About .Town
Serving Waynesville Since ~850 '
I\INETY-NINTH YEAR. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY. 1"850 WAYN Friend, and relatives here have fecei ved news ot' the death of Mra. Ila Robinson CooPIn', on Sunday at ber home in Columbul. with burial from the Southwick. Funeral Home on Wednesd.y .a fternoon. Miss Noml. Gruber and Mi.. Shirley Lawaoh have retllm8d after lpending a pleaasnt vacation at Port Arthur, TeIlBl. Mr. and ,Mrs. E. F. Earnhart hili as a week-end guest the latter'. m0ther, Mrs. Bert~a Gray, of Dayton, and on Sunday aJI were dinner gueatl in Hillsboro and visited Serpent Mound. Mr. and Mra. RUliel Carr and children, 'and Mn. Maude Orane of Lebanon. Mrs. Grace Vice and Mra. Irene Henderaon were Stipday dinner iUe.ta of Mr. and Mr•. Loren jamison and children in Waverly, Ohio. . . MilS joaane O'Banion bas returned after Ipending the past we\lk with relative. In HIllsboro. Mr. and Mr•. J. B. Crabbe Will be hOlt and hostelS to the South Wayne AdviSory 'Council on Thursday evening . Mr· and Mrl . John J ' Burake had . al. their week-end auest, their dauah. ter, Mill Marilyn Bunke of Bowlini Green Univenity. ).'hey 11110 had ... Sunday lIl1estl Mr. R. B. Smith' of W,jlmingto~ Mr. and Mn. Adrian Cox of Covington, Ky., and MT. and Mrs. WillialD Strouse.
...... &' ......... - - -
Mn. Perry Dllv;, of CarrolltoJ), Ky., wal • Saturday JWllt of Mr. and Mn. Ron HartlOCk for the weddnill of her neiee, Mi,s Jane ~ertaockth' and ramained for leveral <IIIY'.a .elr houle guest . Mr • .and Mrs. J , I. Pi~lna .of 8omenet, ' Penn.I arrived .on Th~~.y even in" to spend leVerel. days with their son lind dauahter-irt-Iaw, Mr. and Mno, Paul Plddng. On FridAy evenin'" Mr. • they also had ' •• "uem • and Mrs. Earl Conner and IOn, honoring the birthday of Mr. CoDr\U an'(l y n encr °M SuJndbo • -:""'Hre IjoinedandbYMMr. Ro n. 0 om DI n. Y Stump and children of Dayton, loin. Homln" .n\l Mrs. StumP beina the daugh~en oC the.boat.. Mr. and Mn. Jeaae Prendergast and daullhter. Mllryalice, were S unday . ti d st- 0 f relatj ve. in C·IDClnna,.a gul!. l wera 'accompanied home by Mill ' Klltherine Prenif,r'llllt, who had spent the past week hi the citY. .. MT: ond Mn. Ern~t But~erwortb entertained on SAturd.y evenia", with the cheedW circle lIB their CUesta. A deticiou. dinner e*yed .nd five hundred' wa,. the dlvenion of .the ev. nine· TbolJe pteI8Qt were Mr. anel Mrs. Glean 'Borden, Mr. and 'Mrs. M . A. Cornell, Mr. •nd Mn. ,So S. ElliS; Mr.. Harry SmIth, ·Mr. Glean Smith • ... .... r. a nd n. L • V . B raaatrator, Mr. and Mn. J. B. Rich: the hOlt and hOltel~. \....: Dr. and Mrs. H. F. uye were hOlt .., to the Weat WQJIe Ad. and vi boatCo '1 "'-'d . lOry unCi on &'n ay _Ina d MEal WI·th ... nu..n n. r H IIbbel at guests, for the regular October meet· inc· Mr. Gilbert Frye cOndueted the diKuuion on "Wheat Loan. to Other CoF_::n~nll '~~d Mvera! other topi~ ....o-,IfIIII a.... oumm...t to ~ WI". Mr. and M~. ROIl HarUoclr la ~ vember. D pleaunt .octal hOlF - . enjoyed with de1fcioul" refresbmen~ of llillJerbnad with whipped cream and coif_ were 1«ftiI. MR. May Bante is IpeDdiIll thla week with b !.'f - . . ...... Meryn Baata .. 1 _ _ " f n _ ana IIUDUY 0 -B - --rl" -_.....M and ..• r. _n. .......... T ..... ...... and Un, ~ ~ atteaded the t1IIIUUp lIIIe, linD by F..-'. Oraap .t LebalMm Saturcfq ~ aln. Ola PunIey ... SUIICIq 8daoo1 a..t.~' uad CbUdND'l
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tloa. tSt.·.......... l1Ia. _ THKLMA'8 ' LUNCH
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J'or VaGadDIi
Bernard Baughn To Head P.T.A. Eleclio~ Interest 'Highest In Years' I ~' ;' As Voting . D~te Draws Near ..
75 A'tt d M . en , eetlDg To Elect Ot.I.·cers II
Bas'k·et·baU., : T~am I ] ' .' Prepalre's T0 D'"tl endeounty' .amplonsh·IP
By Jll'tl JONES
. . ...
. ....... momID, .ell' e eyn811Vt Ie 'will attwnd the &fUI.d chapter of Ohlo, Methodilt church wjll oblBf'W their Oraer of Eastern Star, on Tuesday, Wedneaday ,and Thuraclay. Mr. and Mn. Fred Hook : enter~ tained to dinner on Sunday and lIad u their lUBata Mn. H. E. H901r of Detroit, Mich~ Mrs. Waiter Bailey oC Dayton, Mrs. Loll Coy and Mr. and M..... Walter Ree.. of Knoll-
Political Pot)Starts To Brew
M"" • Berti. ~ ;a,ulelt OIl~~.~~~~=~~~~at 1 ....~.. :: of''''' th
Benmrd Baugbn was eleeled president of the newly organized WaynesvIlle Parent Teachers' AssoCI·atl·on . 'tia I mee ti ng Frid ay . . at th e Inl i " even ng. S eventy-five ·parents a.n d interested personl attended the meeting at the hillh IIChOoJ. Besides the election of officers, the group ' passed .by-Iaws and made arrangem~'nta for a membenhip drive and regular meeting Mu. R. E. Albury wjIJ be holtea date.. . to the new Century Clu.b. on FridllY It was announced that parents wIII afternoon at the Golden Lamb Hotel, wlthMN. R. H. Hartsock and Mrs. be ' invited to bring their children at E. F. Earnhart in charle q.f the pro- future mee~ngl. Facilities wilt be gram. . AI children at Mr. and Mn. Jobo Fromm, with available for. the care ... M r.•nd M n. CJ yde F romm and .on these meeting.. ....e 'ld, M r. lind M n. ' Mel vln ' The P .T.A. will meet t.he fourth of Sprin... Banta of New Carli.le and Mn. May Monday of each month at. 8 P.M. Banta of' Lytle, wenl Sunday cuelta Duel Cor the oraanization have of Mr. ami Mn. Merlin Ban'-In Day-: .. been let at 50 centl per perilon and ton. , M r:/ and M ra. Gilbert Frye and 75Incents per couple. addition 10 Mr. Baugbn, the SOOi nad •• Saturday eveninl .dinaer Ha followin .. officer. were elected.. M nd M L ·"'L cue.ta, r.. rs. w l . U a r r t - . . tocJt IInel lOllS. • First vice prelident, Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mn. W. K. Stroud bad a. ' Tullil; 'M. Saturday evealDi lupper guest's their RetaUic;PlC<jnd ,' th.ird vice vJ .... presideat, president,K.Mn. IOn and dau&hter-In-I.w, Mr_ and .,... Mn, Harold Stroud of Labanon. Dur- Florence Moran; correspondiag ~lDli tl)e evening they were joinad by retary, M~. Betty Cook; recordinll Mrs. Irene Hendenon, Mn. Grace Bec:retaay, Mill Dorothy Day; trea.. Vice, Mrs. J. H. Sackl'tl .nd Mr. uter, Charles Mehaffie. Claude Stroud and ~rlll.at1y enjoyed the movi•• taken while the holt end .- - 0 - - - hoateta ,,"re oa vacation, ia the Weat- . A aew, a1~r IIBt will be dedicated s am tates. at the close of the Sunday Ichool .t Mn. fWillIam StrouH, Un. Jo/Itl J. the W.y~elvilla Methodist church Burste, Mrs. .8t!InIey K BaIlq, Ian. ...._~_ ....... _ D. C• ~d.....- J:'.. - D . . - _ - - ' - y marDin-. .. ~ Nt il • gift .....
Bas ketball Pnlctioo has started agnJn at W~YDcsvlll e High. and "' for the second year It Is under th e guidance ' of Coach Ed Porter who will be g\JnDlng for his sec· opd s traight leaguo cbamploDsblp ln.as many year s. 1 Tbe varsity ~Quad will be a m Ing 1ts fourth etralgbt' chamnlou· .. L... ship. Q. feut Ivhlub lias nevllr .,.,. for been acompllshed J.n the War:ren County League. •. Tbe vllrsJty and I' serve squads h'G ve beell holding dally practices . two wee ks and ahould for tl1e last be ready for thei r InIUai games~ against B1ancbester. Nov. 10.
• OIFPICUL TIES , . Meebn.nlclLl dlrtf oul tlofl D!'lUI" pres.s tlme nect!8s ltated t.h e om· mission of some copy for lbls I ~su of lh Gaz tle. Slllch 'OilY w lU ~I'rie(l next \V'ee~~.
WAYNESVILLE BASKI"TBALL • SCHEDULE, 1040·50 Nov. , lO (Home) Blanchester Nov. 18 (8 omc ) H arveYD"b urg Nov. 22 (Hom) ' Centelville Dec. 2 (Home) CarUale De c. 6 ( H KI is Mill II ome) Dec. 9 (Away) Morrow ~c. 10 (Rome ) Franltlln Dec. 13 (.~way) Springbor9 Dec. 16 ' Harveysburg J 3 (D') T'-b ' an. ~Qme ...., anon Jan. 6 (Away) Carlisle Jan. 10 (Home ) Morro~ Jan. 13 (Bome) Mason Jao.. 20 (Away') W. CarroltQn Jan, 27 ('H ome) Sp ' 1'Ingboro Jan. 31 (,",way) MaaOn ........ K1Qp _ai'''.'.... '""" 'I ' ~) Fell. 4 (Home) Spring Valley F eb. 1 (Home) Kingman , 0 tFUTUfUil' HOMEMAKE~S ORGAN IZATION IS FORM EO
d .....ter of Mr. and Mn. 1<!01l HarttIOCk. and Mr. Chel'ies McCullock. _ ,f Mr, and Ml'lI. Archie McCul•_ .....L _ 0 f Li n ton, Ind. ~_. Milton Hartsock and Mr. Owen -, JbrtIoc:k, brothen of the' l~ride. and M8 'J ames McCullock, brot:her of tlte , ~tVed as ushers. Ii half-hour roulical progmm was prt,aentcd by MilS Martha Ann Bryan. a . ~lege classmate. as pianiu 1lnd u.. Jean HartlOck, the brlde's twin ai~, ISng "I Love Tbee"; Nl'U Wa,lk 'BaJjtdc You" e nd "The Lo'rd's Prll)'. The bride. unatten'~ed, who ad with and was presented t~ the by hllT father-; oPJ>C,ared in a ';Ik bengaline frock, styled on I' with ~-..... _... ·1 . ,n.. a om", ""'" ceo from the bill! . tclr-Iille to
The Friends' Church; beliutffl)l in ,~ . , pHcity and with bouquets ()f itl .
mums. was ~e SCOOle of lbe mant.ge) on Saturday eft.!.rnoon a t 3:-aD o'clock, of MisS' Jape HartllOck,
Among thOJ& c;andidatet who have With election day lesl thon two we~k' away. the political pot halt be- Tesponded to our req~..t for informa.
f gun to brew in this communitY in tion are: HOWARD ·A. BROWN what appears to ~, one of the m;'st active local electiona in many yean. ¥t. Brown is a candidate for the The most oonte, ted positions 'thul vlllulle CCluncil. He i • • member of far <have been seats on the Board of the alaff of th~' ,W aynesville Locker Trustees. R. B. Peten. Will st. john Plant and has been ~ reaident 9' thil . and J~!18 Prend, eraast are activ~IY communi~ for three yean. • c'ampa,'gnJ'ng to -ecur the , two open. Amoni th ~ organizations of whk'I . ~ ., . t b B rd M~. Brown is a member are the Civic 1QgII on e .oa . Of great concern ty Mayor H. M , Club, MalOnl, and Ea.tern Stitr. Mr. Sherwoo:J i. the factf that no candi- Brown was instrumental in o ....ninnC dates will appear on the baUot Lor the P ,T.A. in Waynesville and .,ryed the Board of Public Mairs (water a. temporary president of the arpnboard) . "Forget obout who i. elected ization until permanent officers were • bo h· th ejected )"at week. mayor, .orget a ut w 0 18 on e .:oundl,i· he laye, "but be aure to get Mr. Brown states thllt he hal amsome good'1IlOn on the Board of Pub- pIe (ree time to devote to the dutiel lie Affeins." of the council and, lince he La em"It 11 ' V ita! th a t we "''' thele po " ployed . in the community, I. well UI.J • t 'lonl, II M ayor She rwood added. ' awaof . L e problem. the counell .w'" T'L " ••e M axor expIaIned th a t th e wa- mult face. ter board mult handie a budivt of FRANCIS GENE BROWN bo $80 "00 d It d 1 ·th A 'd ' t h Co ciJ ..... a ut ,van mu ea WI cand, .te .or e un , ... an~ .J.L 11· Ita ..... I werage and water . ''''-.., B ' . ha _ ....i_.. a I _ _ UJe e -,mPO u, e CiS -.-08 rown I .......,........ . . .... problems. It is necess~ry, for the record of community IBmea. He' bn . good of the. community, that much ,reaid.e d in.the community for. twenty interellt' be aroused · in the lituatlon yea,. lind it a ~eml)er of tile Civic M Sh od La' W '" __ _ according to ayor efWO. Club, Alneric:an lion. .n.a ........... Th ere WI'II unciou~edl b I tY Young Democ:natic Club, and War. y e p enty of action ia tim race for pOIitioal on ren Coun~ · Hiftori.cal Society. the Board of Educat.lon. Seven men Brown i. the dllt:rict manapr for are 'Qn t~e ballots for ' three 1'011- an in.urance firm with offic.. in Wi!h
tiona. John GoDS, the preeent prelldent of ,t he Board wlll attempt ,t o ~ cure "Te-eleetion against luch, stron" OPROnenta as Luther H' J{artIock,
mington. .He ..ys ttwt he. will ~ it a point to devote aU u.. :tI1IUI _ elaery to the proper pursuance of the office be .....1 " •
Vern Simpson, Harold Earnhart, Don . tuDona the oI'Iicea held by Brown in Workma~ Ray C. Smith, and Joe county organisationa hay. been 18C~ Jam ' ea'. retary, prelidtat and director of til. F'~v. mea H; . CS.... _.. ......_"""- .... ........ . VB . fil~........... ...... ..0lIl f or Olvl.. .... 'a.pt • .=" :--t.~ • ~'-r ' .....::. ......C8rI• ' ...._...._,' , • •, , - - - , _ the IX ppmmDII"OD:"tIlIlf"rm......-_ -.... ~ cil, and indications are that there pre8ident of the W.mIID eou.;,. will bo a heavy write-iii vote. Uoyd Yowig Democratic Club. He .l e" · Davia, Howard Brown, Max Hart- Democratic c8Dttal c:onuni~.
IJa......... _
buttons, long tape~ .Iee·vas alJ'CI II .lull floor-length .kirt worn oveT crin. oline. She completed heir costumo Witil white latin halo hat: trimmed . wlth white ostricb tips and 0 white I • 0 tul\e shoulder length veil. alnd carried sock. F. G , Brown, and HomeT Carey Reprding the ofIic:e he wi.u. to The following ~oung people fro~ AT WA YN ESVI L LE HIGH a ,w hite Bible topped with a scarlet ere to appear on the ballot for the aarve, Brpwn -Y', "Aa chairmen of Waynesville and vicinitY are in at. By Annlitte 'rlnney thro9ted w.hite orc'hid, !ltephallOtis council positionl. the Public Allain Cominittee of ihe tendllnee lit Miami-]acoh9 Collece. The Future Homemakers of llOa satin atreamen. It il the nope of tho M'l8mi G~ette WayunviD. Civic Club tor the pelt Dayton, this faU: AmerIca an orgiln,lzatlon for all Tho verY impressive FrUends' cere• Betty Campbell, 01 Ri. 2, Waynes- gIrls wbO ite takin g bome eeon. mony was repeated by the bride And to' be I\ble' to bnnc you. brief bioara- three years, I ~t __ tiD» ville. who is enrol~ for the steno- om~c8, bas JUBt been started In groom. with Sara and Ray mond Brad· phles of the ca\ldidatel ~ that vote... with the coUDcil on MlY. of Improv-"i c course; Ch ar Iel Gith ans, aJ 10 ' l!.(> . WayneSVille High Scbool, 'MIss dock as a committee of oVlersigbt. "'In not be in the dark wben they';'o --~unity. From tidl work era.... ., .. ,'n-• "'e' UI ~_._ of Rt. 2, WaYJlelvijle, anroDed for Smith, home t!collomlcs ' In structor Tile' bride's, mother "holse a ~wn to the poll a NovembeT 8. . I have g.ined a wortin.. Imowteclp the hicJier aCC!Ountancy course; .and ... d I ' o( winter ' blue wool and the groom's of tho probiem •. of the council and Anne Elzey., ol Oregonia, who i. en- is ... e club a v sO.r . mother 1"'0re a 'n avy print, each with rolled for the. Junior Secretarial At ' a reeen !) m.eeting. the foUow· black accessories, ' nnd cO~lplil'l\ented OVER 200 ATTEfI!D the community." coune. . ' . ing oftlcers we~e elected: . bY ' 1I large purple orchid cclnagel HOMECOMIN(l AT RAY C. SUITS ,Mill Campbell i. a 1949 graduate : PresIdent, Dorothy Cbenoweth; A large group of guests (!reeted the . . RBl)' C. Smith is a capdidate for the f W.yne.·11 high school wh' l Mr d btlde and grooftl, ond inr-mediately METHODIST CHURCH 0 VI e , . 1 e. . Vice president. Vera Sberwoo ; , following the gTeeting MT .. and M.rs. School Boai'd. He hal _Ided in Qithen~ was.chool. IIflIduated SpnngSecret.ary, Mary ~ose Wardi ' Tre' allisted bu HomaCOtnini day the Waynel- Wa"" ....ville for 'boro hIgh M ias from Elzey comRe ua---clc. ~."'" '-" Mrs.' Wilton 1__ I - - and is eopleted her high .chool WOfk in 1948, asurer. Stella Oreech ; News • ' H~rtsock, Mrs. Gene Ellington, M.n. ville M~ist church W81 a success caied in the steel bUllnea. in D.:Ytoa. and attended Cedarville College last lJOrter. Annet te , Tinney; 'P1l rlia• 01!l'ea Hartsock and M rs. Charles in the fullest aenae of the word. More Smith atatel .that he .... 1~1IIt . ption a! ~ei... than 200 attanded the morning len- .... year. men~s rlan. Mary Carolyn Bradli9Y. Mlistenl) hethld a reM . .re· "" __ .... de.v «. to ' the office be 0 Last · Thursday evening. the home for e J'I!l ao.ves "nu .... ose _y . . ._ .... fEiends. ' The beau ti fUl. decorated lee and more than 150 were present _b and further natel that he "beEN~ WILSON senior .&IfIs 3!ltlng IlB hostesses wedding cake and fruit p.unch ~~.~ll'-t!ul-au.r:n(lIIl.I:L.8.Il!D!Jj';e...:.....-~--t..fi1,m!IHIM*-iH·. pollalble for tha CCJIIloo Enos Jr.\VIlson. 88, died at (ogetber wJth l\f1ss Smith, enter· servild from an attrllct:iv~ teo table, The morning service was enhanced nukes 'Rellt ' R 'o me. BowersvUle, t9lneIJ the mothers of the girls. with bridal 'a ppointments. muaity to have better ,fadlities for ' . 6:25 A.M" Wectnesda.y. The 'Informal program . C9D8lste d Mr. and Mrs. McCulloch left for ' by the eJJective work of .the choir the education of ita children with the 'by. L_ bon' d e ch ose and soloists, PhlJ Workman and Don f .u n. d now . .avail a,.. 1.1e .... .... ,_the ........ ._-_. He Is " 8uI'vlvl!d one brot/ler, of explanations ot , a bome maker. 8 honeymoon, and til., Jobn, aull one [oster 8ister, ,Mrs. projects and wbat the clIlS8 was fOf traveling .11 green wqoll s,u it, .wilh Gahris. ' The sermon wal. delivered board. Also, p,reseat buildinP could Jennie 13rad.do<1k. b~th of Waynes. colng to accompUs~ Uihi year. black' accessories and white orcl)id by Dr. Robert Kenno\iY. Dr. ,Kennedy .b e improved upon to' further . .ilt " I corsage. chose as his te...... "For the Lord'. • '. vllle. Tb\lre, was also vocal and ns LrU' Mrs. McCullock, a .g;redl)ate of -., both popU and t teac:b1lr! FUneral service" will 1;10 beld at ruenj:aJ inuslc by the girl!!. A.ffAir Miami Ualversity, is artist -ilJI)Strl\tor. Portion Is His People" (Deut. 32:9), HAROLD B. EARNHA~ the Caesars CI'eek Church ' Saiiu· a ~18cus810n period. dainty reo and !,IT. McCuilock, a grodug.te from A dinner 'Was served at the noon Harold B. EamhB.r t is a eandLdate day. Friends may call at. the fresbmhnts' o, ·r bo' punch and Jndiana University, is a drafts ma n. hour to approximately' 160 gUests. · · th . tltubbs .Funcral Rom!" unUI t.l me ~ookie8 .' pi'epar.ed ~by the 6enlor Qnd both· are connected . \I,ith Patter. . The afternoon meetina was in- for one of the three vacancie, on e of serv'ce. girls weTe' serv' ed. All In aU It son Field, and upon theiT return will . b R School BOard and has been a Iqcal ' . reside in their newly cOnlpl et e4, I=ot- lonnal. Talks were given y ev. resident Cor many yean. Ha is a job was a mos~ enjoyablo evening. tage near the Jlartsook home. J . V. Lacey. a fOl1Der mini,ter, and evaluator (of' the Frillid~lre Divi.ion MRS. MY-RTA BIGGS O . The, bride haa been h. on(lred by sev· oU,er vi. itors. Tnere were vilito'n ' D ' 75 • 'WI d ow 0 r T Mrs. Myrta B l gp, The ' W.S.C.S. held their regular era) lovely IOclal affairs, laD d h a!t 1a- present hom five churches where Rev. of Oenetal Moton in aytOn. Wall~r .\»f Walter Biggs, wbo dlfld meetinll lit : the llome of MI'S. Ray c:eived many lpvely gifts Ilor' her naw and Mrs. Coleman Cormerl), Ilel\Ved. A fj)rmer mayor of Corwin, Ea.r nabout (lve . years ago, dJedl at ber Conner on Thursday afternoon, With a home. h.rt hal been active in the M.tbodist borne n~ar Oregonia TUesday al. iarc- .ttendance, ·· Mn. Elmer Shee-0---' ." vl.it4?r frotn Bowel'Sville, the Church, Waynesville ,Lodle 163, F. in ch.T.... of the Cfovotiona The L3' lirst chllrge of the Coleman' •• brouaht and.,.. M " aad MIam,' ,.." ........, 0 DO. , ter an Plness 01 about four oo:ears., ban _ ..~ ... Ladies of Farmers'I Orange d ......... -. .... • , ,. 'and Mn. Don Worman reviewed will nold thei.,. regular a 1- ay meet· a fine Cake in observence oC the wad- S. . "ul'lvors Incilud&: t,wo BOns, Wa· ·the book on · Methodist Coll egel and ing at t tIe 0 range H o.11 oln T I)esd .. y. 'ding a~ivflJ'Sll'ry of tJ'te Colemana. ... Iter and ,W lllle, . both ot Oregon;Jk: Ualve'nitiea, their work .end loc , a1jtY. November .1, with a COVe1'ti!d di. h din. N He is • P..t Patron of tile 0.&.8., Mrs. Louelfa . RJatt, Oreg~nja: .Llttle Sandra Sc:hePCk favored the ner at' the, noon hour. M m. J. B. R~ch Other churche? represented were ew and Past 'Ma.ter of the Masoaa and· Mrs. GeneVieve Zimmerma.n. €eh· grOup lrlth a 8010: ' 'Mn. ·Don Work- will be.the hosten' oC the da y and Fa- Jasper. Spen~erville, Upper Santlu~- is a trultee of the latter orpnization. tervUlB; ,Mrs. Enima aenll :Hlya.r. man hal been elected to serve al vice tricia M~"uX. Hom<\lp Se'rvic~~ COL'~~t- ' ky. and New Carlisle. He is aUto. memb« of the official Lebanon; ' MrB, Elda Hackney. prealdent for 1'8IIIBindeT of tile year. sellor of the Dayton ower 3 1... Induded in the special music: for TII.e lOCi- .... &..umed to meel on will give a cooking demo!flltretion on I b u . board of the Met.bodilt Church. Waynesville ' Route 3, nine gTftnd· 'Novem~7"'17,"""'Thundiay aherndOn. an elecuic mnre during ale afternoon ' the afternoo~ were so 01 'y .... ,.. Earnhart.tales that be will, if children and four great grand. when the Iad1eI wiD , hOld • bu.iness end 'anyone ;nterested m,1Y attend. Tobe Ball and 'Mrs. Don Qabril. elected, heve .ufficient free time to children. . _ion 'at 'the cburch; then pl'BP"re a 0 0 devote to the dutiel of hil 'ofIIbe. tlhe' was a. lIJombe.r of the D of turlrey ~, to be. IBrved to tho The Rainbow' Ad v1 !1OQt Council Mr. nnd MB. Henry Saylor and A at }'rankUn. public durin& the evea1l11. Refresh. held their adobel' meeting on 'Jluea· famjly, and Mr•. and rMe. Han,. '''I -bave • ~na1 intareet iJi the S..... • I 'b e b"" palt week, attended .... V1CflS wll e.. a~... _Co m8Irta of donuta lind mffee . -were day eveninl. f M of the d M R b rtat Mth e G-"am. .... , , , a'birthdau " dinner local wcbool," Earnhart wtatea, ..~th .... _ aerved by the boat_ .Uld her allist- home 0 r. an ra. . 0 e r; SUJlday at the home of Mr. end Mn. __ -....dren .ttendi.... • _ in _ Clore Funeral Home FrJd.,. after-_.... ........ 18 I d f ' ..... lUlU -anti. ..._~ ....... a rge a en on<;e? Riley SaylOr of Center:ville, honotlll& ..a1or cl.... and' a d.\l&hter in tbt! lIoon at two. B\lrlal will be made 0 iuesb and member". Mr, R. G. Mil- their mother's Mn. Susan Saylor, I In Miami cemetery. TURKEY tUPPER lar .waa dlscussioa leadet' on IBvert 'eighty-third birthday. freshman cl.n 10 hleb adIooL 0 The ladle.' of Way:neavlJle Me- difJ'e.rent topics , a ll really' on die IU • 0 deeply latereltecl in ' kMptDl the . thodlst .... urcb will -erve a turk iect, ''What Malres a SUCCl!IBful M r. and M n , Nolen .McCaahi.,. .. pwMn.. J. B. J - wa• • ~ "'&l Farmer." . -." lteJldaro. elf die ac:booill' __ .. ,_ I1ieet of ~, and ...... Alfred J-. ey supper to the public on Thurs· The coun.ciJ adjoume I until No- and MI'. and Mn. Robert ·Wil_ of lible, from every anpe, ..... lD Iupof OMwaod. cia, evenbl" Nov• .1,7. vember when they will ,enjoy e tur- LaDC8lt~r were Sunday aftemooD. plylnc the belt l.cWti. that the ----iOI)---key dinon .t the home of Mr. and calle... 'at the home of Mr. and Mn. CODUII1IJIity caD aft'1II'd. If eIecDd, I CARD OF THANK. ~. Chari.. La May: 'Dai nty ra- Wilbur F.uIb. wUl endMvor to llive aiIch aa4 ~ I wish to thank tile baslnea_ freslunllltl _ e aernd the 1100 probl..n boDaat IXIIIIld....tIGa and will IDeo for nOW\l1"8 and, e.q)retIII ..,. del boar. lONSA,NTO Phyalcl~ married, do .aIl Wldria.aq penni' to--pr_ _ Id l't!nb' de.lrel ~ ...r:.~t t,UDi the belt inDr'eIIa of .WeI"" CIOQo appreelAUcm to aU for tJaelr k;lJHI. no chI .... ' t --. tum... . d--'l L ed OUM or a_r_ DeIfJ IInR' geeD ..... __n.a- - - ' wit hoDDr uad JQItim will -t.. room. or more. I'or ' rn o.~ .... .-., ~ .... W"..,. L..~ • phoDe W&JlUlllYill. aUI, L at-.rrut," .. annual "Thllnk Offermll" ..rvlce Sunday ~t 10:30 A.~. Mrs. L . j. Long of MltI<Jletown Will make the addreas.
'm, .
t . w o
. . . . . .. . . .
I Harvest This Year Second Largest
Bird Turns Stooi Pigeon
DETROlT.-A kidnaped canary
turned stool pll1eon lind landed hls somewhat dubious owner In poUce. court. When .a woman store detecUve noticed Mrs, Iren/! Zaja punching 110le8 In the shopping bag she was carrying, th~ detecUve confronted her, Mrs. ZaJa was deny1ag bavlng taken anythIng frorn the store:, pet department ",Ithout . paYing COr It. . when rtom the bag came a plaintive "cheep, cheep." Mr,', Zaja pleaded guU~y to a charge ot simple larceny and received a sUlpended sentence (or taldDg one of the atore's prize ..IOnpters. . "My , bllSband II awa,.. from ' bome a lot," Ihe ' .ald, " and I'm ioDesome. I · thought. a c:anal'T woald be a good cOmpanion."
1, In &I.S. History, Government Says; Reds Purge Czech Property-Owners .
IEDITGa'S 'NO:fE: Wben opinion •• re '''Dr... ed In ' .... e ool"", ••• . 4ti07 ••••booe 01 w•••• ,. N •••,.pII' Ualon' . aew•••al, ••• aD. noL De~e . a,lb If tbill D••• paper••
HAR~EST: Second lqrgest
Thursday, Od0l'er 27, tNt
ThisKitchen Cabin~t Economical to Build '
BURLEY: u. S. likes Quotas The ' government took first steps toward continuing exlstlng rigId inarketl,ng . controls on burley to- ~~el:'~~~~~1 boo co amid calls by , griculture I' secretary Charles 'Brann an tor another three·year control pro, gram and lor views by Interested persons on the Question. '. BR.(\.NNAN'S REQUEST tor the three·year extension of control on the burl,e y crops stemmed from tk\e tact that this year'a prospective production of abollt 590 mUJjon pounds 18 well above the c;~rrent annual rate of disappearance. The lettover of burley on October 1. the beglnnlrig of the 1949-crop· marketing year, was estimated at 970 million pounds-about 7.5 per cent above that of a year ago, It walll the highest on record. Brannnn, In asking for. exprel· slon8 of views by Interested persons, was acting under require. menta ot the law, The quelltlbn I.' expected to .be, aubmltted to a ref· erendum, in December. Appt:oval by at leaat two thIrda of thoae, volIn " waul" be required. D .. QUOTAS for the ' IMT, 1848 and 1949 crop. wer. voted tn 1~ Brannan la .dso requlred by law to proclalm quotas by, December 1 if he f1nda there 11 a Burplus within terms of the law, and there would be lew who would 110& concede that a surplUl exist••
Farm. Sho'w Schedules
New MachlOnery.• Id~a..s t
Modem Devices.Slated To Indi'c'ate Progress
Amerlc.'s hom of plen 'contlnued to go aU out in Its producNew devices and mnchi~ery t Uon ot food tor the world. whlch are nttrl;lctlng the interest of Latest crop summary of the U.S. farmers generally will be .on view department or agrlcuiture showed at the national form show nt Chithat 1004 bar)lest we\lther would cago start.ng November 26. The "lIII'e the' nation pt Its .econd larg.how WUl be held In tbe ' Chleaeo ••t volume of crops in hlstory, coliseum. . . topped only by the record·brel\klng ' {lromlnent nmon~ new seientlf!c haul of 1048.' farming aids to be sliown wiU ~e L._ _ _ ...~ EQUALLY Important was the tact ' the radlcally·dlUerent tractor·move W;OJDftft C!I_':"th.t • record .upply of com was on Irrleat,ion systems. Conslstin~ ot ~ aleIV tap for proc1ucin, meat, dairy and long Unea of pipe whlch can be hooked onto a tractor and moved to poult:r7 products. .ny aection ot a field. these IY" II uuJ~m The month ot September brought 1!' eonditioOl IUfftclently favorable to boost total production prospect. . NEW YORlt.-More than a thou. 1 per cent. despite a ' aUght deellne lind women-from teen·agera to In the com estimate. .Total . crop Admiral Arthur W. Raelforel septuapnarJan.. are ' voluntal'T volum.e '111'81 indicated at 131 per &ook the atanel before the hoase .lUfnea' pig. fo~ a coameUc telltlng cent of the· 1~2S-1932 base level. armed .ervlce. committee lo . .ec~d onl,y to last year'. 137 per l.bor.tor·... here. , &edify thai ourreDt defense . live .- ••tran"e halt. cent.. " The -~en ....... III .. However, preaent ' lndic ation. are plan. aDd mWta~ letup ·.. , -nd "-If bea,·t... world of the.lr own. -rIe-, •......._- ..permanent " calo the ....vy to a role "DR:--. ' is beln" th at ..... ....... may b e th e last. year for '...-~..... &.l........."" .. .ome time that erap pr·"u~Uon leu aai1 lnadeq....te.. 111 tile on.- balf • head '''ets the V\& ~ T T A . ..,.UIoJ The other half " ' .1. astro nomle a I hel"h&· event 01 an atomlo war. • ry, ry gatn permanent. may get reacbe. IIU.... • ... • riyal permanent; or .. left un- ~ .urpw.el were mountln, almost The government waf pledged to tolicbed a. a way of makin, com- .larmingly, the government was ~o its best to brln, pe.ace Into the JlCNJer.larm machinery, lIooh »~IOU. The ..me is . true of preparing to take acUon to reduce Slow Terror steet' Industry. 8bampooa. output next year. MORE AND ' MORE meet¥ip . . tbla "damper-downel''' In ale , A de~to,.,. belDg lDvestl¥ated la Ther. was evCl'T Ukellhood "that 'Slow terror. tb,e kind tlt at even· had been arraD,ed In an eUort to 111 a North OarollDa lobacco Itelel, wID leatnrp exhibits at .ppUed &0 one Ie,. 'Ttie other 're· market quotas would be slapped on tually i. born In persons Uvine end the deadlock between workerl tbtl National Farm Show to be ·maIns untouched as a . coot~l. In .ome of the baJjc crop. which bave' under any totalitarIan government, and operators. ·Cyrus CbiJig, V"~' belcl in CbloaCO. a like manner, cream., makeup, been overflowing Into .torage in was .eeplng through Comm.t concUiator director. made Pie first deodorants sldD preparllUon. sl\j! recent yeara. Czechoslovakia. . pea~ rqqve' tn the extended-'strIke oU!_r co~tics are compared. All THIS YEAR'S huee' output I. 'the CaUle of It wa. a Red pur,e, when he man,ed '~orm81 meet- teml are said 10 b~ able Co triple are DaUODa~ distributed proc1ucts, reault of fairly larle production ot aimed primarily at sUPpoled' bour- Ines with .teel companies and tlie acrea,e yield; Wllter. nltroien, tel'DDT or 2."D 'can ~o put whose names you·d recolbiZe tn-, malt ind.lvidual cropa, rather than leols elements, but leavine no man atrlJdng CIO , UnitfCl Steelworken. through the sprlnklers. mmUy. reeord·breaking yields of just a -be he a Communist party memBoth sldn had been holdin. Vacuum ' unloaders. rotary hoes Noae of the women mind' belnlf few. her or n.o t.-&ee from the fear that doeeedJy to their pre-strike posl. guinea pigs, .a71 S. F. Coneybear, Near~ 128 million tons of Uve- he ma,. become a victim ll00ner or tiona-the union for company.palcl heated tractor aeats and grain test~ ol1lelal of the Evans reaearch lCOck-feed· crainl are bein, pro- I.ter. . lnIurance and ~slona recom- .rs are inlfluded among the hunand devetopment corp. After aU. duced thf. year, ~cJuding a corn UNCONFIRMED reports of the mended b, a pre~'aenUll board, dreda of items for ,the moc1ern tarm be polDb out, you can't teU b,. erop of about 3.47 bIllion buShell. total leized or marlted for aneat and the Industry for welfare bene- and farm home which wID be di.Jocik:IJiI at them. And they ,et Latt year'a com crop ot 3.115 bUUon tn the Communist ponce roundups fill with worken belplD. to toot IIlayed, and vIsitors will aee a wIder J'ange ot Implements and equipmen, ,rm,ed between 80,000 and 60,000. the bIlL valuable beauty shop' treatments at bUlhell set an 'all-time record. the hand. 9f sIdlled operators. In. The 38.5, bUll~n toni of food IraJna No intortnation was being liven. SOME COMPANll!lS bad _areed' then . has ever before been a..embled under one root a liven period Ii woman gets SCL DOW eatlmat9, though exceeded in either 81 to causes, results or 8IQ" to .ccept the union 1e~, but this The special events are Ilkewile to eight Ihampou, • permanent each of the paat three .a~a.orla, Ia other detaUs of the wideapread aI'! d.ld not mean _trike', elld. up Into a program at unThe atakes 'w ere bl, In the con- Ihaping 'wive aDd the f1neit materiall ad- creater than tn atl7 earner year. reats. usual Interest. The seclImd annual mJDIttered by Ildlled' operators. Included lD thls filW'e I. a bUDlPer The pattern of the pur,e was test. Where b.1,\ ateel went there 1Ilvltatlonal Interatate foH poultry !J.'tie'. purpote of tile laboratol'T. ~at crop of 1.12 bWJon ~hell, clear. Landlordl. arch1t1!cts, con- would CO malt of U. /3" Industry, judgln, contest on November ~ eone,.bear 117', .. to, evaluate a ~ au or which bas been bar- fectionera and other sman ahop.' as atee! usually sets the ...m draw· entries from at least 20 cOllnetlc long before It Is placed on y••ted. keepers were being ¢cked' up an.d patt~ in wa,e and labor nego- .tates, according to H. G. Ware, s.le. Anlwera to U4ele question. their business confiscated. In lOme t1atlon•• director of ~uclglng .. are 10ught: ]a It la~et Is It eWcasea, their apartments were aelzecI dent? Haa it e.t1letic appeal? Half a Loaf and families d1Ipollelsed. 'l'o obtain thls InfDrmaUon hun. 'J . - t. • NAVY: drea. 01 WOmeD bave .\HI~ offerlna The tint ...11on of th, 81st con· ID , the main. It was • .....ve BI'" Fading Wltoh Footln" , be ded to ard Oetober .galnlt CzecJloalavakla'a P1"C!Per· the ~~ of their aealPSI face" anna cre.. a ' . 'III' an n tied c~ses, theoreticaU,Y the m~ '1'ha ~an with the, cha~1 , • '4Joumment with li.a ._o.. haH Of ......... .... and t,.;_ .lnee 1121. neD the ,lIerv ""'-....""n. Be~ttna ..... bem PreIldent Truman. , .program' r.-- -w-....t .~, .... , e. of'Mandat eomm , IinIDn. tmUe, the Iron wuo aDa a we....,tee wu .... eDeiDI I I!\O..,.. _~<l_ aalt I mB)" ten tnto 'Ia'111': H'O....."... ......R. the pro'-'Uoo or iles. for .alt water and th blUeWhite un· \PO prOblem at ,U.IIU'UI,e " . .... "..,.~.. iAemu Wont" \Sf mdath ata ba. THE PRESIDENT could count 15 the propert'1 owners waa accom- fol'ml W" no lonler In e , ipl'OYicled volUDteen In tuUident major aecompU.bmenta, ' by his panted throughout Bohemia and HOUle. Top man In U, S. numbers. , nckODlna, at lout, on the part of Moravia by purge. of lovernmeDt ment, tilStea!1. wa. a bard:bltteD ... h e help ed ride Into emplo'lee., the em'"', a1'lD7 . and ~aptalD of anmery 'War t . '/ ..... coocre.a th Ie-in 'World lth I ' We h. be even the CommUDltt r a D It L .. an army en UI •• w u .., IlatH' atfI~ ~ ~:"V::h':' bUllDe.. for Cbar'4!!s, where there were any. common With s.uorl. .................. . . . . " the 1" congresalonal campaian. raDied from high treason and THUS THE NAVY. ' embaWed LONDON'.--A tBrltllb eolonlal of- however. were a DUmber of hiJhly Iympathy willi Titolam or "weatern agalDat a horde of crItics, dlf" flce ID lfiprla ·....'reporW NCelV- controversial proPOla'la among the Imperlallam" to .lmple denuncla- tr.ctors, and .Ir-Jll.\nded big brlllll' inc the Wistful pIe.L .~. west 22 requesta that. Mr. .'lIrUman hsd tionl by .nooper. who had Wli literally t1Chtin. for lts' 1lfe African· native ~ ~~ fouqd ,laid before the pre.ent sellion. heard suspicious bits or cOllver... 11 before conlP'elll. ne baW\! draR~id ·bilQie" out of a lob .wlth. the ,colo.n -I without getung final action. Uon.' 00 ' and on, .,..,bDe .tthe hIJ" 'Bt.S8, . 1aJ a.enq: • , . ~". ChIe.f among theae' I. the T~ . POlsible blnt .. to the r ....u~I ,1 world'a lar,e.t bo be : ahook and I "Dear·Sir: On oPeDiDi W. eplaUe Hartle1 act repeal. which ' '111'_' behind the pur,e waa the _pee! ' about in &be verbal hUrrl:' 70U ... /iMlbi;ki the wOrk' (Iff a de- lturned down 10' 1:ioth hbuae. durin. that the government Ia . raalD.-.1Ji Wasb1htton. • jobbed peraorl' and a " very bewll- 'this a~a.loiL' The Prellclent tm· trouble not only Jll Its The U . S. ·alr force, ' for the mOo dered land mueb dIlI~ gen- cloubtedl1 will revive the Issue ' lD control the Roman CathoUc ment, at lea.t, beld &tie clinter of .tleman who "as violen\l7t deJo))bed Juuary, and the o\ltcome this Urne but also Its 'e fforts to prod the ' .ta,e, .eemed a'lJIfed ot most ill a ~ by :rour &06d self. . ma,. !hpeJld upon how .ome spacial production out of the workers. IIUPport. The navy. according to ..t,?£ beaven·. .aIte~ .~, cooalder ;.eteotlona' this 'lear to fU1 .enate and ODe wItne.., would be rele,ated to thla ~.lUtrophe a. fallin, on '1'our tiGUle vacanclel turn out. · statu. of • convoy .force if 'own ~ad. ad remtDd 70urialf on· SOME OF TIp: , other requettl pre~nt uDWc.tlon plal1l ~r the wa~' ,home at . . moon'. end whleb Mr. ,"l'Nni.n II aImo.t sure, Win Diplomats atmed, lervice. were canled out. -to fir.e .......e ~e....II 18 'lor- to r..mtroc1uee' ear~ oext' year will Wal It a ease of rat. deserting a tUttlftg out vlcloual7, at the air a'ciloua chlldren ~th fOUl' pocket befo" a 'IJItem ,of compl.illory I1nk1n hi? fofee" th. n"vy declared 'bui1ld:ln• .1. filled . wi~ , no~elda~qt . , P,Ound.~ bealth maurancti. 'dvil rights legla- ' g .s p . , the B-3e wa. an ahIlJ1!lI... fIId , peD!;e' and 'a •.0Utary lation, atandb7 price-wage . CoritJ:~, ~t might bave ~en .. PlalllO, • of ' taxpayer zl!,oney, ::cl:aiDlecl ~c-'" ,pity m'l bonlblt! 1atate.' and the. pa.18,e of ~'PolDt ... le~ ible construction of the ~ove ~. big ship could Ilever do tile · "Aia · to~tIie' feaion Il.e!l by yOur- latlon to 'cuaran~ u.s. IUpporllD Chlne.e dlplomatic-.taft ~embers . Upected of It. argued and FOUNDATION , 'Ielt elQuIre for '1n7;.dejobplent th~ developing ba~ard aresa of the In Pari. deserted ,to the Comm~1t for a ch8llce at ' a duei beUNDERMINED. incrimination wu .la&1nes•• No .lr. wor1cl. . regime at Pe)dn~, and .~aJ,led on the' D'", and the bomber. l' WH' impoaalble 'that ID1l1elf whe, OIIne.e diplomats throu.hout th. NO FOOT.ING. · pitched 18 children Into thia vaIe at PAY world to follow ' their ~ample. . Nmen 'aboaJl 'alwa11l ..... teara c~ have a ~ ..tom lD bin For Cabinet' GEORGE MONG, caunlelor of the to ·tIle 'claQer.,. nID)DOrtal frame, and .. suddeD dethe Paril emball" made the all'OIl water wallalD. a~,. fOCi&-' parture of 11 poUllds .haa left me on The~".a ~oocl news for. cabinet noUJic,ment. ~ He reported that U IDp all4er r~datioaa. ~fUo. . the verge ,or deatJtulloD and . de~palr,. meMbers, who hava been .plu.1iDI diplomats, 'el~t from ,the _mbailly alarl,. 0 • . oatbUUcllllp wllete "I hoP. thIa vWOIl of. horrOr w11l aloDI at the 'saz;ne old '.ala,.,.. ever and .three from the eonatlI~te alUlh oandoD., aormaU,~ -m ..... .enrlch )'our dreams ~ DJght and line. J925. . walked 9ut on ctilan~ ltai-lIJiell:
====::::::=::-:-__ .'1,000 e .. As ....est S-_..:.u.a.. • ShOp Xor Cosmetic
Make !our KitClbeD Cabinets WHETHER y'ou make thls cabinet or hand the workln.g plan your cQl'pente'r, pattern . 323 saves hours. Even an amatellr can follow It from the first step right through the chrome finiBh lU:ound the Unolel1m top. , ' _ • _ Delalls rna,. be adaptecS to neede. Price
2Sc. Send 10-
Famed Bodleian BOoks From Its original 2.000 volumes lQ -1611. the famed Bodleian tl· . brary of Oxford has grown to m,ore than. 1,250,000 volumes.
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EII"',I ••11
th. JOOd. '~e1 ~ ~~t " ~d. pul· verlze your, heart of n~ther mile,atOne .0 that 'IOU wID .waken With 'lUeb alacrity to ~JobuIate JOur lervant, $0 mote It be, Amen, ,. . • Officlata · bere did not DOW whetbel'· ,the clejotibed west AfricaD wei tfIIiuectatecl with. ba.. job.!:
till. 1II'lt, ••".. 8M' Go.• II8'al.. fir .....n
A JolDt I!~te-.e conference arrive lit an al1'~ment to boo.t cablriet membera' ·.al· arle. from t15,OOO to $22,1500 a year. . TIlE CONGRESSIONAL group alIo approved p.,. ralsel for .ome' '200 other top.drllwer federal otfl· claJa-...t a colt of tl,08'l,OOO ·. an-
NEW!' V:O Bit. -The B~ .a.nevol_ ,UPutt ·aocl~b',. doem't do thJIi&p b7~ halvea_ Greear~.a when twO of 'Its 'm embenl were ac. CUIed of robberi; the 1Ociet, Went · rlPt to Work to prove theJr ,1nDOO ,eence ID the ~ cOmplete '111'&7 the, am- bow-the,. nabbed real cuJ&ldta. . Two aUB memb. . III pod atandInI were united after \ ~ wue
In add.lUOD to railing. cabinet arles, the pa,. bID villl. G~ VP4er,eeretal'1 or DefeDIe Stev."E~1:J $2O,OOQ _ Je.r lnlte.d cIf " tl~;tJOO; and ·the armed-. forcy HCfretariU $18,000 a Jear lDatead of tl"GOO. . lIad aI" tbe · au4enecntad.. of .... Vulou .partments· wDl 10 Up from ltD,laO to t17.IIOO. J. Eqar IIocmIr who. u head of the " FBI. DOW rece1Ye. ....000 wUl . .' a .raise ., tle,ooo.
~~~w::.::.:: Story So diCl '~ aodet7.
of $200~Bills ·r rips Up.;Gambler
It was not the f1nt cue WhID that ,dlIiD't, lID aIQ" aood. .,.mm....i;r with btl IDOIIQ had Indena oUbe ~ left the I!.OUce II'Ipped up aD bldlvtdual wIlD was - station to ..... CUI do." aleliiiiptlq to IlDagle w1Ib It. tn4 Two Iaoun latH · . daaD II\aIb ..., petf;J 0lil0. 1-.. G. Itra.. ............ atrode ..... lIdO ... ala- _ . . . 'I'odr, mItId baM awt. .u. wltIa two .... III tow. . . ~ ..... 1Iad . . . . . . . DUn PoUce ...... . two JdIoDera aIIaat ....." ....... ~ to wen JI'OIDpUr IdeDtIIIed b:r tile "'4 ..... rob1IeiL Be lab .............. ·.................
....t ..
the , Nati~l}Il~t love~ent · Canton. .... 'The development posed a problam for the ' French foreign miDIItq'. Asiatic . affatra -BeeUOD. They were particulilrl'1 concemed by the threat of a rebel Ilt.1n at the emlIa.ay: However, the Illue wa. solved when the French m1)ved, fInnlt to back up .t he . NatioDallltl aiul aF,uck the dI.sldeDt Chinele' . U its dI 1 tI lilt. IDvQ7a 0 p ~ma c THE : . FRENCH d~cult7 wa~1 clear. WbDe Paris ' 1t1l1 recoJD1zed the Natlooatlilt government; It . '111'.11 becomJn, ·lncreuingl,. apparen~; that the weltem powers eventua)b ma, recocn1ze the' CommUDltt No' lime of Mao Tze.tun,. AUeaclJt there baM ~ cODver..Uap 4l1li that subject.
from bID. ~ be ud apactal~i nood belpl... to do amjlbllD&
'1'IIe ro6ber7. ItnUiaa told
occumd _ • Orand Ce:D1rIal wq platfDrm. Ih enD &en . ..... the · boIdup b1JI a.d out ilia IbIrt ad ftID R III am.
. . ",1._ ....
,..r~. ~ . nID :.,watet "albea~wa,. lootblp
' r 10adaUen.. tile b1ll14lM
-.ecI\iC84 Grain ~rawiDg BriIlis Seed Ro.~ Weed
Prospeetl of reduced craln.growIncludln, com and wheat lD and foUowin, )'.art 1h01llcl - , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - ClUle farmerl to con,lder savUll more Itall and elover seed, a atatemet1t tram 'the .cticulture; ,Unlvefllw of KentulC'I' k1.The Hed. It 11'81 .polDtecl, wUl bit needed. fOI1 lbe . sod crape that are to take the' plaee of Jraln. The bureau of })lant lDduat17 at WaabJDgtoa laT' that II'8iIl red&aadoD ~ meaD at leut 15 per eat man pan aud ba7. , '
Bmea Lad·Reclaimable
PAGB TIIBBB 'I'emporuy Adhesive
RandJ's, Girl
We Idin 9 :~:':I". paid ......... ,... ..... _ i. """'''1 '""~ 0. ood ,.., w.lcIfIo School '" u.s. em........
rr_· ,......
For II temporary adhesive-or to mend something that wiD just be kept around and never used or put in hot water-try transparent nail polish. It works on dishes as well as glassware. "
_h,",- r....."CI , .. 0
roold .... "oudy ood goOd pow. G.L _ _ d. w.~.
I.. I... cotoloo-
ItOIAIlT Trotle Sd'....
ftOf. -
SeparatiD, Stuck Glassel To separate two glasses whlch are stuck together, dip the outslde ANDY SUMNER told thEI girl be glass in warm:"'not hot-water, '1oved her. She wal beautiful and at the same time put coldaN l1ellt PBOPLE Ia ar,.I' and he was human and he couldn't hot iced-water into .the inside " pre"",r treaCmcllt. S Co 5 • .help himself. He felt chagrined glass. ....'pI~tlOD reqalrt«l, followed 'tllf~ 01 v.rloGa ... ee ....., 1oIIJ•• when he thought of It later because prescribed lIy OII.f Ueuled • ..,... that night he had forgotten th8t be ' cialu, No corr. for ""'ldel ... PrIvale _aIlaUoa. was a police ' deteCtive and she the girl friend and accompllco of the notorious Tony Quarles. 101. MOIltl:omery IW., C:lnciftnaU U. He had to get away from ber for ClIII_TelepboDe REdwOOd UI7. a few days. It was the only way he could think clear· ..----, -'"'II)'. So he' ran up Mlnute to Chicago and Fiction there he dropped in on the chief. L-_ _ , _ _ _..J The cbJef got sore when he' saw, him. ''Wllat the hell I The dElme wID take a powder on you . It sllle blows it's curtalns as far 8S ow~ chance R&US'SINSMfJNIJS/ 01 bringing in Tony Iii concemed.'~ , Randy felt like telling the chief For almost iDst;ant, relief, ~ tew Vicks Va-tro-Dol NOlIe Jump in the lake. But , h.e didn't. Finer' QuIcker' B.tte,·l04 end 2M in each nostril JIe knew the chief was right. Pamela Va·tro-nol works was Tony'/! girl. A new one. They'd ~'ulit where 6ttit111 trouble III been seen together 'at The Lobster n opens up coldClub ' and the story was that Tony cloj:ged nose •.• was nuts, oyer her. . relieves stuffiness .••• and lela Rllht afler that ahe B:yegale you breathe Job was paUed; , a nIght wateh· iIga1n. Try It. man and a cop shci' dea~d. .Of course Tony v~bed. 'riley coaIdn't hope to find him. The prJ vanished too. A week Ia~r ODe of tbe bOYB lIaw ber diOWD at OceaD Blnnll, She was all IItber III a movie theater. They didn't pick her up. The chief was too mnart for that. He lent Randy down. "You're a good jooklng kid, Randy, with a nice, friendly smile. Go down ~here and pls)' the sucker game. S,ooner or later she and Tony will join up. As Near As Your Own Maiibox It' a our only chance." A quIck. " .., wu to buy muLle 10 meet eyery requlrtmcD\' Randy's port was easy. He played 1'11110. Vocil. IIl. Lrumenlal, Blna Ind Orch"trl. Ohorll. the port of a lumber Idng's son Operettl.. CalltlLa., etc. c;1own from Michigan on vacation. Wriia lor our complete ' cI.t llocue colftJ)Ued " ..,elilly for ,the The friendly smile worked.· Pamela NUllo Teacher. MUlle 8tudellt, llUllclaD. BIDd Ind Orchestra trusted him. She seemed lonesome DlrcctOr or mlOlr DtrcccOr. and ilIad to have him arj)und. Wrl\e Dcll ' JI Then came that night when impulsiveness gave way to 'logic. He ~EiI ldaled her and told bel' he loved
By RIchard
Bill Wil lldDs08
Aleo hoi i c·FSs
Head', COld
~, AS II"
As Italian officials seek to capture Italy's nearest approximation of "Robin Hood"-Sal\latore Giu'iano-a speeial task force, using dogs as aides, has been set on ' Giuliano's h·eels. Above, one of these' dogs is being taken over hurdles in a training routine.
In photo obclve, one of the dogs of the wall on the Sicilian bandit is getting ' hard training for the difficult task ahead. For two years, some 2,000 policemen, armed with everything but the atomic bomb, have failed to bring Giuliano ·in. The government hopes the ccinine . hunters will ~elp do the trick, Below, o"e of the dogs is running an obstacle course as a part of his conditioning. . I
Randy made plan.. 'nle payoff was due to come ioon now. He had orders to take beCh the girl and TOJl7, )Vell. he'd do just that. Days passed. They IBW eacn other once at' least every U hOuri , They danced and wellt Bailin, /lnd swam and played tennis, Randy suffered. He was haunted by 'the acene that w.. ,inevitable. There waB a hauntin, licht iD the qc;l alia. He wondered if abe too. were luffering beeause the aame thin, had happened .to her. HEN ONE DAY he called for her and found wild fright in her eye•• "Randy! I'm afraidl He', berel"
.'$enling the MUliG .Wcwld lor File1 Years"
"'II£IS ,m Ma"
''WhO'1 here?"
Shown here (above) topping a huge barrier as he is trai'ned for the hunt is on, of the dogs which it is hoped Will help do the job of captui;nll the Sicl,ian ' Robin Hood" who, witli his men, strikes -in the night, burn., kidna.,. and murders, and then disappears.
"That man. The man I tried to tcll you about-why I left Chica,o. Jle.l-he', horrible I At fIr"t he was utce to me, ·then-I had'to run away to keep him from-uom-·" "Wbat's bJ. name'" said Rancly hoar.e~. . "Lancey. Tom Lancey., He'l at the Seaside. He caned and 'said-" "We'U ,0 down and . have a taik with htm," Randy .nappc~d. "Randy! l can't! I~'" "YOu're coming ,too'" didn't underltand Randy', at, but she tnuted him. . 'l'IleJ weD' .. tile Iileaalde. lUtde &be door Pamela 1.&uPped. ."'RIIe", .he tIl" she wbl8perecl. '·00 Ute diva. readlJlC Ibe _ ......per... ,
,The dogs being trained
_in Giuliano's terti..,ry , all , It wal' Ton), . Quarles. Itandy felt '.have one thing in common slet. 'Be 'put hie , hand. lunder ~ -they are ' fearless a 'n d savage. At I~ftl the, dog " .
UJOlI buy 3 pacbges at a time-keeps OD the panfiJ'y shelf. No reIrig~tio~ needecll '.
3 time. as manY. ' woinen "prefer
Da,.' ...... TIle, . .w eMb .... ..,. . . . . . . ...., It
...... .
October 23. 1949. The 8un _ seta liJntered 80 second 018.118 matter gubRcrlption Rate: U.50 per "eal' ' • at the pQsto(fice at Waynel"iUe. In Ohio ,Kentucky. and Indiana. noticeably earli"r the8~ days but ' S2,OO elsewhere. wben ,I t sb1ncs It stili has BOllie' Oblo. thi ng of summer's warmtl;! lelt , Mr, and Mr,. C. D. Osborne of \ were visitors at the home or III It spite of a chill In the air. Springfield and' Mr. and Mrs Her· Grace lJncoln ~mlth on Sunday. ' Perhaps that cold weather the bert Gra.y anel tamllJ of Columbull , weatherman said was on, the way may get bere but ,wouldn't It be nlee If. 'the raln and enow , that .have been reported (Iutber West would wst skIp southern Ohio enlirely. We bad a bIt of raln that left the ground a little muddy for the corn picker bUt today was cloudlells and by nOOn was even " warm. T.lie leaves have been com· . Ing d own f as t IeavIng j ust a tree bere and ,t bere to give color to , ille landscape. ' They have been picking corn today. I do not like Sunday work bllt In thelie days or depending on custom picken!, we can't let a day lJIte this go by. This field was rather dlaa.ppoLnUng, la8t SqJD' mer's dry spell bit It Just at tbll wrong time and there were a good many stalks wltbout any ears at all but It Is a oomtort to baVE: It ploked 'and in the crib. ~ do not reinemhAr the date we planted that corn 110 I can't look it up and see If It was planted in the wrong time of the moon or under a bad sIgn, one really should keep complete r800rda. Perbaps com borers got It though
METHODIST CHURCH MT. HOLLY METHDDIST , R. B, Coleman. MJnister T , M. Scatr. Minister , Sunday School, 9:80 A.M.. E, Ohurch School, 9:30 A.M" J. J. Bunke, Supt. , A, Earnbart, Supt. Worahlp Senlee. 10 :80 A.M. WorsbJp Senlce, 10:30 A.M. Youth FelowllhL1p, .sunday, 6:80 Evening Service, 7: ao P.M. P.M. UTICA Ii.U.B. CHURCH 'fllllam Shannon, Mln:lster 'ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Sunday School, 9:30 A.M., Mrs. Samuel N. Keys, Rector J a mes Garrison, Supt. Morning Worshfp, 10:30 A.M. Preaching, 1st. and 3rd. SUD" WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS' dllYs of eact.. month, 10: SO A.M. Evening Services, '7:'30 P.M. First Day School, 9:30 A.M . Meeting tor Worship. 10:30 A.M. CAESAWS CREEK FRIEND8 FERRY CHURCH Of' CHRIST ~oe Partington, Minister Byron Caner. MlnJster ' Wors hip Service, 10 A.M . Bible School, 9:30 A.M. Sunday SchoOl, 11 A.M. Morning Worship, 10:30 A.M. Prayer Meeting, Meeting, 7:~0 P.M. LYTLE METHODIST . CHU~CH ~un . fa People's 7:00 B, E. Baughn. ,Pastor en ng Servlcell. 7:30 P;~t Church School, 9 :30 A.M., Mrs. -" • Heury SBlYlor, Supt.10: SO A.M. WorshJp. Sen-ice,
wbat kind tho tree was e:xcept that It was about a toot In dla· meter and not. bent or eloping, Pete, the pig, is called "hogie" by the two-yeat:,-<lld , !Who clalms blm as hers. He Is, 'thriving and has ,h ad to bave a larger bottle aud bll s worn out bill third nippie, We h a d h 1m out tor a little t h o ther d a, and b e s un an d al r 'e met Mrs, Kitty Puss' three kit· telll!. Xhey could not quJte make out what be was. Here 'Was aome. thing JUSt theh' sJze and color. but different ' Tb'e y wa.lluld around h im and smelled of hJm but when ,be tried to gat acquainted there 'was a terrible Rplttlng and . WALL PAPER. PASTE AND SIZING ling up or baok8. Mrs. ,C alico's Iklttena are stili hidden away In Roms: C. E. BUlBS - NU EN~ the hay. I hay I\'t seen them yet '9-12 Each Morning but Mrs, KJtty Puss' brought bers KEMTONE 1-5 Afternoons Except Wed. down to the. bouse ' quJte a Evenings by AppOintment ago, The UtUe , blaok one aUt..... ,II" Only III eve.ry time It can and even :now It Is In here ohewlng the TELEPHONE 62 ' broom and looking around 'With surprised eyes. TELEPHONE 2422 WAYNESVIl.L;E. OHIO No, the kltcben linoleum Isn't (Sown yet but tbe noor blls been 0'Ptometrle Eye SpeelallR! ~=~==========~==========~~n~o~o~n~e'_t~o~ld~m~e~th~a~t~tb~e~y~w~e~re ,sanded and most tbings are ready. If' South Detroit Str.-fIt
Bissell's Reliance Brand CARPET SWEEPERS
WaynesVille Furaiture &Appliance Co.
;llllilllmll~I!IIIU r"l!IIIll~IIIIIIIOOIII_IWIWIIIIIIlIIIllmIIllI~~llIlIlllllmlll~II~lIllmml111116111111111111111111111
The Harvest-HardIer is a different type of farming aid; itls unlike the usual heavy, costly farm mach, ine~ Four ~easons. of the year thh; lightweight elevator etim. trlates chores you formerly w~ted hours performing.
e= l§§
==, =
,, .::
~ =
==; ';
Model "C' has been carefully deSigned and improved for 'handling jobs in field and hmyard , Tested WIder actual tonditions it is re:tdy to do a job , for you, HANDUNG CAPACITIES M d 1 "e" H arves t- H an dl er a~II 35 d e grees , 0 e.
= = =
rubber Belt Chain' Modol CC MOdel' CR Chain Sp~ed Belt Speed 290 ft p. m. 450 ft p.m. Ear Com ., ... " . ... . ... , .. _... 380 340 Shelled Com "" " , .. " . . " .. ,., 275 476 Oats ...... .. ' .... , - .. , .. .. .. . ... 370 640 S07beans aDd Wheat ", . .',' . .. . ,. 250 460
~ ==
Rfdge 1 sUPPo'le we shoUld con' something of welgb'tler 1m. POrt. SJnce the Lebanon jail Is featured In the Suilda" paper with a Jail break. wh" not talk bout th ? 11 at It is ' quJte a band· IBome jail on the outside but, IBn't It about timet1!at Warren count" found lomethlnr: better to do 'w ith ottenders th'an to Pllt them
IS Ider.
== = ~
~ ==
; '"
~ ~
~ ~
' ,
~ :1"••1"" bread. "'enty or com, ~ut
1i§§1 ,
~ =
~ !lOt m~y llumpklne, 'tb"'y get In ~
Hiw~ba·Scynh~OS°vilIGymI ' e,' onHaSil0·~·
~,:~·_. ·~':d~1i.~Er;:
~rid'ay, 'Oetobem ' 28, 1,949
'== Lunch ~_
I X I Jesse Prendergast L FOR WAYNE TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE , . ' Your Support Appreciated Jesse Prendergast ' Waynesville, Ohi~ , Election, November 8 1949
It's, Time To Order
f\tanley A/ld Stanley. Attorneys
Notlee Is bereby glv.en that l'earl E.. DakIn 'WhoBe POllt ddrelS ' Is WayneSVille. _Oblo hili! lill!eft dul" s.'ppolnted as Adnilnlst01 the ,Estate qf Ernest ,I)akln late ot Warne TOWDeblJ),
Masked Parade Concessions == ~ ~RtrJ~ Bingo, - Dancing ~ i~~~,~~:t~~Y~~ric~;!~' I
ss ,_
The Land Bank Way
~>UbllSb'ed Oct. 27, Nov. 3, 10, 194'
~ )~
= . ~
As mJgllty (Jake lrom tiny acorns groW', iIO It Is with your lavlnp IF you "PUl uldef' regularly. '
~ ~~s:c:eT:;EE:~8:~=~~~:rri:=ed.
z:.= ,
4 per cent
,...~ ~
,I:he way of tbe picker.
NOTICE OF' APPOINTMENT Estate of Flora Berryhill Deceased ;s:: NoUce Is h'e reby given ,tbat ,;.==" Gharles 1, Wll/tll;onllr whoae , Poat O(ffee Address II! Leban'o n, Oblo, ~ l;aa been dul" appointed Ill! , 'AdlDlDlstrator of tbe Estate o'f Flora ~ BerrybDl late Wa"neRVlIle, War:-- iren County, ' Ohio, dece~.
~ ,
Int~rest Low' -
,ban be done
11II11i~_lm.lmm~mm~• • ;:e:-!~~::.t ~::b::u::V:~~e~~:
Time On Your Side 3 P to 3 years to re-pay)
~11~illll!lll!llllmlll!mlrulllll~mlli~il!~lIij~l l l l l l l l lm~l I l ml l l l l l l~lru!I~I I I~!I~I~I !l l lil l"I I"'1 1I 1I 1Il1 1 1I 1I 1! l lI l I lI lI l I l lI lI ml l l l "'llIIlIlIlIIllIIm~IIII11!lllIIlIImmlllmlll~!!!II1II111!11! :~::~:be;::~~::~en f~r::'n:2
tillie apent in , our jal!. ThIn.. if enough people pbsb them. ~ How unple&Rant to men thlnlr
Farm Loans
~ ~
. .-,....
Lebanon. . NFL . .A.
$140, withou~ motor.
mPD to work. It 'We can't afford a work house why couldn't 8Omething be worked out with , the state farm? Perhaps keep the ELLIS H. 8TURN, lecly.T"... Dlt'n In Jail ,to sleep but put LebaaoQ, Ohio theom to work out there They Phooe 448 cliUm It wotfld cost too much In guards. etc. to '" ork them o~ the I,:',·;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;~.~.;;;-;;;-=.;;-=-=;;;;-;;;;-;t0 County Farm and that moat of II tJoem wouldn' t do, or COUldn't do 1\ go()d day's work anYway, but 1t III certain that a man can't do ' ~ good day's work after spending - Isty days In tbe couuty Jail. Per. "H'P what Is needed Is a state . '.enal tarm for all the counties do 1l(It ,,('cd a Whole work. FOR WAYNE TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE I 'o use of their own, A penal farm Your Support Appreciated r lth a ,ood Plfvclatrlat and treat· ~pnt tor aichoUc8 and, work of Will C. St. John 'vnl1ous kinds might belp , the ' reo Waynesville, Ohio Election, N.ovember " 8 1949 ' ~I'''ter problem. One thfng sure ,
8T AlJGUSTINE CHURCH Fatlter R. H.' Krumboltl, Pastor Massos, 8 sod ]0 A.M,
tbe~ sit around for tbJrty -- in sixty or to ninety da"s? WJobav';' Your family deserves the best . ~ n'1 We lome way of puttlne these Contact
Ground feed and other materials at comparable ra.tes. Handling capacities depend on angle of operation and power unit.
WAYNE8VILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST M. H. COrrey, Mlnlater Bible Sebool, 9: 80 A.M. Morning Worlthlp, 10:80 A.M. Young Peoples' Meeting. 6:46 P.,M. Evening Servloe. 7 :30' P .M. Prayer MeeUng- and Bible Study Wednesday, 8 P.M.
. 0--0--_u_u__ Dr. C. E. Wilkin
The HARVEST. HANDLER;' ~ vt!a:!:ft~~~PO;!~~n:uo~e,~
~ §§
---- - -,- "- ---06
By D. J. Frazier
A Farm DIary
Who howe' I bave beard talaa about foxes did you know a fox rllmb a tree! Last nlgbt the boys were out running their dogs and they treed something tumed out to hI' a fox, a tox that was high up a tree and went blgb er when they tum6d the llg~t on it. Of course the" ~uldn t take a ploture ot It but the1 did brIng home the fox. One of the boys ollmbed the tree and sh'o ok hJm down and the dogs got bim. I hope Jt was the one that got our ,brown duck the other day. Jinx found her remalns toda7 It WPS a gray tox, the boys ~lIdn't
Eatabllahed 1Il10 PubJlllbed every Thuraday morn· Ing at Waynellvllle, Warren Couuty, Ohio. , Edna H. Conover , .". PubUsber Ted Cononr ." . .... , . ... Editor
-Ridge ---- '
The Miami Gazette
Sponsored By
RALPH R. CAllEY Judge of the Probate Court. Warren County. OMo rt(aple and MAple, Attol'Jleya ' F'Ubllslred Oct. 1'1, Nov. I, 10, 1949
Be sure to 'bave a full bin this winter .. Order DOW for prompt delivery of:
The Wayne :lwp. Mothers , Club ~== ~~!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!i!~~
I_Adm.: ~Oc & 2Sc
W. Need Your Support
= ~~-:...,
.1*-ii);ii;)i.TlClCETiiIiiiiiiiiii~=-;;;.J. ______....-
Fourth Grade: Patty FiBber. Vivian Volers and Lester Fairchild. Fltth Grade: Floyd Ellis. Hen. ry Henderson. lrugh MJUard. Geo. Sandes Jr., Wm. BettJemeyer, The follow bIg students ha'Ve Wm. Eckles, Barbara. Doster 'Subeen InclUded on tho HOllor RoU .slln Eakllis, Wlet MirIam TletmBYfor lhe t1rst Six weoks ot seh'ool: . er. , Second. Grade: Donald Cox, Sixth Grde: Harry BOBlor Jr,. Donald Beckett and Anna Marie Jimmy Fillher. Lany Pollitt, 'J'omSevE!ntb Gr.ado names wUl a1)my Thornbury, Bobby Volers, Fairchild. Plitey Becraft. Barbllra. Bogan. peat next week. Mnrgaret BOllinger, J!~nloo Camp- . Eighth Grade : Dernadlne Hackbell. Mary lDllls, Jalle {Wobb, Mlr- ney, ' Mary Jean Leyers, Betty ttlm McKnight and Linda Tlel- McKnigh't and 'Sh.lrley Plymlre. meyer. ' Grade 9: Betty Bogan, Janet 'l'hlrd Grade : Robert M, Rich, Doster, Holen Hartsock, ShlIley I::Ill.trley Ann Pholps, ElIlhcr Mae Shoemaker. Benderson, Avis Hagemeyer, Bill ' Grade 10: WUIllJI. E lnm, <lhas. Ohenoweth, Ollr olyn E:1 II a, Jimmy F:l1laon, Mary ' Hopklna, Louise JM'obs, Betty Mae , Day, Joyce MarUn, Ru th Talbert, Fred Wall Ann . Rich, ~atl'lc!a Ann Jonos, ' and Robert Shafer. . B8J'bara :Lou Kingsley, Ruth Allee ' Grade ll: RHa Ci'ark. ' Howard !lader and , Juanita. Cllmpbell. Doster, Marleln Vaug.bn, a.nd Ern-
Harveysburg School News
1- -- - .
~-~-- -~
~ -.- --- ~
I Prepare Your .Car For Wi~ter PERMANENT ANTIFR~E Prestone & Zerone I ALCOHOL - Zerone I,
The boyll I'n proving woms·elwes compeUtlon In gIrl classmates year. At present, It's a. tie as 12 boys ·and 12 girls ma.n~ged t(~ score l00's' In a rFc.'ent spelling test. While the fifth grade boys are having two physlcal education olasses a week, their girl clusmates J1ro reoelv,lng . Instruotions ,In sewing from Mrs. Ruby Webb, home room tea()her. The project al present Is embroIdery work. Next Friday II~ the big day :for the winners in ' the fifth grade spelllng contest. The losing team Is arranging a. party In their ho~or whlclr will be held that afternonn. Prof. H\\£h I-IeUand or WIllm.IngtOll Colleg attended the rehea.rsel for. "Lltlle Black Sambo" at our aUdHor!um Monday afternoon. Tbe play whlcb was pre· .s ented a yeAr ugo by Mrs. Tllel:
I~ i~ ~ . --~~~~~~~~~~~~ .
R. B. Peters
cst Davis. Grade 12: Kenneth WilBon, Gladys Kearns (who received all A's). Scotl Hawthorne, Mary Belle Boran. Dorothy AdcoJ: and Jane Fite. Cheer leaders to represent our SenIor High' basketball teRm were elected Tuesday afternoon. Of the seven candldatos runnIng, Myrna MJracle, Wylona Dabe. Gladys Kearns and Donna. Jacobs were victorious. A' voting booth wa.s BPt up in Supt. Fresh com's office and each student voted In secrecy using a mlmeogrnphell baUot. Returns were cout\led hi the presen'ce or the candidates and OlasB preSidents. Hay.rldes al1 d weiner roBBts are heading the list for 1I00ial actJvltles am,ong stUdents . Last Frl' day evelling th e rreshman class be,d theirs at the home of the ('·la88 . sponsor, Mrs. ' Wlnnlfred Starr neaf SHgo.
~~~======~~:='~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ ." .. - ._-__ .__ .'I ::-;::-:-~.:::: -
Gustin Radio Service ~HONE
MIXERS DOOR CHiMIES 'HEATERS IRONS ' TOAStERS Full Line of G. ~ . Bulbs and Fluorescent Tubes'
ma GeorBe starring leveD membo lage for nearly two yeara. moved to Jamestown SaturdlltY. ' dramatized with the origlna.1 cBBt Mr.. Ma.ble Terry bns sold her at th'e Southwestern Ohio' Teach-' ta.rm near town a.nd purchased ere meeting in Cincinnati Friday. the home ot Mr. Ij.Ild Mra, Will Howard Doster. Barbara. 'B ogan Hoover on Main st. and Margie BOllinger were IncludFred Wall. son of Mr. and Mrs. ed on the program at the Warren George Wall. received a fractured County Teachel'S Meeting at Mor- leg W,:ldncsday evening during row Tuesday evening. Howard basketball practice at the gymplayed a baritone horn solo and naslwu hero. the girls aplleared together atMr. and Mrs. W. W. Wilson ,of tired In Dutoh regalia and wood, Charleston. W. Va. were 'Weekenl! en shoes. and sang and danced to guests of Mrs. Louise Flte and the tune of "In An Old Dutch Gar- daughter. Miss Jane Fite. den." .
crt! of ber primary olus will be
The members of th'e Friends' dburcb gave a formal welcome to their new mJnfster, Rev. and Mrs. Eleazer .,parklngton, · by assembl· Ing at the pan on age for a housewarmlDg Frida, evening. Tl\e Gleamers' Clan of tho Friends' Church held a party for its members at tb'e Grange ' Hall Saturday ev~nfng. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker havo returned home after a 'Weeks' va.' , cation trip through the Southern states. . Mrs. Lucy Price, who was ~ jured recently In an· automobile ncc;1dent. Is steadily improving. Mrs, Mr. Bunce's and Mrs, brother, Todd Mr. Bunce Reuben and Moore: h'a d &8 their peets Sunday. Mrs. Millie Moore. of ·Snow Hill and Miss Mary Jane )(oore. Naomi Thomas and Neal stratton
} lnformation of a confidential nature is never divulged to anoth-
' .
"'~~J Funeralj Home TELEPHONE 2291 \VAYNESVILLE.0810
of' COJuinbUB. . Mrs. Carolyn · WUHams and, 'her • lions, wijo have resided lin the vtl· NOTICE OF APPOIN;rMENT
Administrator Estate ot Lyda Kibler decea.sed. Notice.ls nereb,. gl19n that Fred E. Sherwood whose Post Of· flee Addres9 1.11 Harveysburg Waynesville, Ohio · Ohio has been duly appointed u ~dmlni8trator of the Estate of - - - . Lyda Kibler .ate at W&yDesrllle. Warren County• . OhiO, deceued. Dated tbla 3rd day of October,
south Main
tr eet
RALPH H. CAREY Judge :If the Probate Court . Warren County, Ohio Maple & Mapl!!. Attorneys Published OcL 13. 20, 27, 1949 NOTICE
Adm ;nl.trltor Estate of Ch'a rle8 Kibler, deceued Notice Is toereby given that Fred E. Sherwood whose Post Office Addrellil, ·is \ Harveysburg, Ohio•. bas been duly appointed. .. Admln1stra.tor of the Estate ot Cha.rles Klbler late of Wayne. v\1Ie, Warren County, Ohio, d.eceased. Dated th1s 3rd day of October.
The ' faU social seuon Is her_ dinner parties. football game., Hallowe'en and Thankaglving events. :
When you . dine out, or appear create the beat possible Impression by saving Jl)1Il' clothes carefully and u;pertlJI by ~ a: R Cleaners.
at any function.
RALPH H. CAREY Judge of the Probate Court Warren County, Ohio Maple & Maple, AttorneYII PubJJslled Oct. 111. 20, 27. 1949
A FUNERAL DIRECTOR beet serves his, c,o mmunlty by IIvlll& pratlcal cooperation to the ramures he serves. This meJUl8. we think. a klndlv consideration for perBonal, reUsloUlJ, and financial requlremente, and a policy fiu.•'be enough to meet the preferences 01 'those who call him.
McCLURE " UNEI~L' "HO,ME .A....."."'...
l .
Boot t I Sales
Ask abeut our price. on installation arid gas. ,
Spring Valley Hardware Co. •
Spring Valley, -()•
- Phone 37371
Thursday, October 21, lMt
CorncQ.b Potholder
Imagination and Little Cost Change Space into Play Room
CHICAGO,-Amerlcan motorists a.re learning to drive more safely. according to the 1949 edition of the N.UonoJ Safety Council's. statistica) yearbook ... Accident Facts." The 1948 traffic volume was the greatest in the nation's hlstory"-S per cent ~reater than 1947. Yet the
By Ertta Haley ~gree
they hobby or work rooms. but little Is done ab.out it for the simple reasnn that most people are afraid of 'the cost. As long as you have the space. and most people do. It seems a ,s hame not to have such a room. either for youngsters. adults or both. '!be cost of these rooms runs ' much less than any other room In the hon1'e. and the hours 01 pleasure they can provide can usually be reconciled with the budget since little outsld'e. or more cXpCmslve entertainment need be provided. Much ot the work on these rooms can be done by members of the family. and the 'materials required are not usually expensive. or, at least. they need not be. Most of us bave enough odd fumitu,re or outdoor furniture that can be used in the room. 1i0 this need b e no problem . Actually your imagination 'Is the only limit as to what can be done with the room. With a few Pl'inters to apply to your particular problem. and some guides to point the ' way\ make It a project to convert attic' or ba.se.mcnt. ln\o a recreation r oom for the family; You'll love doing it. . Decide first on the nature of the room. Some people like it, for games which cannot be played in the other rooms. hlee ping pong; others like It for music or snack bar; some like to hllve the room for their bobby. woodwork, photog. raphy, etc. Families with drat1)atic Interest may want to· construct D stage on whi'ch they can p.e rform. BOw To Overoome Some Architectural ·rrobltms If your recreatlon ' room Is, going to be ' In the basement, you will probably run Into 'the problem of hldIn, the furnace unless thla has 5 T FAMILIES M0should hove game,
Black Velvet Decor
. - _ - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... .
u.s. Motorists learn to Drive More Slowly mileage death rate-deaths per 100.000.000 vehicle miles-was the lowest in the nlition's history , The 8,0 rate was 30 per cent lower than the average rate of 11.5 throl1lb World War 11. If the higher rate had prevailed last year, 14,000 more l~es would have been lost. ~
SCRIPTUllI!: : '.alah 3: 5: 22 ; :Il l 118: DEVOTIONAL READING: Romeo.
i.e; J ••emjah ;s.,. .3 :8-14.
C~oose The Best! Lesson lor October 30. 1949 Isaiah', patriotism, and religion too, to see how fast nls country was going 'down hill. Most of the troubles Isaiah saw are witIJ us today. Wealthy women spending morAl a/ld mar e on themselves; leaders who are irresponsible. self·seeking and 'Incompetent; pove.r ty unprevented and uncared·for; drunkenD.e ss high and low. Isaiah. and other prophets as well, saw in the sin and drunk enness of Dr_ ForemaD the times the· sign . and symbol of national decay. ~o the careless. the selllsh and the wlld, to those who were "leaders" butt were leading In the wrong dll'eetion. Isaiah kept saying, in ' different ways, Choose the ~URT
I This
• • • TJle Prophets' Successors
ilu'sIDf. Practical AMUSING yet very practical potholder knitted in the shape· of an ear 01 corn of heavy yellow and orange wool. So simple and easy to do ' you can make more than orie in an 'everlingl Trim with green leaves aod a hanging loop.
• • •
T church put most of her. preach. HERE WAS A TIME when the
The treJ¥l toward USIDK velvet as a trlmmlot Is musCrated 10 this New '!'ork suU of rersnJ~ color e cI herrJ.nKbopii ~eecl, , ~~lped for laq , qd WInter" , N.o~ the tou~~ of yelveC Oil Ibe)aJN;la of &lie aalt .. weO .. Oil the f'a.,. of the pockeb. A faU - leDIih fold 'OWD tile CleD\er of the Ildri ... ~ac,k ri"es walIdItc eue.' I
butter or IJ]8rgarilie and mlU'8lJma1lows over 'water untllsyruPJ. Beat In vanilla. Put Rlee Krlsplea In greased bowl and pour mixture on .'top. Mix well Preasjn\O=~~~!~ , greaaed sbBUOW tin. Cut into j%,. BqUW'When cooL Yield: 24 dcUolous Rice KI:1sPles MarshmaUDw Squaroa. Everyone loves 'eml
Ing emphaSis on individual religion:' Get right with Godl wal the cry, The churcb of today bas nQt by 81)7' mellns given up her emphasis on perional religl~n. 'but we are le-arnIng from the prophets what loclal rI,hteousnesl meaDS. The church in oW' time Is the logical and actual successor to the prophet'a work. 'rhe church b dolor more <daaD ever to .wakeD the COliacleace of looleC,.. In fact the cIIuroh IIaeU hai a dolT to be the coDlldeDce of aoclet,., ODe '01 the problema aboa' which oar naUoo Deeda to 'be .....ed 1QI Is one that' laalala a1l4 Jer... mlah faced, ani,. we have .. more . desperate fonu. We call It alcoboli,m; they caUeel it by an 'uglier, mor_' suitable word: drunkenness. Even in those d~ya drinking was ~ problem. it cut down the national health, ' wealth and wisdom. , Nowadays It Is wor.. becauae of two factors. One is the hiper perce tage of alcohol In bev-
knltlln, tnlltl'u". ttono. slltcb IIlI.stmiJon.. mat•• ln l reo Qulrementa and (Inl.blnA dlreeUon. ' rQr Com C:ob Potllolder•• t'oUern No. 60071 ' Send 20 centa In coin. YOUr , aame. addre ... and patter!, number. obtain
earn ph!!..
Iif:WIII/O <lnt<lu!) NEEDLEWORK 610 EI •• tb Well. 81. <lbl •• 11], fCnc:J""e 20 ~.nta lor pottern.
No • .- - - Name - - - - - - - - - - Addres.
,Sta·fuI Battety Saves Time and Money rita
.t ....
-.let _
AtitHh' .......
.... ............. . _
• .... watw ...., j " - • ywr. I..........., .......... .................101. _II ,., ...... "ftery life. ......, ..... ..,. •
wau.. you can ,,"ork o~t some at~";.0ii"iiijiiiii;:1 tractive " color scbemes with white'" • ...... ......,. lee ~ ............. AIIfMIIa Iattuy . ..... waBb or cold-wak!r. paints: If you ....... ' AUIO-LIII COI'OI.flON .. have the leas~ 'blt of dampness. QUESTION: OUr. drains wat.e rproof the walls with cement stopped up very often In spite of palIit and line them with inexpenathe fact Wat' we bave bad t ti e ive waUboard. . pipes cleared by a tree-rooter maTo dlslUise pipes. it'a u8uaUy ohine. I a.m of the . opinion that It .best to build' a false eelli~g 01 pine ts a clogged vent and not tre, p"","" . _ Itlfddlng and a droPped celling nailrootjl . in tbe pipes. CaD you give been bUIlt ill the !~lo. ~ this qpe of atuddlng. Thlll ::a=:lelU:ys~' ~~~'::!; ~ ad"lcrr • BepPated .". , walla or < help keep the roo~ clean, since l'adverlJsln,. ,ANSWER: ' It is possil;lle that the when the UDlt waa conltructed, DO} d!U t CIU' s~ In. • '. ;. pitch of the horizontal soil pipe Is Draw a Plan of the baHmeot. B~" 801". Where D1'1lDkards Start insufficient. so that gr.ease lind then block 'off the fUrnace. Ioclude I'1Oor Problema ' GAINST ALL TlDS th ch bother ' sediment matter ' congeals bloetln, off ibe coal bin, too, or L I""" tI . .... ha e urc . and clci8e~ up the line and retards your on taokI. whichever mat be F ~rs 4'f • • ecrea on roo... ve must keep saying and perauad- the now of waste matter' to the th to lerve a practical purp'ose. and. ing people Choose the BeaU But it R I i f th . Is e cue. . the floor coverin, may be one o f ' sewer·. e-- ay ng 0 e Pipe ~ mq be partitiooed otI " does comapartlvely li~tJe good to one solution if that Is the case J with wan board, but you'll Datura!- three: co~crete or 'eement. wood say this. to the confirmed alcobollc. d1lUbt if a' clogged vent wotiJd 17 baYe to Iea"e a door to ,et Into , 0V~t :crete and Jlnoleum or as- It makes more HIlle to aa,. It to e'~ the condition. The other the UDit. ph . YOUDg people. For the sad feature ~lutjOD to such a problem is to inWan. are usua~ in need "of If the fJoo~ is poor, but dry. ,and of alcoholism 1& that II bello' Iri staD l~ grease trap In the line from oome kUld of fJnl~. if the if ~ou do not want to brln, up the the high schools. the lI~tchen sfuk and clean It out ls to be m the basement. Hete colt of doing ~ room, the cemenl •The Yale School of AlcQbol Stud- perio, caU-y. ~.!liI1 or' cDlicrete m~ be painted , with I~s . has col1ected ,. eVld.e nce lndlca.~ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ il!! . paints, designed for ,UBt such Il tin, thai two-lhirds' of all alcoholics . .. ~iCI~ I purpose. Paint the ' Ooor in ,.a color begin drinking habits in the eS~.17· Honlle' De'at~s( ,." that wW harmonize with the 'furn, iup school yeari: Ishlnll' 01 the room. A receDl GaDop pon , boWl • For the room dellgned all an the Creates' perceDla,e of CHICAGO:-Home Is where the extra lIvm, room, or one that wiU 4riJiker. to INi In Ole are ,roup heart 18-,..and where the hean of be used tor dancmg, the best choice 21 lo 39. To&l&,., It II etlUmatecJ, ~e " ,c cident problem Is, too. ls wood over cement or concrete, there are f.. mlUlem alcohol Thl,re were 35.000 home acef,. Stained Bnd waxed f100ri are best ~dlcb or ' ~"e drlDkel'll dent deaths in 1948-Whlch,'rpakes for dancing; other colors may be wtio 'are lo more or less ~the home America's No. 1 acciused for a , more general purpose .tant trooble "Ub tI)!!Ir famldentsll JdUer. <,' room. t ' Hea employers, ' F~lJs w~re the greatest call e of ASflhalt tile and linoleum are DrUnkenness ' costs hlciustry in hOlP,1!1 d~~ths last y.f;!ar, · r e sulting considered flooring rather than America 'rio'.) ell than one billion tn: IS' 2pO. fatalities. Burns, I!cald~ floor coverings, and hoth offer good dollars a year. and has a lClt to: do a~d «.xplol>ions came n~xt, wi~ ~ possibilities for 'the of' room with the break-up of homes ~nd total of 6.000 deaths. MechanIcal 1I1i1b' tn"", ID ;",w.m. under ' consIderation with crime generally. suffoFation caused 1,80.0 deaths, to U81!' wallboard. or If ,.o~ w~t to . ' '. • rank third in 1948. .. When using linoleum over a wood • S ,-,' eli h h eat tile cost, panellng which simu' covering. U should be cemented ~ed youth ' pEIC}.OU stu es s ow t at mor~ lates wood. A ,till less expensive over a telt llnlng: BecDuse ot Its. than ',> per., cent of fataJ,homeac.t reatment uses wallpaper tbat " SOMETHING Is being done to cidents ocCUr in ~the bedroom: The atop ibis, which you should yard and kitchen are' the next Blmulates aome of the natural reslUenc.y, asphalt We is reeo-' mended. for concrete floors in dl- bow .about. There is a movement · most hazardous locatloRS at home, WOodI like knolte.d pine. known as AiUed, Youth, a national , about per ·.I f the cellar is dry and bas ma- rect contact with tile Jl'ound. . brick, plaster or cement 10 choosing flooring workin', .." .f~~~~~!!l~~~~~~~d;h;;;;;~~~~~~~~~==;==~=~~::~:;:~~~~~~~~:.;. ering. bear In the mind what or timecovts educational ill high schoolsorlannatlon all over the country., available for keepillg the, floor In '~ta work' is positive, not' ne~atlve. It Smartl good condltlon.. \,\'ood' floon . will It is not tr1~, to 'pasa lawa or to ~:;~::==:;=;;;:;;;t=::;~1 have to be stailled, then shellaCked bring 'b ack prohibition. What It does .. and waxed. if not painted. Depend- try to do-and it I. aucceedin, re. mg upon ,the Ole, wOod Ooors will markably well··1n many places-ia have' to be refinished ' wIth the to ,Ive young people a way of llte stain ot paint oCcallionally. that will e~ble them to meet ,oclal. Linoleum win have to be wasbed. prellure, tor d1'~, without 10111 and perhap. a finish applied every of "tace. OJ Every AWed YOIIth POlt once in a while. It does, however, in • •chool ~ three aim., ,,1. To give a lanltal'T flnIsh and will pre- o1e4;t ~e "o~lal IPld recreational vent dra1ts, If these are the prob, needs Of .y~ people. • I l e m . E v e r ) ' ~ l~ear'. E.e, for ....laDce, ~"h~ ~u, .1 Sturdy, Comfortable Furniture bMIII' Amerl~ . ~~ ,.,..t$lDr olckly " . dnmk" more . D 8;011 ,aur' Lot. of leeway III posal))le In the people rather ' ~e&roit fer, 't he choice 01 turn1lure for the room. blnes. 4r,ljiirt, 10 America. If there is enough odd furniture' in IltODIOred bJ AllIed y.,.ua, \he home. or porch furniture Which' -t. . ."\ ,. ,t. ' ,ets UttJe use during the wlnWr. 2. To estabum within the a~boo1 the recreation room' wlli take it a fellowahip of .youn, peo,ple ~ho Dlcely ' .' do not think It. b neceaaary to Sel'leJ 1110-., .. Imporiult . . , . cIrlnk w ·be "lImart. Built', . -poup .. tile 'earraA era ., ~, A coat or two of pllint, lturdy can cbaDlle the att1tUil.~or an entire .lalle OD ..an Rlllq aD IIIeIr aUP covers and other Imall Inno- school. .... For uample, tile 1Ileae v.tlo~ wID convert many pieces 8, To bullcl • aol1.d tollDda.tiOD of .~ . •• &be left into ideal Ule for a ,play room. It educatiim tor total abltlheoee, E .. cIeaa eat oeD""'" .,... 111 be aturd)' and comfortable. ientiall7. AllIed Youth II la,.in, to . . . . . of .. .anpe. abouJ~ You U want a Chest or two 10 the 70IIII, people everywhere, ''01008• room to hold aJl7 pia,. ~pment tb. BeaU" _ _ tii'cqroaI fer . . . . . 10 aeaflle.. aDd order. U &be room (IJifo~t AUlecl Yout:b III1IIIJ .eaerathe cbIrer .. lie IIu a table tum.Ia table, or if the can be hi , AUle4 YoutII, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .... 4' floor II marlred tor ...... ID08t 1'108 II. '. ., WaabiDataD. . . 111M ................. ... oC III tanlture Wlll neceaarll7 be D. C.) II ' . . . . . . . . . . . , .... ......~ 1be waD, =~ . 4 ........ . . - - .... - IftUe tundturt wID be lHIecled ... d~ .. 'JI.iii:MI _iliiaii
l_... '"
. ."',,
NUll",be,'r 35,'000 iri 1948
_ell.. ..........................
1O:rou .... if1_:: , ..
1. . . . ._
........., ..."......
'lItundaYt October 27, 1949
AIIFlJllt'AIi OAJlPEN s rOTI Id ~,,1 CII. lIulle . Y etlr clrn u r'ld r~til rrnlnG nlHI Grh zh'l for P oultry , HOI , c:.' tllr 'P nf~ilU: \Y r J1t<l for D e tAils. 1\£01.' •• , U c n I)' Co. , tlt-Butar& . .",.. C.. rollna. '
Grandma's Sayings
NOTICE s ciii5'OL nOAlt()S - - ' . ' FOn. 8Al.E New 10411 R eo 54-p o8Sen~er 90hool bus, 2 1'.·ton ChOS8Is . On eid a b ud y , . nev .. lltle d ; mfr . ce rU1Jcl)~e. genulne ) ctllh~r seats L ife gua rd tube s. W ill t ll k e c a r, truc k' or. bus tra de. WI11 Se ll a l d iscount. Write or phone Paln e!lvll1e 6871. tIL"k" County Reo tI
And Tra.ok' Deale .. B . R , I\J o'or 8'OI1e.
Palu • • I~.
,. H. lit. Clair st.
BUlL DING I\UTERIALS AUTOMATIC Ce me nt Block Mnc.h lne . will m a k e " d ~rre r.llt s ize bloc k.; can b e
run by elec lrlc or ansollne e ngine. PmcUe. lIy ·new. O. E. liE OAX. New 1101·
laD4 . Ohio.
P.USINESS · ,. INVEST. OPPOK.' Jo& ROOM MOTt:L. Compl ete ly furnis hed U re n ta l., 6 B ath . with s howe rs. Lot 171x343; ,JUnction o( Rou tes 91 .82·U . , Mllst a all BeCt. of Hea lth . Bes t orte r. $1 .200
gives pos. eB"lon. B a lon ce !lnun ced. Plen: \.v of room to ex p a nd . Contu ct own~r Ih once. C. E. PEUUlE, BOll : ... , Twla.- . borl'. Oblo. n BE a Dent.1 Technlolnn. Sta rt .your laboratory. B . e In bus lnes8 ror yours'L ' individual jns ttuc ll on. Write today ~r complete lalorm a Uon. Ohl. S.beol .r
IP WE'D ONLY STOP to 1'~IIi:e bow profltable th.e 8eed8 0' tlapplDe. a!!!, strikes me 1I'o'd all tl'y seattertn' 'em more often.
paid 1IIt. Kalil. w...... OIWlCllIUI.. . Ga.•
did tblnk "Table-Gracle" Nu-:&Iatd WWI jest about periectDOW they've gone and made It eveo better. Yellllir-th.e new Nu-M.ald·. tastier and smoother IIPreacllo·. And It'. got a flne new package tbat .... la that ''Tabl~l'acl.'' ilaVOI'•
K •• haaloal, 811 Proepe.1 0, Clenlaael 15. Ohio.
Depl • .
AIN'T rr FUNNY how them pbl10000pher teUere allue seem to know 1I'bat to do" 'U1 It tlapPeJl8 to 'em? 16
lifO TWO
IIoocI pl."
_14. ..... WAY8 about it, bakln' peld
"101m LIrbtt,
and cakes calls fer & ahortmln' that·s taaty by italt. And that calla till' '"Table-Gra4e" Nu· Matd • • • bettel' tastln' than ever DOW, 'cause Nu-M.alcS's improved I ·/~ ~ . ~ will be paid upon pubUcatlon to the 1Irst contrlbutol' of ea.cb accepted saying 01'. Idea. Ac!dre.. "G,.ndma,." 109 Eaal had Street, ~IIII&U 2. Ohio.
'" 'iES, BUT IF ·r~£R.E
YOU eaD eara looel .... Der .ellln« dellcioUI Mlaml·made tropical "nndle. \0
neichbora, {rlends. Suc ..... rul bere :zo years ' 'now oflered natlonaUy. Ye.rround' work' big holiday ' market .head. Ie: post "arit brlnl. rREE .nle. plan! or .... nd .1.00 {or III oz •• ample "ra'e luse oua chocolnte eoconut pattie', we pay poIItage. T~.,lll.l TJ'eat. Ce., Dept. D. BeE ?!B. S. MIamI. Fla.
POPCORN P.pp.... .a1!.. box.. eoeonut .nd peanut oUll• •iI... Iltl PI. .~ra CI. Na~I •••• 0 ..1•• BaONZING Baby ...... ' Start on •• 00. spareUm. or hobby. CampI... course; Instructions. formula.. ""ure.', '1.00 Pl'· Guaranteed. D .. 'N B~IU!. IIG S•• a .. ker A•• ~., ".~.. R.yen, • e __ .... NVFACTVRE at ...... : 'be your !:'!!! bo. . • no machinerY n!!ee..ary; ....... proven formula.. .lmple dlrecUoiUl. merch.ndl.lnc tn.trucUoa.; mall 11.00 tDdaL we p.y _tace, L ••••••• PIIIIIs..... , -
. "I........·,.Bealea. .... • .............. .
p • •h.rto. Sq •• r.,
D"VID La.. e. N." • .,.,••IIl..... n. D.C•• d.alre. buylnC · orllinal Comic Art.~~~kh; l~~ Comic Boou pubUllhed to uuvwl' .... KC LIN. OMAHA' SOO 0 WICD ••••.•• . W"!fTEJ)' 01. e.I".: .W'! pay a:t,' 10 13Il00. each for hUnelreds old cqln•. Send 500 IDr boOlcJet. You may have them. Be. . . . E •• " ••, •.1 1800 ..E.', Vo. . r Rap"~, ..... WHITE , •• r . Nam. In GOld, SUver.\ (lop. pe . r, r ' on StBUonUY, Chrlatm.. c ....... ~ Uk" exptlnslve Enllrllvlnl. 11.00 pp. c •••••00., D'e,C:: I, a ••• BUr .•
It.. .......
s •• Fr"a•••••• ·
FREIR ""e:o: II Iron S20.00 • .nll .lIve 711~' MarUa A ..... IlNVELOPES
".110 IrD .. ; ilIrect
B."". . Gft.... : caali. lITo CO~, Buy or more. aOwEllL. " ........ I.C. ' ADDIlE.lIItD~ Any
lu..& . . quaD-
Uty. t,Eltlclent a.rvlce aftJl rlORaonable rates. Write us your neecllO aDd ·for prie••• FRANK JUNO, =111 Na,~... IIAN Fa&N.· CISCO n. CALIF.
W"NTED-Monufac:tured ,linea 10 ••11 jobbera, larle · uaen. We hove ae.. ed the Southwesl for yeur •. Good lalell or.anlza. tlon. Bonded. Write FaIth Brok••a ••••• 8111eo C.mlla"" 11011 E •• t Till •• scr.... T.a.. I, Oldahoma.
1Icot&'. ElnIlIlI01l • ~l ,BIOB '
, aNERGY rOOD TONIO for all _ I
Bel.,. ..... Ill' edoilt Ionr In AAD
Vltamla .. Belp. eII""- lluu,lllOud
Ilip POlt.d on ValulS I, ".adlnl the ads
~I' 'rnllllllllll~"IIIIIIIII!II'~IIII!llllm'~I!lmlJlll~lIli'llll;m~llm 111111111 !lllIIllmlllllllll!!lilmrnlll~!lllIIliI!i'IIIIIIIII1I1111111111!lllJmlllWIIIIIIIIIIII :~lIIlllllllillil~IIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIU~I.llllllllllmmlmmmllI
~ ==
$25.oq, BANK NITE - TONITE AND FRIDAY $25.00 2 - GOOD SHOWS - 2 "RED CANYON" AND uTHINGS TO COME" JZane Grey's "Witdi·ire" } (From H. G.Wens' Pen)
== ~ ~
"BUCK NIGHT" OCT, William Elliott • Vera Ral ton in "THE GALLANT LEGION"
WA,NT~D":'" '1 '0
Rent, Dl()ntb. R eferencC8. Coilrtncy, ' W/lynesvll.le, 2621.
;ll l l l l l l l Ilmll l l l l l l l l l l:l l l l l l il l l l :1I I I ml l il ml l il mlil ml l il il lil l iliml i l l JI il~l il l lil,l l lil mlml nll l ili il l '~mll lml lm~1 1 !l ili ;lmll l l ilml ~MI~lmlWIl
LOST-- Ring with 5 keys In va'In Ily of pos l o['flc In WlLyno8· vlli . 'Plea se I nve a'L Miami Gaz He oWee.
SUN., MON., TUES., OCTOBER 30, 31, NOV. 1 - 3 DAYS The "EGG .& \" Sequel - "MA & PA KETfLE" News & Cartoon
CHRYSANTREMuMS- In colors. Barguln prlc&B. Fr c plant with orders. Also painte d dnlsJes Rnll carnations. Edna. St. John.
3 DAYS -
White Rock rryer\!. 2'Ji ml. east ot Wa'Yl14~BV:1I1e on Rt. 78, Phone 2801. 108·3t Re~Wck,
FOR ' IUlNT3-room apal'tment with IIa.rge c los 41 t. upstairs. In l\1t. Holly . $16. per monlh. Phone Xe nla. Spring Vall&), 37204, St
LOST-':' Palr of Glasse!!, dark brown . horn rIDlm d, Finder 1)lealle C:IIJ Wayncsvllle 2749. '
ltOMEBAKED CAKES .AND PUllS FD'll. .lALE- 1936 11f.1 ton dump order on-lyon Tues· tl'u ck (Fonll , '260. 1948 Oro81e y • • days and Fridays. . Mrs. Herbe rt Sla tion Wagon. ()u ly 111,000 miles, a~~t t.e McM:IlHw, Phone aynesvtlle mcl lo, h eMel', te., $400. Both in 2644, good hape. B lr h r ' Suno 0 Ser· R~TES: One cent per word, ----.----.--.--- vl re, sWllYllcsvllle. FOR SALE- 6 rooms , furnace, APR YOUThrougb with your mInimum charge, 25 oen'" modern, 6t.h /ltreet, Waynesville. corn pl~ker? [ have 50 acres to Three InaeMlona for the price $8,000. In.qulre Joe Pennew1tt to pick amI w 11\ [lay $6 a day for Its of two. Forma cloae Wedner 8ee house. Fre1 She rwood . admin , use . Call New Burlington .189. day noon. Ha.Tveysburg, O. 10-IS·3 t FOn StiLE- Favorite liard coal FOR RENT- 2 bed rooms anl1 Mrs. Rice Sn8.[lp, 3rd st.• DON'T FORGET TO CALL bath Ml's, W. H. Madden', High s~ove. Waynesville. iO-20·3t us ' for insurance. ~ All types ~f st. Main in Waynesville. Oall 10'lS-3t FOR SALE- Coal HeatrOln In Insurance at a savings. Catt 2601. good cond!tI()l:, Cheap. 216 miles Francis Gene Brown, phone J- -A UND -E-R-LN - o- -W - a-n-t e-d- l-O- dO In east of Centerville on' Station rd. Waynesville 2472 or call col- my home. Quick "ervlce. Pnone Ml'fI. Sinclair. 'Phone M.O 7910. 3t leet, Wilmington 211 1. W/lyneSVll1~2_98_6.__ WANTED TO RENT-" 100 to 200 Loade·I, Furnas Pit. 60 cents aI d 11 ARM cubic yare!. We 80 ever. . ITAGE & SON, Phone 2091. H
J..A~ '' .
Ma~e Q~
------------ - -
& MONDA OCT. 30-31 Robert Mit hum - Myrna L')y in "TfI£ RED PoNY" IN TECHNICOLOR
. ---...,..-
farm land
Haye a ll equipment Inc ludi ng com. bln'8 and corn pickar. ' Doan Wal· ton. P~onc Wa.yn~ . 21/ 9. 11)208 ....
1,.;,. _
FOlt SALE- Domestic bt>wlng macblne. $20. Phone Waynesvllle 21)36. '
FOR ' SALE- Allis Chalmers 1945 W.C. Trnotor with CUltivatorsov rhILu led ttnd eu~ranteed , $lQ95. lohn D ere ]949 Model B Tractor with CIIlldvatbr8, guaranteed, $1196. Dan"Ui. Imp! ment Co., Lebanon, Ohio .. Phono 566.
Your Support AppreCiated
To,P Soli, Haullng, Sa'ld, Grave} Excavating With Back HOD, . Drag·llne and Bulldozer
15 cOMlNG -
WaynesvUle, Ohio Phone: WayneL 2191 or 2248
ACC:l>lld Il l!'
" .
, \
'l'~, 11
" j II
Itt .. \
'JANES IU£.NUE1UNG I' h1',ne C lI!!c \ . ~cnia, O. 1412 or
A" .'.,
Horses, $2.61) • Cows •. $2.50 Hogs .- , :toc per cwl.
Hastings' Garag~.
Wilmington, O. 2362
- _...
... ....
. 0'~ .... • ..,.,... ".........., ~It
1ryI.. Ie
. . . f" ••, ...... _
la, ..... .,.,.......1_ Ph
'"-".,.... It........ for Olllrlckl....
,RII _lyal... .'"" ......... .' d,ilY 1111- ......
FOR SALE- Cnse 6 ft. Combine Live Wire and Progresalve. wltll 1\10tQr, used. two year8, $995. organIzation secon'd to none• John Deer 'I-B 14" Plow, over- StrloUy sellers on the be.st allhaulad, $125, Bantn lmplement Co. around market In the cQuntry. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES . Lebar:ion, OhIo. Phone 665. . FO'r Da'Iy Market Reporu: \vEIO DlWlon, 12:60 E .S.T, DIal. FOR SALE- Us d coal cooking 1300; ,WLW Clnclnnatl, 1240, Dial. range. 'wJth water .t ank attaebed. 700 . WayneSVille Mel.hodlst Churoh. NORRiS' BROCK COMPANY See' Mrs. Waller Whitaker, or
Rev. Jl. D,
D. Dakin jnsurance Ag Dey PHONE 153 20 E.
Dead Stock
Bones. 11.60 - Cow.. ,2.60
Of All Types·
-Hop. - fic cwt. According to Size and Condition. Call
lnllulated Bricks and 8abea· to!;) SidinG. Sheet metal work of nil ~nds. Local Rererences. All work guaranteed.
Xenia 454, 'Reverse Charges
Xenia Fertilizer
Route 3 Wayneavllle, O. Phone Wayneavllle 2898
E. G. DUcblleb, Co.
~ ".~.., .OUOW It..- . '
UIiIIUO,,' 'om. GIlt SAND and GRAVEL
Kt!!15. ....
BUTl'ERis nature's ma.terpiec~! As'. spread, cook· iDg aid or ftavoting ingredient, BU'ITI!Jl. bas DO ~l-no counterpart. Rich'in natural food value. "':' Vitamin A in its natural source, plus Vitamin D. Vitamin B and other natural . food elemeQts. , BtrITER's Datural golden·glow _.. b'lIDwui IJy ftnw oj CtYIItII itt ..,.,., JIoIl1Ul. , . is your way to idNib BUTTI!R ••• yout par."", thar you get wbat':you pay for-gold"" d'lic~lIs BUTTER.
110 huIh 'Court 1trHt, Marysville, Ohio "V.... .J 0IIIe'. ~ .--.-
How often we say: "I canJt see where ' to turn." Whetl1 :!r the need is for', health, or money, . or ~, home, O~ for opportunities for progress and freedom we heaT the sa me plaintive baffled ' cry, "I can't see." TO HELP YOU,SEE YOUR PATHWAY :;~c ond Church of Christ Scientist, Dayton ~QXctially invites you to attend a .
Ilt'lllA' COMFO.' IltHa "SCINIC arzAU'Y Ilt'lllA CO.NVlEteIIENCE . ~),G..
• If · there's someonc you"ve . put off visitinS--lIOlv'SIhe tif/'ll! 1(1 go! ¥isit th e folks back
h<>mc or the children scll'boL SeE~ "bi city' : sigh ts . .00 /1" IrJrJilJl--yc,u'lI ,have the Trike. 9f your gviJig ound, cnj oy il1g, p-,Paifl.tC!tI scen ery, '
cnsp weather. SUpe[comfort ll nd dollac. fares.
by Archibald Carey, C.S.B <?f Detroit, Michigan Member of the Board
Lectureship oC the Molner Obureb:, flIu.achusetts
'l'ltl' First. Church of Christ, Scientist, in DostoQ,
~ FIRST ~ ST, .~I~ mJ~ ,
.MONDAl EVElING, O~ tOi.'!R 31
- - - - - - r '.
.About Town
Sei-ving Waynesville Since 1850
he Wa:rneB-vUle P.rt.A. wlll m t Monday .vell1n~ at the I chool. • Mr. and Mre. Mu D. Hal'1llocli with Mr. an~ Mra. W. P. Strader and Mr. and Mra Ro.. Bode of Dayton, Mr. and Mra. Roger Wal· ton and Mr: an~ MrS. T. A. Houeton ot Sprlnc Valley. enjoyed a ' di nner partJ' at the Manche.ter Hotel, Mlddtet'own. On Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H erbert McMillan v!l!lted t heir lit tle daughter, ].1n· da . &t the Chlldren'lI HOllpltal In
Cincinnati on Saturday and were very happy to find her able to reo turn witl( them. Mr8. Elol8e Long of Cincinnati III the houllegUe8t of Mr. and Mr8. , Lester Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. WIIllam Stroulle were weekend guests of erlendl In Edle, P~nna. Mr. and Mrs, A. J , Wilde and 80n Rnd Mr. and Mrs. RUllry Sat· tertbw&1te were SUnady ovenlilg gUestll ' of Mr. , and Mn. Luther Hartsock and BonB. A dellolons pheasant dinner 'Wall aerved. MrB. Homer Ramby of Lant&.tta. Florida Is tbe gue8t hl8 lIOn. Mr. Ed Ramb,. and famn,..
Mra. Lyman Day enlered Mllunl ValJey hospital on Monllay for ob· 1\01 va'lon and treatment. · \ Mrl. Leo ,ConDer waa a guest or friends and rellltlves In Dayton 0 "1 Wednesday e~enlD& and saw th'e loe Sbow In Irlldlanapolls. Mrs. J . B. Orabbe will 1!e hOlt· e' s to the New Century Olub on Friday. November 25, at her ho'f'o. with the prOgra~ In charge of MIU Minnie I>o4aon alld lin. , " ,. , 1 Gl':J1ImlD. Mr. and Mra. Kennetb Else, IDd d~ullbter,
' WAYNES,{ltLE.. OKlO.
THU~DAY, NOV. 2~, 1U9
Phone Company .Applies For Rate "Increase Here (1uriS - t'mas SeaI
SOMETHING SPECIAL reo "Some of the Belt" & vlewhig the top Plcturell of the lut 25 yean Uld previews of lome futnre productions wlll be . Ihowu at the Twin theatre Snn: day. . • The 40 minute min Is produced gy M4M In commermeratlon ' To p.t into effect plans for. an ItII twenty·flfth anniversary. improved program to fight tuberculosis in WalTen County during
Dr'·.-ve Mus·t Net
$5,5'00 In Connty
1950, .the Warren County Tuberculosis Association must realize $5500 in the C-qunty Wide 1949
The Ohio Centtal TelephQll9 Corp. h'a& Aled a. petl.U ,*, · \Irlth the Pnbllc UttUtlell Commliiton of Ohio to Incretae the ratea and chargee for te1ephone lIemce. tn WayneaviDe. The proposed revisione of the rate. .M.rncl!Jre · wl,l ' etfe,. In· crel1lle8 tn rates ' IUId du~ell th'l'onghont the. territory tn which till! Company operate8. ' . According to L,ebanon manqer of the eompllny, the ~tel for telepb'ono service have not been Increalled to keep pace 1II1th the rlslng cost of malnten ' ell and eqUipment. Mr. Angeburger lltatea , that It Is Impollllible for the co~· pan,. to continUe op,ratlon on a ·ound bael,B Und.er. the present rate IItructure. Eltlmatell are that the lIew rates, If approved by 'the Publlo ' Utllltiea Commtalon- wiD lncrele the monthb- charge fo~· party phon811 approl1matel1 25 oem.. publicity to Wayneavllle In Cin, wWe bUJlln~ aad ~, olnnatl J)apers and theatre trade phone lIemce wiD <JDCJ'8aM _lit;. Jour.nala. C~8&OmefS; preaented 17 hI8ber.
'Ell-IS Back HODors HeIS Vet ·Students .
Christmas Seal Sale which opens .on November 21 and eontinue.t until December 25, according to Mrs. H. C. MiUiganj Treuurer of the AssoCiation. Memberll of tile Waynesville The quota. for the County, rMs; HICh School vetor8.n s· agricultur· Ptfilllgan pointed out, waa set by al olaelies were honored by their the Association's budget and tnlltrUctor EIlJs ' Back when he program committees after a study of the 1949 expenditures and of preeented a turkey dinner at ~e proects planned for 1950. ,ecliool Thurtllla,. evening. . Proceeds from the Seal Sate . Approxlmatel,. flft,. IltulleD'. conatihltes the .ole support of the and guellts conllumed 32 pouude of Tuberculosis Association's year dreBsed ,Jurkey wIltl! all the trim· round pI:opam of tuberculosis mlnge . The .dlnnllr was lIerv~ by mltmber:e ot tile home eeGllomlc pl'eventioll an dcontrol. Mrs. Milligan emphasized that cl&llS811 ot the .hlp lIohooL the Association , works closely An alT&Y of . cOllnty with the arren County Health . notable.· !\ddre.ed th'e gro,p pepartnlent and other contunity OD eduj:atlonal and agrlcUltural organizations in carying. out it's lubJectll, Counot,. Suyerlntenc!ent Raymon Hatfielet told tuberculoSis case find1n8 and of health ed",cation projects. "In ot I1'Owtb of, the, co.u nb' Mareh .. all.", said, "the Asqd eo,... , ~f In sociation to ~ork jointly with,
jlfpoe'll3 .
Co~mty"be1twetm the . . .
and forty-five or over. All Valley Ho.~ltal, Da1f,On, wllo n8ed large X-Ray. Will be she III .reeo,v arlnl form an operation referred to • 'l'B .apeclalW at the on wednlJlday. expense of the Wapen Oounty o Tubereu101ia Association. Tbe ROGER HART.OCK HONORED Chrlalmaa Seal. Sale is ~rt ON SIXTH BIRTHDAY of the , for~ytbird annual nation Mn. Lutber Hartaoek enter- wide appeal for funda to fight tllln~ on Sund&)- aftemoon. a tuberculbsis In this country. rronp of 'l'Ie.n al anet Ultle pIa,· :t"iinetY'-five percent of seal funds mllltcaot ber little IOn, 1loller, who collected remains in the state, , 81 'e-etebrattnc btll sinh ~Irth. Mrs. Miligan .ddedj with five per:" , day. . il8nt forwarded to the Nationllt "'he afternoon was very ple&!l' Aasociation. o IInll, flnal'lt In pillytnt Iram~e Rnd elloh little ,meat ,.\:el...d eolortnlr 1I0'1,,1I alia orayOn';. Alao the IltU", It''e81 of honorj nocplved mpn" lovely .!tta. "na ever,.one enJov"rl the d,,,lIcloulI bl1'tht'lay 011 '.p " ," ... wt.tb tce creR~ and fr'l1lt (lrln'lc:, ;'bOlle 'flrPlent were: JAa'" . a .... Tlte W.yneevllle POIIt Office ,'!\.Clef a .N n: ·t .,....nce mat hAYe different quartel'l Jl'tirn!U4 Rllet ~nn, . Rlebat'itl MI'R. lummer. ll, A. ~att4'!rth""atte, Mrs. OrvAl 'Tbe !>eWt Offlee Department .fa Rn"e mit chncJren. ?llll","""tit "n" nc>w ree-IYlDC biela, from auyone An" trOY, Mrs. .1I'rej! Braddoo~ 'anlf IUltable for the ' local poatofnce: ohtldren. Mrs. Bentoll ~o!lk A.nd who wiahea . to rent a bulldln« dll\1lr~TI!I, Waneta anll UIIIIIl. MI'R The IIld. eIlclqtd ccmlr the relit J(111n R"ente,. and Ion. Ohal"lell. for a. bin nar. perlod . from Au«. Mra. GDbeit PlTe alld IOn, Don, 2', 19&0. . olle Hartsook, Rorer R8rteock Bldll .-111 b. recelvAd uutll Dec. . and tile hOllte... T~ b. conSidered. a bulldlq must have 800ut 1400 IIquare 'reet . ~ TWIN ANNOUNCES CONTEST WINNE!'I of noor spaco. Complete data 'nWlnnera of free tlClretl In tbe lIardlng bid. may. ,be lecured from Postmaster Leiter Gordon. recent "Letter '1'0 Tbree Wive!' conteSt ' at the Wan..Y1l1e TwIn . a WElT WAVNE COUNCIL thellt,e were: Barbara Stanle,. • , MEETS AT . HARTSOCK HOME JI'Ioyd Ollbert, Bnlte .Bowle11, AITh W t Wi Ad,.. C . berta Bowlu, lUlle and Mary 41 $I a)'lle . 1I0J'1' 0. WlCU , met on lI'rJd.,. evelling at Ward, aIId Be..le IAmb. . f..allt SUlldq tin! foDowlnll t.H the home Of Mr. a ..d MI'8. 'Roell . · ~teDdec1, , "The O""!D Hartsock', With Mn. Blancne Bak· members P~1I11"e" at the ,TwIn at a epecllal er; Mr. aDd Mra. :I. X. Preeton, re~uced, price: Brown. Lee Krs. D: C. llldge, Mra. Left.. O"A~I01l, Bob O'Baftf01l. Don Hartsock', 1IIr. and' lin. Owen Workmu, Paul, l~et. alH! ~I Bartaock. 1Ir. 1Ire. Oharles Mlellener. and WInDle Btout. McCuDocIl' and 1111'. Charles Btan' ~_ &J. IU"~' MRS. DON HAWIKE DtJrIDs tIIr1lutn"1 ~.Ion the F.NTERTAINI BRIDGE CLUB follcnrlDl' aftIoera were eJectecl: 111'1. DoD Hawke IIIlt. . .lned PreIl,.t. Dhrv4 WlIIlIDd, "er t-"ctp club on Mo....,. eY8II' ~tnua,ar. 1Ira. IRaDI81 InK, Wltll two tabl81 In "la", attar U.1l.,.: 1)1. . . . . leader, Harold wIl'ell a de1\oloul lIahd e~une Whitaker: ad J.-.llIaU,.. · arent, waa ..n.cL II. A. Nbnoa. .,..... who enjoJejl the eftlDln.. Mr. a.rr lei.. tIae .u.cu..lon to"..... were lin. L. .. ftGap. OD .~ I~ topIea 84 IIOIl, JIri. A. '1'. NlH_, II.... A. to......... ~_ a ~t .. ~ "'''' I. !I. ...... . . . . . . ...".. "...
Post Office S..eks New-=QOArter~
...' ...... U"'8."·1a · perlormanc~.
. The customers &J'8 ~blrley La~. son, ceoter. and Norma Gruber. rIght. l\Ln, O'Repn cap be seen In the bolt01flce. Produce Night , a fall feature ot the Twin theatre, attracted mn.... Intereat and brought. coulderable
of.fif- the
~Ion,' Or tbe e.eDsl9ft office ; And the lIea~ ot tire Warr~n county A. A. A., WDJard LoulII explained tile prea ell t price· IlUppore prosram and trendll In the market. T. B..-Orabbe. an agrfcultural In. Itructor at Wa}'D.8l1Vme Higll School, told of farming in the old da,1 alld oompared prelent da, methodll wttll those of the pait. Two members of Back'lI clueaa
•equal ,
theatre. Tbe O'&SIUUI IIlan to dutrlbute the goods. colleoted .d\U'bla' the Call to needy famlUea In time to TblUlkldvlnr BUIIPllment their dinners. ,The photo Hunter.
taken hy WlIllll
MVF PI I'· t' .No 4t1i·Celebration T . aces ~.rs Augaburc· In Booth Fest'ival Here Next Summer ctua com..
.poke ' brWl7• . Alfled er, ,a lfaduate 'o f the 110W takinl' advlDced In Lebanon, pald trtbute to the fine job or teachl", ' Bac~ II dollig.&bert Thomae, 'tt'Ilo II now takln" the coune at the local IIchool, men. 'tloMd the beneflta of the eourae to ' ve~raD farmera. . SUperintendent K. M. &talllck addr.see!· tb'8 11'0up brienT. Ire ' men~oliecl ilia boyhood tarmday and ,enCQ~ ~e group to ap.· pit the bo"ledrell . obtained throUh the coura.. to . ' ~tter tarm Practlcell.
O_E.S'. EIeels
. '
The Booth' Festival of the 80· uthwest Dayton Dletrlct of the Methodl" church was held Sun· day afternoon and enning . ~t the Waynelvllle Meth'Odllllt church. A total ,' ot 147 y~uthl ' :reglstered' troJD IIIDe cburchelt. , .T he 1013al MYF rec~elved ~lr8t place on Its booths 8.nd ·thlrd In valuaflOn, having ral~ed $148 for the ChUdr,n's. Home Ilnd .hllspltal. First, Church of Mtdllletowl1 took tlrst place 01) valuation 'tt'Ith '190 . and CaI'Vary of- Mtdilletown lIecond with USI. Thel total amount of money
0.... .
'·'--1 0". te . 107 bralaedh ~or . fhehChUhdren.'~. Hiome _p r ..".... met y t e nine c urc '81 reprellellt· in regular SeSlllOn on Mond~y eVe- ed. at ~e featlnl ' Wl~ ,aoo. I .~ A ' fine dinner w••: lIerved to 'n ng, of the put week. with a ..., covered dI8h'. dInner. lIerved hi the those partlclpa~g In . the featlval dining room. TIle tegular bualDetls by the Youth FeUOwabip Cotm-' selon or the local cJltll'Ch'. ' .as~n WIIIII bel.d during wblcll Jane Hartsook Mceulloch. recent The d.,.otlonal meetll.lllll were d ._.. t.h ... dell ' bride, ·:.rae' honored and preHnted oon uo..... UI .. _I etown , group md the Lebllnon "-up wltb .. a lovely giBt from 'tho ohap. conducted the r8c1'8ll~tlonal proter. gram; Election of offtce- .or t'h e com. '0 ~ -,-0---;-' Ing year wae held and the officers MRI• JQlIEPH , . .ILK were: GUESTS AT BRIDGI. W!»rtll'Y. Matron. Barbara Sawyer; ¥l'II. JDHlIll SUk 811ltertalned at ~rthy. Patro1l, RlJImAn Stroost): her 1I'0me' OIl Tllunda:, afternoon, .\asoclate . M8ItrQn. 1!Ictna Bmltb; with bridge al the cU,'eNlon. Mra: Assoclate~. Robert smith :~~..~. . .Pret,ldecJ at tbe Becrary, Mary L. !lamhart: Treasurer, Lucile Arm,tap: ThOR who "ere pellta 'Cor tbla ~ductrell., J.e H. )ft)Cu11oeb lovely sftlnlOO1l Mra. Bob~ocIate Coanl!tn!lla. Grace ~ ert Da'tt'101l and l1l'i. ndlll'lUt, 'l'rMtee for tbree JeaH. o · lAbanoD, lira. 'I tlclb[ard .AIIl1 BIIb". of Xen ... lin. RuI~1111 __ and M.... lam. Sll~~na\ler ) Mn, Carl "'11 or Deerfield Oaborn., lflii. I'r&IIk m ".. a ........._ elf ~r. and 11ft. mlia..... IIGIIert L .,.... emr last. Of · ~ l1li. ........ ' .... ~,... die lira... N. Kep. lin. _ .... a ..1It lin. A. II. Stoat, JIoIIert ~ ~
"1'lI0II "....
Local R~sideDts Will Have,To Pay About 25 CeDts More
. . __III
. of tile of the ' ' menta '
. I at Uf ,oftl~ CoIll(l&DJ' or ·at the ofttcie CollUllJallon, oitto De.... ...• ..... But~~, Columbus, Olilo.
Meo th di' st 1'1.-_ "oureh Members, Tq Meet
There ' w:IIl "be a churoh confer' ence at the Waynelv1U" Methocl~ tst Chure~ . ~uncla1, NoV'. IT. at 10:80 A.M. The qUeltion of whether tire church will mue bulld. Ing ImprovemeDte In the Church School department will be cllacue.sed and· a deCillion 'reached at t1!t8 meeUnc. Facta concernlDg the probabl,. COIIt, general plane, and memortal gl.ftB will be brought to the 'atten, tlon of tire membera In order that deolllions JJl&J" be made with ,the knowledge of what II lnvoly.
The local Amerloan Legion Post Will present a Fourth of July oelebra.tion in Wayue8Vllle next summer as it hae the paet -two yean, Instead , the POl,lt wlll work In conjunetJOD . with the Wal'ren Co." present a countJ"wlde ~vent at Lebano~ 0':' the 4th. .Th'8 · event will reawre motor cycle races and' other s1mt~ar ·attractlons. . The Wa)'De ~OW1lali1p Legton ad. contingent to the county group "It II the 4uty of evel'J' memo Includelt BW Sawyer. Bob Osborn ber' of the chUrch to be pr,sent, 'and Oarl Cook.. unless uua-n.clab17 d~~r 0 statea Rev. R. B. Col. . '
• The Ralntiow AdvlBory Councll beld theIr reg'ulal' meeting at the bomo ol Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles :L eMay on Tuesday e~enlng. A won. dertul covered dl~h dinner, Includ. I ng tlVO lurge turkeys, was enjoy· ·ed by the members and their families. A brief. bUsslness sessIon wae .hold and the remainder ot the t1venlng WIUI spent In a 800lal matlUler and 'iJ1 watching televisiOn. . The Council adjorned to meet In Decem"r at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howar!l Werts with a Ohrlstmas party IDd 8][clilUlCe of gUts.
o . 'SEE "GREEN PROMI8E" The Wayne G. C, p, C-H CI~b WI(b tbelr leader, Mr. utaarles Mlohener. aiid pre1l14_ ,L ee 0'Banlon, flaw "Gr..n ProllWle" 00 tJunda7 &ttOl'llOOJl at tile Twin theatN. o Mr. and 1IIra. ~ PoUu117 and 1Iara,. .... 1'lIIIUdI 111'8. PollItt lltJ'e broUter. Bobert aad motller, lin. .,.... III . ~, IlL tIdw
CO'MMUNI:rv RE'8'IDENT DIl~S SYODENl:.V Jessie VJrglnla Fox.sa died Ind. · denly at her home, WayneaVme Route 2, Sunday afternoon at 1:15. . SUrvivors incltide: her huaband, Harohl; three oh1J~ren• .Kathleen, 7; Jerald, 6; Rita JIDe, I;two brothers, 'l!lverett , of Orlarido, lI'IL, and Robert Lackey of AUstin, ,-.,;, ae. . . . Funeral semcel were held at the StUbbs l!'untlral Houie Wednesdl.1 at 2 P.M, with Rev. Bryon ' Carnr officiating. Burta) 'Was made ·In th~ Bellbrook cemetery•. o
WAYNESVILLE MARKETS (lnCormaOon euppUed b,. the W~, .ne8V1lle Farmen Exob
There baa be8n nry little chance in 107 beanlI or wheat dul'lac the PUt".u: The COy, erument II now , admlttlllc that tile oorn crop tau dried up aa4 tile marllet Is mortq ......... CURRINT ... . Beat ........ : .. .. ..•. tl.n ....
Ooril .... ... .......... .. -~ ,
.......... .
-, -
-.'" -.,.,
Thursday, November· 24, IMt
I . SEWING CIRCLE PATT~RNS ITwo-~iecer H~.s Youthful Line Look-Alike Fashions for Tot$
r ----WEEKLY NEWS ANALYS/S·---. RussrA:
France, Canada Urge Atomi~ .Pact; British Lab!)r Oets ' Speedup Rule; G.M. Dividend Sets Industry Mark
Direct Warning
Sov! t Russia WDS dOing a bit ' of boasling nnd chest,thumplng about the atomfc bomb for her arma stockpile . . IN A SPEECH brondeost from Moscow, Ceol'gl N. Malenkov. a member of the Soviet Inner ,circle, warned thnt with the atomic bomb IT: Russian hands a third World CICDlTOll" NOTE. "'.....'1.1 ..... r... 'r.... ' I.. "' ••••• I.lIIn •• lb.,. .r. Ibo •••r I"HIe•• N . ........ U •• OD'••••• aul, ... aD" DO' D.e ••••rlb .f tbl. n.w.p .. per .~ 'War .would ' " wipe o~t c8pl~lIsm." His WIlS the main speech In celebration ot the 32nd anniversary of the Bolshevist revolution. "If the Imperialists unleash a third world war." he laid. "thle will not be the grave of individual capilltlist countries, buL of world capitalism as a whole." He said that atomic energy In the hands 01 capitalism Is the "means ot bringing death." Turning to a new noto tor the moment, he declared, ,that "we do not want wor and are ' doing everything to prevent It." Then, discussing ato11'ic energy again, Malenkov osserted that atomic en· ergy "in the bands of the Soviet people must and will serve aa a mighty wenpon of unprecedented, technical progress a.,d flirthe.r IIpeedy growth of the pl:'oductlve forces of our country. FOLLOWING THE PAR~ LINE rlgh't doWn to the flnal· sy.lJable, he charged that the United States haa ' a plan to "enslave the entire world" and that · this plan was "borrowed NEW NAVAL OPERATIONS BOSS CONGRATULATED •• _ from the mad plans or Hitler and 17.&, NaV)' Seeret1r7 FraDcls Matthea (lef&) coner.tutlies Adm, Tano~n (pre·wnr Japanes~ mllltar· Forr. ' '', Shermau after tile lItter _.named b,. Pre"ldent 1st) but different In that It exceedl 'l'nunaD u cblef of unl operatlona Co succeed Adm, Lollis E. both plans together." Dellletd. Deafelt! ",as lei oat lIeca,se or erttlolsm of 1Ul1fiCltIClD Despite all the boasting and the SlId deleDlle lIO,",oy la tile armed servle. . .ehlp. .b ombast. there existed tn many mlnds a doubt that Russia bas the atomic bomb al we know 'It-a weapon. re~dy to be dropped at wlll.
France and Oanada joIned at Lake Succe's. in asking that aU Datlo~ do everYthing In their power. to ban use of atc~lc bombs and control atom1c energy. THE APPEAL was directed to' all-and especially the SovieJ 'u nion -to ferget traditional ideas of the, · loverelgnq of nationl and join an .to~lc! pact that· woul~ p~omote aecurfb' and peace. ' . It -was a sincere gesture. but about all' that could be ..ld of. any · ze.ultl Utat miaht ensue waa that It wal L "~e trY." The p~polal did ltave the support of the other. In the niajod~ croUP of" the l59-rlatlon ~UtJcal comJDtttee of ilIe U.N. general al' lemhq. but Soviet RUllla Wa • .wl to ~ rhea~ from CD th~ IUClestion. 'lbe n-encbCanAdian reloluUoD .~ mean~ .tbi, maJo.rttr pow• \ \ 1
Breeders of .Ayrshire dairy cat'tie can now determine the annual :nuik production of their cows, with .a maximum margin of error of only eight·tenths of one percent, on the bas iS of fifty to sevent:r day mllk.i n, records. , It; Is expected that dai~y tarmers will save· untold thQusllDds of dol· lars every year by the scientific selection of bulls. at an early date. The breeding value or buDs, whbse blood strains affect milk production as well as the butterfat can· ·t en·t In milk, can now be determln· ed more quickly than ever before 'b y the application of this accurate advance data. This revolutionary ' develop'ment in dairy farming 'was anl)ounced by Henry MosIe, eha.lrman of th~ research committee of the Ayrshire
il .
On Trial Again
PraeClcaJ and Cute ,D RESS. your little cherubs aUke In these cute play clothespractical as can be . i.-r sturdy corduroy or soft woolen. O),eralls For :rear 'Rounel Wear HERE'S A clever two-piece frock are suitabJe for a boy or girl, .s Is . the . neat jacket. Sister has • . with a decidedly youthful air. suspender skirt. . SUitable for year 'round wear .. with s h 0 r t or three ' quar,ter Pattern No. 8238 I. ror aires 2. 3. 4. a one! 8 )·tOfl. Sl~c 3. jocket; B~ YD.ds of sleeve. Note ' the pretty shaped 3lI or 3D-.lneh; overaU., 10/. ya rds; altlrt. peplum. 1 yard.
Commercial plallel were , dartlnl about the world faster and 'taster. Sound & Fury TIle sound and fury of the 19SO .Latest speed 'r ecord for commercial planes was claimed by Pail Amert- eongressional cam p a i g n was can lines whlcb reported Its strato- touched off rather prematurely by cruiser Westward Ho landed at Minnesota's Harold E , Sta'ssen in London in 9 bours and 12 mlnutea MlnneapoUs where he accused afte, leaVing New York.: ~esldent lIatty Truman of making Cap. Robert D, tFordrce, Jackson "vfeI8~ an~ untrue:' statements in , Heights, 'N. ,If .. commander of the his ·attaeks on 'political enemies: Al:lJ> STASSEN Is one of ,those Westward Ho, did, it with th~. aid Ci'f a tail Wind wblch at times reacherl enem!es; for the former Minnesota governor and now pr~sldent of the a speed of "15 miles an hour. The plane traveled the Great University of PennsylvanIa. Is a Circle route and Its average apeed certain candidate tor the GOP ~e.· waa about 385 mllea an hour. !J'hs fdentlal nomination. In 1952. ,plane carried 21 palleneel'l 'and a Stassen chareed that · Truman crew of used hlstortcfl references in hlI reOnly a day ",afore, a Pan Amer- cent 81. Paw speech to "wrap the Ican plane flew from New York to cloak of .re~erson' .r9Ul1d blm.elf," LandOll In ~ hOuri, 21 minutes, ~~ that actuau,. the Preat,dent wblcb bad betUred the exl.stinl 'lon, ago J1t7rlonaU,. ~mpled OIl mark b,. 20 minutel, . the cloak of.. Jeffe~~n. . WITHOUT mentionlnl . Truman by name. Sta ••en .nsWered direct. ly the President'. addle'" at SL 'More far More Paul In which the chief executive ' It baa been a fairlf well eltab- a ••aDed · ''reactlonaifea'' wbo, ~ llIbe4 philosOSlb7 of· trade 'UJ:lJ.0ftI Aid. ba4 ImpiKted propeu of ~ 10 frown on the '''e a'ilf beav~r" who welfa,re program m congrtll. like. 19 demOlll~a" hOw 'f.1I be S alsen praised ,consr.tlf~ reo een work ,or bow mu'cb' h~ c.n fullnIf t9 alona with Truman cluce ~ a liven time. In fact, aome on the "dangerous" ,Branni!l f!lnD unlopa prohibit membera from en-I plan. OIl the Pre.tdent'J requell Plin, in a~ type of producUon for . poltwar retention ofQP~. and lpeed contest. on hlI demands '011 - p)'rllmlded , Ttle phllosophy.ll understandable, ~tralJzed "Power over a wide If not popular. It I. one which takel renee of ~b'ectl"~ · care or the union member wbo , " ". en wut tile leneral auemb17 ODC. bam't the abillt:r, the at1l11 or the more to endone their propoaal for phyllcal ltamlna .to· keep up with A S~am Rod? atomic control and to order secret t,h!t· 'would·be ipB$d demon. Ttle taJlu to continue betweeD the BI, phUOIoJ)hy ha. beel). app~ed otten , MOll' folks know bett~r ~n to · :r1,. ;aDd C.nad.. ' .' /_ enou,h for critics to charge 1hat It ,et lrito an argument with an Ir\sbII':EN!:GAL ,N. ~tt, Indla'a hal amounted, in . many' tnstimcel, man-pa~cularly about !I.-rythlnJ that Is peculiarly Irisb, such a. the oble1. . delelate: oftered another to an actual work "slow down." " . ·ld.a in <the debate ouWnID, official- , ALL THIS ·belnl a matter of blarney, stone. BUT ' IN CALIFORNIA. I I In b " h\a ~an ,· for .the, ..mtematlonal record. England's Jabor ' govern· ....,. commfl.IOD to draw up a ment'. move to allocate higher· reI. Brooklyn, .any~ng can happen. , 10 world deClaration for Prohibition 01 warda for greater labor producUv- it wam't 'too lurprI8\n' ' to (lnd a ., bomb and lor control 'of, atomic 'ltY ' came •• a surprise to niany row ' over Ireland's famed blarney lJ. IS. 'supporter. of the AUee, re- stone breaking out there. ' enero. . It ~ happened when a III·pbund But, It wal Bald in oftI.clal circle., glme. · The,. 'I:!egan to . • peculate that the Prencb-Caoadlan proposal whether · th.e prime minister . was ltone, believed by Sari FranclBcana wa., a. far a'i the majorit:r powera laying up trouble for blmaelf among to ' be a chunk or the real blamey hla J8bqr .adherenl.• " .', atone, 'was atolen ' ~roin a church· , wented to 10 at ~. tiIile, '1lhe British eovemment's tumtng bazaar.. Jim Cummins. custodian away from this tr,a dltlonal pbJl- 'of the San Francisco .tone chunk, olophy' of labor wei explained on declared he 'had "documentary; New High· the basis that 'It mull be done to pr~f my stone il authentic." I . Wu. It a limbol, ' a partent of meet · gro~r demands for .l1ig}ler the future? Did it P1dlcate , the wages to offset higher living 'costa, .,. I , I au:enith of the, ,hatlon'. ,.economIc Therefore, the ministry ,'i. -a~voca~ Itltuatlon., or W,III ', it !II. temporary tlng e system of tYIng wages to Ilcnboard at the merey of any real the ra~ of production, rather thaJo. the . p~lce Index. " wind 01 ' economic ·recession? WBATEVER Its r~al slgnltlcance, Jndustrlallsts and economists took Cheer for It. It WaS '1 vote by Gen· . era) Motors corporat~on of th~ T b 0 • e skeptical, apprehenslv\. largest cash-dlvldend total in the hlllt.Qry of Americ:an industry. The citizens whose dreams had, begun eOll)pany, .. Which recently, reported to be haunted by the awful sp.e ctre a record net profit of more than of 'doubt that Uncle Sam's purported IiOZ million dollars from I the first gold: store at Fort Knox wasn't there nine month", of, this year, would a~ all could all r'llax. The gold aend.-checks (otallng $190.436,055 ' to there, a~ 01 it_, 438,.005 'holders of lb common and . ASSURANCE c a.m e from a preferred stock. The distribution source certainly qualified to know, . would J;epresent a year-end pay· for that source was Leland Howard, ment of $4:25 'e IIbare on ilIe out· assistant director of the U.S. bureau , atandlng 1,lIue. rillslng to $8 a share of the mint. It is btl duty to exthe amount declared on the com· amine persOna)))' the gold board AI,er Bin \~ft~: ,.. aIIpwD mon stock thIs yea~. at least once a year. with bI. atlorney U _t t¥i JeH . GENERAL MOTORS w'as allO ex· federal cGurt In New Tqrk afler "There'l more than 12,000 tons of pected to establlsb' . record ' wben It ' (gold) at the Ft. Knox deposl. iii.. bad"beeD refilled '. tbreeit retired out of ItI own corporate tor:r," he reports. That's more than' week deJa, in bIa tiecobtl trial 011 cba,..,. 01 PerJllr)', The fundll Its entire ,' long-term debt ot' haH of the · 24 billion dollars worth II!! mUnon dollarll-17 to 7:1 year. of the .tutr which the govel'l¥Jleat flm tdaI ended ~ • baq . teepa under lock and key. before the notee are dWl~
'Factor' Method Used In 50-70 Day Tests
. 'A'rOMIC :PACT: Asked by Two
:Milk Output Seen . .As Forecastable
A famed ' Aynldre co." I f . qaola Sally Wln&era, with owner Robert L, KaJ,bt, of LlpplH Farme" R;. L, ODe of tile Da.lion's 'top dairy c~ttle ' arms. KnJ,b& c.n now foreeali SaJly'1 lUlllaaI milk. yield OD .eDlt,..11 01 150-'70 dll' laclattop fllOres bt 1IIln, the Ayrsblre "faetora" "Mce,
• • •
SEIVING Cm01.E PATTERN DEPT. &SCI '.alb w.lI. a.. Obl."C'" IlL
Pattern JoIo. 1823 cornu in Ilzes 1.2. 14.
111- lind 20. Sl~e 14 .hatt slee,/ •• blouse. 21\0 yards 01 3&-inch; .ktrt , 1%
Enolo... 2$ <ents In pn \Iern de.-Ired . .
coi~ •. ror ..eb
P.llem No, _ ........._ _-8s.l ze----o- , Name
'b reed ownera' assocI a tIon. "·osle" ... Add a different" flavor to potato ,e r 01 Fair Meadows farm, Litch- salad by marinating the chopped field. Connecticut, made the an. onions in lemon juice fOr an hour ,noun cement after the 1949 annual belore mixing WIth the other in· meetlne of the research comml gredhi'n ts, . . at the headqu.rterl 01 the _ . shin breeders' allOdatlon in Before adding the batter. drop B don Vermont. . a teaspoon of peanut butter in . raD " , I Ttle ~curac, of tii. .taUal:: each muflin paD to live muUina "1actoP" whlch to~calt the ~ delicious. nutty flavor. " .' nual mlDt yield of ~q1re~ WI. eltabU8hecl after· .. ,e.~ m,. ~:I1II'V.8)' by Da:Ialjl............ _~ bead .~ U. diVisIon of '6:-...,.. - , tb. mlhUe ' b~~d.r.' aA\lclaUon. Approxlm.,tecli, ~ Mr~herdl In 40 .tate. participated in the IUr..,.~, lD 'or4!er to in~\Ue a ,enuine C!l"ou·.ecUon in te.tIn, the "faetora." Each lIerd ,numbered trom flve to 125 COWl. It w~. utabJlIhed that the .&0-70 da, '1actora" can de~rInlne a berdll annual milk jleld With '•. 25 J)er cent ateurac", Molle ' stated that iii order to IAJral!1re breed.... the whole ~,P,ncI a"old mllr.pr~'"tation 01 any n,tur4t, ~el.c~ data wal used In ch!ekUle ~, . • c~~cy · of ''faC:ton}' In other wordi, the ~d'lPread pr,;c:tl~ at ain; .eJect cow. lind bun. wal aVOIded. , , •. . 'l'lbe . turner · can now! decide whether or ao',,~ contlp~e buD ' for b,re,e din, ,pQl'PQ',ell, ~~aht montha ' earl1er thap W~I h retofore poI.ible: UntOld thOll8andl of dol· lata ' will be saved b, 'thla practice. l"urth~rmQre, ' the u.e of the · "(ae~rl'" ~ enable the .:bree~era ,to improve the . genetic, quaU~ ot the . bullJ .In th~~r herd. mor~ r.plcUy lIIan ever before., Ttllil early 'buDdtn, IIp of "blood~' wlU telUlt in ~ e~aBed milk production fWStb hl8b-. er buttertat ,content, I
. . .'
folks NEW'Sflaat\makes Ileep an nilldl
Tbo ..... DOW ....' Wlcliltlltbed bOca_ 'I I Lb. n ••• th.t theiz ...I"' ...... k... ed ~, aft. Dlabt be ~ bllId4. irrilA/jM-II" 1M ~L·. bop. .ol :rbal'•• iIaodIUOD Fol., pllJo \lltuallY ,11aY wlLbI. 2. bOIl .... 8h....... dar IrritstiOn 110 10 I"Ya1an1 ",d fol.,. Pille_ ptpt.. t fatOf Pille '1Illili ....... ftt rOIl ~LbID ,.
Mak. tt-boUr t.t. 0.1 li"oIeYPUll1rom .u. mit. t'IIU OItWlC\IOD • DOUBLa yova MONEY Il-(O&'
'. •
u.1D8 ,
LOOKIT-buy 3 p~cka~es
at CI · tim~. Positively .,~ refrigeration needed t AlwCI)'s ready to
Crankiness in Old ' Age Linked to ,Health Acco~dlnl to an 0h1o at,ate unl· and ;oun, profel!l1Q11al people CD \'81'11\3'. protellor, crankln... or a the tlertonal traltl of older persona cantankeroUJI mae in olcl .,e II they knew wen. 'lb••ubjecta of Ole dJnetJ, proportionate to poor study, the phDOIophy teaeber .aid. bealtb. III alber wordl. tile pnfe. raDfed In al. from 110 to 101'". lituatloa bolda ' buls for the Ruulta .ere preaeated at til. Meada.. lblt a .... II I t. . . old and annual meetlnl of tile pron.. be '"11." tolollcal lOCI...,. ..... Chandler 'I'IIe pror.uor, Albert R. DuuIdler...ld ... I. . . . . . . 110 ClaM rot 'HI IIId 1111 conelulloa . . . . . . . . . .t ...ren to be ~ or IrrIIabie. !II • ftPOI:ta .., ooIlep IIUIIIIna ......... ........
0." ..,
Farm., - Bumld Near
. ;
Irrigation Given as Way To Prevent Frolt Damage• .
cloUd. IpeeD*' tbdQbt · II ... n_Nl'IId peat IUD to . .tell tile Idrda .......
...u- .... ,....
IIbo1nI :l1ere 11 • '.1", of the reciently-cep'pleted ' • truok lIDJoa4in, dock 'for, cattle at lbe ' Chlca,o .tooll ,ard. a. leen Ia operaUoD Oil oPenblr !Ia,.: ne 1I0Clk ..... tile ....rest .... mo.. mode"'~ In &be eean&a7. 1* bal a ~lpaO'" 01 1~ 1rJI;C'" ..
bl_ *
Allelu. JIIch.. Dearly ~ation ', 11 betn. etted I I a 11.000 C.adia~ ,eese were maklnl . pr.ctlcal and economical matlled ' t4e~elvel at bclme Iii ~e ' graiD of pnvenling troll cIama. . to cropt of Andrew Delld. addlUcm to ..mIlS pzpteo'J:ba loud ,.ack..,-,aIt 01 Ibe blrdli .,Iinll 417 wealber, I. Ibe7 ..YOIIftd abe train a~ ' JII'O'" lit 1IlctII. . . treNd _bau& I,CICIO"'Hera. ~ tllet aeu!r·l. per teII\ ..... .tIm.. uarlJ .• vi _.... ~ aplnd' fIoa& ... n . . . . . . waU2d rIM Ibe Ia ~ bla• . wile . I!ItP&
use at .0 mom,nt'. noti~e~ ' . ,
~ tbDe~
.1 •
A.,. Near A. Your O"'ft·
Mai " "o~'
It ClIIICIL. ..., .., .. ~ atalle .. "'"' ftelUlftlllt.l I'\&aa. Voe.l. . ~ftljl'1llD"laI. . . . . saa Orell..lr. Chora. Openn": Qahit.., . . • J
Wrlle ...... _PIlle ...... 'bMIIer. Mull
~ ,_PlIed
ftlIICIlU, for tII8 MtlllllJI!II. "1\11 allll Orellal,. •
..... 881 IlltiS IUIIC eli.-:;::· DlneCOJ or
"See,.. ...........-
. .,.,., v....
Good-Looking Desk f Matc,hes Shelf
inspects operat corn picker on Albert Mitchell" Ri v e r Valley" Illinois, during a good will tour of {the U(lited St,otes (left). Nehru was said to be here in on effort to interest the U n i It e d States in helping to build up India's nloval and ."iiitary strength. In photo below, NI!hrll enjoys ringing the dinner bell fora fried chicken dinne'r ,on Mitchell's form.
'ITunit IS easy to make t/1ls doak, also Ji: in the upper sketch with Pattern 212. UnltsA and E\, ar,e 'made with Pattern 2JO, C wltli 271. Pattern.
•• • actun]·s!te •
IrUtdes (o~ the curved .belvea. Potieml .r. 2~o ellcb. WORIt/fUOP, PATTERloi SEal-Will
Dr ••• r
10. lI,dford Hm•• Nt. . . . . r ...
~------------~~-----~ Naturally your gifts ha~eio compete with lots ot otliers unde,r the Christmas ' tree., So 'here's III tip, The smokers on YOUl' list will make a beeline for your gift ftrst -the minute th,e y ~e it's a gay Christmas csrton of 'camel ciga. 1 rettes or a pound ot Pl'in.ce Albert I Sruoking Tobacco. ,These two pop; ular pr,oducts get , a rousing wei. COme' every time. 1'.1Ud, fUll.Havored Camels are SUl'e, to please cigar:ette smokers, and pipe lovers have made Prince Albert Ameri. ca's largest selling smoking tobacco. And you'll like those smart, colorful Christmas ' wrappings. Particularly when you , spo~ that handy "buill·in" card for your personal greetings. Camels and . Prince Albert are so, ~asy, to olrder. \ :Your local dealer is well supplied right now. -Adv. • Some men owe everyt.l)ipg to their mothers, Others owe quite a bit to the gen~rous uncle.
Pandit Nehru examines pn eai' of corn 'on the ,210acre Kendall county (III.) farm of William Smith (below). The Indian prime minister examined , three Fox River Valley farms in a~ 'effort to learn s,omething of Amerjcan forming methods.
~ A General Quiz
C'Ioo ~ "'" ~
C'Ioo,.... C'Io- C': (\.. (\-C' o ,.,... (\- f'- ,,""('I- ('too ""'",....
The Questions 1. What event do Chns lia"s cel , ebrate on Eastel' Sunday? , 2, Name Crusoe's s'ervant in De Foe's "Robinson Crusoe." 3. 'W hat 'is the meaning of coer· cion? ' ' . 4. What two things did Allaa!n possess that were wonderful? 5. Wb'at is a centaur?
lul_Piliso;; '
~Musteral" Far , '
Chest Colds I
to reUewe caupa-achy muscle.
The Dionne Quints have a1wllyll h11d the beat care. Ever since they were bllbies, tlley.'w used Musterole 1;0 promptly relieve coughs and local congestion of colds, Be sure l/Our kiddies enjoy Mwiterole '8 great benefits I
The Answers
1. Christ's resurrection !:rom the dead. _IS 2. Friday. 3. The act of restraining a per· son by force, especially legally or, morally. ~ 4. A ring 'and a lamp. S. A mythicaJ crellture, balf man, halt hqr;se.
Walt The widow prObably would have been better oft it ~e had stood over the stone ~ cutter as he chiseled th,e , epj~aph on her., late husband'$ tombstone:. But she was terribly grief·stricken , jind liave him a slip of .paper with tbe word. ing she wanted on the stone. Instead of milklng two-separate lines he ran two sentences gether with not even a comma separatin~ the thoughts sQ. that the epitaph ~ead: ' , "Thou art at rest 'til we meet again."
Try This Delicious Chewing-Gum 'Laxative ,
t....becawe .11 .,... _ 'IMII
• WIle. yo. . .II ••• bea4acihr gd ~ WIt .wfUi .1....~Te 'r'da tbla • • • '
nDf·.. • ..
rou IIeIIC
llft-delICloua chewme-
IfUlD luatlwe, The acUOIl Of f'IItH .....~. epeclal mec1JC1no "DlI"I'OtntII" Ul. atomaoa", That Ia, I' doean't lOOt "hUe III Ule atom.' ach. but onlr wben r&n.ber III t.be , lo"er dlgeatl,e ,U'aCt ... wb ..hi you want it
1., obewlns mloll:u
to .c," YOII reel llDe acaln qutOklr I
And acleZltts,••
,~·"·.. m~'. lin. mec1Jclne man elr_ \lve - "re~ ..." It 10 I' ti~.... ' genUr ,lInO
'bellYJltem,O"t""""·.-"U<Tal~ drug counter~~, Sa- or only, . • •
10.. ,
If Yoil ' Are 85, 45 ,or' 3, Hada,colHelps All Ages, Continuing his form tour, Nehru ~nd party greet memo bers of the Willio," Smith family (below). Pictured with Nehru are William' Smith. ' (r~ar) in striped shirt, .and Nehru's sister, Mme. Pandit, Indion' ambassador to the United States, and his daughter, Mrs. Ghandi.
, FrOm Com..... that 1iA1I' oi· , ~ulaI6DreliC\'e.p~pdy~,",
it 80ea right to che tat of the trOIlbl. co help Joosea .nd expel' germ ~ PhIeam aad aid aa.ture to IOO~ B!ld faeal raw. teGeler. lD8amed b(ODdJiid ~, mtaibran ... TeO y,l)ur clrugisC to IiII poll ' .. 'botd.' of CreomI)Jllop with the uaclerslalldiag yOll must like ' the _y ' it quiCkly alIIY. che cotIgb you lie to hive your money back.,
.HADACOL is good for aU ages, Alter the third bottle of HADAbrin,g ing five ot 'nature's B :vita- CO'L 1 felt Ii real im'provement and Inins and Important minerals to 'after the twelfth bottle of KADA... the young tu:ld old alike. Recently COL. l f elt like I wa$ 18 instesd of the HADACOL folks received the 46. I, am feeling PQrfectly wei!." • "My th,ee year old do·ughter. good news that, among th\l ,count. les8 thousands who had been ,bene. Joan, had lost her , appetite," laid , fited by HADACOL was a lad)! of ! Mr. Dugas. ',' Her cheeks were pale ' 85, a man of 45 who felt like he Illnd she cried often. L started. was 18, and a beautiful little girl givil:lg J Il an ' only three years 014. HAD A <1 0 It Mrs. Edmond .ooucet, of Chur()h and a t t e :r Point, La., is 86 years old, hav. t h r e e of the , lng thousands of friends in, the ll!'rge econolDY Jlicturesque Evangeline section of SIze bot tie, L o ,u is jan a a h e ,i s ,D 0 VI 1 where a h' e heal~y, ' ha~ wall bom 'a na an e;x c III ten,t b'a s spent' all appetite and of 'ti~r 1 i f e. ~er dlapoa!!I~n' These frien.ds II per,fect. ~ three of : are .happy W k now t bat the a e people f M r II Doucet we.,e~ suffering trom' a lack of 8 1 e e a better ritatttina' ariel the min'erala wbieA ; !low: than Irt BADACOL ~~n~ln.. BADA,::or. any time· In co~ea , to; yoQ In "~quld 101111 • .-aDj. two ',. e a TIl MRS. DOUCET asslmilated..ID the blood 'Stream ' 10 and' gives tn'e ' that it cal) ,'2 to wor~ right awa,. credit. to HADACOL. It ia easy to ·understand,. therefo.... "1 h d b' • k" almo" ~o why countleslI thoulI8nda have llem a een SIC ...~r . .,. D~.'" benefi\e(l b this Smuin toni g . e, years and wall suffermg With ~- lIADACOL.Y ~ lack o( only a .mall amoUllt tric dist\U'bancea , and blo~ting. I ""all run down, had lost weight and of B · t · 'd rta' :.~ bad to stay in bed most of the 'V!' amID. an c~ _ I~ m-;time. I, lost courage and felt that e7:Bls Wlll cause digesti~e dJstur~ there was no bo e for me." ances•••• Your food WIll not agree' with you, • • • You. will have all p ¥r" Doucet bad, trie.d , many upset stomach.••• You will 8uf!f~r prepa!~,tlonll wit h 0 u t apparent from heartburn, gas pains and your bel!eflcla~ results when IIhe heard food will lour QB your I~mach andl the glonous news about HADA- you will , flot-be able to eat the "COL. . . th~ga, yOIl like for feat ~f ' being .: "After taking lIeveral.1>9ttleli of ml.8ery 'aftettwardll, ~bDY 'people, " lIADACOL I felt "like a new per- also sUffer from constipa:tion. And son." said Mrs. ,D·oucet. "I eat any. while thesel 8ymp~omll may be the thing 1 wan~ without ill effects 'and results of other causcs, tlley are sleep well. I feel mucb stronger." surely and cer~irily the symptoma Neville DUgas" ot RC!ute I, Box and signa of lack o,f :n vitamins and 1'01 B, Carencro, JA.., is a success· miI)erals HADACOL" confrom such ful farmer who a deficIency, .,t~cre ill no and It wasn't Imo~ cute, except the , admini~tra- " s~ , Jo,n g ,ago tion of ' ~e ,vitl\mina and mineraI. that ne' won~ which your system lllcks. , . . ,d e r e~d ,I f b e It Js easy to I,1nderatand, ,~here w 0 U 1 d ever fore, )Vhy cOlllltlesB thouill~nds b e a b let 0 been beJlofited': by this amazinc; ' w'o r k t hat tonic, lIADACOL. , S~ it mutters no~ how old f'oU are, way again. He had·: t r i e d or , who YOIl are ••• It mattera !WIt:; man y medl. wb~re y()U live or Ii you have trie" cines, but felt aU the 'rnedicinE111 ,undell the lIun, no better. give this wonderful 'pI:t!paration • 4'1 liad: all HADACO!;', • ~'al. Don't g~ on' ~lnds· o~ stQn,~ sUffelllng'j Don't c~Dtillue to lead . ~ch dlsturoonees," ,aId Mr. Dugall. a miserable li!e. Many persona who My a~omach was 80 bloated tha~ it ~ave auff~red and waited for 10 to ,feJt like it Wou~d .. swell up and 20 years or even lon~r, ..re ..ble burst. 1 aU£fered wl~h gastric dill· 1I0W to' live bappy, comfortable t)lrbances,' heaR bum and was .run Uvell becllUlle HADACOL lIupplieci do~ and nervous. I bad no nppe- the l:itamlns 'and minerals which tlte and 8l!1fer~ ' with , ~eadachell their lIyst1!ma needed. fair to ~nd I couldn't 1I1eep at night. I wall yourllclf. Temporary' relief la 'not 80 drn~n. and ,Pllle ~at my friends eno~R'h ' for you. Give HADACOL . bad di1fll:,1ilty in recognizing ' me. a trlall-Adv.
STOPS LAXATIVES':" , FEE~S ,P. ,~T,ER! , .,.
, Her'l, , at !'ight, IS G, " c'o~e .. up of . ~ o .~ d it Ne~ru's .' party a,s they watc,h arid discuss A~er- . icon farming m e flh 0 ds, 'lcnowledge" of which! was the goal in 4he', prime ' minister's visit toF ox •River Valley farm·s. Below, : Nehc~u alld his party:greet ~rk~ at, a'n..Internationa1 Hal'YClster com.,any plant ., where the y j,,speeled form m"chlnery;
Write lor this, Illustrated ~IH
AND Y G I, FT .LI STil Jusf off the Preu
__ ' ____________________________
Addrell,_ _ _ _ _' -_ _ _ _....._ _ _ _ _ __ a~
____________________ '
The'WILLIS.M~SIC Co. ~=t
'I'Rt71LIDAY, NOV. 1(. 114.
Th~ Miami Gazette ' . Eatablllh.d 18eO Published every Tbul'Bda), .mom· Ing at ,' Waynt!svllle, Warren Cou nt)'. Ohio. Edna H. OonoTer :".. Publlllher Ted . Conover .', ..' , •. , . . .. EdItor TCnterpd
Uncle Sam Says , ,
4-H IClubber Takes Fox-Trapping CrowD
second clall& matter SubscriptIon Rate: '1.50 per yeal
nt the postortlc OhIo, .
I\t Wayn'eavll1e, 11l·~ Qh·lo ~2,OO
~ _ " _ I _ l ~ ' _ f~ t~-'-"~
'D ry Ridge A Farm Djary
By D. J. Frazier ' November 18, 19.9, Snow, aotually e.nougli' to wh iten. th e ground tor a minute camB down yesterday morning nnd made us tbb:tk tbB~ We were really In for, 80me oold weat her but It cleared later tb en clouded R.galn but no mQre snpw. Just enougb to make us hurr1 with our wlnler preparations. The hun ting season started ott all UlllIal with bllnterll eye~wb'ere almClst B8 many bun ters a8 J;'ab· blt.1I ,and I hear Il?ere were plenty of them. 1 p:ot my phcasant this ycar. Yea . John abot one and aent It tn me nnd as soon as t can catch one , t will send h1m bls ch'loken In excbange. It was a , blla'UtJ(lll tb'l ng with fea'theT& like j.wels. I dry ploked most of It and tl8ved the most beautiful of the featberl!. Some' day perbap8 I can trim R hat with them . Th'e n last night for supper 1 rOBsted the bird, It was a young one, tcnder and plump. The breast Is about twice the Illze of tbat of a chlok· en 01 abqut the some wei ght. It 11'1108 deltclons, the meat 18 darker than cb1cken · bre.nst and ball a sllgbtly wild. gamey flavor but not too Itrong. It remlndll me a little of Quail tho~gb -of course th6l'e 111 110 mucb more, of It, It lIeeml a little absurd to propagite pbeuant for peoOle to h.unt and then' to put Qnall on tb~ song bird list. I hll.ve aeen very few quatl thlll ~ear. I am Inclined to be-
Ken tuc~
ndlatlft.. I
New York State Ratel ', Ray'mond Premm Best
lleve that there would be more of them It tbey, too. were propagated and a. sbort hunttng leason allowed. I understand that tbere has been ala,.. puaed to prop It· gate quail but 110 tar none to allow b'U~t1n«. I Uke our cherry Bob Wbtte8 but, I 60 not feel any
ETHODI8T CHURCH . LVTLE M £THOpI8T ' CHURCH R. B. OoleDWI. KWster B , E. Bau,hD. Putor Cburch Scbool, '-:10 .A.II •• 111'. traIned S."lce, .:10 Lm. m.rold J!larah'art, Sapt. o WOl'lhlp SerTIee. 10:10 A.M. Grallna tor Bop . . Y.ou~ J'eIOWlhLtp, Sun!!a,. 1:10 Green feed for plil to ellt In the P.M. , fteld makes grain feed ' iO further, pi,. fatten faste r. 811d make, pi,. ST, MARV'S EPIICOPAL healthier ar:td Ite er from para lites, S~uer
N. Ke,s,
The ti't1e of New Vork·. fox.~ap Morn In, Worship, 10:10 .A.M. ping ehnmpion for 1948 II beld by Raymon d Premru. of Gorham lD WAVNESVILLE FRIENDe Ontario ,county. II'Il'tIt DILJ Bebool. 8: 10 A.M. The youthful 4-H clUb member , lrfeeUnIJ tor WOl'lhtp, 21:10 A.II. led the list or 800 trappen from ' counties with a total eatch of 50 FERRV CHURCH OP CHIUIT SlUl1Jg on top oi the world I. tbe more lIentlmentaI' ~bout them spot aurlng U~e ye~r, Second bonor.·went Byron CaM'er, Mlnllter where most or us would like Bible School, .:10 A.II. than t he chlokens In my chloken to be-tree from ftDBncl.l wGrrJ'- to GenE! Go·ge. of RFD 1. Can. and aigua. who trapped'l2, TIed for Mornln, Worablp,' 10:80 A.II. yard. Atter all a brOWn Legbom lure' tbat our future and , tbe Ju~re thil1d , wl:tp 34 foxel .plece were of tbos e we love Is lecure. Tour Prafer Me.tiDS, · 1: 00 P.M. ,rooster lit ' a bands~me bird and ,overnment III provldln, the oppor· Youn, People'l Meetlnc, '7:00 Russell Kilian. 01 Cowlesvlu.e, . and no doubt be sufferll when h'e III tunlty to start dlm blh, to that ellvl. ~enln. Se"lcel. 1:10 P.M. WHilom Smith. Jr ,. of &!cramdale, e:augbt tor ~g. EJther we able spot-buy U. S. SaviDr. 'BOD'" the automatic way-the P.yroll UTICA I.U.&. CHURCH should all become vegetarian8 Uke Savings Plan ' wbere you work', Clr, wmlam Sbannon. Klmeter Gandhi or . nile common lIenSe If lIolt-e.mployed, the Bond-a-Month Sunday Scbool, 9:10 A.M .. lin. Pilm wbere )'ou bank. The future 8.OO\1t Iluob things, The other ex.' will Jame& Oarrl.on. 8upt. lake care of Itselt wbeD yea PreachlnlJ. 1st. and Ird. Sur ~reme III th'e mtblellB kJlllng of II&ve the .. fe. sure way, YOllr _ t l da)'s or each' montb, 10: 10 A.M. all !lOng birds aa It la practiced way up there III resorved tbe mD" ETenlng Semcel" 1:10 P.M. ment you en.roU 011 one of &boM In lome European countries wher4l Savin,. Bonds Planl, This 18 TOtJK bl rds 8.11 small all IIparrow," are OPPORTUNITY. ST. AUQUaTlNE CHURCH u.s: T' .....t7 0••,'1.""" served In hotels, or ,In daYIl past i'ather R. H. Krumholtl, Paator they were, I do not know about Mallei. 8 an~ 10 A.M. now. One course of a typical Ital· oommerclalllilD that starts the j an ~otel dinner Walt a tiny bird Christmas hullabUloo 110 early. It WAVNEIVILLIE ' CHURCH OF roallted and lIellVed with a green would be difficult to CHRI8T . baok to . H. Corte)', Mlnllter snlad. QUIll are small but they elmple ,home Chrletmallel!\ and Bible Scbool, 9: ao A.II. tMted veTJ' good b'a ok In the daYI Thankllglvlng da.ys; WIIthout toot· Morolnl' WonhlD, 10:10 A.M. when YOU could buy the.m In the ball ' and no doubt . th'e YQung4!r Young Peoples' MeetiD& 8:t5 markets - during the .eallon, 1 g~noration would think tbeN! '111 Evening Service. 1:80 P .•. mUllt lay J wllb our bunters wore nothing to do. Bo man), p8()ple Prayer Meatln. and Bible Stud)' better shoUt so that there would have lost abtUty ' to amUS6 Wedneedq, 8 P.M. not be 80 much crippled game, ' MT. HOLLV METHODlaT tb emllelvell a,nd enfoy a ,quiet hOql& ' M, Scaff. IIlnllter A Washington C.H . · lI'eath'ol' Visit. Radio w~ bad enough bllt With tbe ' .Ide 01 hII .. .rare T.Sunda)' 'Sc1)ool, 8:10 A.M., ~ lIrophet Is quoted In the paper as televlllion Is that muoh' woree lUI plied Ihlgb with· pelta. bere .. A. Earnhart, Supt. Gene Oare, of RFD I, Cu ....... r01'Qcasting a rugged winter ba- a. de'llI'OYCfl' ot ' ~oIDe peace WOl'lhlp 8e"lce, 10: 80 A.M. rua, Ne w York .ta.." who an...... Evening Semee, 1:11) P.M. ginning early In Decomber and 'hom,e amU8ement. IdeaUy Thanks· u "roxes durlq 11148 .... .... }astlng until Marcb. and a man gf'vrng Is a country home tetltlvat. bonors. In the .tatewlde -aeat. CAESAR'8 CREEK FRIENDS like John Lewl8 III allowed to 'put It goe8 with thanktnlnell8 for It IIIa1Iter , The 800 trapf.ers lD the .cateat people In danger Just to show his weI) filled barn· aJld IItoreb~uBe , Worahlp Bam.., 10 .A.II. accounlA~d for 1,691 foxe., with ~. power: ,and 18 beat. celebrated 'tfltb 1\ reut lata), .001, 11 .A.M. PEllted specimens outnumberln. Ibe Tbanksgivlng wID be here by of b'ome rued food eaten with joy gray animals six to one, aecordlq tb~ time thlll paper 1& out. We and tbankful heartll. Nen flest or to Prof: D. B. Falel: "llftaJlt t-B POIll&r)' H ...... s tili have many things to' be course Ie any home ~here there club lelBder, After four Ulhtlnl condition. ' ,,,,Ids the thankful tor even though there IU'e III • Joy and tbanktulnellll tor. the total 01 8.168 foxel "ave baeD 10.- poultry laylni houle can be ' 1m. ped QY rural boYI of tbe ltate. proved whltewuhln' the ...all •. men like that Iltlll abroad In the good tblngs of llte. for friend •• for Some 60 count)' trappln, . . . Cleanlnl ~ the wlndo~VI wW .lelp. family. for .belter. for rood. anll .land. Thanbgivlng 18 one of our pions were" honored at ~e baJM(aIII too. great American b'olldayll but It fa a.bove all for freedom to eqjoy which , brought the 1MB . . . . . . . . th;eD1 without the fear of tyrants crowded Into a minor pl.-ce the close. Agricultural aJUl CIOUII'no and their pollee. Bo let us all eat tron officlab ~d 'aI\Ilt profl 1 11' , belU't)' and IIlngtreppers attended the watched the preaentatioD ai ......... Now thank we all our God. With beart anll hand" and ,yoiees! ' Premru, the Ita.. : : : : Time Your Sille Who wonllrous things batb' clone. Hived . ' repeatID. II ' P ltze. other awarill totIllb .. In whom Hie world rej/)Icell (Up Ito 33 years to 're·p.y~ tu) l,n value were JHlIIlW ' ..... Who from our mothera arma trapperl and pelt p,eparatlla wIDInterest LoW' .:........ 4 per _ Hat.ILbl9lllled.,ulI on, our Wily' nera. With coUntle811 g1ftll of love; 'l'bt Hew York Ita.. poulll7 . . . The Land Bank Way An~ stili is ours toda)'. en. the .tate Puaa Bunau w.ra. o Upn, the stete C!CIDIerntioa CIG\IDCIIl Your family deserve. the best and the American Aldeulturiat c .. Try A Classified Ad. Contact QSlented In IJIC)Il8OrIq ale' PfOIfIUD at awaw. entertalnmllllt end baD·
o Seed 8wee& .'otatoel After IHd Iweet potatoea have bHn selected, .tore them where uie temperature will not faU below tS delreel. They will keep beat if care1~ . stored tn cratel, o HOI MaDge aDd Lice Ute onl)' (lne treatme.nt for con· troll1na both ' monge and lIee on Pilll and hogs. It's benzine hexa· 'chloride: commonly called BHC,
~H~)' 'Urops MClre Lball 7U million Jcrea of bay cropi .are t1~l'v ested annually In the United .- til t ~ $.
9-1 2 Each' M orn.lng 1-5 Afternoons Except WM. • Evening :)y Appoin1ment ' O.nly TELEPHONE 6z
Dr. C. E. Wilkin (!).,tornetric Eyt: Special utt ':' SO HH, f\,'''''n:t ~trl!et
rF..sIA . 0 F-IlO
"'" Partl.....
1I ~
7...... •
Far'm Loans PIt
,.' iIN.
MIIII.,s .f hU,agry p.opl•••road are ..hind this ••• Get th'em
quet /
'l'be IlnDU" fa trapplD. conteat II conducted b)' til. Ne. York stete nt_fcln ,' III cooperatioD with tbOie 'a'eDdel aM tile state OOIIRrv.aUOII cl~_ " ,
.In the cleor-help make them happv with food or clothing paclcotel. Delivery guaranteed. Send $10 today to-
Lebanon N.F.LA. .. ~LLII
CARI~' 11m '011 s. It Y.
'l'Ida A4Y.t. 8poD101'eC1 81'-
... ITURN, leO'y·Tre. .
/ •
In the !DI4.t Of our ,abund.;;;.:=M~"":':-'=----=--:-~;';:""..:...!
From hrimmibg hearts our voices raIIe In songs of gratitude and p~ , ' For health and, stre'n gfh' amI ",:,ork to do, . }<or nil the foys ,of friendships true. For shelter, clothlng, daily food.' We thank ~e Souree of ·aU ~gs good; And ~ost of all our thanks we give That 'neath the Stars and Stripes we live!
, ml7 tbe paeloUJ Lord
keep .. bambl••
Freed~m is ours to dw:ell in ~ Using
A ne'w iarm machine that ..v.. the tarjmer Urne and labor b, auto-
votes , to bid wrongs ceue. Freedom 'we have to teach and'leam, Freedom t.o till and work and earn, Freedom to B,a ve and plan and dreamt Freedom to dO\1bt each sohemer's scheme. Freedom to think and speak and ~w Freedom to worship ~s we have light.
God give us light to see the Way, Courage to, walk in it day by' day; Stamina strong' against freedom's foes, Love to soften a sadworl,d '; woes.
- ,\ tURIn lorCRon
'Delivered, to your Door ... or at your favorite ' . ':St"e!
!Ie walll~ It#hal, been ~Iaeed on, tIi. market by the New HoDand Ma· elilne 'eompany. 'nl1i :new erop blo~er 'can IwanO... lip to :10 ton. of hsy per hour and blow It anywhere the farmer wanu to .store ' It. Or, It the farmer II fiWn, hli .ilo, U)e blower handle. Up to z5 tons of chopped an hour, , Weighing .,3110 poun.... the blower hal a '12·'oot hopper fo .... rece1vlnll crop. from the fiell!., A patented leveDnll device 'keeps Ole fora Ie f1owSn.: ' evenly mto a large throat wblcb 'Ireeds a t2:lm:h lIy,wheel. ' 'Whlrling .t speedl up to I,,,, r. p.m.. fbi. huge "fan" "loW9 oro.,. tbroulh an eiahl·lnch pipe ...berever the farmer ~an&l to "aim" it.
Mayall our 'ways acknowledge Th_ OUr. deeds help keep our country free. j In home or school or business matts ' ,Mayall WEI do prove thanlcful heartsl
matic~~y 'blowln, fora,e wherever
. Bet'~ liter T8.11
Mal'lrland Com proclucera ·Iook· "IUN b.~" DO'I' tlwlr anlIW.lr. Five yean' teItI Ibow that
at 1-1a!18 fer1Wler .... f.rtllIMr' .uaablDeBt ~nll_'D com p1all~t II In" ".... bet... a...ueIa woirlt81lfa at Ibe Ita..•• atrIcaltaraI amllrlli'DaiDt ItaUaa ...port tbII
•:~u~t~':.ve bl8har rttunu tit tI
'Single Bur~er . Electric ' HotlPlates •2.28 &.S~9S" Each Double Burner' $11.95 •
I .
-w.,1iIftDe FIrIibn I AppliUce Co. ...........,.
Ibaa.., ·1'-__fI!!IIII~"'".IIIIII!~IIIIIII!P'~IiiIIII~"'!JIIII""~~
The Junior Clalll pll\Y, "The Perfect Idiot," wall prelentad at the. audItorium Wednelday even· . Ing. The play Ie tha tint. to be directed . by Mrs: Gladys Hook, English teacber. · Behlgb acbool I tween acte, musIcal ])reaentatlona Included a trumpet trio by Barbara Doller, Suzanne Eaklnll tnd Ollly Settletneyer, and a trombone Quartet wl,llcb featured Henry MUiard. John Downey, VIrgil Cox and Bernadine Haclm.ey. Mra. Edna C. 'Bogan pr ellded at '·the ' plano tor tb'e accompaniments. . '
Tbe Adult Blbl6 CI.... of Jon· ab'l RUQ Church held a bake 8ale at the Gran,,, Hall Saturda" mor. nlng. Mn_ Ray Coon, wbo hal baen III II ililprovlng. Mr. and ' IIrl. Howa~d Graham were weekend guelt. of Mr. and Mrl. Homer Kirby of Indlanap. oJls. MI". and ·MlI.' Wllilam GnUam entertained tbe Adult Blbl~ Class at th" oounlrT Jl'ome Tue~ay afternoon. liI'8. Mary Denny wall' In charge of devotlonll, Mra. Howard Graham led ~e prorram
and Howar~ Graham conducted tbe ' 'lOclala'. • The Joo"l chapter of -the OEB met at the Masonic Temple Wednesday eveDln'g to elect It I ofncera tor the coming year. . Mr, and Mr~ Will,lam GIUlam IIntertained th'e MIsli~njtLry Soc· lety of 3'on&h's ' RUn Cburcb Wed· nelda.y aflternoon.' !In. 'Fl8ther Dosler prelfded .. prorram leader and Mra. LUra Hough waS In oharge of de\'otlons. Mr; and Mrs. Charles LIndley bave reJ)urohased the HarveYIburg IGarage. OYer a year ago tb:ey 801d their Intereet in the firm and moved to Llberty.~ 'At present they are commuUng dally here fro.m their home. • A tire whloh II 1»elleved to .have Itarted from ali electriC bght bulb near the hay mow, caulled extenall'8 damage ThUrs· day mOrning at the W. P. McCarren farm near the Village. The Waynesville Fire Department eent theIr ellwpment to tight the blaze as the HarveY~burg e~ne 11''' not In workJDg order. Tbe barn and malt ot Ita contente, which Included bay, a new tractor and pIgs were destroyed. The farm II man&led 'by Fred 'NorwelL , Mr. H. O. Milligan wu In the \'III&1e Wednesday evening to attend the junior clua play .. e the blgh Ichool aUditorium. • Mr. and lin. W. Carl Brown were peste Batun!ay of Mrs. Maggte Ritter an\1 family of near Waahlqtcm 0.8. ----jO
"Ant Cow."
Several species of plant aphids are known as "ant cows." The RECREATION ants Cl1rry them about Ind protect them, consuming • lecretion 01 .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.: fluid which they yield ./ --
.. . . -
Andrea and Trave1er TELEVISI0N, . SETS $249. up . Plus lustallatiin
r -
,-----_ .....
.-.- _.
; Prepare Y ~ur Car ·F~r Winter
Funeral Home
linKer were dinner of Mr. and Mrs. NOlmi~.n gar of DaJLOJ1. . Mr. and Mrl. Em~O[l DIU were lupper &Uesta Baturd8J" ot Mr. and Mri. Ralph DIU . &r)d lion, Tommy, of SprIng Val.ley. . Mrs. Robert Greene ot Da~~on Mrl. Roy Shaw ot Klenla, and Mrs. HeDJ')' Berges and clblldren of Beo.vertowp called on Mr. and Mrs. Lue MorglUl Sundl!-Y alter· nooD. Mra. Emerson .Dlll Elpent SUIIday wIth Mrs. Mattie Zimmer of Beavertown. Mra. Cbarl~ Allton" Mr. Jobn Day of Dayton called on Mr. 'a nd Mrs. HUey Gibson Sat\lrday, also Mr. and Mrll. Bill DarIng called Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mn. Olare,nce Crawford were dinner gueslta Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Lewlls Cra.wford of ~!ln"" Mls8 Edna BUlUlell of Lebanon llpent Sunday with Ii·e·r grandpar· ents, Mr_ and Mrs. Hlly G~bson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tompson of near Willington 1.P!lllt Sunday WIth Itbelr mother, Mrs. . Anlla. ·Lucas.
Ed Burton
IaauIfl_t rut ad .leg take party a_t the CoUeeum in Darton tha1r Smme4late. toU by cuWDc Saturday e\'enfna'. Mr. and Mn. Vemon Pursel,. dOWD a "rlon'. llpeed, acour&oJ and alertllel. at work or l'tUdy. -md sons were Sunday dinner la general it IDterfeHi 1t'I.th tuU guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Injoyment of the dq'a .mvitlea Fi sher and fnmtly of S~rlng Hili. By JANE FITE Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hicks and because the .utterer ill "dra~n~ed son IIJtended a Tbanksgtvlng banout" &Del ~. One of the h,lghUghte of the asFrom a lons·range POIDt of quet Monday evening at tbe mil· I18mbly progJlam which memberll view, Insufficient sleep and rest orest ' Christian d burch of Dayton. of the thIrd grade will 'present at can have 1njurtous effects of a Miss Margaret Harlan, daughter tbe AuditorIUm Wednesday atter· "rmaneD. tnature on the healtb. of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Harlan, noon 11'111 be "Slsters ~.f the B~· While adults need elDough rest PI Itbe George 'Walblngton Un!· let," an all girl orchestra, led by sleep to repalr' parts .of tbe body v~ rsltY of WashlJigton D. 0.. h'as Pairlela Jonel . .The claaaroom of by work and play, children been elected to theHonoTllry ' Nathe third graders bas been ' decor· need extra amoun~ be~uBe tional J;Iome Economics Society ated wHit Pilgrim acenes and tur· their bodIes must build aa weD aa an" lB ' acting as part time In· eye to hearld the appr:oaching Hpalr by way ot plenty of aleep structor In ltihat departmenlt.. ThankagtV'1!lg eeuon, The pupil" and reat. · . Mr. and Mrs_ Therle Jonet! and are maklll,k bookletll, apprgprfat· For people of aU ages, suffic- son, Mrs. Nettie Emrick and Mr. .ely lIlulltrated, In which they are Ient sleep and reet are neceela['y and Mrs. J. B. Jones were Sunlisting the DI.8DY things f.Qr whlcb' to maintain the body's reSistance day dinner guests ot Mr. IUld Mrs. they baYe to be thankful. to molJl: Illnesses and disease Charles Anderson of Waynesville. . W. are ~ V.fJ glad to have Wb'en energy' Is drained bY! fatigue ~rs. Robert Oorwin, in compay' Waymond Miracle back 'In IIchool. and I10t replaced /!os SOon as. PoliS. WIW Mrs. Dumrord and Mrs. CouWaymond hall been .a bllent tor Ible by adequate reet, the body chot , ot Dayton were Clncinna.tI several weeks, oWInS to a 'beart b6comes .v uInerable to Ifctness vistors on Wednesday. ailment. that ' It would ordinarily reallt. Members ot the "-R Club and Mrs. Webb, fUth grad~ Leach'e r. TlIooBe wJ1O! autter trom sle8l)- their parents attended AcbleTewas absent laat w"" oWing to le88ne8s for unexplained reuons ment Day at Lebanon TueBda~ • tbe illness of her daugbter. should see tbelr dootoJ'8. ProlO1lg- Mn.rta Rush ,;ecleved a prize for The Juniors and senIors are ed Inability tp sleep can be the desert and Carolyn Burnhart for etudylng "Macbe~." . sign of a serious U1ne88 and the baking. doctor might dttt.ect unlluspected Mr. and Mrl. Harry' Burnet --'--0-dlleue or infection. were present at the turkey dJnner Many eaaes of Insomnia, how- given by th'e ladles of We M. E. ever, are due to easily corrected Church at WaynesvlIle TbUl'Bday evening. Thill column is IJponsond, In things , like worry. overworJ(, lack By . MRS. HILY OIBSON , o f pbyslcal eXeretse and fresh air, Mrs. Harold Beckett a.nd daugb· tbe interest of be~r health, by ad eating to heavily immediately ter Janet, SUzann) Harilln and Mrs. Mr. al\d Mrs . James WUdman.. tb'e Warren CountJ T. B. and before bedtime. Elizabeth Jones ' attended the InMrs. Nora Kesinger or Jackson, Health AIIBOClatin. Doctors beUeveth'a t good sleep- S)) ctlon of the RaInbow girls at Oh.lo, spent. SUnda,y night with Like many otber ' h~tbtU.1 babIng bablte, It establIshed early Lebanon Monday eVening. Mr. and )lrs. Ernest Earnbart and lte, gettinC enough IIle.ep and r«lllt In We , have a tendency to person, Davld_ ' , II one th.at'. important to our Mrs RI chard · Hanes and daug~· good looks. ~blon models anel list adulthood. ~bl~ favorable If'~----------"'" to restful B~eep Include ,regularity T!JRKEY SUPPER 'ters. DOnna. nnd l'amela. Jean , re-I 'mOVIe actTeeses, wl~ose .. llv~lI of burs, proper ventIlatlnn in the and BAZAAR turned bome Bunday atter spend. I boods depend on lookiJl.g and feelsleeping room and the a!Oldance 8~ring Valley Methodlat Church Ing II. few weeks with' Mr.. a nd I 111g weD, are vefJ IIlUcb aware .SAT.• DEC. 3, 19.9 Mu. BUy Gibson ot the Importance ol~ relt and of heavy eating and undue excitement In the hours immediately Serving at 5; ' 6; 6:S0 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. CharlBil H'oullo- I lleep and make ~rtaJln tba.t they preced~g bedUlne. Call Spring Valley 8-7216, 3-7611 holder and 80n, JUDlor, of· Sprlng- get tbelr tull QUota. or 3·7216 for reservation II. o field caDed on Mr. and Mrs. AI- I Yet too many of Uel tfJ to ",et fred MOTSell S'aturday. " aWa7 with" as Uttl ~ sleep and Mr. and Mrl. Lewis Crawford reat al poaslble. It's true that a nd ,daughler, Donna, at XeDia lOme people ueecl le'll r8et an4 Ipent Sunday 'It'Ith Mr. and Mrs. aleep t1rs,n othen. But thOlle who Mr. a.n,d Mrs. Vernon · Puraely Clarence Crawford. . defy natON bJ Ii~ortng the enterta.tned 'the "Friends Clus" Mr. and M.rs. Ernest Earnhart ,body'. demana. fOl~ r~atlon &n'd son, David, Miss Clara Da,,· when It becomea fat~:oed &relook· Satun!ay eWlniDg at a. "Sadie Ha.wkln,,\,' day party. TwUDlty gbler, Mr. a~d Mrs. Robert · Earn· Ing for trouble. membere were .,~ent, with Mr. t"-~-.--~-,--and Mrs. Baughfan an4 famlly .. gue'ta. A mOlt enjoyable Um. wae ORDER YOUR · spellt. • Mr. and Mra. Harvey Burnet w,ere Friday ' gueets of th'e latter-I brother, Dr. Ernest Rosn&lle and TODAY ' faml1y of LoildoJ1. FOR iMMEDIATE DELIVERY Major J. M. Stocktop of' '9tian· In$.on D. haa been the hpule PRICES REASONABLE guest of Mr. apd Mrs .. Ernest H ...... . Ian tb'e lut wee~ Sunday .atternoon caners of Mr. and MI'II. Graham and WAYNESVILLE ROUTE 1 PHONE VIA¥NES. 2809 mother nre Mrs. Harry Holmes, •• - - 4 MJ'8. Ella Loy. Mrs. Neille Mont· f, -- -- .. _ .._- _...... - -..... ,. ,~ "' gomery~ Mrs\1 Anna IbwIIer and . daughter aD of Dayton. Mrs. Forest Oonrtn of Dayton 1ELEPHONE 2291 ' has been vleltlng the put week II .. PERMANENT AN1:1FREEZE Prestone ' & ' Zerone "WAYNESVIL. LE, OHIO with , b . e r uncle and , aunt. Mr, and . . ALCOHOL - Zerone . . ' Mrs. Robert . Col'WiJ1. . II :. ~COMPJ.E:n: Auto REPAIR SERVICE ,'Mr. and· Mrs. WUllam Ross and 24 HOUR WRECKING SER~CE daug'b.ter atit.ended an N. Cj R.
Harveysburg School New.s
Harveysburg. Junior dass .'Play Is Presented- At Auditorium
• ~--'-"
.. ~
-- - -- -===r
."",--, _
The H~hest Quality . M~ats At the: lost Economical Prices ' . Take Advantale·Qf'These ,SIEC.IALS ! ,
.' ."
Cube Steak. 59c .Ih. Hamhurger' • 45c Ih. Variety of iunch Meats -FROZEN VEGETABLES
. PH,ONE WAY IN ES. 234t
W.Uter· MUfflers .Genuine . . And ' 'J]a~lpipe8 For All ~[akes
LEGAL NOTICE PubUo notice II hereby gtven that Oblo central Telephone Corporation hu ftled with The Pab-lIC'UtJUtter'COmmfaslon of OhIo an ApplloatloD, the IUbltaDoe and 'prayer of whlob 'are to Increue ,Ita ratea and aharIJ- tor tele,phone aemOll od to me Ita Tar· iff. ~:U.O.O. No. 11 to etfect Il'Uch Increases I n rates and charg~s, to be effeetlTe OlD the date' or dat. to be ordered bJ the CommlB8lon and In th-e 1IIll. lalblta . thereto attached and made a part thereof. The pro'poled revllikm4 'Will effect Increuea In fates and clluiea throUghout tile , temtofJ In 'frIdch the ' Company o.,.ratM. READY FOR WE~RING A of the AppUcatton, in. T!1at'll how evefJ dre.. In your cll1dln~ a copy of the pretlent and wardrobe IIhould bel the proposed .che6n1-. may be Let us clean. your trookl to give lnspect;e4 by &lIT IDt.rute4 party at the otnoe of ' the COmmllBton, them freshnes8. IUld longer lire! Ohio Departmata Balldtng, 801. umbu, Obto, or ' &D7 ~811. ofnce of the
OHIO OIINTllAL TJIILlIl'PBONE CORPOlllA.T10N' By, Gear.. B. QlJ&tman. Prealdnt ~bllllll4 Noy. II, Dec. I, a,.I ... '
t l
___ _
w. Ar~~~Back In Town AT 'nIE
.Locker PlaI1t·
WOMAN'S --- -- _.WORLD -.-
Solution to Many Yule Presents To Be Found in Sewing Machi~e
Sofit, Cuddly Toy Easy Sewing 14 Inches, the body Is made of soft- coUon, hair of yellow yarn, features embroidered. Her ward· robe consists of a diaper and com[ortable one piece romper.
By Ertta Haley
THERE GAPS on your Santa Cia us Ust. In spite, or you~ most energetic_pl,a nnl ng ? lias the budget turned out to be slimmer than your gUt n ed ? a' wonderful solution to many gi.! t problems in your sewing machine nnd the scrap baC _ U you're looking for an attrnctlve beh for a teen·nger, an extra spe· cial needle case or pin cushion for Aunt Martha or perhaps an unusual looking 8acliet tor fashionable frlenii Mary, chance. are that you enn find some decorative ma~erial trom the f~mUy Labric 8crap bag, Or, perhaps ybu're like a lot of other ,~omeD who, 'conslstenUi go through , remnant .ales and find there .are. maDY lllece. -of , material which look. "Interesting" enough to pIck up, and these arE; stored in a drawer. .All these may be' of value to create an array of dollar·wlse gltts. So many people' value 't he dis: t1nctiveness ,of a home·made glft that pnl thought an~ cate sewed Into It, that you need not , be the least ap.prehensive about givln,g It. Study , those to whom you're giving gifts, and see i1 you can't come up with some clever and attractive Idea that' wiU lJIean so mucb more to them than a more expensive gUt to be bought in haste and regretted ~ the next year_ Homemake Appreciate Boaleb'old QUIs Friends of yours, 'married a~d single, who keep house even on II small 6cl\Ie, are easUy pleased with any number of Items tllnt can be whipped together in a jiUy. Their bobbies nnd homes give you the key to the ir inter~sts . Enchanting- _ tlla , (and coffee> cozies are a speedy job on. the sewIng macbiqe and make .a suitable
Youngsters' Delight
SCRIPTURE: J ..remlnb 1: 14:7-22: 20;
2:2 : '..2.1; 32: 11- 10 ; 37 -39. nEVOTIONAL READlNG: pl "no I : 12-20. '
Spokesman of God LessoD for November
Weill ' 6',
s•• ,';
USE of , strange c;haracters. What Bhari we think of a preacher who trred t() beg oU trom being a preacher? I What can we mll,ke of a man who -';~_I ' .'i11 actually reproacl'led God for for~ing :' him Into the ministry? How shall we rate a mall .who in time of war urged ..ere are two endearlne tois his own lIatioD to which ,ou caD turn 00' with tbe surrender, who was belp ofJ your sewlorr maobtbe bellel(ed by almost .D~ delli'ht {a child'. heart OD nobody, who was Chrl.Unaa mormn... :l'ou'll find repudiated by his your looal sewing ·cenler 'uU of own class and, even suggestions on 'hlngs to sew for his own family? tbls busy seasoD and tbe IIcrap What can we say of a man who ball' will offer limitless possibilwas often in hot water with the city ities for dresslor stuifed dolls. authorities, who spent months of his Looks ~ost Real time in )all, wbo was called aubver· would appreciate a clothes "In sive. and who ne-ver got along witlJ DARLING little creeping doll apron. This can be mnde from a the established religio!l of hli thsit looks almost reaL She 's small scrap of sturdy cotton ' in a time? solid color, with the . aist band The propbet Jeremiah ' was tllat and the pockets trhnmed; in a con- man-; ,yet p06terlty honored him, trasting floral print. • His owh " generaUon , thought him a . No one Who keeps house l!an ever liar. But some then knew, us \ve have enough pot holders. A set of know today, that he' was a teller two or 'three of these is eas ily of God's truth. II spokesman of Goli. stjtche~ - from gay materi als. Or. if • • • you prefer, put , together some ' qu Uted mittens that can be !.!lied Was he a pessiinist? for ha,ndllpg hot things about the WE KNOW (Jer. 1) that Jeremiah kitchen. Floral sprigged prints arc did not wish to be a · prophet "Vheck\ld" Enamel popular for the mitts, and the cuffs In the fi~st place. t\wl,lgh ~nlike can be ' piped with a solid-colored Isaiah he shran~ back- not lrqm , a QUESTION: Is th!1 re any way to matching malerial. -sense of sin but .because he thought smooth the enamel on our wootlMake Prac'lcal Gifts of hImself as a mere chilC\work without completely remov ing For 'he New Brides We know (chap. 20) that at times It? It has sever&! coats of vuious New homemakers are rendlly he was th orou ghly dJscouraged colors of enamel and varnisn en it. pleased when they' think ot thJngs , about himself, and even, cursed th~ There ,a re tine cracks or checks for their new bomes. Since they're day .he was born.' It is also true that in som lc of the enamel. Could we bound to be enterlaininlt a lot, in the 'last war ' wagcd by hll little rub it with turpentine Cf some. frilly hostess aprons are certain to cou!ltry of Judah : belore It was thing, then sand it before repaint- ' give thelJl a glow 'of p]ensure. 11 smashe'd, his advioe firOm begin· ing? If we h,ave to remove all the you want to make gift more ning to' end WBI ".surrender," , ' old pait~t. how shOUld we do that? elaborate, make the half aprons No wonder, people thought him a Use a paint and varnish remfilver? match with a ' brmge and napkin pessimist, . a calamity-howler. ~ut We walilt to repaint our woodwork, set. before we caU him luch namel we' but tholse checks ' dhoW through so Place mats and breakfaot cloths Plust ,remember two thingl. First that doesn't look nice. are another of the great needs ' Is, that his unwillingness to be a I which bri~es uluai1y bBve unless prophet. ' and the fact that 80 to ANSWER: You have the · right thc)1 were heavJly "showered" pre. speak he l1ated' the Job, marks a Jdea, but In reve.rse-that is, you nuptually, These may be Ilmple, vital fact: he, perhaps .. v en more should ,use the san.dpaper first, plain coltons with contrasting tape than other prophets, sensed the dif- and then cI~an oU ~l1th turpentine to bind the edges ,or flor.} plastic ference between his own 'Ideas and ~efore re~a.lDting., If you were g~ gift for any woman who gather. a cloths th~t are • e~ ll tG wipe what God wu /laying through him, 10i ,to ~arrush, you w01;lld have to t fe~ friends togetheF ever~ after· clean. . -' . EveD wben "bat the Lord tak(' 0_'1: all the 01~ finish; but ~s noon for chat an,d .refrelllun~nts. Sp~ng of the pl~.tips, ' clotfet aid waa Dot · what they t1aemlon~ as you are go 109 to use paLM 'Make the COQ In the ,hape of a accessories are another ' of the 'RIves would bave wlsbed tG agalll, I[ do not believe it . will be ClUIU1!ng little cottage, using white . m~y . lt6ms 't hat might be appro. ay. they .poke for .be .Lord necesllary to take off aU the paint, Clotton fabric for the frame of the prlate , ~GU, '~all , ma~e ,a .et '01 De"r.~elea., The otb, e r &biD, wblch would be q~lte a ·jqb. ~ut houle. gree!l cotton for the r,oot. the cralok~ lind checks should be Doors and sbutters can be appllqued thre.e .,-pr · more el\~elopes of the 1 10 remember Is tbat ' wben material lor lingerie ~ses. ft. aim. " eve,rybody wanta to bellege a I s~nded out smoothly so that they wlth~ the~sewing machine's zigzagpIe ,gift would be a quilled'P!astlc " pleaaDt lie. aDd a maD come. , WI I.) nl!l show tbfOUih the Dew ger attachment. ,A scrap of r~d cotI handkerchfef or h'ose ' conialOer into!, alons leUins the unpleasanl fimsh. wlilch you've tucked a \ sachet JUllt &ruth. be t. not a pelllmls', he to make them mor:e interesling. Sa IIlmply' .tatl~r fae'l. ~U From Burbot l?eaol;~y-ve. re...,~s lor the .. kitchen Jeremiah IItood by ' the facts as Liver ods fro", the snaky·looktake flO tI,~e .'~l: a~ to sew and Goli' gave, hi", Insight to lee them . .ing, frE~~h-water fish ~al1ed . the. mak!! a charming glft_ Choose the If they Jailed' him tor it, he coutd burbot. :Vleld se~en to elght hmes , g~y fiprals, ,- or use plain mater-Ials not help 'that; but they could not Il?ore Ul, vitarnuuo than cod·liver pIped wll;h contrasting tri~ming. shut his mouth nor close biB eyell, ,oil. ". • • • - - - : - -_ _--''--_-'-_ _ _ _..:.. With a little .e~t"P time to spend, you might~ even , Wiln,t to dr~ss up , " • these 10weIs witW apjHiques. Was ,be a :pa~ot?, " .or opr Scrap B~g Yields .' JEREMIAZi \jIas constantlY a~- ' Olns for YOUDg ' lllry ' cused ot acts and attitudes whl$ • . Don't think for' a minute' that you today " might-be ca l~ed ' "subverhave to buy expensIve and fancy 'sivll,'l though he dearly loved his toys for the young;r~t.-We!:bt the country; This was bqcause he dared nicest , gifts '~I've 'ever lIeen ~ was to rebuke the ambltIons at bis made, ~~o ,a" bu~ ' fi'om a PIece of COl,lIltry'S leader.s. old .t ~F.ry ~weyn~ j~~8 'had a, Tbey said: Our counJI'Y shall be smaltZj.Qpe~ dO\l(1l th!l back so j~ free I But J~remiah ,knew It wouJd -~':"'~nljtllerDmrirnC1r7fi~;ffii;rrt,;;n;;:tcould be easa, whlpl?~d aU tor II not be free. They ,said: Our king 01 tea cozy Is the quilted 't'ersion tubbing. Overalls cov~red the buir- will conquerl Jeremiali knew I)e of the flower-sprigged cotton that DY and werl! made , from a small woulB end his days a prlsOIIer. has lining and In!l~r lIn!ng and cov· scrap . of red-aJl ~:wpl,te ' checked Jer~ml,~h w~s unp'opular, to put It er stLtch\!d together 10 one opera. g~ghal'n • . with , the bib outlined in mildly. because he advised his country to take the only place ,. tion with the qullter attacbment. blue bias tape. Soft thy!! 'such as these are esrie- among the nations 1\ could take' Homemakers wl10 are used to a ' Weekly . and 8emi-,w~ekly wasbipg cially gooir"for young babl,,! since an humble one. . th"ey won't hurt ~emselves, aqd df . ' TheD~ 'as DOW, maD~ Persona course, there', no breakage for thlb" thai pa'rlotism meaDO bemo~ to clean. When madl! careHevlng )lours Ute perfect ful~l ; the , clothes should come off conDtT)'••f aDl'ODe potoSa to Ineasily for laundering instead of bejustice ID oar land, sbme one may ,ell, "Deporl,. blml" But lng, sewei:l ,to ' the doll or anima'1 ' Jeremlah- IhG'I'ed wbal II • , All. sorts a! dolls and' animals ~ay be made frozp scraps of mate- ' &rue patriot, Be 'I, no' Dece. .rUy ..he man who approves an rulls such as are found In' ~ fob· r1c -bag. Make your own patterns, Ute forelp policies Gf btl Da. or buy thl)m U you feel you lack tiOD (Jeremlab'· approved not insp1ration. ' , , one), Dor ,&be man wb~ .pelks UtUeo J irls from six, to eight and only eood of his oount!')' aDel bls older will ,be partlcularly fnnd of • , '"I peopIe, ' " "., you if you do somethlnjt about reo plenishing their doll's wardrobe. The best patriot II the person It·s easy enough to get the doll from who, ieein" his country al God the mother for measurements iuid lees it, . wij1 dare ' to speak out then to make an,. number or ',against evil wh~,rever be finds It, dresses, bonnets, underwear. ,coats , ' . " '"' blankets, etc. depending upon , the A 'Way to Know God , extent of your ,gift. JEREMIAH ' knew ,God well. and ' Bibs for ~~abies Wlll -plea~e nev_ the trouble with his contemporarmothers, whether." the cbii'ct [E tes was that 'iqey did not know God. . Sotte~ a, 10 fabric, easier al teething or in the stage of learnlnr But Jeremiab did not 8IIy :. "Know . to .i\bouette and-geDerally Dewbow to eat, Terry cloth from -a-n ole G6d by becoming a prophet like er aDd more feminine look Ins towel might be I!sed. and trimmec me," for he ' knew that only' a few , Is the bloDSed lult fublon. This with tloral material. Plastic Is gool are called to be prophets. Neither Is Ute fasbioD which I. rapidly for such purposes too, and ' thi: did he lay, "Go to church oftener," becomloa not oul, the estebis usually finished with bia. tape, tor lOU, can see In chap_ '1 what he litIbed Ityle lor the seaSOD bat for SpriD«, •• well. BoU.woven Teeli-A,ers WIU Cherllh, though, of the Temple of his Ul1'le. Dovelt, tweedl, .heer woolens These Xladll of GUlli He pointed to the "ODd king llid otller fine fabrics wltb their Belts are the big rage amon r Josiah (chap. 13), That kinK had drape and color. have added teell-ager, right now. 'The gUt thaI found God, not In a mystic vision impel.. for ibis Dew mood In can be made l ia a twinkling is L Uke Jeremlah'lt not in burnt of· nits. BlDce the laterm ts ID bution-tJ1mmed l1'~graln belt thaI rerInls and .acrincn, but In the tile .0ft17 belted couto. of can be worD with any party dress dolog 0; justice, looklni out for ·the blo.... r e IImple, or as a llamo!' accello17 for blouse exploited, carini ~ the belpleu. lheatIHlke. TIle and skirt combination.. Plain .eeinl that justice WU dOh •• II&1Ie .. aeeIIbt .or tile tlellder striped or polka-dotted aroslrai~ tCo:s,rt,b\ ,Il.1' tho Inw..... Uon •• couIIeU ....... .. .".,.,. .. &bonribbon, ranlln. In width. from t.wo of R t,loIIII I!;dua.UoD on lIeJIalf of to tolU' Inches caa be u.aed. tlr=~mlnlu-. ReI__ iii
:w conll, fot pattern,
Name ,........,.., W.L .:. ' "
, Aclclr.,.
""a'tt~ Wo;" I, ,..t.d f .
"How ~oistipated . ,People Can Be
!!!'1~! !~~!!~! chroDlc'canatlPI~OD have found~8JIIDo
In,lyouY way to be kiDd to th - 'Iv... ' 'l'bey dou't whip their .y.teml witb barab, paihful ca lhartlci. lnatead, thel tum to Nature', RelD!ldy_ For Nalure. Remedy, Nt tablet&, ia romp,*", e!!t.U,tly Oflllltuial, vegetablelaxai:!vee-eo ~ue,
mbolL people tab them at nigbt beca)lM , theirlll~p ill Dot 6turbed, yet regularity ill acooJ;!lpliabiid the lIHt momln ... Try lR.t our 811118_. 26 tablets 26c, Buy Ii bolt at IWY drull .tore and try It. . If you ari! nof completely _tisfled/.r,eturn the bo:o:.and Itnwoe!l tablets to ua. we will refund your money plu. \>oetage. PlAIN O. CANDY CO~TID .
.......... .........._....,..
• ~ ! 1::.
:~ •. .,.,. • o.us .,..
-, "LivinqlOy"O:nq .= M
\:..~ ~"
• •tf!!.!J. ..... :
• c> w. ,.... • •
Funl Make Donald act. sUve on your Bilger, You lot rin; GIld III'cret mnllDot!o control_ No ,trings! No IIprinl!lll No ' WII'OS or bJattOrloe! NoUlin, to lOP out oC order-DO ,ldll noodod.. E!'8y duecti.om IDcluded . wrth each rml_
Whole-wheat nourishment ••• richer • , • ma\tfe, .V8l'¥ apooli!u1! o,t hap-get P6)PI
tate iD
• fir'. . _MltS·1I ClilIIII,.
.. ... _~lMnI:'wII~ .. .. ~-.-.-
U. S.
-ate... ...
~ p08.ltkrllllSR/~~fId_ : . __ OOtJAW O(JtIG ' .
I ....
1111 ........,...... cracIta I.. ~"• •hll "'........1... I,"e. . .Id.
FIIIST AID to the 71~~ , . ' All,lNG ~OUSE ; _
ekI.... .
can YtU do with Plastic
NEEDI,J;;WORK <l.I . . . .. 1, m.'
What '
Pattern ' 1'Io. 15323 conslo,s of t1~.ue pntterqt ll1r.terl DJ reqlltremenl •• muklng ' a nd Unlsnlng ftlrecllDl18. cblot "tlar. ror em· broldo r y And .Ut~h lIIu s tra Uon". ( u '; ,
, y, '
• • •
Thunday,Novemher 24, lM9
1l0N'T .... n oil' .1.'" lit. for .~othor: be " "blrofr~.tor: rllnll, Beboo eqUOC,. · al Cbl.opr,,,I. 1111 N, Mo,ldlha sl.. Inoll/.Dopalb. Ind. B • • Dent TeohlDlelQu. Sturt your own ,lab(>r .. lorr ,Be In busllleaa for yauraell. lndlv ldu" ' J""trucllon. Write toduy for complete Jnformnllon. Ohio Sobool 01 lit •• .lIaalo.1 DOb""Ir,. 1111 Pr •• pul ~h •. D.,I • .0, Vln.laod 111. Ohio.
F.or Your Future Buy U. S. Savings Bonds
SIx·room tlou •• , IDrile barn, weU equipped d.lry; lool1t.'<I five mUe. enS! 01 Peklli. Ind., all the Blu.e RI"er Rd .: electricity _d wllter IYlltem. S • ., Lilli. Terroll
Aleo h'0 I'i c s
ar. 18 EGPLE In or,ODI Deed of proper 'realment. 3 to 5 dOYI 1I0lPllauzaUOD .equJred, followed II, • weeki ".arJou. neeeisary tonle. prourlbed II, our 'LIcenleO Pbfll· CIaDI . No cllar,e for booklet or pri"ale call1UlLaUon.
The LEE"INSTltUTE tGJ4 MonCromery Rd .. ClIlelllDaU II. «;lillo-Telephone RBdwood I~ .
ltara. 'RO •• II :, I'e"la. JD4'ana.
.PARE TIME WORK.ERS: In all I~C811. tl ••• l\1t.rtll\In, 4< prolllllblO HOllie WO'k. lie your own bou. Details free. Wrlle BOX a1n·K. RIOUMOND, VA. JilEN, WOMEN,. Club.. o'lanb.nllol\~, Ko,ke 301) " pront , R~d ho)p. kill the d onlerous ,nls. DI.trJbute 25 •• ! I pock"I •• 1n03eY.bDc:k 1114«:lIIIle.,d Kils·",,,n B'olll to
:,~,~~~' .~o,.,"i:-i. ~~O,.~~~lftler J1ro4,el ••
~~ AS II"
t: ,
coniaina magical lO",NOl
HELP ' WA'i\,'lfE I)-WO~EN
Finer' Quicker ; Belfer· IOe and 2()1'
NU-VOGUE . P,LASTICS Have apc.nlnts for na.rcaslve Ilouscwlvl!l io d<;mo .... \r.. t • •• 'lperlar .Q uallty soCt <pi.,." lie part.~ plnn: monu(aetur.d In M'n mlsbur~r •• ott. , ~~C~~it~:Qnwrile le8Z1 lI.rkl.,. lid ., Dayton , 01>10'
HOME FURNISHINGS & APPLI. '100.00 on .upm-, Fr... e r.. BrUDd NeW-Ali le ad ng l.fllkes. Bearlr. F . .~I,.re r It. •• ra, Ohio .
C1erldnll ond Flnnn~h\lI! 'Au.cllon Sal •• , at the WI •• onola II~I. Seb.ol ., Ad • ... deed Aletlo"eerlnr-, Malll,oD. WlleGD"
.10. P. O. II,.., 268. 8C1hool term a l arlln" •• on. " ..U.' f.r ClAtalo,.
PECANS .... PEANUTS , Shellecl PecalUl JloUon poll. 14,00 pp. Shelled Pea nuts, :I lb., SI ,OO: 5 lb~. for 12.00 pp. SAM Wi .... LJ~M8. D •• IS:, ~lOll1ROEVn>LE. ALA. JeAMMOTII IU!lLIillIl Peoon Halve.: 14; (lollon tin pall. 1'1.60 pp . S ollafd.UoD 'Jlu Qrontoed. S OUTHERN PECA~ COM. PANY, I Me IItb Ave., 1;; •• (, Dee"tu., AI •• WHY UAVE- nOAoflEsi'R" D klLlll llooch •• , W. ("rbUIIS, elc. Not pallon 10 !luman. or ~ poll. tll.00, Roslp. ld. , . H. ClOWl."'G, _ Ohe ne .. e .I, 1I0alt.a 1 Tex. )00 Clr . . l.. ...Itoro 11.00 Postj>[Jd. MimeographIng Ink 11.20 Ib.. · Stenclll .1.20 \lor dozen . ALBEE. =86' Wei' ~lll 81.. LOS ANGELES ft, CALIF. ARTlIRI'I;IS, NEURITIS;' nm::l,c1':M " "" A'= T=" J8"'M"', 8CIATICA~ E.lmtnAte PBln. NO DRUGS. 'W~te DOME VAl'OR BI\TH, !5« ••• , A"o .. H UN71NO!ON, W. VA. ;.
Mother, know What wonderful relief 'OU get when ),011 rub on VlcllB VapoRubl
Now ... wbenyour chUdwatea
up In the night. tormented with • croup, cough ot·a cold, bere'a
a .peciol way~ to use Vicks VapoRub, It's VopoRub Steam -and it brinis ~el1et olmwt
'mtonellll Put a !food spoonful of Viets . :VapoRub In a. bowl ot bollIng waUlz: or va.porlzer, Then •• , let , your ch1ld breathe In the .oothJn8VopoBub Steam, Med-
Ie,.p POlted on V.I .... ., Re.dlnl the I •• '" "A
vapors penetrate deep
intO cold-congeated UJlW broil. ch1al tubes and br1Dg reUefamth
~ l1re4lh/ •
I ALLU8 iller. ain't no barm In beln' he!ldetrang, '10 101llr a:a headed In' tile rlgbt dIrection. ......d
Jt(n"JUJi.. W""-,, IIprIDaIloI4. Er,-
J4ND SAKESI J jait can't keep up
with "Table-Grade" Nu-Maldl NoW' It's b.,tter '0 ever. Yep. They've 1m. pro.ed my favorlte'lIPread ••• made It even belter taatlu' ••• more smooth IIPreadln', ADd new Nu.Ma.ld's got & brand , ne-,v package to k"ep that sweet, churned-fresh aavor lIeIIIetl In! ' ~ . TBl!;BE'S LOTS 0' folka jes' like penni ell-You ean't change 'em 1\0 matter bow hard you trY.
IS paid Chrloilt•• 1'"",", HI..."" N. (1.•
SCOrrS EMUlSION a.lpi bllIJd at.mlna - heIP.I built! _tltIIJI.. to corda, II ..,Ilnptors oIDa't
--' trDourb' polUral ... AD Vltam\~~1 Scott'l II • bIJh ... elVJ' FOOD TONIQ - . "~Id . . .1 .... oC .,.'}..r4l "aD
.ft. '."....,.
Vlta",lal, lluildllUf aatllrol
011., ElO.j
take, Many d.etoro
Ncomlllund it I Bu, todaJ
at ,
dMIII lioN. J
MOlE than lUSt a tonlctl/iJ.t,.~~- it'. po-'vl n~'
'a ••I,.,I,I WO••S, 1.1.51 LICII raJlC,a, .,,--.n
IT'S PLAIN to see tho dlfferenoe In cakes "n plea when you bake wIth a top qua.l.Ity shortnin'. And that means new, Improved Nu·Mald-the beUer-lhan-eV4ir mlU'gll1'ine that.'. gobd tuUn' ·illiteel,.
~ will be paid upon publication
to the first oontrlbutor of each' &C, eepted ' .aYlng or Idea. Addr••• "Grandma" 109 East Pearl Street, CinclnnaU 2, OhIo,
"~IIIIIIIIIm.llIlIIlllllJllllllllillillWmllllll~lllllliWIII~lmlllllll111!lllmITlllllme.IlIIl_, C/~6 ili.JJ
Tw in Th ea tre , W ay ne sv ill e
= = . §
-E2~ _
'41 485 5J1 618
1., 1.. Till
U' 115
I =
., .,
• I~•
Wont . LDIt •
Spartans Win Two More Games '
The W.1DOIvllle ItPart&1 ll kept tbelr lUI Ilue clean by wlnDlnr th.lr tint loqu. pme rrom H.r· ,..e,.bu rr '14., and Imearftllr Cen· 'ernUl . II' 16 (0. 'rho'ric a1ar .tartlq Uno-ap of Timmy BlmplOn, Earnha rt. 8heean and Btanl, took the Door laat 1'l1.
___ _ Rent. rarm b,. Leoma Phone
roR SAI.E - 18118 tt,6 tOn damp truclt (tr'o,rd), .82/i0. In ~ lhape_ ~Illceh.,lin' Bun.oco Service. Wayuee. da,. nlPt agalnlt the Hane,. .burlJ T' '1''''1'11 and rot offlo a raet Itart leadl... 11 to & at tbe end of the 8ALPJ - Hog hOU.~. built to . flrllt quarter . The 8P~rtaol con-
.llllillllllm~IIIIIIIII I I II I II I I!I I I I I I II I I I'1 I 1!1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 I 1 I~l l lIlIlI lIlIil ll l l l l llllllll""l11ll1l 1 l1 l1!lI l 1il l l il ili1r.~ TIll ll !lillilllimllmllJllI'IIIII1~_ ;~de~e :~~~!.prl;~o:: T;~~.!: t==
phone. 8U 811 81' Waynesville 2472 or call col- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------:.-! t W'! . t HUNTa AND ltaCK, NOM THa TypaW RITIlR OF JIM JON. . ec. J mmg on 211 t.
WANT E[)- To tlie month. n.feren 08l. . . ~ourtne,.. . W'7uel Tlll..
II1TI' 110 1771 15'''1 1888 1
114 . I"'u ..ow I"
Francis Gene Brown ,
I & Nature 8 t1 NOV TU ES D AY ONLY • A' nlma. at es . 29 Sahu and Gail Russell In SONG OF INDIA COMI NG SOON : THE OREG ON TRAIL - 15 CHAP TERS
a ..
~ ITAOE .t: SON, Phone JOin.
_ .-
E ~:~~.,I~·~~:.AV~&OLo::=~
Sunda y Shows Contin uow From 2:30 P.M.
.; ; cubIc ,.sr·ct. We alllo dellYer. AltK-
Kno ck On An y Doo r
,ro- <nr Cf:r' -r:r tSl
O. Role .. . .. . .. I. MuUord . .. . . . .. 161 166 V. HID ....... .... 11& 115. ..Jlam by ... ..... 101 UI a. Palmer : .... ... 16" . 18'11 .. J'alrl., 85& 801 '
~~~::~;~~~~~~~~: ~:..:'. ~ ~r: ~ ==
FAllU.£Y HARD W,:m... ~.!.~....
RATEI : On.o. nt per word, mInImum ohara', as Otnta. Thrt. In.trtlo n. for .h. prlo. f t F I W .. 0day WG'. ._n... Mon orma 0 oat
Bel le Sta rr's Dau ght er
II! ~
BANK Bul) Feature hown at 7 :15 · and .9 P.M . - Thi~ Sa me Show Flri~ay Nite SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26,. Roth Rom ....· ....... - Aclte.. Find Of 1-949 .oe .. Teama With No Man' In A Sequel To ~ "Belle Starr" , Remem ber? .
Ply mouth , Brockt on, Lowell and villo 2001.
Texas Eastern Continues Expansion' ;:~~~~~d~~~~:~~~:!~~h~~~~ FO~ ~ALdE-I' d «00
~~e b':~'
and le4
28 to
The reeen. was a gam.
wltb action aDd .xclteai n't dOWn to til. hnd horn with lh'e loc.l. ntt· · tlng tbelr eecond 'Win. 11 to 25.
The little Spartan . led 10 to 2 at the balr and It looked a. If th.,. mJ~t coaat to a "Icto..,. but tbe picture ehonrecl aa tba ••cond ball opened. Ceoterr llle came baclt bllM willi H -pofntl · to the looala 3 In tbe 3rd perfod and took tb. lead at 16·13. ~be Waynee vtlle I.V ..•• tur'" ed right around n.ttlng It In lb. lut , period to Centerv1ll"1 9 to eelt out a tbrl11 packed 27-26 vietory. HUitio cU. Robblnll and ·Jor· dan led the way for W&1neavllle acorlng 10, 9 and 7 point. leepect . IvaI,., • .1 2 II ... T Centerv ille 2 0 14 I 26 WaJileevllte 7 3 S U 27 BOX SCORES OF VARSITY Waynes ville ro tr T Tlnney .. 5 11 Stmp_ol1 6 G 11 Earnha rt ,4 4 12
Rllr'fe,.!!burr I'll a gllmp,e or Joy in the thlnt ~rtod .. lAd .by Wllecm they ~unted 8 Quiet "mel. to · come wlthln t points of t,.lng the lcore When Wa""eevll1e got mo'fSQ and led 11·~6 at th.. end of the tblrd period. 1tarY., .bul'f .,&111 lDoved fut at .th. o!)tftlbg ~uller of tbe lut perfod a~d q'aJn .movel1 Into .trlltlng dlltanc e but Woyneevll1e oame dl'fin!t back to leore 15 polntB and 10 on ·to win "'·34, Dan BlmOlol1. 1aek TIru1ey. tt.rIan. I!lI.ntl\art ted tbe wilY with 16. stante,. 11. rua4 12 1IGlntB reepeet tvety. 1ftl I!lbHlln 'IOJl " . . blp Icorer for .H lln.,... I TawIOIl
I /i·roo. bunplo w. Concor d an~ Nashua N R' Cl>n l on. Phon. Wa1ftN . Texas Eastel' n Trans mission year fron: its compre ssor s tation possibl y pther coml~nl~lti~a~n 2184. U.s·lt Corpor ation today asked th.e . n ear ~banon, Ohio, as far as the' area. FOR SAL1!l Coal. blaolt. aile Federa l Power Comm ission f oi' Concor a , Ne~y Hamps hire, "Texas Easter n is ' eager t o 44. long. ,120: Black an4 red. thru wool author ity to COl1s tru t additio nal a n ew pipe line. serve the New Englan d arca ." and rayon drell!!, 'II; Blaok and pipe lIn.e faCilitie s to sel'Vc utiliThe ne w line would !'loop," or R. R . HDr~rmre. preside nt of 'I'I' X- 1Vhlte 2·p:le\=9 dreill. '8; Oold ties In the .New Englan d area para ll e l. with aO·inch pipe, the aR Enster n. said. "We feel t hat drellll. ,, : Blaok. blue trim dreltl, with as mu ch a s 200.000,000 cu~i c existin g incH lines from Lebano the ch a racte r of our service and t6 ; Blact linen dre ••• U; Black n feet of natura l gas per' day by to ' Connel lsville, Pennsy lvania . our rateR will be attract ive to ,aklrt nouMe front drea. tz- All 1951. . From Ulat ~oint the eXistin g utUitie !' a nd custom ers In the drel!lIee .Ize 18. Mrs. Olenn Holt· New Englan d states.'! Mr. Rar- Ingllworth, MaIn It.. Harve, ,"'url', The~ owner- of the Big anll Lit- inch lines would be used for the grove added that further details Ohio. '.ranspb rtatian of addll:io nal gas tle 'Big Inch pll e Una system 11-1O-8t which virtual ly u I' I' O.lI n d ~ to Lambe rtvllle, New J e rsey. An of this nro.iec twould also be an· W:rUC ARB. J'O:R CmLD1t1!ll!f'1 1 ' . I Wjlyne sville fil ed its reques t by additional 49,200 compressor nounce<f at the hearing s. By the da,. or durtnlr eft1ltn p. I • 4 Te?'as Easter n's dally sales ca- C.lest& lI'I'tle19, !!loath it.,' W~_ amend ment to a previou s appli- t{orsep ower woult! be in talled 0 (J (I bare wltb 1l pOltlt., cation of March 10, 1918, in on the system . From Lambe rt- oacity wlll ~ Incre~sed from Ita Ville, PhOlJ,f 1m. O"Bantoa. . 0 0 0 ville, prp!:en a new tJy author 26·ln h HIli! "(ould be ized 7~0.000,OOO which it origLna lly made known =-_ •1 I I Harve,. .bur.r FG I!' T Its des h'e to serve New Englan d. built to u tility system s in Green· cubic feet per .da'y to 940,000,000 Rar.e,.. 1Iurg FOR SAL'Bl - ft.rooWl boulie, " 10 10 9 34 DII'ft. · . f 0 a, wich , Bridge port, Norwa lk, Der- If the ~ompanY'8 applica tion Is lights WaynellVill. and Water. storm doors 11 10 9 16 47 DO.ter Texas 'Easter n prOI osed in to· by, New Haven , Ha 0 I I rtford, Wa- grante d. Tb.. • Wal11e nttle rtllene e ~b- Bell and Wlndo'\Y s. Enclos ed porch. 1 day's amend ment to se~ ve the terbury and Naugat 1. 4 uck, Coli.ncco I:ar garage , sfde drive. Lot 50x ~ their nnt wta 01 tlltt illirI.oi! WIiOIt . New Englan d area by transpo rt· ticut; Springf ie ld, 1 1 I . Holyok e, Wol;'- Huntei' ll Abulle 150. Price $5,000. ing up to 45. billion cubic feet per cester, Bc;>ston j New P. Cook, tmuB4llnt IhrYer iborc SO to 18: AI- Hawth ora. 1 j Ii Bedfor d. St,,\-() LaWB Here 3rd St.• ~raynHvllle, 11.17-3t u. Ca~er . . . leading Bcorer tor WillOD 6 1 U Local /lamll warden s have I~_ the locall wbll. Hopkin . netted 8 Waynee~lI. ro I' T FOR SALt!: .Oenerat Eleotrlc for the 101II'II. 1formed the GlIZette that· tbl. e ' TiDe,. 6 :& 11 ~I\nge: 18 In !tood cantltlo n. Ph_ \ tbeNl ba8 been conlllde rable abulle . , t • • 4. 'I' StaIIle, • Ii 11 • . ' . ' IS COMI NG -. LET US ,Ii R~bl1'" or the atate huntlnc laws In tbe 32,55 - ~fl\!l. Ina , Ba"er. I., $ ' 8 18 J!!artahart I 1 , PREPA RE ' YOUR Ct ;R TO , GIVE '. Wayne sville area. _ . ~ Wa".. ml1. '10 5 8 10 "h~"M 1I'OR ~A'.I!}-~ U.~ 1!!i&otro tUl[, all DEPEND B E SERVICE. .. ' . 0 1 ' The '!DOtlt .trequn et c~mplalrit ,a,•./t",.Itm. Pl'\-'~ ; under ToIll4.. ,. ,nllllt facto..,. ~._ th' AlIUtlnll "'at· .-'"'-Mo" I. ~ v • recel'l9d haa been that of hUllteri ·~9• .. ImIt ta UtIIllitY tUe aid allttt 11m"""'" GULF PROD UCTS - TIRES ell. BeB~ona~le. Phone Wrapn~ iila4e ' tile KtJIit tit quite • f It .uncomBar:: ; being active on . SUnday.- Others IM"~~ iortahl . dru'*... t...... IT to 40. CI~. 'have tresp&S8ect on POIitect iaM v,t,Ue 3211. J' : lea.vlng gatea open and cutti ng ~ lIAtlB .::~.Aide Arm Hot Wayn..'ftlle acata .tartect rut G • 1 I W,UU' Heater ·a d · A Sehwtn but thle tim. they laia It ' on t.J ·fenoe. ;:: • 0 11 NORT H STREE T,' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO One lucb penon. JUldll Crlfer ~l1t. H.....,. Dut,. MotOr Bite. the f1Da1 h'ora. MO"f'Iq • .,..,. to I!JIltq • 1 5 of Da~n, wal alll)rehend"<1 )'" {rs. 0ejI1 Enu. Pb' J32f , I t . lut 1t to • lead at till tallartlr jtild&t , 1 • Game Wardenll Brant and WRit,," ilbll a " to 11 leac1' at the balf. YCMltMy '0 1 1 T tnt I( V -A- Btaaley . TIlIne, and amPlOa lIept Benp ~outh of Wa7ttellvllle for huntl~~ t 0 4 't'OR !'I AU!l . banatnl r ....,. at the d4m.7- buk. hefol'e the leg., bour. The I)ffen~ C. E. MICHE NER et In til ftnt IIaIr _.. b rtl r bad (I~ IIhota at about 7 A.M '~Uc WtltIt of WaYhe nJlle • 0 ,. on atlllr .tbee lIOOOIlel IIaIr .... wl,len the da,'i hUnting legally' beopened th i; t ftte . Route 73 ROOf iNG 8~rtan · Iulla eame 01'1 to keep glnl at 9. Phone W&Tn..VlUe 2tllJ . Of All Types the taID~ , ·ana lIuUt • leael 01 10 Crltell f t l Dn~ U5 and ..C08te . WARR EN . BRADDOCK lostllat ed.' Brlci. and ...,.. to '15 at the atOM .or th" third J)et'b,. Squirt Ranker , of Lebano'n. .a~,,~,ilPl. . . . . toe Bid In,. Bheet IDlital work , --0---:-._ Tnll 8011. HaUlln .. 8&l1d. Ora... loci.' fte _ad ft"t fin.hed out Excan tln« Wltb Blclt kee. T~y A Oasslfjed Ad. IIlOet If til, .... ~Ild the $.,.r- . of .U Idnde, Lo.eAI :Referllll. Drq.lli le ~Il Dulld.,lIe.. C8!1_ AU work 8Ilarantee4. tatll WIlt Yleto... · cma. alON, st· .0' BlmfllO Jl ltit th. local. 1rlth WI."" .nle. Ohio HOWA RD Wo. HAAS II . marken . Itholle: Wa". ... 21., or 21ft Ro~t. 3 Wayne .yllle. O. 1 1 I 4 T Mr. anel Mn. l. l. Bunke alten· Centerr llle 8 8. 14 15 lie Phone W.ynH ylil. 2ItI ded theIr 'carel club In Clnclnn .tI u u U I" to Size and Condition. On Batun!l~, e"enln. . iJ:~ ~~~~~~~,~i~~_~~~~~-;.~~;;;;~~;.~;_~.~~~;.~ , ' ,Call .
K. U a r -
. .. . _
Has ting s' , Gar age
television just
Dea d Stoc k
tw........ .
Xen ia 454 ReVer88
Xen ia Fertilizer
E. G. Bucbtlleb. Co. .
• New "Tu.~c TuniD." • . • simplilied concroh for quick lUIIiDI. J2'jIO.icioD cuner f.or .11 leleYi.ioD chUlJleJ •• • Rich.looIeiD, cabiDet in • Imulaced leacber. Self-coo. 'Iined lu ....e~c"Jle .et, tompl! " -h.h Goldeo
FAIRLEY · HARDWARE Way nesv ille
mmllll~!IIM~lmIIIW~lJIlml.lmll~oommllmlmil~m• •mm~1111
1;·...-1· : ~l
':.,..• •
' . .. II!
-..--- --r - - --_..- - -- --
.. - 1611'2'" wid~, UI.n/16 " dup. No special lIand' 011
complete with antenna
. .Il _
• ~a.il" carried .•. 00'1" 29 lb •. ! Compact io .ize
iI~. '"
LDMfO~· om.
lable requiftd . • Plu, il in whu~y~r Ihere is AC curran. in uy leJecastinl area. 'Sh back and ~njo,. ic! • New BROA DVIEW scrUR ,iyet larret piClure ~ru . . . dearer, bripcer Iml,e. on 28.1 square lacha of Kreen. .
'ftU!P IIoNa WAYlQ 8YILU I\. ,
4 .
1~..,_4 ..... ~
LIve WIre a.n d Progresllive. An organiz ation aecond to ' nODe• StrIctly 8el1er8 on tbe beat aU.around market In, the country . SERVIC E THAT SATISF IES
For 'Dally Market R.porte : WHI0 Dayton. 12:60 E.S.T. Dial 1300; WLW CinCinnati, 1340•
,...... ............ ...,...... ......... .. ........ ..., ...... .at.,'.'" ......................... ............. ...... tI _ _ .,...
•. . . . . . . . .01 1_ IS . . . . . . . . . . ...
Horeeal 12.110 • Cow.. ,1.60 HolS - 26c per cwt. '
JANES REND ERING Phrme Collect Xenrl'l, O. 1712 0/1 . WDm iqtoa, . O. ua
One mile Northe ast of lebanon 'on' State Route 42 ,
. . . . . . . . fill,.., ......'-
Accorliing to size anil l'ondit ion. All Stock I'emov ed prompt ly.
on H. C. Monson Farm
larl. D. OalRn AgeDC, 'T.
M9ND AY, NOVEMBER 28, AT 1:00 P.M.
. Bring a neighb or' anu see this compiete feed maker in operation.
.. Your John Deere Dealer UJIANON. QHIO
CO. '
Waynesville High -School,
About Town
Mra , Ella Stnnsberry feU nt ber bome on Main at. 1lU'd hus been taken ,to Mlddletown hos · pltal where ,sbe Is suffering with a fractured blp. Mr . and Mrs. Davis F urnas bad 8S T~S~y evening dinn.er gueats', Mr. and Mrs . Alva Hart. 1I0ck. Mr. and Mrs, DOn Hawke bave as tbell' guests t he Inttel"3 motber. Mrs , Nell Anderson Dr Klngmun. Mr , IIIld Mrs, Dert Gall or Cin' clJ:'llati. Mr. ood Mrs . J. J . Bur· ske and Mrs . Leah Mills were Sunday dinner guests' ot Mr. and Mrs . WillIam Strouse , Mr , snd l\1rs. Douald Br\lwlI ot Dn:yton were Sunday guest~ 01 lbelr parentlf. Mr . and Mrs . J , C. Hisey. Mr . Stanley H, Bailey anti Mrs , D , C. Ridge were In LIma on ' Sunday, on (account ot tbe death ot the ' latter's ' cousin, Mrs. Netta M. Sullivan. Mrs. Sullivan, Pasl Orand MatrolL of the Grand Chapter of Ohio. O.E.S., baBi been . a freQuent guest 111 Waynesville, Mr. and M'rB. Lewis RiBh of, west of WayneBv1l1e, ' arrIved ' In 'Yhere tbey wlll lQ)en~ the "!'inter Eau Gallle, Florida, December I , with tbelr daughter Bnd son-tn'· law, Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Sum· mers, who are operating the Lou and Marlln's Trailer Court, The St. Mary's Club enjoyed e co ver~ dlsb dinner at the home of Mrs. Joseph M. SUk on Sunday evening. ' , . loll' , and Mrs. Ronald Hawke ~ .entertained to . a turkey dlnne.r on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J . Wilson Edwards, Mr I\.nd loin'. Oeorge Edwards and children, 1'111, and Mrs. Floyd Smith and chtldrell' and Mr , and loin. Oene Rhein and family. all of Springfield and Mrs. Emma' McClure at Franklin.
Wednesday, Dec. 21, 8 P.M.
High, School Auditorium
'Methodist' Church. Choir Presents . Christmas Cantata Sunday ,Ev~ning SEVERAL EVENTS PLANNED ,BY CHURCH The Wayti'eBvnle Metbodist oh· urch wUl pl'esent a full schedule of Ohrlstmas events startlI!g this Ing a Ohrlstmas (Jontata Sunday Dec. 18, at 7:30 P. M. , . The Contata, , "'rhe Prillce 01 Peace," by J, Truman Walcott. wlU be presented by the cburch choir· and ' will Include many spec·
COMMUNITV CHRISTMA8 PROGRAM FRIDAV, DEC., 'm The Community Chrlatm.1 program aponlorc:d by the Wayra.vlllo Clvlo Club will be held on Friday evening Deo. 23, at 7:30, at McClur~\.· corner. Tthere will be community Ilnglng and a Chrlltmaa treat' for the children. ,
THUR$DAY, DEC. 15, 1949
ynesviUe Legion Secures Home "CLUB 615" WILL OPEN DEC. 17 IN NEW HOME
...~h School Choir Plans Event Dec. 21 Wa play both plano and harp eccom· pre· p8l1iment for several of the ol number". Tickets ore now on sale for .t he event for those who do not eos. 300 Atton,d MUIIllh Approximately ,300 atteuded tha pl'eaeDtatrOn of the Messiah ,at the Hlgh School auditorium Sun· ciay evanIng. The splendid por. gram au......ted man'" out of town - OobrIS, 7 visitors. .Doli: director " ,of the . 'event wlshe. to extend thanks to the Helwlflijn Music Co., ot Dayton, for ProViding an organ. and to John Th~nn, «tso of Dayton; for pla,ylng the organ.
'I'he Wayne Towneblp Post 616, of the American Legion b~B se· cured a home. , I
'rhe Post has leased the forJDer Miami Gazette Quarters OIl' the alley east or Main Slreet, near the Locker PJ'lult.' This met· ai structure I~ now being· furu· isbed (01' a meetlug unci reereat· lou rOODl. 'l'he memberS ot the Post lIave FARM£RS clUB MEETS lal n\lmbers . , FOR TURKEY DINNER ' dtlclded to caU the new qome ~lOlsts who wlll be heard In "Club 615" and wUl offlc.lal1~ lu da : Phi II I) AT STANFORnt HOME sl,ee 1,,1 ..,... llum b ers .tnc opeO;1 Its recreaUonal facilities WorkDl~ 'DOD Galu"ls/ Mrs. Ho- . Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dec. 1'1 at 1 P.M, The club WlU ward Brown, Mrs . . Kenneth Brad, opened their home on ley. EmDlerson Earnhart. Mrs. H, flll' the December meellng of be for the e:l(cluslve use of POlit (J, Hodson, Harlell' Eal·hal·t, MIss l ]raI'Dle~'8 Club, with Rev. members and others will UOL be Jean Hartsock, Don Workman, MI·H. R. B. Coleman, · Mr. admitted, Miaa, Ha'rrlet Workman. ,Miss Tobe :t.1l·S. A . H , Earnhart. 'Mrs, C ' l....~--------.---------...:---------..., In cJiarce or furnishing a~d or· 'J1he wOJ'shlp ' serv iCe ~unday E , Eilglngton. Ms. J. E. McCllil·e. glUlllEtn:c· the new Q.uarters Ia the Mrs Carl Wolt Illld ' Mr . ChllTIOb Ball. and Miss Ruth Ea1'Dlu~rt. toUow.. wmmlttee. W. A. Lu· monti 10:30 will' 'InC!u~e West as guests ken., Cheater L. Carey, Lewis Clhrlst .10~ nnd a ChrIst· ~brlstmas deconitlol1s E, Tllompson, W. H. Sl'~yer, mas' sormon. ' . ulled throuyhout the hom lind 011 The tnstalllDC officers were Erwin Ellis, and Ray Morgan. Chapterj 107, OES. Thursday evening, Dec. 22. at 1 the dllllllg robles w bCTe a delleMrs, JUl1uit.. Dewey of BlancbeAuxilIary To OrtanllEl lar aeBlllop on Mlonllar ev- stur. M1's R. H. Hartsock• . Mrs. 7.30 the children of the' ~bU"ch turkey dlnl,18r was servell, A Legion Auxlliary for wivea, will pr'lsent a candle light serv· 1 Folwwing the business' 'sesslol with tbe regulall' business J , J . BDnke. Mrl. Stanley H , motherl, and BIIters of Lellon. Jce entitled, "The Light Is Come." Mrs. C. E. EdglngtOll ga,v e a tI,'I ' ....lion beld at' eight. ' r'~ll.owed 'by Uai :ey , Mra . .H . B, Iilarn~(Ioft, ~rea will be 'organized In Way· --0---This, will be a beautiful and 1m· review of the book, "How to of off,iOers for 1950. 1\1 rll. Emelt 1 Harlan, Mrs. D. O. ne9vllle under the direction ot MRS KELLER HOAK HOSTESS llresslve senJce nterspersed wltb WOl'rying If,lId Start, Livill/r, " and" \JlmiaIn "u,:ou..... ",Rldge and Mr . J. J. Burske. lI"s. WUJIam Smith of CUlcln· TO EXCHANGE BOARD WIVES ChTlatmalC carols bY the children , ; Mr Oblll'les Wes-t.. guest SPjlnll'!lJjir..J,I'll,v Lovely rntr e abm~lIts, Wide,. the natl Tile group will be . Mrs , Keller Hou enterrtalned Theb beginners ,alid " HrSe and' er. choije f.or his topic: ; 'For"'J~ direction ot Mrs. A T , PoUnBky ell at'. a meeting th1a on Monday evening with tbe allcond gTade!l will give a hrelr Policy." and he stated, nmong Mrs , D R : Smith, werll ser· <Thursday) at the new 1.t:I. ._ -..rives ,o f the Fv.rm~r·a Exchange In~uctory progrsm. After this th~ mallY Jnt resUng ' ved' to tbe many cuests and mem.- ' home, ' :Board < as her guests. As . the lIenice there wru' be, a meeting tthat we are nearer war tban !lera. III the dlntDS roam. ]loaM m~beie ·w ere hO~f.~. .~..... chureh -buament ,for:' a ~1 t.lDle. ~_ ........ their 'biiiiiiWa m - ,iiie ta~; Chrt.atmas treat and a. vIsIt froDl T~e Cluh adjourned to meet ~!"~~~~1~'~~J;:f\:'"" OFFICERS ies enjoyed an · evening of . ·cards that good ,Old guy. Santa Claus. wi tb Mr, and MI'8, Roscoe Furnas Ina~al1atlon of the .following , of· John Oons was ' Installed 'worand . pleasant convei'aatlon'. in Janun". f1~ers: '.' WIN AWARDS --'--I)- - -I Mrs. Carl PltsUck, Mra . H. VETS AO; - CI:.ASSE8 ---'0--Worthy Ma.tron', Dnrbara Saw' Tbe foUowlng T·yplllg II students Shipful Master . or Waynesville L. Rye, Mn. , Rhodes ' BU~nell, TO HEAR TALK REV. SAMUEL K.E YS yer; Worthy Patron, WiIliaDl have recently l'ecelved Senior Lodge, No. 163, F. &: A . M . Tues: lira , PaW Tomllnlon, Mrs . RonThe veterans' ogrlcultural cal. TO ASSIST ORDINATION Sawyer; ASSOCiate Matroil:-~Eilnll. Order of AI:dstl'c Typillts cel't1fi· day evening , The instaUatioll' cerald Hawke, Mrs. Oll):lert Frye BSeS of Waynesvlllo High School Rev. Samuel Keys, rector of SmIth; ASSociate Patwn. Robert cales from tbe Gregg W"lter ' Ex· emony was In cbarle of O. F. Brown. assIsted by ,George Krag· all,.d Mrs. H : R. Moas were those will attend a lecture at the Leb. St. Mary's Epl8~opal cburch, ~Ith; Secretury. Mary Earn- amlnlng Board: ' er and Carl Abaecberl, all of Le, prelent. anOD: Hlgb ISch'ool, Dec. ,20. by ynesviUe, ",Ill participate In' the hart; Treasurer, Lucile ArmItage: Mary Ann Burton. Dorothy Oh· banon. Dickensheets, o E. R. Kock , l,{ock Will 8,p eak on first m:dlilatlon sefYlces eve" to Oortduc~resB. Jane M.cCulloch; As· eL'OW'Orth. JoAnn Other offlcera installed for the Boll conservation nnd monago· be h'el4 In the St. Mark's Epls. soclate (Jonduclreas, Grace Pre· Wilma Uray. Mp.rUyn Hammond. ment , copal church, Dayton, ndergast. Martha Jean Luken'S Reta Belle coming year were: Kock Is a member pf the staff· The Be~vlces be held Dec, 'Also, Chllplalfi', MlnnllB Fromm; Perdue, .'rune Ward, Bsther Lou· Senior Warden, Donald HaWke; ' Dt DrookBllde ' ~rm laboratories 18. when Rev. Elred Johnston M.arBbIlJL, Bertie Mills; Organlat. Ise Walkins. Joanne Watkin" and Junior ' Warden, John Sheehan; ~creta'ry, Charles James;, Treas)Irs. Olive Curl. Mias Ml1}pte at New Knoxv·l11e. He hns dis. ' wlll be ordained. The church 1s 10' Naom~ B\l~beh; Allab. Francea Doris Woollard, Dodaon, Dr. Emma ' Holloway, and , covered varIous disorders ' 11l' live oated on tbe Springfield pike at Whitaker; Ruth. Mary Lou PBllJ)' Mary Ann Burton 'a::lfb ncelofed Urer, 'L owell Thomas; Senior ~ , Miss Mary BOBton uHended the stock due to a liulTitlonal deplet; Harries Station. ' er; EHther. PauJjll~ I Anthony; a Sentor O. A. T. Pill' for haVing &Coni CeCil Davis; Junt~r Dea.coD, WCTU Cbrlatm,a meetlng at the ion of the soil, and has also de. 0 Marth., Cecil ,ShIpley; Electa., Bubmitted the prize winnIng pap- .James , Hopkins; . ChaplaIn, . loe James; Senior Stewart, Wm. Pen' LADIES OF FARMER'8 ORANGE Bonita Strouse' W"rden Ruth bome of Mra , A II. Stubbs , the los8 ' ~. er· vised Dleans to r"place ewlt; JUnior Stewart, Max Hart· H A V'E ALL DAV MEE'TIN' G , Rpwland ; S en tl na.I n OS8 R ow, • Mr . and Mrs , Steward Lower and t bus 'eliminate" the dlsordllrs. ,Competent Typists Speed Cerlock; Trustee tor 3 years, Roger Mrs. L. D. Wooley, assIsted by land. ' Uflcates were adwarded to these of DaytC!n. 0., Mr. and Mrs. Trax· 1er and son ;JlmiDy of Troy, O. NEW ASSI8TANT EDITOR Mrs. C, ~. Frazier, were hastes. three ctrls: Barbara Hartsock, Brow~;. !lnd Tyler, Carl Smltb. ----(01---qalled on' Dr. Emma Holloway and Mr, and Mrs. Ted Conover, ses at the ,home of the former; on ST. MARV'S AUXILIAIiIV Martha .Jean Lukens and June MR8 A. H. STUBBS Tuesday of the past week Cor uEETS AT SILK "'OME W Ii I day afternoon. • publ1Ahats of tbe lI~ml Gazette, " , ... ar • ---,.-... ,IS HOSTESS :ro' WCTU - - Mis/l Olive WllIiams hus return· are 1fu'MUlIclng the blrth ' of II. the all-day meethlg , of the .flidles he Woman's AUxiliary of St. All members of tbe ,Bookkeep, On Friday evening, Dec. 9, Mrs. , .... ' Ch urc b me t , on ' Frld ay ' a f - 't ng I CIass received Junlot Certed from a visit " wllh her ' IIlece. dll.ughter, Nancy ' Ann. W[edn'88' of Farmer's Grange No. 13. Twen·· """ <U.WoI S A. H. Stubbs was hostess to , the Mra. Della HOBS In' Jndlapapolls. day., Dec.. 14. a t Miami Va~ley ty members enjoyed a ' deliciouS temoon at the home of Mrs. Jo- Ifleates ' or~ Achievement tor hav· WCTV at h~r h ODle In WaynesSilk • with Mrs " C D~ ' Fr"· Mr~ and Mrs. 'Cbarles Ande~son. Hospital, Dayton. The Child , wei· covored dIsh dl.nner: end durlng-. IIhph ~ --' Ing satlafac to r II y soIved the Oct., \'lile. ' Sr.• were Sunday dinner guests ot gbted ItBven pounds, lout qpnces. ~he elrernoon reclpes for Ohrlst· 'Ser presiding . ,. ober IJookkeeplng contest problem , The meeting wall opened by' the mes coqkies were glven~ also dlr' 'The\ study period on "Modern' anll thei are as follow.: , . Miss Ruth Chandler. ! leader, Mrs, OliVe Wardlow wIth a 0 G I l ectlons for makJng Ohrlstmas JaplI.n·~ was conducted by Mrs BillIe Bowles, looan Catn, Doris Mr , an d M ra Bert 11 I , of C r:- tab" deco tI Bible rea~llng, and Lucy ' Einhey Mr. and Mrs. Ea.rl C , lark of clnnatl. Mr , and Mrs . J. J . Bur~ ,e I'a ons. Frazier. and pIaD'S for tllle. coming Charlton, Patnqla Perry, Betty !eliding In the prayer. , . Dayton called on their aun , t, Mrs. ak e , an. d'' Mrs. L'eab "'111 ' 0 , year .,wer , e discussed. Sattertbwalt"'e ' , Jack Tinney.. Ru· ...< 8 were O,RDER OF EASTERN 'STAR .., After the regular busIness sesAlice Cllairk on ,Sunday afternoon. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and PLANS CHRISTtt'lAS PARTV ~ The group adjourned to meet ,th Wardlow. Betty Wlcal, Genelce alon. th~ following ' program "All .Dr. Emma Hollawoy and Mrs. ,M rs , William Strouse. Mlaml Chapter 107. O.E,S., wIJI In Jan!1ary W,lth Mrlil • Ronald WUkerson, Bnd Dorothy Wilson . presented: ' uill t d d th n-.... _ Hawke land during tbe social . Lelill _ B a ten e e ___ .... n 1J hold their annu.al Christmas. narty ---~O). ' --Solo, The Holy City, Phillip ... hO)lr dal.nty refr,esbmelats were ' .. :Workman;. Song. Come AU Ye ,Club Cbristmas party at t be ..ome' !7J Dn Mond, a'y eV,enl,ng, Dec. 19, at served by the hOl!tess GI R L 8C OUTS MEET ~lthtul; World Peace of the Ohr· of Kra. Jennie Conner on T h urs· '. . t~ the MasonIc Temple. 'By Zana MILl! Fulkerson' day. evenIng. A' All memhers of Miami Cha.ptet· --0---,-,--• Tbe ' WaynesvlUe Girl "cout'" iat Child. M. H. Cofrey; Bolo. 110" 01 d f W II Lo JACK ~ULFORD MEMBER ., .. MISIi Glenna MarBhof Dayton an a lI.ynesv Ie dge 163. F. OF OHIO STATE BAND h,eld tlJelr regUlar meeting on Dec. Away in the Mllnager, Tobe Ball; w~ th~wtekend guest 01- ·ber HOWARD JOHN " COO~ and ,A. M., with their famlllel! 8 from 3:8!)' tQ 6 ,P.M. in the Meth. The ChrIstian's ResponsiblJity to FOreign' Born, Rllger Brown; DUet, couain. Mr.a. Lucile Armitage. How!1rd Jobp Coon, 82. died ate Invited to attend. Each person " Jack Mulford, son ,of Mr. and odlat churclJ basement, Mr. IUld Mra. Gale Russum or Saturday In' GrandvIew hosplt&l. Is r~queste~ to bring a gl~t for M'rs. IrvIn Mulford of Route 2, They practiced on their Cbrlst· It came lIpon tbe Mldnlgbt Clear, ,DaVid and, Doris Brown; Wby I DaytOn _vJ8lted their aunt, Mrs. Dayton. after a long illness. He exchange , ' Wayn-esvllle. Is a member of the mae Carols for the cal'oUng. was a Harveysbllrg -reSident. .. ~anta Claus wlU ,make hili ap' .Regimental band at Ohio State ~h troop 'worked 011 their In'- PracUce Temperance. Raymond MargaTea S erv Icelli ' were heId Jlt 2 P. m. ..~. pearance and an en, tertalnlng Unlversl t~.., this faU. d Ivldua'l projects. Braddock; Solo" a Holy Na.ht, altemoon: Edwards Oil Sunday DavJd )Jrown; Song. Silent ,Nlte. TU 8J!1day In the~ Pleasant Or,o ve program ,III being arranged. Tbe Regimental band Is one of o The meeting was closed with' Kia!! Anne Elder at South Char· chureh~ Clark county, wltb burlll , 0 four similar orgalilzatioDB at ' Ohio Dr. ...d · ,M rs. H. E, ~thaway the UnIon' benedIction . MrE!. Catherln'8 'Snook of Oli1. state WIth more tban 35iO, etudent leBtozi, O. called on ' MIBS , Rutb ,in the cburrh cemetery. Rev : C. ' ---0--=--c,bandlAlr , Thul,"Iiday attemOOD 'A , Arthur oftlcla.ted. and burial , cinl!81tl w~ a weekend guest 01 ~uslclanll partlclvatlng. 'There are .had as FrIday cuestS, Dr. and Mrs. F , E . Roan_lIe of Londan, • Mr. L. W. Chandler has been. MIBS Chandler, who recently g~lId. was mad" ,!nder the dlrect.on. of Mr, ' and Mrs , Davia ~as , 90 members in the lIieglmental ohio , Dr. Hathaway III DOW can' quite III and confined to hIs bed \lated at Dberlln' College II now a tbe ·Stubbs funeral home, W8"'8S0 band; It4 hi the Marcb.lng band; fined .t Orandvlew hOlpllal - for for the past few dap, at hlB case , ..,~rlJ:8~ at SblUQen Acrel, vlUe. 80 In thf.' Con~ert band and 80 In' observatiOn and treatment. .home on Tblrd It. S,urvlvlng are the ",Ite, Mlnnte; , the ActivIties band. MIontcomery Co. ChQ,drena home. , Miss BlIth Ch8llldl.r attend a dllllghtelj. MrsJ Olive Jacoba; a. ' , emoria,In The ' famous Marchlnlr ban4 ,II • A_ RaJmond .11 of' Harve-"ur'''' I the only "-up ,that will ,make the luncheon and Obrlatmoa na- of ..,n, , . #W I) .... ..." '."1 and ' nln1l grandchildren. In lovIng memory of Oeorla and tnp to lila Rose Bowl game,Jan. Alplla PM Cliapter, Delta KapPA 0 ' Boy Petel'8On, who were lrllJed Z III California. Gamma .at the Van a~.. Hotel In HANNAH MYRA ROBERTS Dec. 17, 1948. ' . 0 be. open reguiar hours this week and' next. Dayton on Saturday. The peat ot Hannu ' Myra Roberta died a.t They say Ume heals all BOrrow NOTICE OF THE ANN'UAL But on Fnda,Y, De<;. 'l3. will be open unti19 P.M. and lIonor .u MIDI WOllI, a Cblnae lIer lome til CbJcqo Saturday And lIelps ua to forpt. STOCKHOLDER8 MEETtI,.G .tuamt at WdmillltOD CoDele. e.enlDg. The body was llIlpped to BUt time 10 far haa only prO.ed Tb. annual meetlnlr of the S~t., Dec', 24, open until 7 P.M. (so our employees ' II .. -- ...... _- ... _ ' XenJ. and arrl\'8d at the 8tu~ How mUch we mila them yet. Stoclrhola.ra of the w;a,n... r. UIOII .. ~-.. of WIlmIq· -" -'UI )'era.! -oma .......... God , . . . WI Itrenatll to flaht It N I A' .. ... _-... . . mo-·..... • ..._ Jtdlllal BUlk for the Ilarpo.. of may be with their .families Christmas eve). fOIl, K1'. :Albert Lee Talm8dp Bhe .... . .. fon$r W.~mU8 AIul CCRlI'IIP to 11_1 the blo... to IIIHUon of • Board DlnctDOT FOOD MARKET KROGERS ...4 11ft lmIW'OJ9J[ID ,1'HIeDt. t ....t It meet to'ION them ori .'WIII 1Ia lIeld at baUIQ of ScmtJI lA1IuloIl, ... Mr. CI&r- ~ BarJar.... made In the IIIUDI . No ODe wID ...r 011 'l'ueI4aJ. 10, . ...,,5 QROCERY PEPPER'S MEAT MARKET
. Star Installs met
---0-'- --
!In m
Grocery Stores
ea. 81Iaffer ot n.;t:a aa1JeI ... ceiIleterr.
.... "81118 ....... on after .....
IDIlIH4 by ;wtr.. motller, 1110, at 1:00 o'cIok P. BIIrmIDI fa bar broth.r. Dr. and, tu.aII7. Alma . . . . . . 0.0". . . m. ·
ftllNl1a.JiJ ~ Rqlltrta of CIa1caao.
.... PttIrIOD Ir., - ' ..u,; Drqo.
Thursday, December 15,1949
CLASS IFI ED PJan Old-Fashioned Christmas laborn lor),. Be tn bUlines s tor yourself.
In41vlclunl · In.tructiOR. Write ' Ioday (0' OF THE BIGGEST and complete InCo,mnlJon. Oblo Sobool of ~Ie. njAftst pro'ects during tha Clhnolcal B e nll. try. 811 Pro. peel .tVlB-. ..~ J =D:.::e!:.pl::.....;O::..~C::.:le:.:.~.::: I ..~n:;;:~~ I G:.:. . ..:O~1\!!lo ::.'--____ holidays Is the decoration that goes Into the borne. It's 08 much fun as FARM " ~A QINER\, & EQUIP. anticipating Santa's visit, as warm TWO.W"y {,low. "obn D •• ,. ' No. 202. on and gratity10g as an unexpected rubb~l'. Two IO.lnch Currow.. rlghl or leU. PUlI.~p. for n.ny tractor. Nenrly compliment and as satisfying a. new. ' , living I . Ollu. Cl'ellnr. Mt. PI....... t. Obi•. ChrJatm81 house decorations need . FARMS AND RANCHES not be either fancy or IIxpenalve. SEVERAL .hok ...... ,rala fa' ..... $:).000 With Imaglnation, every member up. 'Wrlte L. CB~WLEl', Appo .... It .... of the family can join In the project Vlr,I"'.. . Farma-,Ia Ualon Oo.a~J, ZqO A .. Z ,cis and have a wonderful time. Don't bldRS .• lellel, 180.. A crop. 60 A. timber: miss tpls opportunity for getting II ,,·clls. open walerway, fenced. tll"d. Pdc. SllS. A. Call or write F. R . lIoly· the family together. Interested in e.o... ApI.. Pit. IlU. 8M W. lIr4 8t" M a .yulll., 0111.. OIlier &00<1 farms 10 making the home retlect the hoU· day splrlL . oU~r. It you make a ceremony of decor· ating, you will create a lovely tradl· DIESEL Enllne Cummins M'odcl RBIS fan to t1ywllcel, 200 R. P. Like new. S1200. tlon that linger. In the. youngsters' Don .. 14 Spealler. Mlne,al Oily, Obi •. as well as oldsters' memories 8 TRAXCAVATOR, Ca\erpltlar D·2. IlllhtS . long time. It encourages working a ... rte. 275 hours lolnl time; oimosl together , and this good spreads to neW; i!I.711O; all types maeblnery for sllle or rent. other tbIpga done throughout many ROY C. WU-'YNE .UPPLY CO. months. III;;
Gilt idea I5CRIP'l'URlii: !lalah ?rI4 : J"remlah 29 : 3t : Lu.l r. ,1. , 'DEVOTI01llAL READ(NO: P,alm 1:l9: 1.10.
Is God Available? Lesson for December 18, 1949
DOES GOD EXIST? Yes. There Is ever:y good reason to believe I thait- he does. But when we 'have an· swere.d that questlon In the aUirm· t ative, we ha,ve not settled ·the most Important q1uestlons of religion. There are the oilier ,two questions 'o:f equal importance: What kind of God Is he? a.nd. Is hel avail. able? Let us give spme thought ' to this last Question. One of our' Christ. mas carols begins, Dr. Foreman "Draw nlghi 'draw nigh. Immtiiluel'I" Immanuel is one at the names by which Jesus Is caned, .for ilie Christian church haa aly..ays reai'! Isaiah 7:14 as a proph. SMILING Ilttl~ pan.sy faces In ecy of Jes,u8 Christ. The name crochet and embroidery-such means "Goel with us" and Is tile an. lovely guest linens I Have a set of swer to the deepest cry of the towels, pillowcases, 31\1 .r.caJ·n heart. _ _ _
800 W. M.a,ln. Loal'nlll. Z. Ky.
Don't eonfine the decoration to tree alone. Spread It to making ts f th ti d
one day. Tr0r. al)'e81
A ~O' I'Il S~ lJuh~ 11\ .Ill " .. r.hld on rull col ur lell YU\I ... II au s,1lC1uld k ilO",' IdX)ut C'ru nbl!f'rH~ "" old rec •.,c. ~l;.. w rcC!ipl'8. how tv en n , h Qw ttl ({(, to /C. t Or ~' ou, Cree cOPY. ""rite (-l OBI Ofth:c 8mt 11183. New Yor-lc: R N ~w 'York Adv ,
By Ertta Haley
8VSINI:l!SS & INVES'I . O .. POR .
By Making Decoratio,ns at Home
DEPARTMENT B • • DeD'ai Teobl1'cluD. Start )"OUf own
I Needleworfc
t~:~~r1l'i:';rr::~:-u~~r:I::~"v.~.:t. E.~" ::~~~'=:fd o~e~s~e:a~!rc~~~
Crop Georlla 1'... n. El'tra Largo on an unlovely pUe ' clutterIng the Pope' ShtU-Grac1.d and PolI.hed. !5 Ibs. desk, Do .omethln'" {or 112.711 Prepaid. Send Cnsll or Mone y · .. with those odd Detdped a. aD elemeDta~ Ord~~. B. DAVII, 111 Ca.ro, Oil. branches aut ott the tree by uBing IOnsleal IDstrum.e nt for teachN:-:-e" ..!.:.-:: I'~o.::'j-w::'a:!r':'::M~e~ra;:h::'''-n':;:l'"'M;:;::Il:';rIFo~ •.~l!:~x:-:c-;:-'lI. them al a basis for the table cep· inl' basic Ilbrerinl' leelmlques ing Opportunltles. Men women: high terplece. IUId coordination, UUa Dew bJ. pay. Overseas traval. ibKper. unneces· Add an imaginative touch to the • ary. Writ. today. A~rERIOAN SE Btrument caUed a keymonloa MEN'S GUIDE. 114" Uh ~yo .. Ne,. ,!{o.k. wreath you hang on the door like II ' a oross between clarlDet, FREEl Somple Copy of Ille flneat CIIII. one family whlcb puts a bit 01 dry "II&rmonica aDd button .ccord. dren·. Malla~lne on the markel. Ordor bread pnd luet lor the bird- on It. TODAY. CHBI8TIAN ACTIVITY MAG, Ion. Made 01 styrene plaatfo, AZJNE. Bos 7.8. K.lamauo. Mlohl,... Don't keep the goodies hidden until the new IIIstrament II&s 10 ba.. God in heaven far away, God the COAL 8IGh. ADob.r, hyclJ'aullc tranl' lomeone comes to call. Cookies, Doubly eM,,,,I", Pottern D~ hos Irnnsfer of 6 Inotlla 7 x D to o'!o x 1:1 ton keys' reJ1l\aUuI' the tene '" miSSion. .elo<trlo control; realonoble. candles, apples and nu·· can be Crea tor who set In motion \hIs Inc h~. ; crochet direction •. ' .... P.o. II.. ITt:, Cleveland 5. Obi.. ZO notel and CAn cover ~ wide · mighty unive·rse. God the A11·power. • • • MONEY FROM WATER, SALT in colorful paper ' comuc~p· raDl'e of maslcal lelectlonl. AND AlB ' or red Itocldngs and hung o.n fuJ ruling beyond the starD, God , Send 20 .. onts In coin. your name .• d. Se.nd 25c In cojn for copvrlchtod Infor· ...... -'stmas tree or fireplace, . Streamlined plutlc processes .t he Eterna!1 who knows neitliet" dre,. and I)a""rn Dumberl mollon. P. O. Dos liT!. Del MoIDe., II. ~"... bave IntrC)daced It In a "rle" .• youth nor a,ge. Though 70U purchase luch things of brlgbt eitlortll aod ' alDce the S."lnr Clrel. Nedlnra" Depl. PERSONAL al lollipop., candy canes and orna· Such a Gi)d has sometime. been I'. O. n •• ~HO. (lhl .. ,. SO. III. e., reeds are ot plastic (10DstruD".,....--:"..-....,-,..-::...:;.=:::;..:.:=:;:----:-menta, YOIl ·can · frequently 1m. In by men who neverthe. believed P. O. B." till!. 014 Chi ... BhUn, ..... CaD Pia, (be PI.DO by ellr In one Hoo, ,It caD be washed ID warlO Ne,, · \'o •• II . N. Y. ",.." by the quickest. easlesl .hort-c:ut less walked. lJ) a dark cloud of water• .,,_m In tile world: .Ives nll trlclu Eneloae ZO c<enlS for pattern. loneliness, doubting that so great and pointers (or playlnl correot Bi\SS with J~ft hand. the main ... cret In play. a God could possibly have any in. No, - - - in8 by EAR. Write OLENN B. HOOVF.JI 01 vlnegar cooked until It forma a terest In their own aUairs. a ....I ..n' Co .. n.D. :. C"a..." ..."a,~ .. P... t'am. har.d ball .cold water. Have Addre•• II God WITH us? Is God them Ihape a small boll at first to with US? :Is GOD with us, That which Ja attached a small loop of Brlok TII ..t", 20D New Uphoiller,,". I~ &he question that tormeDt. heat. no" Sleel ebalr• .- Aulomatic ,ribbon from wblch, to hang the SlmplelL Equlpmenl. SIGr M.· &he troubned mind. Wltb one baD. Additional p'opped c,?m lI,nd chine. Larlle Neon SI8n In Reverse ' voice, tbe whole chIII' 01 God Ideail Family Op~ , elJo n. · FuU IYl'UP mixture Is molded around tlm~. No E"pe,lenee, to el'lal' an_ers lres; tbe liame of the A hunter claimed that his 'dog the baD. These hang gaily from the :yearly. :I .oom Apnrtme nt, Do, DO c:ampetJUon. 110,000 or ODe Ia wllose 'ace we see the pad the most sensitive nose 01 any tree. ' term.. Do" 7, Wa,.a • ."III., Oblo. ilory of l[iod Ia Damed "Godanimal in the world. He liked to Candy canllS can be tied with gay wlth·us .. • teU of the time that be flushed. a bowi to hang from the tree. Il the In the fir,s t chapter of the Bible pheasant. The bird dashed for branches are fragile, use the 'small we hear of a God who walked with some underbrush and the dog was cane. so they'll stay on readily. , Comucoplas filled with nuts rmd his chlldren. In a garden. In the ordered to go 'in and f]usfi ~t again . The ani maL, unfortunately. candles are another delight to first ~apters of ' the Gospels we make. Use 9 inch squares of bright heal' songs to the God who has "vis· pic.ked up the blrd's back scent prove them with a ,l ittle gUtter, a colored or meiullic papet and Un· itep his people;" and in almost the and followed it swiftly for miles green or crimson bow and an imago Ish' With cellophane tape. They may last chapter 01 the Bible we hear an,d mil es. Fin ll.lly he reached a inatlve arrangement of your own. also be 11rie~ tog~ther Oli ban table the pr:omise, " God himself shall be tree. He looked up into the branch· everyone wlll want to know , to be tucked Into smaD hands which V(ith them and ,~e their God. 'es and barked loudly • • When ' the • where in the world YOU were able dellver presents I hunter cau~ht ,up with the dog . be • • • , tq get it. . Can you' ltnagine }four foll~wed the dog's gaze find SaW Fancy shaped cookies in the form' , When ye shall search for him pride When you ten lhem flaw' you at stars. Santa Claus or ' a snow the llest ~om whioh t he pheasant j wi~ all your hearts , made It? . .' . • '. 'man Inlo which a loop "b!ls been had been··hatched two years ' be: , i . OST TRUTHS are two·slded. fore. ' I . ' , " pressed' lieCore ·they are baked will Make your Christmas Tree You have to keep both sides In He never did .e~plai n how the decorate a good part of the Christ· Beneet your PersouU'y mind or you WIll not- fully und er· pheaaant's egg got into lhat nesl. Do you remember the time when mas tree: You won't have much In stand. God is with us yes; God Is . were aVllilable for dec.' the ,way of decol' to remove trqm with all men, yes-that Is, there are orations? That was when all sorts of the tree when the time comes tor no favorit.es with liim, he refuses 'Retriever ,oodles went on the tree. and best t.aking it down! his presence 't o ~o one. God I's al. of Ill. they. could be eaten I Let Evel70De ED~OY '\ ways available, available to ' all. "One, two, three, I~~r, five , sbc, That Is one side of the truth. seven, eight, nine," counted the Your Ohrlstmas Car.d . For those who are fOl'tunate to The other side Is 'thIs: God Is not visitor in an English woman~s have a mantel, there's no ,better equaUy wJ . all men. Some men home, "my goodness I What a big ~ " place lor Christmas card.. Here are aUenated from God. Some ~en family." that' lIUIkel folks ' tbey can be displayed to ~n adYan. ,are gC?cUes.lI:' Even among thpse wlth' "Yes'm." agreed the wcim~n sleep ~II ."btl tage, decorative as well as interest· whom' Golt Illves. we may fairly lay proudly, as she .held the family 'J:b_do uaditlurbid. bec:a_ of Ing. . ,. tlfllt God is with some In a higher gr.o up pi~t1,lre up for 'c 1oser inspee. Ut. h i " IhaUlIeI, bitlJII ....k...... IIIP' af&or lIi.hl ..iDAI .. fo_ blOdd. irriIoIi.- ...c 1M U you' like the ' cards on a board degTee, . in IruUer , measure, than he tion, "a fine lot of children, HI ftlnowo, Lo"1 bope 101 TIIa,·•• _clJtiOll Pole)' to make a ~lnd of. large pIcture, 18 with othl!rs. Jeremlab givel the . 'ave, thank ' 'eaven. An' we've PUll aually ~ orlthln It boun. 81n .. bIad... lrrilaliOD 10-10 prewJ...i ·1lIId ,...., Pil.. "" use an artist s board covered with clue to tbi~ truth: , "Ye sban seek managed to nyme 'theni .80 that po&onl Yo/_Ill. PUll 811111 ' benelit f!)U orltbio It dark blue,gre,en; red, .,old or , silo me and f1pd me, when ye shall h¢ach child 'aa a nyme beiinnln' ""- .. .OVUBLE YOUR ,MONEY BACK. M.... I.t. Get rol~ 1'1111 fJ'Olll dnaaver paper. The C!ards are tacked search for rne with aU your beart." with a haiteh." '~ FDII _tlafactiao .. DOUBIjB YOUlt on this bpard when they arrIve. (J!!r. 29:13. ) ThOBe who 'do not' .. "Reany?" s a I d the visitor. "ON~Y BACK. You might also like to cut out .eareb 101' God will not find hlm . What are their names?" llrge stars and pin these on U1e " •. "Well. this un's Enry, that's waD. Two stars on either side of , DOle '~hose learob Is half· ~.rold, ·the one on the left his Ugh, the mirror on the lDBntel Bre eUec. I lIeart;ed 1I&1I.'lo~ , him, -the one next to 'im his .Erbert; · tlve. Pin or tack th.e c8;rdl !lIl the God doel pO,t enter Golnviled. then Ubert, the Ilttll'! chap 'his stars. ,. lie Is a"allablel but " he will Ollrls, and the two girls are Arriet . You can keep smaU try out of A glass topped coffee table will . not forc.~ biswa,. We and EUy. The ,tall b.oy in f.ront was always picking things !iup ' so we' trouble it you Bet them ~. work , be interestihg If you lay a sheet ot ,oan see . how this Is When T-:y Thi, Delicious Itrlnging decorative cllal.n . or plastic. for tabie protection. 'against we tblnk abeut ChrhtUaal we nymed 'im Holiver." eranberries and pO'pcorn f6r ··the Chewin,-Gum (axative tree. wood.then Arrange cards the kDOW. senae Older children can be 'put to the pla$tle. cover the with the on glass. to say. It th"tdoes thes:not arcmake all r.quan,. • WIle. , •• "!" .,:.. .. teu .... . 1.111 -r..: Floor screens are another good l'oeD,. beadach,. and Juat .. wlUl necaUM fOil. lIMO work makin, popcom baDs. To the popped cO.m is added a syrup made al8l!8the -do t.bJa • •• for the greeting cards as they We hav,l! known soml! great' Cbew' I'DI'I·A ·IU," - deUcloua OllllWlnl· of simmering 'I.. cup molasses. 'ria place are easy to tack ' 01' paste on It; 'rhe Cbrls~latis of Whom . we might al. . ~ pm luaU,... The actloo-or PUN·A·MINT·. cup eorn syrup and ¥.a tablespoon screen, may, of course, be eovered mqst dare to say that Paul's 'prayer apeelal medICine .. a"""uu.. tile .touulc:h "Ib,,' IS. tt doean'\ .cl while la the .1.010' with depor~tl.ve paper that protects had been a,nsw'ered, tha~ they have acb. but ani; when farther .tons t~ til. it as well as 'adds color to the room: been ' "filled With , the fulness of lower dlg~.r.I~e trllCt.,,, . WIlBJ'8 yo~ WIOIl' \t Be SmartS to &Ct. You I..... ,nne apia qulcltlr \ L._ _..,.._ _ _....,;;:~___...,.--....., , Clird displays on the W,lIl1s of the o~ God." (ie:pli. 3: 19.) But i~ other And .r.t'lntlaU .a~ cbewlo" ~alte~ r---~_--'!"""~----'!"""" front hall offer a gay greeting as Chrlstialls, who' certainly have lfUN·A· .. fHT·a l1tle medlctne more ell8O" yoU c\')ter the hous~. Place them some smalll seed of 'faUh In them ; ." tin - .. r e lldl .... It ao It nnw. lIentl,. lato on covered . board or cardboard and It may be . hard even tor a kindly ~".,.tem : Qe' ncll.,A·.. INT at hang as pictures. observer to see many signs of God' a 41Ng cnun ...... - 25•. 50., or onl,. . . : 'I If space is limited the .cards may ~retlence. be pinned to greenerY which you • u.~e in the form of wreaths or swags ' on windows. ' Add some bright col. "Thou' ean'st, a little ored bows to the greenery to attach baby 1hing, •• -" it to the cornice of the window. GOD IS I,n an thingS, "he ~hine. , You m'ight also set' the youngsters Ia aU tI1at's fair." .ns 'we sing to pasting the carib in large but the famUiar hymn. But \he ' center inexpen.sive albums as they arrive. of ~e , Chrl-stla'n. faith Is .'that . God comes to n!lan especl'ally and Mako Tables DistInctive : closelY ffi ifesus Christ;', I. With Centerpieces Holiday, centerpieces offer a chill. No manter bow .troogly ~eD lenge to the woman who likes to beUevtid lin ~od ID olden. timeD. lee how original and artistic she always tJley looked lorward. a. can be. They aI:e among the easiest tile prophets sbow, ( to • time to make, and ' you'd be . slB'prlsed . wheD' Gcid would come Dearer III • IeUOD Dotable for decWNU, E ' 50-49 how little the'y cost. ' . thau he' bail been before. '1'iae, oration at the Deckllue, wateb It .... . a surprise wbeD finalJy One of the nicest I've seen used !leW _rtl. vel7 dU'e~t look· cored red apples over " wblch had b, came to 8ethleJ.em, ".IUtle .... lrom those of &be put, ODe been driRped so~e white candle ,. bah)' lbbl, tha,t made a womaa, 01 the iIeW Is JmlHed Wllx. Candles were Iaserted Into ~... . . BAIiISI LICE! She"'''' weal, 110ft .... frothy PoullTy: raiten. "rotect ,our flock 111.rut the apples and thele were placed 'on ! 11M world aCc\lst9med 'to kinll. in _ H81. . . Ia tuhare, pr",1Ia Its two' worst eftrmltl-wornu Inu lice r in weI I.,uarded U.. &01... wtJRMITB Ind LOUSClD8. u to eelor.· 'bo&her Ia era.... a bed at branchel trimllled from purple ~rd ...inlt iftlernlUII"lIitH (lKa!· ,urprlsed that the tne _1& '" nat far, Ieopa1'd the tree. A few whole nuta and ca.l tlu , ~ 1 WlIR M1Tl! Ie fOUr Bod... lI'ape' banked the .,plel, KlDI .". Universe wClUld ,br wain. COsts Ins tl!an I, • ' IIIOfttlJ poi IIeIq • ravert.. fer ,.iiaIaI !liro!. LOUSCIDB ~_ fOUl llyen! Another Idea whleb utllJaeI .the fOund II amOD, tile poor .............. ...,... . . . . far IPinlt II.. 1, ~f • bini pt. lI'eeneJ7 trimmed fmm tree: But after ·batter . ..... at ...... allll. V., DeW 1iOoth. Taite 1d.IDI", 1Ioote'~ci b PrPt. lie .. tile • • lide. place the branchel Iil • nil God- a Idn · fOUl _Illy P"!flts t!- a!l'~_.-inl eover.s flower pot-amiD Dma. .au.. or a Cbil' H ...
MINCEMEAT MUfFINS Moist "" lind" ",,,d, willi k~lIogK' AIl.Bralf'
1 cup AIl.1BraD
% cup !lUgu 1 egg 1 cup sifted 110111 3 tcB$90M • shorten1og -bak1og powder . ~ teaapoon salt
% cup mtllt . 1 cup prepared . mlnceme... t ~ tablespoons
L Oomblne AU·Bran, milk· t.n4
mlncemeat; &OOIt about
5 mtnul.e.l.
2. Blend .hor\&l1og ancS sugar; add egg anet beat well Stk 10 All-Bran
milIture. 3. Add aitt.ed dry Ingred1ent1s; mIZ only until comb1oed. , 4. l"tll areased mu1lln P!Ul8' ~ fulL Bake 10 mod. hot oven (400· P) about 35 uUn. Ylel<l: 12 medium mul!lnB. a--t..... - '
,-_ ....IM ... .,.... . . . . . . . ,111-
...tfleIftt IItoIlt -try. IIIIwIfIII
For Your Future Buy U. S. Savings Bonds
N'EWS ._.u-
I '.--:--:-_~' WHEI
&re JC!II "'lila ClUftUCIl &be rUDe> '
\lopal ·011d41. . . . . perlOCl tpeCultat to WODteD .31 '" 52,.. I' 0.- thill
=~~r':.'!:~r ~I':':~':II "::'!c....
'l'ben dn try L,dla ' & Plnktlam·.
V"".\JaDI" nnmlM)tiDClIn rell ..... lucb
:~II::':-w~:!a~:~ ::Fr~:! Ol.cDte ~iale el1",;
IF peTeR. P""" O'a-v'!IBS ~ V~"U 'UJpIPH ' ""J.'
ow, 10"
• •
flLI~iN"1 lib. . .
'or ....
a-. ,'J'ITUlm ....
.................., .. ...
...................... ,. ............ ............
........... 0-. .... . . "
CIIIIan, . . . . . . '- . . . . ..
Boof* II'CIEIIES, III. ,......., ........
• . . 51
menta were hun• .from the anti a few ItrIap of iUtt.er ,.per made tb1a lOre • adaIatun
CbrIatma. tree.
Joy. .
Thursday, Deeember 15t 1M9
THE MIAMI GAZETTE WAYNESVILLE, Ycah. Which Bne'! An F.n~lI !' nmfln WII!' n n tll~ firsl big. game hunt ing pxnec1 j,l ion II was Imprl' ,,~ ,.rt upnn h im thaI hI" must n eVI"1 t a kp, a ('h ,m('p wilh a lenparri , ,he mllst shorll i n1"t!'lntlv Came the l ime wh en he did ml'el with II l e~ rm rd Hif I!;lJl de <;houterl the rem intier : "Shoot him o n th e spnt ..
The Englis hm a n. a little rattled said : . .. Be more 's pec:'ilJ..c , my man whiCh spot '/"
For Yqur Future Buy
WI~E ....
610: ._,
U. S. Savings Bonds
Beware Coughs
, From (ammon (aids Theil HANG ON . CreomuJsion relieves prompdy beau.. it goes right (0 Ihe snl 01 the troublo 10 hel p loo~n and expel germ ladca pqlcgm and aid na'ture to soothe and heal raw, tender, inllamed broochial mucous membranes. Tell ynur druggin 10 sell you a bOllle of Creqm'ubioo with the underslanding you must like the way It quickly allays the .rough or you are 10 have )'our nloney back.
CREOMULSION for Cou2hs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
'ov11 be when' you dlscowr Iud how much fast.r Red Star Dry YRat ... It'. ",.c/o' adiv_foster dlllOlvlng and qulclcar riling. Get .o month'. supply taday.
1 "We'd tied up at the yacht club fOf tbe night aDd 'h1fned iii early-deacl tired. Sudd~oly, I .woke-listenedl Ouuide 1 b~d a str.ngled BroaO! I got up , .• ahpped out. The .dark deck was empt): ••• but .t the rail. J laW • f.iDc. green glow. I looked over the lide and...
shaw, ,low fJl 'the 2 "l'be "I'Bter Iiabled a lIoat/oJ ..
b.od! ,. mab-cau,bt berweeo our craft;aod the plliog - bl,
f1ashllgb t under water I 1 roped hi. wrist'... maoaged to hold bit bead ahove waler ••• • crumed I Luckil,- belp came ...11
"We hauled hi~ up aocI 3 101 Iiim iato the cabin.
those batteries IUled I He ..id Ihe,'d IJeeo uled • lot I Believe me - we know wb,'Sveread1' 8uhIipc bae. cedes ant called the NuerMI with ·N.... U".'IN
·NINE~UVES·I Jut .. _ aali" 011 ... tabe a.Get ~p ••• uad ~a••
''InrMclr' 0.'''••1
....... .".. ~ _ _ .boIIa_ . . . 1Nt_. .
P.A..MI 1'01JR
. The Miami Gazette Eitabilihed 1850 PubUshed every Thursday morn· ing at WaynesyUle, Warren Co· unty, Oblo. Edna H. Conover ... . . Publ1sber Ted Cononr ., . . .. . ..... Edltor
Entered as ' second clasa matter SubscrlptJon Rate: $1.60 per year at the pOltotfle6 nt Wayn'8Bvllle, In OhIo Kentucky, and Indiana, Ohio. $2.00 e I8ewb.el'e. . new calvel\ born just this w eek. FrJtzie has Q nice Guernsey helf· er and Dolly a very l arge Jersey colored buU cal!. The ' bull w fS bad was part Gu ernsey, a nd he wn ~ nrUCIclal Insemination [rom ODe of their fine Guernsey bulls. He was one of th f inest ca lves I ever saw and we kept bJm and so far bave hud ro ur fino ca lv es frol'D him. TherQ Is Ira doubt that nrU[lc1al Inaemlnallon Is a good WI~y to upgrad'e your herd s. We haVe two Une J ersey heife l's from two or our besl cows and we are waltlng with Interest to IItle what they do when tbey grow up. At the communlly sllle Thurs day calves went for tbe lowest prices tbat I have . s~en tor II. long Ume, onco again, there were 6
Dry Ridge , A . Farm Diary By D. J, Frazier Dece)Dber 10, 1949 Our pleasant weather Is gone at )ell.8t for the present. Lt 113 rain-' In-g and there ls a uttle soggy snow on the ground and a little lee in places. I WIIS wakened In the early hOUTS thIs morning, 1 thought It was ~e middle of the night, ' but perhaps it wasn't, by Dolly. :and Fritzie standing outside the calf pen bawling to the calves on t~e . Inside, two nice
.. * * * * :I< :I<
OUI' ~omb ination ,~
Whirtfoam motor clean out. Change to winter-grade oil. > C~ange to winter-type gear lubricants. A to Z chas~is lubrication. Clheck 3nd test battery. Check 1adiator and hose. -" Check fi1ter~, spark plugs, tires, etc, PUT IN ANTI-FREEZE. "
Fa 1m Loans
on the radio programs, it would be a pleasllnt reUet.' from "Santa Claus Is cOJDlng to l aW n," aiJd '!a ' :Wblte Christmas." We leave too ~uob of the pre'pu.ratioDB for family celebrations 0.0<1' less commercial stuf~. Let us trY ' to prepa.re tor the coming of the Christ, for giving, not getUn'g ; . and for
will on :J!:!ar,t11.
C!!~urc~ ~uillt "
[ •
Lebanon , N.F.L.A.
Make Your Car Winter-safe Today At One Convenient stop. Get these changeover seryices at
nnd (l doJlllr culves. It I had boeD , 1\ IWll tl0 n ol [ hl'alt I'el) 'nLal!'(!'e I'ur Nl ns ' s uro how wlich milk my cows kl·e p n good Ad were goI ng to 1I11\'e ) would huve hrilllDlns J beCll temlltcd t o buy lIuQ:le Will gll'e them each anoth r ' caH, but I Bill afraid that one cuI! each IS nil t.hey etlll l nk e CIl I'" of. 'rile sul0 l1egall 8 1'ly ILUt! dH)l'o WOl'e mOUUlllllI ' oC junk lI ad lur ulture (or s nl . 1 hought a HI'd and 1I0W If thi s kea lia 'up I way hnve lL chunc t.o use Jt. • ely .,lANE FITE r Fa I'IJO1 to SII.Y thul 1 fiuu.lIy Mr, " lid Mrs. burl os Dus ter H Ill! fini shed puLLIng dow /1 th e new· 11 tbe lr d l1u l~:tIlers Im le l'tllilloil \ llh u I~uum tlnd Il looks verY nice. I hud dhuHlI' al their hOOl e ::3a!III'uay talk eu ullout It so IUUCf 'tha t I e " ulng fu r Mr, :\l1 t1I\rr8. II C f It lll <l ~ 1 s bould r ol j)OI·t all it Milligan o f MUlion a ud 11' . ililtl les t ;;oweunlj wou lll think t hat I MIS. Al btil't R ey nvilia or II a r n eve l' thlls ll :i nythlug. h... watt lI a rv ysburg. funuy tbl s morning, lillY ' IJuss \\'u ~ I ra in ing J..)lolI.lJ. She would Ml·. Rnell II·s. Frank Shutts ac' 'Il.LL t o h er anll Dlnllu would come .COlilpa lll III by li s 8 GI'IlCO m ai,t with 1\ rus h 'IUld be kil O k ed ovel' \\I III d pa,n [or , Florl!hi. \V cines· 1I,lI d 1Illl uleti, l heu l he y would do day. '1'11 S ilults plan ttl l' main It agllin. The linol UIIl th oro u nU,1 April IIntl M i ~ii S lD llfL smoo th IIlId U bi t slilll,cl'y llnd Will J'etUl'lf lmm eilllJ.le ly.' Wh Oll e ll t ' p lnuh would n'y t o mult o Ii qule lt LOrn, a ll :>kldd \,. 'l'h ul1 s be. would bave to tl'Y aguln. 'l'b o wowen of t ile Grange beld un all day m eetJng whb 1\ cove r ed ul ~ ll dlupel' at ' tbo Ilowo of Mrli. Lo re n Woolley on Tu esday llnd Time On Your Side Lllo subject or the Ilrogram was CUI'hmnas Cooltles allll Decol'll:(Up to 3.3 years to re-pay) tlons. hOI'e were a II umbel' ol In· te l'o Sotlllg ulhl pretty h\b1e decol'Interest: l ow' - 4 per cent a liolls brought .In anll . we aU en , joye d the smnpl ea or the lDany The Land Bank Way kinds . or . cookJes . "The. Woman's Day" th e magazin e put out by the Your family deserves the best A & P ComJjllny ha s aile of the Contact lal'g eat collections of co okie I'e f pes \.hat 1 have seen and they all Ilound very geod . H e re and n ow, , ) wlsb to lIay tbnt cookies are one or the things which lire pat- ELLIS iii. ST'URN, Sec'y.Treas, tieulnrly good mode· with l ard. I'h one 4tt8 Most of the reel pies call for sub - J.ebnnpn, Oh ill sUtutes but l a~S Ul'e YOIl thll~ .tll bet!t cookies ( )<:110\>' of , are 'made r- -Wllh butter or lard 01' Ii mh:.t ure of the two but how are we butter Ulld lard producors goin~to leach our chllren to use Lllem wilen' eve rywh ere they hear ilie J)ralses sung of veget~ bl e IlhorteJllngs ? ~. December, tbe )Ilst monUl or tho y.eal·, Is a ' forward looldnli\' month fo r with tile chlld re,l. everyones thoughts yo lanyard to Clu·ls tmas. It Is the t:Gt mouth of ou~ civil c;ale ndar but It is intel'estlug to note tha t II is the flrs.t season Our qisplays are·.comof our hUI'cb calendar. A\lvent, the great season of 100kJng torplete - ranging from ward to tbe coming of hrlst, . very moderate in price b egins \Vtt b. the laSt Sunday ' ot to higher pr,iced ,merNov-ember 0 1' first SUllday of Dec-' chandise for th ose w ho ' ember. ( wiSh . tb;cy would u sG. wish to invest mor-e. mote of the solemn' Adl'ent music
19~9 _
METHODIST CHORCH U. n. Coleman, Minis te r 'burch School, 9 :30 A .M .,
MIiStl lJ~,
H. Krumbnl lz. Pllstor' 8 Rnd 10 A.M .
Ha ro ld Earnbart, Supt. Worsblp ' Service, 10: 30 A.M. LVTLE METHODIST CHURCH "iO\lW Co·e lowah!.lp, Sunday, 6 :3Q· D. Ji;. Bnughn, Plls,or P.M. Unified Service, 9 :30 a.m.
l3yron arvel', Minister lJible Sohool, 9 : 30 A.M. Moruln g WorshIp, 10: ao A.M. Pl'Ilyer Meeting, 7: 00 P.M. Young P e ople's Meeting, 7:00 E,' ulng Services, 7:30 P.M. MI'. Hilbe rt CoUett , .. as bast to I h e OIewbers of the WOI C()1D8 Bi' ble ClllSti lit lil a howe !i' rhl llY eve. '1'b" IHo{;'I'llln IOllder wus 1M I'S. Mary l:l)'I' I'd, a g iles!. lUll) lIoclulli were COIlt)u'l d by Mrs. LIlI' I\ HOllgll . ' Mr. JOli n F'oaly or Allantn, On., Who has heen tlle bouse gues t of hls mother. M 1'8 , Belle Ii'en)y. 1'0tu rnod ~o his borne. ' MI'. and Mrs. Howard GrahuID h.nd theil' dinner guesls Fri day . venlng, M,I·. alld Msr. Hellry llarl'l u ot L e bMon. • Mrs. ' W. E . Frost nnd MJh Orace Smart spent FrldlLY witb fri ends In Ci ncinnati . Mr. ancJ Mrs. LIonel Lyckens ulld fnmlly ot South Cbarletltoll were Sunday dinner g ueQl.s of Mr. and Ml'S. Eug ne Snodgra!jS and family. 1>11'. aud Mrs: ClIllrles Doster and d:lughtel's bnd liS their clluner {lues ts bn ' S,unday Mr. and ~r s, R hodes Bunnell nucl fAmily of Wuynesvl11e' .' . .
ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL amlle l N .. K eys, Rector
Mot'nlng Worshlf), 10 ;30 A.!'.I. WAYNESVILLE FRIEN06 FIl'st Day School, 9:30 A.M,
Me ling for Worsblp, ,llJ :30 A.M. WAYNESVILLE CH..,RCH OF CHRIST M , n. Coffey,' Minister
llible Scbno l, 9 : 30 A.M, Morning WorshIp, ' 10:30 A.M. Young Peoples' Meeting 6: 46
Evening ServIce, 7 :30 P.M. Prayer Meeting and BlbJe Study Wednesday, 8 P.M. . MT. HOLLY METHODIST T. M . Scaff, MInister
Sunday School, 9 :,30 A.M.. E, A. Earn ba rt. Supt. W OJ'sblp Service, 10 :30 . "-.M . Evening Service, 7:30 P.M. OAESAR'S 'CREE'K
-ee PartlllBton; Minister WorshIp service, ' 10 A .M • . Sunday Scbo'!), 11 A.M. UTICA E.U.B, CHURCH
William ShaDnon. Minister Sunllay Scb901, 9 : 30 ,\ .111., 'Mrs. Jame9 Garrison, SUpt. Preacblng. 1st. and 3rd. 811ndllYs of eact. montb, JO :30 A.M. Evenin g Services. 7 : 30 P.M. o Try A CJall8tr1ed Advl ,
~~==~~~" ---.....-- ~...... r1 AM8ULANCf PHONE
Our MODERATELY PRICED materials carry no appearance of ('b~apl\~sB. The most InexpensIve In tact , may be selected wIthout apology or regret. Economy. a t the McClure Funeral ' Home car· r les no ~m barl'as 8m.en t , e lthel' at tbe serv Ice or afterwardll.
Mc(lURE· FUNER, ~t HOME WAYNISVlllE. .... 0
Funeral Home . l'Et.El'lI()NE 2291 W~ Y
'Santa's Delivered The ·Goods!
, By 'way of the Clil'~tma~ Savingi Club t He cap do the same for you next year• JOiN tODAY r '
.lEW e .. e Entirel', lew
.. 19,5 0
They're herel They're beautiful I Fo~'r sizes, ••
'Prices start at 95 .
Ilg 7.4 cu. ft., Model ...74
four hjg~vaJue price·tag~ ••. four great new re- , frigerators, that women dreamed and - borne «onomisu plaoned for JOul Come in today and see thezq.Seuhe big freezer lockers,the spacious shelves. ,tile extra-roomy meat trays ~d ~ege table aispers. .See 'the new. excipng, "shadowlioe" ftYling -no ledges; no crevices to catch dwt lind make ~ork. See the E~.O-Mat, clever new eggdISpenser. See the new Diil'us.()·Lite for sbaidowless interiors. Doo'c miss tb~ exclusive bpilt,in bouIe.opener. And lee us show'you'ho~ "E"ety Fe:sture Has II Function" in these great . new ~ntu~..ti"-9a1 Muvester refrigerators, Buy .OD ClOIlVCDIE:nt term,.
Bot tie "
8.4 to 9.S cu. ft., $239.9S 10 $299.95
LebIDOD, ,Ohio
Ask About our Prices on
Other mod.l.
Howard T. Cooke & Sons
to your' Ooor ••• or at your ' favorite Store I
1n8talatio~' and Gas
SpringVaDey Hardware 0.. .Spring Valley, 0-
Phime37371 , .
THURSDAY, DEC. 15, 1949 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collins of Oentervllle were ,uest on Sun-day of Mr. Colllhs mother. Mrs. Ida
The members of the local order of the Grange met at the Hall Monday evening' (or their annual Ohrlstmall covered dish din nor and gift exhange. Mrs. MUdred Brown, Mra. Helen mu, .Mrs. Mlnle Welch, Mra. Eva. Mae Donald, M~. Impgcne Volere and MI'I!. Viola l1nrt~ock attended the InstallaUon of ort!· cereat 'Verpon Ollapter, O. El. S, ID ClarkevUle, Tuesday evening. The lQcal order of tho Grang~ vleltet the' Springboro order Jas t Monday evening and Presonted a IIpeclal program which included tl lecture by Mrs. Ernastine Moore, s.veral 110108 blll bl1l¥ music 'presented by MltcheU Lamb:, and Go , groUI) of !longs by ClIas. Swind ler. OUver .Jacobs, Jim Reynolds, and La,hence Jacoba, appea ring In II. mille quartet. "
Make This A Big Christmas For AU 'The Family
Mr. aud Mrs. Delbert CODger of W'JI,ynesvllLe were the guests Sunday of Mr; and Mrs. Tocld Bunce In' Harveysburg. Mrs. H. S. Tucker 'was hostess to the memlters . of the Civic League SatUrday evll1llng !f'Or the Bntl\UlI Cbrlsunas ·larty and gift exchange.
..Mrs . A. S, Collett attend d the meeting of the Wayne Township Formers; Club beld at tse bome of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stanforth of near Waynesvllle, Thursday,
* ':..
The m,einb,e rs 'O f tbe Harveysburg Fire Dept, and thel r families ll.tt ollded the hosk ey show at Clncl',lnati. Sunday eV,a nl ng .. 114 1'. and Mrs . Ben' Becl[ett entel·taJned Mr . and' Ml·S . Carl JOne8 and Mr . "TId Mrs . John Beckett Sr. ILnd "'ons of Frnnldln ::iundu¥.
) :t
>t ".
AdviSOry Council No. 2 met on Wednesday evening at .t.he borne of Mr. and ~ra. Cha.rles E lI1s in Centerville with Mr. EI:nest Butterwor~ a8 discussion leader. Following ' adjournment to meet with Mr. and Mrs. S . S. E IUe In PREPARE NOW In.nuary, 11 deIlghtful social hour Have your (rocke leaned anll WR.S . spent, with Chrlst.mas reo prelflled now for the lIollday se[\ - freshments served by the hostess. Mn
You can be lIure YOU wlU lool{
your best when yop let B nnll R Cleanere
for your
loth ell.
o .._~p:one·
Kler.s' Garage ..
. ..,.-
a ,a •
ORDEf!. Yop~
Hililboro • Wilmington
- ... ,
Your I:;lgnature
", ...
AUiA Cbalmera W~: c. Tractor and cultivator 1936 JOHN DEERE "An Tractor with Plow 6\ Cultivator 1946 John Q~ uB" Tractor aDd CultiY.to~, Starter
• ancl LiP~ " 1948 Cue a 'Foot Combine with Motor Minneapolis MOline 8·ft. Combine with Motor CUe Side Rake .. , .
NEW JOHN DEERE EQU~ John Deere 6 foot Combin. with Motor John Deer. 2-row COm Pitker.- . Model "An T......;,r with Powr.trol
Model -'M" Tnctor wid! H7draa1ic Tool (ontrol Jolt. Deere F.... Cbtopper H........ Mila • Co,. Sllellen ' . Leta Feed ~ . " Finance Terms Arranged L....., ·ow;
DECEMBER 1949 Only Never agaJn Will you buy at th... price.'
Parlor.'.Furnaces' , Cut To $69.50 ' Cut To Black < O Warm-Aire, Warm' Morning Circulators $39.95 . , Cut To utlter Coal And Wood Heaters $28.50 Coat And· Wood. Rangts $fii9.50 -~~ ,$79.50 ",..-- ,AND The f~us Moore:s' AIIWbite Porcelain Regular $155.00 Range , . C\lt To $109.95 .
l '
. If U Have CoaI 'or Wood to beat or cook with thi~ sale is your F'I RST and ONLY chance t~ buy YOUR CHOICE , of all the TO~ QUALITY OLD RELIABLE STAJ~DARD MAKES - ,Cop~r Clad, Monarch, Ellate, Florence, Moore'., W...... Aire , and Warm Morning. ' WE DELIVER AND INSTALL AT NO EXTRA CHARGE
$50.00'. 9ff on. Any Com~inatioml Coal and Gas. or 'Coal a~d ~Iedri'c Ra..ge ALL , P~ICES APPLY ONLY DURING' SALE I . .
USED FARM EQUiPMENT ' . Reconditio~ecI ,,~d -R~~iY Price'd
'" • *
Your Address.
..... ...
Large.~. Size ,Enamele·d.Circulating
Thl. Coup~n ·E lltlU!. Bearer To 10% Calh Ollcount on all pUlIChaael ~elCC"'l Fair Trade Regulated Itema) made only thrpuahout' Decemller 1949 and ONl.¥ WHEN YPU HAVE
Blanchelter· Lynchburg - Sabina Wayneavllle
-ronAY c-=-""-'-:...:.:-
.. ___ ... a._ .. .~
'" When you're loolUDr for v"uea in Hardware, House: wares, Stoves, Rances, complete Modem Kitchem, Heat: mg and Plumbil1ll Equi(\ment, Carpenter'. Toolt, BuiIcIine Material, Fence and Farm Suppliea, you can hunt all over ,Southern Ohio without fiiulinc better buy••..That'. why .mart buyer. head .traiaht for the FAiRLEY,HARDWARE Sl'ORES for evel')'thiJq: they", They know that ~ ity for quality and after clay FAuu.~yS offe;. th~ best buy. and they alwa,. eet .more for their money when they .bop ·here. · ,
I ,Prepare Your Car For Winter
. ,
HOGS AND BEEF $2.00 cwr. SEE
Cleaning an.d Painting Original color duplicated Reasonable Rate,. We Call For & Deliver BANTA IMPLEMENT CO. '..ebanon,
co. ,
Sive tile Rest-
Atomic Energy Commission Tells ~Ian 10 'Breed' A-Bomb Material; Building' Trades Ask T-H Wa,iver tEDITOR 'S NOTE: Wben .... nl •••• r. ezpr.aaed tn tb •• t e'olumDII, lhe., •• e UIO. -tt or " .... paper O.loa·. DO• • a.al,11a a •• Dol a." ... arIlF .r Ibl. ".WIP .. u.~ ••
A-80MB./TEMS: "Breed'" Planned '!'bose dul1 impressed by the wonders of selence through the ,ears more ' or less expected the announcement-but, DO .doubt', it came as I surprise to many thllt the U.S. atomic energy commls· don was preparing to "breed" the Icaree atomic materials that make tile A-bomb explode. HAILED as the biggest atep 1 et taten In the attempt to hameSi the atom 'or use ' In industry. an en· gineerlng plant for "experimental breeding" of atomlci, ' materials actUally was on paper. According to Dr. Lawrence Hat· ' IUd, top AEC scientist, atomic mao terials. no matter how produced, can be used for either bombs or ,peacetime purpoee.. This would Include the boped'for generation of \ISetul Ii1dustrlal power. He declared that the designers of the ''breeder'' device are confident it woulil work. , Commisaloners and aids eIso told Dewsmen that by 1952 the AEC should be lluUdlng the first model fII. an atomic engine designed to
It win also 8tart work next year a reactor-an atomic turance6pected to yjeld "slgnifIclnt amounts" of elec~nic power Ind to .''breed'' or manufacture more atomic materials as It goes along. THIS, AEC AIDS SAID. is dis· Ungulshed from the experimental "breeder" whose primary purpos'i would be to produce new , atomic materials, with pow ' r production only a sldellne. " Dr. Hafatad saUl the "breeder" reactor would be built at Arco. Idaho. Be added that' if It works. it will ease greatly the dlUlculty of gettinl more fissionable mao terial. In "breeding." the aclentlsta put sorne ftulonahJe material"; in the fuionace wltb a larger amount of non·fisslonable. They bope, In tile preee.a, to make '·lOme . of the latter Into fissionable material and thus have a Det ;.m.
Attomey Vincent DaUinan, defending labor leader Harry Brldces In the ' latter's trial on perjur1 - conspiracy cbarges, wa. cited contem,' of court durin. &be ' trlal whl",b was presl4ecJ over by Federal Judce Georre B. Barrla, .. SaD Fran cisco.
LABOR: T-H Woiyer Asked
Tell It All Mr. and Mrs. America will lie pra cllca Uy to "tell it aU" when the lederal c\ln sus, takers start by next April 1. About every flfth' pcrson contacted by . the enumera tors wi l be asked to' .ive even a,ddltionol information to that asked In the routine process. Ohristmas In the' United Statel Flere's whut each person will be Is composed ot thl'eads1rom ' man}, expected to tell the census ' toker: c:ountries and reflects their culiAge, relationship to the head of toms in church and home.' the household; race. sex, mal'ita} ' ~e tradltlonnl English Christstatus, birthplace, citizenship atat. 'mas calls tor family reunions, gUt., us, employment status and occupa. c:aroIs. ,parties and 'a pantomime tlon . " for the cbildren In a leason 01 EVERY FIFTH PERSON. lil ad- !leneral good wtll. ditlon , wilJ be asked: Altbouch m~lIJ 'of the 014 Where he or she lived a year plcturesqae Ea,Usb castoms ago. Country of birth ot parents, bave faded, tbey ItUl contrl1lute &0 the ' model'D boll day length ot schooling and school at. tendance. For 'adults in the one- ' Ibrou,b Obrlalmas p~reants. In.!.tve category. the enumerator tbe delll'lla OD Ohrlstmla (larda will press 'tor data regardln& in~ alll1 the narrative. In ballad. come. cmploymerit, and status ai a and carols descrlblnc the . veteran. , Uvltles of the old days. And, if you happen to be No. 30 In Scandinavian countries, prepor any ' multiple ot that number on uatlons lind cooking are begun the Ust, you will be asked to dl- weeks In advance In order to stock vulge still additional information the home for the three weeks ot rcgardlng unem,ployment, details hospitality and leisure during the of your marital status and the holiday season. The ' celebration Itnumber of ' ypur children. I!elf beglos on Christmas Eve with When the census Is completed, Illn elaborate supper. foUowed by the bureau expects to be able to It tree wltb family worship about It give authoritative In'formatlon re- land singing before the gl1ts are gardlng housing, mortgages, utili. · l:iistributed. ty bills, rentals and househoii:! con. Early church Is attended by venlences. !Iveryone on Christmas morn In" CONG;RESSMEN, as per tracU- . lbecause the Shepherds, first to wor· tlon, wtll have a big hand ,In nam~ Ilhip the baby Jesus, came early ing district supervisors for the' cen- lind then returned to thel~ w.ork. lus.taklnl/. In March. these dllrtrict Traditionally, Germany kept supervisors will undcrtake the job Christmas with mucb heartiness, of chooslng their crew leaders and lncludlng a borne festival and at· enumerators. Those chosen wUl tendance at Church. ' have' to go to training /lchools and ChUdreD In the Nctberlaads be ready by Ap'rn 1 to start thelt leave their wooden shoes, fillell search for personal facts. with bay, for S~ Nlol)olas' white horse. ID tile NctherlaDda aad Belrlum Dee'lmber 6 III the GOVERNMENT: cblldren's holld.y, wltb Decem'Poorhouse' Stote? , ber 25 reserved for Ihe reU~The GOP .was kicking around a lous hoUday. new. label for the type of governReligious features are prominent ment it contends the Truman -during .the .boliday in France, es· ministration Is gr,adually bringing' pecially midnight mass foll,)wed by about in the U. S. This time it ,C hristmas supper with family din,· was tho, "poorhouse" state, as ners and reunions on Christmal compared wtb "welfare" state, a. pay. , Christmas in Brazil, 60lltb of the had been charged previously. PRESIDENT · T RUM AN haa equator, is a summer 'festival with grabbed up the tag .''Welfare'' state fireworks, picnics, fiestas and boat· and took tbe- line that lf that was " Jug excursions. 10 spite of the aum· proper tag for aU the progress an~ ,m er weather, Papa , Noel comes Improvements his aclminlstraUon \lressed aI ' Santa Claus with his was bringing about, then the Arner- reindeer and alellh. icatr peopte oUlht to all out for the "welfare" atate, In that h. had the support of many of the na'1
Of All. Lands
Junior Frock Nic.ely Accented. One-Yard Skilt Simple to Sew
My'rrad of Customs Add to' Season's Joy
~ psycbologlcal swipe at the Taft-HarUey labor law was taken by employ-er associations lind labor unions 'in the vast U. S, 'c onstruction Industry. Both joined, in asking the national labor relatione board for exemptions from T-aftHartley labor laVl( election . requi.I:e· ments. WHATEVER EFFECT, the move might have on congressional action on Taft-Hartl .)' when members convene in January, there ' was no denymg the action was well timed. 'With employer associations ' throw· ing in with labor in requesting the blanket exemption, ' opponents of Taft·Hartley' would lind. added strength. . '!be . construc:tion industry's J major management and labor groups contend that strict appUcation of the T-R law to them Will wreck lonl·standlD, collective·bargainlng CHI~ESE: practicel and hamper buUdin~ ac· 0 •. Trigger-Happy tivlUe.. . Gabrielson.. 1n answering Mr, Tru. ' • 'l'be muddled 0Iina picture was Here, too" wal 'a 'lclnUllatln, man, accused the l'realdeDtla act. ' Santa Claua, IncUana. · ia I bam· &etun, DO clearer, 1104, the u.s. Itrategic maneuver, tor with houl' ministration ~ leadin, ihe U. S. let of a score at frame buUdlnais "alii ba~ been put In , tile . middle. , ID. at1U abort and the, problem to • "Jloorhouleh Itate lind to ag~ and not 10 IIIaD1 people, but it I. INSULTED b7 Chin.. Commu- stID , tar from ' ·solved, ' anythin, gravatloD of .. ,.erioua· Unemptoy- national headquarters for one type of hoUday observance. IIAatI who had lmplol8oued (but which mi811t be considered as an ment probll!m ID this country. Gabr1~lson charled that recent Each Cbrhtmas sealon brID.s to la&ermeaJed) the U.S. co.ar aid to increased buUdlrig could attache. AnIwa Ward, Americans ' pect to ,et .ome conslderaUon tarW cuts ordered by the President it ....cks of mall. parcels, letter. under the recipro'cal trade airee- IUd cardl of which 99 per Cellt II fumed anew a. Cliineae NaU'onal- ' from congress. ments act, renewed by the 81at ~mptiy rerpalled with the maelc 1Its, auppoeed 1rIendJ of the U.S.• UNDER . PRESENT T·R LAW, we'r e charged with ftrln, upon a elecUons such as those mentioned, congress, have resulted In the "ex- pqltmark ''Santa Claus." U.s. veael, the Sir .John FrBDldln. a vote must be taken before a porling of jobs of 'AmericaD work., Beyond a doubt. the bl,gest man 'l'be Indd~nt occ:Urred oft Shln.- ,union can be certified aa the proper era' in hope of provldlD, Jobs for ID the Hoosier bamlet i. Santa workera al)roal'i." . C1au. hIm.elf. A 25-foot ltatue of .baL bargalnin. agent, and before a Asserting that Democrats not him, complete with whiskers and The ship'. owners released a union can get a unlon·shop agree· racUo mea.a" kom ,the skipper of .m ent-one, that requires wo'rketls o!lly are , spe~dinl money. that wiD bulging sack. .. dedicated to the e to be ' .repaid in ~es ' col- ,i!barltable old salot in recogmUon the' ablp who ' chaUed that two after they are hired to become lected a hundre" years trom t;lOW, that hIs Ohrlstmas gl1ts to the Nationalist ' warships bad Ignored members of' \Ile .union. declared: ~WIl have 'b rought it fame bis order to halt fOl- a boarding It is a complelt! waiver' of both qabrielson "IF WE CONTiNUE under the seasonllt prosperity, . party and bad, instead. raked 'the these provisions that management present administration we are Early settlers seven or elgbt decvessel With a . "~D8t1int 'barrage" and tabordn the cOll$trucUon agenheaded 'for. a pOortibuse state, lind ades ago took a fancy to the name of . sbells, almost at ' point blank cy are asking. wPl!e the Inmate!! ot a ,poorhouse Santa i,'e for ' the tpwn, but the., !fange, nie ahip'. owners demanded may ,. have a certain amount of couldn't use It becau,e ' another that 'tt}a U.S. act to c;urb the ''trill'KICKBACK': security, thelt lot II not parUcularItI the state had it first. ' So ler.hap~y", NaU.!lnaUsts. ly enViable." 'boldly christened their settleThe ata~ depatqnent said It Solon Accused The GOP chairman adde4 ' that ~ent with Ciaul aB a last name, wOlJ/.d Jlrotest "energetlcal1T' Jo The long·postponed trial of Rep- the policies of the present adminis· ir)stead of Fe, . the Natlon~lsts government. The J. Parnell Thomas (R., N.J.; Similar hoUday names dot the U.s. agency entered the , picture opened with ' charges that he forced tration ' are di'i:ected toward ,world map, ' with ChristmllB being after-t'eC81¥ing reports at the in- a former secretary and codefend- stroying the. American I!ystem I favorite iii the Vnl~d States. cident from Walter P. M'c:con~ ant -to aid hun in a BlIlIIry "kl.c k- free enterl?rls~," That's a familiar cry from thll Florida, Maine, KentuckY -nnd Arlaughy, . U.S. consul·general at back" scbeme. . . . GOP, but on the basis of past ba).. zona, have towns named Chri.", Shanghai, who said' no ,one aboard THE CHARGE against ' Thomas lot records, It hos little weight with DlIlB, ' ~ the vessel was injured. , was made by John R. Finpatrlck, THE INClDENT was the latest Ii ttorney for Misl Helel]. Campbell, the majority of U.S. voters. Fait, lind ' 'Feast In a 'serles of attacks or other mis- one·tlme secretary to the former The 'day before Chriatnu\s' Is a adventures sut1ered b, tbe com- chairman 6f the ' house un·AmeriContro~t s,trict fast for the p~nsb peopie. pany's vessels at the bands of the can activities committee. NationalistS. . Ali unexplained angle' of the Bit· ' Both Thomas and Miss Camp!)eU uatlon was the qu.esUon of what a were charged with fraud and consplracy by which the congressman merchant vessel was dolng-or its allegedly padded his oUice payroll rights-in ordering a man-of·war of the Chinese Nationalists ,to halt ahd took salary "Kickbacks" from two employees. for a boardlng party. It ,convicted, the representative would 'face up to 32 years in prison POPULATION: and fines up to ' $40,000. ,T he house U. S. Climbing of representatives would have to Accordwg to a U.S. department dcclde ' whether he could remain in . of agriculture report. the popula. congress. Miss Campbell would Uon, of the United ' States w111 In· face 'a somewhat lesser penalty. crease by leaps and bounds in the MlSS CAMPBELL'S attorney con· next 26 years. . ce'ded that she aided lo the "kick, THE REPORT predicts that the back" scheme, but only under purrent U.S. population of approxl· Thomas' orders, and denied she mately 1110 million will rise to a was guilty of conspiracy: Actually, thumping 188.6 , million b1 1975- he said, she went to the justice an lncrease of 26.4 per cent. 'department and voluntarily told ~E. 'SANTA' , •• 8 CIa. Tbe ''bJgb level" auumpuOIUI OII~ "everything the government knowa appears I"st .. abo...1I1 .,. •• . which the report 'Is bale;d are I about the case." pODcIera ....vel;y ' the poa8lblr 'combinatlon 01 ,'aeton includln, The gov:emment c1aiml the aIIUftciUlt recaae. of lIIe Ud,le EV8DS. ju"eDlJe SCreeD ,..... wllo locib .... &hoairb .... b1gh ferUllU. low morlaUty, an· leged plan neUed Thomas a total ...... bu Just .Ipet! a De:w CODDUal net ImmfgraUoo to the U.S., o! $8i2. While he Is .accused of fil· ....u... lIIe bas .... &he bee . . tract wltb aD .~I, "GaD la aDd a blab degree of in~erDal mi· .alse payroll claims totaling shOWli shortly alter Ibe bad IaDt& aDd Ial" ,alte tare ",aUoll-that .., moving back and nearb ,1.100, it Is not alleged that bel' .,,.In • IeqQa Ire I I e . ......be·Dco............. forth withlD the United Statea. b. lOt aU the money, trlmme4 ,8 bori.
, .
ule Product
propel shlpa.
Thursday, December 15, 1949
U~Pn~~~O=r~hai»man G~
SanIa (I aus, Ind Is Chr-Istmas H0
Miracle Pattern CAN have a whole ward4-robe of new skirts with pattern 8527! Just one yard of 54-inch fabric for this' miracle skirt in the For BUllY Cooeclans smaller sizes. Wear with blouse WEARABLE frQck ror a busy or brilliant sweaters. ca m pus program to delight the • youtbful se wer. No(e the interest· No. 8~27 I. In waist 81.eo lU. ing treatment on waist top and 2~,P u20ttern , 28. ~O Dllci :12. Sue 2~. 1 ynrd 0/ ' , J:1ipline - ShOl·t or three Quarter 54·loch. sleeves to suit the season.
• •
SEWINO CIRCLE 1'''TTErtN DEPT. 650 a.atb wen. ilL Cbl.a,. 1. UL
. ... .,
Pattcrn No. 8200 18 In sl"e8 11 . 12: 13. 14, 16 o nd 18. SI~", 12. thrce quarter sleeve, 41<. yards of 35 or 3g·lnch.
Enclose 2., cenlJl In coin. for each p Att ern desired. P ollem No.
The Foil o.qd Winter. FOlhlon , will a d.p ~nd"b l " B1!lde In ,I unnlnl R amort! wenr,nblc Winter w urd t nb<! .
Fre" po lun "rlnted inside tne !>'10k.
ce·o ~.
Nnme --~------~----~---' Adrl.e..
Who Can't The housewife was very critical of the way a workman was putt~g' down lIholeum in her kitchen. "Look, lady:" he said, "tWs Is my business. What do you know about laying linoleum?" "Well," she confessed, "I never laid linoleum and I never laid an egg, but I can make a better omelet than a ben c~n."
. Keep Posted on Values By neadln, the Ads
, '
1 ---..
Reds Report Vegetation
Planet Mars
TIle Ras.laD., wbose cla1ma 10 com. up wltI'I , the statement that ~mlDeDce . tD diacoverlea aDd there was IctuaD;y VeptaUOIl lID mventiona 01 Wnp the 'ireatem the planet Mara. An astronomer at an ablervaeor, world bad IIDown aDd mv_ted ;years befDn. '..,. · ..out 01 tblI III IOUth central BIDIIla, 10 the reworld" .. tbe1r moat nceat . . port went. reported that: "Plant DIe OD blp IIlOUDlaJDa and in, tile Ier1Ioa ", dlAovery. "1'bIa lim.. Inlet IOIeDtIata . . . arde . Cof tile euUa) nl8lD1tJaa
IIUN 01 ao . ~ br
III n nptatlcla .....
Credit Endangered,
3 'times·',as many women pre.f er
, ,FLEISCHMANNS YEAST Write fqr this ..Illustrated
......, 'Ila.' 11.lIlr
Pleale lind me JOur
''IIUd.t alit l.iat"
Hun· ________~.'I_·~j.l~\~-~j-----------------------
IMtIIatcrI attetaaee ,... made ftree
3 packages
c:ilways right there-;"'~eac;ly to use when you want ito'
T. a••rlnl I.ntl 11..1
III H~, tbe ;yUle '~..'"IIlpU'; foul' United ...... veralon of s.nta Clau.-Is .enators warned tha PbliUpl~1II4e~, dNNed In Jl'81 hom!IIPUD witb red that dllord.rl .suell •• the rail mltteu -and ~, eleetlOCl Batantal revoltwoodeD abot., lie bu • 1oq. burt the laianu'-eredlL btud aDd II" .. old, Senator EDeniar (D., Ja., mub oJdar ilia ~ claNd lie hall .'beaD IIopeful aeeIq • ow. more dn.I!lJllllltI~~ • Uttle more law ... order."
·~t a time; Always adive, ,
CUr _'.-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Bta,te _ _ __
Thunday, December 15, 1949
Jolly Wooden Puppies Make Excellent Gifts
• If thllre is one place h~ th, world where art can be billed in big, bold capital letterS, it ISthe Louvre in Paris, for centuries the cradle of the world's rlch~s't colThe Questions lecti.on ot masterpieces. Tlhis is 1. What is the meaning of renthe treasure house t hat ' is a dezvous'? "must" in the grand tour of any . 2. By what name are the stu· art lover. The tour begins in the dents at"the U. S. Naval Academy lang corridor (left) which leads at Annapolis known? 3_ Where Is-the I'Rose Bdwl" lo10 the entrance of the art galcated? lery at the louvre. As it now 4. From who~ did the United stands, the louvre is 750 yards States purchase the Louisiana long, 182 ya~ds w"ide ~nd about Territory? 85 feet high. Photo below shows 6. Which ra llro~d employe has the "grand staitcase" "which the same authority on a passenger leads' up to the tr~a,sured train that the captain has on a "Winged Victory." ThiS scerie ship? The Answers illustrates the architedural 1. An appointed place of meet. beauty 'of the palace ' itself; aside ing. from its being a storehllu,se of 2. Midshipmen. art pieces.
W, GC,LE -OOG5 .
.10117 THESE puppies will be favorites They are cut from two pieces of wood and then hirlged to~l'theT with canvas and glue. Tlie wrJP.I'ls . are arranged to give them 8 nat." ural life-like motion when pulled ~by string.
• • •
3, Pasadena, Calif.
Ma king and ... embllnR dlrecllon. on ... ttern :110. "rife 250. Order Irom WORK· BHOP PATTF.IIN SEIIVICE. Drawer 10 Badlord Hili •• New V.r"_
What to~lve? What to give? It that question has you ' runnin~ around In circles this Christmas. here's a smart suggestion. Make list of your friends who enjoy 8mokin~_ Then take the list Into your neIghborhood dealer .. He has a well·stocked arra~ of gay I'!lft cartons of Camel cigarettes-yes. mild flavorful Camels that bring pleasure with every puff AnJ for the Dipe smoker or the man who likes to roll his I)wn. your dealer will show VOU DOllnd tins of Princ," Albert Smoking Tobacc()-the Na· tiona] Joy Smoke.· Both these popu· lar gifts come all dressed up in speci~l, colorful Christmas wrap· pings. You don't eve.n have to fus~ with a personal ~reetln,lt card-It'a; l)uUt right into the package for your easy-writing convenience. You'll I;)e good to your friends an'd kind to your bud,get if you send them Camels and Prince Alberti -Adv. B]ue Cows, Blue Milk One of the milkman's regular customers complained to him one day that the quality of the milk lately didn't seem up to par. "That's. because of the time of the year," he explained, "we are unable to send the cows out to graze in this cold weather. and since they 'can't eat green grass they can' t produce milk as rich 8S they do in the summer. But. believe me, madam, they are just as sorry they can't give you· riCh milk as I am. Why, do you know. I went · out to milk them just this morning and they ~eie all crying because they realized their mi1~ was so thiD_" "That's all very well," answered the lady. "but I wish 'you would see to it that the tears don't drop into the milk can." ,
World erlldle Of Art
4. From France, in 1803.
Re.lieve Chest Colds MIS::IEI
~~ -~~ . ,!,
Inlo upper bron. eh 18 I tu bas willi . apeclal sooth In& '
medlcln.1 vapors.
STIMULATE. cho.t, t~rCiII lOll
back SUrfIC" Ilk' • WI ,mlnc,.tOI1l·
forOoa POuluc:a.
At bedtime rub throat, cbeat and bac~ wltb Vlcks 'V apoRub. Rellef.bringlng o.ctlon starts instantly . _ . 2 ID~VS at on cal And it keeps up this special Penetratlng- Stimulating actlon for hours In the night to
bring reller.
7 DAYS . ...L 'DO'....
5. The Conductor.
Buy U.S. 'Savings
,..·u ..
,oar .troD" baa'" children
' wh"" 7IID .s •• them Scott'. EmubloD ....., dar I Saott'. I. • "aotd mine" of
1U. In fUll 7 d.,. .... htoneehort week •••'
""til,'" AaD
Vitamins and ent!1'C7·balldlnl n.tural oIL Heh,. cblldren crow ri.lIt. d...elop .0Dnd tee,b•• ,roDI bODe •• Belp; w.... otfeolda wben til.,
enoa,b AaO Vitamin fooct lIan, doeton recommend
It. EeoDOmicaL B1Q todalr .. ~~dru••to....
MOlE ilion lust 0 tonfcif" powerful nOllritltmenfl
Here is the original body beautiful (right), perhaps one of the most yisited pieces of art in thi Louvre. Aside hom the Mona Lisa and the Winge4 Victory, the Venus de Milo is the pride of the collectnJn. Tourists often pause for ,hou~s to adm,re the ageless .statue,
• ,roup I)f people wllo ellanged frorn Iliehr old denlilrlcea 10 Caloa Tootb Po"deraver.,ed JB1t br~If1tlf' lettfa by eclemtl6c teet. WhY 'DOt chinle to Calo:" ,oureU? Bur CaIOIl ·lOde, • ~ , 10 rour reeth Wl atilt IookID, ..:ti ", I 6r(<<fIlt, lornonowl
CALOX ....cnHP. . . . . ..c~ " Bobblae 1M., Brid. .",eo-.
UNABLE TO WORKF~R Y'EAR; .NOW IS BACKION. HIS JOB Mr, and M~i. W, p. patterllon,\ bread and milk, but now e.en eata 603 Dennis Street, Houston, Texas, ~nkfmters and vienna Ausages. . Mr. Patterson was aufferilllf from thank HADACOL every week when
Effedive' C~ulh S,rup, Home-Mixeel for Extr. Econo~y Sa,," 81, boll&n.
Thll Ipl~ndld r-~~I:-~~II-used by mllllo,," ,,"au.. II makellueh an eff~tlv. medicine for eouch. due 10 coldl. h'. 10 easy to ml.a child could do iI. From any drunlst ••t 2~ ounce. 01 Plnell, • s~11 1 compound 01 proven Incredl.nta. In confPntral .. d lorm, .... II·known lor Ita soothlnl effect on throlt anc! bronchial irritations. . Thon mlke "11 .yrup with two cup. 01 aranulated .ular .nd I\n. cu p 01 walAlr .. No -.klnl needed, Or you fan Ule corn lyrUp or liquid honey, Inst•• d 01 .u~ar syrllp. PUI Ihe Pine•. inlo • 'pillt 'bollIe .nd 1111 with your 'r.ru p. This ,mlk •• a tull pin 1 o cough medic ne. very .ffectlve and qulckacting. and you cet .boul !our timn as much for you, monoy. h /lever lpolb • • nd chlldr., n 10'" Its pl.... nt tote• . This cough syrup takea hold .of touClla: elvine quick ,eliei. It loosen. phlegm .•oolher Irrllated memb,anes. h.lplI tlnr air. pus.,n Money reiunded II Pin.,. doesn't 'pIe.... .
When Your' Back H"urts-
The photO at left ~lght seem to border .t 'on the Irre'erent to an art ·Iover. But,ttlis., toufist wanted a picture of the' Loune . ,building, and if he uses the,statue at Caesar. Augustu,s, or anyone else, as a tripod, ' it's just a means to an enH-no disrespect. intended. The photllgrapher is interes,.!d in the ceiling which is in reality a paintng ~ibe~ .
Mr. 'Patterson brings home hil pay · a laek of B Vitamins 'and the Minercheck. . , \als whieh HADACOL eontalns. Mr. Plltterson II a me\Dber of BADACOL comel to you in liquid Houston Local · 218, International fonni easily ualmllated In tb. "loocI Brotherhood of Carpenters and Join- .tr,eam ,ao that It; can 10 to work ers, but for more than a year wal rigbt away. A laek of on!, a IImaD ,amount 01 unable to work, despite frequent wonderful offers from contractol'l, , Vltaminll. lind eertain Minerall Then last September, Mr. Plltter- "Ill caUllO , digestive dls~urbancell.,. , lion heard "the blessed news" about "tour food' will not agree with you ••• HADACOL and the wonderful relief You will hllve an 'upset afumach.,. It had brought to countless thou- '\"I)U w.ill lIofier from heattbum, gaa landa. Since then' he hill! taken more pains an . you.r food will 80ur on than 20 bottles of HADACOI.< and your stomach and you will not ~ .has worked ateady, able to eat the things you like fOI! __ . .... feat of being ill misery u.fterwarda. Many people also suffer from constip.tion. And while these symptOm. may be the rcsults of other eauses. they lar~ surely and certainly the symptoms and signs 01 lack OJ II Vitamin. and Minerals, which HAJ). ACOr. CGntaiJlS. And if you suffer ' r~om Bum a deficicncy disordor. there II nl) known eure, except tpe administration of the vitamins ,nd minerals, which yoll1' system Inch. It is easy to understand; therefore, why countless thousands . have been benefited by thl. amazing tonic, HADAOOL. So it matters not how old you are or who you are •.• it matters not ' where you live or if vou have tried all the medicines unde:- the lun, g.ive this wonderful preparrtion HADACOL a firia). Don't go CI'I suffering. Don't co-ntlnue to lead a miserable Jife~ Many pe'rsons who have lIuf· fered ,Ilnd waited for 10 to I!O years or even longer, are able noV' to live happy, comfortable lives bACaU&e HADA:COL supplied the Vitamins Bere is Mr. Pattersjln's atatement: alld Minerals which their syst~ms "I· had beel! . unable to wor1t for needed. Be .fair to ,oorself. TemPI'. moreihan a year When I heard about rary relief ill not enougb for you. iIADAOOL last · September. Since Give HADACOL • mall bhen I have taken about 20 bottles, I Sold at all leading drug. stores. am doing carpenter work every day, Trial lize ' only $1.26, but aave [ was troubled With digestive disturb- money; buy the lar~ .family eoonsncea, gaa on the It(\Dlaeb and bloat- om, lIize, only $3.50. If YOID' drue'ne. I hliU reoommended HADACOL gist does not handle HADACOL" ,CT about 60 people and most of those order dinet from Tbe LeBlanc Cor· Nho followed my advice are feeling poRtion, Lafayette, La., and when lOtter. I am 8un that' lowe part of the poltman brillg8 ,our packqe lVet'J pa, ch~ to BADACOL and Jut; PlY fli. amount plul the e.o.d. ·.be blessed nile! that It miD,.." aud postage. If lOU remit tdth the lin. Pattenen. who Ultenetl whUe order . . wiD PQ the poeta... Mr. Pattel'loD mad. bfa _tellltlllt Theil. If. Joa don't feel perf~ and lilcldentaU, b .... him rail, lID- . .~ed after OIine BADACOL .. uaual tlPn of roan. &OJIIiDat.d tllat dINcted, lan ntam the . .p~ ..... •b_ be bu .... taIdq BADAl'OLltoD . . JOar~DOIIeJ will be . . tllat be .. iattq ... out fIIII7 ~ N. . . . eoDld .. . . IIDIII.... Be . . . ~ . . . , fIIINr--Ab. .
or .....
1IlII~lmlllmlllllllllmlllllllllllllmmlllllllllln~mlllllllilillli'l l111111111.111 :11 il.,
WANTED TO RE T- Farm 75 nopks and ;r.;1ches. EDITORS Note equip- -O'REGAl1r RETURNED SAFely! mentment . Doan G , Wal ton. Call 12-t·3t Waynesville 25S9 ,
..I~ to 200 aorell. All power
Twin Theatre
:;;; WaynesVI-II'e Oh.·o I=
= £
BANK NiTE' $10.00
Horses ancl Technicolor
DEC. 15-16
::;;; ~
:=' =
RATES: One cent per word. minImum charge, 25 cent .. Three In ..nlonl' for the price of two. Forma .clol" Wedner day noon.
TO CALL for insurance. All types of insurance at ,a savings. Call FranCis .Gene Brown, phone Wa'ynesviII.e 24 72 or call c01'" lect, Wilmington, 2111. '
BANK RUN ' GRAVEL- Loade'l. a.t Da.Vls Furnas Pit. 60 cents cubic yara. We also deliver. ARM· ITAGE &: SON, Photie 2091. tt •
"'---Y-U-R-K-E-Y-S-F-O-'R- SALE-"roma, 'S6 .cen.. - I-Ienl, 45 c:enta KELLER HOAK Rt. 1 Waynelvllle Pi'hort! 2880
*,Fotml"r Reddent.
en LeMay, James Wardlow, and
HEAT PADS pop CORN Popper. Operi Eveniap 'Tm 9, D~c. 19-24 (Except. Wednesday) ' SOU1ll MAIN ' STREET 'I . PHONE 9231 , i
Include. An. A pprOpriale Gift Card,
Route' S W:ayn~~vllie. O. Phone ,Wayneavillo 2898
Free aieket W.iIh· Each $1.00 Spent at Wayn.-viIIe . Locker Plant, Or' pc bAdult Admiuion .t Twin ' Tbeatnr; ,
, _ .-
OPEN TILt 9 P. M. T:he following ston's i~ Waynesville will be open until 9 P.M. each evcning U?tiI' Ch:is1mlls-,
KAHN'~ SUCED BACON 49 cents ,lb. . ' ·Qui.ltmu . ~die.
' Dead Stock
Xenia 454
A FrieDC1i, &;rvic.1
. .'
Suggestion's '! , BOX CANDIES
, L,lve Wire and Progressive. An organlzatlon secon'!l t'b none. Strictly sellers on the best all' around market In the country. SERVICE THAT 'SATISFIES For O"lIy Market R"po~t.:'· ,WH[O Dayton, 12 :60 E.S.T, Dial 1300; WLW CinCinnati, 1240, DIal 700. . . No.~RI8' BROCK COMPA'NV
According to lize and condi ~ion . , All StOCK rem9ved p'k'omptly . . .
1ft Paris Seta -
Coty Seta, $1-.50 to '$ 17.50
-...h.- _ ...... _ ,.......... I,........ .......... ..
', ...... ' ......1. . . . . .n
~ lit .., 'net".... ...., .... WI try
.lIB...,.., ....... ......... ""'",,
PHONE 2121
l ' .... i....... ..: .. ..
LU'"N"--' (It"".:
, ..:"
, &Ia.
BLACK-TOP DRi,V E5 , , T A~ ""d RQAO Oft. LA W,.., ~nl riLl PW'T R£ADY·MIX ,CONCR£T>E EXCAVATiNG ....d DUMP 1 ~PCk SE RVin
............ ~ ..... fIr.·
F,'L"O0R~ t ,AM.P.·,S, C~~plete
Horses, ,2.60 - Cows. $2.60 Hogs '- 2~c per cwt. .
. ..-
$1.00 to $3.50
S ·
_A" rm).tage.· ,.'on"· ' ~':~:~~::!'"~. ':'.n.
',iHastings' Ga~~g~
LUmber & Supply ,
"Will .Be Closed.' FOri INVENTORY ,' " . Week of Dec. 26-31, 1949
• , As your ' Mighborbood serviceman, you will find us not only i iendly. ,but, genuinely interested in se~ jng U1at your car is · given the best pOSSible service so ,
it'll . last 1 -....,...~.-' ,
Xenia Fei1i1izer·
~~ .&111 . ~ Diabetilc CaanecI
T~tre ·
Drawq: 9 P.M., Tu... , Dec. 27, Twin
Hones, " 2.50 - Cows," ,2.60 Hogs . -:- 25c cw.t. According to Size ~ ahd Condition. - . Call ~llverse ~h8l'ges
Ore:roD ' Fire Precaution < In the Itate of Or~&on, all Inter, nal 'combustlon' engines ' 1l1Jd tractors used by lumbermen must be equipped with an approved tire elt· tlnaullher
J;G cents lb.
"'Clean i>IJlatoes"
1n a recent market 8urvey made by th.e U. s. department of agriculture, homemakers emphasized they want "clean potatoes" when makin. food purchase"
Miss Patricia KUppel of Dayton and ',Mr~ Paul 1:>ummlll of near .,. r Lytle, ' w41 e married by V?aUer Kenrick, Justice 'Of Pellce, at his , residence 'alt Lytle Saturday' noon. Tbey were accompanied by th bride's parl~nts.
losulated BrlckB and . asbes· tOIJ Siding. Sheet metal work of aU kinds. Loc·a.l Refaren" C~8. AU WOrk g1.ia.rsn~ed.
,Kahn,' . ,f \merican Bealay..
Of All. Type~
-- ~I
- -- ' -
ChIckens on the tn a spoDsored contest by the Wa' farm after .the reat of the flock bal ynesvllle ~..ocker Plant nnd the been marketed may Ipr:ead diJeale Twln Tbeat~e. Free tlokets tor the to a lJew brood of 'chlck~,. --0--.contest can be obtained from elth er looale willi the lucky -drawing FUea on Beef Callie For controlling ' Illes on beef cat· . scheduled for 9, P. Ill. Tues day. tie. use DDT at the rate of oneDec. 27 at the Twin, qua rt!!!r of the water·wettable DDT Mr . and Mrs . Donald Brown of powder In tl)ree aallonl of water. Daytotl were Sunday dlone} 'Two quarts should be enouah to ""\lests of their parents, Mr . and .pray one matur.e animal. Mrs . J , C. Hisey.
·! .
$1.50 in Ohio; $2.«;)0 ' Elsewhere
FOR SALE - New and used steel trap,; 12 long spring No. O. new; Top Soli. Hauling, Saqd. Gravel 12 long apring 'No. I, used 10 days; Excavating With Back Hoe, ' 12 ~ump No. 1 1-2. n ew,; 2 coll, . Drag·lIne and Bulldozer No.2. used 10 days; 2 lump No. f. new. Pilce. $15 ., will give 24 Waynesville, Ohio ' Phone: WaYnOiL 2191 IS,. 2248 trail tags. $7 worth 01 0 : L, But. obers acents, and other Items. , Jim PheanJlI, Waynesville• . (Over ,F9R S~LE - 19 Tobacco raUs. Smith's Reetaura.nt.) . U.S -3t >&50 tobacco .sUcka, 1 single dl8C. Cleve Conner, P~u~ne Wayneltvllls , 2408. ' 12·1·St Try ' A Classified Ad.
The Miami Gazette
People of WRy~esvl1le DlIll .tqe ' /lu rroundlng communities bave an a
ATTENTION WORKING MO · lonal Basebail meeting at Dahlm. ore. Md,. by Bob (>'negan~ who beTHERS - I wlU assure you ex· fore World Was II was connect. oelle/lt care of your chUdren dur- ed with professlqnal umpiring and Ing your working hours. Also will , sporta promotions. O'Regan re.portl keep children by ilie hour to make that our closest major league your shopping more oonvenlent. town, Cincinnati.. drafted a num· Phone Waynesville 2824. 12.8.3t ber of promISing ballplayers, prloclpaJJy one named "Muscles" Sh. ollis. Who wallopped 55 home runs FOR SALE - 2 girls coats,1 light In '49 1n the Class B CaroUDIL Weight and ' 1 heavy, size 10 -12 League -:- Luke' Sewell., new Red. yoore; Iron beds,tead - spring ; leg .man ager, will probably hIve Dining room 1 ext.. nslo table a spyglass OD' 'that chap next n ' .. ,.. , SPring, . BChO:: ,dS s; etS. mMalrl•. bOnaUffreotld; BEOnYrnhS :rrt ,JI'hes.e m.eetlngs. ex:plain'6d' O'Re-, ~J ~ ~ Phol\e 261,4 12 15 at ' gao, are 'Very qotorful, Inasmuch . I as over 400 profeSSiona.l clubs FOR SALE _ General ElectrIC were .rellrescnted, besides league id t ' d Range. Is 1~ gOOd condition. Ph pres en s, Beouts, umpires, an 3265 _ Mrs. llll\. Baker.' tbQse, already~ with job!! but look-. ing for better oDes. Also for those looking for bertha FOR SALE Side ,Arm. Hot in basebaU i n 80me conneotlon. Wa. Ii) Heater and A , Schwin T4Js ~a~ra.llY provides for Ii \lOll: Built. Heavy Du~ Motor Bike.' 8tan~ flurry' of action and til&' lob· ' Mra. Ga;t.I' Eysna. Ph' 3324 ' 3t by of the Lord Baltimore Hotel 1''' a "battlegroun'd" for '4 days with the tide or battle reaching to all WARREN BRADDOCK
F ..iencii and Relative.
tb:;!::::I~~~:rasL;:;::S;~e;!s:~ :~~~n~~(:~:n'~~~ 3l:a~:f ';,:~~:. ,
Illlllllllllllllllmmll llllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllrnllllllillllllffilllllliillllllllillml l lil mimilllllllllillillllllillillillIIIl11illllllllllllllilllllllllll l lllili;i
Aaway at School or CoDe,e
Bob O'Regan, orystnllze. Personnel
Donald 13r()wn. pLus Mrs. Mlnnte Miller wlU divide a.1 recelpt!B or.. Tuesday ~30, 20. from RxO plct. ure, Bodyguard, starring La",.e· nCe TlernEI» and Priscilla Lane. A ,Leon Enol comedy and Chap. 3, The Oregon Trafl will also be shown. Patrons ot the Twin IUId tb:elr frie lls are ordlaUy, invited to make tbas a r eal ChrlstJDas tor those people w~o have tTred to make their entertainment hours so llleasurable . during llie JlIIst ~eao80n. : .
* Children
ot tbe Twl.D. Mr. Rnd Mr~. Warr'
= ,: :"
Here's An Ideal, Gift
to do In my DOINCS AT THE 1WIN bome nfOOr sCh ool, In tbe evenSanta Claus wlU play aD early : : lugs. Bill Stans berry , Pbone Way' visit to tbe TWII1' Theatre empl· EE nesvllie 27 '~3. 12-15-3t oyees It tile plans of It. OW')ler, WANTED -
FOOD an(l ;; evenll ~ BAKE 'SALE ;;;;;;; P ee. 23, 1949 12 to 4 P.M . .~ = SAT. ONLY ' FIRST SHOW 6 P.M. ~, G I DEC. 17 ~ ' \vllyncvlllc range Ha I = Sponsored by = . Roy Acuff in HOME IN SAN ANTONE . .~ , Grange Youth Commitlee = ALSO:, st-ooge Comedy and Chap. '5, Dick Tracy ~ E;S FOR ' SALE - Canurles, 1\1 rs. T . ;; . , SUN.~MON. DEC. 17 ~ C . Runyon, Mt. BoUy, 'Phone ~ Firsl Sho w~ Sunday - :30 P.M. . === SPring Valley 3-6342. 12-16-8t Grandeur of Rockies as Randolpb ScoH BUIlds .. ,;;; E'01l SALE _ Westin ghouse E I~ CANADIAN PACIFIC ~ Getrlc Range. Ph. Wnynesv llle, ~ (Technicolor) ::3 27S1 1t , == AI SO News " nd pecial hort, ,"Chea tin G' in Gambling' !is ;=: Sell that piece of farm machin;:;; ' DEC 20 ery you D.O lo."g~r nted with a Ga= TUES. ONLY , 1s~ SFiOW. P.M. " '~ zette ' clallslfied ad. = The Twin T he~tr e employees r eceive a~1 proceeds tOnlte! ~ = Give them a real Xmas by attendmg en masse.! O'REGAN ATrENDS La~nce Tierney. in BODYGUARD . . ~ ~. . ALSO: Leon Errol Comedy & Chap. 3, Oregon frail ~ BASEBAlL MUrlNC
Mark St
THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1949
"AGE SiGHT ..... ,
. Phone Colle~t Xenia, 0 . . 1712 or
B.lbs '- Sha~es
WiIminltan, O. 2382
With - Reflector Shades '
AND SIZINC , WALL PAPER"ASTI . HAVE YOU A SMALL XMAS GJFI' PR~)81.EM Investigate Our Theall e Ticket Book. For Only $1,.001 Excellent For
C. &. ~ -
The Children. Also Your
Pap.etboy, '.
W.JlIIViUe·F• • 'Appliaace- Ca. TJI.IPHONE
.Y " ... _
~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NINETY·NINTH .YE.AR
Our commlntll ID llall colUID~ two )Veeka, ,,o ' ab9ut the trafllc lwht Iltllati teM ...atn and 'N orth IItreet. broulht' a. ~t ~f Com~.Dt. liow\lver; ~~:e la ODe · point that "e woUld lilte :to ' clear ' up ulil that 111 JoVe have 'no idea. whOle car wall parked BO 'a. to obatruct the atop , Blp On Rllute·,n. Sever~.l ,pe!'lOnll have been a~ oUied ot owning the car and we hllcf DO thougbt In mind of br'lng' in« ridicule on the person who doell ' own It. , The car was parked In a perfectly legal location. but one, which 'doell obstruct the view of ':the atop IIIn for /Ulyonv ' ap. proacbhlg from the. eut. If the ,~nera1 attitude of tbe world at ~he start of 1960 prevail. . tbro~h tlte. year "I'e Ihould deed be in for & plealant twelve
Run Fools Fire Truck Chasers ,
WaYRe ·.Township" Legion Post
Membership' Passes 1130 ,'Ib':'Driv.e
In Waylle Town- que at the H&~voy..iliQr• . OF. INTEREST. ABOUT FOLKS YOU KNOW t'Olt 616, Americlln , Leglt)!l. lSellool, 'l'uesdai' evening, -Januaat bas doullied during . the past year, 17. All l:.eglon an~ AuxUlaI'Y· ~II : ' Qommander' Bill 'Lukens annoIlD ', mliers ure 1nvlted to attend: 1t.. .reatu.re ot 'tbe even I.., w11i ced thlll week. The Post now boasts a membership of over 180 lie demongtratlons by a ' Daytoai ..... m~mhers aB compal'etl with mem o detec tive. 'l'lle . Investlcator wU. I·' jI'e c llgine fo llowers were (0' bershlp tn tbe 60's a 'year ago. Sllow those. attendln& ihe event 1(~.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__iiiiiiiiii_iiiiiii_';'__iiiiii ole<1 '!'ucsday evening wben they ~. Currently, l!- melllberBlp drive lhe L!~6 01 II. lie'· d~(cetor Mis!! MurllYn Burske 18 tbe followell. tb e WayncBI'll1e tire en· Ford Hook· Ollened hel' IB being conducted to boost the other crime deteaHnc oC her 'parentll and 18 gln e tt) l.ytle 011 ' a lll'ilctico run. hOUtieguesl ~1ri:I~~11· ~r.r. on Thursday aCternoon lO total to 160 veterllll! .In WaJue Cuunty Acrle,ultural doing Lhree week" or student Tile l'lIn to Lytle waa IIllule and an Ro •• will ' a.lao • Garden Club wltli a·n d Mass1e ItownllhlpB. 'Shephard as hastesI'. teachtng In ~l1e Lebanon SCbOllls, tbe tl'uck WIlS Iii nCllun. 11 II1lnThe MasBle Townsblp members ,be even1ng'l! procru(, Shoup preSided ovor after Which /lbe wlll return to of the P~lt wlll present a bar~ar utes aCter the ' si r n ' tlouuded. LAST C"LL FOR ~UXILIARY. MltPIeettng nnd ten members Iill- Bowllng Ut'een univ ersity to co m· IIJcrubOI"l; ur Lbe llrv departNOT MUCH COAL Wlye., 8ia~r~ ' l\1\4 mothe r; of raU call. FolJowlJig tbe plete her 8enlor year. Mis!! Bul" LEFT IN 'AREA; 1ll"ll. nl'" cJl ~ HU :l L'Hj Wil li Lhe Hlij1 like. with Mr. Dale Dutree oC Co~' Legion .elIen. ma,. become selll\on, Mrs-. JellDle Con· NON E COM ING . . • chartor memberJl o[ .tlii newlT .01'anel tntel'oating arUcle, uwbua, attended a s rorlly dallce uf:!u,~ Ul III C Uul&lI Ulll~l WIlO PIII' 1I11H ' Ill ."HUIYI,,!; Ult; ll·UClI. lu nit . ' of the po..lb1l1UH of A ,survey of tbe ' local coal alt. a lmlzed ,A;UXIlla.ry. ' .A.~ 9JeetlDc . o.C Hazel.... Following adJourn- at Bowling ureen on Saturday. the atom '110mb and'1a thlr4' :yorld uaUon by tbe Miami Gazette . this tbo AUltlllan UDder the dll'1luUUD MI'. andM J"!I, J. J . Ilursl(1l hud II l'tl>! 'and II"" UlJLIIl~ LIlU Urull1eu 'dalnt~r l'efreshmen18 wero ue Sunday dhl lllll" gue:il~. Mr. lIllie III l llu. r \VUI',I : "I'ar baa ant.,lded ~omeW'hai ,and weelt reveals that tbere 1s pi-au- of President ' Mary LeMa, ' ~ . a,to St, John baa been })u(fee 01 eolumbu8 and their 'l'UtiSlI IlY yuull lg a lill'J1\ j; or cars our D1itlon ~ . .neral ' leeml to cally n,o coal In Warren Count-y. , h61(1 th.ls .veWu, ('Ilhu1'8da1) 1I~ Beveral dl1),s in ', Dl1Is" daugbler, 'Mia!! MUl'llyn. Mr. and thl\l l'eatlJiod l1'u UI ...Yl IU LO Jobu'tI be oa • •ote eYell -1; . The Warnsavllle Farmerl Excba· Wayne Townabl", !.ellon Home. Inlliaua, wl1ere he went ror Mrs. Dick Boerg of Cincinnati al - CUlIUH' II uliull LIJ LI u.:K. MILU'y 1)[ New' yeAr'. clai- laUnched a nle reporta ' ,tbat it baa a very ---:.., ' --''l'llfIII&Inellt and rest. . so were evelling guests. 11IDlted aupply, not enougb to .alt MAYOR IS'8UE8 WARNING . . LUe (;:lJ'lJ W,vUlll JlOt )'Ield thtl M:rs. Walt~r Whitaker 111~~ fa~& , ,ear tor lb. IUam1 out the month, 'w1tb no prospects Mr. and Mrs. A. H . Eal'n bal'l rlglll ot' \V'u)'" \iuHJ,Jite u..e ~lal'lI"; Bt&tem8Jl~ "u ,'l'lfe followliar Gaaet,.. Thla fear the of much 'comln, tn. "S\lDdlay guests of M1es Anna were Sunday artel"Doon guellts Iud JlghL OU Lbe truck. In OlnclnD&tt.. wW reacb .the 100 :rear mark md, Otber coaJ .dealers In thla area ijlsued ~y Mar,or, It,arl'7. ~004 ~Irolllen wish tu. 1l111llhlsi:te thut oC AIr. MUton Sheehan In Center· this, w."It;. " ¥ :rs. W1U1am, StrOUle vUle. t&~ Ita place with an uelua1ve repc!rt that they are TeCelV19g tbe colllmunity' hll ~ ruL Investment ":rhe ',NO U -Tum' . slpa SUDda,y dinner 'cuesta; Mr. ,~"Uit) Qf. D'''f/Ipa~re In Ohio and very limited amountl of run of the Interll8ctlon of Ma.ln anti DC ,!I,OOO In tire eqlL1pment and and Mr: Charles Strouse. tbe Onsted States ' ,..blch bal" mine ' coal from truckers. wreckless driVing by cal'S to ~1I\1 ATTEN'1'JQN GRANGERS .treetll were erected to I PtollY.IDtl also ,hnd a.e afterJloolI. and lurvlved century , of Isrv~ce. Moat dealen blame the, three- mcitorli ts trom ~ frow lIres may result In IItlrlUU~ Come one, come aU, 'to the b1& gueata, Mr. and da, work week 'f or .the present da!llage to 't he 1ruck. , Ae ,10ur "COlllDlllJlJty JlewI~per I·SlnOIn:Alle. They ' lIay mine operat- ,at thla , InterlJect.on. Th~y "Womanle.a Weddln,"" to be hol4 MoYer of Geflllantowo. More IIl'acUce rUUl! are IIllluu"d . eDtera It. 10o.b -year•. It doel .0 on claim they cannot operat-e the whitt they .•·al'.... and Mrs. Ev~rett Bav.." at the Grange Hall on Saturda1, lor the luluJ'e to emuble all weUl far, there , haa beall I·So, 21, A bk caet, . COlUl1lting · J all.1ja.ry wlth Ifeat cODfidence that It will -mine. at a profit on the .hol't ' lItI Ie coo~atiou 'trom" i4e of: 'rberle Jonea, Ed omuaud, bel'S or tAe .lIre ' llelillrl.Julult .tu continue to it of len1ce for ~auy week . operll.le. the true,,". ,1sts of tlie yWare IU: reltaJ,5a 'Herb, McMman~ E4 Surlacel Dr. 1"" to eo••• The PUt fear hu As ' long aB the , three-day ViC!rk the newlt,' cecte4 . .n .... A. Stout. Rhode. Bwmell• . Earl probabl, ~ OQe or ~e we~k continuea suppllel VieU be "We ,are hop.r ror (!OCI.pelratlO1l; Hubble, Dr. Harlan D),e, Haroill FUNERAL 'SERVICES FOR tprbUlellt 4~C tJae pa~r'. 'Vtry sbort. ~me mlne operaton the futuJ:e ..... . IlncerelY Whitaker, Lowell Thomas. Rob · MRS. NETTIE ;TINNEY. tire blatcil71 .A.)'~ '.,0 at tb1a have stated that they ';wUl abu~ 1\0 .......t,t . WUl have to ert Wllaon, KeWleth Retalllck, :rO BE HELD :rODAY time it .811184 vel'J doubtful 'tlat down tbelr mineS ratlier tban (1011- made,ltt .. .Funeral servlcel for Mrs. NetI ". Donald Wllaon, Dav14 Brown, ErD the ' JQ~ woOld COIltlm&.· tiDue operaUns at a 1011. or Jiear Cook, Glenn Smith ano J!!Ml tie 'l'lnney, 78 8 ,Who . dled at the bome ot her 80n, Sherman, ~on· DOW ,tile JI lou. mai'Dhi.rt. day, afternoon, w:QI be hljld I\t ~ promlle Gf a big Ume fQr qldte ~ rooted on IIaID .~t tJie Stubbs tuneral home at 2;,30 eVel')'Olle, aua.;·11ba taW 1b.en.a :.utDOrt . All !adlee are to wea Gingham P.M. to!1ay.ReV'. Jt. 11. Coleman 1IIAI\f Joeal .. . . . . . lI.......IIIMIIlJ or CaUco dren ·and the men' In wm of{lclat. ~ and burial wlll be .au· . ~~"'''t=-ot eve1'7day clothIDC. Anyone eD~i ' made- In M1am1 cemetel'f', .. .~ 8urvlio1'8 Incl ltde: • one daU,C.b.;' In drellB clotheB will be Penalized Evenron.e jom in we tun ' on Jan. tel', lAura Wet'ntz of WaYlI.es· vUIe; 8f:x"' IIOjls, .:F..eonard, M~I1. 8}00 P. )I. ' . -' ltMp .It . a ca.av!Jlt; t:a. Swf~e. steward, belne' ~t,uea. · .Jame'B,t~IWJ:I ;'· and ' Mn, PreD ce G ' a' g , daue Ita IJDpro~lIt dartua the .A.al't Steward, Ko.b ert WU. strtke continues Robert I Furoa. made a . bappy' Webster of 1dlddloto;wn; '''WUllur :rear, ,0D, 'Chaplln, Robert Orew; ·Treaa· III1\Y turn Into a. short BUllpl, tbls famll, gatber1D8 at tbe home ot W;ay~eavl1le residents were shoo rllLlDa lD ~ bave Deen ural', BhodeB BunneU, 8ecretarj, Ipi'lng. I'e.w manutacturers have a Mr. and Mrs. Baymond Wlll10n cked Saturday to . learn of ·the ot 'Mlam1 Fla,; 22 grandchildren; rour brothers, . Lawrence ' and made dur1llC tJa. PUt aJx mGnUil, Iean Bunnell, Flora, Margaret ~II_ great amount procelleci. 'l'be Far· .Qn New Year's Do),. deatb oC WllllllUl A. Reeves, . 69, Tbbmas Hardin of Waynelvllle; , and pb,.leal tmprovem.enta of oui- Uland, Cerea, Janet P4lchhier, po- merl ExcbP,e urger area farm· a spring Valley carpenter whl> Elzi' of Covington, Ky.; Edward .P lalit equipment bay. belped tn. mona, (i;arolYn RetaDlck, GBte Ke. era to. make arrangementa to wIlD was well knOWn bere, of Monroe, La. IIU~ contlDlled ~wtII. eper, 'DWlg,b t Mlchner. Laity A~8't tace fertilizer for~ , their dealerlJ Reeve& was kllled at- 3;20 P.M. Our hope for the Naw Year _ Steward, Fraucaa Gray, EltecuUve al eoon aa it "le convenlently poa'Saturday wben h1a auto was atr· • Committee, Lo,wrenco Furnae, and sible. uck by Ii. PenJia),lvanla palaengel' RAINBOW ADVISORY CLUB that we ... COIltlJlue to Smpro". Juvenile Matron, Harriet McMII. Along tb. market and CODllDQd· tram at the Route 42 crosBlng In MEETS AT WERTZ HOME The Rainbow AdVisory Club II. 10111 aa WII have til. pl1v1lep Ian. Ity (ront, there 8IIemll to be ver~ Spring Valley oniy about 50 yardB its, Dec'ember' meetmg at tile held of publbblDc the OueU. &ad Tbe Juvenile otflcer. were a180 llttle IntereBt In' the market on thl'! . . trom bla home. ." Ihat our IUc~llIOra wW be able '~taJJed at thll l.1mt. part of ,botb buyers and lellel'., During ,the ·month of January a Reevell drove onto tbe tracks home of ,Mr. lind Mrs. Hllward to perpetuate the Guette •• lonl An aA.teDiiance · of 82 waJl the' re.ultlng In a ratber dull tradlq Sales Till! ·ElIaminer will be Biat· d.rectly In front of tbe traln Wertz. The rooma we re beautia8 there 1a . ' :W~ellYWe. •• count of ' the e.venlng, IDcludlns' week 'and mild market decl1nes. loned In WalrneBvllle at the 101- .w hlle wamlng lightS were bunk- fully . de'c orated -lor th~ Yule ,sea· In tallWll to mADY low farm- \IIltOrB. . Wheat · exporta ar& laggln« con· lowing location and 'date to as- tng. accardlng to the highway pa- lion and everything WILlI In keep'lng wltb the 'Christmas plan. eri we lie-ve been -rath,r .pleaMd Tile neit meeting "W'1lI be held slder.bly beblnd early ', especta slat vendora ILn tbe preparatlon . Tbe usuaL buslnolls se9sl011 of tbelr 8ale8 Tax Returnl of In. trol. rJiID1~al'Y ' 21. A ' "Womanlesl Wed'd. tioDa. Tbe Department 'o f Ap1culA lICe-long resident , of Sprlnll wal beld and an Interesting dll· ~ lurn that. praU. e"el'1 one inc" will ,~e the f~ture er ~l1e ture bad estimated el[pbrt of tOO, forMation for the per~od July I , Vaney, Reeves was al6ne In thll cusllion waa held on "Sllc1sl.zed of .tJaem does 1l0t approve of the evenlnr. Fun for everyone. 000,000 bul,bela for the crop year. 19t9 &0 December 31, 1949; ' W"'1neaVII~& ~atlo.nal 'Bank, anto. The train hlt biB car .wlnC- MediCine." preeelit adm1n1ltrat1oD'a I/grlclutHow,ever. CCC purch'u eB of ex· ... Ing It around 'and toBslng It Into F~l1owlng adjournment, a pleaural policies, aJlboUlh the,. Dl87 Harla~ Earnhllll't spent Thurs' port wheat for the first sll[ monJanuary 26, ~urlnll ~ankino a parkt!d car o.wned bf M~• .Joan sant Boclal hour was enjoyed. mean more monef at the present daL and Frlday '~'Of the vacation ths of tbe year amounted to only hou.... -:::-=tswiii6iiii'ii:er,of SprlDg Valley.. No with many varietieB 01 cakes, time for lb. fannez:. '. w'i8ke~18lttng -'Dick Smith ,In 49,000,000 '1\0 It. la ve17 doubtful Vebdon, ah.ould take with tbem 'one except: !leeves wal Injured. candles and frllll~ served ' aa ra, Mo.' local tannera .belleve that Trotwpod, O'hlo. ' 'that the orlg1nal goal will be at- tbe necelsary recordB ' Buch na 1\ Survlvlng ' IB a ao~, Em.st W freshDlcotS. copy of 'tbelr' last"" report. ..ates ".• ' prtce' aupport IboUld be lDItaU'talned. ·. records ' and vlen(lor purch\lse ord- ReeveB, of Spring Valley . Funeral lervlces were 'held Tuo· only, to m.ute 'agaIDlt .tOO . MI,B :Mary Jean BI.c key . Ipent CURR~NT BID8 . ell day wltb burlnl at the Spring EARL HUBBEL WINS AWARD a drop in prlcel' aDd to ...Iat 1n .the weeltend wllb her parenti (Quoted by tm Wayne.vllle • erB (pink ,copy). FOR CONSEf\VATION Particular a.ttentLon Is directed In. W,.,ynelvjije. MiSS Kickey ' Is a F.mler. Exchange) to tJle nevi schedUle "c" provided Valley cemetery~ Tbe many friends Gf Earl Hub· the polt-war 8COno1DJc aCUuatm8Jlt. rellident. of San Bernadino, Call' Wbeat ' . . ' $1 87 bu But mOlt or them belle,. th.t tomts. : ..... , ',' ..... .. .. ...... ... '1.17 . bell of Waynes'lllle Route 2 are ------Corn ........ ~u.. on the reverB'~ aide .of the origincongra.tulatlng him on being one .• 0vernineQt .upporte are too hlgb SOY DeaD. . . ... . . , ... .. , ,2.06 b'l. al return . . 'The' vendor le ·reQulr. W8CS' WILL MEET JAN. 19 d 11 f.th 1 AT ,METHO,bI8T CHURCH of t~e winners In the 19·19 Baluto· lI"t a 0 e I' st~~p . purThe Women.s Soclety of Christe . and wW eventuaU,. backfire to 6. The envlro~erit of freedom .\ Qlore ' lind Ohio rlLllroad annual chUe. made· during thel perl. o d, tbe deUrement of au. . and aecurity, which I. characitel'" FUneral lervieea were conduct· showtnc the ,late, tbe total am- tan Service will hold their reg· BoH conservation ,contest. It II 'loo bad that .tIle remenantl latlc of rural We should be main'fuNda,. afternoon ,at Jonahs OUDt of purohases ' and the aerial ula.r meeting In tbe 'Methodillt Hubbell placed flrst in the claof , the New Dad, do . not ~e tallied 00. ' ' Run ChurCh for G80rp n8nny, 18 numb.8"r which t8 carried Gn each Church Tbursday, Jan. 19, at 2 ssification for formers making , , • ·wbo died We4Deeday evening DC the greatest progress 1n consor· that' ,ou cannot· 'rIolate eclODOmIc 6. Production' contl'o~ ·.to be a beart ,aliment. at his wlnter pink .l1p jUlt ~Iow tbe Ipace P .M. Mrs. Gilbert Frye wlll conduct vll.tlon prl10tlces Cor October .h,~8 laws any more thaD can nat· UBed only after aU marketl for home 1n Qrl¥do, Florida. The showing the amount. The tota' amount df the' purchases so listthe .program. to Octoller 1949 In ,II 24 county ural iaw. without talnJ8tIDs with domestic, bave been- depleted. Rev; J. P. Tllombu1'7 oUlclated . ed' IIbould agree 'wIth tbe entry Mrs. Don Workman will review area. . dta.. ter. The law of npplT ~. PreII,"e and ItreDCtbR .the and tntemmel11 was In Miami c~m· tbe study course. "The Women on line 2 ot the return. Hubbell will be awarded a US demal\d.1I1 eT8Jltually Jll'tvaO fann produela, both forelh a.JId etery, Corwin. -. TheBe reports must be tiled of the Sc~lplure." Relreabment8 IIllvln.g s bond, He also waB among regardleaa ot. how much 01 tile famib' owned and operated farm Mr. Denny' and his wife bad with or. maJIM to Don H. Ebright will be served, In th"e basemon the whine,rs In '8 aoll ' c~ngervaf tu pia,-ara' moDe, 'the ~t UnIt. ' . , gOlls : to Orl&odo ' lut December. Ion con~e st sponsored ' by ,the Treasurer of 8We, ' P.O. BOll rooms. AdUUn.lltraUon .pend. to lle ,was taken ill s.b~rtlT aftel' 'ar' Guodyel\r 'rLre and Rubber Co. rlvln .. there:' ' . . , . 1799, Co)umbul, Oh1o before Feb •. CHOIR TO ME,ET REGULARLY to proTe o\herwbe. -0 Inaddition \0 h", wldo", Mary, ruary I, 1960' In order not to be The Methodist church cbolr is MR. AND MR.S. J. BERNE JONES w. be~eve that· th.e farm »ralit JI lunlved b,. 'one IOn, .Jobn. dellnQ.uent. If a deflclenc7 'IS ' In· now reQuested to meet regularly .TO OB8ERV,e: ANNIVERSARY the report, due to dlcated on of DILJwn, one daughter. Mn. Geo. cram ac1opte4 by .the 01110 St&~ on TburBday evenings at 7 : SO. Mr. (Illd Mrs. J. De~De Jones Pidgeon ot WUmlnrton and tour faUure ~ caElcel' Bufficlent ' pteGraDle ' at,. Ita recellt (OODyent!9a MU81c will be prepAred for each will celebrate their Golden Wedtax receipts to offset tllX paid grandchUdren. b the tlD8It D4 most aeulble due, a remL1tJmCe should accom Sunda.y m(nn.1 ni Bervlce 'and pra- dltlg , 1Ul~VC!TBary .next Sunday, ha~a heard 10 1&1'. JlBID PGiata of.I ctice has begun on the Easter Jan. 151 at the1r borne In Lytie. , Tb,e .RI~lLey fIIm1l¥ gathered at panf the report Ln ~ 'amount of .Cantata. 'be procraaa IDclu~e: . An open house 'will be oDservthe deficiency' , made pay&ble to the honie' of Mlal Mildred lUckey ed from ·two to five P .M. aurt I, 1'004 .hout4 . . lli'04u0e4 in in \flncbeater, Vlralnla. recently. Don H. ~r.ght, Treasurer of seven to nine P.M. NEW ORQ~N FOR LYTLE S~te. amount. aumCien't to IDInN an Pre.ent tor the reunion were: Mr. an~ MrB. Jones bave' one The Lytle Methodllt cburch bRB f~ AD ~\late dleto at Mr. and MI't:· Ted lUckey aild BOO. Tb,erle, aud a grandlloll, It ma, be 1)O.slble to Ileep on Installed a new Hammond organ. family; )lr. George ' Blckey of Clnprlcel th., can 111914 to ~. ~iltoD, both 'oC Lytle. ·c1nnaU; Mr. aud Mrs. 'Carl R!ck· au empty IItomach, but not an 2, !Doome 1ler1n4 from fumlq DONUT 8ALE The JoneB' are lifelong ' reslem' p t7 pocketbook. ey of ....b Rldre, Ohio,; IIr. aDd .boul4 . . compara1U to tba& o~ SPODIOred Bf Tbe . den!s of Warren onnty nnd IIrs. BeD IUQ., aull IIr. and WayuesvlDe W. S. C, S. talae4 from otUr IOGI'GU or .... Wayne township. Mn. Iil8rI Blcke, ao4 family of ~loymat. BIb for tJl 1'8Jltal of &pproE• . 8ATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1t1O ClnciDnaU. ' StarUnl at 10 A. M. 8PECIAL NlEETINQ Smatel, I~ cd tile lymap. ~ DeItrQotIoIl 01 foo4 1Iio'aI4 lIethod1lt Church- BaI."Dt A epeclal meeting ot t he Youth JIarrte4~._ aboa14 lie OWIled fUm wSl1 be nodvIlOt tJe teJerat.e4 .. . . . .. tIiiie or FeUdWablp of the Wayneevllle .... III1qr7 people iD tJae war1I. Clerk UDtII 11 WarD.. J'uJ'Illture aud App. store ll.a!tbod1lt church wlU be ' lIelel III their ..... or the rea- ell by the 100 DOZEN .. ftftDIq (IftGUeeI 1Iltoa14 lie loa wb.J. ataCae .. writer. At o'o1oOk IIOOIIt 111'1.11&17 1&. 1HQ Bundai, 18, at 6:80 P.II• .&11 Plaue pia", order, DOW, If po8fto our ..,oUtb' are Nqu.ted to ... UlOII . . . . . . . . .sn .. ..... IDOIt ot ~ bOW tile ... ' .... 0. _ wltr. -. Pl"eIIeIlt. .......... . . . . . . .I!I••• II _~ _ A .......
Firemen Protest LackOf Cooperation
Tu Inspector
To Be Here Jan. '26
_'If muter.
Thursday, January 12,1950
Change Seen f~r Heallh Measure; Frenzied Reds Acclaim Sialin all0;
Hungary Off-Limils for Americans ".Y ••• ,......
JNDIFFEllENCEI A Jet-Geor,e-do-It atUtude. 'lbose tbJ.ng. will cost UI, the AmerIcan people, the berlta,e left UJ b1 Pnlt generationa datlns back to the days when that vaUant little army fought and defe~1ejl the bire· l.Inp of a IPP, who would rule without the cOJlIIent of or Interelt In the subjects. We; the vat maJorlt)" of the Amerloa people, are N much I!II&T08HII Ia euJoylnr aUf afoar ataJidU'd of UvlDr produoed b1 the herJtace beeaeathed to lUI by oar aBCe.. ten, .... t we rive DO time or ..... rIIt 10 the preservation of IIaal berta.,e. Ua &be GUler band, a amaH mlnorlt)" loaMy demallds a ehaDp in &be AmerIDaa ....,. that .. belleves wW &in IIOme&blnr 'or aotblDr. That smaD minority would tum UI to lutlsm, 10cJalllm, and eventuall,y to communism. Bite by hlte, ,tlley are eati.nl away our American at ute, our private enterprlle .,.tem that baa produced , the concUtions-the high standard of Uvln, , ....:that' are causln, us, the vast majority. to lit Idly b1 whUe a '9OCal mlnorlty 11 destroyln, our national weU belne. We. rep...........nr &be . .It majorl..,. are loann. It to Qeorp te ten aar ·represeataawe. iii &be CIOJII'ft!M what we WIIIIt, ad Georp .., falUar ..... aa tile ~b. '!'be mlnarlt)" IIaa& .. clemaa4la&' lllat 1OIIIetIaIDr lor DOtblaa'. .. IJIIHvtcJ. ...., aacl Ulna,h arpaiu. ....... espreuIq Ita wIaIIe8 ..
1IeIa11elJ'. UMI.
tboqh _ p u . atlYel, UDall Ia alUllberll. It . ___ • peal DOllie .... ca..
__ u-e .. Wulalqtaa. reo iiriJeaa of ,pan., aIlUatloa
IIaa& II rep_ta &be . . . . that
.............. UMI . . . Ucu eltber tlefeat them . . . . . . the job.
On eleeUon ,,-, thon of the nolse-maIdDi· mtbortl1 -aU vote for thOle who 1m... IlItaned to' de'DWI4I tor that _metblDa foao nOIbIDJ for whieb the maJterr. • U, ekmorlD,. Of that,. .1t maJor"" who want our Amerlean wa, of llfe" !MJr printe eDtetprIM eeoi1oDJ1c IJItem. our rovemmen~ "of. lor and bJ the peopJe" eon. 1iDued, 80me take time out to vote,. 1M aiaD)o d ' rrot. ' .
, ... 01
:fa: evV devote · um.
or , fmeru .ufflCleat to upre.a 'tbeIr ' Who. to their, ' re~senta tlVel In _WuhlnJton. 'lbe, IaU to ;:-'--~~~-8'apiirii~"il;it'iJi~. fact' thaf thOle re~ reaeatativel ue' lar,el1 iDfluenced ,bJ what the, hear from the people back IIome. When the, h~ onl7 from the .omethill,-for-nothlnf element the, wW aupport the le,i.. laUon demanded bJ that miDorltJ. ibat mlnorltJ ha. Impressed tIIos. at Wuhington a. representlna: a majorltJ of the votes. Those hold· tn, pUblic office are courtm, thola votes. ..,'. Tbe apath,. the la4IIIereace.· 'the 1et.Gea~ a&U&III1e ., , life IiuJorl.., .. the 'Amerlcu ~ple ell ...., Is • aacl commentaQ> . . the meudDr of Ul'Gvemment, of. for aad .". the people." It cu IIleaa 0Dl, that &b_. •• IIt4IvI4a.aia or as
(IilDuoa'l NOTS. WIot• •.,1,,1.....r •••" •••••• I. , .......1....., w ....... N ••• ,a"1' VaJ •• ' ••••• aaa"a" aa' bel D.e •••• rU,. e, , ...
Labor Honored
HEALTH BILL: Changes Plallned There was little likelihood ' that It would amount to anythln, In the lon, run-Ilnee the bill seem. fore· doomed to failure-but Olcar Ewin" federal securlt7 admlnis· trator, let It be known he will rec· ommend lome changes In the 84· mi.n lstration's medical - Insurance bill now before congress. . , EWING'S ' convlctlon that the meallure as drawn could stand .ome -:.evlslon came after he ob· tained a personal insight 10,0 We 10clal1zed health program as prac· Uced in England and other European countries. Ewing laid his recommenda· tlons were n.o t completely formu· lated, but indicated there would be a ' provlsloI! 1n the bill to reo duce the opportunity for collusion between patients and doctorl to aU(IDent medical fee •. The approach 'Under consideration by the U,S. lurvey (roup II to require the patient to , pay a part 01 the cost of th~ medical service -Dot to a doctor, but to art Insur· .nce fund. AS THE U.S. BILL 1s now drafted. doctors would be eompen· .ated In any or all of three WIYS _ per I:aplta payment Irrespec· tlve of service, a Itrailht lalary, or a tee basil_ However, It might very well be much ado lfbout nothln,. all ' It .~med apparent neither the . peo'pIe of the U.S .• the medical protes• Ion, or a suttrelent number of eonIft.amen are In tile mood for In· atallaUon of loclallzed medicine ID the United State••
HUNGARY: 'OH-Limits The unIted state.. Irked and With pati~nee worntlUn, placed Communlat-controUed Hunga,., oft Umlts tor America~ travellnl a&roa4. The aetten 'WI' taken bee.use the . Hun,arian government hll' no attentlon to U.S_ demands that Robert A. Vogeler, an oMelal of the· IntemaUonll Telephone It Te1erraph eGJ;'pOratlon had not been releued after hla ureat on November 18. At that Hme, several other Americana were lakeD' Into euatodJ> . b)' ~ Run,lrf*ns. The American note placln. the' on ~erlcans ·to Hun,DU' a,.m ; de~nded Vogeler's relea.. and relerved the right to claim damages ' tor anJ InjUrle. he ma3r have autfered. , ' Although the. U.S. protest 'WI' directed only to the Vo,e1er ' cale, a ltate deparbnem 'J?Okelman lald that It applled allO to the arre.t 01 Israel "acoblen, bead 01 the Amerlca.. joint dlatrlbll~on commlttee's Hunnrl~n offi~. It wa. ~ atron, note an~ 1n41cated ' the temper ' of 'the 11.S. aUte depa~ent. but ' 1ft effect coUld be de&etmlned' onlJin the releaae or further deteptlon of Vo,eJel' and hili ImprlsOned fenow·Amerlc~ns.
CUPID , : Susi fflllow Cupid wa~ a ' v.eg bUIY feDow
\7.7-::-..:...:--,etr2pnbaUa~raitll~eiUf'!:J""'~~~ba~"i;~e~·*cl~ln~d~e~ecl~~a§lI~t~h~e!b30~1~llta~..,: sealOn came our, _y .• "." ...... of hllI8l!'Uvity
left to
••• IledtaP. are UwllUDc' to clo ' .a1PalD&' .. . ... lense .f tIia& Ileritap. B" doln" no~L L g thew wW let . J • ~" tUt, . w~ch, ·ba. , provided oppor. - tunity and general prosperlty go b, default to the nol.-, clamor of that somethinJ·for.nothln, mittorlb'. It Will mean. 'tllat America will reap •• a harvest the dre,. of ltatfsm, 80clllllJm and , eventust commuDlam for aU, IDcludhig tIIole de· mandin, that lome thing for noth· ,inI. All wW pay' the ~rrlble price '01 our 'apathy. ' What ean arOUIe the great major. itJ of ~erlcana to ,tile fact that our blrthrllht S. aurely vau- , '."'ft" clown tile ravenOUI crop or -.. .tatlsm. socla1WD , and commuDIam. and aD' because those COI1IItl. tutln, that great maJorlt7 lit: auplDe17 b)' with no eftort ~ prevent .uch a catastrophe? LeUerl, lara:e number. 'o t them. from individuals; relo1utlona from or-UIlzaUOIII, from , chamberil of • ~n:e, . from. lervloe clUbi.
D••• It.P'~.)
ThIs I. .. phOIo..... pb al the DeW three-oe~& U.S. poltqe .tamp wblcb will be ......' Ie . commemorate ' the latth 1UIDlven~r,. of 'he birth of 8~ael Gomper., cre.t AmericaD Jabar I.e ader. It wUI be priatecJ in purple .nd wilJ ,0 OD ule Washlnrtoa OD Janur, n.
STALIN: . Big Birtbday The ;:lovlet-domlnated world went into a trenzy as each nation and satellite, strove to ,outdo the others In payln, tribute to RUllla's Jo.eph' Stalin on bls 'lOth; birth anniversary. THE RUSSIANS were In their usually . rare form, uslnl the occalion to hurl a thunderoua d.emand for . peace at the . world. In order to achieVe It, ..the, would aet up, the:r s,ald, annual a~ for those '90lnl the 'moat to pre.erve peace and to confound the "war mcm'enrll." , that cate,ol')' In· cIiided. of course. all ' natIOns and governments out' df s1tnPltbJ with ,the SOvIet aim ot· expansion. • , Alrriolt tanta.tle, was the ment to wl\lch " the Stalln-worablppera went in , adulatlon 01 Stalin. 'Xboulaada p1 'parcel• . and crate.. aralnloads of merchandise, whole ex· pO.ltfon baUi of trinkets 'and pie~ea, factorle. aDd .ockl, boob. and hOnes. 'wille and to,l. 4eUea. ele. and can were funneled Mpaeow tro,m ~ Ela,e to frOm .the Arctic to the Blaek NO ONE MAN . couht ever aU the 1Ift,a, or read an the , honOl's• .No one m~ could e~r d1itrlbpte them. ' What It 'IV" aD worth was aUyone's' llUe •••. but certainly fnlWons 01 .donan. . Eastern .. German3r alone col· lecte~ 70 trellht cari of ~ one for 'each year-a. a lort of whimsIcal repar~tfona. Tbe western world paid Uttle heed to the Soviet chest·beatlng oVer a desire for peace a.nd, so far as the prelll reoorded. England was the only nation aroonl the. North ~tlantlc pact ' lifDatoriel to I congr.a tulatlons to ' Stalin on his birthday. , But . for tile Russians, them· lelvell. to most of whom Stalin II more legendary than real, the thrWlnl, dramatlo high spot of the annlvel'lsry celel)ratlon came In Moscow' w hen Stalin. Iillnself. wa\lJ:ecl out on a stale to let the pe:ople see ,hi~ .I
' .
Mlost schoolboYI would reaot with surprise It told that gravity Is still one 01 the most puzzling of natural forces. They would de· ciarl! that Sir ISIIBC Newton had settled all that when, after watchIng the faUlng apple. he stated a tbeo:ry that may be over~slmpll. fled by explain In, It ,. s fact that "evE!rythlng that. (lioes up mu~t comle down," H~'wev'er, Albert Elnlteln. ~Iz zle·b.alred, unpretentioul IclenUst. ranked all among the' ,reatelt In the 'World. and a key fillure In the deveIopment 01 atomic power. wasrl't content to leave It at that. EINSTEIN. after a IlfeUme of work:, had 'made a great discovery -;a discovery he believes will ex· plair. the mystery of' gravItation. One of the (reatest of the IIclentlfic eni,ma~, gravitation 'keeps hum :a~ from flootlnl off the earUl. keeps the earth and .other plan'~ta spinning always In the lam'~ path around the sun. According to the new Einstein theory, which was announced by the Princeton university press, aU the basic p)lysicallawl would .bJl ezplalned In terms of gravitation. It II 8lIl attemPt to describe In one law ,e verythlnl that goell on everywher'.8-trom . the Inside of one atolh to the Umitl of the unIverse. Elns't eln haa lleen trylng to do that tor llO years. • U . Elnsteln I. r1gbt, he may bold the key that will, unlock aU the 'ecrl!ts of the universe. LIKE RELATIVITY, the new theol., I. expreBBed In mathematlei" The heart 01 the e:q>laniitlon of (ravity is four equ,tion.. (Iven In letters or symbols, not numeralS. Th,e re was no explanation of what: the Iymbol. mean, but no phys;lcJsts were ready yet to try tq talk publlcl1 about the new th!!Ol'Y, It atill had to be tested to le~ whe1her It covers aU tbe known IaWI Oil' o~'servatlons about the way mattle r and enerlY and gravltaUon , beba've•
The ,t rial at which he was acquilted was won on grounds tha t his convl.ction had come be· cause Qf perjured testlmoi1y. His accuser, Wolter Norwood, 58, charged that ' W.ilson robbed him ot t500 In a holdup 00 Belle I!land lln May. 1931. At the re-trlal, Wilson testi· fied that he later met Norwood In 1945 In southern Michigan prison Where 'the latter was serving a term on a charge ot violating gambling law~ , Wilson testified that Norwood told him 1hat police had Instructed Nerwood to testify as he . did at the original trial.
Washington Plannmg' To Greet 15 Million People During 1950
To), Cbest And HESE two gay equipment are Hand saw, coping wheels and screw the tools needed.
Play Table pieces of play easy to make. saw to cut out driver. are ' .U
• • •
Pattern 2M live. directions fol' both plrcu. lind nctunl-slze slenell lIeslp• for decorntlll,. Price of ')ultern u Ue.
"'.d dress:
• • •
a ••,... au..,
NOlr :I •••
liw I all,""""'IIU.I
~~as ~vei'ything .
1IDt.. ..,.
