Teleph0!l~ 225 1. " .' , ....
,i..a~ge' ;hi~~enameied 'kitch~n' .. cabinet, potcelajn top;' large , size ~state" coal Heatrol~, 3-
. '-. 1.
DO SYJIHE MQDE~NS, ; ' j rNA-rTfI.£' AZlIltE TU'R- .! QUOIS'E A "RAe17t J.OVE-~ i , D GREAT Ili ' ' :
cards ' anu letters rec~ived while in Dayton, Mrs. Della Venable.
COLDSPOT refrigerator in , good conditi on. 7 cubic feet. '. For quick safe. J . B. Chap- , urday. Ml'~ a nd Mrs. E . W. Hopkins. man, P hone 2711. " .
, Tuesday, J'an:uary 11, 1949 a.t 2: 00 o'clOQk p~ m. james E. Jon~8j Ca.shter
eARn, OF' THA:N KS We , wish ' to express, OUI' appreciation t o our n eighbor s, ~riends and the '\ · ayne Twp. Fire Dept' ~or tl1eir fine assistance when fire broke out , in Our home last Sat-
ro '
for Local or ' State Rat•• VI.lt thJI. NeWapa,.,
.-:OR " , Cail, WI~. ~r Write,
burner ke.roseae cook stove. Earl CQnner, 'T hird Street. ~hone 2721. ~1216
our repr•••ntativ..
Letz ,'10-lnch Feed Grinder" Letz 240 R'(»ugbage Mi1t and , J:l!eed Mater; ' S.-i1,ion'., Culttp.ack~r, .-':;;"" -~~ .. 4- ;',. , BANTA amr:~'l ; CO. ' • _27 ;W. 'Mulberry St.~ ':~ebal\on Fhone - Leparton 555 . '
. .;.._".r.~WIttI .~.--' ,
Louden BarD Equlpinent; -Peed Carts j Litter. 'Carriers; Stalls; . ' ~t2t6 Stanchions; "Water :Bowls, etc., ,available 'lor delivery. ~~~-...u..c:...LXJ:UU'!""" "ELECTRIC -M'ANGLE., NOW-OPEN See dispJ~Y.. at ' our .Store. ' A-'! cOlll4lttlon;' Ukenew. 'J. R. BANTA IMPLEMENT CO•. for custom ·butcherlnr. Prompt w aicie. . SI)r1nJ V8IJ.ley. Phone 27 W. Mulberry St., 'Lebanon se.rvice. Gail -Gordon. Harve~· -1218 burg. p:hone WayneSvlllle 2006. Phone - Lebanon S5.5 , , -Ind -t2.'16 G~S . is'l'OVE, four !burners, sltt. 1<
":"::1,32. . ' 1
oven -and broiler. €an be converted , ., " to b'ottl~ guo' I~ulre at second ,troot. of !Mrs. ,Scanlon'•• '
' ' /
t ·
' .,
John Deere 10 ' inch Hammer mill;, Power cern sheller with cob . sta~ker; 'l'lmeand fertili-
zer' spreader.
BANTA IitPLEMENT CO~ .. 27 W. Mulb~rry St.; Lebanon,
Plione - LebanOn ,55,5 ' '
--t,216 "
be ,'a ,periodic, ch~-up
.or a complete ov~r,' llaul ,job'; ,out Factory trained mechanics glv.e .you prompt ~,!I)d e~9ieht, servic~ at a"savlnJ. ". . . ' , ' . ' :.
.. '
I ...
WANT~D' ~ lRO~I'NG ,. to
do , Qpal lewis
-in home.' ,Tresslar, ~D " ,Chapman St. neat hlgb Selioo'. , ,
, V,lsit :~W:'m~(ler~
sJlop an4'tSCbedule y~ut' repa,r 'w~rk early. ' ,
, NOTlct , ,
WANTED-,- M'-:. · ...
WIARlUDN C()UN~y BUSINESSMiEN may apreu th'elr tonka ~ local ~~ ' b:y-, pla~IJlII u.ulr naine Oft . ow:, epeclil Xinas week screen, tndler: ,NOII\IDal dha,r.p;, ~8 must be received by Dec. 17. Coatut BO.1» ~ hID,Thea\. '
tre, Phone ,"81, after ." P. M.
The Anll'UaF meetlng of bhe Stockhold-ers ot1 t he WaynesvlUe National 'B ank tor th~ purpOile ' of the Electton of a. Boord '. ot ,DireCtOrs win
, ....
FOUNDa3LACK AND WJBITBI pUP, Cau ,KO.'ltol, ,Mr. ~ole. ~all
' ..
~ Phone lebanon' 5S S
' I
It Says_
Father, Son liUed
Ide~e .
(Ansena ,ion WiDDer William S. · Doster of Wayn esville Rural ' Route 3, was olle of t he winners announced by T. C. Kennaoo. State Soil Consel·vation" isi, u. S~ ' Soil Conservation Serv~ ilce, and :Lester J .. Miller. Agl'iFIV,E CeNT8 A COPY .Julllural A-gent, B. and O. Railroad THURSDAY;, ~~CE~BER 23, 1~'1 in the Ohio Division of the Balti~ore and Ohio Soil' Conservation I Contest.
B7 Smitty
Yon can't have anything to yourself nowadays, it seems. I found out . recently that Waynesville · is not. even' the only town , in the cduntry to be distillg~ished wfth "LP" license tags.
No. 4400
. We share the honorable' name of "Elpees" with Lockport. N. Y .• whE!re the tags look liKe this: LP00-00. At leas t two Lockport Elpees' hav:e passed through Waynesville Oil ROllte ~ 2 tn t he la.t month.
In ' Lockpot"t' ~ ca e. ' t he LP act.' ual.l y · stands fOl' the two · major letters in the town's n aQlf!. Maybe i~. our ca e it tand for Lucky . People . . Lockport, accol'di ng tQ the 'map i about 2 miles rl.ol'th of Buffalo. The name would indicate ' that its , hi tory has omething to do with th Ei'ie Canal.
A s Christmas neal: , with trees light. in every window an'd the'-'now all gone, let me wish a very Men y Chri tmas to . all, but especially to tl'\e postofiice :workers WAO have .been going around tit cirelas' the past f ew days to keep Heavy us, the pubUc,' )\a"p1>Y. mailings have forced the!ri:' to . york , overtiiliet out Waynesvnte has been . , spared the delays, an~ long waiting ' lines that feature Christmas in many oth.er postofiices. Praise also is' ~ue 't o "Cap" ~~bbs, Edgar. Smith, 'John Frennm, ~, others 'Who put up and. decorl'-ted the viI-
. 1~J8'1 u..f~t ~h~ilt~1 ~r~0Jt itr . S~.eet, auld; rltee. . "up t1j . , Pll lie, a~dre88 system to play ca~
"I reea" · I. ,
Mr. Do~ter's fal'm was awarded second place for Class I farms in area: i (corn belt) in the 19(8 Baltimore and · Ohio .champion farms.' contest. . . In this B. & O. sponsored contest ,the state is divided into tIn'ee areas with·' appro.ximately 25 coun- . ties in each area. Franklin B. Cory OXford, Ohio wa.s ,awarded ' first . place ih this area. Mr. Doster has been carrying out: conservation practices" on his Eal'm f01· . th pa,s.t 12 years by a pply ing lime and fertilizel:; by refencing 0 put .the · more sloping Land into pa ture; planting tl'ees and ' fencing .live. tock out of the .f'al'm woods. , During the past yea.!' cov8red by. th~ contest he ~8-p:p1i d.,. 120 tons of lime tone to .cropland and pasture and this w.as th~ stal't of the second complete lime appliea. ·tion for ' the' farm. . S~me 76.rods of fence' was taken out so that a ' 36 ' acre tract could be completely terraced' lIn 'aU, nearJya mile 01 terraces :were built by ~1'. D~ster with his tractor and plow outfits, with ~echnical assistanc~ fur:nisbed by th~ ~linton County Soil Conservation District. " .C om.was planted in the field af~l' the . wel'~ ~af;le. with the . parallel to them or of "the land. ' >
Truck Crash
A tlouble funel'al 'el'vice with. military llC)l1ors ~as held Tuesday a:fternoon for George Edwin feter-' son. 52, ~, nd his son, Roy Wilfred Peter ' 01'), 20, who were killE"d at 4 m.. Friday 'when their I 'mOOr true hit ~L. concl'ete trolley loadIng platf,Ol1nl on Reading Road in Cincinnati.