Lin. t.on, Itfor. Humlns
Eighteen Yeors
Instrument Plots Airplane Performance
DETROIT, MICH, - Sewey , Wilson, 51, recenUy was found Innocent of a charge of armed robbery after he 'hod served 18 years of a 1I1e sentence after conviction on that charge , He was convicted In November,
WASmNGTON, \- This crowded c,apftal , city. norma11y 'attractin,' four .mllllon,. vISitors a year. Is ex· ' pectin, thllt numbel' to jump to 15 nilllion durin, lOSO. The reason I. that 1950 I. the lSOth bll'thday of the nation's cap· Ital city and the lesqul-centennlal commission. preparlnll for the event. reported that all the .tates and territories and 40 nation'. are ezpectud to participate willi ex· hlblts and pal-eants. America's progress under the "free ente1Prise system" will be emphasized in the celebration. Preildent Truman said It win be 'Willi RAISINS a "syrobP} to freedom·lovlng peo!fa cteamlnal No en-beaUBII .1uat ple everywhere," one euy I~ when you make theee delIoSoua mlllrlJul The "sesqul" commission, aet up % teupoon AU 1 cup b, ' eongresi. was to work out a Kellon'a , ~ cup 1IupJ' program 01 'p ageantry and drama All-Bran 1 en A Waming aimed at portraying America's " cup mlIk 2 tab~ 1 cup IIRed 10ft · It would be cbar,ed to politfc. progrell 'In freedom. The C/ubtand, 1I0ur . lhortenJar and an effort to .mear the '~Falr in, feature was to be the freedorr. 2% tellllPOOna % cup b&IdnII poWder raIdna Deal" prorram. but house GOP fair in Anacolltla park. 1. Oom~lne All-Bran 8I)d milt 111 Plan. called for reopeJ)In, thtl leade!r Josepb W. Martin .truck a m.1XliIc bowL ' logiCist note when he warned ,that fair. In April. 1951. tor 'a .even.. J. 81ft floUl'. b&IdnII powder. salt Into a tall: Increase In 1950 ~I,ht tbrO,w months run ,to Novem~ 22. ConlICIme bowl. Add lUPl'.en. ahortenlna,l'I1IInI.8t1r dIal...."tU aomWMd. ~e lIatl~ into an eoonomlc ''taU.. tlnuaUon of the fair as 'a 'permaI. PIll Ileue4 mll1ln pans % full spln"~. and cost milUons ot. workers nent internatiOnal trade expOSition , Bake in 1Inhea*' mocleriatel:r bot their i?bl. ) , also was . dlseulle4. oven (.oo"P.)· aboUt 25 mlIlutea. Yield: , . mecl1um mu1flna, :awa MARTIN took a jiba at Presl4~t Amon, ' the projected buildings blcbeI acrcaa. ' Truman's indication that some ex- at the lair are Freedom bouse, else taxea mllbt lie lowered b, wbere the .naUon'. hlstorle docu. dec1arlnl: mentl will ~ on dbplay, and the ..It appear. Mr. Truman la about tedel'al bulldln, and . the han of to ~ • eQO.mlQlon-cloUar kite with Itate." bousln, exhibIt. of eori'. muBl-miWoD-dollar taU lID it... Ire... feeleral department. and the 'l1at referred to pr.vloua .tate- state, 'iUao a pan-American 'c enter, ments by admJiljstratlim leaders. In .whloh we.tem bemlsphere natIlee the:, knew of no way tv aYuldl-hir.:OIl~.:::;;w;m--7.te;'·n~e=='to~rY~':'otn1hri:':elri':"'r a deficit without hl,her taxel, htJtott and culture. :' ' TJIE PRESIDENT'S PROPQSAL wal' refer.red to ai' J "'pack'a ,e 'I , d.eal" which Mar:tln. • aId eongreu, Or. Spldlr Hid Tiliphoni would reJeCt. The ' plan would au.geat lopplnl ~ mUllon dollar. ' off the exclle levies. but would caD tor OTTAWA; CANADA.- Tbe tel~ a multl·bUllon dollar increa.e In phone and the rapld:translt sy•• Income taxes_ tem about which one thlnkl a. · Martin made It clear th.t he .trleUy modem conceptlonl. mono , wolllci 10 along on the exclae 'taX oPQlIzed by manklnd j are not. that alalb, but that he alld fellow Re- lit all, few , 8,es 'ago th~ orb ' IPli1er publicans woUld Jlo everytbing po.. combined both Qnd tfle combination ill1ble 10 prevent any increas.' in ,stID WOrkl perfeotly, At an7' Irate, Incon!le taxel. ltich 18 'the atatement of the science THE REPUBLICAN LEADER , editor ,of the Clinadlan Presa, was on 1l00d tacUcal (round for , The orb Iplder has a telephone the IIlmple feason that 1950 II a ' line which at the same time serves conClressloanal elecUon year and It as a rapld·translt track. It Is a many Democrata wolild teel com- silken thread puUed to the right a1on, With the GOp, In tension and leadln, from the cen· pebe'd to ,an 'uU-tall bike fl,bt. ter of the wep to some" hIding place, where the spider walts or Apply Black Leaf 40 to even slumbers. ::'':JI'!IfI'''.1 roostl with llandl Cap "rush. Fumes rilc, killing . When an Insect strikes the .well, lI~and feathe~mllcs.whllc the line Vibrates enough to brln, chicken; Perch. Ono ounc;e the spider to the alert, Sh_the troalS 60 fccl of roolll -90, cliicltclIJ. Direcllona temale ot the species , II more 011 l1ackage; Alk for Black brainy all well as mo~ deadly than Leaf 40. 11)0 dependa~lo th'e male-then uses. bl!r. telephone, inlet;tlcidc of m~lIy usc•• . line for a rapid ' run to the web's Tobacce ".fr.d. . l chailed cente~, The dlriner. :which ra~g Its tll\ll!1IIH ,II"'''. VIlli... own gong, " found quickly, Alr.condltlonlng I. another ' up· to·the·mlnute notion of man, Or I• It? Honey bees knew all about It whet. the world was young, They maintain a constant temperature an!! regulate air now In 'order that th'elr larvae may develop unhampered by aeverfi fluctuatlo,nit ana that , ~e , hon!!y In storage may be AI'e )'ou 11011211 P1nnlIb u. • .tUnotlOIl&l ' p'r~,e..,4!ji properly curea and In ~18lddle..'~I.·· perIod pec\lJlar Co , p,erfed .hape, Certain bees are 81' , women (3&·52 Jeara) ? Doa. thla make ''1\1 lUlrer from 00' flub .., t ..l ' 10 ,Igrfed to 'the prodUction of body II""""", hllll..tnInII. tIred?Then do heat by, muscular exertion; others, try L),dla B, PInkham'I Vlllletable tile tarmers. are stationed on the Oompoun4 to reUove aUCh ~ptama I IIeIuIar \lie or CoInpounc! hive floor and by steady win, b.11III bull4-up NllaI&Doe acatDft thla VlbraUon at the "lIht .peed creat~ uno,ma mldCU..... d&ltrMal " and maintain the e,xact dellree 0:. LYDIA L .' PI.KIWI'S·. all' circulation required. '
centered In the Upper bracketll ." " Hanlly' bad be' IISt- down to rest Uneqsy 'Freedo", , The United Statea of Indonesia after brinling Vice-President \ Alben W. Barkl.., and ,Mrs. Hadley . wai an ~stabUshed fact. It had be~ together at the altar, when he was come formally tree after 300 yea~ anel oft a,ain, this time to br.lng of Dutch rule. about the union cif New York Mayor But the birth Of freedom was no' C)'DwYer and fashion st';'llst EUza- routine. Cl\80al affair. Just like the.. ~ beth Sloan Simpson. ThIs romance case with most republics. the culminated with • wedding in ,birthday was Irlm and Florida. Even 811 freedom was declared. BUT the llttle fellow with the the new nation deployt:d troops , win,s and the bow aod arrows and maintained a IItate of liege In wasn't having any relit, With the wide areas to prevent anticipated Ink ,barely dry on tlie press ' an- dillturbances. nouncementl of Mayor O'DwYer's iT WAS E:~ECTED' that Co~- , weddln" headlines carryin, a real- moniSts and lome dle·bards would ly ' romantlc wanop were scream· attempt to make trouble for the lng alain. new republic and to embarrasl it And thlll ' Ume. Cupid had hit by creating disorders; . Hundreds ,of troops patrolled .the wbere It ·burt. Thousands 01 movie; .truek femste. across the nation, .treeta of Batavia and machine. with a ,oodly number 01 them be- (Un posts were let up at intersecin, HollYwood's own, fall' and tions. Dutch troops throu,hout the tamou.. were abo c ked. then country were ooiltined to barraclu rrieVed iii they learned that lang- for two day. to prevent clashes, time A UNITED NATIONS commll'I'1lIs .............. e.~ ' wed. movie Idol. .Clark Gable bad lion aet a truce in the Islandl -b-atJ'. bralu IIIId .,a, from Lellao fOlts, from cIuba, HANDsoME. he.man Gable bad which ended, the bloody tiahtln, ...1I1Ia. BIle .. Seaorita &aaa cilutcbea .~ other or,anlzatlona taken to wife the ,widow ot the late between the Indoneslal1ll a n'd Alvares 'Valcleraa. II. wwld help materiall7 10 "vine our Doutla. Falrbankl, ' Sr. $be was Dutch. and also supported a Dutch- '·lhiria ......... &1'1UIeUe ...._ peatIJ threatened W8J of Ute. our the former Lad, Alhle),. Gable Indoneaian, roundtable conference r"'k .... bala. tile Uu. ., " '1'broI&Ih ' IUch thInIB, .... hi rfd ....... at WubInJton would be hear. ,a". ' .... a,e a. 48; • b e .aid at the Hape laat fal] which led to . . . . . .til ilia AmerJ. .... 'f rom the pea' majorltJ. abe WI. D. The maJT!a,e WI. the the rrantln, of Indonellan inde...... BIle .. IIeInD Ie • dpendenee. ' lk tOU1'tb for .ach. lorhtDe, ' Before the deJa of America'. CCIIltributlODI in bOllona to Ena- MECHAHleAL BRAIN ...... "1IOII18tI1IDa: for notbiDl" Labor IO"mmeot welfare. the Alt~;aotJIh an annDIIDcement made Dl,uab people found j'Bechaa·. A llaut computer, which eqI- the na"", research Rc:UDD tor Ule that no emerPDc:r wa• . __ pIDa" a .-eral au'8 lor DIGIt 01 neer. believe ean do juIt about at the Voulht alrCll'dt comP8l11 the UnltecJ Sta~s al'lll7 Ol'" tbeIr 1111: Now that American as- aQthln, aeept .at and Ileep" plant in Dallu. ' ualalq far aU aIItaDce bu dropped from blWOIIII perfonnln. amalinl f.ats ID con,f.ecordlq to enaineen d •• crIbto buI¥Inda 01 mllllOlll the Labor 'neetlon with anl17_ 01 aIrplan. 10. the device'. flmoll-. ' Itt. _~11C8D 1roOpI In Bull~ iIOD lDftIIUDeat aIIdI It can DO Joqer performance even before tile air- alJDple. Tbe~ admlt. that troops til lIHUa pruum....... free PftICriptlalll. IDd the plane a. built. It tat.', 7.an for au operator to bI.. to fJ. If _I*Ple muat ataID lie utllfled device lml'-tH 8Jl ~ learo IIow to Interpret the eawaaId ....lop," aid CoL .... ........... Or P87 for the In'111. fIIrbt u It develOJll IatormJUaa I . . . wbIeb tile lDaehibe II.... E..u. . . ~ tbJt ~ I& . . . . .d blow to rital to ........n pi......... air- 1Ionver. tIlosa ~ tile dn!ae eome from . . . . . . lad . . . . . . . . . . tIIeoI7. craft for tbe future. It".. lr. tIlDe well IP8DL ,<Pti'Jlliat piIke, Of .."....... WI.
of U.S. eetebtltle8.
Two Gay Play Pieces Are Easy to Construct
I •• Yorkin MUI' SIVI ' On 'W.t.r for 3 'Y.....
. NEW ' YORIt,-'lbe ' ~ad new.
tlna1l,y dawned oil r.~ ants of the l1',at metrapoU. .01 New York0., would have to acrimp ad the!'r 111!.8 of wa.ter for ~ rean . n oall1' about u the toWns JqJ.rcu ~ water IUppU... Ita llent ~ rese"olrs. be,." to \k1 lIP a~tte"" be,an ,to · fan. ICllllnln, &be tNmand problem Of' aupplybl, adequat. : water ~ tflW Yori·. .. 11111• • had little ot a brlaht to taooI out.. Water IUppUea ~OI OVlmllid aIi4.DoI ~1' aocm-but. with tile PIOPle C\OOJIel'8t1Da b7 .CCIIIOInIzI~ GIl water. tile lltuatlaa eouId be .... ItOrad to 1lOrJDaI-e17. ID three ,....
n.. ..u.
aalure c9Ukl
Watch You t' Kidneys.!
' Help'I'h.D aea- 'M Blood of llaraalul Bodyo .......
Of Forgery RIOh!U'd WII WllklnsOD
Quonset-Type 'Huts Meet Storage Needs 'Little Business' Answers Challenge iii Grain Belt Called upon by the department of agriculture to perform a modern (Dlracle, "little busin1!ss" .In 10 midwestern states II tackling one I ~~al:i of the biggest jobs of Its kind ever I f undertaken anywhere In peacetime. Its Herculean assignment Is the site prepaiatlon and er!lotlon of 2.S()() sleel buildings-each 32)(98 feet or larger-at 670 widely separated looallons. The task arose with the grain belt's acut1! need for spa\le in whlell to slore the record-breaking carryover of 1948' I com .crop. In llne willi
Grain belDe 'Ioaeled Into Quo.. set hut. lor CCC .torare Dear' Paal~inr, Ohio: .
1l\e trend toward economical ''horI10ntal" grain storage, the department ordere!l Quonset buUdlngs for a large part ot the necessary new facUlUes. These archroofed Iteel units now are mushroomlng up beside highways and rallrpads near farm centers through the eUorts ot local businesses anel labor, rather than the work ot transient erews employed by a few big and distant contr.ctlng firms, Within two weeks time more than l,l~ concrete ,foundations had been laid, and erection of steel was under way on them in every Itate. The concrete work alone was roulbly equivalent to ' laying 25 mUe. ot hlehway In • time that an .verage road-making crew ",oUld require to' put do~ o~e.
• The second ploy of the trilogy-"Cheophorae"-opens with this meeting (below) of Orestes and Electra, sop and daughter of Agamemnon at. the foot of their murdered father's tomb. looking on are Electra's slaves. Seldom have the Greek revivals been presented on such a scale and with such success as the 1949 revival_
Dangers"~I JI~tc:herinq At Home are OUtlined .,.
~ I
]lome' butch!!rIn~ Is proU"bte on the farm and man:r rural famlUeiI are replerihhln, their locken, jar. and p.ntrles. But,' unless undue caution II used. home buteherlng can be danler.oUt. Equipment, too, should b'e used wJ~ care. All lmiveir lhOlIld lie kepf,lftt ' I' .wtable plaoe' when: In 'ullit ' Kolitblg:,~eciwpment slloWd be I>checked;. , A i tllmper should ,be uljed to , force me.t Into the (Irlnder. _.
AttiDUon to Details
PaYI OfUqr Hog 'Fa_ ,
Attention to detaDa I. the, bI;'e"
i ....on wb:r lome bo,'farms .arped p,ooo more &bart 10\lle others 'aur-
Ink .the
palt year. j F. 3. ' Belli, . farm. ' man~,ement spoolaUIt Ju 1J1jnola colle.. of .glculture. said ' that I . h'lb-Jucome 'hOI r.mia •••rI,ed eamiDl. from .wlne , last
,10._ ".r,
w~ 181 leH-efflc:IelJt 1um~.;t'~
''THER"E'S A CURIOUS TWIST to thJs ease" InB,p e·etQ>r...:..:J':!,~lC~,,,,, George Jackson. ' president of the Medville National Bank was saying. "Anthony Page, who deposited $25,000 with us on Monday. de· clded to use his right name at the last moment." "His right name? What do you mean?" "Anthony Page is a fiction writer. His real name Is Edward Thurston. RecenUy a distant uncle died and I ' left him a small fortune - $25,O()() to be exact. Page con B u I ted me about Investments. ' - - - - - - - ' I advised him not a ere TRUOK RJ;lAOQUARTER8 to Invest In anything while the Oye~~&I\n:::. !"ol~~f~ ~:aJJnc was In Its present unstable • In a rece,nt revival ot market Cle.dalld !to. 01110 He agreed, and decided JAMUl Klnt,m an the aneient Greek drama condition. to deposit 'the money In our bank DOGS, CATS. PETS. ETC. at the once-great Athen- until thlngs looked better. CANAnIl!:S WANTE:D-BeBt Price. p a id. ian theatre, Herod's Od"He came In early Monday morn· Write for snippi n g dlrecUons. AMERICAN BIRD CO. eon, stage hands are shown ing and made the .deposlt, dec ided f811 W. !Blh 1>1, Chlenro it. 01. (above) looking down on to use his real name of Edward Boxer Poppies. 11 w ee-Jus, second BreedSired by Warlord· Dum M a nIa. ul"", , the half-I I~d interior as ' Thurston at the last moment. On Ing. nrulllht 'Cha mplonshlp Unc:lRc. PrevlouB Mollnlf lIroclucccl pets excep\:lona.lly line they engage in' erecting Wednesday. a check for $5;000, In polilUon and ConlormnUnn ; 'l'hl s the stage and settings. In signed . by Edward Thurston, was litterDlslooks bet"'. yet . G ..,.lnwn Dour presented and cashed by ono of Kennel • • ~6 1 ~6 Delroll sa •• W"U."e. o . stoging the revival, mod- our tellers. ern techniqu.es were subFARM MACRlNER~ ,. EQUIP• ... have questioned Thurston. stituted for. (lneient methN.", 8"el \4" . .bl., Ideal for fen.tn ~ _ nnd b arricades. Ie II It.. u1J.Y Qua nUb. He SBY,_ be left ror ChlClLgo ods, among the innovations MORRI8 WRECKING. l303 ... 10 01. . 8i.. direcUy . after deposltiDg tbe D ..,.on. ObI •• being skillfu l lighting efmoney, and swears be told DO fects. At leftr, these "warFARMS AND RANCHES one about hill decision to ' ase riors" are warming up for FLORIDA RANODE8. F a rmll, Country hJs real name. Be bad signed E state a nd Touris t court•. GENE LEStheir roles in the drama. no checks acalnst bls accoUDH LIE, ReaU..., Madison, F lorldn.4 Stars of t .h e trilogy by Inspector Kent Cl1fford reflec, MISCELLANEQ.U~ Aeschylus WI~re ably .suP- tively Ughted a clga.r. - - S""T""O::-;:K"'E=-'i8='n EOO'iiiiiiTIO ;::"N ""J;l :::C:O =-ported by a brilliant cast "You liay that Thurston made his DO.MESTIC- COMMERCIAL . THE DERRITT-MALONE CO. of Gr~ek ·players. deposit early .on Monday morning?" 'ItS Lorain Ave .• OlovelulIl. O. NO 86M • "As for as I can find out," the 8peela1l How to m ake Extra .Money' In president oUered, "there ' were IS7 ways. Full p nrUc ulnr9 Free. Please print name and address. ARTlIUR C . •)Oly two men , in the bank whUe WELCD • . P.O. Do>< 202. 0.1........ Ohio. Thurston was here." He handed An~bor.,e, AJ.Illa: Crossroa ds of th e of1lcer a slip of paper. "Here ~"o~tg-g:'61:fr:ie~u~~~ ~~t.r.:~~re.,~l~~ are their names and addresses. Send ,1.00, Fer,le. BOll ~71. lIfoaDlaf.. Both are well known to all of us, VI .... Al . . .... men of high repute." . SEEDS, PLANTS, ETC, Inspector CliUord studied the names. ..~ow tell me what your clerks were up to:" "Nothing unusual. Getting things ready to start the day. Making sure K..p Post,d . on Valull deposit blanks, pens. blotters, Ink, etc. were o.n the lobby counters. By Headina the Ads . Arranging their cash . . . .. Inspector 'CliUord snapped bls fingers . "That's it. Come on, we' re going to call 0l! these two men." HE FIRST CALL was on a man named Simons In the suburban town of Sharonfield. Mrs. Simons' answered their knock. ';Harry Is away. Is there an1thing .I caD do? .. ·· FoU... .,revlonl IDlltrulltlODI ;rom Clifford, Jaollion AId: "We made • mlstake 'ln hili moatb1y sta.t emen' las& week. Do-yOb happen to know whether he b.s It bandy!" "It may be on his desk. Will you come inside? " .They toUowed her into the 1i00se. There was a smaU den 0f1 the Uv.King Agamemnon enters (above)
I . . SW'lt Down D"ts
Swe.t, down your production COlts if you want , tel maintain profits in thele .days 01 declln1n, fa~ Jlrlce•• , ODe ·w ay ,to 'Wlat down thole' co.ts I. to Jucre..e ro,u r . crop ;yield. pe,r .cre. More bushels of . eom aDd pain per .bI'e, more pounda of .neat, milk. dalr7, producit. and pllUltry mean, lower produe~on costS per ,urilt. On IUch • ba'sl•. you cim maiCe • profit eveD If prices .lacken· further. You can· get those ·hlgher '·yleld. -!?til lower costs·with looci IOU man.gement. ~ood IOU mana,ement means ,lvIng your .soll a i.lr '- deal. 'It mems .upplying' the IOU ~ 'wellbalanced ration of plant ' foods, SO crops will be wen nourished.. It means buUding up ulltead of breakIne down ·.oU .trl!cture and W~ It meanl "rechar,In,'" ttle land :with . • oll.enriching crop. at regulafo Intervals; InstHd of growln, 10U.dr.lnlDg row ClOp. ',ear .after ,ear on t1j1! lIallle IEWeL .
BUSINESS & INVEST. OPPOR.. B . I.:. S . and Cl~vf'ila nd Aut ;mnUOR aod entire s hop: 0 oUier m nc hJnca;· 011 ror $2700. For InformolJon ' wrUe STANLt:\· l'UILl, lI>S., II Oa E lh e r llofl ""VfI ., C'.dal1a 1\ n. Ohio.
. and with him is hapless Cassandra, a 1irojal'! princess he has bl'lought ~om. as a trQphy. Nimble hands of Greek maidens' spent many busy. hours weaving the heavy fabrics fir 0 m .which dresses were designed for the main characters in tile drama. ge~tleman •.ery obviously of the modem age '-elps three "ancient Greeks" with their lines before d res s rehearsal (r~).....l:ha· bearded character se'cond 'rpm left is the ill-fated Agamemnon, ' king of Argos, a r 0 u n d w~om the play revolves •. Below, this scene ~"o m "Orestia" shows the messenger w h'o brought the ·glad tidings of th, victory of the Greeks over the Trojans .as he .hugs . the ground of his hOl11e town, Argos. which he sees for the first' time in 10 years.
MOlE fINn (ottetonlc';'
41111t~~• .w,.~ .-.nvr notnWt",.,."
• i.
Simon'l eYetl rrtw wide ~ _ _ lor a moment 'lie ltared •• thoacb .truck. thea impul.I.ely turned and bolted. ' ing room containing a desk. Mrs. Simons began oP~nin2 drawers and peering Into them. , For a moment Inspector Clilford stood Idly by. Then sudc;ienly be s.t epped forward and snatched something fr(lm one of the drawe·rs. Before the startled eyes ut Mrs. 1' C:I~"na and the astoni shed gaze of President Jackson •. )le strode over to a window, studied the thing. "Simon's our man," he said. ''This proves It. Nbw-" He broke oU as the front door opened and closed. . As CliUord flnlsh~d speaklng, Simons, a tall spare man, appeared Vlcts Va~ub IIvea you th1s In the doorway, stopped and looked Oftlr special PeDetratlnl-Stimulatlng about in bewilderment. . ai:tlou wheli you ~ it 011 throat.. "I'm Inspector ClUford 01 pollce cheat and bacJt at bedtlme:- . beadQuarters." the ' officer said, n PENnunS to uPPer broDchial .steppi!!g forward. "Simpns. t arrest tubes with weclal meaic1na1'vapors. back l\Ulfaces you for forging Edward T1iurston'. It ITllillLAlII chtat Uke a ,w amilng poultice; And 1t name to a check tor $5.000.:' Simons' eyes grew ·wldCl. The teepsworldngfor hours-even color drained .from his cheeks. For wbUe,au sleepl APOAU. • mo.m ent he stared 81 though WNU-E 02-50 .truck. then impulsively turned and bolted. " Order 800te's AnticlpaUDr tbe move, . . spector ClU'ord leapeel forQua.ity Chick. Nowl w.rd. BIll flDger. eaDrh& bold A\'Ohl _ ~rlo.·. ""III Toke .eI· 01 the &all m.o's collar, 8IId ft,II'8P of BOOao·. auc.",Ddioll ·chick 01'.... Choo •• ,out deU ••., cI •••• yanked Idm ~ao'warcl. SDedd No .• - SOO health,. broil., dddu oal, 'U ... 5-_1t 11•• biJi" "Quite sImple when 1!XPlalned," _ . 5pcdaI No. Z-'OO.~d Cbl~ IUIIIiitcftcI all bn..,. ..... .. Cllftord was Eayln, later. "Simoni "', U4.", .~ 00 _dab ~II probably needed money. Be _ . ill DOt aoeecI Z4~ pallett-SPBCJAtS No.1 ..eI NC!> 2 ,1.00 per 100 the bank when Page 'wa. mlilW1ll la ... tbaa HO loa. Siamd DaIle" hi. depo.lt, and pieked up the ..... dile", 2 10 J2 .... ala. AU ........ WmelOf_p",prin UtI. ter Page had used when IlanInI Idl name. It was a new bloHa', IlTCIEIIES, .... and the Imprint therefore wa. defi. ~MIIMIIOfA nitely eRIJ' to copy for torl!UJ purposea."
The Miami 'Glizette
Eatabllahed 1850 Publlllhed every Thursday mOl'n· Ing' at Vi ayu sville, \Varren Co· Ullty, Ohio. Edna H. Conover .. . ,' Publlsher f' T ed COll()Ver ......... . . . Editor
. ~J'i"·
METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coloman, Minister Ohurch School. 9 : 30 A.M,.
Entered as second 0laS8 mll.tter Subscription Rute : .,,1. 50 per year at the pOlltofllce at Wayuesvl\le, In Ohio Kentucl(y. and Indiana. 12:00 l se w ll e r~. Ohio. ' ~LUE
LYTLE METHODIST ' B, II;, I1llllgbn, PUBlo]' Mr. nll'It'1i Sel' Ice, 9:Hi
SUe Hars hburger of Leb· tIiIlon a iled on 11 el' au nt, Mrs. Allce Clark on 'Tues dny 'lfLernoon. Mrs. Leah' Mill s s pent ThUI'R· day in Clnclnnali. Mr. aud Mrs, Joseph Scblil; d St, Th omas, Ky.. thell' nepll ew, Mr. Do.vlfl Henllel of illcinna U, alHo MIss Dorothy Gu ldenberg' of OJncfnnati, calJea On Misses 1\1 (1' me lind Annie Drowu 011 Sunday afternoon. . MI', W'lIson Edw:tl'd8 at , prlngfield visited hla aunt · IIs8 1\\ 01'· I!Rrnt "'ll f'· lI t·d s . F"1'lrluy IIfl 1'1)0011. ••
AI t •
f' 0ll
Thursdsy lute r·
Earnhart, Supt. Worship Sec-vice. 10 : 30 A,M. ST, MARY'S EPISCOPAL Youtb Felowsh1lp, ' SUlitlay. 6:30 SlIl1Iuol N, leeys, Reclor P,M. Momlng Worsblp. 10: au
BlIIlngs Cor Blue Cross quart· el'ly fees ha.re bea f,,"ued by the Hos pital' Cflre CorDo.rntion to all members en rolled through the ()O.m. munlty of Wa.Ynesvllle. Th1s quar·· tedy pny menl wil l cover member· ship fees for the Ileriod from .ra.n, 10, 1950, thl'ougb April 10, 1950, I'll alHJme 10\~ record for ad· minls trati ve costs ' was set by the Blue Oross Plnns throughout the country durIng the fir st six mono th s of 19d 9. The Blue Cross Com· mis sion In b1cago reports a nat!· io nn l avera ge of only 9.11 percent of t~ t n I l n ~(lme WIIS used for op· I'l l' l !l e xpense s by the Plans , Hospital Care Corporation, however. s pen~ only 7.2 percent of the itotal income elurlng the sam e period of time. ,Cor administration of the local plan_
UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH W lIlllllU Shannon, M IlIls ter
Dyron Carver, ~Unl8ter ',: Bible School. 9: 30 A,M, Morning' Worsblp,. '10 :30 A.M. Prayer Meetlng. 7:00 P.M. Young People's Meetin g, 7 : 00 EVening Services, 7 :30 P,M.
UJliIIlY Sohool, 9 :30 ,\ .M., Mrs . James GarrIson, Supt, Prea 'hlng, 1st. lind :lrd. ' SUr.' , duys of eacl, monlh, 10 : 30 A.M. I~ve lllll g ServIces, 7: 30 P ,IIO{,
l\fARINELAND. -A porpoise jUtnPI more than its full length out of the water at Mmne Studios, Marineland, Florida, to accept B fiJlh from the hand of the feeding attendantl Mitch Lightsey. as the spectatoTS observe and photograph the feeaing which takes place three times daily. Marineland ie one c)f the many exciting points visited on a Greyhound ellpenae-.paid Florilda Cirele tour. '
Mr. an'd 1'111'/1. L : E . Tbompson and Mis. Bertie Mills were !;lunWaynesville vlstors to sunny leI' to snatch mors Is of rooll rrom day' dinner guests of Mrs, lluth Florida. may now 'witness thll utte.ndanlS' hnnds, tlnd obllel've lhe . Cutler In Cinclnna.tl. , Mrs. Delbert dODger entertalu· world's only porpolRo!l In r.apLll'1 ed to dinner On MoodilY In honor ity as they leo.[1 high from the WI\.· colorful and fa scinating pbenom· • eUlle of undersea IHe .1 11 an aUlIlZ' of 1'111', Conger's Blrtbday: ' Mr. and Ing prll!lEmtation of ma.rlue life 1\IrB. Grover Wertz, Mr. and Mrs. at Marino StudJos I " Marillelo.nll, Oarl \Vallcer and sol:ls of Dayton, Florida according to Wymer A, Mr. and 1\lrs. Perry BentOn aud Drake, local agent for Great Lakea ON FARMS Greybollnd Lines, . chUdren of Fairborn, Mrs. Grnce Scbuler and M.lss Virginia. The Marine SLUdlos, tile world'!,! orll) Mr . . una Mrs. J , W. Hu'lI w!lre Lon,~ terms assure ,repayment day was completed when Mrs . pleasuntly surprised r ecently "Vhen Ocen.na l~lum. Is located 'o n Flol'l . ability. Barbllra Luebke of De Pere. Wis· t1ley received a large' picture, In da Stalte Rome No, 1, elghtAl'U consln called and wished Mr. Con. colol'. or tllelr little S Oil. Darry. miles Elouth of St, Augustine lmd 4% will save va umoney , His plloto was entered here duro thh·y·fll'e north of Daytona Beach. ger a Happy Birthday. I,n g the photograpbers vIsit In UI ':l More t b an n million Ilollnrs h:we REFINANCING 13UYI G been expended bere t ~ prOVide va · autumn months. • Mrs. Grace Schuler and Virginia IMPROVING . caUonlsts. camera fllns and PI1I' l'I1 r. arrd Mrs. I"uther Hlll'tsoc.k spent several days in Madlon. Ind. aud sons entertained to cn.rllll .,n sons sdenUncaJly bent wIth tbe through at tbe home of Mr. and' Mrs. Suturday evening amJ ha'd 88 opportunity to view. film and stllcly Frank Smith and family '. tIlelr guests: Mr. and Mrs. Gil- sub·sea Ufe as It actually lLPilearll ber t. Frye and sons, Mr. ~nd Mrs. " 20,00 leages undel' the sea:" . Mr. and Mrs. Ray 1\IUler antl , Kellar Hoalt and MI:. und Mrs. Room 5, Old Bank Building qhlldrPD were S unday evening John Gona and dllugbters. Phone 448 . supper guests ot Mr, and ,.11'8. Mr.' and Mrs, Lawrence Cook Lester poce In Dayton. " and little son and Mr. and Mrll FI'ed Braddock and dl\ug hter ILre spending several days in Flurlda on 11 vacaUo n tour. Miss Ann ·Weltz• . daughter of, Mr. and Mrs, M. F. Weltz. under· went an appendectomy operation at m 'andvelw' Hospital 00 'Fl'lda1 .and is Jmproving rap~dly. •Mr. and Mrs, Ross 'R. Hartsock . .1\(1'. and Mrs,' Charles 1dsCullocb, Miss Jean Hartsock and Mrs. Leui! Hartsock wer.e Sllndny dinner guests ot Mr, and Mrs, Owen
~ Mrs .
Patll er n. H . J{rumboJ{ Mass s, 8 and 10 A,M.
Pastor l\L H, CoUey, Minister , Bible School, 9: SO A.M. Morning Worship, 10 130 A.M, CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS Young peoples' Mee'lIng, )): 45 "ee Partington. Minister P.M, Worship ServIce. 10 A.M. Evening Service, 7: 30 P.M. Sunday School. Ii A.M. Prayer MeetJng and Bible Study Wednesday. 8 P.M. WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS, Fll'lll Day School. 9 ::lU A,M. MT. HOLLY METHODIST ,Me tlng ror, WOl'sIJlp, 11):30 A.M. 'r. 'TIl, Scalf, Minister - - -'0- -'- ·· S "" q,<} ti cbool, Y: 30 /\.M.. E . Sell that piece of farm machln. .1..' bUl'lIhu.J't, ~IIVt , ery ,you no longer nted with a Ga· Worship Service. 10:3.0 A.M. zette claaaified ad. illvenlllg Servlco, 7: SO P.M. MJ;. and Mrs. Harry SntLel'lll · Mr. Il nd Mrs. P . L, R tiS" " had were culled to FI'lInklin on 'I'hur· as Su nllay .dlnnel' g'uests.. Mrol. sday night 011 IICCOllllt of the l":n l'l Hock tt nJld :\'11'11, Sucl le death (If the laUer's mothet', M ra. Il, E . Hal·b(Lugh. ,F uneral service!! Itemlllll, MI'. UIIC~ Trl!. '. 1), (101, were held at the Unglcshy rUIl al>lo w · 1'1' aftornOli1l ' eral borne on 'rn esday,
A S'ElHVlOE AT' OUR FUNERAL HOMI;: m nns rellet from nu), :; r of Impruper mortuary ' prepurrl·
lion ~ , '
. Knowing the Imllortance ot last Iml) I' SSIOIlK, we brl~ to thl8 1"01'1, Its' :atest l "chnlcal scionce III1tI till! best tn slt ll1tul llerform -
Lebanon N.F.t.A.
Cold Weather- 'Is .Oil The ,Way! , ""-.. :.:. . ,. Coal Supply Is VUI" ' 1-ted , ~ Ta.k e Care' Lim 'n £ Y' N eed's T . U . ' our . 0'.
~CL~. .
Evans bas left for Dayton aud' will make ' her )loDle
with Mr. and 1\11'$, Coleman Mol' gnn. A few .of her friends and ne· ' ighbol'lI gathered at her home for ' a Ilttle !a.rewelt party anet snclill ·,tlme before she 'left, Those who enjoyed the evenlll~ were:, Mrs . Fl'a'ncell Drunnock, Mrs. Hlunelt M'GlnnLs, Mrs, Jennie Bralldocl( . Mrs. Derth.a Shambaugh. Mrs. Ann
Waynesville Farmers Exchan~e---l~-=1
,0 c::I 0
Attention Farmers I
Are 'Ad~a~cing ehe'c k Your Fence Ne,e ds Now .Before Th~ Price Advances. -.:r
, We Have A~oo·d Supply Of Fence On Hand, But Itls Going F~st. ,
No. 2220
THE BANK or Waynesville. In the State of Ohio, at , the 'clQse of business on December al~ ),949 ' :PUblished in respool1'B , to elm made by CClmptrol1e, ~r the Currency under Section 5211, U. S. RevlsEld Statutes.. ASSET,8 C(),~h, balances with <>tber. bank3, Inclu41nl~ rilserve balance, and ca~h ltemlt III prooess ol~ oollecUon 346,990.,86 U g, Government,obllgatlops. direct and .guaranteed · , . , ', 722,320.ii7 ObilgatloDs ot States apd political INbdlvtllloDs . , ', ... • 277 .167',10 /)tiler b,?nds. Dotes. Ilnd debentures . . . , .... ,' . . "." .' 45,046.00 ,:arL'. s lock8 (lnc1. $ 4500.00 stoclt ot Fed. R~3S. 'bank) . . , . , 4.500.011 ,- il l> ,.ul U u,~t,;(,\.j[JLt; llncl. $li .S:.! oyerdrattli') , 439,865.33 Bank premlll'es oWDe~1' $19,500,00. furniture and £i?CtuJ"es $4.500.00 .... . ' . • . . . . •..... . .... . " . . , . .. 24.000.QO
TOTAL Ai::lSETS '. " ' ." ..•. ," • , . , ..... . LIABILITIES . Demand depo81~ o't Individuals, pnrtnersblp!s, -and corplI. TI:ue deposit!: of Inlvlduals, partnt'rsblplI. and corp9. . .. . .ueposltll of U S. Govt. (including postal saVings) . . , .. . Dt1po""ts of States and pol. subthvlslOJl" .. ... '.,." . . . ,Otllel' depOSits (certifIed and cashier's checks, etc.) . . . . TO.T AL DEPOSITS ' .... .. . . , . $:1;678,816,42) Other llabl11t1es ., . . , . .. . , . .. :.. . . , . ... ... , '. .. , , , ... . ~' . TqTAL LIABILITIES . ... . , ... , .... , . ... . . CAI.'ITAL ACOOUN~rs , {jfl pi tal Stock: , (c) Common. stock. total 'p ar $76,000 .. , .... " .. , Surplu8 " ... , _.... ... , " . , ... ', .. , , .. ,. : " , ., .. " .... , .. . Undivided proflt9 ".""""""""'" '.. , ' .. , , •.. : , ... Ueserves (and reUrement account for preferred stock) " TOTAL CAPITAL 'ACCOUNTS . . . , ... ", ..
1.859,888.85 l,204,6H.01l 211.307.90 18,997.4:! 240,125.,Ul . 3.837..1).1
1 ,680,315.4~
'15,000.00 75,0'00,00
2B.665,22 6.018,2:! 179,573,41
TOTAL-LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL AOCOUNTS 1.859.888.8C • MEMORANDA Assets pledged or aSlllPed to secure lIablUtles and for other. PUI1>OIleS , • • , ••• , ' •• , , ••• , , •••••••• , • , . 298.931.25 St!lte ot Oh10. County ot Warren, BS: r, Ja!" E , :Tones. cashier of the III1CJvel·nElJDl~~ bank. do solemnly ewe,ar that the above atatement is true to the ot my knowledge and '1 ellef ' .
Sworn to and subscribed berore me tbl" L.
E. II""'~""'" Cashier JanulJl'Y. 1960. Notary 'Public Early, HQward 'S ur-
.... 1
j "
7'. .
. .. . .. .
,.- ,.i
Better Ch~ck .Survival Records· ,,'
Simple electric brooders-even home-made o~es -do a wonderful job of "hovering" baby chicks. ~nd talk about wingspread. The 'best ,a hen cando :is to. protect,tO to t5 chickS. An electric brooder ·takes ·care of as many·as 300 c,hicks! Bett~ survival reco~ds, faster,growth, ~arlier, better feathering~ . ~l wonder poultrymen are enthusiastic about electric brooders. ~oosing a brooder, or in making a home-made , electric ,brooder, three points are import.ant:· 1. Allow ~t least 7 square inches of hover space for each chick. 2. Ventilation is important for control of moist~re Unde~>the hover, and in ~he brood~r house. 3. For econo~ical operation, make cemin that the brooder you buy or make is well-insulated to prevent wa.sted heat. . . For funher suggestions on electric brooders and their use, consult your County Agent, your Vocational. AgriCiWture tea~er, or the Farm Represen~ve ~f ~our electriC service company. .
. I •
run. '_"IUC1I'C 7IIIAIII," Sunny, ':<10 P,M,-WHIO
POw•• a•• UIIII i"'aD
THE MIAMI GAZETTE. WAv..."......',...
: T
Winton Etz Resigns Position, ,On Harveysburg Village Council Council bave selected the first Monday ot each month as the HARVEYSBuRG- Winton Etf, date tobold tbelr meeUngs. who was elected to serve on tbe vl1Jage council at lhe general electlon last November. resigned HARVEYSBURG LOCALS OWlllg to tbe inclement weath. Tuesday. Mr. Eltz Is forbidden to serve public orflce by a. law er Thursday. , the Harveysburg whloh regulates government em Schools were closed, Mrs. Lizzie Hough had aa her ployees. The ' membeTs of the VllIage guests · Sunday ber son and dau· ghter-~-Iaw. Mr. and Mrs. J OB · eph Hough of Sabina. and Mr. nnd Mrs_ Joseph Hosler and 80n of Sligo. , Miss Mary Jane Moore of Dayton was 0. house guest during the week. of her mother, Mrs. M'lUle Moore. Mrs. Lester starr, high school Instructor, was absent [rom her clasSes Tuesday afternoon owing to the tuneral ot Mr. Starr's aunt, Mra. Anne Smithson ot Midland. VOUR HOMI TOWN PAPIR e"" yo. _plete. ....lId.ltl. Mr. V. E. Oonner and Mr. WaIlocol nows. VOII ....... _ • •n . ter Donaldson have departejl for thot Is .01... • ........ ' " R".: a brief trip to Florida. 8u, e l l " . .... III • WORLD ow ...........,. .. William Doster hiITI be.en reapt'" .WeII cae pOinted as president of the Massie ...,,' .. ....uo .. ".... .. roll' Township Board of Education 1Gb. yotI, .......: F. ce"atructi.,. ,...... ... .......... and Heber ElUls installed as Vi r totiona of _II_I aMI I"teree. President. Other members · of the tl...ol ....... ,..,. ,. lie . .bttihlte Board Include: Lawrenc,e Jacobs, for THI CHRISTIAN SCIINCI Freeman, r.UUard, Francis PlyMONITOR. EnJoy . . . . . . . . . . . . hi... mire, and ibe clerk-treasurer. .... ,..fon.M loce...., : ..........,. Mrs. Wilma W. Thornbury SllC- . lace. ceedlng Mrs, Mary Syferd Pierpo....... TIle ' CIwIItIee Sdftce son, who re8lgned. . Mo.,....: LISTIN :r....... ....... __ Mr. and Mrs. Howard GrahalD Ale. ....tfou Ito "-:fte ,a.llllea depar'ted Wedl¥lsday (or B,randSd_.lt'M1tw ~ , ,,, ....... enton, Flo~lda; ' AM, _ ..,.. '...... Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKinney ...." .for, . ,......, .... of near Miamisburg wer guests of tftMIlictorr ............. , ~ I .. .... -------.--,..,~-"f Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bunce on SatTIIe~w.... ........ urday. o-.M-..It......... , ....... U:I.A. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCarren ....... . . ,iIi ...(\.t.ljIi ....,. ••........ J . . ·-ne'~ ......... 'lett Thursday 1:0 8pend several MM....,.:... U · ...... "~"" " h Weeki at their home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Mrs. Gall Ge>rdon entertained n croup of frlend8 to a card Darty at ber home Thursday evenlag. Iler gIlelte Included: Mrs. Asee ,Harlan, Mrs: Georgtl Wall. Mra. Ethel Stump, Mrs. Laura Shldaker, Mrs. Olia,rl.es Gordon, Mrs. A:
Hunts And Peck. From The Triewiiter Of Jim Jonel
Spartan Basketballers Defeat Lebanon And· Car lisle
".kIII. - .".... 'au' '. _..
"'......tIM.I.,......... ,..
S. Collell and Mrs. Margaret Dwire. Mis. A. S. Collett was hostess to the members of the W. Co' T. U. at her home Thurs day arternoon. M \'S. Fl. S. Tucker was the program leader. A grQuP of pupils from Harveysburg School pres nted tbe Drogram at the Kingman P . T . A. meeting Tuesday evening. Mra. Hiram Georg~ presented hel' , primaryclass In the dramatization ' or, "LIt-lie mack Sambo, " " and also featured the R'h ythm TImId I ~d by J\ld)' Wlluon. Margaret Bollinger and Barbara Bog-n II gIL ve tilelr Interpretatll>n of a DU lCh Girl Dance. Music was preS'c nte d by lhe g anjOI' BOll.d u.nder the direction or Mrs. Ed na C. Bogan.
"Come with me In o1Y 'LlttLe Re Wugon." Is being sung by Junior classman. Ernest Davis and SenIor Kenneth 'i Jlson. The two bOYG were presented a toy, red wagl'lI by s tudents at the 'Ch.r18tma party. The reason for !.his was IlLeveryon e arollnd here know s, lhl two (ello ws '/u'e Ills~J)a ..able. The ~ · ····~·····l brlng everyone a round them rna. laugbs by their fun mailing. 't. wagon ijeewed a. logical thlllg . , tbem to have, "so th y c.n carr, on." LI cense '! Yes, thts was' taken care ' of loo. 'i'rafilc oUicere ~e'l1 to be on tbe alert. [or v.eWcle bearing tbe license plat3, 1234 LQ - -State ' of Inaantt.y. Two new stu<1ents bave enrolled on the school. They are Elllza.betl! Rlttae. grade 6, who came bere from Musk.ingumCounty and EvPROTECTION elyn Garrison. grade 2. 'who came from Morrow school district. Sail throUgh life with the Mrs. StalT 'Yj:UI absent {rom aa.urance l;ha& . your tlnano1al school Tuesday afternoon due to the funeral of her husband's Aunt, trouble. will be proteoted by Mrs. Smithson of Midland. a renlar d~poslt in your Bav· }'I~y Belle Bogan was unable 1Dp acco~t at: ' to .attend school TurSday. Mary Belle's ' bollday vlcatlon wail ,sp,e nt recovering from a den!.al opera: Uon..
' ....... ...
• Our clJJptua are c0mplete .... ranalDl from very moderate
In price
,10 b1,her priced merchandiJe for thOle who wlah to. Invest more.
'StUbbs Funeral ·H ome . TELEPIlO.NE 2211 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
b - - - - - - --
FG F F 2 4 0 5 . 3 13 0 1 0 2
3 2
1 1
ull out to defeat the Indians, 52· '16. The battle was It bard fought one with the lead going baele Dud
ille allored 4 I]Ulck puints and tOdlc th e gam , 52- ·~6. JUt;l, 1'i . noy ra ·Iced tiP 10 markC'l"S (01' I h SpartaDs while Gene forth ..many times. l"og]r I5cot' It 21 rOt· Cm'lisle. The tRna continually screRmed W hil e th e Va l'sl ty I'ltGked up 2 and shomed as the game wellt v i lOI'I.os tlie r es J"\" a flll1ed to do down to tb e clOSing seconds. So IV Il a: th ey fl ropp d bolll uf WIt1I the score 48·46, WQ.)'lles· their gam fl •
Banta Pringle McCormick Ellis Wyatt Harvey
.Harveysburg School News
The Waynesvl11e Spartans de. feu ted Lebanon 49-43 and th.. n Jollrned' (0 OurlJ!!le to IIln 0. 52.16 ~I!tbll k on the Carlt Rle Indians. WayneSville" who now occuple9 ,s eeond pluce In the Warren Co. Lengu e. lakes on the lengue I arter, Ma ~on. Friday night on lhe loelli hllrd wood. ';:ho ~ocl\l ll grabbed an tlltrry lead agllinst Leabnnon a~d werA never beaded. although the seo'"" lightened as the ga'me reacbed Its tina! second ". Lending n-7 ilL the end 0( ' the first quorter, the Spnrtl1DS netted 1.3 mal'kel'lI to 'Le bnnon's 8. to lead at hair time 24-15, 'Waynesvll e agaIn scored 1;, polnis In UIP. ' 3rd perIod while Leblllion nette d 10 to malce It 3725 a~ Ibe f1n,nl perloll opened. . The War:rlora came fonrlnR ' dowD tbe home atretch (II! tbey nelted J 8 po.lnts to the SpartanR 12 but fe ll short 49-42, Dim Slmpaon and Jack Tinley and Warrell. SheeRn pourlld In pOints for Waynesv ille 8j!orlng. 16. 15 ·alld 10 respectively while Surface kept Leb anon III the ' bl111 game. netted 15 marleers . As W:lyneEiville j ourned to Car· lisle to take On tb o Indians 'man? fan s lhOll ght. 11 decls 'ive victory dlle to til 1 - 35 Retbark tbe local s pinned on th e ilndians on the 10 ul hlLrdwo,od. bu t tbe story waH Quile dl[feren t. Tile Sparlans were forced to go
RAYDEX POINTS .' Like Razor Blades.Are Inexpensive And Easy To Replace
FG ~ F 0 0 0 6 11 1 is 0 2 ' 0
2 3 1 1
l-in:rtso ck
,You Can guy A BRAND NEW RAYDEX POINT f or the Coat of Reaharpening an Old.Style, Conventional .Share -
Buy Oliver UD/},§lft!l!lSfi!/!!lI 1?/iJ1l?1111. /A':2/iJrt'1lfl1lIA'lIl&;W"
Tinney Stanley Simpson Sheean Barnhart
U 4 2
2 2
'1 1 15 1 1 3 6 " 4 16 4 10 3 5 2 1
FOLLMER OLIVER STORE Oliver Farm Equipment and Machinery ,. Sales and Service
Prepare' Your , Car For, Winte~ ,PERMANENT ANTJFREEZJ: - Pre5ton~ .& Zerone . ALCOHOL - Zerone .' , COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR SERVICE .24 HOUR WRECKING SERVICE '
Klers' Gara8e
lEW .... ~ ', nlirel, Ne.
C.E." Mla-IENER Phone 2926
7~'"' '9~1
PHONE · WA¥NE8.234'
Deep eut mlamps "
Fine Group To Seled From '.
lap. F...-...e I Appliuce' £00 - WAYNESVIlLE.
good newa if last suit looks worn and sbabbyl Bend It to us - we'U relltore that 'trim, amart look, malt. It look Uke newl
Prices start at
lit 7:4 cu. It:. Model H-74 0tMr mod... IA to 9.5 cu. ft.,
They're berel They're beautifull Four .izes :_:. four big-value' prke-tags •.. four g.r eat Dew refrigerators, that women ; dreamed . and bome economists planned lor you/ Come in today ud . see them. See the big freezer lockers, the SpKiollS shelves, the elCtra:roomy 'meat trays and vegetable crispers. See the new, ,e xciting, "sbadowlinc" It)'Jing - 'DO ledges, no qcyices to catch dust and'make work: See the Esg:O.'Mat, clever new egg. dispenser. See the new DiJFus:O-Lite for Ilia. dowJeu interior;. Don't miss the exclusift, built:in bouJe~peoer. And let us sbow you bow "Jlvery Fe:sture Has a Function" in these peat DeW
loternatioDal Harveiter refrigerators: Buy
on convenient tennI.
• $239.95 to .299.95 '
~" " -'1
Enhance Appeal of Food, Di'iling With Proper Tabl'e Appointments
appointments need never worry about decora tions for her table. She does not have ~o make a last'· minute hurried trip to her norlst or to lhe gift sh'op for tha t some· thing to make the table complete. If she has been wise enough to Invest In ' good silverware, , and glass for table use, then the picture can be completed easily .wlth a tew well chosen . cloths or mats. Many 01 these can be made at home, more of len tban not from remnants or inexpensive but well· chosell malerials. ' Never make or buy a cloth or table set tbat looks nice with thing~ othe~ ' thap your own. You . may have seen a table ' setting somewhere and endeavor to make an exact copy of it for your ' own uSe. Have you ever thought it just mlgh't n01 go with your china, sil· ver or glos s? The eUect at a well·set table Is perfect balnn.:e and harmony. True. your lable cloth may pick up a brijllant color used as a spray of decoration on your dishe s, but it should never be so ,startling as to clash willi other table accompaniments. NeaUiels and cleanliness are :of prln'l ~ importance in setting a table beoause of the contact with food. Cloths or doilies should be immaculately clean and perfectly pressed; it does not matter 11 t\ley are old If they. are weU mended and neat. Though brilliant colors are ,now· b,e ing used with modern wares, they should never be displeasing as they may detract from the toad or upset the' apPetite. Lace and embroidery on table linens should be used conser:o'atlve'-
Chailr Set Is Filet Crochet end.. P attern 1403 has chorl; dire. lions. a
Send 20 cent" tll cc,ln. }Iour name, ad· dr~ss an d pnttern number lo ....•• Sfowln .. Clre le Nnedler.rat-t ncpl. P . O. Do .. ",.. 0, Chlea(o 1'0. JII. or
Plastic Protection
P. O. Bos 10~. Old Ch~ l .rl'\ Sl"Uon. New York 11, N. Y.
Enolose 20 cents (or p aUern. No. Name
.......................... I t · • • •
Lesson for January 15, 1950
HE FIRST CHRISTIANS didn't have everything we have. but on lhc other hand they bad one ·thing , seldom to be seen nowadays. rhey did not have the New Testament. only ttie Old; they were not surrounded by an even partly Chris· t I a n civilization; . . they had no cen· turies of Chrlstt'nn traliitlon; they had no worid· wid e Christianity, . only a small knot of p e 0 pie in one small ' and out.of· the·way city. Jerus· The most determined spoon alem . .On the other wavlD&, aDd splashlne can .be h.and, for all they Dr. ForemaD tolled It the youngster wears locked. they ' had one great thing: 740!S ' ODe ot · tbeSe feedlDg tilbB bum Fellowship. We have it too. but too alon~' tbe lines of • ,mock of allen In Ii week ond watery fashcrease and moi!ltare resistant ion as compared with what 'they THIS lac:y· chair-set is filet cro. VID),lIte plallUc. Inl'wously cut chet combined with spider-web enjoyed: to OpeD nat ' for easy oleanine. design. Wor.k both from chart. • • • the bib fa,tens at ' Deck and Such simple, pickup-w9rk. Family Living arms wl&h ' metal plppers ID• • HE VERY FIRST Christians stead of strl~... , All lI~amll are Usc as chair buUcL·.et or on soarl lived literally like a big famUy. etectroDlca117 Bealed IDstead of sU&ched and .&he well fit- , This is all the more extraordinary when you think of the variety at tiDe ...rmeD~ is cut amply their backgrounds. (Look up. the enoal'b &0 protect fr~hly Ironed list at places mentioned In Acts elolheB .durl,,~ 'Jbealtlme_ 2: 9.10 on a map of Asia, Africe appropriate for the meal DC it ,for and ' Europe.) A goo,d family III a breaktast or a porch supper. unit. Smllrt homemakers concentrate II mile Willie comes do~ on gay c.l oths tor breaktast be· with appendlcUls. his parents cause they add so much cheer to dOD', gel out the family acThe Questions dining. A good slack at these couDt book and figure out bow cloths Is also an incentive toward 1. How 'is an eclipse of the sun' mUllh Wlllic h.B been wortb making thls mea~ as good BS the caused? . to the ramlly. Iii dollars and others. too. cents,' In hIs ell'bt years or I.,e. 2. Why do gasoline trucks have You can have a lot 01 fun mnking Suppose lhey calculated lhat hili a chain b.a hging from the~? a tew breakfast cloths simply by services, such as they are-carrypoking around amon& the ' rem· 3 .. Whalt is the meaning of Rab· ing in thQ; WOOd, feeding the chicknants' you now ha.ve. or by ran· elaisian! ens. or what oothad been wqrth sacking the remnant . counlers about $23.75 since the last time he 4. Nam.e the five best known which about this time offer ·good was sick, they wouldn·t send little tragedies of William Shakespeare. in8,pira~on and bargains. Breakfast clotbs do not need to WUlie to the hospital with the note to the doclo,: "Please give our The Answers faU over the table sevel:al Inches. 1. The moon comes between the They )nay- be small. as long as WlUle $23.75 worth of operation . they cover the table comfortably. That'9 all he has put Into the family sun and the earth and shuts off Your choice of colors and ma- budget and that's aU we're going the sunliglit 4'om tbe .earth. to let .him take outl" tellals Is wide. Cotton. rayon or 'Not by any means. Little WllUe 2. To ground . electricity. 1 linen or combinations. of these may S_ yo",. ",iUs .",il Hblh" .• .• Is taken to the hospital Ilnd wbat· be' used. They may be white. ' col3: Jocular, witty, Indecent. as ever operation hc needs, that i_ ly IS too mUch JJlay live a ored solid. prints. plaids or checks. the one his parents )Yant him to the writings of Francois R~belais. Round tables may use round cluttered eUecl. If ehJna and BUvetbave. even If it costs 20 times Romeo ware are, IntricatelY designed, use 'clothl. but square ones are more Willie hilS been worth in cash. The practical trom a laundel:ing standthe ,1m plel', quality cloths. point alnce they may be folded tamlly ,give WilUe what be needs. and they . also expect 'hJm to belp Use Colon &0 B~Jl'hten after iroruns. rather than rolled out in all the way~ he cnn. -~- Breakfast· Tables . "The March of Dimes, which over a cardboar.d . the treatment • I • Food for the first meal of the usually required for round types, supplies the sinews of war in the day Is the slmplest of any of the Simple trimmings may be used. Church Living fight against · infantile paralysis. three. and so frequently are the Rick rack. braided border!!, fringe T R O'U 8 L E with our is as close to my own heart as it dtahea and sUverware. POllslb1y be- or a facing or bordering with a churches today is that so mnny Is to that of the American cause many of UI are just a little contrasting material and color are of them have actually lost 'thIs fom. people. • . . With growing public bi~ sleep)", we' may use lust a IIi· proper. but a simple hem wID do Ily.feellng. The eady Christians, awarene s that the fight on pallo tle more color In the table IlPpoint· as well. This may t:le sewed by we are told. "were .o f one heart has now reached a stage' that macblne to save time. and soul." Could you say 'of your mlgbt bE! described as similar , to Napkins to matcb the cloth are church that all its members are the 'Battle of the Bulge,' I feel not at all necessary for tbe break- o( one heart and soul? ~ertain t:hat the Arherlcan people ,The early Chriltians, feeling tbus fast. ,YOU may have them. of ftilly meet that challenge In cOl.lrse, especially If the cloth Is to . clole to one another. " had nil th~ 1950)~farch of . Dime~." double for a bridge· doth. but pa· things in cotnmon .... <Wh'at do ' the per ones will do as well for break- members of your church have in ~eD, J]lwlrbt D. Eisenhower President, Columbia UDiversity fasl. cqtnmon? Th~y meet In one place Mats or Cloths ' . once a week. B\.It »Vba' elle? Do , , Used for Laucb tbey even speak to ' one another! Table mat. are frequently used If one member of the congregation for luncheon becaus,e they give faUs sick. do the' other. find oul the table a quick and inleresting about It quickly. and when they fuid l::;;=~~--"::U~ change and offer little dlttlculty out, wbat do they do about It7 If in the, way of laundering.. trouble comes to .a ' member, do Another reason ' for the popularlt,. the o1her members . rlllly around ot the ma~s Is that they are .easily blm? .. bemmed from less material than Dots tbe chorc!1 ,say to I&a ments',for breakfast, than is usual. the' CIOUIII themselves. An old members, as tbe Sal"aUon Iy employed (or luncheon or din- sheet or even a tablecloth can be Army does of . hard-preiaed l~al. nero cut Into four. six ' or more 1I1n x18" . men. "You m~y be down bnt , CreomulsiOa relie"" prompdy because Another reas'o n we can use more rectangles, hemmed and used for you're D eve r, Duty" Some it sees ~gbl to .th.e scat of the' trouble color to": the breakfast is the In- mats that serve bellutUully ' tor cburches have a paltor's .or , 10 belp loosfn aJid upel germ laden formality of the occasion. A 'b rlght- luncheon. Napkins to match ma,. deaeon~s 'nnd, to be used .in ,flbJegm and aid oature 10 soothe IDd liral raw. lender, inOamcd bronchial Jy checked cloth or gay plaid . Is. also be made. . oases ~, need. 'P ' u you are using an old sheet, It's Contributors to the fund ~re as mlKou, membranes. Tell your druggist ,..._ _ _ _......;....._ _ _ _ _ _;.;0...-" . a ,ood Idea to dye .it first. then allonymous as are those who ani ro sell you a oorde ot Crenmulsion ""ilb tht: understanding you it)usl Hke pres. and measure and cut. To belped by it. The .. idea is far th(,~e $he -ll il quickly aUa)'s the cough ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...1 make these mats especially aUrac· who are blessed with large Income, or )'01.1 .Ire to have )'our p10ney back. tlve. add a contrasting '-border 0'/ or those who ' may Ilave special another ·color. Use the second col· windfalls, bonuses. extra diVidends. or lor napkins, or follow ' the same big crops, and so on. ~o chip in for COlllghs, ChestColds"honchitis . motif for napkins as you ' have for for th.e al,d of all who may. Tun' into the mats. The luncheon size napkin trouble. is properly the slime size as the I • • mat. Luncheon cloths have almost as Not All Troubles Are Financial much variety as brj!aktast cloths. NATURALLY. not aU troubles although color - Is . played down nre financial. Some 'ot the most somewhat, even for the Informal serious troubles have liltle or noth· r;neal. Quality Is the keynote. and Ing to do with money. There nre the finer materials are usually the many other kinds of: needs. For best choice. The decoration may be example. In .any church there will in the form' of exqulsjte lace, COil' be lonely people. and you can't cure servatlve color In . borders. SUbtle lOneliness \vith ' Il cheok. no matter IIPpllques. well applied, or lovely how big. embroldel1' carefuUy done. Tho mlDlster Is tbe key man, Conservative Clotbs he can locate tbe needs, bnt he Best for Dlaner CaD" supply them all: LODely ' fte wondertal , IIGfblen aad If you crocbet, yOU might find people, tbose wbo bave beeD arapablllt, of today'. tweeds, lots 01 pleasure' in crocheting some pi.. their wealth .f color efthroD~h deep sorrow. mea trymals far luncheon. ~ere again, Ing to find the rl«bt jobs, yong leota. are ereaUnI' aD Interest. . . . DeW development in coat the rectangular shapes al'e better folks In . danger of ICrlous than round ones. especially for rec. temptation- , . c}lnrch which ruhlODI. That II "dress-ap'! tangular tables, Since they give I. like , a family will Dot let coall, Iulted to far more thaa the cUlIal wear formerly , neater Unes. When erocbeted mats tbese people right theJr baltle. r~ed lor tbl. JICIpalar are starched, they give lots at alone, or material, The efteot Is beautitul service, What ""e all need II' Ihe feeling acbiend throneti more Intrt. The more formal the dinner. the that we belonc. The church can DRM SAFI&Y . ea.. cats, more atteatloD to demore conservative the cloth. For make all the difference between W1I.DI'. .. ill the Unes or tbe special dinners damask and linen despair ' and happiness limply , by THIS WINJ'. .,.., akelelled .t Uae rlPt. are preferred with wblte or an off making . every single ~rson In It Bna &lie tweeds ....t are preYou white &hade considered best and leel thot no matter what happens ........Uy canal are appearpastels becoming popular. to him, he still belongs; he II more S:a~ May 8. Your 0wI)4ti ... ,..... mere rubloa detail. O'thera whlc:b are IrOOd for for- I than among frlends, be Is amon, . , . .. IeIr . . . . . . ftfJ laqe mal clIJmers Inc:lucJe r8)'on fabl'ic, brother•• or combfDatlo. of Hnen aad Jaee.
12, 1950
By Ertta Haley HOSTESS who is fortunnte T HEenauglr to have grnclous table
................... .. ........ .
No .xp•• llnc. unuluol ablllt), n,"dod. JUlt polnl and glo%ll no fl.· Ing noe...ary. Complltl .,"t conloin, palnll. bru...... Chlno.Glal.. glol. thinnor. Irld•• cant powder, , flgurlnl. 2 plaqu.. ond In.I.uellonl. Shipped cornpl.t. po.lpold - '·US. Check or Manor ' Ordor. - Deolor op."nlngl.
PASIEfI,••. d5
Z .......... I . SpedaI ..... PrJ V-.1
1"'_ . . . . . .(11150 .. nOOf.) .
l", _ _
CI..~lalld 15. 0
I.,. ............... ftoar , ..ltln' .... ..........
...., .......... ...
....... "Ite.
..... 11 DlnolYO yean In worm (1051 10 \10· P.l In lor.... mlxln. bowl . ..... 2. Add SUP'. IOh. and un1tcol<n en. AckI ~our .".dually. Beat ....n ...Ith electric .. Iiot o. tow or medium speed, or b, bind . willi larlc wooden
'Il00'. Add lhol1Cllln •. brlItlnl untll thoroulhl, mllcd. II... ,. SIIOOII dou.b Into well areued IIIUmll pa ••• nilin.
about on<-thlrd full . SI..... Let rll. In warm place (!)O. to 95' It. I until doulb hi. rise. level ...11/1 tOP ot mullin Plo. (about :IS 10 30 11110\11 ..). nat. In mOderatel, bot (l75- 10 .tOO. F.) 20 mla. llep , . Remove (rom PlnI .ad acne wo... Yltlclt J8 10 24 rOIIi.
5 r' At'rl(/C -..:. ---:--=:
'1... ,.
Try this new 10 fOlter/ ...ller baking. Red Star bry y ..... ~"pI fre.h fOr month.-right on pantry aM •• W. alw..,.. ~r when roil ...... IL
.al,,,are (.",hs
Frollil CO..-mOIi Colds HANG'ON.
B. Smartf
."......--.... ur.
. L'IEF b in &n.(iay. ConFOil F~ST R~ mo~of thoSe twP {amoUi ~
.'. =::.-:.:;:._II
tains up to 21ft .tunes
thyl IaliCl\late and men-
pain-rf!1i~vlni .ai~tI, .:-~y offered rub-insl _ ......un thol' than five other WI e ACIES. lIM tor : :
......,t.~ .
Thursday, January 12, 1950
ten Klei. ~ ~QI,:,,~
~ ~w~~
When the inside of an enameled pot becomes chipped, it's not safe use because the bare spot may' rust and further chipping may cause pieces of enamel-a form ot glass to contaminate food cooked
:a.~~1. 2,e~
<4'~JHIO .~ 4-~"o IIlIiMJA
in the ~ot. '•
.; e
Make your own fOOd chopper out of an empty baking powder can. Punch a couple of holes in the bot· tom, throw t!:le lid away. turn. the can upside down and start choppin,. ,
Prevent Ice trays from sticking in tlte freezing compllrtment boy rubbing oil or grease on the bot.. toms of them, or take a piece of double-thickness-wax-paper the same .sizl! as the tray and keep it under the nay in the compartment.
• • •
Keep the upper ed,e! of quilts and comforters clean by sewln, some washable material alon, the blitding. It can be taken off and washed frequently, thus postponing complete clean1ng of the com10rter for a long time.
ever,. Ilour needed to dry a blanket on an outdoor line in average weather. it takes only~ 3 to 4 minutes in an automatic gas dryer; time s-aved, at least three bours.
Pretty Two-Piecer In the Junior'Sizes
For Your Future Buy U.S. Savings Bonds , 110 0tfIer RIll Ads Faster II,
SX COLD., eH ,
Muaterole Dot olll, briDp fut reIW but ita 1l8I\ pa1n·reU~ medJeatioa breaks up conrwtoioD ill up~ hroDehIaI !4l11tarole o~e", ALL the beD.f1u. of a m~d piN. "JUIoIrt the bother of maklD& OD" 1u.t nab It OD c:h.t, throat aDa blldt.
contalni moglcal TORINOl . fln_. Qulcke, • a.tt.r ·IOf and 201
1"" Applause, Pleaso
A YOUNG two-piecer in a jwlior
size range that rates a round of applause, Note the pretty neck· line, button trim and pert fiared peplum. You'll find it easy to sew, tool
• • •
.,,-- -*--*-_ .
Don't mJ.. th'e n ..... Sprln~ lind Summer FASHION! It'. rUled with fabric new •• lpeelal d&al,n.. falhlon Upl. Fre. pat. tern prlntecl 1n.lde the book. 25 cente. ' .EWINO ClRCLB rATTER" DB_. l i t ..... w.n. .... GI.... ~, IlL
JIlnelo•• U Clnte -ID cow. for .ach patt.rn de.Ir ....
Patterl?- No. ••••••••••• Ils•••••••••••• Name •• ,. ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••• ~ddre.. • ................... , •••••• ••• ~
C"OIi D'
-tte . . . toALlO ............ fOlIY'S HONn & TAl (~ with cold
Pattern No, 11121 I. • '.""·I'ICe, perlor. • ted pattern for Ibu 11, 12. 13, 14. It1 .nd 11. Ske 12, three. quarter aleev., 4 ,.arcla
of 35 or !W-Inch.
fOIl " lImB OlAlla 10
"."'na ............
. , AU.COUI . . 1toppId bJ' . . . . ~; far......pe, a coliS drfeIoPDI a ~ aad .... thrOat. FW IIIIdi a cold. ..way. _ FoIq'e ""'" It 'hr; Ita c:oId..bclrtllII IlIIftIdIaGta combet ~ IAfecllall.a- --'DC ...
t/nat,.CQUIbiJIc. CGGIulioD,
.. rou HAW coueH .. __ ....... claplte
teIdac utlhlat·mI_ IWItdI
to FoleY. to k"P ~ from becomInc-uu._DoD t . . .,.1
. .IN COlD .Ullla. ....t ......1 TIlle P0!e7·.. _I A'IOid pQIIIbIy 1IaIf·
tnatlDe QJ: -tina ~ WIOIIC bJ' uaiIlI aDtlhIotam1... Q4:1~, Gm
~f that betler c:haDce to 'abort cold, 'uk ,.our drupllt fox .1 ..... PQIey.. Haney .. Tv-the ccucb IJ'NP WWa oiIId-abartlal ~ ,
HADACOL IS .HELPFUL TO FOLKS OF ALt AGE GROUPS , Countless tboutandl have p.foved tbat HADACOL is llenefieia\ to folks 01 aU 'ages. That ta tbeeii,~~re~a~l~o~nhi;Jmi~~~~~~t~~~.. :lto~D:::~ -lO""IIIlmy purthaBe Uielarge , .iz. bottle 110 aU the family can ben.. my. . appetite and wu DIOatea,' fit , from nature'a Vitamins and Mr. Tbompaon, She had tried Minerals' In HAD ACOL. , . several preparation. before takin~ For instanee, MIl,a ~hel Guidry, lier hillbarid'. adviee ,on HADAGOL 822 Montgomery St.; Port Necbes, and 3'0w sbe enthusia8tl~1 recomTexu, only 1'1 year. waa "feel- menol HADACOL to her friends. ing nervou's, had her She, too, like Misl Guidry and the face was ·pate ' others. wall Iuffering from the lack d I' awn and of the B'Vitamin. anil Minerai. In lIuffered fro m her 1),lItem" which HADACOL' con. gall on the stom· talna. . ach!' . A lack of only a ImaD amount of Her • y It. m the B' Vitamin. lind certalh Mineral. I a eke d the B cause digestive 'dlliturbances ••• V It a m i'n. and food wll! not ap-ee with you ••• 'Minerals which will have an upset stomach ••• HADACOL eonwill lIuffer from beart - burns, tainll and 't his gaa paina,' IUId 'your food w1l1 IOUI' may cause dig,s. on your lltomach, and you will not tive diaturbances be able to'eat the thmlrl YOIl like for .uch al h. art Mias 1ear of being in misery afterwards. burns, indigestion, ' and often Many peoplll also aufter" from eonMin Guidry say. she eould not .tlpation. And,while theae .ymptoml tbe kind and type of food IIh. wanted may be the reelilt. of other eaUlel, witbout feeling terrible afterward., they are lJurely and certainly the Misll Guidry, who reeentl,. p-.du- symptoms an,d Ilma ',of the .lack' of ated from hirh Ichl)Ol, I. already the B Vitamin. and Min~a1a wblc:h wOl'king in a bank. She said that HADACOL contaw: And if you "fter taking IIveral bottlea of HAD- .uf1er from Inch ,. dllOrdtr. then ia ACOL Ihe 'I "f 11 d no known Curl except the admlnla~ul il 1 now , Ie ng won er- tratlon of .. VI--'-and "'~er. L, and ha. "loti of pep and al hleb WI -....... ..,uu N eneru. W 1011l' ay.le. lack.. • MOlt folb take HADACOL be. b BADACqL contain. Jlot on!1 one, caUM it haa worked .ue. wonders lit 5 of. tha B VI'-mlna. HADAOOL tor reladves or trienda. Mila Guidry eontaln. lIOt ollly onl, but , of the took HADACOL beeauae her mother DHUlalT IIlfteraJa. It come. toloU bad takn 11 boW.. with eueU.nt !~ Uquldb'oodfona , ...U, ...~Uate in ranlt&. ..... ,stream 10 that It CID ,0 . III •• arb,. to work daht away • Po r tAr t h u ~t Ia. nay to UlJderstand, th.~orej , 1I1's. w ,. coUJltl... tilouaancb ha.. al. read, been 'benefited b, this aDlaz· Iq tonie, BADACOL. ~.u'''''''''LrI - So, It matters not who 10U are ••• t~lEtten Dot wbere 1011 II..... _o r ~. h1l1a1lll" I OU laaft triecI ' aU the medleln.. the IUD, Ii,.. WI wonderful Preparatioa • trIaL DOn't to OD auf. falql Don't eontlnue to lead a
~bJ. 1If..
1IaJl1 .
-20" I1Iffencl and . . .b~~~ w ~
10 to
Tfrt1RSDA.Y, JANt ARY 12. 191>:1
ll~~lI lllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllll~mlllllllillllll1111!mrllll\llllmlll!llllmil~IIIIIIIII!lm!!i~~lliil\! ,~\I!II!IIi~n;;"II:;';:ilmlllll::~:illl!L
TWIN' THEATRE Waynesvil:le~ Ohio HURS .• FRi.
~ IIlsuranCe at 5§
:t savings, Call Francis Gene Brow.n, phone JANUARY 14~ WaynesvifIe 2472 or calI collec t. Wilmington 2 t 11_
~ FOR SALE- White enamel Majestic nange stove. George Hen . derson. Phone ·Waynes . 29 2.
Predon F o.ter • EllEn Drew • Andy Devine CHAI'TEI
4 ·
SUN., JAN. 15 ('Con t·. From _:
and MGM Cartoon : :
MON., JAN• .16~ Q
= =
REG ' N ' TRAIL (Johll1:J
HA Y FOR SALE- 60 tons, m ixe ll olover. II.l!alfu. Har ld Whitnkli l' Lytl e, Ohio, Phone Way. 2968, '
LAmmE-RING- DOile In m y home. QUick s e rvice. Phone WilY. nesvllle 2986. ; 1-~2 -St
JANUARY 17~ . :::=::s
Top SOil, Hauling. Sand, Gravel = Excl\vatlng Wltb Back H~, Brown) ~ Drag·lIne and :Blllldozer
WaYneavllle, Oblo
Phone: Wayn... 2191 or, 2240
D o Baird, Waynesvl11e.l-12·3t
CASH FOR' DEAD STOCK . According to si,ze and cMdition . All St!i~"k rem()ved ~rom]ltly. Horses, $2:60 • Cows,' U .60 . Hogs - 26c Der cwt.
JANES RENDERING Phone' Collect Xeaia, :0. 1712 of \ViJminctOn, O. 2362
. AlwaYB do l'igllti you will grato Iry BOlUe people a.nd ' lIstonl llJI tbo l·e:tt.- MIII·k TWILln. "'om!'n d nro t o be lalo Cor uny· pi'CBldc\1 ovet' lhe bll !l hle~H H6SB · Ipn' filld M, 'tI. Hnlptl Drmv II'n.'i rn- lhlng except un nppolnlntBnt wltb g il til . IIPElIIlI·QI:. ' ,'the hn h' dreBser . - - -----:.....Mrs. Drew, one or th l! "01'11)1 1.11' dleiJ" fl'O~n the Vcle rlLuR H(l 8111Inl . Liquid Sl'''P Dnyton. tl)l,' of Il el' wOI 'k u'lIll Try dlssolvinK the soap in boiling exp el' le n ~ s nlllong lh e. pll 1lent'\ water before adding It to the walb· thel'e, \v hldl w ns of g l'C!lt In te l' " Ing machine; the liquid soap doe. est voryone. • better job. ~'ullowll1g adjollrnm e nt In meet. Wi Lli lL dlnniw Itt tho Pi! rty IlGIUIt! III F e bJ'ullry. n tl" UCI" UB d eRBal't ROOFING I:Ollrae Willi ser ved f.·Jm It lovely Of All TypeS ' Lell tublG in Lbe dining I'oonl. I nsulll.ted Brlc~1I and asbes· lOB Sldlllg. Sheet metal work ClvWaD Labor Nex1 t41 a siack or ,0ldeD .raID of all klndll. 'Locat HeferanIn the BeMa or a tree, loadecl with . Largest employer ot olvllIan ces. All work j;~nrantt;ed: fruit. . , f~~mer'. proud e." poIIeB- labor tn the eovernment I, the alon 18 h~1 a&ack of 11. 8. 8a,,~ post office depsrtment. The next ,I. HOWARD W. HAAS Bllnda. Th'a8e Bonds enable him &0 the veterans' administration. 011 up hi, ftDanclal maoblnery aDd Route 3 Waynesville, O. inalntaln :1 reserve whlcb ware. NOTI,CE OF APPOINTMENT his bome. laJ1!l. livestock anel .,.111.,.. \ Phone Waynuville 2898 Administrator meDt. Bil [nrue II secare. The wile Estll.te of Milry I~ Hmith, farmer baUds hI. flnanolsl retlflrie I In Savin,. Dol1d. from proDb wheD D~ ce ll.sed . hill crops . are cood. IJ'hat 'reserve I. Notice Is h e reby given that Nino lbe wlDdb.relll ...alast • stormy pe. E. St. John ' whose Post Ottlce rlod. ADd U rrOWl, ,. for every P Addresl'! is Wuyn ea vl11e . OhIo has Invested I!n ten yean. . U:S . r, .....rp D.p.nm ..' been duly Ilppolnted ' nil Admlnls· trntrlx of the Es'tnte or Mury E . WIN TU' RKEY' FOR NEW YEAR8 .. Smith lale of Wano n OUUlY , Mrs. C. Lee Hawke was ~e .Oblo, decenaed . . ,vIUlleJ' oj', the New Year's turk. D t /I th 7 1 I '[' J II. e . Is 1 I C ay 0 IlJII\lUY . cy. presen ted by the Twin Tbeatre , ]91)0, . RALPH H. CAREY nnd .tbe Waynesville Locker Plunt. Judge of th e l'rnbl\te ..<lurt allier wi nners we r e: CIlI.ude Warren pounty.· Olll" Thompson. chicken, and l.-uclUe ·c, Donnld DlIllI\lsh, Attorney Combs, bacon. Ove:r 1.400 tlcltete Publlt.1,leil Jan. 12. 19, 2~ were' ulied In tbe contest, the largest of its type in WnynesvJUe ""_~~ t"'t ''-''''''I I! to elate. 1i1u(ure plnns ca1t for sim· lIul' , oyen:ts In tbe· ·nenr (uture.
' RE ' FOR • NT - FlI.rm near Way. FOR ' SALE- '36 Chevrolet ii). nesvllle. ~omblnll.Uon J B)lare nnd .b nsls . Middle aged couple t on punel trUCk. a .ood COT)dltlon . salliry with sm3)) Cuml1y preferred. ReC. Make an offer. W. H. ~uwyer, erences necessary. Cull Wllbllr pllone Waynesville 2114. Tullis, Opekasl t Parm Mnnuge tr FOR SALE--- Large mllu bOL ment. Lebanon 450, AL~ o Heating stove ('Progress FOR SALE Th e follow.ln; OBI(). Inquire M'l aml Gazette. 'h ouse mold go ds ; desK" 2 801l rl FOn. SALE- Deep treeze bottle wailnut hand ma~le tables, 5101 ,g as cooker. 011 heater, ' kltcJleo ~ODS day bed, . .wnlnu ~ burrel. cabinet, IJl0tbeB clo·riet, . :writing Instrum.,nt case, 2 dinin g 1'0011 1 .cba.irs. RIce S nnpp, 3rd street, ' Iil desk and book case combination W\nynesvUle. -:0 Weicht or Hllu"l' Hees drop leaf ta ble and 2 chairs. Honey-bees weigh about 5,000 tnhi' ~od condltlon. SUSie Evans BANK RUN ORA VEL- Londe,l, divldllals to the po.und. The average cor;,er Fourth and Cbapman ste.: at Dnvls J'urnas Pit. 60 cent. wei ght ()f a honl'Y'·bee Is less than Way nesville. 12·29-8t cubic yard. We aleo deliver. ARM- 1-300 01 an ounce: ITAGE & SON. ;Pbone 2091. tf WANTED- Lady to do .!\n o'll tlm lst 18 a guy who Bits House Work and Laundry in my In t lle lS lst JOW ot the gallery find WANTED- Ride to WrlgJlt Field bome. Inquire Ilt the Miami Area B. 8: 00 to 4: 30 shUt. Pick winKS at the cborllB glrll, Gazet~e Ottlce. 1-6·3t up · near Third and Miami. Walter Behrens, . l-~-3t
!!III!11111111!illllllllllllllllllll!IIIIII!II!IIIIIII!!li!I!lllllllllll!I!II!IIII!IIIIIIIIII!11111111111111111111111111111 1 FOR SAltE- Rous , {) rooms &. batb. Cenal', hot wnt r beat, large garag:e, lot lOO' :x ]20·,-M.
nelll! Wont~n ' K Ch lh un We dllI'K' lIay evening. ~11'<1. A. 11. IlIhb~
00 ',. ~ OHGE" T CALL ~ ~s for in urance. AlI types of
,We know Ihe IIDBwen to yafl· Htlllae tardllY's problemll but today's an
was tile Bcene of the JumHJ.ry lIJ~etl llg of Ihe Prog r '!!s lvl' 13\1 ~ I ,
RATES: One cent per word, mInImum chal:ge, 215 cent.. Three Insertion. for the price of two. Form. clo.e Wedner day noon.
'JAN. '12 • 13 ~ ~ ~
BANK NIGHrr, $20
Jeanne Crai n - George Sanders - Madelein e Cnrroll
P. B. W. CLUB MEETS The Fa.r Hili II Party
IMI!e .11.1 fire , ....... w ...... •. . ." o .....tI8ecI ............. o fill ....,... sf ,.. .. dayl.,..,.... ......
RENT- , Single
garage space near ' Tblrd and Miami lI.t reats In Waynesville, Waiter Bebrens. · 1-6-3t
49c lb.
Karl D. Dakin
, CHUCK ROAST • . 49c .. Dlabetl!) C.nned Fruit.
Dead' Stock
Horses, .$2.50 • eo"", $1.60 Hop - 250 CWl. A,ccording to Size ~nd
around, market ·11l the country, . '8 ERVfCE THAT SATISFIES ' .
. Xenia 454 Revene Oharges ,
Xenia Fertilizer
Gclr~ge '
.FOLLMER OLIVER STORE , . Oliver Farm Equipment ' and MachiDery
Sale. and Service .NC!!}lH.BROAR~A~rr . PHQ,NE I.E,ANON 664
Armitage &Son
RES • .128L
- ----
~ --.
-- - - _-- ....
.W. e "Invite You . '.
JOHN DEERE .DAY Friday, January 13; 1950
'Morning Program at Our Store" . . 10 A.M .
L~8ANON, •
" you have any h;'pl.,...nt ·that'. run beyond, III tim., brbItt It '0 UI. Enloy' oneo again tho 1lI0od-as-naw performance. W.'II mak. · your trador purr like the day you bout'" It • • • make 'I t pull th. sam. load. at .the .._ • peed. Our Ollv.r r.plac.m.n~ par,s or. the hlgh •• i In quality. And our ampl • . .Iock OIICIblo. us 10 provld. you pro;"p,tly with almost ..,)Nut you _y ....... For ov.rhaullng, repairing, rebuilding-lie . . . . . . . . .
~;'-~'-;;;-;;-;;;-;;;-;;-~-~-;;;;::~~~~=~~~==~~~ (-
! , DO YOU UK£ FRIENDLY SERVICE? As your nl!ighborhood servicema{l, you wi11 find not only . '.iendly but;genuin~ly interested in see- "" iog, that ydur car) s given the bestpqssible service so it'll last I EDjoy A' Fri.., 's.mc.l . • •
Genlng u •• d '.qulpment back I~to ~hap. Is :on. of our . • p.elaltl . ... W. 'ean •• rv. yo~ be., becau •• we're fully , .quipped 10 .handl. your .... p'ol, lobi. Our m.chanlca , a ." , .kliled-fully trained to rflto,. all typei of m~chln" ,to ltandard condition.
FOOD STORE Pho~e 254.1 A
For Chilly MarRot Report.: WHIO DlI1ton, li;60 ' E.B.T. DW 1800; WLW Olaclnnatl. 1240. DIal t
~ve Wlr~ and Progres8lvll. An. organlzaUon seconti to n~ne. Strictly sellera on the ~!l8t ,all-
lief . . . . . . , ........ ..,
II • • IA,
oa.. ............... ..
Free Lunch at Noon r
••• time and agaiD YOU" ha~e read In tile newspapers 01 costly lcmrsuits brough~ against fCD'llieua when GU'tomobiles col- , lided with their U98Btoc:k 011 the highway. Suppose this happened to YOUI Pro. teet yourseU agcDbat I'UCh fCll'lll ac:cidents with Fcmn LiabilitY as written by ,the FCDIII Bur&cru Automobile ' .Jnsurcmce Co. of Ohio. It'. a . ..ceuity for .v~ry 1aIl. .:r~l
Afternoon Program at Town ,Hall Theatre at 1:00 . Free, Shows '!'
Come, Bring The' Fa~i1y' B~nta Implement
.Co. Lebanon, Ohio
• PhoneSBB
aynesville . ?•• • amI az
Natural Gas For
Civic Club Plans To 'Investigate Po ssibffities
Se:rving WaynE~svillelSince 1850
The Civic Club la prepared to NINETY-NINTH YEAR do all It can to secure natural gall lemce for thlll qommunlty, But first, it Is necellsary to determine WAYNESVILLE ATTORNEY JOINS NEW FIRM if th!!re Is enol)gb need for sucb service to war,t ant approaching tbe Dayton Llg~t and ~ower Company. If you would be Intereated 1n Ie. CUring natur al gaa. either for cook· iDS or 'heating, yoU wlll be doing the community a service by inform· log tbe Miami Gaette or Francis Gene Brown. chairman or the Clv· iC Club Publlc . Allalrs Committee , 1'he Civic Club will, If lDtlre ,.uttlclent Indication, Investlga.te all the poaslhll1t1es or BoCumg na.· tural gila for Waynelvllle• .However. It doei not fBtl) juatUled III ialtlng action unless tbere · fa en../)up iaeed .fo~ gas to attract conIIlderaUbn on tbe p.a rt of IUPPJy' :orporaUoua.
Council Committees. . ' For' 1950 Nam"ed
Civic Cluh Pouders . Prohlems .
Tbe recurrent blgh, water whiCh makes Route 73 impassible between Gorwin and Wayne8VUJe WllS ' the main tl1Plc ot discussion fo'r the W!a.ynesv1lle Civic Club at Us iTllnUary ~e.etinl~. BRITIS.H THEOLOGIAN Ma.yor liany Shlll'':I'ood IUInounThe club mel: Monday evening Wi LL, BE FEATlJRE SPEAKER t ecl the vurlou,a commlt,tells ot tbe hlgb scb'ool 'ror a dlnnertll e vUl.1lge counoll this 'week. The bURln'e ss, session , . council bUB beon reorgllnlZtt!,\ for . :Entertainment was provided by local' "barbElr shop quartet'" Its ru,nCItOlls tOI' the comlng year I.J.Il,embelrs of which Include : Don with- Lloyd l;)llids appolnted q FilII W(Jl'kn~an, Tressler Harpresident and Percy RealOn. a and Olenn liimith', . HIL~RITY ,cLUB MEETS hold·over frclm last year, terVln, the Route 7S siLuAT HOCKETT RESIDENCE 1n place of RllY KI 1'. Francia Gene Browu, chah',· M",,~ Earl Hockett entertained of tbe cllllb's public affalra HIe. eXllected tbat Kler wlll be on Sunduy and had oa her dinner 1~'Dmmltteit, reported that he and udmltted to ~he . council ' In tile guests. the HOarlty Club. local school board met With lIear futuro. He wns elected fol· Th~Be who enjoyed tl1ls , lovely ..blIRblV9.V orrl'cl6~ls In' ~Iddle~own day togi!lther were: luwlng a wrlte' ln c4mpalK,R In week. Mr , . &nil ,MrII . Oharles M!lDon~ 'November and tUe legality or hill , highway oUlclals reported' ald and famUy or Olnclnnatl, I1Ilr. woullli conduot a lIurvey election bas bee~: QUllstloned . . AI and Mra . lIoward McDonald and the amount or traffie carried soon !LS · Kler's status Is determ,family of 8sblna. Mrt . 'Morrlll . Oil Route 7S to detenD.l ne If It ill Ined he wiU be sworri In .as t\ Snyder and daushtera of 'Wflm' heavy enough to yarrent action, il1ltoD, Mlal Ethel ),lannon of A previoue survey reveOed that councilman 01" pel'malleoUy reWUmington r Mr. and MI'I', SablIurlng the period , 19U-19U thot! lected. In McDonald, Ho~ard VOltz. Mr , battlc on .t he · ,highway has In. The ~ev, Bryan Green As It DOW stands tb e ,council and Mra. ·Cbarlea GordDn · and The Rev. Bryan Green. Rector ~eiDbers for. 1960 Include: Homer . reased 100 per cent. Mra. · Laura Shldaker ' of Harvey, .r Th Id ed h .Carey. Max Hartsook. Lloyd DavlB. Shown above, left to rlgbt, are Harold C, Rliinger Harry Z·._ Gray a group ccons er t e poss - of . Birmingham •• England. and Howard Brown. Frnnc1m ".Gene aburg, Mr, and Mn . Frank Swar, " lbnty of 'ereettllg "Welcone" signs Ie E I dId .. .. tt limit U S now~ as Dg an s es Ing evan- BrO'Wn and Ray Kler or Percy tiel. Mr, and Mn. ,J'Obn Keraey an(l JOBepb R. 'Gray. attoTt:leys of lhe new law fIrm or Grar,· Rlsl.nae1', Jlt th Rout:' 4c;r,:r:o~~ittee BW::Ch bad gellst, will be leader ,of a Mission Reaaon. aDd Bon, Mr. and Mrs. C, E, Ed- and . 4Jray: to be beld In ~hrlst Ohurch'. DarTbe following are tbe council gtnlton and aon, Mr. . Sadie R'-I n preVIouSly beel~ aBslgned the.' 10b ton, January 25-29, It bas , been cu." , committees', H aro ld '" Beason, Mr " and ' Mra . Rhode, The formation of the law form u. .. nger was .wo I of Inv8&tl"'&tlng ' the subject. had la 9'] >. ., noune.ed by the Rev. Raymolld K. Fire and Finance: . Bunnell and d,a ushters. jlf Gray, Risinger aad Oray, at Le' lu us an attorne), at . w In 1 ,. 1• -.. ..... re""rt to (lffer. . tr~ Rleb8, general Ch!lItman [or lhe Helmer Carey, Ray Kler, , ,and ballon. was announced thla: week but entered (b~ Army ~~4. diu ' It "a reported that the vl1lag~ e\'ent. Ma.x Hartsock. ~"iE~:~~-8' :~';~~A:~M6 ~y Harry Z. 'Gray, Harold 0, RIs- not commence to pr-acUee 1aw uno, counCil and otber ~fflclalll bad St. Mary' s Church of Waynes· 'Street, AI'ley, Sidewalk, llf,lrD and Tl1e Woman's AIU1l1ar7 ,of thAI Inpr aDd .Josepb R. Gray, attor- til 1946, He 1.& the grandson been QueaHoned concernJng Ibe vUle :\\'1\1 pi\l<Ucipate In' the Mis: Gutters: ,, til 'neYI at law. " ,,. painting of a guld~ , line on the sion. Howard Brown: Lloyd Davis, St. . , ),Ia~s Church met at e T .... - , ne-, "rm -:-'11 ....e the of, the late lilll~ O,leaby. prom1iW11t .. • ..t aide or Main atreet ~ lI.8alllt I U' at B 11 ..... n ' ~~,!' Widely know, In England for bis and Homer Carey. ' :.:::. 0far::::~~n d aw e on flc88 or Mr! ~a; In tb~ Building ~arn••row,DSb.lp farDl~r'ynll,,:;; 2!I~orlstB In a.volding the upon BBC . broadcaata ,and L.ewapaper J ' and Loan Bids 1(; ·etlutb lJroad· gel' operatel f arma 1n a . e .. l' !l1~h, when. parldng. The reJlOrt art\cleB 14r Green III flying to Building and Sa"ltatio,,: Max H~rtllOclr, traUC\8 .Oene ~I\"" .~!'it!';'. . . . . tli~~~ . ~ "':'~~~n~;:-_!~Sl,::, 'waY,. LebaIIon':' ". , " , s"le TownaI11PIi .• li~ " hU 1 8!l ..... ~t ofllclals, b~ ' not been "O~Lo t~om Enl1an4 ,'or ~ M~. .;Q .~~ ~~. . t II ·.~ ;"~·"'·I')'I. _ . -..... BUory Z. Gray .haa J[ra'C"llCW; in ~.U1."" f"lL -tla&.-l)IUIt ....~ . beeaUW.IiI ' . . n 1~tua.· aD:d4'a1kQ;::-WDr com..leted Witb M~ Hawke re- law, at Lebanon alnce he was ad- years. . ,. ; r,a lnlng. duct Mlllsions ' in Clnclnllati an ' Pol~~lt" • . " . Ray ' ~Icl', Howard Brown. Viewing the. chapter. ""U Japa~D mltted tD tlie. ba, r 'In 1926. He III ,Joseph R. Oray graduat~ rrolll Columbull while In Ibis . COUlltI'Y. cis Gene Brown. for Christ," and Miss Kathryn th C II ge of La~ University ot E.VERYONE INVITED Prendergast the chapter•. "Enter. well .know In Wayne 1!owuabIP. as e 0 e " H J t" ' . Arrangements tor his visit were , he Is a past commander of ,Ra~ph Clne;lnnatl I~ June. e en erec TO WOMAN LESS WEDDING made by tbe Rev. Henry WI~e FARMERS CLUB ' HEARS In~!: ~~~: ~~C::-~ to Dlee~ with P. Snook Post of ibe American th~ leg~ p:ofe~:~:~ ;:I~~cehe':e": Come one, come an, to tbe Hobson, Bishop of Soutbern Ohio. DR. 'S"Al"UEL. MARBLE ' Mra. Charles Starr In Feb~WLI'l'" Lelion. and served eev.eral years. :wo~~ in A~it ' Gra,.. D.,p· big "WomanJess Weddl njt" to In fou~ previous visits to tbls The Farmers' Club held thllir after which a pleasant social III Trellsurer of the Warren 00, an . 9 1 Hbe held at Ule Grange Hall on country,. Mr. Orecn has attracted l'eg\llar . meellng on Thurlday, hour was ~Djoyed, with dainty re- Red Croea Chapter. Mr, Gray " uty County Recorder In 1 ~. e Saturday, Jan, 21. A big cast. record a udiences ' to his 1\118slonll. willI MI'. and Mra. 'Roscoe Furnas freshments served by t~e hOllt88a. preJlident of the Warren COllnty, sel'!':ddl~bth~~y In thll ~~un'eoualstlng of: Therle Jones, During hiS last visit. to New YOI'll. 'as .host nnd hostess al their counBar Aalloclatlon. ,ry n e, . Ed Ollliland. Herb t:t~.ML1lan. be attracted 42.000 'people to the h 'y bome. MR'8~ i=RANCES IRANNOCK ' Ed Surfaee. Dr. J.. 11. Stout, Catbedrlll of St. John the 'DI'fIDe: l\. deliclolls baked bam dinner ,'E8 8U"''''ENLv ' Dho'des Bunl~ell, Earl Hubble, On another occ8alon, In 'tbe Nat, f .,,,,, '. ". . . was se l'vecl to a large group of D MI'B, Frances Brannouk,' 72, died ITEM. OF INT~i:R~.T ABOUT, FOLK8YOU KNOW Dr: Har lan Dye. Harold Whltlone,l Cathedral In Was bing ton. D.· memberB., ao'd Dr.. Samuel Marble nt' 6 A,M. Tuesday at tbe Miami alier. Lowelll Tbomas. ' Robert en b'e appeared before tboueandB president of Wilmington college. ' ~allei hOSPital. ' :r Wilson. . ,K'ennetb Retalllck: every night of his MIIslon, H\a ltirs. Harry Smitb and Rev.:, and ' SUrvivora Inalude tbree daUlh'. Donald' '''lis on, David Brown. success during visits to this cou- Mrs . R. D . Coleman, WDlI .rere terl, Mra. Thelmr. Elley of OreErnest Cook, OIenn Smith aDd ntry. as weil I1S tbe Im()or.tan;:3 guests or the day. Sonia; ),Ira, Lorratne Steger ' nl I Earl' Earnhart. ' be has achieved In England, proFollowing tlie dinner bour, tlie A big time Is proml~eil for mpted TIme MagaziDe to call blm preSident, MI' . R08c~e Furna8, ,:t>aJtOn; ~, Junlta Woollard ot Dayton; thi'ee lonll, Jamea of everyone, tbat country's top evangelist, ·guve his a.ddress COl' the new yeal' be lira. ErneBt Harlan WBe a ClnAll ladles are to wear glllg· Mr. Green's Mission in Dayton Dayton; 'f bomas o~• S ou th lAb , Mlal Ruth Cbandler ';"'111 n will bave 8S its 'g enerul theme. and everyone thOI'oughly .enjoye'l of WayueavWe C ~ Cl b clnnatl vilitor on Thureday. bam or cal1.co dreBB and tbe this tiDe tnlk, Mnny Quotations anon ,' and Albert . . hoatels ' t the NeW' en~Ury u "F,alth Tbat Can - C bange 'l'he FuDaral ilervices will b. held 0 at men everydlay clothing, ",,,y.' and remarks were from some, 100 . day aflJlrnooD, Jan. 2'lw' Itll --Mrl. LucUe Armttage fB en· one ' co,mlng ".Tn dre;iis....-c1<1l'l""'ra--+~9fI<1l.,.::-~IWClImj~to-...M.l:,......JUeDJllrl;:::=-:..=;.::;:::.:..:.:::......:::.::::.=:-::.:..;=-.;:=.:=:...;,:I:..:• 2 P .,... . Friday at the Cburc ' a• ... P H j In I d ' tl In I Rec"or . ot St', Pau~'B Episcopal yeaI' (JIll IlCCOUI1L boolm belong n& with Rev,:,' tlie Far Hm,. ..rty . ou,ee. 0)' "severa !iYS . vaca on will be petl~Ll2ed . 'Eyeryime • of Christ•. Wa"nelvll1e, , DORIA and Mn C. Florida, ' . Church In Oakwood, Nlght.lY tOplC3 t9 Jlls grnndflltb~l'. .' II , . H , CoUey y fflClatlns. Burial Mr. . .. ' . ~ge t the " pro' In the com~nunlty. whether a will be "Ia America Ooln.g CommDr. Marb'le WOB then intruducll!1 :will be malle In Mllml ce~eter.Y' T. ElIlt In cbar,. 0 Dr. and Mrs . A. E . Stout and ' ,member cfthe Grange or DO unlst or 'Christian?". 'IJs Jesus fiS, the gUt'. t sJleaker. Hla topic, .... lends may 4)alI at the !3tubbs . &ram,. dauahter were' Saturday evenlDr; J8 Invited. Jranuary 21" Ilt 8 God?". "Has tbe 'Cross Any Mean- "Freedom" lold of hIs WOI'II: with tUneral home uuUl the time 'of Mr. Ilnd Mr. . Ernsllt Butter- dinner cueata of lIr. and ' Mrs, P.X.. lug for Today?". "Maklnl Marrl- the Frienda' Servtce In the dltt· ..mce. worth bad aa Bunclay . dbmer. oeorce ' W, elti In Dayton. age A Succesa". and Can lntelll- ferent countrle.s ot Europo. Clnd 'lo MRa. R. B. .... "OlEMAN HOSTESS gent PersOn Believe 'In tbe ReBu, conclusion be r emarked . on th0 p_t.. IIr . and Mra. Burnett 'WCTU MEETS AT HOME Butterwortb '-"'11 Ion of. Lebanon. Mr. and Mr•. J , Carl Conrad LU·B rrection'~.". Idea that If we use our freedom of Eldorado were recent weekend TO FRIENDSHIP C . , .... OF MRS. ROGER BROWN and' ),Ir.. al1d Mrs , Ollbe~t Frye . Sponsored b~ the EplaqoP!L l properly. no fear deed tie for the ' meet at. the home . aDd 10DS. p ..te, of Mr. au . d Mra, Roy E. llla, 'U ra , R. B., Coleman WtlS, host- Ohurches of the Dllyton . I UtUTD The W .,mU '" A' . .. a reglo~ L ~. of ),Irs, Roger' Brown Fl'ldaJ afterMra., H. L . Rye In 'vacatlonlng eBB to the F'rlendsblp Club on meetlngll will lie beld In christ . TllI~ Club adjourned to meet In noon, .Jan • . 18, The meeting 'Wua ·Mr. and Mrs, 'E. F . Earnbart. ID ' I'iorlcla. · Wedneaday af:ternoOD. with an ot- church 8ta.rting at 8:00 P.M. , nl- Februllry with Mr. . and MI'II. opened by ),Irs. • . H. ~oUe1, Mre. ' J , P. II'romm, . Mr •• , Roger Mlal Kartha Deatheralle was a tendance ot' 2:5 'members and one ghtly. January 25.28 . The MIssi4m ROIlJ!.ld }{awk~ as bast and ho~l reading the ihlrd cbapter of St; Brown and 'l ira. Bertie Mills weekel1d peit of , Mr, and !II 1'1 , 'cuest: lIrs. Oram Shoup, will conclude with a. 'clo8lng 1'ba.' ess lit tbe Frlr HlIIs Party Houae. James and offering prayer, . were gueat. at Victory Ohlll'ter aoe... H. Hartaoct. 1lhe reguJalr buainesa " 8esslon St I Dayton " 1 nksglvtng at a P.M., Jan. lilt, After the regular b ulloelll ,es- . Qrder of Eutefn ur, n . Mr. and ),11'1. Harold Whltaker was beld andl M~s. R,uBBe Wllal>n MeetingB will be open 10 peorle MR. AND MRS, R. BUNNELL ENTERTAIN, FRIENDS elon, Mfa. Walter Whltaltel' read , on Monday ' evaDIng. imd daughter were 'S unday after- waa In charg:e of the cl.,.,Uonll. of all falth·s . Mr. and Mru. Rhodes BUnnell , all Intereatlng arUcle em "Wby 1100n aueats of Dr. and Mrs. H Misa Tobe Ba.ll favored the aues tol Sh'o uld the Bible be Read In th~ MI'a"L. C, St. John, Mr. and E. Batha.way. · with two lovely vocal aolos: nIter ·entertalned to dinner and an eVSetUeDlyre and chlldMr. alld Mrs, 080' r"e Btro,U" ', wbloh av. ery(lIle enjoyed an old- EVERE:rT EARLY'S HOSTS ening o( bridge on Saturday, wIth PubUo Schools" and Mra. Roger Mrs. John .... St h Low Is .. u to ·ADVISOR.' Y COUNCIL Mrs. Carr, Mrs : Charles Doster, BroWU'1 article on "Our Liquor ren, end _rl. ep en e v - and Mr. and Mrs. ClaJlence Brad- fashioned ' spelling match. wllh Spaked MovlleS" was .8l'1 good, Ited ,the Ru~b Lyona prolram 10 dock of Dayton < were Sundal Mrs. Howard Dru~mond 1UI11 Mra. :Mr:. and Mrs. Everett Early Mr . Haines, Mr . Wall ona L14rl . ~he meeting wa, ~l(jsed wIth : Cillcinnati on MOn~aY ev~n:~IDg. guesta or the Clau411 Stroud tam- 'rbblan La",a.()D spelllng tbe .most . were hoata to the Weat Wayne Edglngto'n reoelving tbe IIrl2ea the Union ben~dlctlon. Mr. and Mra. Fred Df.a'ddo~1l l1y. . . worde correctly. . , Advlaory Council on .FrIday eve'- from tbe games . Tholle w·h o were guests of the The Olub 81djourned to meet In ' nl~g at the Far Hills Party Houae. ,and daughter aDd Ml-. tulcl Mrs . ' MI". Marlly·n Durske ' bad [IS ·WILLIAM . O. GuaTIN !;IlEa, Lawrence Cook··aDA! Ion have re- peets 00: Sunday evenillg. a February wltlb Mrs. J,. D, Rich as Mr. Ed OllIlland, president c(ln-' day ",ere: M,re .. LUlian Carr ?f WA6 LOCAL BU8INllae".AN turned from . ' delightful vncatkln poup of forme .. classmllteB aud the hOBtess Il8allited by 'Mrs . hi , ducted the buslnes, aes810n, o.nlJ Lebanon. 'Mr'. a.lld Mrs . BerliarJ. WWlam O. GUltin. 81, died lut tour of Florld.a. . ' 'frl.~da from CincInnati, D. Baird, M:ra. ,Callie Clal'k and Mrs , E.tneilt Harlnn was made Balnee of Wilmington, Mr . and Thl1ra4ar morniDg. Be wu . the : Mr. Im4 Mra . Paul "Savags of' Mrs. O. ' R, Uqleabee. s'ecretary to replace Mrl\. Stanley Mn . George Wall. Mr . 1UI!l Mrs , William Doster, Mr. and ,Mrl , tormer owner or GulUn Botel in Da7toll were Sunday evening Ba.lley. who· reBlgned, Wa1DenUle. ""d Wall a trainer P ..t. of Mr. and Mra . WJlllam LEBANON NFl,A AN~OlJNC,ES Mr , Harold Whitaker. discuR- ChatleB Doaler. Mr, aDd lIrs . B. . CARD OF THANKS 8 ~uae . for sb!lw horaes. DIVIDEND OF SIX PER CEN T alol1 leader, . conducted the dis· I. Hlll ot Harveysburg and Mr, · swrnvora Include: twa chlld- We wlsb to eltllreis our deep , Tbe annual 6~ dividend Wall eUIslon on the topl~. "The Bran- and lin . C. E, Edgington , reno a daughter, Mrl. MOdren E. apprecla.tlon to the friends, ...1CARD OF THANK8 announced bl' the ' Lebanon Nat- non Plan," .' ThomlllOll of D&Jton; eon, Paul aUveB, and neS.hbore for their We want . ot th~t 'the W&),ne lonal Flj,r1D It.oan ASBoclatioll afFoUowlng adjournment tc, meet ATTENDING OHIO UNIV_ ' Miss Judith Ann Conner of of WaynesvUle; two pandohUd- 'kindneBs and Iympathy to ue dur- Townlhtp I'1re Department and ter the meetlDg Jan. 9. with Mr. and lin. Harold Whit-,. Ten aDd two great-lJ'&nd~; , In, tbe death .lId llIneea or , my daelr \'olunteeJ'll for their QUiCK The ' sil payable fa d:er In February. a c)alDt)' and Wajnesvllle Is one o.f ten atudentl one brothel', Baney or .naJ1oD. dear Motb,e" 'anti In the daYB fol- ....lJOllH &114 daelr l'9C)ord I'WI stockholderll of record Nov, 80. deliclouB desllert course waS lIer- lrom Warren OountY enrolled to:the fall aeliion at ·Ohlo UniverISerYIcel were held Mo~_ al lOwing OUT 10", The nowera anc1 from Wa7D_VOle.· to Lytle , tbe located the countlea or ftd. Sity, a. ~heck of reglatratiOD r&3 P;M. at the McClure hDeral cards w*e beautl!ul and \'rJrf n!pt of IBD. 10. 1860. BroWli. Ham1lton and corda l'O\'8818. . home 1If1th Bev. B. B. 00IMn~ muell appreclatecl. . W ..... reall7 cratefUl for We -Watten,wUl be read)" ACCEPT$ POIiTION Mlea Ruth BurDett lias .ceeptMilia Conner. a fre.hmaD. ill 1D cJw'p. . protecUp. aIaoul4 we ever Ileed at the .ADDU&l BarltJ wu ~. tn KlUId lin. BarlT Bauerthwalte, It. . to be allJlouacecl ad a padIon 1D the offlctt or one of 6,86B Itudents at the uDl\,Dr. IIWa of Xftta. '~. Iaubad .... JIIVJDUIT'l'mARLY, INO. enlt7.
._l_ --
I ,'
B.. 0' U''IT T.. 0 ,"w. N.
Thursday, January 19, 1950
I', (iF. TWO
U.S. Formosa,n' Intervention Urged;, Drive Is Launched 'to Trim Budget Group to Press for Child ,Welfare;
Appeal to Reason
'Smart Blouses - One Yard Each House Dress Has Side Closing
II \Vas Imposs ib le at the moment to evoluote its eiIec t. but the fact that Scn, Tom Connally 0 .,1 Tex,) Chair-man of th e senate fore ign relations commit tee was urging a reduction in fOI'eign-ald spending was Certa in to carry some weight In congress. . CONNAI:.L Y forecast a "sue(EDITOR'S NOTE' w..... ,,In''lIB an '•• pr •••• 4, ln tbue co lamns. Ih.y nrc Ihowe 01 able" cu~ In (wlds tor the third • •.tara NaWIPape, V.lan·. aewa •••1' .... and not neoe •• rarUy at ahl. DfwIDAPer·) ye[\r ot the European r ecovery program. and explained that be meant Dlanger of Fire, Vapor "allytllJng up to a bUllon dol)a ~s." Congress voted more than 3.75 ' bil· Are Sholl We Intervene?' lion tor tbeprogra,ril in M49. As the agitation for U.S. Inter· Housewives In rural areas someThe most rabid supporter of ,tile Yeniion In Formosa groWl!, many a id-to-Europe program would have tIm,es find it inconvenient to send . Aml)rican& will have a sharp flashto concede thai there has been nli cjothes out.. to . be . dry cleane d and back of memory to the dayS whe.n lltUe visionary t.reat.ment of tne thel:efore do the work tbemselves. Anthony Eden and others were problem. with the top-drawer do- For this purpose. tlley may go to w:ging' boycotts against Mussollnl gooders finding It ,hard to restrain a nearby automQblle service sta· and the Japs as campaigns of cootbemse.ives when it came to giving tionl and buy gBsollne or to. a hard. Quest were .getting underway ... Ilway the American taxpayers' ",ne store or general store and' Now, there are many: important money.. buy ':cleanlng fluid." U.S. officials and eX-lenders w.bo There had 'bee.n · p,lenty wllrnlng G·a sollne Is Intended to make argue tllat the United States must and admonitions trom men In gov- mol:ors operate ' and should neller ete)? in to keep . Communist China emmtlnt qualified to t alk about the be employed as a solvent because from s\VsUowihg up' Formo.s a. Use sltuaUon. but tor the most part of Its great Oamma):lUit~. There of armed force, if' necessary. is their authority wasn't , sufficient to are some specially refined petrolell'ecommended to stop that move· permit their interfering. Howeve.r , um proi!ucts available with clean· ment· with Senator ' Connally on the lide ing and degreaslng ' properties LATEST TO JOIN with those adDavid E. LlUentbal: atomic of' a reduction in the pr!lgram, the somewhat like those 01 gasoline- bill yocating lnterventlqn in Formosa elIergy commission chlef, lold situation took on a new aspect. 'W&I fferbert Hoover; former pres• Dew. conference that Illere THERE W;ERE PLENTY ob. ident of the United States. He I::onhave been "several 'seeret adservers who, felt tllat unless tjle .tended that such a policy was nec- . vlncaa" la · the developmenl Clf Unltlld States took .a determined . .sery to lIafegUard this country'. atomic ener&,),. Be 1.ld Ib~se stand in Insistlnit that Europe bll.. own 8ecurlty. are eomparable to the "breedgin now to do something' to feer c1eslp" ,Ill 1949. habilitate ItSelf, the draln on A~e'r ' Hoover lHguec:l the U,S~ ihould ase its naval power to pro~eet not ican funds would not only continue I'lndeflnlt:ely, but might even in· ~ the bIg Island Itrongh0ld' of EDUCATION: I\ Fresb lind Crisp Formola but allo lessel" Islands crease. RESH and crisp as a new bill The Texas senator mleht have wblch Chlan, Kat-,hek's .forcoa Money & 'Health ' is this practical dress for your were seeking to defend 810lll the The n'eec1a of education in the bad some such idea in mind when household' duties. It buttODS down nation apparentl,y were to be well be tl\lked ERP fund reductions: IIOUth China coaat. ODe side, has a handy pocket ' and He declared BUch a ,tap w~li1d looked after in Washington, as far It was a little more dWicult, Great for Gifts. "ere'~t e wall agalhSt communism as interest and stressing of ne'c es- bowever, to understand hi. ~I. AlNTY one-yard blouses I that gay ruffle trim , In the Pacltic:~" and offer a "con· sUy were concerned. , tlon with l"!lgard to Spain. Connalare so simple to sew. This P.ntte,n No. tVilI Is .. lew-rile pert.... tlnued hope of. lome time turning The American Parent.' Commit' ly urged that the United States ex· rated p nllorn In s izes 14. 18, 18 .... 20; to, . Stud eo VlporS wlU be p~ett.Y trio win do wO!'lc;1ers to ~ep 42 nd «, Sl.e lB. 4 % yordl Of 3~-lnc". China, lnto We IIltbs of freedom tee announced a . Dinlt-polnt IIro- change . amba~sador!l I7(Ith ~pain ~ . cnuTled away ,"au, not up a weary wlnter wardrobe. NIce agam.'· ,ram in the · c:hild . wel:tare field ~medlately 'and to call c)ff its dipt41lwarda ;Jou; do the work oa'" Idea for a special birthday gift! BEW'~G C IRCLE P-'IfTFlRN DEPT, HOWEVER. ,t he decision . wal! 10r conalderatl9.D It the c\UTent lomatl!= , boycott ot Gener~lls.Im'o 'l~..., IISU soai. "'.UI Sl.. Cb...... 1. Ill. further eompUcated , b)" a Brltt,1i congresa .e8sI0n. F1ral\.cLsc~ F~anco. He . w~ed Po'Uern No. 1930 II 0 ' lew·rUe perrO' mnd that ' American ChIna poUey E".lo. . 23 conb In oohu for eaeh TIDS COMMrrTEE was organ. "sb;ateglc" spain In the Nortli At· witb considerably leslI 'flre hazatcJ, raled pa llorn for sf'es 12. 14. 16J 18 a n d Pll ltern d •• lred. , • would Anglo-American ,rela• . !zed three Year. ago to work 10r a .lantlc 'pact. I yard of 3 ... 10011 .or eacll 20. Sizo altbou~ ' any petroleum llioduer. Ilyle • Pattern No ............ .. Slze •• ,. •• ~. ~ ••• . tiona. IOdiclitiona were that Brlta~ ••• natipnal' program to benefit chil- ECONO!itIC ' can burn if it is broueht in contact .... JUlt about ready to r.eco8ni%e dren.· &nd 2S cenIA tadoy fo,your eopy of Na me ••••••••••••••• , ................ . wiUJ ...ource of Ignltlon. the Sprln. and Summer FASHION. 48 the Chinese CommunIst regime. pace. of, e a ay to sew iprioC s tyles: Addre s.l , ...... ~ .............................. .... .. the committee will Stability Ur~ed When a 'qlall amount . of lolvent. LegislatIon · ~way. the 'PractIcal realist. BritneW_ free pallern prlnled Inside "'re·· for wW b'" . .- 0 - be u-_.a the worlu:an-, be done -fotir\" the boOk. 'In th ' e fleJd of ' U.S. economies, ..... iOCU aIn 'moves wherever her 0109D be.t r - , . . -'" 00I-h e alth·.erv· there was pulling and ha.ullnl that Indoors safely enou"b. The na tl ona I ...... • U 'e fluid Interests dictate·, or wl!ere .be for an annual 35 million would hold' 80me mealure of can burn, ~ust be careful to use it think. the,. dictate. Henee, for ices WhE!1'e th,e re ue , no nearby ,04J'ces tile U.S, to lash out at the Ch1ne.~ dollars grants-in-~d for school amusement ' were U. neit for Beds jUllt when tile BritIsh wel'e he81th exall)inallons and treatment basic grimness. With PresideDt of IgnlUon and don't IIm!lke or tbing to woo the' €ommun~t busi· for all · ilchool children. This mea II- Truman prevIously committed to Ughlt matchea whUe you are handIless app!lrentb' . 1n\S~'t ,Joing to ure has been palsed by the sen· ' a tax increase, and sOl1')e" of his lin,: the fluid. However, when a large Job is ate_ cabiliet ' members advlsin, aeawt at' weD with Grea' Britain. . .. The ,public - Ichool It. the rio-tax-hike gI:oup found ,1m. to be done, such 811 cleaning ... t)w. alldna five bUllon ·to match portant IUpport in 'the Pre.ldenk'il entin' drels or a pair 01 overalla ' Dead Aim' he had done any shootin~. atate fwlds for a Dation-wide lur· councD of economic advillers. or removing arease hom ' a Dum' ·An American visitor to Engiand "Oh, yes," he replied ; "i did Drive for Balance , vey of needs, and other sums ' for THIS GROUP, reportinl. to the ber of tools ~hlch may . require hnd just returned to 'his native • tw .1..--.. I t ed quite a bit of shooting. I was most ' According to bOWIe RepubUcan emer,en~ a c 110 0 1 construc~oD. President on the general economic 0 or Ull'ee qua... o. ~o ven us , . United States with a sliglit Brlti'3h LeaderMartln of l'4assachu!lettll, whi.;:h have been. approved b,. the .Itultlon, steered clear of allY o.vel' .a period of ",erhall' haU an accent alld n\lmerous stories of hi~ 3uccessful, though, when I shot at tile United States ' ,ovemment lenate. " de6nlte to; ltand, but did not hold hour. Do the work outdoors, ,Itand travels. He was relatin'g some . of Lord Baddletort's county s'eat." ahould, be able to Dve within Its TBIl federal aid - for· edllcatiClJl an olive branch to bUliness. And "10 that vapors wW be cllrrl~ awa7 Ihis experiences to a group of "Didja bit it?" asked another llicome Without raisinl tIIxas. Tbat bW. which would provide ' 800 mD· it hinted that ~ome clianees in the hom 19U, not towards you, and friends when one of them asked if , ~Dger:ly. of ~Ie meant that ,die V.S. OIIabt UOII tor lP'ants-in~idd'. to the atate. preaent 't aX atructure should be allow the cleaned article. to cI17 - :f,;..'_ _~_ _~-:-_:--_ _ _ _......,..,----,_ _. ._~= tID be 'able to bala.,ee Ita bu4Cet. ' under 'a ' formula whleb "ve. a ml~e. In 'order to meet w~t It thOroulhlY befo~ ,.ou brinl.<them . ,Jdlned forces With Sell. lar,er prqpol1Ion of tun~ to ~ a "Deed~ 10r ,more .tablll~. indoora.· When JOU are finished, · if %-4'IINI and VALVE Bobert 'J;'att; of ' OhiO, who fa ·Oo aeedler .tates. This 'bm pUled in lovernfuent ,a cUonl ~ectlnl Ute ' icur band. 'feel dry, wasb With 0 ... pin. In 'aookeo .. mah, «1ld _ '.... """Inll OOIV. "du... y;ltOf• • ,Iud.... end . reCont '.. ea,-ln. tie beHeves the Mnate but . wa. · blocked In naUon'. ecotlomlci wen.belD,.. lukewarm water and rub • cream vCtr"lah. Four ounce' in '.n gallon. of p. federal budget· could , be ballneed house because of the controversy That worll ...ltabWty" Will contaiDini lanollD into the Ikin. or... you, ",ulpmo"' fhat ,Uol uPPO' Iv..... III tlJeal 1951. TIle two ,iawmaken over uservices" ~ to parocl1Jal t'ip-ofi. Jt 'meaDt. anyone eouId xea' . preventa Itluy ring. ond vyalvo - prevent. f".1 Iv.1Im f,"q·up., . ere unlted in a drive to attempt to .chooll. .onably asSlime, that thecouncU, ahm ' If! TAICIS ONLY 30 C"ONDS forCe the government to' live withThe national chUd-research bOl, felt U.S: business must. have lome . t e 'fIe SATISJlACrrON OUAUN'''D U. S. OfEMlCAL & SljPPLY CO.. •• c., ... In Its !neome. rWehl.:abrcahsksin' '1C·bi!5mdUlllif~~aannnd':e~el~~ assurance that It I. nOut '.?..tnth' to Domestic ... Z·f PrtHiIM' for Bon:, C. N_ The project obvioualT had more ~ ~ .. be confronted continua y... an ' merit than chance for BUCeelli. for ments. ever-shifting government tax ' PolClattle imported trom India ma,. with congre.s predomlnanU,. DemThe' bW on social secU71ty reo ley. Thill coupled with Commerce lOme dllY compete with established ocratIc, there would be Uttre llrob· ,..Islons, asking increase,d benefltll Secretary Sawyer' I luggf!!stlo,n ijlat ~ef cattle breeds in tbe markets ability of a ..., great tax changes in for dependent children. . excise taxes ·be repealed, could be of jthe midwest, accorjling to man,. the . matter of ..ed.uced op,e1'allD, The local public-health.unlts blll, reg.!rded· as a definite s,wltch Iii llvE~stock' experts. One Nebra'sk,a . '. which 'would il?,crease health ' safe- hlgll-level. thinking on tax matt,e r,s.' ·f. Irner. "a IiY,brld corn p~Olleer, 6e~ .e~Dse'lI. I,All 'Indicationll w~re that wblle guards tor children. . THE COUNCIL explained It this lIell'es Brahmans will be as popular . there might not , be an,. tax ,I n. AN ·lNCREASl!:. '10 fUnds for the wily; ; , ' : \ . ' ". ..j as -do~estlc breeds i~tbe next tew Mr. ·lInd . Mrs, W. P. Patterson, I uread and milk, ' but .now even eats creases, thllre certainly would be Childre.o',s Bureau: . "While we Shoulj1 aim t{I the lOng yes,rs. ,. , . 503 Dennis Street, ROU!ltOll, Tc..~US' 1 frankful'tcl:s and vieilnB sausages. Uttle of' to reductions. despite adIn:creased sehool 'l unch appr~ria. run for reasonable s'tablUty In tax I Corn belt farmers scattered 'thintnank HADAOOL ·every week when ' Mr. Patte rson was suffering from . policy. th~ great rchanges .In the ly '~om' Nebraska to ' Obio are exministration claims that the gov- Uon s . Mr. Patterson brings bome his' pay a Jilek of B Vitamins and the Mineremment couldn't operate without CO'FFEE.. tax structure over the most recent peI'lmenting with Brahmans and check. als which HADACOL contains. more 'fax revenue. Wher,e the balyears and the double reversal of crosses of B~ahmans on regular Mr. Patterson is a member of HADACOL' comes to you in liquid Ocing·up' will come Is problemat- $11 More economic trends in 1049 may make jJeet hcrds, . ,Houston Local 213, Internntionlll fornI, easily assimilated in the blood Brotherhood of ·Carpenters and Joln- strea m so that It clln go to work ' lcal as yet. . " ' It necessary to alter the tax strucD Br lmi b 'f ' I I b TAFT and Martin outlined their ture ' . be(ore .a basis .of 0 ,a Bn ee · ea ves we g ers, but for more than a yellr "'BS tight away. . vi 8S ' congress in fulllTe years wlilo have .SO ito 100 pounds more by weanll)g unllbl~ to ' work, desp'ite .frequent A.!nck ,o f only a smail amount 0 B~S declared they . , bee'n laid." . . " aget and dJ'ess ' ou~ two, to, f04r ' I*r wonderful . oners frQm contractors. 'I Vltamm,s lind certain MineraI. 1o:lgorouslr any administration r.e·· shoppers, ,will a .lit~e :nis new course la)lllf hed. .the cetl',t higher thilD !lie ~sunl ' ~ ~f ; . Then last' September, Mr_ Patter- 'Yill cause digestive d~8tuTbnnce!l ; ' . quest . for increases eithsr in cor: to t~e aver,ag~ Amerlca~ . I ol!uncil . on a cours\! i'ts , former c~~tle? , po they mal,te econ!lJl:lic:;~ . son ~eard "the 'blessed news" about :orour fo od will not 'ugl'ee .\~ith YOII. ,. ~APACOL and the 'wonde\ful 'relief ~ou will h.ave'·al1 upset stomllth. _, ration or hlgh-bracket income .hold 8 coffee ·biD 'f~r 1950 chairmaD, EdYl'ln ':' G. Nourse. re- }ee,~l?t and pasture g.afns ol1d enIt hlld brought to couflbless < thou~ ) llU will suffer from heill;tb urn, gss :Xes. ' ., , . , .\ fe~er or thinn~r. cUlls . ,are drunk pudiated-:'tbat of malting ' recom- dUl:e hcat , and !nsects be~\er thaI!. sands. Since then he hilS ttlken more p"i and, .your food will sour. on , Taft sold he would not object to this ~~ar, says the "family econom- menda'tlorlS directly ,to, congress, on . o~er catUel These ar~ 8!1me.•lf the than 20 bot tles of HADACOL ... nd your stomneh and you will not be a deficit ,of about lwo bID19n dollars Ic. b\:(rea~ of Nortpweste'r)l fiatlon' matters of the ddmlnistra.tion's eco-; . qUc!s,Uons t~ whlc}! It Is ~op~d . anhns worked steady_ ' nb!e t9 ent lhe things, you like for In 1951 U he were sure the govern- , ·al Lite Ins~rance company. nomIc policy. . , aw,_~s w~ll be found ~ro\lgb ~e fen~ 01 being In misery afterwards, m.mt woud ~et back Into the black The rettul rise ~ the United studies , and experimeptll bemr Mal y people also suffer trom conIn fisca\ ,1952_ The deficit this year State~" averagin~ around 22 cents co?du~ted. ,\ I stipstion. And while these symptGms a_ i d to run about 5,5 bl1lloD a pound from mld·summer to JTilldI' m,a.y be the re~\Jlts of othor causes• ... expec ~ . December, parallels an almost ' ' .; • , they, _re surely. and certainly the doUars. , equal climb ~f approximately 21 symptoms aiid signs ' of lack of B cents a pound. 'In Latin-American " Vitnmill!,' and M'inerl1ls Which RADBRITISH: . prices on green cottee, Bc.()ording , ACOL Ct'lltains. And "if YOII 8uffer to the bureaU. .. . No, Thanks (rpm sueh a .defieielicy disorder, AMOUNTING . to . ovel' 38 _times . Miffed becau.e the ' world bank there Is no known cure except the administration of the vitamins and wanted to mow too much about Its the cost of the cotlee prlc~ rIse, or mineral s, whleh your 6ys,tllm lacks. operations. Great Brltain'lI . colon: \' api>roxlmately $425 .per !ear, is I It is easy to v'lderstand. therefore, £al development' corporation with- the averag!! U.S. famJiy I sllare I \Vhy countless tl,ousands have been drew its application to the Inter-I of the 2?-blllion-doUar increase henefited by tJiI~ amazinJr tonic, Il~tlonal bank for 8 loan of five .ince 1939 lD our government'l anHADACOL. ' Dual non-military expendj~ures. the mOOon dollars. " . So it matters not how old you are ' The 280-million-doUar govern- ."butea~ points out. . or who you are. • , , it mattera not meDt corporation, s&t up In 1948 ' A yearly snvine 01 $88, directly where you live or if vou have tried to foster' colonial dl!velopm~nt. 8ald and Indire~Uy. would be the ~ver aU. the medicines under the sun, give it wanted the loan to bll1 "1ndispen- age family s share,. In the .~our bllthis wqnderlul p'reparl tilln. HADA• ..ble" American-bullt land-eJe..r. Hon dollars which.lt Is estimated CO~ a tria). Don't go , ''I auf~ering, InI machinery. ' can be lIavep each year merely by D , on t continua to lead a miserable , . WWlam N. MarJoUs (\eft, THE CORPOM'I'ION woUld have rnodernlzin.g ~d streamlining govIUe. Many pcrsori\ who 'have 8ufabove) haa, 'reslcued I. a. been ·requlred to 'sUbl'nlt its ,de- , ernment operations; this laving fered and wa.lle'iJ for 10 to 10 "earl GUbert·· Blakeashlp. •• or .I.tant to federal labor eonelUa· or ellell longer. are allle no.,. to \lve ..Ded bud,et ·t o tbe bank for lome 'woul~ pay for the averue hou~e. lion aervlce " c1lrectOr CYI'U 'ro"kv,W~. m., ... ~me4 , aeW. P. PA'M'ERSON happy~ com!ortllb~e Ii.v e. bo\cauBe ~ ahead and would have hid bold', entire annual lupply 01, III ChIDe (rlebt). &Jareolls plalll!ecI iilclul · ..a Clab achlevemen& '. BAD~COL lupplied the Vitamin. to' make lluanerI,- statements I pounds of lltore-bought. coffee, to opea offices ill WlihIDrtoD l~mploD .t the reeeat latern-.. Hera II Mr. Patterson'. ltatement: and Mineral. which their Iy.t.m. ebowin' total ....ts. UabiUUes and I even if the price. went to ,1 a pound. ad New 'Y ork .. a labor reIa...... Uv..-ook Show ill CbS- ' ... hid b!len un.ble to work for needed_ lie fair to Jouneel'. Tempcaapendlture, of each at Its mut: I and .00 leave, ~ 'for lurar and tloa. lItolll1lHaal. more tban • )Oiar when I heard about fU1 relief Is not el)ourl'l for ,0lL cap. Up1e ·operatlon.. . . ' . cream. the bureau calculates. HADACOL' last Septein~r. Since GIve HADACOL a trial! then I liave taken .bout 20 bottles. I Sold at all laadlne drag ltom. auurman . JArd TrefarllDe .told SECURITY: am dolnc carpenter work ....r, Trial II.. oaly f1.2I5" but eave l18WIft\en the corporatioil would Sill, Habib R.VI.lln, I.,.. boubled wi~ dll'8ltlft dl.tur~ mane,: bur the lerre f.mily ftOn. A Plea to Wait the ",acond·be.t" machlnery _ ancea, ,.. on the ""mach and bloat.: 01111 .Ize, only fII.SO. II your drut' Bernard Baruch, elder state.mln coaatrueted In Britain and ltalJ, Since prlcticaJI,- a third of one'. red Glover •• I creeD manIDe. I haft recommendild BADACOL c\at does not handle HADACO &. declared the ba... a term. were enUre lifetime II spent aleeplne. Nlth an over-wUlcleney of this enabled • . Duluth, Mlnn" .. about 110 people ami mod tillII8 order. direct from The IABlanc Cor""orId's ,ODd., didn't tlilnk loclal ..too anel'OUl." . this phenomenon properly .enlages ad9lct, .... feelln. pontion, WlietW, La., .nd wh8ft to. bea, hi. countY'. potato . ,,~o foD~ security ben,flts ~hould ' be plld TIle corporation's ' proJ~ now the attentIon of .clentista. lletter~ I am lura ~at lowe Plrt the po.tman brinll ,our pac"ap II mucb ai ' 800 bulb. eft17 pa1 ebeele to BADACOL aIId Jut pa, the amount plul the c.o.d. UDClerwl,. Included: A. \!Illness the cpnclUJlon. by when the 'recipient become. 85 &ba bJiiIid ...lIef that It brbIp... ancI polta,e. If ,oa remit with the Maese, barve.'. ' betw.... AIrleultural develoPments III Dar, Prof. Alfred Adler. Pl1d1olollat. veara at aae. Hlmlelf a vilorou. lira. Pattaraoa. who U.taned -whDe Orclet' we will P87 the !!Olts... 400 busheill of IIOtatoa per DaO, Brltilh Hondur••, the Lee· that the per.on litho lIleep. on 'h is 79, Baruch all. the retirement ale Mr. Patterson made hl. atatelllent ' Th.... If 'aU don't teel perteetlr I al compared to a counl1 avarward lelanda, and AtrIca; forea"" I blclt, stretched out like a .oldler ,hould be railed be,.ond"'. . aDd ~dmta1lr helpa ..... nil' un. .ttdl~ . , . IIIlq RADACOL .. Be W'lelted ravlsion at aoctll at lao bushell. Be doe. It .., .... mlDerai projects III British . It attention. wants to be u poaat anal QI!.'I or .... _ _ted that dlnctiil. jUlt return the erpptJ car. Mwrll1 lawa to permit_ persona ... 11 ... "" .. over 011. )'eat', Il'Owth 01. QaIIIu. uti factor, eonlU'llCt1on : " posllble. 'l'be Ileeper ,,110 curls WeQ fourtb ~.... l1li alDee .. hu been takInIIlADAl.·OLlton and ,our mon., Will be , ltefr. .. DCII'Ihen BbDdeIla. Ka,a up like a heilg." be ..,., probe over 811 to 10 011 worJdD, and aethat he fI ..tlaS her out of "M* tuJlJ mana., Notblnr eaulet Iw eumulauq Jar,. JMQIDeIIrt. ' IOta....
.Salety Precautions Urged in Cleaning
Atomic 'Advances'
• • •
an Cat tl May With'Many Kine
Marg'o,lis Quits "
, rarmar Bike. Spud Yield B" Usiag Clover Minure'
ablJ lellb coar....
... ........ at ...
to eat ....,
Thursday, January 19,1950
H~ re is anotller
-/v\ASTER·/AlX Recipe
No Job Wanted
Equ a l parts ot potato ohips and corn. (lakes mAke a good topping for c asseroJe uishcs and a deli·
By Rlcbard om Wilkinson
cious coa ting for croquettes.
WAS SNOWING when Guy I Tstarted over the pa ss. The rUling
Before using your gas space heater ogaln, check burner ports for scaling. A wire brush will cle an them so that the flame will not be obstructed.
• • •
Rest your .stirring SPOOD on absorbent paper towel on the work surface of your gas range. This saves cleaning up food stams.
• • •
When starcblng curtains, make enough starch tor all . curtains in one room so they- w~1l have identical criBpnl!ss. .
· .'.
peaebes topped
with mint jelly and · broiled four inches from the flame until bubbly ~r~ good 'company for lamb chops.
This grimly graphic· picture '(above) of a little boy lying crumpled on the street before the wheel of a truck \lIaS given top award in the 1949 police photography contest conducted by the Traffic Review, magQxine of the Traffic .Institute of Northwestern. university. The picture was token · by ·W. P. Hinkens of t~~ Lo~ Angeles police, department.
Grandma'$ Sayin' gs .. .
LOTS 0' POLKS 1C0neider knowl· edge a ~eaSure, but It aulkes me that experience and practico are the only keys tha\'U open the d~r to lL as DaI4 Co u.,.O.II1~. ClJicIAlllU. Obia-
WHA.T D'YA KNOWI ·...Table· Grade" Nu·Mald le'lmproved! Sweet ta&Un',.,amooib IPreadln' Nu·UaJd Is better 'n evor. Not onty that, but It'~ got a 'brand' new package, 'epeclally flxed te J(eep that mild. sweet flavor sealed In. Yesslrree-Nu·Mald's J.m.. proved!
• In the photo at right, a uniformed policeman .is giving a $Gfety talk to an eager group of chil· dren. The childten ,are using ~ "play street" in t~ew York City, Thi~ sort ' o~ activity is becoming more aild more familiar as officials try to make, for good traffic a Ii d so f e t y ,procedures by training -youngsters in saf~ty . principles· before . they become vehicle operators , t h 'e m s e I v e s. S~own below' is a young boy who was riding his bike to school, He made 'a turn too fast and too wid_e' and was killed instantly when struck by a 'trlJck, Through educo· ti6n as widely, di$tributed as po~ible, Northwestern ' u~iversity's traffic institute .s e e k s to prevent . fOgedies such as this,
staUon attendant at J li\ ckso n ha? warned him against It. but Guy bad only smiled ,..---......- - , crookedly. It was early 'May and s now storms of any consequenoe '--_ _ _ _- J didn't happen In Mill', not even In the high countr~. Besides, the way he felt, lt wouldn't mail;e much difference , If anything did happen to him. Not even 11 he perished in the drifts or froze to death. Death would all his problem,s. It. would be a reUef from worry and hopelessness Bnd bleak despair. .' Foolish though for a yourig man 26 years old, But young men can sometime s become pretty wild ond desptlrate lri their th\lugh\S. Guy remembered Mr. Moore's cynical smile. "Sorry, son, we haven!t a ' place for you. Fuil up." "But not rood repol1ers, I've had eXllerlenoe, Mr. Moore. I'm a gOOd writer. '1 alwaYII sorape up a new angle to a story tbat ' makes' lnterestIng' rea.dlng. Besldes-" 'J'bere was desperation In Guy's tonc, becanse 1\lr. 1\loore bad belun shaming' papera ou bill dellk. "Whell 1 wrote Inquiring about a job yon said . you'd be rlad t4I talk to me." . had driven all the way . up from Denver-l.OOO miles-because Mr. Moore bad said he'd talk to him. It h~d taken nearly his last dollar to buy enough gas to. maJs.e the trip. Now he had nothing left b~t the 5·year-old car. Just about enough to get him back home, from which he'd started out six months ago, bound and determined to land • job on newspaper. Toward' noon Guy understood why the filling station man bad warned hlm. The anow formed aD impenetrable walL The wind was rising and it waa colder. Now be wall stuck. . Hour~ passed. Twice Guy tl!ought he heard someone call. The t,hIrd time he roused up. Through the slanting curtain of snow be saw a figure floundering toward him. He got out. !!1te man was nearly ex· bausted; hls face frost bitten. Guy got him inside the car and t\,\rned' on tne heater full, speeding up the motor. Presently the man look~d at him wild·eyed. "My wife! She's sick. We're stuck-Up the .
• cop "",...,u. .
Sift flour, boIkJoll powder end ..II togdhe'l'.. CUi in shorl. nU>I- Store in covem ""... laID... In mrilloralO1'. NQ.NI
DATE '-MUFFIN. These Mujllm
Ire Idea] tD ~1'11.
for' breakfast, IUDCheon or BlIpper. Here II the recipe: '
* .,NI .... pll"" <1&1.., "
""pi ~p
.., Ito
J ffIf. ",til I .. bI.spoM III,.., 'b 1111 '
no" ..
14 no"~,,."
M~ter-Mlx Inlo •
bowl. SUI' In the dates and riut& Mix egg. sugar and mlIk togelher. Add, aU II once, 10 the dry mixture. SIIr genlly DIlly "untll the ftour ~ moistened-the baUer will look lumpy. Fill greased ~uffin pans ~ . full. Bake at 425' ... (bot ,oven) 15 to 18 minutEs, Makea 1 dozen l!-Inch muffin•. U plain muffins are deslJed. use the Date Nul M~ rec)pe but omIl the dale. and ~Uts. .
A loro/ CIlIbberGI" MtJlUr·/lrf/.
In 1M relrigerator belpa quickly ., balee wallles. ginger'
breads. CIlilckTolls, coolties, and other lnteres1lnll and ex" ciling home-baked ~ucts.
;:==::===::;===::::;;;;:;, Aleo h '0 ,-I C S
I ~ 1_001.
d roa.
no", Claw... GIri a..t1oo row<!..
• "PI fUl f il. ua·J*"PON
are B1VB; PEOPLB III .'Jut .1 prop.r '.eGlIIIIent. II 10 1\
1I.I,IWII ..tlaR .e<lalr.~, foU ....a IIF
8 . • "eeks or ...,,1 ••• JII!oe."'''1 toal.,. pr....lbe4 bF •• r Lla...... I'bFal.
elana. No .11.". In Moklo' .r •• &e I.D •• ltaUla.
.01' Mo••,O ••..,. ad .. VI;'.'"~.U II,
':=::::=========== OIlI_Tel.pllo.o RE tl,.. ad
Guy !bought .qulckly. There '. was · abe sback. Apparently ' tbe man bad pas~ed ' It 'In the atorm. ia mast be close by. '. At any, rate, it wall tbelr onl, cb~nce,
AIN'T IT 'STRANGE how 'both money and time are useless, unless ' we know how to 'Use 'em?
Guy wondered how A FTERWARD, he'd found the .shack. or wt)at It was that kept him going . when
~ .....'ttel... 1'&1110. 11101, TIraIDla"
the desire to lie do:wn and sleep
SEE FER TOUBSELlI' how much . better ~Wltln' bread 'n spread Is with better tasUn' Nu·MaJd. Yes Ma'am! ''Table-Grade'' N~hMaI!lls ' lmprovecU Nc'w Nu·MlLld's mllder, sweeter• . easler'Bpr\!&dln' tl1~n ever! '
" .., wtn
be peJd 'upon publica. Uon to tbe l1rst· contributor of eaCh accepted 8QYing or idea. Address "Grand.m.a ': 109 ElI5t Pead Street, Cincinnati 2, Ohlb.
He 'balf carried; half dragged the' womsn ap ' ,t4I 'tbe .back, .
and I~* her there near the .' i.~~;;;;;;~;;;:;~;;;;~;;;;;; stovo,
afiNER dye
CLEANS AS; lif DYESt wI"'.ut
wif6ol{t laili .
• D)'a Qu!ckly, eulty. evenly, ewertJy. Contain. rem •• tatM c1l!11n1ni'lnd peIIetratIn, InRmlienb. GUARANTEED to dye aD fabric..' Dyel them tile I • • ' .,.rkl\nl colo,....1....,. ,1_ full-deplh color lJ'ft 10 sample. No otbt;r like Ilt If )'Our deale. dOlI not haw tbiJ PRF.TESTED !be, "rile • IDITII ••nICIl ~n-1i~,
on CD.'.
SUNSET .. v. . . ., ·
~nd forget everything was 80 strong. ·1t was aU like, a . dream~ the way be'd stumbled against the shack itse.lt, found ·the door and fell Inside. He remembered that the wind and cold were shut out. Then he remembered the sick woman., The piece he'd found was q road camp. There 'was . a stove ahd :Wllod and a few cans of fooi:! on tlie shOllf.' got a 'f ire going and placed water on to boil. Thcn he lunged out Into the storm ogaln. fought his way down the road and found the stranger's car. He half carried, halt dragged the woman up to the shack. and left her there near the stove while he went for the man . storm lasted' two days. It took another day for a rescue party to !let tbrougb:. 'They took the three of them dow.n to Jackson and tQ • hospital. GUY was put into a room by himself lInd fed. l1hen he went to sleep. When he awoke t.1r. Moore was standing by his bed. ('Feeling bet· ter, son? Good . Row about. story on your experiences? That man yoU saved was Senator Ostrand. " '''n,e lady wasn't bls ""e -.t a1J. See wbat I meaa' Yo.. wan' a Job and we want a at41I'J', because Oalrand la OD iIIo oppositlOll ticket, Bero'. ,.ar cbance, be,."
a man's hlllRds holding two
parts .of the rim of a head· light 'together. One was fcund at the scene of ,a hit-ru~ accident, . the other in a 9!lrage five days later. The driver's car was being repaired there, He was arrested and pleaded guilty, Talken by Charles Ep. person of Indiana ,ta~e police entitled "Hit anel &itf.rnlce;" the photo.. Clwarded fint
General ·PolieclcnllilitcotM)II of the an-
YES, In jud? daya. •• , In one ,hort weelc " •• I
croup of people who chanced from IhC!ir
.tel de",lfrlcel to CalOJ: Tooth Powder aver>
aced "'" ~ '«Ill by Identilic lelt. Wby !lOt chlDp to Caloit J-II~ Bu,
CaIos ·today ••• aD)'O\II' redia' caa etUt Ioollq closed hi.· ey... WeD, wh, 6nlAt" aomomwl
not? be thought. After aU. a maD hal to live, haa 10 look out ror blm· elL Wh, nnt? Why not? The thouJlbt kept poundln. I,stoat hlI brain. Then he opened bla oy... ''Sorrl'.'' he ~ald. "Sorry, ilia, .................Bd....... C'O" lIP" the JdDd of Job rID after,,,
CALOX ............
The. Miami Gazette
bull l'idlng IH lh" 11Ilwl' grout fl! . ;-'f(l, ' lIant" II 1I·111ft·d t hI' Krout!. The l' id()r gets on the willi I ,,(' :'Il1'H. (,ll1n.'I1(·'· l1u g lt1l 1 . . • hump1)lld(.!11 Ilnlma l jUH tiS It Is I!t ' II 1" , III"y "ne"' OOIl. If'!.. ~ lot oUl of thn 'llllll' lind Ie I .· I\f:,. :t11\1 ~ll'!I. ill'!'lIe .10 IH !; (' (·1 s t uy~ on fol' l II 01' In 10 1:<f.·COIlII"" 'hrl\Letl Ih . It, 1(11 1110;>11 \I' dllon );' an · .. ~ h , i s In tho wlullln~ lasR. III1'e r a:!!'}' lliLh "1I11J 1 hO\l<;.' StP" I orb s gl'eal cI'cuhlrl'l< bUCK 111.11 ~ duy al l 1'1I110 n ancl 1' \'l' n lO g. "h<>v .. ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _~-------.J'
(!l. ... urrl. WU1IJt· ,', 'P
. Established 1850 Pu!Jlls h (lrl r.vpry 'rhursday morn· Ing lit W:lyu Ps I·llIe. \Varren Co· IInty. Oh io. Edna IT. Conovet .. .. Publisher 111'k \\,OI'S, tI~H II any broncho naIl rece iv ed n 1111mh I' "r IJ~'IL\ Ilflil I METHOD I ST CHURCH LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH T ed COllm'er .. ... . ....• Editor It I Il gool l 1'ldf'I' 11UlI va n " 'RY un gl tLI!1. DOSIJIl (' th e 1~1ullllllenl \\'c- It D. ' Colemall, Minister n. 1': . OU I,glln . P ~HI or II [l loLle l! l en ~p 'ull llli. 'l' ll~ .:Ill . :tlh l' LIlNO w re lit' hllUi!I'l1ll nn., 'hurch Sohool, 9 ~ 30 A.M., Mr. nW e il S,·rvice. 9: 45 a. 01. Enl l'e d liS se ond class m'atter j :-;tlh ~ "l'lnt!on Hille: $1,;jO pcr yeal Harold Iiinrn hnrL, S upt. at the Ilostotflce tit \Vayr,osville, III Oillo ]( II lm·k y. and Incl lnnn. im nl s nIl bad l he b s l oC thin ,,'l Hllrt,y·rtl'o gliestH. this OPOllln g day . wh ether It IVII '! Mr. and M r K. '1\omol' !\ , u n O',· Wors hip Service, 10:311 A.M. ST. M ARY'S E PISCOPAL Ohio. , .2.0() 1!:H'wbl' I'(" J.)OI' rllll!El il . Wll s lue opening flay tllld ~hllllr~1l " I' .11ll1 In·Jl J1 Ur I) III)IV Yout h l"elows lll. IP. Sundny, 6:30 • ' 1111111 I N. Keys, fie 'wr MOr!l lng Worsh ip. 10::.10 A.M. 171' b C(WS ·It was Frldl\), lhe J tllh llvluig lit th e homo of iiII'. ~ IlUri P.! • •;.~_ Cl _~ '~ ~~"""_~' __I.:. I 'our se, 111 tual nttitut.1 c it 'llRUUl1 y Il I ~ 1l Ul'd to tell, ' but only f"ur ~frs. UnrUel t ~1()11(,0 . UTICA E.U.B. CHUROH i'I'Ov.u :1t t1il-\ h~ aud for a few d ays tor thc bull (JOil I'S got. tliolr Sll'lllll 11[1'. ant) i\lr ~. J{, ~lIe 'rho UJ 'tk (lr FERRY CHURCH , OF CHRIST llYl'on UIlI'ver, Mllllster . WII'I (IL Jl1 Shannon. lIf1nlfll.or Wo Ilu ll b('lvw 0 IYCo.tiWl'; at nighl, tloln and tbelr lime W!lS <tlmotl,·. "'nYII lil' ill ('ul l 11 III lh h /))1I' UIlIIHY choo l, 9 ; 30 A.M .• Mt·8. Ulb·lo Scllool, .9:30 A.M. I T h i~ tl UIO t hud OUe nicO U'ip l O twlc tbe prov iou s J' OI'US of til l? 0( . (\II'. Hnd JIll':;. L'st" r ·Mol'1lhlJ.; \\'orslllp, )0:30 A .M . .luJll s Ga rrison. SUll t. 1 he lIIolinLu iu s, 'l'h lJoy Scollt~ I<lLIll men. 'rll alves H emed t tl Sund.LY nftcl'lloj.m . PI' u ·hlng. 1sl. BllIl 31'd. Sur,A Farm Diary Pmyol' M ee ting. 7 : 00 P.M:. · \I' 1'0 Jm\'iDg a li' in\ Qr <'!LUIII fOI' a Ill1 uw th at i[ they ot a ro und boo Mr. and "In' 1)onll l« tf ll Ys of a ct. month, 10:30 A.M. Young P ople's AI e ting, 7:00 few dll Ys uV ' I' Lh j 'c,,' \" ar w Oil ' hind 1bo h orse instetlcl ot I' U II ancl s.m. 0111' 11 , :t lld II l'oll[ll e "r I';v 111111; Ser\'lces. 7 ::10 P .M. Ev nlng Servlce~. 7 :30 P.M. By D. J. Frnier Ojlll Ilud r.ro ndllY we dl'o\, till to nlng s tJ'ulg h t down tho are na lba I't'll'mls of IIt'IIH:fI'. Ind . Wl' r " II IJ · WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH ':.~~~....n .... _ ""'I~"""""I ~'.:. get TJal'l'Y nutl s u m lhol' b o y.l3. t hey ll u.d n b etter ch a1Jctl .'no ti ny dinn I ' g u ~rfl or "the rorm I " CHRIST Futh I' n. H . Krumholtz. Pnslor lI nd brl II I:( I hem Il.om . 'l' he ]3" 7 somo of the c.halUl lons fal1t:'u l.> ' IJu r m1s , Mr. ILml Ml's.· Will, II' . Junuury ]7, 11150-- "I;heL'Q 1 !lfnr( · M . H. COft~y, Minlster Mllsses. San d 10. A.M. Scout/:! lul.\'o II (loc (';'tm p 11.·:tr 1'0(19 th'ell' cnl ves. Foulk s. J3lblo ohool, 9: .30 A.M. ed to' \Hila tOI'lY -1l1n\l. HOlv lORn), 'V'\I'd, '01U1 atlo. fl III 00 .or 0 One of lho most inler ostlng e , ' 1\1'1'. and Mrs. Rill' IT1 n O,,))O I'1l Moriltng Worship 10:aO A .M. CAESAR'S ' C)tEEK FRIENDS' of' ou h llVO IJ eu doing thllt mil O>! JroJll DOll"" ", ,~nu It belluti· II1bl(8 w ore til cutUU !l' hOI'HIlS and Mrs. Jl 91\ Urntttm of Xn)ln, Young P eoples ' Aleellng, 6':45 . •eo Partlnglon, MlnlBter Ilame Lrlol('/ asaln, aft»r ." tu l 1'1<10 tbrough We m Ollutalns that i s, t lle horses lbat WQl'e U' In· Mrs. E m e,rso n Dill un ll . UNB ( ' 111'''' 1>. M. . Worship ServIce, 10 A .M. 'wHh Llle >!Ilow-cl ad po Its In ,'aw ,11 t o cu t any l\ul nlll l t)lIt ot til ' . Dtwghtel's tit Ml. H o lly )ovely \'!lcuUa n. Th e (l J,J vlln ln g Servloe, 7 : SO P .M. Sunday School, 11 A .M. . Pl'llyer M ee ting find Bible S tudy or Co)orllilo boast of 1he il' fine "I ~ Dl- alld Lhe S IlOW." 1I' 00 d s uu. O\' l'l'S buucb. oll ce tbe r idor h a d Sl h "Vl1 'ruesduy "Yolling AIIIIB . w ednesday, g P.M. atc, "wh'er\} tho (m n sh i Lles .01'e1'Y sill,' .•\ stl'l'l III ]lOH l,eell <l a mmed t h e m wllleh . steor Jl \Vantol!. 'Ii ~ tn and Mrs. J . D , J ones. WAYNESVILLE FRIEND& a b ClU tifll I "Imos t no s lgn<l l s t ram Ute "lt1q 1~ lr s l Day School, 9::10 A . M . Il ay throughout t he yell l' ~',' nnll au tha i th ey" 1111\' 1Ifl's. Wilbur , F'ollll(s ·tlnd flnll g h - MT. HOLLY METHODIST Meeting for Wo.rsIJIP, llJ:30 A.I\{. this year it d Id ut 1 ast It !< hon ~ IItlie 1(11, 0 w il o!'p Lboy were ~ kut th e horse \l'ould he,u l or ~ to e an· leI', ~'1rl:1 .. 1·:IIlH' l· Grov, ". att ell d· 'I'. !II. St urf. IInls!er . 0 - -- · nOllgh SlluW I III III nll(l kee p it front go ing 4:1 '1(' d a st Ol'I( 8ho we1' for ~fl's, J lJO' i; SUl1dlt)' Scboo l, 9: 30 .A .-M., 1iJ. ' almollt vcry d uy tlllit I w as Illg. 'l'h ~ rcJ WIl ·II ' t. that piece or far m m'achlnSell 101' any s lll llg ~bl!;\ ti lDe !.Ilot\ ~ h La Ule b f!'r!l . Tb r "11S a lso " , )lnl l'.s f \1 thr• ~' f'ln\ 1l 0/ llfll' m olll 1'. ! l\. l!:arnIHIl'L, Sl,Ipt. there. IJ. s no wod SaltlJ'(l a~' n i~ht ery )Iou no I'o nger nted with a Gaf wbl1i ·. Il g.l!)" Mrs . S . H . TI'lI' cll, In PI',III .. ,./1, I ~\ orahl!) S ervice, 10 :aO A .M. wben \Va got the · tllll elld or 11l1} L\WI'l' urI:' "Iu ~"" ill Ul e lU01 tntulnil 'l ~mollll trtll ltm zette Classified ad. Tn Isoay eyening. levell ing S I' vl ec-, 7 :.30 P.M . llt orm whlcb 51 eJlt u r oss Ih 1(' t wlJ I' e Il Is tbe GI'C\l t " tn ter s port. lI11eep tIog elLll u o. 1--1 ro(ol'df\ nr t il g r ~at '.ros ~ 'of tb . w sl a nd onl'e bafo ro, It Th y bav" s om !Wod bllll \I inll' . .~--------~--~---------lSI) nl :o;u oduy with th }t' p;n;tl Jl t:l,I Nit·. li nd f rs. 1\ 1111 I h lI t'MLCn mu ll e trow. I he 10 'al l'OCI4S .\ltd ern breed of cattle thoug h thep., so'o wod ' a littl e but m Osl of t11 ' ~I'. iLll,d ~'Irs. I nl~ j'l;e ·,·uwtord. nnd lIaughter. ~ hlt'l uy AI1I~. 01' time was 1l1'Ight a nel lear and pl ent)' or :;PtI 'e fOI' cumJ,ls II JlU w l'e 1I lao ' Sl1orthol'n!j antI Angu" l\1r. n nc1 Mrs. 1'.l'llest J1:lll'Jlllurl Day-l llll nil d on :.ir. (Ul.J MI ~ . wurm, tornperu LUI' s froll! 40 to 60 lllu 'IlS to c oole. 'J'b !Jea uty of Pl n l cuttle. Fat st ers aUlI co I~'" and 1\1111 "'1.111 , ))uI' III. MI'. !Intl 11'11. G. II orge fJ t'ntl II ,. JllltrdIlY . . almos t " ev ry e\ltY tholl gh, 01 dr y cll~ate is t hat t he gTlHllll1 fi ne regiRter d bulls. We naw a Jl. J{ersal1g(!J' Silent I hd' w eekend ,MI'. :totl Mrs. Raymolld 0 :; 1001'11 -:;::;:;;::;:;;:;::::;:::::;:;:::;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::;:;;:;:::::;:;::::= I dries off flO 'lui c k Iy ")'td w a 1')]1 81 n 'up "neauty Parlor" I.\.l1d wb'IJlt w ItIt 1\11'. allll 111" 11. James Wild· of Xenia cuJLed On ' MI'. 1I11t! M I·S. ( II .It! From. La. t Week) woal be l' 110 S 1I0t nt()1\1I mUd as II. we looked In we BillY a. 11\r;;9 e.o· .1'111111 0 1' JtH· kll.OlI. O. J~m e ra on om SUlllltlY Iti t 01'11 01011. ment fl oored .barn wit h h ll l'Se3" nil ! 'tillers al the hrt h Ul' llQc\(h,?lcl ?II r. !lnd !III's. H nry Dorge:; 0 uci M I·S. Emeraon Dill and . M r 9. all)ng tbe slatlnohtons anel U lllllll' llome Sundey w oro 'Mr. nnu I\'fr ... s l p!'n In l chUd)' II of I1 Cn\·erll)II' n. M I'll. Hoy lIayn";,,q .csoIH·n· called qn .M I'. b r o f fnnc y white face d \!ut~\ 1" '.rboml\ s Robarts " f n"m' X ('nin, Slock ' ho w, th e big ev l!t v i' lit ' hlll\' 01' X lila. i\! 1'8. . Rob t't !llld M1'6. G argo Dl'lltlen Sunduy . 'i"ter, opened I<rlday n ull w b lng IVA'slled anll bru s)J ,11' ?n;l 1.1 1'. and ~lr s. Ja k RtJbOl:.ts . •,1' (~J'I;(i l1 \l n l' Huyton ca ll II "n 1\11' ON fARMS Ml' ~. Fred DI~I' lng r all e ~ all ~r . went to tbo OD nlog rnu e o. All l hl) made beaut1[ul for t.1l judglllg, ] luy ton, .)11'. II nd !'vIr!!. \'Y,ilhmn IInli M J' ~. l. u i\f oJl'g Jl n llllda.y Ill'· /lnd Mrs. Hlly Gl b sol\ Snturday tl'lrnooll . Lon g k r m s assure repayment ' WI) 'owltallils a nd tricl I'ldlt' ~ The 4-}{ers were" Ulere tn ·' ml.n.- Roe:kbohl or, llOn1', WIl El hln'II) n at'(erlloon. ., , f rom ull ove r tllo country w ore bers anll every,one was OUt tor a H., and ·Mr. tt,ud l'n!\. P.n l'l Dav id· sOn of Palrn ld. A N , UAL REPORT OF CLERK OF al ility. there l o coni pete for the loif, good lime. Now It Is h ome alls in :\Dd gPI 1\1'1'. und ·lIll's. Ellvls 1\l1c/lI:11 p~l.zes of(e r d fo r brolll'o r ld l nr • TH E V i _L, '::I E O F WAYNESVILLE, WARREN COUNTY, OHIO . 4 % will save yo umoney. 1-'(11' Ihe I.i .; 'al Yellr Wl1tll n g December Sl, 1949 calf ropl.l lg, bull · do" ing as Lh e~ ready ror income taxes rotHI ,. t - .wor e dlon I' gu sts SlIuday o f Mr. . J 'oJjulaLion. 1940 • n SU8 ail6 REfINANCING I3U YI ' G call thro w ing and roplog . sreo ·il. Ue dO\Vh for tbe re st QC fhe win. tLn d Mrs. Hi l)' Gibson. IIlh r MI'. lind :Mra; Lewis cra\\'l;ord \\ . IY l lllf. ill o, t )h lo, J : l111llry '1 . 1950 'rho rid er mu st jump (rolll' hl ~ ter. Today Is th kind 0 r ~ h v been hav ing Uler& nnd unu daugh ter, /)onna l.ee, 111111. j Ii I ' 'by I ' rlll~' Lllo lu lluwlng I'OPOl'l to be correot. IMPROVI horse onto the steer's ba k, caL~h III I a c Crtlwford of n a.yt" ll hlm by the horns and tllrul, hIm I,~ehopeII ell t at we w 1 ~ CHARLES JAMES, VUlage Clerk through to tbe ~ro lllld. Til calf "o plng Lit mor<e of· It here. SUillMARY OF FUND BALANCES, R ECEIPT$' AND EXPENDI-rU~ES calf nud Lb e rid l' arc lel out 01 G e~1 rilJ Fund ", . . . . . . $ 6350-66 ', 60. 0 9215.79 5643 . 67 . . • • • • '1110 clluLo, tb e Iider must ~ usso Auio Lic IH\Q S tr t n e plUr Flllld , 264.:13 137·1.00 ' t 9.00 1449.aa Room:S, Old ' Bank Building tile ca l f, throw It. Lben jUlDP 'I'IlX Stl' at Re pair Fund 1067.21 (J240~ OO 1753.65 2553.~6 , , Phone 4.48 tram his hoI'S and' Lie throll 0' "I\nII.lIl'Y S we I' . . ... "... ... • .. 736.74 1'193.77 588 .89 1641.62 lbe calve's f ee t t Og ther. DI'llhll1l1 41 .94 1461'6.67 '11 746.:m 11288.1'4 ' l 'vitll !:! (; n nil V llIa ge Funds . ' . By MRS. WALTER KENR'ICK \Vllte r \VoI'kR Fund ' .. . . . .. .. 5003.62 6186.23 9519.39 670.16 MI'. IlIlU 'l\I ra. M rlYn Dantn an,! DOJltI R e lh' ment 1i'1Jncl 1792.12 19~3.05 1570.50 2164.'1'1 dlll~gbler of D Il)·ton "hilled tb ol1' ~' h' men'a 111d nmlty Fund lHO.23 .00 4.00 l il36.23 . .molu r, NITS. Mil. Bnnla. SU\lIlI1Y. GI'and Total All Funds (C le rk) 1635 4.91 217 '15. 5 22 ·11.22 15269.5·, Mr. and Mrs, Everett Enrly l ea 011 tscandln g \ an 'ants (Alld.) 2221 .26 llnUny mo t ntug CO l' t. 10u\l. Treastll'el's C<tsb Bn l nnce . . ..... . 17'1 O. 0 F In. ,vhere 'll\ey w11l spenc1 B/ilvei Tola l 'lLs h ]Jalan e, Uec. :iI, 1949 ' 152611.54 al 'weeks, ' SUMMARY OF .REC EIPT'S' PrOllerty 'l'u>xes-Gellol'lll Flilld .. . . . •. .. , . ... ... , $ 3747,28 Mrs. Seth ·:F'nrnns ' t·. js SOllIe 110m! Helfl'emont lind Si nl, lng F undI! ,.,. .. . . . . 1943.0~ w b at jlll!irov d after being y el'Y :I'o til I Yl'ollor.ty TI1'Xes .. . " .... .. . ... . .. . .... .. .. HI for a COu 111 e . 01'. weells. 5690.113 (;!gtll' tt& TtlX . .. .. " .. , ... • .. .. .... . . .... . ,. 197:65 Mr. Ilud Mrs. Guy nOl1t~nlllt Stale Motor Vehicle Ta~ ..... .. .... . ,..... .. .. .. 1279.50 'spem Monday wlLh M I'. a nd Mrs. (;nsollno Tax ............ .. . .. . .......... , . ..... . 32·IO. IJO Eurl Menden11 lill and Un:tl!;tlLOr ~L i l1b.Cl'ltan e 'l'ILx\?enerul Fund , . , . . •. .... ••.. . 0().41 Tlpp City. TotAL Itiherltanc 'rIll( . . . . . . .. . . . ..•.••... .. . .. • . 00,·1 1 • ·I\1I'S . Donald Bald nnd da\lg h· ~u ll' 'I 'W( . ... . .. • ..... . .. . .. .. HOll.t)') t .. r ~, alloy IlU(l Beverly, IUtul)glbl ~ Property 'l'ax .. , , . . . .. ..... . 11)00.Oil Mrs, J . D. Jones attended an p)l II' ~' Ines and ollt f;l . , . . . . • . , .• S5U.uS meetin g; of the Rainbow Girls nl J ent>! and Interest-General VlllllSIl )i'uncls . 60.01 Le.blLllon MbndlLY evening . 1,.oclll' Lh;ense!j and Permits . . . " ... , . .• . , . . 104.60 Mr. and I'lrs. Dearth Stl! 11;10 'T'ollll JJlcenses lIud, P i'mlts ., .. • ... , .... .. , . . . . .. . . 10UO and Mr. and Mt·s.. Lea)l!! 'l'otul Ronts and l/lLe l'est , . . ', . . "." . . ..... . ' . . ,' . 50.00 !>'! Ilnlt nl'y S weI' Ronta ls ' H93 .77 S8 ,2!j . G nera l Vtllllge an(1 O~lIer .I'·lIuds Toml MiSt'e l.lulleOl1S F es Sal()s nnd. ' 1,11 1'1;(18 Hi 2,O~ l ' uIJlic ::lo rl'l ce ]!;n tel'pl'lR a-Walel' Hent als. etc. 51, U.2a "'ire ' I:'I'ote <:tIOl1, Wlt)'lIe '{'WI'. ::lhlll'(l :l5fi .66 To tal P.ubllc Ser Ie IiJnl rprl es 5li·l1 . !l Tot al Hel'enllO .. 211 ·i5.. Ii 'S'UMMARY OF EXPENDITURES GI:' nel'al. Uovo rllPlonl = 1 g!\I~li~Ul' O (C.9,u n ell) .,. . . . .. 2.t[1.9a Oen nll EXjlcl.,Uve . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .' i229.'16 J!)lef,'ljOllll .. , . . .. .. .,. . . ,.... In.25 ll lllldings (TowlI Hull. etc.) . . ,: ,... . ... ... .... .\134.44 'I' lu i Uenernl <.lov "nment AT YOUR SERVICE i r'olect!On t o' P el'su ll uml Property- Pollco 1321 .8 We are at your . service 1"lre . , .. .. . ..... .. , . ..... .. , . . ... . .. . • .. . .. . . 878.09 \vl th the Ullest gas a.nd oUs llullellng IllsIlllclio n ' . . . . . . . . . . . .. '" 64.17 .I to k op your car J'Unlling 1n Total i:'rot()c ti n to PeJ' ~ ol1 lind Prop erty . ... . ., .. . ·226U<\. Up t op shape this winter. 1I tl l~l~ - ''1'olul , .... . . . . •. . . . .. . ... . . , . . . . . 226.92 S{t Ult/ltl('Jl~(J eJlol'll l Vlllng '}' lInds .':... . , . , .. . . , . 3502. 1 TIRES ACCESS ORIES 'folll San\l<IUon ' , . . . . • , . ,',. . •... " " ' " 3569.8'7 ~AT'TE R IES Hlghw~ys-<.lel1 e ml Vil lnge Fnu'tlll " . . , " ..•. .. . , . . 33M . 2~ 'fotal n ig:hway~ .. . . : . ' ,' . . .. , .. . ...... . . . , . . , " 335G.2Q Pnblic Servi ce . EnLerpr lse8- \\ WOI'I(B ' . , . . . . . . 464UI2 4875.07 'Potu ) .Public ' 'erv !ce Entel'prhlOO . " .. •.... . .. .. . . . 4644.32 Mlao.eJlanoou~-a noral Village Funds .... . . , .. .... . 206.7Z l"lremen's IndoDln lt y Fund- SerVICe Ghnrg · ~.OO Totlll Mi a el l ~ n eouB . .. .... .. ... , .:., . . . , . .... . . . . . . . 209.72 blterost- l;lllllil l~etll'em611t jl-lld Sln ltltlg }'1lI14 ~ . ... : . 460.1\0 WAYNE'SYILLE; OHIP Total Interes t ... . . . , . • . . . , . ," . . . . . , . • . .. . 40UO Dayton Phone, Hem. 'J'otal ,Exp. nU(1 OlltJuy ..... . . ... . . .. ...... . . .• , . 111 U2.lb Olltlny . . : ..... . . '. , .. ... . ..... . .. .' . .. . . '. • .. ., '.' . . . !l876.01 Uond s' and Loans' l:'ald, l!Iolld ltetlremenl and Inking Funds' .. ... ..... 1100.00 Totu! Bond a IlPel LoIU1S Paid . . ...... . .• .. ,. ... . .. .. . 1100.00 I 'u.ymen~s frojll T .. U ~t }o'llnus ~l:lerylCe Clln~'ge . ... . . 4..09 . by T ota l Expe'1dltu l'ell ... ........ . .... .... . .. .. , 1l~8n,2lJ . BONDI!D DEBT ,
Dry R'i dge I
r, ',
LAND BANK ·LOANS<lO;;,ehel'~~ I
Lebanon NFL A
'Oc::lO ,
"Cold W~ather is On 'The Way! Our Coal Supply Is Limited· ~ Take Care Of Y oUI' Needs ' 'PQ~ : day. " Waynesville Far~ers Exchange
NO.c ::l6,
1 , 0"
Place Your Orders · Now For
A Strike In .The Mines
Makes 'D iliveries Uncertain In TheC, Futllre.
- Ohio
Lower 'va ll of any room can be lund , refinished quickly by my metho I - I cau tiifuBly decorated for as litt1!!
ART PLASTIC Scenery In ,Plaatic or Very Inestimable, But Let Me Give You My Low' rl'llDltJlI.. STANfORD BOGAN. HOTEL
31, 194'
SINKING FUND TRUSTEES or VILLAGE TREASURER AS'S'ETS (PayabF~ by Gen.eral Taxation) DEBT STATEMENTS Sewer (Village porUon)$i24ilO.Of) B"lapce Dond Reliremeot Water Works (Revenue ) 5 ~ 00 .O O IIJld, Slllklll~ Funds .. $ 2164.67. Total Slllkin~ Fund I To~ul GeMrl\! and .Utlllty AssetB ....... ...... . 2364,67 Bonded Debt .. . . ... 8300.0(l Fl o ~t1ng
Bal, Operating nnel
F unds
Total Assets .. ,14123,81 LIABILITlf!8 'BOND8
Debt: ·
AocollnlS Payable (Un-
pnJd Bllls.) , .. ,. , . T otal F1.oaUng _ Debt.
. _ 2S2Ud
Grand Total D8bt.
Dec, 81, 1948 •...• ,20421.2IJ
.Harveysburg ~chool Superintendent ElJtertains County School Masters By JANE FITE
HARVEYSBURG- Supt. L . J); Fres.lieol'n was bost' at tue Janu. Ilry meeting or Ihe Wal'!' Il Co. S c hool Mas tel's' OIub wltlcn met nt the sCbool bu,\ )d lng IHl r e Thurs. day everung. Tho dlnnel' was SOl'. ved In the Home £conollll 's room a t 7 P .M. Dr. Orllnn of Mlnml l:l burg " WilS the guest s llenkol'. Dr. OJ'btm is aSSOciated 'VIUI . Ule ul om ic de-
',~ '1'\:
, If
-...".. -....
·'1!~r" ." • •
tl"•• " you c!lmpl.t., ·depenefable
lacol ...w•• You ,,,... to bow 011 tl!ot I•• 01'1 wh.,. you Ii"e. . But 'OU ,.110 In 0 WORLD where bl.... . ".nb .r. in tho ...a"in. - '''Gllb which can ' " " " 10 ' much to you, to you, lob,. your ho",.. .,ou, fu'-t.. For co"ltnctl". '''.,.r~ anef'·'"terp,._ . tatlo... of lIotlonal ." • . Int.motI• •, IIGWS. ...... '/a "0 nlt..ltut. fo, THE CHRISTIAN SCIINCE
01". II".
.....'i.. .,
. lillo, th. lltelnl ; .... "'......e4-toc.IIy, · "atlonolly,
wit.. .;.u" llocol an"'.. '
"'~..olfeftolly._ .....' .• " • • TIle
LI5TEN Tllot4o, III....
AIC ,ltalfeft. ," "The \a.mti_ Scle.ce . ~Of!ltor ~~ .... ·N....••· .~1s _poll
•....'f'fNiI~ \qiod.. ~...
$ [U '.
-----------.: -J
... . .
,.... CltrktIM Sctef.c. ~Itw OM, N_., 'S t., ao..... IS.Mo&. u.s.A. '
1WIItw'- Ul ....... " _ , , , ,,.
tal, Dayton .
. 1111'. and !l1rs. W . 0. 13r own had liS their gil alB Suturday: ~lrs. Bro'vn's Sister a lld brotl1el'·"in-'v,w, Mr. and Mrs. lll r llID Georgo 01' Sligo.
Harveysburg School News
'c_. '. . .
It Is a personal injustice to permit oneself tp b.e • about IIl\y1uperplexed nero!' matter. We're al. · . . waya willing to furnish ,
Sail through life with the assurance that your financial
a rogular dt poslt In your savings. account at:
.StUbbs Funeral Home
I llolnels '33- Ml'ti .
de lota ltlg tlte M llslln 31 all the lo« :a l II.:U·dIl'O(Jd I.'rllil\~ n ighL.
.\11'. H.lld:\ll'i<.
'f'lwm;~s 1
IlJly OIIJ"",n SP"II~ Fl'ji.l uy D I ES I N BE.D ( IV. lI in~ \ 1 i1 h ~ly. alltl "I I'll. I \31 , ' . cy . ·,.lJlI'flt O(· lc and rl1l1llly , and U'i kPY , L (I !lln.l'l ln, tw'; nnd a iIIrH. \lIe 'rl'unrrlu 01 J1i' .j el" '1I1\1r' IUOll l h III SO li or MI'. and .t\J\\'II. ~Ir s. J\uz\rood Mn l'ti n 'of Harveysli .1:I ~Ilnr ie ' l'aw £I) l'd of 1)0 )1 _ burg. 1\ a :; · rOU~\(t dead In bed last lOll ~ jlelll l ue W itt nd \\'11 I he t' ThllrRtlay mOI'ning. I IlUl'enls . Mi'. tim] M I·~ . CLul'elll'c
'l'lIls VI tory PilL I he leagup I n . to a tI bet"'~'eli las ut; illid Way . nesv tllo. Mas on bn\'illJ; ile oll ilCHl. n by tbe 10 l.t1 s !tllll lh e SIJ1\I'I,,,,,, l.Jy HnrveY,;bulg. T he galDe 'was LllJ'llI J •• ll'iwll ' ,:uwl~l'd . righl tlOWIl l,~ lh e final ,vltlsLl e MJ·. tUtu 1\ll's . Al'lhul' MOl'g ml " "lI h til 8l'01'O t l ' d ::IL ill · a l · \\' 11 11 'HId f am ily ('altf'll 01\ fr. Rl1 1\ six IlOCUllIh; llJ '"i'll. I I':! . j JClll'J Ht 'l'gu. 111111 lIUlllly 0 1 Tlt Spnl-t l1l1S th n l OOI( lltFl Heave l'I.IJ\\ U' :->alul'da y. b::lll (l ut !lntl wil lt till' e sO('o ll(la ;\II'. IllId M, >j . , \ 1I'!'>.(1 MO I'g"lI:' Ie f t. Harold Sla nley s rubbeu Ill e h 1I1lt! s Oil . [" !,.,,,·t. l'etul'n ell Il'OlUIi ero )'ole by :lIltIng th u nCIS f u n tl •• t he comer 1.(1 ~1I' c Iho SPill' tails "1I1'lIl'day III mIliA U(("I ' sl}oll (lln g anotber vlrll'> l'Y. :l Cew d U)' f; with l\h·s. ~la l·.I' il1u ,)l1 The fUU l; weI' IV ho I ' (I \I i l e I ! I u t. he l' h UIll til 0 11 t il il' f ' il t A II g U ~tll, Hfl. II 11 lhe time wit h I be score l ,j·] 0 favor of the 8PIIl'tQIlS at th ~ hall'. ' MI'. ami,' 'I rs . 'brmall K el'>\ tll!;TIle scol'lng was fairly well til , 01 or Lu )loJi ca ll d Oll 111 1'. anu vlde tl amo ng tbe locals wllh Hnr- MI:Il, L I'IL '~ l Earn lJurl (jill! ~ Oll, old ];;a1'nbarl Ita\'ing 1.1 . JllIroh.l DHI I I. Ht,lldny aft t'n(}OI1. Stau l y R. \V~ll'l'en SIJ c an 'J. and II H. u eol'ge lJl'lltle ll. MJ$s (;:.,,'01 Jn ek '1"lnn y ;u nd )) ILI1 ~ lruJlsClI1 :3 Du uglI i' ·l's. und 1111'S. ElUl 1'., 011 eucb. !JIll •• 1ll",1 OU 1\11'. l!Uti Mrs. ll N U The kague l euciillg ' pnrtllns J Oli s r I ,~' llc Inst' 'l'llesdu)' .ev en.
Th ~ ini'lI nt is s urvive d by hls pal'tllits. IInll olle bl'Of. her. Douglas. J.' \l lw l·al s el'v lcc!l were held Silt urday at 10 : 00 A . M. at the Stubbs \'unenll Ilorne nnd bUrial WIIS w 'a dc. Itl 1\lcm or Klll1lu cJey.
1\'111re Pcr l'crson U. S. ag,lcu ltui'e Is geared to provide euch ' person in the countr;y with at least 10 per cent more than in the 1920's.
LEGAL NOTICE A ouuoc tlon fee of ' $34.60 for new water s pvlce 'nnd apeclfied f:n llnectl'Jl\ lripe ' of eI th e r e oppel', prass. ,or iron, was udop,ted - by lbe 13ou\'d or TI'ustees of Public , ArCnll's Ul t heir last regular meet-
will tr.:rvel to w at arr olton FI"i- lug. l og. CHAIlJ..jP:S .TAMElS. Clerk day to luke <<In lhe P i-ral es 011 JI'H. ( !) \J \. l't GJ' ello I" f D :lyl." I. \\' III Obi ' t1 . < it'. allti J . ayne!lv e, 0 1\1ra. rloy l:i· til elr oourt, ha 'I' 0 ,. I. 19 J950 · . ~l nnullTy. 'I'h l'ellerv s di ll llht fm ,. .ui , rl; . Il 0 1 1" .l3orges ,lnd (lirn ily of ' ' )\' 'II >IS ~litl l'm 'sILy, Il,sl ng tu til lIellv erto\\ Il 'all II un Nr. allll ! ' NoT-t eE OF APPOINT'MEN,T Ma·SOll r ese rI'll!!. Thl !; nl n Iwi'! t h" !ill'S. 1.11 .,10 1Pian • ·nullu)! a l L J Adminis trator res l,rv\ s' )' ca rd to (I nh), 7 \vins 1I00ll. ' ]':fl l a t Q u [ .Mal·y El. Smith. and 6 !oijses. 1111'. I1n, 1 ~I t 1'. I c' nelh ll"" lt II D (~e8sell. 1\1111 da U,g IlL' t, ' • hll'l ~'y Ann. ui Noti c", Is h 1'I1! I)y g-il'(' n that Nine D Il), LOII 't\,lIeu .. I )\11'. tllltl .\In' . F.. St. John ,,"ho~e Post Offi<;e Goorge lIrutlo.n .l:illl.nlay. I\d dl'e~B fa \~ lI.ynesvJlle, Ohio has Mr. lind i\r'rs.' Lc \ Il 'nl wl'ul'" be en. c.hlly Rpjlol ntl)d as ,' Ad mlnis ,,,ere s UPl,el' g uest!! Sl\turullY uf I ra~r~.- of lhe , EJalil,te or Mary E. ~h:. ntld Mrs . larence Cl'Ilwlol'd . sWllll lale of.. ' WIlI'I'en C ounty , . Ohio. d c as d . By MRS; HILY GIBSON MI'. IlnU Mrs . Tbomns I!unyon Da.~ed tllls 7lh day of J Silent Sa.~\Il'duy evening witil. 1Ilr. 1~50. anuary ; Mm. EmarsCiD D ill II lied tin nn ll 1\11'8. Harold Filer o f n ell;' , R ALPH H . d~RE¥ , MI'. and Mrs. Bern , JOl:l eB ot L ytle :x: nin. 'Judgo of the .. l'r bate lJourt
Sunday artel·r~OO.ll.
1\1.1', fW d ?II 1'8, ,L loyd TOlupso n WtIlrren eounty, Ohlo 811 lIt til "eekend ~VJtll l'vt1:!I, C. Donald D lllltll~h. Attorney
Publish ed Jan. 12, 19. 26 .
A dm !nlstr ator
He rryUll.' ne(\(~ .
. ·flti., I~ 1JP.l'eby p il'en Uu~, lui1'1 It J . .\V :I ~! !-\ !] II (, w ho m! ]'091 Off! e ,Acll1" ' S I.. i.pi.( Ilon. llas be'e n duly ilpno\utt>d us J\ li ul n ~, 'b ave ' IDIJyed from thlA n1lnlstl'II't QI' " ... ;'VA (If lho E alll.lll lorn l3el'l')h}lit l,a tt' of Way· ' school district t.o · a (Ilrm n eal' of l\ ef1vl1l~, \VfllTen 0\1111)' . h'IQ, :\' ol1 o\'r Bpl·l ngs. All of t he Ir (oi· ' , mer classmates bere ' \VISb tbem deueasd. ' ])uteU Illis ;Ilt. h day ' s uccess In th eir n ew school. ·rnid -term · exams are over, and 1950. 1tALl~H R. AREI' n o one received ·a g r ade ' b el ow F. J odge 0 r t\t e, P rbbllle COli j·t . The ~ophomllres have 'lost a Warren OUIlIY,. O llio ciJ,n sllmate, Ros Livingston. ' who ball moved erom am' s 'hool dl s- Stnn ley ond ftan \!'y • .Attorneys trfct: . Publlsh('tl .rall. ]9. 26• .Feb. 2. 1950 The fi[th graders took much de· 'ligh·t iD- attending the recent att ernOOJl basketball 'game 'b etweon ' our school and Oal'lI sle. '
Successful farmera know that bigger ' , crop yields mean better crop quality - bette r. !=r~p' profits at lowe r cost. 'that's why' they want Big M Brond , Fertilh,e1'S; a 1>.on to farmers for more ·than a quart~ at a century. Frce-fl,owing BIG M reTtiliz~r ~ivea maximum yield because it is ma nufactured up' to standards, never down to price. Available now in a ny q uantity, in any of eight BIG ..M grade •. Bettcr buy BIG M.
, trou~le il will 'b~ protected by
T he W lty nel; Ill e Sportall~ grab. , lied a Lie for Ib 1"lI(:.'1Je 1"0(.\ Il l'
ill. Tommy Pete:r ljon, 'f;r ado fom . and tltl:; plster. .B arbnl·a, gr ad e
h9n\!s~ info~matlon.
And Mason Tie F~r First Place In League
MI'. lind 1\11-8'. Riclta'l'd Ha nes 11 1111 ullughterEI. Donn.a I,illll P!lruln, of neil I' · X IlIn spent 'l'hursdllY l' elllDg ",'l th Ml's . ~[ olT l !I Lew is all d, {lIIn ily.
The local ch ap ter of lbe Om, By ,JANE FITE "...,_ _. .;..•., ngo met for in.s tllUat.lon of offl · l PB,'cltf cers on Monduy evening. Mrs . ] [elen Wall wl,ls al lbaUtut ----~---------;;.... . ,Mr. an!1 Mrs. Dove Slbon and t eat'he r Inst. \veek for IrR, Hall' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ .thelr «.laughter. J?cQ ue1ine, of' 1\1 (, . 'lngs of the third grl\.de. Wllo W~F
From The Typewriter Of Jim Jones
1\11·H. FlorenCe l-Ial'll1l1ll. of Woy 11ell \' III. Lil e thll't! ~ I' I IlI!' l~~.ch r at Ht'll(,ol h 1'('. \1 a' Ilb ~elll fru'n b('j' cl aS8ml flev 1':11 day!! l ust week heelUl Sf' of illness. 'o\' ral pcrson s. l'roD! t~Q 1'1<' 11111Ul·tment of . MODsl1nfo beml.:a l Uy aUeml d tbe Jan,lary lli" I.l ng 0, Ilt 1\1lnmls burg. of t.lJ "'llyn Towllahll) ;Fnl'mCI'H Inc\ude4 nlijo' o U Ih e program C luu at tb e bom of Mr. a ud Mis. were vocal ~seleClIo ltfj by Mis,; Roscoe Furnace in ·WnynesyIHe. MYI'n n .MfrlloJo. 80p1'Un. Blul Dr. awu I Murble PJ'esi(lerll pl l Inslrumollt.ul lIumbers by t.be II'U- WlIlllington, coI l g' . the guost m Ilet trIo wi)ich 'f atu res OlJ1y HpellKe r. 1'{.~' l e red t il 'trill h e anrl Settlemcye l'·. DOI'b,lrn Do~ t 1.', uI'd M I·~.. lI'hIl'bl e I'(, cent ly mado 'n S llZa!lUe Eak ins. a ll fifth grade IJJU I·OPQ., I. sttld IIts III ,U Han' ysburg 1111'". A. S. Co lI l' ~t \\'1l1'1 host . ~ ! . school. . lo . tb e melube1's of the . Iv;c Miss Mll'llcle, wbo IR ' a morubel' L~gue at. hel' home Saturday of tlli s yea r ' s g1'lldunUng c lnss, ev Din g. MIi\S J~ II.zu.beth I:u'k of s ang. "The Italian Slr eet SOJlg", Oregonia. ass l!\t ed t b bOSt.f\RS by Vlctol' Herbert and "')'be wl \b Lhe progr~m n ·tiy ltle8 dur Soog III You" f rom 'J erome Kern Q ing the evenin g .... production, "J\fuslc In The AIr." Mrs. Ivy Du.wson. wbo \V IIS Tbe pinno npcompllnlmehlS Were I'ulih d to Plq"ll Memorial Hosplayed by ' 1\11·S. F..dll e C. Dogan pital , Lwo \ve ks ago, i s re~nJlel' nlirveyslJill:g School ,music dlr. aUng I\.l tlie 'home of bel' sLJtcl' III eclot. Piqua. ' MI'. ond Mrs. R. S . Tucker Mrs. Oba Welch is confined to had us thell' hou se guests dUl'ing lle t· h ume, IlllfCerin g from a COld. Ule woek. ~holl' gl'on d(laughlel's, Rev.: and Mrs. J . P . Thornbnry Peg{,'Y :l1ld Tel'y l SlIe Park of ritertalned Wle melnbor8 of tho Cincin na t i. 011 E!lIndllY lh\lY wo re B'. y , F . at the parsonage SUTII] ay ' joined by their plu'c nte, Mr. ,m d .ev/I!uing, ' ' l\frs. James Pn.rl{ and r etu rn \ld tQ Tho Communlty Club m el in th e thel~ bomo that cvelilng. hJ gh ' s choo l audltol'lII Dl on We ll lItr. nnd ~1 rs. Carl J ones ot n esday eve~ll1g. Winton E t z, or FfflDll lln wcr guest.~ durin g tile "Rose' ouri" pres nl ' d mo t ion weekend of t bfl lr [)urents . MI'. Pi t"\lre slides . o[ Japan. which' II und Mrs. Claude ' J ones and M i'. to.ok' whil e stillion d there willi and !llrs, Ben ·necllett. the Armed forces. litre. Li$n Curl. who h as IJl'eu Hostll for: tUe moeU ng were G~I). s taying at the. GeoT~~ Orr h ODle Wnll, Robe!'t Collett and Mr. Etz. In J.ebanoll. ' for the llallt momb. • Mrs. E lsie Hockett of \Va:ynil5 . J'et ufne d to her h O.m e tn th e I' I ~vUle entertained memlJe r s of t he 1ago. Saturday. . l;I,llarlty. Clu b ·to ' 1l. ,Potluclt dlnll ~r Mrs. WI. Frol!L w as h os:tess lit ' her . howe S unday afLernoon. to the WSCS ' at her ho.me on I.Ilrs: ' Charles Doster was host - Main street Tlmrsda1 · IlCternoo'l. ess 00 the Welcome DlIjle Class Assisting Mrs . Frost 1/1 hos pltal· of Joqllh's Run ' Church at' nel liles w.ere, Mrs. Etbel Stump and bome, Frday ' e, 'onin g. Mrs . Ehrelyn McCarren. Woodr o\V C'o lIils rB'malna ser Iously ill at Miam i VaUey · Hosp -
"*--''!'''t- /- .......ct." .............. ~ .." ..... CINIi.... ScM.c. 1$
Trow were guests SaTtu rdllY eY6nln g of MI'. li nd !'Ifl·s. Bcn Dec:k·
Qladlolu!I Preca.uUoD G1acUolus . growcrs ' should bUrn .p iles ot fqliage a nd clear shucks to prevent the: thrips b;om overwln. terlng In,the trash piles.
~--••• ::>••••••• '
.. ,
p,repare Y Qut Car FQr Wint~r I
Presfone & Zerone . Zerone
. .
HARVU~IE""""'-R~ ' ~,
t; · .#fPte"". ,~ ..• . IltERNITIONAl . 'H..
NEW •• ~ . EntirelyNe.
, . MlcHENut
Phone 2926 '
~ .
. 7~~'9~/'
.1 '1
PH9NE WAYNE8. 234'
.P.op·Up Toasters $21.50, and '$12~95
Electric Corn Poppers
$2.10, and $3.95
~nd ye~'8
suit looks shabby I
Send it to us - w.e'll ~e ato,re tbat trim. BJDl»'t look. mako .It look Uke newl
.Pr~c:es slart at
.$21495 Big 7:4 cu. ft., Mod.1 "'74
Othttr models 8.4 to 9.5 ~u. ft., $239.95 to $299.95
They're here! They're beautiful I Pour sizes. : . ·four big-\-alue price-tags ••. four great llew teo frige,taoors, that women dreamed and' home economists pianned for you! Come i.n t~" aod . see them. See the big,freezer lockers, the spacioUJ s~dves, tho extra-roomy. meat trays and vesc:o tuble crispers. " :See the Dew, exciting" "shadow.Une" S~1iDg -n~ ledges, no crevices to catch diat 'ant;l make ~o.rk. See' the Egg-O-Mat, dever' new dispenser. See the new Diffus-O-Ute (or aha. do~l~s intedors. · Don't miss ~e exclusiY~ . built'lo bottIe.opener. ,.nd Jet us show you how ."Every Fe3t~eJlas a Function" iD these greac , new Intu':lltlo)DaI Harvester refrigerators, Buy on COllveluenc terms.
~ '1" '7oaa,l - ":"-'
WayDesYille .Fumil!Jre &ftpp6ance Co.
PHONE 1311
p, •
Thursday, .fanuary 19, 1950
ieces Are Fun to ake
Fabric Choice Hinges on Pattern ' 1'&IIIM~ And Use for Which It Is Planned
p leeos
Mafer'nify Fashion .
Select ma~rials which are ap. proprillte to tht l/se to which you're puttlrig, them. Articles nee/Ung , fre· quent . ~a.hing sho\lld carry the fast color, pre·shrunk or sanforized lao llels. " \ Trea. M.aerlal. .', ~ DlrecJed ' U's 'noL as ,common' today as It was ycatel'day, but ·lt ·stJll happensl 'That lovely dress over which some· one put hours of sewing Is ' ruined
A c~
25c .
rAl"JIIllnN SERVICE D,rn\\'er 10
6 : l -1l:4. J Petal"
1886srl ullng denture
"Slnee ORA my I, alway. clean I!l1d sparkling," says Mu N. Serllek, Portland, Me.
IN THE CHURCH cun TROUBLE star t anywhere. Sometimes It storts .:vlth the woroen. That was the way the eally church found It. Thc experiment in fellowship which they tried ron Into sOags. for not even the first Chrlstions wele perfect, The ehurcbln Jer\Jsalem was in a sense inler·racial. Some were borI:! and bred in' Pales· tl ne, and tbere were others Crom the outside, "·ith Gree.k n' n· me., speaking Greek as their native tongue Dr. Foreman - Helle!)ists tbey were · called. Thcre was argument; 'Were the . Hell enist', Widows' getting their share of the church's help? '
• • •
Committee Chairman APOSTLES, being caUed on, , refused to slrllighten the ~angle themselves. Let the church ,.lect· a committee, they said. firs.: on th.eo list was a man named Ste\;>ben. He tUrned out to be most famous for being the first Christian martyr, but when be ~ell uncons(iollS beneath that shower of slones, ' there died no ordinary m!ll). To begin wltb, he fllled the bill os cbalrman of t'1". Oommlttee 00 Grievances. No~ many m·en. tben or now. could fill all tliree qaallrlcatlooll tbe Apostles required: nputation. splrltullUty, and wisdom. It takes a very tactful man to settle a difficulty in wliici} women are concerned; It takes tact to ha ndle any _commlttee.i It taltes tact to manage an Inter·radal situa,tion; I't calls for wisdom to handle funds. .
Lut why melt and ruin the fabric
$.'", f~J : •••
Lesson for ' JanJluy 22, 1950
Dre,sy for ItB colorl~e: and , adjustable In lis proportions Is this maternity dreM of, .. ta .... qilolse ' tissue faille wUb ruby , aad COld baHons fasawnr the bo4lce. The book and eye adJustment wblob allows for' wafltUae elQlanlloD Is' concealed . by a smart wrapped end but.t oned oummerband.
" Redford 11111 •• 'NIIW ' Waf ..
First to Fall
HE SAYS ..{).
, field. It's little dlHlcult to begin aelectlng the right types to' use with patterns. Then: too. many women who sew, especially begInners. se· lect paltern and fabric without con· alderlng their relatIon to each other. Materials may be 'perfection and dream stuff. but unless you show them off to their best advantage with the proper style. both pattern and fabric lose much value. One of the best ways to learn how to select fabrics Is. to handle them before buying. as well as by werking wltll them. It you feel inept at' this type of thing. take along someone who ~nows materials or consult the .salesperso.n who Is' usually expert at teUlng you about the goods. Try to avoId buying material before selecting a pattern. There are sevel:'ol reasons for this. First of all, ,our pattern gives you a guIde as to how much' material you'U need. Too much Is a waste; too IJ~Ue may be impossible to replenish once you get started In . the actual 'cutting and lewlng. . Another rea,son for buying patiern first Is that· patterns give a~ gllide as to what tYpes. of fabric are ault· able for this . parUcular pattern. In this way you can avoid' looking at e lot of malerlals which Would cer· ' wlnly be Inappropriate to the style you have cbosen. , So.me pallerns need materials ~l\lcb pleats easily; others need those which drape weU while stlli qthera Deed crisp material.
. h.ttll.k~ d,
,,' on~snor
By EJtta Haley
-SohllveMANY NEW developments come about In the fabric
Ad tJ reS8 order lu
Kitcben Brlgbteners
HE8;E two gay pieces will be
funl to make and to decorate. The .slIllt box is an authentic copy of an old time one. ,
• • •
P n l lr-m 251 Illves lIotu31·alu cuttln, Irllides UIIII .tonoll d •• llt n. whl.ell ilrt! done "'111l colored crayons Dnd then the
- : = = = = = ==
In a survey, an overWhelming majority of dentists prais ed thi. marveioul new cleanser. No .harmful brullilng
that efta ruin dentures. Jost pl~ce In ORA solution for 15 minutes or avetnight. Removes' tobllcco atnhia. ORA II Ituarllntced not to hnnn denturu. • Oet ORA todDY, druggis ts. ' A Prodact of ·McKesSon & Robblal, I.nc.
"The Nationa l Foundatlo.n for Infantile Paralysis nas earned and merite d national ' gratitude and comm enda tion for its progress in combatJng one of the m bst dreaded of ;~11 diseases. Yet, in 1949 the country was stricken with one of the most deva stating polio epi. demlc:s ' in history. Thi,s means that tlhe National Foundation ror Infa nUle P a r alysis needs grell ter SUPPOI:t th on ever before. I am su re we aU will give this sup. port.. ..
~ffective Coush Syrup, Mixed at Home for Economy No Cooki ng,
'n~ lcud
B• .S.,..artl
".ada . ,.,..... .......... .........
~a" BlIp. TItHe
s l lgnr syrup.
-Tbe Bon. Louis Johnson \ Secretary of Defense '
Buy U.S. Savings Bonds! ==~==~==~==
WI~ND~RFUL RELIEF FR~IMHARSH LAXATIVE "Two years alto I 88W YOur ad·about ALL-BRAN aDd took your advice. Haven't takeo a pill or medicine since I began enting '. ' ALL-lJRAN regu- . iarlyP~. Mr. Frank J. BaumQuscll, 681 Lathrpp' St., Columbus, O. J ~!8t ont 0/ 1II4nV u1JIoilici1edlttler./rQ'm
ALc"Bl.lAN user3.lC even In one spot when you could you al1'8 troubled with have read th,e label and found out? constJipation due to Some materials need steaming lack Clf diet-nry Qulk do liS thls man rather than pressing, like velvet. does. Eat an oUllce of tasty KellolaC's for example. . Some ~ayon wlU' Debater ALL-B~AN for breakCast dairy. wash but need 8 cool IrOD and no drink plenty of water I If not comOME MEN THINK themselves ; ple/elfl satisfied after 10 dRYS,' return sprinkling, SO'Pe take to a bleach bigger than their Jobs. , Som~ empty CIIrtbn to Kenpgg'~ Battle whUe others are ruined by them. Mich. Get DOUBL.I!.i YOUR Labels will give all this informa- m~n really ore· bigger, lind Stephen .Creek, MONEY BACKI • tion. Save the- label , and put · In a was one ' of these. He spilled over. place · for safelteeplng for the life so tp speak; he had even more enerICY and abilIty than the job called of the fabric. for. We Hear of him debating, , IraQ' are- good guides to ' press· around tile synagogue 'sircillt .par· . Ing rpan'y fabrics a~ . lIeat indica. ticularly in the synagogues which tors give you ' the ,r ight tempera- were use\3 . by Jews from other tureS for different ma terials. Tf 'pal,'ts -of the world. you ue uncertain as to bow any We have '1\0 details of tbose ·fabrlc wlU behave, test It 'b efore debates, bnt we know bow they sCVflnlt, and see whether you can . always clll'lie out: Stephen g.o' aftord to treat it accordingly. the decision. We ean guess. Fabrics that "handle" well give from bill great ,speech In tbe much satistacli'on In their wearing hour of his deatb, whal bls genas they wiu feel comfortaQle. eral line must have been. Touch and . hang fabrIc as you se· Many Chri sti,a~s In J erusale,:, "nt lect a'nd see If it feels nice in the han!!s. Npte how it falls or drupes tba t time bad little or no Idea that D.nd you will have 8 , .prcur good Christllmlty. was actually a new religlo\l; even thl1 "arne "Christian" Idea of the final result .. had ru'll been thqught of. They con· Observe Sarface of Fabrlo sidered It a 101'11) of the .re\yish While CuttlngPattem . rel~glon. I :;;tanding fiber ends ' ore called ' nap or pile. Velvet, velveteen and Scholar ter~ cloth ar~ C'Fiu1'!l?les of pUc fabrics . Wool broadcloth and doe· STEPHE~ I S SPEECH at his 'trial (Acts. 7)' may sound dull to akin are examples .of flap fabrics some now. but it was not dull t.c. while satin i~ a sheen fabric. the a.u dlence. No Illan makes a In using any 'of the nap, pile or dull speech on the brink ot death . sheen fabrics, It's important to Further, It was that speech thai cut alike' al . to tbe' direction at the got ,him killed. Hi~ listeners moy' s~ace. or they will , look Hlee 'dif. ferent co'lOred materilils when put not ' have liked It. bl,\t they ccrta In· " . ly did not think it dull! 'l'he beauty together. of' , the . speech· is that it rev ell Is Cut aU pieces with ~e ·piie. "ap Stephen! skeen 11)81ght Into the reor slieen running, the same way, ligious history ' of hIs pep ple. which Is usually down, If you feel Speaking wlthoat botes, he lnadequate to doing thill, study the placing and cutting di.rectlons or. . reviews tbe hl8tory of close til %,000 years In a to-minute YQur patt~rn which has a guide for talk, and . yet brings out the you> malo points. Only a ,eal scholMany or the new fabrics ' have ar oan do thai. a man wbo Is certaln finishes which affect thehbotb historian and prop1ret. cleaning, Iilunderlng.. 'draping anl1 The most Import.nt.. peah In wearing qualities. After weaving. Israel's 'blslol'J were . God'lI these lire processed to inorease reve'~UoD. to , b em; and their weight or body or to prevent .Stephen ahowl! lha,t. these revelshrinkage or wrinkling. Some have dlons had never bcen tied to a gloss added to tlie sUl'face, wllile bouse or a book. others are made of water-repel· No Institutions and no plac~ Is tent or moth-proofed. indls[,>ensoble to God. The same Inquire Into these d.l fferent as· Ood who had wrought new things pects when you buy, as they may In the past had ' now wrought a n<'w afte,c t your desire to purchase the thing In Christ. Ana the religion of material. Fabrics -, which require thing In Christ. , 'special cleaning may. atter a few soiiings, become too expensive as Martyr . , to Upkeep, that you will cease ·uslng "I:ElPHEN'S AUDIENCE was not It. It would have 'been ,better to ' S 'OMB farmer!!, pr&;fer O~n Centertiresj II ,t's the Traction Center Tire you cQnvinced. Seeing murder in know this and to select some easy their eyes, Stephen knew hl~ time , while · otlle~ demand Tracfion ' cen. ~nt; there's qnJy one - the patented' materi al to wash. ter. Reglirdlcss , of the type you prefer, Firestone C.hampion. This tire has long ' was short: In II few stinging last Firestone' has it. 'No one else offeil you ,been recognized by thousands' of fanners Glaze"d fabrics may often with· words he r eminded thertl'!ha f murstand washing. but. 0; course. der was an old ~tory in that Tern· a choice, t>ecause ' Firestohe a1on~ pIO- ! the country as the top performer they will not keep their shine. If pie. They had killcd prophets. they vides ' both tread designs. for year-around work. A ten 00 your this makes no difference to ' you. had .killed 'J esus the "Jul!,t One." If It', Open ce~ter ~es;gn you want, ' own farm wiU show you. " then you can go ahead and Use It. And now-. Now they dr.agged see the sensatioaal: DeW Pirestone ChamSo again we say, regardleSs of your Study the ravel on the torp' end S ephen out and stoned him till he piOD OpeD Center, CUned Bar .Tractor prefen;nce ·.iD tractor tire tread desigo, of the fabric'. SOlJle materials \flU died . Tire. Try it-for ttacti~ for cleaning, see your Fuestone Dealer, yoUr Impl.,. Well, you can .top a voice be difficult to sew since they ravel for smoothness 00 the, highway, for all ment Dealer, or Firestone Store. There's bUl you canaol st'op .n Idea. 110 much, and then. too, the edges Stephen ' was first .&0 fan, but will bave to be bound for finishing, around performance. 'Xou'1l6ad it's away DO Deed to Ihop arpuod any more, Dot the I.... To tbll YstY year aheiId of any OpeD We ever made. Pir.s'Q". bllS ef)~Ib;", i. t,",or Ii,u. Lenrthwile and crosswise threads (lbrlst b.. hili martyr.. mea .ometlmel let out· of line al the u"", 10" V ... 0/ PimIoIN"." MrnttU, . . . . NBC an4 .women wbo wID 41e rather materials are printed and rolled. than den, blm, These should be Itral,htened- beYou can silen-e-e a man but yo fore cultinl or sewing to ,ive Ii true l1'aIn, CUp the selvage, catcb cannot 'sllence truth, WheD t~ one crollwise. . thread and pull It lI1orlc:l goes 'against her. the ChUff lenUy out of the fabric. Cut care· .hould remember that no" as thf' "tile blood of the ma11)r1 la II fulI7 on dIIa Unft aDd )'W wID bave seed 01 the Church." 011. ItI'aIJb' ead. 0
. ..
For the mature woman, lace Clonlloues to be a. favorite for aD evealnl' dress that III adap&able Co ever 80 mall)' occaslooll. Deslpen often turn 10 extreme slmpllclt)' la order &0 brine aat the fall beaal,. of the lice, aDd add a day Jackel to Ha"en " la&o an Informal dl.... aer drea .. Deeded. One af the aewe.r touches '10 aacb II Jacket II IU....rated. a 1001' lleeve, CI1Ik. ., bOlero ·that flte purJr- D . . . .&lined with bl.. ......... tan....r lO1lIe .Uter . . . . l1li& ....... ased for ' the
lIenl. nvlnll.
. Now pul 2 _ ounce. '01 Plno. Into a l'ln~ bOllle. nnd 011 up wi lh yOU, SYfUP, Th i., makes a lull plnl 01 ~ou U h medicine. and ~tlves you aboul rou r times os muc h (or your monty . It k •• p$ -perl""lly and tn.lctI nne. And you'll ••y It'5 r.ally cu.lI~nt ror quic k action. Vou .an 1••1 It take h.. ld • ...lIl1y. It I""... ns phl"Cm, soolh"" irrlloted mtmbrlnH. help. de.r Ih. oir \'I ........ Thll. II mike, breathinc ... y and leta you cet resllul ole.p. Pine. I. a .ptdal ~ompound 01 pro.en Ing,ed len t.. In ~on.entr.t.d lorm. ...ell. ~nown lor its quick Ilclion on throat and bronchiol'irrii.tion •. Money refunded II not pl •• l&d In .".ry ....y. .
with Ita first washing, cleaning or pressing. Why? Simply, because there 'was DO label to read or It was neelected ~heri. it came tQ cleaning ". th.e garrJ;lent. ' , Smart . wome';.l ~ow:' \vhat they can expect from 'matetlal. before they ,.use them. :Fralll~ ' fabrics 'are' not intended to survive hard .oap and waler tubblngs. -Some :syn. ~etles lIuch as, rayon and nylon Will not take a hot iroD. You'll - 'Ioon Qnd this out in the attempt,
No Wltrk.
U(l r(,'Jj 3n old 1",1111' m i't lurc you r moth er prnhahly u•• d, ontl I. >!i11 OM ..I tho no""t etTllrli ve for ('oul;!ls duc to (!oltl s. On ce tried, you ' ll s "'enr by It. M ako n 'r '~p with 2 ~UP" r" . pulnte,1 augnr nnd one CUll \l a(.4!:r~ No c.i)o~ ' nn nucded. Or you can ~o corn syrup or liquid honey,
' ·DHI'
Thur day, January 19, 1950
DOGS CAl'S. PETS. ETC 'i'iiiitl-~ut er rl outt n ger.. ~. K.
t;;-r.....--vo pedlg r • • •.
C. reil. l!l)(c ~lI e ll
Reasollo ble
F e no7 I'o ),l\ & lia n n el :H . W. IU. ::. J-"' ra u k ILn. Ohio .
FARM MACHIN E RY & E QUIP. Hew 8 1e.1 'A" cabl e , I'd en l lor I ~n cln g und b a r rlc n tJ,o.. Ie n It.. nn~ Quu n Ul y. r:.?y~!~'.S O~I!~CKING , ~ 80lj \~' eboler 8 1., OA TIll JU'IL~1l 0-6 W ith LeTo u rnenu e ~QI . d 07.er; good lllIed; 5 t.500 . ' 10)111 U
Stark.• Medor a, Ind. ' -hon e !lllin .
= = ==:LlVESTO,C K R.E 01STERF, P T a m wo rt h Swt .. ~ S ol e ' Show 10 Ii . M . Sole 1 P. M. B red 5 0 w ~ alld Brad Cilts. Rod lo St. ho n W P Jo'S M iddleto wn . Oh io . b'c b . 9. 19110. For 'CD t" : l:':...~~~, Ohio T •.,o worlh A.a.e .. 11111• •
On R . 43.3 m i. to C a r ro ll ton . O hio. lot 3'15 I. frOllt. New 4 "o oms 26><28 l<t ck ln a mod ern lncll lUo8. H as furnace . E lec . wu t,c r n e a r, fu ll busemen t 8ultably J p. oot ed fo r ti ny Owner S4:050 Qul~ k posse •• lon . Nell r f a rm ne arl y 100 A . on , good r d. good h ouse, Vllcnn t . t'Qn. ~enJ u n \ly lo ~n ted 52500-1'0 co_h . Q uic k .ale only . ,See owne l' 3 rnl. beyo nd CAr. {.O~~~~ D. OhiO, n ~ 00 I~ . 45. Itar mond "E.
L O ~S
Fret ber, ta.lier- nour· IIb in, tool T ry d eli· ciou soven·popped R ice Kris p iel . Americo'. (. .. .orit. ready. to-eot ric.
10. 01\ Ip r $:l00; ror m ~ rl y S200 .Cp ch; 1 100 d own . A sell port. ROYAl P oW-lin, R eal E ol ol<! . , 8 o ndu okr . Ohio.
cereal. make. a load
B , brld Dluoberr,· l'lA nl• • P lan your ocr ea.e now l or aprln" . B uy <\!rect from ,rower . T. I.... j.P•• nta tioD t Soutb Ha yeot _lob.
,,"aldan - fuD to . atl
'Ianning for .the Future? Buy ~·.S. Savings Bond$!
. I'SPltS
IM07'Ha! ~,At¥Sr~ ~-----------------~
Howlo Relieve
Creomulsidorelim. prompllybecallie il gOel rishl 10 the seal of the uouble 10 help loosen and apel germ laden pbJegm and aid oamre 10 IOOthe and heal raw. lender, inftamed brooclJitl mucous membrantl. TeU your droggin 10 sell YOIl . ' bottle of CreomublOil whll me uod'enlanding you mllil like the way it qlllcldy allay. Ihe coup or you are 10 have ,JOUr money back. .
,DOt at.oD,. "nab ""11el... "boa tbe ... Soo'U·. .....loloD"'67
..., I .SeoU·.
CREOMULSION far Co\l&h••Chest Colds,Bronchitis
• •....Id mlo." at:"'!."'"' A6D
Vltamla. and
...,.,..a",u,n.. ..."'... ,
.... B eiPI child.... I'IV" rt.bt. ......lop . .
H,w COnstipated' : People Can Be
.Quod &.e etb. etro •• bon .. H• •ard off eoille w~ """ 10,,10 "aD Vltaml .. road. ...... , dono........lIlm.nd
_....... ,,,Da.1t
.. iA",,,,,",
I\. 1I\eO_1.t
au ......, ..
, . • 0............. If', powwIuI rtoUrithnJenll .
Kind to'Themselves \
~ of people wbo wlrer 'froal
chroulccolllltipatioabawCOWldaD8JIWIo 1D.ly ...y W'Y to be Idad to tbelllll8l_ ~be'y dOD't wbJp their .y,toma wltll banb,
.,aIDlui caf.haitb. Jaatead. ~
tum to Nature'. Remedy. For Nature. ~,Nl tablet., .. compoaecl eDtinly
, moat people take them at m,llt biicau. &heiraleepia DOt dlaturbld, yet rqularitF Ie acodm"lialJed th. nat momiDr. Try Hi at our espCIoae. ~ .tablet. 26c. Bu)' • bqK at any dru• .tore aDil try.lt. If you ~Dot oompletely .ati8fled1,r;etum the boKUd UDuaeiI tablet. to ua. we will refuDd your money poIItap.
71~~ :;"'ii~
to raU ••• cou~chr ,mllac;l.e i .T he [)fonne Coluinta have always hila &he best care. Ever since t hey wllr, ' babies,. tblly've ,uiled' ~usteroh~ to pTomptly 'relieve coughs lind local eonj(!'stioD'O£ colds, Be sure lIour lod·
dies e nlOY M usteroill', rreat , .henpfi .. I
..., n ............ of MONTHLY
Order 800te'. 'Quality.Chick$ Now' Avo id a u ' Ipri nl ', ,usb I · T ake ad. vane _Ie Qt B oole-, oUhtDod loJi chide O l~·U" . C;h o o.e ,our delh,t ot' date. ~p , cl a l No. I ~OO heal tby' bro ,ler ch ir ' .. o nl; . 2~ .. . ,·w" ek li vlbUi{f ~ u~raJlrC!.: Special N o. 2-fOO It)troy eh kk •. _u ...anteed aU helvv breed" o nl , S H .95 . Qrduo on I peelaiJ ,,·il n'" •• c;er~ · 20% pal1el; - SPfi ClALS No . I and No . ~ ".00 POf 100 ';Kt. . In Ie.. thi n 500 Ion. S .. ned PI'lIer' .nd e ll i<,k. 2 10 \2 ""It•. ol ~. All breedl , \1I(,nl" to, ~.. pl.r. price lill .
.-nl_ ,
Are 'JOU Uoubled by c1latreaa ,of female ' lunat lon" l pedoc\lo dlat u rb ..Dees? Does t ll,15 mnke you sulrer from Il.la . f eel .0 ....",.,... tlretl-&t auob times? Then lltart ta k ing L ydia 1:. Pinkha m'. Vetletabls ' Compound .. bout ten day, betoN to reUeve
.uch .,mptoliuJ. PlDkhani·. bIut a srand 8OO,tblnl elfect on one 01 _mlllI·. moa ImjHlrtGllt orgllNt Truly \be woman', Inebtl j
DTeHER'.IE$, Inc.
WNu_E:..-.,..--_ _ _
i·· U.SCIr.E.
STRAIN? SORETONE UnlnIent'. H•• P.d Actio.
Glve.;Qulck •• n.fl
When Your Back Hurts-
TWIN THEATRE ~ r; , Waynesville, Ohio ~ ~mmllll"lllmll lllllmlllllllll llll lll lll llllllllllll"I~111llll lll llllIilllllllllmlllllllllllmlllllllllillllllll!lIImlllllll 1III I IIIIIII I IIIIIIIII!!ll llIIlilll
' cLOSED WEDNESDAYS SAT. SHOWS: 6 P.M. SUNDAY: 2:30 P.M. MONDAY nmu FRIDAY - 7 P.M. ,THURSD~Y • FRIDAY 19 • 20 TAKE ONE FALSE STEP Will. l owell • Shelley Winters - James Gleason $25.00 • BANK NlT£ • $25.00
;; ;=
!! ~ == == e;a
= ~
~ .
CONNECTICUT YANKEE ~ ~ Wrn. l3endi;< - Rhoda Fleming. Cedel'ic Harwicke ~ EiPL US: Football Review ALSO; Warner News, Cartoon ~ , §s =
FORM£R PROMINENT AREA FARMER DIES Frank H. Duke. 84. died at hla home In Spring Valley Monday morning. He was u prominent local rar~eT aud bee keeper. Duke was born and ralaed neal" Lytle. SUrvlvora inclu~e : two BOnB. William or Dayton, and Stanley of Hamilton; three daughtera, Mary fluke of Da.yton, Mrs. Elltabetb Funk o( ,Dllyton; Mcfa. Anna Oraham oJ. Los Ange\.es, CaUf. ;\ 12 grandcWldren ; and six great· grandchildren. Services were held at the McClure funeral home Wednesday at 2 P .M. with Rev . A . B . Horner or SprIng Yalley In charge . l\Uaml Burllli wae mnde cemetery.
SA1\JRDAY ONLY 21 ; ; ' Rod Ca meron 's First Visit In Years ! See This Star In: - Ei . BOSS OF BOOM TOWN
Fruit Jars
In Fumigant Sprat
iWmmlllllllllllll~IDIII~~IIIIIIIII/1 l1/l l IlI l lil l l l l l l l lml l l l l l "lI l l1 1 1 I 1I ~lI l l1 l1 l1l1mI WI I"lI ll mlll"~lIIlIIm~lml
ela;66ifie·J.AJtJ '. DON'T FORGET TO CALL , us for insurance, AII -typ.es of 'Jnsurance at a " savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone
Waynesville ' 2472 or call collect, Wilmington 21 H . FOR SALE- White enamel Maj.astlc Rance stove. George Hen· deraon, _ Phone Waynes. 2982. 1·12·at
HAY FOR SAL:E- 60 tonll, Dlllled
clover, aUalfll. "arold Whltaluir, Lytle, Oblo, Phone, Way. 2968. LAUNDmING- Done m my home. QUick servl~e. Phone Way. Benille 2986. 1-l2-8t
'Chetck Fire Equipment. Far.ers Are Advised,
'H&UlIq, Sanc!, On..e}
1!IxoaTa~ With <. J)ra&I-lID8 anc!
Back Boa.
~trlj. Nett!e Hard!n Tinney wall bOI'1I nenl' Cynthlan" . Ky.. AlI~ . 23, 1 871 . She d/lpartell Ibis "lIfe :Tan. 9, 1950, at the hOnle of he j· SOn, f:lhermlln . !:lhll WIlR unltecl In m·nrrlll.gtl to JosePlli 'rlnney Fob. 19, 1802. who preceledecl hel' In death Feb J I 1940. To thl!! union w~ 'b'QI'~ eight ct\lldreu .. six boys IIl1d tw.) girls: Lura Werntz. Waynesville ; MaYD~e. dec~lls e d : LeoU'ard, Mu r· rell, und . Sherman of ,vaynesvtlle: t'1'cnttlce of Los Angelea, Cal. : WebSIteI' or Middletown; ancl WH' bur o ~ Miami. Fla. Mr,B. Tinney hilS been Ii meUI bel' (,f lhlll uommUnlty sinCe 1907. and l ook !tTl ncUve part' In nlllny ' orgar,lz!ltlona. among wbldl weI',· tbe lMetbodlst ,Ohul'cll , F'at~Dl.\l"!I HrllnJ!~el ' lind I..adles I\ld . , Shll WIlS loved by aU ' who knew' ber, and leaves her . seven' chlldlren, twenty-two grllndcbtld · r.en, and fourteen great'gTand, children ; four brothers. ThoIIUl8 and Lawrence of Wayn~avlU, e . EliZa or . Covington , Ky .• and Ed wllrd of Monroe. La., and a b08t or frllenda and neighbors to mOllrll
RATES: One ' clnt par word, minimum ch.rge, 25 cent.. Three I" .. rtlonl for the prici of two. Forma clolO Wed"e .. day noon,
Glass Blocks Offer Builder Advantages
It the larden plot Is small, J , C. Ford. Auburn Polytechnic Insti. tute extension sel'Vice garden spe. ciallst 8ays., the correct amount of tumigant per row can , best be applied by uslnll a fruit jar. A 10-or-20-penny nail hole should be made near one margin of the h~r ~,OIB, ' , Jsr lid throug\:l which to pour ' the Rem\lerence 18 a golden chain, FOR sALE- ' 35 Chevrolet 1 ~ liquid. A somewhat smaller air Deat1~ tries tei brellk, bll~ all 111 ton panel truck. Oood condition. hole ,Is necessary near tbe opposite vain. ' Make an offer. W . H., ~11",yer, .Ide of the Ud. To have, to hold and then to 'pari . ,pbone WayBe svllle 2.74. (s tb,e greatellt sorrow or oneil CARD OF THANK. helnt. FOR ~ALE- Llu'Je ' maw boll, In looking ' over tbe lovely Also Heating stove (Prolress cards, flowera' and pre senti,; tbey CARD OF TJ-tANK8 bring baCk' lovely memories. We Oak). Inquire 'Miami Guette. Wo Wlllh to sincerely ·tballk 1111 thank you all from the bottom of our trlends an,d neighbors for their WANTEI}- Lady to do General ollr heart. kind conSideration during our ' reHouee Work and Laundry lD my Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith cent bereav ement. . hom4!. Inquire at ·the Miami :rbe 9hildren ot FOR SALE Cbeap: 8eal dyed Gazette OUtce. 1-5'Bt ' lIfrs. Nettle Tinney Coney Fur Coat, Excellent conditIon. Owner leaving for ' Florida. FOR SALE TJ1e following houeemoltl goods : desk" 2 sou~ Size 36·38. Mrs. ' GeOrge Brattenl-19-3t wll\lnut band mBile ' tables. 81m- Waynesville, Rou,te 1. mons day bed, walnut burtet. FOR SALE- Flablng lake, Hay!natrulW!lnt case, Z' dlniril room rides, Bam dancell. Veletable and Farmer~ are urjted '" by county chair.. Rice S.:Japp, 3rd street. In E,I .~d. 2 bll barna, e:sucken IIgents to check fire -exttngui.hers WIa)'llelvllle. ' bouse, garage, corn Crib, 6 acr,ea, to bl! certal.n they are approved. . These wa-rnlngs art' based on reo BANK RUN GRAVEL- Lo"c!e'), beautiful 7 .ro~m brick, boUle with at DavIa Furnal PIt. 50 cent. an convenlencell. Tenant houle partlll from Fire Protection Insti. cubic yard. 'We also deliver. ARK· tile.. rent!! for ,85 per month. On tute. - a national fire nrety' org\lnl· Ilt. 42. 2 mllel north ot Lebanon. zatlo'n, that many "unapproved" ITAGlil .t: SON. Phone 2091, ,U extinguishers have been 'made Phone Lebanon 602-R, ' avaflable during the past few yearl. WANTED- Ride. to' Wrlcht Field It was pointed out that an unde. A1ea B, 8:00 to 4:80 1Ib1ft: Plck pendlable e.xtlilgulsher Is about al ROOFING up Dear Third and MiamI. Walt.r , useful' aa a eounterfell doUa.r. Of All T~ Behr.ns. I·Ut
TUESDAY ONLY 24 ~ == Robert Mon tgome2 and Ann Blyth In A Mirthful = :: omedy _Hit: = := ONCE MORE MY DARLING . l!§3 ~AIso: CHAPT. 8 - OREGON TRAIL (Johnny M. I3rownfe
WANTED .TO RENT- Slqle gar.,e ' space near Thlr4 aDd lIiami street. In WayDesvUJe. Wal· ter Behre~a. ' loUt
Insulated ' Btlcb aDd . .beIItolt Sldlnc. ~ Sheet metal work . .of aU kinde. Local ' Ref......
CbaeM! Slices
Cheele .Ucn more eallb' it !.hI lmife II heateet alIlbtly before CQt..
tID, the mee.e.
ces. AU work lUUuteecl.
Dry Crib Coin
Ule Features Practical Feeder Bam Planning Thl. practIcal leeder bam, .bown
b~low. not only otter. lIood 'venti-
IJ.iry;~~ . ) . __-
A' [---:-
lation, 'freedom ' from draft., and ubL!l\dGnt day tight, but I. deslrned to cut IT\alntenance costs.a well. Developed p.rlnclpally tor dslry atack, it bal a labor·savin, floor arraneement with a ~eed room and 1110 oonvenie~t to the feeding aUeys. Door. at either end provide venti·
~ ,., ' ~:L
~, ~
,~:::,:: ,~ ~.
ore beginning to ,have a f'E W ques· tlons In their minds _ Some of the ~~_ _ _ _ corn may be quite high in moisture ,ez . _. content and warmer , weather will IIdd to the pro.blems of handltng the Da~ baro ,aullable ror ' bl, 01' , corn. ,. medium alae farm operations, ' W. H. Sheldon. agricultural enlatlon through the Utter aUey to re- glneer at Michigan state college. move odora. Ample roof venti diB' I saYB that wet corn will keep lnderperae lummer heat, .aid ' the clrcu- Inltely while frozen'. The problem Is latlon of air In winter .. do .louvres whai to do with the wet corn that Is under the peak: of the lIables. Itlll In tht: «,:rib when warmer Control over ventilation haa been weather returns , . carefully planned , to eUmJnate ' One' 8011-ltlon is to feed tt out cree~lng draftl. SUdina doou- in. beto!'e the wellther warms up_ How· .~e a ,tight closure and ' the gen. ever. In mahy cases large quantlerou. use of ,Ia8s block panela ties may be on hand and cllnnot be mInlml~. drafts usually, encoun. . used rapidly, _ 1ered with ~onven110nal window,. E x per I"", e n t 8 In Michigan, These panels are fitted with hinged 0 h I 0. ' Indiana: Ulnds and 'Bllhes which 'are eastIY awun, for' Iowa. have shown that heated air ventJlatlon, The 81818 bl,o ck. tranl- can be used t,o (;lry wet corn. BlowmJt an' abundance of dal'Uaht. Even Ing unheated oir through the crib on cloudy daY8 the 'b am I. brl,bt' , with a hay drier fan wUl hot take and cheerful. out very much water" but 'It will A. a bam material. ila.. block keep the corn al cool al the air and alter.' many advantage.. Of honow ereatJy retard mo~ growth, Clonltruetlon With a partial vacuum Inllde, the block ' has a high In. SHORTS AND MIDDLINGS When you buy Beell. too, It rot' .u1atlon fact9r which can lle1p main. taln heat 01 the bam II! winter. Thl, ' Insulation 'valu e . mlnUnlzea cold the .~el'tlf\ed label , Cond ensation and 01110 turkey lP'0w I'j; " ill meet 'down drafts. frosting Il're practically eilmlnated. at Ohio State UDlverslty. Jan. 81 . An aU·important· 8ovanta,e 11\ SOWB tbat get Plenty' or exerolse the.e daya 01 hl8h cost. il the per. 1I' 1Il hnve le,,!i troUDI8 .t farro \' . manency of gin s. block panelJ1. Sat Ing time. . in mortar, the glul II impervioua Dre8sed links),. w111 be disto weather BJld humidity. I. un· harmed by c1lemlcal d1.infectantl played at tile Winter turkey meet· often' required 10 'inalntaln dairy lug .at Coll1mbua on January 81. lanitaUon. An OOcllllonal waahdOWD "with a boae II all that Ie required to keep the panel lurfac~.. .park· ling clean. PainUn, la never reQuired. ' Maintenance la aieo reduced by the liberal u.e of other lonl·wearlng material.. WalLl are 01 elnder or concrete block, the floor of poured concrete" and the rOof of either a IOOd arad. of 'lalvanlzed .teel.heet or aluminum.
~ f!J _.~
Wa,n88T111e, Oblo
~R SALE- ~dge, 'Hioor De· Ph'o n,: WI,YII.-" 211,1 ora... Lux leelan, . A .N$>. 1 condition. ~Wa.lter Jr. Whitaker, 3rd lit. : ~a FO~ SAL»- House, 5 rooms , &: 'yne.vme. bath. CeliaI', bot watqr ·. b~at. lar,e carace, lot 100' 3: 1Z0',-M. 'Fors - ' H head oC breed eweB. 1 Jtegillterecl Lanlb, Alao D: Baird, W",ynellvIUe.l-12-St A1falta and Timothy bay. baD.e d: Z bottom- 13 incb Oliver plow. Jack Chapman, on Route 73, 'I 1-2 CASH FOR' DEAD STOCK mUea E. or WaJne.ville I-II-at
,,,out. S Wa,naevllli, 0, ' Phone W.ynuvill. 1118 r
Dead Stock LIn Wire and Progreillve. .An
OE's antsation Becon'l1 to none. belt. all' arolllnd mar~et 'In the OOUiltry. 81~RVICE THAT SATI8F.IE8 Fpr, Ei'a ljy Mal;k.t Rep..tta:· WHIIO ' Dayton, ~Z;60 E.S.T. Dial 1800'; WLW CinCinnati, 1240. Dial StJ!I(~Uy lellera on the
According to size, and condition. All Stock rllmoved promptly. ROOM FOR RENT"": V;ery COD· venlent locatton, above 8m1H1rs H.o rae•• '2.50 ' Cow., 'Z.50, ReStaurant.. Call any time atter:' 5 Hop - 26c per cwt. , , 111 evening. Mrs. 'Pbeania.. .W ayneavlile. JANES RENDERING ,
Phone Collect
0.1712 _ WiImin8tOD, O. 2362 ~
' LOST- Copper carj)enter'. 'QUare 1D Waynesville. D. E. Standi· ford, Main at., WaynesvtWe. Ball , 191. 1·19-8t
700• • '
...... • • •
~ . . . . .{I
.............ai; ........ o ,..~ .. ye«f ...... nl·
4., ...........
.' SIRLOIN 'sTEAk, 'S9c lb. Barrel Picldes . Geauine HE}NZ DiU
Karl 'D. Dakin 'Insurance 'Agency PHONE '~53 20 E. MULBERRY 8T;
....... .,.,. I'"
.' ROUNQ STEAK , 73 cenb lb. . "
Dlabltle ' Cann.d Fruita
."... ,
· T~_Quality
. DO YOU LIQ. FRlENI)LY, SERVICE'? As . your neighbor~ood . serv:ic:;etnan, ~ou will fi~d us not only (, iendiybut. genuJnely iqterested in see-, ing th~t .your· ~ar is given I the be,st possible .~,errice so it'll. last! . , ' ' . ~ '~A · F"" :''''''l
....... ............ ............. ...... ....,.,.... ... ...,
I ......................
PhGile 2&41 "
Hasting.' ,G uage NORDI STREET, ' WAYNES~ OHIO "
Armitage &Son .
WAVNE-$VILI.E 2091 LEBANON Office 47SK .RES. 128L. MORROW No. S ,'
Pr9tect your propertY investlll1ent I Fire and .£Xltrnded Coverage. written by the Farm Bureau Mutual F'u. _urane:e Company cd Columbus. 'Ohio bidudea u.suranae · agaiaat 10&3 or ctamage by (Ir4p. windatorm. haiL expIo. sion. riot. riot attencliDg a atrike. dvU commo· tion. aircraft. v.hid. GIld JIIDCItke. Be lure you bave complete proteetioa.
IN WINTER WEATHER CallR (or many additional" utety provlalon... Comfortable t~mpera.tur'es and veJitllatlon, sanded walka and approacbel, winter conditioned CILI'S, and proper c;:emettry eQ!JIPment..
McctURE' FUNER~t HOME W"YNIIV.llL • • ,0
Some Interest Is Shown .1n Natural Gas soule Interest bas been aho'W11 In the POBsiblll\les of aeo",rlnc ua~ral gus for Waynesville, ' but not i enough wurrent any aetlo,I}, l! you are luhirsaled In. secuT' 'Ing natural , gas for heatiDc or cooking. please let us or :Ii', G Brown know ' about It. Now that natural gas 16 being malle ' a vaabie to cousumers In this vlc1D1ty, it 1s opportune that WaynellvlUe iuvea Ita\e tbe watter. \ e have" d 0. fe lY, C Ills ~n the OUllolte ",mell tills .week' frow· .061'SOtlf! wll.o indlcut ,that lhe:t ' 0 d , elcullie the lUol'\! (leonowlc.:al a ud l~ti~ ledtollB lluturul glls. A reader tram Lytle ia interell, ted too; . be writes : "HaviD~co read your luUclu re, ga'rda "natural . gas. tor WayneBv.llle ?" We look Upon it with 'favor. 'S holud Wayne-Ille procure .,. IJlls lIervlce We hOPe they will not • overlook \.1:helr· good "nelgbboril or L~ne, to the west." ' , ".As a. property owner here, we al'e very mucll i.u stered In llllving natura.l gas IlVallnble and would be willing to U!lIIIRt iu obtulning
WAYNESVILLE 'LAD IS NATIONAL HE~Q OF ARNOLD SOCIETY Mo~e tlll,\D' 7011 B~udents on 21 college campuses, I members of the
Arnold Society ot All' , Oadets. are m.ourning the deat!)' 01' tho. man whose honor their sOlliety Is nam-
azette Se:rving Waynesville~ Since 1850 '
,Plalls For'-School Ready' Nelt Month P.T.A. Learns
• IT~M'S OF '
Steel,,Girders Arrive 'In Waynesville For. SChool Building Addition
~: NOW
The ·Wayu..vWe Parent Teach,,Mr. and Mrs , A . H, Pearl ~mlth of Sllrln!\ Vaera '.ABloclatlon ' met fiondaY, eve- were SunduY evewng g,uesl./l of IIpenl T'b utsda'Y wi th hel' niDe at the Hllb Scbool auditor. und J\lrs. Jesse Shank; of NeW:, 'BUI- .~b.rI~tl\·'1t ufld SI'EIUk- ln- ltl'Y, MI', and ,tUDl. ~ari . ·l!}vllll ~, . rlingtoJl , . Mrs . Earl The president. Bernard Baughn. Rov' and Mrs. R . D, " "0110;1"'." " conducted the aesa~on, whJcll' w.~s attended the 'f uneraL devoted chiefly to ' a business dls - Mrs , H . S .. Th..oma~, CUBlllon, The organizlltlo"n's lIull- . , Rev . Coleman,' held at "et for the vear WI18 formUlated " • # Ohio lllat Saturday a[ternooll . and a work1Ili balance of ,750 ' wa.. approved. (It wUI be rememMr . Qnd Mrs. F~ed Oney of .&1'., . and Mrs, Elvel'ett Marlatt canum haye purcbas'ed and are b~ed that the group iIlherited . 4aU g h ter. lMta , Stell", Ary. nhd I' h " 'f ' a' bo- ut $2.000 trom tbe' p.OW. ,OCCUPR ng e proper.. y or~ and ~frs. O. Marlatt ., U,)e R,Utll L;O~B MOFni~g Club). mel'ly .occupied by Mrs , Mar~,o~e PI'Ogl:aIl~ 1n Olnclnnati on ' K. ~M. Betalllck was Ilppointed Burto~ arid owned by Mrs . Elmer Ml~lay mornil'1g La celebrate the to represent the PTA In the dlB- 's heehanl. ' ' , r MOB ~M~~r ,ann Iversllry a ra , , cUIIslons v~rlous civic -group·s of Mrs. ~nrlatt wal! , beard the ~ommunlty are bavlng with' Mr. a~\d hR , William \'adio nnd was glyen a state hlgbway offlclalB CDI"'.''-'''·.I were among the ,gUests on Sa{urthe high walllr problem on route day evening when Mr, 'and Mrs. .bliutltiul \l1'chld corangEl', n - between Wa),nes'Vlllo and 00)'· Xen.u eth Williams et\tertalned Will. their home In Morrow .. It was reported that the prchlt.· ect Is 110w working on plans ror th~ new _rade scbool building'. He Is , Bcheduied to presen~ com- 1, ___ . _ ' pieted plans ' next ,month. . Following the ' business seBsIon, corfee and cookIes were aerved and , the fUm, ''By Jupiter" was
Paul 'I'. Jobns. Route 2. War- ahow~,. son o~ Mrs. Narpret A. 'Johns. Is the national Itudent VETS ENjOY BARBARQUE; commander of the group. He II Q SEE tIE DETECTOR aenlor in · tlle Unl\rer81t.y Clf CinAll outltalldlna event for WayclnDaU Collele of AppUed ' Arts. nesvU1e area veterall8 waa tbe Maj. Victor J. SampaoD &ll4 Ca. open hO,\&8 ~ prea'!ntecl . by Massie pta1n A. 'l' . 'ReId of ~ . UDlver- l-to'wtlilbln mambera' of the Amerlslty of ' Cin~lDDatt, 1Iattona1 bead· can lApan' Poet 616 at the Hal" quarters of the SOciety, laid yel- veY8burc Bleh School. terd\lY the SOCiety would walt The , eveniDC's propam Ieatur· untIl Ita first national convention. ed a taUt and' demon8tration by March 4 and. ~, in ClnclDnatl, t9 1'. E. Merica, Dalton prlyate' In·declde UPOl). .a way to boJlOr ,the ~.Iuaator. Merica .~wed the ulle ,memo1'1 of (leD. B. H. ArDO~ . of ,&U lie deieetoJ-" an4 other crl'1'b.JOCl1t1 '! CQIDpaH4 01 haD4ItecUml aAmot& 01' ea4e~ ill ~ Air 11eIerve Off· oW.ilrAlD
Mr . and Mrs. Jet.. PI'iBn(18I1"'~ and Mil. Robert Furnas the State ' Trustees and Association In Columbull the p,ast week': Mr . and Mrs, David ' T", ...nll! Mrs Belle Eaer of Da.y~n, recent guests 'of Mt. a.nd. Paul PickiUg and. Mrs . Baet malued as .t htlr ,ho~se .guest a tew day ~ :,
~ IIUIIBon. Judy ~ lUltli. t h g)'ad s. Th s~ gl'llll CLaSIlCSB CI1.-oll1l0 l:Il'UdJey. Donna wl11 occupy the ij tl'U o tUI'O until tho UUrll.in, Ann ' Lto 'l'hllley. Doruthy new llrnd school Is completell. aud ¥ll'(am WI1 ~on. II'OI' U Creech. ' The voC~'ltIVllal ug. building will Veru. Sberwood, fli ll !Jarton. 0111 ~O llllillt or aile I! lass room. a . cO lnFishbncb. Rutb 1I'1Ie1 Ii al' llIll t:lIl'l,I' III te shOJI. 1lrJ oil1eel a soils lab-
Clnl.tol'Y, ,'est room, and sllowers.
The building Is mMe of cemen t block ' with s teel BU·uctUl'e. - It is PArylONA GRANGE being built. by Frank E , Wilson, :f0 INSTAL,L contractor. of ~ayto ll an(l WIlS ,le, 1950 OFFICERS signed by 0 .' E . LIUldbcl'g Of 0111'L'h'e llIst.allatioli ,0£ Pamoua cinnati. . Gr~e oUicere l or 1950 will. be held lit ~he w.a.fncsville .Hlgb WORD OF DEATH School gym Saturday. Jail. 28 . Of ROBERT JpNES A covered dish dinner will be RECEIVED IN "( YTLE sel'vlld at 7P,:M . Friends at Lytle have received Tbe sixth deg~ee of t he Slate age 61, a.t hJs home in Kil'kwood! Grange w111 be beld in Warren Co •his ). ear and un effort Is ' being Mo .. all Monday. Jan. 16, He was tlJe 'soD. of · tbe 1.a.te made "to bave all many new 1'11' Mr. Frank Jones and Mrs. JOlles mona members as possjble read] were former residents of tbb who .or the March InltlU:tlon meeting. commun.ity. I1vlng 011 the 'Old Burnett farm, east 'at Lytle.... ISO WIT~ ESS Robim Is survlve<) , by his .wife WOMANLE~S WEPDING at ,Kirkwood and IL daughter. !1riJ. <i'lumera Grange 13 met in reg- Betty, Gorrell, Washington, D,C. u1ar a~tI8ion on Salu.rclay evening, J. Jlrotber and Wife, Mr. ' and E4wardti,GWDand, M~ter, ¥ Mr.. Alfred Jones .,ot Sobthe~
~.~i~"" .~~~;~~~~~~::'~ ~ce~: Tbe b~. ruUs,' attended '. e . ftUlll
son In Suring· and Mrs . ROBS fl. l-fnrtsoclr. celebrating ttte cirtbday MrA _ I,.ena 1:I~rt!!OCk, Miss J ell!l l}.1vereary of the host .. Rev . . Samuel ' N" Ke'iI, rectllr Bartso II 81}1;1 . M I' and )f1'S . Cbatbe Waynesville's ,St, Mal'7'.....'II~Nt..tP M\:. and Mr . P ,: L , Reason bua rles 1\1 Ou 10 II attende d the Gol . reb, will direct II ~em{Jlary, on as Saturday guests, Mr . and 'M'r/.!.. den Wedding of ~r. Ilnd Mra , H. town and ' country work 0' tbe ,CDMr . anil M~ . Don Workman Wmlam Watrous of Dayton. C. Harvey In Lebanon Sunday. urch at Mt. VerDon, lU. Februarr were the hOlt and hOlteSI to the 7. 8. 9, and 10. .....I!OW Aclv1aoh' Coun~ on TJie proeram;· Sa being pre~nted lIol\4q Disb,. Followillll the UIJ\l' by the Department of TOWD pd a1 bl\llnelll ' I •• slon, Mr. ~. G. Country Churcbes. ProvlDc, of tile lIiller, dllculal<!n lilader conductfildwest, of the Episcopal cliurcb~ ed 'tile dilcuillon on the topSc. It 'wDl '. include lecturel. dlilculs, "Farm Pro4uctl an Theil' P,rlce8'! Ions and reports from matly lead.- wblcb was ' vel')' li1tereB~B IlI;Id era. in Vie .community churcb tleta. broVJ!ht forth mllD1 ramaro. ) . 'T lie councu, adjourned to meet with lb. aDd Mn. · Alva .- LUdlngM,ETHOOIST ,cHILDREN tOD, aft... whleh 'a dellcioul aalad TO HAV£ REGULAR MEET,ING8 lel'Ved during· the deThe auperlntendent aDd teacho oourae era of tbe chUdren'a department IlgbUu1 BOOla! liour. , are plaUn1Dg for ,regulal' meetlnP for their chll4ren the first Saturday attern90D of each month. (rom 2 to " o·clock.· :, ~bese meetings wlll be for . ' iglous lnstruc~lon ''and ,tor uter'Mr .. and Mra. :Jobn Kersey Qud eating recrao.tion. nefrea1lmel1.u SQIl b'ad ' as Sa"-rday evening aupwUJ be served at each meeUq;per gUeBtt. Mr. anll Mrs·. Luther >The nlBt to be' held Satunla)" Hlutaock and Ions, tbe latter reFebruary 4, at 2 o'clock. mainiDg aa overnight lUeata. Mr. and lira. Keiley also bad aa S\lnWSCS "MEE1'S' AT day. P ..t•• Mr . and Mrs. ·WIIIMETHODIST CHURCH ard Keney and dauebters of LeTlie Women's\ Socle~7 ot Chrllit~ banon. ud Mr. and ,M~ •. Fran.k . Ion ServiCe met' at tbe church swart~el of Orasonia . last Thursday. ;Mrs. G~lbtfrt Fry~. , M~ ,: and Mrs. Earl Reeder and program leader gave an' Interelt, ing talk. ' 'Regular business was firs . ,Lora Wol~ of ,South Charl-· tt,r8ll8acted. Refrellh.mentl' , ",ert! eston were Sunda), diDner gue8's, ~rved by.,s.everal of the members. of M;r. and Mrs ; OrvUle Gray and Hr . and btrt. Wlllia.m Sawyer.
Peopl'e , Spots In lh,
M.i', "and Mrs. John Ludington
Dayton were SuDdaf.; gueltl of parents, ¥r. and ' Mrs. Alva
prepal'llIg tbe Easter cantata. ;VIc- ~dIDcton. tory; DiVine, by -J. ClIdltopher' Mr. and ·Mr.. Glenll Bordell Marks. < , . 'l1he cantata wIII be given oD were' BUDday . peats o~ Mr: and loire. Newt Cahanll at West LlbSunday evening; April 2. ' I . erty. ReSwat; practicos are eaoh rsday ,e vening at 7: ,30. ¥n. W. E. Stroud, Mrl. Grace Vice, and Mn. Irene Vice were The members of the St. Mary', Tueaday d1su.er gUeats of Mrs . Eptaco'pal Churcb held their anu· Maude Crane In Le~anon. ual parllb meeting OD Sunday evening In their new churcJa .4111- . 111'. an4 Mre , lollD Bunke '9taUOD; wblch ta ,near comp'le~D. A Ited relaUna III A~eDs Sunday , conrad dtab diDner ",.., enjoyed .... D.O. 1U4It, Mra'. I. B. and Ke~ , AlrtD !tanhaw of the Chapman, lin. Btanely R. BallRolf Trlmty Chl1rcJr of OSfor4 q. lin. B. G. MIDer ,and Mra . 'ria the aueat epeder. BIa lilt- . . . B. Bartaoak were OIDclnaatl ereaUDg topiC w.. OD ~. cburch . . . . aD . . . . . . work 10 IIlaIDI. OblO 8tate ad , Ohio UDlvenlU", ~c1 tlaell' work IOu KarUyn Bunke returDed to .... at1I41H. at DowllDc Graft on the campa. The buaIDnI ....lon wu i1IO 1hIJt.4Q, afW' tIIree aD tmportaDt f ..ture tbe eMIl- " . . cd It1UIat t .....IDIIIl .Le...
Completion' Plaooed In About A Month
Harlan Elu'11hart pI'ulIlded for se9s lCH1s or tile i.\ltd Wlul er tusli . ~ute of ' lIW Youlh F ellowsblp of l "1 gin.! I'S , wl;ifCt.L lUl l' S been the Methodl sl hu rch (D:1Ylon dhl· h O l dl l~~ up 'OIlSI rtHltiOl1 ' 01:)" the trlet) hel\! at Dayton la s~ Sutur new \iVuyuesv IIIEl Big·b Scbool '''0day. Harlan Is pres ident ot Lb e catlunal agl'lcultul'lll building, arDistl'lct ua well as ttie IlIcnl F 1- r'lyed Lhlll w eplt, S'UI1L K. L Re lows l1lllll , LlIlIICk unnounc d touay . 'I'be me dng was held In ths \Vltlt thc steel Qn ha nd. It is cu· thnattid tli ar', \,' Itll gaod weatbel'. Epworth lethod.1st.' church. Day- , the bulllll!lg 1:1111 be ompleted In t!;lll. and Ino hld,ed all -day seaslOlls about a monUI. . land , an eveJung banquet. W!J11 the bl1lltllng is Intepd,od ' b be's ngrlcUltunu -,. The Collowlllg youths from Way- f or J . B . Cl'O claase/!, It '1"\11 be lIsed i'or 'the nesvUle attended til e Ins titute : pI' sent to h us th (l flr.t h nnd slx-
THUR DAY, J ANU ARY 26, 1950
mwenur ..
lIe14:.. .~. '1ril~ }{i~.oa.
Gook. Maater.elect, o( ,the Pamona Grange. gaY-e a jljne report on tlle . State Grange. . AboUt' ~ne hundred lind lilty U1e~bers : and friends. then ",itneased,we "Womanless Weddllll;" which was presented by a la1'ge · cast of men. Tbls was very bum- Oi STRICT O. E.S . ' O!\{lUS and en~l\rtalnlng and was WILL CONVENE HERE Miami Chapler )07, OES. will be ~reatly enjoyed by everyone. Refreshments were served to every bostess Ohapter 'io tbe regular annual meeting of District 21,' ~ollowlng" the "Wedding ." . • 'I'he , Grange will hold their next OES. and the S~ho()l o.r ' Instructregular meeting Felt. 4, Satur<,ay ion on F eb. 11, at the WayneseveDlng', ;with a ., slrort sesBion, af- .H;lglr .School a [lI\itOl'lum. 'rhe morning seaston will op'en ler ' whlch cards will be enjoyed' .a nd other entertainment' will be at '10 0 ' loc\(, wltb the preSident, provided tor those who do not Mrs. Harl'lett ' W~st or Martinsville, in cnarge. D1nner will be play, and ' for the children. served II~ I be noon bOlil'. with reservatl.911s ill charge of. Miami Ohapter Wbl'tllY Matr9n. Mrs, 'Barbara Sawyer. ......TIle ,oi:ternoun 89/1819n and , ;:; ' hool ' oj' Inall'\I \l tloh ~y 1U , can· By MR., HILY 'Gla~ON veil aL oIle o'do'k and will be .n Mr: Arthur Kesillger aud Bon, ohn rll'(~ of t be \ ol'thy ,rand M r. CI'and Cbapter (If TOlIlmy of , Dayton culled on hIS I'un or , til parents Sunday, MI'. nnd ,l\frs . · {}, Oblo. Mrs, Kathryn Wyl's. and MI'!i . Elfzab til 11:. Ctlrey, -Deputy KesiDger . of 'Dlstrl ~t 21 . Ne,w Burllngton Mr. Eyerett Smith of Spring Va- ChapteJ' will a ssist . the.· 'hostess lley called on Mr. and MrB. lIlly Chaple t'. Gibson Saturday a(ter'noon. • Mr. and Mt'R . H , C . Hodson Mr. and 1011'S. Alfre!1 :Morgan '~Illertahie d <>n Thursday evening. a~d ,f amily spent T~urBd,ar even· bonor lng the birthdaY' of Mr. Hod,ing witb' M.r, and MrS. Earl JOllll' son. Cords W01'e the diversion of Bon of Xenia . the even Ing and at ' late hour a was " served. Mr. aDd Mrs. LeroY Shaw or dell claus 'dinner near Yellow Springs ' spellt lut; 'Guests of Mr , ~tid Mr8. Hodson Thursday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Olal1· were: Mr. and Mrs . JaDies Jones. Mr , and M.·s . C . 1" . Palmer. and ence Crawford. Mr. and lIfrs , E lw·ood ' Klhyorlb The ArtlJur Rockhold family has and children, moved fo Spring Valley. Mr. and Mrs., a.rg<e Bratten h'llve inQve~ In the house vacated by the Rock- cARE~SS WI holda,
Mrs. .Robel·t Greene or Dayton •• Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berges and family Bealvertown called on Mr . ' and Mrs . Lue Morgan Sunday afternoon. . ,
fir . a~d Mrs. Edgar Poff of CentervDle were dinnergUe8ts "f . Jlnd Mrs. Hlly Gibson on SUnday.. Mr. and Mra, ,Lewis Crawlord ud daugbter. DOnna, Lee of. XenJa and Misl Minnie ) Orawford epent Sunday with their parents, Mr, and M~. Clarencel Crawford.
;u ,
, ~'~' TIie .,ody wos sent to Washinglon, D .C, 'lind. b\lrin.~ madE) In 41"l.Ington' cemetery. T,he ru~ther, w lto lIvell wit h her son, Cummins J'on~s , at 1\ tlantu •. G-a.• ,was uuable to attend llle hlIlerat.
. Blr.
and Mrs. AUred Morean .aDd family apeDt lIonda), el'eD~ 1Dg With Ilr. aDII ....... Oharlea' Ho1P8bolder &lid IOD Of SpriDI
Vaue,. .
(iF: TWO
British Election. Set February 23; Seek Anti-Trust Law for' Miners; Conflicl Seen on Proposed. Budget w.
(EDITOB'II NOTE : ",1I.n opInion. ar. . ." ..... " In tb u e .olumn' i th u .rt th • •• 01 Ne",pa,.", Unfea' ••• anabat. .a~ OQt ne ll l! •• or b 0 thl. ne",,' Dtlprt••
w ••a"'11
TRIO WILL CHART BENT CONTROL, HOUSING •• " With rCDt eODlr(l1 aIId lIouble two major Items on the a,enda of the current cournsa...... HAlea, theae. le,ullitors will play a m.jor p.rt bI Iaw_aldaC actr"IUee. Tbe, .re, left to rlfM, Cb.lrm.n Brent 8peIlCO (D., KJ.I of the bow baDklJlr commlHee: Chairman BUI'IIet Ma,baak (D., 8.0.) of the lenate banklDf commltte~, aDd 8ea. 'ohn 8p.rkmaa (D., Ala.) member ot tbe aeDllte baaklnr Committee. TIley are 1II0wn .fter oonferrlJl, 'wlth President Tf1Io maa 08 relit contrGl .~ rederal bDDlbI~ alII. '
Many Tonks
T he ndministr nlion was slandlng pat on lis d ~c ls~o n against U.S. milita ry Interven tion In Formosa-destined to be the next area CIt conIllct In the Communists' drive to 'c ontrol the Far Enst. Officia l U,S. at ti tude was tha,t this country could do more to com· bat communism In' the . volotne Orien l by extending 'economlc aid to la nds still outside tile R ed orbl.t than it could by direct Interventlolll In the struggle. A T THE SAME TJ ME. however" the generalized term " economic aid" was being employed a s usual to cove r a multitude of purposes. A case In point w as the news tha t the Chinese Notionallsts had' purcbased ne arly 300 U.S. arm y tanks ror shipment to Formosa. where they would be used in the derens,e against the Communists, , The milita ry vehicles w~re il'sted, as surplus army equipment . and the price tog was $1,000 per tank . Similar tanlts, mlnus weapons. cos t about $511.000 to build duri ng the war. ANOTHER element In the paradox was tha t the Nationalists paid for the ta nks with money· from th.~ 25·mitll on-dollar kitty .which W8:9· provided ~or the aid of Chilla 'by I;ongr ess Illst year . U.S. state department'. , stand on the matter ,vas expressed bl7 Miebael McDermott, · department press officer, who lIald, 1bat tht! Chiilese Nationalist govemmen·t liad been spendIng the ald money through its own purchasing agentll and had bought whatever armaments it Vlanted. "WE STD..L r ecognize the Na· tionallst government of China and would interpose no obJectlod' to, itll exporting thili material from ,thin country," he · st!lted. Altliough the destination of Oil! tank shipment was not disclosed officially, it was an open aecrelt that,the cargo was bound, aboard· II Turklsb ship. 'for Chian, Kal·sbek' lI NaUonaUst government headquar· ters on Formosa.
Thursday, .January 26, '1950
Iso opes M Ole Uniform Toba cco BOSTON . - Americans sCIon
mlly be smoking ciga rett es of more uniform QUf1 lity because a gro'.Ip (} t young sclentl sls here h ilS deve loped 8 way ot hnrnes, sing radlo"aclive ISotopes from Ol\k Ridge, Tcnn . The 111\' £'111 01"5 . tounders of Tracerlnb, Inc., have perfeoted II meaSUring devl c ~ ' known as the 1Iet o Gauge whIch can de.tcc ~ IVlthln 11\(e miUlonths of an inch any variation In , ma leria l. In ciga rettes. for example. It' can mel\sure a tra ctlon ot a grllin ot toba cco, assuring unllo rmity In pack. W. S. Barbour. Jr .• president · of the company. bel ievcs the beta gau,ge is only ' one sII,lP toward more ex tensive use of ' ntomlc energy in precise Inqasurement. Co upled with a Brown elecironic ·recording . Instru me nt, the devi ce cq o be used for m llteria l conl.1:ol iii' mlinufacturing paper. aluD:\Inum foil. aspha lt and rubber floor tile. cellophane, Ico t.ber. paper boord, textile ya rn. ti nplate ' and other similar products. This method of me,lSurement in industrial llrocesse~ Is said to be supe rior to others espe. cla lly where It I. Important . that no phYliicat .. contact mode . with Uie material to. be measured, the engln~ era I8ld.
Young Tom wa's the picture of utter dej ec tion. "My ~l.rl turned m e dow n." he explaine d , to a fri end, "Now 1 have nothmg t o live for . I may as well c ut my throat ," " Now. now, wait a whil e ," said his frie nd pla cating ly , " don' t lose your h,e ad." Mr. J ones squinted Into t he livJng r oom whe re his d aug hte r 's young m an was com !ortab ly en· sconced in Uie m os t luxur ious chair in the house : He frow ned and tur ned to his wife . ' ''Ye God s ." 'he ' g run ted, "why doesd.'t' she marry h im a nd get" l1im out' of my easy chair? " "Now, now, d ad ," she !'cmlnded him , "YOU we r e y oung once your· s e lf, you kn ow. "
Three yea r s had passed si1'1ce th e honeymooners had descended from their lolly pedestal a nd a ppare ntly lheir puppy Jove had matur ed, "You don't love me any m ore ," s he sobbed. You usod to be so n ice to me, now you"re always bar k ing a nd ' growling." "What do you expect?" he demanaed . "You've always go t rrie In the doghouse ."
In .h.
America's Kitchens Of·All-White Seem Losing Out to Color
Heart of
The aU·whlle ~ltQhen ,may soon join the bUiiY and ,asllght a~ a relic . of the P88~ according to a J'ecent survey ?f hous.e keepers· SOY let Walk~ut kitchen color tastes in the l\>IidBritain's Choice west. In • utue less than a month It has been evident for a long Over 85 per cent of home~akers . Brltabl's votLng populace will time that Russia wants to ellml· polled by the color engineer How· make aD elective decision on th.e nllte China's Nationalist ,overn· ard Ketcham expressed preference foue of whether to continue with ment. both from the ChLnese and for colors other than wlUte. Gray 10claUsm. state 'planning anel na· InternatJonal scenes, and Is sparLng W88 most popular. Chosen by 15 tlonaUzaUon of Industry under no effort to achieve that end. per cent. Cream was -second, le- · the present Labo~ government 'pl IN ADDITION to the military GOP' Sharpens Knife lected by, 14 per , ceilt. Nine pel' to retum to :tree enterprise with pressure exertea by the Chinese Even a. President Truman wall ceni picked . blue·green, and' nine Winston Churchill' I Conservative CommunJsts, the Soviets had turned calling for a 42-billion.plua tedera~ per cent preferred yellow. party. " . on the heat tD the United Nationp budget for the coming fiscal year,. The modern housewJte, ,aided In seuu" Febi!lary 23 as the in a contLnulng attempt to get the RepubUcan members of senate and by. psychological (actan 8ul!h 1111 elite for tbe jeneral election. Ptlme Nationallst delegation dlsereqited house were ilha.r penlng pa ..fun color. of ber own chOesln, ' and' MJnJster Clement AtUee 'must bave Iri .the security council. . IaIIves In an. effort"to slash .• ~e. !):r work savers · IUCh. 81 electrl~ ·dlsh· been .~te1,y aware ,t hat this wID Lateat development alon, those the proposed expenditures. ~ washers, .eaay.to·clea,.. clay We be · far and .wa, the most bJtterl1 llJIes , came when 'Russia's Jacob crats, too, exprelSed mlsll". walls, and automaUc dryer •• abolil.d contested and momentO\l8 election M~ wratbfUlly stomped out of a Ings over the prospect l of ~tber run her kitchen more efflcfently to' modem British hllltory. . secqrity . council meeUne beCause five bUllon 'Ired \nk," or den!!!t, and enjoy.bly than her mother and Brltaln's as rnlDlon voters will the other dele,atel would not kick ,randmoth\lr, lay. Ketcham. rioted ' • eJect a Dew bouae of commons, out the NationaUlt representation. spendlD" (J9P HOUSE LEADER Martin de.IIDer ot indulttial producta anel with the p&it7 le.tin,·1he· maJorib And, laid M.lik, be would not lerve!! DOtice that the ."Repub11· . the new Str.tocniller .IrUner Ln01 ClandJ4.tea ,ettinl the rllht to return to the councU . ali ' long •• cans In coner..1 bav. nO ~.lDtl~ ter.1on. form the ,oyemment. . " the Natlooallah ilat .t the table. ·.cceptin, •thia bud,et . Becenu" develoll'd bouathald SpecUlatiOD blIh .. ' ., ·Mee~I' W!tb' them present .'IVOU14 work · nllb~ arut clay, If ' D,. eeslur, .Ida are • bl, help to the ~twllt ~,th~ d~ata i w1~ ,tile p.st lie a p/ll'Odi. he asserted. And the to brin, it within the bOund. kitChen pllof, bufUfe ~tino,ph,re two 1Il0nt(i,a . by the Lli1So~ pa~e, cblef NatiopaUst dele,ate, ·T. , F., capacity of the peopl,e to .. IlIY." .. be works Ln can a180 Improve her In both AustraU. and New Zealand TIllIn,. :who w•• presldin, 81 Jah· Slmllarly. GOP sen.t. le.d. e1f.Iete.nCf. Color playa aD Impor· could be ' takea a, a straw In. the ua". cbalrman over tile first eQun· er, Wherry of Nebralka, termed tant pan. In , cre.tln, that' .tmo.wfJJd. tDIofu '. . .the. outeome in ell meelin, WI "ear, "reprtt.enta the . budget mellale "purely politi. ,phere, Ketcbam .ay.. Nowaday•• ' The anat'· textile mil1I of real bless In, to IIIL 1 ha.... IlIOn 1:I:I,land Is con~ed. Moat In· nobOd"," Mallk concluded. cal'" which ".ugar-coated" the red with kitohen equipment and build· 'Carolina. are boominc .,.In .ppetlte and eat wh.t I want to. J formed opinion had it that It would ink ImpUcatlon•. ing material. in tUlI producUo~. .bif~ workin, ' da, and nl,ht feel better 1 ha" in a lona be dange1"OUl ·to ,redIct a doWDfall Representative T.ber (8., 'N. Y.) the hoUiewlfe can have a Idtchen tum out the ...tlon'a flnllt mite- time." • , of AltIce', · ,overluDent on the the m,ost violent In hIa attack in .111 COlor ,he wanta, For in· riala, and HAD",COL ill ~oln, ita 1Ir. Barnhardt alld JIn.. Poole Wlft ba.la 01 the "down UIIder" e1ec· No ,Balance on the budget proposals. "We can. ataace. clay' tile, a leadLn, kitchen part to keep fo11ta on th. Job. both suIterin, 'from a laek of B tiona. '., ,' Mr. 'l'ruman'~ federal budeet for not malntaiD our Ube~es." he WilD and noor coverin,. '11 now Man textile workere have flo Vitamins .n~ the Minerala wblcb Chief reason for Ws thiDkins 'the fiscal year •.tartlng Jul,y 1 was charged, "Ii we turn thJ. mone;' avaOable In more than 200' Iba.d e• . th HADACO~ contains. ' JJAD~COl ., wal that " the LabOr "parb' very not ,urprlslnlf. It was unb!llanced. over to the JOresldent and the so:; r..~n e come. to· ,"OU In llquiCl, fprm, eUlly recentq had ~eeD ,al;lle . 'to 8how calling for the ,overnment to live cl,lilt s~hemers who 'I!l'l'ound him.'" COL with assimilated Iq the blood etream 10 .Igna 01 ·subStantial gabU bI Brit· 'more ' than ' f1v~ bUllon do~ar, T~ber s.aid he int~ded to, battI.. KIH,' ''I In H.,tln& .Unlt Impo)'.t ant, that It,can 'go to ·work right .way A, Jack of ollly a Imall aq)ount of . ' am's IJpt to oveJ:come poverty. beyond Its Income during, the year for a balanced , budget. k < • . . Chili Church Coil,ri,atlon en; • young B ", Vitamins and eertal.. wor -if cODg.r ess' doesn·t pare th~ fig. •• lnineral': 'THERE, WAS A POSSIBILI~' · DETROIT.-The Oak Park Chrl •• . by the great Cannon napoli', N. Cu and a' will ciause digestive diaturb.ncea . ures. 01' gIve ' the Presldern ' the that the President might lie Iril Inc at • 'mill in Your toad )· wlll ' "moderate" tax . hikes he has pro- trouble on his, budget, be~au"e , ever Uan chapel finally got the klttp.n. out of the heaUne pipes and now ' .nearby, Sallibury. Union ~onopolies not ia g r Ii Ii with posed. since the congress convened mem- th. cor,gregatlon assemble. with 'iou .. : . You Will N. C;)., . . ~tuall,y everyone from bUSbOY THE OVilRALL BUDGET t!glire bers have been talkLng or econ,omy. h~ve an up. e t certainty of mor'e comfort Iban had told how , to bureaucrat probably has, at one was 42 b iillon. 439 thousimd dollars. previously been the case. ~ CQL had helped stomach •.. You time or another, dlscusseil the but Mr. Trum.aD declared .the· pro· 'For an entire we~k, the cQngrega· • keep them on the will suffer from QUest~on of whether the tactics posed spending "vital to our securtlon had been shivering at ilie rilgHt· heartburn. Ir. I ulled by some of the larger unions ity . . . and to the welfare of our pai'ns 'and, your ly. lI~rvlC!es because there wer~ kit· , jO~~7 W. ~am. -particular y' John , L. Lewis' people," tens In the pipes of the .heating sys· hardt, Route 8, food will sour United Mlno Workers-In securing As was to be expected. Mr. TrU' Box ' 343, Kanyour stomllch 1em. TheRe ....: Jl!lI)'es B. Shllliow 'benefits for their members dO not m~n inslst'ed the budget was one 'of ,you will teared that firing tlie turnll'ce migbt ' nnpo Ii N C I! 'lible to ' eat constitute a rponopoiy in restraint soundest prudence , 'and restrlant. suffocate the kittbn ~ imd""7well" that ' ao years' old , and things you like .....L..1ill.X'O' of trade. He angued that It was a nnan'c1!l1'l the p~oud fat~er , ' would De I1!lllleo,sant. , of ·two chlldrC}n. for fear of'11eing Mr•. ON CAPITOL ' HILL that issue expression the steps the govern· He and ' the congregation bad l1il wo~k in the Oannon Mills edlls in misery altenvardl. Many pCopl, bad been presented more forceful· ment ought to ta~e now "to .build learned that a -'white An gora cut ror a gi'ent deal of' stl\nlli~g up al so suIfer . ~r!-,m const ipation. And Iy . than ever before when 10 sen· toward economic growth and th~ b ad a litter of kittens in the heat· '.'1 ho"' been ill for severol years," while ·t hese symptoms b1ay b~ tile ators-seven Democrats and .three expansion of human freedom in I" rcsults of oth ~r causes, they .r~ Ing duct of the newly·built church . our ;own country and In ' the Republicans-s~nt to the senate said Mr. Barnhardt as he. explained aurely and certainly the signa of No one wos , s ure just bow m any. world." judiciary committee a report stat· how close he came to hAving to give lack of B ~itamins and Minc1'llls So when the weather became cold. ing that a bill forJ:!Iclding labor to . National defense continued to be up h i. work. "I sJlffered with a weak which HADACOL contains. And if the cat and kittens became a real s tomach. It became worse and worse suifer from " su ch a defielenllY monopolize control of Indu~try the biggest expense Ln the budget. problem. , ' with gasp-ie! dist.ut hances. I thcI'e is no known cure would end the "usurpation arid although ' expansively covered In . The'" mother. cat, Sno\~ball, ,and eQuid not hold foOd and no adm in istration of ' the abuse of power" I.llch as currently that Is the money belng spent In ·two kittens finally were , lured ?0111, agre~~ witb me. ; 1 eouid not , ins.. "and minerals whiCh y,otir is belne demonstrated l1y Lewis' ' an , eflort to ·l nsure Europe against alid· fi~a:lly. ' I be.c{l:ine, so sick system l~cJ( s. " But meowings from ,the' pipe' Indl · three-dny work Vlee/( 1n the soft any further spread of communism , my legs got weak as I \'forked :,I't, is easy to undcrs tllllu. th ... e.cated there were others, At last all coal mines. . . An' ironical twist was , the fact the mill ·each day,." , fore, why \:ountless thousan'ds b'ave were out. appo.re!\t1)1. ', but one. It The 10 senators , w~re members tha t while the U.S. is po.urlng Mr. B" rnhnrdt; like 80 many BU!- been benefited, by this amozinl! relused .aU blandishments. " of the senate banking committee, money into Great BrttaLn as a part. " ... eren. had, tried many preparations ton ic, HADACO:L. · An electiician heard a bout the whIch hlld been Lnvestiga.Ung the ot that gen·eral · effort. the British . vit hout rel ief, when lie bellrd IIbout SII it matters D<lt Jio", : old yoU are church'l problem and 'offered to problem ol the mIners' short work tum ' right around and give aid and ADA COL.. '. or who you are . : . it mllfte r. not help. Hia te'chnique was 'simple. He week bilt which had no power to eomfort to ' communism by formal" Alter ' the eecond bottle' .of where YOII live or if you have trlcld rattled a long wire ill sille the ducts . fl AD ACOL, I · began to feel bettar all the mcdicines under the Bun, give take legislative action in that eco. ly recognizln,"tbe Commu~lsts. The kitten akipped ,bout just .' lnd~to regain the weight I had lost;" wonderful preparlltion H.A D~AS ·F.OR TAX INCREASES, the "nonilc area. , ahead of the wire and'-at i88taid Mr. Barnhardt. ':My digest ion ,a .trial.',Don't go on 8uffering THE REPORT pOinted out that, President was, ililent on' speclflc popped out IImong the pews. lJecame not;1lla) agaip alld ~dtiy I .ani continue to leaa · . ' miserable ' D.e an AcbelOn, U. 8\ aeore"11 t.b:is usurpation and abuse of 'recom!Rendatlons. .Be did, bowfl a' well a. ever. H'y legs no longer life. ~any, perrona who have IUf. . 1u.t to make slUe aU kitten. were tal)' of sl.te, .r..."e. 'or &be , power to control ' production and ever, Indicate that. he would like an . otper ~e .. J eat and !lnjoy lilY folia. tered and waited for 10 to 20 yean WhIte HOUle eoDlereDce ••' .. .qcoun~d for. .t ~ • e1ecti:\c:I.n price Is tolerated bJ 'the congren. earlier date for imposition of an r .leep", well. and m.;"e. 'plent, of or even long!ll', are ~bte now to live .checked all the ducta with mirror. · w hlch 1& . ".a decided th •• , the Increase in social' security taxes Ita un~ridled use will SPl'ea!l from .' happy, eomfortable lIvea beca~8 'nergy,'· I~ f1la.:hUllht and .. ~ lon, wire. Ualled ~tatea 1!'oalil DOa IDter. union to wuon, ~om Indqltry. W 'from one and one-half per cent· to M,. Bamhardi"' hal taken HADACOL auppJled tbe ntBmiD, fere ID CldDe;e Commmn.ts lndu.strY, . and the coogres. ,wi\1 two per cent on employers and iottles of HADACOJ,. and Ind mineral. whiol! th",. ' .Y.tems In Form.o... President never a,aIn reeaLn Ita own narrow· employees, The President apparent. .J.III,m.t. , ..... TI•• ha famotl.·' vitamIn ' and needed. Ba fair to yourself. Tempa. b circum.crlbed power to control ly wanted that extra money to aid Truman ..Id tbIa ..,,,ernment reparation to help atay weU.' 'r ary relief la not enough for roD Kftlttlnl Wool W,arabl'l .,uj Dot provide IUIJ mUltafJ &be econolll1 of the Il8til?D con- a health·in.urance plan. which aa had hill wife take it with won. Give IiADACOL a trial! defense or ......ace Ie &be tlerfal resalta .nd has reeommendad 1nlll,t on tb. cenlline HkDACOL '.ut,ently with the, Constitution of congress seems to bave Uttle in· OSHltOSBo WIS.--Harold Ham· tsIaIuJ. ~ it to hI. friends bl· lb. mill. . Dcn't be mlalecl. AC!CIpt ~ IUbifi. the United states." tentlon . of approvinl. Ita Is not on. to Ju.t lit around III , lin. MasCia H. Pool., 1&08 Caro- tute. ' , j.U with time hanelD, heavy on Sold at all leadln, drU, ltorea. his hand.. He h.n'l y.rn there In- ' line Avenue, in Salf.bul7, N, 0.. had .,,, STUPIDITY REACHES NADIR become 10 IU th.t Ihe wU fcireed to ~I .•Ite onl, ,1.2&, bu~ ..n ....d. • D.eodorizecl rift up her work, but .oon after monel, bllJ th. larre famil, ,aad ' 8ervlD' • drunken drlvln, term • hearln, the wonderful ne.. .bout hospital llze, onl,. $8.&0. 11 lOur Rubber produc~ which ID UDder ...peclal act, H.rnitz bllaU.. .~ drugg l at doe. Dot hamll. HADACOL. . past have b,en anytJUnl but There .ppeared no end to the -anU-Sovlet spy ...Iork. \ HADACOI., aha wal baCk Cln the Job order direct trom tb. LeBlanc Corti.ck to the Winnebago coun~ J.n abalUdi\1 to ~hlC!b Moscow woult\ This spy work, the IIccuaation tractive becaUse of their odor. and ha. been doln, m1l ....... IInce. )IOratloll, Lata)'ette. La., and wbaa .ach Dl'ht to go on with his IIntt__ . _ 10 In screaming to the world about went on, w.a·s to be performed In now lInell •• sweet, .t "1I~O\uital~, uu. "I wal' tired, we.k aDd n."oua," tbe POStman ~n,. ,OI,W packap !low it la being Imposed upon b, the CommWlilt'11omlnated COUD. a~ after • 1II0w. ., a. the IBid Mrs. PooIL ~ luffend hldl. jUlt paJ the amount plus th. e.o.d Mrs. Gnce Cooper, the JaU ma· Iow·Ufed. unprincipled aplea. The triel of Eaat Europe. A larae group of development of • new .eriH buellt the " 81 • 1 .... '· old rreltlon .nd didn't arret wlt~ P::-:U tf JO~.nmlt witlltb. latelt freM1 of the Sovleta In th.1 of Smith girls are at the Hoter de odorants. pttakollb man the Intrielch~. of 1cDlt'ilL I allO bad beadach-. After talC. 11 apbere WI. directed .t the Swill Rua.le. Itl:Idyin, in the center 01 Th. l E. du- PODt d. purUn, alter be ltariled In, fl•• batUea ot HAD'ACO~ 1 felt ~=~ braucb ot Bmfth coUe,e for women international · affair,. The, are eomp.II)', IIltroducla, the odcll'all.~ I(OOd IIId WII bactc 011 the ttif eli at OeDe".. Accordln, to char,et chaperonecl by • memb.r or the ..Id rna, be UIIId .inal7 d: 1. tram MOscow, American glrlJ at coneae faculty and .l'Parea~ haft comblaatlcma added ~ . . . IC!boGl are being ~ tor lmprealled no oat .lIe . . .....
Answer Is 'No',
S, . .,
Soviets .Claim U.S. Col'lege Girls Spies
day, Janua ry 26, 1950
Birds and F~owers on Pinafore
BeeCl'lse of the push. b' Hem "magic" he ell\pbys on the farm" on Ala J Olllp boy is being ha:lell as 0 sort of 16year-old combination ot II urbank, Bromfield ', and He is Johnn)l ~dison. . Clyde Williams of Fayette, whose ing~nuity in put tin g electricity to work on the form has won him one ,of . silt Westing. house 1naticinal awards in the 4-H better methods electric contest s p 0 n $oreel , by the 'company. In photo at right, Johnny is shown with his two registered Jersey c,o w s which have won him 19 ' district cattl. ribbons . shows.
wc ll !IS pretty . Easy to m a ke. ,Mothe rl
nu,,", ber
New -York Fanners Hit -The Jackpot'
S ewln&,
Addres .
Good "I';ye Memor y" Austral ian aborigi nes, whose cultura l status Is perhap s the worl\i' s lowest. can draw fairly reliable sketch map s 'in sand. Their "eye memory~' makes Ulem good ' geogra phers. ",
BLUE BIRDS and flowers ! Such
on this pinafor e I She can wear It as a 's undres s too, practic al as
to the
Bacb WUson, left, amrd ,Bar", Kerr, orIginators or CorneD'a "ODe-armed bandit, ", stand before the device dlsc.us,s lne im· provemenls.
Dividin g A Lar,e Room QUEST ION: We have a large eHective teaching devf.ce to let b.e droom that we would like spare praccrop their If farmers know so tha t we can make divide to tices Brc robbing the soil. anothe r room out of ii. There are parts: 'two in , Is " The "bandit only two window s.. We have' one. a chan which deter mines lan·j thou ght of large Venetia n blinds 'use capabili ty (LUQ) and th e other, and also heavy dra pes OD a long an analY2rQ r consisti ng CIt [our can· rod. Do you have any othe r idea? centric circles. It can SE·t up a pos· I want to avoid expens e and mess sible 768 combina tions o,n d a flasb · and dirt. ing grecn. yellow or red Ught IndiANSW ER : It all depend s on how cates wh!lther or 'Dot , ti,l'vorable soil much ' priva cy you want . ' You boJonce is being ma intllined . But that's the' last step. First., the wouid not get muck) privacy with 'land use cnpabiJJty must be estab· a Venetia n blind or draper Ies . I it more U8h~d. It is based on these physical beHeve you wouJd find cha1;lIcteristlcs of the land: slope, practic al to put up studdin g on length of ~lope . i nternlll drainage, which you can nail up a wallbo ard . texture', erosion and hum us. Values Fot: ventila tion in the summe rmathem aticaUy born time , you: cou)d have some of the . panels movab le, so that if desired , lhe~ charact eristics o,re ass . to' IIlIdes o~ v';.rying sl2:es which fit they cpn be 'taken out tor better into the LUC chart. The color and ciroula tion of ·a ir. You may need. number which the sbc slid es reach to put in anotb,e r window or two IIhoW the land use · hlpabiJ ity for , ' ~ the fi~~.,
Infested With Lice Give POOl Milk Output '.
p'Janning for .the Futu;e? Buy U.S. Savi'ngs Bonds!
with lice make lousy per, forman ce records. says' T. .H. Parks, ex1enslon entc.mologlst at 9hlo state univers ity . Since lice ar~ often abunda nt on cattle ·dur· the' Winter aDd spring when the J. long, he recomm ends treating the. animals for lice as soon 8S ' possible. . , DDT is or e Either rotenon effecUve' trea~ent: If. rotenone is use'd. two treatme nts, 15 days apart, are necessa ry. Olily one thorough \!:,eatment With DDT Is required. . Parka stat-s that cattle with lice
Kellogg '. All-Bran
cup milk 1 cup 8lfted . , llour :II % teaspoons ~
... cup suaar 1 egg :3 tableepOOIll 10ft
'is cup
rnla1ha Dalting powd~r 1. Comb,lne All-Bran and milk ID ,· mJxlng bowl; 2. SlIt flour. baklog powder, salt into ~ame bowl. Add 8UglU'. egg, shortenlng.ra.Jsln.s. Stlronlll untU c07nblned. 3. PlU creased muJlln p!).ns % full. Bo.ke in
preheated moderately hot
oven (40Q"F.) about 25 minutes. Yield: 9 , medium muttln s,2% .
4lcbes across.
Aa _ pt oIdeo, ItnI!II aDd Itraln. on'" ·. urtI ..... el_Iv;, .molda. or .xpoooute to :014 eomeUm n alO\fll 010_ kldaey fUDt> 'JOD. Thla may had maD3' folks to eomr.laln of .DI,eb., backache . J_ of pep aDel.
tory ga_i.;nuSli-j.;~J'I~~~J~C:~~~ wJU not make 8atjsl:acmilked. \\
No cre'amtngl ND egg-beating I olle eMY atJ.rrtng when you make theae c1eUciouamulfinIJ I % f.e!\Spoon sal' 1 cup
••••••••• •••••• ~ ••••••• , ••••••••
' three-wire electric ser:w.. ic. entrance as a ,part new cirinstallation cuits in his hom. to make ' sure the neeCIl of all; home · appliances would ., be met. H.e built his own ,electric fan. At right, the , •Alabama y 0 II n 9 s t e r · 'builds .a $(al•• mallei , F~irchild PT ~ 19 pleine. · HIS: moClel workshop. is a roo", in the barn wb.r. ' " h. repairs electric mo· tors and any other equipment_ '
Ir t'l l~ N~"dleer l\ "
No~ • ~ .......... .
a happy motif to embroi der
• Johnny is ~ s h 0 ;w n · above installing' a ,new,
Ne w York I'. N. Y. Encloso 20 c e nts for DlIUern.
Wh.t a NejN York farmer gets these days wlien he "hits the jack. pot" might not be dimes ()~ quarters, but it may be increa:sed crop ;yIelds in the years ahead. Or, as the saying goes iJ~ Ithaca. ComeU'1I . two versa tile soil conse.rvatlonis ts have "done it again." Hugh Wilson and Harry Kerr of tlie ltate extension staff h:lve come up with another "gadge t" to demo onstrat e the value 'of ftood soU manage ment. That's where the jackpot comeS in. Their latest contribution has been dubbed .the "one-ar med bandit" because it looks like, a cross· between a Slot-machine and a rou· 'lette wheel. But ' it has proved an
• A c;ritical stqp in the processing of g"ld;~lus bultis (right). is ' handled neatly here by Johnny's ingenjqus device. Bulbs drop down fbe vertical chute and at ' the sam. time a r. sprayed with DDT ~owder ~o .,rot~ct them from plant pests. , The bulbs. are counted automaticeilly as the y d r 0 p down, then .,are . tossed onto ,0 conveyor. Johnny built the machine at a cost of about $46. The motor is portable and has many uses.
", O. n os 1\1 If), C hhul C' . MO, III . or P. O . .Onx: 102. Old OhC'll sifO\ StattoD.
New Device Determines Good Soil Management
fer , cutUn ~ Pln u (q,rc Po tt e r n 11G: lr nn s 20 cen ls In Se nd C,h J l l. Sif.t!!J 2., .1, O. u~ ttcrll nod ddress a me. na our ,Y n col
·lItJV. Ii.ad.ch ... aDd cUDlD-' GetUDC may raulL "P nlpta ~r frequeat ~ ...due to cold. ' rom mlDor bladel.. Imtatlo... dlmp~ or dietary ,illdlaereUo.... If YOIU' dla<!omrorta are due to th_ <:au-, dOD'C wait, tr)' Dou·. P11JlI•• mUiI "",,_fJ!ll7 b, mlmo... for elhlretlc:. UIIOd over 1i0 yea... WhO. ,IIetIe IYJDptoma ...., W. lUIlUln, how OrUlD otherwiM oecur. mani Urn.. DoaD·. , pn happy ' ..llofaqel rule.. help tbe 15 mil .. of kldnell'.tu ,,"ftuab alit waat.e. Get DOaD·. ·PIU. todll7J
in wellht, or If being milk now. not . m,alntal n a ateadv, ~ Sympt,9m. of lice InclUde rough ~ es. and coarse b8~r. and. sometimthe " 18rg~, . hairless plI,tch.es on =::;~-;ani. --::~=:;:~~;:====::;;==:;::::;;:;;=;:;;::;:::::;;;;;;; caused I;ly the neck and bodythe' area. lrrUaied mal rubbing
Tbe ~a~ ciba.mploD carload 101 or ,Jill" ~t Ibe .~ual International Livestock Sbow in Chlcaro waa owued' bJ u.year old Stanle), K. 8wln, (OIlmlLD, Iowa. who .. mown "lib &he winners .. ~wllt I, hid 10 be the ;yoan,es" winner of. Ute cluoloaa champloDllbip In the blalol7 .. the tJlr MO". The bora ate purebred Berkllh lre.;
Insects. Insecticides Team Up on 'Bad' Bugs
According to m.n' Iclentls tl, certain .inlecta bep,eflclal to man . . In that the, pre;y O~I harmfu l bUill, may be expecte d to team with newer .ad better~lnaectlCldel In armfuL bup. controlllD. tbue 'l'b.e)' telf'how inle'1 eldal spraying Idlled tile "friend b' bup aa weD Dakota. and II otben m No d tor • ~de ... that pNdatora of to lime ~eIt up. tie
SLI}' lng
The Miami Gazette
tbllt \\"0 ought t il gllt
iii be,tlilllling 0 'dear ofC IIlld 1 hOll we 'In' g olll ;; of th e 10\' hud l alH "'N'I, ,
do ' tor anti OltO Hotrmfln 8I1yl ll'-:. ' \' " ~\lOI 'Y one Is worl'yltl j; nbmll Eatabllahed 1850 II Published eVery ThurlidllY morn· the POOl' mUle but som o ne oug ht \\a~ . IIl1\1.'un lly nl rl' [ UI' tids t iD!' Ing at \Vaynfi8vUle, Wa.rren Co· to wOrl'y about (b e pom' nllit'k:: or yen r , warm 11\ Ihe ' ,lnY1lm \Jlt l unty, Ohio. ' 811(;11" n n he:\(I\I~h ( wils SUlliRhE'd IInl1 ('o lt! Hl niglll n1wos t 1111 Edna H. Conover .. ,', Puhllsher w en t II 1' , 'I'bi s I 8I1 rJl 'o~e III th.:! tiL hood mort! 0 1' less dent cl in 'red Conover ".,.,' • . ," E;dllor JlIllllUl'y lll i,w. '\'111' g ra ~>I ill th" hUl th 1)0 l' Du lllk sUIl "1111 ' a 'lId lIasf ure l!loki< Ilull (> J:: Hw n . lUlll \h .. we found tll o 11001' 1111111' <'o11 !d ~nl r ed (IS second elMS ma.tter ubllcrlpLion Rato: $1.50 p r yeal 1;" 011 '1\1 is' Ho !'l und lUuddy, I, s li lt wlllk Il1ld ao We liturled orr at the postorrlce at Waynesville, III Oh io Ke nlu ky, and ' fndllmn. IO(lks liS Ih 11gb m ust of_ lh e (ros l 1\1111. I II Ilel' h Oll,le lin" t it '''\' Im )' Ohio. 2.00 c lsewh(1r • W U H ou l of lh g rollllll. ul' l h 1J\llc'k c1l'oVO nff 'Iowanl " lrnday lIi ~h t \\'e IUI.lI 0111' fl1l1l lJHytOIl. 1Il ,tiug In st, Mary's n ew parl s). ';'~--'-'--'--'i' " got h e r humll and t l' i , II to b use, I t Isn'l nnti rel y finished yet banng liP h er 'Ieg but th re \va~ bU l we hud 0111' annulil rJ n~ri s h a big f l a,p o( skin bunging dowp me lUng w llh a POL lu ok I>Ul'P l' M al' goorl lh at .wouldn 't stay In pl~Lce ~o and tlu c b 1L NU Ilpel'! A Farm Diary som t hin g o lse b a d to b don , II thin gs tbal twl 0 as JUauy Jleoph WIIS ' 1llIe nnd dark. and foggy so 11 od ('d lo eat .. Every thlug frullI a By D. J. Frazier \ t1id ll.{ 0011 Llle do ctor bo t. I gr lilL roaster f ull of roast b eet, li lld sOllie s urg~ on's ~I lk nDO aome (t lin Los Lel' K enrlcks- out oil High. wa)' 4 bad just butohered ) HlIIl . JllnUary 201, 19GO. n n ln! Mud! lie d l 8 so we Kewcd it up j ust like n lenl' in ' nn ol d over all. \\ 0 mesLt 101lf und chicken thrOUg h n l! A(or mud! Wa te r (,'I',V ' t hou ght fiJI was' probably ,,'OlnS SOl'ts of casserol es and sa laa d ulVn \vh ere ex ep,t In the ('ISlei'll . MUlll I b die III!Y\\' ny but when room ing to won u I'lul big cakes nnd pies, be aooth r leak In L!J lll, bccllus it (':1.11';1 thero sbe was still stumlin g hU \....nsbed dow n with co ffee matle s e!JI~ as though a n ight of I'ain lip eutlug hay llnd she sUll Is out on the ne w stove, It Is so pre . I Y li nd we li nrl'nn~ed th At 1 am Sill' like' Inll t ni g ~t's sllou ld pu t mO l'e " '<l Ik ing around. ·\\le hall bOlll)r lUCk tbo" the Mlct) ener ~. l h c il' it w ill be .a llopulnl' i:neeLing pLacFl water than It dl<i, ,u nl ess I t Is I n· l)rc tty .llh l e I'I<lIng horse WO R bi t fol' not only the parish ' but for tbe kIn g out nimost us fAst as it onle A by tl. car out on J ne rQail nOll lliOll peo;ple of t be commllnlty , in Howevel', it pumps pow , s o Hit ·by a ' drlv r wllo w as drlyhl l': w can ' g~t SODlB l lac of It b fdl' !) w ith uut n drlver 's lIeens (!II It ', I s ull gon _ 10;LSt , so I 11 IIrd) ; ' Til r<-"Il~ Here it II! U IV ok since 1 got '\\IbUhl be saJer If S\I 11 peoplfl llome An d s uc h U W 1:'1<, jl1st It r:ould be kept orl tbo I~nthl un Lil typl cai week down on the F ar m , t hey 'were properly tra i ned anti ~y MRS. W ALTE R KE N R IC K Ttl sday y~ n l ll g about ' Ig II !. ,,' Imtl th eir licenses. 'J'ber . shad Itl clo ck s ome one t:a lle t'l U 8 up to be Il stilI pellaltr fOI' :lnyone A numbe r oC fr l nd s fr om 11 I'e soy fhat J ellnette , our li tt le oltl f ound dri Ving without II. lie nse, ,attended the fUll. r ll.l of FrlLllil mule, had b en hit by It car Ollt on Ute highway and was up a t t.he · Then liS It all tbat was n o!. n· Duke, l al e of Spring Valley, In (lorn r, so I called n helpel' :mll (lugh tbe turnn ce grate brok :lnrl ' VaynesvUle on ~'edn sclny nftel~' IV went 1(1) t o fl ce what iL \I' ns fell out ~hat, cold dllY and wh n I noon. I~l\ llb (JIII. 1'ltey ha-d llle p OOl' lit· 'Went alit to turn my nr oround -.Mr . and Mrs, Hjll'~' I')' D\lnlOl t1 olrl mUle tied plLe l" lh e !.av- John Iltl d llle trll ck 011t HI TC ltnll vi81ted 011 W etln esduy, \.lIe 101'111' ern anLl ]11111 a doz en m en we re he moved, out of the Wjly \0 let 1"6 !lis l e l'. Mrs . Mahl u Dln'wl dd le . looltlng; ]101' o ver . Til 1'0 \vas 1\ me I la !!!! and tu rn aronnd II lIil ,~ bcl is i I a\ Ill' h om e In Dayton. grelLt gash In her l ~g and UH OUlSI' when] was rig ht bnck of lhe on ber side , The woman who s tru ck h e thought I was out of the Mrs, Ralpb Hammond ent 1" car h ad Illt her wlis worrlng nnd and baell erl right Into' me and pu t · taltled the LyU\l /l.r d iub a t bel' a den t in the hood of .my ar. hOUl al l . 1'hllr~(lay venlng.
l ...(1!~urr~
D ry Ridge ·
t fmS assure
~epay Jl1
abilitY: 4% wi ll save
umon y. BUYI
Lebanon N.F.L.A. . 5, Old Bank BUild.in g p,hone '4 48
Tfll'RBTlAY, JANUAnr 26, 1950
METHODIST CHU RCH It. u, 'ol ... m nn, 1\1 Inlst r Church Sclloo\' 9:30 A .M" lIClro ltl Ea r nbal't, Supt.
Worahlll Sel'vic, ~0 : 3(J A,M, 'YOlllb F elow sbLlp, Sunrlay. 6:30
P .1>r. FERRY CH U RC H OF CHRIST DYl'on al'ver, MJnls ter Bible SchOol, 9:Sf,l A,M,
Morning Wors hIp, 10:30 A.M. Prayer Mee ting, 7:00 P.M.
Young P eople's Mee tln.g , 7 : 00 EV'lIlng S f)rvloes, 7 :30 P. M. W A YN E'S VILLE CH U RC H OF CH RI ST ' . AI. It Corfey. Minister
LYT L E M ET H OD I ST CH URC H H. I·; . lllLlIghn , P all Lnr IIUII'Ii Service, 9: ~{j a, m. ST. M A R'V 'S EPJSC OPA L .
Sa lllue l N , K y.s, R ector 1\1ot'lllllg Wors h lll: .10: au A,M. ' UTIC'A E.U. B. CH URCH W i\I ltun S bannon, MlnisLer SU lLdllY School. 9 : ao .\ .M" Mrs. J [Lm e~ Gllrrl son, Supt. PI'eaehlng, 1st. anO ilrd. Sur.' ,dlLYs or enut. montb , 10 :30 A,M, EVllllllIg Sllrv]ces, '7 :30 P ,M. ST, AU GU STIN E CH U RCH I~. }{rumllollz. l\l ui:lse~ , 8 und 10 A .M ,
Fatber R.
Dible ::lchOOI, 9 : 30 A.M. Mo rn in g Worship, 10:30 .A,M, CAESAR'S CRE EK FR IE NDS Y OU IlIi' P e oples' Me tIng, 6: 45 ,ea Pnrt\ngton; Minister Worsblp Service. 10 A.M. P.M. Sunday Sohool, 11 A ,M. Evening Service , 7 :30 P.M. J'I'!i.y r !lIeeling nnd Dible Study Wednesday. 8 ·P ;M. WAYNESV ILLE FR I E NDS First Day Scbool. 9:3U A.M. Al e ling tor Wors blp, '10:30 A .M. MT. H OL LY MET H O D I ST 'I;. !II. scare, Mini s ter Sunday Sehool, 9 ::1 0 A,M., E , Sell that plec. of farm , mac hln. A. Earn \.lIlrt, Supt, ery yo u no longor n't e.d 1/Vlth a Ga· . ~ ol'shlp ervlce, 10 : 30 .A.M. zette cla8alfled ad, Eve nln'l; Service, 7:30 P.M .
har ies 3:30 P.M . on V. tlnel!Oay , F eb, l. T orde r of Wallon. I{y . \ r a Ilill Al th o hurch . n I' b'll fit s Friday of M l' nlL(1 A SilO 1111 rea lUl'e on the , l'I'l'· Mrs \\' Illt er K 'nI'l k . . grllm will be pietul' s s how n on
IlUII V i nton Caltlw (l ll :l ncl
.Mr lind Mra . The rle Jone ell\. I'talncd Ihe ' ''M r . lLnl\ Mrs" class or I he Lytl . Sun hLY bl'h u OI to 1\ dJVe l' d .li s h dinner III lh f' iT hotue und llY evenin g, Ther wer(,
p re!!e nt.
the subject ot " Worn n Advun cd fOI ' b r ili t nnd Hi s hm'oh ," by MI'II C A , utlel', .,res illent nr lhe W C oC tbe OilY ton Dlstrlot , , 11's . ,CI11vln Longac re hr pro · g "um leade r. ' and a IDlsslonnry g9Jn \\illl be given by Mrs , tJrn · ellt Harllln, Mra. DOllulil Baird wltl be h sless, assisted by Mrs. Oliy, Burroughs and Mrs , Ge()r(~e
MI' , !\nil Ml's L e 'Jn Snllsbury of Wl\shln g ton C. n. Ilna [ ro N tUe l;byIl'1 k dlned :tt ttl Oold . en Lamb, Le~nnon, SundllY and Wolle r In the aHemoo" called on thel I' The IsLern has a leak In Il lIu:l Th oTnILS ~I \' nnd Mr s ctll F\ll'fIus, oQuslna, ~ I' nnll ,MI'S the 'yel lo w 'kl~t n gOL stepped on I;l!n;ne EV I.I's hilS be n qu ltl! While Ilt Belmont , Mi ss !\fary Drown, Imd Mr ' ann up ut tbe, barn and killed, .Flv(l Iii k the pa st we eK, n. victim or Walter K 1II'lck nttend ei!' hen s died of lImber' nee ll and j her e iltr ' 1,1' lind Mrs Walt r K.enr } ' I, meaacls, tb e His toricA l Soc iety m oetl ng . Ul "\\'.18 a fox out b hind the ht.'k n visited Mrs B e ll CO~1l Rnd ch\ \I L bano)) . 1,Oll d ny oven ing. NOT\,CE OF' APPOINT M E NT !luuse yesl rda'y, gllter!.l III Onyt on S\mday aft r · Adm i n istrator M IAS ,lIr n or lnn FUI'llns or noon. They nre goillg to Iillv O II [0 bJ. lilt Mary E, ,' 'mltll, La kewood ti P nl tbe W oken u \\IiL'! ,drive tll.rou g h \) r a ' Siltul'da~· . . J.) 'easell. L YTL E W SCS T O MEET hope they get tb m . JollD sayq h I: PIli' iltS, MI' unci ~tr s ' th Noti ce Is lIer liy given that Nino A T CH URC H .FEB. 1 there at Ii Jot or dens ove r al on E( F\Lr'I1M OJ) So ullli R ow r om.l . . E, 't, J'oh n ",vllose POl\ t m eo The WSCS of Lyt-I c hur !J' tit old raU·~oad track bu l .. II '1 hlo ha~ Mr, and Mrs, H I~r v y .bunu~ l will hold tbelr ne:ot t 1110 ling d Addr 'ss Is WaynesvllI, Know Js that ' we Jose nn ~· nW[\ll and th 11' guesl, Miss ' arnh 'Bur· been duly nlJIJoll1tod 116 Aclminl s · lot ot poultry nOll every once lu n et of DaytOn n ltended the Gold · tratrlx th Eslate IIi Mary E. ' a wWle aome Olle SOCS a fos so e n W ddlng ' annive r sa ry or Mr mlt,l lat 01' War I II Coumy, • thnt I bope tb~y dr l ye them l ho Bnd 1\11'8 . HIII'I Hal'Vo>, at L blLn Obi , II. censed, right direction 80 Ih'a t tbey can on Sunday afternoon , Dntot! thi s 7lh dny of Jnnll.I\r ·, get them and s~ tbat we Won'r 1950. ~.Mr8 , Kenn t h , Caldwl!!ll flnd I.o se all ou'" 'yo\lng turkeys Lill RALPII H . AREY cl)lIdre l'!, Tbehlln lulre, r.ferri1l year. J udgf) 'of the t'mbllte lJOU\' t Warren County, Ohio
Don ald DllaLUsh, Al~ o /'ney Publis hed Jlln. 12, 19, 26
DO YOU 'LIKE FRIENDLY SERVICE? your n .ighborh90d serviceman, you will find us not .only j' iendly but. genuinely interested in see~ ing that your car is g;veri the best possible service so
Admin latrat o.. restal.e Df Fl OI'll 13errrh Ill,
DCI: ased . Nolie.. Is h~reb y g lvpn ~h lll Oharlell J, Wa!{gonf'r wbo ~ e Posl O((loc Addre!l8 III l.ohllllO", Ohio, ' has been d\lly tll)noillletl HII All· , mlrlatl'l\l(l!' WWA !Ir t he EJalate or li'lorn IJe,rl'y hllt latr. of WILY' nerw ll le, WHITon OUllty, Ohi o
EDjoy A Frieadbr ServIce!
!I'e' IlSlld. ' DnteU .I1l111 11th lillY of JUllUU l'Y,
Cold Weather Is
on The Way!
Qur Coal Supply Is , 'Limited - Take ,C are
()f Your ' Needs·' ~o.
. 'Waynesville Far.mers Exchange day~,'
\0 1::10'
'e ·
select risk driver you can quality for
economi cal prote ction with Farm Bu;eau Mutu~1 Autom~bile Insu ra nce Co" ~ol~mbus, Ohio.
Se lect risk company , , t · Automatic.renewals "'r • Owned by policyholders
... .
-----------------------------.Fill out ond mall this coupor. Ther.'. no obligation •
, , THU RS D.a,y . JANU.ARY 26, 1950
'l'om M ocabee Jarge farm Auction. Located 1. mlle south Deavertow!l. ,Ohio, on Marshall ' Rond, At 10 A.M:. ,
S A::r URDAY, JANUAf,I'Y 28, 1950
Genll.men. PI. ale quote rates on mv car. Mlik••_ _ _ _ Yea,_ _ _ Bodv Tvpo' _ _ _ Mod. LI- --
pr...nt Inl uranc. u pl,., (dat.I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
My Nom.
Add N U
OIl Ie;r and Anderson on Sheeh an ltnad; 4- miles. BO'ltbweijt ol'. ·CenLervllJe. 14 Mad Reg, Drown ,$WtEIS CO\VS, 10 Illiad Heifers , Cpmplete farm Alletion. ' .
·Prepare Your Car ,For-,V\linterP~RMANENT . ANTIFREEZE
W E DNESDAY F E BIRU A RY 1. 1950 Web b and Linvill~. 3 ' mUes I~ast of· Fl!-rmel'sville.. O,h lo on Farmersville 'noll Wes t Garollton ~ad . 63 head Reg. Oue~nse y; 22 gl'lld e Guel'llseys, farm ~machlJ\ery, ete. SATU RDAY, FEBR 1UA~V 4, 1950. Coml'J.ete F a rm AllcUon at 10 A : !'vi . Located 1 mil e W!lsl of
Kle.r$" . Gara.e
,.,Late !tout~ 4, ·1 pine" easl '0[ . FannelrsvUle, O)tJo. ,
llAL .... H H. CAAI!:Y ~u~ge of the Probl\tc Court \Van n Oll II I)" Oh io Stnnl9Y nnd Stan I y, AUorn eYtI Published ,lUll. H), 26. Feb. 2, '1950
F RIDA Y , I7£BRU ARY 3. 1950 110usoUoltl Go~(] ~, Buc~eye stll'eet, Miamisburg, Ohio, SATU RDAY, FEBRlIARY , 11, 1950 , ~ck nild Woo.os, 2' mUes south or .C entervllle, nt 11 A,M,
PHONE WAvi1lE8,234\
TO GET T.H.E I-tIGHES,T DOLliAR ON SALE DAY CALL: F. T. MARTIN or C . E . Itl ESAN , ' Auc tl otleera Centerville 7021
CommerCial B ldg., Dayton ' ( AD B6!ii) •
Bissell's Reliance Brand'
CARPEt SWEEPERS $4.95 each
, .
Kitchen Stools with Back Rest, $2.99 each
1...0 ver ,valls of a.ny room can be hand refinished
quickly by as '$5,oo,
method - beautiftJllIy decorated for as little!
~T PLASTIC DE~CO~tI& Scenery In Plastic: or O~,ln... .1 Very Ines~ Bat
Let Me Give You My Low 'STANFORD BOGAN,
WaynesviUe_Furniture &App6uce I
THtmBDAY, JANUARY 26, 1950
Mrs, Ethel Stump dellal't d from Cincinnati by Ilus Sunday mornIng tor Ft. L 'nud el'daye, Il'Lorlda wbere she will lJ I be 1I0useguest . or Mr. and Mrs. W . P. ?,1cUarr eno
Mrs ., HeleJ! Rundall Rill 1I0ld many of her h'ouJlehold gooda at public auction Saturday afternoon, She and Mr. Hill haVe sold tbell' home OIl Main st. to Mr. and Mrs . Ralpb Nil and are moving .to Mt. Healthy . Miss Mary Moore a nd IMr . Wl l\1am Mar:t1: of ]:)lI.yton were guests Satul'd'a y evening or Miss
THE MIAMI GAZETTE. A Sel'Ie8 or weekly meetlng6 , Tile severe cold, Is mach Improved and' able to be out agnln. , sponsored by tbe WSC::. eegnn PTA Wltli , itorlum Wed eVening Mr . W , .t' , McCarren hlu reo Rill' • .1!< r.' p "I't I I t ' turned to the vlllage on a brl r MondllY evenin g at thl' bome of . ng 011 , p31ltor 0 f busin ~ss trip from his wInter M I·s . H . , . TU<l;kel·. Mrs. Heber lh e Fl'lelld 'a Cllurcll lI el'e WUII tile E lli s reviewed t.h e fh·s t. c harter, guest al.eakel'. Rev. Pllrtlngloa home In Ft . Laud crdule, F la . of "Women In tile Bible." 'rll.. rend 'sevol'al setecUons by Edgu/' Mrs. Osee HClf~an, M-rs . Luul'a CueRt, and ~tl'esa ed lbe importShldaller, Mrs , A , S . Collett and s econll cl.1l1Jler will be reviewed uuc e or our Ilublle sehoolR In her Bon, Mt' . . Robert Collett, were nt tile hom e bf Mrs . Mal'Y Plei'- Wbl eb hI! ll el.ltl VCH pllre nts as amollg Hie persons of lhls vacln' 80n, 'l'UcBday e v n lng. well " Ii l elwbera a nd 8tutl~1Il tty Who_ attended open house Sunwas a Jmve au Iwpo,l'lllnt rol e. M 1' , Reuben' Moore day at the home of Mr. !lnd M,rs. I llC I ud ed anso Ol~ the prog J'an~ guesl ot relatives In Hllls bol'o Harl Hllrvoy In Lebanon wbo dUI·illg t he weekend. tal' tbe meeling were l wo vocal were' celebrqt.ing their Goldel}. sel e ll,o os b,y M 188 Myrua n. We'ddln g anniversary. . A group 01 students nom the Mlrllc le, accoT.npanled at the plano Mrs . J. , P. Thornbury enter- aobool hel'e presented a program by Ml·S . I~ dull C. Bogan. Miss nt
talned the Mlsslonnry Circle Itt tbe parsonage Wednesday. 1\lrs . A . S. 'Collett was In charge of the devotions and Mrs . Helen ' R. Hilt conduete(! the pr~gr",nl.
Iirac lc s ang, " The Italian Street ·
meeticg Thursday . evening. Song" trom ' VlcWI: Herbert's Mrs. Hiram George presented "Naughty Ma.rlcn a." and "The hel' primary clnss In the Rhythm .sollg l~ You'" by Jerome Kerns Ballll, lind tbe dramatizatlon of from ''102u slc In The AI ... " .. Uttle Black Sambo." Tills ap . The lo cd chapt r ot the Easteru pennn e concludes the series ot Star met a t the Masbnlc . 1.'emplc a.way frQID. home appearances Q' hu rsday e ve niug. Tbe tw can" which Mrs . George v.1n mnke thls dldates Ini tiated wel' MI' . and' soason. Mr~. R ohel·t FOl> kle t·. . . Included a ls o on the program
J1c .
It Ie a Pers~nal InjUstice to permit oneself to be perplexed about allY fu· neral matter. We're w.ays wJlllng to fum"h
hone" Information.
Stubbs .. 'F uneral Home TELEPHONE 2291
..... .. .
Men have been burning natural gas and using its ", , . heat for centuries but ·in the last decade scientists have opened the doors on Ii ter\illy thousands of new uses for t his once unwanted substance: ' Due to science, a vast new . plant is now being built in Texas which will ,t ake natu. ral gas and air and " syn thesize" them into high gra!ie 'gasoline and Diesel fuel. Dry ice. the necessity of every ice cream 'Company is another product of science which is' made from natural 'g a,s.
. ,
. ......\
S&1l through lite wltb the' alsurance 'that yo~ fiIlaDclal trouble'l w1l1 be protec~ by a regular dtlloBlt In your 111."-; Inga account at:
for Welco'ming Us • • e
NYlOns From Cas In Ohio a large pain.t company takes natural gas, processe~ it, an(l uses its " ;nert" atmosphere to protect i ts.fine paints and varnishes. from damage by the outside air while they are being, ;made. . Natural gas has become · the raw material {or nylon stockipgs, for plastics, and for such startlingly diverse products as a\lltomobile antifreeze and sunt:.an·lotion. The purest alcohol can be made from natural gas, and the
Texas Eastern is three years old this~. In that short time you hav; welcomed us' aud made us feel at home. On our part, we have tried to conduct our Datura! gas blt+. eo 88 .. to OOJ)tribute to yoUll pl'Og:reas. Our aim baa been to ' be a good . . .citizen. ...
lor'Undersfandinr/ Us • .'.i. equipment and put in new, build DeW pipe ~E!!9 and new buildings. Your un~erstanding has helped us in making .~ Big .lnch and Little Big Inch pipe lines·do a ~igger job . than was ever thought poBnDle.
' NOr
People used think the ' "synthetic" meant ' so.m ethingpoor,animitation. But Scientists now"synthesize", out of common. ~ate· rials, products that are better than natural and many that, do not even exi~t in nature. Natural gas is mainly hydrogen and carbon. But these two simple elements a_reo the keys'.to new scie'ntifie frontiers. These front iers I.we being explored today in lariy different ind ustries of ' ~I' r() mtrY .
.Many .T~an~s
f~r. Supplying Os' . " • .We~ve Deed~ many things to Qpemte the lncb lines, and your.help' in supplying our needs .~ been apprec;i.ated. It has'been 01lJ' poij.cy to buy everything we can·19C8lly, and will continue to do so:
. -.,ill
. An4 &Qed' new~ It ;rear's sult looks w~1'Il
last and
IhabbJl ' Send It to -iJa - we'll reltore that ~ lDlazi look. mate It look n, Dewl
Like any new company, we've bad severe growing pains. We've had to tear out old
The WAYNESV, ILL~ est:=ti~~':~ .. to "NATIONAl BANK word
1, "
. . ./
FAMII.IES MOVING to Waynes· ville will. fi nd It a good place to Hve, good SChools and churches, friendly n e'lgbb ors and good bUBIness mell to deal with. N IV fnmilles . always find a he nl·ty wolcome. Su ch Is Way n eSV ille 's reputRUon. for hospital-
The Community H elpers lleld monthly poi luck dinner Tuesday evenlng which . com pH. -- Mrs . A. Collett was hoste!lij ' m~nts members having bl,thdays Ity. to the Adult Bible Class or Jon- during the month. Mrs. Bownlrd Robrer, J\1r . Slim . were selections lly the 'S eplor ah's RUn CliUroh ' TU\Ulday evenW . C. Drown, naymond' Ed- Band under the direction o( Mrs. Robre r and sian. . Gal'y , aud Mr . ing, Rev . J. P. Thombury conwards, and Gall Gordan attended Edna. C. Bogan, Tbe Dutch . Song and ~fl-s . George Rohrer. all 01 ducted iho devotions and Ml·S. the Masoinc lJispeCtiOn dinner at and Dance, wblch teatures Margle Sayler Park: were guests of Mr . Howard Collett and Mrs . Thol'D-, Lebanon Thursday evening, . DolIIngerl lOd Barbara Bogan. 2nd ancl 1\1 J·S. 'fodd Bu Dce , edn csday. bury were program leaders, grads students and two muslcsl Mrs. Ivy Dawson) w])o bas been ..~ntl'VILLL ••110 Mr. and M.!·s . Claude JO)lOS en- recuperating at ehe hOIll!! or lIer numbers on the bells played by tertained members of their family Shll\ley PJymire. \ I to a birthday dinner . SundBY In vatlon Inand treatmont at obser Piqua. M~s·. Charl ~s Pr]ce,. who was ' Piqua following MI'S"" . t'·peILn.lllt,16'¥illlums an'OdmI 1tl1tJe/ compllIlient to their son. Carl, slater Memorial H ospital, has returned confined to her home ·last week and daughter, OIaudlne. to ber bome here. .. oWing to llIness, Is Improving. son, Neal, of Lebanon and Mrs. Mrs . Obs Welch. who has been ------------~~----------~~-------------,. ------~--------------------------~~~~-sl11'terlng from tho eftects of a
Mo.ore's mothor, Mrs, M1I11e ' Mo·.
Ea rl Durne~ ,?f Spring Val:d7 cal- 1.0" called on his ~unt. Mls.l Jel' led un their allot, Mrs. Allee Cl· sie GUI'n er Saturday morDl ng ark this week. ~II' . nnd Mrs. lrvln DodB\)o 01 1\1 rs. Lucile Armlt~ge retlll'ne u Indlanllpolis were the we lcome Sutul'uay !!'Om a de lightful vaell- callers or th elr aunt, Miss Minnie t IOn with l' laUves lieu I' Dayton'::! Dods on on Sunday morning. Beucb, Florida. Miss Ruth Chandler spent WedJIi I'll. ·.IDlizabet b Sm lttr, 1\1l's. 01- nesday In Dayton . ~ve Curl and Mrs. Leab Mills lLlD r', Gale Russum and Mr. and te"ded' the Wowulll ells Wedllhtg :.:Irs, Robert Kersey lLud two chll· at t,le G'l'Illlge SILlurduy nig ht.. dren visited their· Runt. Miss Mar· MI' . Lee Talmage of Wllmlng- garet Edwards on T hursda y .
Owner and opera lor ot the Big IneliJ and Utli. BIll Incb pipe systMll" I. ,epresef1'.d in community life len e\ .. he. elts employ ... live andwarlc.
, Inme 'offlCe of relttu fodarn i. <If
. Near.. 4f TI' lOSJalf.,..
MIlam Sf" Shrrtepotf, louisiana•
TH f.,' M 1!\ Ml G AZ ETTE W A... .,..,~~·d fT LE.
Thursday, January
-~ ----
Ie ; OTH R
A G e net 0 1 Quh.
- By Ertta
, T he Qu es tions Wh ~H IS
ni Uon of
t he
By Rlchllrd lUll Wllkln~ nn I S T HERE SOMEl tea tu re In your
Ie and 2. By wh om is for wha t '! . 3. Whe n was the UnIt ed , States Army Engi nee r Corps organize d and by who m? 4. Wh a t fash ion was inspired by 1be E s k imos ? 5. N a m e the artist Ivho painted ''Washing ton Cross ing the Dela· ware'" SI) l'
The Answers ' 1. ,The Medal or Honor. : ~ . By the Congress to 8 ' man "",ho dis ting uished himself "can· spicuous]y by ganantry and intrepidity at the risk of his . life above' and be y ond 'the call of duty." 3. In 1776 by George . Washing-
4, The parka .
5. Emanuel . Leutze, a German brought up In Philade lphia.
SPAR ROW'S vaudeville act hom e tha t a nn oys you, s uch as A I II good nor was dark lin 11. a jumbled room. a sb abwllsn t e s pec a Y . I by bAd (r a me or ' no space fo~ it especls 11Y p,?or . He did a .coup e bool!s ~? May be it Isn't anythin g ot trick donce steps, told Bome . . . ' . I I tu y t i s and s a n~ B l ike .thIS. but somethmg inta nl:lble to r'll' "nn s or ;ere were doz- s uch ' as atmospher e or s t~le? How coup e a. songs. . d . b t g ttl g It? ens better th an he . Yet Paw alW AYS 0 YO l,l go a ou e n play ed the big time. al~IlYIl got the Surprising though it may seem. best money . We who were Iq show m any ot these dec.orBtlve problems business at the time, wondE!Ted. are e as il y solved In many cases . The answer was simple when you 1t m af Involve ch.a nglog a fUrn! · stopped to think about it. P aw was tu re at picture arrangemlmt whJcl-) enterprising. He - gave hlmseU a reqwres no money, only knowledge. build up. For one It may mean taking .the old-fash· r-------, th ing be selected ,~oned trimmings au some ' of the Minute his music with .furn iture a nd a bl~ of reflnlllhing car e.. H e in· which takes. not mbney, but "elbow Fiction structed the or· work:" It m ay mean constructing ....-----~ chestra what ·to B shelt over a .studlo couch at very play and how' to play It· before he little cosL came on . He made a stooge of the The fi rst problem Is not one at drummer. He sold the Idea. general. how to do It, but one of w}Jat yOU !Y. that he was terrific. have to do with. Look over the We aU expected that Paul problem crilically and think about would be amonc the first ~ go. the possibilit ies. See what the deBut he wasn't •• didn't see him sired eUect sbould b e, and then It"s for almost a year, ttien one rail milch easier to go about geitlne It. up In San Franc lseo, • rao Style and atmosphere are a re8ult of i'll agination. liut they must 'aorosll hIm acalo. It WI!ll ratber a unique experlen'c e, ' becaUSe be b ase d on practical knowledge the Cae . he pullea that night and certain ba sic rules. 'lop canwall epIc. not 'v lola te the principles of balance · It seems that, despite his enter- or rwes of color h a rmony and prising fa cu.lties. Paul wall due to achieve a result pleasing to the get the ai r. Be had exhausted his eye. , bag of tricks , Ma nagers were get· When you focl you lack lmaglnating wise to him. On this nlght he tion. study good exa mples and sO()n was tr ying out at the Oly.m pla you'll feel yo urself becoming creaTheater. Most Qf us thou ght ~t Uve. In this way you ,c~n achieve would be his swan soilg, 00 the other hand. If he 'went 'over big' with his .audle nce It would mea n a 4O-week oontraot. There wasn't a challoe_ We watched blm 'come out tram the opposite si de 01 the wings. He wa s doing a quick I.lttle da nce step. The re was a s matteri ng of applause tha t almost Inst.a nUy d ied away, P ow hesitated. theo wen t Into a rpu til'le, It wa.s pitiful. 'beca use the s tep was rot\en and be ho d apl'o r' l eMly lost his s e~· conlldenc e to • , boot. AUL
P ' .
Hale~' ~. rlepa.~a t.Ion
Cen t er
To Achieve Room A,t·mosphe-re
~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~
,-~ ;
~l BI
Use 'Pr ctical .Knowl,edge, Vision
) ~ ),' tr.r. ·
r~~;i'-:;;~~~:-~~~?l l'~~~~t=~~~~~=~~:!
BUSIN ESS &: INVEST. OPPOIt. II YU \\, Elit-BCU\IIY shijp: -a"bod bual-
Ac ts 8 :4-11 118. '. " ""s l o w o\Ocrh c o d. Ide o l for bPg lnne r . REA DI NG : Romons n. " ' lHU . Pl Ain Ct t , ~·J~~~.::! .__
iii'E~yOM l'.lN'j.----------------, Unto' AI'1 Men
Opc-rn le
Otda,: Du" l ne sa qn $5.00 C a~ l t pJ . '1'e rrl~ c Prollt~. Send 5l.00 lo r Guuro) ,\ cd P rove n Met hod . Gnt •• , t~1I 8be rld nn Rd.,
W IDlle t kn. 111 .
Lesllon for January 29, 1950
TIME, Christia n Soldiers," is not a Cl)rlstlan I ~~~=::::-~;;::??~~~~;;:';;:;;~:;: hymn. The word Is "Onward, Chris' tlan Soldiers I " ' The command was given by no ' less .a .p erson than '\Tesus himself: " Go Rod make disciples 01 ' aU na tions, bl!pti~li)g REOl 8TER E U 1'om",O""" Swine Solo : Show 10 A. M. S u le 1 p , M .. Br~d Sow.. them ••• teacbing. a nd B re t! Gilts. JU dID ' Stu ~lo n 'W P F B. them • , ." (Matt. Mlddle towl1 . Ohio. Feb. 9. U) ~O . lo'Or ClItalog w rit.. Oblo Ta mworth A. soo.. Ullla28 : 19, 20) Do you' know some one In bo~ .. , 01110. R-EOISTERE~Dc--the church who says h e doe ~n't TAMWORTH SWINE SALE / believe in ' mlsShow ]0 Il.m . Sale 1 ·p .m , D ted Sow. e n d G ilbo sion~? \ Such a ' man Radio St otlon W P F B, M iddle town . Oh io docs not t a k e FEB . 9. 1950 Christ seriously. If For Cota log w rite I you do believe In OHIO TAMWORTH ,ASSN, Christ th e n his Dr, Foreman UILLSBORO, 01110 . comm ands ate tor you to obey, not to Ignore. .
LlI:M over the oounter, oupboal'liI space near the range and .a countertop or lIanJtary clay &lIe makes a conven.l ent prep'~ratloD center In tbls Idtch· en. IBot pots and Pllnll oan be , llel "rom ahe rllnce onto Ih ~ ••• oouDter' without damagIng It, When · Men Deloy Iln.ce, .the tile .11 , unaffected by . beat and Is also IItaln-proof. P TO NOW, the chl,11"ch has • c' - - - -----,,....,.- - - - : been playing nroul\d wltb Jesus' fram ed together on a neutral comm and. Very lew denomina tions backgl'oun!i and hung ' above a a re ' a ctu ally putting any la rge couch. This would take care of /:he amount ot money or manpowCr into odd sh apes and s tyles In which they' obeying Christ's command to go. so frequently come. ' . into aU ' the wodd. . Whe:n yqu/re preparing pictures i One tairly typical American de·. tor a ~roup ar.rangement, have nomination contributed la st yea ~' them all conform In some way ' or · to all benevol\lnces, that is to all SEEDS, PLANIJ'S , ETC. anot~el r. D iffer ent types of birds ' causes not in tbeir own looa l can· lI"" 1 1>:-r"" 14~ B1-;;;r.,;;;: PI~ nt •. Pi on your ncrf" • go tOI~ether just DS do prints of . gr egations, the sum of $9,137,065. -n lte noW f nt 8prlnl{. Bu)' d l~"ct frolll 1Iower s. Charcoal s ketches might That sound s like a lot; but 'div ided' Jtr ower. Tn.kto 'Pla nta tion, South H aye n , lll ~ b . . ...-....-..----J..-...._ be u5.ed together as would photo- by the total numbe r ot nfcmbers 1'1'C] f1 tm b lc, lGn,n to . v tl rloUe.tI. R • • graphll ,or the fam ily: All of these It boilS down to ~14 .0 3 pe r mem ber NE,V. qu es t 8"cd clltnl M, G I. . k~ ~ : ,.e" m~ o . bave ,s omething in common WhlCb' for {he ' yea r, or Jess than fi ve cents A[ etll morn . 0 111 • • Tonlnlo Specl oUs l • . would dict ate th.ei r belonging to a l a d ay. . And 0; cDurs~ not aU thllt certa in group . . Buy Sav~ n gs Fr:rmlng sbould sui t the furni sh.. bfg sum of five cents we.ot to !ng of the room. For m odern u se miSSions of any sor&. Yet thilt light or blnclc woods. Qr ev c l~ denomination glvcs more per white. For period rooms. ~el <1c\ OAp ' ta to m iss ions tha n most fra miJ1g that goes pleasantly witb olbers '. do. Wilen . II ' man who J was startdlng s o I oould your furniture wood. gll'es Illss t!tau U\'o cents a c1 n.y se ~ Paul's faco. For tlte flr!!t ~lorma f 'r ooms may ha ve their to Ctl l'U 11ie . gOQ ~ nCW/l of Um e 'slnce I'd known him I saw pictur'es fr amed with wallpaper or Chr is t Into tbe ' \Vid~ world • anger In hi s eyes, a re d ' 'lush t he style you want. and, at the tape, provided tlU ~ is taken from s lnlrS " Onward, Chris.l Ian 'Soll In his oheeks. He stopped' danes ame lim e, have a lot-or fUh. the room in which the 're used . dlersl " or pra ys " TQy KlngIn&'. The width li t the [TRme depends d l'm eomel " how mucb ' does Simple pr act 'i cal tricks th at you • "A.II tight." he said. ' "4 U right. do with pictures or decoration add upon ' \.he picture which ' is used ..' I)e mean It? Not a oIc.kel's wise guys. I'll show you. II • the atmosplJere and indJvidun l,ty When selecting frames. try seyworth! ' T he becklers booed at him, t hnl ma ke' a ·room 01' a home' yours, eral different ....i dths and woo,d!; s bouted c a tcalls. Paill' s face went Ca r ry them out with neatness and a ll lltnsl the -pIcture to m ake' the Or talte the . question of man,. powc r, This , same denomina tion IlV ld. He suddenly galvaolzed into d c ol ce . , . ispalch ancf y ou will have create sends ' out as m isslon Dr les. · every d Ugble" fluffier ,0111, action. , sometbihg that gives you and any· 1i~ ArrRnlte Fqrnlture -: k ' , year , 'as m any men \Jnd womeD as crisper ·crusted. fresher keeping, HAVE SEEN s9 me goo d t r i C ODe else r~a l pleasure'. . F9r I'Iea81ng EfFe9ts Il re sent by some denominations. rlcber :tasting .•. yes, Duff's Hot. . dancers In m ~ dal;'. but I'ye LC'I .Plolllre Arrabgemeats ~. -,- Onli! of th~ ba sic ll2le~ in-'1l r- l ree times its size. And ·yet. !lven , , re ~ gtng a r oom is tna t It should so. 'the ·total number of ordained Roll Mix gives Prize t;esults. And never seen an yttilng to equal ' the 1Rencel Petson\lll~Y a qtic! of Pa ul S~a rrow tbat night. H's' not necessary to r ush out 'to have a cent~r(lf Interest or focal m inis ters in that' denomination home"ba}{ed .rolls are,8() eas~ to Thor,o ughly arousecl, he became a buy expens ive originals If you lLke point as thiS Is som etimes ex- wbo nre. foreign missionaries i. contortionIst. He performed feats pictures in the home . People have pressed. When a room does, not on ly 4 per cent of thei r total num~ make with DuiJ'l. •, ' that were unheard 01 In the art of been known to collect inexpensive '. have this , Y0y' teel restless 10 It 1ber of ministers. . . Everything'• . danclng • .He threw ' lJ lm • ell around . , ~cause aUentlon doea. not become . " Go into nll the world," sard that IItage 1II-.e a madman. It was ~ ~ drawn to one partIcul a rly pleasing Master . "·F our per cent of us win. Just add water-that'. ma.-velous to watch. Sl.1perbl , Il~ ~ D~t at the room and cannot set- we reply, " the rest of us will stay PaUl. came out for three encores. tie, . at home." ' He wu a man inspired each time. When the room has a f1~cplace. • • • and each time the audience gave ~ this. gives a natural c ent er at 'InI;lllll AD C!.v~ti?n. Tbe~ clapped for ~ teres t. a hd arrllngements are bttllt When .M e" O~~y .
Only·DuffiJ Makes Prize
Hot Rolls , like these! ~\
~ /
.l .
five tuU '~mlnutell, a:f~r. bl. last: ap· ·' aroU)ld .. this with obaJrs to tl.lther AS ' A MATTER.. OF FACT, even ri~~~~iii;~~~i~ pearance. , r,slde of' the ' f1r ephice. and perbaps tlte earllestcburch was , slow to pay real attenUon to Christ's Alt.el' a ' While 1 strolled back t O a- tatile, In the middle. Pa ~'s dressing room. The manager You don't need R fireplllce, bow- ' c'o~mand. Forward I M e' n are Wa.1 jus.t leavhlg. IDslcle. Paw wall evai'. An Interestin, arl !lngement strange creatures. And one of tbe ot fUlm lture which Invite'! II group strange Uungs about us Is tb'o t we of pepple to sit down' and talk com· \ ollen have to be scared Into doing fortably c;ouId servl! lust as welt. our duty. Tn ' dens, bobby room and · such, It took the p-ersecutlon set oft by the ,oentel' of lri ter~s t mljl:ht be 8 \ the death of Stephen to- m.o ve the hobby . collection. . 8 kr.lck-knack ; Christians In J e r'usalem out along ahe-1t'. a W:1 \1' \vlth n hlrgll map. or the 'toaels south. \ north, east. anyprInts or 'g reeting, cards that they ' soml! other distinct1ve ' fea-,ure where tQ get away from tbe ' city of like or which reflect · a certain I)ob- w"hlc.h Is Interes t catcblng. de ath. Everi\'where they went. by of Ui eirs. Group.lpgs of· s llveral \v'herc. rooms h a ve 0 lilt 0'- sUP' . told, .the slori\' ot Jesus. . of the's e over Ii couch, above • . , . . desk, ' 'or O~ some bare ' wall' renec~ ,1I/tp t or a ro~v of wil1dows, tlIes(, But .. flrat It wali ' .U rather '. Orrde~ . 800.t8'.1 th.e , ~ersonality of the owne.r . .mIght he ulillz ~d .' tor '. the · foc/J'f breathless lIod 1Df0rmai. "Why , t hi b t nOinlt. Plants. gla ~l\ collections. are yoll bere?'" one 01 thelle G{OUPS 10 bt I p~c Qua'(ty Chicles N~wl ures t '~ c go ~i china or· minia tures might be used DP's would be alllted, all he , ,bold nHt .pdnl·' ",.,,1 T'ke .d·/ ge t. ler m gd e .P~s de on althwa l 0"; s lnall slielves on the windows to 'wall passlo. 'brou"h Samaria . •• ntale oj BoolO', oPullndlnl cnlck near a eep 19m ow w ou · \ . i . • • offe... Cboote ,ollr deli •• ry a..", frames of their olvil: Colored glue , cent,e!" aUent on. 01' AntIoch or Alexa.ndrla, pers.ecid No. 1 - "00 h ... lrhy broil •• Even hallWIIYS can b~ made tnhaps In the bread-Une, per"aplI tape, to match !:ome 00101' in the chldu onl)'·I2' • _. 3· we.k Ii..tlilitj II" ....O•• C. Sp.ci ... No. 2- 500 ",ud, .' .;. d i th o r It lt I'd tercl$ting. If ~a rk And cbeerless. looking for a place to' work and "Well, ,. crlnned Paal, -; "., rapes or n e oom se WOU d 1' 1 ht • t th b .~. . cbick,. ~uAt.n. ~.d ,II be~ v, breed'i serve to frame each of the pictures. I in uce g mo . . em 'Y meons seUle down. "I'm ·a refulce o'n " S~4. 9'J' Orden on ,.ped, " ,.11 nO I exa. 20% puU... ,- SPECIALS you're !,erfo1;'s, \ ~hal'l fine • .' . FamilY' llodra1ts might all be - of waJl, color . Subsb lute I!la ~ s pan· 'rom . Jerusalem,'" he' wou,d NO. 1 Ind No ••Z ,1 :00 per lOO txtra ' II my rar took 'to an :old trol> ~ , ' els ,01' wood . Shallow wooden ('11' lIay. "Bu' why"" "Well, I'm a , 10 Ie.. 'ban ,OD I"... S.atted' 1'"lf",. , Ipd . chlcll., 2 co lZ ... k •• old. All er ,Ike 'ou, It work~d bcUer 'Be ' Sma'rtl ttallS shelves on th!', gl ns.s Panels' ChrJs.tlan," {'\Vh",". that?" " b,.elI., Wriee lOt cOll1plote !>rlce lilt tban ~. thought It wonl~." bri ghten the . haU cO)'lsideral;lly . 1f So the story wQuia be ' told all Bool'ffI· UTCHERIES. tpC. (aiding up a SV~I!t. of pa pe.r . ..., --..,........:.----:-----......-or-' ij1e)" hold pla nts or colorful ja.r s l over a gain , the good .news .abou~ • , MINNESOJ~ . tell by the elq)resslon on his on . them., . .. .t Ood's grace in Christ. So the · th ~1 it wa's ,the ·col.ltraet. P anels might 'llso be .palnted a . church spreod.' Tod ay,' tho~gh an , ~I gh~ neutril l. "_"d- YOll could \lse . e normous part at world's popfeller," ~ grlnned. decllis appt:' oP~late to the room ulation is stili umlloo, tbere a re ".You Idlled 'e.m . • peslI tbe pa ~ t.ed on !loch panel. Christians in so mil'ny lands ::'nv~~:e::I~ ~~~ew::;a~II~:' If the na11 or any room is rath$!r I the Bible- all or parts of bare) and you do . not w an~ to , buy had to be t ranslated illto morethaq mad." any deeorl1t.lve objects. tor tt, a one th ousand dJ'Ue rent la nguages sceniC. W 8np~p.er can do the work and dialects. . . . "Why," he said, lurprlsed·. "Dill 'I of" tbese things. . think I was mad? I ·wasn·t." "Don',t kid me, Those heckJ ers AvoltJ Clutter In li1e"o~atloD8. Unto An. Men · bad ybu down 'or the count: ' . Many rooms offeod simply bt! , 0F THE MOST ' ·Well," · grinned 'P aul, "It you're cau:se' there's tQo milch In them, and' surprislng ·llttle serious that's fJne. I mean, If , my They're so busy they appear rest- rec~nt years Is calleC\ ~ "They gag took In an old trooper like less an.d create this fe e1lng 1.0 ypl\ ,the Ohurch There," by H. 70~aeH, it eyen worked better w};len you ent er. Many needles ~ Dusen. It is .the elr!lmatie than I thOUght It would ." ella Irs and other furniture' might how the American GI, to hili "Walt a minute," I 'lIald, begin· be ~leared awatv Dnd used to bette\' altonlsbq'lent. foUnd Christians nin, to feel (unny. "What are you eUe~t In a hall that p eeds cheer the most unexpected . places . getting at?" 'rhb ill the clallslc dress ·ing. . ft Is • It.e~endoall mJstake "It wa. a ga" 014 horse. I hired IIt)'le or the time!. For the Ornateness Is usuaUy to - bl ~ ddok . lIlat the ClarlllttaD rathree beckler. to elo the ~ob-y(]u winter lIea.lIon fOU'O' find . It 111 know. make the audience feel sym· aheer wools, drellllWelgbt ..ab. teal:ed more than plainness since If 'laf.,a I. onlJ' for Etalllllh-llpeall. ,df'S'llr01'1I the feeling of unity . High, pathetic toward me by having soathardlnea and sImilar rabrlo ' that lit; · peoplel, or for Earopellllll, remark. hurled ..t me. Then J &ake 10 iaUorlol 1D .a h.nd~ r" .. "n" .. til" • . pieces of furnlturf '. or for wldle people. n bepn pulled m)' trick. My neW step. It lOme way. For the .prlnl • • good Unei coul.d be trimmed - .aIIIODC "people wllOf:D Dlolt relUlreaUy wa.n" much 9f a s~ep, you IOn 1&'ls beClnolp, 10 appear .. so . as not to distract from . en or ...... cohUnD Woald know. It-onlf leemed that wa,. The moi~ falPe _ad I~r fa~ basic good Une • . ~ appUn dInnI.. "'omlllen." ,"udtence aympatbl!tic, They rlcl.r BIlk IlIItI raYOD, aatl ~ headboard. on bech, a. ·Chri.t can be a. mueb at !!,omf' would have 1Ilcecl anythlng I did ," bandaome llDeM••". a wenderIII. to hi,hly eurvaceoua Jep 11) an ·11100 or. a wlpam a. be II He IfllUlecl broa~. "You lee, I WII ....Y RaHerlq ..... 'oMiII .i t. on some fIImlture. In an American fannboule or in aI, GO the alddl. I bid to tblnk of II1Im UDee U. .. bave too mUcb pattern I. eWlllenc), apartment lID abe cit) lome1hlnl. -t teO 7ou. "lend. 11 you 1-......'" llllerlell ............ _ I~ftlmlb.lre. you mtaht h7 .Up._ II6Ulevard. He com.. tcr'iu men weal to In "tlde9l11. jbe.. bmtr1ed.r..,..,.... ~ emi.~1D.I "' employinl plain. loUd and al Peter tOUDd out. the Lord ., lOb'.. __ 10 be IDterpril with tbe' primary Intere,. DO ru~"" of texture 01 die fabl'ilt,
IIGo.·dbye to
COFFEE ,.EIVES'~ , POSTll M.J no longer BulTor irritability ond fatigue duo to II C/'VOUIIno aa-and fif e ',
much plnl18&nlAlrl"
" Si nce swileh ing to
~!:~~~;~~~~can . tleep/eunu,.
.MIE THIS TOT, B ~ y JNSTANT . POSTUM today-dt iuk ilexelusiv.ely(OJ 30 dny_judo. b" r",ultot . • . INSTANT POI:l'l'UM~A Vicoroul DrlDlt made (rom •• Bealthful Wheat BIld Bl'an. A Produot 0 1 Gone rw 10'0001.
UI14Ietv.... .,,.
'IIds.&7le......... iii.,. .........
Thursday, January 26, 1950 I
Cut Personalized Sign Out of Wood or Metal
~feomul~io n reJiev.tI prompdv because II gOes fI ght to the seal of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and ai d nature to soothe and heal . raw, (ender, inOamed broochi"
mucous mcmhrnnnJetJ your druggiJt sell you a baltic of Creomulsioll ""jlh the understand ing you must Ub the way it quickly all!'y. the cough or ,.ou are 10 hue your' money back.
CREOMULSION for C~ughs, Chest Colds.Bronchitis Jut Out .Any Name and Number
i'HE PATTERN gives actualsize alpha bet and · numbers de.igned for cutting you r personalIzed sign from wood ' or m etal.
THIS WEARER SA Y$, "f te11 e\'er ybod y about ORA. It'" amnzing how quickly stains Gnd dirt come ofT and how whito th~ teeth become." Mrs. A, C. Wheaton, Roch·
• • • Cuttln l guides " rc Included on nu mber 320; "n~ Order should b.
t o r ",llractlve rr amt's Ihl. p ollern which I. Ihe price 10 25 cenlS. sen 1 dl reel to
ester, N. Y.
WORK SUOP PATT ERN SERVICE Drnwer to , Be dford 11111 •• Ne .. · I'.rlt
BruBhi ng ca n tu in dentures. Use ,
nmnziog newORA Denture Cleanser: Easy, quick. Denture is .pnr kllng
Rural Telephones The burea u of agricultural eco· nomics reports 'tha t Ii survey indicates .~hat 40 per ~e nt of all farms In· the United States had tel ephones a's of July I, J949 This is an inorease from 37 per cent in 1948.
clenn in 16 minutes I ORA i. gunrnnteed oot to harm denturcs. Removca tobneco stains: All d~uggi8tS. A Product of McKesson & Robbins, lac.
H01 '
FLASHES? .~, Are you solDe through the functional "mlddl e- age" period peeuUar kt wamen (38 -~ years) 7 Doea thlI mo. you BUffer from hot Duhea. feel 10 net1lotAa, nlgn·atnlDlf, tired? Then do
tl1' Lydia B: P1I1ltbam'. Vegetable Compound to relleve such .pmptomal Regular uae of Plnllham'. Compound Mips build UP retI"~Dce asatnat thl8 .nnoylng mldc1le-ase dlatre8ll1
w........" ...............
cn.. -........ ..,............ -
_lien fIIIIIp-eabr . . . .... lor .. cut Pri_ AlINI't. ---"~I
T JIt'R~nA Y . JAl" tT,\R\'
20, ·l Diill
eft /; J Ad, Spa,rlans ·Swamp West Carrollton 'By ,54-32 Count And , Pecka From ' The Typewriter. Of Jim JOIte!.
; ~WIN THEATRE ~ RAT:~6:n::ent wor~, W aynesVl-II'e, Ah ~ V 10 ~ per
The Wilyn sdvlll e SJllll'lIlm; jou . rne yelil 10 Weat a rl'0Itun last F r ldllY ni gh t nnd cilm bome a 22 POint Wl l1 l1e l' drlllJiJlng I he Pl rlit ea CALL 5'1-:12. W~lyne~v lll,e ~tll rte o h lll'll all t! b'ull l Il SUhlltunliul lelld In
minimum charge, ' 2& oenu' Three In.ertlon. for the price of two_ Forml 0101. W.dnelday noon.
TO ===== us · for insuranl!e_ AIJ types of insurance at a savings. Call the filrst Quartel' und we l'e ne"~ I' E:E;, ' TIlURSDAY _ FRIDAY 26 - 27 ~ Francis Gene Brown, phone hended . ILLEGAL ENTRY ~ Waynesville . 2472 or call col- . The Plratos mlly bay good ~I per eulngo or sho'ts as tb'3 ==MA RTA THEN - H W ARD DUFF - JE RGE BRENTss_ _ teet, Wi j mingl~n 21 t 1 .
!! , as =
~ ;;; (Technicolor) EEO if!f!f4WA Y E MOJUH _ JAN'JS PA IGE _ BRUCE BENN ETT §! ,~ GE l ALD I NE BROOKS - HOBE HT H t:JTTON ~ ~ H ~ I T R A N G BUSTERS ~ ~
SUNDAY _'MONDAY , 29 _ 30 ~ BUD ABBOTT and LOU . C~STELLO ~, '. MEET THE KIL.LER With Boris Knr loH 31 5§i , TUESDAY
1& ~.
;=;; E9 ~
m1111111111111111111W111II1111111I111111111111II111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIImlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliImill ~, Sell that pleco of farm machInery you no longer nted with a Ga ~ zetto cl . .llfled acl.
ROOFING Of All Typ.es Insulated Bricks and asbesSiding. Sbeet metal wort of all kinds. Local RerereJl' cell. AU w'ol'll guarantee~ ,
Cllllt'li Porter 's Itl d ~ ha Ve now " '11 0 I' 'sorv '!\ fnil e d to ' fur·') UII \ orl J 2 (,Ul or' J.l ,!;lllll B nnd ~ out or Lboll' 9 IElIlgUo '~nlll os . '('Iley we ll ngn lmll the 1'I I'0l.e8 10.11", :lli· now huve II. tie 011 tbe langUe leilll 1 . '1~ lIl1l1"r , RobHl n ~ 1('0 Iho 10l'IIhi
with Mas on. , WIlOUI Ihey' WEOL Xl wook III Muson . The S lmrl· aos downed MII~ on 53-31 on, tilll locnl hll l'dw uod enrllel' this yeal·. apartrutls bu t Wllyneyville cou ll'uL · " h e 10 'Ilhl play b08t to the SP I'Fon SA LE- White e namel l\lnj · led · th,o ' bank . bO ll ld nnll lind I h estle !lange !ltove. George H en- bull th e bette l' I)al't of t he lime , The lI(\orlri g w lla \Veil ' div id ed illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllt lle'rfton Pilon W 298 ,~ . e aynes. ~i~-31 ~o'n lt th~ Sparlrm ll with. Jllfllt :rlun'e,y leading th scorers Willi • F OR SAJ.E - Cheap : Se;l~ ] 6 ·nla,rke\·s. DI~li S lrllPso n ha d 1/\ Compfete ' t1ome C,onltructlon Coney Fur ' Coat; Excel~ent condit- poinls ro~ rllJlnel'-u'p while Hllr.o ltl Ion. Owner leaving for Florida. We will be glad to dIBCU.. your 31w 36·38. Mrs. George Brattenbuildln,g problema and . t:, 11 you WaYlleavllle, R{)ute 1. 1-19-ilt w,hat w,e can do, FOR SALI!}- FIBbing hue.. HayCABINET ~ORK rides, Barn dance I, . Vegetable and REMODELING , Egg stand, 2 big barns, cDlcken bouse, garage" corn crlb, '6 a cres, beautiful 7-room' brick: house with WAVNESVILLE, OHIO A [lew 'I;ype of hay ~ower blade aU conveniences. Tenan.t house sharp,ener which makes , i t posl1ble lbat r entll for $S5 per montb. Rt. 42, 2 miles north ot Lebanon , to' IIhlupen the .o rdlnary mo~er '.e~· il lmllllllllll1l1 llllll11l1l11ll11llll\\llllIIllIlIIlllIlIIlIlIIlIllIImlllllllllllllllllll~ , llon· dgM In the field w[thoUt even Phon~ Lelianon 602-R. , .r~mo'Ving it from the cutter, bar. I ..A.UNDE R.1NG- 'Dohe 1il Ill.>' 'thus Blivlng time and labor anet bome. ,QUiCk ·s lir vlce. Phone W ay - maklme it possible to cut more hal' Hors.es, ,11.60 - Cows, ,2:60 nesville 2986 . ' 1-1 2- ~t faateJ~. hal been placed on th. IJ!U· Hogs - 26 0 cwl. ket ilY the New En.land Carbide Accord ing to Size Tool ICoJllpany, Inc_ . WARREN BRADDOCK and Condi tion. Call Top SOil, Baulln... ' Sand, . Gravel El:cavaUnc Wltb Back Hoe, prag-llne and Bnlldoser Revel'sll Churgtls , , Waynesvllle, Ohio' Phone: Wayne.. 2111 01' 2248 , , , n
Hel\' Type S~D~r Usable in Fields Will Sharpen Mower Blade While on Bar
T ile Girl S~o ut8 b eld tbelr regular meeting on Jan, 19, 1950: Learning to tie all dlfterenl kinds ot knOlR wns tb mnln proJ , e ct, The f ruit box fo r this m o nt~ walil taken to Mr. W . O . Raper. . At the cl08e of tbe meetll!g ull th e t roOp8 a nd leaders. went .IIS l{ lo' OR SALE- '35 'CbevrOlet 1 'AI body to aee Mrs. Brannock. tOll pllI'iel trUCk. Good condition. New. Reporte., , Make an offer. W. H. ~I+Wyel ', Zana. Mae 'FUlkerson phone Waynesville 2,174., :CARD OF THANKS
We wish to sincere]y tb ank all our fr iends alld neighbors for their kind consl,d !lTatilln during our recent berevement, t!lanks to Mr. A. H. StublJs CASH FOR DEAD srOCK · fol'Our his effi Cient serVice and Rev . M. H . Coffey for' bla . cOllsolln, According to s ize and condition. wO"da, All Stock J;emoved promptly. The Cblldren or Mrs. Frances Brannock Hones, ,2.60 - CoW8, U,60 I!IIP - 26c per c"f!l.
I.oade,l, at Davis Furnas Pit, 60 canta· cubic yard. We allIO deliver. :ARM· ITAGE .I: SON, Phone 2otl~ tf
Tlbe blaok Up
.r tbl~ , Dew '&7Pe
II\01wer blacle eh&:rPeaer I. m.de .. oarliolci,. eemeDte~ cer!llde, bar<lleat metal oommerolaUy , •••Ilebtl!. Mower bled_ ceD be IbIrpeae. qulokl, . . . e••U)' 'ID ,the
&bI. abarpeDer,
U.S. T:\x ,Extra
FOaSALJj: - '
For Travel Bargaina AllOver America, Call \'out
Drug tore G REYHOUND TERMINAL Pial 2121
Hom. Made Pie." And Ca'kee
Youngsters 'Drink MOle Milk Them Girls
Eteillll.e of B ,recent study should
be of; Interest to da iry farmers. "Th,a study revealed tha'l teen.age Made. ,on .only. ~cMlI\an.28·3, Way.-t bOl'S drink ,nore milk than teerl· ,264<t ft'r'"order .-.erbert
==liii;::lO' 01::10'\
=. :.?J~=i4)]r====:I[c~=i4~':=""""
agj! glrJs, Eating habits' atotaile school bO;,11 and glrls. ill ,years lind ov;~r, In both city and ,u ~al high 8cbools ~ e re studied tcir ' three qli;Y·· ~ 'n w.. Cound th a t 39 pel' cent at FOR SALE. - Ciover Hay.b~lI!!d. Edwlil McCarrell, Rt. 3, Phone--' -ibe boy. and only 22 ~ per cent> of Way~e8vUle . 3121 ) t th~ girls drank I qU a'''I ' B day.
' ~
1I. . .
Sellers Kitchen
,... . . . . . . ._ . . -Iry I. . . . . . . . . . . .iI .....
I~ ............ ot......t.u4 ",~ .... WI let 0 ' fill ....,..... ywt ..... nl. clay 1,,___ -"4..
cOnAGE HAMS . 57c LB. '
KINGANS Celo Pak WEINERS 49c LB. -, Bulk and Bar Candy Of All Kinch ."
Karl D. Dakin
, DI.beti~ned Fruit •
PHqNE '153
Phone 2641
Armitage &Son . SAND',aDd eRAVEL '
, .QUc.t-TO'P DRJV U
eetrlc Stov~. Aleo Base cabinet &, hanllllg cupboard. Phone I Way - -
,...... ...... ...., .,.,... ..,... .
. .~
~a y n es Yill e
W H'l e .oilYton, 12: 50 Fl.S.'1', Dial 1300; WLW Clllclnnntl , 1240, Dlnl 700.
Xenia Fettilizer
WANT.ED- 'Lady t~ do O;ne;;l BouBe Work and LaUDdo', ill my home. fnQuire at the Miami Gazette OUice. 1'6-8t
WANTED- Ride to W ....bt Field Area B. 8:00 to ' 4:S0 abUt. Pick OARD OF THANKS up near T~lrd and MiamI. Walter We ,Wlllb to extend our 81ncere Bebrens. 1-6-3t tb~nka to our rel_Uves nnd frlend~ WANTED , TO RENT-.- Single for tbe many gifts; flowers. carda ' we received on our Golden ,&raIe apace near Third aDd W .' streets In ' WaynenWe_ WalWe!!d~nt Annlvel'sary. 1-5·ll • • Mr. and Mrs. ·J . tBert.e Jones ~r BehreDS.
SERVICE 'THAT SATISFIES For Oall)' Market Reportl·: ,
Xenia 454
, Tbe .barpenel' consist. ,of a .teel iahanIr one-ball IIIcb Iquare aiuI about.5" iona. chrllmll pUlted a , alnet Xeaiia, 0 : 1712 or I'UIt Illd having rounded edgel 10 ~t , the tool can be carried ' .afely, ~ 0.2362 in the pocket. 'nIe tip whicb . doel the actual sbarpenlng I, made , ot . FoR SALE ,..:. It bead o~ breed llltJo-nard carbol~y cemented carewes, - I ~egl8tered ,Lamb. ~o bide metal" wblch ,.. 'attached 'u · c'urel), to the steel shank." AlfalliL and Tlmothy bay, balled! . To sharpen . mower blades with 2 bottom- 12 Inch Oliver plow. tbls " cnrblde tipped" tool. the edge. tack Ohapman. on Route 73, S l·~ at the blade to be sharpened are miles E. of Waynesville 1·19-U uncovereq. The sbarpeqer Ia held .GO IN 'COMFORT • AT WS COlT It IUS LOST- Cop~r cal'penter's agu- .In the band, palm down. The car· are In WaynesvlUe. D. E. I:nHllW" 1 bolclY tip h" placed on the mower MORE SCHEDULIS • t,tOU CONVI~I'NC' ford, Main st., WayoesviJte, Box blade at a bout II thirty-degree angle. and drawn trom, back to tront on the . OA:V170N, OHIO '193. 1-19-3t blade 1bree or fOl1f times. This pro· CINCINNATI, . 9\HIO ~OLUMBUS, 0; One Way $.95 .. FOR SALEl _ L!lrge sl~e oil. beat- ducell an extrem~ sharp edge, One Way R06 On& Way ~1 . :l6 ' Round Trip $1.75 er and white 6namel coal range: An" small burr which many d~velop Round Trip $1.90 Round T r ip $3.5& the. blade may be rerrloved ',by 2 'o'epal:tur,9s Dall)' 3 Departurea DaUy. 3 ne'partures Dally ', '~icellent 'c oll.dltlOn. T . (). . Lti':V•.Bon 00 drll.'wlni! the carbide tip acrol. 't he - Phone Waynesville 3214 , • . 1t 1l0tltom of tbe blade;' ',"
Li ve Wire a ll il 1:;> l'ogr esa)ve. An organization seconll to none. Stri ctly sellers pn tbe best a lla rou nd mllr ket In the coun try.
Dead Stock
Girl Scout News,
Route S Wayneavllle, O. Phone Waynesville , 2898
S lanl ey a n!! Hurhm E UI'IIhlll'l luul In",btll'o l' nll llieJ'l.; l 'I'hiIlY Il l-Ill PII . Ilolllts clI ch. Wll ...·en S he lUI, 4 t l) :or'nl 1111 1'1 Iw"OI1. T it,: lo('n~~ nnd Lae O'Bunloll\ 3 Illod e tI " ff Ihe l'an lh pl'8 ilL ::l il l"
LEBANON .Offlce 47SK ' RES, '129L MORROW No•. S
'T All' aDd 'ROAD Ol~
Cabinet. Reasonable. Phone Way. 264. ,it
Very con. C~RD OF THANKS location abl/ve Smith's -Most sincere tbanks an!l appro ' Restaurant. Call ,'any time I\lter ~kllpon lire extend,ed ~ relatives, 6 In the evening. Mrs . PHEANIB, rril~~d8' and nelgbbors ,tor their Wayn'eBvllle,; , , 1~26-3t kln.d ness, symtlllt1IY, ' ftoral boo !)UElts, and cards', received . during FOR SALE - Dodge 4-door ~ thel paBslng ot Mrs . Johanna' Gu~, L'Ui IIlidan In ' No 1 condition. WaI- tin, our Wife and molher. We exlei- H., Wllitaker, Srd at.~ Wal'nE'. ~' 1 tell1\L our appreciation and g"'UvlUe . lude nlso to Rev. Correy fOJ: bis cOll80llng .wortle Ilnit tbe .Oswald Foa .S A LE :- 4 cu , ft , ; neep iuiteral I}ome ·ror their ctmsJe,lllra tc Freeze, like neW . $75.00 Jobn pre- aeirvlc.es. ' Ev.eret~ Gustin and . ston, Phone ' Waynesville 1929'. ROOM ,FOR RENT
A" ,Sizes -
Y~ur,. Orders Now
.,For ,
Makes :E)iliveries Un~er. tain in'The Future.
•I B m •l
Talking It Over A .COL·UMN OF COMM INT
Ser ving Waynesville Since 1850
a z e tt e
N C h ' . F N ' G :.:::;:.~...::.::-:.:.:~ 0 ,.' . a n c . ,e , o r . a tu ' ra J' .a s WiAiYNESVILLl?; OHIO '
FEBRU ARY 2, 1950
It IS with both pleasue and re-
We regret tbat .w e will be leavlDg WayuesvlUe. but we are , glad that the Gazetle wUl conUnue under the very capable CEI DUT E GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY manage ment of an experie nced Prln~er and neW8paper man . Althoug h we bave 'had the 1I1e · asure of ])roduclng your) home town newllpaper only a libort time we have come to regard WaYDtII!. vlUe 8e bome ' and have come to know lIome 81,)len.dld people who we 8ball mils. ' 'I'bere is no possl'bllily or .. nt~. StarUn g next week The Miami W~th all Ita faults. and what 'ral gas tor WuyneBv l11 ~ at tbe Gaz, e tte will bave a new publish er· small town Isn't plagued with presell ttltne . owner. N~gotllltlons (or the sale many of tbelI!-. Waynesvl11e, . Wf> Fr~ncls Gene Brown, represe n · 'Of the Gazette by Mr . ' and Mrs . believe can become a growln!/: tlng tbe WaynesvUle Civic · CIllb and progrea a.....e cOJl)muoJty.e It 'l' il C conrerr ed ,vltli. Robert E Find· e onOVer t.O lIfr . Schere r. have is possess ed w'l tb' mallY' natural 1 r ) L been cOll1pleted aid Mr. Schere r aSBets and Is situated In a dave' III assume operati on o( tlie pub: loping Industr Ial and urban arell. uatlon late last week . lIC4l1on Fell. 6 . During the past ye~r we have 'l'~ Comvany Informc\l ' MI' . A neWspaper man and printer or recorde d many step's' In the right Brown that ouly lw ;; tlom punh.lij long experlen,ee. directio n. the foundin g of PTA Mr. Schere r In ' Ohlo ure . P !'mllLod to Ul.J) til'! a bilve III Bill Lu\< enfl be· lIew 'I'exlts J~nlltun' 'I'mnarulssbm an d th e III ans t ot 1', new grad e comes to the Gazette ' trom the achool. During the (lomlDg y.ar.. lllP"s line H lit Lh " &'US nt time ' ortsman PrllnUog Compa uy oC Ing crOB S '0 0.1II1116d by Duyton " we w1l1 alway. receive with ' I~tU • £:11;1.\)1'11 G ut< CO lllpllny "lid the ' I llanon , "Hla p1revtou s experie nce Private erelt news of turthel' dev.elovDeteCtlvA Merlen with tll,l) OhiO Fuel· (Jus omplwy 11.1'6 tap tn the ,' prlntlnl~ ' and PUblishing uS.e ' of n lit) detecto r. W.llchi ment ' and ptogreB8 , ng ill IllIIg lhe' 1l11)1l, 11)1 0, Illit .It Is no: field Includes . alsocla Uon with Sgl . Connelly of. the Dlly It 11 our atnc~re hope tbat tb. ton 1'0) - lJl'obnble thnt oth er Iincs will LI\\l Recipi ents of congra tulatio ns from many' friends and t.liden ta of .tbll comm. uutty will neighb ors in this vacinit Ice. Thel act was part of a dem- ,IL In the future. y have been Mr. and urs. J. Ber.ne a.~;s!,~~n OahJt 1'leua •·... Ir Int.r n't HIU and onl!traUon given b. y Merica at a t I contl._DUe .. ~ 0 Tbe. neares t Dayton Light l\uJ n~~eaae ... . .... ",&wD. 1 I _ t W b "'6t- Jenes of Lytle. who celebra te{\ their IMlden weddin g annivet'sar~' Power gall line Is term.ln ... .. Mra . Scher.e r togelile r recen t Le'" ated III es t >u oca aLia. fll. ar , anu e ope UNO at their home l ... d on Januar program y 1.,t. Mr. and presen e Bellbro ok nnd the tlOWIJauy do e~ rs • .:Jones were' born' an ,. Ith t , tll e vo t era ,an d, t all pl"era wtl1 l1elr fou.r BODS will estab. by MaSHie Townsh ip Le~ona1res not believe th at de . raised in walne 1':0 . wnshlp, they have been residen ts of Lytle l'-L mand tor nnLU· become more concerned w ilia·... ~ res'1d ence In . Waynes vUle In at tbe Harvey sburg High , ...e for the past 5 years. prOblems . ot 10e&1 , CO.,.rDJDeIl . . School. 1'11.1 gas ' In . • ' Wa"De svlhe, oulll wu· ... t _8 neal' futuna. ' We bope that the mRllY sllortcorr.ent extensI onJ oC thlD line. It ., The Conover.. are leaVUIg the mID" of ' WaYUI••l1Ie:. 1c)ce,1 '0'9may be possibl e thllt , nt' on tlnl'" Quette to pubU.h thl! West' Llb· ernmt!n t wID be Improvecl by . ITIM. serious conside ratiOn will be gl' , Banner th1l lncrelll ed conc.rn . , Wett Liberty . Ohl.O' . _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;..._-F-O-L-".l..-y-O-U-K-N-O....W- ' ven to the eslensi on of tills lille .•.k,ey. wltb their ehU4ren. DaVid FlnaUy. we ..dab to eatend our More interes t has been shown aDd Nancy An.n. wl11 leave Way· deepee t appreclfttlon for tbe fine In natural gas in w,aynesvl1le (1u· Ji.~vlUe tor West LI.b erty In lbe patrona ge and coopera tion w. II ring the past week. i)\~t evell so. . 1I.-r future. have receive d from W.JD8 I"We tbe respons e baa been very Ught. 'Paul FIsbbau·gh. who . joined the and 'tbe near ' b! comm~d" Jnqull'les have been receive d by " Gazette staff Ilbout two monlbs We. hope that lbla patron -.. wlU Two Waynes'l/11le residen ts will tbls paper from many aC4ttcrc t,l 'agO. ,wnl' remain to uslst the rUII for oftlce on the Democratic scource s locludlD be eSlende d to Mr, Paul 8eJaen t. ~r. "'''''et "n . · C"-n~e Rye g l.!ytl.e Ilnd ne.w publish er : . ~or a short time' ~lcket for Warrl-ln cQunty own.r. W • . • ... - . .. th "ew t'h,e reBldents of ,long W>\1te 48 : area .-~ --ud then will ". join lbe Banner tbat . ypu will flnc1 Mr:-..ScherW Uve bad .. their cue.ta. tbelr lIouth of Cente" llIe, next eLection . etatf at WeBt Liberty. ,both a flne crafte,. .an and ' " .pl- 80l1li. IIr. · CIIar_ B,e a'nd Mr , • Moat . persona explalDed that Tlulse tnlnanc Uons were endld nelpbo r. al'J'anlI~ly,mOtl~ 'Y' Brl,lddock wtU " Barl a.,e, wbo are stlldent a ' at 0. tluIV would welcom e n~unf la, pel by 'Bert Elml",. DIlyt.on real. ' tempt til ' secure -Ted COIlO " S. U. aa4 DOW. , baV8. .. tlaelr "electio n aK ..eo: to .~ace t1;le presen~ UDlaand, \ lOr" . ' I. ' , ~ ~~a~tatlve to we Ohlo Gene~l bottle IU. but man~ of, tbe~ ex" p ..~ 'tIaeb' dalll1lt er. JIIu GI&· B7': . atn halt ....J...G...i4Ilt...............IlillI.:.:......~ lS·dWV"" t, ~ . . IiIiI ..... ~_ oAr ....A;:~;;ae;;m;;;;~, _ ' . t,.. • , . , ... ' ~ b e,1le f , tha , ~ "1' NEW CENTURY 'CLUB e er BoaJt Ia running tor eo- ' J'~, "erd~, ote ClDolDakU. . ~~ Olltat~r ' e USe. "'r ezaJo,ed aDd, durlnc tbe ple.aan t LAG. BEHIN D, QUOTA ' . IIr : Altoa " JilarDhart ot Pallid- 1IOOtal · hour d.lnty refreSh " lioue'ehold allpllan cea _m'bstI1 ments Word bll8 been ' receive d b)' the unty , commis sioner. MEETa AT F~R "'Lt.1 H~ served h. 'ITbe laylng of natural gas .pipe. Sq, Oblo ' wu a . w:eU. eDd,a .t wu:. ."enecl: l. , Gazette from Mrs. Nellie K . Bol· .t hls capacit y sevel'a! years , The New: Celltlll'Y ClUb ,: wl~ oLJlIa pas:enta; IIr ago. lI~es would cost a vast amoun t fit .' ~< • ' Imer, executlv4! secre'ta ry of .the ~lla Ruth Cb.,.. ... 'er u baR...; H ..... _ .. __ . . . • nd liN . A. money ' alld .It is doubtfu l i t the Mr . aDd Mra. ........ Lawren ce Cooll: Warren CQUDty .'r.B . nnd Health ' . ......_ . . '. inet for Ita ' JIUlIIIh')' meedJI a at 'compa ny installi ng the lines woo ASBn •. ·t';al thlls county' s ChristWALT wm ON-HA eJlterta RTSOC ln the K the Preaton Far Rma party ld e' , liz'" uf"clen '1 IIr. and lin , WUllam StroUBe Februa ry :meetlD«. CGuncll for tho U ev r . ren ., sf.!' . t in coni e mas aeal drive' Is sll1l lagglnc be- WEDDING ~NNOUNCED , __ I........ 8 . to Warl'~Il ·HoUle. t tbe InilllLJ' eltpeDBe hind the Bet Quota, ' eut_ ....._ to uJUla" cllDMr. Mr. and I1(n. J. J. Barak. abd lin. t . t, lIr. In 14 ud recent lin. ceremo 1Iart1D ny pel·fol'm · Borrs Ai th.OIl. DIn, of the meetID I Leah Ift1Ja. laonorm c the blrth'clll1 IlDd~ SO ar •. · tile tion lacA's , U7 and D,tty Lamb vi. '860 to meet tbleassocia Quota set tor the cd al the Ferry Church 'of CJarlst. the' prellde llt aeked all to' .\aIld ~eraarlea or Mr. and Mr • . lted lira . family. Mr. and curreD t drive. A J.ast minute ap· Miss [or momen t of sUence in mem- Eunke . Ruth Walton of Dayton . Q . . lin.\ ~4 II.,.. at Jiloorehead. peal Is being made to ' pry of Mrs, Oharlot te SqpP. a all tbosfl was ulIJted I~ marriag e to ' AIr Ky. ov.r the week.n d. who bave not contrib uted . ~_ . •...... • uar "'-_,,_ .mucb loved memb4!r of .our Jamell S , Hartsoc k Jr .• Bon of . .. Club. . ... _......'" .. O·D. ' ot . Twenty -one me.m Jlerl aDawer ,S. S. ElUs of Waynes ville 18 Mr " and Mra . J :' S . Hal'Laock ot ed the •....... __ ...._ ......on of At.. Mr. Mllton . .. . .'.____ Sbee-han of Center·Mr . anet Mn. J ...... .... loll Fromm 'f' _ _ bad . . tbe roll caU. ' near Waynes ville . ,Mr . and Mrsl ville called cha! , rman of tbe dl'1ve . olua at the Hllh' SCboOl. anine'' : ai hou.. cueala 4urJn, on (rlends ,and..., relat· the paat d . Chllrl.el Walton are the parents ives at the . .. Atter tbe routioe buslne ll ~u t4 a .trht....lD' tour at tbe nome on mOn af Frl- wee1i:." II~. Charles' Cbamlie~ of MR1r SUSIE [E viNS rlnlahed. the program colDmlt~. ~alre ' Plant 'n Dayton on ot tbe bride. afterno on. ' Tu~. ~D and lin , . lIa,. !lantal of "HON'OAED . ON alRTHD AY ~rs. C . T . Ema anll Mra. ·D. C. _da,. e'f8DlD, u4 , .m0lll Tbe church. was beautifu lly and Dr . Emma. , Holloway. tlloe • . Lltle Mra. . Tbe,. were .l~ joined .a t Mr. . Anoabelloe FJor~ enterta ln- simply '4ec ora Ridge. was ,glven charge, lira, wbo enjo.,ecI tllia event w.re: ted and Bryon Car- Olive clil'l,' Misses OIlvc WUlIams, ,SUD4Q' tUDner b, Mr, and Mra ed at her RJ;lartment In D,ayton ver performed the double ring MargaN) Edward Ellie introdn ced Mta. 'l Mabel IIr . and Mn . Willard Le4lofd ~ ,Du:P~. M... RUth, DUII.ctt a and Mary 1I0B' Tu..day or laat week in bonor of ceremony. Mrs . B . Jonea Gowdy of Dayton WhOM aullJe 9t or Carllale. ·K n . StaDle, oftered' ton were dinner guests (In .Sat· . Hunt and Mr. lII~rk Wlie' of Dayton . Mn . Susie EvIlUl8· · 86tll btrt~day. a program of wedd" g music was "Poetry!' Mrs . Gowdy Ia and Mr . .and Mrs. Don' Charltu1 urday evening ot Mr . and Mi'• . ). .' Mra. A. 'b .. GrUfy ~pened ber The following guesta wer~ !.re- .~:!!. A~:r~~~ba·!l;~ r "?.l~! Buch ·a lover of poetry and nature" o~ 'Frankli n. Mr. ~4" Mra. .~ Roscoe FUrnas . Mayb_Belf lbat abe lucceed l a4mirbome oD . Wec1nelll&., attemoo n, ., ent: Mnh-Ro bett,.... .$uma.t ri ot ably in' trans( . erring. her 'en Wr·s'1.e,r M Love , ~bua- . ~a.tr, anJIaal'M YOIl Truly ,." At the' cnmpleMrs : Lee Mason of 1(ason can· e,' 110 with lIra.- Bey.' V~del!1aa, a, sSe Carrie. 'Lucy Emily, and .. d _.__ o ... BC~~D rs. tlon ot the\r VOW8 the couple lme" ed 'On , bel' sister-I ••• to ber' oard.· clUb. . Three ,J . H . 8ambaulllh . lalm ..to .her audienc e. . n· law •. Mrs , Mr . . and Mra . . Do. Wat1tlns. Mr. tabl.e. : w.r. ' In play. wltb Mrs ____ , eled as Danny Hartsoc k Bung tbe Alice Clark On ' SlIturdllY Sbe r~ad many wvelf poe~a aDd Mn. VerDOn SimP'OD atter· and Jake' ,R~er; Mrs . Charles ' JIUD- 80UTH WAVNE {Tom tbe m~e,nf l!'"'ta ud a few , clau,lat .r. Mr. and Mn . "Lord's Prayer' . " JUBt before ~he noon. K, M . • '. Mn . Ev.rett Marlatt . Mra. Ed ' AD~160R" . COUNC IL MEET . .from tbO!,~ of an ttearll~r bd.te· . mloJate r I Introdu ced tliem ' to the , Mrs . Dr . He~derBon Reta111ck. ~I\ " aD4 Mn. Ea,ua rt. ROllklna. ' Mn. . 'l!lUsabeth of Dayton !Jull" Mr . and 'Mrs'. A . H . I!1tlrnhart audienc e the groom B~ng Tbe iub....ect IDJl er 0 er ael- IIr. J. B. Crabbe. Boben Wtl. lin. Lon Becket ·,'De· ' called o~ MISSels Annie and Mama t. Mra. Jennie enterta 1 ined on ThUraclay evenID,C. C&uae'" 0 . hla ~rlde. ecllon.s ~aa v!'rled' and for an 8On. Hobert 'or". BeD Browu on , Monday afterno on. Bt'e,. ~.. Mrs. Rant" Sat~erthwa1~e. ' tbe South Wayne !tour we' were hlgbly enterta lned. ' 'WI11Ialn LlJikoua. RalllJr Advl~0.r1 CouTbe bride was wve,ly in a Satter. lira . .K. 0 .. Grift'1. Mra . Frank ncol.. for the recular JaliU(lTY At . ter adjourn men\ the CIUD .,.11'., thwalte . if";"" Davia. Earl , me: ,own of white satin (lnd boquet Miss Gertrud e Chal1dler and v.o", • ~.. -... n. C . L' ; Palm -, ' er as thI) e...... ..ra C E St nf tb ' Ill. ... _ joyed a social hour aDd an • .~ Audrey T~aa. , . . a or • pre' of white roses. , Her fatber gava MIISII Mariel Sayre of Norwoo d Charle l Baucbpelt, ' tract.l.v. " and dellgh.tf.u1 detllleri. _ .... .,.... D, _ q 'h-.... ,... _ C her In marrlag.4\. a, ...",np "< were dinner guests ot Miss ,b au_ ....... aldent. _ pre8lde __ d .'over the buslnel l. •• Her bridesm aid was courae wae aerved at amail tablel or bt«h IchOol s8l810n ber si, s ter. 'alli'l dler'!! Mr S «unt. , M lIss Rutb 'Chandl er ·con· Itudent a jol~ed tb., Mr. ~lIace Bringm an and dueled tbe dlsl:U8,l o .011BaU approprlatel.7 &nil tasterul ly de~ I1'OUp, v.arlnwi ;Francea Walton , iW'bo was drepe- on S.unday. : o . . , Mra . HalT7 B&Mon or Upper Sa' .-...... corated for Valenu ne tlple, tll. ,U'r . ft.·'lma nn. ,organl . ed In aqua taUeta and untried ,', ,~ullkJ•.• Obi called S 'M I"" u Rev. and.... ...... 11 t •. b n ; MfI, D. R . Smith was a . glleat ... DiLl boQuet ' or pin\[ r08es. Mr. Virgil 1Ir.. aDd lin. LJJD&Il Day were llra-B " It!o Colemanon}nat S8 1ual'y , - l1g 0 ...e Thura. AUon directo r, added some fin" Lontae SlInd re w'ali the best Iilan> Gene visited ber former teacher . ano • ., e"...... . CU · ..ta of .lit: ••of the bOlte.a. MIs8 re.marks. FollCllw~n* adjourn ment Wal'ton and "'---e Mark _. Hart. 4:onle Brown. , on Sunday after· ., 'BDd' .,ra. · Hairy ..- meet wltb. Mlr. and M SatteJ1 bwatte. . · n . l ,. J. '""' •• 'U IIOCk. were tbe ushers . ... Bev. aD· noo~ . ... M.r,l . R. B.. Coleman Bunke io Februa ry. a deUcloU, . ' , held Mr. and' lIra. J. J. Bunke aDd vtltted frtend. ... In, t h e . Miss Rutb Cb,andler wns 'host' at Upper Sandul- dellert courae 1,,1,1 served to the h·A re~ept'Dl\ waa ' ARTHUR .n. ZELL DIE8 b b alemen ' t parl ' Mr. aa,d ' 1Itj. W.. III1....... BU'ou,e Iif · Sunda., evenlD . and, Monday ' .to , Club or an d was ess - - - - ' . . ~embenl and .ruests; Mr, . and c urc the New Centu~ on ' PENN8 VLV"N I'" b d wen SUDdQattende . .' e:veDlD d ERIE y ,· 1Il8lta about 'J' one· of' huo " " red IN Frida v ' afternoo a . n at t1i~ Far lira. (llarenc I 'Sarve) U'_ . . . et Mn ' aDd . dall;:' GO"IIr. aDet ·1 In. I'red JJUnkIt in Frve and . ' wl """". -, , . ' .... ,,~.J Arthur M. Zell, a rormer. re..... CID~IDll8t1, hter and·· Mr. Ralpb Baj Imann or frlenda antJ . relative s wbo sli- ' Rliis J Pa' rty ·H ouse . .oDa .,..,. J!rIc1a, eye.n inS dtnner Lebano n ,' 'ent 'of CorWin'. dIed at hla ItOme ed much llappln ess to the young ,Dr . &,rid ' Mrs. Gale Russum d peats ..or· ."el IIr.' and ' Ml'S ..: Luther Mr. ud Mrs. Davia I'u . .:..••• _ B---couple. in lDrle. Pil. J'anuary 26. 1160. R • _... d!tll ' M g at Ru iu . o( . The church ........... was . decorat , _ . , ed Vilry ,an BILL LUKEN S oy..., a t.w w....... In l'Io-lela 88 8f ar , 8 . m ' wu the lIOn of Mr. and Mn : .... Dayton ... III . visited their aunt. .... Miss lovely •with green »Ine. boqueu ' ". 111', ' and lin . .Jobn Gona .nd . ATTEN DI LaO,lON .• ·EISION . S 'of chrYsa J'ohn , Zell. nthemu ms and palma. Ma.rg,!-ret Edward s on Sund~y at. Mill . y.,oo. Stubbe of DowllD. , ~ bad th u Sundaf Corw'" dinner !1111 Lukens 'r·ePere~.nted !'ost C die 11 h d th cb "ch. as the HaVlD« atten e ... Green U~eralty wu a week.n d -c u _ ternoon . aD II g te UI4 lin, AI Schoel· ' &16 Americ an I,.4a,ion at t h e F our- ceremon e u, .' Mr. and Mrs. John Hiltt and Icb.:.ol until h • i6 ,eara, of. CU8lt , of her ' parellta , IIr. and ... an4' IIr. Y ,w as ."errorm ed. Mr. aDd lira. Wade Fuk t,II Dlatrlc t meletln g at Odord age he. 10 the autumJi Of 19Ot. II0· 1ItW. ' ..,; H. 8tubb' l 111M Tbe bride Is a regb.ter ed nurae little son. Jobnny . ot Sprbigt Stubhl toll of DaJum. Mr. and Mra. Mat· Bunda.,. teld j Ted t~ tbe vlclnl(y of GraDvWe, 'WW • .,.4 .lb. "bet1r .. and. 'll'Ildua te of MIIUDI Valley were gu~8tS of Mis8 Ruth Chand' Uaw TanIII .... aoa. In ce1ebra. There are IJver 10.!)09 Lellon HOlpltal. The groom worka for ler Sunday Oblo Wbere be enlaNd ' prepara .. ter" n.caUoll wltla frSaDda evening . In CI.- ' tIoD of tile bII1JIda7 umlver aarlea ~emben In tbe Fourth Dlatrlc tory Ichool that be JDllbt prepare ,"laDet . t tbe .. Rowel! ' Co. Inc . of Da~n . , .., : ' .or IIU1e JaU. ·CJoDI anc1 Mrs and a IOIJ. or · 16,000 membe rs J08EF McCOY SPEAK S ball p _ _ J_ '. h'lm~U t.o r DeDlllaon UDl.,... ltY. 8Gboe1er. 111'11. 00l1li. eJiteruWied been ..t. IN COLUMBU'S' from which be craduat ed. ODly a lin. Stoopa ' oJ Van .. poop of little tolU Saturds y Joaeph McCoy was 110 speake r - - . . ,,,,, ,,,-- abort period. after his Wen an4 CHILI SUPPE R 1I&rJ' '" aItenlOOD. tor .J1IlIee 1I1euur e alld TAX TREND when tbe Ohio State meeting of baa he Jlvecl III thII commUDltY. Co11U11lbua are aaalaUDC~ IIr. J'ra- . . . . . were -.toJecl .... With 8ponao red By HIIb'er taxe" are almoat uuanl· tbe BUals was beld In Col\llllbua Bfa ,",k took blm to odl.r. loca' ~ Holm.., at lbe bailie or .'" the ~ call. an4 iee cream. DlOWII, Home Economl.c Commt ttee tJoDa." Sunday . .J~nllary 29. at lbe Nell oppoaedi ID Coqre u. de' ancJ lin, Loy4 Dan.; 8111&8 the augfSt lona pf Preaf.. . Ro1Df). Abo11t a year aao ... Ilealdl ... Farmer a' Gran,e . On... 11 wm IDHt 4eat Truman . Ratber thaD r .... Ctuu t~ aU over Oblo were laD to .laD, ca~ him to ..1ft TELIlV IlIOH (JlL\NOE HALL _ ID ....... .nd. OD 8aUlrd&J ...... t'-e appare nt lelea 1I l'epreae nted at tbe meet1D& . UP Ida work. Wltll aIIoat 1,700,000 televld oll ...... ....~ •• wItIa FBB. 11. 1960 • IIIOl't ~ 'GlC118 tu loopbo .... tllbt. OD W.eclnesday mornln c at 1:00. lIeelcI.. 1IIII.IlJ fdIIuII . Ide wile. .... . ~ IA ... • ..... tuJ'. . . . . . . . . . . .... a lirlef pro. ...rorcemeot tbt. .. to 8 P.II Josef McCoy s])Ok& before cJau. u«h 1ID1I1o,....ent AaNIIa. two ~ ua4' _ ..... .... tIIat ,... ~ tollowt 4 ., DUtY . of ad4Iu.aa1 ..eDt. an4 to ·p .. . . ot AIlttoch li"fmone Welcom e IOc pu4aI dI4rD • at Yellow lilt , • ..una to .,...... ...... . will ...... . . " . . . .. . . will • ... .m.J at .. u.e dm'e for 8COII01II1 In GoYel'llSprlDp . lit. IIcCor ... laP. ' .. on the ... .l1li .... ,... .., _ "._~.__ ...... I ••_ o
Power Company Says Proposal Is Impossible '
Paul Scherer ,Is New Owner Of. Miami Gazette
';:1'~CO;~~Rl~~Y~;~c l':~~~ ~~~ :I~:
Two From Here RDO Fer 0'6lee
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.I..N. ...
___ . . . .roll
_ III_. ___
billa faI&il,
Colle,..pok. .
Thursd ay,
AHlee Promise.s 'Better' Socialism; Amvets Supp,rt 01 Bon,us Proposals; U.s. War Potenlials Oains Reciled !lDITOl l'S NOTE I mi •• ,Inl••• ar ........ ... I. II...... Ih.,. are Iho •• of H ••• ,.per tJDJe.· ••••• aDalr.tr aDt DO& D.o••••llmU". rU'. nala •••• p••• r.)
ThIa Is lJae bbraDCllIeD ....P b's "FlJiDI ())oud" as It left Ita RobueD pier to I1IIl the (JblDeae NaUoDalIfl blockade fa Sbaqba t. It II a aliter Uip to &he "FlylDC Arrow" whloh "a. he&rilT shelled by VhlDese rm~all. 'lbe move was belnl made despite 11. S. ltate departm ent wamlD p to 11. 8. Ihlps to .tay 0111 01 lJae bIocakade area. lasel.. VaptalD Nlcbolas DeniD. ' ....pper of tile "F1ylll&' (JIoai!."
'Attlee Stancls Pat
On the surface, ~t least, there were no qualms over possible reo IlllIts and certainJy no promises of , I%etorm as the Labor ,party in Eng· ,lmd Iouci1y procJalmed that it would stand for more and "better " aoclaIlam II It were , retume d to power in the Februa ry elections. QBVIOUSLY, the overthrow of the Soclallats In" AustraUa a·nd. euller. in ' New Zealand, didn't mean a thlna to Prime Minister Clement Attlee and his admlnls tra· Uon. . . The part)' dn power In Great Brit· ain laid' down Its plaHorm in a 8,OOO,wo.rd . manl(eatp. ne 'plat· form Included: "Wl.e development" of ad· ministra tion of aovernm ent medi· cal l,Byice.s and other welfare ,~.ces (ooe of the mOlt · hotly· dbpute d of : .0clallU Innovations). MUTuALIZATION of inIuran ce' ~that II, ownenh ip by polIcy.bold-
efl, '
Jobl for 'aIL
~creale 10 SI;o.sucticm. lo~erln,
, costs and IncrelS ln, imPorts. _ More aDel dleaper, food. ' A home for every famil,y. ~~.....wo--.-ahelter - for private enterprise ''behlrid price rings ' and rlUed market s." EFFOR TS FOR PEACE in a' "reallllt ic" manner , aDd lIMa to cooperate with Russia. a. "with allJ' o~er country that Is prepare d to work for peace and friendahip. " Strengt henln, of the auoclaUoil of the' commonwealths and th~ AtlanUct pact. . AD. ambitious program surely and ooeJ ,which must comma nd i .ome , measl\1'I! ,of ' l'e~pe'ct It · only. for Its ,declining to retreat in the' . face of what ,"Ight seem to be I danaero us Illtuatlon. ' .
The govemm ent Ilnnounced It was aoln, to "give awa,." some of .the enormous stocks of potatoe s ' which it bought to keep prices up ....but. as usu~ tbere was a catcb to It. ' Not everyon e could get the potatoes, and it wall not as "free" as it appeare d. THE P!)TATOES, it ' eppeare d, 'wouId eo only to the school luneh prorram , the 'bure,a u of Indlan af· fairs, public and private welfare agencie s lD this countrJ and prl. vate aaencle s doin. reUd abroaCt. However, tbat wai a move whlcb should elicit no criticlsm , Inas· mucth as It savored more of Intel· Uaent ,overnm ent JD action than m,C/St bureau cr.tic actions. , Here', the catch: . , FOR the school lunch; ~d some private . InsUtutlonll. the ' ",lveaway" prorram, means they vJlll have to start pa~ something to ,et potatoe i they once aot ,vlthPu,t baviD, to .pa, out a nickel. , The reasoD for tha~ It was explalnedo Is that for many ' years the '. ,ovem· menl bad a aurplusoC.roP di,pola l proaram , for wbleb 'conlJrels appropria ted funds. Tbl. 'meant co~ moCUtie. c~ be delivered to .chools tree. Now,' 'all that'. cban,ed , there II. nO free-deliver"! fund, 10 schOOl lunches will have to pa)' transportation for Ita "free' commodities.·
Added SuppOrt
Keep Posted on V.lues
Up & At 'Em!
Appllrently eager to accept every rebuff as a challenge, Preslde nt Truman ' let it be known that be would "light aU summe r.': If nec· essary, to obtain Clongressional ap' proval of his civic rights program . THE PRESIDENT made It very .pla./n that he desires every memo ,bel' of congress to be put on rec· ord regardinlil the program . The highly controv ersial Issue t 0 which the PreSide nt Is 8tUl battllna caused a split In the Demoo ratic party ranks durlna the 1948 preal· dentlal campa lan-an d promise s to dQ so IIi/pin. Tlje Preside nt Will particu larly Incensed with the coalition of 10Uth· em Democr ats and northem Republica ns which stands ready to oppose the program to the last ditch: The measur e ovel' which there has been ~uch bitter recrimi nations would establis h Ii. federllI commlssion to combat dis crimina · Uon In tbe hiring of Negroes and other minority groups. ' THE SOUTH. usually roc k· ribbed in its stand fo'll the Democrats, doesn't want the measur e, and Its represl,lntatives a.re ' pre. pared to resl,t It In ever)' 'way possible, the usual rec(lUrSe being parliam entary proceciure anci the rules of tbe senate. ' Precipi tation of the row came with the effort by opPonents of the program to do away with a house rule which would let the hoUQ take away from commit tee a ' bID botUed up for a, many al 21 daYI, UnW last year the bou. rules com· mlUee , coulci &tWe leal&laUoo to a areat. deeree IJT holdin. up such billa as It choatl. No~, ~&11" opponents wa~t that power stored. Mr. Truman was hopinr n,taneuver would. b. defeate d.
MIN~RS': Cash, Please!
IJ Beadlnc the Ads
Hog Breede~s Resume STEADY Al 60" Pelletized Feedings Switc"ing to Grain Drinlc ' Post-War Availability
MilD)' 'hoa breeder s . bave re1uc1anlly dropped sklm milk and dairy by·prod uct. ' from their bog rations It) the past few years. Although farmers for generat ions have recognized the values of milk product s 'tli' boa feeding, several :rac~rs have frequen tly influenc ed Ithem to forget or Ignore those val· ues. ' , , But now that dairy by·prod ucts can be adapted to self·fee der 'and !abor - sllving feedIng program s through pelleUzlna of the. products,
turtlGtt mU,
llon-cloDar cut 10 fed· awmer of a chaUeni. to CODp'e II then 1Ir, .Truman appear i ~ 'l"ruDw l. arJtinal plan for a tax have mellowed ID lila tu: ideaL bib baa heeD abandoned. Th. tax.l1a. h propoIa l was DUlcie WIle tIM! Prealclelll titst pro- bJ lenate flDaIUI' commft tee CbalzpoNd &11 Incteu . In tne., be wa, man Gear... a Gaor... Democrat. III a tllbtIDI mood. Be had Just who, at the, .am. time. IlIo oaIIM ' ~ -!..~ 10 lila OWD rlPt for lOVU'DID8Dt to . . . . despite poeral opIDioJ:I lid the lUltIel.,.ted
a-_ ..
POSTUJI ah'ely for 80 day•• See if POSTU .. doesn't }le1p you, to sleep better, feel better, enjoy ife more I ..• INSTANT POBTUM-A Vieoroue Drink made from Healthf ul Wheat and Bran-10 0'}6 C46ei~""r~eJ A Produc t ot qeneraJ ~ooaa.