Both were lumber dealers. They were returning fronl . Kentucky with a load Of wood" which shift~d, forward and demolished the cab of th truck in the ·impact. Acetylene hUl'l1 e 1'S had to be u ed to· free the bodies. Sin('e the 'son, was found to t he left of his father , it is a umed he wa at the wheel. * The Petersons lived at Cro s~ wick, a sllort di ,tance north of Waynesyille. The father \ wa a World War I veteran and the son was in service for 10 days World War II before it was leat-net! that he wa undel·-age. Members of Wayne Twp. Post No, 615 Am.erica,n Legion, pl'ovided a military e ('ort and color g uard fol' the f uneral. , The Rev. R. ·B. · eman officiated at l'ltes in tubbs Fun8J'a1 Home; and buria.l ~a.; in Wilmington Cemetery. urThe elder Mr. Petel'son i vived by his ,vife, .Alma; a son, George, Jr. a' daughter, Mrs. Betty Drago of N ew York City; one grandchileJ, and three ' i)rother. , Clarence ' and Herbert 'of Wilming' ton, and Ch~rles of Xenia.
tolEWT LEWIS~ Mr. New.t Lewis, 65', died Sat.urday morning at ·his . farm home southwest of , Waynesville a,fter a long- ill~es~. . He is survived by his wife, Ida; a d.ughter. Mrs. Al_ Pel"g; two ' !Ions, EBtJey ~wi8 of Ashland, K7•• and Davia, of W a 10'" ter Fl:ank "aIld
• ols on busy eveningl; As 'YOu' ·en... · , , , ,. "'" .. . . . aroond 'ropghexr 2 acre ville Ky Joy qhristmal this year, think . .... It mk~ mo~e tli~n runmne hiS . .. , . ,t his yUr and 1000 white pine and held' Ye8terday. of the many 'people ,whose wor-k C&!!Jff an embanlopent to ruffle \igh~ 1ft tHe raVIne, ~rew the at- black locust. trees ,planted ,w,ith the. Church of God, MiddletoWn with help'S (make it .~e gra~d holiday t h.e. nerves .of Joe Michaels, young . terttlOn of J , J. ~ske a!ld all un- .' aid of Mr. Boster's lonl Howard buriai in Mia~i cemetery. " that it generallY: is. ' reSident of.· Yo~ngstown.. iden~ified truck dl'ive~......Beli~_ 16, ' anHoJH!~~ .' r ~ , . ,Michaels was returnl'n g home n9 ., one could have 88c~'ped th.e "lub m ' embew:s and included the ART !with another ' Young8town man k h t t' h d tl .. . ... " MRS.. VAD~ BARNS' from a vi~it to ·lIelativea in Lex- wrec' un . ur, ,ley searc e . 18 t1'ee planting as one of their 'ProFuner.al serviees were condue.. . '. • • .' entire area.> f?l' no.~·~ ·bl~ .victims. jects. . To 0'Ur 'm'uUi,t ude .of frienda: \Q&ton, K~.~ Monday evening. A'S Tl1'ey we~e st111 dOll1~ .thls . w.h.,m, In addition, 10 acres of produc'.. ted M~nday afternoon Dec 18, at ~ h ae Is cl!'me ba.."'k In, Wa1te S Tbe approae h t 0 the blessed h~ rounded tint cUrve at Cold ..... MaC tive Iand. were cleared and put the Fisher Funeral Home, Wil-.1 , l' 6._ _ $p~,!.. Inn. a · mile south of A ta.... k ~ . Y u1e tid e h a ~....... .. WI\Ii \H 'liD. ,~ ltV "-'1..,.. • \j,..~age wrec er. into cropland this yea1'. About 40' mington for Mrs. Vacla Bamh.rt, l'espond ·to each one ,who has lent .Waynesville, the Ugh~s ' of a truck Still undisturbe.d by the thought rods of tile were run to wet spots 52, who died at her home ' in BaruS a much pr~ed re..,embrance,( blind~ him~ His 1938 8ed~n Ina~- of wh~t , t1).e crasll might ha,ve in the cropland and one ' ton of , veysburg the preVious Thuraday and we .are, ,~ thi. _ s ~ . ad ott a ,~, d raU , p , .' ~ ~UI'll~ . done to him, hI!!. pitched in .~ hetp nitrogen fertilizer was applied 't o follow big an Hlness of sivenl" aslt them to aecept our deep ap- ~CJ-qv~r-e1i~ and a .ed o~. Its ,get t~e. car back 'up to the high- pastures and plowed down ,for years. She , is survived by 'h er hoaband Orville, .two dauahten Kn. preciation" of th~f.: f~iebd,hip. ,apd ;.. slde,,20 fe~t "~o~ :~h~ hIll. ~e~~her y .. When 'it 'w as s'e t' on its wheels :.c·o rn." . ~ >.. thought of Ult.. . , ' t b 0\0- h!8' ~Oqip mo~ wa~ ,lDjure~.' ilid a chain ~ 's attached t9 }the Mr. Doster is 'the Chatrman of ,Meryl Woods, Xenia, Mrs. ' Opal In th~' words of ·T iny Tim, "G08 , ', TJ(8 ~v , . Cl4lI~~y SWItched .on (1?nl end, fie got· batk ~to the the Clinton County Son Conlerva~ Valentine, Wilmington and 'o ne Ion Wilmington; &Weral bleu .tal every one." ~is parkl~g ghts so I co.uld find wreck to 8'll.\'" ~he st~'riqr :wheel tion' District Board of ~Upervil- Vernon, , grand-children and step-children. 'W ith .l0lve~ " It ~h.en · I ~am~ b~k." ~hen the w1aile it W!~ 1la~"d!.up.;'he·'l»8riko; I ora wiilclt was voted into office by two- men clambered 'o'Ut 'tlirougli a " Many ~.l'S lI!,~e"Jljld~. dC)~~ the land 'o wners of th~ County , Amt;e i mOWne \ ~ Mame T:Jiii)wlie .." , 9oo. . I> D u ", but iii J __~, 171.". 8~" . W, S. ,C. ~. HA§ ALL-DA,Y , 1. hit lh': . cIi.~ n k ..l , lL. ,fktHmbankme to Leb ,nt,f an.d ~Ii~ bank at I"' 't art · RO ,..,,.., • Ohri,st;mas, 1948 . . c - I ,eu-'Uac anon or ~ichae18 is beheved' to be the ·firet The ." Champ all of> 'who~ ME~~~G WITH 84ZAAR . Friend. ROID,e . ',' . wrecker. to ride ~back' u, p ~,a!n. , ' 'a~re \ cooperators , with ,t heir local . . - :..:.. .. ~ , .' ., . :.\ The ,~oman.'s 8.,o.ciet;r' of C}lria.t'EAN,~:hART~n... Ji. :. '. t \ ' . ' .? .' . ' soil . conservatiolt 'district, we1'e ian, Service m~t .a t the Methodiat v~ "ITT FADUlac.nft BOLD Y ' select,q · because they had made Church,' all day 'l'hurida~, Dee•. . IN UN1VERSR'Y CHORUS /' ~ • ft'J.YUIIIU' 'U LE ~f:tcl Weir, ·all of Middletown; Mr. ,.' ·the mo"t} p.ro~lIs 'on their ~~nll ~I , '. " '. ,.PAaTV ~! . V~ 'l ALL;S ' ~ Mrs. Cliflord Geist, Mr.' and ,in. soil~ W'a~er? ~nd ft)r~s~ Ie, onler~, 1~. Tbe ' fol1owina ,hOltess 1. cOlD. Jean-dlarts~k, da,u-.ter of ..Mr. . !. , . d·. . . · • oJ . IrIn. John Lever ~nd children, Sally vation. Class I is10r far.m s making mlttee' served a oover.ed di81~ diD.. :and M.... Roll H.. Hartsock, In 2, .' ce' ~J1; ~~s. S~~uel ~. Ball', Mary Bard, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- the mOllt progress bet~ee~ Oe~ ' ne~ to a lar~e n\lm'ber ·of ~embUs waYD'5" rille,/ i: is .a me~ber of the _ o.f . Faile ,TImber Farm near . Byrd .nd Miss Betsy ·Byr(l, ober i, 194'7 and .October 1,' 19~, and, ~uests. Mrs. Charles Jame~, l1nive ty , of. Wilconsin ~omen's tbwn were host an~.. h~ste8s , to., ~h~~ ~~. •n.d Ilk's. \Y~lter Byrd Jr., while Class n eompetition meaI- . Mrs .. Mark Rogers, Mrs~. ~Orrl$ cho~ ~e~ .'.~.:nee 116 tnJtbe Ol~Y1 . h~.s luh 011 a a~ · \,;alter Oyrus ~~ . m, Mr.. and , .h . total accomplishments " Fulk~rson and Mrs. M. D. 'BaIrd. Unive" ty's ann~al ·O.b,riat~B :fes-, ~,hl'l\\tDt.< dinner .a,Jty Saturd~y ¥N.. ~. 'E. tuttrlnger and children, ures , " e !1- 5 ' . The. fealure of the no~n hour. tival. ' at, the Memorial Vnion .th~a- evening, .Dee. 1.(. J?inner. ! wa~ ser- ~na, "Carol :and Glenna, all of over a pe~~d u+,.. ~rl. ",.. . was. a· Christmas Bazaar eondactte~ In M~di80., . " ~ . ved , befor~ a r0!l7:ln~ ~Ire in ~ the SPringboro; John Dunwoodie an.d Eac1.1. Winner " Wlt~ ~eive a U. ed by, Ml'a. P.eai:l ?MqMaoken. ,of TIl" .cholm..'; o,t 'Il.i 'vole-, ditee- ·< .d~,' ~' Oh~8'tm.1 a ratl .· Mr: .n.d ~rs. : ~or's' t ' 'Glagowskl' S. ~avmgs Bond,.a a~ed Py th~ Leba,on \-·a" member .of · the -lOcal ... ;-_-.: r. )I"JO! d D' Ba1tlJYlore and OhIO Railroad. One ,•L " • ted by , Mrl. . Heien ~tr tJqap- ~n ,.. ~:e~~ were ...us~d thrQughou~ ~d Ion J~rr~, a}J of J)ayto~, and of the area champiolls will 'be sel- churc,~.. She .doJlated receipts fro. T-.omas·Blob, sang·six,ola . glisli' '..the ~ou•• J . . t-u host, hostess, and children, ect8d to reprel.~. Ohio, ,in 't he the bazaar.to the 8oci~t.r.. , C&J"oll. The *om~n's cbO"nia "wili . 'La~f'-'Santa ~la1is. personified Tobe,. Sandra',' a~ J~ny. ~ syste .,wiae contest. The IYltemThe bUSIness .mee~.~ w~ In ,.ine "Jan•.,:8 ' ~or the Midwinter , by" ,1~ . Ball in , red cap, bells, ' .' • wide ~'inp'lon ·w•• to 'be ielected c.,ree of Mrs. John B~"ke in the Music ' ,clinic ac)leduled by ·~ the a~cf chi,,·, ",his~ef'. '~istti~uted the " .. W hi-.-4-- D a on DeCem- abaenc~ 01 ~be ~lclent, School Of MUSic, .. and Ap I 1·· 1ft ,lits l\eaped' bene-ath the tr~· in ,A car owned, by Russell M_rtin l n u ... ""n . . . Cartton Cook . ", Earl' ri' F 0IIOWlPI' . . . . Ohrist- an d dri ven b their , IIlnual Spring eOneert 'i n th~' UVing room. Tradit.onal y reters was · -ber '18 ·b, .' •a. National : ' Committee. '.. e b""'sI.n..... .... m~ Music Ball. . , , , -.. . . . _\i;ict. I UiOmpa~i~~ b, 14n. ~~htJ!' damaged Ina aoBieioll PI!k . ' ,veryone enjoyed ,a fine paioar-Ill . -}. . ~. . ~~t:t~ JV~ir~4,tMr. Ho~t Glag- . day afternoon at Third and North hour. DeVd\i(»!l8 in k.i.;",*,-.~ M1811 Mary ,Dora Bo~Il ' has ,onkJ, • lUll ,·by..' 1 .wtt~ sPtaCiJ! S~eets with an ea.tboun8 car Yuletide were led ~ ..... Ba.f~. amv_ home from The Mary A. 'h oliday numberl\ 'by Donald Weir, . btven by Homer F. Robinson of , The followini . ~ 'have· 'been Watkins, antlt,d,' ~ MD. Cora Bumltaal Sdaool ~in No~hampton ~JIlPJt" " '. . "I _, aoute 2, Wilmington. Botb' driverl ordered to , ~port fo~ InduCtion at, . Rich. M~. A. B. Stub. ~lIt1od1iCed and ·w ~1I4bI , " CbilitmM,lloJ.: To"'~Balt "Ill' .eGeau Bambino." ~ .that Petei'll bad stopped 8 .. ID. Thunday, DeC. 80; it was ..,Kra. Prank Lelia, of IA1»aBOll as Way. With her parenti. Mr. and. , Mildred tuttringer. gan a solo of • requ,red, bu~ atarted UJ' again announeed thil week by Board No. fl'Uest speaker. ..... 'LeM~, a Kenneth N. Ko.... of this CCSUe~t Night," and leff Ban lanl before 'the ~~.Ooutable C~ P.. l~ in Le~o•. ' former resident of WaynedlU.. . l ,poke ~n '~,epl_ p~... Mr. tcnnL ·lIl.. ROllp 'is a member of "Whi~ Christmas." Jiarr Bud.' Joy invea~ig~ted. Roblaon attemp. the _dent eo1lDCll at · llurnham Lever, ud SaDllra Ball cloted the ted to can the Hfc1nra~ Patrol Joseph Walter Hartsock, Ore- G.:' F. Brown a IQ88t of Lebanon aDd recently too~ part in ' the program with • clever sldt. ·for .• tuller inve.tintioD, "t 'W&8i gonia; John Stuart Cowan, Muon; also gave a uort talk Oil' "ThullOhriatmu ' Tahreaux civen uder Those attendlng "were: 1Ir. aNI told they eaDDot ~ an carl G. SlIdth. Waynesville; Wil- fuinese aDd Good' WiD." dlreetlOll 01.'" Di'amattc Depart- Mrs. Robert Weir and eldldren. ~dent oft the .tate hl.\~11.'" liam A1~ Klelnheiln and ClarThe' next meetiq will ~ In. .eDt of the IOIaool. . Dould ad .ath,. and IIlls Jlia- 't m. . . . ~b1Irp, both of Lebf.1l01lt 10. .