ItaUoDi which IDDlude peDetbet1 ,dalr)'p rodaot s produce ,DhamploDa nch .. til'- one. .Thlll RampsJ ihe, UOWD br Jamel R~DdenOlI, VolD, lewa, , '1''' ara. champi on oyer an b~di1 at the UfdI Iowa state Fair, .,
~t~~i,ir(1SI"-M 8~~S
in Just 7 day•••• In one ahort week ••• a IrouP 01 people '\fbo Chan. . frorn Iheir old dentifr lcwloC .. tootbPo,wder aver.; aled '33" 6ri«~"r IftIl ." IIOImlllio .~~ I Whr DOl c....... to Ce~ ywnelft Bu, Celolt~ ••• " Joar feeth caa IW& Iooltlnl 6rl,,.,,, te-now 1 ,
c • •o x •
....OWN ·.... . . ... IIc~" R..... lDc.,I~c.u.
rSHOULD A ro l OVER. )
In most of the Jon"~ Involved IItrulile of the coal miners and thetr leader, Jotm L. Lewis, VI.• the coal , operato rl. the worker s were able 'to ~onUnue c;:redlt at compan y' , li stores 'and thus manage to exist tlile)' are ala In retumir la to their traditio nal Place in more and more tbrough long .trlke perlodl . to In the current phase of the ever· lilla rations, , ' • This Is indicate d in a lumma ry recurre nt cont!loversy. that wa. the case until a few week. 8110 wben of 1949 .tate fair resUlts IcrOSI rebel miners, ' buckln l Lewis' the wdwes t boa belt, which aeem. three·d ay work week order, went on to re·emph aslze the feedin' value strike. Sbutdowns occurreci in six of ,m ilk by·producrta and points up caal·pro ducing .tates as ' rOvin, the fact that they can be fitted Into bands of pickets flouted Lewu' .elf·fee der program s. , :the Summll '1, prepare d by, Kraft leaders hip, , THE ' UNITED MINE WORKER fotocla company, shows a total of 12 rehab declare d they were tired or Championsblp prizes and. 10 ilrat worjdD , a tbree-d ay week aDd pr.lIea won at alx bll state fairs .D4 &b. l1atloDl l barrow lbow b;, wanted a ·.'abowd own"· 1o bO, 1 fed a pelletized dalr)' p~uct pute with, the operato rs. were lD 1thii1r rations. " . fa!llD1 back on ,th8 old 'mine, ~ I ~ Ian: "No contrac t-IIO worJc:" But "thla ~e they eilcounte~ a move whicb Would havti arave ellect on their politlon. MIne owo- Of Mesquite ~ ~rs replled with a polley of their Delert rats tbat" ,ather own,: . "No work-n o credit." Sev. fee!d. store It in 1ha1l0w cache•• eral lar,e compl\niel, .. includi n, anci leave maD)' of 'the.. uneUI· . ' tT. S. Ste"l and mo.t 1Ou1h~rn opo are practlea~ planter s of eratora , told. the miners 'tbey would .eed, TIll. one ~ ~e aet ~o mo~ credit at cqmpiJl7 1ri11D01~'t CIU... of the rapid iJi. . .tores whll. the,.- ata:red awa" from arall,. rant, laDel. by work. • . ~~b. ' ONE INDUSTRY LEADER-t e.u. mated that ntln.e r. ball recelvl!4 60 millon ' doUars ID credit sln~e "I- ."_""A the ."no-da, .·week" and 'the . day weelt went Into etfect. 0tIiei-a ' said It wall lust bad bUsiness to ' i.lllln1~~S ,keep, extendi nl ·cndlt '~e.r ~uiih conditions. "I ',rllUI .there appeare d to be buUd- 1'le'NI,!!" In, .uP a situ a tlon rUe with danaerOUI jIOsslbllltles. If the strike. con•tlnued and .~rs and their farfu~ Ues faced. actual hunger and wal}t. . The ~~ bea~n to tell on there could be , troubl. ' a·plenty . ._::....J;.,=::l:==::::;::::i:::..:.4~ · ~rnh\rdt'> a\>ollt tbree months' ... 'arid 1M wOndered for a time wbether ~e ..,qlild bl' able .t o, carry on at the , aame .rllrid P!l~~. B"t that was_before II ~--~~~~~~--~ he heard. tHe ble.sed newl about 1:IADAOOL. .
40 SlOP' _OKING? Chaui
1.11 0. ' ",., CipeIfe . .
Bilts Blamed for Spread I
Mote R.fund.? 4Dw'ic a', Gr., mllht. be 111 . .
anotber nfIID4 sur8DC••
'. ervlce Uh lito
Accord in, to an UUlOUDcemBlll
bJ the ..tarau' admlDlatraUaa. wW take another look at the .... 181'\'e fund nut ,eu aa4. If a . . . plua ,alatI, the
another refwad.
adViiae. them to' aiva BADACOL • trial. , 'Eamha rdt was suf!erin r from a laek B Vita~ins and the Mine.... als . whlcb HADA qeL contain.. HADAC Ot comes to tou 'tn' Ilqui4 form, .easiLy assimilated in the bloocl stre,m 10 tllat It 'can IrO to work riabt> alVay. ' b. ~ack of ,only a IJIl8 I, ~ount of B ~V)~ml'n. and certain Minera l. 'iVJl ~die (1I!f~8t1ve dl!iturbaneea ... YOllr'100d will not agree with you ••• You ~n haYe.an IUpeei lI~ni.ch ••• Y~u '~nll sldfet:,from h~1bum, ,1'U ' 'p~ and your food will so\u' on your stomach and you 'Will not ' be ', 't , I a~I' to 'eat th!l things ),011 like fDr f~'( ~~ being in mi.e~~ ·~te"'ard.. Many people •. allo suffer from con~' stip,tlo n. AI\4 tl'tlile the.e Iymptoma may be, ~e. Fcelulta of other causes, they are lI'r/y an!\ certainl1 th. signl 6tlatK of B Vitamins 'and Minerat . which JlADACOL con~in.. And if iYOU BUffer. from, lucb a deftclenc},! 'disorder. there is no known cur~ '~,~ept , .t he ailmint atnt onf of tbe . V1~lI\ln. -and mineral . which your sYJl't.em 'lacle'" . , It is easy to undliratand, therefo.re, .why countlelll thousands have beeD ben~tited b)' this amazin e tonlc/, HAD~COL. . J So it m!ltten not,Jlow olcll you ani or w~". y~u are I '. J jt matter• .not wheN yoa live Of1,1r Jof! ~vt tried ~lith. med\'clnei ~!,de~ ,the IY~', ,Iy. to wond~rf~~PreparaaOrVH'A:DA_ . COL, a trial. Don't 10 on latterlD&' ' Don't ~ntlnue' 't o )ead a mJlerabl~ lile. Manl ·peraqn . ..110 han fIldfend al)d waited .for 10 to' 20 ,..ra or e..D loncer, are able -DOW 10 II.. happy~ eo~o~l:!le beC!8l11. ~II~";U"I HADACOL aappUed the .ttamln a and mineraI . which their .:ntema lIHded. fair . younelf . Tempo. enou,h for 7011. trial I _ I l i a I . accept _ n1IatI. OIl tile ....ulDe ILU)~
~~.. IDdlcatlciiil are that Mr. SJDce
IN8TAN T today- drink P08TUM eltclu·
A........ .
UHle Chance Seen for Major Tax Hike WIleD a top Democ rat In Prell· that be would be defeata d. &I1d lila deDI 'I'rum.', adminis tration calla to ma)' iIlve been 10 the ~ • Ibree-bD
"I thought my shaky llerves were due tQeettlnlr older. But my docto r blamed the cat. feln in coffee and " suggested a switch to I'OBTUM. Now my ~erVOUB' ness is com· pletely gone and r sleep and feel 80 much betterll' Are "cotYee nerves~' makIng !IOU uncomfortableT ••• Jittery by day? ••• ' Sleepless at nlghU ••• M!lny people -young and old alike-h ave found the answer In switchi ng from, colfee and tea to POBTUM. . , SCIJN" FlC FACtS: Botb calfee alld tea contain co6ein -a drug-a nerve stlD\ulant I So While mllny people can drink coffee or Without ill· ~ffect. others eulfer nervousnellL.ineUarelltion, sleeple la ni,bts. .Hut P08TUM contain s no ca«em or other drug- 'fIolhin, tllGt CO" po,liblJ / CGlUe .Z.e>ple'aM8I, indige,t itm, or
Wirin1'e's Lo~k-alike~
cGII ·He/p Young 'Cl(tftO/d
.Of Dairy Ptoducts Helps
batOe linel for the fIght to obtain .. bonus , for., veteran s of World War n has been strengtb · ened by IUpport from the Amvets, a • World 'War n organization . Meanwhile, the Veteran s of Forelan , Wars rllnewed Ita long-stand· Ing bonus ap~al, , WAR POTENtiAL.: THUS, two major veteran s' oru. S. Gains Cited ; . aanlZatlonll Itandin a' shoulder to ,WbI. tIle.. J llatle!lIti cOllunlttee .shoulde r on' the proposition that for 'aeronau tics reporte d that "it . the nation, should rewar,d their war' II ' lo,i!)lil , to alsume " RUSlla,\ I, service s With a bonus. I ,working bard to develop luper-, Harold Russel. 'Amvets speed ,warpla nes ,to deUver atomic comma nder, told tile bous~,natl~al , Vett;r7 ' weapon .. it alSo ' reporte d -continuo ana' affairs cO,m mlttee in, American gains In the "race ever)' stan!larci of equity that "\ly the bonus for air leaders blp." The commit tee Is , justlflab le." ' :' " , cialled for . '~orta to. "con,oUClAte ' Certa1nly - the G~s "of ConflIc t the~e lIains and pilsb'. fOrWani." ~o h!ld a precede THE AGENCY reportin g Is Ute ~ the Doughboys ofnce In the case War I ,overnm ent'. chief ,organization Mel. rememb ering Worli! hlst~, they for bulc, aviation ' researc h and, would not be t<lo disappO inted at copaequenUy. should know what it early dela7ll, inaamuC h all It toOk II .ta1ldDa , about. ', quite' li time for the ~e' commit tee droplfed one n~t. veteran s . to, obtain World 'Will' J ' paslIge of ' ," so-cheering note, however,. by bonus bill, . pointing out that aD)' naUon that THE AMVETS · and " the vFw wants to make the ellort can biilld were ~l:I'eed that the rate of com.l' ·'pract.lc!ll mllitaI j airplane ,," able pensatio n for veteran s should be to fb' faster than .ound. $3 a day for ·'Superl or·,peed ," ' th. , report try, and M a s,rvlce in thli coUn· day ' for service over· conUnued, "i. ,eneraU.y ackDowl· leal.Th II would mean that a max· eclred to be the mOlt importa nt imum ~onUl 'WOUld' be' M;500, mill , '!nate elemen t In' succell rw air ad extra bonul for men who were atta~ ~ In detenl' a,ainlt at· wounded 10 action. ' , ta~. RaDle alao Is IDlportant. The ~. D....,. Ibort (a;, .II~' I, .T he question of a bonus for men' aU-IDment of 10Dl ran8'e ,pole. a who have defende ,..es a .... Imprea lM' aI" d theIr c:ountrJ ' moSt dlfflClilt- problem'" Britain ', WlDItoa .ehuoll lll, .. ' In um. war II on. of the mo.t , AND THEN the reporl·. punch 'dUflcult of btl reIIea _ '01' Ilia "'" 1Ii,_ with whicb a people may line: ' ' amatea r ft4Ie .biw 7.. ...... . wreatle . There Is Ibl va.t 'l1'atitude ••,.. JD lb. cue of abe atomic abd appreCi ftNed In (JouUI aU_ ad' ..... ation of .ervice on the bomb, AIiIerica cannot expect to • by Feb~1')' I. " '1'IIe' . . . . . ' , hand. and ,on the other • con-: .-JOT &!1 exe1U1lve advant al.....t c~Uon of patriotl .m , . tor Uae beDefil 01 Uae and duty. _ It caD .0Dl7 plan bT vl,orou a ,olidWe d mOlt Reart UNOIaU ea . . . wtIl ide.. aftea bJ , lack of 'aDd tlmeb' researc b to .taT ahead oece.S&r7 oft IJae ore...... .•• JIll .... tuDela with whlch to' re01 ~ potential ....1111 •••" , Ward the warrIO n. "
2, 1950
....we n m., .. '
'1'BIl Amf01JKCllllENT . . tile VA ... JDallIq out '-"_(,. ~!~~!'!L~ ...~ , W 1Di1UoD. of VIIII.ral1ll
ThurSday, Feb.ruary Z. 1950
IHr~f§;~ ~ft;"_dia:n-Wint I
• ~
• •
You can save 'ga8 by turning . down the flame to center simmer whenever you're boiling food because balling po~t is 212 degrees and tbe center s immer ' g ives enough heal to reach boiler point.
, 1
- SCRI'PTU1tE: KC . ITfJ 9-1 3: 3. DEVOTIONAL READING: Isolah, 42 . 1J-9.
• • •
, To blancb almonds: Cover with cold . water. heat just to boiling oyer center sim~er iburner; d.r ain, 'slip off skins, One 01 the
• • •
Where We Came In,
waYI to take
CIRCULAR LETTER came , in the other day trom a stranger who IS. hot and bothered because he has discovered that Jews and Negroes can beJ,ong to Christian churchea along with white Amer· Icans, \ The astonishing thing is not that that should be ,true, but , that any man. should get ex· cited over It. What a s ton Isbed Ule . <A.posUe Paul wall not Ulat Jews were·. I n the Christian church b u i that anybOdy else could .bel We must recall that Jesus was a Jew; that all the Apostles were Jews; Ulat ' the first Christian church at Jerusalem was eomposed ,, exclusively ,of ' Jews.' '
• • •
Drln., for eurlnr pork (an be made by combining two pounds 01' salt and abe ou'n~e of saltpeter with a gBllo{l of wa~er .. Test the solutlQD by dropping a raw potato intp U. If the' potato , sinks, add more salt 11lltil it comes to the top and stays there. ',
• • •
Sour , eream,
cOllfaini. mogica' TOII'HOl
Winter is always a delight to Canadians, most. of whom are ardent winter ,sports enthusia.sts. Here (dbove) a mother and daughter duo are getting a swell "kic~" as the daugMer takes her ·first skiing lesson with Mom de",cmstrating the "snowplow technique." Tnafs to ,show the no'Vic;e skier how to stop-and' skiing instructors at the wi~ter resort soy-it is 0 "must" to be taught even before the skier learns how to stort,
paNantAnal .",.v"'''''
InlO U,.'1f
cblillub.. ,,1111 Ipeeliliootlll.. llildll:lul 1IlIIOII,o
"'_I •••
ch.... 'bIcIi Wrf_ IIIIa • •• 'IIII •••. co . . fCIItIIII DOIi\tII&.
At bedttme rub throat, ch_ anll back with V1cU V.poRub.
Re11ef.brilllb!s act.ton atarta ; 1nataDtD ••• , UHlJI' .., onctI , ADd It teeps up tb18 ape'c lal Penetrauq·StlmUla~ &e-
," :~~-=\IICKS' br~' r.Uet. • VANR".
'F,esher, taitler-noW'ishlng too! Try deli. c!ouaoven.poppodRiC. Kri.pl ••• A,morlca'a fa· vorite'ready.to-eat ric. "er.al. maket a 1l00d breakfut-fUD to eat!
, I'S,,£$
•• •
AT ANTIOCH, one THEof CHURCH the great commercial citi es
Fin" • Quick., • a.H" ·laf and 20'
.,ieve,·-:a CheSt Colds ••
flick them out with ,the ~ittle gadget. used to. make melon balls.
.~S AS i~
Lelsom fOf FqbufllJ'Y
the seeds out of pear ha:lves is to
j.nstead of the USI.tBl milk, $arpen~ the flavor of mashed potatoes. Mash. add sour cream. sprinkle wit b chopped c~ives or parsley.
Savings Bonds!
BeWGre' Coughs From CoIn.... Colds
of the Roman ,world, was ' where we Gentiles came In. The writer Is Indebted to his former teacher, ,Dr. Cbarles Erdman, for noting, f.our ways In which ' that cl}urch In Antioch was' something new. Oeomulsioa rdievupJODlpdybecaua They had DO Old Testament. it goes rigbc 10 the seac of the uoubla they knew nothinr of the Old to belp loOse,ll and upel germ Iadell Testament sacrifices, they bad ,phlegm IIld aid oature co soothe and DO Interest In tbo Temple or In , bed raw, ceoder, inBamed broachlal mucous melDbraoes. your druggilt the h.lst~ry of Israel. Like most to leU )IOU a 'botde ()f ~mulsio~ Gentues, they had ' usuaUy ~th the 'u ndentanding you Dlwt like , thought of the Jew as a quaint ' die _y II ~1 aUaV- the cough, 'b ut: ~por&aD' min I' I t Y or you ate to have your ~ back. croup. Now tha' these Gentiles were In the aame cbarch wltb Jews. there .would 'be ,p lenty of forCouahs.ChestColds,lronchitii , room for trouble. Could churCh made up of such dlUerent races · become a true Bl'othe.rhood? So the old mother· church at Jerusalem sent up Brother Barnl\bas to look around. Barnabas was not the church's most brilliant mlrid, b~t he had a heart :fUll of faith. '
Th.tHANGON ,.-el1
• This young miss (albove) finds you don't h a veto look for for ' snow in Ontario. Th9usands of AI!'Ieri• . cans find that out each year as they visit this mec· co for winter outdoor fans. At left, t h, is youngster, barely able to toddle, ' soon' will be whining along on skis at this Ontario ski club. The instructor is specially-trained by, the Canadian traveling ski school.
CREOMULSION 1---------------
• • •
OD DOES NO,T ALWAYS glv. the areateSt lucce.lea ' to the "big namell." NowadaYII ever'! one who knOWII hli Bible knowl Pa~ and Earnabas; ,but· In Antloch both men were unknown at tiret, and Untried. Wllea God waul a Reform.. tlOD he calls forib • Luther. ' &II obsCure ·man who DeVel' aD~ 01 tile eJdJiUq prieStI,.' molda. " When GocJ waDW &0 oP,eli up .urloa he 'Called DaYid' LiriDpteae; when lie wanW mea for tile far interior of .&ala he called BIId.oa '1'a:ylor. when he wantell &0 lIhIne dOWll In&o tile Ilums lie caUed William Booth. ' These we~e aU 'peculiar men by the standards of their times ; but it ta~es peculiar men to break away from tradition's hearth·fire anc:l break out new roads for ~e GospeL
· .,.
SOME TIME Jeruslilem watl capital , of the Christian world. All roads led out from there. 110 to apellk. WUh 1he rise of the AIitIoch ,c hurch. however. ' a new center took the ,place of tlle old. Jerusalem wlUlered away. In later time. Alexandria led. ' and then other cities. , J For a tIIoaaaua ~eara' ~e alld 'CoDatallllno,le were tile ao.......Ied.ed cenlerS of tile CbrIa· , tllUI _rid. N_ we have &lao 1Aad~_ YorJr-OeDeT,& '•• , ~ ,neb center. aye _all .1IeIbmIDIa. Ja _erlca'. lap tile elllII'cIa" 01 8cotIaDcJ lelia ••er ml.......f7 etterta..
..... iIIe lIelp of tile .aru....... UWe eInaroII of Ne" York. 'I rttuture yean, who laIOWI? Some ohur~b In ' Yqnnan may be lendln,
mllstonaries to the feeble tolk left In the war· devastated eX - white
1$ I16SrI " -SInce ulnl' ORA
any , go to it, not ,t rom it. But old Antioch left us somethlng still cherished, a new f),a me for believers: Christlan. That name itself prove. 8omet~ing.
't proveswa.thataomethln. the charch In m,ore '
tIIan an a.,'re.aHon of ' ''ohurchmen.!! 1& wal & fam. 0,. of Cbrlat-men and CbrJd. wemell. TheSe bel1evera mal' la1lted and Urecl lOmetllIDa' baUer &ban mere vacae
m~. denture
fa aI-
wap dean 'aDd ajluldlllC." All lias H. SerIIck, Portlalld, II..
AN1'IOCHimportance. is ,no' longer a city , of Missionaries
...... .fII
CUIat, tIIey Ilmltl CirIat IUUI
...,. Uved ChrIH, tID eya , . . . , blla)" ~"n took . . t1ae.
If rour cblU'Clh bad DO IIA~" aad if ~O\U" aeJabbor. were ' to name , It, aa4aJl tb. Imew 8bout It ",ere ~, . . . . .t am. WO'I&Jd tIIQ CII1 In
1m a an oftrWbelmml' ~I.0r tty of dentlata prabed thl.,ma"" oua DeW dean.sr. 'No harmful bl'Ulhlnc
that can rIIln dalltlirea. Jut place In ORA aolutlon for 16 miD11.tu or Oft1'nlpt.,Remov.. tobaeco.ataIDI. ORA Ie l'1IaraDteed not to ba.l'III denture&. Get ORA tod.a7. All druggist.:
• rr..IId ., ..,...... a ..........
The Miami Gazette Eatabllahed 1850 Publls bpd every Tb u1'llday morn· u ig at Wayn s"lIIe. Warren County, OhIo. Edna H . Conover . . . .. PabUlher Ted Conover ... .. ,. .. .. . EdItor Ent r d as 6 cond class matter/ SubHcriptlon Rate: $1.50 per year at the Ilos torrJee fit ~Vnynllsvl1le, In 0[,10. Kentl!cky, and' ]ndlana, ~2,OO' el R wllere. Ohio - -
,D ry Ridge
hi)' OUI
able lo gilt out une of tbe new rellces that we want to buUd . Tbl;u w b lie \I t! war doing lbat. \\'1' wen) cpl1slde rlng l,be pos9lb(lltl e ~ or COnlolll'l ng 01' lerrllclng thHt field Wale'blng III I'ellulls o[ lerra lng 1I0llle of the tieldll 011 HlgIIII'llY '" Ilave not ltu'lte sold tile idea to John , \ e have aLways used gmss waterways and not IJlo wed Ih 10 UII but we b(u:en ·t tried the neWe l' wu.yll of storlpln~ gul ly ",as billg , E\'ery heav), rllil1 shows tbe neell of c!raatlc metb · od s 011 Iltl1y ground , " WI! \I tlr~
.,These gray wlnler daYB Without. IInow make tbe country look dingy and not very atUlacUve A Farm Diary lind Ihey are good days to 8tAy In the bouse but 'so tar we bave By D. J, Frazier. IIOl don many of the things we wlUlled to do . It liS &ood~eatl\el: J nnull'I'Y 31, 1960 . Rllln lind to sew' and cook. ' It la, good we · s lee t. Ycstc.rday urter ;(.I rrurly atber to have c~mplI.ny and sit II' pJea sllut. day It Huddenly lIega'n 10 round by th e fire . \ e bav young rain an d fr ez liS it came down. company right IIOW, Bevarl)' Ann S Ic l foJlnye d lhe ' raln and soon aged tWO and a hnlt, no, It Is tile hlttbwI&Y wa~ a glare ot Ice. near tbree than tllat' and June, 'rher woa on e bad accident on aged ,e lghl montbs, so that keeps , tbe higbway nertr us and 'Proba· tbe llOusebold lively. There is [\ Illy til re wero more of tbelD eltie. lItUe helper [or e very Job , " I , 11' he r as lhe storm came ' up just help." is the ' l;onstanL cI'Y anot allo,,!, dark , This rna nlng It Is s ometimes she really can . Sh~ not gUll rreezlng btlt !lome of the Cit!! hold down the Quat pan who." IIleet anc.l Ie 18 II tlll on tne grou· you sweep up dirt . She can even )u1. My I)<)or IItile crocuses are s weep wltb ber little broom. Sb'! buried In the J e . Tbe red birds Burpr/zed us by laking lIe..- little nre out in ~he cblrke n yard look. , broom and Bweeplng down the Ing for ('orn, but the song' spar· ' cella r steps tbe otber' day' and /'Ows are Quiet today . One of We s he gOI t bem c lean too . We can 't cold mornIngs 8 veral day s ago. a!ways ~emtand all that she they wer s inging as tbpugb It says but sbe keeps t blngs lively. were spring . We baven't bad h e stood- up on a ' cba ir and be l· mucb real wimer yet but Blgns ped me chum the butter tbe otber of sp tlng II re In the air . day '"1 Churn," she said, and IIhe We got a. Dew pie~ for the Cur· rea ll y did most of the _ tUl'nlng or the bandle . I thought IIbe woul d nnce grate yesterday Rud now II , is In aod they came to meDd tb gel tired but when I took a t urn bill'll roof and p ut' new spouting s be W- quick to say, " I do It," on the house so that: was done 'I'bis Is a good time for company and vl.s tors ' when the ' weather is I,)er~ re the storm , One of the gmy o~tslde, we can mak.e it cbeerC,,1 insIde . 6 ,a
OHIO . oud not
In l he lire ilull lbe rulln n t the 'IIbh(1 It e,:ery one gUve,; 8S 'mucb 11.8 they l' An there well be plenty IInrl dOli ', Corget tbat It might b someone lit },ollrll I hilt needs U e belp. P 1' hap& tbroug h research mnde possible \IY tMse illnds "'e may be freed from rllture p ld emic8, fi o g ive to[) the MARCH Oli' DIM liJS. ~\rld don't be f,lltl"llcd with just ,III clime It )' 011 cun gl v u dollnl',
By JANE FITE Mr . nod Mrs . nob I·t nranden. , burt: nnd Mr . and 1111'S . Wn lter McOnT'I'eJl entel'tnlned the memo bers M tbe Crusader'!! C.WSI\ 1,0 II. "ollu ek dinner at theh' home on a dm,sday evening . Mr . 'Woodrow C0111nll wb o h
Mr . and Mrs . 13 . I. Hili w eI· ""rne d I h m('robors' of lhelr i)ll' ,Ige .club In tbe vll l.!\ge to a din· I ,,.. und clint pllrty al t heil' new b j near Mt . H\llly Salurday evellhl,g . M r llnd Mrs , Hulph N il ' IIl1d family have moved Into t heh' new home on Ma In slr ot, whl ·h 'Ihey aCQulrl!tl, from Mr , lInd !\Ir's ' n J . Em . Mr . lind Mrs . Oharl B Oordan departed Sunday (01' nn Indefin· Ite stay In Florida . Mr , Ilnd Mrs . CarL Jones of Franklin ' were .guestK during the weekend of 1hel r parentR, ·MI·. a nti Mrs , ' Olaude J on\ls nllli M'~ . lIud Mrs , lBen Beokett . Mrs . SUBle Gilliam Ro( DnYI.olI d i ~ th e hou s guest of f}V ti ll !\Irs ' iames Rllder nnd dllughlel'3,
THURSDAY , JANUAf\'" 28, 1950 'rom M'ocabee large farm A uction. Located Beavertown Olllo, on Marshall JlDad. At 10 A.M . • " '. ' ; 'S'A:rURDAY, J~"NUAR'''', 28, 1950 , , , Obler and ' AnderSOn "on ,Sbeehan Road, f miles smlthwe!lt Cellterville. 14 h.ead Reg. Brown- SWiSS cow~. 10 henet Heltetil , C o ll) 1111'00 (ill'm All lion . ' ,WEDNESDAY. FEBRU,.. "V 1, 1950
merS:;I~:b ~~<l ~~::I~:r:1lt~~le~o::~t 5;' b~!~m~~;:II~;lDr~:!~; ~~
1I11 .. gmdo Gu~rnlleys, fllrm mac hine ry. 'etc. .SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 195~ Complete'- }'arm Auction at 10 A . M . Located 1 , mile welt ftoll la 4. 4 miles east of 'F o.rmersvl,l Ie, Ohio. FRIDAY, f;EBRUAf\~' 3, 195\) Household Goods; Bu ekeye' street" Miamilllllrg; Otito. , , SATURDAY, FEBRUA~I'" 1" 1950 Mllck liRd :Woods, 2 mites B~uth lof, Centervllle, a~ 11 A .~.
"8' · ; :
Select. risk c~m~any , . .,. • Aut~matlc renewals ' . ' Owned by polieyholden
Fill out and moil Ihi. coupon, Thoro', no obll,otlon.
Geh tl,hnon, Plea .. quo Ie ,at.s on my
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Make _ _ _ _ Veor _ _ _
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Lower walls of any room Clan be hand refinished quickly by my method • beautifully decorated for as little:
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My present , lnsuranc" •• pl,.. Idal.I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-My Nom.
AddN.. ________________
SIiUl UIlI N. K aYl!, Rec tor Morllln!! WorK!llp, JO ::lO A.M.
FERRY CHURCH OP C'HRIST Byron Carver, Mlnillter Bible School, 9:30 A,M" Morning Worehlp, 10 : 30 A.III , Rrayer M-eeUug, 7 :00 P,~. Younr: People'. Meeling, 7;00 Even ln« li'Iervlcell, '1 :30 P.M.
I:JTICA E.U,B. CHURCH WlIlIllm Sbannon, M Inlalt<r Sunday Scbool , 9 : 30 A ,M.,. MI'S, JlUDea Garrlllon" SuPt. .preaching, 1IIt. and ~rd : Sur.' dllYs ot eact. month, 10 : 110 A.M. Evening Services, 7 :80 P.M.
MT. HOllY METHODIST T. M. Soalf, Minister
Sunday School, 9 :30 A,III., 4,. Earnbart, Bupt. 'Worellip Service, 10::10 A .M . Evening Service, ,7:80 P.M.
ST. AUGUST INE CHURCH Fa1lier R. ' R , Krumholtz, Pastor l\ttts!les, II Ilnd 10 A.M. CAESA'R'S CREEK FRIENDS Ale Partington, MIn-liter Wors blp Service, 10 A.M. 'Sundaf Scbool, 11 A.M. WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS F Irst Day Scbool, 9:9" A .M. "1 ling for Worship, 10:30 A.M.
0.- - ---
8ell that pl,ga or 'flrm magl}ln. ery you no longer nted with a all · zette 'c ,ullfled ad.
WlorkRboll ollerated - by ~e98o Pt" lng oue or Ihelr ni.trl\Ol IVt li fol \i 11lllngton In the Riley n~CI 'oB S Ih,' 'I\ui! gild (~O 1(Il·t>d bon 111 (1 hut A? olflce or Dr FI'OSl Suggest "~ll - Feno's, till 1<.I·u I Mr . !tnd Mrs . Johll- \\III1sb ell' ElnsLor pr s .n t f(lr 1110 08 YQU ca~d ~erloul! injury early Iu.Jlt 101' ! Our bleh IIcboo l nnnllni Is 11Il1l1'· Sunc.\a)' morning -wben th eir cur ing compleUoD- mOllt of the mn· overturned on Lytle Road , torlal hlU:l been edited and 11I8t Mr . a nd Mrs . Frank Pennln\l' lIJonday M1' . RUllptl), calDe' floOD! I"n who baVe been residing III Le banon 10 take (I1cture~ wh Ic h llle 'arT Funn nea l' th villog.. m"J' to be In(llmled III ih ' nnllun!. movf'd illt.. th p, Dro(lk'K p,ro l} r (y In . addil ion to Indlvldulll llIri'l\- 1)1 · 011 Main 8tr:eet S alu rday , etures, th,e re wlU bl' l' "},I'Ren te d 1'h~ . Re ond 'In " ~erleB of re· olso plclures of , our hUHket ball views, ,"Women of tbe Blbll'," teams and til ~d wltn lIler>'· w'a8 glyen by Mrs 'Margare( 'fu· bers attired Inunltorm . ker at the home of Mrs . Mlll'y .The thlrd g rade IItudenLs h it S PIerRon 'l'ue sdlly nlglit. !l'beso been IllUdylng about t he 'Eflldm l~, weekly me~tl.g8 ' are ' being con~ Ullin g t he kll ow]edce whleh .tbuy dueled by the ,\ SC!'i nn,1 nnYQ11 have acquired, tbey made sconell IUIlY Il.ltend for theIr dlflil la y tabti, drawn pt· Several stude ntll Irqm the Jlln .• C!tll'f'!;\ "lUI COID" iI d bOQI.8. Th'e lr 101' and Senior 11I880S of Harvey· teacllcl', Miss RIl.KtillJ;S, ommen' Rbu .., Hlgb School a~"nl)e(l ' UI9 ' t d \lpon [he ir keen 'InlereRt in motion picture production of '']In· Mqull'i ng knowledge ot 11ft) 10 t hll mlet" ' wblch was playlnS' lit tile Norlblnnd . Lamnr 'rhllnter In WH,"Ulglon CIVIC CLUIi ~EET8 MONDAY, FEB 13
.School News
Prepare Y ouj C~r For Winte~'" , ,
KI• •. ' .Gaf!a•• ,
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W-A YN £8.
as $5.00.
F.uily .~uaranteed
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Commerclnl Bldg., Dayton (AD 31161)
select risk driver you can .qualify .for econom'icol protection with Farm Bur.au Mutual Automob ile Insurance · Co., Columbus, Ohlo~
10 ,
F. T. MARTIN or C . E . RIESAN" Auctloneera 0
ilUleol Sel'\' Ie!!, 9 ; 4fi a "
Tbe members of Lbe Wu.ynos · vllle Oivll) Club and their wlvf'S will meet In the dlu'tng rO(lDla of tb.e MeUiodll}t. cburC1 h on Monda:y ,. evenIng, Feb . If , ' By JAN'IE FITE The dInner will b sElrverl by \'<'Illtb FellQwshlp t till! ·n~l. !!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!! t1~e "·h. BtlL:.LETIN: E Davll-2 mln .- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,... o !'Glnt. . Harveyaburg 3P, CO!!. , NOTICE OF APPOINTM ENT trevllie 26. I Adminlltrator , Estnt of F lont 1'erl'),lIl1l, 1)1)110 ' n8ed. Rita. ~lark, a member of tile N otli~e III ' n ~r.. l,ty l' h~"11 !llIIl JUnior Clas8, wu abs('ot I rum 'CharI s J . Wl1ligonl'r whose PORt sebool several day s Ialt 1I\'eek , OffiCIo Addl ellt! 18 r.elmnOIl . hl(l, owlllg to J llnells . , hilS been \July 1I11(JQllIl!llt ill! i\ II· Oongratulatlons nre In order fo r mlnlstrl1l'lr W\VA fir t he ' 'F:!ltal !:l\lgene Re nnett, WillIs J;lllke, Fl · of Fi om llel'I')' h I 1 hI tf' (If \\ ;j y. Clyd Siulders Jr ' , Ernest Wilson nflllyllle, \Vul'1'l'n . COllllty , Ohl fl , ' J,r " B,-rbnra Doster, Mlrm,m 'rle· clerensfld . tmey\tr and Joa~n " Huddleston .' nat d Ih ls l ,lLh Ilay or Jnllllal . All of t bls nftb grade 'g rOup bave 19r.O. completed tbe flr8' Semellte.r CIt HAl.PH H. CA lllilY IIchool with' perl.ct attendanoe .Tllilge of tile PI'obate Olll't Worren IltlIllY, OhiO' Tbe Junior ClUB needs YOlll' lfF}AD In lta 8elllng enterprl&e! Slanll'Y l!IId Stallll' Y, AUIWII )'K milo south or ,Won't you cooperate by " ,lu'chl18' PII~l1sh('d .rall. 19, 211. F b. '2, 19 r,o
If you're
LYTLE METHODIST C. HURCH U. I'l. Eluuglln, Plistor
P. M.
WAYNE8VILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST M, H . Cott y, Mlniater BIble Scbool. 9 : 80 A.M. Momlng, WOrshiP" 10 :80 A.M. Young Peoples' Meeting, 6:46 P.M. _ EvenIng ' Service, 7 : 30 P.M. Pray er Meellng on(l Dible ' Study 0 patient at 1I111\p11 Valley Hosp. inll i ~ reported 10 be 1m proving Wednesday, 8 P.M.
Marsbll ADn ' and Ruthl . Miss Kathleen Grabllm of nllY · \However, this Isn't the kind of ton wus a houseguest c,\urlll;! th'! weather ' wben I like t o 'WeBn: II weekend of her Aunt, Mrs A , S . "I} , cai r but there Is a 'P rett)' bel fer Collett.. . can at the barn that Is going t~ Seveml IlerSODS (rom tbls vl<," ON FARMS bave to leave, bel' foster mama lnlty ~~ttended tbe Jnnuary rueet. very lIoon. We bad two I)alves a· Ing or' t be Ad,v lsory COlillcll at tile tUl1lS assure repayment bollt tbe 111;11011 age 80 we l,l1Jt bome of 1\11' 0 lind MrIJ . Jolin Setability, tbem bot b ontbe same cow but tli meyer Friday evening . The now It Is time . to wean tbe rJelfer program leade~'8 , fOl' tbe 'meeting ~% will save yO umoriey. ane! let the veal ,calf hav e more were ,Mrs Artbur Mattingly lind REFINANCIN G BUYI NG milk so that he will b e (at and I\Irs Lena Clark bring top ' price . Also r ,do not Mrs. Laura Sbldaker spent sev. IMPROVING want to let the belter run with eral da.ya las t ' week at the.. hODIO her cow too long b eoB1Ille It Is of .bel' daughter, Mrs . Paulin,) through bard t o break tbem of ttucking Villars of Xen Ia . , \\ e have a big bel ~er thnt sUIl. Mr. ·W. P . McOarren, accom ' 'gets 11.11 t.be milk. JIbe Ca,rl get when panied by blsgranddallgbter, Saever, a cow w,m let ber . 1 ' look at lid... FIBhel', depal·ted from thl' S, ' Old Batik Bui ldin~ hel;' everyday and debate wltb my , ail'port at ClnClnns.tl ,Sllt\lrday e\,. Phone '448 lI~r whelher to Sell her for beef enlng tor tbeir win tel" home III or walt Ilntit 8 h~ Ft . Lauderdale, Florida : but when ' that will be I tlo no tr The loeat order ot the Grangs know becaqse . I haVe 'n o record . m~t In regular aeasloD a t- the Gr'. That Is tbe ' trou ble wUb past ure ange H all Monolay evenIng. 'fhe onlY half of tbe problem, that program was in c harge ot , Mrs . breeding , Raising your stock Is A . . S . Collett and Mr . Howar,1 meaps ybether yoti make or lose McGuinn. I ,money knowing when to lIell 1\otr IIl1d Mrll. Todd BunCe nntl them and dolllg It . ' MnI Bunce'lI motber, MI:s. Mil. They say the p,ol10 fund drives ; Jle' r.foore, wore guests of rela· are not doing 80 well tMs year lives In Sabina, Sunday . and after the bad epidemic of lhe ' Ii'lre' of an undeterlllilled orlghr las t, year :the ' treasurY ' is sadl y de ' MuseU slight damage e,luly ' Sun~ pie ted , They are coll4?Ctlng at boo , da~ nll/ming , to the Interior or a
METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman, Minister Gtrul'cb School, 9:30 A.M., Mr. HOl'ohl FJarnh'a rl, S upt. \'{orab lp Service, 10:311 A.M . Youtll Felows bl.lp, S undny, 6 :30
Scenery In Plastic or 'ColOJ~ PIut.~.. _ Very laestin.ble,' Bat At Very Low eo.t Let Me Give y~ My Law Pricea, Send P-aattl Tal Sl'ANFORD BOGAN, HOTEL IEBANON,.OHIO
Waynesville Furoiture &App6aace Co. TELEPHONE 24U .
FEBRUARY .2, 1960
, THE MIAMI GAZETTE. WAY~ eJ' Suntlay· eVl'nlng.
Mrs .
Mrij . Roy Shnw of Xenia Bpepl unday 'villi Mr . and Mrs. LU I! By MRS. HtLY GIBSON Morgan . Mt· . and Mrs . Henry I Del'gOB lind Bon, Johnnie. of Ben. MI' . "1!.ullijel Morgan oC Lebanon culled au Mr ' 'a nd Mrs . Lua Mol'. vel'town called In tbe atternoon. MI' . and Mrs. John Mc'fag. .g an Sunday evening. gert and Bon. Jack, of near Lewis Mr . nnd Mrs . Kenl1elh HI'aUen ~urg. MI'8 Z~nk Crnff or Dayfon. called OIL Mr. nnd Ml·8 . Oeorge Elva J>ntlen of Troy. Mt·. and Mrs. 131'atl n , SatuI'C1ny afternoon . Ernest Eafinhal' and .aon, Dnvld. ~lsK Clara DaUghter wOI'e' dlnnel MI'. lind MI'a. Lewis J:awfol'c) guests Sunday of Mr . nnd Mrs . tlnd daughl ~l'. Donna Lee, of Xe· G . K ersln ger. nia, Mls8 MInnie Crawford ot Ml', nnd .Mrs . T.homas RunyoD Dayton !lpen ~ WI! weekend ~\'Jlh spont Sundny WI.lh · Mr , lind Mrs . Mr. and Mr8. Chu'onco Crawford . Walter Oalluban and Camlly of MI' . aull ' Mrs . 'Dewey Comes· CinCinnati . tock and fawny und ,M rs. Allce F.urmlln of Deaverbow'n called on Mrs . ~ Uy Gibson FrIday after' noon . MI' . Wilbur Dooll oC Dayton cal· ~d on. Ml', [lUd ' Mrs, Ge orge. By MR,. \yALT'ER . ~ENRICK Dratten Sund ay afternoon . M I'll . Elsie BUlllIell lind child· MI' . nnd Mr$ . Seth Ftll'OlUI 'Jr. ren of ' ;Lebanon s~ent Thursday of Soolal Road nro announ· evening ,yltll bol' mOlltor. Mrs clng tbe bl~th of a daughter, .Ruth B lly GU)son . Ann, on Salurday. January 2S, at Mt·s , Roborl: ~lt'eenll' cit Dllyton St. A~I'l/1I h os pital, Dayton. , Ml'. IIpent the weelrontl \vith Mt; . lil'lll and Mrs . Seth Furnas Sr. are the pnternai grand parents allll 141" Mrs . LUG Morgan . Mr. CS!'l Rldln!!Or or noar Wit · and Mrs . Fred Zimmerman of y nosvUle, cnUed, on ' friends here Lebano~ are the mntemal 'grand Saturday, 'M r. and Mr s , Lue .pnrents. ,Mr : and Mrs. Wllliam Rickey "Morgan arid M r . alld Ml'Il . Clnr· nnd Mr . /lnd .M'rs. Earl lUokey, on ce Crawford. , Mr . and ' 1I11's , Raymond Lucns or Waynesville visited relatives a nd -family . CltI1~ d <m t~elr murDo n,t Georgetown Sunday . Mr . and Mrs.. llidwln NUlt at nenr (Oentervllle wore ' Sunday ·&ue8l8 of Mr . apd 1\lrs. Therle • Jones and SOli. . . .Mrs . Betty Rickey entertalnell , at ber ' home in~ Lytle Thursday I ev~n lng. Jan . 26. to n. 8to~k sho' weI' .tor Mrs . , Phyllis Grover. ·the followIng IDvlted gueste: Madams Betty Tinney, Hazel Gruber, Car· olyn Beard. Ruth Bnll, Bert Bun· nell, Anna Williamson, Hazel Nl· It 18 a personal Injustice ~ on. Jane Dunlap. Sarah Grody, to permit oneself ·to be Frances Trollinger. J~an B~rry. perplexed about '~y fuJunnlta Hay; Wanda Hohila, Clara H~IJ., Nellie King, ' Ruthann~ neral ma~ier" We're alBradley. Helen·. Heck. Vel'n MaJ!' ways willing to -fUrn18h sball, Louise Rickey. E!\ther Mo· h~m~~t lnfQrmaUon. r~n[j, Frod Boo~. Hattie ' RIckey.
'People, S!)Ofs In The
'0 \\ ' ''ol'k City r"l' s olutions ~o l llf' nec(1l11bN ('Dntlll:\! i1roblf1111
. 'rtJ o Bus lnesfI Bdl1c£lllon De po r' tnlent Is pleaAod t u l'Ollol'L IIlII t tb'e rn llowiilg students In Bookke · e(lIng I hllve buen award ed SlIl1lor
Coun ty MethodJst
meet Mbnday A chievem ent Cel·tH1oa:tos: , evenJng. Feb . 12 in Ut e ·· M etho. Uinla .Elnine Bowlo8, Joan C~'n dl st Ch\lr<!h ftt Morl·ow. The ,;,en DorlK Oharlton. P. ri~ja i'IlI'PY til' rellllllsled 10 bring t hel l' Wi · ' Jill k ' 'l'11I110Y. Ruth ' Wardlow, B ( t. ty. Wlcll.l. Genl ce Wllke l·son . Do . ves to thla lOee ting . .rothy Wllllon , A BUpel'loJ' /\.chlevenloll t cel'U. flcate IvaI! I' cloverl by Detty Sa I . tertt.lwnlte. These Il\vlt l'dll were Iss li d by the 'B usiness E dUcation World 111
W~!1!1I 1 1'1 /I1 "''111111111111111111IIII1!!lilll""""'1!I'llIIIl1l1l ilm ~l l l,l i'; l WANTED
'rhe Will'" 'Dl'otltenhoo~
\V e a re at. ' your servIce wilh t ho fine st of gas IIInd olla t.o k e ll your car rUnning in
F r Farms'
th Is w intor.
S~ith .
Roy E.
IIV to.p s hape
Broker . I~tt 48, 5.' mL So uth of
f'E X'ACO,
Centervill e. PHONE CenterviUe 7056
I '
Stul)bs Fun~ral
·~. i _ i l $
'fELJ,:PHONE 2291
r ."
.'......- ,....,...-,-...... ,........ .. .... ,
.... ..",.. Y. . •....: .. ..." ...
.a.. .....
III • WOiLD . . . . . . . ........,. .. .... -eIIiiIt - _ I I .well MIl '. . ~ .... .. JeW. .. ,hr. .. Ie'.-,... . ,..,....... _ ....ct............. ......... • totIeM · ..................... .....1 ...... " " , Ii . . . . . . . ..
., . .
. ... .
. . TNI ' CHI.mAN SCllNa MOM'~
~ , .................~ ....I ...Ij.
.~=~:CAt:.~Id= Itw. .
••• , ••
SoU through . ur~ ' ~1th ~ the ouuratice thli.t rour fiDjlllclal troubles ~. be protecitOd by
a regular dtposlt .lD your
IDgs aocount at:
• USTIN "....- :. . . . '. . Ale ............ .11. \,CIIIt ....... 'Sc..... f~~~' !........
....5 ... .... ......
.....,' .'......... ----..<
,2111 Catbet'lne Thomss. and mI8S8 $. Mrs. Leslie Oray nn.1 Ann Clirnpllell, ~blrJq. ,,Lawson,' chlldren.Wilma n'nd Bobby. were Virginia Schuler, Ah'f1ettll .steinke. Sunday dinner glliesis at Mr . ~n d Normn. parbnra and Joan ' Gruber, Mary 'Jean and Shirley J\.Dn Rick· ' Mrs . ,A . F. Olncln,natl . and the honol' guest, Mrl!. Ph· Gruber .
Mr . and Mrs . 'Robert Haines, 'and children of' Dayton ·were Sun '
day evening dinner guests at MI'. , and .Mrs. Walter. Kenrick . . . I
Thomas left Wednesday . morning '(or a :2 week8 vacation in Florida anel well be' tbe guesta of M'~ . nna Mrs , Everett Early st. Cloud . J· M;r.
and Mrs : Lowell
lolr, and MI'II, ~ P. N . Cornell and Mr . and Mrs.. Earl Youllg vlslte<h Mr . Hallel Evnns' at St . ;'Ellzabeth: H'ollpltal Qayt.on. ·. BUllafternoon, .
THIS 'N'E WSPAPER, 1 Year', \¥.th OFFER No.2 ~ M)lGAZINfS ' IRO,\1 GROUP A
and l\1rll , Therle Jones, . Mr . and Mrs . E,rnelt Harlan. Mr/!. J . B .. Jone.1I lLud Mr . and Mr.8 . Mt' ,
Mr . and . 1\1 rll . Lesllo Gr ay and tamtly were guests at 8. buffet IUllcheon , nt the , home at ' Mrs. Gladys Dlcker~on In Dayton, on Saturdny evenIng .
Mr . . and Mrs. L&w.rence Eillotl< __dWJ .......... .$.liO"~ ..... and 8.on, .Tommy. of payton and ......----~~. Mr . and Mrs. Glenn Hopkins 'TiIea.............. ~ , and da4ghte'r of WaynesvlUe were ...... " - " ......... 1S•.~. U.s.A. Sunday evenIng dinner' guests of . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ", Iw, --UIIIIM .. ftiI ~ ' ...... Mr . and· Mrs. EV;erett Kenrick . M ..ftW2. I .. • ...... ' ....1 ntid children • .
I ..... '
AT 'tHE McCLuRE FUNERA l, HOME. our r espons lbUli;y beglnS fronl . the mOJnent we ~rc call ed and continues Ulrou~ bOll t \,vC ry. ~oncllldlng detl\ll. . ,. . Our serVice'. to a ll'oub led f-am, Ily Is not complt;lte U NTIL yr RE'CEIYES THEIR. FTNA L" I\J). PROVAJ,. .
I M",lt. .. "x'" . GROUP.
A, .
.S3 3S·
lie/o~. "'~I#t [,.., ~U,," 4,,4 ",t1"'R
rUI . " " ",4",. [] AmtrlCllLll Gil'l ....,.........., .......;. ..... '-.-..;.•.-.. ~-..;.;~..~ ...-.. ., .. r-v;r;';";-t
o ChrUtiaa Heual(l ....... ,., ........._..._ ......:..... \.6 Mo. o (:auo",' Gealleirui'n ..... .....-:-..:-:. ......'...... ,,5 Yr. . 0 Modem Romaoc:ea :,..... • ' ............. .1 Yr.
o OuldoclIr. ,....... ...................._ ....",......... 1 Yr. o Paralla' MagaziD.e .........:._ _.............,..f! Mo. o PaIh6ackr (15 hsuct)..... ' ..,......6 M~. ILl Photoplay .....;,.... :,........... .. ..... 1 Yr, o .5cftaIbncl. :............::..... :....,. • _ ........ 1· Yr.
Harvey Burn.et attended the I'n· mona Grange a~\ Waynesville a 'Y lll
Saturday evening.
o SUver Sc:rftn ...~......._ ....
...., .......,Il'r.
O8pOJu ~~Jd .. ,......, ......., ... _ .:.........,.. , .6~. o 'flue R'l)lllaot'e .:..,:.... ~ ...,....;,._......:........ ....,I Yr.
o 'flue
OFFER No. 3'
3 'MA~Az'N'S 'tOM GROUP 8 ,
SIIOI:'J ...............,.. _ ........,.......... :..........,.. 1 Yr.
I!~M,"• •"
S2 50, '
GROUP B ",.,lItin~. dc,;rttd
1/11 ..il~
o Am~riCllll Fruit Crower•.,"' ..... :......L ............. I Yr. Ameri~a .Poultry JourflaL. .....;:.. ~ ... :...... ~ .... Yr.
oBreeder's Gaulte ......:.......,:.........:,...." .........
.1 Yr . .
o Fami' Journal &: Famer'. WHe ...:..:.............i Yr. o Howdiold i\lagaaaic ........,..,........................ 1 Yr. oJ\folber', BOlDt Life.... ....,............,..............:.2.Yr. .0 National U.block PrlK!~a:r... ,;.: ....... ;...... ,.1 Yr. I' o OpeD ltoad (80ys)..................:........,............6 "fo. . OPathfindu
OS 1ISueJ)... _
....... '7., .... ,........... .6 ,,10,
.0 PO~lry Tr'lbUiIe. ...........................~...............l Yr. ,
A~Y~:G:.~~~~;::P::~OW 80T,H "0.1 THi ' P,RIC. _MOWN.
:\(",11 III "X" . :..... _~: ........::............ _.,___.. .$2:SO BPME .......,............____..._ 5.40 1:1 MAGAZINE ............. ~;;............... 4.50 (Ole Complete Man', MIiJUltie) ••t. 1.00 , 0 mLlJEll~'S ....._ ..... eM . 0 COllONE~ ...~ ........,.....,............. :....... _.•. _ ........ !J..,5 o €OSMOpj[)qT~ ... ~ .. _ .... ~...................._ ....... 5.00 Oq)UNTJI:Y GEN;J'UMAN (5"fI;)..........;-.... 2•.75 t:J ~WER GROWEll .,..........................;._ :..... 5.45 'D GOOD BOUIEKEEPJNG ................. __....._.. ~
§5~~~ GDl.
_M ... _ . . ........: . ..._
n,wI II .1i.It look. worn and .
'ltoOd IUIt
Send 'it to UI - "e'U n· stOre that trim. IJIWt loot. make It 10!,k
Ask .A bout our.. Price' on , .. , Installation and-Gu
Spring ValleyBardware Co. Phon. 37371
lilt with order.
PARENTS" MACAZINE :...- ......... ,.~ ............. ,.: 5.110 . ·OPATHnND£R. (26 t.uea),...... _ .............. ,... ~. · 2.!1!1 ' [J PBOTOPLAl' .... ,.,........:......................:............. ,... 2,'111
OPOPtTL.ul MECHANICS ..... ,.......... ........._ .... -till • 0 POPULAll SCIENCE MONTHL;f.. ,..... _ ..... a!l11 ,
DIGEST ..... ..............., ...,.,................ U5
fJ REDBOOK ....,...................:.............' ......... ,.......... '.IIO .{ 0 S~VER SCREEN .... ,........................................., 2050
SPORT .................. :.......................................,; ...."" Q SPORTS Al'JELI,) ....................... ,............... ,;..... OIN$lDE J)ETEGrIvE ................:..:: ..... _... _ ... '.10 OIIiKYWAl'S .. .,..................................., .................... flLOOK. _._......_ ..............I•• _ _ _• _ _ _.._ .:...... 5.00 ~ [;J. THI: fA~JLY TIMES.. ,.~ ............ _ ............,... [) McCAU.'i ·MAG.uNE _ .....__ .._.. __._..
13 ¥OD&JllIIr '''O!IIANCII ...... _ __•__•___ ._' 2.75' ;. OIlODzur ICIUIEN .........._..___.___ 2.75 o.EN llCiIAD (~)............ _ ......__. __.. _ t:!O OOlJTDO(JIIlJ .....,......_...... ____.._.___ .... %.50
Dew I
.... ......... . . ...
~o~ I1IIIfIlIzille desir~d ~nd· mdOJr
AU. aiPl'"
. N........ _
, A1t1
5.!1O .
iI.!IO ,
..., 2.lI' • 0 THE WOMAN ..•,.., ............._ .. ::......................;. ·3.411 . 0 nVE ' ROMANCE _..:...._................... ............. 2:!1O 0 TRUE STORY ......... .....................,...................,.,.2.'15 I D ,"OVR UFE .......... _ .....,.., ...........:.,' ...._ ........_ .... '.411 I 0 WOMAN'S ROllE COIIPAIl/lON.................. 4.00
ueAZI"'" YIAIo U..... 111M IIIOWN
. B VSINESS '" INVE T. OPPOR. '~IIOO I;ET'1' EU S lIuP.nij'tOt;j;inT.JjUt).: oth c rre Ahl1 c~ .
Ifte n b..
En Ily
By .Erlta Haley
tU'l11.)' 'I"., del>lrl"" California . Wrl •• • Lanter, 6t<1 ' . 8lrrln'f 1.. Anl'ele., ...I1>e. aelnn.. VERY WOMAN t ' ' C time "'1101.£ Al.li: 110 E- ha ndllng . andlo. . a 01, lIoveltleel f~u n lul n suppli es 'ld . und.I.... or anothe r, hos decided that fr':.~a~glo~ ri'~o~7.Jeillb~if66 Ie. \~~~G I~ she will not accugtula\e a lot oC .,h,d". w rehous e nnd ~room mode rn t nnwcarnble clothing In her close t. home. Renaon (or s Uing-III hoalth. We ... ? ~"commend this n8 a lIopd ·bul'. PrJ~C How's the resolution working o!Jt . , 112,500 .~';:rd!,v:~t';:lLE, aea·U.r Current fashlo!,) s stimulate clothes 1'11000 lI G6 ~, .r l : t«f W. remodeling and help you keep the
. Save $2.00 On Tbis Home ' Mixed C.o ush Syrup
Simplicity of Currenf Fc;Jshions S y Draped lor Altern~ons Encourages' Clothes Remodeling W'ell Styled Shirtwaist Dress
W onde rful o ppor..
Thursday, February 2, 1950
E '
Slim Silhouette
resolution ii you 'd just put a little ' thought and eUor'! Into the task. MAK£ Elrtr. OA.III [ " I.lna Hr,l\·yw.,lll ht Just think, it isn' t always that ClllnebUJn Ra bbits lor meat • .fur. hob by. fa shJons encourage remodeling. Breeders for s n1e {I t l'ea 80na blc prices . Sometimes changes from one sea· Vern'. Own RabbUr:r, Nevada , OhIo. 1R1811 SeU; . p,.p •• vn rloll. "II~" A . K. soo to another are so extreme that C. r~# . Excelle nt p.dl ,,~ et'O. Reasona ble. old clothes will simply ,not yield PenD)'ro,al Kennel N ,W . Rt. r, F.anklla. 01.1 •• to sligbt a lteration. Use tbe oppor· tunlty while It's here. FARM MACHINERY '" EQUIP. Clothes which were purchased N ew SI.o1 ~~ ."hie."'Tcie a l for fencinK a nd b a .rlc'Ides. 1c R It .. onx QUDnllt.y. during the fall come in for Ute lr MORR,IS WllEOIUNG~ I ~O$ Web. ter 8t., share of ,c hange just about this Daylon, , Ohlo ~ time of yel\r,. so they can t ake you through to the new clothes In FARMS , AND R~Nb HES Fer S.,.: '0 AU ... 35 in crops " be a rl n~ Spring. pecan • . Ow. Ulnlt. b.1fn, waler. electric . They may ',need only ' a little on paved bus ma ll . • Ilbool ro ules; $2.000. ealY term., t t. B. R.e.rICe, aaker. Florida. sparkle or re·adluslment to add FREE tnfo.mAlion. forms . r n nth ~a; tour· j,llt court s , rettrement hom es In 'beQutifuJ lots of style to the wardrobe. }fow OED.U. S. . lll.Clt Co .• Un. ' 71, S p.ln •• much simpler It is to take an hour or two for this change Instead of poking the dress into the recesses HELP WANTED- MEN 01 the closet to coUect dust, A 'bit' of decoration or ornamen· tation may be all that the dress needs· to come to life . .How simple to add' a brand new button trim to PQckets or sleeves or skirt! How little work it is to ' put a b'raid or WORKERS FOR HIGH PAY JOBS bead trim on your blouse. or how IN TELEVISION easy It .is to insert a bow on a new home t.. acbh;,l method )leelall,y developed '0. Television. Flnd draped skirt I The result is prac· o ut abOut TRAlIISPONDENCEl. TrA.tn Dt tically a brand new piece of cloth· hom... , '. take ndvan'ln,e of u'llmt de· mand tor akUJed Televisloll personnel. Ing with just a little time and vir· FUU Information wlLbout cost or obItC'" tually no expense. tlonl Write ,." Hat and gloves. too. ,m ay be .re· freshed' bl sewing in new brilliants Ce lln, . 01110
"al., A....
UIDY-.. lllD, RUDNO'USE PIlEI! • .." ,,"'" tIIItruIaf MONTHLY
Are ,ou UIlUbled bJ dJat. . . 01 t eo male fUDctlolll'1 p et\Dd lo d tatllrb· ancelI? Doell this makfl you auO'er fro~ ' 10. f eel 10 l1,,",OUI, t\r'ed-IL~ ,uoh unea? 'l'IIen .tatt taltin, LydIA B. ' kham'a VCIIII.....b1. OompOund abOu~ ten day. before to reUevo auab 8j'mpto!Jl8 .. Pinkham'. Jlr.a a arand rooptblol eO'ect on o,,~ 01
WELL TAILORED· and flatter-
The blrresl, news of the sealion . Is the .lIm sllhoueUe achieved iii thl_ Inexpensive dress of rreen crell«!. T!te backWI'~pped sUri Joops wUh a bow ODe hlp, but a' very slender, effect throughout the sldrt. The dOUble. fold collar frames the .face- as weU as elvlnc '. IUrhlI)' risln" Ihoaider ~'. ...
ard VlIporIZ<lr1 It:lp. 85,. ,errill. vIruses. Send for d"lal . . Sample 11.75. sells 12.50. ;11 ....1.'. . S.I . . 0.'1 1111:4 S. Ad. SIoeet,
Q;I •• , . to. pI.
ftELP WANTED-WOMEN IlAPIES-Act now. You "an make
, C!ol\'\rnJulon In 1850 In 70ur s pa 'e time BeUlD, and tokln, orde. ra .or the lamous :Malaonetle Froc.k . Complel e linea 1'or men. WOmen .and children. Sl.... 1 to !l2. Write " .0 . ' Jkll D, CI••luaU ••
39-Inc~ .
• • •
uo s.. lb w.n.
Pntte.n No. 11509 Is n I@w·rlte pe .for!lIe d Jl)nlt~rn. In slus aB. 38. 40. 42. 44. 46. 4&. 50 ond 52. Sile 38. 4 1'. >,nrd. of
Senll ~ cen~ todal' for , ~oU"'<-COP1 of the Sp.lng nnd Summer' rASnION-48 png". of smart new styles. ea.~ to. make froek sl,
Tnlly: the womt.n'. friend I
ing-the' neat shirtwaist frock that ·goes everywhere with col'l!j. dence. Yoke and sleeves are in one for comfort-try a color(ul Pleasinr to Fi~e E ;RE'S A charmipg afternoon striped fabric. You'll look your best! ' . d!resS' designed to please the slighlLly larger figure. Soft draping . ~P. &313 comea In ' IIlz~. 14, accel~ts the bodice front. the gored 16,Patter" 18, 20 ;" 40. 42, 44 a.nd 46. S~O 16. 4% ,yOrda of :lD-lnch • • skirt . is every wQman ls favorite. Have, short or ·t ·h r e e quarter 8EWDIO emOllE PATTE;,RN DEPT. s leeves.
AGENTS Wa"te •• Amazln. re penl
woman', mOIl j.m porlane
Comfortabl~. 'F latterlnf
ita. NilW Medlaal O laeo'very-S.f.Te
Needs No. Cpokint. ---
Co, jt h medld nos u su.lIy contain. I•• g. quan tit y of 1.1.ln syrup-a ;ood In~ redienl • h ut one "Ilieh you C8n easily m.k ~ It hom... ~!I. l! cu l'~ of ernnul.ted su~ar wllh l eup of ~' 'e •. No cook ln~ ! 0 . y ou can USI) torn .~' rup or liqu id honey. In sltud or 8UI:.r s yrup • Th ('~ I:"t Iroll'\ y our drug~i. t '2~ oune~:r of 1'1f1 •.~, p~ u. il into a prn t bottl~. and fill up \\'I~h YOllr sy rup. This Klv., you. full Plnl 01 wa nd rllli medici ne. lor CQllih duL' '0 coIU• . It mnkes 11 rcal u vlnll becuuse it £ivCl )'011 nbou. lour times Of,much lor yo ur monry. til e" .. . polls. anil th l~dr.n 10-0 It. ,'111. is actu.lly " l urprl, lngly eiTC!CUv... quie k.QCllnt: cough medidnr, S"!ilUy. you reel It tpkiJlB hold . llloo. ens phloem.lOoth .... IrritD ted me mbra n• • , /hake. brealh lng ellSY. Plnu Is • aped al compound 01 p.ovon In J redlenll. In cori a" ntuted ro. m•• mpot re lia bio. " ""thing aeonllo. throat a nd b.an. <hlallr'rihltlon •. Money .efunded It It doesn't pI .... you in e_ery ",ay.
!i pe~tnl
lJ a ~
Ill., . Obi •••• 1. DI.
One application
Jj)ntl~.e 25 tenu 'In' cOlna foo e:acb
Pattern No•••••• ~b ••• Slze •••••••••••
for the life of YO,u r 1I1"te5
pottern Name
....... ....... , ............. . ..;;ft;i;;;;;;;. ' -'
If rour pia'" _ 100M and .lip o" lIuni .e6. .llem fo r IDI~r, penna ....,comfon "';.0 .ofr Brimm. Plub·UnCl ..rI.... La, au;p Oft uPtRr Ol' 101"..r~l.t~ . . . bi,e ",;,ct if molds,perfow,.,
H..._ rl..,U.,jiI_ . . .. f." . EYeIl on 01" you tirE! of ~e.m. the adjustments tern I~rln led lnslde Ih. tk>olr. • Olal.. . nab"- l! "".. , JIriDinu 1>1c.ari·Uiter Ii"" sooa _"I .. fcolli I/:& ,..olilhs to a,.• ., o. 101l." r. 1lA~ ·BAII,., FOR VS. W. pay they need ar.e • minor an4 can b.e ' ·::---:----:~:-:::=----:-~-~~"":-.~ End. fo ............ ~nd bo,hCl of I......PP~ 13 dos. Detau. free. ... O. made quickly while Interest runs I .. application. rha,luu few ho""o.da,..Slo,,. CeI...Ia •• l" 0 ..... aiippia •• codd •• pia,.. ... d .ore ......... E•• high. .' . Ha~~dsome aa1.hinr' Talk fred,) &10, th" COllifoft thou· Start ' with a clean' ,arment. This ....d. 0 _ I e III o....r die co......,. IID'tf .e, LIVESTOCIl . "i.1I 8rl1IUIUI PiUd.u.oo. .. . may be wash~ii at home It it! can PVaEJJBEQ Ole boar. a nd , ~ia, Ia.......... tJaIIf-... ' ..... hw ......, be laundered; otherwise. hav& It III, pl••, bI::. ~~.I -:.'Jt~. ar"o Tu ••leu, odod.... hannl... W ,ou .nd rout R~#l JOIW ,d(J#hn ...... . cleaned. You ...·may be aurprlled ....ttl.c."be......,v.d II Derllirecrlon.. Uoen N." o~.. 1 u,: . "N• ." , ... "'" ".,t6;',. .. M••.,.. Mit how utUe other than eleanllnels ...,..._~' fat UflU (or Ollepl...;.z,u or !lequln. to replac~ those which and good pressLng and perhaps eo. bolll • Ac'"", dna. ~ .AKIIl ,BAIly .... ro. VII. W. oa" bave Idlt their. luater. or to add mend In, is necessary to brln, II \IoL Detallll free. P. O. ·JkK ... new decor to th~ hat. clothes ,back ' to their original (leI. . . . . I" 0..... . ' beauty. ' r ,.I1•• "n; 1500 grID ' ,UIe GCIOI1 Teeludlllae ~.IO; IIIICIOLa Ir"aml I127 ·10 ;d 8bIDDed 1M ... D . 'ID , BemoCle"~Take the ,arment with ' you if ta 1II efln{tt • .,. _V!II. .... '., .J . a • .,tt _tar . . "'!!O. IOltener. AI • .Illa"JUIt how do I •"0 about• thll ,you want to choose. additional rna4alfts lDalllrt.. Invl..... v_· Ower ...... , " ... CIIa.... CIII ••••• ,JlI. bWl~e.. . of. remodeUn,1" asia terlat or 'Cjlme ornamentation tor M." Y.rli: ClU,. per_a). 1I1U1111.... mllD7 a WODlIlD. be Ibe novice or it that has to be ' bou,lit. eplor. ·-'-ent. ADbOiJIblleI\ta aecund. ~lent., _..... trave • 'way of n.o~ being what they "lalecl. .JI~m . at. an expe rt encea" .e...... '" el..< "TO 'I'~ 1000k like- when it comes to choos· lOded to. BailtaUlD,. . : lleehil ' like I •..et ' starte'" then ·It' I.. K. Y.E • • U'II:. . ., Wi , Ing 'buttons to fJt the' original 81',,111" , , ~ ' Scot~ CaW",u_fi.ncb. tak~, ,month8 to finJsb. ~r the lIoles. or. when it~s .. matter of ~-%Ulch:'ColOD'", Auatria.-fior••y. Bel· work Dever ,eta done,'" sait an. alum: Oarmat»' BrltllJh Colonte.. Want 'th . letting the tliread' to mafch" .. List. Approved Servl••, 0 . . BI ••• 511."" 0 er &roup. You can be much more accutate, La'ela.............. . important· to map out, the ~Eo...r~~I~ra~tr:,I:.:. ol't;:;::, A1~D~ worle anel to laiow 3uat what you too.~ In buying the' conect amount Jl'oldlnc Ht.h Chair. 11 .00. K.U~'•. 1101 hope to ac1iieve when you're of bralding, beading. sequins, veU. Early AaDericaa ' Wan Pociket.' , . . .~,. Dr1w •• D . . . . .,.... I.wl'. ln, or' other decor wh~ the hat. LADIES: Malt•. :rour o"'n Hqu.eJiold HERE idea fo~ attracti've dre~8 or blouse is with you. CI.aner,. at a minimum I coat. FOllr POP-' ular FormWaa Il ~OO. ".ller, II" B.oli:· After the material III purchased gifts to make. PaUern 281 I,.. DI1.,., D •• '. . . . . ., ·t and the plan is well in mind. choos~ give'~1 three diHereni aijtliel1tic deGilT Uuo pa..~;jaj.. tlll.e d "God's II time when 'Jrou'U be uninterrupted sigrua for making thelle ,E arly Heavell:', and •• , thje knowledle It un. • 101da. AlOO proll ec.& of S f. ; ;rOM, for tb~ length. of time It takes to Amerrical) wall pockel/i to 'be used Revelalo• • 25<:, po.tp.ld. Bolt II', !'f••• b.rl. Ifo. . alter thr;! garm~nt; Tty to. finisli for lcatteI:s, keys, glbv.e s ot trailing , '.: the job ' in one or two sittings, .RS vines. Hang- on waD or stand on ' ,. '. '. . , yop'U be l~s"ired enough '.to do the des~ . ' • • • best work.,,' . , P ; I(!e of pa ttern .10 ' isc:.-' Make Worn 'D resses ·WC)RKs.aop PATTERN SERVICE Into Separates Draw .. ,10 AIR-G·FBIl8H ;;;-~ Ae\!l!QUy destroys all Tb~ oUrl'ent ' trend at HousehOld' ODD.... In ltv.. minutes, For B.4t~~d 0111.. Ne. l'elll separates is ' still much favored . ' C"I' rub"in fscm..Oay. Cofto· M. E. THO.SON, LI;I~~!~~~~~ adelallil .........write Ol....l.a. 11.' Obi •• 8{!d lends itself as inspiration' for FOR ~. . those two ·famqu8 NEW GIFT JUT FOB ch\nglng many garments. , If you ~ up tc? 21/2 tun~ ID til 1 salicjlate and men, TEEN"AGERS INTRODUCED have .tlred qt the. bodice on a dress \Var CrimlDaJs . liriUll agents. me y , b" I " 'l'bere J. no ' more wel~ome &let lor the I. . pa~e .." Bely offered ru~ 1M ' bilt l!ke the skix:t, 'or il the :roWller a ..e tI,ail e.,.i1ietl. , • rwi- 'b~,., OIlIlltiJ.d. OroWl, low·tnldl"t Idt which conlam, " . tho!; thaD five o~er Wi. . c ' ~ bas worn. ' but the luxuriousness those ....enU".. II )l'ounl lacb' need. when . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . MIIO' ;. s he .tllr'. . to pr1nlp and ,Practice with I changing a citess blouse or otlier. the bodice st\'ll delights 'you. then ' .'make-tIP . ' . .' an attractilla . bottle 'of co:. . , .' ... , ' , ' , .., separate · the ·fwo · and work from , 10",:, • bolt ' 011 eltn&l~: Jw ... ~n" .•• Cl' piece of clo..,mJ. .. StudY the gar· ... S1IIII'L ", ' . ' fitl:~ ~~~: ~~·:V.I1:bf:~~r:& m~t apd de~lde upon the simplest there. . 'Ta~orea dresses wIth ,interesting c~~'L:;~~l/'ct off.DlOUa ' 8EVEWX: procedure for .chlev~I"· a new 'collars ", ard lovely ·sleeves are ' Dall,lbt.... ...ter aJId "be.Watc" will ' effect. ~. " .ppr.Clate thla new jtem not onlY , be- 'm d .... L ea.... It Ie lleauWuUy wtapped and ba. en you ~ e.....e too elabor· easily ripP\l.d~ froql the skirt. Choose cn;:e==~~. c~~m~t'i~:d ~":'~i ate remodelfn, 'ob~ 'o~ lo.e In· mat~J:ial for a skirt, and sew 'from banntu;1 110 tender yOulIl .kIU. terest becaWle they may nke more a pattern ',to make a brand. new -J,,"nIT'" ,~.'!.or:.f.~e ~' p~~~r~1110....:t time than you bave avanable. U skirt. U you 'do not 'want to at,""--aln. "l'ho' l!live to appll', thlfll'it.. clothel are chan,ed 'as lOon as tach It to the old bodice. put, the ·melEWlI to ap ar 'l.mo~Wle • f. t~ .to,ether with a nice cummer. , ENTEEN , II ueta. SEV'ln'I'&EN C · , bund or an Interestin; belt. or wear ~cs are Ue,phle. TJ\n .... fr. . from an... that Il'nUl&lt B.. Sml 'rtl 'them 'as a skirt and .blouse. In the tbe ·.ada and ell' aclvert\llln, aceapted : lor pijtillcaUon. ID, ·tha Joum . of TIle _ ..; i:a tter case. finish ~U the bottom Am.,lca.. lColcIteal AuoelatJcm. ) , ~ ..lfwW·,..r r~nd .ift lIflll __ of the b~lc~ With a DarrOW. neat eIl1~ ~ to en,' Jilin Of &It.. cOWl· hem, stitched by liand 'cir machine. trl' \ for 110. This Incllldes Jl'ed.reJ. · ""~.l1c.· Ialt.' Send to "" • Perhaps you bave a . nice bout. SIlVENTEBN. , , riD .... W. HilI •• a .... a,~; JlIiW Y.rIr. fant on a dress that ha'· It bodice . . . . . . . . . Liaul" p••al •• : ........ hid. , worn at the sle'e ves lind collar. The Send 25. TODAY ' for " bar. . . ·' U" and separation is easy. Choose a can. Indian PeIlby'. G ......... c.ta C.,. Dept. C ••• ,. 'Jk)l , G,..... , Oblo ••• N. nl. trastirig blouse . to go wiih the skirt. Make tbi.ll from a pattern SEEDS, PL.\NTliI, E;rc. ,that fits nicely with tbis pa.r Ucular ..,.rl' Bloi.1o••• , P iauh. 'Plan your aereskirt. Materials' wfth met a I'll CI a«e ,.010' tor sprlnll. Buy direct." Irom .row er. 1'alal• . l'la .. lal1o ... ' SO,,1Il Dave •• stripes usually go 'nicely with skirts HteL . of this type, Use Outworn Clothes ,,"s Material Sour.ce Fut~jre If. ;you separate bod·lc e: and a n!! \lse only the skirt; the \vaist. -So line needs adju~tlC8. -'1lh' . zipper. will have to p~! movealdO\Yh and a WNU-E ' 05-50 I placket made I tt. The' op' should be finished with stiff m aferial that folds down behind the fabric. Use 800te's ,I with or withol'! belt· or a scarf to serve as a belt. Quality Chicles If you're tlred of ilre.sses, robell Awold 1Iat... ".... """I Take .d· or. certain pieoes of .lin,erie, . you ~ oulSllUlcIift. chick Clioo •• ,000 <leUwerr d.,•. have unlim£ted opportunity fql' col. S No. I .,.. '00 Ileal ,. IKoO.. lecting materia·ls tbat may be used 0111, ,.weee-71ftbDl~ ~. ,SpedaI No. z-'OO ...... tor sewing practicall,y new gar. catcIIf. .-rI1••" aU 1I""'~b....ti. ments. 0.u...,PD 20'11. ..1... -8 Beautlfu] silk' dresses convert ='.!. ...... 0. 211.OOH..J*~nicelY' IntQ attraell"e blousel. To dlD '00 lora. .... I", . Illck. 2 to 12 A1J make ijlele. separate the dr... at \II,.. _coell. . . . . . 1IR. .U the seams .nd press ol,lt. Fit the blouse pattem on the IOOdI UT..., lit. and cut al you would from ' "'IISU.I", . . . .D1A m.terials.
..11 ....
P k Wall oc ets In, I;orly American Them,e
.."•• 41"..
-'.. _ u"...
..,III...n 4\.... ,.
1'. .
Is an
. F'
RELIEF ;"of <
.......... ............. .....,.,.."...... .
,. ' I
For Your: Buy ·U. Sa~in9.~ .... B~~ds O,der
. . 1IooIa·. .n .,. ool'a",( £i
m .1Ictof6
I· i
Thursday, February Z, 1950
Planning for the Future? Buy U.S. Savings Bonds!
Grandma's Sayin'g s
YOu ......
bI reII... coiIChs and sort nile'" You Deed to rub oD atlmuJatlnr, paiJlo ",UeviDa: M uaterole. It Dot ooly brlnp rut.. 10n.-laatiDr relief but actually help',check the irritation and break up loeal c:ona:eetion. B~y Muaterolel
GROWIN' UP Is BUre a lerlous j~b, I>ut we ldo tell the younguns how It grows easier trom the very day we have 'our first Ia.ugh-at our own . selves. $S D&ld MlII.u. Zlmmllmao.:I", 0'1..... (&-
TAKE IT FROM ME. a top qual,lty
margarine really shows up In your cookln' and balUn'. That's wh)l: It
pays to use "Table-Grnde" Nu-Mald. And what's more new Nu·Ma1d 18 Improved-smoottier spreadln'. better t.a8Un' than ever!
lere i. Tour . Oabber Girl MASTER.MIX ' recipe
ell·... ,."... /I.... I tab I•..,...... CI.bb.. GI.I BOJm.I """"'
I "'".
I nip '''0"",", Sl!llIour. baltJlIl powder mcloaIt ,toptMt CUI tA .....nonjn.. Stor. In .....Nd _
Now jor •••• .
talne. In Nfri,enlM,
Here ,. TOU recipe •••
·' ..bI' _ _ .. _ .......
\4 ... ,b_~,..
" lIlile,_ "".eI ptuapptc, .. ,..... , "PO ~bb.,. all' ......... iIfIlJ
1\ "', ...,..
,_"."_ "' ... , ........ 01"0"
, .,.. _
' .\4 ........ ~..
"' ...,,_.-
Molt butl.. or m&rJari"" In an r x Ii" x2'" eake I*IL Sprinkl. with ~I'CIWD ...pr, CUI plMlpple s1icotr tA halVH and ""an•• on lop of the lUI"'" MeasUre Mamr·MIx Into IIIIx1q bowl SUr In lUlU, ..... 1JlJ<ejr. Combin. q&. an~ water, Add ,",dually to dry mil<lwe. stIrr1nl untJI weU b\eacled. Pour 0...,. fruit in pall and l])I'tad .¥ally. Bake al 350' F., (rnodenw ...... ) 35 to 40 m1nuiu Itftnovp frmI own ad cool hfO or three minutes. Tum oul on .Nina pis ... , fruit licit up. Serve wann IOPDecl with ",hl~
THE ONLY. TIME U's safe to give th" low-down on folks" Is when it's the foundation fer a build-up. 15 ..Id Kn, a.. n.n.., ClwlGtte: M.c.\JIf'
LAND BAKES! I jellt can't keep up with "Table-Qrade" J)ru-Maldl Now , It's better 'n ever;Yep. They'Ve lmproved my favorite spread ••• made , It even better tastln· ... more smooth sprti.dln'. And new 1'fu-Mald'a got a brand new package to keep that sweet, ohurned·fresb ftavor 8M1ed In!
*15 tlen the
will be ;:d' upon p'ubUca.1lrIt oontributor of each accepted aaylng or Idea. Address to
"Grandma~' 109 East Pearl Street, Cincinnati 2, Ohio.
'pod cream or hanlaauee, MAlee. B to Mrv. Inp. To male. plain GlnatrbrHd, uoe \he
recipe. bul omlt lirat Ihree 1n~1L
.4 ;laro! ClDbbt,Cr,I MIU"r-M~ In the r.frl,~raI01' Mlpa qUlckJy to bake waffles. clngeJ'o breads. qul.kralls, ' cookies, and other lntereitlnll and eX'oiling home-baked
,~ ~/~
i. •
, II
"Now that rm IOIJIl',to pl..,... ".,Ied. mother, I thlDk I ahouJcl JmoW" where 'Tabl.e-Grade' Nu. Jl&lcI lJIarprIJte co~ 110'111."
c.ir.iNofto _ _ ero.
, ' "
Lighter,lluffier rolla, richer go,den.brown, ' fteeber keeping, richer 'tasting.' And you'n find these taste-teasing, home-baked &Weej;
rolls 80 easy to make. Just follow the Simple . directions on ,your Dulf'B Hot Roll ' ~ package. Um·m-m good! ,
P.S. f.r
prlz~ ••t r.II'-'"~''I!I'.,,-i~''''' w.t'~;-"'~I . .: . elil '),
FEmnl'AnY !!. 195'1
From The Typewriter Of Jim Jonel I
TWIN THEATRE' Waynesville, ,O h'i o
'fhe Waynesville Spartans. t\ pl'8)vloUB winner over the Mallbll 33·31 , Journeyed to Malson !fues' dny night to pIn a 66 · 38 defeat all TO CALL III Comets ,
DON'T FORGET us for in urance. All types 'of
SnmeH·o.Uver Ourwood
BANK NITE omedy For' Family W]th Pt)nls and Passes:
Slo ry . Lllmber' CountJ<Y IInli
LAW of the 1'IMBER
FRED Pe te S mi t h
FOn SALE- Whit enamel Maj· csUe Range stove. George Hen· derson. Phone Wa)·nes. 2982. 1-12·:lt --------..:---FOR SALE) - Cheap: Seal dyed Coney l<'l1,r Coat. ·E xcellent c:ond~tI on. 0 wner leaving for Florida. 31~ 36·38. Mrs, George Hrlltt~!I1-- '1 Waynesville. Route 1. . 1'-19-3t
f.ogglnj;' Operntlens.
Monte Blue 1ilfjol·le Reynolds Challt. 7 - Gang BU!lters
Me]\{ lUtA y
insurance at a savings. Call Francis Ge.ne Brown, phone Waynesville 2472 ,or call co)led. Wilmington 211 t. .
S pecl~Lt>" ,
TUES. . 'l
MON. 6'
IRF. I..AND! Wonderful Iris h Songs Keep Yom S in'ging. T his 18 Fnmlly Type.
LAUNDERING- OODs In my home. QUick servloe. Phone Way~ nesv1lle 2986. 1·12 -ilt
Top ,Soli. HaUling. Sand. Gravel Excavating W1th Baok Boe, Drag71lne and BuUdozer FOR SALE Ullod ,double Kit',chen Sink Oood condition, $6.00 Inquire at the Ml llmi G,,:zelte. 1t
F OR SALE- Pratlt!nlly new waler 80rtenflr. M\lDarch , S.elUng be cause city bas soft water s'et vlce. Cheap. Dot' Food tore, Pholle 26U. 2·2·3t
ROOFING, ' Of All TYP,es lnBulated Bricks nnd asbe.· tOB 'sIding. Sheet metal work of aU kinds. Local ,Ref~ ces. All work guaranteed.
Horsel Are Dangerous
According to : size and /Condition. All S,tack removed promll~ly. Horse., ,1.50 • Cows, $2.,60 'r Bogs .... 250 per cn
JANES ,RENDERING Ph9ne Coned Xeaia, O. 1712 aI' , WiIininItoat· O. "2362
' lII!mllllllmllllilllmmlllllll~lIImlllllllfmlllllllllmllll!lIIlijllllllllllllllll
LEGAL NOTICE In lbie Matter of the Incurnbrance by Mortgage (If cerlllin Real Estate by lbe Vesu'Y or St. Mary's .PI·oteatllnt Eplsc!opal Churcb. a Corporlltlon not t al' ;Profit, or Waynesville. Warr'e n lJounty. Ohio. NoUce. Is hereby given to aU perso,ris whom It may concerTi thltt on the 31s t day at January. 1960. the Wardens of St. Mary's Prot , eSlant Episcopal Cburoh or Way nesvllile. Ohio, flied In ~hl' Corll' We' will , be glad to discull )'our 8COl'lllg' lSI' mllrl«(WII ~nd 7 bllcltOl8 mon Plelts .CO\ll't 01 ~Varrell COIl building probleml and t:!11 you Itnll 4 fl'(IG I. hl·OIV R vhllo ' J)ILII 8 1 , . What we can do. oillilon netted Iii IJollltl-l fill Ii L\VIl . nty. Ohio, In Calle . ·No. 1 8li". their certain petition: praying the CABINET WORK volnte,l's' unci ~ rne tlLI'OWH COllrt fql' an order Illlthorlzing ~EMODELING Hurold 81'anley played II fill ba n' kb o lld...n ~ ' " lne conllnl III 11 Y '0\11 · them as slIch "Vardens. to locumber . In the ,prlnolpal sum· of uti off wllh ~he ball Whllo lIOl · $7500.0C). and In the manner and IWAVNESVILLE, OHIO t1l1~ ' 11 markel'S . WIlTI'un Sh .e'. I111 , HflrllLn F.:'l l'll - ' form as set forth In sald petition.
~~.~e. t~:~~I=:~~ J~le~~~b~~II:::l ('~~.=. ,11111111111111111i11l11l11llll11mlllllililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil1II111illlllllilii ~~~~t tl~~~ ~~:el! ~:!~I~IOr~~II~=Y~~ ~erlY designated, as ",Town") of 6. ' 6. and 3 . r~s~eI't I VOIY WaYlllesvllle, Oblci : Dead Sto,c k (1UI I)' H
Tract ,) : All tbllt certain p:ll'cel Honea, $2.60 '. Cow'. -2.60 BANk RUN 'O RAVEL- Loade'). at Inmd situated' In tbe Tow n of Hop. - 260 owt.• at Davis Furnas PIt, 60 centl Waynesville, ,th,e County of Wnr' Accord ing , to Size .cuJllc 'yard. We alao deUvei'. AllII· reno and tb.e State of Ohio 1l81(18 a part of Lot No. " (four) In Jet. and C0'lrlitiun \ ITAGE & ~ON. Phone 2091. tf Can fer80n Square 'In 8ahl TO''In and WANTED-Ride to Wright Field bounded nnd described all Col,10"'8 : Area B. 8 : 00 ,to 4 :30 shUt. P10k 'Beginning at the corner of Bald up near Third and M1aml. Walte.. Lot No, " on Miami nnd Tblrd Behrens. l -5-3t StreElts thence rll1)nlng with T,h it,,! Streut siX~y !I ven (67) -reet· "BI1~1l"'~ ' 1 then'~ o back at right angles Itnll WAN,'l'ED TO l'IlIlLral[e space near THird and 1111- paral1fill with l\flllml Street tlte ami streets ' 1n Waynesville. 'W al- full Jength of said Lot (214 ~ ft.) ter Bebrens. 1·5-3t to tile School lot. Then e wltll the 'line tho Sohool lot .Ixty, FOR SALE ' - H 'b ead of breed leven (67) .f eet to Mlllml Str el) t. ew!!".;l Registered Lamb. Also and thence with Ilald street t,., t h/;' , ' Alfalfa and "TJmothy hay; balled: placl! of beginning; being. the 2 bottom- 12 Inoh Ollver plow. sam" premisell described In veea Never approach a hone Jack Cbapman, on Route' 78; I 1-:! date,~ January 26'. 1960 from theI ............1. . . . . . . . ont lpea1dD&' to him. m 11es E • of WaynesvllJ.e 1-19-!t 'J1rusrtees of ~he Diocese of South· A. a rule; larnien do not COD,el'n Ohio. a corpora~l~n not fot; alder horses I I eapec1aUy dan· LOST- Copper carpenter's SQU· prortt under the laWI or fbe Stllte ........ ....., ........ Irr ,eroul snimals, ),ef thl'Y account are In Wayne.vIUe. D. ,E. Standi· of 'Ohlo, to St. Mary's Protestant . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . for more I\ccldenll ' 01 • nrlOUI ford, Main st.. Wayneavl'fte. EplBicopal Cburch, which is " and 1 _ ............ ... nature than 'any other farm arilmal. 198. "193t " ~., has tieen sometimes known · anti otIIt................. • Acc:oi'dln. · to the ,NaUonal Safety .. KAHN ;.8LtCED BACON Council, approximate.,. three Urnea Homel Made Pie. ,And Cillcel deSignated as St. Mary's Episcop11.,1_ _ ...... 411c POUND aa ma..y accidenta oc,~ with Made on order onl,_ PholU way._,.l Ohurch" said. d~ed being rehoraes a. with an)" oth~I" ~rm ~. 280M Mfi....erbert MeMlllan.2e-3t corded In Deed Book 191,. IjlDge Other Item._ mal Farmen ibould alwa"a be 615 of the Wat'ren Oounty. obfo Attractively Priced cautloUi 'around ' the., anlmali. the ROOM ~R RENT .:... ,Ve~ con· Recorila. " NBC contI'Q\led. ene pbaH 01 this vulent location above Smith" Tract 2: All that certain parcel Bulk aDd Bat Candy precaUtion II ,a tborouIb check In ;QeItaurant. Oall any time ",fter of land situated 1n Warren Oou: 'O f AII .KiIMh ' the .prin, 01 aU equJpmeDt to be 6 In the evening. Mrs , PHEANIS, nty In the State of Oblo and In Ol.belle ~J""ed Fruita DIed' an or b" borae.. particularly, WaynelJvIlle. ' '. ~2S.3t the Village oJ.' Wayne"vr:le, ~el",~ a part, of lots numb,r tIIree' _ (3) 0Iil7 'stroo, , h~rnu. Ihould be FOR SALE - 4 ~u . ft . JJMp and (4) In Jefferson ' square In " UI~.Ah,~e moUld .be ,1ntpected Freeae: \ like new , '75,1)0, i Jjqhn the sald VUlage of ' Way~eBvme. .PHON~ re,warly and kept :1n repair. Preston. ,.Pbone WayneSville 21129 Ohio. Beg1nninc at a point In the '20 E. MULBERRV IT. Dry leather ball low 'teJIIIle Itr8ll~ , 2.1.2t Weat Une' of Tblrd Street slxty FOOD STORE LEBANON, OHIO aocJ It Ihould be cle~ with mUd FOR RENT _ .. unfll-lab-," Mvea , (117) feet (rom lhe line of loap"and warm water and treated rooms,· oli SOUtb "St .U "" Mlaml &tr.et and ' TUnnlng thence ~one 2Ml Celeata with on. Attention to, equJpmeDt Freeze, Ph . . Waynesv'llle ,3275 .witb t be '•Ine of '• .,Ird S treet, 8",,w~ •• neck-yoke., tOD8Ue.. 1I1nBle' . " ty seven (117) feet anlt "Inf! jncbe~ tree., double·p-ee. and eVUlar. II ....: 2-1·at thence at rlgbt an,lel with ",hlrd ~- . - - - - -~-- - - - - - - -,,- ,.... aUo very neCealaf)', ' . ' ....e NSC - .....e.·· that ,m-"" .....rI. WANTED Ride to 'Wflgbt StfEtet. two hUndred and fourteen , AU -...... --., Fl Id " I' . ' • :rELEPHONES OUB farm ac.c ldents, can be prevuted e . Area. B. 8:00 to 4:30 "bitt. /Uld one.h·a l( feet (214,%): th Thl" ' W~YNES"V'LL~ by foUowin., the~ simple rulel: .W a I tel' B e b ~en8, ' .... .,ru. 'and . parll11e 11th w ru S,t,II,et ""! 2091 .Never approach .a borR siXty se'\len feet - and Jl:.ne .\..lIJ ,', " " ' : 1-t;IANON ;Offl,c , ,473K ' llpeBkln, to blm. , when' cIeanInC a IDCb8S to' the ',c;orner of the, Epis.... D " . . "E8. 129L .~all; qWtln, no IUdden ·lQo,em8llt. Due ' IOIHII CburchIbt; Ibe~ce wltb !,he DAN ~ct CR.*t.V£L MORROW No, s, Enter the stan on the left lIde of selling farm. ' I'd tl.lte to ' TentllDe ' of .ald Oburch lot two ItUlld· BhACK.Y.OP DRJVU .the hone. When drlvin, or le.~ smith or la,ge farm nilIU' Way- red , and ' fourteen and one-Mit aod ROAD OIL ' I. hor.el;J1ever wrap tbe)lnea 'around neavllle or vicinity. 10 }'t!l1rl at f.et (214%) to th. btglnn'!)!!:, bebody. ,~~ present I«!,catlon , All power ,eq' Ing twenty .even ani! 'Pile tu,U lAWN 'aD'" FIl.L DIRT ' ulpment , Dean Walton, Ph . WaS' R~DY MIX C ' Clus8trted Ads Bring Resulta. ynelvllle ' 2689 , <I-I-St a!"i ONC'Rf'TF teet off of lot number . fouT (4); .... OUM' TRVC., "
Xenia 454
,. ~ ~
i l~l Il l l l l l l ll il il l l l l l l l ll l l l l""mlll l l l l l l l1I I I I l i~;;~
~~~t ~::i;t
,., , _
AmiIt·age ·&'son
Ctfurcb;" which ,4-eeil I. 'recorded In .beed Book' 305. pal. ~Sjj Pt tbe Wa,r ren County, Oh.lo Kacorall, Petittoners further 'vray for ' all ptber . relief. judgments. or~era ' _", decrees as , tb,e nature or tbe , C8l~1 . , r~q.IJJre or jUst1fy.~ . SI.td Petltloll 1114 Il~~~$' will' bl! hea~ d on Saturday the 4th $JBY pr Live W1re and PrQIl'8••lve. Marett.' 196,0, .at 9 :80 o'c!.ocl. .".~.I , organlu.tion 'secoild' h) Done. In 'the Common ~lea~ court ' ,of .ulctI~ lellers on the betlt au~ W.alrren County. "Qblo . .: MOund marltet In tile 'COUJlbT; ' lA.lter·" H. 'Gordon. Senior W,ardcm IEltVICE THAT SATISFII!I JBlDM J,..' Baker. Junior Warden. For Oallf Market Reporte: WHIO DaJUtn, '12:6,0 E.8.T. DIal . ST. MAB-V'S PROTESTANT , EPI~COPAL CHUM», WAY1800; WLW OlaclDDAti. 12.0, Dlal 100. ' NlllSVlLLE. OHIO. NORRIS BROCK COMPANY CarJ .Abaecherll, Attorn~y , t'ullllsbed Feb. Z, 9, , 16, 2!t;: r9f10
• • ' . .'r.k..
:~RE,AD8 ,
. ,.
' U~V~T'"G ~ER'''..H=:. ' ' £:''''''''''---4:'-'-~= ~~..~.~_~'_~~:_~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , - .- ' -......·--·~'-·-!~"""'-.--"-I;~~~ , , ~.~ ::- ~'"
,- l "
<.Atte'nt:.·on Far'm''er'5 .!. "
r •
STEEL and M'ETAL "P.rice.s :Are,.,Advancing; ,
ti81tl8ID , the aame ' premise. diescd.ed ' Deed' dated , Apr.II, 3i J919 frOID J.. ... A , Zimll'lermljll. , to ' . )faIry'.' ,' r,lIttltAnt . Eplsoopal
SlzOl -
............ ..,... .. ..................... ... .....,..... ,... .....",
' ---....iO
Optometric Eye SpeCialist
01\(111 1'01'11'1" " Ind", 'Iloullerll rlghl I.lllcil III, U.. third IIIIII1'te l' studlng' We S COl'llIg burrll go which \Vil li bu' IIIHt 1'0 1' tbe I'p llln IIIlle I' ••[. the evening , F,vel'Y Rl)nrtan mi ' lied al lenlJt onCe hI the thll'll lior· lad to giv e WayneSVille II. !l3·2!J lend the end of tlie llllnnei' III the' flnal period Juhk ,'1 ' lnn!.! )' 111111111II1II!lllllIIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIIllllI1lll11ll11l11l1l11lllll11lll11llll11l11l11ll1ll11t aud Dan Simpson Ilught dIe fl,I'" Illld Iho loculs I'It ~ kod ~lll 23 m Ill' · IIOI's ' to will I\ally flu·as . ,Comprete Home Conltruction ,k 'CIII1I6Y ltid tb H Sl\nrl.all ~ .
beblnd tbe pnrtims , Wnyno8vllIt! hav1ng lost two lellgue encounters has only Kings Mills , It!::t In their VlIlh 10 the chn.mnlol,18b III 'I'be Spnl'tlllls uud the Comota beld even througb the Clret lwo v)3I'lodtl 'WIth tbe !.oca.ls leading :1, 0-7 at tile end of the tint QUllrtel', 'r~o Come~s rallied for 12
1'bhl wns Mason's thll'd loss In poluts in th e He cond I) \'hlll, UlI'I,'
Route S Waynesville, O. Phone Wayneevllle 28"
Wa)'JleavDle. Obia' , Pho".e : Wayn ... 21111 or. 224e
the Warren County Jengue whl(1b bIgg est Quart el' of lIL nl ~ h L, IIl1l · dropped tbem In~o second place IhlK lholll n 19· 17 h llll·tlI11tJ lmH\
i1tus .
Trounce Mason '56-38" Lead League
RATE8: JfJn. cent per word. minimum charge, 21 ••nt&. Three InMrtlon. for tho price of two. Form. clo.e Wedne.. day noon.
~.lJav. a 'Good Supply Of Fe;t:,tC8 Hand, But It's '
Going Faat.
,0 -=:101=:
Talking It Over A COLUMN'
Since 1850
Na'NETY-NINTH YEAR 11 Is with regrets, we know , tbat you S £\y goodbye , to' Mr ., Conover. WhO 'Ia leaving' for W~8t Liberty, to publltlh the Weill LIberty Bnii·
FIVE , CEN'FS fti. COpy
'Pfi.URSDAY, 'FEBltuARY 9, 1950
Gardea Club Meets At Far Hills,BOIISe '.
Shower HODors .... ,.."..,:,....:."..-.,;....+ __""--..... -=-- .""'".,.-,.~~-';'r;~,' . Bride, To Be
nln' ,
Mfa , Zenpla Robinson entertaat ber 'hallie In Atphll on Satll1"~a y ·ait.. emoon', ,honoring . 'Mills Harriet "'''ol'ltoll\.n W1l11 III )Iridal s hower. , , A beautiful coloI' scheme of pin k uod wbll.e was used In the decorallons and a dellcloua des· se,rt course wllh .plnk IUld wblte appoln,Lmen ~8 'I'M aerv.ed " ~he afternoon w"as p l enl\anl!y apent and th'tl b onol' guest J received
'I'lle ' new c(ll~ol' will attempt to Tbe WaY1lesvllle Garden Club con ti nue with bla .Iolloles ' In Is- met on 'l'hursday after,noon with Mra. Ray Malnou. and Mra . MolIuing a good p~per for Waynell· , ville ' lind surrounding commun· tbe tormer's home , Mra . Ruth ude Maurice . IlR CO~hOStleS8es at \lIeB . Shoup, prelldent, prealded : over We know tbAt "Ted," os we ali Uie openln& aDd roll call wall was , like to call him, 1s a very Ilko8IIIswered by :'What ~In~ . of Birds able young man. al)d that he ha_ I ,,' . Atn I Feedl~I'?" FoUowlng the done I\. very rme 'job ~ere build
Inc up this n~wBpllPer and we ai , hope we can, do as good II. j We wo),\t all the townspeopl. \0 feel that tbls Is their paper. nnd , ,aDytime theY wlsb to come 1~ to the Gazette office; we wl1 80
bo glad to welcpme JOu ,
on "TIi~
Promlae," the flower 01 the mo~. tho and :'Blrthdays 01 Fa1poull ' M8'}1 and their Gardenl," , were read ' by ' Mr8, Horaoe 'Bhaner and Mra , Alma Petlrson , Mrs. ,Fred Hook pve a. demonstration on ,.h'~w to start African Violets tram a lea( of the plmt. EDITOR. SON FIGHTS'
- tho Edltol:
bualness ioeeU~g, papers
In ,I n gl'oup of friends
At tbe regular meeting at ,tbe y\mer\(jM\ ~Ion :Post No . 616 M.j)nd~, Fepruary 139, Ilt the Le· giOOl Hall, RolUe Bevans will s how 8 mm, "Hlghllgbtl of 1949 West Point Football. All memo bers are lIrged to n.~tend this line event ,
' many lo vel~ glCi s
,Thla was a very jnt~rel~lD& pro' IN GOLDEN GLOVES «ram roUowlnc acUoprnment Roy Scberer, aon. of the editor. . " delicious ICe cream and cake was took part i tbe Golden Glovell at ·'t Tae meeting of District 21 O . n , " ,,8': wltl pe l1eld lit. tbe Hj&h lerve4 by tbe host.a., Dayton this year._ He toucbt iii glUuuul G_L-'_ ' Apdtl:A:jrlfuml, on Saturday the Ilgbtwelgtlt cla8s, and lost a &eWlllto,oP6b n at tedn A ,M.;. wl~ WCTU WILL MEET FRIDAY ,declsl.o n In Monday nlPt's ' tight,. I' e 8.~rve at noon' "3 Inl'. Roy become fDterested "'lD w.. s:'o.s: ~f the Methodlllt The WOTU ,will lIold Uaeir re'. boXlDC wbDe nrvio . four yean fD reb. The .choal ot lnstruea gular meeting at tbe home of n wUl then ',~peJL at one P " M .' Mrs, Cllrt Burnett. Friday aft·' the U. S. Navt: On 111s.,Ruth "'urnett or Xe. ", UJ~ ,. rnooll at 2 o'clock , E~.rybody a 'Weekend guest of her pa.r· L Is Invited . ..... ' ~r . . and Mrs Clltl Burn>
Tbe Progres81ve :OU.l1leaa Women enjoyed ' their' Februuy m~etinS on Wednesd.,. evenlng, with: a dellolous d~er served h JI' H at t e a r 1118 "Pa.rty Houae , Tbe recular bUslDe"s aelBlon was held and a ahoE:t prograin 'W~ liven. Several of t,h e, meD4 ' ber. h eard &he 'WlImlDBtOn Coll,ese Obolr • tbe SoJlooi AUCut~
t' .... .... ~.. • 1:.he WI. S . 01 S. will meet 01\
TlaUrsday after11loon. 'February 1.6 'a .ntly 8urprlled on wltll , ¥rs , ' R , ,I~ · Mol.e.l' as hoat. ' h . . ,at the Metltocllst Churcb,~, evening w en a,evera~ of hta for- ai;,~ by · . MTB I .A . H , Stubbs, B bl S -:y, mer I e cboal , acholars ca"!" ,. ". O. If.. 1!lilalesby, Mrs Be· tn, aDd I~nt the evenlng . !te. ~ ' ~n't Mrs . Paul PIcl(' trellbmentR , of lee cream and IDa and Mrs. !:.eo Conner . "Ja· ~ A _. " th were served . govn Is e new Mila: l_~ "liarmon fDa-on II, ~ Y book, wlll ~e reviewed. orltl. and ,the remaloder of the " '.' 0 ". /)(:r , anit Mrs . ' J , ' p , ii'romm group enjQyed a plelUlant 800~1 waa tb! .,.k.n~ gueat of Mlu lia4.g 8U;1lda~ jdlnn,er ~e8tB; Mr. bour . , RIl~ Burnatt. . Mrll , Clydle Fromm .and BOn ~.SPrlDlUeld. Mr and Mrs . ~. 01 'New Carlisle
, 'l'hqse, preaent we!~: :Mrs , Marie Bel'nard, Mrs, A~· ' nea Bemarrl Mrs , , Opal St . John , Shown abOVe 18 tb ~ 1\.1' hltect's Mrs , MariE! Hardin or Oo.yton, drawing of the newly eomplel ed. Mrs , Ir ma. Tt'vl na, 'Mrs' Mabel' S~, Mnry's F.Jplseopnl cburc 1J P'li" ' ShSflks, o.nd Mrs. H e " FIller of tah hOUBe'~ T'he additiOn if! '1/) lila Xenia" Mrs , Donnlo PII 111 PB of
B...... _·1lJI
---------- -
e, Civic (::I~n
tlie ol'lgtnlll c nurcll stl' u, Lebanon, ~l:8 . EvelYn Coy of ZI· mrnernlllrll , " II'1!, WUlIIIm .Bel·n' Dedication service!! wlil be h Id a1,1 Mrs Carl Cook MI·s . Given for the new pa.1I11.,' house lbe' WI:kmn.n; ' Mra . Le~ , Wot kma.n,
cture ' In tbe picture ,
" "
first Sunday in iAnt. Febi"Unry 26. at 3;30 In tbe afternoon. Tbe, Rt . Rev , HeD~ Wise Hobson. Bisbop Southern Ohio. will participate In the8e service" ," ... ' Tbe Dew parish ' hOliBO provld'
Mrs , ' J : W . wor,k!D~n, Mrs . He· len Brown, the bOnor gu~sh hOBtesa I\Ild daughte~s . MIs8 Workman, the dill1ghl.el' or ' " ·Mr. and Mrs , J ' ',' W, . W . or"mn.n , WlO becQin~ the br1lle ,.of Mr .. Ro· be t L
Bernard 90
0' Mr
es facllltles for 'many community r. ,n ~ . ,anil chu;ch ,fuDotions . A. well·eQ· Mra. WUllam Bernard, ' February ulped hobby' BIld craCt sbop ,',dln- 10, at, 7:30 o'clock ill Lbe Wayne_ ing a.nd kitchen facilities, game avllle Metbodilit Ob!ll'cll ~, and I lounge rooms , and a large \
socal room will be available , !;ISHI,NG LI~ENS' E SALE The archlteot's estimate of the EXPECT<ED TO , BEGIN , Iotal coat of the !ld'i\itIon Is 011>' :'.1 proximately $4.6.QQQ. FEBRUARY 15, 1950~ The Rev. Sam\lel N. Keys ' is Ohio a.nglers ' may ~xpect t~ pur· the "rectol' of the Church ",;-nd the cbaoe flablng IIcenl!e~ for ·lhe t96u Building committee includes: Mr. season about February. Ui. I , Ma~l'd Ii'.-' Welts. cbalrman, Dtvili~n of WUdU~e be.!1dQllart· tn
' at
QUAII8c1' ~,
ft8t ' tbB Method1st Ohurch on Tues-' Do~d Bomke, Dr , Howard B . cOD&lgwn~nt ~QrUaing ~ o,oob, I, da eyenlng wltl!! dijlner to' be Be. 'He~D, r Chartes , R . Mehoffle. censes ' 'Ia 8l[pe'c ted'to ,beat D 'lD,~a ~~ by the Youth FeUowsblp\ ' and Col., Josepb M,. Silk fe w days, Mr/l. Ellsle Hockett Will be hos' Tbe J 960 rlahlng seoson begins . telB to the HallPY Hour Club on or.tlclally 'March I, TWIL.IGHT' CONCERT ";;illiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;~iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;';;;;';~;'iii,l, Ttiesdayi - Februaty 14 . Mrs Rus; WOM ENS CLUB ME~TS 'AT Fishermen, w1l1 not ' be ,oQ,ul.red '~ sel WUson and Mrs Rhodes Bun. to dlaplay, their ' JI '(lnses In the BEGINS FEBRUARY, 12 Ff\!'1 ,HII:.LS PARTY HOUSE faml'" r b d t' ll ., ' T ..a a ge I II ~eur. ne use . Mr.· ~d Mrs. Roy JillllB vlalted Mlu GladY8 RYe, who has been nell wID be In ' charge of thepro. cram. ' ' Tbe progressIve Womims club of tbe badge hos beeD dlscoDLln, The IIlxOJ TwUlibt Conce~t by Mr. and Mrs. CaJ't Conrad In Elth! lU~st of bel' parents. M r , and 'l'h Mi 1 lovely' ued byleglsla.tlvl!- "nction" thus the Oleveland Ol,"cbestra of· a "er' dorado' on Monday. 'e ami Ohapter 1,07 O . E} S . met February for n, suvrlng ilie Divisi on of Wlhlllte , . Mra .; ClareDce Rye. and'Mr, Dud . les of. t~n IpoDaored by Tile Stan. wlll meet In regular 8esslon 'on dinner 0.1 the Ffil' HUla Party som e $40,000 a.nnually, Anglers, Mts" Zilla Mae Fulke1'll0n bad RoseD of ClnclDDatl, were alBt) dard 'J)ll ~pany (011-1,0) o,~ . IiIdDday evening', February 13, Jt H OUBe , Af imee· t ,will, bowev ~ r,. be •.req",r!l~ , 1.0 , ter tb e b UII ness 15 Ohio radiO .ataUons la' sched- aa bel' weellend guest. MiB/! San·, Thureday ,ev.~r· guesta at tbe dra ~an. ellht" o'clock., .A Valentine , box Ing 8e~el'al of ~be )a dl~fI went lfJ ' carl·Y on their pej'sons the !Lsbing uled for 4:Sq p m .. S~nday, F~b·, ~rska boine: MIas Rye 'ha~ new 'Witb .~ excbajllge of valentInes .the MuslC;1i1 at the Gym .' There ,110 'nse ,while engaged In flsblng. rUluy 12 , . ' Mr,. IUI~ Mra. J. E. Frasier r&lurned ~ ber Itudlea at the wUl be a feature or the social, was just a short progrnm . ' .. Tbe program, whlcb Is offered Quietly ,o baened ,their tlfUetb h OlD' . , . 'Feeder C.~ , .. .I~ celebration of 8Ohlo's SO~!, weddln, annlvereary on Wednl8. UDl!'anilJ. ~t .Clncl1lnatl: . Alinost any kind of rbulbag, can anniversary, I~cludes: ' U!tlrlure day. Feb. 8, ~r. 'ud Mre. WIlliam Strollll4l: be tea feeder cattle ., .Ion, al th" Halr1 VietClb Tomo ' to the , Roman Carnival by Be· will eat It and provIded It I, proper· Mr. and ·'Mrs·. , J . I . nurlke anll I'e~ of balZ7 vetch ha. helD Mrs. Clift Burnett b!l hoat· uoz; carnlv~1 of tbe animals, a Iy supplemented , However, the betgrond Eooldglcal fa.ntasy, by St . e.s to ~be WeTU on Frld&), at- MrR , lAab MID8 w~re Sunday, at. ~ to blve • toxic etreet GIl ,tertbe qua'1lty ot the rbugha,. the SaeDa: $cenarlo ,(or: Orchestra on '\ernooD at her, home on Main at., ternoon CU..ta .of Mr, and Ml'fII cbickeDs" , Mr , Ed Brown o~ Beavertown easier it Is to doa lood job of called. ,on. h1a eisterMIs8 Berlha teed!nl' and the less need for ex. 'rbemes "Sbowboat':' by Jer' Oharles , Moyer . and Mrs , Ray ome Kern, and Bousa's 'lamou'! ~IIS MarilYn ' Burelle. 'Who has BW&D80n aud InflUl~ sOn In Ger v. S~ Ileal Couum,U Brow O,D Tuesday" ! I t P.r capita me:l t CODaumpijon III ' ' " pens, ve sum> tm~n I . Stars and StrIpes' Forever ." ~a lUeat ot-h.l!r parents. Mr. U.UtoWD. '~ , America ' in 1941 Wit 155 pouudt. Mr , Walter, Clark of near Ly· Poultry JJ!l1I5t> , " ' W. T. · HalUday, chairman and Mrs : ,J . i. Burs.e. ~a4 ,.. "'.r ' ad'" ""Ill ' " the Ill e "'eat In aie'l r'';'''' "ea- ' -_.II ' , tie. Mr ,' and , Mrs . Harold Tha~· Llgbtlng condition. inside the ' .... , BUIld D _rs " q follows: ' " " .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Soblo'S board otI directors, her gu!lllt, Mr. vDale Dufiee. ' of wel'll . nI, W lam Strouse ' wa~ cUatrlbuted Po~ , _r~ 0 f , S IIr\ng'bo)"0 v i s Ite d tbetr e . poultry' layin, houle c'n be 1m. giVe Q ' ~r~er ' Interml8slon tal~ ' Cohll'!lhul. ' ~Ia~ M.~I~ ' w~'" a and M . .-r ght ' 1J1I1IBt~ of Mr, ' '10,' poundl: beet. .,2: vial, 10.T. ' &unt, Mrs. Allce CI\lrk on Sun· proved by whltew:!shlnl' 1h. walll. d&T 'afternoon'. . Cleaning of l'he wlndows wID ' aelp, during ,tlie "broadcast, ~unday and Mond ''''e t ' t til BIllick:..... ?wen Bl'Ook8blre Or.,.d Ia~b 1U14 m\IHoa. 5.1, ' " StatiOIlJl carrying tM broadcast " ay 0 - I !" , e , .• Mr8 . Woodro'\v Oweru 'a nd two too. '. ' Ia t~ls vicinity a~e: ' ,:WIQ\O, CI~. I Duffee bome In . Colum,bu8. ~It'ea: Scrap non children; MlIlDle Jo and Stevie, III'. and Mrs. ~bert O'J\egan ' Iron and .teel Icra~ .t. urJ1Il111' were guests of Mrs , Owen's elnnad; WeOL, Columbus ; ~H· which she and Mr. Durfee 1'8' ar~ DOW occupyln, a. new home Ul, Dayton:; nnd 'WIZT~ Sprlng- tumed to their studies at B6wl~ DHcIed b,. 1he :ateel 1rid1lltr7. ~.' ,mother, ·Mrs . Luelle .Arqlltage 6n on Btate ~ute 1t8, below Lebanen. keep up bllh pfCll4ucUOIl. S undaY. field, ' ' IDg . Grien unlveraft)".
, ',
iiI'. md Mre . Stanley H., BaU"' Mr. ,and Mre. :A. H. Earnhart I.eata ... .reweky Wear Mr .. and Mrs, ,Ed ' Romby ' en' .Y bad as ,we:ekenCl ~e.ts. Mre. ~ ,as 'S uDdat evenln, P!lst.s, , Nlneli·Dlne In ilOO French worn_ Lertatned on' Bunday evening ho- ', Op,a l' White and ' IralldaoD. '!Ws- Mr. ~d. 'M r•. J. K. EllI'Dbarl ;lnd ,wear prlcloua pl!ltInwn. palladium or ,old 'ewelr)o c.'omparld with the Rorlug the birthday of tlie latters 8a1, Atkinson. at ~~lIJDond~ Jnd,. fllmlly ' 01 Beavertown. lame r.Uo· of ,AmilriCIUl WOIIItD , llJo.tbe~. Mra . Ool~le. Surface. and were Jotned 'at SuUday dinDer ' -: •.".. . Tb9se w110 enjoye6 the ~ay to- by llni'. D. ,e. Rid,., v,.~ Mab. 'III'. &lid Mrs ~ Ronald Hawke "bo ,a4om the.I D.elvea with 1:01, geUier were: ' Mr, and Mrs Da· eL Wetler. an!! Mr. aDd IIIr4\. ~enuy bad as dinner CU88ts, tume piece •• vld Zink lind son', Craig. of Leb- David, Htu;taoclr. " Mr: 'aild M..... D , R , Salisbury or an!lD. Mr , IIInd ¥rs. ' Earl CODnMn. llo~ lI'lres and .laUShl,r; Cuba. II•. and Mn, C, T. Ellis Gladiolus PreaaaUon ,·er ' and son, Stevie , Mrs. Goldie MlU n F Gladiolus ' ir01vera 8boUld bum SurJace, tbe host &kid ' hOltesll ' . oaBle lrel tl1tel1t.lneel to of Centenille anc!.' Mr . Harvey pUes of ,loll.Ie IUId clear, JbucU 'I(pd , qblldren . Bunda, dbUlar. IiIr , and· Mn . RJe, ," , y to,J rj!vent 1he 'tblrjp. from overWln~ llb~ ,M,redttb a!ld ' b~y.' 4a_. , ~1nI In the tr..lh pUel. . ter ijf XeDIa, and Mr. aad Mn. Mr. and Mri. Fred Hoak had u ' ' " --~',- - 'Mr , and Mrs , Fred Braddook ,Lout, ,F Jrea.. bOnoriDI ,t he former Sunda,. , aftemoon lUuts, Mr : AIr EKpreM enter.taibed on Baturday eveDln,: hOltell. who was o1teervlnc her an4 Mre. Harold Hoak of WlIm, ApproalIJIateb' ZO per cent of aD ,Mi. and ' Mn. John Gons ' qtltretb blrtbday, . " IDCtOD. air aprell traftlc either ,orIJlnaW dausht re Mr lIIIul Urs Kellat ' ' ,.. ' " at 0.. Sa deUvered ' to 1lI.0!I0 oll·aire. " , '.. . MiBs RUth Chandler 'an'll MI.. .r. and Mra. William ElUg Une dUel :and 1~. ancL UlereHoak. -Mr., aDd, 'Mrs, J:,Utber .Gertrude . CbancUer ' atteDded a ' . H t8(I k . d C rd d tel ~",ere guests of ' the latter's par- tan. ItblUldled'111 combined air aDd ',ar c an .soD . a a, an • ' m_tIDC of the A1pba rDI cba,ter _ . ... rail ClPTell lerv.lc •• ev1alon B<\illlning were enJ9'~ of tile Delta Kap,a Oa~ sOc- _... _r. anil lire . C , E , Stan· witb dellcloua refr,elbments aer. let" at the 1IlDiia.....• Club oil forth. llurlD, tile past week, and ved by the h'OsteU. Sat\Uday. A luncbeon waa enjoy. left. on WeclDeada,.. tor San. FrlUl· 'C,HILI IIIUPP.ER eel at DOOD, . cllco, CaIlfOnlia. wbent ' ,~ey are' SPOD8~ red By Home Econoo;nlc CommUtee 1'r7 dJuo19tiIC soap 1Il,IIcIIUq IIr. aDd Ill,. , I'red OI'&Ulll&g CODDeeted wltb the Home Arts Farmer , Grlnse wat.r IIetore ecIdIDI It to tie...... hacl as BUIld..,. dluner au_ta. IIr. ~cUon Com~, Jaa maablDai tbe IIQald ........ and. Blvln Beioard _d soa. GRAN'GiE HALL a IMIter Job. ,,' , Bkble. of Da1toD. Mn. William' SaWfW. Mrs. ...... .....ta. eM... Mr. and ..... Doa.. B1IIluU IIaftIa 1hDItb. lin., CbarlH )Ie_B. 11. 1.60 '
LIt.aI.... a.
cu.-..- taf'1'WO.....
CIIDocJa. Mn. ,..r... PreD4erpt, i : : : : ' . ~ . . . . . . . . . 1IIl4 ,da.pteril ...re . . . .' dIuer ... lin. II ••• BarDIIalt ' atteDCI' to • ...., ........ UIII . . . . ,....... or ... KODIIDI& aD4 . . . . . . . ," DI .... S .... ~. dlD· _ tIII& ..... " He_ B n _ . '._...;._ _ . . III lin: Vielma OIl 8atuIdar· III
I '
P .1II ~el'1one Wl!rl~pm. & to
Dr. Emma Hollow a.y, .Mrs, ' BU·
sabetb Smith , and Mr.a. lJelth , 1111118 \ attend8ct the Gardell Club
Friday a(ternoon : at the' bome M-:B . J'~nnle 'Maln.Gus. and Mrs . Gaie Rli ssum 'and . t'YiO llt"Ue grandcblldren. Kn thl.een and ~lIeen K~r8~y of Dny· ton visited their a~nt, MIss Mar· ,aret Edwar,ds On Sundt~y ahel!. noon , On Friday &[t.e.rnooll her v1stota , were . ber nephew, MI', Wilson Edwards !l!Dd daughter ;!lira . . Mnry "Lea.b Rhetn ,ot Sprl· ngfleld. , ' Mila Ruth Cbandler, accomp· anIed by ber niece, MIBS Gertudfl Ohandler. of, Norwood attended II. IUDcheoo bf Alpha. Phi . Cbaple/~. ,Delta 'Kappa Gamma at tbe En · "neer'" ClUb In Dayton on Sat· llrda,. . :J.'hey had the pleasure 0' Jleal'IDg an exceUent address by , Dr. aainllel Varble. pre81dent of wnmlntton Cottege :
o. 01: .
"a-. Iola&oea"
~ a reuDt mark.t lUl'Ve, made by tale U, B. clIpartmen\- of earl-
bamemabra, empbealMtl tM7 want "olean SlOta....• wIleD makIq tao4 J)III'OIaueI. '
That old .." about oppGl'lU&lJY
1Du.t be ftYlaecl. TIle new ~ , le----Opportuml7 K.ncicb llat 0...
,011 ...
' _ Week. £very parda, , 11M , op............" 10 . . _14ft , • ""1 tt-e thlnp,... - , . . . . . , ........ AD h . . - II • .. duIt~""""
.. V.I. . . . . . . . . · " . . ...
..... .,.,.. to . . . . . . . . ,.....
aua ......,....0 , . . . . ....
walk _. U" ...,....
..., ................... ..-
........ ..!,:............. . . . . _t'I!I .. ,... .
..... ,...
-"1 ~~.''Y._ - -
Thursday, February 9, 1950
U. S.,Deficit Worries Economists; Acheson Favors Token Formosa Aid; 75-Cent Wage Floor Now Effective
Old Proverb Hoi'-Right NEW YORK.-Don't leU the old,lbne weather proverbs ahort, for It baa been found they are 56.9 per cerit true--a baIting avera-Ire almost al IIOQd a i tha,' of the .clentlflc foreeasters: 'This was. reported by Oil. Va· den W. Miles of Wayne university, ·Detrolt. ·10 'th. American Alsoclatlon ~or the Advance-: ment of Solence. He said a of , tbree qualified ,t eacbers judged 333 dlffercntprov~bs. Of 153 aeallng with weather phenomena or changes, b6.$ per cent were ' ,true' eccordln,' to IIcjentuic principles. ~ you couldprobablT lJ,Se tIIcm wIth' reasonable accuracy to predict the weather, he said. But proverb. deaUng witll .ches and P3 ip!l, or with long. r.ange s,ensonal forecasts, don' t , have scientific me~t. Dr, .Miles , . '" . . -ald. .
.t...... .,
(EDITOR'S NOHr Wh." .plnlon...... P.... In Ibu. e.I."'..I, Ih.,. , W..lera !h... , .... Ual.,,' ...........1,..,••••••1 ........11,. .r II,. . . . ,.••••• r.)
Recall Asked
Some A~e Worried
J. ,~ ~L'U~:V~~:~ ~ ~a~~~~~~~g~1 ~l~,~;~,~z~,I",a , ~~ ~,'';:'
The aver age AmerIcan could n'ot Ilelp but dIscern atranae Bnd disurblng ramification. In the Alger Hias pel'JIlf;Y trIal verdlct. HIla was found. ~Ilty 01\ two countll: ~rhe JUry found that be 'bad paased flecret d.ocuments ' to Whlttak.,r Ohambera and that be had' aeen Chambers after January 1, ' 1937. IIlss bad denlH both aUe,atlon.. .. , In . ' rambllntr, expo.e of what nl,ow leems to ha.ve been ,uvenlle ~trlgue ,with infantile overton.e s of cloak·and-daller hue. one big fact tliat came out 01 the trial hI that somebody , Ued-somebody lied In such C.ol08sal fallhloD liS to be unmatched In any recent In., It~ce In American jW-laprudence. CHAMBERS, former .communist courier by his 'own admission. at;l!l .• former ' ,senior ~dltqr .of Time magazine. ,sold' Hiss Passed the :sE!Cret state oepartment paper.l to ' him and that he ' turned them over to' the RussIan. 8;lIs saId, he lildn't d() any sueh thing. ' However, the jury, ~s a second tr,la~ of the case, chq,se to believe Chambers , and COhv~ct Hiss. Nat'linll)" ~ss will a~peal: 'but If the ve rdict' Is upheld, ' be face. a posIUlile maxiinum lentence , of 10 yeiars Imprl.onmellt and fines of $4,000, ',,' 1 The dl8turbinl element In, the case Is how .the CommUl}lstl could .0 pervert the Americanllm of abnormally , Intelligent l1Ic:e ,HIss and Chamberl, If Ch.~ bers' .to~ Is , trUe, to the point where they would .ctuall7 .erve thl! Interest of the SoVieta .Iain.t th" Intere.ta or; their own countl'1. THE STRANGENESS of the oa8e, •• 'matW lee it, .re , the. intrlc.oies of U.S. law' which' permit an ad. mItted CQmmunl,t courier to !=alPe any lort :of le,aal punl.hment and yet permlta' • lon,·thne len., tence and heavy fines tor • de- . ,tend ant accused ' OIl l'.Y.Ina about what It II aUeled be did. Chambers admlu his aots .nd . Is never , cbllr,eeI in court. Rtas bad to be convicted on' charKes alain.t him, In.. ,ot one llreak..-b.e.~e at • statue of IlmltaUons be ' could noti be "I eIIUl/ed With bavID, be~ tr.yeel his countrJr •• a
Soil Loss 'From Rain Costly ,to Iler~ge 11Us,iDe of Erosion
Studied by ,Government'
Explanation A negro had bllen trying tor a . long time 10 gain m embersh ip in a lodge. They founq so ma llY reasons for postponing . the' induction ceremonies that he became suspicious. "Ah'm ilicllneci . to think," be said; "dat yo' ,nigg'ahs doah' want me in dis heab lodge," "Well," said the chairman, "l'n teU yo' how it is. ' Yo' is bald, a in't yo'?" wi~YI~~~' But what dllt got to do
'lbe two-year, lO-bllllon-doUar 1,""..""",;"'··...,....· " ' - - If .11 the water In a two-Inch deficit looming a. loevita151e tor rajn .h04\d '!:Ie dUPlped on' . field the United States hlld some eCDat one mo ment it would baye powDomic ' experts 10 a state of appreer to UN a sel/en-Incb Iber I of IOU hension. three ,(eet Into' the alr':'a monstroul "An' yo' Is blac k ain' t yo' ?" Among these was Dr. Edwin G. ~pla5h. ThIs figure ha.. been cal- continued the c ha irma n. NouFse, former chairman of the culated,p.y scientists of the BOU 'fihQ' nulf." President's , co'un~n of economic conserVlltion servIce. U.S. ' depart"Well. den, considah yo'self 'advisers, The deficit. Dr. Nourse me"t ot agriculture. black bald." Indlcat~d, bas stlrr~d fears . ot ~ CDt ,course, the department spetill tlcn lind pos,slbly a "rising unclalls.t s say. suotl a , cah;imlty never ' cer tainty as to , ~e stability of the occurs. In most area~, ralnfa U' at dollar itself." the rate of one ' mch 'tn ' 15 rn Inutes . DR. NOURSE, w~o r ecently reis , an , eJrtrem~ly I)eav~ all ~e· algned 1rl8 ~ c halrman1)hlp on the' eco.tructlve r <iln. and the total of the Acid' tas,te in ',mouth! '.Chat awful nomIC! council. called for a '''speclsmaller splashes In such · a rain ga!isy feeling! Then-try a switch tic and hard-headed, plan , for get-, , to POBTUM,I • ,'"'Ii' CliO cause serlou. splash 'erosion. ting back to the black I~. " It III against th'~ fOfc'es "of faU. · For the latest sciontlflc facts .... . He de.c:Iared the federal budget' veal t1\a~ In many persons, caftein ,inl rain that the s.oll kconservlltlon .~o~ld a. Reath, U.S. mW.., eould , be balanced In a year. or in both coffee .nd tea te'71tU eo Pr~ lervlc. II cente~ln, ·ita eflort. to ter to Bal~arfa, b.. be. . , CINonlNATI. OmO:-A b.rlaln two" but onlY If the goliernment duo, harmful. jtQ_olI a.cidi~II, .. keep • pro~ectlve ~ov~ t QD ",~ termeel "persona noft: ~rata.. II)- , f7.50 cmtal ' ball-'<poa,elaed ot pracUcel economy ~nd reduces or well .. lIfrvOun,,, and ,kepi•• the B a Ie. r, •• D covel'llme1lt .t rue clalrvo,..anl1e'·-w~ch he 1114 d!!feri man)' of President Trum/ln', nig"'gl WhU" many people can drink which has ,.lked that be be rabouaht In 1935 r.UeeI to torellladl'w coffee or tea, without W:.e1rect, _"II pro«rams "tn' tlie deveiopmeht and otiln. ca."_ .~ .' e.,.... 1IIe Balprlanll ch.r~ • D:llItlc ,100 fire which it ca~ed' weUare arell"· So if you ,luWer heartbum. in~ll. Beath receIved .eorea cne,.. In the .pariQlent or the man' who , To . ob'ectlve observers, Dr:. aestion, IlCl91euneaa, maketWsteat: meat informa&loD from Tra'I!)bo purchased It, Garrett J.coba. giv. up OOl/8&-f1ive up ttl~riU Koatov, form.r deputy lIfemler The onctn o~ ttie fI~ was !Shroud· . ND\lr.e Wa' another volc~ crying ' POlITtlK e~cl~lIelr !fIr I() <m"seel In ' 1Il1fte17, puzzlin. , ~me~, In th. wilderneSS-for. on the basts 01 BaJprla Who was exente4 ,;wlg. fir rllMgl Remeinber,l'9STtr11 poliee lnil tile ' occupant. fGr more OIl poUtical r,e sults In the past 18 , eD • "harp t~. contains no calfein other dr~ yeara; pracUee or IUpport of econ· than an hour before l.cob• .J'&- om,. didn't brlnl ' many votel when noth!nlrthat can poiaibl:y callie iDdt. called purcJIa.lD. the ball from sestton, nervousness, sleeplUsDeu! the chips were down. A.k your,grocer tOday for INB'rANT • medlum I" ,.ear. '. ,0.' THE SENSATIONAL SUCCESS 75-Cent Floor POlmIld - A Vigorous Drink made Whllll lacoba wal ain, a.t hIa Ilan·pamtl!tr Ihop, b4 ,wife, , Ada, ' 'of the lat. Mr., Roosevelt, ' also' '. , Th. natJon's new 75 cents an ,from 'Healthful Wheat and ,Bran. iDi!ul\triouslT po11lhed Irtirldowa in great spender of ' public mO~II!y; hour wage' law Ia 'now iii etfect, the apartment. Behind her, an bv· • program which helPed give blm' That means that aU wor~er. em· eratutfeel ,davel'port bUrst Into foUl' presidential , elecUon victories ployed In lnterBbite comm"rc:e, or -was bound to loom as a vital les- in prodUction " of gOQ<\s for intertlame•. Mr.. .raeo~.. attacking the, bum· IOn In practical polltIcl. state commerce, ', mu.t Qe paid , a On the record. the Fer1can mlnlmum of 75 cents an ~.. inl eouch with her bare bands. It Is olll,. In ~n' ', e.rs that ~ .n object 'f rom the divan and taxpayer cares leas I!-bout his 10Vibis ~ of 1011 erosion ball PRESIDENT , TRUMAN lian~ pJac~ It .cross the room. Shew•• emment's lavin, mone), . than 'he ~e ' new law, aa ' beln, "dictated been flaIl,. appreclatecl . d Ib" IUl'Prlae4 to .ee burns on ber ~oes ' .boU~ 'its , 'beinl Ipent. : d~. renlta. Pleuared. by IOClal Ju.tlce" .nd . ' atep th.t handa; She notWed bU hu.band will bring "great and Ial~ ben· land at .U .• ea.on. wben ' beafinl aDd be ea}.led ~,e fire department. eflts"· . 'rains are lIkel1. ¥,ore tIl!ln 100 • •rabal Dan VO'" and' bia ~ Token Aid? ·SllPlIfIcant. however, w.. aD ~ ton. of .oil per aore m.), be men estingullbeil" the ·blue, . .ve According to ,reliable reportli, malt ' linmedlate 'call .".. certain Ipla.beel tw the beaviest r.lrd IIrd aid to lira. ".cobl .nd ' ~en V.S. State Secretar)' Dean' AcbHon CIO uniOn leadera for ,effDrt to ' : be,an queftlanlnc her_ TIM! fire lalling, on • b.re and hilhJ7 debOoat the mlnlmum wa,e to • flat An Old StolT ID f.vor of • congrelslon&1 marabat; a reuonable man. IUS- '19" 'I'he unpredlctabl. ' Soviet mine! ta~babl. IoU. move to send abou~ 28 m.WJOD d\ll· dollar , an bour, and bro.denecl covpectecI a 1IDOuI4erir11 c"arette. laI'I In economic: aid to the ChI· era.. under the 1.'19. .1I11n w.. Indullbil Ita toi'tUOI,ll ~}~ Ia ~ ' In. receJit , ,eara that DId lira. Vapt emoke! The an..' IT WAS . PERHAPs ' With these worklnp to the clIIc:oJnfiture or UUII type ot e1'Ollon hal beel' fIIil7 _ was nO. Bad Ibe enteraln.e d nue N.tlOIl"Usts In 'FormQ'.' new umon demanda In mind that Ber~ ana iIle weatel'D ame.. III • .ppreclateel anel the d,e.tructive reTHE QUESTION whlch' 1mmecli, vlaItors · earll,e'r In tile aftemooll! 2reafdent , Truman .aId · he ' bid IOrl of "Junior blockade~' vi the sulU 'm easured. Scientists _nd ateJJ; aroae waa: Why? , Ko. ' .sked labor .~tar)' Tob1D ' to fmmer reSc:h capital. th. 'Buill ana 'armers b8v. eom. ~ reallze thai Wu It , another mone),-4own-.· ft. marahal IocIUtI carefaU7 .t ':t~p JIle InformeCI on dJe optra. baell for R bour••et up an' ."r•• the, raindrop aplalhlni which , de~ the coucb, bathed In brtlh\ lUll- n~ action' Another token ap.: Uon of the Dew JaW.·' , . .tint check ~.tem whlcb' *Ued taches parUclea from the Di.ln ,..iement 'of thole who were dealdne. No electrIe wIreI ' near bT. M~It~erl .re now maIdD8 IlIPW truc:b to such an ectaDt bod7 ta a pr!m!lr)' factor In .~ plent7 at ftD~tIan In' lbe ~ ma~ mort! and actual ~ to more than 'r5 cents an hour. But ' that ~ ODe ,... aDowed to p ... 11011 control. and th., It .. not am i'ol'lllOiaT ' . , ' .. ~.coba bacl dallied the soli h.. been detaehed b7 the 'l'tiott. 'wen I.eIiUm.te queatlon. It ~s been eatIm.~ that the bMr "e~ 18 ' minute. bIDe. Be raiated that be bacI left 'aUing raindrop that the DoWin, ril1nfmdm will mean WII,e ID~· WAS EXABPJ:RATlNO" It Ill · l1li7 attempt ,to ,)peDetra" the tane .t ' It .. m. ' wI~ bavlq Crea.e. to _J:IoUt 1.5 mUUOa Per-' ,... p',"un, .nd It' .et in motiOti water of the niD;g!f outsld. of rUia lIIIobJd In that putleuIar iooba. .maze or the' bltrlcate tohJta ,·pol. c _ _ove it from the I0I1l, more thaD balf of .Wbom.... cr.v. f,.n that the 'RedJ ' were .• lId Iq belnl pr.cticed b7 the "United Jlarahal V• • I'!C*~ alceptJc:aL fleJd. " ' U p , another In the South. 'l'bII .. expected to .boUt ' to _ Statal. AcIIeaon h.d l.et It be known Somewhat cUseDaripd. but bowcoat .mJlloy.... about aoo mfWon blqc:kade whicb COlt America H tnc &lie callie a( ~ daVlDport moat clearlY th.t he fem the W.mUlch In ~on.y &net equipment . ,....1lNI. - the m.~ ..It the aPart- tlaaau.t ciue II lo.t m Chili., 4;Iollar. annUalb-. , " I wben "Operation o\lrUft" wa. au ' Ii "·" m.nt .and told lila ho1,. to bom• • and there were , m!l~ Who that kept Berlln.ra from ,.tantatlon ~ 'WhIle the marthal,..s down. tended that It ,w ouldn't Jje .l lon,' ~ freaIq. . " ,1VfU, co., the .v....,. f.Myler ata1ra .Jivtne orden, ".cObs ' .... untll- ~e .tate secretary advoc.ted No Monqpoly AlIId th.n. with no eQ1anaUon or, only about 18 centa e.cb to treat THi. WUIta Uy•• 1Io1n, aom. InYHtilatlOn GIl bIa U.S. recolniU~ OIl the ChIn... S,!,~ the earq dilYS . Whtb -p'p'IU'eII., re.lDn. the RIl.l1an., e.ch broOd .ow for 11).nl. t and CommunJat realtme. "I lell ...r,bod,. .boa' oRA. Jt'" QWIl hook. ipAlDb' 1D~riol.tIilI bIa ~oundWorm.. ~ut the .mazine bow qalclcl,. .tall\1 and dlr\ If thOle .th6l.. were true, w~ A ""'"I 'teel"new8'p ·Ieney 8lld the abalildemed' the ''junior blockade" wife. come olf,and how wblte til. teeth be• ress were ploneeriDI a ••iuddenl7 as they had 'impos'l d It'. .1'8 worth lever.ll hundred '"'1'el1 me the truthl" demanded send 28, mmlon g()Od American dol- ~s.oc com~," lin. A. C. wa.eaton, RoCIa· the .. therlng and diIBemination , lUll .......rlc.... Bri"-'and ...'n: ........ , ncb tI, rt)e. th a t amount ' Ip Ib'ettel' her~ .. ,lara rollinl beJplellq Into the path f ' . . . . . . ' ester, N. Y. . Mr. ,,Jacobs. ''DId lOU 1ID0ke' Dld comllri.nderl ' or Berlln met in health and faster gain.. , i . o~ a Red Juggemalit ..lrea~ con" o ne~ there have be~ rr.tuent ;you .have alQ'ODe In bere?" .NEVa __USN FAlSE nETH r l4ngle. 'over' the owneraqlp emeirlen'c)" session and ' dlscUssed ,Dr. M. E . M nsfield, :·'You Imow better than th.t," re- ceded' as lure to. roU over aD Onablnlr c.n ruin d.nt1lre •• U.. ' ~nd rlghtl at lta 'diltrlbu· the latest Soviet barryinl tactics, f.n at the University" China:? ' plied Mrs. Jacobs. ' nm~lng new ORA Dentu~e Cleanser. , ACHESON, It seemed to Ipost· was 'l',:a8Y. Quick. Denture ' I. Iparklinlr ' NOW THAT RAD.IO bas ..... ade·'d ~IJI z:esulte~.ln, a declslo\1 10 tiak~ -reminds farlllers that ' "What was em , the davenport!," UIY • walt-and-see attitude. ' time is a lood time ' for , n""R"'~ ' cleail ln 16 mlnutesl ORA I. ,guaran. r ''The on'Jy thing on It was that la)ina 'himself open to charles teed not to harm dentures. Removes the 'news t~\!lll, . it was 'Inevitable SOME AMER,ICAN ofllcers wete eontrOl: At that 'time the 'fanner old crystal i1alJ/ '¥rs. Jacobs said. in,consl~ency, or, perhaps even tobaeco stol", •• All drulrgista, that the, same sort ' Of argument con,rlnced another full'Bcale blook. usual)y ltas ·Only . I' few bogs (In more lmpOrtant, wllIlng ,to play , ,;Her spouse, looking around tile A Pro!Iuct of MaKeuoa a Robbllll, IDe. would arls\! over the oWnership' of ade .' was cQJll.in(. ' B ut>, the British hand, so th~ cost 01 treatment Is room, saw his crystal ball "It ,was fast and loose ~th American monred hot and smudged blaclc," , Mr. ey for more tlm~ to 'uggle , ~ !' hdio ;Jlews -aod whether one ata- , commander expre~sed a convict/on less, and there will be less chance ' Made ESPECIA.,I,LY ~or ' lacabs said later. _ ' highly !llyolved and 'puzzling dip- tion . or Ii ' chain of stations can that · the Ruulans W~~ ~ercly ,en. of trol,lble with' the Utters , create a monopoly In bl'oadcasUnt lallnl, ~ a Passlnl pha/le .of "plh '1'0 control man'ge, ,he says, spray ' And that was the answer, laid 10matJc concepts, pricks." . _,' ,1{0"'1 the herd 'with ben1zerlli At the risk ,of o~eN'lmpllfloatlon, the ~ews. ' Marshal Vogel. Concentration 01 1'I\e federal oommimlcations com. ' 1 '.ho,~w...tllM+Jwi:ru:lll.o:tida:::..;IuaW~f'~--Il~idit~irr---1 It was ,mad e , clear, ~ ~e Bun'8 rays through the crystal it could be conten~ed that there ball. ' , that wa. still hope to atop the Com~ mission ruled that sUGh cannot be Aq1E!rJcan pans are ' muqlst Burge In ' Chlnlll, or , thei-'e ~one, and a, United States court of' the event a 'major blockade II ppeals ha~ upheld the FCC. The cla~lpe~ 00, ano~er alrd t op,era,' .' ' wa. not. If not, then , t here seemed New Chemical Disoover, " .' little Point in w.as,tlng-,further ,U.S. 'Court ruled" that the FCC may tJon co~d be put Into , eflect 1\1 til rell_ coalltl-Iehhiimaaclei' , a license to a ..ra~lo station time to stliv~ ofl an1 disastrous There'. 1& apeciul Child', A·W d Mu.. C~ean. Metal With, One DJp . . resouro~s. in a fUtile attempt otber~ ~eny l' terqlo ma!1e .or kiddles" tendor akIn, COLli:MBUS, OHIO.-The JJatelle Wise. If 10, then ' applying 28 ·mil· appllcant If ' It finds tha'-t ap"nr f' ova sultl to the peopl, of, Berlin: MUlI!'Orulu no~ only glvllI"speedy relief but It brenl<e up eon&e&tiun In u ~1!J mstltute here ba. a~ount:ed a DeW 'Uoo dOUl\fS to the' eflort would air wo~d tend to create a news monop. brllnchilll'tubcs, nOlle and Jua' chemical that will pollBh metal' pear as slm~ly a peurile gesture. olY. r' Tb ' d. rIlb It on clies~, throat With one dip. ' ' nTrl"",_/:"''''';r:I , e court ' sal: "Monopoly In ~ rThe research center . said any the mass communication of news metal product, ' DO matter how in- ' One Billion More •: and advertisIng Is cqntrar, ·t o' the trlcate}y oa1;Ved or d~lgned, would , public Interest: everi.1t not Iri terms achieve • mJrr~r~likeluater ,a few , Just as nearly everyone expectefl, prescribed by the antitrust laws. " ~utes after beIDg Immeried' In ¥r. Trlun:an's ,tl\!t' recom'~encl l1" THE RULING was In Clo,nne c~lon Uae chemical Uons were weU ~Iow what, be had with , the case ', of the . ManstJeldl in praotl.ce, the 'report 8a'ld. it stated a ,y ear' ago he would ask for (Oblo) Journal and the Lorain ' h .. bleen found that cbllmlc.l pol- when contrell convened. The first (Oblo) JOl,lmal whose applicaUons falUnl' mai euminate ,frOm one to fliUre was 12 .,UUons. What ' Mr: lor radio station ncenses were five WoducUon ' ateps lit the tlnIlh· Truman al~eeI for, Instead, 1¥a~ ol1e turned down by the ' FCC. In re,ectIna of • ,m.talUc product. ' Tbl. bUlion. .' Ing the applications, 'the commlsMR. 'l'1I.tJ:M.ANoS pr.opa.aI in· slon ' ruled the ' Mansfield Journal meau • redlio~on Vi u muc:!i ... 150 per cent In flnl.~ COlts. c~uded both tas, cl,lts and ~ tax in· used Its position In '~e ' community Ketala IUCceutu~ cllem1CaD,y creases, but, oVerall, It would hike "to coeree It I adveru.~. to e~ter polilbed tnc1u!le , br..., .copper., the , naUon's t.,r btu' by " a blnton Into exclusive advertising contractl . . -Ilickel·sUver. inonei'. niakel and doUan, EvIl 10; there .... no ' with the newspaper," : aluminum. '!be acUoa .. a tNe \ read)' . •• narance ' the Prel1dent The comml••lon ,ddeel that 'InC~ poUs_ pioceu-not a depelited woUtlt let tIIl1t much.! . , . both newspapers Were owne'd .nd coatlnl or a 'dltterent ,metal ' That be trimmed hi. t.x propo-.. eOlltrolied b, SamUel A. ~orvt~ tried b,. 'a lunale lodt mallll- .... at .n ~.. dUe to mountlnl .nd laadore Horvitz. It took the facturer, tile Ptoceu ..wei five seittfmeat within bIa own acJmlnia., vI.w that what h.ppened In "Man.. IUr1oloperaUODI In tIn1Ihtq tratlon ranlu 'that appreciable ~.:I field ,"was IndlcaUve of what tpllht Iocb and ha.pe--a AviDl of, tellS mere.... would be unwlle .t w. occur under '.lmllar circum.tanc:a fOr eacb 1,000 loeb and haape. tIIIM, and ~t the effort 'boUld be ' .In Lor.In." , rn· appealln, to the' court, the (lhem1c.- poUa~ bath. .... toward dtnulatin, burinel... mizturu Gl adell. 1D~ ~ mu,c:b u pont))le, ..ther than.... newsp.pers copte,nded th. FCC h.d Pboric, nilric and acetic aC!idL TIle,. tard or dllcQarap It b7 ildded to lone outside Its ~ce , and had . ' .cted lUIIIer antltrult Ja... .operate at from ftIOJD temperature llardeas. TID: ~BNT reeommended • IDO deJreea fabrulbeii. ' a cut Ita nell' tases .. it bad FENIt.II•• ...... paenJb' believed h. would. 'I'I!eM would Inc:IlIde levi.. on tHnI. telepbaae , and telell'Bpb
1-.:....---:=====::::--..... .
.Crystal &II FailUre In ForeCaSting Blaze ,Which It Originaied ' \.
.p,., .
: -..ntlme.
con. NEWS:
Cure .Or Swine MaDge I e1 ye1., Inexpen ' , lIye •
E.• CHEST' "0Ol"OS
billa, 1uatI... WGIIIeD" poebt. booa. fUn, ,.,...... eonneuc.. etc.
'1'bJa 1I'OuId .be done proyIded ''loop. bol•••• In atber- ..... , " N c:lOHd ..,. Trumaa . . . ~ a 1111b doUar IDenue In the tpes 011 CllllPCfttkml. bla . .tea and 1IftI. .. It atood. the pI'OpOIaI addecJ up to bad ..... for bit .......... .... ...... tor lIIIaU buIIDea ...
Thursday, FebruarY' 9, 1950
itunning -Dote 'Frock Has' S,oft Draping at Neckline
Here in pictures is the progress of a typical case in 't he now nationallyknown organization' " AI. e a h a I'i cs Anonymous," whose members seek to rehabllitate nien and women' whose lives have , . been , blasted by craving for drink. With models us,e d to depict the case history, the photo , ot right sh()ws ' an "A. A," • me,m ber tackling a job, '
SCRIPTURE: Aqls 13 ;Z- 14-28. D~~VOTIONAL RE ADING : r.Q II~b 48 ,
/ 'I/
U\l·tfa 'A~ (anlzed ..I . .,. -.... mlsslcm
psychiatrist tes~ the Plltient for sign~ of.tremors
.W},.. trlYiN®fi;)'~,tJ ~t::~~:~e13:~:d o~;
Here, at right• . the
noticeable or~_t,evealed.
F~bUrary 1%. u~
DON'T missions? Then you can't read the New Testament with any comfort, .Every book in It waR written eilher by' a misslonal~, or about misslonar.ies. or to mission· aries. or to be,used In mission work. '
• In St, John's Episcopol hospital, Brooklyn, the first institution of its kind 10 accept patients for treatment solely as olcoholics, the patient (photo ot left) gets his_first sleep through sedatives, , On awakening, he is given a shot of vitamin-E complex to stimulate appetite and restor. the deficiency suffered by alcoholic,S. the program is sponsored by A. A. and its members ·lue. the only visi~ . tors.
by having him hol~ a . paper flat on the ,sheet bc!ck ,of. his hand. ThIS is o .relioble t6t' in which sbak~s , not' pteviously "
YOU SOfOf'eign
'3 u~ ,a · ,
OnIyDuffil Makes Prize
Gospel Goes Wef~
foreign project in the history of the Christian chureb. It I, the story of bow the Gospel was taken out of the narrow strip ,of coastland along Dr. FOr!I~.D the eJlstern shore of the Me,dlter· ranean. where it was·' born, OUit into western world.
• • •
The Bes, They Had FIRST 'missionary party ,were not raw untried men. They were Barnaba* and Saul. the top leader. 01 Antioch. ThesEl mer. had do,ne a great work in Antioch; their usefulness there was !lot at an end by any means, But the church sent' ,them away to' win' elsewhere. It Is a mistllke to .uppose that just anybody ' ~ril1 do a~ a miSSionary. 'Ignorant people who saPIPOse . that missionaries .are oilly lIle "~a1ls" of the churcb .1I10n'. . know the fac'lI. A few year, , aao a sclenUst, Ellsworth Hun~ . Jneton, made a stndY or the &,radaates or'Yale and Harvard who were successful enoD&,b to . be wrltien up in "Who's Who In ~erlca/' He foand·· tha~ mlsslonarles"sons furnls1!e~1 ~he ' largest pToportlon of those suc-
oessrul men. '
. '
StlllUlln, Sty.e UNIOR frock for special dates -a stunning style with soft draping at the neckline and full skirt. Tnr a pretty aU Qver flOWer print, and tie a narrow belt in a pert bow.
• • • I
No. 31M Is a sew·rlte
ptI Llern
In altes 11. 12. 13. 14. :'11
and 18. Size 12. 4 yards of 39-lncb.
•• •
Don't miss the Sprint! snd summe" FASHION I 1\', filled wJth news about fabric., .tyles; special features i tree patlt\ril printed Inalde the book. Sead :&5 cealll 1c!day. . 8EWINO CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Il:1O S . . III Well. III.. e .. I•••• " DI. Enelose 25 cenu In colAS for eacb pattern dealr.d.
Llgh...., fluffier roll.. crisper crusted, fresher keepinl•
richer tasting. " • yes, ~utr8 Hot . RoD Mm gives Prize results. And home-baked rplla are 80 easy to make with. Du1f's, Ev~~;"g'l In. JIIff add wafer-fftgf, alii
Patten No ............ .,.Size •. ••••••• Name
•• ••••• , •••••••• .• po
•• '• • • • • • • • • • •
Address ............................. .
·Th,e reas on for ' this, be belleved, Is that 0'11:y 'In missionary fClmilies do you find that both parents, and
First Gasoline Auto ·1 not just one, Have to go thr4)ugh a rigid slfHng process, Only the best The Automobile Manufacturers -menially, morally, physicallYr- association sa-ys the-firs t success!Ire accepted by the church today ful 'gas oline,engine-propelled ' motor vehicle in the United States, • •• incorporating electric ignition and 1,l)l[J'alteJrIO Centers a spray carburelar, was built and " 01' Paul, who oame rapid, operated ' in Springfield, Masll.i lJt ' VIe froni ~ ' the mission. Sept. 21, 1893 by J. Drank' Duryea, , • On, the third day ,of ,treatl1'lent a~ the lio~pitcll. ary team. was aU for efficiency. a new Joh" ' D,p e: fleft.) Is He never did a , thing the hard way ur TOU~ lOCAl ' . " , %-4 RIN" an. VALVE' jill • f ' h if an easier way would,save his en' DIALII '. • •• , .. . . 0". pl~' In crankca.. mak ........ wea,h • . emerging .rom t e morass. ergy, So we find him headil)g for .tartlng MUV, reduCll' weor-. ""dg.~ and ., vornlsh. fau~ au-. In 'en gollon, of _ , of alcohohc, enslaveme!'t,. the great centers of population, ' ,. , gl .... r - equlpmont 'hat vltell upper lubeID the IIYDagogues b, wODld , He no~ can navigate under , ) , _nn,a IIId1y rlnga and. valv" - 11<-' , • , ' ~ 'uel I,.'.m froo .... up .. his own power take nod the mOlt religion people ('Z.-T' . fAlClS ON" JO S1eoNDS ' b '. 'h Ia the Cilty, people who already IlIflSlACtlON OUIlAllHJIID . i t!!.F h' ,go ..,n sessIons. ".t INtIIned In the ODe God and , , T0". CAl. ,a"cI u. s. CII~Ul I SUPPLY CO.. l. c" ... other patients, and wIIo \'toOll lerloally lIle Law AND' ,unoa er.... ~ .• ~ /or Il~ r- NMI ' gam. of car~., : aliil the Propbe'II, , mism and hope Barnabas an~ Saul, stuck til dtles ..- - - - - -...-----~-'""'!!~---1!!'--- ~~111111... . for . another rea,son' also. Nllt · that new .stren$Jth as .the treat- the)' delpised small.town folk. but 'ment, which features vast they knew that cities are' wh,~re the quan:tities of fruit jlli,c es, crowds are. For every dOZE'~ pea. Have you at anytim.e filled your furnace with coal mid ' left for tIle • pie the;y could rea~h In a vJllage, continues. there were hundreds· to, be reached evening and began. to wonder whether you forgot to check your Dra.ftT In the cltles. So today, mtsslon Or did you set your RegUlator back , to Automatic),? Or what will bap, work bas generally concentrated pen if there .j. a power fallure whOe the Draft is, 9pen? Whf W0rT7 ' , first In the most heavily . sptOed about it when you can Install a Non·Electrlcal Safety Device IIlmPb: ' reglons. by: Mounting a 2- x 2Y,z' Win-Will Salety .Device on Furnace Dome. Screw the three Pulleys In ceiling and attach the chain to Draft DOor Follow-Up ,and check DOOr, Guaranteed to check yoUl' -tu,t nace ' before It beco/1lell' AUL AND BARNABAS also let . an Overheated Fire Hazard. Operates with Automatic or ;Hand C"mtrols. Ute e~ample for later ,:ene~a. Pat·Jan. 3.. 195()- No. 2493608, '". , 'tiona ' in thelr Use ot' tlie "'follow· up." .They did', not ~uppos~e that simply 'converting people was ' enougb~ TJtere, had . to> be · second P. O. iOI 535, LakeViood 7, Ohio vis{ts, i Soine , churches Paul vis. as many as five times. They Or appoint officers lit every 1310 W. 93rd St., 'Cleveland 21 Ohio church, ; They knew that organized rellglo" , m,Ore likely to last than, religion. , They were , not ny,b~-;nJght evan,e1lstli; ,I c'a v I 0. '1' bc!hlnc1 t~em only an ebbing wa"c of emotional eXC(.l tement. ,lilvery.' rose ,rower knows I. ' betler to put a Ikent fOlse In a, SkeDa bole .•ha·" to pot a 5O-eeDt rOlle ,Into a Ilklenl bole• So paul did not stick lIttlt~ seed· lings of new' Christians bito barren ground at fa)'ldom; he' took pains to ·see that they ' were sollcUy planted ' , In good ·rose·beds. ' .
· .. "
This Is cI big day in
th~ restoration period \.of
' t h~ 0 Ico II Q"IC. , H-IS .'I'A ' . A" ", sponsor invites ' t~e ,,:pa-' tient's wife to ~eet him in ,the hqspital.'There she lee!'rns , (r.i ght) that John is on thi",oad to recovery from. the '~curse" and he thus wins her.cqopeJlotio'n ' in 'the continuing batil~, ., Her aid ,and understhnd. , ',helps. . hlg' or.,/' ..essen,IQ1 . ' She' agrees to' resume ~er , . married hfe "~ i t Ii )ohn ' when he 1s, r~leased from ' . the h'ospital_
tha. "
• • •
The way begins to ~ook
Holy ' Sph'it . bright ahd 'shining now for T~R~ IS ANOTHE~. liDt!! moat " f' " h'l 1qtportant, way In whlc;h th!J J,0 h n', as' ,h'IS WI • ond c I - first missionary ' effort 'has ;set the dren greet him outside th~ pace lor .all since ; From beJglnning hospital (left) where the to end, they "depended on tbe Holy ,' I h f h' , Spirit, . It WII,S the Spirit who first IS re- suggested the Idea: It was Uie Ine dIca pose '0 , h~b\Jitot!QI' h.CI s bee n I Spirit Who gave the \ po~er. and completed. John is getting tumllh~ the ~idanc!!. N~)f that • 't I the Spirit was or ill a sul!1sUlute ba : ek hIS conf'd I enee, a w. a , for human eHort. aid to ' tbJs very day, yen . ~tor.ta the alc(jholic~ ~r A. A. reporhthat It IS waat.. flilel pen_ fear of the future that ac- ..... the Holy Spirit tI... f h 25' per cent ........... lIDow what It counla or ~ e to ~ 011 tile ~plrlt fail,l"', With family to . . . . . by Him" Uaen help, and with n . . bowl- ........ w1Ua )'Gar ..h.ir.,.lo,'.
- eclae of MW .cioUs is ai- ~... "_t to 80 man;y of UI J0hn .otit coho , I • II. lit onl)o • nalY'e, tn ,...'t haYe to tarn to ... the ~at reaUty IIottIt for .. "Jilt.-
• Thur Aday. )<'e Mllur~ !l. 1 ~1iO
THE MIAMI GAZETTE Eltabllahed 1850 PAUL A. SCHERER . , ... , . ... , . .. . Edltor and Publlaher C ,"Cll'A J . SCH ER ER .. . .. . ... . .. " . ... .. . Secretary and Treaaur-er... ubll hsed Ev r-y Tllurs day M.omlng ut WaynE's l'llle, W a rren County, Ohio Enler d Uij lIecond class matter at t he ponoffice at 'Waynesv jU , Ohio. R~ 1.50 Pel' YOIlI'. In
CARD OF THANKS It Is inlllOSillllll,' to al'knowledge Ilch g ift and ard whit'll n lllch·
,a dva nce. 10 Ohio. $2, elsewhere
ed IU (111 my blrlhdllY, b r ln~l ng mc >lb' Tenew d flssurnn' th at . my fl'I ' lIus ljn\'o by no ml'llo 'l (m'gotten m . Surely t.h ~ r will he r elvnrlle<l In thuir lilt r yea rs ..
Dry $dge A Farm DIary
By D. J. Frazier
Stille ;" wo re are tholie who be· Heve tbat our go\·ernmeni. WIUl founded to protect our liberty .trom tyrants aod tll/l t mlsuseJt power Is lhe g reat l'oot ot e\'11 an,) that wben we gLve mor (10 ' wer ovel' our lI \'e~ lind work to anyone we are Inviting 80me lorm of tyraqny . I bope tbat dis· cunlon will clear' the fvg In8tead of creating CUI·tber contuSion, and that wbeJl we come baCk .ve wlll ha ve some clear ' ut con c lu s lo~s. Perhaps we w ill even discUS8 whether there should be s upport prices on potatoes Jlnd eggs, and should a 'Clu'1stlnn do about it ? If my he ad Is as foggy 118 the \1eather after wrlUng this. what will It be alter t Ollr days ot talking a bout It ? This motnJng the song sparrows were singing a nd right now they are using their God'gh'e'l right to gathe r (ood whbout b enefIt of laws or S~b8IdleB.
-, . Taylor ut ...lld.. 1i lu .. ' l-yons ' . rlay Itt 1I1<;ln llull Itllll·Ii ,, ) . \U-ar 'oWns .w bo lUll! beeu !o l he ~lInllll Vull ey .l.1,u:lI.llU I In Uuy OU l or sevel'ul METHODIST CHURCH · \ II K~ lUI be!tll tll Kell III lbe ttl y- R. B. Coleman, Mini,ter In lIto'rro w . Chu.rch School, 9:80 A.M., Mr. lIm l l\ll'll . Hl uhurd Willi· Harold E~rnhart, SuPt. (llWl! IUld fU lull). W \'Il til e gtleljl~ Worship ServiCe, 10:30 A.M. Youtb FeIOWBhLlp, Sunday, 6 :30 :s uuday <If ~ I I'll . Willh.llDlI' PIlI ' ~ .M. el~ l::l. Mr . IUlll M1'8 , 'll . :S . 'fu o ' be 1"11. upu .lllll
k la l
I"d .u g Ul Uc ll blt lll'" Itllli It! ablu
Iturrlt&r wuiLlt . .'
l •
l.ewls \\ ash liJ S l'IOIiSly 1lI b Is lionle On ~ra ln au·eel . M rs Wilbu r S hi da ker 18 r ecovering at bel' bome rlen r WH' mlng loD. following no nttn k or pueurnolliu. evenll lle~sOll s ' from 1lert'\. nttended grnvsld e servl B , lit "'Mta· 1111 cemet ery Tuesday · tol' Dr . Hownrd ook who dI ed J a nl1!lry ·) 7. at t . N ltilOliy Hospllnl In Hayes. KUDsas . He wal:! l be son 01' Cbarles ook of Lebllllon and, the 11110 Will nlfl'ed . ook . 'fb memb 1"8 of t he Open 'D !. I) :e Chu rcb bonor d 'the ir pastors \\l Ife. )J rs J 'lmes Raller , with a birthday shower nt t he hu rc b 'undny evening . ~ I rs' ;\la l.'Y hldaker COl~te o.r .1 nl" Wil mingtOn !luffered a brolien leg in 1\ fall ,at her home on ear ly Sunday . Sh e lUi!! ' been t ak· en to Cltr lsL Ho!;'plta ), Clnclnnail }Jlss Normll Wtllls of Oregonia was. h weekend b ous egue"t 01 tile Rade r film II Y. Nt I". II ml MI'll John Reed of '~sl Cllrro lton we l'c gll1lRls on S untill Y aft ernoon or Rev . llOU M rs J umes Reder ;J nl! (umlly ,
FERRY CHURCH OP. CHRiST Byron Carver, Mlnlater . Bible School, 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship, 10:80 A.M. Prayer Meetlnc, 7: 00 P.M. Youog People'. Meettnc, 7:00 Evening Services, 7 :80 P.M.
LVTlE METHODIST CHURCH 1':. BUlighn. P ORtOI' Il nl tlpd Service. 9 : 41i U'. lB.
ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Sumuel N . Keys, Rec tor MornIng Worship. 10 : 3U A .M . UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH I Shannon. Mlnl,ster Sunday SCbool, 9: 30 A.M., hil's . James Garrison, Sup~. Preacblng, 1st. and ard. Sur.days or eaet.' month, 10 : 30 A.M. ll:ven lng Servlces\ 7: 30 P .M. William
NE8VILLE CHURCH OF ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH CHRIST Father n. J:/ . Krumholtz, Pastor M . . H. Co(fe~. Minister MI1HHes, 8 and 10 A.M. . Bible School, 9: 80 A.M. ¥ornlng W'orehlp, 10:110 ~.M. CAESAR'.S CREEK FRIEND8 p.~~ung Peoples' Meetlng~ 6:.& ..eo Partington, Minister. Worsblp Service, 10 A.M. Evening Service, 7 :30 P.M. Sunday Schonl. 11 A:M. . Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Wedneaday~ 8 P.M. . WAYNESVILL:.E fRIENDS First Dn), Scbool.- 9 :80 A.M. MT. HOLLY METHODIST Mee ting (or Worsblp, 111: 30 A .M . T. M. 'Scaff, Minister E. SundllY School, 9:30 A.M" Sell that pietro of farm machln. A. Earnhart, Supt. ery you no longer nted with Ii Ga,. Worship Service, 10:110 A.M. Evenlnc Service. 7 :30 ' P.M. zeUe c,lalilfled ecf.
FebrllDry 6, 1900 . Anotoer mild gray d a)' wllh p lenty or mM, mud Si ncerelY, very where . l ' suppose it Is da.ys Marne T . DrowlIe like this that gave rise t o the groundbog Idea . February second Fluorescent Tubes Because ot th eir sha pe, fluores· WIlS mild .and gray. eo foggy wat By JANE FITE eent tubes make good lights over Ibe groundbog could . scarcely bookcases, corn ices, and cabinets. h&ve . seen a few feet In front 01 Mrs. E . ParklngLOn ente rtain. For tbe some r eason. they make e!! the members of the local we good reading IIgbts. over beds and b ls nose bad h e come OUt but the qlleStioniB will we escape TU at the Friends' Parsonage '(111 lotll. . tbat six weeks or winter or I wll~ Thursday· afternoon . l\l rs . Frank Wolf ~plil l! r 'M ore Per Pe.non , Cheese Slices , It jus t be pOBtponed for 8. week Morrow read the lesson and 1\frs. U. S. a,rlculture 18 ,eared to Pre). . Wolt SpIder, a kind of tllrllntula Cheese slices more enslly Lf the OJ' two? I nm Inclined to believe Panln,i!ton condllctetl th e' devot vjde each person In the country chase8 Its victims Ihs tead of tr~~ knlfe i. beated sU ghtly before cut· tha t groundbog or no groundhog 10DS . with, at least 10 pel' ce~t more thM pin, them In a, web of Ita own de. tin, the cheese. I\Irs . Rlcbard Bollinger .revle we, Ivlll bave at l east six weeks II,n. in the 1920'.. ~ the tblrd c bapter of the Iiook, wed o[ cold weather arter lhls preBent ."Women of tbe Bible" a\ lb .. warm spell, winter in March Inbome or Mrs . Robert Branden ' Pel CblekellJ Wel.h, or Hlln~)I Ike. "tead of January . Chicken. kept a. pel. on the burg, MODday evening . Thle ser Honey-bee. welsh about 11,000 inT he h048e 8eems very Qulel , llS Ies of reviews are being sponsortarm after Lbe rest of the ftock hal dividuals to the ppUhd. The avera" my gu eijta Ilave gone back to tb.e ed by the Womens SOCiety of been marketed may spread dlseUe weight 01 a honey, bee Is lell than ON FARMS tp • new brood chick •. 1·300 of ~n ounce. • cabin to Ilve . While they were ChrlsUpn Service aDd the pU~ll c Til Sorten Butter Lt;'n1; terms assure; repa Yllicnt he re lhe cabin - WBR mnved frl1m Is invlted to attend any . or tb~lr To make butter or' margarine lipread smoothly without . turing tb e site out by the ' road to the weekly meetings. ability. . MI88 Janet Doster wall hOlltes!! bread, sotten at room temperature Ihl bl'lck tn ~e lane where the r .j~ "cream" wllh a totk. Do not' 41M witt . a ve yO Ul11oney. IS a well which makes It ensl I to the members ' or the B. Y F . II I 'mell bec'ause tllis mllkes the tat her home Sunday ev Ding . PERMANENT ANTIFREEZE Pre5tQne &. Zerone B YI (j tban having tb baul water so tar. HUFINANCIN Mts . Ethel Stump returned tn IIoak , lnto rather thon 8pread on th~ ALCOHOL, - Zerone ' Tbe other lot was prettier with her home here FrIday evenIng brea,d. IM PR VIN COMPLETE AutO REPAIR S'ERVICE graB8 and trees but craas 11'11. after a week s' vacauon w ltl) Mrs and Mrs .' W . P . McCal'ren Pruolnlr Frill' Trees soon grow bere and w:ith two ' I! ' ~4 HOUR WRECKING SERVICE through !-'rult trees may be pruned a. tie girlS to wash for ~ hat water at their winter home tn Ft . La"S\.lOn as the leavel have abed or will make a big ditterelll:e . 'I'h"or ud~rdale, Florida . I ianytime from then 'untll sap r~sei who have ·alwa.:ys Uved In tow l Mrs Edna Heitman who hilS in the spring.. 'fhose who practice Ro m 5, Old Dank l3uiWing with running ' water In the bou ' been contineil to a hospital In ~:ll- fall oDd winter pruning avoid hav. nclnpaU returned to her borne [ng, to do thl8 job. during the rUJh MA'IN A MIAMI ST8.' Phone 44 8 have very lItUe 'ldea what' run PHONE WAYNES 2M' ..clf early spl'lng work. . n,ear the vllJage last week . Ing water meana . It IS the rt r Mr . and Mrs Cllell Llnkou8 great improveme.n t · In .the 'c and tamlly of Leba.non, were SeleDce LloJui Storma "Or living. To this day In Europe guests Sunday or ·Mrs . LLnkous' you see women. washing clothes parents, . Mr. and Mrs . Tbomas . The onl,y commercial airline with tul1 airbome · radar, PeruvulQ In· In rivera and .c.r.eeks, kneeling on Welch . ternaUonaJ Airways' ' reportl tIlla the stones and pOunding their Wilbur Sb1daker IInderwent· BU· navigatIonal aid enables pilots to . clothes to get them clean and Burdetect and avoid .torm. ea mud! prlslng as it may seem, they do rlStY last week at Cbrlst 1I0f!- a. 110 mUel away. pltal In ; ,ClnclnnaU . get them clean. I have seen (abMre . Vi . E . Frost and Mise uloull rJgures quoted by statistics telling \ the num'ber of tons 01 Grue Smart vlalted Mrs . .Min,o e'mand ror F.rm ProdDCD rlfi.-- - - :For one week only 20% ' off the above prices! ... water carried 'by a ' woman to Sup- nie Oglebee at the ' Carr Relt ,'Ii. atron, demand fot most farm Lebanon Thursda¥. products la u~cted in lIHt, ee'ply a. housebold and yet many Ho~e In men will not' turn a haDd to u- They 'rePDrt tbat. Mrs Oglesbee cord In, to the ,USDA. range for r\lnnlng water. A ' man expects a woman to carry all that water Into the hOllse and tben WALL PAPER, PASTE AN~ 'SIZINC be won't even dig a drain for II sink to carry It out, I[ tbe well Is. C, E; BULBS - NU ENAMEL not too far from the kitchen It doesn't seem too had to carry the ., wa~er in wben you are u8ed to iL but I alwaY8 hated to carty out , , the dirty, wat~r: .· yet .: the.re ' are' still many bouse" wbere a few There are .no lo wer fares' ,hours -\York would make a drain possible ..hat Btlll are without Ah ll ~ ve up lo Ol TELEPHONE 2422 of each dollar it costs to ope- Qne. There are so maDY ty~.es of WAYNESVILLE, OHIO water systems tbat it ·seems as rate your car When YO LI go by tbough anyone could ' manage to Greyhound. get one kind or anotber. ., =====~===;;;i;;:;=--======~- ~ The Federal Council O( CburLexington, Ky. .... ....... $2.75 ches bas called a conference to LouiaviUe. Ky•.~. ... $3 Detroit, Michigan •. .. •. .. $5.45 'be hllid In Detroit Fe~ruary '1 6, l8, and 19 to study the ,chlll' Pittsburg, Penna. $5.50 17, ch IIno ocono if ' lUe .' Th18 ' Is' a ' PI 4S U. . :.r ~l X rbllowup of ' '11et conference 11,eld ave 1 0% on RO,lin(\ Trips. In Pittsburg hl 1947 on the same .' subject : To moat of us the a \IWayneaville DRUC S"'O~E nd 6r the word "economics" ,Is Phone 2121 bellvy and dull and something \0 be avoided. That Is tlJe way, 1 ~ \ feel about Ie bU,t 1 have been Inv ted to be one ot the delegates from the Episcopal ChUrch, I am trying to relld anit study material 'sent ' out by . them . to prepare for taking . a part ; In the study Rnd dl8cussloDS. What I., the relation of the churches to the way men Jive aDd work? 'What la the reo sponslblllty or ·the church THo,,' much do they want done by the COMPLETE IGNITION Joi;lS government?· They have. sent ' me bolok1els On "Basic Christian You Can Buy A 'BRAND ,NEW RAYDEX POINr ' Principles . and A8s,umptloDB," For the Coat .of ReabarpeniDa an · Old.S~)'Ie,. CQn~ tpld "The Churches neal with Economic ISBues" an of which tty BATrERIE8 FOR ~lL CARS - BATT·ER,Y CAB ~ ES veiltionuSbar.· - ' to Bay so much Iii ao few worda " , und pages that It makes you acbe FUEL ·.pUMPS / FA:N " BEL T8 GASKETS , .. to try to read ~em . 'lhen tJie~ Is another booklet selt out by CHAMPION SPARK p 'L uaS someone elae that sOUDds ' more Ute my own beUefs, . that stresses fildh1dual reaPDnslblllty, lndlSPECIALS ON 2 AND 5 GALLON CANS. iUN~CO OIL vdual f{'8eclom and ette8lles tbg ract that no one can force people to be COed. Christian standards affecting man's Individual conduct and behavior a. a social. being must be cultivated -not forced. W e cannot force peopJe to be good. \ No doubt tbe dltlcu8IIons will Ou"er F...... be lJitereatlDc tor tllere are. many -s.J. , - WADESVII.I.2, who beUeve tbat tile IOVel'lUllBDt UftD'rU BROI1r.,W~:Y .bould do more aIoaI tile lin.. In,.., that lIaove bMQ c:am.d -w.Jfare _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . . . . . . ._ _ _. ._lIiiiilllill. 'rllJln ka
Itgn In, my rrl ll n d ~ .
---0--- -
'i -p~~pare .y~u~ Car:F~r Winte~ 1 i
Lebanon N.F.t.A.
J(lers' Garage
Htlnds()lbe Jtflterfflll Des/(s •
Waynesville .Fornit,ure &Appliance Co.
.>.. ..
Razor .Blades -
Are Inexpensive 'and Easy ro·Replace
-: 8111. ~t6r~r -J5'IIll'J/lJJ;7i' fill ."JiJ~lA1JllAljiJ((1l/I1lUYllr
.....0. - - . --
• - - . -.
Thuraday. Februal')' 8. 1860
of,'I l. e "
Wllbur Dood ot 'Dayton on Mr . and Mrs. Oeorge 1I1'utteo SundiIY .•. Callers UL til Lue MOI'8un residence Sunduy wore the follow lng:Mr . allli Mrs , ()hnrley Up church lUlU. tumlly, r.hll . Roberl Greene. MJ', Wilbur Steven80n. un ot Oayton" Mr ; and Mrs .Hell )'y Berges and fltmJly of HeavertOWD, Mr . and Mrs . Roy Shaw aud lamlly of Xeola, MJ's , Adu Dakin. M~ . nnd Mrs. ;lilly Olblion. Mrs , Morris Low is. Mrs . Richard Runes and daugbter. C1¥enpe Orawfol'iJ, Mr . and Mr , . Arthur 'Morga.ll and family, M.r. and ~rll . Alfred lIforgan tlnd family. The callel's all com . p!lmonted · Mrs. Dorll. Morgon on her '7Sth blrtlldaY' , MI'. and Mrs . J ailles Wlldmlln evening wlth Mr . and, MI' . Ern est Earnbart and sou David . MI' . and Mrs . Clarenc'e Crawford, Mrs. Hlly GibBon and Miss Olnl'a Daugbters Were 8 guests · on Monday evening of Mr. . lind Mrs . 'rbolnoB RunYQn , lIfr : a nd Mrs Lewis Tomson at Dayton • . Mr . Lewis Cl'uwfora and daugpter, Donha Lee, 01 Xenia . 'w ere dinner 'guests Sun. ,day at t.heir parent8, Mr. and MI' ,
~ulle d
:y. 'r
.~ .
Four ~hled 'A rmlstlce CommiuloM. eacb with a United NatloI1Jl Representative a. ChalrmaD are on the Job in Palestine to help Jarael and ber De j ghbors maintain the pellce they agreed upOn II year alb with U.N. help_ At left, MAC mcmbcrs look over tbe ruinJI 'of a tllnk. At rJ,htt they sUllervlse the reclamation of 8ol~el'1l' bodies from unmarked llese~· .
If L'll' ,CS
Mrs . Clarence Crawford . Mr. and · Mrs . Kenneth Brat. ten caUed on Mr . and Mrs. Oeo Bratten Saturday . afr, Raymond Lucas called ori his mother Sunday evening, Mrs. Annn. Luca8 .
No error IS so CDmmon aa t.o 8uppose tbat a Bmlle Is it neceB' ary Ingredient · of the plAlaslng . Tbere are few faces tha~ ca~ af· :ford amlle . A Bmlle Is Bomebewltcblng. In general va· pld orten a contortion . But the ~';ltchlng smile usually beam8 lrom the grave (ace ]t 1a tben , .lrrealJltlflle .
Sev.ral .p.clea of 'plaDt 'aph!4a are known al "ant Tba ant. CaJT7 them about and p~ted . lbem." COIlIUJIlID, a . •• c't.tlon ~ auld which tbey "eld.
It II a perJO~) lftjUJUce to permit oneseU to be
' 1IIUn' E.... . . 8Dak... and tIIh ha.. .ar. INt
ttl... 'lb.,.
ean have
perplexed about a~y funeral matter. We're alwaYs Wllllni to lumlah h9neat informaCion.
were , temporarily
SONS OF A,.,ERICAN nnd sr hoo) flr!\t olHined In lho REVOLUTION ELECT OFFICER · spring of ]769 . Be s'E'rved 1n the Tbe 'FranclS Dunlavy Chapter or Tel'ritorlll i. LeglsJatul'e (I, CbllJl tbe Sonil of tbe American, . Revo· cOlhe III 1801 ane] WIloS .!leeted to lutlon was organized at a meet· tire Consl ltllUollfll Convention In Ing beld In the Oolden La~b On Friday evenlnog . Tbls Is tbo first chaptp.r or tbe BAR e.ver f!>rm· ad In 'Warren .C ounty . . 'Officers eleeted were: , WUUam 'M ason Phllllp8. Presldeht; Frank C . ' Anderson. Vice PreSident; and JOBepb R. Oray, Secrstary·TroBsurer, !fbe members selected . the name of ~C18 Dunlavy to do honor to a Warren County pion· eel who served In e"ht dlflerent campa18nr during th~ RevdluUOnBry War. Judee Dunlovy was 'born' at W~cbe.ter, VlrBlnla, on December' 31. 1761. and' vorunte ~ ered before he was neteen years Dunlavy ta~ght the Lab_on Tho building waa a rough log-cabin FIoanclB
' age . aaIIIde opm. . or first 8chool in
''bear'' ~ tbrcIuIb
yibraUOIIII 10 the
JrOUD4 or
water• .
'l;ELEPBONE 2211 : WA YNE8VILL~ OBl~ ~
.. I'
At lhe tll'lil eleclIon In lbe new ' stille 'Of Ohio. Francis Du.nlllvy waB 'lected La the Ohio Senate. will e\) illUDed hhll one of the . thr e· 'preslde.nt Judges of lhe COUl'l of CommO'l pieas for the Circuit of. Southwestel:n Oh10 . After fourteen yeal:s on tbe bench, .JUdge Dunlavy re tired to prlvate prnctlce of In.w .. He died on ~o vember 6, 1839', All Warren CpuntJans wbo are descended from ~L Revolutlol)ary Wa1" Soldier are eUgble for me, ~bers blp in ·thls new G!gantz·a;. tlon . PerRons de/llrlng further Lnformatlon may cohtact Ilny of the officers ,
-Ei,. 'fba'
l'j.y Gazette Clauified Ad
m i::::::::::!:~~~~~~Ii~!:::::==::::~~~Ii~~~~. When storm swept skies add th Ir yelght oC depresslDn 'to Il. (' h~ rless day, the business OJ l(O(>!,lng t he members or the familY' safo ' I\\ld comrortable Is Of rlh Ht Importance . Tills watchf!)l. !dndly service begins. at , the monment, we a e called and carries through as long as you need U8 .
·F uneral Home It
M I' . and Mrs . I..eOn S.alitlbuTY or Wasblngton C. H, w re Sunday guests of tbe llltters motber. Mrs . Nettie Emrick., Miss /SaTa CorInne Furnas motored from l.ak,ewood Friday to vIsit lIer \Itt-Ie ntece. - Ruth A'1ln Furnas Bnd home talks . She returned to her teaahlng. aL Lakeweod Snnday , evening. , Mrs . W.1.lbUr Clark Is somewhnt Impro'vlld after being quito '111 thi! .past week . Mr. and Mrs . 'rbomas CollIns and Mr . C1:~arles Collin!! of Dayton were Sun~ay callura ot Mr , and Mrs . Walter Kenrick. Mra . Leah MlIJe or tbe FrIends Hom.e In WaynelfYilIe apent the weekend with her 80n and his wlte. Mr . an d MI·a. ' W l\lla~ 01l8e. and also called 011 Mrs . Nettle Emrick SUnday. evening . Mr: lind Mrs . Morris Whortou of Miami Shores In Dayton were Saturday guellts at Mr . ond Mrs. Clyde WbarlOn. Mrs . .1, B. Jones relurned bome Wednesduy otter visiting relatives at Beavertown Illul ·D ayton seyeral days . Majol· and Mrs. J . ?>oJ . Stockton and daugbtll r or WIl !!hl ngton. D. O. are ViSiting tbls week · IV Ith 1Ifr . and 'Mr!l . EmeRt Harlan and daughter . M1'8 . Harlan will- a compn.ny tbem home the l!lllt or the 'week and SPend 11 tew ' daYB t"DIiI , wltb her daugliter. Miss Mal'garPos$esslon limit [QJ. !lve wild et Rarlan In . Wasblngton, D . bait minnows wss lncr ased frlm ---0 60 to 100 . No changes were m'ade In the. Bee Famil), bu g limits. s IlBODa !lnd legal In the bee· faailly, th. worker pa', 1,000. to 4,000 lellle. 10 It. ey••, the lengths tOl' 1 h.,se waLera not Indronl '1,000 to 8,000, a queen about' clud d III the xpe..-Iment . 11,000,
I ,
"LII. IEC.IS · IT _.5· .I'~ C••••• 'IT"~.Elr
No.. _.'" """
By MRa. HII..V
FI'SHING REGUI..ATIONS SET FOil 1950 SEASON The 01~1" WII\lUre Counell hR9 officlaJ'Of Ildullted flHbill~ I'lllt' ~ nnd I'egulatlon s I'tlr the J960 !l nson beginning ~al'cb ] 'rb(lI' o wl\l be ,' eu hillS . 1'8St, rlctlons on Yl tlhol'w n this year tban llist wll n the. Counall opened 26 lakes to liberalized flsb· Ing . More ' Lha]] 160 lakes .alld 7 streams wl1l be otJeoed to IIberal1zed ' ll¥1guIlLtl~n8 or 110 closed . sell(Soos. mirilmlllu legal Illnght9 011d bag HOlItB. Angler may fish nnytlmo lind may keep a.1i they . catch regardless or size or numbel' on nearly ,60 state-owned lak~S and }'OO lakes and ponds not owned by the stnte bul under public fishing agreement. In addition. the COUDcll approved opening pue stream and Its u·lblltarlcs. Ln eao lL of tbe 7 wildlife consel"Valion districts' to IIbel'u llzed flshln ll . These Includell Riley el'o k In th northweac tern dlRtrlct ; Vermilion Rlvel" in til lIa,'l h cen tl'lll. dlstl'lI t; . 13\Iu-· vel' Creek In the north eastern district ; Snlt Creek III 't ile east centraL district ; Big Walnut Craek ,sn oentral Ohil'l, excepting BlaCk Lick nnd A lu m er..eks; Littl e Eust Fork or t he r~lttle Mla\D1 Rive r In Roulbwf.llle rn 0 , anll Shade Rlvel' III t he sOllthern Ohio diStrict . This will murk the 6lh year .of . tl;te liberalized ' flail Ing experlm~ 'nt in Oh io. to ' d terOlln .. wl)ether unrestl'lc~e cJ fls blng has Rny harmrul afre t tl rm fi sh flopuia-
••••••••••••••••• ~
lnterWe eBBS keep better ·than fertile ones. NOlleE OF APPOIlI1TMENT Admlnilitrator Estate of Frances Brannock, '"Deceased. Notice Is bereby glven tbal. 'r \)omas D. Brannock whose Pdst Ofr,ce Address Is South Lebanon, OhIQ, ~'as been dul¥ appoll),ted a8 Administrator ot tbe Estate ot.· Frances Brannbck lale- ot Warren County. 0b10, deceal!ed', Dated th18 2 t h day of January 1950 , RALPH H . .C AREY Judge of the Probate Court ~ . Warren Qountt. Ohio Stanley · & Stanley. '~ttorneys . Publisher Feb'. , 9. 16, and 23, 1950: I' ~
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Eatat.e of Nettle TInney," Decea8. d.
III ' tb.
Sail thr011lh illa wltb
a.~ul'8lllce that ~u'r troubles will
lor you to plcm ,our lethementl
' .bnple throllijh a Farm lureau LIIe ]IUIUI'o .. ~urpri·cVI!...,y policy. cieu,n.d apec:lflcally to do I~"O
om.. __
' 10.... ·Ollft In ~
' ..tanl tblnv. - '!1ft car. · lInPO -'- care ., -''"your ,.urMU enot' 01 . yo"r deatb. l....
;'a~ retiremen' ave.'
be protected ' br
you .
. a regular ' dtpolllt. in TOur .a.· ingS account at:
;"'0 your 'old !~pl.m!..'1f~
~ "
GOlfing used equipmont back a sfiCijiTh on. af"o!J' .pe~i!1lties . We con serv. YOII be~t iiecalln , wil' re ~ull'i '; eq~ippe«! '~andl. YUill' re· pair iobs . Our moc:h on lca ore skIIlBd-fun'( trellnw to restore all types of. machine , ... ~1 C\ndard c'ondition. ,.
it you lia". any Imp'emenl that's ,,,n beyond time, " bring It 'to ' UI. EnJoy once again ' 1I0cid-aa-new per. formanc.. We'll mill'" your tractor p.u n Ilk. the day you bought It ••. make It .pull the lam. I~ad. ot the lam e
Ou, Olive, ,.plae.me.n
S81es NOT " NEW
ADd p .d new. 11 Iaat ',ear'1 autt tooa "ol'll . . . .lhab1l1f . BeDel It · to u - we'll N-
AU m\lt 'OUI Pace on' Inatall&tlon' and
part. or. the hl.h •• t In quality. And our ampl. .tock ·. nabl.. .., to provld. y~~ promptly with almost any,. .. you may fteed. For ov.rllaull .." ,.palrlng, r.bulkllne-be .1IfO . . . . . . ~ ftna.
Notice Is hereby given that C , Donald DlIatush whose Post Office address IS Lebanon. Ohio baa bee n d.uly: appolrit.ed as Executor, oC UI6 Estate ot NetUe Tinney late of Warren ' Ccmnty, 0blo, deceast}d. Dllted this 26th dilY or ~!,nuary 1950 . ltALPH H. CAREY Judge ot the Probate Court Warren. County, .ObIO p, Donald DJlatusb, Attorney PUbllslied Felmillry 9, 16, 23, 195110
,o. _,................. I.. e'l... .... YOUR : HOMI .TOW" ·'APIIl
.1... IogI n_L' You . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..... II .01.... .. "Ittfe ',.. h .. ill •
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mu. It look lib ..... 1
no CiMteIIee ....... .......
Spring YaHey HanIw.eCo. Phone 373'.11 '
OUVERSTORE F....· ~Dt ~ Machinery Sales ..... Semce BR~(J~I)WAY PHoNE I FMNON 114
..........,It .................. ..u.. ..... ....I.
..i.. ,......,,. ..
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Thursday, February 9, 1950 '
Is Smart
Plan Blouse Wardrobe Carefully for Meeting.Every Fashion. Need By Ertta Haley I Washable Crepe As
THE POPULARITY of seporate skirts grows for every occasion. ' the blouse Is acqulrlng • fashion significance of Its own, A woman can get through a sea· son wllh a well chosen blouse Bnd IIklrt wardrobe Ir she Is really clever about choice os to style, and thul save considerably on ward· . robe expense, ' Nnturally thIs requires her ~ abop wlsel,. for the sklrts and blollses In her wa,r drobe for , each item will have to lead a double or triple lUe. But, women do It every day, and manage to look Imart and fash ionable, too! Tbe number of skirts a woman nl!eds In her wardrobe will dep~nd Featl,. on her various actlvltles, Those who work will wsnt at least two or three skirts with several blouJes to take them through their business week. while the woman who slays s( home can probably ,et alon, with one tailored Iklrt and one or two blouses tor ItsOp.. ping and luch. Those whose loclal actlvltlel are numerous will want two or more aklrtl of ' a dressy nature with ap· proprlate blouses. Skirt. pan leldom be washed at • IaOl)'u~ ' lueceufun, .0 you'U have to pial) cleal)ln, for them . .It l'ou'l'C . economy.mlnded. however, . with thI. type or wardrobe, choose wash· able blouses that will look well after 'careful home laundering. Have enough blouse I. too. 10 tbat U launderll1g lall behind .chedule. 70U'U still have enough on \Vl\lch to tau back when the need ariles. Appropriate decoratlye touches ean do much to Ilven the blouse anel skirt wardrobe. Choose your.
· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'____~
Mail Rider Rl~hard H1II Wllklnao.
EBEN CLIFFORD drew YOUNG rein a nd studied the broad vnI·
Diesel Itepluementll The U. S . depar'ment of labor point:! out that the cUl'rent and lhe most imporlant technological ch'Bnge in railroad operation tbe replacement of sleam locomotives by Diesel-eleclric engines. tends to curtail railroad employment. Change in motive power reduced the amount of work for skilled shopworkers, particularly boiler· makers.
ley ' or the Hoo~1ck at his teet,. An hour ogo he bad abandoned ij'ae' trail made ·by his predecessors on lhelr ride from ' B e nnjn~ton to AI· bany, and skjrted the western IIhoulder of Mount Anthony . It In· dians were waiting .to a m bu. h him, Eben fel~ sure th~ would choose the Hoo. I'-_ _ _ _ _...J sick. It offered a means of escape, should the ma,1I rider by ' any ch,lnce be accompa· ni~d by an escort. , Eben felt once more of the leather pouch that was tied behind the .addIe. Contained therein was a dis· of the utniost lmpo!tanCte for Gen. Newton ' at Albany. Col. Albee of the Ben.n kngton 'garrison had calJed 'Eben aside that mominl. "No one Is supposed to know Wltb 'alblo.. IDterelll high lD you're carrying the papers. Eben. bloDJIe, aDd skirts • .you·ll find An escort would only excite suspi. this ..leamIDI' .while bloule ID cion. You must go alone, The~e I•• raYOII erepe a roed eholee .tor ot course, ihe possibili ty that Bon· lullI Or IeP!'rate ·" klrts. Tbe , .' < ney, ·the. white 'r~negade. and his . Imart ,bat'lotHIoWD bow al the ' Indian cuttht'()ots, hav.e learned !'rOPS in , fasbjon! Tbis Inexpen. Deck o.f 't he blouse, echoed at what I'm up to. In , any evehl. 11 ".I sive: beret is single crochet the ealf., t. a pra~tlCtal fasbyou'r,~ attacked • .destroy the pa~, with puff stitch. Matching bag is 10D aDd the washable raYOII pers: , simply a circle and straight erepe, made with Avllco , He sat tor a Iou.. lime ' ,t ad,.· strips I, r:'ooks wonderful in straw 7&I'I1II, &'Iyes lonr wear aDd Inr the valley without moriD... y~rn, . eomplete washablJlty. A curloUII senile of ellcltemeDt • • • Eas,·to-t"ro"hel beret anoS b.r are Ihe d Wltboat Imow• fOR FAST REUEF, I II rr edb hi I bbl 00. wClman'. chol.". Pattern . '024; cover and soUen them. while those , Inr • d d. •-arl ... . '" y. e sense aD ge r. f•t dlrecilonl. '. . : rub in Ben-Gay, ,which are well padded can IIt~nd ' mlllu,e later he IUmpRed r. ' ContainS up to .21h a slightly more open ne!,k, With it ~olumn of emoke rlstng ' r om Send 21. cent. In eoln. ,our nllm., ~ .cldrua Dilld pattern number 10 , , , • b tUnes more of theM suit.. the neckllDl! sho uld 'never" the lummlt of a hili &ero•• .the too low or bare. valley, . two famouS pain~ . ' Sowl... ·(lIr.t. N.......... D •••• It 'you want a blouse to wear wllh ' P : O. B •• IntO. C ..... , . . . . Ill •. • ~ relievini agent•• P. o ••••. II!! 01. ell.I......u••• · war m weather sports clothes. A signal ' firel They had .I.hted . N.w " .... 11. N. Y. metbyi .~licylate . him . Eben sucked in his breath. Enclole :10 cent. ,for paUern. choose a sturdy. washable fabric Well. his 'chances of getting thfougb and menthol, than that will take plenty of ho.rd ,wear. Simple nnes are best, with ·s leeve. were pretty slim how. There was five 'other widely less nnd collarless styles befng"the only one ford 1D the Hoosick that otJered rub.insl most ·popular. was accessible at this time of year. AddreSll •.••••• : . " . " " . . .... .. ..... . There's a wonderful selection of They'd never le.t him cross It. The ... _ ,..... t. gay. bright col()rs in 'these Simple sensible thing to do was turn back BEUlIATISII, MUSGULU blouses. They mny be chosen to and Insist upon an escort. Aidl to the . ~andleapped 'Aa!is. UACIIES matoh ~r contrast yoUI' favorite A thin smile played aorOl1l hi' For thE) first time, the U, S, de· ad COlDS. . shorts; 'slacks or separate skirts. lips. Sensible, but not advisable. pa.rtmer..t oJ labor has established All IIIId - - _ Specfal occasion hlouses llIat are Eben 'explored tb'e river for hall a divisi o,n for the physically handi· fir CWkIrw. > to be 'Worn with dressy sklrls or a (!'I~le In , both d irections. tben capped jil the bureau of labor evening weal)" should b.e Illxl\r iou~ urgl!~ /lis mount Into the str~am. sJanda rds . 'Ihe divjsion wilJ act and feminine: . You'· mlgJit like 8' WATER ,wAS lCY • . 'breatll as a sta:(t for the P.resident's comsheer· rayon ,chIffon In an exciting taking. ' In 'another moment "the mj~tee : on the National Employ print, shImmering ' I'ayon satin, horse 's le gs went out from und~r the ?hys!sa Uy handicapped. ' ~Cjul n·stud d ed crepe or smart tat· him. and the s wift current w~s c'arteta. . , ' rylng them rapidly down ,stream. , . jewelry. Icurves and 'accessorles FQr seml·dreas blouse~ you might Eben djd all he , could 'to help ' the Keep Posted on Values with Ii. much fa.bion sense .a s you like to choose fnsllions whiCh 'fell' noble benst in Its tight to reach would dresses and sUHs, ahd, 'you ture some of the new large collara, the opposite. shore. He .wns . begin' By . Reading the ne'ed ' never fee) that a skiri and' blouse wardrobe" b dull or ·unflat· formalbQ blouses wher~ the interest ' Ding mated the strength 01 the c ~r,ln,. " "1, v Is 1n the fabric, and especlally,' If when ' they struck a sandb~r. The 'the, r;nater}al ' ,Is :oi;hate all, pllss,e h rSI! flo~nd~Fed. nearly Iqst its De~e~"\lile Sklllie ' 8Jyle ,taffeta .' or glittering ·I!lme, s~mple footing. then gl'ipp~d h~rd and By Wea~ It ,Receives • Wh.en yoit buy a blouse, rem em· lines will enhance the bl,lauty ·of. held, Eben breathed a ' silb of rOo , lief:' , ~~, the wa, you'lI be- wearing It. ' effeot. If you warit a blouse that ,oes with After a momenta.., p~~.e be Skirts tor seml·dress Bl\d formal ' • tailored ikli1 ' or I spring lult, occaslonl may be. full., in contrast to the slim Ind tailored lines worn arced tbe bea.t toward the west tor daytime. Gathered or' ,aU.aroun!! 'alik. TeD teel from hla roal , be drew reiD ah.arply. AID. pleated skirts are extremelY ,eUec. iltone ' bad ceme tumbUnl doWD tlve. from the hleh b!!onk. EIHID sat Good CODltructioD Glve~ , ver,. etlll. bls bun .,.,UDdb)C. Satldaotory Wear A ,e!athe~ bonnel showell Whether blouse; are bought or above tbe e,nbaukment. made at trome. they should be well . ' , He ' tried frantic~y to o'onstructl!d to give satisfactory as weU aj comfortable -wear: 'A blouse toward , the east ba,nk. bu, wl)ich ' requirel 'constant m~\lding' the • river sheare~ aU there: the 'soon becpmes , too .muc)l of an et. It,ength · of th,e current 'Was agl\!nst fo'rt to keep condition and will him. Tho I~dians were x:unnin, ·end In the deep recesses of the ,I closet. ; " When buying ' a blouse, dteck to lee whet!)er , the blouse 'should " be washed 0 .1' dry.cleaned: Blouses for ev.eryd.ay wear should be wash· "":!'::"':::"-~"'''''''~-;-.....,;;;;r.;r;'''';';-''''-U:''''I'iB'1Irni~1 able , ao they oan be 'Inundered tre· select a fabric such as wasnable quently to keep 1iJ'~lmmaculate ·con. ray,on crepe or, perhaps, tis,s ue ' '." . '.. ." h 'd dltlon, ,' ,. " faille th'!ll won't be ,too ellvy un er "Slleclal occasion," blouses es. ,S sU,it jacket. 'f pecla.lly those which are ' lieavlly' A, suit ,blo~.e, or one worn ' wltb .encrusted with embroidery or 'jew. a tailored I.skirt, always looks nicer elry ' or made of tbe gUttering fab. ' if It has some' neckline 'Interest rlcs, 'shou1d be . dry cleana~le to such ·as ,a lace edged collar. a keep them al their best. Seams and bems; whether thq filUy jabot or dainty open·work inset, Pay ai much altentlon to the blouse Is made or purchnsed, should . necldJne Interest of a ,blouse B!I ,you be deep enough so tirey, do nM . wouid a dres~ neckline: Bony neck· give a't the slightest tug. The slitch. He kept to the blgb 'rround Unes require something frillY to Ing should be strong and ~venly f~r ' aD heIDI', watchJDJ the spaced. '. Imoke ,'gual. I . 8, ,Smartl ' ' Make' certain that buttons are. the bank. ' hoWLIng . ~';'::'-'-""':"_--"-_~_____"':"~_....I. . secur~ly. sewed . Bliltons slioula aitbeir"triUlh,()h, In ' an. ';,.;-----~.....- - - - - - . , so be well constructed ~ so, they can inomen't ' i)e'd tfe. sy;ept .,' go tbrough tHeir ,frequent ,WlIshlngs the ~ high wesi bank· 'nnd . ''',~. and cleani,ngs -w.lthout losing tbeir they'd be upon him. ", finish . . . RememberIng. Col. Albee'S lii~ Hooks, snaps arid eyes should iilrucUons" Eben unwrapped ~e all be well pUl in place so you don't leather mail pouch, gril>p.e d it 'tight· ll'ave to be mending the blouse be· I, and Oung')lirtiseU from the back fore . thp ' first wearing. Also check of the ,Ooundering horse. Instantly to see that there ,are a sufficient w'a~er swept , ()Ve!' Kls bead. He number at them to prevent gap· .wam as long', and as far . as he ing. eould beneatb the surface. Then he , No ' 'matter how pretty the style. iiobbed ih to view and a sense tir the blouse is wo~tb . nothing it it dismay sent bIs hearl downWard, won't stand norm'lIJ wear. See thAt He Wils within ' t~ree' .teet.' of 'the tile fabric has .a firm ~nd even west bank. ' ,A J,eerin'g ' Jh(nllll wal Weave, and thlit there are no weak l,rE!achlr,.g out towaril him. .. '. " spols in the garment'. The rif of , : as 'lie .i went under aJsln. the blouse has a lot to '\10 with how Eben 'hear'd a C!Wrus';Or 'Wild shouls, much wear it will give, too, so I~ He W81 far below ·the spot CODlr••t 1D celor aDd pattero should not be too s~ug. especially "'here the bdla.. bad stood. 'eatared ID lwo-pl1eoe dres. It It·s ,oing to do every day duty. 6u& equally all eloJe to the es with a wonderfal harmon, nelr\llar Oleanl .... Provides bank., To . hili amuemeDt' tliere ." llae.. _ . aelleral deslp. Lonrer Wear ror Top were twe soldiers ..... dlo .. · If you haven't tried Red. Star ~.z active Tbat"iI ,that Ifta~,. • ,.oUthra. Whether you plan tp wash the there yeUiae alid . ..eaticalattn,. wean; -.. lettl'" 'from ncb . blo\lse · Dry Yeast, a IU y. ~y. You'll find at bome ' or bave It dry ODe or tbem wal GeD. Newtoa. .....'Ie aDd u_amlD, 'abrlea .cleaned, plan regular eare for the . that Red Stal!' WHl , 6 time in ai, your ..... oIIbIb fltr UIe . 8OmIDI . . . blouse if you want to "et full servTbe lsoan!! ,of , lUDfb:e' eame -recipe.. , \ '. • from 4uprlYer. ' .'. . . . A • •1..... , for eollece ' become Ice from It. When .clothes And, a. for flavor and of baked ....., . . . . . . . ll""'& ••rIc"Tboughl you mlaht have' seen too soiled, they require more itren. ... ;'tte... "er the IIdrI aDd UOUI eleanlng th81T o~rl1y snd their smokO lignaI an"d--reaUzecI · ItiOdt made with Red Star. ·jUlt I~ )'QUI' .... 1& ell wlua • soUd eolered thl.. ot eourse, may aborten their they bad sighted us:' aeD. NeW10D family be the juc1ee. peel! ....... te tIIp. The woDde .... Ilfe considerably. was .ayl.nl. "Figured · .. Bonney flit ..... II: Ute lllhoDetle .. ~ Wasbable blouses may be kept would be up to IOmethln,. io t led ....... ID the I1IU eoliaI', tile crisp. fresh and spotless with a • detaehment out to meet. Jou." &. , . . . ., IIIe ......H-tnte Jaek' mlnimum of effort If tber are dOlle Eben lank 10 the .rouml. It wa. . . . . . . . . deep poaIJ.... after ODe wearin" . ,oocl to re.l. .
~d ilia~ ~U~~ I F~
~ ~~ b~ ~d =~d~.~~~s~tt~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thursda!" February 9, 1950 ,
Up to 60,000 workers in Switzerland are normally employed in the watchmaking tr.ade-one out of every 35 persons enga~ed in the nation's industries.
By Len Kleit·_
For Your Future Buy
U.S. Sayings Bonds
ATTENTION Ga rden Club. Bnd Social Or.a Djzationa. lto rn Club tundl' Inlroduean. a n.w f .. 11 aeUinll P roduct- R •• peat bul lnel . a .. ured. For Intorm. Oon %!~~D~.r-.;:r:'· 8a1... COl VIol .. r ••••
Automa tic
moe hin es ;
ne w
· ~r:.d ;c~1~aM:0ra:,l30~~' ~~It~ teas.ns . and
AJ~ You'lI find
C. C, Clayton tO ~ 8111.
A. ve. -
D.,.'OD" (ll •• nlnl bUlla... I n
L on .o s le r.
Ken t.~cky: mode rn equ ipment a nd per. · moneat loe nUon; the only busi n ess of thIs k ind In town ; cnn sell e ither Ill. bu sine .. or the business ond buildin g tolI.th.r. P r iced to sell. Bill 80 JOII. O ... n •
• r. LOl1c As ter, K ~ " Phone 3~ 1. IIINI . TE n s . Chur. hw or ..... c osy fun d
r alalnll p'lon. n e t alls ond s a mple ' l .OO. retund oble. Stroekeep e ... b USiness stlmu.
~.b~:;,t!'~:~j,.~:~~.8. 8lo,:"P. H. F. Seolt. ~ur "'
vnrlou. Ullea . .A . K. C. re • • Excellen pl!d lil re os. Rea . ono ble. · PeaD, ••,al Ko"a.1
1'1.'1'. RI. : ; FrUIIU •• 01110.
Creomulsion relievel prompdybecause jl goes righc [0 che seat of che lrouble co help· looseo· and expel g erm ladeo pblegm aDd aid DllUre 10 sooch~ b~ ra"l tender" i08amcd broocli~l mUCOUJ membraoes. TeU yourdruggill [0 sell you a boule of Cleomuuioll
wilb the undc:nl,ndi08 you mUSl Iilte the .ay Ir quicW, allays the cougb or. you are l~ hI,,-c: you; mon.e r 1Mack.
How To Relieve and
DOGS, CATS. PETS, ETC. unla .llIer
. of IIousehaid
uses for hondy P&..ASnC WOOO
When DOWllr fa ili. keep mllklnl/. Yo'u ~~~ ~::!~ ~oo.m ake quick c ha nlle.
CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis
Walll.,t•• aa.II.,... I,••
FARM .",CRlNER}, • EQUIP: C:LETRAQ R. G ........ , ..... 1. MOIleY Hurla #203 La r •• S tanda rd Tractor on flubber. M. 111. U. Tractor ",wIth' Row Equipment. " Wood BJ'ol. ,",am PIcker. Uled letl tha n .00 A. Ne w Ca tel'J)llfor Ille...1 Tractor. . RIEBEL·S. III1J1O W. ·Iho.. at.. C.lamb.. 4, O. l"a-ll-li.....
EARN laddreaalnll e nv elopes. We taU 1I0w. 7e vea)Jnl fll'll\ll who Cllnl tontbo addre.. thou.a nds. Comple te Inl true· tlonl 500. Bl"ba... I,da, Valle"
HELP WANTED-WOMC:N .01l£IIAItER. widow Ilr I ln1 le, 30 to 411 years, molllerleal home n t h• . .burbl; ·1 ehlldren. tHO ; REFER· ENCES' permanent. S"nd Photo. P 1 ' 0. Be. _ ; S ••U. .raae.. Clle . .la •• n, O~,.
l-lIl4a Clolrac: Pde. l-IM' Cletrnc.
Loa d_r.
Mod,l BD. I17dra ullc
Arl.Il!dll~er. " 12:Il00 l-Ca tel'J)War BN wtth Hydra uUc ·P.DOCI IIlada. . I J-Catel'J)War Boa Willi \Uldraulk bulldour. .,000 l-TD' lntam.tJonal wllb Hydra uliC
l-~\l-Chalmar.. Model L
wtth li:~
A1f~lIt~~ U&~~sll:QYlPlI1!:NT,"'· .TAHU~ ..f.:.:~ 'l'RACI'Oa CO. .
.... 'B.
o.~par. o"~1lxt
C.n...... 0"•
• a~ ClI.anu·, 10 H.P. Moreheat ' bell-
.... oll.r! r.ed • • ta!!,!. etc. ; "oW In IIpera· 1Ion; BuUer ' 3; ......... Uo" filter I Mo'" lere m'\ lint trap and Vlklns PU'l'P. S m,ew B .ckmer .,uml)l. All In A·l condItion. "aDate,. 00- 11110. .
Clea••r.. ..U.....
" II!1ISCELLAN'EOU8 WAaN " e ..ots which ma4. P •• II fa. for beo uty and eharm ,W omen be· tween III 8nd till l end for fr.. detail•• Fal'. Ie lA, BI.. ..ID.1io.... AI.b."·... IIAKE BA8~ al81 FOR U8. We~ )1 f.'.~.1 ~~I:: :~~. 'P. a.a "" •• r. a lia-We . will .. U your produe,• •on our blil; R a dio J omboree fo,r , " low .1 13.00 a week • .·Wrlte " to 'us at once • .JAMBOREE.· '_ R ... IIOD,\ Oblo. 14. t:l A t '-"u ' Q:.:ll e a " Fe l\t\ir~ ou r F iesh: . lioon " H ldrol eil. out. • 04Ij . Sun'" Nitro. en • • c ur t Irlt: "Na ture , Jnn\1ence." 1.00. j dn Rn nunel. 4111 Wilmer. Nlo •• InQUi
fy ,,118.
)!/.~. ~7 .
LET' S T ra de: If YoU have ti el YbU d qn t lik e , s~n i\ lne .. with 11.00. \vU) , oe l).d yoil 4 a s sood or botier. c1e nned And pr.,ssed. S.hl - Dost pn ld . l. I. Bo,rd, Route -:t 1, lI e e.or. Arkllnl AI . OLD F ,'''''loned ,., .. t e r ,roan4 Buh r Cprn Mea l I WllHc.-yellow} P llre Buck\\'hc t F lollr. W holc Wh ."t F lour ~ W hQle Whea t . Ocrep l. Cl)olco : 5 Ibs, 11.00 or th ree S lb. o r " S ' U.8!i l'/ostp.. \d , BE.\l ' S ~ ,~·. L. O r u n vlll •• Oblo.
. " I't IJ ,o\TION W,o\NTEP I
~~ r.
experie nced.
In;I ~ 1I
WIU I/o anYWhere. Dennl" If. Kn upp. U.l) , LlrODI.,.. P r •
.,Keep P~It.e,d ·. on . YiJl~es c, n•• dlne the Ad.s
.. __ tea
oi!hr. __ aDd I!trsID,
0 " " ,•
uIirtIOD• ..:-'ft 1ID0ldlll or ..:poaure Ie
eoId ' IODI~ tIlD" 110.. don IiIduy lUll". tt .... ,Tbl8 11117 I..d ioaaT toln to· COlD" pIalD ol untD, ba.kaebe. 1_ 01 JIIIP .Dd _..". ~d.."" and dlul,,_ aetUnll
up DI,btl or trequeDt ,,__ po IDII)' reauI' troll! IDloor bl.dder InltatloD. duo to eold. clam ...... 01' dl.",..,. ladlleratloDL II your dlleomlorll ar. d1\8 to til. . _ .....' dOD' t ....It. cry Dei.D·. PI.IIa. a ~Id dlwetic:. U..... luceeaalully b" mll Uon. f .... over 60 ')fora. Wbll. th ... lymptolDl 1\111)' alteR otberwl.. occur. I" , .... I.IDII boli' .......,. tim.. Doaa'. IIIPPY.' rell.f - ' belp:tllo ' .6 kldne" tube. ~ Dd lUte.. noah out .uta. O.t DO"D" PlIlI toda),'
S T U ATIONS WA,N TE D , F A" 1 fomlly .
To ·Women With Nagging . Backache
.":]lI;:llljlllllllllllllllllimlillllllllllllill.'ll!WlUilimlll!lnlitillllll,I,Ii)! ,: ~.
II, :1
TWIN THEATRE Waynesville, Ohio ~
ffi .
g =-~: ~§! ~
~ :..--: ~
~ ~
--~~~-=========-==~---===-====-----------------~-,~ ~ THURS.
= ~
§§ f:§
'!'In.l HolL
~ t el'
Ad loll, Ilomlln 'e, nnd ~~ Xdl
' how H Il Young, ounts
Also :
j\lIaH Y/atld ._
Rob't .L"reR ton lJ re illln Mllrshllll .
~ SUN:
E5 :--
FOR ALE - I Cbeap : Seal dy~d Coney Fur Cont, Excell ent conditIon, Owner lellvlng for :f'l orlda. Siz e 36·38. 1r8 . . G~orge Brntten-
s','I1\~ 2100 .
Mrs, foterbert McMlllan.26·3t
BANK RUN GRAVEL- Loade,I, at DavIs Furnas Pit, 50 c8nta cubIc yard. We also deUyer, ARM· ITAGE & SON, Phone 2p91. tf
Very conlocatlpn lIbove Smith's ReBtlltlrant, Can any time nrter I) tn 'tbe evening, Mrs . PHEANIS , ' ]·26 -3t
Wuyn osvllle.
2 unfurnlsbed r(loma. on South St , CeleSlll Freeze, )' h \ nynesvllle :!276
2·1 :1$.
ESl1ec illll y For F;i rrns
WANTED Ride to Wrlgbt. Field, Area D, 8 : 00 to <I : 30 ' shift. Wnlter Bebren s, 3rd. nntl Miami Illa, 2 · 1·3t WANTeD TO RENT - . Due 10 seiling farm I'd Ilk t t , . e 0 ren a 8Uinll (11' lot'go farm neill' Wa)' . neaviUo or vlQlnity. 10 Ylllltli lit present Ia Ca U'on , All power eg· ulpment. Denn Wal lnn, 'Ph , Wayneavllle 2589 . ' 2.) -3'
Roy E. Smith
Llve Wire and Progressive, An
organl2ation second to none. • trlctly B 1I 0ra on the beat all' oro\flld mar ket In the country,
For Dally Market Report,: wmo Dayton, 12 : 50 ,EtS.T, pial' J300; W'LW CIncinnati, 1240, Dial 700. NORRI'$' .BROCK COMPANY.
4 R, 5 mi. South of
Centerville. PHONE Centerville 7056
1II111111~lIl1lmlll l l l l l l l lll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l /l l l l l l lil l .
.)l__ I~I~""".-..I"-'I""'~'~~~I~I-'~~I~lt~~'~~~'-"'"
D.a't. . lorget •• •
. ,,
, ,
FOR SALE-- "Pratlcally new wat· er softenor, Monllrch Seiling be· cause city has sort water serv.lce . Cheap. Dot Food Store. Phone 264.1. 2.2~8t
, 'TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th' 15-
H ~II AO nllhl lJ.
ROY E. SMITH Rout 48 North of Route 73 Ph o ne Cente rville 7056
CASH FOR DEAD STOCK AI'conti n g l u ,; i%1I nlld . COldlt"," . All Stll(;k 1'l'11I0votl fJt'oll1n ll v,
Horses. $2.[;0 . Cows, $2,50 Hogs - 25c )ler owl.
JANES RENDERING . Pht Itle Collect Xenia, O. 1712 or WilminllOn, 0. ' 2362
ReVl!rsa Churg\l~
'I' ru Bte s o~ the DioceSe or Snlll h· ern OblO, a ('ol'noratlon not f r PI' ,fit nnde r the , llI\vs' 151' 0 1 S~l1t e cir 0111 0. ' to St. MarY'fl Protes tant Eplsco»:!I. Churcb , wble h 18 lind has bePn sometim es known autl de!<lg nated llR St. Mal'Y's E plscop . .ul Chllrell. SHirl cl aed being r~('ol'<le a In lJeed Book 19 1, "oge 616 of the Wa!'r n CO] lInlY, Ohio ll e('orcl s • ,, . f Tact 2 : All thll t ct'l't:!ln II,u'N'1 DC !ll nd lslluated In Wllrre n Oil' , , nty III t1)e SUlle of hlo anll In lhe Village or WaynI'R ~' r.l e, II Inl: a palt o f lots number three (3) and (4) In Jertel'lIoO qunl' In the sulci Village of \, lIynesvlll e. Ohio. Beginning III n polnl In tbe lVellt line of ThIrd • trem sIxty lIeven (67) feet troDl tbe line of Miami Street and running thtHl e wIth the line of. Third 8,,·/'ot. six · ty sey n (67) reet and nine In che~ tbence at rlgbt angles with 'l'hlrll Streel , t wo hundred and iOllrt ee\l .and one . half t eet (·214 'h ) : th nee paralle.1 w,l th Tblrd Street (67) alxty seven ieet and Irme Oil Inches to the corner of tbe E pls lIopal Ohurch )o~; thence with Ibe line I of aald Cburch lot P'(I) hund' red and Courteen and nnll" IIl,f. teel (214*) to the b og lnnln~, be· Ing twenty seven nnd one ' halt
Xenia Fertilizer <'-'-"--~'-'-'-"-'-' T
T.....·........ I~.....,v....
,,~ .~ "'-10 W ~
0.... . .,.,... .
!tyI.. ..
h. . . . . ·ei.............. n. . . . . . try
""'''Y ..... _
I. _ , .
In'..... "..,.. _ _ en
'0'In ."'......... ·_1ytI.""............ ,... ... 0
. rap con Squares 25c lb.
. Coltale Hams •• 52'1) Oth,r It,m,
day 1111_ _ " ......
Karl D.Uakin
AttractIve')' p,.lced DIabetic Canned Frll". :
Lovely modern Two'betlroo,m , 20 E. ' MULBERAV ST. wblte rram~ home. hot water heat. STORf; I-EBANQN, QHIQ AIBo large pachmen windows, ga~ Phott. 254:1 rage . Sbrubs and trees kit bUck. lArge lot, beautifully locatel) filet otf of lot number tbree (3) 40~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lind l'Orly and one fourth (4 0~O -:; - - - - - - _.- - 0 Priced at $ 750. Tbree room well cons t rlwte d cement- ' block house, (lilt bull'l1n I~erl dllterl April 3, 1919 ,ngs. 2 acl'os I on Highway 74" S. bed. f"om L A : Zimmer.m an to St. WOA.VNE'$V,LLE; 2~1 01 Spl'lngboro Good L oan va UP. Mary', Protes'tant ,Eplscnpal Ll!g~NON Otrlc." 473K Priced at $4900 C'llUrch. which d eed Is recorded . RES. 129L B6autlfnl prope r ty for nest In Deed"::Book 1115, pn,e ' 388 of SAND ADd VEL MORROW No, S Bome . lh e Warren County. 0,.10 Records. BLACK- TO,P DRIVEs Call: Pelltlon8rs 'furU'81' pray for all . TAR a"d ROAD OIL DONNIS, PHELPS other r e llet Judgment.. orde J'SI lAWN .n~ fiLL DIDT rtepre8entlUve and deor.ees liS the na ture or the JI n RUSSEL HORN CRae may require or jusLify. READY ' MIX CONCR£TE' REAT~OR :3ald P ,etlt!on and calise will be F.xCAV ATINC aDd DUMP TR\:C 1\ 5£'R\, I c.. ~ ROlILe Z. 1~'l\rd ' on Saturday ,tb ~ 4th dny ot I Franklin Rhone 954Wl l4arch, 1:91(1, 3t 9:30 ~'ctOI;" ••. M. ~ ~~~ I-..'_. !~ I ~... I... ' In tbe COIllDlon Pl efl '! C OUl't ot . ' '~~=.
~:~~gOf!b;~r s~~en~:':~Si~o~,~eS~~I~ il~I-Afm' ~' ------&'- ' -S~-" -"-" -'~' ::":'~:;~--' '':' - 'j' I.
t '1
Paris Toilet Sell and Other Gifl.!
.!.-----___. ____
~:~~~n H~~08::~~n~b~:n Ill r
PHONE 2121
Gu~raDteed USED FARM' Equipment' Ca~ 6 rt . ombine iVltb Motor J oh n D eere Corn Picker - 2 row nmd l ey 11 Incb P low ' lover Haminer Mill Ollvel' Spreadet' 0 11 rubber JolllI Deere " Jl" TraCtor on ' st eel .Iohn Dee!'e 19,11 "B" Tractor on rubber ,\'1Iis 'l'illl1 e r~ \\ (;' 'l'rnctur. wllb Cultlvuto\'s anrl Plow ' II Il C Picku')l Daler
NEBVILLIll, OHIO. Carl Abaecherll , AH\1I' nny ' . Pu'b Ushed lo'eb. 2, !), III, 2:\; HI.tili
. ' lIell OD Beef Cattl. For . controlling files on beet catpe, ille DDT at the rate ot o"e.
Optometrk -Eye ,Specla list
)'EN~~ OHIO . 1
illllllllll/lmIlIIWlJlllIIllllljilllmllJilm~~OO~ljIIWlllllllllfi/llililil lIIli~l
quarter ot the water·wettBble DDT . powder hll thrill! sallons ot water. Two quarts ~ should b. t;lllg4l11l to ,pra, one mature anImal.
J ohn Deere LA . 'i'l'Ilctor ' WUll Plow, Olllt!vato'r
New JOH,NDEERE Eq~jpment .';!of!·1 " M" ']'rnctOr with hydraUlic ~' <Jolll 12, A I; l'l Co mbine wIth Motor Rid Delivol'y R ak e 1'0 wer Mower :1· ll,,1I01ll 1 ~ in ch Plow ·I odc l A 'J'mclor Witll Powr_trol an , u l'llnt nrlll - ]6x7 wllh vowel" [,ut
Harve.t Boon-.
\ \
Banta. Implement
al·G M
Sua:eeaful f~e;" know that Ill • ""P Yieldl Dlean better crop qualiq ~ crop profitt at lower COlt. That', wfIy they want Bi. M Brand Fertilisen; a boon. to farmen for more than a quUter of.century•
Attention Farmers I
STEEL' and METAL Prices Are 'Advancing
. iI·} ~ 2t
DR. ,c. E.,.:WILKIN
FOR 'SALE -: 4 ell . ft Deep . f'rltltr;e, like . n e w . $750}lO , ,llohn P"cllton, ,PM)l!!.' Waynesville 2929
MARCH 1. '
James L. Baker, J'ulll oJ' Wal'tl en ST, MARY'S PRo'rE S'I'ANT EPISCOPAL CHO RCH , \VA r ·
Lebanon, Ohio
LUMDER All klnds,ln all l eng th s and WIdths, Kiln . dried . R asonl1 bl nri<'es All orders, lurgo II I' AmnII will b e delivere d Hog Houses . AC Y I..AMB, Pllone Wny~esvllle 2701 . .
Try Gazette Classified Ad v
1'1lfl R..!lH IUn
Xenia .454
VU(!U nl' -
Dead Stock
Route 3 Wayne.vltle, 0 , Phone Waynuville 2898
Waynesvlllo, Ohio Phone : WaYR~sville 2191
== :-:;
Top Soil. ' Hauling, Sand. ' Gravel ExcavaUng With Back Hoe, Drag·llne and Bulldozer'
1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllili1l l lll l lllIIlllllllmllll lllll~lIIlll llllllllmllllllllillllllill i llyn
(Col ol') O'CONNOR - GLORIA DEHAVElN CHi\HLE, COB ) tN Paramount Ca rtoon
FOR SALE - - Coleman 0 11 HEmt ... Hom" Made' Plea And Caku eJ', 11sed G montlts . A lb rt ,Fum - Made on order only. PhaRo! Way~ m ill , Pho n
I'ur nil orelel' !lilt hOl' lzln g th (> 1l1 11'1 such \Vllrden s, 10 111\:\11/1h r In tb e prJnll lp ul tH IIIL f)t' 1I1111111111111!11111I11II1I111II1I111II1I1I11111!lIIl11ll11mllllll!l11ll1l1l1l1l1m1111ll11 l7E)1I0.U(j, lind in I h e UHtIlllPr ntll] fOI' I1.!. as Het [ o rUI I!I s aid peLltlon , t he f ollowing des 't'llJetl Rcul ER · UHe, Sf lll!ated III tbe Village (for · ,C omplete Home Construction nl l'l y deBigllllted as "'I'o"'n" ) of Wlly nesv ilJ e, Ohio : We w ,l Il be glad ' to discull , your TJ'llc t 1: All that certul n PEtrcel building problems and tt~11 you of 1,llud ' !lltunted III t he T own or what we can do. Wnynesv lll e, t he County ot War' CABINET WORK ren, Ilnd ilie State oC Oh'lo uelng REMODELING a part of Lot No. .. (four) In Jof· f erson qUllre In sR ld T o wn lind bounded allfl desc rib ed lIS follow s: Beginning tit Ih e corne l' o[ said WAYNESVILLE , OHIO Lot No. ~ lin Mluml nncl Third tl'eets the nce rllnn'lng wltll Thll"l 1III11III/1f11I1IIllIllIIIIllIIIllIllIIlIll~IIIIIIIII11II11III/1II11I11I/1II11/11IIII11III11I~ h 'eE' 1 s ixty seve n (6'7) reot ' ~=========== tben ce buck at ri g ht IlngleH al1d ' pal'lIlIel with Miami Street the full I engt h of s alll IA t (214 I J ft, ) HO.rses. $2.60 . Cows, $2.60 to th e , e bool lot. 'I' be ne e wIt.!! Hogs - 2lic cwt. the line o[ th e Rc hool lot s ixt y According to Size seven (67) ' tee t t il Mlnml SH'I' t , lin ,I ConJitloll. a nd then "e with silid street l" I,h.p Call placo or begInning : ue in J;' lh e silmo pre,ml ses clescrlbed In \Jeeo dntod Jnnu llry ' 25, 1950 f)'()m I he.,
IU\UNDERING- noil In my home. QUiCK ,serl'l e. Piron e 'Vay]·12 -l! t == nesville 2986, ==
o ll Plle C"1ll IIy With ' ~l ll B l c a nd Foolball Plllye r's IllId Babll's == \'e lpll1g At Once. Rea l F'Ilmlly Type . ==
gUI1I·anteprt .
' OUI'l
is h;lJll. 8 -, Gnng Bust ers ~ == §E ~---------------------~-----------------------=== ~
w ork
eled l"'"
Call n os \,lllp, OhIo. fllE!d In tho 'Onto Franci Gene Brown, phone m Oil Pl t"lIlJ< OOlll:t of . WUITon 'ou . Waynesville 2472· or call col- My , Oblo, I'll Case No. I ~ , !if). lect, Wilmington 2111. theh' cel'Unl n I;elltloll, I'l'Ilylll~ ' Ih e .-
Wnynesvllle. Rout e I .
IlIslllul ed B<'Ieks und asbell' tr'9 Sltllng, Sllt'et u, ,,tal work of 1111 klllds. Loon l Reterf'n-.
'-1'11. All
rll ly . tw o mlliion w Vln' \I Ulld ,-"rl . In the UnIt 1I Sta les ·are D l' II Vt! ;'C' \~' UtI! 18.:1 ls. Abuu t IIvt" IlIlllwfl \I101't! thnl l lli t! n Ullll..oc :- W I'euille vllltll g in ti,e \'c c ~ 1I1 ll~bl d .. llli"1
ROOFING Of All T}'pe'i
by M'ol'tgug uf I Estllte by - tbe RATES: One cent per word, Ves u 'y oK SI. Mar>"s P"OtestllllL mlolmum charge, 25 cent .. Eplscopnl CIIUI'('b , II Corpornllon Three In,ertlona for the price not (01' Pr.of. t, or Wllynf>s" 1l1 , \\ [tn'l' n (~O UlllY , Uhlo .. of two. Form, olole Wedner otic Is h el'(!J by g lv'f'1I 1,0 nil day' noon. ponlOns whom It mny COli ern thllt DON'T FORGET TO CALL all tbe :11 . L d ay or .Innunl'Y·, L!11i!). U' ror in urance. All typ es of I he \\ Ilrliell~ or St. M'l Il'y'll Pml eHt l1nt ~ Ulil:lcupn l hun'h or ' WilY '
~ in lIrance at a savings.
mont In Color.
I Olin
I'hlnt,. 01 SpR-tns tn'
! I -;.
Thill' lillY, F"hl'\lIII'Y fl,
Check · Yo~r "· Fence
Needs Now Before The ,'Price Advances" . 1JYe "ave a Good .S upply Of F:ence on Hand, But '1t!s Going fa.t.
. Free-8owinc BIG M " .tiDier muimum yield bee_Ie It II
~fectured up to It:andardI. lIever " down to price. The more tb8n two. moath·1onc potuh · .",Ite matrea it lICtri..bJe that JOu take _fly delivery on your' order. '
Co: Phone -
f !he MIami 'ertllI•• C....pany 0nIw ".;". pour tlNle, no ..
~ .•
~AlRLEY Wayne.ville
About Town Serving, Waynesville Since 1850
F~brUary ~19..s0I:)-,---
i . MI', and Mrs . William trouse I1lul 8S Sunday dinner inI esls , Mr . and .l\fTs , O)llllf Melloy of Lebanon.
nOW Many More Caa Claim This?
West Wayne .
Prominent .
FI~ST SIGN OF SPR),NG , At 'the rear of the Miami GaL ! title building. It WI. noticed tllat Crocu.e• . were In bloom al ...adY· \ ' The warm weather ha. undoubt· Fnl'mer'a al'ange No, 1S wltl ~dly broLtght 'till. earl¥ .prfllg,m«let In !egular seas l01ls on S iLt Thill week 'w e ,-Elnewed · tbe subTh ~ W,e st WlILyae Advisory Cotime flower _urging , out · C!f; tlla urllay eyenlng, February 18, with scription Of Mrs. Pr~cUla.,. Bat. Friday eventng at "eYeO thirty met . during tho past week lIncll , Q. Valentine Jlrogram followed by '011, Looked though' ~ertbwalte ComptOiD. probably ol1e in the Waynesvlll. Mei.h~dlBt Ht.G~ WATER Itt tbe . hOm~ of Mr, and Mrs, 1:1 11waa just around' the _ ' a Hocla.1 bour . ot .aur oldest reader/!. , ' , ctiurch, MlJla Harriet vyorkmfl!l 'TRIKE8 AGAIN rold Whttaker, with Mr . Ilud Mrs: later In the day when It "',,,,,III •• Rbods' 'i;lUnnell and daugbter as much colder. f While we ,do nOlt have tbe tll'st and Mr.. Robert Lee Benaard were Once aglln hlgb Willer on ~ Mrs . .El.arl Evans spent M,on• 8ubscrlptlon Ust. we do know marrled,with B8TeND4 M. B. ute 78 to Corwin b.a olold tb g\le!itB. Mr . Whitaker c~p'ducte d day In Spring Valley .aa the- gue. ·tbe dlBcuulon on"Soclalized Medt hat Ibe Miami Gazette baa been Kleplnpr, putor of Belmont U . road. au'll c~u'$!d tbe Clo8lrt, . . sts of her li1ater -ln-law, Mrs . N. leene," the members expressing , in her home ever Iince Ihe can B. perform1lle tile MUllIe rI.nr; school. • "~member. As MH. ' Co~DtOn 'Is ceremon" &Jelated" Tbll hili, bappened 8afen1 ttDii D. Smltn: . a8 tfluab oppos' • over 90 years of aKe It Ia tbat B. . B. CoLemll,l1. es thla ,.ear , , Mrs , Gayle Evans wal! called IIr ratb~r probably one of th. TLe bride 1., tU' __ bter ot Seeml IlII tbr,,,,h ..~e&btQC Tile c.ouridl adjourned . to meet to Cincinnati FI·ldo.y night. on ac· ra t Bubllorlbera . Mr. and Mh. J. W. Workmatt ' could bEl d,one ' to re.neay tbl,. 'V hb Mr . and Mra. lI.I, A. It'UII,tI\ r_o' count ot· lho, ee,'lou8 IllneslI of ),ler Bon " In Marcb·. Dainty refresh Her many fl'londs wIlL be IJad 'and llel'l18ttl III tbe son of £ondlticiu . ...,.. r,lIlIa . the rd84 mother," Mrs . WlIlinm . Fl~cber . ". ments were served during tbo !l0 perball,8 , build a llrUl«. 'acc",_ .hear lhat abe Is ' ~erlDC Mr. and MH. WllIliIIi IJarnat'd , ber IIlneRs. Ca,th~tal - - . lD IeYen.brs- the loW' part. clal' hoUr . The FlI.1'lners' OlUb \v«s , ncb ca.Dd~..4 olUltera or Tile cbll!!ren lOBe .. ,rut deal Mra . Flosllie Ca.re;r, MilS Lucy talned, for tbe Febrnary meieUliII. OMAN'S A,!~II.'ARY OF wblt .~ *eated che of lo)l: aUnc On thle acOoUDt,. and EmelY ' and Mr . Chester Carey at· P"~ENT TEAQHERB by Mr. and Mrs : Ronalli: • MARY'S CHURCH MJET brldal"tfUII "'1;'1'11 ot cr- nel7 DO GOat would be too Iraat to tonded the 60th WeddJng Annlat the Far Hills The Womon', A1IX1l1U,- or tile marked.,qae 118_ cd Uaa bridal benefit them . versarj cir 1\{r'. abd Mra. lJ,arry ASSOCIATION MEETING Tbursday, St . .Mary,g CbIJr(lb met ',PD FrJ.. Etnoly of ueo.r Utlnn., SUnday. FEBRUARY 'Z1 A delicious b~ked afternOob. ,wltth MI'II. Charles Milil lean Natt ...r pi&Jed a DRAINS GOOD CROWD . , Ml'/! , John C. S bmldt ot ClnTbo speaker, Mrs. Willl8JJl 1I. WIlS served to tbe many , Starr as hoste.s lilt he~ 1aome ProanuD or bridal mu.1e and Mr, DESPITE HIGH WATE" lunall WIlS I\. weekend gueat of Crew. will discusli "Brlttan'a Pre· and . tile guesta, M,lss llle Bellbrook Ros:d. '. PhilIP Workillall ,ana "AI,yays," Delliliae high · watflr '1\ll4 IIa4 her 90n.ln'.(fIl\V nna daughter, Mr. sent l'r~dlcamelJt." Kennedy nod Mr , PasQuI\J.e t ). large numlNar or .. ....ll8lltl .. I Love You Tmly,. and " II I wenUier nb~ut 30' .ow Mr, ' BQllle Mrs . Crew ' wns born '. and ed- yton Ilnd Rov. and MrB~ we. re prelellt aDl! £011--<;'n-"'d ",_II _ _ .. lDevana, W"ilt Paint faot"l1 .~ Ilntl 1\1 rR. Robert OhnpmlUt and ........... '. __...... __ .,~, .' ucated In ' England, <She cnme to Coleman., business, a stud)' OIl "eut.Uaa Mr. Paul ~- ' Of "hl"".". who tures "HJgb Ltaiat. gf 1.......:.. so . _ b I 0 .-a "-'< . , . ....... ~h . and ,M'I's : ";Qleiin Borden United ' Statel twenty years ago, Tbe regular us ness Id Te.tament." wa. . ..rved in W,oI'JiJ WIi' n With the The 10081 ' post elect...... to ,trr a nll Mrs. Minnie' MungoI" were but bas visited Enlland " requenl- WIlIl held and the a;pec,al bJ sevel'fl'l .c( the mem..,.. irJ'OOm. wu . . . . . mu, and and aend three. bo;' to Ohio undoy ' dlnnor ,gUllsts of Mrs . EL I' ly. k/iel1lng berself Intoriiuld I on Farm 9utlook f~r 19 GO. Tbe Anxillary adJouraecl to t ... ulhn .eri' ~ Workman State tb" year . h I Trlmbl~ In Dayton . Brltlan'a ~ndltlans .; thougbt tbat we have ,a meet In Merch ~. ~. Parlab BOo -.nd wnllam ___ • This poet anG the loeal Civic , While In t he Unl~8d Statea she, nee or a normal year use wltb Mrs. Robert V.allce of Via. car~ ~ her Olub s~Pt Don Lul;telll In :U!f ~ btUI t"u&lIi' (n tbe Dalton 8cbOo , I I Protessor J;>a~quale. .... 'orlbln, ... on Ohlel. D' , -.. _· ~e. • ...... nanMra L . E . rhomp.on uhder'T il:I T" "', , ,",,!,,_ .n .unt ......enu.I _d Uttle San- and Harlan. Earnhart !&n.d · -T aldent. as ...... ........ t . • l.... ~-. " ..a~ _____ •_ ..;,. 4_ 194.' , went surgery nt Mloml Valley In New York at Ne-w York City. Emer.s on Schaal In ""-",A .,-. ........ __ . ~ _ _ ",OOID. DY SlmPlOD .... Hospltnl on 11'rldaj morning , , The Crew,B came lp DaytQh aas the " gtf"lIt .A pi_ant Ipcllalllour waa aD- 19. . ~e flo1Nr III'L .,..' ~ hobut one and oue bali years 'ago. and took tot bla t~ple with a dsllcloua 'd ellert cr- ~4 ~ " a..tla model' LAP:E .. DIE" at cr'e1lca,re IreeIi tarret4 styled OF H.EjlRT A'lTAcIt '. ~fr and . Mr.s : W . E '. Stroud Her hUlband 18 Dean or Men' of Fight Ru.sla?" ' The.. gr(~~~~~rq urse served by tlie hoetes.. ' . the Engllleer!ng School. Ii!; ihe Communism WIlS with • •a. yOlli . . . adorned . Lare Ro... eo. l _ a t .... were Sunday dinner guestl of A1rto~ Inatltut, e of T~~b~gy . . wltb rutn•• of .~tddaI ~. and' In Naw ~..... , . ·co~ Lhelr son and uaughter-In-la.w, oarded e.rnatJ ~DII and JcwiuU, t.ry tbI'oIIaboIle. • Mr, and Mrs . Harold Strou.., In at WrlCbt FI8Id, Tbe Door latlCth . , . . Or tll." r1_ I'IiDeral , ~ w• • ~ at Lebanon, In celeb~t1on of the • This prom lies to be a. V4K'J: ower girl " . . taffeta tbe lIreClu1'e .......... blrtbday annlvorBnrtes Of the' tlon te'reatlng meet....:: '. Md. .a:ew·.. will he aillod. to dlaOll 'a1ld anand Ib. -oarrleit 1''-'" Jiead&r &n:.moa. "at I:. . ...L... . and father , ~ .... . .. swat qUlIBtlona ' _djence 'Tile ' WIUt, lfey. Coz' ... ·~ij..... ~ Ilt. tbe CI018 ..,..... ........ . ' - " ,' " ': : ,
Council Meets
Joined"In Marriage
Farmers Club :Meet'5 at Far Hills
.n........ "
Mr, Bnd Ilre a.nnO_~,!CjDg ', the blr9J.. of '. seven and ou, bjlll .lIODiIl bilby, ')Ilughter, SIlIllUl lan ~. at Miami Valley Hospl". February 9. Mr .. "lnd Mrs. HOward Stanley a~' the' proull maternal grandparentl and M~s,1 LurUe PI~~er at 'V irginia IR tli.e paternal Kl'aDdmother ~ 'J
Mr. and .Mrs. "S ~ A . Draco and
80n; Eddy, from New York Cit,
·are visitlllg II",. DRlro·. motb. er, AiDia. · Peterson , . Mr. anil. Mrs . 1. E. Frazier quloUy obsetved th,elr, 6iltJr. W8dd, ~~g IUlnlvel'JlAJ'f ' &n Wedlielda, Ilnd ball .a.s 1lJ .~ d~ner ailests : ~.("
Qr. Ma,Y GII.OK" Mrs: Eillabeth Smltb, lilt's, Sadie Conner, Mrs~ · ~tle Cook al}d ¥rs. Harry Sber·
WOod. , .' The, had .a number of ~c.llers dur,lnl ~e, .arterl)0On. and evenlog . ' , M r ;. 'a nd '1IIrs, K«lnneth Elzey 1111(1, dlmgbter, MarjOrie , ' or' , ,to~ epent Saturday ~veDlni' wltb, . Mr. Ilnd Mrll ., Walt4!r Eiley.
Miss 'Mln~le Dodaon o~ the Fr. tenda Home I" apendlllg few weeks In ,Miami, . Florlda .
approye -;;'f ~ B ' . ' .• ~ llsh and ·. . .8 . ODS I"vatlon _a• • ~ ~ ' uayton vsaltet )ff~. least'" oaftie.. on . ami rest4ra.tio,,- submitted by the rlne-h.\OCll Bros', ,This ~ yeer'1I circus I declared W8dnead fte ':' • . vat oua &cctlo'qa 'of tile 1J1Vialon a, a mQPD. .;r wlldUle. by George F , DeSliver. eeneral ~ Mia, e WUllams wlt4, 1II-I'fI. H. A I Ide~ Ohlef of thtLDIv- chair-maD, t" be .atest ever p'reCharlee 1IIlch~ei 'lVera l~cheon Islon, said today tbat - tbe budeet lented by Syrtall Temple ' of the p~t. on ' 1!Ue8drq of Mrs. ' J'railk WOUld. require about the sljme Shrine. l RO&t1J. la }Albanon. reven~ as for J949 . ":U~esa Magnflcent bolraW an!! worl!!'1 , M~~ ' .'" Crane of Center- ~~dJUolI.8 change rndlc.ally during champion barebac'k rldlne marvel8 ville .. )ilaaea Ann ~ and ~~e year,'l ' he said. "h\oome aho- make' up ttle Impresllve. equeltr• ,~~ be tl.bout the Bame but eXll ,' e- Ian exthavaganza. of tbe Gluatino Mame , ~ ~~ Mondl7. - ' nditurJlI, will have to be control- Loyal-ReP«ln.elty li'&I:olij. M'rs. ~tk .' SlIIItb. . Mal , k!4 .Clarefully since the. budget 'Hlgh asTial ad:ventures 01 'breUtiil. B...~.!1uid. Mn.: Laura filUJed . on expected Income." atb-taldng au~elty ue uecuted :COUett .;, IWIkDJqton were' the tit · financial report lIubmllted by Lalagge, the Slko"" Duo. "SatUrda" lUait8 of Mt•. 'E1II1i- ,to ~~ . Counctl members sno)yed Ro'e Gould Trio IlI1d SaYeD Ward beth ·Smlth. \ rIn.,1 .recelpts for the year of $2. Bell Flyera. nstel' MIi~J ' tDn " " , . ·l81.~and exp!'ndffureil of $2, , The brilliant .\1 , le .~ left Mon_ '183.$21.65 exceeding t be 'Income further e~braces ,ucb lwnillarle. dQ to .~peDCl .. ~ W41 ~k8 wltb ~~~ :'2,186.92. as MeUtta and ~WIO.....; .....alionrelaUvel , aD4~, (rlen" . " , Mla~l. .T~ bunting and trapping 11ur~ al Sfedlali perch ' equUllii1atB; the Florlda. " ' - , . Shyreltos. cyclllli,: 19l1lanlJ; I:IDbo ' ... .....~,......... . , See • ~lLDLtFE' 0n~ Baok pa ge. Mda Ma' ,..........t l'I .ow a me· ert, C~stle. 8ome~ comecJr . ,' " ' . . lIenla.t\on 011 the, IMIUlldlDa wire. Dlber of fba: ft1Hds' ~e 'f~,~- , ~ , __\ I ny. . SHIINE' CIRCUS SOON o.p een pantomlne OOIDIc, ' aJid Al' .tbe .Seven' Bnmnockjs, whlrwJD4 Mlsa ~th ' Ob~_ was tbe CINCINNATI a~rob'lB: I4OOn, ' cielebrated liar.. dinner' 8U¥t OD F.....,. evening fredo' La.ndon·a ltumblJnc ~lfint... . . nf,' Mr , aJ),d Mrs . Hilt of llie mldgetit • . . 8pl'Jnlfl~ld" at the ClaMen " , Anlm~i i&c~s; (i',ltll. ~ . f!:a!lDct 1.0. .! Jotel ' 11l ~ ~~Oft. . cellt on noveltY.j are : PaheDberc'1 e~uca:~ed .~ear. J~~ 'Woolford', Miss lI"'pnt . ~i attenupreseden,ted tmlJPe 'ur ;;~orm. ded ' tb. AD.Dnaj.y Of It. Mary's 111& d8chsbounda, ~" to.Qhurcb at'''' ti~ ,,, .re.·clias;· ,Sta.r r , nellLr .... moul m~le tralU4:'~~ and t · .
are .
~I!J, erlO\iIh,' But wb7not tI7 .om.. tblDr II"; I~ '6fVa tile lall
wame a. a de.nrt? Put a U" hone,. and some 'crushed nlit. ClD UI' ,lalt oMsand :I •• nat ba,.,.,.
Care til v~ Baa 'l'be "acuum deaner bal 1bCNl4 b. bru8hed inalde UIcl «Nt, but It abould. :peve, b. laUDderacL W"'" 1Di' mar. nmove tha ADlIb that mUll the HI dad-~ ,
.The l J'riendabJp Club bald .1ta) February > meetln~ drl .We~elclaJ a.fternpon at t.b\1 home of. lIrs: , . B . Rloh ~th ' twenty_sl ~ members ....'-1 • and tllree gue'ta. Mrs. P. L. ReaBon, Mrs Elsie Hockett and ·?drs. H. C : . Hodaon;, preaent . ' Devotions were In tlharae ot &Ira: '~ , R. Vogle.bY. aDd readIngs on 'Vallnllne Day. ~d 1,lDcoin. ~ere given by Jerlne
Afternoon ~ , ~t; ~rma lices fill be ·pr..-t.ecI au da,!! except SURdar•.. "Wi ~tM . • bow. both FrldayB a(':I, 'I:16"U4 8:16, three Ibows botb: ' ~7' at 1: 16. ' 8:45 anel 8:il7. IInci two- 0Jl otthe daya at "Z. aD4 8:1&. CHEERFUL' ENJOYS DIN ~l1e Chleml t:lrcle I1'OUp' enJoyed , a 'd lllner u 8athrd~
on" TeeUlDoDJ oa - . . AdvertJllDC:' ,Mra. BrIdIItr ·.a4 Mra. ,"1 Ila1pI7 Broft ~ ~ CLOWN Barty Dana and bla 'WIll be amon. the great 11:&. . . . "GMt 11_.... mtehlatJonal array of talell\ me- neW wi. . . . . ll11iO S,rlan·Shrlne Polack IItID8 • • - . UnIoD ~~~"~TaftAUdltOrlum. . ~. rei), l~. .
Frieltlsh, ~~~~ ~. , . Holls It1~ting '
~ ,.lie ~inpl.eted her cOS: tume ' wltb' a veil tme"'t caUght to IIa' ha!r with orUlKe blollsom!! IIDCl sbe carried a bite orchid on . ' wblte Bible. ' . For ber' dllugh~el"B wedding; Mra. Work mall chdte navy blue with b!&ck accealOriea anll "Mrs , ~ar4. mQtber or the groom, wQr.egray With b. ~· celsorles and e~cl1 com~letel ' tbe'lr costume with a. r,ed ~_ . ~&ge. ' Jmmedla~1 (olWwlb.g \be cer· elDQny• .IIL reception held, for tbe laree 1l'0Up o~. guests at hl\me of Mr. and Mra.
. :!'tIre, , ' ()jUt" ....rn~tt ... boatess J to the W :'C, .... U ' Oft fttday aftic e~ool\ Febr'uary 1(j. fte meetlog open8!l },y ~Indn. -"0 10~ and 1(.... ' ~et..l ,...., • few: versea fro.. lallah . . . Romani. , Lucy Emley .otfetlnlr ..,.er. Af. ter tbe recuLar. bualallB ' 'Wall tr.a.-' &acted. ftoUJe ' Carey abd ,Mias LIICJ' mlDlf!l'l rN _ art1cle
... &lid.......
'l1p {ar Mr. , Oul S'm lth ~ded tbe Wben boyfnt an lr~ pt one that \ wedding of ... nep_.. Robert Ja JlOt too l1el\7. for heat 18 mora Bernard ~ Misa ·H "'" Important than wel.bt .nd· pre.man on FrIday even_ ... 8\lJ'e. . '
....e••• Deuen, . 'I&. ft". meal la a limpla ODII be~U8e "'ptAople ' content ~ keep;'':.,atbJa watll.. untU
mb),. Carl11D Burnett, jo Ann A Valentlue box contained" val. Rlbln80n &Ad june, Ro.lnaon lioate..... A lar'e cl.eorated .we· enUnes for everyone and citta d41naca , 'tormed "'I!I' ~. ~telrpl,eC!!lcl wer& exchanged among the ,ISeof tbe, beautlflll tea table 8.114 was eret Sisters," '. aervetl wI.~ cream ~d cortee. MJ:II , Hodaon tavored, the croup Tha 'l'Ide' ~ 'groom left fot: a with tw,o beaUtifill vocal soao" abort honeYDtoOn, tbe "ride sel- accomplm1ed by Mrll R. B. Colea. Davy b1l,le cOstume man . . IlL wblte 'oI'ehld . cor.. p. aft:8l'1"b1iCh.ll Following !iAljournment, the bother will reside on SteBB, B.Bslst«ld by Mra .' ClI llle :01Mra. 'Bernard. a ' ark and Mrs. Stella, HyllaDd aerlIea,Yetth\elt Schools la CODDeot- ved & dellclQus desseJlt course ed with Muter Electrln CompanJ dnl'ing tbo social ~our . aDd Mr. Bern_rod,' & Graduate or' WaynelVllle Rich fJchool and se- DR. H. F. DYE BUVS, ANGUS rved 'ID Wilt n. 1a employDr. H. F. Dye of WIIoJll8SVU.., ed .t the D:urlron .Co . Oblo recently pureblMtl toar Dock7'~ liasket~" i~~ ' JkmbrIde ' laa,t beeD compUm. purtlbred Aberdeen-AngUs' cOWII er doi!t. '. . ntecl .b)' 1DUlJ' lovel, affalrl by from Robert Patterson Sr. Clowns plentttlltY.1 I~ tlf.. aDDa. her relative, and·- frlenda. too. ttte p.-ogram wl't~ · tlaelr nekY
1...tw ·-'-" ·
ar - -
ft . . . . . .
. 'aDd Mn. ~.
boat ' oDd bOaIn
,Tbe meeUnc or Dlltrlct 2'1 and School of .~truction ' waa beld the BIBh Sclaool BuUd11l« on Sa.t· urdar, .. Ith an attendance of tb.. ree bUJldred and thirty memtiers and CUBsta aresent. The WSCS o.t the Meth04ist ChUrch ..rved ~ a dellcloua dlaner In the oafete... Ia. Mr.. Harrle, Weet of MartlDaville cOllt1nc~ed tbe mornlDl ' alon and Mta, Kathryn Wyre, W orth y Ora.ncl Matron of Quyop rau. ud !lira. EUaabeth E. Carf!I'I Dtputy Grand- Matron of New VleIUIIl 'were III cb&ril. of the at· terDooa HUlon.
TItOH-preaent 111'_ MId J(ra. ~..t ButtelrfaJ~P1. JIr. ana II... _4 IIH. UIF B. B. J!llIIa. ....... ~ ....... . . Ba.rden,Mn. IbdIl - , . . . ... . 11 • .- . . . . . . . . . . ....
111'. ad Mn.
S . Blob
....., ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
" o~ De.. Owner. wbO try to 'dttmDlila • COIIilUloa b, 1Iatett1Da' to,' beat or III ....n me)' be ~ JDIa. lad, warn. Dr. W. Z. LaDtaof . . UDivanlty ' 011 PeJID8"lveDla DU7 ata1!. . Wlill. th" cardia. rll7tbm In man shoUld be re~. ~ wben the rata It! , apeeda4 . . tile rIl7Uun fa do.. m." be It~ uaD,. lrrelUlal' without Dace. . . . . IndlcaUna that UJtbIDa la ...... 'Or, lAD.. u.n. _ ......._ _ __
'I'IIe WHd, .,afy 18 " ' 1lrte4 to have come from Rill'" .bout 1810,
Thursday, February 16, 1950
Easy-fo-Sew Pattern I Is Goldmine of Skirts ' Grandma's Sayings
Cry of 'Foul' Lnbor Is ncv~r so vocal as when It feels Its own . particular rights Bnd pl'i\'ileg~s ' are being stepped on . ThIs was evidence d by the cr ies emanati ng t rom Miami Beach, F lu., where angry AFL leaders chnrged th at Robert N. I Denham, genera l coun sel of the natlonnl iabpr relations board, W8! (1:1)11'0." HOTEt Wlaea .,In'•• w l.'" et,.I"f'4 In thele l'Iolumftll tbey are those of campaiRnfpg to apply the anti-trust W •• tehl N ••• paper V.I •• •. . . . . . . . .,I.a aad not nee.a •• rlly .1 1hh new spaper.) lows to bi t: lobor unions. " IT ALWAYS has been puzzUnl H·BOMBS: to the average Amet lcan why labor Itself Is not subject to some gov· ~-. --" Time of Decision ernmental control- such as busineu One at the most Important deci· and industry encounter In their opalons In world history had been put erations. Thc average American'. up to Harry S. , Trum an, Should he sense of f!lir play- were no othllr order construction ot th~ hydro· {actors Involved- would c'ause him . • en bomb? to 1>117.7.10 over that: When. a~ter a rcsp!!ctable period Dcnh!lm catapult d himself Into of 'deliberation, he .dld make up his th e AF'L'l;l b.ld gra c!cs In II speech mlnd the President elCpressed his l before the Am erican Trucking as· deciSIon in th~ most matler-of·fllc\ soci aticm. In thilt .'ndd ress. he manner possible! , . singled out the- AFL tenms-ters The U. S, would continue Its de· unIon with which the truckers 'do .elopment and production of aU business. He said the ' teamsters types or mW~ry weapOns. Includ· h!lve a tremendOUS "potelltla~ ing atomic armaments and the sopower" to p ~ r a !yze the country called hydrogen bomb, That statewith simultaneous tTucking strlkea ment, probably Intentionally crypover the no tlon. tic. ma, or may not bave meant DAN TOBIN, president ot the that the u. S. alreadr bu beIUD Ben,Jamlu FaIries". IIft.ldeot teamsters . and William Green. work on· lbe H-bomb. . Only ~e Jhlnli 'was .ur~1t was a of U,S •• teel, testified before a A.F L preSident. contended that terriba, impor1al)t declalon, not onl¥ Denham's viewl were unfounded joint cODrreasloDaI economlo eo Mr. Truman but to evel7 perlon' Clommtttee In defense of tbe re- and pointed out that the teamsters fa·th8 world. . eent mor.as.. In the prloe of bave bod no "serious strlkea for . rr WASN'T the COlt of the bomb ~L Be ealled tbe rlll8 'Imod- .eversl years" and none now ot eet." laid &be blame Iar,ely OD whlQh the, were "aw.re." waa • poser, eVeD lboulb. that The AF'L council cbarged Den· . . . ezpectecI 10 be In dIe'lIelJllbor- , . ...... p8Daloaa, ham bal stamped himself by bll bood of four blWon doU.n. I It speeches 81 the , "antaaonlst 01 ortrUIl't a doubt .. to wbether it HOUSING: ian1zed labor Clnd the prate.onlat eou1d ~ made, for aclence de- $8,000 Units of the employers,'" ' . ' clared It could. It , wam't a be.t&anC!J about I.. ettec~ to~ 11 an Could the American individual Then the, advocated be be ePeIII7 decided to, and- could, con~· In .earcb ot :• .new home ,aHord thrown out of his job, p~leUJarly etruet 4be bomb, an, to pay "-,000 'for 1t1. Federal bous· beca.use , be IUllealed "certain ~ the part at the U;S. &0 mue In, ' oUicial1 believe 't hat 10 be a labor unlona are monopoUatlc," ~ ,tea, it would ~ juatHled. '. t.lr tiJW'e .nd Raymond M . Fole" Words ofttlme. are convenient . No, It w.. DOne of that hou.lna luimlniatrafor, "explaln'ed things: one can become aU thin •• . ·.iiraYJted ' the reapon.~bWb and 10 the blMl.e bankinl committee a . tile aolemnlb .. <tile decision. In~ tilU for 'federal hou.lna aid based to aU men. ·a. viewpoint or, ·.tr.... egy directs.· etead, It the question of iif8 on that premlae, . ADd dea", '1n901ved and even more ' FOLEY STATED that the admln· tiarrIbIe, ~ iIlireJ:f ~culat1v.. Iitratioo II conaldel'in, con.truc- DEFENSE: ~0Il: Mlibt not man be 'un- tlon,· 1hrougb cooperative. and other' It Contradiction leubIDJ • tore. which would ' de- non.profJt or,·anWitions. of .ome ~1 ' aU mahkfDdf . , 250.060 hauain, units on an averA slight cantu.lon leemed 10 be TIll: PUPONi>ERANCE 'of ~ ale co.l , of '. ;000 eadJ. , the chief' thin, which could ~ "GOIl . . . ." tboIe .dYoc.tinl, Tbe bom.. envlaloned In the pro- . read Into the tint annual report ...11.-" p'am would be ' for f.milles with by Detense , Seer~17 LouJa 101111tile ,BfIU. - """" <D., bomb. lid.) obaIrm.D 01 theTJdlqI armed annqa1.'e.... 'Income. 0f .... ouu an d .on on, th e ·aetIv Itl e. a nd ·'-dln· uu II __~__ _ _ ......... _ la-- __.a:!. I'" $4.000. One. third of the urban fam· of his department. ....... - of .......... W· of tbe nat·on .~ 1..' d .. ' . . .1- ....' ~lJ pNlidtlaiial" lIa ..,comea WITH . 'one bre.th, Seeretaf7 • .a...t _ _ '. . . eolllldlll., .' within that ''mlddle·lncome'' ran,. .Johnaon wamed that an attaek 011 _ .. _ ---In 1141 . ~... , ' d' +. thII countf)' "eould come from .... lie _ _ tbat: tile U.s, prooe.. 'rile endeaYOl', . . . Ia' the 87ft opposite bemlapbere without wanIrIIb ............ crI tbe 110mb. d.. .ftl the I8ftreIt erltlea. appeared InC and with unpredictable fIu7.'. a'::!.c.~ ::.::.: laudabl•• but with the COlt of U.· In the nat, M apre.ad beN __ ... . . - . IhINdnI .. 1M IDe a. " Ie and' IIlJb In.e om. . . .,. that the '".peet· at ",*" fa dlmln....... . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . for famW.. without· .boft.a..ra.. lablnl deaplw th. RualIaD attitude' ................ ~ . .... _ eamptlau. woUld ,11bJ put the .. ",m..reaee. , ~-- •• -..11,_ t.ome GIlt' of naell at manso. . ~ thaD Ita further ~ea....... ..... . . . . be ' ItA Alt · narr~ . 01 tIaD crI America·, JInt ......."
lruman Alnoances U.S. Will A d Hydroge .. Bomb to Arms Program; Major Housing Planll Envisioned
F(llrmers 'Ask Data 011
Steel Defender
Crop Varieties
F'roper Choice of Seed .fIeld First Requisite Farmers, with this' year'. horvf1st oul. of the way. are looking toward 1950 and seeding time. county 'IX· tension agents repq,rt . Many farmers are asking county eJ<\,ension agents ab ut. new., var· ieties 01 crops. . As a ru le, the coun~y a,g ent's answer to fa rmers Is. thli: "Before buying seed cJf any new variety It is good ' business to be sure It Is recommended and sutted to the 10caUty in which you live .. The new var.lety sbould ' be at least as good. or better, than varieties you have belm growln g, " '
'I'-10 '
;.~ ..... ..........ulll _ ........... _
........ g III Clam: Itaoa MIll I.... will be all..... e
IIam - . . _ ___ ...............
.. _ - , --- - - - ...... • crI . ' .... tIIU
... ..... ...... _II••' ....... ..... fa aulll,tlDc .... .........., . . m......... oC BiGlbatboocl Pre~t TruInaa urpd "aQ ___ '. IcaIII to .~ wen tile trUe ~.....
..,., .. .....,.. ~
plI. TIIlI wauld ,leave lOme t4OO. or lea. than . . . ~ with "'lcl1 to meet emerPuclea . or other
DMdJ. . ..' SO, It I . . .1117 appilrent thlt ' the
•• 000, bou.e, tbe . . 'm.onth~ pa1~ , ~ent and co. t-of.Uvin. Item. would run' the' '$2,IIOO.a·,ear maD ~ . close 10. the edlre. that he'd barclly ha. . , anJthin, left ' tor • pack of butte e,eII week.
.bood was eo
CaretaJ aUeaU. . . . &be' aeH Irw purchaalng prCIyed . .rIeU. ... ill . . . fa eDe 01 &be major tacten" HCIIriq • • • '11 I '1 7leldll like &be 0M'1II abeWII i.ere. ' .ada' taD, report. .... received at .... reaPooalble .alesmen and m.o order adYHtllemen.. aaWnc nn ..~~I..
_ ...-
.-..-. . : .,........ __ - - ... ~~ .... a
... _ ,
...., DOt be ,at too4 a~ our eommoa r~""'· Itll '... ~'t ...t1~ ..If
.', '
!,er. .ome
:OOWm bbal , a
With . In .the . .uare lof o.u ,nation aDd to i Wblcll .~I" en~)):,of dlsp,laced U. S. .II all :too famillar for all)' d.tile ..... ce and ,freticlom 01 the 1m- ~~~ Into the .lTldted States ~o , lJ'ee of C1On'lfOrt. In tbe tllVO-,elr period ! ·4~ tire worI4." " . in,':lune 30. thli year, tial bein' . IN . A . SIMILAR VEIN, former proved by ' tile ' fSenate judicia Secretlll'J' of ... NaV'J John L. committee. , SuDivan. 'D amed poeraJ cbalrtnla THAT · aROUP voted to permit or the IUltloaAl ,ob..rvance, Inter- 320,000. bomelela forelp1ers 'to enpreted tbIa ,ear'. event. ·";t11e bll ter lbll eoubtry by' .J\Ule 30, It!11 ~ question toeS.." II whether ' lbe hu· ThIs Include. the approximately man Iplrlt ~ "!maln tree or, 124.000 wbo alreadY bave entered, wbether it fa to ' lIe en.laved b1 The committee voted by ' 10 to S tDtaUtarlanlam,·' RulllvaD declared, ,to approve I bill whlcb would make ""!'be cilanlb or maJ) I. on trial other 'cbances In the presen~ DP tIIrodgbout the .world," be ' eon· law which, President Truman baa Unued. ".nd the tate of our clvUl· drIed. · '. aUon I,n.y well depend upon the For example. It · would sblft the ouWome. It will 8W'Vlv~ only It the date by whicb displaced penona ideal 01 m.n'. laaUen.ble' r18ht1 Is must bave entered European DP aekDowJedge4, r •• p e·c .1 • d and camp. to be eligible tor entry Into menltbene4;" thla country . The present law n.x ed I'lrit eatab\lahed in 193t b1 the the date ' tor December. 19G, The !faUooal Conference· of Christiana bID which the coinmfttee approved and Jen, Brotherbood Week has would eh.llJre tha~ to January t. been celebrated· eacb ,ear iturlDiI 194e. ' the week, of George Walhlnrton'. THE ACTION came · on tbe eVe , b~ .. a epecla1' period whep ot the date whleb the senate had . •••• GeIL OerfoD P. BaYille. the peoPle of aU taitba til tbe ordered th'e committee to repprt • tten oalled &be , ''''a&ber .r UDlted State• •re Invited to COIl' out a J)P bDl radar," ba. IIMD Damed de,. ~ toeelber the Deed and impH· Ttie bou•• bID baa been approved ., oblet .... &aII te IIea4 &be ..1r cation. ot 800d wDl amonl PrOte.. by the commJttee over the prates" f.rv,~. _ reaearclll .... , d .. tan... CadlOUc. and JeWl. of Cba~an McCarr.,. (D .• Nev.), .....,......, c~aad, a II&aIf UI 11M, 80m. 300 communltlea who waa In Europe at the time. IetItI. . clI&rpd wltII tar tile United , Statea partlcl. After a beated floor a.bt. th.. len· Paiecl iii Brotberhood W" even.. : ate .eot tile meaaute back to com· plelUllq ler ~17 .Ircraft of tile ..hire. /' III IIG tbere _r.e 800 eommunltlea. m1ttee. III 11M tile number aplraUed to 1.000. "!'be IIpre today II impoai 1.._ _ _ _ _- - - - : - _ - - ' alble 10 ..tlmlte, .eeordJnJ to Sui- Bickering Starts Atomic .toekplJu . • . lI,drolen . ' . ,UnD, so .wldeapread Ia tbt de.1re PerbaPi Ifa,' ~caUve. pemap. oC Americana or aU ,.Itha to item- bomb. .. bll1lon. for defense . . • oaatrate their loJaltJ to the ba.lc incredible apeed In the air . . . it Isn't-but" tor whatever It'. ide.1I 01 reapeet tor people and aU the.. added up to a readll, 'apo worlb In tue eltpectanq eamputa. lWmu nib" wblcb .... .aenUal parent conception that U.S M""V UOII. It'. a ..~ abat tile United fa committeeS to a eourle wblch b.. States hal more thaD, ',Il00 people to oar wa, fII ur.: who are more ,Ibaa 100 ,.an old. ~ obMned wltb ~ com- Ue.ed that be II ''beat defended who II beat umect." ' n W.ID" 100 , m.1I7 ,.ani a80 ......., partIolpatiOll e.cIa 'I'be quutJoa w.a: Would tile ~. that llft .........ce ~.,.nJea OIl .OIlllllboDd W,- drlumttblea the ............. wbteb aD pubol'J' mWtarr ..me. l)'Item bt lhelr annul~ tam. ... eftl7llod1 oIUr ~ tllet ... .. . . ad retalMdr '!'lIe qaHtloa of ",..". d ..d al •• -power naallDed ... lldanllbt. fie, the estr.me at WblCb . . . . • , Wli . .ppaI8d ... aI"O\IIId
. . ., .
Ll" IIP"'I.I,
Eft Sh '11'"'.er for
An ' f ..... I . e~..~ent 0 ~.' pre~ent aw ,
Urne >ID-:I
. .",.
tbrea.. frOni ~bIoad. M., ~ REPORTlKQ lID ' • •, vg I'IGY • of hie ~~~~t.. l'IfIlItal7. ". ~gg l' dlplCilrriat1e a~. and other,; ·.heD .... m., be the an. tun~•. , tH "".... aecreta.,. · tor darb" poIiltrymen dec:l~reCt lila ; belI,et...tbet ~ b. .' b6 are tired of 'coDeeUnI '~tl:le did DOt ~t ~e dam~tt; done • old' .brown and wblte ·one. to unU~c.~n Of. the armed lerv- ~iel'1 .da', 'and who would like 10 Ice.' by the ~ervlce ~otrover- ~r.t.nent with another C!Olor•. liel, be IieU~e • .I'tb,t the extent .\:.. . . of thele cp,nflIc~ b~. been eXllC. The trick Ia turned relUlarly b, eelated." .. i . ' . ' 1~lm~ ~blckt!n. at Comell. un~ver· .r . .alb'. Dr. J. H. Bruckner, beait or He .Ia.. reported, parenthetically Ule"poultry husbandr, dep;.rtment,
'ID, ·01 brotherhood" ''there D~~~~,"!~~~~=~~.:Bt~~~-9l~,,::~,::-~:--;-~:--n~~~~oi~~~~::,
Patt.,. No....... : ..... Ibe ........ .
NO TWO WAYS about It, baklD·
IrOOd pIes ' and cakes eall, fer
.EWTHO CmCLE PATTERN l»EP'r. . . . . . . . . 111'.11• • 1., CIIi••, . '. 'III. KnelGa. 21 'cenla In eqlna 'or •• cb
UHIe at. adt.m... or Jailllft . . . ,.at. Ada '. SI.OIIO ~ eacounllftt to tIDcI tbat *,- . III ....... ploU molt aD the .... m.at arKt ' mmr hili .and .we . a eGft,Yinced, b t dill mDltal'J' I araJn varietiel developed bJ platat ....,. tor tbe~"iiome itnDItb of the V.I... a . . . . , 1InWera , ID' the ~ central .. Ie St,• . 'l'bII WOUkI lea. . the ~ In 'lbe It8I1 IbOQt,o I eta. . . . . CaD8da tbat oiUer prome .... . a , . . 'man """ lal It; .117 ..... na.... 'l'bat at lIelnl adapted. 8, OQIIIultln. ..... aaur-. utWtIw, eoata. eoaeIualoa waaId. .... .. • come tGUId7 ateuIoft ....... about a IIIIuraDoe. c1othlaa. trauportaUora fortin,' ~auOo fII tile belief ftrieQr ... ..... lUmen ca. ( ....re would be 1ICItIiIq with wllfda fII ......, mDu.. fII Amerlcaaa lind GUt If II bal been tftted and lID ..., . . a car) rac:ruUaa aDd IDe tIIa' a poU", crI annecI .tnada at .. necmmende4 tor raur area. eldentall wOUld alnOUDt lID aboUt boni• .11 the beat. ..,..raaee aplnat •
llliId ..... ItaIIIIIItNIaIIII; aoen.c. ~ .:If'
• •
uNVL1!l .J11D allile U8e4 ~ say, !'1!'Ird pion yOur work.!...tben mOlt tlmes ,you'll find you kIn work your plan."
ahortenln' that', t,uty by ltaelf. ADd that -calli fer ~·'Tabl.orad." NUe MaId , , , better tutlD' than ever • now, 'cause Nu-Mald'. improvedl t>.Uem No. II1I2'I II • aew·rll •. perlor. */~ "led pattern for w810t .Iul. 24, 2g1 281it. . J will be paid upon pubUca.. • 30 and 32. Sl.. 25. 1 yard 0' ....lnch. Uon to the arlt contributor of eaeb • • • accepted 8&ylng or IlieL Arldreaa "Grandma" 109 JlaIt Pearl St...... CinclnnaU 2. Ohio.
~a""''''''''' W?UW' Ipe . ..... tit,
Grade '" Nu-Muld Is tmprovedmore delicious than ever ! Cot a brand new pack age, too, that keeps Nu-Mald'a mild, sweet flavor !!wed t'l. Yeaslr! "Table-G.ado" Nu·Mald'a better 'n ever! ' .
', _.11
. about my favol'ito Hprcnd. "Table-'
ECONOMICAL WAKDKOHE OU CAN· have a whole new wardrobe ' ot skirts with thiS easy to sew pattern. It requires just one yard of 'M-Ineh In the smaller sizes. Wear' It with gay blouses. sweaters or hlckets.
' -.t
NOTIUN' 1, n<.E s pread In' thll n llWi
" GIld AI ... Bo. ~IU, I'rlllWD. QlOrall·
Bellable seed dealers and their agcmts can usually be depended upon to oHer you only proved , new vadetles ot grain. be says. But
LOTS 0' FOL~S might speak from experience. but strUlus me there's lots more thnt leu l'ned from experlenoe nut I U Apcuh.
I Qeaien
q.dy DUff~. Bot Ron • can make Prize
sWeet RoDs tike ~! ~<"-
.~I1.1 the c910r a~tWlUy v.arl~• . In, UII#:t , Ih~de,. 'If ' both l1'~en a"d '
b .ue· depending on' how ,much b 'own pl,ment is present. . __
-==':'='====___ . Boyln. ·~Itt.r'
Lighter,.flufBer roUs, ri~ber IrOl~eD·brown, &eeher' k.eopiag, richen' tasting. And yciu'U find th_ t8ate-teuinc, home-baked sweet rolla lIO'eaBjI to ma~8. JUllt Collow the simple
. A. ',odVcl 01 AMEitCAN HOME FOooS
directions on your Dufi"a ,Hot Roll Mix package. Um·m-m goodl '
'.S. Far ,rl,'ti
.ot rllls-.v;.'t",".,·j 111'-1'" a.d .".r-f"", alii
, ..... .,. fe. . . •.....ne·...
. nne >bovine qalnmpl1!1 •...~r.. wIIkl1l aanl.", OD tile farm .r ..... 'hare,.' BIUa4ate. Nq
Tert. TIle cal... are aboWD wltIt UaeJr ......... italpII ..d ilia . . lIItdiuL hcIa ,. IIIrtJa ..., . . . . . . . . . . boYIne ....rId ..... u nnlr. It does
......... ..........
.1881 lot ProperI, Fed Lay MInt. Egg. .~ ctoe. the teed lof" That
I. tile queltiOll moat poultr)'l'nen .laIr. ..,.. ltermit 8c:b1a1nb. Norib J)akota aalatant pouItrJ', bUlbande D Ii'. ncoplud fact, .. ,1oIDta 'out, tba, UDleaa • beD Ie hit properl7.... wD1 ..t. Wt WOD't 1a"
_ted . . . . . . . . . . crI UII
Thursday, February 16, 1951) HolI.9 Jlreres UI Sf1l11" IIIU SpCl'l(~8 ot holly gruwln;: In vamlUS parts of t.he w orld unly about a dez('n Ire found In the United States The m ost IInportan t varfcty commer· c ,'a II y IS lIex para/:uayenl'lls, wh os e leaves are the source of South Aml"rica 's ' popular tealike drink male .
For Little Fenows With Big Colds •••
Sequence By R1ch,a rd IIUI WilkInson i
' DREAMED a dream. BRYANT He was In a garden. A beau·
qtiful girl sat on a whJte marble bench. and smiled at him across a pond filled with goldfish and pond !J1les. Bri ght sunshine ' filt(!red down through shade tree sand 'reo , fiect(!d th e gold in the g!.rl's hair. ·Minute Bryant k new according to Flclion that, all good dreams. L._ _ _ _~-' he was sup\losed to do something-poss ibly to walk around the pool and bow gallantly belore the girl. ' He began to \'(onder If he didn't look somewbat like ' an Idiot stand· Ing there: It ' WalI then' that he heard toot· steps on the tin gstone pI! th that connected the garden with the wide. screened·in .porch of the bouse. He looked , up to find Laura. bls sister. comlng into the garden. He was glad that ,Laura had come, For Laura Imew an about dream!, Ind could tell him what to do. "BryaDt!.. Laura eXclalmedl stopplnr : DD Ute pool's edge, aad looldue from him to the rtrl,' "whatever In ahe work) are 1011 s&anliine here Wh)" )'oll're posltlvel, rude. DorIa must think JOy brother Is stupid!"
, Maryland PTA leaders, representing a membership of 56,400, arra~ge a Brotherhood Week display at their state converitio~, an activity typical at PTA's over the nation and one from which more than 2,000 people benefitted,
Mother . .. the best-lmoWli hOme remedy you can use to reUeve d1stress 01 his cold Is. warming, comforting Vicks VapoRub. U you rub It on' at bedtime. ' It works even whlls the child ,lup,l And orten by morning Ule worst m1sertes of \lis cold are gone. Try It. Get t.hO one and onlj ,Vicks VapoRubl
o.bller, Girt MAmR.MIl .... • _ ..,... .u-,.._ ~ • l a b " - ~ OWl,...... ......
,_ ........... ,~-."
Sift llour. IIaklnI ~ .... ..,. ........ CuI III aboI1aIII.. sc- .. - " lila
• While attainment of world '~brotherhood" has appeared as chimerical as the Holy Grail, men and women ot goodwill everywhere are, constant~ Iy see~ ing it. 1rh is' is evid.~nced by obse'rv,ance annually of Brotherhood week sponsorE!d by the ' National Conference of Christians and Jews. In the phota at left, Jane Froman~ 'inger, receives a Brotherhood Wee k award.. In the bottom photo, girls of many religions and , national backgrounds j,oin in the universal lan!guoge of song.
f IIIQIS cereal Drill. .rilp Nabrll.en" Can't eleep? •• , T08II and. tum?...
Gat up in the morning Ceeling more tired than when you went to bed? ••• Then you'U find real encouragement In this letter from a man in Peorin. lUinoia: ''NervowlneM and 8leepl_ rughte were my two reasona (~r BWltchlng,to POSrtJM-and you can tell the world that drinking POSTVN ilUjtead of coffee ' [ ' quieted my nerves and made me e\eep better, thu. Ilnprovir\g my gelleral health t! ... ' ,1 , .... ~ 'Clltrm~'C'''ACTS; Both cofr~~d: tiea l:OAaiJlj ~:LitdTug-a nerves! stlmulantl So while mlmy people can drink .conee or tea without, ill-ell'ect; obhel'/l Buffer nervollBness, indigestio'n, B1eeplClllt nirhliS. Iilut POSTlJ)I con taillll, no I»\If~in.,ot thar drug nQthiIW ,t~t can poasibly C&UlIe nervousness, lndl': gestion. sleeplessness! !
MAKE tailS
11IfJ ••••
• • , • V,e JOUr ~DI,e,-Mu r«l~ lor •••
Iainer III ft&iae:rakllr.
PKHH9N Combread 'or YANkEE JOHNNY Cab
Oh. yes. that was It. It .was all Om is JOIlt recipe ••• working out fine now. Laura · had 1% . ~:.~::''l!' GI" I ~!'=:' asked her coUeg~ roommate. Doris • np J ,.". Vf~' ~ LaPlante. down for the week·end. \4 lHIpooit ..., 4l ft" or course, that was she. How stu· lIMIUr. Muter"'' ' ' Inlo • ",JII", boWl !tl, In tOrn meal...t ... and luaar If u-'tcL (:omblne pid of him . . :~r" ·::Ur~~.:~·t!.l~~ ~U~~,...:~~ So Bryant· walked around the FM ",." eorn b,ftUI: 't'Um ,M_ I'''... pool and was Introduced: He looked :~IJor~4~~ ~:;.; I~'-bakao~f:'ta.~: deep i.nto tlle twin black pools thllt ••,11 . .U· b.." ..... were Doris' eyes. and al?ologlzed. For muJIlm: F,III well •.--I I-Inc/I ~ His voice sounded odd. but that, of ~ 2abou.:,~t!~'~r a::l'I·!.'~~,!~l.r.t:: course, was because he ' was think_bout , doH_ m... mn... . ing that here was the girl he had FM 00'" .tlclt,: PIli •• n·IIHuod 00", been waiting for. ,tick ..'" .""gl ~ NIL 8u. 01' tOO· F , ..... .... 1to to u ..1._., PI!' .. Then he almost groaned- aloud. F. TJoI<a, _., ....c..,. a... , _ ",.1.. Dorls had looked and said It tont rr.Ml U4I omh , ... IU"'. V., v...... was quite all right and she really Jo ..... , (:ak. UM ,.uow ........... add ..... wpr, should have Introduced herself, but A JoroJ ClabO., Clrl Mtilttr·MIII ' he added so much to the scene. In Ihr !'ef./gerolo. helps C/UlckJy to standing ove". there so 'Straight and boke w.mrs. iinger-. si1ent. It was the sound of her brends. quickl'fll1a. voice that made Bryant groiln ! for , cookies. lind other;, 'r Inte",sUnj{ and rxhe remembered that it was aU a clUng home-baked dream and thnt Doris would soon products. be gone. Then suddenly it was night, and they were once more in the garden' There was a (ull moon and n gentle breeze ,and music drifting down on the still air from somewhere back ot the mal'ble bench:... , ' 1,1 \ '. '101 , ~ , ~"'eel{, two weelsi-'tilfii "1I11''''-if •. 'I " JJultll f( d II 1 \ ti:V-Bryant · w:t9n't ' 8ur' 'hlt l,. ... ' • • ..,0 c· ..... ·" , 1 4 ' ' ' ' . 1)11 1',[' -slhee <tile 'first meet'lng n' 'he garden: He bad a dim recollectIon tha' they wCU'tl glorIous weeks ot rfdlnl:' and golflng.and , ,liwlmming aDd danolDc-all with Doris. i
_.u, .
('0'" " ' " '
T WAS ONLY ,OC€ASIONALLY no"; that Bryant FemelVbered It w,s aU a , drellm. The drea~ of waking up dldn" affect him quite so polgnal)tJ,Y. That Is to ,sill; tt didn't ' ailect him u'ntll this n,ighl when they were aloce In the gar' den. Then: he was seIzed with a sudderi panicky /lensation. , ,h' " . And . so , quite abruptly Bryant turned and s!Lid without prelimln.
today-dnnk' PosTuu .xclusively for ' 30, days, See if "l'OSl'u" doesn!t belp yO~j Itoo, ~ e,leel! ' ?e~, Ceel bcItt.er, enloy lite mOMlt •.• INSTANT POSTUIdA Vigoro\l8 Drink made Crom Healthful WlIeat and B'r~II; it. Product of General F06da.
QeamuJsj~ rt~ prqmPdy,beauH II loa righl 10 ltJe of ~e.lIOUbl• . 10 help loosen and' opel germ laden
phlegm and aid ilalUre 10 IOOJbe aDd heal ' raw; cender, ioBamed broncbw mucous AleGlbrariCi. T.1l your druMue co sell fOIl a ~e · of CncImulaioa with the btIderilanCiias you mUll like die WI, 'il quickJy alII,.. ch. CClUah or you Ire to bin your money back.
CREOMULSION for CoUKhs.C!'tN~t Colds, Bronchitis
iI.,. ' lloopllftlll."on ,eq."eII. '.11 •••• '" are
81CK PEOPLE I. erunl n •• ' of p .. opel' ."aimen'. • to " _eelk~ .1 pr~ • .,rl1j"
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"la..•• ,Ph" ." "".111 or ,.," "
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*.lIt ••
U!l4 M......I.""•• ., ~ ... «:1 ~IIIIIDII ' ll, OIll_Telo"',•• REd .....' . 'MO"
Order'800te'. Quality (Ilick. Nowl A:..1d _
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~~t BOOla'. - . I I... clUck otr.... Clloo.. ,our6lU'!ft1' ....
IDedal No. I - '00 '-'1It1' IIftIller cflidla 001, ~. ,._k H~
5 No. 2-'00 CII • --..... ... II." DD1r --0tdirI0tdirI . . ~ wi 1 ex zo.. II'IIIlefa-SPlO"1.S
No.:t "'OOH~ _900I0Il. .. ... clolck. J 10 II • iI. a ............rltelOf_........ U.
BooM IATCIDES. .... . .n!lj...... _l¥ua ·
• Em,:!lating four chap, Iains ,who Pllrished togethe; Oil a troop trans~rt duri~g WorM War II, these ' fprmer chaplains (right) oin hondsin inter-creeda friendship. , They are ' (lett , to right) Rev. Charles 'T, Doolittle, ge~. )a~~" '(age~, Rabbi Harrj, Essrig, and' Rev. " Fr,1;i P. , "'arri~. I" the picfure below, sihool stu: dents, .,. of • Y'ashington, p,C" eire show,. .in a tele· yisioh flature to promote goodwill .' 8 m o,n 9 all groups in I{merican life,, .
Bryant alowly pua bls arID
about ber sUm
,m, In JUI17,cr.,.., .. In one.ahort week '" a group or people wbo ch.njed 'f6ria their Did dentifrice. 10 ClIo. Tooth Powder 'averIgcd 38% ",f,lItt, Ittl" by selenlific laL
Why, not ~hanae 10 Cllox JouneU? Bu, ,,' aries: "Dorls. darling, ,I ,love you. ClIo, lod., , •• M YOllr' I know this Is all a dl'enm. there· fe,elh can Itan 100kinc ..:. ;:o:::!r';t.; ,. ~ fore I'm telling you now belore I 6,i,1rU1 lom~rrow 1 wal,e 'up. I've waited · all my Ufe fot such a girl as ,you. I~ seems cruel that you'd come to me only In a 'drel\m. " . And Doris turned up her fllce to his. with the moon making shad· ows of her eyeli,. and said: "I love alcK_a .. Robbint lac., Brid,cpor': CooD. you. too. Bryan~ and I'm gll\d yoU waitep rur hardly ' know what 'I would have done had J dis· covered you belonged to some one else," 81'yant thought this over and de· clded that the dream he.d turned out just the way' he would have ordered. , He'd better wal5e himsE-If . up, he thought. before he did something to spoil it. BIi t bernre he could pinch hlmseU. which was II the conventional way' of waking app cation onesetl frpm a , dream. Oo~j8 laid . ber head on hi. shoulder. I ' , Bl?ant looked down at the gold. for the Ilf. of your plate. en head. ··Oorla.·' be Bald brokenly. !1.!,,1¥ p1..ta .... 1.......Dd ,Up 0' 1I..e, .... ...... •- 11 d d in _ _ DlOI<'O.rOfl.llosoft u ..' .. a a , ream, an a m In· ,--rorIDlCaD}, Plud-ua.. Hri~. ...,..Irlpoo u _ ute you'U be gone an~ I'U find mI' 1I.':::::LIa,'! .: b/IeC"d'!f!ldi ...rr~ • .elt alone. You're riot , real." t::'~~:,B.i~:.aaDl~ But Dorli laughed .ortJ,J and a FCtU' or 10_, lIluggled closer. Bryant ~Iowly a:=,.::r:.":f:"::':=~ put his am'! about her-...um .houl. : ' ' ' ' ~~~!".:.~~ der•. She wa. there, ,claM al_ln.t .... :r-~ all ~';...rn_ .. him. Her lip. were uptumed. end wiIII ...... .....".u.. 81 Bryant bent to Itl .. them. he ='~~~:="":'::""51"" knew that when again be opened pIa-.c.a ... _wd ....dlnctio... 1 hIs eyes, ,he'd Itm be there-aDd ~:.r,r."r:IJ="r:-:-~ =-~:"11' would alWl1. be tbv.. IIodI pIa_ .AI .............
me. ]
rabbet _.111.
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TII1'rt~Jl I\
E.tabll .... ed 1850
PAUL A, SCHERER ... . . ....... .. , ... ... . , .. • ..... Edltor and publl.her CECILIA J. SCH.ERER .. " . ................. Secretary and Trellurer
J'ullllhSf'd li:v r)' ThUrsday Morning III WRl'nes l'lll e, W lIITf' n oUllty, OhIo F,\1tercd 118 I;!eron ll cllls~ mlltter at Ih e (lostoffi l'e lit W aY lleav·lllc, O.hlo. Subscription Hili a-$] ,50 Pel' Yea r, In ntll'Rnce, In OhiO, $2. elsew~ere hODle Friday (>venlng-. Mrs. ClI:n l TllylOI' 11l' e8e l~Le ll tbe IlLernry .review - D.nd Mrs . Robert Hough f'Oli dll cted the !loclal activities . Several persons from the vl1 · By JANE FITE Mr. and MrS. Den Beckett en-. lage !I.ttimded the February meet· t ertalae'd willi I\. family ' dinner Ing of th e Wayne Tt;lwnshLp ·Fot'· mers Club nt th'e F. a'r Hills Parancl stork shower on Sundny com. pllmenUng tbelr youngest daugh- ,ty Honse In \' ayllesvUle, Tburstel'. Mrs . Carl Jones of Frnnkl1n. dllY. Vincent C. OIPasqualai, prln . Those' who attended were: }\fr . clpnl of the Emerson . School Ln Rnd Mrll , John Beckett Sr . and Do.yt n. w,14; the guest speaker, choosing as his tbeme, " 'May We tlle 1r lions, Mrs . an d M rs . GI r enn -'< Co ok an d f 8,Ill II y, '1\[. r., an d ' M1'8 , F ight Russia ?" Mr . - T\iPasquala\ BaroetL E;arv lJl nnd family and has re~umed recently from a to-· nnd fomlly of Ft '/l nklln , 1I1r6 . Da - ur of Europe. Tb'e hosts for the ve ElboQ nud c1nllgllter, Jacegue- meellng were Mr . nnd Mrs, Ronline of Morrow, Mr. and Mrs . aId Hawke. Eugene S'n odgrl\,Ss nnd family 'MI'. , and Mrs. Howard Graham and Ml's . Thelma Jones of the retuhned· lo their borne near the \' l1\oge and tbe guests of bonar, vlUage . Satnrday from a montbs MI' .' :in<1 Mrs'. Car] Jones : vacation In Florida . R ev. Jesse Oakely of AShland, M~. LIzzie Hough, 88ststecJ by Kentucky ~vi11 conduct a special bel' daughter·ln·law, Mrs . lWbert aeryJce ot the Methodist Church Hough, enter'tnl ned lhe Civic I,.eh re lIext alurday night at 7 : 30 ague at her home on Main stro:V.m. All persons are given II et Saturday evening . Following oillin! invJtatlon to attend . the business ' lfesRion, Mrs. RobThe Men's Community Club ert Hough presenteCJ a sons tnl met I~' regular Besslon at tb.e ctive talk , on the caTe of walls . IIcbool nuditorlum \Vedaesday ev· Mrs . lien Beckett- and daugh·enlng . The guest speaker was te ', Mra . Eugene Snodgrass en-. Wayne WI1l~ 'of C1arksvH1e and tertnlned with. a 'Stanley· Prodthe h08t lor the evenmg' were: ucts d6moBstratll)n party at ' the GaU Gordan. Ca.I·l MOQre, and former!!' m~ ThutS'day after· Clint Taylor. noon . Mr.' Genevle,·p Summy 6f Mrs George Wall entertained Dayton ' coJl'dn~ted 't he demonBtr1he "Welcome Bible Class" at her atton . Those who attended were: MfS . Glenn, ,Cook, Mrs. John BeI . dkett · Sr " ~rs . Carl JoneB, and Mra . Kenneth Dixon, all of Fra. nklln, Mrs.. Walter Donaldson, Mrs. William Campbell and Mrs. ON FARMS ' lJerahel Hlldebrecbt, all of Us,,"
terms assure repay men t ability. 4% will save yo um·oney.
their granddaughtel'l M~&. Che· ryl Dosler or Springfield. MI'. Ilnd Mrs , James Park ' and dRughlera. 'Peggy and 'l'eryl Sue, of Cln Innat! were lhe Buests on SlIndny of Mrs. Park's parentI! 11' 'snd Mrs. Harry S, Tucker~ 1\1 ra . H IIrold Bogan and daugb·tpr. B;u'b(ll'a, were tile g~eat. on Stllllrlla,), (If Mrs . Dogan's moth.. ~'r, 1\1 16 Nina Compton of Mason . ReI'. and .Mrs . LeRoy Hay and family of Marlon, Ohio were guests dlll'ing tile we'ekend oC Rev lI1Id Mrs. James Rader and daug· b rers, ~ar8 ba Alln and RutMe . M1'8 ' 4 _ S . Collett bad as bp,r dilln r gues ts Weilne sday, Mrs , Lilla CIII'I lind M(s . SUSie Qllllam vf Dluton who Is the hQuseguest of Rev . ancl Mrs. .James Radel' .
service- III belng- eltten~ cltizenll or the vlJlage '''' ]0'''''''' af the coruoratton. AI!y persolls having re Cuse which they del!lre to bll e taken IIway ur8 /I~kE!d to pln c'e It In any suitable contalnel' and deposit It 1u ('rnnt of their home s ea.rly Mon d "y mOI' nlngH. Cllrd board contain· C I'~ wll! be r emoved with the lnlsh uulells ' I hose ' \Ising lbem nullt'les the ' collecor, Leonard Ovnlon to the contrUl'Y . .
MI'. I\lld Mrs. John Syferd of Day tOil were gUests during the
weekend or tlle~r parents, Mrs . M'IIJ'Y Syferd nnd Mrs . and Mrs. H , S . Tucker Mr . and Mrs . W . Carl Brown hlld all lheh' gueats during the weekend Mrs . Bro\vn's Sister, l\lTs John Ba.bb anrl dnugbter, . Babb (If Colum' MIss Georgennne btlll .
Thomas Welch attended 8es. slons of the 'Ohlo H'ardware Mer. . hnnt 's. Convention beld In €leveInnd during tbe , weekend . Mrs . 1\(8.1', Coate of near WH· mmgton bas returned to her , h o. me rrom Christ Hospital where she was taken .I ast week fonow. ing an nccld'ent In her nome that resulted In a compound frllcture of the leg ~ Mrs Laura Shldal!AI' 8/1f:dBted In hOSflItallties by Mrs . E~hel Smllh entertained tbe Women's Sor,lely or .Ob rilitlan Service her home. Thursday afternoon 1011'S Glenn Hollingsworth' Is confined to Hale .Hospital In WIL mlnglon where sbe is: undergOing treatment and ' obserVation ' Mrs . Etbel Stump was a n'er guest Sunday o[ Mr. and Mrs. Charles yolers ot near here. \Vilbur Sb.l daker "" 'b 0 undel'went major op~aUdn a t. · Chr1!&t Hospital early tbls "month Is reported improving arilL expecl4lj! home before long . !'II'S. . Herbert Doster , The village council dealgnated as their houaeguest, each 1I,(0nday as trasll' collection
1~lwnt· AR\, Ill. 1950
l' ------------------LYTLE METHODIST METHODIST CHURCH O. E. ·BlIlIl;hll. PUl\wr R. -B. Coleman, Mlntster Church School; 9:30 A.M., Mr. lllll'I!'11 Sf' l' vlco, 9 :45
Mr . a.nd Mrs, J . R Heitman dlsposeid of all o( th Ir flu'm eauipmen'l and stock ' l1,l a IlUbUs auction Saturday . Tbe sale was In (' hnrge of tile Koogler and Sta ' Illey Co . ' with Hon-y ' Shldak81' and harles Doster IIR tbe clerks A' ninne l' wa s .serV~d at nOOlI b; lh e GJi3amers CIIISR of tbe Frlc_ nd s Church of Harveysburg . ?;Ir . Md Mrs . Cbarles 'Doater tlnterlwln d their bridge club Ilt Ul e ]o"a.l' HlUs Party HOUse Wayneflvl\Je. Saturday evening High Rcores for 'lhe .evening were bald by Mrs. Ulllan Carr ond MI'. George Wall The Fresbmen (jlas!! ot Harveysburg School s ponoored II Dn.ilce and VIllentille :Party ut lh ' 8('hool gymnasttlm aturday night. The g~onp . was chaperoned by I\t ra Wlnnlrl'ed tl\.rt' nnd Durdette Ja· kSOll . Mf' lIud Mrs Ob'nJ'les Doster and 1.fr ., ' nnd Mrs . Jl:rUiur WlIcJe 'attendcld 8esslons ' of I he Frlend'lI Quarterly Mf'etlng nl Waynesville S~d~ . • 1.1r' John " elRh has returned bllsll10!l8 trip In n orth er..
lU .
FERRY CHUROH OF CHRIST ,arid Mrs Ernest Hili IIII've rented tbe apartments Byron ' Carver, Minister DIble School. 9: ao. A.M. ovel' lhe Gordan Mllrket and !lilli, Mornln t; Worship, 10. : '30 ' A.M. Pray er Meeting, 7:0.0. P.M. to Il\O~' EI here In the nellr futnre Young People's Meeting, 7:00 Ml'l' . trm , lhe form I' MIB ~ Mal'Y Evening Services, 7 :30. P .M. He~lel', has lived In the Village pre,'loul3 ly allcl lItl:ended HarveYII- W 'A YNE8VILLE CHURCH OF
Harold Earnhart, Supt. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL . Wor,bip Service, 10:30 A.M. Youth l<~elowshLtp, Sunday, 6:30 ~tlUl u el N . J{ yS', R cctor Morlling Woreblt" 10. : ;$0 A.M. P.M. ' !;; h tlUUOII, MIlIl lI ll:r sunday Schopl, 0 : :10 A .M., MI·t! . JUDI"" GII.I·l'l son , $ Utlt . l'I'oaublng, Il:il. llllli 3nl. ::llll,.Iays or 1101. mouth . 10 : 30. A.M. I!;vellllll; Servlc ~I!, j : 30 P.M . Wll1l1l1l1
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Fnthel' J{ . H . Krllmholtz. Pflsl.or
CHRiST 1.f. a. C9fley, Minister
MaRS s, 8 anil 10 A.M , Bible School, 9: 30 A.M. Mornlng WorshIp, 10,30 A.M, CA'ESAR'S CREEK ' FRIENDS Young P eoples' Meeting, 6: 45 .Ale Partington, Mllltster Worship Service, 10. A.M. P.M. . Sunday Scbool, 11 A.M . ' EvenIng ServIce, 7:80 P.M. Prayer Me Ung I\.nd ntble Study Wedne8day~ 8 P: M. WAYNESVILLE F;RIENDS First Day School, 9:3U A.M. MT. HOLLY METHODIST Meelln~ fOI' Worship, jO:30' A,M. T. M. ScaCr, Minister 0--- ' Sunday School, 9 : 30. A.M., E. Sell that piece of farm machinA, EJarnhart, Supt. ery you' no longer nted with a Ga "Vorshlp Service, 10::10 A.M. zette, cl" .. lfled ad. Evening Service,. 7 :30 P.M.
"'r9 Wilbur hldaker remains '" 111 at ller home nenr Wllmtngto'1.
fr--- ·----~·
KI.e rs.' ·G ar.le . I· P~~E'
WAVNES, 2341
How &0 ,Wow au Once water r,eaC:~!!1 the boiling point, It csnnot' ,"0 higher In an ordinary cooklnl vessel, althoulh a rolling bon may llp~r to cook food faster than .an evan ,bon. TumIng. up ttfe heat to make! · water boil taster only wastes tuorl.
Believe II or Not ;A t;;ro~lp of rr1im~ s Ilnd relaUv· The IT\uJur use tor tmtt~rmllk now assembled at bl! bome of Mra -aside' from 100d for man and . lllanche Curr•• Slmdny evening for beasl-Is In '1alnt. · a surpr12e birthday party hOllor' wllo Is to celebring Mrs . Carr . aUr g ber annlverslIl'Y, February 16tb'. Those who attended Were: Mr. and VI'Il. EVerett OordaD and family, ' MI'8 . Jda Gordon, Mr. and MrS Raymond Adams' and tam__ , tly, M'r . and Mra . Emeraon Maa. ters a.nd .ons, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mbbley and lamlly, Mr. imd Mra ·. Robert Moran, ~nord " NJll. and Lenord Morall .
What III a Dtll
A Btu (Brttl~h T ... e 1'11111 I Unit) I"
• unit ot measurln:! !!eat, muc'h ti l" .ame aa a d.cgre> is n 11,, 11 for measuring tem pel·atul·c. A Btu L. the amount or h' ·fl l. rel111lred 10 ra.,e ODe .pound or \'. . 1M 0 , \1' [lcgree in temper"turt. A pou ntJ 01' coal produces approximately 12,000 Btu'., . Llxlltwel,ht Animal. Anll'!\als . that are losing weight are Dol good breeding prospects.
Ali Metal' troDiPe Tables tl.95·each
~ ,fMPR,OV.tNG
t l_'_~""'''-I~I_
L.e~on . ~ N.F.t.A.
'14" x17" and'. 18"x20" Stove, Pads
Room 5, Old Bank Building Phone 448 .
Sc~ool 'N.ews
E. 'BULBS .-
Waynes,.Ue :Furniture &Appli~nce Co.
Tho' 9tll(lenl8 or thE' third nnd ':fourtb grades of tbe Kingman School wtll pre s~nt II mlDlalrel at the P T ·A . Meeting bere next WAYNES~ILLE. OHIO TE1!EPHON£ 2422 WednesdaY evening at 8 p .m ,. . The cast wllJ 1:e under the dlr· ~c~IOtl o~ thelr teach~r, P4rs, I~;~==;;;;;;=================;;;::;=;>.l.....;.;;;;;;.;;~'
Ufffe,i,..." WII'IIt ....., . . , III .
c....,., ...·.... .,... .....
, ..............
.. .. #J. MI/ferd ~~r..., ,QIII.
I. It.
farrowed in COld weacJler have a tia:rd ~ lee}»-, . iog Waim without by t)e 'heaVy -so~ ro'Uins ". over on dlem. Use of an electric 'biOOcler ftcluces the 10ss'of , litde:pissu DlUcb as 50% dur;pg the 6a;st' to 10 days. accoMing'" L P. Blauser" Asricultural Enpring Sped!llist' of the Ohio State Unive,sity_ . '. New ~m pigs. f~rowed in ' tqne fot ~hing duri.Og . • bat marketing 1eIIOD, need • ~ ~,rneJ Wtiete they caD . . . . safe and comfoita"lc_:F~rt-~de ~iec:tric [lig b!bo'den are available" but any 'fariDer cUi m.ke practical home-~ ones such as ~e 6ye .ute4 00 the 'PauI'Ryan Fam.,~._1t #1, Milford ~ter, Ob19. I • MoIt.C'QIDIIIDD method 'is the ~ of an ~candescent limp "; of 100 to ~o watts, mounted in.Ja , sW.e~~Ic¢tor ....... even an old ..WDinum dishpan -Will Clo: 'SOJbe ~ 'the 'Dew l50 w.tt beat &.up with built-in reBeaOr:~biheis Uie Itrip ot I~ heaters of 150 to 200 ~ ot 8n'Uil~;red'heat 1amP,. Coles ruae·from.one to five cIo~ 8CCO~g ~ what parts have to be boUght. An ipfn-recl heat tamp'with rheostat for varyinJ output of the lamp may cost as mum as fifteea dollars. For ......... uul ~ lot meld.,. la_made pis . . . . . . . . JfIOf'COWlty .sr.icW~ apnt, .Ioal tioDal CIiIcbir, or the f.,... IepllllDIadYe of your electric:
.mce CCllllpiDy.
111. DayIII PI..r.d lilid ".,.., T_ ,-,'. .n.c .....,; s..-" .
, . ',M."':WHIO
The JunIor CIIIS8 s l\lJ hns a 1\' mlteil supply of the b·I .,e ' and gold (oti~ school n oJore-) beanie caps . They are just the thIng for those or you wh~ plan to be HarveYII. , , bl' ~g boo!lle~S at 1he Warren Co. tOUrl:lIlment t his year. ,aet y ntlrs ,whilE! th~ supply ]aSLI! . .,' Thle Senlor Cla~8 baa ~ho~ep the :nlght of April Ilet. ror their" clus, play . Although they have not determined' the selection to be given ev~~y ' conllideration will be t!~ken towards getting one that 'yoU 'wlll enJoy. The grade Btu.d ents Bre b\ls~ makIng attractive boxes for their annu'a l valen~ne e.l{change ~d part)'. to be give/l Tu"sdlloY after· noo~ .
-.r,ctrIc iroOdtr sav.. ·J.tIf ~I. tOr J*o!ItalHe *,a,~" Little
gen.e Pet~rson . This nArrnrm",";,,,io'. is h,elng glven : In exchange ' t~e ~,ne ~bat our schilOI lires n~ed their P. T A mee ~ lng ]Il;st Jan.
"..sere clescrtptln poe.
u"or 1IOte. iach It1IdeDt pampbletll
d..crlblllr hac!
.~l ftIC!el1J'111l froID tPID •
The" students of the. flfth gradp bave completed their Bludy of the geography Id the United Statea. Next. week t~e1 will be aaked to writ" from j memory all or the and th~lr respective caplEach of the Itudentl who In perfect papere wtL be g,l cancly baI by tJleIr teach· . Webb. The Education Service' b.. beln aeadln,
• •
~B I E ~ -
L···C·tH·ER ., S. ~
THUnSDAY, FP,iDnUARY 16,1950
_I _ _ ..,._ ..-......)....
window. HIs tail bellaD to twlch as she cllmbsd Up on ille W1liilOw sill. She made a. fwny little chat.. tertne nolBo With her teeth and her- Ilyes looked bigger and rou· A Farm Diary nder than eVer , 1 was glad tbat ~y D, J. Frazier sbe was Inalde, nol outaide and ........___,_ _ _ _ _ .o. it 1a a. warning that I must put ~
Dry Ridge
and some kind at catproof protector around that tree If I am going more rain, mud and 'more mud , to feed tint hlrda tbere safely , Some one said Lhat We have had As I aat here wrltlng . le~ters about 22 l~Cbes of rain since the the otber day I heard some crows first of Jwnunry . One of , the bard waldng a COlllmotlon a.nd looked rains I llBt . ",e It brought Ibe last ouot. In the top or the old locust or th frost out of the ground lTeO w.hose dead upper branches und sellled It nud It had begun are a favorite bird rooat, there • to dl'Y 1I1l. then ca.me thlll rain was a big bawk alttlng aU hun"nd the grollnd i8 Boggy agnln , ched up and rlylng ~ound diVing It is , stili. WIII'Ill Rnd., bellevo It at it were several crowa. They 0 1' not lh o groundhogs are out' L kept It up WI they were Joined by nt loast one at tbe boys 'said he. Bome more crows and hawk !lnlV two tmd that be fonnd a must' have deolded that the ' odds number of newly dug boles , But were ,gettlll8 100 much L,qatut It: they say a cold wlwe Is on nmd new away. The crows follo· waY and I am bot tlng we get wlfd but J couldll't follow tbe thllt e )Ctra six weeks of winter crows ao J could not learn the sometime -peforc warm weather . end of tbe aWl'}'. , com es to, sfay. ,The blrrts are singing 1.I1moBt ' The day of weaning bas come rut last fOr the little Gllernsoy hee v ry m orning. mostly ,Bong sparIfer .. This mornlnR ehe bad her rows bu t yesterday· tbero was 8l1last meal o~ cood warm . milk, at olller 80ng t~at I did not r~ooglell8t we h~pe sbe can't get out 1112e, There are a. few cblckadees and tbat It wUl be her last. now tbat come to ent suet -eVel'}' day sbe must live an hay, and cal! now . Y elleerd~y DLano. caught pellets _nd w~at little graS8 sbe s lgb t at' th'e m trolll the kitchen can find In the calf lot. Sbe wul' I-ehmary 13, 1950. ' Rain
It 11 • peraonal lniu.llce to permit oneself to be . • perplexed about any tu- ' neral. matter. We're always wllllJlg to furnflh h4m,esl Information,
~tubbsl Funeral Home TELEPHONE ' 2291 WA OHIO
have the bigger . Jersey belter for company and we hope it will work . properly, ac~rdln« to Bcbedule The almanac said that It wu a good day for "eanlDg youne an· Imals We won~t know h ow 'much she wID bawr until t.on.lght When 8~e mlaaes her IIlce wlttm aupper. Poor . baby, bel' COlter brother will get all tlie milk tonigbt arid he Ie beaded for the stock yards, Literature and 'letters continue to come in about "tbe Churcb and Economlo Ule," '. do not see hoW' tbe ohwcti which IB a orols·seetlon of eoclety' can do more tban lay down ', broad princlpllles without aiding agalDat parts of her membjlrahlp In many cases, There are calel wilen one group Is def_ InItely 't he under-dOli but 110 many of our under.dols ha.vII grown str,o ng In these days and are just ae g'r8jlplng for llower as ' tbose who uaed to be on top. Our gov· enunent wu fOUl1lled to prevenl'
tyranny. Human nature -being what It I. hoW' can we alwaYI count on our dictators to be I.enevolent? Wouhl labor be ally better rulers for tbe ' rest of us thlllU management? Cliln. you control lhl" and tbat without throw· lng the whole IIcheme OlLt of baJ· ance and bavinr to control everytblng? We saw tlaat happen Willi rationing . It meat wei ra.t1oned, 'people eat eggs and they become sMrce and so on. You Jlmit one tblng and somthlng else becomes 0. surplus. Perhaps It ti! a good thing that potatoe and egg support has been 8uch an 6-xpen&lve r,U .co 10 800n. I can not answ_ er these questiOns and I dO\lbt tbat even ,a study c.nference cai. led ~)" the Federal Council o.t Churchea 'can get very far, There Is a natural conflict botween the humane Ideals of Chrl8t1ans and the cold bard 1a.cts of buman Dature. and IndivIdual responsibility , How much can you 110 for -any one with out weakening their senBe of responsibility? CaD the government Bpend us In rlghteo· UBness? Are government's so called free servtces tree? If not who pays' for tlielD? How loq can you "!loak the rlcli" with out taxing big Incomes out at es:lstaiice? Tben who pays? They say that has already happened In ED&land. Some of these queatlons are my own and some or them I got oilt or John Flynn's book, "11he Rand Abead." H'a ve 'you any answers?
8y MR8. WALTER' KENfllQK Mrs. AlIce , Trickey. aD tDvaIId for several yean. ee1ebr1.teIl her 89th birthday annIvenary Saturday, FebruarY ' 11, at ' the bome of her BOn-in·law and bu. ghter, Mr ~ and MH , Irvin Har· rls. Mrs , TrIckey , wahel to tb· ank fl'lenda and relatlves for the many birthday cards ahe recel,' ed , wblCh she ejoyed very muoh. ]41'. an'd Mrs. Bobart CJilaIrmel an.d Mr. and 1111'1 , Earl Clark of Dayton spellt Saturday W1U. tho· lr , parents, Mr , and Mrs. Wal· ter Clark and tamO,. . .
Huts and ...1.,..,......
l\fl' . anll M'\'s . Seth Furnas. Mr. and Mrs . HlLrold ,Whitaker and daughter and Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Durnett attended lbe Farm· er's Club, entertatned by lIIr. and Mrs , Ronald Hawk:e at the Prestou Party ,H ouse near Waynes_ vllle, on ·Thursday. Miss Alberta Jsrslnllock of Way· neBv1l1e nnd Mr. fIIntou Jonlls lit tended Ii fo.miiy dinner of tbe former, In Oakwood Saturdsy evening.
.. . . .
SaD thl'OUlh -life wttlt the atlurance t,h at 'Jour tlUDD1al troublell will b4 protected bY a reiUlar drpoalt In ,.our .avlngs account .t:
By MR., HILV GIBION 1If,. , Rnd Mrs Raymond Osborn of Xlln!a called on Mr, and Mrs. rr----r~ne;:;.o.n DIll Sundo.y afternoon, Mr' . II.rtd Mrs 1IIIey GIbson spent Sundny everllng with Mr :
Dan Simpson wbo racked up 316 polut8 for the loca.l caus e . Jack, Tinney follOwed next wltb 276 markers to get second place wtille Harlsn Eeuhart came up third racking np 140 markers tor tbe Spartans , Harold Stunley netted 133 tallles-v,.hlle Wal'ren Sbeean collected 129 to round out t.be let five blgh Ii~res. . Dick ' ·Lawson counted 33 polDts ilI1d ;.:r. Le~ cf. Banlon had 32 tor · tlle SJ1ar~W: wllile P.m.ery.' ~ns, Davre Ho.. 1't8ock. Jerry Vickers, Jim Jor· daD/ ' 'l£qfM ¥4 JII1~I " treters ~4 .9, 5, 3. 2, 2 and 2 pol.ta respectively. ,
A FUNERAL SERVICE AS WE OONDUCT IT lan't 1I~1Ited to the mere mechanlca !)f performance , rt II ratber all effort··to 11gb ten t~ Impact of 'berea.vement and to 11ft the contWllon aD" ..' n .... r. atDty t~t conrron~ a fa,mUy made ,dNolate wIth autS4ea. leparatloD•
" PARTIAL~Y ' Full-coverCige. as provlded by the Farm Bur~ N~ua1 AulomobU. laaurcmce Compcmy of Colum))us, Ohio. coaBia'- of fire. c:ompreb.iw.e. col· UaiOD. ~operty dc:unage, bodily iDJwy cmcl mecIic:al payment, .
•t ·
. i "\.
Dem't tak. CI chance OD Partial protec:tiOnJ complet. iDJormatiOn call-
, PHONE' 3323
, A~ T~.J.lUJM
1~.FE8.1S TH_U
fWIC,E DAILY tho Sundayl .. 2.oo • • ,t~ ' 10TH FRIDAYS , , . , ••. 2:00, 7,15' •• IS
anll Mrs , Harry GibBon, Mr , and Mrfl , Ervin Glbson and Mr~. Emma GlbRon of Bellbrook ,:M I '. and M1'8. Lewis Tomlon of Dayton , Mr : and Mrs. Lewlll Crawford and dau(!;,bter, DoDna. of Xonln cll.ne~ On Mr . and Mr.. Olnren ~e Cmwrord 'Sunday after· noon MI' . Wl!bur Dodd or Dayton called on 'Mr nnn Mrs George Br. atten Monday evenlng , MI'S Tbomas Rnn'yon, Mrs. Rily Gibson, 1.Irs Monls Lewla s pent Tuesday, , afternoon wltb Mrs, Wnlter :Sml,t h a.nd Bon and 'Ml's Ester McI<e lrey and chnd· ren , MI's ~'IY'P. biltl Lucas nnd ~hii dren called On I\lrs , Anna Lucaa Sunduy. ,. ~lrg. L)!cae retuJ:DecI h01ll1" w;tt h them to s pend a ' few daya . Mr , ' #!ld Mr~ ,Alfre4. MQrgan aud ra~lly s pent Sundny even· lug wltb Mr , and \IiI's , Earl JOo hnson of Xenia , M r , nnd Mrs , Ernest Earnhart flnd son Dn.vld. Mis8 Clara I)au. ~. ,te;R, anll Mr , o.nd 'Mrs. O. KeHinger Called on friends In Kings Mills SundilY afternoon , ,.. Mrs , Thomas Runyon tUld Mrs, 'C!lI.rence Crawford were In Xenia sbopplng Friday attel'1lQon , Ml' . and Mrs , WlUlnm Daring an!! Mr, and M'rs, I.ayde Thomp. 800. spent Monday evenlug wIth Mrs . 1II.0rr1B Lewis and children. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Admlnlfatrator Estate ot Frances Brannock, Deceased . . Notice III hereby given tb.t Thomas B. Brannock whole Peat Office Address II South LebaDoD, Ohio, has been dilly nppolnt~ a. ~dmlnl8trator of tbe Est.te 01 i 'rances ·BrantOOck 'late- of Warren County: Ohio. deceased. ' Dated this. 28th day of January 19!;iO, . 'RALPH H . CAREY J u(1ge of the Probate eciurt Warren Gounty, Ohl.o Stllnl ey & Stanley, AttorneYs ' Putll18her Fob , 9, 16. and 23, 1,950.; NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ' Estate of Nettle Tinney, Ji)ecea~ ed, Notice is bereby given that 0 , Donald Dtlatush whOle Poet Of· (~ce nddrellll Is Ubanon, ObLo rau been duly appOinted I\S ilzecutor of tbe Estate o~ l'iet,t1e Tian., late' of Warren ecimity, " olilo, dece,yW , .Dated this J6th day of Januu;. 1960. RA~ ' H. CAREY Judge of the Probate Court Wa~ COUDty, ' 0blo Donald DUatullh, At~orn.,. Publlabed February 9, 16, 23, 186t;
BOVIDe Colealnam "I\tel ta,litJ rt~' In vttBlllinI, ""coIo.trum ,(lrn mUll; after ' ~ c:onfelJll .ubstance. tIla' . . . 10 ,rowCl ·b .b, calv.. a,.lnal .....roUl4l .......
aOT.. SATUROAYS , ••• \:15,3 ,. 5 ' .,1$
Clowns' PrOIOlue Startln. H."·Hour .Irtlll
Mr. ' Carl Greathouse of Day\.On wns a: Snnday evening din· net guest of bl uncle and auilt Mr. and l\frs. Clyde Whorton.' Cal'l aald bls fathnr, Arthur Gre. athouse, Is very 1111 at hie home Dan SljJIpsob l'~ked 7'1 at bla in Ft . Myers, Florldo., points (In' fr. . ~ t1Jtioo,wa IlittlDg tor , MI' , ond Mrll , Harvey Burnet a ve~ fi ~ -' 'l~ . % while Ha'rold an,t! Mr. Seth Furna.8 a.ttended Stanley was secOnd In tbe tree lho t}uarlel'ly meotlng and bas' throw deparlm~Dt ' hitting for 62 ket dinner Sunday at 1'r1e- percent. nd's Churcb 1n Wayneavllle. .Rev . and Mr$. Bernard Baug- - The scoring race on the resel' hu. Mr. and Mrs , CharIeR Tum. vea was very close with Emery bleson aDd Mr. and Mra, Vern. Robblna ed.sng J1m Jordan 131on Pursley attended ~e Method. 130 PQlDts. »ave Harta~' W'aa 1st ,Brotherhood MIBetlng and DI.. .third wIth 113 markera aDd AIwier at Morrow M:onday evenl~, Ue, C~rter followea n"clfng 61 . Rev B h Blll Stubba -.:rat Mil ' with 41. " aug D, tbe Lytle putor, WIlB the apeaker. The remalndar of tbe rMerva , Mr . and Mrs , Daniel Gilliam scoring was Pete Keya, 21. Jel'MI' Ilnd Mrs , John, Gilliam of WI: ry Vickers, U, JerTJ Copu., IS, ImlngloD, Mr . and Mrs , Jes88 ,;JIm ;JOD88, 12. ' George Hartsock, Pendergast IIlld daughter or Way- 10, aod Bob lIIoraD, I, n'~~vme were Snj1~d'.ly ,.rternoon Thursday nlgbt Horrow takes C'h er!! ' of MI' , and Mrs, Seth Fri. on OarliBle In th& fIrst game of rnas, Jr. and craJg;bter . the tourament while l{:lnga MlU's M 1' , and Mrs , Campbell ,LeWIIl meete Harveyeburg in tbe second act! ' . Vernon Purs- ~ame, • . M r, and Mrs le l ' attend8(l 'the 1)0-50 dances al ' Springboro High School A dl The Spartans play SprIngboro lUm held u tor· in the first game on 11bursday hll , eVllry two woeks The ' I b' ' n g t w e Mason, who drew a next dance wJU b o next Saturday by play the C evening, February 18th 1 e 8, arllllle-Morrow winner Ill. the lalter :CODteat, .
• • • • •
The Waynesvlle Spartans, wbo complted a. very respeotable 17·S - won , and lost re~:ord during th'e season play- jpurney to Middle. town Hlgn Scbool ' Gymnasium to lalle on tbe Springboro Pantber. In tlJelr first Wan'on County To· urnament game. The 81'1al'tau9 w:bo came thro,ugh tile sen son wit,h a 64.05 point a vel'age per gamel were led by
a.waa La_ emptor" ., clvWan
' IAr.'"
m, the " .ovemmellt fa the Met .ma ' de~t. lbe Dext la
Vltlrml' _dm'p'a\rat1oD,
CIRCUS Sales ..·
- Serric::e
ADd pod u",a II lut year'a suit looka ",om u4 lhabbyl . ' Send It to UI - wel1 .re• tore that trim. IIII&I't 10011, mab It ,look lib • .,,1
AU AboQt our Price on
We are at J01ll' aervlce with the tlneat of ... 11114 oua to keep ,.our' ear rullDilq In tip top ahape tbh wlDter•
m.ta1latiOD and Gas •
Spring 'ClUe, Hardware to.
*.003* * * * :* GIN. ADM.
s-. .. $'.1'3,
...... NOW at
BOB SEam ,
· : ; I... .
Thursday, Februuy 18, 1950
- ------
."" .. n..,' ______ ._ ••• __ I • • • • • • • - - - · · · l :::: fJH" I I!I . ~ IJ. . . I • ..,:a •• I!2I • • II • • • I • • • • • •
By Po inting Designs
Tables Can Be Center Of Interest in Bedroom or Bath ·.r By Ertta Haley OUl'UN TEIS THE WOMAN F who hA s' a d ressing ta ble In her bed room or ba th fo·r here she
---_ _ , ... _
Versati.h!...La.mp :-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:..._ _ _ ,
can primp to her henrt's content In h~ r own dom nin. As for d eco· ra tion. she ca n m ake hc r t able fr ivololl s AS he r mood, as sophls· tlcated or dc\nure as he r person· aJJty , or ' as cheerful an pretty as th e plenses. Tn bedroo ms, most of the decora · Uoh is ct'l1 tercd on the bed Itsel!, but it a cha nge of s.cene Is des jred, Ihe tocnl poi'n t ca n ea sily be chon,!!ed 10 tbe dressing ta ble. If you feci that something new is req ui red. th ere's nothing easier Of simp le r than II new dres sln~ lable m otif. Lovely materIals whIch are color· fuJ a nd pleasing are to be found In great abundancoe. Sewing is eBlY. and the time It takes to convert a drab and cheerless bedroom to a gay and pleasing ·one is Simplicity Itself. The style of bedroo!!, Of b.a tb usua Uy dictates' the deeorative motll for t~ dressing table, but this II usually not too Ilm Cting since r a v 0 r a b Ie errects' are , easily achieved without destroying bal· ance or unitY In the foom. If you're "Ianning to re-dp , the dressing table, make construction changos It they're necessary. In· stead of havIng Just a table top for Jewelry boxes and cosmetlos, in· vestiga te to see II you can't put a
. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ ..a _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S RI P TUR I!: A t. 1 ~ ' 1 ,,'5: G n l ntlns 2. DEVOT IONAL R E ADING : J ohn B: 31. 36.
Fight for Freedom LeSSDn for February 19. 1950.
----. 11 11 ____
THERE ARJ!: TWO KINDS of flOME PAINT GIFTS . problen:s With Bv in!! things. One Is the kind of proble m ca used EVEN IF you have never by Its Jrowlng too ras t: the other pa mted before, you may turn Is the problem caused by not grow- tin tray s into handsome gifts . Ing fast enough . The' early church Boxes, . cans and glass jars Inay had mostly the fi rst kind 01 prob· be made into containers for cigar· I I~ m . At any rate it was taking in a ettes lInd lrlnk e ts: 100t of members whom the older flal\e lrn 290 h lu I' Dcln. desl ne and compl e te d l r e c~ o n8 . Price or o r.'ie rn Is Christians f 0 un d Ue • . Sen d order to : strange. At first WOmtKSIIOl' PAl'TI!:RH SERVIOB Ora,.er 10 aU Christians had lII.dr.w. DIU•• fertl. been Jews ; no onc Utought of anything Honduras 'fimber else. But In Anti· Lonu1eaf yellow pine timbers oc'h, las we have squaring 20 by 20 inches and up seen. and e. v e n 28 feet long are being imported more as the church .' spread westward Or. ForemaD into Gull ports I rOI}l Hondur~s around the edge of the Mediter- and Costa Rica . The O. S . forest &II lIlupeulvl!, portable comranean, the Christian churches were servic,e repor.ts that Honduranian bination . nn aud intra·red. tilling up with nor·Jewlsh mem- forestl, may ultimately yield 50 iamp Is DOW ,.vallable to use milli0l1 board feet of thil timber . bers, just as they are today. whether ,,.011 want to atart ee~ It Is no secret that In the Masontlu.r ~lIr vitamIn D or 'to reIc order there are 33 degrees. It Une aohlna muscles. The Is not possible for a new member lamp. _I,bln, only ! ~ pounds to be taken. right bito the 33rd detravel. easUy and stores In a gree the first night. ,Everybody baa smaU Ipace. lliade of pressed to go through the lower degrees .teel and alumlnnm, It has a which a re ca lled the Blue Lodge. high Intenslt)' altra·vlolet tube NQw many persons in that early with an Intra· red unU which church thought of the Jewish faith wUl ,Ive 1,001) bours of service. as a sort 01 Chrls tl<\ n Blue Lpdge. All the very earllest Vhrll!!arouncl .. The skirt. gDes just past tlans had . be eo members of the sides 8n~ ends where the table that IOdre; wby ShDUldn't every Is flush against the ' we.ll. ' If the ODe else be the same? So wben skirt Is 10 be gathered · or rumed Paul and Barnabas came back or plea ted, you'll need to mwtiply from that hIstorIc mlsslGnary the original measurement by two tour Gf Cyprus and points "Isuflfered or two and ' one·half· to get the prop· Dorth, teUina abGut the larae Medicines er fullness. Dumber Df new Christians, I I're, akllnst:'f~;;f:;;;;;:;::?#;.t for me,my The second essential: measure · BRAN UI these Gld-style Obristlans ShDOk oe!;e8l. Believe me, . ment 15 the length or the skirt from their bei-ds. feellil~e II new ma nI" top to floor.· TC! thiS. ' add th.e aUDwPDW was by·passlng the Blue Sam Plesky, 10517 ance for the hem or casing at the Lodge: he 'was tnklng In members Cbulclhil1Av.,Cleve., top. who had not ·gone through· tbe propO. J 1JJs! 0'18 of 71I4f1.U 'YO'" ",.,lSi·" B unsolid led /ellers/roln Remember, too, tbat where sep- er prelimi~"8rles, Ute first degrees. A.[;~BIMN lUer8.1.f . 'show rack or. lome 8torage chests arate sections or Ihe skirt meet. WOll slUO'er trOIJl con· \ll1derneath the .top. This mily reo as at the coenter front Dpening, the What Makes a Man . sijplltion due to. lack lease some ex.lra, need,ed space In figu,re or pattern ot the ' fabric, If I A Christison? of dietary bulk, eat an ounce or tnaty any, showd match . . pAUL KNEW a real .Christlan Kellogg's ALL-BRAN daily, drink a crowded closet.: .' Glass .or mirror.' topping "should wh!!n he saw one. So did plent.Y of wate r! If not co-mpleJc1v Racks to fit dressing table sur· eatislied arier 10 days, send empty faces m ay be purchased-.9r e MUy be used for the dr~s5 i ng table , be· Barnabas. And the two of them carton' to Kello~8, Buttle Creek, constructed. Slurdy boxes may be' cause of Its ease in cleanil)8. If you knew. rig"t dow,n in their souls. Mich. GET ( DOUBLE YOUR 10und In your own store room, or have glass. it 's a good Idea to' cut that !.hey had seen real conver· MO . ElY BACK I that's used in the room &ion8, geowrie c ases · (If pe rs ons wall,Paper they m ay ~e.: puc.chaseP for a nom· inal sum, And, If you don't he.ve to gO' under It, as this m akes for com ing out of paga n d nrkn ess Into un ity ah9 harmony . \)Ii,th the -rOQID•• · Christian li ~ht, wlthol!t belne J ews a dr-esslng "'table ' but · want one: . 11 waUs are. ,p.aln1eli, select a· pl#t~ at all. even (or I five secon ds. , eoar eJ10'tlgh7't~~ con ~trti ct ' Dr e "The vital 'ques \i on wa s simply at a bq<\ rd set 9rl top .of, two sep- ·colored ; pa pe r to -m,atcJi !he walls t his : Wha t ma kes a Chris tIan '! The a ra te , boxes If .. YOu l wbnt · some· to eo under the glas8. • " old ·style CbJ;;istions: who ~B d beeD;. thing si mple -and realJy~inlixpen . -How io"'"Flrilsh Your ... Dressing Tabltu Bkftls • J ews the mselves Dnd ~tJll \Vere. sive r For plaIn g~ thel'e~ skl~ 'h lch for all ' 'thelr ' Chri stian taith. said: Make Your OW1l Pattern are very, popular, hem Dr ~n lSh Unless you ' a~e' clrcumelzed and FOIl ' Ta Ie Skirts the bot lam edge II'S desi red. A keep all the.,:, IBws of' IY\os es. YDU SInce Ihere is sucb variety hi sl~ple illeh O!.~ h!!l,! Inch, hem is cannot be saved- l;'0l.l cann ot even dressing tables, Irs usually not used In many .case s, while others begin to be l!!, Cbnstla n. P.aul a nd have a ruffle attached to the sklrL Barna bas- not alone. but as spokes· The "ide edg!'!. ,lIhould, be finish. m an. for many others In the church .ed with a pla in bern that matc~e8 1 -sald : '(ou are sa~ed by faith . . the ". bDltom. 'The top of the skirt Is The Jcrl.\slllem Christians saId: fin ished with Ya bern, but It' ihol1ld Yes. ,you are saved by faith, AND have tWilll!~ ., t~pe stltclled to the l)y. k.e~plng ~e !a~ of ~o~es. Paul wrong !ride It cal'! be attached tb saId . you are saved ~Y faltb, the table in' the\. easiest possible period. . . way. The twilled tap'e Is stitched How They Settled It to the. wrong sltle of the shirring. WAY that problem was Skirts may be attached to the settled la, a model for all table by tacking througb the tape with simple tbumb tacks or even Christian cl)ur~hes with problems carpet tacks. Anotber way ts to 'In their bands. First of all, the ngument was tirought out Into the wood open; 'it was .not a whispering cam. tS;tt:f~=========t~A~n~eiia~8~y.::;w~a~y~to finlsb tbe top of paign. Second. It was settled after the skirt Is to make a narrow ,Ivln, bQIb shies plenty" ot oppor· " 0,. ·""ll-li".., flai,.". ' casing as one ' doe! 'for a curtain tun!', for: fuU discussion In pUblic. pDsslble to fln~ a pattern to fit 'all then run a cord and ribbon through Third, It was, settled not Informally types. ·However. there's no trick it to ' gather for proper . fullness , ·bu. by a church council, a grDup of AnDther good way to dress tht' representative leaders, not by a to making the skirt as It aim table Is \0 ulle a pia In solid mate-,. simple majority vote of aU churcb inV(llvos drapin& the right rial a. an underskirt. This may bt. members indiscriminatelY . Fourth. and width ot material IIround top hemmed and attache~ to the table~ It was settled (as the. reader of Acts "fwo basic measurements are es· Over the soUd material. use I I 15 may see) ' by appeals to fact and ' senlla I before buy.!ng the m,aterlal gathered skirt or ' organdle. net 01 to Scri plure. Finally, Gnce tbe 'Ieaderl bad Mensure around the lable top so other sheer. made up their minds, tbe you will .know · the yardage. An Sw<\gs or rlllbcn . may be us"e~ tp eburcb at larce accepled their sklrls ~re not covered eU Ihe way decorate the top edge of the table decislDn prDmptly. wlthDu, fur· II desired. These' shoule! be ta'ckllll ther bickering. This has been securely to the top edge with blll ~ the pattern for tbe Christian , fabric strips or nowers. t. . " church ever since. tbDuch alas! li"or olhe.r etfects. bDX pleats are It has nDt always been. follDwed, popular. Measure material to al. low for generous pleats. fini sh the There wowd have been fewer bottom with a hem and the top church splits ;,t the example of the with ' tape as for t~ gathered skirt. early churcb had been more ser· after the pleats have been stitched lously taken.
' •••
Be.... iii good eating' and lote olit. Cboia. lenn heer . .. plump, mea!" red beane and JUIl·risbt sauce tbat i. truly Mexican. yO.t 1101 100 hoi. Like all Van Camp'. [we food •• lhla delicious chili i, ready to-
• • • • HEAT· EAT. ENJO, Y
• • • • •I • • • • • • • • • i
t"bl,. . •.
F/lith and Obedience Many Fabrlll.~ . DecDratlDns SSENT1ALLY. thal first great I\re Readily 1\ vallablo church cDuncil decid ed on the The re's no Urn It . to . the fabrl os which may be used. for dress lllg side of Paul and Barnabas. But table skirts, bul they should go ' they did not throw the Old Testa. well IVlt.h. ll)!! b.e~roorn or bath Por m ent overbOard . The m·oral . low' femi nine . informal bedrooms the wns as good as It ever wns. But nowered or . ,Ialled ohlntzes are the council showed. once and for popular, . but a good choice might all. the true relations between alsO' be made- f~om one or two of Christian ra Ith and obedience 10 the following!) orgimdle. volle, the law of God. There Is JUII' ODe dDDrway to Ninon, embroidered materials, gay the Father's IIDase, the doo ... gingham., ~ net. Gr sheers such 18 way of talth. We do not hne to. curtain m.terl .... Ileep the ·I,.. af Moses, or· an, Praetlesl skim include tufted tel 01 la_, first. ' We' are mUBlln~ and . plastIcs. the latter el. .Anel BY obedience. peclally lood for bathroom dresil· We are not ' laved FROM· obedl· in, table. athce, they can be ence. Bllt we are aaved FOR abe· selec:led to m.tcb .hower and bath• dlence A Christian'. obedience to room cilrtain •. God Is not a way of eamlna God's For more formal bed and dren· ,oed· will. It .. a grateful ~eS]lOnle In. room.. choose the skirts from to God'. ,race And that mllke. aU taffetas. .aUns, · quilted fabric. or the dlffeemce In the world .Ilkl. You might even DIe a com. 1!1 til. Inll,n"llunal <'DUlle II blnatlon of fabrIc, IUch a. a latin 01 ,CaPr,'II"I Ret 110... EducaUon on bebal' ot 4CI underskirt with an embroidered ~U'IIt;:!ludr~~~:"jnau.::n., R.I.aled ." or,andle Dvel'lldrt.
eol'.me jewelry,
IDe aDtl p, ID the eanent 'albleD e .... ' .. lallill.
lie. 'ldeaL
ever ..
POI' example.
&bere'. .... a_ riP! bull, bI pld flnlah, 'made ... ~ ...... . . . . IIIe aeeIlt ......Ita'
lie belIer ,aU for DOlDr an- ., ~UIoD ..... ..... ever..... pearJ1i• •" , IclclM .. pl. . . . aDyer .. lleep.... ...... wlllter ...". ..... larDed
..... 1CIbI1I._ .....,.0
....... II . . . . . . .MIlI'I.
....w.,.., .., .....
know the soil conditions on B farm thall anyone else, it is only Datural that are iri a.better pPSition ECAUSI you 10Uf'
you to~ecide which type of ,tire will do 'YOU.,
job' best ~ the .Open Ceoter ~ the -Tr~OD Center. if you prefer the Open Center. you will want the MW IItId mOf.1 iIII"'MI~8d Open Center Tire •• , tbe Piteltone Curved Bar. It is the oo1y lopen center tire with tapered, power·a:rc trUtlon bars for muimum 'traCtioD; 8ared tread ope0U;a8s for positive, quicker d~iog; aacI ,brio punch proteetoa for ~., body
If your choice is the time.tested and time· proved traction center .eire -
then there is lust one tire for you. " . the fa1J)C).US EirestoQ( patented TractioD <;:eoteG Tire. Thousands 01 farmers the nation over will have DO o,he' tire because they have found that this,tire j>el forms best in the soil ·conditio.ns on their farm So th~ choice is yours, Get the Firestont Curved Bar O»>en Cencer 01 .the. I-..nou. Firestone Tm:tJOD Center. whichever will de the best job oq farm. And remember t~ere .i. 0!l need to ',bop around, Oal, Pms~ IJVes you both. SEE YOUR NBAB
BY FUlESTQNB DBALEIl OR STORB. u"..10 IIw VClluoJ PinsIoN"." 1III.0fII/IJ...., GiIw
Thursday, February 16, 1950
PARTS lor Mllltnry nnd ClvlUnn nelall Suppl, - c o.: 81euben ville, Ohl ••
.1""P~~_}'"'51!iOrViCci. a.,. vw. Dept. 6-A,
.. bon •• 4_. --~---r---BUSINESS'" INVEST. OPPOR;
DINER. new ' .en tln, sil'T.",- operalion ono ,yeRr. DDlnl( line bu.lneg'. . Main 5 1. loconon. TrucklnK cCIIler. Aml.le parkn . RetU estute/ equipment nnd bualnc81S.
,500. Wrl~e " Thill Dlner~" I;. Wolrlon. W. Va.
Older People Praise .. ,
30KO Mahl
It's So Kind to the System
GARAGE. 5OXlOO':',":';;' lo'c -a t-c-:d - o- n lot i4ix'1To !eel. on' highway UA, • mll" from Clnrk8vllle. Tenn ., city Ihnlls , llelwccIl Camp Campbell nnd Clark . vllle, Tenn.; very bes l ' nnd Inlesl shop equlpmcnl .. 1l1lc.nclu. Pack a rd. K Olsa r-Fr:>zer ' Willy. Overl"l)d. Avery l r" cla r. . nn d
f orm m a c.blnery. co ns lder:l b lo pil rl 8 tock
lor each Qgency; will l!I ell b usrness as. whole or ~ inleres t : h nvu been doing $22S ,OOO gross b us in es s (or I ~' c " r . Pl.one ~a:~ lJ~~ rk.vJl1t.
FARM i\l,\CHIN : IUt
Thousand!! of older people prai8e N ature's Remedy, HI Tablets. An HI at night brings momillg regulari ty so thoroughly. yet without perturbing effects. All-uegetable makes the diffenmce-a biR difference! HI'sare composed of 10 natural " ege lable oi nwedients. 1 'hat's why they're so kind to your 8y ~ tem. Try m at our expense. 25 tAblets only 21ic. Buy a box a t a n y drug at.ore. 1'ry t he m. If not compia roly satisfied. retu.rn box with unused til blets to liS. We will r e fund your mone yplu8 postage.
iiiAoiil NElt y iiTsl'OS"l?'N E~V-~u.s:
7f~~ , . #0' ' Ci + ,
S lla' - HI\RRIS Pony T rac lor with mount • . ed ploW a nd dl. c. 1200 01/ IIs11 NE lli
~hAff.~! ~'::~v 1i~OU'i:lT 7vf'l{'~o~I'LI~~ Spre ad e r, B rc)OI .... ltoclor.conlroll ed,
art Unl NEW I,IAt<VEY E leva lor, 30 (0 0 1. ba le toble. SIOO 011 IIs l! MASSEY-HA.RRIS Sta ndard Model 22
complete wllh
Effective Coush Syrup, Home-Mixed fo', Extra Economy
~~ ~UI n~'~le~~a~'k~~~'o~~?,,,M'uX'V :
SO ACT NQ,WI Wrl le, of lIhone today: Ja." nobID.O", 619 Tblrd Slrool,. MIl.I.Ua, Ohio: .I'I>"nl UO. 10lD H. D. ObeY. with Oraln b ed and Lime Spread or • Jim Mocb.Dloo.
SC)UP S'rRAltiER?'
Oblo, Pbono 1D'.
SaYee BII Poller..
FARMS AND RANVHE8 . .AHCOCK OnDI, ' •• m: 186 acre.; II mUu mm "!rIdlay, on V. S. Hllhwuy; 8-room 1I0lllle.. 1:1am 4OXSO. lIambrel roo!. 3 abed.; alJlO:JI-rboDl tenant houl.; trlclty, ,ood • .,ne,al p.urpol .. loll; load
.tock larm; 30 aero Umbe.r: crtee 000. NII::":;;.r~a':r:fh.~~.'O.':I •.
( No C09klnr.
Thll splendid ,0001pe Ie ultd b'y mlllio... llecause It makn .uch an ell~llv. modl~IM 'or roueha due to coldl. h'a ao ..., to mbt_ • child .ould do It, . From a/lY d,ulliat ,el 2Ji ounon of Plnea, • opeelal .ompound of proven In"... d1entJ. In ronconl.aled form , "ell· known ,_ IOOlhln, .trect on throat ancl bronchial ' Irritallolll. Then mak" a oyrup ",llh two CUPI of ..anulated lucar and one cup of "ater. N. _kin, nHdod, Or you can uw corn _yr. . ., liquid hone)l. I",tnd 01 aUlar ay.up. ''4t lh .. Plnea Inlo a pint boilio and lin ap 'wllh ),ou. ""ru p. Thla make•• 'ull pin' 0/ couch melli. ne. V"rY .,"eellve .nd !lu~k. .ellnl. and )/00. . ret .bout lour ti",..... ",u~h '0' )/OU, money . It !leve, .poiia•• ntI ehildrm lov. ita pl....nl laal• . Thla couch syrup tak" hold COUI .... lrivlnl quick relle', Illoooena phl.,m , loolh.. IiThaled membr.nH. hel.,. dear air PaineMoney r,,'undedl! PI.ex d_n', pl_,
SeU RetaU lIerebaota own "tofU aharln, trodln, .tamp plan for" mJlnufa crurer e .. tabUahod .812, Comm,"slon baala. In1a12l1ble .xperlenee dealroble. Wonderful renewala. Our men .arn oVer 1l1000.
:Full ~ P.rtl.u)~ra ...... Comp •• ,. I •••• 111 N. CAnal 81., Clllea,. t. ' WAHTEU-lilncle m 8n for p ortner 00 amall truck form; 13.000 cuh r"lulr.d.
f.~·F:~1~.1:~~e.~.~~r~:ileY•. F~'1.I:.lIlIb,
. . . . . r ,.. ...... n.ao be a pnvata d,e !.,.,. .tlve or Ipeol .. 1 InvuU,cator. SU 04!1t1 or 1.0 2171 C.nlna. I .......r D.U.tlwu. :bl•. - 1; - ,I." BI'., .• VI.nln. ~II• .
MACHINERY .. SUPPLIES FOR 8al.: lI-lon Butlalo Icale. with 1110 fool plnlform, dlamanUei!, Prlca 1200. MlIIa, Bla.lla",l111 "".,, A"I. era .... O.
............ ... .
.1.D F ....I •••• w.tor ..,.... Buh. Com M"a' I WbIte-,.UoW' PUZil Buc.....hell! 1'I0ur. Whol. Wheat, . F1oiil' AI Wbol., Whe.t CaM.I, Cholc.: alba. ., •.00 OJ' tIIr. . IS lb. bn,,1 It,ll PoatJNItd BEAR' "
MI ..L. 0,. ....
.... 10.-1_ ot_
ARi 'IOU? '
8 80P, 1 A51'<10
_n. lor II of _ rjh~ eIll.. t
0Ma.... W.",..." C.......
~==~~ P~E~NAL
" If PLAN1'8,
"I) ,..,
Nor' "
,., ... _ _ ..
. . ,..,. . . . . . . . . . . . .1••• . . ,
_ 001,""" ... ....,.
£T(; 01 I 'IltrLBlI-Commartlnl and Ilxhlb t' ., v n.I.II... Writ. , !ar d~.c: r .. lIv. 1I1'lr ~ ·~'3IOl!u., 01•• BI - " -:r'
........ u_
.IDGICT Wortd'. am.U..t. Peat- • .re .t~mll .Iu, .. .,. You WUI ama.ed, ,. lC_al&,. :a •••. ~ror II.DO J. 'I •be ., "" .111 " . I~.II_.. CIII •• I.. ffI.
YIlADE 'II... • ...ar.nlnd. .u dlll_ •••• 11'...._ .
a ... .....,..._ ...... ....
.... and ~ .OO. Lew'" "
............. tmaa- .........
'.1.' ...'..-...., ...... ................ ... I......... -. .... ........ ............. -............ ... .., .... .,..... ... ...., ....... .............. w.. ....... ....
..... TIaJ-.., .... _ '..... IO_ ..................... ..... pep . . . -sr. ~ 0.-...
"".SS S . SOp,
ant n • • tiM ....
... iIAIa._
. . . . pc ...... _
lllll'Ua 'CI.EIaEI
16~/ '
Plan t' 1 fbr the f:utur'" Buv I! S ' Sav;n~s Bor ' ~.
..I........ ORA aJ: II ~ -:ra clun aaill)larklll!lr.-..,. . . .
•• Serllck. Ponl&lld, II..
DElfT•• .,.. PItA... GItA III a iaun,"." o,,_hIIIIlDIr ...JOI'o I~" of d.qtl.tI pralailcl &lila manelou II .... clean..r. No Ii.nidal bruahlnc th.t e.n ",In dentuNs. Ju.t plaea Ii for III minute. or oyerORA
today. , I PndIIct If McI_ ........... GaVE HIM ,SOM& OF
Apply Blick Le4r 40 to rooSI. with handy Cap Brush. 'Fumes rise,·ldllinl
Uee and telthermitcs.'I"bilO chickens perch. One ounce
trea II
... r.'I1... ..."... ' DOUI ' " , , ~ lUO! den,
<fCp , U. !'·poppadRIc. Kri~ p \ ca
feel of'roOlla
-90 chickens. Directlollll on .,aekagc. Ask for Black Leaf 40. the depeodable
insecticide of many .....
Ifor t4! r ...dy·to-eel rice
"baa. ""..dtIcta I CllIIIIIaI
·et. al, makH • load reaicl ..., run 10 netl
. . nIItt ....... MOIITIL'
o· 'x
1 1
'RATES: One cent p.r word, minimum char"" 2fS Oint&. Thr.. Inllrtlon, for thl prlc. of two. Form. cloll Widner d*y noon.
DON'T FORGET TO CALL us for insurance: All types of insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Bwwn, phone Waynesville 2472 or call collect; , Witminrton 2 t t 1, .
Durnngo Kid Solves Another Mystery!
You'll Ball Out or YOllr Sent Laughing!
LEGAL NOTICE In tbe Matter of the ROOFINC Incumbl'ance by Mortgage or Of All Types cert.nln Real Estate by the Veslry of St. Mary's Protestl1flt !naulllted Bricks and asbell' Episcopol Church, II Corporal 1011 taft Silting. Shaet metal work not for Profit, of Waynesvill , 'ot all kInds. Loca.l RefeN'.b' wal'ren County. Ohio. c:el! . Allwork guaranteed, NOt/C'B is hereby given to nil persons whom It moy' COnCel'D thnt HOWARD W. HAAS QII the 31.5t day or January', 1951). Route 3 Way~eavllle. O. rhe 'W arden8 of st. Mnry's ' Prot . eSll1nt Eplscoptll Church or Wny · Phone Wayn~avllle 2898 neRvllle', Oht.o. flied In th.. CODlmon PI'eas Court of Warren COli . Illy. Ohio. In CMe No. 18 fill. their cortalll petition, praylOg til Try G~zette Cla'lified Ad court for nn order n ulhorlzlng them IlII such Wnrd ns, to In'lIlmber In the principal sum 01' Il mIIIllII IIIllIIIIIIIIII1ll1~II I I I I\III!I!1111II1111111111II11111111 1 111111 1 111111111 $7600.0U, and III t he manne r Dnd I'orm Il il Ret rorth In 8Jtld petition. the foillowing described neal Ell · tllte. slitnalell In the VlIloge (for· Compfete Home Conatructlon merly desisnaled nR "Town") or We will be glad to dlaCUII your Wnyneslvllle, Oblo : bu ilding problema and 1:'11 . you 'l'ract 1 : All tbM certain pAl'cpl What _ 'can de. of lond situated In the 'l'own of WnyneSlvlll . lhe County ' or War' CABINET WORK ren, nnd tbe State of Oblo using REMODELING o port of Lot No. 4 (follr) In Jef· ferson Square In said T own nnd bOllndeil and described Illl rolTows : WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Beginning at Ihe - corner of aald'
TWIN THEATRE. Wayllesvilie, Ohio
LAUNDERiNG- Oone in my home. Quick service. Phone WilY nesvllle 2986. ]-]2- ~ t
'EM FLYING Ahbott - LOu Co,\\te1l0 Mnrtha Raye
'Top Soli. Haulln." Sand, Gravel E:lcavatlnc WIth Back Hoe,.' . Drar·lIne and Bulldozer
Popeye Cartonn
WaJD6svllle, Oblo Phone : Waymevllie 2191
Gnu aD An'elope , Gnu I•• 0metlmeJl ca'Ued I wild· boar. It I•• member of the antelope
BANK RUN ORA VEL- l.oe\1&J, at Davie Furnas Pit, 50 conti \lblc yard. We allo deliver. ARM· If ITAGE & SON, Pbone 2091.
.' lIcht Of Phpann, Once he aels liP lind stra ighienl Iway. the pheasan l flits faster than the grouse ,
'"If' -
New Il'ollr ' \1 0 0111 11 '1'" 0 Acroll of Ornul\(l- N or ()I'Pgonl a - Va tlnl - PO SSP!l!ll011 Pi'll' II Very RellRonnble.
Chnpt, 9 -- Gang DusterA
THl l R, UAY, FffiDlll'AIH' 111. Illfill
Rout 48 North
Route 73
Phone C;entervllie 70G6
,CASH FOR DEAD STOCK A"cordlng tu $ i1. ~ anti ,·o litlhlU lI. All Stfl ,'k ,·,-mo\ll·,1 PI'(l Il,,,I h' . Horsell, $2,60 ' , Cows, $2. ~O }10gB - l!5c per cwL '
2 ' unrurnlsbfld '~~e~n'th:n;~l fI~:I~I~! ,:~~~ :~~:;~ 1lIllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l/1II111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt Pholle Co lIeel South St Celeeta Xenia, O~ 1712 of StrePl sixty seven (67) reet ' \V aynesvill e :1216 Wllming~on. O. 2362 , 2-1·at thellce ba(lk at rlg)Jt angles DIIII pm'allel wllh Mlnt'rfl Street t lte WANTED Ride to Wrlgbt;. full length 'ot IInld Lot (21I IA! n .) Horsee. ,Z,50 • COWII, '2.50 Field, Area B~ 8: 00 to .. : 30 ablfl. to the School 101. 'I'hen('e wlttl Hogs - 26c CWl: Walter Bebrens. Srll. and Miami the Ilne of the cbool lot BI.x1y Ac~ording t.o Size at.. 2-1-:l1 seven (61) teet t o l\lInml Street. !lnd ConJition. aud lhEIDCe with said Iltroet. tn th p. Cilli WANrrElD TO RENT - . Due to place of begl nnlng ~ being the Belling farm, I 'd like tp rent B some Ilremises d('Bcrlbed In IJeen email 0' large farm 'neal' Way- dated ,January 25. ~950 from theltevt!rse Oharares nesville or vicinity . 10 yea.rll Al Trllste'!8 of the P10CeS,' of Soulbpreaent IDeation . All power eq;- ern Oh io, a ~o"pornUon not for uipment.. Dean WRltcin, Pb . Wa profit uncleI' the laws of (be Slate yneevllle 2689 . :t-l- St of Ohio, to St. Mary'R Prote!ltani LUMBER - . All klnds,ln all .len. EplRcopnl Cburch , which 11:1 nnll has been sometimes known ' an,l gths and w.ldtbll, Kiln dried. deM~nnted nil SL Mary's EpillcopReR80nnble prlcefl . All orderA , al Church, said deed belti reg large or sma ll. w.l1I be dellverf.d . cotcled In Deed Dook 191 , page Hog HouBes ACY l...AMa-, Phone 515 of the Warren C'lIInty , Ohln Records. Wllynesvllle 2701 " TraCit 2: All thllt ct'rtRln purr- el FOR SALE - 10 T DB ' of flr,at' at laml sl~uated In Warren CUII- . and aeoon4 cuUIlIg AmQta bay . nty In the State of Ohio and in T....... P or • .......,• . M" El . .BroOkll, Route 1.' Waynes.' .tbe Villi age. of Wllyne8vr.le. lJeln'\ ~llle, , Oblo. Z,9-!l6-'2t a part of lots nllmber three (3) . . , . " ."... " aii'd (4) In JefferSon Squal'e ' In ...... - ............. II'~ FoR 8Al~~ J - Colemlln ,011 Heat .. the sR,id Village of WAynesville, Cheese Loaf e~, used t 6 m,o ntbs . Albert Pum- Ohio. Begl.nnlng III Ii point In the I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." 2 lbs. 63C1 mill. PbOll,8 Wayneflvllle 2100 lVest Une of '1 'hlrd Street sixty ....: 11-16-2'" seven (61) feet from the Ube of .......... ,..,~"I; Fresh Crisp 'Green Beans Miami Street and running thunee 19c lb. with the Une of Third Street, ' six..' ., t • •HOU8~8 ' FOR S~LE , ty lIeven (67) feet and ntne lacbes Othe Item. Lovely ' modern l'wo'bedroom ~hence at rl*bt an«lelJ with TblM .w blte frlUQe b'o me, hot water' bent. Str&et, tWo hu,ridred nnd fOllrtf"e''n Atlractllrely ' P"lced AlBa large pacbinen W1I!4~WB. ,Ia- and one-half feet ' (214 ~1: 'thence Dlaqetlc Canned Fruit. r~ge , Sbrubtl ~!,d trees .n bliCk, paraDel wltb Third . Street (67) Large lot. beallWul\y locn.tod -In)' seven feet , amI ll:!le \!I) Priced at)8760. " , Infbell to the ~orUer of the EplsThr,e. room well conalrurted aopal Ghl1J'Cb lot; tbeuce with lbe ' said Cburcll lot two bund' cemeri,t block house, out bul;". U'lie PHPNl 153 ~ and ' fourteen 'and one-hillt FOOD STORE In,... 2 ¥res, on Hlgbway 1~ I 20 E. MU'LBERRV ST. 01 8prlqboro Oood Lonn valli" teet (ZU.~) ~o tbe' beglnnln", be., Ing twenty seven and Qne hall T P.rlced at ,4900 . LEBANON, OHIO Beauurlll , pronerty foJ' , Itest feilt off of. lot number tbree (3) I !.====~:=:t:===:-:.!' and forty and one fourtb (40~) t· Home· , feet olrt Qf "lot number four (4); __ ,Try, Gaelle C....ifllld Ad Can: . beln« ' tbe same premise. d eacrlDONNIS PHELPS ~d In ·Deed dated April ,3, 19J9 Represtmtltlve TELEPHONES 'I ·tblh LA : Zlm'mcmian to St . MI;"';' Protelltant Epl8~pal "WAVNE_VILLE 2091 ' RU88,tL HORN CII,irclh, whlcb deed Ie recorded , REALTOR LEBANON OffIce 47SK ROllte 2 i Deod Book ]05, pRge 388 ,\ or, Fr.s nklln REI. 129L lAND ... GlitAV£L tlte ~arren. County. Ohio Records. Phone 9!i4WJ MORROW No. S PetlUonera further pray for all
Dead Stock
Xenia 454
Xenia Fertilizer
Roy E•.Smith
IJve Wire and Progre•••e. An organlcaUon lIecon to I)On•. j;jtrlctly lellen on the belt .~. around market In the counbT.. 8ERVICE THAT 8AT18-:IE8 For .Dally Mark,t R'PON: WHIO Dayt~, 12:60 E.8.T. DI&l 19OO; WLW OIDclnnatl.1UO. Dial 700.
Broker , Rt. 48, 5 mi. , South of Centervj.JIe.
..... .. ...... ....., ........,.., ..................
...... . .,., ..............
IQsJlr~nce Agency
AnDit~e &SOD
,Fer ·Ieo:,1 0.0 aod. (Childreo ,
" ' . : 1 .
I1.' IJU ~IU ~
' PHONE 212\'
,1 ~'
• ,,- .:. , ..-: ."t- _ _ - ~:-.';',_._."'- .,. - ~ - - ....0 WILDLIFE: .Cont. form "Pall" '1' , BIder eatlmat1Id t Hat the expen. , ." , ., dlture tor salaries and 'lfa,ea un· PoBes fund Income amounted to der ;' tbe new 'Iaw .,,1,179,541:88 i.nclUdlng bunting would reqult'4! an additional '16,
~::~efe::~-:~ ~ al:':~:fell :;o:~~~
Marcb, 1950; at 9;30 o'c:oc~ _,.M. . In I'b,e ' Common Plens COllrt or
DR C E '
OptometriC Eye Specialist t
' .
• "WN --~. -_
-.~~~~~I: g:'~~CH,
~nt ' of the total expenditures . IoTbla fleure," Rider reported' "reprellent, almollt a 50 ,percent"NducUan In the cost of p'erBonal aervice compared to jUllt a few yeara qo wben the Dlvlal.on waa .apendllll 60 percent of Its ei· pended fuudl tor 8a1arlell and wa·
WAY - .
I, ----'---------.,.~Malle Youngster. 'Drink lYJilk Thail Girl. MOlle
oo?..!:e1.9:;1na=·Y~reJi}:~y:: m~II,lI l1l l l il l l lil il l l ill l l l l l lil l l l l lil l l l l l l l l lil lilIlul:~j 'beR~~~UI~~t:~e~ r~e~al-:d~a:O:::: I
' The .tudy revealed that teen·~a. AIm t F~~()." boy. drink more mtlle: than teen· o. an,. ....... III rOUlbl,e can "e IfIrl. . Eat'lna hablta .<Of ·Ichool · Imately noo,ooo or about 17 per. Ii. red teeder Clttl, a. 1000.,they bol' aod jlrl., UI Y,e ara ot ~I! and cent of the· total expenditure tor WIll elll.~t and provided I, .. proper· over. 111 .. 110 , ith city and rur.l hlah r auPP'!imented. However. the bet. the year. Other Btates," be ttr the qUIUty of lb. rOlllb8l. ttl. T Ich0911 were itlJdled tor three "averB«e between 30 and 40 ~r- ...Ier Ii ·... ·to do • load ~ob of d., •. , . cent annuaU ..... ·' "'-din. and." I d • ,It 111188 round that 311 per cent of I • ..... ...e e.a· nee .or ' n· " ilie btoY' and ()flly 22 ' per ,cent CII ' Coal ,o r , a~mlnlBtratlon for WIIIlve aujlplement,. ' ,the ,ilrl. dunk a quart ' . day. DlvlsloD about 127,000.
aaln'tenance COlt '93Z.962dI8 _ aboutJO percent and capital ~vetnenta. lacludlq new lak... accounted tor P88.448.84 or 10 pe~nt of tb. total -»eDt. 43Git at audita, 10417 wor._·1 COIDpeuation and ot-
BET VOll ' NEVER ' KN"EW Forest Uld wood itre. annual· ]y destroy eJ;lou«b timber to make 5,100.000 tonB of newlprlnt : Nol'them Pike devour almost 9.000.000 wild ducks aDnuany. Tbe le,al ba« III about 9,000.000 ducks a year taken by bunten , The )'oung of tbe ' oppouum are bom Illcompletely develoPed ud . live COIlBtantly 'In lbelr--.mQf.b.er'll.f poucb tor nearly two montba &f. ter birth . . tbe ' bateblq HUOn, Wild turk.,. make a .....IQ HUDd In imltatloa oi a InUe . .
ber bu\IIIft~ eqeadltu.... took a
",",wn, • ___.
..... _ ::;..
.BIG ,:M
S-f\Il ' _ _ ,lmow that biacrop yldda mean better c:rop quall~ -better crop prOIita at lower c:oet. Tbat". wbF tbe)r WeDt BII M Brmcl ' F'ertUiHn; I ~ to lumtnJ lor IlIOn! .... a.__ 01
a -*-7.
. ltree-a-Iac BIG M fertiliRr ~ ___ It Ie 1II_'_tww4~_to"""'" _ _
Ii. . - - -
more tMn --..JaaI ..... ,trike mea. It . 1Idw11.wa tIIIt JW tUe de. . . tID prIet. Tbe
o..r." -....... _,.~ .
.... .............. c.......
i . ~~~~~~~~~: .~
Carl .!\baecberll. Attorney -l'ubUa·bM .Fe!>. 2, !I, H \• . 23, 1!lrin
$300,000 and Conservation Bulle· forcement work from Dlv"I!)D Un eubscrlptlons . . fundll," Rider sud, .. was approx' The fishing purposes fund tor i949 whlcb included (Iahin" IIcen. .. ae sillell. permits and violation f-lneB received $974,588.03" , .: o ~raonal service, ~a18l'les and wages, CQst the Dlvls~n of ' Wild' l~te $778.824'.67 or , about 36 per-
Fl. • DIRT '
heard on Saturday the' 4th day of
warYElnCouJlty; QhIO' , I18ater H. Gordon. S"n ltor Wardell , :. James' L. Baker, J\lTlltlr Wlll'dp.n MARCH 1. 9:r. MARY'S PIlOTES1'A.NT
.'. .
, ~.e 1I0ay requlre pr Justify. '. SaId! Petition and ClIlIse wUl be
ON VACATION i \,IID(111lLL~ .'"-111 -UllIl1Dl.l. ' fJ
:~~erd'~:r~!~f. AS J~!!~:~!~e ~;d~~:
Attention Farmers!
STEEL.and METAL ' Pr~ces Are Advancing ,
Check Your 'F ence -Needs No~ 'B efore The Price Advances. .. '~e ' aave a Good Supply Of Fenc.onHand~But It's
Going Fast. ·
About Town
J .
.. ••.
Se:tving Wayne,sville $ince 1850,
YOU KNOW .q h •. 1 j l;. '"
Iql .. h
Mr, and Mrs. 'DavIs ~rnRs spent S unday and Mon·day' with Mr, and . Mra. Ed PB¥ne, . their son.l.rj.law' and . daughter, and ,their ch lldten.
Mr, and ~I·S. Cla~ence Rye w4!lek end guests, tbefr t9b dren, Mr, Enrl ana .Mr. Charles Rye or. 01110 State and MIss G1ndys ' Rye or University of Cln- .~ ,)
lt V
23, 19.50
tt,.'", ''' '1
\lI!Q "Trrl; .. 1.
Be~n~!n"~.. r~arc.~ 1~ "*8 •
hfghw~y ' pau.ol, l:,,~1
MI'. and Mrs, A., H , Stubbs ' had week end guests . their do.ugh'te'r MIsB Yvonne ' Stubbs, alld MIss Gwen Mack,!ll, both students BowUng ql"een University.
OhIo law replatlDg talt ,JI1Qvemient of machInery on After' that , date, ~o '. eAldpl~elllt exce~lnlJ ·the presCribed 'nnd '. Being , .()peratJob':'~~ noopel'atvl'ty o~n~ may Mr. and ' Mrs . WllIlluD ,Strouse the hig'f~s,:)'Y.1tllpJi1 !L .; ;,I..... lt ' ntot.tIlined on Saturday evening according to W., E. StncJlar wHb tlIeir ()ard olub of CincinnatI spe.ctallstl Ohio os t heir guests. U.1J,l~ti~;~t~. · , , ' II 8S
ltt.r. It{hynard IHch lind S~118:~!·t·tIli'Ov;r'il8o;'vA· eQ:un~pmeiijro~ 'PlttBburgll , Pa.~ were week guests or. their Pll4fltnts, ·Mr. Mr8. J . B .. Rlcb.
Mr, and Mrs . Roberl qhllpman entel'talned to dinner on Saturday ev 1)lng at thO Far Hills p~rty nouse, honoring the birth'day nn· niveraary of ~e nOBt. 'llhe dinner guests were Mr, ' ~d Mrs. S. N. KellS aD.d Col. Ilnd Mrs, J. ~.. snk. After tlle delicious cUnner. tb party returned to the Chap: man hOlne and were joined by . nr. and Mrs. j . Robert Schmidt, or OlnClnnatl, for n.n evening of Card8. MrR. H. U. ',Rye hlis returned after spending , ~evernl weeks ill FlQrlda~
:Mra, Lucille , Armitage was e Sunday· dinner' guest of Mr. , Mra. Zatq" ~rmll!&ge' 1.. Lebanon. "'.,
DUU"bn.. Journeik
Estate of Charlotte E. Antram aka Charlotte Antram Snapp De· cealScd. ' I , Notice Is hereby glve~ t~at O. Donnld ,Dllatush whoSe :post orrlce AddresB is l.ebanon. Oblo ~as been dlUy ,appoInte'!' as Ad· ~Inlstrat~l' wYVA or the E~ta.te of Ohllr\otte ·E . Antram aka C,barlotte An~ram Snapp late of Way· 'nesville, Warren County, Obio,
deceased. ' Dated this 13th dllY of February 1950 . •
Jaures W. ~w80n. 66, passed very unexpectedly whlle working, Monday noon. , ·~e Is sl1l'v1ved by his ' parent,s, Mr. and Mra. Wm. l.awson. 1 slster, Mrs. 'ennle Fraer. Wilynesville, 5 brothers, Raymond .of Cen. !.ervllJe. Rollle and J.eanar" of Middletown. Rex and Reese ot Detro't, Michigan. A m1U~y funeral wiil be Jteld Thursday aftern~n at Stubbs ·FuneraJ. Home, Rev. ~. B. Coleman offlclatlng. BurJal will be In Minml Cemetery. Soine folka have ears ~I~e steam' libovela- always' prcllng up dll't:
ludge of the Probate Court.
, . Warren County. Oblo NtW"eEN:TURY CLUB C.. Donald' DlIatlish, Attorney TO· HOLD :.MEE1:INQ PUblished FeJlruary ;!3, March2,9. Mrs. T. Y. iBa,rnh.t ~ Jle bostess to the lIiew (!entury; Club on Friday, February 24th with CHANQE 'OF D"TE , Mrs. J ; . H. Sackett as .ponBor of ON CONCER~. SERIES ' The next c'o ncett series will be the· program. 11eld In ' the W; ynesvllle High Sobool Audltorl~ F ebruo.ry ' 28 NOTICE OF AP,Pol~TMENT instead, ot Mar«:h' l. '. .. ' Admln"tr.t~r ' Iils\.l!te of Frances JJrannock, De-
l!nc1e Sam Says. '
' .
NoUce Is heteby j,dYeD that 'rhomaiJ B. Bl'IUlnock whose Poat Oftlce .' Address la ,South Lebanon. Ohio, hu been duly appollit~d at AdmlnlBtrator ,of tJie EState ot . Frances IJrannbck ' late - ot War,County, .Ohio, deeeaaed . .. paled t1~ia28th C\&y of January 1950.
. n.ALJ>H H . CAllEY Judge of the ProlMate Court Warren Oount7, Ohio · Stanley " Stanley, Attorneys Publl811er Feb. 9. 'io. &lid 28. 1960.
v........ Be WIH~, 80me of ,._ . .". already recelyecl a H....Dal 8entce LIfe lJIauraDlle dlvIdead wldala aIlOlll4 be tbe mUM . , .......
............ ...
. . . . . . . . . . . .olal........ 'file
of Jim Jones
again they left the floor vIctorIOUs this time by It 40,at connt. WuYne ~ . ~IJJe led 9' 6 at the clolle of the m·st ·perlod but Hal've)'!lburg carne bltOk an ll ,a).Oltt d the count l7 . 17 at baH time: WnlYnesvjIJ ~ DlO"(lII a wuy In the thlr(1 qfuntel· sco rIng H marlIer!> to Hal'veysbUlrg·s S and enjoyed It tblrd pm!lod I Ild. 'J.'he Spar_ luna Called to let' up In Lhe finni stanza moving ~1 \·>'llY to a 40.3'1 1'lclory. Dn~l S\ln pso'n and ,111 'k '1'l nn y. af;ll.ln ,led lh,n 8pa.I' ~a/.l ddve by 8COring ]6 n.lId. 13 UlIII:kers 1'0spectJ\'ely. Doster und Wilson le ~
n -2.5
Hal-I'eYBbur g witb: 9 ,oach.
After' re~tln,g Suuday tb e locals
[l\c'e d the Ca:rll.sle Indiaos iu Uo.e .tlllll ls 011 r,1:ort dny night. T.be In ·
dlnns reaohed, tb., tlnn.ls by scor· victories m ' el" Monow and Mason: , ·Coiwh PortEll'S starLi ng lineup at Sheehan, StauljlY, Slmpsol1, Earnha.rt, and Tin ~ley to Lbe flQot pitted nganst Coach. Freem·an'B lneup of Fogle, Moo~e ; Pence, Mabry and Ogl s by ,lj.ltd' ~ook all arly 9·3 fIr st' (IU1u·ter 16ad. Cnrllsle was held to 3 fOlll sbots In til e firs t /loul·ler willie the S(JQ,r(tWB I·a. II d 3 goals Ing
and 3 fre
to!I~ es.
• • • • •
'l1h Sllal'lons 1ncreased theh' lend to II 25-]5 halftime score wIth Wa rren heehnn hitting ror 10 polnta; in the first half, The locnll! Increased' the Ir lead plOllt In the t hird , period and leel 36_25 U L th'e p'! lrld's close . . D!on S imp son:,. Gene ,FogLe, alld Jim Mool-e caught rh·e In tbe final s tllnzlI, !'lim peon' and Fogle ,gettIng !! ma l'kel·s and Moore 6. Carllille In11l d llHnl In lhEi last tew minutes but the rally waK ahort and "llyn svllle went on to win 5].47 "nd th e]r !fourth \srnlght Warren ,coqnty tournam\!ut cllam'Pl0n!ISlj). DIUl I?hullsun and Wurren She'e, hab were high scorers for the Spa.r~ans getting 19 and 13 points : respectively. Gene 'F'Ogl e had 21 . for Carlisle. SCORING .FOR WAYNESVILL.E IN TOURNAM,ENT
Dan Simpson 19 10 48 Jack TInney , . . 1-1 I t U 'v\'a.rren, Sheehan 9 7 25 Harlan ,Ea.rnhart Is 2 18 Hat·old : Stan1ey' ., .. , 0 3 3 WIET!NQ NAMED TO AG COMIITEE Col umb lUI. OHio, 'FeD; 28 ,- C; ~flrurlce Wieting. vlee p~ldeJit
and cllrector of 'Clrgi.ril<:atlOD . .. , @hio Flirm Bureall FildetaUon, ,. 'na:ned to ' ~
The Low:Down Fro~ Hickory IGr~ve ---'
In this epistle 1 will delve "InLo "Wliat Is A Oorporatlon." . Thel'e Ie no need for B two Inch tillck' book on thebry. I reCKon theu. ays . Heury. that you w111 befuddlk us liS 0. complete, but just Q~ldker. QUiet, I S~Il. , ! A corporation, once tt ge.t~ it A ohill above water nnd is 'II su~ess III big l.okin_ Blit · being big Iand ' being useful can' go together. lUke this General El.ectrlc· Com~any that pours big dinero tnto res:ear. ch and comes up, wUh ll;eful .th.lngs like , bIgger and ; bette~ x . ' raYB; .turbo-jet engines And a [000 helpful gadgets. ' . ' But back to topic - .cof,l)or1I110nl!. ' ,.here waR R 'fellow out In , PJ;1dget Bound who- ~ O years n,10- . . . ., Ire mould take some mofatve fi'oI!1 frelh U!lIk- ' put the, product In a · C&I1- sell It~ some money. Canned, it could be shipped tarthe!', :k eell longer. aDIl fre.h, In Ito nnd dc' vlous dJma~. So ~~ got himself I!- te~ got a few ema dollara here and mere !rom his :hruBtlng 'friends aQd he WaA· In Ria 'WlI8 a corporation, rflJbt oft'the ba~ . ., ~III ' . g~tlemii.n's - etp'"arlmeni, ~ , It . turied out, was f a .uices/l. y~u wlll _ ~ tbe ~. anll "hlte
....... _e
Th'e W~nesvll1e , Spartan s swept over Springboro, HarYeys' burg' and ca)Jf8l\! t L.iwln the WItI". ren County "Tonl-naiifent and In,' do.1ng so set " a toornamp.nt re~otd·. Tbls T~cord ,,~fjIo. acll1eved: when they WOII thel fourth ' strwght Wa.rren countlt8Urnament ' tb• t • " break the record o! S In I\. ow RarV\J!otJo\ult:tn 38; '39; 4,0. mt~flJipa~gt\\~ o,I1}e»ing game oli Friday nlgbt p'ltted them 'al~st the SprIngboro Panth'ers" ~Onl they trampled •. 'ISpriU{Ioro grabbed a, 7 po~ lIetor. the locals could get sta.rted and 1teld a 14-11 tlrst Quarter lead, ~ut the, Spartans came back with J ,:14, mark~rs in the sflc~ncJ,••'4~lLrtet t o hold 0. 23-19 bal~l , ~&;d. !l',hc& Spartans and the .t'antherJO pllQ'ed almost e~~n In: tlie1\.h,~4 ~uJter, but Waynesv11le moved 8.wa" tn the last stanza to win 4.8-.16•. 'Jack Tinney and Dan Simpson poured In ( the points tor WayneaYllle, scorlnC J.9 and 13 points .respfct. 'Ively. LoUI, Morgan led S~, boro' witli 13 _.,t ..,
, 1hJa . morOlDeDf.<. , Jntde durIDC ' dayiIrht hours 'l In such a manDer as not tD IDtertere With the free flow of traffic. . Stuckey JlJ!geats that such movements be held )9 .~ ,minimum on Saturdays, 8uUda,..-aqd legal ~ol~ fda)"s. '-"~.. 1s for the protecUon of ' the fatmer as weel 8S the peoPIe tra.vellD~ the bfghways. ' . .Legal JJm1ts for slie, .&8 preanrlb!ld by Ohio law...re 8 feet In Width !lnd . 00 teet In lenlth. Any pleq'e of machInery exceeding .wl~ The SpartanB ag~l~ to dth of ihese. 11. . ·. . . aaJ:F 'be spacious Middletown gym on ii.r· moved witll' a permit, U the machurd,ay night to take on (lo~ll lD:e17 Is eooPerattvely ' 01l'Dec! or J~cka,!n's Rarv~ysburg Five d beIng 'operated for bIre. rPermlta ~ lie oJ»talned trom the 1oC8l atate highway patrol po_ st, wbl(:h caD iUIle ~ blanke~ permit , not to· nceed • reuoa&blfi lIumber of daya or d18taJme from By , MRS_ WALTER 1\. ...,RII,I"lI!!r. the ",erator's hOlDe bue. AppUcaUon for permltll must be made In ' .~l(DI.It.
Nlr. and Mrs. r:r\!d Batdorf and daughter of Dayton, were Sunday' al'tel.'llOon guests . or Mr. a.ild Mrs. Howard Brown'.
Hunts and' fecks . from the •
lDeII87" .. I DM·... I ......
Mr.' and 1'41"11. Lowell Thomas l ·turu.ed 'home Wednesday ' evening from s. two' week's , t-ti'l1 to E1lorlda. , Mr, and 1\1rs. VII. C, lIeJlgdaU and Mrs. Edmond Mincer lind clllidren of Dayto~' were callers ¥onday at the ~ome of' Mr. ano, Mr s. J. B. ·Jlln~. ~
Ive Branch of ,the Government. '/rhe committee Inilludes thlrty_ one member8. l'epresentlng faml organIzations , perIodicals, and prIvate Indu$.t ry, who nre advoctling that t he. .recommendations of the Hoover Ccmml158910n "b& put Into effect.
JU::~ ~=!~era~~a:~~ ~;~r:n~a~~;l~~ Mediclue ~c)1' viewing br V'arm mitl all !l)(l~a egg today! -Rnd day dinner gllests 01 Mr. Ilhd 1111's. nnd Homo .' v ek vi8llor~, Ma roh evory IlIlY! Ben Scboulthelij nt ]}aYlon, Ky, 21·2;t, 00 1lilmbus, MI8S Peggy Tumblellon returned home from ClnclDnati. SattlrdflY 5----------~--~~~----~--------~-----· evelllng, where /!hE! hJlI! been. wltb her aunt; Mrs. 'I,Iu'gu Arthur, wh o has been Quite 1IL tor sel'eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salisbury t WaBb~ngton C: ' H., spent Sunday with Mrs. Nettle Emrick. Mr. a~d Mrs. Earl Young lind Mr. "and '~rs_. Therle Jones uttel)<l· ed a: card ,party SundllY everi \,n g at the home of Mr; and Mrs.' C(1rl Pickerl1)g" at Ceo tervlJle. . Mr. and Mils. 'Everett Early I'e· turned Saturday'after several weeks stay ai,.·S t. ql~Ud , Florida. Mr. yernen Pm·lltey ente(lllJn o. Ilxty pests to a ,surprlse blrth\lay part,y "for Mrs, }>urslQY at. '''l'h ~ WUlows" north of Centerville Sunday evening. A covered dlsll t • di~n~r . was '-served. , . Mias Jane K.e nrlck en~ertlli n etl , friends to a. theatre parly a~' tim TWin theatre. Wa.ynesyill e. Sunday afternoon, namely': Mtflsea Lynn Ire\!l.n Jean Ls.Rue, Jannel Conner. 8all1 W.orkman and Char· lotte. Kl,o ntl, Mr, and Mrs. Will Ross .hu.v o • oldlbeJr- property to' Mr, 'and Mra. Charles Br:ldges' of Belmont' will ~OVe ,t!t'ls 'w eek' to the lohha property, wl1iob they r e' canOy . p~ased.
I• People, SpC?tsln the News.
Mr.. aDd MI'8. Hallold Whttakp~ 1'81lltertalfnitcl to dlhner Sunday e e· NOTICE ,OF APPOINTMENT ' ~ lIr. imd Mrs. Ell Furnas n.nd ehlldren. Mr. and l'fI:rs. Keller Exeeutor HoaII: ~d daughter and Mr. Ilnd 'Estate .or Johanna M. GusUu, lira. Paul Tomlinson of nelLr ~ed. ' W&J11Uvllle. Notice ta hereb7 glven that IIr. and lira. Seth FumllB spent Everett 1.. ·OuUn wh" Post Of. 8uncIaTI evenlnl at tile home of flce addree. la 0hlo: IIr. and lin. -wattl!!1' Kenrick. baa been duly appointed .. Ex. 'llhe LTOe Card Olub WlIS eDter· ecutDr of tile matate · or JoIwma talDe4 Th~ ~M1oon .t the M. ~.Uri late or WUftIl 'Oo~, home ot lira. Tnomaa _BurtoD. of Ohio;- . . . . . . . Datet ..tIIII ,11h tv or I'ebruar7 ·.ALa orr AUTO LICENSE '1110. . , IN WAYNESVILLE . - BALI'B B. CABJD'f ~_0IdIe lIeaIe _tIIII w1l1 go ,rqe or tb PJobMe Coin1 OIl 'u Je IIuoIa 1 at Smlth lDee~
waruemu.. '
Washingtolll, D. C., wbo. haye tb1llr ',gue'sts for the past week, wel'e Saturday evening dill· nor guests ol~ Mrs. DOl:o\hy: Bum· mer of Norm,nndy LUlle Farms. _....:._ _..-'_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _-;-: Seven tl)o vi,es han'l been sCb.ed-: ule d J>y t l10 C:oUege of VeterinaT,y beeri
any looks hlg I!ow.. Its Bet-up la enctJy , as Is ' <was ' wilen ! Mr. Stuart bought bls. contented, Ho.Isteln-J and naked ' his ' first few thrifty dollars. Yours w1th the ~w down, Jo Serra P.-T. A. r.t'EETINQ TO BE HELD
The regular Illeetlng of th e Parent.Teaohers AssocIation will be held M!lnday D1glit,February 27th In the Hlp' Jilchool Auditor_ Ium. AU members are' urged to attend this meeting. . Don't torget ' 1\fr/!. . Wm. H. diSCUSSion On ' "Britain 's Present Predicament." This m'eetIng promises to be very ,In·t erest. Ing. For l~e chUdren there Is the !11m '''Ohlo W!lldUfe." This wJlI be ?ry' 'worthwhile and educa' tlonal. '1'200 DONATED
,COlumbus. O~IIO, Feb: '28 - .A total of '1200 ha~ been pr~llent. ,ed by' the Farm. Bureau Coopers. U,,:e ABsoclatlon and the' Farm Bureau InBuran«:e companies to the Oblo Cpl!ncll of OVhurehe8 to provide scbols.rsb!P8 for 18 rural miDistrs. AnnOUncement ,or . the Bllbolarsblp awords was ' made last week hy ~erbe~t Evans, vIce president ~ncr dl~ctor of personn.el (crr th'3 ~rm JJureau Insurance com.P!ln . leB, !It a 'dinner ·held at the Bro . ad Street Methodist church l here The· dinner, SPo~sor~d th~ Ohio CouneD of Chur!.'be\l,' was In eon~~tlo~ with the ObloPR~t_
eonTentloD. AcCOl'CtIJl~ to Clyde N. RO~eres,
, dl~r, TOWD an,d Country De. PartIn_t. ~ the Oblo CounCil, the schOlarsldp8 .01 be. award~d to lIlen -.leotect · as "rural mInsters ot the ,ear." These awordl, no. pra ~tat.., ~ be m&4e to min. f1tetll who are doing "oulitandIns work tor "e e8uae ot rural , life."