on., '
i siNGS "'"
,. ' .
Y." .i iii 1M Aria,
, I
ihe. Miami Gazette ESTA:BLJ8HED
floP '
Published Ever f Thursday
At Waynesville, Ohio CARL G, SMITH, Ec:&;tor .• Ent tir ed as second cia.. matter at the P08t Of'floe SUBSCRIPTION RATE: ,Uil a Year in Adva,nce .' ,
, ''nts Comlng ' • ' Up' Eve .
' In ' the Pl',-, l~, e U1 a f w l'elativel:i, a e t Jl e p R' o [;~:ge of tl1( Methodist Church on Saturday af-
ternoon, Mrs, Doris Kennedy and ?fl!-. Paul Harley we,re united in malTiage by - Rev, R. B. Coleman. The bride wa~ .attractively gowned in green 'wool, with 1>:rown seces -
·(-t~G-h-a-v-e-e-v-e-nb~I·-~t-e-d~in~lli~i-s-ca~l~en-d~a-~-n-o~t~H~y~T=h~~~'M~ii~m~i~G~u~e~~~ ' ~~l:i i and befor~ 4 p.
,ues ays. .
wh~e' arnatio~ ~~
' Immediately following the cel'e'" mony a dinner was served at , the . borne of the bride's . parents, M'r and Mrs. Louis Fires, aftel' which . the bride and gl'oom l eft for. a short h<fneymoon" They will reside i~ Dayton , where thE! groom is connected· with, N. C. R. Tho:se who witnessed the Cel'eUlOny and were dinner guests ' were, M'~" and Mrs. Joe Zakas and MI'. and Mr~ , Lew ' Keyser of Dayton, Mr. and Ml"$, Louis Fire&,' Miss Flossie Fires, Mary Lou Kennedy, Mr . . and Mrs. Robert Meredith,
, FRIDAY, DEC. 24 l'lerCJUO ts: Christma treat for children" Main St., 8, p. m., \1idni 'ht church services. ' _ SATURDA"DEC.25 / A M rry,Christmas to . AIL . . ' . . SUNDAY, DEC. 26 Go to Church! MONDAY. DEC. 27 Wayrl yille Civic Cltlb, Methodist Church, 7 p. m. Boy Scout Troop 40 at 7 :15 P. M. TUESDAY, DEC. 28 -,arc1 of" ublic Affairs, ' 7 p., m. ,Vayrie Town' hip American Legion, 8 p ~ m~ THURSDAY. DEC. 30 , -3o ar(1 of Tow ri hip Trustees! 7 p. m.
.' . .
At Christmas~"
• '0
time we want you to know we're grateful for
The New CenturyChilb will, meet o':tFriday ]) cember lIlt the llo~e of Mrs. H. L. Rye, ~'~h Mrs, D. C. Ridge, and M1.' , Ea.rl Hockett in charge o,f- the progra~,
\;, ". AUGUSTINE ~ " ther Krumholtz. Priest Masses 8 and ,10 A.M.
~ GROSS ' SERVICE STORES. 'INC. FIRESTONE TIRES Pas~nger ' - Truck - Tractors Electrical Appliances Automotive Service
M. &E. Ponyhouse Wine Store
Bro~dW'ay ,at Main St. (Formerly Kahn Motor Co..) LEBANON PHONE 520 zt
.B. Coleman, Minister \ Cliur~h ~hool ' 9 :'0 a.m. , J. J. Burske, Supt. WorShip and Sermon '
T, M. Scarff, Minister , , Sunday School 9 :30 ~.m•. . E.A. Earnhart, Supt~ , Worship Service , t 0 :30 ~m. . ,tening Service ,7:'30 p.lR. . ---.:.....
WE WILL ALLOW, $2S0 . :O n your Old Batt~rv . " When YQU buy A ~
' 10:30 Lm. , CAESARS dU:EK FRIENDS . Choir Rev. David Stanfield, Minister Yo~th Fellowshlp;;T hursday Sunday School to ..... ~ " ~ 1:00PM Worslilp SerY¥:e t t ..... "
.. Special Musl~ '
Ulolr Practice Tbwsdav
,... UA.DvtS ~1&U"lnpAL .., a. &lanA'. .
~ Samuel N. Keys, Rector Church School 9:t 5 A.M. ~orning Worship : , 1.0 :30 A. M.
atURaI '
Mrs. ' James ',(Janison. Sut
Preaching 1St and 3rd Sundays each month . to :30 a~DL ~ening Serviees 7 :30p.m.
WAYNESVILLE OUJRCH OF 'aRUST ,..,-::--':--- -....... H. Olffey. Minister .
Welch Budwllre",
-Bible School ' 9:30 A. M. .omin·, Wo'rship to:3Q A. M. " Young People's . 6:45, P. M. Evening service ' 1 :3 0 P. M. , Prayer Meeting and . ., , Bible ,Study Wed., 7:30 .PM.
BXro.n .Garver, Mln'ister
Bible ~hoot 9:30 a.m. Monaiilg Worship to;30' a.m. ' Pra~er MeetinF. ~;OO p~~. ' - . Voung People s Meetml . . . . . 1 :00 p.m. ' ' EvealD, Serv~... 1:30 p.&
- THURS•.:....nJ. From FBI Files I
RONSON AND CHEAPER, l.wa.s OF U~ 00 ,to '$ 9.2& .', ' /: '
,-, , :- -:. '1.
~eatre .
. Burt Lancaster, Edgar G. Robin-
son in
Sons~ '·· ~
this shimmering season · , , ,)fJoy and happinesa. May this Christaias ~ the Irlost joyOlll or them ail '
Maureen ' O'Hara, John" Wayne ,. " .. ) •
AU .My
Schick, Sunbeam and
~15·00 .~' $23' ·5~ .
A real
(~ady'sJ and Qent's)
A reat treat for all;
. ,. .'
~'15.oo ,'
. . . '3,·&0 to ".10
rae ,Street ·With· No.Name'. comedy-romance., ' Mark Stevens, Richard Widmatk , Miracle' on 34th ,Street' ,/
Plus: I 'tter to a R ebe 1. And: The Bored Cuckoo.
PHONE~ 283:1
'1.-2& to,$3·
To the ' Ends of'the E rth
PAGE &: SHAW AfiD SClfRAFF"rs BOX CANDY . 00 , -~. . ','
Full 'Line ' Of 'Hiardware ' Paints' &. Farm "Sutpplles HARVEYSBUllG. IOHIO
e, t .
ke v~ William Shannon Sunday School , 9!30 a.••
I mE, ME11IODIST I J1UENDS , C First ~ay &hool 9 :30 a.m. , . lURaI Dr. Jo~ph Myers, ,Minister , .eetiDe- for Worship " Sunday Scbool , 9 :30 ..m. . ' to:30· a.m. ' Mrs. Ruth SaYlor, Supt.. Worship Service to:30 ,L m.
I ' ,
1 :45 PM UTICA E. U.
----~--~----~--~ " SUN.. - -MON~
13 s. MECHANIC , ST. LEBANON - PHONE 65 .Wide Selection of , Imported & Domestic Wines Beer & Beverages tQ Take Out
.. '. G
.: .:~ ~. reenD#! f. : .•• , all our friends .~. this ~hristlu
' ,. ':
$,2 :
$1 .00
"1 .50 tIP ,.
KiNDs '
Wa ynesville' Drug : Store DI.U"'an!!'
. WA~ ....OHJC' ..
. WAITF..s' GARAGE MelvJn • P , vVaites - M . D al e' W altes
ACKARD SAlI;S & SERVICE Phone 67 " 'L b . , e anon, Ohio'
FULKERSO~'S' SOf."O SERVICE Atlas TIres and Batt ' . "YOUR SOH 10 DEA~~~~"
Waynesville) 011io • '
r "
el. 3135
F.arm SuppJies -:---, Feed Ha'rveysburg Oh' ' b
Seed C J oa
Phone....w 4
EVERETT ,EARLY INC • .. Coal Grain Ha ~ " l YTiE ' Y anti Farm upplies , , ,OHIO ,' Phone 2'961 ' . WARREN . COUNTY TRUCK SALES ) C~arles Shaw, Prop. ' New and Us~d Tru k S1n e 1 37 52 4 N. Broali'va " ' ~ -y Lcbanon 7Yl ' HA~RY C. SCffi':v:.·RTZ , M,cmon als of H l( e 'r ) , ]'t ' 2 2 2 -t M
1 "
e C l:InJ
"U \1 I
Lehano;' 59
. 00 dg,e-Ply'mo uth '
.' ' .EB
~~cfge ' \ Job-Rated" Tr~c~s N, ,OH,JO
. Phone 730 '
T~RKIELD'''S D~ARrMENT STO~E arren County ~ Shopping Center ~r.ankllll, Ohip ,
WM., E. COR TEL YOU Wholesale Meats & Custom ButcI~eiin R;Pberts Avenue Phone' 55.! " ' Fra'nklin, O hit
COYLE. & 'SON PACKING· PLANT' " .... 13eef-,e.Qrk-yeal'--Smp~ed Meat ' Sausage-Lard ' , 2322 . ' Waynesville, Ohio
' F~IRLEY'S HARDWARE STORE . Established 1849 larg'ef! Everywhere Bec'aus'e ~f Better ,Quality,. ~erv(ce and Price Wayn~s.ville, Ohie Phone 244 t , WHARTON' MOTO~ Your Ford Dealer LEB~NO~, OHIO
',. PHONE 2'1 11
" , .,
"Y"'Qur 'Ear
Supply' Head"quarters'
" BAln~ IMPLEMENT co. '. JOH~, DEERe.:sALES AND SER\'.ICE 27 W. . ,Mulberry ,. -:- " Phone, 555 ' ... '
_."'" 'lEBANON,, OH 10 ,
,... " - .l;_ , ....
. 'J OHNSroN LtiMaER CO~ Rpofing, Paints, Glass and ./ and Building M,ateriaf !;,.ebanon, . Ohi6 , Phorie 133
. ,May
" B. & . R~' ClEANERS . .
you have. a ', ttee, no ,matter h~W"~lrge or how small and
fragra~l.e of wind 'and earth
'M~y yo 1C hearth, be cheer£u~ with fircl'ght, with the crackle of't~e gift r~pe!. and '. ~f little. tolk who believe they heard Santa come ove r the ro 'fto t on "ChiL trtla~ Eve.
,Quil H.tv Dry CJ~aning . .' Pre,:sIng &. Repairing , \.vl\ Yl , VillE, ,OHIO
D~ R ..· SMITH ' . ' .\Nhite Villa Grocer . Waynesville Phone ~20 (
'.. RAY MO~GAN'S SHEET., METAL SHOP , HOQ.f~ng --:-. Heating - Spouting WAYNESVILLE I'H0NE 2744'
. Gener~J ~epa)nng . ~a~esvJlle, - OhiO . Pgone 2r4t , t
FUf't;,E, ..Ar~. Ir'OME Ambulance Service WAYNESVILLE PHONE 229'1 ' " STUB
the laughter
, May- y.our dl,lY be' bdght with friend ly v'isits, the ', nuslc of bell;, ~nd th~' ' gc-old greeting of ' ~CMerry "Christmas'!; that sounds' so welcome on' th'e 'ear~ ,
E,' tab l; hed ' 1875 · .1EM l3ER O!:! ·THE F: ' D. I. C: .
, wh9se branche~ hol~ t~e sweet
" .
But above, all ~ n~}:ay YOll! be~rt be ' open. ~/J '[, (~jv¢ :t at ',g reat ~aveo.f ] "e' an~ brothefhood ~nd understanding that (itel · d the <:arth when Jes Ll~ ,wa~ borr~ in BethLben, , 1'hat is the great St gift of th,i,s day,'" Thlit i : the .p(1celess' , gift of ' ..... ' ,Chrisbnas,- ' from the S n of God who knev., e-l lat brotht!Ihood ~mQng ~en was their key eternity. ' Glo'ry t.o 'G od ;'1 " •
'. M~ ~ Christmas I
~.IOiI' yo" each and
Your ch':1rch, 'w ith' deep ' sinc'rity,
highr,st , " 'Ir~'/ ;in ""rlJ:
'14c P." 91)0c/,
uara •
<will If)-
'/lIft. .
LUE:l>: 2-14
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Hartsock entertained at a flflmily dinner on Sunday, obsel'vinJ~ the' biJ:th 37 anniversary of Mrs. I!:;.':rt&o ~::. Guests of the da~7 "'~rc Mr. ar..:t Mrs. Robert James of Xenia, Mr ~, and Mrs. Robert Clark and children of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Chal'les James, Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. James and , sons, J~ck and Jo .! James. ' .
L,. CEN8E For Dat... Phon. 28M. Wayn ..ville Ohio. RWWM Cha.r8.
JJ:':L,e~~3lurg •
F. B. Henderson has rec'o rded his change of, addJ'ies from Lisbon, Ohio, to Cloar.wate'\', Fla.
: NORRIS S~OCt< COMPAf'it"f' Cinoi"nati Union Stoc1c ~ Live Wire and P.rogr•• 'lv~ 'A,:
oraanization .eGond , t'o' none Strictry ••11.... on the n.lI" aft ' .round mllrket In ' t .... · country.