Awaril·"lnnlD" ministers
toto the Oberlin ·S chool of TheoJ0«7, .Tu.,. 10 to Ju17 ft, for over two-weeks trafnin, In the newlyeatabl18hec1 School tor Rural Leaders there. .Le0nar4-A, audle" DeaD ot the Gradllar Snhool of
TIleololY. , 0IMIr1fll eonep. wa ena 1wl4 to dllC1J18 tile laboot
===E=D=EN===:--;---~--WEEKLY New Site lor Gorden
THE MIAM l ,"",."Z.~......·",'I WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO
Thursd ay. Febru ary 23, 1950
British La borites F'ace Major Test; Old Foe; Lewis, Minen CI as h W·th I U.S. to Continue Egg-Price Support
Sound & Fury
AILlN (':' \ Jt GE
The sound and fury of the up. BY ItOGER C. WHITMAN coming congres sional election s was LONDON; ENGLAND. - The I IncreAsing In volume. It the ReLeak.y Porch Floor publican s could make It stick. they , QUEST ION: My cellar goes uDhad found their Issue : "Libert y der the front porch and the porch against Socialis m." Fleet street journaU st - and floor leaks. The cellar als o Is cold HOWE VER. it appeare d the Edinbu rgh ltands on the alte at that spot. What .would be the GOP was running Into tbe same old of the odglnal Jerusal em. best way to seal the wood porch trouble- inabillty to let along. The - ITOR'S NOTE' When opinion. &.e •• " ....... In U••••• AI for Sodom -that ¥l8I someIhmoo t 11It, are tbo ••• r W:!tern floor Ne,.,pa .ir tJQlo.· • • '''., aaa"',', ao. not nlor.'.l'l and to insulat e unde,r the "me too" element Iy Of . . thl. IIlr.... 'P ....... ~ whlle pretend · where near Brussel s, In· Belfloor? I was thinkin g about usin, ing. or appearI ng. to ha ve chal)ged gium. And Lot and his daughIii gypsum board as insulati on. ita 'collective minds. was. neverBRITAIN: ters fled to the ca v.ea of ,s outhWould that ' insulat e against cold? theless chompi ng 1I't the bit when ern EnglllJ'ld when the city was I Warning S.o unded called upon to embrac e a more libdestroy ed b,. fire along ,with ANSW ER: To ' make the wood The pledge 01 Anthony Ed!!n, eral attitude . Gomorr ah. porch floor l'eakpro of, cover It British deputy Conserv ative leadIn an !l·day closed meeting . memo Thc shop layout. sketche d by with a roofing canvas These Bssertlons Bre contain ed er. who. with Winston Church~l bers ot the Republi can nationa l , Harold E . Gulvin. New York tellch· . it with a good·qu ality . then paUlt In B book by Cowyns Beaumo nt. floor pa int. Bnd other party big-wiGS In toda y s ,c ommittee ' and house and senate I er ot vocatio nal agricult ure. In- If ins ulation Is "Britai n-the Kcy to the World." desired , place a election . is hoping to overthrow , R epublica cludes ns spaces attempt for ed more to Ir on equipm out ent bla nk e t or batt type of ins ulation The book has been avidly the Labor party. tha t the Con ~ er Ithelr dl1fe rences. They hnd hoped th a n mos t 1!lrmer s plan to put In be tween seized upon by the British the floor joi s ts on the vatlves will work with all nahons I that a propose d stnte ment of "prln- their shops; but he has observe d, Is rael society. whose membe rs undel's ide of tJ1e porc h Door. for peace. might ha ve meant more ICiples and objeotiv es" would 11e says. th nt fnrmers r apidly obhold that ' the Angles. Saxons than It indlcu ted. , llerl(e to u'nlfy the ' pa rty a nd ~erve lain more equ ipm ent ns they be. Bnd Jutes, as weU as the ancient , EDEN. being the as tut !l world liS a ba sic platform for the cam· ~ome skilled In hondling thei r own Bri tons. who form the core of diploma t that be is. mus t know WY! No skill r«lu ired. palgn election eering. repair. and constr uctJon wOrk . the populat ion of ,t he Bri~sh that the~e are eleme nts [n many H. nJl es ·like PUIIY Out Tn of describ the welter in g th e of (arm discord shop In Isles. were descend ed from a places. particul arly the United . . • nd hanlen! cam e th ese argume nts within the the . book. "Welding H~lps for lost· tribe of Israel. Their theoStates. who feei that there must Inro wood. I~a rty: Farmers." publis hed by the James ries are regarde d akepUcall,y be no turther support of powe.r for F. Lincoln Arc Welding Vigorou foundat s oppositi ion. on to most ot by arcbeol ogists and others. the Labor party In England . Clevela nd. Ohio. slotcs that this Jill". Trum an's Fair Deal poUcy . Beaumo nt' claims ( that ,the With the Laborlt es' position plnn Is the result of many years of A middle· ground on U.S. foreign Bristol channel was once the often regarde d as the tosterin g of JlOllcy. advocat ing continu ance of experie nce In working In and ex~ sea 01 GaUlee• . and ' .that the aoclalis m. the more conserv ative the ·bi·pa rtlsan polley, but sharply amlning many farm shops. and Gadar boar harried the inhabipeople everyw here fear It. n has eTiticising the admlnls tratl"n of It. makes the fo\lowing suggest ions: tants of the Seven elltts_ been an ama%lng thing to most stuFor atorage spl\ce. ma~y dra.wParticu lar condem nation of "sec:· Like a slucll Victrola recorll dents of world history how the ~ for Edlnbu reb. the delaUs ret agreef!l ents" at Yalta and Poh- en should he InstaUed under the or aD old mowle canstan U,. reBritish. traditio na Uy jealol,l5 of of Jeruaal em was written by benches . The walls can be ' used to . showl,. ., .Tohn L. mine ·dam. their liberties , ever l1ermltted the Josephw l and Neliemi ah, .. OpposiU on to the uDloD .pread csar. of corqwaa In the imposit newa ion ot this kind of governweU a. in the loapela. have aU munlsm . a,.aID. thll time wlab anotber menl upon them. A reductio n of been located by Beaumo Dt In Denunc iation of any socializ ed coal etrille' 011 the boarela, the answer to fundam entals might the Scottlsb eaplt.a l: KIng Davbealth program , wage and price Lewl. entarH as explain be appe.ra that It came about only Id'a palace atood on Mount ZIon cIDntrol. the Branna n plan. before abe confere nce table /D/' On eledric fans, lawn mowe~ througb the economic distress of where Edinbu rgb caltle now II RETUR N to a balance d budget durlne contrao t renewa l t.lka the once proud and mighty empire. tr..). raised .nd the park touchin g on rollers kates3 -IN-ON E Oil and repeal ot wartim e excise taxea. wblch broke down. IT IS APP ARENT L Y assured Prince..... once was the vaUe, A fair price for the larmer .· that whatev er tbe outcom e, the of .Teboea pb.l. ., plroducts. Labor party faces its severes t test PIT That was the .caffold ing tor the In today's election . ' An Old Foe platform which the commit tee Eden warned . in the first broad· hoped satisfy aU the Repubcast of a Conserv ative speech In An old and hated enemy w.s IIcans. would First results Indicate d It I • &..- - 'the just-end ed campaig n. ' that. the again at grips .wlth John L. Lewb will not. All of whicb would bring bang other ' tools "Unlted Nations Is at Its lowest lind his United Mine where they can worker .. srol1es to Democr ntic hope~uls. In- easUy be seen ebD. the democr acies are forced After Ii deJay which brought and reached . The him alimuch as, there is little hope for heating siove Is placed in the corto pay dearly for armame nts. and sharp criticism . Preside nt Harry vlcto'ry at all by Republ icans who ner neDr the smokes the nightm are of commu nism Truman bad · turned to the devIce tack provided are divided . It would be tougb tor the forge. NEW YORK .-Tbree cancer ex- stalks through Asia,," He made a he declare s be hates In order to e~lough it they were aU united. The entire right side ot thlll sh.()l) perts have reporle d . th.t .acute tellIng polnt ' in recallln g that the bring order out of the coal ..trike plan Is for tractors and trucks. leukeln la fa beln, atopped by the . Labor party In 1945 declare d that lettera chaos. FOREIGN AID: bormon e ACTB. It It were relurne d to power. It There· Is • handy chain holst fOI' BRAN mers.Ma.p"nlTHERE WERE MANY who baf, Five tfenb made dramat ic could get al~ng with the Russian s begun to wonder It Mr. Truma railing heavy machin ery oPPQsl.to ous results can be n- Bc,ttomless Pit? the large overhea d outSide door. improve rrient after treatme nt with because of its Socialis t Ideolog )'- known yours, too. if you suffor the sttlbbor nness be emThe question of whethe r the fer from constipa tion the drug. accordl n, to Drs. O. H_ .nd how the world situatio n had ploys when balked -ever would re- tTnlted States ever would be freed The air compre ssor and the welder due to lack ot dietary bulk. l!:at an lire close to the outSide door so Pearson , L. P. Ellel a.n d T. R . Tal- ,one from bad ,to worse·, slnee then. .ort to the T.H law to rellolve the of the burden of supplyi ng econom ic oun~ of tasty Kellogg's ALL-BR AN that tires can be Inflated and rnabot. Jr., of the Sloan-K ettering InOPPOS JTION SPEAK ER Labor- mine deadl.oelc. Now daily, drink plenty of water] U not that he has. aid to Europe was beginni ng to oc· chine's can aUtute .nd Memor ial hospita l tte Fuel Mlnlne r Huah Galtskil l. If would' cause much be welded without hav- 'comple/elll satisfied alter 10 days. One d1Ild had a relapse three had told an audienc e at Leeds that ranka of the pollUca delight In the cupy the minds ot many U.S. clti· Ing to drive Into the shop. The arc ' return empty carton to .Kello g l , oppositi on. zens. . , welder should h a v e sufficie nt weeks later. but ·.,aln wal brough t the cost of .oclalls m wal ~gh In Battle Creek. Mich. GET DOUB E The T-H law. With more than eight bUlion dol· welding eable to reach well YOUR back toward bealth with ACl'H. BritaiII.. an" would remain hlgb, hal been used boweve r recarde d. MONEY BACiK_ over .everal timel In n.- larl already spent on eUorts to- the repair area , "lb. others, two children and two but declare d tbe coat worthw hile tlonal emer,en clea with an effect walrd Europe an recov~r y-that' l on The combin ation of an are weldadulta, aun better' cine de, because uDder the Labor govem' that dvea • real caule for be- th.! baall of release d figures -and er. .n acetyle ne torch, a blackto five weeb after gettin, ~ bor- ment aeute Pave", haa rea~ been InC. wbetheIt r an10ne l~el .It or not. western EUropeall natlon. now smlth'l forge, a heav,y-d mone. '!'bey bad .WOIt 110 IlIu of ".boilahed.·~ , uty JrindTbe mlnera. howeve r. Ihowed asldol for another four or five bll- er, • drm prell aner a ,"etal That Wai a debatab le point about defianc tile dlMaae . 'l'bey bad ftcelve d e. '!'bey atm chanted the UOII\ for UIe r nest two ,.ar.. the lathe are aD InclulSed lit .117 fIlJecttona for It to 30 da1" Wblcb tbe ugumeD t continu ed tr.dltio nal retrain: "No contr.c t .a&ano Ihop mlcal ftl\inl wen becom· · and are ' crouped ~ \O~e.this Wheth. r tIIe7 wiD have reta.,.e s wblle Britain voted. . . The -no work." · And It looked like a Ing more altronom lcaJ. . IJ"inder and drJll 'preaa .... InIB not knowD Jet, Dr. PearsoD ..Id. ... was f contrac t agreem "ftt ari0f T as h • apparent altu a Uon Indlca t-" ' on ••upportl n, post..110 He laid these improv ementa · st:m ,GGP]UCES: !taUed An JOU SOlDI &broucll UMI 'unc"on al wthe Pre.lde nt named a three-m emo that an the Eap .upport "Dlldd l.-q." period p.culla r to ers bad to Inl the grlndln l and drilUDl of musl be called tem~." and in· ,No HumptY wom'D 13I-aa ,..,." Doe. \lila DIU. be .. board of inqwl"1 wbo would at- do_ In order .10 get more Dumpty funela for Ion" p· lecea. The pl~ vile II at. complete_ ,ou ,ulr., from bot a..b... feel to tempt .. The Amerlc all ell situatio n h.d trouble dto reltore peace in ~ Europea n aid wal to report ".mu- tached . ._ . htab-etn llll. tired? Then do to .nother .upport lnl POlt. Other treatme nta brin, temP;Ol'trl' altuatio n. t.Jella • PIDllhaDl·. V..euble tn. progre. ... by the forellD nano obance to rival the nurser) ' a~eJlel In leukem ia. But the best Oompou nd to reU •• , sucb qmp~ I TO THE BOARD . Preside Tru- tiona on the road to recover y, and 01 ' the.e bas been onl, about 30 Hump. " Dump." ator)'. Inasmu ch man named David L. Cole. nt bResuel_~~'l:uOpf =1a="~~:'~U: Patter- Immedi ately temper that with • per cent effectiv e , tn chlldren . al federal price IUPPOrts were fixed son. N_ J .• atlomey anDo11q mlddte.a.e dlltreul who headed a "but"the "but" 10 belD, that that no such faU as occurre d to IIlmilar board In m~re ACTa .ppear . to be the best drul LYDIA.' L PINKHAM'S ~..= 1948 that settled and more money would have to be the ntarler) '-rbyme egg could bapIt II beginni ng to appear that the to help tbeIe patlenta . • bitter . contrac t row between apent "jf" recover y were to be end of power line acclden tl may Leukem ia Is • cancer of the pen to his modem ·c ounterp art. !.ewil and the operato rs; John perman ent. . THE GOVER NMJ!:N T. which be approac hing faster than anyane al- Dunlop. Harvar d univers ity btlslblood. wltb the body ~aklng too The Mar~hall plan .11 auppose d to believed . for manufa cturers of man,. white blood cells. Acute or ready own. lome ~ 100 million dol- ness school. and a veteran In labor end In 1952. but the follower of U.S. fa rm equipm ent .are now producfast acting attacks usually k.Ill In lara worth of etgs Intende d to keep managj !ment relation s: and h' W. foreign pollcy ljS It affects on buying them through March of Willard Wirtz, to Ing power line safety shields that' a few week. or months . , Northw estern unl· needy nations would lay the aid . "CUScannot this year. be remove Tbe Idea d when was to support verslty law profess or and former tomary. the shatt Ohronlc leukem ia, which people eight·to ·fiv e" that the pl!!n Is In operntion. mily have for years. also Is halted the prlee at an average of 25 cents chairm an of the wage stabiliza tion wlU no~ en~ in 1952. Thes e shields m a y be opened for Withou t P.lnfu l BacJ.~ch. • tempora rUy by ACTH. It comes a do:!:en on the farm. board. By thaI time. with crisis mount- servicin g a'nd inspection The governm ent's policy wall of the back Iliter, but then the hormon e TheIrs would be the dlHlcult '£lb. Ing on .crisls because AI we let older. Itr. . and ItrAln, oyer!If the Imml· power sh n r~, but they cannot be exertion. el c Ml ~ e .moklnl or ~x po. urt frO ,can bring Improv\3ment a second qua Intly stated by one federal of· . becau se John L . Lewis WIIS a dim·. enc'e ot the H·bomb and word that remove d unl ess the oper ator goes I Cold l omcl irneJ low. down kidney tune!iclal who summe d it up with: cult -m a n to time, . , deal with. He might ti on. 1' hill ma y Ifto d mllny folk. to carra· be Russia alrendy has It . . it loglc(l l1y Lo work on, them with a blowtor ch ACTH is being made fro,m ox bile "The hens are laying their ' fool ·even more ditricult since his three· may lic ex,pecte d that there plAin or lI u«gt ol backllt.he. Iou of pop . nd will be or heads II ch off," isel-an d nobody expects energy" . ~~nt10C!h 8 Rna d f~zl n efl.l C ul l in" day work weeJ< hod end bog pituitar ies. What litUe • up olg ht.- or trnquBnt P!U8ilM(~ mny rlll ult The (arm price of 25 cents a nation's coal s tocl{pl\er educed the fo und multiple reasons lor cont in- tha t to happen. ' there is goes to medi<;al men for to a (wo· ull nc,C! of aid to Europe to an ex-tent Iro lU mi nor hludd" r Irrllollon . duo LO eolcl. !;,or man dozen y ye;tr s the m an utac. was about 75 per cent of week s'lPply at researc b on ~[thrltls. leukem ia. dllb,pn _ or d le ... ,y In di.e retaon. the tim e ot the whereo f no man can see the elld. turo n parity, a level calculat ed to be of f arm m achiner y hRlle If y our d l8com foru a re due- to t heee , rheuma tic fever and others disequally fair to produ cers and con· strike. CI~ ' c. u.c.. don't t.ry O OIl O', l' lUa, a mild been provid ing shieldS t Qt power eaSes. diure Uc. Uftd I Ucct.'8-, rull y by m1tlfon. fo, sumers . Produce rs 01 dried eggs. RED H-BOMB.' lines. but many farmcrs have o.er 60 y~OMl, While (b ••• ,y ,np ,om. maythe stateme nt said. would contlnlle (ailed to keep the sta"dar d shield O(C.,UD ot-berwl .. ocr:ur. h i. a mtnlna bow Terrific Echo lie-Detector Test Frees to get about 95 cents a pound. m'aoy 11m... Doaa'i 1(lvo hippY rllll . l, in pl aoe despite the fact tna t rapid· Most of the eggs the .governm ent help Ibo 16 mil .. or ~ Ido .y lub ... ond m ~e ,. Man Iftar Eleven 'Years Iy-revolvlng power take-off sha(is There was a sudden and dramat ic nUib out walLe:. C.t Doao'. l'lU. today' ''DETRO IT, MICH. -Becau se of a buys 'are dried. In the past , two Interrup tion In all the talk about ne ver·pre sent haza rd. lie-dete ctor test, Forrest Huff. who years It bas accumu lated about 73 tho hydroge n- or H-bomb. ' Just as served 11 years for . a crime he at- million pounds of these ~ggs . most everyon e was ponderi ng the fate ot ways denied. was a free man . at 8 prioe of $1 ,26 a pound. Some a world on which the monstro us Top Heroford are stored in a cool cave nea r weapon mlgh~ be loos~d. again. . along Atchins on. Kansas . The rest are In came a rcport that the Russian s Cleared by three ·lle·dete ctor tests of any part In the 1938.ho ldup wareho uses In other, sections of' already had It. 1'he reporte r was an Engllsh of a tavern, the 33·year-old man the countr) '. THE QUESTION of what to do a Mr. de Courcy. who claimed man, 'wns released . Be finished hl~ long that . with them bas become the ma'or he had secret sources Inside confine ment without" bitterne ss. the problem , The law permits the qe. Iron . curtain which told hlm what· "There' lI no use thlnkln!; about partme nt ot agricult ure to give ever was going -on. the past." Huff said. "I ' was just them away U they are kept out of THE CLAIM WIlS a 11 victim of circums tances. It's the comme rcial. competi tive channel s. for the average Americbit rugg~ an to ac· future that counts l'1ow'" . Tb.Is restrict s them to weUare pur- cept. Inasmu ch as there was still His immedl a.te ,future include d poses and ,similar uses. . no actual proof the Reds ev-cr had ,etting a Job to earn some money; 1 " the atomic bomp. Stili. It was n then a trip to Georgia to see his TAXATIONnice. frlghten lng topic of talk. and mother and "show ber that 11m go, ' • discussi on was rather widespr ead. Ing ahead to make someth ing out G~t Em All Ci e r t r a d Voleyulk. (rt.-bl,. Natural ly. ,he first impulse WIS of m~ lIle." above) lIhockerJ Berline rs b, . I The treasur y of the United States a great rushing to revamp oil AtProspec ts of doing that looked wants ' to put the tax . bfte on a lot lantic defense plans and. ' perhapl -olalmlai,. tbe power &0 rilise .the ver)' dark to Huff 11 year. ago of organi:!:atJons Which are . delw and bea' Ibl-slCk - She not now more naturall y. to talk of greater When, protesti ng bls Innocence. he paying 'any Income tax Urllt amased Berl wbeu ala. on the op. U.S. outlay of arms tor berself and wa. .ent to Souther n Mlchlga ri eratlon of unrelate d busines drifted ID from stem Ger· ses. tile pact nations. pl'iaon wUb three other yOu~s canmaD territor ,. .nd Islued aD The treasul"1 made a request to BeneII el'. Pride, I ••...,.... ttmld all the excitem ent ran an victed In the boldup. .PI~al to pareut. of receDII , congre n that this be done, asser(- undercu rrent of lIPY lIereIo r. which w.s . .met thrl1ls and na- de(!ea.e d cblIdrn to brb, The others admitte d their part, Inll ·that ,of!le labor unions. busl- tional menace with the disclosu re aranci champi on. steer or Ule bul 'insisted Huff was not involve d. . ness leagues . loclal clubs abem to ber for re"val. There and char- that Il German physlcl~t! who h!ld Amerlo an B 0 1a'i Livesto ck V/'eft no ta'ers. TIJe "bealer itable and educ:at:onal . organlz a· worked with the " SlIow III ' Kanlal CIt)'. wit" Ulli Br{tlsb In deIs aboWn bere aUempi lll,. to tlon. were getting away with non· velopin g the A·bomb D.C. C,ololrons Produce la4 who lired Ihni' 19-year .14 . had all'. a paral,se d WOJI.!an · who paymen t ot tax that tbe treasury .ecret informa Mflyl ,,' Known EI_In l Bob IIcIUDleF. 01 D.le.· 0 . . . tion ' eoncern in, AlII De ' ''felt mac.. Inslnl should be paid. better" ' weapon to the Rusllan a. 1I0ma. .... ."lUnI el'a l7.yur appli cation aller trealme DI. BERKE LEY, CALlF .-The Un!· . Vance N. KlI'by. the treasur 0111 ftaaoee, lI.arIn e · ,........ .. " y'. ,YersltiY of C.• Ufoml. cyclotro ns tax-Ieli llative counael, Goo, '0lliln7 ba.e produce cl .nother elemen t- clear, howeve r, that the made It admlnla Case in Point tIaI8 one the heavas t known. for t-,.ll f. of your plat•• t.x pro,ram did Dot conn. new iub.tan ce, No. 8'1, In ,the tratlon _. , mmlD • ent .... !. templat e .ucb tax treatme nt of pIMa an 1 - .ad dIp U, bun Nfll Ali &l1IIi' Ad"oc:a (1'.Iao.. DI · .......... .lcotDfl!" tea of euth.n llla- "mere)' ;atomlc scale. la the fifth.to be Pfl)- religiou s bodie., except ... llilOft --" 111_ Plud-U; ;; ~~. Lar ~~p OD a. the,. leak. and upper ~ason. ble ~;,~.~II"Ulln.ir·--WWId rind Farmer s' eanno. buy aU the fel'- W to_~ta dDced b, the cyco1otron s particle might be affected in the .. :::-:-bi.. c!,d II mold. P.rf~ operatio n cernln, the .eerets of the hv,irn".... 1 view., In the action .upport for their UlJIer H...... 1MIin1l th the, •• of a Bridgep ort. II...u.".,Ift.ODo bombar dmenta . want w!ll) e, w..... tllbber~... BriiDm. PI~d.U.. ' ! 01 educati onal Inltltutl on.. iii.... le I bomb, ·.pprebe nsive Coan.. jury In acqultt ln, ~Ioncl It durin, the ~L'R' IJlrin~...~ Dr. Glen T, Beabor l. profe'l or Be .ald tbe proposa l. would ap- citizens were ..further officials ·:':°D' :."':.u c~ dlaturbe d Carol Ann Pallht of tbe-ala yln, of cordiDI to B. 3, ebem1ltr7. .aId It Probab17 , ply to labor unIOns bUlin... reports qte, 8UD8"""~.tjou"'II"'.feW"O_OIdI".Scio.JII that a former clerk In 01 the MllIOurI iertWs er IDspectJoD ber a,a ncer·rid den fatber. WOIdd be named . . :.~erkellum.. 1111leagueB and aoelal cJuh. . ~~IIa•• UIiI lore ""'., EM I Frencb eonsula T"'~ .e~y.ca. te r.BalcwdJ at SLeUIn. Poland. A JUr)' made up of aU parents IIoaor or the unlversl~. clb', pao~ III! o••~"" ecoarMiUlOQo - B. allo. empba llud Ibat the to . bad confess ed be bad led . Be ~lDec an l that the fer1UbIar . ...... .. ...-U elplon fDuncl the 21-,eu- old coUPle Ib'l What tile new elemeD t 18 Uke recomm endatio a waa . concem ed. 'ale network thllt ·obtalne d Inform. not :. . what mlJbt be dCXIII wftb It 01111 with "bUIlD ... Income of. .I&yln, her father. Inqtr7 . . .ea",cL..Jo furnIall "" ......,.........'r..... IId . . wbleh Uon on Brltllb. mDltar) ' mOVt' had fired a bullet throbP farnatrs u ..... not d1aelNecI. Dr. SeabGr . .. Dot lJIcJ'dent or related fe.rtWzet .. til., to the m.ntI. Be w •• tcleiitlft ed ., aid 1beoret Ical COfIIlde.raUan ruIeI ueDlpt purpoH ." bead after It wal wallt fOlo tbtI1080 crops ., tb~ fDI =--p1 :;I..:t .= __ lII sa,. Blmon Robm,a a. . . . . ale III aloado weApoaa. be bid onl WHII ,,, Ih.. tIieIr dHditI II ~ .... .,. III'IIacII AIMW ., .... _ ", &to...... apiee ~•
~~~:~: ;!8tE::nau~a:~~tl~DE~~ ~80~~;", ~~~;~~erro :o:~s:!
Fann·Shop Lay.out · Adds More Space
Thundering Again
More Equipment Added As Skill Is Increased
Cancer Experts Say Leukemia Is Stopped By HormoDe ACTH
Safety Shie'ld May End Power line Accidents
Shop. She I 'C as ande arry". nIIOW
alms are Power I.
FertiHler Shortage Seen .' Spn"" •.
_.wIII=_._. . . .
Th arsday, February 23, 1950
• Reaching into all phases of human lif.e, the accomplishments of scientists and engineers in the past ho If-century add up to some of the .most amazing stories of all time. From many laboratories, from countless men liove come a steady flow ~f ideas which have brought new products, new processes. Combined, they have given America a~ unpQraUeled standard ot living. Photo at left shows notion's first "big" turbine - 5,000 kilow$Jtts - for generation of electric power: It was installed ,in 1903 in the Fiske street station of the Commonwealth Edison company ill Chicago.
, By Richard Hill Wlllr.lnson
"IUD'S ONLY going to be here a couple of weeks," ConnIe said. "And nfter alI " Ihe' s my brother Tom' s guest and i,t's up to me to hel p ente rtain hi:m. You under stand, don' t you, M,nrc?" "Sure," sa id Marc. not looking at her. "sure. ! understond. You go ahead and be nice t o him , Can· nie . I unde rstand all right. " WhIch wa s true, bitterly true , Marc had begun. to understand two ,days at-t er Jud r - - - - - - - , M or ri s 0 n had Minute Innded nt t b e ,Fiction Norber ts' fo r a fortnl ght· ~ visit. ' - -_ _ _ _.....J Jud was bIg and handsome and had a way ~ylth him. In college he . had been quite a ra ge. Tom Norbert, hIs roomma1e, iuid raved about him betore he alt, rived. but even Connie hlldn't ex, pected such a splendId IIpecimen ot manhood as Jud proved to be. ' A roadster stopped be.fore the house and Jud oame boul~ding ,up the walk. "Hi, Connie," he grinned. "All set for our round Clf golf?" Then he saw Marc standing on the porch beside Connie. "Hello there, Marc. How about joining us?" Marc smiled and shook Ills heael. ~'Thanks," he said. ~'l've got a tennis date. See you two lOnlght." II, he renected, be oouia , oDly ~et Jud oot of his element perhalHl tbe oollel:e b e r 0 wouldn" IIhow up 110 weill. Several nI ghts later at the coun· . try club danc;e Marc got Connle fisihi ng trip alon e and suggested for the next day. "We .:an take Jud along." he explained. "It'll be something new In hi s expel" ience and probably he'll gd a ba ng out of it." . Connie. who liked fi shinu herseH. thought It w as Ii grand id ea . And so the lhree of tbem drove ...,....~·,-" .....".,..""v·"·::·~~,,,·"'..."'.... l up to Beaver Lilke th e tlext day. I In the afternoon they put. on their waders and fished. Connie elected to show Iud how to rig his line a nd cast, 8T:ld wa lch· ing them Mar c knew a feeli ng 'of frustration. He bad pl ~lnned to somehow get Jud 'to follo,v him Into I the rapids where the g'()lng was treacherous and where only one . experienced In such things could navigate without losing ' his toothold. He had a vague Idea of ' rescuing Jud from the swirling tor· rents, thereby establishing Jud'lI weakness ~ Connie' • . mind' and JUs
• Ripping through the air like a spear of fire (above), a 15million-volt bolt of lightning. most powerful . produced by man, leops between two impulse generators in the ·General Electric company's Pittsfield, Mass., high ¥olta~e laboratory. Such man-made lightning ' aids man hI' his never-ending battle against the 'destructive for.c es 'o f natural lightning. At fjght is .. Dr. W, D: Coolidge, inve/1tor of of the hot-cathode X-ray tube which ' made an exact ' science the hitherto hit~or-miss X-roy practice.
tox ica ted but when he poinled out his a rg umen t th e-y ad mitted he hE)d some cause for his ac tion s. His r eason for wanting to join the exhib it was a large sig n t.he soci~t y had had printed flnd pJaced in the window: It read, "We we re skinned to provide furs for fas hiona ble wom en."
• • • Charter Member It was decided by th e m em be rs of a ·hum ane society to r ent a store wind ow and p ut in a n exhibit of wild furred a nimals to aid th erri in their ' campaig n against the r uthless killing of t he creatures . It was a gra nd exhibit and was s poiled Qnly py a m a n who i nsisted upon getting in amongst the stuffed animals. "I belong in there ," ,he in s isted . At first they thought he was in-
Oranl" navorell _ I l. grain tableta : Easy fol' mother to gl va. ' cosy for child tel
14k... Only a:iC.
Head Cold
Stuffiness R&U£YS/NSSIINIJS!
For almost Instant relief. ~: few Vicks Va-tro-Dol Noaa ',In each nostril Va-tro-Dol works !'tght where 6tufTlI trouble tal
The Question.s 1. When did wrist watches become fashiona ble for men? 2. For what was Ninon de Lenclos noted? . 3. Name the first man to swim the English Channel. '. 4. Who was adve rtised as "the world's greatest entertainer"? 5. In footbaU, who is a trlplethreat man? .
It opens up co.lc1clogged nose . •• relieves stufflneBS. . and leta yoU eaine again.
. lL
The Answers 1. During World' War I. 2. For her beauty; a t 80 s he \yas still beautiful. 3. Ca ptain Matt Webb, of Engla,nd, August 24-25, 1875• 4. Al J olson. . 5. One who is equally skilled in running, passing and kick ing, .
9~~!r~;Y ~?n~!~~~~e ~e~!r~~~~~ IB71-Ada, Ohio-1950
SPRING QUARTER Opens Registration March 7th Liberal Arts PharmacY
Engineer.lllg • Law
ing he could do ab out the \hing that was happening' between , Jud and Connie. The feeling'. that he had 10ward Jud was not one ot condemnation, but envy. . If Jud were trying to steal Connle away, he was doing so unwltilngly. Any one, but a fool could tell he wa sn't aware of any understanding existing between the girl n,nd Marc. Md so lV):al'c abandoned bls for revenge.
Hadacol is H '~lpful l to Foiles of All Age Grou'p~<
m'li~ .f a city of 300,000,...
. ,
Dr, F. Bringle Mcintosh, President
They returned home the next day, . and the day atter that Marc made . a bUSiness trIp to Belkrlap. When he got back. Judson' MOI,'~iBon w,; g'one. Marc didn't call .Connle Tomorrow or the day after be W811 leaving on a month's joulmey up· stale. He clIdn't ' want to see ,C911ole before be lelt. It would hu'rt too . • Experimentation with 0 i I much. Bat be did leO ber. COllJ!le films on wat.r, condu~ted by eame over tlaat Dlsht 'andl lound Dr. Irying Langmuir (above), un- 111m altHal' al01le oa 'he porch. "Hello," Ihe said. "where in U1e COtered a branc~ of chl,,?- world , have you been?" istry known as tWo- dimensional "'Away on business. Unexpe cted ." ''Well. I should think . 110." Sile or .surfa~e 'c~emistry an~ won carpe . close to him ' and Silt down. for Itim the Nobel priie. It pro- "Jud len this mornhli. He asked me to lay goodbye til you' " vided a ' means for optically de"Jud's ' a good egg," Malrc said "Too good." said ·Connle . "Good· tecting viruses, toxins, poisons ness, I'd hate to be manied to a and other tiny, in,isibl.· sub- man Illte that." 'IYou would?" laid Mar(~, aston· stances, Photo at left shows a Ished. "why?" " modern General Electric tur- [ "Why? why, bec~use-l would He'. too lIelr·sufflclent." She bin., . 12 times more powerful laughed. "And' besIdes, I'lin sath· th th f' t f th lib' H fled with the man J man an I Irs o. I ' 19 tur- who'. big enough to be to a bines, und.r COl\ltruction in ma" like Jud Morrison .- d y.' A'fu r bl ne I'k aL' Abruptly he laughed, Sc henecta I ~ mil puuJed••IIe asked 111m may, prorid. enough electricity tunny. be moot hi. "1'11er.'. nothing to luppl, the normal require- be Hid. "I just thlr,kl lllr
• For Further Information, Write
HE KNEW that he SUDDENLY was helpless. There' was notb·
"And, 'besldea, wUb UJe maD I bave-a. mall wbo'a hi, enoul'b to be Ir.IncJ to • maD Ill!e Iud ~orrlson."· ,
Not Always Sonny . had read many fa iry tales . but a ppa rently had nl:ver r ea lized until now t hat m os t 01 them began : "Once upon a ti me . ' "Do all of them beg in that way ?" he as ked his moth e r. "Why, no," s he r eplied, "som etimes you hear a t elephone ring and when yoil a nswe r i t you hear a voice say , 'Sorry, dear, but t he boss call ed a sur pr ise m eeting at the la s t minu t.e .' ..
i ~:: :~!k::-. fool
- .... lidia, • re11ef It
Countless thousands have proved I you .• : .Yoli ~11 lIare 'lin upset thnt HADACOL is beneiicial to folks stomach, ••• Y.ou wi! suffer from of ages. . h'eart ~urns" gas p'ai~s, and y~ur For insta'nee; Miss Ethel Guidry, food Will sour on Y9ur stomach, and 822 Nontgomery St., Port Neches, you ,!ill not be able to ~at t.he t~il)gs Texas, only 17 year.s old, was you hke fOl' fear of bemg In misery afterwards. Many people also suffoX' . h d 109 norv911s, a from constipation.I' And. while these 1i .t tie appetite, symptoms ma y be the N.sults of her face wus pale other causes, they ore 8,urely an(1 nnd drawn and certainly the symptoms and signs ot she suffered from the lack of the B Vitamins and Mingas on the stom~rals contained in HADACOL. And ach." Miss Guidry il you s uffer from Buch a disorder, sa~l ould there is no. modicilie, drug or treatnot eat the kind ment t/Jat will ' cure you except tho and type of fo.od ad.ministrati?n IIf the Vitamins and she wanted wlthMmerals which your 'system lacks, out feeling tcrHApACO~ contai!)s n?t only one. rillie a:ftenvsrds. }Jiss Guidry but five of the B V*nllns. HADAMiss Guidry, who recently gradu- COL contains not only one, but four ated frolJi high school, is !ltready of the ~ec~ss~ry MineralB~ It co~~ ·working in a bank. She sa,d thnt to you 1D liqUid torm, easily 1188Im1after taking seve.ral bottles of lated in the blood 8~ren~ so that It HADACOL she is now ''feeling won. can go to work right away. Yoa dedul" nd hllll "lots of pep and cannot be satisfied with just tempo. rary relief. HADACOL attack II anc! energy 1/ Most folks take HADACOL btl- cures the souree of BUch def,eienq eause it bas worked lIuch wonders diseases. ' " for relatives or friends. Miss Guidry It i8 easy to undel'8tand, therefore, took HADACOL because her mother why countleslI thousands have' alhad taken 12 bottles with exceUent ready been benefited by this am.... results. ',ing ~nie, HADACOL. Accept no In' nearby Port Arthur, Texal, .substitute-inslst· on the genuine Mrs. W. M. Tbompsol'! took HADA- HADACOLI . COL it had done her husSo, it m!ltten not who too ant". band s 0 m u chit mattel'8 Dot where you live ••• or good, That is the. if you have tried all the medicines under the sun, give thi. wonderful reason so many preparatkln a trial, Don't 10 on aufpur C! h a I e the feringl Don't eontinue to ' lead a I a r g e economy 1JIiscrable lile. Hany personi who size bottle 80 all bave 8uffer~ and waited for, 10 to the fa m II y can 20 years 01,' even longer, are able . benefit from na- now to live ,hap.,y, comfortable lives ture's . Vitamins again becaus~ HADACOL supplied and Mineral. In the' Vitamins 'and . Minerall whleh HADACOL; their lyatcms needed. Be ·fair to M·ra. Thomp- yourself. Give HADACOL a trial .. Mrs. Thomp.on ' son'lI nor mal We are BO fil'l11 in our belief that weight is 185 pounds, but "he was HADACOL w111 help ;ou that we clown to 110 pounds before taking sell HADACOL on a money-back HADACOL, an'd after taking a few guarantee. If you don't feel perfectl,. bottles of HADAC0r:. ahe regained satisfied .rter ' uaing HADACOL aa her normal weight. directed, juat return the empty car-. "I w~ bothered wltb stomach ton and your money will be cheertrouble. gastric disturbances, 1 had full, refunded. Nothing could be lost my appetite and was bloated," fairer. Sold at aD the leading drug alores. 'l5aid Hra, Thompson. She had tried lIeveraJ preparations before taking TrIal IIi.. olil, $1.25, but .ave her hUlband's advice on HADACOL money-buy the larl:8 tamlly and and ' now Ihe enthusiastically rec- hOllpitat Ibe-only $3.60. oJllmends HADACOL to her friends. If yoUr' druggist 'doel not have . She, too, like Miss Guidry and the HADACOL, order direct bom ~e. others, was suffering ftom the lack LeBlanc Corporation Lafayette. of the B Vitamlt2l and Minerals in louisiana. Send 'no mo~ey. ,fUlt yOIU' her 'Bystem wbich BADACOL con- name aad address on a penny posttaIn., ' . carel. Pa1 postman, State whether A lJek of.oal, ••maD amouat of 1011 waat &hep.1I0 hospital ecoJlom:r the B Vltamlu and certain lIineraia . . or the ,1.21 trial 1lH. Hemolll..111 eauu dipatlve dfllmbaneea•• ,.ber, mon., eheerfliU, refunded alae Yo. food will with _ J01I' are 100.,., ' .tIdI8cI,-:Ady•
JIG' -.ne
THlJH SUA Y, rEUIWAHY ~', I t )~ ..
MKry Delle Dotan hK S re- , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , "'Ir. aond Mrs. OUa Rich are a n· thl birth of It 80n. at notice that 8 lit• •lled for home. SUnday motnlng. Mr. Ilnd flrNt pln ee with John Vine or Leb· Eatabllahell 'ISO PAUL /II. SCHERER ........... .. . ...... .. ..... Editor and Publlaher Mrs. Thomas Rlcb ot near Har· anon In Ihe Senior T "18 " IVllll II I veysburg. are tbe patern al grand. CECILIA J. SCHERER .... . . : . ............. , 6ecre~.ry and Trea" urer J. ballon H Igil ('bool Febl'III1I')' p"renta and Mra. Mae De Board 411.. Mlll'Y Ilell e ,~ . the dllll gll Lel' of Cl.tlte Ave nu.,. It! Lue Dlnt£'rnnl of M Il'. nod MrR . """11I a rd Dognll ,) t Publlhsed Every Thursday -MomJnc grmdpar8nt. LYTLE ' METHODIST C~URCH . METHODIST Ct+UftCH' n~"r HR I·,'eYR b\1 r~. O. I ~ . Baughn. Pas lor R. B. Coleman. I\Un{ster at Waynesvlll!! . Warren County, Ohlo Mr. and _Mfa. Cerlr"Jonea are an, Cburch Sohool. 9:30 A.M'.. Mr. IInlrll'll SerVice, 9:45 a. ·m. W Ol'd ' h lLl! been I'ecelved he r(' 0 1 Entered IlS second c;laBs m~tler .t nounclng the birth of a daughter Hnrold Eatrtlbart, SUpt, the post~rf1te at Waynesville. Ohio. at Miami Valley tloSpl~al Sun- lite o:Iea~h of Otis Hlldley ~ wbo ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Worship Service. 10:30 A.M. pnssed IIII'IlY Febl'un.ry 5th In Rlv. da.,. afternoon. The mal ern.1i Youth FelowBhl,.lP. Sunday. t): llli SnnlUcl N • .KeYIl. RectoI' ·Mornltll:' Worsblp, 10: au A .M . tralI.dpa.rents afe Mr. nnd P4rs. ersldEl. Calirorllia . Mr. Hadley. II P.M. Subscription RateB-$1.60 .Per \' ear. In adV'llncI. In Oblo. U. ellewhere !fen Beckett and the patel'Dal torOlI r , resldenl of t llis \lJ ' liTICA E.V.,B. CHflRCtt g1&lIdparents a re MI'. . ,n d MrR, hl.H\ IlIved In A rllll~on. allfornln FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ~" lIhlm ::l b&nROa l Ml'llfattlr Byron Carver. Minister ror Revern I years. C1atide Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds Sun· S unda y Scl1ool•. 9 :itU .•\ ,M ," Mt'li . . Bible Scbool. 9:80 A.M. day e enlDg. . Morning Worsblp, 10:30 A.M. J nmes Garrllon. Supt. Prel(cblni. lilt. and :lrd. Sur.Prayer Meeting, 7:00 RM. Funeral services were beld at do,.s or elor. montb. 10.80 A .M. Young People'!! MeetiDg. 7:00 tbe Lukens - ReYDoids Funeral Bvel'l lng . S.rtfc!ea. 1 i30 P.M. Bvenlng 8ei'YfeeB. 7:90 P.M. 8y JANE FITE Home M'onday afternoon. tor Mrs. ST. AUGUSTIN,E CHURCH WAYNE8VIlLE CH.URCH OF The third and fourth grades of Kate ' Kelley Curl, who led at (be Fatber R. H. KrumhOlts . Pastor CHRI8T . .the ')(Ingmnn scnoo! presented a Hale Hoapltal In Wilmington Fi'L MIL ARf;!II. 8 and 10 A.M. M. H. Comfy, Mlnll1ter . mInstrel at t he F ebruary meeting dIllY atternOOD. Mre. Curl. Who BI~~ S~hllol. IJ~ 30 ~ ;M. or the Pa'rent Teachers ABsocla- lived In the Sprtngfleld community! Mornlnr WbriJlllp 10.S0 A.M. CAE8Aft'S ·OR.~K FRIENDS Young Peoples' Meeting. 6:45 ,ee Partington. MIDlI"r tion here Wednesday evening. I,lear Wtlb:1IDltOn, wu the Worship 8e"I08, 10 A.M. P.M. This program which also Included mother ot Hiram George and was Evenlnt· Sl!tv lce. 1 :30 ' F..M. Sunday Scbo(ll. 11 A,M. well known In an'd around the '\111ballet nnd lal) da nCing by Barbara l'ra'er i\feeting-t and B1&le Study Howell. was glvtCll In "Lchange lage. Among her other survivors ·W llllae.da',· 8 p:M' . WAYNESVILLE ' P'RtEN'Oa · for the Iwogram our students pre. Is a daughter. Mrs. Amy First Day SCbool. 9:3U A.M. Meeting fdr Wdrablp. 111:80 A.M. sen ted at their ParAnt TeacherR and a. Bon. OhanDln~ t; \1tl . both ot - - -0...--.-met)tlng last .Janun,ry .. \Ve wish' to near Wilmington. ' E. IF ,ou" would like' lo khow mor' e about. this scientific . Setl that pleoe of farm machln. thank the entire cast of the mlnCharlea Thompson is compleUn1' ery you no longe, ntld with a Ga· relfljoft ~eh heab 'h uman ills arid aoles 'human strel. tbeir directOr nnd also Miss plana tor opening a sbOe zette claaaified act. Howell . ror t heir splemUd per: service In ' tbe vlllage. Th:OlIlpsoil' prOblema, come to haa had similar eatabUbmentl In ormlUlce. Mts. Susie Gilliam who has been Wl&shlDgtoD Court ailuae WIItb~ houaeguest for ae\'eral weeks .mlngtoD. and one several ,.e~rs 'ago of the Reder family. haa 'gone to bere In the village. Tbe new lPERM'Aftf'Erfr A~£ Pre tone & Zerone Wilmington. whe." line wl11 be the IneS8 wlJl be 10ca.tecJ In bill garllgti guest for several days of Mr. and building on South st(eet. AI:COI4OL - Zerone · lIfrl! . .Tohn lWbem. ' t4r. and Mrs. Clyde Levlcy. who . COMPI.:ETE AlFr0 1REPAIR SERVICE Yra. Helen Randall BlII of Mt. have been spending ~everal molltli:!I '24. HOUR 'WRE'CKrNC . 9ERVIC! Healthy called on friends In th'e In St. Peteraburr;. Florida. returned village Thursday af~rnoon. 'to ,t heir home here SUnday. Mrs. J. P. Thornbury was Ii. Mra. Robert Conner. 'Who has been 1lI Is Improving. guest durtng the week end of her 'By' CEetL F. DENT&N. C. S., of NEW YORK CITY Mr. ~d Mrs. Gail <lorden. Mr. Sisler and other relaUvea In Loul!!MAIN 8. MIAMI STS. PHONE WAVNIt8. 234' and Mr•. JalJies 'Mlornbury. Mrs. ville. Kentlf~. Me-mller, the 'Bbatd~ of tectoreshil' ,of The Mother Church · A. S\ CoUett' and lier Ion. ·Mr. Tile local chapter of the Order Hobert ' Collett. atfended th'e' Ice' of tile Eutern :SEar "..11 .II))O'80r The rarat Ch"1lr~~ of Christ, Scleritht, capades at the Clnclnnall gardel)l' a ham dbUler in the Home Eco. in BottOft, Massachusetts ROOFING 8~Dday. nomic. room of ebe 'Ichool blindHorsell, '1.&0 . CoWl. ,UO Of All TYI,e. Mr. IUld Mrs. H.' S. Tucker had Ing Saturday eve1ilri~. Iiegl.nnlnr: lit Hoga - 26c c,vt. as their Snnda., draner guilifs 6 P. M. In'bla\~ Urich arid alIiel. A.:cor.f lng tI. Sil" tbelr lon-In-law aJfd dlu;hter. Mr. IAMs Wasb who bas 'bllen til. t8 to'& SMftlS. S1feet nriltal wtn'1I !Iilll t·"n.I I"oll . etld MY'S. Rlchara Wllllamll' and slowly ImpfOvlnCo ot all kl!flts. ~Hl ' ~reren" : <';.11 8 P. M. family of Wllmlllgtun. cl!l!I. AID .orst «tIaraftteed. The annual €lvlcLealUe The Baptlat Mlllsionary Ol'lcle wlU be held ·tbls coming WedDe8' HOWARD W. ,HAAs 1 9W' ReYer,e CIlaJ'a's milt at the lf4ftne of Mrs. ·A. S. ·Collett. WednHcli.., afternoon. Mill. day evenlnl( In ~he nome Eco· "ou~ 3 WlIy.,iI.+me, o. IiblillcB room of the scbool bulld Estb'er Doller cOltdifct~ the devo. Ing. FolloWing ' tlie' basket dlnner 1'fIcme WlIynd. tic! .2191 :iloha and Mra: Ruth PldSln rel 14118 Ellzatieth' ClArke 'Wl11 take Ivlewed the lut chapter of their •• ""..,... of the ' Prdiram. . ~study "Misllons at the Th. ldcial dlla.'PbIr tit · the' .Rootll." of Ore EUtenl St'ars Iil'et " Mr. a.nd Mrs. Dave -Elb6b and ular tellilln at the I .' :tbelr daughter ' JacQqellne of M~rMra. Stella Vbce ................ ' I'DW. were .t he cueats of' ·Yrs. lalil cHapter of tb~ : t;0;61t. ~;~rt~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~=~ 1!llbonll' brothe~ln·law and ilater. of the Sci'lpwe...· a.t ttie 10Dle Mr. and Mrl. Bitn necket. Mra. Claudia B'tan4fi"burg M,nda., Mr. and Mrl. Jame. Rader and evening. Tbls ""'ell or lDe.~ Mr.. Ida Oollle were til" gUelltl lags was Ip(»nlvrea bY t1i~ I i~ iiiiiiii§!H!!ieeE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S~~~~ of Wooc1row Oolllnl, who II con. Women's Soc let)' of ChrtStlil1i~ fined t o the Meyerl Relt Home Service. In Morrow. Mr. and Yrl . .He,bert Do_terl Mr. a114 Mrs. Jl'red Sherwood. who have had as their bouse guest for Beveral IIIlyI their grand· who have been IlpeJl4~ months In Florida. returned to daughter, 'M l.a Cheril Doster, WALL ' PAfaER, J PAS11E AND S~NG tll'elr home the village' TII~r.. companied her to her 'home day. ' . ' Spr~gtleld Sunday. ' . G. ~.. BtltBS - ' NU ENAMEL Mr. and Mrs. Cb~le8 ' Oorilan; Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh hact ~Dd Mr. alld Mr... 1I'rJDt Sbutts. as their house ruest during the KlMTONE who are Va.catloDIq In FloHdR. week eDii their grandson. Muliter wet'e amOn~ the CUestll who re- John Wellb of Utica. · centl7 attellded a dinner given by - : t Oi Mr. and Mr8. Plfll\lre at 'heir home In Port Rickey . F'la. • Mr. ·alld Mrs •. Harley Cartwright TEtEPHONE •2'422 WAYN£Sv.IU.E, OHIO and family of ~thenl!l. were ' tlie . ON FARMS I!;ueata Sunday of Mra. Oartwrtgb.t~ terms ' assure repa.vmenf parente, Mr. and' Mrs. odd Bunce. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. MarU~ .abillty. 80n. Doulte. apent ' Molillay wltb' .. '" will save yo umoney. Mr. M'artl:n's griUldparents. Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Martin at their REFINANCING BuvtNr. bome In lItentor, Kent.ucky. . l' a IMPROVING , Mr. an'd M"rl. oarl JODel, who hllve lMiIen Uv1ft'1' fn Franklin. have through ' ' r~oved to fbe flIlale- anlt are refttdlDC ' Ui tile BeCkett home on Maln atreet. The B. (Y_ -'.met lit the home ot ROQm 5, Old Ba1lk Buildln~
- - - --
Cestila Science
-H·:I ·AL? · A·
Car Fer Winter
CflRlSTIAN SCIENCE .The Awakelling'10 Spliritual Reaiity
XeDia 454
Lebano.n Higb School
'Ale (.diIDy Invi..-:JL.· .
Rerit~~HOUSE --- The :Editor '
litclrea Sto8lswith Baell '. Support $2~'9 each
WaJlla.le' furaiblre "A"ianee Co.
,Il'tatallapon 'and' Ga-.
Leh8non N.P.L.A. Phone
IN ·1\£e_lS·
·Phone 37371
w. •
at ,.,.. Hiftie
wttll tlle tblett or ........ to aep JCMU' CIU' r r LI sa tip top
tUa . . . . ..
TI".' - AOC ........ IAn.R ••,
MANY FAMILIUS WHOM W HAYE NEVER SElt,,® BE!FOFLE call us when bereav4!lb~nt ovelrtakel tliem bec8 use ou.r old frlelndl ,r lfer to Us with approv· Ing commellt.
Noeecllellil to say -If IIPPteelR,te lblltle 'rlelldly e:ap....elODI. elipe. call:, linea thq. .... · voluntal')' Ildd '" bOllly uaa.lIette4. . -
. BillT8 .
· tHll:M~ Off. 2~~D I GALLON CAN . . . . . .CO ~IL
_ 1I _ a _&l_ &l _ Lt~_~"-""'"
Dry Ridge A Farm Diary By D. J , Frazier
. O...,....... '
fEBRUARY 23, 1950
....I~ ~t --...~
Februll.l'Y 211, 19GO, - Winter Is with UI Rgllln, ou t whether we \vlll get t1:\OS8 six weeks 01' not IR Eometblng r CI~n'not te tl nnW RPring ,Is l'e:Llly btlI'll, Wednesday, IAlit w~ek, WIIS Ine day I fOl' Detroit, It was one or those days when It Is hard to tllll wbut Il Is going, to ' do, Tbe clouds hung low and n \\'U S j\l~t cold enough to s now but nOl t,·eezln g. II drizzled It little and It !mowed II tew flakes and ] hardly knew wbether It was .:olng to Ile wlSel' to take the , t l'&ln or to take a chance , and drive to Detroit. Ovel the radio the Jllgllt before It had told of snow and ,ice In (be northE' rn pnrt of the !leate Monday, but this was Wednesday.' 1 decided to go as far as Dayton and then de' clde. By tile ulna I got to Dayton , the sky was a little lighter 80 1 decidecV to take a OhallCe and urlve. All day it was just the same, a lIule f1UTry ot anow, tben II. little lighter sky, then dark clouds agai n, but not enough III ony lime to
mlike bad driving. Al'Ouud Flmllay rlverH were ollt of tllelr banks and water everywhere. Around Toledo and farther north tnerf' werE' heaps of snow but the rUUClB were olellr aud I reached Wyn nllolte jllrl t about the slI.me qme thul lhe tl'uin got there a.nd sUI'prlsed the Pnt'IIR fam ily by driving Ull In my ('01' Instead of u l-aXi, as "1ley thought 1 would bO' 'hming oy tralll . I had It plea~8nt visit Ulero over n jgh t and tbey a'aked allont a ll their Waynesyllle friends. Th~ next morning I went In to the onferen ce. ' "The Responsibility of Christian s In Illl Interdependent Economic World." That was the lopl c for ' discussion and there were people from all over the country lbere to dIscuss It. There WB S R luncheon the first day lit wblcb there were four 8peakers, George Harrison, long time president or tbe AFL Brotberhood of Railway a.nI) Steamship Clel'ks, Hersl.!bel D. New80m, Musl er of Indluna SLate Grange, Walter ReuUle l', UAW, president, and Noel ~lIrgent. Secret~ry of NAM. Four out_ standing speakers Who gave outstanding speecbes. Tbere Is no doubt tbat Walter Reuther Is an eloquent spea.ker. His speecb was
full of quolable IItatemt:nts sut:b as "wo know bow to s pilt the alom bUt we don 't know how to fpod the hllngry ill a "'UI' IO wllera t1l re i ~ Ion 'Ullieh food. " The eonfol'enl'(' WitS dlvl\led Into tlll'ee Hec tlolls. A to KIUdy th In dlvldllnl In relation to tb e Rtnd)! lopt " D 10 'sludy orgalll7.ed groul' s and Internatlonlll E.'onomle wol· fll l·e. I Innded in BN I, 'Orgalllznd Gl'OItP!i ; Fr 110m or Enten)t'lse IIll t \ So 'Iui (;onLrols' WIth V Ir-lor Reuther. ·ChMt·mnn. 'l'llIs tlIrned out to be lhe group !lint everyone wanted to be ' In tlB It wall fell tbal here Ihe dl sc u ~ slou would be hoth· . Tiley were. At least t hel't' \\' tlil mOl'e Underlying fee ling th 1'0 , I think the chall'llian tried to gil everyone tI filiI' chance but thero wl'e those wbo fe lt thBt ', tbey ,bad not bad a. chance 10 express theIr vlewB.. Tbe grellt trouble WIIS that -the ~ubject was too wide 'IInii covered too mu 'II ground. , Tllel'e Wa.S Il great deal 01 11m e , pent 011 (h s ubject or taxes us.!!! &\! a 80cial control, ' that Is liS a m ns of stllbllizlng ewployment and eql1allzln", income. Arter four ses· slons of trying to get together some kind of 0. report or resolulion t9 be vot ~ d on by tbe whole
wuellng tbey got one together the r best thoy could but when It came 10 presenting It Prof. Bouldlng at Aim Arbor, Wh~ was 011 tbe com' mit lee, did n'~t do 80 beca.usl) be felt thnt ' tho questlonR had not b en ' Hutrlc lently atudled. widell ce nulnly WIIS true. Ther\! ' W"I'E~ many Interesting fiCO pie there. M I'. Charles Tart g'l\'e II, fin adldr gll ~unday mornInl: In which be snowed bow tbe democratl c 'proees/I han gl\OWD f rom tbe smaU groups of Protestants \\'ho met back In the time ot the Heformal ion an!l began to set. II.. tbelr ' nffn i'rs by di~cu8slon In smAil gron])s. After 80 much talk nbout wha t IS wrong With tbe "'orld and .lVerybody In it earned lo be a neallhy sign to meet togatbe lt' tor the worship service and SELY together the G~l1' eral Con't esslon, "we 1Jave left undone lImse things wblch we ougbt to have done and we have ilone i hose things which we ought not & ~ .~ leIIioa fIDdJ WLW tolk artists to have . dono, and there III no .... aatl'..... ~ ileatID&' 1& out, toe to toe. Colonel Emle Lee ala healt h In UB." T il"" to sing "Oh Ilk .~, abow ,at ' ~:.5 p.m" £$1', and Bed Turner emceeI!I • ~ .. tile "IIi4w-*en Hayride" procram Batur,d ays at 8:30 Lord fi nd Fatlher o • . lanklnd, for· p.m., B8T~ . -' ...- - - • • - •• give our tooUah waYB," aDd then - - _ •• ' - ' . _ . _ • end up "Lead On, 011 King Editor WANTED TO RENT - 5 or 6 ROOM HOUSE Eternal."
Boogie Woogie
"1949 was a year of completion and commencement on the Big Inch ~ystem'] ~ " .. -.~
It Is • p~rsonlll injustice to permit o ....elf to be perp)~xe4 about ~y fuDoral matter. We're alway. willing to furnish h9~ut informaUon.
. ~,
Texas Ea.<rt.em's prograDl to raise daily natural gas delivery capadty to 508,000,000 cubic feet was comple~ last Spring, and a new program to. increa&e capacity to '140,-
roae to $19"l,93'1,927. ·'Besides expanding ita facilities, Texas Eastern completed a gewaI ,plant better~prognun which included,there-Iocation and replacement or some valves, the bOOding of mmumry'fite walls and metal compr~r builaings, and the laRaUation of automatic
OOO,OOO~ubicfeet ~i1ywas begun. Thian~w
expansion of our pipe li.J~e sy!ltem was:St1bstantially complete by the e~d of 1949. , "The In~h Lines are 1l0W serviDltIU ~ companies iIi eight states from Misaouri to New York. Increases m deliveries and the wditiolf-oJDewcustomt!l'llbave been re8ed;ed
.,.dp'Jalt f~muiIIIam iatety and efti~ent ~n.
in earnings. Texas Eastern'~ grosS reVeDDeB in 1949 were $45,036,0«:12; and net incDne waS $7,278,313. or $1.58 per ~~e of capital
stock. Gas sales totalled 161.8 billion cubic feet for the year, and gro.ss plant i~veetilitilt
,-Weare planning to expand and extend our ~ in 1950.ana 1961 to provide natural PI service for. New England. H these plans '8Il!'-approved by the Federal 'Power CommiIIsion, our capacity will be inCl'eru!ed once more to·furnish about 250,000,000 cubic feet' 01: Datural gas daily to the Northeast."
DISTRIBUTING GAS COMMNIES SERVED IY 'TEXAS EAS1'EIN-l.., East Ohio.Gas 'Co. In4iInI GIS, .... eo. . . fleellfcl a GIS (t. Peoples Natural Gas Co.
PROTECTION 'Sail Utroillh lUe with: the allurance that lour flDaDoIal
" 'J)eic
New York State Naturll Gas Corp. Scnrthastera'llIIIII '-' Ct,
Inc to our home.office addrl!88 ~low.
WI,nesHto !I.e fils C•• Manufaclur.ers Light 1 Heat Cal. leus GIS tnwbh t.,. Ohio Fuel Gas Co. Equitable Gas Co. Cft, 6as C•• II . . JerseJ Carnegie Natural Gas Co. MIle. Senke IIectric I GIS to. United Natural Gas Co. CollI" GIs Ct. - - - P~iladelphia Electric Co. MIssouri Ullities Co. . Philadelphia Gils Worb Co. Matlal Gas I 01 Cerp. . 'Mew York. ftichaIoDd Gas Ct.
troubles wUl be protected bl a nplar dtposlt tn your eaylap account at:
taeta and fta- aft' bJahltghts of
. .....' 8 ....D'0 Tbb:d AaaualIReport to Ita atockholders. If you would'like a copy of'the report, you may obtain one by writ-
• • • • •• • •••• IILLIONS OF (tUBIC FEEt
.11&1».,. I
n. ._
IaIt, 8D4
Iu4 It to 118 n.1oN tJa&t tIIm., IIIWt IoOIre mat. It lOOk JIb .nl
.Ower"" ,.............
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p........ tile III Inch Ie . . III _ eM
H_oMceoIT....fculu r N. . .' FIi. . .
1IDie.'Y"'m. Is ....,. III ,_, II ,.. . . ClIId wllrk.
rS'lka •• apwt,louiwna. 2'Ml"" I . AIlOR
I ' ," .• t.
Thursd.y, February 23, 1950 ,
l~tc"'LEtH1I\f iPATTEANS
Slim' Sil~ouette Leads Pictu're Of Fashcons for Spring, Su~mer
ding Squares 1'0 It
Bed Se& Matches Scarves, Towels 1r " (l.r~r
croohe l
8 .... lh~ Clrcl. N.edl •• f.rl Depl. p . o. an n'40. ()Ill •• , . 110, III. Of P . O. BOll. I ii:. 01. Cbol ••• SI.tlOD. No,. "orll II, N, Y.
By Ertta Haley R E'S LESS t HEmlg'ht think in thc
than you new hem· lines. and you can chalk on end to the era of the moulded torso and the full skirt. Thot. briefly. is ll)e fa shion nows for sprlni and sum· m er clothes. Sithouettcs a re sUm. put even with the Ins pt r ation (rom the 1920's 1hnt clothes seem to borrow here and lbare, there's no Ind ication of a return of the flour sack look of 1hat period. Though you'lI 'be ' able to find pl enty of full skirts for da y nnd eYiming, slim skirts art' re ally 1m· Ilortnnt fa shion news. Then. too. you'U be fascinated with ~kirts tbat scem slender but a ct full when YOll move with the aid of hidden gode!s, folds and pleats , of all widths. Witb tod3Y'S fabrics, it seems no trick to pleot tlie skirt , , aU around and ' slUl bave it look sUm. Tbe blggcst Innovo tions have come In the tops of dresses and. gowns. You'U be seeing large col· lars. big ' sleeved jackets. roomy bloused backs or Intricately pleated ones. deep armholes, short capes. A smart Idea for • slim olotlt. . flared boleros or bare top~ with InC budget wOllld include these tiny stTopS. amar' shoes that feature Along with the interest designers closed pump construction' with have displayed on tops. the enoratlkle st~ap!l. The shoe elves mous sleeves being displayed are the tool a slel!der .pp'ea~anoe right in kj!eplng with fashion wltb U. suaVe lines and sturd1 trends. Some sleeves are ·high. construction In black lIuede. lighted even more with cuffs In the Tbe mo.derate heels offer ease for daytime wcar.
St,apped Ankles
Encloie 20 eenu for pattern. CR I PTU Il l!:' A c.,o 1(1·36- ' ~ .2.2: I Cor. 6: 0- \1 '20: 11 Corlnt.hlnn. 6 : 11-'
sleeve itselt or above the Wrist where the sleev. tapen off. Another interesting trend whlcb bas been some time in coming up II! the bare ~op with sleeves. In these the bodice , Is. well moulded and Ule short sleeves are 'good foil for bareness at top. , Look, too. for belted Russian blouses and eape ' jackets. Iioth of them new ' ex~enies . in the I wide· toppe'd outUn~. · HIpline! are Strelsed: Waistlines De~so,rndIDC Great Interest I~ belrrg dfsplayed by' designers in the blpllne ' on tbe new fashions . These ore stressed b)' -mIfffY me afl ~. 8' 0 em stun· ning for the slender·hil'ped woman.
Folds are popular, but cuffs and darts ore w e y use . ,Slender. indented wals't1lnes are far from forgotten. however, eVen though hlplines are important. Since the waistline ItseU Is being lowered on the drelles', the natural waist· line Is' being played up ' with Indentations and 'darts to make It figure·hugeln,. . The middy 'blouse and .weater toP. coupled often wltq a pleated skirt. is the favorite daytime wool cireSI IilboueUe . . in silk ' and cotton,
, B. Smartl
' : 1. DEVOTI ONAL tC!I~ .
16 :23·29.
.. • ClGWI-IIIIe drape .v. "aeM. ., IIeadIDa ..... repea. De rIcIaGen 01 .... ....
................................ .
Satan's Throne Lesson Cor FebrulLry 26, 1950
Beware Coughs
From Common Colds
Odd 'Things Happen At Carnegie Hall As F,rmou's Appear
, .
Muscle. - . .
.:¥ .;
1 Chron.
HOLD NO BRIEF lor !lim" is a lawyer ' s expression !>!te'1 Add·A- quare Honked RUIr FIRST" ~" , """ of Jo lI ~ Tl ft\f' bo rr owed by other peoflle. A law· p \)r Cfllf\ from , ttl,U P.I ' lI.kr , H.IS 1!; an interes tin!! des ig n of ' ycr who holds a brief for n. ' trian It u k"n\k , Jnd ~\oI l t "\-4"r nljJ\l d,lui6t.n por (1~'"fI ,",,1 lnt cl'locked cirolcs. flowers hilS becn employ'ed to represent 1:;'0 ....... 5C'f bad 0 1 (1" 'PI and ehonies. 1t may be m a de in f r-nr'" fm brlol pnr ( o , n him . It is ,his duty to prescnt the bA li, and C'arn\tl Ioor-n ) 0 .. a ny size .desired by adding 12-inch mon in the b es~ li ght possible , C'''' .altrd. Now we kno~ abou~ the early squ a r es. • • • church at Corin th pn t1 tr~ 201 R'v e~ nchlll l-flf7~ trnclng Crom two sources: d~. l):!n8 . nd 1IIII00 r o te d dlrtcl lon. ror every . top. Prl« of Do llern Is 2~c. Luke an d P a ul. The book of Acts WU R K: 110 1' PATTERN 'SEltVICE was w r 'l t ten, Url'lwer 10 ,among other r eo · 8edr.r~ 0111 1, Nt .. York. sons, to show that the C h r i s t I a n church. far from Deing a subversive Creoll1ul.slon relieves promptlYbccau. Ie. goes righc 10 the SUI 01 the crouble movement as its Dr. ForemaD 10 help loo~n and expel germ IIdeo enemies cl aimed . ,pblegm and aid nal\lre 10 soolhe mel was a benefit to the world. Of beal taW, tender, in8:amed bronchilll ' course this was true: but slnoe ·thls mucous membranes. Tell fourdruggiJt ATCH your pansy scarfs and was Luk e's purpose, he naturally 10 sell you • bodle of Creomubion towels with , this bed set. omitted as much of the cHurch's NEW YORK, N. Y.-Neorl:v 50 ...Ich the undersl.ndin'c )'Ou mUSI like shortcomings as be COUld. and years ago a young man leotured Edging and medallions are cro. che WlY iI qulcily II1.y.~ che cough played up the good features. in histori o CarnegIe hall on a sub· cheted sepaTa'tely. embroidery or you are to hive your mnner badt. • • • jec t which would un!loubtedlY I ~nds color. Church with the Lid Off; s'e rve him better at the present • • Paul. on the other hand, writing lime , The ~l1bj~,ct .was : "The W.a r for CouRhs. Chest Colds, Bronchitis Illustrated With to tho church at Corinth (and to as ,1 sa\~ It. the smart dresses come with a othe~s as wem. beld no brief for ,lantern . slides , And t~e lec t ure r shirt waist style in ,such fabric .s ur- them. He was not trying' to praise ",as WInston .Churchlll, then' a prises as chiffon. They will fea . them or to tell any body bow good freshmall co~respondent who hilS ture big bishop sleeves,. f an pleated the~ were. . escape d durt~g · the Boel' war . ' He knew tbem IntimatelY; be fr om Lady s mith, South Afrlca. · ~kirts, • plunging , necklines. and had Indeed' converted mos' of C h urch·i11 was only one' o~ many metallic louches or "diatttond" • buttons: ' ' the members. grea t men a nd women w ho apHis letlers 1.0 Corinth, from Wbloh pea red ,o n t bat same old s t age, Othe r decor;lti ve fe a tu res which our lesson gives a small sample, J ohn J . ~rot t en, hou s e manager of loom ' bi g on the fa shiQn hor izon in· shows. us a churcb "with the lJd Carneg'ie hall, r ecalls . Ca rn etria hall was opene d in clude frIn ged skirts. net !louhccS. oU." long strings 01 pearl s and ha niike r· • .• • May. 1891. w 'th T<>haikovs ky can· chie1 p\>ints. • Where Satan's T1none Is ductin g the first concert . Years Skirts bre only slightly , short~r "t d T cI 'k k 'd a f .even , y EARS AFTE RWA"'....... nnothe~ a. en an, 181 nLI h Q\lS Y sal d k though th e trend I.s upwa rd. Christ ian wri.ter sa id of another th f~ mou!; Ma n att&n Ian mar : Most designers Cavor them at 14 my 1 .I·ved • ... vhere "When I c ome to the stage of to 16 inches , from the Claar, or at church that tb. , d ' n's throne \·s." Yo" m ight al. Carnegie ha II to con uct a con· Sala midc~lt. They \Yarn the Wearer t o " . . . th . b . let he It own' legs be the gl\ide as to most .bllve said the same thing of cert, as :5001) as a mj.l!l)c egms proper ' length. ' Col'intb-;. It was n large commercial I fOT-get all the surroundipgs. fol' , city : people from everywhere fun. I hal' e the impre s s ion of a soSuUs Show Slender Lines neled into it. Like Dny city ot this nor ily Jilte a Stradi\!arious . . . , sort it had earned a r eputa tion for It ' is mY conclusio)'l that Carnegie With ' Hlp ' Detailing There is no evidence tbat suits wtekedne~s. of every kind-~iink. hall is l)one !J,mong the very f ew wLU turn about aDd be mas culine. liquor. 'gambling. women.. cut. best a uditorium s. acoustica lly , It If anything. the. silhouette in suits Jbroat business. rotten politIcs-it "ViI.1 be OJ pity it one day an idea is even more slender and .fem inine was all there. Even in the easy. sh ould come to anyone ' to ab\llish than for .m any seasons: , gOi,n g Rom lln world, Corinth was this hjslLorlcally a nd musically Despendlng waistllDes are played I)qlorlbus. ~ I.-ell I aqditori~ m}' . . Totten. who has .been lVith. Car· up . n' iults even m'ore tban' In 'Corlnth was a s~rl of man. .d~essel. apparently because tb~ lr malfe Jungle, like our own ne( ie ham 'for 43 years. -first as an Simplicity. 'can shoW sucq detnll~ >, 'greal cllles lodal/.: It mad'e a - usher. n ext as assistant house " to perfection. ~IlCkS on .fh? suitl\. , sorl lesl, case: If, the ,churcli , mo rta r-ar . a nd to r 22 years II] his are gored and taplfrect ,T hey nlp ~. Gould succeed In Oorlntb It pr esent ('apoc ity. t.old some of the nea.tly at _t],\e ' na\ural waistline lind ',' eoul~ succeed anywhere.' . hig hllr.htiS of the past and a few of en go down to a cuff at ,the hlp-S . · If the ower ChrI st could tile mo'r ' r e cent happeninF!s. A.nother hip.!.coenti~g .reature is. . 'make ne: ~mcn . and women out . In 19111 Caruso, H eifetz and t~e use of stTaps ~egtnntng at the of the deniZens of th at great city , Raohmaninoff occupied the stage SIde seams tbat criss cross direct· there was no jungle. man-made or one after noon . lending their tal· · Iy In the m iddle back to be attached nature.made where Cbris t c Oll/d ento:; tor B Red Crnss benefit. . "There was a T l\rkish meeting to two buttons. Here, too., the b\lc k not go. Can mBn and women be Is shaped to fit neatly by means Christian- In the mids t ot a nort. ,ope niJ!l~ t in 'the hall , h Tot\ en Christian even a nti _ Christian sa id. .T hey wanted to dec ide of gores. S~irls follow: the silhouette in the world? : ' which city was to be the c a. pital trim lines and the favor ed m idoalf ' .••• of Turke y. It ended in a ' near "engtb~. . Our ' Pagan World riot ... wi th WOTnC,," usin g hatpins Exceptions to the tren d described pAUL'S ANSW'ER, of ,course; Is as weapons on those who did n ot above Include those suits whicb ~ Yes : on one condi tion. Volt 'a,ltrce ~vith them." feature flaring bole ros, bloused m.ust take yOur patte r n 'Jar living Totten r eca ll ~d that in 1919 the backs bel.ted. pl.eated or botb, as from Jesl\s. not f!'om 'he world hall had its big.g est · flop when 'Well . as big .sleev~d jackets. , around you. The big problem Dt Prellident: , Wood r ow Wilson . spoke SUIt blollses are going . to be 1m·. Corinth which included liU other there afte r he had r:aturned from n Ben.Gay, Contains up port"nt again af!er O1a ny seasons proble~ s . was the tact' that the the peace conference , in Fran ce. St REliEf. rub I lamoUII pain.rebevlI'Ig fA fOR . . I those two fi otber of buttOned jackets. Walch for suit Christians thet-e were acting tQo The hall was only half full-be· 211.. times more 0 d menthol. then v• to ('J. thyl salicylate an .JaCkets brig~tlY .lIned ~o. matcb ~he much like the people outside l\'Ie ca us e. Totte n .explained. there aients. me . ' I blou~, as ' an Important fa shIOn church. Cbristian s must be differ. were so ' many policemen, detec· wide~red rub-tnl ... • M£VRALO'L MUO"I:MII entl Insisted PIIul , This is not an tiv~s and secret, service men . .MIU.....• • .... to...... . . .'Id to. alldre:-," Fabrlos and Coloi'll echo of a bygone time. anound t he ·entrance that the ;: l . ".. ... ... cO , Bold Spotlight Oor oWQ world Is a new Cor. waiting crQwd coul~ not get in . No one can fall to, be dellghte~ lutb. Even Into ,the remotest . with the exquisite fabrics and colvillage. the most Iso!ated farm, That Settled It ors whicl) new fashions wlli show, tbe world of oar time pushes ' 8im . (startle.d ),..."Hello, Jim. I So many miw materials and com! In, by ,adlo, . movies, maga, heard you were dead''' ' blnations of fabrics have been zincs .nd papers and advertl.. . Jim-'''Tbey did say I was· de'a d. mastered , now that, these. In them· Ing. even bJ S«lhoola atld cl~bs. but it wa:s another man. I knew It selves are news. ADi! 1& Is a pagan world. wasn't m.e as soon as I heard of The sheerest 'arid 'lightest at ·ma· Take !.he !'lOVies '\llone, that 'fer- it." " terials are featured In mllny 'of the tile source of most young people', ' new clothes) and tbeY're especially ideas. I'Hollywood's Idea ot mar. appropriate tor clothes thot wID be, riage-a ·temporary affair tUl bore· ' worn during warme.r weather. c;lom do Uf/ P!lrt; HollyWood's Idea TIBlue weight . fabrics· are to be of ' I good tlme-liquot' flowing free; Hp'uYW~d'8 Idea of success found everywh'er~. Paper thin . falUes, taffetas. -an ' immense house with an even surah. and brocades have lost bigger, s'Ylmmlng pool. their swish of the winter to 8' faint Not that· tbe ~e are no good mov· whIsper, so Ught arl! they . MateTi· Ing pictures: but In general what I! als wbl!!h are natUrally soCt .have made glamorous on a thousand been treated In the opposite dire!!· screens Is -anything but a Christian UOIl Ch ftO"S bave , been lltarcht'd wQrld : - . ,c '" __ whUe .h.n~ungs have a, taffeta· • • • Ilkcf ,ltextur,;, ' ,lo ' And B~ Ye Separate , Silks are , sheer while' linens hJve AUL KNEW it Is' not practical lost a lot of weight by b.elnll made . to have no contact with evil Into ' hatldlc,:r!lbief weights: .WORI· He would not approve of Chrisiiam ens ,are Icloitd ~Igbt, ~Ing'l ate ~olni: Into monasteries where the~ thin ljut ~al'm enough for aU·sea would hencefo.d b ,see none but top son coats. '" ' Tade saints , Christians have tl' For tsllored dresses. t"'e i\lvo~ed lve in the world. even 11 they liv!· rabrics inolude lo repe de clline 'Jhere Satan's throne Is. Bul Chris chiIfon. georgen, nnd net. Llnenl ia ns ought to be dilrerent. are tleinll enoru~ted with lewer;, The world soys: Drink makes no and em\Jroldery for evanlng wear "rrerence; meh 01 dist inction at1 Gossamer Swillt organd{1!8. riylo, " it. The Christian kn?ws better : net and tulle ar~ being fublon .., ""b rist's t:TlBn of distinction wil' .CAMBS ARE SO MILD '.hat In a ~ .... of Into delicate. drlftln, eV'Bllin, 'ep himself clean . The work hundrecla of min and women wt,o lmobd CalM"~ancl only Camolldresses. a romantic note .In at IYS: Let yoursell go, foUow YQU I hr 30 .... no.... th ..... ..-cIa'..... _king weekly ••amlnatfOll., roported otherwise sopblstlcated season. ,pulses. look out for yourself Colors for the I~ason lOok • • \ he ChristIan knows bet~r : he i' ·,e bougbt witb .a price. We tho though they'd been picked dghl re strong ought to help the weal oul of a luscious · fruit "baskel Orange. lemon, lime, aprIcot, ba 'ld nOI to please ourselve8. Thc nana and peaeh 81'e some of tbl' 'orld uys: Do a. other people do ' favorltel. Natural colora like beige. "':oprrl.nt ~ \he In'.rn.l~ tlonaJ ('OUt, • land and draw touched with black BtU,lOu. Ed1le8Uon on beull of !.C!!!.lJ<nl d ... o ....""Ucuut. a.l..- _ tor decoratloD alIo bid for atteQ. IfIlV " ..'lire .. , tiOD.
Wee hatl help make bl .. ev", ' DlDP elpeclaU, wileD they are tooclled wl&b ,old, pear", and ever .. man)' IlumlaUolIS or praclo... Tbe ha& Ihelf fa • mere will' of velvet. . .lID ClrCNlbeled metalllo )'am er whAtever )'00 wisb. " aerves . . • faoDdaUoD for ric" oma,. meataUoa tba& .. beoo.lila • •11 • f.llllon leader_ Vella .... IlUIIadID, olaDda ., "IUDa
t nt~ llln .
New jllJbiol1S ,bow toUar in'erer' •• ,
nlOlIIs !Ix IJ 10 ft ,,.slil In.hu :
dlr~ctl" n • .
Thursday, FebrWll')' 23, 1950
"Now I Can SLEEP"
AUT08. TR(JCKS .. ACCESS • .JEI!lP PARTS for Nllltnry nnd Clvillon .Jeeps. Fait S"rvlc". (hUll Suppt, Co" ~s _ . ho,t. · IIoA, HI.vboDYUI.. 01110 • .P1l•• e, 4...0aA4 : INTERN . TIO"N"XL'~7. Chassl. lie CUb. Model KB5. 11~ .oo , Lui. MOJer Molo r C ••• .. 4 E. ,,11 81., Covln,l.n, Ky.
"Coffee nerv. '08«1 tel keep me toe.iJIl and -turn in,. Bu~ linee n,itohlnc to POSTUM . I .Ieep IOWldly-and friendl bave commented on
~~.--, ---
D008. CATS. PE1S. ETC.
r01 Uear., Gold •• I •• m. t er bU':' I> :;",,"n"' ' <J-u"'p:"', 'Wonderful P Olls, III(orawlltm on rca,u cs t, :e~~~~e!,:.rr6b~!~u.", III E . ., . TI bill.
blYj ' improved app nttranoo. "
SCIENTIFIC FACTS: Both coffee and wa contain caffein-adrua-a _1Ii"'ul4.... 80, wblle many people can drink oolfoe or t~1l withoul ill·n/I'eett-otherl nfFer ne"," OU 8111!88, indigostion. alceplesa nl,bu, But PO TU 111 cont.a.ln. no cnffein-nolhi1l/1
FARM MAt:H'!III Eft" .\\ EQU.I' , l · .. ac.-&or wl th ~\YCI: LI1., 2-row cultiva tor $500. Don Riebel, We,,' • ' AllMA.LL
.Ieuor.on. Ob.o.
H·~~ ~!u.
FARMS AND RANCHES RAISE CATTi."if."OitOVSCIJ( N it S 11 Y 8TOOK IN AMEIlIOA'S FI NEST QUNTING 41 FISIIING 'I'EIUtl'r()Il.Y The territory ncar Beaufort. Sau llI CItrO'
thaI can po,IfibIU kup I/OU a wak4f MAKE THIS TEST: Buy INSTANT PO T UM todf.y- lh en drink POSTU M ex clusi vely fo r 30 dnys-nr,,1 jfidae /'/1 r. . ult.f . . , IN 'l'A-N't' POSTUM-A Vig.
IIna. ho.s o.n Iden l cllmn te wllh a su m·
lIter 8veI"nge, 01 flO· winter 67- . 11 u, ... peoxlmp les Ihnl 01 ios AI1!:"los. C n llfo ~· n ill . or Oainesv llle. F lol'1dn . T)ler' I"
D riu k mudo rrom Hefllthrul Wheat lIn el Bra'l . A Prod uot 01 Gellernl l"ooda. , ,
o rOU8
nbtmdoncc or fre s h w a te r. F 'l\wrn ble. eli .nute m UKfHI possi bl e )~Qo r' l.-oulld i.;TtI~. InM on<\ prodUction o r adequa te huy an<1 I Un"e for.· "rl,,, w lnnln ~ c QIU" und . h U~8, We c ..tn 9(.fcr: vurlou li slz.e
ilnd prioed
truck ra rln s which g ive three or rour craps )'.m rly. Oaod- markets. AloniC with · m a ny fint'! valuca In Co rm., r a.nc hes l.tnd lIomes . Wt aloo oUer two excellenl gl a d·
s:!utg'''8~~gll~ ~~~~t:r~lu~~~m.f.1t I~e;~~ ",ry near Beau'f ort IIfro rd8 fino d eer, Qu a il. duck huntln" nncS IIs blng In sen·
Try This Delicious Chewing.Gum laxative
~. praperUe. advertl.ed, nTe pri ced by
owner.l We re."lv" rea lty comml,ol ons onlY. No Innd .elllnl!' schomes. Write for
de~ .rllltive detnJII, References. Peoples BlInk, B."ufort, S. C.
• When
tr.r Sale: HI,hl Clab. wonderful lac nllon l
t2.'151').. down . ~.o two turma, .:1,100 lie "X51'). For fun Infarmatlan wrlle JOHN (l YLOBD. R .. h #f1, Par l I, T ... nelsu.
roll .. n"
.11 night-teet
lieadachy BDcS Just 6wtul becawe YGunee4 alilxaUvo - do tb1a, •• Chow rDN-/O-MIN'I'-deIlCloua cbewtnggum IOllatln. Tbe action of PDN·.~MU<T" Ipeclal medlolnD ·'DETOV..... tbe ltomacb.
Iot.TEltlR REA",TY COMPANY. , I)epl. W , 811 Ba,. Streel, B ••• ror,I. 8. C.
That IB, It 'doesn't act while III ~be atom. acb, but only when farth.or alanl In tha lower dlgeatlve traet ... wbere you W~llt" ~ ac~. You feel nne aBalD qUICkly I And Iclontllu ollewing ma);_ PDN-A-MJN'r'. fine medlc1n.e more ell'_ Un-hreadJel" It 10 It aowl gently tnto t.lle Iyatem. Oet nn<-A-JIlN'!' at IIIlJ dTu8 counter- 2lI" SQ, or only. • • • '9
X.D er womeD t 1'-.30 be! B l)rJvole detec· tiv. or lpeola! Inveall''''''r. SU 0456 ot , LO 3812. c •• lm.. Rebool of Deteollvea, 'In o.. IIOU 1I.... U.14 Bldr., Clev.I.Dd 16. Ghl •.
HELP WANTED-WQMEN SEND ME your old jewelry for mnn· ufQCj.urlnl pU,r po ses; and &.et more tho n
old lold prices (or your Gold. Wulchc., I Brooch... Cult Llnkl, ' Ctwllns, Rln arl . Gold OT plule<\ Je\vel, no. !'II) Costume Jewelry, Se{l'ld b ro.kel. jewell'l/ '1<>0. No"ey by r. urn m nll. I r------.....;.--,-::-:::':':':':':~::':":'.., . Goods he d . 10' d aYI for yaur appro Val • .send P O,C)CUIlD b~ ~c 8 1.t"red mqU. Sond You r Old Gold Toda y. !\.ddrc.. p uak"aea 10:E. Ii. Blr"'. a~ol » .. ,....1. Ave" ~old Te';lh,
1'7, Md.
_ MIS(!ELLA!IIE6US OLD Fa&.hlone~ waier (~oUDd Bubr Co rn .JII eal t Whlt""e1low, Pure Btlckwhe t Flour Whole When ' Flaur 4< Whole Whe"i Ce",al. Chol". : II lb. , 11,00 or lbr.e & Ib, ~ . 85 Postpaid DEAII ' S MILl•• ~re.nvlllo, OblD ere"Dnl_We wU 1.11 'your produ cts· <on our bill R Ddio J 'O m~oro!" -for as low ,1\8 .:1,00 It. wec.k, Wrlla 1<> UI n t oncc . JAMJlOREE, 01110. UO. ~1· KAKEJlAU i u 'lIii FOB V i - We P" y r $I do •• Deta Ua llee. P. O. Un !I!l6 ~"I.mb . ., 18, ,9'!.l., III CUIlIlC BUOK!! lor *1.00 All .N ew. 0 dupllcnte.. ,,,,lC prepaid a nywhere In tho> U .S.A. OENCO. lUll AtiaDUo A •• DUO. ","UADlle ell, Ne. Jo ... ,.. .. AKE .U:Jt.... V In Three MlnUln . Send 12 00 tor COIlC.nllat. 10 ma ko 24 pllll•• Acid Wal!~l aUlar. 0_ D. Pltl'J'I.I.»"', TORS. flOW J,I"o 0.11. Dillin, T.s". ....lila. It•• l, Shake.peaTe NEW all mel~1 100 yd. Level wind i3.l1O. ,l!'REE 110 yd •• N,.lon line willi orde.-MonlY back aua rantee. Job. r ... c... .P.O. ..,.. 11'1•• ..1•• bID" N. 11'. ' 1I1I,UKUUIot. oaow VOIIR OWN ' • JiIu.broom 'ltay. "repDred by a ,rowat' with ,elir. at IXp..l.n~e to ,lv, you the &brUi a1 ,rowin' and tDttnl frelh mus h· rooml. Simple Inluuctlon.1 eneloled With elleh tray. Ready · to wnt.r and .row. Trayfl 14"1120" loeh 11.110 C .O.D. pI... ahlppln, char.el . F, D. T ...... II ..... NODI C • •• Ft. aecOyerf. Obi •• z_ BU"'NEIII for ....6; Colora, White. Blue, l:luff. Sr"iI order Wllh cheeJc 10 .J. L, BU81NE88 OARD8. a •• N.W. JIIlb. SI.UI; MIAMI 17. FLOB.DA.
tell e-.erybody about ORA. It', amazing how quickly stalnl and d.lrt come off end bow wbite tho tcct.h become." Mra. A. C. Wbeaton. Koch-
Bruahlng ~an ruin dentures. amazing new ORA Denture Cleanaer. liaay. qdlelt. Dentun I, Iparkling clean In 16 mlnuteal ORA I, guaranteed not 't.o barm dentures. Remoy. tobaceo ataln •. All druggllte • • PnNIIIct .f . . . . . . bbIJIu, ....
ODlyDuff1J ..Makes Prize lfDti.olls , , like these! I
WOULD YOII b.lld a new llome If yeu "ould . av .. GO ~ 01 labor costs ? Do talls 11.00. ' . • J. Dtk.e.r , MOB.l'eb. Alber-la, Oo.nud'a . "
lJom e.,
't ruomS"~ b lth, OJ,ly $~OOQ,
Ci eC Lf Jc.
'I /
__-=C~.~L~.~ h~rO~\~U~\~ .,~ L=n~ u~ r'~I~ V~ lIt~.~,~O:;,.b~IO~~ ,
For Your Future Buy U.S. . Savings Bonds .',
L1ghte" flutIJ.f roll.,
crisper ,crusted, fresher keeping, ricller tasting _• _yes, Duff's Hot Roll Mix gives Prize results. And home·baked rolls ~ so easy to make with Dutrs_
,. _Inlllp~"
'Mo_ial.'" ..a.1st nIIeYe......ColdS ...,. .. I'
. Everything'. ill.
Just alld wafer-flxit'.
The DioDDe Quinta have aJwar. bact &be beac care. Ever "nee they 'wen bab", they've III8d Muaterole to pnmp~ tellew 'couah8 IIId roe&! conpstion bf collie. Be aun! JOIII' Idd, cllea eDjoy MIIIt8roIe'.cnat beDefltI'
Order Quality Chick. Nowl
A".... _
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ot BoOc.'I ooauadlD. chim Qoo.. ,0'" 1IeU!Wr cis...
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No. I - sao .....tIw broU.. oo1,.~.No. J-sao
~ _ "~a":u:~.al1s No. I Z &;!,..t¥. ':O ..1Ofa .......ruD ~ -....
all ....",
.... . .
1JoaM·..... .... • GlII . . . . . . . . . .OIA
THUI~S\)AV. fl·.:BH
AI~Y.21, I <lSO
rrWIN THEATRE , Waynesville, Ohio
RATE8: Onl clnt per word, minimum ehargl, 25 cent.. T~rle In'lrtlon, for thl prici of two. Forml clole Widner day noon. .
DON'T FORGET . TO CALL us 'fQr insurance. All types of insur:ance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2472 or call lect, Wilmington 21. t t .
A • ew T ouch in Westerns! Se II To Judge!
The Street Duel Is Tops.
Rob't Sterling (Horin Grabn mil.
(Te'clmlcolor) Kcilden - 'wm. Bendix Mona Freemlln
Doile In ~y home. QUick service. Phone Waynesville 2986, 1·12·8t WARREN BRADDOC~
10 - Clang Busteri', Warner Cartoon
Top ' Soil, Hauling, S8.1ld. Gravel ElxcavaUng With Back Roe. ~rac-lIt1e
Waynesville, Ohio
a:nd, 'Bulldozer
Phone: Wayn:,aville 2191
28 '
BANK RUN ORAVEL- Loade-I. at Davis Ji.'urnall Pit. 60 cent. cubic rarci. We also deliver. ARM· ITAOE & SO,N. Phone 2091. · tt FOR RENT 2 Unfurnlshfld Celestu rooms, on SOuth St. Freeze. Ph . waynesville 327'S
. z.i·!jt .,
WANTEP Ride to Wrlgbt Field, Area B. 8: 00 to 4: SO shift. Walter Behrens. 3rd. and Miami !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! s t 8. 2 - J-3t
WANTED TO RENT - Due to selllllg farm. I'd like to rent a small or large ' tarm near' Way· lIesvllle . or violnity. 10 )'Il~rs I\t present locatIon . 'All power eQ' ulpment . Dean. Walton. Ph . WayneSVille 2689. ~ :t-l.~~
,Roy E. Smith Broker
For Dally Market Reportl: . WRlO Da)'t.on, 1%:60 E.S.or, Dial 1300; WLW Clncfnnatl. 12{0, Dial
Rt. 48, 5 mi. South, of Cen'terv iI1 e':
rHONE Centerville 7056
V,l lIU III -
VI'ry 11'·lIso lillbl o.
FlRttlte 01' Nettl&. Tinney. DecellB· I'rl
NoU '1 18 hllraby given th ~t DOllald D llutus h whORe PORt or. fice Iltldr088 1M Lebanon, Ohio has been dilly. IlPl10lnted . 119 Executor . ot lhe EfltlLle of Netl1e 'rlnuey lu te or' Wa .... ell County . . Ohio.
deceased . Dated I hl R 26th 1!HiO .
Rout 48 North
Route .73
Phone C enter~ iIIe 7056
CASH' FOR DEAD STOCK Accol'ding Lo ,liz .. and ",,"ditilJII. All Stock J'emoved PI'OIIlJ)tiy . Horsell. Ill.GO • Oows. $2.60 . HoSIs ..,... 260 per oW"t.
RA LPH H . CAllEY 1)( the PI'ohute COllrt Warren COllnty. Ohio C . 'Dona ld DJl ntllilh, Attorney Pllb.l1HlJed February 9, 16,. 23, ]961, .lllilg~
JANES RENDER INC . PhOne Collect Xenia, '0, 1712 or 1IIIIIIIIIIm!IIII!IIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!llllIIllIIlIIlIlIlIIlmllllllllllllll1II11111t WiJminat0n. O. 2362
YOUR OWN HOME' -- ---Try Gazette Clasaified Ad ..-~
Compl'ete Home Conatructlon . We will be glad to dllellaa your bull ding problema and t:!11 you . • what we can do: CABINET WORK REMOQELING
:~:c:h!~ceb:!~~~~!~~ Rt~:~~;" ~f) Ilml~1II111111111111111 1 1 1 Iilll l !I Il I III!l 1 111ll1ll11llIllIIllllmlll~llllllim
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............. rI.l ..... ..,. 'IB~",.., d t l y l _ .....
...-1· (
, Karl D. Dakin
IH6.2X Mla.ml Street and running tb~n ce With the 11n~ of Third Street. six · FOR SALE-Maple baby b.d, tf ~ even (67? feet Ilnd nine Inch !I . th6llce at right angles ~lth ,T hird inner.sprlng m~ttres B. Toilet seats Street. two h~nd'red , a!ld fou!'tl)en PHONE 153 FOOD..-ORE .TOhlcy.trllveler· Pbone 3180. and one"'half feel (214141): thence . 20 E, MULBERRY ST. " " , 2-23· tt Parallel wltb Third Sueet ('61) Phone 2541 'Sixty seven feet and r,me . 01 J LEBA!",ON, OHIO Gazette Qauified Ad Inches to' the corner of tbl Epf8- !.:-::-::~~~~~-r,~~~~ sopel Cburch lot; tbence wltb the -'T ry ,,--u.M!tte CI---ifi __ Ie d Ad __ --'l .... . HOUSES FOR SALE line of said ChurCh lot two huud· -=-;:;;.::;;;.::;=;;.::;;;.::;======~;;.;======::::::==:;: red and foul\\I!en and one-half ? Lovely modern Two'bedroom feet (214141) to. the beginning. be. TELEPHONES wblte frame bome, hot water b eat. Ipg twenty seven and one hall WAVNESVILLE 2091, Also large pacb~en windows. ga· feet Mf of lot number 'three f8) LEBANON Office, 479K !'age . 8bMlbll "'Bnd . trees in b,!ck. .ahd fprty and one tOllrth (40~h Large lot. beal1tif\llIy IquAter! , feet oft of lot Dumlier four (oI,; REB. 129L SAND aDd GRAVEL Priced at ' ,8760 . ' being the sllme . premises deacrlMORROW No.3 Tbre~ roolp . well constructed ' bed In Deed dated A.prll 3. 1919 BLACK·TOP DRIVES . :cement bloci house . . QU i' bul :.l. from (. ,A . Zimmerman to St . TAR and ROAD OIL Ings. 2 acres, On Highway 741 , . .' Mary'lS Protestant ' Episcopal LAWN and FlU.. DIRT, of Springboro Oood Loan vahle ' ChurC:h, which deed i8 recorded Priced at '~900 . in Delld Book 105. page 388 . of READY.Mix CONCRETE Beautltul 'property ro, " !(e~ l the \Varren County. Olilo Records. EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK STRVICE Home ' Petit iOners further pray for all Call : j other reUet. Judgments. and, d,acrees as the nature ot DONNI8 PI-tELPS case IInay require or Justify. RepteSetl.llflve · S8Id . Petition and oause 'w .,._.... - _1 beard on Sjlturflay tbe ~th day R'USSEL HORN. March:. 1960. at 9 : 30 o· cloll~ . •\.J.t. I REA~TOii Common'. Pleu Court or Frllnklln n ou •,e., 2' in tb"a '. ' ,i , Phori e . 96"'''' ,Warren COUllty. Ohio --;:--:-;-_ _ _ __ _ __ _~' Lester H. Oordon. $enl or Warde,:!
.D O·T.
£-lllllm~IIIIIII1lIIIIIllIIIIIllIlIllIllI!IIIII11I11III11IIIIIIIII\\II\\I\ 1IIIIIIImlllllm\llllmlllll~llllllmllllllllll~mlllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllm !_..-....-...... _
NIl' Futll' RuOIll , 1T •.>us,> '1' " II A"" l'1J R of Oroufitl- Nf.l1I1' OI'4'Kflllia
MEAts and
,,~ .~
. Especiillly For Farms
BaDaD •• '
It la lIot eood to PU\ i)anan" III ,the rdrl,erator bee. us. undlr thele condition. the .tarch CBnnot cluine. to sue.r to make them aWlet.
same premises descri bed in u eea dated January 25. 1950 from Ill· ~"'~'--'''''''''''''t~~'''''~'_1 " 'rrIlBt4~eB of th e Diocese of SOLI I h'· e rn Ohio. a CO I'floratlon not rol' profit lI~der the law s or tbe Stl4t , of Ohl/), ,to 8t: Mary'S Protestant Episcopal . Churcb. which ,Is Ilnd ~ , LUM'BER - All klnds.ln all len- has been sometimes known Bnrl gUls and Widths. Kiln dried . designated as 8t. Mary's Eplscop. Reasonable prices, All ordera. al C;h urcb, said deed being re· large or small will be delivered. cllrded In Oeed Book 191, page 515 of the Warren County. ' Ohlo Hog Houses ACY LAMB, Phon e Recor4s·. . 'Waynesvllle 2701. ' 'Fra,ct 2: All tba t certa In parcel \.lUALlfY of land sihlated In Warren COli' FOR BALE - 10 TODS of Urat nty 1[1 tbe state of Ohio and In GROCERIES and second cutting' AUaUa , hay , the ' Village ot Wayneflvr.·Ie. beli\l: M . E. Brook~. Route I, Waynes. a part. of lotll . number three (3 ) CANNED FRUITS "lIle, Ohio. Z,9-16-1t and (4) in J,rrerson Square In For Diabetics tile Balel Village or Way,nesvllJe. FOR BALE _ Coilllllan 011 HeaU' Ohio. Beginning III a point In t lle Other Itema er. used 6 mo~thll, Albert Pum- WeRt ILne of . Third Street sixty Attractively Prlce,d mill, Phone WaynesvtlJe 2100 . seven (67) feet trom tbe line of
Live Wire and Progreaelve. An organluUon second to none. Strictly seller. on the beat all· around market In the country"
.MaUer of the bmDCe by MOI,tgage of ertwln Real Estate by tlie Vestr'y of St. J\fary's Prote8tant IiJpls('opal Church. a Corpel'aLlon not ror Profit, of Waynes ville. ',arr,eu county, Olilo. NoUce Is hereby giVen to ull pe'~80ns whom it 'may concern that Ol~ tlil e 31St day of J IInUII ry. 1!ISO. the Wardens of St. Mary'lI Prot . estant 'J<Jplsoopal Church of WIIY nesvllle, Ohio, filed In the CaDI' man Plens Court ot Warren County, ·Qhlo. In Case No. .J 51) . their certain petition. praying the Court for an order nuthorizlng them RS sucb Wardens. to IncumIier In tbe principal lIum or $7500.00, IUId In the mIlliner und rorm as Bet Corih In snld' .pelltlon . lhe foll owing described Relll Es· tUle, s ituated in the Vmage (formerly designat ed 118 "Town") ot Wfiynesvllle, ObIQ: 'I'nlct 1 : A It that. certain pQI' cel of' IImd l!ltuated In the 'fawn of Waynesville. the ounty of Wnr· ren, a nd th'e State at Ohio uelng a part ot Lot No: 4 (tour) In Je[· ferson Square In snld Town and bounded IlUi! described as, fGllows : Beglnnl'n g ' a t the ' corne"': of Bald Lot No. 4 on MIami nnd Third streets thence r unning with frhlr'l Street. sixty seven (67) feet· the nC4! back at right angle!:, an;1 parallel wltb Mluml Street the tull ilmgtb at said Lot (2U\!" ft .) to th4~ Scbool lot. Thence w Itl! the line of the chool ' Iot sIxty seven (67) feet to Miami Street ,
.. '
F!or Good and·Better'
Insurance· Agency .
_ 'Iry
Armitage &SOD
For Meo .Women and Children .,
I lil ijil jlil l l l l l,l l IlI ll lIlI1l 1l l1 l1 l 1 l /1l1l1l1 l1l 1!lIll1l1 lmlllllll~U Ja~e.:: LMA~~~' ;~~~;~;~~i~~l
PHONE 2121
EPISCOPAL CHURCH , 'WA y . . NESVILLE. OHIO. Carl Abaecherll. Attorney Published Feb. 2. Y. 16. 23. 1950
ON 'VACATION ,Wanted To Rent..·HOUSE ._. The Editor I ot
'1.........IIIPI' I TIlll , .. I, .
~ ~' F~""'''.' ~, ........ ,- .... ~.~ a"";;e& ...... _ _ ,SlNUP.......,....... •
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&&1 · .:as ......... _....... r= _.~
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to crep tesllnt "tJlh,l, tl)rtltory. ?,Just not b,e .afraid at work. Contact Edww.r4 M.edlJn, 1. 'MIf1,mlliburgJ Ohlo. .. Phone MIamisburg 5-2771 after 6:0 0. .
BABY S(TTfNG--fn my borne• by dR·Y or weeK Ivhlle motber works. InQuil'e 8L ,' Gezel~e office. Z-2~-2-9-3t
:i !il lillmllljlllillmlil l l l il il lil miill l l ltl l il l l l li i 1I I I I I I ij l l 'I·~l 1 '
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HarVe.t Boon ,......
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.... 1111 ..1. . . . , . . . _ . . . . . . . . ..... ~ .................. ~._ wid . . . . . . . . . . ., Ii .M7 ................... .~ ........... ... ... _
. Optometric Eye Speciali. t
r= .
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..I •- ...... _. .... . . IIlrll II WSO*t. .. . ." . . . .d ' , ! · ' ... -....::5'·'.\ Bere'. . . . ,..... _ . . . . . a.'
. . . . . . . . .leu .....
~an8Da all InKteod
WANTJ!7[)..-oMan ior B¥E\Bwo,rk
Some 'peopJe try to get by on £lome folks are' like a. par lie eJbow gre- bo~rd- they won't let 1',OU finIsh ase. .;your sentence. ,
FARMING, COS't: with . '. ,
aIGM '
SUClC~ful famien know that bI.er crop y.elcb mean better'crop quality -better crop proftta .t 10_ COlt. That'a w/w tbq want BiC M Brand Fertilliren; a boon to larmen lor more thaD • quarter of • c:eatury•
I, .
Free-1IowioI ~IG M fertiliaer &iva mail!!!!.m yiel,4 .~.... it manufactured up (0 atuldarda, never do_ to price, The _ til-. two • ~tb·1oac potIIb
.trike lIIaka It
advi..bJa tbltt JOU U~ oa JOUr order. .
-br de-
0nMr ' - 7fIJIr ..,., ....... "" s"",..
n. ...........n_c.......ftYl
Wltb "Calerpillar" track type tractor. you have' a year 'round farming program. Thei.:a .. Do"layin'l up of your eqllipmenl becau.. 01 winter or ' wei wea1her: "Cat.rpillar," wide tracb 1.1 you work' and build , larm profit, in every Haaon. You plow your Ii.ld. In Ie .. time becaUH "Caterpillar": glvea you morl power and you may IaVI up tl! ~veral hundred dollara per y~ on· lu.1 alon•. Tbere ore dozen. of otber prolltabl. Job. you can do wllb a Catlrplllar 'tractor, If nol on YOllr own larm then on othlr. Im'lli. In your com • munily. Wltll a 'Donr blade on 'Your tractor Il'a a e1nch 10 build land tlnac.a, check dam •• larm pond. and lan41 clearing or ,leveUng, TIl. Ia prolltabl. work that k.lpa you busy during Ih. alack wlnler monlL •. Conlacl yourCal.rpl1lordealer, H. may be Ihl belt Irtlind Yl!u IYer bad.
See II. about che . "Calerplllar" 'Dine! .,ICCOl' IIu chat 6u your need.., .........AY IGUIJIMINr CO.. ~1 ................. a..~.. U,o.
_IIIOMWAY ....... . . , ~ I ................... CItIdItMII II, O. NAIll ..... _._. _ _ • .;...__ ,_ _ ._••_ ..... _ •• _ ._ ....
About Town
azette ~ng 'Waynesville Since 1850
' .
WA~NB~V)\.. LE, OHIO, THURSDAY, MI\RCH 2, 1950 ,. .
t~.· ~ierk
M.!·s. ~aymonu Vonner. Mlsa Ruth Conner. Mrs Charleo Eldwards The Annual Report of 'and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conner and of the Village of Corwin daugbters recently 'attended tbl) publilhed next .week. 'Open HOUte" held by Mr. and Mr•. Howard Sherwood on th~lr thh'Ueth wedding annlverury. at thefr home on Seneca Drive tn Dayton. ...Mr, and Mr!" J. B. Rich enter- . 'Mrs.' II.. E. Asbury ' !Lnd llon new mined 'the. chearfuJ circle grOUp on .to Middletown on Thursday where FJiday ' venlng. A delicious dinner . sh'e joned ~{ra. H. W. Lynn of and e~ening . of ca.rds were enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. 'M. A. Cornell. Mr. ArllDgton. VirginIa and a group of {1'lends rr 0 m Hamilton, ~or a and Mrs. Ernest Buttel'Wortb Mr. luncheon at (he Manchester hotel. an'd Mrs. S. S. ELits. Mrs. ltarry sml~. Mr. ' and Mrs. L. V. ~ra.n. Mrs. L. M .. Hendoraon and MrB; strator. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn BorLucile' Armitage spent W:ednesday. den. the host and' ho.teas. In .C[nclnDati. Mrs. W. E. St,l'uUd .bad as Wed' n~sday evenlne dliiner guestl. Mrs, MlsSIIs Yvonne Stubbs and Miss Gwen Mackell of Bowling Gre.en Har(>ld Stroud of LebanoD', Mrs, Unlversitq. speD~ ttle wt:106k end J . H. Sackett ana Mn. Winifred with the former's parenti!. Mr. and Hartsock. Miss Glenna Marsh. of Dayton. was a week end gueli\t of Mro. LuclUe Annl1nie nL the Friends home, -The FI'lendshlp clUe will hold tbelr regular March meetlng on \Vednesday afternoon, March 8. nt th~ 1I0",e ' of 1\11'I!·. S . !'rl. ]JaD.
·Captain Paddock T0 Sp~ak Here
Mr. u4 Mr.. RAlph Satterthwaite of lllNj.r 'Clarkllvllle, are announcinr the bll'th of Q. nine pound. five ounce dB~hter, SberrY Jillalne . qn Fobru,ary 28 at RaJe HOllpltal. Wilmington. IUlCl Mrs. Harl7 S,atterthwaUe a r 8.. tbe paternal grandparents.
--,...... . The East Wayne Councll met on Friday evening o.t th& home of Mr. IWd Mrs. La.wreOl.:6 Cook. with Mr. Cook &B d'8CUsslyll leader, on the subject of tbe relation between the government ~ tbe rarmor.
M.asonlc Lodr;e .163 F . and A. M. enterta1ned with it. Fatber and Son banquet on Wednesday evening. with one hundred and ton·y memo bers aD,d De8t1 enjoying a dell· CIOU8. turkey dinner lIerv~ bt the Bastern .Star members: The remainder of the evening was 'Pent in 'seelng movl88 of the -West POint Football games which Mr. Rollle Bevana, West Point coach. abowed and be also gave a fine talle. ' Movies or the Masonic Home at SprlnKfleld. allio were shown. M~.
left on ,Monday morDlnA' for a ~..... , The council ' .adjourned to IIIeet
Mrs. Susan Sa.ylor. M~. an4 I. Henry Saylor and cl1114ren of DU" ton, attended Lytle church SunAf. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Cornell 11''' dinner gue~ts hursda.y of ' ~ 8. Nettle EmrIck, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Earlf tended a dlllner ~ of tlIe »u~ stu' at Ha.rveY8 . urg Sa~
nd Mn. Don aawke. Mr, C. • v~
Lee Hawke. and Mr. Jim W.ells
HOME BEAUTY EXPERT WILL VISIT DA't'TON Ohlcago, 111., Mllrch 2. - Women and teen'age girlS In the Day toll area. will have all1 opportUDlty' to get e.'Cller,t a.dvlce on nome halr ca.re .wben Ca{ol Dotlglas. nationally famous ']»nl beauty conSUltant, makllB ,I\. series personnl a.PP8ar. ancee at depaamenl stores. womn's dubs and schools iii the city Febrllnry 2'1' to Match 10. Miss DougllUl will dvole her Ume In her departmtlnt Iltore appear· nnces to talkl~ 'Wllb women seek· ing n.dvlce on Personal b 0 m e beauty problems. She Is scbeduled to be at the Rlke'Kumler Co. (rom ]2 noon. to 5' p. m. on Wednesday. 1I1arch 8, and at Tbe Elder and JO\lUst.on Co. froDl 1: noon to 5 p. m . hursdaY, Ma,lrcb ·11.
.Mrs. A. iI, St\lbbs.
LEGION AUXILIARY TO. MEET AT LEGION HALL D?n't forget the regular meeting o[ the Wayne To'tlnJshlP AuxJUary. Unit 615 on - Tbuniday even1q. March 9th .at IS o'clock at tbe Legion Hall. REO CROSS DRIVE TO GET UNDER WAY Mra. Earl CODDerDae been elect. ed cba.\rmall of Wayne Township
Red Croas drive. She w1l1 Il&ve .,Ucftora III every art ot Wayne TO'tl1DlIUp. ' .wUl be &c•
and Mrs. Betb Furnu. Sr. a~t8l'lded youth Jrl'Qul» 'of dl
weeks vacation In FlOrida. Frleeds church at the bOme of with Mr. and lefrs. irred Braddock aDd Kn. DIlwt - lfurnas of & ; 1 In . March, and d ring· tbe social Ml .., an" Mrs. Leo C9nner and Waytleavllle. S"unday evenllig ,. hour. everyone enjoyed the teleMr. &JId Mn. Walter CJukvision and ' deUcious refreshments dau8hter w ere Sunday dinner of !(r. apd Mra . .Robert Mr. and M:n!, 'Junior OIark a ... .W'"e~~ !lerved by the hoateS8. Blilett and family In Centerville. ~Icltael wete , Suuuay "h-'n"',,, '~"'.' 'Of MI. and ,Mrs. IJI;lbert Mr. aud Mr., It. E , Albury atHaili:lnlls rl~QltOll! ' I nded the ~ee{InR or the Ct1t1Que Club III Iolldcll8U)WtI 01) ,
__ , D~ ' ~ to th~ tena.nt· house on ftlf t South WaYDe AItVi10h POUP8 from Miami unIversity and Herman farm: MI'II. CIIll'II. Stacy ot near !:!prlug Council met on Thursday tbe Cincinnati Symphony Orches. witt.. Mr, Uld Mrs. J. J . Burake tra.. Robert, eon" of Mr. and Mrs. boro. Ie vi sIting lit t.he bome at hoSt and "'hostels Ii -tnelr ' home. 1,)lLUUD.p,. a 8tu'dent at Miami, ap' Mr. and Mrs. LeSlie Gray nlld Following tho bUSlne8B 8es81.on, [l8ared with 'tbe choral ·group. He fa.mlly. Iofr. Wilbur 'Clark auende(l tbe Mr. ,J. B. Crable CoDQUcted. lhe dis- la a member of tbe M.en's Glee cU88lo~. and following the adJOIll'D.. club. which cave 0. program on funera.l services of Mrs. Il'rances ment to meet Wllb Mr. and MTS. Friday afternoon aun dMt\lrday In Pape ' at tbe Morris Sons funeral 1n-.J)a.yton. Tuesda.y afterRbodes Bunnell In March. a de- the CIncinnati MUllc Hall tlum on . Uclous dessert course WBS served 'Suni:lay al'ternoon at 'Withrow ,noon, and . burIal at Woodland ~y the bo~t h08teSS. Court in Oltford. They aang, "Bacb:s <eemate'r y, Mr. and Mrs. Setb Furnas, Mi ss Magnificat" at tne SUDday pro.- 1\lr. and Ma:B. Glenn Borden and gra.m. Robert., wlll ..accompany tb!! 'Mary Brown . and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Minnie · Munger htld as Sat· club 011 a musical tour In MarCh .. WaJter Kenrick. heard Mr. H. H. urday evenIng dinner gllests, Mr. He Is also a member, of tho Star- Lawrence. !lUtorlan jn the MIddleand Mrs. Lawrence Fox and Mr. lighters Da.nce Barld, and W&B reo town' 8chool ' and managel' of the and Mrs. Wilbur Dugan of Lebanon. cently J)ledged to lhe Lambda ChI F~anklln Chautauqua. at tbe War· ren.· county Hiatorlcal Society meet Alpha Fraternll). tnA' ~t :the 'Golden ,L amb. Lebanon, \Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawke nnd . children of Wyomlngl HUnoIB, ar· Mr. and Mfs. Mark Rogers. of Monday ~venIn8. Mr. anC\ Mrs. E. , J. Carmony , of rived bere on SunaQY eVtloln, t~ Wayne8vllle, ~e aDDouncin8 the en· t3pend a few days 'Wlth tbti r and approachIng mar_ Springfield. Mr. and Mrs . Palll ents. Mr. and • Miss Ann Flory. pf Dalton ~d l')fr. Cla.l\de and lIfrs. WlnUrell Rolei'll, to ~. Eupne DuDaway, RiggI of Soc1llo1 nOw Road . nre son Dilmd ~ Bon of Mr.. and Mrs. J,hn Duna· Sunday a(te",Oon gUests of Mr. ani! Mrs. WilbUr Clark. . way of SPrln«boro. ' . ' . The Happy Hour Club members Dr. Kenn&dy. Supt. of tbe' Metb· .twill attend the Rutb Lyolls mornMias Rogers attended Wa.yn~a odlst DJ\.yton District, presIded at Ing matinee ·and . Blfty . Club on ville 111gb' school 'and the Dayton ~ytle churob Sunday mornl%)g and Mn.rcb seventh, ' held ~ommun1on service 11.100 quaT" ' . ,Art JIlIUtute. terly reeHn«. &Bsl.ted by the PII.SMrs. E. V. Barl)fta.n ollened her tor, Rev. Bernard Baughn. Mrs. home on JiTlday a.tternoon for" the , Mr. Dunaw8, 18 IL graduat, of. Kennedy a180 attended the sorvlce. Springboro Hlch School and Ii now Februal7 meetlng or tbe New enPIJed In farm.ug. . . CeQtury Oll,lb. ~ Mrs. So. S. SALE , OF AUTO 'LICENSE Ellis, prealdent. "rellalng over the The wedding wlU be an event IN 'WAYNE8VILLE tiUSlnes, session ..nd, Mrs. , Mule - ~U~IDGbUellcen8e tagS wUl go of April 8. Riffle. and Mh. J. H. SadleLl In oli aal4! ,March 1 at ,· SDUth lilIoccharge of the program'. .MJ88 Toby Mr. .iDd loll'll. J. J. Burh....re ·are trio ServiCe. Betty Cook, deputy Ball, accomp~led by Mlas+ Sue 8 a. m . to 6 p. m. allilouneing 'the engagement, or re~'trar. Furnas; ente~ned . thj} cl\lb with their daupter. lOla' MartI7D Bae Clo.eel. 00 We4Desda7 afternoon. two very -lovely ~oea.i 8010s, lb. Dile E. ri.m... wblchMr. Du~e W.. Ch\'l8ty, Ex- ~ll., The wedding will be nil ' even t 1'&ul W. Datte., lD JUD••: ecutive viCe pr8sld.nt of the Obi- of Mr. and . clnna.tI . chlldren'8 home, wae. intro. Gt CoI~~U. duced as the gUeat speaker. He ~. L. N. Be'n deraon and Mr:l. gaVe a fine talk 00 "The ,F~' ..... Burak. aDd III'. Daft.., both LucUe Arm1talre "pent Wednesday compl1ell\C the PWlt. and present. ,re .tudJQt. ~ Bowling ' Qreen Ill · CIIlcInDaU. family Innuence on our lives, and UDlvnlt}-, BowUQ QreeD, Ohio. . . ' , In his co~ludlp& remarks, he told ItUu Belen Trimble and brotber of th~ :work dOlle In the clilldren's NOTICI OF' APPOINTMIINT Mr. ~ Tnmb)" of Fosters, home. . ; -_ _tor oalleel on their aunt. MiSt! Myr~ie :s:.tate of lolW,lna M. UUIUllid BteYeDI ODe 'day 'last week. Tbe club adjou~e4 to ,meet , Mrs. R. H. Hartsock In March, D.-.ledl !lotIee II benlt7 . IIYan that Mil. Gertrud. Chandler, of Nor' when Mh. J. P. Fromm and MrL JDve~ L. G.m .bOle Poet Of. wood. mlted her aunt. ·MI.. Ruth Ea.rl Boclultt ,will present tbe flee ..t4rea. II Waru-YW.. Olafo. ChaDdJer, Satn1'day ~ernoon. program. baa beeD ap»Gtntecl .. :Iblira. LueU. Armitqe ant! her Durlnc the 80CW bour. a deU. eou~r 01 tM 1IIItIte 01 JOIIuma cioul ud attncU. . dell8ert Coutee ]I. OUtba late aC WUhIl ~. cou..... IUu GldDa lIarah a,ld lin. L. ]I. BeDclenon . . . . 111eat11 ..ned to , tbe me.ben. the OJaJo. d....... . at the lIIutern Star dbmer In Bu· aul.t .peak.r lIr, OIarIItJ. lila. !JaW tbI. 8th dar at re1mw7 'Y~1nDs SaturdaF .YeDlII&'. J!'10retlO8 JI'ozbaner aDd Martba 1.10. -
LlWe · Mutlaa Jane lJobllllOn. DQIon. ... a lID_t 01 ....
Ruth Wardlow First Prize Winner
",Hss Florence Foxbower, Bu s l· ness Education Teacbel', Is very happy (0 repor t Lllnt M IR8 nUl II Wn,·dlow. lL JuniOl' of \VRYIle8vlll e High SchOOl, hftS Deen a \\'nrdAil FIRST PRIZE in tbe Sup 1'101' Di· vision ot 'the November Bookkeep· Ing Coutets. Tbls montbly studen t contest Is 8pon801'od by tne profes' slonal magazine. The Bllslnefls Btl · ucatlon World . Ruth received. a. ~ :J Club prize and a bCbo)nRtlc Achieve. n)ent CertifJcate from the offlre In New York City. More tbRn 5600 stllden ts repre_ sent ng 42 stat.es. Alaska, Ouba and the Virgin Islands pnrtl <: lpat~d In this Conte8t. Con,gratulaUon8, Ruth . Jack Bercb Is the rood llelIbbor wbo .... WOIl friends and listen · en tbrourbout the eountry with ROTARY CLUB MEETS bls "Bear.t-to-Hean" bookup ap, Tl!ESOAY NIGHT peab oa WLW ·1'I"BC's "Juk Hereb The Waynesville business men Ibow," aired we ~ kd?f!J al 11:30 formed a Itotu.I'Y 'Club anti held a.m., EST. ' tbelr fh'st meeting 'Tuesday nf ~h l nt Mom's 'PlUl'try. EARLY S~ASON SPRAYS A group of Rotarians f r o III CONTROL AO'Y APPLE FrankUIl ! WI\H prelll'nt and gnve APHIS INSECT DAMAGE ' ~ hort tRlks on ti,e various phases Apple crowers ea.n "~"ua' e them- of Rotarlanism. Belvea ar;a1nat damace IIJ the roay apple aplU8 b, spraynS trees wlllr a ~ IIII'&J earb' lD HUOIl beCorii IMa4a .tart to .weOj ad~ C... CUtrtPt. ... Boelat. fttoaoloOllat at. tMOb1!) BYRO'N C. PENDER,QA8T AlI1cuJtural Jl:Qerbunt Bt&tloD. GOT8 TO HI8 REWARD l'bere was severe clamace eauaed .Byron C. Pendergast, 68 cUed In a)J thl. InHct durin, the Ultll K! ' the hGspital Saturday morning after an operaUon. He waa a vet· jwlq MpUOII. .ran of World ~ and had been Dlnltro IPTQ. are sold a man cluerk at the QlnClDntlti .rade nam.. luch u KreDlte. El- terminal for- 2G', J~B . . ', to!. Di)- M1Jt No. 1 or No. 2. _ ~ ...... a ~ of WapneB.' Elcetql Ill; mi••", UI4 ....ra:tI vtllec ,1aIIh Mh1DoL ,", 0 ...... »»28. all' • denali) 18 survlvecl
- - -.-..--
.Europeall mite. They .hOJJ.ld . be 'U8ed accord1olr to uie direct. Ions of the manufacturer, The dlnltroB. except E;lg ~tol 319. call b. combined with 011 .apl'ays. continues Cutr1«ht. In this case Vernon Ii. Moore. at Roell c0un- the dlnitro la ul84 In .maller a· ty. WisconSin. wss named winner at mount. tball when applied. .Ione. the 1948 malting balrle1 coniea' COIl' and tbe apny may be t!elaye4 ~ ducted In &even midwest .utea b, (ew 4/1ys. However, It. appUca • the' M14we.t Barle, lmprovtment Hon should be made before the ",.laclation; A. an award for his ' sccompl ish. ' buds swell to any &Itentr M.aament, Moore re-ceive.od $1,000 in e.asb. ufacturers also furnish directlon8 . ' handlome trophy, and · 8 Ipeclal fol' , tile use of tbelr products in ribbon of honor. . . well al an an- t ilia maDDer, .~ trip to MlI!10e8.poU •• Tbe .roay "p,ple aphis appeazo In .ser!ous numbero only once or twice in every ten years, and there Ia no known meaDB at forecaatiDl: lIuch appearances. DIIID• age ' Is caused bJ the feeding of the a.phlds or plant lice, which and dwarf8 the fruit and
WisconsiD Grower Wins Barl81' Test .
Contest Conducted "ID Seven-State Area
daughter, MI'II. Alma. llyl.es , ,a ll ot PlDolnnnU, 1 Sister Catbryn, ,of W~nB!lvlUe, 2 brot·hera. .Jess. Waynesville and Wllllnm , or Day_ ton. Services will be beld Tuesday 'at- 2 p. m. with Rey. Sam K~Y8 In cbarge, Burln,l In M.lamt cemetel7. MR&. ~. H. ST. JOHN PASSES AWAY Mrs. R. t£. St. John died tI~ be" borne in Joplin. Missouri .Tnesday morning. Fun,era.1 services 'wl1\ b'" held at 'tbe ' OswllJd 'Cunea'al bome I.n Lebanon. Ohio. . ,_ Mrs. St. Jobn js a sIster of Mrs. Goldie Sursoce UIIU · WIIB 8 gues t berA during ·tbe aurumn months.
Male 'Youngsters Drink Moie Milk Than Girls
Results .of 8 recent· study should be interest to dairy ' farmen. The atudy revealed' lh'at teen.age boys drink more milk than age alrls. Eailng ' habits of school WAYNESVILLE W;. C. 'T. U. boy. and ·· lIlrl;. 15 years of age abd IN 8PECIA'L PROGRAM over. In both city · and r!lral" blih WayneBvJl1e W, ll. ,T . ·U. Is pre- aehools were studied tor three Jarinc a spectal. prol'l'l1m for the dan. It WBI found that 39 per cent of Ilut regular ,meellnr; Friday. Marcb' V.,... B. Mo.N ,(left) II m.. th_ boy, and pnly '22 per cent of 10 a.t 7 :,30 P. M. witb MI'II. W. H, . .... WIaoaIID, wlD8I1' II 1M . . . . ~ atria d~lI:"k a qUllrt 8 day • . barle1 .,..ceat ClllldHW Madden hoateaa. fa NYU · mid. . . .. tatea . , .... Rev. Bernard. I$&ughn wUl. gvle Y. . . . . . an ' addt;eS8 on tbe tbeme "Civic AIaoc....on. noel.,.. ... Betterment... Thllre will be other ,... .....bert B.~. . . . . __ II tile alMOl.u.a. . . . . . . feULurea of· the pror;raUL . . ...... lie.... -.-peUa. , rb addition to Ole nlional award, Moore receJveil the ant WI~ .tat. prIM , of eouDt;J setae crt . , .and atilt. aDd OOUD~ ~ Dr. Emma HoUo-tra,. aDd Mnt. pbI.... III iIle final ••IIIJIDI. Moon'. Barle1 eompete4 wltb aampJei .froIII Olive Curl Attended a v.-. C. T. U, IlION than 115, culolt4a ell the ll'alD .eeUne In CentemIle 'l'hureda7 IJ'OWIl 117 CCIDtutaDt. Ill, \be ..... aft.~. Ita.. area. Tba prIIra-wlllDlDl ba'w, . Mli. ,OIeIlDa Marall of Da7tQD, ... of the KindNd YarietJ.1UId wa. poWD on I!O aen. aI. Moore'. 1• . . . . tile · WMHDd au..t uf her coueln. Mrs. Ludae Mmltap• . . .e re fum. , '1'IIa 'prbe-wImIIDC barJet ...... Mra. Leah MJlla attel1decl tb" Iacted 1IF a commUiIIe ell Judpa tuneial of Jaer COllllu, i'raDk wII1eh Included npNl8lltaU... GI Holm.. III JameatowD, OIl SIlD4a1 .... 11••: CleputtoeDt '" ..,aCuIIuN. aft.eMlOlNl. ., Each farmer IaldlIaI pert • the lIOIDlI8UtIiIn wu nqu1red to eo_ Mr· aad Mr•• Lee Ta.1maae, a fIdI carJaad aI . . . . __ .. . . WllmlqtoD. called on lbetr aunt. . . . lIGtmore . . . ..., . . . . . . Mia. Jeaale Garner SlUItlay alterIq Po••• iii maIdaI . . . . . . . . "II +ot. ~.,......... at ~ BIIbop an4 Aln. B~ of CID· . . . . . . . far m.a1tIIc $&LIlli.. .. .... altMan. . . . . . . . . . . ebuIaU, 111'. aDd lin. Etbaa Cnne ..... lira the eampItIIIa It .. I ... ....ialer or c.atenUle, called .. . . . . . . . l18li . . . . . . ora ...... AIUlIe ana lItI.... Brown ....... jadIIDa --. ~ idtanooa. .... aDd lin. oa. Ilben or If lis... . . 8Jd111f1e1d. .QIaIo Dr. . . lira J a.Je aM 111M Ihtprel
......... 88,..,. ........a_'"
.Uncle Sam Says' ·1
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A Dress for Daughter Cut on Princess Lines
,Einstein Calls Arms Race Suicide; Truman Asks 01 School Abuse End; Bigger Cities La.unch War on Crime
Strikes n. Courts
2, 1950
~~ AS ,,..
It the recent coal strike did noth· Ing else. It may have set In mo· tion lorces that will bring about a delcrinlna \Jon for all time of the (ontain. magical rOfUNOl power of thc courts of the land to An!!r ' Quicker' Better ·\0. and '2Of deal with big walkouts. It is true that John L. Lewis, un· der pressure' of the law. capltu· lated and ordered the miners bllck (IlDITOa'S NOTE: .......,lal••••o. ••"re..d 18 'II . . . . .1.m.1 I"oy ar. tho. . .1 to work; but when 'h e gave the ...... r. N .....a •• , 11.1•• •• •• w••••• , .... a ••• , •• It ••~.r U,. .4 Pal• • I,,-,paper. ' order the minets were defiant and no one knew whether, they would return to the pits In suIficlent num· bers to ease the production situa:. Nine tlon. America's champion production THE BIG QUESTION 10 the lOW. the most prolilic purebred sow minds of most Americans was: What can be done D'bout it? If In the country, tias added still the miners didn't want to work. another star to ber crown. who could make them return to One hundred and live pigs ral,ed th1l pits? In this still·fIlee hind. men to weening age is the relllarkable can work or quit without penalty new recQrd of thJs queen ot the hog under the law. But could their world. the first alld only sow of any union .be punJshed b,eqnuse Its memo· breed to rilise nlue produotlon star 'bers quit as a group. since the litters. . law says a un ion is responsible tor To qualify for prodllctlon regis' the acts of Its "a gents," try. conducted by the purebreed asU that were the attempted SOCiations, a sow must TlIlse a litremedy. the question surely would' ter of at least 8 pigs to 'a minimum TRUMAN D11YS FIRST POPPY ••• MH. M.rle L.' &heche, be rli ised: Were the miners acting weight of S2D pounds within 56 days ' II'OID' BecltriUe, m., naUonal president of the Ameriean LeglOD Aux· as Individua ls In pursuit of their In. of blrth. The ,p,l gs must be apUlal'7, ' pins the fin' 1.110 poppy on President Truman'. lapel at divldual rights In working. or must proved breed ,type, free from fault a WIIUe House eeremollJ'. The Lerlon poppy .!'Ie, proceeds or' they be regarded DS "a~ nts'r of or defect, and at least haIr ot them .... cll . . . eo dlaabled YewallS, bertna Z'r. the union In their decision? : must be eligible for registration. It was a torturous questlo~ and , The sow gains a ' star In her breed one certain to provide a classic Siroductlon registry books eacb elise for the courts. /Sbe repeats the performance. Saicide Roael Of course. If Lewis a.nd the oper. time The cbamplon, Ringold Lady DoA CHECK·UP A IOlemn thatState. an arm~ nce between1\'arnlng the United and '-0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... a tors, under order of the court to ra~ No. '153,056, a Hampshire owned resume bargaining, were to reach Ruslia beckonl 'annihilation was. With 14 metropolitan new spa· an agreement, the question would , Simple Lives IIlUed by Dr. Albert Einstein. pen takinl a carefUl' Icrutiny ot become a moot one. But under the Appeai'Ip, on a lelevillon ' ahow, Its operations, and the federal ,ov· recurrent s.resa of coal strikesDARLING 'little dress that's ElJlIteln, lIallell a8 the world's ernm~nt openln, a conference on and. usually at a time when coal . cut on simple prince~s ll.nes . greatest mathematician and one or wbat to do about it, U.S. crime ap- stockpiles are lowes~the reaqlt Easy to sew with ju.sUour pattern UIe great physicists of the world, peared to have fallen on evil days . • may be the writing of some new pieces-us e bright scraps for ' the declared the arms contest now un. Not for decades bad the boy. wbo law, or cOlirt·declslon approach to tiny applique. Your young daugh-, derway il assuming "hysterical" deal .in shady enterprises bas so break up the continual crises whicll ter can dress herself in a jiffy . .proportlons on both ' sides. mucb pubUeity focused upon them. hamstrlpg production aDd •'mtrlbQueen of Ute bOK ",orIel, , ONE of the cblef contributors to Names were being called, police ute to widespread Ringold Lady Dora, first and the final development of Pte atomic oUicill1s were getting the lifted' and conS!!quent. suIlerlng. P a ttern No ,' 18~5 oomes In sl ~ea Z. 3. 4. only sow to nJse ilIne utters Ii nnd 6 yeor.. Size 3. 2 ~ v a rds 01 311 or bomb, E:lnstelD declared that "the eyebrow treatment, wire service's 3S-1ncb . to Qaallly for breeel production meane to'maaa destruction are per. were ripping telephones out 01 reclstry honors Is sbown Bo!ected ' .with feverish haste behind bookle joints and. all in all. It apt , . Don't \VQtt-8~nd 2S cents todu y tor companied by Illtest Utter 'the respective walls 01 secrecY. The pea red to be a real blow inio whicti your copy ' 01 Ihe Sprl'lll Dnd Summ er ' which weighed , 36!! pounds at FASHION . our cOthlllote po tter .. mngn ... H.bomb appears , on tlie pubUc the cralt 01 crime was wallowing. :tln~ . This speeJn l I" brl~ I .~u . cOnta ln8 the 48 RnAe. of emnrl . Ivl ••. IntcresUnA (e~. THE PRESS wOl\ld be the r eal horizon as Ii probably attainable , 56-day weaDing date. ~'ic~-lr~. 1)ottcrn o r lnl. d Inside \he goal and Its acqelerated develop. 'lnstrum~t of exposure, grllnted by Meadowlark Far~s, Inc. of Sui" ment hu been solemnly proel:/tmed that 'officialdom In" citles ihcluded Iivan, indiana, bas repeated that . really wanted to ..clea!} up the ·un· by the Pres,ident," SEWINO CIRCLE .J''' TTERN DEn, performance nine times. Her o1irst .~o Wo"" SL, Cbl.",. '. 111. Then 11e uttered tile punch line: desirable condiUQns. For exampJe. Enclos. 25 centl In coin. lor each QuaWylng litter was farrowed Sep· "Arme". lecurlty Is an illusion New York: city's fahulous FranIC pattern deSired. tember 6, 1944. Since then Btle hal , it .uccessful, radloll'Ctlve polsomnc Costello, often called the JUn, o~' PallnQ No,' ............ Slz...... _••• 1arrowed and raised sprin, and of the atmospbere and hence .n- the rackets, was the first target of 1all Utters without a single interrupHam. • ••••••••••••••• , •••.•••.•.•••.• Dihllation of any I1fe on eartl! baa I the newspaper leries. Costello wa. tion, and has raised an avera,e of beeD brought wUhin the ranee of referred to ar a "feUow .0 unbe· Addn. . . . . .. .... . .......... . : ...... .. 11.11 pl" per litter. She h •• , far· 1ec~cal poa.lbWtlel." lievable he miaht bave been rowed a total ot 129 pigs and b.1 To Implement that clJDclu.lon, be' dreamed up by a Holly:wood script railed 105 ·of. ~em berself. ,..ald: "The ~Wte .character of writer." The .tory attempted , to Her Dlnth ' .tar li~r, farr9Wed 1IWI developmIDt· lle. I,n Its, appar- ; llillt IUm 1\'itl! toP-tliIht' 'I ambllq Perlaml!ll .ro.... W. past fall, consl.ted of 'lO pl••• _~ compullo~ treDd Every .tep icUriU.. over mOlt of the U.s. Dine of them eU,lble ,fDr rettatra· . France'" btl perfume. ~nter at die unavoidable conse- One liinWcaht line in the ant tion. They had a litter welpt or Graue, hilh In the bUla of the queo~. or ~ pz:~ 008. In the Of. the newlI!a~a' ••rie. was thlI: . . po~ at the lI8odaJ' we~ Fa;eoch RlYier., annuail, collects -.I, lbere beckon. more anc! 'mar. 'Clambllnl can't ope~ate for aD1 . .. 0 m e th.... mmfOD poUJIdI ot alB· end ,eneral annlhllation." . ~riDd unlell the ' pol1~. let It oS)' DurIq. that period hel' hreecUDa: oranle blouoma tor 11M in malt. I'BW ~ eoul4 .peak with more erate. 'Nor can 'the other rack...," and feedin, wal watebecl c~. ~I ' sweet ImeUJn, eaencea. So cocnpell.lq authority on tbat IUbTHAT was ao obvloiJW Uioma· She wal fed ·a l'atloa collilaUnl of extensive UI thill qaanufaottlre' that ~ ~ tho wblte-bal~ brJlUa!\t. I Uc tha~ there could be no ar~t corn, Glita, a peU.t1aeel dalry ' pHd· perfume odors pervacle eve171 eyed, venerable ' scientist who ha. I with It, an(' bone.t cop. over the "et. lOme, meat .crap ·or tank.,., $'eet town. cootrlbutad .0' mucb to the IUDl , nation bad. to take the rap with the . band held t bo h MaJ. Gen. Robert lIrL ' ~ will a llttle bran. and .lfalfa pa.ture or .. man'. Imowled(e: • ·ou )'I w en blame wu lie Ia COJlllllaQd of tile air feice But each Ume Clvlllzatlcm ba. . beinl .burned arouhd for 10: law alt. takID. part Ia De. . .tomlD ' !alfalfa meal prior to each 1arrow· :~. been ~ont to 'attempt aimJbllation . ,ellforcemient. . ....,.. tetta .. be held" .... thrvUlh war there ' hal' been little The. ot macbJne-termed vari· ....,. cllapoalttOll tc', lIIten to thole Voleel 0UI17 the ",o ne-armed bandit" and aton l'roy.... ~. who' Woulcl CIT Out a waruJil,. . other unprintable name,:....wa. the Q C. , 18n-Ada. Ohio-1950' . ' tar,et,for a .pec,al government in· ' , AjISSILES. qulty. It wa. indicated that their m , . SP.RU~G QUARTER menace I, 10 fUlly rj!ali%ed thilt the U•.S. Tr4Jiling , Opens Regilltration March 7th Abuse End Asked federal governme.n t may Itep In to ' '. belp the state control U1em. United Statee Senator Johnson , The, fantastic. pr~posteraus eleFOUR COLLEGES ',l'here .Is an Ironical contracjlc. (0" Te:O , clalmihg 't hat Russia ments in the GI scljool program tion here, however. beeause the fed. JII far ahead of the United States Liberal Arts Enginee.rl'ng had just about run their course. era l government licenses slot mao in developm~nt of gulded ' mlssiles . . ?harmacy " L aw I Ballroom danCing. jlnrte'ndjng. even ohines and 'accepts revenue 'from and has called for an immediate Jl lot. of Individual ,flight training For FurtheI; In.(ormation, Write . tbat source. U the lederal govern. review of i.hJ~ nation'. guided· by ex-vI'II who wouIa never own on ment should outlaw them, It would 'missiles program. " airplane 'or have occasion need JOHNSON ASSERTE D that the one, were on the way out. apparent. go a long way toward insuring elfi. Uni~ed Stlltes Is lagging as much 17. as part of the .accepted GI cient state ' control. as two years behlnd the RUSSians scbool training program. in this field of wllrfare alld added: ftls ' crain blower, made on NO LESS A FIGURE than Pres· , I·U guided mlsslle warfare, shouJd an Dllnols 'arm; Is eOllltraeted Ident Truman him sell. banded can- Uncle Comes Throu9~ begin within the next two or ' three from 'lcrap It-page steel for greBs a catalog of abuses under The UDlted States, continuing Its years we-at our present ratethe caM .ad l-~ alirle Iron for . this year's 2.'15·bllUon-dollar GI would be very feeble participants". 'the frame. )& •• aU arc welded. education progr~m a'nd urged the e~orts to stop commurilsm by For a push. button . war. we' have strengthenlng local ' nationalist Grain I. fell lato lbe blower by legislators to clamp down. neither the push nor the button." an, auras:' ~eed. Mr. •Truman asked ' speclllcsUy regimes 9Ver the globel approved a ~ ST,.TED, 'that the nation's for legislation· to prevent "lMer. loan of 100 ' rn.Ullon dollars to the mlslne program is a "minor. al· lor" ualnfng of that type which III new, republic of Indonesia. ' THE MONEY. aeCOrdlng to re- rpost obscure item" in the delense ' l~ew likely to do the veterari llttle ap. • . '. ports, was to be used by Indoneitil bUdget. preciable good. Ptlying HIs report showed that '161 mil. to finance p.urcbll,se In thll coun try of Indultrlal mate~lei and equiPr A pl,.feeding device wblch mIght 110n dollars already has been sdded IMa,be So' lile adopJ.,.d profitably by many to the estimated cost of the GI ment 10r reconstruction 01 the IndoIlwme .ralsers bas been developed .cbooUng program for the current nesian economy. It wal reported' that fUnd. tram According to a Calilornia Dem. lID northeastern California. fiscal year ending June 30. and , ''l'be "pig strainer." all it ta popattributed thfs' to . Increased enroU· ' the imparl-export bailk. which made ocrat who might khow, President ment for "trade" vocational and l the loan: ~"ht be fiowJng: to Indo- Truman bas been thinking about 11lar~ 1Q!0wn, was Invented by Jess, other scbools below college level. nesia in a matter of 'wew for put· . the 1952 preSidential election. Steiner who lives In Modoc county George Luckey, Los > Angeles•. near Cedarville. THE PRESIDENT declined to chase of railroad cars, trucks and .., juJt how. much . might be' ,a:\fed Similar equipment, but that a Ion,. vice.chalrm~n of the Calilomia A Qew kind of creep, thl! ".train· by a careful scrUtiny of ·the In- er ttine would be required for such Democratic central committee. bas ,er" aorta pigs out by .ize at feed· reported that he put the question In, time. Il'am. but bJnted at • blWon dol. item. ~ heavy machinery. THE 1Nb0Nl!;SIANS, numbering uP to the President durin, • White lara. ' Here'. bow It came about:' Amon, othan, the report made 75 mWion people, are faced with I House visit 'a nd ,ot "maybe ,so" Steiner " purchased buttermilk .for an answer. . " . ' mljor task "t, reltoring production ~ ~ta: . ' tram • creamery at. Altura. 'w hich "He .ald .'maybe 0 .' h Luckey 1. Enoulh poOr.qul'IlIty tra_ to an economy not · yet recovered bo' feea. al par:t of thl! ration to ia in 'e vidence "to warrant .eriau. from the eHecta ot wartime Jap- told reporter.. "He said that if 'we JUS bop. Be figured out that It WI. have the .ame team 'together ane.. occupation. C'OIleern." The "fUndi from the Unite' Statel again, ml!1be we '~ah do .ome· IIICe•• U1. to feecl the .pl,. accord· I. '!'be atatel-wblch under the Iq to lize, IjIlce small anpna18 '. haft · the .ay-so about approv.in, woul.d '0 prmc1pa117 to repair of thID,." Luckey !lalcJ t)). ''team'' the P~i. b ..d .clffftculty, In ,ettma .~Ir fair achOob and cour.es-lack unItonri W8rod.ma,e4 PC!rt. {aUwl.Y, blabway an~ prdC8UIn, rac:illtle* and ident meant those who 'lUpported libar... of feed a1on,sld8" the Wier ataDduds. h'o~ , I. Some .taw approve lehoolll of replacement of dama,ed transpor' bIm In 1948. , Thetefo"- be artanpd bIa W1iUe Mr. Truman ba. never • \7pe wbf~ would not be apPJ'Oved ' tatlon, facWtle •• at trough wbare the buttermilk ~I loan wa. the lar,est .mce declared openb' th.t be would be III oUler ltatet. AtJ an enmpl~, tt ta .alIt tbat ·the import-ellport bank .agreed to a candida.. for reelection In .185Z, IlDd' ~cenuatej .re feel In IUcb lCIIIla .tates quaJ.il)' barbll'l In 11 lend larael 100 miWon doDara .ev· be has never flat17 ruled out the • ~ tbat, b, 1IIiD, cnepa. tile. tlOiI aatura1l7 arraQ,ed themaelv.u po.sibUity. eral montha alO. . weeki, otb.en require two YOU?, ' G •••• t. ccordlD, 'to .1Ie.
,Ringold Lady Dora Garners Extra Star
First Sow Ever To Raise Champion Litters
·A-Test 'Chiet
• • •
. ,..".
appear. u mON
'2~!~~t7. ~~~!~~~~. ~e~~~~~!!r
Dr. F. Bringle Mcintosh, president
Pig-Feeding System Off for Fanners
Mud Can Be ,Made Stronger Than Concrete Certain chemlcall plus a sloppy mud patch wbleb, m 24 baurs, prodU~B a firm 1011 pack that mil)' be • road stronger . than concrete mould · prove to be a contractor'. dream. The DeW technique was reported' by the Mas.achusetts InsUtute of TechDol0lT. 1& , was reported the procell ia especlall7 needed to "~v. a toqh aurface for 1aDdIDi
operations, newly buDt airfield. and roada .10' ~tary purposes." The technique wal called an "entirely new approach." ';l'be process, it wal said, can be used on sou. CODtalning up to 30 .per ceDt water by weight, or enough water to turD clay as .oft a. bread dough. Five bourl aflu treatment, the IOU ia elutJc IDcl Iia. vast tensUe.· atrenlthi. ,;.-
Secret Talks
IloQle in~ClaUon III the lllDif" Icance of Asia In de.velDpllll work!: aHatr. could ~ lJ,ad in the report that 1'1' American' envOJ. bad beld a lecret, three:day parley iJi Bahgkok on th, ~ tumultuous problems of . the contineQt. . They . were attempting, ~eporta· laid, to find me~" 01 strengl,henin, United Staw pOlicl in ' a11 area alreadf hall·Reel ~c! htlf ' undeCIded.
+~ .9Gb TroUble~.
,When InYacling Sewen
'1'roe 1'0018 mean trouble wIleD II'GW Into. I.,.,ere. Cos~ to free cloned dram. cln be .lvclldetd bT a .imple practice,
Oeorlte Ad.mlon, of the Mlchllan crolle,e, reco!ll' use of copper aulfate or vitriol in fleetn, sewers \oj roots tbat Dl~ be caUIJq
{. ilEJOU I H_'VY ~ 'S MUIII? . ",,,,.,'" I&l10-'....' , ,
Thursday, March Z, 1950 ~ab, Kab"Kah Spectator cheermg at !oolba IJ games is an 80·year-old Am e rlc. n pract ice. On Novembe r 1:1 , I H(UI , when Rutgers and Princeton uni· versitles m et for the second inler· collegia te grid contest iil U !:\. history, Princeton supporters in· voked lungpo,w er, shouting an old Confederate battle cry to IHfe their team OD victory . P . S. ,Princeton won, 11-0.
S.ve Money On This Home Mixed Coush Syrup, B!I Suln,.
You'lI b•• Ul'flri..d how'quleklY and ••• lly :rou can reliev. COURhs due to cold •• when :rOil try lhl. ~ pl.nd ld recipe. It lIiv •• you about lour tim.... much rounh m.d klnt 'or your mnney. and you' ll find It trulY wond. rful for real relief. Make a .yrup .. Ith 2 cups of cr.nulated IUC. r .nd on. ~up of water. No cookin, , ·lIeed.d, (Or YOU can ,U8. corn syrup or li quid honey. 1~l,Ud of auenr syrup,) Then put :~ oun".. of Pine. ' (obtained from Iny "ru~el.t) In a pi~t botll~. and fill up ',..ith :rour syrup, Thll make. a. fllil pint of modieln. thllt will pleu. you by Ita qUick .cllon. 'It ne"" .polla. and tntell lin.-chlldren love It. ' • , Thla a) mpl. mixture, tak.,. ,llhl hold or I eau,h. It looa. ni the phl.em. looth"" tho inllated membranes. quickly ease. aoren ... and dillicult br..thin!:. Plnex' ia a apool.1 eompound of proyen Iftrredlenta, In <on.e ntrall/d lorl'l), w,l1known for ita quick , action In courhl and bronchial Irritation. , Money refunded 'If 1& " _ n't pl.... you In eyery way.
.'~---------~--------------------~---~~ THE WHOLE FAMILY EArs GOQO I BflEAI(FAS1'S WHE~ ~tsP ,RICE IQlISPIES i PO 'THE COAXIN6. ~ , I
~ . ~lI> ~!
\\\t\ . lS"iS
empty cuton to Kellogg 8,' Battle Creek, Mich. Get DOUBLE YOUR
• Since the -caveman attempted to depict on tho walls ~is caverns the things he saw about him, man has attempted to capture and preserve the , beauti'ul and e xci tin 9 things which he experi. , enees. From the flint chisel ' to the camera was a natural development; and the popularity the latter medium visual perpetuation is attested by the fact that in the 1949 Gratlex photo contest, 62 prizes totaling,$5,000 w~re awatded. In these prizewinning phptos the artistry , of the lensmen is dearly de~onstrated. Above is first , prizewinner in the r,rofessional action c I ass 'Trapped," token by Russell S. Reed of the Oakland '(aal.) Tribune.
.,' .
, 1$, 86~ ,
"Slnee using ORA my denture ill at_)'Ii clean and aparkllng," IQalllax N. Serlick• .Portland. Me.
DENTISTS PRAISE ORA . In a lurvey, an.oyerwhelmlng major-
Ity of dentists prsbed this marveloUi 118W eleanaer. No harm:ful b1'll. hlng that can ru~ n dentu'tefl. Just p1!lce in ORA solution 'tor 16'mlnutea Dr overnl~ht. Romovll.l tobace() Itnl'na. ORA ,is Runr a nteed not to harpi dentures.
IEF, rubf FOR FASTt L.REL times alore 0
in Ben.Gay. Conthose two faIllO US ' tains up to 27:&, thyl salicylate and men. t , reli ving agents. me pame. ' dely ollered rub-U1II tho\' than five other W1 re .~ES MAnsM MUSCULAR ACR~" '
MID '" ,alii ".. t1I RI!.~ '" Mlei a-cIJ for , ..d SlRAUtS. -
,Get ORA today. AU drugflatil
Jl ......1ICt If McbUIiIl. ........ 1M. ,
Malee. a good breoHdd-fun
to eaU
11________ _~sP•..c!~!.!~~~~~~~~.l:Lj
ItlpBtion due to of dietarY bulk, do an ounce of tasty Kellogg's A.Lt.:.BRA!iI daily, drink plenty of water If not COllIJlldtlll IllltiAfied afte1' 10 daf.!'. return
• 'The photo above, ''Track Man" was m,ade by Myron J. Levin of l~ng Branch. N. J., pnd , is 0 dramatic example. ot the
Person~1 'Td Women With Nagging Baf1<ache
ction. ,,l.t.w.o
first prize in the teen·age action class. The picture was token at Rutgers stadium and wa's made with a 4 x 5 Pacemaker.
AI WI IfI& CIIdu, atI..i l"cJ-etroJ... 0...• UirtJOD, D._I¥. 'auioldaE.O' up"""" ~ eoId 1O~\l ID. ' 81 0- . 'dOWD kldDe1 IWI.,.. · "..... Thli ..~ lead follnl
"I'"•• 1- .1 w I aanlD, bacllaeh pep a.a •
.,talD ..
.ailtn'. b.adacb.. aDd dlazln- . G.lthi. ap D1lhle ar InqulDt 1JI*a_ ma, . - , fI'om mlDor .bI.dder lrrltationa duo to cald.
"'mpo_ or dl.tol? ladl •••nlo.... _1 II your dt.c:omlorto are dUI W th_ do ..·t wait. tr7 DOID'I Pilla, a mUd dllatetlc. U.....1l_lall, b, mlUJo... for oYet 50 , - - . Wbll. tb. . ."mplOIDII mQ eltoD otberwlio 0C<!Ilf. Irl amUilll bow ...., dm. Doaa'. Ei... · bapp, ""I,fIoeIp tb. 15 mil. 01 kid ..., tubaa aDd Glten • I ... oat - . 0" , DoaD·. PW~' tocIql
DOAII'S P·ILLS Irs GREAl'TO 8E' IEGULAR ,.-en' ,ot the ",ost appealing
phqJos in the contest '1CII "My Turn" (above) . t9k.n .by Bob ! Doty .of Dayton, Ohio, and , which wq~" the first prize hi the 'professional feature cI~n. Doty' IS a .photographer-cUi the Day~ ton ~our"al-HefOl~ : At tight, ''Through The' Ages," ,a first pri~ winner in, the fton-pro- ' fesstonal .class, is a ' ,h,Clto of the K~rnak ' temple' lit Luxor, Egypt, JJy Esmond Martin of, New York. ' ~
_i... .
TIe\· . and Mr!!. J . P. Thornbury S;fW(,I'ul Ilel'801l1l tl'om hel'e al · .. were hosts 10 the Adult Bible Chlilll lended lhe F"ebnlory meeting of til e
EaUblllhed 11$0 ~ PAUL A. SCH ER ER . . .. .. . ......... . .. . . .. . Editor and Pubiliher CECILI" J. SCHERER . ... .... , .... : ......... Secretary and Tre •• urer
I _ .t
d\'l~ol'Y Council III the h?ml' or l1t~urt"~ 111 r. an ... ~1Jrs. Ohn rle .. COOk III l~elJ . \U4-1 811al:!eth Clarke condUl'lell IlIIon. Frld l~Y evening. tbe devotions and M r8. Howard . . Mr. 8nd Mrs. Floyd MIlIR and P ublished ·E\'e,.y Thursday Momlnc nraham and Mrs. J\ . . . Collett bad , (nmll)' of .'prlng"eld. lind 1\11'. nnd METHODIST CHURCH at Wnynesyill e, Warre n County. Ohio charge or the program. i\l rs . Paul lMoJ<nl ght nllcl (nlnlly . of R. B. Colemnn. Mln1Bter Ohurch Scbool. 9 :30 A.M.. Mr. It nlered as second cluss matter at Mr. IUld Mrs. James Park lln d lJll Y,ton. we,re the gueats Undlly of lIarold FlIU'n h'nrt, SuPt. tbe postorrtce III Wllynesvllle, Ohio. their daugbters of Olnclnllnctl wel'e Mrs. Myrtlle McKnight. Worship Servlsle. 10 1311 A.M. 'l . YOl11h l?elowshl.IP. Sunday. 6: 30 Lbe ~ues t s Sunday of Mrs. Park'l! Sell that piece of farm machln. P,M. UbBct'lption Ra tea-$1 .5() Per ·Year. I~ advance. In O~lo. $2, elsewhere parents, lIf.r .. Dnd Mrs. Harry S. try you no longer nted wIth a Ganltbe p',U"sonage. Tuesday evening. Mis s
Tucker. zette cla .. lfle'" lid. da;ughter-ln.l$w. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walt\, Donaldsol1 and their WAN'tED TO RENT 5' or 6 ROOM HOUSE - ' Editor daugbter 'Marilyn. oj . . . ' . ' . _ _ ...... , . . __ n_ ,__ Mr. and Mrs'. EIIgene Snodgrus and family wer guests or relaBy JANE FITE tives In FrankUn Thursday tlvenlng. Mr. an d Mrs. Jobn Smith Ilnd .Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Kilne. ·.tr .• ~ r. lind Mrs. William Conly playe.1 aDd family ',ot Ma·rlon. were house hOBI S to th e members ot the C'u· guestl! ' during' the week end of Mrs. sader!! I ~s at II. patlucl.. dinner Kllne'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. g iven Ilt t he Me thodist Church, Herbert Doster. Wednesd ay evening, Following t he 8008nd 8u2 WlcT "m bllslnss sesa lon, Mrs . . Edna Bogan Mr. and Mrs. Grant " 'Red" Oarnea presided a t the 11IIlno fo),' gl'oup moved Saturday Cram tbelr prop_ sl ngiog. erty on Main s tree~ Into · tbelr reCbI)rles h o mps~m. wbo s pent ~el' _ cenlly erected hCJlDe near town. erlll days last week u ndergoi ng Funeral services were . neld at treatment at McCle llan Hos pital. lhe McClure Funeral Home SaturIF y.o u would like to know more: ab(Iut ,this lcientifie Xenia, hn r eturn ed to his hom and day afternoon tor WoodroW' Collins religion which heala human ill. alnd solei human Is able · to be up Ilild arouna. who died Wednesday at the Mlars The Harveysburg schools were Rest Home In Morrow, Reverebd problems, come to not In session Wednesday owing to OUI! Rlcb cifflcla.led and burIal W'll8 George Wasblngton's blr:hday. In the Miami Cewetery. CorwLn. RCiV. and. Mrs. James ltuaer as· Mrs. Todd Bunce ' j8,JII at hel' HI's ted by P,{rs. Steve SUne ·or .tGni- home. ' man, a'r e conductin g a eerles' ot Mrs. A. .S. Collett and her son entitled l'61glous meetngs In Dayton. Robert Collett and Mrs. !Jsa Curl Tlie baby daughter born lo Mr. were the guests of Mrs. Amy C. nnd Mrs. Oarl Jones lns t Sunday George of near Wilmington, Rn·ndllv.1 Ilt Maml Valley .Hospital has been ' arternoon. nllmed Jo Neil. Tbe annual CivIc ' League pot· luck dinner- for members and their By/.CECIL ·F. DENTON, ,C: 5., of NEW YORK 'C ITY t In vited guests "'as beld a t . the Bchool buUdlng~ ednesday evening. The Band Moth'e rs wll sponsor a Member, ·the ~ of ·t.ecture~hip of 1rhe M~t..:er Church band concert Illla socl~ at tbe The FIrat Chbrchl of Christ. Scientist, school gymnlUllum Friday evenlnl in Bolton. , Mauachuseu. beginning at 8 p. m. There wl1l be no admission cbarge, but any donation will be gladly received. The moneY derived from thls- and the Boclal wUl De uBed In meet· . YOU. tIOMI TOWN 'Anil 'S .p, M. Ing tbe oj)i!.r&tiIg expenses or the . . . ,... - . 1............. " ......... Y. . . . . . . . . . . . bl\.Ild. Sandwicnes. Ice cream, cake. and punch will be served a t lilt ,.. he ..... lit • tbe Boclal. · WQIlLD . . . . . . . . Mr. and Ml'B. Chl\rleli Gordan • who' have been vacationing tor several weeka in FlorIda, 1't", lIn~."" · . nome W~Desda.,._ ................. inU ... Mr. and MH. Clifford - Dolltr and . . . THI CllltITIAIt ICIIMCI rtUDUy of SprJngCleld, were guests MONItoa.: , . Thursday ot Mr. .Doster's pa:rent~. _ _U-1_ 1_ • • _ . _ _ 11- ___ MT. a.nd Mrs. Herbert Doster. ........1' 1 ~- -;:- ' ;, World Day of Prayer Wasi ob" lIerved at the 11'U11 Gospe Oburol1 UllIN " ...... ~ __ Groups Itere. FrIday afternoon. Ale ...... .......... I Ilea representing all 'the denomlDatioDa ~ In tbe v11laCe aOO Immediate vicinity parttctPILted in the lervlces. Mr, and lira, T. L. DoDaldaOn. .~~.!=:!:.!J=~_.~~ o r WfimJJlgton, 'Were the dinner TIle CIIIIiIIee . . . . . ....... - , ......... ' ......... -.a.A. 1;11e8t8 Wedne.4a~ of their son " ' , "........ ,.. ,.4t.. " Rod
~_ n _ a _ '
How .Does Christian· Science ·R Ej'ALI'? ·A FREE LECTURE
.w.. _ .. ....... -,..r........... - ............ _. ,... .. ,.., ..... ,..,'.........
........·..... ,..IIIN.
... .... = ...:. . . .
Wanted 10
SdeiMe'."••· .......a'....... .................. . .......·:Z-:=t:: $1 ....
- ---
Rent-~ 'HOUSE ~- The
... Editor
....... ,... ,.....,.. ............... . ............ u '.......·......
1' 1111 h ·d Soil' \·l<!e. 9 : I!;
ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL ' I ho llev. HII.Ulllc l N . KOYlI
Hec.lul' 'l'hl1rwdny Evenll1 G' p l'l\ Y I' ':110 p .Tn. W l1 l'~ l Prell her.. Ca pl. Will. P ull · dock) . Re ll onl . S lInc,lllY. PI' jIIIlI 1')' 10 :30 n.m. (Ages 0 throu gh 8) II:tlult Worship. 10:30 It.nt . WlJllnm Shannon. Ministe r
WAYNESVILLE CHIIRCH OF ' Sljllr.lay. School. 9 :';! 0 . \ .1\1 .• M.I'H. CHRI8T .J/lme~ OIlI'r\::IOII. S U[ot. 1\1 . H. Correy. Minister Preacb lng, 1st, olld .ll rd. SunBible School. 9: 30 A.M. dllYs of eao!:.· month. 10 : 30 A.III. Morning Worship. 10:30 ....M. EvellJng S e rvices. 1 :30 P.lII. Young Peoples' Meeting. 6:46 P.M. . ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH FaUler R. H . Krumholtz • .Pas tor · Evening ' Service. 7 :30 P.M. Mllases. 8 and 10 A.M. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Wedneaday, 8 P.M. CAESAR'8 CREEK FRIENDS ..ee PartlnltOn, MInister Mi'. HOLL.Y METHO.DI$T Worship ServIce. 10 A.M. T . M. Scan. Minister Sunday .Schonl, 11 A.M. 'Sunday Sohool: ,9:30 A.M .• E. Ii. lilar.n hart. Supt. WAYNESVIL.LE FRIENDS Worship Service, 10:80 A.M. First Day School. 9 : 30 ~ . M, Evening ServIce, 7': SO P.M. M '!lUng ror WorshIp. 1,!J :30 A.M.
Irf!mll!l!lll~IIIIIIIIIIII~llllIImmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlll!ll!IIIlmll l l !II!lIIm!llIIIIII!IIIIIIII!m!I!!llllllmllll@III:.,nllIIl1!1[!!ml::'~I!IIIiI:lmll!)"j~
Smith Electric:- Ser:vice
mrulllllllllm~mllflllmmlumlll!I I !!!i!!lj~m ~11!lm!l!lil lllm!!l:II!li!mll l l l l "lI l l l1 ml lml l l l l l l l 1I I I I I I I I I I I ml l l l ~lllIlIIm~' or
Dead St()ck
ROOFING All T 'pes
In sulnted Bdcks and
Honel, ".60 • Cows. $2.60 Hop - 25e CWL. According ' \.(> . ' 11.,· anll O"li,l iI,I'''I . .
, to/> Sidi ng. Sheet metnl work of all llin lillt Loca l , ReferM"
ces. All worl!
(, ,, 'I
Xenia 454·
Waynea"llte. O. Phone W,ynelville 2898
'DutowEVE'Ct8T~S HAMR~S i .
WayoesYille Furniture &Appiiuce Co.
LYTLE METHODIS. 11. I~. UUlllh II. 1'118[01'
Lebanon High
r.;: .... - ,- , .,. ...... .c .........l.J...cr........,..,. .......
'tlUt·~. O 11 ~
nr AWlkeoinr IT. Spiritbal Kea6ty
Byron Carver. MlniBter Bible ·SchOol. 9:30 ' .... M. Morning Worship. ' 10:30 .... M. Prayer Meeting. 7 :00 P.M. Young People's Meetlnc. 1:00 Evening SerVIces,' 7 ; 90 P '.M.
" ON. FARMS : . t erm's assure '.I
" '1% wi.1I
Alk About C!)~~ Price on · I~st .Uatiem
sav~ yo umoneiY. ,1
N.F.L.A. 5, Old· Bank Building: phone 448 ·
AT YOUR ·' ERYi.CE We ·are At roar wltll the rlJlelt of PI aad to lleep ,our car ruJIIIIq
tip top shape this wlDtei-. 'AOcElIORtE8 BATTERIE.
BOB' S£Rm'·
'SpringiVldle'J', O .
NO FAMI.LY UNPERt '}. H ,E STREf!8 OF UlnlXPZ0TED BE· RJIlAVJ:MENT need' h II. v e the I"~ fEl8r or esClNlld..- '('.oat. At our fUDeta" boar. ~o\t will Clad tile k:lndeet conSIderation for any bu.t· DO matter boW' .ltecItl lt may"", ' and the besl .enll$ we Jm'ow, liow to prOVIde:
. . ClU',. '."
P"" EI
~, ~~ eruI,";dt-.1
Dry Ridge A Farm Diar.y By D. J. Frazier
THE MIAMI GAZETTE, WAYNESVILLE, , they , decided that It;.. was too cold or not. There goel) a hairy woodPeoker up the side of the window looking In every crack. I wonder what he was !Inding. I hope not termites. The, birds were singlng this morning wb'e n I came dowu from the bat'n In IJplte of the cold. Tire bunch of ''' yellow ·crucllse '1s burled in the IlIiOW but that will 1I0t hUl't tbem. If the sunhslne :11 warm enough they may e!oVll open wltb the snow around them. ' I wonder If those groundhdgs have gone bcak to sleep but ,they may not have to stay In long, Th'e weather (orecast for tomorrow said rain. The maple sap has begun to run. There was a bl15 wet spot under one of the tr~es iil Lytle tho o.ther day but I haven't lIeen the sap buckets oUlt anywhere. ' It Is too bad when pleaasot things like maple SYI11P get cut out because of high wages. The old fashioned slow jobs get pushed aside wben wages are so hJgh, even those that ' are not busy value their lime extravagently h(gh, My wood fire suftered beca.uae · no one would cut me any '\Yood on a shatlo ' until John L. LeWis ~aUBed the coal shortage ' tb'eQ tbe boys rigged up a buzz saw and now tbey a.re cutUDIr some wood and I can ba.ve an open tire. again, With the groundhogs seeing tbelr shadows It would seem appropriate that March pbolild come tn Uke a lamb but at this writing that '18 two days off yet so I wUl have to walt till next wook to toll you .!lbout tbat, Oh by tbe way, they have extra good fre/lh sBusage at the Locker Plant.
Febl'uary 27,, 1950, - CetUhg liP 1'I11'I y l'lln lI y bus "ume'lblng to be sa id for It, ' 'rills mo rning When I we nt up to the barn about six o'clocle (Homo peopl.e lllay' not cull I hilt arJ y, bll t It, Is for me ) the mo rning slut' wn ~ lal'ge IIlld bright In the east., the Sky was deep soft night blUe gl'o\\'lng lighter. a.round tbe edges. The snow crunched und el' foot Olld all wa s stili except for tho 1'00ster crOWing In ' 'the chicken lJ'Ollsc;l lind one a t the barn IltHI\\' ring hi m. Tills was tile m Ol'n ~ Ing thllt Hurley fO S8 11':111 coming' to talts my two clUVes to Clnchlnat!: I hated lU Elond the. poor t.hings on slle u a cold morning ' but I went up to lllrn the cows Irl with them so that tbey would at leS/lt b full of warm mllle .. FI'it2le and' Ute TwIn looked u. lit. tle surprised to IS",,, anyone there ,80 early bllt tbey got UJ\ and came 111to the mil leing Stable wIthout any con.ltIng when tbey S8.y something t o eat there for them, I t Is n icp. to have electri c JlgMs In the bill'Tl t hough the burn doesn't have' that shn.dowy ' myste rlous look that It does by lantern light - however It Is muoh clIlSler to se'a what you are doing. , ' . Tbls Is the sllcond bright cold dllY, It snowed Satllr<l.ay alld evel")' one wa s havi ng t,'oubl!) on WlQ'nes. 'Y Ule's slippery bll1s. r parked by -~--:------""--'i--- t he aide of the blink and tben' tried NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT t o go on uPJ the ,11111. My wb~ls Admlni.trator s lipped ' a nd BplI'n ' liDO my trades looked like a s uake's traj) Se) I E8tat~ of Charlotte E. Antram t hougltl tllere Is );U \l8e doIng t~lll (aka Charlotte Antram Snapp Deand monaged to Mck around and ceased. ' clUlle dOwn. So I went dOWn and Notice Is hereby given that tried tbe hill , up 73. Up about half way to t he glrst t um and the same c. ' Donald DUatullb wholle POBt tiling ,happe ned to me and to two Ot'flce .Address la Lebanon" Ohto cors ahead of me, ~ o i baoked down has been duty appolnte~ &II Ad~ again Into t ho filling station , and mlnlBtrator WWA of the ElJtate tllmed aroti\ld, This ' time I went of Oharlotte E. Antram aka Charolown nnd turned up the hIlL by lotte Antram Snapp late of Way-' Krogers , Again I g ot more than nesvUle. Warren County, Ohlo. half way up only to stick again, deceaaed. 8 0 tbls time I backed down mto , Date~ thlli 13th day ot february tile garage and hUt! my chains put 1960. and wont I'illnt ahead without , MY .. ~,\l1l~e. ,.. ,~ 1('" ' ,~"; •..,.,. - ~ _ ' _ _ ~K H. CAll;~ The feal' or -)laQ roads ~r perJudI'S of tbe Probate Court haps t ile many cas es ' of flu cut W~ren County, Ohlo llow n the attendance at the EleC. Donald DUatuab. :Atiorney vator,dlnner but a faIrly good num1>uDlhI]ftld February 23, March~.9. ber of peo'plc cruneout and ale the lovely dinner prepared by the com•• •• •• 1 mittee of Grange women. They ailc'Uoncd off the extra cakes and 1 doubt 'If there ,vere ' any extra home mnde rolls. They were 80 ver y good"- and 'Wero disappearing 8 0 fast at our end Of thn table. The old Duke tnr,m has changed btl,nds again. 1 ao not know the name or the new' ow'nel'. I beard' that be was 'not gOing to live on the place bllt that It would be opel'ated by some l'olaUve of the, new PROTECTION ownel... MI'. Staliley hId hlB Bwle Isalt Wednesday but had n. very bad san throqb llte with the liny 'fo'r it. Someone said that the , a .lurance t~at JOur flDanetal g~od implements went low and the jl.IDI( went. high but It seemed to troubls~ wID be protecte4 bJ m e from what I beard that most ~ regulal' 4!powit in JOm. ,I blhl ~g8 W Ollt ,very well. Fot', once lngs account at: , I rlld n'o t 'gO, that Is I did not stlliY. '" I JUti t " ' ent ' u p ;~lId lookeet nrpllnd and dec ided that tnollgn thero 'w ore som e thin gs 1 I'onld hRve 118ed I dIdn 't wnlit' an y of ' them badly enough' t o 9 ~ut1d I1rmlnd In the cold l'oJ;'gy dl'lizle to got, them. They tallred about butcherlo'g todny but • do not k.now whether
,a •
OIL ,BURNER, In Yoor Present F,u rnace ,
eliabb)'1 BeDel It
Jalt &1l4
PHONE 2174
Special sesssions of the I\Il ost Ohio blip-keepers are ,p lan r lind Hom,e Week p,rogr,a,m a t Ohio nl l1 g 011 attending' a tWo-day beeSWt e Vnll'erslly are planned for keepers' short courSe at Ohio Slate University, Marcbl >21.22: • part·tlme (armel's, , , , Fo;' , lIortll erll Oh,io" Clillton '59 ' ". : .: ' I ill ' d b skull, Red an cross one ma.",- ' ':;tlIl , fJ rs t ()lJolce Ih oats val' ' . " ' , i etle l; fot· 19GO. , OJlnton 11, or ot- ' era helped 4-H cLubs 'eliminate 1, Iier IIn'on selentlon; are equally 3~9 hazards on T\isCl1rawa& Co. good, ,,,;, (arms In 1949, b lgnlty Is 'what mll\Jces :rou. tbi nf{ you 1\1'e suffering' fr.om grim silence w,h en YOU are , anlJ
It JJ • personal injustice to p,rmlt' oneself to be PIlllllexed about anyfu. neral matter. We're always wiiting to furnish honest informlltion.
Stubbs F 'uneral Home TELEI"HONE 2291
to UI - we'll nltore' that trtm. amart look.
mat. It look
KMDs "
W •.R.Sawyer
New An4 1004 ne"e U )'ear'a ault 10~ta worn
and let us 'install an '
Beat the ,c«;)al situation
ICIer ., .Ga~age
Americ,an Standard Airco .Burner Installed
L_______.--,.. _
MAIN .. MI .....MI aTS.
on English Chalrmel is by the swimming Mercer family o f Fall R' ve r, Mass., shown startin'l tra~ ing at J acKsonville, Fla " as Mom (right) ',reminds "we're all in this {og:ether."
6 ...0
Tf2~"2"_ .A ~,J:~ I ~ '
l\latter of Garb
Mr. Jones had the usual man· ' lost . ID department · store look By Rlcbard DIU Wllklnsoll abo u t him . The floorwalker 'HERIFF FELIX BRENDLrnGnoticed him wandering aimlessly about. and noticing his rather ER was 'ust about to sit d~wn shabby suit, inquired politely: . to his supper ~hen Ute telephone .. Are you looking (or something He looked at Ute instrument Before him was a heap'in men 's clothing, sin'" "Nol" snapped Mr. Jones curt- Ing plate of meat loaf. tried potaly. "I'm looking tor something 10 toes and fresh green peas. women's clothing-my wife." Felix sighed. glanced across It • Elvira, then moved to the waU Time r"r Caution phone. ··Heno." be said. "This is Chris Verne out at the Mr. Smith was always preocRowland camp." cupied when he washed (he dishes ,...-----.., came a low and and kept only one ea r open for t e xci ted ,voiceo anything his wif~ might have 10 . MInu, "Someon~'s jtUhset SaY. She gazed fondly . at thei,r Fiction " broken Into small son s leep ing' in his crib and ' - - - - - - - - ' front room. I'm said : . , ' ,"He's more like you every day. hiding In the llbrary, but 1 may need help ...• dear." It was five miles to the Rowland "Eh?" muttered Mr. Smith, wiping the suds off a platter, camp by way of the ' river road.' Felix made it In eight , minutes. "What's he been up to now?" despite the ancient vintage 01 his • • V rattlcy car. Chris erne came No Hurry, Doc down t.J;1e steps to meet him. :' "Too late, Sberlff. Be got Mr. Jones (on phone)-"HeUo? a",ay. We bad qul~ a tussle, Dr. Smith?" lIut be ",haoked m,e on the melDoctor-"Yes." OD and I was out like a Ul'bt for M~. Jones-"My wife has ,Just t,b ree or four mIDllte!l_" 'The dislocated her ·jaw_ If you should tall., ..anl'Y caretaker I'lnl'erly be in the neighborhood in the next felt a! a bump Oil bls bead. couple of weeks or , so maybe "Get away with I\nythlng?" Fellx you' d drop in and have a look at her." , , ' asked. ' "Don't know yet. I was looking when you drove up. Come on In and we'U see." The caretaker wetit directly to the safe bebin~ the fireplace. ' "Hell!" he ejaculated. "Well, I can kJS! this job goodbye. Rowland will 'never keep me on when ~e finds out those bonds are gone. "Bonds?" NOMI UMlDT TO IlILIIVI "He was up here over the week· ,end. He had a lot of negotiable bonds Bnd left them In the safe. Figured this would be the last place anyone would look. 'Well. be figured wrong." Only Vicks VapoRub gives yOll tIlIa "Did you get a look at the thief?" special Penetratlnlt-Stlmulatlng "Not much of one_ It was dark . action wben you rub It -on throat, I was , in thl! kitchen getting mysel1 chest and back at bedtlme:some supper. when I heard a noise It' PEN£TRIITtI to upper ~ronclllal tubes with spec1al medlclDlU vapors. In front. I switched on the light and listened. It ,sound ed' lIke some, , ItsT1llllI.llllS chest and baclt8w1aces U1te a warming PQultlce. And It 'one was trying to pIck the front keepsw~k1ngfor door lock. Thinking of the bonds. bours-even I snell ked Into the library. It ,,was wlil10 .~Oll oleepl APOAue inky dark. ' I hastily dialed you, then went gloplng tor' the rifle Rowland keeps behind the sa fe, It was right then something hlt me on the bead.
Best Known
Meat I':I~:
e'8'Elt6H1>~AL IUlADING .
to ;
Bl n~ k Leof 40 10 rooSIS wilh handy 'Cap Brush. Fu mes rise. killing lica und reathcr ndlcs.I"hile chickons perch, One ounce trenlS 60 reci of fOO SIS ~90 chickens. Dlreclions on PQcl\~lle. A. ~ fpr Bluck leaf 40, Ihe dependable Inseclicitle of many USCI.
Iueh tlmee? IJ'hen atArt taking LydIa S, PInkham'. VeaeUt,ble Compound abo\! t len lIaYI bulon! t.o relieve .ueb . ym plom., Plnkham'_ Ilae • cranl~ 6OO,hlnll elJeet on one of
I.ala h IIII r
'ID';""~" " "'1>.'11 '",PMtllne orgANl Trlll!1 tile womnn'a !rlund I
Base of Operations
Creomubion reI ieves promptly b«au. il !locs riche 10 Ihe ICSI of me trouble 10 help loosen and 'upel germ ladeD phlegm and aid nalure to sootbe and beal raw. tender. inflamed bronchid mucou, membranes. Tell ¥our drugg.iSl 10 sell you a boltle of Creomulsioll, ...,fth the undemanding you must like Ihe WilY it q~ickly aUays the rougb or )'9u are to bava your mo,ney blck.
Are rou trOUDled b, dl.treaa 01 lemale functional porlodle dla\Urbanc..'? Poes thla mnke fOU lIutrer from poln. leelllO "eMlOIU, tired- lit
1i1illti1ilJll' '0111= e,·Plodac:ts & Chlmlcol • CDlIIO,aU ••• Rldlmon'. Vlillnl.
CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis ,
Lesson tor Marcb II, 1050 THERE IS NO RULE In the Bible forbidding Christians to h,ave common sense. You are not sup· posed to lay aside your mlnd when you become a Christian. Till,s has had many, illustrations: let us take Ephesus for one. Put yourself.' in imagination. back to the first Christian entury, Ask yoUr· , sell: t ~here h ~~~' we s ar. a c u
n:!st Wi~oo~~
' t ere can we pu h h that will :p:Ca'::c 0 u t. one that is sure ·to have d aug h t e r. ., churches? Whe re Dr. Foremaa can we reacb ,people of In· tluence? Wbere can we ,locate , a church 'where it is certain to be heard of? ' As your eye ranged over a mal> of ' the E.;npire. you would havlI lighted. on Epbesus as the very place . It was a ' true capital, not a mere\l' political one. • • •
Strafegy , IT was a master.strbke. selectlnl Ephesus aa 'a ' base of operations.
YES, c~Mi~ AilE ~O MILD that In a I..t of hund .."" of mon and woman w~a .molt.d Cam.I.-ond onl, Cam.lI-fo, 30 noled throat Ipeelaliltl, lIIak. ine w ••ltl, axamlnatlon.. ..port'"
It made possible the rapid spreaci
of the Christian faitb into the provo 'ince of Aslll " The decision to plant, a church tbere had been matc,h ed by other strategic decisions In Christian 'history since then. One of these was founding the church In Rome. That .was .an even greater city and capital than Ephesus. and it bas lasted mucb longer. U Ihe <JbrlsUan ohurch bad been' conteDI to . be provincIal, aU rlgbt lor &be , smaller towns bol afraId to ta.ckle the bll oneil, if 1be. early church bad feared to seal itself 10 Rome, the whole blstor,)! of Europe would have been ,dmeren'. When the Roman Empire crumb· led. as in ~ime it did ; the church rose . on its ru ins and took Its place as tbe greBt civilizer of Europe. the strong force thai kept a continent trom decay for nearly a FeUx ltooiI · In the center ot the floor and looked thousand years. , around the room'. The dial telllpbone was on. the desk. With the receiver Our Ancestors dangling on 'lis cord. FROM THE DAYS of.-!:!:tL.ea'rly , ' :€hl'is. mind call1n' '.Elvira an' · Roma~hurch Ihe~e comes a teUla, ,ber I'n. .,e home ~bortly 81), well-known story • - whjch may be to keep my s·upper hot? I' le1t ~t in true. In the slave ~I\rket at Rome a hlArry. Meantlme I'D ~ake a look' the Pope saw some .handsome arquild .here." ,~ small' boys. whiter than the aver· , age Roman. for ' sale. Who are you? Chris sbot a quick, sharp IOl~ at he asked. " AngJi ." they 'said-Ang. the officer. but Felix had already tes (rom far-oft marshes along begun 10 browse around. So the th~ North Sea. No. smiled the caretaker crossed' to ' the desk. Pope, who was a bit of a punster. picked ,up the receiver nnc;! began <) u an! too good. looking tor that'; to dial. He bad whirled out two :ONon AngU sed Angeli." not Angles but Ange\;a. " An*~!Il'" th ' ~l\Urqb" dill send 'Bome .,.ml!?io. narl~s ./ to . 'p-away y\nillia . an~ 1!\l1\\therp in porthern 'Europe, It turrtetj out to 'De another' ateglc ba~e of·operations. Even· ,uaUy France ' and Germany and England and the other countri e~ ill 'that part of the .wdrld were con- ;.verted to Christianity , The t mt' came when those ver~ nations took in JUI11 daye", in oneahort wee1c~ •• the lead in moving Into the rest o~ • ,roup people who changed (rollt Ihelr ,the 'world, into 'the western hemi, ~Id dentirricello Caloll Tooth powder aver· sphere. "down under" to Aus· .ced 38% bri!"'er 'ee,h .by tclenllfic leet. tralia. even Into Africa. Where Why not chinle 10 Caloit ),ounelf? Bu, ' they, went. they carried . their rellS· Ciloll loday , • , 10 , o u r @ ' ion with tblim, ., '. leeth can starl lookiDI ..::~-::::::,.. . Sli~P.os~' tbe cburch bad not sbot a quIck, Ihaip gri"httr lomorrowl .... ~ thougbt our ancestors worlb the , officer; but F~Jlx .) converting? .Suppose all the had be~D to b"o~lIe: colonillng movements of lbe 16th and following centuries ....ad beeD waves of sbeer panumbers. when SUddenly the lights, gans? ~ , went out. YOO'l'II~ not mere racial pride to say "Hey:1 1! Chris ,.e)]ed. McKeaao" a Robblllllac., Bricllepo~ Co.. the sencilng' 01 mlsslon'aric, -to "Who did that?" "Keep rigbt ,on dialing. ChrIs." those' savage peoples of norUlern Felix said from the doorW:ay . "~use E;urope was one ' of the most strategic move. ever made by the musta blown~" ' . ' ChrjslJ,an cburcb. "Don't be' dumb. I an't dial' In • • • the dark." And Today? "Try it... Felli insisted. HE CHURCB bas not always "Are you craz;y? I can't sec a been ; mart. Sometimes we thing." 1 have missed t.he boat. There have "G d!" Diel FeUx. Be been strategic; centers we might mapped 410 the IIchts. In bls have occuple(l-and did not. : halld he held the old time laD. There was B, time. for Instan\l~. barre)]ed Bix-shooter that b ... when Russia. that mighty nai ion. served blm durlnl' bls man, was open · 'to Christian teaching, ,ears .. la", oUicer. "AU I'll'b_ Many who knew that' country were a •• liCK PEOPLE I. a'tr ••• D •• d Chrill. Demmlue dlallu. an, .f proper lIea,meDI. • ,. G da,.. saying about 1918 that It was pos. hOlpltaJla.UoD required, foltowed more.-' sible to capture that land for I weelll 01 •• rlo •• neee ••• r' tonto. p •••• rlbed' by oar LI." .. ed Phy.l"Say. wbat is this?" The care-· Christ. But the Christian church tI'an_. No eba .. ,,, '01' beollle& or ,prl· taker replaced th.e receiver on Ita, was little Interested " ... ,. .eal.. UaU ••. and now . hook 8~owly. whatever Christianity il thl!re hal "We')] talk about it ,later. Chris, to stay underground. .... ..ool..... ry ad .• CI •• t ••att II, an' look around for the bonds. In Farther east, oor QWD Gen. O.I_T~I.P."a. RE,I ..ond ...... the meantime. )'011 come with me. eral MacArtbur bas been call. You ean spe.n d the nl,ht'ln the lock· Inl for mJa.lonarles to Japan. up aD'. by jlnk.. without no sup~er thouaands of them. Japan I. too. '!bat's wbat. you glt for maJdn' Order loote'. wide open &0 Gospel loda)'. as let mine go cold." never before. But where are Qua'ify Chicks Nowl meChris the mlsslonarles1 GolDC over bUnked. "What the devil •hold aue .pn... ·p ...... ' T .... adID drlble&.. , are you 'talking abOut"" , .. am•• e at Bdoq·. ouataDdlci. chick offen. Cboine rour dellyut dOle. Whenever Chrtstia!lino ·has "Come, come. Chris. Play aotln' seen Sj)<:doJ No, I - '00 ••alrb, broil., aln't gonna do you aOJ' good. I got a strategic point and taken it, fu . dliek. 0111, .U~. ,. ...... Ii...bilirr auataD .... Sped Nq. 2-'00 IIW'11r a bunch Jt wu you stole, them ture generations bave been blessed: cbid... III b..wy ...... Dill, 114.9). Orden oa _doJa ;;m bonds. and hUlted the lock on the whenever we miss our cluince. fu· nOI nend Zo"",aUell-SPECAl.I front door, too. At any rate, you ture generations will wonder how No. I .ad No. I 1.00 per 1 0 0 _ in I... th.. '00 lacs. Sa.-d l!uIJell dldn'l hastily dial ,ny number In we could have been 10 blind:. &ad cbld .. I tor co II ..lea. price alii. UIL All II.... Write tho dark, like you ald. You Jus' ICopr,rll"t In' lIIe Inlernallonal council aelUed your own bub by proving of Rd Iiou. ElcIucation on behalf Dr •• PrOI denomlaaUon.. a_,NHIl .., /Joo6IIUTaIIES, lie. It no" be done. AA' .peakln· 01 WlfU..UUIl FeatUft•• 1 . come alOft,.
~"'lds~uCRINC W , DlSrRESS
I HowTo Relieve
dlstr.sl of HONTIILY
~i~:;~~I~'4Z~1 z,;~,~,:~,~,.z~~"B
,Thursday, Marth 2, 1150
due to smoking '
JwtF-~CanrB/IIUJ8]it 1irIarf/.
Alcoh·olics . h,
Senl"D~~f ,CDngres~..en, lM.~~i~~tN$""'--"-:----7----'" LDWy~,GDd . BUs.'JI 'L,a~,rs '
, In Ihe 1111 of Iha HADACOL cnlloPlcra "rll prominent name•• ·Lender. wbo nlUSI have Ibe besl 10 bohler liP their pep' And their quirk Inlelleel, c1lool!e . DADACOL to help Nature 10 keell Ihem brimful 01 energy and In Iheir r08y.~low of 1I00a h""Jtb- for UADACO,L I•• quaiity prepa~ation. Yon too are enlitled to Ihe bell. HADA.{rOL conto'i nl nOI 001, one lu.at five of .be most imparlllnt B Vitumln. lind four Ploll ;ull'orlanl Minerals. IIADACOL eom.e l 10 YOll in liquid form already diuolved 10 that your ~yde!ll will nol IIn1,, · quickly 115li"llIolo l~e8e vlt!ll ele: mentl but 'YilL absorb ,more lhan if they werll tnk,e n in ' powdered br lablel form. ' Leorrl the iuli fnct. ' ab~ut 'HADAtOL. VllaPlinl ·w o.k betler ''';'b~n .aken logether. Tbat it why we have five of the B Vitaolin •. Mineral. .lao need Ihe 'coopertiJlon of one another 10 fUl)etlon tucces.fully iD lour .yetem. and Vitamin. work beller whell Ioke.n with Minerals. HADACOL will brlnll you renewed epersy. DADACOL will relieve Ibe paim Hnd aebet! 10 oflen caused by nUlrition~1 deficiencies. "ADACOL will lielp prevent digestive diAtllrbands , IIlJd will aid Natare in dlr;estlnll your 'ood, lind .fter luking BADACOL • whUe YOll will lleep better, 'Ylla " .jJJ feel bellcr, you will I'a' heuer, and .in a few dOY I you .h'Ould feel .Uke your old lelf :once again. Read :what a 'loW of Ihese 'J18linBllhlted Ieadera have to l ay about tbi. wonderfal .eientiric me!Iical dhcovcry. ," ' ' This 10 wiant a Chicalo Conlreaamon laYI (Bllme famlahed o~ ,, . qUell): I /aafle lfiNn a letA! bOll'u 01 ""DACOL '0 'rieoda 01 mine .ln '/ae hope ,hal ,h.y ",ill e.'cpe,ienee re.."" equo' , l/a" be~./I' , ae.m '0 ' d",i.,. Irom lice boCl'• .. hfeh . ,.ou p,."lolU'y ",roll/ded me. . Reverend Hdele 'Chlll"lOn' or Wa,.elle, Ln., laSalle 'S chool'."s • For ,he p~' Uee'"e reo,a I '.olle ,.,/fered e"".IlI. pain. in nlr 'e"a and honda. I eou'd no' ollen 'l eneel "'1' mT prarer. lor 'a 'onlf lime, I .,r/ed all '.Ind. ,0/ medl. eln". I ...... 'ad"i ...d Qn a IIfJry alrle, die', h. my llfllna "flmed 10 . ' _ NOrte. I hod no appellle, no ener.,. and I ,",aa !' r_in" _aher and ..,aker. I .... loaln" "",I"h" and "Iou,h, a"r•• he end tIIa. nflar. At .hal rim" I tIIa. In Onlrf/id, Canada, and I tIIaa adflued '0 claon,. climale and lhe' ,roplu. I _nt and remained al" nlon'.... I eam. I" . wulala,.,. Irill ."I/erin", ' I .'arted '0 .alee HADACOL. , haN nOleO IUlln ONr ._nlr bolllea, ond wril. re, rou "nOtll 00tll I am "..,/eed,. _U.. I '"11'10 a ,rand ap,lfdil.. I haN I" .. of ener,y. , an. baclt to my normal .,.,..... I do no. no. ,ul/er /roln ache. and ".in.. ' In 'he hope .ho. my ""perlen~ aol.h IIADACOL ..III , help .ome .ullerln, aoul. · ' ,fadlT permit ,._ dda 'elter. ' Robert S, Mathl., Milrtln·. D; UII Store, Beml~ 'te'iml!~ .. H.4')"COL I, 'he be.. ,eUer _ h .... In our. dor•• lind , _ ore aellln, more. each do,.. Our e""omert ' .ell ", h_ much I'ood I. I. dottll .hem. I. Ia ... 0/ ' ,Ice f~'e;r. aelliJli tonle; , eller .o~. "
'0 ,0
,0 '0
'0 ...
.It,h ealY to unilereland" therefore, wby coUlltJel" thousandl bave heeD ben~nted b, thJa amazinll tonic" HADACOL. So it m_Uer. not bow old yon are or wbo yoo are .•• It mallen nol where 100 live or If you bave lried aU the mediclneo under Ih••un. pve JhJ. "oadorful . 'Jlre;llaralloD,. BADACOL a lrial Don'l 10 on lofferlnll. 0011'1 con· . Unae 10 lead I mlaerable life. Be fair 10 ,ouraelf. Temporary relief Ie Dot enough for YOD. Give BADACOL • trial Accept ao .ub.dIDte. In.b.· 00 the genuine BADACO(. t ,
Sela .,' all the leadlnll drul OloraL Trist 01.. oilly 11.25, bill moae,-bu, ',b. lar,e famlly and hO,' pital llae.:-onl, U.so .
08. .
We .re 10 firm In our bellof 'baat BADACOt. will belp yoa Ibll we teU BADACOL on • l!IoDey·baek ,aaranlN. If 1011 don't feel perrecti; NII.fted .fllil' a.11I1 BADACO L ao directed, jail return Ibe and ,ollt monel' ~IU be ebeeri'nU, ref1uadecL Notblal could be fairer. . , BADACOL, . order direct (fOlIa II ~n' ___ru1II181 dOH not tIui leBlanc Corponlfoa, Loot.." •• Senti 110 mODey. J1Ul ..oar name and .ddr_ all card. PI, s w n Sta.. , whetber you WlDI da. IUO ..... US trill ... "_ember. mOIlllJ ~laU, 1011 IN I..",. ........
_pl, cart_
'lhursday, March Z, 1950
Gay, Painted Figures Blend Odds and Ends
JEEP PART a for Military :l ncl Civilian J.epa. Fur Servl.e. R."'II Sappl,. Co .• Box 8Q8, Dept. II-A. SI ...... avIUe. Ohl•• P hone. 4~1164,
BUSINESS If INVEST. OPPOB. WELL •• tabU.b.d .. ppllan •• and fix lure 8tol'et~ bDndlln, restaurant. grocery stoce ond nome "ppllonce •• Localed In South. ern ]ndlana Town of 18,000. now . Orv1 t n, 22 Counties. Nearest competitors Bre 711 to 100 mileS. Have franchise with sev-
eral Nollonal LIne •. Bulldln,. stock and ,0odwUl DUe red 01. ... .,rlll.e tor ellrly .ale • . For furlher partlcul ars write N.
R. OlloD AreDcy, 82;1·llUb. Street, Bed..
lort!. ladlaDa. OPEHATI'i: ProfllJlble mall order buslnes •. s~endld opportunity • . For lIeta lla, A;::~~ ~,rOv,:r:~n.2i' Ea.~ Cenler
DesigDl'l for a qhild's ROl!m YOU have odds and ends to furnish a child's room, gay painted figures are .just the thing to harmonize pieces Bt)d give ' end· less pleasure. .
INCItEASE YO un I"come. Full or s pllrc time. neta lls Fr... Darty Ba,.le,.. P . O. Dox 1200. Rochester 3, New York. FOR SALE : Coul buSln e' . on the Pennsylvanta Rnllroad. Comple te with conveyor and tr UCk. A "arll nln .
Pnttern 288 oilers
E d Qo.e, f.'Q at erf.- 0),10.
e rvl ce Laundry by ow ner, Oood
E. W. Ohio.
mont:v m ole ... r . owne r
wide vnrle1 or
~Sm~9;'01:::'8~~r~3t,,~~~rt~~f~e ao'} o~t~ tern t.
e ••,.,.
FARM MACHINERY & EQUIP, . BVILD your own Ga,don T.actor. Save \10 cost. We furnl.h· everytlUng. SHP. Writ.. Re. Roell Ma.hlne Co •• Beo... a I.
Semi-gloss interior enamel '18 applied to surfaces 011 which a oat-taO-brilliant gios! is desired. The difference between high gloss and semi-gloss enamels lies in the relative propo~tions of pigment and binder, The higher .the proportions of binder, the higher the gloss.
~~:,. J~hnMD.~':e,;.or~:;e:'·~u~~;~ . C~
klnds Plow.; Hay Tools; Planters. BInd-
W·"y~la~:.-:a~q~lpment of Any KInd. COf{le. Lar,'Bt Sole of Mnehlnery 111 America . . . Lealie F;'~~n:q~~r:'tlDt C •• FARMS AND RANCHES
III·ACRE Val., Ii·arm. 30 miles S. W. of
Cleveland; eood productn" level !yIn, I Qnd: new 96-foot bank dulry b arn; ~e.n...
~~tI~r~~';,\:·'tml';;O~d~~4~CI~.'I:),:;e~\~ .. ~'!~
°1 feel ao ntuch better since I no' longer have to dread those awlui sleepl-ess nlgbts I My 'in.o~nia' turned out ·to be due to eaflein in the entree I drank. So I switched to l>OSTUlII and now I get 8 hours of :restful sleep every night:."
rooml new toolhouse. 30)(100; otller build-
In18. &-room bomo, needS re pairs; born
grdon\OOI~~~o;co~1 .oo':,:i~: ~::ie.."n\'~c~ gaol farmer. lintnedJ~te possession.
Earl 11. Foot. . . R.nJlo. Itt JM, Medina, Ohio. Pbone !:SJtJS ~ CI A<lRES, 3 miles no ~lh or Fredericksburg, I ndia na, on gr:lvel . rond; 4-roorn hous e. bll rn and ou tbuildings; electrl· clly ; 9/ 10 tobtlcco b ose: $4.000. . . all~ert (Jombs. n , U. 1. .
'i:cllohe.. Wanle. - West. SI1\t.. - Sept. Home Econ .• Commer .. ,..rt Ba.nd. Llbr •• Joum.. Music, Klnder.or l en. Low _.r '~~1::r, ~~io. a..lder Teacber. S .....
.1. 0111..ft,e.·
.,. _... ......a taalli; ex mUllera, A. bacqroUDd. Soma ,rade. O. B. B .....
B. itt,
Olll.. .
he!' ~~"~~~I lha~::!f~~~~.J:e~3; tandem l~u.l axle. Tbornton Oily•• '. ClOD' . d\UOD I..... n.w, iUaO.oo . .
suffer nervoulneas, Indl,eltlon, aleeplealneal. But POSTU,", co~talna DO ead'ein or other drua - nothing •kt ciI" po • .;,.,,, kelp ,Oil GWa1u!
!«:~~~Io~dl~ff:' ot.;~
~ Y.1'd L ......."n HlihUll Loader on 011"1" 10 IndlUt"!-l TraclOl". aooca coadJ· UOII! 1147'.00 • ....n Huber """'.el roUe~ with .cart. fI.~ 11115.00 .a ,Ion BUHaJo-IIPrio.' field :J..whHlrolier wIth .carUler 111111.00 10 "U, ft. O.K. Poruabll Atr Comp_r' t:,.~~ ~.~i """ ~... a11lhU~ UMd. OI.lIbD. road .. rader. trood ' condition. 83115.00 ..... 1.....rI........ lalt... '''r~r',a. Olil,e, PRUl:n.
sively for 80 daY1-4nd it¢g. b., ,...
.vle.J .Aak· 70ur grocer today for
INS·U.NT POSTUM-A Vigorous Drink
made from Healthful Wheat and Bran~100% tJaffein-{retJI POSTUII ill· a Product of 'Genera Foods~
OLD ·Paalli•• e. waler ~.... 'Buhr Corn Meal IW/llte-nliowl pure fi BUC~hea . t Flour. Whole "Wheat l' .J'l.... r .. WhOle C~real.
three S Iii.
IS lb.. '1.00 ba".·Cholae: P08tllold
BEAR'S MILL, Ot •• DYllle. Ohl. Mal<e't1., . &0 12. ailc'Doar, by leWnlt 8ubscrlptlons to -"LEI leorung Mo.o",lne9. ~~ofi\.:>bl" lor any oil •• Write Key.looe. :: 1:1 FJnl4roll. Wde., Rno.l·Ulo, Tena. RAZOn BL D~ti7iFJrst ~unlil" dOUble e'qged 9hronle 51ebl e 11.00. pur 100. Money back !luorantee , OLANDl:llt 8ALES, 011 till , street, r.l Cln chC'lhlc:;.;r.:.. . ,..;C::;·o:,:;n=n:... . _ __
SORETHRil Caused by Colds
Just rub on Mu.sterolo ... It's lllado
~O-;;;-lte medttl!l: Rhe~rnuUsm. Pries.
el!pcclnily to promptly rollovecoughs. Bore thto!l~ and aching chest mUBClee duo to colds. Musterole actually helps cbrenk local congestion in tlto up-
We P!l)' P • .0 . . . . 1M,
eOiree ·and
. . contain eatrem. And eatreln Is • 4Irua' ·t hat aeta UJIOIl tbe brain ad catral nenojla I,stem. .u.o ~ fa. naceptible 'pel'1lOn..... cad'eln teru" .. produce ,,-nnfulatomach acidity.
liTe \l,p tea - drink
wom e ~ , 1,..$0 be 0 pr'vnle detec .. IIpecl~1 In,oeslljlator. SU 04116 or
LO 2972. C.rllfl.. School 01 D.to ........ In... flOG 8obofl.ld Hldr., Ol.".land 111, Ohio'•
Are sleepless nights, due to "colree ll\U"Vcs", i/'lterfering with ·l Iour good • 'health! ••. Do you wake , up iii the morning, feeling tired and lo&'Y! ••• Then, try a switdl to 100% colri,.,.. /rId P08TUM~ See if you <Jon't enjoy -nod, natut'G1 sleep that makea you leel better ~nd enjoy life mono . ICIIII'RFIC FactS: Both
Saturda y, March 11 . 1950. 10:00 a .m. Greenville, Ohio 75 Mile. North of Clndnnatl Over 100 TractorJ. FarmaU's As. Bs,
other business.
Drawer 10
Semi Is No....Tl'o-BrilliaDt
t:,er;:~[r~J':1d:i ~~[:.. ~~~q~o~Om~~~~~~~:.
Two lor $1.00. You'll be plcos ed. Wrlle " W. Arnold. 1I2S Orle"n., Te"arllnna • .Arll . ltAIL BOX Name Pial.. , Your nomo both sides. Cholte oC Red, Blue. Silver. Refl"clinll lellers on durable Metal Back-
n_ anll throat:
r:o~~;' I~~~lb~r.. I~\~%a/::tp~!Ilt~· ll~~Q:t:
eaD Sineo, Box 4'~. PleD',.D •• ; Monlaaa.
~I.T~ 1r~~zJ~~. ~':,~~Y:t.s~lr~r~~tr~~:
tlve plaid cloth case. Fits pocket or hand
~~:';r l'~ceY~~cffoi.~i~:sI~~ ~~e~ell~:~~ c ••rt 81.« .. 1418 ·Wal.ot. Pllila. :. l'eOD.
WATER WI!lI>LI, For domeatl." munl.,loal and Industrial USe. W.. eon recom· Inend 11 reltoble . d.pendoble drilling conIrDctar for your ' Job anYWhere In the lItat.. , Write for free In {ormation. Add ..... : E : D. ALLEN, Ell ••. 8e.,.• • Tr" .... Ohio Well Drllle •• A •• ,o .• 81••1Ie1l\1111. RD 4, Ohio. BOI! 453.
MEN I 810p ralllnC hair for less than lie weekly'. Send Dilly *1.00 for Instructions. Money back luornn\ee. A.Ulu ·8 al:lII.".· 41 N.rUl, 8a... M.ln •• 'UNEMPLOYED" DlllallsOad with ;v.our tob~ Earn more money;. let job you Want. i!'housunds have. Mc~am.r., . l~ AY.D Al'c1nlle, Hewart B. N.• J.
Ibs ·S b 't
FLORIDA RETIREIlENT ANO Income: 2 \10 ....,.. poultry farm: 1811 New Ralnp. pulle": oran,. «rove: new cement blo"k hOU.. : nicely furnl.hed: on paved hlRhwoy; aG.1KIO c/,llh; pletur ••• T. TAY· LOR. ~I. •.• B •• PI•• I.a.
FLOR,DA Are -}IOU a~ul ta .eUre? 18
lndiaD River
o rove •
hom.. s.tt>.,. au_ ..e; 10 mIle. we.t of Seba.t1an; n.ar Ilmall town; 120,000. 'enna. . ." ... PeU_utl, Florida. PhoDa
"'AS sao .... 1''6 ALVIN. ANDS A PRIZE RING IN OlE .( )I: THeM -WE GeT
TWIN THEATRE . Waynesville, Ohi~ .
Pro Footba ll \VII h AII the. Thrill. and Chlllll Wlltch VI MATlTRE In
Jl'oUow TIM HOL" and CHI'T'O lorll Adventure -
~ tr.!l l ~ht.
1.0\'(' Him and nold
. _
~ln l\Yart
I~ pl r
In TbiB Navy
. (PHrL Tel' hn l '0101') Y\~YNn
WANTED-TypIng to d!) In my home In the ~ venltige. Phone 27' X- 3-2-9-16-Bt
MORRI.S , JA NE'. WYAT'r AI Ho : Wnl'nel' News and Cal'(oon
LUMBER - All klnde,ln all length s anil Wldtbs, Klln d~led . RelUlonable prices . All ordera, large or small will be d&lIvered . Hog Houses ACY LAMB. Phon e l:mlll!iIIllrllmll/llIIllIll!IIII!!IIlIIlIl!llIIjljllllllilll~~~~l!'lllm ml!IIIIIII!1 W~yne8vUle 2701 . HERE '
~lmlmllOOllllmllllmllllmllllllllmlllll l lllllllWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllmllllllllll l llllllllmllllllllllllllmllllllllll l lllllm1IIIIIWlllllillmlmlllllllljij l11I1 I1III11II1~Wllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllll~1I1
Roy E. SmithI , Broker '.
For D.lly 'Market Reporta: WHIO Da'ton~ 1Z:60 E.S.T. Dial 13DO; Wt..W ,CincInnati, 1240, Dial 70D. NORR~
ton Chevrolet lruok. Stake raoke, In good .bal)e. nel~bers Sunoco Service Station, South Main Street. Pbone 2"23. FOR SALE -
PHONE CenterviUe 7056
1I-lm~IIIIIIII~1111111111111!lllIIlilll!llllmllllllllllllllllllllmll IWlllllmlm~lmrn~mnIW~ID~~II • •~~~I~Wi ," ,
FOR SALE 70.3 AOle farm, 7 room modem house wltb oil ru~e. Y.I acre lake. 58 aores of Alfalfa. Plenty of water. Locale1 ' 16 miles from tblrd and main , Daylon. Robt. A. Wilson. Lytle, O. X-3-2-9·16--3t FOR SALE 194J Plymouth coaoh. Radio," heater. Harold Osborn, Main St. Pbone 2594. - ·3-2·9 - 16~:lt
Rt. 48, 5 mi. South of
all rlgbt, stayln, here alone?" "01 c,o urle," answered Su.aD ~ lUnging herselt Into a chair. · Roy'. dark ,eyel were .uddenly
flit . . . . fIIuy . . . . we .., .1_ . . ._ . . .,...... .,._ ••_1... .... ...
Round and Sirloin Ste:ok 69c Lb. - Good
,................... ....................... ............ .,... ....
Ibidowed with pain. "Dear", h. murmured, layina hll arm lIahtl, . around tier ahould~ I. "Dear~ I want· you to alwaYI remembu . . • no matter what happen• • . . I've alwaYI bled to be a 100d hu.band ' to you." \ · "Why fto:(." laughed SUlan I I .be blinked back ludden tearl, "DarlInll You" lound 81 If ;you .,ere , lnl away forever. lnItead of just levenl day I." She Jllid ber band carels!D&lY. on the broad depend· able moulderl. "We ha.ve had a pretty .well W. 'tolether 10 the two years we'". been married haveD~t ~e?"
............. ,.... ...-,.
........... IfIt;~ . . . . .
Other Item.
Attractively PrIced '
D~betic Caniu!d Fruit.
Karl D. Dakin
~ppeci.· htr head blClt and FOR SAlJE-One pair men'a "a,led lila band over her features, ler rink skAte!!. Size 7. Phone 2748 ·Yea. dear 8 ,most wondertul two X-S.- 2-9_16- 3t 1earll l • He pre ••ed bIa mouth briefly. a,alqat her ~ool UP' and ~~ ,on._ . _, . down the' ..tep. Into the FOR SALE - \Joll,spot Refl'lger ·a.tor, 1948 Model., 025 pound freezln · walUn,car. ca.paclty. 8.7 cu. (I. Cecil' Palmer . USAN .bipt G~u1ly and at ell,ht Rooks Ron.d, Centerville 7383. o'clock wa. debatin, with b.rX-3-2-9·16-:!t .elf whether It Will worththe troubl. to ,0 down and make cd... PRACTICAL NURSE-Nm'se allY wben .uddenly 'and territyln,17 q,e kind of clI~e . HEmlock 8R67: Dav- doorbell ranr. Susan fted down ~e with terror tUIlln, at bet ton. Oblo. .. X-3-2-t~ steps tieart. ani! threw the door open to •
I . 2 .:.: -.: ,."
•. ~ :..-:
~ ' .,.. . •-: :' - ~;."-:;:' .... -- ..... : -' •
wear')' looklq Phoe'b e wbo .toocS c,.. dae .tepil amlUn, through ber lean.
· "Pboeli1e," SUlan. " . . be. wl..lit-it by-I. b I, •
....it" ..
"No cilarllng," .oOth.d p~ "Everythin, tl very much aU . _ . very mucb '01" .he repea_ mysteriously. "I bav. ,ome_ tor you." Sbe held out a foJ4l!l Po
n,lel1e thll. of' paper to Susan.the"S-. take · I'm lpendlnl ~
with YOUI . . • • r~ad tbe letter, ~ com. Oil up and I'll an.wer .U your .qu.;stiona then." · Alone In • dream Slilan .at down W4!akJ, and read: . Dearellt Dearest, SUlan : '. - Try Gazette Classified I\d When you aet thli letter the operaUoll wiU be over and ~vW· thin, wiD be perfecd, aU rl&ht- I tClUlld Gut only today that 1 would hav. to have an .erner,ena" oper.tlon and conapfred wltb Pboebt to keep It a , .eent tr~m you • • . Imowln, bow much YOU lov. · ql' ,Dd wOflrj about m. at the Illl!1t.,t HOURS: ••CUl.. ,1 wanted to .par. ,.~ ~e 'UI~I lind the worry. JlI' 9 , to 12; 1 to 5 · one d.ell.loa 1 had to make IllODe Except Weclnes~y Afternoqn . . . u I ••• onl, ,Iven a fIttJ·~ ·ebane. 1:0 pull throu,h • • • ~ I felt It wa, UIlfatr to a.k ,ou ~ belp make 8 dectalon of that 'ldnd. Phoebe Ill•• ber In.tructlon. to p'v. "IN tb1II letter. when and It til. operaUOI!l 11 a complete lueoe.... '
FOR SA4ll- Mixed, baled. bn,)'. M. H. Hunter, CJyo Road. No SUI\day sales. X"':"'S-2.9.16-9t
Wanted To R'ent -- 'HOUSE ~,. 'The·Editor r
WANTED--Ironlngs to do
,FOR.. SALE- 1947 Dodge. 1 % tOI truok. stoak :ra,Jk. , gTaln racks, 003.1 racks. A-l condIUon. ' nclchel" ~ . Sunooo Service. SOlHh ~fnln ~treet! Phone 2423. ~!
"ome. Mre. OJadys Frye, Il.CrOSR from high school. X--3-2-9 . 16--3t
.~ONE. 2121
........... -
. "-
. -•• - 0
Try Gazette CIas.ified Ad
,. '. '-optOl!'etric Eye Special,ist
I lov. ,au, ,
........ "
Arm1eta"e 5 &Son"
LEBANON Office' 47SK . RES. 1211L MORROW No.3
1 _1 _ _ _ _ _
~~~"-''-'''''',-,~ , .-..(
CUT FA·R'M IN,G COST, . with . ,
re. "
1111H111ll1ImmlllmmilllllliIII1ll11lImIIIIIllIllIlIWllllllllllllllllllmlli~;I~ -
A Strike In ·The Mines Makes . Deliveries Uncertain In The Future . . "
I _a ___ ~:=::::=~=::=========::::=====~~~~~~' i4 .
WHlJ ......
~~..-ot~~"""~~'-".-....-1~~~~~ ..... ~ ____ ~ ....,
. PHONE 153
FOOD STORE Phone 2541
Insu~aDce. Agency
Place Your Orders Now
Esp ecially For Farms
--~ .-
Live Wire and Progrellaive. AD organJBaUon lIecon'd to none. Strlotly aellers on tbe belt allaroun4 mar!let In' the oountry,
.. Try Gazette Classified Ad
that the converaatfon h'd not been IInished. The cl'ocll: chimed, brealtin, th. Comptete Home Con.tructlon · • .IIence. "Goshl" exclaimed Roy. "I really m lWlt dallhl" Excu.~, blm- W. will' be gl.d to dlecu.. your leI! lJe hurried up \he italrJ . buildl'"g problem, and t:,11 you Susan tried to make her ' voice w.hat we c.n do. caBual, ','Too .bad Roy has to ao CABINET WORK away so 'quickly on PUt b~lne.. REMODELING ' trip. He does hate to avel III" way . . . and havilll to leave on luch .hort noUce has reallY' uplet him." WAYNESVILLE, OHIO .
Sunn hurriedly joined her 1I111111111111111111111111111111mllllllllllllllllll!111111111111111111IIII1IIIIIIIml!lmlll BABY SITTING-In my home, by . day or WeeK wbile motber husband In the bedroom. Ro,'. usually calm face IoIIhs fiUlhed. works. InQuIre at ' Gezette oftice. Hastily be crammed pajamu Into . . 2 r 23--2-9--3t .n open baa. 81' he arudoully alked. "Susan. are 'OU .ure you win be
~II 3.
Also : Chap. fI O~r Bullet'lI Phl. : .Paramount Cartoon
lome nLy.!I
80NNTTl]FTS, LIZ SCOTT and lb~ Loa ADgeles Ramll Al eo: PlII"amotlnt Car~oon
Susan's Sllspicion
AIBo large ,Inllbmen windows, gn· New 1"0111' HllODl · J'( ot! ~" - ')' \\ 0 I'age Shl'lI \)s Itnll (I' o~ ~n bncll, Acre s of Cronn(I - Nonl' ()1'f'I,:'I)III 't Uarge 10l. b eAll tll'\lIl~' Inl' n.l4>cl Vacan l - POMKP t;!<l nn - 1'1'1 ('",,\ P ri ced I\t $8760 . r y Rt'u ~ onn bin , V 'J'brep I'oom well COn SI~t1 (: l e tl By cement bloch hOIl M , nut bu",IEMMIE BELL PORTER Ing8. 2' am'e!<, On HighwllY 741 ,. pON'T FORGET ' TO CALL USAN sbut the French door and of Sprlngbol'o Gootl Lolllll vnln<;l us for insurance. All types of held ber hand over bel' e¥el . Prlo ~d lit $~!lOO insur,ance at a sa vings. Rout 48 North of Route 73 She had diatlnctly heard her best DenutlrU'1 III'ope l·ty rOr Francis Gene. Brown, phone frIend, Phoebe, ' lay: • "Roy dear, Home Phone CenterVi lle ';':156 Waynesville 2472 or call col- we rea\l~r should confes. · to SUlln all : • . . even If she I. your wife. you lect, Wilmington 2111. must realize that . he is no child DONN.IS PHELPS ROy' . darkly handsome fa~e W&l RellrellEmllU\,e WARREN BRADDOCK , bent ove:r the ~halr wbere Phoebe RUSSEL HORN ._ _"" reclined ,r a c 411Top Soil. H'aUlJ.n.., San!!, Gravel CASH FOR DEAD STOCK REAL'I'On •• 1 fully. one arm ~caY&t1Ji3 With Back Hae, A 'col'c1in!: to :!ize ~nd " cIllUill un. ~hl.l' thrown carel...l, FrAnklin Rollte 2 Drlll'lIne and. Bulldozer AI\. Stock re moved prol1lptly , Flollo. over the cloud of Phone 9r,4Wl HOlBes, $2.60 - COWB, $2,60 . '. dark hair wblcb WaJD8Bvflle, Oblo HoglI - 26c per owt. I~er delleate, framed Phone: Wayft!,vllle 2191 JANES RENDERING face. Heir blue eyel were ·flxed on -- . Try Gazette Clusified Ad Roy'l 'troubled. brow ant! one ~um Phone Collect BANK RUN ORAVEL- JAade'J, whlte hand relted Oeetlnl~ on hi. Xenia. O. 1712 or at Davie Furn811 Pit, 50 centa brown one. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt WilminetOn. O. 2362 cubic yard. We aleo dellYer. ARMShe knew by the uncomfortable ITAGE " SON, Pbone 1091. U look on both facel a. SM enlered RATES: 011. ~.nt per word, mInimum ch8roe, ' 2S ~enta. Thre. In .. rtlonl for the prici of two. Form. ' clo.e W.dne.day noon.
Closed on Tuesda y and Wel1nesday
THURS. 2 .
mode rn
white fl 'nnw home, bot wl\tt'r hpnt
I II ~f :
With "Coi.rplllar" track type Iraclorl you ha•• ~ year 'rollad farm lag program. There'. no laying up of your equlpmenl becauae 01 wlnler or w.1 wtalher. "Caterpillan" wide Iracka 1.1 you work and build larm proUt. hi every Mcuon. You ,plow your 11,lda In-l.e.. time btc:au.. . "Caterp1l1ar" gl.,•• you more power and you may IOYe up to Hveral hundred dollarl per year on Iliel alon• . Th.r. ail dOMnl 01 oth.r profltabl. lobi y~ ~ do wllh a Cat.rplllar lractor. II not on YOllr own larm Ihen on' other Icn'mi 10 YOllr COIDI Dlunity. Wllh a 'Dour blade on your Iracle. 11'. a cinch to build .land t.rroce •. 'cheek dam •• larm POndl and land cl.ar-Ing or I.vellng. This I. Jlrolltable work that liMps you bulY during the .Iack wlAt.r montn, Contact YOllr Cal.rp\llQi clealer. H. may be the be.1 friend you .y.r had .
aboul the
"Om;w.," ~
6.. JOUr aetda.
'l1li HlellWAY ....... " CO•• "10 ~ ......... a.c........ 11. O~ . . . . . .AY . . . . . CO"
.................. CIJodIiooiIIj~., Go
About Town
g Waynesville Since 1850
s!;~;~~n!~:s'~~s!":;~~n~Il~~~ Bevans
lesse Pren.dergast nnd daughter Maryallre, lIf rs. Sadie Reason, Miss Katbryn Pre'nder!;ll\l[ and Mrs, Earl Hockett. The Womrul 's A'IIXUlary of lh'o Sl. Marys, Church held their Marcb roeetng In the P arish house on Fri· day afternoon , wi. a lnrge at· tendanco, Mrs, Ronald Hawke conducted the devotions nfter which a 8hol'[ " business session was lleld, ~' Mrs. Ralpb' Vance, dloccslUl pres' Ident, was then Introduced as the guest speaker DC the afternoon , FollOWing her Interesting talk, tbe 8()clal hour WlUI llieasnn Uy spent with dainty refresbments served by t be hostess, MI,/!. 1:1. M, Keys. ,Mr. and MM. Fred Hok bad all Sunday ottemon callers, Mr. and Mrs. Everett ]llonce ot Ol'lcnt, Mrs. Lucile Armitage apen~ the week end with bor 80n-n -lo.w and daugbter, Mr'. and Mtll. Rober t 11\ Centerville and assisted them In moying' Into their new ho~e , MM~ D. C: Ridge with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Davis or Dayton. were Sunday, guests or Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collins Qml SODS in Columbus. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley: Balley had 8S BUDiay dl.n ner guests Mr. and Mrs, Ed Hopkins' IUld Mr, and Mrs: David Hartsock. Mr. lind Mrs, Loyd Davis, Mrs, Josiah Davis, Mss Mary Soheetz IllId Mr, Bill DaVIS were Sunday dinner guests or Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Davis and son, In Dayton. , Farmers Grange 13 will , meet In regUlar Sehloll on l Saturday eveI1lng wilh n. "Birthday" supper at slx·thlrty, Each family will bring " n basket and table service. Fol· lowing ' the sUPPtlr" the lnitlatort work , In tbe thIrd, and fourth de' grees will be given. , Mrs.. Josiah' Davia · , en~~ained
Returns - '~: . 'Will Skate At Card To West' POlent Rola nd Bevan, after tbr{le
ot rest at his home near Bellbrook, returned to hia work ut WieSt Point tdlllt.ary Aclld';lmy n , New York. He. rateR as a strategist witb the greatest of bls Dr any' time. He bas been a trainer o( several years; has tulol'ed several undefeated teams In hIs years lit West Point. Dfvan 'not only belongs as tral~er st BJalks but beiongs UII a; hll!.b scbool coa.clr of tbe eras, because It was hIs team at Steele th al won fame aU over ,the country.
By MRS. HILY GIHON . 'Mr. George Smith of Dayton, called o"n friends b~re Sunday. , Mr. Elmest Mcltay and molher, lannle of Dayton, "pent Mondny afternoon wltb Mr, and Mra. S,ue Morgan. '~ Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Lewis llrll.wford and daugbter Donna of Xenia, lIIr, an.d Mrs. Lewl9 Tomson of Dayton, Bpeat Saturday evening witb, Mr, and Mrll. Clarence Crawford. Mr, and Mrs, Ernest ,Earnha.rt and 80n David, spent t,be week end with Mr. and Mrs. James Wildeman of Jackson. Ohio. Mrs. Ivy Morgan and son.. Joe, o~ Xenta:, called on Mr. and Mrs, SUe Morgan one day last wesk. Mr, and M'rs. Artbll ~ Rockhofd, of SlJrlng Valley, called on Mr, and ~. Georlre Bratten Sunday, after ,
nOOD with ~riI~ ~ ~ett. . J4n, lOO Hopltina, ..~. II:Jballe~ ,Hull. !ii's. Everett Marlatt, MJ'lI. Jloward of I1a.yton, called ' on thtllr-' PlnIUS V andeman, Mrw. A. O. Gutty, ~r~8!.j'1-..-,::,. Saturttay, Mr. and 'Vrs. 1< ' . Jake Reeder, M"'- Charlet lames, ratten. . .' Mrs. Grace Bqaltb, M.rII. H . A. SatMr. &Dd Mrs. G. Ke9inger IIpenl terthwalte andl MI'II. Clyde Palmer the Week end ' wltb tbelr sons and as her auesti'. familY, Mr. and ~rs. Norman Kes. Mr, and 141'11. Ul1bert Frye and IlIJer. Mr, &lid Mrs. A~ur Kes80nll, aud Mr. anel 1111'11. Luther nger and famll:r of Dayton. : Hartsock saw the hoc]tey games Mrs. Harley Hieeman of Lebanon. at the Cincinnati Gardens on Sun. Pennsylvania, returned home' Satday evening, urday after spending two. weelta Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Bursko had with her niece Mr. and Mrll. Artbur as week end lrUests their daugh. Morgan and Camlly. Mr. Wilbur Dodd, 'ot Dsyton, Ler, MI.88 Marilyn Burske, and Mr. Dale Daffee of Bowling Green Unl. called on Mr, and George Bratten versity. On Sn.turday evening th'e y Mond ..y. attended the weddIng o( MI8s Jean Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morgan called Davis and Mr, Carl, Etter at tbe on Mr. and M:r~, J,;ue Morgan, Mr. Mt. WashlnglOn' Methodist cbllr~b and Mre. Clarence Crawford Thul'8and the reception wblch (ollowed, day evening, Tliey ,w ere joined at 'Sunday dill' C::"I!:;:::"'_~=---""'--- ' CIVIC CLUB TO nor by Mr. and Mrs, Paul W. Dut-, HOLD MEETt"NC. fel' ot ColumbuB, and lIfr, and Mrs, William Strouse. -Tho annual electton of otUc~rs lIfr, IIJId Mrs. Wilton who are Of the Clvlc Club, will be b'e ld with IIbe HaUniark Production and Marcb 20 at 7: 00 , p. m. In the have been in LouIsiana. for Bev- Ora.nge Hall. All m embers are urged to at· eral weeks, are home for a few dllYS before' leaving for a weatern 't end thIa meeting. loca.tlon. THE BIBLE 'SPEAKS Mrs. Olva T.li'Ompson was bo.stess TO BE BROADCAST t(1 the Argltllc,>t Bridge C,Jub mem"The BIble Speaks" will b,e , bera apd Mrs. 1). R. Smltb, Mrs, Marie RUne and Mrs, Stanley B. broadcast every Sunday by WI~G BaJJey at a ,lovely bridge lUncheon' (1410) at 1 : 00 p. m. sponlored by on Tuesday at t~e Far Hills Party KlDgdom Rese_cD. ·1021 Fergullon HoWIe. AlI ' appotntments were In Avenue, Dayton 7, Ghio. "eeplng with ilie St. PatriCk aea. Kingdom Rssea.rcll Blbl.. IItudy eon. Three ' tables wilre In pIlL)' class every Sunday at 2 :00 p. m. duriJig the afternoon and lovelY 1031 FergulOD avenue, Bpeaken, prlles we~ given (ollowng the .Doyle 'D. Wa~er" Gene Boner. gamel. \ , MILrio Pel. ad completely chahDed Mrs. Jesse Pre~dergabt and' II_t ' ' w Ith her co--entl , her ... eners . daugllter, Maryallce, Miss Kath· and v6nion of the lto1'J. ' erlne 'Prendergast, 1\{I19', Roger Brown and Mrs. Bertie MIII~r .\ dellclolUl detlsert coune " ,as lMII'Vecl to ,the melllDel'll, Mn. Tom· b' ear d the Shrine ' BRlld at ' Me- Itnacm and Mra. H, C. Bodllon. . Mr. alid )lrw, Wlll St. John and morlal . Hall. Dayton. on Friday evening, Mr. and Mra, Charlell An,d etlOn Mr. and Mrs, Harry Connor of were Satarda7 evenlne dinner Dayton, were Sunday afternoon cuelta of Mr. , anel Mn. Ralph guam of Mr, Bnd Mh. Raymond HutlDPo CODner. ' Mr. ad MM. WUlIam suoualt The Happy Hour Ciub wemben and ¥r. ad lin. lD. ... EarDhart of D&)1on, were hoard and on were pelta at the IDlpectiou of the Ruth LJona morong maUnee 1I....1maDl Chapter 501 In . CIIland Fifty Olub on Tuesday of the clDnati OlD Saturda1 ,8YeD1q. , PUt week. Mr. and lin. Earl Clark. )lr. Tbe Progreulve Duane•• Women . .4 1IrL.Ban7 ba_ of Brookmet at the Far lID.. Party 1ID1I1I.,1 ~~ ad 1Il'. ... 11ft. But DEl Wednea4a, e"mq, ror thelr TboIDU of c.ntenme. eaIle4 OD ManJi meetlDg. :fDJ)owlD, the reg· tile Walter 01aftI 1bID_ P••• alM' buma.a . . . - , Mr., Paul 111'. IllllAn
all"" ......
Is App6-ctIJ Ftr
Dr. O. WI. Hoffman, Prellldent or the Franklill Rotary Club c1eUned , , St.ps for the Ofganlu.UOD of a Rotary as 'fa. fellowehtp of some Rotary Club were lIlII,en February 30,000 bus1u88S and profesalonal 24, 1960 by lit ·gr'bup of bWllDetllI execuUYeB throu«hout the world i1rld protesslonal men who are who are \lnltlld "' tile "Ideal or pll!-nning to establish' a unit of no. Service: ' which Ia UMlughtfulness tar)' InternaUODal, world·wlde Ben' of an4 helpl'ub!.ela , '0 others." Ice club organlzalOn, In Wayuell- "M~bers of RotaJ7 C3liD6," he VUle. Meetfing with Vernon Burk_I' CC)lI.l,lnU'.eeI, "EndSavor to uempUfy bart, Gc;wernor of District 231 of their motto, 'Service above Sell: Rotary Interna.tlonal, from BIIrnee- In all of thelr bUllnellll, so· ville, OhiO, lind eight Franklin Ro- clal and clvic eontaeta by placing ,',bII,r1A,nA at the Towl18hlp House In the oblJpUon to serve othere be· the men voted to ap' fore the deaire for profit tor themply for a cbarter In Rotary Inler. selves. A Rotary Club selects Ita national, lhus addlbl: V\' &1n8llville membel!9blp on the bulB of oue the IIl1t ot ,more than 6,900 olUell active membu trom eah ~cog· 84 Countries &Dd ceolraphlcal re- nlze4 bualneu and profesBlon tn of th4~ world where Rotary the communlt" 80 that It Is a rep' come to pla.y ' a leadlnc Part In reeeD.tative cl'Ulll-tlectlcm of the ProtreSI ot the commuDlty. bUllneaa anei profelalon~ Intereat~ The new club is spcllUlOhcl by &lid aeUvities In tbe community:' the FraukllIl Rotary ClUb. "bose T.he new Rotary Club of Wayne8~embers . have ,lIrou«ht itutArJ to \iUe baa the- same ,general obJecWa.ynesville through thear fx1encl- tlvu lUI aU other Rotary Clubs in ship with the blliluNIJ and ,roIes- North an4 South America.. In Iional men CIt tbia cit,. ODe of the Europe and .\ala, tn A.tr1ea aJ\d dlslinctlve ifeatl1l'8l CIt BOtur the IllaIld8 of ,the Pae1fc - to enthat ~'ns are welcome vi. CIOur&Ce &lid fOster tile "Ideal of ltora at every other Rotal1' Club s.J'Vice".. a IlUIa ot wortll)' euIn the world. There are ~ terprIM. .~~'I Oluba In Ulbanon, Xellla, M'nDkI _ .......le.lin, M~18tl\U'g. Wee~ Calrro'lIto1n." Dayton, Sprlqfiel4, CinClnLU&tI and eusewher8t Athrourhoutt the IL .".,...,.,. It Is e ':pected that the new Roary Club o( Wa:rnesVlUe w", 'pve I'__ J •• Ssm Shayon of B011ywood, visiting RotarlaDI at WIllI Oil .. olflc ' Coaat Skating Yanttles, bBB 'rel)Of," ~Ir. Stelnm&ll that he , contract of~era , trom studios for MillS N~fd'/I ....~l_ a series of elcturel, 1\8 's&J~IIi;;"txJl eClltivee generally agree. IIlJ,4tfM'tli~'tll, ready ror Ini~t' ntm
S. "',R. T, CRA_A. J-'Ie
"h,dMlIlltl1, ot the CC)mmitt.ee charge. NoW _ "l&oaI&<:lean1Jlc 'tlme they I~ UJDnc the I&dIee to hunt out clothl~ and artJclee for this lIale. Mrs. Herman Saylor fa the Red CrollS repreSlentative In , this mUDlty. \Mrs. Aslnetb Thomas of WlQ'llesvUle, Is ill at tlwJ home DC her' daughter, Mrs . Harry Burnett and tamily. Mr. and Mrs. Loon Sall~b,ury ot WuhngtoJ4 O. H.. called on Mn. Nettie Emrteit hn4ay 8Vtrrung.. Mors. etyde Wharton spent Monday wIth her dauabter, Mn. Loren Routzabn and children In Franklin, wbo ha.ve been. \iClmS of the crlp\ Mr. and Mn. E. J. Oarmony of SpringfIeld, tIti--Mr. and"1tfl'll::"""Paul Flory, of Dayton, visited with Mr. t'Jld Mn. Wilbur ClarJ!; Sunday afternoon. ORDINAN~E No. 2U8 Mr. and Mrs. James Te..rian of AN , ORDINANC, TO AMEND , ,near Springboro. have moved to tb1t SECTION IV OF ORO. No. 13U »!Ivies hatchery un Clerk road. Whereas, ~everal of the membel'B Mr. ,and Mt'li. l<aIph Henry enterof the Fire DepartJpent of tbe VII- talned the Mr. and Mra. Claae of lage of WaYllesvl\lfJ are employed the Lytle Sunda,. Scbool at th'e lr outSide the VlI1sge, during the day country home Sunday evening. 'se8.8on; and Mias Velmll_ Smith and Mr. 'aDd Whereas, It. Is fOf the Immediate Mrs. Morris Wharton of Dayton, Public health and safety of the were dinner ifUeaU Sunday at tbr vUle, that a ' 's uttlo,ent numlier ot home of Mr" and Mrs. .c I y d e reillrents of the Village o( Waynes- Wharton. firemen be ready a,llo available for ' .... u 1'8. J • B...T U'Ms" onea, ..... et.... ~ ___ · emergency service during the day rick and Mr. lInd MI'S. Walter Ken. IIC1ll1ons: rick called QD MI'!'. Allee Clar" and Now tJierefore be It Ordained by other friends at the Frlencla Home tbe • Council of tbe Village ' of In Wa:rn8lvlllla Saturday afternoon. W&11l6.vU1e. State of Oh.o, tbat ,.The W&1~el TOW1lJ!hip Fa.rmers Section IV of OrdInance No. 130, Club w&!' entertained at the boms be amended to reall: o( Mr. and" Ml"8. Harvey Burnet on I' ' That, the 'number or tlrellJen allall Thurada.y. be DC?t to exceed t"fenty, ap'polnted Mr. ,aud IMl'II~ ~se Kerchner of by the Ma,or with the advice Bnd payton, vtslle!l tb'e latter's mother, conHnt of the CO'lMI1, upon rjlc· MM. Alice Tirlckey and Mr. and ommendaUon of tile Fire Chief for Mrs. Irvin H.ams Saturday. term. of One yesr, Mr. and MII1I. Ralph Hammond , It Is furtber provided tbat said ..nd children attedbe4 tbe fUneral terms are to begin on tbe first day service of the tormer's fa.ther, Mr, of Jauas::r of e8Cb' year and each Lonnie Hammond, 0.: MaloD, at the tba11 utll his sue· Oswald Funerlal Home In LebaDon cetIOr fa 4u11 ap~ted and qual- &114 the ~urlal III Role 'Hill cam· ItIed. eterr at lIuoa Oil 1I0n4&1. nil ordinance ~I be declarel .... azul lira. HarTe, Buraet, 14,. ID emerpnll1 mttlUft ~d II.haI1 ..4 Mra. calriD Laqacre, III'. and take , dfeet ..4 . . In toree 1m. lin. Barry Mr. and lira. me4llt..,.. _ _ Betb I'unlaa funllr, II&r7 ..... : IIanIl 8. 1150 , 10II8II; lin. Hettie .. II. BBaWOOD. 11.,01' lUId ..... Walter Atteat: Ollar!. , . . . . Clerk the fuenl aerYIIarcIa CooIr,; at Of III Wa:...... ~
A c<W Y
Perry Ellswortlr IRn't threatenin g 1be ' Ilre of Cowl ~J'ollnd the farm wb"en be comes up with II. 'sug'gesilo~ on bow dh10 owrymen all lrlll two blrdll with one. stone. , Wb",t the exteDslon dairy specIalist at Ohio State University means ,'is that wauulIng the cow'p udder before mUklug wtll result lr not only more milk but cleaner mUk as well. ' He lIays a good managed milk. Ing program demands u'dder ma.ssage ' with a. warm cloth or towel to s~lmulate milk letdown Thi8 S8me massage can . serve remove dust and dirt from the udder, Imp~v1ng the quallt}' o( milk produced antt elJmlnattng h.lgb bacterIa. anlt 'lIedlmElDt s core!!, Ellsworth recomlJlends, that lhe cloth or towel be wrung' oul 01 1!0 -to 1"40 degree water:
C."est uu,
IIJ•• ~ the Juator aj4,. . . - cJlUlleIi of County ........... and Is ID OODJlIIlctloD with Ole ' natonal coateat to be h~lIlln Atlantic 'City
In 11&1 .. part
tat! natonal con·
1f8I1 of tU SAB..
f\l1 Warrell Countlanl .,,'ho are desCeotllld from Revolutionary War IIOIdLers are 'eUslble for member!lJalp tn tb6 BAR. I'Urthler lDformatJon ..,.' be bad froa tne SeentalT, JQMPb R. Gray. 15 Broadwa" I ......... Obio.
CARD OF THANKS ' We wlah to thaIlk our frleACbi aDd DeIIhllora tor t bel r kIIldoea l1li4 Q1Ilpatb, at tbe tme of our ber-vemellt. AlDOl POOk and Faml,.
IREwaTER CHEEI.. FACTOR V ENLARGEI PLANT ,CAPACITY Ohlo'l blUNt s 11' I I I claeel. plant lB I,p &be' maklIICrl Stark CouDt, mUIt producers' are eD1aI'IIDc their cheete mU.1nc fa· cU1Ues at Brewster and adding to tbe NIearoom StneeD kettles ,,1II .,. ,placed In the eheeae depal1IJlent, maIl.IDc BreWllter the milS clIeeIe plant fA OhiO.
.. -
)Ira, auy. CUrl, lin. Leah IIIlIa and Dr. I!lmma Hollo. ., ..ttenc1e4 tile W. T,' 11, IiMetlDg at the bOIIIe of 11ft. lIaddell Ma7 Dllht. Lee IIUtIIl or MatoD. Oldo. wu a tIJDMr at tbe Home Oil aDII ~ bel' alater-D'IaW, liN. ..ate ~ lin. Ludue ArmltaP lpent the week..... wi~ ller eoll-IIl·law UI4 daa6ier. Kr~ .... lin, Robert Banet ID CeatemUe. JIn.' af.. ~ 8aItIl hu turDeCl, to bel' 0Wra home 00 nsr.I stNlto , Mil.. IItDllIe DodIoD returud StJA4ar fI'OID & uU.btftll tlve . . . Itq wtth re1atmI ~ JDamI.
Tu.., ,..t
Ella K. (ook In the year 1 78 on Janllll.ry 17, there WaB' born In Waynedvl1Je to Emlua D~rnell ~eys and .l. MIlLon Keys, a dauB"hter named E ll a Bur· nett. She was,the first child. Later to this marrla.ge wW! boru also IL eon, Warren, A deep Ue of a I'· fecllon existed between tnis bl'o' ~her fnd sister as tby grew up to · getber, The family mo\'ed to IL fann OIl tbe Ne\v Burlngton roud, Early , In her school li fe : 'Ella showed a keen interest 16' bel' book s. TbISl interest combined with her high \nlelllg\lnco and love o( children made her choice of teachInC s. natural one. For tbtfleen years abe taught school In and near Waynesville. She lelt tbe iQlpl'lnt or her characler upon the lives of many of ber PUl.l11S w'no grew to love her even as she taugbt them , ID February of 1910 IIhe ~as unlted In marriage wIth Amos Cook and Bhe went to make hel' home with him 01\ his farm. Two daughters and two Bons were born to them. Ruth, tbe"olde8t, is ' wile of Charles Doster and live!! In Hal" veysburg. They are the parentR or tW!) daughters, Janet a~il Ba.rbara, MaFgaret ' Ia married to DQnald Badley and Uvea in WaYD8I/vlle. They have one daughter Donna , Ernlt has made bls home with his' parenta and has been' a source of strength to boIh hlB moth'er and father, Warren and bls wife. Tbtilm~ B.o~s COOl[ live til 'Leb~non , Their BOil Is ~. As her character and toV6 of children eHone forth In her tllllCh ·, i~ career 'so did tHeRe' sam!) char, her to fm the role
J!ave been. felt throuCh the yliBrS by her hue"band , and ohUdre~. Each gJ"andchlld has haa nls own special place In ' tbe heun of b1B grand' mother. She waB a member of Mlarui Mont.hly Meeting or Friends and. wall most regulo!' in attendance I1.t the meetlDS for worship MIld active In Ita wor&. Hrv~g on committeell and the FrleDda Bome Board fOI' maD7 Jean. She,.118 a fUty y8l1r m.mIIu of Granse, ,a ~,mber o( w. c. T. V, and. tbe O~ of tile EUt81'll Star. O_rtUloeas and interest , J,;. othert were chan&Cterlst1o~ whiclI Rhe carried with bel' thl'0\lSb out hili' Ute, Even during b,er Ia.t e )'ea,ta. when paID and Il1ne~a were ptten her lot she did n'o t Indulg ' , In Belt pity. Bravely abe llVecl h'e r lite anli trustfullF 81le gave her life ou . March e, 1860. But aWl I walt , with ear ap.d ey e For ~meth1n. gone ~hlch should be nilb, , A 101lB III all fam.iUar thing~, In Oower that blooIlll, And bird that BlngS. And yet. dear' heart! rememllerlq thee, Am I DOt richer than of old? Safe in thy 1IIImortaUty, . What ch&llCe ' can reach the wealth What chaD.ce can mar t~ pelLl'1 IlaolcU and 1014 Th, love hath. left In trutt wltb
ADd' wIaIIe ,in urea late aftcenIoon, ' Where cool' and lone the Ihad OW6
I ~ to meet &h.9 'nlIht th~ soon S~ , lila,. and aha40w ov",now. I c:&DDOt feel tIIat tholl art tar, . BDGe Deed the angels a.re ; AIIII 'when tIaa I1IIiaet ptea unbar. Sball I DOt ... tbee'1faltIDC 'ltand , AII4 white ICaIMt tile eyenln& star, Tbe welcome ~ thy booIionln)! laud?
'near at
GIRL ICOUTI ' HOLD REGULAR MEETING ,D r. . . . lin. 0sIe ~.... aDd TIle m_tlDe or ttle Scout. was XIII IIarIant ...... "fIIIteII beld 011 JIarcIl ttIt at which the tIIeIr . .to II_ ~t ~ or WJdpponrhlUta served cue ~.,..,..... , Mr. ... lin. WIIIIuD ,ftmDU to tM ""t at tile trooP!! for their
....... ....... at Lllluoa.
.......... _ . . . AaIde 'l'Iae JUt .... ".. Girl Scout WMIt ail eooklel WIn! MIl ~ die IIIWIl 8IIIdIJ' .1ftenMIoa.
Thursday, Marcb 16, 1950 --
Ethics vs. Dollars
British laborites on Rocky Road; Scientists Warn of H-Bomb 'Threat; Senat~ Spy Hunt to Be 'Witchless'
It was ethics venu', AmerIcan taJCpayers' dollara as the Benate argued whether It would be honest for congress to remove the price supports already promlsed on the 1950 potato crop. AS ALMOST every Ichoolboy knew. the government'. potato program was one of the most jumbled, reason.a ssaultlng pro(BDITOR'S NOH, ft, ••plal•••• re .lfp •••••• In lb ••••• I.mat. tloe, .re tb .. , .r fantastic. cedures ever eVOlved In tbe U. S. . Wel'tern Ne.,.lIape, Valoll· ••• " ••••• ,.,. ani Dol ••••••• '11,. .t thl, De..."aper. ) Farmers were belni paid a Bubsidy on potatoes to compensate them for market price differentials. each year the potato surplus was growing, and farmers were permitted to buy back tbe subsl- ' dized potatoes as low as one oent per hundred pounds for use as' fertII12:er, And' all th.ls in the race of world tood shortages and a re.a} need' for the surplus potatoes by local rellet agencies and school luncb prog rams over the nation. ODDLY ENOUGH, many Repub. IIca ns were stringing along with the lets·not-deslroy-subsldles thinking. with Sen. Scott Lucas. Illinois, Democratic floor leader. sponsorIng a move to cancel price sup:. por ~ for all 1950 potatoes not al. REPORT ON MASS-DESTRUCTION WEAPONS • , • Sen. ready planted. Republicans favored Bnell MCMaboD (Ielt) cbalnnaD or the Jolnl cODcresdonal alomlo Ing retention of the 1950 subsidy eDercy oommlUee, coDlen wltb Gen. Omar N. Bradley sborlly beplan included Senators Brewster, tore Bradley. who II cbalrmaa of the U. S. Joint chlefl of Itarr, MaLne. Aiken, Vermont, and Millireperte4 &0 the senate-bouse croup OD ' possible types of mankin. Colorado. 4eatncdllD weapoDi _ euemy ml,ht 1Ise a,aiut tbe 17.8. Lucas was on firm ground as tar aB economy and matbematiCI around the H·bomb. The bomb It- went. Already the record sbowed, BRITAIN~ self would turn these cbemlcals the U.S. is In the red 100 'million into the fantaatlc' killing dust. dollars for price support operation. Close Call 8ritlah Prime M1nJster Clement Dust- of that lort could be made on the 1949 crop alone. Lucas jibed at Republicaqa for Attlee and his Labor party were so that It would remain active a days, a lew months or al long lal1dng about the need tor econOlDJ' sun holding the reins of British tew . and then oppOSing his potato.curb lovemment-but It had been a I I 5.000 years. That is a trlghtenlnl. appalling legislation. mighty close call. There was a possIbility. . serious question of 'bpw ·long the But 'there Is a ray of hope. Tbe!e PROGRESSIVES: Labor government cowd stand aa a result o.t Its meager majority in same IIclentists say It wlU be an· Support for Henry other three years before anyone parliament. ' Too much attention to nameAdded to that was the perU of will know U the bomb can be PI:Ocall1ng and too little attention to an intra-party strUe in which it duced. That liVeS mankind a litUe time issues. ':that's the way O. John was reported . left-wingers in the In which to make up his mind. The Rogge, former assistant attorney party were planning a test of gene.~al of the United St!lte•• strength wIth more moderate .lead· decision had better be. right. summed up the trouble with the ers of Attlee's government, . new Progressive party of which TKE 'PROBLEM was an easily SPY HUNT: Henry Wallace-ol\e·tlme vlce-preaobvious one: Should the Labor par- No 'Witches' iden~ of the UnIted States-Ia the ty walk enslly -in the face of itl There was to be "no witcbes- chief figure; hairbreadth escape fr-om defeat in ROGGE'S STATEMENT wa I the elections, or should it strike Ol,lt no whltewllsh" In the senate forboldly for continuation and expan· eign reI a t Ion s subcommittee's made 'in support of Wallace. wllo probe · ot alleged infiltration ot bad made. a virtual demand that .Ion of socialism? The primary interest In the elec· Communists into the U.S. state de- the· party stop trying to ",ave face" 'for the Communists In dection lor Americans was, of course, partment. That's wbat Sen. Ml,llard Tydings larations of policy. whether or not the Btltish ' people The party beld a convention in were committed to more 8Oo1albm · (D .• Md.) IBid of the investigation and resultant nationallim of indul' when he wal named chairman of Chicago to develop aims and obtry and, their way of lUe, or. had the committee which WII to COD- jeetivea during Which ROlge declared of the party', beiDa caU.,s Uie7 crown apprehensive enough duct It. THE NAMING of the cominlttee "Red balteult : eclneernlnl the direction' of ,overn"We .hould be I I unafraid of .teDlJll.ed from diargel by. Sen. ment to change it? TIle an._r wal clear to the ex- Joseph R. McCarth7 m., WiI .> that that label al WI are of the labela 'Communlat' or "C 0 m mUD 1 It tent that a bare majOrl1;J of the aD un·nallied croup of Communilta front.· .. people are ' .atilfied with eondi- hold- or have held-bl~ "ate c1e~ There _r. delelat.. who follllll UOIlI-enOUlh at leu' to retum 1he. pJl1ment p'oltl, DIU, ' McCa~ rather put ' the atans ~ Dew atUtutJ•• · amODI Labor I"el'IImitlt' ·.to . power. - BIIt, CODimlfte. ,on the Ipot at th.ltart Soviet-fr!endahip crOUPI aD out.t&IUftc~tb" enoutb, the balaDce af power had waned' 10 inuch when b. laid that U Prealdent Tru- crowth of thl Tlto-rellatance. 'l'be in the past fl"e :re.rs thit it 1'111 man persbtl in JUI refuaal to make relO'1titioil. eOIiimlttee wa. restate department employee JOYalt7 ported to have Ihelved quietly an aJmOlt none:dstent. '. . file, available, "an investigation anti·Tito ·Itatement. ROige toucl!ied WHAT DW IT MEANT It wa. wou14 be ulele ..!' Mr. Truman on thl. .chiam briefly when he muCh too earl7 to gauge the elee- hIS .0 perallffc:l ' and declared he said: tion', elleet on the American 'eeon- would ignore the lenate's action in '~WE SHALL NOT 'BEND rea.on 0IIl7 or 'on Europe's overall re- cranting lubpoena rlahtl to the backward in order to attempt to eovery. procram. ' b~ dlsappQint· commJ~ee. justify the conduct of the eominment in the U.S. was wldelpread form countries toward Yugoslavia. Indications were that a court and there wal some ' concern lest teat of the President's pOlltlon was But when the SovIet Union offers the ~eri!l~ty of the ~abot .,ov- in- the making if th& committee a plan in the field of atomic enemment'. "Osition in\e~el'~ serious- chose to use Its subpoena rights ergy which, with all Its faults; at ly with Atn'e'l-Jcan recovery plans and called , upon , the President to least oUers' a better basis for open· (/ ,• ,r abroad. Ing and continuing negotiations deliVer the wJlpted" l:eQoras. One Ainerltan newsp per" womTYDINGS 'DECLINED to pass on than the Baruch plan, we are goan vJal able' to lPui l\ nio prlnt ' con- this Issue at. the outset, and saId, ing to say just tbat." cisely and graphicallY: -.the. diver- instead; tha't + he :expeoted a "fuU, No one doubted Rogge's stand. gent Brltlsh viewpoints wh~ she fajr "an,d comple~1l ~nYl!stigation" The Progressives, whether they reported a C::onservatlve 88 saying at M~parthy's chilrges. . ' were happy about it or not, were that Englnrtd would never ' recover "We -w0l let the chips IIiU where so completely tagged w:ith Sovletimtil the Laborltes we're complete- they"mi)'l.'· 'be said, "and this will sympathy labels that there would ly thrown out. and a poorer-class be neither .a. wltch"hunt nol' ~. be no confusion in the minds ot workwoman dec1arln:g that she whltewlf.·.. ·the voters when its candidates ofdidn't care how much she had to Th e senator's intentions no fered for officie. do . without, just ns ' long ,as tl),e doubt were good-but there might rich didn't have any more. be littl. to worry about where ' the cbip8 WQuldj' tllU,1 110. 10Dg as. Mr. H-BOMB: Trliman declined to. pass the mlt\ee ' the !I~e they ne.eded. More Warnings, . More and more came the warn'Ings trom experts ot the dread po. Answer Stili tentialiUes ot the hydrogen bomb. . . , President Truman pe'rsist~d in True, there ,was liome- disagreement, but a poll would show at his refusal to give congress con. this stage that a, maiorltr of scien-· fidental loyalty fUe's on tederal. tlsts who' shOuld knoy{. ;what . they . eJDployees. are taUdng' aboUt befleve the bomb HQwever, he said he had promcould Idll evel'y'one In ' the ·world. Ised the senate foreign relations Four top scientists have' Issued com~ttee he otherwise w.oll\~ co'that warning. The).. pave declared operate in disproving what be that the bomb, if ~t, w~rks, could called tabe cha,rg~s ma~~ by.. Sen. be a suicide bomb u W1V? How? ator McCarthy !B., Wis.) that a Here's wbat they say,' '0 . Communlst .ripg pasts in tbe state IF THE BOMB is ever made and, del,lartrnent. .. , . used. it would kill slowl:r by polHe. told neW8~n. that subpoena sonin~ ' eVerytbing and everyOne i>ow'e~ , . ~9fed~ by, ·the· ,senate for wlth radioactive dusts. \'g . ~omDfittee · in\leit.igalors w.o u I d The ,: .~Wats would. otre ,/ earrie~ ...'i'Dlake,,·.D~ ditfel'ence" to him, aroWld 'the world by, ~e ~ds.r pointin'g out liba it would ,be di!Accordln, to a croup of Bol: TOe dust would be ~ , ~e . ah)peo- .fteNt,. to lerve. a t,.uppoena on the 'l)"Wood photogra.pbera, Tony 'ple breathed. ' President of thp Unlted States, Our&ll, a new slar on the movie It would .etU~ on' B1Id Pblson iince tHe goverrunen~ affords ' him horbou, II lbe possessor of a plants and treel, everiaulfl ' hu- prOtection trom su'eh' hervlc'es. · . profile wor&b7 of ClomparisoD mane ,yt or ule. And; indeed It Would. But, it with ~.t of the late 101m BarTHE , H-BOMB, ·they ...• ·d d, cpuld doeln't lay anywhere th.t· the rymore, whOle prolDe wal an be intentiopaUy. ri"eel. ,to do jUit PresldeDt may ~ot .ive informaInternaUoDiI cla.llc. .. WI that-~d it 'wouI'd' be ' relatively tion-if be dioole_to those .eekcompollto pbotocraph, 701l caD almp1e .to do it. Mahr. j ¢ the- .I,nt to .icertain the ciegree of thll C!ompa~e BalT}'1llore'l (letl) bomb would have only to put nation'. lecurJty aalina\ subverwith OUrtll' aDd make your harmlel. C! hem 1 cal elements live elementl. . obolC!e.
Industrious Frontiersman B . W. Haymond. one of the first mayors of Ch icago , came th ere from New York to slart a busines career in ' 1.836 . Three years later he became ,chief executive of lhe lusty young metropolis, and still laler was in large m easure responsible for starting the walch manulncturing industry at nearby Ellgin, Ill. A timepiece bearing his name is still made tl\ere .
Keep Posted on Valua., By Rea4ing the Ads
Provident l>loneers The city of Elgin, 111., oweR Its leadership as a wa lch , m a nufac' turing center to (he fo~esi gh of its pioneer residents, who don a ted 3:1 acres of land anSi subscribed $25 ,000 in stock to attract the infant industry in 1864 .'
low She Shops "Cash an'4Carry" Without Painful Backache
On. application
A. •• ret oId.f. at,... and .iraln. 0.'" .serUoa• .,.. ceulve 1000"IDI or elposure to
cold .om.tlm.. 110•• do"'a kldn.~ lun ... Cl.a . Tbl. m.y I.ad m.o.!' Inlb l<> com · plain 01 DORlla. backa.ba. loat .1 pep .ad eoarD. 'b.ad.thee aad ,dlu.IQ.... GottlDIL
for the life of your plates If four pl.r~' Ire loose I nd slip ur bu~r.. reht th~m for inslanr" pt'rnlancm( cornlorl ~' un so(c
up nlAbu or frequent pau.a" may , a L11t Irom mlDor bladd.r 1"It.tlo,," duo to cold. <lampo . . or dietary hidia.nttlo .... tt )'our d lacomforta are due to tbMl eaU8M, don't ,,.It. try DORo', Pili., • mild diureti c. Uaed luce. . full)t by mUllon. tOt
8rimm , Plaui· l.iotr . trips. La~ scrifj on UJlllt~ ' or lowerr:l. ,e . . . birr :::\(J h {i0lJ' pcrfcl'd ". lI"rd6'.. ",../lIsl;". It' ell'" Dr' Ih 'en 6 n old rubbt'f Pil es. Brimms J»l.:. ci· inn J:ivt~.lto o d rt'i, ,,It. (rom "si. monlh s 10 • ' ~Ar or lon J:et. Ends fore\lcr nll~$I :lutl hocher or t~m(lo r .1'J Ipptinriona rhl' lall" (~w ho ursord a"s. SIO_PS tlippin,.. rock rnll plaIn IIU) J o re "un,s. Ba ' aDYlhinr' Tllk rrt'ciy . Enio y th e cnm(o rl chou "D4.h 0 people all over tbe countn ,DO_ tel with 8,.inlml PI'ltl,U ncr fa., 10 ... "1 or flghl.n Fol .. 'nIh '.rman,ntly l· ,"~lelJ. odurles5. hllrmltoss to you . nd_yow platcl .C.n br,cmoYcd asperdirecl ions. Use" .. , : " Now I ell" '~I """hl"! . .. Mo"" lun. ~J,,'r••i,r. S1.2S for lin ~r for ~n~ Ill .l~ ~ $l.l" lor both pl.,o •. , .. YOU' drua store.
oV8r 50 y ea,.... WbU. tbese lympLolDI may orum otber.h.. oceur. Itt, amaziDI bow many t i me. Doan'e li ve bapp)f. rel'tlfbelp Ibo 16 mil .. 01 kldQ'~ tubeoo und mr.e", Ihllb ....t ... Ie. Got D.&O', Pw. tud..,1
ta· Makes Momi", Regularity So bs,l . People can hardly believe what wonderful f('>8ulta Nature's Remedy, II Tablets briIlg the rust ~ime they !Xy them. An Molt night brmll8 m~rrung regularity 80 thoroughly, With no perturbing cffe(!ta.!t leaves you Ceol-
. mg invi~orated. alive. All- vegetable ma"es lh e differerw.l!e big dilt'urcnce! Nl 'o Ill' D1tl~e of 10 IIlltural. nil- vegetl1ble ~axntlve el&-
menL" scientifically blended. 'Pry Nl nt- our expense. 25 tnblotll onll' 25c Buy a box ut Wly dru~ store. ~ the;" If no t ,:omplctoly IIIlthlfied. retum . bas willi unused . tablet& to U8. We will 'reCund you. money plus posta,e.
1/~~ ,
I'WHEN I SMOKE, I HAVE TO THINK OF I MY VOICE. I MADE THE CAMEL 30.DAY MILDNESS TEST. IT PROVED TO ME' THAT CAME~S AGREE WITH MY THROAT. THEY'RE MILD-THEY TASTE FJNEI" • In a c:oast-to-coaat test of hundreds of men and women who smoked Camels - and only Camels - for 30 da)'l, aOeN throat .peciaIisu, mak~ iDg weekll examiaations, reponed
NDt Dni .Ingl, can of ",oat Inftatlon due to lmoklng CAMB.S
10W ',1 01 CAl
'DECIDE which . ,
WhQdda You think?
Militdry Effort 'at School Rule .Charged Acco!idlna to lcorea or edueatorl Signer. were tamed seJantiBt Aland other prominent people in the bert Einstein, author Louis BromUnited States, there Ia a "system- field and a number of prominent
aUe and well·flnaneed effort" b7 the national military establishment to "penetr.te ancl influence tile civilian ec1ucatlDnal life of ~C!a." 'l'blI char,e wal contained In a booklet of SO page. of tine print. put aut through &he naUona1 COUDCU qaIJIft 0CIIIICI'Jpti8D. AIDGIII the
church leaden. The report centered on tilt! ae:tivitiel of the nservtl otrlc.,. trainina UDfu.. mU!ta.17 lCieuce teachin.. relearch contract. wl~ unIversltiel, end what it .fel al a b'end toward puttin. mllital'7. Ia bIIb edaattaDal 'ptaC!el.
Force of Habit LesUe C. Potter, the fO.)'eu-old Detroit factorJ" personnel .expert who turned burglar by nllht was a victim of habit, he told pollce. Admlttin• •ome thousand or more burgl81ie. iD the Detroit are. over tIie past seven yearl. he aald lootIna bomes was hili •'avocation. .. Incidentally, there was quite lOme profit In Potter' a hobh:rpollib1T a. much u .,000, all. thorltla .atct.
, RL your nw tirca have·the New the reuo~ 'w..y the CUN/M &If' QfJ';' ClHller W and .d(h"",~ed 'irulrhH .C mler' Fi,."otI. is tho tire in ia or .the famoul 6eld coday. . ttaCtOr
ClHller "..all You mab decision because know which type of tread will.work' beSt in your soiL WhiChever tread you prefer, Pirestone-and Only Firestooc~c:aD g .i ve you fOur choice. ,
leading tracto~
Flr~J'o". T'lIcl;ofJ
The N.w and AJ,,~t1 Cmed &If' OfJ~"
,ClHII.er P;"~slOfN tire is the only Open Center
tire with power.arc traction
The>:'re , curved and'tapered 10 ~ve. ~um pulling .~. plared bar o~ With no mud pockets at the .bourder. ioiure quick and , positive deaning. Twin Punc.b Protectors lengthen 'body ille. TheIle lIN just • few of
U you need a Irll&liotl cmler tire, you caa alwaY' depend on the fJlllmled T'lIcl;OfJ Cetller FirUIOM Cbtlmpiota to give you top' performance.. It hu been time-tested and time-proved by thousands of .farmen the nation over. Many
of them will have no other tire. . Again . we ..y. get the tire &hat wiD do tile belt job on your farm-either the NftII and.· A4fIlflCM ClfflJed &If' Op_ Cmler Pi,ell. or the fllmous T,1I&1iott C""er Pir,utow. ~ remember. you don't have to shop ai'ound. Your Firestone Dealer or Stote Iw 'both tiJeI. lRMt" . . v•
., Pit..,..." ~ _ _I _
.. I
Thursduy, March 16, 1950
A Tiny-'Naisted Frock For Special Affairs
American Red Cross Plays Important Role In Vila I Job of Maintaining Soldiers' Morale By Giving Aid in All Kinds of E~ergencies By General George C. Marshall ARMED FORCES agree up' I RE on one factor that ranka high in
TIERED SKIRr TINY waisted junior frock for parties and sppcla1 Idate[i. The ~ered skirt is youthfully fuU, two ;:luffed sleeve versions are proIo'lded, Try • small all-over printed fabric or rich solid tone.
.• ..
P nttern No. 3037 come. In 81141. 11 . IJ. SIz.e 12. 5 Ya ya~dr or 15 or 3D·lnch.
13. 14, 18 ond 18.
• • •
!!lend today for :rour copy at the Sprlnll and Summer S'ASHION. 4B Dallu or medal fabric ne.ws. eo"y to lew slvle• . lecorDUqll tloa-lre" pa ttern prInted 1ft. Ilde the j)CJok. Z3 cents.
the list of essentials for military personnel. And that ,is mora\e-:that combination ot zeal, spirit, hope, and' conUdence which spurs the Boldier, airmen, sailor, marine or coast guardsman to give his best for his country, llls service, and hlmself. The man who has it, whether In peace or waf, is a match for a dozen without it. ' , The maintenance ot good morale I. • primary military fesponsibll. ity. AU com· manding 0 ! t i· cers recognize Ihe importance of such factors , as pay, food , shelter, clothing, religious facUi· tie s, training, sanitation, medi. cal care. proper disc 1 p 1 j 'n e, leaves of abo • e nee, recrea· MARSHALL tion, an'd weltare activities. They recognize 'a llo an· other 'factor wruch, in' my judg· ment. . affects the serviceman's morale profoundly, That i. the man's deep personal concern as to tbe' well·belng of his' home folkll. And that Is where the American Red Cross comes Into the picture. Ita importance to '1he well·belng of tbie .ervlcemen at our democracy was one ' of the compelling reBlonl for my leaving private life to
Sborll, "/1,,, Gnt, G.org, " C, M,mhMl
SEWING CIIlCLI: PATTERN DEPT. 1110 11 . . 111 win I III., Chle_11 " Enclo.. III "ents In cow for .acb
PIUens No.' ........... .8In .. .... , .. Ham ••• ••• •••• t ••••• • •••••• •• •
• •• t
•• •• • ••• t •••
Atomic Time To count atomic particles and measure their speed , there has been, developed an el ectric stop;"ratch that measures , time inter· gals , as brief as one-thousands .of lne·millionth ot a second. Light, which travels at the r ate of 186· )00 mUes a second would mov~ mlyone foot during'the measured oerlod. ' .
Apply Black Leal' 40 to roo.ts with handy ,Cap Brusb. FUf\1cl'risc. Killina lite and (catbermites,'NbUe chi'kma percb. One ouace treat. 60 tnt of roo ... -90 clllckms. Directions OD p.ckise. Au ror BI.ck Leaf 40, lbo· 4cpend.blll laaecdc:idt 'fJf 'maDY uaes.
For the b••t
the BIG '
"I1Poi,,'tlrl Imlll
IfIlX' wllllt.
....p'. iUIIIWik bad a1reac1,. bee.- ...._ ...... It Memed Im,..able .. pt &be aeniceelf. All alert Gr&Ile opera. &or OD tbe elMk ,."Gred to
' maD
1oD&" ,afJJl
of hi.
Gr&Ile . . over th.e raU, 1Ul4 low. ered &be mu to &be cleek, 10 another inltance, a 2111 ,.ear old IOldler, IeriOWlIy bli.med b,. a" explolion. was flown from Japan
6 011. OREEN DOT
NoMIST elAls ·(01
',.pald. Satl.,,? ..ran guarant •• ct. 'r., .ent. dong.roul cold ...ath., ,.. rst. , cloud· .. Indo.. fog ... Wind.hJ.ld. Er.II/0.... cl.a" no .teallil/lll up
Inctoo,s a' Our, WindOWl and Mlrrar"
"lIOnld wltb No·~I'1 con't fag Up. Ju,' "'Ip. all - ' wi... dor. tt', 'mi cIIlau,t
~;r. ,,,Ii."Cl'.c.JU ....n.
,,-\anch.".l:-b,,·,h.·W. Moilacliu •• 1II " : j. ,', "
a.,. "I,
auume leaqership 01 thl. great orgn.nization. A young married man, ordered to overseas duty. was aboard a transport about to san when the Red Cross field director at the port' . received a wi~e from a Red Cross chapter in a distant city. It stated ule man's. wife had been ~hed to a hospibll. gave, the docto.r 8 dlagIlosis. and jlrged the man'. 'imme· diate presence. The field director phoned tb~ commanding oUlcer of the replacement center. 'I'IIe CO eleared with hi, post .... . OD a. to &be aerloame., of '&be ' dlaposl., bael leave papen prepared, IUIcI approved a Bed Cros. loaD . for tbe trip bome, 811$ wbeD &be field dIre~ ~r arrived a& &be doell, the
' ..... ~. . . . CllIIIIaI . ...,IIIA.1IchInI, .....
,b. If",mt:",. Rtld Cross btl ffUUl. " 11""01Ul #111;0-"1, lOllr 01 ,.., lacM ,h.plns 10 "walt ;~ .idtl' Ihtl or,,,,,lrlll;o,,. Til, ;,,/or- ' """;0,. b, gtltblr,rl ,Juri"g Iblll ;"'11.&1;0,. to," b, hIlS SlI Jo,,", in Ibis smlls pJ cbMltffJg;"8 ",,'i,lis. W ""h lor _,blr, rllporl 0" Ih, Rftl Cross by G,,..,M "'IIrsb-
pOUerD desired.
. Tn :0.1,1 DellcJouS . Chewlnc.aum .......
to a mllitary hospItal In the U.nited States. ',Although he could see, htll fa ce and eyelids were In need of ....____________._... much plastic surgery. His hlll;ld muscles were ' contracted, He was In great pain. The doctors and nurses were there with tbeir IkW· Lesson' for l\larcb 1950 ful and considerate attenlion, But ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _19. __ _ _~
The Living Faith '
also at his slde were 1hose team a funeral sermon has mates of the ' medical staU. ,the Red Cross social worker and recre. been preached Dve.r the Chrisi d t1an church, but somehow the corpse _.tlop worker, and their tra ne Ilever slays put. What keeps it: govolunteer aides. ing? ~, sorts of explanations have The boy's mother. who spoke no been given by unsympathetic oul. English. , was anxIous to visit blm. siders. The church (we .are told> is He wanted to see her. but wls~ed an upper.class hobby, or a lower. to wait until more plastic 'lurgerY class opiate; it il could lessen the shock at his ap- a social club. it is pearance. The Red CroBs belped II burial society; him in plannjng for hb mother's It panders to pride, visit and in , writing letters to her. or It is a perverse Then It assisted him and his mother form of self-tor. ture; it Is kept througb the trying experience her visit, and helped him keep bt. alive by a well. organization. courage up when be realized that run his disfigurement and crippling of Such explanations his hands \Yere permanent. do not explaiil. The Later, the Red Cross . pla~d truth il a( heart Dr. Foremao VERSATILE PROTECTION with him and his family for his vo- quite simple: The church is kept OR LITTLE girls who weat: cation'a l and social adjustment on alive by laith, What Is Chrl~IUan sizes I, 2 and 3, tills darling his return to civilian lite, and faith. the taith 01 the cburch? A sew-easy pinafore is as versatile assisted him in filing his claim for .tudy of the 'Scripture for thls as can be. Comforta ble in tem· pension. All this involved many week. or a broader searcb through perature-soaring weather. pretty cooperative activities with doctol'l, 1he New Testament Irom end to protection over a dress any time. nursel, and rehabilitation persoo· 'end, will convince any impartial Duck embroidery is simple. nel of the hospital, and constaot reader ot the falsehood of Bom'e of .11 correspondence with tbe Red Cro.. the notions about what Chrl:ltiao cbapter of the boy's home town. fajth is. Pattern No, 59:13 conl lata ot tlsaue JlBl. I cite these storiell to show , tliat Some have claimed that it is wrn al~e8 1. 2 ' ond 3 Included: materl ol aewlnJl ond ttnllblnK clI. the serviceman has . In the Red l.nc)thing but faith In the Fatherhood requirements. rectlon. and hot-Iron tranaler far a~ pllque. Crall an understanding cow:tlelor of God and the brotherhood' of man. and ever present friend. ·workln. Let the reader try flnd thJls In BEWING cmCLE NEEDLEWORK with 1he ml1itaty~ b~ not ao organic the New Testament 11 he can. 610 B. .III w.,nl BI., Chi •• , . " QI. part ' of It. A great Civilian agen01, 1! you had said this to an t!arly EnclOS4! 20 cents for paUem. one ~elptul arm ~lrtended Into the Christian, he would have re plied No••••••••••••• lIerviceman's se~g. tbe otber along thls line: That Is just the reaching Into the home. problem-how can we become sons Name ................. , ...... . . ..... . of God? How can men acbleve Aotdrea. ODe arm Is made up of .Bet brotberhood ? Others tell us that Cros, field dlrellton aDd t.belr staffa at military ' statloo, 1114 faith is , belief . In a series of doc· hoapllals In Ibe Ualted 8tate. trln~~t ' the reader se~rch tbe and overaeal. The ~ther eou. . New Testament and lee U be FIRST, AID TO THE ..... of &be wide Detwork 01 Bed Crols cbapten ~lI.hou$ cao finel there auythln, ablBut AILING HOUSE this count.. IUId Ita posse"'OIl8. raith In • creed. 80meUmes BY ROGER C. WHITMAN ' .J this notion takes another fonn Field dlrectora anll chApterS -tbat faith originally was a work toretber ail • team, enQUESTION: How would you reU-t 1IIe aasllltaDce of thOlll&lI1k belief tbat Jesus' beliefs were move a spot on an office floor ... true; In ouier words, tbat about 2x4 feet, ,caused by drag· of competeDt volUDleen, IUld faith Is acceptln' the "reUcloD cooperate freely with aU related of JesulI." ging feet when spinning in chair Now the church trom the begin. from desk to typewriter, without public aDd private .,enclea. The military community has In ning believed that ,J esus' thoughts sanding the whole floor? The the Red Cross field director B chan· were true ' thoughts; but faith was fioor has had a coat of stain and nel to all the 1acilitl.es of the oa· never a simple second·hand ac· two coats of shellac. tlonal organiZation and its . cbap. cep\ance of anyone's creeq, not ANSWER: Take off the remains ters, such as Home Servlce. Volun. li,ven that of Jesus. The faith we teer Services, Salety' and Health fInd In 'the New Testament is none of ~he ' shellap !;>yquick wipt,ng Disaster Services; Junior of these things. Still Jess is it faith with denatured alcohol. Then aJ>pl:r one or two coats ot fresh shelIltitd ' Orj:,s,larld College Unlts. In the saints, in l!1ary, ,or in aD lac, thinning them down witb de· .. The clviUan coqmumtty through ~ 'ln1alllble" church. natured alcohol, ,aboilt one-half, the Rea' 'eross chapter bas avaU· • • • Feather out the strokes. Do not able fot 'tbe 1ain11ies of service per. Fldtb: Not About .. But In , •• expect perfect results. U you in· sonnel an of tlJdIe: iervice. In which THE FAITH that broke out In tend to do' over the whole floor at ~ chapter is engaged, and in add!· glorious Ugbt. in those early some time. you mjght consider ~ tlOQ the services of tbe field dltec· daYI of the chu.r ch, and bas can. Ilenetrating floor wax or penetor. at the mWtal'7 JIISta1lations tinued Iblnin, down through the trating floor seal. These fi.n isbes wbere the men and women from the centuries, was not hellef about any. are not apt to ah.ow scratches• comm\1f1lt,y are 00 dut,y with &be tblIqr or anybody. it WI!; belid 1N armed forcel. Some One; and that Some On" Will Services rendered Include, com· Jesus Christ. munlcaUon. In illIIels or other There is • eimpb' astonishing emergencies; informatIon al to tbe v.rlet,y' of way. In which lie , I• location and welfare of the famlliel 'Poeen of in the New Testament. It' borne or the men away from He Is Son of Man, he Is teacher home; tiJlanct.l ailiitanee In emu- and bealer, he is the first·born· of ,enclee to iervice' perl'onnel aod mat17 ,brother,; be I, Priest and tbelt dependents'; reportl for com· Sacrifice, be is the Propitiation, the mandlng officers or' medical oUt· Rft!ODcller of men to God; he il cers 'regardlng home condltIoJ1I, ~ Ma"ter aQd Lord, he I, the Wordela!, economiC, or health facts re- tbat Ia. what God has to say to us; Qulred for the Iympathetlc consld- be Is the Son 01 God, be sits on tbe eration of questionl 'of welfare, throne ' at the universe. he leave, discbarge; diagnOSis or J~age, every man. treatment; - supplemental recrea· ,To put it quile bluntly . the church, tion tor the a ble·bo'died . and assist· rt),el1~!vE!d <and stili believes) In a ance with medically·approved ree· supernatural Christ a'nd not only reatlonfor patients; nnd ' In a human Jesus. They beli eved tion concerning government bene- in him as a teacher, as the Tea cher fits, ' and assistaflee in applying for indeed; but not merely as CilIe them. whose teachings had been inter. rupted by an untimely death, They did not "play down" h:ls death. on. the contrary they played it up, Cbrlst cruclClcd lor us 15 Ill· way. Itrongly 10 their ml.ldll. BDt the,. were laJ' Irom leall'iul( blm as 1& "ere on a cruclfl[x. Ally form of Christianity tha t thinks of· Jesus chiefly as a Christ· mu baby; - pr a starry·eyed Ideal. ist; or as a pathetic figure haloging o,n a crucl1ix Is a ' perversi(ln cif New Testament ways of thought. Everywhere in the center. 18 the Chrl.t who '''was dead and Is alive tol'evermore.•.•
And lel.nUata .., cbe.1Da mat ••
.........inJn'. line mecllClDe mOl'll dec· UU-''n!lidlIII" II 10 " f1cnra paU, Intq lobe -ntem.O" _·A·MlIIYa, IID7 . drUa COUDteI'-2S" so,
. ,oD1, ... , 10f
!!!!:!~!'!!! .1
I. Soak All-Brall and milk in al1xinl . , bowl. Z, Sift together "flour. baking powder,
snIt; add to bran with sugar, egg, shortenlpg. Stir only to comhlne. S. In each greased mumn cup place ¥.. tsp. melted butter. 1 tsp. brown sugar, 1 piece fruit. cut slde down. 4. Add dough to fill cups % full. Bake In mod. hot oven (tOO' P.) abOll$ 26 min. 9 med. mulDns.
'!'here Is No Ot.her YOUNG MOSLEM who bel~ame • Christian and is very ha ppy about It, was asked what It was that changed him, for Moslem:, are hard to change. It was not an :argu· menlo he said. it was the liVi!S ' of lome IJlissionari~ in Iran whom he knew. . He wanted wbat they h.d-I' wa. a. slJnple a5 tbat. And be ' 1nDt OD to Illy this: "Cbrlstl.n", cI~II1l'1 have mneh In thM" 1 b a a' Moh.mmedanlsm cI\lHn" have. There I, JUlt cme ibiD, Christianity ha, tbat we cllclo" have, nor aoythlnr ,,11Ie It: Jesus Christ." That il what-that Is wbo ,,(ins Ina today, and t.ha t was the s ~c ret of tbe early church, aDd that I, the .acret today of the Hvlng cHurch everywhere: Christ aUve by lalth ,m the Uvea of ,those who love him.
'I'IIe .... rip' &bat iii mAIn, If ponllile '01' thll pa$lent ID the veterau' lloap1tal 'at Colambla. 8. 0., to lUI_er the letten ...&be 'elb llacll bome belon,. to Mft. Tlleo. Ravenel, , Gr&,." La4~ clIaInn. . at UIe ....pltal tor &be BlcbIaII4 COUDI), Bell em. eb,ler•
Marshall on Red Cross Volunteers "Volunteers-and we are very short of them-are the very life-blood of the Red Cross. ,'I'bey are the bases of all of its efCorts. They work long hours. Usually their · efforts are .Eecognlzed only at tilt' chapter level and not by the general public. Without ready volunteers, the Red Cross ,would be unable to perform the essential services it now provides for ~e people of
America and.to the world at larll! in .
• WIle.,..........~ te. . .11 .'....... fIII
to act. You leel ftne ,optu qUlckl,'
No creaming, no egg-beaUng - one easy mlxing this Kellogg·quick wayl 1 cup Kellogg's '.4 cup sugar All-Bran 1 egg % cup milk , a tbsps. soft 1 cup s11tcd shorten1ng flour l'h tOOps. melted 2 ~ tsps. baiting butter 'powder 3 tb~ps. broWD , tsp. salt sugar 9 cooked prunes or apricots, pitted
beadocll, and lUltaWfUl ~\III S'OIIIIetId a laxatiYe - do UIIa •• ,
ebe" .aK-A-1UJft'-dellclOUl elIewIDaIIWI! l8J!&tlYe. Ttle act.ion ot~;A·MIIQ"I apeata1 D\ediahle ''DImnIa'' the .tomach. Tbat ... " doeau·t act wblleln the ltom· ~ but 0111, wIleD fuUier "0118 III UI. lower clIgeat1ft cr.ot ... wben 'OU ~i'tt
Sew-Easy Pinafore
Beware Coughs Fronl Common Colds Thai HAIGOI
Cftomubioa relieves promptly beca~ ic goes right co the seat of the uoubla . co htlp looJell and expel germ phlegm and aid nature co soo!he uad beal raw. tendet, inflamed broochial mucous membranes. Tell yourdrugsiat to sell you a bottle of CftomulsioD with !he uudentandiDg you mU51like the way it quick1 y aUaY' me COUP or you are 10 have your money baCk. ,
bde:ll l
CREOMULSIOHI for Coughs, Chest Colds. Br"nchltil _. . r..... tIItrIu If MON11ILY
Are 70U troubled by dbtre. of fe-
male fUDCtlO~ perlO!1\o clIaturll· aDces? Does thts malte you ~er trom pr.1D, reel eo ften>OUl. tl7e1l_t
such tim.. ? Then .tart talUDif L:rdla B P1nItbaDl'. Vesetable compoun d abou; len c1a)'S before to rellen IUCh UlDPtomll, Plnkham'. hili a
IIJ'IUld eootbin, elrect on one 01 IDOman', InOft 'mportent orgcI1Ul Trul)' !.be
woman'. ft1eDd I
lOla E. PINKHAM'S r=:v..
/s86srl "Since ualulr ORA mJ denture
Ja al.
waya clean .nd •.p.rkllng." 1&11 lias
N. Serna. Portland, M.. "
DEN"'STS PRA.SE ORA In a survey, an ovel:'W'helmlng malor. Ity of dentists praieed thlft marve oue, new elcan ~c r. No harl1)ful brushing that elln ruin dentures. Just plllee In
ORA solution for 16 minutes or over· night. ,Removes tobocco stoi ns. ORA Is g u R ron teed Dot to harm denturea. ' Get ORA today. All druggists. . " Product of McKesson & Robbi ...
11.1 E. ()1I10
Eatabllshed 1850 PAUL A. SCHERER ... _ ..... .. ... .. . . . . . . , . Editor and Publlaher CECILIA J. SCHERER .. . : ..... .......... :, .. Seoretary and Trea.urer
[, _ _
. PI! bllsholl
Thursday Morning lit Wiwnf'II\'1I1 .' Warren County. Ohio !pnlerf;'d liS scc ond el."ss matter at the postoffice nl \Vayne!\vllle. Ohio.
. ub ~cr lption Rlltl!s- $J .50 Per Ye:lr. In advance, In Ohio $2. elsewhere Th e Wel <:o('e 8ible Ch\S~ or th,' I. Jonab 's Run (' hm n met. at · the 'I
Tn I'usadc rs Class or the 1\1ell1· odls t Church w ill s ponsor n. pancnKe Mll pp e r· nl IlIl' ~r llool bulldlhg thlij
·,t'lllll'atiIlY t·,
d.ock) . SlI lIll ll )': lI oly t:omm li llio li. X ;1. Ill . P,·lrutll·.v t'il u l'c h sello ol I II :.::U :1.111
nillg PI'Ilyt' I' 1\: 1111 11.111 . «(]II I'H I Pl' eHl' hp.I·. Cnpl . \\ m. P ll d -
( Agps 0 throug h ) ,\ d u ll \, ol'fl hill. 10 ::1 II. 111.
Wllllllm Shannon. MinIster SUllllay Scbool. 9:~0 A.M .• Mrs . Jumell CUlTls on. SUilt. Prondlillg. 1s t. !llltl 3'1·d . Su ..dl\y s or each mo'ntb, 10:30 A.M. l!:VPil ill l; Se rvices , 7 : gO P .M.
Mr. and l\f.~s. Howard Graharu and their daugbter Miss Kathleen I' rldny e ve ning. beginning at 5: 00 fl . m . Th l' me nu \\'111 In clude pan . Graham hnd MI'. and Mrs. George enkC'R IlJl d SA lls ag e , p a e iles . . jello. "all were dlnne~ gU~llte Saturday harle~ a ncl ·I:ofr 1' . Th ~ publi c Is Invited e ven ing at MI'. aritl Jl,ll'~ . Eastera a t th('ir home neal' N ew In a ttend . Fun e ml ~ e rvlce,,; were condu ted Burlington.
H. Cortey. M,lnlster
fllbl e Scbool. 9: 30 A.M. !\oIol'nlng Worship. 10:30 A.M. Young Peoples' Meellng. 6:45 P.M. ST. AUGUSTiNE . CHURCH E vening Service. 7 :30 P.JlI. .'Iltber ~ . H. Krumhollz. PlIs tor Prayer Meeting and Rlble Study MaRAea. 8 anti 10 A.M. " 'ednesday! 8 P.M . CAESAR'S
Ale . ParUngto.n.
a t the F"lends
'I'. M. Scn.tf. Minister Sunday S obool. 9 : 30 A.M.• El. A. Earnhart. SUpl. 'Worship ServJce. 10:30 A.M.
Evening Service; 7:30 P.M.
""pen in Turtle I\lountaln!l
F. . ., Fir...
1n tbe Turtle mowltains 01 North Dakota ioresterli say aspen should be cut when 50 to 60 years old.. After that deca,y and disease reo duce the value.
.Remember a. tl.re that I»~eads a nei.hbor· • .Iand throu,h your
tault ma"es you liable to Gnu up 10 ,1,000 or conlin.ment In 'aU up to U months. or both.
Dairy t:attJe RaUon Good Quailty bay is the basis tor tl. , dairy ca~Ue ration and Ibould be t_d UberalJy.
S.rety Dreu ',o r JUdi Scotch lite. a new fabric whIch reo Geet. lI,ht like a road .• Ian• .can be obtained In tape (orm to attac:b to chlI4ren·. jacket. to make anyone vlalbJe to motorbtl . .It i. Ityled "J It·. In added attraction to rouo,g· . ater,' ,Armenta. It ean be Cllt III de.lanl or Interest to ••choo1 cnlld.
FI" Ht Dny S hool, 9 : 30 A.M. ~I el) tln £:. ror WorshlJ1. 11.1 : 30 A.M. " 'ewes !
:Sbeep oumbers . in the U S. are at tbe lowest pOint sln('c recorda have bet'n ava ilable.
Dead Stock
ROOFINQ ;\ 11 T Yl'e
asbes· Sh eel metal wo~k of nil Id IllI H. LOIlIII Re:rerenInsulnrecl
Orl eke lind
t09 Slcli li/:. I:CS.
1\ 1I
Horses, '1.50 • COWII. $2.60 Hop - 260 owt. According to Size and Condition.
&\I nrooteed .
Xenia 454 .
••_ _ _ _-'-_ _ __ _ _ __ Mrs. Co 1'1 Moore Is conflneci t 'hor home s uffering an attnck
MiDleter. Worship ServIce, 10 A.M,· Sunday Schonl. 11 A.M.
rl doesn't tak e milch of II ent· 'Ange r ImllroveH notblng exce pt to ' Iast ROnl c dl'l C8 a lifet ime. lhe arc ll of n cal's back.
Care 01 Caives .Keepln,' calves In the sunny cor · nu of the barn helps to protect them ~,ainsl Infectious dise ases.
Wayne.vllle. O.
Roote 3 Phon e
Wayheaville .2898
Rever!e Chargoea
Xenia Fertilizer
I Influenza. l\.rs. Allzwood "Bueter" Mattln wbo has be.. n III with II cold
or Illness.
hurc h In WlI.ynes· The CIViC ' 1.eague mut at lbe . ville Saturday nfte rnooll for Mrs home of Mrs. Mary t>yferd Pierson. Nrs. F r n n k 81ta- Cook who r);tssed awny at the SaturdllY eyenin g. ~tlaml Vlllley Hos lJltal I ~ te Thurs· [orrow Rsstated MrR. PierROn In tiay night. MI·s. '001<. well known hospitalities. In this vl!! lnlly. was the mother of The 'JUnior and Senior Classe" Mrs. ChlU'l 8 Dos ter . of the Harveysb'urg High Schoo~. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connair 'spon~ored a . dtnce and party at' a nd daughter Beoky. who have reo the q)~mnaslum Saturday ev ening. sided In Lbe Bogan a:parlments on Maynard Pyle of Wilmington. MaIn street for IltlVerll1 months~ played: recorded mURI (' r or the have moved to a rarm near tOWD-:- ·dan ~. The groll~ waa chaperoned Mr. and Irs . Jobn 'Welsh were by tlielr class ·sponsor. )\frl!. Ji'loylt gUllsts of Mr... Welsh's mother. Mrs. Hook and Mr. I:Jpok: Gilvin. of f;rlfingbllro. Thlirsday Yelling. Mrs. Charles Prtf. e who "tmde l" Mr. lind MrS!. Imrl R Lind s ay , went SltTg~ry for It major opera . operntors o( the Harveysburg Ga' tlon at · Grandvi e w HO!iJlltal. Day - . I'age, have movpc! into the llog-An ton IR repor t e d t 0 b 1m pr ovlng . Apartments . MTB. H. S . IIck'er waR llosteS!l to Mrs . .r. P. Thornbury ie recuper · the \VomeD's DC let)' of . Chrlstian n,tlng at her bomA from ' (I aUack Se ~vlce I\t her ' home Thursdl\Y afof Influenza. ternoon. Mrs. N\ll1e' Sherwood IIn(1 Mrs. Lallra hldaker entertained Mrs. Clyde Levley . reviewed their a group of friends to n card party "ecent trIp to CedartowVJ Georgia . at home Tuesday e vening, the oc- where they ",'slled the Etbel Harpst ulon being in hon.or ot Mrs. Emma Home which Is maintained by ben Cline of DayLon. ThOse attendIng avolent socIeties of the Methqdl~t beslde~ the . guest of llonor were Church. Mrs. Berth'll Gordan ,IlIRO Mrs .. 1!lthel Stunl/l. Mrs. Lisa Curl. gave an interesting account 0(1 her Mrs. Berthl\ Gordan, Mrs. Osee recent trip to F1~rlda. . Harlnn. Mrs. A. S. Collett. Mrs. Mr.: and Mrs. Thomas Rich I cel· Mary Levl~y . Ilnd 1be hostess, Mrs. ebrated their Golden Wedding. An· Shidaker. . nlvareary. S\mdllly with a family The Men's Community Club met dinner at· tbelr hom&. nenr town. at the school ,cymnaslum. Wednes· lIr. IUl.d KJ;I!. O. . 1l C.OOk of !-e~ day eventns. '. The speak;«r ;vas anon Kenneth Harteck who haa recent· . " ,' gU(lsts Sunday afternoon of Mr. a,,~ 1\~.r8. ; 11. S. Tuoker. ' Iy teturnell from 'Germany: Mr. I\nd Mrll. Oa1hl8 Barton are he wae 8tatloned wth the armed foreee. The hosts tor the evening announcing tbe' birth ' of a Bon at were. JaQl6e Thornbury. William Miami Valle.Y Hospital. Thursday. Lukens. nnd CblU'les Swndluer. !\fr. and Mre. H. S. Tucker were 1i dinner gueets Friday eV,e ning 01 their nephew Blld niece: ·Mr. "and Mrs. Bar~n Bell of Centerville.
Byron Carver. Minister Bible Sohool. 9:80 A.M. Morning Worship. 10 :80 A .M. Prayer Meeting. 7:00 P.M. Young People's Meeting. 7:00 E.v enlllg S ervlcell. 7:30 P.M.
home or R e v. alld ~r!\. J . P. Thorn · bury Friday ev en1ng. Mr . Ralph Nil \VII S the hostess for her mother who was unable to II!! present heIlII se
11. I;;. J:laugbn. Pastor I't B. Co)emaD. M·i n1ster Church School, 9:30 A.M.. Mr. \ l nlfi p!! I"; l' t' \' I '(\, 9 : ·11. n. m . _......,-.IHarold EQrnhart. Supt. ' sT. MARY'S EPISCOPAL . Worship Service, 10 : BO A.M. Yontb I'· e low sbl.lp. Sunday. 6:30 Th. It v. S:III~IIf'1 N . Key". ' nllel" r
recovered. I Mr. and Mrs . Emerson Mall rll and tbeir' 80ns were guests S\lll · dll.Y of
Mr:' Master'.
alld Mrs. Clay Ma~ters of AI[lh :~ . ·Mrs. ' Emma Cline who bos 6·e e · the house guest of her slst r. ~h·8. Osee Harlan. returned to hel' hO\TIil In 'Dayton tbls \\;,eek.
',y. THIS
WaynesviUe Furniture &App6anee,Co.
tI- ,... nR ,b',; ...... ~.. 1eceI...."., l_ ........ ,..... .u, t"'t Ie ...... .., -. . . . ,.. ..., .
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11ft . . . . . .
WORLD.,.... ..... ........ ..
t ... ..
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Installation alnd Gas
AIc=:~~" .". "ct., ... ·$f':· --. ---.~ -----!--
....,·. . .·sa.. fte. .~
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Sdaace ' . . . . . . .~ Aa4(,......... .......
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Ask. About oUr Price on
;t:"\..E"c=rJrA~ .sc;'., MOHITOIt . .,
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Service ~ '
Spring.Valley Hardware Co.
................ .
Oooe~ M~ .... ~ IJ.~ V,LA. . . . . . . . . _ •• , ..... , . 1 , ..
Spring Valley, 0-
Phone 37371
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- , _ $
terms assure.. repnymen.t . ~
4% will saye.'vo umoney. RF.FINANCING -
.N.B.L.A. S, Old Bank Building
Phone. 4f8 .
NO MATTER HOW WlDELY , .' ,RELIGIOUS PATHS i\lA Y ' D(. ·VEruJE. all ol'e cast In th~ Slime direcilion. nnd Q funeral service finds them 1\ II In "plritua I Ilgree· ment. At the McClure Fu.n eral Home EVERY CHURCH' AND ITS MIN· I!'4TEIR FINDS 90M~LETF; CO· ()PEJ1I:ATION. 1
~J. . H ,~ME Otuo
J.. I
Dry Ridge 'A Farm Diary
By D. J. Frazier Mar h I I, 1950,- Jt was n Alrange glnBIIY wOl'ld l'irOl1 dllY morning. Fivery twig, e l'ery brauch, e ,'ery gl'nllH blll!1 bad a canti ng or Ice IInll wbere e ver possible "lIlI hun g with 1\ row of' Llny Ic1cles. Wben Ule S\ln came out Inte In the af· ternooo, It was n sparkling tin sel world whe r e each tree and bu sb blossomed with brilliance, Even now on TueSday ull1rnlng tbe trees Ilre still coated but most· of the Icicles bavo gone. Stili DO cbau('e to do any plow~ Ing or eveu bnul manure. By the time they ,cnn get It relldy to haUl out of the bam, the gr4Jund has f ortenel1 UI) too mu 'n La IIILUI aCTORS It. No chanCe to plow the garden yet 10 get those IJotntoes In by St. Patrlclt's tIny. On ly olle of our gardens got Il. filII plowl.ng. It Juoks lik e one ot those years when " "eryth ing w lll co,m e a t once. That Isn't quile so ball with tractors as ' It was wltb horses uUt s\11I It meanll n rusb to get It done at tho rtgbt time. Tbu rsday at the community sale calves wo r In demand and tho prIces went sky blgh. WI) bought one, a nice lively five or s ix dollar , calf ror elevon'tlrtY'. ' We tOOk tt home I\nd br'> ugbt ~ he cow' ln but it wRsn·t Intel·es red. It wns the first calf I ever had ~o~e than two bou rs old toat didn't know where ill! dinne r \\'as, We tried It On IL bucket Ilnd It ouly took a I 8wa loW' or two 'vben s omeone beld his finger In Its , rnoltth, We tbugbt perhaplI It WIlS car sick tram riding n the t ruck: Dnd it 1"11\ feel mo ra like eating In 'tbe mornng 80 we mUked the cow but leCt bel' with It all nl ... ht I 'tb " . n e morning the SBmo IItory, nice calf looked ~at least a week old. but ~t111 didn't know where Its dinner was, nnally we go It to Buck, but fo r some rORson Jt stln can't manng til two- [1,'On~ U!a~B which are largo'r than tb'e back ones . . ::10 we 8t111 have to mil k Dolly and are, no . better off than b~rore. she is a good cow' but a little hard 10 milk. She- 18 Il.' little Uk" tne onl! In the Old story of the tarmer who naKed his now farm hand how much milk tb'o cow gave nnd he answered, "Heck, sbe don't GIVE any . You have to t ake it away from her." wonder if that Is ' the way some J)Cople 'are about the' Red Oross. Good luck to tbe campaign. .T h ere is an old chaIr On lbe )lOrch and yestorday I SII>W • two "ggs In it :lnd J just looked 'out nnd tbere Is the hen In it now. I wIn wnlt unlll sb:e 10'}'8 anoUlar hefore r rob the reSt. Wo IIl'e b eginni ng to get turllOY eggs ; W e know wbere on neat IS but iIIera must bo otbel's tbough 1 am nfraM that the eggs will be frozen If •there, are" Mr\!. 'J1 IlIll1tH JlOll t ball tri plets n few I1n:; n o. She 118$ plenty M milk for them but a gont IIRS on ly two tats so they have to tll k\! turnll une o f them fR much larger , Ulan tho othern. I hope thnt be w1l1 not sten l II. a ll from biB . brothers. ' The Question of s urpluses ill beginning to haunt the politicians, Th'nt Is ·tho trouble when (hey tt:'y to bf1gfn to regll iate , things, onc thIng upsets onoLlIer liRe a row , 9f dominos: ' Wblob In the worse?
'fo take lower market Ilrlees or pay hlghe,' taxes 80 tlUll millions CIlIl be spont to kept! rood from being used? .As long ' as thel'e are high props for prices either by lIubsldles or by government buytber e are p~ople wh'O wl1l raise crops to get tbat government handout. And If t here Is no gov' ernment handout,- many farmers wlll not be abla to pay for tbat high ,prloed ma hln ery lhey bave bou ght nnd Jf they do not 11lJl that machinel,}, lit un pllclty they can not pny for Its malntenanoe, Wbat would really happen IC we lOok tbe props oUt llIIel let things lind their ,level'! (> e o pI e u r e IIfraid of whnt WOUld h a\Jpen but what Is gOlllg to bllppen now ? I doubt I[ any politicians Ilre brn VI! enough to lalle off AU pports becau's o eve ry proQlI cer Is go ing to Ilo11er lind Ih voice of I he fru.u;ol· II! loud, Lower fnrm prices migbt indirectly lower wagCs an d tben the unions would 'holler. Do people rea lly want freedom with th e IndIvidual responslhllity that goes with. It 7 Do people want to work to provide for tli omA e l vo~ In old age? ' Pensions (or everyon" II' the cry and yet wbat hnppens to thoRe wbQ have pension s. Thoy nre dependent upon tbos& who Pal' them. It you work '~oo mUCh, )'011 mny lo.se It, even thoUgll It llIn't enough to Quite do tho job of tak.lng care or you properly. Well ·th e more questloll8 I a8k the lesll' c I ear tblngs look. but that 18 \Vh'at wo bave to do. }low fill' 'c nn we go ill glvtng up our Individua l responsl· blllUee and tnlstlng to tbe government. ------------~pe. Flame Bealen Kerolene aa wan al other fuel. Ia orten uled 10 portable open·1!ama beaten. They mUlt be cleaned frequenUT, bandled with care, and ' repaired promptlT when del.cui come apparent. nay ahould Dever be ftJIed Indoora ,or placed. wIIere thert: .iI danler of laaoc;ldnl them over., They Ibo\lld never be UJed 10 lightly . closed. room. an4 under no clrcumltaneea Ihowd' theT be lett burning In bedroom. atter )'ou bave reUred , '
Care III Mdal &oGra Palnt1n( a metal roof addl ,.••n - to--lia We. The time to paint Ia when da.r k .pot. ~eain to show up.
UDcle Sam Says
haaa. . . . Delivery Hatche. Monday and Thursday
Telechron ADVISOR
.STARTED CHICKS 1 and,2 Weele Old White Rocks ,a nd New Hampshires
NOI.ouum... NO NOIIY "1ICK.l0C""
GET, YOURS WHILE THEY LAST AlIo Ubicko Chlok Starter
A cheery smart clock thet will give every k'i tchen a "New Look." Pierced numerals m~t,ch di~ 1 color. in R,ad. Blue', Illack or Yellow. Cleari white plastic caso.
Rodson' Batehery Tel. 2345
Waynesville, Ohio
Exi'd e, Batteries Fi,r estone Tires
NO W INDING tl~ ~ ~ w U ~J\f1NG
New aad, Recapped -$8.95 A "Now Loole" Alllrm clock. Luminou, hand. and hour
$2.00 Trade' In AU~waDce
d nls. Alarm rings until shut off.
Labricatiag SerVice'Firesto"e Accessories
0,. 5;30 & .. Ie 9,... s.II,s.'{;ao •. m. 10 9 p:m.
Bear IUId Ball .FtCbt. Medcana of CalifomJa 10 the day. before that teultory' became • atate, frequenUy captured erinlT beart 'for the purpose of Itaeln, agb.ta between them and Berce bulla. The bean were generally captured. by the oae of larlatl and fait Several rider. 'f(ere required.
. i
I ' III !.
Bob $ems Texaco Waynesville , - -_1_ __ ____ .. _._0. __ . . . . -:. ~_'_
NO 8IOlI:LAlI. . NO NOII1r "TlctI.fOCII"
Here is your answor to plellsant owo~ening. Thi' new.den. t ion in iv. color plastic: hO$ the new rhythmic: btlll aIann.
Smith Electric Semce
lUera' Garalle MAIN & MIAMI ·'S"..
holf the. workof milkin,g' I.
, . PROTECTION ••••• ,
Ball e
tIaro.aP IKe •
Ww.. til. "nUICIIaJ
troaMee WIll be ~ '"
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,.oar .....
OD~' are
pJan. .
Mel ill CII'CIer that III
r1tu~ and eere~oftt. all me; be '~V'11 obsuvtd.
Stubbs Home TELEPHONE 2291. WAY~E8VlLLE, OHIO VI"n P. D•• ter, lout. 3, Gr~. nyJlt., Ohio, U.I. an elect,lc l1li",". ,
-"!tie ,
ElectriC M~king Mochines sove'.time .. , increase productian
ilelief ..,. ..... far
roocI · un
,...... .ut~ loaD 1llab1l,1 8eDd It to,JJI -
IaIt u4
we'D .... , store tlIat trim, lIIlart look.
mab it look lib ....,
aetll lias given am....-• lief In Cal\8 after ca •• where IU bope of relief had ~D liven up. 9Dl1 11.23. ~_econQ1D7 lamU, 01' baipltaI ..., tI.sG. RADACOL
_"AI.fll,11 ·
III mo·
A he~d of 26 guernsey cows o~ a ,2 70-acre dairy farm keeps Virgil A. Deeter of R.R. No.3, Greenville, Ohio, pretty busy. But he. makes good use of that versatoe helper-electric service. The Deeter' farm uses electric milking mac~ine, milk cooler, dairy ~ater heater, rftil" can hoist, dairy dippers ol)d electric 911tter cleClne,r. The electric milking machine, especially, is a, great time-sav.er. Milking by hand is probably the hardest, most time.consuming' task connected with dailylng. a~ .tic milking reduces the labor of milking 'about 50-'".r 'cent, ' /tAany recprd-producing Ohio cows are electrl~ milleed. Experience shows that electric milking machine. increase mil~ productic;m because of the eVlnness of' milking and laster milking which is conducive to higher yield, and higher percentage of butter fat, Wlile n properly handlecf, the electric milking machine al" rnat.rially reduces the bacteria count. . For additional information on electric helpel' "' ... ' modem. dairy faon,. co",ult your county agrlcultare agent~ vocatfonal agriculture teacher, or the ,.,... ,entati.,e of your .'ectric service ,company.
.NOW ,
DoasJ'RR'1I 'STORE .
IIAIlVI.Y8WIC. 01lIO .... w., .. .....
Thursday, March 16, 1950
OHIO ... """""C'-.
"NO .LONGER NERVOUS!" Switching to Famous Cerea' Drink 8rings Natural Re'i.' Jltter,y? ... Irritable? ••• Can't 'e njoy life tu 11y1 • • • People every. where- people who once suffered just as yOU do - have lound the answer in switcbing from colYee and tea to POs;rUM. EXAMPLE: A woman in New York City writes this sincere and moving letter: "My 8witch to POSTUM has given me a n ew leQl/II on lifel I no longer fear the sleepless ni~hts and the nervous tired feeling,that made life a bore I" SCIENTInC j:ACQ: Both coffee and tea contain cajrein - a drug - a nerve 'stimuiant! So while many people can drink cOffee or tea without ilI-eIYect, others suffer nervousoess, indigestion, sleepless nights. ' But POSTUIII contains no caffeln or other clrugoothing that can F08siblycauae'llerv. oosnesa, indigestion, sleeplealo!!U1
By Ertta Haley
LIKE TO SEW, but I can't crochet," say's Mrs. Jones. 'That disturbs me because 1 won"t ever be able to have a lovely bed· spread like . my' n~lgfibor has on ber bed ." "_ As long as she can sew, no worn· an need feel that she cimnot put ber imagination to work In creating lovely cowr for her bed. There so many types possible. that of one skill, such as crochetir:lg. need never sland in the way of providing a beautiful piece of dec. orative work. ' , , Imagination. rathe.r than skill. t. the answer to this woman's problem, as it is' to many another woman's. If you f~el yOu lack that, then just open ",ide your eyes and thinking. You'll be surprised t elm be done with a lJttle
-................. ......... .....
, 'PrOpE!r P~eliminaries Make Task Easier
which seems ordinary in every reo sp~ct, and then drap.i ng it to make an exceedingly effective cover that sets aU the bed just r ight. Study the room. first. and decide what would be suitable. If your ways are simple and, casual. then this is the key to the bedspread. H your , person~ty bas a flair for the dramatic or tailored room. then your answe[' would come fro~ sorpethin, in a soUd color or print with texture Interest. ' ~ or , Spreads Are Eaay to Sew If your bedroom ' Is fW'nlsJied In ot the informal atyles IUCi!01
f l~b j ~.
wi! ,Of' 0"'"
earl. American or Coloninl, the problem of ma.J\,41g ~ spread for, a bed Is very easy since these types require little skill, Measurements shoulQ ge accurate so ' that , the spread will be lIuftlclently large to be lwfurlous appearing. .; Quilts are very commop. and. the patterns in many of ·these are lovelY. You may bave one' already
Be SmartS
,..LL DO ....
('1-. (10 .
General Quiz
~ ~
-~--~~~~----------The Que~tions
1. Whe t'1! do most' of the men in Lhe ' N a vy sleep? 2. What' do we call a native at
oo.oy fllr child 10
Wales? 3. What is a meteorologis,t? 4. How can the President Qf Lhe United States be remov~d 'from office?
navore<! gratn tab· lets. Eusy Cor mother to IrIve. -1\~
take. t;lDlr Il5c.
·Aleo hoi ie,s ar. SICR PEOPLE In
n ....
at prape r tren'menl, :I I. 5 dllo)'a h4.pJtnllsntfnn rflrtulred . '.lIewed by M week" of vllr'ou8 net'le.• .,." tonic. preu,rlhed ~b, our Llcented Pb, " I~ clan •. No "har •••• r bookl.I •• prl·
The Answers Woodwork In farm homes can be 1. In .canvas hammocks. .,,,,. conluU"Uan. I re pai nted more effectlvcly if prop· 2, A 'W-elshman. er steps are ta.ken to prepare the 3: A weather prophet. surface beforehand. 4014 Mont,olller, ftd., Cincinnati l~, 4. By successful impeachment 01lh.-Tel.pbone ItEd .. ".d 1010This conclusion was announced attcr a study of the subject by the p['oceedings only. Eagle·Plcher company of Cinclo, nati. Their survey. according to rei ~-~---------------------------------, ports. showed that preparing th, surface be,f orehand will always be valu a ble. whether the work Is to be done by a professional, or by th~ ta l'mer himself. If the woodwork has been painted belore and the paint is in good condition, it should bo washed down
!8~ WJfEtf ~ISP RICE ~ISPIES i lD01HE~N6. ~ .
I 'I i ~~p;,.
1*' &0,
POSTUM-AVigorousDrink made from Healthful Wheat and Bran. A Product of General Fpoda.
..... tile ....... war willi • UL.\NCID .....• ...... T.....
rrel1aI'e Woodwork
or Re]paint lobs
Ooe of the most popular eolors of the season, reu, II uaed ' III a benl'alllle· bolero this 'navy blue aDd while priot dress 10 a cupid and hean prln'. This JlUlIor fashion from Ne" York bal ao loset cwnm.erbuod walat and s h 0 r' sleeves.
doesn't help you, too, to sleep better, feel better, enjoy life more I . • •
WII.. rot! . .k..... Clob.... GIrl way ,..
Bolero Topping
ere seems to be no lack of ty in bed coverings, for aimost type or work can be used to eate something beautiful and ef· fectlve. Some like to use a cro· cheted piece on top of a solid color with a 'flounce of the solid colored material at the slde~: Other beds are covered with quilt· ed work of many varieties and 10Qk just .. effeetive in , their settings. while othera have lace and rufiUng predominant in their decor. Some women leem to have a way of plckin, out ~ piece at material
.""~ TN'. T~.T: ' Buy INSTANT POSTUM today-drink POSTUM excluaively for SO days. See if POBTUror
~. A
f'- "" ' C'\-P-' C'\-("II-(\-""f\-- ~,.....('\-
Women Can Show Ing~ntiity In Making Bed Spreads, Cc;>vers
('\0 .
ID removinl' thl!! palDt brusll from II can of palu," It I. al· "'r.ys be,d to scrape off aD)' excess nulld to prevent drlpplDI' or streakIDl'.
Hot Spring. National Park, Ark,- the B Vitamins and certain Mineral. and are wondering ~ust how It can with a few drops ot benzine on • (Special}-Healtb il a major topic will cause digestive disturbnrlces • •.• be used as a most effective setUng, dry cloth. This Is done to remove of conversation in this world ,famous Your ' food will hot agree with Spa and more and more conversation you •••• You will , hove an upset It large enough. use it ' alone as I. any greas,~. Care should be taken, turns to the marvelous, health.giv. stomach •.• • You will soIfer from covering. however. as benzine Is inflamma· ing blessings being brought to ~o heart burns, gas pains, and your If the quUt Is not large enougb. ble. food will sour .on your stomach, and many by HADACOL. there are several lI.(ays to use j\~ , Should the present· Pllint on tru.! Realizing the Importance of Hot you will not be able to I'ot the thil1ge best. On three sides, those falllnt: wOOd'work be in poor condition. Springs as a health center; Dudley yqu like for feiLr of being in misery on either side of the bed as V'M!U aB J,hen it s~()uld be removed entirely. J. LeBlanc, Founder and President af~erward8. Illnny people also 8u~fcr at the base, more material can be or at least in the bad spots. with iii of LeBlanc Corporation, makers 01 from constipation. And while those added to , make the quilt large pamt relTlover. This applies esHADACOL, 'established an office in symptoms may be the results of enough to fall gracefully. Selcct a pecially to areas with bUsters, Hot Springs to advise sulfering other causes, they are lurely and color tho t is predominant in the roughness. stre'lks 0[' looseness. folks on flow BADACOL clin benefit certainly the symptoms and signl;l of quilt and work it in. their systems with its wealth of B the lack of the n Vitulllin! ;ihd 'l!J inAny paint left on should be cl aned ernls contained ' in HADACOL. And Vitamins and important Minerals. A simpler way of making a quilt with benzine. ' In this HA'DACOL of!ice in Rot if you ' sulfe,r from such a di6o rder, look larger is to make a flounce Springs are records of ' folks who there is no medicine, drug or trell\'-' of a color :selected as abov,e to cov: have found improved health in a mont that will cure you except the er the three sid.e s of ~he bed. It tbe bottle of HADACOL. 'That is one admini~trtition of the Vitall!ins ' and Now Far.m Walon flounce is attached. to a muslin reason why per capita aales of ,HAD. Minerals which your system lacks. covers the bed. elther above or di· ~L.....-----"'1""-----~~ ACOL in Hot Springs are among the HADAOOL conttiins not only one, recUy underneath t be mattress highest In the country. . but five of the B Vitamins. HAOA·, 1S0 1t wl.IJ not nave. to be removed Look at the ' record of Mrs. Joan COL ~contalns not o~fy pne, but four wheli the bed is uwnade e'ver~ Waera, 'of Hot Springs, who started of the ' necessary Mlnemls. Jt comes :akrng BADACOL 'tWo months to you in liquid form, easily assimi. time). the bea will liave an attrac· tive appear an cit lated in the blood 8tream 10 that It can go. to work right away. You can· The flounce' treatment Is popular not be lIatisfled with just temporary witb aU casual types of bed coverrelief. HAD A COL attjl,tks and ings. Use them with chintz. OE'curea the lource of lucb ddldency gandle, ,inghams. and other in· diseasea. formal prints. If desired. add a one Jt ia eaay to undentand, ijlemore, or two inch ruffle to the top of the wby cou'\tJesa thousand. have .1· spread just below the top. 'read, been benefited by this amal· U yOU have a canopy over a fOllr Ing tonl.e. HADAOOL. Accept no politer bed, decorate this with a , aubstltute-inslat on th, senuine ruffle or flounce ot material matcb· BADACOLI . in. the bedspread. . So, it matters not who you are ••• It matters 'not where you live .•• or TaUored Spread. Offer If you have tried all the medicine. Grea' 'Variety , '. under the sun, cive ,this wonderful Dependlnc upon bow tailored ,.ou preparation a trial. Don't gil 'on lIuf· like the bedroom, you have a great fering! Don't continue to lead a variety which will carry out a more miserable life. )4al\Y perlonll who formal theme. U the..r.o.om . Is done have suffered ana walted' 'for 10 to Llke';"moderu cars in one ot the formal periods. you. 20 yean, or even longer, &l'e able "float" over tbe highways! might cboose an 'elegantly quilted now' to live happy, comfortable.Hve. lhlll ne,w, aU·!teel farm wagon t{ADACOL with the, same wonderful again because HADACOL lIupplied taffeta, satin or another rich fab· Here is her statement: ' the Vitamins and Minerals whiCh blls Jusj~ been offered the ric for the top of the bed and then st~aking H 1\.'0 A COL their systems needed. Be fair to leaD' fal7mer to help smooth add ' a flounCe of the same material . 'About two months ago with wandel'- yourself. GivCl ·HADACOL a trial. J r~ugb f'if,llds and roa~ s. Front tor the sides. fui results. I was run down and suf· ' We arc so firm in ou.r belief that and rea~r axle \lit ,Independent-· ThiS ' quilting may be done at fe red ' with indigestion and gastric HADACOL will help you that ,vo Iy, (as sbown) ' to give maxi. borne on your own machine. l! you Jisturbances. Food 'didn't agree with sell HADAOOL on a money.buck mum l1exlbllIty and stability, have the ' sewing machine attach. me. I wus nervous. Aiter taKing guarantee. If YOII donit feel perf.ect. even und er capacity 1011ds ' or ment. or It might even be pur· HADACOL I feel stronger, eat what Iy satisfied aftl'r using HADACOL chased already quJlted. It may al· , 8.000 poullds. Auto-type wheels I want to without inrligestion. 1 just I\~ directed, jus.t return the empty and steering , mechanism are so pc done by hand if you have a feel better all the time. 1 have tried 'curton nnd !four money will be cheer.. , used. many remedies belore taking HAp. fully refulltled. Nothing could bl design which you particularly like. ACOL, but HADACOt. bas done me foirer. ' Another idea which is practical more good than all the medicines I Sold nt all the leading drug stores. for semi· tailored rooms is a simple have ever taken. My ,husband also Trial size only $1.25, but save spread which falls in box fashion took HADACOL because he was r.un money-buy the large famify and on the bed. To give tailored cor· down' and 511ffered with nervous hospital size-only $3.50. ner,s at the base of the . bed. the indigestion and headach,es. He is a If your druggist does not have corners , are slit and finished. T/le ' Spring ' 'calving permits use. of well man today due to llADACOL. HADACOL, order direct from 'Ilh. only design which this uses is a cheaper lower·grade feed during I have several relatives, and friends LeBIl\nc Olrporation, Lafayette, geometric border at the top of winter. A cow that calves in ' the taking H A O'A COL 'with , fine Louisiana. Send no mllney. Just your the sprea'd extending down to the ipring wlU get along nicely on a plain results." name and addres8 Oil a penny post. bottom of the spread. kind or Iration. But the cow that Mrs. Waers was suffering a de- card. Pay ,postman. State whether, ficiency of B Vitamins and impor- you want the $3.60 hospital economy If you like fringe. this, too, Will calves In the fall must be fed a tant Minerllls, which HADACOL size or tlw $1.25 trial lize. Remem. give a very attractive semi-tailored ·milk.produclng ration during the contains. ber, money eheerfully refunded un. type of spread. Use ,a ' plain colored winter to keep the calf growing fabric 54" or more wide for the tOj) rapidly. Such Ii ration Is more ex· _ _A_la_c~ l k_o_r_o-,nl_y-:a ___ a_m=-a-:I=-I -:-a=m:-o=u-:n_t =O-:f==les:-:-:1I =y-:o=-u=-a=re=l=O=O:-~=-"I=a-:ti=Bf=i-=ed:-.:-A_d._. • __ of the bed ' cover. Make a cross. pensive. wise band of muslin as a base for In a climnte where 'th~ cow herd the fringed overhang and' stitch the must be on a dry feed tor · five . ~' . -rows, 0(" frInge \Il position. using II months; a total of about 1.300 to fOR A. QUI (IC AST Y ME.A' . ruler to guide , you . In keeping the 1,500 pounds 01 digestible .feed Is , rows of fringe in line. I( de.slred. the fringe may also be applied to needed illl winter. A I.I01l·pound pr'e grisnt beef, cow '~n the bolst~r' at the top of the bed before the edges of it are joined. can be c:arrled through the winter r • • \O~ quite cheaply when fed 1,100 pounds 'Cover Bedll to Meet of. clover hay, 1.500 pounds of com e~ Your Own Requirements ~D \ .Since so much variation II POS. stover and 500 poCmd" ~f oats ' ",bitd • sible in bed · coverings. many new Itraw. ,~.\)\r.r. '''Ie e, d .PO trends have recently been dis. oi it dlJJ~ ';,aile' ~t.eU . • . closed. One or the recent 'develop. ments has 10 do with coverlitgs on .".ca~~e\\c;o~ ·:,(lIil\ twin beds, ~ a" ~\' .-1 0 1 cn'Pu\dI•. "an'ca~ Tips ala bandling hotchlng eggs "'\l~d ~. '" 00\1 r,llt b.\.... If the beds arc separated. tha t "COO~'" \ '! is not placed clos~ together, use , have gone out to fl3rmers from sev· ~. . b c:b~. n\ \(l< 0 • matching spreads. or Bither an In. eral extlmslon ' service lourees. In ero ~ '/I\t, ,\"e"a form;!1 type as described earllen. or the malin. farmers are urged te CaroIIo'tf1 matching boxed covers with square pack sut:h eggs In easel with the small enJCI down. , and. It these egg! b01sters. - - - Many tWIn beds arc used with a are marl(eted twice a week. It will ary &0 tum them. Single large headboard wltlch nol be If eggl arc to be stopped offers an mterestmg decorative time •. the advice can.', po~slbillty. The ' headboard may be for a the ronm t.mperature covure:! )'lith the lame malerlal tiaues. between an.:! 60 dejlrpell. as the bedspread.
Spring Calving Permits CheapE!r Winter Feeding
!I!I!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ', !!'[
, • .:1\ ' • Be ready to· wea .... your "bUe aQUu ear~y aod eDjoy U while
tbe v'o elie .. . yODDl', for it's destiaed to be one of the mOllt popaW , fall\lIDnl of the seaSOD. Wond1!rfal ror flrst-of·theliel\son wCl1r. especially fol' bIDIn jttst 7 da,.. ••• In one ahort week ••• Iness, are tbe sheer "0015 of a croup of people who changed from their na II)' with crisp white collars. old dentifrices to Calox Tooth Powder aver. A &oucb ~or pract!llality tbat Is aged 3870 brillhler teeth by sCienti6c tesL belDg use,d mare and more fre· Why not chango 10 <:aloit yourself? Bu)' • qUeDUy Is tbe permanent IIlIff· Calox today ••• 10 your D~" wblcl1 so cIeII~d ~noh teeth can ttlrt looking ~ deslperlJ ~ .~rell IJri,httr lomonowl .. It receDlly tIItd It ita Dew _ .Impetul to the faablcm for "hlte collars'" Parll. The wool dreue. CSD be Im"rtJy Ilmp'le .. to line, .mee the wblte toucb elves • b em' ampl<'l drama • You'U like .evera. of cal~&RoIJIJiat .............. ~ lan &,lid Dalla per dna.
CALOX ....0'1'11 . . . . . .. w
'V' @ " amps· ,"X a,'
Handli'ng Tips Offered In Hatc:hing Egg Work
-f . ' .,'tcnde;d
. ,
Thursday; March 16, 1950
OnlyDuff~ ~
.Makes Prize Hot Rolls :i.'L- , ~~wes~h
CLOTIIING. FURS. ETC. All Wool 8ob ••1 "i..enl;~':"' 10 bri ght colo ... 1-1.95 10 1'1 .95. Write Cor Clrculnr. Obi" "~nnRnt Com! .. n ~~ b~. _O~
'=F~O:-:Il~II~':-'H"'.t;:::·;:;:: jJ r .
LJuc n ' ~ .l u. nn u7, ;;"O:-r""lo""le~. Perry Co .. Ind . Sou th oC EllglIsh. ''In Sta'e flo.d 66. Chn"el1on. Coun,y se.". 130 n. 8 room mOdern h omr, base me nt rurntlce • .bol an d colCJ wnter, l'hwtrlclty a nd Jarilu bu nt. G mil .. troln Ohio river. No d onl/ er of f loOd WBler. I!:arm ....h ,,~· and m pahillery n it So • • tor SII.Ooo. U OII t walt lao late .
II IC fJEl ll Orln'e . Ind .
"":1 ,1' WANT E I)-MEN bALl!.!) )""'l' \\,,,\.N 'll ~ O~ 'tcJUIU: ur mjdd l e .agtd. Territory Ohln . Co llin ,,: 011 retail
a l orcs with a Ipu nuf!I(' t ure r 8 u nd jobli erlt tine Qf outerwt!f1 r hunUn K' cJothln~ nnd 'Wo rk cloth il)~. Exp ~rl\!h C~ Ttautl'c d In lh b m crc h u nd hte. M us t h n.vu C:JlW Strtlht ht commi ssion . Furnlgh cU luplctu re!lt1fllC a U dCl ull" ),ollr r lrs t letl e r . fl<'piy 10 I.N .C . • ;! It Jllv~ JIi 'm ~"t IJldl' .. _ _ __ ~PfIl 8 tHH .. h .!~ . ' _' "::.:._ __ _
~IAIH. f) ,\ 11 \' \ lI iii~'-yo U-riv;p;;y $3 d oz. Delat 8 . rr c~. J'. O. Dox ~OO C'o'"mhn4f Ifl, . Ohio .
IIIlLL CUllIN . 81l W TW~I~ woed IIKhUy two w eekS ; ' 125 of I. Write Oar I Campbell. . n . It . I, We.1 Alexandria, Oblo
MISCELLANEOUS tv IlTElt tWEl.LII , For dome. llc. munlcl.,,,1 nnd ndustrlol u'e. We: "nn recom-
B Clay Hunter
mend n relloble . depend ablo drllUnx contractor for your job anywbere I n the .tDte. Write /or {rce Informa Uon . Addr •• s, . E. D. ALLEN. Ea.,.. llee, . " Tr ••••• Obi. Well Drlllo,. A•• ·n .. Slnb"D. wlllo nD 4. Obi.. Bu 4M. WHY PilY TODAY'S HIGH PRICES? 'Let $3 . do worll- of 14. Mds e. Ruaranteed lrom toolh b,ulh to Auto. Arle n'. 01.count Service fills yOUr need. Write 141M III., .. ~ . Penns. Ooat. A,thrill.. llbcumnU.m. Lumba_o. Laborntory report r eveols flU.eUve Therapy to re.torc Buoyont HenJU,. Write IIfATEltlll - M J;:D ICA LI\R.. Un SO-A. SIlnd y SprJn •• , On . ' D EE R SK IN MOCCA S I~8. One Piece.
Lighter, Rumer roll..
crisper crusted, fresher kOOping, I . richer tasting .•• yes. Duff's Hot I RoU MiI gives Prize results. And "
.,..al, . bllnd.lnlll"
~?~e f~rourRI\ O~atc~~l:
bome~baked rolla are make with DuJr's.
easy to
Everything'•. in.
JII" add wafer-fhaf'. 0"1
lIUln W. A,mlt" •• , Chl.Are 41. ' m . nOW' TO MAKE C undl e d Appl.". CIMrtays. Pops. \hol ~VQ nt shed In domp we nt her . Send Ono Onll " r . L . D. Me. C"III. trr , HoUI . : 1. n R rrI 8 bu,~, rOn"" . M t\.KE m uo ",. w or'do ll' 8r n. re ,tim. n t home. OfCo rs from 1.000 eompn n ys . 25• •
A LJICIiI.t sn.y, .,., fI!ED-AIMIIOM IN TMI fMI/I.'I ~ tJF ~DlfPsa - CQIIi
WmI MI ...
R . C l1nnln C' h Rm. BuJt :\12. () ('~ 1 3. FIn. . RJ O II So hool S.nlor \'0' 0 1101 81~e Plet un's m n d ~ {rom :"Jou r Porirnil Photolf .
20 for SI.!50. "lIh lln!lC with olnssm nt••. Wf'" ley 1'1 ' SIn .le. no" fi,~~ (,h e l !lli~n. M M', fi' ll ~E H a lld)'· .,.,tlle ThreAder. ' Also ell'cul n r (1.&crlb\l1~ Il m 3zln,: cl~nglng nnd molhproofi n1! d is c ov er,;::. Docs :t ob III un· b t'tUe:v., b ly low cost. Ito lnp lre Enttrprl ta
0 .. ,\VtJl !ly IU ... N. ". ... I O\VUOY 11001 " " nk ;;! B ond C'.Ar\' ed ~15 ntllnc R l'dwood. 5'" b~ 0 .... BeAutHu Uy ffn lJlhod . ~~ . 98 nol .. fB .oo p nlr. n " nk $>
A ProcIu<1 01
II)~ I l\' e~"lnn Ave ., Sa nta KGS •
"'OULTRY , CJt'~'tS & Il:()UIP. BABY
III KS-V .• ollProvCd Pullorum All flack" test*d to :zero reO.
c:ontrol1~d .
aQ I~n :.. ~ew , nqr:nD ~"lre..
White Fl\l~k .,
Whlt'e ...ellborna. While Wvnndolla. Borree 5trRlrrht 1'!!n. pull.t. or cockerell. More Ibnn 300 \1.S. record
_Roek ••· Bl1.lf Rock •.
m a les
u sed
In flor.ks .
Price. reduced thl8 •• Oson. Send (or fr ••
fi:~11lJ1I~3:,,:.rl~e.I~::.:I~~~tl:e~c:I~: .'I'. Blaneb •• ler. ..I...... Oble. Pbone __ .. 31111 , • •• ,... • • • •
- --
_ h • •••
For Your Future Buy U.S. Savings Bonds
Grandma's Sayings 't I I
y.............. '...' ...
IR. CHElleOLBS to nU.". COUChllnll lor, lIIuscl..
Jou need to rub on eumwatin.:, painroHovinlt M usterolo. not only brings fut, Jong·llllitlng relief but Bctottll)'
hclilscheek tbcirrlbition anol !mink up local congestion. Buy ~f1L9teroI81
I P .
GOSSIPIN' III jeat Uk9 mUddyl water. It'll settle much quIcker, It,
" ~o Nfl. ~lb"
Ou\ oblll(otion on ltOli r p o rt.
PURITY ClunSS PItOllVClTII Pepl. 0, Plnlnli.ld. N. J.
TEA04E~? ~ _
~r:, AS 'I'
·a t
011..." Moll",., AlbDlllj
..... '- -, LAND SAKES! I jest.can't keep up
We invite l'OU to 1c:m r n how you ma y rel Ieve conltlJl{ltlqn ; Dn!\ CORRECT Ihe dnm' 1I 0 eo used by ID x otives. A J)<)SU:B'd. with ~'our n Ame nnd addre • • will bring )·ou full tnrorma llon wlth-
with "Table-Grade" Nu-MaJdl No.-,
it's beUer 'n ever. Yep. They've 101PlOvod my favorite lipread ••• mado' it - even better tasUn' , , • more' smooth spread In'. And new Nu': Mard's got s. brs.nd new package to keep that sweet, Churned-fresh. Bavor llealed In! ol!r
WHEN SOME at UII youngunll seemed slow to cl!-tch an Idea, Aunt! Marthy all~ reminded tbe reli~ that the Blow band on the clock Is jest 811 useful as the fast one, so no one sho.u ld judge talks' worth by, their speed. ,
con'ain, magical TORI~OL Finer' Quicke,' Beller ·101 and 20'I
to pallS 1111. l4a'n 8bn4a'. noct.tltef. N. Y.-
~ IT'S PLAIN to sce the difference In
Order 8oot~'s Qua'ify Chicks Nowl
cakes 'n plea wben you bake ·wlth II.' top quaHty shortnln'. And tho.t' means new, Impro\led Nu-Maldthe better·thaD-IIver margarlno that'sgoed taatln' In Itself. . .
I\ypld OUI IPnnM', rush I Tab ad· ... nt ••e ot Doote's oUlnandina chick olfe,.. Choo •• 'OUt deUve.., dA.e. ,SPFeioJ No.· I - ' 500 h•• hh, broilu chicks oolr U, ., . 3· .... k lI .. biU.., luaraDtl'e. Special No. 2-'00 sturd, _c hick......nol•• d .U hooy, b ••• d'i Odl, .3'~.9' . Orden on opeei.l, .. II POI .,.coed 20% puJl ...;- SPIlCIALS No. I .nd No: 2 • 1.00 per 100 .....
*Ii: ~ . ~ will be Paid up~n pubUcatloll
to ·t he first contributor ot each accepted . sayinG' ~r Idea. Addre88 '!Grandma" 109 East Pearl Street, Ohio.
10 Ie.. ,b.D '00 1010. Sr.rted 11;'11.,. aad chick' 2 10 12 wks. olil. AU breed.. Wril. '0' colDple,e pri .. UI&.
TW!N THEATRE Waynesville, ' ~hio Clo-ed on Tuesday and · Wednes~ny SAT. SHOWS: 6 P.M. . SUNDA : 2:30 P.M. , MQNDAY 'I1iRU FRIDAY - 1 P.M.
One cent per WOrd. char.e, 21 aenU. Tllr.. In••rtlanl for the price. of two . . Form. clo.. Wedne.. day noo". RA TEa:
T.o CI\lL
for insurance. All types of insurance at a savings, Call Francis Gene Brown, phOne Waynesville 2472 or call collect. Wilmington ~111, LIS
The Duran«o KJd
A Page from Uu~ Put Oldtlmers ot World Wa.r I T ake Note. Veta of W .W . ~ Don't "MIIIII
Ivll Wa,r Days
Top SOli. HaUllnl', Sand, Gravel l!IxcalatJnc: With iI.ck Dral"Un& .nd BUlldozer .....
ALeo : Final Chapter "Of .Gang Buster.
Also : Bu«. BUDDY
MON. 19
Tbp Li fe
ot Marilyn
rOIlI' naddy ' ~
M lI1er,
WayneavllJe. Ohio
Phone: W~YD'.vllle 21g1
BANK RUN GRAVEL- ~ade.l , at Davis Fum.'; Pit. 60, .cent. C1iblc yarn. We allo deUnr, ·ARM. ITAGE &: SON, Phone 2091. tf
Favorll e
WANTED-Typing to d!> In my home In the evenings. Pbone 2143.
.Jl N E H A VElR . ·RA V BOLGER .\1 80 : N ew s I\nl1 Coillmbia Cartoon
X- 3-2-9-1~3t
All klndll.ln all I nWidths.
Kiln ' ,drled .
prices. All orders, large or small will be delivered .
HOg Houses ACY LAMB. Pb!!n ' Waynesvltle 2701 .
Attention Farmersf --,
STEEL and METAL Prices Are Advancing
FOR SALE - 70.3 acre farm. 7 room modern house with 011 • I furnace. % .acre lake. 68 acres of alfalfa. Plenty of water. Locale'l 16 miles trom third and min. Dayton. Ilobt. ..,.. Wilson, Lytle O. X- 3- 2-9-16-0--::'
onl!'d IlrOP081\1 ~ will be rel'elvell hy chi' ~oard of F.du oRtion ur \\'a)'oe Local S 'hool Dis tric t. WIQ'ne n llie. Wurren C O" n t y. 011 10. n t tl1e ortlce of the C:lel'k or tl'l ~ Dourd o( Education. HIgh ~C' hool Building, '..vuynesvllle, Ohio, ulltll 12: 00 noon, lilaRtern SLandlU:d Ill ~. April R. 19liO, for' furnlailing 11 11 la bor nnd' lIIaterlals IlIlCeRallJ')' ror nonstl'llotion of an Elementary School Addition to the prescnt H I ~h School building nceordlllg to flruwjngs and Specifications pre. parell by 8 . C. Landberg and As. ~ o c lateB . Arohltect!! and Engineers. Cincinnati. Ohio nnd will be pl1b' liely opened and renl\ Alo\ld at IlIlIt time and place. ,'C'I)M'nte proposals will be ' reo I'elved for uny. une or number of brnlll:hes of work or Upon the Oen· e ral Contract; IIpon the Steam Heal i ng, Ventilating and Teml)er. attirE' Control; upon the Plumbing a nll Se werage : Itnd upon the Elec· lI'lcnl work. Tbe material pro. p o ~ p rl to be lIse d, Ume for complet· io n of the WOI' I{ 1\ II d ttl e com· pe te nc y and responsibility of bid. d ol'S will receive 'conslderatlon be. fore a ward ot contracts. A II proposals shall be made in ollrormlt-y. with the General Code of . Ohio and shall be ori hlddln~ form s wblch B·hnll be obtained trom t he Architects a nd HIla\! be en c los ed In & sealed envelope lind addressed Lo tbe "Clerk of tbe Doard of Education, Wayne Local S(' bolJl Distric t. Waynesvlll.e. War1011 COllnty. Oblo" Ulld shall br e ndolrs ,1 on the 0l1 tsi c1 e of . the envel!ore witb th#! nam e of the bid · (10 1' n nd Ihe s tatpQ10n l ( Pro p ,.l< n.1 ror tbp Gen eral COtHrnN ) 01 ' o t h(' r s perlfl f' l e l'lII . Th e cll'Bwlngs and s peclfi<'otiollH
r.ovely mod~rn 'rwo'bpilroom NEW HOUSE white rl'am horue . hot wal (> 1' IIpat . Als o larl':e pltobmen windows . gao rag" . :::lhl'ub!l and lre e ~ ,n bR e ll. ' ew FOUl' R oo m I f"u ,." - '1'\1 0 I.oIlrge lot, b n IIUrully locn..ted A (' re ~ of Gt'oUlIII - Nom' ) r e l:OIl I;) Priced at $8760 . . - Vu onnt - PORRPASl oli Pt'I,"'" Tbre~ I'oom well conAl I'llI'I 11 Vl'r~· RPll ~ o n ll bl o . (!OIllAllt lilol'll hou ~ (.. alit, blilld, IllftS, 2 lI(lI'Of' 011 I'!il:hwuy 741 fi . of SpTlnltbor~ 01101\ l,'mll vohl!' De autlrlll Home Call :
Wayn..ville For TJuoU,,. Ptp Sow. need an .hundan,t .upp1:J of •••enUal vltamlruI durin, , ••taUoa to procllic:. aJid lUeld. thrlltJ' pi,•.
CASH FOR DEAD STOCK According to size and condltlon .
All Stock removed promptly. HorselJ• .$2.60 - COWII. '2.50 Hogs - 250' per owt.
Phone Collect Xenia, O. 1712 or WilmiqtOa. O. 2362
Try Gazette Claslified Ad
us .bout the "Caterpillar" Diesel traCior lize that fitl your need•. '"I "IOMWAY IQUIP.NT CO •• 21S0 Le"...." , _ ..... CltlclN!!llJ II, o. S~e
It.a. .•
II. O.
Fresh and Cured Meala
t ri. u _
PICNlC HAMS 38c lb.
(,o n • •• tl
I ' ., .
. T n n " .... , .. "
Rib in Park Roast 3ge lb.
• .. ~.
GREYHDUND, ,. . . ..
FOOD STORE Phone 2541
-----------------------1 - . Try <;azette Clauified Ad ~"-"'_
- _n..... _.-. _._
PLOW$ or CULTI V A . . . . . t.ctlt qfty gerd e n or I. . . . Iher.'i • Jow~st
T. . . .,
Also A........... 2. and 3 H.P. FREI: .DEMONsntAtJON
~:~mlll~l lllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllilllllllllll!lll11 1111!!II11111111111~111111
Polldoro.a PID. . POI,derolli pine ,rows from Wish. In.ton to the Bl.ck .HIll. Ind .0IlUl·
Rt. 4 R. 5 mL South or
~------------------~ , ~ ,
....one CenterviUe 1417
' - ... ",e • •• ·
132.00 F. I
Esl'c i;JII.v For Farms
Sweep,. ol'Ml ' man., c:
.... Start.i
Charles R. Thompson
. ~..........
I AM EQUIPPED TO DO 1.·1 WORK Your Buaineta Will Be Apprecialed
I... h'e Wire n'nd Progre.lllve. An orl~anlzlLtioD second to oOl1e; , SLrloltly seller. on the best all' 1 around market In the cO\.lntrj.
a"a"" '0 mallv M.. ')
. . . . . . . . . . . Doa_O'Olfoch..... ts,'OWtr
R. R. 2 ;-2 MILE
co..t re,lon•.
l.~ . ~.
Diabetic Canne:! Fruit.
Ky......... : .. ... $2.70
~ Ohio ....... .. ,.. $1.95
CIe••luad, Ohio ..... .. .....$4.55 JacJgo.., Ky. .. ..............$4.75 £ASTER WRAPPED .HAMS, Ab-. Ohio ..................$1.65
1100:li llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllil llllillllll1!liII,i!l ml li!IIIIIIIII!111111
• ....,... report. Compare thLe with million iii lM7•• pr.vlous rfe· .ai-d in the Rock,. mount,1n .Pa· or. breakin,
Don't forgel those soil BULLDOZER conservation an~ logging jobs in you r neighborhood during the slack sealor;l. With your "Caterpillar" Iraclor you w1ll make prolits the year ·round.
2150 .........._
ned lOCI mlWon.
Wum, modem coaches.
Orders Tak~n Fo~
ChampaIgn County (armerA nnll SERVICE THAT SATISFIES ' \. buslneasren have formed a non· For Dally ' Market Repottl: , profit corporttllon to plnn and Co- WHIO Dayton, 12:60 E.8 .T, Dial IIduct tbe nlltlonal plowing runt· 1300; WLW CIncinnati. 1~40. ~Ial 700. r .ell Dnd conservation rteld dllY8 NOI"R~8 BROCK ~OMPANY Replolnber 12and 13.
••u.ma. lold durin. lIM8 will u·
"Enjoy' a 101 mote navel-for • lot Ius IDODC}'. goins by Greyhouad.Depenaable service. Coonoient scheJuJc5.
IaIe of ••&aer".
It's the exira power and ground gripping action of' a "Caterpillar" tractor Ihat puts money in your pocket. You .do three or lour jobs in one pass over Ihe ground at higher speeds besides saving on fuel cost with a "Caterpillar" farm traclor . .
ROll Ie :!
Try Gazette Clauified Ad
SClurcel '" ireD pl1Ule. In eoolt:les, cereall. and puddlnr., · Th.y .re a .our~ 01 Iron, vitamin ·A, and nil' 1!1n. Mol .....-tII. blacker. tile bet. ter,· Un In eookles .. c.kes, pui!. din ••• . bread, and gn pancaket, It illilJh In calcium, Ir~n and nlleln.
are 's old'om guided oy I'M _ Bon; we follow ollr fcellngs Rnd then we Invent r e nSOll S' t o jus tll'y It.
Phon e !l51Wl
WANTED-Man with enr ~or 1'1l!1 lime sales . work. Liberal comml~ · slon, bonm; lind drawing acclJun t. for personal InterVIew write (' - 0 Miami . Gazetl e. L' \lrti ~ Clrclllllllon Compnny. X-:l · JG
Rout 48 North Df Route 73
IIll Kl
'Phone Centerville 7056
Frank'in ,
fOI '
Price' Advances.
DONNIS PHELPS Repl'"",,,,n I Itlve
Check Your Fence
We Have a Good Supply Of Fence On; Hand, But It's . Going Fas~...
Priced Rt ~ ·'!l00 ·
1'01' lhl ll work will be On fli p III FOR SALE. 1941 PlymOUth till! oml'e · or Ih e 'I I'J; 01' Ihe coach. Radio, heater. Harold noard of Edll(mtlbn lind the of· O"boTll . Main St. Phone 2594. II<-p of .b e Arfhltec t ~. IH (1 nt'fl elll - -3- 2·9-16- 3t Pl nc·E. ('lnc ll"l':l11 :!. <;)1110. or may Ill' pl'Ollu red at tile otrl CIJ of Ibe FOR SALE - '!l ton Chevrolet Ar hti teclR. on Whic h will bp reo tl'Uck. Stake rac ks. In good Ship". fllllro,rl a. depoRlt of $2;'.00 ror ('om , Belcbers Sunoco Service StaUbn. plele Atcltlle tur,,1 In-Ilwlngs II l1d South Main Street. Phone 2423. Rpe rlflratlolls and $10.00 for ' i\1 p . - - - -- - - - -- - -'""7':,- c'lInnlclIl Drnwln/;" unu S"e ('lri c n. · FOR SAL.E -One pair men'a 01 · tlon ~ . Docllments wlli he (or' ler rink skal,es. Size 1. Pbo!)e .274) 3. " 'ardell t!) bidders IIpon request, X-3-2.9_l6( 31 I': ~ PI'IlR 8 Collect. The full amount of th'e deposit for olle 'set of doc· FO~ SALE- ~ld8pot Re~ ....~_ uments • will be r~r-.rrnea to each a.tor. 1948 Model, 26 pound freez~g I),otllal bidder nnd all olher depOSitA capacity. 8.7 cu. ' ft. '~ecil P4,m,r, w.1ll be refunded (with dednctlon!t !looks Road. CentervUle 1383. , • ' Ilot exceeding tbu IIl'tlial cost of X-3-2-9-J6-,-3I '. reproduction of tbe · documents) ulJ(ln return . chargeI' prepaid, of r - - - - ~ ....... - 1111+-- 1<'(}H SALP.!-1947 Dodge I ~~ tpn all docnments In good ('ondltlon trUck. stock r~k, grain racks. co,1l.1 within 30 dllYs after ' tbp dalp of racks . . A-1 condition. Belch e.r'~ oPeJIlng ot bids. Sunoco Service. Soutb Main Rtreet. Pertormance Bond In • he amollnt Phone 2423. of ] 00% of the contl'act WIll be· reWANTED--lronlngs to do In th.r Quired and Did Dond In the "mOllnl bome. Mrs. OJadys Frye, across of ]0% of the I'ropo ~ nl mnst IIC- . • from high school. X-S-2·9 -1s23t company 1111 bld~. Bald Board Itt Education WANTED~A IlIILCe to Ih'e In serves the right .0 reject IIny and Waynesville, House. npartment 0" all bid!! tenderecl .nnrl to \\'nl\'e in' w h a. t ha\'e you? John BroRkl. formllllties . BolII'ce. 01 VitamiD D MOlt rell.ble .ource. of vit.mln WaynEl8vlIIe Lt;Icker Plant. I Dy order of til e noal'd of Educa· o for " ann .nlmal. 'are .unlblne • l/.IIi· 2 :~ tlon, Wayne Lor al Sc~ hool District, Irr.dlated yea.t, and .lIh all •• WELDING-At my (arm. '-mil WnYllcs vllle. Wnl'ren: e nnty. Ohio. . By : .John (.lonK. Pl'es ld~nt Lee. J-;l(perl plm" Mhnl'e work \\' il': Dy: C. W, Dllrnhnrt. Cl~rk hard rod fa clog. 3-16.23'30- 4: ' MIlI'clI 9· )(1-23.30
Needs . No~ Bef~~.e
•I I
HOURS: 9 to 12; . 1 to 5 Except Wedn~ad~y 'Afternoon
Centel~ ville.
PHONE Centerville ' 705&
DR. C. E. WILKIN Optomekic Eye Specialist XENIA, 01:110
1lllllllllllllllIlllllmlllllllllllll!ll llllilllllllllllll1IIIIIIillillilllllllllillWIIII '
Fresh Dressed Hens : sac Per pound Smoked Pure Por~~' S.u_~_e 4Sc Per round
PI. .
MO.,ROW No. •
Concert Series No.6, nes~ay,March 29··8 P. M. U' School-Choir W1W· :30·· 6Sunday, March 26" About Town he azette. ,
t.'SelTllllQ' .WaYllesville' Since
Yo' ur Fr.-end Look LIBke Washin"on ,1
Waynesvi lle Masonic Lodge 163 F. and A. M. wUI ~ol d their annual inspection on Wednesda.y evening, March 22., A. banquet w Ul be served at 6: 30 P . M. by tho:! mombers of Miami 'Chapter 107, Mrs. Alcle Furma.n ot Order of Eastern Star. town, Silent Saturday ev~nng Misses Mary Dora Hough, a ~. Mr: ,and Mrs. BUy GIbson'. student or Lhe rvtnry A. Burnham Mrs. T~oma B Runyon, M{II_ School i.Jl Nort llhampton, Mosss- Two Societiel Hunt For Malt GII~soJ1, Mrs, Clareuce (\"J..W1'~tl chliseLts, Is Lhe guest of ber parWho Relembles Father Mrs. , MArrIa Lewis, ..Mlsa h Young, Miss Clara Daught ers e n t s, "r m I'. an d M r 8. K . N . H.oug, Of Our Country for the spring vacation. tendC!d-the' Larue/! AJ d at the 1\1r. aD'Cl lrs. E. F. Earnh a rt were COlumbus, 0., March 23.- Got a of ' Mr. ~nd Mrs. ElvIs ,NlcbJLel Springfield visitors on Sunday ~r- friend who looks like Gefilt:ge Wash- Thursd~y n llar Ma~le Cornel;; ternoon. Mr. and Mrll, Dewey ' ComB~ik u Ington'l' Do Y0ll: think he can net? and .family of Beavertown , ,ufo Wymer Drake, local drugIt so put h1m JU' touch with the g ist. Is convalesclu!: nt his home, Ohio DeveloPIIlent and Publicity Saturday eVBlling with Mrs. aftel' a serious opera tion at Grsnrl CommIssion or' the Ohio liis(orlcal rl s J.,ewts and family Salm,;. view Hospital, Dayton. His many SOCiety who are helpIng in a ha- e vening al ao called on Mr. rrl nds are hoping for bis speedy tlon-wlde aearch [~r IIOwe une to l\h~~.H~~d G:~: Rober t 'Ealrnhlrf recovery, play the role of George Wash' Mr. and Mrs.:md 'Ramby 8nd chil- In gton in' a symphonlc'drama Which spent . the w~ek enil "'It~ t nelr. (lren had as Sunday a(ternoon and Is beng W1'itten by Paul Green, ents, Mr. and M~. J. Guest ev:e nIuog guests. M r. an d .., ,,,rs. n.. u ...vfd Pulitzer prize winning playwright. 'family of Columbus, Ohto. Zlnk and , son, Craig of Lebanon, N.... WUbur Ste venson, Qlld Mrs. Milton Thinnes and 1t;1l all be a part of the ~ree· Robert ' Greeno ot., Dayton, daughter , P amela of ?'l1dd1e own. dom Fair, which Is being held tn Roy' Shaw of Xenia, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Resson were 196~61-62 as a I,lart of the sesQul 7 Heury Eergel' an d ( mly or Saturday gu sts of !\frs. W;llIlam centennliti or We nation's capItal. ertown called on Mr. l\tDd l r/5. Natrpus il1" Da.yton. M.r. and Mra. How do you know it your blend Morgan Su nday nftetJ1()Qn . ReaSOn have 118 t heir , g UBSt, for looks like George Washington? Mr . IlJ1 d Trs. ·ID ly' (Ubson this week, t he former's mother. Js be II. rugged, heav:y, almQsl o,n .MI·. and j'~_ ~I\rti nl1~a ', _" Mrs. Sndle Reason. cr~gy . person? ' Is he at" t1~eB BellbroOk Sa lUTd '1 ntte 0 Mr. and ¥rs. Paul TomlInson en. jovlal and other ,times deadly : IMr, ,'and Mrs. Ke" n~tb. terta.1nod on FrIday evening iou's1 he have ,big of lDa ytl)D. II ent ' Frld '/ Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes BwlneU,' It . ~irfeatartld rg~: ~~.... _ _ ,~__ ,~, ~, -etl'~-l~~~~~'-;S",,~r-f4 E\l Fu~ as peats. canasta"... «!yeet ~ .e!'llPl ~ the dlverslou of the e vening. aUghtif' heavy' - !lot beautiful, not .' • ·Mr. and Mrs. A . H. JiJarnJlart, had ug-I'll Doe•. he ' have a voice of . . . rlen . . ' lUI Sunday afternoon caller, Mr, authorlty1 Mrs. Olive CUrl auende!! the [ 110' Milton Sheehan of Cent ervlnll. These are part or tnll reqUire . eral of Dr. Roscoe !Peele i.ll WiI'Mrs. Roas H. HartsOCk wtll be menta s.cconltng to Paul Green. mlngtolt Saturday ol,rern otm. Mrs. Lee Mason', of M;ason, Ohio, host ess to t he New Century Club Green also called lor &, person Just on 11'l'lday atternoon at the Far Hilla past flrty years; w'ith gray, grlz. wIth her son Mr. Lero~ Mnson, of Par ty R ouse, wth Mfa. :T, P. Fromm 21ed hair, and sllghtly tall(lr than Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Olati' of Dayton, w are b aLurllay anll Mrs. Earl Hockett In charge the average man. of tb'e program. . Detailed descrptlon And a pbot~ callers of Mrs, Alice Olark. on SUD Mr. and Mrs. L. C. S t. John graph, If ~ posllible, oC the person day Mr. Milton Sbeehon llt Cen· wore Sunday , guests of l\lr. BJld YOU think looks Ilke the first clt- tervllle was a caller. l\{rs. John Settlemyre, when t hey Izen: of our country are · needed In MrB. WOQdrow Omens and two entertained to di nner honoring tbe making the aearc,h. The t ,wO' state ,cll1Idren' Winnie Jo ,anll S tevl ~ of birthday ' anni versary of their agencies ' locking for a G . ' 'V. In Sprlngfle h\. were guests of M r s, mot h r , Mrs. St. :TallO. Mr. and OhiO' are both located 1n ColumbUS . Omens mother. )\frs. Lucil e A r m · l\l,rs. Glenn Blank alsO' were pres' . litage Sunday. ent and helped In , ne celeb,ratioD. The speed cop was writing out Mr. \¥IJson . Ed wu rds and 80n. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F ries wer'! a tioket and said, "YGU were do- George Edwards VISited thlll\'. aunt among the guests On Sun:a~y, when lng 78, what's the rush?" the guy Miss Ma.rg8J'et Ed wards Sa,turday Mr. and Mrs, Paul Harley and I1tUe satd, "My brakes are 110 good and afternoon. daughtel', ~ntel'ta.lnea .~\' Ith a .famlly get ..h,ome before J have IS8 Rulh handle r 'BIIUIlt Prldinner a t tbelr newi b:Gme In Oak- tw[l;iiCciiid~!nt.'· day In Dayton . wood. ' MIss Helen Trimble alHI Mrs, 'Mrs . . Ruth Cutler of Cf\clnnatl. P._T. A. M~TlNG Robert I3renn et of III!\ ilIVllle vi s· Mr. Francis Cutler of Ohlo State MONDAY NICKI' Ited Miss Tl:imble~B a unt, Miss Columbus, and Mrs. ltertle Milia P .-T. A. meeting will be Monday Myrtle Stevens Gn 'Sunday after' were Sunday iUnnet 'guesta 'of Mr. nlght ' at 8 :00 at the HJgh School noon. . nnd Mrs. L. E. 'Thompson, Auditorium. Th~:lre wlll bo a. round Mr. n1\'(1 Mrs. J obn Longest of MJss .G!ndys ltye of UnIversity ta.ble dlscus80n' On "How Can We Dayton, OhiO, fonIierlY' at Pend Ieot ' Clnclnnutl, was a week end MnJce Our Schools a More lmpo~- lon, ·Indlana.. call d on ' Miss Mary guest of her par'ents, Mr. and Mrs taut Force In Our ,Comwunlty?" Boston Frida y after~oon . Clarence Rye. Mr. Cbarles and Two t,eachers, t ... u stuoent.l! •. two Mr. Earl Rye who are enrolled at parents and ~ boara member will Ohio State, I\l'O spending a few parUclpate. days of vacn:Uon In Mfaml, Florida Mrs. E. I.. Thomaa Is Impro", SUNDAY VISITORS , . lng at the' home of her daughter, FROM DAVTON Mrs. Harry Btimett, 'where she MISS , Elllzabeth Probst and nlecos has been Ul for a few weeks. Roseann and Carol, nephew8 Larry Mr. A. C. Tomlinson' has re- and Donald Auguat and Mr. Jack ' turned atter spenlllDg' the winter Hubloy were SUDday gue.ts of . Mr_ at 'tucson, Arizona. and Mrs Paul Scherer. Mrs, H.' 1..' Rye W1l8 'a gueBt of ~Isl! Probst Is a ' alster to Mrs. her Bon-In-law and daughter, Mr. Scherer. and Mrs. Beeman Stewart, and son In' Union City, Indiana, during , 'lbe Ladles AUX1Jlary of AmerIcan Legion PoBt 615 will meet on tho past week. . . Mra. W. N. Sears waa a gneat ':I'hursday evenmg, March ~3 'tor of her daughter, Mr. Rnd ·Mrs. AI ~ inBtallaUon of oUtcera , wtth' ~rs. bert CarYer, In t :mclnriatJ durlng William Smith CJl CIncinnati, fourth vIce presldeDt of AUXlUary the paat -,reek. Dr. and Mrs. A. lil. Stout had all as iDltallln« officer. .... . .uId • atack or speDdable Mrs. uW1'8IDCe Furnas W1l8 ........ 0....,. Sunday evenlDg dinner guests, Mr and Mra. GeOrge Waltl, ot Dayto&· hoateas to the Happy Hon Cl\lb 1I0NE1'_vallable w you EVERY ." -tht the' pro-- In IIONTHI Bere'. bow 1011 CaD cet 1"Mr. and Mra ~ Fred ·: bradaock will on Tuead-., " ... with • membenhlp III lIIe simple, bo 1,101t and hOltels to th'e East charge of Mrs. Harry Satterth- • .a.maue "lIIoDey-oI-tIIe-lIIoDUa" WaJDe AdTllory Councn on F11da)' waite a.nd Mn. Luther n.,ru..," ...·1 Clabl WHAT 1'011 DO: U 1oll're v ..·.ked a6rs. Rhodes Bunnell, -III.,." b,. arm,.o " .,0111"11&1The,... eveDfDC. reIllleJu1men& aad ~ '0111' ...... FaJ'men Gran,. 18 met In re,- presldant, to report on the trip tb!Lt .... .d!sed to tile PayroiJ lavlDp of 11..... , 11Iar aealon oa Sat1ll'l1q eY8DlDg, tnembers ot- the club ~a recent· I'IIIIrhr tile and ,,,. ..... ....... 8oJIds. Or, if ,..• .'• " and a conre4 cUah. "B1rtIac1a)' Sup. 1'1 ' to the mG--'nnn. .......... . - IIeItoemJIIIYed.}'G1II' aaa ., ......... pIu- ....... I per" ".. eDjoye4 bJ' 8Jllt~ mem- Fifty Club. Mr. aDd Mra. Blladee Bunnell eD,,: ..... WllAT 1'011 GETI bers. The remalD4er of the e'fGIDI will lIIa11Vt1t. ".. ItAn to tIIe- uala". 'anI_ tertalDec1 at tIleIr 110m. -OIl SD4Q
wS ' ?, ' )
(People, Spots In The News\ . Hundredth Year ~====;::::=.=;:;:=~==~====~:;. Women 1 S' I(i,hts Marlo Bqrinninlr of MOvement For Equal Riebts F:0t' Women .Colu mblls, .. l'4l1rcn ~a.-\\ omen . vot ers owe a vote of thanks to 0 11l0an Betsy M , Cowles. ShP spar kplugged a movllm nt for their right of frtll1Cbl Re. This Is the 100th nnnlvClfsRJ'Y year of a W.omen 's RJghts Conven tion, whloh ' was presidea uyel' by Miss <;Owles. It marked tile beg\nninr: of an organized movemllnl In Ohio< for equal legal and political rights: fGr women. In April of 1860, the year Ohio was to consIder a new state· cou· stitutlon, female antl-sla.verry ee· formers from the Immediate vlclnIt)· of Salem, COlumbiana County. In tbe eos~rn part of -tlfe stat e convened to memorialize the con etltutlonal body lor e(lual woQien's rights. ' The Ohio , ~omen!s Conrer~nc(.' .~ lb, outpowth ,of a 81mUnr
UDcle. Sam Says
ftJatlOD · 1D
tile tbJftl .... toaItII
JDIU'ItF Clab.~ A tleUoIoaa bu-
OL' D.Z DEAN, now with ' N"'w Ycrt vankees in promotional
role (note necktie , ('Its up old :ouchcs with old ~t..l.ou is Ca ~ din al pills: Stan Musial, Enos Sl augh ter, Co:rch ferry MoOl·c.
talk was very much 6n'J oyed by aJl
::~~~ Burber 1~.~~~1H~~~~~~~~~~ Shop quartette. Mr. " , Ubur TUllis Remember tlie Rummage and baked goods ul ... of the Womar!a SGclety of Lytle Church next Sat· urday, lIIarch 25 at the MemorIal Hall, Lebllllon.. . lIlr. and Mrlt. Harvey }J,u rnel, Mrll· J. B. Jones and Mrs. Wilbur Foulks attend.ed the anDl,lal meet· ing or the MiamI Valley Cooper· atlve Milk Producers Assocla.tlon In the Biltmore Hotel , DRYton, Tue.day of ltIlBt week. Mrs· Robert Corwin haB been Quite III for the past two weeks. Her Sister, ?trs. Cbrl&tlna Dum. fonl of Da.yton. Is caring for her, . Mr. and Mra. Pa.ul Shipley and chlldreJ1, Paul Jr. and Sh&ron at· tended the fUneral Service of the former's fath.e r, Nr. Campbell Shipley, age SI2i at New Holland , near Washlngt.on C. H. on' Thur,sday. Tl:\e Ly't le anI Club was entenalned to 11 luncheon and an Iilternoon of canis at the Pi'eaton Party 1I0'Use, Waynesville Thursday. !Mrs. Nettle Emrick wa.s a guest over Sunday oJr her son-In·law and daughter, Mr. ana Mra. Leon SAllabury at Washington C. H. ' Frlendl rrom rrere aUended t1ie funeral servJee of Mrs. Marlon Osborn of Harveyaburg at the StUbbs Home In Wa'11les11118 Taeaday . d Near e)ahly atten ed t he LJ1Ie Church ID the baae• ___ -4 tile Meth.....t Claurm
_~~~~~~~:.=~~~! ~~ ~
In Senecn Falls, til . natonal 'gatberlol\' Women's Rights .-,..gl.talors In the na Uon, a nd tbe only one till t he Salem convention. 13 t sy Cowl s, outstand ing fjgure at tbe confere nce, was a knder. garten 't eacher, at the time known 11 8 infant sohOOI, and Is credIted with plGneering the education of children In the old Western ReRerve terrlto17. Sbe was aD ardent anti-elaver crusader, who with her IIlater, _Cornelia. &chJe'le4. Qult~ a reputation for a s1Dglng campatiu Ill' behalt or aIIoUtion. ' ' I!etar's ba.cqround, ICBntering ar(>lm4 the Ubrary Gf eODlclence of her Qualr&r bollefs and her graduation from Oberlin , College. theQ. a raUylng point for proponont. of women's righte, gave llC!l' the nataral inclination to crusade for sucb oauses as woman suf frage and . eQulll legal rights Ivitb ·men.
told or the church .auction tbls fall and read a l1at of committees. Mrs. Leslie Gray and daughter, Mre. Clara Stacy, Mrs. Dearth Shee. han and daughters attended a WARREN COUNTY .tork shower for Mrs. Jack Burnett SPELLlN9 BEE Clven by Miss Ellene Burnett at Tho Warren. County Spelllng Bee the home .or her motber, Mrs. Rus. w111 be held Thursday evenIng, ee11 Burnett· at RIdgeville. April 2'1 at the Morrow High School ,M r. and Mrs . bverett Early, l\h: Building at '1:40.' a.nd Mrs. Harvey l:ilIrr.ett, · l\lrH. J . RegiatratfoD W111 begln at '1 : 30. B. Jones. Mr, aDa Mrs-. \'Valter Foucb local school district. may Kenrick attended the birthday din. seud nGt to ~J:ceed three contesner at Farmers Orange at Wa)'lles- tru1't1l to the aounty CI~ntest, and ' vl\le Saturday evening, entrants must. be enroned in grades Mr. a.nel Mra. Therle Jones en'- I), 6, 7. 01' 8. tertained to dinner Sunday. Mr, . WInO c1Dea not plan to conduct and Mrs. Edwin Nutt 'and grandson Its annual lI1leUIDg bee th~ y ear. Garry Moran ' 0.1 near Cel\lervllle, arid: Mr•. and Mrs. J. B. Jones, Miss Rum WARDLOW Alberta Brannook aDd Mr. Miltou WlNSACAIN Jones In honor of the birthady of . Again. we extend sincere cop:· the ~' JJ1cther, Mrs. NUlt. gratUlatlGns to Ruth WardlGwl An Mr. an4 MI'8. Walter Kenrick had bon'nrable man t Ion soholastic lor' their Sunday evening dinner (Ichh'vement certlftcate hsa been sueata, Mrs. Nellie Mont~mery, Awarded to her by the Business Mrs. W. G. Haines, Mr.. and Mrs. Education World for her very fine Robert Halnea anel 80ns ot Dayton, 1IOlutlOlr to the December, .1949, and Mrs. ' F'ra,nk Ackerman Rnd mGnthly boo~elltnc contest. ApcJPldren of VandallL . proximately 1100 atudmta repre.. -Ur. and Mrs. Wilbur Arnold and ~ entlng U tsateS ancl aeveral Cafamily were Monela;' evening din· nadian PI'OYlDC811 ~clpated In ner guest. ot Mr. and Mh. Leslie this December conte.t. Gray and famll7. The Yottth Choir of th.., MethMr. and Mrs. Guy RoutzBlln: at. tended the funeral aervJce for the odIst church of Morrow, rave a iatterll alater-In·lay, Mrs. .Dada ,,' oDdertul C!01lOBl't at Lytle church Boitnott of CbrlltlanlbUl1r, Thurs. Sunday ennnc, .ner wbleh Mr. day aftel'DOOll at the Trostel Full- and ¥1'8. E'rWett EarIJ opened theIr bom. to _ dDCen eel theIr eral Home at New Carllele. II,.., 1. B, J'01I8a u4 111.... Clyde PIU'eIlU UII ..,... tIaeID to Ice Jlore Whu10D attebde4 ' achievement el'eUl, __ : a4 collie. _ _ _ ~ tIda Day at tIle'Tow1a 1Iab, lAbuon 011 tIaaD
Thursd~y, Marcil
New Aids Asked for Farm Support; Coal Industry Seeks ·Strike Peace; Unemployment Surges to Ne~ Peaks
One Dime Each
For Your Future. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds
Disaster Relief Work .by -American' Red Cross Swiftly Brings Nationwide Resources to Aid Of Areas Strieken by Fire, Flood or W.inds
, Each citizen of th e Uni ted Statel PR Y' less than a dime for his share of thc boslc United Nations annual budge t. At leost three members of congress d iso groe on whe ther thla Is too milch. too little. or about right, aocording 10 the tirst Issue ot a By Ge~eral George C, Marshall Weekly waU ne wspaper In color, the BELIEVE the disaster reUd necessary, wltl\ 8 supplementary CRDftOn'1 Non , Wb••• ,Inlea. a1'. . . p.... d 10 tb . . . . .1...... . boy are Ibou .1 UN GRAM_ We.ltrn N." ..... p.r nJo.". ne", •••• I,.t. aDd lIe& neee.,arU,. .1 Ihl. new.paper., work of the Red Cross is more grant from the national disaster reAPPE ARING t or the first time this week. the new publication re- appreciated and better understood Uef appropriation. But when a ohapter fluds It.ports that Sen. Herbert R. O'Conor th an any other service Lt renders. aell oonfronted b" a major dill>Its resources, nationwide, can be land . chairman of the sen. of Mary New Aids Asked a!lter, a countrywide conoen· ate committee on expendJtures in quickly brought to the aid at Cllarles Brannan, U.S. se cretary tration . of resources is tbe orthe executive depa rtments which ,s tricken commuillUel. . These reor a gricUlture, wns sllll plumping sources a, re not . der ot the day, First tbe local recently issued a report asktng for adoption at his (Br annan plan) , - , ............-1-, solely ' In tunds Officials notlly one of tbe four that th e U.N, reduce its expendlI1Slem for farm price -s upports, area admlnJatraUve headq'lal" and trained worktur l\s lor the United Nations and arguing that new prl!=e aids must ers but also ' In . lerl In Alexandria, VIl., Atlan· Its affiliates. thinks that a dime la, Ga., St. Louis, Mo., and San be prOVided now. tbe organlzatlon's per capita iii too much. CohgressFrancisco, CaJlf. Pointing out that there is trouble 1.acillty for 'mobll1V0mo n Helen Gah,agan Douglal, getting r id ot 1948 form surpluses Izlng the symon the other hand. says It Is too If the area oUice finds that the e ven as 1949 surpluse s are pouring pa thy at the na- problem Is beyond its tacllllies, it little; while .Sen.. Estes Kefauver in, Branna n said the disposa l ptob' t ion when silun- calls upon na tional headqua rters, Is quoted liS saying It Is about Jem "points to the need of suppleright. tions require It whIch b rings to bcar the resource. mentary action on price supports. nd converting ot the other areas . The U.N. Gram, which tells subparticularly with respect to more hat sympathy There a rll three resources tho t sCrjbers 'a bout the United Nations. efticlent. methods than procedures into mat e r I a 1 must quickly be put Into Acti on. In this issue objectlv.ely pre. ents MARSHALL help. for handling price supports of per" First, if the chapter In the disaster each at these three viewpOints. fshable commodities." The ability to rush aid -wherever region lacks 'funds. the word is Buttressing Senator O'Conor's T.HE agrlcultl,lre secretary may "too much" point. it states: "In~ needed is one ot the greatest as- flashed to national hea~quartetl have had a point there, but the t erna tionallsm. plus national de- sets ot the American National Red main question was:' Would his plan t ense, Is . a luxury. U.N.'s budget Is ' Cross. The Inslant a dis aster occura A sellSation WAS caused In of letting farm products lind their just the start: each speclalJzed the Red Cross gets Into act~on Brltlab political clrcles when own leve1s on the price market. a gency asks more. ~ow can the n at on Iy .from outside the dJsaster Lord Beave"brook's conservawith subSidies maklng up the difarea, but al(lo within the commulittle nations pay?" tive London EvCllllig Stan'd ud ference-provid e an adequate soSupporting the " too little" ap- nity affected where the locnl chapnamed War Minister Jolm lution? . proach ot Con aresswoman Douglas, ter disaster preparedness plan tuncStraclrey (above) "aD avowed Up to this point, he had been unIt says: . "New York City. U.N.'. t.fIons instantly. Communist," .ble to convince con tress that It permanent home, pays more for The lmpulse to belp lIomewould. What luck he would have in garbage dis posal than U.N.'s an. ODe In distress II • 'very huthe future was wbolly problematinual cost; Its subway deficit would man rellotlon. It lnsplres tbe cal. But tl'(ere was no arguing the A Look Ahead run the U.N. for six months." staff' perllonnel and tbe thou. p oint that someth ing needed to be The most crippling coal strike AND BACKING up, Sentor Kesands ' of vol1l1lteerll wbo elve done to clea r liP tbe muddled farm In the nation's history had come to 'fauver 's "Just right" viewpoint, it their &lme alld ' talents .. the price support program. As it was an end. Miners were pouring back argues: "Upping the U.N. bUQget, Bed Cross, TheIr effectlve.ness being operated. federal farm policy into the Pits and allied industries. by forCing out poorer member" In providIng prompt re.llef lies seemed to be gettlng worse the faced wi th a threat ot total shut- would make it a "rich man's club." . and rCllults from the organiz~ far\.hcr It went. down, were . rllvivlng and calling If the U.S. paid the Increase, stlU tloo's network- of 3.745 chap&us Brannan was eminently correct mel:) ba~k to IVo rWothers mi ght r esign, charging tHat and ',668 braDches In ·tbe United when he admitted that the present SOLIOITUDE .Red Cross .lohn L. L ewis, Uni ted Mine the U.N. was the "creature" of State., . lit! territorIes and lDprJce ' support system programs Worker chietuan. apparently had the United States. disaster worl<er Carl Meyers sular possessions, "cncourage over-production ' on one won again. He had obtained a raise ha!l mealtime chat wllh Ken· "O'ur aim," states publisher Wal, There lire only a few county hand, and .under·consumptlon on in pay 1.or tbe miners nlong with lace Thorsen, ."is to get people neth, hlllle J ean and Judy Ann the other . .. and to flnd sufficient- additional health and welfare ben- thinking ' and taiking about the seats in the United State. without Lunoeford of Hornersville, Mo., ly new uscs for the surp.luses, or to et!ts. who ,,'ere amoDe the scorell of ' . United Nations a nd the job it ia . an active chapter. There Is scarcely a town in the country which docs children wltb tbelr families divert thcm into non-commercial nut as the notion relaxed with a doing In building the world com- nQ,t have nn active branch. channels at anyth ing compara blc sigh at reUef that the production- · munlty." !"ho lought helter ' dllrln, the 'T here are three distinct phases tbreatened floodlnr of the ' . to the support price usually is im- stop threat had been removed, " We try, In this and all. sub~e of every Red Cross disaster op'era~ Birds Point New Madrid nood. posslble." leaders 1n the coal Industry began qu~nt . Issues, to. present a simple, ticln. They are preparedness tor the wa" last JBnuary_ . SUMMING UP. Brannon said : to look tarther; ahead-to examine objective analYSIS of the problems ''BJ;lefly, the outlook Includes the methods by which a permanent faced by the world's only macbin- dl lsaster; emergency relief for the vlu:tims In the form of food, cloth- whioh authorizes an Immediate likelihood ' of some furthe't· controc- ' coal peace might be won. ery for peace. to anyone wIth the gr ant or -allotment so the chapter Inl~, shelter and medical care; and tlon in the total demands for U.S. Leading mlne ' operators atated time and inclination to pause be- relhabillta tlon afterwards for tho se can carry on without delay. fami products and points to the they boped to complete arrange- fore a bulletin board long enough Or perhaps the chapter II .mall need for adjustment In production ments to have Harry W, Moses to read the U,N, Oram-a matter wbo cannot finance their own recO'very_ This last Is the leut under- and needs experienced help. The 11 a favorable price level Is to be head of the "capUve" mine au~ ot minutes." stclOd and frequently Ule most 1m. area oWce will send workers from maintaln·e d." aldla.rlea of the United State I Steel Us regular staff and 11 more are · polrtant. '!be problem Indeed was a grave If'reparednes. meana that the 10- needed it will Tecrult and aSllgn one and made even more ,rave by corporation, to leav., big lteel and call chlqlter ba. a din.ter commit· trained workers from Its lilt of the tact that the administration devote an his time to handling the Asks R~d 'Bargain' coal industry's dealln,s With Lew. teet' which hal planned for fast ae.' dilaster relources_ may be caught in a trap that bas From a lU~rfslng .ource came tlo;n whenever .and wherever troubllt 'l'hen there Is the matter of ,upAPPO~ of Moses a. a been Ion. in the maklng-a trsp .plea for the United State. to hitl. p11e.. Druas, whole blood plasma full-tlJ;ne representative of the loft . created by the tact that bavln, ".trike a bar,aln" with Buliia and It means that the local . chapter and the Uk. are brought In from - . ezperieueed the aid coal ~duatry in ita relatlona with to .pend leo biWon doUar. In _~ the UMW 11 aelll1!e4 •• a move to hal under.landln•• with tile ~~." the do... , source•• Food, c101hlni. a. la, farmer, woo't Uke. any tam· next HI year. OD the undeveloped end the ,chaoUc COl1c11tlOnl ' thd are and health departments,. with and •••entlal furniture are properin, witb the program alld might area. of the world. ~ured, ,1'0ca11y it possible. And when. mit their ill will on anyone ~o have existed In the mine fields for addition'a! .helter II needed, tenta yeara. The .mov.e b.. the wpport . THE SOURCE w.. J'amel 'Patmay do 10_ an.d cots are borrowed from the o! "lrtua1l7 all the principal opera; tOIl, p·re.ldent of the NaUonal Farmnational guard "or the United State. ton in the lIorth and' we.t· lInd wa. 'erl 'l1nilln. Patton laid, "Somehow, expected .to win .tron, favor amon,' I beUeve we will be able to tlnd ,'• . way to 11ve In this world with Bouthern oper:afors .. well. Ine rgess . A .a004 example 0' dlu.ter peoples who dlUe.r in viewpoint .. A lastlna industry.peaee hal Ion, reUef waa demoutrated recent-: ;John L . Lewl., president of the to type of economy and soelal s,.sIy wheu a typhOOD atrucll United Mtne Workers or America been the ,oal of operators and the terns." publlc, which 11 ' blilglnnJng to Ure Guam. 'l'be elbapter there. -'8 labor union which doe. not pay of the almo.t annual war of· nerves headed by Gov. CarllOD Sklil. "Let us try to strike a bargain Its members strike benefits a.n d between the mine union bOss and DBr, bad $38,000 ' whlob could he whleb subjects ·them to untold mls- operstor. whJle the nation stands with those whom we are fighting DIed for emer,jency. The com. ' In .the cold war along with peaceful eo- and hardship dilring &trike per- almost helpless without fuel mlttee moved In tast, lecurlne lines," he went on, "so that ali 01 IodS-was offering a ' victory-flushfood, elothing. and medical UJ can lay down our arms. ed one-millIori-doUar loan to the care tor the vleltlDts, "Let us lead out In America by C"I.O. ' Uni. ed Autmoblle Workers B.e cause the crops were destroyed, placing at the .dIsposal of the pea-' Hit New Peak unJ on. pIe of the world an annual credit supplies of food Wl!re shipped' or THE PURPOSE ' Of the loan ' Again jobless numbers In the flown into the lsla))·<1. B e habUitawQultJ be to help the !rAW win new Unlted' States had catapulted to a ot 10 b illion dollars tor the next ·t loe started as soon as ine bigh contrac;ts. from Cbrysler and Gen- new high. ~nd !Igaln the federal 15 years f or the Ilurpose of buildwinds permitted. eral Motors. Lewis wrote Walter commerce department appeared Ing TVA's on the Danube and the Yangtze, and for building man'. This 15 Just one ot the numerous Reuther, . hcad .,5't , tbe giant auto unperturbed about it. . . productivity In aU of the unde. dlsasterQ that the Red Oross has ,wo~kers union, t~at :. wage-welfare Unemployment rose to 4,684,000 dealt wi\.h duting the brief period improvements In the coal Industry In February-the highest figure veloped areas of the w,orld." of my a sociatlon with the orga?PREsmENT PATrON'S propO. were fought by money Interests Since 1941-when the total was NEWS TICKER _ • , The Red Izatjon. More r~ ce'h~y , . the ,orga',,sal was magnanimous. &enerous, liiIked with I'the flnanoial group" 5.620.000. ClrClSs telecommuDloatioDs q .. bas been called uporl for IZatlon all-inclusive, but wlthlll mosUy whic.h dominates car-making. DESPITE THE FACT that mllny tern playa .n e~peclall,. impor· he.lp In re . eVlng M(dwest f1ood ' sl11- , Be added -that-this-afd Is needed Industrial and economic leaders visionary. It would delight those taut role dur~ disasters wheD lere ra and \.he victims of winter who operate ' on the theory that 10 "your Wllon may be assured be- professed to see danger In the sitm,n ..a. mud be reoelve4 storms in the For West. yond preadventure. of ' 8uccess In uation, tl:ie commerce department America can buy peace and good Quickly from stricken are••, " In the finest' sense, thJs' service tts present struggle. " . Reuther was . ca'm e up with the usual bland, un. will with its dillars_ H,ere, General Marsh.ll IDub exemplifies the time-honored' AmerIn the· midst of' a long strike for concerned explanation as to . the They might even add that Amer. ...er tire telecommtmleatlona' ican tradition of neighbor helping pensions at Cilhryslel! coi,>oraUon. cause of the bhr jump in 'unemploy- Ica must be the most hated nation room .at the Cble.,o chapter neigb,bor. The . Red Crosl " merely At the time of Lewis' after, It was ment. in the world. inasmuch a8 it apwIItb Mrll, Mary C, Mullen, promotes and implem,ent, . the esUmated .U:A'lI( workers had lost As . was stated In .tanuary when pears it has no friends except those cealral atatn superintendent neighborly' spirit. . ~ million dollars In pay and the jobless figures appeared alarming. who are won and kept with money. iIt the sr..tem, AF company 250 ' million doUars. commerce department boss said: veterans' Orianiz/ltions and other Help ' for 'R euther was authOrized "The slight rise In unemployree·Movlne Group ;rompa as to the roles each will Many duties of the Red Cross Inat a jubilant meeUng ·of Lewis with ment between Janllary and FebIt ' means that the commIttee pia,.' , his tpp union alpes, where Lewis ruary ' (204,000) appears to be due valve emergency operations, otten knows where it can get crlUcally on a very large IIca le. [n addlthin was said to bave boasted that he mainly to seasonal increase In the needed supplies In a hurry. It to local service by the chapters, had "licked" the strLke-emergency labor .force. and not to any cutback. means that the 'd isaster committee Red Cross activities are both nainjunction provision of. the Taft- in employment.'~ has arranged with local ralUo op- t10bal and international. You can' Hartley law, Inasmuch as a federal But was tbat the case? Wasri't erators to swing Into action if the see that the Red Cross must a)waYI court ' injunction iSSUlild under .the it logical to assume tha t an "Inregular llnes of communication are be free to mobilize and expand lit law failed to halt the coal strike. crease In the labor force"-meanwlpe:d out. In most sizeable dis- services to meet situations as they . MOST ot tl1~ big ·V.~. industrial .lng uE:\employed but available labor astel!'s, these "hams" have proved arls.e. It must be abie to concenconcerns feared that Lewis' victory -meant a corresponding lack ot Inva:lualile. . over the coal operators in the mat- employment for that some force. trate Its whole, strerigth on the rfil. ter of wage Increases ~d additionOne reason for the effectiveness Uef ~f a stricken community qr IT WAS SIGNIFICANT, many of tbe Red Cross work is that it meet the hllge' demands qf a na. al health and welfare benefits observers felt, that the figure as ' ., can provide Wi\.hout, dela,. funds to t1ona1 emergency. would touch ' oti. a series of 'strikes reported did not Include striking No·.one can tore. a. other unlons sought to do as workmen, a fact that meant the ' carry out relief and rebabUltaUon. see exactl,. what b!lrdens ' the Red . In Germany 'they ~re comThat is wiiy In its current budget Cross may be called 'Uj)OQ to aswe~ for themselves. unemployment picture was not dis! there Is earmarkeil ,$5,OO(),OOO . for sume each year. parlne, a,l x-year-ald Darmar Coal was being mined a,aln and torted In that sense. I t therefore should be appa.r ent Industry' a whee1s were turning. Glombl, Co America's Shirley thelE! purposes, in addftlon to a reWhy wa~ unemployment appar• . lerve fund of ,7,000,000 kept on that the or&anlzation cannot well Te~ple when the latter wal but th~ immediate future appeared entIy steadUy IncreaSing? How hand, . . rilln, Co .tardom .. a child in d~legate its ' fund raialnl respens!crim and uncertain. '!be question would the "seasonal turnover" exHoUywood. Dacmar la the In . the event of a minor dl.uter, bWty, to another a,ency. .eemed til· be: When and where plaDation ,h old .water? If there Nor Clan It . d~nrhter of' composer and thal ,'la, Involvin, • few fammu, commi t It.sel1 t~ an !I11JaJ;lce Which wtU the , nett ·strike erupt? It were serious threat of widespread .seemed inevitable to even a casual unemploym.e nt in the nation, It the dla8lter . chalrman of the chapoODduotor Eberhard Glomble observer th!lt a'nothet round ter lind bi. committee bandie the seemed the government should aDd bal pla"e4 in leveral GermaD fUm.. . 'ltualUon with local 1Imd. or, II ternational relPOD.lbWty, , ..a,.-hike Ulhts was In the makJn,. ascertain the ract_
23, 1950
Grand breakfast main
disl&l Here's the "{lower" of
com. Trull.o s powerfully good! Crisp, sweet, freahl Your bsl'gain in good,nesa-Kellogg'e Corn Flakes.
'dose' YOUnleU. Rub the acb.ine part well witb M Wlwrolo. Its gred
Don ' t
mlldi"" tlon IlpO<!dlI (rcab blood to tho palnf-ul aroo, brlnginc amuzing rolin!. If pain i Intelll8buy E.tra StroDg M U!ftcrolo.. ' p~ln -reLlevlng
.Another Shirley
=::,~!:ret·l!:. =~~: :~::
Wbrrieel , .
United State. blgh level diplomats had a new and aggravating problem on their hands: The sUddenI)' critical French-Gennan spUt over the Saar region. The aituatlon was complicated when France and the semi-independent government of the coal-rich saar siped a pact under whlcb France would take the Saar's eoal for the next 50 ,..ars, whleb . &be German ehaneeUo.r ' re.ented.
RUSSIA: Parley Propo$td
That there WBI It least I pOI. Lar&e masles or men never could be pitted a&alnlt each other 'lbUll)' of a Bi. Four meetln, In Alaska, or other Arctic walltes, Includln& Ruslla takinC place W81 as they were ,In the lut war, ac- indicated b,. a ' report from Poria cording to mllitary experts who that .the three weatem forelcn min. led the recent mock warfare in tbe- bters, meetln. In London, would ' A 1 ask a sub-Arctic; but they dilcuss the matter. -' French For. couldn't agree on why that II the Iillgn MJnister Robert Schuman W81 cale, One reason .&lven wal dlffi. the ,authority for the ltatement. From • not her authoritative eulty of tranaporUng supplies, an. other waa that there Ilmpl1 im't lOurce came word "that tile BII T'hre. woulcl "atuc17 th. Pl'oblema," enoUlb rOom.
Red Cross Depends ~n ·tlie People "Fundamentally t~e Reel. Cross i~ a membership organization, It feceiles no financial sup~rt from the gOYlrnment and desires no.n.. It dependl upon the IUpport of the Alllerican peopl. Dnd uplm the work of thousands of ¥Glunteen who out.um~r the rtgtillar ltaff br 100 to 1. The Board oflGoYernors belieYel that th;-of these essential roluntters and contributors mult be IIItliilntlllined, Then tao, each ,.non mUlt be gIYen the prlril.g. of in the organization'. work to what... extlnt· h. Itlii~..lf deckf...If
THIS WUru:1I SAYS, '''1 ten everybod, about ORA. tt's &muing bow quickly .talnl and din come off and how ",h.ita the teeth bocom .... Mrs. A. C. Wheatoll, Boch-'
e.ter,N. y,
NEVER BR\fSH FALSE TEETH. Dl'Ushlngo can ruin dcntllres. Use Illlloting no\'I ORA Denture CIClIn8cr. Ensy. qulelc:. · Denture i8 Bporkllng clean In 16 minlltes! ORA Is gunrallte6d not to barm dentures. ]tomoy.,. tobi1~co stains. Ali drugglstB. • A Pnlduct Mel..... & Robbias, lao..
SAY, "lud oh• .;. ••• 'fol f.r .._
, ....In. hoo ... bu,n' ......... ,.101 •• I,... ...~d_ •••ookl •• ,on.... MILLIONS 0. CAm IOLD fo, .... 'A~U. ,I ....... ..
.".r ,rowry ,OM hardw.,. d.. '.,.... I!lSTAIN 'IODUCTS ,,..;
WHEN( 5L.EP WOII" COME AND YOU FEEL,GLUM Try 'l'Lls Dellc'·ioas In Ch'ewing-Gum laxative
• M •• I'D" roll ond tou .11 .Ia~t-te,a hoodBCh, ant1J¥Bta""W beca~7oulle04 .Inxatlve-dothl.... .. Chew 1UH-.·.. un-dellcloUII ohewtncgumlaxatlve.Tbeactlollorn"",..'-Mni,..a _clal medlclll.e ··DftOU..... \be stomach. 'l'hat II, It cloem~ t.O' whIle In the atomacb. bllt on1)' wben rartber alone ID ~e lower c1Igeetl. . tract ... wbere :rOil Wallt 18 to act_ You feel Iloe -alala qutclll" Anel lelentllt. ,'" .c~.wln. m.ke. nBPI-A-.. UC(a line ' med1clll8 more ' effllO-
. Uve-"reac1Iea" It * l It 1I0W1I paU, Into \he~Oet...-~!¥ttI1""~ IIrIIa OQun",~, ~_ IX ~.,. , .. .,
I[ !!!U-!'J!! ,) I
Thursday, March 23, 1950
Case SOUTHERN PLANT K NOLTON'S ACT was tbe result of two year's of", planning. There was l ittle chance that · anything would go .wrong. He bad serv ed as clerk at the ·lumber camp tor two lon'g years. And from the moment he first saw the payroll left ungua rded In the otfice while tbe bank guard went out and a camp paymaster came Infrom tbat moment Knolton knew tbat some day he'd steal t'hat" payroll a nd make a get-away. The day that Knolton bad chosen for the robbery was qot unlike 0 thousand others. At exacUy noon the payroll car drove up. A guard ·Mlnute stepped !Into the and deposFiction oUice ited the hea vy - - - - - -... bag by Knolton's Knolton greeted him care· nodded at the bag lind bent work . The guard went out. The moment the door closed Kn ollon's . head camB up. He lis· tene'd intently. Outside be could hear the bank guard in conVersation with Raymond, the camp pay· master. There wasn't a mc)ment to lose. . Qulckly Knolton litted up the cover of his des.k, removed trom inside a bag almost Identical to the one on the floor and equally all heavy. He made the transfer deft· ly, unhurriedly. .
• Each spring, Florida State university campus at Tallahassee tokes on the atmosp,h.ere and trap, pin~: of a circus "big top, as stlldents begin tryouts and rehearsals for the annual circus production, 'lFlying High." Any regularly - enrolled student is eligible and competition is keen for parts in the 20-act eK. travoganzo. Coach Jack Haskins, who dir,ects the show, hos beeh in amateur circus work for 19 years and designs most of t~e equipment usqd. Costumes for tb~ aCts are designed by circus girls majoring in art at the univ!!rsitY, In the p'ho~o. at top, a very pretty "catch" for these performers is Bobs Ellery, For ~ Lauderdale, Flo., student circus performer. ~
1 -
Plywood Economical Iii Many Farm Uses Brooder Houses Prove Utility of Material
Inlf and contents, not sprinkled; conerC! ' e
fl oa t on one level; ' 4000 Iccl oUlce lUIiI other building. Siding an Southern Rollway. Electricity, nnturol gos , Boll. rut,. ered water. Exc ell en t slte. 4 .2 ocret.
good, loca'tiou: low ren l l long Jemie: A brooder house, a buUding mag. In n b n rgu ln .... O. 11o," 80. Owens bor •• azlne reports, should be of ade· CLOTIIING. FURS, ETC. quate siz;e, warm and dry. and WOOL !Sc.hool Sweot ...-16 bright properly llghted and vent.ilated. To ALL colors, $4.95 to $7.95. Write for clrc ulor. 'I'~11 " ~t"'''··1';17·' .''l'
Ohio l'ennnnt CompAn)"
Co lumba". Ollie.
DOGS. CATS, PETS, ETC. nOXEU. !'Ul:.o1· 1..a:;S: :J monU\!J: ea rs cropped : l a wns : A. K . C. reg is tered . Champion .Ired. Peter Popov. E rie Road. Elberta Beoc h, Vermillion. Ohio. Ph.DO 6164.
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT \JLTUA Violet ItBY KII. Usc 11 l or c h em-. eJectrJ c:al ~
Je nl.
und minera i
experimc D~.
Sunh,mp. Tube. dlrectlOl1B lrieluded . S end 51.25. ULTI'ACO, 1''11 Broadwal', N. Y.C ..
M ak~8
IlELP WANTED-MEN, WOMEN NOT ICE: We are now oUerlnll to men and worneh, a ny oge. B r n re opportunity to m ake 525.00 or morl! per week, sPare Ul'lle alone. Ensy Interes ting 'Work In onil Irom your own home, yJLy, Hma ll town or ~~~~1~7 'of ~':.u~Br.,s·t~trcJ~~c~g:. }~uu'!f~ l olls send only 12.00. to cover our cost of handling. Sa tislaction· guara nteed or ,our l'IIolley refunded upon return af our motorlol with in 10 dol'S.