~ERVICE THAT ~-rnO nftyton 1 ~:
61) E , S T . ~' , '" <'In'''''I1I1''' I
""-,' U .• /"
"12 : 40. Dh I i()(l. tor \'Ilur ~ . :tl ' kp l
' Ro.::el't Collett \Va.; host to t..hc Welcome Bible Class of Jonah' s Run Church,· at his home ,F riday everrjng. , The community club held its anm~al Christmas party for members and ,their families 'at the gymnasium, Wednesday, evening. 'T he ' Rev. Knoops of ¥ason was the guest spea~er and among invited guests :were t:1 : ~ev. and Mrs. C. A, ' Arth1'l' or ,New Burlingt~n. Mr~ .' u a Shidaker was hostess to the u .:ic League at ' her , homt', Satu}'(l ~ 1 C'1pn ; ng. Robert Watkins of Day l ' 11 \vho IS associated with Good W PI Indu., try of that city was th , ;,l1e::;t ~p ea k,er . The ./' M, E . Chlrrch ,' ponsored a ,ChIi .. tn as supper at the gymnasium :,' It .lrd y 1~ \'ol i ng " , Dr, an Mrs Gorden Munson of Dayton W2r e weekend houseguests 'of Mrs" :\l:m-on 'Q parent, Mr, and Mrs . .1,-'_ ., Simpson. Mr, and Mrs. Harold CurtISS and dau"'h t~r attended a birthday dinner S·unday. at the home of re,lativeR in , Lebanon honoring, Ml': CUl'ti - father1 Otis Curtiss. .' Mr. and . Mrs. Richard Williams and family 'of · Wilmington ' we)'~ Sunday' guests of Mrs. Williams' 1" 81"P ' ' ' , _ \fro anrl Mrq, Harry S. Tucker ,a nd daugh te'l', Mi s Evalyn
I Pf,or , .
of the hollda,
.Aeonenwl. th" lend, we extend ..
oar fi:tendl'-l greet-;
Tradition m..-ets the present in ' ~ 't he holiday , season and~ we're happy to add our '
to the rest.
..Harveysburg. Garqe General Repaidng 'Motor Overhaul 'Brake Service HARVEYSBURG. OHIO PHONE2G07 '
:: ,:.~~ EQVIPMENT CO. ~U~atmcts .and" N"ew ,Idea , Farot quipment
.f uel,cr,
plea. ed to leal'n she is recov rill , ~ s.atisfactorily from injul'ies SUFtain .: '71 B!1 ai tomopj c ac idcnt last week. M.rs. Alice Urton i: still ~f)n 'fined t<> her bed owing t o illn l ' . ,. • Among others 'in thi communit" who are ill, are Mrs. 1Ilattie Cn rter and Mi. ' Andrew, Clark. Mr. Charl,,!s Collier ' is t:eported ' much )mproved," , ' Emc;'son Mastcl'_ ,has ac"C!p t~'.;, 1 posit ion as c)Jstodian of the Ha ', ,v.eys;',u,r ' School Buildings. He ' :,;u~cce::;; Charles Bog an, Sr.,' W~l :) resigned recently • . j\.1 , , nd Ml'q. Clifford Doster "and 'famUy of Spl'ingfield were Sunday evening gUests of Mr. Dos"" tel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Htc l'-
_S!l!bb~ ~rMms Road" ,
p " I,,";. , of .~ '[rs. C!131'les , Koogle'r, ,'of near I Harv(!'ys~urg at'"
Fol:mer Oliler Store OLIVER FARM EQUIPMENT ' AND, MACHINERY , SAl ES s~¥Jft ~. 'N. BroattwWs -NON , PHONl~ &14 .
F~rm Supplies , : Feed ...:- Seed - Coat
' Phone 2834 Residence 2892 , ,
bf!rt Do ,tel'.
'lOURS: 9·t 2: eacll qlOrni iie
aftemQon's , Wednesday
7-9 Saturday even'inc Other ~,v,e" u~s bv .
Arpo intment '
\ . :rEI · r~ p'HONf' ~~ , R
i.' ptometric f:;Ye Sp~cialud
' ~~
So ith
.Jk"'!NIA ~ .........-.....
------'-- -- -
, Mayall the ·peace. , ' tranquiUty of the season ~~ be yom in fuIJ..ame. ~
wall REOPEN JANl)ARY 3, AS .1
is an old- ~ _~
tJ ·-.
'T he 'Week "of December :2'1 ': , ' .
t ChIiSlii:ijS
fashioned holiday, a time -§:.-~-- " tor re~Vinq childhood ' ~ . , .~ , days ,and t9r reqalling old~_ limes, Old menck .
_1 ___
··Pldrley · ,Rdwe. : WAYNUVILLE.,OHIO .
"How Santa C.au Ca! il C to A ~ .1" __ 'The Juvenile Grange gave the iea", ,"Story on Xmas" and uKeep_ I .Christmas 'program at Farmers' HAPPY HO UR CLUBing Chl·istma." The home was Grange on Saturday evening. The Tbe Happy Hour,~Club enjoyed decorated iIi keeping .with Christfollowing numbel's wei'e presented: "Holly and MistletQe" by Barbara their 'Christmas rheeting at the mas aB~ gifts were exchanged Earnhal·t. "A Christmas W.ish" by rural home of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Luther around th e trMlll' The club adjourned and ,will not Don Jj'l'ye; "The Mode'r n way of , Hartsock on 1ile~day afternoon of anta" by Elwood Earnhart; the past week. The following were . meet until Feb. When Mrs. Rhodes I;uests': Mrs. J .. ·B. Rich, Mrs. Cora Bunn~ll will be hostess. Ice cream, ((Christmas in 1901'way" by , Kenn Gray; !'Sain~ Nicho19s" by Bobby R.ich, Mrs. lfaymond LaRue aM cake and coffee were ·...sel'ved. 1 Gray; a vocal o!o "Away in the , daughter. ' Following the business ses ion, H.. R Mo~ is confined at Chri t Mangel''' by Richaru Frye, and a pi no 010 "Silent. 1\ igh t' by Donna Christmas Cal'ols were sung and Hospital, Cincinnati, following a. . Haciley. Santa then visited the Miss Betty Ogle~bee, Mrs. Ro ' coe ma ' r o1'(" ,:- tio 1 on W dnesday of Grange and had candy foJ;'. all the Furnas and ~h s: P. L. ReasQn read . the pa~t 'w: ek Mr. Moss wB.! . b a patient for some time, but is children. Gifts were exchanged. . 1'::'(,0 ' e!'i ng ' under the care of his . -, daughter~ Mrs. Lyle Fox, R. N, Mrs. Clif.f Burnett was Jioste ~ to the W. C. T •. U. Friday after. MI', and ~:"l'Q . Max D. Hart 0<:: . noon of th~ past week. The Rev. were , Qatur da ' e"e'" n~ ~lle ts of R. B. Coleman was the speal\tH', Mr. and J..f· !'- '\ . P. Strader in . taking for his subjec. .• Ea):l WHERE Dayton; when' t hey' entertained C,ru~aders of Hillsboro," Knowing SERVICE COMES FIRST their caJ'd (']ul) with a Christmas 'Q'lany of the people con!! cted wi"h par t; . this movement, he rna •.' hi.: r:; SECURITY ASSURED ' very interesting. Miss Luc~r Eml(' 1 GENERAL LIVEStOCK s,howed several pictur{'; (If ,('ol1 ·;i . '\THEN FARM IS ' FINANCED t DS as they, were at t.nat tune. ' GRAIN
'- - - --- ,---
-----------------------------,--- ---
A ~hristinas of joy and content·, ment; of peace,' good cheer and happiness-that is our .wi h for you and yours this joyous:Y~a.letidt! scation.