Here I. a "turkey leeder" OIat Is easily aDd ' econouUcally made from exterior plywood. weather cu'& harm It aDd It', easy portability appeals &0 Knolton stepped outside Bnd .armers. walked leisurely toward t.be river, Unobserved be l:Umbed mto the canoe whiCh was bjdden there, and be economical, It should be relatlvely low In first cost, and yet be pushed off. By mid·a tt ern 00 it Knolton strongly buUt to give long .lile withr eached a tributary and turned off out expensIve and troublesome Up'the main sUeam. He pa ddled up keep. For convenience, it must b(f t bis smalier waterway fell more easy to dean and ' move. than a mUe. Portability. of course, is of primo He set the canoe adrift and importance. Some portable bulld" beaded Inland, swinging southward. Ings, built by conventional meth· By dusk he had come to a virgin ods, Weigh a.s much as ~ to 3 thousstand ' of Umber, mighty mortarchs and pounds. Farmers naturally hes· of the lorest as yet unscathed by the itate to move a heavy structure frelumberman's axe. His steps led quently, and so Invite elCposure to him to a huge pine, larger than the d isease. If moved often, particularrest with thick undergrowth ilt ly over rough ground, heavy buUdthe base. He pat:led the growth, Ings soon are looseney. at the loinls. pulfed at a tuft of dirt.. Th'e tufl came away, reveallhg a shallow -----~-.., Knollqn ' had dug the Ends before, allowed the, growth to grow over i t so that no L._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-" trace 'ot his recent vj~lt would be In eVidence. He deposited the bag In the hole and carefully replaced the dirt.
Poultr, Chor.
. • ' App~rently ready 'to leap (' from this high trapeze is coed Betty Ann Holland (Jeft) a junior at the university. In the campus "big top" she'~ the "gal on the flying trapeze:' What she's real. Iy getting ready to do he,e is to go into a difficult foot reyolve, one.of the most spectacular acts of the campus circus.
BuJldlng 20.000 ieet,' mod,' rn ulecl 8tru~ lure. tireproof .. In surance r:lle .27 buDd-
t.axes nnd every phuse Farme~s are finding that the Tro n spor ta Uon, WJthin corporate high strength and light weight or of lobor e xce.lleol. it. progresslvo city on Eos lcrn AJr plywood makes it an economical lim Lines. Bargnln lor purchaser wHh real. and eUieient material to use in Inlerest. portable farm bulldings such I1S Address ~o O. BOI 269 brooder- houses. hog shelters, and ROME. GEOHGJA range sheds. nO \\lL'I NG e ig ht lell -I,ln aJl~y.
The door opened and. Ray· mond came inside. He lIodded Knolton, picked up briefly the decoy ba, and welat out arOoIn.
In Atlanta, Chattanooga Birmingham Triangle
n,ron'R Al ert. Mall 8e r .. le e 41,OOlS Suwanee Ave., Tamp" a, .Fla. , ATLA-OALTI·f) MOIN-DEROIT.UIDIA _
LIVESTOCK Sc" ItoS. Snane" 1I."ta. ex milkers. II . R . ba ckground. Some grade . Q. IJ . Eal...
Sprlnlflold , Ohio .
I'IISCELLANEOUS WATER 'VELLS: For domestic , munlcl-
'Pal ,nod lndustrlBl USe. We can re~om m.nd Il r.llnble. d e pendnble drilling cont.r:O!ctorfor your job nn ywh e re tn tho slIlte. Write lor {rce l.nformaUon. Addre.s: E . n. ALLEN. Ex" • . 8e.". IfI. Tre" •. , OhlOJ We.lI Drllle-,," Ass·n., 8kube. vIII. RD t. Oblo. BOll 4Da. 1M STANDS Bec8. D I$eu s c (rce . 1l2ll. D. Gelrer-Al uir.ndrl". ()hlo. SlolO n ou t . 101-1'l1onc RUne) WI1."' EN JI~n-'lb K.e s orl ~p t!cJllllz.cs in. trcnling chronic dis eus es 1"0 coi led 'n·· curable d lseasesl. Compl e te ex om. Modern equ lpme.nt. OU \V. Muln S l., Mohn.w' , N.}' .
:ETtra J\tonel oporatlng bome mn iling bureau lor a dverti se rs , eomptete-. 111!! lructions . 250. Olhe r exceU.nt oUors
E ,\It.N
II. O. Pet el'ROn , North Platte. NebrARkn..
R lx. Ledle .. '
{.?obKEa~d ~go~~llt::"~:c"e'!:' ch o n~et
r,0stnRe paid . Ro.k MIlDr ok. I,'IUlburcb ~8. Po.
PERSONAL READER'S DIGEST. % Price. Ellh~ months for 51.00. Get Free MOllozln .. Gulde .. showing '''te~t b argllins. MI •• FrAuc .. W. Wlnn. Do", 87. Cll nt.n , B. C. URUQUA~ ,Soum A.merlca) VJewcara.. 3 lor '1 .00. ret urn lor motual!. Lette•• forward ed 2t5c enc h. A .1In... Ca.U)., 1.1 ZaDa !, Montevideo. lJ rDloa,.
WAS A MONTH before KnoltoD I Treacbed h is des tination : a tiny
BABY CRICKS-U.S. approve d Pullorum. controlled. A.II nocks tested to uro ~ n.Uon. New H ampshire... White 1\""..._ Whlte LeRhPma . WIllie W:ynn~otts. Barr.... Roekl. Buff Ro nk •• , Stroh~bt run. l1UIl,,\8I o~ eockeJJels. More thon 300 U .S. re.ord of p erlo rmnnc e malea used In flo ...._ Price" redo ced this season. Send lor ll'ee circul ar and price lilt. Vi sitor. wel<iome_ ODeD Sun(laYB. Falnlew a.lff.... B.ld,ny. BI.nch. tor. Ollie. p"one 11381.
village hundreds of ~Ues south of the lumber camp. Here he paused to rest with a friend. By now he had crown a beard . The friend provided , d~e, and Knolton changed
REAL ESTATE-ROUSES TRAILER Caaeh lIame. ' open for ltdMetlon. See the amozlng ' ne ... Anderaoa ..no.
more exclusive reatures than any other trbUercoa ch. Indud tn, hell led Ooor 8 n11 .omplete b a th. 2 sizes. 211 o nd 30 loot. AlBa repo ..... e<! M·foot Almo, 21-foct t Coz.y Home. TnJc:e over pD)' men u. Eat.n Motel aDd Tran .. B.lea I 1767 Obi" UWl .. O .... ut'n. Olll ••
Another PDultry
be bad I'rOWD •
matic basis as sbown above. Thi. time it is Ii feeding job which nol'mally requires considerable time and personal attention.
It u being accompllshed on al\ increaSing number 01 electrlfiec:\ bair from Ugh' farms by mechanical feeders 01>era ted. by small motors. The devle-e illustrated here is fa'irly common Sis months later KJloltoD, In a number of larger poultry DOW kllOWD as Carl Hedman, houses. Feed and supplements Bre wl&h DO .r&ce of the Gnl~tlme placed In the top or the metal elerk .bowlDI' benea&b hi!. percyllnder and then mixed by the rofect disguise, rode lelisurely tating central shaft whieh bOI back toward the sCene ~~f his small paddles attacbed at the low. orlme. er end. The sbaft is lowered as the The ,lumbermen gave him no feed is ejected from .the bottom of more than a passing glane,:. the cylinder by the spinnine pad. Satisfied that he h ad not been dles. recognized, Knolton followed the' river to the mouth of the tributary. With p~unding he art he mounted Che~cal the I'J.dge and paused to look . It was as U a hund had suddenly :reached out Bnd WBS squeezing him in a The question of whether chemipowerful griP, He stood rooted, mou.t b ajar, staring ' In slupl(ied cal caponization is practical is one ine~eduUty at t.he country below . which poultry. raisers ask most lre· Many county extension With a sense of horror he Iren Ilzed quccUy. what had happened. The enUre services also receive numerous area had been logged by the lum· questions o~ the subject. ber 'company, swept bare o.r every In experimental work. the treatstanding tree and piece of timber. ment Itopped fighting and crowlng Every tree stump looked alike: among the cockerels; nonie was larger or diHeren\ from "AU things conside.red, It would Its neigbbor. He' surmounted great piles of slash. tearing at them iran· appear that ch emical caponization tically. hunting tor the stump, the baa very limited value at presen"" .tump of the grellt pine tre!e. ThUi unmindful ot his dllrectlon b, eame again 'to the river bank. And wben at length he reached the top of another hill he paulaed to A 2O·year-old Massachusetts colreat. ' overcom~ by fatigue. Too lege .tudent whose two aneS 0Ilelale be felt the slasb pile beDeatb halt acre plot ot potatoes IJ'Os.ed bIm Ilippm, away. Too ~&e be him ,1,S.00, b .. been Darned cbam. nilized tIIat tile '.Ia.b baC! beeD ploa farmer·bUllftelsman cd the thrown 011 the brink ot a COUll.". in competltloQ witll IboQ. overbaDlial till river. .~ landt cd farm loutbl from iliON ~1IItD... . with • pitIfUl bII tban to ...tee. 0\'e1' tile fill' Be II .....0 L. Beare, Ir.•
H~re is .qnoth,er "su,e-
fi r. ' t'audience -getter
(right) \ ""l"" a \ ';.o\le. arm sw,vel" 'py these twa per·, formers. Television and newsreel camqrainen .'g et a worms' eye view of the stunt as the scene," for the 'u",iverSity's "F.lying High" cireus·is being per· fected ' under tuteloge of . Professor Joel' Hoskins, circ\.lS ~odch. '
. - In p'li'oto above, Bob. bie Jones, St, Petersburg, and Charles Floyd, Pen. sacola, show their form in · an "iron jaw" routine ' !In the ~igh wire over the Unive~ity of Flo rid a campus drcU5 training ground. The students practice e~ery ' day for three hours in between thei, academic classes. fn training the acts are ' pe,~orm.d wit h safety belh and near t h • ground; but as skills dev.lop, the acts go hillher, the saf.ty belts are abon· don.d. As shown in the photo at left, Bob Wei. - kind - and Nacy Bennett
ltart an acrobatic: act during a special lhowin, of tIat. prod..... Iob '-
Ie!" Posted on ' Valu.. Br Readlna the Ads CONSTIPATION CAN BE CORRECTEDI We Invite YOU to learn ho .... you
m a,. reUeve conatlpniJon and CORRECT Ihe damage cauaed' tiy InxaU" .. s .. II. postcnrd wlth , your, Do me Dnd address wlU ' brtllg you fuJI Info.matton without oblt gatJon on your part. P URIT1i CROBS PRODUCTS Depl. D, Plalnlleld, N. J.
Caponization Held of Limited Value
Massachusetts Collegian Is Agricultural Winner
He.tln, Pad Action CUve. Quick Rellefl
For r.... aenlle relief (If aclla from baclt ..,.... II,!!.IIdt .._die rain. lumba.o 1IDIUn. IInlmIiII .10 . .ralilo!e..10 _ _ --. sympcoma. , ~ Unimenl lias ac:Iontillc , . ,. . . ... wIIu.a dlallCl liII. lIowina wartlldl tra.. ~~ fIoaIIMf_bIGOd ..
......... - . . - N!MIIIne .........
,-.. a.... ".. ,,1Z::-- =r...r-:r...... ~;':='-=11-:':I."'~
1 tIL \ \1 ,\\"
alao on the program were t wo gele lions by th e horn en . semble, and a vocal 80]0. "Mol'D ,Ing" by M)'ma .111'80.1 who wa s a ccompanied at tbe plano by !oI NI. \\'a lt(> r M Carr 'n , pr esidIng durin.; ·th e absence of Mrs. E dna C. Bogm.· w ho ,,' as una ble 10 attend . Coa b Frank Jackson a\\-aTded the t R10 m mbera their lette r s.
Eltabli.hed 1150
PAUL A. SCHERER ... ... Editor and PubU.her CECILIA J . SCHERER ............ .. ..... Secreur'y and TreaeuI'cr Pu b llslll'd E.v ery Thursday
Morni ng ;Il , ...·I\Y n P 1" III tl, Warren CnnnlY, Oh io Entert'd liS second ciR8! muter at the 'polltam e nt Wa),nellville, 0 1110.
l!nOW Your
Ut~urc~ ~Uiill'
D. Co Ie mllJl. Minister Church School. 9.:30 A .M., Mr. B arold E arnbart, S upt. Worllh lp Service, 10 : 30 A .II1. YOlllh Fe lowabl.lp. S uu da y, 6 :30 .'
FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Gyron urver, Nlnlst I' UI ble Schoo , 9 : 30 A.M. Mornin g Worslllp, 10 : 30 A .M . Pray r Meeting, 1 : 00 P.M. Young P Ollle's .Mee ting, 7 : 00 every eounty alieni will poInt
" _
P.M .
School News
Til e Ii. Y. F. or tb Jonah's RUIl bur ell met a t Lbe hom p of Lollifle
'1 I It' I { >I ) ,\'r , \\ \ II C II ~, , I ' I ~ 1,
SubscrIption Rat ell-$1.5Q P r Year. In adva nce, In O Wo. $2. e lsewhere
' E~ \
(" llld~d
Zlt'fT E, WAY
;\I art'ln. unday e veni ng. A ll I '1'11 (' local orde r o f the Grange 'I'll Senio r ClaaB b UB cbosen m t II) regular &eallion a.~ the "Amaz ing Gracie" a ll theI r class out. Ii la proLll.ble to tbe former By JANE FITE ·GI·u.nge Hill. l\.Londay ver.1ul; . pl oy to be given t he Venlll'g or to Iknow . buw to cliooae ' lind lise pe51:icldc prope rly. r Ir. !Lnd ~frl!. R1lOaues Dun nel Lu m H ough presented the program . Aprtl 21 . 'l1~e r e are mariy well known and "'ere bos t s .to the H ilarity Club. M rs. Helen W all W(l8 hos tess to YTacti e 18 now lloder W hy ror mllllY relatively new chemicals for at lhe.lr home r.e nr Waynesv lll . the Bap tis t MissIonary Circle at the mlnBtrel show w nlCh 9,' 111 be conllroillng peats. Their ,tronll ber bome Wedn sday arternoon . pre.ented Frlda.y eVening, Mar h point. ' and their weak points ahould Sunday. .\I r . nad Mrs. CIIIHl es HartmllJi Mrs. Doroth y NIlI act ed lU I Jlro- 31. Tills will be the thIrd min· be .c om pa red berore makin, a nnd tlle lr daugh te r. ::;andra , were gram leader for her mot her. MrfI. s trel to be gi ve n by our school .111 cho l ce. lh ~ue8L!1 of • fl·. and Mrs. W. r . J . P. Tborn bury who waR IIDilble three consecut ive years. IJrown. SlI.lurday eVf.'nln p;. attend . ~fonday afternoon. a group of our Th e Cnl fiadsrH ' laJ/N of Ihe Robe rt Gord an. who hllll been va. hlXh 8choool s tl,ldellts and t .. a.chers i\l mhodl st hu rc h IHJOnllaTed li n ILlIoni ng. at W a rm S prings. GR .• went to WaynesvUle ror the nn,\ Unt Jemima. Pr.acake Su pper' in rotumed to h i~ bome ber 1'l1l1rf1 ' nual T . B. X' rays which are m~(J e lbO! ca te ter irl of th e ~ ('nool bul hll ng. day morning. possible through [he sale or Chrl8tSaturday ev nl ng. T )l Ways an ll Mr. and M.r s. Robert Hough en Se~llI . .\I eanll Commi ttee r epol't l hn.t t bey . lertaJned wtlh a party In the Rec· MotiOn plctllres were prellent ed lind an exceotionall y goo I! IIttend- reation Room of the Jonah's RUII once nnd tbilt tll yare" ry grate . Churcb Friday evenIng ! 0 r th e at the gymnasium Tuesday atterr.OOrl, lor · the- UIIPtil' six gradeJI. ril l to all wh o patron l7.f:d them. pleasure of th e memberK 1)1 the Three reela weer shown which 1lLMr~. Edna C. Jjo~lln , . be w us lc Welcome Bible CIAse. and iliel r Inlftru ct.Or of QU I' w oool, Was a b o Invited g uests. The group enjoyed UB' rated thl;! sdvilabluty tu ha"", 0I&r fuuralli ~ pIaa. Ing lite Bnd .aeclden! n8urlUlce ~ eDt from lIer cl nsses /leveral dnyA variOllS games atter whIch tbl' policies. n~ .In order u'a' all . IOBt wee k o wIng to I1nes8. hosts served dellclouB refreRhm en t R. AU of us were plr .Bed to bave Funel"lll services were bolel a l the M I1I. OS6Q Harlan . MrfI. Laura ritual. anll ceremOllI. Stubbs Fun eral 110me 'fu esday aJ· S hldaller, and Mrs. A . ::). eoUett ErnJe Davie and h Is frlenlf Santra ala may be effeoUvel, tel"JloolI tor Mrs. lIfIlr lon Os horn , Itnd bel' son Robl\rt Collett at· FI Bher with 118 at the Danquet Il'ho died early !5n.Lllrllay morning, t ended the potluck dnner given by given for our basket boll teams observed. MrR. Sarah "Aunt !:I1.lmh" 'VaTd the members or tbe Lytle Ohurch . Wednesday ever;l ng. We hope thnt 1,,1 III II.t ber bom" near Wilmington . Thur8day evening at tho Methodi st Jo: rnle'B moving from our scbool ~U s· Mr. and Mrs. Jhl ssill I1.I ~sel and Church In Waynesville. ThunnatJ trlet will not mS'n the end of 1\ pleasant rrtendshlp. Ernle Is nl· I hell' c blldren Jlln'e t nnd Freddie "Oullty" .MlIler at Wllmlnglon. 'wall or Clnelnnall, were. th e g u est II Bented by a Barber Shop Quar· w ays a nice guy to have aruund. The Juniors and Sl)r.lor8 gan 'rhursdlljYl at Mrs. Kiss I's b.rother · tet which featured local talent. 1I1r. Kennelh WIlM>n, their ClllSI' In·law and Rlll t e~ . I\fr, nn/l Mrs. nen Mr. and Mrs. Richard WIlIIIlm R ma..e Rnd eaptaln o( this years Beckett. and fa.mJly at Wllmlnlton , were TEL'EPHONl!: , 2291 Tbe 'Berl ~ or evangell Sl •• m eet - the guests Bullday afternoon of blL8k~tbaN l$m. a. ,card shower WA YNESVll,LE. oUia Tbureday mornIng III rec ognition Inp .belng conducted by Billy and 'Mrs. Will lam 8 parents , lIfr. Rnd of his birthday. Marte LeW!1I Itt till! I"rl ends Chlll' h Mrs. H. S. Tuoker. here ended Saturday .evenlng. . M.·. nnd Mn. ~;verett La Forge, Mr. R.nd Mrs. l"loyd Mille and and Mr, and Mrs. Shrack of WII· flllnJly ot SpringfIeld, we r e the mlngton, were the gUestB Frills}' guest s SUndRY or M JiI!. MIU'a evening or tbe Jatter's Bon-II- law mQther, MI'II. Myrtle McKnigh t.. 26 MONTH GUARANTEE - ,Add Water Once A Year nnd daughter. Mr. and Mre. Walter Wi/l bb Simpson at Sprmgfleld. LUBRICATION McCaron oDd tbelr 80n RleKt!y. w~ the· guellt Sunday of hlB Tbe annuJ!J ba~ClUet BpOnlOred by COMPLETE AlfI'O SERVlCE brother-ln -11liWJ and 81ster, M.r. and the 1.'~rent-'teaClher '(~~ocla'i0n (01', 24 HOUR INC SERVICE M .... William ECltoft_ the biatetball ceama waa beld 81 Mrs. CbarJea Price wbo· lIpdet.' the I$Y.mn8llium WiBdneeda.y eve-· went. surgery for il major ' opera' n.tng. Following tbe potluck din" LIon . at GrandvIew Hosptal 'two ner, the toaatmaeler, Lawrenc weeks, I\,go Is convlll(>!lclng III tbe Jaeobs _ .mtroduced tb'e guesl MAIN 4 MIAMI 8T8. PHONE WAYNE6. 2341 borne of her b8ubar.tla "rents. Mr. and MTS: Clarence pnce. speaker, Johnny Brlckles, football In· ' Ii HowlI.rd Collett of Wilmington, cOlIl'b 01 M~I Universlt.y. W88 a. gueat Saturday afternoon ot "" Iister·ln-]aw Ml'II. A. 8 ~ Collett. Mrs. J . P. Thol'Jlbury who waR (:onflnecl t.o ber Irome for soveral da.ys 'WIth tbe "tlu" 'bas recovered
E ven ing Services . 7 :30 P.M.
LYT LE METHOOIST II. Jo:. UII II!; h n. 1'llK Iur ,LI uirl l' \1 Sl·rv l o , f) :'l (j
_ _ _..J' •
10 .
ST. MARY'S EPI6COPAL '1 II ' II n . ;-;iLl I1lI" I N . I, uy", It" 10 :;1\ Utili Y . 11 (1 1)' ( ·Otlllll Ulli u lt. l! 41 . III . ", Inlll ")' 1'11111'1'1 1 j,jl'llOo l I O: :\() lI .m . \ 11 11 11 \\'0 "1111 11'. 10 : :1 11 ,I, In.
U T ICA E.U.B. CHURCH Wl ll him Sbanllon . . MllI llIle/'
' 1IIlIlny School. 9: 30 .\ .M., lIll'" . J ameli G(lrr ll3O u, SUI)t . l' rllUcli lu i. h ·t . a UlI 3rtl. . Sur.' dllYs of clLc l. month. 10: 30 A .M.. Evell lll ~ Servlce8, 7·:.80 P.M .
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST AI, H. Correy. l\llnlaler BIbl e cbool, 9 : A .M . Mornln" Worship. 10: 30 A.M. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH ' Young Peoples' Meetin" 6: .5 ,,'alb.!'r n. H . l{ r llmho l13. P aslor P.~ . hINM'!S, II and 10 A.M . Evening S ervice, 7 : 30 P.M. Prayer Meellng Ilnd Blhle Stlldy CAESAR'S CREEK FRIE.NOS Wednesday, 8 P.M. . ..ee Partln,ton, Minister
Wor"blp Service, 10 A.M. Sunday School, 11 A.M.
T . M. Seart, Mlnl,ter Sunday School. 9: 30 A.M .• E . WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS A. Earnhnrt, Supt. Fi rst n ay SchOOl. 9 : SO A.M• ~ orlblp Service, 10 : 30 A.M. .'vI ae! ln/( fo r W orslJlp, llJ :llQ A.M. ~v enln g Service. 7: 30 P.M.
Go to Church Sunday. Dead Stock
Of All Types
tUO - Ocnra, tUO Hop - 260 owl. Aeeordlllg to Siu
Ins ulnted Brick ., and asbesto~ ShUng. Shest ' metal work
and Condition.
or all klnd ll. wml Rarere»cps. All work gurtranteed.
Xenia 454 '
ReverAe Charwe'
Xenia Fertilizer
RO,u te 3
Wayne.vllle, O. Phone Wayne,vllle 2888
Beautitul 7-Jay F-LOOR tAMPS •
) 1
Complete With Bulbs ' $12.'15
j=~~=~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WALL PA.,ER. PASTE AND SIZING
and returDed to !leI' potjlUon
])oSler'. a1Allre. • i
e::: ,... ,..-_"Ie .1Ie. ..... ·v..,........... YOUIt .HOMI .TOWN 'APIIt ~
1.... ,
eel..· _ .......".. '!h•.
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lift .... Ie • ...... _ Ie
...1•• _
.. .. . . . . . JIM. .. ,..,
jolt, , . ., ~, ,.., ' ....... ,..
«II1II111 ,
Bottle': Ga s.
Ask About our Price on
COft. . . . . . . ...,.... . . . . . . . . . . . . .
le.IoM . .......... __ ....... ~ ............,... _ 'Tlra fer THI CHalmAM SClIMCI
who 0" l uff.rlng f,om II Vilomin, ond Mlnerol
O.flciene l." O"I~ '1.2~
... ~~~' =~:!l'5 aw.......... ___ ........ _wIIIi , . . ,.,., .... TIre
MM.... . . LISTIN. T...., .. .... __
Ale ......... ' •
...,.. a.llllca
SdeMe. .... '''''''''' ;._ MeeIIw~, ,
tPHeNE 2121
...., .fw j . .......I ... t ....'""_ ~.......... • ,I iI'IIIIJIII
., T1ieClo,... . . . . . . . ~ 0-."-, ........." ...... ...... ..... •.... ,_ ' .........u..., •
..........:.e..,Mr.IIfI ... . ..-,~ . 'CItIIIIIIIe ~:...a.· 15 iCi
Lon ~
. 4% will
', 2111 -
II mount
n rllmlly flndl\ .COtlV8UINlt
11'111 be enough. 'and for Ihls IlmOlll\t
terms assure repa yment ability.
Lebanon N.F.L.A. Room 5, . Old Bank BuildinK '
phone 37371
..... " ••
-m your
Spring Valley,
....... ._) ' - .......-,-.-
Installation and Gas
... ..... ...... $i ..·.. Spring 'Valley 8ardWart ·c..
T ...
---- Phone 448
$1 .
1!·J Jacludiog .M Tax ,
THUnSDAY, MARCH :33, 1950
_~.-c~~_ . _ n _""j
Dry Ridge A Farm Diary ' By D. J, Frazier _ . -_ _ _ _•_ _ ':' , ,March 20., 1950.-Bow , man""• go, tbetl' .potatuos plamed on :St. Patl'lck's Day? We Om. A.t 18Il.'!t we . pluuted 80me, ' Th e ground wn~ too .... we,t tq prepare properly but old Tom Collins told John to' hovel' mind how wet It wat!. to 1)low a furrow, drop lhe potatoes, cover them Over . and then cover the groun d wl~h' straw 80 we tried It. \\ e can't ,do any worse than we Usually do with pot~toes vO it Dltly ' work, We planted a couple oC necks " of Triumphs. 'fhey usually do weil It Lhey are planted early. The lavorHe Colorado "Olato Is a. Red McClure. It s a laq;e rouna smooth I'ed potato but I never beard ot It In this part ~f Ule country.
suppoRe that Is what It Is. How can we plan a sensible ano rlgbt farm program. It seems possible tha.t dIscussions like this may be of value, HoW- much regulatlon' do we have to ha.ve? Most people asSUIne that thore must be some . .That seems to be one point tbat the planners haye gotten aCI'OS8. the acceptance of Boure pI n Ing It may, be tbat just Il8 .there are too many ,Ru~omoblleB to allow, trce traffic there are too many people to ullow comple tely free farming I do not soy that Is so. Only that perhapll that Is t. Uti, Is It? Two things we know, plans mu st be fleXible and plans mU8t be long ' enough range to allow for planning by the t/U1Iler. Most farmers work cn at least a three year rota.tioD and' somo on a four and YOU can'l chan'ge your pl~ns every yea.r to suit .Wa.shlngton planners. Crops depend ' u POll lDe weathel' and what happens to lDe plana In a bad season or 'In a bumper year? or rather what happens to those who followed thc plans? "Plannt!d economy" has been called "soc(alJsm" by John Flynn In the Road .Ahead and he pretty well proves his pOint. What Jtrnd o( planning do you want and by whom? It Is almost certain that we cnn not
wt:l'e going. LO be liKed f(}r •• )H,lIl(," yenr. und 1II11 (,!I~ :'01 other , '111111'0 takclj
... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •
II" _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ . ~---------.
h aud 11 ll1IL~' Ill' Ittll',1 on
th e l US PU YeI' agl,iJ1 , "'h uBI ullolruelllll did! 't hur! us Ihl ~ yeQ/' beClltlM" Llleltl \I'mm' t much In our rotation plan thlll )" Hr. Th.el'e al e lots ot other tn lngs In t he 'nlr. Tlememb"I' I., Klp ll llgll ,TIIII' th wo I v S b 1'0\1 1;' Il l, Ie Boolt how t hell' cube to til oUllen Rock .10 II be looked ovel' so l lHlt lbey wall t I I a lwa.ys be I'ccogniz[)d h y I HI nil" , ' J ,. I I 011 anel til iI' cry I \:\ , ' ~ oo" ,,'e, . ' wolves, Look \\loll " nnd now J..00 I{ ' w 11. nh, wolve ~. 10 0 I{ \I'eII .'
_____ _
,.~--.. .-~
. ...' a distinguished scanlc wallpaper by~ S.H '
CJotlllng l,ab eJs
LOok tor the label in clothes , The manufacturer's name or trade mark, addr.ess. degree of c?IOr fastness. and rcsis1a nce to shrmkage, special laundry Instructions (~ any are needed) and fiber conlent. are the Important facts that mould' be on all informative labels, Aa 800n 08 all consumers demand WI informaUon, manutacturerl will "see to it" tbat label. are .ttached ~ all of 1helr producls.
PICTURE JUST A MOMENT YOUR WALLS LIKE THIS "WESTCHESTER HUNT" - Beautiful HOrles, Beautiful Dogs + Lovely People Moderately Priced and SelBy Famous Artist ,STANFORD BOGEN - And By My Exclusive Method _ Refinish Your Lower Walla, Smuqed and Spotted. Into Lovely Art Works For As Little A, $5.00 Per Room (THINK OF IT Ali). Post Card Me, or Call 735 - See Th~e in Colo,r and 1'0 0 More At Your Home Where Clolest Prices · Can Be Made.
Then he plowed tho garden. One aide of it was atlllost dry enough L.IquJcJ Ammonia bll.t th~ olber s ld~ was pretty, wet U.e of liquid ammo.nl~ as a but ,y-Ith ,more r8J~ and more cold aource of nitrogen fer fertlliz\nJ weather probably It will not hurt crop. I. increasing. ' It lo plow It wet. It Is ' past tbe new moon now so It Is time to . Llpbtwel"ht Animal. . 47 MULBERR'Y STREET Plant tbe abov' ~ground p I ant II uescape some sort of IIlannlng.} , Animals" that" are losing weigh I whenever we can'. Peas, cabbage. ) ks h h let'tuce and onions w111 stand quite :oo==_:a~=_t=o:.:u:g=_.:]JO:ta=lO:.:,:.:S::u::p:po:r~t:.f~ar~e~Q~ot~I~Oo~d~b~re=e~d~ln~g~p~r~o~lIp~e~c~tI~. .:..'.....!..t·::-:.::..:-:·::::::·;::':':':' a bit of frost and some day when the' ground fa too wet to 8~ep on you wlU look out and there they are up and growing unless It happens 8S It has to me that I look out and they are all uP. scratched . ' uP. by a rew Dusy-booy hell., That Is 'my problem now, how to proteot them wben 't hey first come up for atter that the henl! uu not bother tbem, but that flrst day when the pea Is lJuliDed out of tbe The ancient Chinese ground by the sprout the), dellght m~de many discoveries, in ptoltlng at them and loratchlng but one of the most unusual tbe~ out. was transmission of nat.... ~I·t1 COld .\ dll.tlltl. ilJl we"._. ural gas. Uuw.o WOI't1 Ilout "now and ~...d ..)' iii
cu.a 11l1n. .hlli' Lbe lUna "'! ... ,,11....01'
we IJIUl ex .. ecL Itt ,,,luDn "ut ~ter the long, mild W Juter WIth lou. of raIn, it Is Llresome to bave aome
more 01 tho "lUlle. >.Iodu,y w.uen 1 callie by Wat.unll nil lllell' big while sows' were
Centuries ago, the Chinese drilled wells 2,000 feet deep for gas, carried it through hollow bambo'o l?ipes, and burned it und~r brine kettles to make salt.
In the pasture lo,lowed 'by dozenll 2,000 Ye. . later o f IItlie fat wlli~e pigs. Tlley o!ttln In Ameriea, George used to have sllee&l lind lliowos In Washington recorded tQe that llell1 uut Uldro ao Ilot seeUl discovery of natural gas rin . to be us many sheep around .bdre a , West Virginia deed "..of lUI Lhel"tl wero lOr a. l'e \ years. We 1775 which describeCl a bav.en t ali'y. ¥ r .ces ure hOlulUt; up quite well but (lsrnaplI the dug "burnjng spring." ,But, not Quee40n has so'metwng to do ~ith until 1821, in Fr,edortia, it. One of our neighbors lost some N. Y., was natural gas first sbeep . by dogs n~E ,o,)g 11&0 and used. Here a 27-foot well now they )lave sworn lO kUJ any' supplied gas to light a dog tllat comel on the place, Til hotel. Half a century more. thing about that that 1 obJoct to ill passed before the first real that they have left dead Ibeep ly- ' ing In tbe '(Ie~d IIJ1d even their own pipe line was built. It 'dogs have been e_UhF; on them. served the city of TitusIt seems doubly untalr to batt the ' ville, Pennsylvania. dogs iD and ' thel! shoot tbom_ Old Use of natural gas then SmOky d008 not wander too far spread rapidly through from home these days and her teeth ' are so bad that I doubt If she could Ohio, West Virginia and even eat a dead shllep but 1 do bate western Pennsylvania. In to bave dead animals of any the early days it w=ts rarely kind lying around. consen'cd or measur~d; The Fanq Bureau tl ba.vlng a people left their burners meeting at Ule, Springboro ' H4gh '~on aU day. ,""'=' ScbOOI. Martlh 29, ', 1950, at 8 :00 p. m. with an addresl on .A: Fal1ll . Bif1II·of ..,.11dustQ Program" by TheOdore Andorson 10 recent years, expanand a panel dfacusslOD. It doesn·t sion of the American natsay whether that II a government ural gas industry has been farm progrnm or whether It fa a tremendous. New gas fields pla.n for ,rotat1Dg cropa and fortlllzing but sin c e government were discovered in the farm prorrama are In the all', I Southwest, and now nearly
260,000 miles' of pipe, in-
cluding large transmission lilies like Texas 'E astero's, serve 86 states. Today natural gas is I,roooced, transported and used with skill and care. ' AJoJle. it supplies more than 14 % of aU energy in the UDited S~tes~
Like clockwork-that's the
way a natural gas pipe line must run. Operation of ll5O(J~ miles of valves and machinery requires perfec:t; tIming ~ll the time. That's why in your co1llnty and in every county where Texas Easoom is a citizen. the men who run the 'I nch Lines work
around the clock. At the st:' tion near you, the lights are on aU night, every night, as ' pipeliners work the "dog wah:h s" to maintain the flow of essential natural gas energy. The work they are doing for the nation is reflected in the progress of your county.
At 8 A. M. - Dinner for breakfast. i.'.
--"" ' There are no one-a:hift days ih the pipe line busliness. Dinner for breakfliLSt is an old story to the nisrht crews who keep the Inch Lines running while their neighbors sleep.
speci~1 ev ei1t~ -
early risers
makes special cnnb pipelino!". Hu m~y , ::..~ 'I P before a:iwn :Ultl"
W cuthu l'
f !:; ' ~ : ::l
ithout slcup <1u~ing ('c)ld waves, s lOL'ms or
1'10:':, :,
(Jo(ld. ~ :1
any em(;rgenc ,hI:! is rendy to :\""'('.
Ad pod De.,. II JaR ,..... aalt Ioob W'OI'D . . .
1laU.,• ...
..... &11M
IIIID. ..-at ....
. . . alcR . . . . .
Owne, and operator of the Big Inch and llHle Big Inth pipe . . ~ 1& ...presented In community life of ten .tates wh.... Ita empl",", 11ft'" .....
Home oRlee of.ThaJ Eastern is af 3061W1am St., Shr.reporf,loilWllna.
' I. at UIANON
Thursday,. March 23, 1950
Va'riety and l'un in New Design
Plan Your living'ROQrns With Eye To Both Friendline'ssandComforf
plest l'ochoL for these gucs tlinen s.
• • •
By Erlta Haley ROOMS are just what they LMNG say: room for living. Is yours planned to be enjoyed by every m ember of the family, for . reill JOY, comfort and friendliness? For a room mea nt prima~ily for living, aU lhese aspects a. e at first • importance. Does , the room iovi.e you in to stay as you firet step in· to it, or does it urge you only to loo.k at it in a detached sort ot way? A comfortable living room Is tuU of friendly t>leasint colors that give you a sense of rest al)d peace. It h as chairs that Invite you to lounge and relax. It's ' a room or which you won't tire easily because It h as muted colors that you can Jive with a long time. It's easy to furni sh a room such as this 11 you let common sense rules guide you . Do plen.ty of think· ing about the rOOm belore you jllmp into decorating It. Just as a good ca rpente r has .a blueprint of what he is making, you, too, should have • definite idea of what the room is to look like when it's finiShed. 'You may have to sp. d u week or two selecting one or two com· 10rtable cha[rs, but when you think of the years ' of comfort they will g\ve you, the time is of no im port· ance. ' . The room should retlect yOu and your Interests, too. It you like to have people drop in and spend an
For, Ilowol., . rnrr • . plllo\\, slips. Pol·
t ern 7()n .. ~ tnlll s Ccr G lU ol!rs -I 1,g x 12 an .. chC:i: c roch t.lt ul r eeUoU.s, SfI;nd ,20 cents ~~I~~~'r ~'~\Ir nome, nddrCti8 .n nd Il tl ttern
Tweed Fashion
SCRIPTUFI,E: Rqm nns 1 ' 1. ' ·1:1; 15, 22·~9: 10 : A<t.. 27- 28; Phlllppinn. I ; U. 20 : 4 : 22. . 4. DEVOTIONAL R EAD ING : l u la h 2:S,
World-Wide Church Lesson for l\L.arob 26, 1950
......._".,.... ..... . . .
variety and fun in n H EHE'S new needlework d esig n . Lazy daisy and outline stitcll and sim-
? .ANOTHER ~ ...
t~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~,
AJrl( ME
~ A General
The Questions 1. \\rhal do 'the initials C. A. A. and C. A. ' 8 . stand for? 2. N ame the oldest capital city in the United Stales. 3. What was the former name of Oufty Square at 47th and Broad· way, New York City? 4. What CalTlous naturalis t was l1i ckilalmed "Jo hn-o·Birds"? 5. \Vhat is meant by B Task Force 'l . 6. Name t he ' three American Preside nts who we re married d ur,ing: their terms of oHice. . 7. Name the first great sym· phonic orch es.tra founded in the UnJlcd States. 8. H.ow would you determine the circumference cif Ii , circle II 'yoU knew the diameter?
The Answen 1. C.ivU
Aeronautics ' Admlnls· tratlon and C I v I I Aeronautics Board. 2. Santa Fe, New Mexico. ' 3 ~ Longaore Square. The name .w as changed because of the stahle of Fathe.r Francis p, Dully of the Fighting 69th. . f. John Burroughs. 5. A, Task Force Is a mlUtary force .s ent out to do a. given job • 8. T'yler, Cleveiand and WUson. 7. 'I'he Philharmonic 01 New York, founded in 1842. 8. Multiply the diameter by 3.1416.
NEW DELHI, INDIA.-The Aga Khan raised his vast bulk in bed -to which .he had retired with a slight co ld ~ l aid aside. London a nd New York newspapers received by a ir mall a na deliver ed an impressive h a lf hour of opinion on the hydrogen bomb, the world political si tuation, begum Aly Kh a n (Rita Hayworth), his personai wealth and the matching of his weight in platinum in 1954 by his religious foll owers, which will bring in several million dollars. The her editary imam (leader) of the Ismaili sect of Moslems sa id that h.e tipped the scaJes at 225 pounds tbe . last time he was weighed and estimated that when nis body was balanced against platinum four years from n'o w in his jubilee ceremonies at Boin. bay, Karachi, Bnd either Dar es S?laam or Nairobi, he will gain th e equjvalent of about a million dollars in each place. He declared that he would con· tribute the entir e amount to various foundat ions for the better· ment of his p eople in countries where th.e contributions were mas:le. His weight was matched .In di amonds in 1945 on his 60th birthday anniversary. Aga Khan, who among many other activi ties of his busy a.n d colorfui Hfe has been an inter· national 'statesman, s~es the United States as t he . present world 's "only hope' Bnd he tl- inks Am ericans should build hydrugen bombs and arm to the tee th at once lest some other 'nation use the superb9mb first and ss,art· a war that destroys civilization, "If the United States is suddenly submerged by a warfo'r-which it is not prepared ~he whole world will go down," he declared . Urg· .ing that America readopt Theodore RQosevelt's maxim, "Walk softly but carry a big stick," he . added: "I beg with my small voice for what It may be worth, America be strong-have a big stiok, the biggest stick of all," The potentate said that a strong United States would "keep all other nations in order" and reo store free lrade. · .
Howl. Relieve
one of mallU Imsolicited /ctter3jrolll ALL-
BRANltsBrs.}o'orIlOI4 ·too, there'" hope, for . constipation due to lack of bulk in the diet. 'iml{ly eat an ounce of crispy Kellogg B ALr...B~AN duily, drink plenty of water! H notcom1l1eulll satisfied after 10 days send empty carton to l{\lIlQgg's, Battle Creek! Mich. Get double your money back
,personalJ To Women With Na~~ing Backache .t....,;
A. we ret older, aDd _train. Qve ... e&ertJoh. eSce&llve Imnkla« or elJ'04lure ... cold .omed ", .. 110.... d9wa kidney IUD .. tlon. Tbl. may luad maoy lol ita to oom' plain 01 notKl ne bankorh. , I.... 01 pep a o" .n~ . bead •• be. and di&&ln-. Geltlo. up nllbta 0' I,oq uo.' p. . . r •• ..,ay .....ult
from ..1001' bladder Irrltalloo. duo &0 eoi .. dampn_ or d lol&rJ 10dl.eNllo.... If your d'-mforta .ri•• du, to tile. ea~ doo'l "al .. Doao·. pm., • mUd dhar.d c. Uoed ou.,.,...Cull;y by mlUton. for DVO' 60 y ..... Whllo tbl*' .ymptom. mIlT olLlD other..... Maul. It'. am.elbl bo. maDY ~ "''' DOaD·. itI.1 hIPPY ...1Ie1-, IIolp tbe 1511111.. of' kIdney tub.. aDd 61.lI ...b out wut.. Get DOaD·. I'IU. lodql
Are'you golDS tbrougb tb'1o tun o~ onal "mlddle·ago" period' peculIar t~ women (38·53 ,..an) ? Dow tbla maO you autrer from bot lIAahM, ' llol B(Io neM)OtU, blib-etruJ:lg. "red? Thea elo
Lytlt .. B. Plokbam',
Compound to reU""e .ucb IJ)1lDPtom. r ~r WMI of PIoII.bUD.' . Oompauod
belpe bUild up realal.&nce ....ll1IIt annoylDI mlddle·age dlat","".1
for the life of yaur plat~•
CreorDubioD relieves PrtltJIptly because il (!OC~ righl to the seal of the .Irouble 10 belp loosen and upcl germ ladeD phlegm and aid nlture 10 IqOlhe and bral raw, lender, inOam'ed bronchial muco·IISDlCmbranes. Tell YDurdru.ggist 10 en you • baule of CrcoDlulsioo witb the understanding you muse like the -v il quickly dlmy. me cougb or yOu .te to have your monel' blck. .
CREOMULSION tor (Gughs, ~hestColds.Bronchitis
"Had tried method aCter method to r Iieve constipation, until I lost falth. ,1'hen ~ 6ll)V a n ad a bout ~BRAN. I sturted to cat this rr-..,...."~~.....,,, Kellogg cereal and WllS the tine resul tll l" ABpcrs,tl12BllileySt., Camden, N. J. Just
c&em for in.r~:.:~':·.l!o::~ci!:r~~lh~filh ~d':,'n-f;--- Brimm. Plai ti·l.ine,"ripl. La, ,rrin on uppe, or l(Jwe'~l.re . ~ bht ~c! ld it mold. prrfc:cd, "",fllrl Eyen 00 old rubber ~ lies. Brimm. Plold·1Jne:r .ives JIIood re.ulu (rolD lis 1'II0nthi Co • ,car or 'oalla. End. lor~ve, 'irluo ond hoth .. c~m"o r• .., Ipplicauoonhllll"a r;o~n o(datl.Srnp. .lippina. roc.kin. pi la loll lOre Rum •. Ea. .orlhlo,. Talk f.orl, Eo.fo, Ih. <om(ott thou . Jagd . " 1I.01'1~ i ll pvcr lbe <OUDtn. DOW." with Brimflu PI •• ri.Liner 1aI, Ie "e-At .. 11"" •• "IM '"''' Tastelell. odorlt.s. harmless to ,OU and"row pllre • . Cln b~removrd •• perdire(tionl. UI~'" II),: -'Now , fill f",~'b,.,. to At.",) "tll. · ."" ...., ... S i'.U 10... lIn.. fo,·o.... pl'lc:$2.2~ (or bOlh glare. h' VOU• .dru1 ..orc.
H"rd,,,, ,,.I,,sl,,,./u,,.d
On electrl~ fons, lawn mowers
«".), rolle·rsk~tes3-IN·ONE Oil ·
'. . .
Sees .U.S. Strength as Hope For World Aga Kahn
• •
World Horizon When Paul writes to his "pentrtends" at Rome (15:22·29) of a projected trip to JerusaleCl and Spain, talting in Rome on ' the way, he was laying out· a trip to the east and west en ds ·of c I v 11 ization. the jumplng·ort places. His plan was as ambitious as if a modern evangc'Ust would write to some churcb in India: "[ Dr, ForemlD aim to visit , Iceland and JapaD, and call' on you on the way out,"
... .... .. . ..................... .
Addr".. . .. ....... . . ......... " .... . ..
GOD WO RKS his purposes out , In w YR that not even the wisest or his servl;\nl s can (o,esee. A' beautlful example of this Is the way Paul went, to Ro.me. Long before he saw that city ' he wanted ' to preach there. AU roads led to Rome. as they do to aU world. capitals, I;\nd people went there from everywhere.
Voyage AUL EXPEc:rED to go to Rome a, free man, his ticket (so to Important fallhJoD trendll are speak) reading on through Spain. 'seeD In thllI' callual Sprlne eoat Actually that. was the end 01 his of oranre red thin wool tweed. run . He went there und.e.r military Ncte the paired lI.k ln pockets guard, prison er under sen.lence. wblcb appear to melt rlcba Into The story is all there in Acts. how the cod as weU all ·tbe deeply IIleeved bodice fastened with , first he was Jailed for protection from a blood·h\m ilry mob, then lold bUUODS. Tbe all·aroUDd bell kept In Jail on general principles Is made of DaVY leatber. (which is to say, th.c governor kept hoping he wouid pay well for an first, but then tire .of them quick. acquittllll, and tinaUy appea led "to ly. Too many colors will make the R ome, the highest court of the Soilia /ill;"8 room problem" . . , room look busy, thus .tirlng you out empire. Appea.ls were expensive after ,)/O U -sit there awhile: and slow, then as now. • ev.ening in good conversation, this 'No oolor or no thought to rolor But )'aul must 'ha.ve COn'II! to c an be shown in the comforta ble will give you an unpleasing fee.llng look at his Imprisonment,' false conllersational arrangements y"u've at indefin iteness and caD make you as It W3S, as a beaven-seDt opjust as eager to get out of the · oom planned. portunity to make Ibat Journe" It you like it to be a place to as too much color. to Rome. It was a gllkdged r e;ld and relax, then have enough II the living room is large you accident insurance. Free, he end tables, good Chairs and lamps can easily use some pattern. Too rilIgbt Dever escape tbe pl,,&much pattern will clutter the ' room . that make this pursuit easy. ters and ' rcach Rome alive. Use DO More TbaD and wlll give a teeling ~t restlessCbalne", thc efrJdeDt RomaD 'lbree Colon ID Room ness and crowding, hsst ",bat )'OU arm y Would see that· be lor"But where can ,I starU " Is the want· to avoid. rlv.ed-and he did. quelllidn mOllt .people otlk .when When conlldertD,. .oolor, never Four pairs of eyes were on him IItart talldni 'about decorating. w •• n~-I-for'2e~ to use plenty 'of neutral night anil' day. No plotter could such as beige or tan, white, stick him 'wlth a dagger .or shove w...11~"'"';:'~.~- etc. These will balance the him overboOTd. . So-atter some detinite shades and give the bair·breadth escapes to be lIureroom color balance. These colors he was delivered safe Ind sound might be employed on the cellini, in tbe very city 01 whicb he had woodwork or rull, wherever they been dreaming ' alJ these years. are malt needed. They are not • • • ofteD ulled on furniture upholltel7 The Church , at the Hub or drapes, except when color bas Of the World been used on walls or Door to HERE IS NOTHING at all in . create certain eHects. the New Testament to indicate Create Pleaalq Effect. . that th~ chur ch at Rome ' wall conWith Decorative Tip. Sidered, byPau) or anyone else, Just .s you avoid clutter' with tlie as The Church, or the Mother proper choice of furnitUre, you ,can Church: There is no claim that it do the same with th!! furniture and was foimded by St. Paul, Ittn lesl other trtmmlna.. ,Some of these by St. Peter. tiPI may surprise yo,u, but they've It grew, as other churches grew, been tested for suitability. by In!tltration. Christianll who atart with color, sinCe that ~I I You can' mix light and dark moved to the t;1, city would g~t lood, lolld basic pol.nt. woods. All the furniture does not together, and there the church The .colors may be chosen from have to match, though It should would be . Yet. ! of course , the Ro• favorite picture which you bave give a pleasing Irppression. Mod· man church was Important. in the room, or a -p1uce- of ar~offi-l8"'IHi~fl*HOl'--J.t ca.n be used 1& wa. Imllortant because It you ' fancy on the drapes; a pot of wltb Victorian Or Ch.lnese. It the was at tbe. bub of the clvililed flowers, a china platter, or some. room Is Early American, better world. Paul did Dot leem- to thin~ like that. keep It all that way, eyen to your mlnil Ii In the lealt, that he Every room should hr ve one main choice of chintz for coverings, could work only Inside his prlsoD, or '!oonflned to qDarcolor, then a secondary one which Expensive materlaJs bre not Deed. blends with the first. The thIrd ed for drapes or covering. In tact, ters.'· . color is usell In small quantity, It's much 'better to buy good ' qual. W(iling from his jaU cell to the merely for accent. Ity, appropriate cotton in place of Philippians, he mentions converts You wouid do well to Ilh(;ose muted silk or satin that will hang limp , . from the army and from the im· ' colors since they ' are easiest to live and dull. perial sJavell. ("Caesar's' .house· with year atter year. It too bri!o Avoid too much furniture, It's hOld" in Phil. 4: 22 does not refer liant, you D1ay like .them a lot at far better to rule out a piece that to the lj:mperor's family, but to is not absolutely utilized in a room, the retinue of palace slaves.) We than it is to fill up space. WaU or know trom- the letter-- to Philemon , tloor space can sometimes be more that Pau)' converted at least aile · I-._ _ _ _ _~---_ _ __ l decorative if It's empty, than If It "jailbird" .named Onesimus. uses a picture or piece of furniture 'Just because you have no other The True Churcb Is A Marching Church place to put it. As' soon as an upholstered pl~ce AUL KNEW · that a soul Is • be gi ns to show wear. slip cover it , soul. sitting In the emperor's with some harmonious material. chair or waiting at tbe empc.ror·s Cha irs or sofas \\lith poor lines tahle. God is no respecter at per· should be hidden with covers, too. sons. But he also knew tl)i1t these Do n,o t display all your treaeures Christian soldiers would not al· in the. room .as it will kee p you ways stay In Rome; that even restless: anti give a clutter ed effect, Christian ' slaves would be sold Place 1hem In a chest and show do wn the r'i.ver; that the rcstless them otf one at a time by creating feet whiC h brought the ir· owners a center of Interest. Each collection to Rome would take them away or piece Will then receive the proper oga')n. Great cities are like that. attention and display. Futllnl:' dolVJl Chrlstlnnlty In Desks, sofas and pianos are .best Rome wa~ not like putting a , against a wall. not aoainst a corlingle Beed Into a sbeltered ner, They create too much suspense corner of the garden. It was Del.lcately Ol'llate, rich 10 their like scallcrlng a handful of It 'oU ,old, brilliant and IIclnlll· ' when· used in the corner., as though you were tryini to hide something. to . the breeze, to he carried IaUo, wiijJ simulated preoloDI fBI' an" wide. Panl'a vlllion II Itooes, tbese are tbe effects Change PreporlloDI of Room stili Ihe vision of the churob created by cOllame jewelt)' for . Wltb Decorative Tricks at It. best, Tbe .rue cborcll Ibe lealOD abead, Very Dew, If you have looked at your living mat bes on, alone the bl,broom crlUcally and know what too, Is the Idea of weariD' a roails aod byroad. of the rlDa &bal repeat. the deslp of should go In it, but ue stilJ at a world. ' Ibe earrinp aad ' necklace• . loss 'as to what can be done about We shall never be content with FroiD a DeW eolleotioD coma. the room's fault., bere', lome a narrow, sheltered ChristianIty. concrete help. Uda perfeet example of .be 0 _ We cannot be satlatJed With half. IIUUIJ 8Uand aboter The room with too bllh ceil world religion. Only world-Chrl. bJ aD 0IIkIRd oiasp can be brou,bt down, 10 to I~ak, t1anit)' · matches the grandeur of Ib, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'IcII eelon. U JOu paiDt or paper' the cellini in New Testament Ideal. Dese ............._ ... .. Ibe lame ooJor u tile wal1l• For tile rG9ID In whiCb cel~p ..I~~rt'lIt b, III. Inta.... tIGuJ _ell . . . . . . . . . __ IIIIIIIaM ~-d Edur·.1100 GIl .,...." .. 'If appeAl' too low. ' tile WMU r~-=~u.u. ........ .. ~. WIte . . . . __
r.eu.., •
N nme
B" SmarU
Sewln, Clr e le Nef'aJlf'tTI\(t. Dr, . .. 1'. O. Box 51~O" Ohl."lo MO. IIi. •• P . O . Box Hi::. Old Obels t-A SUlJOD . Now "o.k II, N. y, Enclose 20 cents ror paUem.
"My 'voice means 'my career. The 30-d~ ·
mi,dness test proved Camel is the cigarette that . 'h my.'t h~t." agrees·Wit .dJA.U WARReN r(lr1'''RADIO M .. D RECORDING ARTIST
YIS. CAMBLS AlU! so MILD chat ia a c:our·to-coaat test. of hundreds of mea ud women wbo lIDoked Camell-sDd only Camell-for 30 da~ DOIId tbftIat apeda1.i.... makiaa weeki, aamiD.tioaa, reponed
Nat OM ilngle -
of II.oal illil.'ion
cluet. ....w__
Thursday, March 23, 1950
Swa"llows and Martins Will Like This House
Point of View A lawyer, whose rose·tinted proboscis indicated an inordinate fondness for IOO-proof stuff. was trying to elucidate Ii point in hls summation. "Now. supopsing, Your Honor." he said , "1 saw you going into a saloon ," . , The judge inter rupted caustically, ',' You m ea n coming in. don't you " "
.- ------------------
IIGoodbye 10
IT !I.~
the purple m artins and WHEtheN swallows gQ house· hunt· ing they will lo ve this eigh teen· room mansion with its pa inted brick chimneys, ' cut-out wooden shrubbery, balconies and broom· stick pillars. Complete
• • •
dire ctions
p ottern
Price 2Sc. Addrc!! your ord e r to
Bedlord 0111 •• New 1/0" .
.. in ce .wi~c hing to PO TUM 1 no 10llgor ! utTor irritubilily Dnd rt1tigue du e t.o nervous-. noss- nnd lil o'8 110 much plcWUlntorl" SCIENTIFIC FACTS, · lJo tucoffru llu d t~ncoll' Lnill cllfToi n- u. druqJl n r-r re .Hm 1/10 ti t. So, II'hi lo /tinny peo plo enll drill k coffeo or tc~ wi Ulo ut iU..,fTec lr-' o~h o r8 . utTor nc r.'ou srH·IIS, i hdigos u ()n · .l cc" I.8~ nigbl ' , Bu t POSl OM co ntui n. no CUrrCi ll- 1l0 fhi liU tilat can voll.iblll COlli ' ncrVO IJ' ''U4 . illdioe&iiotl. I/ceplu41t,UI .
MAKE THIS TEST. Buy I NS TA Nl PO TUM toduy-<irillk it exclu sively 101 . . . INS1'AN', POSTUM-A Vi go rous Drink mado fro E1 cnllhlul Whca~ IUld Bran. A Produot o' GOllerul Food •.
;lU d uylt--jwlqe'b" rUlllt~ 1
Only Duffs Hot Roll ,Mix can make Prize Sweet Rolls Like These! ' ~, //
Lighter, fluffier rolls, rioher golden-brown, fresh er keeping, richer tasting. And you'll find these taate"te~ing, home· baked sweet rolls so easy to make. Just follow the simple directions on your Duff's Hot Roll Mix package. Um-m-m gooel!
?". "*"-" ~"'::"":'~ ."'_ _ oO!t
P.S. For prize hot roUs-IY.",i,.,'•. I.-ilsl add water-that's aU. HEY, MUTT, WHY DON'T WE SEE THE MOON
Hadacol Helps 'textile Worlc.rs Stay On the Joll
Iii THE ~YTIMe '?
Vitamins and the MineralJ whldl liADACOL contains. HADACOL comes to you In Hquid (orm, easily assimilated In the bllJOd st~eam 10 that It can iO to work right away_ A lack ot oniy a small amount ot B Vitamins and certain minerals will cause digestIve distrubances. Your ,food will not agree with you • •• You wlU have an upset stomach · _ . You will suffer tram heartburn. gas pat n' Band your (0 a d wJIJ sour 00 you r stoma ch , and you will not be able to eat the thmgs you like tor fear at being in misery afterwards. Many people also suffer trom eoostipaAnd while these symptoms polis. N. C., is 30 may be the reo years old and ·t he sults 01 0 the r proud fa ther pf causes, they are surely and certaln· two children. His ly the signs of lack of B V.itamins work in the Cannon mills calls Mr. Barnhardt and Minerals whlch HADACOL con. ta ins. And if you sufter fr om such a for a great deal of standing up. "I had been ill for several yea rs," deficiency disorder, there is no lIald M.r. Barnhardt as he explained known cur e except the . administrahow ciose he came 10 having. to give tion of the vitamins and minerals up his work. "I suffered with a weak which your system l a c~s. stomach. [t became worse and worse . It Is easy to understand, therefore, . with gastric disturbances. 1 just why countless thousands have been could not hold food ond no tood bene Cited by ' thls amazing tonJe, agreed wi th me. I could not sleep HADACOL. and fin'ally I became so s ick that my , So It matters not how old you are legs, got' weak as I worked in the mill or who you are .• _ it matters not each day"~ , , where you live or If yo.u have tried Mr. Barnhardt. like so many suf· all the medicines under the surt, give ferers, had tried many preparations this wonderful preparation HADAwithout r elicf, when he heard about COL a trial. Don' t go on suffering. HADACOL. continue to 'lead a miserable "AIter the second bottle of HADA- Don'tMany persons who have suffet'COL 1 began to feel be tt~r and to life. ed and waited fo,: 10 to 20 years or regain the weight 1 had lost ," said eveD are , able now to live Mr. Barnhardt. "My dIgestion be· happy,longer. , comfort able lives because came normal again and today I am HADACOL the vitamins as well as ever. My ' legs no longer a nd mineralssupplied which their systeml! bother me. I eat and enjoy ' my food. needed. Be fair to yourself. TCIl11 sleep well and have plenty of porary relief iil not e.nough for you. energy." trial I Mr. Barnhardt bas taken lIeveral Give HADACOL Insist on ~he genuine &DACOL. bottles of HADACOL and now takes tbe famous vitamin' anel mine ral Don't be misled, Accept no substipreparation ·to 'help stay ' well. He tute. We are 10 firm In our bellef Utat bas bad his wife take it with wonderful results ' and has recommended HADACOL will help you that we 8ell HADACOL on a money·baclt guarit to his friends iii the mill. Mrs. Maggie H. Poole, 1503 Oilro- antee. H you don't feel perfect17 Une Avenue, In Salisbury, N. C.• satllfJed alter using HADACOL . . had become so ill that she was forced directed. just, return the empt)' be cheerto elve up her work. but loon alter carton and your money he.a rlng the wonderful news about fully refunded, Bothing could be HADACOL she WBI back on the job fairer. and ha. been doing well ever lince. Sold at aU the leading drug stores. "I was tired, we~ and nervoul." Trill size only $1.25, but save moneT laid Mrll. Poole. "I IUffered indiges- -buy the large family and hospi1ai . tion and food didn't agree with me. aize-onlY $3080. I also had headaches. Att.r taking H your druggbt does not have five bottles of HADACOL I felt IOOd HADACOL. order direct from The and wal back on the job at the mill. L e B'1 a n e Corporation. Lalayette. I had tried 110 many thin,s that the Louisiana. Send no mone)'. JUit your HADACOL news wu • real bleBling name and address on a peDDJ' po.&to me. I have more appetite and eat card. Pa)' postman. State whether . what I want to. I feel better thaa 1 you want the $3.10 hOSpital eCODoln7 bve iD • Ume." size Dr the $1.211 trial sfu. RememMr. Bal'Dhlldt and lIN. Poale money ehe~ refullded QDo ~_~from ·.fackcdB lOll an ~ nUded.-Adw. ~
The great textile mUls of the Carolinas are booming again witb lhifta working day and night to tum out the nation's finest materials. and HADACOL is doing its part to keep folks on the job. . Many textile workers have reported the wonderful reliet which has been broug ht them by BADACOL with its five B vitamins a'nd four imporlan I m inerals. Two of these workers, B young father employed by the great Cannon Mills at Kannapolis, N. C.• and a mother, at a mm in nearby Salisbury. N. C., recently told how /-lADA· COL had helped keep them on the job.
~~!III I I I I I I I I I II I I III I I I I I l I I!11 1 1 1 I I 1IIIIIIIIIIW:!II!I!,ill!lm!lll"h IIII" 11'lllllIt JII! !~I/!,I~~I
"!: ~IU'!! /?J) .1. AI ~. Lla6J . ifie ..A-d~ .RATES: One cent per word,
:: TWIN THEATHE Oh-10 = ,Waynesville, ~ ~
=.. ~ == ~
§ s;;;
Closed o n Tue sdav and W ednesda y
.. 0
From the Wo rld of 60 Million Years Ago! See Prehistoric Anlmsl4l
= =
== ~
\\' !lytr~: ~::~ O~ch::tCIl:~~;I' I :t~
1V 11. ~' n I.'R dll e,
lint 'I ,
~:'I~; n~~~~~ ~:IC:d~:'llt~:~, c:!7~~
rrill'llmum charge, 25 cente, Thrae Ineertlone for the price of two. Forme c'oe. W.d"'. .. day noon.
~(' h oo l l1ulld ln g, Way nes ville, Ohio,
== -
r.ovely modf' l'n 'l'wo-Ilelil'oom NEW HOU SE white rl'lI me bome, hot wn lOl' 1",,,1. Als o IIl I'REO PII 'illne n window s, gu· Nc w r RI(O SIII'lI bs un ll IrF'eH In b a ch , Large loL, Ill'll II t (fllily I/)I' ILI (·,1 - VIWt1nl - PnH'H' s s ititi 'Pl'lc('d II t $R7fitl 'r hrc r l'OO or wen r On Rll'llf'l ed \' I'ry II £'fl ROtlllhl o , cemPllt blOll l, hOlt S." Oll l blli ltl· , Ings. 2 nC I'e~ , on Highwny 741 R, or Spr ing boro 0 1l 0.1 l.nlUi 1' 111111' Pl'lcr d nl $4900 Rout, 48 North 0'1 , Route 73 Uen ll ti ril l Ill'o lle n >' Homl' Phone Cente r vi lle 7056 Cnll :
DONNIS PH E LPS He\1reAen I itl ve
IS~~, :z= ~ = ==.
RUSSEL HORN Top Soli, Hauling, Sa'ld, Grav el I!('\ y olle ned and r end nlom) a.t REA l/vo n ' Excavating With Back Hoe, th a l lime a nd pla ce, Fl'lI\1k lln Rout e 2 OF THE WEST = Dr,a "'lIne and BulldoiEer , S!ppall'lLte pro lJosads w 1l1 b reo === D~ ('hone 964Wl No 'S el'lal But a ~ Waynesvtlle.. Oblo celved for any " ne or number of ' GR ElY 3 Ree l Comedy Phone : W.. yu,.vllle' 2191 I;rll n cbes ot work or IlIIon th e Gen· - ---'-_ __ _ _ _Try Gazelte Claaaified Ad el'II O Contrnct ; li pan the StflOID MON DANK n U N 'GRA VEL- Loade.I, li m ing, Ve ntilating and Te mller . • 27 2t . . : at DavJs Furnas P it, ' 50 oents atll rp Con tro l ; ullon the P lumbin g II nil ~e \Vera ge ; a nd u pon lhe Ete .. ~ el' \\,ho \\' aI's d ie rau b i ll til e THREE cubic yard, W e als o daUve r , A,RM· trl cnl work, Th e m a lerlal pr oITAGE & SON, Pllone 2091 . tf CASH FOR DEAD STOCK F'lI lI ll lesl Pi c l11re I II Ten Yea r~ , § IiO~(>11 to he uset!, time fo\' comple l' 00,0 0. ,~ __ According to size a nd condition, , nys Leo, th e Linn ~ ion o f t he WOl'k a 11 d l h e com· All Stock r emoved pr omptly, , CLEAN, ,_== WA NTED-Typing lO do In m y pe te ncy ond re Apon sl blllty of bId. Ho ne8, $2,50 .' COW8, $2,60 ADAM' S RIB AND '~ home In the e ven ings, P hon e 2'NS , de I'S \\;i11 ,'ecclve con~lderlltloJ\ be .. Hogs - 260 p ~r C"!t " I NTERESTING ~ X32·9-J6-31 forE I a wnrd of cuntracts, JANES RENDERING KATHERJN E . SHOWS 7X'E 1\ A II prQPosa ls s ha ll be ma de In Phone Collect 'HBPBUR JIi .~;j LU l l BER All klnds.ln a ll l en · ('onro l'ml t y w it h t he Oenel'AI Code Xenia, O. 1712 or WEEKLY A I ~ o : NE' ws :.Ind MO M Cal'toon dried , of Oh io lind s hall .be on biddin g WDmincton. O. 2362 -= gtbs an d Widths , Kiln Reasona ble pri ces , An </rders, fOl'ln ~ 'w hich 8'hRtl be obta ined f rom lllrge or s ma ll will be de llve r etl , the AI'chl tectB and sh o ll b o e n· c lofled In a sealed envelope 11 110 Hog H ouBes AC \" IAMB, Pllbne - W:lynesvlile 2101 , llddress ed t o t he "Cle rk of the Try Gazelte Clusified Ad '[loRi rd of EdllClnUoll, \\ ayne Local 0 -,- _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ "' OR SALE - 70,3 acre fa rrp, Schoo l Dist rict. Waynesville, \\ ar7 room modern hOll se wltb ' oil re n C0I1I11y, Ohio" til II! ~ h n ll br fur nace . . Y.. acre lake, 58 aerell ot end orse ll on th e Ot \l !;ide of t'lui ' a\fa lfa , P lenty or wa ter, Locat d en ve lo pe with lhl' IHUlie of t he b id . til miles · , from t hird an d m a in, Ilpl' nnr! t. he Rtnte me nt (T'ro(ll) f\n l , I'H)' l On, !lobt , !\ . WII Ron , I",ytle, 0 , fill' th e (Je ne l'l1l ('olltl'n r t) 01' othl' r X- 3- 2 .. 9 , 16- ~: 1 R(lcr-It lr t l'lll. Th e IImwlng" nn.11 s pec lricali on9 for t his wor k wi ll be on fli p II I POR S ALE 194-1 Plymout h the ()frlce 0 1 th e le rk of t he ('oacb , Rad'l o, heat e r. H arold nOlII'd of E,llI clltion lind l be of, ORbol'll, Mai n St, Phon e 2594, l iC'p of th e Al'r hl tec t>l , 11 I .. 0 01'[\e1l1 - ,3-2-9- t6- 3t PI:J re. itll'ln nntl 2, Ohio, 01' may Kahn or KingAn bl'l pro em' d at In e oW e or the SLICED HAM Lb. ' Fpn S AL E- One' pair men's 'rol, Ar c'hltec lR, on whkh w i I bl' reo CJ11io'cii a depos it of '$2a,() O ror om · CHUCK ROAST I r l'lnk Skll lSS, , l70e 7, Pbone 2.7-13, IIlete ' A r<'l I It.e C't ~lrn l n r f1w lt l~ R n Il d Good. Lb. X- 3- 2·9_1 6-;-:h SpAl:ltl etl tlonR u"d 10,00 fO I" M,' "'"1 n lcnl nnrw lJ\~" li nn Sl'ol' lrh:lI LARGE TIDE FOR ,S ALE - c oldspot Re(r lge r .. tlons , Docume nt s w ill he fo r ' OrDUZ a tor, 1948 Mode l, 26 pound freeZI'llg \\'[lrdell to bidders lipa n request , ('upuel t.\' . 8.7 cu. fl . Cecil Pa lme , li:x pl'e s ~ Co llect. T he full a mount Rooks Road, Centervllte 7383, of tile deposit tor one set of dQc, . X- 3-2. g.16-3t ume nts will be l'et'Jl'nea 't o ea , b :FOR SALE-'~l Plymouth 5-(lB~. Actusl bidder an d a ll otber depos its FOOD STORE ae nll'er A-I condition, Delmar Ber t.,.. 'w III jle refugded ( with d ~ dll otlon ~ . , X- S·23 .. 3D-4,/j not exceeding t h" 1.1 ttlnl cost o( repr oduotlon of the doouments) LOST- BlaCk Suede Pocket oook upon return" b a rges primold, of In viCinity ot Metbodlst Ch urch. 1111 docume nts ' In good ('ond ltlo n Thlll'l!day night, Personal belong. wJthln 30 da,y" after th e 1\ a I.e of - , Try Gazette CI... ified ' Ad IngB, g la sse s, key, etc. MO. 7800: open ing of bids , Dayton' a nd , reverse obarge s, M I'!! , P e rformance Bon d In HIe a mount Wilbur Foulks, Wayn esvi ll E' Rout", of 100% of th e contr a c t W ill be I'll" , ~..-..-.-.. - ~, - - ~ I _""'" Iwo, X-It, Qllh'ed a nd Bid Bond In t be Rmount ' HAVING INSTALLED, A --------------"~ of '10% of t he proposa l mllst nc o WANTED-Ironlngs to dQ In my com pa n y a ll bid s, 1I0me. Mrs. Gladys F r ye, Beros ; Sl'I.id Board uf Ed ucatio n, rel rom high Bc hool. X-3-2.9- I6-3t serves t he right . 0' reje c t nny and '--- ; - - -- - ..~------'~Iall 'bIds tendered Rnll to \\' 111 " 6 In" WANTED - A pl a ce to live III fortnRlltie A. ', Wayn esvillE', House, ILpa lt ment w h R. t ha ve you ? .rohn DroRlli / ' By order of UI P Board of F.d u c~ , I AM , EQUIPPED TO Way n esville Locker Pla n l. Uoh. ~\layne LoclI l School District,
~ P:El~
~~O~~~I:~~:Cb~ rec'elveti
until 12 : 00 noon, EaSlern Stnndll rd 'rlnw , April R, 1950, for fu rn lshl n,:: DO!'l'1' f ORG E T TO CAll. ,II! lubol' li nd mllle rlll is nu eS811J'l' §S us for ins uran ce. All typ es of 101' COilst ru tlon o f nn E le men ta r y SAT ONLY = in su ra nce at . a. sa vings. . Call , e lloool Add lt.lo n to t he pl'esen l . = Fra nc is , Gen e Brown, phone IJlgh (' hool build ing II 'cordin g to 26 , ' W 'II aynes v i e 24 7 2 or call co.l- Iklll \\'l nl;lI li nd Sneclflcatlons pre .. A 'o w westenrn Henr~K~o~ == lec t, Wilming to n 2 1 t 1. ' J)llr e d hy Eo C, Lundberg nn d As. oB ( ';Wl\I S Fll tl ~, ~ = 80cjllle!!, Arc bUe ts a nd Enginee r!!, _ In = WARREN BRADDOCK ' 111 ('l l1l1all , Ohio IIIU) will be Pill) '
PROTECTION • , , •• ,Sail t brough m e wit h t he a ss urance t ha t your finan Cial trou bles wm be protected by a regular d tpOSlt In y our, sav· Ings nccoun t ~t, :
1~~ll l l lI lI lI ml l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l lml l l l l l l l l l l l l 1l I l l I l Il l I l l I l l l l l ml l l l l l l lml l l l~ii
,il~~~~;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ijl ,Ii
'Attention Farmer$I '
STEEL and METAL Prices Are Advancing
~ .~ '"
Check Your Fence Needs ,Now'Before The Price Advance$. '
We Have a Good Supply Of Fence On Hand, But It's Going Fast.
.. I
s ••
WII.... "Ja." CGmee Fro• ID almOit eYtrJ JOur , IDee 1900. arelll b .. provided more than half fit the UDltecl Stat.. cotree .upply, AlthOUlb the .lan. name for ' the drink Ie "Java... U j S, Imporle o. cofte. from the E a.t Indian Illand fIJI that name u e relativel y IIcht . Iliabe.' Ra ilroad Jllilroacla operalin, in COlo~ldo nllb hilber alUtudea Ulen in an, otbu etate, tile blrhe.t for an, NDcIard ,au,e ratJroad belD, On 'the ColOrado " Southern r a ilway a1 ClImax, whe... the el evallon 1. 11,· 319, reM ebove R a level.
Try Gazelle Cbllslfied
~ __...._....;_::;:.;:.~;:on:;~::;;~;:s:..4_1 ; __.:..~. THE NEW PU:~6SE
9 .. ] 6. 2:l
, 'Immediate Delivery Hatches M()nday and Thursday
'STARTED CHICKS 1,2 and 3 Week Old White Rocks and New Han,tp.hire.
,Also Ubiko Chiok Starter
Hodson' Hatchery ,
Tel. 2345
Waynesville, Ohio
WELDING-At my fll r m, Lee, Exper t' plow ~ h are work \\'il '! h,a rd r od facing. 3-,i1 6.23-30-4.;
1 1 1 1 I1 1 ~ l l l l l l I l l l lil l llllllllmll ll l l l l l/l ! il l il ll I I I I I I I II I I ~
W ANTElO-Mll n with ell'r fOl' full time HlI.les work, l.lberal C om ml ~ .. blon , boh uB nnd d m wlng aCCIIII II I. For' pe r sona l In ',ervle,,' wri te (' - 0 Miami Gnzetle, L: \II'Li s Clrcultbllon Compnn y,
1~'IIIII!I!lImlllllll!IIIII1!I!!'!lI!llIm!!lll'!" ;' :: !";:I~!I~I'ri' ?"'o;1~1
-----..-- -- -
arOUlld 750,000 Ameilcan volunteer lremen. Compared with perhapi 100,000 fun·tlme profe. slonals, Uia ,l Ave 'WIre and Progressive, An vollUlteer. 1ar,ely Ifrve the rur.1 otl'ga.nlzatlon secon'd' to none, dl.uJete,' Imaller ,town, ' and com. S lJ'lIctl r s ellers o,n t h e best all', BUYERS WAITING mllllltl..;, They r •• pond In man) ' I! rl~1\nd market In the count~. ' metropolitan .ubur b., however, in· c specia ll,v Frrr ,Farms SiERVICE TH~T SATISFIES dudln, eome of New York' •• For Dally Market Reporte: FOR QUICK SALE ' CALL , ,WH IO Dayton, 12 : 50 E ,S.T, DIal 1300; WLW Cincinnati, 1240,DJa l LlvelaGel" Products r. PrQduction of' livlltock pr oductl 700. takes nearly 90 per cent of the land , NORRI'S' BROCK COMPANY and 75 per cent of the labor farm-
C:!~I!I~lIIl1~lIl11l1 l1 l l1l!llIlIIl lIIlll lIIlmlllllllll lll!llIIIII!l!IIII!I)IIIII!!~!IllIl !S1'Uf,_
, Tbe I,~st & Fopll~ a ds work 1111a weed, leafy IPur•• ,. I, btifine but don ' t e xpect them to re o llel,ed to ha ve come from RU l llie . abt)ut 1880 cover IORt opportunities • • ,
~ 1:-
1111, II"IIIHI lite..... cleek _y ...... CftMei ,... the ... or IIvIle ,. . . ,~
r- '.
monn.r. S.lect _yo'!' DECOllATOR with ...., ...., ..... Y.N_ Of T... cIIeL - -
___. '.tI6
mith Elecb1c Service
Fresh ,:D ressed Hens
sac Per l:tound Smoked Pure Porlk Sausage 4Sc Per
E~ ' Smith"
Broker R1. ..J 8, 5 mi. South ,
r, (
9 10 12; 1 10 5 Except W~dn.lda, Afternoon
Optometric E 'ye S p e cin list
C ent e rv ill e .
PHONE Centerville
1~.rJ' ,
132.00 For 1 H.P.
Charles R. T~ompson""'"--·"F·...~q::O~:.r:T~::· CEO.'B. ,BLANDFORD
, VelllDteer FiremeD It II a.tlmated lb. t there are
to ralse tht tood w.
Pricel S....t .t
:~~.~~:, used
QO A-I WORK Your BUline.. WDI Be
Wayncsv!lle , Warren Cunt,y, Ohio, Ry: John Gon s, Pt'e ~ident Tly: C, W, DarnhllrL, Clerk Ma r ch 9- \6 - 23,-30
1I I I11I1I11II11IIIII11I1I11mll lllllllll!lilllill llllll!l l ll!lIl11lilllt:II~lI m11111 1111 N:IIIIWll lllllllllllljlllllllllilllll!llI lll llIIlIlImllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllll,l~
rhii;;;&So-;~i!~~ RES. 129L
About Town
Servinf Waynesville~Since 1850
I''--Ideo La..:..L Oler Best Speech'
Wmen COUDty 'WI'TII T H'ld ' Coo t 0 0 nJ
CARD' OF THANKS 1I1r. and 'Mrs. ~ar ~o.rnbart. WAYNESVILLE METHODIST Mr, and Mrs. Oilbert Frye Ilnd Mr. WU SUPPLEMENT THIS WEEK , ."IU CHURCH $'PECIAL 8ERVICES /We \»Ish 10 thank our H'lenos and Mrs. Earl , .J!,;llmhart were Du. to the fact that we na" I Sunday mornlug, 'April 2nd at and relaUves lor tllCir j{llldllel!s among those who attended Farmen the 10:80 worsbl'p hour, there wl.ll ankJ. sympatpy sbo\vu us dllring • few large ad. thll week, anel , Week Ill: Columbus. I11III11 not h.ve room for everythillfl ' be a\ bapLla~al servlce and tecep- the lOBS or my wife and our Wo espeo1aUy wis h to Mr. and Mrs. WllIlam ~trouse In the regular llaue, we will ha'" tion of members tntp the cburch. motber. had IllI Sunday evening pesta, Mr. CllZ a Imall lupplement which W,I,II eo,," Special music by the chOir, o.nd thank tbe don orB of flow'era and cards; Rev. Thomas'· Blw:kmore and ~rs. Oharles Moyer Ilnll JIll', taln, among. other tll,n,., the ,.. ' aermon by the mlnlster. . and Mrs James Clark of Gel'IlllUlnanclaJ' report of the BOIlard< of At 7:30 In the ~~Inllng 0,11' choir for his comforting wo;ds and the :town, Obto. ,GRUEN PREDI'810N " TI~EPIECE Educ.~on of the Wa"nea.Ur. INTERESTING PROGRAM .WILL of 16 voices will- glve the Easter Stubbs Funeral Home fOl' t1u!ilr Mrs. D. C. rudge. Ml·tJ. Stanley WILL BE , PR',E8!' N~ED . School, , cantata 'Vlctory Divine' by J. efficient serVice. H. Baley. Mi-.! Jesle' , " BE, PREaE~ITEO MORNING TrtlIIWl. walcott. F. ~L Osborn and Family.. Mrs. Roger BroWn and Mrs. Bertle ,TO WINNER A'ND AfTERNOON Soloiats, ,Soprano. Wss Ma,ry Mills n.tten~ed · the iDs poCltlon Of FHA CLUB TO I5PON8'O~ Ann nurton, Miss Ru1h . Earnhart. CARD OF' '1 \'IAN I('S ' LecBbu'rg ~ter Star Ohapter. , The winner or the coUntY"Wlde BOX SOCIAL.,' 50-50 DANCE Wsrr.en COWllty Woman's Chr18~ ,Mn. H. C. ;Hodson; Contra\to, Mrs. Most sincere thanks and deep The' Waynesville FHA club .wt1I Uan: Temperauce Union will ,bole! Robert Bernard; Tenor, Mr. Har- appreCiation !lre extended to rel'l'b South Way n e Ad-vlsory historical ape~ contaat be~ng Council held . tbell" regular meeting Bponsored by tl'raJl!!ls 'Dunlavy 8polllJOr a community box their Coun~y IIII8t1tute on 'tuesday, Ian Earntlart, Mr. PliJl~ 'Work- atives, 'frfeml/l Ilnd neighbors for on Thursday e'v enlng at the h'Ome Sons ' of the American and .' 60060 dance Frida) 11th at I~e B&,ptlat Ohurch man; Baal. Mr. Don' Oahrls, Mr. tbeir klrulnes8. sympathy and o. t Mr. and Mrs. RhodeB ' Bunnell~ ~e:voluuon,, will receive a handM h 3 V~a,rnel.vllml in FrankUn, Ohllo, lIIoniw.. f!le88'OIl' James Jonett. Mr. lJOn Workman: lovely , fl,owet'!l and cards received arc . 1, 7:811 at , ~ . wlt.h MrB. Earl Hock,ott 8S guest of some jewel lIrec18tOlr , Oruen 'lVrist auditorium, be8lnnlng at 1~1:80 A. M.· This Is a very nne cantata and during the p&llslng of our mother, the evening. FollQ\.ving the bus. watch. according to WWIaln M9.son The Countf Executive Commlt:teE~1 Ule publfc Is cordially Invited to Minnie l\fonger. to Rev. Chiles' for ":/' . Auctioneer will be 1nes8 8eRBlo~, Mr. S. ~. BIllI con. Phillips. BAR presldent. pleaeed to aunounee that Ohio'" bear it. his comforting WIOHII'! and ' 'tho • hl8h ~hool sollhom,o,re, lOc Thl• p,r lze haa . been donated " by ~ucted. tbe discussion on "Farm p~e81den\:, Mrs. Either '·M. Jobnson Funeral Home for thefr be chaorged to those who' wf* • and HlOme Safety." Jewelry !loop 8Jld The and Illata corre. .ndlng GOOO :FRIDAY 8ERVICE efficient servI008. · "'-ld . " &I:tell,1l the dance onlr... The pleasant' BOCial was also..... en Lamb as an , Incentive t9 , MIlS Ruth: C. Duncan, The Good Friday Union 8ervlce -Mr. and MI'S. Glenn Bbrden. very much enjoyed. and deUCllOU8 the young men ' In the Junior 8Jl'd ,iEv8J70n e 18 ~ed to state heatlqUaners ' In Colum- 11'111 be J1eld In the 1\1 etbodlst l'erres~monta were served by- tbe senior classes of tile nine htlb this evelLlng of fUJr. are e:rp~ted as gu.ests. Church from 1:30 1;1. m. to 3 p. m. host and 'hosteSb. schools In Warren CO\lllty. The Other numbelrB of ~ Interesting The Episcopal, FrlendB and , , ' Mrs. Hiram George, WI.l~ b~ preaeated at botb MethOdist churches eooperaU~, WIIG'neavllle Farme rs' Grange 13 Winner of the CUI11lty contest wlJl wlll meet iil regulal' Besalon on Sat- compete at Dyton 01'1 April ulb teacber in 'the Harveysburg ~CIIIIlllllIL 8Jld afternoon 8e88lonl, W~ r~uest tbe busines8 hO\lBes --/ ~i' 'w as abse.n t from her Cl&llS88' .-. "- unIay eVening :a,nd following tlie tor the oPJK)rtunlty, of rellN_1 _.. WOIDn ~ urpd to attend to close du~g ~e servfces.· . .. nal era! d AVa. last week. o""ng to 'IiH~ bUSiness period; a fine program of state 01 0b10 at the nado ..., .. , . . anel every OW' Intereated In under. poems, music. "braln.twlsters·' con. SAR 'conventlon In May at AtlaJldlii'llM.a. .lanllng tha WCTU work 18 cor- ANNDUNCE IIRTH teatB nnd. a dlt.cusBlon on "Should' Cit,.. Mr. and Mnt. Wayna,. Ec~ dlally lDvlU!4. Orval 8I,1d Bernl~ Ro.Be. of , Children Be PIl.d For Worklng Stuctenta jnt8N8ted In IlperJllq IlUntly l>t DIlytoll'. were the dllMil/.l A JIOWld 4laner to WlUcb -.ell W&J1U!8vlUe, lLoute :II. are announc. the aom~ Farm~" has been ar- and In biatory are ul'led to enter dunng the w~k end 'of Mr. one atten~lD, 'wtlJ cotrtrlbate ' ,De ing the birth of • IOn, Orval Kenranpd by tba commtuee. twa cOmPetltloa Oratloll8 are reo paMntB. ~r. aDd Mts. Will art1Allfl of ' ~, , and table aenb DBUa. &tMIBJDI Valley HOspital, LIttle Nanoy ,Settlem;yre of near qUlred to with Am....can his· Rev. Jamoa Baoer 1s will be serTe!l I ,t noon. The wom8\l Frl~y. 'March 14. ' Oroconta, 'Yaa a SundJI,y ov~rnl,ht tory around ~ 1tevolUtlolIII'f war. revival services at a church b&' ~t the !lhiu'O" 1I.fU serve bot coltee. and 'Monday guest of her ' grand· period. Speech.. ,JDay be from mlngton. · i ~ta, Mr. a.net Mrs. L. C: Bt. rour to .~ mlnUl" In lellith anll 114.... and Mrs. oIlIIIse ~ . . . . . . . . 1ft • .004 aource Jphn. ' must be melllOrbeCL ~4 their SOD DaDD.7 ~ .. "" h C. . Mrs. J'. P. }?)'0D)JJl~ Mra. D. C. Frt.'nklln.aDd I ;r..ebanon high: orclay fro.m the Jorc!aJl ri...."". ....WI ~ I3be wu a kind loVlDg mother aIlUdge and Mrs. Melvin Banta at- achoo" bave ~inVlted to lend Mab straet into the HENRV IA. MIiLCHIUt tended a luncheon 011 Saturday at lUi 'entrant "'iIle county contest, Brooks propert,.. Rent R. B,lclb er of R. I, Wayne' . Wl,Ys willing and ready to belp the homo of M1'8. 'Sar8h TUrner .. baye the aevel!! blgh ichoola 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Clifford Doat81''' • le, blo, 4 eel March 25. at 6:3G thoae In slc!Qleaa allcl trollble. She wlll be greatly mllsed. Dy relatives ¥eBburg fol' the 1944 Worth" 11 n 4 e I' eouni;r Superintendent their cbUdl'en: Cheryl and ' Dr 'n Otat On! Relt Bl:>me. Day and fJ1enda.·. , Matrona of the DIstrict ' ()~S. _ _ ~. Ha.tfIeld. E~h of the~ w,re tbe 8UfJRU SUn4a,. or fl, Ohio, It th, ..., of, a. PI' We ca.n rejoice tn, tbe met that and honoring Mrs. Fromm who IdDe IICIIOOla Ie entltled to have DOBter', ~ta, au. anel .~ . e"n '" III he~ltll '15 ...tter haviq Ilveil a r1~ fuU life, waa lliattlct Deputy ior . . 7Ml'. ODe reprMllli'tatlve at UIe' ClOunt)' ID!r~rt Doster. e ";fa torn. )\'GftlDber 18. I8!!' br' work liVe Is completed. She !M188 Jean Hartsock w.. bOiit.eaa eUmtnation In on April 8. :Mn. 'Rub),e l'r~ baa ' ...V V a . " e a r l "." that better to the Young FrleQdl I1'01lP 0Jr , Prancla Cha~r, 8AR fnp a mll\1or ope~ In "a:rnen1l1~ baa ~~ wbeni IQmnr and pain 8181&7 ' eftDJDg. Tb. balllnea . . . recentb" fonllld. )Jeacenduata widenent , .at \:j'ihJlclllA* • •r. ,..... alte la ,forevei' .._,unll'
S, uu
Institute •
Uncle Sam Says
J:n' nJI. :(1m , orUun.
~ ~ ' ~w~ch WL~~~'_~~~~~~~~~~W:;·~"~":;~;;~~~~:~~~~~ij~~ jo,e4. after the boate.. r' "er,,~ ~aIt1t;r refre8hment..
InfOrlul~i" maJ be
Mr. ,oeorp Munger and' Mr. JWbOf1 Radcllfr of Tu8cola. . OUa.. homa. were gueats of Mr. and Mrs. GleDll: Bor!1en dUrIng the week. having been ea1led here by the death or Mrs. Borden'a mother, Mts. MiDDle :Munger: Mr. Alton EarDbart of Paulding, , Ohio. was a week end gueat of hJs parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,A. ' H.
the ' S&cJ'9ta1'Y, BuDding and bulldlng,16 BrOi.4ft.,..
By ;JANE FITE A. group of Harv't!yabUrc High ~rnhart. School Itudenta 11'01 be &tarred tn Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Miller. 14188 a mbl8trel ''The Showboat of 1950"
Beth Wieltfall and Mr. JimlDy visited the "Calumet Farms" in Kentuoky on Sunday. ,Mr. and Mrs. William Strouse were' Sun~ evening gu,eBta of Mr. and Mrs, lac,, ' young tn ClnclnnaU. ~. ~nd Mnt... George ~. Daubert of Pine Grove~'l PenD8y.lvauta. an-' noun.ce the engagement of thelr daughter, Elsie. to, Alton. EamJuLrt, BOn ot l\1r: and '1\Irs. A. B. Earn" h~rt, ot Wn.ynoBVllle, OWo. . Mlas Dliubert IB ~ graduate of FIndlay ,'Co~le~e. Findlay" Ohlo' fan~ teaches . solence an.d mathemaUclj in the Haviland-Scott Hgh . School,., Havl' land, Obi for the past ' folil' 'years. Mr. Earnhart, ' a NaVy veteran of World War n attended Cedarville College. "'and' waB gy:adU~ted from 'Oblo State UnivetBity. an'cl Is 'now ~mpl'oied by the Paul~g County Farm Bureau,' 'Paulding" Ohio.
Qf !.he l..ollett far__ I contned to lila Ilome by sl~knee8. M.ra. Sally Wrlgbt and Mrs. li'Joreilce FraIIt ..attenaed the funeral Bervices for AlbOll 1J8 Haven at the Neeld J'uDeraI Home. Xenia, Sun· day' aftemoon. Mrj DeHaven, a resident of the New Burlington com· mUDlty;'- waa weU lmown: In and around the vlllage. Tho Adult ;BIble Clas8 of tbe Jonah's RUn church: met at th~ home ~ Mr. and Mre. Howard Oro., ham Tueaday evening. Will GUllam conduoted the Devotions and Mrs. Lena ClUk and :Mrs. A. S. Conett had charge of tbe progrsm and
n C ett of De1tmlt. n"Jlnacke of ~.yneIlVIUe. We lILlIa ' you gbria. at home. two lI0II8, Oh,mH.1 A . . . . , d . out life Is cut:. of W~t carrou~ ObJo. IIId W. JIdd tbe IUDlhlDe of your face; Vile mAla yOur kind and willing Ralpb or WSYJ18svWe. HIs fUneral wu held at tile , hluld, , Stubbs Funerall Home In Wyn"8l- Your foild and earnest care. ville, Mon~ay. March 27, at 2:00 Our bO,1R8 la' dark without you; ~. M. with Rev. Fox o!flclatlDg. We mlaa TOU every where. He was burrled at Lebanon, Va..
Waxed , Fn~tui'e
J'urnlture ,that haa bild too· ma~ Ileav,' app1lcatklDa Of wax or poUlb 'fltbout IUftlclent rubbln, anl\ pol. lIlI1q . .thm and 'holda. dirt and cIuIt.
LAURA REEDER OSBO~N Sunset ~DIl eVlln!ng Btar. And on, cleB~r call for me! And JIUI1' thero be DO DIOaDln~ of
at the achool au'dltorlum Frlday eveDing at 8 PI m. Kennetb WilsOn tJle ~ar. a mei:nber ,of tbip years grac1llaUng 'Wmlen 1 put out to aea. class, will appear Iii the role of, InterlocUler, and special aelectlonl lIut such ,a tide as loving seems BOCI8.\ hour. 'Wlll Inelude vocp,! 1010a by Miss , asleep Myrna Miracle. The entire- ~t "Wilbur Shldalter Ja reported to Too full for Bound and foam, V(U1 be under dlrecUon of Mrs. be seriously ill with pneumor.ia. at Whe~ that whlllh drew from out the Edua Bogan. director o,f mUlle In her country hom!! near WUmlngtqn, boundles! deep !IF. ~ MI1l. B. .I. Hill euter· tJi;i' HarTiI,.sburr; "BchOO1~. Turns again h'Ome.. Three Harveye~""g high • "I1,noll'l ta.lJled the local Brldge Club, '()f, students Vion 18OOn'" rat4ira at,t he which they are memberB, to a 'party Twillgbt and evenJng ben lAnd after that the duk! MIami Music Featlval beld recently aud eveDing or caras at th'elr home at o~ord. Th~y 'Were Mla8 , Myrna III Mt. Healthy Saturday evening. And may thl'n, be . DO, sadDeBB of farewell. ' ,Mrs. Edna. C. Bogart and daughRae Miracle, .,oprano soloist who ~en I embark. sans "Morn1ng," Mlal 3~t IJoster, ter Barbara were gueBtB Saturday of her motherj ¥rs.. Nina. Coml)'clarblet" soloist' wIlo plai'ld "Nac· .ton of Mason. For though ft:om out. our ,b ourne tume" "and Howard Doster, blirttone . of TIme an.d Place eo1olBt who played . "Olen Eden." Mrs, Blanche Carr enlertil.1ned ITlie flood may b,e ar me fa.r. MIIIB Mllracle ' Is a lIenior at tJie with a ramUy dinner at her home, I hope to Bee my PlIot face' to face HarveyabUrg bigh scbool and both Sunday In compliment to' 'W hen 1 have crosee! the ~ar. J'anet and Howard Doster are mem- daughter MI1l. EveJy~ Maste.rs, and Laura Reeder Osborn', d,a ughter bera o.t the ' ' l!».rYey~b~;.g high her grandllaughter, MlsB KAI·rnno.J of Jacob Reeder an C1Sarall' Ellsschool band whl~h pl_,. under the Raye Adams of Corwln r who were abeth Pope Reader. passed away dlrocUon of lint. Edu,& C. BOlan'. celebrating· tbelr birthday aDl\lver. at ber home. near: HarV!!J!sburg, The Crusadl'rs C..... ~f tbe Moth- aarles. The guests, were Mr. and Ohio; March 18. 1950, a.t ibe AlO Bow , 8hOu1d . r8J9n be · ~ 10 , odlst Ohu~ met at the home of Mn. Ra¥monll Adam~ and th,elr of '76. It woo·, ,tt tha' 1hJD.., JoaId She was bol'n near Centerville, llQ'ODI Ibould ' b~ roIWd III a __ Mr~ and M'ra. Charles l1J1l~. W~- chtldren of Corwin, ·'Mr. and Mrs. oj ~ 101\",1 to ·eUmmate _ _ I nncla,. Gveninf for tlrelr mo~thly Everett G9rdan ~d famUy of Xing· Ohio; on Octo'b er 14, 1878. Five moIIture: then 'han, tbem l " , a ' meetlDc and JK)Uuck dlDDer. The man. MI8S Carol Adams and Lean- slaterl and two brothers have· prelimier unW' b,J, u.GUIb to Ina. I:,'rlillll,.' were ,uslated In.h'Olpltalltlea ant NUl or Crowi~, Mr. and Mrs. ceded bel' to Ilhe ,great be,,Ond. lion oD tlie Wrolla.use-wl1b a ' lIIIMf.. by Mn. Elvie Smlth 'and Mr. -ane! Emel'llOn Masters and son" Jerry On December . i9, 1891 lbe 11''' Il}ld Tommy. SroD. Remember, watar ·. - ilns. Clls,. ' G... . :\11'&... unJted in mBLITlage ' to Franoia rqoo 10 . " Itt it 4r7 ~ ,. Mr. and Mrs. Oharle8 Gordan, Marlon Osborn at Sprlngboro"OW~. 8JUI tbe ,bave to ' IprlDkl. H. Mrs. W~OD! Ets. ,Ele!red Tielmey~, Mila VlrdDla Taylor, and Mrs, lAUra Sbldaker, Mrs. Osee She lea.'Ye8 to moUl'U her 1088, Mias laDe lI'1te attended the din· Harlan, and Mri. :A. S. Collet~ wore her husbaud, two daughte,rs, Elale l"ro&ecUoa 'or Bop ner and, committee meeUq/Of the callere In Dayton. Wed~esda.y af· Surface and GI~ennl FainlhUd, four Keep bOil from COmbII ...... CowitT CaDcer .Punii DrIve ternoon·. Ions, Oarl, MorriS, Chari,.. and With pneumOD1a"tblI winter b1 bed'Lebanw, Tu-.4ay eveDlng. Rev, I. P. Thor.nbury . attended DlIs; twenty"two arandchUdren. ~, .In dIDI them down In a ,place fl... ' tram clratt., .,..• • The Wome'na Soclet7 of Cbrlat1an &elslon. or the Southern Baptlat fifteen great 4I'FandchU6ren: ODe 1JIa!varatty of' DUDoII awlIIe ' ape- 'Service will 1I/01180I' a food we at Theolol1ca1 Semlnary ConterelLC8 elater. Cellndll Oaborn. LelltallClll, oSa1IItI. the Gr&D18 Ball, Satarday, April 8. held to Loulaville. Ky., last week. Ohio; and a brother John ~der. Funeral lerYlcea were- held at the .The Gleamers CI88S of the Centerville, ,01110. Bcbllent·Koore. Funeral Kome In· l'I'lenda Church were entertalDed Duton for lin. Ida Howe, 78. who to a pgUuck dinner at 't he bome patPlDg will b~e E1c1recl Tletmerer, puaae4 &W8J' at a oo&pltal In of Mr. and lira. Maynard Hackne7 Mrs. vlnJlnli, ~lor, BU'Ol4 toll; I'rldq 1IJ.OI'IlIq, A former Satunla)o ...mq. The procram Tuoker, Waitei' KCC&rreD. U:rs. 1'"laldat err dala ClDllUD1lDlt7, abe 111 .eluded II"OUP Iiolipl. Edna Bogan, ancI 1111. .TaDe Itt&. II1lI"Ylft!ll by. IODt 1IanT. 1rltII lin. Mu1aD Ets hae been apo lIi88 .Tanet Dueler. .IA Jlel_ wllom ItIre . . . . ber home, aD4 • po1Dte4 claalrmaD to heacl the local BartIIodt Hobert DIIater d· .sater, I'nt- Bo'IlIIIla or Ill&!' Bar. -mpe'1D In tile fWU1 for teDde4 tile ~oe ~b... WU lJl tile tile WIirNa CaImV 8001.. Il.ta Sa IJld., . . . . . tile
........ "7- ", ,
1IIterm., . . . . CIIUttr.r. oorwsa.
A-Whc IIiI. . . ,. &Jia.
ni1:.\ ol Phila, \
Amencan mlllia&J:L·.
Costly Fi gure
de~~P~~~~~~~. de~~~i;: th~t
he. a privl1le citIzen, "is one Qf the
palil man tn
Thur:day, March 30. 1950
Coal Operators Hint at Price Hike; 'Britain Faces New Economic Crisis; · Poses Puzz Ie Federa I Tax Reductlon
Red Cross 'National Blood Program' Called Just as Important Now in .Defense, Security As It Was as a Survival Factor iii Wartime
Figures lcnding themselves t,a many artifices. the gentleman Is:· suing thot statement, Rep. Ro)' O. Woodrul t at Mlchlga'n tii\ll'ed it By General ,Georse C. Mors~all out this way: (EDITOR'II NOTE: Wboll ."Inlone are o"p ......, In the . . . ~I.l!IIn. Ih. ' are Ibo •• or ILLIONS of Americans lire talV•• 'era Nlw. paper lIDloo'. Dew • • D.1J'.t~ a ad no' u ece •• arll, 01 Ibt. new.paper.) A PRIVATE CITIZEN to match mUiar with the natlon-wide the stahda~d at living now enjoyed blood donor se rvice of the Amerian In. by the Presiderit would need COAL: come of three ' to three anI;!' a halt can Red Cross during 'the war b.e· cause most of th'em m ade a perThe 'Payoff million dollars a year. Mr. Tru!TIan has take-home, pay sona l contribution of their OWl) The "payoU" In the recent coal ' or $110.000 a year out of his salary" blood. They knew that their donn· ' strike sotUement was coming more Uons saved the lives at many sol. $50.000 or which Is tax-trce. quickly than was usu'al'ty the case He has 42 facilities tor travel" diers and sailors'. in tbe setlling ot these disputes. The Few however. are ' aware ,that i~c1uding 35 automobiles, airplanes. eost to the consumer of John L . wartime service has been revived his dwn yacht. the Wllliamsburg" Lewls' power over the operators . and expanded by a private PuUman car and "vaca.. anI;! his union was to be felt very the Red Gross. tion retreats" In 'Key West. Fla. , loon. Now It Is clIUed and Maryland . ANNOUNCEMENT came in the ··~ the "natlon'al Hc has an estimated staU or UGri, form of a statement by spokesman blood program." persons at an 'aimual cost of '1, •. for the salt coat Industry .th at there It Is ' proba bly 491,:)40. He has a travel allowanclI Is now in preparatlbn a 10 to 40 just DS 'important ot $33.000 to $40.000. cents a .to.n 'Increase on. the price today lor. our deThen Representative Woodruff at coal. and securltr at the yacht, thll listed the costs When the United Mine Workers as it WIIS during Pres ident's personal plane, . his lon, strike against the Industry the war wben It private railroad car. a destroyer waa settle.d recently, operatora Dorothy Kenyon , na",ed by' a major fac. escort for the yacht. secret service forecast a rise In prices. U.S. Sen. Josepb McCarthy (R., tor in the survlv· .and White House guards, White MA~HALL al of more than Wls.\ as first on bls list of However, discussion of the price I House sal a ry costs for a staU ot 97 pel' cent 'of all wounded Ameri. aUe.ed "rellow-iravelers," or ImmllDe serum ~lobuJlD, a hike Indicated there would be , no 225. Communillts, in , the sta~ decan servicemen. blanket Increase. Rather. the boost blood derivative' used to mod· THEN sa id Representative Wood. partment, wa. Ill1ted, al a $12,· my new responsl· Since taking would vary accordlne to the flnan· lIy or prevent measles, II belnc I'UU: "By comparison, Presidedt billUes with Red Cross In October, ~yea,," member of the ec. olal situation aDd contract com· used here' 00 a two-l'ear-old Roosevelt ,In 1945. had a staff of I have visited a large nu mber of bomlo and lIl}olal counoll of tbe gIrl following her exposure to mltments of Individual firms. only $256,431 Bnd ~resl. 53 costing cities from coast to coast conferU.S. commlallon' &0 the United the disease. !\Iore thaD two mil. One oUiclal was : quoted as say· dent Hoover's 5taU totnled 37 at a ring with Red Cro s~ leaders. I found Nations. 1I0D vials of serum bave heCD Ing: salary blU of $127.200, 'P resent In most ' regions the blQod program distributed since 19U by Red "11 It <the Increase) only amounts White House sa lary costs, he .ald, of the Red Cross aroused ·grea~er C'ross .to physfclaos tbrouChout to, 10 c e n t a a ton, the retailer ACHESON: amount to $998.254 annually. Interest and made a greater appeal the' Didion, ' , Jhould be able to absorb It. But it Rapped . Again That ' was 'an impressive list of to the Red Cross workers than IIny it goes any higher, it will affect conven Iences and privilege. and other activity at this time. Another blood derival!ve is said Tall, debonoit' Dean Acheson, the price of coal to the consumel'." special help. certainly;,' rlvaijn, in to be invaluable in treatment of They felt thai the), were mall. · It seema logical tho t the retaUer U.S. secretary at state, was under many Instances the best that . an shock, burns. and' ceria in kidney In~ a very Imporlanl. contrlbu. could assume an added cost of 10 fire again. He was .charged. among Indian ,Potentate could boost. Yet, and liver aliments, apd there still tlon Co the beallh of tile people cents a ton-pI,lt the questio.n was: other accusatloos. With trying to democl,'a.cy comes high. Bnd tilere Rt;e others now In u.s e or being clin· and were eslabUshlDC tbc or· Would be? Except for competition, "shllt the blame" In defending the was little lJkeUbood that a resume ically tes\ed fOr future availability. ganlzcd framework to meet any which would bardly be. forthcomin g alleged loyal ty·suspect cases Sen· of whnt the .presidency· costs the creat disaster lllstantly and ,ef· Most of this -fractiona tion to dllte In the way of a price tight, the reo ntor .McCarthy (R.. W.is,) has been people 'Would . raise the blood fectlvely ID . thls phase of reUcf. has been done with surpluD war taUer could pass on any cOlll price airing on capitol hill. of many American. tal[. )ll'essure SINCE ACHESON made his now· A national m ilitary emergency plasma tetur·ned to the' Red Cross hike to 1he consurqer. payers. famous remark that "I wLU not might 'possibly require more blood by the army and nllv·y. 1n one case, my back on Alger Riss." folin one week th an all o.ur require- a sbip that' had been sunk in Jl!anila BRITAIN: lowing the latter' 8 conviction of ments during one year of the late B ilY ' was raIsed and the pla~ma perjury In QUestion ' wi th . treason Certainty & Doub.t Another Crisis wnr. In a great emergency, volun· aboard was -found to be In salisGreat Britain truly bad fnlle.n on charges, Acheson has been more or . A graphic contrast between te er dQnors would come forward' In lac;tor)" con,dition tor this fr.a-clionevil Umes. Ba·rely escaping one less on the pa,n as accuse.rs of the choices by electorates 'In Commu· the "J~lI ired nqmbers, but without ation. financial crlsl!! after another, the state department deUver their verp· nist and other countJ;les was p~. the ft, mcwork of the system now ,But tod'oy this supply Is about word was that the nation was facing al blasts. \,Ided In the Russian ' and Belgian being progressively established. the exhausted. ThereIore. , the national This time, McCarthy charged elections. In Russia. the re was 00 contributions of these volun teers plood program Is b1!ing stepped up another financial-ecQDomlc crisis in 185O-+just .as she .d.id in 19f9 and three key state dellartment aides ' choice. to meet Olis special need. 1148. I, as hav.lng shown Communist sympPremier Stalin was the Number 1 It Is estimated thai a donation THE P A,'i had passed wl!CJl ArneI" athies and demanded investigation candidate of the Soviets. and he ot one pint of blood tram ODe of a navy clvillan scientist whom lOans coUld say to such news: "So had no OPPOSition. As head of ~e out or every 25 Al1lerlcap adulls what-what baa that. got to do with he described as working on "top- Communist t icket, he was shooting will be rcqlll;rcd e"oll )lea r to most defense. secrets." I for as nearl)' 100 per cent at th,e UI'" For the fa: ~ s tha, because meet the nation's nornu,l deThe charge that the state depar~ vote as possible-with no of . 'U_S.·Britilh economlc·:fInanclal mands for whole blooil aDiI blooil ment harbors men and women :of votes t.o ·come. · ties stemming frllni the early Frank· fractious. lin D. Roosevelt era. whatever hap- CommUnIst leanings or 8YDlpathlel· Stalin and associates campalgned is not a ,new one. It has been crop- ,on a pledge of following a polley of People have 'a$ked me why the pened ~ -Britain ·epQnpmio!llly 01' Pi1lg up for the ' past several years, Red 'Ct oSS dges not require p \Jlt· peace. Tbe Russians elected a new financially could be expected to hapfOf-plnt replacement by the · r~cipi. and on each occasion .the depart. patllament of 1;302 melAbera. 1 JIlIn ~ the U.S" " • ment IndilDantly rushes forth with ent'l frleild 4 or family. To demand IN BELGIUM the situation ~ The realoo WU 't hat In any such a denial nJliacement in kiod, rather than qqJte dltterent. The I.sue WI.' erili. there \VOl no «Ie but 1be lJ~S. replenishment, or to make 'any THAT'S NOT ;;URPRISINa.' tor t9 'WMIIl. ~'e Br1u.1! could tunl for certainly neither Senator 'McCarthy ShOUld King Leopold m ~ returned , . Iliiiii......~ charge whatever for blood which to the tf1.rone?, FHty·.even per cent· .. • help. . hi. been ' donated voluntarUy would . nor anyone else expected the state of the voters saId he should, a fact ..~- The problem, as .•Brltish leadera department would admit iuch a be .• , departure from thf: basic Red viewed It. wal that although Brit· cOndition existed, even' H it did whl,,1i mus~ have been comforting' To help ..-cad his recovery. C. rolS princIple of beipl9' people &In's production Is about al high as . exist. To do 80 would admit either to •Leopold, Inasmuch as he bad .. small patient" ..ven a .r.... .olely on the basis of need. to abdicate unleSS 'hll revllwed it can 10 In the neal'~ future, It doei a lack of proper security eUorts on fullioll with blooi made available Some people ask )Vh;, the pro· .not yJelcrenough exportable goods the part of the department, or a ceived 55, per cent of the vote • &brouCh the national blood pr. gram must operate on a nation· However, the victory at the poUs to meet pressing British problems. ·wiUingnes. to wink at any employ· ~m. wide . ba,all.. :Th:e . ans\Oier 1111 ilmple. ONE OF THESE , Is the need ~ ee's loyalty H that employee hap. didn't mean ·Leopold ,wal back on A major disaster would require the the throne. Parliament would have could Dot be processed and made ~crease lales to the United 'States pened to "stand In right" with the the last worCi. as the election was inl}nediately available to save the Instant Shipment of large quanti. to earn more. dollars and solve Brit· proper officials. ties of blood from' one section of only advjsory-belng , designed to Uvea · of the Injured. alJ;l's current inability to pay tor the show parliame!lthow the people There 14 on1r one known source .goods she must get from the United 'ATTLEE: felt abQut Leopold. The election was ·t tom wrucb this blood can be ob· States. tumultuQus. with r i9ting and fight. talned, and that Is from thl! veins, Another Is conflicting pressure on Doing .Okay ing marking the:·balloting. of livin/:, heal~~y people. Brlta In to ship goods to otbe.r credi.· To ,the surprise of most observ. LEOPOLD had di' wn the III will I found that there were 30 region· tors as ' a means of paying on lluge ' ers, England's ao:calJed ;'6ha~" debts acquired in wartime and Labor government had , survived of millions of ' Befglans l)ecause of al centers of the national blood ' his capitulation' to ijle Germans ·in program' in operaUon. ,. Blood was since. two m ajor tests of strength In · par- World War II, although rus suppoJTt-· beipg made available 'through th~se ! Possible solutions included nego- liament. ers pointed out there' was little else centers to 1'.550 ' hospitals locatlld tiations with creditors to elise FOLLOWING the" election. In In areas embracing more than 40 pressure on old debts ap!1-as was which Prime MlnIsteJ; AtUee's he could bave done. 'inevltable and expected-provisions Labor' party won a bare majority' . The crux of the election was some million pcople. Mobile units had of further loans from the United of parilament seats, 1t was predict- 151.000 invalidated ballots. It these visited sOJlle 1.100 smaller comwere CO\lOtlld, thll' re~ult would give munities, and about 640 Red ' Cross Sta~s. , ,. eli that the vic tori margi.n was so Leopold only 54 pet cent of the chapters were participating in the slight that the ,overnment might votes and he would have to act on work of these regional centers. All 'c rumple-,that a new election was his pledge of abdication it he failed lthiS ' had been accomplished' In less TAX practically inevitable. . to receive the · 55 per cent he -had Ilban two years' tlJne. A PrQblem . In the ' recent teat-action on a 'mentioned. . ' ' ID ~mea of pellce, vallt quali• . CYnical observers of congi-esslon. Copservat/-ve Plotioo to beat down O$lea 01 blood are needed for a1 tax·cut maneUVering might be <the. 'cabb;l,et's hO)1slng pronam.Beror.e leaviJilr Rochelter, people under.oin. majOr .~ . forgiven a ' ~'so what?" reacUon to Attle'e made a cOlUllderably .trong. .ery; for .accldent vlotlms, for N, Y., to se$ up blood center 111 . announcement tha( while ' Deroo- er showmg than on a prevlous Issue. ehl1!1 blrths , for people auf(er1I0rnel~, the" cJrlver of a· Blood· · crats .had thrown out · Presldent THE LAB0R VICTORY' was iii. from anemIa or otber blOocl i' mobUe confers on the rO'Dte tq :' Truman's · llrilitatlons · O/l excise· made possible by support the .'cUaeaie" Besearc,. iras already I ~ be ..... en wltb a Il.ed'CrolS nune , tax stashes, they promised to d,lg Liberal taction, a development at llllcevered the 'ac&; lJiat ODII aDd volunteer I\lolor Servlce up othe~ revenue, to. ba.iance the , odds with popul81' lpecl11atlon as to . driver. . ~, ot ,blood ~blcb 'ormerly , I losses. , ,' where thi! Liberals wOuld go ' In lie~p4 op1)' one~ persoD' oan pow the copntry to another. Only ana. TO THE 4AVERAq)1: tiucpayer . parliamentary teats. Many top po. lie !!toten' dOWD Into fractions tl~nl\t hookup, to use a radio term, that must ;aeem 'to bll a senseless lltlcal ooservers hll,,~ predJcted that 1IfJHeti" ina, provlde ol treatment would facilitate ,this service to the · business. What was the point in the Llbetais \'Ioul~ stand ,wtil) the ,... '. dosen or nlore cl'sel. I j~re'd . abolishing ' cine type Of taxes and Conservatives a g a 1 n s t Attlee;. While ' the. whole cquntry Is ndt ' A 'frequent question ' Is " Whether levying another? Excl~e taxes 01- ~road program of ' nationalizatiOn. yet~v8fed by the, network of Red, "thla program Is not a torm 01 BO' fected . aJmost every one In the no;· of-lndu9tt'y~and·resources, but clo: Crq~. ~lood centers. every com· daU'zM \bedloine. 'Soclali2ed mecli. tion. and the substitute for Ii slash er observcrs of the British pOlitical murut;y 'now receives benefj~ from cine implies comp$ion. It al50 1m. · there,tlghtenihg' up at tax loop:. ' scene had pooh-poobed the Idea tbe p1'6gram throulI~ the blood pIlei govern.~ental control There iholes and "such other taxes as may that the ·Llberals would", ever be frac'tfoqs, or derivatives, . which , It III qeltber' ln tJje Red Cross progral'/\' 'be deemed feasible"-would most found standing With· the ·Conserva· ", whlcb ' Is' 'based cffl ' a'n' entirely vol~ prcivtdes. " lik~ly aHect a majority of taxpay. tlves. And, ap,parenUy, these progI l;!llve learned that one of these ' unteer pr~cedure ' and - Is not Stt» . ers,. nostioators , Were ·correct. fra~ons, has been diJItrlbuted .. \to )~ ct . under the. la~4 to government' Toat "other such tUxes 81 ma:v ' While It· had appeared that the e,very s~,!lte 1)f theeunion to prevent .•co trol. . be deemed feasible," was the ' Labor ·force. were to trlm down Fred N, Aoker, ,Cleveland, clincher that cut aU any relJat tax· their nationalization program be. or modify measles. I 11m ,told that - Up to the pre'sent ~ m~ the major Oblo, at&omey, II testJn. the pay~1'I mJgbt obtain thr~gh a caule of the close election result, ilt leas~,!. thll dangel'S of campi!· Cb~trol and flnanclng'J~ ce.n tered at vaUcUty of preseD' federal In~asb In the excise levies. these nllw Victories might reshape cationa which sometlm.e. follo~ American Red Crosl'·nafionalb'ead. come tax schedule. "hleh be President Truman has threatened the pattern of Intent.· For example nlle~l~, .ucb al pneumonia. sorri~ 'QuaI1ers, but thll proce\lure bal deeiares are "oonflscatal")'," to veto the eXcise tax cut H the ' ,fouoWin, triumph on the housin; type. of lleepln. slclmes., mJddie- only been followed as nece"ary to . ear lotocUon, . and heart ImpaiII- ,et the pro,ram under· way ' . Acker admitted he ha. not ftled 10111 of tbil revenlle is not balanced bsue, Health Minister Bevan, I ' .... ~ . ' any returD 'or paId aD:V direct b)' , otbe~ lourcel. :With develop- who.e m1n1s~ adm!nlstera the n1eL 0 Ii. •• adual deC~~aUzaU9n II now, taxes for several ,.ean, aDd ments a. : they were, It appeared hnuslnlr program, declared • : • Lut ye~, 888,lI32 viala at thll beilig initiated which will transfer slerum _re aupplilld by Red CrOll ·the major burden of d1recUon and certain ~at there would be lio ex- ''Uti! ',over'nment'l program will be l "Javlte4 the . ,0 v e I'D m ell t char.e." . ctae taz reductlonl before Jul7 I. perlls~d In.'' too tile nation'. pb;y.lcians. . :fInanatn, to local chaptel'~.
Me fOU troubled bJ (llamu' 01
male ruocttocal Il"rlodlO d la~l1rb. aDcca? Does tbla ma". you 8uller fro Ol palo. teet sO 11,,",0118, \I red-at sucb ttmea? Tbell 8tart taklD8 Lydia B. Plllkham·. Veaotabl. Compound
Giass Stove Perks Water in 50 Seconds Among many other lmJlOl1tl\nt tbings COJlllected with coHee-mak· Ing Is speed 01 operation, with mo.~ Ulen · alwa,. casting about for methodl to huten the procel•• · Now, • new glUI I, a tr8JUl: parent stove that heats a1r or bolll water for eolfee-and it will Itart water perkinl inside 110 .. condl. The ila.. hal a . tranlparent IIdD · that coDdllotl elect.r.1alQ-, bat , no
II ~(!JS
In or Out?·
rremendously Impressecr
The matter of, whether mUady', "I .-n trernendouify Impressed With til. progreu of the Red sllis enou,h to make the ,la.. hot, curves were to be played down or Cross blood prollram, I am intensely interested in this program. up to 660 degreel Fahrenheit. The accentuated In tbll 'prinll" fash. skin II a Il)etaWc oxide only about Ions was a lubject 01 no little can. It is on. of the rno,t important of· the Red CrOSi' modern. .fforts s~h!en mlWonths of an Inch thick. troversy amon, desllD8I'L it is of vital importanc. in Jh. lVut of d~II, I am One .chool .' of thought waoted ThIs bit of gla.. magic Is the undwshlocl. latest development of domin, glal. eurves concealed-The other would '1o••llnl" that its national importance is not' works, It 1. caned E-C gla .., m_ have tbem displa1ed to the belt ad. '"It II inlpiring to ... 10 much intenlity ol.efforn. Cl ..rely In, elactrlcally conCluatJn,. Heat- vantage, The IUbjeet wa. Important l:tolt,ntalry WGJ and at the sam. ti... II",.... IG f-" IUcit CI _11 er. DUIde of flat panek of tblI to the American male who, In the public appreciation ofwllat til. W 'Oou ........,..,. ,la.. are belq lIIed to keep babJ . end, would ·be mOlt concemld beit. '" ahlcb warm. oUau' tbIJiIa cause be~would pq,. mod 11ae le.der III tbe !lail'.llaltllllilld loji;--~~----~~~~-.&!"-~~~..;Q,C~i..i!i.~~.I:
,.tmajG' f.a1a,
re"", dlstn.. of MONTHLY
about ton days before I.e) , rellevo l unh symptoms. PlDkbam'. baa a
8OQ~ hto g
elT~t 0 11
one 01
100mon·.. m a.l Important O1Il4n,/ .TrU19 tlJe woman', frlood I
HAPPY DAYS NOWNOT CONSTIPATED "r feel happier, lIolUl/fer noiv , not eonstipnted IEatlngrOUr ALL-BRAN d Qes80 mIlCh for mo What wonderrul relief, after 80 and 2, 'IIIall1l tm:!OIICill!d
lellJ[ro'lll AuL.o.ru ,
UllBrs, 1£ you from constipa t ion due to Inckol dietary bulk, try eating .an - ' - -..=..... oun ~'C 01 crispy Kellogg's ALLB RAN daily; drinieplenty of water I If not compltlt!lv sati/lned nfter 10 days, sead empty carton to I(rllogg's, Balile Oreek, ·Mich. Get OOUDLE
MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE · OF BACKACHES J.a _ .... oIdi\. otr......4 atrala, OY_ aert-Joo. u . . ..v. amoldDI or .IPoeu,.. Ie eoId IIOmltlmeo 010. . down Irldoe" luoo110... l' hi. "1&' I..., m•• )' lotlm L l<I ""pI.la 0' na..I'l1 ba.Ueb •• 1_ 01 pep ....4 _IV, b""'a.... · ...d: <lh,l_ Gottlna up nllbto or r...qaeot m17 ....ub hom millor bl.dder. Irrltatloo" au. to cioI4, .....pn_ Or dl.tIr7 2tnc1 t.c ..tlo .... .. If '9ur 411"""!tortll . IN duo c. theM
_ _ 400', ""I ~. try Do..•• PIIII. a ",U4 4I,.,.tI... tlMd ....._fully b, ",11110111 tor 0'" 60 ,ura, Wbll. tb... ')''''P'''IU I!Ia7 on.a otbtnriM oeeur, It'. .",ulnl bow m...,. dm. II.... upp, ..1101.... p tile 15 IDllee 0( k1dblW \u~ I.d III .... /lu.b 'OU' ....... Do ...•• 1'1111 lod. ,1
. On.' application
MAKES FALSE TEETH FIT for the life of your.plat•• .t
,UlU plaeea are loun and tllp l U hutto relll rh~m (orIPSla.nto: perma!'l:ol cOlllfon with Ip(1 BnmmJ PI'.$u ·Liner Im p. , La. 1"1(' nn uppe. or lo ..,e~Jo,e .. hi,~ and i, mold ~ ,Perfe....,
or 'ttSI;",
ji/4"d """fort
RYen 011 old
aca. ~rimml PI~ ti.Un~r " i\lel .oocl
r'Hwtt. fro .. lUI mooch. to a yea, or fUDl:et I End.~ fo~cvtr men not! boch er df cempor.'; applll::a t1oouh ar I" . t few hounord.,. ~h().Pt ... . Ii"p i~ ... f()c;: ldna r late', l nd lore .Ul~~ E•• .ny/h,nll; Tolk fr<:oIy . RIll", ,becomfort Ibo~ • I.ndll or peopl, .11 OV~t Ibe ("Ouoln uo., ••
- Jlh Brimm. PI .. ,I·J.jne, ..., to t .. llio. Tlght.n ' .... 1••,., ,._~~, ' Taueleu. odorlel'. ba,.ml~ to YOu llid_ fOu.
plate,: Cto bercmuvc:d as perdir«l io oJ. U,era No." I C 4" fal ""lIb"" , •• Alo"., 6.c' $1.2' fOf line. (or pnt pl".:.z.z, Cor bc),1i pl ~ ' ••. "', 'Out dru, .1011:.
•......"nl" .
,). ' I ' T . .
,', ~
PreIS tllllIutt_ alKlllil b.n~y ~i l pcnlCf cj~I'
.a cloud or .erosol rOI :whl~h kil'ls Hics, mosqui. toes, roaches, Inll, bed bugS. molh! Ipd lliver ftsh. Leaves no unpl_ lot odor and II harm· !I!U 10 humans an4 petI "'ben '.11SCd u dl~cd. Sold' It drug, hlrdwaM ID", rarm lupply atOll:l. 'OI4CCO 1Y.'~ODucn & C"EMIC~L CO.OIATlON • lIeMOND, VIRGINIA
Thursday. March 30. 1950
Ir·sh Beauties ·for Decoration croehc tln~ JUstruru<\ns. s titch lIhis t rll· tl0118\ . n~l , erl._ 1 J"cqu retn~nt.'j nd f.lnfsh Uli: aitecllon s. SE WING CIR C LE NE EDLE WORK no Sooth w.n. 8 t .• Cbl c ll,. 7. UL
En d ose 20 cen ts lor pnttern •
.U. S. Milk Industry I Vastly Transformed
Here are some -win· ners. in the ' seventh annual "News Pictures ot The Year" competition sponsored jointly by the University ot Missouri s c h 0 a I at journalism ond the Encyclopedia Britannica. More than 3,009 pictures w ere judged in the interna· tional competition, representing the w~rk ot 594 photographefs from 32 states. At · right, "Bull's Eye," by John Rammell, Decatur, III., Herald- Review, won tirst prizel in the · sports di. vision. Below, "Catter of Purdue:~ by leonard Me· Combe, lite , magazine, . s h 0 VI 5 the champion swimmer making a turn while training. .
NO • • •••••••••••
N ame
..... . ............. . . .
I •
••• • • •• , .
Cost of Product Rise:!) Less Than Other Foods Since the turn at the cenlury the
milk industry has undergone a transform ation rivaling that of the airplane, Dccording to da iry IS ci entlst and historian Dr. J. Lloyd Henderson. Dr. Henderson. co·author at' "The Market Milk Industry." a stand ard t textbOOk whoso la lest ed.ilion. will Ibe released this spring said "Our research since the war's end pOints up the fDcl that although la bar and equipment costs have kept pace with rising scales in other industries, the <:.ost of . mi lk and its products has r l.sen . le ss than that 01 any other food . In tact. m ilk, from a nut ritive point of vicw, Is 1a r !lnd away the housewifc's best fo.od buy." Cost·sav ing RcientWc advnnl:es in milk processin g and startling eCODomies due to improved distribution Gilt Suggestion practices have been responsible fOl" IRISH r o·s e decor a tions are this; Hcnde rson points out. crochete d in pa le pink se t in The industry shed no tears as It a cobwebby b ac~ground o.f spa rk· buried the fa miliar lO·gallon milk Ling whit e to trim a pair of guestr oo m pill ow·cases a nd dr esser sca rf. Nice shower gift Id ea-and m a ke seve ral pa irs i n d iffe rent colors to r eple nish your own linen s upply .
News Pictures of the Yea.r
me pro",'" You'" '" ulh wi'" ot prldof~~ I~ oetion h_ .Clobber r i O pro... • tho ",illln9 boW , "OUJ be " U'flied I b' euih rise to co"e o'el f~ulf, novOI In light on Thcrt". . oven . • • I --.I ,ou, Gl I', btl IInClobbe\' .' double actlOll-
w"." •
• • •
5400 cons ists 0 1 comp lete
Thl exccillint berd of caitle. rrin:lng quietly nnd contentedly Is sym bolle of va.at mm. 10dustry which blls underJrone sucb a t'rBnsformation In Ibe lIast two decades.
"Wind-Blown Foul," by Daniel M. Moher, 8angor, Moine, Doily NeVIS, won third prize in the sports division. . This was on~ ot the pictures trom small· er doilies that scored im• pressively in t.h e com~e~ tition, encouraging sponSOf$ in the ' beliet that emphasis onphoto.journalism is seing felt to on increasing degree: . (rjg~t)
The Questio.n s
can and converted 10 huge insulated tank trucks tor tirlnglnl~ mUk from the larger farms t~ the pro· cesslng plant. Savings In ha.ndling due to this change have only been matched by. the improvement in sanitatlon and quality of th.e product. Henderson said. Every-otherday delivery, now Pr.actlc.ally standard practice ~. major cities, plus the use of retail trucks of aimost double capacity. also helped keep \h.e housewUe's milk budget in line. • The !lash- pasteurized, once outlawed by health authorities, has been so improved that today every milk company.of any size Ilses It.to eave expensive man·hours and production space.
1. Who was the tallest Presl-
dent the United States? 2. How many judges are there in the United States Supreme Court? 3. Who was the shortest President of the United States? 4. What United States newspaper is often called "The Manchester Guardian of America'" Ii. What is the literal meaning of Mardi Gras? . . ,6. Which ' has the largest area Canada or Australia? .
7. Name the president of the C. I. O. unio.n_
Older People PnlH II
8. Name the president of the A. union.
,--.,-----------'1F. of L. Check Cows' Feet
The Answers 1. Abraham Lincoln, 6 feet Inches. ~.
Ifs So Kind to tile System Thousands of older people prai8e Nature's Remedy, II TabletB. AD IR at night brings morning regularity 80 thoroughly. yet without perturbing effects. All-v,e getable TrUJku eM dif!eren«-a big dilrerencelll '8 are composed oflO natural vegetable ingredientB. That's w~ they're 80 kind to yoill' system. Try lR.at our expense_ 25 tablet. only 25c. Buy a bOll: at any drug store. Try them. If not completely satisfied, return bos with unu.sed tabletB to us. We will refund y<llll' money plus ~tap.
Nine. Madison,
5 . feet
4. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 5. Fat Tuesday. '6 . Canada, by approximately 100,000 square miles.
Allbough one would hardly ratber Ibe Impression fron~ the Holstein ' oow (above), cow. are like people In more way. than .one-one sure one l~elnl' 'that wben their feet hurt. their production lags. Farmers can help prevent loss of pr,oduotlon from this source by pulod· 10 a«entlon to the feet of their (laHle to chflck for foot infection or other ml_
• Warren lee at Acme, who captio.,ed this photo · (above) "beat" in Shanghai," won fif$t placa over 591 rivals in the !lews. event picture competition. rhe picture shows the street execution at Communists by a Shiln,hai policeman. At right, "A Slight Breeze in Chi· cago,' by Tho.mas t. Sh~fer, also 'of Acme, shows the Midwest metropolis 'I,Mng .uP to its r~putatio~ 'as the "windy city." . . . .
7. Philip Murray. t-~-W-"Uil(n
Mew Dairy Element Seen AI ·Aid ~. More Outpult
The anlmal p~oteln factor-inlr· aeulous dalry element which up the growth of farm animals and pG1.Iltry at leIS cos~ to the 181 ~er .. now in tanbage production and ahould' be readUy available to can· lW11ers wlthln • sbon time; Official:; of ill. chemical PQny prodll clng the element whlc\! . ter· Is accomplished by mentatlqn, prom ise feed eJJLIClcrll"J that will r priCsent a ' significant new . advanc.e in animal nutritlob: The fermentation APF, as the teed component Is known. has I ·Vita!llin B12 content approximately 40 times that of good fish meal, the outstaridlng natural source of APi which has beeD widely used here tOo fore in ' feed mixtures. This VlLi.,U,UI compound is one of the most effec· tlve known for 5upplem'elltinl~ clUck, en and hog feeds.
Will Help to Manur.e Propelrtiel . • Here, at left, is a picture . which the judges agreed "had . everything." Entitled "Flight," it was ~ade II, Varner M. Gould,
Kalamazoo, Mich., Gaette. It won MCOntI ...... In ... HWI di• f tH ~1I"MIuoIri
Adding superphosphate ) man· are Dot only increases Itll 100d balance, but helps it hl~ld val· uable nitrogen that otherwfsl~ 11Iighl be lost, according to Prot.. C. J. Chapman, Un!\>eralt7 of WlaecJln~lIj &IrOnomlst. He .ay. it added before tbe manure tbe &ld•
• Mat.. G flOOd fnalla"-fim,,o .at I
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You'll enioy everysl-,e ,·,·r .. of KROGER bread
Eatabllahed 1850 , PAUL A. SCHERER " . " " . " .. " ... " " " . . . , Ed ltor and Publ'llher CECILIA J_ SCHERER .. .. .... . .... . .... . : .. Secretary Trealurer
Published Every Thursday Morning lIt Wnyn svi llc. Wuran County, Ohio Enterell ns 3 co11(1 cl nSR mnlt IIr at the pos tofCIce nt Waynosvllle, Ohio. RO les~$l . 60
MAHCII 30, tiP; •.)
__-i.------- -- -- ---- --
" ""
~t I
Pel' Year. In advance, in Obl0, $2. elsewbere
The' !.UPER·SOFlloaf with the TENDER-SOFT (rust •
Try this new Super-Sofl' Kroger Bread. Each slice is supersoft from the tender soft crust to the last soft crumb. And soft it stays for .days and days.
B. E. Baughn, Paator Church School, 9:30 A.M.! Mr. Unified Service, 9 : 45 a. m. Harold Earnh'a rt, Supt. Worship Service, 10:30 A.M. ST. MA~Y'8 EPISCOPAL Youth Felowshl1p, Sunday, 6:30 'J,'be Rev . Samuel N. Keys , R~c lor P.M. und!l-Y: Holy Communion, 3 n_ m. Prlmary church. school 10 :30 n,m. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST (Ages 0 through ) Byron Carver, MJnlster Bible School, 9:30 A.M. Ad ult. Wors hip, 10 :30 n. m. . .' Morning Worsblp, 10:30 A.M. Prayer Meeting, '1:00 P.M. UTICA E.U,B. CHURCH Young People's Meeting, 7: 00 WJ\llam Shannon, MInister Evening ServIces, '1:30 P.M. Sunday School, 9 :30 A.M., Mrs. Jame9 Garrison, Supt. .WAYNESVILlE CHURCH OF . Preaching, lat. and 3rd. SunCHRIST days or ~ac t.. month, 10:30 A.M. M. H. Cotfey, Minister Evening Services, 7 :30 ' P.M. Bible School, 9: 30 A.M. . Morning WorshIp, 10: ao A.M. 81'. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Young Peoples' Meeting, ' 6:46 Fllther R. H. Krumholtz, Putor , P.M. Masses, 8, and 10 A.M. EvenJng Service, 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting anI} Bible Study WedneldaY, 8 P.M. ' CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS :..oe PartJnctOD. MlDftter Worihip Semee, 10 A.M. MT. HOLLY METHODIST , SUD day School. 11 A.M. T. M. Scaff, Minister
It's so soft to touch you know. it's fr~sh. So g09<l to taste y()u'll say there never wa$ a bread quite like it. Such tender-soft crust there's no need to trim it.
, Compare it .with other breads! Compare tile price, too! I t ~ s an amazing value-- you save from 5 to 7c on two loaves of ne\v Super-Soft Kroger Bread. Try it without delay. Enjoy it today. .
Til". ""Nlcry foil., TIt. Editor'. ,
Do.,,,,,,,,." MotwJoy "'"' ffiHy, WVCL" 00:00 JIm. '
Bunda" Sohool, 9:30 A.M.. E. WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS A. Earnhart, Supt. Worship Service. 10 :80 A.M. First Day Scbool, 9:30 A.M. Evenlnlr Service, 7:30 P.M. Meeting lor Worablp, 10 :30 A.M.
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1r1Wlt$()ff.1 to the . .,last. soft.·slice
Ask About our Price on IJl8tallation and Gas
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toe SldIDS. Slaeet metal. work 01 all tlDdt. Local Ref....~ C81. AU ~rtf JU&J'aD~cJ;
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'OUll 1tEPUTI~TION to~OIt DErENDAD~LIT\" doe. not I'est upon a FEW FAMILIES served over 1\ ' period ot a FEw. YEAllB, but upou ~e. experience of MANY HUN. RElDS of ~amU\e.· over , a perla,,"
Hop - 26c c:wt. Aec:ordill&' to Size and CoDditlOD.
Xenia 454
'.NEI~li. HOM~ ~ WA'.ltYI'L"
• THU){SlJAY, MARCH 30 19jO
'lI,_u"a_lI_ ~J_ Q _ I~--''-'''-'
the WlllU slon, but where IS'it going to stop, Wtlliotner, Do we wnnt freedom or do ,w e .IIU 1Iio!ll &.badol's .JI!> ClIl ill lull u. want freedom trom responsibility ? ..uu ..:~ UI. ~r\'"",~ aaruw8s. ··~· Q.l·W Do we WlUlt to work for ourselves J:' U . l.l~1I I II, ... e L aUvle' Is ode, ...... e or do we wan~ to work for Ule ,111.l1 o e 01 P"UIIIOuS' 111 llotlJ.er, "Tile gO \ erllment: Terrac1ng i8 good a nd .11. ... _1 ,1 euaus LO L ,' ~e I1Qm" .. no.Ubr. we are go.lng to accept help to do \'ViiS .hel'e e,er , . ttm8 wh~n the It but · ou&'ht we not do It tor ourl)e01lla II ere 110 l10luged WIth lID - selves? If we let him get hlJl foot 1I0nant IJ,ucsllons. Allother Utle, In this door, what 18 the, next bru sh " ~ 'I be '1',1I1e \.0 btop the SPen:de~8 be ·wU~ try to sell us? Is I'IOW," What IS It Ulilt YOU w.liont tile governwent to do tor you? Jsn't thele some other way NEW HOUSE to do it? We naC1ll't ,signed .Ul' farm program for th1a year untu Saturday wb.en they sent a man New Four Room Houso - ' Two around to lIee us. We now aan get Acres ot Ground- Near Oregonia paymenlS, for terracing our land .0 - Vacant - Possession - Priced prevent eroalon. Perha'ps tber~ Is Very Reasonable. more sell8(l to that than buying p0tato. that no one is going to eat, at leaat wben tbe soclallBta take over the land at lome future , date there will be more ot It. to take Rout 48 North of Route 73 over bu~ naturally In the meantime Phone Centerville 7056 it we accept government b.elp we must accept government supervlH II
Dry Ridge A farm Diary ,By D. J. Frazier IIIal'ch ,.7, 1!J50.-Al1 night the ruugh \uu'oh ~ jnd Hhook tUe will. UOW$ II.IIU r'ol Ltled the doors, Anytiling tJlat was loolle !Junged lUlU ratUeu, It roared and sang lliru the "Ires IUld the t1 ees and it Is sUIl blowing a gule. If it doesn't blow III another 1·aJ.n It way dry the ground enough to start work. Ing it, We Would like to plar.t OW' oats as soon as pOlislble but Rot today in this wind, Yesterday It wus really warm In .the s un und , I believe that every elll' In the reg .on wus out on tho blghwn.y, 1 drove to Oinclnnatl, As usual, c ve,·ythl..g 18 a few days CUl'Lher aq.v~ced there, T be jon. Qulls In fhe (arm yards there are in bloom while ours are just in bud und the trees ha.ve 0. more' f U:Gzy look. In spite or the .tac:t tbat everything started to come out in February t be bad March weatber bas beld them back 80 that everythlDg Is co'mlng out at about tho normaJ time. we neod not have worried.
fU 1l1 blOWlDg,
SERVING e$I~1/~h8
Our t""eraJa lift plan. ned bl order that aU rituals od ceremoni.
$3.95 Each -
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, Stublos ';
$7.75 Pair
l"Ull~ua lu",' ~'OWB 01 1l01l.11 In
Lbo lOlli' tln utUl'uay und hOlle to plum t he rest t nttl \ ojtll!. aomotime, ow j( 1 can Just Kilep Lhotie .be... "
thew at tbe cruclul
III", 1.1', ;
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and yourl never have tD
worrv aLout a hospital bill
1 cu.u ..... vu tiu... u
···'WaKn,o w!
l' UUB, A. lIu \.l\\ l' and some a rID ua. II IIIlU we 1I1laU be~ln t ... hu vo uIIlm rugua lJOrllaps, ' l{ .1 were buymg a ucw pillce llle Jirst lbln!; J. II Quid do would be to jlllWt IU& lII!p~ragu8 beC1~ some rhublU'b, aud 1\ IltruwlJerry , bed. I llave blac¥ l'uf Pbontes, those Ivere here when we came 110re but 1 hllve J10' been IIUCCUliB1Ul ' In gening he red (IlleS SlArt tl, 1 lw. 0 1,lauted red CU1'~ rUllts several LUnes II' unout lUOL J tuink uerhaps I didn't get tbeIll In the grouud early· enough and fulled to waler tbem wilen h~t dry weo.tber come. 'I'hese thinga that ~ coma year aLter yeu.r once they are slarted are such a. plell8ute to have. 101'0 shoe'p wore killed last Wo exam.ueil ' OU1' dogs tor wwL In heir leeth l~Ut tOlWd none, tho, as jO~.aa ~.1oI: ., A~ . ~jI lying around"l Jan'£' see tho. th&~ proves IU\Ytht.Dg,. .How c~ lOU teu wbether th~ wool ,came ott a s heep or a live 01101 Thel'O no prool of any k.ind that oW' do,a wel'e there but b~ca.use they werll acuUBcO, ~uc k shot, two ot his dog., a lilUe· whlhe bitch though' there 11 young hal grown part hOUlid anll lYas .&10 wool in their teeth and AO proot other thlill that thoy sald they saw a. browA and & wllite dog leave the place and come ID our dlrectroD, but they were too tar a.way ~o really IdeDlify the dogll. The dog warden should' make sure that all dog owners have their _ •• u~ ,'" licensed for it is a bad i08& yoU have sheep killed and , It 18 .& 10B8 that we aU have to pay when I the county has to pay for the sheep. It is bad Wh~D you have Ideal aheep ralslI),g' land ' but can't, keep aheep on account of d068. 1 d~ ' not like to see eUher doksor men ~Oll damned on clrcum,stantl 1 evldell(. e: Let's get rid of flnlicensed dogs a nd take ' care 'o t o~ innocent doga but get the killers and make 8Ul'8 that we are getting the. right dOlS, IlDd get aU dead stock out of the fields and Into the fertiUzer plant. 011. 1'1 \I
I oul willof every 3 families
have a hospital bill TH.IS YEAR ~
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HOSPITAL CARl CORPORATIOII th. HOlpltal.SponlONd Non-Profit Plan of HOlpltal Car. CIN,CINNI.TI •
Blue Cross goes all d~e way .. .. pays ydur bills, big ~n'd litde; fe r nil hospi~al services' whefl yOIl receive,care and trc::uml:nt as a bed, patient in any member hospital AND a room allowance' of S5.00 a day, •• 70 days' coverage: per year for each member, Ch Lidbirtl. covered after nine months' family membaship. Blue Cross 1'.I)'S tile. bill for all hospitalized diseases, injuril:s and conditions r,w.!,' lor fh"""k distam Jf!u flOW ,,'alit,
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, - - ...... - - . _ _ 1 . - ..... -
.......... _ - _ ...
) I ~ .~.
. SPfAKS .
'SCIlIPTURE : Matthew 21 :l· l8 ; • Pet r 4: I 2-JO; R ov~I "Uon ? :II-I?, DEVOTIO NAL R EADING : Roma ... 8 : 111-18,
Thursday, March 30, 1950
Consider Face, figl re Defects,
But Don~t Let Them 'Defeat' You
Five tours
By Ertta Haley
A.ND FIG URE Irr e~ ularl. are common, but It :I C}-· trcmely doubtful ' they look as com· mon as they real.ly are tor women have at their disposa l th e ways and me ans or enhancing their good points and mlnil1llzing those whiCh are sli ghtly out of Hne .. A good example is seen In the slim silhouette so popular this sea· son. As any des igner can tell you, the slim look Is some't hing tha t is more of an achievement lhan it Is actuai fact. That should con',,- a9 good Ilews to the girl wh ose f i, ,I'e is more plump than sleilder Faces don' t bave to lrok as . quare or round either, as nature made them. With the right collar and hat effects, even these conlour" can be changed without covering them' It's a good Idea to be just a\l aware of our rlerects as of our good poil\ts, for that Is the slartlng polnt of dressing properly, When you know what sta nds ' 0 11 ea'ch nlde t the benuty ledger, you cnn use ali the tricks availabl(l to pl oy up the good, and play down the tal,r or poor. Knowing your tace and fig ure detects should 0 01 giv e you a c' m · pJe.'C about them, When you have
F ACE ti cs
ISolveGroo';'ingProble-m I
<onlains ma gica l TOR/NOt Fina.· Ou icker . Beller '101 and 20'
By Rl ohard IIIU Wilkinson
BADIAH · LITTLE was dead. There were plenty who would be gUad to he ar that news. The)'e wene a gre at m ajority o( others who didn't cnre a rap. Oba dia h was a mea n old man who lived mone on a fa rm 10 miles Lesson for Aprll , ~, 1950 west of Fail'vlew_ Everyone .hated . him because he F YOU HAD BEEN on the top ot drove a s b a.r p the city wall on that fj rst Palm ' ~, • Minute bargain a'nd foreSunday, watching the c rowds roar· Fiction ~losed mortgages ing into Jerusal em, and some one ._ _ _ _--' on the minute, h ad told you that all the stioutlng That was the was for Jesus at Naza reth, you .Itur.t tion . that conlronted Owen and w 0 u 1 d certainly me When we drove up to invest.lhave thought that gatE!. his success was P reliminary Invesllgation rea ss u red. Here, veale d the following ra cts: Obads urely. was a King Ia h bad been killed by a, rock who had n rrlved! thrown through a window neat:' But before ·the whllO h he wa s sitting, reading. We week wa s out you knew he had been sitting there would have seen r eadi ng bct:ause Moses MprTl s, a th is same J esus on n el ~thbor ' h a d passed by In the early trial f or his ' life; . evel~ ln g and not~ced the light In and not a voice Dr. Foreman . Oba d:J.ah's window, and no~lced r !lised in his d efen se, The same' Fashl0118 may change, but Obadiah .s luing beside it, Mose:, d usty·throated m olJ on thot Sunday pers onltl ' daintiness oontlnue" ha d gone up the road looking for Ehouted "H osanna ! B;essed Is to be ImpDrtnnt as evor to Good a cow thai had strayed. He found He !" was ' shrieking on Friday grooming. To n e ulrallz ~ perthe cow and started back and nom orning, "Cruc it y him !" spiration, use bak'i ng Noda In ti ced tha i Obad i.Dh bad shifled his • your bnlh in t.he proportion of posillo n, Flowery Bci:ls or one-bnlf pound to a tub of waler. Somelhlng aboul the wily the Bloody Seas? It )'ou prefer a shower, appl!, old man looke d aronsed ~105CS' soda ovcr moistened baking There 15 a popula r notion float· cur losUy, and he wenl up close tbc cntlre body a nd tbM wash lng a round to the effect that God !llld saw . blood on Obadiah's It 8\ ay under the spray. gives good peo ple an easy t!me. temple. Moses went on home lt is not alway s pu t jus t tha t way. al.1d called the pollcc. But when a ma n who has been to orde r for thOSe with natura l We corrobra te d th(s by lalkln g to good (or thinks he h as, or has tried slende'r ness. They ma y choos e rrom, to bel, runs into trouble, he asks the boxy silhoue ttes, . lao, o r the neif:hbors who ·had hea rd Moses ca lling the co w, and by discoverJng r ight a wa y, " Why mllst this hap· very wide, gored skirts which are f ooiprints and hoofprints outside pen to Me? " The truth of the matjust com ing in, t he window, ond by the fact th at ter Is better expressed in the lines That' s not aU . the goad news. Oscar J9nCS, another neighbor, bad of an old hymn: either ! The t wo-piece ra sh lons, be come by While tlJoses was looking they· tn!loreel suits or casual baiera "Must ,I be ca rried to the skies In the window. fa shions, wUl give e.nough horl· OIl flowery beds ot ease, So we discounted tlJoses as a zontal lines to cut the tall tlgure While others to,u ght to ~in the prize, . I· down and give if more of the aver· possible suspect, and went to ,york on lhe , others who had hated Oba age look. (lr s a j led thr ough bloody seas?" No attempt should be made to diah. There was, ,for example, properly concealed or played them hide slen.d erness. Tha t Is the Roscoe Norbert, who lived a mUe Jesas was Incomparably tbe down, you can forget all,o ut them sUhouette '01 thc season. If you b~ve a waw, and who had been helping ' best who ever Uvei);, yet his secure In the knowledge that aU bony ' arms, look to (uU dramatic Obadiah with his haying. A neighmoment. popularity were' haa been done to make them least sleeves to eofter! the angles , U tbe bor had heard Obadia h and Roscoe sboJi, and he , was DDally torobvious. At the same . time, you neckline Is angles ra tiler than quarreling over wages that very tured and 'Wed by the leadhave accented or dramaU~ d a Cor· curves, depel'ld o~ the wide collars ' day. ers of church ud lllate, amid responding good detail of appear- to do the r ight job. O WE CALLED at Roscoe's the JeerlDI' appro".1 maalle. ance so that Is what will Impress Hals can add or detract to the of the people. hous~, and struck a I nag. your friends and acquaintances height 01 the figure. For those who . Roscoe hadn' t been home aU nlght. He blmself said tbat any tollower when they' see you. ' are taU, there are sailors a-nd wlde- That looked bad, or good, depend01 bls must be willing to take up Choose fabrl cs and styles with brimmed hat s :, wblch minimize Ing. on ,,!hat sld~ of the fence ),OU his own cross, "In the world you height, Those who are sb.ort and were on. I sent Owen to hunt up will have tribulation," be' said 10 · as much care as you would mak.e flln figur!!d can seleot:> .bat on . Roscoe; ' and' returlled to Obadiah's his dlselples. . wbloh the trimming Is perched "lib farm. ' , sp that longer Unes will he , ,Qu.ite a crowd had gathererd ,outAU Tyrantl achieved. Ilde. Lights (rom auto.m oblles UluSbort, full figured girls can choose mlnated the house and grounds. ' Hate the Chu~ch ' the single breasted nita that live Among the cars I , noticed Doc HE MORE GENUINELY Cbrjsthe illusion of slenderness. Those Orlan'S tittle coupe. ·t1an the church 'is, the more it who are slender Bnd tall wlll like He was Inside, and had already is likely to run Into opposlt.lon double breasted ·rashions that pad baUD his investigation. There are several reasons for this. the figure , "How's It look?" I asked nlm. For one Udnll. · the church stands Coat Styles Solve ".L et you know In' about an 'or love, arid the generosity and un. FllUre Problems hour." He glance,d up and ret urned .el:fjshness, the sYIn.Pa thy and Those who are short and heavy to bls work. I scowled. Doc was even the .acriflce that .go with may well bor~ow a tip from the ex· ulluaUy mor~ confid~nt love and are ~roduced by It. But perts on wearing coats proP!!rly. "what makes the world go 'round," I went back into the bedroom_ The advice Is this : never wear Doc: was stuffing things back into -the world ot the politician. the your coat or jacket open' as It will hls bag. money-mljtker, the spaial climber. draw attention to the inside tJgure. the war·maker, the ·world of the i'Been dead about flve hOurs," The long, unbroken front of a ' c!,.,sed . be ' said. ' power·thlrsty In every sphere-:·"How?·' what make. that world go 'round an important decision affecting any coat can do much to give thc \lIu- ' . "Some blunt Instrument," . Is 'pride, sel1Jsliness, shov,lnll- phase of life. and you'll be better . sian of slenderness. The easy ' 'fit~lllg coats, the half ahead, Me·f1rstneslI. The, seUlsh dressed and more oonfldent In meet· belts and dull·fin ished fabrics which and the proud do not take kindly In.ll the public. help to give the slender sUhouette' to love of the Christian sort, indeed Seallon's SllhoDette are widely aVBilable now. Short 1hey dcsplse It as a weakness. Helps All Figures slout figures shouid make a speCIal Bat the church, w.b en U is a The 'lYillowy effects which this eUort to shop for them. &rue church, alands ap for Buseason's clothes strPve to create Thick, bulky, textured fabrics a ' ) maaity even when It haa to will help tbe woman wbose (ig. ta boo on large ' figur es, The s he er .tand alalallt Profits; ,aDd tbe . ure Is plump, be ' she short or tall. fabrics whicli ,are. now making man for whom Prollt Is the Narrow vertical -lines are used tashlon news come as a big help .Iul· law ' a. U'e never anderrathe~ than wide horizontal ones, , for those who want to cut, down . alands tho attitude of the There ' are side drapes which will their. size, " church. Then tlie clJnrcb Iwhen c'atcb !ilterest and thus draw It If a neckplece Is to be worn with · 1& Is a real one) alway. IItnd. away tram a mldllne that is not the coat, have It dart at ' upwa rd 'or the people a,alDI' the Ty. above reproac.h_ . angles rather than strai ght across. ra~t, whoever and , wberever he . Those who are taU and naturally This not only slenderizes the figmay be, even when be Is In slender may wonder where nrlp for ure and sllhouet'te but also the face. aome clJurcb hlmaeU. Bloused backs, full ' circular skirts And consequently an tyranta them can come. The an· around pleated BkJrta are popular and made and large, dramatic sleEves which hat~ the church: 'lbe Roman em· , are now being seen on coals are perors bated It and persecuted It el!peclally c!eslgned for those who 'till they found they could UBe it i are tall and thin. The bulky tweeds Obadiah wa. a mean Old, (wblch, ,b.r the way. was a bad day ' 'lhaD "••• everybod, h.ted hlm• . tor the d .urch). Mohammed, a ty- ~====:;:;=======~ . and othel' roug.h textured fabrici wiD soften the angular fi gures. nnt of lortl. bated the Christian r "The rock, eh?" Tall people frequently look maschurch and would bave totaJ.I,y, de· "Could have been." sive unless they're carfoful In the atroyed It it he could. just then Owen eame In. Be selection ot clothes . This effect can • be softened with wide collars or bad a .'laD, rawboned lDdJvldaal Victory-When~ revers, large pockets' and a femln • . witb hIIn. "This Is ROKee," be 1.ld. WE SUFFER with blm we Ized silhouette" Avoid too·mascullne shaU also teign with him," or too tailored eUects In clothes. Clwen came in again with Moses. laid St. Paul. But when 'and how? Draped ' lines will soften many Moses looked important. '!'be end of the ch'lrcb's struggles angular figures perfectly, and the re "'M oses," I said, "Jl:ou're a first eould come In either, of two ways. should be no difficulty in (inding clalSS liar. You 'm ur dered Obadiah'" One WilY would lie for the 'church plenty of these. Moses' jaw' went slac;k. "How do to give up Itruggllng against the Choose Blouses, Skirts YO~I figure that, Shurr~?" world. Let the church become a TC) 'Hide Figure Faults "EU7 as pie':" I said. "You club tor the sociable, let the church For those who are UJln, Oat .tuted out a"fter your cow and ralse no voice of protest aga inst Inchested and narrow·should ered. the ,atolPped by to talk to Obadiah:'" ,u'stice In society, against untruth, blouses which are deslgnetl to be ablllut renewing a mortgage, per· violence and greed ; let tne church worn tucked outside the skirt are haps. or something else. Anyway, alve in to the world, In short, and Play up sleeves because It's ideal since they cut the figure at a YOIII got mad and slugged him with ahe wIll have no further trouble bee n praollcaUy ' ceneratlons better place, Fat' na a;yow ' shou lde l's, tbe .tove poker. Then you propped from the world. IIlnce &bey've been as dramathe best remedy Is the blous e with him up by the window, lighted the But In Uaat case she would tlo .s they, a,e today. Sketohed horizontal lines across the sleel/ es. lamp and put the bOOK In his hand. be dead. "oother way Is ror the here are two examples ourThe short pe<l sa nt pullovers Ilre "Then you went outSide and church finally to overoome the reDt lIuccessea. The separate not for anguln r people. Longer tOl'SO healved a rock through th'e, window. world, The trilun]Jh 'or the true blouse •• the left makes use of L~l,e.t;. when you came back with effects are to be sought , ' oburcb Is tbe lIam e as the trIfine pleaUnl to create truly It YQU are taiJ , do not wear skirts y01I1I' cow you saw that Obadiah umph of divine Love. dramatic aleeves, the kind that too loose or droo~y; nellner should ' ha~! dumped, and you went up to That Is the :future to which the are born ICI bloom wUbont a you wea.r them tight aJld Rklmpy, 1001~, wbich ls when Oscar' Jones Bible bids u s look.. When? We do lall Jacke.. coarse. Today's ,The mid·calf length balances the carne by." not know, But the Kingdom comes permlUleat pleatinC In eur so figure well and prevents the skut There was, of .course. blood on "one heart at a time," and with mUy materials makea laanllry from riding upward.. the poker to prove that part of U. eve", lOul the churdl wins from IIIId cleaaIq DO problem. AI Draped sk:lrts ara excellent for but it was What the doc said that the wor14·wa7 to the ChrIst·way. the rll'M, developed .. ahf'flr the tall figure, especlaUy it they mo the real lead. Dead five tho vletory of Love draws nearer, wool oII"IlI, .. oae &be have the peg type pockets. The.e WeD, five hour. ala the IUD :r0ldlafal ....... .. &lie _ IConriP' IW . . fIIt.ma ..... eouadI are especlaUy COOd If the hips are 1hUUa" aDd • mean old man ..... IIeew. tIIa& ..,.. tile . . . . • bit too wide since the)' .are . . . Oba.,lab wouJcIJI't burn o1J ~~:a-~:.u:ar'. ...V ........... . . .. eanuIIl " .......... ~ed b, the IIdri tn.tlDlD'Use IUD WI. out.
.Trial and Triqrnph
failored ~!lIrtwaister Is Tops in Summer We,or
'Aleo h" 0 lie S are
.PEOPI.J!: In arc. M ne td
40 14 Mon'Jom . ry lid .. Cln e lnMtI n. Ohlo-,T e l e pholle I~ t-:; rl ,y ... :) d t " O·
C risp Shlrtwalster OP favorite in .eve ry s ummer wardrobe-the cris ply t a ilored s hjrtwai ste r that's so ve rsa tile . This one .lIas comforta ble yoke and sl eeves in one, two ha ndy pocl(cls , 1.I neatly ti e d bow ,
• • •
,P o ttcrn N o . m;U4 \5 n
"'~.w · nt o.
Try This Delicious Chewing-Gum Laxative • W hen y au rail ond lou all nl,h, - f eel h elldBChy ~ ud JU6t uwt Ul be nU8 you neuel'
red o.
al ~:( ~ Ll vc - d O
rn tcd pn ttcrn f o r :i lzes 14. 16, 18 , ZU; 4 0 ~ 42, 4q lind 40. SI~C 1:, 4. yardS of SD ·fllCh . S eJld t od ny fcr " ou r co p y ot thc
and summer ,
fl eWS : dccor ~ lll\Sl p r lnl ed Insid e I he
Ifpectn l medlqJn o
~ p r lnll
h ln 151 fr ee pn lle r n 25 ee n lB.
~ ook ,
5$0 S'o ulb ",.11. 5\" Cblc".o " DI, Enclo• • 2S cents In coins. lor eacn pat\un d oell'ed, NDme I\ddr"ss
" O£'rO O US"
t h e s t.omnch ..
'1'lIll t Is, It' d ooslI 't 1\01 whil e 10 th t< $ IOm8 eh. b ut ohly when f ar t her "llIulI In tho lower d lt:"' t.l Vd trllnt .. . where YOll wI\nt It ~o "ct, You toe l 6 110 ilgnlo qulokly I And si:lf'n tlet8 6UY chewlo l! m n l!:cII rttN·" · MI ... T ' S li ne llIed lc lne m o r ~ (1IToOt1 ve - " r end l u,," It ~o It nows Jl~nt f ¥ InlO t he ays I ~m . Oet 'UN-A ·~ .NT nt uny drug coun or - 25 • • 50~ or only . . . . ..
thIS, . .
OllUW . " "·A· MINT- dellcloul chow lngg um I"xotlvc. T Ile !lotlou Of ..:r. N · ' -~II N T'"
F'AS HION; ~ 8 p o gO! 0 1 s nlO rt . e (ls), In He",' Styl CfJ : s pec fnl (nbrle
, . . ......... SI1o ........ .
•••• ••••• ••• ••• • • • •• • •• ; •• •••••• • • ••••. _.. . . ...... .... .. _•• _••
Hadacol 'Is raes At Famous .Spa
of pro~f'r tr .. nlm en' . S .o G dny. hOSI.ltnlh:ttlon r ~Qal"e d . fo lln wetJ b, " ",' ee-k" of '! ~ rlou. nf'C1e ll"'' ' l tnnlc. .,rell e r lhed by our Lleefl.e 4 Ph, • •• o ltl ns. No rhur R" e far bookl~l ... ~rl. YAte eon.o U n lion .
a.,Smart I
a:r::.r : I
Hot Sprlngs National Park, Ark,- Many people also sutfer tram ,can· (Specla))-Hea lth is a major topic stlpalion. And while these symptom!> ot conversation .1n this world .famous may be tJ:ie r esults of other caJlses. Spa and more and more conversation they are surely and certainly th~ turns. to the marvelous, hea lth.giv- symptoms and signs ot the lack of ing blessings , being brought ,to so the B Vitamins and ' Mlnerois conm ~,ny by HAJ!)ACOL, tained In HADACOL.· And it you su[.Realizing the Importance of Rot fer from 9uch' disorder: there is n~ Springs as a health 'center, Dudley mediCine. drug or treatment thaL J . LeBlanc, Founder an!! "Presldent wID cure you ex'ept the admlnisira• of LeBlanc Corporation, make.rs ot tion of Vitamins 'and Minerals -which HADACOL, estgbllshed an oUlc~ In your system tacks. Hot Springs to advise sutterlng HA~ACOL contains nO,t only one. folks on 'how HADACOL can benefit but five, of the B Vila mana;, I:lA,OAtheir systems with Its wealth at D , COL contains not only one, but four Vitamins and important Minel'lIla. of the I?eeessary Minerals. It comes In this HADACOL office In ' Hot .t o you an .liquid form, ea~ily ass~ Springs are records of folks who lated In .the bloo,d stream 10 that It have 'ound improved health In a cl\n go to work. right away. You canbottle '01 HADACOL. That Is one no~ be IHilisfle,d with just temporary ' ' teasonwhyper capita .8IesolHAD- ~elle(j HAD .ACOL attack. ana ACOL in "Hot Springs are amon" cures the , source of such dett,clenc7 , the highest in the country. diseases. ' It Is eaS7 to understand, therefore. Take for instance Mrll. Jennie why countless thousands , have ai, Webb, who shares a new home ,Rt ready been benefited by this amaz.. 237 Cones Road i,n Hot Springs WIth in, tonie, HADACOL. Acc~pt DO her daughter and son·in·law. Mrs, substitute-Inslat DD the ilonuln" Webb has a host of friends through· HADACOL' . out AJ:kansas who \l/ere thrllled to 50. it ma'tters, not who you are •• • know that HADACOL helped her in it matters not where yoU live : .. or a wondexiul recovery aUer several If you have ,tried aU the' medicanes years of illness, under the sun ' give this wOlldertuJ flere is Mrs. Webb'. statement: preparation a trial. DOQ't gil on sut. "I started taking HADACOL in the terln~! Don't continue to, lead a early tall, buying two of the econ· miserable life, Many persona who omy·slze ,bottles of HADACOL. I have sbUel"Cd , and waited tor 10 to had been feeling weak and rundown 20 'years. or even lbnger are able ,for several years.· I suffered the! now to l!ve ,happy, ' c~m t()rtable horr.o rs of gastric disturbances and lives again because HADAt:0L supIndi gestion. I had to be very careful plied the Vitamins and Minerals in the selection of focXl' ~[lt would WhiCh their sl!.Stems lit\I!'Oeti. "f:G ; falJ' agree :wit~ J'!le. 1 had tried so man.)'. to yourself. Give HADACOL a tria .. remed Ies WJthput benehcll1l resu its We are so firm tn 0111' belle l thfit and had just about given up, hopes HADACOL wlll belp yOU thaL W IS f feeling well again. Fi:lends urged sell HADACOL on a money-oaclc Me to try HADACOL. I hllve never guarantee. U yoU don' t feel perrect. regretted the ir advice because 1 ly ' sat"lStled atter using RADACOl.. lOve telt better than at any time In as di rectcd. just re turn the empt,f, "ears. I dt gest fOQd better nnd do cnrton 'a·nd your rh'Oney wnl chewto t ha ve' indi,estit>n. I ' have more (ully refunded. Nothina could ,energy." fairer. ' Mrs. Webb was suffering a de· Sold nt aU the lending drug store., ;clenc y . of B vitam ins and ' ImpO/i· Trial size only ~l.25, but save ,ant Mtnerals. which HADACOL money - buy the large tamlly and contains. hospital aize-only .a.5U. It your druggIst does' not blvt' A l,ack of only a msal~ am~unt of B VItamin. and certrun Mmerals SADACOL, order dlrect .trom The will cause digestive disturbance ... , LeBlanc Corporation. Lnfayette 'lour food will not agree with you. Louisiana. Send no mODey. Just 70U~ . , You will have ,a n upset Itomach. oome and addre •• on • penny post•• You wlll luffer from heart burna, card. PI7 postman. Btate wheotber "oa. pains, and lOur food will lOur you wanl the ~,IIO hOSPital econoMJ on your stomllch. and )'OU wID Dot be size or the fl.25 bial Ilze. Remem..ble to eal tbe thinp JCIU Uk. for ber. mone, cheerfull), refundecf tIDfear 01 beJn, iJI m,t'1Sr1, .fterwlltdl, ill.. lOU are JOO,. ~1I6cL...AdY.
Thursday, -March 30, 1950
Do you su Cfer heartb urn after mealst,.feel logy? ... uncomCortable·? Theu read t b is heartening letter fromawomuniYho found way to
CUEVJIOLETS; w ill i ncrlflc·e : WI . lnc" wheel bnsc, I lfw·toll Ch U8 td S , cu b: .1 :.I- LOR .wk e )( p ro s~· 2 .. ton c:h ult.4is, cob , cu b
over .. nnlne. d7.lnuh wbeel bn se . ehils vls . enh: n l~vc r IIttcn8ed ~ '.L~ SfI,U t.UIl, J·"on. . flr ... nol oull, .ha rdln bur If. I~ )' _ . _ _ _
Fully equipped tor n il types motor fC!pnlr.
Largo slock o[ molnr
new and
»n rl ~ ,
ui od mOlqrs . 1\1$0 2 se rv ice Iruc ks. Wrlto
betterdiqestiollund better health:
~ftdd?I.~~ ~~io
CLOTHING, FUltS, ETC. Woul t;eb uol swe;Lc ra 10 l)ri}!h\
"O e foro 's witching to POSTUM, 1 sulTered both indige~ Uon and nervousness , •• But now my nerves are quieted and my digestion much Improved. No more upset stomach after drlnldnlt ' POSTUM I"
cOlors. 54.\l5 to $7.05. Wr lto lor ulrculur.
Ohio l-' t nn lt nl Comp n n y. C olumbu!l . Ohio.
l" e u"u.., tlerltln n Hh ~ llbtr l1 pu ps : 3 mo • • old : AKC r eglslc" 'd : $.10 e"c h. Wrlta C urti. lJarrow, n . n. 1, WJnc:h et"er, Ke ntu cir:,. or phone :! I ~ ~ . For S " lo: QllaliWEIIII" ' " B ull doG PllPplcs ~ /In •• 1 01 bl oqdl1n •• from ~ h(> w w In. nlng s toek . .PI c ture. 0 .. fCQU esl. 1\.11 AI{C reg . ' .. r", hl e)" , Kc nneb . £ 10" Co u~~
l.' WO
SCIEHTlFIC FACTS: Bot h coffee nnd tea contain caffoin, and caltein is a drug which in many persons tenda to produce
FARM ~AblllNlmlt & EQUIP. CA·I· Ii: I Il' I LLA I c--n:~TrIl Olo r . WIde MUURe. 1&.111 . trucks. Good cond o .. UR.lph l-" OAtOft , 2'~' Oh iO. Itt. 3
ATTENTION! A~ lslrl bulO r8 . sn le • •
:1 "I'i
harm/141 stomacil aciditl/, lIS well as ner.ousncss and alesyleBB niglitB. So while mnny people can drink coffee or tea \ without iII-effect, others can't-and thla '
:.r:~'re~~~nnoo~ol~~~~ft?Dn.tI~~:J~\!~ g rc"r,~rii
mny meun
lox t rot. rumba, wil l b~ ta u ght throu ll h
Give up COflee-gl . ' 'Ie up tell-drink POSTUM exclusively Cor 30 dllys- and judge !Jy results I Remember:. POSTU M contains no I enfielD or other drug-nothing tbat can ' possibly cause indigestion, nervousness, sleeplessness! Ask'yourgrocertoday lor IN STANT POSTUM-A Vigorous I Drink made from HenlthIul Wheat and Bran. A Product of General Foods.
orders. D ondn r In t oP. toe. bilHet w a lt2,
40un d recordS und photo poses to children {HId a clulla. E'Xllcr ic n rc llnn ce cR90 ry . .... voro \:o t rom 5 150 lo 5200 p e r week. Wr ite or phone '.,d on !:I , .alo. 61121 E ll .· ~dI 2~'ve .. Q.loveland 3. Ohio. Expros. 1·
LIVESTOCK R t::CIl8TEIl E D G u .., n •• ,. bult • • Ired b,.
.Frnncbcstor Royal Ace , $JO\JO : nnd Slerl· Ingold Courteous KJnl $DOOO : 0111 0 1 cows w ith A. R . records. Reosonably priced . O,.r.' Guern.e,. Farm • • 2KOO N . Cnl. ,ul, .. Rd.. Columbus , Ohl.. Pho" .. JE ·t.~·I • •'Olt SALE : W Iscon s in HolStein s owo • .FreBb a nd close upsprl"gers li t the right prl.co. 11IT tlenrd, 3H W. U ~7" III .. Itl . ' 1. W.,1t Milton , Ohio .
Grandma's Sayings
MISCELLANEOUS POCKET .tloo" Exc bn n r •. M on 10 books
nnd 250.
10 In
" ohun ~ c
pos lo ge
paid. IrOO K. EX IIi\ NGF.. ~ 1I1 Mabrlo .. A ve., l'1 TTSB ItOIi :.t1J. PENNA. UEA.lJTlt- L Klt IO ENLAIIGf; MI~ NTI:i " 3 for 1 1. Send nogaU\IN. with rmtltt U1nce. Willis Sbook. Jr. Sew,.,kl,y 3, C· f"nn , ,. lvn nlll.
--....;;~..,F""n IT Sl'R"~ElR
(H nr dlal-3·cyll ndcr pump/ Z·cy llnd or • 175-1: 0 1. Inn k. :lulu· YPC h ossls : c ond lt·ton , n300. W. . \\'ac b s, O• • hen. Ohio. "THE DOL I. It · r ,l lIl B OOK" S ve ~l1 gin •
p erfec t
c ostly doU r,cjlo lr expenses ; t;l o il you r. aclf. Onl N S l. ~ (molley Qrder1 . i) o~ l ~A , nullll'." 1 8r .. Gru nd lt RI, fd . t ~
• TRUME NTtS 'fill ~-A ., S l'E OtAI. DAltG IN lt I!:COIH ' OF,.' II T h ly net 110911 (ot 5 lICW records w it h our rdcr uf 5 or .-nor" new rct()rcls ti t 790 coell. rcloll . . T hJs spt!cla l Ilet ne; qun l nt"d O[(H Is !llv n oil " ";\l l~!:o ello n lI nronlced or moncy b no k bll*,"·. W ' ('orr ,}' vr-r-y kn" wn record . 8'1 wltlJ S,\
vi\! -
ordC'd we po>, ~o. t )~c. C. O.D .- pORtltA .dd~ . ~V~ O\Vd r~~lO~ttOJn~ila'i>t toda y . l '! J
'lV . Th lrt'
l'HERE AIN'T NOTmN' like a
good sense 0' humor. It's a gem that pu ts a sparkle in your Cil ye and brig htens the hearts 0' n1~ the tolks around you.
D ,·lr1n . Ohio
TRAIJ.ltlt COM b bom .. op n (or In8 p~c " tlon . Sec the omuthll: n cw Andcr!on with m or~ e ;ICctus lvc fe n1ures th n n :tny Qth~r Ira Uer cOBch. Including hei. \t:d (Ioor onll cOrllplele b o,lh, 2 s l~es . 211 ~ lId ~O fOOl . Al so r~po .se •• d 27.foot AI~nl ~].root Coz)' Home . T n ke ' ctV~r p ny men IS . . E .toft Mdld and Troller ·S. I •• 11117 DI"le n ..,..;;Wftmlllon : 01110.
U pald Ibrl,. A",.U. Willburoa. he
20 Mixed Chrysonthemums Cuohlon En ~ IJ •.h Koreou spoon - 51 .50 II Full Ast"". MieITeelmD8 Dnls y M IxedtI
Ve ronlcos Co rter
lnkl!-$ 1.15~
HAPPINESS 18 like a butterfty. U we pursue It too bard, It'll allus be jest Qut 0' reach-but It we try waltln' quietly, most likely 1t'llllght rla:ht on U8.
time Karne"- "Ftpwerlnr Acre. Nurse rT II." 3110 Gon ..".. Ohl.
SITU"TIO!'l~ WANTED IIIS K JOCJ\&X-Exocr lence RadIo, \V" nJs 10b on spme R n dl(l Networ k. . J.hn Sciortino .. Z41$ ,Corll nD4 81, Obl o", • 01,
wUl be p':;;upon' publication the first 'contrlbutor or each accepted saying or . Idea. Addrcss "Gr andma" 109 East Pearl Street.
LoblID4. JIor1d&O
*$5 to
r~ lI e"c
.lES CAN'T WAIT to tell the news about new Nu-Maldl It'a Improvedl Spreads casler. TILlItes milder 'n sweeter than ever, And ''TableGrade" Nn.Maid 's ~rtln' a brand Dew package, specially made to protect that good tastin' "Table-Grado" t aste!
Keep Posted on Values By Reading tho Ads
Wf% i llvlte YOli
pald Dd.
D" .4" ..
Cincinnati 2, Ohio.
len r n how ~'o u m a y
cdnsUpu tiotl nnd CO R IlECT lhe dOlTllI lIC cnll s cd b.v loxn l l es . A pt')8h :llrd with "your n n ma und I1ddrc ~ 8 \vlll bdu" )IOU lull lnCcrnlo t!on w ith· out ob llnn lion on yOllr p o rl. l' lJn lTY OROSS " P itOn VCTS Dopl. D , 1'lalnlleld. N. J • .
By Phono-Reeords-PbqlO Pose.
In The Priva cy 01 Yo ur Home Mothers . live you r .hlld o n oppor· tunlt y you might h ave ml sscd. Chll· dren II yr.. and up ore ctlglblcbln t np, toe . b a llet "lid ba ll room . A ULTS. YOWNG OR OLD . ~on't , .It on !be oldo)ln eS beco'!,S o you CllI1' t ollord to I.om how to d llnce. Rnt". ",1t1t1n the
reach of on . Lea rn the waltz, .fo x .. trot ,
rhumba . t Ol>, "tc. G llUlS & WOMEN - To keep In · trlm. to"j). bnllet . uero· b a tie, 1.1 a 8pl~ndld exer c ise. . JUst think ono compl ete d onee lor ontv 13. -3 complete d unces lor $7. Wh ere th e cos t 0' n p r ivate le s son In some d Ancing . achoo1s would (\y crnge fr om &• • to A. per lesson - not' n ~omp l c te d nnce. 1U8\ P<'f . le889n. Don I w a lt. Send your o r d er In today . Poy · post·
"What ..... 111 I tetl her DO'!J 1I1Ie wnnt~ to !mow where '·~·ablc Grade' Nu· Mald Margarine comCII rrom ?" Co";'. lO~O De .~ .uillrtM c...
mon upon de:Uvery only.
JORDAN DANCIN G S:rV DIO am E • • II. Ave.. C I....I " nd n, Ohio.
c 8p<!Clallze<l
chtldren'. IU· •• pi rio. I Ii. gralD
•• ,aecuraa"o...cY,_'?... Ii lill!= li!a:. tablet. . .. uro
Order 800te'. Chick• .Nowl
Qua'''' A",hi _
.prlnl·' rushl T.ke ouIYIInap of BOOI.·. o\lCl1aoclln. chick
of.... Choo •• pOllr dellYcl1' d .... SDeCDI No. J - ,o0 hnhb, bl'Ollet
·cilcb oalr SU . . . 5·.,cell ..... bUl" . . . . . - . Sped&! No. 3-'00 CI!kkI. _ D I U d .11 hn., ~~
:No-:~·Z~.rU:II~~~cW.i I No. Z rl.OO ~....!..OOall- .
dallll '00 1-- S....... .R' bleb J 10 IJ .,.... old. Wrile tor c:o.pI_ price
1 1. 10
gPlf!fl~~~J&~~kQ5 n n tA s hipped at proper pl nntlng
LOOK,IN' to Improve yOUl' plea 'n cakes? Then look for Nu-Mllid. ~ep, "Table-Grade" Nu·MIIJd Is betterthan-ever •• , spreads easier and fa · plumb full of that sweet churnedtresh Bayor. Try the new Nu·Maldl As l1ne a spread aa mOlloy kin bU.}".
~.T""'" •••••U. . . . . . .DIA
'b ,.S TS
I ' ! ' :, I I i
Closed on Tuesday ana Wednesday SAT. SHOWS: 6 P.M. SUNDAY: 2:30 P.M. MONDAY 'J'ImU FRIDAY - 7 P.M. FRIDAV 31
'cn , Dugs Ullnll Y Appears - S e I n.c k Car8on, Oorls Day and . K. Sakall In
' MY DREAM IS YOURS ('fechnl olor)
AIRO: Warl'er
bnrl es Coburn
Yvunne, De Carlo In
Also : Stooge to medy
One cent pel' word, minimum - charge, 25 eent•. RATES:
Thr•• In .. rtlonl for the price Forml clele Wedneeday noon,
0' twe.
us for insurance.
AlI types of
insurance at a savings.
Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2472 or call co llect, Wilm ington 21 t 1.
Top Soli, Baullng, Sand, Gravel Exoavatlng With Bact Hoe, . Drag-line and Bulldozer
THE GAL WHO TOOK THE WEST . ('l'ecbnl '0101')
- propos~18
Elv on l-lighbl'olVs ' an En~ oy' This One -
TWIN THEATRE Waynesville, Ohio
MISS GRANT TAKES RICHMOND L.\ll'lJIe Bal,l, Wm_ Holden. Ja.mes Gleason
Also : Bugs Bunny and Warner News
BANK RUN ORAVEL- Londe.1, at Davis Furnas PJt. 50 cents cubic yard, We also , dellver. AllMITAGE & SON, PbGne 2()91. tr LUMBER ·- All kinds,ln all length8 and wldtbs, KUn dried , Re~ 80nable prices _ All -orders, largj! or smull will be delivered , Hog Houses , ACY LAMB, Phone Wayne8v]IJe 2701 , FOR SALE-'4l. Plymoutb 6-pas senger A-lllo~dlt1on. Delmar 'Berry. X-S-2S-3Q-:l-6 WE;LDING-At my farm. Bill Lee_ Expert plow sbare work Wll'l hard rod faCllng, 3-16-23-30- 1FOR SALE: - 19~o Dodge 2-door Sadan, 'good cond ition. Pbone 2954. 3-30
:_GIl" • I
"lit ftItau II:
",- NO IIrvtW
", ... was'" ", lull p.... the I t.utton ~ncI paint IUt. a prohulonG
", AYClilable IA 7 ~oIonl
..... __,.,.. ...,. r...... tilt _
.. , _
'. . ,_ ,.. _-n_ ,...,.. _. .'.a·. ....,......... II I.,
_\1-...., '!I"I'"f'
.......... tilt,..... .. ,... .. ,..., ..." ............ .., It ......:,........... "ward
Smith'. Electric Service
~l l l l l I l l l l l I l lI l l l l l il l l l l l l l l l l l l 1I I I I I I I ,I I I I I Im
~odson Tel. 2345 ,
Batehery Waynesville, Ohio
NIC-L.-Ly-y i-S AnERIES ,
Try Gazette Claa.ified Ad
H8ALTOR Frnnklln
ROllt o 2 Phon e 964W1
Try Gazetle Clu.ified Ad
CASH FOR DEAD STOCK According to 8ize and condition , All Stock removed prolllPtly_ Honea. $2.50 - Cows, ,a.50 Hogs - 250 per owt_
JANq RENDERING PHone Collect Xenia, o. 1712 or WDmiqtoa. O. 2382
Try Gazelle CIu.ified Ad
~~ Kingan. ,Celo Wrapped WEINERS 49c Lb.
PROTECTION ., •••• , Ball through ' life with the a.IUJ'aDce tbat 10ur financial troubles ' will be protected by a regular eltl'081t III ,.our .av. In8s account 'at: -
l____._._.._._.__._._.~~ LAND BANK LOANS ON FARMS Ll)n~ terms assure rep:1y nH'nl ability. 4% will save vo umoney. · REFINANCING - ' fH JYINej
39c: Lb.
Lebanon ' N.F.L.A.
2 For 49c
5, Old Dank Building Phone 448
.,t.-- ,
rw THE , N
FOOD STORE Phone 2541
A'H ~ ~n ~URPOSE
Try _Gazette C1...ified Ad 1I_1Ii _ _ _
n_ . ilai'Mrnt
NOTICE I Wayn4!lviUe ..,.d Corwin Communitiea Eq~ped
, Am
To Do
Charles ,R~ Thompson HARVEYSBURG, OHiO ..... d..
......... • ,.... ... • ' - --lIItr.~ ••
PriceS , , Start at
, , 132~OO
Pie. . .
Prices Reuonab"
PLOWS or CU..TIV ATi'; t""lt; . . . ....... • low..",. CHON _ MASTIII ottachmll'l' 'Mob I' ta IY' .......... Doa_of.t'.chlll..,h. PQ .... M ~w . .. .......... T...... to ... Sw•• p, ond ,.,Qn" oth;; . . . . . . . . . . - , gOtdM or IOWI!
For 1 H.P.
Phone CenterviUe 7417
I, 2 and 3 Week Old White Rocks .' and New Hamp.hire.
Ubiko Chick Starter
N.. York 11ste reached .econlS plac. In the nation' In manuractu... in 1810, and In the decade 1830~ becama the 10remo.t Itate In till YIlu. of mlnufactured product.. It 'hal Itea4ll7 malDtilned Ita nlUonal leaderlhlp ever linC', Th, .tate hat been favored .reaU,. in commerce and ln4ultr,. in ita ,eolraphlc poIlUon a. weD al in Ita a,rlcu)lural, twllt ancl minerai re.ource., and Ibe water ,power ot Itl _Itreaml,
rnlllll!llllllllllllllllillllllllllll!II !I lllIlIIlliH~!lilll!III1I1 I 1 !1 1 11I 1I1I 11 1 1 1
EarJr Ne. YCII'ir
Lovely model'n Twd-bel\.room white frame home, bot waler )Ieat. Also large pRcbmen windows, garage , Shrubll IIna trees in bllck. Large lot. beautifulI¥ 10cllJed Priced ot $ 7-60 . Tbree room Vi 1\ , constructed cement bloel. house, out bulldi~g8, 2 no res, on HI~ItWILY 741 S. ot Springboro Good [.. Inn VIlIlI41 Priced at $11100 BeautifUl pl'operly ror Il est Home , Cull:
Immediate Delivery ' Hatches Monday _nd Thursday
PRODUCT -(I famous name in the paint busir'... for over 50 ~.al'$
.-!!II ..........1
will be received Board of Educatlon or \ 1I)'lIe Local SellOol DIstrlClt. Wll3'lIesv tlle, Waneu Co 1I1'lt y. Ohio, at the orrlce of the Clerk of tb e aoard ot Education, Hlgb School Building, Waynesville, Ohit), ulltil ]2 : 00 noon, Eastern Sta~dard Time, April 8, 3960, for furnishing all labor and mutertals necessa.ry for constnlction of an Elementary Sllhool Addition to the present H:lgh School building accordlng to DI'owlngs nnd Specifi cations prepared by E, C. La.odberg artd - Associates, ArcWtects and, Engin eers, Cincinnati, Ohio and will be publil:ly opened 'lind read .alolld at that time and place. SeJ)M'ate prOPOll8Js will be rece,l ved lor any une or number branches of work or upon the Gen· eral Contract; uPOll the Steam R e al lng, Ventilating a,nd Temperature Control; UPOIl the Plumbing ILnd ewerage: and upon the Electrica l work, Tbe material proposed to be used, time ror completIon or the work and tit e competency and responelbUity of blddElra will receive conslderfltlon before a.wllrd ot cuntracts. ~II proposa.]s sba.1l be made ' In c~l n!ormlty wltb tbe General 'Code pf Ohio and sball be on blddlng forms whiCh S'haJl , be obtained from the Architects and shall be enclosed In 8 sealed envelope and alldressed to the "eJerk or tire Board of Education •• Wayne Local Sllhool District, Waynesville, WsrrEIn County, Oblo" ,uld shnll be endorsed on the ' olltslde of the envelope wltb' the name of the ,bid (Ion and the, atatement (Proposal for the General Contmot) or other sl,eclflc term. ' Tbe drawings nnd spectricotions fol' thla work wlll be on fil e n I the office of the Olerk of the Board of Edllcation , und Lhe of(ice of tbe Arcbltecls, 114 Garfield P lace, CIII Inn~tI 2, Olllo, or mny bIt procured at me afrlce of lbe Alrchl{ectB, on which will be r eQuired It depoRlt 'Of $20.,0 0 for compl,e te Archltecturo,1 Drawings and Sllel'lriClltlona nnd $10.00 for Me chanical Drnwln~" llnlt ,SpeclflcaLions. Documents will be forwarded to bidders upon ' request. Express OQllect, Tb& full amount of the dellQslt ,tOl" one Bet ' of documenta wUJ be remrnea to eacb actual btdder and all other deposita will" be r~runded (wltb deductionll not excee~lng thil Hctunl cost or reproduc.t lon of the documents) u1)On ret.urn, charges prepaid, of aJl documents In good condition within 30 dllYs atter the date of opening bids. ' , Performance Bond In tbe' amount of 100% of tbe contract will be required and Bid Bond In the amount of 10% of the II1'0PQsai must occ()mpany all bids, Said , Board lit EducatiOn re1E,I'ves the right .0 reject any and aJil bids tendered Rnll to wll.lve Informalltles_ ' ,.By order ot the Doard of Ed~ca Uon, W~ne J..ocal School District, Waynell'vllLe, Warren Cunty, Ohio. By: John Gons, Preliident By: C, W, Bar.nhart, Clerk March 9-16-23-30
Waynesville. OhIo Phone: Wa)!D!.vllle 2191
Howls nnd. Screa.ms from CI'owds All Ovor' U. A Real Comedy Hit - No Dull Moments
THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1();1l
I.. eream .. '~u..a ' ' ID Scotland; ''ice cream" b7 boWD, 10r 30 to 10 ' mbtur. , of ..m11k:; l"'li, Ind COrD lour. Thb mIldure I. allowe4 to
:~' -:!~:n~~. frozen
Live Wire and' 'rogre••ve. AD orgaulzatlon aecond to DOD" Stl"ctly Bellers on the belt all~lrourid market I,n the CClUDtry • 8ERVICE THAT SATISFIE8 F.:OI' Dally Market Repon.: WHIO Da,ton, 12:60 E.B.T, Dlal 1300; WLW _O lnclnnatl, lUO, Dial 700. ' -NORRIS' BROCK COMPANY
,. ~mI' • \~m~~III=lmlmlllll~lml
The L08t & F ound ads , ,wor.k .lIore llberal of lI'alD II tine b1!t don't expect them no re- flHd8d to keep .cod milk ~UWI procover lost oP~rtul;lltle8. <, C1uciDJ at a prodt. ' •
-:'._ _ a_ u_ _ _ _ '~--..
•·.... ,. ...
*ir.a _ _ I_~
~ ~l_
FreshDre8sed Hens ,
sac Per,- Pound " , ,
Snioked Pure Po k Sausage 4Sc Per Pound
1lIIlIlIlIlIlillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllll lllllllll!
Especially For Farms .FOR
Roy -E. Smith
HOURS: 9 t9 12; 1 to 15 Except Wednelclay A~oo" ",
Broker Rt. 48" 5 ',mi. , South (If Centerville.
DR. t
Optometric 'Eye Specialist
PHONE C~t.rvm. 10M
.1.1•• 1. _1_ .n. __
~lIlmllimmlllmllmliWIIOOIIIIIII.m.IWIIIIII ~lIillllllllllllllllllllll1imllllllllllllm~ill~~lmWI• •l +-- _____ IIII!I _ _
• •
lIUANON OfflcJ 471K It... 1.L MORROW No. I '
STATE OF OHIO . JOIlEPHT. F'ERGUSON, ~udltor of State Bllreau of In,pection and 8uperl/ilion of Public Officel FO'r City, Vlliage, ElCempted and Rural · School Dlltrlct'
~~~Farmer's Question ·Cor
Fmaucial Report of the Board of Education
' ••"A ... •,.
Fouadst~ Pol'
Aaimal' Healtb .
For Flaeal Vear Ending DeC3mber 31, 11149 Wayne Local School OIBirlct. County of Warren P. O. Adclre8s, Wnynellyllle. Ohio Pate, Mirch 18. 1960
How. to' Control Swipe Erysipelas
I certify the· followin g to be correct. C. W. BARNHART, Clerk of the Board of EducR/liall 1'u "aluatlon •1 'U7a,4'9.00 Tax Levy' 13.4 mills 676 School Enrollment
Salaries and Wages
.General Fund . . . . . .. . . . .. . ....... .. .... . . . . ,. : . ... ~
Bond Retirement Fund .. .. .... , . ........ . .. .. .. • .... Lunch FUnd '. , .. .... . ... ... .. . . . . . . ; . ... . . . . . . ..... . Building Fuhd ..... .. .... . . . • . .. . . . ......... • . .. ... . Total .. ... .. ...... .... ..... . . ' .. . ....... .... .... .. . 'l'>tal Receipts and Balance .. . , ... . , . . : ..... .... .. . EXPENDITURES • General Fund ... .. . . . ......... . . .. . .. . . . . . ..... .. . Bond Re't lrement Fund . ... . .. . ... . .... .... .. , ... , . . Lunch Fund . ... ... .. . . , ..... . .. ... , . . , • •. . .... . ; . . . Building Fund ..,' .• . . .. .. . .. ', . .. . . .. , ..... . .. . . , .... . Total . . . . . ...... , . .. ... .. ...... . . .... . .... . .... . BALANOE DECEMBER 31. 1949
U21,l13.15 16,428.60 18,564.80 0.00 166.106.45 882,997.46 l30.513.tlB 12.884'.89 18.694.62 0 .00 162.092.87
Ueneral Fund . ,., .. . . .. . . .... .... . " . . .... . .... .. . . Bond Retirement Fund .. ... ... . , .. " .. . ..•... .. , .• .
l,unch Fund ... , . . . . , .. . ..... . .. . . . ... . . . ...... . . .. . Building Fund . . • ... ... , . . . , . , . ... ..... ..... . ...... . Total . " . , .. .. .. . . . , ' ... . , , ., . . ... . .... . . .. . : . . . . 'r~aJ Expenditures and D!llance .... .. . .. . . . , .... .. .. , I, SCHEDULE II--RECEIPTS GFJNERAL PROPERTY TAXES-LOOAL LEVY Classified Property Tax ... . . . ... . ... . ..... . . .. . ... . . Taro] Property Tox . .. " .... . . .. . ;. " ... . . , . . . , .. . . FOUNDATJON PROGRAM
472.75 199.6011.00 200.904.50 362.997.46
.. . . . .
. ...... .... ... , ........ " ..
Miscellaneous-Interest on Sinking Fund Investments Otber .. , . _., . .. . .... . . _.. ..... .. .. .. . .. ... , . . . . Total Heven Ue . .. . . . . . ... . . .... . . .... . .. . . .. .... . .
1.368.77 139.483.73
Total Tranllllctionll . ... , ... .•.. .. ... . , . . .. ...... .. . SCHEDULE III-EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION . A-i to 14 Inc. Salaries, W~es Adm. Ottloers, Employees ,Total Personal 8el'Ylco ... . _ . .. .. . .. . . . .. ..... .. ... . B-1. Office Suppllei . . . . . .. .. . , .... . , . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . Total .0tber Purposell ... . . . .". . .... .., . .... .... ! • • • Total Administration . . . .. , . . ... . .. ... . ........... . . INSTRUCTION • A-15 to 29 Inc. Pel'8Onal Service ......... .......... . Text Boo~8 .. . ... . , . , ..... ,., .. .. : ..... , . ... . B'4: B -6. Other Educational Supplies . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .... . 1).4. Replacement Educational EQuipment .. , _.. ... . &6. 1(epal1'6 Tduclltlonal lilq:uillnlent .~ . ..... , ,... , TrIIY~"
.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
'rotAl OUle r Purllose ... . . . ... ... . . . ... , . • . . .. . . .. Total Instl'U ction • . . ......... . , • • .. . I • • . •. , , , •• . •• • • 0-5. School Llbra.ry Dook s , .. " .. .... , . . . ... ... . , .. Total Llbrarle .. , . ..... .. .. .... ..... . , . .. , .... .. , , "RANSPORTATLON OF PUPlLS A-3S. ... r~ onlll Service . . .... ... ... , . . : ..... . . . .... • . '»·2. MotaI' Ve hicle . upplies " . • ..... . .. . .. . . . . . ... E-... Jtepllirs Molol' Veblcles .. , .. , .•.. . .. , .. . , .... . .1<'-6. Gar8~tI' Rent .... . ." .... . .. . , .. .. ...... , '.. .. ... . . : ro lal Othe.r 1>urposes ,' ................. .. . . ...... . Total Tran s porta tion or Pupil s ... ,.. " . " . . . . . . .. . .. . P Due L UNC HES I' A-37 , Personal ~ e l'vioe .. . ..... . . . ... . . .. ... .. . , .. . LUllcb Supplies .. , .... . .. ... .. . . , .. . . . .. ... ...... . .• Other .. . .. .............. , . . , ... " . . • . " ... ... ,.. .... . 'rota I 0111 I' "'lIrllo8e~ ....... . . .. ... . . . , . . , .. . . , . ... ' Tola I PU.bll c LlIlH' hes . . . . . . . , . •.... . . •.... . ... . OT I' PT: II I' ' 11 "RY I (;C:NClF:~ . A - ' 1. l e. l lllt't . .... . ............. .. T o t I 1'1'1'1'(' 11 11 1 Sel'vl h, . . '" .. . ..... .. .. . ~'-!i , . 'rl'lIch er~ II ill'emen I c ontl'lbutioll' C;;. , . . . . .. . 1'·· G. Emplo)'PR II ttremen t ·olltribut.loll .... . . . .. . . . I'· r'on,'" J'O: " 'rl or EclIlCIlt!OIl olltl'lIl)ltlOn .. . . ... . :ro lnl Otll 'I' PUl'llOSt>H . ... : • . " ....•. " .. •• . 'I'ola l Uthel' All xlllul'Y Ag<'ncles ...... . . . . . .. . ...... .
. U- l !1. jJ- J:$. I;:-H .
ate \'
~L ~ :':.
Interest on 1foIlds .. . ..... . .. . .. . , ...... . Incldent!ll Expenses .... . .. ... .. ... , . . . .. . . .. . .
. 'J'otal Debt Servlc'1 . _. . .... . . .. . .. . .... '.' .. . . .... " . UAPITAL OUTLAY . 1- 3. New Blllldlngs . ..... .. , ....... . ..... .. ....... . 1'4. Landscaping and ·Playgrounds . . ... .... .. . . . ..... . 1·6. . Equipment ror Old School Buildings . .. . .... .. . 'I·I!. Motor Vehicles . .... . .. . . .. ... . . . . " ... , .... .. . 1· 11. Othel' Architect Fee .. .... ....... .. . .. ....... . Tota.l Capital 0111 lay .. ... ............. ,. ! ... : . . .. 'I'otal \ilxpendlt.urell .... ...... ..• ..... . . . . ,., .•••.. .' .• Total Transactions ... ...... . .... ... .. .... ....... . .• 4~~mTs
. ... . , . . .. . .' . .. . " . ............ " .. . : ." ... ... .
Lahds ((,;08t)
... , ..•.. , . .... . . ... ... . • ....•.• . , • •
HlIlldlngs (Coat) . .... . . .• . ... .. ..... . ... ... .•...... \';qutpment (Cost) . , .. . .... ... ......... .. ... : ...... .
... •.•...•.•••• , • .•• • •••..• •• ••••••.•
1.IAUILI'l'II!lS llonded Debt ... .. . ......... ...... ... . .............. . Total Llablll ties .. .. .• •...... •• . .•.•..•• ....•. . ... EaC"1I AINt. ....... . ..... .. ..................... ..
Twine-Tying Baler
of the Wayne G. C. P. 4·H Club.
Speeds Hay Harvest
WaynesMiIle, Ohio
........ _......... .
Try Gueltte Clauifiecl Ad
Over the .vaat ar••1 at the plalnl .tatee where 1MB'. unprecedented mows catue4 e~.lve sutrerilll .at both 'live,tool!: and buman belnel, madlinel llke th. one mown above are belbmlnl to be more appre· elated. . . . Not 10 the actual M11lft opera· tione, wbere10 crain tOr ,tarvin, cattle anti food for hum.ns were dropped 1nIm airplane.. but 10 the
16.622.72 166,106A"
prel.imlnarT p~se at barvea~g, without which the ha,llft would 2.775.401 bave been Impoliible. 2,776.40 132.43
182.43 2,907.1:13 63.516.55 ".038.13
279.25 278.87 1.923.96 .697.31 72,113.86 Tbe machine sbown here turned 224.51) out up to_ 7 bales 8 mlnlJte durlng 224.60 the haying season of last year. add·
st!)Ckplles of grain from which tile
l , 657 . ~i)
1.559.71 316. 00 3.532.11 , '1.823.02
. 5,055.65 13,589.37. 49.60 13,638.97 1, ,694 .02
,,~ O' .
2~:1 ~
hayllft drew Its supplies. 'lbus the mBchlrle helped to pioo • vide the thousands of "bombs'/ A01 baled hay with which filers saved the lives ' of starvlng cattle 10 a great rescue operation: Just a few years 8 ·g 0 ope.r ation hayllft wO'uf4 have -been impOtlSlble. It was not t1Jltll this machine was in· tl'O du.c ed In the ca rh' 1940'5 thnt r.. rlll rs e.' I;ldplil tI;eir hay !nto
I twi nt'·ti ed
a.nil .ou ll 1,28 7.3:: I
. 5..t40.0!l , . ~ 2 .ft:ll :1.655.62
532. 1~
] ,28351i 129. f, 65.37 252" I 3.103,.lIO
, to ;.~~ .~.
I G:~. 1 :3:~
--......... St'I ld ,
(J:1e smUl
' til'~
----...... -.---------------------------------- .... ~
1>:111 til sLx'
.. tl l
Ha ll
1I " n
l"ti malc'l tt: 1111 II! 011 •. pores"
(II l.Mr~ f· a· u'atu'.' s t U(! : ~s i nLllcal<' Ih at
tt eceill most While the average former knows the v!llue . t;Jt II garden and alway's • homemakers pre fer ,to bu y II me· . sees 10 It th o t he tl ns ample, garden' dium· slze p otato. planted to run h is famil.v t hrough the year, l~ere a re st ill some men The to n'! .. , ,S H H . _ ,lg the m who glean their living f' o m the soli versoli lp. or l' egela lJle s to prepare Who don' t bother to plant a garden . . foJ' the table nn d returns Ul e ' m ost The aim in gardening. at all. is to for th'e gard en spRce occupl~d. So. supply , the household with vegetn. tH ~re mtist lie toma toes. Proper!) , bJes- s!lmmer ,and winter: and the . h.mdled. h a I'vesling ma ~' St R \'t July farmer who does this Is always reo 1 and tom at oes may be had fresh paid' not only with mone~' 511ved and until sevcJ'~1 wec!;s aft er frost. or convenience of'having supply 1m me· fo r about 120 day s : Ai one .and one· dlalely at ha nd. but also by the half servin gs a d.ly. the fr esh to· mato am oun! Rhou ld bt' about three ahd one·ha ll bushels. 8S a serving {or rive pel'Sons is ,that nt>eded t ~ can a quart. 8 busht'f Clln"ing 17
Qua rts. For the remalnillg 245 days. the to ma toes must cO~l1e from CDns and. allowing two sen lngs weekly. 70 quarts are needed. or nve bushel~ more. The tot al b.ecomes eight and one.half bushels. '~r 510 pound ~ . A correctly.t.ended . pla nt yields 10 pounds and 50 plants are needed . Of these. ' I a shOll Id be ea rly I Bre.k O' Day). and 35 late (Rutgers). Other crops may be I\'orked out as carefully based on family likes.
185 . 9~
'1,673.J ~ 185.06 R.3SlA8 9 .4 36. ·1 ;~ 25.416.~]
3.33.943.31 7.600.(11)
3'65.(; I 12. 84.:19 6.807.87 90,;iO
New V' f Altalf a ane Officially Haloed Talent
2.409. H ". ty 0 4.976.23 p,~' .1 981.02 .... • 16,266.18 'nourlahin,' value of home.procelled . The promlsmg 8 lIalla v.rlety 162.092."7 162,092 ..57 food.. known as rren~h alf~ll. In ,south· A. tamU, alzea and nee4a val')' a. ern Oregon variety trl." , haR been 200,904.59 much al IDdivldl1al tilt.., the .ar. officlally nallled ITa lent alfalfa by 2,000.00 den Iboukl be a. variable a. aD7- the Oregon state college experl. 118,000.00 ~ cOUld be 7laua a .arden be- ment .tatlon committee on new 10,000:0(1 CGIIle. Mach IDdividual matter crop varietles. Ind seed Incre.... 319,40•. 53 that 'lb••eed Oat for each must be ar. now underway to IllIure early 1Ddl.....u, worIaId aut. J' commercial of the variety. 1".000.60 IIcnrevtI' tben II a ... Talent was the name 1915,000.00 9Olft4 tbat b paen1 b III honor 01 wIIere t84.40U9 .,_ pt, .. Sere Ii an t11aI' ,.were
lil t: Ori nk CT!I
'l ne hundt'c d he llS 111 good pro· du ctlon will ·dr ink six gallons of wa ter per da y.
or seeds.
1.0;'4.110 ] ;(tll ,6S 1.6"6.70
I Tomatoes . Important I -----_..
1 .6116.il ll (
6.137 ,(; ,~ 6.762 .6.
. A MOMENT YOUR WALLS LIKE THIS PICTURE JUST HUNT" - Beautiful Horses, Beautiful Dog. + Lovely People Moderately Priced and 'Set By Famous Artist STANFORD BOGEN - ' And By My Exclusive Method Refinish YOlllr Lower Walls, Smudged and Spotted, Into Lovely Art Works .For A. Little As $5.00 Per Room (THINK OF IT ALL). Posl Card Me, or Can 735 - See These in Color and 100 More At Your Home Where Closest Prices Can Be Made.
ing this tremendous output to the
'. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . ......... . . .
'I'olal OPt'I'QUOU or School Plant . . ........ . ..... . . . . M"'Nq'EN<\NC~~ OF SCHOOL PLANT A·45 to H Inc. 1'f'rlJo)lsl Service . . .. . . . .. . . .. , .. .. . (;- 1. i\laterlal s, for Malnt. Bldgs. and Grounds . .. . . .. . (:·2. Materials or Mlllnt. Equip. !l.n d Furniture ..... . /J- 6. Heplacemelll Other Egulp.ment .,. .... . . .... . . ,. 1::-2' JtepRlrs ~ahool Buildings . . . . , ....' . ... , ... . . . . , ~.l-lj. RePlllrs .Other Equlpmeul .. .... . . .. .. ....... . 'l'otal . Othl' t Purposes . .' . . .• .... . . .••....... 'rota.1 Maintenance of School Plant .. . . . .. .. . ...... . Total Opel'lLtioll ' and Maintenance .. . . . ... ..... . . . ... . , Total Current School Cost . ...... . . . . .. ...... . . . . . . . H·1. Uonds Matllrlng . . .. . . . . . .. , . .. •. . , .. . , .. .. . . .
Pouible ill Welt
462.14 16.62!.7!
. Persona'! Sel'''I 'e .... " .. .. . : .: . .. .. . .
U·1U. ~ap 'lrit' lty .. . .. .. .. . ....... : ........ : .... .. 1-:- 11 . 'I'ele[l:lIoll" .. ... , .. .. . , .. •... •. .. . .. ... . , .. , . 10:- 17. Adyel'UAlng . . . .... . ... ....... .. , .. , . .. . . '1'-.1 ~. Hu"flHg . . ... .. ... _. . .. . . . ....... . 1~· 1 !J. Othel' ·onl.f'lld and Ollen Ol'del' Sel'vlc:e . '. " .. . ... · 11 . Insul'R,D('P . . . .... , . . ....... ... . . .. . . , .... . . 1'otal Other P hl'lloses ,.. . .. '....... . .. . . . .. , . .. .
. Made "BayWt" Work
... , .. . . . . . . . . .•. .... .. JanltOl'1I ,' uprlies . . . .. . .... ..... .. .... .. .. . . Oth'el' !:l1l!)plle ~ ..... . . .. . ..• .. . . • . .. :: ...... .
Bi farm YOUTH
be held and there will · be Illll for all.. Get ' in touch wllh Lee O~BnD nlan. presJdent, or J anet ' ~t Ichener
816.32 411'1.62 l SO.Hi
' - Il! to .j ·1 Il\c. Jl.!J, F u!
h.. .
BOYS AND GIFILS WANTED FOR 4-H CLUB MEMBERS Pll.rer:ts. li'e would like yOlII' gfrl !; and boys from ] 0 \.0 20 to Jol n II 4-}f, Club. lnter estlng proJects' will
Total NOll-Revenue . .. •. •• .. , •... " . . .. , . , •.•. • . • . 'rOTAL lU.'CJ!:It'TB Trautera. to SlnlrJng Fund _..... . . ........ . .. , .. . . . . .
The Infection
In Scholarships and Cash Prizes
other dl-....: It II very ballling aIld otten d~1II not run true ~ type, A labora • tory examlnatlon . ... c '" n b. made, however, to help , tell It eryelpel.. III Felent
lipread all aver the naUon 10 the IAit 20 yearl. ,QUEST~Orr: In what form dot.t It appear .
58.408,03 3,764,01) 1.287.32 1.686.30
1.325, '1 9.113.10 a.si6.7il 18,564.80
NON -REVENUE Aocrued Intereet all. Bond.& Sold .... .. . ... . ... . ...... . Salee of Property ., . . ........... .. .. . . . ..........•.. AdJuetment.. by TraJiafer of Funds, .•. . " .. .. .. . . . .. . .
e r! 0 u s I.
40.825.7,I 40, 25.74
Deituctlo ll fOI' Teachers Retirement .. .•........ , . .. duotlon for cbool Employe~ ReUremen l.~ . .. . ,. , Deductloll for County Bqard of Eduoatlon . ........ . Total Foundation Program .. .. ... . .. . . ..... . . .. , . . . . Inter B5t rrom ' Sta.te all' Irreduolble Debt .. .. . .. •. . . .. Depository lnterellt . .. . , ... . ... . .. . , .•. .... , ....... ... Tuition rrom Patrons . . . .. ........... . . ... .... ... .. . VocotlOnol Education and Rehabllltatlon for Deaf. BUnd and Crippled CbUdren from State and U.S. Govt, U.S. Tl'eaIlUI')' for Veterans School .. . . .. .. . ....... . . State Aid for Buslne.8'll PurcbaBes .. .... .. . . . . .. . . . . . . Contribution LuncD. Sales and Slate ·Subsldy . , . . , ,'. , . :
ANSWER: It take. I . V e r a -I formll. There i. an acute type; &lid • ,• QU!lS or ION : a chronio type. A,lIo, the cIIH... . W hat C I n & dou not limit ltaelf to lWiDe. The awIoe raller do to prot.ct hl. all..me ,.rml c.an 10fect turkey.. !mall ! ~bI, and hum&n belnp. AN8W1m; 1. Keep neWly purQUJiI8TION: What are aome chaNd.nrlne alWay trom the mal" Indlng. 10 ~. acut. form' . 'herd tor at taut three weeki. ANSwm. Common .ymptoma '. 2, ' ICMP a .ht.11) lookout tor lar,. IA awtne are Iud· jo1ota, or thJcJlene4 .arl &mon&, den deathl, rtd ~ p~•. 3. Ilave a veterinarian aplotch. on the aamlDe the herd Jmmedlately It • k J Il, . • oreneu 8Wlpioloua .ymp,toma a.ppear. and archiKI beckl. QUIl8TION: What about vaeQUIB TI 0 N:, elnatlOll! How doe. t h. .ANSWER: In locaUtJt.I where ohrontc form dlf· the dtH... II prevalent vaccina, \er from the acute! Uon .... wille, .tandard practice. ANSWER: The o.hroDlc .ymp- How.vel'. IInce lb. vaccin. J, a toma are lack of pm, lamene,SI. llvJ.n&' culture of the 'causatlve I18:tcby lou ot .k1o, bob tails and 'prm, and II also highly lnfectioUl IUIthrlttinelll. to mu, It Ihould be adm10lltered QUESTION: Can .. producer ' by 'a veterinarian, rely on theM Iymptoms! NOTE.-Due to s:pace Tlm.italiolls gen. ANSWER: N9. Swine erylipelas enll quatlonl cannol be handled b~ this ~ay resemble hog cholera and colulllll.
, 10,978.81 3,244.87 342,93 199.500.0(1 206,891.01
QUESTION: !!ow Iw10e ery.lpelal7
SCHEDULE BALANCE JANUAR\, 1. 1949 General Fund .. .. .. . ... . . .. . .. .... . . . , .• ' , ... , ... .. . :Bond Retiroment Fund . . .. . . . . .... ........ . . .. . ... . LU1~cb lo'und .. .... . . . . . , .. .. . .. . . ......... ... .•.. .. . Dulldlnl!' Fund ........ . . ...... . ... ......... . . .. . ... . Total ... . ......... . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .... . .... .. . . .... .
.. AliI Cows ' : Se I'Cl'al species of pl~nt
Lackmg Clt ull~ h p!·.osphoI'U5 In lhel r l e CtO. c:.ltle "Pl ay den-lop nu· trltlOns l dl~e"sc 5, the m ost com· mon or whIch Is kt1(I\' 11 AS ""rPt>ps , "
aph ids are knoWil as "ant cows ," The ant s cany the m about and protect them. consum ing B secretioll of Huid which they yield .
YOUR HOME TOWN 'APIR " OIl COlllP'''., ' " . . . . local new •• YOII' .M. Ie '-W .11 ...., 'i • • 01. . . . wh.,. ,.. \i"•. lu' 'OIl . Ii... . .... lit • WORLD ..h_ •• ........,. ill .... ..Id.. wllielo co.
••• ., .. ...clo .. , .., ,. , ••, 1M, ,011' . . . . ., , _ . . . . N. F. .c..... ructi.,.· ,.,..... .....
,.,i... .. ••
ti4!Mll .114 i......-
tIen.1 lIewa, .._ I, . . . .htiNt. fe, THI CHRISTIAN $CIENCI MONITOR. . hie, .... ·....fits . . . .illt
... i......... 1_"" ..,......,.
...............,Iy _ wltll ,.., heel . .per . . .
Have you ever a\opped to Ioul),ae the realOnl wb,. Cbrlstmat Day bla lucb a tremeDdouo 1I0ld on you anil )'out famllyT Of eo.ne there'l tbe real 8lp\f\cance of tbe day, and the tree and ramU, reunion, but back .f these laappy events la a .eeUDc o. A'el, aDd Hcurlt,. Bafet, aad He.... are linked wltll ftDancial weU ~" flrm lIDClerplnDlnp. for ~Ollr Yer, borne. Beplar I,.tema&la AV' ..... oat II ".... lIla.me preduce Afeb and Heurll,.. Tlte belt war to A"e decllvel)- .... I&"e before y.u lpeDd. 'You e&llllo 'tIIls vel7 Ibm. b,. lllpiq ap •• Pa,..... Ba......Iaa for II~, ,UnUed 8aa... 8&\'IIIp BODd. "bere w..... or e ....1IIIIc III ttle B ...·"-M~ .... wIIere~..
a1'e ·MII_ple,". t
• T ,.:.,' nt'~""''''
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, $delle. Moll..... Viewl .... H--."
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0010, N....." It........ 15, ...... U.s.A.
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Mtiotl... -II ..............
U ,.OU
M ... Iter. LlSTIN T .....-'. .........,
About'ToWn •
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 ' t
Mr. 1liL'tI. Mrs. Jolin J . BlJnke celebrated their wedding annlveJ;' sory on ~hursday and were guesta at the Ruth Lyons Fllty Club. ~helr tnep.ds .b'e ard ana saw them on tlle radio and televtslon,
J'hny Weislnuller Will Perform l~ In Cincinnati
STUDENTS AND TEACHERS INvrtED TO ANTI4JCH !YELLOW SPruNG~S" 0., Allril '1. -HIgh school stude;nts and teach. ers Ctom Waynesv1llle have been Invited to join fn the acUvlties of Scientle Day at AlIltloch College April 22, Dr. Allyn C. Swinnerton. physlbal scloll'l:e head and cb;air. man of lhtl annual event, an. nounced today. FeIJJ:urlllg the thelme' "Frontiers of Slien.ce" the all-day affair will 111'CIUd.e sclentlfl.c le,c tu-s, demon' • straUons and toura o'f lIesearch pro. jects.' Stullents and teacher's from Oblo and ~ndo.lna will jol.n In n.plorin. .,.. .. behind the scenes or Antioch rej searCD projects sucb as the FeIB 11l8tJtute for th.. study ot human deveJo~ent ana the KettertllC foundaton for the study of photosyntbeals. " Special demonlJtralt!ol18 In claas~ rooml and 1aboratorlies or Alltloch'a science hall will sb()w famous' scletltlc dJscpverles ' or the pas\ as well 88 present.dBY' scletlflc reo
MI~ Cballter 10'1 0 , Iil. . wlll rneet JJt rOgulllr session on M.onliay· even1ng, Apl'iI 10, eight o'clock. "TARZAN" CHOSEN GREATEST SWIMIMER OF THE DUl'in.g the business session fllJ"o HALP-CENTURY ther plo.ns will be made tor the Inspecelon to be held, Saturday, evening, April 16. Johnny Welamuller Is coming to ""v',ll'cnnatl, brnglng hi s own revue, Mrs. Earl Conn~ r. cblllrmiln of the "Watercade, ' the maot coatly the Red Cross drlvo he re, reporls 11ect Ion 0 f Btage an d wa t er ac t s co that she Rnd her helpers had made Ie d . U76.00 t heir ~al, ,and that she Is so ever Il8semb ' f The 11m an d , sporta Id 0 I 0 [ vory happy that they have now reo b Am,er· celved $600,00, .Mrs. Conner Is, so everyon&wh'O haR een an lean kid In the past two decades, very gTatefuJ to aU h e r ~ 0llcltor9 a.k b 'n nrelDlere showing of ' and 101' j lontrlbutlone. So many m es . ... ,, h'ls na~onn) frat tour at the Oar· here are employed In other clUes den from AprU e18b.th . to t":elftb. where th\IY are required to give, d· delll! Ite ~hy ~d uDsoplllat Ica.te, and this greatly lessens the amount r.-early 20 years as the tree·cllmb· whlch our county hasror aliy Ing (fana.n, the greatest sw Im emergency. record' holder of all time was tin· Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye aDd ally forced Into tt public appearBons hnd' ll8 Saturday even:lng IUP- IInCO ' 88 a result ot hll oruclal seper guests Mr. and Mrs. John Set· lectlQU last month ' by the nation's t1emyro ' and chl1dren of near spOrtawrJtefS as the "Greatest Oregonia. Swimmer. of Ufe HaIf·Century," Miss Mal'Y Jane Anderson of Johnriy reflJsed to make the \.Our her "'1th hUi musical water and stage Ohio Wesleyan Is e~'oY1ng .... " spring vacation with' her parents, revue unW hie producer, Noel 'ShermaL', proved tb~t_ thl!. Water· Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderl.lqn. b_A a collection of acta 'that JOHNNY WEI8MULLER, p1ctured d.... abo- In one of hi. many Ta--n' Mr. and Mrs. John J. Burske h a cade we re "real" hea.dllners, that each polel, .- ' apperaa ~t the CIDClnnatl .a8 Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. o Du b - .ld WIl8 sure or enrore demand and eorge .n ar.... son of Spring. that each would be entertaining Garden with hll "Wateread." field, Mr. and Mrs, WJlllam Strouse April 8 thru 12. and Mrs. Leah M'Ilis. to all spectators. .fie thinks too Mr. and Mrs, E, F. Earnhart had lDany wate!! acts baY.'e appeal edt!: wUl 1llustrato hls ' f!Ulled lnat'ruc . as Sunday dinner ' 8l1ests, Mr. and part only to swimmers or to I tlon·. "At Ease I.. ·the Water," .reacl Mrs. Charles B. Earnhart and kids or to baUet lovllrs. and followed by mUllons. A do.zen Among the wurld'tamed acts In daughters at Trotwoo¢ Ml"i ,and I other atal'S, water and d I v I n-g, Mrs. Karl Bal)b and Bon. Mr. Dean the Watercade, for example, h s strnght nnd comedy acts are in· B11bb, 0 t .PalntervJlle, RlBo were "The Grea.t Alhotl," lfle ' H mlAl, h ': bW 0 clude"U , afternoon guesta. stMlds .on on'e finger. e as, een seen 1n every plctW'e magazine IlDd Both III tbe ,vat·u 8Jld on lh< Dr. Ernest Rosnqle of London, fs the bl-hellt.prlced 1I0veity aC,t s~ag . 4 AquanyDlP'}a will perronI' Obi ' ,.. I 'g bath ., • .1. quel)~eiJ .... 0, was a S . un day arternoon tod ftv• He'. but one of a dozen ,mart¥ ... .a IIur.L1 t t Dr .... h -. in It .. --..... ·1 guee 0 • and JUI'S. H , E. Hat • Btarrlll" e<n-e numbers alon'8. g su s ~.. ' u _.... ng ·C05 tllmes • awa'" • Produdeil. . ill ' . search~d t"e ,. In the ......,. and in the dlytng' country to ~ , ' uanymphs. . ~ Miss Gladys Rye of University tank Johnny IIlinleU will quickly of CluQlnna~ Mr. E~l R7e aDd abO"; t.IMI .uok. by whclh he m&de Mall 0 are belng aa MARl
Cincinnati Red st Opening Game April _11th WILL WIND UP CAMP PERIOD APRIL " "BARNSTORM" THEIR WAY HOME
Tamp&, Floria-A real "preVUe has been lined up lor followers of the CI.n clnnaU Red8 who 11ke to take aj prellmin&1')' look at their ball club before the regular seaSOD gets underway with the tradition..) Clncillno.tl opening ,ame on April 18th. ,~he New York Yankeea, World Champlozm no lea .. &1'e Icheclu,l ed for aD exhlblUoll same with the Reell at Croel.e y PlI14 Oil WedDell· day, April 12, the w~k before the lDo' ... or' league,' begin It ling for keeps. In a.ddltlon, a g&DIe with' the col· orful Philadelphia PI:IUlIel, the N8. Uonal League's Burprlle 'entry of RE8rtAURANT WU.L 1949, i8 carded l~r the Redle, home CLOIE FOR 8HOR,T TIME lot the tollowin, afternoon Oil' .T~ Stop and Ea.t restau~t will Aprll.1. "1'.mpul ~t" as an ancJlIlt ~ 910sed from April. 10 to 14, Monday to FrIday. LatJn I . .e once IIJd aDd to 110 at aD the Re6a wUl be pull1q " ---ltaIl.,. trom their tralnla- baH AL~ERT L. HERRICK • .., here ucI' hea4I". N~ LEBANON ATTORNEY _ North.....r4 on .. 1. th. lODe vOJIICe ~me. lAlDert 1.. Herrick was amoq th~ ....uccessfuJ candlda~ In the Lub Senu'. 8II1Id wUI 1fIIUl OhIO Slate Bar examln1LUau 1114 up a blahly lIuco.UtuJ..8l1rtnc e.amt was Sworn In Thursday by the perlo4 011 Aprl S &lid "banaatonD" r1 hl.,· JusUce of Lhe, Oblo Supreme I;I.ome willi I~ lor ~ C un glDl81 in AtlaDta" \.4........, 8. c.: 0 " T e Ow J ebanoltl nttorney Is a Raleigh, N, C,; ~hblU1r, Va.; lP'adaiate or DUke \.In(\'erlllty, N.C" '. oanoke, Va.; Bluefield, .W. Va.: _A Cbarleston, W. Va. ... nd or 1he Chase College of ~. . ... ~ollowl.... .... the pall' of games In ClDclnn&tI, ' n ('inclnnati, A World War " . the ~ds will play week end v' 4mn Herrick .11 l1880cl'l.ted ,wltb _....v 11, card In Indlalla appearlor iii: Rich. " I'htll'otbel'-Jn·\aw, Carl A b a ...... . . ' former ProsecutlnK Attorney, W ,... ... mond OD Frd&7, April 14. a.nd In. , 1 ft._to dlUapO)1a Saturcl." and Sunday, th If oftices at bo16 -... - , the 16th &lid 18th. bf.llOlL ~. Jlerr1clr. la, m.arrteC ... r u.. C
Mr. Chari.. Rt&. ot 01&kt s~le,.. men aa... a' ~ll? "dlU! 01.......... p!;tlnnta.tte!nOt,,,01 ..,ar~~·WfJ~I-~~~~~~i'!I;;w;~~~~~ were w... eDd ,gueau 0 ~he r 'recordl tlian ..,. rival. BrieDy, fie en', W. re .."m, prom . a: . SIncere appreelldOo parep.ts, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rye.=:..:::.:.·-:----,.---;-'"jj;;;;::;;;;;~~;:ri;;;;~;rni1;;_b;ili
,....w, '-::::.:::.=. J-AME8 R. JOHNS
BLUE CROSS APPLICATION COUPONS AVAILABLE BIIllngs for BlUe ~ roa s quarterly fees have been IIIRu ed by Rn ~ flll,al Care COl'}}orntion to a ll memb I' enroled through t he communit y o/' Waynesvill e, Tbls quarterly pay ment will cover memJ!ersb\p fees tor the period from April 10, 195(). through July 10, 1960.. Membership In Blue Crolls Hos' pltal Care will be made a vailable to everyone who Uves or works in 80utbwestern Ohio from AprIL 1 through April 16. Apllcatlon coupons wUl appear Ill' dally and week:Iy newspapers throughout the area, and apllcation cards will be avall "ble at many banks and drug Rtores. Further annOuncements will be made thl'ougli radio and prea!! noUces.
B. COLEMAN, MinIster
6 a. 'm. E as te r S'unT Ise S' erv 1ce Conducted by t.he YOutb' Felio\\,shlp Call to W01'8hiop-Organ "The Story 01 Jesus"- Don Welcb Hymn-Hymnal164 Scriptllre ~adlngs _ WinnIe Jo tStout. Joe Smallwood Prayel'-Don Heu'derson R)'Dln _ "Christ. Arose" ._ Youth' Group. !JeaiJlng _ "Calvary" _ Dorothy WSlscm. Poem _ 'Three crosses and a . ~er"-Bni F1achback BoIo-"JJe Still and Know That 1
/Am GOd,"-Toby Ball.
'~~on'I-HarlaD El~rn' Duetr-"To Boll the Stone Away" Iluth lCarDhart. Armette Tinney
BaDedlotfon Lee Ram.b,., Organist FoIowlDc thJa lervSco, breakfast will be lIerved III the basemellt by the .......... ....... f8 Opell to ,any who .---_... to........ colDe. No charge b t "aM.
_11#_.. _
au ClIl ..so mel1's quartet. . . ' 10:10 .. m.-Wol'lbfp Hour-Bap. ~ ~ ~_......... ~. ~ ~ of (or the ID....... 11
"... ~.... L m, Ch . uroh Scho-' ...-Spe -
Anth ' b th Oh I FUneral se,-vtces will be hela lovely tloW8J'8; card!, frUit and ems y e o r. PASSES AWAY 'HERE at th'e Methodist Churc~ ~t Lytle. oth,et" tavora dUrIng m,. recent Euten ,Sermon. ;_ . TuesdRY at 2 : 30 1). m., oRe-v. Bel'. HAPPY HOI)R CLUB llIneea. . JaDlel~ Johns, 74, passecl away 'nard Baughn ofHclating. Entertaining the Happy HOUT Tba.nJtlt. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE at the home of W. BODt, Ralph, Burial .wlll be In! Mlam1 Cem- Club at the Far Hills Party HOUle, lira. AaeD&tb ~homas. MethocUat €burch, 1:30 to 3 p.m. near Wa.vnelvUle. etery In charge ot Stubbs Funeral Wednesday, AprU I:!. 8ervlce of Prayer and LltllJ'gy He Is survtvecl by a son Ralph, Home. Mrs; FrecI (JoD': Iecl by Rev. Sam Keys of the 1Ip1s8 grandcblldren, 2 creat grand. ..L_ _ _.:....._ _ _ _ _ _..,-_ NOTICE OF APPOINTM EN~ copal Cb1ll'ch. chlldren. Admlnlatra..r Tba "1IM'eu Last Worda" wm be Etaate ot nora BUaaD R&wb. tbe theDIe of adclrelll8s by repreP ..T. A~ NEW8 Dee...... .&ntatjvell at Episcopal Friends What's Cooking' 10' ,Wayne's ville? NoUce Is hereby given tbat C. and Methodist Ohurchell. • 'BANANA NUT BREAD SOlos-M1ss Jean Hartsock, Mrs. Lee Hawke, wIlo.e pOst orflce ad~elu In by Mrs. Stanley Baney dress Is Waynesville, Ohio, baa H. C. HooBon. '% C ,shorteDiDr been' duly appointecl as AclllliDlslra' . ~he blgh aehoo) choru8 will sing 1 c sUB~ tor ot the ~te or Flora Susan alSo. .PInch eall . Ha.wke. late of Waynellvllle, War· 1 laap. loda. an'd add to sour mUk ren, CounV, Ohio, deceallecl". 2 c pastry tJour (eitted) Datecl ,thla 28th clay ot Marcb, ~. c•. nut meats . chopped U60. 3. jananas "'":) RALPH H. CAREY MIs8 May w))lght with Mrs. 1 %, ti . sour mOt , Jud&'e of tb. PIobate Court Charles MJchene~ atten'ded"a Chris· Add.. Oour and crushed bananas , Warr,n County. Oblo tian Bclence lecture nt Memorial altern1ltely, Dut meats last. Bake O. L . Schllllq,. Attorney Hall In' Dayton .on Friday night. at 360 d~grees tor 1 ' bour. Published Aprll e;13·20 Mrll\ OUve Curl returned on Fri· Buy a Waynesville Cook Book day froID. attendng the State W. at Opal 'StubbS or EvelYn Wat.k1ns C. T. U. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Cor $1.00 and Bet 99 more good . Mrs. Lee Mason. of Mason. on'd r!lcpell' Uke thls on'e. Help yoor . Admlnlltrator her lIOn' Mr: Leroy Mason, ot Evscbools! , Help your towlll Eltaw of Ella B. Cook, Deeeasecl erett, Wuhlngton, called on Mrs. . I. . ~he ChUCIrens Society ot ChriS·' ~Ollce II laenbf "Veil tUt' Ern. Alice Clark on Saturday• est II. Cook, wbol' poet ottlce' ad· lion Service of the Methodist Mr. and Mrs, RDBCOa Furnas nod churcb enjoyed an Easter .Party , dresll Is R. Jt I, WaYDesvllle~ Ohio. little ' son WllUam were dinner haa been duly appOinted as Admin • .guests of friends Ilt the Home all at the cburch on Saturd'a y. afteristrator at the Gttllte ot Ella n. SUDdQ'. 1l00n. wtb a JlrOgraIU ot religious The usual bu~lne88 .8slloo was Inatructlon, baaket makJ.nc, colorCook, . late or Wayue Township. Mrs. Martha Cox, of 1ndlanapolls . )eld, and Mr. Fulke.rson coo- Ing Easter egb an,d gamel. .Jle. WalTen Gounty, Oblo, deceaaed . callecl on her Irlend MIss Minnie duded the discussIon ~ the ~att freehmellta were servecl during . -Dated tbla 30th day of March, DJOd&OIl on Sunday. Hartley BIll. Mr. and Mrs. Van tho ~ period. . 1950. M1'8, G. E. Rhein of Springfield, Pelt then , entertained everyone RALPH H. CAREY Those who b~ve charge ot the wal the d,lnner guell~ of her ,aunt. w:fth their travel plctur~8. • Judn ot the Probate Court MISS Margaret Edwards on Monday. childr!tn !lore Mrs. " Earl Conner, Mr. La Mar . Earnhlll't, veteran Mnt. Ralpb Alf~rd, Mn. Harry YOUll'C A .Young, Attorneys instru.c tor .ot ' the veterans ctll8sSc henk, Miss Doro~ Drwmnond, Publlahed April "'IS-IO ..... fa 'ewelr7 Wear at 'the High School. building, and Mr.. GleDD A1exaDcIer, Mn. Bay ""~-aIJIe ba 100 I'l'eDcb women the (oUowlng students: Mr. Otla ,Conner, Mra. Walter Whitaker, wear pnelaua plaUmun. palladium , NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Herringtoll, Barton Meyer~ Hobart Mrs. Charlell, Lola" Mn. Nola _ Iold Jewllr7 compared with the AcSml"retratoi' John80D, WlUatc! Ledtord, Ma,.· Van Ambuq ID4 Mn. BaJ SlIl1th. lime ratio 01 Amerl.~an wolDen nu.d Hagemeyer, Ralpb. Satterth· ' Mr.~,d .. - Lo, d Da~-... , , ' ...... y . ., .. au or lobll C. Ih.'!!'u, De- ..... IIdom tblm.elve. with COl' 'wllllte, WUlfaln AsbUIT, Wlllard Jennie Da\1l ana Mr, BID DaVlll Furnall, Audrey ThomaI, B~ey atteDded _rvtcee • South Park NotICe U iMreb, ctV8Il that C. Hurst, Ike Gabbarcl, an4 Thomu lIetbodllt cbUlCb 011 SUDdlT morn. ...........Tabes Lee , Ih.wlre. wllDee poK oWce ad· BradbDJ7. The .claal ree8Dtb' had Jq and . .w UttJe CbrIItfne Dam, -.caue . of Ibm ~ape, ft\lort~ dreU Sa W.,.e.TIlle, O~, 'Iau as their ~tereatlnc peet apeaker dauchter of lIr. IIlIl lira. ClareIIce ,bMD c!ol, ~t.e4 &a A4mIDia- . . . tuba make .oocl Ulht. over booIrea.... cornice., and c:ablneta. Mr. Dcnr 0 • . Sr." .maoapt\' of 3. ·J)al1l, baptlle4. They were cUn- . trator cl ~. of 30ba O. . . . ... lame Huon, they make Lon4OD Farm8 at I'o.ten. Der lUeet.I or Mr, aDd lira, Davia, Hawke, late or WaJDUvUle, War. .... naclba. utbt. over becIa, aDd J'afr. Robert Butta.. !a ~or· uul eveIlfDS CUeita of Mr. and ren Cout,., Olllo, 4eceaaed. laC hJa .pl'iac TacaUOG frOm lira. eecn X, DaYla" when they DltAcl thla 28th clay or 'March, , ItucUel at IIIamL aD4 .pent the lDeIebra&ed tire blrUada7 UIDI91e'r1.&0. week ed with bIa frlenc1, I(ra.: -.r7 01 the!' UtUe .... BALPB B. CADY Don Luteu at Oldo atat. 'UId1m. 0JIuI.~ Sa ooa· 1\aIp" tile ProIIate Cout veralt7. •• Lubu duriq IlIII at IIIaml Van.,..baQltaI, O. L ............. AttoruJ'. aprIq ,neatIoD" epet .. tft'.,. .... ~ .11..", a.e OIl
M d ... . W"" t . . r. an . .... ra, . <!J. S rou .. w4l r e among the guests on Sunday, when Mr. and 'Mra. Irugen~ Whtte of M&son, entertained with a IamUy dinner, h'OlIorlng tbe birthday an· r;ivllrsary ot their little daughter, LeiLh MargareL M1'8, Fallis PaIne entertained on SatUrda.y afternoon and blld aa guests, her second grade Jlup11s. Sh.e , was aSlIlsted In the entertaJning by Miss Dorothy . Day. An Ea.oiter egg bunt and ames were enjor ed by the cblldJ'en, and maliy pictures were taken of th·e · troup. Delicious refreshments we r e I served and eo.ch child received gifts and Easter candl~. Mis. A. H. Stuobs will open her bome on Wadnellctay. April 12 for tb'. Ayril meeting of the FrIendship Club, witb Mrs. W~en Braddock and ' Mrs. Reba Bmddock. as co' hostesses. Mr. aud MI'lj . A'. lI. ER.I'1lhart vlllited In GreenvILle on Sunday. ~r. and Ml'B. M. A. FlJlkerson nnd Mr. and Mrs, Ed Gl\lllnnd were hosts and hOlltesBes to theIr Ad· "Isory Councll and their fam,tliea on ~liur8day evennJg at the Grange Han with ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold "Van .Pelt of Spring ValeT, as guests. '
===-_-,., --_______
with IIr. trutIDII at IIIa1DI.
.11 , . . . . . . . . .
PIMIIW &RII .11-10
Thu~J, April
6, 195D
Billion Dollars Cut From ECA ~und By "ouse Foreign Relations Group; ,1ruman Plans Speaking Campaig,n
(;ries of 'Foul'
Preslde nt Harry Truman and Gencruls George C. Marsha ll and DwJght D, Eisenhower hove no upp1:chensions about the securlty 'statWhen prcpal'in& both the y~ lks UB ot U.S, state departm ent pera nd whites of eggs for a reCIpe, sonnel. time. work. water a nd egg may, be The Preslde nt declare d there saved DY bealing the whiles, 111'St , was nothing to a rumor that U.S. and then, with the unwashed beatCblef Justice Fred Vinson was to Produ~e , er, the yolks. gDIToa '8 NOTIII. "bla oplaloa. a'" ",r ••oed la lb ••• eollmn., 'hey are replace Dean Acheson as state sec· th ••• of W •• ter'f t Hew.pap er Unl •• '. De• • a ••• ,.t, ADti aet aee •••• rtt' •• tbl. newa.,ap e ... ) r etary. and lhe two generalll deWith cut gl~ ss ba ck in vogue, clared that U,S, Ambass odor ,Phil· here's a cleanin g tip; Tacltle the Ip C, Jessup was practica lly bedu st that's collecte d . in aU the yond reproac h from any angle, but Billion Lopped l'revice s \V,ith a baking-soda past e in particul arly so as ' regards any Whether It portend ed a more a nd a stiff brush. 'taint or ~ommunlsm. Prospec ts are eylqent that Amerl· realistic vlew toward Europea n reALL THESE manifes tations of CEI'S farmlan ds will ' grow greener . Left-ov er egg covery nee~, or was just Symptosupport ' of Acheson and Jessup in the second ha.l1 ot the 20th cen· liS d promptly. wh ites should be matlc~ of a seasona l purse-ti ghten. a nd kept covere ? stemme d f.rom charges by Senator tu,ry. ing ettort on the part ot some conIn n I'cIrig r aLor wh ile they a wait McCort hy that m any state depart· ere8sme n, there were major head-' Outstan ding In fa past 50 use. ment personnel were Commu.nlsts ye:,a rs and bound to rming!s linea in the fact that the , house forplay vital parts 01' lea'ned strongly towa rd commu · in the ?ears· to come are the new eign affalrlj commit tee lopped a nism. bllllon, dollars off foreign aid reimporta nce of grass and the mechaJessup hot 1 y ' denoun ced Me·' nl.oz!ltion ot the far(n. quests for next year. earthy' s cl)arges as "utterly irre· ' Slashing a proposa l made by ,~ccordlng to eXperts on the subsponsib le-a blow at Americ an for- ject, PreSide nt Tr.uman, the ,commJttee grass is soon' to rank as a eign policy," and an actual aid to went on to recomm end that the ex· prime contribu tor to the health and world comm"n lsm. Genera ls Mar· we:alth isting gap in foreign rellef be filled In just 7 day.... In one .hort weelc _•• Ilhall and Eisenhowel' support ed em whoof the United States. Farm· with U.S. farm .urpluse s. Order Your ChIcle. • «roup nf people who thangcd from therr will turn to the use of grass J'essup. Marsha ll. he said, was as THAT WOULD make lIense to old denliCriee.to.Calox Tooth Powder a.e~ • real crop in ItseU, will fin4 From aOorE'5 Nowl "shoclced and distress ed" by the mOlt Americ ans. probab~, except .,ed 3890 bri!!ttrr Iwfl by IdCl1lilic lea~ _. ~nd attack you~ upon chick Jessup' s lntegrU y. EI.orders in to Boote's those so energet ically and ' enthusl · Why Dot chanlO to Clloit yourHU1 Bu, rishl away. Choose your own deliv. enhowe r said no one who knew JesutlcallY commlt ted to foreign aid ery dates! Started pullets 2 to 8 weeks Cllox sup ,today, , , 10 your would Question "the depth or without any Umit 'o r restrict ion., 0Id ... 2·w«k livability guarante e. " reelh can Illrt lookln, ' sinc~rity" of his dev,otio n to '~e th.t they br.nd 81 , n.rrow lIola· Choice of breeds, U. S. Approved, principl es of Americ anism." ,6r{,hler tomorrow t ' timists .nyone wbo argues that Pullorum-Controlled. FUI truck de> Under questlon livery !na, on srouped orllen in Dakotas, U.S. _lfare ought to be conside red Jellup, dur81Jt.ye&l' old BIISHU MlDer, ing his examina Uon admitte d that . lo~, Wis_, Minn'; Netic. Day·old alone ·with welfare other na· ColDal bu, Ohl•• the 1950 Ean, chicks also available. Write Eor comhe appeare d as • charact er wimesl tIonJ. er Seal CbUd Hleeted by the plete Ust of prices and ha\dlill8 d.lCI. for Alger Hiss. former .tate deP.ul G. Hottma n, foreign recov· Nationa l SocIety for Orlpple d partme nt attache convlct ed ot 11ell' adm.lnlstrator, w.s unllble , to ObUdrea .nd' Adults, feed. a HATCHERIES, lie. ing when he denied be h.d slipped "1 immedi atel7 what effect the horse oa a aelahbo r'. farm. out .eeret U.S. docume ntl to • S0torelln aid pl.n .lash would have. a-U, ba. had cerebn l palsy viet spy ring. Ha old he would preter to study .moe birth. Scene. like thI. win be more BUT at the end of an hours-l on, the' proposa l and •• certain what cl~mmo n 'hrol l,hol l' ~ .esslon of Capitol hill, Mcc'art liy Idnd of fatm surplus es the ,overn· Americ a .s f.rmers tarn te still was insistin g th.t If ••n.tor. ment hal in Its bins, and whethe r Help a Child alra.. al are.. cro,. Rere a could get a ' look at the comple te Europe needs ,them. field foren harvest er, one of flles on Jessup, "the importa nc. ot HE SAID he alre.dy knows these', The generos ity of the Americ tile Dewer develo, menta III an tllkllig .ction" would be demon~ ~luse8 inc:lude wheat, cotton and people during the mechau laed farmlnc , '0 h 0 , • 1950 Easter Seal strated. McCart hy was not pero tobacco . A house commit tee m&n- campai gn, ' which ends April 9, wl,ll mltted to CrOSS-8Xllrtline wltnelle IIDd blo". rra. into a truok her also name4 these three and help brinl .new lite and l!. keepJnr hope pace with tbe traotor. to As for Secre~ry Acheson, lI4r. .dded corn, oatl, barley, tats, olls many Crippled children . Truman thoroug hly demoli. and !Ialry product s. No mention hed ruthat It prevent s erosion, builds ul' SIX-YEAR·OLD Russell Miller mors concern ing the former ', re- the soil, Improv w.s made of tb. huge surplus es of knows that. as does his family, es the land ror for moval and dec1ared, insteael, that crops that ar e to potatoe s and eggs whlch Americ a Russell, who has had cerebra foUow and Prol ' p al· .lao has on hand. ' sy aince blrlh. Is now able to start Mr. Acbeson was rUnnin, the .tate vldels greater profit through more departm ent "admlr ably," Hoffma n, who most llkely would walking by hlmsell -becaus econom ical feed. I ' eud 1111 opposing surplus es in lieu of \help and treatme nt he e ot the Becaus receive e theY d .,can now g. r ow more cash, would be ' hard put, It ap- ,t hrough the auspice s of gra~,s with less work. farmers Uti peared, to make the 8 vel' age tUonal Society for Crippled, the Na· Again & Again ChIldre n plnntln g more and more acres ' in Not. filii... . Amerlc .n belleve that • war.rav: and Adulla. He was chosen ..II' Anothe r ' chapter in the dk:zy gree,n pasture s. They are usin, Sano'. lCieotific prOcess cuts oi~ a,ed Europe couldn' t use, or didn't "Easter Seal Boy tor 1950" the bemore grass as rotation roun!l ot potato price 8UPPOr and cover aoe conleOllO half Ibac of ordioary need, lIuch Items .s .gp, potatoe s, cause he typWes the thousan of in the maldnl If the n.Uon' ts was crops and tests have proved to . cigaren e•• Yet .ldllful bleowo l . fanntats. olla and ' dAiry product s: ,cripple d, clllIdren who have ds been ers planned .crlpt were comple ted. them that gras. in rot.Uon with makes eYet')' pu!' a pleasure. There are IDaIIT Americ an tamille s .imilarl 7 helped through corn. and cotton vastly incre" u' thls or- For, accordi ng to reports re.cbfI , ~~II4U. TOBACCO 00" UfO~ ft, Y. I, ~ at ,hom. who would .be g.nizaU on. ' federal alP'lcul tural deparb nent deUlhte d If they aver had a .uff!. Thla yeu'. Euter Seal, 'wblch In W.shing ton, tarmere were Th.e makin, of ha,. and gra.1 ... ' dellCi, of any of these Item., ')'I11boUze. the conqueR of • handl- he.da Iha~ a pattern · of proc!lIct1oD lace 11 the basls of erassla nd fami~ap b)' • crillPlil t cbfld, Ihowa a that would create , aDother potato ing. ThIs I. a trUe product ot the r .mall bo,. abandcm tna bls crutche . IIIrPIUl and add tq an aireaQ '" 20th century . ExperU nenta ltartecl , and atartlDa to walk b1 hlmJelf.. Coadoft Urged RUSSE LL 11 • handiom e ~. IUPPI7 of liveltoC k and feed arainl. abouit 25 yean a,o are just now , . ACCORDING to an al1'icU ltunl tID, wtdIspr ead accepta nce . . j ~ . tecleral 1u.Uei 4.Dutm~t with brllht and ' frSeDd17 .y... He departm ent aurve7 of. .proc!uc en. farmler find that ar." allap .. b.. ..mlcC' eoqre' ii " ''''~~09. to ~ and dOft av.,.- March 1 plantIDI pJaua lDdlcatecl • MCCIIld s only willa , ~" .. uUia8 to arum, ill a IOC!4 ~, da, chOru. duplte ilia handlc. p. potato acteap which - at 1. . . . U~Ic · ~am. CommUDiat IeIl.laU oa. HIDe 01 At homa he 11 ~ accepte ' . I' d membe r avera,e lIelda to the ~cr.-w0uJ4 .:l " HADACOL 11 Ioocl 101' all which. 'the departm ent .ald, ~d of the f.mIlJ' and ' doe. not ellpei ¥r.' DII .... ' ·'Her cbeelll were pate• c t bringln . ftv. of nature's B produce IK mIJllon more bushell ·'JnfUct punlahme~t OD . llUDed .or receive any special pnvUeg and Ihe cried' lotteD. 1 atarted .... es. more than and importa nt m1~1a. to the ~oun, ,overm nent goal of II'OUPI ,Without Jutr ,'trfal." JolUIdfIA.DA• . But. If It were Dot tor the CUld- 335 ml1llon the and old alOOt. bushell Recen~) . ' the ' ~A. . __ 'an THUS the nation '11 treated to .nce of medic" speclall sts, after the deCOL folk. receive d the ioocl newl three oMhe lar.e Such • cr9P would mate It nece.. ·tIle lMMilal paradoX ' at havin, the termlna~n at hJa ~otber ,+h., amon, the eountle s. thoulal! d. IconOl1lY ,size j)ot· that he ••ry for the ,overm nent ,to ~d reatricUona of its own CODItitution WOuld w.lk and play .gain r-tie. .he 's now like addlUonal mIlllOlU l ' of dollars to wbo, had been benellte d b7 BADA· healthy prevent All .ct,(on 4eslll\e d at pre- other children , speclallze'd , Da. aD car~ and , buy up .urpll.\' IUPplln to support COL ws. II lady of ~, 8 , map of~ excellen t aPPetite aervlng and p~otecUn, that con- other Easter Seal .emce who l he felt relike he was 18, and. beauU· and dllJlOlIItitutiOn. ' celved, RiuIeJl 's re.ulUn g rapid arower prlces. Potato prlc. supful tittle girl onl7 three :rearS' old. tlon ,her ports .lready b.ve COR the governI. pel'fect ." Aa an exampl e, Peyton Font, as- prolP'ess certainl y , would never ment about 600 mfiUon do11&n , Mrs. Edmon d Doucet, of Church aI.tent to U;S. AHome y' Genera l ~ave taken place, ·A U' h r e e' 01 , Point. La " IS 85 year. old• .havlng the se people'w since 1943 and have led to 'demand a MCGrath told the ' bouse un.Ame r. ere The .Americ an people were 're- tor inore , thousan ds ot friend. In Ute Dic,lur'l suUerin g from • rlald 'contt:oll 011, future lcan actiVities commit tee "It 1s I)y minded that during, tbe Easter Seal eSQue Evange line slIctton. of crops, lack ot JiI vita· no means certain " that ~e con. 'lale. no job and no contribu tiOn ana where she SO UNREALISTIC was the fedmil'ls and the atltutionaUty of such ,legislat ion would be too small to do, Its share erai was b,orn and' bal' mineral s whlcb could ,be upheld. . . in helping crippled children wlilk port program of polJto price ~ spent ,all of he!, that the cries, of eondemnation HADACOL cbntalns . I AS 'ALMOST every schoolboy again. IIADAC OL 11 f e. The s e and ,cen~,ure ~ay have ~Ol'Jle result Solines to !you IIi liquid form, eiisUy knows, the 'constitu tlbn wa. ·kicked friends arc b ~ppy after 'aU. a sslmll.n inlltance ted in the ploOd-.tream 10 , thl! .enate around ,plenty during the days 1m. to know that Mrs. ' bad been ,conside ring a catch-a)) tbat it cnn ':0 to w9r~ right 'away Doucet feels bet. medlate l7 precedi ng World War All Ab' d! It Is ea'sy to understo nd, there1or e; farm bill \1!hl.cli, among other n on the ;'p retext that such viola. tel' no·" than at oar why countless thousnnas have Deen things. would deny pdqe tiona we.N ' 'tor tlle "safety of tDe any time in two Preside nt Truman was getting to potatoe s grown outside support s ~T~L.by, t~s 'a mazing tonic. • stric\ natio!)." ,. I , . ,eadY to hit the trail again witb years and gives quota ~ystem in 1951. A lack of only a small amopnt a! ' It seems ' regretta ble. then, that his gospel of the need for electing the credit to . PubUc indigna tion was under, B vitamin s and certain minera l. a little leeway _couldn' t be t'aken .and reelecting' Democr ats. HADAC~ 4, .•' It was standab le. will cause di gesUve ~ls~ut:bance8. pattern ot subsldIz· by ,these same when It beUeved hls spring and fall cam· Ing expandThe "I had bee n ' f" • Your food 'wlU n·ot agree wltb~ ed potatq prqcluctlon "'afety palgn tour would match the inlen- with ever·mo YQU•.• ' .;. You' wlU : have an upset • uritlng surpluse s was Sick tor .lmost of the stomach . , _ • You will !luncr .when war again II, lib of his 31,500-mile "give·'e mfrom cau~i1I' ~ven two 'the' years mOR 'blase and tax· \ operil,y talked and envisioned. l. t1eartbLi'r n, gal' pains ond ,your food ' hell" campai gn of 1948. payers to become irascibl e about was auffe ~ing with gas~c w,lU sour on your stom'acb and YOIl PLANS were fOr Mr. Truman to the Illtu.tion. .nces and bloating . 1 lIi'as run will not be able to eat the. thingl J?1t the road .eariy in May for , a bad lost weight nnd bad to . you like for tear of being IJI milrel'J' rear-pla tform speakin g SWing tbat b~d most ot the time. ~ lo!!t eo~rage afterwa rdS1 Many Soon .toGo? also 's utter would carry him into Washington and felt tbat th~re ' was no ,hope for from conatlp,atlon.',people And While thelle Federa l rent controls 100~ woUtd state about May 11 tor the dedIca~e" . sympto ms .,ma:)' I?e tb~ results ,ot I ' ',' be a .~ of the past. If a partlc· tion of Grand Coulee dam, It would other causes, Jhey are surely , and , Mrs: DOllce! had. trled many prep. certalnl y the ' .ym:pto ular action of congres s , could be i.vtnd up with It "fightin g polltlca l 'Bnd aliIf. . ratlons wl~ou.~ IIPparent benetfcial of lack of B vJtalJl.ins,m. COllstr\led ' as an, indi~atiori-and It talk" lh Chicago stadIup i the night and rwnera a j . . results · when she heard the ,lorloua wbich 'HADACOL corlto~s. And 'If was so constru ed by everYone in of May 15 at a giant Democr atic news about It(U)ACOL. you ·iiuffer from a ueb III def\clen'~y Washington. . rally. ,.. , disorde r, there Is no known cure ex"Alter taking several bottles of cep~ CONGRESS gave 'tbe Preside nt I The trip will include "off·the the ,adminlst of PIe vita. 0( • • HADACOL 1 felt like a new pcrson, " mins and mineralr~.tlon broad hint 'thllt there may not be cuff" talks to crowds around thell which your sy~ Chemic said al sprays are not ;yct Mrs. Doucet. "I eat anythui g 1 tem lacks. 'any rent controls alter June 3D, railroad track. to and ,, from the ready to replace the cultivat or In want without III effects and sl!!ep whe.n It sent to' him a money bill west coast. and plugs tor ' Demo· It Is easy to underst and. therefor e well. contrqll I feel lng ,weeda, mUCh , stronge I!.ccord r." lnl to Dr. why that include d funds , earmar ked to cratlc candida tes and Fair Deal countles s thousands hllve been J. C. Willard, agronom iat ,n the N:eville Dugali~ ot Roule 1. Box 101 belJefiteli by tbis 'amalin g payoff employ ees of the rent con- tneasur es. tonic, HADAC college OL. , at agricult ure at Ohio Unl- B.' Card cncro. L a., is ' trol agency. lui For . the fall campaig ning, an a succe!!s So, it matters not · who you are veultJr. · .,,' farlner ' who bad worked 'lbe senaie comple ted legislat ive even longer. more intensiv e tour Is and • , _ it mllllers nO.t where you live "No chemic als so, far availab le ' late at all kinds of hard early actlon on the 'm easure -a 783 mU· ~eing planned , tor then the. Presi. work and .... or If YOU have tried all the medl! for use in crops Will ldll , .u ' ' lion dollar deficien cy bill-to pro- dent will go into a score or more , It' wasn' t so long qines under the sun, give tbis wonweed.,...· Dr. Willard said. "U, we a,o that he won· derful p'reparatiQn 1\" trial. Don' t, 10 vide extra money tor varlou. ted· o~ states to slug it out for Demo. 'rbfl exclaslv e photo, t.ken use clbemlc als ""tbout dered if lHl eral agencie s for the year ending era tic congres sional c.8ndlda tes. on suffering I Don't continue to ' lead .bout a year aco, .hows Pia , tl» remove the; weeda cuJUvaUon ever be able to a mlserab le li!e, Many,. persOna left ~ to June. ",he) MR. TRUMAN'S amazin g' suc. Linditro m, 12, dauchte r of In.prayin work l. it ' ~at wUl way lil!ve . suttereq ,and wllite~ tSlr ,10 W be onlY a s,hort INCLUDED in the measur e was cess at this type ot polltlcal war· crtd Bercma n .Dd Dr. Peter again. He time had' 20 yenrs, or even longer, are able before we have fields whleb four mUllOll dollars for the office fare I. the chief reason. surely, L1Dds&rom. The picture was tried many medl. now to llve bappy. COmfortallre 'UVea are .11 weed1 •• 'before, but the of hOUSlDg expedItel' Tighe E. · why he ,ha. decided to engage in It takeli before her mother went again because HADACOL .ulilpll8tt weedi will be different and of IdJul8 Wood •. ()f that amOunt, more than again. Admitte dly no orator. the cines, but feU the VI~aminll and Mlnerala whlcb to SlromhbU to make a picture barder. to 1dlL" " two' and one-half mllll.on wa. to be Preside nt, neverth eleU, did luffI· tKltUU', wiOl the Italian director , BOb~~~:s ~~s~::!:! .needed . . B. fall' tcIi Introdu cUon ot new cheml c. UHd to pay for the termina l leave clently well (or himself In the 1948 y ltADACOL a trial. .... erto BosscUIIl1. Pia II tbe abevel7 year malt.. .praJln , more til employ ees. 'lbe other , 1.25 wal campai gn to make ,I t seem logicall y QVr~~"UI In our benet ~&, Ject ID a IIUter cntody a'ruC- of a ,.pecl8J 1lt'. job, be pOinted 0IIt, tor operaUng expense s tor whlch gOod .trateq to' pursue Ilmllar yOU that w•• d1 cle between IDIrI4 ~d Qr. l i o n . mODey c.utlon ln, farmer . 10 beware 01 ·b.ck guallo Woods had asked tacUc. thlJ time. mlWCl,III.· Lindltro m; . utee. ~ 10u ~t · feel perfect b' the fIT·by·n1lht oper.to r, satlsfl,e d .,.fter U41n" ~ACOL .. directed " jUlt return tile empty aaro British tab" lDd' your mone1 wlll bo oheero a.t 1-29'. MIllA CI Sloma & Strife Up to Reds "".tur~'lUIe.,.. ~ full,y, d. No.h •••_ C9"~ ,.. "- . falrel'. ratunde " " .....,... ..... ... The first of Americ an armed aid If tbere II ~ rlotIJig or violence The future appeare d ruaged tor Bold'" at aU the leaaing 'h , storei. Eachl aumme r and fall Uveltoo k ex·lOng Leopold of Bellium and to Gre.t Britain wa. between ''10 in Berlln during May 2'1·30. while a eot:lldJl'tl Trial liz'! ant:r ~25, bid live moDq bU1 the large 1a m.!!y almost a. rugged and surel7 as un- and 80 B-29'. wbleb were .tarled Red )'tIUtb r.lly 11 being: held, tbe owners an warned ill the 10Il 10>111' .,_ and. l!osplW which ma,. be takeD 01 anImal . b7 11I~ ~.IIO. " ,'I certain for hls troubled countrY'. for Enlland in cvemo nie. .t An- Cornmu bbtl thvmsel ves «Win have l1eepID l 1:~!lJlli~t Ilckn .... ;li,,1 Louea u . ~~ drew. to from shoulde ~glst tbla FIeld, r the . W.shlng . blame ~ . bav,a and ton. .nswer D.C. 'l'be ftght to restor. Leopold to the BelaIaD throne, wblch he abdicat ed Kentuc kTl Sen. Vlrgll Chapm an for the , accounUna. Tbat w.. tbe cl1Ie..., .bhoed a atanllnI toere... I when, til. German bordes overran represe nted the .enatil armed aero word at John J. McCIo;y, U.S. hlab ID IMT an4 11M&, and filum for ~~a, &!dd ab'mdt... the paM 7.ar II1'e apectaCT to allow Belgium . had become • bitter one. vic-. commlt 1H at the ',e xerclae l. commln loner for- U.S,oQCcup!ecI dkllDe When flnan, c0m2.4ltCld~~OIllIt.. Defense Secreta ry Louia JohDson German y. He declare d he law no but polt, 'I'he monarc hists won a victory at declare d that the flrllt four need for extra troopJ, but "we art piled. boinbthe poD.a 011 a referen dum on ru- er. wblch took oft "wiD ,be toDcnre4 prepare d for trouble. even '1'be . ere the dI.e, .. ,m.,. _~rda; Bel'JUl.llD!I thoucb haft ....tlOll of the monarc hy. - tNer" -wltb more . b, a IIOwlDI volume , .•, j we are DOt IMIdna an1." • 1Q\tOP.eWI1lalli•.zeIund..... Yll~IIIjF=e and. In Inore pIa ca. .. ~ are l00~ ..~.
!latioD Will More 'Green Pastures'
Easter Seal Child
Grass and Mechaniz'ation More Vital Later Years
Change to IAN OIbe Sal. Cigatelle ·witll
Ita ••,81'
' Ingrid!s Daughter
Cultivator'Heeded In Control of Weeds
SleeJliDg Sicb eu To Uvestock II Recounted
!'!il1~ ~t,J~:r iff,:·:r-
_ Jwl:: r 'FJI'
iis1ta... r~e;Vwapftl ...... ~
Thursday, April 6, 1950
orshi'ppers ~waiting Annual ·ce in Garden of the Gods • Will the "miracle of . last Easter" be repeated this year? Most Americans will reca II how hlst year Shirley Ann. Martin, II·year·old SyraclIse, N. Y., girl was reported to hoye c~used te.ors to flow from the head at a .broken statue of St. Ann whene"r she kissed it. The reported miracle ottracted thousands of de· ~out and afflicted people to Ih. Marlin home. In photo at right, Shirley Anne holds the head of Ihe stotue.
~IH)DLETO\vN-;-OUlO . Established arocery und Mell ts. Choice loca Uon well sto~kedJ l us t- movtl\q mer ....
An outdoor cathedral 110 majestic that even the Creator might g~~~d~~~ \~r~~ t{~~~~~~8 a~~ d$1~~7u~m~~~ have chosen it, is the scene of the 30th presentation of the annual tact I. Thorn ... Sebnld. aooJlor. ~lIddlo· Easter sunrise service in the Garden ot the Gods near Colorado lown. Ohio . ('hone ~-<J~fI.' or 2· 1411~ . Springs, Colo. These exercises in commemoration of Christ's res- OAltAGE anel IMplement BlI.lne"~ urrection are solemnized in the presence of 30,000 worshippers al ~u.o~ System Impl ements. Fra nchi se ~or well as in the hearing at a vast ' "~~\~ fa h~:d1!ntj.·rnJl6~1~-indP~~~~O R~~~ir;: churc~ of the alr which joins the service from aU ',over the "odd. The lIervice thil year will be beld at 11 :30 a.m. MST Instead of the usual 8:30 a.m. This bour make. th1! service an actual aUD' ri.e service, as the sun brea~[. the at exactly 5:33 a .m. and. by the time the service has been completed, tbe golden lIgbt of an ear1.Y Colorado sunrise will have bathed the towering Umestone abatt. and the majestic • n 0 'vi capped top at Pikes peak in ,low of beauty. ' The cbarm ot the Easter sun· rise lervlce in the Garden 01 the Gods II immeasurable. Acoustical· ly the amphitheater Is perfect. The music and sermon carry clear· Iy in the crisp Colorado air. lit is a beauti1ul sight tQ see these thous· and. ot worshippers gatherl~d toto llsten to a story tiwldreds • This picture of a stot- gether at years old in ' a natural outdoor ue of St. Ann was made in church located in the heart of the the studio at a television Rocky mountains. sta'tion during .0 .brQadcast • Predominantly . Musical April 14, 1949, iust otter . As 1n p,evious years, the Garden Shirley Anne ~ad ,ltissed at the Gods service will bl! pre· the statue. Tears can be dominantly musical. The Colorado seen on the face of the Springs High School 300 m i: ~ d statue and, in shadowy voice a capella choir will be fea· The choir. under the direc· background, can be seen tured. tion of Frank Gilles, Is composed the face of the little girl. of eight volc.e parts from bass to Though the tears dried up, soprano. These young people are . the Martin home remained nationally famous. having won for .some time, a center first place in national choral so· for thousands of devout ciety contests several times . pilgrims, including the halt - The Mnslo Itself wUJ be of ·and the lame. Many were deep religloUli sl,niflcance and esiremcly IDte resting froln a wondering .it the "miracle teohDlcal standpolDt. The feaat the tears," which haptured numbcr wUl ;'e "In Jospened around Easter time epb'l Lovely GarlIen", a tralast year, would be reo ditional .SpaDlsii Easter lIoelopealed Ihis year. 4y arranged by Clarence Il)lck· bI.on. Another interesting numbl!.r will be • Bach ' chorale. "Jesus Price· less Treasure" wbile the most . stirring of the offerings will be "An Easter Alleleula", a 14ilb cen· tury melody with words by Charles Wesley. These young volcl~s are one of the finest features of the
Box fUJ, Tbom ~lIon. Iowa.
INSTRUCTION WOODWOltKERS. Jlobbl.18. :l5c m Olls full seo le plans nod In s tructions oJ Sow. La the. 6·ln·1 Muchln.: or' #21 s a w: or #4 Ship Model Plnns. All 3~
trt~rJf~~e S~fth b~~lJe:~r G~fJ!:: :~J~~:: SO~O ~ame. K ot~.
Soolb. IIIDDUPoU. 8. MI . . . • •
last Year's ttEaster Miracle"
The Reverend Doctor J<IOO R. Skeen. pastor of the First :Baptist «;burch of Colorado Springs. wUl
you #22 .JIg6Oc .
Ketchup deles come, no Iusl.
no mu ss. Mr. Hon. ne a t. cJeon. annUar,.
and BU.
The t.bree orosse. represent.. In&' .Jesus _4 Ute iwo tblevetl who dlecJ wtth him make ' . • pectacul.r baok,roUDd In the Garden of the God••
Bu 'tn, Fale.llu, N. Y. SELLOUT EIqal.Ue Oold.Enarn"ed hleher priced Compacta St.OO ea ch boxed. SQunre or round. Prepold or COb • SoUafacUon &\lo.r. Irwin Ley" 61 O'ab.••• BrGo",. fI, N ..... lOB8 lil Delrl>ll. Send m!! 11.00 and ~ will .end you a 11 0£ of hundr!!d8 of .JOBS open In Detroit. RODEItT M. SARVER. A21&-#%1 Ell", GraDd A"enae, UlllI) .....
the past 1'1 years. This year, bow· Park. Mloblean. NEW Orleano POllmarll: Leu.rs reever, it will be done by Miss Arline ma n!!d. forwarded. 2Sc Mch, your stomps. Lew.is McKinney, a young lyric so· Slx scenJc or comica l postcards '1.00. Moiled freel 1114 Tebooplloal"., N •• prano in her late ' 2O·s. Miss Me· Orleans . LIl. · . Kinney also Is featured on another MENS 50clui. four p oi rs fo r $1.00. i Glve tamed dedication wben sbe sings !lil.e nnd color w nnted . not _first Quo Uty. J. )1. DarhOlm 5 0~ Jamel Sired. "America the Beautl1ul" for a proDor l In,ton • .N. • gram Which highlights tbe poem by Catherine Lee Bates, who was PERSONAL Inspired to write the immortal '11/0.000.00 CONTEST D.A.V. SERVICE OUNDA'I'ION words when she viewed tbe Pikes So yon cnn enter J )<'o"Ucr the only 38 peak region trom the slopes ot the nu lhenUc (jll-ln words to get- scores from 1323 10 1350 which 15 h l ~hest. 1 show the famous mountain. ~'i,eJ'ln~tD br:~~hR~lrg'lra~~~-"$'ls~oo~e used Founded In 1921 M. E. /SavoIe 18A7 E. 112nll Rl .. Cloveland. Ohio Organ music by Mrs. Verda Lawrie supplies the background REAL ESTATE-BtJS. PROP. music for the serVice, for tbe vo· FOIt Nal. or n.n!: Ono Grocery s tore lind calist and ' for the postlude. The care fully equip.: liviD" !lullrters Inc).; services are sponsored by the Col- Full p n rtlcutnrs: Bos lUG. Fellsmere, Pl•. orado Springs Ministerial Alliance SEEDS, PLANTS, ETC•. headed. by Rev. G. O. Berneking J'EItElNNIAL SPECIAL and 'w ere founded in 1921 by tbe 20 Mixed Ch rysanthemums Oushlon English · Korellll s poon- II.50 . . now· reUred A. W. Luce who for 5 Fall Asters Mlchaelmas Daisy 1II.llIed. .1.10 many years retired to the Garden II Veronleas Carler Inlce--ll.15 . of the Gods'as his favorite place of 5 Ha_t" LUies-Sl.05 5 GUlnrdla&-SI.05 meditation. Plants shipped a t proper plnntin, UnI. Kara •• FI .... rla' A.r .. Nar.. ". Be wal seated at the foot Bo" 850 O.n.... O.h of 'ODe of t.be poeat spectacaJar STRAWBERRY PLANTS. 'InCllldln1l Red Steel r."Jlmnt varteUu. R~d. bJaclt shafts 01 Ilmeetolle when bI. r aspberry, blackberry. Boysenberr,y. blue· berry. ,ooseberry plants .. ClIrrants, " 0 _ Bible feD C!PeJI to a palap bI vlnes 8spnnigu!I! rhubarb. Fruit trees. • Ute book of 101m wblch read: D .... Iii Z ••"cr. CaDltl Wliielto.l,r, 0 .... "Now 10 the place wbere ' he wa. eruolfled t.bere wal a '.... den, t.bere t.b~ kid JellUS." 1 B~n~sJ The simile at the bappenlng in the Garden of' tbe Gods gave blm _ ' \j-: _ .1 ~ the Idea of holding an Easter aun· rise service there. Some '100 war· ASPIRIN ahippe:rs attended his first gather. Ing and IIlnce~ that tline ' tbe ser· WOIILDS LAIIGFST SEllER AT ID ' vices have grown to become one ot the foremost in the nation and bave brought religious cons 01 a tiOD to thousands of listeners throughout Acid taste in mouth? That awfol the 'Vorld. feeling? Then-trY .. sWitch Later, the noted Dr. S. Parkes gassy to POSTUMI • Cadman vis.i ted the spot wbere the For the latest Bcientiftc facta reservices are regularly held and veal that, in many persons, caffeln said: "There Is no more approprl. in both coffee anll tea tend«, to pr0ate place on the globe for holding duce harmful IItomach acidittl, as an Easter sunrise service unless well as nertJoWltle.. and SI66plll.' one were to go to Jer\lsalem to night. I While many people can drink find the place where the first coffee or tea, without jll-eil'ect, 'l'MII, other. can't. Easter occurred." So if YQU suffer heartbul'Jl, indio Dr. Cadman's opinion as to the gestion, sleeylessnes8,makethis teSt: beauties of, the .Garden at the Gods givlI up coQe&-gi1l6. up tecz-driM bas bee.n sbared by the millions POSTVM 8rlclusi1l6ltl lor 80 datl.from over the world who have via· iwlg,,. by resultal Remomber,POSTUK Ited it aince it became a part of contains no caffein or C!tber,drDcthe park syitem of the city of Col- nothing that can possibly cause indio orado Sprln,s In tM ear):y years geStiOD, nervousneu, aleeplelsnea I A"k your I'fOCIlr today for INji'I'AH'l' of the present century• . POSTt1M - A Vigorous Drink made The Garden was • part of the froID Bealthfol Wheat and Braa. public domllln until 1879 wben it was bou,bt by Charle. E. Perkins, raUroad lyc.oon. He in· tended to buDd a home on It. but on more leisurelY inspection, de· cld1!d that ' no work of man sbould destroy the beauty at the Garden. His children later ,ave· It to the city. Nataral. Charch Natur'e. a few million years ago. carved 'out a natural church which II more magnl1icent iIIan any since erected ' by man, The BPectach! of . these thousands ot peoplb massed together in this natural valley lis. tening to the voices of the capeUa choir reverberating trom stOn1! to stone while the towering red Ume. atone rocks are silhouetted against the glorious sunrise ot nid, blue and g9ld. is a colorful. incredible sIght. Nature lends' a truly relig. lous significance to this Easter sun· rise service held deep in the heart ot· the Rocky mountains.. The geological history of the Garden of the Gods il simple. In prehistoric times, the same earth. , shaking movements that formed WNU-E 14-.')0 the Rocky mountains · caused an upthrust of Uinestone which ex· tends underground from Canada: to Mexico. l!0wever. it is only in 1:ge Colorado Springs Garden of the Gods that this llmestone segment up t b I' U 8 ~ sbowl predDminantly .Try nls Delicious above the ,ro~d.
Buy U.S. Sovings·
The Celorado 8prblp Vlvll! l'Iayen ~tomlme the Irenl'ractloll ., ChrIat fD~ tile I~Bter .nodlfl Iflmce. deliver the sermon. t the Ie ce "Cbrist the Conqueror". Dr. Skeen wtll point out· bow Christ Uved and woNted among 'the enemies! of the soul. of men and ' bls own S()lll, and that no enemy could resist his Personality and 'alth in God. "His . frIends 'bUrled bln2 in • borrowed tomb, but at the end of threeda),. he laid aside ' the gal'menls of death and stepJled forward to conquer .death nnd the grave. Today we 'oln .together by the ~ to celebrate his re~~· rectlo~ and. to proclaim bi~ of Klrigs and Lord of Lordls to , the glory ot God tbe Fatber E:temal." The .mlDJster who win deUv· er this ,year's sermon I. a blC, .vUal maD. ~e l. rame4l In ,t.be Plltl!s ~ak re,lon •• a m~an· talaeer, flshermaD • n III bl, ,arne InDIter. Thoughts wb!eb he brIAn &0 this se.rvlc'o are, those of a m.n really thinking IA oar present .roubled world\ One of the favorite songs of the Easter sunri.e serv:ice II that at the meadow lark and thnlsb, tIlt: tlng jlD;loili the red 'IlndstOne rocks. But In addition to ~bJs song there b another that b "lever to be forioUen .•. the exalted "Open the Gates at ,the Temple:' which hal been malllLflcently S~IJ by the t~nor sol~ll1t. Bernard Vellsey for
• w-. 1'- roll _01 .....n ..... -feel
The. Indians Worshipped There Th. Garden of the IGods, spacious garden of overturned lime· .ton. ,rocks, was reveredl by Ih. Ute Indians as a ~oly plac. for tII.if god Manitou, lang before the coming of Ih, white man. Th. big rocks, accord... to the Indians, are barboric hosts of iianb wIIiclt tllreatelled ....ir =~ in prehistoric Ii-. MaaitO., .. ...., 10 the In.... caused the glalb . . 1M ... ..... ....sts acco..pa~ III tUm to tum to ....
badachl' andJUJlt awful becau. 70U IMIIMl . ·luaU ..e-do thIa ••• ClMw nDI ...·IDlft-deJICl1oU8 ebeWtDI~
luaU.... Th. HUon at nDI-A-KDn'8
apeclal me<llCllle .'IIfto1laII" \he ICOmICb. Tha' II, Ie d _ " tift whUe tn \he _ -
aClI. but ODlv wbm
fU'Uler aI1ID& III U. clIpatl•• _ ... wIleN J!III .cL You feel IIDe ap.Iu q1d~ I
waD' ..
ADd lol.nUat•••, ebewlus -........IlDft'. IIDe med1C1111e _ .... .."-........... I' ID I' IICnra PDIIr tn•
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11• ....• ...... ~
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'Il.LE, OH 10
Ill-e Donald80n l1a8 been J;.-----. ? -.....:--~--------------.,
Eltabll.hed 1850 PAU L A. 8CH ERER ........ .. ...... .. ....... .. Editor and Publliher CECILIA J. SCHERER . : ... . . .... ............ Secretary and Trea.urer
as the cens us ('numer·· at 0 1' for tile '·lIIuge. Jolin Ha,rv ey and R. J. or !Jay' tOil we ro guests' Satul'day evening By JANE FITE of Mr. And Mrs. Willton ' E: lz .lIntl , ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-..;;..-_ _ _ "The Showboat of 1960" was "re- rnmlly. · sented at the school auditorium . LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH Mr. and 1111'8. Wm. Ross and METHODIST CHURQH Friday evening. The ClUlt starred B. Baughn. Pastor ~l rs. Ross' mother. ·r.,rs. Elfzabeth R. B. Coleman, Mlntater 11 group of ' elgh til gra'de and' high Church · Sohool, 9:30 A.M •• Mr. UnlCled Service, 9: 45 11. m . . Penny Bud Mr. Jake Christman were school students with Kenneth' WiI· the guests Saturday of Charles Harold Earnhart, S.pt. 80n as the Interlocuter. Speolal Worsbll' . Senlce. 10:30 A.M. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL hl1stmnll who is III nt hlH hOID'3 Youth FelowshLiP. Sunday, 6 :30 selections Inc~uded n tromball'e, 'rile Re\'. Snmu el N. Keys, R e to :' In Norwood. .M. solo. "When Dt!Y Is Done" by 'llndn.y ; Holy Communion. Il . 0 1. The members of the w.. C. 1'. U. Johnny Downey ; trumpet 8010. PrlmllrY buroh Bchool lO ~ SO n.m, will meet at the bome or Mrs'JFERRV CHURCH CHRIS;' "Sleepy Time Oal" by Walter HIl· (Ages 0 t hrough 8) Beltha Glordan, Thurs day afternoon. Byron Caner. Minister . derbrecht, a medley of voca l solos Adult WorRhl(J, 10: 30 II , 10 . J . W. Snell of Perrlntown was bl ·Blble School. 9:30 A.M. by MYrna Rae Miracle. tap danc- the vl\la,ge Saturday aftel'nootl vis. l\Iornlng WorshiP. 10:80 A.M. Prayer Meeting, 7: 00 P.M. Ing by Betty Anne Bogan. and a. r I UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH Young 'People's Meeting. 7:00 clarillet oslo , "St~ r Oust" by Janet ·Itlng r Gnds. Wllilam Shannon. Minister The B. Y . F . at the JonM's Run "' venfng Services. 7 :30 P.M . DOster. The cast appeared under Sunday Sc.hool. 9:80 .\.M.• Mrs. hurch. met at the hom e of Freddie the direction of MI·s. Edna Bogan. James Garrison. SUpL IlOlI DODlnie Wall . Sun'd ay ~vening. Preaohlng, lBt; and Std. Sun· · WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Mr. and Mrs. John E. W elsh .w ere Mr. aind MI·I:f. Gall Gilrdon a.t· CHRIST days of each' month. 10: 80 A.M. lIerlol18ly Injured Thursdny evening Evening Services. 7 :80 P.M. tended the motion picture .,roduc· M. H, Cortey, Minister when the n.utomoble In whlcb lli ey Bible Scbool. 9 : 80 A.M. tion . "Nnn ey Goe!! to Rio" IIhowlng wore riding collided witll' 1\ semi Morning WorshiP. 10:80 A.M. ST. AUGU.STINE CHURCH at tile Murphy Thc!ut!r In Wllmlng" Young Peoples' Meetlns. 6:"6 Father R. H. Krumbolt!. Pastor trailer truck between Springboro tOn Monday evenin g. P.M. Masses, 8 Ilnd 10 A.M. and Franklln. Mrs. Welsh Buf· Sever al persons from the village Evening Service. 7:30 P.M. fered fractures of both legs. ·bro · Prayer Meeting and Bible Study atterlliedl th special meeting of the CAESAR'S OREEK FRIENDS ken ribs. and scalp In.ceraUons . Advl£Jlry Council at tnt! oll"e WednesdBY. 8 P.M. ...e. PartillCton, Mint••., Mr. Welsh 8Us~lned' a frn.ctur~d Branch Church. Tuesda.y eve lilng. WorshJp Se"lce, 10 A.M. knee cap and broken ribs. Their Prof. Williams of the 1 nlverslty of MT. HOLl V METHODIST Sunday School, 11 A.M\ 'condltlGns are ddscrbed as "fair" ClnclnnBlti was the guest RPenker. T~ M. Scaff, M-lnlster by attaches· of the Middletown hos· Sunday School, 9:30 A.M" E. Mr. and MI·s. · Howard Graham A. Earnhart. Supt. WAYNESVilLE FRIEND6 pltal where t,bey were tak en fol · and the'l r dl\U~bte r Miss Katbleen WorsbJp Senlce. 10:30 ",.M. Firat Day School. 9 180 A.M. lowing the accident. Meeting for Worship, 11.1:80 A.M. GrahRm ~ the cllnner gUestR Evening Service, 7:80 P.M.. (rbomas Welch Is til Ilt his bome Sunday of A1bert Snider allli tam · \ on Main' st.reet. lIy of Wilmington. l\lis9 Mary Luu Moore • . tea.cher (I'he Cruaaders CllUls of th e Meth ' of the suth grade. wal! absent from OIl1sl Cburch will meet a.t the ho'me her claBBes sevl<ral days last week of Mr. n,nd Mrs. Robert Branden· owing to Ulness. Mrs. Jennie Bell of SOmersville. burs M .d Mr; and Mrs. Walter Me· CRrl'en tor an Easter Breakfa.st was a guest during tb'e week Qt next Su ndlllY morning'. at 7 A. M. •Q"F;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;E3EEEEEEEEE;;;;;;:;;E;;;;;;:;;5BBB~""'~5..;;;_ =-=!i1 .her brotherUn-ln.w and sister. Mr. Followi ng the brenkflUlt t.he group and Mrs. H. S. TUcker. will attend ('hurch al\(l the special RonnJ.e. young lion of Mr. and Easter ]program. Mrs. Raymond " HUII" Conley, fa Mr. a nd Mrs. James Doster. of Rerlously III at his home noar Dayton. were gues ts Sundoy of their town. The Bible Class at the Mete· parents , Mr. (wd Mrs. He rber t odlst Church met at the churQh DoSier. und ~ . • nnd lIulI. J . P. parlors Wednesday evening for a Thorbu ry. A gr(ltIp o.f In.dles met at . the potluck dinner. The membel'tl, ap· home of Mrs. Lee . Partington, pointed Mrs. Bertha Gorda~ to be their prealdent and Mrs. ~oy ElUs Tuesday evening to dl scu:ls plans to orga,nlzc an United Society o[ as tbelr treasurer. Following . bu.lness meeting, Harry S. Tuck&[ Friends Women (()r tb'e local memo took charge ot the program wbltlb bers oC the Frlendos church. MI'. . :md Mrs. Ben Beckett ha4 Included readings from Human fn· terest news and . Quiz games. as theIr guests Sunday thei r 80n Marina Etz was a guest during a nd dll-tlghter·in·law. Mr. and the week end or her grandmother. 1\1 \'S. John Beckett Sr. and their sons of Franklin. Mrs. Florence Ets of payton.
C6uibt . .
Publlsb.od Every Thursday . ?Iomin, at Wayn esville. Wnrren County. Oblo Entere~ (18 second clus matter at the postotrf ce at ·WaynesvlLle, Ohio. , Sub8crlptlon J;lates-,1.50 Pel' Year, In advance. In Ohio" $2. tHlewhere
---- . -.~--
Go to ChurcbSunday
The anniversary of Christ's resurrection from the tomb is here again and all of us, regardless of religior, . race or color, should attend the church of ollJ'..ch·olce on Easter Sunday. O\lf forefathers fought and died that we Illay have freedom of religion, freedom of thought aOO freedom ' for the pursuit of happiness. Easter should mean a great deal to us all, remember· ing that Christ died on the cross that we may live, and then arose from the dead thre'e days later, and this we know as Easter Sunday. ' , So let's all go to church and worship Him. He died .tor us. . , .* • • ..
Bottle Gas
Easter Sunday is also a great day for ~he kidcties with their bunny rabbits aAd colored eggs and Easter bas· kets filled with can<.!y eggs arid green straw. Easter egg hunts will be plenti,fu) this year nice weather p'ermi~ing and all the folks will come home for the traditional Easter h-am. .. .-ld don't forget the h(dies with their 'new Easter bonnets, suits and shoes. 'Many gentlemen,. too, will be' sporting.. new' ,,,.,,...,-,,,.... . . hats and shoes.
Ask .About our Plica o'il lnatall.tiCi)n .and Gas
'Fund Furniahe. 'Flannel lor Finland
Spring Valley Hardware CO.'
Once again our old enemy, high water, has hit us. Schools are closed AGMN. Can't something be done to remedy this? Sev.eral times this year the same thing has happened. LET'S DO SOMETHING. -The Editor.
Spring Valley, O· r
Phone 373'11 •
TRY ~TTE a.ASSIFIEDS ··"THEY GET RESULTS FAs'r 1)'0 the many frlendl. · relatives.
nelgbbon. cHents; antl. ·orgllllza· tlonl, I "Jab to dt~nd my thanks lind apPrecJat;lcni for tbe ~y elUds. Dowers, books. ' magaallld. and otber gUts. also for the weI· oome vWts,. clUing my rec~nt sta.y Ilt Betbesda Hospital.
3' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...........
As ,.rt
~. ~~
or It! WOl'hJ'-. . . . drive
aJd 1IIII..,.."lleptl oMfflre.. a'MI-
Iilotlt'ers; tile United l'ItittGfts rlMe~I..1 Cblldren!s Bmer,e. .,. Fumt (V_D) fta bee.. provMltf S'dPli.femel11ary food-, slloes Inti Z;.Ll' nftMS t~ tb.childfen of PMtat'l," ~f. "Irrii$h sehMl ,iris .lIe " ' ellStl!; fer·) . . "'nt\Iitla1'es . . ,.".-. llJl'R'jlel' provided Ii'1 tJNlC...
LEBANON, OHIO FOR A SECOND rERM Republican Primary Election. Tue.day, 'May 2. 1950 , YoW' ~ote and Support WiD Be App.ec~ted World. War II V.ran -Pol. A~.
,..,..:=:... .......... . . ..- .y-. . . .....,.... ..... ,..,- '... ....... - ............ ....... ,..,-{....... .......... ....... .. YOUR1HOMi ..TOWM,;'ANl ..,. ,.. n ••I.... ~ .till ~
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• FOR COMFaa, • .0• •R.QUEN'
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Tunl at tase, without driving
nr";,, . . Enjor
pleasant ventilation, lors of leg room, ,,·~lt. timed sched· ules. And, Gc:} ;·ountl farcs lire me Jowest in ~ral ""ort.il i:)r.! chairs,
.LaiaPNa. .....n......
...... r."", I.................... MIl••• '\ . . . • ., ...... ., ..... III , . , I....... I t. . . . . . .
...... ' . . . . . . . . I'............
WIAYNESVIU.£ TO: Detroit, MidI. ...""....... $6.95
Louiaville, Ky.............
1_ I. Flnt St.
lint ....... ·.........
•.... AND M.fAL CO. Dayton 3, Ohio
~========~~========~ ROOFING Dead Stock 9' .All Typ;es
.. ...•. ... ..
Waynes.m. DRUG STORE
PIIaae 2121.
tuG • eon. ..... 160 cwt. Aeeordl. to SIM
Jnwlated Bi1clll aDd ubus to. SlellB,. IbMt metal work of all kJnlla. Loeal llaI...... eel. AU work IIW'aJltlec1.
HOWARD W;1fMS 'Warnlhllle, '0. Phone Wa".lftllla _
Route •
Hop -
and · Coll.tltlan. Ciall
JL4411da Gt
lite IheIr.
be IMMEDIATEl SERVICE. Ilnd 'In thIs field, SERVIOE.
It meanll
Pitbbaq, P.............. (Del. .. ..... .. $5.50 $3.45 7'
K,.. ........ " $2.76 . Plus U. S. Tax Save to" on ' Round Trips.
. MeCLUR! --
'8NEiXL HOME - . . . . . .Vll ~ . . . . .
A Farm Diary
By D. J. Frazier
. _n_a._U_II _.-..:,
April 3, J950,- Holy Week. Prep. aration for Easter. Tbe time when Christian s tolLow the footsteps or 'OUI' LonL th rongh the IURt ' week. or Illy lite on earth . We reread the story IUld think otl ts mealllng for today. l'>{ore churches obse/'V'e Lent ;md Holy Week every year but I dou bt that In'dlvlduals keep Lent with' se ll-denial and extra devotion nil used to do 80. How many forego movlos and pl\.rt les? How many practice self·dental by fasting even In tbe mild form ot going without cluldy or deBs~rt. There Is a sort of general feeling that thore Is llttl o value in' such tblngs, but the hlstody -of religion and Its Jlsychology abow that there '· Is someililng In OUI' human nature that Is helped by tb'e se seemingly fooll sb things. Ami ae our enJOY mellt of brlgbt spring weatbel' ls enhnnced ' by hllvlng endured to discomfort of these cold dark daY8 ollr jpy nntl understanding of Easter \IJI ~e gl'llfIIter by tl,le Ileevlng of a good Lent and especially Holy Week and Good Friday. sa do not forget the union servIce , lit t.he Methodist Cbur h , F riday at one-tblrty. · (U l should not be th~re, plel18e do not sar that Bhe doosn't practice wbat Iibo preaches. I wil l be worshipping with YOll but at my oUle r 11111' h In l)nyton.) Woe bad n. day or t wo or good weather bu t once ag:iln it 18 ruin· Ing alll}. cold. Tbe gt'I\I!S III begin ning to look a. ·lI~t1e grt en. It 18 Interesting to see how mllcb greener It Is wllere we md,llured It: I hoped thnt we ' ,,' auld be able to go nIl over tbe pastures but It was 80 wet BOme of tb'o days they bad ' tbe s preader gOing that they could not get to the JllI;Stare - tbey bad to sPJ:end it where tbey 'Were going to plow a.nd It dl(ln't matter bOlW much the ground was cut up. Ruth's calf arrived Friday af· ternoon, a nice h eifer calf, plalr.J e/'soy color to sbow the Jersey In It and wi th a. pink l11)se to BIlow the Guernsey in it. '1'hat sbows ulso In 'the shn,pe ot Its head and long stralght nose, A good J er sey has a dl8bell-In taco with· a. som.ewhat 'tumed up nose but Guern· sey's nOse is stralg bt. , A Jersey's xrose and tongue are black so wbllo Betsy Ann is not spolted like most Guernseys, ' sb~ shows both breeds. Ruth is a. Guernsey· Jersey cross and she was bred to a Guernsey by artificial lo.semination.
big fox 8Qulrrel Is running up and doW1\' the ollt locust tree, and stopped to rest on all old ,fungus th'at sticks out like a shelf. Tlle birds \hlnk It Is sl!rlng eves It the A
___ •
Dry Ridge ~~~...,.
weath r does not act llke It. . Yes· LEGAL NOTIC,", terduy 1 WII8 waked up - by the NOTiCE TO CONTRACTORS ..obn cborus. 1 rather enjoy their STATE OF OHIO eVlllllng song but that noisy morn- DEPAR'I'MEWr OF HIGHW'AYS Illg choruB III one or the things tb",t Columbus, Ohio. ILprl 1, 1950 Eltglneer of Sales fAlgal Copy I WIOuld be just as happy without. No. 60-110 'l'lIere were some bluebirds down by the fence and tDe red btrds are UNIT PRICE. CONTRACT I:ere' In full roree. The white duck Sealed proposals wtll be recelve~ and her brown mate were havlng aU he olfce ~f the Stato fllghway a lovely time down .on tbJ) :Ittle Director (}f Oblo, at COlumbus, Our runuall..... p1IDpond, flapping ilielr wings and '0 1110. until 1,0 :30 A. M.. Oblo St.an· paddling around at a great rate. dlll'd Time, Tuesday April 25, 1950, ned ID oNer that III The grlUlll looks somewhat green for Impr.ements In : _ • •___ rltuala ad Olrl. . . . . PrQPosals Nos. .L [U 5 Inclusive but 80 far It Is bardly more than .11 may be tfftelh'tIr offered one projl!ct and will green paint. But these are all WALL PAPER, PASTE , AND SIZINC signs ot spring. . be awarded as one contract. observed. P ROPOSAL No. l What was tbe most beautiful sign C~ E. BULBS NU ENAMEL of sprlng that yoo ever saw? After Clinton c ounty, Ohio, ·on· Sectlon the Dayton flood while It was still 5,94, State Route No. 133. In Marlon KEMTONf; cold and dark nn'll ClOudy' like to - and Vernon Townships, by ap ply· day and the streets were still piled Ing a bltumlnouB treatment, Item 1I1gh with mud Dnd tbo sllewalks T "S2. Pavement: Wldtb 16 feet. slimy with It, I walked dOWn Main Length 17,266.6 feet or 3.27 mUes. street and Ulere In front ot the old TELEPHOll(E 2291 PROPOSAL No.2 market house WIUI a farmel"s mar· WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 1'£I.£PHONE 2422 WAY NEsVIL,L E,' OHIO ket stantl piled high wltb frsBll Warren; County, Oblo, on SectlO'll green lettuce, bright red radishes ~~S~te&U~N~U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 8iIld frosh whltol onions. It was Ington Town ship; DY applying a bl- one of the most beautiful all'll tumlnous . treatment, Item T-32. Pavement: Wlatb 16 feet. spring like sLghta ' I ~ver saw. Ii Len gth 3,690.4 feet 01' 0.68 · mile. 'Yould Beem strange to movo to PROPOSAL No. 3 South America ana nave Elaster in r _ _ . _ _ _1 8_y ~IVISION OF WIWUFt ' the fnJl. It is 8 0 bard to IKlparate Clinton County, Ohio, on Scctlons • . 's 3.81, '6.05 am] 9. 8. Stllte Route No. the resurrection trom the spring. t~e that I wonder wbat it Is ltke. 380, In Chester Township, by . ap· I t seems more natural. to hear the plying a bituminous treatmtnt. ItelJl . FISHERMEN ~'" NOT T-3%. . littl e cllildren sing: NBID 1D WaM U~ &ADtieS TH/.Y6M• . ·The little flowers come trough tho Pavement: Width 1 8 feet ; Length 11 , ~27 . 2 feet. grouneY, I EVERY F'SIIS.~MAN ~ . Width 16 foet; Length 20,856.0 feet. Ie MUST CARRY lit lltfHtIJIAt Easter time, at Easter time. nCEpr LIWDOWNEH They raise their ,head and ' look Total Lengtb 32, 083.2 foet or 6.19 AND TENANTS mUes. around, ~/SHIN6 ON At bappy E'lstertime. PROPOSAl. No . 4 THEfR OWN And all th'e lIt~e flowers say Clinton County, Ohio, On Section PROPERTY 'Good people. blesa this boly day, 6.94, state Rou te No. 730, In Union. F9r Christ Is risen, tbe angels say, Adllms anel Vernon 'l'ownslrlpR, by At ba,ppy Eastortlme. ~ I1I.lnnIVln,P' a bltumlnolls treatment, Item T·S1. Sale", Dreu for iu4a PlI.vemen.t: Wldth. 18 feet. Sc:oteb Ute, a n.w fabric whichr.. Length 24,288 feet or 4.60 mUes. Ileeta llJht Uk. a road .lp, CaD be PROPOSAL No. 6 obtained In tape form to attach to CUntoll' County, Ohio, 'cin Section chJldrlJl'l jacketl to mOe aD701le 7. 91, State Route No. 360, in Wash· vlalbl. to motorlltl. It Ie evlR.D I'n gton To·w nehlp, by a:pplylng n blIt'. an .dded .ttr.cUcm to JVUDI· liar.' lumente. It CaD be cut in fum.lnou8 treatment, Jt~m T·32. delljlll of interelt to •• ebool cb1ld, Pavement: Width 16 feet. too. Length 18,686.6 feet or 3.62 miles. Pl'Oposals Nos. 1 to 6 inclusive of Phone, Hem. 1275 U. B. Mea' COIISUJDpllOD tbis projElct to be completed not Per c·.pita meat eonaumpUon III late I' Lhon August 16, 1960. . America in IIM7 155 POUDda. . The mnlmum wage to be paid to the blpe.t in n ••rly 40 year.. an4 --II·...... - - - . - - - - " ' - - - -.... - - , -.. -.-.-.. -----I 01 PIah 1'1" dlltrlbuted follow.: Pork, all labor employed 011' thls contract l--'---"'-am-es-=-.. '70 pouncla; beer. l1li.2; veal, 10.7, shall b ln accordance with the It. waftl. meal II a .......... A Btu (BrltIab 'l'bermal UIllt) S. ~•• eb.cD with vartoUi ud lamb aDd mutton, 11.8• . "Schedule of Prevailing ~ourly because mo.t people conte, • ualt of ~1IIrID1 b.a" mucb the JdDda crI lab Indicate the ba ..· Wage Rates Ascert.8llned and De- to ' keep ••tinl w.mtl. \&nUl Glq.. ~ ••• cSePH 18 • alt· 10r ~ eomblnation alv.. the tetmlned by T he Depa.rtment at In· bacS tDCIUIh. But wb7 DGt me....... lemperatw., A Btu "18 ~ 71.1d of 11th, often prOllllcdlIJItl'i&l Relatlo appl~cable tAt ~.~~~ ~".. . &be ....... ", ....t requINO to nile IDa .. much '1. 300 to 500 pound. NEW HOUSE ·State Highway Department' Ima .....tif JIM . . . . . . . ,.... fit . . . _ chINe" par acrre in .malI terUlh:ecl ponds. .om. crlllbed-·..... _ MDiaaua. . . A JINDd ., coal pro- J'Iati wuaUy re.ch lelal size th. in accordance with Scc.UId He what........ ..... appralmateb' 11.0lI0 Btu'L .eo0n4 year after .tocJdna. NeW Foul' Room HOUle - Two p~vement8 tlons 17·3, ]7.4, 1"·4a, 17-6 and -...,..-_.-_ _-:-_-:::--_ _ _ _. . : . - _ - - - - - -_ _ _ _• _ _ _........_ _-.:._ _ __ _ __ Acrel! of or~d-Near OreBonb 17-6a ot' the General Code o(, Ohlo. - Vaoant - POSBeSBlon - Priced The bidder must submit with his Very ReaBoDable. bid a cera.ttled check In the amount
Platform ROCKERS
Blue Veloor and Wine Tapestry Covers Only '$34.50 IJ~~'~
Funeral Home
Furniture &Appliance Co.
uiNii;' 'ohitiMies·- '
1'1.' '1
ROY E..SMITH Rout 48 North of Route 73 Phone C.ntervill. 709
~!I!ll l l I l l I l ll lI l lll ll lllllmIDIIIII \I 11 1 1 1 1 1I I I I III II I I I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIImlllllllllllllll~llll~Illmlmllll~~III~II~mlmmlimlmW~mIWll
of $2,463.12. Plans and specrttcations are on flIe Ita' ~the depal'tment of blghways and the oftlee at the division deputy director. The dlrector reserves the right to reject any and bids. T. 1 .. K~UER, , State Highway Director. 4-6'13
1 tit .. ' "", 3.fn,1'ss
"Old at 40 - ,'SO'·,60~" . .• . j
·.-t" -i~.,-· You're Crazy al1O.
. . . ,ollt .. ·u
aN _
.~up.r with 0Itr0s. OO_~ ... w.Itl' IMIlDa due 10101, 10 ~" !!'!!. '!! 1rO~" _ ell --.n7 men ud lor pop, , __ , wo~... -
tIllS " , " ' l m 'TO . . RUE C.OSS
_MIIalall_-""""' ,..,.,. - I
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·- -......-r---- - i~·- - ... -- - '.......
APPLICATION I=QR, I&.UI c.~ M.....Stn,
• ..cls APRIL 15 FcJr _ ." .11 jMI...............annot Qot ILU E ClOSS ...... UI$HI' wh.r. tho, Wott.
NA ... e HOMe
NOT NEW .b4 .pod
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,..,.. IaIt IooD YOIII u4 ...._1, .... lttou-we'Il ... . . . . . &IIID, -
. . It IooIt . . IIftI
•. $'' '1.1 CONrlACT. ... , ........................
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2. FAMILY COlftIACT.. ...... ...... .... .. ...... .... .Q
......... ...- ................. c......
-.. ~
Ate '
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...rlt •• St.tua
SlnGI. .... rrl.d
" AI ........ , . . .., . . .ftAft. LIlt ............... LIlt ... Cat ~I ................ do"r ....elM .t " .' '''
....,. ,
Thunday, April 8, 1950
Closet Space Should Be Utilized Wisely, Clothes Properly Stored ,1l.XODERN HOME
Smart Suit Dress
24 : 1. 12.
!them there musl be plenty of it. 'Not only do. closets take care of a ~ot of Items for protective' purpo~e8, :but also 'to get items out of ~oom. ..od thus prevent c1utter. Closets, like . room.. ~hould be .planned with 8J much care as a 'b edroom, kllchen or living room, they are t~ give their best servo dce. Before you decide to tear down a wall to get more closet space, check to see If you're using wbat closet space you already have as eftlc:lently as possible, Many aids have been introduced to closets to make them more prac, tieal, and these may well solve the prob'lem of proper storagll, wltb· out necessitating more space tor . the purpose. Close\8 are no longer catcb-alls. With current trends, this little room is bell;g made into· a thtng of beauty. Decorations for the closet are matched as carefully as tor a y room exposed to public view. Color scheme, can pe planned to match the room to which the closet is nearesl tr you don'J want them
Eager to Hear 'Noisiest' Band
By Ertta Haley i&Y.l ize the necessity for pbnty of good closet space; Indeed. If tMY don ' I. women will soon tell
~ C"-o
e rd ,Throngs
Jobn 20:
Truth About Easter L_on for April "
A ,Gener~' Quiz
HOU,YWOOD. CALIF . ~ The qash r.~gister's steady jingle Is d'l'ownirlg out the cowbells, doorbells, trolley gongs, nging anvils, bicycle pumps and tuned fJitguns of the world' s noisiest orchestlra .
"UPinTHIS WAY," wrlt. ,s • frlelld a great city, "the hats and
7 ~~
f'-. C" . ,... ...... ('.C"- ('. f'- ""' ~fIo..o ~ "'" 4"
The Questions 1. Who first made trousers popular for women? 2. What is the meaning of sedition? 3. When and why was the Mexioan War fought? 4. On what parts of bis body d'Jes a dog p~rspire? ' 5, ~at Is th~ principal lob of a co-pilot on a bomber? 6. Who was the first United States President to be , born a c itizen of the United States? 7. Which is bigher the Empire State Building or the Great Pyramid of Egypt? 8. Whic.h weigh,s heavier, eold or platinum?
Now She Shops
"Cash'and Carry" Without Painful Backach. M . . pt old.... au- eDOl atnlD, _ eu.tlOD, ldlll or .lpoftN C. , cold IO!II.~I .... 1110... d ••• IddQQ' , _ tI..... Tble "'IIJ' I••d ..aD~ folka to ..... plaIli .1 Dapla.1 backaebe, 1_ oS I"P aDd......,. lI.,.d • . - ucl dluln_ a.ttl,. up IIt,bloo or , _...., . . - - "Q' .-It 'rom oaIDor bladel., IttI~tlou da, to oaId. clamp._ .r cllete". IDdJaeretloaa. U ,our dllleolllforta a.. dua to u.. eao..- d.D', .alt, tr)I Dou'. Pilla, • mOol dlUnltle. t/.... all_fut!:r by "'UlIo.... far .ver 60 ~..... Whll. tb_ O)'1IIpto .... ...., ofwa "tber,.l. oecIU', " ' . • ...... al bow ..a"7 tim.. 00.0'. Ihe \lapp)' "'1"halp tho U mU. "lldolJl.~ t.. bee ",dllu... 1I1i1b 011' • • _ ' 0" Doau'. PWa todQ'l
Spike 'Jones, the comic band-, leader wUh the concave face, has the bunny-rabbits have run away made music depreciation an art. with Easter." The (act Is, the And how this clanging, banging world has stolen Ealter and made and squealing pays off is a wonder something silly out of It. The world to behold: will not believe the On tOlur last year, Jones' outfit truth abo,_t Easter, commanded $120.000 for 16 days yet the world wants Tbe Answeu at the 'fexas state fair, They got a holiday. $12.500 a week In big hotels at Las 1. Marlene DietriCh: Ute Man from Vegas, Nev., and St, Louis, Mo. 2. 'Language or conduct directed Mars, visIting our The smallest stops among a hunagainst public order, ~Iso thl' stirplanet at Easter. dred dties guaranteed $3·,500 a r ing up of such disorder, teJlding time, would have a night, or 60% of the gross, The toward treason. hard time guessing , 3. 1846 and 1848, to determine averag~ except In the largest what the fcstIval spots. was $5.000 a night, College the boundary line between Mexmea n s. Rabbits? towns got off with a flat $3,500 , In ico and Texas , New clothes? A Dr. Foremall 4. On the pads of his paws and day oU? The returll of spring? Not Milwaukee Spike dre)N 5,000 to at all. nothing of the sort. Bunnies the Colis..eum at the .staLe fair on his nose and tongue. 5. He watches the instruments and ha ta • are gay; . but the right plU'k. to see that the plane is perform· word for -Easter Js not Gaiety; it Ia Spike's recording of a single ing properly, r e tracts and lets' Glory. numbe l', "Two Front Teeth," sold down the wheels. works the wing ••• 1.100,000 copies in six weeks. flaps and watc1"!es the propeller God's Vi~tory RCA Victor sent hil'\l a golden pitch, VEN IN churches you will not record, framed, and an extra 6, r.rartin Van Buren. always hj:ar the whole trutJi fram e :f or the second golden rec7. The Empire State Building; about Easter You may hear that ord RCA expects him to win with 1248 feet-the Great Pryamid, II is t1-c fe,gti va 1 of Retu rl)ing Hope s ale's of the reissue of the sam'e 485 feet . ! or thnt It symbollzes new life, or number . 8 , Platinum. thai it stands for the triumph 01 .Jones has jus t signed with profaith over despai r, or that It expresses our belie! in immorto Uo/, ducer Harry Sherman to make a In a WR Y. all these ideas about comedy western, 'Spike'S seventh Easler are true, but if that Is aU. !11m but his first as -the s~ar. lhen we have not yet got do,?,n to The '1948 tour, 125 one night thu truth a,bout Easter. TIle fact is- the tact which gives ' stanlls, grossed ' over $1,000,000. a solid ground for aU these other Spike' s junket In ~940 nearly facts-lhe first Easter was the, day ma,t ched that figur e. although the when God raised Jesus <:!hrlst from ~and "took it easy" by staying .' th ... dead, It wa~ the day of God's longer, in some cities. Victory over death, when the gates This is big business lor a ~y • Toasted fresh and sweet of death swung backward and the who started with a washboard and for folks eat Kellogg's Com bars of death were broken. Flakes fast as we make 'em! 'a $10 Sl~t at cowbells. The revenue The trutb aboul Eas&er fa They're your bargain in isn't aU gravy, however. · Spike that lIomething happeaed on IIfJOdnas. Get Kellogg', tak!!s albout 40 peop,l e on tour, that day that never happened Com Flakes. augmenting the band with singers, before IUIII never will h.,peD acrobats a~d comedy acts. They a,aln. Beeallse lIever before travel in a chartered trai,n of two had tbe Son or God rl!len ID pel'pullmans and a ,baggage car. 80nal &rlumph from Ihe crave, j6 Spike estimates traveling exand never wlU ' thaa haye to be penses at $700 a day. done over aenln. Ii it were not for ·tliat fact, Jesus Salaries come out of the gross, might have been remembered a. & too, and Spike's side men are exlong·dead Jewish teacher, a bope- pensiye . They have to be good ful but mistaken and defeated musicians to kick a piece around teacher, a name to be found only the way they do.' Jopu' travesties in encyclopaedl!ls. But the truth may sound like uproar to the un- ~ t ' " about Easte:r is - that Jesus is not _ ~~tiated, but, they are very care,I, Them Today With dead. his bopi!~ were not mistaken, ,fully arranged. (. I'. ~/A~.. n ( h~ was no't de.fea.t,ed. his Name Is His ' st-vle is com, but it's s118r' p. tr'~ above every man! He Is the Chris· '", tian.'s living Lord. His most steadfast admlrel's ' are • • • sophisticates - ' not hillbillies. ' 1' Among Spike's fans are conducHis Power. in US tors Arthur Fiedler and Leopold HAT STRANGELY TWISTED Stokowskl. man Klerkegaard called Chris· In 'Boston the entire membertianlty "God's attack on man." You could not get that idea from ship of that , city's Jiymphony ' the New Testament. orchestra attended Spike's con~ Crisp. "ellcioul yeast raised rolll are qultk and easy ta prepare wirh cert. Fiedler has a copy of every Marvelous all It Is, Christianthis special R.d recipe, You mill record Spike has made. In Austin, itJ is Qod offerlnc &0 man th~ 011 Ingredients In on. bawl. No ,Tex., Spike's cbnoert'was a bene~er : aiL rise on of our dead kneadln; or shopln; II necesSary. lit for :the local symphony orcheslelve., to clo ' 'or u. wbll& Will tra. ' . and full flshi; time take. only 30 coald never bave done for oarmlnu'.s, selvell, Wjla_ ha. this &0 do Spike Ukes io take a classic, Try 3b mInute rolls todDy with with . Eaate\-r 'Jast thlll: That play it straight ror a few measRed Star' Activ. Dry Yeast, YCII'li wbeD the ,ApOIItle Paal want. 10 ures, then scramble the whole 10.,. Ihem. And. remember, uae thl. elQllata what the power la thing with blasts from the autowonderful yea.. In all your recipes. whlcb Goci eela at OUl' dlQtOlllll, mobile horns, plltol shots, burps , wha' It I. Hke and wbat la will hiccups and sirens, For some reado. he \ella all It II the ..me son, "Dance of the Hours" made power with wbleh God raised him think of an autom'o bUe race. ()brllt ',om ~he dead, (See 1 &) be Incorporated one, with a Cor. 6:14: Ep/l, 1:19.20; 2:6; nar.rat~lr , Tchaikovsky's "Nut.. · Phil, 3:10, You see the truth about Easter cl'ackelr Suite" became the "Safe- ", Iii that it Is the day when the Chris- crackeli Suite"; "Morpheus." not' tlans celebrate the , most · tremen- ,yet re~eased, is based on "Ordou. act God ever per-formed on pheus.'." this planet, or rather that day when . I , KAY .oo,u, IAYI. Red StorSpeclol God brought to a climax the whole Actl.,. DIY K.ep Posted on ' Values, mighty acUon of the coming and Yeast will k"p fresh for IIIC>nth.-rlllh, on your .\ the 1i!e and Cleath of Christ. And ~ ==----= pontry "'.If-y.t It's reod, lhe Instonl you wan' It. By Readln. the Ad. that is' the ,power which Is avaU· able for the Christian.
For busy dllY., noahlng could he ,smarter than this broWD and whUe nylon suit dress with Its batwing sleeved jacket that hili a ahouJder sprcad oClllar , overlaid . wltb white pillue, repeated oil Ihe cuffs. Tbe clender skirt IIhowl! the current trend. BrllWD patent III used for the be~t space ' available for sbelves, this is by far the best solution . . Any apparel of this type should always be protected by boxes or bags since closets do collect dust as any other place In the house. On shelves, they are ready to ~et Into easily. Label boxes for utmost efficiency. Sbelves such as those just described are also Ideal for bat , boxes, and these offer the best solulion for kHplng headgear in as good condition as possible. However, If you do Dot feel there is sufiicieD\' space tQr blankets as well as ha,t ,~ boxes on the shelves in the closet, l~ It'. now pOsslble. to ,attach hat racks 'l o r shelves to the backs or the dobrs . of the ~108ek \' ., ,. , ' Frotect ha.ts stoted on racks with 1;. zippered or plastic covers madf! H~ fot the p~pose. If Hats ,lite In con· ~:i stant Ilse, then only those used :,~ seldol'll Deed protective coverings, . ci! Shoe, baas may be placed on the 1;Th lower ' halves 'of the doors, while tliI hat radel, and shell/e. can 10 well ;,i'.!t' above them. ' Seasonal ClotblDc Needs 'i: btra Closet Space ~i' U you have a small closet which ________________;;::;_ will take care Of ' only essential
to match the room, at least select .lome mode of decoration which will barmonlze with the room to which the cloht opena. Accessorle. may be madp at home If you have the time and in· cllnation. Otherwise, Wey may be purchaled with much the same thoU&ht as you would buy other, accessoriel for the home, with a plan aDd purpose. . , Budget the Items you '\Vant stored in a certain closet,' then layout iI plan as to where each should be. Then you'll be well on the way ~o-
ward lettinl the moat spaCe and use from the litoraae ,space. Type of 810race
DepeDdl OD Space Armed with a· plan of what the closet Is to hold, you'U have DO pro bl'e m decldlna whether you ~ have , shoe'-bal' or II shoe chest. Most shoe chelta wID , bolll ·as many pairs BI will the bags, but they . do take up floor space whlcb you may not' hav~. Solve th~ problem simply by havina shoe bag. attached to the liack of the door or the wail of the closet. U blankets and flat apparel are to be stored In the closet, these are best placed In plastic, zippered bags or boxes , which open easily much like drawers of a chest. U you have shelvel above the clothes rack, or
a. Smart I
' -_ _ _ _;;...-:-_ _ _ _ _ _- '
The .plrlt of tbe aew foot- ' wear III .Uerl1 fernlalDe and aopbisUcated_ Plotured bere two curtenl deaJgJIII thai *»11) &he """;" 01 materlafa aow balDC uaed. Aa &he lef& I. a basic ·......e decorated with varl-eolored leavea aeron &he . . ., The leavea, beside. ctveoler COD.....a OD &he velvety willie' .sud.. also offer .... GODInia& " . .,&lie lealb••
...... rIPt. ......... creal.
..................... eeme .. . . . . . . . . . . . .11..,ertI _ . ...".. willi . . . . . . . . . . . .
clothlni for , a season, 't hen you'll have to atore clothing from another season elsewhere. D5In't b. · to keep aU clothln, m a smaU closet .lnce everythinl wID sutler from the crowdin" Includin, your dlspo.ltlon. There are several way. of atorlng out-of-.eason clothing, and the meUJod you use depends upon your apace ebewhere Ifl· the home. It'. best when hung In specially pro,t ective motJl·proof bags, but · this .. ' not alY'ays posalble. , YOI,I may Jlave room only for flat boxes. ' Perhaps you have a chest. You'U get more room out of each or these If the clothing is neat. Iy cleaned, laundered, and presued, then folded to take al little room as possible. , Clean clothlnl Invites no moths, so prepare the clothing carefully fot storage with whatever cleanlDg process Is necelsal:)'. Moth-proof ' bags and chest. are of no use If the c/othlDg 'Is not clean before storage. . If you have, cardboard bOKes that are not dust.prodf, wrap the clothIng In dark tissue paper. dark blue or black muslin cloth, or' store tn plastic covers such as are made for keeping pUlows and blankets. It may need airing bef9re ·use. out the clothing will be clean and pressed; ready for service. When several boxes .are used, label the" boxes as to contents. If you snould have to extract something before the seasop is ai hand, you won't have to plow through everything s,t ored. H~re are Aids to Help Keep Cl~a Orderl, If you have s time digging ties' out ot a welter of clothes In the closet, there are ' several different types ot racks available for keepln,.. ' thele tn order. Rack. will take from a dozen to several dozerl ties and require onl1 several tnches of .pace, . Uae the".e racks on waU or door .pace, where you have room for whatever IIze fa required. The-' rack. abo keep UII from aJIppln, bJ c:lamplD. them lecureb, ID p,llce of tour to aIz banters for the ..me Dumber of blouse.. JOII IIIQ now ncure 8 rlIek Wbleb
wtU .... 0IIb' «be space ~ . . .
5,0£::1;/&/£ .,
•• ••
,A Christian "
Is Supernatural ALL YOU WANT of God· Is to I Fhave ilfm · do something 'or you,
then you are rather like a baby wbo keeps c~ying for some one to bring him more toys ' .' . but he s~ays a bllby. If your want ' of God Is to ' have him do something with you, in you and through you, then you are like a child who really wants to grow up. The Christian i.s a supernatural being, As C, S. Lewis "puts it, we are riot' God's little toy soldiers, we are intended to be hIs sons and daughters, ' Hut I. Ihe Chrlsa Is Ule "first-born .inong many brethren' ~ then here In t)1\s IIf,! those Who aceePI him have acce.'111 to the same powu tul wroull:h~ ID him . And .t tbe end of lite we shall not be arrald, knowInc that we belong to the 118me God wIIo railed oar Lord 'tom &he dead, The glory of Easter Is rfot iomething merely to be remembered or' .uni about; It is lIom~thlng to be experieneed The lame God wh'o c:OnQuered death "liveth aa victory throuih our Lord Jesus Christ." • \:op:rrtibt .., tile Inurn.tIon.1 ~eII .ellllOlll JI:dueaUOII on beball .. 411 deMminaUDIII. . .1..... , . . W1IV r •• tuNa.. .
TIL.'HON' O'IUTo. Mrs. Ethl!l James: "My chroat ICts • ""orkout all day 10Dg, I nadle the 3D-Day Mildness arid changed to CamelL' , ~pey agree with my throacdiier taI1e 10 aoocIl" I
UD~~ ANNOU.,.C'.
George AnsbJ:o: "Throat irriIation cenainl, doesn't 10 in my job, I smoke only Camela. They're right for ~ thr'oatalway,•. cool and mild. ADd Cam~1s have die flavor'"
COSMnlC DIMON,Sl~A:- ' Madelind o.tr~ ") talk to th~~ 'hoppen_ When Ii ' ke, I haft to chirur-:o my throat. Camel is my eiga. rette.c,me1J •• ,orU~
YES, CAMELS' ARE SO MILD that in a coOat-to-co~ ~' of hundred.! of me;. and women smoked Camel.t-:Gnd only C,mel.t- for ,,~ day~, noted throat making weekly ~~mi1latiotla, repOrted
Thursday, April 6, 1950
Wce. Snacks "Ric e Curls" is a ncw snack food prepar'cd from groUlld rjce. r
It was developed through r esearch by the U. S. Depar\mcnt of Agriculture.
FREED FROM CUM PING LAXATIVES "Thanks from the bottom of my heart Cor wha~ ALL-BRAN haa done for me. No more medicines or constl- . p'ation cramps since I started 'eating ALLBRAN every dayl" Israel Baum, 3601 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago 24, 111. J ual one of manti IJ.nsolicited lellers fro m ALLBRAN lUers. If 1/011. suffer from constipation due to lack of dietary ~ this: eat an ounce of crispy K ellogg • .AL~B RAN daily, drink plenty of water I If not compktelll sat isfied a fter 10 days, return empty box to Kellogg's.!. Battlo C ree!',. Mich. Get DOUBL!!; YOUR MONEY BACK I
SEND HER happily off to school in her Morning Glory pinafore I It's darling used as jumper, SUlldress, or without bib, as a skirt. ,
• • •
ButlOD-on bib makes thtl 110 u aeful. Patte rn '1.:14: tranafer: "utUn. cha rt fa alsea 3. " ,8. .
• • •
Are JOu rOlnl thrOt1Jb tbe runc~loDAI "mlddle-D,." period peoulla. to wam.n (38-~a Je&rII)7 0.- tbta make JOU au4'er from bot IIubM, feel 110 1I<!MH>tU, bllb.. truIII. tlrec1t TbaD do trJ Lydia B. Pinkham'. Vee. table Compound to rell••e.uch 8JDIPtomal Recular UH of PlnItbalD·. compound helPII bUlla UP _la\allce aplnllt UIIa aDDoJ1Dc mlddl ...... 4latreel l
Our lmpro...d pllttem-vhu&1 With eaey· to-.ee charta and photos . and com. ple te dlrecUon.-m a kea needlework ell oy. Send 20 centa In coin, .l'our n ame. ad. dr ••• aad pattern number to . . ...... ..
....Iar Clrcl. No.al.eu" Do,•• •• 0, lie .. 11740, Chlea~. 80, 111• •• •• O. II . . IS! , 0 .. Cbel •• a Sla,I•• ,
New "erk II, N. y, Enc10•• 20 centa for ·pattern.
No, •••• • •• • •••• Name ............................... .
Address ..... . ... ... ..... . .... .. ..... .
One application
MAKES FAlSE TEETH FIT Budget-A method of worrying
before you spend instead of after. Allmony ...... When two people make a mistake and one of them continues to pay for it. 'tt)U
T · S. O·
PeOE'sml~N HOw..~.YOtl'U.: tofA\IE.
'1Q 6ET OFF -rttE IRloe.s PATH!
for the Ilf. of your plat•• lf ,our plalet are 100... and .lip or burr refit them fodanle"perman.o, comfon wid. .ofr Brimm. Pluti·Lioer .uipL La, .tripoo u _ 0. 10.. e'~I.,e ••. bite ",.,d ic mold, perfecil,. It_Nl.., o,fllJtiw,fiI_." ..",fo". B•• ooo 01" rubber I> ••eo, Brimm. pl..d.Uou sin••oad. telulu frolll ,Ix 1II0alb, to • , CII or 101l,ct. Ends fo."" .. lDet' ODd bo.ber o( rempo....,. .ppliarioa. Iba, lute few houn orcla".Slopa oIip"ln •• roddo. plate' and ...re «"mo. Ear .., ...ra,. Talk fnel' ...."" thecaIDfoft tho.. • and, 0 pea&>lc all ....f t the CIIIOIAU? DOW p t with Bri...... Plud·Uoer.
........ 11............ ' .... ,._...., AdverUslD, - Something' w hie h' ...., .. ocIorl............ 1O ro...cl_~ makes one think he'. longed all Tuceln plaru,c.Abe ICIllcrre4u_clJrKtIoaL u:.... ..,.. "1'1_ I .... .., . .~" 1'11_ . . . his life for aometbin, be never ._ ..... ~:;' for Uaei (or oaallWa; tz,2, ev~ beard of before. for hoda p AI r-r draa-.
TWIN THEATRE Waynesville, Ohio
APRIL 1950
Dosed on Tuesd:ty and Wednesday
Lovely motlern Two'bedroom 'whlte frome bome, bot water heaL One clnt per word, Also large pocbmen window!!, ·ga· minimum . charge, 25 cents. rage . ShrUbs and trees ~n bnck. Three Ina.rtlonl for the prIce Large lot. beautlrully loclU ed of ~wo. Forml olole Wedner Priced at $87(;U , day noon. 'rhree room well construoted cement block bousI'. out build· Ings. 2 acres, on Highway HI S. WARREN BRADDOCK ot Sprlngbol'o Onod I~,;all vllluA Top 190Jl, H&ulln~. Band, Gravel Priced. At '~!lOO ExclllvaUng With Back Hoe, Heniltlful f\rQperty for lleSl Drag-line alld Bulldozer Home . " Waynesville. OhIo , Call ; F'hone; Waymlvllie 2191
ROD. OAMERON For Weltern Fanl In
To Fulfill MIUI" Requests, Here'. I
SANTE FE ElXTRA ; Chapter 1
,004 Idea to add 100 to 150 pound~ of Wh.at bran to 'a I,OOO·pound mlzture of com and oah.
Try Gazette Clallified Ad
.... -.- .. ---
RepreBerltltlve BANK RUN ORAVEL- Loade'}, RUSSEL HORN at Dlllvis FurDa8 PIt, 60 cente RF:AJ.TOR cubic :Vlll'e!. We also deliver. ARM· Roul e 2 ,ITAOIll &; SON, Phone 2091. tf Frlln ~ lin Phon e 96'1W I
....aced RaUD.. for CO".
Abnoat any fralP or eraln JnUl~ auch .1 c:om or oah will bal· uce the rationl for both mllkln, cow. ·and frowln, heifen. .Tu.t to milk. ,.ure th. berd f. ,ettlne enOUlb pho.phoru.. It m1,bl be •
ABBOTT and (JOSTEI..LO Again !
\ <)1;0
All klnds,l,:, a ll lenTry Gazette C1allifieil Ad Widths, Kiln dried . Rel\ BoIJllble prices . All orClers. large or small will be delivered . Hog H ouses AOY T..AMB. Phone CASH FOR DEAD STOCK Waynesville 2701 . According to size and condition. AI! Stock r emoved promptly. , FOn AI,E-'H ' Plymouth 5- pss. HorBee, $2.50· Cows, U.50 s engel' A· ] condit Ion . Delmar Derry. Hoga - 26c per cwt. X- 3·23·3 D-4-6 JANES RENDERING
O. K. w1tb ItATID, All Amualn& &Jl~ mianoul StOlT with . Humor. '! 'or AJI
Phone Collect
Added: \1l1here&1 Ca.rtoon and M. . .
WELDING-At my torm. Bill Lee. Elxpert plow ijhare work with , hal'd rod faci ng. 3- 16.23·3Q-4.(
Xenia; O. 1712 or Wilminaton, O. 2382
SaD througll lite with the aisurance that your Unanelal troublea Win be p~tected by a regular dtpoalt III your Bav· Ings aocount !'t:
FOR SALE-Model T COUpe. 1926, S.F)ALED RROPOSALS Will be new tires and tubes $50.00. Two- Try Gazette Clauuled Ad oelved at the office of the Cletk wheel traller_ Phone 2694. of the Board ot Education of the X--4-6' 19-20 6-'~""""",,,,,,,,,,,~ Wayne Local School DIstrict, WarI . ren County: OhiO, at the High TWO YEAR OLD Spottell Polull d .Scllool Dullding. near Wn.ynellvlll'!. Chin n. Boar. Ellglble to register. OhiOo, until 12 o'clock noon of April Waynesville '2982: X-4.n ON FARMS 29. 1960, for the purchase of honda FOR SALE-Qne pure breo Hamp. of said School District, In the ago Long , terms assure rel'aYIll(,l1 t · gl'egate amount or $ dated shire ooar, 40 Hampshire pigs, 9 ability. tbe 1st day ot Aprll . 1960. and, weeb old. ''Two-whl1el Sol 0 c II trailer. Corner cupboard, Everett bearing Intel'esl at tbe rate ot Three 4% will save yO umoney, (3%) per cent per anuWD, payable L. Sears, 1 mlle west of Waynes· REFINANCING -- BUY I NC seml·annually" Issued for the pur' ville on Rome 73. Pbone 2242.
p~se of the Inalallatlon of a heat·
i1-0............' ... . ,
.I .,.
No bru .... ·
.,. No .,. No
1, .. :"
, ,.
~' .
.,. No WOIte1 .,. Ju" prep the
button and pal", ,
'" Avoltcaltt. ... 1 co. .' .................. ..., , . . ..... ..,."AItII
_-_I ,...,.-.- ......
. __ ._*___......-_......
....,. ............. ..,..It, . . - I ..........111
t . . . ... ...
................... ,... .. 1.." . ' ... ........."'" 1IIf" _,.... - It . . . . .
A~ L
.• famoll' name In tho paint bUlin..~ for ovor SO yoars
. NOW ', AVAILA8Ll ~'Y
.' ~
Smith Electric·Servi • . .- - -. . . . . . . .I11!1!. . . .- ...~~~IIJI~-IIII!I--IIII-.1
__....,__-~!IiI.._ .............____...~_..___11
Immediate· Delivery .. Hatches Monday and Thursday
2,3 and 4 Week"Old Whit.,RooD , " and~N.w Hamp.hi,r••
GET YOURS WHILE THEY LAST .Also .UbikolChiok Staner· ' ,
Bodson .Hatchery Tel.·2345
W.yn••vlll., Ohio
-.- -
Ing plant and other equipment in a concrete block sciJooi building, and under aUlhoiity of the la.wb uf Ohio ond of Sectioa 2293·26 of the Oenera] Code of Ohio, and under and in accordance wtn a certilin Res· olutlon of the Board of Education of alllld School District, passed du tba. ard .,day of April, 1!f60. Said Bonds are ot the denomination and. mature respectively as followa: >1 Bolld No l-U,OOO.OQ-Mature De. cember I, 1961. Bond No. 2-$l,OOO.0Q-MaJure De', cember I, 1862. , .I f Bond No. S-,1,OOO.0Q-Mature December 1, 1963. " Bond No. 4-l1,uIlO.0Q-Mature De· cember I, 196t Any one d'~lnng 't o do so may present a hid or bids for aald bonds based Upon their bearIng a differ· ent rate of interest than specified 'In ' the ·advertisement. pro.vlded however, that where a. fractional Interest rate Is ~ bid suph fraction Bb~1l be one-Quarter of one (1) p'ar ~6'Dt, or multiples thereof. Said bonds wUl lie Bold to die highest bidder, ...t .the time amI place above mentioned, at not leks than ' par and accrued Interest. .~ Bids may be made Upon aU r any number of bonda of thIs Issu~. All' blda must state the number of bonda bid 101' and the gro A amount of bid aud accrued· Interdst to date ot delivery. I All blds must be Ilccompanled: by a certified check or bond draWn In favor of the Board of EducatiOn 'cit the Wayne Local Sch'ool vlstrlct. Warren County, UblO, in the 8Um ot SlOO.OO. The Board o.f Education of said Scbool Dlstl'lct reserves the prlv· ,lege reject any and all Dlds, Bids sho1.lld be sealed and en' cloned . "Bids tor Equipment \ Bonds." Board of Education o'f the Waype Local School District. Warren County, Ohio. April 6. 1950. C. W: BARNHART. Clerk. April 8-1a;20
~ .~
FOR SA~Rldlng borse, saddle. bridle, oheap. Elwood Klllwortb, Ellis-Lincoln' ROnd, Waynesville.
X-4'6 .----~------------~.
FAJRMS 'WlANTE[)-1 bave buy· ers fell' all sizes of farms. uone too smaiL or too large. You lIa,ve tried the rest, now try t he best. For reference ask someone who baa dealt with me. If you really want to sell, contact Ben E. Cline, Broker Spring Valley Phone 36881.
Canne~~ Fnait.
Also Diabetic
IMPROVING · throtl,l!h
Lebanon ' N.F.L.A. Room S, Old Bank l1ulhlillg Phone 4..J8
-----_.. :._ "'.FOOD STORE
Phone 2141
GARDENS PLOWED -- WAynes· vllle ·2t8G. <;.,ne Gruber. . 4..6'1 3 • 20
FOR S.ALE--'-Two 9x12 woo) rugs, gooil Condition. Priced reasonable: 2784 Wayftesvllle. X-1t
Try Gazette Clauified Ad a_a _ _ _ _ _ ;cac -
FOUND-Black kid gloves. Owner may hvae by identifying B~me and paylL'I for this ad , MiamI Oa,z olte office,.
Wayneeville and cOrwin Communities
Am Equipped To Do ,
Uncle S. . Says"
PLOWS or C;ULTIVATES No,.. '1ft01' ony tard ... or law" ta .. tho .. •• 0 " " " - - ' C;HO~E MA$fEII alt••"",. 10 _~. It .a,y . . ,.,..... ...... Do.,," of Dtra~ 'OW.r Mow.,-. SIdde lor, TroV.,. low" Sw•••• OM Many ot~.,
,., ..... ............
Prieea Start at
,HIGH .GR,ADE SHOE 132.00 REPAIRING' Also iQ 2 and 3 H.P. OUr Work Will Please You Prices Reuonable
R.' Thompson ~EO. ~. BLANDFORD I
_'_n_ - - _._,-,_ ... -.. Beire'. . . . . . 1... reeo.......: "I .......Iq
.... Be...
7'U 7
' E~pecially
For, Farms
E. Smith
'CHIa,. v. !. ,.....y" D',.~
will 'Itan Wa7 taklD. ,adYaD.,..e •• tile .ate, aare way ef ..v.... b)' , ......
11. I. SavlDp B...... 'ftIa, e..e habH 1 wUI adIIere '-, come ....., may... . 1Ma" tile . _ ~ of tile 2_ eeataQ- deJa, b,. ~QIIIc tlile •• Sa""" PIaa Wlaere ,.. ".It .r, if lI8lI_plo,.8II. tile . . . .~AoIIODdlI'lall wbere ,... ban. 'I a ellen ,..n, 1. . '- be Gao', wW ...., tbe han... of " ,_ lYe". . . . . .es&e4 You ta.. . . will be 1IC1Ire wIUa 11 ••, lay.·
R. R. 2
t~II I !lI l1 il l l l l l l l l l!I I !lI .!I I !l l l il l !lil l!!11 1!l l liI! li! il l l!l l l! 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWlllillilllllllllllllilililllllllllliliIlllllllllllll lllllllllllllllilim WANTED '
'. ,..11"II
Rt. 48. 5 mi. South of
Centerville. PHONE CenterYiUe · 7056'
Live Wire nnd Progressive . . An organIzation aecon~ to uone. ~trlctJ:v sellers on the best allarouDd market In tbe " coUDtry. 8E~V\CE
For Dally 'Muket Rep,o rtl:
WHlO Duton, 12:50 j).S.T, Dln.l 13QO: W,LW CincInnati, 1240, Dial 700.
' NORIl'"
11111II~11II~""".lIIlmllll~lIImllmllll~~mmmllll~111 _lIIlIIllllllllllllIIlIl l lIIil!lIIlllllll!l ml lllllllllllllllllll l III
Add Water Once A Year
itlers' Garaae
1_ • • _
.04 4.,. _ _ • • • • _ •
Vote FOR the About Town e
Issue May 2 azette
In th e Wnynesville Metbodist cbllrcb ILturdl1Y a1'tel'nOOD, a t 3 : 30 0' Ibell. R v. ll. D. Colem~ lI 1l1!I'fOI'II\,(llL tbe V",'Y bOa.utltoL ceremony II' hlch unlt.eIl III mllrrlage 1\118 Ann FlLRlne Rog I'B, daughter o f Mr. and, ~frR. Mark Rogers. and Mr. i~lIgene Dllnaway, son of Mr. 8,nd M!'So. J ohn Dunaway of Sprlng~ bora. , I I\lrR . R. B. Coleman was org anist ~'o r lh !l ercmony. ' JI] I .double 1'1111; ceremony woa ,1\101'rOI'mort lit tit IIHu1' In It "et· tln g of [lILlme and flow ers III [lRsle' f1hades. " 11'. Wllrd Lelsz ot Springboro .. l'I' ed hlH frie nd !IJJ bel>t mnn, ILfld the g'room's sillter, 111 Iss , Peggy . Dunaway, wns l be bride's ollly attendant. ~ h e woro n. belp;e wit with IJI'0w n (wces'sorleR {I nd 11, yolo IQlv em'lIntlon corsage. 'Tilo ·b,·lde. who entered wllh and WIUI g'lven In marriage by her fat her, ,waR l,tlractlvcly gowned in 1I.n orlglnn l model cape suit or grey ma.iz Ivool. with which slll:) \vOI'C IlIIVY blllll nccessorl l s ILnd whIle orcbld corsnge. 1' b ceremony was w itnessed by t he lmmedlate families, t be br.lde's mother IvenJ!lng IL, navy suit with nuvy llCOe$80r les lind the motller of ,lhe groom cbose a. beige l1uit wlti, brown accessories, each 'omIIHIll nUng th II' COSLllmes with orsag s of nhlk l'osebuds, MI'I\I N. L. Rogers, tile bride's grl\ndmolhor, Ivoro ' blnok; willi red rose corsnge. dm~edlately (oUowing the eere·
Servihg Waynes,ville Since 1850
Great Need For :New .School Is Felt Here
Ar rangements , huve been mrille by tb t' Wayne town sblp and t he Wllynesvllle Volunteer Fire Dept. fOI' th . pl'e8~Il1Btlon of th e big horn e talen t st ag sbow, "Uncle Ezra s Hayloft Jamboree." It will be given on Friday and Saturday, April 21 and 22 at W'aynesvllle
DUJ'lin J,r the year of 1946 ' tl\~ ' (5) On MAY 2nd you Will be voters of tilll' school district were asked to vote upon an additional . I _6) caJled, UPiOn 10 vote tor a. bo hd honel Isslle ot $140,600.00. J~ isslle In. lhe amount of $202,600.110, (6) When this bond lesus of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown and lhe funds to be used for the 'colt- $140,000.00 ' WIl.8 proposed Ion d daughter, Miss' wCllle Brown, of , s trucUon or a. new fireproof school placed on .tbe ballot, the bids for Dayton. spent Friday with Mr. bUilding addition and aCQulrl~k (',onslructlon of the new 20 room Brown's sister. the nec saary Bite th'er efor, bu lldlug had not been r~ce~ed. Browu's sister. Mis s Bertha Drown ,. d ~ b Tills bOllll Issue wrlS approve (7) The bIds have now een r e-, Mrs. Emma McClure of Frnnkapproxlmately SO o/v of the , vote'~. cehad and It la found that' 8P - lin, WI\8 calling uU frlenrtR hpr e The construction of $lIB n.e Ilroximately one.ha,lf ot thi8 amount on Friday. bli!1ll1n~ has been' delayed, Ii... wil l be sufficient to complete thll 1111'9. Woodrow OWl1ns and two .. ra - new a ddltl on an d on Iy b ond a t0 r children', ot Springfield, spent Suncause tn ~ nmount 0 r mon"y t...". . thl s amount w III be soId • YOU q)' aDA MoDAay wIth her moth e r. WIlli found to be InsUI' fl 0 IlUI build I\.n ' llIicqlate bulllling to .__ WlILL BE TAXED ONLY ON THIS Lucile Armitage. . AMOUNT , rat8'lnK YOUT ,,-comodate t h e preBen tad n rut~ r wo.&e 1 a~ ~ MrB. Leah MUla apent Easter at t' llrollment it the old grade soh . , proximately one (1) mID or ,1,00 the lIome 0( her Mr. William bulldJlng was sold. per thousand tax va1ua.tJOD. strouse and, wlte In Lytle. HERE ARE TltEl Thi s money will be used for the " Mlarr Gertrude Chandler of Nor-( Tn E CASE. . ' purchase ot additional land.. equip- wood, e&\Ied on her aUDt.. Mus Rutb (I ) We need twenty (20) a4~ ment and 'the building. Chaadler , Saturday ev.eDin«. c1 ll1onal rooms. ACcORDING TO STATISTICS Dr. and Mrs. Gale Rusllum', M.r, (~) . It ' we .cohtinue ,to use t " THE GRADE SCllOOL ENltOLt, and Mra. Robert KerelleY and chUold grade schoof building It wi . MENT WILL CO~lTJNUE TO dren or Dayton, and Mr. WilBOn be necpssary to make extensi t CIlEASE FOR 1'HE NEXT 10 ~warda ~f 9priqfleld, vtatted rtWlII'rs tor Whlcb mDnles rece;:::, YEARS. , WE MUST BJI) PRB- tnk 1oIUIt... Min Karg;uoet Edrr~m bond l!ISU81 caJUlot be PARED. YOU CAN DO y.oUll warda. ~ art....,." (3) In the 'school year of 195 jPART. . 1.1181 Glenna Marsh of Darton. 62 the old grade . 8cb'ool bul.ldI . VOTE . FOR THB ~ND ISSUE. -litnt the week. en-d Wltti her w1\J arcomodate only tbe fI~ THE \VA \"NEBVILLE pA.R.EN'I'S cou.-m Mrs: Luelle Armltace. thr.'f' (:ll grndes. . Aro.~ TE1~CHERS ASS'N Mr. and Mn.' Robert Eastmllon, ( , ) ...·bnt are we go\.: g to d'" Tlcrnard Bwpn, Pre~. ot Sprin«field, were dInne r guestl tub tbe surplus ohlld'ren. , . DJrotby Day, S..c Y at the Home on Friday. . i • ANNUAL FIN",NCIAL REPORT OCt.L LEGION' POIT NOTICE OF aALE OF 1I0HDa WAYNE' TOWN.HIP , -.AC QOAL ' 8ElA.LED RIlOP08ALS wUl be 1* W ......n COUI.\), O"ID elved at the office .o f tile CIeri. For th. FI_cal "ear En~ : nl " . )sborn a,t 8ec<lnd Vlee Com, ..r the Board. oC IIltIweatIoa. of till cember 81. ;040. . "tier ' llalph PeteTl ' dIiIU. .r.t -W.Y'U '~ 8daoof ~ War· POpul.tlD" 2SHJ' 1~ the la!!t 16· mlDl~T8AI" to. ftimk; ~ .~.., ~. ta ~
HIgh. &!bool alid Ito rlum. T he HRyloft Jnmbore IR pnt~el'n d I\l.ter popula:!' barndancG tY Jle programs. nnd lIsef\ all locnl IImatcnr talent who will comp Ie tor (' [l8 11 nwards nud rihbons . rr'ber~ IK no /lge limit. Mrs. Stella Conway. ' a JlI'ore~RIOhfll director. h1l8 . arrived lind sh l) will hold tl'yonts for talent on Monday" Tuesday and Wednetlday, April 1~7, lR and 19 at t he Methodlkt cbul,<,b In Wl\)ln o~ \'tI1 f' at 7': 3(1 p. m. TINY TOT POPULARIT.V CONTE'ST ll'~ ONE PENNY A VOTE, Tbe con.tesl~tlj In this rlev.r contest are boys and girls of Waynesville community under s ix years of ago, a nd they w \ll have vote bo.x.'Cs placed a,r ound town In tbe leading m r ehant's stores. The conteRt olosos at ~ ; 00 p. IU on !'\urdo.y A(lrll 22. Tli.e plcturos or the TLny Tol B w ill bo In a ltore window and ell b cIa)' th e ltud' Ings or, llloBe In the c,on taat will be poat~ tbere.
CT . ', .
m l
11 ,
, . Mr. and Mrs. Clyde CamJ:>bell and family of Mt. Orab, 111 r s. EI!l11' Bunnell a nd chll dr an of Lebnnol1'. Mrs. ItIchard Hnnes nnd cblldl'ell 0 f ne~r.X anla, Mrs. A lice F U1'lDn11 of Beavertown, wtue Suuday dIn · uer g111'SlR of ) 1r. II lId 'I rs. Blly GlbE!On. Mr. an d "..l re. Th omss R lin YOn ' t S d I 'f 'I s pen lIn IllY IV tb j , I', . anI! II' I'S, Wslter Callanhan and famil y of CI nc Innatl . Mr. and Mr!l. James WUdmnll' t f Ja.ckson, Ohio, were lI'eel( enol guests ot their parents ?II r. :l11.d Mrs. Ernest }~a.rnhart. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn MelaJ(l'Iel' t and 90n Jack of Lewillburl;, ·Mrl'. Mflmle Zinke raft of DII)l1.011'. MI'. and Mrs_ .Arthur' Klslnge r, MI'. 'a~ld 1111'8. Bob Boman and son Michne', Mr, Ralph Kbln,er and (rtf-nil of n.,:&on. lpent Bu,nday wl.lh ~.r.r. and Mrs. 01. H. KIs lnger. llra. Alice Furman, Mrl>. ' Hlly GIbson W!8re supper guests ' MOn~ dll¥ eV8l1lng or. Mr. and MN\. (,lRr · enee Crawford. Mr. and 'Mrs .. Rnymond 'OSOOl1l1 ot Xenia, Mr. "lid Mrs. Ralph Dill and lWln of Spring Vttrey, W'(>r(' Bun da), dinner h"'ellts of ;>Ofr. 111111 Mrs .. Errerson .DIlI. '
mony, II. receptiOn (or about sixty W"YNESVlUE ROTARY relattve8 nnd (rJends wall held .l It " lhe 'F ar I·UIlII Party House, wnere . T~edRECElVE ~ ¥ls ll J t , la N~:xt Ile . Y ~'le~ ~.~\fiftJ_ k aIPL. IOek N r M 615's membership to l11L : ' IUl OC! ooD 0 r..) Morgan Sundu.y, ~I'ni ' nu.tt and Ml.s . { -,., a.t. J~.OO' lI'c~ck fn lJ!. ~ r . , a:ry School, al1dltorlum the WatneeV1U8 tile Year '1949 ' ' ." .. ... . '." $7,520,4'" The membershll,18 WAre dellverr.d 6. IU(),. fOl' Ute purch4le or bondl , Wllhur fIodd of Dn,yton, f'all~d .~ trona presided at the heB.llUfuJ lWllIl'y Club wU\ rece.lve Its char Tax Valuation :' .... , . $~ Hl.OIUO to l Columbus by lAlginn Auxlliary or nJd School. Dllltrlct, In the ag On 1\fr. nnd MrS!. Grorgp BrIlnon ten. table which Wl\1I srranged wIth ter and ' bold a. dlnne.r for memLevy ••..•.. . . . . . 19.34 Mills Hfghway Patrolmen nuendlnl srecate amount ot U,~(),OO (In' Monday evening. byncJntb8 li nd greenery. Jonqllll berB and their wl "oll a nd visiting Investments Owned .. . . . ... Nont- their anL'\lal meeUn« In a 'Bu.te ~ st~ of $40,,000.00 as previously. Mr. ami 1')1'9. Henry Be r~~s Rnd 'I\lao l\>a, O 11 . lid tb.roughollt ·the guestl. . W:AYNESVILLE, . omo wide roundup. advertised) dated the lat ~ of family of Beavertown, spent 91\trooms. r.tnllY' Rotarian s from nelgbbor· Marcil' 31. 1950 April, 19: 0, and" bearln« , interellt urday evening with M t. ",nd Mr~ . '1 he beautiful three·tlered wed - ir.g to\i'ne ,and ('llIes ' a re exPected hereby certHy the followng r eo 8UNDAY VISITORS at the rate ot Tbree C3~) per cer4 ,Alfr!'d Morgnn find famil y, ding ' nke, topped w ith a wedding to at~end. ' port to be .correct. per annum, payable sellU-l\.Tl1Iually, Tho HC ,011 th r sick list :U'P )'1' .' RIIJflJel', weddlng"'"rlngs and t~ hat. FROM DAYTON Il8ued for tbe purpOBe of the In· MAYNARD F. WELTZ. Earl Marlatt, MI'R, Dora Morgl\H. WWI Rerved , with lime 'punch. Townhslp Clerk Mias Ellizabetb PrJbllt, ?fr. aud sWlaUon 01 a heaU~ plant and CARD Of" APPRECIATION , rRE·.CEIPT8 . M ' _. August D"er,lnger, Mr; and other equJpment In a cOorWlrete MrA . .o\nlla 1.11 all. Mr. and !\f1·S. Dunaway left Cor 1 wls b 10 thn.nk my monr friends .D , Mr. nnd MrR. Clarenf'e Cr awfl1l'tJ II s50rt. honeymoon', u.fter w11lch [or the curds and Dlany flowers General Properly Tax ,, $11,586.00 Mrs. John Probst and children, block school shop building; and spent Saturd ay wltb 7Ifr , A I.d 'MrR. lhll)' will r side 0 11 Union rond, shown 10 dllrlng my I'e"oltt II1ne8s. Salles Tax .. . . . . ( , .. , . . . 336.00 Mary Ann, Johnny 8.Ild Mike. Mrs. under author1~y or the lawlS of Ohio l~wl !! Crnwford ' lind . daughtor 1I 0 llT Franklin. Wymer L. Drake Gasoline Tax ' . . ', ' .. . .. . . 4,400.00 George August anll children. Roll- and of SecUon 2293-25 ot ·the Gen· Donna or Xenia. In'herl~nce Tax " '... . . 694.52 anne, Larry, DonniE, and ,carol Ann, eral Code of Ohio. and under and Mrs j Lawrence Vng lind chll 'j'he bride, chn..rmll1l; dn,ughter of Cigarette Tall , .{ . . . . . . . 111.37 .R oy Scherer and J'ack Hubley, all In a.ccor4ance WtD a certain Res· dren left IRSt We" nc,~dny for Mr. llOd Mrs. ' l\fal'k Rogers. al- EDITOR'S WIFE MIIacellaneous Recelptb- ' .'Of Dayton, were SundQT dtnnet oIUUOD of the Board E4ucaUon Arizona. lended the Wa,ynesvllle Schools HAS BAD FALL Hall Rent . . ... . .. .. .. .. 36.00 gUesta at tbe !lOme ot Mr. and 141'1. of said School DIstrict, PalSed on Mrs. Ada. Dakin. MrR. Hily GllJ. lui!) Dayton .A rt InsUhlte. lind the ,Tuesday morning II' hlle prepar150.~0 Paul "- Scherer. The chUdren en- the 3rtS day of April, 1950. BoOn. Mrs. AlIce Furman. w,ere 8Ungroom. n. g l'sduate 'of Springboro Ing to come to the Gs-zette, omce Fire Contracts . , . . . . , . . 1 6.00 'joyed an 'Easler egg hunt OD the tioSnaldanBod Dds lore of the denomll1a· per glleRt" 1081 WedneKday of :.\fl·fI. hIgh scbool , Is no ,v engaged in Mrs. Paul A. Scherer, wife of the Total Misc. Rece1pts ., 17 '311 mature respectively as- Morrill LewlR al\d family . . ' 0 lawn aDd some of \.be grownups ,farming. Editor. fell on the roadwa.y near Total Receipts .. . ... ,. ,. follows: PAYMENTS partiCipated In a gllme of Canasta. Miami Chaptor 107 Order .of her home and fractured two bones , Bod No l-U.OOO.Ot>-Mature De· General Executive ServlcesEast ern Star will meot .In speCial In her right sboulder. cem er , Compensation 'of Trustf'pR 1,5 < 1 0.00 SUM'MAR\' OF OPERATIONS soaslon. on Sl\lurday evening. eight W~ e restct that Utls . acclde'!t Bond No. 2-fl,ooO,Ot>-Mature De' BY FUNDS , o'clock, ror the annual ', Inspection, crIpples our help 8.Ild that 80me Compensation . of Clerk , .. 598.65 cember 1. 1&62. ExPenses of Trullleefl Mr~. Elizabeth Ellen ' Carey. ' dep' news Items hsd to 'be sborlen~d Balance, Jan. 1.. 1949BoDd N~. 3,-,l,ooO.Oo-Mnture DeBy MRI. HILV GillSON 265.01 and Clerks . , . . . . , IIty gra",d mnt ron of Dlstrl c~ 21, somewhat a.nd , othera left alit , ~ Funds , . . .. .. '.'. 7.373.46 'cember 1, It6S. Mrs_· Therlo Jones made II. houlle Tot~, Gen. Exec. Servl 1'1\ 2,393.56 wlJl be the Inspecting officer. Tbe completely, Gen'l Tw,p. Fund,I . .. . . 6,648.88 Bond No. 4-U.uOO.Ot>-Mature De· to house canVAS here las t lI'eel! In I 'l"own Hallofrlcers I\l1d a, few guesta wl\1 enBond Ret., Sink. Funds 62.00 cember 1. 1~5 •. the Interest of the can cer fun!\- ,. Main. and Repn!ir'. . '," . , , I 169,9R joy a dInner a t the Far mils Pa!ty Total of all Funda ... 14',084.28 Anyone derllrlDg to do BO. may NOTICE OF .:.?POIN'rMENT Mr, and Mrs. Earl Young e nt rr· 169.98 . Total , Town ' Hall . ... , . . HO\l!!o at SiX o'clock. Receipts During Y,earpresent a bid or bids for said bonds ta.lned to a family dinner Ea~tel' Admlnlatr.tor Fire Protectlon'Road Fund ... .' .. .. ... 11,772.98 based. upon their baarln« a dtffer- Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Glhol·t Frye wHl 148,7) Estate of Ellla B. Cook, Deceased. PurchWle o( F'll'e Equip , ~n'1 Twp, F'\lnds . , .. 8,169.20 ent rate of Interest thaD specified opcn t b ' lr homc on Tilllrsday for . 356.66 Mrs. Hllrvey Burnet Bud 1\11-. and Notice 18 bereby given t hat Ern- Otber Fire Protect. ExP. ~nd Ret. Sink. 'Funds 1,675.68 In the advertisement, provided Mrs, Walter Kenrick fltt ended the the April tn<letlng of tho Wayne 504.37 est E, Cook. whose post office ad· Total , Fire Protection . . Total of all Funds . .. . 21,617.86 however, that where a fracl/onal funeral servIce 0 ·( MI s Edna Mctownshi p [armel'lI ' olub. dress Is R. R 2, Wayne.sville, Ohio, Total Pay. Car , Fr'd , . . 3,057 .91 Total Receipts and BalanoeIntez:est rate Is bid lIuch fractloD Ewen at Unglesbee Funeral. borne. bas been duly apPOinted a.a Admiu7 HealthNOTICE OF APPOINTMENT .Road Fundi ' . . .. . '.... 19,U6.48 aball be ODe-quarter or one (1) per Franklin Saturday · afternoon and 19tra~or ot tho I!lstate of Ell& , B. Taxes 'Wfthheld for Dist. or multlplel thereof. Admlnlatrator 3S GeD'1 . Funds .. . 1.... ,818 08 . cent. 9'" Cook, late of Wa.yne Township, B oard 0 f H e alth " . , . n~ . ..... Said bODds will be sold to the the burial at Springboro cemetery. Mrs. Susan Saylor 'retumed t() II r 'Hosnltal Bonil Ret., Sink. Funds 1.737.68 · R P oor e e 'Etsat e of Flom Sllalln Hawke, Warren County, Ohio, deceased. .., h1sheat bidder. ...i; the time .liod ""'-e' s s 4000 Total of all Funds , . .. 36,70U4 her bome bere with Mr. Rnd Mrs. 1 - Dated this 30th day of· Marcb. Burl. a"",.., Deceased. ne · place above mentioned, at not les8 Harry Grabam after spending the Toml Poor Relief : .. . , : 40.00 ~mentl Dut1ng 'Vear-. than par 8.Ild a.ccrue(l Interest. NoUee Is bereby given that , d. 19G(). winter with her Bon and Wife, Mr. ,Rlghwa.ysRoad Funds . . . ,.". ,. 12,176.63 Blda may be made upon all or RALPH H. CAREY ]..ee Hawke, whose post otfice ad.a.nd Mrs. , Henry Saylor and ' chll' Road Man. and RepalrGen'l TWil. Fundls, .. . . 6,661.lt any DUmber ot boDds of thla Issue, Judge of the Proba.te Court dresa Is Waynesville, Ohio, hl\5 Labor and Materlale . , 10.056.13 Bond Ret .• SlnlL Fonda 1,470.00 'All bldl mUst state the number dren In Da)'ton. boon dui y apPDlnted 8S Adlutnlstra- , young & Young, Attorneys Mrs. Mice Tomlin SOn of ' lIen I' Road l(a.cb and TooIB . 2,U9.60 , Total of an Fu: o ds • .. 20,806.77 or bonds bid for and the gross tor or the, Estate of Flora. Suun Publlahod A.pr.ll 6·1:1-20 W,ayneavIlJ.o: was In x.;.ue Thurs Total Wlh",ays . . .. .. . . 12.175.63 Bat. Dec. 31., 1949&mount of bid 8.Il'1l accrued Interest HAwke, late ot Wa.ynesvllle, War· day, takln8' the ceMus. CemeteriesRoad FundB . ... .. " ., 6,970.80 to date of deU"17_ ren Coun't>', Ohio, deceased-. NOTiCE OF APPOINTMENT Mr. anel M'nt. Therle Jones and Other Cemetery EXp.. 99.00 ~n'l Twp, Funlls . .. 8.168.89 All b14. must 'be IIoCCompanlsd b, Dnted this 28th ' day of Ma,l'cb, Adml'"atrator son MUton were' dInDer gUests or ,Total Cemetertes . ... . 99.00 Bond Ret.; Sink. ~ds ~6U8 a certJrle4 cbeelt or bond drawn ID 196(). . 427.62 of all FundI: . . . 15,895.37 favOr of the Board or Eclueatlon of Mr. and Mrs. Ed~n' Nult n.. nr Estate of Joh:rt- c_ Hawke, De- Mlle . .. " .. . .. . . , . .. . .. . RALPH H. CAREY ~ &.1 ( General Sppplle8 ,. . . . 608.77 OUtlltand. Warranta, tne Wa)"lle .Local Scboo} Ulstrlct, Centc"llle Easter Sunday. ceased. Judge of the Probate Court Mr. Guy Burroughs. the m all Memorlal Day Expenses 26.00 December 31, 19.9Warren County. Ulllo, ill the IUID Warl'en County, Ohio NoUce is bereby «1ven t)la~ C. m&D, visited bls ' aunt t\l1d II ncl..,. Deductlonl. by Co, Auditor: Road Funds ... .. ... , 8MO of '100.00. G. L. Schilling, Attorney Lee Hawke, wlol111 POlt offtce adFor Jm8'Otions . , . . . .. . . 33.40 Jl'otal or all F'lnd8 .. , 31.70 The Board or Educatlon of Mid Mr. ' alld Mrs. John Welsh of Ra t·· Publish ed Apl'll 6·1S-2() dress Is WlLJIMI8vme. Ohio,' baa JI'o" WOI'!t Comp. . . .. . 65.39 nat In Depository, School Dilltrlct reserv.es the prlv· "e1lbuflf. at the Middletown hol'been 'duly 8£lpolDted as AdmlnJspltal MOJItlq eveDing. The), wel'(' Buteau of Iospection . . 38.88 December 11, i94~ , ,lege to reject aDJ aad all bldl. tratQr of the Estate of John C, LEGION HOLDS MEETING Total MIBc. . .. ... , . . . , .. ' 1,099.06 7 ..... 1:0 Blda aboulcl be , hILled and en- In a bad wreck air 'Rilute 73 marll _ J'uDdB .. ... .... .. •....... ... HERE MONDAW NlqHT Hawke. late of Wr.J1lIIsvUle, War- Total Pa)'1lleuta .. ~. ~ .... 17.465.98 " ,,_ _-' 8' 1"'. daned ''BI'' tor Equipment thaD a ",eek ago. Mr. Wellh I ~ 'ren ~un\y, Ohio. deOeall8ll, State RepresentaUve 0 e d ric Improving muob taster 11tan Mrs. 'RECEIPTS ~ ::,. S::~.;ci~ " '';;8 Boa48." Dated tIllII 28th da, ot March, Stanley' spoke at the Legion meetGeneral Property Tax .. 1,676.611 " "IT 0'1 1Ioanl or EducatiOn of the W~ Well1a. Total ol- aU F'IlD"-.... ' 1",. . • _..... ,,_0.-. __ 1960. ing Monda¥ nlgbt~- _ Total Receipt! .•.... ... 1,875.68 ~ _ UIIItrlet, Wal'Nll Kr, and lin. Charlel Tbomp90n RALPH B. CAB.EY • PAYMENTS OUTaTANDI DlaT CcaaaV. <*10. \Tbe local post ... aponaorillC a uti Il.... Ora Brlclrel 01 Colnm'tI1s, Jl14P 01 tile Probate Court Int. OD Bolla and Notes . 270.00 General Debt tor .' ~ ... 1HO. • LegioR Junior Baseball team. allO . .re BllDct.,. ""nine dblller 1{t18sls O. L. ScllUUq, Attol'll87. Bond anti .N otea ReUred 1.100.00 AIIPU'at1II anti 10.100.00 ·" 0. W. MlUUIAB.T. Cler1r. 01 ~e1r GOutlnR, Mr. Slid 1\(",. J. a 10ft ball . team In tire LebaJaoa Pabll.W April 1-11-10 Total Pa)'lDenIB .,.. . ... 1,4'10,00 Total ~ 10.8".'" PUbIIIbtI .t.tdl 1'. 10, It: •. 1.... : :l.eIIIUo
'l'bundar, AprU 11, 1850
.------WEEKLy NEWS ANALYSIS - - 1 . . - - , BIG THREE:
Accused 'Spy' Ridicules Charges; Johnson Says U.S. Defense /Okay; Britain to Cut Purchases in. U.S.'
GOP Advisor
John Sherman Cooper . Kentuck, Republica n. former U.S. senator and now U,S. representatlve to the United NalioD' general assembly, was signally honored by the n.tlonal Democratic admlnlslratlon. He was chosen by U.S. State Secretary Dean Acheson as one of hi. principal advisor. during a le~lea (EDITOR'. NOTEI . . . . ''1.'.'.' .r•• ~I1.....d •• t.......IIIIlDI Ih.,. ar. til ••• of ot major r;neetlnga In London In Wlllie)'n Ne,n pa per "aloa'. De .......,ata aall rn, .l Ibtl DewaD• .,.,.) which the western nations will chart strategy in the cold war. THE MEETINGS will consist of a session of the l2·naUon North At. ' "Pure Moonshine" lantlc: council and separate conterOwen Lattimore, mustacbloed, 'ences of ,the "BI,g Three," AcheSon, mUd.mannered United Nations emBritish Foreign Minister Bevin ployee, wai the big news of the and French Foreign Minister 'S chuCommlUl.ist expose which Senator man. All the ' mee.tings will deal Joseph McCarthy had instigated with various , aspects of the strugand of whicb the hlghllght was Ma· gle of the western powers to build Carthy', charge that Lattimore " up their strength a ga in st Soviet was Russia's top spy in the United communism In , Europe and ,",sla. S~te. and that be was in the emSelected. too. as aD ,ad:xlsor was . ploy of lbe U.S. state department. U.S. Ambassador·at-Large. Philip IN AFGHANISTAN on a U. N. Jessup. who was accused , by U. S. mission, LatUmore "wh'en informed Sen. Jose ph McCarthy ot having of the cbarge, cabled a press assoan "attlnlty ~' tor Communistic ciation that McCarthy's "rantings" causes, a charge J essup hotly de, were "pure moonshine." nied. It appeared that MclCarthy was The Cooper appolntmimt obvl.ousout on the shakiest 11mb ot bls poIy was designed to Improve relaUtical liJe. Loudly asserting that he tions between the state department would base his entire case against and congress a nd to build a backthe ltate department. which he fire against RepubUcans who have charges was infiltrated with Combeen assaUing Acheson ana hli mlUl.iats, on the truth or falsity of policies. the Lattimore case, the senat.or , WHAT THE Al'POlNTMENT E. Murray, mecbanThomas appeared to be off on the wrong would do to Cooper's standln, In ' leal enflneer who holds more " foot at the start. his own GOP ranks was somet.hIJI, Ibaa 200 patenta and Is all imLattimore was working tor ,the which only the future would deportant figure lo the auto alld U.N., not the state department. vulge. It was logical to asswoe biUlkln1' worldll, ball bee D He had not been connected with there woUld be Bome GOP Ital¢em for five years, the state delIamlld by Pres ldeat Truman to warts who woUld teel that Cooper , partment said. Hia lawyers hung a , lIucceed David E, Llilenthal OD had "sold th.em out" by acceptm, libel lult threat on McCarthy, conlbe U.S. ..&!JUlIo enerlY oomthe a~slgnment fro m Aehelon, mission, tendlog that wh~n McCarthy named wben they were trying their belt Lattimore as the "lop Red Spy" In to get Acheson out of the lovern: a private session with newsmen, DEFENSE: ment. ' he was outside senatorial 1mmunill'_ And with Cooper a potential gubLATl'IMORE expressed pleasure How Adequate? that McCarthy WaS basing ' his ~ The people, themselves, w01,lld ematorlal candidate In Kentucq whole case upon him for, he said, have fo decide who wal right In In 1951, It would be loteresllilg to when he retllJ'!led to Washington J the cO)ltroverS)' on how adequate see whether his connection with and testitied, McCarthy would ' are our naUonal defenses In the Acheson and the Democrata would ImperU" his chances In that state, ' " 'aU flat on his face." · event of another war. sbould be elect to make the race ~eanw~e, there wa, much con- , Two highly important gentlemen troversy oyer whether FBlfllel In the detense setup ' had disagreed for governor, ,should be opened' to the committee . on the status 01 American defense s tudying McCarthy's charges. Me- strength. Carthy contended the pI:oof be . General Dwjght D. Eisenhower, Won't Open Files needed were In these flles and lo supreme commander 01 Allled forPresident Truman as refused other confldenti~1 Wes. FBt Chief ces In World War II, bad declared 1. Edgar Hoover argued that the publicly that he teared United p,atl,y to surrender federal loyalty tiles should not be open hecause States defenses had "lallen below We's to congress In the current spy investigations, but he Wal e.t'bof the bad ettect It mIgbt , have on the danger point." "many Innocent ~ple" and the THE ' GENERAL:S · REMARK llshln, no precedeJ1ta. Neither waa fact that it ~ould destroy FBI Ule- 'stirred a wave of apprebenllon In be In .ny hazardous ' posltlon.In Infllinell In mill)' waYI. many Qu.rterl and let con- dlc.tin, be would tanore conarugrellmen on a ro.d which m~ sloo&l subpoenas commanclm. him le.d to .nother ' look at milltar7 to lUl'J'ender the file •. In fact, 10 far u could be a i _ bud,et perin,. ' 'leis luyllll talneel oUlcl.~, no Prelldeat of J But. ,LoW. Jowan. U.S_ ddenae 'Gre.t Bil~ atlP\llatlq m~ .Mnltal7, dldn't aane with Gen- the United states ever bas honored ''Ifa,~' plumed to cut pureba_ eral I!llsenhcnrer. ~r a loa, con- • IImllar COIllJ'ealoDal auJ»poena, SO, It would aaem that COllIN. from the United States and ' other ference with Presiclftlt'l'luman, he doUar couotriea lIT' a. much al 2S emer,ee1 to a.sen th., 0Iir DatfoD. could "Atme and IIteW all It plealled. but It wpuldn't pt the me. It waD per eent In the period from .July I, .1 defense. are "lUfflcJeDt • , eel unti1, Prelldent Truman' chanpd 1lIII0 to lune JO, 1JII1. 91 thljI ae- (unto the needa of the moment... tloD, the IOvemmetithoped to cut / JUit what Mr. JobDJon meant by hla mind. Neverthelell, foUowln, Pre~tdent'. annoUncement that Its annual ,old-doUar deficit In ~t wa. not c1ear~ but It wa. qufckl7 apparent ~t there could b. would not surrender the ' fUel, baH b, mld-Inl. \ THE DESIRED GOAL eould be be read Into the ')tatement a con- the .enate &rouP . Investl,.tIn, "ached onb' under the roUowln, clullon that' we are late "at 'the $rles 01 communism In the .,ate moment" beeaUie no war bal been department promptb' tasued lubcondJtiona, the ,overnment said: declared. But thOle jUDipiDl to con- pOenas for the records. 1. 'Continued lood bilalne81 'In The President'. ac:tion. In a way, clusion would immedlate17 querr. the UniWd states. ' , 2. Tbe Ud Is kept on wagel, ~'How .ufficlent are these defenses would provide lort of an "out" for .t lome other moment-say In. the Sen. Joseph McCarthy who touclled prices and dividends In Britain. I , BrItish productivIty goes on next six months, or next year-U ott the " atate department spy huot ' with charges tbat Russia's "top ~provin, with no sharp Increases war should come?" JOHNSON SAID he ' had not dis- spy" was connected with the deIn eo!!t$. •. 'Exports to dollar markets in- cussed the sJtuation with Eisen- partment and that .it was lnflltratcrease .uWclently to offset the cut hower since the general's sta te- ed with petsons with ConunlUl.ist sympathies. . In the value ot the pound last Sep- tnent concerning detense and deCl:IALLENqED to produce prQot. clined to discuss specific quotations tember from $4.03 to $2,80. Ii. Gold-earning ~orts to South trom the Eisenhower speech. As- McCarthy countered that evidence lerting that he was in no "contro- to support his charges was locked Africa can be stepped up. " 6. THE DOLLAR NATIONS dem- versy. with Ike," he p\linted out In federal loyalty ·files and In the onstrate readiness to accept im- that the pI'esent qeferse budget was WeB of '\tie FBI. With both tiles ports anCi to Invest capital In Ilon- put together by the Jolot chiefs of clo.ed to him and the investigastaff, at wlUch Eisenhower is cbalr- tor., McCarthy might still be lo a dollar areas. man. , . ,t ecMieal pOSition to continue his General ' Eiserihower ' bas been chatges and claiming that official a~ked to tell coneresl wbat he action in high echelons was pretQ.lnks of the 'current defeose setup venting him from proving them. , Treaty Urged and Johnson .ald: "When lie a~ With Gen. Douglas MacArthur pears before congreSl I don't want and U.S_ roving Ambassador Pbll- it to appear that I talked with him , fp Jessup agreed on the dellrabiliand tried to Influence h1tn lo any ty of the move. strong pressure ',way." was building up Inside the Truman admlnistr,a tlon for an early peace 'BRAIN': treat,- with Japan. ' , Great Things THERE is con!llct on the Issue. It is a group principally within the Flctol')' workers may become obstate I!epartment which seeks an lolete In the future it a new m .eearl.:v ' treaty, wblle many others chanica) ' brain-resembling a pinbelJeve 'that the treaty project ball machine o,n a Jackpot r,mahould 'be shelved la order to pro- p.ge-will . do what Ita Inventor long indefinitely the , present Amer- claims it will. " ican controL THE DEVICE, described a'. capAdded Itrength was given the able of operating an entire factol')' ,treaty proponents when Gre.t without bwoan .Id, is designated ~rltalo urged months ago that a oWclalb' iii. the magnetlc-drumtreaty .hould be completed. dtgital-dlfterential , analyzer. ' The AS mlgb~ be expected, the Rus- Inventor, S1-)'e.r-old Floyd Steele, .Iana had to put their oar In. Me.. calla It M.ddld. for short. Wh.t , cow lna1ata that there be a bl,- ' Maddlda can do wa. demODBtr.Wd HumaD P. Lubn, Detrol&. power veto over aU treaty terms, at the Qpenln, of • tbree-day ' concbalnn~ of the AmerlcaD Leo but the trend In Washington seems ference on comPutlni ,m.chlDBr7 "OD pabOo relaUolII oomml" to be for the westem powers to at Rut,en wver.lt,- coUe,e of tee. presents a toF to • Preacb proceed b7 ,themselvel U RUilia eJllineerin,. ' . . IbouJd retuae to join In UDder aeSteele, who til also an aeronauu- ' bo, WbD maaa,.. a smUe de. .,Ue the DDwl~ldF br.ce lie ceptable condlttClll8. " cal engineer at MaDbaHan ae.cb, lDaR wear a. a renlt 01 '. broil;· Tbe .rapanese tre.ty til seeD by CaL, .ald 1IIe machJne W.I , the en ~k, TIle to,.. belli, dlatrlbproponents as one line of acUon 10rerunaer of the eomplete17 .utoaW .,. 80me 01 U lalla d .. the UDited States could tab to . matie factory-where ,ooda will be by Amerio... chIldren .... atreDgthen Ita poaltion III tha' quar. producecs without help form the huooUeoted b,. .... ADaerlca.1 Leter of Ule rtobe. ' man band or the hwoan brain. .... .or EaropeaD cllU4rea.
.t' ........
'Named to AEC
- -JAPAN: .
.Off-Season Sant~
Reds ,Knock U.S. Dollar Down to'4 Rubles come
Tbe RUlliana hid up with the American embalSY a,e rellored, an economic .queeze pl." .nd the Moscow .erved notice l,aat in FebU.S, wal ~orous In Ita protests, ru.a l7 ' that, effective .J~ I, the Moscow had .et a new 4-tOol ruble U.S. emba.11 would h.ve io p., ezeh.",e for the American dollar, for tour rublel. ib. effect at The UDited Sta"lea chu,ed the Dew this, U.S. offtcJala ••Id,' would be ezeb...,e rate wa. "completel7 WI- to Increasa the coat of operatIn, JuatUJeCi." the embua7 ~ nearb' • mJllIaa A note deUvend III MCIIOOW de- dol181'll a~. ~e DOt a toomtnde4 tllat the former ..... D.. ImpartuaL . . . . .illllto tile actioa was BDOtbe . . . . .. . raW of • rubIN fIN " . . . . . .
SUBMARINES: May Be Scourged
Tom Paine's Picture.Found? S TAT E COLLEGE. PA.What he believes to be the only known painting of early Amerlclin patriot Thomas Paine ha s i>l!en found by Dr. Harold E. Dickson, tine-arts proleaaor at P,enn State. The portrait ot the 18th 'century revolutionist - author was dc)ne by John Wllsley Jarvl~, .an AmerIcan p'alnt'er. It was paint· ed in lao!!, a few ,.ears before Paine died. , , WhIle gathering materIal for a book on Jarvis, Plckson repl~atedly ran across references tel a documented portrait oC Paloe. But 10 years of searchIng down blind aUeys faUed to pr oduce It . In a republication review of his book. Dickson wrote, " It this picture should stiU eKist ... Its discovery would be an 1mportnnt one." Two Athens, Pa. women almost immediately informed the professor that they had the portrait. Dickson examined It and Its certl1icate. "This well - documented and unquestlonably /luthentlc: ' portrait of Paine by Jarvis can be given rightful r ecognition as the last and at present the only located painting trom Ille at one who played an effective role In the founding at our nation," be said.
Time of Planting Loss Curb Factor Earwonn.OtherDamage To Cr9PS Avoidable Earworm damage to field and sweet com .and to other vegeta tion can be reduced by the time of pl anting. Early tomatoes and string beans and alflllfafoliage, particularly in the late summer, arc a lso damaged by earworms. In this research It was soon obs'erved that dnmage 10 early plantings by the earwol'm wns rela ted to the thne , or plantinll. This led to a' series of studies on dltrerent varieties of fi eld nnd swe et corn to de termine the opt'imum lime of
AIN'T NO TWO WAYS 'bout It, the surest way 0' gettln' lots 0 ' things don'e Is by aUus accomplJ ~h ln' a little.
10 PII~ atn. R. O. M, R/dld<. DoItOll. 111' ...•
AT.WAYS did thlnle "Table-Grade" Nu-Mnld was jest aboU~ perfectnow t hey'vo gone a nd made It evon bcttel'.Yosslr - thc now Nu-Maid's tastl~r and smoother spreadln·. And It's got a line .new package that ' .eals In tha~ ' "Tablc-Gradc" 1llLvor. ..",.
TIME IS INVALtJABJ..E-fer. ODCII It's losl, It k in n~ver l1\J found again -cven 11 wo happen to bave tim., .
to look fel' It. I~
plla at... 000f.1
n ......
TAKE IT FROM ME, a top quality
margarine really shows up In your cook In' nnd bakln'. That's why It pays to use "Tablc-Grado" Nu-Mald. And what's more n ew Nu-Mnld la lmprov l\d - smoot her sprelLdln', beltor t4sUu' than ever!
Atomic Energy Set · PI~ovides New Toy For Young 'America NEW YORK. - 'Parents may .t' flrllt feel a little apprehension ooout a , potential toy tram Santa for Junior; but there ill no cause for alarm. It ' Is true that there is a toy atomic energy set on the marketbut Junior can't make an A-bomb wii:h ,It and it is described 81 • wholly peaceful plaything. 111e kit-complete with a Geiger cOlmter that .ctua 'Y works - is Just one of the thousands of glltterlog new playthlogs toymakers h.ve cooked up for young America. lin spite of the atomic energy outtlt, the .ccent for the most pan on the peaceful arts, the t01makera ..y. n~t eyeD .0, the run-totIn. cow- ' bolf and , lUI ranle-rldinI relallo Itilil holds forth .1 10UD1 Amerl~ .:a'. No. I enthwllaam. , Accordlnll.:v, the:re'. a record turnout 01 new 1t;,1e. for the 1NO cowpoke, 1naJ,ud• f6ld-plate4 platol that "'" puffa of real power amOb wb,e n the trllaer til pulled. Jrarm toys " come into their own wilth cbild-alze 'tractors ~t'n cut a M'I'OW or b.uI a Jlf junior wanta to IJ'O~ up to be a barbel', there's a practice Idt for blm, too. It come. with cUppera and a raZOl'-that Won't cut-aDd a Ilhavln, mill. " A new wrinkle ,for' bubble-blowIn., drlnklnl d01ll is a rubl,)e.rtip,p ed plastic straw. JUit prell ,the doll'. tummy .nd 1& ,obbles down a glas8, of water •• neat .1 you please. For the eIectrlc hobb1i~t there .re refinements galore. One new thrill Is a complete circus train with cages and "animals, ready to be set up into a multi-ringed circus after the freight cars ,are unloaded. ~['he: junior atomic . laboratory Iq'esses the peaceful side of nuclElar .research. the tOimakers Sa7. '['he set Includes a geiger counter that gives off villual and Bound sl,na18 when uranium or other radJoactive ore is near. There's aiso a fl~l'rescent screen all which the un , IIcule~Ust can study 'at:oinic :vo ra"dl0 ac v:e materIal dlslnte"&rat-'
Grandma's Sayings
*$5 'wllllle Jl:-u~on PUbU'caUon to the ftrst ot, each ~ontrtbutor
accepted say!ng or Idea. Addresll "Grandma" 109 E\I.lIt Pearl SLreet, ClncinnaU 2, Ohio.
Bere a far mer Bets to work plantln&, a~ the proper tlm~ a practIce that caD curb earworm damage to field .nd sweet corn and other ·vecetables. '
plantlng for least injury by tile Inscct. Recent observations have shown that the criUcal stalte or Injury Is the silklng date. It was learned that three-fourtbs of the eu.rworm eggs laid on corn sLiks we re deposited on tresb silks before the silks started to wilt. Dates of planting field ' corn lo the mtdwe.t tllat are recommended •• a result of thl. research are 1!fa, 1 for flel4 corn; May 1 for Iweet com ~.rtetlea requiring lon, arowlnl lOalon.; May 15·18 for v&rieUel of sweet com ueed1n, medium aroWing ....on.. .
''Sh&'. b_ ....rlnr It Met IlnC8 ' .be aw th& IIleture or lIure nut lIl.. NIl-Mald on. raaltare or Nu. Xalcl.,.... 'Table-Ol'I4e Kal'prlae. to INO,.,. _ _ 0..
IPC. New Weed Killer. Showing High Promise
Makes Prize lIDt2011s , like these !'i
The new alphabellc81 weed lrlDth., · w.. hwoorouslJ baD~ a. the eventu.l luccellor to the lawnmawer in prell relea.e. bec.use ot jts l1"all growth control possibilities, Is In reality showln, • tremendous promise I I a seleetive erasll killer in a v.rle\J at erops. Virgil Freed, Buoclate agronomist for the Oregon state' college 'a gricultural experiment station, reports this to be the case altar experlme':lts with the weed 'kLiler. Conceding that work ' with IPC as n lawn, grass growth regulator Is .till Ih its earliest ' experimental stages, Freed ' points out that IPC's us~s 'as a weedy grass killer In le g u~es , seed crops, ' vegetable crops, strawberries, orchards and perennial grasses are advanced enough ,t o tab the chemieal nearI1 al valuable 8S 2.4-D.
ar, ' 1:PC,
. IIj /
I.. Fertilizer'll B.ar-.ln
I.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _- - '
The Idt is etocked with ' r.dloaeth'e mlne.r als and Instructions 011 ,th,e use of atomic energy lor con!lbrllctiVe needs.
,Barber, Tr•• Enthusiast, Glva, Custom.rs S••dlln" '
:BRtVARD. N.C,-If you drop into Jolm Smith's ba rbersbop you can .tet a shave or ' . haircut all rll~ht, .but you may wind up 'plantIng trees. ' ',Jo~ E. Ford, forestry specialfat for the atate college e:!(tenslon .~rvlce, •.• y,s th.t Sml\h Is so , Inte;r•• ed In ',ettlng tree. "planted In , How much you ,et for a dollar TJ~Dl11vania county' that be ha. I you IIpend today as compared with olllt.lDed tree ".eedlinl appUcation ' wbat YOU could bave lot back in bllilb from the ' 10c.1 farm a,ent. 1~26, dependa on wbat you buy Smith dlatrlbutel thele blanka wi~ that dollar. UnOlll cu.tcl!)eI's. In hla shop. U.S. bureau of I.bor Itatis~lcl ( SIIIce he ha. 'beeD In buslneu for Ibow th.t bulldJng, matenala that atl,O" 40 ~ean, smrtia hal: . could have been bouibt tor b.ck ~iOCl Ide. of whlcb cullomers In 1826, COlt $1.89 tod.y. Food tbat Ju~"" Idle lend for tree JllanUnI &nd would have COlt $1 , ba~ In those ~ ,doem't waste many applicad.ylt now costa 10U fUn. It. doUar. UQD blanlu. · _ . worth of tutlles at 1926 Jilrlc. levI' ela, today COlts ' $1.3'1_ Fuel and lIJhUn, matertall co., '1.80. .J~JI lllill,ANII'
Lighter, flum., rolll, crisper crusted, fresher keeping, ric~ tasting ___ yes, Duff'. Hot RoU Mix gives Prize results.'And ,home-baked rolls are 80 easy to
make with Dutra,
Everything', i... JIIIf odd water---fltgf" 0"1
011 _.1. Ea•••lo,'at.
IUCBMOND, vA,~ bull .... lOt Into the atala entomoloatat'. and IOrt CII melH4 up the w111D1e 4etan. O. T. French dlacovered that ..4 ~ct wllell he duated off .om. of Id. sample ' IhowIq the metamorphoeia ~ .... IUDe bill~ adult luna bui'. carc•• ~u Dibbled; • ~ was badb'
AccordJn, to a top U.S. na"" ex· pen, the feared submarine meanc. In the event of 'another war m.1 DOt be 10 fearful after all. Re.r Admir.l C. B_ Momsen bu declared th.t he .... reallOll to beUev. that a development is "jUit ahead" that would lII.ble the UnIted Statu "to drive submartnu 011 ~ Hu. ,. AdaiIral IIOmHIl .. rr.eb: eupet tIW "fDYIIltor CII tU Momaen IUD&. ~:"~CfuIIed . . . III ........ flam aubm. . . . .
Bemoti-Control Switch Convenient for Farmers' Farmer, DOW ean : turn their farm yard liibt off and on from .. halt-dozen plice,s with a new. reo mote-control multiple mtch. A farm electrltlcatlon .pecJallat ....... 1,.1 th. th -.. n. a. e heart of 1hla na" control ... a m"ane~c nla, which wt11 ... - the..... ""'t on or otr from u ....... m~ polota al dellred by muna
CII IIImple IJUSb-IIuttoD .1ritcbel, It
A ProcIocI .. M12IICAN HOM! fOODs
AIC 0 hoi.·
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II open. AId theaDd UDltMIl .. VIl7 ~=;=::= to to . . . .IIIk... I!'I~t.:-::. il
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Tbunda,., April II, 18sa
Sana And SElnsihla
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STU~ liellAR1 HEliT ·OF HFAI:.TH " '
/ • .lOUISVillE JlJ~IO? lEhlrUE ,
By Rlohard HIIU Wilkins aD
,, ' 1
t(C ancer Detectives
Switching to Grain Drink can Help Young and Old " I thought my ehaky nerves were due to getting older. But my do ct or blamed the caffein in coffee and 8uggeste~ a swi tch t o PO STI1M. Now my nervou sn ess is complete ly gone and 1 sleep and f eel 60 much better W Are "coffee n erves" making you upcomfortable! ••• Jittery by day ? ••• Sleepless at night? .•• Many people -young and. old aUke-:-have. found the answer in Bwit ching from coffee and tea to POSTUM. SCIENTIFIC FACTS: Both coffee nnd t£a contain cajJoin-n drug-a nerve stimulant I So while many people can drink coffee or tea without illeft'ec~, others suffer n erv~usn esst..in d igestion, s leepless n Ights . Hut POSTUlot' conta ins no cnffein or oLhe r drug - nothillg that elm pus sibly cart86 sleeplc88ness. indige8tion, or ncrvpusnc88 ! MAKE THIS TEST: Bu y l NSTANT POST Ulol today-drink POSTU~t exclusively f OJ;: 30 days. See if POSTUM doesn't help yo u, too, to sleep bett£r, feel better, enjoy life mor e l .•. INSTANT POSTUM-A Vigorous Prinle made f r om Healthful Whent and 8r an-100% cajJei,,,"! ree! A Product of General FCoods.
Ber kley and R ita Young disappear down the 'm oon-flooded path toward the beach. His arm was about her waist an d Rita's rE!d hea d was very close to Tommy 'S blond locks . Tea rs . blinded Gail's vision. "That's wha.t you get," sbe thoug bt bitterly. "tor b eing salOe ·and _ensible aU your life_ F Olr b'e lng virtuous and loyal. " Loyal! The word provoked a laugh. Loyal to what? To Tommy Berkley? That was r idiculous. Y!>u couldm·t be loyal to a man who know what -M,nute dJdn't you we re up to. Fiction Or at · least it lost ' -_ _ _ _---1 Its eft'e ct. Gail turned and started back toward tbe lodge. T wo m onths ago she ha d co-me up here with h ~ r folks tor the SlUm mer . The -' ';: . day after their arriva I Ilhe had m'ct Tommy Berkley. The y had d anced pnd Tommy had looked down at • In the never-ending h er and saId: " Yo u' re not pr etty intensified war on can· or beautiful. you're glolrious, which . Van Camp'. cer, the mobile unit ot Is rea lly a weak word to express New O,'eans Style the Ke ntucky chapter of what 1 mean." the American Cancer SoGall had known then why all her Red Kidney Bean. me she had been sane BlD d sensible. ciety tokes expert diagVan Camp's... Van,Camp'a It bad been tor Tommy.. nosticians, using the latonly • • • puts up this deest equipment, into the At the point wbere tbe patb rural areas of the state. skIrted the tennis courts before licious dish-ch oice red coming to the lodge st eps, Shown above, the mobile kidney b CllD8 in a tlauco Gall 'Iaw a figure and stopped. unit is parked at the Bell the t is "old-world" in catching ber breath. ,"ou, Chick' cpunty health depdrtRavor; not too sweet nor " Hi there, Gall. I saw you walkment in Pineville. At left, From BOOTE'S Nowl too spicy. hut JUBt ~ht. ing down this way and followed." fluoroscope study of the Send your chicle orders io to Boote's. Even wl t h O\~t the help of m oonYou' ll say they're differpatient's a b d 0 min g·1 right awny. Choose your owo deli... to etch out the features of the ent ; ~ • the best ever. ery dates! Statted pu 11m 2 to 8 weeks cavity reveals the beman Gall r ecognized the voice. It old •.. 2-weck livability guarantee. ginnings of cancerous R eady to-'was Clark Davis. Davis was t all Choice of breeds. U . S. Approved, growth. Since cancer and good lookipg anli dark . He ,fulJorum.CpntrQlled. Fast truck ' demost types is curable, livery on grouped orders in Dakotas. was consi dered wild. H I~ bad a rep· Iowa, Wis., Minn., N ebr. Day-old utati on. Mother s wa rned their the nalional cancer sochidc:s also available:. Write for comdaug!lte rs not to go oUit with rum, ciety recommenils periplete list of prices and hatching dates. th ougb they didn·t say why. odical physic~1 exami"Clar k I " she for ced a laugh. nations. In the photo ben-nl* HATCHERlES,lac. "You fr ightened me at first." low, a biopsy is removed ~-.da.ctn. "'11111 . "Sorry." He came close. "I from the side of the palUess I've been fr ighteni ng you 1...- - - - - - - - - - - - - ' " tient's face. ever since you came Ul) hue. I wIsh I didn't." TEST YOUR COOLING SYSTEM A path of molten gold streamed Remo.. radiator cap of )'our car, place )'Qur across the lake . Tentatively, Clark finge, Insld. th. ,aeliator fip er neclt and lUope Davis slipped an arm around her It around-Jf an accumulation of 011 IIIUC., dirt And When .he offered no and rust <efulll your coaling 'Yale... ...ecla dea ... he stopped and swung Ing and flu.hlng now. ce him. "GaUl " he 'cried LET YOUR LOCAL %-4 DEALER h"" r s ••lv_ ' ~GaUI" And he took her Z-4·T-FY YOUR COOLING SYST~M hia arms. She ylielded, gave h:e. lips in a ,ong kls.. When ~~'......rlriir;~~i~ ll!':·· ~wal over she broke away. suddenly, unaccollntably, regretful, ltUilty. ashamed. "Don'U Please I I-I think. we'd better go back." But Clark DavIs dliln" under- ltand. He couldn' t undudand: He seized her wrist lind Jerked 'her up close to bJm. "Llste~," he laId tensely. " . love you! Do you bear! I want you-bave wanted you s lnoe the, first day you arrived here. And' ,ou I Hot Springs National P n;k, A-rk.- the B Vitamins and certain Minerals want mel" (Special)-Health is a major topic will·cause digestive disturbances ••• • "No. No, Clarki You don 't un· of conversntion in this world famou s Your foo d will not 'agree with ders ta nd. I was a fool to come Spa and more and more conver sation you. ~ •• You will have an upset here with you. Please let m e go." turns to the mar velous, health.giv- stomach.••• You will suffer from UICK FOOTSTEPS sounded ' Ing blessings bein g br oui:ht to 10 heart burns, gas pains, and your many by DADA COL. food will sour on your stomach, and . along the pebbles. A figure Realizing the importance of Hot you will not be able to eat the things loom~d out of the eloom. Davi. Springs . as a health center, Pudley you like for f ear of being in misery I. LeBlanc, Founder and President af te rw~rds. Many people also 1Iuf1~r of LeBlanc CorporatioD, makera of from constipation. And whil\! tholle flADACOL, established an office in symptoms may be t he results of flot Springs to advise suffering other causes, they are aurely and folks on how-BADACOL ~n benefit cert ainly the symptoms and signs of theil' lIystems with its wealth of B the lack of the B Vita mins and MiD. Vitamins and Important Minerals. erpla contained in HADACOL. And HA1JA'COL office iD Dot if you suffer from luch a disorder, Springs are records of folks who ·there is no me4icine, drug or. treathave found Improved health ID a ment that will cure. you .except the bottle' of HADACOL. That II one administration of the Vitamins Dnd reason why per capita sales of BAD- Minerals which your system lacka. ACOL In Bot Springs are amoDg t1ie . HADACOL contains not only on•• h.ighest in the country. but five of the B Vita~in •. DADA. Look at the record of Mrs. lllan COL contain. not only One, but, four Waers, of Hot Springs, who started of the necessary Minerals. It come. taking HADACOL only two months to you In liqu id form, easily assimilated in the blood stream 10 that it can go to work right away. You eannot be satisfied with just temporal'1 relief. HAD A COL attacks and cures the louree of lucb defle[e'ney CIUtt'.· feel wen. oat from diseases. _ar blJD. Be feU Jlroaa1q. It 11 ealY to understand, therefor.. why countless thousandl have alfelt a' heav, hand on IIdI .ahoulder. ready been benefited by this amuH. .wuna around, I IIW Tommy ipg tonic, BADACOL Aceept De Berkl4i7. AngrDy b. Iwore and lubstitute-fnlilt on the genuine struck out. But Tommy Sidestepped BADACOLI the blow and drove home a hud So, it mat terl not who yOIl are , •• til.t. catchinl Oav'- ·beh~d· the ear. It matters not where you live .•.•• 01' foUowln, it wltb a lecond blow if you have tried aU the medlclnu to jaw. . under the lun, give We wODd'e rfai preparation a tril!.l. Don't g~ on snfClark', feet went out from unde t· feringl DQn't continue to Iud a bim. He fell arolnlri,. miserable Ute. Wan" peraonl who "You cSlrt)' dD,I" Tomm,. IBid, MRS. JOAN WAERS have luffered and waited for 10 t. eoldl, brutal ''You ouRbt to be ' but DOW hal her ~ullband and 20 1ears, .or lVen lonrer., ar. ·a bl. hun," Theil b. turned to Gall, ago other relati vea and frlendl taking now to live happy, comfortable Uvel where .be bad JUnk to her knee• . HADACOL with the same wonderful again because HADACOL luppUe4 a. belped ber up. the Vitamins and Wlnen.1a wbiclt resulta. Here II bel' ltatement: TIler walked Ilonl the beaeb. "I started takin8 BAD A COL their .ystem. needed. Be fair .. Tomm)""1 arm IUpported ber. The), about two monthl ago with wond,er- yourself. Give HADACOL a trial. I~ped at tbe foot of the path. fli)' relulta. 1 was ruil down and lufWe are 10 firm in our IJelief that '''lib. cSlrt)' do,," Tommy .ald. fered with indigeltion and gastric RADACO~ will help you ~hat we "Why can't a man Ilk. Davia ac· disturbances. Food didn't agree with leU HADACOL OD a money-baek cept the fact that there are lome me. 1 Will ne"ous. After taking guarantee. If yoa don't feel perfect,oed lUll left? Wb,- doel be tiave IlADAOOL I feel Itronger, eat what Iy aatilfied after naln8 HADACOL I want to without Indigestion. 1 jUlt at directed, just return the empl7 to think tbey'ra all alike?" ''abo Tomm,l" She ImiJed, dab- feel better an the time. 1 have trled carton and JOur money will be cheer. remediel before' taJdng HAn- fully refunded. Nothin, could be bill, a' her eye•• "It-WI all rI,bt mall1 ACOL, but BADACOL bat don. me fairer. DOW. I-I wal foollsb to bavi eom. mora Iood than all the mediclnel 1 Sold at all the leading drug ltol'lL bel'e wltll bIJD. U 7QIl. ~lldn't come bav. aver taken. W, huband allO Trial liz. onl, , ••211, but AY.
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• Here, in the photo at rig h t a thorough physical examination is made of the patient, with Dr. Robert H. E"glish removing a biopsy, . tissue sp"cimen, fro m her tongue. The sJ¥!cimen is examined microscopically in the mobile unit's laboratory. With the ' patient in the proper position (in photo immediately below) a tech, nician inserts -on X-ray\ film b e for e saying; ''Take a deep breath ••. , . hold it • • • relax thank you;','
Sa ptaned. ''Laelr7 thill, tor botb 01 U& IUta aneS I . .r. alttln, . - tM 1111 ~ beyODd, the POint. WIleD we beard FOU ~~ out we thauJbt .......... trou~IJa and abe weat to tile ~ lilt road. I . . . 0¥eI' to
rm .....
cd 81..••
BkDA~~:::u::.':':: :i1on~r.J' ~;aIDo~..mllf
,oar drul'&1it doea 110' bYe &oda, du. to BADACOL. BADACOL. order dirtct from 'l'IIe
1D~~II~c'll and beadaebea. B. II a
...... n1atiftl and frltndl ~ita:b~ Col'JlOratloa, Warette. BAD A,COL wltla fiDe '" Sencho mODlJ. " . ""IU'''''' . DUll. 011 a Waer. .... ntterlq • de- emL~,.!:'t~;;il~~ ~~ Gf B Vltam1na ucl Im»or-
, Tll UnSDA Y, .\ PI ~ II. 13, 1950
PAGe FuUl(
MI.. and !\In. Charll'l\ DOllter lind Mrs. Cbarles Price wbo 'bas been daughters Janet .aud Do rbara convalescing at the home of her husband 's parents. . Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and MI·s. Winton Eli IlI'id . E.tabll.hed 1850 - .... . . . ..... .... E dltor and Publl.her Clarence Price. following a major lIelr I'u mlly hnd thell' Ea ster din' PAUL A. SCHERER .. . .. ...... t nd Treaaurer operation. 11'111 return wltb ber ner lit the Wi shing We ll In Centel'· CECILIA J. SCHERER ...... \ ........... .... 8ecreary husband and daught er to their
.c&utllt l._______________-:-===:::-::-::-::::=-::
bome on Main Street sometime , :Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith or Publlsbed Every Thqrsday Morning this week. Bianchellter . are announcing the METHODIST CHURCH at Waynesvlile, Warren County. Ohio Mrs. Anna Volz Is now .emp loyed td"th of II. daughter Thursday eve· R. B. Coleman. Minister Mr. Qhuroh Sohool, 9:80 A.M., Entered as second class mlltter at 118 II. substitute ten hel' In the "'" 'rhe l1ater1l1\1 gl·andparentll. '1:1_ Id E h t S t . .l'uoro arn 'll.r. up. the postorrlt'e lit "aynesvllle. Ohio. Cla l'kllvllle Schools. ~ " lUll! M I'S. Clyde J.ev \c' y of t II.. Worship Service. 10: 80 A.M. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Hoov er. of v lnge. plan to Btll.Y lit th e . nt.llh ·s You,h li'e lowsbUp. SundllY. 6:30 e for Rovel'al days . P .M. Wa.ynesvllle former cltlz~nl! of tho Subacrlptloll Rates-$1.60 Per Year, in Ildvance. In Ohio. $2. elsewbere ~. aud Mrs. 1{owal'd t :l'ullnm village. attended the Elaater PII· lertalned with a family llinnerJ FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST gea.nt at the Methodl ~ t cburch. ~tul'day evening In Ilonol' of th e Byron Carver. Minister OUR SCHOO~ Easter morning. Bible School. 9 : 30 A.lIt . . Mr. a.mi Mrs. Herbert Doster thd ny anniversaries or Mr. Morning Worship. 10:30 A.M. Let'; face the f acts. Our 'children must go to spent Easter wltb ~helr son nnd ham and their grandson. DonPrayer Meeting, 7:00 .P.M. s hool to get an education, and they m~ st hav.e a pl ace daughter·ln-Ia.w. Mr. and Mrs .. CIIf· nle Wall. Young People's Meeting. 7:00 large enough to accomodate th l! ever-tncreaslIlg .n~m The hom D of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evening Services. 7 :30 P.M. ford Doster nnd family of Spring. her ill th e grade school. The old grade schoo l llUlld\ll~ Campbell was the scene of a basfield. wirll not accomodate them in . 1 95 1.1 9 S~, so there IS . ~r. nnd 'Mr8. W. C. Dr~wn wel'e ket dinner In6t SundllY when a WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF on ly solution LET'S GET BUSY and GET THE . guests Easter ' Sunday. of MI'. IUld group of their fri ends and rela' CHRIST NEW SCHOOL th at we all know we MUST have Mrs. Cbarles Hnrtml1n Ilnd family tI.\'Cs came to belp M:rs. Campbell M. H. Coffey, Minister we CAN ' T let the children . dow n only one dollar Btble SchOOl, 9: 3.0 A.M. celebrate her birthday annlv el·sIHY . of Sprngboro. Mornln·g . Worship. ]0 : 30 A :M. on each thousand dollars ta x .valuation - that's ·all it Mrs. Suslo Gilliam returr.lld to 11 oung . Peoples' M eeling. 6: 46 will cost you LET'S VOTE FOR TME BOND tbe hom~ of Mr. and Mrs. ' James P.M. ISSU E on TLlesday, May:!. Evening Service, 7 :30 P.M. Rader here Thursday e'Venlng f.o l. - The Editor. Prayer Meeting snd Bible Study lowing a brle! visit with Mr. and Wedneaday. 8 P.M. Mrs: Harry Roberts of W\llmlngton. Mrs. Metla Brown. Ml's. Neva MT. HOLLY METHODIST \, ILlter McCarren' for a seven Doster. and Mrs. W . C. Drown w re T. M. Scaft, Minister o'clock brenk fa,s t •. Easler morning. shoppers .In ' Middletown Thursl\lly. Sunday Scbool, 9:30 A.M., E. The group la ter . n~ tended ' ohurcb W. P . McCarren of Walhoundlr.g A. Earnhart, Supt. services and Easter pageant. Worship Service, 10:30 A,M. spent tbe 'week end at hi s home By JANE FITE Evening Service. 7:30 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. 'H . S. Tucker en· here. About t.hlrty·flve members or'the tertalned with a !amtJy dinner. at Mrs. W. C. Tlch'e ner was are· Community Helpers Club and tlf· tbelr h'Ome Sunday. ThOBe present cent guest of Miss Mae Wright. at teen other women from t1J:1s vl- Included . Mr. a,nd Mrs. James Parkt the Friends' bome In Wa,yneavllle. crnlty went by cbartered busses to Illld their daughters of Cincinnati) Mrs. Laura. Sbldaker ws.s bostes8 ' Cincinnati. Wednesday to attend Mr. and Mrs: John Syrerd. of Day- to the Civic Lengue at her home Ruth Lyons "Morning Matinee" and ton. and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Richard Saturday evening. Mrs. 0 8'e e Har· the "Fifty Club" regular broad. W~lJIams and famJly of ~lImlllg· Ian assl8ted the hostess In present· ~n~~~~,:,;~ cnst features of station w. ton . Ohio. In:g the program. i At the "Fifty OIub" Mrs. Henry ~ .ord has b en received bere Mrs. Han'nah WaIJ of Wllmlngton. I l i.l:~~~.~~~;;:;;E~;{~~= Murphy presented MIss Lrons that Mr. and Mrs. Jobn E. Welsh was ' the week end houseg;uest of \. with an Angel Food cake she had who were Injured recently in all' her SOn and daughter,ln-la w', ·Mr. 1 baked containing thlrty·two ~ggs. automObile accident. 8I'e recover- and Mrs. George WaIJ and BOnS. I=-.----~~----':...;::- . Snake.' t.:ar~ .She requested Miss LYons to dl. Ing saUsfactonlly. ~bey are ~th Mrs. Laura Shldaker entertained Sna sand IIlh have ears but V1lde the cake among all of the stili conffn cd lit the Middletown Mrs. SadIe Reason . Mra. A. S. Col· Ulue' eara bave no outside open. WLW television stars. H08pltaJ. lett. amI Mr8. OS80 Harlan to ~lin. in ••. The,. '~hear" mosUy thl'oulh Mr. and M.r8. Todd Bunce had ner at her home Suoclay. During the s~e program. Miss vlbratlona In the around or water. Lyons interviewed Mrs. Glady!' aa tbelr gueste during the week :Mr. a.nd M·ra Lenord Hansen Hook snd presented her with a six' end. the1r BOIl·ln·law anll daughtsr: and tamlly 01 : Hamilton'. were \ ~I.urce teen poup-II ham. Barbara Bogan. Mr. and Mrs. Harley CartwrlgJlt gueate during the week end of Mra. \ The weed. leafy spurge. Ueved to I!avp "orne from aecond grade student or th'e Har. and family of Athens. Hansen's pa.rentl!. ?1 r . and ' M raJ ; about ]880 . veysburg School also IlPpeared on .(I'he WomeDs Society , of Obrls· Harold: Gilliam. tho program and sang with Miss Uan Service cooduoted a food snJf> Rev. and Mrs. J . P. 'l'hornbur.y Fer Farm SUCCUII Lyons, "If I Knew That YOII W re at tbe Grange Hall Saturday morn· \"ere Easter guests of ' their SOD· . One ' of the e.sentlal elel ......._ .__ jng. Coming I'd Baked Oake." , In:law and daughter; Mr. and Mrs; a .uecessful 'arm Is 8 satisfu ....-.. Mr. and Mra. Glent.· Cook and Am9ng ~e priZe wInners for t he James Doster of Dayton. ~ bom .. life "Merry Mix Up" sesslo~ were . Mrs. family of Franklin were tbe guests -- .. Florence Frost who received the FrIday evenIng of Mrs. Cook's par. hat, and Mrs. Etta. Brooks who ents. Mr. IliDd Mrs. Ben Beckett. waa given tbe purse. Tbomas Welcb remal08 III at hta " The Harveysburg schools were home. closed. during tbe t~leV(Bed broadMrs. Sadie Reason of Wa.ynes· cast of the "l'11fty, Olub" and fa<:' VllIe WII.!! a ' guest during thl! week ulty members and studente went to end of Mrs. Laura Shltlaker. the various home In the vlllage to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collins. of Cen· - see the show. tervllle. were the gue8ts Sunday of The OrusaderS' ClasB ot the Mr. Collln8 mother. Mrs. I d a .' I ·M ethodlst Church aBsembled a~ h·o,rOOlllns. . home of Mr. and ' MrS!. Robert - - - - - - - - 7 " " - - - Brandenburg and Mr. . and Mrs.
n E . Daughn, Pastor
Unified Service. 9:.(; .a. w. .ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL
l1 e l·. Sallluel N. KeYA, n eoto~ ' lI o ly Communion , R .11 . m.
Pl'lmlll'Y . <"IIUl'ell school ]O' :~O lI.m. (Agcs 0 through 8) :, du ll Wors hi p. ]0 : 30 a. m . UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH Wllllnm Shannon. MlnlBl r S Unllay ::lobool. 9 :30 A. M.• r.i1 'B. ./lIrn6s Uurrlson, Supt. Preaching, 1st. and Srd. Sur.' days of encl'.' month, 10 : 30 A.M. Evening ServIces. 7:30 P.M. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Father R. H . Krumbolts, Putor Mass·e8. 8 and 10 A.M. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS ..ee PartinctOD, Mllll.t.r Worship Benlce, 10 A.M. Sunday Sollool, 11 A.M. WAVN'ESVILLE FRIE,NOS First Day School. 9:30 A.M. Meeting for Worship. 10:80 A.M.
Go to.Church Sunday
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Bottle Gas
IlmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI Il1l11m
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InBUlated BrlCD and abot08 8ldln,. Bbe.t me.t al wort • of aU kIDde. Local, Ileferea- , ce.. AU work I11U&Dteed.
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To The
Repu~ljcan Primary Election, Tu~day, May 2, 1950
Bob I~rvis
.., THI atalS11AM ICIIMCI MOHltaL .
..". ' ... ...,-, If ' r. ......1i
Your Vote anel Support Will Be Appreciated World War II' Veteran . I Ad \ - Po. , "v.
... _--...
... -
... _---.
........IN ....,... ....·:iIIt.,.....
.... ,-., ..... '.. '.
New ' and Rec.lp,ed -- $8.95 $2.00 Trade 10.Allowance Lobricatiog Sem~e :Fk~t~e'Accessories
..... ,.. ...,........:-... ...... ,........... .. ...woau ..... - ........... . . ..... .... ,..",..... ,, ..',............ ,...... ............. y .. , ........<
'. Dayton 3, Ohio . - ........
...t . . . . . .· . . ·..... :, . . . . .
Firesto' n , .Tires .
Phone 37371
x . . I Exlde ~atterles
Spring Valley, 0-
Aaumna. Aaaociatioa
Spring Valley Hardware Co.
Earl Du,aa'8 ·Orchestra
Installation and Gas
~ ,.
Nee'd .Any PHI'N YING? .. .... .. ... . . ...
u•• •.......
..... , .. he. .. ~ ,'•• I~...'..m.'
The Wa",emJle
In ... 1_. . . . ......., . .
We _
IHIIT liON fir .." ItY~;"liC ".... "'" .,.,.., Fer filiI lttf.rtMtllNi ..n4ly ""8M MAD'IOH
SATuRDAY, APRIL 29, 1950 . Public . Invited WAYNESVILLE GYM .
Ask About · our Price on
.. ".-
.... d.
Route a WQlleevlll., 0, Phon. Wl(Qn.."m. . .
Dead Stock Bo...... lUG • Cern, Hop -
Acco1'lFlq to SI.. . and CODdltlon •
Xenia 4S4 IeYene ChU'lU Xenia Fertilizer
2111 .
OUR FACfL[TIES /\RF. FLBX. lBLE Ill 'NOU GH to meet Rny . flUJllly D~el'erence . Whether a servlCQ 18 held tn tile ohurch. n a farm or City I·&aldence• In OUr tuneral hOll;le; EVERY ' D AIL IS CABEFULLY PLAN. . D AND NOTHlNG IS OVIiJR.
McCLU!tE 'U~EI~l 'H'OME - WAW.'.VtI.LL Oel'O
THURSDAY, Arnli.: 13, 1950 ' .;'_\1 _ __ _
_._ ..
A Farm Diary By D. J. frazier
LEGAL NOTIC~ NOTICE TO CONTRAOTORS STATE 01' omo . DEPARTMENrr OF HIGHWAYS Columbus, Ohio, Aprl I, 1950 Engineer or SlUell Lepl COpy No. 60-110 UNIT PRICil CONTRACT l:!ealed proposals will be received aU be orrce ' of th~ State Highway Dlrectol' .ot 01110, Ilt -ColumbuR, Ohio, untn 10:~0 A. M .. Ohio Standa.l·d Time, Tuesday April 26, '1950, fol' Improvements In: Proposals Nos. ~ 10 5 Incluslve are offered B.8 one project and will be o.warded as one contract. PROPOSAL No.1 Clinton County, OhiO, on: Sectlon 5.94, Stllte Route No. 183, tn Marlon anI! Vernon Townships, by applyIng 0. ' bituminoull treatment, Item
. \)11'11 10. 1 960. ~!lIn s. te l' Is over. It IVII M 11. old bl eak all Y nnd' the rlllW "I'S QV~ I\, 0 11 ti l now hnts luull 1I (·old II nd Hun. .M y daffodil " ,I"Y 1'1'02 n I'l nt 0 11 tho grounu but I 11 0 jOllQui~II, EQ.SL~I· rloW'erll, 60 called at-oun.11 he ro. lit tbe COMl-er . ul' 73 IInu Fourth s ll'oet wore like II patcb of sunshine on 0. dark day. · 'I' ho weatll I' w as co.d lind raw outMill o bllt the 'hurcnes were m ied WII.11 \\'orshlppel's tlud even ball wcathel' cO\llcl not ' da m)l('n the Easter 8pU·it. T his. mOI'l~l n g the T - B2. · . HlIlI Is II hi nlng feebly lI.nd the blrd8 Pavement: Wldth 16 feet . lire busy 11 ting 118 tbough IIprlng Length 17.266.6 teet or :1.27 mU~s . II' IL!! here e l'en thoug h It III RU II PROPOSAL No. 2 ('0111 . l~rom m y wJndo'w I buve seen Warren' County. Ohio, on -Section 110 mnny birds in toe last few days.' 0-4.6. State RouU\ No. 183. in Wuh •. robi ns. bluebirds. cil'lckadees and Ington TOWnship, oy apDlylDg a bi• I'e n a n Ock of juncos, 'J~lIS morn· tuminous treatment, Item T·32. · ing UI 1' , WIlS l1 big [Ilt I'e!lblrtl out Pnvement: Width 16 feet. her In I . bush anti 'u f1i ckor up In Lel lgth 3.690.4 feet or 0.68 mUe. til · olt! 10CUIIl. 'Ph e l'., if! almost. nlPROPOSAL No. a wrtYII n blnck and white woodOllnton County. Ohio, on Sections J)Qcke1' ut the suet, e ither a RG - 3.81. 6.06 and 9.88. State Route No. "ailed hairy woodpecker, or its 380. In Cheater TO'WDslllp. by ap· !!mnll ol1l1 ln , a. clowney:. There are plyln~ a bituminous treatmtnt, Item ILlUlce and , t.bere w as I\. IIltle T -32. brown creeper going up nnd down Pavement : Width 18 feet; Length the small 10C'llSlS In front of the n.827.2 feet. · hou se. or COU1'se there are crow s Width 16 teet; Length 20,866.0 feet. :ljud even 1\ blus jay. A. sparrow Total Longtb 32, 083.2 teet or 6.19 iVfll! looking for 0. nesting pin e on miles. Ih porch flDd t ht'ard some s Oll g P ROPOSAL No. • tI \fUl'l'OWS. 'rhe boya t ell me they Clinton County. Ohio, on Section t<n,w Dlnflh out in the flelll catch- 6.34, Stllte Route No, 780. in Union. I ng uli ce. I hllPe II be wiickll to Adams and Vernon TownBhlps, by mice.' 1 like thE:! birds. applying a bttumlnoua'~treatment, J !il L\\-' l>y, tue . popel' 1l1l~ L X.,lua Item T·31. I ~ trying to mal, 0 !llu liS 101' a UePllvement : W1dth 18 feet, t..aulon IIOnl to; ~uven"e li. fe llae. S. Length 2U88 teet Gr • .60 miles. Why 'ouldn't tW\.) 01' lhrre or our, PROPOSAL No. I) CUu ll t ea go 10geUler. <l lIti get BomeOllnton' County. Ohio. on Section tiling lon ll y Blaha .lll ·( 'rue ' hu." 7.91. State Route No. 850. In Wash· 111'ogl'U DI 10l' Lb .)~~ wno do not tlt Ington TownshiP. by ' appI1~ II blI lito I be IIol'mal ; mu6J'n I." ·ds to tumlnoull treatment. Item T·32. be go·ne ovcr and Homethlng IlOlle Pavement: Wldtb 16 teet. ' l.Lbolll It. 1n XeulII , lbey say they Length 18.15815.' feet or 8.62 miles. 'Iliwe lIO ~ulta.ble 11.IIICO 11110 I can~t Propo.a111 NOI. l' to I) Inclu81ve ot lilmk lila tho Uppt l t floor or Ule tbill project to be completed not. olu j a il wherl) they. '1111 IItlil bear ll\.ter than Auguat 16. 1960. • I' thing tha.t ' aOf,S on IUUOlIg the The mnlmum wage to be paid to OIUI' l' otfendera. Is 11. vel'Y good all labor employed on' this contract "lIle fO I' t bem. in -our cou n ty tho 8hull be In accordance wlt,h the It '8 belL L' Ullin It woa bel ore. I "Schedule ot PrevaHlnl!: Hourly . ~eU v the plao lU Degtn 18 In our ·Wage RAles A8certalned o.nd· De,IIcllools. lilrst oC all we lI'e ed a t!ltmlned by The Depal'tm~nt of (n· u::llcher ot lle lJlledlal Reading "' ho dUll trial Relations aPJlltcabl~ to 'ou id SO< "l'om school to schoql to State HIghway Department --raell' those \V II<. can not koep \Ip p~yements In accordance with Sf!C\lu ll the re gullJr .,,"\lgram. Much or tIoJAJ 17-3, 17-4. ) '/-4a, 17-6 and the tl l oublc. fltar ts In the early 17~5a of the General Code of Ohio. grades where lhose who' can not The bidder must iubmtt with hi. IOIlf1l t~ re.,ij tJy our modem bid a ceratfled cheek In the amount me hods. fll'lIt g eL Icft behind. They or '2.463.12. Plans and specrtlcaUonl' are on Rill' tha~ t here "". IlDout twenty 1)1)1' cent oi' t h c blldren ,vhl) havn file in' the department of blghwayl refldlng; . dtflcultles nnd vI.h a. l and the office of the division dept(' Ihcer WII th 0. class o~ fOl' t,· or uty director. , The director reaervea ' the rlgbt more can clevotu specall time to the laggai-ds even it Sb~ had the t9 ~e.ject any aDd aU bid., T. J. KAUER. s llee-1al training to overcome their Sta~ HI«hwa,' DIreCtor. lurrlcUlUes. Reading ts the buls ~-18 of the enUre 8chool conne Rnd if th ~y are not ~vell ,lItarled tn the ,Irst two ;}'ears Inere Is troub Ie ,T hese chlldr"- .. who 40 not fit Into (1'010 Ihen on. Such a special the retular IICb'OOJII Cl811 learn a teacher could spend tlme II\' first creal d.... a.nd caJl become uaetul Oue school and .nen another and citizens, otten after a , ..... or 10 wher e this hallJ been Clone tU :"'lIlIeC~tra1nIDS ,Iley j&Il' come 'back to the reg1llar claaa.. aad wn · hel' or repeatorB haa gO.l1e d9 , I..... ~ .. _ good but after bttlnc ·.hoved Then thcre. are ·those wbo are slow w........, ' . around till the,. ate flDalJ, let wt or \vho. have other dWicultieB. of BchOOl .at slxte.. or beture tb~ 'I'here Is no place ~ thelD "In th~ . can fit aD7wbere and become lIO' ,~ounty, . of course special tt1achers and ungraded rooms coat money tentla,l dellnCluentl. nnd th81''8 are translJOrtatlon dU· Then we need a fa.rm schOOl for Iflc\lltlo/ll and they IIrB often op- those bo'l WhO ldo not 'f lt In. Wbi \Posed by 'parents wh'o wID not ae. · walt untu they 40 Bomethlnc bad · knowUi!.lge that tilelr chU4ren ore enough t~ send th'8m to Lancaater. utrCere.nt from the others but one The boy wbo qults IClbool at aIX· or t wo' repeatel'8 cal\' use en-ougb teen or before enlells he baa ex' of the regular teacher'1iI lime cepUonaily ' wlse parentll II hanlll~ to leacll ten more IlDrmal children. capped. There are not ellO\I8b jobl
. ~.
This will b.1 your la_·. opportunity to ioin BLUE CROSt5 for at lead a year. Get
at your bank, drug .tor. or newspaper today I HOS'.IAL CAlli CORPOIATION,· Cincinnati 6, Ohio ,
"",IIc ••w ·curla, RflAINS PROTEINS'
You can do,abener feeding job wirh the greener, more appedzinghay produced by electric drying in the RlOW_ Controlled ciJ:Ying with forced air from a motor-driven blow~r fan reduces weather hazards to • minimwn. Handling is completed while . the hay is tough and pliable, valuable leaves art retained. There is little chante fJf sun bleaching, hay cures with a fresh green . color. High percentages of protein' and carotene ' are retained
for these 7Ounptel'8 and thone that thel'e are do ~ lead any Wbere. These boys are UIIetuJ on the farm . but there Is oothlnS for them to do whell the, are not work.lng. Most of the bon their age are In Ichool and Inte~ted 1Ir Bchool Ile· UvlUee so there I notbing for them for rfl()reatlon ,but to go to tbe beer Joints and ~I rooms and bang around the .oider ones. They . \ becOme resentful all~ . are eallY ma.rlra tOr gang.1eadera and oftell get l~tO trouble and that III why places like LaDca8ter ' are a 0 crow-ded that tb·e y. have dlrrJeulty trytn" to do anythnl( more tor these cb"ldre~ tba.u Juat liMp them In a Junior prl8O&1 unttl their .termll &I'e np. We n"d something than tb':t and we could have It if enou,h .people "Wante4 It.
__~ all 'yours
1-"'" '8950~
"'IIIA'MJR AI Low• .,
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eCteouvtlr •
, I.. ~· StW)b. '=:::1 obser~ed.
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'l'IIt.a"BO 'MS _1 VtAYM1I8VII ~J.B, 0810
Go E. lVIas -
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ned Ia older tbat III
for mow-curing. FQr detailed information 00 electric hay ' nnishing and the various tilDen and control e<fuipment available, ' consult yout County AI~t, Vocational Agriculture teacher and the farm repre.ntalive of your electric service company.
.Compl~t~ , $5.96 Eachl
'_.... _i.l. _a_ .
.-·i-l------'-- - '----:------
AlalUlJlIUll Oveaettes
ritu... ·ucl ~.
eYery year regardless of weather. Air ducts placed along the mow floor permit the forced air circulate freely through the hay. This keeps the bay cool until thoroughly ' cured, doing away ~ith the danger of spon· taneous combustion, 'cause of so many bsrn fires, The same , motor may be used to operate a hay hoist as well as t.h e blowers
'OWIR '140Wln
Our"''''' an ....
a~ applicatio~
3' -,
Tburlda" April 18, 1...
Copy-Cat, Fashions
Both Sho'rt and Long Hair Styles Need Grooming for Real Beauty
~g.te~2 o:,:~er44.I'SI=~zer4.124 .14Ya~~s Inch ,
YOU WEAR our WHETHEJt hair long or short, the beauty
Curl Short Hair '
of your 'colffure depends on th e real care nnd grooming you giv to those tresses. For some, short styles Ilre becoming lind youthful while tn others, slightly longer, more ourly hair is best, In the 1inal ana lys is. however. how your hair looks to others deliends not so much on ' the style you wear it, but rather on Its sheen, cleanliness .nd orderliness. Fashion, this season, allows opportunity to change your halrliress. Though shorter hai r Is still fashionable. there Is indication that a ]ongcr, more curled hairdress Is on the way. However. no matter which trend ' you choose to follow, true hair beauty depends upon the ' health and cleanliness of the actual ha jr. Unless you have real problem hair a minimum of care will give max'imum results . Brushing, which takes a litUe efIort, wUl give your hair a sheen nnd gloss such as nothing else. A Weekly shampoo or a shampoo every two weeks will keep the hair full of Vitality and prevent it {rom becoming matted. Hair cuts and permanents, when indica'ted for your particular type of ha ir, will do the rest. The daily and weekly care suggested above will then help you keep the hair In best possible appearance daily with the least possible effort. There's one thing .about balr care which pays bie dividends: be faith-
1:, ~
• • • ~~Ler~ . P~I~~' ~.I"2~tIZ~~.;d8 .;,f' :!~·.I~~I~.nd
EASY f No skill ",q"iteoL
Pattern No. H.512 il!!! n "ew-rlte Pf'rfo-
By Ertta Haley .
Keep Posted on Value, By Reading the Ads
Fun to Wear
Handl.,. like • • 1l1J budc.
SEWING CIRCLE PATTE;RN DElPT. ASCI Soallo W~II. III .. ChI •• , . 7, DI. Enclos. 2!1 ceQ,1Ii In coll1a for .ach
SCRIPTURE : AmOI. «.speclallY 2:~ 7-7- 15: 8: 1-31. DEVO'rfONAL REI\DING: Paalm 42: 1-8.
pnltern desired.
• ..... ... ... Sill......... .
Rugged Prophet Lesson for AprU 18, 1950 MAKE the mistake of DON'T thinking tha t the "minor"
prophets of the Old Testament were less bnPortant than the "majors." The 12 men whose writings end our Old TestameQt 'are In no wa:)' less Important thim Isaia h, Jeremiab or .Ezekiel. They are called "minor" only because their writings cover fcwcr pa ges. First -!.n point of time c ame Amos.
/1J/' On eledrlc fens, lewn mowe;,
roller skate,3-IN-ONE Oil
Rnnch-Ihlnd. Preacher . MOS WAS NO city preacher, In fact not a p,reacher at all . He would not even call himself a prOPhet. He was II ranch-hand trom and Daughter the back country, more like what we would oall a hl~ed hand than ADO RABLE, cool looldng pina· a former on his fores in the popular mother The wispy hairs In the neckown. He had no. and 'daughter faShion. Each but· line lectlon which u~ed to be presitge. no backton s down the back, has tiny covered with long page-boy Ing, no social ·or I shoulder rumes and ample pockboh~ or nowlng eurJs have beoUieial pOSition. no ets. Trim with colorful ric rac. come a p~oblem with IIhort money. no h I g h • balr styles, UnleilS tbese little education, no naP ll ltern No. K571 1& D aew·rtle urrf~ ends curl into the tIne of tbe tional rePutation, in coiffure, and stay there. they tact none of the ' can spoil the loveliest balr-dCl. Largl~ things that make lIf1dJrct.-sizcd spin curlers whlcb : us "take notice" 01 come with hflme permtlnept n strange speaker. Dr. Foreman have been speolally de~ l~ed He had no lecture bureau, had no for tbe whplellt short hal~. IUllcheon-club, he could not even Wre a hall. solve &be problem. But tbe Lord· bad s poken to him and be knew U. ~Ie ~I poured through the ha ir: RInse d etermincd that the wealthy hair In clear warm water. people who c rowded tbe tem- . This type of rinse sMtens the Jlle yard In Betb el sbould henr hair. B fact which you will apprehim. No doubt tbe mere 81J~bt ciate if living In a hard w~ter of tbe maD wo·uld aUract .ttenarea, and belps get out all the 'Io·n.. In hili rough working soap. Your own natural hair color clotbes he would look as ouwfwill gleam and shine since there place In 'hat well-poUsbed Is no mineral '.fUm dulllnil the highcrowd as a ' huckleberry Ia a lights. It also helps elimina te the po of milt, , tangles and snarls' which so often cause you to tear the hair and As his voice, tratned 'In the wide Paint Gay Garden Flowers give you unruly lines with which open spaces, rang out over the S.l,l&' bllir lIy/. • • • , . crowd, a lew people may have LARGE FLOWER designs for to cope while dresslnll the balr. ]augbed at first. · But a circle of recupboard d a 0 r s . gracetul ful about It~ Though ·you may bave Bow to Rave 8acces. spectful silence would g row borders and small motifs are easy an attractive style and good per- In Borne Penn.nenb. around him. Indeed they liked what to paint with pattern 285_ The Pick a day and time of day when' manent, don' t neglect the dally be said. at first. designs may be traced and .used brushing and shaping to the head you're not ico tired to live the . • 0 0 in many different ways. Color which will train the bair to fall In permanent adequate time and st,uide 'and directions ·are included. tentlon. If you fee] you need help, Roll-Call of Doomsday, exactly right places. pn. or oaltern 28S sa Ilk. Sead ordet , t be aertaln your helper will be os OR three ' transgress~ons of to tWOR1tSDOP PATTERN "~RVICEl Brush Ball' Oan,. tree from other cares and taskl/, Damascu~, yea for four . • , . Dr.... r 10 For Bellt Re~1U1t1l just as you. • I will not turn aw.ay the punishB ••• BIIII, N.o:oo h;k, Hair will not get exercise unless Give yoursell the pre-permanent ment thereol," he began .. Damasyou put forth the effort. The scalp needs stimulation, and you must shampoo. Use no rinse except cus was capital of Syria, for genprovide thl.& wJth brushlng . 1t y,ou warm water on the hair before the erations .their country's bitter and 'alJ too successful enemy. So when want the tresscs to have vitality permanenf:-Follow directions tor b]ocklng Amos predicted a crash for Syria, and glow .. Besides, onc~ you get Into a dally brushlng habit. you the hair ·and making the curls, so you may imagine the appiause they aren't just scattered hit and , would be loud. won't give it up readily. Then, one alter another , as Amos A good plan includes a five min- miss over tbe head. The resulting points his finger east. norih, south, ute brushing in the morning, and wave w:ill look more pro! ssionnl the lightning of God's curse is then 10 !1linules in the evening. when the hair is properly blacked . called down on enemy alter enemy Watch the timing of the wave Use a natural bristle brush of medcarefull y. If you try to hurry the of. the nation of Israel. Fire. hur. stiffness for ' best effeots., wave, ' the hair may be curly rlcane', dcfeat and disaster are loreWhen you get rhythmic strokes throu gh the first shampoo or two. told for every ope, ' Into brushing, this little beauty but then waves re'l ax and you may • • • . rout ine goes along rapidly. Direct not feel you're getting enough good Too Clo's e Home the movement up and out from the from the permanent. EVERYTHING Amos had said scalp. A 'little hall twist of the Give the neutralizer plenty of was true, and 'came true; every wrist as you complete each stroke time and opportunity to do its work natlon whose downfaU he predicted helps carry the brush to the very since this Is the chemical which collapsed just as he said it would. tip ends of the hair. makes the permanent wave. But that was. not the main reason It's an advantage to use your The shorter the hair. the longer he had tramped all the way" to brusQ, too, for smoothing, . thus the wave wlll last. Y:f you have Bethel. He had some things 'to say letting you help .train the hair Into very heavy holr. It's a good Inea to the very people' before him, ~t+jQ..:hJ~LI:Lli1t'~rl?WI~tn~d so th omething about themselvcs Dnd weight of hair does not pun their own country. So w"en he had hi~ audience In the palm of his down the eurls. Proper brushing. IIhampoolng and hand: just · as they were gloating other dally grooming will help you OV6r the terrible fste 01 ' the nakeep th.e wave looking nice for a tions they hated , Amos dropped his . , bomb on their complacent heads. long time. "Thu!I saltit " he Lord: For Select StytH That FI.,tter YODr Faee three transgressIons of ISThe current trend Is toward RAEL, yea for four, I will not turn away the . punlshme"t slightly longer. more curled hair. thereof." The rolkall of doomsThe halrdresses for Spring. howd.y Includes every sInful n.ever, . will be sleek. whether long "on. God b.s no pets; he piays or short. MOlt of the lon, balr wlU no favorik:s. ,HII laws are the be molded to tbe head with flat, aame for aU men. N.turally. forward turning curls. . Shor\ ,tyles are more ..fluffy with IIIraelltes could well believe that God h~ted the 'los of , M&ordi"., 10 /MiM &olfloln's. high curle, waved bangs or aU over their enemies. But tbelr ownT cur] arrangements. In high fashThat "'•• a dJfferellt story. th.e pattern of :rour coiffure. If Ion styles, the back of the head Is there is any stiffness present In slde.swirled. leavIng a flat look Amos plunged from being the the hair after it has been sham· with no curls. The front Is then re- most , popular sidewalk preacher pooed and let, brush out the curb Ueved with flat curls or deep of his day to being the best·hated . , man in Israel. In fact. because he before yau readjust them with • waves. \ comb. In this way you help the You may feel that some experl. dared to name the king liS sinner ' hair look more .natural. mentation Is necessary 'before you nUmber one. he 'was accused of can actuaUy decide on s hair style. treason, a capital crime in any Shampoo Bair Do this with eomb and brush when country.· MeD Necell"..,. There's no hard and fast rule as your hair ts durIn, one of ita ealllly - • to when the hair must be sham- managed days. Then, when It's time "One Man With God pooed. It the hair is oily, if It t. to cut and Ihape the ' halr. you'U Is. Majority" exposed to dirt. it'lme, soot, etc., have some Idea of what It'l to look AMOS WROTE OUT hla proph. tt will probably need more fre- llke, ecies at some later time Bnd Quent .hampoos. Beauty experts For the fu]] round face, sweep they have tieen handed down to ,ay the I?est rule to foUow is to the hair upwards In a soft bunch us. with all their fire and force, wash the hair when It nee(ll it. of curls to lenathen the features. In the book tha t beara his nalnl!. With 10 many good shampoo" and Long, narrow faces can be short~ We lIban see In later lessonl rinsel 011 the market. 'you don't ened with ban,l and .omewhat flu{- ' 80me of his ,re.' mesurea. bave to walt for a barrel full of fy side treatments, . What .....d. ont here II thll: rainwater to bave the eSlential Heart-sh.ped fa.cel eaR wear Trutb Is somellme. popular, Ihampool ' balr in aln10lt any Ityle. but Iince itometimes not, but the IIv1Dr Start the shampoo .with a warm thl. type of race fa rare, YOU may llUWer 0' '4raUi .... not;blnl to water rinse. TIP. removes the .ur- have to relort to trlca for the d• . wUb tile .Dambl!r of people laee dirt .nd make. It ealler to other type. of fa eeL wile beHeve n. or· wbether It I. .pread the Ihampoo tbrou,h the Have the h.1r 1t3'le m.teh both or wltb tile prel"r. bair, Two IIIclaing. are usuan,. your .,e .nd 10ur fllUTe. The rna· .. tile ma. wIIo PI'IICIabnI It. enoulb to ele.n the hair weu, but ture woman who leeta to be poised U It Is God'. truth. It wlll ltv. three aN neee....., if the balr fa and well Il'oomed wW have UttJe. even U the 0017 man "hel believes t ace•• lvabo1l7. or .hould bave UWe to do with It fa bani.Iied, as AlDOl "ae. to the U 10U have DOt tried a creme OuffJ rinllN fb'In, aU about her Illent wildeme... ,rInH for &be after . .Ib~ bead. B7 lbe .ama token. no teen- I 'ICo rl&bl 1!7 Ibe Inlehilu.taJ eouaan ... ,lIN'D be deIllbted with feild&., A IbouJd leek after lbe lleek. ~l Rltt'II0U8 Bdueatloll Oft 1Mb.., Df 40IIIUlII aJIlOIIDt or tile preparauaa Is llClieo.Wbaed u-e- ~at would . . ..:;~,IItlDatioas. Ret..... ...
• •
'l. ~
/wAflg{MAttOw~U~1 Oook together In grcruItld 1• over bot water .' •• 2 • boo,yi, poW' ••• V. 5 cup KollolIlI·. to
(UP butter
Yt lb. morshmaUa_ (about 2!h do •. ' When 8yrupY, 'add RDd baut in ' ... Yt loalpoo" vanilla.
Ric. I(rlipioo.
Add marshmallow
miduro, got 24 piooea from 9· It 13· plln. Evea icidacan make'eml
Flower' Designs Ar,e Fun, Easy to Paint
Smoother Perfol'lllance-Dauble Ufe and 'Greater Gas Savings· a.jo, tb_ lpeelal ••Vllllla... . . ' npladq ",orn~ul QuI< ,Iu~ willi aew ...1.....' Aal.. Ula Rulslor s ....... Pla~. neweat ••dlll_ 10 Ihe ~om,lete lin. of repln. tnMDOrlo aviation, marla. an' modelopadt pi... ",IUoIi
ED&laeere4 b, Auto-Ula. ·Cut-away view th. 10.aoo ohm .....10. which . ... nnll1 wl~r Initial vop · ..ttlnga "nd ""kef advantages posalbl•• Doublo life omdor """"I condltiOnl ~ _po .... willi no....w...... ,pork, "'_.
..... will WUID
1,!l'!J~,J I.~ 011
~otl~.• r.'1
I., ~ Chafllplons fo,' Mileag. . Made .... Exclusive FIrestone Plu.~lIeag.
I .
Tnl. Rubber~
• Champions for Safety . . 8ullt· wl'lI' Saftl.L'ck Ga.. DI.,.. Cor. Protect 'Aillns' 81o"ou...
Bo., '0
• Champions for tJlon-Slcid Ntwl....................
.............15...".... lagl... Gin bini , .......
Aprl113, 1950
ICalQ bUa hed G rooer y' olld . Monts. Chol ... loca\lon f well s locked. f:l9 t ~rnovln" m er .. crb a n d lse, good lunures an d equ ipment ; an,! win e licenses; a~k 5 12,750. C onJ. T hamaa Re ba " , R ea ltor
Hlddl e lowo t Oblo , Phone :!~K6S .
We're in like kids about
RE~ 1 9TE Il E b G . e ' HOCF buill aired b y Francheste r Roya l A ce. 13000 : " n d Ster .inlold Cou r teous King IDOOO : out of Cl O W S w ith A . R . reoor ds . ReBso nBblY pric ed . B~ er .· GaerluoY,F .Arm B, :!HOU N. CR ~u", d ,.
Rd .,
Clalambu. . Ohi o.
Pbon e
J F:'22:~4.
No creamlni, no egg-beating - OM eaay mtx1ng th1a Kellon -qulck wa:t.
1 cup K.llogg'. AII· B,an
Sure IV ny . Kh , Ins t ru ctions. P il ls .
Ing . oda
'I. t.o. poon 1011 'I. <up . ugar
Syrln.:e 51.50 . ~r etnle r . "ouUt' y l ' r odG c ' liI . 1142 U. B. m d , . , Day t on, 011 ' 0. _ _ _ LO O HI LO O KIL OOI{! J us t A M i nut e It Tool! A PRESS OF TME '! 'UU M B li'rom Dollie K e l chup D ocs Com e . S e nd $1 to r O l ~ penscr. ~I All lJA L 1, JO UNS O N
1 cup .If•• d flau, " 1 19111
'/4 cup .0"
S tir on ly until combined .
- ----:':-:l-=O OO.UOII.OO- CO N "T'E = S= T - -- D . I\.V . SE ItV I OE FO UNlIAT IO N So YOU cnn en ter [ o f for t he o nly 38 au th en t Ic l Ul .. ln words to Jtl' t scores tr o ln
B ake in rnoder aLely hot oven (400°F .) about 25 mln. Makes 12
' 3~()
t asty muJllnB.
M. E . Bu vol e I M1 E . 82nd S t .. C ' .,,' n n d , O b i.
amtriea'i mastl_
Pimploll: For t~e n~nJ.lc plln olcs or b od complexion ca use d by t n cio l bl e mishes 0 < o cn. . !fancy bllC k Kun r. $1 .00 po.. B rl.le. Pbnrmfl GAI Co., l\14 ti oon , IIIIn ol8, GRE ~ l1a l. Rcltored 10 Na t ura l Color. Not n dlt~' Cll eck.s d Ol nd r u tr. lnex ponshe f~~&~<W, ~~.,~l~,k'tl~ ';b°u"r,:.eJ~, .;,e nd $ 1.00
_ ••1 lor di ets .1 hlsuttlclent bulk-
DUI natural I UIII ••
try • lIowll..
To Women With Nagging Backache
5"OR 81d e 01' ReD t ! On e C roccty s tore n nd Clllc l u Uy equ ip. ; !lv lnll 9"u:. rtor. In c !. : Dos I UJI ... e tl l!lmere , ~ I a .
AI ... pt older, _ aDd eI.TaJ... aertloD, uce.ive Imoki nc Dr elJH*UiI to
FEllt NN" IA L ijPE(J I A L M ixed Chrysanthem um. CiJa ldo n
E n g lis h Kor.a u s p oo n-S l .~() II Fall AlI teu M I.hoelm ns Da lAy
eGld aometl m.. 110... do.... kid Der fun.,. . tI.... Thla may lead mau" folloo to oom· plain or 'baWDI backachl , 1_ of !lOP am .. auu. budach... ed dlulm... OettIJIll ap ....bla or rraqUeDt 11&11&,... mar ...w, rrom mlo.Of bladd. r Irrltatlo.. .. due to 00111. dampo._ or dI. t&rl' IDd l..... tlona. lJ "our d tl.oomIorU are duo to th_ ea_ don't "alt, V)" Doaa'. PU'" a mild diuretic. UIIId ouc _full" b" mlllloDi fa, on' 60 yaa ... Wbll. theM oymplomo mq often other..t.. occur. It'. am.etol hoW' many ti m.. DO&ll'. h . ppy rell.[~ bolp ~b. 16 mil.. of Iddn.,. tub.. . nd rut.eno II""" out ....ta. Oat Doaa·. Pm. today'
II1lx ~d-
il. lO
• V eronicas Corler In ke-St. 1A II Hutn L l1lcs-SI.OS II G \1lu rdlas-$1.05
P ion'" s h ipp ed at p<ope, pla nlln g time Ko rn e. F lowerln, AOTea Nu r se ry 130 Ge n ~ v" . O b i. • 'TItA W\lE I& ",~ l'LANTS. Incl udi ng R ed S t e~ 1 ~e.l. l nnl vorleUes . R ed . blo ck "'I pb.r r y. blackberry. Bo~.e nb~r ry . blu • • b erry. g ooReberry pl a nts. ,-u r ronls . grtl p ('~ vin es, D.p a raguB, rhub:l r b. F rul l t re e •. liDS
\Vhu~ h el ' ~ r .
O .. ,'a Z a n1 t r , C llDlll
MiAN I't lMAT'
.. 'RlClIlY A.WOAYf NO". AMnlf tw ./lII.VV ,.,••
Oh io.
la d,. r oll ned . SOU le d de. lre. hou sekC C~lng for a wJdo\Ycr o r emplo.v cd
. 1 r i o Eaer,
JtrJnee&ol'l. K y .
R E AL E STATE -BUS, P R OP. pl:U'Ucul nr~:
.. Fm greased muffin pan :r.. fulL
Wh ich Is hlghcs t. I .how th e ~el:' n~;nr:~~hFi~{g r9':0~~~~~oo~. us ed
. hort. nlng
1. Combine All-Br an. milk and ban anas tn mixing bowl. :z.. S i ft flour, bakIng powder. soda. and salt toget her In to same bowL Add sugar , egg and shortening.
Box u'n. Fn loo n tt r. N. \' .
'323 10
% laa spODn bel...
cup milk • .1 <up ma.h.d,
l"o .. lI ry, 5 " ,.,.
t rial
2 I.a' poonl bo'" ' lnil powdar
S t •.
P'lanning for the Future? Buy U.S~ Savings Bonds!
Makes The Difference
Thouss nds o f mod e rn m e n aDd women in all pa rt.!!· of Amer ica have t urned to N aturo's Remedy, PH'I'ablets for dependable, y e t gent le relier. wheD a laxat ive is needed. They kn ow t hat t he a U- vegetaJ;:!Je idea is so right. T hey lind ' an PH a t night produces t h orough morning regularity wit h DO p erturbing effects. It'. 80 k.i nd to t he system . , Tr,Y PH at oW' espense. 25 tablets only 26c. B~y a bOl< a t aD)' dn.B ltore. Try t hem. U not completely IIBtiafied. retum
box with untilled tablots Co ua. We will fefuad YOIU moaey plua poetap.
65 66 '7
68 69 70 71 72· · ·
C3vllllM · · ..
·.CLABBER GIRL The 1l1I/,'III:! /'rill'/er with The /tIJ/IITl1 ('II Double AcHon •
MAKES FALSE TEETH· FIT . for the life of your plates If )'Out plates are loo.e aDd d ip or hurr relit 'hem for iDllaD!, perm'Deal comfa" w id..ofc Brimm. PJu d · uDer luip... La~ . uip oa up_ OdO"U~I." •.• bi.. aad i. mold. H .....u.. ",f'ri. aD ole . rubbe, ~ Ilet. BrimDu Pbti·UIIU ai""s. _ulh froID .Is Dlallw to • fe&l' or 10D_. BDda (arnu me........ hochu of I.m~..,. ·8pUadoD..... I ..... f - bolll'l Dfde,... SIr.
o''''''"',fiI'''''' ..
'bs . ,S 10w N
. '1
!n=,·.~&:.Y~r!J:"'i:'~m?o:'~ UDda 0 \N1O~. ~ oyer elM CIOIUIIIJ _ ... ..IIIlBriJiall P1ud·u...
T.._._ <!4od-.1IMmJeM ,.,0 -_fOV
t.y . . . . . . . n.......... ~...... wia...... f!>
pla_CUbe~ .. "'clJncrIoD.. U.....
• art
"N_ , _ .., ••~., 1If••"
.r--J:;' _1IMi to. - ... p\uIt;'l.2J fDf..... AI_draa_
If"Wllll l l l ll l l l lm l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ll1 I I Iml l l lil l l l l l l il i j,il lijl!li I IlIl IDilf ili l l l l l l1l 1 I 1 1 1Ii1l1 !1! I1!I!WI! I !' ll I l l l ll llI lIl lI l l lI ml l 1l l l l l l l l l lI l l l l l l il I ~l l l l I lrl
~ ~
Qosed on Tuesday and Wednesday !iii SAT. SHOWS: 6 P.M. SUNDAY: 2:30 P.M. ~ M0NDAY nmu FRIDAY - 7 P.M. ~
AlJio : Pete 'Smith 8hort
!LUMBER - All klnde,in all len· --T-ry'"""':"G-az-'-e-tt-e-C-la-81'-il-ie-d-A-d , ths • nd wldtlls , Kiln dr,l ed. = '·Rellsonnble prices . All orders, = 'large lor small wll\ be cleJlver~d . - Hog 1;£OUS08 ACY LAMB. Phone DEAD STOCK WANTED Wa.y nosvlile 2701 , HORSES $2.50 COWS $2_50 HO'G S .25 ,CWT }I' OR SALE-Modol T COUpe; 1925. Also Sheep, C"lvea. Colt., et: , hew tll'es and tubes ' $60.00_ TwoRomoved Dalty ~Mel tro ller. Phone 2694. CALL COLLECT X-4.6·]3
:~h~:o.lri;:::"·CI~: t~~:;:
= ' !::E!
J"rom Ttlll
_ = =
AlIIO : MOM Cartoon an4 Wamer New.
F'ARMS WlA NT11ll>---'1 hove buy·
Ijrs for 11 sizes or farm s. uone' loo sm~\I1 0 too la rge. You hlwe trIed tile rest. now try· the .best. For refer ence !18k 8OJDeone who has ,denlt with me. If you really want to Mil . oontllct Ben E. Cline. Broker Spring Vnlley Phone 36881 . 4-6·]3-20-27-5-~ -11 t:.AltDENS PI"owr.:n - Waynefl' vi ll e 21 r.. 0<'118 Ol"lIhor . 4-6· 13- 20
FO'UND-Bla ck kid !>Iovel'.may hvae ))y Identltyln'g IIlupe lind , pilylr.g (or th l8 ad, Miami Gaze tte offl:ce.
. a........ featins:
F'OR SALE - Saby scales. pIny I pelJl nnd pnd; hi-chair pAd .. boWe ' warmer to be used In car. large 91 z l~ SlIver lone radio, 1\11 In . per, red con dition, II Iso pleel' of Un· , ole'urn , Mrs. R. H. Klier. Third strl!et. Call 2491. X-4- 1S·20·27
&OOcl newt! It I1J1t loota worn
lhabb,.t Sad it to us - w.'U reltore tIIat trim, ~ Iooll. mu. It look 1IU awl
ill' No " ruthl
.,. No _VIII .,. No mbins'
.nd Dra""lol:tCiIl"~
Jell' ..... ..11'.....
......, ,lie • _ _ Ie ,.'" ,olfttlll' IIK.!-"''' i,.,.,+1ItNM1 Is .., "ualll' ....... tltol I~'ll
CI famous name 'n the paint bUline'l for
us.. ..... .... t .......... ,.. . . . I..,.,.IY .a·
,,,.., "... ,lie _-~, , . ...... ~
~.'IIII" Ivr .....-,..... -
ov.r 50 yean ,
It .......
FOR SALE-Fresh row, rltst aU.
ILLBRONZE ·"--11......... ...,
\-G,a d. WayneaVl11e. _
Try Gazette Clauilied Ad
line ,
FOR SALE-Double Simmons mattrelll and ,apriup. new. Mr!!. C. E. , MacInniS, Sc'otcJt. Acres. Route 1. Wa,y nesvllle. X-4-13·20-27
•• •~ •• _ .... .
J, -
rei. '2 345 ,, ~c'
, . ...
", '
Lebanon N.F.L.A.
$1.29 ~aI.
..... ....
PI:fP'NIl \yAYN,.. 114'
·Sec 'y · T rolls.
Phone 2541
_ 1 __ ,.. _. __
Communities Am EquipPed To Do
HIGH GRADE SHOE ,~EPAIRING Our Work" ~ You ;ric.. ' Realo~ble
, Phone CenterviUe· 7417
-------- -----
Especially . .For Farms .FOR QUICK SALE CALL·
I~t. 48, 5
SQuth of
Phone 2476
, Live J Wire and ' Proll,l'ellive. An organisation second to none. Strtctiy lIenljra 011 tho beat aU· arouild market the country. SER.VICE THAT SATISFIES 'Fo'I' 'Dally Market Repott.: , WHIQ DaitC)n. i2:60 Fl.B.T. Dial IMO: WLW CinCinnati, 1240. ,Dial 700. .
PHONE Ceaterville 70M d_
1!1111!1!lllliIll~lIlll1lml!ll 111I11II111I111II1II11I11111111I11I11II1II~1I!1I1I1111I1111111111111111111111111111I1111 11111~
ITUDENT8 HOLD' - \ ea.clr ot JOIID Gomber . ~OU.ND.:rABLit DISCUSSION of J4tchfield. and ' Setb' Hoak. of :'COLUMBUS, 0 .. April 12-Four W~e. All are seniors In membertl of tile Rilnil Home Eco- aplcullt1l~alecoaomlc. except Gom· ~mlc& Ciub at th~ oltlo 8ta~ tim. Is a :JUllior. .A. slmllar Yenlty we~e sJudeat On • dlBcuBslon with memo ro1qlcJ:tabJe cIJ. cUlslpn' l~ by Ma,~ tor ~~, "racI1o .farm ,edItor, at noon .Aprll 7. oyer the. unlver--~ : .-alty'. ,taUoa. WDSU: The group HOLO MEETING , dIRUIe4 ,D&tlcmal farJll Pollct• .lD Warae TOWJllblp Boud oC nlaUOa t~ · pcitatoea. will meet Baturcl&)". April Thciae partlelpat'olr ~ere~ t:do P. 11". at til.. TOwn.blp SobafeI:._ o£ ",. . .towIlj W.n'8Illt. . . ._, 1Il W.,...YIIIf•
• • • • • - . -· .. ..IIIAiIIIRl-
N~' job
FOI' l H.P. ~ Available in 2 and 3 H.P. FREE .DEMONSTRATION
F~urth St/ . ~A:V~ESVlLLE" OHIO
at . 132~OO
" Pric:ea Start
Charles R. Thompson G~O~'.B. 'BLANpFORD
E:a~ cheel'fullY, giv.en. • ,
Phone 448
, C • .B.M.IAFFIE _ _ _ IIIIIi ... ,.. _ _ .
too ~i8' or too small.
33 Y~ !US
Refinancina-. Buyine. 1m -roving
. TRACflNG, KITCHEN·· ~~ELING.. etc.
·D0 1T
Farm Time-Up
aDd FREE '
includes aU types of REMODEl.NG, NEW HOME CON·
Wayn~~YII,e" Ohio
ORGANIZATION To Fit the Income of Your
Alao 'D iabetic Carmed Fruits
"If It'. To ~ Made of 'W~, We'll B~d It." Service
Also;UhikoIChiok.S tUt...
--------------- -------~ ----------------------
1-'..8UILDIN:G? CHICKS :;:)·:·:,.·'0CHARLEs R. MEHAFFiE :n~ clevotinc ' f':'U ti.m~
2,3 and 4 'Week Old White ~ocka an,'New Hampshire.
WaYne-ville and Corwin
Rout 48 North ,of Route 73 Phone Centerville 7058
Immediate Delivery Hatches Monday ~nd Thursday
-;' i-;;;_ . ~ . _ . _ n _
san through me wltb the assurance tha~ your financial troubles wUl be protected by a regular d!poslt 10 your IIIIV. Ings account at:
.- .F-:._._t.,."",",._.•.•. f REMO'DELING
f;'ROTECT.ON ~ • •• •
Try Cazette Clauilied Ad W"AN'I'ED-Carpenter work by ex· --fI!IIII---~-~' perlenced carpenter. : All types 0 ,( _ _ _...:.:.._ _ _-'--_ _ _ lW~rk, new and rePILtr, aiao ' block. - - -......- . ....-_._.~IHII._~_RII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' brick. Cement work. Leonard Peters IR R. I, Wayn esville, Ohio. '- ~ ... - ,. X....:.....13-20-27 NEW HOUSE can pure hog New Four Room Bouse - Two ]2c per pound. See W. E. Acres ' ot Grou~d""'Near O~egOnl~ IO'JIIAnl,on' or may be seen at Loc1te~ - Vacant - Possession - Priced X--4-11! .Very Reasonable.
BodsOD Bat~.'ry
Try Gazette Classified Ad
1 ','
males, 2 feinales.Ed,\-in Rur[nce, WJ\ynesvLlle, Ohio. Phone 2917. X-4- 13-2 0-~7
Wiyminalon 2362 Lebanon 439
FO'R SA T..E ' :"'" Beagle puppies. A. ' K. C. registered. S months old . •2
.,. No .....' .,. J.... p.... tha
Ilk• •
The W. C. 'P. U. mel.'tllllt will be ,held A.t t be Melbodlst l'htlt"ch In sten d of nt 1111' hom p or MI"R. Adra Drotldock. F'rlds}' lirt rnooll li t 2 o·c1ock. EverybOdy hw II C\d.
' ;;;
.EIDoto~-St1rrln~ urama
Chapter :I LOST JllNGLE Aleo: 0-1 Ct.rtoon
IAVely modllrn Two'bcdroom white frame home. Ilot wnler heal. R:ATE8: One pel' word, AIBo large .. nohmen window s, garage Sbrub" nnd trees ~u bac k, minimum charg., 211 oenlL Large lot. b Rntirnlly 10COJod Priced Ilt $8750 . Three room well construct ed d_IY_"_oo_n_._ _ _ _ _ __ cement block hou~ . out bui ldlngs, 2 Kcres on Higbway 741 S. WARREN BRADDOCK ot SpI'lngbor;' Gonel Loan vnln TOI" ~ Soli, Hal1llDl', 8an4. Gravel PrIced lit $49(10 Eixcavatlng With Back Hoe, Il eM! Henlltlfnl Dro.go-llne and Bulldozer Hom e WaynesvIDe. Ohto Call :. Phone: Waynelvllie 2191 DONNIS PHELPS . Heprpslmlltlve RUN GRAVEL- ·I,oaile'], RUSSEL HORN nt DavIs Furnas PIt, 50 cent. REAI.:rOR cubic YBrct We allo deliver. ARK· Franklin ]lollI-a 2 Phone 964Wl TJ~GE & SON. Phone 2091. U
You'lI Walk. Away FeeliD:g
... Deat ,Strle Battlel
addifieJ Acb
i 'a s
'rIM HOLT In H' -
Your ....vorltell , ABBOTT and C09TIDLLO Go , Welt In
A. Tret.t ~aln -
THURSDAY, AlPRII. 11" F) .lio
,Annitage &son
~=:;;============::::======:;. '.
Vote If
• DlI
About Town
,11'11', :ll1d :\11's, Gil berl Frye open' NOTICE TO ALL cd their "(iDle 011 'Thlll'Rday to tho Way lIe TowlIs hip I'armers Glub We w.11I have ta call attention for theil" rogular monthly meeting. to the fOlict that we must' make 'a A Illrge grolll) of members, wllh Tuesday Noon deadline an' all readtbelr famUles, and the following Ino, matter" ~!~ause of the lack. of ,l:lIests, MI'8'. A. Z. Hartsock, n ev- help, so your paper can be, pube rend and Mrs. 'R. B , Coleman, Mr, lished on Thul'lday, as it Ie sUP'1 n nd ,Mrs, H. R. MoslI and Mr, and pOled to be. Your cooperation In Mrs~ i), F. Earnhart enjoYed a. de· this matter Will b. Ilreatly apprac · liclous, baked bam dlnn'er sCI'ved lalnd. Any matter 1'.celved after Ilt tables whIch were Illtrllctlvely the deadline will be pubilihed or armnged with baskets at bloom- left out at the Editor', dllcretlon, IlIg pansy plants. The busIness sessIon Wfill con. <lIIQtod b~ t1l~ preslden.t , Mr. ROBcoe CARD PARTY l'ul'nas I1ntl the speclnl topIC of Friday evening, April 28 at the a fternoo~, "How to M a k e 8:00 1>. Moo , the St, MaryB Club Frlenda" was ably dlocullsed by will. Bponsor a card party at St. II'S. John: Settlemyre. Hel' papel> Marys Parish Houss. EveryoDe Is was very Interesting and nnyone welcome and you may play bridge, , could follow Bome of Ihe sugges· canaBla or five hllndred. Tllble llona giVen. ,. prlzeB and door prlzl!II will I)e , Mrs, A. Z; Ha~tsock WRS Intra'. awarded. Rerreabmentl, will be (Iucot) as the guest Kpeak I' and II n'od . Come :\1\(1 brh rg yoTir gnve [t. Une revlQw' of b el' tr'lI) tc frler;ds.', Admission IA 50c per oGormany and t he many places sh:!! person. 20-27 -vIsited while tb~re: Few people hnve the, oPPol'tunlty nf maklr,~ ENTERTAINS AT :this 1rip and eVeryone gl'emly en BIRTImAY PARTY. joys bel' s\,ory of Adventure. Mrs, Susie Evans entertained at Alter a very pleasllnt and tn' terest1ng day tbe clnb adJoUl'nel1 a birthday party at the home of to meet In May. \her son l.1 r. lind Mrs. Colenllui 111', and , Mrs, Job.o RDry Hage' 'Morgan In' DaylOn on TlleRday, for meyer are Clujoyln g a boneymolln M~ Annahelle nora nnd Mrs, Others who en· in Florida. following tbelr ma)'rlage F1osl\lte Car~ , In Richmond, Indiana 011 Sntur<lay, joyed the occasion ,weQl Mro, Rob· MI'II, a~gemeyer, duug-iller of el't FurnaS, Mrll. HarrIet Mc(lI~lDls :Mr. and l\lJ:ij. John lIall, lind Mr. and MillS Lucy Einrey. Hagemeyer, SOn. of Mr. and M r s l - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cbarles Hag meyer, were attended LEGAL NOnCE by Ml'. and Mrl\, Will m 'oades, slllNOTICE TO CONTRACTORS tel' and hrothel'"ln-Jaw of the SIJ' ATE OF OHIO bride, Tho brldo wore for 'bel' ~EPA RTM.EN!l' OF mOHWA-\'S IIIlll'l"lage. nA attractive Columbull, 0&'10, April 1&, ]9 0 _ .willi ~ blpe UNIT PRIOE CONTRAC ber attendant cbose Q wJth leopal'd 1rtm. Illach Sealed proposals will be received mented their costumes wIth ca.r· at the offlee of 'ijle State Hlgbway ,sagcs, a pink rose nnd a recl ca~ DIrector , of Ohio, at OolumbulI, ,natton . ' ' Ohio. untl110:00 A, M_, Ohio St~They returned to the' b'o me Time, Tuesday, May 9, 1960, ttb groom's brother and slster-In- for improvements In: llaw, Mr. and Mrs. James Hage- Proposala NOB, 1 to 8 Inclusive :meyer in. Kings l..fllls where forty are offered aa one project and wlll Jl'rlendll nOll relatives were enter- bn awarded as one conl rtlct. tabted tor 8 reeeption clurlng the PROPOSAL No, 1 evenJng. Warren County Ohio. on Sectlonll A:. beautlfll three-tiered wo'ddlng 0,00, O,~4 IUld 6,90, State Roule No. alte was served with Ice cream 63, In (furtle Oreek 'J'ownsblp, by 10 the guestsl ' applylng a bituminous lrelltmenl, Mrs. Hagemeyer, tbe ' former Items T-,3~ and T-32. AlIce Jeanette Hall, Is a graduate Pavement: WIdth 18 feet, Length oC Waynesville H)gb School. The 29, 32 feet 01' 5.66 miles, groom also is a graduate of PU.OPOSAL NO.2 WIwr..e~vl ll e .HIgh School and IB Warren County, Ohio, on Section qmplyed lit the Oregonia Bridge Works. Upon their return tbey 7.39 S\.ate Route No. 122, In Clear wl11 resIde at the home of Mr, Creek and Wayu'e Townships, by Hagemeyer's parents where they ap!lylng a bitum~nou8 treatment, have, their , apartment rcady for Items T-30 a.nd T·32 , Pavement: Width 16 feet, Length 'OCC~P8I\CY, ' ' , The bl'lde was recently honored 20,750.4 feet or ,3;93, mllell. with , a lovely 6rldn,l sh'o wer given PROPOSAL No. 3 by . Mrs. Rlllph Wbeeler at her WaJ1l'cn County, Ohl':', on Sectlons :home. 1,&7, 3,69 (pl,), and (8,03 Butlerr MI', and MrR, RttYlpond ConDer ,'lIIe), State Route No. 132, In Har· are nnr.ounclng thf' engagement Ian fl'ownshlp, by applying a bilUg[ a(lProo.chlng marrIage of tbelr tuminous treatme nt, 'Items T·SO daughter, MIsS! Sarah Edltb Con-' and T-32, "nel' to Mr, Everott Dha,steen, Ion of Mr. amI Mrs. Hany Challteen, , Pavement : Wldtb 18 feet. Lengtb Fran~lJn . Miss Conner, a grad, 15.417.6 feet. Width 19 feet, Length 2.966,8 , U. uate of Wa,YncllvlJlo High' Sohool, Total Length 18,lI74,f feet or car.'I1 Mrl Chalteen, a graduate of . Frail.klln: Hlgh" are both etpployetl 3.48 miles. ' ,Proposals NOB , 1 ,to ' S inclusive ' jn the oftlce at the of this projecl to tie completed not ;Corporation, . thrin August 15, l~&O. M.r. and MrS', Fred Hook had 8S 'The mlntmum wage to be paUl lSunelay afternoon callots, Mt, and MrIt, Fred Ames alld cblldren of to all labor employed on tbls contract IIball be , In: accolodsnce WiUl , :Ila.rUnavllle, and 1\lrs, Ollbert Frye and tbe "Bchedule ot Prevailing HourI, SOt.1!, Mr. and Mrs. ,. John Settle- Wage ' Batell Allcertalnlid and Demoyer and cblldren imd Mr. and termlnetl by The Department 6f 111Mn. lI'Nak; Swartzel were Sunday dUBtltial Re\aUons applicable , to cllnner gneata of Mr. and Mn. Ted State HIPw&y Department 1m· M,'lntlre alld children near New lll'OVemeDta In accordance with Bectiona 17-3 IN, 17·4a, 17·6 and BurllJlgtOa!. Mr. and ),fn. Fred Hook will 17·58; of the Olllleral Code of Oblo," Ql!letly observe their 50th wedThe bidder mUlt nbmlt with dlng annivenaJ'Y, .t their home hie bid .. certlftld check In the Frlda,y. 1Ull000t of S2,071.18. PlUs tuI4 'apecltlcatio\111 are on CINCINNATI LOSES rno In the departme1lt of highways OPENING GNtIE and the office of th'e dlvialoD depThe OIDclon..tt ,lled. Ioet their uty dIrector. first game of the II8IlIlOD to Obl,T he director reserves the rlllt.t cago Wedn••dal by. • • of to reject an, and all blfa.· 9 to 6. T. J. KAUIIlR. The weather wu Ideal for tbe 81ate lUIbwQ' DIrector opener and 1IlaD1 Wara-YIII. 1Ju. ~401.17. ,aaela ID8I1 were Sa .It......
aynesville Since 1850
This fast muv1ng c.omlcai hOllDe'. :' talent prodllClI.OII, which wtU sbown Friday Il-nd S'aturdal,
T. U. HOLDS Garden, W. C.~RIL MEETING HERE Books ~~A 'nother Great 'Show The W, O. T. t, held theil' April \mee~ at L~ e Methodist ohu rch
21 and 22 at tbo ·Hl'gh School Audll·" l
totlum bas n,s Its very , cap&b~e Joe Kelly, Bernard Ba1J&,hD,; ncle Eny, Wllrd Pummel: OIA", CREEK RODEO EXHI· Hicks , Red Jones; Lulu Belle, BITION SCHEDULED TO ' I Geanlce Wilkerson: ' RUN THRU APRIL 23 Tlruley. , SQU~REl DANCIDRS-A lull of square dancers [rom Wll.VlILe&,J he ro~d-up time at tbe vllJe High Sc~:ool Includes RnthrUIJhll!lllluICul GardeDI3 April 20 when ~attel'thwalte, l'a-vld Hartsock, CO,Wgtrlll, wild ho~sell, netto Tinney, DRle Onll ln, John stee1'8, and 'lons of western Dye, 1\lay Bmlt.. , Peter' Keyes nud , arrive for the oponing Dorothy Wllaon, the Indian C,reok Rodeo, scb:edQuiz Kids ""ill represent the Waynesville 5th. and 6th ~rades. Home lalent enter!nlne ~'s: the Wily11e!JVlIle Dlll'ber hop Qnart t, a vocal duet ' Doris ' 1111,1 Dllvl :1 Brewn, ''Dear Ie''. Tb!! Tiny Tot, votln ~ , nlest will have lovely p hotos ' dl-iplayed In Hymah's wlncl(.w nJ!d 'tho l~ vot . , jtl:rs 111 tlJl;l merc hants s or J~. Votes cQst 1 cent eacb un,d ~ h ' contest clos s SU1 ul'day, Ai dl 2 at 4. P.!\t, All tiny 'tOt'l III h a on the ata!!e Satul'l1!lY I it't.t ~'J h It IIlIver CUPII wi ll he n Wllrd ~1 , I• . willnerS llIlel lbey \\'111 t·o crm'ul',1 'Tbe P , tnce and t' ~ J r ne~"'s" ERch tiny 101. 11111 'I el''''' '' 1" Uncle Ezry rer.n rm branr". - NOTICE CF"'!':A LE .... r= JA;CK, who thrllla SEAL:";l row '1'''\'' '\ " ea and oldltera alike IoIolth h celved at th ull Whip and Re.pe ~cta, a ••late CBSt.
at satel SchOOl W , tl'i t, In II!
gt'egllte' II.mou,lt of ''',~ lJO,OO stead of $40 1000.00 as -Pl'eyl.lIIsly advertised) dn:ted the 1st da.y of April. 1950, alld beJrlng Intere s t at the rate o~ T.hree (3% ) per cel_t por annum , payable seml-Il.nnual y, issued for tbe purpOse o( the Installntlon of a heat ing pl ant tln d other 'equipment in a concl'etr block school sbop bundlng, and under authority o. the la.wb of Oh ' o and of Seetlon 2293-25 of Ule Gelleral COd.c ' of Ohio, and under and in accordo.n.c e w[n a certain Rel!olution of tho Board of Edu~allon of saJd School District, pa.ssed on the 3rd day oC , April, 1950, Said Bond8 ar~ of the denomll1!\tion and mature 1'Cspectl veIl' as tollows: Bond No ' l-$:I ,OOO.Oo-Mature December I, ,1951. , Bond No. 2-$:1 ,00~.Oo-M nt11l' De-' cember J, 1952, Bond No. 3-$l,OOO.OO -~lutuL'c December 1, 1958. .. ' 'Bond No. 4-$~,uOO . OO-M:Lture 1)ecember I, ,1954" Anyone de'I!lrmg Lo do, fl O InILY present a btd or bids for MIt! bOnds uaBed upon their bearing IL II lrfer· ent rate of Interest than spec lrIed in tbe advertisement, (I1'~"lded however, Unit ' ",here ~ frn cUonal Interest rate I.s bid sucb fraction ,ehali be oue-quarter of one (1) pet cent, or' multiples thereof, Sald bonds wll1 he Hold to Lbe h,lgbeBt btdder, ...t tbe lim (lr.d plact? above mentlonal!. ,ut not les9 than par and accrued Intercst. Bid. may be made upon all or olny number 01' bonds of tbls.. lssue. All blda must state tbe number ot ~ondl ' bid for apil the groslI amount or bId an'll accrued Interest to (late ot delkvery,_ ' All bids muat be liccompanled by a certified check or' bond draWn In favor of the Board of Educ.:atlon of the WaJna LodIlI Scbool JJlstrlct, Warren County, Uhlo, In tbe lI'lID of · UOO.OO. Tbe Bo&N1 of Education of 8ald School Diatrlet reseneB the prlv. tlege to any and all 1)lds. Blds' be BeI!oled and en'Cloned for EQUipment ~~CJIt\e'D
of tbe Wayne DIstrict, - Warren
on Frlqay afterlloo11. The meeti ng was o'pened by singing ('L Would Be True" and Mrs, Atba Furnas conducting the devotions and bav., Ing charge or the pl'ogr,lllll, Afler the regular busln ss session, 111 1's. Jennie Bradley hnd a reatllng from 'Jhe Union StlgDal and Mrs . Atlla Furnas lUlU. Sn ra Dl'addock en Ii. 'read nrtlcles au: "T he Problem of Nllrcotic Drugs," Mrf!, ,Olive 0111'.1 gave an In.tere~Ung accoun of the County' Institute b:eld at Fl'Ilnklin April 11, Tbe meeting wa~ cloRE'd with lbe Union Uenedh-ti nn,
ANTIOCH COLLEGE TO HAVE DEMONSTRATION YELLOW l'lFR INGS, O,,- G iger counte1's , mOdels or ·(lIl1osau l's·. altemJ)ts u.t tlel'p cL II I~1 motloll and a living tllrt;J heart 1\ III b aIUOIl!; the special demODstl'lll ions on yiew at A n tl OCII Col ege on clem'e 1)" ' Snturday, April 22. , Prepared especllily lor Itlg-h SC h',D I ' students und Llleh' l neher' 1"1'0111 Ohio and Indillna, this year's pro. gram on "Frontiot's of . 'clence" will include milts desi'I'l lng ll:e CO,ItrlbuiJoll!l made to ll!' >, eut' d!~y, 801. . enU flc knowledge by Antioch Odl' lege. Su bJ ert s mnge from atom'i!' energy 10 Ihe 11)",lflrlnl hart a,r;d lung. '
, ' III1'o Ho!e sf'l Ice In S t~ldel1ls wlll lredon t hl'O'l~ h . peelsl xpel'lm nut!l S I lI P ill h'Ology. h ml!lll'Y. P S ~' ("holfjgy , phYHlcs, ene;lneerl ng <l.ll cl )f l'H. QIIV llrl and nl'. I'lmnm 1; -,11 ,)"':1';; a.ltend (I l it" 01lnty genlogy labol·nl ol'lI>S. " ', . 'j'. L . III' " li ng 111 [t'n1 \1k llll NOTICE TO ALL on 'J'ue»'day, ~tr, ,Jncob JOI-cl nn ' niHI ,'vI r!!. M !Ll ' · SOFTB~L PLAYERS leUa Pennf'Y of PelldletO'n, IndlallH. A II men anti boys tb ~t are tn · were dlnnel' ghests on Sunday o( LCl'cs ted In so,tball. are ul'g:ed to Mr, Jordan 's 1\\llI t. Mias Ollv~ meet at 'Vayne Park Sunday, A pr:i 23 at 2:3,~. ' WIlIIMDB. 1111'S, LncUe Ar mltllgp ntt neled an Enst I'n . tn I' n ,,"ti oA' In l.(jI)1Ul~ n' P.-T. A. TO H~D nil fi'rld l\Y 01' ning, MEETJN~ MONDAY ~1t:~ , , : I ' , 1\ P " CH i\ ' 11 II InlC· 1 :11 'rh WiILyn..sv1H& Paernt-Teach' rdlnn el' ~ 01 ')11 sday of :\ 1,,$"8 I! nl" !IS O -laUon 11'1\) hold a · meetlll g 'I
11 :\1 ' rn c 1"1' "~ ll, 'raJllllIll" or Wllmhll::lon,
Mr, I
, iI'"
0,1 l ,iR
~11 .!< .rp~ ~!",
nel' on Runday,
Ga r·
Monday evening, April 24th at tb Hlgh ' Scbool AUcltorinm, Lh e
lnJls 01" Hllrveys bul'g !;chool, al the scbool II-uclilo,' itlm F'!'Ic1ay evenillg. April 28. ' y 'h'. d;!ughter 'l'ex'e I" the In " MaI'Y Dell Boga,,' a nd Clive De ~Ia" (",n:ek Rodeo al Cinc innati Jr, , Ill be starred in the bnal'd )1,', :UlI\ ... .. , Garden April 20 thr!lugh 23, Other members of ,bI l yl ~', )11:(> 1l1' nO\l!l "lH~ Uh ' ~ i ' l lt lelul1ng roil'S. lO I un th 'O ~ lgh ApI·II .2:\. the cast InClude: Otto u., , of a. iir ll.1 Il~J'I' H' 0'1111 It., h~rn on .~.~~~·· ~~I~]~ ~~ ~ : . ' ~;"~'=~""'.lI~' 1'011eo nnt! \'r. r i,'Ly (l,"j lI :1'.':: Its HO SIlit a l. 'He welghou I! Ibn ' .. lXH'Oth y Adco,x. Donna .TacobH, those \ ho ott!!llt] Ii:c ' i. '1<1 " '" oz. 1'he gl'nnd pnrents 11 1 1\11', Iw(L James Wiseman. !\fary Ann CarneR, Uon (.f IIl 'a ~ll1d to appellr il l lilo Mrs. Eo rl Young Il nd Mr. ami l\frF, Robert Hild ebre ht, lind MyrnR. R oe MiraCle, ' big ArenA. Ed'I'llrd Bunnell , bolh or Lytle, The Rod eo is on e hllJltioll type (fh e production will be (ll1'ect d The re"cnll y OI'ga nizecl "0!Ren~ show with the nuUon's top we'lt· b~' Mr$. Gladys HOOk, 1\ memb er ern POl'fol·mOl's. 'l'b shOW move~ Society of lhe Fr iends Churc.h met of lhe high achool [ncu Lly. fast wilh all the tbr111 s and spills a~ tbe- home of tbelr pn.stor and , ,Thomas \Vel ch, who has bel'n wLfe, Mr. and Mro. E. PartJng1.oT" s('rlously IIJ , is reeo\' ring satiS0.( a CODtcst s how, 11111 ,,-lth ol1l till! Tueijdlty ev .. r,lng to elect ItR offi· factorily, delllY c'Il-used by a.l,prenliat ;,wd IIlcers for tbe year. ThoBO select ~u O-'IfJerlenced haDdl! of len f0I111d at ,The MethodIst Cburch has 01" were l\frs. Edtth Lukens, President, the contest type Rodeo, En"11 flf' r ' ganlzed n. chq1 r, Its first In several Mrs. Flora , Partington, Vice P res t<tmance i 8 conducted 'I'll h lhe yeal'S, The ch'olr, 'wblcb consists dent, lIfabel Terry, 'S ecretary, anu precis ion of n c l l'c~us . helped 1l 101l ~ of t h" members o[ tlle Cru,sader ~ Mrs. Mne Cook, Treasurer, 'rho I",\th drum !'Oils and marchIng CLUBS, III directed by Mrs. Fldml next meeting Is to be beld ILt the rhytbms found only ill a go dol -I BogaD with Mrs. Lu ny MeCllrl' II bomo of Mrs. Lukens, ' 'rIlC$ua-y :1S lhe pian ist. ci rcus band... The Cowboy lown ~ evenh~g, May , 2. Rose Steele an d her "Dog Town , MI'9, Metta Bro wn spent tilt> The Willing 'W ork ers lass o f Revue" anti Rudyno[f'R Ballerina week end In Wilmington, ' a8 t hE' the Frlenus Chl,ll'ch met at t il 0 guest of h l' mot.her, Mrs, Mluni ... Horses, (nil fo rmerly with RLng. bome of Mr. and Mrs. ·'r. Parling· Cllnel', ling Bl'Oth rs ) ndel mcye of tllc ton MQndaY eveDlng. The m eetln ~ Big, 'lpp atmosphere to t h I a was caned to order by the class Mr. und Mrs, Paul McKntgbt and pro.lrle·iand attraction. t ca.eher, Ml's. Uarj9J'le 'Starr, The. family of Dayton, ,wer,e the week ArlzoDll ja.ck land Texie tbrill group e\ected Its new officers fOI' enll hOllse guests of Mr. MuKnlght's crowds eVQI'y\\,here with ' thair the year with the following to 1lI.otll(>l·, Mrs, Myrtl e ,M.c Knlght. . trick and fn,ncy I'oping, but ' "Berve Donald Barton , PTesldon1. , Mr, and Mra, OI}Ulde ,rolles an;1 big tbrllL of evel~y Rodeo Is tllO Frelda Ca.mpben , Vice, Pres'idene. family, who ilal'e been t<!sl din g h I B,teor wrestli ng " Bulldogging " Anltlli Campbell a! cl Bernad ine th ileck etl dw lllll g 0 1\ l\f II i II the most dangerous of a ll cowboy Hackney. Treasurer, s treet, llJovcll i'rolll t herp to a swrts, jll1np,ln~ (rom the back ~f Plans weI' discussed for lui,, · home neo I' C:larks vllle, Stllllrday" a. fust I'lInnlflg horsn to lbe hOl'ns Ing a box 80clal nt tho Grange Hall Mr~. Winton Etz l' utC)rtalned a of I be steer' lind throwing Mm. May ]2, a1ld ' havlng the mcmberB gruup of chlldrcn at hOI' born a.t · Tlokets '1'111 g,o on sale April or tJle Gleamcrfl C1RRR as Invlteel urdny In hon'Or . of her daughter Kathy, \\'bo WIlS celeb'rating her ]0 at ,tb(\ Gibson Holel an n tbe gu ·st s. ' Garden:' , Prices pf ticketB (01' Re-( 'Miss Myrna Rile Miracle, a mem- s lx.th blr·thclay ullnlvel'BIU'l', T h " served seatB. are $2.50 and $2,00, ber of lbe !-In!'veysburg Hi gh afternoon W(lS s pen t In 'pinyin I';" Oe~W'al Acbdll1si()n $1;00. Th.o School Senior chlss f1.f1p ellrprl AS ,·tll'I OI\ !I : gumlls ,afll'I' whI ch lit e Rodeo slarts Ap,r il 20 and runs (,'1lest soioillt " R,t a banqlfet gl veil hostO!!s sel'ved delighHni ren 'eahthrough tbe 23 with mlltinees Sat- by tlto Wnl'rilll Coun ty Agricultu re ments. MBII orders SocIety, In LcbRnOil. Wednl' sdilY Mr~, Flore n 'e Etz of URY ttln , urday and Sunday. are being acccpLed now at ~ho evonlng, }[Jss lit Iracl cllose u.s " -liS th gll s t Saturday of h(',' 0 You Again" son :lI1d daughter-lu -law, MI'. :1lid' OlnclDnuti Garden, 2260 S~Y11lour bel' selections, "1'11 " 1'1D Fa.Jlln g In Love W ith Som - ~I rs, "Vinton Etr.. Avenue, CincInnati 12, Ohio. They howers'" Sl1e John E. \;Velab. who was Injured will be promptly mled In Ule ord er one" nnd "1\ PI'i1 wits aocompanied at the Ill ano by In un nulOll)oblle ac '1,lent several 111,.' whl oh they iI,r,e 'receiv ed, Mrlj , Erlna Dogan , week,s , ago hAil benn relebsed .{1'01ll ""r, and Mrs. Den B('cket t ' batl Middletown Hospital. He 'Will reas their 'guest Thursday aftellnoon Ulain at home of h.ls son In Uti ca their daugbter, Mrs'. G.\enn Cook , until Mrs, Welsh is able to 1'~t\lrn of Franklin'. to their bome In the ,village, \Mr. and Mrs, Wllilam .Wetzel Mrs. Pearl Jones who was taken By JANIE FITE had ao tbelr guests \\Tcdncsday, 111 . Frtday morning Is rec:overlng fl'he 10caJ order of GI'ange met theIr BOn and daughter-In· law. Mr, sR:U&facto~lIy _ at the Gr'~e HaJJ, Monday eve- and Mrs. Richard Wetzel of Dayton, (Mr. and Mr" Fred Sljerwood , ntng, Miss Mary WlIIeman, War' Mr, and Mrs. Frank Shutts who Mrs, Florence Frost, Mrs. Clint ren County .Home ' Demonstration ' have been spending the wlnt('f 'l'aylor, Mr. and ' Mrs. Lawrence Agent WII.8 the guest llpeaker. In- months at thr 'home of Mr, and Starr, and Mr, and Mrs, ' 1"1</11111 eluded also On tbe program wel'e Mrs, George Plymire In Fort POl't Tleitm.eyer attended the Reflnbli · vocal selections by Barbara Bogan Rickey Florida returned to lhelr can Banquet at the Go.lrlen l.,lImh and a group of plano selecUonR by bome In the vlUage TuescIay. Hotel In Lcbnnon. W(ldlle ~ duy lin. Edna Bogal~ , ~ . 1.11', and M-rs. W. P. McCarren evening. , 8e"eral women from tbts vIcinity have returned from their wlnlQr' Mr. and Mrs. Robel-t Uran,I<'t;attended the WlU'rQn Count)' W. bome In 'Ft. Lauderdale, Florida burg had 811 their ~est dllrlng till'> O. T. u. In Franklin, ;'Amulng arncle'" a rarce I~ week Mr. Drandenb\JTK's motbE'r, three acta. la to be ~r8flellted by ot South IAbanon. A jgh
I '
SEC :A Denial
U. S.-Defense Setup Challenged; Progress Reported in ECA Field; Truman Signs Crop Increase Acl
,J Build
in Prison
U. S. Stote Secretary Dean Ac!beson branded all falsebood. Ita~ mants by Sen. Josepb McCarthy that Owen Lattimore-whom Mc. Carthy has caUed 0 Soviet agent - was the actual director at Amerl· can poliCy In the Far East. AI). s wel'lng questions Bt ' a press conference, Acheson added that: ' I, Lattimore n eve r was 4:m- t (BDlTOR 8 HOTE l WbeD opinion. art'!! ex-r"e ••"a 1ft Ultle eolamb.J, they are tbo lli e 01 NOTRE DAME, IND! - LUe l!l "'• • 'era New. p.per 1).loll', •• we anal, •• And Dot ntlCle a larJly of lhl. new • .,m1Jer. ) ploye d by the s\,ate departrileh"t. , , . prison? " . 2. Ae (Acheson) Isn't sure he , Aw, It's not so terrihle. But that ever met LattImore . I dEmends upon wh loh ' side of the 3. Lll ttimore'~ contacts wIth the b~lu . you may - be: However,· lUe Charges Hurled state department have been limit· I in prison CRn be very funny, ac· Olarge. tbat the govenunerlt bas ed to a tew occasions. MHk ~ust be cooled properly In cordJng to on inmate of Stateville been . "ragging Its feet" In organ4. According to his informatlon, l pr'ison at Joliet, III. I order to be clnssed as Grade A. , izing t:lvil defense against an ALattimore never had a desk at the ,! 'The " inmate" referred to Is • tall Unsatisfactory cooling can mnke bomb attack and in telling Amerl· state (lepnrtment. . blonde of 21 with a slow smile and good pasture, a beaitby herd and I cana bow to protect themselves Lattimore, a Far Eastern expert .oft voice. She Is Jane Ragen, and observance of aU henlth and manhave been burled by four big· city and 8 protessor at John Hopkinl wby IUe In prison may not be. ~o agement rules look mighty sick. offiolals. ' . university. had reac;hed Lond.on tough for her , Is due to the fact To presllrve lj.uaUty, milk should Io{A Yo'R Elmer E. Robinson of from Afgbanlstan, from whence be th,a t she Is tbe daughter of Joseph be cooled to '50 degrees or lower San Francisco minced no words In was returning to answer Mc- Rllgen, the warden at Stateville. loon afLer Jt Is drawn. MUk is .sserting that lederal authorities , cha rges. In London, I:.a.,. She Is a senIor at St. MarY'1 eo.!- cooled In one ot three ways on the have ''fumbled tbe baU" 91' olvUlan branded the McCarthy lelfe htre. tarm: by water, Ice and mechandetente, He urged that 8' pollcy of charges as "unmitigated Ue8." 'There's nothing really unusual ical refrigeration. total defense be Inaugurated immeMcCarthy, meanwhile, was In a about her home IIle; Jane asserts. Electric mUk coolers are thermo. diately by the federal government. hosp\toi alter a four·bour senate A pollee guard or two outside the .tatlealy controUed and use from Federal planners blIVe laid that Defense Sec~etary (;00.11 JoJut, speech In which he said he would R~lgen Bpaftment, meals cooked 25 to 30 KWH per month ' to cool 10 local oUlciala will bave to assume produce a witness who would and served by convicts, wardens .oa. (r1gbti talks "cold war'! primary responslbillty tor civilian swear Lattimore ' 'w as a member ~ and other minions of the law as . ID a "bot" shirt ae be lind defense against atomic warfare, ' Presl4ent Truman dlsc1l1lll de. the CommunJst party. He told the- frequent house guests-but nothin, . the government'l role being tbat sena te he hal documentl to provl!. unusual. rense "rateD and . aa.tJ.Comol . eoorclinator, munJ.t aotlvlties at the "liltS. that Lattimore was a Soviet laent "It's just ordinary to us," lay. THAT MUST have .eemed an' o~d Wblte House" In Key W~ . who was getttOg instructions ' trolJ1i tho girl who has lpent bel' Ute ln j ItAod to take to oWclals wbo have Fla. Secreta.., Johnsoa.'. ~ Moscow as lon, ago al 1936. I prJson. 'DO knowledge of atomic ' bomb et· recalls the "Solomon·la-ah.hJl Lattimore was mO.l t Important Jane and her brother, Bill. a 20 teet. or ot the first steps to ta~e ~lo..," quotation. but enn It I to McCarthy. for the senator had ,.e:ar old .tudeot at St. Ambros. . <towarel protection if .ucb bombings topped by one the PreSl- t declared he would rest bII entire colUege In Davenport, Iowa,' were «cur. Sa.rely publlc leaders were denl freqaently do_ad r 0 I' case ot CommuniJt leanlna' in th. born and brouaht up inside prl,on within the bonda of reason and logic plalarel. Itate department on the outcome walls. wben they demanded that tbe gov· IIlother Wenl a. Bride ot bls charg s against Lattlmore'i emment channel to them mor~ in. And, unless the ilena~or coul With a straight tace, Jane ex· lonnatlon 'on how to provide pro-. produce his witness and bU docu pla:lns, "my mother went to p;olson tecUon againat atomic warfare- A Compromise ments, the ease bODed down to on as a bride." . information which only the federal In ani manner likely to , affect of the senator'. word againat tha For the last 15 years, the Ragenl Iwemment possesses, if an,.one or the farm vote-with the congresat Acheson and Lattimore. . with have lived In their 10 room aparte l any group does possess It. sional electl.on. not !lo man .y The govemment·s attitude leemed montha awaY-Preslden~ Truman the public decidln, as It pleale4 ment in the administration buildi Ing at StatevUle. Previous to 19911, a callola one and hard to reconcUe showed an unwonted disposition to about Wbo was ,r ight. Ragen was warde,9 at Menard with all the .care teclmiques prevo compromJse, rather than' come out prison In Cbe~ter. ru. alent In connection with the possi· fight.ln-g against anything he didn't Not thaI living Inside prison gates Farmer llels tImer to operbility of another war In wltlch t~e like, liS he has done .0 frequently NovY Says 'N~' put a damper on Jane's childhood. ate an extraagllator on • conA·bomb or the H-bomb would be in the past. It there are, or were. any flylna Shi! nnd Bill played cops and rob· ven&loDal mUll eooler. the mo.t frightful weapona. THE PRESIDENT compromlsed saucers whirring through space, ben in back of the prison with the on an agrlcultut'lll bill raising ac- the United States navy hall nothing neighborhood kids, with just 81 . gallons of milk per day. Even they, reage limitations on cotton and to do with them and knows nothing, mu.cb zest and more authenUcity however, might be Improved. peanuts for 1050 and modifying about t4em. The air force said the than most. Thclr wooden guns were One a ttempt to do this is ilIuI' Somel Progress . prIce supports for Irish potatoes same thing. Jiandmade for them by the con· trated in the accompanying ·photoAs the economic coopetatlon 11(1- next year. , ,graph. It sh6ws a farmer setting THE SERVICES also denied that victs. ministration stll'rted i~ third year 'I'he conVicts' were . goad to the a . timer to operate on extra agitaIn slgnit)g the measure after of operations, ~brshaU plan coun- long study, the Presldeot noted. they lire developing secret planes, 'children, Jane recnlls. Bill, in his tries were being urged to take two accordlog to the presidential press guided missiles or an;ytbing elae prescbool days. had· one favorite tor or a conventional cooler. By steps of paramount importance to secretary, Charles G. Ross, that that could be mistaken for flying' whlJ dressed and undressed him meaos 01 this special equipment. he starls bu'ildlng up the ic;e baok saucers. . make themselves ' independent of "the good features outweighed the These deol$ were issued after eac'h morning and evening. No one In the cooler the minute the milk· extraordinary outside aid by the undes~ab}e features." And with cans are Immer sed. Thel'o Is no two published reports traced the els~! could touch him. Ume ECA endl In June of 1952, The day this convict was to be reo waiting, for the escaplna heat from that profound utterance, the bill !lucers to navy and air force ..... COUNTRIES participating In the was signed Into law. leased on parole, Mr. and Mrs. Ra- the mllk to set the coollrig mechancret" projects. Marsball plan were to be told that genl took a short tTlp. The convict ism in actIon . . The President acted after undefthe,. should Intensl1y efforts to sell aoina heavy pressure froql. grqups An air force spokesman deelared requested leave to stay on In prison more products to the · United States urging approval or veto of ~ "the armed 'forces are not d~ ,mtU the Ragens returned. For who and other ' bard·currency areal. joint resolution: ' ing anything that could be traced would dresll BIU if he wasn't there? ':!lCA pointed to that alone meana Jane, who is majoring In Engliah . The lecUon affecting potatoes to being the basi, at reports of flying lIauce·rs." of clOSing the dollar lap. andl minoring in JournaUsm at St. i Ialocka out price supports for poI In that connection, the aaeney He laid the air force position WII Malr7!a college, lays her main amo, , SmaUofB~ operators are begin· tatoel in 1951 unle81 marketln, 'coaUnuecl, the U.S. could ..sil~ by qUOtas, are then in effect. AddJ. the same I. it .was la.t Decembw bltton. I.n adci1Uon to worJdnl 011 a nlQg to ebanae . their ' beUet that foIlowinI lnereaslnll7 Uberal 1m. tlonal leglJlatloll would be needed. it announced-after invelll- newspaper, I. to wrIte a book about 60U, conservation II ' a luxury they P.Orl poUciel and commerctal pol- however. to put luch quotal Into aating 375 reportl of flying saucers life in prison. It will be il comed,.. Can t ,afford. . des leneran,o .0 that trade b~ operaUon in ISSI. . - that they were "mllinterpreta· E:Xcept for the time that Jametl Thousands ~f .mali farms are rIera do not prevent J!!uropean THE MEASURE as approved tiona of varlou. conventional ob- Stel wart. Richard Conte and Lee 1.. now practicing all·out soU conser· •CIOUDtriea trom7 Increa.11l1 doUar authorized an inerease of 1.11 mil· jectl, a mUd form of l1;Ia •• hyBt~rfa Cobb were dinner guelu .of the . vatlon with excltlna r4!lIults. andnp. In tbla country. Iloo acrel ,in coUQn acreage thia or boues." In other word. ..there aallens durlnl the tumin, of "Call • Back In the 1930'., I farming AS to' ,E uropean economl.c unIIi· alD't DO .ucla thing" as a flyinl North.lde 7'17" at Stateville, Jane magazine recaU., farmer. were cation, ECA stated ita 'belief that year and a 60 per cent increase in •• ucer. laYl prllOn life Isn't too excltlnl: told to cut down on corn and .msn acreage ot peanuta planted tor.. oU the emblllbment at an etrectlve araln. The Idea wal to keep more A NAVY SPOKESMAN denied production. The previOUS cotton alNo 8peol&oalar Bl'ealul IEuropean payment. unlon la 01 with equal vlaor that the navy 15 oi the land in Irall and most of lowanc~ Will 27 mllUon acrel. There baven't been any Ipectacu· the rest In hay cropi most of the erea' Importance. Ellmination of It would permit peanut growera developini .uper·apeed plane. that lar pri.on breaks .. far b.ck u pubUc and private tr~de re.tric; have been I'potted al ".aucers." Ume. \t1oaa alao were laid ·to be a con- -principally in Texas and AlaAfter ,giving .00 conservation. e Said he: "The navy I~ not ex- Jane can remember. bama 100,000 more acres and ··'There ~ay have been a couple .trlbutln, factor to economic ua.lf1perlm~ntlng with, or doing research try. thousands of oJjeratorl of would permit excess peanuts to be catlon. on. any type of plarre or guided n. attempts, but moth~r and I werel amall farml bave now concluded. As a re.ult ot Increased prod~ grown for au without pena1tles (Ill missile that resemble. In any way ·alway. in Cbi,cagq, ahoppinl. when the ' magazine finds, that one can l they happened." . Uon .and tinanclal and political certain condition•. a fQ-ing saucer." raise more of everythjng. . Some; The only time Jane can recaU atli.biUzatlon. . ECA said, commu· So. that should be that. However. cominS near a prison "br~ak" was have doubled production in just a .haa been placed' on the deIt . would be dLWcult to convince the night at dinner ber mother was tew yeara under .SOll conservation fensive in all participatlni coun- Bible 'Y~. Mark many Americana that ,there are no des l~rlblng an . e~penslve tableclotll practices. . 1trie~. Believing that Christianity and flying saucers, and if a troubled Ihe had seen that day. In Chicago. the Bible are the dykes that are citizen, seeking. subconsciously or Onet of the walters, a Texan wbo BroUers Need Water boldlng up the flood of communism not, a momenlary reUef from his wall In prison because of an aH.lnity ' No Props In Japan, the American Bible S~ woes and purdens. thinks an object tor Other people's belongolngs. bov. in the sky il a flying saucer, no For the tirst time within the past ciety Is beginning a campaign to particular harm has been done. In ered over the table, listenini clole· ly to Mrs. Ragen. . . eight years, hogs were being bought I d Bibles to Japan .., Bibles Finally be leaned over confiden· and at major U.S. market. printed in the . Japape~e language. f~ct it may do him some good. tiaUy and said, "WeU, now, Mn. ; ~--------~~~~~~~~~~~'-~~+hf.~~~~:. 8~ety bas d~ 'ill'IIJUtllO . R totat ot 2,'189,9158 BiblQs Raf:en. If you'U Just let me out for dealera admitted It was dLWcult to among · the Japanese, but It Is fe)t a d,a y, ' I'll be glad to get that lable· DOlle any difference, . -and this sentiment is abared ttr. cloth for you." " . PRICES were steacb' to 25 cent. , totrs. Rlgen relused the oHer. But Gen. DOUJIlas MacArthur . • · that Iin't hlgber. What dId that mean? Was it ,ave Jane the Idea for a comedy it an indication that federal . agrl· enough. 9 on Iprlson Ilfe. And, when you thinkI, GENERAL MacARTHUR ts~'t cultural planners could have been about it. it'. not a bad Idea. . wrong 1111 these y.earsT It ~t were alone in that opli:ilon. He has ask4\d lor ' millionl more. And Dr. S~o the cue, there probably would be Murata, an oWcer of the Ja1latn Mlllinc Trash Balkets DO admission ot it. In fllct, one U.S. department ot Bible SOCiety, said: "The eyel of I~k New. 'York'. 'Iilnest' .griculture spokesman hailed the Japan .are ,fixed on two boolu. One [s Du' Kapital by Karl Marx. The NEW YORK.-Wbo'd steal wire ·event ' as a "normal market." It travh ~askets? Seemingly a good 'wall "just a matter of supply and other 18 the Holy Bible. Japan is at the crossroads ... · . \ Question,. but New York has the demand, " he said, as if the de· To usher in its program 'ot Bible. !partment bad been aW,a re o~ and ail.wer. More than 316 such bas· Broilers need water to put Ihad considered that venerable law for the Japanese, the American ketll have been stolen from the weight. ' Laying hens need it tq ' ever since the government went Bible Society this month it spon· ,treets. maintain satisfactory egg produc loring a huge signature book 01 'into the farming business. TII:Ie pollce. red laced and bot tiOD; And they need It all ,.ear donors for the purpose of. raiJ~g under the coUar, said it bad them round-winter and summer. . FARMERS and traders, however. held varying oplnJons ' as " to what funds with wltlch to purchase .and bea'L In. yeBrs p'Bst, poultry watereri . Tlhe city, in a bur8t at tldiness. required almost constaot attention might happen when the 'mlU"keta send ' 'the Bibles. Every persoa. put out 4,800 Ibiny new tras~ during the winter. Often the battle opened tor ~e first · time since hog who contributes one 'dollar or more b asket •. They were blg-34 incbe~ against Ice was fought wi~ Iteam. price ,upPort. were allowed to cile. to the pro,ect will be asked to sip high, and heavy-45 poundl. · They ing kettles 'ot water. I Some felt growers would become the donor book. WHEN the campaign comel to were to stand on crowded Itreds: One method of overcomin, WI I pani~ and flood the market wit!J D.vld auno. who ~. _ 'l"be poUce watched them al .U problem il presented in ~e ac. hOil. Bllt. u was reported. n~tbIn, an 'e nd, probably this fall, the buae book. bearing the Signature ot evleete4 "Bo, or The Year" .r tbe,jr were aned with emeraJdL cOmpaf!Yinl illustration. It sho~ happened.. tile Bo,.1 (Jlabl 01 Ameriaa, Stpll the,. dll~ppeare·d. ! the !nitallation of a. heat lamp Antl'IUpport adherenu, n~ver ery dOnor. will be .fotwarded \0 hold. the pJa4lue ·.wardell bIm "][ alk m'l~ wbo would b. over a common type of waterer. theleu. could draw Uttle conaola- Japan where it wW be dllp~ed and ...... klaa from his mou.wantlnli baaketa, laid ~ne' oUlceI'• . The warmth produced II aufficienJ · tIoD from the fMdent. tor farm In the omen of the Japan Bible ADd I tell, myaelt-hahl Apartment to keep the water tree of Ice al er alter arrlrinr III Hoil1WOCId .leaden bad mad. it clear viiorou. Socie.,. a. a token at triencllhip for .. &hree-4a,. toar of film aDd efforta would. ·be made to restor. from the people at America to the IaouM superintendenta. weU II to Prevent Uttar from bepeople of Japan. radl. 11114101. "So I acout ar6un4 behind apart. comlDl wet around the , waterer. · hoi price prop.meat houle. ,and what do l ·lInd! Cats. Laundry. Milk ~~tu.... B~~ Ad ••', " •• k.~ but lelill onu. bouCht ani pat.<J for. Not our b81k.... Not ht Whose? '--!------~-I Crisis Impend. I Did Ada"m bave a daulbter, DO ., Aecordtn. to l1. til. German mitt iaJdIj. IIIW bair of them." Cloaked with all the color and DrJ .nlle~ wblch bal been IUbTilla cm let p1en~ of tip. trozp trappIDp of mratery and IUlpenae mention of .whom III In the Bible' CcmmJasloner John .t. McCJ01. a r jeeted to 10na-eODtlnued. hip beat Dr. Guido Kiach. noted Icholar. "real cri.Ia" ,ppeara inevitable in aJdjwalll detect1Vul j .. . . the report that a naval oHlcer .'t~ " tpwnen take ·.m. Wje cd fermentatlcm. baa UW. carotene bad made IDIU-ument contact with bal declam that a BOO-,.eu-oJ4 Germany. McCloy uttered th. of Vltanun'A content lett. iIl It. Car' . . to burn leav••. If Latin manulcrlpt. claim. that' Ad· wamin. in • talk betore a cOIlor more" unidentified 1Uboten. UlUal17 Ii "adlJ' naede4 to . w be» burna lelve. III "ebmarlnel ' abOut I' miles oti the CaU- am had a daUlhter whole aam. It8U iubcommtttee. 'He told • supplement the other rations. wa. never mentioned lD 8IJJ' ver- house group that SovIet preasure rda'rl or March' . : fonda 90aiL Th. farmer wttb ."eI'al aUoa fsnclera .re dolrir It. ~ OJTIClALLY. 1he weltarn ..a lion of th. Old Te.tamellt. Dr. la arelUlt ofcODfidence. rather than IroDtiel'. wbiah ordered the hunt. Kisch laid the manuscript, oldelt 8117 ".enaa of lnterlorl.,. or tear 01 1IUI!lteta • would makt· wondltfld 10 fW IhouJd mn .even! a,. aheael at wIMrl the kem.1a haVe reported "r••ulta and comment and moat acCurate veraloa kDowD attack" b,. weltent forces. "The flDitbed 4eaUQI \0 avoid ~ Deptlve." It added the search bad aa "Blbl1cal ADtlquitle.... mill" BUIIiaDa' feel their ItreDltb." be up tbe Iilo-flIIIq Wilb eora that iii Uoaed a dlqhter na~1id NoabL aald. II. . 41Icontlnued. .....ttIe dI7" .. It .. blowa ...
Can Be 'Funny,' One Girl Claims
Proper M\lk Cooling Necessary for Grade Warm Milk Excellent For Bacteria Breeding
'Hot' Shirt
Small Acreage Fanners Practice Conservation
This Cozy Home For ~Iuebirds, Wrens
Birds fine Preferences HE DEPTH of the house, the width, size of opening , con-
structions and where located are aU important to different kinds of birOs. Pa.t tern 277 gives actual-size cutting guides for blue birds and wrens.
• • •
Price of pott.rn Is 25.. Order dIrect fromWORKSUOp PATTERN SERVICE Drawer 10 Bedlerd Hili., New Y.rlr,
At ". c-c oId,r, eU'_ a.ad .tralo.• oY'" ••rtiOD, .~ceulv" Imolitlol or 'eKpC»1J.N te ...d IOm.tlm .. 110.... down Iddnej 'UD.,. &100. Tbl. rna,. I..d ",ooy 10111:1 to COlliplaiD 01 .ac.IDI bl.klcb•• 1_ 01 pep .... 4 b.adaob .. aDd dl ..'D.... Goul •• up at,be. or '."quo.1 P....IIM maF '.om ",I ••• bladder I."LIIIIOI\I dll. to cold. cIa",p._ or dlelll"3' IDdllcnlloD" U FOW' dllCOmlorll duo to lb_ • ...... don" ..a lt., tI')' 0.,...', PIIII, a mild diuretic. Uaed IlIe_lull,. bF mililolll lor 60 F....... WbUI lb ••• oymploml oileD ot~.rwl .. occur, ~t'. Imaclne bow ..0., lim.. DoaD·. lapp), ",11111help lb. 16 mil,,!, 01 'lId •• " tub.. and rutara n...b Ollt • Got DOlO'. PUb
flnlllllt blttt_ and tho bandy dispenser eJecl' a cloud or aerolol r08 which kilts nies, mosqul. toe.!••oaches, anla. bed bugs, mOlhs and silver
fish. Leaves no unplcllSani odor and Is harmless to humans and-pet. when used al dirwted.
'ii~~=-;I Sold 1\ drua. bud ..... . . and r&llD luppl)' .tora.. 'OIACCO IY-'IODUCn & CHIMICAL . COIPOIATlON • IlctlMOHD, VIRGINIA .
Boy of The Year·
. . . . GERMANY:
Dry Silage Sometime. Contain. Few Vitamin.
1U, In jlllt 7 daya., •• In one shott week _. a croup of people ,.ho chanced from tlielr eld dentifrice. to Caloll TooJh Po,.dir ..e.... aced J8'J(. 6ri61tr~, tetth by eclenti6c tes~ ~ Wht not chucC! to CaJo~ JO~? BIlJ Calol: tod.y ••• 10 your teeth Clll etart IooklDi .Jc=::t! l)rijlltt,.lomonowl . ,
.... .NP. . . . . . McK_ a: Bobbiae lac.. Bri4&tPort. Co_
Tbursda,. April ZO, 1950
Wilson's Cotta,e The coltag e where Woodrow Wilson and his bride s pent their honeymoon is still p o pu)a~ with ne wlywed s a t Arden ,. In the mountains of west ern N orth Ca rolina. 8igh Mountains There are 125. mountains over 5,000 fe e t above sea level in North Ca rolina.
By Rlobard Bill Wllklnl!!l.
ee Iy
ictur ~ stor • AmericQns~ a race of rifle shooters, toke to the spirit early a_nd eilch spring 'youngsters get busy oiling on their .22 rifles in anticipation of another season of fun with a gun. Captain Jack Lacy, famed marksman and gun, tester at Winchester, always emphasizes the need tor safety in gun .handling. In this series of photos of "do's" and "don'ts" on rifle safety, he' was assisted by John Poulson and'Steve ,Pachl (smaller of the two boys). In the photo above, Captain Lacy, . is stressing th~ first "do' -treat every gun as if it we reloaded. At left, "rou9h-housing" or "horseplay' when' holding a gun is a most definite "dan't,'"
E 'could .eD Dunr." Sylvia .ald. joe stared at her. ·'You don't mean thatl .. Dusty thumped his taU on the floor and pricked his ears. There was, he hoped, a postllblllty of beIng taken for a walk up the slope behind the house wh ere rabbits frequently ran and offered no end or excitement. Sylvia laughed nervously . "Of course I don't. I was only ,oklng. We Wouldn't lIe11 Duslty for a million dollars." She re ached doWn r-----... Bnd twisted one of nusty'. flop. ping ears around her for efinger. ....,._ _ _ _~ Dusty lolled hIs tongue and 'slghed ln contentment. Next to chasing rabbits. there was nothing he lilted bettcr than having hi,!! ears twisted. unless It W91 hunting a glbve or an old sboe (lr pocketbook that either Joe or Sylvia bad hidden. . Joe lay awake that nlgbt and thought about what SylVia had said. He relt guilty and asbamed , but when you haven't enough to eat and you own .ome property that v.:pu1d bring an easy thousand dpJla,. on the open market, you can't belp thinking about 1t~ . Sylvia', aUDt bad IriveD them Dusly tbe week b~ore tbey left ror HollYwood. H~e was seven weeka old , • pure bred Springer Spaniel, bla(lk as co •.1 and lntelllgent ., .wo ordinary hwnlUl beings. . The next m orning Joe decided to go down onto the boulevard. Sometimes on the ,bouleva rd be met someone he knew and would get t alking and perhaps get a line on something. He put Dusty on bis leash and star~ed out. Joe turned down Vine street. Just below Selma, some children were playing on a lawn. One of them was crying. Joel stopped to see what the trouble was. A little girl had lost her rag doD. It was somewhere about, but he couldn't find It. Dusty licked the litUe girl's hand. She cooed happUy and patted bi. head. The other children crowded about. Joe ' unsnapped Dusty'. leash, held the little girl's skirt to bis 1I0se and said: "Go flndl" he'" let .... _ 71p pa went boaadlq __ y. mlDDte. later . . cam. baClt:. b.ldlQ III bIa mouth Ole ra~ d~ln. The 1illie rtrl clapped .her bancl.. "Smart ~og;" laid II volee. Joe turned. A ear bad .topped at the curb. A small rOUJ:ld man. with a friendly race had emerged onto the sidewalk. Joe nodded. "Pure bred Sprlnller. They're all amart." I "Are they'" said thEI little man. Bta eyel tWinkled. "IWke to leU him"" Joe said nothing. He felt a queer prlcklin, at the base at his skulL "Like to .eU him?" IBid the man again. "How much?" .ald Joe, not lookln, at him. "Nine hundred."
• The practice of shooting at 9 I ass insulators (above) on telephone or power lines is another important ·"don't." Too, it is unlawful in practically every state in the union to shoot from a public highwoy, ,-
:INow I·Can SLEEP" "Coffee nervu ulllld to keep me I.oIIsiDIL aod turoioa . But .io oe Iwi tohioll to POSTUM . I Ileep . ouDdly-and friend. bave oommented 00
my improved all' pcuranco. t! SCIENTIFIC FACTS: Bolb co1Jee and lea contain caiJoio-a druo-a _ "'muhl"'So. whi le many people caD drink colree or tea without ill-efTeov-.:..ot be... suffer ouenellll. ind igCfltiool 11100\>1_ Dip'" Bat
caffei u- " "....
lhat can llOuiblll kUflllOU 4WOA:.J
POSTUM t,.oday-theo drink POSTUN elelusively for 30 days-and iudQt bI/ .ul.u l ••. INSTA.NT POSTllt4,- ,A Vicorqu8 Drink made from .Healthful WIMa$ ani! Bran . A Produot of GeDeraI FoocJ.
Cool, FlaUerlng EAT and pretty and ttie easles,t kind of sewing is this cool, comfortable dress . A ' narrow belt ties softly in front. the scooped neckline is especially flattering.
• • •
f;t.~ QUICK. and
P a ttern No. 1885 Is 'n l ew-rile perfora ted pa lte rn In s ize . 12. 14. 18. 18. 20 : 40 anel 42 S ize 14 ..... ya rdl of 35-lncb.
• • •
The I prlna and Hummer FASHION 11 " comolete oa tle r n m aj(szln e- It'R IIlIed with fa bri c new • . "aoy to m ll ke styles d ecorn ttng t ips-fr et! pa tt ern orlnte" tn. . Ide th e book . ~S ce nU SEWINO CntCLE PATTERN DEPT. 650 Soa'" WeU s 61., CIII •••• 7. UI . Enclou 2:1 cV\\JI 10 cow (or each
pa ttern des ired. Pattern No •.•• .••• • ••.. . She . •••• ; •••
•• • ••••••• ~ •••••••••• • ••••••••••
Mdr,," ......... .. .... . . .... ...... .. .
If mustard spots wasbable mao terial. remove by working glycerin intO the stain and rubbing lightly between the bands . Then wash tbe~(icle in soap and water. Leftover meat may be ground and used in a ' salldwich to pack into a lunch box_ 'To stretch the meat. add a chopped, harcl-coqked egg and season with salt and pep· per and a little finely-gr~ted onion pulp; moisten with mayonnaise.
Van Camp'. Pork and leans .. Tomato Save. Choice. plnmp, whelle beaJII
••• a
~1 U.ory"1~10
uuce ••• Jlweel teD~er portE ... 'witb JlalWr .hrouBh .ni tlJrqag/l. Only Vaa Camp'. ••. origin.torot _ell pork IIId Leana ••• give. 1f1 10 much good eating a. web little ooet ~£mouey A;Dd effort.
. The action of unprotected metal cu'rlers and bobbie pins causes pillow cases to wear out quickly .. To save your linens tie ' a 1f/ide. oolorful ribbon around your hairpins.
roE thought of Sylvili . She Wal , probably hungry. She'd be bungTo vary vanilla ice creom, rier tonight The only alternative marble it with crushed peanut city relle!. A man h~. lib brittle before you store it in a refrigerator tray.
fa- -the flO!{K of.tMnl '. •
Orand breakfast IIIdlll dlMJ
Here', the "power" of COI1I.
Taatea por.oufully goodl Critlp, 8weet, 'freshl Your b~aiD in KOOCln_ Kellogg'. COm Flakea.
"8_ mach'" ..Id Joe. Dol IeMIq ~ .
• It is I1ad and dangerous policy tea shoot at. rocks (above) for the obvious reason that the bullet moy tricoche,t and fly off to injure someone. In the aotion shown in photo at right, the boy is, court. ing death or injufY by jUR!ping a fence while carrying a gun. This ,S one of the ~ost important of .011 '!don'·ts" in safe rifle-handling. Bullets can ricochet from water, too, (below). ,
MOINa INOWsllt'.
pride. He remembered the bug Sylvia had liven Dusty before they left. He thoullbt of the way Dusty w~ld nip at their toea when . they were lettlDl drelsed Itt the mom·
Only Duffs Bot RoD Mix
I In• • .
i!e ,hOok his bead. ''No'" he Not for twice that . . The rotund man laugbed. "Then bow about hJrlilg him? You, too, o! course. We're maklna a picture Ibat require. a cute do" who wID find thlnp that have been bid·
laiIL "Nol I amount."
can make Priz~ Sweet Rolls Like These! ~' ". //"
loe ~. up hi. beld. "\Vba"" '''I'IdU It over." ..III &lie ........ m... '·P., ••lIIId tie III • ta,......., .ard." Be . . . . . "80pe. • aldll" InnH ,.. wI&II ilia. DIlle hlllldred eI. Ier. 1".., ••,'. 1NriII two &II• •
..... ., ......
NeYer . . . .
. . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . 1118 Q • .,
. . . . . . . . . . y_• •• call
loe' . . . _
wat.elled 'tile blaclr ~~Ulin.
..... Be .Pacoct
lDe .i_l'a.
......, Daat;. Dale, .... eipeotu_. Be
wdI aomo 1DOh. .Joo
LIP'" .... roD., ricber aoIcl-·bIuW., ' fnIher ~ I!Icher tMIiDe. ADd :raa'll '&lei dao taate-....... boaIe-baW noet 1OIk.1Gq........ Jan foIlowibo",pIe .dJNcIIou OD ~ ~ RoIlIIiz
Eat.bll.hed 1850 PA'UL A. SCHERER ......... . . . . ......... ... . Edltor and Publl.her CECILIA J. SCHERER ..... . . • . . .... .. ~ . .. . . Seer-etar), and Treaaurer
Published Elvery Thursday Morning at Waynesville. Warren County, Ohio Entered as second clalJs matter at tbe (Io~torrlCe at Waynesville. Oblo, Su bscription
R~te s--'$1 . 50
I 50
n o' •
,POWER Law'n 'Mowers. $85.50
Per Year. In advance, in Oblo. U . elaewhere
MI;THODI8T CHURCH ll. D. Cpleman, MlDiater Church Sc11oo1, 9:80 A.M., MI'. Harold Eamb'lLrt, Supt. ' Worshlp Senlce. 10:80 A.M. Youth Felowabl.1p. Sunday, 1:80 P.M.
FERRY CHUI\CH'OP' CHRIST Byron Carver. MIDlater BLble School. 9 :80 A.M. Morning WonbJp. 10:80 A.M. Pr&1er Mee~, '7:00 P.M. YO\IDC People'a MeetIQ, 7:00 Evening Services. '7 :30 P.M. WAYNE8VILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST . '
B. E. Baugbn. Paator Unlfle.d Service, 9: 46
'SATURDAY t APRIL 29, 1950 ST. MARY'8 EPI8C9PAL The Rev. Samuel N. Keys Rector . Public Invited 'Sunday: Holy Oommu nlon: S a. m. WAYNESVILLE, GYM ' Primary church school · }O:30 a'.m. (Ages 0 through 8) SPONS'ORED BY ' Adult Worship, 10:30 a. m: UT'CA ~,U.B. CHURCH 'WlIJlam Shannon, Mfllister Sunday Scbool, 9:30 A.M" Mra . .James Ganlso.n, Supt. . Preaching, let. and 3rd. Sun· do.ys of eact.' month, 10:80 A.M. Evening Services. 7: 80 P.M.
)l. H. Coffey, MlnlBter Bible School, 9: 30 A.M. - -. Momlnc Worahlp, 10:80 A.M. ST. AUGUSTINE CJiUACH YoullC Peopl..' • MeeUng, 1:.5 Father R. H. ~wnholtz, Pastor P.M. Masses, 8 and 10 A.M. EYenlng Sarvice, '7:30 P.M. Pra11lr MeeUns and Bible Study CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS WedD81u.,.. 8 P.!I. I • . ..se Part!~OD. U"_' _ ....... t.r Worablp Benlce, 10 .I..K• . MT. HOLLY METHOD'''' Bunclay Soboo", 11· .I. .•• T, II. Bcaft, KlDIICer SUnclay Scbool, ':30 A.II., Eo WAYNESVILLE FRIEND& A. lDaruhart. Bupt. · WonbJp Semce, 10:30 .A.!I. First Day School. 9: SO A.M. . Eveni.n'C ~enlce, 7: 30 P.lII. MeeUng for WorshIP •. 10·: 80 A,.1Il.
1IIIIIIII.IIIilIDll mmml.~l.lillllllllmlmlllllll.lllllll.ll.lmlllllllllllllllllllm
The Waynesville · HiP School · Alumnae Asaociation EarI ,Dupnt a Orche.tra TICKETS 500
p. M.
mll~I~lIImmllllllm~lmlmmlllllllllllmlllll!ll!IIllllIIlIIllIIllmlll~ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT
Estate of Ella B. COok. DeMosed. 'Notice Is. bereby given tbat Ern. est E. coOk, whose post oUice ad· dresg Is R. R 2, Waynesville. Ohio, ha s been duly apPOinted a8 AdminIstrator of the J!J8tate of Ella D. Cook. late of 'Vayne TOW~8hIJl. Warren COunty, Ohio, deceased,
with ,a'i l tliese Features! 7f Ii., a cu. ft: 1ft ..0 lb. fr.e.', .".
Dale.1 this 30th duy oC March.
RA LPH H. CAREY . Judge of the Probate Court you ng & Young, AttorneYIl Published April 6-J3-20
Estate of John c. Hn.w l'e. D . cea.sed.
Lee Hawke, whol!8' post office alldress Is Waynesville, Ohio, 'has
Your Support Kindly Appreciated
General Merchandise
been duly ~polnted ns Administrator of the Estate of John C. HaWke, late of Waynesvllle, WIJr' ren ~unty, Ohio, deOe\lged.
PRIMARY ELECTION,. MAY 2, 1950 -Pol. Adv.
Dated this · 28th da.y of March, Le... lD Juvelry Wear 1960. Nlnety·nlne in 100 French women wear precloq. platinum. palladium BALl'H H. CAREY or ,old Jewelry compared with the NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice ls bereby .given that C. Judge of the Probate Oourt ume ratio of American women Admlnlatrator Lee Hawke. whose post office ad· G. L. Schilling, Attorney. who adorn themlelves with cos· Etaate of Flora . Susan Hawke. dress Is Wayneavllle, Ohio, has tume pieces. Published April 6-13·20 Decea.aecl. been duly appointed as A<1l1llni8tra-' tor of the Estate of Flora Susan Hawke. late 'ot Wo.yneavllle. War· CANDIDAn: IF'OR ren County, Ohio, decel'lled •. Daled this 28th da.y at 1\1 arcb, REP~ES~Nl'A
RALPH H.CAREY . J'ldge of "the Probate Court . WlU'ren County. Ohio G, L. ScbllllDg, Attorney Publlahe'd April 6-18-20
tk4 p,'tleel
Notice Is bereby given that C.
. and only 10rc dow..-24 mon'h~ to foy
'B~ tit
Morrow, Obi9
All UMble (opacity . Locker .. 'A lushel. Acid-Resi.tin. h'n., Shelf for Super-Cold Meid Storo•• IA lush.1 Acid-Resisting C,itper 5 Full-Width Shelves for .I,xib'e food Storog• btr.,~ill TaIl· IoIlI. Storll. - Av,o""ic ligh,·Pun 'oflll.l....4 (obinlt - Acid.lltsi,,;". rood (alii.., ,,",- 5.11".1". S.II·Oill"l '-aiel Yolt Muhanirm - ~' YIIIf' (ullom. I'nltdioft Pion.
To 'file'
LEBANON, 01-110
Bottle Gas Sales
Ask About our Price on Installation and Gas
.Republican' .,rimary Election, .Tuesday, May 2, 1950 . Your Vote and Support . Be Appreciated · World War II Veteran -Pol. Adv• .
""I _DIN CO.
'Eva a (ow
Spring Valley~
Can't Make 'liis Kind of Milk!~' Bsie says, "Sof·Kurd Milk is exclusive wi rh Borde n's in Dayton. It.'s the anly milk that stays flu id during digestion . .. unlike ~r. ~jnary homa!;Jenizod soft curd milk which c a a g 'U I ate s ~ "clumps" in the stomach. Be. cause So'f-Kurd mil k remains fluid, it dig~h easier and per. mits the body to retain mote calcium and phosphorus than any othe:r milk." "Borden', Sur· Ku rd Milk t astes b.tter. toe. " Elsie adds. "There ia cre(l:T1 in ~""'rl drop!".
TQke a tip from EllieSwjtch to aJl·purpCIM Iordlm', SclM(urd Milk todG'(. A" your gro-' car, BoreI.n driver, cal Hemlock 1275.
Spring VaDey Hardware Co.
219 E. 5th St,..t
. ..... .
• ..,i
,,_I ' "e' ••••
111 _ _ I
........ "- ...... - ..... ·.................. .............. ........ ,...
• .erfelt t . . . . . . 1~ If,~••••
. . . 11
·... ...................._.... t__
~tt;_' .
PboDe 2441
·Wall Paper·Steamer
~. OUR FlACII.ITLES ARE FlJEX· Iil N'O UQ' H 1.0 meet any family prererence. . Wllether n lIervlco til ,beld In' the cburch. n a. fum or clly r~~den(\e. Of In our funeral hom,,' EVElRY DETAIL IB CAREF'UIltLY PLAN. NElD AND NOTHING 18 OVER.
Phone: :Wayn.."llle 2834
Fairley Bardware
Phone 37371
-i ~~'-'-~": ,4#-
FU"E~~L .HOME -. .A.!I'I.V'.... L
.,,'0' >
THURSDAY. 'APRIL 20, 'i950
~'-" -""~~~'~I'~~-' l J
Dry Ridge
A Farm Diary
Uy D. J, Frazier
I '
.:. ,_ . _ _ I'-'~'""-"~! _l~_~.:"
A , d il 17, J 950.- 1' h e sun I ~ sbln' Ing. 'I'h p "' UII s h on e, ytlflt l'tlIIY • . 'I h.lt ill ne\\' ~ nl'l ' j ' til lunU or ' l ' l\l'I>t l, I' Lhat lIe' h,t ve b(' n h a l'. Illg. I t i ~II ' t ,'ol\ l,I y wltrm b l l \I'llI'm (u)ollgh to utitll(' .YOIl r r l Wee II . Illg Ollt ,or door!:!. It Ii! s llI'IJrla lll /i how clry Il is , I'm' wit h 1111 1I111 \' h \'l owly w)j lUll' und ol,d wll It ~ no w 1'1111'1'1 s, It , ~ e(. 1l1 A li S thou , 1I
It h£\d be n wet but
aru~ I'
all It Is
almo tlL t.wo w ek l;! I;!lnc.} we ha.l thllt hard \'uln.
I<)"oly day ~Ild III S lillt.lay was the 11ft 1'110011 I drov, down to tllEi Olrl S t oul camp to loolc lit n, gl'l1 8 ~ se od lng w e lin d lIluIl e th er e. El el'y pa rldlng sllot nlong t he river. and neal' the woods was OCClllllcd , £Inri th e f1sh c rm n were a ll Ol! t . 'f he rh'e l' w as it. clea r blue gl'e n lind they suill that Uley 'ou ld see tbe fish but that thoy were not IHUng , P OI'haps lh f!- ' fIsh could 80 rl' Ulem too. We fillRlly g Ot Oil\' Ol\(S :lowed 11l1t tb 'I will not elo anyl'lIlng weaLher like ~hl$. p I'hl1l )~ this wlll b' ons or 'tllObS year s whell We do not h,Bve any F,PI'lug w cllih I' ju st wi n,ler lind then s umlL1cr . '1'he 51111. fol' I' willie tbis lJlol'n l n ~ . looked HS though we II ere having tl dust storm . 1'h6Y are PIO~\-ipg (Id s morning so that m t:ob will be gained ,anywiIY. 'We llRve a n e w dog. For a~' v cnll duys w opt1ced II. young black he pll e rd bitch lIanglng IU'ound, ApPlll'ently 80m e on had loft her II Bre as lbol'o was u scarf by th!' Bide of the t'ond nnd al.e sLllye'd by It mos~ of tb e time al waYI:I t om· ing ,haclk 10 it uulU t'\Hri.ll y w e saw that who ev r left · her W:t ll nnl omlng bncK tlO we oon', c\ hel' ' up a nti caught her and fed b r. Sal urday we wore, talking to one or t he neighbors he sold f hnl hr snw I!om~ Preopl , 111110 11 .1 bel' fl'om a.n 111llomoblle very ('a I'ly . olle mor nhl l/. , he IR . n pre tty thing nnd II. natural born ~toCk dog but why will peoll ia uo· lhat? Rhe 'IIIB fountl a home but line might JU!l1 as eaSily 'haVe taken 10 tho woods and Bome du.<y bnve beCOme n !lbe P
. henn....tlii8 - awa '. rd'·18 made ,fot" betng ~ r.e . .ITo ·1heoc1ore 1.. · d BOuree 0.1.. e.a "'e,"'"" 'natural gas. 6 '"", , . 'most uSeful a~l·aroUJl ou &Qd~belp you do , ~h~ Inch LiBes_are pJOud to,ear~, "
.. lOllI'.t~ ,
-" I,,,.,
a lot 0f wetg v h lp rna~Dufaeture ne , al hundred i . ustries. J.OU c. eed to live better. aever 'tu e all the thmgs we n china. paint and furm r, t' n's industries helps ' .1. f k do for tbe na 10 'nl'/I(Js;n~ Emp,oymen .. the wo~' YO':'obson the pipe lines tha~ ~arr.y you " • . A d of courSe, you make ,~ew l . . 34 commumtleS lTi ten create DeW JO , n, ate the lncb Lines 1n 0.. 1.200 men and women now oper ' . .......
uires lots of operating
lOt1l1 rrllde.: gettin~~ you to work r : in r.ommunities E«OlInrg.u, . .,u.. Whenever possible. we buy our, PPliCP good cust.omer for ..he i
...... <
.....' . . '-h UDtIIIL
a~ '---des everythilng else, you are a ~.
.....xu helps to make.
....,....... , j
f ••
A th·_...... is equal to about 95 jJub!: f~~~ !::r b!.t1DJI fnr _ ... ...lI . -
do a de.J''' CIIII",UII
. •
. , ' .,,; .
-, "'-- -
~ ,
-" ~ ~
, ' :'- " ~
~~~~~~:tba=.:_"':fam:n:Y,",:±::::,:::::.::~::;:::,;,,;<.~;.. ,;..=.;~.. __:;::jt :.
I \
Owner and operator af the 81g Inch ond LIttle Big 'Inch, pipe' line ~ II represented In' (ommunily ,lIf. of ten statel: wh.,elt. 'emp'oj... and work.
Home office of TelfClIrEastern . 'ouI.~a. ) is 0'306 Milam , St.. -' Nearest -reX~J Eq,fern Stillion i: a~ UIANON T
eighty 11e fasler and
, qulQker
' I
sptilllng ",lt Ollt letter by I tt e l' b\lt
- . -~'_!l_~~
some people . arc. ea'r·mtnded 'an'll ' som~ C1o\ll.bltl() ,the dlfJ,e rent kinds 80 that they need ' 'the pbonetlcs and r ending alond. When I was. studytng cduc(lti,on the U So, of III r,e a.d lng and ' the IEmrJIing o f Ing by , writing It instead or Ing aloud were Itwo new tbat were being :p')Jsh.id and consIdered great new disco verIeR- but time hRS sli'own' tillat they cannot 'be used to the elleluslon of SIIt'!I\1ng lind 'ol'al reorllng. ' C h dren need drill iD Qoth, · ( worlced 011 ' ono of our bo,ys who wns a.
tlJ6 !lODl~, ', lDl18<lle-mfDded
old WII>Y. Tbe eye.minded ch ll ~lr~ n. tliat Is those wbo' remelllber thl!1~B. thllt ~h !\y !lnO, Illl e flll'flll'p ~· In j h ~: r I1Ijnlls, I'end Cll lllly , Th QY Ntn 10(111 at It word u'nd ,r ecognli!e It. wJth li t
'VeFY apeliet· one yenr arid. round t}lat , when he WAS- d ol'ally, the , old fa~:hioned way be Improvtld . ' , .school b\1 II III r.'gIS Ilnd , school bolfda are upperm09t 1n the thougbts
Funeral Home
amoont 0 l I l - -
·C. E., BUUIS -
. , .... "rii · as-:.the ·~·~
Incre,s;n}!" NtltifJntll Wet/ltll: ~tho:::::;:: ~ft\Cientl~ is valuab~:: • bt in our economy. The enE~ Y w cars and radlOS, glass
ala may be effectiv." observed.
useful. you have tmeo~
rltuall aDd
'8 0
!~t"' I' ~ .~ . ' t
b ere found is owned y lllndfJ.~II'rs: t1~e~-r::=~rolll tbe useful work hundreds of farmers and other lDI,lt , yoU ,8re doing, ' . pasS through the comHelping Communities:, on tba way:s,~:-~~~::ates .. ~e taxes we-paY munities more,~ 80 eo~:C,: :=~u belp tbese commumtles. ,;. . ., on the pipe and ,m achinery ~ , . r ghter than air, you pun,
went Ollt Ilnel tried to g~1 n .l';o ocl look. at them but I c'ould n ot get ~enr ellollgh to be 811\'e. 1 had the field gl.llsses and [ SAW that ,two of t hem 1ook~d somewil8L Uke , collies but withollt nny white 011 them And Lhe ,third looked some· whnt like C,I]' DllCl1 except tll'nt it WIlS n little Rb ortel" Iljgged unci tho 'spots 'o n l 't s back were dArke~, ROJlle or thelli D1lgb~ . ,~~m08t hAve been blal.'~e lI.n 'd ' II hall 1\ th!ekeJ' tllil. The ' llhief I'ea On . h:>·wever t hnt I know it waSn 't llnck. Is Ihat 'he WDS up lit Ole house tied. There was anot her sheep killing lifter the loc nl ' oneR 1)lIt Ulut tlmo waR I1f· t"'· two or O\ll' dog ~ h all 'lJel' n leilled n:ncl th E' otber One was ti ed, fl O w e kl.ow ,tl1nl. ,Vl\S'D' 1, 0111' .Iogij, I hear they lI!1d a lot o~ trouble In Montgomery Coun.ty with A llnck of Qwnerle !I- dogs, Dog/! that 'lome ono hnd taken out somewh ere ar.'II , left probably. ; If you, have dogs. or cats to get rid of, I sl\Y again, Ues In lh,e UBe 0 '[ too much silent DON'T. TURN THE14 LOOSE ON 'reading In the early grades with '1'HE HIGHWAYS OR. ON 'OTHER QUt sufficient testing to ' make sure PEOJ;'LE'S FARMS. tho.tt bey It re really rending. !'lome ·.A n glo iPa ~d ,In ono or hls nl'llcl41B people ~.ny wb)" US? lht'sP m'eOloll ll the ather day was talking about If so many cun not leran b~ .them .. readIng dltfloulUes 11\ chlldl·en . He '1'he renl30n , for · that Is, that th e
OUr funerala are plp. ned in order tbat aU
ural gas producers to ,&901d'" , nat :ti of vOOf energy· finding neVI' SUPP es .,
killer. 'l' hl) - flUIDIII:1e SOl'iety ' BUpPOfts the Ani mal Sheller In Day· ton fO I' -stl'nY dogs 'hlld til I:ounl y do g atcQ'cl' w ill alwny s come aft er nny ul!wun.ted dog . ., I !,;RW three dog!! ' thnt L did not r ecognize go a rOs s oui· plnen fhiR morning. I
'f " ~
spurring ClnSePlllfitHl: t:.:=~ earn for them is put to work
".,...-'t.-A ..... , I~
. ~~ ..:;'.1....
Waynesville. people
right noy( but wbllt goes OD within the hulldlDgs all (IYer tile ' ClOUD ty Ia :the co.ncem of all IJ"elp th~ l'ep&atel'8 to ad you haft lDBde the first to cllttln~ down
Hayloft Jalllhoree. ,
faJlesville Hi SchOol Auditorium CURTAIN 8:13
WayaemDe Foroibft I.AppliaDee Co. WAYlfESVILLE, OHIO
'Dlunday, April ZO, 1951
Familia~ity With~ Pattern' Uses Helps Fit CI~the.s Own Figure
By Ertta Haley SCRIPTURE: Amoa,
II! 1-6: 8 :4.71.
18 :1-8.
Leftover: Ham and Eggs Make Interesting Dish ' . For Supper, Luncheon
Add other ' II!&T¢len" to_both ham and egp to ellh.Dce their' flavor ' and e~nd ' these protein loods when preparlnr them IDto Jnucheon or lIupper dlabes, LYNN CHAMBERS' MENlJ Hot Tomato Juice °Ham a la King in Toast Cups Carrot Strips and Green Beans Pear Salad Beverage Chocolate Pudding °Recipe Given
Ens Slurred wltb Crab Mea' (ftlBkea 12 Iluffed erls) 6 lIard'-eooked errs I teaspoon dry mustard
* eup teaspooa saU naked ' cr.a b meat
I I cup chopped cele!:y ! tablespoons chopped rreen
pepper '" cup mayonnaise Paprika eut eggs into halves crosswise: Remove yolks, mash lind mix with remaining ingredients. Fill whites; sprinkle with paprika. Baked HawaIIan Rasb (Sc"es 5) 3 tablespoonll hutter, melted 3 oups dloed leftover cooked smoked bam . S caps d Ioed cooked . Iweei polaton % cap flDell' choppe4 oDion 1L I . 711 eaapoon u I, . " teaspoon pepper ~ I I.... e ._ee . u. (. enp pneapp a allces pineap~le, cal In half % cap broWII sacar I tableapooDa. "ldter Comblrie three tablespoon, melted butter, ham, potatoes, ' onion, lealonin,s a n .d pineapple Julce; mix lightly. Bake In gr~ased eightinch Iquare bakIng dish In matiere:;~~~~ __ ate oven (350·) .. . 3() minutes. Remove from oven; ' top witb h!llved pineapple sUces; sprinkle with iSc"e!I 6) brown sugar; dot wIth two tablel! bard-cooked ercs spoons butter. Broil untD pineapple French drenlnr is 'lightly browned, about seven Z lablespoooa IIDIlavored reiaminute'll. tin Baked Tomatoea and % cup cold water U.rd-Cooked. E,p % cup bolllDr water (ServH 6) 1% cap!!! ulad dreuln, I ·medlam tom aloes, peeled Z teaspoona minced onloD , 8 Ilices llread S tablespooJl8 lemoD .Ialce . 8 hard -cooked elp, .Ueed teaSP!",D sal& . I capi Cheell4! Saace % cap cllopped panic), •• trl ked b &00< a ps eoo aCOD Separate yolks and whites. Force ,panle,. the yolks through a sieve and moistCui each tomato Into three slices en with Frencb dressina. Pres. the crqllwlle. TOalt bread IIgbtly. Aryolks fl·r mly ontO bottom of gressed mold. Chop the whitel.· Soften lIela~t-~range .liced egg tin in cold water and dl.solve in on eacb Bllce o.f boilln, water. <::Ool. When sirupy toast, cover witlt In consistency, add lalad 'd relaa slice of tomato lng, onion, . lemon • Juice and sail. and bake In mod. Pour about balf of this mixture t.~~~~!ra'te oven (350 0 ) over yolk and chW until firm, Add ~~~??i9»J~ 15 minutes. Pour cbopped par.ley and egg w~teli to \.: hot cheese 'sauce 'r emalnlng gelatin mixture and pour oVe.r tomato and into mold. Chill unW firm. return to oven to heat until sauce begin. to bubble. Remove' from oven, garnish each .ervlce with bacon Itrlps and add parsley. • • • P1Deapple Na& Cake , (Servea 6-8) ~ cap 'batter 1 cup l1I~ar S elrlr yolks 1 cap crashed, canned piDII> . apple ~ ellp nutmeats, cbopped 14 rraham crackers, crumblecJ % cap pineapple Jolee ~ oup beaV)' ,cream, whipped Cream together butter and sugar, Add eg, yolks and contin)le creamIng unto well . blended. Add pIneapple and nutmcata. Arrange al· Cream saalle, alrlpa at bam ternate layers ot, crumbl and pIneand bard_keel ercs se"ed In apple mixture in loaf pan, leaviJlI ....t cups make ~eh a la.aty crumbs a8 top and bottom layers. aDd dellclou at.. wben ae"ed Moisten with JUice. Set in refrigIII Wa wa,., ,.ou'd Dever pen erator for 12 hours. Ser:ve in Ilices leftover. were bel... _d, · with whipped .e ream.
LYNN BAn: Pep Up lAIIObes WIlli Varlel,. Tuna risb iliad for I~ndwlcbel I. nothinr new, but when. )'ou add to It lome brolled bacon, )'ou give it a welcome chanre of flavor. Swi.. cheese paired w.th th1nlJ Ilieed dried beef and .liced tomato will travel wen If made into a lunch
bOIl aanchricb. U \be .aDdwicb 1iJUn, Is ralber
dr,., &1" B aucculeDce bl' dlppin. In an eli-milk mixture and. try 1\ for I'reDcb Fried .IDdWlctiel.
the fr a ternity dance one AFTER 01 the "brothen" shot another,
few glam'touches to
. •
Lesson tor April 23, 1950
them. You can serve juicy pink slices of ham in sandwiches or with salad as long as you can slice them. but when you get doWn to the smaller pieces, then you may be looking tor luch recipes as call for diced or groun(,f ham. ·Ham a ]a KIDr In Toasl Cup. (Serves 3 tallieapoona butler 1 lallieipoon diced ODiOD ~ tealPOOD sail teaspOon pepper 4 lableapooDI noar. caps mUk 1 cap diced, eooked celery Z cap. jaUeDned cooked ham I sneed hard-cooked eu. ~ teaspoon Woreelterlhfre lSuee Melt butter, add orUon and cook until tender over low heat, while stlrdng. Add sea~oni1)gs and nour; blend. Add milk and cook I1ntil thickened, stirring constantly: Add celery, ham, sliced eggs and Wor. cestershire sauce, reserving a few egg sUces to garnish top, Heat and serve in hot toast cups. Toast Cupa S thlD sUces bread 3 tablespoons melled lIatter Remove crusta from bread slices. Brush both sIdes 01 each slice wUh melted bulter. Press into six, th.r ee· lnch muffin paris with two points each side. Bake In a moderately bot oven (375') for 12 minutes unligbtly ' browned. Smoked Bam-Pineapple Pattin ' . (Berves 8) I ClIPS rroUDd leftover lIam ~ cap dry bread crumba ~ teaapoon rroDlld clovea , ~ teaapeoD salt , 1 tablespoon tiroWII _rar 2 erp G sllcea .,aDDed plDeapple Combine l1H!at, crumbs, leasonmgs, sugar, arid well beatcn egg.s. Mix thoroughly. Form into six nat patties. Arrange pineapple slices in a shallow baking pan. Place a patty on eacb ring. Bake In a not oven (325°) about 25 minutes or until browned. . RJbbon Err. Salad
which you wear Is just as impor' tant 35 the styles you have ohosen , Unless you are comCortable in 8 dress, blouse, suit or coa t. the mosl tash.lonnble garment will not givr you .the poise and grooming yo should expect. . Ma ny women avoid expensive alterations on clothes by makln" thell' own, nnll tn this "1ay they ca r achi ev e both fashion and correl'l fit . wltb the least amount of ex pense. , Fil~ures which life ha rd to fI1 Without extensive alterations ca l' readil y be clothed with clothet lewed at home. provided you kno\\ just how to alter . plltlern s to make them fit, So much ease, comfort nnd feei in'g ri ght can come from clothes that fit accurately thnt once you've treated yourself to ' a well (itte cl garment, you'll never be satisfied with less. Not only will clothes do more for you, bQt you'll' enjoy wearing them as well as showing thflm off to best advantage. Clothing which fita pertecUy al· 10 hilS the advant&ee 01 wearing better, but will reQuire less care and atientlon than 'ill·fltted garments simply because they wrinkle less Ireadlly and need les8 frequent clean lng and preSSing. ' Wh·en you take measUrements, remove any' bu1lCy pieces ot apparel so that you can arrive at
Nation Going Soft
OU'LL BE GLAD to have ham leftover from your Easter din· ncr ' as well as those hard·cooked eggs tram the tration al E a s t e r CY.~~egg hunt. Both help make menus inIf you
U~~:~;;~;:~~~u sa
in THEyourWAY, clothes
C.~elally .:l~:
ClUcken and bam -are navor matn for IIIndwlche•• Enhance th. navor by spreadi", the bread wJth a Thousand lsiand drelllo •• For .omethln, di.tinctl,. d$ffereIIt, try usln, a Icrambled ell rilling In noontime landwlche.. Color and flavor appeal are rtW!ll the landwlch. by addln' lOme chopped ,rHn pepper 01' chopped onion' to tbe ell'. . , Peanm butter Is an old favorite. but It takes on Intere.t when mixed .with ebopped arIap cucuml!er a~ • bit of plmieJIto for color,
t or no good reason. Well. there wes a reason at a sort. Toe killer was drunk. on liquor Ule fraternity had bought and served him . His excuse. when arrested, was that when be WDS "tight" pe was trig· gel'" hap,py." .. A promlnfilnf motion ' picture s tar di· vorces her husband' :for . c rue 1 t y. It comes out at tht! trial that he was mean ~nyhow, anct thaL , 81\ hi. meannesses I(ot wars!! when be s drunk. One wonders: Old ~he know him very well betore she married hlm1 ' • . Every day the pa~rl ·carry reports of cars thet "wenf out f}t cnntrol" with serIous or fatal results. Cnreful rending of the litOI')" 100' often bt'!'1¥1!. out theCact that. the boys .h\lq ~n visiting r. night·sp,ot or twd before-! tbe C'rash,. SurvIV01'S will tell the police Ihey couidn't have been drunk, tbey ba;i only had a few be.e rs. Well, you don't have to be drunk to let a car get out from your control. This writer personally has observed a driver who had had exacUy one beer run a' cor tight If the pavement in broad sl,lllllght.
Burlap Fashion$
Ilt Lastl 1'he big bUSIness mlln h;d dIed ., and gone to-well, not to Heaven . Hardly ' had he set tied down for a Dice, long smoke wRen a hcarty hand slapped him on the back . Jnto !lis ear bdoilled the voice of a persis tent salesman who had Irequen~ly hounded him on earth. "Well, Mr . Smith," chOrtled the lIaJesman ~ "I'm here for the aJr pointment." "What . appointment?" "Don't you remember? Every time 1 entered your ofIlce on earth you told me yoU would see m e here ."
.CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FARM ftU OlliNERV 8< EOUIP '4R lit. II . •·OUAGE iil\ltVE ~\ T En New attoche-d b1ower. :I u tt~_ ch I\JC'llt ~ . 1... 1. 51000. . V. U . Au. wnu, .. er Ph . 7·7~n7 MEddlf'ltnwn. 0111.
plirty vlan allies pf Pin II Ie P roduct • • wh.1ch 'S sweeping the country. B le mOne y can be m ade In your sp re ltlll e. \V. are oJ)enln.: up this territor,)'. Communlcol .. wllh us nt onu. MAIJOY PLA T I ·S. INO .. '147 011 ... 81..
~. ..
Oasual shoes and matehlnr purse fashioned of lIorlap and slmu"lated leather were Introdaoed aa SUD matel lor warm weather "'ear. The rouch lox, tured burlap. rlvea a textDred effeel "hlch III both novel aDd new In the fasblon picture.
I.. EARN " ' ateh Repuirln, for p ro fit 0'hobby; elcmcn1nr3' Ins tru ction. Wrl1t" lIos 18701. C hlo"u 00. JlI.
REGIS TE ItED G u e<n8eJ b:.":'II:.---. .I-rC-.d,...,.b-" Franchesle. ROYIlI Ac~. 1a000: a nd St•• l· In&,old CourleoLU. King 80000: out of cOW. with A. R. records. 'Heu.o ,mbly priced. B,er.' G 'ern_leY Farm •• tHUG N . Ca1ilKlld7~ Rd..
JE ~1e~~" .
MISCELLA NEOU!S SEN 0 10. for unI9"" Cloth DoUs liend to
complJshed by laying paper under· mllke cuddl¥ ras 0011 . Wont ed: Old SC1' f. Book• . J. I'r.oael, B.lO 101, 10 E. 71 • • neath the pattern so you can make St .. N. V.(l. a dotted Une IndJcatlne the taper· FREE EolarCtltnenl. ... n vc your lav() rltt! nega tive enlurged to 8x JO size. hone Ing. painted . only '1.00. Rec olv e smaller en· l on%l!me nt free.. G ive color h nl r find eye • . To shortcn sleeves, lay folds Color Nook. bOll 100. b~ 1!i Mo l"" ,., 10 ..... straight across to take up the extra M:n}J~~k ilno~1uS~'¥A~~I};~O~'trr~'t'~::.~ length. If the sleeve Is very long, munl .1 Ch inn u • • d. 11.00. Includ. com· make one tuck 'above and cine be- m~morlttlyesl. South ChIna , eortllll , Gov ' t Ca nlon Vletory S' l eon>plete. 500. MAO low the elbow, TSE:TUNG 28th . onnl\'cnd ry 01 Chin. ... Communism comple te s et ' m int. SI DOw Shorten the waist by folding the FORMOSA 12 dirr. 150. lIo"';k()I1~ . PI,IIIp.. o 0 • desired depth between ..the under- "Ineo IS dill. 25c . Chino Nn ' ionnllst. 200 dlllbSI.OO, Pnk l.>ll"nh~S dill. SOc. M a laya . Gets l\lonotOllouS, 8rm and the waistline. Be certain 75 III. ~2 . oo, SOUL -a nst A.I.,. 100 d ill. Doesn't It? Burmn. Sl om... Ind onesJ n~_ Cey lon . to make the adjustment on each S1.50. e'c. s~nl P os lpn lc'l . .,·roo OJI 1111 "".00 or d piece of pattern. ~~!·ke:, ~~ur1~~~~e~~~(:' s~~~rwe~ \Vl~~bit~ SEX CRIME is comm1lted by a Skirt pieces Dre shortened In the N.Y. middle·aged man whll sheds same way as the walsl In this TUANSVAllENT Mirror: Lurk ,h roUllh tears over It afterward and cnn case, have each part at the skirt ~~~r w":~h~Y,rhgut c~~I~"'~~C":!lh~~'tYg~;~~ Ilardly remember tlnything about It. then thfs ~s lor )lou. P!!rhaps ~ou Vfr shortened the same amount, Dnd at , scen, "I never would have done it if I had heard 01 the new mirror Ih ll l can bC' aoen throug h from the bnck . 'de, but .1'011 the lame ' ppsltipn. This is partjc ~ been sober,; ' he says . . . A girl I. probn bly hoven ' l seen one becllus e lit ularly Important 110 that pattern mDnUrac:lur,lng process hoe btlen ;3 Auord. found murdered In a men's roomed secret, Now y ou cAn ma; ke tra nap urc.nl notches will matc:h, and so that a mirrors lng·house, a nice girl too. In your own kitohM by morely . your true measureme.nts. It you gored skirt will fit weI). npplylna two solutions to common winNobody waa drunk-tbey had wear a certain foundation garment. clow ,Ia... JngrodlenlB obtulnn ble anyWhen you are adding length where. Your cosC1 About 13e per mlrtor, oDly been lakin, a few 'drinks have this on when you .whip · out Your complete ' sel of lnstrlletlons will ~ ' • • A 27-year-old woman w.. rather than lIubtracting it, use the ml\tled lIPon r.c~lpt ot a2.oo. Don 't ml.s the tSipe meallUre• out on thlsl Make " 'ran.porcnt mirror abet aD4 k111ei1 duriDr aD arr. slash technique· . PIn the pleees to and watch the lun boilln . Sell them at a Keep the measurement I on , a ment with ber .llteMU-IaW, TIle handy card so that you may al- a paper strip, or baste them to ex- ~~:~ o~~~f~otv~,'i°tMU~'¥=?~5ra';a~~Y:i pootlnr, Il was claimed, :was ways bave them on hand, 'IbIs tra paper 11 . 1~u want to ule the Street.· Brealll),D , . N ••Y.. acddental. Tbe,. lI&d been bav- , card should be kept UR-to-date pattern leveral times. PERSONAL Maldn, slashes to give width or ID, aoine frlendl,.. beers ID a . wJth f~equent measurement checu CONTEaT De .....by lavern "r.r a couple 11 i 1 I i I hL length and ne~lectfn, to phi to an D.A.V . SERVICE If'OVNIJATION bonra" before the .booUD,. you' .re ,a n n, or ,os ng we g extra piece at paper, may result . So IYOU ca n enler I oUor th" ani, . . .uU>enlle fill.ln woMb to eet aeOre. from In ,your lOSing the pattern pleees. l~1 After they got borne. there WII Mille AdJultmeDts ID PaUel'll to 13S0 wbleh la hlthclt, J .how the It the Pllttern II not leperated and an argument. One woman ,at her Bather thaD at Seams . n::n.:~~hR~lt~rr."F~~'.'oo~· ...... M. E. Sawole husband's revolver out to' scare the Essl!Dtlal line and Ityle In a pat- simply a slash made without pin11167 E. Rtnd II .• (l'e".' •• '. Obla other woman, and the first thing tern cian be changed or lost only ing to extra paper. you may not Lsi Ladl ... ! AII .. rlnl!' 0 ..... lor you. ahe knew, she was being arrested by ahortenlng ' and lengthening at get the required amount of extra 601, eekl. Bust D eveJoping Course provell for ·murder. Her husband told the' waist or hemilne. Therefore. Y9u m~terlal, 8S the pattern Is .apt to s uccessful results Kua r a nteed! comnl~ ~~~rr;.; . ':J'1~hl:~j,~' I~oberl" , B.. h • I pollce that when sober Ills wile was see many alterations can be made slln . during the cutting. For a large arm . add the extra , "deathly seared" of guns. within a pattern Itsel! without REAL ES'fATE-BUS. PROP. (Beer, the brew.e rs' ads tell us, Is changing the ba~lc Ityle. You may width along the edges. taperlng the frlendl, drink; It Is the drink of have fit plus style ,with internal Irom armhole to waist. If much FOR. SnIt: or Jt~n1 : One CrOC'CTY s tore and full\Y equip. 11'11,," quarters Incl.: extra width Is needed. cut pAttern cnte moderation; "Beer ·Belongs." It pattern adJustmentll. Full part culnrs : os 111.\. FellJlmllre, Fl • • grain line, separate evenly and on does, indeed, but where? Poss'lbly NevElr be misled by .s eam, pleat SEED~, PLIlNTS, ETC, ·that . unlortunate killer·woman had and dnrt allowances. These should pIn to paper. belle~ed what the ads told her.) • •• be cui:, pinned and sewed as d.l- Make WaIst and Rio ~r.~i'Wr~~:t~~· ~~re;~': 'tn~~~~ln'\,l!~e rnspberr)" blnckb.rry. :SoY8enberry. blu e... • o· • rl)eted on the pattern or the cloth- Adlastments Carefnn,. berry, lIoosoberry plnnts. Currnnts. srape. The Truth About Liquor In, win 'not have proper fullness, aopllrngu'!: rtlub,rb. Fruit tree •. For nanow hips. take off a little Vine., WELL . • . U\is cou1d be IItrung slendemesa or other featurel which at the hipline on the side .seams of Da,la Za.rer. '-Jan.I ' Wlt.ehealer. Ollli. : l'EItENN~L IPECI.n. make for good stylln,. ' the skirt. Make certain that tJie 20 llUxed Chrysanlliemums Ou.hlon out to the length of Severai co.lE.,Usb Kor""u spoon-*l .50 Eve... you need so little as a line II tapered' to the hem 10 the G FaU ..ulera Mlehaelmaa umns, without h Ii I f trying: The •• U DailY NbCedthe bodice of B skirt will tall properly. .. above Items are. not from some half an inch .Ul CI ~e"PnlclJ' Carter lak ...... I.15 . al.l,1t dress, don't try to "et the oecel-. If only a little additional material n Hastn Lllles- .1.05 chamber of horrors conducted by • aary extra room by faWna to Ilasb II needed at the hlpl, the adjust- G Glllardlaa-S1.0G I the W.C.T.U., not from a lermon by PI nIX ahlpped III proper planting tim. Kahle. Plewerl•• Aer •• NarHI7 , ment may be made at the side saine Anti-Saloon league preaeber, II•• 8110 aODe,.., 0.1. leaml. taperlnq of! at the ~alst but gathered from newspaper items and hemline' . When mOre than 'a litfrom a few daya' paper. in ~ city tle Is needed. an even amoullt can whfch certainly Is nO.t prejudiced For ' Your Future Buy be allowed alonr the side leam· 'o f against ~quor. the skirt from hlp to hem...." The .rutb alloa' IIqaor oaD Properly fitted 'waistlines ~re Savings Boni'ls Dever' fearDed from tbe adqui red so that clothe. will be com· verilsmr parH, It caD lie bc1tcr fortable. For heavy waistlines, sdd learued fram lIIe ~ew'a columna. width ' to 'both back and front of Better yet, If you want to kDOW , ~ 1Al. c t' , ~ the garment at side edges. Taper Ibe' tru'll aboat It, ask Iho law· the extra width to both the upper yen, doclors and mlDisters you and lower halves 01 the garment, know. AlIlt. the lawyera It tbeir WOlltOS InrlGEST SElLER Ar "'o < When the figure Is heavy above busiDess would be brisker or the waist, lay the PQttern over alower If Uquor were Dol iD expaper and allow enough for easy latence. . fit. The adjustment for thl, Is dtr-~ Ask the doctors wbether steady , 10 .. ferent from adding extra width y~U drinkers have .stronger or weaker resistance to disease. Ask the min. the ,alment. II you try to Ifet the for a full bust, since this adjust,Jaterl if they know 01 any troubles room Itrom the learn allowance, ment Is made at the tront only. in their congregatio~s due to liquor. the leam may puil open. ,Wl\en. you The heavy waisted figure needs Try this Delicious (And If even church people ha ve repair the dama,e; you wiD actual· extra .materll!1 both hi back and tront. troubles witb It, what about people ly be makin:g the garm'e nt so Imall . II the back Is · round and full . with no relllion?) . • WIle. re. "" ............ "ISht "" ... it cannot ever tit properly. . slash waist lengthwise from mid beadaclt, .nd Just awful becauae you n...... 0 • • Clothe. which are made too shoulder straight down to' walst- . I.... the-do tbla .•• (lb... ntDt-.. -Murr-dellcloua ch .. w:lnlDrink and Doom roomy li re as poorly ritted as thole ·lIne.. Loy ali paper and pin. Slash IIUJD laxatl... The action of '"" -"-M TT 15 NOT TRUE that ' 11 l~uor which Itruggle to keep on your fig· across the fullest part of· the ba ck lpeelal 'medlclne ·"D.rDUIJI" Ut. atomRClt. .& were, tq~ally abolished from the ure. When you place the tape meas· from center to .back to the length. Thal 18. Il doesn't ",,,. wblle In the etom. earth. all the troubles of mankind ure ar()und yourself. do not pull wise slash to · give enough ense . acll. bUt OOif WbeD rartber alODI In the '10'11'" dlre-u.e ~ ... Where ,ou .lUIl" WOUld. vanish. Man has too ,much . tightl;r on It, nor let it fall too Cut the skirts from the waist to to act.. You f.." liD...plD quickly I meanness In him. A sober ,Bcoun· 10Qlely. · It Ibould be 10 comfort· ' the hem an~ se~rate as necesAnd .cleotl_t• • •, I>b"",'nl m'ak •• I'DH-A-at,ln"a 1lD. medicine mnre ellBCdrel is one of the worst. But It II able' you do not really feel It, and lary. . u,....readl.... tt eo It fto_ II~DtI, 1010 . true Uiat liquor lends Itsel! aU too thil Is the way the finished garNarrow shoulders can be ad- .&/Ie Q'8t.em.Oet ..... -.-M·u n.t an1 O~ eully to all 80rta of troubles. aU ment ' llIIould be on you. justed by taking In a tUck from the drua OOUDtaT-;35t ..5Ott or OPI, • • . • ~ Aecurate measurln, and ' cutting shoulder .down as far as nec~8Sa;.y. 10rts of sins. When Amos thunders of the !Carment will lave , both pa.,ainst the evlla of hi. time, drunk· If the relt of the figure II large, elUless Is one at. tl)e sins prominent tience lind material. There II no slash bodice and skirt lengthwile need to make the larment a 1I~t1e enough to give extra width. on hla Ust. WNU-E 16-50 larle lUI the cutlin, to make allow· Remember .ba' ID AmOl' Urne ance fOlr erron in ' lew\ri" for you Row to Make Special lIIere w.. DO wlllakJ, DO brtt. will on1:r Waite material b.l' bavln, Palteru AdJ1!ltmenta d1, no dl.tllled Uqoon, MIl' ~It'." 'If you have diftlculty tittlng to ~ off. "mUd" stut, lIIte wIDe. Every leave the neck. necklines properly, 00"" •••1 One. 'the pattern I. .elected acdeDUnclatioD of drink iD lIIe . line with extra material and trim ~ fOU chicle orden ia IiO Boote'l to the rnellurement., 'au wba' Blhle I. directed riAbt -,. CiIocJR J'OUI own deliYmQ' bane It to,ether aud try It thll off when you are tlttln, the woald n_ be lIaOed Drbt wIDe BJ'd dace I Slarted pulleta ~ IiO a wceb make an ineJqlenllve mua- material to the figure. ~d beer.. o ... ~-WftIc liYlbiIicy JlWllltee. .For the bUilt which come. rather fir.t and work from ODe tbinll .Is aI-certain nOw 'a. II Choke 01 brftda. U. S. AppruWed. low, adjust the waistline clana on fit. PllIlcJnun..ControJIed. tnick _ ""81 In Amos' time: A nation thai the plI.ttem, brinrtnl narrow ,dlrta _ liYeq, oa JI'OI!ped . . . ia Dabtu. Tllek Patteras. 1D.law OD havin, Ita Uquor Ii nOl to the .rde. of tile walat rathe MIna.. Nelir. Da,..,kl lbe nation God wW insist CIa .avlng & . .~~ .. ~~a ' than to the mJdc!le. - ' - - o:~ -I8'flliJlb1e. Wrile for CIJIIto when Ita da,y of doom arrlw... bodice II Ihorier than Make armbolee cornlqrtable b,. ~-~ ,copr,rl.bl .bl the Intern.UoIUII ~unell O:~~~~~~~~.~Dow., li1 one tuck having them cut while materlll Is ul ft.1 .Ioue e:duc.Uon 011 baMlt at 40 • t lbe pattem. In tbll on the ftpre. "J:beil cut aI_ve. to d~ IITCII AIL .... ProluUont denomtn.tIoDl, hama m.,. need ttt Irmbolll aff.v the acUuatmen* J \.... . WNU .....IUI ••• I ad Is •• all), aco II mad..
=. "'.!'
'rOrfl., .... F.",
April 10. 18se
PAGE SEVEN , Pleat, or There are 600 miles of horse and niklns ,trails in ·the Great Smoky Mountains national park.
All fo~ ODe Mrs, Newlywed : "Darling, ' I know something is troubling you and I want you to telJ me what it is, Your worries a re our worries now. " Mr. Newlywed: "WeQ, dear, we've just had a letter from a girl in Chicago, and she··s st,Jing us for breach of l,lromise."
Are 'OU goIng throl18b the fUDctloAAl "mlddle·ag,,·! perIod peoullar to women (38-52 yeal'l)? Does tw. make you I" lYer from bot ft .... bee. feel 80 nuvou•• blgh-strung. tired? Then do , try LydIa 8. Pinkham '. Vegetable Compound to relieve such .ymptoma I Regular use or Pinkham '. Oompound belpa build up reelatance agaUult tIWI anlloylng ' mlddle-age d Lotress I
A man will a lways go to bat for a girl with go~d curves.
OVERCOMES CONSTIPATION "I am a retired minister and very grateful tbat , eating ALL-BRAN overcomea my constipation. I shall boost this good breakfast food every chance I get." E.H:Harmer, 726 Lincoln St" Snobomillh, Wash. JIUl' om of mallll u1\IJolil> i~d kl/era from ALe,.. BRAN mera' If you need help for constipation due to lack of bulk, simply eat an ounce of ALL-BRAN daily, drink plenty waterl If not complele/u satisfied after 10 days, return empty carton to Kellou's, Battle Creek, Mich. GE'l' DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACKI
OHIo,." ,
Announces Radaeo)
The continued Incre.ling demand for HADACOL, on. of tbe trulJ mat medi~1 dluoverlee riven to the world by Senator Dudley I. LeBlanc, has made it necie.aary to decreale the ration allowanee Oil BADACOL from .is to two boWel. ' "We placed the Urnit at two bottlel to • customer only after t'rJ.ln~ eViry other alternative," aaid Senator LeBlanc In Lafayette, IA. Th. demand for HADACOL hal inereased 1000 per cent in tbe past year. "When I ~reated HADACOL I read every available authorlta~" , medical and drug book In order to use the very finest ingredient. regardless of cost. I read 011 page 284, U. S. I;llspensatory, 2Srd edition, that 'Theoretically Calcium Glycerophosphate should for many purposes be superior to most other calcium laltl because It represent. botb calcium and phosphoric add ill a soluble combination.' . "Little did I realize when I made Calcium Glycerophosphate a part of tbe now famous HADACOL formula that In time tbe demand fol' thlll Jrreat medical discovery-HADACOL-would b~ 110 Irreat that we would use up the' entire available supply in the UnIted States of this product." Yes, in HADACoL. Senator LeBlanc envisioned the m~dicine that would bring bless.i ngs to folkll of all Perhaps others could have the same ingl'edients In a for him to ingredlentl of costs at the. factory For instance, he uses Vitamin B-j; $1i~0 a kilogram, which fa less 'than half • galloll. , At the present time It ,Is difficult to predict how long the shortage of RADACOL will ·continue. It is ~till betnil' merchandised in less than a third of the 'nation and Is belllg denied to all foreign countries becaule of the production bottleneckl, ' . SenatOr LeBjanc w~s the first candidate for Governor In Louisiana to advocate the Old Age Pension. In fact, It Is said by some that he was the first publlc oUiclal to talk about IIpecific Old Age Assistance 'In the ,United States. ' , His heart hu always beaten In sympathy with the cause of the down-trodden, and with tliat very thought in mind he developed. medical fOl'mula known as HADACOL that,la now sweeping the Southland. People are linging the praises of HAQACOL everywhere It III lold. Senator LeBlanc has s'erved his people In public li!e faithfully and well, In private li1e he bmngs to you a service which is appreciated bJ suffering h~ml1nity-ltADACOL. ' And, as he has so often said to his enemies and to those who opposed his Old Age Pension: "Let me quote you an ancient mandate Of God Himself: .. 'Honor thy father Slid thy mother thlit thy' days ma,. be long apon th~ 'and whieb the Lord thy God ginth thee.'" So It is that' there Iii '. man who hall worked untiringly for the causo of the common man, tho ' infirm and tbe sickly, an~ by hili put activities in behalf of these people you have the' asllurance that what . 11. hall 'produced hi HADACO,L he bellevell to be the best for you tbat money can buy_ ' So, If ,)'ou have been' lle\Uy for. long time and you c:aI\'t find the caale, then you owe It to yourself to HADACOI. Why DOt be wi.. ! Don't be satisfied with temporary reUef. Get after' the eaule of yoar trouble. And, al 80 often, It'l beeaule ,on need thlll ama~inil' health· buDcUng, nerve and tislue repairing BADACOL formula. Millions ,of people haft benefited b, it. ,So don't :VOIl think that Y01l owe It to ,our.elf to ll'in thl, «nat medicine a ehanee ,to belp you' R.member the name BADACOL! Remember tb. man who diaecm!red tIIla ' rem.cbl Remember hll aetlYlti.. ln behalf of the poor, tit. humble and the nted,1 DoD't delay. Start uaing lI4DACOt-,oll &lid J01II' family-todaJI W..... _hur .... ento.en to Ita•• patleneel anel a~ . . .a'" .tlt.... 1••1It .. ~........ BADACOL! II IIGthlag tllat .... _ lIIaei. IMIt wat It lie ••de WorM ... eohl for ..... ad that. "ltat ,..n an 1.llat"" ' TrIal die onl, '1.25. Bat if JOU .... 10 fortunate .. to oblalJl ,t h. larI'e famD, or ho.plta! 11M. we urp JOn to .... mODe,_nl, p.&O. W••N ' SO flma In oar beUer that BADACOL wW ,helJj ,oa that we MIl RADACOL on • Dlon9-baeIr rurantee. If yoa don't feel "rfedl, ..tlsfied after Qlnl RAD4COL .. dlneted. just ...tun the .1Ilpt)' carton &lid 10111' 111011., wUl be cheerfuU, refunded. Nothlnr eoald be fabe. . . If""'~ dOH IIOt _ .. RADAOOL. orcltr dInct from TIle LeBI.... a. LafQItte. Loalllana. Sead DO 1IlOM1. 1111' 10• .... acI dl'Hl OD • 1I8IlDJ' pod cud. postman. State whlthu ,.. ...., the ~ltaI econOI1lf ... or 1.!1 trial .IM. . . . . . . . _ . . . . . , . nflllided ..... JOa an J " ..tlsfled.
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IllmI11111,mll!li,lhl lil l l .i j/!ll lil l l l l l l ll l l l ml 111111111111 §
Waynesville, Ohio · aosed on Tuesday and Wednesday SUNDAY :2:30' PM SAT. SMOWS: 6 P •M. •• MONDAY mRU FRIDAY - 7 P.M.
19 1!!!!..O ~.
One oC His Belt OHN WA YNEl In
At Work! A Bea.UIUc Onel WIth TbrJlla
::: ::;;;::; = =
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== ~ = ~
WI t h ELLA RAINES -. Chapter 3 LOST H i NGLE Fox Cartoon
= ~
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----------;--.----------:--~;;_§;-~-~-. =
- - -- -
211 Tailored To Suit MUlllcal. Lav~nl Best Tun.. In 50 Yean!
i;;;; ~
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~ . ;.
10 Rell. oontnct Ben .E. Cline, Urok"r :illlring Valley Pbone 3688]. 4-6.] 3·20 · 27- 6' 4 -11
~ENS vill e 21gr; .
y..... IUlt 1001E.
,,- No
. 1(
SeII4 It to ua - we'll ntbat trlIII. IID~ looIrl mah It lOok lib Dewl
No wastel
", Jult pre. .he . ltutton.1td ..k. • Pla• •lol",fI
...........-..... ...,
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PRODUCT a 'amou. name In . the paint bu.in.u for o'l.r
Smith Electric·Service'
~banon ' N.F.L.A. LEBANON, OHIO Phone 448 ELLIS. H. &TU RM, See'y - ThIn.
DO . a. "•. _._... a_
Beagle puppies. A. .. • __ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _iI4iAo_MlAl'1IiilnlolliRiA'__F
work. Jllewand replllfr, also block, . brick. c,e ment work. Leonard Peters'
Refinancine, Buyine, Im;troving
37c 69C 65 C
K. C. ·,·egl!;tered. 3 montbR old. 2 males, 2 females. Edwin Surfaoe, wo.ynellv111e. Ohio, Phone 2917. New Four Room Houae - Two X-4. 13·20-27 Acres of Ground- Near Oregonia - - - - - - - - - - - -. WAN'J!]il~Carllenter work by ex· , , - Vacant - . Possession - Priced perlenc.e d carpenter. AU .typeR of .
Very Reasonable.
FARMER OWNED ORGANIZATION To Fit the Inceme of Your Farm Time-Up' to 33 Ye:lt'S . Interat-4%
1 Lb. JAR PURE STRAWBERRY PRESERVES ROUND STEAK, Pound SIRLOIN STEAK, Pound Extr. Nice Al.o Diabetic: Canned Fru'u
FOR SA.LE--Two beag!!' pups , 4 .DJontbs old. out of Hay's Freckles and Wolfcreek Bang, Not sta.rted or registered'. Max E . Hay . ~rl\yne~ X--4-20·27-g·4
:R. R. 1. Waynp.!lvllle', Ohio.
Rout 48 North of Route 73
NOTICE! WayneeviUe and Corwin
ColDinanitiq Am Equipped To Do
' ,
Abo Ayailable·a., 2 ~d 3 H.P. FREE 'DEII)NSTRATION
AlsolUbilcoiChiok Starter
Hodson Batehery· Tel. 2345
Wayn••vllle, Ohio
Phone ,CenterVl1Je 7417.
BUYERS WAITING . Especially For F~rms
"If It', Ta ~ Made of wood; We':U Build It." Service include,' aU types of REMOD~NG f NEW HOME CON.
. CALL· Roy E. Smith
No job
£Sm.-tine cheerfull, given.
Live Wire and Progresllive. An, organllatlon seoon'll . to none. StrIctly seUera on the best allf· . around market In the country_
Broker '
c. R. MEIU~FFIE Fourth St.
~ I I I!l I lI jl l l ll l ~lI lll l1 l l1 ml il i l l l l il l! I I I!1I! 1I !l ml1I 1 1mli 1I~I IIID~~llmll l l mIlIl I I Il Il Il IIl Il Il IWI IllIl!I\il l l llmill
CHARLES R. MEHAFFrE ianew devotl. full lime to CUSTOM CABINET MAiclNtG and . BUILDING.
too big or too small.
R. 2
~-- - ' • .• ~ . . . '-ILI
132.00 Fw 'l H.P.. '
2, 3 and 4. Week Old White Rocks . ancl~ew Hampshire.
. Pricea Statt at '
Phone Oenterville 7056
FOR SALE- 1'wo reglslel'B,1 b('agle pups out Hay's 90ldle lind Scheu'EI Bi ng. 1 Illule, 1. fem ale. Both st1lrled. Max E. Hay. Way nes· vill e. Ohio, COT\vln R. R. 3. X~4 · 2 - 27-g-4
-- -
SaJl tbrougb life with the assurance lllat you r flnanolal troubles wl:l1 b" protected by a regular d lt'osll In your eavJnga account at:
-~ Wnrnolh
Gi-nEl Gruber.
FOR SALEl - Baby :;cales. play l)8n and pad, b l·chnll' pad , hottl e ~armer 1.0 be used in l'Jlr. lnrge 81ze Silvertone I·adlo. a ll In per· (eat eondltion • . also piece ' of lin· oleum. Mra. R. R. Kiter, ThIrd street. Call 2491'. X-4-13·20·27
", Ayal..It•• In .., colon.
.babbyl MU'"
Wi)'lllinaton 2362 Lebanon 439 - - -- - - - - ' - - - - ",- -
FOR' ALE-Maple baby l'l'lb with drop s ide n nd spring•. $10. Cull 254.\ , Jlln& Lamb.-, X-it
,,- No
. "emoved Dally
,,- Noltru....
FOR SA.LE-Model T COUpe, 1925, new tires a nd tllbes $50.00. TwoDEAD STOCK WANTEI) . wheel t railer, Phone 2694. HORSES ~.50 COWS $2.50 , X-4.6·13-20 HOGS ,26 iCWT Alao Sheep, C.al\lea. Colta, et::. FARMS WJANTElD-1 haye buy·
the rest, now try the best. For reference IUIk IIODlBone who bas /l{'all IIIlth me. It YOII renlly wnnl
Wlll'~. John. Pl10ne 2705. 4-20-27- 6.4
8.1.1 sizes ot tarms. non-e too Bmnll or too large. You nave · tried
WIl.. L CARE for c hild . days. III my hllnlt' wh ile mot her wMkll. IIII·H. 11 1I 1'I 11·fi t )'. Pllfl iln 27·' I. 11
-- 'MIla' l1li GrIII_.'IO'W..
'rop Holi. "aullng. Snne!. Gravel or RIlt'lnI{IJUI'O 1;" IId 1,,' lLn VII 1111" JlJxCCllvating With Back Hoe. 1" 'lcl'd II t $~ 9J10 Drag·llne and Bulldozer Ben \I! Ifl1 I IlI'ot'llII'1 y fOI' . !eli l Home pl~ wnYnweBVI~~. v0llh1102191 Call : " one: ",y.~, e DONNIS PHELPS IIANK .RUN GRAVEL- Loade'l. ft 111',' Hulllltlve at Dav is Furnas Pit. 60 cents RUSSEL HORN I'ublc ynra. We a.11I0 deliver. ARl\(· ItEAI.WIIl .IT.AGE & SON. Phone 2091. tf Franklin HOiILO !! LU l\Il:JER _ All kinds. In all lenl'h oll O 064 \VI gths and Wld~bs. Kiln drJed . 'ReasOTlllbl e prices . A LI orders. LOST - Pul'ker wrist watch , lost large ~ l' small will be delivered . In Wa)'nesvll ia Sulunl uy veiling Hog HOllsel! . ACY l.AMll, Phone or: Saturday 1 \ I ~ ht . Dnn Hendel'Hon. Wllynesvllle 2701 1t Pbone 2982. •
what have you. John Broski. c·o ~ lIynesv llle Locke.' Plant. X~I~O-27-5'4
IIIIIIIWIIIII~llmmmlmlllilllmlllmlllllllll JI l ll lml l l l l l l l l l l 1 1111~lllIllllIIllIImllliillllllmilllllllllilllm~rn;ml
. . . tII... ,.....:
. 1 ......olII ... _.".'10.'1.'Y .,=~~o~[.' . '1 :"","1 ~'ol,~":;''r,~~IItJ~kri nlDQOw" ft l·hllU \.IU" IMJ .... ) v .. 14." Tr wbieb /DO", ",oil ""II w.,,"oa eaII he° "III 'b~ OItft.l: ~oulo TAblBY . or '~~r ),QU.~ _ da.1 ~ ....... . ....... Dceo. "'" ...,. DOc.
:; :: 'i ' ~ w:::::v~le~ .:ou~~~C:P:~I~~:t ~~ :a~~ s:t~ble ~~l~ ·l c ~::n:~~(~r~~l~.: 5§!
rr '. You're Crazy
=:::; =
minimum char",e. 25 centl. Thrt'e In.ertlon. for the price of two. Forml clole Wedner
One cent per word,
--'------------ ------=:--=: ~---~--~----;--~ ~
Lovely modern Two'bedroom white fl'arno home, hot watl'r heat. Also larRa pachUlBn windows, ga.: I'ag Shl'lIhR lind II'4'ell ill b llc k . Large lot . beuuU(lI lly located PrJced at $, 750. ' Three room well constructed cemellt block hOll se, out b ullrl· 11Ig'1I. 2 ncre~ , On HlghwlIY -; H S.
day noo_n._ __
"Old at 40, 50, 60?~'
nSDA'r'. AJ'J ' JL :!U, 1')5u
Rt. 4 R, 5 mi. South Centerville. .
WAYNESVI~ OHIO , . Phone 2475
PHONE Centerville . 705&
For Dally M.rket Report.:
. WHto Dayton. 12:1i0 Fl.B.T, Dial 1300, WLW Clnclnnatl. 1140. Dial 700. • NORRI, · aROCK
.....-------~---.. t!!~~~~~~:;=:::=====..=-~-~'b===:!-. ,mlllilmmlmlllm~l1IImmllllllll~lIamJlmll . .m_lm~ml l l l l l l l l1l 1 l !1l 1 ll l l l il l. •f NIC·L·LYTE BATTERIES. 25 MONTH GUAI,tANT~ -
Itlers t MAIN
AIJ Types
Insulated Btlcb &D4 Ube.. to. Siding. Sheet · metal 'Worlr of aU kluili. Loeal , Wereoe.. AU ~ort · IUlraDteed.
Way".."",., O.
Phon. Wayn..,,"I. 2111
Dead Stock HorNe. IUO • . Rop -
ecnr.. alo
llie owl
Accordlnc to Siae and Oondltlon. Call
Xenia 454
. 0_ 1_0 _ _ •
_ _
_ ...
.Armitage" SoD
_ .___
Vote .'FOR
Issue May 2,
• ml
About Town
Semng Waynesv'ille~ Since 185'0
Mrs. Lawr~nce Oook entertained ARTHUR N', GREATHOUSE on Tuesday afternoon of the past Artbur N. Greathoule of Fort week honoring the sixth birthday of her little son. Tommy. The af- Moyers. Florida. died April 17, 1960 ternoon was spent In playing at the age of 68 yean. He was games and all were 8brved b.nil b()rn July 27, 1891, He 18 i urvlved I by b.b wl fe, two ~,o II. ~a ' l "ild , day cake ,lU1d Jce cream, Those who heiped Tommy eel' __l _L 0.1 1. Drt" MeYers, a.nd 0.r.'8 ebrate his nnniversary were Mrs. slater, Mrs. Clyde Wharton of Fred Braddock Ilnll chldreD, Diana. Lytle OhIo, His fllneral wu held and Robert 'Mrs. John Gons and at the Stubbs Funeral Ho.me MOD' daughter JUlie, Mrs. Benton 'Hoak day April 24. 19.60 with Rev, B.B. and daugh~or8 Anna. Marjorie. Coleman offlclatJng. He waa burWanda and 'Linda. Janice Brown. ried In Memorial Park cemetar)' Mrs. Raymond Bailey a.nd eon. In DaytDn Ohio. Vernon. Mrs. William Sawyer, Mrs. J , O. ~. John, - ~ r8. tanle)' B 'ley, Mra.. J. P. Fromm. Mrs. D , C, Mr. and Mn. Fred Hook. celeltldge. Mrs. Jesse Prendergast. brated their 60th wecldlllC -~. Mrs. Bertie MlUs. and Mrs. E. F. vel'aary at thelt home tD · W~. Earnhart attended the Inspection vllle on April 21 wltb tbe .fOliow. of New Burlington Easter Star Ing guelta prelent for the day: chapter on Monday evening. ,Mrs. Helen Allen, Mr. and Mna. Mr. John J: Burske, who hn.s Henry Horner. Mr. .md Mna. F. been confined at Belthesda 'Hos· Howard Geaeaman and graD4pltal for observ~tiO~ and treat- daughter Qayie Geesaman. )fl'. IUId mont Is now convalescing at his Mrs. Frank. Hook. 8r., Mn. Leo bom~ MIlas Marilyn Burske, of Amea and N'orma,..'..)4ay. J4r. Pond Bowlln~ Green' University, arrived Appointment wlU . be r~el~ , Mrs. Everett Mo.nce. Mr. anel Mrs. ., bome on Saturday to spend a few Bill SUiltb and da.ugbter Oberyl. UpoD grUU&toIl (n June. , bours with her father: . III the Univel'll1t1'. Alz: R and P. J. Prother$ Mrs, O. R. Unglesby, Mrs. R. C. , unit thele four boW the lD~lcated: Thompson, cadet co ; ShOwn above is Cap Stubbs. President of the newly organized Waynesville R.otary Club, Moler Mr. M. A. Ful~erson, Mrs. ~ '!,' ~,C JenDlei Cooner. Mrs. Alma Peter· Mr. a.nd Mrs. Sherman Mathews. Wpoctwortb . cl¥let ' major; adt! receiving the Charier from Governor Vern, on Charter night, Wednesday. April 19, in the SOIl, Mra. Gleim Alexander. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Math"tlWs ~ohns and Muse-kamp'. cadet c~ligh School Auditoriut,11 a1 Waynesville. , ' Glenn AleDDder. Mra. Allford. spent Sunday afternoon' with their aln.. Jow llftbe 80n of ;Mra. Marl.e The only RotHry dun o r g-lIIl~oti nl hus1ast\c Rotarian 'lind President the WJlmlngton Ro.tary Club, was Mrs. Harry Schenck, Mrs. J. P. UJlcle and aunt, Mr: and' Mn. Fred ,T Jo.bns. R.R. 2. WaYllfla 'l llle In Warr('.n Coull'lY in o' el' 20 . eSI'I' of t!Je FI':~ nkl l n Rotary Club. \\'bo "Growing ROtary." Mr. BjUlgbam Is ' Fro.mm and Mnt . L. C. St: John Hook. _---:-____------'.:,..~ _, .~" WaynesVille Reja!'Y " h "", ./ spollsored the Wl\ynesl ill" Rotary a m 0 s t forceful' and bumorous recently attended a. district meetNOTICE OF SALE OF aON I received lis "I!raulr 'tv dnesllll Y Club. speaker. ing of the W. S. C. S. at the St. ~EGAL NOT~E SEALED PROPOSALS- will b8 April 19 I~ \he hi h sf ,h'>Ol aUft! {rhe very Ilble mastel' of cere. District GovernDr Vernon BUl!l&- ., PaUl Methodlat church In Dayton. 'NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS calved at the otl'lce of' the <; t<.rlum at WOY lfeSvil :e. Oh iO. mon:es fOI' the al rl~ir WIIS AI Bonshardt" of Barneevllle. Oblo, besldlis Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butter· of \he Boar.d of ElClu~n ·ot., Odell f ' om s\>e' 1 ' 1 l1 to . 11K 1111" enberg. Editor of 1 he Fl'anklln presenting the Charter, spoke' on nner OF ,0RlO STlLTE worth had as Sunday \lIeij IV re pre~t, and pl'(>>;en:"d R()j !l ry Clier. \"Sharln g ~tary." " guetlta Ml'. lin!. James .Bowe~B DEJ>ARTMENIl' OF, mGHWAY8 Wayne Local Schpol Dtat.... ct, rllD County, OblO, at '(~.'\' pitts a.nd ' 'mbney. F' e ';e -al 'pust District Governol'1:l All 1n all the evening wall a, ancl MIs8 Mattie Hess of ~prlng , Columbus. Ohio, AlII1J 15, 1950 School BuJ1dlng, n_r W .\' , J and other d.lgnllarlel! w l'e "resent g l' d at suooeS8 an'd We o~ the Valley. .Mr. and Mrs. Robor t . ~CT;' I Oblo. unU) 11 ~'oJoclt Noo ~ Pl.!!lJlS . th~ cO~~lIe of the I)an,. nesym Rqtary 01 b wi h t 1 W T............eIdMri!nt JEa8D ....4 Dee .• 1.50 ror 'Le p~h--- or bonA e lJuel.' which ~as ~ect' . 1-\1 "'I IIW \'e!'Y Intorestlng taJks. -~ k ~ , . ' . ~_ s . 0 -A ft--'-wiI1 be' reoelvecl u. , UI....... ...... U 1...... 1 f h G' I "I , • tban 0.11 wbo we~ present. and Aan 'I'ho.~ had .pent the week S eal........ ~ u._" at said School DistrIct. In the ag- .... ,e s 0 t I.' rlll-g~. ti e V\ nY'· Ol;n'he wele'oUle lIddr ss lJy HIlI'old those wbo .could not att.end. ro~ all end with their grandparents, Mr. at the ottlce of the s~ ~wa7 ere&ate amount of ",.GOO.OO (In" ' vJllp high RcboDI ch on's pl'e~ente I Martz. pllst PreHItIf'nt of Frunklln they did for . us to get. this ' cluh and Mn. ButterWorth. ' . Dll"ec~r o.f .Ohio. at Col"'U8~ atead of " .0,000.00 as previously several ~enutl[ul ~ereotlolls. nccom· Rotary Club. wa f;! very well stllrted. Miaa Judy ' Conner with M18a ObJo, u.ntll 10:00 A. M., Ohio Stall -.lvertlled) "_6_" the 1st da o' panlod by the harp ~Ind plnnD. 1'hey Rented and enthl1slllsllcully , v • U60 .... .......,. 'J cL Gnp Stubbs would like to , bave Pbyllla llWI881 o.f Toledo.. enjo.yed d."rd 'rIme.. TueadaT" M.J, ., 'A rIl 191i0 and bearing Interest !ire to be cDmm en ded on theil' fine elved. all the members possible attend the a week end' from their studies nt, , 1 provements In' P,. t I ;• . . S In luatve at the rate of Three (3%) per ceLt presen at onB. The Rotary addl'('ss delivered by Dlstrlot Rotary Conference In flay0illlo. University. Athena. an,d were •or m ,Proposalll Nos. r to. c per 1UUUllIl. payable aeml.annually. The meeUng wns Qal.lpd to order Robert R. Bangham, Past Governor ton. ~nday and Monday. May ' 'j , gueRta o.f the fo.rmer's parents, Mr. are offered o.ne project an.d will lNued for the purpose of, the In. by Dr O. William ~[Drrman, R very or the lli9th Dltsrtct , lI\ember of and 8. and Mrs. Ray, Conner. . be awarded as one CODtract. Itallatlon of a heating pJant and --.--,-'- - - - - - - - - --,..--- - - - - - --------=--__..:.._-'-_____ M"", Bert ' Sheeban of n e a ~ HAVE CARD OF THANKS ROBERT E~LENBERGER · AGERS PROPOSAL No.. 1 other 8QUlpm8l1t In a concrete TEEN . RldpvlUe. was taken Qulte til want ' to thank all the friends Robert El,l enberger Df Waynes. W.arren Co.unt7 Ohio. OD aecuoDa I:IloeJt aclIool sho.p bullcUnc. aud C~T SUCCESS duriq the past week and waa rewho sent the lovely flowers , cards died Wed.t April 19 at ]0 :30 Ajf . WIm mEIR DANCE moved to. the MiamI Valley HOB' 0.00, 0.8. and UO, Btate Boute No. UDder authcn'it7 or the 1&_ or Oblo. and fl'ult during my recent Illness. ot the age of 3 years and 6 months. 63 In rrurtle Creek Townabip • ." and of Beotloa U.3·26 of the Genpltal In Daytonl tor o.bs~rva'tlon , , d Sincerely. He wa~ born In W-aynosvllle Al1ll't1st Waynesvt"U c Teenagers voted the and treatment.' , ' applying a; bltumlno'\l.!i . tre!'tment, eral ' Coda or ORllo, and under an Beas A ~llel'Aon ~9 1946. He Is survived by his In accordance wtll a cer-t4n Res· dance last ' week a huge success, Mr. and 1.!.rB. A. 'H. Earnhart Items T -,3() and T-3Z'. parents. Elmer arid Floren'ce ' Elle n. Pavement: Width 18 feet, LencUa olutloo o.f the Board o.f EducaU.on 'rhe dance. sponsored liy St. Mary's bad as week end gUestjl, MlsB Elsie berger and one sister Nora. His Dlltrlc· CARD OF THANK' S , miles. o't I-.' d. 8-"'001 Daubert pf Havlland and Mr. 29 832 feet or 5.65 .... . . . passed o.n Episcopal Church. W88 held in St. funeral WIIS, beld at the Stubbll • . th. 3re1 da, o.f April, 1950. Mary's Parish House. Some thirty 'We, of the WR$ne Township and Alton' Earnhart of Paulding. Mr. Funeral Home on Friday at,-IZ:OO PROPOSAL NO.2 , Sald Bondi are of the denomma.- teenagers attended from 8 to 11 Waynesville Volunteer Fire DeMilton Sheehan. of Centerville. P .MJ.. with Rev. Coffey otflcl~tlng. Warren Coupty, Ohio. o.n 8ee~0Il don and mature r4!IPecUvely 88 P.M. to learn sq.lIa_ re dances. meet also was a Sunday dinner guest. partment wish to express our sin· He was burrled In Miami cemetary. Route No. 112, In Clear 'oU-a · · Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Earnhart and 7,39 state .' U". their friends. and gobble popcorn cere thanks to ail who contributed Townahipa. bJ Bond No. 1-*1 000 O"-Mature De' children. Df 'Beaverto~n. Mr. and Oreek. and ' Wa-.. 'J~ -.. • vand cokes during the Intermission. to tbe succe!IIB Df our sbows last CARD OF THANKS . cember 1, 1961. ,The host8 wer~r. an - ra. E'rlday and saturday nights . 'Mrs. Karl Babb. and aon. Mr. Dean ap{ll;lWlg a blt~oua treatment, • tems T-30 and T.:s2. ,BoII4 No. 2-U.®Q,OoLMature De' We Wish' to' tbank DlIr mnny Babb. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Earn52 Charles ~ Starr d Mrs. Charles Pavement : Wldtb 16 feet, LeDgtb friends Ilnd , nel~bhot8 tor , theh' h~t and children nn!! Mr. and cember I, 19 . R. MehaffJe. Plans for the future Bond lifo. a-,l.OOO.OD-Mature Dei' EXPRESSION OF THANKS 'beautiful cards all'd bouquetR and Mrs. LaMar Earnh!U't and daugh- , 20,760.4 feet Dr S.93: mUas. " camber 1: 1953. wit be formulated by the YOllng I wIsh to expres8 my sincere gIfts on our g~lden wpddlng an· tel' were afternoon callers. PROPOSAL No.. 3 , Bond No.. ~I,OOO.OD-Ma.ture De. people themselves. , thanks and appreciation to. aU rel- nlversary. •WAYNE TOWNSHIP Warren Co.unty. Ohio. bn Sectlo~ camber 1. 1,M. 'I'be neW Parlsb HDuse at Sl. atlvea, friends and organizations ·Mr. anr Mr&', Fred HDDk 1.67, 3.69 (pt.), and (3.0a, DuU.... A:D.7 o.ne dest~ '(0 do so. may ., _ary 'sIa ,aerv Ing t'"ue yo unger bDYS tDr the cards, letters and flmvers VETERANS RECEIVE GAVEL T'l"be Ws.yn~ tow'1&htp ,Ve,t erans \'Ille). State Route No. 182. In Har-. present a bid or bids fo.r said bond. and glr1s In the (~ommunlty too. wbich I receJved during my \llnets I Post No. 616 were one of 16 that Ian 1l'ownabJp, by applying 8. bl- baaed upon ,theli' bearing s. dI~fer- Two. 'chapters of tbe Girls Friend ' at home and at Good ' Samaritan /Mrs. WJlbur F. Cluk ."iiln~ oml1 were prelented with a gavel for tumlnous treatment, Items T-aO ,eat rate of IIlterest than specilled 'ly So.clety provide activttles such Hospital. ' In th'e advertisement. provided as sewtng and handlcra.fts for , tbe , Waynesvllle: Route 2. jMl'. Milton Sheehan , Dr Cenler. attalnmg their Quota of ' member· and T-S2_', sb;1p at the Spri1lJf Conference, Pavement: Width 18 (eet. LeDatb bowever, that where a fracUonal girl", ' One group, Bupervlsed by ville" called Dn his ' sl ster~n.law. 16.417.,6 feet; 'illterelt rate Ie bid such fractlon Mrs. Charles E. 'li~arr and Mrs. 2. OffeQ'lng to belp su pervise Mrs, Alice Clark ' on j3un'day mornSundaT, AJpriJ 28. Width 19 feet, t.enBth 2,968:8 ft. aball ' be. o.ne-quarter of one (1) per Samuel N. Key&. mlaets on the first ocda'aion'ally. Ing. April 23. ' ,COMMANDER LUKENS ' ,T otal Len&tb 18.87'.' feet or c'elii. or m'ulUplea thereof. Monday afternOD!l ' of eacl) monlll 3. Providing badly needed ,eqlllp ' Mr. and MrB. Robert Ballard and APPOIN"rs: COMM'TTEE al 8 ••8 mUes. , Sald boDda will be sold to the at 4, ?M~ Girls age 13 to 15 are ment, tools. lumber. paint, sowing Mrs. Leah Gebhart ot MIamisburg, Commander Lukens of the loc .PropoealB No.1. 1 to 3 ~eIUilv. hlehelt blelder. ..t the time ~'11 eligible for thil group. The second materials. etc. were Sunday afternOOn Visitors or .American Legion POlt. appolnteel of. this proJeot to \Ie completed not place ab9ve mentloned. at not, leaa gro.up Is: compoled at girla aged 10 In addition to these oommunlty Jes'11e IJ. Garner. Com4r waiter Evant and l!ld Po~ter later t)lan August 16,. ~,t50. tban par and accrued Interelt. to , 13 years , ~d', It meets the first ,o.ctlvitl~. the new PariSh HDuse Is Miss Ruth Chandler attended a oli the CODlJIllttee to cb!J088 boya IThe mlDlmum wa,. to be 1l.s11 Bid" ~ be ~ade upon a.U Dr Tuesday afternoon' of each month being used for many Chllrch act· luncheon on Saturday of Alpha fo1' BoJa State. One boy ,wUI be 10 all labof emplOJed on tbla oon' any Dumber of bonds Df thl. Issue. at .. P.M. under the direction of Mrs. IvlUes too. A Uursery and Cburcb PJil Chapter. Delta Kappa Gamma. chosen from HarveJ11bul'l and o.l\e tract shall be in: accordance WlUl ' All blda muat state the number Joseph M. Silk and Mrs. Keys. S choo] ~re provided there for child· at the Engln-eer'a Club in 'Dayton. bo)' wm be choaen from waynes" the '''Schedule of Pnvall1ns Hourly or bonda. ~ld for and the gross 13t~ Mary'a Boys. Club Is being ren up to 8 yeara of age ea.ch ' The Friends Home folks have viDe, hl&14i " Wage Rates AacertalDed and, n.- ~UDt of bid ,and accrued Interest reorganised and "rIU provide re- Sunday morning during the 10:80 A. ' been much intrigued the past week. HOLD tennm8d by 'lihe De~!lnt of Ia· to date Of !Sellvery. crea.t1on and trainIng In carpen- M. Church, ServicE!. ,watching a amy robin who !Jas ALL DAY MEJrrING, dUltlllal Reiatlons appUe&ble to All bid. must 'be accompanled by try and .manual uts for boys be,· The St. M.ary's Club for adults discovered his refiectlon In the There WPll 'be an all !Sa), meet- State Hlpw&)' DepWtment ~ a certlfled 'cI1eok or bond drawn III tween tbe ages of 10 and: 14 years. meetB there on the second Sunday brlgbt cbromlum on the wbeels ot Ins IpotUtQnd by the Grange provementa In acoorcIanee wUh faYO!' of the Board of EcluaatiOll of Bo1S activities wm be under the nlgbt of each montb for recreation a teachen. car parked In front of Home EoOnomletJI committee at the ,Sectlo.lla 17-1 11-4, 17.... 17·5 aDd the W.,... Local School llllttrict, dlrectlon or Mr. Ch~rles R. Me- and refrelhments, to bear guest th'e home. Grauee BaU on Weeln8adar. May 17.6& of tbe General Oo4e 9f Ohio." Warnn CountJ, Ublo. in the aum baffle and L1I. Col. Josepb' M. SUk. speakers, and to help ~ the He Is o.ut to get that bird and 3 with a baaket luncb at nooni. Tbe btdeler mut .l1IIlDlt wltb of '100.00. , Meetings win be 'I,eekly on Tues· Cburch's work.( · , keeps pendatently at It but the lID the ~three Dr fo.ur' hJa bid a eerW'Jec1 ~ tD tU The Board or Education o.f aald. ~ from '1:,30 P.)I. , Several outThe Woman' e Auxiliary meets most am~n~ thing is to Bee hIm of' the ClOunt7 CIUlC8r committee amount 0'11.... , 8cbool DIetrIOt Nile"" the prl'f· InlJa are planned for the boYII duro tbere on the secDnd FrIday of each dart Buddenly beblnd the whe~1 wtU be pt'8IIeDt an4 ,teU of tbelr PlaDI &lid epeciftcwllo'lla .... OD ..... to reJect .,. aDd all tllda. Inl th~ summer. month. Tbla Is an o.rganlzatlon for 'Ill mucb aB to.y "I'U Ret ' YOll work and abow how to make can- fUe In the 4~ Of blIIlwar1I IIIda IIhDUl4 be . .teel anel · enboys aud glrlsl ln' thc oommun· all Christian women who wlah to this t.Jme sure" but h e alwaYR eel' padL 'and the oftIae of URI for EquipmeDt Id, .... ardlesa o.f reT.l~u8 arfil· BIlJ.ye the Ohurch·. the Community. comea back looking dlsappolntpd AQone . ha'riq old tableolothl. t7 4Ireat01': ' BaIJdL . latlon are Invited, to. jo.ln thele the Nation. and the World. and goea at It apln. eheetl IIhfrte or other 110ft white u . , Board or EdacatlOD of tile W&JDe, c1ube Parents l ire welcome to Other Church 'and communJ.ty HJe mate alta close by watching - mated.t I1dtalt1e to . . .. covela T1ae cUnotor re...,.. tIM! l'IIIlt Loeal BoIaool ~ WarreD mit 'the meetln,l a114 may help groupa may use the Parish House him aud looking as If she credited for II&t8. _ _ .... them; aleo to reject U7 ana III ...... caaa~, Ohio. ~ by: b)' mak1ns u'raDgements wlijl the blm with more 18Il8O aud wi8hlnIJ JODI' on tJanac1, tJabDble, etc. T~ I. UtJl8, April .. 2110. . ~ il liIDcourqlnr children and Rector, The Reverend I\&muel N. be would come on and help with tnU ' ••'"'' .. for ..,.0IlII .... BIIInnr ~ . C. B,_RT, . )eOPlt to ~ ~nc1. Key.. the Deet banding. ........ ' PaItIIIIa Wo-If. , PlabllllUld ..pIl . . . . ft. ~
:J, ' Jl
or ...
dhIIIDa..,. 6Dne4...... w.
Tbunday, AprU 27, 1958
Need Claimelto Kee.p Ol's Abroad .If Continent to be Fully Guarded; .Berl.-n Stocks U·p for E'mergencies
!~:lw~~fo::rprlsedT If you feed a radloactlw!. aose to hens, wby
Man LiVes Two
Weeks on Wa*' SEA'ITLE, WASH,-A jobless ,ranslent told poll ce here of lyIng helpless In a boxcar for two week. on a dJet of candle WOlt. The man. Frank Zehnder, 48, of HOUlton, Tex.. was taken to a hospital In a critical condition. Zehnder IBid that he and another man got Into the boxcar to get out of the weather. but his teet froze and the other man brought food to him when he could I!l0ve . no longer. "But he took oft one day, .. Zehnder said." and I was too weak to get out ot the car. The boxcar doorl were closed, but not 10.cked, and it was beUeved that wal the realon no one heard Zehnder', caUs for help. Hunger finally drove him to eating some wax candles that he 10und wltbin hls reach In tile boxcar, Zehnder said. Railroad men, finally coming to use the car. found him Inside.
w~~~n~/o~J:~~ r~~:~:~~ls~e o~g~~ ~;~~~~~~t Ofst!~~~.da c:~;~cu~=: uncommon bens and uncommon ~
hens .they were, Inasmuch as ~ey had been given doses of radJollctive C.Drroa" NOrl!l, ""0" .,1.10. . . . . . . . p ...... III ...... eolam .. tbo,. .re tbq •• • t W••tera Ne".pa,.r 'Va'••'. alWI ••a.Jat. aatl a •• aeee ••• rU, 01 Ibl. new . ... p.,.., calcium and they laid radioactive eggs. THE poultry·department Iclentist set out to learn what hapJilens' to calcium from the atomic energy Jllit in Case commission 'at Oak Ridge and fed 'lbe demands of the cold war are minute single doses to two hens· becominC steadUy more vast and and dally doses to another two. He lnI\lItent. )'irst and continuing Is kept them under close observatlon~ money-American dollars to stem The hen 5 suttered no ill etfects the tide of cotrimunlsm' and protect and got along apparently as weU !taeU-so the theory goes-by pro· as other hens until they were tectlng Europe. lillJed at the end of the project. NOW IT IS MEN Europe wants. With the aid of a . Geiger counter. American Gl's to garrison the con· the experimenters found: tinent. · A permanent garrl.s on of THE SHELL of an egg laid by AmerJl=an troops in western Europe one of the hens 15 minutes after -even af~r German occupation the first dose contained enougb ends-Is vital to the Atlantic poet. labeled :calclum to make' the countdefense, severa1 European experts er . tl l=\{ , but none .of the material believe. . was in the yolk or white of the egg, THE EXPERTS Quoted' argue Radioactive calcium showed up that American troops would proon the shell, yolk and white of an ylde on-the·spot leadership lor egg laid 24 hours later and the Europe's defense forces; and would white contained 70 times more of It serve as a reassurance to France than the yolk. "it German troops eventually are BrIe. Gen. Conrad E. · Snow. BALTIMORE, MD.-By a new too powerful In the western Eurohea~' of tbe .U . 8. state departPAK t,echnlque of electricaUy Ihocklng pean defense. ment's loyalty board; tesWles Peace Move the brain. faded and forgotten At preaent. as the pact aDiance before the senale subcommitdreams of individuals may be refOWldll out Its first year. its · 12 tee InvesUratlDa .ohar,es of The" Indian parliament ratlf1ed created. · memJler powers bave about 22 dicommunism In, the .tate dethe new India-Pakistan pact and AI an example. . a 14-year-old ..ulon. of varying strength and efpartment. Be chillC!d oharrea with that approval there .ppeared boy was undergoln, brain lur,el')" feetlveneal Am,ong them, by Sen. .Jo.eph MCCarthy (R,. bope that bloody communal .trUa under. local anesthetic. The J\lJ'o The normal' complement of a cU· WII., wll~he told proben ui'at on ~e .ubcontlnent mlgbt be end· "eon took • tine wire carr:r1nc a -wtalon II 11.000 men. 'lbat means a he no... ., DO CommUDllta fa ed. . :mall char,e of electriCity and total of 330.000 potential fighting the departm~t. Prime Mlni.ter Nehru. In IUbmit- t(lucbed It to " certain area of th. reacly to meet aOJ' attack uptIng the pact, .ald be wal laU.fled ooy·. expoled brain. DO the pact .Ignatorle.. It also It would halt a drift toward eatal"I .ee two men .Ittin, In .n ann· means lllat eadl pact. • Ignatol')" II tropbe. "We have .topped ourselve. clilalr." the youncster exela1med. PII~ leu than two divIJIOllI into Why ~ot England? the edge of • precipice and' The electrode wa. removed, 'l'be th8 overaU plan to protect them- For the American tourlJt plan- at turned our back to It." Nehru 1.ld. men In the .nn-chair vall1Jhech Mlves, THE AGREEMENT guarantee. Tltlen the Wire WII touched to anUnder IUeh a setup It I. COnceiV- nln& • trip abroad, Engl.nd can't able that Am~lca mJpt have to be beat, according to Farnham F. the security of the Moslem minorlt;y other area. Th1I time the bo1 vi· boIJter the defenllve llne: but the Dudleon. . editol'-In-chlef of We.t· In HIndu IncUs. and the Wndu mi· .I'oned . "a man ftptlnC." Newlpaper Union. a new.paper norit;y In MOllem Pak!itan. It ·alN Dr. Wllder G. Penfield, world -tuP pos~ anew the question: .ern permits the unhampered lI\1Il'at1oD ' famed brain .urgeon, told Johns IIoIr .lneere IJ Europe In effortl I)'Ddicate. DUDGEON visited En,land .om. of both mlnorltie. acl'Ol' the bor- Hopldnl doctor. tb'at the electrical lit rehabilitate and protect UseU? weeks ago alona with It other rep- ders of the two domJn1ona. cliLBr,. bad aeUvaietl tlreama til. resena-tlvea of new.paper .yndlThe move was an IdeallJUc. ODe bOy bad' .tored .way. He told ~ ca.te.. pre s. IIsoci.tiona anll and b.1l the blelltnp of ·the civil· Ic:l ent\lts now are abla to tum Fear Crisis perlodlcala. The hOlt on the f11,bt hed world, ' But whether It ..ould memorlel and dream. "on and In the event of a crill. weh a. over the Atlantic and the trip work was a problem that would oU" during brain .urlel')". Each part of the brain has a p.r-. Ulat prec1pltated b,. the Russian tbroup Enaland and SeoUand was Itill trouble hemispbere "diplomats. tlc!ular .funcUon. He explillned that OUT OF INDIA were blockade 10 IMII. Berlin was reacl3', the Briti.h Travel auocl.tlon. The weat ba. Itoeked the eftT. whicb Is enga,ed In a camp.ign to porta that the announeed-and prob- throu,h electrical .timulaUon. blDl with enough food and coal to attract tourut trade to the Britlah ably .ineer_Uort to .boUah en.t lsts are findlDl th~ v.r1oua cen. ' calte 10 order to brln. about 1lDit;y, ten that make UI act, think-and .,j make a mockeJ:7 of an,.. new block- lales. chief reporte4 that was encolJllterin, more dIf1ieulty dream-a. we do. The 'Iyndic.te ade. .. lOr . . Penfield ,.ve leveral eaae In the 11 montba since tht Re4J "Enlland deflnltely IJ ·the pIae. than w.. expected. ReUgloul , CODlUted the blockade of the city, a to ,0'" for the Amerlean wbo 1II(ants vlctlons. customs. traditions and hllStoriel .howinl that when · the ateacl3' dream of tum. truck and a memorable triP abroad . at a practice. of centurlel are DOt elt!ctrode cau.ed • certain re.ctioD In • patieDt, the .ame reaction rebarge traffic ba. pUed up what IJ modlcum of cosL Thl. II true, be Blougbecl oU 10 ealllT~. Mt to be .deQ\1ate aupplles to meet laid. because of the many place. r.H'~DREN.' currecl wben the electric chara. and thingS In Enaland that· are ~ w"s applied to the lIame lpot a,ala llII1' , emertenc,.. When Ruala clamped down the .1ose!y tied In with our own hia- A New Hope ana .galn. . Olle w.. that of the bo,. and blJ blockade, In .D effort to impose It. tory. A new bope lor .tuntec1 cblldren drums. "Right now. England Is a tourist 0WIl polillcal ' conviction. on Berlin. the City had only an avera,e paradise." Dudgeon saId. "E.pe- - 8 promise ot speeding the gr0ll'wthlrllrtlti:n;\llaexp:tio~lalned .h 0 w electrical of eertaln areas can of six weeks luppUes on hand. Now daIb" 1a this true because the of undernourished boy. --ami •. . the basic Itaples are In about .Ix Poudd devaluation has added .10 -is beld out in the drug aureomy. cause 1011 of tho power of expre.. .1011 by speech (aphasia). Whll. montbs lupply and In aU probabU- much more purchaslbllity to the cln. ·The "Iolden drug." it tty will continue to increaae •• American tourIst dollar. For ex- said. may, prove !l powerful growth Olle patienf was namln, objects. ample. one may stay at abnolt stimulator. ' ·.ijJmulation wa,e appUed. . · furthe.. ItoCka are added. THE ANNOUNCEMENT 'wu Of one object he laid. ''Ob, I It was felt that the Ru ••lana, any of the picturesque Inns or boaware of thl. woce.., would be lei. tels for .. ·Uttle al $21 to $23 a week. made .t the national convention of lmA)W what that Is. That II wbat foolhardy thaD to aHempt another • I '''tRANSPORTATION facilitiel In the AJrierlcan Chemical society In YQIl put In your Ihoea." .' blockade effort. but even 10. no both England and Scotland .. re ex- Philadelphia. w her e . delegates one WII taking any chance. be- cellent. even If the e<!ulpment fl learned that already the drua baa Brltllh Flr:m WI"I ~pur cause ot the unpredictability· of spmewbat batte.r ed from the war. "increased the rate of ' growth ot Drlw. for M.... ,tlroduon.n Soviet action and of the old truism The British are eager to make bOIS, chickens and turkeys by u that "what hall happened once, can Americans leel at home. and one much as 50 per cent. Ita eUects. LONDON.-A hundred 'Cllnadillq gets the impression that this I. a delegates were told, "tar exceed" baI)Mn again." sincere hospitality, not motivated those obtainable with all)' known fa rimers' ·w lve. Il)et In a villa,e 1Q exclusively by the desire for vitamin. It Is bemg tested now on 189'7 to lWap jam and preservlnC recipe• • Tbey had DO Intim tion of undersized children. American doUars." ACc(ised .Must Talk . ~cientists Bald the growth·accel· the. .fact then that .they wqe stant Tbere la 'little n.eed to remind J of the particular charm era,ting action ot · the drug "may ing a world-wide a .. celatlon. I A ruling . of the U.S. lupreme Americans However. the Utue me~tln' at hold .enormoul long-range slcnlfi. and beauty at the 'Britlsb and Scot" court II likely to serve a. a powerSt0l1.e)r Creek. Ont.. wal the beglil . Iul stimulant for those accused of tisb countrysides, with their ·lakes. cance tor the survival of the bu- nin, of tnet Msoclated COUDtrl Communist IYfllpathles and refule moors. beather. famed resol't spots man ral1e In a world of dwindlin, Women of the World wltb a currerit and historic building. end land- resources," because it may prove Ito talk. marks. because ,they are known, of tremendous importance In ex- membership of 5~5 mlilion. The as· The court refused to grant a hearIf vicariOUSly, to most Amer- tending the world', meat supply iodation lerVes . a. the coor~. even fug to two HollyWood writers con. and reducins the cost of produc- tlnm body ~r the network of farm . victed of contempt of congress. icans. women'. organhaUons all oyer the "But seeing them .t first band tion • . '!be action let stand a decillon that wodd. . Is an altogether thrlllinr and memcongressional commlHee. may cOmMajor theme of the British unit Pel withe lies to sa,. wheth,er the), orable experience." Dudieon said. II IDore prOjiuction. Stoney Creek'. are Communists. TIle vote was Idell of poouDi knowled,e of jamI to 2. RADAR: malting. b'uit Preservmg. home . By Its ,"ctlon, the high court rebandicrafts. borne welfar~ and med to Interfere with a lower Day' &. Night farm produ(:~on hal. been retamed The countl')' WII Informed during court decision boldlng that congress and enlarged upon. The club. are may Ilbrldge either the treedom of the week that there ts at. least some .UU nonpoUtlcal and nonseetarlan, speecb or the freedom to remain Insurance .,attlst another ."Pearl . allent "wben legislating to avert Harbor" in. the event an enemy' . P ,l irt of the wide Brltlsh .lcbemp . what It believes t!J be a tbrea t of should attack. That Insurance is a ill It ' marketing committee to adsubstantive evil to national wel- radar and clvman-alrPlane·spotting . vile cottage gardeners In lellin, n.e twork that Is now far enouib fare." tlJe'lr products - . cot~age l~rden8 'lbe hip court banded Ciown 'the along to provide protection, being too Imall for inclusion in th The annoUJIcement .150 reported opinioD but dJd not explain ' Its Goll'emment marketin, scheme, reason. It took the action In • brief that alarm SYltems have been mTl!\ere t. also a produce arutid order layln, It would not hear the staUed that can flash an alert to whicb in IH7-48 brought fo~ appeal. of screen writer. .Tohn air force interceptor sqUadron. f.OOI~.oOo extra pounds of potatod, Boward Lawaqn and Dalton Tnun- and civilian waming centen with· 81.000 D~W frult pl~ntln". 10 De. bo~ 'rhe,. bad been il!!ncUn, Iince In • matter of .econdl. ·All theae pl. clubs aDd. ala ne. rabbit. dubl. last AUlUSt 11. Lawlon and ~bo mOYeJ· Ilml)b' are preparedness. fte prJ,de of, OW Brttiab Ina~. are each under sentence to .erv. • offlclals Itresled, and do not ' In. lutes . ,I. ,1lenman colle,e. e.ta~ dlcate IlII1' Deed ' of tlleae detenle. " ••1' III jaB and to pay a floa of ltJlMid ID BerlrablN couatl hOUle. tt • •, TIle" bad been tree IDlder II lrnmJnent. Te1e-fIJIoa prothleUa ••• t The founta~d of &be feder.tlon·.· borul. AIr tore. officlall .ald more rear .0MI'4Iq .. IIDclInp ., educational· actlvlUea. · It oIfera 'ilia court'. crier. noted tba' ~~ than 200 WII~ centers now are iIW CeDfereaee ....,.. totaled eow.\au bl evet:rtbln.. from trWtlce. Black aDd DouIias IavoNcl ~ed up: aDd mu:r more will ....l'I7 u mUll. . . . . . . . ~..: .!IRftJD. .10 · elanleal Utera~ • ....... of tile aad tllat IOOD be In operaUon. The centers pare4 WUIl 1,__ I a " , 'I'IIe _ . tut·oI" l~"" Juatfce CIaa took DO pal1. . are .eleetell bi oftlclals weh al abeY. era... IlJatratM ... ..,.. . . a~"' ·l _ _ _ AI( "'la"'~ LaWlClCl _ Trumbo weN two of lQYerDOI'I, · m.yors and ebl.,. of ....... enwtla ., wi . ... It prem.lfteGt screell fIprM wile; pollee, Headq\W'teioa WIll be 10 key .................... Til. NfIIHd to tell a lICIIlIHUIoaal cOm.' cltI.. .nd aomeooe wfll alway, be ..." t It wm do ID . . .mUIiIIe . wllelller the" Iia4I __ ••aJ1able to man ,t he wamtq' ap. . . . . . . . , . , wQI ...... ~r WaiIaI ....... 'I "...;,.... fIl tile CammUlll&t ~. paraM. .,.... U .1IIIIIIIa. ~ . . Cot8wolda
Chills Charges
The hillhillies who had never bee n on iii train before had been drafted a nd were on their way to camp. A (ood butohe r cam e through th o tra in selling bananas: . The two mount:lineers bad n ever semi ba nanas Cl nd each . bou ght one. As o ne of the m bit into his bana na the b'a in enter ed a tunne l. Flis voice cam e to his COmpanion In t he d a rkness. First Hillbilly : "Ha \'e you at yours y et?" . Second : "Not yet. Why '!" F irs t: " We il, don' t touch it. I' ve et one bile and g one blind ."
Forgotten Dreams IVIay Be Recaptured By Electric Shock
Light Bulb System Has.te~s Vegetables Speed Up Development In Backyard Hotbeds Burn 2S-watt light bulbi In • backyard botbed and you'll eat your own 'early JUDe peas next May. That advice lor home gardener. comes from Robert L. Zahour. Westlngbouse lamp engineer. Such miniature "greenhoul\es" warmed by 10w,pOIver bulbs hllr~, vegetables to the table ]0 days ahead 01 regular se ed plantin gs outdoors. FIO\ver seeds storted In hotb'eds are brought to bloom one month earlier, he added. The 25·watt bulb 1$ best tor hot-. b~ ds because higher wattulle bulbs are more apt to crca te hot sP9ts in '
Could· Anti-Red Bill Win Congress' Okay? Could • bW to coatrGl Commuat.t activUlu In the UDited statel wID .pproYal cd conll'eu7 There . . . acmut lQuab~ about the quuUoa willa cla1m and counteroIa1m IIeJq ~led_ lleDator l'.rlUlOD at.. 1IIcb.) ablmed ... COUld Una up topoheaV7 IUIJPOI't for IIUCh • meuuN. but .aicl ... apected the ..... IHcIen would 117 to 1IIoek'
.etton OIl It. 'lbat forec ••t of Democ:r.Uc IntentiOftJ burned majorltl la.der Scott Lucas, of' DUnolJ. He promptly retorted that 'FerCUlOD \ft. "Just talkin, poIlUc.... . But 1'8l'1\II0II told reportera be .... COllvincecl the .dmblIatration Is op~ pa..... of the bm and th.t the dltficu1ty WI. In lltUnr le.4en to brlq It . . IDr
Aeeordlq to V.1. Commerce Charle. ;sawyer, buJ...... 11 . ,oocI-Wt there 11 too much lID" II
the .oll. .tuntln • •eed II'Owth 01'1 aeorchinl the tender roun. plants, The COlt of' a bulb-heated hotbed .vera,et only three-tenth. of a cent per plant for electriciv dur. l In, the entire .lx-week. "alOll Inl no~em United Statel. the en&1-; neer calCUlated. ThIs is 80 per cent 1ell than the coat of loll heated by elec;trle c.t>le and 0JIly haU the COlt of manure. Man~e, whldl requlrea loil preparation ' .uch II dlaglng iI)to frozen cround. depends upon fermentaUon for tu heating effect In a botbed. .
TelDl 'Hybrid' in Swine
Applicable to Offspring
IDitltatl.. aN
'':~=~~ClUJto of
empio7Dlent. '
BB ADDED. boweYer. that It IJ danproua to let • apecUta fllure .s the daDpl' point In uaemploJ.
,et Is~~!;C~~=
paateIry'. wbea 1& 11 naabed. ment beea.... "people will a. alao .... tllat JIll department WI. not drawlq up ' 8Q pia to ailmbat 1IIIIiIDptgJmtIt.
~ , ,,,,,
'lbe term ~ 'hybrld" hall come to mean lIuperior producing ability to the com arower, It Is nat\u'aL therefore, that the terms ''hybrld hog" and "hyllrld boar" ahould Interest com belt pork producers. It seems 'qulte cle8l': most agri· culturlsts are agreed. that "hybrid vigor" eventually will Increale greatly the eUidepc; of livestock production. Informed breeder•• however, believe that there are not yet available adequate dependable .ources ot boar. for produe~I ~brld bogs_ - . . , '. FUrthermore. t.bl! narpe "hybrid" ·In the ilccepted sense ot -the· term lJiou1d. be reserved fOr 1he Utters produced- by the market!hog tllrm-
tMr fi.-.r.,
j ~O"
I !!!!:!~c!lJ!!1
'SeedlIap - cocI41ecJ In electriO hotbeet. liIIe Uaeae barl7 Yep. &abies to &be table 10 day. earlIer and br~ no.... to I MOIIIIl a moatb earUer.
=~~=.:r.~ u.. ".,..
...·:d "" ,. ~ cI
to ......
ltd .. C ln Cl lnn n U II
In t .." .h'w ...... Large dOl.. Of euch 1aK-
M o nt l{ unu~ r )'
Ohlr.- T nl f9 phun e
at,lvea upset dlgelltlon, Dllah away nolll'\shin\( rood you need for health aDd , enel'\lY . .. 'OU teel weill, worn ou,. But geotle ra:N-A-..,NT, taken .. nooroln.oded, worb chleJIy to the lower bowel where It rerao'. e.oDI,. wa.Ce ••• t .ood 'oodl YOll .,old tlu\t w"ak. Urecl teei1nl. Olle n:tH-.. •.. un and feel .Dne. full of lltel ~. 50;, or 01111
Television Boo'ms
......... ..............
• \VI..,.. )'au c ••·t .1"el'-'fl!8l JUlltawtut becauu" l'OU ne ed a , lI1~atlye - do .. "='0"8 do - oh"w ruN-a-'U1ft. I'DN-A-M:INT la wonderfully $1Uferentl Doctors ""Y many ot..... lu.. tlvetl .tan their "lIuahlo8" aotlon tUD a __ •. •• I... t
\I:tte f'ft".u itn1io'h .
are SI(,A' PI1! urLe: 'In .rcen' need of flrop'" t rel1 hn e "t. 8 to n daYI ho "pUu ll ln lion required. foll o w ed b, " we C'! k 8 nf ' ~.ull1u ~ nr c:c lUH1 tonl ol I1re • •" lbe d by' '.,u r Ll e enlt d ,th,. ,· nlnos. No e ft n r lt' t' fur hOllkl .. t ur uri·
Use Chewing~Gup1 Laxattv.REMOVES WASTE ••• NOT GOOD (GOD
Orcanlo' IIIsllt•• LOll
SLEEPLESS!" cu.pa.h
Faws C,"" DrIB IrItp lIatwllltJl.f Can't sleep? •.. TOIl and turn? ... Get up In the morning reelinl more tired than when you "'ent to bed! ••• 'then you'JJ find real encOUraKBlnent in this letter fn,m , a man ill Peoria, Dlin_: "NervOIllll).ea and J/';pleiil night. we.r e my two reasons for switchlnl to POSTUM-and you Can tell the world that drinking I'OIITUK instead of coft'ea . qll1eted my nervea and ~ J/eep better, thus improViag ~ Pllerai ·healtb.'· . . ,, .
SCIENtiFIC 'ACT.i Botb coffee and
tea contain ecUfri~ drug-a nen. Itimulantl So while maDY people eaD drink coft'ee or tea withou~ jiHft'1IIlt, others auft'er nervousneaa, Indlgeadcm, sicep_ nights. But I'08Tll;¥ con~ no c:aftein or other drug-~othlnl tut can pOllllbly cauae nervoumall, tna .. g_ion, 'sleepll!ll8llal r . _ I THI. JUTI Buy JNlJTANT P06Tt1II todaY-drink POSTtIltI excJUllive1y for 30 daY'. See if POSTtJII d08lll't belp you, .too, to J/eep better. lee) ~tter, 'enjoy life more\ •• :lNBT,\NT PosTUWA Vigorous Dnnk made from Health[ul Wheat and Bran. A Product ' 01 denerJ/ Foods.
Thursday, April 2'7, 1950
THE MIAMI GAZETTE WAYN.ESVILLE, With housing costs remain ing so high as to keep home ownership out of reach at many pe~pl~, the build-your-own-home ideo ho.s begun . to sweep aoross Canada. Most of the home-builders have had little or no experience, but tliey pitch right in and with the aid of specially prepared plans Dnd loans ' manage to do the job in adequate fashion. This Ontario family (photo at left) hos joined the scores of ' Canadian veterans who are in ' the build - your· own· house program. They are planning an ~ house with a room for baby Nancy.
• The veterans often obtain better quality mo·. teridl for less m 0 n • , through careful shopping. the Veterans Loan -association in Canada finances the pro tJ rom. Shown at right, a V.LA. luperYiSor, stonaing at left, is helping a yeteran contractor to select hi, woods .which are' to be used in the ~ous. he is building.
-. ~
Falix Retir..~ B, Rlcbard BIU WUklnaOD HEN FELIX BRENDLINGER . retired to private llte be ceased to be a "figure" In May. field. If you took time to analy:te the reason. the answer was simple. For 30 year. FeUx had lett bl. 1Iome on Pleasant atreet at .e xactly '7:3~ In the morrung. walked a q~r. tel' mUe to the railroad statlon _ - - - -.... boarded tlbe '1:48 train for Lon,. ,MI nut. view. and Ipent Flotlon the day .In that ~_ _ _ _-' distant city at ~ desk In the Insur· ane. oMee. ' of Bootlb, Gm and Dyer. Every eventng be dlsem· barked from the 5:52 train and rotraveled the quarter.mUe to bIa Pleasant street bome. Mayfield citizens were used to the light of Felix walking briskly to and from the railroad Itation. SomeUmes .ome one would ask bIm to do an errand in Lo:ngvlew, and he' d alway. obUge. Fre,quently he would deliver choice' bits of ne,,!s to friends imd acquaintance •. Booth. Gill and Dyer had fe)f thetr clients two 'large Iteamshll? Unes, and Felb: could tell when th.e boatl arrived In , port. or when they were delayed by storm. and wlnen im· portant personages were ~Irrivlng from abroad.
!J'here were r. bundred and line thin,. tbat Fells could and did do Old acble.,ed for him r. certain reoopltloD. After he retlre\'l, FeUx cealed 10 be a ncure. Be wam't aD 'especlall, lma&IDaUve PC!rlOD, were hll aelrbbol'll. The neighbor. knew uncoln.s cloul· I:r that FeUx waf no longer dlUer· ent from any of them. FeUx Iaiew , toO. It trolibled h1m. It Iburt. It made bJm lonesome. It mide hln1 wonder. I~ threa~ned to develop In blm an tnferlorlty complex. Felix tried bard to find 'pleasure In 1)11 retirement. He pla,nted • ,arden and bought lome ' chickens and .occupled bIa time as ttlUch as be could. But It waf a physical occupation. and this ,ave him plenty of opportunity to think. Evemtually hi. thlnktng changed to brooding. alld the broodln, nourlsh.ed the I!'owln, tnfe.rlorlty coinple~t. Feiix's wife noticed the change. She tried to talk to blm, to leam . the aource of hla moodlne'ss. But 1FeUx cOuldn't explam It. He felt a little aehBmed, and didn't want to talk. Anotber monOl passed and Jl'eJbr'. wife beran &0 0Iiak be wal a case for Ole family doc· lor. TheD ODe day a letter arrived rrom Booth. GIU and Dyer. They waated to klllOW U . Felbr woald o_lder c41mlnl iii ror a few daya &0 alslst In atra1rbteDln, out lome mr.'ten aboIR wblob they c1DDa14erect him all expert. "The idea," Fells'. . wife 0][. clalined. "Don't they k.now·-but of eour.e they don't-I'U wdte lin. medla~t:r and teU them bow poor·
The Questions 1. Wha t Presid ents of the United S tat e s were ,r elated besides Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt?' .. ' 2. Name the l Ma~lbme ProvInces 01 North America . 3. WI:lat three parts of the 'world are mos.t densely popul a ted? 4. l!ntJ! recently wh.at country s upplied the world WIth natural camphor? 5. What is acne vulgar.is?
I 8R£AlCfASr WHE~ eRISP raCE 1I0'fltDlII:t"t 1)0 tHE eotuCIM&! r/' . I
Nl Makes Mnq lep/lriIJ People caD hardly believe what won· derful results Nature'e .Remedy, • . Tableta bring the firat time they n,. them. An Nt at night brings morninc The Answers regularity 80 thoroughly, with De 1. John Adams and Jol\n Quincy perturbing effects. It leavea you feel. ams, father and son; William 109 invigorated. alive. All'lIegetable maUs the diff_ _Harrison and Benjamin big differencel Nt '. are made of 10 .",·r••".. n grandfather and grand- •natnral. all-vegetable laxative ~ ; James Madison and Zackary menta. acieDti1ically blended. aylor, second cousins. TrY Nt at our~. 211 teblet8 onI~ 2. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick 260. Buy a boz at any druJ.s:jn. 'I'r7 them. If DOt completely.. :t n t _ Prince Edward Is land. bos with un..-l tenleta lie 3. Eastern ,United States, West.' u •• We will refUlld 70U ern Europe and China. money plu. poRap. 4. Japan. 5. Adolescent pimples.
MaIr.. CJ QOOdllreolrfcut-fun '0 _"
~P. tRlSPEIt I CRlSP£S1! FIN'~ER lEsT YOUR COOLING SYSTEM a.'!"'" radiol.... cap of ro'" car, placa JOUr: I
""11.' Inald. the radlato, flll.r Mdt ancl HrOpe It arovnd-lf ' all _111,,1011011 of all MUCk, dirt ancl rull .....111 your coolinll ayste.......1 c'"-'
I,.. ond flu.hln" now.
bugb••b. "Hre dock of I 1.1"lI. wbol... I. l.plul"' clil. trlb..I., co.p••, .b• • •"he! to roll, II-Ieb COH. W. '. . rlgb.1 '1IIIa, '•• rI,b.1 Y...... ft. proflll
.. •......... tAr. ..... "'r 'u...... ..........,....
\' ~ .20" Cut ' III • , t~5«f; ·
,"1."'" ,.,
MOWERS ..POWER ~ ., • ~.""7 _ f. _ .....
. . .. liIJ ... . ~.
"You'll do DO such thtngl" FeUx eXJ:1&lined; , eyes gleaming. "I'm ca,tcbJll. th~ 7: 48 In the momlngl"
...... •1 .. •.
JOB ' lalted three weeks. THEDurin, that time FeUx became
tIIb IIIIIl ... _ ---. • . . , . onodble ...... IJII'Iq _ . dial" ' 1 11 ...... _ _ 1Ie4.
"lUre onci more. People Ibecaml uaed to him aoin, back and forth
ell., .... .- ......
MODaL 1000l·H, P. ,,'"
$148..., . $11.&0 Moele. IS-Ph.H. P. ElglH • This evening closs of 1950 vet builders ,(above) being instructed by V.L A. luperYisor Rob e r t WQOde is one of 12 or· ganized in the western Ontorio centers. The veterans or. 'given ;encour· . agement in the form of a loan and they need to give proof only of their busin~s ability, their will to" work and spar. time. T~. photo at left shows the Simpson -famil, at Roseland, Ontario, work· ing Oil" th.ir home. SimpIOn put th. foundation hi hlm.. .If, leamed how to ~ cinder blocks and built the wal" with his wife actin. as' hod man.
oU . . . . . _
" ' " ,.. ~. .
JfO" •
.--- MIIIW. A I_L. .OlDER -_ .-HAIl 0..... _J>ItF . ,. ... _5 I I .. , .,<Ie,. __-
Will II. oIoIppod ' ....." . . . AA4 II pot an .... eempleW)o IfIIltII"". , . . _w•• to .... oar _ lIP Ie • ..,. aile, r .. lui..
DIU . . . . \lie
II. 'U , .. Il.... ObI. "". 3~ ..... las.
FERRIS ·:PRODUCTS, INC. 1983 East 59th Street
CLEVELAND 3. 0., U.S.A. .
,:__ . ....--'1
M'USICh, '1 .,.• RURAL SCHOOL It. IIIItpIe aM dINct 0UIdt ClDUI,fI" subjectl of .organbatlono ~
Ustanlno" ~"1inOIno. ~ . .
f'IIUIk" l ~ ·mualc. , . . . . . . enle~lnI'ftI!\!. I etc.; 0110 q ......
' ..,
onlClhw of . .atl~
~ ' Chol_ of ..... Oepoetmlllt of
State Teachers' Col. at . l____--..........--', . Music. La Croae. Wlscor\sln. Price. JUS
--.-----..-----..-....--.. --..-.... 1151
'fKC W!I.L1I IC1IIIIO 00I0'AJft' Ut . . . PnrUI ...... CIa~" I. 01lIo , , _ ...... _ _ _..10 .... _1•• "II1JIIIa .. l1li RURAL SCHOOL-.
.~ . .,. ....----------------------------~ ••• • ...•..•............-..........----.. ....-.- ........... OIDII fORM
CIlft_ _ _ _ _ _
--SJ. O. D•
.",-,]~. ".,
CINlCIMf!!fATt 1, cJHlO -
r ' ,.
GAZE I T-l:,
THE MIAMI GAZETTE Eltabllahed 1850 PAU L. A. .aC HERE R •... . .... .... .. .. '. .. .. Ed it or ,nd Publlaher CECILIA J. SCHERIiR . . ...... .. .. . .. . , ..... Secretary Tre.1llurer
Published E r er y Thursda y ~Iornlog at Waynesville, 'Warren County, Ohio En tered 1\8 secon d cla8s ma lter at the postorti ce at \\' aynesvlUe, Ohio.
Mrs. . J oan Deckell Jones, wno hIlS been a pat! nt at tile M1Jlm i Vulley HOl!plWl in ' Day ton tor' sev"ral days . retUJ'IIed to her home, here, Saturda y mornlDg. An InterestJng ~rogTam was ])re· Hemed at t he meeting of the Par· Teacbers' ASSOCiation a t tbe lIehool a uditorium, Wednesday evenfDg. . The s tudents ot t he third grade gave a: c lever interpretation of "P.lnocchlo" and tb e s tuden ts of t be first and Hecond g rades jOined 'In Ijlngiog "11 ) Knew You Wer e Coming J 'd Baked a Cake." Tbe spe lal n umber' lor lbe program IH l R a mualcal r atUng by Elaine \'\' ebb ot SUgo. Who la lbe daugh~ le T of Mrs. RubYe Webb, te acber of tbe flrtb grade bere. The girl s ot this years gradual' Jng class attended tbe' tea given I1y tbe Warren ' County Protesslor.-al · Womens' Club at tbe Golden Lamb Hot~l III 1.ebanon. Tbursday eve. nlng: . ~vlval aernces are being held lit the Zton Bal}tJst churcb with Rev. Holt and Rev. Kilgore in {'harge ot the serviceS. Mr. an'l1 Mrs. J. W . Snell or Per rington • .talted frfends In the village Sat11rda7. Mr. and Mrs. H . S. Tucker were tbe 'gueatll .turday of their 8O.n· . In·law and daugbter. Mr. and Mrs. JIlIDI!B Park. and da.ughterll Peggy Dnd Teryl , or IncJnnaU. ~ !Mr. at1d Mrs. John Wel9h, Who have be~n confined th Middle. town Ho.pital, following an automobUe accJdent, ,returned to t befr Mme J,n the Y111a.ge Monday, Fred DaIdn, -who baa been sertQUlly S!J. for ~vera1 d_IS, was taken f4» GrandYhnr H08pltai Sun.
~a.y mQI'IIIDg• .
Mary' Syrerd enterta ined With a dinner at her home, 'Mon· · day eveDiDa', , In honor of b er son,
0Jea name Be. . . . Kerollne a. well u other file.. Sa
uHd In portable ope!I.aama butera. Tbay must be daaued Il'equeutb-. handled with eare. and repaired prompU,. wh.n detec:ta becom. apparent. IhouleS nevlr be 1Wed Indoofl or placed wblre there it ~.er 01 knoeJdn. them over. IbouleS nnlr be used III Ulbt17 dOled rOom. and UDder no ~eum.taneel Ihould the,. be left burDiIII In bldrooml after 70U havi rl~'d.
AoWItJ T_' f_ IIIIk III 1Il10 Dr. MaDIl and Dr. FarrIDItOD at the Unlver.ltT· or ~ola relea.ld tile acidity tilt for m11k. 'l'bIa m.tbocI il Uled toda, III U. orIliI:lal form.
John Byferd. who was celebra.Ung bls blrtlrday anniversary. TRY GAZE1TE a.ASSIFIEDS Miss Mae Harlan Was bostess to •••1HEY ~ET RESULTS FAST the Adult Bible Class of Jonah's ::-aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii Run Church, at ber counpy bome, a • P! Tuesday eve~nJ!l. . Mrll. J. P . tlbo)'Dbury was In- charge ot the program (or tbe. evening. The class nominated the following or. fleers to serve for this year : Min E11za.beth Clark, President; Howard eOUolt,' Vice PreSident, and . PROFITABLE I\:fl'llt Mary Denny, SecretllJ'Y And
M;r. and Mrs. Emerson Masters Now' availUle for reliable eon'and their sons an'll Mra. BI.a ncbe cern or to be DiIOarr bad, as theIr guests, SlIndaJl tributor for Reliable afternoon, Mr. and Mrs.. Clay BOTTLE GAS COMPANY Masters and Mrj. and Mrs. William · fJ'om ma.sbot and family. a t Alpha. Abo· offeriq..... MUs Dora SQuires was It guest . GAS :APPJAANCES !!!Il.turday evening .o f Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Frost, an'd Bon Maynard. Write Box E Waynesville, 0 •. . (fbe Temperance League of Ohio e,_yeYh; aD IIPonsored a presentation of "The mo.ck Flag" at ;the Methodist di& e &J& aM., 6&438f4CR8J church here Sunday evening. Rev. G. M. Hunt. of Westervtlle, and S . . P. McNaught, a· .C olumbus at· 'of tIl'e lIQl10r i8sue. 'jlhey were torney, prese~ted the pro and cor,' 8Rsisted in tbe cllsousslon by Rev. Fl. Partington, ReVi" C. A . Arthur,
Lawn Mowers
~ 29 .~
Califotaia Pack Beans, 2 Cans Cheater Brand Sweet Whole Kernel
New Four Room House - Two Acres of Ground-Near Oregonia - Vacant - P088csslon - Priced Very HeasoDable.
Rout 48 North of Rout. 73 'I T
Phone Centerville 10M
Byron' Carver, Mlnlsler Bible Scbool, 9 :30 A.IIf . Morning ' Worship. 10:30 A .M. Prayer Meeting, 7 :00 P.M. Young People's Meeting, 7:00 Evening Services , 7 :30 P.M.
-Pol. Adv.
_ .... Wial.;, Prl .. o, i... H •.y Z, 1950
'1'. M. scan, M'nl st er
Primary EJection, May 2, 1950 .. _ _ _ n_ l _ _ _
-Pol: Ad"
Exide Bat:te'r ies Firestone Tires New and Recapped ••• $8.95
rrae,In Allowance·
"bibncating.Semt ~
trest.neAtceSsories ·
Opel 5;30 I. m. II 9 p. '. ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - ___
Tlie UDdeniped Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Charlotte Antram Snapp, deceased, wiD feU of the chattel properJy belonging to the deCedent by?,wa)' of public auction, at the I~te residenc:, located on Tb"d Stre,et between North Street and Chapman Street, in the ViJlace of Wa~esville, Warren County, Ohio, on SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1950 -
C, DO NALD DIUTUSH A·dm. with t he wil l anhe.ed
Lt:~a~9n, Ohio
Tho~'9n and Irwin, Clerks
Bob e:rvls
'Commencing at 1 o'clock
overstuffed livina room suite; Bed r~m fu~nitu~ 3 including beds, dre....., washltands, tables, bed clothe. "alilree; eIIaira; Old O ...an; Super flame oil heater clocks' ,~wina ~bine, 9 x 12 rugs; Floor lampsi f.ullle~ wash: Inl. ma~~; 2·· burner oil ~eter' the same aa new; Tablp. r.~; Mirr!?r., Te" cJrt; Wicket chair; Dining room table and 2 ~.ira; Wa.l1nIhoUie electric refrige.rator; Coppe( clad coal rtllle i Apt.. size' cas . range (good); Kitchen tabl e and four chairai medicine cabinet; 1 Dutch cupboard; Old . hea.ting atove; Book case; Drop leaf table; some carden .tooll, dilbos, c:ookinl utensils, and numerous other art.cl~ .not mentioned.
Your Support Will Be Appreciated .FRANKL.IN
Wlilia lD Shan non, Minister Sunday !?chool. 9 : 30 A.M., Mra. J ames Oarrillon: SuPt. . PreachIng, l ilt. and 3rd. . SUr.dnys of eact. month, 10 : ao A .M. Ev ninl: Servi ces, 1 :30 P.M . .
Sunday School, 9 :30 A.M., E . A. Earnhart, Supt. WA YNESVILLE FRIENDS Worsh1p Service, 10 :30 A.M. FJnsl Day School , 9 : 30 A.M. Evening Service, 7 : 311 P .M. Meeting (or Wors hip, )0 :30 A.lIt .
Candidate For RflPublican Nomin.a tion
Mo rll ing WOf9hlp, ]0;30 A.IIt. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Youn g Pcoples' Meeting. 6 : 45 Falher H. R. Kru mif o l tz. Plul tor P .M. MaflS(111. II nnd 10 A. M. Evening Servtce, 7 :30 P.r.f. Prayer MeeLi ng and Bi ble Study CAESAR' S CREEK' FRIENDS Wednesday, 8 P.M. Ae Partington, Minister Worship Service, 10 A.M. MT. HOL.L.Y METHODIST Sunday School. 11 ' A.M.
!'iulItljIY: 1I0ly 'Olll III 1111 fl. m . I'rimn r)' ~ h ur II Rt'il oo l 11) : :1fI a .DI, (Ag"IIO ' t h roug h I .\ ,I ul l Wo rHhlp, )O :~O n. m .
WAVNESVILL.E CHURCH OF CHRIST M : Jr. Correy; MinIster Bible . School. 9: 30 A..IIf.
. .. _..
of tile ell ~ i.:J of . Charlotte Antram Snapp, deceased,
r-- •••••••• -_ ••••• -_ ••
Bottle Gas
I~_x~(___ED_R_I(_A_.S~TA_N. .LE_Y--JI ...
Installation and Gas
RepublicQ Primary Election, Tuesday, May 2, 1950 Your Vote and ~upport Will Be Appreciated World War II Veteran -Pol. Adv.
- .Service
• . Ask About our ·Price
Spring;Valtey Hardware .Co.
. Sprin~r Yalley, 0-
Phone 37371
Other CANNED GOODS Speciab , Also Diabetic Canned Fruib
'S AI R D" S
FOOD SToRE Phoae 2141
$85'. 50
Your Support Kindly Appreciated
.U. P.. Daughn, I'ttl!l Or R. B. Coleman, Ml1l1ster Church School, 9:30 A.M., Mr. U IlI(INI SE' r vlce, 9 : -15 u. m. Harold Eunhart, Supt. \VorBhlp Scrvl c , 10: 30 A .M . . ST. MARY'S EPISC OPAL Youth Felo wsht. lp, Sunday , 6 : 30 'I' h llov . ."" nuIP I . K 'rl! R ec tor P.lIf:
Fr d
~m. Osee Squires, wbo Burrered a broken leg i n an acciden t a t her !lome Ileal' town, Thursday arter' nooll, .haII been taken \ 0 the Grand· view Hospital, Dayton. ·Mrs. W . C. Brown ·ar. d Mrs.. W. E. Frost were callers In Wilmlng· ton, . Tuesday a fternoon. The senior class will pr esent ,t hei r dus play. "Amazing Oracle" at lhe S ' hool a U'dJto rlum, Frid a)' evening. Mary Belle Bogan and ClIve DeBoard Jr. ",III appear In tbe leading role~1 Otber memo bers ot the 8 st Ip.clucJe: Scott Hawthorne, Dorothy Ad cox, James WllemBD. Mary Ann Carnes, Ke n· neth WJls on, Gladys Kernll, R obart Hlldebrecbt, Myrna Rae M Ir· . aele, ond Donna. Rae Jacoba. The pI'Oducftl on b bei~ dlrec:ted by i\fn. Gladys Hook, Ii member: ot tbe high school faculty. Special mualc for the program will be pre' sented by tbe 8chool's five piece orch.e stra and the doubl e quarte t, under the dHectlon of MM!. Ed~a Bogan. Jo Nell, Infant daugbter 01 Mr. 'and M.ra. Carl Jones, 18 staying at the bome of her aut and un I . Mr., and Mrs. Olenn Cook, of Franklin, while ber motber Is con· ' val~SClng trom a r ecent llInel:l8.
Subscription RaI98-$1.50 Per Year, In fI.dva nce. In Ohio, J2. elsewbere .\1158 }fary Belle fiogao, 3n \\'all, a ll oC Harveysburg.
aU·Paper"Steamer ·2111
.PE~NAJ.. SERVICE 'Is n ~t . l~ mere phra'lte wJth lis.'. It means
a helpful, ani) reMy I'esl>onse to a bereaved fa ID II y I s Il l'd lv ldual needs, alld II. willingn ess to meet whatever special Pl'eferp.nce thel' may have. '
~ur attention to thefJJ, .for theIr comrort and con.venlence 'Ie or rlrAt
,Chas. ' Doster aVIII.S1Vllle
·B arveys
Jmportance . .
4'\ WAY .. I.Vllll• • • 'Q
.·.n_._u_...-v_ - -
Dry Ridge A Farm Diary
By D. J. Frazier
__ .)
~pl ~ll 24, 1950_ - Spring Is here. Mayoo. . At leaat It feels like It III HI we 11IlYe lb"ce 01' four nice days. Showers yeslordny and 11l8t nlgbt but not mor~ than needed. 'l' he .vens are lip and I saw one . pink Ilsparalllls just, I!h'OWlng. Violets are In bloom. Pench treea !Llld plum trees are ·In hloom and the pasture grows greaner eVery day.
Thursday 1 wellt to the Gtrla Scout Camp wlth a nature atudy group,: It wlla one those days when It was WBrm one minute cloudy and cold enough to snow the next but they were hllrdly SOuls, Girl Scout blurred OUt by the ,veather even If moat of them dJd live In town:. . Alter we nte our ' lunches the sur.' came out and we walked dOWn one of the ~Ilep raVines to a. creek There was II. lot ot thnt bush w~tb II. fine yellaw blossom called spice bllBb, not the flowering CUM'8Jlt that grows In our gardens that so many people call spice bush, but one wltb a smaller llower and a spicy smell but not 80 !Strong as the flowering ·currant. The hill sides were Covered wltb 'trout lilies or .Wl some people call them dogJtooth' violets or adders tongue both yellow and white. The tw~ never seem: to grow in lha same patcn but all yellow In o.n e place and 011 while In, another, We round one · little knoU ClOv, ered with btlgbt blUe hypatlc8.8 an'd. another wJth White ones. The Violets were just beginning show bere and th'e re but DOW they are beginning ~o color the ground. ,T here were quantities ot blood root too, BUch unusua.lIy laTge one. ond countless smaller and 1e8s showy things. The red bud and dog wood . bad not begun ' to ..sbow yet. . It ls ' nlce to have places where these beaUties will b'e protectell '
r·r ..
tlmeea of pottage" made from kid. I was In'lere.tecl to lIee In an article upholdiD, · the COO4 polan of our modern 8choolll, • paraP'lllh 'teUing of the goocl work of the teacher of remedial rea41q. But you tbat waa ID • ~. city and they colllcl alfonl IL The county could &f'orcl it, If enoUgh people demUllled it. WAJIlNvUle teela QUite lIelf sat18f1ed about the problem <It those who can not Quite make the cra4e beeauae the)' teel that m,any of them can be helped ,throUCh tile wleultural classed. That does h e 1 p 801IUI. Springboro has Manual tralnlDc and d068 vel')' rood work but the onea that neecl it mOlt ....1' let there, they quit before the7 . reacb the Beventh or elchtb 11'&4" TIleD too the DOIl·reade... caD tiot do muoh with It becwae part of the 'important worlt in tIaoM 01"861 consllts In rea4JDc plaDl alul ,read· Ing entera fJito much of It. People inay I'et urea of t.h1a 1Mlt e . .~ alnce I taul'ht in • cOunt.,. IOOOl where a half doseo or more boy. were sitting In th. doln. noth'· Ing until thelr mteenth birthday. w.hen they could «lull, and one 01 the bo,a satd, ":A.. wb doD', they let Us dig ditches. We could do tbat." This .problem hu been oD my heart and te&eblq tile back' 0Il~8 to read II one Itep that would help but the clauroom teacher hUD',t tJm.e ,to do IL
For'the ConvenieftCil of Our Far~et Fri4md. \ WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS
Saturday .Nlaht - U~ti1 '9:00 P. M. WeeII; Day. - 7:30 A. M. - 6:00 P. M. Eve..... By Appointment
Our trained JOHN DEERE mechanica cive -:'!
yo,u prompt,
efficient aervice
We aeII only Cenuiu JOHN DEERE parts. t.hatt· wear like the ,oriiina l
. Uncle s~ ·
JOHN DEERE' Quality Farm Equipment
PHONE. 555
. • • iII • • • t
E F •••••
.................... .
PHONE 2441
If you have the umimana" habit • • • if
is alwa,a .GOd enough for l~OU ••• don't espect to enjoy that "money.. in. the . . . ." feeling. Why p~.tpone 'the ur.e to ¥ve 7 Open your .ceou~t now ~d blmk -aaethiatr reaulanY•. You won't have to .Won7 about tomorrow if you do your ' tOlDOfI'OW
Yo", s:::~;::~:~IOd
~_.""" ..~~~.~~svil~e ~~i~~~.I..~~~~ II" G.•
Every wbere you go th'e re are DOW bouses. Roads that used to I fa .... !Iay ....... he unfrequented back roads now I eIock. .... T1~M"':"d'r"' .. have roWl! Of ' houses on: them. It I ;.:~ -:e-:..~ ~~ sooms too bad thst In. many cases . . MW , _ _ fill ....... t~!~ .Iots are so small, even. though ., ..-.-de ~ fill..,.. ... they are away fromtbe town.. I !h;:'·ott~l-s.5:"" (tm always sorry to see h~uses be...... II Ing put on what used m be 80me· one's 'nice yard In t~n and It seeDll .... , .. - 1M ........... ...... evon 'worse to build in the country i~":: ...,.~ lit on less than an acre. Some of the :.. .. pvn lots do not look fifty fee~ w,de. · rI", ~~.o!. ?! On the whole I think the bouBel TRY GAZEI IE a.ASSIFIEDS that are being . put up now look -THEY ~ RESULTS FAST better tbOD tOI' II. while, probably· -;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~I materIals are not qulte s~ hard ~ to get. I ·1 ilm going to bave 80me goat meat 'for sUPJIer. I mlg.b t bave kId chops, for It WII.S II. ver)' goat they butcb'ered. It Is ling to see how completely has been accepted into the Ian· guage as meaning cMld. I remember when "kld" waa V8r)' definitely slang and really Bome' 0. . . . . . . . . . . . thlog to be resented and If you were feeling ver)' reckless you ansWered \!:'" -., "It I'm a kid, you're a . goat'" aud rItuII ... ·. . . . . 'tbe rest oi that cbolce bit of dog· gerel. And now It seems almost too formal and 8tl1tcd' to lay ebU· dren. At any rate thla kid was " goat. . M-rs. Tenant's SO&t had three kids and as she was onl1 oQulpped to teed two, one or them was getting more than hlB share aud had outgrown the others 10 they butchered him and we wlU .sample it thiB evening. We have TBLa-BOMB _1 'had it before-It taates vel')" much WAYH~OBlO · like lamb. Roast Ir4Id 80undl al· mOBt BlbUcaJ, waan't t~e famoul
't 0 t .'
dV t
. 0
Pt~, ~ay
2, 1950
-Pol. -"dv.
e UteS~a-=--' Y~.L:.:::: ,-,-~-~-=--~-=-=-=-=-=.-.~-.-==,-=,-.~_'_='_=_'-:':
.. ather.bedding .cheme of Firemen's Uni~n to put an additional . flrem'C!ln on die.el locomotives hal been
c......-:-, .... "..:~
....'C ...... ....
........... .•
••t Finding Board. appointed by Presiden's Roosevelt and Truman ave .aid the•• demand. were "devoid of merit" and they were
Now the Fir.me.n'. leader' •••k to paralyze railroad transportation to 'compel 'he railroads te) employ a wholly unnecessa.ry additional .flr.man to ride on clii•••1 locomotive,. This ,chemeis p,lain
'''S tubla
Ho. .
- .-t
oIN1p8CtabiHty-to vidouII
Aft. ~ canIul atudy of ~ tnt de. . . . of tbIa UIIioD, • PNaidIiatIal Pact
.'.,.mIIe Funilure , ___ c:.. .
aationwide .atrike st.ertint ·With tow raIlroada on April 28. ....... uetbe New York Central, Penn-
.u.s •
..."" •.,.k ct.,...... ·
h,pocday. a.r.ty baa been ...... into tbII ..... only in an ~eIrort
. '
0' the Firemen'. ,~on bave
' .
,,~.... &uta Fe, and Soutbem. • ".. ~ claim that a 88COnd fueman II DMd";OD 'I'oundl of lafety is .h..1'
SALE ON DINEm ·Sm·••• . .Come In and .See the 'BarlliDs
WA. . . . . . . GIID
...... Baud lID May 21, 1918.l'epOI't..t to PJwWent ....... that t.b.-e ... DiD .... for an .atr. ffl'eman on di ...l ......w.. AIIIa. _ September 19, 1949. after • ..... . . . . , _ &be lInkm ...... de....... ....s Board NPCded to Preal· . . . ~ t:bd: ''tMIeJ4 4.lyaiatl _ .... kllD additioDe1ireman ••• upon ........ IfOUIId ., ~ .. that of • t ~ and eooaomy 'o f opIIatiaD."
.f•., .... .,.,.... .. O'Ju. . . ..., 0IIII
.".>, --'I .. ............. j~l
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. ...
'1raMI • •WtlaBoud • %
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extn~ .fireman
is need.ed for "safety" rea· Here's what the Board had to say on tJilat point: · "1'he .rety aod on· time performance of dleH1 ele«rlc locomotive. operated under current rules ba~ }Jeen notably
. "11poo careful analYl18 of the data lub~ mUted on safety, we bave concluded tbat no ulld realOOI bave been shown AI a aupport for tbe Brotherhood propetal under wblch a fireman would be ...qolred to be at all times contlnuoully In the cab of I'OIld dleHl•• The propoeal mUlt be reJected." The rtal Je8IlOD behind these demanda is that the union leaders are trying to make jobS. where there is 00 ~ork. In other word•• a plain CUB of "featber.~dinl." Tll!erailroada have no intentionofyWd· initiO tbeIe wutaful make-workdemandl.
4'The S.f.ty Reconl .of Diesels is O~stantllngly Good •• .'~ PRunlllNTIAL FAcr FtNoINO BoARD R&POllT
Resd these excerpts from official reports of Presidential' Fact Finding Boards: "The safety record of DlesQis is out· standingly good, and ~t f'111ows that . the safety rules now IIpplicable have . produced good reaults." "The safety and on-time performance of Diesel·electric iocomotives operated 'under current rules indicate that Diesel·electric operation has been safer then steam locomotive operatio.n •.• " Remember! Theee are aot e.atement. of the raUroade. TbClY are Jut a Ie", of tbe
many.tmlJarc:onduelonlfe&chN by 1'rH1· dent Truman'. Fact FlndLna Board whlcb .pent montb. lnweatllatlnllhe clalme of the uuJOD leaden.
Thund ay, April 27. 1950
for Your FU'ture Buy
Rigors of S·pr.ing Housecleaning Ar.e Easily Adjusted to Schedule
.By Ertta' Haley
Cro.cheted Flowers Latest News Gay Bunny Designs Are' Amusing
U.S. Sa.vings Bonds
I,,, ,.n., ~tI'e.... MOHTItLY
LANNING and scheduling wOEk properl y will take a bIg edge off your apr!'ng bOWlecleaning by making it more eUielent. True. AnI J01I troubled b1 CllatrMt ot te· m ale ruoctlooa l pertOllIO dll\Urb· . 'au will still have the wor k to do IOC... ? Doel th'- mllte you IlUtrer but wlien Ws Intelligently planned from palo , r....llIO n.rwu.. tll'ed_t IUCh tim"'? Thoo ltart taltI.DS LYdlad and carried out accordi ng to a pre· B Plokhlm ', Vea. tabte compou o arran,e d plan, the work will now 'lboU~ teO d 6 )'11 berore CO relieve .uob "mptom .. Plllllbam ', hILI • along more efficiently. ....od IIOO Lhlnl etreet ' 011 Oft. 01 How can actual cleaning be _1114" ', mOIl ."'port,,'U orgllul . made euler by takln, a pad and T,rul, the womao'l rrleod I LeSSOD for AprU 10, 1950 pencil in band and going over the ~frro~: work, room b, room? In the first ON'T THINK for a momen t you place. you avoid a. bl~ and mis, could stand before some 1tecord · method which Is Inetflclent; In the ing Angel, with a memor andum In .econd place. you bave aU dutle. hand sbowlng the number of ouUlned and necessa ry equipment you had attende d church last provide d 10 there I.s no time lost year, and expect to . once the actual work II started. lee the angel break When you do write things down. out Into a beamin g you have less of a tendency to aitJp smile. "Fifty· two importa.nt aspect. of cleaning and trips to church. 52 alao less Inclination to "let the Good Deeds I" you' work go" whUe you Idle away .the would smile confl· Ume on the telephone or over the dently at him. But back fence. The wise schedule al· he might freeze you lots time for rest. the work I.s with a look of com· planned for your peak energy A baekel eIlulppe d "Ith cleanplete con tern p t. periods when you can accompli sh Inr aldl "Fi1ty.two sins!" he Dr. Forem. D many deplI duro; most. . . ' .... Sprln~ hoc.eol eanl0l. 1& might say. "Next casel" Go throuCb the house with pad can ea.Uy be earrled rrom and pen'cll In hand and list every· ••• room to· room and abould conthing to be done. room by room. Can It Be a Sin km lucb aldl all waxe., polInclude all work In each room sucb •• wl., Clr.I. If........,. D.".. To Go to Church ? InCl. cleailen . lpot remove rs, II washln s woodwork, waxing P. O. . . . ., ... C ...., .. . . m• ., wtodo" Church oleloer 'going . bruabel and ' Is no~ necessa rUy • floors, polishin l furniture, clean· P. o. _.;'~':.i.~L.1T.'~~;"IaU! •. cleanin l elon.. These "belp. good act. Worship may be a quite in, windows. pollshln l sUver and . Enclola ao cat. tor patlarD. en" "beD 110&' ID _ caD' be wicked deed. Most people are slow cleanin g rugs, waalling curtains No. ••••••••• ••• lept torethe getting r ill that a IUPP!T Into their heo,els. l'he, caband bedspre ads, .prayln g closets 11l1expenslve ·Be.ut , lDel .. abOWD above. think that one act of worship on .,~me and puttln, away clothes ,for the ATElS~r 'news in needlew ork Is Add........ ....... .. ......... Sunday will somehow make up for a leaSOIl. ....... .. crocb eted flower decora tions Next, over the list and notate water cleansin ,. rinsing. drying, lot of bad behavio r Monday throulh Saturda y Inclusive. But It Is not 10. ror househ old linens and things to aU the cleanin c equipm ent and and. If necessa ry a licht coatin, .upplles needed for eacb task. Then of wax or speelal pOlish. . The first person In history to' lee wear. 'I'he Irish rose and leaf For darker WOods. a liquid cream and to lay that worsllip 'need not be motiIs illustra ted are quickly and wax will. do both cleaning and pol· lood and can even be very bad. was easily made. add beauty at little, ishlng. Don't spare the elbow work none other than the prophet Arno•. cost. on dark t1nhhel U you want hlab The IIraelit e. .. "bom be Plttern No. lIOIHI eons l. u of eroehet. polish ' and luster. Inll dlrcell on!, mote rial reQu lremenls . apak~ "ere wbat we "onld caD I tlleh WiurtralJ onl and tlnllhlnll dlrec· Liquid furnitur e polish should be On. eppll4 catllon a cbureh . 10101 people; the, tion. . . applied with a clean soft cloth. were eertatnl y &emple . lolD&,. • II • Let It dry. then rub with another They followed the Bame rllual Send loony for youi' "Op'l 01 tile Anne Cllbot Needlew ork Album: n's flUed clean 80ft cl~ untU nei pollsh l. tha' wa. aBed lD Jerusal em. wllb . for the Ilf. of your plat•• i deal for nimble Iln a ".": four 111ft oatvisible. As the last step, rub to a they offered tlthea aDd Bacritern. .. ra Iprlnted insIde. 25 .eau . II fOur pl •••• .,.. 100" I"d tllp 0' ~r satiny tWah witb a fiannel poliSh· flce.. they kepi the Sabbath . lit•• (or loatlol, pUm.llea t colDfoNb.... wi.b 101r II II II' Bdmm, Plud'UD et Ilrlp•. la, "rip OD UPP" ing cloth. 'hey .ttende d &he lea.ts aud ot 10.,.r~I.le .. . bir. ":ld It mold, perf«tl,. A good cleaner for painted walls they observe d the la.ta aDd they H........ or UII/i., Pl."" ..""'" '1\1an1 Vses a olet ",boo ... Iet, Brimm. Plos"·l.io er."on" Ilion looci and woodwo rk can be made right BaDI the aacred hymDS. mult. froID Ib ' IIMMIrhA 10 • ,cat .,r lanllet'. EMBR OIDER these gay 'litt}1l !ad. (oru .. 18nl c ad M)lb., o( compo ..." in your own kitchen with the fol· Yet Amos .denounces lp.plicado nslha.I ••• a (~'" hOUR orda"'l whole . Petelr Rabbit designs on a set lowin, ingredie nts: one cup house· business, and condein ns the .Jipplal. ro cltina platea .bid tore «umiSCC!J» . E.r the wor· of kitchen .tow~ls", or do them on. .o"hiDII. Talk (.e. I,. linin, tbe <om(ort IhoD' hold ammon ia, ~ cup vinegar ,. ¥4 shipper s as guilty sinner8~ , •• nd. of people , II over rb. counrn oow Wba~ unbleac h, e d muslin ,.e. blocks for a cup baking soda and one gallon at was wrong? witb Brimm. PI .. ,i· Uncr SIl"d hOUJ.d",nJ"g ~ho".J : .• child 's crib or bedspre ad. The la" I...... 01 Tlg",." Fal.. 'Nih , ...... ".""' water. Vse a sponge or a rough • • • T ..rcl ell, odorleu. harmlen 10 you and_f our moti fs are nice. too. on you can conveniently make a llst cloth. This loosehs the dirt, dis' It Looked AU platel. COD b e rtm o~ed • ., peroirr~( iQn • . USI'-'l Right sery curtain s. sm all .tablesolves grease, softe ns wa ter and at what's needed and compile it aU I.r ~ HN.UJ , (If " 1'.' 4",1 1"",.10 Ato,u. b..t~ I ' t cloths. sa dressllr ves on runners soap. IlIlf F" ,,' ''' S l .2 5 ((1r ti ner (or ont plare: '2.2' No . rinsing Is I'eEAD1? R8 of tbe Old. Test.amen in a cleaning basket that Clln r eadror b o tb pll ,e~ At yo uf; drua 'Ior~ I , ily be moved from room to room ~~ ~~ ~~ T~ere .are several good cleaner s where d~ ----~==~-~I~~I~~----~~I=~~~I~~--~~~-~I~~--as cl eaning proceed s. the Israelite s had one of their ~<-----" Your thll'd step is to schedule tor Vlindowl and m irrors. 'You 'may princip al temples, ' golden ~alvel like the old stand.b y 01 ammon ia had been set up to represe nt the work ' for certain times. .rehov· ~ rnlx~d with water; If you prefer., an their God. Now even though Ule Plan DeaV7 ' Cleanln&' use a llquld window cleaner or a people worshipped the true 06 God. For LICb& Days . spec.i al type at wax Is 8.p- surely It was wrong to worship hlm 1 , Most of us have regular duties plied and rubbed au whIch to give the iil the form of an animal. ' . even though we may embark on • luster deslrecL The .form of the ~r worship was all I !I seasona l cleanln c scbedule. anel U yOU like woodwork lo h!lve a wrong, much further wrong • than Hunqr' e ds of folks, who are bene· ,---;==--- ---- ---' ...: ;.-- ---- ---work must be planned aD these nice soft 'llnish after wash ---Inc. ap. any form 01 Christia n worsllip I. fiting every day from taking dAyS are conside red suf!iclenUy to ply a cream or paste tY1)e 801. WiU. Hears About HADACOL'S Blessings wax today ; yet AmOI 'does not condemn HADACOL meet ·at the Trianorr allow for a mihlmu m of discom fort after cleaning the surfaces. Thll is them for worBllipping In this mls· B.Iollldlnli in .Oklahoma City where for the dally schedule. cOQsidered good treatme nt for such taken way. Never once anywhe . re B.ob Willa, .famoul band leader. and On laundry day. plan to do Just things as window aills. does he Bay a word about the gold· hll Texlis Playboys broadcast each one of the ealler room a thoroughly and flooTl aince the pore. ot the en calves. And if he does not say noon for IlADACOr.. .0 that you can atill abide 'by the wood rire closed and a aloss Is alv. anythin g about a big thinlllk e lold· "It lo~,k. like all my fana are get.cbedul e wblle at the same ' time en the wood. en calves, still less does he have tina. you give yoursel f· ample opportu· wonderful benefita from RAD. Wax sbould ~not be remove d on anythin g severe to say about less ACOL." said Will .. "It II • real nity to finlah the laundrY. lublequ eDt weeitly cleanings. 81m· importa nt departu res from ",ood pleasure to broadcast for HADACOL On thole days ' when you have ply wipe with a damp cloth to reo form" in worship. becaule ·the folkl takln~ HADACOL actual cleanin g plaMed weekly, do move ~oU. Be does no' cODdemn the peoare' 10 el,thll'sia.tic that 1 feel like 1 lome of the bigger cleanin g on the Motb-Proof tile Dome pIe ror bavlng the 'wrool hymnSpring housecl eanlnl schedul e. am .perforUlinlr • real service for DarJuI' ChaD,e of Sea,oDl , bOllk. or for no~ bvlDl a good Doing .the big clellning room by mankind . .. Battilna moths Is a year·arO lmd' cbolr. De baln'& a word or room elimina te. havlna the whole . Hundreds have told Wills of the job; but most of the work comes bla.. e for DOD-attendance a& blessed benefits of RAPACOL and during a change of leasons when worship ; Iudeed be come. doWD. .the foUowlnw atateme nt by Miss you are bringing out •last leason' s ~rdel& 00 those who do attead. Carol Jean White. 8686 Weal Park clothes atld atorlng away winter AppareoUy cburch a&leDdance S&., Oklahoma City, i. • .opd garmen ts. Smc.- wool Is so easily ID Bethel wal excelle nt-tbat example: affected by. moths, great care must . ",as nol &helr trouble. "One of tbe luckiest daya of m:v be taken with winter clothes to pre· . Agam, he has no fault to find with ' lue was when 1 heard Bob Wills vent th~ir becoming. Infested. the Israelite s because their "ser· ten .boul~ the wonderful blening l of . cteanlin~ss is the be~t weapon vices were up.Interestlng," you have. For garmen ts and art!. they were; but 9n the otherMaybe HADAU()L. 1 bad lost my appetite , hllnd mv energv was .down. 1 luf. fered cles of clothing which 'can be laun. they were probabl y 'tull of color and # # d ere. d do tit e moth·proofing at at pageant witli ~lUltr~c diaturllancel an.. indio ry, somethi ng home with a thorough washjng. Let well as to hear.. 'iet Amosto see as was not ~estion. 1 took the adv.ice of Bob th e garment s ' , dry 'ln the Wi1~ and took HADACOL. 1 felt sun for Impressed. Further . be makes nu several hours. 'compla lnt about poor sermon s. better ril!rbt off and hava felt better For garmenl.s which cannot be • • • alld. better ria 1 .have contlnu,ed to deaned by laundering, use a pro!.ake HADACOL. 1 DOW recommend fessional service which usually In. What Was the· Troubl e? HADACOL to my friends." eludes a moth·prooflng .treatme nt luilb w~I-o"'tI";UtJ p'-TROUB LE with tho~e people. Miss White Buffered wi~h a de· tor the alklni. Store and .eal 1n the thing house in a turmoU and makes for clean bags. makln,. certain the seal .hlp Sinful.· that made the~r wor· 'ficlency of B Vitamins and Impor. f was not 80me defeat in tant Minera ll whicb RA:.DACOL peace of mind. AUowln, whatev er II air tllht. the act of worship itself. .There contains. ' time you deem neceSia ry when .U you are uBlni • clolet In attic nothinc they cotild do. Amos C8Jl A 1aClIl of 001, • amall amount of maldng the outline will help force or ceUar for .tora,e, walb the think of nothing they could do: ~ou to adhere to the .cbed'4 _ and walll. cellini .nd floors of the '~improve the worahlp proar am to the B Vitamin . and certain Minera~ " al wW UUS«I dleeativ i dllturba nee••••• thu. makes ~our work more effi· dO.lt wiulso ap and water. U PCI' we would .s a,. '{our f04)d will not .gre. · "tb clent. . slbl• . Spr.y wltll Uqulcl moth 'pra, The trouble with those people was yollo •• .• YOG will ha'98 aD upaet 8H Willa, f ••o. ~ Gath• • suppUu tOl_th~r ~IPl .nel .tore a_, the cleaned ,ar. not in church at alL had '10,. b.. Itll It 'wa" 00 the atonlach •••• You wW luff.r from ."old • lot of time ulUaU, .pent menta. Co•• tichtl7. at Trluoit Bdti. i a.alt ..... ;, In' . th. o~tslde. Almo.t alon. lli bta. heartbu rn., PI III buntbl, for a particu lar bottle paln."a WIlen nd lOur food 1......In.. BADACOL. I. tile plea.re .110,• •Ia CaNl'e garro.n tl a voice In the wUdem DO aa Wldle. WI _A d one p'aid him any real ela-:fqr of polilb or eleanln , clotbt. Bert cle....... .t lead ba.. ~ .. attentio n- will. BOur' OD ,our I..,mae ....'" ,8lI' lOU Wed Par~ S~OIl~I":"" 'W CltJ" teIIa ~'\IO" allCh BADAC I. a ballc Ult cI cleanin g nec..... remove d .t borne. OL has ..el,.. will DO~'" abl. to ..t thin,. ..... B ....... of · IlDea Nlloa, IpeakID . for God. told tho )'ou Uk. f~r fear 01 .wal...., ridI ......111.. rIO. th. ,reele_ tie. to u .. al a ~e m atoeJdn, the pain" which are .,.Ineb mlMl'J '8 Vita.... •... llta'erali iii 1Ij).AC mOlt Sabba th· .kaepine . OL cburch· .... t Wllla'ia .olDe. ela ',.;.a'.I ... Ida alit""--~ JI Ie al uffer ~ the 1Ia._t or suppl~ cabinet :. alII.. Let garllleDti .Ir in the b7mD-.inJinl. tlthIn, cltizeoa ., I.. . at... .,...""-. ... an, JIOp. 10 I Iwarll broacJeaat. "ldell .. orIlla. W Ire. KBYE, OIIla. . . . at,_ bottled ammClllia. JIUD iurpeDtfne. for several Okl.. flO. eoautipa tlOm ADcJ .,.hIle th.. ..•••• bourl before .1Orin,. ..... aU an' .,er a leueicl "Ire . . .tauo... r.el aD importa nt truth. funilture polbb, varloua waxel . 'FDlPtoODliI ..., .,. tbe Jreaulta 01 KRMG, weatsn T .... ; KWRN , Fon , II.~tII: J[~LC; ...... Ok...... : KLYN, (for floon, wlndow.. ete.) window ~_rBHI'IIeIt...~~ _"~oIfe~ID"thelh·r~ other • cau~ th" , are -- nd ~••nn...ad KWPT, Wichita Falla. ...... IU. .,...... cleanen . apot remove r.. ltarch; -Bard ~, the umptor na aad 1!pI . . ....rly e"et7bo d,. thu tho.,... vinePT' . rug and uphollt ef7 clean- more work 11 ac:compUabed of tJuj lac~ of B Vitamlnl and 1IIn- It matter. 1I0t wh.ro Joa ...Uy It you art eOlinfortablY ..... as toe ....1' people DOW live... We art .. tlrm in our belief that ers, as well a. soap or -cieter,enta, "hicla' BADAC OL contain .. or It ~oa hal" ~ erail th. tpedlc:lne. . IJ.U>A~L . will .help JCU that . . UaIIIk. Wonblp III dmplJ'. DO bruth.l . dust pan. cloths. brooml , C1re.a,ed for It. 51.eJrl. or .~rta And If Joa luffer from auds • dt.. a~d.r the lun, ·i I" thll "ond.rf ul BADACOL on • mane,.b ack floor mopa and wbatev er elae YOU a ,ood costum a ~r bOUlec1e~ pod If .t III .., ~ ap ,..th a order thelre 'le 10 known c:ure uc:ept prepara tion. trial. Don't . . line. tile,permil' on ea.e ~ntee. If ,011 dont, 1"1 perfec:tl, of mO\'. 'pod! ute. a ute Ule. .... bJ' !D'" tho .d.nU,lil t.ratioD 01 tho VitaJnln• .fenn,. Don't contlrl1. ·~ lead • utiaflW ' ifter ' ullnr ment. If Y9U ~er a ~... ba.. 110...... eltort. . BADACOL .• aod the lIiJJeraJa .hlc:h lour ".tem ml ..rabla life. Man, pe~DI 11M 'I'bIIe-Trlecl lIetllod a It lar.. enou,b with pIeD" of room le.UI undersc ored who dlrec:teci, Jut return 'th.· amp" carWI • am e la_ . . !lave luffered "or 8pecla1 ~ .nd . .Ited for at the lIeeves .Del IIdrt. toO • __~ your mon" wID be cheerpoiat. If 70U are al tho very .ltar of WAOOL' eantalna not' o~ one, aD ,eart or even lonl.r, .re10.ble Each wom.n · liIIe. her own lpeBavo music wbilo 7011 NIt, God, ' in the act 01 offerlD , him a but tif t1ie 8 VltlllillIla: BADAC OL now to live happy, comfortable 11ft. fairer. r.fund.d . Nothln r could be dal routine for cleanin l. but there U thi. makea th4[I chozu ,1ft. and rememb er that your broth· Ilontaina aot onl1 oael IIGt are certain ' tlme·tri ed method . readily, Stop !~r • 11... 01 ;& or the ...In blc:aUle BADACOL aupplilCl U yoUI' t does nat h.ft "GU, which should be adopted b7 evef7. when 70U Deed 110l1li fJUlck refirelll-I er baa k~ometbin, a,.inlt I ......... &II . VitamIn. an d III ....1. whleh BADACOL.drulP Ib ~ ~tDlral .. It. COIllft to lOU rei dlrec:t fro-- ment; chang. 1011!' slio . a . . "ef7 , and ma • m.tter. o.r ODe for tho I.e or efftclen~. r ...t WI your In Uqnia- 'ifrm, . .II, uslmUa ted In U,lel.r QlUIM 1D .. _ Dialt.i.. ," fair 10 laBl.nc Corpor atio., Lafa,.t bour. to th. feet. I>rother before . you offer the gift. tb. woo.A.j~ aa-th... 1& te, .......ture .atl-le tl of waar dill'" ~ poanelf . 01ft" lIADA Sc:heduJ. 7GUl' time 10 Ib.t orG r tri.1. Loutllana. Send no mon.,. "tlSt 1OtIt' See lour brother before you lee to ""JJ. ~~b~ IDa the wlnter mOlltha wbea eVef7· CaD ha.. a blth or Dem~nd ~ • . ,.nulae BADACOl.. n.me and .dd..... on • peIIn, pod abower God I Or else God wiD not .be at au Sa .t borne more thaD the7 are It .. to underatand, tMralor e, ~-Pt DO .,liatHutel. < te ·ehaoJ. CIf-doth.. before home to ~ earel. PaJ iiOAman. Btaa. ...... . out. aDd it will Deed tIIorouP comple wbJ . tbouaanda have aI· TrIal alia 'o nl, 11.2&. But if 1011 JOII ""'t· atan dlDDlr or before the fam- ICClDYrllbl ~ Ill. IDtern.C1onai CtlUneJI _ . . . ....... th. ·...10 haaplta loeono ., eJeIiam, aad pollth"" to halon flee benefit ed." dtil.me a- .ra 10 fortuna te .. to. Ob=:' the "III coma......... III lb • .".., . Plan PI'Ot ..llnt d_mJD or .15 trial ..... Rem.mb er, .. .c' Mell,lo118 Eduoltlo auau. .. IIGIIdltloD. Pamted aad lilbt a,I.'" _ n inl on ......., tonki, .. ADAl'U 41 ' '" ... mnoO •., or h"'II"':'i ..I'J(e ._ to ..... tho boIIIe iD order, too, II wnu hllturwa .1 ¥II WI IIIGII., ~I~=~:~~=~~, _ ~~ woodI WIll tUe to • IIIiJd ICIIp .... WI ... ft II tWJ'a 110& wbe '1111 .... .. ~ ...... lOll to .... IIIG~ ........ JGII! . . . . 01 comfort. .ali p ,lO. ~II ....
Cleaning Basket
When orship· Is Wicked
............................... .
oAll''S .,
W -II I 5 e'ars 0 5 a CO f ,MaIIaeo1(•5. M 8 ny BIess . "S.S ,C,
!,.... til. 0'
I." wlao....
e .1'1.,.
Tbunda,., AprU 21, 1950
Fumlture -Korth Carolina manufactures more wooden furniture' .than any other stale,
Small Po,pula tloD Portsmouth, on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, has more buildings than people. Once a thriving town of 1,000, and North Carolina's first port of entry, Portsmouth's population is now 18. Fishing and hunting are its industries.
FARM MAOHINEIU .. EQUIP. '41 H. D . •' OltAOE UI\RVEiiEitNew attached blower. 3 attaohments ...... 1
~l~: 1-m~' u . Au'·~~~~r:lo"'D.
Obi. NEW OLIVER UG 118 Cletroc lroc lor. 11,600. Del.ware Oliver Storo. In N. Uenr7-8t ••
Del tlwa re . OhIo. Phone 25'4.
Keep PO$ted on Values By ' Headlnl the ads
Grandma~s Sayings .
INSTRUCTION PROFESSION Ihat ,,'111 give you Se· curity for IUe. ,Lea r n b a rberine In )'Qu.r .paro lime. Wrll. J. It. Cokel,. . 4Ul Dorllol,. Cbl oal'. la. IIIlnol.. .
1\11 OELLANEOUS . "IVOltM MAGIC" far " prin g .oil nn d he ult h' rcJuvc n uLl on. Our hybrid ea.r th. worms tur n \tour om009\ (a s1. Order now. GEM C ITY IVOnal ItA NCII. 2 11 J.. e.ln,too.
D ny t.nn . 01110.
AltGENTINA : Send· II dallnr l r~ ~ i s lcr. d le lled 1o CAlt l. Q GIRDAI., Rib. SI . 17<10. La Pl a t a Ity, ArtO. a nd ~ou w lll re ceive len diffe ren t fui! colar POSTCI\RDS. N E W l;tlns tlc IUnkl e. Iba rd bll!l8 I't lter:
~Il~;~. ~~~~~ f~~.68u~n~g~ ·'iYf~l.'\:· I!:~r.;
Cn. ,
t\{)l') AU C'U!ltutI
Ave . • l . oul8vll1e It. Ky.
WRITE to (I.C.C.l International Collo.-
tlve ClubJ 33 Itllh&.t7 A.ve •• Toronto, Ont. Canad,A. lor lnlormaUon 08 to helps and opportunities offered . You 'Will be glad to Met inl or.nation now n v a lln ble.
WE ALL KNOW tbere'. Iota more pleasure In puttln' ftowere Into folk I' lives tban placlu' 'em on their aTavee, but W. lurprbln'. bow otten 'W. think 0' thtl too late.
. .....
.. .-I. . . . 0. ..
KOUAOIIROME Slides of Hlslorloal C h u r c h e s. Oulat.,ndlng aroblteclurnl .tudles. Ca laloll. Sbeldon Film. COID.. any. 807 Wo.' 171b SI .. R . .III ~Ol. No. Y.tll tl, N. Y. WRIST Walobea-Men·.. Swiss, precilion made, awe~e:J] second radium • leather .trap;,. $3.118. Satlslocboo GUAranteed. TEMI·O. 34·8U HII., la.IIa •• Oel,bt •• N.Y •
ItoIIIMd. JA4Iau.
....umS TO BEA$ON; It you waut ' .I06d tutln' pi" 'n cakes you cotta ' IItart with COod tastln' abortoln'. That meJUlll,DeW "Table-Grade" 'N u-
PERSONAL CATHOLICS: 300 Days Induillence gron1-ed laoh quarter hour readlnl your Bible. POlle Leo XIII. New 1460 pale C ~t h ollc' Bible, approved by Cardinal SpeUmaD. With Free mals millal 14.98. Waloe8.ppl,.. Bn 8U. BI.1i Point. N.C • IT'. U.bollneabli. Now . for haU price, YOQ e,n lubloribe to the maaaztne tha't. will If\'. you deep enjoyment, -the ··Re.....
Mald-tbe pure, _eat marg~ne that'. more deliclOWl than ever. I 'reuirr_Nu-Ma!d'. lmproYed! I
(JJDLDBEN are Jeat like carbon CIOpl_tbat'. wby we'1lbouId all be mtcbty tboUCbttul to .. t the rJ,ht{ ~e fer them. IS Pilei
x... a- ~II•• 1..- . lIl...• .....
er'. Dire.'''. You are offered the next
Illuea-worth a.OO-for only IUlO (offered' to now aubacrJbera onll'.) Order now. B.b'. 1 ......lpll... • ...1•• , US P .... ela. H ••• nla " Callf •• DI ••
WHA.T DIYA KNOWr "Tablt· Grade" Nu-Katcl 11 ImproylMll Sweet, tutln', amootb spreadln' Nu-Maid ~ better 'Il ever. Not only that, but It'., cot a. bra.nd new package, 'llpecially fUed to keep that mild, aweet lla.vor NIIlIMI In. Yeaa1nee - l'iIu·:Ma1d'.' Improyedl
*15 -to
will be
... TOP G.ade Cblak. 15.85 plua pOltale. St. Run or cockerela. Seled from N .H. er R.I. Reds, Barred or WhIte Rocks While WYlIndotlea. Pulleta 110.85 n lOb. We ahlp C.O.D . Aeo poultr, Ol&01. 41!8 "L" SI.• Pbllo .• 24. P.. .
REAL ESTAT&,-BtJ8. PROP. Foa Sal. or aODI: One Grocery aiore and
cafe fully e<lulp. i.. Uvlnll quartera Inol.;) Full parUcul arl: ISO. :1011. Fell.mere, Fla.
upon publication
the ' flrl! coutrlbuto.r
SEED.S, PL~NT$, ETC. 8TRAWBERR1' J>LAN·l'8. including ~ed Sloel realstanl varlell... Red. black ralpbe.ry, blackberry. BoYlenbeTry. blueberry. IOOieberry plnnts. Curraptll. ,rapevlnea a.paraIlUI. rhubarb. Fi'IlIt lreelt. OaYI4 ZOI,er. Oan ..1 Wln_b.ater, Ohl •• OUIO CERTI.F IED hybrid leed com for aU typea of 80U and strowlnl( aealon. 211 val'letles for your aJ)ecltlc aelec:Uon, also. cerll.!led Hawkeye and Lincoln SQybeaM •• ed. Write for particulars. Farmer prlo:-{ C. Po.en .. IIn,,". ~d", Obi ••
nylng or Idea. Ada",,, A'Grandma" 109 East Pearl Street" Cincinnati 2, Ohio.
ow-toon :I '.
WANTED ~9 BtJ.Y INDIAN r"JlCI_, arrow h~uds. stone axes,. pounders ett'.. odd looklnll stones with holes drilled In them . Har.old Ea,le, RII, Waollln,lon C. H .. 01110 • .fOHN PEERET". Way Plow or 10hn Deere Sull<ey No. 210 and John Deer 10 , 301 plow. John Deere or Bl ack Hawk Corn Planter\ ferllllzer attachmenl. Mower Zerk tltt nil GraIn Blndl'" Gram Thresher, McDeerlng or Now Ideal Wagon on steel G ive full p a rticul ars. S .... ,Yoder, Roale !. FriHlerlolll!bvrc. Oblo.
"Fire ButblD'. Pop. I
waitt'. tell
For Your Future Buy U.S. Savings Bonds
the r est of .tho herd I jllst found out that 'Tablc-(;rade' Nu-Mald Margnrlno get, Its line navor from fresh, paafeurlzed. skimmed milk!" COpra 1.'0
f;t./L.. Wortl Its 'Weight Ia Gold!
TAS1YMEAL AIt,l:RIOAN ClDNCBJL,roda.,. ooat. ..rlb _, &e
'100,000 'a. .aH"CDt. .r I.ar. r . . .
aaUllacto..,.. Bear ap I.. 11 1earl. VillI ..... b ••r •• 110 r. n...' .... IILUE 'BLOOD ' CHINCHILLA It~Nca NI!W 1tN0XVILLII. OHIO
o. ounce makes 6 pUODl 'Vanc....,. Pork .... ......
of spray. Kill! aChld• .&04 aImllar neldn. IlIOCII b, coatact aDd f\llDCll- Sparea f'riendII.llIIeCU. Leav. DO ~iil ,residua. Can be mI_ Wleb oeber I"Ddarcl
II) 39 ~ ofUMI OIlfrlli&l.
~,.. Proved~b"
ripUblee ud 11---. ' ....Itf'/I... i CIIIIIIIII
Choice. plmap. whole .,..
....... ................. . .,It. Jl-Hr alaroia,. •••• aecnt ...ory
ca...... •....... ........
...... Oat, Vaa
......... 01CIIIIIIII ....
......... p..:r- • .... pad -1iDI ........ 1laie00000fll-,aad'"
r .\( ,(: Ui.IIT
.1!mllllmlllllllll~lIll llll11l11ll1ll1lmllllllllllllllllllllllllimlltllllllll11 1 1111!lillill~~II!iljll .I:iI'I!IIII,.,ililll~ili 'illl!: llll:l"j:,iftli 'r'l •. 1111111111111II1I!lllllllllllllllllmmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllWmllllII~III .H
I · TWIN THEATRE 'i Waynesville, Ohio' Ea
APRIL 1950 .
Clo ed' on Tuesday and Wednesday SAT. SHOWS: 6 P.M. SUNDAY: 2:30 P.M. MONDAY nJRU FRIDAY - 7 P.M.
1 =
ION',. FORGE'P TO CALL uS for insurance. All types of ill ur,a nce at a sav ing '. Ca ll Frn :hcis Gene Brown, Phone Waynesville 24 72 or call 01lec t, Wilmin~ton 2 111.
II------~------------------------~~ ~--~~~------------------
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%7 28 How We 1\'f.19s His Type Today !
Ageless Story
So TreAt Your Family To An
R,turned To Thrill You An'8'\V !
= ==
I.l.-\ N 1(
MG M Cartoon 1. IIlII:IEH -
gths und
BuymC, Imp·roviag
vUle, OlJlo, Cor\\in
-::======~::::~";I~ lballbylnit
Send It to
u. -
w.'II N-
' Itore tllat trim, lmart 100.,
It look lUll D.wl
Oft .Hh!bWJ''''
of 8~boro , Good 1~.ln'f'_UIB
' Phoae CeatW'Ville· 7417 . Prk1e4
at $4900 . Beakutlful p~opertJ
• _ _ _ u _ _ _ a _ _ • _ _ u_a_I "
• • • . . . . . . ......
.11 orne Call:, .
$12.50 COW8 'UO HQGS .25 ~WT'
A'iao Sheep, Calve.. Colta. etc;' Removed Dally • CALL COLLECT
r-__ ..-.......
. ----_.
Route 2 Phone 954Wl
n. n. a.
X-4I-20- 27-g'4
NOTICE! WayneeYiUe and Corwin Communities Am Equipped To Do
••• '''.ft. e ~.
FOR. SALE-Two Magi ll . pl\p ~,' 4 rnonltlla Old, out of HaY's' Freckies and Wolfcreek Bang. ·l':Iot started or rtlglstered. Mnx E. Urit. ,"Vayne!'X-~1-20-27-g-4
FOR. RENT-Apartment, 3 room ~, light and water JUBt n owly decorated on 3rd street. Mrs. Effi e P . YOOk. 4-21-lt
Heart Will Race Every Pace of the Way.
Ollt oC Rn Y ' M 0011110 ' II lId. SCIIIII~'S BIng. 1 male. 1 femulo, B~lh. started. Molt E. HII'y :-, Wllyno".
LEBANON, .0 810 Phone 448
A1io AvUlllbIe ia 2 and 3 H.P.
R. R. 2
... .
Lebanon . N.f.L.A~
132.00 Few 1 H.P.
FOR SALE-Two regll:ltered b~ugle
. After the Rae" at the Fairgrounds, be lure to
First Run! First Lebanon Showing!1
FO R. SALE-Maple baby crib with . drop' sIde llnd s prIng!'!, $10. Oa ll 254-1 , June Lomb. . " X-1t
Farm . T"ame-Up to 33 Year.
Price. Start at
f.ARM,S \VlANT'E D-1 have buy· ers Ifor all slzeij oC furmR. uono. toO smull or too lurge. You l1uve tried Lhe n lst, now try the best. For refe rence uk someone w ho hUB tI alt \vlth me. U YOIl renny want W llell , oontaot.Ben El. Clln e;lJl'oker Spri ng VlllI ey Phone 36881. 1 • 4-6·13·20- 27-0-4 -11
plnce to. IJ ve ·In Waynesville. House. aplI;rtment or what: have you. John Broski, C·O Waynesv ille ....,cker Iilant, X - 'll120-27-5-t
..wi proftfobl•• CUI .... of artaem ......: Power, Mow.,. Sldht 'or" ',a/1er. La",., SW'.P4 • • MOft y . ......... ~I. . . _ - . ..........
...WIRANDQlPHscon '"An CABG . . .
ENEW Prj::~SE LA"t !~! LOANS
,tOWS or CULT IVA TES ....0"'. "1IItOtt Oft, 80r4." Of law .. toM: and III."·' 0 low-COl' ,~O.E. M"-$TlI olto_, to _ , . I, eo.,
WaY nes ville 2701.
Ad ded : Tom and JelTy a nd News
APRIL 28, '29
kln\lB,ln all lenWIdths, Kiln dl·led .
IteaElontlble Ill' Ices . A II orders, larg13 or SIDllll wlll be delivered . Hog Houses . ACY LAMB, Pb~ne
1 May
Loaa ,,·J,
Davit! li'urnas l'lt, 50 centa l'UU1() yard. We also d e live r. AltM1'1 AOl!l .& I)UN, l'bone lW91.· tl
'l'he Greatest War Storr of All - and lit ore, Derause ot Its auman Cbar acters
U UN Ul~A V j,J t.-
. lIl
With WM. Bli)NDIX Cbarller ~ 1:.08'1' JUNGLE
Phone: W.. y...,.vllle 2191
ao .April
Gila Reopening Friday, April 28.-
Top Soil, HaUllnl'. Band, Gravel ExcavaUng With Back Roe, Drag-line and BuUdozer Waynesv1l1e, Oblo
s:;; .
BACK AGAIN : MAY '4 "BUCK NIGHT" A DoUar' A CarlOad ARE 11iEY 'r u;AL 7. .:..- S~ FOR YOURSELf •
FOR SALE - ]3o.by Bcales, play pe" and ·pad, hi-chair pad, bott1~ wanner to pe \~sed In CRr. In1'lJe BIze Silverlone radlo,-mr in perfect condition. aillo piece. ot Unolewn. Mrs. R. B . ICIer. Third Itreet. qaU 2491. X- 4-1.3·20'27
Beagle puppies, A. K. C. re«IBtered. 3 .months ola, Z mWEls, 2 temales. EdwIn SurfRce. Wilynesvllle, OhIo, Phone 29] 7.
, "Flying Saucen" and "Blondie's Big Deal" . WELCOME BACK TO '1'111£ 1950 SHOW SEASON "Mov1ea IUe Betler Than Ever" FREE KIDDIES PLAYGROUND AdUlb SOc Clu1dren Under 12 FREE . . Box Office Opens 7 P. M. Firat .Show At DUI"
X-4-13-20-27 -
SALE-3.y~ar.old gr~lle
Try GaZette CJuaified Ad
WANTED-Car}lentel' work by ex- FOR vi lies . ·perlElftced carpenter. All types or Pllrl'y Cook. Main street . , '\Vorll:. new and repair, also blocle, JANES RENDERING X-27-4-U SATURDAY, APRIL 29, I9S{) tables. baby scales and brick, cement work. Leonard .Pete rs and BeatL Phone 2632. _~~~ ., , , Public Invited R. R. 1. Wayncsvll1e, Ohio. FOR SALE-U37 Ford. good Lirer;;, · X-4-Z7-6-4-11_ ..--:; Work wtU Pleue You X-4-1~-20-27 good r,unnlng order. prIce cbeap " WAYNESVILLE GYM FOR SALE - Extra heaY)' break- .....~ , =--------.J!-...c...:.;;...--'1lL----'>or, . Pric';' Reuonable for quick sale. Pbone WllynesSPON$'ORED BY last sot. Table bas coilcealed leal FOR SALE - Out!llde toIlet. good FOR 'SALE-Double Simmons m al ville' 2353. X-lt Will ,a.. John. Phone 2705. condition, cheap. Phone 22"64. '1 tress aftd springs, new" Mrs., C. E. The Waynesville High School 4-2().Z7:-'fj.40 X-4-Z7-6-4-1l Alumnae Aaaoeiation SPEOlA.L PERENNIALS now -"---iii;;~iiiijii;;;;~~~~;;;~;;;~;;;;~'1 Macinnis. Scotch Acres, 1. .... __ aHARVEYSBURG _ _ _ u_u _ _ I . '. .OHIO . Afiszp" WaYln~8vllle. X-4ROute . . 13·20~27 ready, painted d!llsles. carnations. Earl Orcheatr, ,O._ a_I_. _ ••• U_U_3_U _ _ _ _ t.--...-. pan81es, etc. St. John'. Garden , 9:12 p. M. TICKETS 60Q Main Rnd High streets, \'ylQ'nesvllle. Phone 2551. ·X--t.27-;-6-4.p [;:mmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliml lll!II!IIII:liIlilllllllrmi;r,
Wiymincton 2362 Lebanon 439 FOR SALJ!)-Two cherry drop leat
f, ,
CharIes R• ThOmpsOD
Delivery . Hatch•• Monday .nci ,Thursday
2, 3 Uld 4 Week Old White Rocks an~Ne~
Hampshire• .
GET YOURS WHILE THEY LAST Al"ol~ikoIChio~ starter
R. .MEHAFFI£ is no~ devotinc full .time
1:~"III!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I IIIIII!lllll l I lllillllllllilll!llIIl!lll!i11! lllilllllllll!1I1 ·l1l11ll11ll1imlllllllllllllllllllllljlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil1IIIIIm
.t o
It'a To Be Made of WGOd, W,'U Build II." service
Especially . . For Fa rms·
inc:ludea aU typel of REMODELNG, NEW HOME· CON.
TRAcrmc, Kll"CHEN REMoDELING, etc.
No' job
too big or too amall. .EatirQaiinc cheerfully given.
Roy ~. Smith.
Live Wire and ' ProgrellMve. An orBanl. aUon secont! to none. Strictly lIellen on the )Jest allarouDd market In the country,
~rok.r ·,
Hodson Batehery T~I. '2 345
! ...... ..-._..-..~ _ _
Rt. 48. 5 · mt South of
FClurth St.
Phone 2475
For ·Dall, Market Repotta: WHiO Darton, 12;60 E,B.T. ·D lal ·1300; WLW CinCinnati, 1UO• . DIal 700,
PHONE Centerville 7058
..._-_..._-_......__.. ~.~_~n_~_~_~._~._~;_~_~_~_~_~';'~';;'~".';'::~~======t mlllll~lm~IIIIIII~lllllllllm~OOllmlllll~lIIm~lIml~.1 t1Ilm~lIl1l11l11l1l1l1l11l11lmllllllllllllllllllllll!l l l l I lIml l il l l l l l NiC·L··LYTE .BATTERIES 26 MONni GUARANTEE - AdII W..... 0.. A Y. . . . I,.UBRIC\TION CO~LETE AUTO REPAIR SERVICE . , 24 HOUR WRECKING SERVICE
ROOFINQ Inlulated Brlcka au4
of all IIln4.. LoOal Relenlil" eel. AU wort iu&r&Dtee~.
R,o ute S
to. Bldlng. Sbeet metal 'WOrk
ttIO .- Cern. ,J.SO - He cwt. Acoordlq to 81&.
Of All Types
I +- .•.• -
W.yntavllle, Q.
PM. ' Wayn"vUlI . . .
. Call
XeniaG4 lteftrH CJaupa
- - ,- • - -
- , -~~~~~ ... . \ .
' · 115 !aRe .&Son Aimit
RIa. 1HL
,_ ~CAVA,..,.C .....
About Town
azette Serving' ~waynesville' Since 1850
Mr. and Mrs. CharleB B. Earnhart and daughters and Mr. 'and Mrs. John Stauffer and 8O'Jl of Tl'Otwood "\Vere Wednesday e.v enlng .guests of MI'. and Mrs . . E. F. Ellrnhart MIss Martha Jane R~blnllon of Dayton, also was a guest of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earn·
Announce Daughter's
bart for t he week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butterworth opened thetr home on Saturday evening to the ,Cheerful Circle grouP. A deUclpus dinner w a B served aDd an evenng or cards was eDJOiVed by Mr. and Mrs. 14· A. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branatrator, Mr. and lIfrs. S. S. mus, lMr. and Mrs. Glenn D.orden, Mrs. Harry SJnlth, Mr. and Mrs. JI. B, Rich, the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. .Jesse Prendergast and dAughter. Maryaltee, and Miss Katheriue Prendergast were among tho guests on _nd'ay when. Mr. and 141'1• .James Pl'enderg8llt entertained with iii raml').y dinner at their home in Clnolnnatl. '/'fr. and Mrs. Lo(ydDav1s were SuDiday guests of IMr. o.nd 'Mrs. Cecll lIl. Da.Tls and lIOn, 'In ~n. M1\. and Mrs. Jou Fromm were week . end pests or Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fromm an4 son In Sprlng· rtete!. . Mr. and Mr~. Ii.. T. Polinsky and Mrs. J'eAle Jiyman attended the fune'raJ serncea for the latier's brother-In·law, . Mr. Sam Shallot, In Cincinnati on Friday. Mr. and l\lni ad Ramby accompanied the large group from the National. Cash Register 18 the .A. B. C. Bowling Tourqament In Columbus on Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Satterthwaite called OD M'lss Cora. PfJalmer and Miss Isa Reps In Wllml~on recently. Mr. an Mrs. Mark Rogers were 8UD4ay afternoon gUests of their Ion-In-law and daughter. Mr. and Mn. Eugene Dunaway at their
NOTICE TO ALL Will have to qan att.ntlo"rl
to the I_t that we mUlt male.
TuelClay Noon deadline on all Inll matte!" ~.u.e of the lack h,lp, 110 your paper can be COLUJlIBU eO. , May 4. - Tbe lIW\ed on Thursday. aa it II ' ··. ·J lIOo(lr roU of students achieving poh'd to be. Your cooperatIon sch olastic 'atta~nmen ts (1\ ver· thle matter will b. greatly apllrecof 3.25 or better ) In Ohio. State laad. Any matter received aft., College or. E ducation thl daad.-IDe will be publlahecl, MRS, MARY JANE SCOFIELD left!out at the Editor', .dllcretJO·,,'.'ie dllNI.... the Winter (~ullrter, Is an· !Mrs.. Mary Jane Burton Bconeld.,1 Ilnounc:ed by Raym\lnd D. Bennett, of Ul e CoHegl!. (A. equals died at 10.30 a. m. Thursday In bel' 'home here. Surviving are the SEWING MAQlINES too; . B equals 3.00. husband. LOma M.. a daughter, CAN SEW BACKWARD The list Includes, among others : Orville L., Savage of Waynesvllle ·Mrs. Lazonne W'a.terhouBe, of AND FORw:........· ~ Lloyd M. Morris, of Wilmington, WaynesvUle; lour sons, Robert Mary E. Neatherton and Ellen R. Burton 'of \DetniiL, Edward of Wbetstone of Xen.fa. Elyria, Boward and Thomas, of . AD.J sewing machine can be Waynesville; three sisters, I\[re, ju~ted to lew backward IIiPd , •. Nellte McQlure of Kansas City, ~. Mo., and Mrs.. George Bro'l'n and Evill If It doe8 not have. a Mrs. .Jennie Patton, both of .Ax. chaQlcal. cont~ for this Ilngton, Va.; two brothe.ra, Syl· Edith Berry, vester Farquer of Marathon and 8peclabst at Ohio State James of 'Martlnvllle: four Krand- slty, points out tbat )IOU can ' m~ children and .2reat.gnan~l·c~lUd. ·i · th& clout back and to.r th wlt~ Services were held at -%: SO . p. m. handl. ' Monday in tbe daughtetB home Tblill technique Is bere on Main st., with the Rev. gOod In dlU'111ng or R. B. Coleman offlClatlnl and In washcloth.. bath tow.ls, chlI141:'D,.11 charge of the Stubbe FuD8~ dolhea or any bUl,. torn. or Home; Burial .was 'In Miami fabric. wll_ It II not n6C811181l11T1,o, etery at Corwin. ttle m8II4 to be Invisible. , To leW backwards, release p . METHODI8T CHUltCH sure on the presser bar' by _ R.v. R. B. Cobman. ~r The chOir pve a very pleasant Ing the screw to the left . a surprl&e for Rev. and Mrs, R. B. times. Placl' the ma~r~· you Coleman 'Thursday ' evenlDJ atter "olng to 1iBW' lD' a fr9~' or choir pracUce. After refreshments. broidery hoop to hold It taut. the cliolr presented Mr. and Mrs. the. hoop under the needle 80 home Dear Franklln. Col~man wlth a beautrul table llUI1p Wl'GO(J side C)f th~ cloth In tbe ·Mrs. Mark · R08ers O)~tertalned touch.. Ule m~hlDe .and hullOO": ber card club at the far HUls that YOIl wW S~y ........0...... Mr. and Mrs. Seth E. Furnse, of WaynesvJl1e, announ ce th'e en· gagement of their · daughter. Miss Sara C. Furnas to Mr. Ernest Cook, s!lU Mr. Amos Cook.
$140,500 SCHOOL BOND LEVY CARRI£S TO VICTORY IN FIGHT FOR NEW .GRADE SCHOOL BUILDING ... WHICH IS BADLY NEEDED HERE In, one of the l i ~hte t votes ever cast in thi s 'vicinity, the sc hOO l bond i sue ,for the ne w grade schoo l buihli'1.~ carried hy ~53 vo te. With all six precincts in the school district reporting, th e proposal had 406 affirmative votes and 16 5 votes again t. The margi n for th e new school huil ding was 72 per cen t. In the race for Democratic Central Co mmitteeman (Second Ward) Wayne T own hip, Francis Gene Brown recei ved 104 votes nnd Talian O . Lnwson r'egistered 67. The
lIfr.and Mrs . Roger Brown an d Mr. and Mrs. Hllrvey HIlle at· t ended the Nort11 American Con ' ventlon of the Ohurch of Chl'lst at Cadle Ta.bernacle. Indianapo lis, over th e week end.
bond Issue last F riday afternoon all' over 'V((yneBvllle. Man)" are the grown'ups also. who realize the great need tor Jl. new school buUdlng. Wn r ealize tb e fact that Waynesville has a high tax rate, but we should never let Il faw dollars strmd in the wa,y of our .children.
rr you avoid using tbe brOiler on y()ur l'a11l;e ' b~oau8e It Is too hai'd to cleuD. Alma GarV in, extenslon MARY JANE SCOFIELD footls sp clatist at Ohio Stilt Oni. Mn:ry Jane Farquer was born at verslty has a tip for you. Blanchester, ObJo, on February 18. • .Aluminum foil or purohment used 1877 and departed this We on April 'o n the oottom of your broiling p1ll1 27, 1960. She was united: in marriage to Jeu W. Burton, who pre· ClIll be Whisk olr In a second ceded her In death In 19'27. To .U1d much cleaning time lIaved. If lhe 'e mli.terllUe n re not used, this uDion UV8l children were »pm. M1~ s Oe. vin Buggests eolllk ing the Robert.A. Burton of DetrOit, Mlch._ broiler pan In ho~ water as S()()l1' Howvd F. Burton. 141'& George J. us . OU rln ls h with it. When it Wat&rholllle and ThomaS M. Built Is .Clean d, she adds, "Don't put ton of Waynesville, and Edward 1. dt buck in the oven until you're Burton of EIYrta, Ohio. WhIle stlU ,a yOOhg woman she going to pse It because bilS ot rood suffered with an accldent wh1c1l and grease wlll drop on It ~~ , n~ time .you U8 t he she met 'With great ClO1IftC8
, Hn; '1. lIl. SDk u guests. Two !tables were In play with Mrs. SUk aDd Mra. Don Hawke reoelvlng the
ATTEND CONVENTION beer tbe hundreds at school chll. IN INDIANAPOLIS, IND. dren who Jlaruded III favor or the
. ~~ lDv. ~tor lier tM('riW "~'\'<JJ.r _
!At the preiser foot ~ leW. ' Move the hOOP Ilowl; back and forth. 9r frOIa ilde to side. will render special The leqtb of the IUtch .depends on how raat you move .thll hoop.
prizes. During 'the evening the members surprised Mrs. Dunaway a recent bride. with a shower of . lovely gIlfts for her new home. Dainty refreshments were served OHIO LAKES PROMISE BIG CRAPPIES NOW folloW'lng the games. Mrs. Marie RMfle will be hosteRs Test nettlng operations of the to the Woman's .Auxtllary meeting fish managemjlnt Sectlon of tbe on Friday afternoon. May 12th . Wildlife 0I,,1810n I~dlcate that flsbThe new officers of tbe auxilIary ermen w:l1I catch cra.pple In ,re&t. will be' in cJiarge. er numberl and larger Blze this Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway year dn O'h lo lakes and strelUl1ea. had a 'g reat number of ca.llers on ' E. L. W1IcklUf, chIef of the fish Sunday and among them were: management section, said this week Mr. and Mrs•. S. Q. Henkle and Mr. that cl"B.llplell'-from 10 to 16 Inches and . Mrs. Carrol Hathaway of Leb· will be common on itrlngera. The netting operation Is a anon, Dr. and Mre. Ernest Ros· nagle of London, and MJss Loretta neces88J'y function of ·the libel'; Mr. and lin. Bobert Butman. aUsed fishing experiment. III Ohio Hathaway of Dayton. of 'BPl'bIcfIeId~ were dinner guests Mra. Glenn Borden will be host. tpetermlnc BT!!wth of flsh o.nd at the bome on SUnday. e8S to the. Friendship Olub on Wed- apprOiI/Date population t:ren~8. Mr. an4 lira. M. B. Thompson, 'nesdllT ' afternoon May 10 at the' of CoI...bus,; and ~. Frank BolCARD OF TH~NK" Methodist Church. Mrs .. JennIe ~ &leo 0« Columbus, called 1 wlsb to take this opponUll'It:y. COnDer a~d Mrs. Rred . Hook will OQ lin. Hannah. Da"ls Sunday to thank the .voters of Warren aftel'DOOD. . , be the Q.8slatant hostesses. . 'Mlaml Chapter 107 Order or county who IIUDPO~ 'me In t)le We ban "W1 Hute new-s at t~e Eaetern Star will meet in regular primary. and to congratulate Mr. I'rIeDda B-. WI week 'because I very session on Monday evening, May S Stanley on bls Victory. a 1DaJoI'It7 of our rlUl1uy ha.ve mUch Vf'1IIh him the best or 8UOO888. at eight. o'clock. It has been a pleasure meeting ben 1U with bad colda and fiu. Mr. and Mrs. Blmer Sheehan . . . . Belen TrImble, Ml\ Frank ha.ve returned to tbelr ho~e here new people, i..nd baving as ~ op- TrilDble, , lin. Belen Hindman and ponent a maq· who ' haa fought a after spending the winter months Uttle II1'&IUlkucbter called On the at their home in Brll4enton, 'Fla. fall'" a'nd square,. clean camPatgu. Trlmble'l IUUlt. . MI. s Myrtle· Thank you, . Mra. Everett Marlatt has been Everet,t Doane ---'-, Ni'W CENTURY CLUB sDBDdlIlg several days with her Twe1l1.7 members UlIWered ron falhel', Mr. CorWlln 1. Ary, who Ball, a delicious del8ert courae oaIl at the .(pm metlUng of the underwent a serious operation at was served· b,. tbe hoste!>II, during H.... c.taiy Club wblcb met on '$ . Elizabeth Hosp1tal.. and with the social hour. 1'rIc!a7 ·at the Far BJlls Party bel' mother, of near CentervUlc. Mr. and Mrs. .. H. Stubbl bad BDuse WltJa IIJas Mlnne J)odllOn The Ellat. Wayne Advisory Count as guests for tbe put week eDd. ,,~, cll met on FrIday evening at the their daugbter, Miss Yvonne Stubbs upreased that Miss home of lIr. anci Mrs, Kellar Hoak. and bel' cla.smltes, BRas ' Gyen DodIoD.".. not to be present MI'II: Luther HartBock was .acting Mackell and Mias Esth~ Wlnteri. but 'w e apprecilat.ed the delightful pl'ellident over 'the business seBslon a.ii of Bowling Geen Uni~enl~1. JlC)lpltaUt, wlllch 'she provided. and for the dllcul!8lon hour, many M.,. and Mrs. lla.rrJ Battertb~ Alter tbe routine business, the " remarks were made on t.he Bub· Wialte had alJ Sundq guesta.. Mr.. PrMident pnll8nted the program ject, "BuIlding a Bound li'arm Proand Mrs. Byrd Lacke" Jr, and OOIDIIlIttee. iI.... Eo V. Barnhart sram," The CouncU adjourned to Mr. Henry Hall or Middletown. . I.n4 lira I. X. Pnlton. Mrs. Barnmeet In May at the home of Mr. Mr. and !tire. Ronald Hawb bart Satroduced Ming WOng. a and Kn. Boecoe I'urnu, and· durwere "lD Sprtqflele! OD WedlUllClaJ ChID.. .dent at WllmlD8toD Inc the pleaaant loclal hour; d. and called. on lin. J!lmIDa McClure COU.... who in her ~bataCterlltlc UcioWl refreshments ·were . served. who waa CODf1ned at u., . ~. 'tOld IIIIIIlY . interesUng InciIIr, aDd Mrl. C. Stanforth open8d h,*,~a1 ' follow1nc ID ' operaUoa.. _ _ or· Chinese lite and Ell" their home on i'rldq evenlJig for Mrs. McClure Is DOW teClUperatlDC bllIIUicl article. m&de there. the April meetln« of the South at the home or Mr. and lira. J. All.- adjov.nuDent. the memo W&JD8 Advisory Council Follow· WUlOn Ildwardl. ben '".,. Hrn4 parfait, ca1r.e an4 'nc the bUIn. . . .lIloD, Mr. A. H. Mr. JUce 'SDapP. wIlD laM IP8IIt at 1&1,_ -..nuriIDF eJeooJ'o EarDhart conducted the dlscuaslon the put f ....· IIIODtU hl WWJq. .... " . . pott.cI 'fIOM Dtiiau. on ''B1Il1d1DS 'a 80UDd J'ann Pro- ton. D. C•• arrl............... til. n. aut ......DI wm lie at irrIDL" put week elld Is tile,.. or Mr. IV BI1lII PuV . . . . CIa JIq I'oIIoWtq adJOIlt1IIIlent to Meet. IID4 111'8. U 11; CJonIota tor a IIIart wUIa ~ ...J'NI ~ ....i . m Jrar. wltIl 1Ir......... a, N. diU.
Betty Wrar,e IS fea tured In role 01 Perry Youog rrenl • WLW-NBC'. serial drama, "PtT (Jer Youn"l Family," aired wee fays at 3:311 p.m .. ES1
T:I) .$ofteD Buller To make butter or ' margarine Ipread .moothly ~ithout tearing b r~a d. soften at room temperaturl aT "cream" with e tork. Do not mele because tbIa mak.. the tat loelt into rather than .pread on the bread.
men and at all tIDies upheld the principles of 'the Chrlstian faltb. ' She was a IIl1n~ and devoted mother and heloved by aU who
kneW' her.
Atter 18 ye,ars of lonellneas, she was again ·marrled to a fOJ'Dler acqUlllnta.uce, L. M;. Scofield, ot LebanoD. ObJo. This companionsb.lp brought much happiness In the lives !>f · both dut1ng those years of union. B6I!Ides her husband and chll. dren. she Is aiso. sUl:Vlved by 4 grandchildren and 1 great grlmel· child. . CARD OF THANKS
We Wish to thank the many triends and . neighbors for their sympathy dul'lng the Illness and 10s'lI of our dear mother. Ntbrul. ness or Dr. atout. Tho ertiolenCl' of Mr. Stub'bs and the conllOllng words·· of Mr. Coleman. The FlUI1l1y. 8.,... 01
Accordlna to the bureau err &therie. a lalmOD wID .wIm et the rate of six ' to seven mU.I per hour. ThiI rate of lIP8.d JI for 'UItamed Iwfmmin, and Dot ,liat .. Budden IPun.
UncIe Sam Says
Becret"'" ab,.
- - ---:.------
Thursday, May t, 1950
I IICHINA: Cold ·War; c~s s ~:~:n the case since the dawn at history. It Is the Innocen\.S
Plane Incident Heats Up German Rearm ament Plea , 's Spread·, Court Upholds Georgia Vote System
who seem to sU1fer most In intern' ecine strl1e. China Is no ·exception. In tha't country of vast population
::nyB~~~;~e~~: S~~~VI~~eAt~o:!:
S.cks for Clolilll La'rge mesh sacks-the kind that oranges and onions COhle Inmak e swell dis h cloth s if boil e d b waler for 15 or 20 ,minutes . They shrink duwn to prope r size, but most 'of lhe color will sta y in them unless a laundry blea ch is added to the water.
Lighthouse Wives Work
WASHINGTON. - The wives of urally dlttlcult Btruggle ror, exist· llghthouse keepers are, really tbe ence has been intensified I)y Ohi· unsung, unpaid heroines or the Stalin Wanta Another fEDITOR'8 NOTE; Whee apl"lon. are tlSpu •• .-:. 'III tbe.a ea lamna" the7" U. lb ••• • t service. but there Is a possibility We.itrD New.paper Unloo-. ne". analys t. alia nol atloe •• "rU,. 01 tbla Dewalla.ar.)1 na's civil war in wblch the Com· Borse Trade ....sa the button and tho tbat congress may ' do something munists emerged vlcto,rlous. hand)' dispenser ejeell NOW , there II a cry tor help. A about It. , rSTALIN HAS INDICATED be a cloud of aerosol rog Tpe ,ho\lse msrlne and tisherles ' Cliine.ae Nationalist IIroup llas ap· 'WOUld like to talk again with • which kills ' nies. mosqulpealed to American labor, as an committee Is looking il'lto a bill Inibe top o.fficlab of the American Heating l:/p I~ roaches. anI.!. bed organization, to help combat fa- troduced by Rep. Edwar d A. Gar. ,overrunent, presumably ' on the Russia had .healed up the, Cold bug~, moth. and ,il~er mine In Communist 'China. But matz <D,., Md .). It Is • sort of de· .ullject of peace In the cold war war. , 6~h. leaves no unplea .. with their usual skill in that de· terred saJary payment me. 8 sure to ani odor and I, harmland an International peace treaty A United States air force navY 'partrnent, the Reds bave managed benefit widows of lighthQuse keepless 10 humans and pets Ito close World, War II. Stalin Is evl- Prlvn teer bad disa ppeared after a when used 81 directed. to confuse world opinion on the sit· ers. ~en~ leeklng some additional ap- rughl In which It WIIS r eported to Sold al drug. hardware ualion. Why? peasement offers from America. have ' !lown over Russian territory . and farm supply storci. The Communist reglm~ has d,one Because wives of keepers hlllve Prom the Rasman vlewpolna, The RussIans claimed the plane had TOIIACCO BY.PRODUCTS , CHEMICAL • good Job of beclouding what al· been a ctlng as their assistants for why oot, AU sacb previous fired upon a Russian aircraft. and C~RPO""TlON • RICHMOND. VIRGIN." ,most all non-Commw1lst sources years without ever gettIng a dime tallB bave rCllwled In an asset then had disappe ared over the say Is one at the worst tamlnes tn from Unele Sam, ' The bill under 'or Rassla IUId • lIablUw for Baltic sea. ' Chirla's history, Th" Reds bave ad· con~lderatlon wouldn't put , the the 1Jwted States. StaUn WJA WIDESPREAD HUNT by Amer· mltted that the situation ls critical. wives of lighthouse keepers on tbe , doubtedly III Beeillar another lean officials was launched lor the saying some 16 million people were tederal payroll, but It would pro- , m issing plane. E rroneous reports ' dose of American appeaseaffected. Prlva te letters filtering vide. benetits t'o widows of' keepers. ' ment. had it that 1l1e ratts from tbe plane {rOlF Red·held China indlcn ted the 389 Widows Listed l When Presidents Coolidge and had been found : The first reported nun1ber was 53 million" I High . now there lire 389 suc b "lHoovcr were occupying the WhIte raIts turned out to be 'only fishing Tl\e Chinese Nationalists· and 'House. they refused to Usten to boxes. western 'r eliet agencies and . reo WldOW.S and Utelr average . age lsI Iany Russian plea. When President But later. a lIfe r aIt was picked up liglous organizations ~ave be ~n. 70. Thomas A. Lee. secretary of !Roosevelt took over. he rather and air force oftlcia1.9 indicated a seeking some means ~o belp the the .active retired Ugh tho use servulckly granted the Communist conviction it came {rom the missing starving. hence the appeill to Ice employees. points out that a Harry S. Trumau~ loollma civilian 1ll:hthouse k~eper's wife overnment recognitIon. but on piape, which had 10 crew' members American labor for help. trim .nd m. .u.rte4 bIa nditlon that Communistic propa· aboard, A ,British ship under com· AN EASILY understandable ob- has been part and parcel of the IIx1b year •• PresldeDt of tile andb;ing In the United Statel be mand of Captain J. Henderson re,stacle. of course, was the unce~ Ilghthouse lervice in all respects United States. The Chief I!;x. .topped. ' ported fihding the raft and said It talnty as 'to final dlsposltlon of any , but on_sbe Isn't on the federal was partly collapsed. Tbe air-supply ecnUve. 'lI6 on May 8th. rounded aid that mlabt be forthcoming. payroll. bottle was exhausted and supply Stalin promised, IUId Stalln out bla fltth, Jear with. reJleweel During foC time. who keepi the Some assurance. would bave to be bpt that promise .s I"..... it poekets were open add empty. determination to wlD the ,leDla made that relief g",d., went to llghthouse while the tired keeper 11 _ te BuaaIa's .dvaDtaae lo war" with Sovtet Ruul•• those for wbom supplles were in- aaleep? The' D\an'l lady. Who h .. L ..... WWI World W.r D olio There were no Ilgns at Ute and tended. Wbo could give that ••- to , know .bout wind. r.1n, mow ... BIINIa 1DY01vec1 oa tile no meslagea were found. .uraneeT '!'he Chinese Commu- and fot? Who ,eu an th. aema.we eI tile .Wes, kee""" thal B.d the Sovleta ahot down the pb9re. tho wlg·w., or hollta nlsts? ~ Innred . ' plane. or so crippled It by 1UOf1re A Repetition? ~e old m.n 11 Ued ,+,,' In tbe when Ye •• there was • w • .,. U the . - . . - APply or war math.t It cr.abed In tbe Baltlcr That l lerlala nowlq lalo" oa ·was the b18 queltion. BlJger yet An,. mention of rearming Ger· Redl would aaree to elve lafe ' old days. who b.d to know • rum wal the questloo: "Wh.t would the m.ny makes cold chills run down conduct to rellef m11llona into the , runnln, veslel oft · .bore when • •' =-~ :;:~~m:: United St.te. do If it were developed the backs of thole who remembe, area. perh.pl tha Job of atavin, .awone' .... th.t tbe plan. Wal • vicUm of RUI- how. be.ten. dismantled Relctl oft Itarv.UOD ' b)' de.th for thouLad., Deea ~ Yalta. 0.. bolla oooad_. DOl la w.. permitted to com. back anfl IIneil be succealfu1l7 com' Who ,ot out tho broom .nd duatt, ..,e..ec "eJ4 Joe." Ia - - an ......... "" T plunge the world iJ\to the mOlt dev- pleted.'mi,ht )lut, barrln, .ome sucb mop to bav. the plec• • pick .nd ' oIIaqe ~r promlaell. THOSE were questlonJ that would IItattn, conflict It bad ever known. all ., wbIaII 8taIIa rep1l41alecl. have to w.lt. however. untO the an· THREE TWES in th. Palt IK) procedure. the outlook W.I dim iD- aplUl . for • surprtae Inspec:Uon b)' t tb. f.der.lI? Who w.. jlllt •• A..a tIIa& rep1l4lall_ P"' - lW'er to what h.d .ctually happeDecl .,ears. German w.r m.cblnel h.ye deed. loDe.odIe .. th. keeper! ... tile Ballle to til. plaDe bad been cle.red U.P- .truck swlltl7 and ruthleslly .t the . 'lb. lady, or c(!arae. accorcl1n, to De.pu. the promi.IeI made at if 1& ever could be cleared up. peace of the world. B.d the Ger. Tom' Lee. , o1be time o.t &he recolJlltion of tile Meanwhlle. American t e m p e U manic · hordea ever won. world con- Up to Congress !l'be proposed lepl.Uon itusalan Communllt govenunont, ' INW. Bttle lborter with Hu.al.n mct, lomethin, of wha tha v.n. &beI:e 11 more . Communist propa- tactics and there will JlO d!ln)'ina qulahed migbt h.ve expected 11 proCongres~ iueU ma., hold the Ite., or lIW. coOiequence to people who j.aDda being poured Into the United that tb. Cold War bad taken OD a vlded in the temu 1.ld down br to aoluUon of the natlQn'i ,.~.. never vI.ited • liglltboUie. But COIlStates. much of it d1re~ through degr.e or .0 more heat. thele conquerol'l of the French in bllil' problem and eldltence of tbe ares.mep b.v. )leen Ihelled. via !the Ruulln emb.SQ. than w.s at 1870. when German troope .tayed on gambllil, "s1l\dic.tes.l • That, .t the m.Us. with leUers from ll&btWidowl. IUI7 Ulne true before the dq. of Frencb .0U unW every peJlD,7 of least, 11 the oplnlon of senator Ed- ho recognitlOD. Stalin kept h1I prom· , U . V S ·repara~onJ delJlanded was p.ld. win C. Johnson, Colorado Demoi... onb' .1 lonl , as it wa. Stalin', , n.t ate taya Bow the individual ma., baye crat. wbo hal urged conerell to Jlpln ... 'Spill .f F••II.I advantale to do 10. The county·unlt . vote determina· fared under the Teuton beel ."•• re- , pas. an IUItI·slot-in.cb1ne bID 1mAt the Yalta conference. Roole- tlon system. Ii unique in tbe United volttngly demonstr~ted ,by Bltler mediately. Johnson believe. that Tim. S.ld to . Ii 'Inylslbl.' , velt wal convinced he had 80 thor- States because only two atatel use and hli aadistie N.zIl. should be done bflfore beatnning a TOKYO.-A lost .rt m • ., bave ou&h17 sold Stalin on the Roole- it. It II unique. too. , In that It I. Now. aU the ere.t tallt, the board nation·wlde crime investlgaUon. bad a lot to do with the final defe.t IIcE_ a Rolablae IDe., B~Cooa. velt peace trea.., Ide.. that 11 ob- found acceptable by city populations planulnc. the ,lobal thlnldnl Ja THE SENATOR happens to be of Japan-If storlel of feuilal artl Yiated aQ d1tfIcult:r. III arrivlng.t iD tbeae ltates, when Ita Ule ,ivel merllng,into one resoundinc chorus: on goocl .0Ud around. because It ia currently clrculatin. here ar. to b. peace ' terina. Fact lao StaUD h.d vote. in lOme rural countle. up to "Rearm Germanyl" partl)' through federal·w1nldng ..t believltd. I merely -fooled the Amedcan Pre'it- 122 tlmel more welltbt than tho.e Joining thil chorus wal General Ilot-~chinea that the In~vidual Man)' Japanese have recaUed, In· den~ ,•• he b.d dODe on oumeroul In city are~s. • ~ Jacob L. D.Vltr.. retired chief at have so much trouble cop- ' dl,cus.lon. with ~er1caD n.w .. other occaalolu. • But, the U.S. supreme court has U.S. army field forces. who said ' in With the "one-armed bandits." men and others th.t in feLillal To Women WithBe ball .areed to 'take a 'band iii .ald tbe II1stem ill an rlJht. lIn a" 'an addre .. In Lo*vllle. lty•• that federal " llcens" times. Japanese Iple. h!ld the rtbe\ w;ar 00 Japan. .fter • lpec1f1c to, :a declslOD it retuaed to strike western Germ.nl "Would like to the fact that . knack of making themselves "InNagging Backache time had elapsed. IIi' paymeot for down the c!ounty·unlt vote in Geor" fight for us. under ~erlcan omthe vast at states their vtalble." One. a claimed decen· that promise. we gave to ,Russi. . gla. Mal"1land is the o~ other Btate cers. aga.lnst the Russla,fl s." If ,war I use and ope.r atlon are ille,81: If -the . dant 'of the especially gifted Iples, Aa 'I' ... 014.......... ucJ 1InI ... a ..... some Japanese uland . territol"1. employing this system. should come. IIlId be added "They ' federal goverlunerit slapped a "ban laid . the secret weapol) had no~ awtt......~.;. IDIOIrill. or upaoun Ie eatd '110..,11_ tla ... dowa ki~ ru.and staUrr occupied those ·!aland. JUSTICE BLACK and Douglas can fight 11ke Relll" OD 't he macb1nel. as It hal 011 been used for a 100 years or more. TIIII IDa)' 1..4 IDUS' Iala .. _ . at once,. BUt he took no part in the protelted bitterly against the ma- ' NO ONE disputes that. But re- cotics white·a1ave traffic and oth· And. when they did use It, be said. Uoo. pJala lleekube; 1_ 01 ~ ..... ' :wir' 'lWlui: Japan until the Japa Jorlty opinion, which was brief aod cent hlst ol"1 Is too 'gr1J;n for such ' er m~rall oUensei. Qle state WOUld, the .nclent Japs used It only. ...ro.01 !l&II1D1 ~dacb. u4 dtaaI_ OIUlas 1Inl~ rea!l'1 to lurre~er. That: unsigned. These two member. of proposal~ to be received witb een· I f1Dd it far e.lb!r to deal with ' the among themselvel. .. alp_ 0' IDa)' ..,J' fro. lDiDor blNd.. inUetl",," dll8 kI ool4. deal hal cost Korea its liberty. the court declared the action faUed eral equanimity. Too m.ny people :lkIt-macbine probl,m. During the feudal day. of Jspan, "mp_ at diMal')' I.dlacNtfau. At: tile P.4.m· ';'Df~oe. to plug what the., ealled the lalt ot .the worrd will remember that It THE BlL& envialonedu b7 :John- when rlvaln' lusplclon and inU Faar dbJeomlorll are dll, to th..e would ouUaw muufaetur. of loopholes in the court's decIsion W81 ,t hat very fear of possible Rus· .._ do..', walt, lr7 PUIa,. IDIld trigue amon'g military leaders were Pnaldea& TnImaD &\Jolt over which gives Ne,roes the rl8ht to- Ilan aUack wlil~ ted France and tdevtCe8 in ,jliatel$' where dluntle. Uood .u..-lulI, b, ..lU1a... rampant. the Japanese developed D _" 60 ,.. ... Whll. tb_ I7mplOma 1Da)" tile job ., ap~ BtaIlD. , vote. ,England to lit' by wl~ folded hand. Il prohlblted"'JlUld forbid' 01_ otber.n. 'Il'. aiiiul ... bow the art of Spying to a h18h degree. ,Presldena'lnuluul NOlIreel pre;. . The . majority opinion Bald that wbil~' Hltldr . flouted the Versailles into ,uob sUlel. It ....., tim. Doan·. p.,. ba"!>l> ..Uoll :inlaes from '8' .Il D .. ~ fedel'al courts have no rlllht ~o ,ill, treatY' 'ahd · '4 etved··noUee-'· on the' not apply. however. to aistes Local war lords lalwaYI bad spies' . tbe 16 mU. 01 kid"l7 tu... a,,4 11111.. In the territorlel of their -enef11les. ftlllh 0'" wute. Go, DOILD', PUle todqI JIoNevelt, tile proDllaa tedere with the way a state geer world that, he was gO~~ ~ rearm , 11o~niachiQel QP6l"atlon •Pas 'The ears of captured spies .often w~ DOt" kept. '1'nIm1Ul 'oua graphically apportions va tl n g GeJ.'lllany. 'Let !'lin I~. , see~~d ~O , beien mad. lei• .br.lli'lIla~ve act. staUn •• frleadly aDd k1ncUr. old strength. It made no mention o,f any be the whl~per~ed ' , a.",re. he U Johnson • ~aineQ,JIP.; ~Il. on were sent bom~ on ~ushlons. The more wary of the 'spies m.a, •• , Boosevel' had aoo racial ISlue the dlssenters aaw in serve as al),excepent .bUftj!r against the lubject -a. -lnd1ea~ pointed c~ed him. bU he IIept . . ' ~e case. the Russians," " , . to a fI ..ht on the senat floO; on learned to malte them.elves "invl.. ,romlses made . . Tnman IUI7 Two Georgia "voters .ttacked the So Chamberlain went to Berches. the qU,1Uon of ho would get the Ible"-an art called "ninJuatu." m.ro UWI &hose lo 'BooMnlt. exl.tlnglaw. Under the system. eacb gaden with bII folded umbrella Joti elf bIQ~~ into the nlltlon'l Japanese legend. are run of the Beca_ fIl Ulat. III'. TnumIII at Georgia'. lS9 counties 11 aUoted came back huggln, to his breast crlm. ' • acooinpllsbmenu or ~es. iplea. ~ IIOl - tile.UJadIy old IIUIII a number 'o f unit votes. ranging the milerable pled.e of the Apstilan JQ~91l!' bill a1rea~ Ja througb but people today' ac:lmlt the cl.lms apba ~ Ibaa III W........ ~m six for the elabt mOlt·populous madman of ''pe.ce in our time." tile 'er e ' COmm1~ee' where ma, be • , lItOe .e,llaggerated. .... coun~es down to two for mOlt of The world had a bomble tute of It ~~~roV;d Wlthlfnt.' hea.rlDgI: Nevertheless. nlnjutsu experts ·realI ... aM lome of the .ppease- the counties. that tliId of ·'peace." To rearm Wh Wifil. ff <WOUid 'WiD 'coneresl 11 existed. The., lI'!astered th~1r art ment ef(Qrta .""e have made With THE CANDIDATE ' who recelvel Getman, createl a fearlul ' posli- .pp~~l.aulht rest olr"thtt ,politics only.fter years \If 'bard tralnlng. , Sanzo Kiinu..a, one of downtown '. ,BusAla. oDlT, iD eacb ease to have the mo~ popular vote. in a county b~b' that \he ,dOle may be re- InVo~. ,Irl.,:r.;., 1 Tokyo'l beat barbers, knows all ian the promises made quickly re- 11, awarded au ita 'unit votes. ~e pe.ted. " '. , " /1'[' 1'0') • ( :pudiated. Evidently Stalin does nbt ' sYltem In that respect works ,. I I , ) . CJ .bout the "lost art" because be'. 'talk or understand diplomaUc somethlng like the elec~ral coli',g ,. . • • Ireat-areat-ariat·erandlon of "~e of ~e be~t , ~jutau operatot. ·language. U we are to have any lege. Pld lSlU,. ' FlO'" !'" 'trlJQ ' that ever lived In Japan.'j \ more tallt.s with the "kindly old ~ Two blJ rili'1way Wilons Lwe~ man.·.. It mJibt be well that we ~ere·. wbat ,Sanzo , says his ID,end a succes~ loldi.e r to do OUl' Tough Going ready to "reVIew the whdle "ase clent relative cild: ' tal1dilg. of their DleseHoglne dispute, with "When my honorable anceltor General El8enhower or General 'Evez::rone bas kno~ for til lon, tbe nation's railroa(J, ~ U the! ,re. wal still ' a bOy. be first learned to lIacArlbur " would not put our time tIlat with the exception of Eng· sults weren·t latisfactory to the walk and run fut-faster ' than orItems in ' the beauWuIly phrased land. royIll.., has been having a broiberhoods, t~ country faced • dinary persons. ' He trained him1angu.age of the dlplomat, ' but In l t~h Ume.Wlth the changing times major strike threa~. .. seU to " 0 without eaeng and .leep·the blunt. easlly understood wor.ds ' have gone royal privilege and pomp The argument was two ;years old Ing tor many day •. of 'the luccessful soldier. 'lbe, but, chleny r~gretful to royalty, the an~ was easx to ' state. The unlonl ''Then m., wise and bonorable 'would InIIiIt that ' 8Jl7 concel8lODs cash, too, haa gone. . felt that the. adoptlon o( D'iesel· ancestor learned t'o walk' aoftlY 'we might make be. pald for .t IUl LATEST to join the ranks of ~- powered locomotives dlscrlmlnatand nollelea,.I, anlY\Vhere. to cllmb ,.gleed price. or e1Be sialln milht poyerlshed nOblen;ten w~s a German· ed against manpowe.r a~ insisted perpendicular w.lla. jump o\olr 'have - to listen to and understand duke. ~m~ August. of Coumebr· that an edra man be put 00 these hlab fence., open and ' shut dool'l :~ 1an1ua8e of the mll-Ued ast, land and Brunswick. tather of. locomotlves. wbether there was In IUence ••nd see thIn,1 III .eml'spoken 'by a succesaful ' soldier. ,queen and cousin of a any need for ~ or n~ , da~lat.... a~d develoPed aD ' eape. IBI4 if we try ag.m, we abou1d lbe Duke Ernst wei really up against The raUroa41. on the other haD", c1all) Iteen Hn'" OJ - bearln,. prepa'r ed to, make ,004 GIl that \101' ,It. He was ao badly , oU. f1nBn~lal· have refuled to do t!i1Il I. 81111t11. Jr.. It, ., "When mj lUnd. ' lUllelui .nel elIe." ' 17; ihat he h,a d to JeU treasured Union le.derl iWuled to disCUII ~ Va.., tIlllmpa' Ida bonor.ble .nceltar .".at on a mlB• • • antiques just to pay hli grocery JIIIt bow 1mmJnent a strlk. mlllbt • ~&U. . . ~eep ~re.'" fIl lion for ilia maste~, be dHl.ed Thera are teacbera aDd 1m.,,,,", bllJs, Rare old rellc. of h1I family'. be or wben and !n Wbat, matter 'ft ", atr " ... NIeaM bimaeJt ta ' a t1Iht bl.ck , outtlt __ la man., of OW" eo11e,.. 8D4 medieval splendor were to under mllht be ealled. In.Itead. they Indlfrom JaIl attor fQIq the ,...... "'hlc~ COY.reel hli whole bea4 .nd c.ted a revllw of Ole altuatiOD. ualverattlel who .re inculcaUq fa the .uctloliaer'1 bammer. • ..................... aUrac&e41 tace, OJreOpt tot lIftan boln ,fOr the ~... mbIilI of ' tbelr atucleDta the Said tho dulce. pbDo.ophicall7. Th. union W.I la • ~IhlY stra. .,.... ... Hlectecl a mDOll.... nilllt ,tbeodeI! ell Communlam . . au- "Of coara., I'm .0tT)' to part With tepc position. It wei free to ,-.~.,..... and Bealed tho outer waD CIt tile 'lperIDr to u.o.e of our AIberIclUl the.. ihiJIp, but it ~t can't' be Itrilt. at .07 time, inumuch •• pleee ba iDtended to enter. Ii be, MAA """Vlaiona of tile IQItem. ,'l'IIat mfIbt be an e41&ca· bel......." '!'b,e dulce WII down to blI an "ebo"-..... ~ . .-JaueiI ... debt Ia tIda ...w,o. met. aQCM III the eoniclor. ba tiIIUIl freedom. but It II lICIt a free- Ian two c.at1e......nd ODe of tbem rallway labor act have been afor , ......... Gattened bImaeIf ,aplnat the Wan dam, we Want. la • war nIn. bausted. .....". ~ or jumped up and beId bla ,1IcIIb' m , ' mlcl........... tile pel'IOD bJ anb'!lie . . . . ._ IaalIW .... -----T- .-al-.-.~-.t~--blDl the aldepoetL , . . cUrpa ....... Aller ..... ''IIe _ t wbareftr be plealed Oit. Show OY.r aDd Ulltened iD CID the bouaebOJd were -.-eIT a "reI 1Ierrlq" Football fans ."ho bave been 101The air force'l Republlc _.. _..... ha frI d _ willa _ ,.... te 'IAQIlIOrt of bla Viastar·• •d• ........,. WhIm ~ Btl Ten footb.ll via te1e- d-....r· wu rea·"'-· out farth- ••• ICI;UlUonllJpt.......-uulC. " ' . . 01' ... , ........ - .1 with wbcml he 11 OIlt b~ had Dbtallled hJ, InfDrmatloa, ..... 'DIe onrSa fo... .... v1I1on acreen, f1Dd tb.t thIa aDd farther to deal detath and CODaM _boN wh.re.bOllD be lI1en~ returned tv report It." ...... .... tIIa& IheT wen faD the ahow'l over. They'll have to fuB10D to 8Q potenUal U.s. enelDJ'. UJIlmOWD, the odds .re aoe-iD.MII _ UWI a ...... herrSo tar •• occupatlaa peHOlUlei go out to tbe stadium now, instead of The ail' force reported that .... ... 11 '-'-01 tIlat be, or ...e. .. aome ...."1 bow. the .rt of the iDvIIlbJe ap1ea aittlng c:ozIb' .t home and followtllg F-8G', rUle.lau_been Increued to where It can ca-Out mOlt _ . cd public '.'11'OD. That·. wbat tba bat Dot Ilea pnatlcecl in modem play. --" ." ..~ ceDIU8 bure.1l reportl. :red- timel. EYeD 8aDIo beU.... DDt. It abouId be • 100, road to so. afa\e "DC1 lOcal ,overnmentB, but the rail' Deal pro. BIt Ten athletic cUr.ectors, meet- mJsllou more &ban 1,000 mIlel froID The Dl.oderD eJacb1a Uiht. .he adIDJ III CbIcalO. Voted to b.n Uye b.... ~ iIler...ed operation radio alated, hu a total of ~ JOleS manr ~ ~ , televlalon of their -.cbooll' football us 11 avatlable tor Itnffing rm,. 'W'Odr:tn. drawilla rIicord- mila,. probabJ, ~ have' tIarnD efta btl IIiIDorabl* _ - . . . ..... Bepab11caarwtD pmea for tlU-uuon. 'l'!Ie .etlan ~ =.eacort ~ huntlq u::..~ cd ODe blDloq, 1N8"~". IIIIp to . . . .~te tile ~. IIlQ' aaat tile eoafumce _,lIII0.
Starts Sixth Year
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Classified DepubneDt ' BUSINF.SS '"
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S lo rm WIn dows. "ood m n , gin for prortl no In\l f!:htmen t r eq u ired . v r r y e::I $)I' to 'n~
Perplexin& Riddle
That the conllition of the land and itl productivity affect the· vigor and vitality of the )'Ia1looal economy Is B fact becomin" mOl"e ,enerally recognlud by' farm en, buslnes, mell Bnd industrlaU.tt
SHOT T() DE.\m •. •• G'a~lre ended tbe poUtlCIIII oareer of 8051 VIIarlea BID."lo In 1I01'lb sIde KaDlIas .City recently. Slain with hbra WAS hIli top "m'nsole'lllaD" ~arles Gar,otta. Ttley were IIIUed In the first district Demooralio olub rooms.
And, accordins to W. R. Taacher, extension loll coriaerva Uoniat of WasbJn,ton. J). C •• there is a certain point in land deteriontlon which when reached b'ecome. the prlnolp,,1 tac\.Or In 1nf)uenclll. the nation'l economy, . . In the United States about twothirds of aU raw materials come from the lanel for the country'.
HITS FEDERAL OFFICIALS •• Mayor. Elmer E. Robinson" Sail Frallclsco, testifies bet a I" e tbe Joint oongresslonal atomlo oommlttee Ibat ledcral 0111 cia I I! are "fumbling civilian delense" while ~ystcry subs crulso off our ooast.
ThIs' photo sboWl Ibe . kind .. ,land Uae and lIeveiopmeal wblob Ia vI&aI· to the oondltlOD of the IOU. .. '
total todush'la! ptoduction, Talcher aald. AbOut 130 per cent of an manu· facturing plants In tbls country de· pend upon the IOU for their prlncl. pal raw qlateflala. ,..It ,tt ~bvl!?1:I" 1!e ~ntlnued. that ai:arc~1y a tle.menl Of the natlon'l eeonomy 'c81I' assume c'ontlnlled sur· vlval wltbo\.1t the car. ' of It;· land resourcea In .uch a way ' as to in· aure continued adequate produc· Upn. .
Spud lrai9eat Study Would Cut'DllDag81
L n t est equ ipmen t. 3 ne i~hbo rl n~
c ount y
Bos- .. O·l,
n ew
t rucks .
l!ent 's't or '! ~ ,
Itu M~ elt' K
PnhH . Ohl(l
JOBS w Ub lou r -ter m l " l;;e~H u-vc'''W''D'r'k f or one hundrud un i ts thot must be re-
armY'1 Company E. second f rlgcruted to co m p J1 ny S}u!c lltcn Llons . ce, fon w ilh n utton f') tr uc k Ins ' of Aunregiment, Massachusetts volun- Conn IzaUon . Ear ni n gs h ig h Inr r rllable ope ra· lors . t Bert ll a r v c y, M tl thtw s teers. wore a look of utter dejec- TroDkl, nCo~ ntac Corp nrnUon. j\(J1 P ear Ayeaue. tion .. . be entered headquarter,a :~~:a'll~hl . '.reDo , T ele phon e MempbJ a tent, nodded wearily to Capt. Finn Lacey and slumped onto a stool. The captain .topped writing. I -~:::;';""'::;':'~:;'.:';~c:::'~ leaned back In his chair. "She wouldn't talk, eht" "No, she wouldn't talk," Boyn. FARMS AND RANCHES ton answered, He stretched his TOVK R IlII"" , · I'ltrn d'''e. No b et,.. _ - - - - - ;. long legs out in l)lVES la nd for s tockrn lsl nlC In Am e r"~ :\. .. front of him and ter All size fo rms prl ~. d n. low ns 5:15.00 ~er fi erI!. On e of b es t w eekly cn tU e sal el!l Minute studied the worn . Flotlon toe of his boot. d'onf,:~te 'w~o~r nr:;~I:.n~I~:;r. o~~ rir;,~~ty. "Maybe she's HELP WANTED-MEN not a IPY after aU." Lacey buarded. 1--~1r~qj~~5j~~~~t-Boynton'. blue ' eyes nashed .. he jerked up hi. head. "Yes, she ill J'm lure at It" . Lacey IIhruued and gestured with hi. ' cl,ar, "If you're .ure, wa'U bold a court·martlal and-" "Nol" BOJIltoa was OD bI. feet. "DeD·t do tIIat, sir. We bavu't eD01l.... ."lllellce to oonvlot. It wiD mUll she'D IG free anc1 we'O lose ODr ODe ohallCe of atopplnc tile leall:, ID.formaUon I. ..eHlne throD,' somehow. Allee struthera Is responsible. We must. learn her metholl.... tlHow?'· HELP WANTED-WOM~N How? That wa!l the question that DE MONS'l'RATORS AND WOMEN UNIT MAN~OERS for had driven Lt. Boynton nearly p arty pion a a l.. of Pla stlo ProduclI. to distraction, had caused him the whlcb I• • weepln g the country. Bill mooey oa.n b" m a de In your aonro time. W" loss of sleep and wearied his brain are ope ning UP thts territory. Cammunlfrom thinking. A week ago, basing " a te with u s 8 t once. MARGY PLASTIOS. INC.. 'In OUn St.. St. . Loal. I, ,II • • the act on the slimmest of reasons, ne had had Allee Struthers, ar· rested, to be held for · questioning regarding the leakage of in!ormatlon to Confederate Gen. Johnson. "You can' t hold her forever without a trial, 'Boynton," the older I '~!!.!~~~~~~~~~~~:::---, man painted out alter another ATIEN VETERANS week had passed In which the lieu- Learn 8 trade th llt will n"ve~ be redl!t ced tenant bad failed completely in bls by machine r y. D e nt" l LnboTntor,f ....·lteh • nology presen Ul 811 opportunity lor v.'" eUorts to ' unearth lome erain of eron s to own and Ma na g.. their OWl> la boratory. Appl'Qved for veterah trolnevidence. "Miss Struthers i • • pon.. '" Inll unger PUbll" Law 1\t6, For IuD parular among the oHlcers. Some tlouln rs wrlle to : . swear they have known her for 50C.E;;'~: lt~·oral~lro~~ho;~.: .' Yllarl' and wlll vouch for bel' loyal. LtVESTOOK ty to the U~on." "Whloh mall:eII It all the .more Ull:ely she wODld pooeed .. a .py. I happeD to Imow that all .f lIIlI. Stralben' matenaal ·&IIOelto... oame from Geor...a. She b.e nell· spent 'a ,ood pari 01 her rtrlbOO4 '1D 8a~aanab." · Idl, be flniered a package of
S.\VINGS BY ~ BELL _ '•• Lola MIlCtlDaa..b. lIaD,hter of tbe o.ratol' at IDdependeaoe BaD. Philadelphia. uveUs the first of 52 repUoas of the Uberiy BeD at a cere mOlly In WashlllrloD. Symbol of 'be U. S. lavln.. boall. IndependeDlle drive, May lWoly I. the repOcaa wUl be displayed III eve.1"7 .tate dorlnr the drive. . .
('ompJC1C: In (orm3):111 E d ge-
T. JEFF BOYNTON of the Union
Good Farming Practices Aid Conservation WOlk
n ror
~~r · It;~~ . ~.~7~:-n~11 U~r1;hl~~ · '
By Rlchard ·RlU WllldDSOD
Condition ', of Land Vital to Economy
alJ.ke. , •
tital1 . W r ite lcdil
,our OF
THE FmE INTO THE FLOOD. • , An .....denUfled alld slrarcUq m.a . b~v" • corre.t of ~ater oa. New Yo~II:'s Woolwortb IndldJUC l!tb noor aarin, a .pectaoolar blase III olle of the olty'. taUeIIt b1ll1111n... .Tbe blase ealDed ellDa,b bead_,. to sweep the .e.Ure . Brd floor with ' the renlt th ..~ water •• ed to eombat l& inflicted beavy damap .poD noors belri the Bri. New York flremCll from sevenl Ure staUn. balUed fer more tha. all tlbrlDa the Ore aDi1er ooawol. No Uva 1Jere lost ad 'DO CIne was reported IerlO.I~ inJured • .
PrellminajrJ .woric . to determlna the polnta if! potato ba'r veltln, ancl handlin', wllere brul.ln, 1njt1r1 oe· cura, with 'a ' View to deve1opln. methoda for avoldln. su~ dama,e. wa. mrt'ed in North Dakota Ian t~ P\lrT)' V. Hempbj)]. a ..oclate aJ1'JcuUural aconomi.t of Ibe North Dako~ .experiment nation. reports:
"I'm convinced that in letter. that he brou,ht In the.. with Jet· tera the .irl iI .endln. out the 10· forinatlon. How. I don't know. Cere talnl7 'abe II ullo, no code. J have cbecked evel')' letter a dozen time •. Purposely I have permJtted ' each to be mailed. . Events immediately 9~ LEOPOLD'S SIDE • • • ItIne foUowln. convince me that 'aoma Leopold'. frl~d, pro Paal vall bow tho.e letter. are the means of ~land. w., ~~lna~ J!JY. .. the conve7ln, the information." repnt, Prince Charles, to ~orm • APT. LACEY picked up the letIIIIW ~ ..overamelil, .eUln.. ter. and read them briefl7. Ia .moUoJl maohlnery thld 'l be They contained nothing to excite 1dDI'. npporte'ra expeCli' to brine susplclon-mera mella,eI or love &be maDaroh back from ede, lind devotioo to frlencls in tha 1~~~~~~#,~if.;~~~~~~ South. 'I: Lace,. IUddenly pound~ the table. "By Geor,e. BoyntoDt I benevI I · bave it! Obvlou.1y lome~, hal to be done, and 11m mer.
A .urvey wa. made b7 th. Q . periment It"Uoa. III cooperaUon with rellonal pOtato laboratol7 10 J1:a.t Grant ~orks. Sa~plel wen taken . immediate), after dllJln,; from tha picker .ack. atandln. in the field, from lick. on the truck at the warehoUie before imloaclln., and from the bins imm.edlate~ aI· tel' .unloadlD" It wal noted that till .,arcenta.e of brul.in. 1ocraal.d durin. aaeh operation. After eIl'fiJl' it wal found 11 per cent ' of th. potatoel were brulHct a~r plekln, 17 per cent wera bruised, .'alter ·trucldnJ the ",celltage brul.ild went up to 111. and. at~r blnnln. 41 per Cellt were brulled. It ...ar Doted an in· crea.. of :IS per 'cent ma,. b. due to the binning procell alDne.
BE A Wl8E DUC.. and follow the I.~derJ...Blab qusJlt~ .S-A heaVy breed cblcks . .... 911 per hundred. U.S. awroved b the loUowln, dlltea: IndlllJUl~ __ Kentuo 1.: Geo•• la lineS Vermont. ....l' IIvabl \Y luernnt.eed. Sped chleb JI pref....... d. ntaO Lelhorn chle.... PleaR dO not confus.. OIU clllcn With oth.r "lIeap "hicks; When 1)&1t... "hleu lI.e botched, Francl. wUJ ' have them. Write, eall or phone your orders to4aY. Open Sundays, '. . FRANCIS CUICJlERY
Pb.• • e.
BIIlD-CONTBOL ••• Then... B....
WlUT'S ON TIlE CALENDdt •• , . Dave Be~, .... lcllfleld. Arls •• la Phaealx '.r tile ..-.aul l'OaDfOD .~ &lie M.Ja....·, Jllall..".· ...eelaUon, .... a ~lt esoltell abon lUI .p-to.date ~ullar clrL Heolde JOlDcd 1.-, oUllII' ....ldeata ID " bl, hro.-c1a7 meatiq IDeI.dad ~ jlaDt .....bene .... ,...oe. All memben II the -aueclaUOD arrived ID Ari. . aaDa .. ear., .. 1180. II ,ean bef~re ArIsoJIa . . . ac1Jn1Ued to Mae.
rI.. .......n' ,eaersl COD..... for th~ 0.'.0., teO,· UDoAl)'leriolUl ao-
0IIe da" willie ..... tbroa,b &lie nUaa .. llatUea,
UvUla eommlttee tIIa' eemm. 'a Clama 1Il1011 a letter. DIaDI .,.. be aDd I. belli, aaee_ ~, OoDIl»atted III tile 11.S. wlUt- than balf convinced-thou", heavaU W m....... lIk. &be an knowa wh;r-that ,our IUlplclou IIDdt-NboD-FerpSOll bW. are weD founded."
av,T lUI old ~ .......e roof, . . . . ~~ ·401rD . . . . ablDCletJ. Spilt Warped sIalgles ad utI daWlJ 1I1e eelMen.... Place bey· elled .vIps aloill' ~ 'btItta Df ucb co"e ., old 1Iil....lea. Apply an "e,.vea sUlp" 01· alpha" roU roafja...1 IJae am ~O. In tbree-~[' ~"~1IU.
Overhe ~ Water SYltem Creating Wide Interest
Tb.e of overhead IPr1nItllJl. .,.stems '~r .ltTi,ated tannin,· ba. created delpl'ead interest in areaa ~ re artificial waterln. t. D.ce"aq, to crop pl'Oduetlon. Amana the mer1te of ovtrbHd aprinllJer II tlIIt ••lU.Illldt
. . . . . . .,. . . .__
te. p.
·0.... .,
......e. E.,,,. ...
INDlAN roU ••• arrow h'ead •• Mae axu. pounders ele.. odd looldn,. wttllt hoi •• drlbed In th.m. aaw.l. W•••ID,'" O. B .. Q.I ••
Buy U,S. Savings Bonds!
"So we'll Ilepen bel'. Tam .. J ., f ~ _\ ... ' ; .. I , . ller nlll' to tile CoDlederate ' army. U atepe the Ieslla... ASPIRIN we'U bow aho wa. Ibe ...lH7 WO RLDS LA~Gl)T Sd L EP A T 10 parlJ'. &lid there will DO 101l..er lie daD ..er of .Ita. ClouUDDboe;" . "And 'It will mean Allee StrutbeJ'll' I:omplete freedom." ~o daYII later prisoner Allee Struthera waa turned over to Con· federate Gen. Johnson under a fia, of truce. But It wasn'l until alter the war ' , . had ended that he found tbe. an. Use Chewing-Gum 'laxaBve-' swer to the riddle. One day while REMOVES WASTE ... NOT GOOD FOOD going through hi. relics of .Ion, ago battlea be came upon a 1el\er. It was one that Alice StrUthers bad written to ber. friend. In tlIe sOuth. end which be bad kept for a 10\1• venlr. . . The pap.r WBI "eUow. the IJ\k faded. The po.ta,e .tamp bad dried and was banlln, bl a mera thread. .... be looked at It. U. Bo7Dton'a eyea ....W wide. Fer baDeatll Yod tho .tamp wara som. alo.elJ writ"1Hia- tea. ~ penned wer. . obvIolIII7 Ie . . alpbel' amplo,ed · b7 AlIce ... Slrutben 'WbIcb be bad trill 10 "jl_~.. . bud to .....
III ra"lyble ' ~pb..t IbbiJIft
08JO CERTIFIED b)lbrld seed <!Orn for all tl'DU 01 .011 and ~rowlnlr sellSOIl. 25' v.neUe. for your aperltlc ••ricllo,o ••180. certl1fed Hawke},e and Ltn<!01h SOyb ........ seed. Write . for parUcuiars. Farmer priced. . • O. C. Po...11 .It s.••. A ••• C.IU. . Dhi.' ...,. Pl .... at Beduee4 Prl"... on 2 and 3 y.ar Old Plant.. I .. .. W. T.lDuIUa. 111111. • ..... Dep' It. R •• lleat... N.",
\'IL 1:£ , 01110
THE MIAMI _GAZETTE Eltlblilhod 1850 PAUL A. SCHERER .... . .... . ......... ...... .. Editor and Pub!llller CECILIA J. SCHERER ... , ... '. ,-" .. . ........ Secretary and Trelllurer
Pullillillprl B ve l'y Thurs day MOl'nlng
SUbscrlpHon Rn tos$1.60 P .er Year, In oclvance . In Ohio, $2. else wbere , Mr. lind Mrs'. ' John Welsh aro stradlly Imn,70vlng ut t he ir h~me, fo llow in g Me rlous ·j II jurlros su.stnlned fr.1 an Ilu tomoblle nccldent las ! lUonlh . Mr. Welsh plans to reo tum to his ,,'ork. III Day to n: \V II hln II, tew UUYll. Mr. a.nd Mra. Todd Dunce had as their gue~ ts , Monday, Miss Ida Ma e Bun ce. ' M TS . 'Lillie Cass eD' brock, and Mrs . Estber Vetter. all of Cincinnati. Thomas Wel ch who hEls ' been seriously 111 nt hill home. haa reo covcrtld.. Mr: and Mr a Charles Doster had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Rh~ades Bunnell nnel their da.ugh"te rs of 'V.aynesvllle. Mrs. !Laura Shld:Lker had. as hoI' guest, Sunday, her daugbter, Mrs. Pauline Villars of Xenia. Mrs. Osee Harlan had Mr. ~Il. Mrs. Kline. Mrs. Ruby StumP. nnd Mrs. Emma Kline, us her dillne r gu ests, Sunday. ,
T ho local ordH of the (; rn nge lIle t in "egulnr MsRlon at the Grnnge R a '! . Monciuy evenIng. Th e Ilrqgra m consiRtlng of redtatlons a nd musical selections, was presented by tlje younger members of the organization. Thoee appellrlng on the program Were Nancy TayIQr . 'J lm Ja c~bs, Floyd Ellis; Gloria Jacobs! aDd Barba.ra Bogan. " T he regu.l.n r · meeting at the Commun ty Helpers Club was beld lit tbo Grange Ha ll, Tuesdar evening. Following the ,potluck dinner, each member was tol(1 . who her secret sister bad been during th e year. The Crusaders Class ot the .l\fetl¥>dl~t Church met at the cburch Wednesday evening. ,for t\lelr monthly meeting and potluck cllnner. Hosts tor tbe evening were Mr. and Mr,s. E~er80n M astSeveral persons from thJs com· ers and Miss .Tane Fite. Mr, a.nd Mrs. W. C. Brown 'had munlty attende" ~be meeting ' of as their h~aeguests dUl1ng 'the the Advisory Council, a~ the hO,lDe week end Mrs: Brown's sl~ ter. Mrs. Marie Babb and her daugh· ter MIss Georgeanna, Babb of a Food Sale at the Grange Ha1l. Columbus. Mrs. Jdn Collins iett Saturday s;aturday morongo A Republican meeting was bllid for a two weeks visit 'at ,t he bome o.t · ber 1lfIm-1nlla'W! sn~ daughter, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mr. and Ml'II. Sterling lngals snd Frost Wednel!day evening. .T ~ e 'family .of 'Greenflelcl speakers at tbe meeting were: Mr:· and Mr-s. · Rersbel HUde- Cedric Stanley, ' c~ndlcft'ite for the brecbt and· tbeJr sons had as their Oblo ' General Assembly, Wilbur guests Friday evening, Mr. Hllde- Lake, nominee tor 'C ounty ,brecbt's brotber·ln-Iaw and sister, missioner, and A. M. Parker, the Mr. and, Mrs. Forrest Meek" of unopposed nominee lOT County Dayton. Tbe Hlldebrecht's young- Auditor. " est son, ' Billy, accompanied bis Mr. and Mrs. John S1'f.e r4, Day' aunt and uncle home for the week ton, . were the guests Sunday of end, , Mrg Syfefd's parents, Mr. ' '~nd '1110 senior clll\9s play, "Amaz- Mrs., H. S. Tucker. Ing Gracle" was preSented at the Fred Dakin, ' who was taken to scbool audlt,QrlWn., 'Frld~y' evening. the Grandview H08~tal, Sunday, The prod'Uotl~ was ilJrect~ ' l)V baa been -'returned~ to hlll·o-ho"me ~Irs. Gladys Hook, a member of bere. the hIgh scbo'ol faculty. . Special llrs. Joan ~ckett -lones, wbo music for the program wu prehas been .erlo~Bly III Is recOVering. sented by' tlie ' double ,Q uartet and VIvian Hook, young daughter of thf;l "Melody "·MakMs" I!-ppearlng Mr.··· and Mrs. Earl Hook, 'IB re' under the . d~reCtlon . of theIr in- covertng from anI attack ot pneu· structor, ¥,ra. E4na BOg8.D; monlw. I •
nL WnYI1f' 8vllle, Wnrren Co)mty. Ohio Entered :,H '8t'c;nnrl oln sR ma(ter at l he JlO ~to rrh' o lit \"' l1ynesvllle, Ohio.
Wbea WLW'. Bayrl(le" '11trGlfUD _ to towD euh Saturday at 8:11 P.... 28T, driver. En"" J:.ee dOesn't .,.re &be ...... to briDe the best fa music, fun aud 14~, Fint row "Hayride" ealea1alnen are. leli to daht, 1t1Jrnl.De DeZurIk, Erole Lee, Oanl1ll 'DeZarlk, KeDn,. ~bera.. Jud, Perkins wilib &be PraIrie Hamblen, ·BDl Thall. Budd,. Boa. antJ Plt'Uant VallerBor- III the IeIIOIlII row. l
e . .
• ....
••. ,
....., :._
_ _ _ _ _ ...J
B. @. Baughn, PII1!tor R. B. Colemnn. Minister Cburcb Scbool, 9:30 A.M .• Mr. Unlfl eu' Service, 9: 46 n.. m. Barold lllarnb'a rt, Supt. WOfSblp Service. 10:30 A.M . ST. MARY'8 EPISCOPAL ' , . ,Youtb Felow8bt.1p, Sunday, 6:80 Tb e Re I'. Samnel N. Keys, Rec to :' P IM. . 1I1I<lIIY : Hol y, Communi on. II n. II I. P I'lllInry (l hurch Rc hool lU ::1O a.m , FERRY OHURCH OF CHRIST (AgI's 0 through 8 ) Byron Carver, MInister ~ l1l1lL \Vnl·Rbl!!. 10 : 30 n. m. Dible Sobool, 9:30 A.M. Morning Worllblp, 10 :30 A.M. Prayer Meetlllg, 7:00 ' P.M. UTICA E'. U.B. CHURCH . Young People's Me eting, ?:OO WIIIlIlIU :-3hnllooo. Minister , F.,:,enlng Services, 7:30 P.M. Hunclny Scbool, 9:~1I .\ ,M ., Mra. JIl.DIes Garrison, SUlit. Preaclling . . 1st. IIollci 3rd. Bur.WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST . . ' !luya of eacL .Dlontb, 10 :30 A.M. E,' ellln~ Services, ?:80 P.M. ~ . B. Coffey, Minister . Bible School, 9: 30 A.M. Morning Woreblp, 10:~0 A.M. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Young Peoples' Meeting, ' 8:45 Father R. H. KrumhOIt~ , PaBtor P.!\f. ·· ... 'M!lsses. 8 and 10 A,M. Even.ng ServIce, 7:110 P.M. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study CAESf. R'8 C~EEK FfU~p~ WedD,._,., 8 P .... ~. P.rtln(ton, M)',\lt.r · Worsblp Serrlc~, ~O. A,', MT. HOLLY, ME:THOD,8T \ Sun~ay Sc~onl, 11 A.I4. . .' T, I'd, Scaff; I'dinlllter Sllnda,. Scb'ool;' 9 :30 A.M., n ' A. Earnbart, Supt. . WAYNESVIL.LE FRI~t'Da Worl'hlp Service. 10:30 A.M, First Day School. 9:30 A.M. lllye~I~'C Senlce, 7:80 P.M. . Meellng for' Wiir8~lp, 10:30 A.M.
The WaV Y ~~:~ ~:£~:'::II~::~::::WANT It. . . • .()lil
·T HE MIAMI .G~~ETIE Mr.. Blanche Carr ' spent the Whole Wheat ,w.eek 'enll as the bouse guest or ' Breadl! ->trer a chanc. tor varl. ber son-In·law and daughter/ MI'. Iy in meall. 'l'he modem bomeand Mrs_ Everett Gordan and 'CIlD,l. maker who. Ie keepln, Up wltb til. newer' Imow1eqe of nutrlUon II lIy of Kingman. , mak1n, lure tb'at aU bread and 'I'ho8e from Itere who attended roUs Ihle llnoes are enrlcbed or the district conferen ce of the W. whole wbeal In .m aldnl blaeuita. S. C. S; · at Lovela.nd, FrIda)' were, loat bnad" paneakea, wa~... Mrs. M&rga.ret Tucker, Mrs. Flor-. COOkie., elnlferbread, and eake.. enco Frolt Mrs. 'BesRle Ellis, Mrs. ahe usel! wbole wheat or el!,l'lcfl!!'
, . ,whlt~ flmlr. Oatmeal I, an excel. Olive . Jaoo~", Mrs, Mary Levlcy, lent food that add. to the varlet, Mrs. Nellie Sberwood, M,rs. Claudia and fooell value of cook1el. . . Brandenburg, an.d ~1:S. a u' r a . ~h1da'Ser. \
. .......... .
• • • • • ~.-~
. ........
The unc1eniped Administrator wi~ th,e w!1l.~lJ!lexed of the etlate of Charlotte An~~ Sn~pp, ~e~~ed. wiU leU aD of the chattel proper-.y be~C111Jin1 to .the .dec"dent by way of public auction, at the late residence, located ora Third.Stftet between North $Jreet an4 S.r,e~ ia the Villap' Of Wayneav-ille, W4l'l'cn C2PI.nty, OJUo. o~
S~TURD~Y. ~Y 13, 1950 -
Commencing at 1 o'el'oelc . I
~ Pc., ov•• tuffed livu.. roqm laile; 8tJII r~ Mp,i,uhI Includin, be." elrelMr., wapbat......, t~le', ~d ~~ hall beet chair_; OIcl.OrWu; ~.rf~ oil ~..... clOolll, MWint In¥bina, 9 .x 12 rap; Floor ......;. fau~ ,,~ah. in.. machine; 2·burner oil ....ter the ~ .. . ,.ew; Table
~adio: Mirr~., 1'_ Cart; WICker chai:r; ~N ~ ~ and 2 c~1 W~"ouae eltctric ~.tor;, CqPP.et c"d,coal r..... : AP£ r~nBe (.rq9dh Ki~ .table and four. cbain; .~iciae 1 ~tda cup~d; Ol~ .... ~' ••toye; ~ e... ; Drop I~' tabl,e; eo.m e g...den 100", dieh.., cookiat utelllila apd ~oUl other: articl~ ' not mentioned.. . . ', _.
iD.,cab.,_; ..
CORN PICKER . ONE 1938 SP,QRT COUPE BUICK J\q'rOMQaILE Te~: Cub ,on O.y .of Sale ~ C. DONALD DlLATUSH V !f. RUSS~, "~~e!&l' . l:.eINinoa, Obio" Thonipeon aa.d ~~, ~~rks ,' Antrarn Snapp, deceaoed.
. 1 1!1 1II11I1I~lIml l ~WIII!mllllmllmlllllllml~mmmlll l l l l l l l l I I ~
- 'SerVice
A.It .. About O~-PI~C. on' . \
.In~all.tion and Gas .,
Spring VaHey Hardwa.re Ce.
l_IIW.lllmmmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll l ~
Phone 37371
BAIRD'S ' . ~ 'YTLE ' .
~ • .sayl, ' 'Sof-K\lrd Milk is ex-
~ ~Io W,..,Lb. r:,~NIC
47C 39c
Lb.. 29 .
IJANMi4S 2 C Other CANNED GOODS . Specials
Abo Diabetic c.aned Fraib
FOOD STORE ...... 2141
clusive with Borden's in . Dayton. It~s ' the only milk thot stays fluid du,ring digestion . •. unli~e orCiina,ry .homogenjzod soft curd milk which C -0 a g u I a te s or "du.mps·' in the .5tomac~. BecQli~ Sef·Kurd mil k relJ)pi,!'l fluid, it d'gests easier ,and ~r· mits, the ~y to r.e tain . more calcium and phosphorus than any other milk." "Bomen'. Sof-Kurd' Milk tastes bett.r, too," Elsie addi. "There il' Crr.1'" in ewry dropl" Tak. a tip from
Switch ,to an·purf!os.·. BotcllPn'. Sof·KUrd Milk
fodOl' Ask ~o", grocer, Borden driver, or cal Hemlock 1275.
,,7Jon/Nn ..
.. 219 I ••• stNet --
. Dqu~I" ' ••
car••' -g;,~!s mil" I
have 4~,/edr;c~; It,'p,,,-,
• To
the ,",ide who adds the responsibi~iry of' b(un~lIkjp8 to . da)'J ~ a.-e a~d)' 'crowded with bU,siness tir profes~i~n~ e1ec~~al gi(ts to sl)q'rten tbe ' UmJ\ ' and le~seq..the ,effQrt' de· , mand.ed by hO\lsehoh' tasks ate esped~llly, welcome. , . .
Your electticallift 00 a6y br.·s.bi~f~( o'r ~ea t~bl~, ~r 'on Iber buffet 00 a Sund!ly evening, will rec'all your lood wishes .fa', yean to ·come. A~' ele'tric mixer Ot rl[)a~fer for ,the kiuhen,. or • h~dy toaste~ or sandwich ariD, coffee m~er or lea kettle will deliJbt any. homemaker on gift ~casion.
. When you SO &ift ~bopping. see the docks,- lamps, nelios and telmsion display of e1earic:aI pta at P~. to
electric door ch ...... . Your deal.l r .... .
every bu~er,
rrliE ~\~YAN!.AGfj: , OF pun MGP~RA~~ , P~OEl SCHEDULE III' ~,t ~n('~ to tbelmntcdlate vIclll.lty elf W,aynea:VlUe: '
W~ '1'8Peat, OUR 8ERVlo'E
Ice Is "",,~, MC9LURE~S LOW1!lR COSTS ,C~ME WI'Mi IT,
'Meel4l11 . ,.,.,
, "- ~,~ H~MI
'.. W"-"VIl,.. ".0 ~
~~~ TO EVERY AD.JOINlNG COUNTy And. w..he~viBf our -aen..
THURSDAX, MA" 4, 1950 •
------ ._-----
_ _ il_Il_U~1
Dry Ridge A Earm Diary By D. J. Frazier MAY 1, 1950.- May Day. Did nny ono hang a ' Ma.)' bask et on your door? No one did on mine but as far ss I know that never was 11 custom In this pnrl of the ,vorld. We usc to read in Miss Alcatt's books of th e boys and girls going out ttl gather wild flowers and makJng May, baskets to hlmg on the doors ot their fl'leoda. It sounded Hke a pretty custom bl\{~ we never dl!\ It. Cool and gray, as it Is, the woods are full of wild flowers but they say that evory· thing 1& I\.bodt two weeks late. The peacb trees are out and tbe pears IUld pl\1ml!, the a.pple blossoms are , sun little tight pink bllds. After the bumper crop last year we can ·not .expect to bave 90, many apples this yeat\ The yellow trnnspnrent In tbe chicken yard bas lbu(\a on it but ,then they come every year. Wo should spray It and see If we can't get, more good II.Pllles this Ume. It Is nice to have them tor they come so ~ar)y and make lovely a.pp1esauce and pies, If there ,are any left after tho boy that feeds the pigs In tbe pen Just beyond the tree gets through . Every dai It 1s a race between John and the crows as to whJch wl\l get tbe . turk eY' . eggs. There are four turkey hens laying but the crows' kno~ where i he nests 'axe just as W!!11 8S we do. Our young taxidermist Bet some traps one da.y ani! ~augbt 'o ne but he dldn',t succeed In catching ' nnr more . at ~hat nest. Perhaps biS persistent hunting hOB had some effect,however.. as 101m bas been getting the . eggs fairly rgula.rly recently. Our guineas ha.ve started laying also ' but we have : o~ly
founu one nest. The great Question there Is how many bens have W 6 and how many of t~~ ' roostel's. Last week. Apl'lf 23·29 WIlH Mell' tal Health Week. I have been Bsked to join the Ohio M~tal Hy" g lene ASBocatlon mnny times but thIs time when I read thelr Uter'. ature a.nd found that one of the spec.lal proble~8 ther are ~ to solve 'ls how 'to help with the retarded children In our sch001& and also .lllose who becawie or bl'oke,n homes or other . relUlOn8 d~ not [It Into the noraml' Paltern, as I have beeq talking so much about this qu e~on and ,hoplD'g Bome· one would do something about It, I ,!cnt th e m my two doUars right away this time. I t seems toat we had geart e%· Cllement In. the nelghbohood \ the other night but none of U8 Jmew snythlng ubout It untU we heard it over the rllAllo. The corner of HIghways 73 and 48 was the scene of ,auother 'bad wreck about tour o'clock In the mornlog when a circus truck 'wllS bit and a leopard escaped Mil was shot by Dr. Ii. Williams. If he bad 'not been such a good sllot our fo% hunters mIght ll!!-ve had a chanCe at some reaUy big game. The dogs treed a big possum out back of O,Ul' chicken Ib,ouse the other night. J don't know wJlether he was getting ready to go In and look for eggs or wbether he Is wa.ltlng until we
I REDUCED . PRICE ,. WASHERS .Horton - Wa. ·$124.95 411!S4 50 'If' ~~np~~D4~; =.~.~.~~~~:~~. . $89,.50 ~#pM~4!~ ~.~~~. ~~.?~:~~ ... '$ 79,. 50 ~~p~:~U/!T~.~~ . ~.~.~:.~.~...... $79,. 50 ~~~:I~ ~!i =.~~ ~.~ ~'.~~ $99,. 50. ~ode1482 AT ..... , ....... ......... .. ......