The, ·N. F. ·" l.·A.
Mi'. and Mrs; R. H Bart-o k, Mi s JaDe r :al' tsock, :Vhs. Lena J1 arL o('k, .1l's. John Fl'omm, Mrs. .. C, Ridge, Mrs. ~tanley Bailey, ht . J ,die Mills anod :,i1 s. E. ·F. :' - ... ,rt attenc,led the in s;tallation ( : CI : L l~ 1'S at Warren Chapte~, ,. l' of Eastern- StRr, Harve y ~ 1.: "'Z , 'on Thursday e,·ening. Mrt;. I Z Har.U:!ock .was instal:erl the Worthy Matron for the tC ' l , ing year.
and '
Jane C. . Ma(';\{ilhm ,~. hlldren of Boston· and Ml'F. Newman Powell and ehil<h-e n of ' . . arai 0, Ind., were we('~on-l g:lt>, t d Dr. M'~ry ·Cook.' :M.rs. Powell . and children remained until Thurs · " t(' a 7. t
.' 27
Banta Imple~ent ·Co.
PHONE 2824
r t
aurOMO"US ua.llI" ··4-WAY . FAilM' I"SU,I lAlic." IUIlDIl'S
ba Ibe Ohio PIUIDID wUl ' am JOU ' bru&d ~ ••_ aa.. - ,.,.Ium. It ~ ,.,. ""'CIiags~ )'OW' chane.la, ,oar • ....,....
Jennie Lee Bl'a~dock, daugh tc:' of Mr. and Mrs. ,Raymsnri W: R":} /l . Hnck of 'Route 1, is hom " r . . ., two-week wcatio.n.... f"om r: r . 'or- • ~~hooJ , Pa. ' .Jennie. whll 'c: ~ ~"') . iqr . the ~enn8ylv.nia boarding . school, is a senior ~oun8ellol' and - '8~v"cf on the fourtli '-aTl'ity hnc1-ey team this f,l1.
. . ~ ~ for 1Kd.....
y- - - , . , . ,.,. ' .....
ocben. Wby ooc ... _ ..." . CWo . . . . at
,.·ft laImecI . . . . to
,. ',~:J c .,: ~ti;.; ::: ; .:·~:I ;;""'t.l"\'''~''
ftight, if ~e b~t listen witb ')";'. •l~arts, we can bear. again the song ~f the angels with thek precious p~omise . . . of '''ea~ on Earth GoodwUI to Men."
Across the years th~ Light from the stat- of BethJ~hem
-. M'" l;,~
beams a m~sage of hope and love o~ man~ind.
" Jr.,,! ~t'" Ie.;- 19,A- 8 )
Good :Cheed GODd Fr;~i.dsJ '~DH9USEKE~PINGS~.p ~ t 4 N. Broa,,"way .
Phone Lebanon 2,3 , Frigidaire Sales ' a Service
Electrical APpliances
t 4t
Good "Healthl JOHN S. BUCHANAN
SURGE DAIRY ,ARM EQUIPMENT SERVICE "Bverythfug For The Farm Dairy" . 18 ~ .IMIN .... - I.EllAlNON, 0lIl0
DAY pltONE 16().L
~tb ~s to. tty ·the
~ A tr.~~ wish tor all . ~ of you ,1$ Durs: •
Down'through .the ages the:' voj~e of hi~t.,'\ry olea~
Way that has never l')ec.n ~ivcn
its rightful place in our .
. This Cb~stmas may we experience
1iv~s. .
~p; '- l tut:ll
awakening" May we be~r the song 'o f olq , .. see . ." . ,the !--ight waiting to gui~e us. May we live in the i
I . i
Sure btowledge that
only the' Prince of Peac~ in , . "
in the hearts of mankind can b.ring peace and happiness to all .the people of the world.
r,:lte DIl/lIIR Power lIud£iUItI C(JIHpIlJI,-
, exception faces his greatest handi. cap when disgruntled parents or .team player "know" more about their son's or friend's ability than. t~ pel'son wllo I is! trying to make a ,p rofession of coaching, My advice 'is, if you can't see eye to eye, get a new m~ntor. ~ but while he's here giv~ him the BOB O'REGAN same coul'tesy and Cooperation Don't believe the ' r ea l sport- that you yourself world demand. m'jnded folks herea bout wi:} ne And as for the players, Ed, I'm intet'ested in any reh 11 of sure you know how to handle the wiseguys, So my Chri troa s hope Wayn(!sville's overwhelming 69- 0 victory over Hal'veysbur lao~ . is th t Wayn~ ville' Spartans will Friday and due to pre, stime 1 r cunit" (if t hey we ever apart ) can't give 1'e ult- of the par t n- and make the balance of the 1948.vs.: Alumni conteSt ' Wednesday, 4.!1 schedule the best yet. ny. Bill Sawyer, I heard that S~fice to ' say t,he Harveysburg triumph wa \ ·itne. s d y' go r1 ~' ou ' are fo ming an independent about crowd which saw Danny in1 . on basketball squad, How' I ad his teammates to victory with mel'chant backing .? ' The Twin a total of 18 points. The "' o 'C b ' , Thea t'l'e will start t he ball rolling by ' spon., ori ng one suit and there quartel' . Spartans: 1'1 '27 4 -- 0 l~l,',J,. t be othel' followers of ' the Harveysburg 5 12 t9-,-26 hRl'dwood . port that will do IikeThe Reserves al 0 won ' I a ]ow- wL'e , ' . let us k now your plan . coting openel', Ugly rumor whi h Bill, in order to h Jp on t he plJbhave wafted this way dis lOiie 0 1' ·l icHy, And now for my closing, L t's intimate that the e d of dis: 11iOll has invaded the partsn. ! mak this ~ wonderful Christmas ranks. Shame to t hosn \V 10 ~t 1\ · .. fot' all by ju t being a ~tt. e ..')1 _ those tales 0 1' keep th m going. kin d in word and de '" ' 01' thf~ and Ed PQr r i no
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Burske and Mr. and Mrs. William Strouse attended installation of Eastern Star officers in Mariemont on Thul'Sday evening,
A Cheery ,
- - - ---
Cb ristmas Season To AI) .
Herb's,' Place H
A Good Spot to Meet Your
- - --'--'--_.
•.'~ • *.......
.'W . H.~.' MADDEN ,a·, co.
)'wnl701it, oJlhe ~
mlues oj
. '-;'4rch rpirl in
w. trust he willl',Dve
, ,
a satk brimful of aLgood .hloas for YOI.
Henry Millard.Hatchery. 34 Years Experi nee' Producing
. Healthy, Liv.able, Tested
:$9.65 a~d $10.s5
Baby, Chicks of the HlghestQu a'Iity .
-----------------$2.75. and up .
$14.95 and $21.50 .
C. E. BULBS,.....:. NU, ENAM~t
'WaynesvilJeIFinn"ure & Appliance Co. "
South Maih 5th;. t aeroas' from . Grange Hi U . ' . Telepho~e
May your gfft be i1n assurance that all
your ~oSt che~shed dreams and booes ,
will be reafized-·-fhat is our.wish for ' v~
Invisible' Half Solin,' Orthopedic Corrections Cork Extensions
. U.y H. Moeller '
£. ,MA.rtY St.
at this happv Yuletide ,season.