~pw PRIC~D
. . . ., ~~~P~~~~~ .=.~~~. ~~.~. ~.~. ..,$37:. 50 ,~~o;=~:bS:~ =.~~.~~~'.~.~ ..... $ 59" 50 $'119 50 Hortoa Model 147 - Wu $169.95 NOW PRICED "T ................ ....... ..... , It CoIilon Model R-200-Wa. $179.95" NOW PRICED AT ....... ...... :..... :....... . .e, Cowon Mocle1R-100-Was' $149.95 NOW PRICED AT ............. ;•. : .., ........ ' It Coolon ~odel R-'1 01-Was $109.95 ~' 84 ' NOW PRICED AT .............,.. :.... .. ..:....p It
$1' 3'9' 50 $'1'19 50
Fairley p"'lnN~
_ I _~
_~I_ II -
These tractors all serviced In our modern r:l palr shop, and are ready for your heavy , farm work
Ready For Use
6 fao,t Case Combi ne Vo(lth Motor - excelbnt condition 8 foot Minneap~lIa MOllne -Co,mbl~e with Motor, Cheap, I Hie ' ~I'de Delivery Rak:! ' M~8sey Harris 14 Inch Plow - used one year Allis Chalm:! rs 14 i'nch Plow Dunham Rotary Hoe Let! 330 Roughage Mill and 'S'1I0 Filler il-ic Steel Wheel W"go~ - Oliver Wagon
run. good ,
6 ft. Combine - power tall<:~ . off. 6 ftl. Combine with motor No. 62. Field Chopper . SI'Cle Delivery Hay Rake Tractor mounted Mower LIm2 and f.rtllizer Spreader Manure Spreader - tr'a ctor drawn on rubber Automatic Hay Baler - power take·off.
, I
$11800'uP . •
S'8 5 50
GARDEN TRACTOR IUOOIDI VERSA"'" IASy.rO.OPfIATI' Stop In and , .. the Oubtq'~I"g n• .,., ~P"NG"ILI) trodor mod. I•. II tilll •• laving oltachm.n"~ , ".'
$149. ~
.:ffA RlW[el New cars "eed in higher octane! cars ~heel' its get up IUId go. WIth extra power at no aua price. . bow can yoll 1~?
Even greater than famous Jong·mileage X· 70. It cost us a hundred million !lolla" to m"ke Ohio's gr:eatest peacetime ' psolino. How can you keep f,r om try,i0l it?
mer that. aD
'rltuJla ID4 ceremODl,ala ina7 be effeeUvtJ,
J.~i? ~ die purring, quiet, high.priced sound o new X:'tANE in action. It exceeds the
prenllium gasoline standard , •• at regular gas price ••• b_ am )'Ou miS:i?
Stubbs BAIRD'S
FUneral ·H ome
HOW TO CLIP,' '. J(' DOLLAR'S WlNGS-~ . . ,
it.. dOllar in 'yOur
pocket ~r p ...... ia a ' ~·
Ie. thin,. ,Ilia re~. to "tab off" add 'f ly
away the first chaDce it pb... But you caD cUp ita wine. by depOaili.. it willa .... ~tart 'aD account and make • d~t every
pay ,day.
LABP .·SHADE ·S SSe $1.08 ,and ·$1,46 Each IIId ISiSi _ I
G. E. BtJLBS -
ExatDS'~tYM' CMSOUNf STANDARD ••• at regula';' gas "price' f'ItN(E.
' Ger~~es HIGH-1e$r" 'PERFORMANce-AT REnULAR.' GA&~1 '.
Case D. C. Tractor w ith Cultivators Case C\ C. TrOlctor John Ou ere B Tractor on Steel, with Cu ltivators Farmall F.30 High Compressloned, good rubber Baker 50 H. p. Tractor, wltj), leR01 Motor, on rubb er. Ideal for belt power. ' , Allie Chalmers 1937 W. C. with Plow, ' Cultivator., mo unted saw Allis Chalm,!rs 1938 W . C. with Plow and Cultivator. John Deem ~945 B 'Tractor - thorouglily overhauled, good rubber
get some baby chicks to work on'I'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is ollt of season now but; if he two weeks now. , T.he dandelions Is sUll ' too cold to do much r~ gets into tbat chicken house he tn bJoom, not even cold wen.ther: ,Isn't that ' . . Is ibis k'lnd of weather' wUJ be out of bounds and there can stop them. ' year, ' a uncommOn at· thi s tinlE! of Is no telling ' what might happen to hIm. Tbe mushroom b,u nters went out look back through the diary show8 yesterday but they only found 1\ that It Is often cold ar~und the ',T here Is just barely- enough as- few.. The' weatlier Is too , ,cold 80 .. ' ul'B t of May but usualily we hav(l pal'agus up to make a meal tor far to eocour&g& them though we b a d some warm days In betweee I DJD afraid It will be tough as t~ bad rains enough to make them the cold Apel\ s but we have ' to has been 80 slow growing but a~ ,row. Tho gardens t hat a I' e ' make up for th a t warIn wcather. thltt J 8S sure it WIll taste g~4 planted ar& ~wlng slowly but it, (Con thmed on PIl ~:O 'EI~ht) for I have been WlUltlnC some (orl-------.,----:--.------------------
" 'Sji'fipglleld'
at4 III
---.".. --- _.-.. JOHN DEERE TRADE~INS l
Thursday. May C. 1950
Cleaning Pcrcolatur Tube To clea n Ihe ve rtica l tube ot a perco la tor. run a pipe cleaner tern 7249 ; knittin g directions . t h rough it. Or , nil the perco lator Our I mpr(lVfd p. ttern - v l !u ~ 1 willi wi th wa te r; add four tab lespoon. e nSN ·lO-8C c- c hn rts n.nd " hott.» . und, c om. ful s of sail, put fh e tu be in a nd let G~c~~ rdr~~~\c;nr;-~~r,~!c~o~~c~~ ~~~r~d :~:~~ it pe rk for 10 or 15 m inutes . If this an d p IUe ro num b ~r to . •• • • dull s the lus te r of the pe rc olator, res tore it by boiling vinegar .in it. CI.el. N .... I•••• ra D.p&, or wa te r with pieces of raw p . o. an DHO. (llll •••••• III. e. . P. o. B~~.:~.~'.I~~~~.;.8ta&l... lemon.
zs:gn for Five Needles
. .
Put Your Own Ingenuity to Work
Making Bridal Shower
By ErUa Haley BRIDE who had been (,Ilter· talnedat a 1I0vei 'shower' was allowing off her gifts. with more than us ual pride. She had received IIx pairs or POt holders In addition to a pair of padded mittens to use as bolders; two bib aprons and three hostess IItyle aprons. a large crocheted bedspread tacked care· tu.lly onto a bottom spread. ot Amer· lean Beauty colored taffeta: two luncheon ·sets; three bridge letl; aDd a dozen kitcben towels. You'll agree that It'. Qllite a start lor ber new borne. but the unu~al feature of the whole shower wal that aU these gilia were handmade. 'I'hose who made the In· allted they'd had as much pleasure making them a. the Cirl had wbo received ·them. Some of the item. IlBturally took: a bit longer than others to make. but each will live' lOll' .ervlce and wlll be cherished all the more deep17 Ilnce there waa thou,httulnea. put In their maklnl. Wbetber you're planninl to live a Ihower or have an invitation to one. and whether or not the ho.te.. lpaclfles Utat the ,lfts ara to be bought or made. you might live ' more than passing thou,ht to somethln, tbau can be maa~ by you. It'l a real Joy and accompllabment to turn out 80methin, attrac· ~ve aD ,.oW' lewing machIne. your
Push-Up Sleeves
knitting needle. or crochet hookl. Your bilplration might be lome· thin, :rou"ve received or seen. Your lD'enulty· can do the reat. Some 01 the .lmplelt Items. ~ch a. bib apronl or . poi holden . can be lome~, of. a ' lensatlon, dependin, upon how ·they·re exe· cuted. Your remnant pile mn ,Ive ~ou just ijIat necesllary piece ~ater1al lor aometbln, e.peclally '. attractive. 'rf Bere are liema I. LIUIe 'I'IJiIe . Bridge, or breakfalt cloth I with Ilapkln. to match caD' he put to,ether In a minimum amount of time with the help of the .ewqt, machine. U.e plain white material with contra.tIn, ttimmln.. or a . checked or printed matorlal edged ID one of the colorl predomJn!ltln, In the cloth. Size. tor clotha of thil alze may be one of thtee: ' ' C"ll42"; ~'X.IY'; cr. M"lII Mw. Napklnl for these are uually tea .Ize. 11")[ 14-. Good qUBUty broadcloth, musllD or percale are lood cholcell' in fabric ain.ee they launder ea!liJ1. For more elecance YOII , rol,ht conllder linens or organdlea. Tho latter type. are eapec1all)- attrac~ve When decoratesl with appliqueed delligns auch . 811 flower •. Pot IIften can be &Owed. crocheted or knitted. dependinl upon·
By Readina the
'GOOD-PREACHERS are not all of one kind. In listenln, to some of them. you have the imprellslon that what this man says would be Just as' true If another man l18~d It; that he la littering a . unl versal truth that might as well have been written on the IIky; 'be Is a voice. only a voice. In Uatenlng to other good preachers you have tbe Impression that no other man could bave said this '" . well al he; what he ' Of· For.mo says il distilled from hie own experience; he is not only a VOice. he is a heart. and you bear the mau'a heart-bea ts all througl) hla word., Now Hosea was this kind of prophet. Nl'M:ING co~oisseurs! · Here's You might say that hill experience I{ a belautiful design for your skill was the text at all hla sermona. and five needles! Use fine or • • • heavy cotton for this rose design! And so They Were Married , A dolly that will be a pieasure HE STORY of Hosea is In cbap- today, heirloom tomorrow! Pat· ters 1-3, (Experts In Old Testament study have never quite agreed Tray-Painting Can Be as to the meaning of the story. HowFUIlI, ever, the interp retation which is of· fered here Is the one now held by thl!' majority 01 scholars.) It is the story of Hosea's marrIage to a gl~l mimed Gomer. If it was a normlll marriage. he loved her with all his heart. and his hopes for the future were as bright as any young bride· grpom's could be. In time tl!e'y h~d a ;Uttle boy named J eueel. Then came the sec oDd child. a clrl named Lo-Rabamah. ' ID Hebrew. Iha' Dame ineana "No- . Mercy... Whal a Dame for a II~ Ue &1rl! ' lJul I. It posllble. thaI HOsea' Bamed ber lor her molber-Dol lor ber modaer·. name PaiIltlJJ, Desl,Ds for Tr~ys "ul lor her mother'. cbaracier' VEN IF you have n~ver tried At aD even.., thIDa- were .... your hand' at painting trays well In that · bome, Indeed. II you will find that the directions on aOOD ceued 10 be .. borne. Por this pattern will enab.Ie you to dec"beD the third chUd . . . bCR'llo orate t aY8 equal to those you see Hosea pve the bo:r tho dreadin the expehslve shops . lal um. 01 Lo-Ammt, No-(lhlJd,. ol-Mia.. How to ehoole the rl'M . material •• .nd IInllbe.. and bow to t.analer There was DO use in pretendin. «lora the d ..I.... are aU on pall.rn :1211. Prl•• • IU1)' more. The home bad collapsed; 111:<- .
III Heap up breaJd'ut bowlfula'
of aweet KeUogg·. Com F1ake8. They'refresher! Cl'iRnArl So hea:o/./-tbe "powe;;rOri:om aDd Its whole-llernel val\11l11 in iron, Vitamin B .. niacinl A bqrgoi,. in sOodKeUo",e CoI'D Flakes. MOTHER
p'roductive Hobby
shades of blue at the corners add to the expense and the time it tllkes to make the let. but thli Is up to you. . Thole who want to make more elegant luncheon sets can chOose iood cottonll In Unen'llke' weaves or rough textures. or linen Itself. One effectl'(e edgin, usell lace which may be crocheted or pur. chased. Either lew' the edging on with 'fine .titchu. 'or crochet o,n If you are a'lak\nl 80me Ipeclfica,· 13' lor the dolU". A dlstlncll7 dlfferent and femlnine touch tor luncheon .ets I. the frORSS.OP PATTERN . aERV,lCII: uae of eyelet ruUlel. Thl. I. uaed D ...... 18 . on the two ahort .Ide. o.f the dolUel·. happine.. had ·Oed. Nc. experience "Irk. , a man can have .. more bitter than and on one aide Of the' naj:1kln. thll. to Imow that the on, I"'at love the dolly 'la bemmed, 'it I. a pp1l4ed;l of hia life bas been liven to the wrODI woman. lit borner vaffiahed, easily to tile reverse II.d e be;;~.t lunCheon sets have mats leavln, ~ose~. aa .ueb a woman 12''X 18-. Luncheon Ilze napkin, would. 19 care 10r~~e tlu'ee mother· r are mlde the same .ize. Sets may leiS children. • • be made with four. .iz, el,ht or Bund.reela of folks, who are b e n e - t - - - - . , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ __ ".-_ _ ~ve pIau Borne Brldel .Ute having their Unen. OW MANY MONTHS ot year. fitlJll every dll.Y from taklnw Bob Will. Hears Abou.t HADACOL'$ ' Bletling. monolrammed. and you mllht try BADACOL meet at the TFlanon later· it ~aa w~ do not know. tW. up an,. item If you are adept But one day, In the alave marke~. Building In Oklahoma City "here at either hand Or machine .ewinl; Bob WiilIl, famolls band leader, and Monosraina may be purchased and Hosea saw a woman for "I~: The hi. Teltas Playboys broadealt each. price was Jol.v (as . slavea went 1tJ then can be aOtched to the material those day.); ';Yidently lew ' buyera nootl for HAP4\COL. ' _ With any dealrea . color' ,in tiny "It I~ooka Uke alt m:r 1an, are let-. elCPected.~ A hall.price lIlay'e Were atltches. • would not attract atteniOn from .ting wllndezfp,l !>eltetita ~rom. ~AD If you crochet, .quare dollies 10 ACOL," laid WIDi. "I~ 11 a real mOlt men, ~ut H9sea looked' twlc. 1 make a luncheon. •• t would be ex. pJeaS\lll8 to broadeast for 'HADACOL • .. Yel, lit was his Gomlul Where tremely effective and lavilh. The beeauui the folkl taking HADACOL had been. who had abused her. napklna to 10 .Ith these Ihoold ber a llAye. how many time. are 10 enthusiastic that 1 feel like I be plain linen. with aD edlin, ' of am perfonninc .. ,nal lerviee for had been sold and re,old, nu lace th.t loea With the crocbet manlilnd." one knows. Bu there ahe wal, work on the doU:r. . Han8,reda h,ave told Willa of the Hosea might easU:r have atood Closea Aeeeuortea Prove and lau'ghed' bitterly In be~ bedrag• blesaed benefits 01 HADACOL and •• ,p..neat8 . the .loillowlng statement b:r MI~I lied fac·e. It servea ber rlgbt. be In~pen.lv. ahower preaenta luch mlgbt. ~ave thought; The way of the BettI. ;Lou Lobb, 720 Colj.ege St., a.. closet aecealortes are frequent'. trans'l!'ellsor ia ·hard. ' abe made her Bethanl', • weU-kno.n alnpr, la a 13' well received now .tha,t do,et. bed 'and now abe can lie iii It. Jua- IOOd eltampl.. I. are ,ettin. such lI'eat decorative tice liaa been done. 't am avenged. . "I .lUl ' tired, rin down ' and lOit attention: And with a parting' cme he might my appetito. I iuUe..e~ with pstric Two or three durable boxe. bave ,one IWI way. dilturb,mceloi I .had tried almolt wbIch you may. alread:r bave or eVUyth'l na but It didn't ••em to help 8omeho. beneath aD , h e can purchlle. · rna,. be covered me. I tWt ,b'e gd about the 'Wonder· ahame and dillII.t~en'. boo carefully with a durable ·... Upaper. fill ruulta HADACOL bad been Deatll the billeI'D'" and the and thu. live a prellent whIch paID, 1&01 tile old lo.,e . . . .11_ brin&,ing to ao many of my friend .. every bride can uae. You may 1110 brtp'; p,a,lnc tile amal1 Soon d 't er-taklnl .HADACO~ 1 "aa use glBled C;hInts or lome of the price aalted • . be took Gomer feelml much better. had no patrie plastic materia" on , the market .bome·a ..... Love 1uId.lIODqaered lor. coverin.a. ar.turbtIJice.~ and had a ~ond.r(ul ap,.titll. 1 am ' no lon,er nervou.. I too. there are ba,. of aU kind. whlcb may be made at honle ' Lob, before ,Ch,riltl4nlty, Hoa•• aID aUl11 tliat HAnACOL lad belJlljl either of pla.Uc materials or dill that rarely Chrlatian thlnl. he ~•• ll:Nt ·deal. ~d I recommend it ireated cotton. Ut. chintz. Blank. did 'DOd to one who had done h.lm . Ie mJ f·flend .... ets. plUow.. extra aheets and tow. harm. Gomer 'l'aa unlovin,. unlo,,··· Mila Lobb aaftered with .. de-Soh Will.. fl!moaa , "atera aaale band Iluer, 10.,. te talk .llIa hla ela. ahoe ~Iderl. lInlerie ·ball. able; yet he loved her in api~ of alL flcIency of B Vitamin. and Imporfana at ,~e TrlJnon Dalldlnl' aadltoriu" ill Oklaho.a Cit:r aboat the al well a. envelope type bagl tor taut Mlnenla whl~ ~~COL blf1J8lnp of RADACOL la til, plctare MI. Betty Loa Lobb. ~20 ,loves. handkerchief, and Iiole are Sennonl From the Heart I contaiilil. ' CoII"e 8t., Bethan1, Oftla... tery pnlmlalal' :roang alneer, teU. Bob how lome that' can be maile. HIS BITl'ER EXPERIENCE Goes - A lack of ON)' a amall amount of RADACOL hu ~el~ her; Huncirecla af folb who are ohtainlng, 'rich Pattern• . for the.. may be turned into a blesslnti. tor Hoad b B Vi¥ial and ~rtaln ~ bl_lnra i~o. the 'precloua B Vitamill. and Mlnerall 'ln HADACOL "Ialt ch~sed. but they're ~o simple. you and for his nation and for ' lal. In trill caulIII clJ.eative:,dlaturbances•• : .. Willa each ' .eek for hll netw,r. - bnla~cast, whl~ Is originated ' frola can cut them o4t of tissue. Enve. our study next wt!ek we shall see }':our f'ood will not' a,ree with KBYE, Oklahoma 'City. Oklahoma', '!'retern music Itation, .nd sellt lope types are preferred; and the bias tape used tor binding can btl more 01. what God taught . HOBG.a you•.'. ' .' You ' will 'have an upllit onr a leased wire to lltatlon .. KRI\IG, Tulsa; KwnN. Fort Smith; KGL~ , ' atomaeh• ••• You will 'luffer from IIUaml. Oklahoma; {{LYN-, Amarillo, and KWFT, Wiehlta Falla. , . extended to give the bag a tie. 't hrough these experiences. heartbuirnr, ias pains, and lour food I . Bnt tbO , I r II I thlDe BoSea l! YOIf want more luxurious will 10u;r.IlAI~ , yopr ltomach, and ,ou ',I t Is easy to understand. therefore. large family or hospital lIize. WI! Wloa tlJ!t& the experleDce I. e arned ,types. consldl!r some ot the quilted win npt,. b" 'a}lfe to e~t t~e ~inga why countless of thousands have ' al urge you to sav.e money--only $3.50. Will. lessl!Di 'God's leslloD. He sallns. flne silk crepes. or qUilled YOII ' like for tear 01 being In hllsery ready b~en benefited by this amaz· We are' so f.irm In our' balief that could even 'Iook back on th~ taffetas. Sorae of these may be afte.rwalrds" Many people also Butfer lng ~onic, HADACOL. ' . HADACOL will help you thnt , we trac.cdy of ble marrta(8 : .~ purchased with the padding al. from ccnstlpation, And whM these S&, it matters not wh'ci l!0u are... sell HADA COL on a money-back s~ tbat God wa. lel!.dlnl' blm ready attnched to the material. . lIJIIlptOI1!'lB may be the 1~8ultB of it matter8 not where you live .•. guarantee. If you don't feei perfectly all alon&" froJA ..... yU!' Or_; Inexpensive but glamorous al'e other' causes. ~ef are lIurely and or tC you have tried all the medicines satisfied after using HADACOL 81 God knew wbat of .o.. aa hangers which arc covered with certainhr thl;! ay'mptqms and signs. of lun4~r the sun. give this wondcrCtfl d(rccted. just return the empty earGomer was and ... • :rei some of the rich malerlals. They th. laclt of the! B . Vitam4l1 •ana preparation a trial. Don't go on sut- ton and your money w.i11 be ".heel'be wlslted HOllea. '10 5a~ "ber•. are easily attached by hand, and Mineralll which BADACOL containll, ferlng. DOII't continue to lead a fuliy refunded. Nothing could be God iateatled thai be lIlaoDld •• you can add a note ot luxury by And It .uffer from al\c;h a dil. mlierable life. Many p'ersona wbo fa irer. throarb Ju'l ll tbowe~H: ' sewing aachets into the hangers. Two or three of these In a set la no known cure except have .utfered and waited for 10 to If your druggist doea not have Wlthoui the lr8gedY; ~e couia nOl make a lovely let that take I but have arrIved at the truth. Hlil ser· '~:~~::;:=~)~ of the Vitamlna 20 ),earl or even longer. are able HADACOL, order direct from Th • Uitle time and expense. monl thencefortll cam. from the t which Jour IYltem n~. to ll:ve hllPP1, ,comfortable Iivea LeBlane Corporation. Lafayette. Good quality purchased Turkl deptbl of bt. bean. KOlea. lIke:a» apia because ·BADACOL .upplled LouIsiana. Send no mori.y. JUlt 10Uf .•u u ".... vvu eontalna not onlJ 0111, the Vitamins and Mlnerall .hleh ~ towels dBlerve 10 be drellsed up the prupbeta. denounc,e d .in; like till B Vitamins. BADACOI, tllelr lIJIt.ma lIeedid. Be falr to name and adllrela on a pmn)' POR with. monol1'aml to make a reaUy all the propbe.... he could .... the appreciated ,Ilt. Center the mono- latal eUecla of '.In em Ida naUon: COD.~~ IIOt onl, on .. but. of the )'I)unelf. Olve BADACOL a 'rllf. card. Pay podman. State "hethu lI'am about two Illchea. above t.'le n.euU:, Minerai .. It comes to )'011 Demand the renuln. BADACOL. lOU want the 1S.150 hospital ~onom,. ~~ &h. lalamalklAaJ counoll lower hem on bath towell, aUIht- of CCoPl/rllht ...111 .lIlmll,ted In Aeeept IItI aabatltutoa., sin or 11.26 trial aiu. Remember. Rellitioua E4uoaUoa CD tlebalf Of 40 ProlHte'nt d,aomlAaUoaa. ., Ina .. pe.t or wash WInl r ••hIra.1 ao that It eu 10 TrIal ..... 0111, a.2&. But If )'1)11 mone, elIllrfull, ntundttl ant... eIotba. .... 10 fO~QJlate . . to -obtaI" tW lOti .,. 100" .. .tlifll.....~AlII'~ ..
.. '.
H·u.n dleds Tell 801» Wills Of Hadac.o l's 'Nllmerous Blessings
H_ ....... bOIlSMOltl M''''qriu
;your part$c;ular IkW, but no t1Pe will conlWDo much time. If :rOil know wbat the bride', color sch.e me II. then carry It 'oul sinca POt bold. era are most hand)! when theY caD' be bun, near til.. rallge, " Many dellml ar4l. avallabl.. and they range Irom squares to circle. to flower pot and tea pot Ihap.e s. with appropriate decoratlonll. Pot holders should be Plldded enough 10 tbey wlU be of gOodi practical use. Use heavy yarns ,..,hel:! crocheting or knitting. For those .whlch are sewed, use several tbkknessell. of matel'lal Inside the llfter to provide proper Insulation. ' ,Edgings on any of the three typel make these Items practical. Plan to use some of the new. Ius. cious colors to iet ~pecia cular ef. tects. Bib and bostelll aprons to match either the clotha or lifters de• cribed make attractive lets ...
LaYlIII or Simple Gift. . . .,. be Cltosen Fran, '1'1141.. U ,ou're lookln. for aD Idea for en tnexpenllve luncbecm aet. wby IIDt mike one of cbec:ked Ilnlham?
Bed and white checka take ea'llJ • • royal blue edlin, tbal II .uU,y QP1JacL AppUqu.. fa dlffenat
pe~rl baUo~s.
Keep Posted on Values
Lesson for' May T. 19st.
Tiny dots of biack decor, 'e lbill pink washallle rayon crepe dress for .prlne. Au aUractlveIy, prlccd dress ' from a. Nc.w York desl,ner. WI! 'allhlon fe~ turel luob, Important details 'Is cuffed. push.up sleev~. a black leather contour belt. the new. shorter lengtb ana cold·rbnmed
bnJ." .p~.","•
. Enclo80 ID ceDle '0. p.ttern. No• • •• • ••••••••
Tragedy to Truth
SCRIPTURE, uou •. t.......etalb chap. te .. 1.:1. 1 DEVOTIONAL READING : Paalm 111: 1·11.
Bel..... _
Thursday. May 4, 1950
This Charming Frock Is Young; Flattering
Feels Years Younger "81eeplcaDi,htedue to calI'ain in ooll'ee had me feoling like an old woman-tW 1 switched to I'OBTIIK. Now. with 8 hoW'll .Jeep every night, 1 feel .- and look yea,.. younKcrl:'
• .~
SCIENnPlC FACTS. Botb cQO'ee aud tea ·contain cnffcln. So, .. hHe many people can drink them without harmothera. ca(Tei,,·,u'CCpliblcs, suffor nen'-' ouanetl8. Indigestion, sleeplC88 night&. POSTUII cont.aina no caffeio--nolhi,.. thaI can po..ibly It~p you awaJcel
MAil. THIS TIST. Buy INSTAN'I todny-tUink it escluaively f~ 30 days- judge by rt!IIu/IB/ ••. [Nfn'ANT POSTUII- A VJgoroua Drink msde from Healthful Wh eat and Bran. A Product of General Foods.
fit-ILQUICK. and
Like a Cbarm CHARMING frock with a pr~s-up air, that goes togethiil like a charm. The keyhole neckline is so young and flatter· lng, brief sleeves are cool and comfortable.
• • •
Pattern No. 1581 Ia a •• w-rlt. rated pollern 'or .Izel I!.. 14. 10. 1 aDd 20. SIze U. 4\10 yarda of _Inoh.
• • •
The • .,rlnl and .ummer rASRION II . . a ho.t of Idea. for a .mart .ummer .... rdrobe; ....·d-I. fabrIc new.; fr•• pattern prlnted .1nIlde the booll. Bend 16 nDta 10-
.Van Camp'. Pork and .... .. Tomato Sauce
IEWllfQ ClaCU: PAft&&1f DIIDft•
. . I ••" •• u. II., «*J •••• " ... Enel.,.. II ecDta In coJu for ..... patta.. 4aaJrad.
PattiI'D ............................. H.... ..............: •••• : ••••• : ...... .. ~
............"., ...............
.. •• MCnt
""orr tAlalato
...\lee.....eet leader polk •• ; wi th JlafJOr ,"rough ~. Only ·Van Camp'l ••• originator _eel pork
That's TelliDr HIm A diminutive lawyer, appearing as a witness in one of the courts, was asked by a gigantic counsellor what profession he was of, and having replied that he was an attorney: "You a lawyer." said the giant. counsellor, "why I could put YQU In my pocket." "Very likely you could," rejoined· the o~her, "but if you' did, YOll would have more law in your pocket than you ever had in your head."
p. yoa 10 much cood eatiD, at IUch little ooat ofmouey aud~
heIDI •••
• • •
Ob,Ob! . Barber: "Was your tie red when you came In?" Customer: "Of course not." Barber: "Gosh."
iiiiiI I;4L-l;I . ,'4 ~'3w 4'_ . .tI.l. CUll ASOmiia IRESSII&
8001e'. Assures 'Sturd, CIICIS.~ 'OULIS Get row dalc1t and poah,orden Inco Boote'. rIDe • ....,.. BooIe'. 2' ,..,. or batcItoo IDa ape:rleace I... we cop q...tiry birda ••• M[aneaota U. S. ,A.ppIo.~ PIIlIo..... CoaaoUed. Stu...t ppjJ_ J 19 ....ka. old ...lIb Z·...eek U.,.bIUI1 _raDIN. Stan" PJ!alll l 10 8 wu. old 54' aad up. Fut uuck dellyery OD Olden 10 Dakoflll. MiD.... WiI.,I,,-IlL. Ne"'. Wrire lOr compl... UadDp end prica. SpecW OD low.
HATCHERIES, Inc. WoriliagtOa, Mianesota
ftAlNoe COU . .
Seo'. Ideotific proce.. cuts oiCXJio tiae conceat to half that of ordiaary dprenes. Yet .killful blcodioS miIr.a eul)' pWf a pleasure.
.... . ,....... . oocra.
I'LIDoIIN(J.IlALL TOUopo 00•• lNO~ •• 1'• -....-~,....,.,
V~~I1<IIIf ' Df COOL. IIOENIC GUNDE1J& 'I'BB m.oVDa. IWDI, GOLF. BIDE BOBIlEB&CK. DANCE. BID Cqm •• Uve and enjO)" the refreahlna luxury of th1a WOJU..D.FAro KOUS RESQRT. II mUes from Chattanoola. Sw1mmInI Pool. 101f. archel'7. beauty and lown Mop. America'. most beautiful patio opeJl evenlDp with dueiq beDellth mrUt ald•• to the famous Lookout MOIDltaiD Orc:hntra ••• Rates $1.00 and up dall7. Iftclucllnl meals. awImmln, and patio danciq privileps. (Speclal famIJr and .alODal ratet.) Write to Lookout MountaiD
Hotel. LookcM 1I0IDl.taJa, Tean. OPD' MAY TO OC'l'OBER.
Phone 3-1'HI ChattaJioo...
rACE 1:1 .IIT
1 1
IlliiillllIl@,l!~IIFI;!"III' 11111II111111111111I11I1I~lllll li!!IIll lIIlllllmlllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111
TWIN THEATRE Waynesville,Oh'l o
MAY 1950
Clo d on Tuesday arld Wednesday
DON' T FORGET TO CALI. uS for insurance. AU types of in urance a I a sav in gs. # Call Frnacis Gene Brown, Phone 'Waynt:sville ~472 'm caU collect, Wilmington '2 111 . ---;'ARREN BRADDOCK
G .
Top SoU. Haullnw. Sand, Gravel Exca-vaUng With Back Boe, . DJralr-llne· and Bulldozer WaynesvUle, Oblo Phone: WayDIDavllle 2191
Television's HAl HA!
- In -
In ,
IJANK RUN GRAVEL- LOade'l, at Davis Furnaa Pit. 50 cents Ifublc yard. We alno deliver. ARM· l'rAGE: & S ON, Phone 2091. U
6: Lost
Plus: Joe McDon.k.·s S borl
MOM Cnrtoon
Wa lt Dls nl'Y's
== = == == = == .==
ICHABOD 'and MR. TOAD (Color) With DING CROSBY'S SlnglnK
== ;;;;;;;; -sa
= §§ e;;;;s
e l'
= =
\Vo.ynesvl11e 2701 .
=== ~
;;;;;;;; 52
= ;;;;;;:
;;;;; = =
=== ==
MOM Cartoon
FOol' tbe Young In Henrt
as. 53
' . -'
AlJ klnds.ln all lengths l!lnd .wldtbs. Kiln . dried , Reasonable prIces. . All orders. large or smull will be delivered . Hog Houses . AC¥ I.AMB, Pbono
Illml ml l l lWl l l lmmll l l il l l l l l l l l l ml l1I11m111111111111111111ll1111W1111111ll1l 11111ll1il1111111111II1II111mll il l l l ili
PROFITABLE BUSINESS ,OPPORTUNITY No~ available for reliable con-FORcern or .dividual to be Dis- Refinaneina, Buyiq, Improving .. tributor for Reliable · INFOR~ATION ·ON REQUEST . B01Tl.E GAS COMPANY N.F.~AI Alto
. LEbANON, OHIO Phone 448
GAS ;APIUANCES ELLIS, H. Write Bo. E Waynesvine, O. II'_ _ _alBlmElHII_ _!I:II:8:I.o
NO:r NEW -
___________.. . ,-.1'.
,004 new. If suJt 1000 worD .habbyl ~
STU'RM, Sec'y.Treaa,
!i'flR RENT-Apartment. 3
(Contlnu.e d
Page Five)
we ha4 in Jan1lAl7 and February. It loob to me as thoUCh all the
gJ'01Uldhogll forecast III whether w;e Route 2 shall have the sJ,x weeks extra DEAD STOCK Phone 954Wl wlDter right then or whether we HORSES $2.50 COWS .e2.50 are' going to' ~t unUl after the , HOGS .25 ~WT FOR SAL~88 stove. side oveu. sill: weeb warm weather-lIDd then 1~ have it. ,8B It waa t.h1J year. ButAlia Sheep. C.lve~, Colta, etc. Pbone 2975. Ralph ' Allford. 'why complain about the weatb~r Removed Dally ....... iNp It w1U not be long before we will CAL.L COLLECT Tr7 41a.olvln, the aoap In bollin, b Wiyminaton 2362 Lebanon 439 water addlil. It to lb. waah- e .complafnlng .t he other way" In, machlnl!; thl! ' lIqul.d lOap does hot wealber ~7 catch us any JANES RENDERING
time, 10 we better aud cat to work. . 0
STARTED CBI€KS 2, 3 and\4 Week Old White Rocks and New Hampshires "PULLETS" 8 Weelu Old New Hamplhire. and White Rock. - Minimum Order 50 -::- 7&e . . Delivered
PERENNIALS now ready, painted , daillel, carnations, panllel, etc. St. John'. Garden , Main an4 Blgh streets I W~!!II' ville. Phone 2651. X~.21-5-4.p ,..._ - _ .FqR BALE- Extra heavy break· 'ut Iset. Table bas concealed leaf Will ,I~. ,John. 'Phone 2706.
. FOR SALE-Two cherry drop leaf tables, baby scales and car bed and Ileal PhOD~ 2632.
talktng ister. Phone 2982.
: _ . .I_·~-J".._I_I_._I_I_I-
N,C)·l 'ICE!
VOhualeer Firemell estimated that Ille:e ar. Amerlcall voJW\leer
"'OWl~ '1!iO.OOO
- Iremen. Compared with iJerhap.
,_'._.'.1 ___
- - - - - - - - - . . . ; . . - - WASHING DONE In my home. FOR SALE-2 year old spotted Phone 2625, Waynesville. . X-5·4·11 -1R Poland Chin.. boar, ~lIgtble to reg.
1t FOR SALE - Wall'lJl[JTlW!Ia:nple8. lOO,CJGO. run·tlme profea.lonall. the prlcell reduiled· on neat ly all lInt· volWlteerl lar,ely lellve the rural I~I_'. terns 250/"" , D.E.Stnn-dlfortl. dlatric:tl, .msller townl and corn. . ~ , . mWlitlel, 'lbey re.pond in manl
K-4·27-I)·4 ·11 - 3t
- ,etropoIItan luburbl, however, iQ. .. dudln, New Ycrk'i.
lome of
i:~I I I!I I I I II l I I I I Il I I I! l I I Il !l I ilil·il!l il j!lIlml! !J;I;llmil:'m!ll!!1 1 I I I I I I II I I I I II I I I I II I I I I I Iil l l lil ml l l 1 1 1I1 1!lml l l l l l ~
Also Ubiko Chiok Starter
Bodson ·B atehery
.t TU, e 8'day-·F·...:II~~- 0
Especially For Farms
Est. i 908
PICK .U P Uld Delivery ~ _'- dul I."t'L d from· .8
Immediate Delivery Hatch•• M~nday and Thursday
room ~ .
FOB s.ALE--3-year-old grape vin-e!! . Parry Coo.k Main street. . X-27·Hl
. MAY 9 t 10
light and water JUBt nowly decor· ated on :lrd street. Mrs. Effio P. Cook. X~4·2 7 - 6·4-1l
before ;;;;;;5~~5~=5;~.~be~t~te~r~2~ob~."~~;;;;;;I
X- 4-20-27- g-4
mak. It look lib D."I
TUESDAY. ,.--. ... -
01' l·e~;Iste l·ed . 'MIL ' F.. Hny. WnYIIIIR.-
Douglas Dick • Frank lovejoy· james Ed~/;)rds Steve Brodie • Jeff Corey • lloyd Bridr.es
FOR SALE-Two bellgl PIIIIS, 4 rnonti;S old. ou t or Hay's Freckles Ilnd Wolfcreek Bang. Not' Stlll·ted
Send It 10 UI n.ton ,that trIDi. Imart· look,
modern TWO'bedroom white frame home, hot wate r heat. NEW HOUSE Also large pacbmen windowB. garage . Shrubs and treeB ·m back. NeW' Four Room House - Two Large lot, beautifully 10cllA.ed Acres or Ground-Near Oregonia Priced at ,8150 . . - Vacant - POBsesslon - Priced Three room well constructed Very Reasonable. cement block houso, out build· Ings. 2 acres on Hlgbway 741 S. of Bprlngbor~ Good Loan value Priced at $4900 • . - .:.. ~"- Beautiful properlY for lleBt Home . .Rout 48 No'r th of Route ~s Call: Phone Centerville 7051
X-4-20-21- g'"
FOR SALE-Two regIstered bf' Rgle alit of Hay'H ' Gold II' lIud Sehen' s Bing, 1 mBle, J fl!lDll l e. Both sturted. MflX E. Hay , Wflyn p 8' ville. Oblo. Corwi n R. ll. 3.
P Ull8
~~a.i'lge .
Roy E• SPH"Ih. .' -Sroker
48. 5 mi. South of
Live WIre and ProgrelOel.lI. An organization second to nOlle. Strictly sellers on the beet all' around ,market . In the country. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES ,
For DIII,Iy Market Aepollt.: ,WHIG Duyton. 12:50 F..S.T
WLW Clnolnnatl. 1240', Dial .
Wayn.• •vllle,IOfl lo v.v.dnes~y-~Baturday PHONE Cen_ville 7056 100~ORR16 BROCK COMPANY W _ _ _ _ _ _..._ _ _....~ ~~~~~~~~=====~I~"llllIIlllIIlll l I l l l lm l l l l l l l l l l l l l1I I I IImlllllllillmlllll C~!~mllllllllllllllllllllll l l l l l l l l l l ljl l l l l:l Il !P.!W~h:hl !li l l l I ~1
Itlerst MAIN & MIAMI aT••
Gara••. PHONE WAYNIL 2141
ROOfING ,. Of AU Inaul&te4
TYP.es .
BtJab... ....
toe S14lq. . . . . lIletal work of aD kIada. Local ,lief. . . Gee. .AD work I1W'UItHcL
HOwARD ' W" HAAS , Route. .
Phone W.,.....III. _
Dead Stock
BOI'lIIIo tuG .. Cowl, tuo BGp - 110 cwt. ~toSlu
u4 CondItin. , CaD
Xenia 4St ...... aa.ra-
~. F8rb1izer
Armitage &Son SAND ..... GRAVEL
LEBANON Office 4nK . RI!a. 118L MORROW No••
fiNAL' HI6H SCHOOL cn NeERT ' ON MAY 17th .--------. •• About Town m) azette e .
... _...
Waynesvine~ Since 1850
WAYNESVilLE, OHIO, ' THURS~A!Y, MAY 1 t , 1950
!Mr. and Mrs. H any aUertbw1'Ite we re Sunday l:a Uei's Ilt tile ~lOme of My. and Mrs. A. O. lillr· baugll neal' Sprlngbol·o. The Senlorll and. Juniors eu' joyed their annual "prom" on FI'I; day evanlilg at tb Crescent Oar· dens In Cincinnati . Mr. and Mrs. DOn Ga hl'ls and dnugbterl:l were Friday nlgllt nntI CIVIC CLUB TO HOLD MlOSaturday gues ts of tile latt{'I"s '!lar· SUMMAR FESTIVAL ents In Un ion City, Indlann. :. HERE IN JULY Mrs. D. . Ridge' lInd for wee\( enlL g\lel\l.s Mr. li nd Mrs. Paul Valuable Awards. To Be Given Sowash ~rom Mllns[Jl'ld, MI'. nnd in Three.Day Spectacle I Mrs. Barl I?ans of' Dllyton, IlIIIO, on School Grounds were SlInday dlnn"I' guest s. Mrs. Gilbert Frye find Mrll. S. S,. Ellis werc cohostosses 1111 'Friday 'Phe Waynesvi lle Civic Club wUl afternoon at the home of tho fOl'ln· S POIlBOI' a tbree-dhy mid-ilumDier er, honoring Mra. John H. Hage' festi val On Thursday, Friday and mayal', Il recent bride. with a bl'ldal e,atul·dIlY. July 13. H . and 15 to show r . Oames ' and contests were Ile held In ~raynesvlJlo on the t he d h'erslon Qr tho attcrnoon, IIna B bool groul)ds. man'y \Isefu,} and lovely gifts were Various OOllcessloos Ilnd rides OI)(lDecl nnd admired bY' the bride, ' will be In operation for tbl! benDulnty, rerrc!lltmentll . w4th 11.11 a' em of 1111. pOintments In pink. and white w re On Saturday afternoon. Jllly 16 . Ilerved by t he ho stesses to t h~ J ot 2 o'clock, there WIll be a mam: following gnest s : Mrs. loll n Hall , moth parade. with various banda Mrs. Fritz Powell, l\frs. Harold parUclpatlne, Cox awl son. Mrs. Cbarles Hago· TICkeb, now on sale at 25 cents, meyer: Mrs. Estel Hngemey r und or 5 for a dollar. may be bo1lllht daught r, Mrll. Amos Faucblld. from any. CiViC Club member or l\irs. Harold S hutts nnd Bon, Mrs. any member of the Rotaf1 Club, ilenry Satterthwaite nnd children. or at the Miami OliMette orrlce. Mra. Reba Braddock, Mrs. Cora. IThursday's priZe will be an Elec· Rich, Mrs. J. Ir. Slick Lt. the t.r'.Io sweeper with attachments, honor guest. Friday a Maytag wasbe.. will be .Mr. IUId 'Mrs. ,Jobn J . Dnllk.e and given away, IUld . Saturday's Grand Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam StroUile, with Prlze will be a,lG-plece living room Miss Marilyn Buske and Mr. Dale Ol~tClt or '460.00 In caah. Dufree of Bowling OTeen nlver· 'You do not have to be p~86nt slty. were ra ent ' l;I'llests at the :to win tbe grand prIZe' on · SatDutfee home in Co]umbllS, when urday nigbt. .. tbey enteJIta.l ned with a dinner .ho dB tlteblrtbda,y !lnnjvcr~.ary
~ ,., ~r, aud .M... A.
, Ohioan Named Ameri,.'s "Boy Show Dog Fancier".
In a.n effort to shOW our apprecto out tine Basket Ball for tbelr splendid recol'u and to many of our stud<'nts who won bC)nOr8 and' achieve. :Iltlenlts In othelr fi eld s, the P .. T. A. SpOnsoring II. "Recogllltlon Ban. QUet"In whic:1l n,boUt 30 etlldenta 'irIl1 be honOr-ed May 13 a.t 6:80 l\(. at the hlgb scbool. We cor. InVllte. all Interested persons attend. Du.e to limited seating W, Will ony accomodate 20D. tlr'll'tI!lrAtll ma.y be purchased from B(lUlIberry at the high lIohool ExceptionAl 1nter'elt ja ,dOli bas pilld off for Emmett 'J. W~ , ir.• 01 Cleveland. Ohlo, who _ Drakes Drug Store at ,1.25 fUll ' been named America's . Slio,"" DOli Fancier" iD a. Following tIle banquet tbe boys tion conducted by the GaIn.. rec81Y8 tJJelr letter and award Research Center, New ~ork. certll.flcate1s will be preBOnted . Emmett.,von tile _title .. weD - - ---- this Ume. Rot Bevans. weU fl00 ' 1n ada and seroU for obedi~ work trainer at ~eat POint, wl\J with ... own ~ for hla ' " be the spealUlr- and followln. his deevora aDd 1Ueee18 in junior IuiIJj.o talk. there win be a d~ce In tbe c.... aod for he1piDe. .cboo1 I)'1D.D&8lum, TIlere ~t1I be ~ ~==::~ dOC~ a small 'charge for the danc,", Any The c:GID,1Mttltion ... *4dltll<inal IIlformation Clan be se)'VUIII8t.n uacItIr II wbo haWi (lUrea from M:I'8. ' 8. II. Ball, who ~ ~.CIdbT work ~tb tile chairwoman ~ .. eonaeetIoa with . . abowa .. hJd trials. Seleeted , __ . . . time were alao 8arbltll JALBERT, SIlIEPHARD
Seaeb, c.ur... .... "Olrl8bowDoel'uad...:Bow... •
W. Arnold. Wal1laIford. CoDD;, .. ~y l'ield Do, l'aDcler";.... Bonnle Mueller, ManJtQwoc:. W.... .. "Girl 1'1eld Dot:l'ancier.-
II I c 811 ay.
It erla l cJemon!l.lrnUon will n ;' \' f' pilln B of t he All' National a. (1. thp F·lll, lind Na.vy planes to ' be Inoluded are the AM·l, tbe "'fiF·5. and tbe PV-2. Air Foree p'a"es In tire nprinl s how will In· ("lllde a take-off of a C·47 w~th a C(" 15 glider, tllke-ofr of a. B'60, fH6 and F·8S. A formation takeoff of four F-80s and a jet'assl8ted (.T,A.TO) flight of an . F;-8" )'11m be 'I h. ,
tA.lbert Shephard, 9a. passed away ~t t.he home of' his brptber, Obarleo In Waynellvllle, Monday at 4 :SO B m.
He Is s"M'lved by one SOD. Law· ,renee at XenliL .. grllJldchlldrcn and ·DINE IN OAKWOOI) nv. grea.t gra.n!lchlldren and ClDe 'Elpieen mem~... of . •the ~ brotller, Chari., ' . .,...tve Womell'S Club enjoYed ~eral .~rVtcea will bebeld cleUdlRta din... at l"OlmllOl18 ! 2 PM ubb '
t' ~~~~~,,~.~,,~~,,~~.~.N~~~~ Eamhutat· 'Wm. Lukens, cOlDlDlUlder- of the see "ADiafo Get YOlU~ Gun."
WlRIGHT - PATTERSON AFB. DA'Cl'ON, OH,O There . are three things to Teinembel'-Armed Forces Day. 9pnday, May 21, and Wrlgbt·Patterson All' Force BaseIf you wapt to see aJrplan~s . Uter· ally by the dozen. \pre8ent planning Includes a ground sbow of 16 al.rcrart· and an aerial exhlhltlon of another dozen types. jThe static exhibit or aircraft that will be parked all, the "a.proo" near ' the exh.lblt ban gel's will ' fnclude at least one each or all types of Plan'e s being used 'by the Air Force. The flgbter group will be represented by an F-SO, 82, st, and 86, bomber group by B--46 and B50. There wl\J .be· tour types of cargo a.trcraft. the 0-54, 82, 97,.and 119. One trainer, tbe .T-33. one hellcopter, H-5, a. glider. 0-15. two liaison planes, L-6 ami 16. and a target plane, q-14, will he Inclnde(1 In the group on
~.• _t"-~cA!:;;'::'!, : 'oR: a
WIll. DEBATE ON ALCOHOL AS B£VERAGE All citizens of Waynesville and the surrollndln g areas are In vited to the Wayne8vllle , Church of Christ at 8:00 p. M. Bunday, May loIth . A mORt Interesting program If! 111'1'3 ng,·u which Is vital not only to &nch Inctlvldllal bllt to the wei· far(l of 0\11' comm un lly and nat ion. The program has been planned by the Temperllncl' Lengue of Ohio. The ' R,lIdleneo w llJ henr tbe . l pI'O~" and ' ''conlP' ' of pnrtakJng 01 aloo· hollc beversges. Do you .wlln t to kee l) Waynesville dry ? Do YOll disH I)pro"e of tl1e lise of alcohol as a beverage? Why? Do YOI! wllnt to see Wa,ynesvllJe voted "wet"? Do you approve of 1I ~lng alcohol 8S a beverage? Why ? Members of the Methodist churc!b a.nd th e ' Church of Ohrlst wllJ par. t1dpate IJi tbe program o~ well n.s M r. G. MI. Hunt and Mr. f\ P. Mc' Naught, representatlvea or lbe T mperanoe League, w'hl) wll1 debate the Q.ues Llon. A song lind devotlonal ~erv lce w!\l prec\!de the deba.te. Don'~ miss the opportunl ty of hearing thlll pertinent p~ogrllm " ' hleb i8 being .Iven , r . YOli .
SHOP ·IN MIDDLETOWN Mrs. Olen Borden. Mrs. Reba ' Braddook and Mrs. J. B. Rich wcr., sho~plng In Middletown Thursday . Ing spaco on the field, and (OT the hungry and thirsty. four IlU'ge refresbmeut tenta wUl be 1n opera.. - " . tiOD. Admlsalon Is free to this Armed Forces DOY '. celebration.
f'nDeral H'OIIIle. Burial will ·b e In of the sbow. . the ,venin, very ~iiml Cemet"ry. . The lIatel to th~ sbow area. WUl !"rleuds may .call at ·the Funeral open at 10 A. M. ,Sunday, ·Ma.y 21. , and there will be plent)' of park. home,
Cameraa ' IW'e permW4itl dy,rIDK
-I!'lch"~" .c. tJa.~, BOrca."Doit1oa. . '..........wk. -a
Jetter. da,. III lb.'.....s of aIlutterbqs lor It I. the only. time during . the year that pbotDgrapba may be " taken freel", .
a, Dlstl'lcl Farm Bureau local American Legion post. hall All enjoyed meeting 'at th.e Court b~\Ise In named Keller Hoa~ as cbalMnan mucb, Wilmington during the past wee 01 the :Memorial Day committee. Mr . Earnhart . was IL representa· Others named on the committee ENTERTAINS noRD ----~------------------------tlve Cram this area. a.re Col Arthur Wilde. Tressler GRADE IN COUNTRY Reserve District No... .c harter No. 2210 Miss Margaret IDlIwlll'(}s hn.a reo Hardin, Thomas Wblttamore. Wm. 8arbara Mliulldlne deUpfully turne4 to t he Frlnnds Home arter Sawyer. entettataed the members of tbe recuperating from . au illness. at third- grad~ at tbe beautiful' counthe bome ,of relatives In Dayton. try honie or her grandparents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs'. ·R. E. Asbury, with VISITORS FROJW DAYTON Mr. and MI'8. 'ROmney Deborc, of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elley and and Mrs. RDbert Furnas. It being Hamll'ton, attended "Gala Week·' 8t daughter, MarJorie, Mr. iInd Mrs. an Ideal day games were played IN THE 8TA·rE OF OHIO, AT THE CLOSE OF BU8INE81l' ON A'PRIL 24, 1950 PUBLI8HED IN RE. 8PONSE TO ICALL MADE BY COMPTRo'LLER OF THE CURRENCY, UNDER SECTION 5211. U. 8. RE. Purdue. University during the past Kenneth Evans of Daytbn, visited In the spacioul yard. A table VI,S ED STATUTES placed on the porcb wbere Barweek. They attended ' many fell' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey S\Jnday ASSETS bara opened ber lovely IIfta wltti tlvlttes and saw the production afternoon. . Cash, balances with other banks, Includ1n8 reeeJ'Ye ballUlce. and · cash Items In process '!'be blow. much '1angbter and " Vagabond King." of collection . . .. ........ .................. .... ... .... .. .... ..... ... . .. .... .. .... . .. , 363.65".15 ing ot balloons waa a treat 'for United !¥ates GOvernment o~llgatJoDll. direct and guara!'teed ... : . .. .... .. ......... ....• 714.157.!!'! Mrs. M. 11:. Fulkerson and . daugh· opened the meeting and roll call tbe ),ounptel'L ObllgatloDll o~ States and polltlc.a1 subdivisions ..... ... ........ ....... . ............ : .. , ... . . 267,768.111 ter. Zana ~tae, Mls8 Sandra, Dall was answered by naming one or Delicious refreshments or three Otbe~ bonds notes. ad debentures . . . . .. .. . . . .... . ................. ....... . .. ... . ... . .... .. . 40.000\00 and Mr. T. W. Van Pelt attended more nowers growing 10 ygur 4,500.00 . kinds of Ice cream and able Corporate IItoocks (lncludtnr $4500.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) . . .. . ...... . .... .. ... . ga.rden, t he centennial celebration at the Loans aDd diacounts ([ncluding 1Z6S.04 overdrafts) ... .. , . ...•. ..... .................. . .. ... . 443,006.98 birthday cake decorated "Happy Soring Valley Me!bolllBl Ohurch 'F ollowlng tbe business session, Bank pren:l1S'98 owned $19,500.00, furniture and flJtturea $4600.00 . ....... . .. ... . ... .... . 24.000.00 (Bank :premlses owned are subject to '-None )lens ' not assumed by· batik) , on. Sunda.Y'. Mra;o--;ftiibn Ie . Conner ""ead a paper, Birthday Barba.ra." was seJ'Yed to None Dr. and Mrll. A. E. StOllt, M r,' prepared by Miss Cora Shephard, the toJ\o$g: Carol and Sandy RAlaI eatate owned other than bllDlt premises , ... . ... ..... .. ... . . .... .... . . . ... .. ..... . .. ... : ,None Investments ~Lnd other Il1IS~ts indirectly representlne bank premises or other real estate ..•.. Rnd: Mrs. H . C. Hodson, Mr. a.nd . on "Daffodils" Mrs. Evelyn Adams Schenk, Allan Cain. Mlrtel Janes, Customers' 11l~blUty to this bank on acceptancea outlltandlng . . . . . .... , ...•. . .•. . . . ... . .'•.. None Mrs: ' Edgar Smltb, loll'. and Mfa. read ·Mrs. Helen Harlan's o~ Johnny Janel, Bonny MUler. · jamel Ot!ier . .eta .. ........ . .. . . , ...... , .. , .... _.. : ..... . .. . . .. ..... .. ... , ..... , .... . . : ...... . . 121.88 S. M. Ball, Rev. and Mrs. Sl N. '.' New Flowers In 1950" and Mrs. Jones, Charlotte Klonty, Bobby . . ---'~------TOTAL ASSETS ... , . • . .. . . .. '," , .. . . . . ... . .... ...... ' " .. . , .... .. .. : .... .. . .. •. . ' . .. ' ,l .847.21t3.93 Koys, and Mrs. Don BaJrl), ~r. lIdll ~mlth read an artlclCll on how OI:8Y, Jane Kenrick. Bobby Wool· LIABILITIES . Langley ClI8sldy and Mr. and Mrs. to prune roses. Mra. Ruth Bpoup JaJd. 11my Brow", Jean LaRue.' A. R Stubbs 8.t~ended thta Rotary showed how to grow begowaa aJd Janet . McMillan. Ohrlsty Daltoll, Demand depOIllts or Indlvlduols. lJ:lrtner.!hlplI, lind corporatloll s . . . .. . ' " " ... . . ........ ... .. . 1,168.416. 12 219,127 .52 Convention ot the Biltmore Hotel, Mrs, Alma Peterson ' rt!Qd a paper Janet Conner. the IAlana. Stanley TIme deposit!!: of Ind.lvldunl s. partnel'shlps, and corporations . . . .. . . . . . ... . . ... .. ... . .. ..... . of United Stales G-overnment (Including postlll savings) ." ...... .. , . ... . .. .. . : . . . 27,270.71 on Sundn.y afternoon and evening. chosen by Mrs,' Barger ,o n /'TUIJPBJ Carrier, Billy Jones. Jimmy Tullis. Deposits Deposits of States ond political subdivisions .. .. ... .. . .' .. . .... .... . . : ... . : ... . ... .. .. ,' ... , .. ' 251-,264.61 Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCulloch Mr,S. R. E. Asbury. guest of the a · '--'t f· k . . ' De Nona were week-end guests of r elaUves tornoon, gave an interesting paper SCHEDULE FOR HIGH 'Otbe;' :e.!sl~i(c~rilri~d ' ~d' 'c~'8'bl~~;~ '~h~~k~: ·~i~.;:: .'.','.'< .' .' .'.'.'::.': :',':: : :.,'::: ::::::: ::: ::: : 2;189.;1) . . SCHOOL CHOIR ' . TOTAJ..,. DEPOSITS. ... .. ............. .. ....... ' .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. $1.6&8,268.71 in Llnton , lndlana: \ on "Peonies," Sunday May 14 the High Scbool BUIs payable, rediscounts, and other lIablUties tor borrowed money ....... . ........ ...... iNane Mr. and Mrs. \"red Hook wore' This intre.tlng program was Mortgages or other liens, $ None on bank premises and $ None on other real estate .. . . . . . • . Nono • recent guests or' Mr. and Mrs Lec greatly enjoyed ILIld during the ao- cboir- wlll-alng at Lyt1e ' a,t 7:30. Acceptance& executed by or for account of thlB bllllK and outstanding . . .. .. .... .... . . . .. . . NonlS jAmes at MorrlAvllle. Mrs. Hook Cla1 hour dellolous refreshme~ta 1W&dnesday night. May 17 .at 8 OtlJl!r lIabllltl.es .................. .... .... ...... ........... . ....... ..... ,'... .... . .... .. ... .. 1.130.79 " 'Isited the church and scbool ' were sorved. -----o'clOCk In the blgh school a,udlTOTAL LlABILITIES .. ............. . .. ...... ...... ...... .. . ....... . ................ 1,659,399.60 wbere she attended In ber, girlhood Mr. John Gons, who has been torium .wlil lie the final concert CAPITAL ACCOUNTS days, III for a few weella, entered lIIlaml uri., The P,-T. A. mothers made 69 Capital Stock : Hr- 1LIl4 Mrs. x;ouls ·Fries were Valley Hospital on Friday, wbere Bunday evening guests or Mr, and be will remaJn for observation IUId new ' choir robes, (a) Class A preferred, totsl par $ None. retlrable value $ None (JRate or dividends 00 retirabJe value 111 - %) .The program that the choir put Mrs. Robe~ Meredltb and dallgb· treatment for several days. (b) Class B preferred, total par $ None. retlrable Value $ None ... . . ... , . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . 75,000.00 tel' In Xenla. , iT he W. B. C. B. of the Metbod!st On May 7 at New Knoxville Will! a . (lRate or dividends on .retlrable value 18 - ' %) huge 8ucceae. People there til ought Mr. HartJe,. MOSB, who was cD-n: church will hold ' a market 'on sat. (e) Common stock. total par $76.0(10.00 .. .. , . .... . .. . : ..... . .. • . . ... .. . ...... . '.... . fined &.t (Jbrl.t· Hospital for several Unlay, May 13th at the Stubbe our choir robeB so beautlful that ...... : ...... • . .... . . ............... ... ... , .....•. , ......... ' .' .. , . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . '75,000.00 SUrplUs da78, III Do.w convale8clng at his ' Furnl~ure S~re from nine L m. they were broUght In. Undivided Prl>llta .. ... .. .... . •.... . . ,.............. . ..... ....... : .. ........ . .. . .. .. . . .... 32,797.55 home. ill BeIIervea (and retirement account for preferred stocll) . .. .. ..... • ..... ... . .. . .. .. . : . " . 6.006.8& The W. S. C. B. of the Methodist un three p. m. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT church will meet on Thursday at}Mrs. o. B. Marlatt feU at ,her TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .. : ....... . ..... .. ..... . ... . . ..... .. : ............ .. .. IS7,804~48 Adnrlnlmator temoon, May 18, at the home , of bome Mar Sprlna VlI11ey durtag Eltattf of lIary J. Bcoflel~ De' TOTAL LlA.DIl.lTIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .... . ....... ...... .. . . ....... . .. .. · 1,847,20a.OIl ]\(1'8. Howard D~ond wltb Mrs. tbe put week. sutfertnc numerceased • MEMORANDA George Hendet'80n, )Irs. Don WOl'k- 0U8 Cll" IUId bra..... Notice la bereby .Lven that lDma 805,981.25 man. II.... Roy Creech. Mrs, Lee MI'II. Bert 8beeJum, who recenU,. M.. ScofIelll whose Poat omc~ Add- Mseta pledBecil or assigned to secure IlablUtJes and for other purpOS911 . . ...... . ... ... ... . . , None (a) LoaIlB as BhQIWn above are alter deduction of reaerv811 of .. .. . . ..... , . . ........... McIntosb. )Irs. Horace Sba.ner and underwent maJor IlUl'lBry at IIlaml reaa .. Warn.vUle, Ohio, b'e en (b) 8ecurltletl, as shown above are after deduction of reseJ'Yel of . . .. . .., . ................. . None MrI. Alma Pete1'llOD as "Blatant Valley' Hospital, Is DOW eonnl_c- ftl,. · appaIIlted .. Administrator State 01 Oblo. County 0[' Warren. BS: bost...... )I... Ra.y Colmer 'lUId bg at her home near IUdpY1lle. ol/the Jilata.te 01 Mary J . Bcoflel4 IEl. Jones, cashier of the above-named blink. dl) solemnly swear that the abo.Ye statement iJI 'M.d, .M'. D. BaIrd wUI lead the worKr. and lira, WIIUam Stroue Iat8 of Warren Counti, Ohio. de- true'1,toJamee lbe ,"Mit of m,. knowledlc and belief. shtP service ~d ba.ve cbarre of entertaiDed on Sat.un1Q eftDlDa ceaaecI.> • Jail.: E. Jon.... Cubler tIllil PMlftolllo 1rith )lr. &114 lI[rs, Xuelb WIlDated this 4th W of 11.,-, 1960. . SWOrD to and aubscrlbed before me tIiIa and dayof May. 1850.' The WRD..vtUe Garden Club lIaDU1 _ lIorro.... Mr. and lin. RALPH B. CABBY, L. H. Gordon; Notary PubUe Correct-Atteat: Jud ... or lbe Probate Court beld their II.,. meeUq on Thun- Omar JleUo~ or LelluaOD, Kr, and Seth .. run... w...... CIOGDQ-. OIaiD day a,fterDOOn with Dr. lDauDa Hot- MI'L Iloaah WorJmwl and IIr. &Dd a.. Oeo. J. aid CJrQ' AttJI· IOw.aF .. ...... at the bome ..lin. owa Broob1dre ~ WIIIIaIq- ore. PIlbll.W U.1Ns l1l'i. 1tIIa I'\I1'UI to.... their IutIti.
Waynesville .~ational Bank 'of Waynesville
Mau. .....
aa.1qv. irar.
Ch -lang LO$es Half of Nationalist
China .1 With U· Fall d of Hainan Island; Ed. I ors rge . to Joi'n Truth Drive
ITruman Tour PresIdent Trum:ln Isn't glvLng , hiG rival s a chance to cl.lt 'down. the
1 :~;;~~,ra~Cost n~~~;~~::s ~neJje~~~b
Cot 'Screened' in Washer
. Thur day, May
PARIS, rLL.-Lnrry Tisdalo'l cnt Is aU washed up a9 a stUT in
a make·bolieve televisioh ani· mal act. he pl~l1ned what he coiled a Tlsdale's yowlg sons, Batl'Y, ~~nO:;~OlJtiCal" swing through the 9, and Gregory, 2, wonted to p ny tclevislon. They decided 'r ho "nonp~tltical" tag that h:ls upon on :l nimal act. bee n hung (In t.he Trum an tOlll' hl\ s So, . they P'ut their cat Jhto ('fDlTOR'S NOTE: "' h~1l opinions are ,,"'prr. "~ 'n th • • ~ ."Iu",n. I b')' nre lI .... ut 110 ne CQuled, 1l \s, no doul>t, Lhe Uc • • ern Ne.w'lIAPor lJ nlnn 'a nll!W. Boaar.t.s bud Dot D, a~ nrlly oj t hJs ne""PIlpf'r.) th eir Inl.lndcrlng machine And orficial nponlng of tllis year's 'po· WI'tness , 1ltical campa!;! n a nd wlll . hove n, pre.tende d they were wato)ltng NA TlONALISTS: an animal act. with the ma· r,1'(!at bcn l' l!1g on the 1952 presiden· chlnc's glass door srrl'lng ns tial l eeUon. Half Remains the •'ielevislon screen. " ObS\'l'Ve'r~ ore Inclined to 'a gree Any hope tho western world may . Finally, howe er, ,they got n Ul l f.lve key ob jecllves are in thc have had that the march oL com· tired or the show and went strategy: back of the Democra tic munlsm in the Far East had been aw"y, leavIng the cat \n the 1. In 1948 thc Democrats swept checked vanished as Chiang Kaf· machine. Soon, Mrs. Tisdale 10 un xpect.ed victory because of Bhek ordered the ' evacuation of dumped a load or clothes ioto Tr uman' s popularity. They don't Hainan Island. Thus. one hall of wont that popularity, slowcd down . thc machine, and turned the . Nationalist China became Commu· switch. 2. Visit lind talk to the mid· rust territory, and the West listened Some mom ents and many Western farmers and thus extend for the first rwnors of the invasion yowls later she resc'ued a dizzy the port-r's ' hold upon them . 01 Formosa. and extremely wet cut. . 3. F!hd candidaies who. if Olect· It was a n embarras's ing d efeilt, ,will back the Truman adm~. ed, :lor ~lie Nationalists, who, having lst mtion . This Is telt necessary to prevIOusly bollsted ' or victories- ov· o~s el the revolling Southerners. er the invade~s, fo und it necessary . 4. Rescue and reven ge enter.into to report in the next breath com· the tour in that an attempt will 'be T~es' plete. de.feat. made to save SQme party falthfuls Observers said th.e 'Nationalists Lows F. ' Budenz , ailmltted and to pl.ln ish a few enemies. Ilmply "counted theLr cblckens" ex..(;ommWt!st Ilnd someUme. 5. To bring . about 8Qme disci. belore they ha lched" and, that the caUed SeD. Joseph lIIcO,rthy'. \lUne within the party Itsel! in an HAMMELlN, GER~Y - The Hainan command dellber!!tely Pl.lt ace ret witness. testlfled before ~ ffort to put on a united tront, stoty of Pled Piper Is taking a new out f·a lse news to prevent panic senate loyalty pro~ers tbat twist. . and enable prominent leaders ~o OweD LaUlmore, Far East ellt· PALESTINE: The City lathe~s ot thJa town are flee the island. pet1, was B member ,or a "Com. lookln. for another Pled Piper, aU Arabs Unite" Whatever the cause, Gener~l munlst ceU'" III tile Institute 6t right, bec.ule the town, which is Where there hod once been strife the tlte ot mall3' grain mil1I, la InChlan, found blrnseU minus five ' ,Pacllio ae.auoDl: Ne~ move among the Aa:a bs of . Palestine, now testea with rats and mice. Some Umles, totallnl some 1215,000 men,' ' Is up 10 Mr. Lattimore, there is unity · with the announce- OWclll1 contend that HammellD 11,500 SQuare miles of territory, ment that Arab Palestine .nd hu more rata pel' capita than any and rich deposita Of iron ore, coal BOMBS Trani-Jordan have united into a other , German city. : . ~ petroleum. l " _ single kingdom. ' .I IOST IlUJ'PriJllII, .n,le III the Russia Watches Rodent ex1ei1nlnatlon la bein, NaUonau.t'. defeat, in the e,," 01 The Unitett Statea aJr force dls. The unity create. the Kin,dom carried ,~out. by; ~!' laiesi. mode,~~ weltem mWtal'7 men, tl\e play of ali power, punctuated with of Hashemite J'ordan at whoae methodS, but health aUthorltiea compartlve~ small number 0' the explOSion of heavy demoliUon bead relana 'KinK Abdullab Ibn E1 sa" no decrea.e In the rat popUla. CommunLat Invaden, esUmated at bombs, jet planes, ' rockets and Hus.elll on • basis of consUfuUonal tion I. DoUceable. . 10,000 to 15,000 . men, Chiang'. fiamiDg (In bombs, wa. a big IUC' representative covemment, the an· Accordln. to ancleDt legend, .• armI~ outnumbered them alDio.t celS for the 1,~ .pectators, in. nouncement atated. Pled Piper (pled me.na many eol· '10 Co 1. . cludln, . promiDent buslnea. and The unification noUce wal .ent o~d) .ppeared In Hammelln one SpeculaUoa w a a immediately civic le.den and Harry S, l'ru' to the Arab .tatea and waa re- da" In the year lISt and oltered ' to celved In Israel without too much rid the cltT 01 Ita &:.t pllaue. He rampant 011 po••lble eog,erBted m.... . . ~rmo... detense.. Further, in It was belnC watched In other comment ' slnce Israel bad an arm· wu hired and walked throulh BOme QU~l'I, the IaU 01 Ha~ Q uart too ' d.... .I_'_I.tr isUce agreement with the new Hammelln tootID. hi. flute. All erl, ,an ...e I\..... IIUUI a· , Idngdom. . was c.Ued the beginnlDg of the end tion made no se~ret of ita hope However, Israel wal DOt pre- the rate. and mice followed blm 01 NaUonallat China. that those quarters would be duly pared to accept the annex.tion. and drowned m the River Weser. Imprel.ed. In fact, the govern· Observers a,reed that the ~ove . BUt, the le,eDd ..y., the' town ment hoped the explosions at Fort millhl prejudice future talks when refused' to pay the piper bla aareed Benning, Ga" would be . heard all points concerning the ulUmate reward .0 he piped all Hamelin'. Truth ~ampaign children-numberlne 13G-'-<lut of the across the' AtlanUc at the moment peace are d!sculSei( Mltor. 01 the naUcin-nttle and when RU8sian and American rei.· city in the ,lame way and an were • b1s-bave been asked to ,oln the tiona were at their lowest point. lost, except two-one blind, .t he areateat campaign III the world other lame. Every Iwnmer' the U. S. State Secretary Dean Ache1Oday-"eampalgn 01 truth." ialry tale i. re-enacted here down 80n, who recently haa ceased pull· Bible Not . Included President 1I'ruman, .peaking !)e.. ing his punches, along with other to the 'Iast detaU. . Robert M. Hutchins of the uni· tore the Amer(can SOCiety of' New.· high government oHiclal$, hoped Now, If you think you can rid paper Edltol"lS, said we must make the display would warn the Soviet versity of Chicago announced the Hammelin 01 Ita rodent .population, ourselves khown as we really are Union that the United States was collection of the greatest writin, at witli a pipe or by' ant other means, Western civilization In a M·volume. you will be accepted with OpeD· -nol as CO.m munist propaganda prepared. $1,750.000 work, but the Bible wai arm.' III Hammelln-ifyour .ebeme pictures us. We musl pool our ef· To demo~~trate his hope, he not IIIcluded. forts wI\h those ot the other free works. , ' You will be expected, however, peoples In • sustained., SntenaWed said a lew. days 'later: " . . . the At first readers were shocked country must be strong, with dethe greatest work ot literatUre that program , to promote' the cause 01 to leave the children. There .re fteed6m ' agalnst' thellropaganda ,fenses orgaDlzed wisely and pru· In the history of man was not III. more 01 them now. den~, Jlnd ,with ,all ppsslble, re- clude4, but were qUlcktr re}leved' ot sl.vf!r7I~. 1 ,~ sources, for protecting qte area III by Hutchins' reason. '!ben , the President told the' edl· which thJs freedom ' abound.... The Bible,' he explained was not ~pert Claims Sprlnilim. toll' Bometb,ing they alre~dy knew" Of the ' burstine bombs and included because ' it already ill ' unJ· Sin, War, Not LaYl but no ,doubll ~ed tp t hear; available and almost unI. "There la' too much ' nonaense mighty guns Mr. ' Truman said vel'sally versanyowned. ATHENS, GA.-Day by dar in'o re about striped , trousers' In foreign nothing . when asked what im· The collection Includes 443 worka and more beliefs of ' mankind ere pressed him most. affair.. Far mOfe influence ill ex· by 74 authors and was sald to In. debunked-the late.t being the ' erted. by the baggy panta of the DECORATIONS: cll.lde the works acclaimed' "lndls. poetical whim.y Uuat ~ .the apring· managlllg editor." • peJlllable to the lJberal education Ume birds sing of love. The editors, In generaJ. were !D. War, or Peace 01 a tree mao in the 20th Century." Accordlne to · the tJniver~itY ' of elIDed to a~ee . . 4lthough the ffi· From action ot the United States The fust limited prinUne of 1,000 Geor,La blrd expert, they do noth· dtvldual poUey of their new.papers senate .lome wondered if ibis coun· sets had be,e n sobeduled for that inK of the kind. When birds .ine In mi~t or ml~ not be pro-adrninlJ. try , was at w.r or peace as that many patrons at $500 each. th.e .pringtime, Dr. Eugene P. traUon, I~ was high~e the United high body, decorated 10 airmen Odum liar', they are not warbling Statea cOl1.\\t~r~sted CouununJst who lost their lives in the Billtic, love songs or maUng caUs. Instead, ProPlIglllld!l W\1J1 ~uth. . , presUmably shot down by Russian 7 they are voicing the truculent calls , In a nutsbell the President fighters. . Billion 01 male blrdi "staklne" but ferrl· . argued Soviet propaganda con· To 'spectators who gazed down On October 9, 1792, with an audl. ,torlal ~Ialms, warning other male stanUy reviles the' UOJted States. upon the senate floor it was ob- ence that lead like the socIal regl· birds '01 their species ·not to "mus· The big problem Is to teU the peap!es of ' the wQrld exactly what · vlous the senators Werll In no mood ster, the first coins in the United de' (n"~r else. to dally, but Wed wIth a fury that States Mint we~e struck. Dr. Odllm says the first couple Americans are like. had ·not been experienced since a Prelent at that historical mClm(!Dt·l.ol weeks of spring ,In northern zones At home the editors 'are the' all. declaration of war against J'apan. were ~orge and Martha Washing. are p,etty much a man's world impOrtant b rI d g e between 'the (W I t h such denunciations as ton, Mr. and Mrs. Alexarlder Ham· far as birds are concerned. Male. Amer~can people an~ world affairs .. rlmlnal" and "barbarous" and UtOD, and Thomas JeUerson, Since 01 JIlany sllecles ' have no temales by inlonning them "well and com. demands th.t steps be taken to then seven billion have been minted. to call to at this point. 11he lirls are' ' prevent another lIuch occuJ;renee,Since that day 157 years ago, 31,. _till vacatlonlng "ln the South, Dr. pletely," the President adde~. U\e senators voted praise and ,dec. 141,346,843 pieces ot money have Odum explain. In pus way,: . oZ'atlons fllr the'· ail:men. been struck oU, with a to~alvalue O(.the specles that ', !'nJgrate , South 1 tor, t~e wlnter-IncludJn, Numerous foreign affalra ex. of '7,131,813,414.41. 16/000, Beds P1rts tooksi,>ecial note · of the state certplri ~lrI,iahes, swallows a'1 d The bouse of 'i-~pre's~tatl~e" voted department's protest to Russia, warblers~the males ' head back $2'19.000,900 tor veterans' hospitals which said in part: 'North in tbe spring a couple of and a $1,000,000 coast ·g uard reserve "The cause of peace Is not weeks ahead of the temales. trD !nini: proJect. furthered when the U.S.S.R. osten. Springtime is nesting tune and the The vote was startling In two regirls arrive. , . spects: (1) The house passed the tatiously. decorates Soviet ail'men "The males are the pioneers," bill With a record vote; and (2) in a manner calculated to gIve the Dr. Odum says. "Each bIrd ' picks the congression~1 "economy dr ive" impression, that they are being reo ,varded tor shooting down a de. out a territory when he reaches which hilS prevailed In Washington northern ground, ranilng any· during the past ,ye~r got a sudden fenseless AmerIcan plane." where trom a halt acre to ten All agreed that the prospects of jolt which was not unexpected. ac;res, . according to his living' As passed by the house, the bID a shooting war were not Immedl. babits. directs the Veterans' a dmlnlstra· ' ate. ';Then he Bings vigorously ,tor ' a tlon to p'roceed 'with construction couple of 'weeks to proclaim to of '16,000. addltio!lal hospital beds AIR FORCE: otherl . 01 his specle. that he' bas for war veterans. Chief Retires .taked out his claim and wiU brook WIth veterans ot two world war. no. trespassing.' . TI:iis I. to Insure The fir.t Secretary of Air under , demanding and needIng increasing reproductive Isolation during 'nestbospital aid, ~ong~essmen .veed President Truman's unWcatioD 'In, Urne and ,110 'to cut doWn on to the need, but shook their headl polley, W. Stuart Symlllgton, has c'ompeUtion for lood. ' A l bird i.n't at the Idea 01 tying • knot In the reUred. And, &I he departed, he concerned if blrdJ 01 other .peclei economy trend . becoming more .ald the Air Force IlghtID, value , . Yea woDldD', DoW II at tint . are on the lame terrltory~e'. popul.r a. a presidential elecUoD haa been elit. worrltd oDl)' about treap&I"!nI bl He declared the AIr Force com- ~. 11m thla .. lovel, ao.a. nean. n took loqer, IncldentaU-r. to bat · eflectivene.. had decUoed In De Bnoe wearlq tile 'i]endo b1rda ~ hla own kind. pua the : mlUloD dolla1'l for the the Jaat .Ix months bec.we Of. laM.· ' llea4 of ba1r lIrft1lle4 caUl lUarel than It dld to enact the reclUCUoD In number but ita efIi· , b,. a Bol1ywOOCl mUMp artist. DIGlor to T.k. .......... Jealou la_bud, B4~ . bNpital ,bU!. That, 'lOme oblervan ciency bad mere••ed. "'Tbere 1a a teDdenC7. t9 mix up war4 L. Br1ICle. abayed en her •••,p If C'ltl' point out. _auld Incitcata that perbapa the cOlllrenmen hay. DOt en· tho.. two .worda-eftecUvene.. and .......eqUa tr,eneI to ~ WABBINQToN. .... A 1O-".u"Old UrelT for.otteD their econolll)" eUlellDC7 - and lOJIie milunder. otller Iilea from ~ her. ......... _1ft. to th P . drl.e. atandln, bU reaulted," he added. She'• • ~ 01 ~at bill ~:.~ H. hall anoUler view to exprea., to ~ 01 the lePer colony alIo. He " .. ,convinced that Unwort''" tIien. '. JOin. Wut aDd their two ch1J. .event)'·JrOUp AIr Force WI. nece. dreD an wltb him. Urg. Relit Control IUT. ODe ooald ·DOt overlook, how- . AnDouncIDI th1a. the departmmrt Undoubtec1ly the mOlt 1Dlpopular ever, the Impo,taDc,e or ecOnODl1 Catholic clrde. eontlDue to b\lU ...41 tile doctor. Lt. ~ C. liemove of the admln1JtraUoD .lnce "liDc, the n.tion can be defeated \Vltb speculation caused b,. the HeIUJ. will run the leproa.riWD World War n ,has be.eIl the contin. br ec:onomic diI~lter al well ., aenaaUOD 01 MoDSllDor .. ran I which lerna aU U.s. ' trusteelhip uaUQJ1 01 reDt controls. Now. .ev. mDital'7 dlsa.teJ!." Jaeb,)'m relusbJa III front ot th.e P.CJijc lalandl. Born In ~c.IO, eral oHiclslJ have urged eXtension For that reason he had .upport· alCar of Vienna'. famous St. Stfo Dr. ~cNeW, .pent ,much 01 bl. of rent ccnitrols beyond their ached. ed Prelidenl- Truman's fO~"lIhl phen'. church to .,. ordaloed ....., , .... lIft1tlca, m., and now Uv•• In uled ent JUDe 30. P'OUP proeram. Roman CathOlIc bishop. BaDia ' aOl., C.Ilf., whe~ be hal ror an their 1elpln" and, al· He had one parting ob.ervaUon Be abruptly declined .ayIna lJe I aervIn. at Soao~.' county thouah Prelldent Truman hal ealled on econolllT: He did not lee bow • felt himaeU ''unworthy" 01 the for a )'eu·I ext8n.loa. there 1a • balanced budlet cauld be acbleved flee. Such. thin, had Dever hap. • reserve medJel.ll general feellot that thJa tIIM the with world CIOIIdlUau In U. state pened before In tile bIatol'1 01 tbe .. J8tumlnJ to .eU". dut)' coqres. wm let the law lapa•• allJpmt11t. tbe1 were DOW. Catho1lc chureJa. · .
Junior Sundress-lacket Outfit" Easy-ta-Sew Togs for P aytime
I llS
Sec ret '
Story of Pied Piper New Direction In Rat-Plagued City ,
For Sandbolt Set THIS adorable little sleeveless frock is just the thing' for the YOUDE' aDd PreUy sandbox set. Trim with colorful . ric rae and two saucy pockets. ESIGNED for junior sun-seek· . There's a tiny jacket provided to ers-a clever sundress with prevent sunburn. halter neckline and big pockets. ., • • For, street wear, add the brief P.altern No. 11460 18 a lew·rlte pert... bolero As young a' nd rated pottern..la slzu 1. 2, 3. 4 ., and' button ~n ~. )' ''0,.. 51", 2. drul. J\~ yarde o~ :JI.1Deb; pretty as can be. bolero. % yard.
• • •
BEWINQ eIReLII: PAftlliaX DEn. 11&., ~I'.r. t, nL Znelo.. IS e"n\l In colDs tu "oil'
"" ...... :".1..
Pattern No. 8578 u a ' .ew·rlte per'orated lattem In ' 11&". U. 12. 13. 14. 16 1!.n 20, st.o .12. dr..... 4~ yarde ol _Inch : botero. 1 yard.
pattem d •• r...a.
• • •
Pattern No. • ............ ,8tz. ......... .
Name ••••••••••••••••••••
Send wdllY for your copy of :the Iprlnll 'FASHI0N~1I'1 fWed willi 1deaa fo r ' smart summer aewlnIC. Free paUnn printed inside U,e book. U cents.
lInd .um , er
' t . . . . . . . . . . ,• •
Addre..................... , •• , •••••••
Planning for the Future? Buy U.S. ' Savings Bonds!
FINGER TEST YOUR COOLING SYStEM R.mo.. radiator cop of your car, place yoo, finger Insld. the rediotor fllI.r neck ond I_1M II around- if an ,"<cumulation c' all muck, dirt
".teI. dIG.
and rull ...sulll your cooling IYII.", Ino and flulMng now. .
'.11, I.e,.,
Mrs. BeUe Wal1ace, 449 FOlm· walt St., S. W., Atlanta, Ga., was nervous that: oIShe COUld . not even thread a needle. At rught 'ahe could hardly eat anything as ahe bec~e blo~ted and her stomach filled Wlth gas." Mrs, Wallace saY8 that she had ,suf· fe~ for a ; 10[1g time and had tried many dillerent kinds of medicine With Uttle or no ~~. A friend fiDall7 ~ided the dear old lady Co .takeBADACoL and obvioUlJy. Ille .obtained IQch qu1ek and pro~"t re!ie1; she feeta so much better. me " ,10 . .tidied that ' DO" Ille' 11 pedormJnl a
favor to b~r frieaa. b)' recom. meodlD, HADACOL and if th~
:;. ~~ :m'=":"~~ fe the mon~ they or _nt.'
. ._
- .. was aufferiD. from a def1deac::r~ of B Vltamini
highly' nervous I co Id 't . thread n nee<lle I ~ . nd • ev~ everything with little O~I~O But since I hllve b takIn RADACOL my nerves to of! as can be. I couldn' t eat a..., when I did my stomach use puff and bloat and lill WiJ'°uld, I ' am on my seventh boW ga&of HADACOL d I f 1 e better an , ee 10 mucb "I h' DOd ' ,
r::1i':t. e:\:ca '
Itom.~ed~ no:P~tlrandand m:r Uk a fill recommendedee~~:Jgt 1 ::ve .,
with .... I ~
number of friends and b al them that if it clldD't h ·lve.~ 1 too I'd fa . elp --- 1 haVe Co :ltor w.t,':~t II COL bU clone m. more~~ thaa anythJnJ I have ever tatea.. So, It mattAlra not who 1OU, - It ma~ DOt here ' ...... , or 111011 tried ~ J:.ve • • • c:lDes under the 8UD. If 1necU• de11cJea.... f B V 1011 lUffer -.. 0 ltamJ.u and live th1I wonderful p~_ Don': :=O~ento'le°cl0n lUUerIq. 1U ea a w...ble e. ~ pet'IOllI who baVe
and Iron. whleh HADACOL ClOn· taJnL She explaiDl proucP.Y ,that abe baan't bad to ....v to JlAI)ACOL. ...., r IID7 ACOL haa done me more I...... an 8IlYthiiur I have ev Ulten,"lII\Ya Mrs. Wl!llace, who ~ T" years olcL She has five dill. ::U~:aorppm~ years are able d reD, seven JrandchUdren ' d y, comfortable Un. two Breat grand children. ~ a,aIn. Be fail' to yourself, FiDd out Here is Mn. WaUac:e'1 Ita .qu.lckl.Y ifHADACOL can hal.. ment: ' . ' te- 0": It bas hel})ed othen ~
"I coulcID't 1l¥12 or eat until I d~=-B ~tamIna UId Iroa
:=~~~~~J!: ::n~n~tee. ~mon:t HADAOOJi, .~ _ lDlaU boUl'l of tbf .omlnr. I ... IUlllUtut8l1
11. 1950
12-Room House Is Good For the Sociable Birds
I . _,
FASY I No dciU rtqwr.... ' Il>ndl~
like portr
•• , and IurdellS
Keeps Apples Prilme ,Regulated Atmospheire System Is Recommended The answer to whether apples wUl ta ste as good in Mayas they do in September is "yes"-U tl)ey are apples trom spec Ially co,nstructed controlled-atmosphere slornge. That is the opinion ot Prof. R. M. Smock. ot Cornell unlversl~y's agrlcultlual experiment stntion. More than 100,000 bushels of apples are in 15 such storages in New York state, the first 01 their kind the country. "When thel7 come
New England lUeetiDg House
of birds. Set it high atop a post in
the back yard and f.ee how quickly you will have tenants which will more than pay their way by catching destructive insects,
out in April or Mayor June." Smock ~ 3 yS. " the apples are ex· pected to be of prIme q\lalily ." ResUlts of 10 yean; of experim ents ' sh ow that controlled·atmos phere storll ge will double the otdi· nary storage Ille of Mc intosh •. provIded the rooms are prop,~ rly can· struct ed and oper'lted. Good reo suItS- also were obtained with Delicious and N'orlhern" Spy when the varieties were stored separately.
. Smoother Performance-Dauble Life and nreater Gas Savings*
cated . . the worlel ot iN..., awaits ' at _ _ ....1GtfH wiU
Ulese specIal advantages by replacing worn-out s park plllgs wll" Ilew Wlde'fnp AlIloLite ResIstor Spark Plugs-the Dc'ves addition 10 Ihe com pIrie line of rcrnlar. tronsr.0rl. avIation. marino and' model spark plUI111ll 1I0D EngIneered by Aul\>-Llle. ·Cut.owoy view showl t~ to.OOO ohm Res istor which permit. wide, Init(ol gop sott lngs and make. these odvantag .. pouible. Ooub~. 11'. under equal condi .. tionl al compared, with narrow-gop ~pork plug ..
EITHER WAY Pfpe fans and "makIn's" amoker. lIoth find i,.~ter amoklng Nea.ur. In , crimp cut 'rl",ce Ailiert _ America', large't-.. lllng amoklng tollacco.
A " hOUsehold device ....,hicb auto· matlca Uy defrosts the refrigerator and a e llne e1ectrJc clock has been put on the "market. The defroster. the company stated. eliminates the lilousewUe's periodic. usually messy defrosting chore. wblch are so oCten put oft until Ibe linda time and a thick, inaulaUn, coat of frost has Ie· , cU1llUlated on the' freezimg unit. ' , Automatically. the defrost r tu.rns the refrigerator off at 1 a,m , each aay" aod ,t hen. aga'in automawc Uy, switches It back on aftl!r the , !.hin skin of .frost Is rem.oved from the unit. , Durin, the sllut-off peJ:'iods. mois· ture created , by the meU:ing tUm Is circulated through the box. With the ·defroster. whjch 18 a pre· clsion timin, lnlltrument, an)l eltc· tria refrigerator. old or Inew. easilY can lie made seit·defrosting.
Chlordane Is Effec~live ~t. Cockioacli Killer '1'be newelt and most effective InlecUCtde a,ainst cockroache. UId eenaiD kinds "of antll il "cblor·
daM.·· Two-per
eem apra,... with oU or water are for .... ID mllll1 da'!>Ar-tmIIDt. dru. aDd bardware Itores. '1'beee apr811 leave tum on nrfaj;n .,.. . . 'i'll_I:II "ome SD ctIDW'CI
CONFIDENTIAL Ever",.". you ..,I ....
vc.sctnblcs nnd Oowers. ' Tobacco ay·ProdoCtI & elM.1eaI C"lICIraU ••• IIclllIl•• V.....
tile ... wheN t~. "Vail., of the Moon'" Is lo.-
contnct and fumes.
frieodly iOSCClS, Leaves DO harmful resIdue. CaD bo mi xed with other standard ~~~r=j sprays. Proved dependable by 39 years of use on frulCJ,
U • sort of puts tho ap:ple to sleep and It never wakens utitil brought out illto IItor!, tenl-
MaDY North CaroUna ' farmers who ha ve never planted "Weel potatoes for market shoUld be able to increase their farm Income this ,ear ,tbrough the cultivation and sale of this root crop, according to H. M. Covington. extension bortl· culture specialist ' for the state college extension service. The U. S, department of agrlcul. ture bas requested farmers to increase their production of sweet po~toes by 12 per c e n t. Even it sucb an increase is planted, ,pro· 'duction would still be about 10 p~r cent ~der the 1937-46" annual average. Farmers who pJan , to incrC:l\se their sweet potat.o acreage this year to have some tor sale. should consider market ' outlel.s before planllng. Covington states,.
• Three.churn d r iii s (left) make blasting holes to bring down the copper are. Portable rail tracks are held for are cor loading; In 35 years of working this mine. an entire mountain wos, cut away, and a hole 1Y.t ,milts long b.y 1h mile wide by 750 feet deep is the result. Itls ,an open pit copper: mine, and oyer . 80 miles of railroad track run along its terrace~ to the bottom of the pit. About 18,000 men were used to cut down the mountain, and, at peak production, 7,SOD workers are now employed. From 550 million to n I of earth remoyed, copper are hal lIYeraged 1.86 per cent. . Exploration has COYU_ 1_ tha..- J per ant of
APHIDS Olle OUD«: makes 6 gallons ::'~o!IfI~"'1 of spray. Kills ar.hi~' aod similar sucklng nsecta by
O ..... r 10
Sweet Potatoes Make aluable Farm Crop,
• At tile bottom 'of the mine, 750 feet down, this huge electrically operated shovel (right) loads tons of are at 'one scoop into the are cars on a higher bench level. Note size of ' "lan in foreground for comparison. Huge shovels (below) move into a blasted area and be· gin to load the copper ofe cars. Chile gets 70 per ce'n t of its U.S. dollar income from the copper i.ndustry. ,
TWELVE compartment THIS house is for the sociable type
Completo d1recUons ore on pattern 340. Price ~~.
• Here ate first pictures of Chile's ','Valley of the Moon"~mazihg mineral frontier contoining the world's richest reserves of copper, iron, sulphate, n it rot e ~nd other treasures. The enormous potential of this area will open new opportunities under, President Truman's "Poinf FCfur" • . J:! r 0 9 r cCm.' Copper - is' '. Chile s number bne bLisi:: a TOO-,milliQn ~ifol: lor-a-year industry. Here (above) is a gener,ol vi.ew. of the ' Chuquicamata copper mine, containing the world's largest known deposit of copper are. -A worker (left) directs the head of a churn drill into the shaft to contin"e drilling for blasting holes. ,
/f)/' On electric fans, lawn mowen tr..), rollerskales3-rN·O~E OHI
e....".r.... II CONFIDINJIAL .......... ... _ ,
;t:: 'R
Elbbllehed 1850 PAUL A; SCHERER .... .. .... ..... . . ... , . . . .. . Editor and Pubiliher CECILIA J, SCHERER ..•..... ... '.. " ..... : . Secr ebry and Trealurer
Published Every Tllursday Morning at Waynellvllle, Warren ~o UlllY , Ohio Entered ns second class matter at the postotftce nt Waynesv ille, Ohio: SubscrlpUon Ratea-$I.60 Per Year, In advance, In Ohio, $2. elsewbere
MOTHERs DAY un day ' is Mothers Day - the day to honor the one who is dearest to us and ca n never be replaced hy anyone. We all h~ ve good f rJe nds and acquai ntances that we think a lot of and do a lot for and th ey do a good dea l for us, but when it is all said and done, nobody ca n take th e . place of our own mother. We should all of LIS honor the one who is clearest liS hy attend ing chltf.ch somewhere unday.
............ SVMMER As,th e summer season approa ches, millions of Americans .are planning vacation and holiday trips. In this vast 3,000,000 square miles of our nation 1here are fas· cinating and !tar away pla c~s .without number which may be visited, Those , who are forlunal e enough Htis ye ar to roll across the great plains and traver se the continental divide and the hloimtains of the West will see llreas as rich in history as any to be foun'd in the country. In all our wande rin g~ this summer let LIS not forget one thing safety to ourselves and to others on the highways. Thousands will be killed on vacation trips this ci let's e c-a reful and conside ra te of the other summer fell ow - let's not have an accide nt.
"btl ..
,ft"~'I"""~ ,e,
- :(_
" ' -• • A _ I I _ I _ _
... tiw ......... .. .
'*' ~ .~ . . , = r::;;,. . Alao Diabetic Canned Fruita . .
FOOD STORE PIaoae 2141
aewinc machine, 9 K 12 rup~ floor lamp.; Faultleu waab· mit machine; 2·bumer beater the same .. new; Tahle raclio; Mirrora, T. cart~ Wicker chair; Diniq room bible and 2 cbaira; W"'bouae efectric refriprator; Copper clad coal ....... ; Apt. . . . . . range (,pod); Kitclaaa table . and four chain; 'medicine cabiftet; 1 Dutch cupboelrd; Old bee. . . dove; Book CAM j Drop I.f table; som. prcIen too.., ~ea, cooking utenaila and numeroua other artidea not mentioned.. ' , .
Terma: Cub on Day of Sale
RUSV'u .. ~uctioneer Lebano•• OIUo .
Allm, with the will ' ann.x.d
of ttl. elbt» of Charlotte
Irwin. Clerlca
An'ram Snapp, dac ....d.
Botll e' Gas Sales
Ask .About o.u r
Installation and Gas
Spring Valley Hardware Co. ,
Valley, O.
I III,••
SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1950 - Commencin, at 1 o'clock 3 Pc. overatuffed livu. room 'e.ute; Bed room furniture incluclinc beda, ~a, wubitanda, tablea, bed clothe., hall tree, cbP'a; Old Oqu; Super flame oil beater, docka,
Phone 37371
WOILD ......... •........ ..
...... 1MWI. . . . . . . . . .
The underaianed Administrator with the will annexed of the eatate of Charlotte Anb'am Snapp, deceuecl, ~ sell all of tbe chattel property belo~ to the clececlent by way of public auction, at the late reliclenee, located on Third Street between North Street and Chapman Street, ia the' ViUaa'e of Waynesville, Warren County, Ohio, on .
. . . .1a. . .,_ ,. . . . ~,.. ....
ADMmismTORS' "AUCTION" """1,
..... ".. .1i.,:::. ,'=,'Ia
......... - ......... _., ....... ,.., . ,... ..... ..,.......... ......,..'....1iIII._ . . .. , .. ........
BI\uglll1, Plistor ' Mr. lJ ulrhld ServIce, 9 :46 a. m.
. YCM.!RJHOMI·,TOWM ·,AP•• ..... ,--., Y'... ~.._ ..
.......octJ.............. ~........
Church Scbool. 9:30 A.M., Harolll Earnhnrt, Supt. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL WorshIp Service. 10 :30 A .M. \'outb Felowslt Llp, Sundny, 0 :30 Tho nov. :inmuel N. Keys, ReClo l' P.M. Sundlly : Holy ommllnloll, 8 a, II I. I'dlllul'Y CllUI'cll /lcbool 10:30 n.m. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST (J\ IH'I! 0 through 8 ) Byron Carver, MlnlBter ~ A, llIlt \ orHh lp, 10:30 R. m. t Bible School, 9:80 A.M, Morning Worshi p. 10:30 A.M. Prayer Meeting, 7: 00 P.M. U T ICA E.U:B. CHURCH Young People's MeeUug, 7:00 Wlillum Shaunon, MInister E vening Serv·le 5, 7:30 P.M. Suntlny School, 9: 30 .\.M., MrB. .Il1ll1eS Garrillon. Supt. Pl'eaehlng, lilt. Ilnll 3.r d. Bu,..· WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF dilYs of eaeL ~montb. 10:30 A:M. CHRIST . I.~ y e nlll g Servloes. 7: SO P .M. M. H. Coffey. MinIster Bible School , 9: 30 A.M. MornIng Worehlp, 10 : 30 A.M. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Young Peoples' Meeting, . 6:45 Fathor n. H. Krumbolt!, Pastor Masses, 8 and 10 A.~. P.M. Evening Service, 7 :80 P.M. CHICAGO-Matching wallpaper and fabrics of identical pnttern . Prayer Meeting and BillIe Study CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS and eolor will give a "professionally decorated" appearance to the Wednesday. 8 P,M. contemporary, truditional. 01· much.mixed, period home . To interpret .ee Partln~on, Mlnl.tel' Lh~ new decorating t rend for lhe budget,wlse homemaker, th e Warner W011l1lip Semce. 10 A.M. Compllny here has brought out the Wut~rlhouse Co ll l'c~ion ~f hi;;tor ica l Sunday School, 11 A.M. MT. HOLLY METHODIST wa llpnpcrs and matchiJ1J!: vat d,V d chln t.ze~. ~11111Y IIlluKIOut.ye and T. M. Scaff. ' Minister versalile ideus enn !.Ie creat ed fOl' any 1'00 111 11\ t he huuse WIth t he Sunday School, 11 :8 0 ' A.M.• more than 60 styles. Wall lind windo'';' 1)l'qLltJnls nrc easily solved E. WAYNESVILLE FRI~ND8 A. Earnhart, Supt. with the colol'ful . ·lllIlCI,··to'lllnkh ,lIIall designs. Faln'ie uf lhe slime lj'JJ's t Day School, 9:30 A.M. Worship Service, 10 :80 A.M. ,cnlm' und rluttel'll for " lip COY,·I·S. 1 ,~ "spl'CI\CIR, c ll ~hi(jns lind dl'CRlli ll!! Meeting for W011lhl" 10:10 A.M. Evening Service, 7:80 P.M. tnlll !! ~ki l'lS add Ol'i g:i nulity, \Vlirlll\ h an~1 charm to the roo~~_ d~~_
·Cartiao f.r Do. . GIfIIn. ~ who tr7 to determine • ~ fpr . . ~ 40,.. IIODd1t1oD by lIatanlq to tht ~etqra" ~ !JII trade . . . ell colP,J.' bo.~ 'Gllta beart ma,. be ba~ ~ ltd, .",.m. ·Dr. W. J . Lentz of ~e tpeclll laundry tlUltruetloDl UnIversity 01 Pennsylvania veterl· Miss Mary Belle Bog1ln has bee n nary .ta/!. While the oa.r dllc (it an,. aN .eeded) and ftber connamed valedictorian , and M I II R rhythm In man Il.ould be reg~ar, tentl are the Important facta that . Gladys Kerns tile snl\ltatorilln ro,' even when the rate Is speeded up, mould ,b e on all informattve lebelJ. Ihls years graduating class. 'fhl' the rbythm in d011l may be hllhi~ to. "lIOn as an con.umera demand th1a informaUon, manufacturen By JANE FITE girls ytUl tollow that old custom or \la1J,y irregular without nece8S8 ~ indicating that anything la wr'~J '. wID "fte to U" that labela are . attached to aU at , their producta, Ruth Alice Rader, y o 1I n g 'e r making talks at the commencement Dr. Lentz JaYS. exercises whIch are ·to be presel!t· ...rdaughter or Mr. and Mrs. James ed at the school auditorium th e Rader, Is recovering from n sel'lous evening or May 23fIIness at her ~ome. rrhe students of tbe second grade Teryl Park, of ClnclnnllLl, spent presented an I.nterestlng program several days · last week 8S t he at the. school auditorium Weelnes· houRe guest or her grandparonts, day afternoon. The group Ijlat'rerl M,r. and Mrs. H . S. Tu cker. in two playlets I'MIstres8 Mnry'!\ lWy AbbQtt, of nea.r Centerville, Rose Bush" and "Little Bear In has lea.sed the' Brooks Garage on His Cave'·. Music selecelons for Majn • street, from the 'former the program Included " Freckl es" owner, Raymond Brooks. Mr, Ab· "Under tbe Old Umbrella", "Dad· bott, who ~pened tb e business Mon' dy.'s Little ~rl", WIld If I Knew day, operates anotber garage In You were Coming I'd Baked a Dayton. Cake". The program was Mrs. Fl.onmce Frost, accomvan· the direction of Mrs. Hel~n E. Rob· led by 14111. Etbel Stump, Mrs. R0ertson and Mrs . . Edna Bogan. salia: Gordan, and Mrs. Louise Flte Mrs. 'Clarence Healer and her and ber ' daughter, Miss .Jane Flte, ramlly were the guests SundRY of Ilttended tbe , motion pIcture pro· Mr. and 'Mrs, James Rader and. ductlon ... ..Annle ~t Your G\lJI" at the I r daughters, ' Marsha and Loew's theatre In Dayton .Thurs' Ruthle; ' ' da,.~ . Spring Valley Methodist ,Mr. a.nd Mrs. H. ·C. Burris or started 'near tbe .chlmney, causec! the IThe Friends church ~eld a Food Macon, weJ:e the wee k end hous'e church, at Spring Valley SUDd ay. little damage. Sale a t. the Grange Hall, Saturday guests of Mr. an4 Mrs. Earl Christ· Mrs. Minnie Welch has gone to - Quarterly meeting Is to Jje In se:;' morning. ' ~ and their daughter Cbarlotte. Ft. Dodge, Iowa to be at the bed· son at the Friends Church here. !l'be Senior O1as8 of 1960 were Dr. and Mrs. W. E: Frost and side oC her mothel', Mrs. Ellzameth Saturday. The speakers for Ule the guests of honol; at a bllnquet their son Maynard were th'e gues ts Sherer. who I s seriously III. M11I. progmm w11l be Rev. Lester given by t.be 1unlor Class at the Bunda.y of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherer, who bas s pent sevPl'al va- Figg;lns of New: BurlingtOn lIud Hotel Gibson In Cincinnati. Mls8 Eaton of SprIngboro. Lee Partington, paston of lhe 10' cations here, Is well knOWn in Mary Belle Bogan read the class Thomas Welch was the Sunday around the village. cal churc,h. A balket dinner will propbecy, Clive. DeBoard, Jr.. read guest of his son·ln·Law and daijgb. Mr. and ·M,·s. !Ale P artington at- be Ilerved In the 'home econ omies the history of the graduating ,class. ·ter. Mr. and Mftl. Cecil Linkous and tended the centennial celeb'·,(t10D.of of the school building, at noon. . . and Miss Mary Anne Carnes read f amily om ·L4iIbanon.. t~(Jfr last wUl aDd testimony. Fol· M11I. Ethel $tump was Il dinner lowing the banquet the group, .a c· gueat 'S unday of Mr. and Mrs. Burt C\ompanled by the blgh school fac· Cline of AlphL ulty, attended the motion' picture Mrs. Olee SqUires, wbo sUJltalned producton "A Woman of Dlstlnc· a fractured leg, recently, Is 810wiy tlon" at tbe Palace theatre: !Improving at her home near town . . MjISI1 Mary Jane Moore, of Day· ~he Harveysburg Volunteer Fire ~:-----'----ten·. spent tbe wee,k end with her Dellartm~nt was summoned to ex· mother, Mrs. Millie Moore . .. tlngu1eh a . fl.re at the ,gymnasium The Wlo C. T. U. met at the ·home Tuesd8.Y noon. The blaze, which of MrS. , Laura Shldaker. ThurBd'a y afternoon. The hOliteBs had charg~ of the devotions ILnd Mrs: Stella Vance read the le8son. · . . The B , Y. F. met at the JllnAh's RUn church Sunday evening. IMr. and Mrs IWnald Clark al7e announcing the birth of IL son at Miami Valley Hospltlll 1'bursday. Mr. ·a.nd Mrs. Rah)h Clark or near HarveY8burg, are tbe · paternal 'grandparents, . - _ -.
METHODIST CHURCH R. D. ColBmnn', Minister
~-r!I'I::n~.~ ............ ,ElF"" ••" ...... '..... . .· . . . Gr.• .,..
= . . . . . gtlWu..e ...,r
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PHONE 2441 .' d III
II" 'I
NO . MAT:I'ElJ. S A.T lSFAC· T ORY a. .tullertit aervlce ma)' boo t.here wlll still l'tunain a feeling of r esontment i f COlts are eXCBlsLve . At the McClure tuneral home we avoid every, needless dol'ar:....A.NU THIS lllXPLAJAS THE PUDLIC. APPROVAL OUR 'PRICE POUCY HAS R,ECEIV'Ei>.
1 111'11111 ," , , 1Hill ill, II I III ,I 111111'
' '' ·F''N·II~l ~OME ~ WA' ••• VltLL
THURSDAY, MAY · t1. 1C)50
• __ II_U_.-.. _11_ ___.....-.
Dry Ridge ,
A Farm
By D. J. Frazier MAY 8, J950.- And 'I'll tIJOllghl summer had com,e, but I jus t weill down and Jltirl'()ll 11)1 the \'I n ' III tho furnace and put In Borne 1001'0 cobs. 'fbe "un was bright tbls Dlornlng but now 1here Is a baze over the sky, nnd It 1s colli. Apple blossom time In Warren count.y. Last yenl' was the big yen I' fOI' apples. bUL U blossoms mean nllytlllng t h ro will btl a fair crOI) again this yellt·. One of OUI' trees t\lat hlUl nevel' bOI'Ile before Is [uil of blooDls 11011" nnd I am anxiouo to see what i he tIpples are llke . W ~ plan lod It seve ral years 1180 for an Anoka or some such' name, an ellrly surnmOi' a pple, due ' to bear tho year It was planted, by the adve rtisement, but that was five or 81x years ago anll we bave bad no apples yet, bu t perhaps tills Is the y ea r. Our duck Is Betting ane} we IIro boplng that lbls will be her year nlsQ. Elich tlmc Aho hnoS hUll II nellUul of eggs something h ilS got them. 'l'hl8 year he l' n oal Is Ill' tty well protected tram · .dogs and crows. Rat could got In Itn d I Ilnl afraid that skunks' m:Ight be n.blo to get In but we can t ell better three or rour week8 trom now. There 18 s1l11 ono tUrkey ·nosl tbo t we clUl't find. I bqpe thnt If w can't find It that the rowl!' con not elther. I beor r~pt)rts of mushroom tlnd R );l1It so rllr I lI n.ven 't 'found n.IIY. Thpse few W'lLl'm days hu n led t hem nong but tlow Ills cold 'again nnd that w,1l1 ' probably delay thorn. Some old timer says that there w ill not be mnny this yellr becous there WIlS so littl e snow las t win' ter. That might be tru e for things are influenced by the soasons. 'rhe asparagus Is delicious now but tills will slow It up too. Cold 01' warm this could be alhill bi rd month. Everywllere we look and everywhere we go there are birds. . I b lLve seen almost all of our old friends around the house. . The brown thrash r was out ber not long agO! and a mocking bird. Tho other dl\-Y wh ile driving tbnt the woods below Fort Ancient 1 paw' a. big owl sitting on a. brunch. We baoked up ~o get ·a better look and It flew across 'tile road where t joined Its . mate. In . Wil.ynesvll1e yesterday an oriole f1!1w acr08s my path and ihe trees are full of the commoner birds. We found a kll· deer's nest ono dn.y with tllreE) dark·colored mottled eggs In It . The eggs were rlgbt On tbe ground but they were 8t) nea.rly the color or the earth and stones that they were dUrtcUlt to. see. Tragedy . hit agnln. '('he cbll ' dren's beloved PUP.IIY got out on the rond the other day and WRS hit by a .ear that did not even Blacken s])eed, nor BOund a warn·
Ing with the hom. They al\ crlerJ bitter I.ears hut tbe little boy wbo anld .. Wben .my dadd)' comes home, he will ftx him and then he can walk. " But tblo \fIlS beyond daddr s a,k lll. Would .it have been ally different If tbe two year old ba.d brok en loose and stepped out 'Into tIle rand? Haw CAREFUL
Ie going aioDg and It "Will lloon bo lime for tbe Urat cutting of a lralfa. . 'rhe coWs jlist went 'by at full speed a.nd the calf with itll mil high In the air jus t went down acrOS8 tbl) pasture. There come th er h the other .two cows f rom teo side of the IIprlng an.d the spotted Clill III coming bac~ I do not see anyth ing .around \.0 disturb tbllm bllt doubtleliR they had reasons of
.~ U
CHr-Taite 1__
AnT 01
it • •
I •••
~.alvored plua. · IIId .el'tabl. CIII dIttort the lI.tor ancl odor oI .aWk it ted to COWl before ~D .IfI,e. Clbbl,e, tumlPl, IIId Ilmllar vel. tabl.. Ire I frlqUeDt CAUle of off alvon thII time of Ithe yell'. The trouble CIll bl Ivolded lar,e~ b7 11v1q IUch feed Immedllte~ after JD1IIdnr-lllver beforL
•• _
• ••••••••••
. '
InteaUoal dleeale. can ruin the year's pig crop. One type of enterlU, (IDte.unal lnflammatlon) Is caused by a CODtaglous virus, another il due to a germ like that responalble tor hu.nan cholera. V1rulent genua akin to the typhoid bacUlul are known to cause other outbreaka,
S3 25
--............GIIOUP _,_,i...A
o o
..-. .:.'..- ::.:.- ..::.:.: .:. . .-.~~:.::
.... ..................... _
Iill wilA. orin. American Fruit Grower.............,.~·.,................. I·Yr•• AmmMln Poultry J""mal...... ~.:...................l Vr. 1\.t·,..rlCI 1,. Cazr tl c ..... -.u"............................. , t \1•. Farm Juutnal II: fa rme r', Wift .. ........... ....... ) , 'r. Hoil!le.holll Magazille ...._.... ......................... .1 '\'1'. MOl her'. J-lonl~ L.ife.. ....................................2 Yr.
D D National Li"Cltock Producer.. :..................... ! Yr. D 0p" n Road (80y5)..................................... ,..ti Mo. D I'ulhfinder (Ill Js.~ues) .............. :...................:.61110.
........ .... ...... .... 1 V" .
g~:'~~;~~.~: : : :: : : : :: : :: : : :::~:: : : : :: :: :~f~~:
, ,
PHONE 2143
/II",1t •• "X" .• .,.".. .••_ _• tI•• ;.." .." ......,.
[] CJlli~ian . HnaJd ................ _ _ .............6Mo. CouaIr'J ~demaD ........__. _ .............3 ~r. .; ~I ndC'm 1l0ntan n.'5 ............... ................... .. I \ r rj Ou!doort _................................ ....................... I VI' o P:m:IIIJ' ~Iagazillt· .............. ..... ................... Ii !\In o Pathfinder (U Issuc.) ............ _ . ............... 11 Mil.
D Sliver Scn/CII
Cl Al1Imam Girl .... .................. _....................... .1 Yr.
IB=~r.~ ~
S3 35
"X" 6./0,.. ...
11" wi"
SIDce trIItlq aIclt pip for IntelltInal dlaea.Ie. often ~ d1tflc~t, .-wine pI'Oduceg can _ve much
THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Y~.r, with
l'uultfY Tribune ..........., .................:.............. 1 Yr. M~GAZINE LISTED BELOW AND THIS NEWSPAPER, BotH FOR 'THE PRICE SHOWN.
' (ark at> "X" before rnattndnc: desln:d and .cndole:
IUt With onler.
. Betal' Lawn Cbal... . .
Choice of Red or GreeD $4.35 Eada·. :
___ - ,
Our ........ . . . ... Ill ..... till, ID rIIuIJI . . ...... IIIJDq . . . . . .~
MAGAZINE .................... ............ ...51 '
D ARGOSY (Tilt' Complde. I\fan'. Magazine).... S.OC
Stubbs Home 'DLBPIIORB
0 PARENTS' MA.G~ZlNE ........................ ,......... 5.50 [j PATHFINDER' (26 laue.}....._ ....................... 2.,,1\
D AMEJlICAN GIRL ..................................:.........$2.5L
D AMERICAN HOME ................-........-...~ ... -..... 5.40
.....................................- ................ 2.711
MECHANJQ ............ /................... 4.25
8D ~~::: :::::::::::::::::~::::::::~:::::::~::::::::::::::: ::::: ;~; g0 ~~~~~~~ ~~~...~~.~.~,~~~::::::::::=:::: ~~ COSMom:LlTAN ..:,..............,..............:............ Ii,OIl
o COVNTR1' GENTLEMAN (!I Yn.) ................ ~.n
D .wWER (GROWER ..... ........................._ ...... !I.4L D GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ......................~ ........ 1i.0I
o !NIIDE DJ~n:CTIVE _ ..._ .._ ...... _ ..... !I.If! o LOOIt ......._........................._ ............- ..~....... .1i.0I1 o McCALL'S MAGAZINE ..........._ .................. _. 4.00 o MODERN ROMANCES ........................._ ...... 2.7!i
REDIIOOK ............................................__ ......, ..
0 SILVER SCREEN . ................~- .... __............... 2.110 D SPORT ...........................................................: ...... !I.!lO 0 SPORTS AfIELD ........................................._... iI.IIO D SKY.WAYS . ........................................................... , a.of!! O ·THE FAMILY TIMES...................................... UII
THE 'WOI\IAN ...,................................................ a.4!! UO MODERN SCREEN .. _ ........ _ .... _ ._ ............ 2.75 2.711 DonN aOAD (IIoyI).._ -_ ....- ...._ ............ 2.110 &45 OUTDOOU .. _ ........................ _ ....................... 2.110 4.00 . NIWII'AP.I AND MAGAZINU 1 'lUI, UNUII !11M IMOWN
mOD" IDd trouble by developing plan to prevent thOle dIIIordera, In molt cu.., it the producer t~Uow. a-oocI unitary practiCei. coupled wIth · proper r&tlODl, "necro" Ie not Ilkely to be 10 much of a problem. BeclUN tnteltlDal dllellel in Iwlne are due·to ,1O many different cauaea, the mo.t Jmportant fInIt IItep, 'When ID out.bree.k occurl, .. to find out the WI c&uae of it. Anil, becaUle the external Iymptoms and ligna ot lUeh dlaeue are 80 much alike 1t I. alway. A case of DutrlUoDII enterlU.. good planning to. cOllllult & vetwhile certain varieties of Intestinal erinarian .. early .. poIIIible. parasites produce Icourlng and Thle paYII ' off In two way. .:.... wasting sickness. chances' of laving .Ick pip are Reeeqt '/eterinary research has greatly lncrelled by early, effecshewn tl,al growIng plga on In-· tive treatment; and, once the ll'lequatt amounta of animal pro- cause of the trouble II known. the t(l ;" Or on foods lacking In the remainder of tl\e drove can be \·i b ::-.ir B cc::J?!cI! are much more protected aplDIt it.
prone to 41velop the chMDlc type INTESTINAL ILIS or enterStle commonly lmown . . THREAT TO PIGS ''Decro''. Several different klDda Gt tatal
I dozlD IWrerat IdDcIe cd
fatller .. DeuIe Da7. OD -4 Da,1Ia. tbe Life of WLw-iUIO 8e1DdaP .t • • .P..... EST. AI pater fllblUu &0 tile plsUated taor, W'I'uk' ............. In iDClreaelDl.' eoDluatac IltutIDI;II wll1eb ......... lor ... ...., p~~-- . .. . .. .. ,
WIleD I'ue "'11lows" When a fule "bl0111'" lomethln. II 1mlIl,_·too much load on the elfcult or I . abort clrclllt lomewbere. Loclte Ind remove the .ource .. . . trouble betore Inlertln.. I nlW • fule IIId then be lure to uae the .proper I1IL
Dew~ ...........1 .. D ...... OVel'
.Waynesvi.lle National ·Bank
1~~~~~~~~~~~~~5~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~ = --,- -----------.-,-.---.:.
be baa bIiteD off more tbaD be
iAquld ,'.mmonla .Use of liquJd ammonlll as I lOurce of nitrogen f <' terWi:r.ln, crop. IR ; "t'rp~pt,,~
In blI
To Softeia Uutter To make butter or margarine Ipread smoothly without tearing bread. soften at' room temperature ..r "cream " with 81 fork. Do not . melt because this malles the fat soak Into I'Ilther than spreAd on th~ hread .
Frank NebioD
GULF GAS and OIL· and do Lubrication Job. Welding Firestone Tires
Pater Ponders Progeny
Almost Any Analysils
KIIot Bole. A knot hole ,educ,. ItrenJth probe .ably eVID Ie .. thin I tI,ht InterI1'OWD knot. 'l'h1II la due to the flct that the fibera of I knot are It a rtlht ...,Ie 'to the ,eneral direction Gt-fiben of the .tree and. therefore,. eOlltribute litUe 'Itreneth; the lelier 41ltOl'tloD of ,rlln Iround a Imot bole IbID around a knot IDWJrOWD with Gben of the wood more IbID tilelr own, olle startR and the rest eIIaet. wIlat atrenath .....kDGt would ro't low - JURt like people. 1lY..
If you've ever 'needed quick 'cuh money to meet an e_aeDey operation, an unusual expense, or a 10Dlfi &waited opportuni!y - you know. how important. it. ia tOi have some money 1ft the bank. Now, while your earningl are up, .h, a ,OjOCI time b:) .• tart buildina a cash relefVe with UI.
••• ae.
~lI~~ePrt :o~C~!ul!~ ~~:r:.~. It c:~PHONE
ville 'wns blOWn down. The raIn illd not blow against mY window so
I Have Leased the BROOKS GARAGE
'Bar~ws ~n, d
Rotary B s Dunham Discs
'I'he maple lea.vell-are almost out \Ju t ae ·uaual tho locust bao Ilardly stll.lted . The woodo hllve, a 80rt l'ealhul'Y greell look. The big tnllliums Ilre alrelldy tumng pink. The wild plum Is In bloom and the l'e<lbud n.n <l tbe dog wood 10 In Ita glory. The dandeliono are larger nnd mol' penUful than uoual. Toobnd tlley spall the grass BO for they are one of OUt· showiest flowers. 1 A U tile beauUes of spring all uround us but t.h weather 10 IItUl uncomfortable. I was told tbat there was a bad storm tbe otber night. The wind blew and tba lightning nashed. The IIgbts were put out In many paces snd an oid red barn at the oouth end of· Ridge'
D TRUE ROMANCE ......- .......... _ ............ _.... 0 TRllE STORy .................................................... 0 YOUR u n ........................................._ .............. D WOMAN" HOME COMPANION ............_ ...
CItaci ncIe.. .". -~ c.demM' I iadeIe . ..--..- ...... ~ . . . . ..s _ die .... c:IIaPI, 1rida I ~ au1ieaipdoD to J'IMll' paper. .
• •
rraaT" U·.JlllI"'-_ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - -
Thurs day, M8 ~ 11. 195f)
(l n ll c mn t A Cltstrill!C' r :.:a t d l wn a t a t ab le in H s m a r t res laura nt a nd l ied a n fl pili n ~I ' o llnd hfs n ~ck , The scon· da li 7t'd m :lna/i e r culle d 0 W,l ite r a nd In - tru cte him , " Try to m a ke him unct c rs la nd, as I <I e rully as p o s~ ih l , Iha t t ha t 's n ot done." Sa id t he t ho ug[1trul wal t r to the custom e r: " P or{jon me. s ir Sha ve or h a iro u t , sjr~"
• • •
N ODctlal a nt, Too " T he ho rn a ll your ca r m ust be , b rok e n," "No, it' s jus t ind iffe r ent ," " I ndiffe rent I What do you n1ea n ?" ."n i ust doesn ' t g ive a 'hoot,"
COME AND YOU FEEL GLUM "se Chewing-Gum LaxativeREMOVES WASTE ... "OJ GOOD FOOD • Wilen ,.oa enn', .Ieep-feel Jua~ awfUl
because 70U neec1 a luatlvII -40 .. do - cbew RElf·.·KlN'r.
raN-A-IoI~ la wonQerfuUy dUferentl Docwrs say man7 otller lauthea Itarc
th eir "lIuablng" action too aoo • •. / rl", ... In tI.e .to.....o ... Lar60 dose. of such lax-
atives UIl8O' dlreetlon, fluab awa1 nourishing tood 'OU need for bealtb and
IInervy , . . you feel ..,eak, worn out. But gentle ' nIIN-A-IOl'fT. ta.llen .. nc.
onunonded, works obiefl, In tbe lower bowel wbere It r"DlDY"a 0.1,. .... te•••• _oDd foodl You . ... old that "'ea ll. tlrod feeling . U... n:EN-&-Iol.N'r anCl .reel Gne, tQII of lire, '5f', 50" Or only
E(e~ p Po s t,- ~
on V;dll.CS Cy no ing til e Aus
C Vor nd De -9 I I S I 'Y An AI mJal· I De ermine Your Choice of Rug Affair .
FrL tL,
By Ertta Haley
CNew, ~ug
By Rloha rd lIiU Wllkln~ on
D OES THE Si ZE of he room a t· SCRIPl'URI!: : H os ea , upec!nllY 11 : 1-4, fcct I;holce at r ug ata- Ie ? Wh at Design 0- 11 - I ~ : ~·O. AST YEAR WE a ppointed Bar- U Ihe room is s ma ll1 ~.c a room hns Dt\:VO'I'~ON AL RIilAD I NG : P sa lm IlI,O. ncy Bridges cha ir man at pur fill<lln pai nted walls and is u·p hol. annua l fair' ill Burncrest. Old J a kc stered ' with solid colored fa brlc ~, F letche r had becn chai rm an fo r 15 j us t what kInd · of ru g should be years, nnd there wcr e tho~ e who chosen? Ma ny ot us ha ve been ·In a count. disapproved of Lesson for !\[ay te, 1950, ousting b I m in less number at rooms and have Minute favor of young sc:t rce ly notice d the r ug. 11 the LL RELIGIONS believe In God, Fiction Ba rney. . rug, however, ha~ n,ot been careA . but not aU religIons know the Cyrus Gill. the fully chosen, we probably 'would God who loves. God s tha t rule, gods town 's le ading long r emember it, f or so Im portant thnt threaten · and punish, gods tha t and r fch est citizen, voiced the is the choice of a rug to a room. sit on high and distant thronesWrong c olors or designs on the senUments 01 the maj,ority. "Jake yes, the history of ran a good enou gh fa tr, .but J ake's ru g In a perfe ctly furn ished room religions s how I gett!ng old and his ways a re out of can . r uin the e ffect. The correct j plen ty of these, date. We gotta keep ,up ' wlth the style m ay be somewhat .obs erved, But It Is not every tlrpes out here in Burncrest Itke ev- This may not seem quite ~Ight, reUglon tha~ be· erywhere else. B arney Bridges Is but It's only because most people lIeves in a God ca· young and has modern Ide as.': are .not acute enough to take in aU pable of love. We 'IbIs was true enough. Barney the deta ils of a room, C1.trlstians say that promised to zip up the fa Lr. Tbe Rug choice Is often hard 'to make God I'll love, but first thing he planned to do was because so m any ta etors Innuence alrea dy centuries modernize the horse racing event_ the de cision. Th ere' s type of rug, belore Christ the Dr. Foreman Iferetofore we'd just had ra ces which to a large degree is inirispired , Hebrew that were run for the honor of the tJue nced by th e size or the budget. prophet Hosea was saying that tho thing, trotter s, with folks making Then there's color and . design high' God, the holy God, not only side bets. Barney' s i dea was to choice. Should sm all rugs be used, can but does love his creature8 on import some famou s promoter and or would waU to wa ll carpeUn, be earth. Tb,e charm of lDlay III comthe be tting opcn . ptelerable?' Does thick pile mea n • blneit' with the: richness of "n's • beck or a lot worse to quality or are ther e other indIcaLove With an IF thi ck., w901 RU_ e Ln "'he parquetbave a 10& 01 undercover botUons for that factor? All these Bnd UT HOSEA goes further than ry d,eslgn used (or floor cover. ting going on wltb no lIysl.e m to other questions .m us t be met Intel. ,'this. Even the reli gIons that Ing. Narrow- bands of frieze It tban U will be to have open lI gently belore :vou pla ce , a IIln gl~ tea (l~ the love or God do not always form the 'gradullted' diamond betUng' wUb eve r yone being' sma ll or large rug on the floor of unde7stand It. Th at there ~are "fa· motU, Available In 21z-t n hand given n oha nce to throw In his qny of your ro om s. dime' s worth," One m u st be careful not to le t . 9- lmd .12-foui-\\tldUas, . tbe -de-' . vOJlltes of heaven" Is on Iden comm on to m a ny religions, anolent sIgn ' o9nrns lu.. , \,plnlds!l beige E veryone but J a ke F le tcher 0 e aspect outweigh th e others. and recent. c olor _ ; ,t a greed. "The only trouble with Color m ay be right, but the re's The notion thot God loves those the t is," he allowed. " th is proles- too much design in som e rugs for slonnl promote r jigger you're go- you r small room. Anothc~ rug l]1ay large mensurc determ ines hllw who love him , that his love is a r eward for good behavi or . th at · he ing to import ain't known to none be deeply piled, lu'Xu rl ous llnd com· long tho ru g will Ill st. U ~c your bands to deterrTu nc loves good people but' not b ad peoat us. l! he' s a Slicker, took ouL!" lortnbl e~ but the r oom r eq uires ple, ·In short t.bat I\e loves only the " P shn\v!" de clared Ba roQY tolQlInlity . A dellse pile on r ug · al· 10vlI ble-thi s i s be l!evlld by a gr eat e r nn~y . "T he man I Hav e in. mind tests 1/ Its durability, Tbe more m any , but it Is not t rue, To put It has .·been jn the busin ess for years. dense the , pile. ' the man' . it will In anoth er way : Ma ny religions, ~ e woUldn' t da re try nolhin' funresist your Ihumb's making a den t and even som e persons In the Heny." in it. Qua lity wool has Q spring- b rew and Chr Istian religions, sup" Dunno about that ," said J ake. I iness tha t lets it bOllnce b <:J ck Crom paso Ihn ! God loves us wUh ',m IF. pressul'e. " You 'got to !\gute tha t ~very last Some of th e more prln,ltlve Try givIng the sur!ace of the ' ruJl m a n of us Is lido wad with c ri m ia sba rp rap wi th your knUckles, r eJlgion.'1 tb lnk of Ood as lovIng nal instincts. ~b, wc're honest and you' u tlnd tha t thete's a Iitonl y If he feels Uke It, ' If he e nough on the surface, That'-s betic qepression, but It comes back h"ppen!! to be In the right m ood. cause we' re' smart. But you give as you can' t keep good 'wool down . There Is no &clUng when he us a chance to pull a fast one BO' DepUl of pile alone does not demay love and when not; he; Is we'U jump at it- if wC're sure we t e l' m lnl~ quality. Some of the ne w all unpredictable a~ spring can get away with it," n UlS combine both low and high wellther. The hIgher religions NYWAY, Ba rney impor ted tufts . know better; God Is not ca pri· chap Dana Easton. Da na claus and Impulsive like a cblld. Wha tever the type of r ug you on had promoted everything fro'rn But still sometimes even In betbuy, hllve it !It the room. No mat. Choos, floor ~o"~"g 10 Sill, • , . , prize fights to steambo!\t races, ter how nice a rug is. If it's too ter r eJ,iglons God Is thou ght of as When we put the prOPOSition up to more color or pattern to .s et oU small, It looks like a postage stamp loving with an IF. It you love m'e him he sald hii'd sure be glad to the furnishings., The correct rug in a la rge r,oam, and will throw (he Is thought ~ as aar ing) I w\J) I.pl~Onl1ot.e the horse racing angle of will satl sty in al1 respects, and as it oU balance, For a small room , love yoU, If you are good enough to 'our Fair.· such represents a deciSion in. a space or six to eight inches from love. I will love you. If you earn The day of tbe Fair arrived the walls Is acceptable; In a large my love. I will pay you by loving. fluenced by several factors . aDd '1& seemed Utat .mos& of tbe room, the spa~e may be from eJ,ht you. • Lei Eyes be Gllfde money wall bet OD a mare to twelve inch.ta. .• . • • • In Color, Dl!1ilp . DArned Romln, Pfgeon, driven A pad chpsen to fit unqerneath · No IF.~ in God's Heart Your eyes alone can be the j udge by <lbarley Colewefl. Cbarlfe . whether a coloI' I" right in ·your the ~oor coverl,iil{. YoIill mllkethe 'H OSEA HAD LEARNED a deep~ bad WOD plenty of raoes in pallt er lesson .from God. Through home with your particular furnish- rug" la~t lQnger'" by distributln~ ' yearl and ft looked like be "a. Ings. When you go out to select pt essurei U also prev ts friction his own -Jl\\teT experience (see last coin.. to will acaln. a rug, 'try to ca rry alQng with you over rough spols l)hl~ floor. In Sunday's fes son) he knew that his I sat In 'the grandstand and an exact size of what the room is a~ditlon to these Important runc- own love for his wlfe outlived ' all watched the sulkies line up. They llke. View the r oom before leaving tl~, B ru g pad ,nchbr s the r ug the shame she bad I:!rought to his In himse lf he made a PJ'etty sight. The ' band wu s and see If you have a . fresh, un- and prevents Its shifting on the heart and home. playfng., the sun shinning and clu ttered view of the colors. ' noor. knew, as ,a living tact, love for an ~ome carpets on the market are unl oving and unlovable pers on. So eve rybody was happy and feeling Rugs m ay be a dra ma tic point festive, Dana Easton ha d proven of departure tor the Whole color now Q'lade with a sponge rubber -and so much more-God COUld, schem e of decor at ion. or they can cushior bullt right to the ba ck at would and did love hIs unIaHhtul be a subUe ba ckground fo r your ,tpe ' ru g during the .wea ving pro· pepple Isr ael. "God so , loved Jsrael~," saId the furnishings. One thing It is well to cess. With ~I s, tlie~ e's no n eed for remember is the colors 01 ru gs lin extn pad. ' prophet. "God so loy ed t)te 'world," "grey d.own" a tter several wee'ks D.OY Oare Ke';p. ~ says the Gospel. qod's love Is not of . use, .even when they are kept ' Rup· lJa, <lOndItlOD , the bl! r gn ln ing I<lnd. He does not "lean, so they will not be qui te as Vse"ili carpet' sweeper -every day wa lt till ',' we lire' "good enough," , bright as when yOU first purchase to 1I1ck: up the day's IIccumulation His love ba s. no •.W ':ln it. them. This has nothing to do wJth of sUrfa co. dirt, thread, crumbs, ' , . ••• _ tadlng, since good qUB ilty wool sand a'n d dust. Avoid ualng a stlU Suppose We Say No? carpeting does not faoe. . orfsUeCi broom on the 'rug. but oc· AT TH.IS POnrr someth ing must Consider design along with color, caslonllilly It's helpful to lise • soft be said that .would ·seem to go Too much pattern fn a room will broom, as this does not harm the without saying, only there are so give a resUess, cluttered feeling wool pile. many persons who misunderstand Make, certain the vacuum sweep, the truth just here. God is love: er' is clean when using It, and em· we teamed that in Sunday school , pioy i~ twice a week on the rug, when we were small, we have seen Don't be .u·p set 11 the sweeper It In mottoes on the wall. we have picks up loose bits .of tluU from grown used t9 the Idea. But somethe rul:: 81 this is common to aU times we twist this truth into some.Every one.;but· .Jake Flctcher . ne\v rugs. The fluff comes (rom thing else . .....eed. ire .lIowed, "U be' •• the loo:se p,ieces ,of yarn left In the We think, "It GOd . ls love th en It lUcker, look out." . pile aIter cutting. doesn't matter much wha t we do. his showma!;lship by decorating the Don' t strain yourself by hauling He Is going to look aft er us and see track and grounds and issuing silk lli,e ru gs out to beat them, be , t~ey that we come out all ri ght. Noth. shir,ts and caps to .tIle dr ive'rs. He .the large rugs used In a living lng's gOi ng to hurt ti S because our had Ilfso hired the band and inroom. or !be small ones used in loving F ath l\r Is ri ght here to pro. stalled - a. louc;lspeaker sN'ste m. bedroom, scatter fashion : Be ating tect us." Thi s Is a mistake. on a Hne with a stick will loosen Then the race started. Around DOllc" teaelte!', and tlte Bible the tuns and break, the backIng , the trliCk tbey went, six of them, a whole' tell cit"", that God 's ' and wfIU c, u t. down' years of service. Burnside', s best, stretching out love Is uot compnhdve; tllat Is, earpl~l ' surfaces can . be bright.t hefr neckS. ~ perfect stTide. Hom- . hlti love must be freely reoelved ing Pigeon led up to the hall. then which destroys harmony and bal- ,en cd with a quickly evapora ting becaDse 1& 18 freely offered, We cleaning fluid, ' a synthetic cleaner Jaaper Bush's horse came abreast . lInce. If the room is small, avoid \laD say "No" If we In.ls&. of him, then H~ctor Dryson came too much pattern, since the eUect .or an absorbent powder cl eaner. And It we do tum our backs and abreast of them, then Feri.us Cross will be the same. • Ulle arlY o~ these in between the came abreast oi them. . If wails a.nd ~ost of the uphol. visits to the cleaner' which should run away, the consequences are terrIble lind not even God's love It looked like. a heck and neck stered pieces are plain. you woul4 come ~lnnua1ly. , attalr,' wblch struck me as b'e lng do well to choose some pa tterned It'll easy, to avoid permanent will keep If! ,from them.' mange. Then suddenly I stopped rug for the room to avoid mono't . stai~s on the rug if you act quick. .It Is only the person who turns yellin, \ and· just ' stared. Coming ony. If walls or draperies are pat- Iy enough, Use a clean absorbent bls heart to God who finds that down the strateh the tour lead terned, the best choice wQl.lld be cloth tn, soak up lfqulds; u,se a dull love, like . II1lnUg~t, casting Out the fear and, the eyU trom his mind and horses lIad . slowed down . . • and a solld color, tone on tone or tex. krille (,1' spatula to pick up any. ·heart. . . thIng Isol1d or semf-soUd, ItJter by cripes, 15 yards from the finish tured floor c·overing. tape, they all ~toppl!~I " ' ,With s'mllll rooms, stay with the this. initial t r.eatJ;nent, IRonge the . It· wasn't untfJ \ late that 'nIght 'plain rugs, and if you can afford surf~ce, 'with water or a soapless' The eost ~fl,ove ' that I got all ~he details. Dana' It. plan wall to wa ll carpeting. Tbis " latbt!r cll1i1ner.:'clUuted with wJl ter 'TH'~ DEEPEST· TRUTH of all Is one which Hosea partly sees. Easton had bribed CbarlJe Cole· will , give a feeling of space and beln, .c:are.(ul not to wet the carpet thro"Ugh the lIet In sunli ght but Is fully seen 01)lY in ~he New well and Jasper Bush to pull Ulelr, luxury. horses 10 Hector Dryson could win, Texture Interest dom inates in and..,ail· to dry the , wool or the car. Testament. God's Iqve for &lnners rot. Is costly, It fa not a Ught thing, Hector was a long shot and would rug. chosen , for modern rooms, pet m ay begin · When carpets begl.n to look shad· easUy g(\Yen. have paid plenty, and many of these are fe atured In As D08ea'a · forclvlnc . of Bid It didn't work tbal "a";. the lighter colors, ' Most of these ed or streaked, there's nothin, wrong . with the ~g. It IIlmply Gomer COllt him maob, 89. the Wh)'t Becaase Jake F1e&d1er have UtUe pattern. love 01 God for III, wanderlnc had ftrured wbal Dalla EadoD· For Victorian atTle' rooms, dark. ' mean • . that constant trafiic over ·-ed the wool eltlldrea e"st. 111m .more. Thai have' ... 'UUJ .. was ap &0 uti bad aecreU)' aDd er colors In a loUd tone 'are most thele tufts clffterent dlreeUons, Keep . .... Is trae, D, O IIea realllN. lDdfvldaaD)' .rlbed Ibe· etller effective 'slnce there la, consider. In order b)' sweeping and But 10 know what the love of God lou racen .. ~Id ID Ibelr able pattern used. Patterned rug. . the vacuum cleaner In the reaJJ:r eosts. we bave 10 stand In the hones. are frequently chosen for Early U....t t e l P uI _... ' -" thtl pOe, 0 a va17. a lpe""'l In With all lix ~verl bribed the American room. it there I. not W,lIOlliJIille carpetlnM doe. not 1Upthe church ot God '.'whlcb .be purrace Iimp17 came to a standstill too much dealen und ebewbere in 'Ciprettel or QUlrl cJIa~ wtUt hi. own blood.' There the room. and nobody llniIbed. fIr.mIlU!. rna)' char the pOe elm be 110 hllber prJ.e than that. "Wbicb," lake Fletcher pointed Use ...... to " .... can repai.r ed b;r cgp: OII~$~lem'UonaJ eogn"" out. ',ust pa'OVU 1117 c:cmtenUon QaaU&fIB R .... that evv;r mu', a crook If be bl~ckeaed eadI with Ibarp -=~ ~ In rap a. III molt 1bIDp, 7OU'D tol1owlq with a 1IdDb be 08D pt at1a7 with !t." let wIuIt YOU pa, 101', I D4 W. Sa alld water l,poDJ1DI.
Forgiving Love
Van Camp', Pork and Bean. fit Tomato 'Sauce
Choice, plump, whole heaDS. ••• a 8ca:et savory toma to 8auoe ... 8wect tende/pork ... wi lb ·flallor throlls h and ,brOilS". Only Va o Camp's . .. origin ator of canu e.1 pork lind bea ps . , . givcs YOll 60 mncu gooll en ti n~ a t suc h lit tle cost oC WOIIO), lind clTur!,
or. St K or
I. u re nl' n oed
p J;opf r t r c a tme nt. !l to " d q,1J h asp lt llln Uon r eqalre d. foll ow ed b" R , e k f)f v ll rla utl n eCOttRr",. tonics J) re .!l c r lb~ d b , t'tll r Ll ce n e ll J- by. !oj,o. n8 ., N o tb lU l tl t or bo o k le t 01 II t l,'nt • • 0ns u ll<lU . ... ,.
. Th'e LE'E I NS TITUTE 4Ul l
~, o n t , om . r,
nd .. 0lno l nn4" I', ,UE d ",ond J ~1I 7
O hi o-ToIep b~ n ..
feels Years Younger Arc sleepless nights an d n jlr v ou.s ness a cting as a drag ' on your career? ••• makl'o g you feel old nnd worn Ollt? Then, read tjlis encOUl'a ging statement by a man who feared his advancing age-until he made,an Important di6co:oBrll:
· 'Nights of sleepless tossing and turning made me feel old 811d tired -unable to meet the business competition of )'ounger men. Bu~ my doctor put the blame on 'coft'ee nerVes' and auggested 1 switch to POSTUM. Now, with nervousneas gone, I get 8 hours sletlP every night and I literally feel tle~T3 voung~ '" · SCIENTIFIC ..aCTS. Both, coffee and tea contain caffeln. And caff ain is a drug-a stimulant which acts upon the brllin and central nl!l'Vous.system. Also-in IUBcepti· ble persons-caft'ein tends to produce harmful stomach acidity. So, while many people 'can drink coffee or tea without ill-effect, others suffer nervous ness, indigestion, sletlplessneas, But POSTU1.1 contalns no caft'ein or other dr ug- nothing tha t can possiblll k eep or ups et your n erves'.
Give up coffeegive .up tea-drink l'OSTUM exclusively for 30 days-and judge bll results I Ask your grocer today for INSTANTPOSTVM-A Vigorous Drink made from Healthful Wheat and Bran. A Product of General Foods. MAKE THIS TaT.
HUSBANDFEE~S GOOI) NO. WITHOUTIIARSHL-AXATIVES ."For my hIHlbnnd. medici nes every Then he begun ror brea kras t. wOI1dt rf ul, it keeps him regularl" Thyra Nelson, Stili' Route 1. Box 661, Unioo J
Wash. JwJt one 01
man, ullSl)licitcd leI,. Urffrom ALL-B RA.N ~rs, You, too, 1II1:V . expect amazing re-suits for colUltipation dietary bulk, Eat an ounce tasty Kellogg'8 ALL-BRAN daily, drink plenty of water! If not complete/II satisfied afte'r 10 days, send empty carto D to Kel1ogg'lI, Battle Creek, Mich. Get DOUBLE YOUR MONEY
.u ~ I" older•• t ...... a.d "rain, 0 ..... aerttoD, el esllve .mo kID&- 01 elpneUl. to eold IIOm, tlm .. . 10"" do .... kidney h ..... tlon. Tbl. m ~l' I. ad muiy foll<o to ""m· pla in 01 •• ~III .a backacbe. I... 01 pe p and .n.rlY. b.ad.~h_ ' aDd d iuineu. G et t lnl liP Illabla 0' f,.,qU. 1l1 P .... R.. may r.. ulI trom mlDo, bl.dd. , Irrita ti on. dUI 10 .old. damp.... or d l't&rl/ ladlaentloaa. If 'ow dileomfo'la I.. due to tb_ e a _ dOD't .alt, try 00..'1 PU", I mUd diuretic. V .... • uc~ fuUy bl' mUUo.. tor aftr 60 ,earL WbU. Lb_ Il'mptom. ",a,. attaD oLberwl.. occur, It'. Imul.1 bow ..allll "m.. Doe.'. III.. bappl' rtllollIe1p tb. 15 mil.. 01 kldnoy tulln Ind Hit . ... lIullt oal .u\& G., Doan', PUll ' t"day'
DOAN'S :PILL'S ltip ,.8_ dIstres. ef MONTHLY
Are JOu 't roubled 41SU1IIOI of fe· in~l. fuo o Ll OlIlI1 periodic dlaLurb· Lh ia ma ke you 8" lTe,
ances? Do...
frOm pAin, feel so nervo"• . tired - at
suoh tim os? Tb on ltart tak ing Lydia E. Plnkbam'. Vegetable Com pound about Le n day. before to rell•• e auch lympWma Plnkham'l 11M I grand IlOOthlog elT ~ t 00 on! 01 1D0mCln·. mOl' ImJ)Ol14nl GrO ..... '
Trot, lb. womID', frie nd I
lOlA t PINKHAM'S =~:~~
• • •
Ona appHcation
h lif
or t a
a of your plates
,.,w p!~•• n.,arepe'ma~".1 a.d .up bun refit Ib~1D comfon wleh .aof.
(0' ' .....
Plug·Lio .., 'IrIPe. La, "rip 00 uppu o. 10WClI..'"'..... bil. , ld Ie ..old. perfcell" BnlDlDt
....11t m. ala "DOW 10 • rcll.{ o.
lad. ro_...... Aad bothcf of '''po"," QPUcaIfOlUtblllftlofowhounor.da",s.o.,.
r,ot.. I =i:r~,~'!r. ~~~-:=0:::= PIuti·u.a. tllpl!las. ~IQS
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&:=.r .
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"""'I.a'foI'~MiJO,_pl::lI4. IWIiodII pl.... A',., .... 1IOn!
11, 1950.
Grandma's Sayings
Au'ros. T,WOKS &: AC(,EAS,
IU IK·4U /)O ilOE I'OWI~ I~ \ "OON .F bur-whev l t1rlv e You would clIlI II n ew~ o nly run 4000 m lj es . P ow r w inch h unt
power l uk e-oU un ren r. li' lIc: lnry CJQl1IJIPcd. radio nnd h" n t~r. Mu d sriI' tlr~s. 7.lWX10 -8 ply. You ." " over 511000. Owncr died - reol so n (or . Illng. at ro . U. M. Tl"1l!~.; rhOllr UUj' -~ I ~ . _ _ _ !"....!!!!n~ .'_01 ~IOI
JOii'S-wi'tt;-"I O.llC.-t; r ll.- l l! II ;;- .~ (or 0110 hnndrou. u nits th a t must b e Tt'·
g~~~~~Wci'n '~~th ~(Wf:,'~~~i tr~~k1~~r~~:.~~:
lz.ntlon. ~tJ.l' n l n)J l'I lI iA h r Ol' rcll u ble op,"'r :-. .. tors. 'ont nci n ~ r t )t n t\ ~1 .· 1\1 " " ,[' \\'11
'r r uckln r
·OrrH.rntlo n, r.fl t , ' en r A\'c ngt . '
:~~~:tW,~J H I
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'J,'e l C"pbnn l:
At c ml'l l.!J
DOGS, " ATS, PEl'S, E 'J'C. it,;'i';;-Go'd ~~;;- n lllO lt h rl' : - "leu;1: odortc~s;. I bOI''' I t)rlo~
DID YOU EVER notice how the ' m an Ilt t he t op Is most allus the ch ap w ho's In the habit 0' g ottln' to tbo bottom 0' t hings ?
I I1OLlRI.nds: cI<:lh:hLNI
v.~tt ~1~'U~f~~~Il. ~~ti'~lonr~P~~~:.•d~"I~~~: 1.. .
$S paid Mn. E ldanor Tlldel1. Altadena. Cal l1.· :
- --------.,. -
Ne w
.J.r '
~I . II. IfOIt "{; ~ II AJ~Y ~l"'l'I;; 1I :JttDch~ blowe r. It tlttD c hment:i. A.I
"7 ....I'!h~· 11.
AU ~ Rlt'f~~rert"wn . Ohio
F AIWS _AN., rr nms _ _ _ ---."""''''::--
- - -''I
WHEN IT COMES t o s tylo, yellow N u - Mllld Is worth talkin' about.
Molded In mod ~rn table styl e '4 p ound pri nts th at fit any scrvlng d l ~ h. You Clln b et I alW!l.YB look tor the picture of M i ss N u-M nid on the
....:00 ACJU:: '. Ucs t u l producth e !-toil : "QOU wel l ~ucal ett: 2 miles 10 mlllkc t. FOI' d CI 118 wrlte. Ch a rl eN T . l~ie rCJe.. III. byllt • . Oblo. .
bulldl ""~:
paak age, 'causa MI!IO Nu-Mald means modern m argarin e. ' . .... WOULD '(OU UKE
~O~G::~'ftd:bt~afe~~l~:e h~~~I:.. c1\'~~
SMD..ES do to folk8 what bakln'powd er does to cakes - fer smile. make the spirits rhe and hearts light. 1$ D&ld KlL ~ n. DvrauI.1t&hob. 110.-
denn. · dry quickly. Clinton ~9 oee d 0 Ia. KonTOfl Soy bea u . . Wrllo tOT circular. .Deale r. wnnled . Ya",er Brolber., BI. MI . Veraon. Oblo.
WHEN I LQOK for margarine, I alwa.y . look for the picture ot MI_ Nu-Maid on the packa(e. And folka there'll a package that'. reallJj .umpln'-modera 1n every way. Seal. In Nu-Ma.ld'. "Table-Grade" flavor: And that ·churned·treah fla.o vor make. a bill' d11rerenco In IIIJ' oookln' and bakln'. .
*1 S will be p':;:upon pubUcaUoD to the arat contributor of each
INSTRUCTION . . A P •• I&'7 TeobalelaD. Learn "IDlem-
",I CUllin. ," vacclnatln., debeakln" dlal_mnl, etc, Make from 1'75 to 1125 per -week. Protected territory; 2 week cIa •• • larta .oon. 70r Interview write to L ••
accepted aaylng or Ide&. Add~ ''Grandma'' 1~ Eut Pearl j:ltr. .t, OlDo1nD&U 2, Ohio.
R ..... C •• p."y, Ar.'''ld, OllIe.
ATTENTION VETERANS !Aam • ,rode Jhnt will never be replaee4 _ machinery. Dental Loboratory Teellnato.)' pre.. ntll .n oppotiUD. lty fer v_tor_ All. to own and man_Ie their own labora· 1O~, Apf.'oved for veteron tralnlnt under ~lt~Cto ' '!W 3M. For full p a r cular. C.·Ea D ••",. Laber.'.ry lIe....1 II Ea.' Mar"" tit.. Akrein. 0111 ••
MISCELLANEOUS .Pal.'·0 ... 140 snow-white U\nnlum lead a nd 011. Money-ba c k lunrs nlee Dol to p.,~I. rub or w " sh ou., or lurn ~ ellow_ 52."" 1101. . In 5-gal. c nn l. O ver million !laUons ·~~D;;.'Wml: e:!'iD:O~D • .. 0 W, "'.lbl.l·l on 8t .. Cblc.ro. III. F •• lly BDrrab\ 81..... One OnJlon Coc:oonul OU Sh a mpoo tor ~ .95 pp . Mone y ba ck lua ra nle e. 81an4.rd DI.Ulbelor., Mall Ord.r D.pt•• Bo,. 81. Fr.mIJllbam . . . . . . AN; UOUR OR '1'WO a we"k c a n Increnl • • our Incom e. Wrlle tor Detnlle. I;VNN bnoz. no"l. S, 1110 Indian a ..... 1 R,e" d. Php e nlx.
.E,," Arbon a.
wholesome Miss Nu-Maid on the package when you buy margarine. Miss Nu-Ma.ld Is you~ l\llsurance ot the finest modern margarine In the finest modern package.
Mtlnbera Are eolJectln.- past d\l ~ a ccounts Tor t ho .. live percenl. J"qr ·deloll • • w rite SeearU.v EDterr'lrtRe I-retenlon ••• e" 1710 E. leertan S.b ... I\d. , P .... DI". A .... 100 P~ajJ" Napk\••, Aasor t.d color. with ~our . ... me prlnte<t-In Gold , only 11.110 pp . .
.~~:g~~~~&~J:~UM'i°~~::~f!. o..{."i'..".~~ Clol •• I. :0, 1111".1. .. Bonlwrlt~'. :
MuaJ c composed to y-our Sonl Poom und publishing advice. $1 2.00. Recor·,lIng is. "1( 11'0. OCle r ex pires June :10th. Conoa. ):11 Wlld .... d. "'In.beller. M ••• •
AII.ellon 80"JrwrUe .. : Cho nee of lIIe Ume thaI mlllht brin g dolla.. to your WCkel. 1',,11 Inform ation (or 3< N:~el:~~k~Iv.~l, ~DlIon, II:! I Sil. IIIb 8 .,
8TJ\TUAK Y, • Cruclflxos repaired, re· newed ot re a sona bl e rOlea. Send by mBll or exp ress .or w rt t~: Star Art 8~T". I•• , HOt Eo"rl 81. . J'11I.hurJb 12. Pa.
lITOM"CII .u ..... , Quick a l'lUlz tnll rel ief. NeulrDlae ,c.le JlUfl eally lIeutrallxu ","ceo' u old. Be ' conv ln c"d. Ma ll S1.OO. N.pal Cbemltlil Co . • an 4~ ~ ·Norlbwe. l.re Sla., Delrolt 4, ~IJ.hl r~ n.
Older People Praise .. It's So Kind ,to the System
Perma n e ntly e radi cated (rom a ny pRrt of Iho body With S n e n-Pel •• lhe remark" bit' dl, conry o[ the Bit •• Snon·Pelo don·ta ln. no d r ull or c:hernl cal ond wlli kill
!be hair root.
Lor-Beer Laboratories
C,. G • • n"llIo · 8t.;
Vnpcoanr. II. C.
. POULTRY, CHICKS & EQUIP, BE A WISE DUCK and f.lIow Ihe l elldor~AH l lh quality S.A h." vy breed chiou . :011.95 ".r hundred . U.S. npproved by Ihe 'Iollowlng sl~ le.: lndlnnn. Kenlucky. Georgia lIJ\d ' Vermont. 05 " IIvnblllty Irull r nnl". d. SV(ed c:h!cks If proferr"d., 011.0 Le ghorn ehlck •. Plen .. do not confll. a our ehl cks wllb otber cheap chiou. When beUer chlcka a re h o lched . Frond, will h h c them. Write, ca ll or pbone your ofll~r" tod.. ,..
Open Su nd nys. ~.w
FRANCIS "lIfOIlERY Mftdl 8on, O. Phon. 110
01110 VER'l'IFIED h ybrid • • ed corn for ,,1\ 1)'1l.9 of 8011 o nd ' IIrOwlnlr sensan. 25 va rietie s (or ,'out s perl rl c selection. nl eo. c e rlW.d H~\v key e Dnd L incoln So¥bea ns s C!ed. \Y rlte f o r pa rUc ulo r s . "II tu rner
Each With Your Own
prle NI.
O . C.
Initial! .
TRAVEL -PLAN now to tlec 1,~ torld R. MtI, k o yo ur va c a t ion d OIl." r Ito f arth.r. R ent b e. ullluI n pa rlmellt fn M ln ml. W rit e nud •• V b •• • • 1 So. 1mb. 8lr.el, Richmond, lnd .. Ph .
Thousand!! of older people praiee Nature's Remedy, Nt Tablets. AD .. at night bringa morning regularity 80 thoroughly, yet without perturbing effects. All-vegetable ntIJI:ft the di/ference-a big difrel'- . aneel Nt 's are compo88Ci of 10 IIilturai vegetable ingredients. That'• .why th\ly're 80 kind to your.system. Try M at our expense. 25 table.. onlY·2 5c. Buy a box at lUIydrug store. Try them. If not completely aatialied, return box witb uouaed tablet. to UII. We will refund your'moneyplus ~ta~
4~9nature'~i'verware ~O"1y75f
~ ~1g1.
WANTED TO BUY I.NDIAN follc s. arrow hoa ds, i\one nxci. ote .• · odd lookln~ lItones with h"I •• drilled In them. Hareld E"cle. BO. W.... ID.IDD C. U" Oal ••
wItI,..aftlr WId from
For Your Future Buy ~uy U.S. .Savings Bonds!
.. "iou· REALLY SICI( -
".................................... CIIr •••••••••••• ~.·ze..··· ...···· • 0"' ........ Ii. r., ........ iI . . . . prIIIIt .
Ie • .,.,., ,r
PA r:r ' :IT I
TWIN THEATRE Waynesville, Ohio
us for' jnsura~ce. All types of insurance at a savings. Call Frnacis Gene Brown, Phone Waynesville 2472 or call collect, Wilmington 2 t t 1.
1,9 50
Closed on Tuesday and Wednesday SAT. SHOWS: 6 P.M. SUNDAY: ·2:30 P.M. ·MONDAY rnRU FRIDAY 7 P.M.
. 11
TOIP Soil, BauUn1r1 Sancl, Gravel
Fana See
A Family Picture - Full of Fun nnd Mu sic Tom and Jerry Curloon
BANK RuN GRA..VEL- Loaded, at Davis PJt- 60 cents cublie yard. :We allO deUver. ARM· ITAGE .I; SON, Phone 2091. U
and CartooD
LU'MBER .,.. All kinds,in aU lengtbls and Wldthll, Kiln dried. Re:llsonable prices. All orders, large or small wlll be ,dellvered, Hog Houses, 'ACY LAMB, Pbone Wnynesv11le 2701 ,
FIARMS WlANTED-1 have buy· ers for all sizes ot farms, nonll too smalL or too large. You hu'Ve tried the t'est, now try the hest. For reference a:sk someone who haa de~~1t with me. It you reaUy to lsell, oontact Ben E. 011ne, n ••• t. .... Spring Yalley Phone 3688~,
nlg Musknl N11mbers
New a
FOR REN'l'-AplU'tment, S room~, light and wat l' just newly decorated on ard street. ~rs, EfUe P. Cook. X- 4·27- 1).4-11
To Fit the Income of Your
33 Years
' MAY 14,15
~"'!'r-~!L!!~ ,-
.., 1
MAY 16. '17
FOR. SAI..E-3·year-old grnpe :vIn e/! Palrry Cook. Main street .
Now av. . . .1e for reliable con-FORcern or iDdividuai to be DilRefinancilll, Buyinr, Improvinl ....utor for Reliable INFORMATION ON REQUEST . B01IL£ COMPANY
X- 27·H1
.Lebanon N.F.L.A.
Also offer~ LEBANON, OHIO GAS :AP~NCES Phone 448 Write Bos E WarnelviUe, O. ELLIS, H. 8jTURM, Sec'~-Tr....
NOTICE! Wayneaville .and COrwin
NEW HOUSE New Four Room House - Two i\cre8 of Ground-Near Oregonia - Vacant ;- POIBelllop. - P,rlced V~ry llea8oD~ble.
Our Work
Please You
Pric:'ea ReuOnable
FOR SALE - Mlnneapolls·l{on97well automatic furnace control. • complete; Electresteem hot water HARVEYSBURG. OHIO radiator ; speedy paint sprayer. __ __ ~ ____ u_ _ _ , with or without motor; .'Model 48B Mossberg ,22 cal. rifle wlth .a . TRY GAZE1TE aASSIFIEDS EARL A. MARLATT scope; 3 wrist watches. 1 1:111D. 2 Bulova; cb-alse lounge; ¥onta; Earl A. Marlatt, 67 years old, mower law n mower. baDY str.,lIer. Mt. H"lIy,' died Aprl 30, after an hi g h chair. Ernest EdgIngton, , DEAD STOCK WANTED JllnesB of three months. He leU a PhOne 2995. X- 5-:-11-111-115 ~ows t2.60 HOltSES $2.50 , HOaS .25 iCWT wlCe. Fay. 1 slater, Mrs. ' Flora FOR SALE 19" 7 \V lzzat'd bll.e H~nderson oC Wa.ynesv'llle, one j Allo Sheep, Calve., Coltl~ etc. , 5-plece chrome breakfast set. P~ne Removed Dally brother Jobn of Cincinnati. Serv- ~ayneavlJle 2461. X-5-U.tJ-15 Ices were beld. WedneBday arter- _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ CALL COLLECT noon at 2 o'clock ilt McClure Fun· VISIT IN UPPER SANDU~Y Wiyminrton 236a Lebanon 439 eral Home. Rev. R. .B: Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Jl\Ck Rich and obt, JANES RENDERING , wa. In cbarge. Burial was In Mid . \ . dlerun cemetery. and Rev. and · Mrs, R, B. Coleman were visitors In Upper Sandusky, , I
FOR . SAI,E--"T~o cbeny (h'ol) leni' tables, baby scales RJid car bed nnel seat. Phone 2632.
MAY 18
X--4-27- 5-4·n.
WASHING DONE In my ' home . Ph()ne 262G, \\ o'ynesv llIe.
Charles R Thompson
lV..EnIODIST OIUROI NEWS ROTARY TO SPONSOR Next . Sunday morning Motherll PROJECT FOR BOYS The Waynesvllle Rotary. Club Ja 1'&.2 SALm.:-Table model radio lind D:J.Y W'JIl be observed with appto· pbODOgr8/pb, Plus 80 records and I1 rlate ' musIc by the cbolr and, BPoDBrortng tr:uck crop projects for table. ~~eavme 2924. 1t ~ermon. boys. All boYB Interested Bhould The woman'B Society or Chrll' conault A. L.·AJbaugb, :I. B. Crabbe roB; SA.LiE - ' Elght·room hOIl R!', II 'Jl Servtce will hold tbelr reg- or Rev. KeYB at once .e It Is time semi·modern. Everett Gustin. IIlar meeting at the home or Mn. for CroPB to be put out. X-6-D·18-25 iloward Drummond TburacJay, May Thl. Js a Wbrthy project and we ---:--------l th at 2 P. M. think a great number of boYI will roR BALE - 19'0 Willys ~ood '!'be church Is planning a BervJce take advantage or tbli wonderful runDlng condition prlvate owner 1200.00. call M& 7970 before -1 2 1'01' Bu,nday, May 31 for R&v. and opportunity. Mrs. Coleman, 'Il'ho will move to nQi(]ln. Pearl '!9 nclalr On Rt.2·Dayton th e i~ ne,! home In Upper SaildUBky WAYNE TOWNSHIP . .10 ,- box 226 - A 6-- 11 • 18-25' 3t lhe last of the month. ' TRUSTEES TO MEET P'O:R' SALE. _ ,' Farman Traeto l' After the --"81' morro.... aervThe Board of Trustees or Wayne • ._... .... , ,wlth ~ult1vatora 'B~.OO. Red clo- h:e there wlll be a balket dinner In To ~n8~p ,wlll meet on Tuesday, vert b~y. Da.vtd Snead Elmtree Rd . the basement, .and an appropriate May 16, at 8:00 p , M., at the Town. Wa,ynesvUle 2109. . program. Bhlp llQulle. - G - 11 • la , . 26 - at • WAR.U£N W. ROQERS Ohio, and Mrs. Geneva States. of FOR SAUi;-1 Pl'eSlIl1re gMolln.e Warren W. Rogerll, 79 years old, Homer, 111" tbree grandchildren nnd 8,tove. 1 llutomnt1c wa8hln~ rn a ' (lied in Mlldletown bosp.Jta.l \\red. three great gr:andchlldren, chl llle. \l\T. J. Hoover. Fiftb street, nesda.y morning, May 3, after an , Servlclls were held nt McOln e · Funeral Home Friday lIJ'tetnoot;t L l , 2, ()'cloelt. Dllrlal WI\8 Irl J\filll n .Mrs. 'Margaret Frasier of Lebanon, cemetery . X-4-27':"5-4 .11~3t
SPECIAL PFlRENNJAI.8 no w Teady, pu.lnted daisl 8, carllli U on ~ , pnllsleQ, etc, St.;) Ollll'lI On rcJ olI , Main lind High 8tre ls, Waynesville. Phone ' 2551. X- 4·27-5- 4·1J
li'OR RALE - Wnll nll,pet· Il1 m'1les. pri ces reduc d on nearly a ll PRtterns 26'7h tl.E.Stan'dtford.
Rout 48 North of, Route 73
X- ~'4-11- 1 8
~uipped To
ADd r004 newl If lalt ,....,... lult 1000 worn and ababbyl Send It to 'DB -:- we'U n. atore that trim; IDlIUt look, . make It 10011 Uk. nn,l
Phone Centerville 7051
Ob.". 6 Lost J'UDgle
JllxcavaUng WIth Baok Hoe, ', Dr....l1ne ancl Bulld,ozir :WaynelV11le, Ohlo Phone: Y/ayuelvllle 2191
'.·--CU~-N-T · -ON-- C-O-.·--F'A~·R-'-M-. B-'U-R--E-A-u-~'i' .o0;:b=IO=T::ue;.:B::da;:;Y;;;Of;;t;;;h;;18;:;;w;;;:ee~k;;;;.;:;';''';:,::;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;=X;;;;5;;;:1;;J=.1:S';2.~,. .~I~:~IOo;: t~:e l~~:!~' :~:,:t::: Again~.r8
'Driver TRAINING Progr~. m . TO BEGIN SOON
Exide ' Batteries ' Fi'r estone Tires ,,
New and Reeapp'~ -~. $8.95 ,$2.00 Trade In Allowa,nce ,Lubricating Service ~irestone Accessories Op tI ;30
I . .m.
> •
PHONE 2528
•- - - -
Bob- SE~rvis
_~""'~I _II_n_'
~_ , _
Add Water Once A Year
. lUers' Gar... MAIJ •
to 9p. •. Suud!.,.: (;~O I. ,m. to 9 p m.
Of An Types 1l1lluJated· BrIcb and u"'" toe Sldlns. SlIMt meta, work of all tlD4II. Local l,ler.,.. ,eel. AU · worlr IU&ranteed.
Rout_ II WaynMvIlli, .O. Phon_ WaynMYIll. . .
Dead Stock ,I Ho...... 11.150 - Cowa, 11.60 . Hop - 26c crt Aeeordlng to Size and Condition. Call
Xe)lia 454 ReYerae Charau
1"~:l"I-m:-I I!I I-ml~II-I II I-I II I! -~I I I-I I I I-1II11 1-1 1 1 1-!1!1!1 1 1 1I1 1 1I 1'1 ~1111!I1 1 1-1 1 1 1-1 1 1 1-1 1 1 1-'11 1 1-1 1 1 1-1 1 1 1-1 1 1 1-Ili:-l l lmllrll1 1 1 I 1I WANTED
Especiall.v For Farms
RoY' E. 'Smith . Broker Rt. 48, 5
L1vJ Wire and Progre.llve. AD ~rg~lzaUon second to non•. Strictly leUers on the beat all· around market in the country, . SERVICE THAT SATISFIES For Dally ,.,.rket Reporta: WHlO Dvlon, 12:60 ~,8,T. Dial 1800; WLW Clnolnnatl, 1240, Dial 700.
P~O"E Centerville 7056
1IIlll11l11ll11l11llllll11lmlllllllllllllllllmllllllll~lIl11mllllllllllmlllllllllllll 1IIJ.llllllrnmmllmlm!llIImllllll!lIIllIIIII~IIII,lllllllilll l lll 110"; _ . - -
• -
Armitage.&Son SAND .....
au • •
About .Town
Sel'ving Waynesville~ Since 1850
WAYNESVI ' l;, OHIO, nWRSOA'Y. MAY t8, t 950
M. lmd
Ptlst-:-But N()t F"lfltten
M.-BI. John Ji'romrn to ' dtnnel' at the Wllile [{Iteben In ~ Il t'I'vlllo »re'j\lnted. at tbe .WayneSVllIe AUIll· . on Sundny. MI'·, alJd /111'8. C I},d l' ---"':""------~· I to~um next Friday night, May 19, A surprise birthday party ' was , FI'omm ' and son - of Sllrl ngfie ld, TheRe plcture's were made of the second grade lIupllS at the' at 8:30 P. M. lJy the Junior held for Mrs. Bertha SbambaUgh wore also guests I~t the FrolJJm hom !) or Mrs. J.. ucllle Paine. Tbe Children were divided nto two Dale DIlkin will have the and Mrs. Harriette McGinnis at tCOUIIII . Une group went In the kitc hen and colored eggs whUe tbe E lmer'. . 1l:lme r. beHeving h{)1!le for tbo evenlng, the home of Mrs. Shambaugh oUler grollil made baskets In the living room. Th re were around MI'. Ilnd Mrs. E'a rl Conner anll t.hlrty 'hUdren present. the genius or the Oardner Thursday, May n. Mucb enloy, Ho'n had us' Sunda.y . din n r guests Til se slorl es of "Wha\ Easter Means" w re chosen th e sets out to arrange t.he ment was had In open~ their tUs older alsters, and the gifts and the evening was paS.!led MrA. Ool~l e Surface nnd MI'. ulld tho 42 written . The stories were wl'ltten by cach child and wltbout corrections. h" 'Iluses! fllr)llshes the Mrs. Paul F'tl)kJng. 'b y music and cbl;l.tting. Refresh· 1\11'11>••Nell Anderson of Klllb'lmm, this :lmuIslng lI ew play. ments Inch,lded Ice cream, ca k\' PIlI'ts of bls s isters will be and corfee. !ThOBe present were : Is spending Il f ow !Juys with her Hon·ln·law and dau ghter, M I' . und by. SlIe F'urnal!, ¥Jrglnla Mrs. Robert Furnas, Lucy Emely, and Bnlle Bowles, while hiS Flossie Carey, JennIe Braddock, Mrs . Dop H.a.wke. _ _ te . are Emel,), RObblnfi and Dr. and Ml·!f.. A. E. Stollt hnd 1111 Susie Evans, Mrs. Annabelle Flora ~'_n ... Sillterthwalt,e. The dIrector of Dayton. and tbe guests of bonor, Sunday afternoon and venlng rs. Rosemary York. guests, Dr. and Mrs.' Hnl'ry J{ollston, l\e obtained MI'. and Mrs. Georg Wullz, Mrs. REGISTERED JERSEY aUc!iltorlum, Eckman and ' Mrs. Ouvllugl.'r at Pl:1ROIASED FOR , , DaytOn. WAYNESVILLE FARM 14.... Ray Conner was the guest AUxn.IARY of .ber daughter, MiSS Judy Con· HOLDS MEETING Iler '8.t Ohio Unlvertilty, ~ over the .cOLUMBUS, Q•• May 18.-CIIII· AUxiliary of the Leglon week end ' for the ~others O. BuVail of Waynesville. Ohio ton No. 815 met at tbelr regular. .festlvtteB. on May 11 at the Legion has' purchased the registered Je l" Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell sey.· S' r Someone May from tbl' had as Baturday evelllng dinner herd owned by Hlgb Hollow Farmr broucbt 1lP to .ee gueets Mr. and Mrs" Bernard Lebanon. Oblo. ~ _,Wo ..__· 1A "el1JI and .....rs Bafnes of WUmlngton, Mr.,s. Lillian 'tkere hav. been to 'many f1'he purcha,ce ~ds to tbe st~ad Carr of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. B. I.......... to oblldiren In .UI'I'OUDd: lIy grow1ng number In this aren. l. Hili of Mt. Healthy, M~. and Mrs. ClDlIUDIUD:ltlelS l~at ". want ·to Dairymen buy JerseYB because ' o' Cbarles Doster, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, WHAT EA8TER MEA'NS ' -,4e.nt. out of Wa}'1le and the blgb· qualitY of the mllk the ' Doater, .Mr.' and Mrs. George Wall, JJeflulI and Itls t.welVe dlsQiplea ato ~lJlner In tbe room. Af~ towD.-hlPI.. All . relldellta produce. Purebred JerseyS Ilre reglstere ' and/iXr. and Mrs, Donald \N.,..., ... ,. dlnntlr J~1I8 wenl to the \l:atden to pray. Tben bls enemleB ~ check and make proper ot Bal'vqlburc. Cards were tbe to tit gurden: lJ'hey tool! Jelluif away •• a prilloner. They crucified to1ralmg to llIaure safety of our by the .American JerBey Cattle Clu' dlYeJ'ltloll Of the evening. blln. N t r h died Lltey put blm In a tomb: Tbe second day, of 1_ Let a'll people accept which has Its national headquarter !Ira. Glenn Borden was hosteBII dCllth two woml'n CRme to the tomb. Wben they lOt to the . . .aqIreu. tid 1'e8ponatbiUt:, to , eliminate In Columbus. Ohio. Several pro· to the Frien,&blp Club on Wednell- I.IW 8urprlzed thcy wel'e, '1'0 see the stone rolled away rrom the tom~. .ucb ac44eIlts In OW' com· grams art! available througb ~ r Jesus bud gIOl)" to hea ven. By Judy- E. Wr18ht •. A~ 'I. " .r • _ day ' afternoon at the Methodtat American Jersey Cattle Club tr .....17. Cb\U'Cb, wltb Mn. JeDD1e ~ the buslnes. meetlll'g re- help breeders get the most profit and Mrs. ~ Hook oa IUIlIlstaDt from tholr Jerseys. rr.hmentB were lIIerved. hoat..... I'oUOW'IDI tile bualAel. MDSoII IIIICRET SISTERS OF INITIATED INTO group .tni!ns woa accomplUlled FERRY HC~'D MEET~N( DELTA SIGMA P 14.... R. B. Cole~an on tbe Tbe Secret Slat,ers . or Ferry me ' l ansing Hardin was recenU: h'ousehold blnt. were given, at tbe bome of Mn. Dorothy L1lI. 'nltlnted ,Into Dt>Ua ' Slgmn. PI. hOD a. baby · picture contest. was con.ale for thelr ' motLtbly' luncbeon 0 wary profp.s!llonal fraternity In tb. ducted. Present were: Mr College ' of business admlnlstraUol J'oIIow1Iiir aclJourmnent everyone and Cynth Is., Mr qt the University or Clnclnt\ati, II DuVall WIle m'f'$ft!Il -to tbe iUntDg room, Hoi., iIn. EvonlW AT" ceromonil!Js held at the Hotel ·Olb , _.... del1clloua audw1abes, salad NJckel and l'tlar.y JlUle 'He was graduated t ro Jr aDd coU. . . . . IIen.cJ at a 1aU~"...JANm~CI!IlB · aD. CAIrOlyn. mgb Scbool an~ Is , UfaDJ' arraap4 taII1e. .
,·---------------.. .
NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR8 STATEOFOmO DEPARTMENT OF WGHWAYS Oolum,bria, Ohio, May 18"le50 UNIT 'PRIOE CONTRAqr . swed proposals will be received 'at tbe omce of the Btate HfgbW&y Drector GI/ .Obfo, at Columbua. OJdo, unUl 10:00 ,Ai. M .• Ohio Standard Time, 'l'I1eadl1.T• .JUne 8~ 1950. for Improvements ~: PROPOSAL No, 1 W.atten, OoUJl~. OhiO, on ~t1on 0,04, State Rout. No. 123, in BarJam and Salem Townablpe. b,. ap· 1l1yinC a bltum1nOUli treatment, Items T.aO uicI' -r-82. Pavement: W14tb 18 feet. Lencth 40.866 feet or 7.70, mlles. Ccmtnct .to be ~mpleted Dot la.ter than September 1. 1950. ,'.llbe DiUdmum wage ~ b~ paid to all labor, eJQlo7ed on thtB contract ~ball be In accorc1ance with the ··Schedule of PrevaUing Hourly Wap BateII · ~certarned and ·De· termlned by the Department or In' eluatrlal Relatlona appltcable to State lDahw", Department Imftrcn'emeDtII lD accorclance with .. ~ ·1'108. 17-4. 11'4&, 1'1-6 · and l'101ia Or til•. Oeneril Code of Obto." Tb. 'bidder mlDt .ubmlt wttb bill bid a eert1fled check In the amoUDt (If ,1,311.1'. ~ aa4 qecWca.tIou· are on file Ia tb• .4epartmeDt of hIP"ars __ .a .... _ _ _ or ~.-D 4----...
n._ ......
...... uaVJIIIU
1l.... ~. ft' dJreOtor naern. the to reJeot IDF Ul4 all bl4l.
_ . .a__
1IWi~~~~~diaI_~~~Zi\;;;.¥~r.fr•..;T• •~.' ~~
lin. IIDton 'l'IalmIeIi uad d&usJa. ' ter. ~ of lII4dletoWD. 1&Pd Mr. aD4 JIn. David -Zlnk and BOD of LebauOU. :Little Gall Meredith of XenIa, fs the gueet of ber gt'lUIdparents, .M r. and Kra. Lou1s Frtes; Kra. ClW'le. O. James and c.hll· dren J'8OeJItl)' returned after apend· Ing a month with ber mother In CalUornla. Mr. anel Mn, Fred Hook ",ere Mothers Day dinner guests tbelr '80n'~l&w and daughter, Mr. and 'Mn. Howard Oe.lI8Dlan 'in Dayton. Mr. Ro •• H. Hartsock underwent '8urgery at Mfami VaUey Ho~pltal on Saturd.,. morning, and wllJ be ·con1'lnec1 ~ere for .everal d"y8.
PIlb1II1l 1-11'15.
- - aDn. BIola. lira. Beba Brad40ek Ul4 lin. lIImde &waD "..~ . . . . oflln.. JI)'I'tle IIItnIfII ........ oC ~
A COpy
Melvin Bant.a. of
N w Cllrlfslo entortnlll II MI'.' Ulltl
services \\fill be held at Miami Comet I'Y wIth the ' WaYllesvil1e High School band presenting several selections. ' Invoca,lon will be by R v. Coffey Gettysburg Address by Jerry Cook. Sp eaker will he Horace Gliil e r. Dase Ohlllliain W . I>. A. F. D .. WOI'1f1 \Val' n Chaplain. Benediction by Legloll haplllin Don Workman. Taps.. . trlme 2 :00 P. }\J. In case of Inclement weather service!! will be beld In the blgh scbool gym.
ALL BUSINESS MEN TO CONTACT STUBBS All buslneRR Inr n of Wn.ynesvllle nnd comnlllnRy who wOllld lIh n to' pnrticlpnt e 'Ip the big pnl'll(\I', SnturdllY. July 15 lit 2: 00 P. M.. please contact A. H. Stubbs.
CW-NGE IN OFFICi; HOURS ANNOUNCED Dr. Wright announces that be' ginning June 1 bls ofrlce hOII'rfi Will bo Wednesday, 2 to 5 and 7 t. 9. \Offl('e hMlI'S on other d ,y s \\'111 he t be snme as before.
Mr. and M'ra. Kenn~th Elzey and daughter. MarJorie, of DIlY· ton, Visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey Sunday eventng.
HAPPY HOUR nUB HOLDS MEETING fI'he Happy Hour Club met lnst Tues4ay at Mrs. Lawrence Cook's residence.' Mrs. Artbur Hartman and Mrs. Raymond Wflson were on the Program Committe.. '" ·Mra,. ~ Brfddook, Y ..... HU'IT
~~; lIad .....
SUNDAY 'VISITORS centered around ·Motber.~. ' <, FRoM' DAYTON Refreshments were served by ,tbe
WHAT EASTER MEA'N" Jesus arose from the ded. .As they were eating supper. Jesus tol(\ them that It would be the last '&uppal' they would eat whit blm, 'Pbey wosbed ther feet. Judas wanted him k111e4, ~ ..s0 they made blm 1!11ITY hili crOS8 up the hili. And be died, But be arose on Sunday, Aprll 9. ,And that Is w~)' we have Eaater. By Jeckie Cooper. Age 8, WHAT . EASTER MEAtt'S Jesulj was King of the JewlI. At, tbe lut supper Jesus WlUlhed the tllsolPJes teet, to show that- he 10ve4 them, Jesus tailed to the disulple8 and went air t'O tbe garden to p~ • . Some ot the people did not. like Je8us and wantd to crucify bIIm. After that they put him to lIeat an made blm 'go' ge~ hlB oV(.n CI'088, Tbey- put a crown of ·tbotna on hlB head. Alter ·three day. be ar088 from the dead and "ebt up to .h euven. By(]erry O. Gabrll, ABe 7. : ' "
~,old Leach~ Elizabeth Probst, bostesl and tbe ,meetlng acIJ.o urued Mr. aDd Mrs, Augu.t Dieringer, to meet wltb Mn. Percy Reuon Carol Ann August. Jack Hubley, illlUDe. SUNDAY VISITORS and Roy Scberer, all of Dayton, AT STONYBROOK ThOBe who spent Mothers Day at were Sunday visitors. at the bome CAlL AT GA2ETTE OmCE SA1lJRDAY Walter Tbollllleoll!B of Stonybrook, of Mr. and MI'I. Paul A. Scherer Mr. and MH. Oeors:e Hottman. were. Mr. and Mrs, Tbomas Col. and faDlfly. Mr. aDd Mn. Fred Marsball and line, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc· Mrs. Betty Howell, 11.11 of Dayton. PherSon and dau@;bter of Lebanon. VARIOUS COMMI1TEES Ohio, Mr. and Mn. Everett ThompTO MEET WED., MAY 24 ealled at the Gazette office Snt.on and son, ~r. · and Mrs. Edward There wttl be an Important meet- urd'ay alternoOll. . Camp and two so,na, Mr. and ·Mrs. hie of the dlUere..t committees of . John Leye.. dauKbter and brotber the varloua orwan1utlona WednesMr, and 'Mrs. Roger Brown were Robert Leye., Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur da)- e v _ . Kay If, 7:80. Stubbs !rhuJ'llday evenln. pesta of Mr. Thompson. .on arid daughter from FQn,eral Home. and Ml'1I. HllI'Vey Hole. DaJton, Leah. Claude and Tbom8JI Tb~paon, Mr. IIlIld Mrs. Avery ,~t and son. from Clncnnatl.
Oblo. .
W. C. T. U. H()~DS . REGUlAR MEETINC rrlle W. C. for. 11: beld their Ma.y meeting at the home of Mrs. Sara Braddock. on F'rtdil.y afternoon. Tbe .meeting wall opened by sIng· 't hg tw.o ]IOngB arId Sara Braddock conducting tbe d'!!votlons and .ho v' inK cbarp of tb.I program. " Atter the 'regular buel11less session. Mrs Bernard Daly re'ad an article on "Wby. People Drlllk~ j nnd Mrs. Mtetl Furnas bad a re'a dlug on "Liquor and Outcome." The mretlng WII!! cloaed wltb tbe ·t Tnlon Benediction.
, WHAT :EASTER MEA'NS . Jesus atB! with h1B twelve diSCiples. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. When be woa cruqUy the)" made ~un of blm 8l1d made him carry b1a own bung Cro81 to the hill. The ~omen gathered .plces and per· tumes to rub his body. lelu waB the king of the lews. By Diana Dumford, Age 7:
Mrs. Emma M(:Clure of Franklin called on rrlend~1 bere SII"day ar· ternoon. . , , Mrs, Hannah Davis was the din· ner 'guest on ~.lDday of Mr. and MD. Schreiner ot Columbus at thl' Golden Lamb In Lebanon. Mrs. EUa Daklin' was a Motber's Day guest of her son. Mr. Karl Dakin and faml);y In Lebanon, MI •• Rutb Cbandler attended s luncbeon of Alpha Phi Cbapter of Delta Kappa Qalmmon at tbe Van Cleve botel In DI~ton on Saturday. Tbl. chapter with .everal otherl. w.re pest. of Piqua cbapter. Yr. and Mrs. Williams and Uttle SOD Neal on their aunt 111'1. Allee on Saturday of·
., E 148 t w ·"". ... te o( M• ..., J. Scofield De' ... l'1I. rma mmol18 0 &yne.' .."D,... -I ined I ceased. ' ' vU1e~ eDterta ~e Fellowsb p Notice bereby given that Loma Clus of Ferry CJ~urch of ChJ'Ist at a M. S""'otleld w"~e ...... Po-t Office Add• •urpme birthday part; on the 9th. resa Is Waynesrtlle, Ohio. bu be.en This ·wu "veD fn bonor of -J1I. duly a.,ppolnteel u A4m1nbItntor Verlll ' Hllnt.r, aDd Mr. Harold of .'tbe Estate of Mary J. Scofield '.Lemmon.. fl'be illestB included late of Wah'8D County. Ohio, el. Mr. aD4 lin. Wm, Bell and cbll· dha, Mr. and Mn. Wm. .a.rtin, ceaset\ • Mr. and MI'II. Dlck RJaoadel. Mr. Dated tbls ' 4tb d.,. of May, 1950. and Mrs, Everett Hunt.r, Mr. and RALPH H. CAllEY. Mrs. ClintOn Do Vall, clauPter. Mr. Judie of th. Probate COurt and II... , Hane, K. Hole, lira. Eel _ Ohio LInville, Mr. uad Jln. Byron Car- tenaoon. Wur.a (lOUD-". Yet aDd III'. ud lira. 'D-"'I1l Older011 SadQ. At GraY. lUIIfnaer, aa4 -.., tJII, ...... lacladed . ' • . . - were ..........w. PDbI1Ibe4 ~. n·18·11 . CaraIJia aa4 .JIIDiDJI6 :tenma.le. D
DRY Rll)Gl
. M~Y 15. 1950 - ·A few clays ot real weather. 'Jlbe . 1eav~' n.re Barbara Bogan waa the wee,k end coming Ollt very fa.t nOlW'. rfhe bouse guest ~ ber gra,ndmotber, first iris are Ili bloom. Sunday Mrs. Nina Compton. or :Mason. It looked as thougb every car In The 'local order of the Grange ' the country was oot on the roads • . held a food sale at tbe Grange you mJght SIliY ' every car In the Hall, Saturday morning. country. ·Every fIBbing spot was Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Doster and tull and from the looks of Diany family. of Sprlngrleld. · ",ere tbe farm door-yard a tbere were plenty guests Thursday ot Mr, l>o8ter's ot sona and daugJ:!ter8 wbo hnd parenlSl, Mr. Ilnd 'Mrs. Hprberl gone to see motber. noster. Sunday night , at the St . . Marys Quarterly meeUng was in ses· Club we bad pleosure of having ~Ioli. at th'e Frlen4's church. bere, ·' Mr. Alec Sbort weak to ua. I do Saturday. Th4! speakers were Lester DOt kllo.w just bls ornela! poaltoll FIggins, pastor of the Friend') but be Is In Columbus In the dechurch, New Burlington and Lee partm!lnt ot Wild Life ConserPartlngtonl pastor of the Frlenda vatlon. He .ays' that his: depart• . A basket dinner' merit iSBupported by the fishing churcb, bere. was served In the home economics and bunting Usense" and not by room of tbe school building. at tuello. He II heart: and loul Intel' noon: ested In the conservation at our \A pageant In obaervance ot natural resoucea. forests, soli and Mothers Day was presented at the wat!lr. II sbocldng how many . Metbodlst churcb S\JJlday morning. . ~Ilsldes rlgbt In ~ur oWn cOlll)try J, F. Jacobs. local contrsctor: are being tripped of trees. . On purcbll8ed the ' Lula. Miller , prop- plaCe I ,noticed last fall near ert)l whicb was Bold at an admin- ·Orgonla. a. steep bmllde hot worth Istrator·. auction on tbe premilee. anytblnK to plow had been stripped Saturday aftemoon. ot Ita treeB aDd brush for no good Even' ·Robert Hlldebrecbt bjla .ecured hason tbat.' I could see. a po.ltlon wltb tb. Frtgtdalre DI· wbere small homes have beeD ,-Islon of General Motors, Daytnn. bUilt more trees sbould be left to . :Mrs. Grace Bayes went to Har- bid the soU. A. be says. tbe place Ian. Kentucky. saturday, where ~be to stop floods Is up In the hUls, plans to vilit her daughter (or /lev· save our forests and ' flood walla era! daYII. aloDI tbe 0410 will not be necMI'. and Mrs. Carl Jones and esu.ry. Proper cultivation of the their daUChter 10 N.lI. were guesta .011 libel b.tter care of paaturN SatUl'llay of Mr. lena.' parents. Mr, and 1!11'..,. h1118ldea wJll 1I.1p bold and 111'1. Clutt. lones and famll" .tbe water and lOlL It 18 wond.r. ot ClarbYille. ~ , . . . • .... ferUllur ... (Contln".. OD Pqe 4) lime will do for JOUI' , . . . . . :
May Day Disappoints Communists; New York Students Stage Riots; 'Gambler.Admits Ma, ki~g $100,000
approved Polltical observers agreed that the cut would be a popular votecatching move, but at the same time, were beginning to wonder If ......,_.,....'"'~t-~""', ...r-·,"""'I there are enough "loopholes" In exlating tax laws to make up the deficit that appears likely, President TrumlJll.. was ot the oplnIon Ulat by tightening certain tax laws, funds will be available for ;Sovernment operations 'the next r fiscal ea, y . •. In ~act, the President ,threatened t o veto any bill th a t f ails to 0 ff set , the losses .by provision of new revenue from other sources. He aSked thlll the excise cuts . be beld to $655 ,000 ,000. At this point another problem appears. The committee bad not yet vOfed on two of the most impor~ant of wartime excises-commUJi1cat lons an' .... transportatl,on. 'Some members predict' "~at an-
VaIUD'" ....... aDab.ta a .. d .. ot ..... ~ •• rllJ'
.1 tbl.
Disappointing ' Outside Russia, May Day proved a great di~appolntment to the' Com· munlsts. ' In Berlin. for instance. where the Reds bad hoped tor strite, a half ml1llon people. drawn trom both halves of ~e .divlded city. roared detlance to the Soviet Union and German communism and pledged allegiance to . freedom. At least 500,000 staged a spectacular demonstration in the British zone, dwarfing the well-organized parade only a few blocks away. TIle Reds claImed that 800,000 participated, but east·sector police on the spot volunteered that the crowd was no 'more than 250,000. And, although the meetings were next door to each other, there was no outstanding violence. A flurry of .tone-throwln, and a few tI,t 11ghts was the extent of battle. at the Ipeakers, aglpg Mayor Ernest Reufer of Berlin was the mOlt popular. The crowd applauded and cheered when he said. "We Berlinera are not afraid of any-
fUI·. It
Boldlac • boy firmly by tile coUar, • New York moanteet »oUceman la pown taklq Into custody one of the thouaodl of blgb Icbool Itadenls who : de"oastrated &Del rloteet , In Foley Square .a a foUow...p of ,tllelr support .f teaobera' uJa~ and otller demaacls,
foclt story, in the history of Minell'Va! , The tale of Mil;acie, • Iiv;ing and 'brcathing calico cat wblch /lurvlved 36 hours in a killtl heated to 900 degrees. Miracle!. prefabricated coun· terpart-a sirloin steak wrapped in a sealskin., hat - was submltted to a limilar ordeal. At the end of 36 hours, the stenk stIlI WBI jllicy and that hat fur son. Only ' one end woos charred. That was the end farthest In the furnace. where the tall of the rCllI cat presumably once. lay. An inch and a half ot Miracle' a talll was burned off. "'Now." exclaimed the brickplant superintendent as the test was concluded. "maybe they'll bellev. we're not , a bunch 'ot liars." :rhe superintendent. Joe Bucola, was the first person to relate the, tale of the fire resistant cat. L
_-========-_-J T 1B
F"lI'st rave
willt .,ltil."ar IIId froID
mc;reasing Cost ,of Government THERE IS a small group In the , United States senate that claims to know all about appropriations by congress and the expenditures hy the executive departments and bureaus of the federal government. That group Is the senate committee on expenditures of lhe executive de· partments ot the government. In a 'compUatloa of sncb IqformatloD, under a "Itle or "The • Inoreasln, 0 0 - t of Government," that committee, 'under L the cbalrman-..... ' " of Demo~ratlc ~ Senator John L. ftloClennan ot Arkausal. preaented for tbe luformatioD of mambers of the ~ senate a "detaUed tabulation , of all e"pendltures with a comparl· Ion of such expenditure of prevlous years_ It Is given In great detaU and Is b bl h pro a y t oroughly understandable to any member ot the senate. but my' guess would be that a compara-
KELLOGG'S VARIETY PACKAGE • LovellY silverware with
OldCompony PIa!.cDUlda and guarankoed by Wm. ROllentMfg. Co., Meriden, Conn. With Spoollll. YOIl let priOOll OD roplllletCI aervioo-ofl'ered by _ •• K ellogg'. VARrBTY of 7 cereal delights _, • lOgon· erous boltoa. Dellclo anytimel
SEND 10DAY! KeUolII'I,Depl.FF,Walllngford,Connocllc"
PicaBO BOnd IDa • , ••• "Sillnature" tea.pocns with following initial .... , ., For each unit eot of 4 BPOOrul[ I enc10BO 1 whi!.c·otar Clnd (rom Kc logg'e VAlU&T1I' PA.CKAG& IUld 75t in coin. Nam ............ o. .
.... " ............
••• I ••••
(pt •••• p,lnl)
Ad................ o.
•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
City ........................... Z.nl ...... Sttrte ...... . , Olf.,. goad ollly in II. $ ., '-b/od to aM
-------~~~~~!~!~&~~~------ureau tively Imall percentage of the taxpayers of the nation would know , I l l . ' _. .il FOlr Tn·p to Planet·s what it II all about It they had a copy, whleh they will not have. RetOrds Heavy Trade 1& II Dot poalble fa tile Ipaoe St.Joseph ASPIRIN CIt ,. Ora..rootl colamn 'to ~ve ;
tlon would climb to more than
therebv. experlmenh!rI laid, proved 'the grcatest hot-
"aWOl'a,.••• )
other $500,000,000 cut would be approvecJ in ' these fields. If that shoWd be the case, tbe total reduc-
Looh Lilie It Happened MINEJlVA, OHIO. - A aynlhf!tlc cat came out of a brick kiln with Hs rear end scorched, but still a bundle of flesh and
Stu dents Riot ·
Each _With Your O.m
-- Cats _
Votes Cut The all· Important house ways and means committee 'has voted 'e 20 per cent slash ot the federal admlssion tax on film. stage and sport tickets. The action, were It to become law, ·would meim an annual loss est!mated at $242,000,000, brlnging the
~~~~:i!~~ia~~;::~~~~~-;:;~~~;ru~~~~1 1 total . cuts and exemptions WltOJI 0111,,1, ... a', .... ,. •••• iD tbo. . . .111.'" tbo,. are Ibo .. of thus tar to ~76.000.000.
Thursday, May 18, 1950
What happens next? If Mr. 'l'ruman kept his word be would Yeto any bUi that did not' take up the slack from another Quarter. Add to 'NI~W YORK.-The world'i fir.t '"aO the hurowiD, details :tbat thiDI·" the cut Is S43 blWon above trav!!l bureau tor trlpa to the report preseDteet for the InforIn New York, the annual May ' the' President reeommend'ed. planeta opened for bUllne.. here. maUoD of the senate. The belt I Day paracie was held to the tune of and 'Ita auoce.s wal meteoric. Clan do is to pall8 alODI' a few of jeer. from spectators and a few It seer'ne'd that a battle was ihlpMe)re than 200 atomlc-a,e plo- ' tile hi,bD,hta. :1lst fJghta. About 13.000 persona at· In, up for the future.' It wa, 'UI In· h cl t leresting situation, to sa;:r the least. neerl rus e 0 make reservaUona The comparison between the actended. the rally, the smallest num~tage Riots on 1he maldlaJl. rocket apac. crulle tual expenditure of the executive ber In ~eara. 1 to the moon; Mars ••\td points up. branch of the government for the ~ou.ands 01 New York high , r.~ ,f - . , The rocket a b 1 p 'l Luna.la" . AllIo on the home front, the Uttle . , "f ... fiscal year ending June 30, 1949, a town of Mosinee, Wis., ·' experi- school students s~ged repeated AlmOst Peak • Martian, Saturn la, and Solar , Queen partially estimated expenditure for, , Ich'edul ' e d to 1ellVCI 'd a.... n_ mented with communism for the demonstrations-lome outright rlOtlt , Th ' 'Ii.. " u ...... ,...- t are ex- the "scal ....- ar of 1950. and ' the exhigher pay for teache ce sus b ureau ....epal'Oeil u , day 'and a strong-armed "1UeJ'1'llla" -demanding era and prote$tina a virtual halt fa employment was within a stone's c:pt 'SundllJl;s :nrJ bollday. ~om pendlture of 1951 as proposed by the band &round 2,000 residents under throw ot ~ million jobs, a plckl,lp t !I New; ~o,rk pacepo~ In C~al Presldent'l budKet are given. 'nIe the beel of a mock Communist after-scho,ol aotivltles. As many as 5.000 students repeat- or 1,117.000 over tlle bureau'l Fe- Pad:, Marcb III, 1975 A:cllordin, actual' expenditure ot 11149 amounted boot, ' ' edly rushed city' ottJces and clalhed vlous report. to tile timetables, the, will travel. to $33,761.000,000. In 1950. the parTh,e mayor was forced to sur- with police. ThIlY shouted and Included in ,1he report wal the :It average Ipeeds of 25,000 miles UaUy estimated eXpenditure Is $43,render the town. the police chief shoved, threw stones, stuck pins fa good news that the 1950 n~mber 01 an hour. ~odaing meteors and stars 297.000,000. In 1951. It Is' proposed was executed. a conse.n tration camp ; llce horses. set: off firecrackera, unemployed sank to 3,1I111.000-a new on fllight. ranging trom 10 houra to 1)y the President'. budget to spend was 'tilled with hYmn singers; low tor the year. 1.333 daya. , $43,439,000,000, sn increase liver that churcbes were closed and food ra- and made trouble in general. Secretary of Commerce Charles Th,e bureau, complete with route of lIi49 of $8 648 000 000. tioned: The residents of the Uttle New York's school problems can mapa ot the heavens. showing ' '" town felt Jt was weU worth while. be traced directly to the' teachers Sawyer said the gains were "prob- sfopl)ver points on the craters of Some of the major increases All fa aU, the day outside Rus- who have demanded more money. ably greater than was gener8lIy an- the moon. set up shop at the Amer. were: Jlatlonal defense $2,584,000,ala proved a great disappointment ,.. a result, $13.000.000 was' added tlc,l pated." He cautioned. however, ican Museum of Natural History. 000; , SOCial welfare and securlt:r, lo' the CommuniSts. It was evident to the school budget. but Mayor that the gains were at least partly jl,lst outside the Hayden Planetarl- $845.~000,OOO; agricuItur~ $1,632.000,urn. where a preview ot mghts to 000; gcwemment housmg. $1.247.ahO. that tlie so-called "wltcb· O'Dwyer cut this tigure to $7.000,- seasonal Commerce oHiclals had hopes comle was shown to prospective 000,000; labor, $60,000,000. bunt.. ~derwa:r in congress ' is 000. The teachers then called a mod'employment making a gre.a t many Communists l1led atrIke. keeping ,classes but re- that might the be high maintained through rate the pI anlet -b oun a passengers. There Is aD odd Item of P'7'7,depart the company' of tellow org· fusing to supervise "extra-currlcuMost of the wollld-be Universe 000,000 listed under housln" th.t " tI itl h summer. The reason: , factory pro1or ac v es suc as commenceanlzer8. ' trotters signed on the dotled line represcnts the purobase of...mor&..... ."ent exercises. senior dapces. duction and sales both at the Iblgh· befo],e they saw the preview-and ,a,es cin G.l. homes that bave · e' s t levels more"with than manufaca Y,eDl'. b-...4 or e th ey f oun d out t h at a h uman I pay!, proms an d cI ass. ·d ays.' new orders In,placed been protected by the govemGAMBLING: the students staged turera reached ' a postwar peak,' and might explode on the moon. melt meat wheD tile 0.1. failed to As a result. Probe Continued .... ni'm d" d +In on Mars, or be asphyx1ated by meet .. hls a",eed paymentll, The demonstrations which at llrst , '"t,"':rc,. or era COD"fA"U!, . to a~ Jupiter. ' admlnlatratioD Is, aot permltt.... ~ batt1eJPinat "Olbllq ~ taken lI,h~. but , lOon I ga~ cu:a~~;~g was the only branch not 'Th!!1r confidence was · unshaken. suoh mort... to be foreclosed ) ~!1~(~J1lIIdl8:~d;by c.tie. thrOIigh- dence of brllllant organization , retlectin increases, 0 ', . De. h!llPWlllVE'r. as they ~alked out cliltchbY the banks' tbat a.d~ancetl tbe out the PI\Ho~ and ,mlUl.Y s~ates fof direction. , l~ft.t'. !n:~ re,cently I?lc)ted ,,up by ~I Tilll picture became more con.l spite the seasonal rise in j~ ,the in, . :thej.r timetables for space. loans. The government take. , the- seriate. seemed 'to have 'reached ' fused when th Communist D~n-) t 1 b In f ' .L 'l'hey were so anxious ,to go that over the mortca,e """J ota num er 1lf1:ll wo : 'can- they dldn·t bother to ask the llrlce. .' tliih rl~~ I-oll'dl and I moved doll; Workef' praised the demonstrators· tinu ed below th. e leve1 a .year And they didn't botner. eltb"r. to There are mahy Items In that reo rapldb'. / ~J;' I . ; I and' accused the New York pollcllj by about 62~,OOO. .~",' read tbe fine print on ,the schedttles, port that 'would be difficult tor the 'fbe .euatorsi corislderJli* '. · pro- of Invokln, "t err 0 rIO methods, <l'JORPORATION 'which said:' average lll)'man to understand, liut ~al to bar the interstate trans mis'- against them, . ... : "Oannot be respollsible fer de. the "above represents some ot the I lion of information ,boqt gambllDg, ' Said Federal .,Tudge John C. "apl'tal Up lays on route caused by meteor larger Increases, and shows the tellhope. to C~» wpat .lome lawmakers .Knox of southern New York dis- .... . •. dencies of government costs to in· I.sllovver'. or otber phe,nomena. .ay is "a natlon·wlde criDJe apdl- trict court: The photo,raphs of The securities a n d\ exchange crease. cali! founGed .on illtaal. bOOkniaJdng josUing mobs "will bring Joy to the commission reports the net work.Senator McClennan said In preslot ,machines. r, irunates of the Kremlin"'; ' the riots ing capital' of United Statel corpor- MOSit Women Murdered lenting the report of his committee ate !'daring and dlsgrace1ul." atlons rose 2.9 billions last ear to " ~ aenllle · subcommittee in Its Ar. Slain By Husbands to the Ben ate: "The legislative 64.'1 billion dollars. ' ~"gatlOn' ~d two l adQ\~i1Qr18 EVANSTON. lLL.-Women are in bl'ancb of the government Is being The business world took immedi- muc;b greater , danger ot being fibril Frank Erickson, ,c alled 09-e of GERMANY: .. ate notice of on!! Item in the 'report. killed by their own l\usbands than asked to enact a multitude of 'new the nati_o~'s b~ggest gambl~; . laws to expand further govern'peopl..'s poJiq. " Corporate working capital at the lIex crlmlnals or other ,assaU- mental servjces and program a and 1 JJ.e,J»!0~i>-Ul,..4l~, in. running up end or'I949 was more liquid thllJl at Two' COnlnlubist storm troopers, 'ariis" 'a university professor de- to create,addltional and new obllga. , 1IJtbuu ,a ,:rea~ net mc~e trom any time since the early' part of cJarh~. ' " , i ta~g betli' _,!\,hlch 'rangea t , from wbo wandered ~to oWeli Berllo, tlons that will continue to Increas,e confirmed ' long '- s~n\l,ing! ~ ......,.. 1947. Furthermore, h1! adds, bls stud- the cO,st ot the fede"al government $31,000 to 'f40,OOO I dsY. " 'J1his increased liquidity last 'year Ies showed there Were twice as and Amarican f; RIa ~ter~~te operations, wO,Ill~ , Soviet Union was rearming resulted from a 2-blllion-dollar rise plan:y murders of wom.en by their within the next few yealls to $65 bllor more elc:h year. ~ lto~~:..~e, ,.e~~ent pre Germany. in hol~g of cash and United husbands 81 there were by lovers venje4 f~lIslOn:at: ..mbllil' " 'I have 'rleiJ &0 point out wltb States government seCurities. and or sUitors. The tw9 atray.. armed to the) . ~ ' .~Qs, state .lines. ' .. 1 • 5% bllUOD doDar ,deflclt for a 6.5 bUllon decline In current lia~Plt plll'4ed 1I¥tY., in . a U. S. Prof. Edwin H. Sutherland. chalr~ . ~,." pbint- lif the. JmvesUktioa coi,Jrt of entetlng the section in' bilities. the preaeat year, aDd aDother of man of the loclology ' departm~!Dt -ill I n admitted that he was Otten para·rnllItary about tlie same amount f~'r 1951, In all, thO'. ouUook wal good most unHorm, Weapana In at lIndlana university, dlscUSSlld '~~ed" ~ .bfj scti!.1Uel. . we oaDnot pollibly meet already cluded army pIstols, !Jnachine guns observ~s agrlled. b\a llindin,. In the current issue ot anil allaUlt rltles.•,' Norihwes\em university'. Journal , established obllgatloas, aDd ... i " ever balRDoe the budget a,alll, The Men laid \ they wete memJ D1 Crlrillnal Law 'and Crlmlnololf)'. T~i",e' C_.A,. T .... , " anlesl we are wOlin, to dlspeDse bers of the Soviet zone "People's ~~~ I ![!i' ~\'! ~.\ l~ \ He, ', said hla observations were with lome of the ',overnmenla. baled on a three.year surv~y of the ~I\ the physical co'ndl- Police" ,?ut that it Is in reality an services. that a~ DOW provided, murders ot women repollted In a tlJ!9 .o( awp~ members of the house army. , Members o~ the organizadiscontinue lome programl we lar'l~ Eastern ne\1l'/lpaper. , of 'comm,o,# bav~ ~ecomeJ a part of tion get short trainlhg ris pollceare now supporting, and drasticmen. including la"" courses. 'then • Gf 324 female deaths reported, BJttlah 'bumQr recently. ' ally reduce tile 'cost of others." he slilld, i02 were laid to have been . ~m.berj 4#~1he lsborparty. how- go In for tanks" armored cars. light and heav;y machine ' guns. If a maJQrlty of the memb~1 o~ done by hUlbands, 37 by fathers or :z:~ are. ,not finding them' ver;:r e~tber the ·senate or house could , be other close relatives, and 49 • . especlall¥ BIn~e the one- grenades and assault "rilles; Induced to feel as Senator McClenlovers or suitors; . J ->I~tory on a: nUhor Issue. By , On top of ' that; dally classes in Sutherland also laid the sexual nan ie~li and shut down on much of ~HOl\e :-,ote., the "government es- "political education" under ComPsy:chopath laws enacted lh many the .pen4!nI, we might have a ca~, aQ,~ ernbaJ:rass~g ,defeat and mUDlst c.oInmissars are glveD the chance to get out of the red" and '36 units of 1.0<10 men each. , '\BUIS-are in~deituate. " a .enooW tnaw to 'Us' prestige. Th'e laws. he said. "are based start paying lomething on that na· As It In , answer to Communist :,'ltie'r,I"Ii'e, a" token cUt to 'th,e GIl '. belief tbjp.tpersona who com- tional dept, reducing llistead of In· t ran I p 0 r t a tl 0 n , appropriation plan. the United States defense de' ..rlous aelt crimes ~ave no, creaslnll, it. amounting to, only 1.000 pound •• partment answered the follo~g 'I, ..,imt,rol over their sexual Impulsel tied 2'18 to' 278, The chairman of day ,that 148.500 army troops and wlll repeat , their crl,mel ,a,ain It II' possible the tarlU may again the house~ Laborite Jamel Milner, maintained by tbla country in west aDd, 'lIaln rqudlell ~ ,. ~unish become a polltlcal ISlue It the pro· cast ~e deciding vote on the gov- Gel'many_ menl~ or other experJences." ernment's side, 1 The department said nearlY Il00,, posal to .ubsldlze Industry and labor Actually, evlc,tence indicated that ~a compensation for lower tarltta AI a resul~ of the narrow el- 000 r.n~ more ~an 40 per cent leX oHenders have a l.ow rate of 011 European made · p'r oductl IUC., r a D k ErlcUOa, bll'-ume cape, Ena1Wl political observers the country's, total all - service pmbler, admitted &0 the seD- 'return to criminal hatllts, accord· ceedi. Such a move would repudlate Aid th~y e~ected Pt:Ime MlnIater armed. 8trenlth, are on' duty outin, Ito Sutherland. ate committee "veatl,allaa' Attlee to enforce even stron,er dll- side the United States, Democfatlc claIms 'that higb tarlffa Ha' said F..B,L reports Ihowed a benefitted only the hi' industrial pm1>lla&' that be made $100,Of tne troops in Germany, an dpline on attendance of X.,bor low rate of retuJ'n to crIme concern., but did not add to tile members of the house_ . 8rDl" ,spokesman laid, 85.000 are 000 a year trClm taldoc' beta by peraonl accused of Criminal .1- workers waies, Now the party from "aaybody who WaDtl to 'Observers laid that the 'v ote also concen~ted in Berlin. The delault., bet." Th. senate croup ls lave a true picture as to JuSt liow fense department has long oper. seem. about ready to reverie itaelf ,DarrOw the balllJlce of power in ated on the theory that Russia studylq lealslatloJl ' to bar by propolin, a subsidy to laj)or, ad..teratate IranlmJaslon .f pmthe Britl&h government has ' be- would Ilk!, nolbin" better than a lunll.n Bldl, a.al 'Man . mitting that walea are effected bl' come. bllaa' laformaUo~ chance to take over Berllo. tarltt reduction. Taklnl $'.000
EMI'LOUM ' E"ip" ';'
, ~
• I _
"Freed frOm
NERVOUS .WORRY" ··Ml' Duvolls etate wu duct to driaIdnJ eoflee. Switcbinc to roeTUII calmed me- . I .topped worrylDC aDd b.,an to really .ujoy 1\(1' I" .CIINt'FIC FIlCTSI 80th cOrrete aDd tell.
coatalD caffeia-a
dl'lllt'-fl _ .,imuI/Jllt. So. wbile lIWly
peo()le C&D .drink coll'CICI or te8 without ilI-elfect-oUt8111 8u1!'er aetvo~ indiga.tioD, ....ote. oiltbte • . • roeTUII c:ontaiua no eatre:in oroUterdrur-~i~ that COil pouibly MUle _ , . . , . , . . . iJIdi,. lIf!Stioll, or IIftplas..-. • M"K~,.,s"JEI T: Drink ~ p da~juilge by ruiUUl ••• IN!lTAHI' POIITUII-A Vigaroua DrinlI
ciualvcily for"'30
made ,~111 lfultbful. Wheat aDd .~
- -
t;{~Q#{,~iY:;'. '
IES. rn lust 7 dl,.. •• ,Inone short week •• , • croup of people who chloleef.fro.u lhelr old denllfri,cea 10 Calox Tooth Powder aver8ged 38" IIrilllrtu feelll ., ICieali6c tear. Why III)t chen,e to Caloil r.o.t!.~J[? Bu, Cala. ·tod.",. ~ roU leeth CUl Ilart Jooklq _ 1Ir16MC!r tOlAonowt •
e· .
" 'Big
BELGIUM: Crisis Again Fol' the third time within a year the Belgians will vote on the question of the exiled monarch's future. The new election was ordered after "the coDapse of a final effort . ,to cOllltltute a new 'coalitlon ,ov-' ernment or sodal christiana IlJld :JIberall for the recall of KID, Leo-
WAR' -
Rloh Nllam
1'1One ..-----------_.1 or the richest men in the The world was glad to hear the
Not Imminent·
wordl of Cha~an' Connally, of the senate foreign relations commlttee, that there seems to be no Immediate danger of war with Ru.sla. The Texan laid in an Interview: (1) Comm~st prealure would force "'pold DL the United Statel to abandon South ,Cllblenwa predlcte4 thet tile Korea; (2), the Baltic plane faci.... eJeetIon would be a. inIrIect. dent baa DOt hastened war betwem . . . . . . . . receDt refermdum, th1I counw BII4 RWllla.
world. the Nizam 01 Hyderabad, India, who keepi InVer, gold. je,W. eIs and bank notes ~aJued at about '130,000.000 in air-conditioned vaulta into Which he alone, mlly enter, patchas and dame bla worn ments h1mIelf. AlUloUib he unl a · lar,e uncut diamond aa a pall8.fW8l8h1. be dOlIll" , ~w monq arourad.
AII:RON. ,OHIO. ~ Tour took ,1.000 in calb and $800 In goverDIIlent bonds from Geor,e Roe, 80, ' atter beating and torturing hlDf,. he told Robert L, smith Summit touilty Iherltl. aald the men attacked him too-acre' farm near MaceOhiO, wbere he Jlvea alone. Be. laid they ded him In .a chair, beat him and bUJ:1led his t.!et with a bot J)oker when he refused to ten ~ hII monel' was bldda men, bowever, rBDIackecl the fauIId the h1IPq plaa,
In Orange count)' CaUtomla, tile druJ,lsta will 'not refill a pre8crlp,tlon without Instructlonl from the doctor who wrote It. The way the pa. tient ,eta luch Instructlona is to p,ay a ,professional clill on the doctor at aa office call COlt. That rule 11 one of the foundation stonel of Gov• Warren'a .oclallzed medicine propo..L It II lUeb ibM- harm the caUie of the doctorl far mora thUl can be offIet b7 .n the free Ilemcel the, render tor tho•• UIllable to pay, aDd ..... are maaur Ncb .uvJc.., .
WHEI S'EE~' WOI'I , COME AID ,IOU "FEEl GLUM ' U:s . Che,..lns-Guln Lauth.REMOVESWASTE ... NOT GOOD FGOD , •• ' l' l.f
e WIle. ,, .•• .,..'t..IN_feel Juatawtul becauae you Deed a IUath.':" do- is , lIll,Wo~, do - cJIow I'lDlrA-lIjIIni_ rnK-a-_ S.
WOIlI\edUll:r dUre~tl
Doctors 18Y DIaDY ol.e., laDU'.
tbelr','ftuabln'a" Alltiol1 too • __ ... d ••C I. Ule 010... 010. Large doeea of web lUatlvCII upaet dll8ltlon. Glah awa, DO.". lahlns ,00It yqll ~ tor healUl ~ ellel'!D' •• , yOu feel .~ OIlS. " •
But csnUa ....-..- _ . takm Ii!.... ODlDI.mded, 'worb ~ In tile loW.. bowel wbeni It r •• ov_ ••'" w,\!te, ••t _ _ 10041 TOil ••old Ulac 'lINk, toti'IIcI
run 9f W.' 2Sf. WI. or oalr
tetUnc. U.. tIDe.
nDI-a-1UIft 81\4
10" i9
1.&--Jg~ )I RID YOua . .Ml.of l'
'............ aodlbe\ hn4, cU'lalll~r,eJa,.. • cloud 0 lerQ'ol fOI wbll:b killa 11-- 1IIOIIl~ I
1-. rciKfI-."'Uti,.uwr filii
buJt, molba aM IIah. Lea_, eo upr... IDt and ' l; b'ai'illo I
. . . ,.,._..== .·._L, =" --.:...... ..
'I01ACC:O .'!P1tDUCU & C1IrI=~. ~
Thursday, May 18, 1950
inkCabinet Has Variable Dimensions
Good Stitching, L~ss Trimming Should Mark Children's Clothes
By ErUa Haley
LUCKY INDEED are the young-
'Salty' Trend
'sters whose mothers can sew
tor .the!'l' They are dO\lbly fort'u-
Chemicals Make Il1s~t-~r(H)f
nate because they can have better fitted clolhing, as well as garments that will withstarid numerous . washings because they have been well stitched. . Women who sew for cl\lldren report there's much plea sure In the ta'sk because there are fewer tltting problems than in sewing tor adults who, are plagued with figure problems. Then, too, It'l a joy to take garments' oft th.e Ironing board time atter time and find t~at no stitches 'are pulled out. It's easy to develop strong style sense when sewing for children because there are no radlcal departures In design from year to year. You may use patterns over and ov~r again, and thul concen; trate on choosin, attractive rna. terials. • Since cleanliness is of prime Impartance in sewing for children who seem to get dh ' • no matter where they play, mal . l Is chosen Ihould be durable and, wasblJble. Keeb the , ~~les ,.,lmpl, ~nd,.tl'1n\ mlhgs attraetlve, but few, inasmuch a. these, will .<flnable you to II-on the garmentl ·eBIIU)". • Above aU, keep measurements of the youngsters up-to-date since Iliay change tre~uentIy. Clothes Ihould fit properly, .s thole too large will be as lDlattractive as too sman ones. 'Even U 'You operate on ' the theory that they will grow Into them, chUdreJI may dislike the",ar'
Federal Entomologists In Experimental Study
R/, TIghten wobbly choirs, fix other
New cbemicals that n,ake plantl toxlc to Insects for short period. are being tested by Bcientlsts of the U.S. department of agriculture. Ttlese cbe.m lcals kiD insects that suck the juices of treated plants; Tbey are known too the entomologists as :'systemlc poisons" and ab'ould not be used by the public untll further telts bave been made. Studies now are in proil'en to determiile . It tbese insectlcldal chemicals will break down into oa.l:ll.Ue>i.. compounds within I few daya or weeks. If they ' do, a new
Bu1lding A Sink Cabinet Wf:ULE THIS sketch shows a small cabinet for the sink only, variable dimensions are included in the pattern so you may adapt the directions to a sink ot any size. Or to extend the cabinet. across a side of the IUtchen,
• •• •
Each .t~o In con struction Is Illustrateil and described 00 pattern 335. Price Iv 25c WORK800P PATTERH 8ERVICIII Or.... r 10
B.dford Bill.. Ne..
.0 Intenaely by the time it fill weD. thl\t ,th87 " ..ijl relUse to weu It exeept Wl4er ~ureu. It'. pa8sibre to aew 1n features which enable you to let out ,ar. ' menti; and' UleR carl . . einpIb)oed where you want to increase wear-
• • •
you lIeW, you're lucky 'because you can expand ·the tot' a wardrobe at almolt no cost. Remnant counters abound In lovely materlali that, are just enough for a small lun suit, a skirt, blouse or shirl SomeUmel Dad's worn .hirta will yield' enough fabric for :t~lord~~~hter's skirt 0% a simple .
8 ...ID, Clrel., ~"I"'.rah D.,&. p. 0, B." IIT4O. t.J •••• _ .. In: ., P. O. BOlt I~ 01. IC hI. . . I"U..,
H ... •• II, N. Y• • EnelGH :10 cenul ItIr patl4lra.
No ••••••••••• ,.
••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••
A 'armer no. a lerWber ... tachment III &hie' photo, typical
tile tamln&" up of I~ aDd chemicals that result III .llae best 'arm prodacHon.
approach will be avallable to American agriculture In the control of some of the most difficult insect peats, according to entomolo,tats of the federal bureau of entomolol1 and plant Quarrantine.
Herd Decision Problem in Com Belt:
Never use materials 'Which. are Whether or not to bave a beet too worn to withstand much wear herd 11 a lonil-tlme 'decision for the W lq~- . .r ,'i .lnce they will glw way at the first com belt farmer. . ......... ~,. Sian {; i or lecond washing. or strenuoqs aft. . Under average com belt condl· Be...... ~ Hie'" Qletlto ''For ~se "j~8t" )ear~, how to ernoon ot play" When using shirts, tlon" a cow cal) be credited .for . sew, the'1lest'lIdvlee Is to" 8ta~' wlth .,ou'U prob,ably find that the most a 4lIO pound calt 'a t weanlni time. paj.iila' anlf 'bightgoWns. Mosr of durable material comes from the For Instance, 11 you bad a 3()ocow these bave the basic stitches anI! ums-and the back of the garment. beet' herd -all a com belt farm and Materials used should be appro- a 00 per cent calf. erop, you'd the 'clothlng can be used even thouah the .Utc,hlng Is not perfecl priate for the style used as well as have 27 calves worth Bround $135 Construction I. relatively simple, to the complexion and age of the each. Or, at 30 centl per pouild, (1 but e en 10 It will ofter problems chl1d_ If too old or mature, plan il'os. titcome. of about p,lIOO. If for ..olUtion which will be of belp to use tbe material "elsewhere a. four replacement heUer. were kept whel'l maldri, outer wearin, IP· no one will be 'bapp~ with lome- bacJr."there'd be 23 calves worth thing inapproprIate. pue!. , , p,l00 and tour cull COWl, worth Dyelng ' materlals wlU sometimes about ,1,000, to, leU. , Pajamas are in order tor both I bo)'s and glr~ In ~Ir early year. enable ;10U to get tbe mos~ luitable There ,wo\lld be a If!)SI ,woine of and the aD-Ies may be V8fY liplUar. results from the fabrle. In case SUllO , to 'cpve~ the coat mainthere ls not Quite enough material taining a ' her4 of lI5 mature aniIt ,you Itave to mllke ,several ments" ~lI~ t~ lave time ~y cut- in remnant or lettover piece, ltlan mall, .lnclddt.Dg 30 cows, tour beU. ting out two or three pair at one to use a' contrasting trimming tor er. and one bull, or about $117 time, especlaIiy If 'You have tone sleeves and ' yoke, to . Itretch the per aDlDial per year, It you us.ed ' through your pattern ·at least, once J abrlc. the average value of cow. and Blue. jeans can ·be made at home. calves over the Pllt 15 ,yeara as a successfully. For the warm months, one of the lion, Wi~ slacks. either 'from yard yardstick, your groll Income would wisest fabric choices Is cot~o.n seer- goodl or from ,ood material on be about half of $4,100. lucker. sLn~ it launders w,lh and a d u 1t garments_ Elastic band. around the waist lire favored b,many wtiUe other. like anaps or From Sackl bu~atnlents. "'. . n'. a good Idea to llut at least one or two pockets on, anY' clothin,·because c:bI1c1ren like them, and ' they add taUorln, without fus •• Make Generoal 81eevn, ' . SkIrt. on Part, D~ As many an experienced seam· stre.s hall found to her de'UJht. ' party drelles for ,irls need not be excessively trimmed to look Uleir festive part., . Lots of time·consuming rumes and other trimmings are not eSlen. tlal on ·Ulese dre.llel If they are h,/or, 1'"'"'6 lor ~1iiU,.". made of ' ,ood, tirmly woven mao n t:,ld ~. ' that haa In expenllive requires no , pressln,. Other fabric terlal Add to that ,enerously 'puffed choices' 'include . broadcloth, per· Ileeve. that relill,y look perky 8I).d 'ellIe, m\QUn"and .ome of the rayon•• ,eneroul three or four Inch bemI , Beflnners will 'find tha' pajama. that m~e , the clrels fluff out, and that: alip ovei\ the top' are probably you bave a lovely frock. ellslest to 'make. Bloulld'top. wblch True pa.tell are favored durin, reqUIre no buttons are rea~ IImthis leaaon a. 10 many other•• You 1I1esL : ", French leama will wlthltlDd Ule· may ,alao cboos. from Imlill print. WItIa leed lllUllfacluerS ... be.t wear. and' wl1l alIo be Ule ed dellps wblch are appropriate ..... wltIt eac.. oilier &e create for the wearer. Steer away from moat coMfortable, TIlel. wID live pi....... . _ dealru. rani a flat ...-n that 100U taDored ud ~, ,which mI,ht overpower :Amerlca baa tile epportaDl.,. &e wearl weU ·on , clotheI requi1'1n, the .c:b1ld In the 'way of loud ~... tara theM Aeb Into llian, m. or .delllll.C"R.tap' . Iaunderln,. " "~oro.. l1U'ID8IIia. II ere, Eyelet trUnmJnp may a1Io , '.elIa , ~o ptJrl • of . panta for eaCh Freband, ...ember ., the usecl, and , U they are of qull, pbaml toP. a~e ~ pr:ac,tlc,l l ,d~vlce . WUIC!beee ...0 club ell Boanolle It)'. nlcel,y cut out, anll of ,DOd !fOP ChUdreii· under tour Ilnce mbiy 1aIand, N. C., leedil chickens of them ItlIl ~t ~ ii liast material. they add mucb 8t7le to 'nlli .....r tile ftewerec1 reed ' cm occasion. The bottom., ' tOo, the dreli. .' ~ ~ d " " " lor PlnafOnl palred with an .ttraC. seem ~ 'Ve!", .'out .D10~ raplin7. nHIM 'by c.II..... than .topi. becaUSe of the atram or Uvel,y . made b10UIe are aeol1ent ~~ ~l!,II . r~" 10 , ~'I doubly . for occutODI wbeD JOU "aM to ways. pra~lc8'i'tb b.v~~ fiml Qf Ulem_ clrel. tho Jirl fatlY• • 1'17 trlm.I·llllDUlller gva Qat !'or ImaO ,irla, 1O\1'n· eDJ07 mat· the armholea with 878Iot. ud ,. 'In, nt,btlDWI)I with p.J'ba,. • bit Ule a white bloul. with the lame The poor quallt)' of 1UDlJn8l' e,,1 of trlmmln, since It make. them eyelet trimming on coU~ and cufb. JI not the fault of the ben. "Bot. look 10 aIlieUe. Eyelet :trtmmla,1 It'. .impl. but ~17 effecUve. whicb'lre not too much cut out make Bow to Ada Estn Wear weather" e"l, wlUI th.1r th1D attr~cttve rufflel fOr Ilee".. and To OlUIJra'a CJollin _ WbJtel and nit. weak yolltl caun yokel llId wW launder Wen.. _ .One of the recent advuces In many peopl.. to, Itop buyIn, Ulem. chIldren'l falhlon. I. the bunt.1n Tbla "alte could be prevented. 17.. I . featurel that rive UU-a WIU to top poultrymen la,., If. tarml1'l IW PIa, Cle..... Warm wealb.. puta &.. .....~ d .. ,Irmentl. You make tbe .arment , would ,ather e,p at Je.1t three maD4 GIl .."n........•• pJq ~, to fit the child bIIt Incorporate to It .'1UllIn ' a da, m h!ll ;"..tber. out a. All baDdiel'S 6! .... Med to ~ ~'1~'t to aucb fUturo. a. cia1l be " MIl laeder ....81 um.. " ...... If til. \CIt pnn,
low She Shops "Cash and Carry" Without Painful Backache
.. .... _..................... ..
100 HIGH F.ASHION COLOR RECIPES FREE Booklet givIng over 100 recipea for mixing colors with SWl· set Dytint aU fabrilc powder dyes_ Contains valuable Information on all phases of honte dyeing plus economy hints, inlCludlng instructions on brush dyeing of rug s , tinting bulky ar,t icles up to 6 lbs. in washing machine. For FREE copy, write NORTH AMERICAN DYE CORP., 519 South 5th Ave., Mount Vernon, N, 1~ ' -Adv.
... old.... _
ead atnIn, _
eurtt..... 81.-1 •• GDoldJIl or ~ .. eoI4 ......... tlo.. do," kldaa7 '11110-
U_ TbII .., I..d III&IIJ' ,oIb .. eo..... ~ of ~I bacbelt., I ... 01 pep and .....,.....daebet ead dl ... _ o.ttiDI ap nllbU or lreq .....' .,...... . . , nnI' from lDlAor bladdu lrrltatlou do.. . . cold. '
..... ~ • dIetIlr7 IlIdllcndOl\8o
II l'oar .0-...._ ..... daa to &!i.e _ dOD" ..." "" Dou', Plu., • aUd 41unde. 'Oaed III-ralll' II, mWloaa lor
. _ 10 roan. WhIle Drta
u... IOYIIIptolDl
It'. amOl ... bcnr
m• .., dm. Doan'. bappy nlleIbelp.u.. 161D11. 01 kldna:r tobH ead 61ten
wuta. 0.& Dou'.
E M AI Be Kept Cool Odor Free
"Soft-Footed" Croe'!ulI Croesus, last king of Lydia (560UlAll ONE yard lor each lunrultl 548 B.C,), was responsible for ~he I' p;.....~;;; 78:1 : " ullDsler: oatter n p~.ce. expression "Rich as Croesus". He 2. :S, t . our improved pattern was known as "the soft-footed", needlework so · Simple with Its because of the soft leather shoes ohotos and ' Clonel... direction . cents In coin. your Dam••• d. he wore, a mark of wealth and noand cattern Dumber to • . • bility at that period.
Compound to reUeve such BJDlPtomal lIell)8 buUd up rhlatance agalnllt t.hI8 anooy1ng mlddl .... ag.. dlstrelllli
The Real Task Hostess-"I sometimes wonder 11 there Is anything vainer than you· authors about the things you write." Author-"There Is, madam; our efforts to seU them."
The above ~or dre.. ' 'e~ tares not onl, tile laUor jrena seeD III 10 man, 01 tile RIson'. DeW cloth.., .hut abo one' of tha tGp rallhlon color., naV}'. The f1Hed tGrso bloti.e, ba. Ute cuffed bJpliDe borrowed rrom tile twenUn, an accordlan pleateel Ildri. and turned back lIleeve call. Uaat' ..ve tile pop. ular blre arm look.
Ant you golDg through the functlOJIAI "middle-age" perIod p'e cullar to women (3a-Sa years) ? 0.- thlII make JOu sulfer from bot ftaah.." feel 10 ~, blgh-atruDIt. tIred? Then do. try LydIa E, Plnkbam'. Vegetable Regular USa of PlD1I:bam·. CompoWld
T ..., tff~IIf'-" - " ,..",. • • •
furniture with PLASTIC WOOO
.u. .....
· ou know the soil conditions on your . farm better than anyone else andt Y therefore, are most competent to judge which type of tractor tire will do the best job i4[)r you. It may Jle that you have founel that an open center tire d~s your work. best ••• or, you may favor • traction center for the same reason. You make! the Choice. You CII,. get II Chllmpion performer i,. eit.her trellt/. Ms;gn beclluse Pirest.orzS builds bot.h, The new and advanced Firestone Curved Bur Open Center is the only tire made 'With Power-Arc traction bars, tapered and curved for anaximwn pulling power •• ",ith flared bar openings,
with no mud pockets. at the shoUlder• , • the only Open Center tire' with twin Punch ProteCtors for lo~ger body me. n you ptefer .a Traction Center tire ~ere is only ', one , • • the ' pa~ted ' Traction Center Firestone <llampion. .There are·2,000,000 in pIC today' and. thousands of farmers the nation over ' ~ill have no ,other type of tire, They have proved it to their own satisfactioo. Open Center or Traction Center? ] Again we say buy one of.the Champions,' , They're both made by Firestone. Remember you don't have to shop around • • _ call or see yOQ.r Firestone Dealer or Store. They have both.
THE MIAMI GAZETTE Eitabilihed '850 PAUL A. SCHERER . ,." ,,",.,', . . ... , " , .. , Editor and Pubilihep CECILIA J. SCHERER .............. , ...... Secretary and Trea,urer Pllbllsllod l\:\'el'Y TburAday ' Morning lit WnynoR \' lIle. 'Vllrren County,' Ohio Rnt r~d li S second ' cI'atls Ollltter at t h e po ~ torric'o lit ' ''n)'lIe8\rllle, Ohio. Subscription
.......... ..... ., '6oa88Y(
YOUR 1950
Per Yenr, In advnnco, in Oh iO, $2. e lsew he re
. . . . . . . Mer I. ,OW MW ,_120 ,
Iot' l
LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman, Minister B. Eo Baughn, Pastor Cburch School. 9:80 A.M" Mr, Unlfl ed S ervice, ' 9:45 a. m. Harold Eainb'art. SuPt. Worsblp Servlce. 10:30 A.M. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL 'AC101t'1 Youtb FeloW'sbL1p, Sunday. 6:30 The Rev. Samuel N . Keys, Rector P.M. ' Sund flY: Holy Communion , 8 n. m, Primary cburch scllool 10 :30 a.m. . . . . . _ Lad! COI,f FERRY CHURCH OP CHRIST (Ages 0 through 8 ) Byron Ollrver, MlnJster ' • A . . ",.1... .... II!'"...... _ ..... Adult Worship, 10 :30 n. m. Bible Scbool, 9:~0 ·A.M. Morning Worship, 10:30 A.M . • . . . 1 Va H.P. 4 - c),cl. PJncar ... Prayer Meeting, 7 : 00 P .M. UTIOA E.U.B, CHURCH . Young People's MMtlng, 7: 00 for r.l.n. ....'I!'o,~ William Shannon, Minister ~ Evening Services, 7 :30 ,P,M. . . . . .. . illty, ..alY .otartin.' Sunday School, 9: 80 A.M., Mra. James Garrison, Supt. HAVI, A LOOIC A' '"f5 RIMJ\IUCAtU Preaching, 1st. and 3rd. S~ ~w.. MOWn 'DD AYI WE'LL I f WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF days ot eacl:.' month, 10:80 A.M. CHRIST . . . . JO NMONlTltArI" 'fOU' Evening Services, T: 30 P.M. M, H, Cotrey, Minister Bible School. 9 : SO A.M, Morning Worship, 10:80 A.M. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Young Peoples' Meeting, 6:45 Fatber n. H , Krumboltl, Pastor P.M. Masses, 8 and 10 A.M. Pho... 2441 " ; W.,ne~vilIe Evening Service, 7:30 P,M, Prayer M~etJng nnd 'Bible Study CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS Wedneada)" 8 P.M: ...ee Partington. MlnJatu Worsblp Service, 10 A.M. DEAD STOCK WANTED MT. HOLLY METHODIST ~unday School, 11 A.M. HORSES $2.50 COWS $2.50 T. M. Scatt, Minister Sunday Scbool. 9 :30 A.M.. E, HOGS .25 f:,WT WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS, A. Earnhart. Supt. Worship Service, 10:80 A.M. First Day S chool, 9:30 A.M. , , Alao ' Sheep, CalvOl, Colt8, etc. Removed Dally Evening Service, 7:80 P.M, M,e etlng tor Worship, 10:30 A,M. CALL COLLECT of Mrs. Laura Shldaker.
. We're ready now to take: yo~r order for Quick Deiiveq,'
- Fair;)ey,'H'ar,dware
, HARVE,,"SBURG Continued from Page 1
Mrs, Osee Ha.rlao sp nt Sunday at tl:!e home or her niece. Mrs. Ruby Cline of Daylon. Mr. a.nd Mrs, Howard Grabam. Mr. and Mrll. George Wall and sons III '" Z bb, .. i!h r ,. • Mrs. Hannah lin, and Mr. and 'Mra. Charles Easter were the din· ner guests, Sunday, at M~ss Kath· lilen Grn.bam ' at bel' hom& In Da.yton . . ~ir8 . Sa~ le Reason ot' Waynesville, WIIS the wee k en house gue,s ,t
the fine
t Dodge, models
Y we've ever sol <\, are on the way to our showroom right now. Fn 'tory production in full swing. Now is tI~e time to ,get an order in on your choice of model.
You'll be surprised how; eallily and quickly you can own 8 new,, 1950 Biger V nllle Dodge if you a.cl al once!
With the hig Spring "nlll
' ~I
to enjoy YlIUf lie,
on here, you Dodge ' now.
l\{r. and Mrs, WHllnm Gilliam Wiy,mincton 2382 Lebanon 439 JANES RENDERING 8hd Mr. and Mrs. Harold GIlIiI\IIl , were dlnn r guests. Snnday of Mr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ and Mrs. LeDlll'd Hansen and fam· _ aly 'of Hamilton. TRY GAZE1TE a.ASSIFIEDS Tbe elv l League held their ··-THEY GET RESULTS FAST ' meeting [or this month at tbe home --------------------:,.....,..----------:--.-~~----...,....---~~--~..,..:_:_--' of Mrs. Nellie Sher~ood, aturday evening. The cobos tosses were: Mr:s. Sally Wright and Mrs. Mable Terry . , ' Robert Co}lolt and his niece, Miss Jenn SmIth of Dayton. were
. Murray and L.uterbach Autl~ S.I.e.."
Broadway at Oakwood
Cqntinued on Page 5 ' , _
NaIf. .1 W..... Sy.tem.
R~ w.~t sav" miles of seep.; bours of tireSClme pump-
iDa IUMi ~g bY banci--;.and 'does it for peonies! For o,ne ~ an electric water
system pumps more water than a man
~PP!Dp iD a whole day. Running water offers valuable pr~n ~ ~and is a hi, belp in profitable farm
e - - - -- -_
. prqaPcdoD..
M"ery farmer knows, water..:..and , plenty of it-is a ne• cesaitY, __io food prodUction, Poultry and Iiv~st()(k. like peopl~, tIriok lDore water when it is kept handy, JO easy reach. This
~ meani ' more eggs, larger esgs, ~or~ milk, quicker fattening ian&! finishiog of livestock f{'r marketJOg. . f In the liOJl'le an abundant supply of clean water pumped and )lauled e1ecfric:aJiy, lightens housework, saves tim~ and energy. 3'Iie wliole family enjoys the comfort a~d conv~ruence'of run· ~ walu ill Idtclien, bathroom, laundry or utility room. , l!1ectric pump. can switch ' on , automatic~lly ~o keep, the tank filled; the water BowS Under pressure to the house, die ~ ~ poultry house, the feedlot or the kitchen garden. , 'I'or advice on sizes and types'of electric. water. systems consult J.OUf countY. aJricuItuial agent, vocadon~l agrl~lture teacher, I • dIe ·~ repNalltadv~ YO,Ul electriC service company.
Thi. ridiculous strike is an aHront to ' every citizen of tl1e, natio'n~ It's not .for more . mon~Y. ' 'It'~ n'o t ;becaus~ ,· of hOu·r s. It's on'l y for soft feather-bedding 's pots for additional unnecessary,firemen to gq among 'in dies;) lotomotiv... i~.t ' .for the ride. A le.di~lg:'iberal newspa~er ca',.. the demands ofth,e union ~ead.;"'hors••feathtrs"! • The reckless'leaders of thb fiiemen's Ufeather~bedding" by leading !be memunion want to force down the tliiroats 'hem of their union out on strike and of the railroads and the puillic a ridic. threatening ptiralysis to large areas of ulous umake-work" proposal which has the ~tfop, they are defying the spirit bee~ twice ruled out by Pfteidential ' and intent of th~ very law which they Fact Finding Boll;l'ds duly, appo,inted helped to create. . under the provisions of the ' Railway ,This strike 'is not for higher wages., ' Labor A~t. It is a strike to force the 'railroads to This demand of uni~n leaders f~r employ many more thousandil of fire· additional and unnecessary firemrn t;() men who are not needed! It would ,be ride in diesel locomotives was rejc~ted inde,fensible' waste. The railioads 'have -af.ter monthsofhearings- by a E:O~d retused to place thilJ adi.litionhl .and appointed by PreSident Roosevelt in urin~ burden on the public. ' 1943. • But more important than any other ~nsideration, is the action of these I t was again rejected in 1949 a few irresponsible union leaders in !lOOk-. Board appointed by:President TruI!D8Il. ing to force a crippling strike upon the Recent mee~ings with the Natio~ 1'.f cdiation Board have brought no t.)',ange in the attitude of the uirlOii ci ictetors. ~
This str~ka, is,.onl,p';;t1ie. silliest strikea: itl.:hi_l _ What are tbeeOjJ'tctd-s 'union..:leadere , tryin·g to do? 'J'h4!!( 1JefIk. I ,
t;Q ~~,~hou,
~d. of theif,(me~~ ~' '!Piiq.. '!l~ci, .
throw hundrCila oOhoup.nd'.. pf otb..r , employes on and otFth'e railroads nut~f
employment/ with IOS8~f PItY to thf/m., and their families, plus a severe. bloWtJo, indUitry and the citiJ!e~,p( thflnat.illDl!
What'. th • . ;-.1". . . . . . . . ' ..'Ifl1be>
union has ita wIlYr. wl!at IIIlRPOllll~ 1'he. , ,
o,t tb.,
uniqn I.WOD IC;' ,
get one cent more pay ~ They will ml1rely ha ve been uStie8l«Jd for a coat)y and in. defenaibledrive in anattemp tto lltovide ' moredues-payingmelflberafClrtbeunlono. by creating "feaClher ifeddinll • jobllll.QJ!. addit~on.al 1In.«/r unp~~ fi.ram"Il' Th.... cerl.ti.inly one, ot t1)j! IIillUja strikes in historyl . ' ', ' " ..
nation for thQir.. OWD '''~f p~ . There is no otb., p()IIib18HlJW,\1IaI.to sucb
(femand &ne."NM" • ii
; .
T.he railroac;la in maJdl'\gJlUch 8-leN ' • believe they he-ve .the"1whole.~~ support of thal])eOple.in 'whClle.m~ they are willing.. to.1i,ht..tiQa.oul ~... ' spite ' ,t he loss imli inConv~,.'tbat all will suft'er.
It ~ time to Pu.t aJl.. CU)d .to ~~ .unAmetican de~,
l' !lion Leaders Defy Intent 01 ~".
1111 DAYTON POWIIAND LIGHT COMPANY .. . . . . . IIIIA...... 5I1nda"
'AI!' '.M.-wHIo
'j'".. ,union
leadera helped write the
R,o\Il\llAY Labol" Act. Yet in 1Ul_~!)t . tu jUD tIuouah tbillC!be~ "
OfHU[(SD y. MAY 18, 1C)50
. ; . '. . ,.....I ~.-t~~~~:...v..
,,~ .1;",..---
.'. ·~71··~if.·'" Aoi.-t _
Rofarf Roe __- . Dises Barrows and'
RO}:" ~ rrl·,I''':. n~ .'
fI~JnelDI VnSJllTlm I M Y !b....A'.. Slol' In and s.. Ihe oulslilMlnll new
S/I" /NO"nD !factor molln': 11 II", .. , awing ollach",.nll .
€ul ·pae
_6_ . .
The Welcome Bible Class of , Jonah 's R un church, held t heir ltl a y m eeting at the bomo of Mr. a nd Mrs. Chari 8 E aster; FrWay evening. Mr. a.nd Mrs. JiJcn Beckett bad 88 their guests, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bec kett. Sr: and t heir 80ns and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cook fam ily of Franklin. Mr. and Mrs, Charles B ogan, Sr. W 1'0 t he guests, Sunday. ot the ir s on·ln·la.w and daughter. Mr. and
H ·A .R V E
U 'R'G
MJ~:~;.d ~uu
----.. .
Fi restone Tires
1~,~?,~ !, -~~~..~j~Q~P~~,~,.~'~~~~~~~. ~~!~~~""~.~~.~~~~=.;=~~=~~~~~'~~~~~~~~
Collins to her llome fol 1owlnghILSa rellirned two weeks
·~a _~_ D _ lI
_ _ 1l _ 1_
II _ n-.u_ tl _ _ a_ II _ I _ _
u _~'-"~_6
vis it with her /lOn·ln·la.w and ' T ho Harveys bur g Vo' u nleer Fire naBlum early Sunday morning. urda y even ing. Miss Ma rY Jane Moore of Day· T he Fu ll Gospel chur cb ~ nloyed lIfr. lind Mrs. W . C. BroV)"1l speul to n, was a gu~st, Sunday of her Iltlugb ter, 111 1:. and Mrs. SterlJng .Department · wer e called to ext In' Ingills all d ' ramU y of Gr etmrtelftl ~ISh a. brUBb fire be hind · t he gym. It picnIc 8Uprler ut Sligo PILr\(', ' at· . SUnuay at Indian Lake. mother. M r9. MlIl lp' Moore. .
~mazing al it seeml-natural gas, wh1clfl.li~ thul
air, can be cbaDged by chemistry into thoU8aDda..of.touGf efficient fertill.n'-for PIC3IIEaYiog and reelaimlus the BOil ~
our country. This new development W ita origin in World War II when we desperately needed bBlic chemicals for exPlosivel!i.
One of these was ammonia. f
.WadimeChenlicai Planti Have New Use in Peace Several huge plants were built during the war to make anhydrous 8uuDonla irearat-ural gas in the So~thw. . .
When peace came, these were
t~;mmllmmmlllllllmmmmllllllmllll llll!111111111 1111II11111 [·1,
. converied to the mADufacture o ammonium i8UIplat;e.or ammonium nitrate, both valuable fertilizers. Other new plantll
:were built. . Where the ' lnoh Mnes of rI'exas Ea~te1'D )],aft' their origin, these great plants. are' a faIQiliar sight. Stretching over hundreds of acres, their steel towers and reaction chambers receive ·their simple raw ma..: terlal, natural gas, and COIlvert it into solid Compounds through dozens of complicated
.-dpIittiag G. . . . . . .
Newl of "'."
Key piece' equipment Iii this amulng.ch'ange,f1'Oll1 ·t uei to plant food ~8 the "catalytic.
. . .:NlJw.*;lfc"~'valves' tum tI1e~se'ves off ..
It seeuurlike-nYagic'on the Inch Lines today to headaches out of the ~gged job of pipelining. 8111& ga.• •ali. turning th8mseIve8-with- They permit greater flexibility of operations, out ~d:from Imman bar,1ds. AotwLlly, ~ are insure maximum safety, and enable the Inch . ' new ~mote-cOtitrollecJ.automatie valves which Lio98 to render-greater service in nine states. have beaaiJistalle;Eton ~ pipe linE'.8 from Texas . Automatic valves are only one item, in Texa.8 to Ne~ Xor~ The newest development in nat- ' Eastern1s ~ontinuing program to maintain a ~1 ns. machinery, ,theY. take many former prog~eS$ive 'business i'n your county. • .
O;;"'-----.. . -----..,
reactor.," which proc. . . ·mll- I ~~_...~. ...;..;;...IIiIi...;..;.ii.~iIi-!_ lions of cubiC teet.Of.,·~ '.. ) gas daily. The catalyst, a 'SUD:stance' which itaelf remains uDchaneed, C&UBeII a Violent r&o'
. action In the gu andJ':b~ it down into entSreIJ new Bub-
stances. Little known baforethewar, the synthetic fertiliser Industry is now 'aD importa~part of our uational eeono1ll1"-aDd the foundation of tbialD.d~ 18 uatural ....
' .... 2·. . . '11.. to .... ..".
Uiatll ~*. openttag the h1llll1l'eds .Of ftIv. on a pipe- Hue bard, tba4MX",!,D!il n dob. It. . totalltetwo
1IIID" ........ ~~= '
DW:autee to opeD. ~"'e'.'
".,""""011 IIIIft "it. I,•• " ••
lugeoious tools with compressed-alr e:ngine8 made the job a little easier• Eut a man could onJy handle one.valve at. a time and it took 7 minutes.
door ...• or
Now no IIand., as val". turn ~I..", ..,," One man, at a single control, can ncnv operate as many as 6 valves in .S minutes, though he may be 800 to 1000 feet· away from ~h of them.
111)1'bert Snell nnd fa mil y of
....... .... _.. -----..
II: . . . . . .
GULF ~AS and OIl.·- and do Lubrication Job.
L ' y T 'L E
HARVEYSBURG Continued from' I nge the gues ts S unduy llftOI'IIOOIi or , Mr. Collett'l! 816t el··I II·lllW . Mrs. fl . ~ Collett.
•• 1Ii,_'"
Phone 2541
-- ..---..------_._-_.----------
Almtfttt Aft~' Analysi8~ FOOD STORE
.ertU erg
..-..~~~.-. . .
I Have Leased ' the BROOKS GARAGE
Allo Diab~tic Canned Fruita
,.,... rtJ .. WlWIII-1IrI1i HI.' ••tt 01 , ....faINrn II at
N••. - , _ .....n 5fajifOll
One holy year pilgrim to Rome
is Paoline Irma Vanhamme,
:; lackie'S Best . World'
who trudged barefooted all the way from
Belgium. Mounted 'po·
licemen (left) direct pilgrim Van· homme. She gets a cup of hot chocolate (below) il1 a convent
Thursday, May 18, 1950 .
By Rlcf!arf' Hill Wilkinson r
THE .D~y , B W ORE Dal'ling's three·dug circllS. largest to ev1~~~iM~iNi~=YO;~;;W;i'/;-';;:;::iCi~;W: er vlsi~ New Enl;lll9-d. came to Ir---.....:..--,--_......_--...:... II D c~ter. Silas Ledbetter called 'his 12·year·old .SOI) in fvom the b arn & ..n~11I and said: uLo~1c-'1 here,1 for Mar h. 1950 I Jackie • . • bee n a pretty . . . , . ML .R1Ga,TS are qow, a politigood boy t his cal footbail in Ill'be United ,.' : summer. Guess 5 . you dek'e'rve beln' on band with tates: Every legislator Ukes .to be other ' boys at that circus when . ,as favoring them_ E;verygets heI'll .tomorrow." seems to be Tp.~ .Ledbetters were ' poor ' -out . fop- I'lghts. ,~. ~ c[d y. , church mIce. and J(lckle dared,~ i"veri let himself t.Iu~k his Then-'W b- Y· Isn·t satjspop would let ' him attend ,the eir- everybody eus. Consequently. his . round blue fied? The truth Is. eYlls gt$ even 'Tounder. a lot of UII just . talk. W ~ e n it Pld suas ,rIDDed 'a ud swaij:omes' 'do\\(ll to po-' lowed a lump In his throat. He litical facts, the dug' down Into his pocket aDd people who get FARMS AND RANCII ES brought out a shiny, Dew al~ their "rights" rec- Dr_ FeremaD -orPOffTUN ITY ... ,; S- SEOURITY Ilgnlzed firs 7 are, the people with 40 A. Farm. a2:1 A. Coul MhlO e~ ulpl . ver balf'1lollar_ , Write ! 0 r detnlls Ga y V'A uJ lm "'uln," Jackie ca refull1!' . pll\~ed the half- the most votes. The little pe op I e. IJ I11, . G lo u s t e r . Ohio. dollar in a pocket Q.f his tattered ~speclalIy if they haven't too many H.~CRE t' n rm on stl,te 'hlllhWaj;' .."mi. overalls. pulled his straw hat well votes. ar,e likely to be steppe d on. mod ern h ous ~. electric:. 36 by 6 bam. concr.te Inllklne pnrJDr. 7 fOW'. aU fresh over his ruddy face • . puckered up • • • sinte J on ., t r octor nnd Tuc Lor outfit 1 m all route . 8chool bill' , mUk rO llte nt his lips and began to whlstle_ He ,~annibal Country door: SfciTlnfo plowi ng mo s tly don(\. PrIce.d "t $10. QO Dr .qu(qk ."Ie. ,RtrlJe ~os .~ I ~ •. \ whistled all that afternoon and THIS IS NOT b ' WB.S still whlstli~ ~hen he came . a t1ew pro 1em• UIII . ~.ro . Oblo. _ .. 'if 1 ' in t ram the lower 19 t for s~per. Long ago the prophet 1'4leah BAY. GRAIN, FEED . Once upstairs •. J~kie carefully fllced It, said soMe brave worib 01,10 O.r..,loli hl ~ h ylcldfne took' oU his slilrt and .then felt in about 4t. He was 'a small·town man YAUOER'S corn ~brldS ' Ibol m" tur. early. hUB rlo' Qlllck.ly. Cllnlon 59 s eed onl!J . the pocket of ' his overalls for the' ~\llng In a vlllage , near PIe J udah· c:lcan, Monroe Soybeans. Wrl1e for elrell.lnr. hal! dollar. He'd better sreep ' witll Philistine border Une. Judah was Deniers wentcd Yaurer IJrGtbor•• R:! . I'll, Ve rnoD. Ob i D. , It under his ' pillow ' t)e reasoned a~ that Ume mostly rural. like he' d read abo~t , foUf' doing; The villages were made uP of HELP WANTED-\\IEl\I •.- WOMEN It \\las right then that JackJe'a farmers. wbo did not live on their G IVE .... 07 Uu ... Co.ko.ok wlih sol e hea rt ' 'sank, right then that the farms. as we .do but lived a U to- Inaaaztne Bub scrJ ption. Wrlt.e I\l n n o.cer. C.otane., Bid, ..."' bevllt •. N. C. fDr protec"~n. goJAg, olJt. intQ SOli world turned black and there was ADVERTISINO ' Pbo,;Worll. Good pay. a horrible, terrifying. empty feel. the .country by day to . work tb~lr Show Snmplei to fr end•. Write lor de. 8erson to seellon. Be I1rsl. Ing in the pit of his stomach The farms , coming back to the vUl age "'118. nOne OE b•., , 31 8.U ... " rlr. half dollar was gone I ' . at ~ght. ~o~e ~ ~m o~ed very E< were J:lckie wanted ' ·to cl-y, but he m"ch lanil. and HELP W-'NTED-WOMEN rich~ , ~few ~deed w.as too much of a man for that, - . _ ,., paya you '18.20. No Inve.tment. Write now. Malle •• I'a m.n.~: son 2 liou •• hold N.He searched pu-ough the ' other There' wa. Jua~ one bl~ ClIt~ in . elsaltl... ollar. 10':1:4 ' e .ole~1 weekly pocket very carefully, and . then Jadah, , .Jeru.a~m the cQI tal. . Acm. Pred."la. lin A, Ran. tty. Mo. . looked ·in 'hls shoes, and under the C!,mpared ¥I\II iIle ~"t of tlie , as· APPLI. F.UItNISBINGS HOME nd .bed and about' everywhere that Uie . COIIDu,. 't ';-a• •Immense a .. TELEVISION ADI.n.... tor locol and dl .. NciW I' d hall dollllr' might have been. But e.o~oailf ta .. ~. ,recepUon. Alumlnu:r, tllbln, _ ~..:. Se11 for tree lilt. .a,,, nl*en er" elll It was 80ne:' ~ompleteIY .vanished. Dell talce , two p~ tel U OW IIbop.•SCI 110. Cllaroh, Bowllntr ·O run. O. S And 10 Jaclde 111. heart achho", Jadah; . . • Da.t len, wa . ' run . .Jerusalem- ,an' k: TIle bl~ 1NS1ItUC'l'JON ' Ing with misery. ,c rawled Intel c.'" waa "0-'- ....... . d bed. And then _ .he COuldD't "T . - 7 . - . . , . , ,,""81' aJI ATTENTION VElER.tlS help It~he cried. But all the " richer w~ tII,o. cellD~ ...e,w Learn" Irod. thnt will never be replneed JlGGrer aDd poorerl . '. time be .kepl teU1n~ b1mleU he by mllchlnery . Oenlol Laborntory T.eh· Y pre.ents aq opportunity tor vel•• · , was a man DOW and beld better Tho small farmers werill 1osing .nolof ana a own nnd D'Iall1llle their own loborn· atop cryint . betoremom came their lands al\d be~ ~~ lng ten anta ta t~. Apr,rolied lor veteran traJnlnIl under lie "'" 348. F~r '[ull partlcularE up tel · tuck him In and . Ids. ' Ilr h~~ .men (2:1-~). Mlc~ even Pu ' write to: Co·Ed Ponl.1 LIl bor••or, 80b,o' him CoOd Ilicht, ta~s of the ', princes c, Is~a.el, . the 39 Eas. Markel ·8 •. ; Akron. ObI • • · und h'l i h 'd aristocracy, as eannjba~, ea tlng U mom ,fa B. A Po.IIr' T•• b.. lol.,•. Learn ·'Inl em· ' m cry ng s e t h fl 0 al CuIUne." vncc:innlinll, debetlkln". dlall·. fee l bad; an.d prob!lbly 'cry; too., ADd '. e . esh 1, ~e ~.eo~le. noolnll, etc. Make from 11~ (0 r.125 per ' week ~ Protected t erritor y . 2 week clnas JackJe di~'t ~~nt that to hl!ppe~. Raij, Slave, .Jialf ,Free 8taJ'ta SPOil, For Interview write to I . B . S ...... Company, Arebltol4. Obi", COULDN'T, 'h'c decfde<1. ev- ~IO CO~Y is a , ood ~eountry, en let inom know that he bad .I'"f no, eountry is in a ' healthy ean, >MACHINERY, & S~PPLIES the ,half dollar. Or if one part of U Is tearing , Woodworking Shop wouldh't '\:le fair. , "·"'I<.7'==..:..pIo\!l~olJth· er part do'wn. , U · thie s~ ong modern planing ' mill. $14 .500 . , himse~ are. uvin~' o~ the weak. the 'IIbole Complete Inoludes new 8" Vonnenll! ~Ieetrlo mould. e hti pe'r'. B!tlner.,. mortlaer IDWa. s nd ~ ~e natJon , ,lilrowS' weak'. Micah Sllw er: eis. Every, JplI coinplu~. Iii excellenl that . exactly.; indeed, he predl C.ted oondUlon·. ' . ' that because cf tile kind of countr,y May-Bilt Inc. ' It was. J)aU .oppres sed Bnd half oIl' _ 8,,. 423 Franlefort ~'1. pressing, It woUld be destroyed. MISOELLANEOUS' No enemy. of his coun1ry, he did llJOK .".o\lve . r.ll~ f (Dr j rh~' .' enjoy 'forecastina its dOI¥D fall. RVBL1N·q matism. arthritiS. ne .. rIUs. ~chlng oln"". be· 'foved people. he loved his m uscuJaJ;" 'Sare n e!!. 8jl"ln8. etc6.- 11125. , · DIUDer. BOll IIJ!, at Hili. Dunab . country .neighlJors: ,bo CD\lId 8~e RO.,'aa, ·Oblo. ' what was happening to llolQph! who .P.IIo.·Oalal.. snow-wnlte tIt~nlum' lead ' anel < oU . MoneY-bnck . auorDn eo /1ot t o were belna crushesd .down IDto the ¥:f~ rub or wash alt. or turn yello..'. . ttirt, he knew that could nat ' go on . aal. In 5-gol. ~a ns. Over millJo", .aUons sold . Sample can. 500. and on ·wlthout ·a smash. (AndU '. Snow·Wltlle PDlni Co. came!),!' . . . S10 W. W . .hln r'Ion 81 .. ObloA,., 111. .' Ba, A pd, Chameleon: Chanf,CS 'to Gn:l' . ~'T!da ha. ~!' 'b~ ~ry ,4" er /. ,,~or It reala on. _Sent wllh apel chol;. foi' 50 'cents! ~.tpl\ld. 11 Is flU the rnfo a,nd o~er aratjJ . iD the ,bllto L. A. S EWART. 37 Cr ... enl· 8 ., or natloDI. WIlen the few ' 11'o'! }\ now. PorUand, MaiDo. ' be , r ' .tr'OD~ at the ' eX]Je!IH el . , I maoy, WheD wealth III '~cOliCtlD' PERSON-'L ',ated' in a few cltles~ or ,PAV p.nl" eonto.' Fanl. S~nd fa; conti· d,ntlnl ! Into.rmnUon. FREE . . I. II. ne . . 'few individuals or famIDH, ee.reb, letOG BUlm•••• CI ...l. l\jJ, Oblo. eut'l EQUIP: POULTRY. CBICKS :~ anal nO.URBoN RED ,TURKEY EGGS. ,~. per hundred: poults. 1'12. Twenty years with I' at Re ds. Henry 8:e hneemllch. "' .. ren .... ; O. for BE A WJSE DUCK"' -;tollow lhe lenderill HIgh Quality 3-A '· bY: and l1~ nvy breed chtck.. .9S per h undred . of U,S. approved b,Y. tho fQlIowlng' slotes: 80 Indiana. Kentuc\'((. Ocor"ln ond ' Ver. tn.ont . \\o llvnbll ty !!unrlinteed. Sexed eso "hicks 9S If .preferred. also Lellhor" chlelul. do not contuse.-.our cWelul with t4l\~ ~Iease other cheDI> chicks. When bct e~ ch.lck. eir are hlltched. FrancIa will hnve them. Write, call or phone your o rt!.,~ today. \ tor' Open · Sundays. , , FRANCIS CRICKERY PltOll. ~n a list , ~e. M.allbon,_ O.
God.and O ' ur
Pll6HIM'S PH06HfSS •
Paoline has kept a *aithful
daily record (left)
her p-ifgtim-
age to the shrine of· Peter and .the ~oly door
in St.
~oor 'where
Peter's BasiiicaPope Pius himself
inaugurated the holy year by tapping it 'with .a
~o'den hammer,
• Here '(above> the Belgian pilgrim .n eors her ' i9!Uney's end. With r05C1ry and missal in liand, she walks across ' the ' large square at St. Peter's to , ·the threshold of tlie hO,ly d 00 r s. Paoline (rit;jht) pauses to kiss a relic on the holy .s·t eps of St.' Pete,'s Basilica, There are pilgrims wbo could' ~fforiJ to come in , stYle If they wished, but they come . humb,ly, as penitenH. They have come from many parts of 't he world.
FIQ"'i~a Sale are .3 , bedrooms Dnd ' bath :I the Two-slor):; rooin., la rie h1l1l, In tge lront ~hd ·. ck a a r;:rchea . •creen.d. down ; lot ·eS'!lft5 wi th , lit- ron 'enoe .2.•tor~ :l-onr 1I0rage. :wIth · .~:!. ci~I'a;' il.we; ;sm~llltn:~~.c~,:; ~h:'r s'f. 3ohn" River' 30 mUe. north o[ 'Orl ando: will send riC lure and {u.ther Intormallon on reques : 112.509. E . . . .' . F. LoW', ·B.... ·
Home for
.Jadde _rUclted *be ' lower lot
.1Id· !,ePD 10 abake oat, the bay .. pop ba4I me4 Jilm ~ · lto,
. Be ,~"""& leal ltD Use }~}t lie ,.
. told bbD"", ' beca~ U be did
, pep woalda't tIiInIi ,blJQ , ,J,' " ,. patefal lor &!ie ' baU-cloUr; ~ • . Jack(~ ,turned thfl' ha) . ~' one • At a point overlook. , and ~ started on the next. thll ~while his heart ' 'fa!t7ly ins St, Peter's s'quar~ with misery. And then' abo (I eft) Mrs.. Vanhomme that same heart almost takes a rast look at the ceased to ~eat Jaclde stared and ltared . at somethin, rounii main Basilica (dome visithat lay . ~ the stubble. UJ1ble in background), and forkful bay ' he'd juSt ~jth a final pr~er, the up. Atter a 10nl ~el " pilgrim lIr.pcires for the ' l'I S"Jn:e4~ his beart began to thUmp Be felt ,oose 'pimplu Journey ho"'e~ Part of her IbreaJ~1I out aU over tu. body He reward is t~e fealization "",."''"'''' to cry and sbout and ck, aU of thIilgl ' of this Iit.'i",. ambition then J~ckle remembered at the' age of 60_ Many been worklnl here on the pilgrims this year have Ill afte1l'IOOD before, an~Lthe haU-clolhave SUpped out of b1I made a great nuany sacHe plued up the colD . rilices for tlte privilege at 11 .qiueezed It lovlnlb' and. holcUni playing even a small part UlhtJ7 in bia clenched flit. weat in holy year c,,,mani•• Ihaklnl out .the ba;, The abd the bel,t pop 1ft tile lie told bftnuU iOJ,MJf.
~ • •
We "ave Our Own Problems
3S, EntDlptl . ... Fl. ;
AJlE FORTUNATE in that . we ·lIve in more democratlc time. and lands, It ' ·sbOUldl. n e~ be forgotten that . democracy 18 a bult of the Jl!wlsh,chrtaililn tradlwbieh . t!'e propbet M Icah ' to form. It was the prqp bets pl~ea deepI7 the slJJf· 011t which democra~ baa ,rown. Many of 11Ie lawa. of our land ,fe inleJ;l4ed to 'keep tIi. ~n, 1rinn eaUn, up the weak. Tho ra~ er. tlie ~an out of work. lbe. man' wi th the lDlan Job, the ma~ with the Imall bualnes .....they are protected ·under our government, whether In Canada or In the United State., a" they .never were In ancient Judah. To t~ll "heth!!r 'we are 'treaUn, other. rllilhl. eapeelally tho.e wbo are . we~et than auraelves, _e flnt to au U,le.. baalc quelUODI: Do thele people lit their lIIare of JusUce, an~ aro we-l!..e(pill, them It? Do we treat tbem With merey or do we on17 ..·u.... them for our own benefit' ~4r~ tid III. ~l'D.ttona1 eauncJ1 ••~J DI40 WInJ latuns.' ;;. .. . lit
SEEDS, PLA\lfTS, ETC • 08JO CIilRTI';JEP h~br'd aeed com' for oU ty~es of .011 and ~rowlnf. sealOD. Z5 varle •• . 10r your ape. lie 'a't eatlon •. alao. ."ertJfle~Hawlceye nnd ~Lh"oln So~bean. :rc'ed. . 111e lor parI culara. ' ~a~me. 0 : C. , Powell .. SO .. I . Ada. O~I ••
TRAVEL HOTEL S .... r ..U.II lIonle'••1 8all Fr•• • 01 •••• JII EI.I. at .. Most for lour mone,' :\11 hotels w. recommel\d. Sen alamp aDd clttes you will vlllit for ~ree lI't. . WANTED 10 BUY ' INPIAN reU ••• atrow hends .. atone ~ound"r.1 ele.. odd IOOkln~ atones with 01.. drl led In t hem. Ha... E".lo. aG ' W.alllnJlGa C. n .. 01110. , . BOOK8 WANTED W.lh. for B .. ~.ln befall •. . A. 111_ CASWELL, Gener••• r. II.Y.
I========:;:===== PIannlng " BUS uy ••
h 'F " or t e uturer . S d
. avings Bon s!
Thursday, May 18, 1950
Simple Style lor Daytime Wear ake This Frock for Dress-Up
Compllment-Gette.r ERE'S YOUR frock for special dress-up occasions I New and smart with a tiny stand-up collar, ariss-cross bands . of fabrIc for trim. choice o't sleeve lengths. CHARMING style to wear all You'll win compliments for sure. day long-and it's so simple to * • • Slanted lines accent the Pattern No. 3139 Is a ."",-rlte rrfoclosing and one hipline, ~g~e~ll.ntl~n .bnor~I%:I~l;o. lao/.leYa~da"'J ' IIII~'f'!V"" are as cool and com!ort- all-Inch. able as 'can be. .EWINO CIRCLE I'AftlCaN DEl"f. •.....u. W.II ..... Clklu.* 7. 111. •
• •
Enelo.. 2$ centa III cow
Pollern No. 1947 Is a se,w-rlte N",rf()o
p.ttern 4.lred.
~t~dP~.I'l{~.lr4.·~\ts y~~'~"of \~~cb.20; The . prlnl
.or ..ell
Pattern No•••• t • • • • • • • •BIIe......... . Na.me •••••••••••••.•••• ••••••• : •••••••
offe rs a wealt b of lewlnlf Information; special fabric newa ' decoraU". tip!. 'ree pattern printed ln side the book. "" centa.
••••••••• I
•• ". '
4 ....
• The sweetness of nourishing com-toasted to a turnl And KeUogg's keep their Corn Flakeii coming to you crisper, freshetl Your borgain ill ~~elIOgg'lI
' ,j
~:~~:~1;~.cgg~F, ~~~CBJ":S~~~~~ D~~'': Come, live and enjoy the refreshiIlg luxury of ·this -WORLD-FA· MOUS RESORT. 6 miles from Chattanooga. Swimming poo.. goll, archery, beauty and gown shop. America's most beaut!· ful patio open evenings with dancing beneath starlit skies to the famous Lookout Mountain Orchestra ,_ •• Rates $7.00 and up daily, including meals,. swimming and patio dancing privileges. (Special family and seasonal rates,> Write to Lookout Mountain Hotel. Lookout Mountain, Tenn. Phone 3·1742 Chattanooga. OPEN MAY TO OCTOBER. .
MUSIC II, th • .RURAL SCHOOL A ,imple Clnd direct guide covering subjeCits of organization. planning. listening. port-singing, instrumental music, ' creative music. seasonobl. entertainment. ete.; olso a bibliography of suggesti)le material
s , S
T, O· W 'N
THOMU ANNETT Chairman af the Department of MUsic. Stllte Teachers' College ot La Crosse, Wisconsin. Price, $1~
- _.-._---_ .. --_... -... USE
FOAM n, ..
------ ........ -:--_.- ........
THE WILLIS MOSIO COMPANY 12. Bu~ PoIifUl S~rcet. Cln&laaaU I, OhlQ
Please sea« c:oplu ''XUSIC in CIte aURAL SClJaOL". ADDNaB .....______________________________ NAW. Cl1T'- ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S'tATE_ _ __
..-•......-........-........... -..--_ . _.. ... ... ......•... ~OA8H
__Co O. 0'•
~r ~~n4,;mm
1 lit: MIAMI (iAZl-:TTI!, WA
1111111111111111 1111;1II1It!:"':III"'I"'i~
BAY 1950
Clo, ed on Tuesd. y and W c.'d nesd:\y
BRADDOCK '1'c!P floD. Sapd. Graft' BKcI~ft&Iq Witi JtMII: Hoe, WARRIN
, ,
e -
,TAQIII & SON, Phone 1011.
&f _
Am Equipped To Do
To Fit the Income Your . Farm Time-Up to' 33' Years
Ref"ananaal, Buyin•• l~provil18
Our Work Wiu Ple,Ilfe You
_ FOR -
-,. ---
LOI' (' ,
ADd IOod new. If Jut TN.I's autt l~u YOI'D uul shabby I sail It to 118 - Y~'U nston tllat tI'Im, 8ID&I't lOok,
ELLIS, H. &TURM, Sec'y·Tr....
look lib
NO MATTER HOW SATISFACTORY I\. rllneral service may be.
~UNE , R~&:.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hole of WaynesvllJe. Is vlilUng with Mr. and MM!. Harvey 1\. Hole, JeDnle and JUlly . of Dayton . • ,
, Mothers and' MI'Sl undo Mrs. Elizabeth Mardis.
\VuHh l nJ;
fl ll to Ul IIL'i l '
X~5- 1"' 8-2o
Ihea:e will sUII remain a fell.lng or I'osentmcnl If costs are excessive. At l,he M(fClure fun eral home we avoid every needless' dollar- AND THIS EXPI..AINS THE 'PUBLIC APPROvA i. OliR rnl (' l~ POLI C '; JlAI. ,R.ECEIVED.
chin . W _ J . Hoov er, Fifth su'eet..
~ It
• IT
SALE-l Pressure gnHolIlIE
Piau •••
I> ~ 11 - 18 - 26 - 3t
Lebanon N.F.L.A.
Chules R. Thompson
a ••••yaoo. a ••••, ••
FOR SALE _ Farmall Tractor with Cultivators $800.00, Red c lover hay. David Snelld Elmtree Rd, WbynesvllJe 2109. \
Prices Re.IO~le
I111- -l-.,-oOd ;;;--SALE--1UO-WrunDllng eon41Uon prlvate owuer $200.00. call !r10 '1970 before 12 MOn. Pearl £¥nclalr On RU·Dayton ]0 - box 225 . A 5- 11 - 1S·25·3t
J __
'FOR SALE - Eight-room houlI8. seml·IDodem. Everett Gustin. ~~~~~~~~~~~i. X-6-1\"lS.25
Wayne.ville and Corwin Communities
~~~~~~~~~~I ~' ~~~~~~~~~ NOTICE! LAND BANK LOANS . . - . _ _ _ '"
WASHING DONE in my home. 'Phone 2626, WaynE\Bvllle.
,,,ondf' rful Comedy
LUMlllmR - All kbldll,lll aU . . . atha and !WI4th11, KIln drMd. Renso:nable prices. All orden, large 01' small w1ll be 4ell.,."4. IRog Houses. AOY LAMB, Jlbon. WIlY11'eSVme 2701.
bio:ranL :We a1IO daD...... ~·
atTN OJU,.Yllllr- ~, DaN I'arDu Pit. 10. IIIOtI
:MGM: Canoe..
Western - S tars JOm. KcCRlilA, ALEXIS SMITH Clut.p. 7 Lost Junel.,
, DEAN ST CKWELI", MARARET oonnl ~~N Tow nnd J erry Cnrtoon
MAY 18
lltrq-Uu uul JIaJl&IMr
(Part Color)
"'" ,,,'
TWIN THEATRE Wayne~vllle, Ohio 18
ALE - Minneapolls-HoneyIlutomlltlc furnace control. comill et e ; E le tres teem' bot waLer I'Udluto .... ; "pe oy plth lt slIrayer; wi th ,()r without 'motor; Model 46B 'Mossberg .22 cui. rltl e with 4X tll:Olle; ' 3 wrist wutchell, 1 JoJlgID. 2 ll ll iova; cha.l se lounge; Montumow r llllvn mower. bnby stroller ; bi g h chair. E rneSt Edgington. X- 5 -11-J8·2fi Phone 2995. F OR 'w ell
19'17 Wlzzn.rd bike,
G-piece chrom ' breakfast ael Pltone Waynesville 2-161. , X-5-ll-18-25 FOR ~ - Admiral televis Ion ... 7· Inch pIcture ,with 10· ln~ b b~cnr-up s ere e Rlchard Hu I,.
NOW READY - ChryaanthemulDl, carnatlona, dalalea, etc" alao cut fiowera. St .. John's Gardell8, aCroll (rom Texaco alaUon. Main a\.l'8et, Phone '2551. 1 • X-6-18.2~ ..1
,X - lt
18 CUP
HOUSE PAINTING - Alao TooL barD, etc., experienced palnter, Ten· unable prlcell. 'Phone 8281 WayneR. nile, Richard CampbelL
WANTED TO RENT - House an- --.,L,_ _ _.:....,._ _ _ _ _ __ fUrnlahed.. ,F.,1g1daJre e~PloJe8, 1'OlJ, -~AI!~ good ra4108. Pholle Plant 2, wife and 1 ,child (school ~61. . Rev. lL B.. Coleman. II age). Phone 37193, Spring VaDey, OhIo. X-6-18-25-1-1 - - 'rr,. G..tte OuaIfied Ad
FOR SALE - Sweet Potato planlll. SOc per hundred. All kinds of garden plants 15c per dozen. Charle3 C: Strouse, 1% miles north at cor, tie and Ferry roads, X-6-18-25-6--1-8-l5-22
Day dinner guests of Mr. Harvey Hoie \\(sr(l MI', Hally Hathaway. Mrs. ViSiTORS FROM . CINCINNATI SUNDAY . Hole and MI'. Jack Mr, and Mr!l. OUrt'IS Stltts of Ctn.eln.natt visited Mr. and Mrs. Walt e r . Try Gazette C....ified Ad Elzey Sunday afternoon.
' $,4~4,5
Ders'·;G arage
Waynesvill~ Fu~ture& Appfiance .CO• ,
I. '" .'
PH'9 NE WAYNE8. 2841
Bottle Gas· Sales
Especi!ll1y For Farms
Waynesvill, I~ational Ban.k
Ask }\bout our Price ' on
Dead Stock'
ROOFING Of All Types
. Bona. ,UG • Cowl, ,1.10 '
lD8Ul&te4 Drieu ID4 ..beato. SlcUnc. Sheet metal W'Orll or all 'ldnda. Local Ilel..... eea. AU work III&rlDteed.
Spring ..VaIleyHardware - Co.
HOWARD Wo. H.\AS . Route ... w.,...."m.. O.
Phone 37371
Phon. W.,...."III. . .
Hop - , lI6c CW't. , Aecord1Dc to Sise aDd CoDdltton.
Xenia 454 lIeYel'88
~'\.eD" Fertilizer
E. ~mith
Broker (
Centerville! 7058 1
Ll.ye Wir,e and Progrelelve. All organization aeeond to none. Strictly sellers ' on the beat an· around market' In the country. 8ERVICE THAT 8ATISFIE8
Rt 48, 5 mi. ; South of Centerville. ' ~
Inatallation and Gas
\ '
Spring Valley,
Y 011 neye~ hear anyone co.~~ of havin, too much of it~ you can, build up a supply . of reserve dollar. by.depo.itina IOmethina every pay day. The I'!cret is in replarity. Cet the habit of droppin. in at QUI' bank to make yOlUr clepo.it DEFORtE YOU SPEND A CENT FOR
For Dal'ly Market Report.:
WHIO DaJton, 12:60 .E.B.'l1;' Dial 1300; WLW Cincinnati! 1240, Dial 700. ' NORRIS BROCK COMPANY ,
Armitage &Sou
MI10 and Mrll. iJohn Tread way have sold their borne on Mo.ln 8treot aud Ill'e 1I0W li ving In M ill· dLetowu . Mr. a nd Mrs. H ar ry lI! . Turnel' and little BOil a re nOllV' ocO NE HUNDREDTH YEAR cupyi ng the h' former bome. Mrs. Margw'et J a ne Robolb RJil pussed away at hel' bome at 377 Spruce str eet. AUI·orn. JlI., on Tues. day Illornl ng, WId hill: daughtel'. Mrs. J . L. Kenrick of R. n. 2, le ft at on ce to s pend some Ume With . her fatbor, a nd tor tIlo fUllerlil services'. Mr. a nq Mrs. Louis F!'les had as Sunday . a fternoon a nd evening g ueSIR, Mr . nnd M I·s . Paul Hil i'! Y nnd daugb ter , Mary Lou , Mr . . anti Mrll. Low; Keyser , , Mr. a nd M.ra. C. H . fJIlo rblooll Dnd "Ilaughti!r . oM Mr. H nrold Taylor of Dayton.
_Serving WaynesvillelSince 1850 WAYNESVll!LE, OHIO, TH URSD'A Y MAY 25,1 950
The West Wayne ' Advisory CounMr. O'Regan, who was In profe8cU member8 were guests of Mr. slol1al baseball before World War and Mrs_ Stanley H. Ball y on l[ ~aB returned to profel!lslOn~1 umWedileada.y evening, for the reg- . piriog, at .•present wo(klng. tn t he ular May meeting. The usua l bU8- Ohl(lOolndllfDa ba,eboll )eague. pnes8 !IeB810~ WtI.B ,held and Mr. _. -:-:-- -'- - - : -
Harold Whitaker conducted a most tatereBtlog discussion on "Schpol ~
Here May 31
--' OHURCH OF' CHRIST MI'. and f rs. EI'nest Rurlnn, o f TO OBSER.VE ~~GOR. Lytle-Ferry road , \Vaynea.vllle, aTe , \ ATION. DA.'Y,' MAY 2$ ' . an nouncing . th e engagement lind coming marriage or their daugh,ter
Ii&)' 28th 18 Memorial Day'a:l.m· Margu.r t Minerva to' Mr. RlclllLrd 8.1~'II14_ 4a.·v. A legal boUday has been 'de- J. Olson, Jr.. Bon of ~ m . Olson ot Chaplain (Major) Hora ce to coau:n~lmorate the sac~l- P utnam , Connecticut. The wedding or thOB~ who gave their Uves will he solemni zed at· 1he W ay nes' GuUer , fwho waa recenUy .... ,., ~,..~.,
C.HAPLAIN ., •• 8p.. ker ,For Memorial
as R nse .C haplain or terl/on AJr Force Base, wJ1l 8peak er hf\r&; ror , the lill Y servh;:os to ' be co";dllcted American Legion Post 615. Tbe Way nesville High Band will preseill seve ral,. bel'S, and III !lse of weather, 's Ol-v le s w lll be . held .the high Bchool gym.
_ .,.
NOTICE noon on Wedneadayl beginning May 24. . T I\~ IO',by , w i ll I:e 0' e1 and' mall ""'j1/ be recel veq a.,d patcked U ulual. .
ltayor; 'do he reby proelalm sa~r tid.ay. Mb y 27th iui ' P~ pp y ,Day In MAR~T M•.HARLAN TO VIUa,gEj of Way:tl6svtlle and Jturge '.<1\ MARRY' WM. OLSON I bur..clLlzeoB t o observe this 'da y CONNECTICUT by tbE!. wcarl ng (\f tb e PO-ppy- t hat the memQry of tl,Jose . who !!lade this -sacri fice '- be leapt fresh In Marriage WiD Be Solemnized In Methodist Church our IlI.I us and .hear t.s,
Mr. J . ·C. His cy Is confi ned a t thli An s Imon 'ement wa a made Dayton Veterans Hos pital fO I' ob- today .by Bob O'R egan that eftec' se rvat ion nnd treat ment. t1 ve . June 1 the local Twin Theatre ownerllhlp will , be transferred to Mr. Frank Thomas, accompanied Mr. and MM! . Richa rd Tatum, OakbiB,brother, Mr. Arthur Thomas, of wood, Dayton. Daywn. to Florida for a Jiilgtlts~c· Mr. Tatum III currently on duty Ing tri p and eXllccts to retu rn n "~L at Wright Airfield u.s a Captain. week. . U. S. Army Weather Bureau. Mrs. Mr. and ·MI'8. C. E . $tnn fo rth Tatum. forme rly of Bellbrook, looks ha ve 'I'eoelved wor:d fronl thel!' COl· ward to r en&Wlng her ~cqUalnt. daughter, - Mrs. H . A. Ellis. lIlut anc8sltlp wHit to.-mer Wo.ynesvllle she Is now cOn valcsdng aHer lin school friends·. apP4!ndix opem tlon a t the hOfl P\Ln l In Al bany . Oregoo. J\h·. and . MI·II. , Mr. 'I'llt um Rtated Ihat Tw in Ellis , a re w lr b the Hallmlll'k F ro' '(,bea tl'e pal.rona ~ hould be sure to duction Company, nnd a re now In get a copy of tbe June showblll In . order to acquaint themselves of P ortland. OregOtl. ' possible changes In policy. ITbe East Wayne AdVISOry Oou nMr. and Mrs. 1»b O'Regan wOl cll wlll nl et Frid ay Ilvenlng , June continue to re81de on Route 48, 2. with Mr. and Mrs. ROSCoe F ur- Lebanon. Oblo, during the sumnas u.s host and bostess. me r season.
Tb t\t'~ re. I, tHo M. ,Sherwood,
Mr. and Mr•• Richard Tatum Will Allume Control . June
. Saturda y, May 27th has been se t great nation.
PJtOCl,.AMATION , OF THE MAYOR 4JI~d.e a · PoPPY ' 1fR'~ Ilbroul!hou ~ our
MI'. Mack _Davfs entered Grandview Hospital on MOliliay and 11n- BOB O'REGAN SELLS TWIN derweni s l1rgery on T U e !I d 1\ Y THEATER TO OAKWOOD morning: MAN AND WIFE Mrs. J e nnie P hinok, Mt;II. Mary Ellen Lllcy. Mrs. Ada Dakin lind MM!. 0_ B. Ma rl a tt ' were d inner gue8ls on Thursday of M n~. A l on ~o Cbrte r. nenr B pt'Lng VaH ey . .
FI VE , CEN'l'S A COpy
for the (reedom we !lnjoy aa ana· ville Methodlnt Church May 31. O~t of two major conflicts e.m el"gedmen a,.nd womell remember un too vIvldl)' the borrors experienced when finally the reali zation c ame tbat that stLll f6t;m ' 'who, a iElw mInutes before had , been the clearest' of frfend s, 'WoUI~ lIev r s peak again tn 'this ThOfle who. 108t husbands , aons. fathers, etc. ' do not contine their memol'Y . Ilnd ho nor to one day- a . ,y ear by any mems. How can w~ lUoet aPlpr opl'lululy remem' :er and . hono'r. thoSe who ' h ave sO nn ch fGr liS ? Those men a~ w-men are In t' bimda ~ the h1irg a"'d 'o" 'n~ f' ' ''~ or ",'e"6,'er re ~ "h· th "t g ' to , ua as heaven, It wi ..IbI'OUIRh , ap!Otl:~8r the great81l' , ill ·Po1l1.beel J!-ilut -a.tQUtt.,c b.IUoj! ~~~W~~;i1~. ~onlY be@!Ue- , t r ll Ih"? ~eat hOllo1' yOU cO'J ld bes tow upon\ t hem wo uld . h e by 11'1 11(1' 1' r. Go~ I whOse eare tl:elr ete" h '11 exJsten'e rests? We or, t~e Chur cb .of IIr l6t Waynes lIIe Invi,te you to meet US In His House ('I n fO l;b IIlr-l-ol 10 give praise M d renrie r sUppll<'A 'lon ~mlo Hlm wbo Is t he ,{lver III1tI s liAtninnr of liFe. . BI ble school- 9:30 A. M. Worshi p S er~i cll- 1 0 :3 0 A. M. ' Ev ening Serv.1ce-8 :00 p . M.
... Hila " ;..," All the Way Through
Harlan Thmbart. son of Mr. IUld' Mrs. H arold R . Earnhart, Is valedictorian of his 191)0 class of 26 gradua.tes In Wayne Local High Sohool, Waynesville, Ohio. He ~du ate l!> ,,;It h no all "A" ;tverag e not only f Ol' 11 Is fOllr y elL~S oC Hig h School. but fOI' the ,entre t w"lve l ea rll of sohool nt ,"Vn nesvllla. He' w ill enter Yala ' -ul ven!i.. 1'1 .Septemb er , 1950
LEGIOfi AUXILIARY . TO SEU. . POPPIES Tb ~ >voman s a.ux.l1tary ot ~e Am rlca n Legion of' Wayne lownship will s ell ~ ppie s here S at., 'May 27 1\ 11 da.y_ I ,Wbat-pr-I ce freedom? H a.ve the y fo~got . . . i.be ones \\rno P~ld tlie pr~co In a rms, a nd Jo,*, ' iUe :itself ? Tb ell talce Qio br~ve n;d poppy which f.he Amedcan L&glon Alixlllary offers you next Saturday. Give what you ClUJ In r eturn, and ' wear It , as a badge oC honor " Lest we forget."
.. . Announce Engagrnent, Marrla"e The , COUIlQlf adjourne4 't o ~eet ,T h e Waynesville In JI,lI1e w1th Mr. and M.r a, Gllber t M~. Olson. 'll os A.A . ~lId B.S. de· Frye. after wblcb a very plullsant cburcb gs.v.e a dinner and •. progrees In fore ign affa irs frGm Geo. Boclal hou.r was enjoyed. ' gram-,Sunday at 12 Noon tn bonor Washington Univer sity In ' Wash· of Rev. arid Mrs. R . B. Coleman. Ington. O. C. a nd III a cand idat e Mr. Benny Furnlis nnd , Mrs. ' wbo are retiring this year. fo r M.A. In the sallie fi eld . He Is TO BROi#l>CAST STATE OSCll.l' Smith, co·c hal rmen of lho on th ncimlnl stra,llve II.t aff nt 1110 The opening prayer Willi' made by Cancer FUnd Drive tbat Wa.y ne HIGH SCHOOL TRACK UniversIty nnd a. olemper of P I !Township was' gI ~o n a quQ!./\. Of Mr_ O. F. 'BsOWD. of Lebanon. MI'. MEET SAnJRDAY Gu.mma Mu fratern ity. $400.00 and at" tbls t hne they have H amid Earnhart: was master of Miss Harlan graduated from V\J" oeremonles . received ' over $500.00. T be var· COLUMBUS. OHIO- W OSU. lhe glnla [nlermont Collcge for girls ,Tbe various d ep~~ents ' of the ~ OU8 orpnlEattons and Indlv idullifl O h l~ StMe Unlvc rsity radio in Brl st~l, Virg n,l a and IS now a have r.e8~ded In a fine manner. cbUl'ch wer e represented In order statio n. wi ll broa,d c ~t the · Sta.te Home EconomJ 8 majtl r a t George by Mrs. K . N., Hougb, M;rs. Earl Mr. Ross Hartsock, wbo ' has COIUliir , Harlan Earnhart. Mra. Washington Uni versity. She Is a H Igll ~:Cboo) Oham plons lill) Track bee~ confined at Mind Vwl&y bosWAYNE 4-H CLUB member of Alpha P I E psilon, n 118 - Meet Saturday al'ternoon, May 27. ,OJ nn Borden, "Mrs. Alma Peterson . Tl'(wk events will be re ported be\fltal for several days. following Mr. Heber Jackson, Mr. R. . C_ ELECTS OFFICERS tlona l honora ry home economl ps ~w ee n Innings of the Ohio State surgery, arrived )lome on .Mondoy. Moler, Rev. Bernard 'Baughn ,rr he Wo.Ylle· G. C. P. , 4·H Club society. Michigan baseball game, Iltartlng met Tllllrsda)' , MIl)\ 18 lit : WaynesMrs. Blanche· B8Jter, or Clnclll- Mrs. Sflllle Smltli. at. 2 P. M. A trn.ck. illlmmu.ry also vlIle Hig h Bcho'DI with C. E. Mich- MEMORIAL DAY TO . T he yqung men's quartet natl, haa been the guest of ber . s is· will follow t he game, e nd III ba lf('n er lu charge und Berma n Ross. t er, Mrs. Ross H. HartSOCk, fo r tbe two pumbers. BE OBSERVED BY lI o ll /' wlIIl(illP of the l a le meet Is ~jf ren Coun ty A rrloullll rnJ Agent, past several daYB. After the program, Miss Sallte METHODlST CHURCH I.Ic lte~ ule d fOI' 5130 11. m, presiding. ' Smftb 10 .lIebalf -ot- the church, ~ DORia WOOLLAltD TDe1IJilverslty s ta tion 18 heard !,W'e .held t he ole don of offIcers . . presented Rev. and Mrs: Ooleman ••• H•• A "8+" Average Mcm0rinl. Day wlll be , ohRer v'pd on 8~(J on the AM dial and 9.7 on NOTICE .TO CONTRACTORS The following members W 0 \. e wIth II. beautiful leatber chair and ,Dorls Woolard. da~hter of Mr. eleqted : Presldont, Lee O'Banlon: Sunday, May 28th at . 10 :30 a. m. FM dial. . STATE, OF OHIO '. DE PARTM E NT OF HIGHWAYS .1It8nd, also quite ' a ~ft Gf c'asb and 'Mrs .' Kenneth' Woollard ; of ~Iee Presld nt. ,.Dwlgl\t. Michener ; with appropriate music by the choi r CH~NGE IN OfrFICE HOURS W,aynesvllle. Is tbe !:ialulatorlan of Secretary - Treasurer, Bob by an d memorial sermon. Columbus -Ohio. May 13. 19GO tow!U'd moving expenBes. Dr. Wrig ht an nounces that beThe Young Men 's Qus~ te l wlll Mr. and Mrs. Coleman rellpo:ndl!d.1 the cllU!a of 1,950. . UNIT PRICE CONTRACT O'Blllilon; New s Reporter, Janet g inning Ju.ne 1 his office hours Sealed proposals wtll be -received gratefully In appreciation of tbe . :She had a "S + ',' average tor ber Michener; ReCrtlatlon Leader , Cbas. sing "He W as My Comrade." The veterans are given a cord lltl wJ\l be Wlednesdll.y s 2 t o· 5 'anti four y~s of , HIgh School and, McdiJIlD18.. S veral new membllrs at the oUlce of the State Highway occa.slon and gift. 7 to 9. No bours on Thursday. All to tbo st:lfvlce. Ihvlta,tlon Rev_ IUJd Mrs. ' Coleman will plana to attend college ,In the (all. Droctor of Ohio, at ColumbuS, ObJo, pl:esent. Mr. lR.os8 lold them all otller days will be the B~m ~ li S move to tbelr new home soon', In. I • unUl 10:00 A. M., Oblo Standard the detail s abou l 4-H Club work. NEEDLE AND THRf;AD . before. Tlm~, Tuesday. June 6, ' 1960, tor Upper Sandusky, and the churcb FORMER RESIDENTS The officers m eeUng wlil be ' beld , a~lts the appointment of anotber Improvements In:' CLUB HOLDS MEETING . l\Jay 31 Ilt Lebanon High ~Ilcol. ,OF THIS AREA The WaynellvllJe "Needle IUJd WAYNESVILLE ALUMNI mlntBter by the Oblo ()onterence. PROPOSAL No. 1 VACATION HERE TO HOLD MEETING 'I'hread" 4-H ' Illb hud their (Irst • CARD OF THANKS Warren OhiO, on Sectlon meeting Wednesday , Ma y 17 , at , Tbe 67th anJlu lI I J:fl¥nJon of EDI"J;'OR'S NOTE-Rsv. Coiemiul 0.04,' State Route No. i2S, tD. HarM""f. aDd- Mrs. Marlin Summers, ot 1.. wish to l1IIarlik my many friends 3 :30 P. M. 'I'he name of the club Wa.ynesvlll e AJ\lmnl. A,ssoclatlon lam and Salem TOWDahlps, by ap- hns .served the- Methodl' t Ctiureh. Eau Gall,l e. Fla:. wbri are well and neighbors tor all the cards, I d I f[1 ' WJlIl hold their regular meeting plying a. bituminous treatment, very well here In WaYneavtlle, ,and .known In this area, are spending letters, flowers and many 1Iind :::se~ea:c~:llO::: o ' ce~8 wCl'e Saturday, May 27. ,Dinner will be he '11'111 Boon be leaving UI for re1dUring ' m'"J recent lIlness. Itema NO and T-S~. . th e", weatlon b ere untII J une 9. Presldent- .B etty J 0 CllSsldy Berve d prom~ty at 7 : 00' P'. . M. tirement, whlcb be' justly deserves. Pavement: Width 18 feet. Tiley plan to b&', back at their ..' \. M'r.s. W H. Madden. Vice P~eslden'~ Mlld red Wyrick We all feel that we are losing a Length 40,66, feet or '1,70 miles. .traUer 'park In Eau Gallle. by June ' Seceta ry trensunir-Putt.y Miller . NOTICE OF MEETING friend and nelgbbor. but we .good Contract to be completed not ,The snllual meeting of the Lot ]S or 14tb. RecreaUdn Lea de r Jo Ann wish hlm all the pleasurs .and bap. later ~ Septemb"r I, 1960. Owners of the Miami Cemetery AsAnyone from this , area contem.Ab ' ~ Amburgy ~ne ss posBlble In his new a good vacation flsbln g trip 8oclation wlll be held at the cemPlat'-Tbe mInlmWD wage to be paid "'6 News Repol'ter-..Mary .lOll", Stile' In Upper Sandulley. to all labor ~mplC)J.d on tbJa conahol.lld stop at EIW 'Gallle a nd see By JANE FITE ,Tbelr n.e xt meeting wlll lie held etery otrlce on 'M;onday, June 6, at 8 p. m. 2t them . . It Is located " miles nortb tract Illall be In 8ccot'daDce with "Tho Adventillres of Tom Saw" Tbl'lradllY June 1. 1960 'at 1: 30 P. M. NOl'lCE OF AF!POINTMENT , of MelbouMl4l, ;JUllt 1 «quare orf ' tbe "Schedule of Pl;eVailln!r Hourly Rout. 1. ' yer" was presllDted a t tbe schoo) at the Wa ynesville Higb 8chool. LOCAL ANCELIc QlOIR Admlnlatrator Wqe Batea ~certalned aDd Deauditorium Tbursda, y evening. TO GIVE >FINAL CONCERT 'termJDed lIy the Departm!lnt of In. Eatat& of Mary J. Scofield DeD .. uviiN YOUTH Marina Etz a'nd David Brooks F avu .. ft.L. ,The 'Angelle ChoIr 01 Waynes' dUl!ltrLal Re1atlona appllcable to ceued. . BOY MADE starred In the leading roles. Th e PRESENTED .~TCH vUle High Scbool will give t he State wPway · DepartDleu.t 1m- Notice Is hereby !rIven that Loma CQt<lCERT MA5TER otber member!1 of ', the cast In~NKLIN. - Cecil Harville. a fnal performanoe of 'lIe se ' il i On prov8Dlots In , accordance M. Scofield wboae Post Ornce Add· "dle . Jones , .AUU .. ""a • Fair· Franklin High Scbool jll"{or, was Sunday, M~ 28. . 1 d d "'AT OHIO STATE cue .. ,,'e.., ,. Beotlona 1T-S~ 1'1-4, 17-4.. 1'1-6 and ren II Waynesville, Ohio, bu beeu - hUd Shl. ley Schoenherr Ralph presented it G-ruen ·P recIS,lon . wrist .... ,r . rrhe ptogram w11l be, televi sed 1'1·1ia oC tbe General Code of~h1o." du.ly appotnted u A4mlulltrator Jack R. Mulford, son of Mr. and Baye. Helen Hartsockl Isaac watch by WllIlam Mason Phillips,. OV' WLW D The bidder mUllt IUbmit with his of .' the Eatate or Mary Z_ Scofteld lira. irvin Mulford, a music major Btark~"', 9uEalllne Saklns, Janet .presldent ot the Francis Dunlavy er . Channel 5 fro m 5: 00 btd a c:~.d check tn the amount late of Warren County, OblO, d. til lC4ucaton at Oblo State Unlver Doster;• Tony Etz, and Richard Cb apter of Warren County, Sona to 6:30. ~~~_ _ __ or '1.I11.1~. ceue41. • • Iltt, baa ' been apPoDlted concert VJllars, Tbe )laY -.:as under the of the American ~e.y()lution, dill'- DEMOCRATS ELECF dlreeUon of MlilB Mary Lou Moore~ Ing colorful awards ceremonies OFFICERS HERE PlaDa a4 lpecWcatlOU are on Dated this 4t11 • . or liar. iRo. ...~ of the actlYlUel band. ~cli Gene SI'OWJl was recentfile In the 4~.!,.gf JalPwarB RALP.B-H. CAREY. TlaIa CIII'IaDIIatIou; oonalltng of a member oI--tbe. .....de Ichool Tu8lday--f"or Frankln High &chool puplls_ ly eleeted Secretary" ot the Demoad tile omc:e or the 4lYlal01l depJudae of till! ·Probate Court about. lOG 11 the largeRt on l·f ..cu1j;~ The ·award 'Was made tn recognl- cratlc Central Commlttep. utr 4InGtor. Wan. eoatr Obfo tile CUDPu. H. 11 1010 clarlnetlst tlon or Mr. Harvllle's outataadtng Gan Gordon ; or- 1I1U'T8J11bur1". TlIe 4hcstor ........ tile J'IIht • wltla tile acthIUeII baD4 aDd aIao coatrlbutlon to- the aCcomplish- "IVaa elected cbalnDan or the Dem. lUaIDItr, ID4 CJrarAttp. 1DIIi1iiii'OflJae.liNbolll' .COIlcert to . . . . IIIi u4 bl4t. menta- of ·the S. A. R. ocratlo CelitraJ . CollUldttee, ....... H .... . Pub1Je1ied JIIIr, 11-UfI ant ~II"'"
Jia,.vtJ'I" " U,.,
pi..,. . .... .
-, Thu'r sdq, May 25, 1950
·""---WEEKLY.NEWS ANALYSIS:-.- - - . LABOR: Strike Settled
Senator Pepper Is Defealed; Savings Bond Drive Underway; Loyalty files Op~ned to Probe ,
Teen-Agers Misbehaving
The JOQ-day·old Chrysler strike, tM second longest nnd cos tlies t in th e history of the autom obile industry. has !;leen seWed. Cle:ui lng Utensils The union claimed It won the "10 Sta in10ss st eel ut pnsils s hould cen ts an hour paokage" In pensions not be scou , ed with hars h ab~a and hospltl\ ) and medical bel1e'f!Ls LONDON, ENGLAND.-Although sives. Soak nnd r emove food, With for which the strikc was called. It \vas ou't1awlld years ago. the a dulled s urface such 8 0 a wooden Costly Projects To put the. strike above the mer. "cat" _ a whip called a "cat-o'- spoon. If th e bottom is made of NOTE' W.hen oplnlonl' are npr.... d In (be • • oolamll"i ·thol" are tho .. 01 c.enary level, UAW president Walter ' nine-tails" is being loolted upon s EVIDENCE . of the increasing (EDITOR'S We.tera New.I PftPir DlOo'. new. aDol),. h and not uC('Ie •• arlb 0 tb. lIJ.w.v.pe~.) copper . cl ean with a good copper P . R'euther sa id, "The ' Chrysler ,fondly a.galn by British ofIlolals. cleane r. orrijb wi th a cut lemon . extension of gove~ent ,a cstrl/<e was a part of a great human The r eason is that this oriea dippcd in . salt . tivities and their ever-lncr~asin, cr usade to build a petter' tomorrow law-abiding country Is suUer.lng annual costs. Sen, John L. McClenand a' better world,'" b Origin or Trousseau , nan. Democrat, ~kansas. chair. But labor observers said the from a plague of t een-age mo Political observers were face to sters_ They roam ci ty streets . , man ' of the senate committee on The word "trousseau" .has 'its strike was too long and too costly singly and In gahgs. London once expenditure of the executive de- face with the question: Is there a for anYllne to benefit. About 89,000 was. the satest city In the , Y£Orld. origin in the "truss.e" or. b~ndle of parbncnts ot ·the federal govl»'n. , new poUtical trend In the wind ? , OhrY,s ler workers In 25 plants and E ven the cIty's most loyal defend- long ago~ At that time, It was the In Florida S6-Yllar-old George ment, presented to mcmbers of 50.000 plants.' had been ers wouldn;t make that claim to- custom' for the bride to supply herSmathers defeated Sen. , Clau. d e. the senatc a detailed Ust of the Idle. in suppUer . . selt with ·clothing and household various projects the President has PepP8I1, one-tlme J:\ew .dealer. by Also on the labor front, Jbhn L. day. equipment sufficient enough to asked congress ' to approve which well over 65,000 in the ilemocratlc J,e\vis 'announced that the m'dW welTbe London bQbby with hJs keto last- for many ,yea rs. priitiary. Critics of the Fair Deal" co~gress has, or is now, conSiderfare fUnd would resWne payment ot tle hat and cheertul manner still espec,lally the revolting southerning. ~eneflis next month. B.eneflts wer~ ~atrol s. hli HeaL with I}either 'gun Ci:eanied 'Sh:oin,p ers, called It a victory over alarmsuspended for almost a year during nO~:.Jmlre ~o protect hJrnaelt and Be pve Dpres luch lep Next time you plQI) to serve ing "creeping socialism," big govthe VMW' • .drawn Qut '8tr~es and the ~1t1zen'ry. . l.tloD wouW call for aDd the creamed shrimp enliven the sauce . ernment. un9alanc.ed budgets and restricted 'work: weeks. . Weapons of the young hoodlums with a little onion juice and a lUIIlaal eq,endltures Oud would the welfa re state. Another 'important move. Pl the and t1ieir lirls r,ange f~om razors tablespoon of cooking sherry. be needed. Such t!SpendUurea, The winner, 'however, told Relabor world was the announcement to tmuckle dusters; blackjacks and added ' to wha. we DOW have. publicanstc;l take no comfort fro~ or WllUam Green of 'the A~ 'that 'a peculiarly vlelous Instrument qe'orge Smatliers, 36, cas~ 1'• •14 n i l 'the coSt of love ...... Two at a Time his victory. He said: his union Is WllUng to meet with contrived from a bicycle chain. his ' vote In hli race .plod DHIId 1Ip. to .pprodmakl, If65 "The people of Florld.a ,in this Do not crowd glassware in dishSenator Claude Pepper lor di. CIO to form ' a united organization 'The chain may have a short han· bllUoa a ,.ear. election proved they were unwilling "of all forces and liroupll'lgs of or- die to it "or merely be wrapped at pan. A good rule is two stem glass· . 'U.S. IeDate. Sl(D.ailiers elate.ted, es at ~ time. Lay a cloth in the n would ,~ean elthe~ an unbear- to depart from the, well-established Pepper b,. weli o"er 65,_ ganized labor_'" ' one end .wlth heavy tape 'fl beyond, Ibl botto~ of the pan, able Increase In the tax load lor and basic principles of the DemoIn a 'letter to Pblllp Murray, 'whIch' Is 10 to 12 Inches of . ex e votes. Pepper 'W beeD • ine~ :the people, '01' a ha~ deficIt each:. cratic party. They do not wish' to Gre~ propole'd : Iteel ·lash. Even thll weapon haa ber of the upper house for l\lilk StaID. )'ear, With DO OPP9r1tmJty ,tor par· venture off down the slife roads of 1. To cO-Oi'dlnate work on eeonom- , been re.t1ned by London'l teell age ,.ears. His , defeat II conillclered ex~emIsm or dangerous experlmen· Rinse milk glasses III ~001 or IDf o~ the Iovernment inIc, le~llIlative and paUtical proQ. tough IIlYs. Tlley file the tip of the • blow ~ialns& Prealcleat Tndebted.ne••~ In the end it W'Quld 1laUon. lukewatn water before ' washing. • lems. ' chain .into · jailed teeth. , man. ' "Nor are they Interested In turn· mean national bankruptey ,and n. Hot water sets mi,l ks ,staina to 2. To achieve or,anlc unUY,. Girls Alia Join Ing the cloclc back to IsolaUonlsm pudJaUoo' of our ind~btednesl. some extent; stubborn milk stam. Youn, ,Iris lometimes join uit will yield to lukewarm water soft· and the do-nothing attitude of the Spy HuNT: '.' ' l'IIe faUowlq ,rejects for T-HLAW: with the YOUOl mob,sterl who , ened with soda. wIIIch the Praldm baa arpcl , Republican par"'_" Fifo Mailable :,Non.Red Oath out to maim and rob tor money, ot Texas Meanwhlle. the people ........., Weald 1D".lYe DeW Uquor and clothes.. Some of the elected the t1rst · Republican con· nfe Commun&t spy h1/Jt, called, Labor union., bitter 'enemies of youn, pyerDllleJl& ......0 _ aDd _ men of these packs drels in gressman in 24 years when, Ben H. by, many. witch hunt and a mud the Taft-HarUey act Ilnce the .day eyer4acrea.mc aDDu. ClOSt, the eUlieratea zoot style favored GuUl, 40-year-old Pampa broker slin,ing c.mpalgn agalnlt adminIt was enacted, tound themselves lo.r · each real' more and former schoolteacher. defeated Istralion big ahots, took a new tum confronted a,aln with. one 'of the by our own young plug-ugnes; til. . 18 .lUIOD doDan to be To • visitor returne.d to' London 10 Democrats_ It was a sudden- when President Truman agreed to most dlsllked provisions of the law. added to tile PreRllt eXpeDdlafter au abaence of nearly SO yeara. death election to till the unexpired ,Iv.e . lnvesUgators the c;omplete The U.S. supreme court upheld tare. of &be l'OVel'llDlent. term ot Gene Worley who had reo state department loyalty mes on the provision that requires union the· criminal violence reported Anioog the itelD5 presented to signed to become a federal judge. the 8~ casel cited by Senator Mc· olliclals to file non-Cornril.u nlst daU.,. by the press 11 shocklnZ, al· most unbeUevable. the members of the senate were: GulD said he was going to Wash- Carthy. ' " oaths If their unions are to use The Questions National commission against dis· ington as one small protest and It recalls the bad old prohIbition Althpugh Truman's approval did machinery of the national labor crimination In employmep.t. An. added: ,,' • • • _ It I go up there not cover F.13.I. "flIes, daYI In Chicago or New York. but. 1. What is nlother-ot-pearl? . ,reat relations board. nual con of operaUon, $5.000,000,· 8S one smaU protest, maybe the amount of F.B.I. material i. Inwith a dlHerenc-e. These LondoD 2. What is meant by ,Mother . Both national and 'local ottlcers 000. powers. that be won·t think they cludE:d in the reports. Cary's Chickens? of most unions have filed such at. mobsters relilly are just kids. SPf:c1al aSl!istance ,for rental aDd bave' the 'whole country in the bag. 3. When Is , Mothel'ing Sunday? In the London of the early 1920's Ii noW comes to llght that the 81 tJdavlts, although a few bol~outl cooperaUve housing. Annual cost. Maybe 30me or those big sllots wlll persons named by McCarthy ,have remaln_ 4_ Name the author of "Cross ' crlmes of vlolenoe were filw. Pun· . take a look s't this little s~gment of . .so,ooo,oOo. . ishrilent was aimost inevitable. Creek_" other con. Chie.! Justice Vinson sald. in IUs been investigated by ' f our Labor eXtension serVice_ Annual . 7exas and, take warning:" and It was, without exception. se· 5_ What is the popula tion of gresslonal committees. 31-page opinion, "Those who. so vere. Hanging was the penalty for . " cost. $7,000,000. Martinique? . Senator Tydings, chairman of the Corigress has found. would subvert' Uillversal mlllta17 tralhing. An· BOND murder. and not more than one in 6. What are the principal exsubcommittee which has been look· the public Interest cannot escape . 100 escaped It over a period of nual Cost, $3,000,000,0.00. ports of Martln1que ? Ing into McCar thY'JI allegations, all regulations because, at the same Yeal'S. Milltal'.Y ·houslilg and pubUc' Save for Independence said: "No adverse report concern· 'time,' they carry on legltlinate poworks. Annual cost. $1 ,400,000. Fpr vloJent crime such as ,the. With a gentle tap on the Liberty The Answers St. I:.aWrence waterway_ Annual Bell, Secretary of the Treasury ing these employees came to the lltlcal actIvittes_ To encour~ge slugging and mll-Iminl now so prevfloor of the' house or the Ooor of the unions to displace them from posi- alent here, the 'penalty could be 1. Tile ha rd. irrid e~cent incost, $500.000.000. . John W. 'S nyder on May 15 opened Tecbnical assistance . for unde- the greatest savings .bond drive In senate and none was sent to the tlons of great 'power 'over the na\. and of tell was' the Vlhlp. The Brit· ternal Iilyer,.of certain shells, as the pearl oyster. veloped areas_ (Point 4 Program>. the peacetime history of the coun· state depa'r tment after the other In· tional economy while at the s,ame . Ish whi~ was a cat ~' nln!! tolls: vestigations. time leavIng free tiie outlets by 2. The name f amiliarly given by 'Annual cost. ~,OOO.OOO. It ' :was Baid with consldllrable try. The dr~ve continues through sailors to the stormy ,petrel. are saying pubUc whIch they may p)11'sue legitimate ·Some sources evidence duit a in an once 110gged Farm parlty program (Brannan July 4. ' oplirlon 11 beg1nnlng·to blow ~e 'l1d political ' actlvltie's of persuasioXl with It would avoid a noggIn,' ot· , 3. The fourth Sunday in Lent. plan). Annual cost, ~.OO9,09O,poo. The b~U, the ' symbol ' ot the off the scandals of the ·Truman a~. ' and advocaciY, dOes 'not seem to u~ fense In ,the future. This was an' old custom of visiting , 'O ommerclal production of nat· 1960 drive. The theme: "Save for parents and giving them presentS. Ul'al . resources. AnDl.\8l eo~ ~,. your Independence-bU}' U.S. sav- mlnlstratlo.Jl • .' But ,others b'elleye , to contrayene ,the purpoaea of the The Soe1aUst" fovetnment · Wblch , 4. Marjorie Kinpan Rawlilles. too Ipu:cq ~1me aDd moner 'a~ ·beln. amencbnmt.Ii . , 000;000. ...'moo....."n P<l.w.~t·blJi. In 1948 wa. ings bonds .... wasted 1%1 an effort to create Com. 5. Approximately, 246;000 NeIncentive 1)a)'J;llents for developCD,J:nm:luf", j)y' I,. lnt~ectual .l ead- groes and 5000 whites, Fltty-two repUcas of the ~Istorlc mUnist hysteria tOl" political rea- DERB~:l ment of ' minerals. . Annual co~ a~1i ~!lth floglllnrt and '. '. , . relIc' are ' on tour of· the 48 states. sons: 6. Sugar and ruin. ,flO,OOO,OOO, pent\1tJ;' ,WE: murder. , • Dlitrlct ot Columbia, ', Alaska, '!'he "public, meaowhlle. was )Ie- Near Recorct, "et Haille:mg 'suivJv.ed'I,but • under co!" 'DIat ltarrerlq total of more Hawall, and Puerto Rico. They wlll coming II llttle bored and skeptfcal A, Taiu' icl61t \ 'and '• . 'Texas ~oy 'inake It 'conal!3erab}y ihaa U blWoa doUan would vialt ~ver 2;090 communtties and ot ' eXplanations from either , sCae_ Won the greatut lport~t on the ' , more likely now that a convicted be Ia' addlOoa ,to oar preseat will be vlewed by mllllona of peo~ Some logical explanatton of what ~rlcall. sefi~th . e ,.76*!llLrunning murClerer sentenced to die on the Cl..ta of bl. pveminent. Add ple. haa been goln, on had better be of ~ ' ;KeJi@I1Iq_ de~Pl' · TJle colt gallows will obtam - the clemency _ &Jaat mach more to oar &DThe beDs were ~ad.e at the made and soon: the voter was say· was Mtddlegrouna: 'nI'e boy ,was of a lite sentence ' lhItead. 'BUt' the . .... deOc:lta, and IOU Ibey do Bill ' Bofan4 . of €0t1riiI ~Clll'lstI. . ; loun~ of the Sona of George. ing. , .... represen$, ~ lUte an . There 'W.I anothe~ news .tory in iovel'l1~en~ dl4.' bolls~ the whlp_ Pacc.rcl at Annecy·le.Vleux In .f, tile Preild.8 IIt'. ..__ 'or Clamor for La~ the ' boVleVe~_. ~., . \Yho ~eep. !'r~c~ and, are said to produce the. 'TRUMAN:: 8IN!~. Bla pro~" '~r On the._.n~tion·8 purse exact tone Of the Liberty 'Bell be- ' '!'he.re is a c 1 a m 0 r In the the further .de"eiopm8ld of start1il!ld ~11\' waltHill' on the United KIngdom now' to· reltore the fore it wal cfackeil In 1835. f l On Tour " eleclrlcal power and tile 'eOD-' ,,"010' '*tioh of the rash. The pre.1 largely suPPorts The treasufT department has one Preslde~t Truman begall btl · F~~~~.!17'~'·\\E~ " , t I~:':" I , _n.tloD at resource., nch . . the effort to resume floeglngs for objective-to promote the sale ,of" 'ern tour with four speeches ..,.e ' . MIssouri v"'e7 p~~t, N " "'UII' Of. if1.~1026t l-iali, bet., The'. violent crime." The letter cpllunnl order to enccnirhalf of the BrarulllD aglrlc'u1l1ur~~l, aaYlnla bonds In _JIld add ,other' blWoaa .to tile . .of . $~2Iio'lj~,was set ot the newsp~pera indicate pubUc age thr,ift. ' Nt attempt wID be made program, but ~ook ~Ime 8IlDuai expeDdI~. '. 'j;, . ~m' , support. , to contact evefY. po.tential bU}'er or preach the gospel against iSI/,lation,- . illne,race ,derby day >The batterlnr day after day 1m. But we cannot rightfully· con- savings bonds in ,the. nation. ism." . card, the handle . was the Iblrd pact of violent crime has persuad. demn only the President for .:A~ the conclUSion of the drlVe~ , And it was a new Truman, u~fng .rowth of government or its ever SnyCier said a bell wlll go to eacli gentle ridicule against his political highest In history. A total of $3,- ed several British judges to appel!l was wagered. The 1947 rec· , from the bench for auth,o rlty again expanding expense. Be can add state ,nd ~erl'ltory for peWlanent enemies lnstead ot the free-swing. was $3,6311,403_ The handle In to selltence oHenders to be whipped. nothing' to government tunct10ns or ing, sledgehammer blows he used 1946, sec;ond hlghe,t In ,history, was The dispute has reached the house Keep Off Tbe Grass expend' IlI1Y money not provided exhiblt_ o.n a slmililr trip two years ago. $3,608,208. . , of lords. where the 10.r d ' chancellor, HEN YOU saw 'ou\ tbls group by congressional appropriation. ~e " NDOCH/~A: That in Itself was enough to ~make U betting I~~M' /:D,d C,81'Oll ot th. e Viscount Jowitl, ,announced . that and finjsh them you will be can on.l,y , rec0mntend. _ To Get Aid many: a politician raise his eye. ecoilomlc trend, \tie) pr(lspect • __r-+ ,'~'._ Labor government wOura-mand delfghted. ,The ale;t :expressions " Il fa thOse' we lend to W..... ., brows. ·the rest of .l960 :wouid~i~llm, pat a'g alnst fl'oggirig. . ' and life-like colorings will cause Secretary or State 4cheson antqton, ollr senators, aDd , rep- ' Lord Goddard. the lord chief 'jus. you . say they ate the most atThe PreSident. shoved his .needle lent; Obseprers point out}.~at peonounced tri' Paris that Indochina reseJltaUv"l . from ollr oonrrea. would get Immediate American old of' ridicule deep when he touched )lIe don't -wager wheh' ' urnes are tice, spoke tor the British bench_ tractive garden figures that you • 10lI8l' dl.hiota, who provide hard. ' \ He warned the government that.lf ever seen. I. in the torm of mIDtary equipment on Isolationism. He said: &be moaer II!oDd . our the crime wave continued the 'pubin an ' eHort' . t o rid ·the country ' o f be a "Now 'Isolationism would taxes. We mOllld bow bow 11c demaJ:\d tor ,flogging .•would be TIle rlllht Ibrusb . s, pnlnts lind f1ntabe' the guerr~a war Whl~h has been cheap poUcy to follow. It would be to use '!ire given 0" pattern 3GB. Prlee 01 the,. "ote on the!18 proJecta that overWhelming, " " ' , , paltern t. 25c. · , .' going on for ' four year's. . ' easy and cheap to stop spending ,repreaeat more pvel'linuIDt WO,R KSBOP PATTI!lRN SERVIOE "Then It must b~ appI\~d," lle He announcecj the bulk ot $75,- money on our army arid navy and aDd more, expense. . ·Dr.....r 10 said. "1 hope It will not be too ~,OOO already, a~proprlated to com· air torce arid 'to stop sending sup-' late," " 1I.4'or4 BII!.. N •• , •• ra.. U they are : voting ~r \hese ev~r bat oommunlsm In the Far East ,plies to other ,couiltdes Who surViscount ' ,Jowltt'l e~!le.ctatll!n, ----~--------~. .. . growitl, expendltures, then We.. will to 'the French backed Viet• vived the gr.eat war. We . can stop that the ,cr1ll1e waye wlll'il~ate thli lhOuld use our votes to name new nllmese of ex-Em~r,or Boo. Dai these things today. . . year or Dext Is nOf :weij supported ••mators and representatll1es who arid the 'associated IItates of Cam. by the .~~aUa91e facts, i,There . "Isolationism would be mighty 1Vfll give first consideration to the, bodia and Laos to tight Moscow cheap for t6c;lay sod tomorrow been a' steac/i , increase ' ln, """"'•• ,1 people they reprel!ent_ To !!top the backed Ho Cbl Minh. a •• ' lICit PEOPLE ' !a •••••, " ••• of almost' aU kInds in Great wild spending, the ever-increasing el ,r.p., 'reat..."" . . . a .a,. 'Many obsel'Vers felt the move maybe next . week. You ' reml'mber . ajD. , lI ..pllall••II.. 1••10"" •• Ill' how cheap isblation1s~ was fD the .Jze of ,overnment.. we need more was an linportant one in the battle .s "" ••~ 1. . . .......'1 ..,,10. people in the congress of the type against comm~sm In that section 1920's. Tax,s' we~e cut, at'least for p .....III.. IIF ••r ·PII,... Pllturta Bot,h·. :~-':··I~:"~~~:. ,.r/ ...u •• ,•• prlof SenAtor Byrd of Vlr~ and of ·the world. Some believed the the big fellows, but look at the tar. ' Sen;tot Mcciennan of Arkans ... Communists may have made too rible price; ·we have pafd for tsot Simuitinioall, .. Senator . McCIeDDBD , certalnlr many gain. and the aid will be latio.n lsm in the second wOII_d war, OHICAGO.~A· new transmlsslOD to ••••• t ..... ". .... Claela••11 iii . demonstrated that 'b ls statem~t of "too llttle' and too late." , ''Today exactly the same Inue . . OIll_T.'lp".' It.4••, ~. ,J., , a lovernment COltin, 65 tiDUon Acheson Indicated the United face; UI_ There are Itlll lome men' ajstem by ' which both' teleVlslo:D ,1 "oii!!o----~and pl¢~el can be sent dollan a feat · ~aa not ~erel7 • State. would expect a greater de- who keep teWng )'ou ' ~at we !lan wfId lUelS. He ' deUverecl U. evi- gree of ielf-gove~ent for the economize b)' tollowlril an Isola. t~ne~ly ova: • common dence to \he members of . the linII: was de.crlbed bere. three IJidoeblna .tate. under the ' tionJat policy. Tbese men eaq't .ee 'ate. French: . be;yond the end or th'lr nOlel. ' The Iystem wa. dllcrlbed •• tile Be added, "1'he U~ted State. atst commerclau7 avallabl, "'They don't ' lie that 1I0lationiarn It wa. not until after the tum of cODIlderl the .Ituation to be lUeh would let tbe rlllt of the world be ot l . .dID, ~'!I'" .~d ' ~ the prelent centurr \hlt AJ,Ie~c. a. to warrant its aecordlng eco- swallowed up; by communllD1_ Thlt over a cOmmon TV 'radio 'lInk, e:xperienced Ill· tint bWlon-doUu- DOmiC aId and milltar7 equipment would ce~ainly brine on a new ODe . whiCh eutI 'oIH bOIse and . CGDII'eu, aDd what a howl to "tum to the .s.oelated' 'statea ot Indo- world war JWlt as It did In 1939. W. Int and ' lives better tone to the speoden out" that COIigreu' chlna an4 to France lp o~er to reneged 'lil 1921, ' jllst aa Rusiia l0' _cl. It •• beln, ' "sted tor 4lcl create I The Democratic pazV ..slit peacetul and demoei'ati~ de- ci.,. 18 dolnl with the help ' ot our merela! TV Ule. mad. that III battle CfT. velopment"~ own iaolstfonlatt," One application Under present m.etl:or:~';J:~=: lIE . and' BOUDcI .re It A monopoIr ,in plannin, ,can .,. KING: pIatun by CIOUIai or a n$ Itlut, worse than monopolJ In on. Iteel. Crowns Self UnIr, the 8O\lDd on ~ .* . wasbln, machines or other pro...one wire. , ~. Boaton·born Phupliphon Aduldet, 4u.cts• Elizabeth Ta;ylor, gen.e rally known The Dew IYStem may who haa been on the front page. as one of the moat beautiful w9men with' I'M rail10 11nka or But, a few ,.e8l'8 ·ago, aU Dew Of American newspapers a great in the movie world. was married cable ' circuits; ~DJnli&• .1 deal recently' because of his marautomobnes \hat · came off the a .. In what bas been publlclzed as \he tile need for ~ telepb9ll8 Una. 88mb.,. llnu were a brWlant abin)' riage and the announcement tIIat movie capltal·J....weddlng ot the ~ear. 'the tepor:t'... made ~ _eqt. black. It bad to be ~ to be he hacl written musll: tor a Broa.. Daen or \he -Federal TeJe.Com. The groom, 11 Conrad (Nick) Hll. way production, lifted a nine-tiered COD8Ider.ed new. To-cIay' the automunleaUODI Laltoritorlu, Inc., ,; II ton. .clon of the hotel flllnllr. crown on h1a bead and became mobile parade contaW eve17 color IIDlt or Intel'DaUoaal 'l'elephooe II Rama IX. kin, of Thalland. Seven hlDldrecl tueBt8 were Incd tile spectrum, with- the black teJetrapb COrporatlOll •. . - :P8IM coronation waa performed vited to' \he weddfn, and about ZOO ' The . . . Ia-tbe '!'be. oalon add to . . picture AQUeDCft 01: wUb all tb, ~atic pomp and cue- to. recepU~ at the Bel-Atr COUD. ~ __ rtDe. ot_ :Ifa. tile __ parade. "fa .prepmcr ro. IIIGIIJ' of tile Ch9rl ~. trJ club. IJaaII AuoCIatIQIl it BIoad.....
The Winner!
These Colorful Figures Will Set Off Your Yard
l ••
Alc 0 ~ 0 I.i cS
.1 .....q.lr", ·LI.....
. . .-.. . . . . -_...
m....,.· .
d.u.-;...;..~ ... "' lii.iili~i~;
Thurslay, May 25, 1950
Glamorous Frock Serves On Dressy Occasions • In thl! constant search for more oil for Americans, who are us;ing 40 per cent more thtan ever before, engi"eers h a ve pushed out il)to tl~e Gulf of Mexico. Workitlg from boats, the c:rews lexplode small ~ynamite t:harges beneath the surface picking up resulting shock waves on seismometers. Interpretation ofseismograph re~ords shows the geological formations under the sea bottom, indiccting whether lor ncit conditions are favorable ·to the accumula1~ion of oil. T~e . 'Cr~w (I~ef.t) is I! ma rking , , ion C!
Electric 'Cowboy· Will Aid Ranchers _Economic Way to Keep Stock on Home Pastures Come spring, an electric "cow. boy" will ride the range to help farmers and ranchers keep their stock In tbe pasture and out at pl an ted fields. This cowboy is the old stand·by ,1I·volt Winchester "Hot Spark" bat· tery that yenrs ago gave a balky model T a frosty-mqrnlng pickup. Cowboy Hot Spark! Is mOre useful than ever on the farm ' now because he's the water'proor (iry ceU buckaroo that makes the !!touph-me-not" electric fence a saft! and ·economi· cal wny to 'keep the stock where it belongs. Electric fencing with the 'u se of lIry cell batteries 'is one or the tar· mers' most 1nexpensl~ meana to keep ' his stock where he want. It.
Ex per t s with
(right) h~I'I,dle cans of dynamite . with smiling aplomb as
t~ey p~epare
c:harge to be
exploded in a ' shot hole, drilled from a special barge. Force of the explosion is controlled' by the number of cans fitted togdher. c)learly , Illustrated are tbe correct belrbts fori eleetrlo , fcnce. In states wbere barbed , wire Is Iccal, 1& Is usually preferred. according to W. S . Allen, general manager of the electrical division of Olin Industries. inc,. who ls a farmer to boot. ' Little or no knowledge of elec· triclty Is. required as reliable fence controllers approved by underwrltters, which keep the current golng to the , electric fence Intermittently many Umes a minute. come with simple instructions easy t~ (oll!lw, Electric fence wire can be moved " from one location to another. but it is oost to make permanent instal· lations. Met1l1 or wood fence post. arp suitable. Posts to fence horse. should be from 40 to ·50 feet apart. Twenty·five to 40 leet apllrt is saWs, factory for smaller animals. In states where barbed wire Is Ie· lal. It Is usually preferred. Like any other electric fence wire. Jt shOUld be fastened to . the posts by t ' insulators and shoUld not come. into direct cO,n tact with pOsti.· weed' or the .round. IneXpensive' solrd type, but never ap)!t type. ,lass or porce· lain insuiatorl sbould be used rather, than old rubber or neck. of bottles. Substitutes are a poor economy as • A veteran of many underthey 'don't work we'll or last long. Where lates are required. atta~b water explosions, ' the grizzled the wire to a spring to mamtaln ten. explosives 'expert at right is .Ion and. contlnu8- tile wire througb , the cent<er of a w.ood or rubber han· h , " deton~!inlJ connc;.cti.n'g dle to • hook to fas~~ to • continu.· switch just prior to the seismic tion of the '!fir on the other side o! the ,ate• . ,' , ' explosion; which will cause ' a How hi,h . 'the Wirii '~1J9uld be . • trung from the' Iro~~;dep~iids upminiature man - made eart~• 4 i on the size of .DlDJ'ali~ ~ be quake. . fenced. Gen~r~Uy. y.q~ m~..ure the distance to the ground trom abOut the middle of the anim'a ls' bead when grazing. Following lire fence c;:"'F":~~"""'!»1<""~~,-:;",-.:~~-•.•",, heights tor varioUs animals: 6 to 16 Inche. .... pip U to 18 Incbetl •... calveS , 10 to 18 Inches .'••• sheep, roate 30 to 36 Incbetl ...• COWl SOcto 40 ~che" .... boraes, With your fence buUt, just aUaell Cowboy Hot Spark and a grounded fence controlier and yoti're lJi 'busi' ness to charge a fence that CAD, be twelve to fifteen mUes long. And "Hot ' Spark'~ will last five or /lilt months before you need to repla,C:' your di'y ceU cowboy.
• . At left a Shei1 Oil company, crew lowers a I~ng length of dynamite cons into the casing w,hich lines the 81~-foot deep hole.
-It's a
difficult task from a' wave-tossed boat.
Noticelifejackets worn
Valuable Man DOOR MARKED THEopened and a girl
"Private" appeared. "Come in please, Mr. Jeffrey;" sbe said, Tully dropped the magazine he bad been reading onto the . recep· tion room table, rose. buttoned the Minute coat of his· double· sted S11 It, FI Ctl on brea straightened his L-._ _ _ _- - ' tie and stepped past the girl. , "Mr. Gunner," said the girl. "has an appointment this morning, He asked our Mr. Jacobs to talk to you!' A rage seized Tully, nnd a de· He thought: •'To hell with Gunner and his job! I'm going back to Boston; But first I'm going In there and tell thnt yes-man what I figure I'm worth. Maybe wrult I figure I'm worth." . The yes-man was a typical, ertlclent yes-man, small, bespectacled and ~Bed to hudUnc unpleasant duties for Mr. Gun· Der. "Sit down. sit down, Jeffrey," he aaid. "We understand you have a let~er. You're seeking employment. Mr, Gunner Is very sorry to have to advise that at the moment there's nothing. Not a thing." "Good," said Tully. "I decided not to take the 'job anyway. I de· cided you cap't pay what I' m worth." "Really?" 's aid Mr. Jacobs, arching his brow. "And that is?" "Two hundred lind seventy·flve dollars a week!" said 'tully. He rose. "Good day, Mr. Jacobs: Give my uncle's regards to Mr. Gunner." Mr. Jacobs Slit at his desk with pursed lips and stllred lhoughUully at the door that Tully had not slammed but closed with a dete.rmined fi~mness. PresenUy he rose and Invaded the privacy of portly Mr, Gunner. " ' Briefly Mr, Jacobs ouWned what was in bls mind. , "Asking $275. eb? Said he didn't want our job? Probably oUered a better job by Erwin and CompllflY. Called here to PQY the respects of his uncle, Humm. Treated hlm rather shoddy. didn't we, Jacobs? Must be a good man. We need good men. Get 'hold of hlm Jacobs." I\lr. Jacobs tried ' Tully'. botel. There was a. wall. then Uie clerk told him Mr . .Jeffre:r didn' t wlllh to talk to an), rep. resen •• Uve ~t GUllDer, Inc.
r-----..., .
'MR. JACOBS went back to the' , omce. Thre~ times that after· noon he called Tully's hotel, but without success. He reported to Mr. Gunner. Mr. 'Gunner grew thougbt·
Comfor&abJe, GLAMOROUS frock for your more dressy occasions, with draping on waist and skirt. Sleeves arc brief and comfortable. the neckline is especially flattering. •
Pntt"r~ Nc. 8574 Is n sew·rlle gerfo-
2g,le~lz~a l\~r~~n y~I:3: ~h~in~::)
Send today for your copy of the aprlng nnd summer },'ASHION. It' • • Illied with 14eos (or n smOl't Bummar wardrobe : speola l (nbrlc news: (ree Dottern orlDled Inside tho book. :15 rcnlll. SEWING cmCLE PATTERN DEPT. lISa Soath Well. Sf.• CbleaJo 7. nl.
Enclose 25 cents In coins lor each
deslrecl, Pattem No. • ••••••••••• Slze •.• ,. ~ ••• patt~ra
,Name .........................: , .• •.••• Addr.u •• , •••••••••••••••• , ••.• ' •• , ••
FEEL GLUM Use Chewing-Gum LaxativeREMOVES WASTE ••• NOT GOOD fOOD • WI..,.. )Oom .,1Ul·t alu_feel Just aWfUl 0. Inllo.ttve - do as KILLION" do:- chew nuI-A-MU<T.
because YOll need
.K!N'r' 111 wonderfUll7 dUrerentt Doctora say man, oUae. lamt1v~ eUu:t theIr "l1uablng" action too .OOD •• , rl."t III t .... eto ... Lars" dOllIlS 1)f web laxat1ves upeet dlgeatton, lIuan a wa, DO~ lahw,g food you 'need {or bealth and. enel'87 ••• ,ou teel weak. 1\Ioro out. But gCntle 'nzN-'-MDlT. -takeD as recommended. worla cblen, In tho lower bowel'where It 'eID0"8 oDI7 walite. aet foodl You avoid thIIot wealt, t11'eCl feeling. Uee I'IIIIN-l-IUNT and feet' 1ID", lUll of Wei 25f. ~f. Or only
.0. .
fuI . .
"Jacobs. this youngster is probe ably the very man we've been look. ing for. Young, Iresh vlewpolnt./-.....
Waiting for the order to fire,
the shOoting crew (left) w~l tches for. possible drift from thle-. toy ba,lloon '·which ma~k$ the locatio'n 'of a suspended charge:.
.. ,-
Slmpllfi•• Work
There s~e goes,
and a geyser of water (riiht) ,shoots : /'ZI' i~to ~h~ air ~s rhe ~useendeCI charge itf4erpnpt: J /. ,
100 feet ed, ,sending shock way,es to, ... picked up by the strir:t1J of seismometers. '
Bothemde punes ,....0YIq a"'elullula mm Incto~o Wprqh. posta wt4la oIaic~e levers a. Uielr tepa hold ap a~eIl" after Ulq han beea utiolle4 from • traetor. 0., mIlD CWl, ~ th. jeb
_&bend I,
_ '0
Scremim rue. Slut MOlt Wid~lP~ Year
'ftI. u. S:' departmellt or alP~eul'l t\lre reportl" .creWW011l1 parlatb' are atanIDI &heIr moat .tiuctlv. aDd wldlll!l'lad ,..,.,
pec1al1J ta
IOIdiIena . . . .
StoelUDea are urtecl &0 take
meclla.. ItepI to
Alyea from J1yuto* eapeoIaJbr noa~",
.,.atfGIII·. 01 IIidmaJI _
PUN ' (0
• Experts (left) interpret mom..., recordings of the InterpNted br th... records live .an alDluji'."
accut;ate pietYN of subllutf1mce· confonnttion,
new ideas. If he's worth $275 to Irwin or anyone else, be's worth $300 to us. I'll handle It myself." When ,·Mr. Guruier decided to handle anythillg be went to town. This tenaciousness WIIS responsible for the success of his. present firm. Never give up wben :>:ou think you have something good, w.as his mdtto, Thus It was that Tully. returning home late from Ute theater. found a middle· aged, porUy. 1m. portant Ioolting man parked befon bis door. ' , "I'm :Augu~t Gunn~." the porU, man said, "My man Jacob_" "Told you I said you couIdlt·t pay what I'm worth," Tully finished. "He was right. You can·t. Good night. Mr. Gunner." Uninvited, Mr. GunDer fo'" lowed ' Tully IDslde the room. ' "I UilDll," he sal., "that :roar uncle raUier expected JCu to i'o ' to work tor VI ,,"en you eame to New York." "Correct," laid TU,lly. "So what?" "Your uncle I, one 01 my dearest friend •. We'U pa:rl'OU $300 a' week." Tully stared. A Ineer curved biJI Ups. Mr. Gunner, be tboulht, wa. kidding. SuddeDly Tully realized that Mr. GUDIler waID't ldddInJ. Be .wa). lowed. but man.,ed to keep biJI voice under control "All ript,'· ... uJd. "J'U tak, It. J'or the lake or m:J aael.... .;OutIlde ta corridor, Mr. GUDaer mbpped hl8 forehead. What a braakl TIM kid wa. PI'Obabb' worth twice ilia, IDlMJI. ADd W. WlcJe of hiI. BII'd ba. . to remlDdJaeoba to ibid out the old boJ'l _earn iIdDI III ... JIIOftIIq.
crisp, milk rnak...
"Good," Bald TuUy, "I decided not to t.ke tbe job aDY. way."
it "Snap I Crocld.. I Pop I" Good to eat. bccau"" of ita
minerala. proteull. No won· , der kid. we have •• ked ~ i!'ey love Rice KrUpiea be.t pi aU rice c:ereaIa;
C.I'AlESIIIIIet Dydat..rith lIlY other powder dye or tlDt lelllnl at the _ . price. SllDlll~D~ l'OJUNOL,Jivee , FAsn.. IEnE. restalls-tne, nen, laltlD, colon nery tlme-.ilio,,' .u~tI" boU;"" .11"", Jail, • ...A.TEE. to dye aU r.brlca (.-pt llau or lDetaI)leI \hem the . . color. ClaD. u It dyCl. r, .. ",. ..." t - . - leu dye III your " ..... .... IDIChIIIe. B.,. at dealer'l. or wIlte
. . . .................... Ly.
'j'IIUH!:>UlA.\ MA ( .!5, 11)511
I '
Eatabllahed '850 PAUL A. SCHERER , ..... . .. ... ............. .. Edltor CECILIA J. SCI:tERER ........... , ..... . .... Secretary and Treaaurer Pllbllsb.ed Evel')' Tbursday MorDina at Waynesvlll • Warren County, Ohio Entered /IS second clA SS . matter at the pos totfil'e III \\ Ilynenvtll • Ohio. Subscription Rates- $1.6B Per Year, In advance. 'In Ohio. $2. el8ewhere
OUR SCHOOLS Our s hools arc out Frid.ay.
MlIny jtraduntes of our
\1 igh school \vill go on to college and higher education, nnd we wi h them :III the tLlI1ies.
u ce o possihle i n their new
We hnve man y (in e students here " 'ith good gra des.
Of the ve ry few that we have had· the pleasure of .making Ihe acquninhin e f,. in Our shor t ttme in w.ayn esville, is Harlan E:lm,hart, wh o IS Editor of the high sc hool paper and val edic torian of his hi ss. He has had an "A" :tverage all the ,vay through sc hoo l, all 1'1 yea rs, and has been accept ed fo r Yale Universi ty in th e fall . .
WilllllOm.lUmilmlmmmlllllmlm~~ DEAD 'S TOCK WANTED .,
We knolv th,H he, and all the rest of hi classma tes, wi ll go far in their field. b 1. UCK · TO A Lt. OF
Sz.!iO . COWS ,2.110 HOGS .25 ';WT Alao Sheep, Caly.., Col.., etc. , R,mOYed ' Dally
..... .
Come in and see the biggeet value .car of the year. Fintl out how much more
a firm order now will iusure
quick delivery. Production on all
"lOde,l s of the
big, roonl)"
Dodge gives for yo~r money. learD bow
rugged .1950 Dodge is now at an aU·time high. That's ,vily, e ll with the /l0",1 Ilf orders we've
. been' tukin'" we
ea8Y the
1950 Dodge .j. to owo.
111'01llijl6 you t~e
new Dotlge YO II\'O IIhv lI 3 wanted. No n eed.llow to settle for I ~ ~ : than a Dbdge~
M·u.r ray.and Lauterbach Auto S.les L....non, Ohio
B.·oadway at Oakwood
CALORIC ULTRA-MATle GAS RANGES are built t.o operate with natural and manufactured gas. . They are also equipped with specially el)/?:.I neered valves and burners for . . operation Ivi th L. P. Gas. 'Extra he/lvy gauge steel is used in consfrucfion'Qf Calohc Gas Ra~ges. Thi.s, together w'ith the one-pi~ce front fr·ame huilt to the floor glves the 'Tange e?,c~p_tional streng.th and ri$ id.i ly. This means Ibnger life. . The front, .top and sides of Cal~rtC Gas Ranges are all porcelain enameled and the interior also is almost entirely porcelain; Even-such things as the on e-piece f ront frame, burner '\ ox and ~ompartment interiors .. . : are coated with .bis lifetime finish.
EXCLUSIVE FEATURES flavor-Saver Dual Burners Veri·Clean Easly Removahle' Oroiler
OI1~.Piece, Porce.lain, Front .Frame Patented Over 'Door Spring
Porcelain Fluorescent Light Assembly Handle to Remove Oven Bottom RoUer-Searing Broiler QI'ide s
Seamless: POfceiai n One-Piece -Burner Box '
·Uft·Ouf Individl,lal Waste Trays
Telechron Clock and jime Check
Hold-Heat Dyen, Seal
Porcelain Lined Service Compartment
~Ievated Broiler with Seal
Spun Gla s Insul:ttion
O ne· Piece, Porcelmn, Flanged Oven
White Porcelain Areation Pans
al1d Ele~ated Broiler '
Lifetime Burner Guarantee
(Continued !from Page One)
Th elma George. and seyerlll aelec· . tlolla by Lhe Melody Makers under the directiOn , of Mrs. Ellnn BOK9D. Tbe Ilacoalaure e BervicQa tor METHODlaT CHURCH , . LY,T LE .MaTH.DleT CHURCH tbe graduating clUB ' of 1950 ~v(lre R. B. ColemllD. lIIbltlte.. B. E. BauCbD, Pastor presented at the iJch~1 auditorium,' OburoJa SQbooJ. 8:10 A.M.. Mr. UnUled Service, 8:" .. .m, . Su4a¥ eveDlnc. /l'be speaker ' \vIIS Harold EarDJIJuot. B~ . " ....... . .. API!I81&'A 0f th Worablp Service. 10:10 A.M. ."_'4 .... pas ..... 0 . e Youth FelowlhL1p, Sunlla7. ':10 ·ST. MARY'8 EPISCOPAL ~8Dda ch~h, ;W1lm1Dgton. P .M. 'l'be Rev. Samuel N. KeYI, Rector Mn. Barlm waa pleasant· SUnday: Holy CommuDlon, 8 a. IlL Primary church school 10:39 a.m . . ly ·aurprlsed ~ even1Dc when FERRY CHURCH OP CHRleT a poup ~f frtenda ooqregated at Byron Carver. M1DIater (A,ee 0 through .8). her home to ~elp her celebrate her Blble School. 9:10 A.M • . Adult Worship, 10:30 L m. b1rtlJ.4a,. 8Illl1verur:y. Thoae pre ' , Morntllf: Worship,. 10:10 A.II. .n..._t U ' _ C d Prayer MeeUnl, 1.00 P.II. ~t ,rere .Mn. Lisa ................ . IY C Young People'. lleeUq, '1:00 UTICA E.U.a CHURCH Le"f1Ic'7, 111'1. Ethel Stuplp, Mr~. Evening Servlcel, 1:80 P.M. WilHam ShannoD. MlDIater , Bertll1&, Gordan, IInI. A. S. Collett. BUQc1f7 BoIaool. 9:10 A.II. . ..,. Jamea Garrllon, Supt. . IInI. 'LAura Bh1t!aker. ali ot HilT· Preacblna, lat. 'ud lid. 8Wr v""l~ aD4 lin. "Baelle ReaBon WAYNE8VILLE CHURCH OF ' daYI of eactA month, 10:10 A.II. of ~r.,..emue. '!be evenlDg WIIs CHRIST Ev'eDing ~erTice .. T:IO P.K:M. H.. CoUey. MI.n18ter . spenlt in pl,ying cards after which Bible S!lhool, 8: 30 A.K. . . the BUellta were served ' Ught reo MorDin.. Worsblp, 10:10 A.M. ST. AUGU8TINE CHURCH treshmentll. Young Peoples' MeetlDl, 1:4& 'Father R. H. ]{rumbal.... Puto. ' MaBsel. 8 and 10 A.II_ . IIr. and Mrs H. S. Tucker ha.d P.M. Evening Service. 8:00 P. M. ItS theIr guests during the week. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS theIr granddaughters. Miss pegg)' Wednelday, 8 P... . AePartinaton,lI1D.1atar Per~ : of Clnclnn'atl an ~1 Miss Ann Wonhlp Semce. 10 A.II. Wllllaml · ot WU(Dlpgton. MT. HOLLY METHODI~T .Sund.), School, 11 A.II. ,Mr.s . Florence E.tz of. Da)'ton; .T. M. Scatt, Ml.n18ter SUll"day School. 9:80 A.II:, It was t h e guest FrId ay evenlng .o f A. Earnhart, Bupt. WAYNESVILLE FRIEND8 her 80n ~d daugbter-In-Iaw·, MI'. ' Worahlp . Sernce, 10:110 A.M. . Firat Day Scbool. 9;80 A.M. EveninK SetTtce. '1:110 P.II. Meeting .for Worship. 111:110 A.II. nnd Mrs. Winton Etz nnd family . Jo Nell. lnf~nt da\1ght er of Mr. MJss OherYI Doster, of sprt . ng~ 0 _ _ __ an'd Mrs. Carl Jones, Is III at her field, spent several days , last we'::k. hOme. Mr.. and Mrs. Glenn Cook . and as the guept of her gt;andpa.rent~. (amU:,.' of FrankUn. were tlle guests lit-, II.nd Mrs. Herbert Dostel.'. • Satur'da.y IIveoblg 'ot Mrs. 0001l's Mrs. Helen Robe~on: and 10/8. parenlts, Mr. anti Mrs: Ben .Beckett. Edna Bogan, m8Dlber,ll of tbe .ll~ bOQI Tho AdUlt Bible Clasa ot· Jonah's faculty, were hnoreQ for blrthRun church met at the home of day nn~lversarles Friday by. U\e ' . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham. students of the Brd grade and their 'ruesel". evening. Mra. A. S. ~J- tea c her Mrs. Florence Hastings. lett ~!Onducted the devotlons. Mrs: The children preeented the t~ach J . P. Thornbury led the program ers With Rot flowers and carQS that FOR FIRST FRESH acUviUee, and Mrs. Graham had they ha~ made themselves. chll.rg:e 01 the recreation. . .The. Senior Class brought ' th\llr ~TS · "" IThfl MissionarY Circles 'of the school term to close by golpg on FANCY GROCERIES Jonatk'a RUD ,church D!et at tbe ·0 )JICD!c FrIday n~on. " . home of ·M~. Gordan Lonlr. WedMr. and. Mrs. Everett Gordan and FRYING CHICkENS · neaday evenblg. MrI!. J. P. Thorn· family and Mr. Gordan's' motber of Abo Diabetic c.aa..t 'Fnai... ., bury had the devotion. and ·Mrs. Klng!D'an, were ' guests Saturday Rut 111 Pidgeon conducted t be aveq lrig of Mrs. Blanche Carr and DON'T FORG,ET leasOllla. Mr.; and Mrs. Emerson 'Masters. Fun!tral' servJces were conducted Rev'.' J_ ·P. Thornbury In company wIth lIIr. and Mrs. ·Howard Collett Tuesd~ at the Luke~Re)'DOld" of WDmfhgt.on, left Tburldq morn- Funeral Home, W\UmIQton, ' tor 'lng for ;BoltOn. Mau., where they Charles T, 9nart who ellect FrIday FOOD STORE will attend the conference of the noon. at his 'home In Harv8)'sbul'lr. Phone 2141 Baptli,t churehee. . Rev. C. A. Arthur otflcJatecl · &tl4" Kathleen Gnham of Dayton, burial was In the M~ Cemeterr.I.--'_ _......._ _ _~~ spent the week end at the h9llle Corwin. .He III Iurvlved by hIa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ of .parenta,. Mr. and ¥~ 1I0w· ",dn-, Harriet Walel Smart, two. MOrril Bnrder and of WlI' daUCht8n, Mrs. 11&1'7 Lanp~, Cln. minItD. SuDdal. Mn.w.P.~ cilUlaU and lila" Grace E. Smart, ~r. u4 ~ra. H. 8 , Tucker &c~rII1hII)UDI4bllI'. apenJ ..Vera! at bome, ' IID4 'ODe IOn, - Carroll oompanJed.., Ill'. ud Mn. Ricbard w. . at their Lome h!lre. Smart of Newark. Ohio. WDUama u4 ·famllJ 01 Wllm......~ BolJlqer fa~ at ~eNl local IIl8IDben ' or the were the aueeta 8undQof Mr..... foUowlq AD attaek HUult7 (llub au_ad • IluJEIt lin. .JUDea Park cUnnar at the home oI·Mr. _ . . . . OIIIatnD&tl.
.. r<,
__ _
sPECIAL 10 'DAY OFFER - GenuiM Caloric Ultr~matic Bottle Gu Ranae, complete with &aha, ele¢tric timer, SheBane equipment IlJId one lank of g~ PLUS ....e .4-piece Mirror Aluniinum let. ... . ,
ALUMiNUM SET $282.50
7TU1.4tIIic". '
.ALUM".UIt$E·' . ,
It', •• t ... tlllck. ..... - dec...,
"'utl'ul fer ,..,...... c. ,I... -"I~ J Qt. . . . . . . . .4'_ Sauce 'ell; 10M- CMwW .., .... I Qt. Dutcll Ov_ ............. ......
FAIRLEY BAR DWAlE 'StORE Loq Life .. The True ProOf of Better M.O......
5'50 Class '
.... _-
Clever Foonvork -'
?I«d IH4II fPU"
;k,'rtlty't< lo;(fil" " Mit wlftn "Jolon (lU1. n, lIaUe1jtll1J ntpl< tHe of .11_ W r iKln "' "~rilll , . '1> hl. ' lip Ilk. Ihl' . ', 'deM'1I hjs It -wll liS .
~irltfA~ I~. 'P~~John
~~~' I .
Cordtetiy .nd 'WItt. tell the
,,~in, 'PWitict~~ifIiia ' tile ~ . I!!Ilj'milnj lfiS 'nj ~' a inNil:'note fiitb ee11fdlg lI'orta~ ~ he tel'ml! .. ·lfc ·Johll 9h!t1n tiaetton".
tL'bral1l1Ol Lineol n used to 1'C!er to hrs Mt ' /IS hl.ll "olllce". Mr. Chain eaUs tits !h~ hIs f1hltblil'atorY'; An
/44~, /11
~ W{6MB flHl
""'n~n dtlM!r lliitrmen?lIUI thdt'foefon .h,
~nent'()'f tbe~"'1iie !iemo~tra
f e.1 -' .-.
tHin in selling ruljber tile, lie has hadhja awn eonitnt!fily:jo1ed
WJth '\v.rig~l tH ~ Jlroituc!fti~tlelll. fl'W1fit WOUJO ~r.itllm *OJa'" ' nch
A .~ or hlgh 'tiool 1dtl~1" !1 ptel!e'of our
1slrnclors by the Chevrolet '>h<islon dlscloses ,ParldJlIJ as the tsf m:lnouver lOr studenIM 'ho 'iibo'ye Photo-diagram oiTeh procedure. FIrst, stop pproximat 1y even ,,'Itll the car fllx t, cut your wlleels 8hlll'&I1, n1l back up until ,our (rorlt . umper Just clears the reu lelt f the car ahead, Then, cut . I\arply lert, backillg .!onlside or curb.
~ 'ilIe fttol),pm.mris presse<I It and seu red it'"On t'Mlame epot ove.r l~O() till,le8 ev~ry_~~With '110 i\lfoteebve ,li i g?" 'For tne:ariswer M~'. ~~ 'lis t to loo'k ;t:o lis own "I~e't, 'That .~ . 'inp1e
w.aJi:ii!1. er
'ntUe demon8fiati1(}D~'n' !!U ~8old hu'ndi'eds of ·""'i.a±e ' ree~
.. t,. '
.. . •
fiim woen J'liad ' fJiieliole iftq~e. H, can see for himself .•. and tli_ 'Bale
/iia"" ,-'... .... 1M., ..., ~
4J,.Jc»... ...
)!!~~, wi.tft yoU
. d.ss of1950
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LOCIiR·PLANT -Thel tHONE 31'11
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Charm' for Sprlnsi'able 5e"11.8,,-
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General Merchandise , L Y' T L E
t~l/IlI lI lI!lI lll1llmllllllllllllllllllllllmlll!IIIIIII IIWIllIIlIllImIllII I IlIlIllIlIlIlIIIl1mlllll l l l l i~II I I I WII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!I'IIIIIIIIIIIIIII[JIIIIIlIIIIIIIII~
It Ii .erj I1mpte, a.nd inexpensive to arranle a table that will 4eliftt ),OUI' family and make IDeal time,' a treat. Dip one of your old
Wblte tlAen tabl. dotha In a lhrhf greel~ dye. Place your silverplate carefully and correc:t1y. SUverp!ate sh~luld be dramat ized by table ~tI~ which brill« out ita delicate beauty, ' . . our plalnes~ -china or pottery will be most eft'ec tiv<', perhaps a ,ellow or white to complete tb. green of your "ca rpet" of ·linen. For ,our floral ar~ent. Inlp younl~ shoots from a bush or ..trel.'. dark tumblers as a refl'csh ill~ touch f IJI' un 't!lIl'ly Spl'i n~ table. ...." • The younr 'bt;ide ~ve fondly adm ires the la test design in 1881 (R) Roren CR) Sdverplate by Oneida Ltd. It's the Bl'olll.wood pattern, • &6-p.lece let In ~n antl-~rni.h chest. It's IIva il able ul local jewelry atO~.. and lell. taX'!f" under fifty donlllrs. . .
Ma Lost The Key
Franel.·Gene' Brown GENERAL INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS CaD Wa~eavilie 2472 WdminatOh 2111
. . _mllmmll mlmIIIIIWl~loolmllllllllmllllllllllmjll l l l llllllmllllmllll l "l llIIlllIlIIm1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII I I I I III!il
. '01::10
MA aad Pa, JeI! and I have ,one to the ~ to be married. Ma, yoU ,u.t wW Dever .ee thing. our WilY 10 tb1. 11 ap there'. lett tor UI to do. I'm .orry, (.Iped) Jennie." From behlnd the bam JUram could .ee lbe aDclent lIuto ra~ . to••rd hom.. IDvtry'. ,aunt ai" nu.. uri at th•.- ate.r"Blr.m," abe ellClalmed lad• Floll.n. In, wheel wal aD· . .."...... h0uette4 a,aJIIIt 4eal" ''70D I.t III that roclWl, wbe. I ' came III. Wlaal IIld the white· road, and B1ram 'tmu.d. to hlmlelf at the picture , 01 bla }'o. 'do wttb m, WII,,," ver;y lar,e Wife In tha vU'1 IID&D car. AI it pulled Into the cIrl"Mra7 you do with my thing.7" be qu1ckl.T d.ucbd ,.,. cd ~ "Wh.1, I .et them OD the t,bla s.tter to have bel' •&c:over tbe there." note heraelt llelill:tantl7 be weDt "Ye. you dtdl" Ille accused. Into the boUle hIm.elt. "You aet everything there but tba BIle wJleele4 .... . ca,. key, Don't tl'1 to Ue to me no", bel' Wbele. BlUe uemll~'" Hiraml I know very weU' you'd lUre . r.p ... u&c,,"pm_ " " '., to ber g.t away. ~ut I won't ''Biraml Have ~u' 1H!l' thlI!.; ha". It I Hiram, 11 you ,ot that • ba demandect: . ke, • . ." .. ." . t'lJlviry, " l .wear to 'Qodnel', I . Do you reaUd-what tbIa,maaDI! afn't .een It." Jeanie-.he'. ,onet JeDDle I ,ane, ' "Tbe Iraln Ie..,ea ID &we ..... Blraml" She waved the note wUdJ7 ale." Ibe waUed aa lIIe ,laaced a& In hi. face. /. . tbe ~IOOk·. Ber .plrlt w•• eDUrel7 , broken. . Ber ,real rram. . . . .tamied «a\ . the uw.' maD d turtoUtlT, "They have rlilat ber "enevoleaUy, m IUppO~ .her ; 'h(. 9WD fAtbe~ 'UJ4 ,"Well. you ,'0 to bed now, Elvtry, he'd never"make· a t&n!:Wr. ,AU ,UU I!rid have a Cl'1, Cry .1talk about hi. wantlDr to .• tudJ ~ ~ay' dOel ' do women '. '?,lk lineerln, and web DODIIDH-I. t II be along In a wlille... won't have m,. daullat.r . be · bIa He walked onto the poreb. 'lb. . Wifel " '.' ~ IIII' wal .~eet with tbe .m!!~~t b~.
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Wayoesvi-IIe DtllG \lIMRE IJ 1U ~
'Phone 2't21 ' WAYNESVIllE, OHIO
".' Waynesv.ellC Na.I"looaI B'ank
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eE~ TRY GA7EITE I1ASSImDs ~~~!~!~~~II~~~~~~~: _~..,.--'~'W8"PSYRH'~ . ~~aa~cu:a:a:a:a:a~~~~~,....~..w
)'ou hadn' t been 10 I1ubborn aDd would hav. conllnted to their marryln, In the ·atat ·plac.. 11 there'" anytbIn, 1011 . "omaD aIl't .tand it' • • to have aiio~ woman , out-<lo ;,ou-evell If .he. b yOUI' OWD da\JIhtilirl" . She read the note ova. , "Jeanl. la;,. · they~ra :. ~avljl. . . the city. That mUit mean the 11:11 u~ If. jUlt ·,e leven ncr.w: ff·,.. hurry we can catch her:" Under her .breath ahe added to her.eU, "So the thInka she can outwit mel" aDd drawlna her lips Into. a hard. tbIn line; 8he IrimJ.y bar,ed out the door. Hiram' tollowed. " '. • '&be Opellecl the " Qaew' pra,e doon wttb ' an etrOl't,an.i the,. wet· lnalde. H.' putted ."A7- OIl !ill pipe ¥ abe tumbled In har hq•• hand·
a,. .
b.,.'1Dram, .have you the car key!"
"No. Elvtry, I aln't Been It all da)'... She dallied out the door and Iw follo"ed . with a 1lalhllght. TbeJ leuche4 the cIr1vewa)'. l'be7 OYeZ'~ aallton.. and ran thelr ilDpn over 8I1ort bIaIe. of Il'an. But there wa. no key. TbeJ lido the boUle and turned· every. tbIq ,vpalde down. Bilt DO 1Ee7. ,
CLASS OF '1950l
cl4$1 of 1950
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'OU_ t1117
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D. R. Smith PHONE 2201
B' &: R Cleaiers PHONE 3212
.AnJ all our
liers Garage PHONE 2341
-,- -
.- - - -
Dry ' Ridge A Farm Diary
.By D. J. Frazier ~'-- I~~~'~I__'H- '__ 'l_ ":.
'M A.Y 22, 19Ci(l- A Chill lIIorlllng lor gardening nflOr Lh o ~tOI' 1lI lulil night, 'I'll SlIn WItH In aud alit
lllere wus II patcb or crlruRon rlret.lnlt nil over tbe. bank at tbe sld(' or the roud. '.'he trllllums have gonc line). most or tbe wild phlox lJut If you lOOk In the rlgbt places hI th,> woods there are lots of Jack.In·the pulpits. 111 some plae s the dog wood Ii! ~tlil pretty' but most
T0 the Patrons
I Have Leased the 'B ROOKS GARAGE
of the flowering ' treea tlre hidden
now In tlle fresh light green [ollage, In th" gurdens lhe Iris lire beginning to bloom , and all but the vcry luLelullpB Ilre gone. Soon tbe rosos wUl lJ~ b 1'0, lind It will be snnm,l er. chool Is out, at leMt the , pring' liol'o school Is nnd next week the WuynlJ!lv1 l1e one 'Will be. What to do with those long summer days Is !Iol Kueh Il I)roblem on the farm wllo,l'e there 1/1' aways work for III II/fea but mlJllY of the mothers find It a little hard to find nough fOl' tho young ones to do, It hardly f! ellls I.osslble but It will SOOn be Mmo for the SWimming ' pOOl to open , PeOfPle who are always worrying a bout accidents should conBlder 1II1s one and realize there. is 110. lise woa;rylng, No ono is safe any· wb I ' A ouple of monlh!:! ' ago a [1'1 nd of mine woke up arter an a llJ'lal'ently good nights rest to ' find £1M couldn't move, When the doc, tal' exainlned her they lound a broken colln,r bone. a. broken shoul' dOl', two , bl'oken ribs nn~ klther dnmag 'iI, The only explanation was that' she had walked In be'r s leep which ahe had never done be(ore, or fallen out of bed , At MY rate she did not waken nnd 'WUH In bed when she wolee up, ,So Ir that can happen 10 you rIght In your oWn home In lJed , there Is no use not doing any.' th.lng tbat you want to, becauae sometblng mIght happen and no use to worry 'ubout yourBelf nor anYGno else, Use reasonable cau· Uon nnd forget about what might happen . It probably won't, That is except wben you' are the one dl'lvlng tbe car 'then dOUble your rules tGr reasonable caution now' tlln.t 1:W!hool Is out, DON'T PASS ON A lOLL. J)ON'T CROSS THE YELLOW! LINE. WATCH THE CAR AHEAD AND THE ONE BJl}. HIND, USE PROPER SIGNALS. WATCH THE CHILDREN. Be careful and enjoy t~e summer,
und the g l'OlI~HI WUij· jll !l1. r1i; ht to lioe but v n f~t lllilt I otldn't "'l't - vel'y nlllch don e, 1\ly fl CllS U1' 0 In' bloom ' blfl ,It Is luoky thllt the filmlly Is small fOI' lh y nre l'ElthCl' BCILttel'ed In the row, I do nOl Know w'helher thoy were tlot planted thick enough. aI' wb ,tb el' SODle of II,' Boet! dId not grow, 01' the (reeze Cl\.lIght tlil'UI, or pel" hn P8 thoBe h II got ROllle or til III nfter 'nIl. The show nI' wus roally Y lO Y 1lI11'I1 lieoded ' fol' Ih.. Is IUDI'( gl'ound to plow, IIOUle s mall pin es, ,bnt YBstel'dny tbe gl'ou nd · WU S 100 hard. to do anything, When tile neJl t ,dl')' sunny 8 1)0 11 cornell Il III going lo be time to out l he ulfaUll, I t looks rille bn ~ It IK I'a.th ol' badly iurecl il wllh Bpilll e bugs, 'rbese unplensont creatures Ibat leave bits of fOrLm on the plants InSide of whlcb Bre tbe YOuDg bugs, have beeu jncnmsln~ for t ho lsat fow years uutil now they are really damaging o.lfalfa lind dover, We used to aee them mostly on the weeils In the pasture but noW' th~y Beem to prefer o\lr legumes, The magazines are full of articles abo\lt sprayIng them and other menns of cant I'olllng tllO peat, If It IIm't on thing It la another! rI'ue ord ao.ylng la, tbat curlos!ty killed tbe cat. and It cost Dinah twenty four hGur'B wit,hout anytblng to eat unlesa ahe wus able to catch a mouse. ~ few dOYB ago s be followed me intG the store room without my SEeing ' ber IWd naturally I ClUne out and sbut tho door_ Fortunately we hnd a cool day and 1 lUQught I, would buUd tl. utile fire In the tumace, Wben I went down the ceDar I heard Bome Pitiful meouws. I located th&m nnd opened the, door, out came the little black cat purr!,ng bel' tba.nks It waa a narrow Mcape for often I llo uift go down cellar for I\. week or 10 and ' I could not helU' her AIr ~re,la A.pproximatel,- 20 per cent of aD . from UPltalra. air expre.1 traftle either orl,lnatea 81md.a7 WM aoother 1Ine clay at or II deUvered to 22,000 oft-airp~cm1C1 ~4 ~ ~a but. ,our une , clUe. AIId towna and. there~erI dJ4 DOt catch muCh thqaIh tore, la bandled In combined all' and the, repqrte4 a~ Iota of flIIh. raU 'expre.. .ervIee. TJle l'OI,da!4ea are blue Il~W with what we UIed to call "M1amt mlat." It. hila another name ill the boob but I CAD Deler remember ~t but Ktaml-mtat II IllCh ,; suitableiwne tor It that I Uke to can It that, We'puae4 oue plaoe 'Wbere
...... ..... .
DECEMBER, 1947 TO JU~ I, 1950.
. clo Lubrication J'ol:). , Firestone Tirlts Welding
GAS, a~d OIL - and
Dorothy and Bob O'Regan
~ l ~,..
.-.....______,____..,..._...,..__'1 _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _
Exide Batterles Firestone,tires New and Recapped -- $8.95 $2.00 Trade In ~owaDce Lubricating Servic,e 'Firestonelccessories o ell ' ;30 a m 10 J p. m. Suoda)s ,7;' 0 I. m,. to,9 p m.
b ServiS 'Waynesville
, )~IOAMlOf_~_
\ Ohio Jl'lre Salety Commltte4t
-!, •. '_ ......._~ .....,..... '-...-.~.-.~.-.u-..
,DlviaicmofStateFireManluaJ ---------':--_.........._---.,---- ---------
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Uncle-Sam Says ,"
Borden's cream,e 'n betTies! ~'
Tbe v. ,s.· ........... ".J.4. padeDC. DrI~~" ......... .~u_
car..,. .. moU .ppnpr!ate ....... "Sav. ,01' Totu 1I!d........... ~ Libert, BeD, Iymbolio ~' JIIIIUoal lDdepeDdence, ,..... ODCIe . . .
o.t, ......esUDc .... 1ft ......ow to btl)' more V. S."YIIIp a __ to better eqalp ,oanelf rer a ...,.... a!I4' couiforiabJe fIdtue. ' 'I'IuIn an tllree limple wa,.. .. bQ, ....... 8oDd~on .•• &be PaneD Say· IDr PIaD where 1011 _rII, ., eeIf·
employed, the PIaa .t ,0111' bank, or cub ........... at JOIII' bank or ~ aIlc.. II," """'" ~
OUr fUMnIi II't ...... MClIa __ . ' ," rituall'" . . . . ...
... .., " ....".
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Funaal Hcn.ne , TEL_BOn 1111 WAYNBBl'ILLII. 0810
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i wWtolt1li6Jto1u-IDDlEe_. ( ... l(t ' , , , . wak,· 1tc __ - , '
Thursday, May 25, 1950
Each With Your Own
R~fresh Old Curtains, Drapes ~'ith Inexpensive Trimmings
By Ertla Haley SCRrPTuRE:
Mlc nh, ... peehllly 4 :1-5 :
S : 24 ; 7 : 18..20, DEVOTI01.'/AL REA-DINa: Paalm 11: 1.7. '
God Has a Plan Len on for lIIay %8, 1950 HANDS DOWN no blueG'ODprints, He never yet has been willing to savc any man Ole trouble of thinking. The Bible is God's guidebook, and In it Is r evealed God's will, But it Is not a gulde.book of stich a sort the t you can take ' It trom lhe . shelf and lOok up . in It the answer to everyone or your prob~ems In detail. Nevertheless the Bible Is a guide. "the Infallible rule of faith and practl!:e" as some churches ex· press It. Dr. Foreman GQd's will Is shown tIlere plainly enough so that we can know wheth. er we are bu£ldlng un the right follnda tion Or not.
Use Dry Sugar Pack for Frozen Berries (See Re~ptls Below)
Stock Your Freezer O MANY FOODS like peas. asparagus and strawberries which are coming to Ule.r peak of season now yield excellent results when frozen, If you h!lve either home or commercial taailitles tor kee~ing them .in this way, then it·s time to make you r 'plans soon. Freezing foods 'is quick, and easy. Result$ nre excellent, a.nd your table in m '1 d - fiDter, s how ing aU these delicacies. takes on the ef· tect of a ban. quet. The flavor and goodness of ,fresh foods Is preserved duro ing the freezing process, However. U's important to remember that foods come from the freezer jus't as good as when they are frozen; and no better: Speed Is EssenUal Utmost ,speed should be used in' getling fruits and veget;lbles into the 'freez~l:. ';rne 'two bour, ruli! whlcb applies to canning should be used here. too. It·s easier to obseJ'Ve, bowever, because there', no ~ocessing , time to consld,m .. It YOU have yOIU' own garden. pick ve,etables and fruits early in the- momfil-g ' wh\Je the dew is stlll on them. It you bave to arrange ' to buy them, try W Observe the lame rule. Fruits and ' vegetables whioh have Itood around , "re , not as tender as ~n first picked; ,neither do they have the food values as !relhly picked produce. Have an equipment in readincss 80 that you can' .o ahllad with 'full speed. Vegetaliles , will 'h~ve to b~ .c~ed. then 'dunked ih Ice water. Containers should be ready to flU and seal. ' ',' Plan to put foods 'in your own refrigerator promptly and plan 'to get them into your own 'or the c,ommercfal freezer all quickly possible.
s". of
THE ' PLAN' Nowsimple, is,
GOd fs so It can be so
~YNN '
CHAMBERS' llIENU M inute Steaks Asparagus Salad, Vinegar Dressing Corn Pudding Bran Mutllns Beverage' Strawberries wUh Cream Cookies
Freealnr Raapberrles~ Str,awberriell - - ' - - --.Botli r-.spberrles and strawber· ries give be'st results when they 'a~e ,frozen ~itb sugar rather than with syrup since they will ' niake their own juice in the carton: Choose varieties which have beeD successfully tested tor freezing. In raspberries these .a r e Cuthbert. Latham or Viking. A 24-quart crate or ab,out 36 pound. of raspberries will yield 24-26 quart cartons, each qlJart. serving 6 to' 8 people. Marsball Is the· best common va· riety to use for frozen stra"f,berrles, a 2ol-quart crate will yield about 30 quart cartons. ' , :Wash the berries in wate.r whlcJl has been' cooled with ice to .40·. Do Doi " allow theJIl to remam, in the water for Plore than 30 seconds. A good way to do this Is to ' place the berries in a colander. after sorting. and then place the colander in water sufficient to cover. Shake gently, 11ft from water. drain anll remove caps, uslna a shal'p knife. Place ' the fruit on a , tray which haa been lined with several thicknesses of absorbent toweling and place in refrigerator to drain and (loQl. ' Pla,c e drained and cooled ,berries In . a bowl and sprinkle sugar over
them, using' one part sugor to 4 parts of berries, Or , alternate suo gar and berries In freezing carton , Seal and f,eeze carton at once. Frozen Peaches Use 1ree-rlpeoed varielles, such as Hale Haven or J, H. Hale In thc yellow t y pes. One bushel of ,,; i II peaches give about 24 quart cartons ..'.,.,,,._ .v.,..,.·..,.... 'frozen. PIa ce about 1B peacbes in a wl.t:e ba sket an d plunge into hot wa ter ror one .mlnute. the n In c'old water nnd slip oU' skins; Slice and place In a bowl. ' sprinkling' with one table· spoon 01 lemon juice as you do so. Add sugar, one . part to four at frIPt. Turn gentl,y ' with ' wooden ~poon. " Pack gently ' in\o cartoll nnd seal. Fr~ze at' once. Handle peaches ·ge'ntIt and ,make certain all ' sugar Is mixed wiUl flVlt before packaging. . Allow 1;i·in·ch head space for fruits an. vegetables . packed In pint cartons. Allow about !f,·inch additional when using quart car· tons. Frosen Peas TenltC\r. not fully matured peas are best to w.e. Wash pods betore shelling and discard all small or wrinkled peas, If pods are full and difficult to shell, scald with balling water for one minute. sho\,1ld be scalded, after shelling, also: by steam, three minutes; by boiling water, one miDute; or by pressUre cooker for two minutes, Coolin Ice water and drain on absorbent tow,eling. Seal at once and place in freezer or refJ-igerator immediately. not allowln, more than on~ hour to . ' ~ ' elapse from the time they are, packaged to the tim e freezing starts. ' The varieties giving best reo sults are Thos. , . Laxton anci AI· derman. One bushe1 yields 6·8 quart cartons. ' . , Froaen Green Beans IrOD utensils should not be used tor scalding as they will discolor beans during scalding. ' For small beans. cut shoestrlng' style. scald with steam for five minutes, or by boiling water for thre'e minutes. For medium whole beans, use steam tor- six minutes. balling water for tour ~utes " or glv.e them five minute;; in a pres· sure cooker. Cool in iced water, ' drain, pack and freeze. For quick preparation, 'af~ washing, PBSP as many beans in hand as 'possible and snip o1i the stem end. '
LYNN SAYS: D,eIe Up OrllinalT Food, ' U YOD Sene tbem Orten Are fruit ,alads an almost daDy item at your table'? The fan:ulf will appreciate ' new color and flavor in the drellm.. Beat lOme currant jdb' Into sweet I'rerJch drellini for ~t nlc~, extra cbsn,•. U saDClwich.. Ire a ltand·b, on ::row' luncheon menUI, tr:r thil ona t. aometh1DC different; un brollacl baCOll, lettuce and .Uced tomato on IIuttered toast and lU'Ye with tbln, bot America cheue puce,
You'n never need to apoloRlze for fll\h fillets which have been baked thick cream with allced mush; rooms, chives and a aprlnkllng 01 paprika. Icy cold diced cucumbers and new polatoe. are perfect with It ' Omelets can be Improved with berbl. You mlpt lib to try W. en ~h with Iweet marjoram, tar· ralon or basil Clrmamon IP~ Into apple Auee Ja • perfect accompaolment to Frencb toalt ba they aened for luncheon or 'breakfaat.
• • •
Sins Into llbe ,
simply expres sed. that ' one Is ale most tempt~ , tq say. ' "<1.b; tliat" as If It were something we kftew already, Well" w e do know It. °B t the Ullng is. we don't do it. . ' . Port at God 's plan tor mankind, a very important pa rt, In tact ' ln. di~pensa ble- something the Blble\ talks about from Lbe b ~glnnlng '·to. end-is this: The forgiveness and the destruction of sins, (Micah 7; 18·20.) Now everybody cap '/iee qthers' sins, The Romans usfd to sa,. that every man cBrrles others" sins 'In a bag In fronl of him where he (lan see them very well, but bls own sins he carries In a bag banglnr down bls back whete be' cannot see ' them. We Bre all in favor ,ot other peo· ple's forsa king, their sins. But bow about YOIl? The world' 'does need tb confess Its sin; but you need to can· fess your own, No 'Sins walk: by themse1ves ~ sins exist only In in· ners, Sill does not commit itself. ~In Is something 'a , sinner dQes .. '?Te shall ,nev er get ,rid of sinS. by ~ xhortlng other people. We get rfd of Ulem by repenting' In the pres. ence at God and, recei.ving bls for· g[veness. ' It is always' so "easy to ,think: U We only had a good society we could have better people. That Is backmg into , an Idea the wrong W!!y, The right Idea is: It we have better people we shall be on the way 'to the good society, '
.. If Not Peace; Tlten What?
WEaboutALSOGod'sKNOW plan
someUllng tal'- society
at large. The Bible tloel not "leave us In the, dark, Ol\e thing tha t Micah brings out Is the ideal of peace, <Micah ,4:HI.) . So long as w'e are making Wltr, preparing for and exp~ctln, wa'r; doing or saying , things that" make war incvltable or even likely, we are out of line with the w,ilLot God. Conversely, whatever we 'do to taster peace Is fn lil1e ' with the plan ot God, War was bad enough in the days of Micah; it Is ,incal· eulably worse today : War al"ays was the erfect aod cause! 01 hate, it always brought suffering' and death, 'l'a.r seldom seUled anytblng . But this Is the ~tomlc a,c. Dean Rusk 01 tbe U.S. lta't e department bas said that In present. da,. . ,dillcunl!,ns we bave ~ reme,mber one' solem .. fact: The human race now lIa. ,. in Its baodl tbe means 01 Ill> own tolal delltructloo. AnY war nowadaY~ Is a war Bgalnllt the whole human race\ tor any large·scale war with atomic weapons may well make the enUre .globe uninhabitable by man. A voice for war Is a voice for unl. versal acath. .
Christ The King SINLESS MAN In a . wad"ss world: such Is Gbd's plan. Is this posslbler Only on one condl. tloh; ' that Christ shall be ,king .. (Micah 5:2·4.) This haa two mean. Ings. one far-Off, and ,ahe near; one complete and one partial, The , tar·o~. compl!!ted meaning (whlch , may, be nearer than we. think) is that a1tl!r the blstory of tlIiI pladet II over and done with. in the heavena and the new earth" the 'final de~tIn;v at God's people! 'II to Uve under the Lord Christ' as lellder and Iring. The nearer, bere - and • ouw meanill( .r CIIrW'. IdnphJp II tIda: Wbereyer, III the plaDs .1 m.... &be splrl' or Cbtlst, hJI aaa ilia are belnl tramp.ed . . .r Ipored, there Gotl'. pia. .. r.rptteD , 8!111 'ller.......et Is certalD. But wberever the Iplrit of Chrl.t II in eon'trol. there God's plan Is beln, carried out and there the KingdoJD of, God II eomln, nearer.
ICo.".rtlbt . , tile IDleraaUoul _et1 of aeUl10uII llcIuntlOD . . of 4C
~tutiI..:!~DaUou. . . . . . . lit
Cl,~anjlJ ll. painting and wallpaper spre·es at this time of the year some· t imes yield oD ly a sma ll measure of satlsractlon s inc e they merely serve to point up bow dlngy curlains and drapes look. You've 5uddenly discovered Ulls , state of affairs and ' 'simply ,can't aitord new curtains or drapcs, Wh(l t·s to be done? New and inexpensive trimmings have saved many curtains ' and dr a p<~rles from being a complete , disgrace, A simple tltiUng or dye· Ing jlob done quickly in the wash- ' ing 1l)3Chi11C is' another answer to this .rather perple.xing problem . . Neither at these involves much ex-" ense or time and both ofter great satlsfacllon because they make old things look almost new, It you merely wa nt a cba nge, then add a. tou'cb 01. inelq)ensive trimming temporarUy whlc.h you'll plan to remo'Ve when faU comes around. Effects ra ther than intricate stitches are wbat we strive lor in both curtains and draperies. and this means litUe work tor )'ou. . J..ook over problem window appar· el CRll'eCully and decide trom these tips j ust wbat 1V0uld be the best solution. It moy be that shrunken curtains or d.rapes may De more easily used w:IUl smaller windows in another room than trying to ,make them ·tit the original room, If sQ. Y(IU ,m ay be able to aUord new
Only 75~
wil" 1Ith/le-t'.r end from
Warm Weather Tonic
• Lovely silverwaro wit.b 110ur own script iw tial.•
'Old Company Piatenuule aDd guarnnwcd by Y"~. RoglmIM fll.Co •• Mclldl!ll, Conn. With spoqnltl, you get 'prices on complete IIW'vicc-otTercd iJy •• •
KoUog.!f's VAJU!n'Y of 7 ce.roal delights
oroue boltes. u," ..·.u ••~ lUlyUmol
~~D 'TOD~Y1 KIUOIl1l'., Depl.FF,Womnprd,Connldlcut
Pleaae .end me ... , , "SilP'!'turc"ten' irutlal., , , ..• For each uwt act of 4 8POOllll I encl.- 1 white·slar end from K oltogg'. VAIU&TY PACICAOIl and 75~ in coin.
"POO'" With , following
, Na.m•• , ..... ... . . .. . ....... .. . ........,.' (pll ... Pllnl\
.............. .........................
Qry ............... Zon • •• " SIo'..... .. Oil.. 1I0od oo'r
/. u. Sy ,.hit<! '0 ~"
______ .!'2!!!".!~.!.~1J.!!'.!1~!;._~ ___-
. J~s't 'Like
Red, wblte aDd blue aTe rea.- ' \ured lo this Now Ybrk desllrued- dress of silk tafella . Fashlun,wlse details Include tho new shorter IC11gt!I, ,II h,u ge bow aLthe shoulder, the bared ncok· line lind sJU hipline pockets on a 1 full skirt.
. com p let~ly.
plan to us c a fairly dark dye, 11, you don't wan1 LOll dark '8 color on the draperi~s, thon remove the ori ginnl color wiUl remover. p hEick B sample of the m i1 ter~ll l to ~I!e ,whether tbe drapes will take both color remover and dye since mllny ot these require hot water, Use I,uubing milchintJ for dy~"g .• '. Inter estlng results are ' oflen . You add the insurance drbpel'ies for this particular room, achieved by dyeing' printed drape of perfect baking reo On the other hand, some fringe ~ries I;lccause the . print remains lIults, when you add or oth,er trimming might be used and baokgr(llpld color I~ make d ark~ Clabber Girl to your far edging the drapes, thus ; giving ' er. You can outline tbe prlot with dough mix • : ; ' just t hem 1\ whole new aSPect, very pas· light colored YDrns, thus glv,ing in· the right -rIse in /your 'slb1y mo re effective thaD they were teresUng texttire !lna 'lOW ' color to pnixing bo~I, bafanced the drapes. , . " • orjginaJIy. by tbat final ri.s e to U th.e color of curtains needs reIf the drapes have been tined. reo ligllt and fluffy fla· freshing, plan to usc the washing ' move the lining and see what the vor In the oven.· macl\iloe 'to do Ole Ylorl\ quickly reverse side look s like" Frequently and without streaking. An ugltator this ~ay, h ave been savcd from will sl)read the ,color o:¥enly.' fading· ilnd otten this ha s an inter' esting texture at Its .own. In thb Use Tlieue Trinka case. simply reverse the drapes, , To LenrtbeJi Curtains ' RUffled curtains which have be· lining the side thai bas already been come ralii·st:aiited or worD out by used . .If it's necessary you can aild ~" ~oungsterll puU.ing at tJ)e lower some fringe. Deep "V" arrange· :CpP}&fS are arnop. 'Ole ..easiest at ments of t11Js can be very cffectlve cuHlfin problems ' td remedy, Simp- In living and d,ining rooms. WIlen it's essential to 'dye a drap' ly ~love t1ie alii ndtles ind add tWe, o,. 'thre~ row';of rUming ftralgbt ,e ry a darker Qolor that is less ef· fectlve In the rool'l! , you might con· a'cross the Iiottom;·· _ . . It clllrtains have shrunk. ruffles sider adding a border that will light. aU a.r()und the curtain answer the en ~em suiticlently to be attractive, prQblelrn perfectly , Make, the:> Dew Add Len'rth, Willth ' l'Uff1e wide enough so that the re- By These 'Methods .uitln, curtain will look truly lux- " There are several ways to remedy urlous. ' , skimpy d~aper ies ;.'Ihether they Ruttile r an4,fl:iJ1Ier lqaps a~9 such h av,e shrunk !h,ough' cleanj1'1g or a,ftde'cfto cutbiliis dO'notbav& to be laundering, or w~re jqst too small of 'the i,lilite. mdteriJl ;.: 'the oriJo(lnal In the beginning. TIle easiest way ~rta1li1 . In laCt." ediltr9stlng fabrtc. is to add a clever border alan', the color or deJilJlcQllght ,be even I,nore inside edgell' or the drapes, and pas· sibly along the bottom: too. eUecUve. • ' One point 'y,ou should ' obser:ve, When ' drapes nre plain; choose a however., " , ~oal' cuttain~ are very geometric print in' the necessary old and ~ook obviously that way. , wldtb, makin, certain ,the fabric and ,textur.e match or \harmonlze properly with the drapery fabric . Fivc or six inch Inserts as borders can be extremely erfective with plain drapery fatUlc, They may be purcha sed 'frequenUy In tbls wIdth; otherwise. you may buy thcm wider and cut to fit. It desired. ~h other eftective way to acquire a boi+4er As to buy ' rna· terial , which ' goes well , with tho drapes, tHen stamp and stitch II, Make. ' Difference with yarn .to' carry out aD eUective Thou.andl of modern 'men aDd . Idea · fot a '.b6rd.e~.:·. women in ail parts of America 'have U ·~ou Mawr t.af!h.t ~ o,r glazed 'turned to Nat(JJ'e's Remedy, tR Tabchintl: ~apes. whlc~ ' peed ·refl'~8h. leta foz ~ePeridable~ , yet gentle )'ellef, lng, yp~ ,~Ight con.slder a.ddlng I wben a ~tlve II needed. '!lhey quilted border to them. With , a know that the ail, vCJ8table idea' " printed, design OD thc drapes, select 80 right. They ~d ftJl tR at night produces thorougb morDin.. regu· one of the predominant colors and do what ),,011 can to ' re~tore the gilt qulltll\g to matoh In the same larlt1 with,no perturbing effeCt., Wa , original new look with proper, laun· materlal as the drape. If ready 10' kind to the aY8tem. n'rY tR at OU~. 1I6 tablets onl, dering. starching a~d Ironing to add qullte'd .materlal Is not available, Z3c!. Duy a ,be]K It ~ny dru,l store, Try body. ltf you are addln • . 'lery new It is '¢asilY made wIth material and th8m. UlIO' c:Gmpletely tIfIt ..Sod. retnm and crisp material. It's best to wash cotton ·battlng. Use the sewing rna· boa With unll88d tablDbi to UB. We "III refuDd your 'this a f:ew tUnes bero1:'e using 1'0 the chine· attachment for qu'llting to money plue poRap. contrast between old abd new Is make. quick work or t'lle i~&01e thing, ,. \ I not too pl'onounced. Here' Are Goodf'ways·1: !:" , - , .what , abodt marquisette curtains Which have small ' tears ,and pulls For ptltelieD Cur&8IDs One of ~e best ways 'o t introduc· in thetrJl? They should be completely dlscarded or Is there any: possible ,ing oolor.' into / Ih' kllctien' Is by means of colored curtains. They can ' way of ullng them? ' ' a~d lin InflJiite amount at cheer to Yes. and here's what you , ;:In do: this. room, \VhJOb ~ s 110 ~.lJUentl,y 'jill, \ tr' the ,curtains are whltl! q,r ecru, white. . select colored mending tape whloh WIUl whIte or pastel"Curtalns, use Blc.kache ,oes wlln In the room In whicb cur· talns al'e u.ed. Cut noweta or leaves narrow border. o,r peasant prInt out of 1\I1e mendlni tape and apply trimming which can ~e purchaaed Ica.tter rashJon to the curtains at a notion. c:OlQlttir for just a few .imply by pressing with a bot, lroIl. centl. Or, rick·rack or .,veral rowl TheM I:lve a novel decorative touch of colored bias might be Used with much the same effect to tile room a. wen as .dded Ute For those Who Uke to keep the to the curtains. kitchen cool and uncluttered with ,! ...... on........ BeapoDIl Curtainl, an exceDent Idea Ulet I 1'0 '1M_1m. . . . . . These wide ruffling to frame the windOWll. Badt;; falledl dl'lperie. o"eo No Tb. ruffllnl ml), be purcba,ed 11111 ~~ lonl time usage beeaule reav made or lewed at home from the7 ar~espoud to Bun aa weD a. remnants. Burt It around &be win, widdtw wb4ell __ . DoD" feel too dow with rods or IDIeJt ellatiC. low .~ thli ..tuition because It. '!'be.. ruffle. make a beauUtul be helped. , frame for the wtndow and don" IInperl.a ate Upt alld ,.. Ibleld • pretIf' ...,. from tIM ' . cewar aU tile .adld .po.. kllebeD.
To' Women With' Nagging
Thurslay, May 25, 1950
Grandma's Sayings
N e n'. a nd Watn en· • . _l ure: Dolo.,. uteI!' busi ness . O pponunity for lome one who wunts 10 o wn hili Own b usineSS. SnorlI~Qe \[ sold lI't once. Located nl J~mestow n , ::' ~u~f t~~ld of Pymotwlln l: Wri te .. AIN ES STOnE • .r a m .~ t.'I'n. P o. POJI, 8 ALE-ou tstandlng reijOrI Or' ·w on;: n il Lolle; 18 oil-modern cabin.; be~uU lui htome: r eore.nllon bljlldln g ; best eqLllp.mo n t hroughout. Dew Is on reQucst. AIliO o ther rCJIIOr lK. l uke shore trncl8 a nd
s umrhe r ca bins. 11. \V.
U aek en •• ak , '" (nne aotlt,
J en 'll n ,
O I'J!lRATE Pr.'II" bl. m all order b UIIn e". Spll edld opporlunlty. F'or detolla ... r lte t o SAI. ME N S... I.... 1'.'lo bl... O.
Us m . t. r.: AmuSin g pets for cl\IT~ . h u t-Ins. H ou r .. of fun. Cle nn ond odorIe••• F r ee Booklet. uls o PedlMr.ed Breeders. Qeo. nOlle )" :loa l·e nn a. AV e •• E rltoD. N. J.
WORRYIN' tak es up jest as much time as workln', but workln' PIlYll olr better • • 5 paid 1ln. E4llb 0. P.... Coatoaflllo. ·l'a..",..
HAY , GRAIN , FEED YAUG E It'S' Ohio O.rUII. d high )ll eldln g co rn hybrid s thn t Jl\nture earlY. husk clean. d r y QuiCkl y. Clinton fl9 seed o ats. Monr oe SoybealUl. Write ro r c i r c ular. Deu ler. wonted. ~. ul(er Dr. lbllrl. B t , • " V.'IIOII, Ohl • •
INSTRUCTION P e'a lhy . T eClhnlolan. Learn " Inte rnal CUllin,." vucclnatln, . debeakln,. d lallnoaln,. e tc. M ale" rrnm $'16 to 11211 per w eek . P . otec ted territor y . 2 week ela .. • U rts soon. For Intervie w w r ite to 1. B . lIouri OO.pil 1l7, A • • hbald. Ohla. ft. "
KEO. kid. ,
.... ..
llavor i
GUESS THEBE &IN'T 110 fIIU'el' way to success In marriage tbaD
reallzln' that It depeneJa on boU.
1lnd1n' the rIght pereon, and beID' the right perllOD. . ' . . ~d 1ln. 71. 0. _ . JIluoII4 .",..
T.u:..E ABOUT <JALD'OlUfIA ...~ Un' the style, the Golden We8t jut .tartecl a new . Idea 111 marp.rln_
Ii • o.aarl 8aall01l aUII. . . . ., eO. B. E.I •• R. '. · 1I.~la.,I.ld. Oh l.
I MAY BE a Grandma. In years, but when It comes to cookln' I'm up to the minute. That·s why I . prefer ' 'Table-Grade'' Nu-Mald-the completely ' modem margarln&. YeSBir, Nu-Mald Is modern In texture • • ~ spreads on I moothl It's modern 111 taste-tull of ' sweet, churned-frelIh
With . mocIIern table atyle '" po~ print. that At any ..mn' dlah. ADd.
aa you'd expect. they're In the pack&l'e that haa l4Iu Nu-Mald'. picture on It. LIke J told you, yellow NuILAid t. a rt,ht mocIa'D marpriDe.
.FailE CATALPQ' PUI ....... s t a mped for .. a mbroldeJ'}O. Write FABRIO DE IIONII CO .. PANT, 1%1, O.tsrl., (l.U,.r IlIL Palll&oOal.ld. Inow-whlte " innlum lead a nd aU. Manl y-hi ck .uara"t". not to H41I~ rub or w aah aU. or tu r n yellow • .z.... .al . In 11-,&1. call.. O ve r mllUon . allona ·~~i;-W.r.~~ C:~io~• . ItO W . Wa. bln . ",11 III .. Clot . . . .. nt. aOILER, lI.t-b . It. OU Clb I.r. Ion, fIre lube type with 1ron F ire m a n bin feed
lit wtll be p.:::upon publiCatiOn' to the Ar8t; contributor of each accepted laying 01' Idea. A4dna "Gra.ndma". 109 Eut Pearl Stnet. .ClnclnnaU 2, Ohio,
:It:~e~l,fw~~~r :~:~lc;:bl~°'MQ~nt:.r ~~~o(Jt!; ::~J~o~~~~attg~V~\.~·d P ·R~~.• a;{!~~o S.:'~
t.J1"la, Obla. WOfE : Mnke ",Ine f r om onr. fruit or Det ty. Booklet. enlYi (!om~ele dlree~104~. 4•• ~~·~,:,~·.V.I.n~·.20N. y. ' P • • e•• ,
POtJLTaY, ClbiQKS ·&:.E'QUIl. aOU UDON ItElO 'TUlCKEY Eloo'SJw p er h undred: pollits. 172. TWent y )lears with neds. Hellr, Sobn com U.b. Marohao. O. Aak )' oar CODnt,. A.o nt about Chemloa l CaPQns. 100 Chcml-ca' pellets ,with lmol ll nt.r 1:1.00. ~ InfOrmallon >1'roe. Ma J.' . I' radu Cl~ .
a nn o tl. n , K a.nRIU.
R KEY P Gull • brood brcM lecl ~r()n.e. Wh)l pny more? Buy qu a ll~)' paul.. a t re I "noble prlrc.. I mll1ocllOlo shl ument. B eIl M . I ·, lIa t. " ory. , ... _ ... K y. .. IUl A WISE D U,CK n nd ( ollow the le!\dcr. HI~h Quality 3." h\1aV)/ b reed ·oh lelts . 89.95 p.r ,.hundred . U.S. a p proved b y the following ..t~ te.: Indlann. K entu cky. G eorgia Dnd v,e r . mont. 95 ,. IIvnblllty I!unranleed. Sexed ehlelu, Jr IIr""".red •• olliO Leghorn chl~lIs . Pie..... do not con,use our chick. wllh olher che"p ch ick •• . When hettor c lilcks b~ • . h ... t"he ~. F r nn .l~ wtll hovr the m . Write . call or phone yoU! orden today. Open . S.'!~~ffNCIII· -CHlCnR" . 1Il'lIC dlll.D. O. 1'..... 10 ORA:Ni ~~.ENIN G C lIICK 8 P E CIAL · ~G.eoo -hi a- . u dllb< . Cor nlsh ~e d •• B a~ed Ro'l"'./ !II"\! e RocKs. Ne w ~nmp.l\lre Red.. Rhbde- "-Jal nnd Red s . Red Ro.1uI IV.S. Approved &:i f,. Ilv\l b Ult;v Icod ). W eek s d f M il'Tch 23 to ·31. l~BQ.lled"",y ..o vor le.~"Ir. of !,~~I~~ F.~~ +-I.C"'" f! rlenee • . Ov er 130 .""" egg Ca , tw It. 0 1' ~hQ ne i!'0ur order 'FRANClII CR, CKERY I!IO ~ .. .al. ... O. ' , Ph.Da SO T
' ENJ01LCOOL AT.LANTIC O • • a. a ....... LoW R nle. from 1'4a), lit to Dec . .1al • • t ..... .bea ulll~ 9J._A 0 ..... Qo,.1 Apa,t• • lIts. "SlI ceilin. A..... Miami. Fla. On the AU!!ntle Oce~n. Priva t a B ailllnl{ Beach. P.JVllt e, .pa rklng lot. UP to the mJnut~ , moilern. b eolltlfully furnl. hed a partme nt bole l. Ellcb a p a rtment con· t nlna: b.dro m with twin be ds : Uvlnll r oom ; full Idtclu~ n .... b oth. Comple to hotel lervlee. 1{a t ••• ISO.OO p e r wllcli: for 2 In n.pa rlme nt, 10!\. r eductlon for Sehool Teaehera. M ilk.. r ... erva Uon. w ith 10110
ALWAYS LOOK FOB SWEET, wholesome Miss Nu-Mald on the package when you buy m!Ul:'lirine. Mias Nu-Mald Is your. assurance of the finest: modern margarine In the finest modern pa.ok.a&'e..
NNO,MORE SLEEPLESS·NIGHTS" "I feel 10 much better since I no longer have to dread those awful sleepless nights I My 'in.. 'omni a' turned out to be due to caflein in the coffee I drank. So I switched to POSTUM and now . . I get 8 hours 'of reltiul sleep every night."
Buy · U.S. Savings Bonds!
Al'e IIleepleslI nights, due to "coffee nerves", interfering with I(our good health! ••. Do 'you wake up in the morning, feeling ·tired and logy! ••• Then, try a llwitch to 100% caff,in.. fretl POSTUM. See if you don't enjoy goodl 'llGtural sleep that makes you teel Detter and eDJoy life more.
. .."',..... ........ at MOInILY
SClEJlTlFlC FACtS: Both colfee and tea con~in caffeine And catfein ill' .. drug that acts upon the brain and central nervous Iyiltem, A1s9 - in lIusceptible persons - caffein tends to produce harmfulstomacb acidity, So while many people can drink · coftree·or tea without ill-effect, othel'll Buffer nervoulneu, indigestion, IIleeplessness, But POSTUla contains no caffein or other drug -ttothing that ·oM ponibl., keep I(<m .G wakel
Are JOU croublecl II, OJa_ at te• male flUlotlol1lll perlodlO disturbanoee' Doea thlII mall. 'ou IUrrer frOID pain, feel ao ,,~,. ttred_t nob Then lllart taklDI Lydia .. PIDItJWn'. V• •table OOlDp!)und aboUt UlD clap before to reUeve lUob 8JIIlPtoma. PtnkIIam', baa • crand lOCit~lDC .efrect on ono of _ " ' . I!-iOIt f",,leirla,,, OffOrill 'nUlJ ttl, wom&D" {mud I .
MAKE THII TEST: Give up colfee-
give up tea-drink POSTUM ' exclusively for 80 day.-and ;'ll.dge bJI nI.ldul AlkyollJ' JTOCer today for INSTANT l!OBTUM-A V,igoroua Drink
, .s
made from Healthful Wheat anel Bran-1OO'1o ca.6ttin../reel POSTUII II
• . Product of General Foods.
.I( iHT
'1'11:.;,.1L.. ...
Til 'h ,I : .••.• :.\.\ ','
I! I
DON ' T FORGET TO CALL us f or Insurance. types of insurance 3t '. a sa vings. Call Frnacis Gene Hrowl1, Phone Waynesville 2472 or cull collect" Wilmington 2 t t 1.
Oosed on Tuesday and Wednesday SAT. SHOWS: 6 P.M. SUNDAY: 2:30 P.M.
7 P.M.
Top SOU, Baullila. 8aQ4. Gravel J!l.J~ca.aUq Willa Back Hoe, Drq·l1De and IhaUdoHr
One or th o TIeUer
WQD".m.. Ohio
In -
P1UB -
11140 WllIye guod FOR SALE runliling condition private owner "200.0'0. call M 7910 before 12 JI'O Oll. Pearl s,tnclalr 011 Rt.2-Dayton 10 -- box ~26 • A 6- 11 ~ 18-25·St
Hawkes Barber Shop - Package, 1 new pro men's bmwn oxfol'ds, 2 suits men 's un· derwear, 3 new pair white ROX. 21
FOR SALE Farman Tractor II'llh . Cu.1tJ:vators ;3~.00. Red clover hay_ David Snead Elmtree Rd. Waynes vlUe 2109, - 6 - n . 18 • ll5 - 3t
WAN;I'EP - lti llll or boy to ';;t grass and we ds. See Editor.
FOR SALE-l Pressul'e gasoline 1 automa~c washing ma o chine. W . J . Hoover. Firth street, X- 5- 11-18-25
w..yne.ViIie and Corwin
Farm , Time-Up t<a 33 Years Interest--4% .
HIGH GRADE SHOE -REPAIRING · Refinancinar, Buyin., Improving -FOR '-
Charles R~ Th.mpsOD HARVEYSBURG, _R___ _ ( .....OHIO ,. __ ~_
AD4 pod ,'Dew. Sf ..., year'. lult 10GB WOrD uul eballb,1 Bencl It to III -:- "e'O r.ltore tlIat trim. emart look. mall. It look wr. Dnl
1"0 Fit the Income of Your
Am Equipped To Do
Our Work Will Please _Priee. Reasonable
FOR SALE - Minneapolis-Honeywell automatic furnace control, complete; Eleclresteem bot water I'udlator; speedy paint eprayer, with or without ruotor; Model 46'8 MOBI~herg .22 cal. rifle with 4X scalle; 3 wrist watches, 1 Elgin. 2 Bulov!\,; ohalse 10l1nge; t.fontumDw'el- lawn mower. Iluby stroller: hi g h c hnlr. Ernest , Edgington. I~hol\e 2995. X - 6-1\-18 ·;l6
FOR. SALE - Eight-room house. Bemll-modern. ' Everett GusOnX-6-11-lS-26
MAY 26;
All klnd.,lD till leDWIdth., Kilo · drlell. RealSonnble prices . AU. ol'del1l, larg'e or small wlll be delivered . HOg E!ou8es ACY LAMB. PbOlll Way nollvl1le 2701 ,
'- with .HU MPHi}Y BOART All a Jet Plano Pilot
. '
gthSI anel
Virgi"ia Mayo
'Last week ror Bank Nlte. Thursday·friday, ;60.00 iii In the Pot. 20- tickets will be drawn, -It necesIfOry, to mlLke flve 'lucky Wlnnel'K of $10.00 eacb Plan to a ttend s tili time to reglster_ All money left In ' pot wiil be dQnated , tOl t.he 'Parent-teachers. and the Boy ~outll and the Girl Scouts.
MAY 25
Milton Herl -
BANK RUN GRAVEl,,- Loac1etl. at lDavlll Fum. . Pit. 60 oeata cubl,o yard. We a1eo eleUver. ARlIITAtGe " SON, Phone Z091. U
M ?\S, Ca r toon
(Color) .-:.. Pete Smltb Sbort
Phone: W_yDaavlll. IUt
hal). · Lost Juagle
1.1• •
10 5fl
FOR 'ALE - 1947 ·Wlzzard bike, 5·plece ch roruo:- bl'OD kfas L set. Phone \'\ aynesville '2461. . X- 6- 11-18-25
AIIO roof.
baru, etc .. cxp rienced Jla ltlt I ' . 're n80nabJe prices. Phone 8 2Xl 'VaynesvJUe, Richard Campbell, '
ELLIs, ' H. &TURM,
r.' 1::
BALEI ~ Sweet Potato plants, 100 per hundred. All kiDcla of glLr c1en plante 160 'p er dozen. Ohllr:e 0. Stl'oUle, 1~ mll.. ' DOrt.h a.t COTDIIr of WaJDenDle. IiJt1e and Ferl'Y row. X-6-18-26-6-1-8-15·22
a.eee H • • ee •
Proctor CombiD~tion' 'Roaster-Grille With Two-Shelf UtiUty'.Tahle
FOR SALE-Baby hum, SIOl'kUna, Mrs. Edwin Hamby. Phone
Honorlll4l him who went
P LAY G R 0 U N D ,
'l!l;~~:!:.;,;-" ;-~.~-~~;"~-~~;-;-;-:=-;-;;~~~~~~t;~~~" !? _ .- .- ----
. ~~TH ~OR
In uniform 'and gave hi.
. L Y T LE
X-6-18,26-6 : .1,
ir- - - -
. TELEPHONE 2422 -
. .
Especiallv For Farrns. FOR
. .
Roy E. Smith ,
Dead Stock
Jnll1l1ate4 Btleb an4 ..be. toe 9141ns. 9beet iDetal workof all kinde. Local RefeTeQ" eel, AU work suaranlee4.
Phone 37371
Live Wire iLncl Progre.elve. An ~rganlzat1on .,col1d to none. , Strictly sellera .011 tl!e belt aUaround .market 'In' lIle t;ountl'J. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES ' For Dally Market Reportl: WHIO Da:yton, 12:60' E.8.T, Dial 1300; WLW Cincinnati, 1240, DiaL 700. ' •
PHONE Centerville 7056
~~~~~~~:~~~~~" 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 11111111111II11111111II111111111111~"mlll ROOFING Of All Types
Spring VaBey Hardware Co.
Furniture &Appliam:e Co.
Rt. 48, 5 mi. South of , Cen lerville.
Inltaliation and Gas
I -from 1'e1laco . Atation, Main street.
.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ask' About oUr Price on
Spring Valley 0-
ChI'YBan~emumB. acros~
GENERAL MERCHANDISE- _ tloW.3rB. carnatJons, daisies, etc., . also St.. Jolin's Gardens,
WANTED TO RENT ':" HOUB!! unfurnished. Frigidaire employee. Plant 2, wIfe and 1 child (sebonl age) . Phone 371S3, Rprlng Valley , Ohio. . X-~-,-18-26-6-1
S'a les
G, E,' BULBS FOB, ~Ford scOOP. '~ord trae ' for <!oovenlon kit and ,brace arms tor Wood Bros. corn. picker. Ford plck·up mow1ng machine, Ford hydl'n.u'llc jac~, all eqllnment ,good o.s new. WJI1 sell cbeap. ROBe Row· land. Phone 9361 - 5:26--6-1,:8
Bottle Gas
Route a Waynllvllll, 0, Phone' WaJn.vllle . . . ~
Honel, ,1.60 • COWl, , •. 110 Hop - 26c cw&. According to Size and Con.1ition. Call
xenia 454 Reverae' Char,.. ~~al'" Fertilizer
Armitage &Son
, . R.a. 111L MORROW No..
•1 8
Serving ·Waynesville Since 1850.
(Mr. a.nd Mrs. Dqn WOl'knlan al'o announ cing tbe birth 01 tL son, teu pOllnds four ounces, . 011 Tuesda y, May 29. The infant ha ~ been named Wnllel' ThomaB Workm a MI'. and Mrs. Kennet h St. Jolin and daught.e'r or' Hubbar d, Ohio, were the , guests ' of the fornler' s (parent s, Mr, nnd~~I·B. L. C. St. Jobn for the \Yewl Ill1d alld MI'- LOCAL G.lRL GRADUATES morlal Day. WITH HIGH HONO RS IN Mr. ",nd Mrs. Wade .'I'lirne;· nnd MAsSA CHUS ETTS Ij(ln of Pboenlx , Arizona , arrived ' here on SundRY for II month's va- ,Milll Mary Dora Houah Recipca.tlon at the home of tho form<·}·' 1! ient of Severa l Co~nce._ . parents , Mr. and Mrs. J . H . Sacke~t. ment Awarcb lind other rolatl~es.'
M~. all\! MI'S. F. E. Ander&atl hud as week·cn d lind Memor ial Oft I' guests, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur BI'l\nOh of Ak.ron. Mrs. J . El Archer , of Oalile. !yllle, Florida , 18 tbe' gUc\lIl of .hel' s isler, 'M.Ias Emily Jal!obll.
WAYN ESVILL E, ORlO, May, 31.- MI88 Ma ry 1 omi Hough, daugh· l eI' of Mr. and Ml's. Kennet h N . Hough, of Waynes v.JIIE1, OhiO, WOs 011 oild'. lhe gradua tes at tbe Mary A. BlIl'Ilhaf!l School, In Nortbam pton, Massac husetts , at Comme nce' menb eXOI'CISeB today. MillS Hough, Mr. and Mrs. fl'ed Hender son, who hllJl been preelde nt of the enroute to the'll' home In Lisbon, student cOllncll at the Dur,nbam Oblo, after Bllending tbe winter tn Sll-h'ool, was I he 'reclple nt of sev· Florida , are slXlnd1ng soveral days eral· Comme ncemen t prizes InWUb !tbeir son·ln-I aw and dau gbter. eluding the "IJul'llb am B" a.WlU'ded Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Oons ond their to that studen t best ' represe nting children . tbe Burnha m tl'odltlv n; the acaMiss Sb~rley ' Lawson and Miss delll:lC prize, a ,gold watCh, ,awardNorma Gruben left.. by pin lie, on ed to that merpbe r ' l)f the senior Saturda y, WI spend t)le wee\{ end ola9~ w.ho has maIntai ned tlie ani} Memor ial Dny with the for. hlgbest nverage for four -yea'ts; mer's aunt and un ell', Mr. nnd Mrl!. the BIlt)sCb lind Lomb Honora ry FllllI l, R ed, III Wnshl(lgtoll, D. ' Sele -. ce Aw n I"!, ;. l' , U' Rt · nd :ng Uf COUlIIllBhm cn l In the 'Study ot 8cl· Mr. and M". C. E. Edgin gton enltrle .subJeot s; and prizes . and son. Mack,. with a group or LeJtcelle ll/!1'! In Spanish ; History . and D/1ytQn friends , enjoyed Ihe le- dheruls t'ry . moria I D~ ilollday at 'D ale HoI- _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ low, Ten ne"Bee.
,FINAL BANK NIGH T WINNERS ARE AN. NOUNCED BY TWIN Final winners In the Inn Bllllk Night at Ibe TWill ' 'fbeaU'e 1I0d el' ,bbe manage ment of Bob and Dol" othy O'Regn n were: ' Betty SII, Hattan , Wayne/l vlllc; ill I u In c Elvans, COI'w ln : ll' (jll~ Osbol'ne, Wa.ynesville, The reslclue of lhe Bnnk Nig ht ·money WAS donllted by the th p Rll'e IKi ' '''1I.1neS \ Ille 011'1 S COLI t ~ , Waynes ville Boy Scouts "nd the Waynes v ille Parent-'ren h ra A ~· socllltk m.
c_ S.
'fhe monthly meeting of t he C. S. c. S . of the Method ist ohm'cb wlll . be held on ~alurday , JUli e 1 0 Irom 1 IInm 4 p. m.
LOCAL 4-H CLUB HOLDS MEETING . The Waynes ville Sew-So 4-n Club met Friday, May I9 at the I Rlgh Scbool with Mrs. Ca.rolyn Rel-allick ·in· charge_ Cookin g . and aewing proJect s were' seleoted . The foll,owlng ~f;· licers were elected : PreSide nt, Dnnna. Hadley ; Vice Preside nt, LInda Hamby ; Secretary-Tr~ul'er, Joan La Rue; Recrea tion Lealier ~, Judy Smith and Nancy. Copas, and NewB Rel;ort.cl', · l.ynn Retalllc k . 'rhe next me Wng wl1l be helll at .110 hlgb s '.hool 'ruesda y, June 6 at 2.CO p. m.
Friends nnd relat.lvc s have' r celved Invl~nUons to the weddin g of Miss Marllyn Rae Burak ,daugb , tel' Ilf Mr. a.n d M'ra_ J. J . Burske .tfl Mr_ Dall'! E. Dultee, FrIday evenIng , June 16 at tbe . Waynes ville Metbodist chure" wllb a receptio n to r~lIow ImmediatelY ' at tbe bom . of tbe bride:
, OFFICERS HERE The Waynes ville Parent-Tea.chAssocia tion held Its final meet' Ing o~ the y IfI' ' Il t the . school 0 0 I'>'uudlty evening , MJOy 22. Bernai'd fu\ughl1, ,p residen t, expressed . his a pprllclaLloOn for the pl'ogress Dlild ' by the organiz ation In Its f.lrst year as a paraot· teache l'll ·assocla tlon . Orfl cll rs elected [ or Lhe romlng are: . Cb!II'll'S Mclutrfl e, Ill' sldent · Mrs, Itay Smllil , ' lilt y<lee PI'eS;de nt; .\t.rs . Luther Har~ock; 2nll vice I?l'eslde nt; K llnnelh Retalllc k, 3rll vice pl'es ldent ; Miss Doroth y Day, recordi ng sccretn t·y,; M.rs. EJdgRl Smith. cOl'I'esvondJng secreta ry; Mrs. DQnald Hildi e)" ·t reasu rer. Mra. Lu lIle Pain presont ed be second @rllde pupils tn a. mUlllcnl prtlgrllW that was gl'eu lly enjoyed by all. Retresh me- ts were servcd by th e hO ll plllill~y oo~mll.tee. 1'1:1
NOTIC E OF MEET ING ,The annual . meeting of tbe Lot Owners ot the Miami Cemete ry Associatio n will be held at the cemetery offiCe on MondaiY : June 6, at 8 p. w. 2t
Mr. Harry Campbe ll of Idaho, wa.a calling on 'old frleods at the ' LOCAL MAN'S GRAND SON . bome on Saturda y, June 6 - 17 . GRADU ATES FROM MEDICAL . Mrs. Olive Curl was a ' guest for 9:00 a. m. - 11:00 0, m . three d~& tbis ~I'~ ek of lI1rs, .'ohn C. RIdge, son of Mr. and Ages 6-14 . . NelU~ Madd,! l In ClarkBville, Mrll. H. C. RJ'dge, of Wost Palm Yes. It Is time again for dally Mrs. Hannah Jordan, lO r ;n6f. u e.lc h, Florida , will gradua te from East st. Louis Mcdjcal Univers ity vacatio n Bible SOWlol sl!onso red by' Mrs. T. O. Holmes entGrtalned yeysbu rg, called on Mias "Jessie Ute " 'aynellv llle Church of. Obrlst 'xl. U1lnols, .June 6; OD, W~~eadaJ att.rnOOG · (~ f\l\lll Gar~~ S~dar. mot;nl~.. dg..-yol1 ..reme'm,ber .UI.':'a:. lilt-. -lfnUl aiiUJdl er ~ ~ •He is g, adeem 1rf M1'. - ~llIleil1 until 8111, o'clock ,. honol'l n, her thli811~8tlo swHeB on tbe face of Mira. O. M. Ridge_ tie daught er Dee' Ann, who tbe High S'obOoI Alumnt AallOClathat little boy or girl of YOurB wben celebra ting her elghtb birthda y an- Uoon Saturda y nlgb~ . Lhey returne d home from that first niversar y_ Gaipe., were enJoyf\d and The 'M188es M.a ry /Uld FlorLnc e any bel uUfnl seleetio nll. day of Dl V. B. R .lallt y~1 They each guest receive d balloonll and Jl' K!llley ~and tbe MllIses MayeB snd ,A'~,t r all. ~ u 'mnent da 'lIty ,."rreah· were just clamou ring to tell yo~ party hat~ ' The hnnor gu8l!t re- Tal Rlekey, .of Columb us, vls1ted menta \I ere per l etl ,41th pink ana of the many ibln8B they; bad oelved many lo"e~y gift!, and de- Mrs.. Hannah Daylll on Sunday wlalte the ·11 1·CV . IIIng <,olol·s. learned about God's Word and the IIciolls rerre&bme1W! of blrtbda y MIll. J . 1< . PI'Cf! on \' ill I e h()l<t.·s~ thrlllln g experie nces they had bad cake, loe cream, candy and for llJ-e June II ea ting ILL hoI' II Olll ". In handiw ork claases ' ond IlII tbe drink were lIerved, Tbe guellts InThe ew Oentury, Club waB dedaya drew on tlley ~ecame ' even vited to ibis lo:vely pa.r ty were : • Ughtful ly enterta ined on FrIday by more excited ; becau8e tbe things CARD OF THANK S DIana Dumfor d, GeI'1'1 and Judy Mrs, Fred GraUDlall at the Far tb ey had beeu · doing began to VIr wlllh t thllll'k 8IIc'lI ('onlril'Oabrlll, Judy and SlIsle Wrlgb t, HUlII Party HOUle. I!hape up and fit togethe r to malf" , utOI' 'to the CWlCel' Fund and Ule Judy Barnet t. Sa'ndra Cook, Karan . Roll call waa anBwered by six- fol!owln g floll cltOl'8 wllo worked an llntorge tllble ilhpress lon nn t heir so Thomas , Janet ·Martln . Sblrley lIWe minds. teen membe rs, . liard to. UlIl.!ce this 1~l\.mpil.lglI a RUC' Frye, Alice MebAffle, Joyce Pelfry, The executi ve commI ttee Pl'e- CBBS: tbe MI·B. ~\ Iva Ludin . Tb en came the night; tor demgton Linda. Jantt and. Jeannie McMillan•. sented t.be follOwing names for ' ons tratlonl '. You pal·ent.'i sat back , officers next rear: . Shirlf»' - Rickey, lUcky. Nancy and . Thomal l Runyon , RaYDlOl' rl Emd-' tbere with pride that could not b e . Carrol Palmer , Barbar a Gruber. dock: 'EdwRl'd KIl I'voO rth. Chlll'le8' I.e Pres.-M rs_ Earl Hocket t hidden In )'\lur hearts. Your boy 'Judy Mone , Sandie Holme& and Ule 1\I'ay. Vel'n Simrsol l, Iria Powell, 'V_ Pres.-M rs, J. P. Fromm. or YOllr 'glrl was recitin g-and dohonor guest. ' Sec'Y- Mrs. 'Alva Thomp son. Ing II! magnif icent Job of It . too. . Miss Sarah C9noer , wbose marTbey w'ere recIting- things tbat yoti Treaa.- Mra. J. K. PrestOn. · yey Sackel t" , JeSl~ I'llI3e to Mr, J. Everett Clill.steen, 'l'h8J' -were unanIm~J, elected . 'Waltet' Whitak er Oll\,e - and or Frankli n, will be an event of SatPl'OIram commit tee, Mrs, Paul ' sb-h·, don't you bi-eatlle tbla ' to . ' . VIIWlIBO'li and Mrs; F, W.. LeMay, H.omer Car~y .. ,Tllmes Jon IIny one, but m:.tybe ,t hey hnt} urd~ evenlJ\fl', Jun~ 10, was hone, Ed' given charge. lea,rned some thlu!tS' that even yO/l . ored w~t1~ a 'Iovely bridal shower at war~ .~ICk!l, Hozel Fox. DOl'ot!I Y dldll ' tkn~w. TomlJn son reviewe d ~ ' PerlduR, ·H al'od 1..e1111110118. ~IIS3 tbe home ot Mrs, WUllllm Warma n WLW aet,ess LaUra Frazier ,'b . Won't YOII take advanta ge of of FranklI n, on Wednes day evening . most enterta ining and Instrult lve Elizabe th Burnett IUld 1II r. I~n rl beard rrequen tly In dra~atlc lllis opportu nity COl' those chlldre! l The glleatll' of the evenibg being th book, ' " The '~Ory of Langua ge". Hubbel l. roles on "WJthln These Walls," ~o receive anotllel ' concen trated br,ldes co-w,ork ers In' the F·r lgldoj .. ~ Mrs, Lemay has a bobby of Saturda ys' at 1:30, p,m., EST. study of the nlb le" whldl Is the offioe, BENN'1[ FURNA S .m aklng a scrap book of .cllppln gs . only bope for th.e world ot to8afety Duu fo~ ' litlda ' 'Of poems ' arid unique paragra phs ¥RS . OSCAR SMl~H MIllS Conner was ~IBO\ compUmorl'OW? Scotcb lite, a new. fabrIc ' which reahe reade. Tbfs she calls her Litmented on FrIdliy evening , when And you . paren ts wbo didn't flects light like a road .slgl1; . can' 1le erary quill ond from It she reads Mrs. Oeorge Deal'dotfC of near Cnnce l' Funtl obtained In tape torm to attach to semi yours Ina t YiBlLr by all , Frankli n! enterta ined a group ot eh1Idren'a jackets to make anyone menlls flI'I'nnge fm' I h.em 10 come. friendB. Each; eve.ung was spent vltlbJe t'o motorists. It I, atyled 10 If YOUr childre n cou ld come exIn 'pmes and '. tbe b.-Ide-elect teIt'. an added attracti on to ~oun, .tera' ,armen ta. It can be cut In cept for . a lack of trllJlsportatloD ctlfved an array of lovely gifts,. dui,n. · of Intere.t to •• cbciol child. Inform liS a nd we' will make ever; Dellcloull desaert courses , ' with possibl e effort to provide a way too. bridal ")Jpolntm~nts, were served. for them . Thoee rrom' Wayn8l'vUle attend InS Send the following. Informa tion to On Fr1dar ~;0Il1Dg w'ere Mrs; Ray~ Box 311, WayneSVille, ' Oblo, D¥'nd Conner , Mrs, Leo Conner. You can easily get another aea· Father' s name . , . .' . 'Mbtlher's name " .. .. ... .. .. ''. Mrs: Charles EdWardll, ~r8. ll'avl4 • on~s wear from Bun-fade4 BhO~ slacks! blouses and otller outdoor Parrot. lin. I»nal.d Watkin ", MIlls wearan 'Age or child ... ::: : :::: ::: :::: : te!. A few dime of allRutb Conner and the hqnor gUest, fabric dye, availab le inboxes Nn.me of child ' 50 eolcn:a. Detn.Jed locatlo~" " "" " .. . . .. . do. tbe .h ick, If the fabric hal The aDnual reunion of Waynes - will ..... .. .. ." faded unevenl y ·or If yO\! wanl an ville hJgh s~chJpol alumni IDeUlbe Tl, entirely dift'eren t eolor. uaelaat -actU, 8, lII'ea, CeDllUl lp&loa ing color remove r ft'1'I~ advisu ."In. lllllo@ the DOnDWIDif h Per tex c:aplta meat c:ol18umpUon 10 Home Eeonom l~ Bureau . Your 'w., h~ld at the' hhrb school bUIll)· washi"g machin e III Ideal for tin· Americ a 10 1"'7 wa. 1116 pound, lUI on Saturda y eve~g. Two texing. espfiClially larger artldea , the hlaheit 10 nearly 40 year.. di'ed twenty member ll Ilnjoyed a Bueh as slnck lujtll and d~.., the wa. dl.trJbu ted •• follows: Pork, . very deUclOUI dinner, which WU bureau points out 70 Pounds; ·beet, .,2- veal. 107 and lamb snd mutton, 'S.3_ served by' the ladles of wayne .. --:Mr:":"""_~Raym~-o-D-d~H~a-tf-le~l .• -d-,--'YUle OJ'lUll'e• . Xr, H-arold William - IDIIoIlner, laVe the "SalIlte (~al)-l!1So IB bringin g many to the new challen ges to the ingenui ty and BOn, presldeD t. pl'88lded over the Oldest Gradu a"''' menUo Le.llda ID Jewelr, . Wear nlng 111'. reaoure efulnesa of Americ program and fe.tlvltJ ell of the W)lIter Daldn a. lbe oldest Nlhety- nlne In 100 French women en,; aJtd it is intereat inltantofarmII ..... hear wear precloull platinum evang , , palladIum wUt maa, of them in various parts and Mr. B, D. Henkle wu of tile eoaatrJ &1'e doing to meet or ,old jewelry c:ompBrecl with the Mr, CharI. . MIchen er oldeat preaeDt. ~ eonditlcmB. · aame raUo at Americ an women the el&l' of 1850, and hi. BOD 10. Rutll ~.r repreae -lIciiIl lazwel l. Amerlca'B aee farm no adam them••lve. with c:oantecl radio rep:orter, intervie wlI leading tum. pieces. . DwIIht , memhe r oC 'tile 181i0 elUB, the 607.... ad M.., 01& KeiIM7 fanaas ffOla all ever the country I'88po~ed tor tile cl.... aIJod .... 1960 plana _ •• br1ntrII Mr_ 1'. It lIdlorl al for tb... who cUed dar- .~teDdeat the Iii ,.... oJuI, OIl the "Let'. Go VJil I-.t,oriea heard eve~ TUNIIIC U. , . . 78U' WU 1»7 . ,• .,.. oJ 0IdUI00tIt.. ,a,. • IIbGr& daJ'l' harlC la, at 6 s49 a.m. over DO ~"1'arIb B~)\ar proSetIa I'IJnaU ,
'Outdoor Togs Faded? Dye-Bath Is Answer ·
Reports Farnl~rs' '50 Plan s,
.. ..
7eU.... or
u.s. Orders Expulsion·of 22 Czech
I RUSSIA: I Wants Hot ' War
Officia'ls; Observers Say , Politi~al Picture Becoming Foggy, Unreal
(EDITOR'S NOTE: When oplnlo" . . . . . . .pre ••• d In lb ... ,.'omn., Ibe, Me Ibo •• of Western- New_v.ver 1Jnloo'. lIew. au.".ts ADd not Decee • • rU,. of Ibl. new.DAOer.)
Truman Speaks ,
Thursday, June 1. 1850
S. Hits Back
Tbe United States Jfa'S - ordered expulsion of 22 Czech officials from this country In retalJ ation of recent anti-American conduct by that country, The U,S, note, which hinted at future diplomatic blows against the Kremlin - controlled ' gove~ment, charged Czechoslovakia , "will not 'or cannot" conduct Itself decently with other nations. Diplomat~ considered the U . S , note strongly worded and saw the action as clear evidence of the dlslntegr,ation of relations between the two countries. It reduoed the number ' of Czech ' officials in thls ccruntry from 33 to 22. The state department note said in part: "Since the United States cannot con'duct' normal diplomatic and 'consular functions in Czechoslovakia and alIice the' relations between the two governments are .being ro-atrlcted In scope through the actions 01 the Czechoslovakia government, th.e .latter has been requested witbln a rea50nable ti'1le t~ close its. con,ulates In Cleveland and Pittsburgh and to make a requetlQn'.!n .Its ofticlal personnel in the United States similar , to tltat 9.emande~ of tbe United States' ln Czecboslovakia." '!'be expulston order means the Czech government will have 11 representatives In this country, all possibly In. WaSbington. The order does not include that country~ s represent~tioQ to , the United ~atlon~.
Most Americans, wbo c:annot make themselves b!.'lieve Russia is I'eady or wants a war, were ' 'being told otherwise by European diplomats , In Europe the belJef Is growing that Russia now accepts a shooting wnr as the alternotive to the cold war in winning world supremacy, Until rccently experts beHeved European security could be viewed In terms of political activity and eoonomic pressure. A recent 'poU of Eutopean diplomats, however, reveals that. they now belleve the political bureau of the R\1ssian Communist party soon will , be willing to figbt a hot war In pursl,tit of its aims, , One reliable source declares the Russians would pe "reildy" to fight In .1952. By then the Soviet Unlpn wiU nave a stockpile o.f atomic bombs and numerical superiority ground and air .forccs. The Russians are estimated to have 20.00D first-line planes In operation at the present Ume, That would indicatc Russia may be able to fight a "hot war" on a monient's noUce, It is generally accepted by o.b servers that the ,atomic bomb is already in production behind the iron curtain.
• Britain, veteran of block busters anti buzz bombs, has launched an all-out ci'vilion defense program to battle the atomic bomb. Gorbed in weird protective clothing which would be worn during atomic at· tack, two rescue workers (left) check equipment' be'fare investigating (below) a radio - active "b 0 m b site/' The garb consists of special ",ask 'and hood to protect face, head and neck, a respirator to prevent breathing of atomic dust, ond rubber gloves for , handling of radio· active material. '
This Is a part of tbe "10 acres of cltinns" that turned out to bear President Truman on hi_ "non-polltlcal" tour across tbe natloD, He Is pictured speaking from the rear plaUorm 01 hla apeclal train,
BARUCH: Stop Inflation
Since the war all classes of Amerlaborers, businessmen, office workers-have worried :lbout inflation. ' POLI.TICS: , For all of them the dollar huys less than before the war, ot late, Foggy and Unreal , llowever, there h'a s been little laid' Observers are beginning to shout or done about the 1n11ation splral that, the current political scene is Now Bernard M , Baruch, advis\!r becoming so foggy and unreal that to preSidents for 40 years, hq the general public 'is contused, Per- taken another swing at inflation. haps it Is, tpe observers themselves i'Inflation Is the cold war we who are confused. Americans are waging agailtst ourRegardless ot their: sbouts, bow- I selves," the state~man warns. ever, President Truman ,concluded ) "Intlation affects the Integrity of his . tour ac~oss the naUon making all our defenses, both moral an~ as many as 16 speecbes a day wbjle mUltary, . national and IntemaUoncongress tied 1Ige11 Into knots on a1." 'he added, "This contlnuini A-BOMBS: one issue atter another. As 11 that slliral. doesn't necessarily mean wasn't enougH, the Dixiecrats bad trouble at' the moment., but 1~ 'means N.,arel' to Europe mapped plans of wln,nlng the Solid ' tr61lble aliead if ~e don',t ,pufa stop Mlillons who ha:ve had the ,ittera · South and were screaming louder to it-. Sbwewllere along the line, th.i! since the flr~t atomic b rob was . than anyone allout deficit spending ball,oon always bursts." dropped on Japan rec'ojve " a new, ' and creeping socialism. The national situation as he jolt when It was announced , U. S. it finds the country ba'anefng preThe Pfesident has been making military official's are conSidering caribusly between employmen~ and placing atomle weaPons within easy speeches pointing out: (1) The low- I the maintenance of a high standard reacH of this country's European er prackets can double their In- ' 01 living, and unemploymE:Dt and income into "real" money within the flation. aUies, . next 10 yean, possibly as high as We must work out a program to Such a move indicates _thot this $4,000 a year; (2) Republ1.can country would use the atomic bomb , chal'ges that the Fair Deal Is lead- curb inflation that will be fair '(0 in ca$e of )Var and has no immedi- ing to socialism are "s.llly non- everyone, he said_ No one wm like ate pllln!! of ,trying ,to get it out· sense;" (3) TVA power develop- it, but we must do ,lt and soo~. > lawed, observers lIald, t J .. ments "will keep us tbe' most pow• Trainees (r i gh t) at A TE DEPARTMENT: Some cODg;res~en «laUed the erful nation in the world"; (4) The the defense learn idea terrible and' pn!di.ctea 98 per nation's output 'of goods and services McCarthy tied . school , eent, of the leglslatoli' would rebel 'can be lifted' to 350 billion (loUers to use radio-active deThe state department had ' ,it It' should 'be presented to them, by 1960. . Into the McCat, t hy sPY hunt· nfI' 'th•• ~ I·, tectors and how to deal Obtie'fVerl .. "gr,e ed that 'initial , con· In the East, rileanwhUe, the bouse department's personnel by IsSuing , ' gresS)o~a.1 reacJion tq the idea indi- cut ~e ,"one-package" approprlawit h blast and ' fire white paper that hints that ~ ' cates it 'WID have tough 8ledd,lng If 'tIons bill by an estimated one bU. asenator deliberately lied. among "other things. The it reselies CIIPitol 'HilL lion dollars' and sent the mea'sure to Assistant Secretary Edward W. M,lU(ary autho~iUes were explor- the 's enate, " , training center in which Barrett sent 500 newspaper edito... ing . the IUghly controversial pro· I The vote. 362 to 21 was 'consid- an , eight-page analysis of MeBritain is indoctrinatin~ posal a Ii d possible , safeguards <jgainlt haVing t4e ;boIl)bs fall .In~o · ered a big defeat for Truman.; Cal'thy's speech which charged the , its defense experts is set Derilocra Is joined Republicans in department 'was overrun by Cornenemy ' bands, . m unists. _'" Before atomic weapons could bel making the cu~ up ,amid t~e:. rubble of Jjarrett's reply contained a pointmade avaUilble to EUropean mem-I In the South, publisher J. Oliver bombed out 8buildings in { : bers of the Atlantic, pact, however, Emmerick told the third annual by-point denial, While It 'd id not 8Scongress would have to amend the ; States' RIghts convention that "<lur sert in 80 many words that Mcspecially er~tecl ,"atomic ' atomic energy act, task Is to sell the people against Carthy was lying, 'the dooument 'm, villages," !Bt!law trainees defit;lt sPending, creeping social- peatedly sought to sbow that he ... "1~. uttered "misstatements" and , "Inresc;ue .0 casualty.. {r.om ism and the totalitarian state.'~ SANDERS: accuracie5," , dio -1ilili\fI cfJat~ii. ", . They ·seek to weld the south Into , Meanwhile, the Farms for Living , loyalty tiles, ~ the patlon's most powerfUl minority, Dr, 'H ermann ' N. Sanders; deeven, so stro,ng the, could ' become cenUy turned over to ~e senl'!e, prived of hls right to practice .medi- the national balance of political foreign-relations subcommitte in. cine iii ' New Hampshire following power. And, from the looks of vestigating communism' in govem. his me1cy ~laylng trial, ha's turn~d things, they may succeed in crea- ment ' posts, were being studied. 'I to tilling the soil for' his neighbors ting anotller congress' very hostUe Senator Tydings, chairman of the to support his wife and three daugh- to Trum;m. committee, said he would make a ters_ full report to the people on the ' contents of the files, , Some observers, however, .felt be Eighty-one eases were being in, ' woUld be relnsta ted when the state vestigated. medical bciud . let ,him ,~pply on A Treaty? June 19. -, Germany may never get a peace I Meanwhqe, the qoctor was supplyI ing his own tractor for the farm treaty, spme pOlitical bbservers have hinted, The hints were being I work and moved about frOJD job to 1 'ob on a trailer attached to his auto· made alter America, Britain , and France announced they )VUi keep - mobile·, • Neighbors said his rate 01 pay troops In , Germany, and refuse to ' for ' ploWtn~ and eultivatlng farm· write a peace treaty . as long as ' Jands of the a'r ea was $4 all hour, Russian policy , divides the country. , For that reason there may never be' a treaty, observers report. RusNATION ALlS'TS: sia is not Ukely to change ·her policy I "Repulse Landi'lg because it woUld be a political de'!'be Communists tried . a practice feat, The Soviet ' is only Interested , landing on Chuahan island' l00 mlles In victories. southwest 01 Shanghai but were reo The western powers said: I pulsed, tb~ , Chinese Nationalists "In view of the continued refusaJ . report. of the Soviet government to permit The "announcement caused speeu- Inhabitants of their zone of occupa, lation that the Invllsion of Formosa tion to rejoin t)1eir fellow eountl')": itself, P!otected by 100 mlles of men fu a democratic and unified ,open seas from the mainland, ,was Germany, it has not been ' possible, , about to begin, ' , and wlll not be as long as tbls I Nationalists sources' said they re- Soviet policy persists, to proceed to gard a Red "inside Jobl ' .a great a conclusion ot a treaty of peace with t~at as' lin actual · invasIon .. ,A ,Germany. , Communist fifth column on For"In the present lituation Of fte movie fanl 01 tile aatioD mosa had been broken up, it wa~ 'Europe supreme authority must rewere Btar"ed wUh Ute ramo... report~d; , but ma~y 01 the Red main in. the bands of the Allied' of •..tr.IDed reJaUou" between .powers." age~ts ,r em.a lned at large. 81q Crosby and,hil wile. DIDe The Nationalists had nothing to 'The three powers, however. ha.ve Lee. ThIs 1939 photo..-.ph all.,.. ,ay of their raid a few daya earlier agreed to the Il'adlial modlflCation the Crosby_ with their folll' on villages on the mainland, 110 of many controll to which western IOn •• 81q " ,In Europe ..... wUI miles 80uthwest 01 Cbushan. Germany fa aWl subject. DO& rehlrD oW mld-lllDe. ~cans-farmers.
Big Business
The whlske,. Industry has long been big business, but now it comel to light that moonshiners apparently are producing more whiskey in the United Sta,tes tha.n the legal dlItillerle.. ' A spokesman for the 'Industry aald moonshine stills seized by ltate and federal omcJals in lINg had • dal.ly productive caplcty of 17,'109 gallODs more than the nation'. cIII·
13 Billion 'Take
Republicans rna,. have talked down President Truman's "nonpoU· tical trip," but they kept an ' eye on him just the Bat:De. . The eye wal Victor JobnsoD, u, ecutlve secretary of the Republican senatorial campaign committee, H. shadowed the PresIdent across the nation by cbartered plane ~d Ihowed up at all the chief ezeau. tiv_~" ~po~t .peechu.
The American Aca,demy tical and Soolal Sclenca l'eporta there are 50 million suckers In the United St;;ltes 'who lose 13 bDllondolla1'8 a ye!lr to gamblers_ _ The eJqIerts said Americans bet eight billion doUarl a ;eer with hone-race bookies. Pari.' mutuel machlnes alone account for ",800,. '000,00II • year ami produce more than 100,000,000 lUIIlually In tax rev-
• An instructor (left) at the defense school is testing rad,oacti~ity on a,e... ails an~ equipment of a traine•• The school reeint' Iy staged II- demollstration for the press of the latest equipment and practice civilian defense. The 111strumen~ ta deteCt radioactivity Is a Geiler counter. So far 375 rescue experts Ii a y. finished the course,
Thursday, June 1, 1950
1m.·AS~SROO.~!,5 Voters Rap
~ T b (i h M a ac I ne I -;tI~
Sewing Your Own Acce~sorie:s Gives Clothes Glamc5ur/ Va,riety
By Ertta ' Haley
Masked Duck
Coffee Table Features Simple Lines
Back Home in Wisconsin MILWAUKEE. - A masked duck with a share 01 , fame is back home in Wiscohsln where it ,was ·discovered In 1870. The bird, ot a species rarely found in. North America, arrived a~ the public museum Monday as the relult of a trade with the University of MJchlran's 20010gl· cal department. . Thure Kuml1en, an early Wis· consln ornithologist, obtained the bird after It was killed by a hunter ' on the Rock river. It Is belleved the only one of its type found In the state, according to O. J. GromJ'Qe, curator 01 birds and mammals . at "the .museum. Ever since its loss of wing power, th~ duck has traveled rar. It was in the hands of the Boston Society of Natural His· tory fo.r many years before the University of Michigan got It. [t has been described by an American ornltholog1st as the second masked duck ever ob· talned north of Mexico. The mounted specimen, like Its live brethren, has tan anil brown coloring a,nd dark strlpel on the side 01 Ita head, It us~ ually 1a found ' In Central and South America and in the Carib-
CHICAGO, lLL.-Thil may be a Whether Y(lu're clothes budget age, but thousa.nds ot co.nsclous or simply , want to put Circular Ski.rt Style Cilicagoana are eonldnced that, for yOlll' own Ingenuity to work, your N THIS COLUMN I have offered them, at least, it is not the voting wardrobe can undoubtedly benefit a' full share of cr/tlclsm for machine age, by accessories of your own makin" cQngress, and for that I have no A recent primary provided a The woman who can afford only. MOOER'" COFFEE ~p010gy to . oUer. Congress can be m~jor test for use of the voting . a few items basic to the wardrobe TABLE PATTEIIN 2SO expected to follow one of two leads. devIces bere, It produced ruffled can expand It almost indefinitely by It will either do the bidding of tbe tempers, charges of fraud, and del· making attractive accessories for A Modern Coffee Table bead .of the party In power, at the Inltely slowed not only the voting, It. On the other hand, even thouib IS 19 by '30 inches with a shell present, the President, or It will do but counting of ballots, That lilt they can afford 10 go out and buy open on both sides for' greater what Its COl)stituents want It to do, item wl\s' oQe where the mechani· gloves, purses. ,scarves and other convenience. Its rpodern Hpes are provided the constituents Bay what cal X·maker. were .upposed to such items, many women prefer to so simple that it' harmonl2es in a they want. .hlne. make their own because they feel strictly modern setting or when A total of l,~O voting machine. they can get something original and To eel a CODlreli. that I. trul' useq with Early,.American pieces. repre.eDlatlve ,of the votere of were used in 1,444 of Chicago's ',. dlHerent. • Ib.e naUon, we ~u.t expre18 0111' 288 precincts, No' mac.hJnes were You don't have to be lin expert on Materi al. nnd fl';ls h~. 'to u"" are In· wtahes to Dol ollly one or two, used In the c 0 u n try precincts sewing to add these clever and at,:., cluded on paUern 230. Price ot pattern 1a bot to mall)'. aDd 40 that in outside Chicago, but the Cook tractive touches to the ,wardrobe. 25cWORKSBOP PATTERN IiEBVIOJll Dr.,n, 10 lar,e numben. (lounty board has had them , under Neither do you have to expend a lot Bedford OUI •• ~.w lhrll conllderation, Chicago hall them of tlme and enerq making the~. I attend fairly regularly the ordered ' for the rest of Its pre· The rewards, however; arl! flit luncheo" session of a service club. cinetll. greater than you would dream: the first purpose of which 1a servo The principal complaint by clU· thllo plea~ures of creating, the inter· ice to the community, the state. zens against the mac/dnes In Tues· eating effects for the wardrobe and the nation alld the worli:!. But an), day's voting was that InsuWcient your friends' praise ot your ingen· Amo~, the most popular of talk of partisan politics in that time was aUowed a 1"Oter to oper· uity. ~nrreDt fashloDIi II the full 4~Snature·~ir~ club is taboo. We never hear nation· ate the machine, · When waltln, Take, for example, the cale of ,weepllll' clrouIa.r skirt mown at' political ' sub,ects dtscl1llsed, but linea formed In many of the P!e- the ~lrl who c041d afford only' an ~ean , area., ~Onrv75~ there are many political aubjects cinet., precinct election officio inexpensive lIun dress, It fitted her- . here with aD enclrClUn, JlIlule tralD dellirn inaplred by a 'CaUwi'" wIti..."", end froIIt that are not partllan. allowed a voter only four ·mlnutea nicely and looked attractive but lomla fashloD expert. With ¢belr KELLOGG'S VARIETY Certainly the recommendations to pull the handle. on th. votin, Ilnce IIbe had to wear It aU &ealon ftopplne ears an! nlr1a1ttoUi PACKAGE or the Hoover comminlon are in no machine. ' long, sbe took IItep. to get three eyes. · the mDIN are 'lOt a,l,lnllt • Loftly eUverware with tenie partisan. The lettin, up oS: With the large numb.r at namu di1terent dresses out of It. • sUppled baokrround. 'l'be sim~ OWD IICript iDit1al. that commis.lon. Ita Jonll montbJ to be looked over and to be located Her first 'step was to make a cape Old Company Plate macia ple pufred sleeved blouse t. of or painataldng cOGllderatioo. an4 ita Oil the mac,hlne before the voter jacket for It 10 the dress could be HId ~teea_b.1 Wm. ..Ud colored cottell broadfindinga were not intended to .erve couid operate the .proper handle. appropriately worn for golnl shop~~f"Co.,Merid8D, cloth. CoDD. With ~~ you any partisan purpo.e, But the enact- tour minute. wa. hardly enoup. pt; ~ on complete ~------~--------, ment hlto law of that COIIUDII.lon'. SInce the .m achlne curtain. are SEA'rI'LE, WASH.-A couple ot iemOe-oIrered b)' ••• recommendationi would .erve an locked until the voter pull. the :rou'll ble~s those daYIi now . for yean a,o when Capt. Wlltred G. ~U·. VUBTY of '1 man), of these clothes can bel used. tho people of the naUon. with tho vote lever to re,later htl ehoie... wa. 'In the United Stat.. -.1c1ellClita bosel. D.,licio~1I po.Ilble exceptlon of the membera there was no way to eject • voter Ev.en though clothe's ere worn·thin of occupation in Korea, he ero~ ~I of'th. lenato and the hoUJo of rep· from • booth until he had campI. . In lPOts, a few remodeling trlcks heard a Korean schoolboy plead r ..entatlvel. , e4 lill baUotin,.. . can ,Ive them the magic that yields for a chance to .tudY 'in the United another leason or two ot utisfac· Statu .0 he could return to Korea To tII~m It mea~ "!lrlfl~ IJapatleDCIe Markell ton. wear. With American know·how, aom. e' their JOtmcal ,paVeDThe rub came In the impatience Today that .choolboy, San,ho Long, fuJi ' sleeves on blouses ap. &D4 tile 'allly thbI, that of thole wallin, their turns at the which have worn out at the, arm· :Back, 1a getting hi. chance as a aoaId be of peater Impol1allce ' machine.. 'l'hrou,hout the cit)' de. holes, for lnatance, can be cut off partner in the Loean famil)". _aId be o'll4eDCIe , of til. deIq. of 15 minutu to more thin an , entlrelJ to give you a slee,veless ' Ibackyard Internationalism." He'l lIND TODAY1 maDd fDr the ~I!IIIIaUDIU hour were reported b,. voteri who ••• o.t.FP,W~C •••• dI ... a .tudent in a Seattle blih .chllol ...... blouse whlcb Is 80 popular rt,ht Pleue eeDd _ ••••• ·'8~ture" ..... II,. a lar,e .-aeatap or wal'-8d In line, I'da.n)' viere , report' the liponsorship of ex-Capt. ~ with 10Uowm. iDitMl .. . ... , now. If )'OU don't bave a ak~rt. let era, ' 'l'be D........UDIIS that ed to have taken on. look ,a1 the lIor ach unit ..t of " 1JIOr!.~I _ rilbt into fasbion by making a Logu, who~e housebold Includea ....lIt ha". lIemD...traletl Ulat ·'n\onaterl." aa 0 n e poUtician whlte-etar em froDi Keuocl'. briJbUy printed, circular ' type. two little Japane.e girl. in addl· cbe'l lIemlUld, the Hl'Yloe ~ tile , called them, and relreated from the v.AUJft'l' lI"'CUO. and '1~ in ooiD. tion to hi. own two chJldren. '!'here you hive a costume that Ii I ...... the oJl1l1'cb•• aDd .lIIen po11ln, place. Otherl ai,hted the After nine montbJ iJl an Ameri. did . .t take all! pan booa.... lo~g Une waitin, and ,ltalked out. p,; ,o~aJfINlro". fIIiIb • ,lain ••• • tr1ctly tulilon.rlgbt. (pie ••• ......, Tanored b lou. e I parUcularly can .chool. Sancho is an honor A .................................. Ihe)' could.red tile aabJect Ma),or Martin H. Kennelly bJm. poUU-_I. ,,101.10 ' I. pin, •• well a. calUn, In.tead of 71eld them.elves to having their student and Is helping pay for hi. ....... ............ aeU .pent 10 minutea In a votin, jUit a lpor ts' to, ......... ...... - to ok 1e........ ."a_ WN Ia' DD aeJUI8; room and board with mOM)' ha 0 ,••••••••••••••• Z.~., .. StIItt •••••• machine booth at the Edl,ewater a :rard of material in a contrutiDI !lleeves cut off entirely. Simply e",rna at~r Ichool And as a junior 0'.. • ..J MI; lit U, I., ooI%d . . . WhJle it I, now late, It 11 not too Beach apartments. where 'he Uve.. color and about two houra to matEe. bind the sleeve edge, and YOiLl may member of the international Lo- --~~~~ 1 wear the blouse with Dot only the late. The leglalat!on providiD, for U. had waited 15 minu~.. It give. her an "extra dre ..... ,ani, be takes part. In ~. Jamul' the enactment. intO law ' of thOle One poUtician estimated that 20 Her next step consisted 01 buylnl IIIdrt just mentioned. but abo with ~ctivltie., All hil problem, ' - and Hoover commlulon recommenda· votes had been lost in ever)' pre- .till another · piece of contriultin, .wta which alVi'ays can u:se an there are man),-are .olved ' duro . tions II now before cOllgre.l. The clnet where the machine. 1fo'ere matertal. ThIs wa. used for makin, utra blouse. Inll joint conference.' In the livin, Collar ,and cut.f faablon.. lend bW. can be palled before the prel· q.ed. RepublicaD. diar,eel that a ,. callopped cuff which mapped room. '" ent se..lon adjourn. If there ,I . the ,.lownes. at the m a'c h i n e • around the top of the bodice. Tbl.. themselvel to many provocative G~sduaU,. San,ho i. being eon· manifested a autficlent derqand. worked to the advanta,e of the iave her .till another ' chanle for change. on clothing, One of the ditJoned to a few basic American n....ai II the ltand·up coUar that CUltom., ,uch as the ' coUrte.,. And that can be done If the eom· Democrau. They contended that · the original dress. '. mwdl1 orpDlzaticlnl ~ the ..tkm the Chiu,o board of elecU~ COID.1 , CID·I be made , for all)' lood ba~c shown women. In Korea, women Are JGU IOlQ UIe tunetIODal ' "mlddl.·ale" lIerlod P.ouUa~':: . wm Wldertate the job. Th8"'ervlce minloner. . deliberately ' aadped I6b 014 Bata . cIre.l. U ),ou lfke, add some Inter·, ue .eldom permitted to spe* un~ womm (3I052~)' DoN tbl8 . . club. would be ao ideal plac!e to the device. to Itron, . GOP. pre- Do Eldn Dllty eatinl large ~uUl to a ah'ort or lell spoken to, anil not often then. rou aU1I'er tlom bo~ Gub-. teel .., .tart. Such ,. movement repre.enta elnl!tl. 1f you feel that summery hats 100, Ileeved dre.s or blouse. Use S an., ho 111 no lon';'r demoralized ft8r1>OIU. hlah"trunc, UNdt .~ trj Lrl11i .. ~" v .emce to an. ~ , co~mJlJioner. , denied thh. are a ,poor investment. then you 10lDe'of the new fabrics With inter· when Mrl. Logan luglesla that he Cca\poUJUl too n11a'f' IUeIlI7lllPlOml I th :I'he,. laid the machines were as· probably haven't Uled them to their ' f eltlnl textures to gl.ve the dress the The enactm ent into .aw 0 tr,. not to slam the dOQr. JIeIrUlar IIMot ~" ()Qmpcnmd o.e .illle"'! - to .'w hichever pre'tlncta fullest wearabWty. Of 'cour.e )'OU desired 11ft. The Logans' experiment In ~ter· ~aJ:~~ UdII recommendat1.on'· means, for 9DO were mo.t convenlen•• - arra,u'ed can refresb vellln' and chan,e 014 boleros take on a. grel.t deal ' thin" a .lmplWed IOvernment; It N.I relation. hal required .aeI ..:::L~vn~IA~~E.~PI~IO(~HII~~'S~r~In~=~~ natlo. n al mea III taldn,IiOUtic. out of the poat to receive them. Some ba18mentl 'f lower, or re.move oc;Ie or ' both, but Of Interest If they're Uned 'nth a rItIce and effort, Logan ' .tudtea at 1. 1 ., office. and makin, of poetmaater- jza re.ldeoc.. aerY. al poUin, even that doem·t alway. live you brllht new print. Add a bow: ,of thla the l1n1ver.lty of Washln£ton un· IhIp a career job. '!bat alone would place. aDd · C!ODIlderable trouble enouah wear ' to make them worth lame print to )'our bat. and you der th. GI bUl of ri.hta .durlng the . , Insure better postal lemee. It wa. encountered in ,et~ the bu:rlng. '. .. .-I have I brand ,new outfit. day and work. tun .tlme at nl,bt I; . would meao the con.oUdation of bulk:r l,J.OO pound maclime. down Just In case )'ou .have one or two LOni row. of buttons, mlly be ~;, earn money to iuppo~ hi. tami· many dupUcatln, an4 conDlcijn, narrow, wlndin, .tatrwa)" into old saUor batS ltnoclrinl about l\~ added to bodlces or slender skirts , depar~ents of government. Even IUcb place•. ' tho .back of the" clplet, here are for a decorative touch that i~ both San,ho·. contribution to ,P te fam. of more Importance to e.ell aile of JJlstncU~ CoIIIu~ .ome ,good ideas for them. When Dew. 'lnd novel. lly budget scarcely cover~ hi. ·own ' ·us. If cOl1grell can· be inducid to Eieci.tion board officlala IBid that yOu ,et throuih h~eUnthth.m. . expensell. ' The Japanele girll, 2 year old AI WI PI ..... .a- ... 1ItNIa, en.ct aU of thai. recommendations of 200 complaints, 110, per cent ~': .:~::t b,e ~~e;,}t ' ~ ~e PurIej' aDd Gloves Yle~ Sal17 and 6 year old Judy, are the ~=~o-.:o::."=",,:,: Into law. ~e total .aViD,. effected .temmed from the faUure or .voter. SaUor hau. becau.e' of thelr, reg. ThemleJYes to Treatment l1nlp. gloves are ~o worn as ,to daughters :ot '& ra,ilway 'e mployee Iioa. .'1'", au I... ..., (olD w _ in the operatlona ' of the ,overnment aDd ballot clerk. to follo~ inltruC· ularlty, are easy to cover with new out, then take \he.m asl~e whose wife 1a a patient in a tuber. plaia eI ....... 1IMDdte, 1_ eI pep ... will amount to the .taggerlng total tiona, , , , materiaL This might bll .ome mao be for 'renovating. The efforts til, .give culo.11I sanitarium. Unable -to car. ' :-':'~=-~ of close to four blWon doDarI. Some voterl compla1ned tha' terial from a 'Mess you·v. Just .... mlaat bladclu Irrlta&1ODl! .... w ..... .. thetlO iIa,.. of wild IO"\Bl'D- the demon.tratlon of the mao made or a small piece of fabric uiema 11ft are so little yet sore· tor hi. children while the mother wardln, In results. recelvea treatment In a hospital, .....~ .. dletarJ lD4IaeN&1_ ,mellt .....~, nob a chine'. operation turned out to be picked up at the remnant counter With the interest 1n decorative the father 10ulM the aid of the U I'oar . dIIeoaforte &JW . . . . . . . . . . .... .. be aerloaal,. coDII\leftd the citizen', vote. although not hi. _.'1_ ~. I _ _ 400" walt, Ir7 Dou'. pm., a l1li14 "UUD' Oft pove. you can see w lat an county welfare deparbnentL IIIl1Ndo. Ueod ........r1l1i7 bI' 1D1Wo_ , . aa all &IlJloal.aYlq. & ' PO"'OIl 01 cholcel. Another complAint was eas,. matter It Is to change nn old The Logans were given Ple Japa. _ ~. u... qaipto .... auot · tile 'comml-Ioll'a recommencl~ that when the party preferelice pair ,lftto lomething. that look:s like nese ,:hlldren. on a foster pare1).i .... eUa..... _ . 1&'.......... He ..... haft.,. beeIl aclecl apeD chanleCfl:lI~ one vOter to the It came out' of a fashion windo:wo. basis, after a careful InvesUgatlo/l -Wp . .11m. Doaa' ..... t.apPl' nlIef16.U. of Id....,. tu,* ud at'bye......... bllt &bere are ..me next, ~Iection offiel.1I faUed to Rutnel of nylon, gathers olr fine by the weUare department. ' \IaM _ _ ~ D .....•• pm. to4qI It to ... per cent .f the~' iliaa change the lever whlch controlled lace' or embroidery work are aU . AlmoB~ the same age as the two have Dot. And all Ibem are party selection. .,ool! techniques to apply to ' old Logan children, the mtie Japanese I The fast cO)1llt claimed by .pon· Deeded U we are' &0 a'cbIft'e ,a ~lovel. . ' . girls have been accepted as memo lIIaldaium ....ult aDd a 'mullora 01.. the machipel alia 'failed to Outseam ' s'titch1ng Is another ben of the family. Mrs. Logan I. mum ""in&', . . materialize. The c:lt)" new. · bu· good trl.clt to employ on the ibeavy ~'momJll),'~ to SaUy and ".\unty reau, whlcb compile. unofficial reo The present session of 'congress turns for 'Chicago n~w.papers ·re'glOYel -Ii you will but take the time ' Thelma" to the older girl: . . ' ft.~ I• ..drawing to I close. If It il to be ported that total. f':OD?- ' the firat , to rtp ?ut 014 leams and re··stitch • .. ...... effective, actlon mUit be had quick· machine precinct came an hour th~though white gloves are always British ProtISt Stron," ~ " ly. It can be .ecured quickOJ' by ancl a half after the polll elo.ed. commll!lity Il'OUps. than by indlvld· Many precincts 'using paper, bal. correct' for, aumm~. ' you mlgpt try On Pocahontas Gray~ Issu, uaIs: .If actlon I, not secured from lots reported much sooner. ' dyeing ~ f.ew pal): In luscious pastels " ' " . ' ,ust to give them a colorful touch. LONDON. - A IItrong protest 1bls congre .., It would mean start.. • The machine, used" in OtIcago Match the'm,with some ot tHe pastels against ,the proposed dest~uctlon of' ing aU over a,a~ in any future 1)0lt $1,380 eacb. Another 1,000 of In the wal'drobe" and see what a St. George's church in Gravesend. .esslon. ' them are on order and expected to Il"he .ervlc~ clubs c~u1d ' ma1te, an' be deUvered In time for the No- . whIcb 'Will give ju~t the contrasting luxurious toucb they can pro'vlde. where Pooahontas WaS burled 381 Covering purses with "slipcovers" years ago, was recorded in The ~on t~ ,~r~sl! to connes.. the vember election. note you need with some summer W,iihes of th, people. . . , clothes. Is an ol~ Id.e a. but new this sea. London Times. , . Fabric. felt or straw may be cov· son when you .use such fabrIcs as Pocahontas is the Indian Prln· The American 'c ommissioner of M"la(an~. Splr,1t FaUs ered in thIa'way since you need only . shantung or burlap 'which aile: high cess who saved the life of Capt. to cut the material to tit. It's easy fashion. It's especially effective if John Smith. the Marshall pIan ;·Ift .EUrope, he to Mat.rlalill al GrlY, 'who doe. the spending of our to tack on with smaU stitches. .you have shoe's In one ot the~,e ma.· County planners have proposed -. the Church be torn down to facW· American bUllons" could have a COLUMBUS, OHIO.-If the Iplr. ' You migbt make a belt or· purse terla1s. Dbn'.t be satisfied ,ust wlf:b (~ovet'. tate the reorgani2atlon of Graves· closer con~ct with the senti~enl it of maglc1an Howard Thurston it cover with ' the same material if of tpi! people of ,European nat!op., ~anging about his Ilurlal plafe, ' h. 't here's enough left, and .thus 'give Ing 'the bag. Add to It such dElcora. end parishes. ; Inclu~, the RUlsian satellites, doesn't care to let anybody. know. yourself matched accessories. t1ve features as I.riterestlng buttons, "At a time when· we .are supthan many others of Ollr oWciats. For the 12th year, Claude D. If the old sallor hat does not -loo.k colorful fringe or a piping 'of con. posed to be doing our utmost to at· I His Is a dollar and cents contact. Noble. ·a 58-year.old Detroit adver~ 'as snappy as you would .bave it, trastlng bias' tape, tract American visitors, 'it seeml ' Ws recent prophecy 'of a coming \Ising man. tried today to contact you might try trimming oU spme of ChaDge Belt Style slngulnrly shoz:tslghted deUberat.e. shOWdown for the Cqmmunistfc dlc- Thurston's spirit aD the annlversa· the 'b~im , since most of ihe new hats To Rerresh Dres!!es Iy to destroy a building which, if tatorsblp, both Stalin and the Polito of his death. In this style have rather 'hartow Your dress may stand dose In. its. existence were better knovm, borq, wa_ encouraging to the Amer· Noble stood in the mausoleum brims. Chan~ the angle a~ which spection, but what about the belt? would probably draw them to 1 ican people, . ~uch • \bing could be' nd held a can 'of 'cement. U Thurs· you've been wearing it. too. If that's They frequently give away' the Gravesend in large numbers." true, .and he could be the first ooe, (on'. spirit was near (and able), It a help. age at the dress when they're bayed wrote John Underwood In a letter tQ sense It. wal supposed to knock the cement Picture ' brimmed bals need not or twisted. to The! Times, In jlllt 7 d.yl. •• , In one abort week ••• . . );; from Noble', band. ' be new. Cleaned and refreshed, t Ifs easy enough to buy a neVlI one. And in any case, Underwood . Senator Pepper found the people Before the magiclan dJed Ift~, they, too, can take on a new look. but you can make 5.ome interE!sling a.dd64, st. George's Is worth pre· • IfIIUP of people who chanced from their of FlorIda did not appreclllte I be and Noble made .a pact to tr7 One of the easle.t way. to briDg belts at home with some ~tiU t'abrlc .ervlng tor its architectural merit. etd C1eDll(~lcellO Calox Tooth POII'dtr aver. sympathetic attitude toward loclal. experiments s'u c h u ' tocI.a:r". them baclc Jnto eireulation 1a to cut fot Unlng and scraps of' ma'ierial Pocnhontas. with her husband, qed ~ 6rl«"'tr '«tA by acienlific tel~ 11m, and that labor union leaders Thuraton promll,e4 to mllJllled off some brim and to .ew lome IItlff for covering. 111bbon or braiding John Rolfe. and their' son. was one \VbJ DOt chanp 10 Caloit' ,ourself? could not influence 8117 lu,e per. blmself after death If he could. v~ or ·r lbbon around the outer· make lovely beltl. of . the first ' American vI.ltorl to CaIaI·. . . . . 1O your centage of voters. . lD previous years Noble beld ob- most edge. Add a hat band to matcb You mll&ht change the width of England in the ' l7th Centur)'. ' IeetIa cua IWt lookio, . lIE. lects IUch a.. a wand. a photo- or contrut 70ut clress, and posslhly the belt to refrftb the cOltume, Then Shortly after .be and her hu- !dI!!!!tDaIDrrOwl Itaph, a coin. and a Th~tstcm a bow. and .ee what these wUl do. too. the clodq mJJht be varied for trancl bad latled on their returil Most poDUcIQI are oiIa to Interelt. TQO Ihort belts m1gtlt be voyage to Vlr~a In March, 1811. of rJpby. , ~llelllodem.. Belps Stntob ' wIa re,artlele II.". IIlat FeTGday'1 can ~ cemen' was m.de 81eaGer wardrobeS BuIlT. tied with ribboD or trin,e: Bqlttonll Pocahontas became J1l. She WU nit .. aoaGIII,lbIIe4. '" a company Thuman formed;, It'I. truth os: 1001' .landlnJ ttlat could be lewed an to clot a belt all taken aabore at Gravesend, wben II ewned. . .JOUr wardrobe Is what 10U make it, the W8J' around or ,u.t a few tiiches she dted. She Is COIDIDemorated 1a TIle conll'elllO:W eJeetl~1 wID- U . caD bad -.n ~.... ...adaer tbID what JOUl' praept bad. rlibt at the froDt. Or. lIIaka ·~ belt st,. GeOr,e's b,. • tablet UDveDocl .. to '" WaUli' BIDe. P.... thea 11IIIW !HIt be waft b)' 'me-toollm or II~ , let h ...... to~. III ~ ... _& d1 ....... ....... If _e.;;~ waD. State. amba...dor In pIA f11r UaI\3', ~ it W8ID t, •• ~ iiIIeb'. machin~
Congress' Two Master.
Each With Your Own 'Initial!·
Fonner Anny Captain Houses, Educates Korean,' lap Children
......" ............................•
_ .....___ ._.a
D,0'III ','S pI'LL,S
WILL " D'• •_
TJ-lE MIAMI GAZEl Tl.:, WAY ESVJLLE, 01110 odlsl cbufI'h met Ju the ,THE M IAMI GAZ,ETTE.II . lors F'r';dIlY
~hurc h pl\!" Hosts, for the !' Ionlng .w01'8 Mr. IIl1d Ml's. lin b Vnnce and Mr. a nd l\Irlt.
Eatabll.Hlld 1860 PAUL A. SCHERER .. ... .. ..... .. ..... .... . . . . Edltor and Publl.her '''I\rle~ ·wI IHlle l'. The ('''IRS al'll CECILIA J. SCHERER ...... .... . . . . . . .. . . , . Secretary and Treaaurer ad to bu-ve II slDIIIll r me(.t1ng .,,'cry
two monlhs. Pnbllshod )£ \'ery Th\lr ~ day Mornlnl ohool Wll8 dl"Juls sed hel'e, ror at Waynesville, ''''Il'~ren County, Ohio th.e year, 'I'hllrsday 1100n. FOlEnler II liS 8 cOlld class nlutte'r at lowing a Sb91't Ilssem bLy Ilrogl'R t he po~ loNi ae at Watnes.\,lUo, Ohio. cO lld ~l(,l It by IIll t , t.. O. Fr sheOI'u li t lh · gy nlllUIJIUIl1. ~he (ien \s w en t 10 U\ It bbme rooms SublcrlpUon Ratos-,1.50 Pe~ Y~ar, In a dvance, In Ohio , ~l!.. elsew~ere to I f'('e~"e ell rde find be dlsmlsQeel. ,1\tl &. '(II'nce ' Bll yes who IlPf'lI t sevt!.'lu flays with relativ es III WATCH THE CHILDREN Kentucky, hos retU1:nllej to ller. home ll<'ar town. We h:\ve been indeed foriUtiate around here lIIr. lind, Mrs. W . R. WHllmaa of in r g:trd to accidents, h~cau$e Of the heavy tr afflc Amelln' \\ ere over nlgllt th at pnsses tllr ugh on our Main t reet. Thursdlll' evenh~g ot 1'.1 t:. 'and M H . ~. T n ker. N w th. t school is out, ther will be more children . ~lI'. .WOllam E<ltol,l, who hilS b ell on tlie lreets all liay long. So let' be, ar,eful 9f them.
ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL '1'h e Rev . HI~l1Il1 e l N. KeYB, Recto r :,)lInlla y : lIol y Coolllllllli ti li . ~ .u . 'II jJ dUlUl'Y !!bur h '13 hool 10 : 30 &,111 .. (A gea 0 tllI'ougli S) Allull W CJrlilJlp, 10 : aO o. m. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH William Sbannon, MInister Sunday scbool, 9 :30 .\.M., Mra. James Garrison, Supt. PreachIng, 1st. and Srd. Bundays or eacl'i month, lP:80 A.M . Evening Servlcea, 'I : 80 P .M. _
MEMORIAL DAY Memorial Day is now past, and we .have the
graves al\ de orated.
Now we ha ve new grave to not from wa r - bu t from foolisl1, reck- . careless peeding. peeding caus a va t major~
'decorate -
FERRY CHURCH OP CHRIST , Byron Carver, Minister 'BIble Sohool, 9 : SO A.M. Morulo g Worshi p, 10 :80 A.M. Prayer Meeting, 7 : 00 P.M. Young People'e Meeting, 7 :00 _ EvenIng ServIces, 7 :30 P.M.
L VTLE METHQDIST CHURCH U. J.:. Da,ig llu. Pflator UuWell Service, 9: 45 a. m.
WA'¥NESVILLI; CHURCH OF CHRIST . • Cofrey, MlnlBter M. III , I~ ' r<ico"erln~. Blble Scbool, 9: 80 A.M. BAIRD~S ]\J I S. n'I'1 Moore Iln d her MornIng WonbJp, 10:80 A:X . ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH t e't . l\liaR M'flry L(Hi Mool'e, Young Peoples' . MeeUnk, 6 i46 Father R. H. Krumbolls, Paator 'rh ur'sdllY afternoon fOI' DulqXI. P.M. , MIl 9seB, 8 and 10 A.M. E vening Service, 8: 00 P. M. LYTLE Miss .. "'h re they wUl visit .:rrU'M '(.' Prayer J\leetlng and Bible Study 'CAESAR'S CREEK FRIEND8 " Bub" Moore, s tllUoflf' d tller e \\' lIh I n·,...."."""'" Wsdneisdar, 8 P.M. the nllecJ S ta l'll! Army. They p;n ..ee ParUncton," lIUn1at.r to be gone lit least two week~ . Woreblp Seritce, 10 A.M. MT, HOLLY METHODI8T Sunda, Scbool, U A.M. 1'. M. , Scaff, Mlnlater , DEAD STOCK WANT~ Sunday Sj!bool, 9::10 A.M ., E. NOl'lCE TO ALL PARENTS' HORSf,S S2.~ cows $2.60 A. Eai'nh81'l. Bupt. WA-YNESVILLE fRIENDS HOGS .25 CWT WOfsbhl Service, )() : :lO A.M. Ilrat Day School, 9 ; SO ,4. ,r,t. Oalf)l Vaca~on Bible Scllool EvenJng Servlc , 7: 311 P .M. MepthlK tor Wor ~ blJ). 111'1 30 A.M. Alao Sheep, Calvea" Colta, eto.' wltl atar.t lie re, · Monday, June Removed Dally , , YAth , claa.~a beino conducted Wbole Wheat , CALL COLLECT in tile .chool bulldlno be1twlleri .t Brc:lds .lifer a chane" for vlrle· NEW HOU SE -the hours of 8:30 and 11: Wiyminlflon 2362 Lebannn 439 ty in meals: The modern home· m aker who Is keeping up with the a. m . Teachera in oharoe WIll JANES RENDERING newer knowledge of nutrition i. 'e w FOIII' !loom li n\j ~ - Two be Mrl. Winton En, Mra. Edith making sure that' all . bread and Acres of O.Ollud- N"ttr· (Jrl!gonlil Luken., Mrs.• ',Claudia Brander.~ roUs .he /lervea are enrlcbed or burg 'and Mr.. Jamee Rade r, whole wheat. In maklng bllcull •• - Vacant - P 88 " ,, ~ hH' -- Prl !OIl , Sourcea or IrOD .l,Iilited by 'commltteu deaioDie' prunea In cookies, cereal., loal brend. pancakes. waffle.• : Ver)' .Rl'llsonaLle. n ..ted frqm all the ,churchea In Ind puddlJla.. They ' a,e , ilOOd cookles, gin gerbrea d. and cakea, the community. ~he ae.. lonl lource of Iron, vltsmin A, and nla· ~he uses vhohl wheat or.. t,!nrlched wl1Jte lIour . Oatmeal Is an eICcel . of tile .chool will continue cln. MI~l usea-the blacker, the bet. lent ·food that add. to the variety ter. Uae In cook In, cakes, pudt't""~\I'gh June 16 and there 'wit and food value of cookle'l be ~ ..epeclal program' open to dings, "bread, aM on pancakes. It 'lout 48 No(th of Aoitte 73 TRY GAZEITE ClASSIFIEDS the pabllc In the Methodl8t II blab In calcium. Iron and niacin.
Let's slow do \ 11. We do not want to h ih.ny 'of lhe'm wi th 'o ur c.,rele 5, reckless spee !lng. '"
METHOOIST CHU,RCH 11. B. Coleman. MInis ter Chureb Scbool, 9 :30 , A.M., Mr. Harold ElIl'Jlh'a rt, Supt. WOJlBhlp , Service, 10;,30 A.M. Youth ' FelowllbLlp, Sunday, 6 :30 P.M.
ity of our traffic accid ~htS . \vhich ) ~ [l Is the list ' of fata litie : I.!ET'S SLOW DOWN.:
-r -_.
~Ir. Adcox and hls wlte ' had come he l'e to attend lhe commencem.e nl /lJj theIr daughter. IIUss Dorothy Adcox, was a m mber of lbe gradBy JANE FITE ommencement exercises for the uatl ng Class. graduation dass ot 1950 were preThe Ilnnual · AJumnJ d inner ",vas aeQl-ed a.t tho school audl torJum, gl veil In ' be home econollHCIi rOOIJl Tuesday evening. M1is~ ' D or s' e·n ot the school ~ uildlnl;, WednesCharle\! E. St\lrr. .Coatea, a liatlve III London, Eng- day even ing, . land, -w as ~8 8ueat speaker. Miss prPJlld&ht of the. association, called <toatetl, who Is t eJochtng In the the meeting ~o ~rdilr. The PI'O. HtUDllton, Ohio, Public Schools, as gram Inclndell two plano sel ections an excha.nge teacher, chose as her by 'MIss ~Ia rllyn Co Jey . and two church the evening of June 18. theme, "«;;,ettlng to Know Eacb vocal eolos by Miss; 'Myrna Rae An)! child in thl, Vicinity. I. Othel' Thrqugh Internat.lonal Rela- Mh:acle, accompanied at the pJano IDviteed to attend. · Ellrollminta Uona," Tho salutory address was by Mrs. Wulter McCarren. ILnler wilt be .acceptsd on the open; delivered by MIse ~ladY8 Kerns In the evening the group attene le~ Ino day. • I a.nd the l'aledlctoty address WI\.S a dance, In (be gymnasium. preeented by Miss Mary Belle Bo· Mrs. ··Edna. Bngon ' bll.!! re/llgnod " . . - - ......... ,..r gan. MIBS Myrna R.a.9 MIracle, one her pos,i t\on liB mUlllc leacher of What Ie • Btu of the gnduates, Bang a aoprano tbe lla'rveysburg cbools', efrectlve A ,Btu (Brilleh ' Thermal Unit) Ie 8010, "!J'odoy I Walked Whel'e Jesus May 3~. She ol'ganzed the high a unit of meaiurin, heat. much the Walked." Raymond HaUJeld, coUn- school bani! and trained 'most of ••'me a. • de,ree I. a unit f!Jf t)! superIntendent of the Watton Its Inatl'llmentallsts. Mrs. Bogan mealurln,' tempereture. A Btu I. 'COu.nty Scbools, [Iresellted ~the 01- ' had beld this position for four the 'amount of beat required to ra~ ope l'ound of ",ater one dearee In plomas i\nd L. D. Fresbcorn, BUP. -years. temperature. A pound of C!0I1 proerlhtendent of tbe HarVeysburg Mrs. Ida CoUlns was called to dueea approximately 12.000 Btu'.. . Schools, presented tbe IIchoanhlp Lebanon WednCJJday, owing to the , awar4B to Mas Kema a.nd M.iSI .death oC her Bister. MI'S, Rose WIIere' "lava" Camn ..-~.> Bag8 Tile HarveYllburg 'High , Hurtt. I In almolt eval7 7ear .lnee 1800. School Balta, under tlje .dlrecto'n ;Mr. ' and J\h·s.Lee Jones and Brasil haa' provided -more th8ll halt or , tbel~ leQder, M~l!. Edn~ Dogan, tamll Y • ,s pent the week end 1.1) of tb. UDlted Stataa coftee ftP6 led ' ' f S' b M I , Tennessee, where they visIted Althoullh the .lan, name for. " ctrlnk Is "Java," U. S. lmpo~ .. p .ay a group 0 . , out ern e 0- frlenda and relatives. coffee from the East Indian IllaDd dIe". In tbe absence of Rev. J. P. Tbe 'BI'ble CIsss of the Meth. cit Uut .nlme are relative!T 1l~t. Tbombqry, the In\-ocatlon and Beil· _ _ _ _ _ _....,...-...:'--~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --;:-_-:-_ __ ed1~t~n wu delivered by Re·v. Cbeater Adcoll:, ~ North Carolina.
..a. ...
r,':!I!I!I I !IIIII!1 ll11mlmlllmll!lllllll llllmIWII I IIIIII"~!II I ~m11 1 1!mlllll\l:~I:i:ttflrn1m!ilml:illllmm lilimmlllm~~mi 1 ~1~~ll llllllmlllmmll
. Red gat llum 'J',.1W It" II red /lalmol ,. rna rll u by tbe U S bur ~ au or Wherles In Alaskan walers In May . and caught 44 deya later In a SIberian . stream, wa.
found to ha VI traveled J .300 milea In tha t time. . .
...._.wi.. .,-~.
Phonl CentervlIl4l 7:156 .
. : MIIIIAI. "~TH ' .; ..... -YiIW calvo. JI:nD OIl farDll Ilia..
Inc '. long hLItory of ~h - caU IA,)ST morta11ty, vetai'lDariana arul' h~ .
.AIIOut oDe calf 0\It of eve~ ave mill have worked out hollllng ~ that .. born DIY. l1vII to produce tellll whIch have ·brought a lDarked
1.: occur,
but U all tarmen would
•• 0.11.
declln. III the nWl\Jler of calf 4eathl. ,. . In avoiding sick a.nd dead calve. a ' little prevention 18 ever 110 Diuc~ .better than attempt. at _1vag\Jlg ammal. already .lck. Before the' nat call crop .. due, the farmer IIIcNld l\UVey lWI calf nurllery. H~ abOlild l>i! lure ,t4&t the calf q~ tera are a&nItary, I. well Ventllat~ and With accUl ,to . aunllght. . \ j" All 'newcal;;.ea should ,e,t the oolo.trum, or "Aist ' mlk", but Ibould not be overfed. .1 CoIOltrWn la ·, blghly wltIi vitamins and' minerals. ~ d8l!l18'lled by nature to give young . arilinall the beat, ]lOsalbIt
l i , ..11 20 . IAcli lui, I A 'fO vlh,. for'
I ,
will ._ve ~ aem.. , apply proved preventive aud treatment method., at least halt .t the total lou could be avoIded.
• Y¥"
"Ev. 1,:~(OW i (In't :Maki''liis lUnd of' _I~' .' _D&II
U~ ".,. 4 - "i11 PblClr en~••~ fer r.,ervl pow." ..,.114.111111)', eOIY ~I.rtl", I
, e , ..U
bO.m .
Proper -
HAV. ~
'OOK 'A r 'HII ....." . .A".
flOW.. MOW'. rOD"." WI'" II . 70 "'AtONSfIl"" Ir 'PI'.,OU" . GUD t •
Fa." rley' H'.' rdware .
!~ I!~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~ fhbD~ 244.
.to , ata.rt Iil· llte. OrcHnaiy mIlk cannOt Some c:al1 death. are; relatedant cow., Poorly ventilated, ~le.. .or U previaua.1oaau from lCOUl'l ~ poor feeding calf and" care' of are pretrD~1110 pneumonia take Itt place. UDlaDttary bam. have occurred,' It JJ1&J: IlDked With Sick calvell: 'Scoura be a wiae cautlon .to have IBrum ' &Ild pneumoJll8. U JiV-en. to eaCh' If. top calf kUler.,)Ikewille while parultea any calva. icournew-born or' breathec1.1I. he'av-' come u a clbae .econd. , i1y. a veterinarian abould : be Recent ,atudles have proved juat CIIllacl ~P~YI u theae are ...... how lmporta.nt hou8mg can be In _ that real claDpr. I. J ___ denote _
Elsie IOVS, "Sof-,Kurd Milk is excllI$ive with Borden's in Dayton. It's the only milk that stays fluid during digestion ' ••• unlike ordinary homogenized soft curd milk whit;h c a a 9 u , a te s or "dump$'" in the stOfTIoch: Because , Sof-Kurd m i remain.• flUid, it dig'e'sh easiElf <?nd permits the body to retol(l lJIore calcium and phosphorus than any other milk." "Barden'~ Sof-Kurd Milk tastes betler. 100," Elsie odds. "There il C:1'8~m in every drop'"
EArI7 New..Yo~ Ifew York state reached uec0D4 place !D the I18tiOD In mlnllfa_ 1nt !D 1810, and In 1I1e decade 1830<II) became the foremoat ,tate In the ' yalue of manufactured prodUct.. It bu .tead117 maintained Ita nation,- ' ltadlrablp ever 'lnce. The atate bu bean favored areatl7 In commerce and 1n41i1trJ' In Ita ,Iollrapblc po.-. aa In Ita aartcl!lturaJ. t:lon aa . taren and mlneral re.ource., . ~ tlte .ater power of Itt .trum•.
tip from E1si.e Swi~ch to oQ.purpos. Bordon's Sof.Kurd Milk today. A.. your 8'0ca~, Borden driver, ' or
call HErnlo" 1275.
We. leU a Complete line of
.Building , Material r
From FoundatiOn, tt?' FinUh at our yard where you can
Keroaene a. weD a. other 1\Iell 11 eften uaed In portabll open·aame Itlateu, The,. mUit \e claan.. lrequenU,., handled with ~an, and , npa1recl promptlT w,hen defect. b.. come apparent. Tlte,. ' mould ne... be atJe4 Indoors or placecl when III.,. 11 of lmo~ Gatlll lIVer. 'l'bt,. IhouJd never be UNcI 1D tIIbU7 cloAd l'OOIJla and UD4U' DO PH.DINIt: 2281 .Rea 011 clrcumataaCe. aboIIId tile,. be IeJt
aynesville .I..alllber· . •
and SupplY
1;1~.~~roJ:===rl.J:=.,jDI= ••
IIumlq 1D bedrGomt after fOIl ,. ban nand. ,
Opn I"I~. Beate"! ' •
.Ide BenaeU .. b..... 21' E. 5th Str"t WLW-NBC'. tIe ':;;~;;iiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiii:'l"'" Yowa- AI· ~II ..... PI'IIPUD 8ST.
FRYING CHICKENS AIao DIahetJc Caaaed ,Fruit.
FOOD STORE ...... 2141
THURSDAY JUNE " tll50 • _ , . , _ .. _ _ a _ _ ..-......
J.'AfiE ,FIVE:
'. '-'-'--------·-·-" --'-~--T
, ,
Dry Ridge A Farm Diary
Llke' ,W.t 'anini You,
By D. J. Frazier ~~_u_u_ ' _ I"""_ a _~f.I _ .6
,MAY 29, 1960,- Memorlal DIlY, tomorroW'. A ' Tut\Sdl\oy holldny gives mnny workers 1\ Ipng week end und 1'01' mnny the holldllY hilS Illl'~dy begtJ n, jI;lO\V man y will really Ileep' In inlnd t h tl'Ue a lg· ulflcance of the day, We thnllk the Civil War veterans Call pro. serving IOUI' uni ty 'lind to), years w e dec'orated tlledr gra.v·es ' wltb JIO doubls In OUI' mind,s but t1tlit "'ua the only way. We come to the graves or our later vetol'unK with just us ",uch' love tlnd devotion, tbey ~lld wbat tlley coUld, a.nu what they hud to do, wj~h high hopcs that it wus the rlgbt-and only way, but sometimes our Call. VlctlODs are wenkol' nnd au I' bopes of peace ar-e rllled wtll doubt. ' Js w,nr the way 10 pence? Is there no otber way than to dOlI troy tbe ellemy W.1ll1 bombs 'f J/I tbls just IL (lay for outings und picnics or rilUSt we , think, deeply ,to rind th ' ~y \ 0 tutu I'e peace, not 1II01'p' ~g (lovel'od graves?, WlllianJ Jam sal wlI;yS . sfresse d the Id ell that tit re Illust be "no Im pl' s. ilion without eXllr Balon," that Is it we do think on these th ings and 1t In our bearts we want Ileaoe. 1r we are moved by' tbe senti· ments 'a nd speecbes of this Me. monal Day, fhen lest tbe good be lost eacb one must do BOltt l~ng about It. We may thJnk Olll' (. Caris too small but that I s the only plnce we Can , start, With our. selves, We an, do something, PflrhU IIH on ly !I~' ll1 et hl :1 g to nJ ' ko more 1I00Qe tn the bousebold a i ' l1!e nelgbborhood, a. CARE pac kage to someone In the n edy :, *rld, ' a gUt ' to burcb 'World Service, something to help ' de. s tray OUl' own preJud 'ces \11m nn act of klndnes8 or frlendUn ss t ownrd someolle ILgalnst whom we have II. 'prejudice, a letter to tllo Editor ai' to .o.1I r Cong;ressmllll If we bave Bome connection. The~e are the Memorial Duy flowers that will last long a lter the c19lt1lup trucks have co~e un~ clLrrfed away the' garden , flowers we haVe put on the grnves of U IOSO love.
"T" .. in "thrifl" is a stimulating vitamin. It add. ' zest to living. It peps up your plaru5 for the future. It can Bafely be taken iJll larae dosel, although even Bmall amo.unhl are beneficial. We recommend it highly I,) all of our dep~i~Of" IW e'll welc;ome youlr, account.
BARnEY BOWLEY AUL turned a Qulnical. eyo on P,Ilis companlon. She had brlabt blue eye. that darted bappUy about th,e dining car, missing notbln,. , "Like I waa telling, you," ahe laid In a birdlike voice, ''People don't r - - - - - - , u sua 11 y thow true .elve.. -Mlnut,. their You never can Flotlon tell 3ust will what a ...._ _ _ _- J person do provldln', of course, he's given oPllOrtunlty." DeUcately s\le nfl)bled a roU. "People are funny, they really are. Don't you think so?" • PaUl nodded sUently. So tar be hadn't becn given an opportunity to apeak but he didn't mind. T~. lady remlnded him of his malden atmt, an extraordinary woman wbo had been mother and father to him. 'S he bad been gone now for two years,
tv..IhopPl", for _. tltHIJfIIOtv.
0 ..
JiI, 40-
Dick and Helen ,Tatum
Baven Red Ash Olga Pocahontas' .Yellow' Jackt~t, -Creech
n. w.. ••rul willIS tlo
fill';';", 10,. 'b'1 ~.d.,
TWIN THEATRE FOR THE ~ENEFlt OF OUR COMMUNITY, we are dropping Bank Night, but are planning to introduce many new items of interest to WaynesviUe. To bring new local emphalis.. the price schedule will be ,Adult. 40c _ Children 20c. Watch our. Show Card and remern,u.,.' the:..;: ---. . il a leat reserved for yOU.
Robel t' O'IRegan
Mr. and
of the
WE, THE NEW OWNERS, pledge to you the finest of Movie .Entertainment through the comina years. For ' your conv~nience we have changed the summer schedule to Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday nighta.
Having sold the Twin Theatre, we are dea!rous olf settling all of our accounts., Anyone owing UI money -> - plelUe send to Robert O'Regan, Box 7, Waynelville. , If we owe anybody - send bill to above Box No.
hilmi, lor inslMl~••" PtUll IllI,4 "" • ,lIbrow. "You're wonderln' how I could be Min Harrington, aren't you, youn, manT U's slmple. The jlldie gave me permission to take my malden name back. That', what I want to teU' 10U about. It's almost tmbelfevable the things that people do. Arch, my hUlband, had a dne education and I marveloua perlonality. " She cUpped her , head and peeked coy,ly up. "Suppose it'l bard to beUeve, bllt I waa not 10 bad MYseU. 10_
NOTICE • • •
8""';""0", M;1l .fbi,.., H",..
Waynesville National Bank
"'''810'', br,lI,. .,tII". ''7'.Jr. "".y hili-
Tothe Patrons
Paul 'sl;Iook bis ' bead. ' :Well. ' .Ir; the wonl an Dext to PREMIUM QUALITY CQAL WILL ALWAYS him moved on and lett ber pur.. riabt .lD front of him. A nic •• BE SCARCE Juicy purae. Now Arch had 'pay and everythin, nice but there It was - in front at bim - the bl, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SUMMER FILL-UP I'RlCES pura-the opportunity. 'lbo tempuUan wa.1 'too much. ~ch telll" She laid her fork down and Wfun, her hands, "NaturaUy 1 begeed him to take It J>ack, pleaded untU I W" blue in the face. I'll bet ' ),011 I:an't PHONE 2371 WAYNESVJU.E lInaalne what he did?" Paul Shook bla bead. , "Be wouldn't llaht with me, 01 I courle, and he wouldn't take the PID'Ie b,ck. He boUjbt me the eov!ot' "~'I' !\tr':m Fluorescenl 'ru!;,.. Iove1leat drellin, 10wn )'ou've ever BeSides bemg dch I~ vitamins. Because of 1helr s!lIlpe , lIuares, aeeD." Her o),u glow~ "1 looked boVine colol1rum Ul rst mUk after Wo. But it wa. m- l. alaMq) - cemta1nl .ubltaDCft that ceni tubes make J:ood' IIglits over Tbe Ghld alllon ex rc slls \ife beaut1ful In "ooll:ca~es. cornices" >llUd cab nets. lOtteD. I .11 never bappy in It." to proten babT 'alv. . . . . .t .For over , The lIen10rs havo' gone ollt the S3me reaSon. tiley , make .......... ~..... ~e fJ'e!ll\men again. Even there .paul \'faa .~ant. "GOd reading lights over beds and loras, tbe note of QUestioning the futU re "THINGS got from bad J.o worse. Arch wu clever but the pOlice almost overbalanced the u"llal note ot Ojltlmlsl'l1 and hope. Pic. :,0& on and we were hunted all over. .. Alit CU,,"IiI" 'SeverAl specil!s of 'pl"nt aphids turea or the t roubled world and I ltayed with him naturalb' because lie wal my huaband and b. w.s are known as "a nt cows," The the Question or "Is there a future ,ood to me. But they cauah& him." ant. carry them about' and protect for the gra duates?" tllrew n shlLdo\I' A Ihadow ~osled her face. ''They them. consuming 8 secreti on 01 over tbe ulual rejoicing at th ei r lIul~ wblc,b th ey yield, accomplishments, even t bolll\'ll tho. speakllrR trl d to' nns\ver It y s, D, EA~OS-Every o.utstandlri g c i rc!.s on the road today would Sunday Willi 11. , dllrk chilly wet _e gla,d to' have the lervlces of ttie two clever , people shown' .. bovl'. day but , today the suh, -Ia mit rhey are Bert an~ Cor ine Oearo Who t ry to outdo each oilier In wire. again; Ihe orop hj liP and ' by at. .~a l ki hg, trapeze work and ot l er' well loved c:ircu. routines. Bert and. tl'rll.OOn It JllRY' be dry e~onglj to ~ or i "ne are playing ' the fai r s thiS, year, and wi'l appea~ In tho CivIc; ' , go on wi th more corn plllJlbin g. ~ Iub ' s Mld ' Summer FeatiVal her e, Thursday, F riday and 6atur~ay, Farming is .Lhe most hopeful 0(" ~ uly 13, 14 and 15. cupatlon that, tbere 18.1l crop fO II~ 01' bad da.)'s tntqrCere with tb work tbaCmust be done. but th ra Is never time to sit dOW[I and WAYNESVII.LE 2091 worry ill)out It, t here is alwny,! ~r tunerall .. ,. plan, "LEBANON Offlc. 47SK ' tbe new Job . til a); ' must be" . , RES. 1ttL .. ' , I' the new Ot:op tbat must be nlantc1 ne4 In' oreter that 'SAND and GRAVEL MORROW · N~. S . R.e'. _e bl" .. f • .-lidioa 'and 80me h9W there Ie Mldom :i 1949. "RetOlftd, I will takti ,a d,aa-, { rltuala'" and cuemonl. BLACK-TOP DRIVES , total crop f:aUure. , They cut down , ta,e'or the opportunll, _lllUeJlled b, ' alI~ be ' ,ffClCUV." TAR IlI,ld ROAD OIL 'my .._enunenl 10 buy U. & SlIvbap the acreage a.n d 't he ' farmers find Bonde nplarly; the 6Deet, ..I ... - L~WN ~d FILL DIRT new wa,ys 'Of railing mqre ' crops observecL IUId IDOIit coD\'enlenl Jnftllimeat In on fesl . lands. Pests come and READY·MIX CONCRETE , ihe world." If JOU .top to tbIak 01 ,11' there'. _ boner lillie thaD rIaId they nnd new ways' to combat BIle plCllleci tIP bel pane aDd EXCAVATING anU DUMP · TRUCK STRVICE _ 10 ...... buUdlu. a coiDIortaLle them -and so It goes. beamed. ' '~bion (01' later yean. Upoa Memorial Day ~lo'We'f~ tell the ' tricked him. That' ,W~8n't fair, W8I rI.,., t1. S. Sa~p' Bond. ",ill Ntum 10 _)'08 f01,ll' ,dolla... for "cry Ihree story of ~hether It 18 un early Waxed Furniture Ore,oD FIre PrecauUoD it?" Paul sbruaae4. dollar. )'OU pl1l Juto them. n.e, Beason or a late 8ooson; Last Furniture that has hod loo m30), AbI,aU Harr~D l,Ooked up, her ean be bo~lhl reolarly ander two In the state or Oregon; .U Inter~ heavy applicatluns of wax or polisb nal combustion engfnes and tr.c. year ,we picked the last the " rls 8prlghtl)' leU .,aln. "'lba"l m7 'eo.venlent parch•• ln, pl.nl, Ihe without .ufflclent rubbing and pol· ·tora uaed by lumbermen muatbe ' 'rELEPHONE, 2291 and the ,peonies lind tJlo U ~ L11! ".tory. J'm 101:1')' If rYe bored y<!u P.~ S.'l....· ~ when yoU are 1shlng gBtbt:rs and holdl dirt and eQulpped with an approved, di. u. white rOlel were In 'blo'om btu the but rve alway. thouabt It W81 a emplo"ed oithe Bond.a·Montb .Plaa WAYNESVILLE. OHIO au.t . ,ood example" of wbat People will a&)'Our liaaL ' ' ,' tIn~.her . Ylillow roles were 8'One. Tbls year • 0 & II ven .......... ~..... , d We are PIcking the early Iris Paul .. 'l noda.d·IilenUy ......... --.. and paid th4 ,the early , p~ieB. ,r he yeUo,\V bUl She picked up her pU1'lle . and rOl611 • are -, In, bloom but not the beamed at him. 'J!hey r~ 1oI.~r wbUe oneil. The lemon 11l11ell are al\d made ' their way back to their aeatl. For the next two holirl Ibe not o~n Y,et. The locust trees prattled on about ber family" and , are In ' blpom. The snow b ,a. 11 ' fr-1endl, bll ' famllj and ~lendl. She HERE'S A bUBhel and . the spirea and some of alked many QuelUolll and anlwered FRIENDLY 'SUQGESTION them benelL !i'he Journe), wa, over the oth,lIr fJpwe~(ng · bUBhes are too loOn, to 1u;J~ PaUl \who ', 'w~1 en· mE THE MONEY. 20 IN(:H No ' one heed ' wieasy a.bout their prime. ManY, flowers have jO),in, b,lIllIelf immenlely. :rtae trilla unexpeoted funeral expenses. We ' . ' »ulliD1 in wa. aivlng RO~ BEARINGS 'ON REEL, DOUBLE · ACTION are prepared to extend ' any financome out Blnee Saturday we were !jerUlOb, placed a protect.lv.e arm ,clal cooperaUon a bereaved 'f ru:ll l1y wondering what there would be lteaely ber. Be jumped down and' a.UT~t RECOn. STARTER, BRIGGS STFtATTON may require. , to take to tbe ' cemetery. turned to , help. Too late, bo law 'tbat one of her hnb bad cluaht NO FORMALITY, NO DELAY, TmDono,w t hfre ' wtu be bands CIIl 1be Itep and thfoWD ber oft balENGINE. AND NO PUBLICITY. paying and lpeecbes and , picnics pce. B. caupt her n..~. ·
Waynesville' Farmers ExchaBlle
Clf// ?u/¥hs
1,,;~~~~~~t7~.s~·~'T~r.N~:",~O~"'~m.~~.. ~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
and accldenta and by the time ; .~-= ~= 7 = '~~ 1upeCl. you read tble It wUl an be oyer. ' , ~·h. till,."." IHr "., . . ~e nowerl wtlI be laded 8114 gatl)IHr ..... ,.." ,. ered up by the junk truCkl, the ,UIUrH ~ Will " .... h
IlpeechM will be forgotten and the papers will be run of lIIta or the ' D'- ..- .. •..ed or WPlIIlllell OYer
hoU_ ad IIOdllIaC will
"00'-'0""""" .,."".,. tIJ. "la, 11M ......... . " ~ III .... 111M • • " " " " ' "
"'RIa eyel raIH4 to 1Ia'.
.... telllDa
-'I.ID I
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an fIIDQ TOIl . . . . . .
_tuDiQ':" I '
,"a_De Fanuen uallllre '-
. ,I.
', "c:C~U'E .' .JIIEIXL "HOME ,., WAY ••• VM.LL " . 0
UDI. . Joa .. tall what people will do. . . . . .' 1~_ _ _ _ _IiiiI,!I!!!!!i!!!!I!B_ _ _~~_-tliiiil!!!!iiiIIJ
..... u.
' OR'
Power Lawn ·Mower,
by....... don.
tour _
Thursday, June 1, 195.0
On The
Payroll By RldI!,rd BIU Wilkinson
Farm Commodities Pose Big PTqbleDl Government Limifed In Selling of S't9cks . At the moment the governmen~ owns apprOximately $1.606,365.438 worth of farm commodities, purchased througb the years to sup· port farm prices, agricultural de· parbnent orocials r eport. Products stored in government bins inclUlle .S.5 ~llion bales of cotton, 145 million bu~hels of ...heat. 167 millon bushels of corn, .22 million pounds of linseed .on. 294 million pounds of dried milk, '19 millIon pounds of.dried ·eggs, and quantitlc.s of various other Item a, What's become of it all? . It may be disposed of, In varioUs ...ays, but not dumped upon the
The Pftr1lDlea' 1ec1a, ha. 18'1 mlDlOD bullela of Amelio CIa'. ftDest . eol'll atOte4 1ID4er the . prtc:e nppor$ plaD. 1'11. laealiOD la, wha' .. 110 with II! open market to compete with com· modiUes now in private ownerltrlp. To do 10 Would flood t!ie market and deprell the commodities ' of· fered far below support prieel. Tbe ,overoment would then find ItseU b U'7 1 n g the commodlUes placed upon the market. . '!bele cpmmodlUel, however, ean be 101d should the market price. Itrengthen eonslderabl7 above support levels. Tbe lovemment hll two method. at prellent of movin; commodlUes. Tbey are: (1) Permadlnl the consumer to mereale· ·thelr ,ur,chase. throulll aormal purchasin, ' channela, thus redll~ the 1IUP,17 and .. ralllnl the price to where leWerument .toeD co be put on the market. ~, reduclnl mppUel to a point . where mpport prlcel would become unnecessary. ' (2) Ma!l7 of the commodities m ,overnment Itoc:Jq,Ues ue 1ieJn, dQtributed to Ichool lunchroOms, charltab18 lnIUlutlons, IncUan at· fain, and needy IJ'OUP'.
I,. aora ',raJ
UD HAD SEEN the redheaded girl In Mr. Jones' outer oWee every day for a week. Serve Dainty He himself was 8 copy man, and If she were alter the same job When Entertaining .-_ _ _ _._,., that he wanted it would compli. Prospective Br~des -Mlnut. cate thlngs. It IT WON 'T BE long now untU c i.I this Fiction . would chances of sue· you're in the m idst of enterta Ining all the girls who ' - - - - - - - ' cess fn half, and will be married It would be rather embarrassing In the romantic because--well. because ho thought month at Jlme. she was an awfully pretty girl and , If several ,of .he liked the way she held her chin )'our (r i~ nds are high Bnd tried to appear brave . to be enter· On Monday 01 tbe second tained. be ready week. tbe redbeaded ' , tI'l with fresh aDd dropped ber bandbar. Its COD· tempting ideas for food. tenta spilled an over the place. Keep foods dainty and serve them Jud belped pick them up-Upattractively on your prettiest china aUck. a bunch of keys, a pawn and' tableware. ' For a luncheon. ifokeU Jud'. Up. tll'btened serve a main dish salad or a lovely wbeD be IBW thd. Jut al be casserole. Add to this tiny rolls or 1b0D....t.-lIle'. bad to paWn mulflns. and a seasonal dessert. aomeibbtl' In .order to llve. Showers may be In the form of Of course the handbag episode luncheons 'or evening or garden ,ave him the Uberty of talking with par1ies. 1.f the le.tter ~wo, tben her. Without balf trying, be got her you'll need only a glamorous dea· Itory. It was just as he figured. sert and beverage. You ~ay alia A sad tale of deprlvatlon Bnd lost pass a cool beverage, mints and hope. If only ahe could see Mr. nuts whUe the girl opens her pres· Jones. She knew he needed a stene ents. STRAWBERRIES MAKE beautioarapher and Ibe rea1l7 wa. awful· ful de,sserts for occasions 01 this ly ,ood. A determined Ugbt csme into ·type. especially if they're choSen trom these ; JUd'. eyes. ' lID orin, the protestations of the -StrawberrY AD,el PIe. switchboard air}, .he burst through (Servel 8-10) the railed·1n Ipac~. crossed It In' tell' wbltes two bouncbf and tbre.w open the ~ teaspoon ' cr:eam or tartar door to Mr. Jones' offIce. J116 teaspoon sal, Mr. .Tones was slWnI at hI, 'desk. 1 cup SOl'ar .moklng a cigar. He looked up with t en yolks a ' ltarUed expre.slon when Jud en• . 1 P,aollare sliced or wbole tered, He hid heavy jowls and a fresb frozen au-awberrles shock ot ,rey hair anel beill,erent, l~ cup lopr , bushy eyebrows. a tablespoODI lemon juice The cl,ar fell from 'hh mouth. . 1 cup .whlpplDl' cream \ He 'stood.up. Before Jud could u"~r Beat egg whites u~tll fluffy. add a word, .he barked: "Your name cream of tartar and ..It and beat Jud · Enex1" .UghUy. Slowly add lugar, a lew ''Yes, air." laid Jud, taken tablespoons It a time; and conUnue aback. to beat: Spread mixture Into UgbUy "I'll be damned'" excla.lmed Mr. ' greased or o.lled cake or pie pan. Jones.· "Did lIle tell you who she Bake in a Blow oven. 800· for one was?" . to ·11/. hours or unW meringue I. ."DJd who ten me who who wa.T" well dried out:. Place on' eake rIlcllJud asked; beginnln, to thlnIc he \0 cool. Wben almos~ at room tem· w~s mistaken tor .ome one else. perature, IQilsen from :sldes and bot· "My daulhterl That redheaded tom of pan and place on senin, Ilrl in the outer office?" plate.. The top and center 01 the It ....as Ju¢·. tI!J'n to 'drop a clga~, "pie shell" wlll .crush In to r~c~ive if he'd had one. "Your daughter? the fillliIg. When at room tempera. ~at--th'e girl who wanta a job ture, s.e~ aside to chlll. WhUe crust II a tltenoaraphet?" Is baking, mix egg yolks with Jldce dratned from, strawberrl.es that bave IIIr. J _ came rCR1ll4 ilia been put Into colander or ' sieve to • •_ Be ".. &bert, bat roImHI • thaw and drain. Add· sugar and Be I'wed ap at "YH're coOk In top of double boUer unW hind ... · be ..... ". I ..t • bet, thick. Stir often whUe cooking. ao ,you're blred, Bat you'4 Beating slightly whlle cooking will hlter make coocJ, 01' 70a'ro . give . a flufly text\lre. Add lemon lIred.-.Get that!·" . juice and chill both the strllwberry "Shut upl Do you want the Job. mixture and the drained strawber· or don't you?" rles. Assemble pie· by spreading Mr. Jones .t!lDted out of the of· shell witli a bit of cream that' bas tice. A man came In another door been whipped. Spread In strawberry filling. Strawberry Velvet Pie . (~akes 1 9-lncb pie)
Questioning God Lesson for ·JlIDe t, 1950
UnUl recently, the earn earworm has prevented proDtable • wee t com I1'Owinl. especially In the South. SomeUmes every ear In a . crop is infelted. Such corn cannot be 10ld. .. Now ~e department qf apicul· ture has developed a spray taIDln, DD~. mlnel:al
FARMS AND BANCHE~ t\CRES-M ende County: rl"er
I~!:,c~~I;!~r r~"~·~I~h o.!.':.~f :'~~f.~ I:~'?,~~\ I ~Il
tom . hlrm :
good house.
bot· nnd
'-..,._________--:-__.JI bus to door: prlee _
II BIIl. led bls own bu slneu; our m nCl'hlne stnr tlna many lervtC!1t bmunesse8 ; c08 t $oI!50; pooslbllIU •• 115.000 ).enrly. FI.b.r'. Suptr . S"I••• KI ....... . !!~. rho!!~ l! lP~8. --::c=--:--==-~-:"=-- CIVIC ' or B ... lotliU, MeD' s C lub wllUn. to SCRIPTURE RIBb l kkuk AUIS! In flnnnoing lI iht .manulucturlnll DEVOTIONAl.' h'AoING: p.alm 61 , Indu s try with no Iny-oUs during n de1.7. . presllon ~ nd cmpl0.1u.1I 20 r eople ... Writ'l r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , I P.O. 80x: 1:1!K~ . vln alnnft' I. Oalo. rOUR
. HABAKKUK bos been caUed ule
prophet who dared to ask God questions. 11 he had not asked thue que~tions he would not have had his answera, so we OUght to be thank".<ak. tol tor hlm. 11 he had meekly • en It" without (so to speak) talking 'back to God.. he hlmseU ml,ht never have be, . .c ame a pro~het and we might h a v e missed the truth Wbleb he was en· a\)led , to see. 11 tbel'e had been morning papers In thole days. Habak· k\lk would seldom have rea d any· thing ,ood in them. Dr. FOremaD As fat local news, It was all ,can· dal Murders, judges dispen,lng Injustice In · the courts. ,Oad people havln', a very bard time of it • . • Abroad, thin,s .·looked dark, The ilant ' nation of Babylonia was on the march westward, and It elld not look III If the nation of Judab had what It would ta~e to ItOP In invasion. . Habakkuk. • deeplr IInll· Dve maD, could 1I0t brush U all ort. Be could DO' . .y, "Ob well, wbat can 70a expeelf" or "I .ee 'be boYI are at It acalD." Be could 110' tbInII 01 ~ba' wu &'Om. on around bJm a. U It were an a atory, • marder-. myatery to ~ enJoyed In 0 ea..,. cbatr. Be oould .a,. "II I. fate" and lei " &'0 ••
Dainty chlck~ ~nd Dood)e cassero le,s offer a della:hUul main dish for luncbeon or 1IeM supper willen yon want to eDter. tain a cI·owd. A aalad accomp.animeDt alld IIrht dessert are an you T(~ally . need .to complete the menu. LYNN ~DHAMBEBS' MENU ·Chlclt:en and Noodles UI Casserole Asparagus Tip Salad Finger Rolls ·Strawberry Angel Pie Beverage ·Recipe Given
10.500. W,U ••• RI.b· Judson, Rr.nndent;.urr. K), . 01'1'ORTUNITY- l;a:US--S::':E"'C:::U "'K " 'I:::T:::Y40 A. Farm. 32.~ A , CQul Mine equip!. Wrlto for detn ll •. Oay Va",bn. W"ln.&
Olo!!!.•.~.:.: r'....:; O.:: h:.: lo~._ _ _ __ __ RAY. GRAIN. FEED =,...,..-=-"';':';';:';:-'-:';";;;;==,"...,...:;';;;"!-...,...,-,YAUGEIl'S Ohio C.rlUled hf gh ;vloldlnl: <o.h hybrids Illnl malure .orly husk <Ie un. dry quickly. Clinton ~u •••11 a n!:! , Monroe So),b. p ns. Write fo r circulAr. g~~IV:rn~~.nt~~io . l'Auur Bro.he... · n~ . 11111.
I.INOLE M •. n10 .., Asph a lt Til .. M.Il and PI •• lIc Tile Men : y ~nr·ro llnd Job; top )1,oL,rly r"t~. Rob,r', U.udw lue Co .• Paln •• yUle. 01110•
mliller, •• d
tJ ?J~a:.'. ~ ~::n R . 4, Sp'rlnrflold. 0 ..... rJ,A 1i 8AFE-Buy rc~l. t;;;d·';:':';T::-um-w-o-rlh Gil!:! with h~l\lth c:erlUlcnte •. I\lb ••• eo • . n •. t. A. lnlll •• Obi ••
MISCELLANEOUS nVNl\nOUT. ID·foot HI.Jrln •• 1111 h . p · · 1\·1 condition: exlrus: 11.1175. .. (lhl. C rabl.. .. EdlnbDrr. .nd. )mZZLE C •• I •••• D •• : OYer 115000, For the rlcht 12 ,",ord •• 'Send 25~ tDr Intormolion o"d Pilule uppll.nIIDn. V. I. .I IOREY. TONGANOXIE. KANli\S . l"'OIES: Se.nd for Free .ample ot, "ner· nIDn "{ tile new dry Nail Enamel. No more .mell nl Enamel. or remove ... Write to · ·Den•• D", P.O. BOE :!!O. bJII'ert.IIl •• N , I. BETTIilR Way'. Ea ..a ..... I SeU put.IBndJn, 11.00 o.lorlm'Pot 0 Ore"U,.. Card •• Send Uc for trial bo ... Mell. . ll... II' I'r.lp.e. 81 .. Rroclllea • ., ••••
tealll",on ..1& 2.cups sUced ilrawberrles 1 teaspct'on vanilla extract . PERSONAL cup whlpplnl' cr,am UNWANTED HAIR I IablesJllOOD ,ul'ar PermanenUy .radlcated from 811" pllrt Soflen gelatin in cold water 10 of tile body ""lIh Saca·PeID. Ihe remarkobI. dllcovery ot the a~e. SDca ·Pelo conminules. Scnld milk In top of double ~~n':.a~~ r~ro~~ or ohem cal and wlil kill boiler. Beat. egg yolks. Add sugar and salt. Pour scalded milk over Lor·B• ., Laboratorle. V•• a..... '. B,. O. egg yolk mtXt\lre, stirring constantlY. Return to double boller and cook ~t. .until custard coats tlje spoon, ItlrHe was desperate.. In hi. mlild I ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ring constantly. Remove from bot about It all. "Uneler mIne eyes out. I·i on," he aald water.. Add s<ift· rage and Injury ened lelatln. Stir (1:3, Moffatt', trsnalatlon). Be untU . gelatin il dared to ask . the question. Wb,,, dissolved. Cool. Why does God permit lucb thin,.? Foid In lsn cups " strawberries and God'. Terrible ' Answer . vahilla emut. GOD HAD AN ANSWER for HabBeat ell whites , akkuk, but It did not ntlsfy stitt. in. Pour. Into baked him at tint; indeed It dIsturbed nine·lnch pastry ahell. Se\ in refrlg. him deeply. for ' the answer looked erator to chill about 1 hour. Just worse than the original problem. be(ore 'erv.il~g. whip cream. F-Qld iii 'l'he ' eaaence ot It Wa! 't liIiI (Hlb. sugar. Al'ra:nge whipped cream in 2:5-11): God bad indeed seen the 6 individual "nests" and 1m each wlolted ways of the nation of Judah. c _ _......!~:..!!!...!~~!!!...!!~_ _ with remllninl ~ cup berries. and was loin, to punish 'l be whole , IHnwb4!n)' Mermpe BDIP country by defeat Ih ·Wlr. Be wa. ~~~iOCi(L.Gj~iij~~;-:iiHi;u.: • el'. yolb brl&~nl up apinst them ' the ~ % ,cup .apr • , 'Babylonians (Chaldeanl), an al' the" .biial!!i!il ~ teaspoun vanina ' lrellllve, fighting, ruthless nation: , ,l el'~ 'wbU.. Sooner or laier Babylon and Judah % cup cake noar ..... . ' ould clasb, and then-Smasbl I• . ." leaipoon ..I' . , .( tealpoGD ba~ powaer Beat egg yolks until thick and e Prophet sun lem'*i-eolort!d. Graduall1 dd ka Question. cup ot the . llugar and vaniUa. Beat HABAKKUK KNEW very weU ell wh1t~s untU almost 1ItIff; lI:a~. What the Babylonian armies uall7 add I:emalnirig lugar; bea't were Uke and what they had been ~,;y,wf. F,I)I~ ipJ'e .".)'olk ~Ixtur., doing. But could It be true thait Savings then ~lfted diy lnareCllents. Bake God would actuall,. make use of a ~ . ~ed'Pllper.lIn,ed, 10v..·b7 15- wIcked nat.lon Uke Babylonia 1 God Pastry Incb paD. bI~ moderate, oven (3'11). ) was ' ~ot purer eyes than to beh01d 1 cup .lIted enrlcbed nour 1.2' ~Il,.uie •• Turn ont'o cloth ~\Ilted evil:" how then could a good. God %. teaspoon Silt wi'tfi eOnfectloi'lI!rS'''':sulU. Remove u.se the cruel violence ot ,oalesl Y.t cup shorteniuc; paper: trim cake ed.es. Top wl\li afmiell, even. tor ~ I'llhteou. pur· 1% to 2% tablespoons cold w.axlfd p'aper~ ' Rpll qulo~y. llaper pose? I • water Inslde.lYra):1 In au.a,ted clotli'; .cotil TIle ' BabJ'lolllalll were .. not Sift together flour an:d salt. Cut on clke ,rao1r. Unroll Remo~e pa· God'. ,"pl_lbey did not or I'1!b in shontening. Add water.· per; sp'rea" :Ni\h Strawberry' F'ill· ~orlblp· bllD' Dr Imow blm. Dow M I x to d l'y • ing: Whip .~ , cup heavy cream; 'could G04 Ule his enemle. to crumoly do~gh . fol~ In . two ta~le.spoon. su,ar and punish iII. o,rn people? Does Turn out on light- one eup al ced strawberries. ROll God JunltJ the meaD. b7 the ly floured pastry yp. Cliil!. ]~rost with Strawbern. eltd? Does God do evil that :;'~'::C~i:~ cloth. Pre s s Merlnaue: Combine ~ cup sliced ,Dod ma,. eome? . . upeot my dispoaitJon. dough together. strawberries, ,',2 cup sugar. ' one H b kkuk ' • .• . But, linco Bwitchiri& a , In short. was trOUbled toPOSTUM.IbaYCDo Roll out I,t Inch wbite. ,and '1l!II t.~aspoon sa' 1+,. . Beat by aexactiy the same kind of ques~ morenervoulll4mMh thick. Line nine· wlth rotary: or electl'ie beater unUl tlO!?S that have always arisen when -I'm calm and really ' Inch pie pan wilh mixture is ver), stiff. '1 to 10 min· men who be~leve in a righteous enjoy· life!" pastry. BlIke In hot oven (450 °) utes. \ . .. . God ponder the meanlnl ot tbe SCllNTlhC PACTS. eight to twelve minutes , .Ohlck'eu auill Noodles In Ca~erole powe.... of evil. . Both coffee Dnd tea ' oal(f/in-a contaiD Strawberry Velvet FlIl1ng (serves '5) . • 0 • . dntll--a nerve stimulant. Wl1ile many ' 1 tablespoon Iclatln 1 ;'ablesjlOon salt Faith C~me!l .Through lH"Ople~ndrlnk thom withoutiUelfeo~~ cup cold wllter .. " ABAKK othor-., I14JJti..-Muptiblu. 8I1Irer nerv· " llaa~ bollll1l' water . UK never did get a OUtln088. indflosti on •• ieopJ ... nee•. 1 cup milk t oaac:es . medlam Doodles . complete, logical ' ~nswer to POSTUM Containe n6 caffein --noIJain/1 2 ellS; separated 3 table...oou butler his doubts. Whlll he did g~t was /hoe caB upHll/OUT nInU or diguliora' % cup sUl'ar , S tables,loons Otiur somethl~g m.ore valuab~e! It was .AK~ THIS TISTI Drink 'l'OSTUM ~ . ie.spoon san a two·fold ,answer. First. . WAIT ell~lutrively ror'ao df\.y &-j#qe b"refU/u, " te . .. . Iii AND SEt:! I. I) 1 0...... . IN.STANT POS'l'UM"'-A Vlgorou. "'. ~spoon ..apr 'r. ,.. (to: ..,.) ·~lJe . crushing Drank mRde (rom Hea/Lhrul Wbeat ..., . 1 cup cblcken .lock of Judah by Babylol) wOl,lld ndt be Bran. A l'roauot' or penQral Food•. 1 the last ' chapter of ~Istory. · God ..::.=.;.,;.;..:.::.:.~jr.:::..==~;:..:~~-~ 1. dup mUir; 1 tableSpoon lemon juice has yet to s~tile hts acaount with !4 cup oUves, cbopped .. Babylon,'..and "God does ' selUe all Z c~pa cubed c~ked p~cken bill accounts In October." ., Add one ta,bl'espoon salt to llctlve. The other part of the answer Ii: I)' boill'1g ~ater. (jradul\l1y' add THE JUST SaALL LIVE' BY noodJes and boil until tender (about FAITH. The meanlog !!ere 12:.) sIx ml!lutesl) , Drain and . rinse. Is that there ~re two kl.nds of Ufi!, While noodles . are cooking, me'It two types of character, two ' s'o rts butter In top of doublc boiler. Aid ! 01 men. 0ne .ls the man of pride u;;~:-;;;-~-----:--...:.:.::..~::..,c~our, salt ond paprlko. Mix to a and unfaith, the other Is the man WN __U-;--_E-'-._ _ __ _ __ ,.-.....:::.:::~ smooth pastl~. Gradually add chick· of faith. Ul)falth Irllls • .falth makes en stock and milk, stlrrmg constant- alive. Unfaith trembles and fa Us. r IIW A crust of light, cbewy mer. Iy. Cpok uotil slightly thick. Add talth endure. . , juice and olives. Combine So It Is mtll men and nilInglle ~closcs a creamy velvet· t1ons. At that &fme you miSht '. ·Ie!(ture lUling of lI.'ra.~berrics I'nIMd~le. and ehicken In l'h ' quar1 ' hi this Strawherry Angel l'lc. casserole. Pour sauce over. 'Cover hav~ thoDght, . Babylqn wUl ·I<u... U's a pcrfeel dcsserl for enler. and bak'e In moderate oven (350') vln, Judah hUllo oha,ce. Bid Use Chewing-Gum Laxa'tiV845 minutes, Serve hot. In tbe lIgh' of history, we know • talnlnr the brlde.10·be. _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _-'---....., _ It was Babylon that perlBhed. REMOVES.WASTE ••:N01GOODFOOD ./ Prepare foods ahead of tIme ,Judah that eDdared. GodlessI LYNN SAYS: o WileD :rOD call'telee_ftcl JOlt aWfUl becauie you need ' a laXative - dO .. ·wh~ever possible so that you can ness may bllve terrible power, J -" 'o(d Kitchen Slavery ' K~ID".lIO- ,chew naK·A·aum. feel fresh and rested for meal time. • By Smart Planning but Iince "ts ,odlelsnen, It • rDIIf·.·XUIT III wODd.dully, dUl'erentl Have only one dish at a meal Tomorrow's dessert may be baked haa DO final ,power &CaJnn tbe Doctora .., man, ot.er Jaxatlv. BUlK the~ "Iluablng" acUon t _ . _ ... rl ••• ' which requires more than ordinar;y with this evening'. dinner, fOl ex. real Goll. • Iii til............ Larse dOMtl .t eucb 1aII· Sd IIlibakkuk who .,egan by aalr· atl'l'llll preps ration. If It' 8 to be a fancy Dqlple. dl&MUon. IlWlb a'wa, DOur· Have iI rout lit least once a week questlonl, came out into ,lor. IIIhlPI Uput dessert, have a simple main COurse 'Iood ,au ,lIeecl ro~ ,lIealtb ~d : that can be cooke!' altogethct.' pref. to save meal preparaUon. Alread3 lous talth. The If~at " poein wltb enem ••• you rH. ~, WOI'II out. erably In the oven. cooked mea~ c,an be used sUced. whlcb hil book doses t. a bold aUc ...... taileD as 1'10' WorD lD UIo lower _ahlellr _ When you plan a casserole which heated with p.avy, ill meat' pie and canfellion of faith. No lon,er com· !IlJ1ifll!lii!..a. ILre , requires ' several Ingredients and hub. pls1n1nl. he crlel OIl\. '''!'he Lord ".-:-:- .-.:=-' Tou a.old Arrange ulpment tor conven. God i. my .treDlthI" I : sauce, have a simple dessert such I as fresh or canned fruit with \!ook. lent reachln , and learn how to III Int'.....Uon .. f011ndl l ' Ies that have been baked In ad- while you ork.o that 'ou wt...::.ued_~~m.:n .ave eneray. I'IBtu.....1 • • 8 - III vance. ~~
. .
. .. ",
Planning 'for the Future? Buy U.S. Bonds!
'M ':~A':~""_.~ "No More
Nervoils. Stomach~'
;'or. coone, rm sedou•.• malle a bet wlib Dad' tha, I'd marry·. you," and told Jud to tollow him. "Kate ' alway,s wins," the mBn said. "Here's \oour desk. Kate wants you to go to lunch with her this noon." DOWN, speecbless. "Do JUDyouSATmean-am lone of several
who have been hired in this fash. ion?" Jud passed a h;lnd .through his hair. The man left. Jud sat down at his desk. He tried to straighten things out In his mind, and was b!lglnning to get places, when Kate entered. . At lunch ~!!te sa!d: "Would you .like to marry me?" "Sure." sald ' J;ud, gl'inning weak· ly: . "All right then. Rigpt aft~~ work. I'J,1 be .waiting." .. She was. too. He wondered what was ne!tt He lound out. She took him to a.minister's. 8Jle prod!ced a II. cense.. Jud Irled to IO'ln. De gulped and stared a& ber. "Good lord I' You're not serious about this?" Jud suddenly no longer had the feeling that he liked all this. ''Now listen," he said. "I can·t marry you. In the first place' r don·t love you. In the second I think you and your old man are crazy. And In ' the next place; I'm already mar· . d d b rle an ave three kids!" . Mr. Jones called Jud on the phone the next morning. "Mister, you're -at1l1 working tor me If you want the 30b. I . won a bet from Kate•. and it's cured her of her .creW)' notionr. Come on down. Your .lla1')"11 doubled."
The lIew spray, when appUed a' 'he rleht ' tJmes, win . ellml· , nate earwl!rm and pay In I'rowib bealthy corn on the American farm. .
water that may be appHed 'to silks and husks of t:evelo.plng ears. Wben applied at right times it kills worms before tbey attack and ruin the corn. R. A. Blanchard. bureau entomol· 'oglst, developed the method. He tested it In the field during three Mowing seasons in Texas, Mississippi. Missou-rl. and ·Illinols. Ear. worms 'were controlled in ever in· stance, he reports.
.January· Exports Pass $ZZ4 Million Mark January agrlcult\lral exports totaled $224.300.000. the agricultural department rep~ Colton topped ..DO 500 th e total w 1tb ...... ,000. Wheat and wheat Oour were see. ODd to cotton. valued at $47,300.000. whUe com was In third place with $11,100.000. Import. durinl the $14.'100.000. Aaricultural lmportl d~ the month were valued at • ,700,000. or approxlmatelT 81 mlDIGD mOl'l thaD aporia. . I
C8., ,=,lIt Itlb.
' I
tra.!'--!f •
Junior Style Will Serve For Graduation, Dates
Relieves Sorencsll, Aches aud Pains of the M u8c:les.
Sold at all leading Drug Sto~eI. A sample bottle FREE b,. Sending thi8 ad 10
THE SWANSON CO.-Nowark. Ohio
:.(LlAN5 A5 IT DYI5
All 'ab,," • Guaranteed • 10_ • 201
, Sometbln, Special RETTY ENOUGH tor gradua· tion or special dates 1a ter on is this junior style that .c ombines two fabrics with such charm. Or have it all the same fabric if you like.
• • •
Pattern No. 1958 la a lew·rlte perforated pnttem In I lzes 11. 12, 13, 14. 18 a nd ~~ ~~:d.12,;f2p1a4"f:grl':,' 3~lIlcb eyelet;
The . prlnll and summer FASHION eon, lain. 48 PBlles of easy to sew, attrllctiv e Bummer IlYles; special fabric new.: free p.ttern 'Pr(nleq 1Ii.lcSe lbe book. 25 cents. , SEWING CII\CU: PATTERN DBPT• • S ••1k Wella SL, Olal.a,. " Ill. Enclo.e 25 cenla III com for' .aCh palleni clulred..
Patte"' No. • ••• , •• ,'•••• SLae •• I Na.m e
I-R..nleln Il.u.o,-DO w.... ................ bouIn. _ bU,l l1o.,
Z. Eda-a coatiag-Thlnt _ l rood! ~I.'.D' <I_mel aD
"ISdn................................ .
Horsepower The gang forem an was talking 'o7.!ith a laborer who had just announced that he was quitting: "What for?" demanded tl>e foreman. .IAren't the VI age s okay?" "Oh yeah, the pay's okay," the laborer replied sarcastically. "It's just that I hate' to ke ep '8 horse out of work."
I. · ~"
••• , ••••••••• : ••• , t •• , __ , .... . . . . .
quer. 00 tla.
3. r..tex
riap-Badl.l .. II•• lata ~ ..."loD .plUl Jar ri_ (oR hl.h ••cuum• •
.. Ea.I.~ ''011''
'00-E...I...... '
I.biud d ..1pt pro.Wee ...., and 011"."
S, Ev.. Ipac:laI Pac1dJur-!'Co prylnll..'" ."po•• 'e, p."ko;.fli.ek to back. "lid. 0111 read, to ~ ,
• Toasted fresh and sweetfor folks eat Kellogg's Com , Flakes fast as we make 'eDi! They're your har:llai~ ita ' goodnesS. Get KellOgg'S Com Flakes. .
MOUS RESORT. 6 mUes from Chattanooga. Swimming pool, golf, archery, beauty and gown shop. America's most beautiful patio open evenings wi~ dancing beneath starlit skies 'to the famous Lookout Mountain Orches~a ••• Rates $7.00 and up daily. including meals, swimming an,d patio danci.ng privileges. (Special family ~nd seasonal rates.) Write to Lookout Mountain eo Hotel, Lookout Mountain, Tenn. , Phone 3·1742 Chattanooga. OPEN MAY TO OCTOBER.
LOOKOUT JttOUNTAIN HOTEL 8~e;~Bc~~t~~;rci:~~~
Tlil; .,IJ.\\ II r:L t. t"'~(
. .~lm~IOOIII~lm~mmlll~mlll~mmmllwlllmllilmll~mlllmlllllllllllllrulllllllllmlllllIlIIlmllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllll
Uncle Sam Says
TWIN TBEATilE .Waynesville" Ohio
uS for insurance. AU types of
Frnacis, Gene Brown, Phone Waynesville 2472 or call coIled, Wilmington 2111.
Top Boll. aaullns. Sand, OraTe} Ibca w1.UIII With Back Hoe, Drna'Une and BuUdo,er
Cu rtoon -
THE YELLOW CAB MAN ! Znnlel' 'I'hlln EVEn !
W. D. 'Naws
Duggs Bunny
$1.00 PER CAR
WunenW.. Ohio
Ph(tne: WayDeavllle 21111
Hid s Hurd in
Th.rlHs u,l\d Chills
In -uran(t at a sa vings.
DANK RUN ORAVEl- Loadetl, ul Davll Furn. . PIt, ' 60 cubic ,a,rd. We alao d.lher. ARKITAOm ,I; SON, Phone 2081. U polmual IDdepeadenee, our "De. laratlon 01 Independence," w'a l pr~ claimed to a youne and vleorolllJ q. LU MDEU - All klnds,in aU 'eDtlon on July t , 1776. when cltbens were summoned to Independenj/e glhB (md wldtbs, Kiln d rtM . All orden" Hall plaza In Philadelphia by the RensoDubie I1rlces . .tentori&n tones of the hlstol'l8 Lib- large Of' 'Bma'n will be delivered erty Bell. The aotual tone the L.". erty BeD will aealD be heard tlu'o.... HOg Houses ACY LAMB, I'bonl out the nation durin, the U. S. Sav- \\,,,ynetl'~lIIe 2701 , . lnI'li Bonds "Independeaee DrivE" May lWDly t. This time It wUI ,pea] Aleo roof, forth a messl,e 01 ftnanclal Inde- HOUSE PA1N1;ING ~lIdence lor the IDdlvldual, a re- biLrn , etc .• cJlpe rlenced patnler. reu' mlDder to every elllllen of the im- Bonable prlcee. Phone 3281' Wllynesportance of lavin,s and '8avlDlJI Bonds. They make YOn be~'.ir "file, HI hl\rd Cllm)lbell, &-18-26-1l·1
"'The Lady From Cheyenne'" FRIDAY, SATURDAY
JUNE 2, 3
1I~l l l ml l l l l l,l l l l l.ml l l l l l ~l lIlI l I m~I I I1~I I ~I I I"1I 1 1ml t~lI l l lml l l l ml l l l iml l l l l l l l l l l l l"l I lIl l ~t~~:E,~~~:::~~~:':: , u., S. 'T" .. U., OC".11111'"
Hot Muffins For the Menu
b' OR SALE - SW et Potato plants, 60c per hundred. All klndB of gar-
den plaDlu 16c per dozeD. Chnrles C. Strouse, Ph mUes north at cor· ner ot Wllynesvllle, Lytle and Ferry roada, ' X-6·1S-25-6-]-8·15-2Z
, :~~
PLUS· - ,
"Captive' Wild Woman"
. JUNE 4, 5
New }lolland )lIck· up haler; used 2 yeafll,' good <:on' dldon, prI ced ' righ t. ' Inquire at Gazette Office, Pbone 21,43. X-&-26-6-1
aUT ~EW8
1004 De.a U y.ear'1 suit loob WOI'll And
Keep lDatlns ".1'111 throUlrJoat napkin over makes I~_ _~a'c .."r
l (U~, .illtd 'enrichtd 80ur 'tIQ>oon.
I ' ••• poon salt . ' ,
l ubl~J_S '..... r
bikinI! powd.,
1 ..~Itlpoons
. I...
I cup 'nul.
melltd .nonmin,
Sift together flour, baking powder. salt and sugar. Beat. egg. Add milk and melted shortening. ,Add liquid to flour mixture, stir. ' ring only until' flour ill. moistened. Fill Ifreailed l1\u~n pant % full .
W AN'l' ED TO RENT - 'House U II · furnished. FrlgldnJ rE' em,ployee, PI;lOl 2, wl1e and 1 c hild (ecbonl age). 'phone 37193, • I,rlng Valley . Ohio. X-5 -18' 2~- 1
1U14 ababbyl ' SeDd It to WI - we'll ~. . atore that t.rIm, Imart ~t, mUe It look lib .e,,1
Simple' lunches "of eheele --;'--u-J;';':::...;<l;;";;• .;ext,ra-2O(1Q aerve them with muffins, hot ... .... ao eaay to make that even slOfUll relulta. • . The m.in inlfl'edient in mutllnt, enriched . Ilour, la both ,thrifty 'and nutritious. Silt flour before meaaurinlf. An eaay way ~ do thla ia to alft • sm.n amount unto a sheet ot Wax paper. Meaame the Ilour, put It ,with other dry ingredients into the sifter, .nd s\ft them toeether Into a bowl. Combine liquids and add to ftour mixture, atirrlng only until moistened_ This is the important step that makes muftlna delicloualy tender. ,Mull\nt· lend themselves to variety, for you can add berrie. In leason, datell, I'&islnll, nuta, or orange rind to flavor. Datell Ihauld be added to: dry ingredienta ao that they won't stick together. but berries, nuta, raisine, orange rind and ,the like may be .dded to J1qu!d or atirred In quickly after liquid and dry ingredienta are combined. Time muffins to come out 01 the oven with the reet of the meal, for they ahould be served hot. If lome are left over, split and tout them for breakfast. MUFFINS l
FOR SAI,E-Ford scoop; Ford ,for 'onverslan kit and brace arm~ lor 'Wood BroB. e Ol'n picker, For.1 plck·up mowing mllchlne, Ford h y ' dj'~lII1C JllCk, 01l' eQlipme.n t good as ne\V. Will Bell cheap. Ross Row· lund. P~lone 3361' -5-25-6-1·8
Bake in hot oven «(26 decree. F.) 2.0 minutes. Makes: 16 to 18 ·small (I ~-Ineh) muftln. or 12 m'edium aized (2· Inch) muftlnB or 8 large (3-lnch) muftlns.
FOUND '- In Lee Haw;c:es BIlI'ber I;Jhop - Package, 1 new ' pro m'en'II blbwn 0):fO~8. 2 sult8 men's un· derwear, l~ new ,p air white sox.
.~.,~_~_~_~,_~,_~._~~~_~._~~! ~.,;
Ask About 'our' Price ,on
Spring Valley, 0-
and Chap,man,
Ir- - -'
Wayr.esV'llle, Ohio X-It
, Smalll or L&r.e 1'0taSoT' '.Recent .tudles Indicate that mOlt bomemakl~ra prefer ~ huy . ' mecl1um"l2;e potato,
- -----_---t___
Phone <t48 . H. , STURM,
.llUulated Brleta azul tOB BI~ns. Sheet motal wort of'. all kiDdII. Local 'Refer.eel. AU work suaruteell ' W~
Route a Wayn..vllle, O. Ph-.. Wa,n ..vlll. . .
. PHiON E WAYN E,. 284'
'D ead Stock Hone.. '1.50 • Cow.. ,1.&0 Bo. . - 26c c:wt. According to SIIa and Condition.
:Jenia454 Il!eVIl'H Ohar..s
Aenia Fertilizer
8randlne Cam.
,a,aloat lawlelSnesa. .
pro4ucta II OHeted In .1-' aoaorcIJnJ to til. VIDA. '
When cattle are branded, the brand In, Ir~ .hou!d be very bot, lVUllam Boyd .. "Bo~lonl but the brand Ihould Dot oe Cauldy" ;lde. hi. ', 'altblu. iteed, bUl'lled too deeply, W. R. 01"'017, Tojlper, aerolS lbe ranges into ~x. A. P. J. extenllon , Uv•• tock Clitement aDd dan,er eacb Sun~y e1aJ1lt.. recomrnenda that brand at t p.m., EST: over WLW- ' mark I)e P),c~d on Deck III' ihQuIMutual' ltl.. a neter-eDdlo.... 'l,bt del' II pos.lb!., \b.reb, proilcUn, tilt bide
DemlUl4 lor Farm ......... A ItrPJI' demand for mOlt farm
WayneBville Locker . 6-1·s·16·22·29
FOR SAL,E - 'Fryers n,nd Straw· berries. J " H. SbolI!baugh Fourth
Phone 37371
FOR B:ALlI!l-Slmm'O ns metal, t hree· quarter size b~ . c,omplete, n~w .coll 8prln,GIS, PrlJ!e $25.00; . Hallih Hasting'S. ' P hDne 2722. X-It
ROOFING Of All 'Types
Spring VaUeyHardware Co.
Relinmcing, Buyin." l~ ,rovinK
PJl~0E8S~All tresb. 3c
lIer pound. Plaut.
Installation and Gas ~
-- FOR_
. To Fit the Income of· Your Farm nrne-Up to 33 .y 1IIir~ Intere.t,-....f "
360 per lb. Call Jack Presto 'l Pholle 2929.
He Defends
Ii'OlI., SAI.:liJ -Fr)tera, S lba. and
Bow mould rayon be lrcIotd 11.1 it won't .et that lhine~ look' Ra".,... abould b - rolled In a turkisb towel to eUmtnate aceu mOiBtilre; then bane thelll OD • ban gar untn .dry enaugb to iron. Iron on the wronl lid. with a' mod. , Feeder 1'1.. A de.lrable feeder pill ahould be erate iron. Remember, w.ter apotl viloroua. tbrllt7 and aleek til bt. rayon 10 'd oo't let it dr3' complatel1 and then bave to .prlnkle it. . • ppeatance.
RUaOlD. r.uy.,o.oPI'ArII roB. SALE - WesUnsbouse elee Stop In and ... th. outstandIng n.... Ih:Ia atove,•• 36.00. Inquire Harlow ~ SN'HOfllLO tractor mod.... II lim.. R. W/o cioruer of Rout.. '181 and 48. savlnll a"ac~ ..ent.. I \ X-lt
BruWan cotton exports durin.
Bottle Gas
WANTED - Man or boy to ~ and weeds. See Editor.
roR HEN,. - 20 acres gOOd pas' ture. InqluJre' Harlows, N . W. COl"~ Del: of R()ute s 73 and 48. ?,-It
the next fe~" "earl are not expected to be ~I hlp u dUl'inI the ,p al two aea.onl!.
.Raral ,
JUNE 6,7
OW READY - Cbrysl\nthemllms cnrno.llons, daiSies, eto.. also (,U· flowers. iit.. John's Gardl'ns, ncroa" f !'Onl 'relrBCD station,. 1\1 aln street. Pliolle 2551. . X - 6-1.8·25-6 , .1
Ir'oIaJq Ba~ona
BraaU'a Ootwa Export.
More Per Per.on U. S. 1I1Ir1eu1ture I. I.ea red to Pl'Ovld. each ,per.on:' in the country with, at least 10 per cent more than ID the 1920' • .
1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImll l l l l l l l llllllllllllllllllllllllllll . . l l11111111111111111111
BUYER!" WAITING Especi~tly
Roy ·E. Smith Broker Rt. 48, 5 mi. ' South' of Centerville•
PHONE CeDtervDIe 7018
·Llve Wire and Progre.atve. An OrgUllzatiOIl leeo~ ' to Don•• StrictI, aeJlert on the belt .all' arolUld market ID the country. IERVICE THAT IAT"'I •• D.lly , Market R.potta: WHIO DQlon, lJ:ISO E.B.'1', Dial }:~: . WLW CinCinnati, 1140. DJal FOI"
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 . .
of the
The Wa.ynesvllle Needle • d l~th with ''MI'S. Gilbert. Frye liB boatesli at ller home, with M1'8. Threlld ~·H club met the first ti,v Ca.rlton Cook, ]\frs. Thom~ Harof J uI.e at the Waynesville ·'H.b dfl n , Mrs. DalEr !?~mrord , ,Mr. Le· Sch; ol with Mary C. Wlsematl In Roy Moran and Mrs. Marjorie chllrge n nd Belty J. Cassld): pI'(>. Scbenk as 1U18lBtants. sld.lng,. Mrs. Walter Wh1t-lker will be 'In . We hemmed .towel's . charge of tbe' program. . and Mary WIseman gave Ull ,MIamI Ohapter 107 O. E. S. w:lll 4~H books, We have Blx neW meet In regubir' session on Mon., bers: EIiEabeth E. MIIl'tln, day evening, IJune 12, Tbe · ullunl KlllwOl'th, Tony 'Morun, flbll'ltl6> . business session will b'o lield. ~ . k 'y. Connl~ .Sue 'Mrs. Sol Drago a nd little Bon 'Sally Lo.U SmIth. We a,re to o( New York City, are the guest, the 4·K IJledge for the next of ber mothel', I'4rs. Alma. ~etergon. meeUng. Mllis Rhoda Bunnell celebrut~d her four~nth blJtbday annlver· Nut mei:lUng will be qeld sary 011 Sunday a ttemoon and had Sally LOu Smltbs home tile as he , /luests 'Miss Winnie Jo day of June at 1 : O() p, Stout, MIsll Marlly.n Gons, Miss. Mary Joan Lynn RetalUck, Miss Patty HUrs! , and Miss Jnlle Howell. .The group en'jayed. a show !n Dayton and Ii. lunch at th .Vum Y,u m dlnlng WALTER dBo8s , room. Fitchburg. 1t{. . . . .1MIIdU f Mrs. Emma Gesrhar~ of Dayton, 1Dc0miDe PreaideDt of 'l'h. I'Int Chweh of a.n.t. ScIea&Iat. ha , was a week end MemorIal Day BoItoJl. ~ tj luest. of ber !lon·ln·law and daugh· . ~Wnlt(r • S'. ' Cro· s s. -of Filcbbuli, ter. Mr. and Mrs. A. H: tublJB. ' ·Mr. and Mrs: Ch!l1'les Chapman MIlSS" hRJl been iiume" , pr.sJdent of Chicago. who were enroutc '.0 Dr the Mother burch, tbe F:rst Atlantic City. recently IIpent a few Cburch of Ohll lt, SCientist, jn days wltb ' their parents, !'tt I'. lind Bos ton, Mas·s ., It \\'05 onnounced In Booton today. Mrs. J . B. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert: CIlu.pman M'r. CrOSB JlIlS becn active. In and little rOn' I' c ~ nt1y hnd os th Ir varlocs ~ a :.: nclt ;(! s .in the Chris· «U8IIts Mr. Rnd II1rs. . Frederlch t llln SOlence' DlO'Vement, having Stanton and son and Miss Mnry Joined the Mother Church .ID' 190'6 Stanton ~f Oolumbus, Mr. ~nd Mrs. and .f<>r lJ1any Ye,11"1f has be.e n Il , W1lliam E. stanton and SOilS ot Ch rlstlan SCIe.n~e p·raet;1tlimer.' Clncll\natJ. and Mr. and Mrs. Ourlng World War I be waB an Wniter l:tantoll of Montgomery. anny chaplain with the 89th a,nd The PrO,rresalve Buslnes8 women 21th D1vtslons. 1 H tr: r t e wl11 hold their June meeting on at tbe Chrisllan ftC l ~ nc e War R.eWel\neaday evenng-, June 7 with Il Uer Dellot III I.e rdnns, li'!'ance. plewc lupper at tbe home o( M),s. . Prior to W~llld ,'rVax I Itll Ilervl!ti Carl Norman, . Tb ' new orflce'l''' II.S Christian Science Committee on wtU be vat d upon at thla meeting. PUblication for t ' e Stn~ e of Mar y· The Frlendahlp Club will meet land. He haS: Rel":ed rt\ the I\ible tn regular . session. on Wednesday, Lesson OOGlIlll.tte w!.lch prefla~11I June Uth wltb a. luncbeon to be LesBOD-Sermons ueed. by all Chrta. served at tte Far HUI8 Party lIo\lse. All rese"atlon. · ~t.t 1e tlUl SotllftCe cbllrcbei fo!, tbe_I'~.!lLii~iii;i4iiiii~= Sunday aervtcell. .:
'lI'r:- brOi~
NOTICE TO ALL LOCAL MERCHANTS As .a movement t'o make Waynes.
lillie a cleaner town, ail merchants ould clean out their gutters each morning . . Th is will not take much time ' If done each day, and , will really Improve the looka of our town to the ":Iany people who pa.s
Local Man Heads' Reserv.e Officers .
Tl. e 'FII· Y I:IOys Ctub anDoll,n 'es Olal the hlductlon has been po:;t. POlli d Indaflnltely bec::tuse of thl'! nbsenee or 1II.J\olsers a nd menlben•. A meotlng "'til lie' hl1ld '\\ odnesday. June 1<1 n l ila 111gb st"bool In." n III 7.30 P. m. All )11 em hel'lI. ti re aUt'ud.
I'I'Qllc8ted to
~~':~:~. ~I~~r::e: ~te~~~~!~r J~:S; 'NA_EU PRESIDENT
HIO, 1'HUI~SDAY JUNE 8, t950
'g ft
•• " Er!'l. ~!aerx~ Pfflcer..-~" Lt.. Col ' Arthur J. WUde~ of WaynesvU!e, United !),'tates Air j.'ol'ce ~eserve, was elected prElJil' Id;: nt of the Ohio Department o[ lIle Reserve Omears AllBoe1atlon (£lOA) at the Department's,25th. an. nual collventlon held recently · In 'ftoledo, Ohio. ., 'I'he ROA Is an organization of Al'my. NaVy, ' Air lo"orctl, Marine ,a'nd '~aBt ' Guard rel!erve of(Icel's d~d· ICuceil to the peacetime tralning of re_GI'Ve of11cer8 and . the developtll,~nt of re"erve potential for Da· lit nat emergencies. Lo),mel W1Jlde has been /LoUve .n reaerve arfatrs slnqe . .1\1 commiSSion .In 1936 on gradua· =-trom Obto s~te Un!ve1'8lty. Last year he served' as pr~sldent of tb'e Tr,1-County ROA Chapter whJch lncludes ,Cllnton. ",arren and Fayotte cOunties. Wm-ld ,War II, Colonel 'l9tth We . ,6th :AIr .· or·c e In the 80UthWest PBoUlc as a radar officer. ~turntng from ovel'!'BU he Will ,aqtgned 'to AMO 7/ here be remained. until ~parattoD -rom aellve service In 1946. Colonel I VUde weara the Legion of Mertt. In clV1Uan lUe he Is employed as •;'llef .mglneel' ot the Aircraft R.j!.dir. tioD Laboratory. EleeU'Dnic Suo. jlv18ion, Eng'lneerlng Division of he Air Material Command. Col. ,ndMrs. Wilde and their son, OdIel live ' at the UnderwOOd Orch~I\S, Wayne~l~, ·Ohio. ,'I,lcb Ilre owned by Col. Wilde. . .
,At 2 o'olock ID the afternoon of May 31, in II. double ring cere/Ilony at the WaYneov111e Methodist CllUl'Ch~ Miss, Ma.rgaret Minerva Harlan. daughter at' Mr. and Mrs. Ernes t Hal·l.an of Lytle-Ferry road. and Rlcbard L. Olaon, Jr., son of Wm. OIBOQ, of 'P utnam, Conn.• ex. cllluI" d nuptial vow·s . The Rev. Bernard Baughn performed , the ceremony be [ore an altar bankild with summer flowero and palms and Ughted w,th tapers In candelabra Ruth Earnhart Bang the wedding music wolle VJrginia Bal'dln served as pianist. . , .Immediately follOwing the.' cere· many, I t J'eception was held at the Far Ii Ills Party House 9,fter which the young CQuple left for a mator trip tbrough the . New England Stute". For 'uavellng ·the bride wore II. cailet blUe gaberdlDe suit and wbUe accessoTJes. ' 'fhe brIde; 'w ho was given ' In mlll'riage by, her father, walked to the altlli' In a. gown. of ice blue satin with a n over·dress of 'Wblte chan. tilly Illce and a. tlnger veU wblell ftlll fro~ a bonnet Qt la(le matching .b'er AreBI. She cariiecl • shwer bouquet of whlte 1'01181 aDd JUlies of . ~ valley. • ." Suzann~ 'Hadan, ftl! b",de'. at. ter, Wll.jl ber on!y attewlaJit and,lbe ~ore a floor lencth dre.. of 7eUo~ dotted SWisl &Dei metcbln. bat -aDd ea.rried A 1M)uqil. of ~' ...... and UUles'ol the vallet. ThO bride-. mother selected a 'Bieeo an4 .:whf~ chJffon dress with blu.cJt &COllSOri.. and wore a. of rosel.
Ill', and lite. J.oul. Frle. linter· WR.L CO TO EOTS , Ullbenlt)', u.nd aiumnus also or "'h)6d cn Sunday, ee(ebratln« PbllJl.ps ST~T.E, CAMP f £~r\ Y Academ'y ilt Andover. tb~lr thirtieth we,1I1 :ng anniversary, W'lth Mr: nnd Mrs. Rob~t MMs. He 18 a native IOf Filch· Wal'ren Sbeehan, sop of Ml·. and urg,MaB8. Meredith nnd daugbter of XenIa; . 'l'he bridegroom 1Vaa ..alated Mrs. Walter Sbeeb.lln. and F!mery Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mr. ond Mrs, Paul "darlfey .. an: C. T. U. TO MEET , • 'dl!-ughter, Mal'Y Loll' nn 11 r. an Tbe W. C. T. U. will meet wllb RobbWs. of Waynesvme, wlll gf) ,Out o[ town gueets for tbe ,w ed· MM!. Walter Oampbe11 of Dayton, Mrs. ,:Adrlu. Braddock .. bOil tess (0 Boys tate at Gamp Perry o~ Carleton J. Stanley will be grsd. ding .w ere; Major apd M1'8. J. !I. as their dinner ~lIests. . on FrIday afternoon, June 9' at 2. La e ' rle, Satul'day, for ten daYII. u_ted with a as.E.E. degree (Bach. Stockton of Washington, D. C., Mr. Mrs. Mary Be~man ol Colum· Mrs. Glenn. Borden ' will be tbe elor of SCience in Electrical Eng. bus, and · Mrs. James Stopps, of leader. and I!11's. ~bert Peterson ot 0l')'8Ineerlng) from Ohio Un lveralty 01) MOTOR TO KENTUCKY ' t~1 Lake, .ohl.o. Mrs. ·Glenn Weach Ytpa Wlert, were Saturday after· .A':11 m'e mbers are ur..,ed to com..! . Mr. Ray Klontz ., and family mo· Sub day , June 11. noon guests 0[ Mr. and !'ttl's. Loyd . a t Loudon ?,fUIs. ill., MI'8, Fred torll!! to Louisville; Kentu'Cky. Sun. Mr. Stanley Is tbe Hon of ltfr. Davis. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ds.v1s· also and anypne interest. II Invlted. Prlcket. ~w:lstoWn, Ul., Mr. 'and d,ay. . Mrs. Klontz ond cl tldrea lUI.it M'rs. Howal'CI Slall 1ey, Waynes. Mrs. George .Har~1U1 or, ~beit~, 1144 .s ,~unday evening «uests, Mr, of Tuscon. Arhona, Mr. and' ,!tlrs. stayed w,lth ftlend~ here whlle ,Mr, vjlle, Ohio. Indiana, Mrs. Norman B~ of and 'Mrs-. , Fred Cole of Ds.yton. '. J. H. Sackett and Mr. ~ Mrs. Klontz continued on to St. Louis. .,He bus accepted an Engineering Carlisle, Owl>. . BuDda,. afternoon ~esta .of Dr. Jolln P. Sackett and daughter. ' Here the board ot' the JlOSltll)n wltb Dolco Produots, DI. . Fo'110Wlng tbe wedding trill, tbe and ~rs. A. E. Stout and daughter Mr. and 'Mr~ Fallis F :' Palne and Afrloan Ohurcb or Christ mission vision of General Moto!'s, Dayton, were Mr. and Mn. George .Malta Jlttle daughter have moved to their met at the Old Folks Chr'stl.an Oh!o. young couple Wtll re/llde In W\fUI h Ington, D. o. of Dayton, Miss Barbara Lou.,Bland home near Washngton C. H. where Homo)" Plans ." ere laid to ~eud I and Mr. Don Beck. , _ they will. both be employed as 'WIPBlona;·les. to Soulh' .J\I, leu Im8y ;JANE FITS Tennes,see, Is ilIe bouse guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edwerd, Kuhn (tbe tea~ in the ~bll'e scboolsl mediately. I ~+--M:Is.a Barbara Bogan Is m ;with bls . siBter<tn.law, Mrs. 'F lorence . ;'i~/lt:t~ -..a ' OMC the meaBBles at her home near cblller. . f~et, Lonalne Blwer) are annoull- • Mr. and ' Mrs. E. F. 'Earnhart • _ _..:;;;;;;:;:;:;:::~=:.::.~-.;::. town. the bh'th of a seven pound, spent Sunday 'at ""bite Lak@,' ~ M.ra. Emma ltrcCluro of Franlf,ln" . Mr. and Mrs •. David' Elbon and I Mrs. O. R. Ford. of .Detroit, , thirteen ounCe son, Edwll.Jld A))ell near Portsmouth. cal ed on 'Miss .May \'Vrlgllt on Michigan, spent severa.) da.ys last t~elr daugbter .JacqueUnd·, of'Mo Kubn Jr .. ~t the MJddletoWD Hoa1\fr. and ~rs. L. O. Rt: lIobn en: week . aa 'the hOUl!egu8Bf .of ~er row, . were tbe guests Saturday of pltal all WrCl~e/!day, May 31 st. tertained to S8turday evening din· HARVEY8BURG.":" Mre. Sara We~nei3da.y. Ml's, 0\1\'6 .Cm·i returnod on Sat· ~ iHter; Mrs. Mary S. P1erBO~. . '. Mrs. Elbon's ' brohe"'1n-~'w. an4 IMr. and'f)frs. Rohert ·M~~dllh. ner .recently and had as th!!lr (Aunt. Sara) W.rd, 117, Of Mrs. Marie Starr Gray, of Day., sl~ter, Mr. and MrB. ' Ben. ~ett. and daugbter Gall, of Xenia, spe,n t guests, MIB,! Jacqueline "St. Jobn thiIJ" communltlll' .bOl' kaown I)l'dny fro;m A short Visit In Clarlisville wltb Mrs. Nenl~1 Madden. Ion, wu a house«uest far a lew Mrs. Carl Moore and. ,bell daugb. tlie put week With her parente, o~ Hubbard, Oh!o, Nancy and and loya. cltlz,na, P....." away, daYB last week of Mrs. O. a. Miss Mary Lou Moore, have Mrs. ,Lee 'Mason of M.r. IlIld Mn. Louis Fr~e8. Mrs. Billy , SetUem)ll'e; Mla!l Barbam a~ h.,. ho"" ~n •• r' H,.rv.y.burg, II'rIe~, Mill. ~eredtth and , little Lou ~, John and Mr, ' {jon Beck. 1Iunday , mOrning, following an ' ·c.a lled · on., her Blel~r ·1n.·laW, ~~s. lett IUld her 'BoA Mr. .Rtc)bEIFt ,I'l'lstulrnBll tbm ;OulaD, Mis"., where Allee ' Clal-k Tliellday, .' Collett. f he'y v1ffiled El'nl,!st "Bud" Moore, Mr. and Mrs. L. H, Gordon bad eKtended IIIn •••• . , 'Ollli were Tburaday dlnne.. gue"U'I Dr. Euim~ ,HOlloiway and . Misa Dr. lI11d Mrs. W. E. Frost iUld who Is s tationed t1leJ'e with t1)e MJ'" J'Io•• le ' FrIel and. Mrs. as their week end gue.t. · theIr, M.... W.rd h.d lived In ' thl. BostQ' acComllalll.ie~ Mr. Setb Mr. ' and Mrs. RQbert Ea.~on, of United Sto.tlil ArlDJl. Roae Frtell~ , nelce; Miss MIriam ',FIte, of Ob1O commuDity for mare than fort~. Mr. lind Mrs. James Rader, and. Mr. and 'M~. 1. i. B\l.I'sl'e wer!,! State. ' flvl. Y"1'., moving h.'r. 'from Fur-Dal to Rtichmond Sunday where Springfield, altond d the.: r unning lhe~· attended Whitewater Qurater. ra,ces at 'n.!Ulah Pa,rlt, MemorJal thei r daugbters, MarSha Ann and among the guests 00 Su!'4ay eve. , The Waynestl1e Garden t Club hel" n.• tlvi M.rlon,'lndian.. All " Day. Ruth. ' and Steve !?~Ine, ot , Kingnlng 'when ~r. and Mra."·,B. J. Hill ,h,e ld tbelr reg~lar monthly, meet· ot"the year•• he Ipen't here were I, meeting. lIfl... Glenna MarSh of Da.y~on.' Mr. and Mr-: HoraCe Simpson man, len ,SlWlday eVllnlng for Iowa entertained tbe "47· 0111b" at tho!~ lng' at the Far HJlJa Party 'HQ\18e devoted. to living • good chrls, ' ~It~ Mrs. ElIsabeth S~~h and tlan IIfl. ahe wa •• ' member of VllIltect ber OOUl!lri, 'airs. LucUe and tbelf chlldr n. ot Pttshln, wer~ whip'e they w ill v:lslt w'ltb frlendll home In M.'t. Heillthy. the, ~lll8tl Sunday of .!'ttr .. Slm~ 11.1111: l'elatlves for n Week: Mrs. • Mr. and Mrs. RaI,pb Hastings ell- Mrs. Evelyn ~dam" as bo~tesBes. ,t he.. A. M. E. ctlurch In Harvey.. ~ltl\ge Sundl\.y atternoon. 801\1 parents. Mr. And Mro. John Stille. who boa be.en spending s~v• tertalhed to Sunday eyen~g· BUPMrs. Athll. F'urnal.l 'p,resrd84 over burg and Ch~lrma'l of the Might 'Miss Helen Meyera of Coluinbuft. SlmpRon. . eJlal weeks ther,e With hel' Ilaughper, Mr, and lt~rs. 'Roy ltlauplD, Mr. tbe OP!!nlll'g 1Ul~ tUteen II,lleJn~erll,1 Mllllilal'Y, 80clety. ' visited ' Dav;ls on MeMr.. and Mrs. Robert ter return, hOlDe ' . 1" and family vim . ~nd Mrs. Jack Banta ,alid Mr. and a.nawered roll eatl. ' II.... H~r .urvlvora .includ. two mortal, Da.y. of Detroit, Michigan. are the Wtb 1;h~m. : Mrs. Josepb 8beets .of Lebanon. OoIIlneJ' read a paper ' on con.. C.'vln Wa;"" who fO'l"m.r:)' J . P, Thornbu'ry, pastor' of the , ViSitors oC JeBP" Ga.rn ... on Mon· ' hous'e guests Qf "Mr. RoberSon'" Mr. and MJ's. L. H. ' Gordon bad 'Flower ot the Month ,- tlle Dftft~" . ' . . na with the H• ..monalre_ OVl" .Mfjl, SUsan S\Chipldt, Carl parents, Mr, Illd MrR. John Rob- ,ronab's Run ' hUrch, has returned ~ Memorial D1iy guests,. ?,frs. WJD,.· !ardel, remlndel's were glvell by WLW, Clnclnn.tI,·' .nd Ne.l,y day '. Hougb of ' WUmlngton OrBOn. flome from Mass:. where Ifred Hartslek lind ,sol!- Dayl~, and several Diember~ aJl!l Mr,a. Alma W~rd~ Mlnne.po,lI., Minn., two and IIlls UrsUla ToohEIY of' Dayton. )I". T.odd :Bunce and . be the llapt 'at convention. ~. EmPlll< -McClul'1!. t~o latter 'p.tltraOD cllm'CI~trllt4!d tbe ,m.~lnl d.u.ht..... Mre. Mabel JohDlon, Day enllerIJ were WlLllam BunM, 'or Lebanon, ... ere · Mrs. W. C. Brown and.' her .sls" rflmjlJnlnl Cor a. tew d,aYI. of Clors"l'e.. of CI.v.l.nd alld Mrl. AUpe "Y Bl'OIWn, Spring Valley, "the guest of friends and relative. Mrs . . Hiram of $1'110, till'. and . Mr.. Elmest Harlan The weetlnr adjourned, follow. Killn.rd, of H.rveytbUrll, ~n'd , Lee TaI~aJ~I\, M~\ and In CinCInnati, Sunday. ,~ ' were callerS tn Mlddlet~wn; Friday ...ere Sunday , gueats of Mr. and 1nl the interastlne proP'8Di, aDd .ev.r.' gr.ndohlld,... and ar••t. Mrs. Mrs. Ernest MsiinOo,\ an4 M;I.a M af"-moon . mo.... Mannon aU of f'tlWQgtOI1. r. ond M1'8. Eugene Bnodgass .., Mrs. Robert Peterson at CI')I8tol durlnr the aoclal de1lcloUa Ice ar.ndohlldr.~. " H. r lIulband, IlIWOjll J:JUnday calle..- weir. Mr. and bu.vc purcbasEtd the. farm n.,,,vlloU'R- ,1 MIsse" Ma,ry Jalle Moore, of LaIIe.. cream aDd cue ,were lHIJ'Vecl. SlImu.l. preceded h... In death, ". ~ Howard D.. vton was a gueBt Sau t rdII-Y. 0 f ~II ',M,arl1rn l\u1'8ke aDd Mr. Mlill Sarah CODllJr, brld...lect. .IIY" y..... aoo. E\lgene Oldendol'll'b, Mr. and Iy owned bv " Yr. ... ' and M-. 'D ", FUlleral .. rviOla wlr. ..". M1'a. Waldo aeplocle, all of D~ytoll. Haas. Sr. The farm Is loca.ted her [JIother, Mrs. MjllIle Moore. Dale Duffee or Bowling Green Un!- was complimented on J'rId~ e... venlty, were "eek end peata ot nIDa by Mn. C. E. E4KinstoD wbo ctuctad WICI"....' .~ 1 Po m. Mr. Wilson Edward, of Spring' north ot the village on JUdge Mra. Minnie Ccon Is III at her tbe fonuer's parents, Mr. and Mn. entertained wttb a lineD lbower at at th. Ip"lII"el' ohurch, 8l1go. field. and MI88 Margaret Russum, home on !\taln street. . J. J. Burake. Ilr: 'and Mrs. Bunle ber hom•. , Tbe evenlq "u ....." Itn. LIOn. P ....reo~ and Rev. 01 DaytoD. visited their aunt, Mlae IIr. an4 Mrs. A. D. "Buster" Mr. and Mra. Howi.rd Grallam ,."llp to Bow11a, Q~ 01l Friday pleuUltl, lpeat, ." theae rona. MoOlIl'Ij" offlolatecl. • ........" EdwlU'ds SuD4u arter- Martln and tbelr eon. DoUa!as, bad as their house guesta scvers:1 to att-..4 the lra4ua\lCln Mia olallllDatea aid tMCbent anet tbe IlIterMttnt Ia oharg. of .... ",_". apelt .morlal Day, In Mentor. ~B last week, Mr. and M.... M....I,... beulOr ",eat " . . pru.atcl "Itb L........ HomI ] __• KeDtuc1l7, .. ' tile m8llta or IIr. Ho~er Kirby. of Indianapolis, Ind. IIr. and Ill'll• . W. II). StroUd .... ~l ..l~ ,Jlb. A WU ..... ' In .... ohlll'Cfl ......,U •• '. . . . MartIn'. II1'RIIdPlU'enw, Mr. &DIl Mrs. OS88 Harlan was a dbmer ceat17 ball .. 4hmer .....tIi, ..... 4aIDQ- dtIIeit ooat'It WU Hrn4 ~ ...,., Mrs.' 'A rthur Martin. meat of MM. Beaafe Coolr, of near
coraag~ y~Uo.W:
.~r!a~:g:~::e~ h~_t man
lIIRJl~n, O~IQ.
M~S., H~nah
w.r~ an~ ~tQIe,
.... lin. Wade
ad .... ' " -
...,"ofd. ,......,.r
00I1i... . of
NaaIlvUlt. WaJDa_VIIIe,81m4q•
Thur day. June 8 1950
YSIS---, ,POLITICS: Are Both Porties Split?
Nation Displays Might. on First AImed Forces Day; Atlantic Pact Nations Announce Defense Plan$ A Workable Team
Junior Pair 'for Summer Gayety irIs' Dress Combines Fabrics
Very Strict ot Times Observers are wondering If tbe Republican and Democratic partiE~ S M;ILWAUKEE - CoLe y B . both are going into the NovembE~ r McAlister, 37. has learned that election with split political frontis, judges can be very strict. The Republican trend came 1:0 McAlister was released from light in tbe Ore gan lenatorlal pri· the house of correction after mary which was won by IOOepel1· aervlng SO days for vagrancy. dent voting Sen. Wayne Morse. Hli. A- couple at days lat~r he campaign Is not likely to resembl:e Patrolman Clement stopped any oth er Republican dr!vel W. Schmidt I .nd said: "Take me faU. ' In. I want another SO days." , In PennsylvanIa. Governor J!lm~! . Again he was taken befQre R. Duf1 defeated tile old guard R,,. District Judge Harvey L. Noel· publlca~ s In the senatorial , prl. .en on a vagrancy cl),arge. Said mary. " the .defendant: ' In many Quarters the Duff and "I've reconsidered my propo· Morse victories were seen as SlgnLS sitlon, judge. 1 don' t want any that many RepubllcB,n voters ~Ink more time In . jail. What I plan the party needs to offer more than 1:0 do is writ.e to my sls~er 'In mere opposlUon to President Tru· Greenville, S. C., and ask her man's :F'alr Deal. for money to return home." On the Democratic front, a few "Well, you can do that when more cracks have ' been added to you're In the eo~nty jail," r ~· the spilt caused by the civil-rights plied the jUd![e. "There'll be contlict started In 1948. pen and Ink." Southerners are still batlling the "Oh, I won't get any money p~og .. am, aDd recently, have gen. if I have to WrIte from jail," erally opposed Truman's plans for MoAlIster sold. more government spending. The "What difference does It Branoan plan has added fuel to the make where you write the letfire at dil;content among some ~,f ter to your slst~?" the President's b est westerin "It makes aU the difference friends. In the world: I planned ' to teU With these points ' In mind, the her to send me money because September and October political 1 was sick." speecnes ot both parties may prove ''That would be obtalnin, , money under false pretenses," the most interesting In years. Meanwhile, a hlgh·ranklng Re~ saId the jl,ldger, "Tan day. in publican took another swing at th,e the house , at corr~cUon." President. charging that be ieeks a "rubber. stamp" congreSl elected ' -___ In November. Said GOP national ehairmm 1f
I (EDITOR's H01'lll:1 WIle. . opL.lon •••••• p •••• ea In the •• eol.mDI, .... y .re tb ... or iw •• ltr. N....palln Unloa'. lie. . . . . .I:r.b aDd Dot ••••••••u, or 'II"" •• ..,opapI •. ) ~RMED FORCES: Assails Truman
Any doubts that observers might bave entertnlned about the SUCCl'llS of arqllid forces . unification In the ,United States v,ra$ dispelled with the observance or the, first natIonal iArmed Forces D·a y. For the opservance, America's fighting forces across the world paraded In tile mightiest show of power since World War II. The biggest show of all went on In Qermany where more than 85.000 Yanks demonstrated their readiness. The day's message to the world was plaIn: Il'he' United States Is awake to the menace of Commu· nlst aggressiOn aDd Is l'eadylng defeMes. ' President Truman ' took the occa~ .ion UI tell the pubUc that If call) ~e81 had passed his universal mil. .itary training program five years a,o "there would have been no cold war." He allo invited IIll AmerIcans ''to take Itoek of the state of our readi· Dell to defend ouraelvel a,alnst a,peallon... And, In ,eneral, American. wer~ plea.ed and impressed wIth what the, .aw onpa~lde. Although the force. were leu in number, they .eemed well trained, power.packed ~ts that jwould form the backbone of new Uinte. mould ' the lituation arlse. ~, naVJ and .ir force put on • united .front that wal J)le..ln, to oj:lwerven who remember recent unlfIeaUon Iquabbles between the . lervicel.
Sen. Roben Taft Is ahown above .peltdur over .. naUonwide r .. d I 0 network. He cbarred Iii his .peech that tbe adminlstra*loD bls ahakeD the coDfldence of the people and seeks to elecl a "subservtent" CODCfCIS' to voie Into I... poll. cles tbat woUld wreck the COUlltry.
--========-.. . .
A· ' Foree Draps 1l101~SiUldS ·of Me~ . "'
Pretty and Dainty ' AS PRETrY and dainty as can Guy Gabrielson: "The 1950Trumllil 1.lUe. West United now are clellr. President be is this . yoked dress for At one point In their pollCy malt· ha. asked Ule voters UI live h1m III ' YOWlg girls that uses a soft eyeCbeefral ComblDatloD log in recent y~ars, the Rusllans rubber-stamp congreu that wtlil let fOil yoke and pockets. Three realoned, and not without baal., approve bia proeram ot lodalI OUTHFuL skirt and blouse buttons close each shoulder make that the western powers would 11m." SOUTHERl'J PINES-The , ~ combination that's Ideal ' for ing it easy to wear. never really be united. That rea· air force, in cOllltant leareb for the p'opular IIquare dance. The full lon1nI, bowever, hal received a WINNIPEG: new and' improved methoch or de- skirt Is trimmed with rows . of ' Pattern No . 1l1li4 Ja a sew-rlt. perfoterrWc Jolt. W bUd f t d Ilverln, men and equipment to , colorful ric tac, tiny rlitfling ac· 1aled p a ttern Jn~.IUI 3, :t.. Ii, e. ., AIld , ' at ut , n e eo e . "'ven area tor defellle ' or attack. l . u ", Size •• 1 y ards of 35 or ~lnch; The 12 western natiolll, mem.. cents the peasant blouse. .,. yard contra . . .. bert or the 'Atlantic pact, bave Flood battered Wlnnlpe,' llowt:r recently eompleted 1be lar,en maagreed to pool their economic and returns to normal With nearly • neuver Ilnee the war in wbleb IEWING CIRCLE pAnERH DEn. mWtary 'might into one vast armed flftIi of the clt7 at one time unde:r thousands or men and tOIll or .upP.ttem No. l8O't com,. In .l&eI 11. 11. 11M I •• ~ W.U•••.• CIII •••• '. III. J3. It. 18 and 18. Size 11. Illlrl. 4V. yardl force, centrall7. directed UI re.11t water, the cltizenl railed a banne:r pUes were ,dellvered by parachute, of Enelo.. 2S Olin. III CON for eacb 311 or 3S-lncb; bloUAe, 1V. yard•• oaltlm _,de'lred. . Soviet aggressIon. proclalmln, they were ~ 'wet bu,t In the flrlt 48 hour. ot operation a • • Pattern HO. , ••••••••• • •811 • • " ...... The plan, In reaUly a ' unillcation undefeated" on the court boule anI" Swarmer, 111,46/S men invaded the Send toda :r tor ,our cop, ' of .lhe. • orln. Td.I of Tradition move~ Is American inspired. It ' for the Red river to' aho" Carolina "combat zone" .". and . . .ummer FASKION. It'. dU,d ..Jib Na.m e .... . ... .... ........... ......... ~ Ideal for a Imarl .UlIII\1er wordro~~ will "create a balanced collective 'u• .first drop. parachute ' or were landed ap the Fr.e Addr_ pattern P.-tDted Nld. th. book. "" , CliIqa:xtn, Its jubUee celebratton, force," which mew each or the Before It came flood waters airatrfp - "captured" by flrlt 10- eant.. 1taJ~ old BOlton let down ita ~ir 12 natibns will contribute RneclUc reached a record hlgb for the ceDi- vaden. by lerving cUnner to 10,000 on the unita to the eentral we.tern·;rmed tur.Y Some 100000 of WlnnIpel'l Supplies UI~alln, e,SD'l tons, in- t~~~~~~ ~ Common' .nd ho~ a bam dance force and' 'not try to maintain ell. S50,cioo popu1at1~n were foreed til) cludln, jeeps alid three-quarter atODir '1 11 at the Garden. . I II mWtata" 'evacuate and man.. ot 'OUthtlrlll truw, were alao delivered ':'Y •, Bell"-'" .be ke larg·1t maal pens ve over·a ..... es .,.. -., f th' ..... • .. or the AN(J7i'M~I ' 1 ....... .... w ~ ~ IIsen bm •.__U taloecl In Mani<nba'. town. were deserted. SomeIi 0 . e . ~eep. a ..... mu"" n.. . ? ever served to a Jeated group, the .., ea eb ~-eon ~ . arachuted from the , all arms When ~e rIver ahowed Ita ftrlt IUPP e. were p the 71 .... General Qu.IZ . . .?? Pelts got a taste of tradition by . The m~ve was leen by mWtary drop, .Oood water. were about two 807, ru,hts that pa.sea over '" five Ulnl or baked beans, men , a. the one 'means of gIving feet below the absolute peak area. _ .................. ~"" ............ ~ ............... ... The Queitiona 1bree Ulns or potato salad. and the west .a balanced defense force, which engineer. figured near~ alll In all. ...000 tr~ps anel 18,000, '3,Il00 powdl of bam. wor~, 10 harmony, and' with at Winnipeg would be ",aterlo.,.11 tons ~!!re deUv~red into the zone ' 1. Who was ,~e first Secretary ' E,~lier events!.of the dub,Uee were maximum eWclenc;y. . and the whole population . woullil air dUrJn, the 11 day of State en the Uhlted 'StatesT , ~e.....ed to call attention to the I ...... ha b ' d A.lt .!'prce. and Army leaders III- ' 2. Why do miners c a l' r " cultural, business, ''lndustrlal, and ~ue United St,te. fa expeeted to va. to e evaeuate 1 • dicated that the7 belleved the »raOo canaries ' tnto .the minel' recreatiOnal advantasel 01 BOlton bear the greatest part of the eost, Even with the river back In ttl Uoe &lrtHt. altbOulh far from ~ 8. What Is the most aDd ~ew ~nd. ' although each nation :will .hare 10 banks, however, observer. .aid It fe.ct In ~ wu demonftrat- ~vent connected v.:lth b 0 rae ~ the' "bake4:beaD 1UPPft" proportion to itl re.ouree.. The would be Ileaf the lalt or .June W~ JnI "raet1cablllt7 ·of aD 4IIldreb" ,racln" .' ~ aU , the tr~. took lui U. S. ahare 18 e]Jpe'c:ted UI eolt fore th.e City , would"be back to 'I1O~'" ~ ,tiack .or COUDtei--atta.. f. Name the author of ' llUow ~ a~ ~, .om. ~ of ,. ree- more Ulan a .bllUon dollar'a this :mal OeD. J .. 'Lawton CoWna; ' am17 Green W... My Va~ey." , -d - - - .... __ .~w. ineluded I nnn 7 eat• . 'I! .... _. _. __ N called the maDeavef It. Where Is the p. e t r1 fie d j;a~e~~ "b;;;;;'brea.c1. 12,000 ' ; That the west is deadly lerlOUl ;.::.d:rt;;.:"'and 1.ld it was "the ForestT dlvidual apple pie., 12,000 aervtngl and intend. to have the plan in op- Comforted DistresSed bl,selt .tep forw ....d IlnCf the The~awera or cheele, and l2,000 Puker bOUie , erlltion a. loon a. po~8lble wal evl· war." ; , 1. Thomas JeUerson. I'ODa.' . '. dent b7 til.e creation of an over-all Mrs; E 1 • a nor Boosevelt wail . Mueb or the teehnlque UIfIcI ID 2. To warn them of the presence Ori. thousand volunte'ell walt- councQ of deputy' foreign mlnliters, awarded ,the seventh annual Wu.· dMppin, meil and .upplle., and of 1njurlo~ isse'I . · , re••el, .Upervlled b1 to home econ· meetln, all year round, UI put the, llamsbur, Settlement ,old.medll Icbedullnl fUghla over the combat 3. The Kentucky Deroy• . omJata and dieticians. lerved the p1an . In,.~ toree. Thta councfl will award tor tnlUying the Amerlem area, were developed In the ''Bel'f. ' Rlebard Llewellyn. food, have a permanent powerful ebaJr. wa.y of llfe and aJdIDi the under- lin airlift," arrD7 aftlclala npon. 5, In Arizona. It was elltabllflhed man ' Wbrlo, It is underltood. wtU be prlvUeged. ed. as a national monument in 1906. Am an e can. At the presentation dinner, for· OHfcers .ald that much of the Some IOWCes predicted the U, S. mer congre .. wom~ Clare Boothe Iplproyfaed loading and u'nload\nJ Worker's Output Up may require' a lar8er air foree and Luee caned ber lonl·time pol1tical"ecZl,llIPment had not worked al well fO.EmAr.;;.ii....;;;o.;ii...~. . . . ."4 Ac:ool'dlr)" to the , federal re.erve navy UDder the plan, Ilnce this foe the ''belt-loved woman lD the u expected durln,l the . maneuver. '_~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~ board the lndivldual worker'. In· IlOWltry will be en\lrely respanll. · wor~d" . and .aid th8t, no woman They added, ho~ever. that the ' ~1I,ed output ha. :been ,one of the ble for atomic 'and 'other strate,lc ever bad ".0 comforted the d1&- P\I11IO.e of the operation wa. to ble factors in ' the unemplO)'ment bombln, In clle of enemy a"res· 1ressed-or dlstreased the comfo~ ftDd alllwer to thpse q\l,!stl:ODlI:. picture Ilnce last lUIDlDer. lion. '. able." ''Bow did .we err In plalDDlln,y'· 'I I The' board analyall ,of '~bor "WhelJ her Justly no~able "What I.· good and bad about our market ' developtnentt" pohlt · UI anc!, and patience witb the Com. equipment?" .. II 'I twO lnfI~encel at work 011 the pan munilt. finall)' gave out, tlJat da:, 'l'be maneuve!' was a levere telt Harmony ' Disturbed of bUllneSI manarement: tolerance of communilm In Amer· of airborne operations and an1. "Large ' profi~ ~ atroni ~ .Surface h arm. a n ~ prevanIng iea ended o~c1ally. It II lafe to lay IW8red many of the defense d~ naneJal· posItion In reeent ye~1 among DeD;1ocra~ at the ;Jefferson that her resiatanee UI SovIet com.· putmen,~' queitlolll. bave encouraged bqalnels to lpend JubUe_ celebration in Chicago " .. muniam I. • more potent factor f1~ recOrd amoun", for new machinery , ahaHered b7 the , controversial clvU ,wlnnln, the cold war than an extrlt Cllildlln and equipment or hi,hly": 'etUcleij.t rlihtl tssue, .wbleb spilt the part)' bWlon doiIar. of Marshall pl811 Skunkllnvade , tinl" Yra. ' deslln- ' . . '.' aid, .. ahe added. ~ 1948, ' . T••n; Cltlzln. EVI.ult.. man, Clinton, 2. "lntenaWed competitive pre.. PARIS, ONT. :....TwJstm.~· B~ 898. Ju OM '!be Democrats were IItartled be~e on Djlana,ement to reduce JP8aTe ' .UIhUy. the relldents of , 1114", umolicilld IdItra. caUle' of the ' unexpected' lOurce of costl, partl1 b;r ~empl07· tJle dlI.ention, p&rIa aie convinced that a ~ from ALL-BRAN ,, ment aDd by utWzln, thole ' em· . Most .outhernefl . who' attended by any other nam.e . will smell Just IINI'I.Thilmayher<lW' , , anawerto COIIItIpailoD ployed more eWelenUy than earUer the Chlca,o'meetlD, choae ,I, tilnore u bad. " " due &0 lack of dleta17 t In the postwar perl04." the civil , rights panel. Jonathan ' The7 .bould know. Three bun- eat an ounce of erIIpy' In .dditlon the board reports Daniell!, Nortb Carolina national dred aInmkI Invaded the to,m. , 1.LL-BBAN dally, drink plenty of there .. an inqeased '''tendency eomm.lHeeman and former 'White leavln, bundred. of wounded hil· w.ter. UDotCOlltpllffl,~~arter for ~atried women to work out- hO\lle aide under bo~ President. maD dljnitie. In Its ,Wake. Chick· . 10 dQI, MIld empty carton to Ilde the home," and a 1lm11ar Roo.evelt and Truman. .. did not 10 ens were killed. HOUle. were XeUod'l. Battle Cree!c.t Mich. Get trend amoq teen,ag~rl, chOoIe. evaC!l1lteci. . And claanID.. arm. DOt1B~ YOUR YO",EY BACK I
War ames ' ea
••• •
• • •
... ...........................1
Something New
FARM INCOME: J-ilt•., to Dip
Th. agrtc~ture department pre. dicta that the c..b lrieome of the utlon'. farmer. will be wall under
110 . totals;
, TIle department explained: _ "Prices farmers recem for tbeIr Producta have ,enera1l7 bHD belOw thoI. ' of' • :rear '10.' ~ tIIetr costI ~Te deeUn~ ~ ~a". ThIa • • lm.tfon 11 ppected to continue for th• .rut of the rear,'" Cub receipts from m~. to lNt totaled 1'1.11 bDll~ doUara. I'orecuter. upeet the to~ 'to be. appralmat~ lIS blWOn dol·
H" iat throlJlh the meetln" Uat. enin, to 18 .peuer. demand en. actment of the Truman program, and theD lnltated upon .pealdn, at the ' conclUlion. He told them D.a" be eould not ao laloD, with them In favor or • eompuJaoIt ·ta.Ir employment prac:tice act, ,and .added: "You cannot bay. a prohlblUOIl' laW a,&lnIt diIcrImlnatl~ m the lOuth," . B. ' aueried the p~a'8nd& 'f or ~ Cfeatlol1 01 a talr emplO)'tllent praet1ce commlliloD . " ..vea .a weapon to our , etiemles, the Dlxfecrall" aDd maIres . It' poaatble 'for them ,"to hide belWad the clVp rfPU Wue wbIlIitbi7 Ilibt evll"7 ~ve
II..... THI
pected Jut ~ .of CblDeae HatIoDaltata 11 bow underwa7. 'l.'bef
bua , tbelr opJnion OIl the tact the HatJomillltl have wlthdr8wo from an' acept one of their bloctadlq balu alOlll the Chlna ~ 'Apart from Fannon and, the ne.llbbor'fq Pelcaclore. fI1and8, the oab" terrilon' remalDlD, to the Nationallltl appean to QuemCl1 IIland, 'oft Am~.
wa, 10 '
WI... all .... IDYeellptl....
~. han ·1IeeII lIDIIel"
Waahlqta. Valier, L. BardJok, .. N.,aa · Oaklta ,_ ceDle tIP ..... a DeW ODe. . Be Biked tile ..... nIee .... 1I1IUee .......... ....... .. an............. all WiIpTIle MID...... ......
utt. . .' . . ..........
.bu1eftn1le17_•. I , ,
EXPLOSION: I Second fn Generation
' - - - - - - - -_ _--J.
Obaervera bellev. tbe ·Joai
l amount of bUline.. 111 7ea1"l: . II were conducUDa . the • rea tel t 'l.'he army of IlrunkI bJd1aerfml- i ~teb" ,victimized men. women and chlldreD from a m bu. b under 1)C)J~elUl' and In chicken eoopa. A aldrinI*h between a ~ of 1Ir1l ·and ,. ~ ~ akuDb 10 ~. .,.aemeDt ot th. y. W. C. A. torced aDAl,,:ld;;:..::a: ~cllor,
::~ ~c~~::;uI~, :-aa:; his front ,door. Sever~ other ~
lD tIie bJuDaa ~.e OIl tbe . 1nnchn.· Ii. wD1 be delllh~' WbIif of the exbaUlt' trom hla auto~to10'liVe ~atloD thepta '' ' ' AId, eaeb offDrthe bave .... ,iVIDI tile town.
H•• RI... T'r•• DI,. Un••r
'l'be lIIdependeat UniteCl Electrl. 'l'be 1tUnDecl ' aDd battered • ... • •~.cal Worken union hal been de- munlt7 of So\Itb ADl~, H. HII.,"'I .. ,. TWj W'~. al "'Communlat mile. lOUth of New York nouncecl ~ B. E11la damlnated." up Ita wounds and; lor the _ .....""'........, for cla71 aboUt the Mauric. I. Tobin, lecretary or tlme In a ' went eciIDIIII from the boocl of hla 'labor. and PhUllp Murra7, prell. the bUllne.a or 1IIIIItIL ~_ be IIDa1l7 lifted dent ql the CIO, m~de tbe ebar,.. On May 11 tour fUuad. hell and two .... In JP8ecbel at a r~ or General bar,el blew Up. wItb .uCla braIaID. tile otaa. puteee. Eleotrio workers. The UB: ... d . -debr" wal aplatterecl over a deicr1bt4 the bID:.a pelled from the CIO IaIt .,.eu OIl 12 block area. Tw~ ~ becIra.1led- Be char,.. of baviq 1eft.wIn, ten. wera dead 01' infIlfDI aDd ~t be bad drlven cltllcIsI. tOO ~ ~ . . WUh .... UDder Qte -
. ~-
ACllaaare •
Tnle whUe ,..u are YOtJNG!
.l;iiiiAL,r.'¥tTERIIS IIA.I.la. *.I'ElTllI1E- " '.
*SHIE REPAIR liD RBUllAIlIla ' '. *BODY liD nlDa .."",........'••••••• . *WUlla Alii .ELIC. IRD.).
Ji'rl4aT ·I ,~." . . '.:.:~~~~;'~;'~;~f_~~l;~;~;;;'~~-:~, . _,~
.,aIn '
, .
15 , oan.
• ...... .
Dear Sin: Please send cOIIIpl... information on the coaria I ".e checked below: . ,
' NAME ........ ~. _•••••••••• , VETERAN? V..... No .. _ ~drlll .............................. ... .. , .. . ..... , ••,'" City ...................... __ . • .... . . . . . . . . ... Stat. ......... . ••••••••
1112 N. Hit.
Slh St.
783 N. 4th St.
~:....,3rlo .,,-
WA..3U4 --*'
. Thursday, June 8. 1950
Cbillcse .F ce t Chinn l:)C'came an import ant market for -1 ~ath~r·So l o d shoes a fter the Empress Dowage r Tzu Hs i outlawed lhe Il nciem practice of blnding women's feet to keep them tiny.
ee . ~.Y ~·
, ICtU~ . stor .
annar Finds Bl.)wer Ef~ectiv~ Hay Dryer
• Fast becoming one ot the mojor sports, underwoter fishing is attracting men and women alike. Armed with "crossbows", which are in reolity underwater guns, the fisherman stal~s his. prey at the bottom of the sea. Necessary equipment includes rubber fins for the feet to augment the propulsion of, the swimmer and a sheatlr knife 'to finish off the victim or cut the line should the hunter become the hunted. A contest 'to determine the world champion underwater fisher:. mon wasl held recently'ln the Mediterranean. I .
.Mounted on Cart. It's ·Easy to Move About Wet springs and early frosts aren't the heada ches they once were to a growing number of farm· ers. For they have discovered that immature graIn c an be cur ed just as eUectlvely In storage buildings al In the field. The average'tarmer will jiin~ that mechanjcal .drying of bay and gr~1n Is . not as expensIve as it would ap.pear. Hay and gra41 saved will soon pay fo r equipment. ,Equipment for mechanical drylng, of grain is simple. and present farm Itructures can be converted easily, quIckly and inexpensively to handle this newest of falrm prochores. Farmer.!, hay curing equlpmE~nt, will that the lame fan and motor
there's an ""tra reaaon rOl' eettlne this delidoUl, nouriahinl, crilpy rav.o rite I For, each puppet. maU as_ ill coin an4 your printed
Dame and
your own pillow·
laan •
colors. Dainty little rose motifs are crocheted in pink set in a lacy background sparkling white.
the women (above) low.r themselves into the water. Notice the fins which give them greater water speed. Ind.u~e~ in the equipment carried by the underwater fisherman is a sheath knite, • <left) arra'ngement u~~ which t~ hang his " catch, and II spare harpoon all attached to his , I belt.
MOUDted on wbeels, this motor and blower takes the beada ches ou& of t1urlnr Immature craID for farmere. Here the equlpment III sbown be1nr used . for . hay drylnc.
ean be u sed for both dryIDg grain and finishing fora ge crops. The accornJ;lanying illlllstraUon shows' what can be done in the of inter.changlng hay cUl'ing grain drying equlpment. \'I7beo the hay curing season 11 o~r el', this farmer mounts his fa,n ' and motor on a cart and hauls them to a crib wher e they are put to use blowiDg moisture out of his immature eorn. outlet, into which he plugs hiI motor, 11 located an adjacent · buUdlng. When dOllble cribs are used, a. Qle ease shown, the air blast ' through one end the driveway. TP~ oPPol!ite end 1,1 sealed tip; and heavy .paper placed
walls of the crib frQm the peak of tile roof to the top of the com layer. Openings around the fan and In the floor also are closed. In single cribs; wooden ducts or "A" frames are layed down the center 9f -Ule floor and the air blown di· rectly into them. Dp-ing is successful without' supplementary heat when the temperature js 60 or above and the f.elaUva humidIty 65 per cent or be· lqw. If . heat Is used, building's .• T"'e ydung lady at the left is obviousty-::~-. ',hould, be insulated and properly ventllated. Warm alr ', is blown Into pleased by her. catch-two small merons and storage shed~ ' by . motol'drlven an eel. Large eels of this sort used to .feast on rans. Thermostats and othel" controls automaticaily keep tbe ternsloyes thrown to them by the ' old Romon perature and the flow ot air at emperors. Women are getting 05 great a thrill efficient drying levels.
out of underwater fishing ,as men. More' and !'lor, of them are be,ginning to take it up.
• • To"y i urcrenko (right) , 'is s~o,wn with the 39·pound ._ beauty which· brouij ht ~im the underw~ter f ·j s h i nr;g ' championship. The human submarine (b e low) is' searching for game. The breathing' tube, like a peri· scope, permits the swlm- '. mer to breathe normally through. his mouth when I his head is under water.
BOll 313. BattleCnek.
cases, or guest room ' linens, these Irish beauties worked
• At the start of the competition for the title,
• At right, Tony Juraenko, the new world champion, is shown loading the crossbow, Itis fitted with " trigger,' nd safety catch i lIst lik. ordinary.: firearms, but is lighter ol1d made of rustless m~taL
Rice Krl .. pi.,. box top to KdJoce' ..
• • e' P a ttern No. 8408 "onl1ll11 of complete eroehet/nc Instructions. sUleh Ulustr stiona, ma terIa l reQuirements and llniab. Inll a lrectlons. ' Don't w alr,send ~ cents toda y f or the Anne Cabot Album-It's fill ed with foa. cinat ln g Ide88 for n " edle wo rk f a nll-four free paUe rns prlntecS Ins lde the bookl
All V£6£t'I" nce oi
",."e. lhe Oiffere
liE WING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORIt DIO 8oal" Well. 81.. Cbl •• , . 7. DI.
Enelole 20 cen.. for p attern. No. ... .. .. . ... ..
Nama ~;.;;;.;;.;:;;._';.;'.;,; ' ';';";,; " ;';"';';"';'; " ;,;. " ;,;'';';'';';' ' ;'; ' '';'; ' ';';'';';''';';'';';'';.;.J ''
Weather Prophecy The Bible contains a weather proverb that is as true today as it was 20 centuries ago. "When it is evening, ye say, It will b~ fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be f au I weathe.r today: for the sky is red and lowering." Moisture and duSt in the air makes the s}ty red , When heated by the morning sun, an updraft follows, heavy cJouds form and rain probably will fall. But as nights are cool, moisture ijDd dust settle to the ground.
M Makes Morning Regularity So ElQI P eople can baxdly believe what wonderful r esults Nature's Remedy, IR Tablets bring, the first t ime they try them. An HI at njght brings mommg regularity BO thor oughly, with no per1:urbingefrects. It leaves you feel109 invigorated, alive. , All-vegetable make8 the di/fereni:ea big difference! ate made of 10 natural, all-vegetable laxative elements, scientifically blended. Try II at our expelllt!. 25 tablete OIIly 26e. B~y a bolt at any dru, ..tore. TrY them. U AOt completely ..tlded..! return bOz With cmu.eed · tablet. to u.. ,We ,will refwul l'our
Bere'li a rlcht Imad Idea for (eed and crain ICOO:P tha• .
eUmJute. &be wrIsl
ItJ~alJl o~
*'"" with the ulnal IIlroJectIDe haDcUee. For a I&r.e ICOOp,
11M . . . . ed be ued In II&CkJiJ ..
........ IO-,.. .e lJalvanll4!d m ..
...... II abeat rlrht. The lerap Ina laUce to whlcla the Iront . . . . . &be baDdJe II belCe!! lIelps ~ 0.11&, metal ' III ahaJ~.
$lE4/llJ:MTlJI£ DrY Yeast gives yoi....· best' ·
Get a supply of Red St~, Special Active Ory Yea.t today. You' ll flnd that Red Starwill.ave time In 01/ yaur recipes: As for flavor and lextur. af baked a.a ad., made with Red Star, lust I.t.your family be the judg ••
mo_y plpa,po/lta..,.
. Why Red star
.Don't Strain
E, tabll.hed 1850 PAUL A. SCHERER . ...... . .. . .. . ..... . ...•. . . Editor and Publlaher CECILIA j, SCHERER . . .... . • . . ..... .. .. . . .. Secretary and Treasurer l~l'EII'Y
I'ublls h.,u
Rut er·pd
second closs ma tter at
I ho I)Ostofl'l{/o at Waynesville, Ohio. S ubSCl'llltiOIl UnteS-$l. fiO Per Yenr. In advance. III ObIO, $2. elsewbere
I ....
~; ' IIIIII!ljllll!lIlIIllllllI lllilliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!1II1I11111111111111ml~
. Now ~ .. make ,ar new car dollar worth more HERE'S the BICCER DOLLAR VALUI! you've been lookillg fur! Long\'r, lVi"~r, higber OlJ tbe I1'UlDE, today's hig Dodge gives you head r~ leg rQOm and sboultlcr room that even . . more expensive care can't match. Dodge .eata are "knee.level" 80 you ·sit uaturaUy-ride relaxed. A big.Landscape wind-
'Oc::lOJ;':;::::::I'Oc:::rOI:' ,
Plan'n ing To Build?
slleed. s he beat ,tbe s tol'k many a time Whet"'er folk s reallz (' It or not. tb ey owe a. Jot to Doc Jo nes' old bo,rse, [01 '
you can inspect iL
.ervlce ' can
Waynesville Lumber .a Dd Supply "
PHONE 2281
LoOK AT 'HI SHOULD.R ROOM - Dodge deilio livel you luU
.u...,. on,.,,. Cor_' Co.,
width at .houlder le'fel a. weD . . leal le"e)- oo uamplo ••
arranged for jI' lit. tie ... you wlah ~Ithout aliglottln" the beauty of the tribute you ahow ~ou'r loved one.
LOWIST-NleID AUTOMATIC '.ANSMISSION frees , .. , ... !Wft""
fell nsleep at the reins -- omething his streamlined c~r can't do. AS
from FoundatiOn to Finish at our yard where
0.0 himself. Smart too she . could find h'er way home in case Doc
BuilCling. Material'
VALua for younelf. See how Dod.e make. , cobbleltone IIreeU ride like parkway •. Take ron. vlneJo,"MaaJo MUe"demooltratlon rld~ todl1.
was as Iwell known as
We sell a Complete line of
c_ I. f ... "MAGIC M1U" ria-Prove Dod,ci
P member when Doc Jane drove a hor e and hug-g v ? Wh y, the horse
shield and buge fear ."{'icture window" give {ull visibility for safer dnvlIIg • . The big, bigh.compression "Gel:Away" eDgi~e give8 YOII 1111 illillg p,·rform3I1c . wllb g)',?1 F,Iuld Drive to 8wootb Ollt ever), Imle you drive. Let your Dodge dealer sbow ,you how Dodge VALUE will put you mile8 and mouey ahead.
Ju.t a f.w dollars mor. than tit • .Iow•• t-pr/ced car.' .
., Broadw2ilY at,--,~..,.a._·k_w _ O_O..;..d___~_---,-:..-___ L_e _b_an_6_n_, _.O_h_l~ o Moderll KUohen (Iolo'rrul
"Cnp of OapplDe.a"
An ittract.lve modern kitcben ha. melve. and callinets enameled In
Balzac another enthuII8It. sott ·salmon.rose. The waUs against He laid mucll of his success .. a which theae cabinets are Plaee!;! ,writer to cottee. "When one drink. coffee," he said, "Ideal come · 81'e coated lo the samtl color. End W.1la are a Ulht 'ern-green and the marchln, In like ,an arm),." At for ISm!! color ueed to coat the drawer WWiam nean Howella. he. too. cer"the cup pt bapplllnlna.. Linoleum and work coun. ~ a!1mlred "It makea you think ol aU ter aw1aces are brown. While door that ever bap' fram.. are dull silver to rtttltch ' ~. plea..nt tile edJlDa OIl &be . work counters . ~ned to you." wa. w~at be>Slid
,bout It.
tntt. "tile tWf
were chopped up and burned queen'. order and .procJam a.
were macle reJard81 the oell.
'B ringing up r.ather is no problem ~hen you leorn . to please him on hi, ~pecicit da,y and how could you pleole him better then with a gift thot will increase " hi. enjoyment in . his own special hobby. F'oirley Hordwcfre Stores ore ideal places ,to shep for 'men'. gifts-you'll get the best-we'll hel~ you with your .election. and, charge a VERY LOW PRICE.
...... ............
.. BUaa"beWaa !l'1mea
DurlnJ the relen of Queeh Eliza: lletll. ~e painters of I1J1a .ome. - - encoWitered difflClUlU.. be, caU. the POrtrait. paloted .cI Ur majesty were not 1utt1c!lenUy .pllmentary. Man,. of the POl'.
oC roJu porlraita. .:
' ,
Better too te. flo . .,. than too mU17 in fOUl' floral arr.nJem.". p~ Sa of p'eat fmpo~anc •. st. that JOUI' flower. are ~prox1. maW,. one and a liaU times the bellbt of the vase, or one and a haJJ timea the width· ot the bQwJ. the ' heavy or dark flowen near the baH with the U,bt colora an~ torm. toward \.be top.
......."ItOY.rt~ ,o~
ft'. '
" . · P-120 ,
p'OWP-ft I!'7J. . . ' . fAOWlm '. . .
'.O.D. fAC'ORY
" • ••11 20 IMh cut I .
• ·A .... ' ••Iu" for aye', a,,,-slftdt
, ..,.,Iit"
• '.11 .1 Ya
it.... for4 - c"cle P;nco~ 0"r ••ervo pow.r,
.,.1" slartillO I
.......... 111',• .
VACUlJM JUG 5 qt. with por- . . celahl Inte rior. No Joss ot heat
cold: Complete with tau· . c.e t.
$10 FOR THE .AVERAGE . FAMILY ALL-STEEL OHAIRS 8-0-0 easy· to relax ·In. you'lI w~n' several•
PflYS Up \T() ~ $S,()()()IJ~ '. 1f1t.! FDr [flclJCflse Inc/qding.!
HIlY., A &00" Ar 'HIS III"'U"AaLI ·I'OW'. MOW•• fODAY I WI'" II GlAD ro Df~Nsr..tAt~!r ,oa YOU,
Fairley H·afdwaire~ · Phone 2441
AD all-eJeclrlo
. vaJue &bat will lIave boara 01 time In Ileeplq
bedl'e8 peat.
BUCKETS Keep batt alive lor dan witb ODe of tbeae " fIDe al............ bllclleta.
AlIO Diabetic ~ Fruita
THUR SD Y JUNE 8, 1950
THE MIAMI _. ""-.-
_~_ U _ I _~I_ II _u_ t'-''''' I~
gnll1s 1.00. I dldn' ~ go to the cow· munlty lillIe eltl,er lhls week RO I do not know wheUle r calves 1Verp stJII Belling us hIgh us they Were A Farm Diary We otber day or 1I0t. Week befbre lnst Ul()6t ot tbem went over twenty By D. J. Frazier dollars n.nd many went as blgll as , Wben the)' fet that ~~"""'~""~_I~-tO 'I hlrty-rive. . June Q) ] 960.- JllIle already Il.nd hllJb It beglna to be ga mbling this Is the second pI·rr ct day III bocause not all haby cnh-eR do lIuCCUSS IOll bU.t sun it IlIlfL dry 11' (· 11 whe n you , gt'l Ib.!m home. etlO,u g h to begin Qu ttln g the · hllY Even If YOIL put tllmn Oill n cow. Everyon e around lI el'e goes rlsb.' and there Is just a itWe mote corn to pl ll nt 0 11 1I00n ns It Iff- dry Ing e V ry time he can . (1 jlUlt 811/W enough . 'rhe heavy rllln ~l,Il day olle of the boya go ncr(l88 the pIlIISo.turdny . I'ea lly son ked tblllgs. hll'e, rod In hand) But the river Bveryth lng ls growpn g es pe'lo.lly look a so muddy t hat 1 . I d t1'ot It ill In. til weeds now IC. We (Jan ouly have expect to catah many. a IIt Oe good lIuylng welithe !,", . It i8 t rcsting ~o see tha~ conserv ation alii I cool. A lett er fI'oru 0 II yer metlloo s at farmIng are begtnd1bir sn,ys that Inst week they had IL ,to b popular . Even wheht tfitJ)r tw Ive In h wet snow tha t caused ha vo not b b~n to t e.n!!. e tble endless ,d amag,o, It was QO heavy grQund the plQwlng Is done moTe y and grUBS V aterway s a"e on tho treoo 'Ilnd plants 'Ulal cal'efuU 1 brnnchlla were ' strIpped from the belng 1eft along' 1lIP glilllell. I ' think Ireos and some trees ruIned en· varyone la beginnI ng to think til' Iy. At lel1.8t here .we only had when tbey s~e t be nlllddy wuter, rW1n. Tbe fOliage bere Is eo beavy "Look at all tbat good solll gothl\.\ .my' hous~ se.eJllB very da.rk Ing down the river" nnd begirt· and on the dllrk rainy days gets nlng to think at stoppIn g It. It b l,l Interest ing 10 hOIlJ" the reo a ourlous green' Ilgbt that Is ne. turns when they hlll'vest some .of tually depresa lng. these fields that hn.ye been con· Rosea (u e In bloom evelOYw), 1'e tow'cd lind terrace d. We put our IIOW and the ll'ls Il nd poonles are name In for Bome terracin g but Sllll . b('uulltlll . It hill! been nJce th oy didn't get to \Is. before It wae , wen.ther to m al~e gu rden betwee.n time. to plana co' n 80 It C1n' t be shower s and 1 ha v beell tryJng to done th is ··sprlng. lean .ou.t the border along my lune This little clipplJ g W illi Rent ~e Why Is It th at gl'MS grows better In aDh01lg lh e Iris lhlUl lillY wbere the othor day and It 18 80 true tha t I n m going to lIass ,ft on. If we ellle and It Is so bard , to. get out. oould rnly take tbe little pricks The only way Is 1.0 pull It by hn.nd wJth more toleran ce and mOl'e conafter a I'aln and that 18 a slow job sldel·a.U on tlnd roill ene88 therCl The white multiflo ra l'OSea a l In wtoU ld be 110 milch ' leSs fnmlly bloom nnd thl' llll' 18 awee l with trouble . People QII pm to be lillie them. Tire llIu st be u brolwn o I)ull themse lveR loceUle r ' to tbrush ers nest In one of the bushes meet great co.lnmlt ' e!l 'bill ralAA tOI" I\. pall' of them s colded me 011 slol,ill aftor stonD over .tbe trU'les. the time , w ns \1"11 din . MEl'lTA L CRUEL TY It rai n d so hard ' ,lS,lI turday that I ' forgot ull about the Tuck Rogers 1 forgot his corree crcam, ea.le. · Doth tbe farm and \ho chnt- For I t a ke· coHee black: ' tels 8e l'e fjOld, I didn't h 8.1' w 1l9 I Wllnt the window s wIde at nlgb,t bought the flll"D1 bllt r beard Ular. }f 'd rather hove a r ~ack. it went lIo r about n hundred lind fitlY' an acre whJoh maDY beople He likes to dIne In blllz'ng IIgbt. OOllsJ,dereed tve~y cheap tis they Wblle I love candle gloW; . so.y It 18 good lan~1. As If! often He' turns the malo up loud tru.e on rL bad da.y mnny thIngs are Wb \t I prefer It ~\l'W. sOld at low prJc s. 1 saw· th~ sale Its not. the vJta1 18aues or bill and then forgot rut about It Great problem s, J rtor>lll l'e,' and s tayed bome all artemo on. I But IIttile thing" t " at Iry the ha~e Iieen 1,0 lots ot sales in the Or every married pa r. rain Bnd IIsu~IY got some barMolly O. Harvey"
so .•• YOU CAN'
Di y Rid ge
SAVE MO "E Y 9 r:mee oul' of 10, ,Jeople who say they can't lave money never. really try. Once you've pPeBe d a 5aV~nla account a,d made )IIOuI' fir1t cIepo_, ~u've pI'oved that it can be clone. Why not maIc;e up yOUI' mind to Mve richt now? Theil, fol· low throuc h. We'll welcome your account.
Waynesville· National Bank .... .... .... ......... .
Ba ve n . Be d As h Ol ga P-oeabontas Ye llo w Ja ck et I Cr ee ch
. Waynesviile .Farmers Exchange
Po we r La N'n Mo we r·.
AN D C'rO MP AR E! ,
$10q.OO PLUS;rAX
..... .r
ONL Y Emerson Gives Yo~ These EXTR A VALUE , Featut esf ExClusive Emerson Long.D istance Cir· .alid Power ful Built~In Anrenna - No Outdo or 'Antenna Necessary In ~ost l:ocal~ti~s! Glare- Proof Image Perfec tion Picture ! Full Chann el 'Coverage! Simpli. .matic' Tuning ! Luxuriously Constiucted Cabine t of. Selected Pin Stripe Mahogany Veneers! Engineered for Today and Tbe Future!
Waynesville' F~riaers Excha,nge J
.PHONE 2371
Ne .nd Reeapp&l' ~ $!95 • $2.00 Trade In. AUo. WaK , e, Lubricating Service FiceslOl;le Accessories O,el 5;30 . ,' ... 10 9p. II•. ,S~IiIaJs 7;' 0 •• II ••te 9 p .~ '. . "
Tex aco
-W ayn esV ille ~
Whip TOil MIlII • J: mUk can lile whipped EIolU"Ulll! It tnto a contain er and
1IIft", 1bne& Ollceve ry oJ Colfe.~ Mor. than 100 difteren t kind. ot ~. Americ ans. It 11 record ed , beglln coHee are current ly bought and sold tn tn' umted Statea. whIch Is lJr1tikin, colfee In 1668. But coHee the Ireetft ' , Coffee' consum ing' nl\' WB8\ 9riglnaUy discovered about Uon tn thtr wb7ld: Vut yeer tll~ 811S . A. D., a.ccordln lg to legend, In lUnlted St.... drllftk ... muC!h e , taW Ara'll'l'p. Because at Its exhllar atln. r ••t .of the world used In the ~tfect., It was ' used as a· medIcIne' also, pulverized and mixed 15' ,ean. ,at, as a .food .
!bored Cur..1e Alar' 30 week. of storage., nine vsrletle a oJ c,rrotl contatn ed more carolen e. the liaalo materIa l of vita· A, than they contain ed before the atOn;. period ,.terted, a recent IOvernm ent Itudy showed .' '
PHONE 2794
one·hal f tealpoo n ot platn I -"'iii1,..;-=~~~ft,b!"~--:--:-:---:;:::::::::-Fl-~tn:''111''~uled cuttln, potato J'relJbt rat., han jum~d &f ' .,raid potato dlan.e. , per cent. In tlIe '.paat three ·· y~ar".
In th,lI. set In the retri,. ito freeze until ready tli whip lead CaD
'"Armitage &Son
Uncle s~ Says
;r:ELE~HONES 201'1, '. LEB~NON Office 473K WAYN~8VILLE
Rilt. 128,1.: MORRO.W. No. I
You'D be .lUI'Priaed ~ euily you can buy • new l)eSolO. " If' ou're looldn g fOr • ~ ,00II .... don't walt, .. . . in and .~ us Dow• . ~at ,
Ilvailaille. ~ and o.4OU1t1a ~
,b ank' rates.
mOD'" on
, m~"
balanc e -
once baYe we' malle the ' finan cial hea.vy.
At ~he M«)LlIl- e -Funera l FiOfJlle, ECON"QMl:.' NEVER MEANS A LOW ER SERVIC Fl
HOME ..;, • •' .... V ... L ..... to
Make The~e Bird Houses For 1950's Second Brood
By Ertta Haley
By Rlclund Hill Wilkinson I! you lVant to experIence a warm· ART HODGES ha Uved In the !ng glow or satisfaction next taU city for two years and be was upon tak lng out your woolens, store getting tired of it, Cou\'ltry bred. them ca retully during wor/Tl wentbhe longed lor the smell of sweet. , er. , Sweat~rs. skirts. snows u!t ~. plank. fresh air, the 'sound of roosters crowing and [.e1S and other knitted ga.rments DUel' cow s lowing. excellent territory for moths to wanted to )york unless they are carefully pre-Minute He go to bed to the I ~red for storage. It·s most dlsFiction tune of crickets heartening to take out something cheeping aDd slmp!y to lind that moths have had bullfrogs 'jug.a-rilmming. n f)eld day. lo clothes while you've It wasn't as U the clt}r hadn't eo~oYlJlg summer sun. klnd to ,B ert. It, had. It had MO.t h damage , is unnecessa'ry if him to Its bosom, and h,e had clothing and blankets have been prospered. Nor had he been properly cleaned aod stored. One happy. He loved the ' lights. the preparation Is not enough. Even noise, the. hustle and bustle. And thoug~ clothing Is clean. moths may most of all he loved Ii girl. st!1l pounce upon It if ypu bave not It away in bags which are' sealed Tonlght, lying aD the divan ' in livinll room of his apartment, in1estatlon. U clothin. Is was troubled with an annoypartially dean and sealed tlgbt. thought. He wondered, stranllewill not prevent: damage. Both !y, which he wanted most: Sablria's ot prevention are the only love or the countr)'. to eomp~ete 8afekeeping. It waa at this pa~cula~ moment and, blankets can be in Bart's speculaUon that the telethe homemaker can save phone ' rail'. A. straneely f.mlllar money by doing the work feminine voice anawered. · ,F or those item I which Cln· " .. .. professlon/Jl clean.. lIeUo. th~. Bart; the immedia\~ .t;aUng ,in mo voloe said, , "l'bla , Is ~iUe conta'inel's Is t he a"swer. • , When you're doing the work Blake. freall In from the olel home towu, OO!D e doW'D an!l self. set aside one or two days talk &0 one of your f01gol&eD away your woolens. Even
• • •
Tbree boun.. Pattern Mi. Ue. ,,'OBKSOOP PATTERN SERVICE . • Dr..,.., 10 1I....r. ,DIU •. 1'1 .... I'.r..
,.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
br -ROGER C. WHITM~N SoIt Wood Floor QUESTION: Could you teD me how to finish a soft wood fioor? We finlsh!!d one, put on a filler and then varllished it with clear varnillh. But .it gqt too dark and rough.
A;NSWER: 11 you used an ordirtar.y varnish. perhapll tbat was the trouble, You sh.o~ltl have us~d a re~lar '.floor varnish . For another ,thmg. if you sand!!d the fioor belore varnishing, are you sure you cl.eaned up all the dust 8.( ter lIandUlg? ' U any dust remain~d on the. flo~r. that would explalD some if not a~ pI the roughness. Sorpe .d arkenlng ~f the wood should be exp~cted. as all wood and also varrushes d.ar~en wit~ age. There are Iipecial finishes fol;' soft wood floors that prevent splintering. bl,lt these must ' be Bl'plied over bare wood; over a varn~sh. If you wish .a goQd job. you might consider having a contractor scrape and refinish the floors with the right materials. Water Butel'S DeblUlked . '}d'aDY IIrores~hjnal ' "dowsers' who employ forked ' ltick "div,in~ rods" sincerely beUeve in their magic powers to find water undC!r~round, tiul ,jcier;Jtlsts say t1iey ,are deceived. ~coording Riohards Topica1 Encyclopedia. . The turning or the twig is~due to ,unconscibus aots of muscle aDd nerves V,lhile. squeezing the stlok.
. . . .
Without: Painful' Bac:kac~e i' ,.,Lj
.A. _ ' ~ older, ~ ';,,1 .train. OYerUOrtloD, .....,..;uv••mald •• or upOlure tq eolll IOm.tlm.. aloWi do.... Iddney (lUll>tiCIll- 'l'/il• ..,. lead ' iii..... tfIIP to !=Om~ oj riaP.!D1 b••g ...... l.... pop Pel obeiidacl.. , W oIQidii..." aettlal 'Up Dleb" or fnquent p"'"", ".Y reault .I'lIIID m1a« blacldar lrrlta&loca due ~ eald. damp'~~ r dl.. ~ , "'cIIpcr~ODL U ' yoar dlleo .. rona are diio CO th_ e a _ dOD" ",u~ Pilla, .: mUll
diuretIc. VOId 0 ..... 60 yean.
otbenrl8o '
Ban's pulse leaped. Sadie! ~ boybood paJ! Sadie. whom one day he expected ~o marry! Sadie. in the c:lt}r. Here! Now! Fresh from Centerville,' with newl and notes of the old home town galore. At that moment Sabina G90dnow was forgotten. Tbere was just one glrl' in the world for B~t. And that girl was Sadie Bla\(e. He telt sudde'nly ashamed he had neglected to write to remember ber at Christmas .'. .. , . ' I==~ Sadie pink cheeked wIth iJ~Od bealth and' freshnesS. met him in tbe lobby ot her hotel. "Hello, pal." she cried. "Looking just the same. Thinner. maybe But otherwise old Bart himseU." . this seems like a lot of time "SadIe!" Bob IrtIired In open spend on the task. you'll appreadmlratloll. "Sadie! Bow good crate belog able to get out wearable it Is to Bee you. TeU me. bow an~, usable things wben cold weather are ,thin.. In Cen&ervll1~' Bow co~s. I ' Closets;' loo, may need prepara~:!_~,e .folka' TeD me every- tion for receiving the clotbes, and -thili should not be -neglected if yOU '!Same old town. Bart. Your want to assure .t he clothing ,at 'comfolks are tine. Your dad OWOS . plet;e protection. new tractor. Polly. the horse, died. Wash ' or dust the walls of the you know. But 1 suppose they olosets. then a.pray them with moth~ wrote you that. The vot!!rs declded . liquid: Plan to ,keel! the to run toWn ', wat!'l' up to William's closed during storage t4ne. Hill a.t the lflt ;town ~meetlng. Not AgI~mln ShrlDJra,e so much danger U fire breaks out MleD.',W'as:blDll( 'Woolenl now. :E4 Salmon raq 011 W~,th Bob woolens a~e pr,e -snrunk or EvanS' He. She came back two Is the, equivalent of sanforweeks ago. and .Bob . took qer .in. izing in other materials, but many Shame. Poor kid, •• ;" . ot them will shrink imIess carefully . HEY TALKED for :boUl's. By laundered. evening Bart was fully ap- Take measurementS before launpraised ot all the evenfs and hap- dering, or draw diagrams of olothlng from the pieces themselves they are' wearing apparel. This. should be done before garmepts be· Come shapeless from too much wear." Use la rge pie ces of brown, wrapping pap,e r f~~ the. purpose aA the c]otbing wiU' be placed agajnst the 'diagrams tor' drying. Water used for washing wool~ns should : never be ,w ai'mer than 100· or wl)en dropped against the inside
low,' S.he Shop~ "Cail and.Cart,"
IDIDJ' tim.. DOaJI'. rive belp Ilio 16 mil.. 01 kld ••y 0II1II o,\t' ...Ite. Get ' Doan·. ~IUo tocIall
D01 11~(S .,.pl,l ·LS .'" 'n~ ~ of MOmtY , •
, Are:vau trOubled by dl8trese ot teIllAle funotlonal perlQdlc d1aturb, ances? Does thts mllko you luUer trom pain. teel so ",,",om. tlred-at INCh tlmea? Il'hon start taking Lyd .... B. Plnkbam'."Vl!getit;bre Cblllpi:iund , about ten qoys b~~ore to "lleve /Such IYIllPt&ist p ...1rtlam's hu a ,BrOIld sOothing eUe<it on one 01 1001!l4'''. mon Import.. nt Mgarul 'l'fulJ the ' woman', trlend I
"" E. 'lJIKHAM'S ='.= .,.,.
0 ... application
MiKES-FAlSE-TEETH FIT , for lb. life of your plate. If _
JJJa- ... IOOte . . . i1Ip or ban, 1ft.
· ~I'oi".._~_....... r:omfort widaool. • Odauou Plutl-,Li_.~ ~ IlriD _ ap_
blCIt :;,st .61dipedKill' II6nIaI ~ rI. BftaOtloia "'''_1!1aG . PIud ai. . ~ ....... froID • _ .... ID a reu ..
IIaoII """- _
aad ~ of ...~ ~~~ho_or..... ~
5~~~-=daO; widt...:::w.:l n:., ~ ........
Brea U uox
Ric Rac
! ri,m Repentance Lelson for June 11, 1950
Her name was Sabina Good: and sbe 'a dored ' him.
pen10gs in Cent~ille durin,S thE! ~U__"'I II past two year s, and assured that Ws 10lks were well. He took Sadie out to _dinner. and delighted in sho\'ling h5 around. I'&C "_ _gJJj[£~~==:f::t:J She seemed a little awed- bY It all. \1 Ivith weft-tesled me/bods• . al.ld more awed by Bart's "indifference' to 1he many wonders. ."YoiJ. get used to it after a of the wrist cannot be felt. Use a while," he said lndif!erently, and mild soap or detergenL for washing. stood gazing thoughtfully at ' the Wooh';ns stl'etch when they' re many lights along 'Broadway. He washed1 and the fiber s 'solten confelt IInlightened and no long~r sid,erably. For this reason. avoid homesick. Strangely enougb the soaking them. noise and bustle aS56c~ated them- ".T he generally accepted method selves In his mlnd, with Sabina. He for washing woolens , consists of was glad to be a part of It all. squeezing the garment gently. five He gazed furtively at the comely or SUI times. in the soft suds. No rubSadie and pictured her in the rural bLng twisting o'p eratlons should setting of Centervme. ,be used as this will cause the fibers Ther atten~ed a theater. and to lock and give that hars~ . . ~ough dlned afterward at 'an 'e xclusive and shrunken look to. the material night c1llb. Sadie 'would ' have ,liked when dr;)i. ., to . go back to her hotel. bui sbe .Fol' c~Us or ,collau on woolen gar· wanted to please Bart ments' which are Perha.ps a litUe "sart." she 8a1..1 wheD at more soiled than 'the rest at the ... clothing; use extra soap' on those lalt they ltood ,'utllae the door parts and squeeze gently \Y ith. the lo her room. "When are you finger tips. until clean. coming home? When'- are you Rinse three Uines aCter the wasb. plug 10 rive UP . aU lbls and Ing. and do . this as 'gen,t1y as 'the eome batk where yOU belonr?" washing. Here again. water should Bl\rt looked down Into her not be more than 100·. and saw something that two A marvelous softener for woolago he had lODged ,t o witness. He ens uses the simple procedure of liJhed deeply, adding just a bit of glycerine ,to the . "Sadie, U's been JUlt great see- rinse water. You')] find this beneIDI you. JUJt what I needed, .A. 10rt tlctal for clothing as well as blankof tonic".' lJe Imlled at her lenUy, eta. "rm not loine back-1ult Sa· Koths AHacll SPots, -die. There'l BOm~ Stalin J;1m me ben• . lomeUdag that before Thorougb cleaning or laundering never mew exlIted. I know now are belt proteeUOII8 arawt tbat If I 10meth1n8 treater thaD- damage. but often It's not poajlb1e u;rtb!D" Some time ~ to cleln larmeDts or bea.,. back. and WIleD I do tbeN·U be Jtema of beddlnl Ia two Of ••" oyer the artide ~:t!I!~C: ~~_ '~.I!l!l!!
ZEPHANiAH seldom has been any reader's favorite prophet. His plotures of doom are e.nough to send shudders down any one's spine. It Is as realistic as It be were Simple Cla~rtg. ;n ,Meaf,ime describing H-bomb day. But the main . 0 I n t of Hahif$ 8r;ngs Natural Relie' . Is plain and practlcai! ' Re· . StomaCh·distress pent! For selfish af~r meal~? • .. . man and stubborn acid taste in mouth? ... that nation, that is the oppreesive. ~ first necesalt}r of feeling? 'I h'en all. Repe~ance tl read this enDot merelY regretCQuragine letter ting something one from a man wbo bas done. Anybody . Buffered the can do thlt-and Dr. Foreman lameway-unright on commlttinl the til he found the real cause: TIlII oOltoll fasbioll 'from Fiori.in. Furthermore, a man'. "I ~ to call my upset stomach ' da wUI oarry', YOIl merrily for lomethin" he haa done 'dYI!pepsia'-tili my doctor said it . through lummer moatha. The tor I wrong realon, . mIght be caused by eoffee. So I dr~!1II ha. a bare look, e.mllOl'e SUlPP<)le In adulterer la lorry tor Iwitcbed to' POSTUK and now my ditop that caD Jle covered with a pUDucn'¥ he ,at when the news- gestion is perfect. with no more hean;. peril Jacket. truly enormoul bum. , feel like a fIR:' manJ" c8u~ht up with him? Suppoclcets. each divided In . balf . a lazy larmer Ia sorry. at ICIENTIFIC FACTS: Botb colfee and ",lth center stltehing to make Ihllrv,'Hlt time, that 'he didn't work tea contain ca!e1n-1\ drug-an artifour altorether. aDd a full. flowllcial stimulant. In susceptible per- . durin, the summer? That Ing Ildrl. n'l washable, aad of thing Is not repentance at , lIOns. call'ein tends to produce ha~ com:es In IIrbt blue. aqua or lullltomoch aoiduli. a.s well as 1terro~ nua and IIlupleaa nigh18. So', while pink with contraslinr rio rae many pe<)ple can drink coffee or tea Allo. re,entance I. Ilot Just trlma; without iIl-effect. others can't-and . repeD~nce·ln-ce.nerat It III one ~bis may, mean 1I0u/ tblng 10 .a,.. "0 God. I am a remo~r e spots arid stains;' since these It III qalle another Idnner.·.. MAKE THIS TEST: • , • Give up coffee are tile first pOints ot attack by thlDlr, and a 'harder one. to -give up tea-drink POSTUM exmoths:. , clusively for 30 days ... andjtLdgt ~V kneel and say to God: "Yon Wh~n articles have been laundered ' riw.I181 Remember: POSTUM contains know well wbat a Uar I bave or cleaned completely, airing in the no caffein or other drug- nothing beeD." SIDl is not necessary belore storage. that can possibly. upse~ your stomU YOIl have. however, resorted to Repentance Is not real unless It acb. nerves, or sleep! INSTANT I'OSTUM spot and stain removal only. i~'s - A Vigorous Drink made from honest; and It is not honest till Healtbful Wheat and Bran •• , A ·an ex,cellent idea to hang them outrepenter looks squarely at his Product of Genera'! Foods. or-doors on a day when there's ,8 sins. knows them for real sins good. brisk breeze. Is willing to c~ll them by the Tobacco particles In pockets and names they deserve . . such llre flO gtlorantee against moth • • • dama.ge. Brush the5'e oui as careiully liS you would any dust. WhIm garment bags are used, BmLE MEANING of reo they s:hould be sealed tightLY enough to preveJlt moths from going pentance Is something radical, tbroul~h_ No sealed bag,' bowever. is something Ilfe-cballglng. As the any protection If the garment has prophets and our Lord set It ben, moth or any larvae III it' wlien It's tore UI. it means a total change sealed. of Inner atU~de and viewpoint. It , Cedllrl!ed chests snd cedar-llried doea not meaD so much stopping close.ts are eUI'ctive oDI,.U they are IS!~~~=~~ you enjoy. as it means tightly sealed. and U garmenta are ,~ altogether ,diftho~ugbly clean before storage. what you used to en-. It you store" woolen articles ot 'OY. . . GLU. ~---,--,~wear[hg apparel!' or blank.eb ' In For example. Yj)u nevel' truly che"stl, place clean paper between ~el1\!nt of pride until ypu are teally, Use Che,.lng·Gum Ij.aUtJveth~ folds, and scaUel' naphtalene humble on , the insJde. You -never REMOVES WASTE ••• NOT GOO~ fOOD • Oakes' on the Pllper. These flakes bl\ve tully repentell· of selflshneas • w ..... 70B eail" el",,_feeLJuat awful lnexpensive and quite effective. so long as your blgg~st "kick'.' be~ • you need a laxaUve - do u KlLLIO"'1 40 - cbew 1'Dl'f-4-IIUIT. . - In large enou,h quantity. comes tram kicking Qther people 1'I:!tN-•• "D;IT .. wondet1ully dUtercntl The paller makes them easier to around. Repentance means ·a re~ra 8IIoy mallY of • .,r laltatlvea IUlrt brusH' off clothing and blankets direction of 11(e. Jt means loving their "lluahlng" acUon '00 . oon •.. wl/tllt w)leri 'theY're brought back Into U5e. whatever geod you ' hated and .(pm ..... Large doses or ouch laxatives UpS(lt dlgMtlon , 11mb a_y ' DDurMotb balls placed in pockets are haUng whatever evil you loved. I8hlng fOOd y'ou .ne~ for benlUl and , usu~.IlY not enougb to gIve protec· euergy ... ydu {eel weak. 1>'oro OU,. The questIon Is: Are you COlit ion Ipy themselves. Use ' flakes in But gentle PDN -A-..·lNT, taken lUI' rcot~m.l to be what you are, 0.1 ~'ou ommended. workS oblclly In tbo lower addlllloR to them. are, or ti~ you Ifneerely want bowel W)lere Ie rrmo v..... w ..... e. ao. Olean Closets !Joo" «0..11I You avoid tbBt weak, tired to be abetter, tndl!(!iI a dlrferTo Get.. Rld .ot ;.l\l:oths . fcellJ:lg. 1]80 PliI>f-A-lilm lind f eel ent perlon?: For thRt. ttie I'"aoe One, fuU of IUel. 25;, 5Oi. or only .. On(1e Jn oth~ ,hav!l inv.!ld~4~ p".eloset. at, tlod Is neoeSSRf}' . . For reo. ' get r.ld of them , as QuickJil. and as ~t&noe meabs ,nothing short effllcl.lvely as possible to pr\lven t ot beine made.' over: .' ' ine whole' house .tr.om be'colJling in· Are you aware that by: yourself fe..stecl O,nce the whole house Is Invaded, It's diUlcult to destroy them are doomed ' to be yourself. unle's s you get a competent fumi- ,Your worst selt.? What Is' needed I. gating expert. . not that you ,hall milke. yourself .Inff!sted c10sets should ha\oe every- over I what is needed is that you thing removed tCom them. Hang all shall :pray God to malt'l! you 'over. clothl)'lg otitslde . in sun and breeZe lils 'gra ce Is, not forced on the "una'rid brll.sh thoroughly. All pieces w!1llng. · The change, ' may not come all at once. not ov.ernlght. \'let sureshould ,-be cleaned or laundered. \ , . , '. . ~ernove . shl,!lves' and drawers I·ln ly. "and Ii. m_ay be ' sWiftly., ' have been',' Persons whose t-b e clloset Itself; and sc'r ub them aU have chl\nged In a single night. alit vJol~ soap and waleI'. 'A ny l60se Islpgle moment. - There are fiXtures should be removed and rs whose lite - transformation cleaned thoroughly, si,nce these. too. may~barbor moths.. " _ . ~a' come slowly.' But wherever BI\!leboards as well a's cracks In re ~l ,repentance Js. there tbe Spirit the :floors and walls should . be of jGod has bee n at work. tho,roughly scrubbed. Once the closet 1s thoroughly cleaned. you may 'seal Is Needed ·the clracks with P\ltt}r. plaster patcllPOINTS UP the Ing olr a , sprayed plastic so tbey will not l~e able to ' harbor molhs ,or same ·two reasons tor repent· ahce that We:. lind a/lthrough · tbe " " Bible. One ~eason is iP'e judgment larVae.. Thl! next step is to lliace a pound of Go~' .tl)e oth~~ is the promise of or t\ll.o ot naphthlene flakes in the cloooll, close 't he door and seal: it. God. ;~;:,s:: are two S,~de, . of the ~lth a gumed tape. 'Keep ' the Man 'does not live In bls own unl' c;}ollel~ closed for at least two days. verse. He lives 1n a universe which: , All clothing put back in the closet be ' could not have crea'ted-ln a shOUld be -scrupulously clean 'o r you sense he Is a guest of It. It is a will haVe infestation In spite at these universe God created ' In love. and precautions. Plan :to , cl:!eck ' for ~ur- TUles In love. Work and ther infestatIon at intervals so you "agairist the graJn" of · God's law can Ii,et at the moths before damage ' of love. ahd yoU lire headed for destruation. " , ',is beyond control. Avolll F1,ked .. RepeUentl· . , . . ' On E'u, TrImmed .eoa'a . To re~t m,el lhat ,.o~ , GOlild furs, lire worthy ot cold storeome ont !Jew •. In the Imare of' age :to ~revent moth damage. but God. Not 10 re~ntmeaDl that, you. are a, breaker 01 God'a ,fur trtniIned coatI may' be stored at home safely. .... beeaule you do not Uke After cleaning, -have the coat bta la... To repeDt meana that a ba~ whIch can be sealed ,Un the laapace of the "noUm' gummed tape or which Palmla&) you love the law of zipped to there are no openGoel. moths to creep tbJooullh. To the WI1'epentant; the laWI' 01 fUrther precaution you might God are llk~ the barl of I cruel crystlWed clmphor. or moth cage. To the repentant. the 1awl of or flakel In a Imall balr inllde God '.re like raU. to a lOcomotive .' Never DIIke naphthalelle '~o.. ~wa,. of power. ao lbat it mlJht poulbly -("aden who wish to eumlae COIdact~e fur a. thla the BIb~. te.ablDll oa repentance majlfCl,aulle clIIcoloratl~ b7 reactflll lboUTc1 reid "The MeanJq Of a. w . . . .Jf ..dje u.ed in the fur. ThI8 b,. William DoQlla. a1IO ~4 to make tile fUr pubUahecl It)' a. WestmlDlater Preu.)
rlll~\.'!i t pr()tClCtion bnkl!rv produ ts ke vp the b'l',e ad clean, W .lRh and soa ld the aLDe r . and a lr ·c'r.Y it ~Il' ruugtlWl t'!" a wI'c'k in' winler . and ry olher d ay In slimmer. Dei not stand bread boxes near heat, units in the kllchen, such as ranges . rariia tor s waler Ileaters and doth I' dr$'i!!rs Vi' the other hand a cold pa., tr!' will cause the bread to s ta ll' rasler: 131 cad boxes s hould not he too a iry unl ess th e products thomselv es are s tored in moisture-proof wrapper s.
Til in<ure the
Careful, Attentioo t~o Woolens Before Storage' Yields Results
-Bart's Decision
Tbree Bird Bouses OU ·WlLL be sure to h&ve interesting t ena.nts if you put these houses in trees, on poles in the garden. or on the garage. Wrens prefer to b!! near your dwelling. Make up these hOllses now and p'ut them out just whim t\ley will be nf!eded tor the second brood at the 1950 season.
ThuJ'sday, JUDe 8, 1950
June 8, 1950
Sure Cure A tour lilt was c rossing tile oceal) for the firs t tim e, and bega n to feel s tr ange.ly dizzy. St a~g erlng to the IIteward, he asked what would p,revent seasickness. "Have you a quarter ," the steward Bilked. "Certainly ," r eplied the tourillt, ·takI ng the desired ooin from his pocket. "but do hurry." "Now," said the stewaril, "put It between your t eeth, and keep it there,"
, ,
WILSON STORE CHAUNCY, OHIO Tbla old es ta b lis h ed dry g ood. bUsiness . five .mlles fr om Ohio 'Unl verslty to b e !l old tor les s th a n inve-olor y . Price $4500 .
Als o tor sa le or lease n soven·roorn hom o.
all conv e nien c es. Ho me conn c\:: tcd w ith t he SIoM . P rl"e o f p r op e rty SOOOO. qr will
r ent s tor e fi n d POU8C jo r $65 pcr month . Wlis on's ' S to re, Oh nu hCe)', Obl o.
W r ite
Each With Your OWII Initial!
or eo lJ Oh a llnoey . 2 1111 ,
DOGS. CATS, P ETS. ETO. N EEI) • hu bby ? lY e s ta n i'oU In k en ne l
foundati o n (or tu n o r p ro fl • Consultan t. fOil wire .fox ter rie r s. l\l cCIl fi b s . Ro ut" 3.
Box ~l'n . Mem phi s. T e nn . S O 1L C r~ lll j;'n: -;":;,:':m:':p71e:":m=-e::':n::-:\7. : --'J"=o::::hn D e ere 6 'h-n. D uck loo t IIcl d c ultiva tor . S100: C lork c utaway 7-ft . d oub l. disc. 24" bin d es. $400 . u.ed on 100 a c res.. BAm F rAn l& Se. d .'nrm . . Dublin. '()hl o. F R"ll -
4't;gnahlre'~il~erware ~OnIy75~
willi whlte-jlor .nd fro,.
l USED O llv ~r 7.. f£ r ll cuur on rubber or s te e l n nd C ulttvbtor . 3 New OUver S u Pt r io)' trnc t or Full t ype- co m plan te r with F e rti li ze r *alt nchmcn ts . D lscO\lUled 20~. I' Q lIve r 5000 IV nllon wl lh G r « ln R o ck o n Rubbl'r. Dl SCOIJlHOd 20' ''' O lhe r u sed mac h iner y. W. E. f' Brll r ll !\te r ce r. F l a ln
d ill' . Oblo.
_---'._ _ '--_
~I'. ,, >, o r •• ,
As ph alt
r-InCl PJ a~t1 c "l;"lJe Men ; , yea r .ro l1nd Jo b ; lop hou.r ly r a t e . n 'ob e rl 8 U a rd wll r e 0 0 . •
Pa ln . 8,' III •• Oh io.
LlVESTOCIt :t.~~. ~
6 &~BfI'. ~uB~~:n mllken !,ad
R . 4, S prln l rl,old . Ohio R EG IS T E R E D Ull mp s blre sprin g boa rs fo r sale. Cho lera tmmu ne . ' Cl a r e-n oe \\'ente. Co rtland . Ind • •
od Your l ee cream bU IIlne.. .ave 1800.00 on new Williu ms freeze ~. M a.k ea 2
cIme 1 whlte.tar ~ from 1UJlOU". 'f.uurn .~Q. aDd 7~ In coiIL
c olora 2 fla vors. Us ts '2l6~ . 00 .. I'IDO .OO down , S50;00 pe r m on th tor 12 month• • B .. B DI . lrlb.t.... Bo .. llnll: Gr.on. KF. Pb.480. MAGNET Reoha r ll:ora M .. de on receipt of orde r, prlco . $DO.OO" W . COX, 1010 Nul.. 11.10 St •• HARRI&BURG , ILLINOIS .
w.-e •••••••.•.....•..••.•••••••••••
lC....n'•• be,t.".Wlllllnlftnl,c:.1IIMCfIfti . ~. . . . . MDd me • • • ,. ~JIII
"SlaDature" teawith (ollowlu, iIiltlal . ..... .
For each IlIIit Mt of .. ~~.I ~
Ipl.... " ...' A~ ••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••
CIIy ••••••• " ••••••• Zeft.e •• • S........ ~.
0'., •...1..." .. u. S,. ooI;oct
Ie . .
Alabama Woman Recommend~
EVER 8bopped •• UolI,w ••U Th'e chane. hi yours without lea vlnl home. F or Fre. Detan. of Exe lu. lve Servlee wrlta: Lo.I •• B ... w.. rd. _ N. B.,worl ll. BoIIF' wo.d .••• C.. Ufo ••
POULTRl1. CmCK8 .. EQUIP. BOURBON RED TURKEY EGGS. 1211 per hundred : poult.. 172. Twenty ye ..n with Re!lB . BenrF 8allne.mUob. GR'A l'lD ·OPENING CRIOK' 8PECIAL 20,000 h1llh qu nuty Cornl. h Re~. · B a Jre« Rocks. Wh!te Rock.. New f!;.. mpllhlr. Re~. Rhode Isla nd Reds_ Re<! Roau CU.S • .approved IIS ~ IIva bUity .lIullran· teed' . Weeks of March 23 to 31. 1'1.80 per 100_ Backed by over la_y~are of hatohe17 experience. O ver 130.000 ell capacity. Ca ll. wrlt,e or . phone your order today. FRANCIS CHIOItERY . New M.dJ.aa. O. Phone 80 BA'I'IERIE 8--,5tartlnll a nd Flnll hinl ·Laylnl Nes t. ; Used O" ly 80 Days ; ' N .... Feed"r. ; stln In Crat e s ; Wate r FpO"""1 !lOIns - CoUin Boxe. for F,,"" I a e Rooala; E",I Orader ; EIII C asel. ele. ~8~ SI-~RiflE~htr&ORMATION ·C....LL HI 3237 OR WRlTE FT. THOMAS. KY. GOSNEY TUR~EY FARM U.8 • .!1 FIVE MILES SOUTH OF ALE XANDRIA . KY. ,
M....... O.
REAL ESTATE-o.:-BUS. PROP. E8TJl:RLISBED n elort Ba.lno• • for . !lie; II hou.ekeeplng cabtns . comple tely furnl. hed ·" eleelrle. IIdlr for cooklnll. 8 boata • Good u. lnes&o,-Jua t mOVe In lin d ta k e over-; h ave' re.l erVQt!oDI for comins trout
se asoft. s umm er v aca tlons , bIrd ,a nd deer
huntln;; a J.o' lc " houl e. storeroom. chance for mor e <leve1opment. Near bu • • R . R. depot and ~""~::.'.;~ci/:~\J:'rJte owner. Ko.llulak... IIJob. c ..." . . . 14M.
REAL E8~A~DOUSE8 CHARMING II " 0.;".1..... r ock conat.: 1 'I. lIere 110 bear lne ,rnpel rult and Oran.e iree. . 2 c a r lIa r a,.. HenhDU •• ete •. 12 mUes w. · of Sebastian JDCl1an Rive ... $8000_ TermsB ..::- III. ·Fonamere. Fla. TRAVEL
M.... .R: E. C....dy. COG Tenne.... Annue, Ea.' q.dleJ'l. Alab.ma. baa luftereel tor .oml time with 10.1 of weight, ~ervoulIl).e .. · .nd cas p.ine. After taldng HA-DACOL, Ihe' ..,.: "I ,,",ouldwbole1te.rted1y, reo:' , ommend .HADACOL b~uie. it baa ~on' 10 .mucb tor mel' :' . . ' M.... call.dy w.s suffering from it deficiency of Vitamin. "SII> B;,~ Niacin .nd' Iron. which HAD~COL eontain.. She lay., "I wouldn't · take anything for ,the complete ch.n,. . I ' ~~~". BA1>:ACOL bas m.de In home." Here is Mra:. Callady's atatement: , "Fot· 10m. time. J .have been undlr~-'---"'--',,--,_.I ..).,. nervoill, -h.d· terri))). .n~ c•• ')laIn ..·.llth• . tlm~ • b.d taJcen .11 . kindl , o~ 'medlcin.. Then .• friend tolc! m. bow i he, ;o'
.bell Wond.rful reiiiIta il'~rb · HAD4. COL. A.ft4lr two bOtile" Ieo.uid .tell,
It terrifi!! dlfterenci. I now hA...e ". ' fin. 'PPetite; have rained weight .• nd belt of .Ili have 101' thOle ra• . palDi .nd h..d.ch,•••. I wbolehe.rtedl, ftcQmmend HA~ACOL becliii•• it ~a. don-. io m\ltb · for. I . 'l'0~dD't take .nythlng for the' eamplete eh.n,. that BADACOL ,baa
CISH 'FOR Books OR OOMPL.E 'ltE 'LlBRARIES Also , Old Book, l"ertaiulu. to Oblo. Jiull.De, 1IIla61., KeDtvc...,. Qr CountY. Distorletl
lOft.'. CollI" .ook. Co. l838 N: H,li'h
'fA, 3·U Z-Ext. 05
Pi~nrih1g 'f~r ~he FUfure? . Buy U.S. ,Savings Bonds!
made In my home';'
SOW On :A Strict . , Mo~e,.1kek Ga.iaDtH. So ·Ii.... thla remarkable HADA. _COL medicine .• ebrice to help )'011 ' If ,.011 llIfter trom, ltom.ch dlltten,
ntnouniu. In.om1,ita. eonitl""Uon. ach.. and paml. fd n.urUI.. & . f81l. ,raJ t111~:-dOW'D ,CIOndl~on, &1Id are lick · or aUln,. beeaUN '1011 ~~. cllllc:l.. of Vitamin. lij~ B., ·Nlaeia aDd Iron. Remember that HAD:A-
COL ' II . amazinil, lIiffaran' and ampm.i,·elf.."" heea"" Jt.~.ia th. real ea•• of' ~CIa ~uj,l". Kab '
up •J;our mind to· taka JlADACOL .np1~11. ~, .~tJl1Itie. laid ' '011 th, 'ltDaIa.. -Than II . O~ OM · ~ACOl. TOll _ " . __ a\'''1It, 1Ieea... 'IW &91d·'on • atria D\o.,. ~ .-ro.... 'You'li ~ f" 8N&t · 'witla t:h. tim ftw boW.. )'Oa tab • • > OI' .JOJD' DIODe,. back. Dnl, '1.J1
l4rp ruiifi
~ ;~dJd
rO!..~10!1! ~~
t. . ..,.
PEOPLE •• . . ••• , . . . . I ........ll ... tI ••••••1•••• r.u ...... .II,
. ........r " .......' li....... , ......
• r •••"..... IIF' ••• pli,... N. ''''1'U far ...kI.t tr . . . . . . . . . I..U•••
I ......
, Tft.I.,'E'EJIST·iTUTE 411' ••
~_'~I .... CIe.'...... ~j
O~.I ••I1 •••
RI:....... , . ,
Hoapftai ..... tUO. ' . If J01Ir dnfutst doaa bot ha~ I!ADA~ · ..... direct from TIl, IAB....J C'.c!rP,o~on. , LeallJana. 8iDd ilo _Dat~ tI_ »oar n... ucI ...,.... OD • . . . . , pod eft Par poataau. Stata whetUr ,.oil WIlDt ........ lise -...11.. trial .... JltiDiImIfIr,
••• .ICIt .r ,,.....
1Wle,.. Iore...... ·Ac...... P .... of tile ·HucIeB. Sold at allleadiDcJ)rug ~--._.....,. .
A ...pIe, boIOe i'REE '" aendba, this .d to
IHE SWANSON (0.-......, ....
_mllmm~mlllll~lllIIlImmllllllm!11II111I111111111111111 11111111II11 111111111111 11!llllllIIlllllIIllIIlllllmlllllllllm!IIIIII!1!!1111111II!lIillllll
TWIN THEATRE • • ' WaynesVlII~, Ohio
"PA l' E'M'LE"
le t.
DARNl'J I.,L , fwd
Dead, End Kid!!
'rop Soil. DaullDI. BaYld. Gravel IllXca •• Unl Wltb Rae. Hoe. , Dra.·llne ".n 4 Bulldoller
i O-
n A.
'V IN CEN'l' PHI ' I"
w. ,n. 'News
Wilmington 2362 Lebanon 439 i'oR SALE - SWt~et Potato plunts, INLAND PRODUcTs. Inc. 60c per hundred. All kInde or g 8.I"
' olor
StArring MAUREEN 0' 11
Phune: WlIyoelvlll. 2lt1
12 Ad \'ollturo In
T om Ilild J el'I'Y
Philosopher'. Stolle
than you lIet. you have ,the phllos
"~~"--" ~'-~I~~~~'_ '\~' ~I""'~':' ,
ili-l. " 15. 22. 29-7- 6."13, 20. 27 Hnll'I1l1t1o ll !l.
· 1iII11~1~lm~lImm~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII , I I IIII!ll lIl il!l I lilllmllllI ,
year'. BUIt 1000
PIIU ER - rlns R li (·hi .INl wi'l1ft l,!?'] ri.1\d sbul'll no :I"h ,or horne tl'CeZ ~ r8 39 c each \\In; Reaville L r;.ok.er PI'lIIt P:hone 3171. . .
6- . 15. 22. 29, -:7- 6. 13!
IImlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlmrlllllllWllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllll m
.. . '111:.;;~
21 '
Ch'r Ylllllllli emlimll. SI. , oll ns Gllrrlle!tll acr BS It' m Tellil 0 atn I n M.'lln II lI'eet. P illi ne 2551 .
, Sl~ 'llldrnSQn 'l, Mar!goldll
JUNE 13, 14
IncHan mOo class 8hapll. $8 7.5.~O Heory .col'D('r 741 and M . 8 n Bethany Rdl!. X-6-8-11).22 FOR SALE - Stra\\ berrJes. tr vln , Mutord; Waynes\111e Route 2. X-6- ·1.;·22
.U~:~D:n V:!'~:!~~:!':~!:I~~":::fI'_ ".,HOfIfLD fratlar mode". 11't1l...
- Blue pocketbook. between 'W'aynesvllle IUld Lebanon Sunday nt.hL Return valuablell. Mr •• 1;,,11111' RUterb~. 566 ,Clnclnnatl -Avenlle,
phlo. PhOne 110m.
laving attachment..
'Especlillly, For Farms
,'L1ve Wire and' Progressive. ~ organlza.tion second to none. Strictly sellers on the best 11.11around mar1tet In the country.
WANTED ' TO RENT - House un·
FrlgldnJre empl~)'oA, PIlant 2. wife .and 1 cblld '(school :~I!:e)'. Phone 37198, prlng 'Vall.y. Ohio. X-5- 1S'25-6-1 '- ', ' ' , ' Fq~ ltENT-rricountry. 2·bedrollm borne. completely modern, ,50.00: m~r l b, Phon~ MIddletown 23688.
1300; WLW elnolno'atl. 1240. DIal 700. \ .'
PHONE Centerville 706&
" J
I, §
S _5.:_' . ,
Water Oil.cie ~ TlON "
MAl~ a
6I1A ...
Spriug VaUey Hardware Co. ·
lOBulated Drfeb aDd
i _______
Route 3 Wa'ft~III., O. Phone. Wlyneevllf. . . .
,2:60 Cows $2.60 RQIB ~50 twt.
All 8tock Re""v." ~ II Irg. or 8mall - C.II COif,"
to .. Sldln,. Shee& .BWtal work ' Df all klnda. J..ocal Wenm" cell. AU ...ork lIIa~teed.
Phone 373~1
ST. MARY'S 'EPISCOPAL 1:80 1'he Rev. S~llJ,lIel N. Keys, ReClfo:' Sundu,y : H,oly Comniunloll, 8 (\,"11. FERRY CHU'RCH 01' CHRI8T prlmar3:' chUrch Bcboo! 10:':1.0 .a.ul . Byron Cl;lrver, MlnlBter (Ages Q throush ,S) BIIlIs Scbool, 11:30 A:M. Adult Worship, 10:30 A, m'., , ' Morning Woriblp, ~o:ao A.M. Fillo".hl:.1p,
Prayer 'M eeUol.- T:OO P .... , Young ,People'a , MesUp •• 7:00 rovenlng ,Beryjull. : 7::~O 'P.M.
, ,'
'~~h:r:::"'~e~U:80 A.M.
D"."8 ' era' , ' " .,. , . ", ' Ie , ST8, •
R. B: Coleman, MlDlater , B. E. Da'Ulbu. faator ChUrch Scbool, : 1I:8,O A.M·1 , Mr. Dulfled Bervlce. U:46 •• 'm.
': '4.... ~ HOUR WREaa~G SERVICE '
CIt~'u"'r~~ ."W{la' t'~U, 50" •
Year : P.~~Uth
, ' .. ' LUBRI ~I~ I' eoMlJ.£Tf; AUTq RlEPAIR' SERVICE I'
Eltb1)ate. ' are that 31 mUllon Amerlc:.n .women use mar,arlne·" and .pend aboul four bUllon min. ute. 'yearl)' kneadlna, Itlrrlnl color Into the product. ' ,
__ i__ '
' '
" The' World'i 4eepeat lak•• are Baikal In .outhem ·Slberta. with ' a iOunll1li,' of ••882 feet; Ind "'Tanlanylk.. In Africa, plumbed to "JIII ' teet. , ,. "
X-6·t! Ford 4·door. over-
S;·~~~~~!!iiiiiiii~~~7.::E~= · =~=~~=:':!'I ~_J"'._._._r_.~ .:a·;_ ~._ ..
In.tallation and Gas
Valley, o.
, _"~ ._,_
', -- - , '
Ask About our Price on
..,-,. ._._---'--..1..-.. . L Y T ,L E
Botll eGas
"F R E E
baul job, new keB, covel'8 a \I paint, radiI!bl'lL and beater. $225, ' Ph9ne 2631. " , it
FOR' i~>\L~'36
I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I :: .............. ~ ,~ D.p." La_ Ulle (If lII.t. .rlue ,
n.IMmllimmmllllilllmlllllllllllm~lIImlllmlllllllllllllll !1~!~lm~lIIlm.~mill lllml l l l l lrl l!l Iil !l I l illlmlmll1 1!l '
. -in:"'" "
SERVICE 'THAT SATISFIES ~4:..~'--::,,--'-:~--:----:----~""t1FlJr'DaIlY Marl(et Reports: . Rf.. 48. S mi. 'South of WHTO Dayt on. 12:60 E.S.T. Dial
- -r-
·. ...-Jm.i·in'
X - ti-8 ·1fi ·22
e '
FOR HAl,E trawtrorrJel!, AIIlI/~ Pml' rso n. ., ellbl;:l ok d. Pboll e 22H. 6- ·1(;.22
' Roy E' SIDI-th
dallll!' 8. etc,. 111so
tlowel'l!. .t., JOhl1 't! GW'd dlll, aCl·U.h rrom 're:,mc~ station. Main 8tl'ee t. p,bone '2661. X-6-18·2~6 "~Il
Chry~ antilt!/l lll lll ~ .
Open June 12th
Building on
HOGS PROC'ESSEIDr-AlI fres,b ; 3c per pounll. WayneBvllle ]..0 'ker
1,.Located. pppositeScli~ol
JUNE 9. 10
.OP.heriiiii!'S... s to.ne_Beiiiiiinja.mln • F""; ••• Ut1~ln V'OR SALa-Fo d scooP; Ford 'trae' ror conversion kit and brAco arm. t 101' \0, ood BroB. Ol'n picker. 'F oni plck'lIl1 mowing macblne. Ford h)" druuilc Jack. nil eqllpment good liS new. WlII sell c heap, Ross Row· IlInd. Phone 3361 -5·2fi.--G-1·
"SMITH'S Dry600ds Store· W;f'l'H A N~CE LINE OF
d,e n ,plantB 150 per dozen. Cbarle , CL Stro\lse. 1 % m lIe3 norf b nt COl'· nor of WaYlicsvllle. LYI1" Ulld Ferry roads, ' X~·18·25-6-1·8·15·2l!
It you know pow to spend lesf
1II1111111111111111111111111ll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillmllili1IIIIIIImlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllllllll lil ml mi1IIIIIIIImllili
LO~tDEll All klnde.1n all I.DHOR SES $2.50 COWS $2.50 !:tbs and wldtbs. Kiln drIed HOGS .25 CWT jienBonable prices, ' AU ordera. Also Sheep, Calvel, CollI, etc.: large or amall will be delivered I" emoved Dally Hog Houlles ACY LAMB ." t'bone CALL COLLECT Waynesville 2701 .
H. · STURM , Sec'y.Treas. IJANK RUN GRAVEL- Loa..te.l. ul DavIa Furnu PIt, IiO «*Ita IlublC' yard. WtI aillo deliver. AllM· &: SON. Phone 2091. tI
LO R l ' at; G I.E
WIIJDenUle. Ohio
in -
2 tiL
, Lebanon N.F.L.A.
( A I.IIugl l A llnll to) '11'/\ I"nm
Refinancing. Buying. Improving
Waynesville 2472 or call col-
33 Yean
I .
F'1l!;t Come dy W Ilh PAUL DOUGLA t~ IN DA
\ UI\I " \' FUI(Gt:T TO CALI . us for insurance. All types of inSUrlllll'e a\ a savings. Call f rnncis Gene Brown. Phooe
F~~~:~~~::I~~ Your
Xenia 414
WAYN,E 8VILI,:E C'HURCH CHRlaT ' M. H. Corto,y . Mlniller
Mr. HOLLV ' METHODleT D tttOft _ ",lind Procluotl, Inc. T. M~. II1nlIter_ . Cia .. . SUIIdq SchOol, ':80 A.M., _ IlL ...
~.1'HE:t...(... RESUL-"
' Supcla, Sabool. 1:.0 ~\·M,;
"'n. '
James O"""IIIOPI Supt. ' ' Pre~blp~. ,lilt. aM, 3rd. ' SliD'" da,8 of ea~Jj mODth. 10;80 A.... Evening Semeea. 7:80 P.M.
." q Bible School, II: 80 A.... Morning' 'Worahlp, 10:,80 A.M. ST. AUGU8TINE CHURCH Young Peoplu' Meetlnc. 1':46 Father R, H. Xrumboltl, Paltor P .... Massea, 8 aqd 10 A.M. Elvening Servjce. 8: 00 P. M. l'rIpr lI..tJPB .IId Bible Study
W. . . .daF•• P.II.
WIIJlapJ StJitllMfI. MlniBter
A. IIuDhart. Bupt,
Worllhlp Semet. 10:10 A,II.
Xl• • BemCle, 7:.0 P... .
... """DJtOD. Il\DIIter , WOJWIa,p ra.m.. 44. BIWlar lIoIIonl, U .Ut FRliNDI I'lrat DQ 8ebool. 1:1. 1..11. lleetJlIC-tor WoraIalp, 10:10 'A.II.
AIJ()uf TfJwn
Serying Waynesville Since 1850'
Tbe W. S. C. S. will moel on 'rnursday, June 22 al the homo of . Mr6. Gilbert FrYE!, lu stead or tbe tbe regulal' time ,June 16. The cb ~e wus ma.de due to lllo fun eral sl)l'vlce ot DI', H. B. Hathawny. 'rd11S'. Robert hn pman utumded ber . Home I'.co.floml cs Alumni din · ner at. OnJverlllly of Cl nolbnutl O'/l TllUl'sday. Mr. and MI'". Chal'les Chnpnllln', who werD enroule frOlll ClJ1CInnaU to Chicago. wel'e S unday g u stll of
his parents, Mr. lind MI~. J . B. hnpnum. . ~ra. E. C. Wright entertained at her home (In Wednesda.y afternoon nonorlng \ho elghtb: birth· dllY of her Utile ti;lughter Judy: The 1lttle guests arJ'l~ed bringing lovely girts I~ nd much tim!! W8S 1I11ellt' in opening nnd Ildmll'lng them. . IUn II wore enjoyed uml I he blrt.hday cake wus lIerved wi th lee cream. ea('h one I'ecelvlng a fovor 'and gin. . . T110se who celebrnl·d with Judy wel'e : D1lna Oumlol'd, Dee Ann }(olmes, IPott.y Dunham. 1<lIrell Thomas, and'ra Cook, ybel 'J Q LeMay, A lice l\felJuffle und usnD Wright. Mr. and MJ's. Glib rt ,,'rye were host 8 nd h.oSte88 to tbe , \ est Wayne Advisory Counc1i on "' rl: day even ing, rol' the regular June nle tlng. Mr. ttal'01d Wh ltnllel' ,,';lOd[l led the dJ8cll8SloD period nnd the connell udjourned to meet In July w!,t h Mr. and MIll!, H. I •. l1Yi-. A very pleaaant , Boclal houl' WlllI spen t and de liel'llllB hllmemade cako lIud Ice Cl'ellm w~re sel'vcd by Mr. "nd Mrs. Fry!!. MI'. and lIhs. Donald Hadley and dUllght.er hal'e TehlJl1l).d from a dellgbttul vacn.tlon trip to Wash· ington, D, C. Mr. ' and Ml'B. W, B. S QIllrl.'!! and Mr. ' Bnd MT8. ~Imer Sbl1 l8 lert
at Indian Monda),Lake, tA:> spend .8e"el·al d!t}'s ' on
The Personality 4·H Club met Thursday evening, June 8 lit DOL. DUlY IUld MJrln.mm WIiBons wltb J\fr. and ?t!;rs. Ed. PorteI' In cbarge and, Eu la Hoak Ilresldlng. PersonaULy ill to be Ule subject fOI' our 4·H club tb.ls year. 'Tbl~ LOCAL DENTIST, Is It mixed group. "\'1) hB.d ten . BY ALL. DIEs H~ member's Ilresen.t. Mias Wiseman MONDAY NIGKF m~l with UII to b ell! us get QUI
The Waynesv ill e Buttons lind Bowls ~·H Club Illet T uesday, June 6, tiL the 'hl gh 9 hool with CaToly:J\ $. R,ellllli ck In cllnJ' and Vide "r'lsldent . Lind a Rllmby PI' sillhig. 'Hec:tllll!e \\'e 1l1'1l having both cooking nnd sew ing w roted to cllange th ' na me fWIll Sew-So to Bullons and Bowls. T.be record books weI's llaJilsed out and start· ad on 0111' projects. Refreshments Wel'e served and we wer'e ·Ied In a few gomes. TlJe next meeting will be held at th e IIlgh scbool on Tuesday. June 20 at 2100 p. m. oaral LYlm Retal1lck
. MargaI' l NOble \'\'11ltOO, age 76 dilld ' early Sunday at her home near Oregonia, from coronan thrombosIs. Survjyom includ her husband LaWBOOl. I dllughter, Mrs ' Vlvlnn Whallnlmont, of Continentall. OhIo, 7 Bons; Lows NOble, Wm. Noble. of MIMII, Fla., Lee . of Gregonla, MJlton, Harold, 0 lid Curl, of Day. ton, Donald of Spring Vall ey, 12 Well Known Waynea,v ille grandchildren, 6 gl' at gr,alldch ll. dren, 2 £lIsters, M /'8 . Anna Pott.or! Practiced I>en~try of })anon. Mrs. Cilth erine Wesl of Here 50 Yean Wllmlngton, I broillel' J 0 h n W II Dr. Howard Elils Hathaway. 77, I lama of MIamisburg. , . SefV\lces were ' held Wedneswho pradticed Dentistry here for 60 years, passed away 'at bls a ome day o.tte~ at , 2: 00 o'clock ILt 6:00 p, m; . ALBERT McClure Funeral Home Wilth Rev. Monday evening He Is survived by h18 SHEEHAN DIES Fox in cbarge. Burial In LebsMn _bel, . 2 slliters, MlsB 'Loretta John Albert Shee hall, 6 • passed cr' lIIetery. Hathaway, ot Dayton, MI"II. FloJlo av,'ay nt St. ELlza.beth Hospital 10 ence Oampb~)~ ot Detroit, ~,.~:.....: I""''IL)''LOn Friday 'BvenJllg at 9 :'30. ENTERTAIN TO ~gan. 3 bllOtbers. Joseph ; ot Is seJ'VIved by his \vUe Stella SUNDAY ' DINNER lumbus, OhiO, Carrol . of Lebano'il, &on, John at home. ' 2 s1sters ' 'Ln''r. • Mft~ .... H eston Mr. and Mrs. Delber t Conger Ohio, Wlibur or Fra~klIn, ...gar...... ot Fran"'l1~ 0 .. ··- M Ra.ch I enteltalned to Sunday dinner Be was a member of the ........ .w.v, fa. . ae , . • of Way:nesvWe. Mr. and Mrs. Albert· Lenhart of ....:.._ .... _-ral so-lcea - ' I I be S t. Marya. Mr. and Mrs. 'G rover rhDl'8day at 11 p, m. a. t' Stub_ . lervices weI' e he I d W at 2 : 3t'• p. m. a t St ertz, Day,ton, 'Mr. .a.nd Mra. Perry ~'--ral Bome. . . ubb s . B""' . ...... H ..nton 8.nd fa~ly of Fairbo.r n, -"} 10_ 1_ Ome with ·Rev.. Wlllialll M Burial ."u ....... rtl c1at 1ng. r. iClarenCe Smith, OinclJllla.tl, n.> _ _. ' • 0 I ' . ' ~z lonor ng tbe blrthdty of . Terry Burial WBB ill ..,.. ~r1ngboro cem. Benton and the 'wedding anniver· ·N.. C. T. U. Bary of Mr. and Mrs. Wertz.
Vice Pres., Betty l;Iattel'tbwalte ; Secretal'Y, })orohy Wilson: Trea". urer, Sue Furnae and NewlI Re . 'poI·ter, Lots Lukens. We declde(l to pay ten cents lor dues erwh lneeting. '. Delicious refl'csbmentB were lIel'vlJd by . tho hoslesses afro)' tbu meeting. . Guests present were M 1.8 S WJse, mnn', Mi ss Eva McMillan. and :1I1rs. Mabel Wilson . Next meeting will tie held u Eula Oak's Wednesdny evening. Juno 21 at 8 :00 P. 1. Lois Lukens.
Oharles c. .COQk. Waynesville. died at the age of 63 yeal's at bls home Wedn~s.y u,t 2:00. a: m. fle Is survived by bis wire Minn1e, 1 8!ln 'a l'l 1•. , 3 slst~rll, Mrs, Allie Servis, Mrs, Martha SRtt6rlbwaite, M )' s .. .Tennle Bradley, a II . 0 t Wa,yn syil1e, 2 brothers, 'NorrIs Md Frank of Wayneay11le. The funeral will bt' held Friday at 2:00 p. m. at Stuhbe Fulleral Home. BurilLl hI MlamJ cemelery.
A "Tom Thur:nb Wedd : nll'~ I.
be prelenhd at , tlte A, ' M. churCh, hlNi Saturda)l eve·
'I.tur nlllO. .. at 8the p. )!Dung m: Tt\emem clUt...... which of
&.... ........
,HERE rIWI,.., 1i14l'\",I'lI. LEGION PO'ST On Friday attenwoD. JUDe NEW om~ £LEcr'~ Mrs. Adria BraddoAJi: wa. h--~ . . ""to th W C or U M Okm 'l1he local Amllrtcan Legion Post e • • .. rs. , "16 ----8 the following . of. Borden was ill. charse of the d6'( '9""," eleCted: vqtlons 'and &111:0 leader ~ mee~. After the regular Braddo,ck. Commandet; Ines. meet.lDg, Mrs. Borden E. (Pn.t) 'Hopkins, First four articles on ......... Flower M " u ....1'.UWlJll.JOt'r; elvin Stans· sion . by Mrs. Jennie IVice Commander ', '·lMcFrldd,en. Ad,iutant; Ralph "ViCtory Nunery a't. ClJlurl,cliJfilr, China." The Stat 0 . frlcel'; Ohaplain ·Aiiumtlw; Sergeant·a.t·Ann~, l!lucuUve Coll I Tom . FloJ'enc('. an I
VAr..t. ....ON BIBLE ~aa SCHOOL DISPLAY " The daUy Vacation B1bl~ School by; the ChUrch of Christ baa maintained an average llendance of mOre than 70, A · t tl emona ra on program has been lanned for SWlday evening. Their ~ JlonsorOO
Marriage ' Is
Methodist Church
Saturday FollOWing th e h~ r etUnt I'rom a wedfl illg . ~1·ttJ MI'; and ,MI·II. ~. EV PI'elt Chasteen (Sal'llh E\1ith COlm"I') wltQ exchanged nupLial , ows In th e Waynes ville' Melho· dist Chlll'ch 011 SlltUl'duy venlng, will eBlnhlls!h tlle h' home i n Franklin. R V. Harry ' 11a61oen, brother of the grOOD! and min is lCl' ilL 1.O<Wl1, ol'fJolllllld o.t th o dOllbla rillg ceremon y, before a setting or Dltlm a, i I ladi II ._, . pIle g o , l)uU\. and blue 1t11·It, spur nnd fev rfew. li ghted by ca· tb e d",aI tapers In candelebl'll. The bJ;ld:a l Il.Lsle being In while with chiffon markers. Preceding the c..remony a pro· gram of nuptial inuslc WAS pre· sented by Miss Vh·ginla. Hardin, pianist a nd by tbe vocalist, Miss Lois Rockwell, wbo sang "Thine Alone," "Always," "Because" an'd "The Lord's Pray~ r." , MItiS Ruth Canner, s is ter of Ule bri de, was the brillesntald and Mrs. Jayne Wn rman , friend of the br.,lde. WlI8 the matron of honor. Liltlp NrulCY Conner \i'a s.. ~wer
:,:; nl1 ~rk which has been In co· girl for I; er aunt, (tnd Mark Ed· opera'tlon With tbeir dally leuonl,I.K'lII!tWlI WBB rlng·bea~r. .v lll be tOn d1Jsplay .and the chfi. The bridal I).ttenclants 'WOre Iren WIll give a brief review of! gowns fs.sbloned allke. witb full ",hat. they ha,ve learned. There Door·length IIkb1a of sUk' net, fit· " .fm also be !L short 'Pla.'ylet. You ted 18.C6 ' })adices, and matctilng cordially ~Vited to attend. gauntlets,' the brldeBll'lald In with hsir
...;.......~~~~~~_~!~I.. ~ ~ 1.:..,. ......-~ I
• . ~ Ucf.,~ .....,.,
and daughte.r or
O~ory; ' "The . ' 'Br. ldagroom." Mr. and 1M"'. RIllY V. H"r- r r will III'rNe here and son Bobby. Or Ashville, \J !l! , ft ill tl ','e!! Miriam McKnl"ht and Elth.r I It r t0 11 I ane. \' 8 ~ ' Oregory, "Brldel Attendanu," rene.wed old acquaintances hi t. _J frlend~. . ~,an . Llvlnglten aa.d Joaeph .near W~yuesYllle 14sl Sunday. O'rellory. "Parenb of the BrieN" . Mr. and 1'Im1 . III 1111 of Dayton, lire annou·rtolllg Patricia Livlngiton, "Flow.r BtCGre ltandard 11m. btrth of a. sevt':n pound . fi ve ounce Girl," II..c Grellory and Floyd ____ ill, 1l1li UIen w•• son Kenneth AUenl at Oood Sa· McKnlllht, Jr...... Inll ......~,'I tIIiIII _ JD u.. llJIItjId ....... ~lU'1lan Hospital on ~V~dDe6da.y, .• nd Ephrlam Qrellory. > ",1M' aetty McKn1l1ht, J\1rie 7tb. M .... nnd Mrs. , Chal'le!l ' Man." Drake or DaytOll, are the maternal who will be the ulher, ,w ill allO grandparent8, Mr. and Mrs. A.lva appear a. the "Iollt. MI.. Ludington are ,t~e paternal grand· Leona Brown, of Daytoni will P81:ents, and Mr. and Mrs: Ed .prellde at thl plano. Mil. 'LOngacre .. are Ute ll'1'eat grand· BroW):! IIv.!d In HarVeYlliurg parents: I before mov'lng to Dayton lev. . Mr, and Mrs. W. Fl. Anderson ~ral )lear. aGo. left Delaware, Olito on s un.. The prelentatlon ' 1. b.lnll dl. rected by. M..... Margoret 8hllp, .dll.1, where they ,a ttended tbe res· 6lv"les and gra.dtJ.BUpn klf ~elr Ion Munloni cif payton . . daughter, MlsB Mary Jane Ander-· Pr~edlng the "wlddlnll" Bom.: there will be a pr.lentatloa. of 14r, and Mrs, W. E. Stroud, Mrs. .awa~ the chlld~n Who col· lected the ·.I.".gell luml of Grace Vice, MI"II. June Hende~on lin"d: Mrs). Maude emne visIted money In 'tIn. be"eflt drivi ' Ipon· Mrs, J. C. ·McMIllA" in Covington, lored by the church I~ May. ': Ky., on ' ~l,nday afternoon. The publl. II Invited to at. Mr. and Mrs. ' Gilbert ~rye and tend the .' prei,ntatlo,n. T"ere eOns had as SUllday dinner· gue!!ts w,lIl be n~ char4F' for, admlilioa. Mr. and.. t.I~. Marton Linder of but an)lone who wl.hel may Da.yton, Mr. .8Dd.' Mrs. H. R. MOSSI . III~. an of(erlnll. Mr.. William Moss; Mrs. COOra Rich and .Mrs. Reba Brsd,dock. SPEND WEEK END Eleven Pall' MatTOnis ,. of the IN WIASHINO'-ON C.' H. or~er -or' ~tern Star ,o f Distrlc( , M!s.. Susan Scanlon spent tbio 21 me~ .a~ ~e home of Mrs. Jol~n week end 'w lth Mr~ IlI'Id Mrs. Fanta F'11omm on Wdnesda.y ' and wli then, Ferree ,Paine and daughter at enjoyed . a deUclOll!l luncheon at Washlngt.on C :H the. Far HlUs Party House. Tbe . . . attenJ);)On was · ple8B8l1tly Bpent ~r. and 14r~, Lawrenoe . entertained to dlnl,1er on. SalurdlLJ' ·at lbO' ,F romm 'bome. , Mr. and··MI"II. Ronald 'H8lWke anet' '(eVen'*.. Mr· IIIId , Mr.. Harolll Mr. And ·Mrs. HaTTt. MOsber ha~ Whltakker, Mr. and lIl'II. · ~od.e8 aa week ,' end gueatll Mr. Fran'k Bun~ell an,d d ..uitht~r, :Rboda a-nd Jackaon and Mra. LeaUe Jackson 'Dr. and Mrs. ~. F. 'Dye IUld · Ion of· Mt. G1kQd and' "·Mrs. Jamsa .Jerry.. /, . Mr. and Mn, BI'II"IIl ' al80 hJ4 . VrorthloBton of Cas·po.r, Wyoinl~g: ~Ia groUP. w.t~ JMr.. and M.r a. as · Sunday guests Mr . . and 1IrII'~ F. C. H~ck, cl 11 liford, and Burnett ButterWorth abJl BOn. Mrs. Char}ea 1', MOllber CIn· Leban9n~ an4 Mr. and lin; (llnnaU, were Sunday Bupper Barbar and children of X_nta. ,uew ilt the Hawke home. M'r: and lira. Albert H. 'Stubba had .. Sunday dIn~er £:11811le. Mr. Mr. and MrIJ. Maynard Rich and and IIrs. JeaBe ShlUlka and dt.Ul'b, IOns ot Plttsburgb. were week-end tar, Mr. and MH. Everett ai8ll41110 guest. or tb'elr parents. Mr, and WI aDd IIr. aa4 lin. ...... Mrs . .J .. B. Rich. OoPlptOn -of New Bul'llnltOD. IIl88 IMr. an4 lIrs, J. J. BUrske and Y\t9Dne Stubbs, ot. BOwUnC O....n MI"II. WlJUam. strouse were in unlversU7. arrived holD. OD . WedBOwline Green on Friday tor lbe II.8l1day lor . h&'!' l\UDID8r vacattoD. FaduaUOIl of IIlJJI MarUynBul'llke F&rm8l'll Graqe 11 win meet on 'When ,he .recelyed her B.S. In Ed· 'aatunlllT evenlaL wttb a buUt ucaUOD. 1I18S BurNe accompau· bJrthd&7 d1nDer at ..... o·clocIr. led her parents home, and ' wUl .... -.:b person to aJ-. proYlde their main until her wedcUq on J'rIdq tab~_ lerY1oe. I'ollowtq aM dblo _ evenIDC to lIr, 1)11. Duffee, of .... th. WIll II. tie
DY..- •
do not stifle th~ pl;accharity In the effort to ·your child:ren clean. It Is Important to praise a child tor wantill, share hi. food with the family pet thlln to sc:old him fpr beJn, dirty. It il .a.y to learn about ,emu WhE!n . . is older. It ~ DDt lHt 10 •• .,. ' to UDIuIIl
'P eople, Spcts In The News
or '
Carnations. The f10wer girl WlUl in a: doll. like creation of 'pink , marquisette ' and ,s head dress ot yellow carnaUons nnd calned yellow and aqua. carnations In ' ber wbite bas~et, and the rfngbearer ItL bls dark sull with. flower, proudly carried the rings on a.. satin hearf. GIven In marrJlJge by her hrother MI'. and Mrs. Ed Brown, of Mr. Leo COnnel', the bride chose Beav,rtowil, called on MI'. Browns . , r . Jlnslli Bertha Brown ' Sat· a plenre gown of ma~uls ette ovel' taffeta, deSigned with 0. (Jtted urday afternoon, bodice, off th~ ab'Ouldel' effeot. tbe ~~ Dorotby Daldo, of pun, yoke accented with II. fold trimmed maD, Wasblngton, Is visiting her In !leed pearls, 10ng fitted sleeves aunt, Miss . 'May · Wright. !Mrs. Olive Curl spent 'Sunday and fastened with Uny buttons to at th'e ;Van Tress reunion, 'w blch lhe waist III the back. Her tit ted met at bqme or bel' nepheW'. ·sllj1rt. with front panel or sheer lruce rUffles, I'nded in n. cllthedl'al M~. George. MI. l'oIacPberson In lm in . 11 ,. 'veil of h,c.' dgnd 11_ Mr. and! MFs. LaW1'~e Peter, 11ISiol\ t ~ ll' r 11 f~ nlll. :t 'INlded son, of IndJa.napoUs. v¥ted their t1a.I'Il. nnd hel' OJl ly' OI'DHIl1<l nt s ', aUllt. Mrs. 'Alice Clark on Sunday W l'e the ""aI'l eluT lngs RJlIl ne ' I;:· . . la 'e, a gift of Ilie groom, S he ~nung. 'ed LucUle ArDiltage spent the carr! UII arm bonquet or white wee~ end . in Dayton, the gueBt of carnation s and 1'0S s wllh ahow!! r ribbons. ber cousin. Miss Glenna Marsh. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Joseph Timko; Mr. 'Nolan Klnsil( rlaJIl served Cleveland, were welcome callers his . friend as bes ~ InulI, antl Mr 11.1': Of. . Misses A~nle and Mam,le Earl Conn el:, ~h. Wlillam 'V v Bl'Own on Sunday. MI·s. ThIiko man tlnd Mr. , John Rtantflll were ushel'll. Is the dlLughter of 'Mi'. nnd Mrs. • Merle Kearns (nee Helen .Marlatt) 'rl\e brldo's mothel' appeared In of 'Cleveland , who hiLv relatives an aqua. crepe dress with· white In this community. ' ac'oessorles, IL n (1 t il e g room 's Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ballard of mother \Yus in fllnk 'wllb ' white M/lamlsburg, viSited their oousln. aC(lllSnol'ies, each weari ng pink Jessie Gar,ner, Sunilay arternoon. corsages of roses fi nd c;Iii'nations. ,Mrs. Eval),n Peterson ot WHo A Ii8cepllon was held inlmedl· Ullngt.on, was II. week end gllest ately following tbe se rvl(:e I1t tile at the home. Far nils Party HOllse. Whor e M l'fl. 'Mise Elizabeth Chandler, 8S' Leo Conner, MI'/!. Ml\.r~' lil llen ·Kt11· soclate professor of education at 100-, Mrs. ' ~.a.rgllrt R'o.nuJ~I . Cal" Hampton Instttme, Va., ls. SJ,lsnd, olyn nlld Jan ~ t 'Conner were host· ing her vac~lIon wJth ber sl8ter, ess~s. Th heautlfully decorated, Miss Ruth Cbandiler. three-tiered wedding oalce 'wos Mr. and Mrs: Robert Kersey served. with punclt' to the mltny and children and M,lss Margaret guests . Rusaum of . Dayton. Mr. and Mfs. ' The bride cllose for t~Qvellng a WJ180n Edwards. or . Springfield, navy blUe Boult with white 8(:I'8S' v)slted lbe.l r au at MIss M.,nR.r.~tl BOrles and red carnation COfl!lltll'. ~ards on Sunday af~moon ; ., Mrs. Chasteen daughter of Mr. Miss Oertrude Cbandler \Vas 'anti M·re. Raymond CQnller, 'ls !t'. tbe week end guest' or her aunts. graduate o.~ , Waynesv1l1e lligh M1 i I!f 1 e a Ruth and Elizabeth sehool. and Mr. Cblll teep-, SOil or Clmndler. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ohasteen or loin. L. M. Hender!lon was the Franklin. Is a grnduate or Frank· guest on Sunday or Mr. and Mrs. 11n chapter. Bo,th ilre conneoted AI Schoeler, IJr Dayton. the Frlgld&lre Um(' ortlre. Mils MytJeI Stevens left Sun~ .,.. to IIIMInd ia month with CINCI~ATIA'N VISITS nlec. KJIS !JeleD Tr:imble
!J,.itJ~th JJo~o
. ¥'ra.
'M'r. C. H. Smltl{ of Cincinnati lira. li1Ua ' DaJdD apeDt 'I'n.,.....,v BPent · se erol ;dllya ihe past week ....th Mr. au 1Ira~ Oeorire w'th blB aIIster. Mrs. Delbert COilIIOD III LebUDa. ' and taDiJl7,
Thursday, June 15, 195&
g HOUS_E~ H ~J CALMERV£S AGAIN" frn IN.Tu·'~~~
Sign Five-~ear Contract; · June Grad Job Prospects 'Good'; Fuchs Puts Finger on U. S. Spy GM~UAW
Almost in U. N.
The nl'ltllIh labor government had spoken out for admiSSion ot Communi~t Chlna to the United Na· tlons. Which m eant, most obseners agreed, It Was now only a mat· tel' at tlme until it became an alctuaUty. Political students based their reasoning on ,t he tact tbat France (EDITOR'8 NOTE· Whea OpJOI0131 .r. ~.pre'.l!ct In .,... ~OIDIDJI., .lI.,. a:r. th ••• of W •• ern Ne ... pa,""e"t UoJoc·. aewl aa.I~.tl aD4 bO' Deoee •• rll, of tbl. neWID_por.) will not stand in· the way of' lid· mlttlng the .C ommunists, and, the American position Is that the U. S. LABOR: will not sponsor Red, Chlna but will Historic Contract a,ree to any majority deciSion. . Ernest Bevins, Britain's toreig:n Jut unprecedented five.year can· secretary, In a statement to the tract, halled by labor and manage· bouse ot commons, 's aid: ment alike as an important stabUl· u.tlcn move in the labor world, has "We think It Is better for the new been signed by General Motors China to bp inside the U. N. We dlo Cotp. and tbe CIO United Auto not want to ostracize anyone on PCr ;\Vorllers. Utica] grounds." ' T,. t:IO eyes of many, the most No matter how one wishes thie .tarWng thlng about the contract picture to appeal', observers said was not Its terms and duration, but acceptance ot ·R.e d China Into . tb.e the tact that both management United Nations means the Nil· and labor o.re happy about it. tlonallst cause Is a lost one. It Iia o.greement includes a four now ' publicly admitted. cents an bour increase, $100 pen· Interwoven in the picture wa.s lions for r eUred workers, and a the cautiously worded statement cost of livin, formula. Tbe union trom U. N. Secretary G'e nerlll estimated immediate benefits told Trygve Lie In London that there Barry Gold, 29, or PhUadel19 cents an bour. hope ot ending the cold war by pbla, beld under $100,000 bond, Walter Reuther, UAW-CIO .preslIs cbarg6t wltb asslstln, the careful negotiation . dent, described the agreement as What Is there to negoliate the convloted British spy, K1~UI!I "the moat significant development Fucbs, 10 handlDe over vital ' cynics wanted to , know? FranCE!, In labor relations since the mass atomIo seorets to RussIa. Britain and the United States will production Industries were organ· accept Communist China and ~WI· hed." GRADUATES: sla will come back into' the United Speakin, tor management, GM Nations-lor as long as It pleasel vice, president' Harry 'Anderllon Job Prospects Good .ber. When it Is expeqient, sbe wW said the unusual and unexpected ' Four out of every five 'ob·hun- withdraw again. agreement was "historic in laborgry June college graduates will management relatioDl!." Tbe eClntract' is the longest ever be employed by October I, though GERMANY: :written In the industry and assurea ' many will have to hunt barder and New Army? the company 0 t five years of unIn- longer than did the class of 't9, This Is an average of the estimates The three big western powen-terullted production. 'of placement officials reporting In Labor observers are alinost un- a survey of 128 colleges and uni- Uulled States. France and Britain animous In their agreement that versities made by Northwestern -have protested to the Sovie·t such contracts-long term onel- National LIte Insurance company. Union of the creation of a POUC I~ force and mUltia of 50.000 mell!. would exert a stabWzlDg Influence Actually 1950 will be a good year with "the cbaracter of an a'rmy" on all industry. for the Job-seeking college ' gradu· In eastern Germany. .1D Wasbington, Secretary of La- ate-not as good as 1949, but mil~h 'Obviously b!lsed on recent re" bor Tobin said the contract 11 better than was eO.n sldered normal . ports by deserters; the three ,ov·. "great news." 'In 'pre-war ' years, the report said. emments .charge the force Is not "It means that there Is confiFour out of every five schools In "an ordinary police force, and It dence in the future ' prosperity of the survey-:-l02-report that start- does not have ordinary police du,thia industry and its ability to pro- ing salarIes are as hlgh this year ties." 'tts weapons, ·the note at produce 110 efficiently ·t bat it can con· as In 1949-a lew find the' average test said, fnclude machlne ,guill', tlnue to pay hlgber wages, and at slightly higber. ·' • hOwitzers, anti-aircraft cannon, the same ' time Insure greater seInltial salaries for business mo~ars, and tanks, and It receives curity tor.. its workers when they scbool and ·l iberal arts seniors genbasic Infantry, artillery and arm~ are ill or retired," he· said. erally range from $175 to $27{) a ored ua lnIng. month; tor englneerlng and other "It must be regarded, therefor,e, sciences, $225 to $350. A tew out· al a mllitary force." the United ESPIONAGE: standln;g seniors get higher ofiers, States note protested. Successful Spy of course, ranging up to $400 a Observers agreed that the United The attorney generai hal an· month for outstanding advanced- States ;was not ' wo~r1ed so ~ucb nounced the capture of another degree . men, the survey finds. about the ml)Jtary capabUlties o:t. J WhIle a few schools and individual Spy, 'Harry Gold, 39, of Philadel· this force at present. This govern· phial As usual With the capture of d~~rtll}-epts reached their peak of m'e nt· is concerned, however, wltll _a lIP)' In · the Uni\ed States, the senr~r " ElIl,1'oUme.!.\ts /,~ 1949, mOllt the fact it coUld form 'the nucleWI agent had operated very success· campuses' 11a"e considerably long- of a new German· army or "an in. fully, . delivering, according to reo er cap.and-gownparades ,this year, ternal security force 't o meiDtain ports, top atomic bomb secreta to with mpre graduates seeking 'obs. Conlinunlst contl'ol." .~e va~t majority Of schoolS raRussia, . • Gold, 'wbose family name Is PRtl thep: sllniors to be pretty well POTATO BUGS: Goldoltsky, "has admitted his eon· p~ejared mentally 10r~ob ,competitacts with Dr. Klaua ,Fuchs, the ~ffi.-"mo~ ,1'eal1stlc/' :and "aown l:.atest LauQh earth.·, ".."orJ'" • " ( imprisoned British atomic scien· Every once ina ""tfue, th~ l\ui,· '''GJ'aduatea 41'eallZe that jobs are slans c:ome UP ' with , . conspiracy tlst, Ilnd bas given a detailed ac. a little ' scarcer, 'blit are puttln' that 'is lIO ridiculous It' gets a belly.. count of his 'activities,'"' the ~ore effort an.d thought into hunt. laugh from many nations. It noth·, nouncement said. I '. Gold 'was reported to have rOo ing Werk,l' reports the College of Ing. ellie, the latest one at least r~, celv~ written and oral information Business Administration of the lieved the tension ot internatlonall concerning atomic projects In this University ot Texas, affairs for a,-moment. • country lind delivered them 'to , A great major'ity at employers The' East German contacted are optimistic, at least government charJed agents of the Soviet Union. "I thougbt that I ' would be help- 10r the immediate buslhess future. with spraying potato bugs over Ing a nation whose rlO", aims· I ~:p The Univ~rsity of Notre Dame; East Germany from planes. proved along the road to industrial ",bleb finds employment demand Accoi-dlng to reports clrculat~ strength. , Particularly" was I taken "somewbat less this year but not . by radio from Soviet dominated with the, idea tlult , whatever I did 88 much less a's anticipated," East Germany, the . AJnerlcan 'would go to belp make living can· o),serves, "~e .m ajority of , en).- planes tlew over forbidden ' areall <lItiOriS fllr . moxe advattCeti along players with wbom we have ta1k1!'4 of the occupIed zone, tliat Is, out-~ the road' a'S we ' know them here in appear to teel that the period .lO:I- side the prescribed' air c;orrldors to mediately ahead will be good "I.iir Berlin-and spread potato bugs. the United States," Gold sai<L The cbarge agallist Gold laId business, but many ere stlll .'unA ·In all seriousness the .Germilnll , , that he did "conspire" to obtain 'c ertain.' .. reported: • "documents, writings, sketches, Says the UniversitY . ot ,Buf,(alo'l , . "Potato bugs were . found lIn notes and information rela~ tel report: ''The feeling Is tlujt bup- bunches up to 100 after an Ameri~ the national defense and with intent uess Is ~etilli!g d!lWD. The boom Is can plane had passed. Th.ere III aDd re.ason to bellev", that It: was over, but ' prospects . remain j~ great indignation amollg the popu.. to be used to· the injury . of the on 'the wl1c;le,'" " . latlon about this criminal' plot." Ulilted Stales and to the 'advantage, 'Regarding the 'outlook tor wcniieq ' The · American airmen laughed! of a foreign nation, to wit, the graduates, Oblo Stai~ . Universl~ heartUy and one said he didn't , UD10n at Soviet Socialistic Repub- reports. ''The most oPPortUnltlts know 'there was a potato bu, easl, Dca •••" ," are for girls wbo ,can' combine' aec. of · Kabsaa. " ·A number ot observers were ~e. retarlal 8IdIls lwi~ their m~ol' aiDnlDg to wonder If the United s.t udles." Jutother typical com. States hu &n7 atorilic secreta left. ment on ' tb1s pbase, frClJD the University. ot Ohicago: "Professional DRAFT types ·of positions continue "to ' be . . Bcarce, but ltenoeraphlc and secreIts 'Draftless' tarial opportunlUes are far 1D ex. BJ a vote of ~16 to 11, the bOuse cess of our .upply of women trained ~e4 the selective service law In those fields.'" for two years' ,and sent the meas •. . ure to the senate for its approval. AI/? FORCE: 'l'be me'a sure bas been called a .l_L 200 M'II' "draNess" cifatt because It would ~S I Ian be emended on a stand-by balls. Backecl b, Secretlll7 of Defena-e Youibl atta1nlna their 18th birth- Johnson, &1r 10rce leaders bad cla1,s would be required to regiJter aaked for PIlO,OOO,OOO ' Iberean In u at -present, but they could not the budget , to cover the purcbUe be OJdered into uniform unles. of DeW aircraft and the modetn1&acPQlre" dltClared the existence of . l10n of · existing tactical and train.. IlIItiOQat ' emerge~cy .requ1rln. In. plane.. , exp&IUioD of the armed forcel. Air. ,force oWelals I reportecl tha Lie, ~retal'7 geI!eIIo BeIer. pailln, ·the measure, present budaet WOuld. only pay for AI'lr7gve .. tile U. N., .. thOWD talllChalrmu 'ViMon of the armed .er- f2 modern groupl b,. 1958. '1'IIe ..... cO Dew.men' OD his anini vleel committee, told the ·bouse force today Includes 8,Il00 alrcraft from E1IrOpe, JaeIa4lDc ....., that "this nation m~ be 'prepareel of' all ~. Of . these 3,100 are to Moscow wileN be caaferred . for All lndellnlte tlme Ib the future combat plaaes and 5,500 are utwb' wltIl I_ph Sa.ua. Be .... to coun~r promptIT, 'With eve17 aircraft. market Ibe 0014 war C01II4 lie meaDI available, an attack b7 On V-J Da,. the al'lD7 air force endet .,,' "oaferal aeptIao modern weaPCIDII." bad II'T,OOO combat "laneI. Ua....
Held as Spy
Visits Stalin'
QUINTUPLE1S: No lor Friencl.
'1'0 mlDlon. In Canada and the United State. it 'seems like o~ :rutuda,. that the nation's ne,vspapen carried headline. of the blrlb at the D1aDne quintuplets. .1D the mIDdJI of maD7 the,. are IUI1 Uttle ....11.. ibt rude awaltenln, came with tile Neeld obMrvaace of tbeIr 18th 1dItbdaJo, But Papa DlOIIIle laid
.......... JIdI would. haft ~
DO __
Fl1lnc laucen Jumped back iDto
the news with the announcement of • new book entiUecl "F'11m, Sauce.r s Are Real'! It WIl. tha government, not the book, bow· ever, that made the news. The govermnmt proteltled Ita pubUcation OIl the iroun4a It mada public ''bJformaUaa vital 10 DBtIaaal dtfeDae... that ltaleal_ trIeDda ClaIlMd tha UftIq 01 a Il1IIDbU CII
.. 'ColToo nor"os ' hnd
Sunday Breakfast Add new interest to an qld favorite by serving sliced bananas between two or three helpings of golden French toas" made from nutritious enriched bread. Then smother all with maple syrup, ~ore jelly, ' or . confe'Ctionafs' sugar, Crisp b a~on, hot por~ sausag.es, or fried ham make thiS' temptmg fare perrect for Sunday morning breakfasts or dally lunchlls. Try Tire service expe'r ts say there it with other fresh and canned are eight things the average farm· fruits too. It's a real treat, er can do to get the best possible return on hls $200 or more' Invest· Coffee to Horse Radish ment in tho tires on hIs vehicles, Use an after dinner coffee spoon And coming just at the start at the for old-fashioned cocktails or tiny planting 'season they IeI've as bowls of mustard or horse radish. timely suggestions. According to the B~ F. Goodrich Extending Soups farm service department, far~ers Ado to th<e appetite appeal a~d oliserving these tips wUl nQt only nutritlve value of your favonte protect their tlr~s ,and, make them sou~s by serving them wiUl llist longer" but will .obtaln maxi· croutons made from crusts . of enmum efficiency tram their equIp- riched bread. Simply . cut · the ment: . crusts 'into cubes, and saute them 1. Check air pressure twice a in butter or margarine ut:1til golden month, taking reading , first thing brown, adding onion nnd . cel,e ry In the morning wben ti.res are salt for flavor. cool. Never release air from tire. Cooked Celery Dishes Cooked celery may .be served in a val'iety of ways. Team it with peas or carrots, if you like, serve it creamed or add it to leftover "soup.
Good Care Can Give Fann Tires Wear Eight Ways Farmers Can Use to Keep Down Cost
Bulfet ' Near Pass Door If you want 8 pass door in the wall betw~en the kitchen and dining room, be sure it opens onto a buffet or built-in serving counter on both .sldes of the wall. ·
and uplWt. ulIlil my doctor ..dvi.ad ftwHebill1! to POST M. Now, Il!Y Dfrv(l8 are culm 11,,11* -1 CcollikotlDliUiolli '_
PW ji~lcry
Do~h uOlTl!<> ",nd ten contai n cdCoin-a drulI- a nerve .Umu· laot. While many peoplo Clln da:iuk them wi Ibou t iIl-eIT00 Ii-othera. oo,U'....."'.teplib/.. , luffer nor"ousno.s, l lee l)iclI8!1igbtl indigC!l~o ll .
POSTUM oontaln. no
entrein-nothinu thnt can po,"1111/ a:§td u<tUr MnU or upad I/our . Iomoch/ MAKE THIS TEST. Drink POSTUM oxrlus,yoly Cor 80 d6Y.....;udu.• by r..mI.1
Drink mndo from Healthlul Whont 6lId Brim. A Produot of General Fooda;·
FREE SAMPLE! NEW DISCOVER~ FOR CONSTIPATION Jf you sclll suffer from constipation Ice us send you ABSOLlITELY FRE1l B fJ"e·day trial borde of CELU·LAC -X:ABLETS. NOT A LAXA· TIVE! But a rcol corrective crear· menr. Clinkally tesred and medically IIpproved. Easy, plellSllnr-llmlUing! SemI (0,. JII",pl, today. No obliglltio" "ow 0,. (ater.
Purity Cross Products, Dept. D Plainfield, New Jersey
Good Dessert' Here's a gorgeous dessert for 'your family. And it's so simple. Slice donuts crosswise and place one half in the bottom of each Use Chewlng·Gum Laxativedish. Cover with maple 8yrug 8/'ld Be~ar examlnaUoD or larm tires IUJCI prompt :repaln t. ' add the other donut half. Fill and REMOVES WASTE ••• NOI GOOD fOOD cuts, braJael or other dama,e . toP with more maple syrup and • Wile. Toa __ 't .Iee_feel Juat awfUl becauoe 10U need .. laxative -de) .. garnish with cberry or walnut. may prevent most colil, reIIILLlONI d.o - Ch ew ~~A"IIlINT. pain. Qayw~C!d Warne" Free;. , PUN·A-M:U" ta wonderl'uU, duraren" Wording of invitation Doo1.o.....y many otller ",.. ttv. ata~ bold, ' N. J., '' '.DOWD wpectlnt.• The engraved invitation to the their "lIuabtna" action to. _ • .•. :".,:lIt a sldewaU cal In one of the til ... Cum.ell. Largo doses OllUcllluceremony a I way s requests the la muJU-rlnr 'rollC t,lres OD his aUvea Ul)Iet dllJelluon. IlUSh .. WILY nour"honor of YO\lr presence'" while t.hln~ food you Dood for healr.h .uti traotor_ ' the invitation to tlie r eception reo enel'lr1 . " . fOU ro&! wank, wom out. But gentle n:cN-o\'N1NT• .~en &II ·rec. after running tractor for lon, quests ,the "pleasure of your com· ommended. worb cllleO,y III tho 10_ periods In hot sun. This wlU result pany." bawel .... hc... It n .. ct~.,. "aI, ..... te. aOI If rood I You avoId tb&t weak, tll'ell • In under·lnt1atlon and possible tire fClellll&. 0 .. naH-A-MUIT _pd teel damage wben casing . cools oft. I Ilne. tUll of IIfel 25,.! SOt. or onl)' '2, Do not permit ~ease oU to l'emnln on tires. ' ' This shortens the ille at rubber. Wash off. c~eml~ cals whlch accumulate aftet sprayAILING HOUSE Ing ' witb 'tractot. 3. When using liquld weight In rear tt:actor tires, do not fill tire more than thre~.quarters full ot liquid. Maln~aln correot air presPlaster Crambllnr on sure, because a slight lealc under Cemeni, Blocks this condition will c'a use a muoh QUESTION: The bas e men t greater decrease In pressure than U 'the tire were 100. per c~nt alr~ Willis of o.ur borne have beeD plastered directly ov~r the cem~nt filled. ' blocks. Now the plaster is crUI1l· 4. When tractor IS not In use for 10ng.' perJods, jack It-up and cover bling o!f in many . places. We It. Inflate tires to recommendecl would like to 'replaster the walls, but not it the same thing ' wllJ hap.. pressure . befo~e p~ttlng'I:actor pen again. What j.9 the best way to baclC In service. avoid this trouble? II. Always use valve caps to keep out dirt and moisture and to ANSWER:' OrdiDaJ'YI lime pLasprev.ent possi}:Jle trouble frorq l~aky ter is not suitable. as I1n .appUca· valves. . tion on, maso\lry waUs~.It !jlioUld 6. Examine' tires regularl,. for ' all qe scra,Ped off. After ~ilrough signs of damage and remove atonl;l cleaning - . wire' brushmg and and' other foreign objects 1rom scrubbing":' you · can paint the trends. Have culs,,, brulses or otll~ walls with a .cement base paint er tire damage'xepalred as 800D as intended , for mason'ry : It y.ou wish they ,~re discovered. a heaVier, :.vaterproof coating, on 't. Choose correct size when pur· the wa11s you can use a half-inch coaslpg ,tir~8. keep~g in mind the cOllting 9t de(l's e ' cemebt mor,t ar load they must carry and the par- made with a white portland ticular Job ~or wblch the tractor Is cement. Such work shoU).d be done used. , by aD experienced mason. (Thank . 8. Drive oarefully at all times- J~ou very much ,for your friendly, ' ~ , , 1. espeCially .on the hlgh~ay-to . ob- letter; l . am glad to be of serVice.) , .~ illjlUtTd.,.. .... III6fteSho""eek ••• tain 'longer life from tires and to , ' ,. ,roup or people'who chlnaed'(rom lb. ~end your oym. cld deniilrleea '~C.lox]'oolh Powder a..... ICed 3~ 6,~1at~r teeth by 'IcIC11tl&c leaL I Why JlGl c:~o calo~ )'ouneU! 'Blil Calox . IodIY •• , 10 your teeth c:u alart Iookin, . , tomorrow I ' -/ ~ ,
to the
....07. . . . . . . . ' ilc~__
a R...... IDe..~c..
JAPAN: " Russians Sail
IN COOL. SCENIO GB.ANDEUB A.8O"\'E OLOUJ,lS, SWDI, GOLI', amE aoRSEBACK, DANCE, BID Come, liv~ and eoj07 tbe'~, Juxwoy of this WO~FA MOUS RESORT. 8 mile. bolD Chattanooga, Swimminl pool. '1011, archel'7. a::e~ and lown 1Ihop. 4merfca's moat beautiful patio open .S with danclq beneath starllt eJdea to the ~oua Lookout ~ounta1n Orctiiib-a • , • Rates f7.00 and up daily, mc1udfn8. meals, awfmmJn, .and paUo dancln, pdvUqe8, aDd IeUODal rate..) Write to L001clOut Mountaba ,lAlC1)kOI1d =~. Tum. Phon. 3-1742 .aaattuoo.a.
Thursday, June 15, 1950
Thrifty to Make
• On a 37· ocr~ island oH Puerto Rico a colony at monkeys live a perfect life in the nome of scienGe. Th.ey room at will, swim in the Caribbean, have plenty to eat, and are not· mo· lested, Dr, facundo Bueso of Puerto Rico univenity is conducting, research in tropical tuberculosis, 'dysentery, and malaria . . the monkeys are used because 'no animal comes as close to human anatomy or phys. iology. The young lady (right) is feeding a mother monkey part of a coconut. Notice the young.
Vanity All By Rlcho.td Hill
MAN," said Jnsplactor . 7238 Joe Warr en , trowning over the letter whlch he held in his band, "has a weak point. 1111 the cas e or 'The r-------. Flash,' most dar· Minute ing criminal of , F' t' this clty's crlml· Ie Ion nal history, 1t ap, 1...._ _ _ _ _.1 pears to be van ~ ." He g'estured toward the ll!tter. fellow has become dlrUIik his success in accompli:s'bing outstanding robbefies. And now he has taken to writing Ul5 let· ters, stating just where be's Igoing to be at II. certain time and what be plans to do." . Detective Fargo blew smoke at the ceiling and evaded h1lI ehiers eyes. "So far," he, said, "he seems to have been pretty successful in car· rying out his plans. Thls 111 the third lette.r we've received. "Each tlme The FI.ash ba. appeared ' where be , said be would at exactly the time denoted In hIS letters, And w!b1le we've stood Idly ' by he'l!I c,o m· FOR HE·R best dress I It's a simple patterl;l and easy to milled his crlmel!l . and escaped. What's be up to 'I.bla ' memorize-skirt is· straight tubular piece; top, easy crochet tool time?," ' "The Devon shire party," W'arren She'U be 00 protld or her new crocheted I Pattern 7238 has dlrecUons for growled . The truth of Fargo' s state· frock alz•• 3, 4. 6 . ment scored him. "Mrs. Devonshire Send 20 ccnts In colo, your name. ad· fs plannlng to wear that valuable dress ond p~t1ern lIumber to emerald her husband brought her from Europe a month ago. The 8 ... 101 CIr.I. Nu.I •• ~a" · Dept. P. O . Boa: IntO, Cbl ••,o 110, III. or Flash sta tes In this letter tha.t he P. O. nos Jat . Old Chelsea 8ta 1100 , . Intends to stea l the emerald and Ne .. York ll, N, y, Enclose :10 cent5 [or pattern. defies us to stop him." F argo crushed out his Cig:aTet. No, ','Have you taken Ilny ste·ps to Name •••• , ........ . .... ... ............. . ,Prevent the robbery?" Addr~8S ............................ .. "Fargo, os you know, the Flash', qisguise is perfect:' He'll appear at that party as a guest, 01' servDnt BOY O'BOY! POP'S RlGHT! or someone wilh whom tl)e Devonshires are but slightly acqullinted. MAKES ,J want you to go up there early, THINGS RUN ' meet Mrs . Devonshire when sbe KE NEW! comes down stairs ' and stlclt Willi . her until· the last guest bas gone. 'Then see to It that the emerald ls stored away in a safe before you leave. I'll have Johnson lind a couple at other men mingling with .the guests."
Khig Tut'll Sandals Still in a stLite or perfect con· . servalion, a pair of leathe r-soled sanda ls. painted and embossed in gal.;:!, were round in ' the tomb ot .Tutankhamen in Egypt. Painted on the inner soles were figures at tradition al enllmics, Sy rians and Libyans, "on whom the King trod".
Personal To Women With' .
Na~gjng Backache
A. we IGC older••t .....nd ·ltraln, 0...... exertloD, GICOIIIII va amoklol or •• p08Ultli to
cold .• omotlm.. otOWI down kidney IUIletlan. Tbt. may load muy fol ... to COlli' plain of nawn, bad,.che, 1_ or pep aDd energy. bead.eh.. and d ful n.... GoctIn, up IIllhta or frequent p..,...g.. truly ftIIUlt from mInor blodder, Irritation.- duo to cold. dampn_ or dlotary IlIdlleretlo .... If YO\lf dl• ..,mrona ani due to t~ CIIW.., don't walt. try Doan', PIJla. • mIIdl. , diunltlc. Uecd oue..-luUy by mWlo... lor' ovor 60 y ..... Wbll. tbeM Iymptoml IIl&T orten ot benrllO occur, It: ••masin. hoW' many tim.. Doan'. rive happy rellefhelp tbe 15 mil .. or kidney tllboa and 1U1e,. lluab o,,~ ....Ie. Oet 1>0&11" PW. todatl
DOAN'S PIL'LS Each With Your Own Initial! 4~;9,.ature'~il~etWare
Teaspoo~ Only 75~' ,.11b "hi, ..rIo, end Fro", KELLOGG'S VARIETY PACKAGE • Lovelyailvel'W1Il'O with your own script initiaL Old Company Plato mrute
nnd lluaranteedby W~ ·RogcreMfI{.Co.,Mcridco. Conn, Wi~ spoons. you Rot prices on complete
aervice---'ofl'ered .by •••
Kcllogn'l VAllIBTY of 7
cercal delights orous boxos. lJlytimel
AT the11
• The animals h a v • d i v ide d themselves into four colonies, each headea by a chief. Fierce tribal bat tie $ are continuous. Above a group of students study the "hill tribe." At the left a mother feeds her young while the chief, her lord alld master, takes it ~sy. First to eat is ol~ays the chief, surrounded , by his 'iladies." ,He reigns, incidentally, just as long he can "lick any man 'in the cr.wd.'i .
Kellogg'I,Oepl.FF,WolUnoford,ConnHII... Plesae send Df'il ••••• "Si~aturo"tea· BP'!OllS
with followin, irutlal ..... ..
For each unit act of 4 opooll8,l eD' close 1 white·star end from Rello,I" VAlUETT l'Al?ltAGB
aud 75¢ in coin.
Nall\••••••••••••••• ~ ................. , (pl.a,. prltlll A ................................. .
O'GLOCK on' the nJight of
Devonshire party Inspec· tor Warren drew his roadster up before the palati al mansion and ascended the steps . The moment the Devonsblre butler opened ' the door Wilrren knew sometblDg bad happened. The but· face was whIte and dra.wn, and over his shoulder Warren could .ee a group of guests huddled in the ballway, with Detective John· '.on standtng guard. Warren stepped qUickly inside. And at that moment Mrs. Devon·
........... ...... ...-..... -........ ......,... ... -...J.t..
. . . . . . . fey I . " " , , ,
...........111. . _ .. ...
, ofto buUer'. 'abe waa "bI&,
aDd ·d rawn •
• hire, accompanied by ber busband and Detectlve Fargo, came flying down, Qle stairs. "Wha~'s happened?". Warrell barked a~ Fargo. ICDO~ the IDcoherell& babble' of Mrl!l. Dev. enahlre. . "It'll gone:' Fargo grated. "Abo],lt ,an hour ago. I was s~nding behind
¥rll. Devonshire in the rE!Ception line. Someone }laked a gun In my baelt and told me to waUt back· wards, When I ' saw ' the . fellow'. face I knew it was The Fl!Lsh, be· cause he was a dead ,Tineer for myself." . . "A rinaer for youl" Warren paped. "What the devil do you
'1 mean:' said Fargo , grimly, "that bls disguise thIs looked like me, generally speaJd~lg. Be forcea me into a closet and ,crack.eeI me over the head. Naturally DO one noticed that anything was hap. penlng, as M1'I. Devonshire was ex· hibitlng her emerald at the time. And when The Flash returned and .tood In my place, it occurrl!d to DO ooe that it was not me." "TeD minutes 8,0 I c.me to aDd be,an to Idek the 400r.
T~e o~imals (above) are on the fe e d'j n,g" grounds, After being fed thpy,separate to different par t s of the island. Rafael louis Nee y a (right) liyes alone on the island-that is, except for the monkeys. He is tossing til em flMMl. When h. goes into his house. they will follow and peer at IIim t h r aug h the screened windows. Can. trary to general belie. they are not of water. On hot days molt of them swimmin.s..to .cool off.
DeYeJl8blre opened U. 1 rullbed to MH. Devoaablre and disco,,· ered thai lIbe had Ju.~ lIwsecl
... emeiald.- TIle Fla II baa .....arted a. a,alnl" Warren slumped wear~ loto a •
160 FOR P.A.,700 I
w!u....·. . . . tr.G.
111. elloree, naturally mUd tobacco seleCfed for Prince Albert II specially treated to Insure agulnst tongue bite: And crimp cut PrlnQt Albert gives a fresh, .fUlI·ftoWmJ unoke rlghl ' ., down to the bottom of the humldo~ tin.
_eN SfAot(l rAO.. --
..... .. -.r.tI 0,....."...•
rot In
YNl:iSVILLl:i, 01110
TJllIH :' D.\Y .ll INI] 15, 1950
;i ,llll'nlllllf::ll1illllllmIIIIIWililmlllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllIImlill
~ HE
Ef tabll.h~d 1850 PAUL A. SCHERER ....... . ... ............... Editor and Publlaher CECILIA J. SCHERER .. . ••... ... ...... . ... Secretary and Treasurer
E l'ery Tblll'tiday Morning IlL WU), IHlIIV III e, 'Va rren 'oullty. Oblo En l rtlt! as 8 cond , Lnss' wulle r 'at the postorfll'e a t Waynesvillo• .Oblo. J'ubIl H h ~ u
NO NEED .FOR SQUABBLES Ther e i ' no need for lI1er'ch :lnts to qllnhble amon g t thernse l ye or he :tllgr.y at on ano ther hecause f com petil,i on. T he Int re ' ts of all mer h:ln t :Ire th e a m ~ to hold :\lld expa lld (heir t rade . ~ O' do the l arges t po ssible yol um e oc' husi ness. (0 ll1 ake·. :J r easo nable profit , to help the c rnmunity whi 'h suppo rt s th em go ahe:1d. oOl e year ag6, it \vill he rt! l11cmbel·ed. ~he re w:ts a grea I cl e~vage hetwe n th e independents .an d Ihe 'hains, be ;iuse o f th e fea r th :lt ' in r ea ing hain competition would estray other t ores, 1'h a( fear proved g:rounctl es , The independent s do . I y f ar, th e la rgest percent age of th nati on's t otal reta il trad e. And every kind of tore, i' gardles f th'e omp litive factqr, h:1 prospered \\Then its community ]jas prospered. · ,
Retail bu in es, ~III in all , is Ih c higge t bu sin es: we ]l :lVe. Most of our nalional ,in ome go a r 5S store count er, in exchange for ~o od, of ever concei v.able kind. T hat keep ollr f a t ori going, and our employ ment al !ligh leve ls. nd th e vol ume of reta il Ira'de l argely determin e Wlhelh er time- are good or bad. '
~nd· stili not match ·Dodge for roominess a"d rugg,ednes.
There's no rea son for me rch ants to qua rrel among th emsel,ve s. There is room fO r every kin d of ret ~ i1er in thi s I road land,
.'OGER Vo\lUII How conven. iellt to hove a JUggotle . COD!. parlDlont thot 's really big!
NEW BUSINESs' pen arms"any ne w husiness l ha! we might .hear of, into Ollf community in . 'brder to make employment for OUf ow n r l!$ident he·r e. 'I,..ET 'S GR WI '
- E-J<er
Today w.e 're hock :!gnin wilh lh ~ heat 0l'porlurtily j ll town fur yuu to Wilke II good dell) OD your presenl cor. ,Don't
Let's "all work: together 'i n 1 welcome \\ it~
Stop at your Dod go d oal or'8, check DolIll VALUE lor yourwlf. Dri e one "Mugic Mile." We'll 1M,,!! it to you which CDr give. 010i l fur yC/ur money.
OANSMl5510N lUI. YOU '10M ~o
ivaI • Ie." Il0l,.,. __ ",.. rile 1o.,....""cM ,WII
.........". .. c:-.. . . . " .. bI,.. c:..t
AND LAUTERBACH I.-----=-==-..:::.:::::::::::::::.:::,,:::..=--==--:::--==-=--.MURRAY -~------ 1~!ll!Il lI l I lI lil l l l l l lml l l l l l l!l lI ml l l l l!/l l l l l l l lml l l l l~lmI Wl l lml l l l l l l l l l~I I ~lI l1l1 l1 l lml l !lI lI ml l l l l !l liI m Ph~ne 2541 .
,.. - . __.
Lebanqn, O'h lo
,BrClladway at Oakwood
elsea at Ohio State Unlver" lly, Cb· Iumlme, Friday morning. Tlielr runs graIn cO.nveuor liepheW, ' J oh n 1Jabb. waB one r ' By JANE FITE tbe graduatell to receive a degree Mrs, Meda Drown and hel' In doctor of mediCine. for ,randdaug~ler . ·Sllza.nne E tillns . . . Wilts g u e.lt t a Wel,ln /lCl.1Y nnd Ml·. aJid Mla Ren ' Gain es nnd , , • of MI'. and , Mrd. '1,lay, tbelr dlilrglller, 1\11~ Nlmcy' Galnell Tburaday nard Moore Md fnmJly , 01' \VII. and Mias Jillle GUlue~ , of Clr~eln· ~PERATION -lDIDgtGn. . . natl, spel'\t S'Ilnilay nft.el"1loon In ~enneth Eakins- !lP~nt 'i 1~llneB: ' th !l vllinge villltlng frl"fids, 3.ho... e';cI.lc ,"DID, .un, day, and. 'l'b!'raday \vlth' his Hllnt : Re len H,u' ok. ShlrJ.ey SchaD' sraln elevalor ond pow... "1.,lIIlIllng fart. ' ullole, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jhn)" ben. IIo\a Lukenll. Betty Anne " Bmwfl Ilnd faintly of n,e llr \\(11 nognn , J :met Doster , MUl'tba mington. · Lukens, n-nd Janet Dos ter, atErnest Collier ilas returned to lended lile regular 'meeting at the bis home In ;Nashville, Tenn,. f.:l t. Order Rulnbow rOr 0 11'111 In Leb. lowing a weekll Vllllt, Wllh bls anon, Monday evening. lilBtA!r-In·llLw, ' MI·ij . 13' I 0 ,. e n c e Mr·s . . AI'thIH' Wilde. Mrll. Chas. COllier. Dt:!Ute,., an el ~1 1j8. D. B\. Under~'e ' Women:s SOCiety of Clu'llI, ":ood attended n ill;l!ln l sbo.w er lit tlan , Sen'lce heJd tbe lr JUlie meet. lbe Ilome of, ·Mrs. EHzubetb Furtng a\ ,tbe bom ~ of Mrs: FTlWk naee: Wa.y neSVIl1~l ulurday at., Morrow, Thursday nlternoon. MrI'8. ternoon. In honor ·(.If MIB\! Sara Helen ' Robertson . and Ml'II. E dua ' ,Corrtll Ol ,' FIlI'I\IlS, br'ldo,elect ot &~ aBIIllHted, Ml'B. 'Mton'ow in · IDl'11llllt oak, ;WaynellvUJe. ,'. bOllpttalldell lind Mrs, ' E thel Stump MillS Bn.rbru·a Dosier feturlletl · Oraln ,Ioros. ....Ildlns .n 110me by Ilirplane. 'SatUrday, folled tbe program, Ihe 1u1l.1l Campbell fo,m, Dr. lind l\{r·s. W. lit Frost and lowj~g a ten days v.lslt with her I. I. 2, Camden, C)hlo. tbeir lIOn.. MaY'J'la'r d. were bUill· \lIOUSlnB. Mr. IUId Ml'II. E. W. ~ qallerll ~n Clnclnnnti Vred .. Powell lUll! faDtlly, ,or Onk Ridge, • In a grai~ storage building on. ahe R~5el~ Campbell farlI\ on neaday. . ' T el!'n. , I R. R. 2, Camden, Ohio, there is 'elettrkal' grain handling'equip. . Mr. and ·MI·s. ,St~ve '~Ine Ilnd. ,Mr. \Ond MI'S. Wllllam Dollt al' ment, tlia~ greatly, sunpJi6es stock. feeding. The building, shown ' M:re, iTlIJI:Qes ;Rador 1UI11 'her 9au g h-, and [amlly ,wal'e am~~. a. group Ulr,'. M.'nrshu. IUId Ruth. 'r eturned. of pe~lI~ WllO m!\d~ a lbih' Sm). ' in the smaller illustration, is 22" ~ 32'·and has a storage capacity home' Salui1lay ·rrom Keokuk , day of tlJ'e l.ollis ,Bromfield }'iwDlIj of 5590 bushels of corn and'2QOO bus~.els ohIDall grain. .Iown, where they s pent a week nenl' l\{ILnsIield. ,B y simply pushing a switch, corD or small grain is elevated with trlen~ anit r elatives.. Mr. Mrs. Susie G lIll~m, of. ' Dayton, Rader. r emnln ed there 'f ll1" an In. 1s tbe 1I0useguest of l\fl·s. Jnmes from the dump drag to the 'very top of the gra~ storage crib by del'\.lD1te · stay to be 1I e a i' - 11111 Rader and her dnuglHel's, Mal'Shn means of a motoJ;'.powered, bucket,type cd'nveyor. This method m.other, Who Is lIerlously 1II. and Ruth. cuts to IJ minim~ the Jabor requirC~ to, M..,dle the 8,ain. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. , Snan . of Mr. Iln~ Mrs. J. R. R Ueman Perrlntown/ visited fl'le,nd s In the \\lel'e g'llesta S\lilday of Mrs. Rose When the conveyor has filled the bins, Mt; Campbell changes village l3aturday. <:»rllslI. at Mlaro Rest Home, til · the V·belt to a different pulley and leti, the same motor operate. . The loclLI lod ge .ot the Eastel'll Morrow. · a vent~ating fan whict, cures the corn orpther grain,nght in the Star ':t.~ ld 't hell' nnnual picnic:: for 1tfn. and 1>11'5. Josepli Hltemall oJ members and lbell· f n,m llies ' at rund 't ~lleJT son. Biny Joe, 1~8'Ve reo · crib: ~ electric timing device turns ~!C blower [!In on and off JlUlbb:s Ptlrll , W£lllmmi., SUnd llY turned ho,m e "rom Greely, Colo., auto~tkally, operating it only d,uring ~at part of the day, most a fternoon, JpHow~ng MI'. HI~~n\an's gtadurl' favorable for rapid drying. Another. pu.sh.button stara the coo. 'Mrs. Madge Gone, at ' ,\Tllrnlng- Uon from Coloi<ado State College. ton. was a. recent guest of MI'. wbel'e , ,be r eceived IIlp .'Ma.stll'l's veyor to move the corn to an unloading chute. a,nd Mrs. John Welsb. degree In IntlustTJal Arts. Tho Even if yo.u don't f~d and fatten thiCe groups of ~ steers ·Tbe Civic Lengue . beltl their H1temll.lIl1 went to' Greely h~st each as Mr. Campbell does each )lear" you will' Md·;t worth June meeting at tbe hoone or Mrs. yea~ after be wall gr.adllatell Cllm . C. D. ' COOik. !n' Lebanon, Sa.tur- laulle from WiIlmlnf1;ton ·College. , while to investigate theelectric~l lielp~ ~vail~ble to save yo~ da;y aftel·noon. •, time .and effort. . , , , 1111'S. A. S. Collett WIlS hostess "offee PrioH ,Talk over your grain bandling plans, :wi~ your (oupty agent" t() the WaYne TownShip Fal'ml'l'S The Jowelt wholesale coUee price Qiub Thul'1lday' 'olltel'll.o~n. The r.ached In this country In. modem vocational agriculture teacher or the fatjlD'iepresentative of your members were served a Illuner In times-for treen, UiaJ II, uDroaat· electric service company. the home . conoml!!S raoUl of lhe ed, "Santol ~I," a ba.ie represen· t.Uve quaUty W.I 5~ cents a high.. schoo] bulldln g. Following POund In mldlUDllJler. UNO. The· ihe dinner, H . L. Royel·. Pl'lnclPll1 hllheat WAI In 'mId·November th1J at the Dre;tjel BehoolR of Daylon. l'ear. 1I1~ cents. (The trade points llpoke ' IOn the lIubJect. " 'Oblo Is out that areen coUee 10lea UI~ per TUlle In WH,o.-Iuc'RIC l"ATI~ ::~un,"a1, 9:00 P.At My Hobby." The gr9up tlren re- cent of ita wellbt In roa.tin" turned .to lbe home or their host- which ,la, or. eouJ'lt!. • factor In de. , BIE, for'the rQguLar bUlllness roeet· termJn1n, cOlllWDer pricel.) Jam. BIICIwta. tng. 1111'11. Elslfll Hockett, Waynes. Jame. Buchanan intended to reo NeUa81'1aadI Ca,.... ville, presented an Interestln'g tire to private 11fe after hI. aea1ce Aruterdam, the <!apiA} ~ the In the le,lIlature. The aullden talk. "What F.ell/clltlon Should NetlaerlaDda, 11 crla~.Hd with death of his fiancee caUled him to Do." more than 300 br1dc... Canak nm Chanle hIe plan.. He continued In W. C. Brown and h ~ r sl,,· tilreulb the c1V aDd dI'I1da 11 Into .aeUve .polI~c. &lid In 1811'1 wa. tar. lin. Hiram George, or SUgo, 10 aeparate W&IIia. elected Prea1d8Dt.
Helps Wife Keep t :. ,:Her Family Well and Happy'" '.
delay ••. oct DOW, let', tradd
ila ra gc; Yel I N I(1E Ih c re'~ a world of roojhill!! bead roolll. houlder room,
Your pre tent car may never again II. worth what we'll give NOWI
Also Diabetic Canned F:niita
• • •
Rere's VALUE you cnn S6f'-VALUE you. .."n feel D y ou ,lriv VAL UE you n olice in your Iloei<elbodk I DodKeleek, well·hred beauty is npJ,lortllt to all. Dodge rOlllpuc:.l d esign OUTS IOE give you un eosiur h Andl")!; CCll'-1I I!IIr Ihol'S cue ler to park 011d
• "
Mn. Eciward JL Newtop, 43M ReadJng Road, Clnc1nnatl. Oblo. feels that a 'wife's chief respona.i. bWty 18 attending to the welfare of her family at all times. BADACOL has "een a big help to her . !' ...... d Uttl in keeping her husbauu an .e nephew well and happy. . Mr•• Newton'~ family, 'like so many, were suffering deficiencies Vitamins B'"B., Niacin ..and Iron, wblch HAnACOI:. contains. H.M>ACOL brought such wonderful results to her husband, who had Buf(ered hom stomacb iliiltr~ ~t. Mrs. Newtoo gave HADACOL to her thl'ee-year-old nephew, Bobby Newton, with equaDy IfIltltybig results. . ,
fits that people by' the thouaanda are getting from HADACOL, yOlI wouldn't delay a single minute. , Hundreds ol "Doelon h . lbed · ... . •. '!ve . p~ escr , , HADACOL for their patients have· requested quantities of HADACOL for their own clinical use and for their ,o wn f amilies.• The fact that HADAeOL is SCientifically lormulated, coinpQunded so that it contains tberapeutic q,uantitlea of Vitamins B., BIt Niacm and Iroo to s'u pply deficiencies 01 these vital elements and is enriched with help!!!! ~ou'nts , of 14anlanese,. Calcl~ , and Phosphorous (in 1.l quld 10~), help to. account for Its increasm& acceptance by doctors. Mn. Newtoa I Statemellt YOIl'l1 Feel Great , Here is Mrs. Newton's state· . '•, ment: "1 gave my Uttle nephew ••. WIth the fll'lt.few,:bottlel nT. b . he al •. you take, or your money baeJr. HADAc:.ecause wu p e, There is only one HAD~COL d be had 'Tlo appeUte; he was run it is Id ' , an down and he caught colds ref ' at. . 80.. _:.. onSoa strict money-back give thJa l'eIJlark· . IUreanwe. edl y. Alter ~HADACO h e aj) e ~ACOr; formula If chan bas an appetite, as color ln ' his to help YOU Uyoli llifter from'; cheeks and he j.iI healthier all th", alCkness Caused by d.e1ic1 cia f way. My hll;Bband baa alway'& been Vitamins B Bo, Nlacln ::d, Jro~ troubled WIth his stomach. After Remember " that HADACOL u ' taking five 18]:'ge bottlea aDd three amazlDlly different ana amuinismall bottles of HADACOL, he ly efteotlve beeaiue It treats ttie eats. an~ and is not botbered real caUIe of the aonditfou with bill stomach." Mrs. Newton suffer from by BUPPlyln, the ~: has recommend~ HADACOL to ~clent elements of VI\ainlnt mBll1' of her 1rlenc:la. B., Niacin and Iron. Make up your Bel.,. ~.. Feel W..s.rall mind to take HADACOL relUlarWhy not have a IImflar ~pp, bo. Refuae lU~dltuteL Don't be experi~ ha~ to you? NOW satJafied with temporary relief. don't keep pu~ it o!f-don't IDsQt .OD t1ie IeDUine. You em't at 10u'1l start twa, IClII8 a cent, beCaue W. 801d OD • ACOL tomorrow. START It ric: t ~·back parantee. IT 'l'ODAYI If onlJ QDl3r $1.25. for ~ __ ~ }'OU'4 realize tIui WODderful bea8- I'luIilli or HosplUl tuo.
.- _.-
- j~- -~~
'Dry Ridge A Farm Diary By D. J. Frazier June 12, 19fiO.- T he c1elldiinl' a l· most aught Dlo, ' lin d t hl! POOl" edllor hil I! bee n tll\vlllg a lot of t.-oullie with (\endllnes, It Is 8 11 It n. lOv' Iy tilly OUl th nt I WI\8 wan· d !"lug IIrouml chlllling crow s Q,Jltl · looking l..i l ovel" , tll I)n~ture for It.he cowis wlto we .'o I~II l'eatlng q~letly In 'th bBl'n al1d tlolng otb I" u80le88 but plensant thlngll, tb e Itl nd YOI! do w hen 'th weuth·1' ls wo ni ce to s lay In tbe house lind you 1' 811 11 y do not w!tnt to w'ol'k nnywllY, W had ahlrte!! sOllle of the ~ tock fl'om olle 1'1 1d to another Ilntl wellne I a calf /lml I tbought I wo uld lool,t uJ'ound allli Rlilke' 8111'e Ih nt Utay Wel'6 ~till in th e lIIW tUl'e. Al:«) the CI'OWI! wei'e run-kIng so much ,noise tbut I didn 't know wll~t h el' one of Ut boys W/IS trying to g£lt himself .me mOl'e young ' C1'0\ V8 01'
wbethel' they Wel'e pulling 'up tbe com ' t hat Wll8 jus~ sticking thrll the grollnd In the lowel' rleld, One d'llY thel'e wall r'ow lifter I'O W or nl )tOling chut es' jU/It 1hrouh rhe gl'OIInd, Tho next ~0!~11\g 1 heo.rd, CI'OW'S wh n I wenl ' down tO , look a t It there WlU! no lullf lL stllnd I ft 1' lIe ' I'Qln ,'au Ilt ~ be eight or m Ol'o IL I' B M clover tl1lll we lind
vestment tbl\t a fur".f'r haa In Small ,his land lind HUh' hlllery, ral'm . to be work t'd part Ume &1'e g l' aLly III tlenltllld JU81 now and lI'rtl plellt:lllnt places to live but B small farm w UI 111)1 s Ul,port very much .node.'n machinery, even 1n Ihe small fal'm al ' o, If you have a '{' c'etl patcb tbat you wanL CIOOII d OUL, I h ere Is nothing lik e a /tClit to do It for YOll , 11'8, TOllont h,~ R r otH with wo hlds and Junl Il .. W til y, IU'e cleaning .out 'the buck ehd of ai; cbl ck en lot filI' I me, We have be .. lied Its lhe feR r e 10 not 100 good ~l1 d twice II. tlay me move bel' nnd, nCb tim e s he l eaves a nice :II'c lt.> st~PJ'led of all the tall IVceds, She wOUld eies n out al\ the bl'tls11 100 If s'll" WBS left long enough. Tile YOUbg ones st.ay \vli h h{'1' un less th'ey fire too clolie Lo
HAVE 'Y OU GOT \ WHAT IT,TAKES? Take a bit of Ifumption, a little determination and a dash te~acity and you have the makinglof B real saver. For you'll need all theBe t<l' relist , the urge to ,pend today,' 10 that yo~ carll have the thing, you'll require omorrow. Provle your ability. Open a S8vihgi account now.
WaynesviUe National Bank
Raven, Red Ash Olg~ Pocahontas' Yellow Jack~et
IL bole In the fenc e,
It Is muc h pettel' t han 'usill/i!; I1le ~I! y.be and It glYes you SUch a n ice Iltd iy fe eling too. somethin g tbat as othel'wl se no lise III helllg PIl ' 10
'ood 11M mnklng glfat rri.flat. S Olll e peopl do not IIko lid , t n l f\nt o.ml 10iR or IIBople h'lt've l1o\'el' tusted 'it, bUL we hlQ' e found young goo I to t nste o:mle· wbnt I1l£e 'lamb 81\eI to be very nlcll And tender, Wo II/I.V~ JU8t been conslderIlIg , wllel h I' I t would be WOl't1a w'I\IlE) 10 combine A rt I d that had a good stand of red top t ut on looking, It o,',-r we de Ided thal ther ' wns n littl e t 0 much tl m'o thy and clover in It 10 be able to do 11 good Job nnd that th e~e wn.s hOI'(lly en01lg h ,f H to mn ' ~ It worth !o (, l1Ie tn 811 It n. big pl.) e d rna c:l ln 'ry
III dowlI but w hOlle lIint It Is not entirel y RJlOUetl, i never like whll~ wtl~ clover hoy bec-811RB OUI1S. nJways GellIi I'atne,. on ,lnd IIOUlPUmrS IlS Il ~omblJlB, , spoil ed, but Lh nl[lIlfa cu r es .June I\ns be .. n ' ompnny 1110n th
PhONE 2371
K~ng ·
Power bWII Bower ' ft.m IIoWt M'dR! FOA THE MONEY.
Dancei'oua t& Dor. The JOllrnal of the American Vet-
erinary Medical association bal cautioned against giving dogs ex· ceslve doses Qt vitamin A. Experl· ments with puppies showed that doses g¥eatly In excess of the mount they nonnally reql1lre pro· duced loss ot welgnt, Door appe' tI teo and other undesirable changes, The warninll was sounded tor own· ers who mistakenly assume that extra large amounh at vitamin ' A will aid their dolis' h ealth,
- - - - - - - -..-I!
' Wajam Farmer,~ Exchange .
&: 51"KAnON
The I.;e Cream Freezer, Remember when the iee
WayDlsvilie Far.rs Exchange WAYNESVILLE
PH6NE 2311
mID belDi••
more nne! ng WeIts em to do of Dry O' e' a l yenr:} better quickly wltb getU IiI satel y, ILnd It seems 0:r,' bit flonosome not 1 Hay \',~ )'p' n ll' O'lI dl' ' n :1' 1 t '/\ to hll,ve nnyone Ih b '~'e 1', y ;;u fllnlls th'ls weele nnd almos t nil ' need to have company and get or It 18 be~ng , b !ll d In t ho fie ld , out tbe holcesl plece8 of meat or l'UUrSCl tllf'r£' Ilre Illlvllntagos hilt from tbe locker nnd th e best fro, il . adds lJulie : n bit w -th e';· Zen penelles. 19 III k Ihe new P'';SIl pense of pUltl ng I~ III. ' They clnlm nnd Ret out p ltl' lI r R « ( Ibll'l( yon live enou gh more, to Il~Y rOl' ream and pln.tes' of /"ood c 'llmtry It and t llnl yOU SllVe timp feeding butter. to c ut orr : I cps of th 'lt And of Course If, you BrEI going to hnDl to fry wllh t he 1ll'flakluBt sell It th en It Is pm 'U r lllly It ne egb"8, 1Iml cook /I. I,lump early ceulty, One tiling I do know , r"ler, Lben you cnn sny, " ee 011 the bn.rn mow wfll l.qld Dlore of lJIe good 'tblnga we b avp' r plned iL John bas Just bou gbt n hew 4,11 0111' form," I (Id :,:l ve tb e ' 61de d 11 ry ra k e: LAst year we pena twice but fll ligr, I 11 t e to were able to I'ent OIle bUl thIs ad'mlt tt, It Ibere b (I ,' , em c' IT · 'y Ill' he 6ulCl ,Il6t find anyolle J)~ny they would rfOl h.we eone who, ,Qultl I ' lit one nl1d nOW Wi.' II round, and I haven't Bny rries, wonl t I'ent, Olll'S nltl.er: We fOllnd bui I can dream. can't)? HayIng that ~eYetI ad Wen aliI to c omp&;nY Is sort of a roun'd 'Up ot get Olll!, to have I ented It. for I he farm 8upplletl al1cl JUne is a: nIce lI um merH . hny, ,Clover n lld n'bout month to haVtI It, tweh' e Olfres or nl talfa, wou ld h a 0 C06t U8 Dlor thlln II rourlb \." ~. . . .ri&ee~ . or the coat of the new · m~e and OffteJala at tile Vnlted N~i ~ we will stili llnve I'he rnke, 110 Mattia .tn1ce .a7 fader. . .twI,Moder!! rum mac!,ln ery III e);· lave i*04l1Ctd ntllfac:tpl1 ft1. p 1\s11 e nnd yet the l rage clly deIlee that ammal vaccbiitiaD r1I dw I,el' \I~B no Idll,ll of ' the In· dop 11 aD dfecUve ni• . - ill __
troUIDt rable. m ulmala iiwI
who are ' IUUIble to k.-p tIWr "II 1D .tr1ct conltileil1'ent d\ll1DJ uble. outbreak. aDd 'tor a period of aIz mcD1b:a afterward, ue adviled to p rotect them by vacdnaUon, " The health iervlce recommendli tbllt. vacclnatloo be In conJuncUon with l1c:enaJn,. q,uarrantIDe. and tl1mlnatloll of 'tra7 anAl ownefle.. pel' 10 aU locaUtle. ' troublec1 with rabi... ' '
Jmpol'tan.t p 11 r t j nth h,oo.rie? Why, you couldn't CO~lI1t the gallons you'd mllde 10 1' S1JJIlday dinners, chuJ'ch 60clals, and pic-
HADACOL aalea or ahipments ,ave reached'the amazing total of ',000,000 bottlel since January 1, lore of ~ one tonic than haa . ver been IOld in 10 Slliall an area n 110 short a time, Senator Dudley J. ' LeBlanc,
'roday at fibe cor-
n,el' store you buy your Ice 'I'earn nll'l'eady made. D ut
It lacka tbat' old·tlm/) (la-
"ounder and President of The ,eBlanc Corporation, Lafayette, . ,ouiliaDa. maken of HADACOL, . Id the sales and shipments "ould have been far greater if his company could have obtained ~ n ouah material to meet the demandS, "We have been several hundred lhoUlSDd bottles behind in ship· ments since January 1," sa id Sen· atur LeBlanc. "It looks like we I U. t canno, catch up because every time we increase production the demand increases,"
ai' of Lbe ho III mnde Ice cl'Mnl, ,II 'n 810all ·f l' Y were ['ewal'ded (or tnrnlng th e c~nk 'by being a1. lomred to lIok tho da8b'~r.
11 emeru,b I'? ' A aervlc;e oan be arranged for illS Ut. tIe as ' you wl.h ¥ilthout alighting the beauty of the
tribute . you show your loved one. -
Senator LeBlanc credited the
South'. heaviest , new spa per sch",ule with much of the success of HADACOL
Pho ne , 2¥9 1
Nevada Nevada .Juts the sixth largest area in the 48 states, but the sm all est ~umber ot people, '
r:;=-:;::::::::;:=::::::::;=:::;::::;~~~;;;;:;::::;:-;:;:==::::=:;:::~====:.:::.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:-; ~'-'"",,_u-"'~~·~'~' ~ rt"" '-''''''~''''''''''''''''IJ~I __'' __11_'I_'J.~
Arm'I-ta"e , 5 &'S'on
L,E BAN~N Office 473K RES. 129L
• ""a _DltII co.
~'EY. I COW"
c.'t MIke llis
'lillll.of Milk!"·
Ellie IOYS, "Sof·Kurd M.ilk I. ex· clusive with Borden', in Doyton. I~' s the only milk that stays fluid during digesiion , •• unlike or· dlnary homogenizod soft curd milk which coo 9 u I ate s or "clumps" in the stomoch. Be· couse Sof·Kurd mil k remain. fluid. it digests easier and per· m~ts the body to retain more calcium end, phosphorus 'than . any other milk." , "Borcfen'A So,f,Kurd Milk tast!!, better. too." Elsie, adds~ "There I, ere:)", in every drep'"
Yo.-'O be .urpriaed bow euil, ,ou can bu, a new DeSoto. If outre looking
for a ....u,.aoocI dol, ' _tt wait, .~ in qd lee UI now. Molt mode" , available. One-daird -..d one.lourth down. 24-30 montba on balance ~ rate••
21. I. &til S.r..t
. . . ... ... WE TRADE "YOUR WAY , .. ... ....... ... . •• ~.
1Q~e a tip from ElsieSwitch to an-purpose lord."', Sof.Kurd Mil. tod0Y" AaIt lour gro. cer, Bord.n CI"nf, or cal HEnlIoci 1275.
, ..................'l ii.i ••••
•• I
••••• ~
,A FUNE'RAL SERVICE ALWAYS , BRINGS TOA JlE REAV E D F'AMII,Y tho rl'lend ly h elp of m lLllY
willing Itund.q -
IlI lnliitel', ,Ihe
singer s, , neli;hbors lI~d, fl'l nds, 'I'()
those 'wbo from lime to time
hn\'e given liS their g-eller Olls 1:0 ·
operatloD, OUR TH ANKS AND ORA'I'EFlJL AT'P!lElCl t\'Tr~N,
Thursday, JUDe 15, 1950
Gossamer Fabrics, .Large Skirts Full 'Trains Vie for Brides' Favor
firL.1L QUICK. and
By Ertta Haley · ONG,.E A GIRL hns that aU·1mportant diamond slipped on her finger, sbe~ t9 picture herself In the loveliest brida l dress she elln f ind, She also pictllres herself with aU eyes, r ather than just those 0'1. few close f riends, lookj!lg in her . dire ction. Th is season' s bridal fa shions are m~ de to orde r tor the glrl who's dre aming at being the traditional white bride with aU the appropriate finery. Layers and tiers 01 gossamer fabrics have been m'olded In to heir· loom type gowns. They are romantic looking with their trains and generous ' skirts. . Detailing plays ~n important role In the new gowns, too. You'll · find collars scalloped. embroidered or appliqued for exquisite eUects. Sleeves may be long and close-fit· ting" or they may be merest" pufts for the decidedly summery dresses. The bride who wonders about the wisdom of buying the more expensive gowns with trahis .will be happy to nole tha t many of tbese trains a,e ' attached ' to overskirts which can be detached. Then the dress can be used easUy as a 10rmal. Short bridal qresses are seen fr~ quently, too, and they're both lovely and practical. When well-styled, they can pe just as romantic looking as the long gowns. Gowns with a deep decolletage are
modestly treated with a bit of lace · that can be removed if the dress Is to be used, for evening Another design uses a strapless weddJng gown , whlch comes with a long-sleeved nel bolerl;) that is sUpped on for . the ceremony and removed for wear as a dinner or dancing ·liress. .Helld ;ell,r Is ~ucb !lim pier than In mny former leasons. Juliet caps atfl'" . ~l7, ' popular whell made of · 8~e,:iest ma~lals. V.rJetJ'" 01 ••terlal• • :Av....ble for GCwal . The bride who wllnle to be marrJ~d. 1n the white satin tradition will choose tliat -as er material for a weddlng ·gown since there are many ot these available. For those who want to go IntG other materials, there's a wide choice. Lace Is qceedm,gly popular this leason, not only for the bl'idal gown itself, but for tha bride's mother as well. For frothy fabrics that glve the bride an ethereal look, the girl :may choole m.ousleline, m~rqufs. ette, nylon' tulle or organdle. . Though skirb are full, mOlt bodices and waliU!i1es are molded' anugl,y to the figure. The wide look at t!)e top Is used In ·m .riy of the
June Bride
Help for.Qui Times Lesson for .June 18, 1950 . TI MES F ORwithout hope,
are dull,. times Malachi is the prophet. Wh en he lived the exile was Over; but it W DS no golden age. In the dingy IItUe city of Jet'usolem. rich and beautiful no longer. lived only a comparative handful o( rather poor people, d'r agging out a monotonous exlsten CI!. To '. these people. living In discou-raging times, Mal· acbl had. and has; II message from God. His prophecies do not have the bitter tang of Amos nor the melancholy of Hosea. the grandeur of Isaiah, the dramatic power ot Jeremiah or the eerie visions of Ezekiel. But with lnsplred , common·sense, he oHers In the name ot God a simple remedy' with four ingredients. tha~
This season's bride wlU wear Ibeer, frothy materials Uke this wblte nylon ' an'd marquisette bridal ,own ~lth Us lace-edged peplum. The long sleeves are detailed In lace ai the wrls~, as . Is th~ rufned bertba coUar. A filmy fingertip vell wlih a simple head blUlll Is appropriate with tbls Ifpe of ,own_
• •
Better Lenders PEAKlNG DlREpTLY to the leaders of the people, namely the priests. Malachi condemns them for not really i aklng stock In the t!)lng t!)ey ' )Nere dolng. How Wf! need that toda y! If the church today In any place is dead, you may be sure there are some dead leaders. , Dea(i from the neck up, that Is. And not necessarily the preachers. Many a good preacher bryka his heart for lack of support. Bow many men and women, ID your church, can the minister count on to (111 In where ' they are needed, without maklng up : a dozen reuons why tbe,. "oan't" do It?
There's a great variety In length. the short type being favored. How.ever, tQey are rarely shorter than just above the ankle. Femlnino in the extreme, the bridesmaids' dresses 'are worked 0111 In organdie• .net and marqulsette. Here, too. you'll C1nd chUIon ·and embroidered ·ol'gandle. One of the most po.pular details In the a ttendants' dresses is the use of the fichu or flchu-capelet style collar that Is detachable so the dress may be worn for informal dancip.g easily. , J . be . 1m 1 I H ea d gear may spy apeture hat In .one of the gossamer Cabrics that go well with the dress, flowers or small, head hugging hats. TlIe ,0veraU result is simplicity with exquisite femininity. . , Include Essentlall
Why do Christians talk anf! praY as I! their religion were all-lmportant, but act as U everythlng else en e firs.t?
• • •
Law Observance ANOTHER THlNG for whlcp MalachI' pleads Is law observance.· (E.g. 2:8; 3;5) They did not need new laws. for they , had goOd ontls. What they needed was to
Van Camp'. Pork and Bean. in Tomato Sauce
"Must" fot Summer 'MUST' in your vacation wardrobe plans-easy to wear sun dress that' s a ;j oy to care for .. For Bome Duties . Add the saucy button-on cape for EAT ·AND PRETTY for all street wear. . your home duties-a simply Poltern No . 1001) ts n sew·rlCe o"rr~r· m ade style 'that will be ide a l In a '~ ~1 to~ t~'i~~ !~~ ~~~e,.~. lg% l~a;:' ~~ :: brig ht striped faoric . Add gay In ch : ca pe. 1 yn rd. little bu~ tons on e a ch side of the SEWING CIILCI.E l'ATTERN DEPT.
n ecklill ~_
P o l l .. "n No . 8580 "Is a ..cw-rlt .. p" rto rnl ed p"t ter n In s l' ''1 14. 16 .. 18. '20 · 40. 42. 44 a nd 46 . Size. IU. q YDr ds of 30.inch ,
, T h.. II prlnll n n" s ummer .F'ASHtON con.
Soath Well. St .• Chlca,_ , • . m. EnC!lo." 25 c"nlll In coin. lor each
po ucrn
.... .. . ~ •• ••• • . ·• • •••• • ••••
t e rn odntcd
Add.r "ss
tn brl.c news : Ire .. "Qtnslpo 'th o book. 2.~ cents.
sr.~d n l
P a ttern No. • . .•. • . •• •• . Sue . .... .. . .
t :tins q8 png es of sm nrt. ensy lO sew Bum·
Iller . ty l es :
Choice. ph~mp, w~ole. bcans , ,. a 8C()[ct savory tomato allucc .•. 8weet tender pork , .. wi tb flavor ,"roug" and ,through. Only Van Camp's ,,' originlltor of canned pork . and beans . . . gives you 80 much good eating at Bueb liulccost of mouey nnd cHort.
I •••' I
... ,.... ..................... .
Historic Doubters When the . Italian Galileo ' 300 years ago dared .to question an age-old the ol'Y by' Aristotle that heavy objects fall faster than Ught l)J:Jes, learned men scoffed, scolded. and finally.'brougHt GallIeo to trial for his beliefs. So, he cJ imbE!d the Leaning Tower of Pi'sa. ciropped a half-pound weight. .and a lOo-1~. cannon ball_ 'fhey fell together. Even then., tne wise men ran home to point out the exact page and line in Aristo\.le's writlngs
to . up r
v e"
• Toasted fresh and sweetfor folks eat Kellogg' 's CorD Flakes faat as we make 'eml They're your bargain in ~oodness. Get Kellogg" om Flakes, •
~~~R~~.~ ~w~~~thu~~Thba~ The cloth~s the bride takes on her Is what our times need. We have ~:o:n:g~.~~_ _ _~~_~_~~~~=~~~~~~~I~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_
honeymoon depends largely on 10 many laws now that only an exwhere I.t'l to be spe~, ~ut there are pert can keep up with them. No some Items that wl11 flIl the basic civilized nation could live, to be needs. 1i'irst on th'e Ust is the going ' sure, wideI' the unchanged statutes away .costume J.lts.elf. ':the bri~e wUl of a generation ago. . want to look lovely al slle departs Nevettheless, it. aU· t!)e ' Ieglslafrom her guests, and fashlon .Is very tures IQ America ' were to resolve helpful as well as pracUcaL ~ pass no more laws for five years. Suits are popular, but equally so and il. for five years t!)e ener~, are the dresl and redingote comb I· tlme and money spent ordinarily nations, with dress. and coat made on getting up new Jaws were put of matchin, material. Llnen is ~ In on educating t!)e people In the • laws now in exlttence, and In fosgood choice, especially In the terlng law observance and in prebleached .badel. . venting IlJld punishing crimes,. ours . ~e aleevele.1 or capelet styled would be a better country. dress may be ~om as 'a casual dress - . • • • without ill match1n, coat. and the. latter, of course, may be w~m with The Un,b roken H~me other clothing. . . AGAIN, Malachi stands for the . unbroken home. He knows One or two Informal . and very that\ no country' can be Itrong qasual dreasel may be Included in when Its homes are weak. (2: 10. the wardrobe, d~pending u~n where 1'1.> In the year 1948 there were yOU ,0. They n pr~e practical about 420,000 divorces 10 the United around the bome later on. States, and 1.80 million marriages. Jersey for both c'asual and beatb That Is a divo~ce rate of about ~1W~~-\lVI\l~I':tI~~~~! Is highly favored bee. use It 23 per cent: In some states t!)e readily and in a small space. percentage of divorce Is even high. Later on', It Sheds wrlnkl,es easily er. Indeed, ' in .one large ·mI4westand helps you presellt a weU· ern city it was aMounced in the aroomed . appearance. pape~s about two ' yelll's ago that Batplng suits or . other sports the marriages had "caught up clothes 'such as slacks and tops ·or with" the divorces, i.e., they were shorts and shirt. should be In.· at last having more marriages eluded as neceSlary_ These, nat\.U'al- than divorces I This was an exly, 'will be used later this year and treme case. next. .To say nothing else about it. Attractive, Informal dresses for 420.000 divorces and 12.000 deserdinner, as well as afternoons .. should tions means that In the United ,,, 'his s~,,!o,"'$ bNJ,. fiild a place In the trousseau. You States alone there are at lellst 432.may be able to do with two of these 000 persons. who have no regard for ,own!' with the;r big bertha collars,' at a minimUm, but will ' need more the most solemn I>romlses. or the lace which outlines ' the U the honeymoon lasts longer than • • bodice, with sheerest . and frothiest II wee~ · or ten days. Support The Church of materials coming up to the neckIRST' AND' LAST, Mal!lchl asks Evening wear also depends upon line which may be decorated with a beiter support of ' the church. where the honeymoon takes you. necklace of traditional ' pearls. You need the church, 01 course; One or two ' , owns as a minimum are Young looking .gowns achieve but IPen the church needs you. much of this appearance wit!) apron the rule U you spend .the time at· a There Is need for better leadership effects which are highly popular hotel and resort. If )'ou are going in the' first place. and better sup· 'on a camping trip, t!)en you'll dlsthis year. Naturally a ~eparate port from the common man. Few apron is not used on the gown, 8S pense with . these entirely. persons want to live In a commuit is on dresses with the same effect. Choose Linrerie nity Without churches; yet a mere but Is the , result of using ,l ace to Eallily Laundered church building will' not effect outllDe a feature such as this. On any trip you go, you'll appre. community life ~ the least. A Those brides who plan a small clate llngerle whlcb was!le.s easUy beautiful buildln, and a taU white wedding may choose from organdle, . and dries quickly. Cottons with spire are not a churc.h. b)lt1ste 'and organza dresses ll;I white tlwlr bLUowy supplies of lace are The only ohuroh ,\,hloh will as well as pastels. These ·brJdes will lovely, sheer and easily manlfged. belp a nel,bborhood II one In even find Bome saUn dresses in the whlob· tbe nel,hborhood takea Those who want to avoid Ironing aborter styles, if they look: for them. problems Wl11 undoubtediy invest in an active part, a church wher'e nelghborl together worahlp God . These may button down ba~k or t!)e nylon fabrics. These al'e avail· front depending upon the style at able in levet:al diUerent weights and where they are Inspired to plans and acts of lIervlce (or the ,dress. The sleeves inay be long with both. lace and nyton t~lmmings . their tellow-men. . and slender, full and long. or tlny MOllt brides want the trousseau but puUed. CI~cular and bouUant to Include a negllgee with a match. The main object of the churoh Ia skirts are used, but the waist Is lng" gown. Built around this can be not to shore up the country; stilIsmall and moulded. slips and petticoats ' to match, U If you want a better country, one ot the best ways to support 'It Is to desired. Prldesmaldl' Dresses Are &llbt, Blilowln~ Both tal1ore~ and lacy lingerie supp.<,rt the Christian church.. For Most of the bl'l'desmalds' dresses should be InclUded In the ward- of all the lnatltutloJ:18 In t!)e nl\t1on, the chureh Js the only one devoted DOW seen are light in coloring and robe inasmuch as lome cloth bWowing In silhouette. Tbey range fits better wltb- one than with the to the pUrpose of transforming bu. from t!)ole that look almost like the other. It the negligee, for exam• man lives. . brldlll' ,owns to thole that bear no pie, Is a lacy affair, a. they otten tCollyrllht Iw the Int.m.UonaJ eoWlcll lIeUllous J!:ducatlon 011 beh8lf 01 40 resemblance whatsoever to the are, it' s wise to ba ve a '-Uored of Prat..... nt d~nomlnaUO.... Rel••••d b7 with WNU r •• tu,.•. , brklal 'OWD and look more like aft. type of traveling robe to .V DOQD dr..... for. ,ardln part" tIw IIfIbt.owal,
.. ..
....... ..... . . .
~----.. 'Ialno a ...Dlpplq ~
COlD 10DY.,. beIuI.,.. IaN ...... · CIautnoIIaIo
..'IIn ........ ul\.
flililit/6 lO ••• 1
~IAI, ••
Pl.... II..' . t .... IIUW ••• ·........
... 11~,.........o.p.
·l)fJn'l 1111t, tllllne,s •• ~. GET
'.$lon.· XE ·
Thursday, June 15,_1950
"Had tried method after method to relieve constipation, untU I lost faitb. Then Isaw an ad about ALL-BRAN. 1 started to eat this .,...."....-.........."""'" Kellogg cereal daily and was amazed at
BUSIN'ESS '" INVEST. OPPOR t AMUSEMENT ne.orl, hl, toric. Lemon'. Old Mill, wlmmlng towers, bOD I docks, boNIta, dance h 311. 80ft drinK stand , oUt-
cktor ov e n s, 2.500 teet wd tor Iron tage )0 acres, Qt lund, smu ll .home. done in pine, with complete kllohon.,_ lIv. jD.l' room. DedroOll1 und complete o oth, . 3-staJl pony bnrn. ull-w),lIe pl a nk ren eU: located 7 mild nor lh of Le~ll\gton. K y, : price 'IB,l/:OO. Write 1'.0. Uux 6~. An. ,G.Il
the ftne reaults I" Mrs.
Aspers,312BaileySt., Camden, N. J. JlUlt ~ of many unsolil> ited tetteTs from ALLBRAN uaer/J. For flOU, , too, there's hope, tor constipation due to lack or bulk lD the diet. Simply eat an ounce of crispy Kellogg's ALL-BRAN daily, drink plenty of waterl If notcompldd, satisfied after 10 days. send empty carton to Kellogg's. Battle Creek, Mich. Get double your money backl
DO l(ou W~oflb;;;;07l1lut -p-;" ,.-?- p-;:;;m: atHel Hobby. Worry tree s ecurity. Send QUlIrter lor descrlpllve t\ tcrn turo. You'll "thank U8. btb-ou,' •• Ol.!8 SbeTldan , De .. ".", Mlcb.
"'AR~ MACnlNt:RY & EQqIP. 1 USED Ollv,.· '0 Tfaql'H on rubber or .teel and CtilUvlltor. S !'lew ' Oliver SuP." rlor tio.tor PUll I)'ge cam pl an ter with FertUlut nltachme"ts , Discounted 2O fO . 1 OIIV~ 5000 Wull'an with Grain Raclt on Rubber. D llcounted 2Oo;t . Olh er used mo_ CJhJnery. W. E. "Br'«"" NtlrC~rf Ph'.lD CII". Oblo. -' ,
FARMS ~ RANCRES lU.ACRE form, 7 milo. n'or(h o( AShi"and Ohio; 1100<1 10,room home wllh alute root ' IMd cemented busemen t; l argo , b um ~OX 68 with 1arl1e s traw s ned, 'I'e\a l rODe. uemuntod . t able; oth.. OUlbUUc2ln iS
~~~~~ g"o':,~ ~fI~I~~~'itd~~yo~n.r:~.~tia l~.6
edt 20
goo d becob nnd sligur Urn ...
~r ... ~~~~tyQ}OC~~~J't~· t ~~3· iO~~~lri~eu';'l~ schoOl, milk alld mU~1 roules : elec t ric
with BeHer caps & lids
Hn~ lit door; possess ion ul oncej prite $15,000 {or qUick sale . V u. ~1enrlde, Nova, Ohio ol'-<llaa • • A. McOrlde, Aoblalld. O. ~ Adm'nildrBlo, •.
L1VESTOOlC REG. , to I ~uar& S ... nen milk ... ana , IUd.. R. a, ~p~ID~r:I~~ Ohio
s prlull bom VlareD •• Wen&e, Corllalld Ind.
';lieu:. 5 1ee4'~
I. lhaUg. .weI-Ream•• 1
hea.,. .au,e. no weakealu, emboNlna 01'
II GIANT !!lnl"',Gmenl. rrom roll er nell Odve. 3()c I.peclal oUer,. l6, SSe. Bond IIt"dl ... Be. ll~N. Clnelllnd . n. Ohl •. ' SIMPLEX, KILLER Auto ..... lIe - 20'x2S " 1I00d color relll.ter quality capa city 3600 impresSion per ,hour. Floar,pllee needed now, must sell. ColI( wrll" or w I r 0 l'.bUlb ... I'rllli DI COlli pall'
118 Ea.' Cheatnal 8t., ..oalarille. COMPLETE Boller.roolD equlpmeD&--Two lOO·H.P. Stanwood Bollersle recently Te · lubed. Ono Wilbert 600-ID. pet hOUT. Warm·Ceel Sioker. "omplete with otl can· trollO i ii ye .. rs old, One Riley Ram·type
b ..l.ln••
_ ....-'1111 .... _ 1 1004 .... lat.n' ... m", GD, .00d lao-
que",OD tiD. L.te. ria,,-BuUIolD II•• latea ~u.hIciD .pI... , Jar rima fo", hlab •• eulima.
100- EiCtli.l.. - - - - - ,
, .. ,...! d ..... prowlel. . . ."
•• d off.··
I. p.,.ID, Eye. 10I~ Pa~.-N. oep.,.... P.eked l>acIl &e
~or~'~e "'h'YlJ."::: w~h"e c~n;;~lfteO~I~tv~
nDd contrOls: one Slo ck Photo.Eleelrlc Eye; One IOG·gallon receIver t onk. cOIn· p1ete ' wlt.h tetid v alve; 11'o·H.P. Motor and pU'£l:: one VACUUm Pump. Will aa,,·
Slid. ou' hOld,. to .... .
I~~~r' ior ~~'im~~~~r s:~ r:.~I~I"p,'e';[t :p~~:
e.lor. pry Clellnu, LaundrY. Write . wIre or PhOne PI"r M. Kohl, Baolne .. Mon. Aler,. Claelnna,l COD •• r •• ter'1 0'- Mo •• c. Hlrbl"nd A.... and Oak 8t., ClnoloDaU, Obi., AVOD '1'Il00. YOU ' CAN NOW. get the famous ROLL~ RAZOR through lhe moll."h flnut sa fe. ·Il' ,rQ ZOr m a de. Has 0 ShcUlcld Iloel. hollow,arotlnd blade you never th row Dway. Give II u lew strokes 01J" lu bullt·ln s lrop nnd 3'OU ' are ''t00)l ror D Barber Shop
r::.~rtaw~~al\.orlfc~\in~'l!I:d~4§oT -l.1I~oJ~: now pay ror bl a des. Sent p9,s tpl1ld uPon tecelpt of '~5. 00 ({~Ir·trt\ded ) . L. 11. 1'01'£ COMl"ANl' . Ilawlln, •• Vlr,l<lnl ...
POULTRY. CnICl{S &: EQIDP. QBANI) OPEN ING DlCl e rEefAL 20.000 h fl~h qu nlJly Co~n lst\ Reds . B n rrcd .Rocks. White- Rocks. New HIlJIlf>5hl ce R d.. Rhode b lond R ed!! , Rcd Bocks (U.S . n pproved 05. IIvnbllll), gUllran· teed'. We eks o( Mn reh 23 to 31. 57.50 per , ~oo, BlI eked by OYer 10 ""ar'" of ho tellery . ex~crlcllce. Over 13().obo ellll capacity. --..:ca I, wrlt;it'l{~g~~nc5uf:lrldir~e~ today . ..
PI/on. 3D,
o. ' C. W. Troutt, of Lebanori, Tenn., well'Known manager of sqlfill'e dances ond operator of ' several truoks, now' joins in a few steps of the dnncing, much to the amaze· ment of friends who know bow ~evere aehes al)d pains of ne\lritill have made him almost 'an invalid for eome time. This blessed relief came to Mr. Troutt as HADACOL helped over· come his defi<:ienoles of Vitamin!l Bj • B2 , Niacin and Iron. This relief came to him after these herrible pains hall haunted him, making'· it po ~s ible for h im to carry (In his business activities ' only through sheer determination. Ho didn't let 8<:hes and pains ),,;11 his spirits. however. Then, ·one of the musicians at his square dances brought him . a large
R>E~L ESTAT~iloUSES CHARMING 0 '. O"n .... lo"'. rock const.: 1 V. lecr", 80 ben ring IIMp"rrult Dn d
2 c ar
IC,n1nge. Henhous e
etc., l2 mUe. w. otSeb sUnn River. S8OOO. 'rumsBDx 01, Fellsmere. Fla.
SITUATIONS WANTED colored, c"poble i..f tuklnJol full. oho.ge of Itlle nM: 19 ),cars Ilolel and ch.b ellperlence, r .. rncnees. May 10'I\,vo
Loulsvllle on ~en d ays notloe. ~r.o3 GreeD· WOD4 "'''eO. Louslavnle. ,Kf'ntucJt,J .
': Planning fo~ the' Fu.ture? Buy U.S. S,avings Bonds!
ReH~Ye' SOrene~ Aches and Palna of
Sold at all lending Drug Stores.
A. Ample bOttle FREE by eendini thl. ad tp
CO.....·Ntwarlc, Ohio
- -"HOT
ave 'iI am tired of ~eeing you I\lffer with -these aches and pains," said the musician. "I bonght you this big bottle myself because I . want to lee you start getting well." , Here is Mr. Troutt's own story: "I have ,Iuffered with aches and pain! of neuritis for lIome time. I have tried dozens of preparations 'but have had little relief. My greatest pains hav.e been in my knees and ankles and recently there have been pain! in- my. wrists. One of the greatest horrors wal to ,be ut:\able to deep at night. Sincs taking HADACOL I have been able to sleeP and it II wonderful to get rid of thOle terrible pains in' the knees" anklet and mists. 1 have found In HADA. COL the only relief tnat has ~om. after years of search." You'n Feel Great. ' •• • •• wUh th~ fint few bottles ;you take, or your' money back. There is only one HADACOL and it I.. sold on .. ,strict moneY-llack guarantee. ~o give tIlls remarkable HADACOL, medicine Ii chalice to help you if you lIuffer from de1ie1eDclel Vitamin• . BlOr B2, Niaclll and Iron. Remembtr that HADACOL is amazingly different and amazingly effective because it treai. the real callie of , IUcla trOUbles. Make up your miq4 to take HADACOL regularly. Refill.
lubatltutel. ' Inllet
OD ·
the genuine.
You can't 1018 a cell~ becau•• W. IOld on II atrld money-back ruaraDte.. Onl), $1.26 for Trial aile. LaraFamUy or HOlplta! alze. $3.60. If your dru;,iat doet not have, HADACOL, order direct fro~ 'l'h.
Loulalana, Send no money. JllIt 70ur name and .~dnu on a penn)' POlt eard. Pay poltmBD. State whethv you. want the $UO hOlpitallOODOIQ -. . ft
trial ail.. 'Hemember, refaudad
.IIMloo~m~lltm~~IIIIIIIIIIIIIII~III~lllllIIlllmlllllllllll llllllm!111I1II111111!I111II11~~I!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:l lIIlllllmillllllllllllllll1111111
The Land .~ank Way MAY BE PAID OFF , ANY TIME Long Terma Are Safe
( U pt o3 ~
OUN " I H.JR(;~ · I "1'0 CAI.I. us for iIlSIIrf.Ull 'e. A" , Iy pes (.f in ura~1( e al a sa " illts. Ca ll Yrnac.ls C elIe ' BroWIl, Phulle Wayne8 ville 2472 ' or cnll coIled, Wilmington 211 I.
No Feel, Commissions or Renew."
Ye:u at4%)
A Farm Organization For '
CHALLENGE TO LASSIE (rf el'hnlcolor) Best Dog PI ('lurf' !f() · DatI.'
" 1t,l1
al'loon -
W. B. N.ews
SMIIH·'S Dry Goods Store ,
· ""':'.
____ __ _ .... _
. ====. __
-+. --' ...... .__ .... __ . . ... ~
~s:==:====~:: =: ~=
AU Iduds.to all I ~D
gl.ba and wld lh~ . Kiln fl rlecl·. Reusonable I?rlces . AU ordera, large or small wlll be delivered. Hog Houees ACY. I..AMD. Pbone Wu-ynesvlll e 2701 . FOR SALE - !:lwcol Polato l'l unts.
~1II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111I1!111I!11II1II~1111II11I1II11II11I11II11I1I11I11111II1II1111I1I1II111II11II11II1I11~11111111111111
,:? ~_ .
W.lmington 2362 Lehanon 439 60c per hu nd red. All kinds oC gal" INLAND PRODUCTS, IQe. de.n plants 15c per do;zen. Cbarle
A lion
HANK RUN GRAVEL- I.A)llue,l. III Dovla 1i-l1rn" Pil. 60 cent. H. STURM , Sec'y, Troas. ',:ubl C :VBrc1 W .. al80 deliv e r. ARM. ITAGE & SON. Pbone' 2091. tf
. Also Sheep, Calvel, COllI. et •. Rem oved Dally
. ~~
H ORSES $2.50 COWS $:!,fjO HOGS .25 I:;WT '
. 19
WaynenlUe. Ohio
LUltt DeR -
--- --:--
Phune: WayiN.vlll. 21111
Phone 448
1-1 \ P'l' E)l{ I I - ]~O S T J UNG LE
T(lP Soil, Haullll"l. Sand, Gravel Eaca".Unl ~Itb Badl Hoe, Drnl·llne and' ~ulldozer
Lebanon N.F.L.A.
In -
GERALDI E:" URO )(\.8 and ED M 0 ' 0\\ RNN
TH UHSD Y JUNI! 15, .1950
'T WIN THEATRE Waynesville, Ohio FRIDAYS SHOWS 7 P. M.
Waynesville, Locker
6,-1. 8, 15, 22. 29t-7-6, 13, 20, 27
FOR SALE-StrawberrIes. Almn Peil~r8on, Bellbrook rd. P hone 2241. 39(~ per 'quart. 6-8-16-22
TUES~, WED. JUNE' 20, 21
FRlER - Dress d c hilled wrupped and shnrp rrozen for borne ·.f reezers 39 c ellcb Wo.ynesvllle Locker Phmf ,P lllOne :11 n . 6- , Hi, 22. 29. - 7- 6. 13, 20, 27
hryealllhem ums, Snapdragons, Marigolds. St. Johns Garden~ across from Texaco etation Mldl1 etreet. , P b.me 2561.
H OGS PROCESS~AU fresh" ll e
llcr pound_ P lant.
C. Strouse. llh ·m llee norlb nt COl" ner of WUynesvllle, Lytle and Ferry row. X-fl.i8-26-6-1,-~.16-i2
FOR SALE-12-ft. Frigidaire deel)
. And , ~OOd new. , If year's suit looks wOI'D
u4 ,
Send It 1.0 ua - we'D 1'8elorl.' that trim; eman _ wall .. It lault ' Uke ne.. 1
Iroeze, one old. ·Mrs. Ernest Du,kin. Waynesv1l1e. X- 1-8' 15-22 '---------------~--FOR SALE-4-cyllnder In:dlan mo· torcycle, (Irst C]IUIS shape. $375.00, HEmry Reihl, corner 741 and Mason Bethany Rds. X- 6-S·1'5·22
FOR SALE - StrawberrJes. Irvin Mtllford. WaynesvUle Route 2. . X-6-8·16·22
Ke~tueky ,Key,
.LOST - B lue pocl!.etbook. between Wlllynes lIle und Lebano1l Sunday nil;hl fle lurn ·valulLbles. Mrs. Elsie Hilterbran, 566 ClnaHmutl Ave1ll1e~ Xellfa Obl0. Phone 110'lR.
Located ·Q pP9site School ,BUilding on M~in Street
KID DIE S P L A ''Y ·n R 0 U N D '
X-li-S·l ~ ~:J
n_'_._'_11_1_ ~~~~~~~~~~~, IFOR SALE-Fryet:S, . Sibs. (llld ~11~mlmlll l l lll ll l l l l ! I I ~lIl l I lil l l il li!m!!1111i!I!llI!lIilmlll!ll 1Il ll ml l l l l l l l l l l l l l llfl l ~1II11il l l l l l l l l1I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m ' ~~e:~~36:!~~9~r lb. Call .Fnck pr~~ol~ F<J~R SALE - E1ecu'lc etov . 4· SJlrjngll~ld ; bumer WANTEI> make, Ellectromliat,e r. .In:', GARDEN TRACTOR Waynesville 2627. X- I ,... E. ________________________________-:;-~-------- ;:'_ n_
' ~''l ,' ,
the ou"'olldln9 new ".'NOflfUJ tradar' mpdel •• 11 lim.. laving a.tachment.. Stop In and
I ..
Jooe~ .
WANTED TO RENT-House un· furnished by- couple Vflth' s~llo I ale child. Spring Valley ·-371,93. .
~15 ·22·29
E~pe~ia Jly For, Fa'rms
FOR SALE'-8 mUk cans, 1 year
.' 'Roy
BroL!er Rt. 48, 5
Live Wire and Progresalve. AD organ.lzaUon second to .none. StrIctly sellers .on tbe best aU. around ma~ket' In the country.
.mi. S9uth of
. .
For Dally Market Report.: WJ:{IO Dayton, 12:50 E.S.T, Dial
1300; 700.
FOR 'RENT-"2 bedro:lms, Mrs. W. . tf
Clnclnnatl, 1240,' DIIll
, It ,· Madden, . High street. '
Ji'AR.i\(S FREEl _
~1II11111111111 111111111111111111"11111111111111111111 111111111II,""II1 I11II"II11I1III IH::!1!1I1111111111111111111111 1 1 1 1 1 111111111!11!1I11111111111 1 1 1 1 11111IIIIIII!IIIIIIIII u,
Bottle Gas "Sales ," Ask ·About our ·, Pde. on Installation and' Gas
Montana., ,
M"-~!~.!S' G'!!~!!~l
~~~~~~~~~~~~.:,.:.~._~,_~,~._=,;_;:_~_~,_~.~.~.~_:_~? I:' .... .,. STOCK D IWftU'
Insulated BrioD and
Siding. Sbeet metal work of an klndt. Local Refereeees. All work\ guaranteed. tOil
Route 8 Wayn.lYllle, O. Phone.Wayri..vllle . . . '
, Balladeer Ernie Lee beams as Mar4lyn Jenkins ties a bow knOI befitting a man .wbo bas ' reeeivecr the key ' to 'My Oid 'Kent~~kY Dome from tbe, Cb~ber of Commerce of the HI~egrass state. He Is ~eard Tuesdays ;ln~ Tbursdays at 8 a.m., J:ST over WLW.
'F=:;=======::====~========~ "
.60 .' Cows 12.60 , Hop slic Cwt.
Stock R.moved Dally 0:or Small - Call Collect
•~ 0 W Ut . U4
ht~Urt~ ' If1..
, :
. .r
ir- - - - - - - - - I . .
Spring Valley,
160 acre hom~
stead tracts now aval1able fOl' far,mlng; dairying" 'I'unchlng, etc. Als.o other Governm ent Jande alJ low Ite $1.00 pel" ILC l'e up. Flor In,. fOm1!ltlon aU states ,sent , postpaid. send $3.00 10 Norlh'Wcst Ln.nd S ervice, 412 E. Elglith Ave .• Annconda,
Of . AIJ Types
Spring Valley Hardware .Co.
X-:-6·1ii '
FOR SALF...,-,'42 Buick .Biedllllclte, wll~h radio and . henter. $475,011, Edgar S mith, Phon Wu.ynesvlll 323,1. alte r six p. ,m. 2704. l~
Centerville. PHONE
old. 'Dick' Irelan, . Spring Valley .
R. B. Colemau, l\I1Jd.ter
~!:e~a~=, '~!~/"M.,
" '
B. E. Bnnghn, Pastor
UI~\fIed ' Ser~lce,
Worsblp ServIce, 10:8·0 A.M. ST MARY'S EPISCOPAL Youth FelowabL1p, Sundar, 8:30 'J'h' 'R ' e , ev. uJll\1el . N. Keys, ReCIO!' P.M. . Su nduy: Holy Qdmmlluloll, S n. , 'D. FERRY ' CHURCH Of' CHRIST . Primary Chul'ch school lO:aO a :m. Byron Caner, ,Minister . (Agee 0 tbrough 8) Bible Scbool, 9:30 A.M. Adult Worshlp. -10:30 a. m. Morning WorshiP. 10:'30 A.M. . ~rayer Meetlnr, 7:00. . P.M. . UTlc;A E.U.B. CHURCH , Yo·u ng People's MeetiDg. 7:00 EvenIng Services, 7 ;80 P.M. WUllam ' Sbannon, Minister S)lnday; School, 9:'SO ' A.M., Mr •• .-nmee, Ga~rlson, SUpt. , . Preaching, let. and Srd. Sur.~:~=~8VILL~ · CHURCH .~F da.ys 01 eac!:.' month. 10:30 A .M. M. H. Coffey. MlDlater Evening Services• ., :30 P .M. BIble Scbool. ' II: 80 A.M. Morning Worllhlp, 10:30 A.M. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH P 0 ung Peoples' Meeting, 8:46 Father R. H. Krumbolu,' Pastor 'E;enlng Service, 8:00 P. M. ~as"eB, 8 and 10 A.M.
Prayer Meeting and BIble Stud, CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS Wednesday, 8 P.II. -..~ Ae ........... ~, MIIlfItu' Worahfp Sentee, 10 .LIt. XENIA FERnUZER MT. MOLLY METHODlaT Sundar SchOClJ. 11 A.II. otvl~on of' hila,.11 'ProdUCtl, Inc. 'J'. 111. Scaff, oMfnillter Bunda)' School, ':80 .A.M., II. A. 1Iarnhart, SupL WAYNESVILLE FRIENDa GAZETrE CLASSIFIEDS Worah1p Semee, 10:10 A.... FIrat DaT Scbool, ':10 A.II. EveDlq Bemee, 7:10 P... · MeeUl11r for Worabt,. 10:10 ..... RUULTSFAST ,--------~--------__--______~__~