Muennich B'r others Sales
j "__ ..:~ .: KAISER • FRA7i.R SAI.lS AND SERVICE . ', No. BROAQWAY . I ERA.NON. OHIO. . . .' . fltONE 7D, -_ . ~.
~AGE 7
THE MIAMI ,AZE TTE Mr. Neil Smith and family , Mr. No. 4400 ' 'a nd Mrs. Jack Steir and daugh tel' THUR SDAY , ,DECE MBER 23, 1948 and Mr. Geol'g e Westd orp all Qf . ' t, Berna rd. were the Sunda y di"n~ Mrs. Louise Cong 1'. attend e<l the - ner gue ts of Mr, and Mrs. DelChrist mas WLW Mall Bag Part) bert ' Conge r. ' 'n Dayto n on Thursday:. , ,
, Mr, and
Perry Bento n and
Mr. and Ml' . John J. Bursk e and Mr. and Mrs. Willia m Strous e were dinner guests 0n ' Saturd ay ~..---;,....--~,........---' ~~~=·ol----::-:eve" in~ club in Cin., at their card , cinnu. i.
Rot nld Ha'l'di n f Kno xville Tenn .. is spend ing the Holida ys with h i " , pm'ent s, 1\11', nnd l\hg, T , S. Hat'd itl and family . . ,
CASH FOR Dt:AD :;'1'O (X COWS $&.-(M);.HORSES $S.qo; According to Size and condlttoft Prompt Oean Service All smail stock removed PHONE COLLECT Xenia 1Tl2
Cheen~ we add our
or Wilm ingto a 2362 JANES RENDERING, Wa~es
voice- to the many happy
ones , ra~ed in the ,Wish
ville. Oh io
Gn flJe
II •
come in witli IJ'
gay tl'!te to
Lebanon Auto Parts
sing out .••'
Automotiv.e parts and Machine Shop Service.
. 'Best WishesI"
Sto ke' s Da iry
'Goldel Lamti Hotel '
,Broadway: , I.EBANON, OtQO • PHO NE 13 '
112-1 14 Mulbe rry Sf.
179 --- ---, PHO ---NE --- -
pleasure to ,ex ten d the se gree,t~ ings ~o you. ' , . . ;'
DiPPY- It LIllIS! -- "~
.' National ,Bank
.Bejcber~s.,SUDOCO .Service· PHONE 2428
. ~" :' ,Wishing you the . ,
mer ries t ·C hris t;- , m~ Possibl~ 41 ' "" , .( r '
Thilt m~ you. ,
'y ou .'•• and you l
, ,
at~r"" 4f4l4lrtll
'"":~tl",, wtt/, , '
iMtbtf ~ ~WOII id' "
' '"f'ty ,,~, to 1M ~
\«tt ~D'l; 'JJ. "' /u,p, \'
._--- ~ (!I,rLJtmltJ
1M yt'fI
'/.j,-~t_ . I ,
, - ------'--- . .
of the Stock-
holders or the, WaynesvilLe National
DON'T FO'RGET TO ' CALL ~nk ror the purpose of the Elbcus for insurance. All types of tlon or ·a Board of Dlrectors wil1 insurance at a sav,jngs. Call be held 'at the banklng house on Fraqcis Gene Brown, phone Tuesday, January 11, 1949 'at 2: 00 _ Waync:.;vitle 2472 · or calt o'clock p. m. coUect. Wilmington 2111 ..
Jones, Cashier
Mrs, Irene Grandis of Los Angeles Calif., is' spending 8evera! weeks with her sicjter-h;-law, Mrs. H: R. Mo,ss. Miss Yvonne Stubbs and Miss Marilyn Burske of Bowling Green Univer ity, Miss Ant:1e Weltz of Capital Univel'sity, Mi Jean Hartsock ' of University of Wi s· consin. Earl ,Rye and Alton Earnhal't of Ohio State are a~ong, the
FOR SALE1937 'ton and a half Ford slake truck with 1940 motor. Rea-
' I J, . ~.
sonable if sold ·at once. Telephone 2,251.
~ ~ /~' ~.
I ~
BLAC .and WHITE Female dog, probably pointer and '. beag1e 'blood line. Not quite year old. Contact Robt. L. O'Regan, 2661 or 2351. -- --- - --_._Y_--"-"-"-,,,-,,- _._ -.. ,_
,---I. r.\" '~~ II :';'/ 'J'~.CJ 'I
for custom butcherlnr. Prompt service;. Gin Gordon, 'Harve,YS-
. ~ bur,~, Phone .
. ~ 'l'~'{ .. : ,/ U · :;"~il : ·'
to ......... ---
.' community this-
Holiday Season ·
.. #
and Ml', Erne t Bu tt 1'· and Mrs. Lena Hartsock were gu.est at ,a family dinner 'at . the home of MI'. and 11', Ha 'vey 1)~rnett in Lytle 011' unday-.
Ha' llstead~s ' Appll·an~e "
A. H . Earnhart and . son, 'E'a1;'t with Harold Koontz of ~yton t were in Harrison County dUTil ,.. the pa t week deer hunting and l'etul'ned Tuesday· wi h a beaq,tilul young deer.
LEBANON - PHONE 408' H tpoint Kitchens & Electrical Appliances
., We Serve With Service/' 9 N. Mechanic St.
ROUpAY S&\SON. ----- .....
. --- --- --- --
W~ynesville 2006.
,Mr. and Mr,s , Ed Payne and chil. 'C.lren of Chi.l1icoth~ were week en gue ts of the latter' parents, lVIr. an d Mrs . Davi Furnas ,
ment. Above old Gazette office. Write Robert Shipley - t 2-23 Waynesville. -NOTICE- - ..... ,', . NOW OPEN .
. ,
COUPLE and 3 well-behaved girls desire furnIshed o.r unfurnished house
'-:'122 .1
Mr. $.ond Mrs. William ,Stro'use entertained at a Sunday dinner, ~tV1 _.J~ , • honoring the birthday anniversary aaa our VOICe of Mr. ·Strouse. The guests we.re the of Mi.', .and Mrs. John J, Burske, Mi s Marilyn But' ke and Mrs. Leah Cheer thai greets Mills.
... Mr,
college ' students who have- alTived ,., fo r bhe Christmas holidays. .
TOBACCO LATHS. R. Rob. bins, Patriot, Indiana. , .
Miss Naomi E al'l)hart w ~ ~1 g ue t a t' a C hri ~ tmas breakfn at ·the y, M. C. A. in ' Dayton :\ 1\1' onday mOl'ning. '
, -
. ' -Ind ·
~,.J) . .. -~-
, .
, "
. , ~.~----.mpARKATICEI'LANT·
-~-~~~""';;""_ _'.10:
Sales and, Service '
Broad"!~Y_ E........: 1·I8ANON ~ PHONE '
' 105
Wines -
Noon. Luncbes Liquor ,-~ ~'"
Beer to Take Out
y.., larren Conly
Fa Bureau c:••,eratift ·Associati. All Farm Needs
Phones:· 3'5 - 149 Lebanon Pbone t-8 Mason
.IAJfD .... GltAVD. aA~_DItIVU ' .TAR ... ROAD OR. 't.AWrc . . FILL DIRT '.1/". READY-1l1X COIIalI:I'& \ me"'.4 . TOlD ... ' DUIIP TRUCK "VICE , ~____
t_r_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _