'' . , r' II two
from ,
nearby service stations '~wel'en't burning but melt.", mg; An utnidentified fireman was- reported injured but the extent al:ld seriousness of , his injuries t'emained unknown. .Auto- - traffic was caotic caused b1r sight seeing motor.ists. A ~VMIO · newsman said
record blaze as the Miami Gazette went to press. . Red, white hot ba~rels were "sh'ot into th'e air by exploding che.{iicals'. It was repo,rted that ~.::
, t
. , Xenia "ri'eeda v6lUilteers ': tr;obi Warren County. ". Potential ,members m,ay -write ' Tri.¢q~~' ~ R~a.e·" 'a:t Box 461, x~~i I Or phone .Bo& Singleton coli«t at 'SPr~~ Valley 862-,097 ~\. . Age requir~~niS . ~ 1~21 for cadets and 21 arid older for regular squiad m~bera.
•feet away w.ere affected by the intense heat~ acco.ding to '-them. A woman suffered head , injuries whe~ the bl~t from an explod~g barrel knocked her off her feet. An unidentified Kettering firema~ escaped a firey death wh,en he attempted to move a fellow fireman's car which 'was parked between a service statiolt a~d the barrel firm. The man ecollapsed after (continuif on ' p~ge ' i 2)
TTi-County Jteseue
proVideS b~~'k up abibuian'Ce service, dragging, flOod"evac· uation: anCl other eftittogency services throughout \v and adjoiriing .~unties. ' :' (
Burglars Hit. "Ge~lItDwn~::: 'Gel.80,000' lori' .Of loaf :
• I"
... I'>tIi4
~ . 1", ,.
Maril y~ and '1 ack Watkins ' of 04io 42 north of Genntown we~e pr:epared to open an antique$. ~h~p , at Lebanon unt;l , burglar~ , r~ii~ved them of ";'1\'es~ma~ed ' $30,000 worth of inven~o,ry ~nd personal pr()p- . erty while they were away Sept, 23. (They ju,t cleaned us ~~t," Mrs. Watkins remorseful1y commc!'ted. uThey t9pk ,only the best . . , the finest items
tween 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., ac-' cording to ~olonel :w.al:~er O'Bryant of ~~~-.je . i Wa~, CounW Sheriff's [)~p~r~eJltJ Mrs~ ·Watlc~~ '~d ,1oha~ eAtty' was gained when bqi-g.!!rs cut ,a Icreen ~d brplce open. a bas~meitt win do\\. at the rear of "the hou!le. "T~~y backed a trudc up , to ~he ' bade door and carried", the thinB~ out," she cont~u~.! They ev~n used :th:ree of our'. ~ntiqu~ blanket chl~sti ~ p~ in .and two antiq~e. coverLett;s." .'.. . . ransacked :·t,h e Mr~. Wa~kins gave Warren " Cotin:~y; ~keriff' s deputies an I:, ' in'itial ' li'~t .of mISsing ' I~ the day of the robbery. : !' I.' ~ ,.; "'~. ,J ~. . She- .later 'discQ~er~ .Cldi.. ,; . tio'hal J osses' and" this ~eek'; is \', .. lj, t'" h "!;:~ . 'It " :: it~izmg ",'!l "n~w.',list .;rJ.,~:-:Uat , . will ~xc~;; l OO"artidei: · \~. , . , Ope :~~f '"tk~ ,~bi~i. l(;s~ ' :' was Ja4 "Wadcini : ~
away. , SpectaLtdrs
.: )1-
' , '
t' ~I"
: , ~.
~ ,~n::· col1~,(i9n. Th~ COll1e.:acll.n,:lt~
included" "',~.~o , pnG~I~s ,.. •
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Mrs. \V_..fims' •
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,~Wa~j~'\ " cOl1~~b, \ cnjli~1l S~fEo~~'hire \ blue ~h~a valu~ '".'''!'.". TIIe~,1 ~bbetY ' ';l~ : ~Il,!~~~:\;.[ )' ~, Mrs .. 'Watkins" '. ' ¢oll~on . ~luclinl:-' rJat~~':
at ""'. ..
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tr ;":"" " ,n ,.. i~;, ' ~IU'~,:f.1tU~ clUlFla.-: l , 'l\Jltl'llf!)Dly •
ahd':IJI ' .-tCIWlIl
considered the affect of the proposed ~as ar', Creek Reservoir Project on our village. Multi thou$.'ods of tourists will flood the ,area u a direct ,r aui't of pla~.
~~--~~ , ~ , ~
~~~ , ----~~
.. - " ~/J}j~~iJ.!('~
17 Lost Stories of W. 'Somerset Maugham '
" ·~Ti*.,~, tbur~t .: and·. P.alace Jeanne Dixon Life arid PrO~ phecies Posse ·From Poison Creek '
Show'a lter :Hearsey' _ NQorbergen Patten '.
4th STRErT WAYNESViLLE, OHIO PH. 897-4826 '
~ ..-.".... ,~; ........... ':,... .:,tI._:;in"':,"~'::·:
.., Clrtifica... ~~ .~. ~ ~ ~~. . ., ~..I~~~ .;~.l:
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. Le'aders " Mrs. Jones and J Mrs. Pruit,t will •pe . assisted t \' , .by Conn,ie Arnold and re,frcshments will be served if" , w~ods ~y Marta ' a~ld , Chtistje'~ She~han. ' I)
. the
. ,'" ...
/ ,
Lebanon ' Chapter 'd.E',S. was ibvlted to ' Waynesville
, Tuc~day, S~pt. 30 .f~r Fde"d. ~hip N'ght: (, ,
--\ '
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.:It"1. ,
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~ return of· ,the-- teal '.~
sJit "to fash ion 'ea~ership. See
our suits, and
see what we mean I
; :~.I( : ~
T'" \"
" ':~. .' Friday ., eyening callers on :. : 8~rtlia l~ H~' wue ,Mr: and
~. 1William eBr~ard ~d :Mr. ~d'~Mrs: Ralph }'ohna.
;. )0
If you are interested in working with these boys ()~ helping ' in any way, , please contact , Ted Ge~ orge ,, :at 897·6215. The 'Cadette. Girl Scouts of. " Harveysburg held their firn meeting September 8 at tJt~ :
BUSINESSMEN - Merchaau, EIectriciaDa. Plumberi, Carpaaten, la_or aad Exterior Decoraton ,- any0Ge in bUlinai, ....ge or amalI... . . '
19'70 · CALE DIRS ,.
"~ , .\
liE III IIlltllll'
:rrieD~ ~tiing Fourth Street near' High , ~:30 a.m.; " SUn~,' ,'~hool. 10:4' .~m., SundAy Muting for , \Vor.hip,,; (unpto-
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'BUDDOO~: ,BfS11BAIfOll ' W~Y.ElVll.L~. OHIO "
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Mrs. Byron Bole jade, II
HO· III "Bill" 'PIRII",,. JR·. IIYII '1lIllhip 'ra.'1111 Ilection TUI.dl,., lov. 4,19&'9 Y• ur Sup por t And V0 t I Iill BI ipprec,iltld
SUo :" the
"e Waynesville Water Service •
'he lelampy Water .Sefvice IIIE PIIIPT IIIIICI
"e Waynesville Water 891.-40.18 Y,u
. .' , .'
•• (ger:li ' 'li'g...in'S' Uld, .
Margaret Myers, daughter • 'of Mr. and ' Mrs. , William Myers, .of North 6th Street , W ayri~s\lme; 'will b~gin gradu. ate study in E~glish and Am· eri~an H,t erature at Stanford Universilty on O.ctober 1. She 'ils a re~ipient of ' the Danforth Graduate 'Fellow. ship, awarded annually 'to 100 liberal uts students ' selected fr~~ ne,arly , 2000 candidates nominated by colleges and univerSities across the United States. Margaret has recently returned,' 'f rom a week-long conference in Chicago with the 1969 class of Danforth Graduatle Fellows. Miss ~yers received her A.B. de8,ree it]. a~gllsh, ~um ma' .. laude, from Ohio University, where she was nomInated for Danforth and Woodrow Wilson Fellowships ~y Dr, Edgar ~h~, dire~tQr of the ~o..ors :Colleie/ I • ~eforj; sh~ 'g raduated, ,;, she was elected to Phi Beta,Kappa 'and Phi Kappa Phi and ret
is em-
ceived the Presid~nt'~ Honor Award Scholarship. She was also appointed to the Under~ graduate Engiish C~rriculum Cou'ncil. Our i n g the past four months, she hatS been employed in Wayne Local. Schools from which she ~aduateci in 196,.
It seldom pays tQ buy perishable f~its merely because the ,price is low. ,Unless the, lowet price is a result of overabundance of ,the fruit at the tilil" the so-<:alled bargain ' may be undesirable.
j ,
SUlpended Ceillnll Gutters
Kouilt , "
Pan's CONTRACTIlfG . . '.
. ' F R..,..., "
, .Laf
886..3184: '011 THIS
IluYl IIcfaditn-ll1..uAZ Rita Elder aWIM
len Radio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomu ~. Robinson are a~nouncing the birth of their lirst child '~,?rn ". Monday, Sept. 22, -'at" 4:37 p.m. at Kettering Memorial Hospital. , Holly Rochelle weighed 6 lbs. 1~ oz. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs: Roy Wolff of Lynchburg ~d' Mr~ and Mr.~ Charles leMay of 86 South Main W:avrll'!ln'lI
Kiddie '
Rem~e. ,': ~, ,_ '~:
Her , parents and grancl-" . , J father, Elm,~r A. ,5i~ler, 'a te; ,-; , tended the ~adlitlti~n" J, cand '- " , rec~ption, which ,was 'bost~ in : Fellowship , Hall of-. ,die : church.
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all 'thiir d~ihbQn.L M~ they *~ clWeitCd;" acm tlrit' chould:
.-~ ha~:· .eit 1:;ncJWd
·. tWicw tH~ .. IUmnlu' '~ '.~e::ftCftt}:WhO L . ':'tlreCki·..., :tthose:-am"? '!- '
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It· ~a6It~ 'u ~thoUlh' fall the ik'i 1:'t&e '.county '" were '". JinectGt) at"'Pt'"oCIuce~'tid Wil-
,; ';'trui.Ii'
mington Thursd.y': -but inside', there were ' on.y.· about the·, usual number . th,rc .for. dle IF, calf ' ..Ie; '~"Fhere ' were · 'n ot 10. many veal . calves. All .,were ,. lOla ail ' ~ut 10 .. minutes. P~ ~~e high_ ' Th~ were more head . , .,. . calva dip ....') week· 10 ·1 , .: ", ~~--..i,n ~: ../~mall white faa It is JO. . hard'. .to unload a calf out of that box. like trunk 10 once again the calf rode home on the bac;k leat. It tried .wacJjng up on the leat bllt lell oU "hen I 1tOpped. 10 . .v~ , up ,.d la" th~~, calf f.ion , With' its head!> up and leemed to enjoy the,,ride. The boy lit the filling station looked surprised whm, he looked in and ..aw m)· passenger. We ~t some lambs and a lOW but they were sold lat~r in the aftemoon .at the small arma .t the other end 'o f the_ buildiq JO I didn't ltay and wiU' !lio~ ~w how.. well we did until the check· ·com". But w"'t loocl to ' an better pr~ and spaad mo~e , .t the super-market. Campbells roma~« ~9p', .~t ~p £.rom eleven cents ~to fifteen the other clay. Crou and Blackwell'5 marmalade came out in a n~ jar. The old one held sixteen ounces and the pretty new one holels twelve but lelia .t the same price. Aa4 .. ..it pes. ., Always read th. laJ,els.:, They dug the ;weer potatoes the other clay and did very well. The Porto Rico. were v~ good thoush some " were IMII~ th.., 1- ,~~e th~ but th~ .' 'Nancy Halls wert' very 1001 and thiia: l~ uied to like them 10 mud,', but die Jat ·feW.·~~ ·~eY: have , not done 10 well ad JCem lifr.t' • different potato. H.ve ihey chanled ,or is my memory jtpt I ~? ' ~ . ~ ' . ., ,;~Old M.r. John ~~ used • . ~ IO~ pnMid' 'of -Jiis" Iweel ' ""
"f'I. r
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. · SADITE~-Cono..... , '
Str.." Sci.tifically proportio;ned, CIIIIIitJ .c.trolle4 ,Just Idd .et. for ..;ttiII III tinds of posts. .
•• sAk"ETE _EN'"
&~D J1rORM DOORS PllUlT ....;
• Awli.
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J( "
. IBl' me
~ ~& ,.for., ,,,,.. iD, IIl1 ........ B" hour or ~....· 8t7-6121 AlIt for JoaD. . IBact'
,.BOO)( .hoa..
8treet in ' UarVeyeblltl. alter 6 p~~~"
)(ain 8t7.:o121 lSel
AU 69 Modell NeW ~d Used .
·lfottcea · LITTLE RED SHED , Ant~UI 'h., BehiDd Stubbil. FwaeraI Home. Spein Ii.......... · W~
. Ohio.
• ow .Avail&ble Winter Bt()rage
For Your OamP... ·
tie" Photo " DAVID EDSALL
Gas P-or 8al~'
The foU~wing Where Is It fans identified the coal elevator at CorWin thia week: Tom and Rodney Coffman, Sue Ferguaon, ·Richard Pealc~ "omas Bijgs, Michael Mullina and the' Wa)'llelviUe· Drug Store gang. To identify the Where .I.lt.this week; phone: The Miami Goette. offica, ,897·5921. .
any pupil n.-e. another?" 1bere WU • iiIence, then
.~ '~"'~:~=rC: ' the "** row.· ".
coJIie..fIower?" .
.."1 \. '"
1 acre, 2 story, 2 unit apartment, 2 bedrooms, ..
i · ·~
,.livinJl'oom, kitchen. and 1 bath each unit. A1:so baa a" good bam ~d fe~ced lot. A good investment.
..y ,Hoffman
B. It Wade Realty 74&-21&1 or "'1440
. 103~9 . I,
AIel·""." . •
Bollen ·Carter • lion II I. IN IT. *wavtLLl. ..HIo'· . . · .8JlPrIO "AIlE
PHOIE T4Nicr c..... c. , ......
tic Willi, ...... 4" ..... . . ~,.
ai All _
. > ",
LOCAtED-3 miles northwest ~£·Waynesvil1~~ 3. of St. Rt. 48 in ,Lytle, Ohio
. .
telCbir." he'
politely. '~ ~t
Otr8'rOK : BOlO. BUILD. . · , ' ., .~;
~'Y '... :l cl.ltr
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~l~U. ,:'~;;ofo'"e ~~DL""~""' : TIl i. .•
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:t-looil or llatl,',I1.., ..o~ ~ ~_.'aIy,wII_11 ,.. .. .'. 1I~. . lIe ..yIIaIag ~ Ia~,
... ~
...:. .
LET me bIby lit ·for JOU ' Ua ' m, ...... By·hour or Day~' ''' .".anl AlIt
For. Blnt
'·ROOK hOWle. -ru·uiOdem. )laiD Street 'iii Harvey..,...... Ph~ .7~121 -after 6, p~ " ) , 18e1
[, lfodcea ,~
.' Lint!:; 'RED' IHED
-. , . Aftt~~ •..., " Behiad ,Btubbl.l'unenl Hom.. 8..' . . . . iD .......... w.,.;..m.. nL:.L , VIUU"
lte&l :,' .''"",",,-~=
. p~ "
ne fOUCllwing Where Is It fans idelitified,' the coal ,eley.tor at CoOOIl thiJ week: Tom and . Rodnqr Coff. . .' Sue Ferguson, ·Richard ,Peak. ..~ Bi"" Mic'Kael Mulliu ~d the Waynesville· Dru, Store gang. To,' identify the, Where , ... ~D It ·,~, week, .phone, 11le Miami Guette, of~ -891·'921.
OUGOlfIA I . acre, 2 .tory; 2 ' unit apartment, ,2 ' bedroom." JivilJaroom, kitChen and ' bath each unit. At.o baa a · good bam . d fe~ced lot. 'A : ~~ investment. ," .IIrry . ,IJ~~ , 111....
B. ,E'. Wade Bealty . 741-2711 Ir "'1441 .
, ;r
_ -"7' r~ -
--- Waynesville, Ohio
, By DalIDi... Da1. ,.
, ."
, ~e c;~tury will tum thi. w~kead, lor parishioners of St. ~'. Episcopal Ghurch
auociated wim· , ., ~ Bw Xenia N.ticmal ,ius ' to past 11 .years. lJrior' employment cLere he :';'i. ' Assistant Credi t ~pr (. at the . City Loan arid 'Savings •
as centennial festivities get . unde~ay.. ,\ Initial .~elebration of St. ·~Ma.ty'. 100th birthday wlll b~p' at 7 p.m. FrieJay. A Pot rude 'Clinner will be' hosted for parisl1ioners and , guests. Former !St. Mary s Rector The Rev. Mr. Ralph Parles, Jr., will be the Celebrant for Holy Communion at 8 a.m. ' · Sunday. A. b.realcfast will follow the service. M~rning Pr"yer will be cOilduc~ed at 11 : a.m. by The Rt~ Re~. · Roger .BI~cha,rd, BiahQP ' o,E ~e', Diocese of SOuthern Ohio; ,' The ,Rev. fdl-. Rayn1l9~d GayJ~ and:, The
\. ~
Company 'at Fairborn. attmd ed ' New Burl~p'>n anc;l Spring Valley Elementary Schools' and graduated from Xenia Centra l High School. .Comptoll
\Vaynesville National Banle officials have announced the empfoyment of Walter Compton of Xeni¢ as ~Asliitant ' Cuhie r. ~mpt9n, a native . of
He and his wife, Ruth Esther, are the. paren ts of two children, Michael, a ' freshmaiJ and Susan, ,a fourth grade student. ComptQn aild hU family will move to Waynesville in the near future.
At ..:.. v l .- ~! ~ W'",nieSVILLBFALL -FUN -'n . ¥w~~~f;'''.';'I:tl~.a>p. CONT EST ENTR Y bLANK in ,the
· ', erVic:es w'e~ conducted ,room of the Miami ~.~~acb. ion'in ""pril
I , . 4min, I Ma 11 to the Mi ami Gazette I .' ,tl!!I... I· · .1~9\ ~Y J1i~ 'i·~ev~rend ,Mr. '. NAME I ,w.. ·L. , Helms : of Nbliville, .I .;.;.;.AD~D;..;.R=E-.;;..SS~_~-..-....,;;C...;;;.I..;..TY.:..--_ _ _.-....,;;S;..;.T~AT.;,.:E:....-_
.' .T;~~, ~~~. Drire~ln .R~..
~ant:. ,i::~II\.,d,.~,,~d. .I .~~~~L' ,. ~<=~l1!~ ttle ~~, ~f "1 . ':'L
.' ,me '0
.,,~ ,', . ",~" · ld .mn..
, "
,Please check 'divis ion to be ente red
, ,"' .. : Th,~~ ~ ~e(.e :.~o .: !o~,?imi- :1 ( . ':1 ,;,'. · 'cr~ts,l :·. ~l'!';,;,'Tllo~d, Bro.wne . f. ~e'; IS~dFCt';" ~~b'~~th"da 1' · ( . l ,~~~~ ..shOW " Age, Adu lt, 6-9, 9-~' 2, 12-18 , . ~~ ~J :.P Eng an , ' esta . ~ e lcotitlDu.d,.on poge
11, :
l .Pie eatin g cont est, 5... 15 year s
t ( ) Beauty Pageant,
21 year s &. over
,I ( ) .Tobacco ,spi tti ng cont est, .21. year s ,'
__ '
Whee 1barrow race . 18 ·yea rs .&" over
I (. )
. _,,-.
&. over .1'
.--,- _ _ _ _
'fill . fUI fli liv il l.chl',I:11 If ' E,III II: ' La... An~~ Show -Villa ge Antiques Shop, East '. High lc ., Street ; 9.a.m. . ' todus Official Open inc-1 0 a.m.; Sciota Square, Main " ~ ~~ ,
, Streets.
Mrs . . John menus, for t'ireiliIH,l' ~"', . , by a group . o •.:. tW;llvD,enrill~ "
s~ lio~se ' ,'.the , citiUllI "'.·~~Q~Unll_e:\i,a~. will .'IeJ'V~
,....r.~ DEN'UI ,DALTON
.: Allie Carter, Jr. and Bi)b:Townsend of the WaYne- ToWnship : Fire Departmeq.t demo..-trated fire equipment to 14dasSes :, of Wayne Local ~Iementary students Monday. 80b Town·,,·iend is mown above_with John MaHott and Jennifer Rush.
RElAX AND·LtA\t l~~ -TttE -
Predslon_ ,Work Is ~S' "Must" Here We would 1iIce to introduce to you our "NEW high, ' quality JXinting:' Much effort baa gone into 1M.; PROVING our quality staIldarcls. The Iatat ift ~. IeCting equipment brings to you 'this quality at lower • • pnca.
# .
IPCClALTlU- IDCh • bill poiDt peu, aubliP&" peDCiII, lib trap, ...... 1iPeen, wbufthield ·.1Pfft, litter b.... kq chaiaI, CIOIDb., . . ....., pot Idden, tIMnDomeCerI, ICf8Wdriven, ,'I&icb. w...., .... AD witIa JOUI' DaID8 . . b.me. Impafat.ed. '.' .
,""i= of
. i
area the .,mtera, ~e.in the Beut Do1rDicrtrB W&)'D " .
LOcated at the offices of (
.The' 'MIAMI' GAZEnE '. PHon:89'i-Wl~ ...
liT II; .
Reg. $12.100 tQ. $26.00 , .'
.>10011,19,· . , .
~ •
.. •
, ~Rl I
,I I
. '.
.' J \re' you Il)~ki.ng
,the nlost
o[your ,"
OPPORTUNIT.I ES? As a full service bank, 'we offer you ~ variety of opportUnities.to make money" ,: . save money, save time, borrow ~ly,. protect cash and posseSsions. Here',8 'a partial list . . .
Checlclng Account Saving. Account
P.sonal Loans. Busin.. Loans •
Auto Loans Saf.,Dtposit · . Tra~.I~ Cheek.
. ~ 8anlcing,.bY~Majl , " :.;:: ".
'f '
, :..s...urp,.Boiida
. .'
For your COIlVeaieace We. IdIG: ~'~ of~ ,:
.. .. Ho.pi~ " c.e
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If there 'are services here
By David Edsall We at the Miami Gazette would like to take this opportlmity to thank our area people for mak- ,.' . ing it-possible to have a newspaper h~re once again. Understand that without your help, a neW8-
_ Mrs. John Kyne, Mri. Mary Kyn~,1 Mrs. Robert Jordan, aDd Mr.. Jade DeW~e have .; l'ec~tJy : l~~ fro~ . a ttip ', ' ~~otn ~~~linl"Co[ wh~e.'.they . Viaited " J~â&#x20AC;˘ . David , Schalk, ,~u"'~ ,pE ~~9" ' ~~ ,Kyne.
h,-, ::..
Pirs& Ba_~ c;hllrCh North Main street
. . '"
,~ FrleDdshlp Bapttat Church
\, Ba·UYrlBUBG
Jolm P. ~, PalCOI' 10:00 a.m., Sunclay-' School. 11:00 a.m., Morning Wonhip. 6:30 p.m., Tr.ining Union. 7:30 p.m., Evening Wonhip. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday f?rayet' Meeting. (Affiliated· w ~ t h Southern Baptist ,Convention).
Pint Church of Christ
Southern Baptist Convention Norman Meadows, Pastor ~:,30 a.m., Sunday School. 10:30., a.m., Sunday Morning WOQhip . , 7:30 , p.m:~'·' Sunday Evening Service. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Mid· wedt Prayer and Bible Study.
East High Street Thomas Stevens, ~inister 9:30 'a.m., Sunday Bible School. 10:30 a.m., Sunday ,W orship and Communion. 6:oq p.m. SuDclay Youth
Mfttm, ' ",
6:)0 p.m. Sunday, Christian Youth Hour. :)0 p.•., Sunday E.eaing 7 Worship. 7:30 p.m. Wedaeaday, Bible Study.
Jonaha Bun BaptiSt Church Ohio 73' ea.t Lester Kidd, Pastor 10:00.' a.m., Sunday School. 10:00,·& U:OO 'a.. m., Sueday Worship ~ice. 7:)0 p.IIl., Sunday EftIlin, Wonhip.
lraited llethodilt OIlarch
CHRIS1!IAN vocAnON In his encyclical, Populorum Progr~io" ~Qpe Paul reminds 'us that in the design of God, h every 'man' is called upon , to develop and fulfill 'hi.mae~f, for eve1')' life is a vocation." I~ this f,dlfilla,lent, P!,-pc P~ul goes ~n, each m~ has both a perlO~1 and e.omm~ rcspc)nsibility. . ,';, Devdopment then becomes the Pa~ to s"vation~ . Pope: Paul 'spell. out funh~r what he mcaDl: uI~ is not just 'a matter ' of elinlipa~g ~unaer, DO~ CY~~f reduciil,' ~~. The attvale apinat ~tu~ ,thou:lih urJCllt aad neCasaryj is not caouP. It ~ ' a question, rather, of buildin. a world where evCl')' man, manet what" hia~ raC~, reliJion or .atioa,ali9'; ,cua live a fully 'h~' life~ freed from. ~tu~ imJ!o~~d,.·' '. ::: on him by other inen or by natu~al forces over-.hicIr ~ 'l he f,lQ not 'uffiCient control; -a world where f.rcedO#i1 ", '. is not an empty word .and where the,poor ~ ~ . :, can sit down at the same ·table as , the 'rich inU.:' .
David Harper, Put« 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church Service. 10:30 a.m., Suaday School. Rev. Joscph 'Lufmet ' " 11:00. a.m., Sunday Wonhip St. Augustine'. ChurCh Service. \!oum Fellow.hip" an'd -' BJJ,le "Loiioiloii~"-''~....~~~~-----__~~~~~~ ..
:mends Keeting Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 10:45 a.in., Sunday Mewng for Wonbip (.unproarammed ).
St. .A.uguatinea Church High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, 7 a.m. & II a.m. Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Holy Days 7:30 p.m. Fir.t Friday 7:45 a.m. Daily Mass
lIary's Episcopal Church
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11: 15 a.m., Morning Prayer lst, 3rd & 5th Sundays; Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sunday•.
United Methodist Church Third & North Streets L. L. Young, Mini.ter 8:15 & 10:15 a.m., Church at Worship. 9:15 a.m., Sunday o.urch at Study. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth Fel· lowship.
' .. ~
PEBBT Perrr Church of Christ WilminJton Pike & Social Row Road Bus Wiseman, Minist~r 9:00 a.m., Sunday Bible ' School. iO:15 a.m., Sunday Worahip. 10:15 a.m., sunday Youth Worship. 6:30 p.m., Sunday 'Evening Bible Study, all aga. 7:30 p.m., Evening Wonhip. 7:30 p.m., Wednetday, Midweek Prayu and Bible Study.
- " '8.
United KethodJlt Church Rev. Leonard Baxter 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.; Sunday, Wor.~ip Se:rv~. ' 7:30 p.m., 'WeClaaday, Pra;er Service;
LY'l'LB United Methodist
David T. Willard, Minister 9 :30 a.m., Sunday\ Wor.hip Service. 10:30 a.m." Sunday School 7:00 p.m., Sunday, EV,enmg Wor.hip Services canduc~d by youth.
a OLBAlfDs
~4YNavlLlJ. OHIO \,
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:. : I~,~:;: : tlre·Fin, ish,e'dHI:rdwo·od • Top Grille
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ZIPPO I11HIEI 52,95 ,
(Corn COb, Pipe)
We'.,e always ready to serve you in 'an emergency, whether it' 5 to
prescription or"supply.y,ou with health needs~ Your - - well-'being come.s , t
Master ~:ha'rg""8"~ '.' '~,,':' ' , , '-'i I
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, rUII II "~ ;;>, ,' â&#x20AC;¢
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No, we DeVer have aay ltale donuts. Hubbell', Barb", Shop take them. all for saturday.
50( . -$595 ea.
qt. or qt. " 1/2
Reg. $'1.88 ",
5. '
' for '
$:, '00 .'
OV O 1,000 TOYS
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, ~ne w..:~c:~~ted ?', Aft i' 1 \ .., \, I'~. aPPeArwe of .. ,,,:rpliced .. "to the alory aDd "worship of ,~~~: . " .!' .';ta o" lIIu.i.ter~ " "ut one fin~ ' mom· ,G 04" April '21~ 1881 by the memo~la1 . Ii~~~\ #,'" in thllt ye.~, ' rhe R~~ Rt. Rev. no~as ·A . J.agger, 'for the late ~\r~ Cad';""der " ". VI. T. Ht:lmi~"of ;~~~v~~l~" ,<•• .}i~l~ a»S~l?.pt ~~~e.~~,phio. A tOtal $'0 ~ casb .,al?~ ,: ~~ ~~p,ear. "':,~~\.'; A:: ' q~fip1i,~ tj~~:" oi:. ~~ying in pledges ·w.. cODuibl'iW. .: ,': ;'!iJt.tltttfri: of. tl\e :On', 9f; HjI~~ ' ~'ser~ce, the Schaeffer was ordained '~f~r~!t~~ " fl~s~ ~ "9#cluded' that Priest at Christ Churdl~ bay. ' \hiit(;r~;. Ea~ter :aervice ' to~; Dec. 24, 1924. It was . . ~~'i,:1ttt~ ·;Co~firm. tiOD induring Rev. ' SchaeEftr'. min· .. t .'. I"; ' ," I "·cludea .':Jo~ 'Fiitm·, Cadwal1a. istry from that ~te to ·1936 du, Agnes ',Esther William- that the chu:\h "Ves~ W.al SOD, Walter · Edwin Dakin and enlarged and the ;churClr ~~ , John dadwallader and Wal· with shingles. "> ":,..:,r~r·., Edwin Larue Allen. St. Mary's Parish Ho~ mini coD.~regation purchased ter Dakin were t_tet ordained was finally realized Mardi; i, a lot fro~ Mrs. Sar;m Smith to the Ohier Of Priesthood. 1950 during dedicarlon .':Ui-v. for ~300.; Cadwallader distinguished iteJ conduceecl by th~ Rt. R~.. The 'lot was located on the hims~lf in St~ Mary's Parish J-I~ry Hob~n; Bilbop southwest comer of Third ",00 wilt he~. It an'd M~li Streets·, the cur· and the commuruty during no- the Diocese of Southern Ohio, loob 80 great you'll never table service from ' 1889 UDtil and the Rw. Mr. Sam6ef. .N . 'rent ' iite' of St. Mary's Epis. want to take it off. Keyi, Rector. his death in 19~2. cc)pa:l Church~ it . Rev. Cadwallackr construct- . . Colbtruction of the 38 f&t 'Cincinnati Architect Edwin -Stylist -. ed St. Mary'l Rectory durin, by 48 £~ addition was bepa . R. Proeto~ dr~ . the b~ding .01l.nn P.ur~ey the tuna of the century. He Au,. 1', ·J949. pia,u. St. MW. sunlt com· munitY roots "when its cOr:ner.tbne, ' Wall' ~t · by TIle' Rev. ' Mr. He~ ..on Au,. 4, 1870~ The f~widation was completed mat y;ar . accot:ding to ProctOr'. lPecificatioM. A~ E.Merritt, a local con· (1900 pilon caak) tract~r, "faa . conunis.ioDed to '·DAY DELIVBtY erect ' . and ene:lose .i church Trude willi .. . . .. &It .... ~~ij~;4:}'~· }Jli;,~b<:,~"~ . ~bu!~"ine with an ' initial $600 I
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W_pesviUe; .Oliio "
COmplete Insurance Service . .H~me - Duinas PH. '117-4151
:,~F'llrnitnl:8 "
. ~. " d!H,. 89,7~49.7. 1 'r..,' ~ . t
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'A very, g~,' way' ~ keep your ,name, ~~, .UIIIbft , ~' . aDd addreu ~ ·front of your atablisbed cuat~ .... ' , .&ow yqur. " .ppf~tiOD for their ~~ it . ,nib, " ~,.' ca1aadari. .' . ; ,. Our cat4lO, ~( ~Iendar. is very compl.a,~. JOu • wide choiCe df .~ and color p~~~~ ,~"" , . , ' ,{.V ca1eadan ' aft abo .vailable~ A picture o~ your'own place of. busilK'll '~ ;:""" br ' ,1". used; furnilhed by you or photopphe4 by.... , . . _ . I
. . .:
", "
, ,-,
, , toinatoe;a,: ~~ turnips. Haipes' ~: , M,n. "Keethler. 19d
:1002 FlUOIDAl'IlE- 'refri~~ator, txcedent . 1:uilDiq ~oriditi~n. "
"Phi- 885-5102. '
.' : ." :', lDe-l
.'MODEL' 1000 Multilith ' offlet print. inl. prea 'with ,automatie blanbt . wUher. ' 9eatetner , Model 451 dupli·, bator wit" Oretr.f,nt JiJ1eet,ronic SleD' - 'oU " Sc.'nlier.,~'Ud :-eabiner. AU 'nCW lent ' condition.' Phone .The Mt~mi Guette 897~5921. ' '. Ilnctf , ,,~: - "'Wanted - :: W~Nl('EI),:
',' t
I!~mcea ;', ': FARM" .fencing, b~ P~Dt~ ,aD'd'! repair. Free 'eatimatee~ PhoDe M!d~et~WD .~-u~ or '22·1.'~~ 17~~f
ropD~ IfOC)mi.~, ,15•. ~D~ ,up: Poodle Stud IflrvlC~ ,135.00 ,or pICk 0; litt-er: Poodle , pups 125 and up.
M8-4!t3 . ot ' 862..190.
- ' ',' 190& TOY poodle StUd Service,'· ~c ~!lterea. 'White Or. .\pricol. ,110' Appointment only. , Ph!»ne 8t!-4t•.
.' ::
Wish extend tllanb to .each and eV~D8 tltat' &9 ki~y_ and' ;:triD~ncl)' :h~ , Tue.day ', niPt ,dum. our fire~ .. ~e feel very,_ iJladeQua~ ' to ' exPrell omIntitude to frien~l-' neiP~I'I{':' the _"e TOwnship' F1re , DePartment ,, 1ID1I Wayne8viUe J"pe ,Deputn)et),t. ..~rl. ~,~~ ..~. Price.,'De1 ' , ' Jw.j~D ,
uJed ' fneIer.
PhoDe -, , ,~- •.' . 1?c1 WANTED: ,Wooden twin beda,'eom1'1~. Phone JJt'1~7~gj. " . ,~,l 89'1~. ,..
W.-; " ,~~itiuc. ·~ P~ ,,!D~
,pi..ml. ~tor cJe~. ,
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W~: -~ ,Qke ~ c~ fo;
,0IIIer ·~ in theit home. EXper-
, h~: Calt' FIoftnce "
SCott 897·~n03 , ' .< 18c2
In order .b[)'JNlu,tAin ,the.whOlen~ of tlile hiv~. the ver.sit~.le, bee can quickly grow ~td. or, even grow YOUNG; the i~nle
,,-n ~gg8 and·, the seni,e r~- , juvenat.~ glands that h~'ve ,
, atropkj~. .,
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OUSTOM HOlD BUtLJ)ZB' ',' AJ,L··"Y.' B8 ,.
' . ,' :. B:lIIODELm'Q, ',., Bobert Carter &I Son" 21 M.
WAVMdvttl;E,. ·OHI0 ,-
11 .. . . .•
103.9 FM, ..,
l 'A'lAfHOI
BD'BlGEBATIOR &I AlB OOnl'rIORIKG BE'BVIOB , , .Oomaerci&l-.. Residential Units . - ~ Automobile . .
'PHONE ..7-&211
.715 Harlan Rd. R.R. 2
Wayneavlllt, Ollli
.KnOll ~UD~Y, NOY. 4, ••"
,PJlAO'lI~ Q~. Gln~ .'DQm8T · ,
At 8prlDghoro ~c ,
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,j;lah ·· la'uQcij.ea. , tl1r.ee !!p.onth:s
~ille " fotinder Samuel Heigh-
:' ago '·,' by" them: ' Initial Downway. town ' Waynesville " I~prove. Ribbon cutting 'ceremonies merit', to ' be continuous, has , were pre.fo~med by Mrs. Don: }l,~n ' tIi~ 'biggest project ,~ver ald Camp, Heighway's greatI, ' • . : co~plete4 in a shor't period, great-grear-great granddaugh"Retail 'M er- .' 'accot4 ing to " fe:s~ival officials .. ter', of Lebanon. Miami Gazette Publisher ,~I:\.sllj;JC"ilU'U·i~' J '·~~ns~~~ , ~al~~ ~~ ', F~sti~al ~ctivi.~ies Reginald . }~(ill and ' Phil - Mor~o aU wel!e. opened ,at historic SCiota ~" ~ii'in:h ,icn:1tt~'.U~r: .• 'IiIl:'~."''''''· _" f 'a <. S~u~e , sit~ . of the· first log gan of VVaynesville Drugs ,s tore " and, ' hQme of Waynesstarted the Fall Fun by win-
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ning ~ wbeelbarrow race spensored -i.n the downtown shopping plaza. An antiques' show hastily moved inside the Waynesville Masonic . Temple and an indOM art show next to Waynesville Furniture provided cultural e~tertainment throughout the' day. Joseph Ventolo of Enon and Pompano ' Beach, Fla. won UBest Of Show" in· the adult art division for his Malthusia" an oil interpretation of G~egory Malthus' population explosion theory. Waynesville High School senior Charmaine Banas took student UBest Of Show" with a watercolor landscape. One of Waynesville's most charming senior citizens Mrs. Bertha Johnson of Hall Manor Nursing Home showed festivl'.l goers it's not altoszether a man's world. Mrs. Johnson, who will be 70 years old March 3, walked away with blue ribbon honors and a case of tobacco after winning a tobacco spitting ,contest. Sh'e out ~pat Ralph ' Sat_terthwaite, second' prize Wtn, ~er and Clark Nelson. who received third pri·ze. ~,.
, ,did the .nipping aiisis~ed by Waynesville M~yoJ' Dexter ' Martin,_ le~t,: arid "DeJllI~is -Dalton; Miami , .. \ " • .j~ .... .,)., i , ~ Gazette ' Editor. '_ 'I
:'f,f '
Mrs. Johnson declared she'd return agam next year for a repeat challenge. The sweetest festival event, a pie eating contest for youngsters, vied for festival cfun: . ness.' Debbie Lamb and Paul Banas munched their way to vktory in two age divisions. Barbara .Worthington became Waynesville's first Miss FaU Fun Festival during an afternoon beauty pageant. Mrs. Worthington received a chants and a portrait from beauty ribbon from retail merRamby Studio. Local auctioneer Bill Morgan donated his services for a Fall Fun auction that raised nearly $10.0 for downtown improvement. Household items, antiques a'n d oil paint~ngs were contr'i buted to the auction by Waynes.ville merchants and area artists. Crowds were treated to honey waffles made by the Warren County 4-H dubs and donuts contributed by Sonny's Drive-In and sold by Girl Scouts. Proceeds from the giant donut sale 'will help light and maintain the com-
(~ontinued on page 12) .
.. (I
Resin aId . ,
aill, Da\"i!l EdRaU P.O. Box
'1: I.
. . . . . ........ . .. .. . ... ...-- ..... '. . . . . 1'1I"'i"llIlr~ '
7~, Wayn"'lwill~
- ---
Ohi" 4!iIKlK
annual . subscr.i pti on
1'. o. Box 78 .
WafDesVille, .Ohio 4506$:
, NAME " I --------~-------------I
I ·DATE----____
.,:' ;1. J~.'
- '._-'
5k' Jia1ltt !£ rc~ (Jl,~lto ~"61fa11lJ1
The Quantity of a Hazel Nut The Story of Chri s.tmas Pl ates How To Raise a, Happy, .Hea·' thy Baby , The Ci vil War
Malania Owen
• ~~\I
• •
There ~e' nearly' 3,500 uriitS in . the Army Reserve. . They train 'at more' thaI) 1,000 ceQte~; They· serve "one p~. . ·Keeping ·.the Country · . . . 'strong and free. . ' ..
With tb1S cardY-ou . can charge. ost,. . anything.
almost anywhere .THE'WAYNESVIIJ.E NATIONAL BAJIX is happy to introdu~ you to ·'M· &lrr._·.· ·; O~_*/ - .....'n B:, ~REDIT CA~D isa,!-ed ~1 your baDk for Your conve~en(:e. A llaster ·C~rge. card .~ ~e ha~,~ i ·... .' . .a very good fnand nght m your wallet. Many of our fnends in the Waynesville Ana haVe received on~ of ."~ut ·aU!iID.,.' :.'l~~r:geYF C&rds. If you have not received yours &nd are interested in this service, stop in today at ·the-bank, pr one of-your In"DOQ WMI......... merchants displa.ying the MASTBR OJlABGB SIGN and pick up an appUcation. The foUOwiDg.Dierehania honor, ~.WIP"'~UIUU1,a. Oarda in the Waynesville Area. '.,
)lam Street
lhe '·, WalDe.svllle --FDICI ---Iatianallank -- ' . .
TElEPIiONE 897 -20fj6 : '
WaYl\.esville Senlo'r Citiien~ . can noW att~nd aU Waynesville _ . ~ot let it stop . here but. con~ '" School System fun~'t~ons fr~e. A c~mplim!ntaty Ic~y -to .school .' ttnu~ .ou,r ~fforts. . . ' .' ' events was p~sented" tQ Seni.or' ti.~izen.' r~pte~enfi:tives ~t. Moti. '· W~ ha.ve th~ fl~est 'com-" . day night's Waynesville Board of Eclucation meetfng~ The " mutiny I~.dudtng . chur~h«;~, . ,. ~ I .... " .; schools 'and ·.people . that Ir,OUi. k ey preisente.d f or t h e grours Importan" ..r~ ~, J~ .co,mmutllty :. _ .' {' .( ,. . ' .. , '~ . :'!,~ , af.f:lirs ~as presented . by Bo~rd Preside~t) D.a yid, H~r"ock I ca:~ lna ~','ywher~ .. I ~m ..p~~~~ . and high school :Stude~t CounCil Presiclent To~ James. ·to be it .part: of . it:. : .. ..; ., . h H 'Mr C th ·· B ' ~ It is your horne ancl S h own f rom Ief t to rig tare artsoc..:,. s. a erlne arn. " mIne.. . ~ hart, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Ralph Hastings and James. Mrs. H 'astings May . it con~inu~ to ' prosper.' .IS preSJ'd ent 0 f t he W aynesvl'11 e S ~ruor . . C'ltlzens . CIu. b ;ancl be, beautlfultn the eyes of' ,' . ,' . ' ' , . .' . all people. -, :'.. , , E~t ~~w.., 'Conner ' . , . a downtown Christmas Jighting prQgr.am.
The Wayne Retail Merchants Ass-.ociation will meet at - 7:30 p.m. W~dnesday (today) at ' Waynesv~lle . Furniture. Meetin.g agenda will inc;:lucle reports o,n Waynesville's I:~Jl Fun Festiival and discussion of
He tai I M.rehants · Me et We·· d'nl s dI"',
France Jordan
r,- .
STATE ______ _,:J. PHONE'
:I I
.1 ADDRESS -----------0...,.--
.'1 CITY
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~ >
" As a' life ,long; teSideht' 'of . Waynesvill~, I .ha~e . .a~w'ays b,eeJ.l prQud to c·all ~· ~ayli~s." ville my home~ " _ ' . The .events· that : h~V~ tciken ,,,' place 'lnourJ)usir~ess~ district' '" ~ in the: .last few wee~; 'giv.~ ~,n\i: . ~ ;.. naore ~ason to' be 'prou~~lbf'" . Warnes.ville. , There ha'Ve '·been more changes in our bu'sines~ diS4'ict than.I ca'n' . ever' re.: member. .~ . i - The-' commJtlee" . metc~arits, "-,;< , ~'d :anyofte that .. .haeJ ~ part ' . ~: J"; in b~a\Jtifying Wayd:esviUe . . . '. .are to 'be 'congratulated~ L.~t's:,
OCTOB'ER 18th,' , ' ..a. .. ...
That apecia1 'girl in ~~1" lif~ will 'appreciate a
ticm. Sweetai' her cia, with: ,
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. 'Donnie Hoagland . has. re~riled to ' B~the~da~.. Naya~ ·H cspital', .Bethesda; 'Marrled' after. spencfing, ~.~ ., ~eCfk:end '.. • 'It . Wi.t h llis- .pa~ents,.,¥.r,. and Mrs. . Lewis Hoagland. He will .d ~ -. " .' . ., 8pen some t1n!e ther~ .yet, ' recovering froin woun.1.-. He q" received in Viet . N~~ ·,' , Mrs. " Marie'· ;Martin is a patient: .a~ :Kette~in'g Hospital. , Open.,. house , will be held Sunday, Oct. 12, for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson who ;eside on Route 38. The 'Gibsons are ceIeb rating their 50th .wedding anniversary. 'f,hey are the parents of . Frank and Mrs. Gibson, who last week celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary. Congratulations to both Gibsons, but especially to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson. Attending open house be their three sons, two daughI
.spin proof rungs • pidt shoe
lei. 32.95
•."9"9 . . "':-" '
24 It. Reg. 39.95
·C t. w:\ "U" <,.
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The wedcencLlle~~ 4r4 " · C (,
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'c amp out at amp near Carlisle for eight 8i~.. ., bers of Ly.t1e Boy ~out Troop '·. 30 and MIddletown Boy Scout · , .. ',. Troop 111. A./combined campfire and . first aid and cooking instruction were included on the agenda of Troop 30 Scouts who wer.e accompanied by A~sistant Scoutmaster ~o.b . Stansberry and Troop Com.;. ~ .mitteeman Jesse Malcolm. Middletown's faction of the fun weekend was " ~uperv~d by Troop III Scoutmas~ Ray Dunn and six Ttoop Committeemen . Both Troops have planned another combine'(f camp out for Nov. 28-30 at Camp Hoole. o'
Historians teD uS' that women used cosmetics in . the middle ages. For that matter, women in · the middle ages still use a lot of ;. them.
'su.,intllCl Ceilin •• Cuttl" Panllin.
.' j
Route 2 P~kin Road' \Vaynaville, Ohio .,
Call Collect Day or Nijbt
, II1EIli0 •
BUSINESSMEN ...:.- Merchants, Electricians, Plum~ Carpenters, Interior and ExteriOr DecoratOR - aayone in husiness, large or amaD.
1910 (AL-E DARS 11'1 III ·1·Vlllllll·
.A be",. ., of.
Seven member. ' and one . ' guest-(jf the Four Leaf. Clover 4-H Oub enjoyec:l a wiener
.A .'
DON'T FORGET to get ~ pumpkin. and J
,f •
"ve your 1Uaat' ear of • corn for the \'tV.yneSviUe P.T.O. HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL Sat. October 25
•, !- '
IIC'I III:I I-li 1" '1 Ilc.,t I •• ~., I I I , I ·1111 111 CI I I 1111 IIII 1IIIlIII' -'IZ-ZI
mop.at ~ ~ilure ~th ~ for Jiouae-
hold , ~ m:
~f ' ~OD•.. Unity'."""\. .
'~ami1y , Qf Fine. Merdwadite" it . . . .
; able f« "o.ar Family
'.vat. "
or . Fine Clicntde.'.'
_.t I. "'~ " -', ~~ in .~ . btcnyIe the 'U nity, ~taloiue ,7' .
..ati9n 'of. .~aynesville ~hoC?,Is' ~il1 me~t Tu~_y," Oct.~ 21, ' i~
"'J '0' -
istf" 1Ul~la "
~.f"" ~ .- 1l.!..:..., . 1..tea~g I
Mis'.!~r~e, :Ell{ot;-' daughter of Mr•. Roger Tunner ~f. Walnut Street, ' ii, .tartina hef stu. dent teic~ini at Main Ele. rnentary, 'Be'avercreek. . ,', Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cloyd ' are the parents of a baby boy born Sept. 21.' Mrs. Cloyd is the former Sue Potterf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Potterf of Main Street. Mr. Steve Huff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Huff, is at· tending an electronic insti·
: 1
IDS. PLOU BUlt.S ' ~h. 882-'190 The !d.Y.F. clan of the United Methodist- Church hosted a wiener roast and hay ,good. ride on Saturday evenin~ at T-h'e , Spartan off~nse had ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. '2?6 ' yardS ' r;ushing, ' ~hile its , H 'arvey' Huff of Walnut Cniahing defense, held ~e As- ' , Street. ,tto. to ,4 1.yards on the ground. ' William Ray ,Moore, son of I
"~~~~~~~~i:i~~~~ -1:~t.:Y' "; Nelsbn'"
dO with it''' . "WeD, I'm not
on goiag ' to
" "
10 keen Heav~n H I I
We want to take this opportunity to thank .everyon,~ .whC! has helped to im'p rove our Waynesville Area. It is so good to see everyone working together painting and cleaning up to give W aynes~ille a new look which we can all be proud of.
Mr. and Mr•. Ev.u.ett Moore, -, ' has left to serve in the Army and is .tationed 'ilt Ft. Dix.
SALLY SMITH . W ~yne Chairman Retail Merchants
Mis. Brenda Ponder, ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jadc Ponder of Snibley Roa~, is a fr~shman at Miami Univer.ity lilt Ox~ord. "Don Dill, sob, o.f Mr~ apd Mr•• ' ~~iUiaDl ' bf' Main .'
Service '
:toq at
"I haven't, . n ~ , church lately, WiIUidi." aU!" the minister. UWb'it'. dii matter?" , ," '''My cIa1.Ishter~. ~ Ie.... . to , play the -hirp," ' repi1e4 , ' William. . .' " "But what's that-got 'to'.
Highest· Qual·if, Lowest Pri'ces
fill "YIII , flE-EIEIIII B.EEF ·
Sid••. ~~~~: 59c Hind .Ouarters.lb: Mt AE
lb •.
16 Oz .
a' Pack Supreme
"Kahn's '
B~O :LI6IA 'FreSh , Sliced .
", "1<
:JO p'.m. , \Vt~"~;'1'J!'"'' '
, , Ji~,~/ ~y :,..
; " , " , '..
~ ~ ,,',7,:J~~~ "
.,' :nrat'~Baptt.ftjhUrch :' f,' N~~' ~ "
. John ·,P.,o.borDe, P.to~ , 10:00 a.m., 5uQday ,,~l. ,
. Soutlie~ "~~ip. '. ; N~Plad
11:00 .a~., ,,~~~ 'M~ow.,.i~l9r~'·{,;,' , 6:30 'p~ 1t'~.,:V~~,..' ,', 9:~~ , ~~, ~D~Y' ~~00L, / . , 7.: )0' p.~., , ¥~e~g·r~~~p·, , )O:jo , a,.m~. Swaday '.1 , 7:30, p.m., Wedaaday PrayCT Wonhip " Meeting. , - 7:~O p.m., Sunday BveniD.'
~ tit ' 5,outJtem
BapCiat Conv"tipll~. '. ~
Pint church Saft High'
of ·Ch\iat
. Service. , . ' 7:30 p~., Wedneaday, .~•.,_ week ,Prayer and. Biblf!
.' ' &ady.;
,: :.: Street ' . '., ," ',.:' .'. ' Thoma StevClU" ~ter ,. 9:10 a.m." ~y Bible .' ".Church:: School. 'Ohio i3 ~t . 10:JO a.m., 'Sunday Worship Later ICidcl, Pastor ' , ad Coaunuaion. 10:00 a.m., Sunck, ~.< ' . 6:00 p.m. Sunday Youth 10:00 ,,' 11:00 , a.~., Sunday
JOIWie,Bun _ptid
Meeting , 6:10 . p.m. Sunday, Cltristian Youth Hour. 7:10 p.m., ~y Evening
W..Lip .~e~:
7:30 p ....., Su.day , EMIliA.. WonlUp~
Prienda lleetiug
, " :.i'<
, ~e :1i~C1eus of 'th~ church is Oh!.iat her~ Lqrd. t~~ d,ie ' , ~l~utiri' ~, atom ' or ,the: i~:n ~ 'die,~!.ar, IY,S~,;~ , . ,.Z'",?".,,,~,. 11 the -c:ODatant /'lOurce 9f., ~~rgY which: ,:~"en,ewi.·:aDd ' , } ~Petiia~$ " l1~' ,p'eopl~:": He ~ ~ !~t , :we "'.o~ild· 'p~t ,:. '. ticipate ,in His resurrection . each, d.y, to r become -ne~w ',',., lea~'es ' the: ,~ '. Vine?, ,t~Wag;:~'b~lUnd .the . tbiqss;'" ",.( which ,are of clAt4- aD~{' tlt~, " ol~ q:pi&.- ia"'~c '~.'"
on .
. a~ ·" l "cb~UlUty~.aAcf:as,.pt~i~~~,~ : iiir'~~t"~~~~tY. as' ,we-
towud :tomollrow.~ '.,; f
> ' , ,'- ,-
l1Dited Ihth9dJif;: ' ~
7:30 p.m. W~n~, Bible
. ~ ,':r; ~, . '... '.': ,,' . :;. '. . ',:'
Wonhip. "
David Harper, PUlOr • 9:30 a.m.. , Su"day , Church ,
Fourth Street near High 10:30 a.m., Sunday School. ' 9:30 a.m., Sunda, School. , 11:00 a.m., Sunaay : Wo~lUp 10:45 a.m., Sunday Me.eting Service. for Wonhip (unpro-., Youth , Fce.Jl~hip' . . Bible :, ~--""''''~~-~~~~--~'''''''--Iiiiiiiioi~~~~7:1~~;~f~~5I . Study P-'~~~~' r '
It. Aupatinel Church ffish Street "
Rev. ]oaeph H~ Lutmer, 7 a.m. & 11 a.m. Muses 8 a.m. " 8 p.m. Holy Day. 1:30 p.m. FirSt Flic:lay . 7:4' a.m. Daily Mus
& :r~'JI Episcopal .,' " Ohurch '
Thircl., & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector II: 15 a.m., Mornlng Prayer . lst, 3rd & 5th Sundays: Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays.
United Methodiat Church Third & ' North Streets L. L. Young, Mini.m 8:15 & 10:15 a.m., Church at Wonbip. 9:1' •.m., Sunday Oturch at
Scudy. 6:00 p,m., Slinday, Youth Fel-
• I~wahip.
nuy Perry
O~' Chrin
Wilmington-. Pike" ", . , Socrial Row' Road Bus' W~""8II', MinUter. 9~OO a.m., Su.y B",le School. . iO:15 a.m., Sunday Wor.bip. 10:15 , a.m., Sunday Youth ', Wonh~p. " 6:30 p~m., ,Sun~y 'Evening Bible Study, all aga. 7,:30 p.m." Bveri.ing Wor.hip• 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Mid- ' weelc Prayer. and Bible Study: ,
LnLB United Methodist Church David T. Willard, Minialer 9.:30 Swaclayl Wcmbip Service. 10:30 a.m., 'Sunday School 7:00 p.m., Sunday, Evening,
Servic~. ; co~·
duceed 6y youdh ' . ~
. DADJJ.Om[,Dl8Ul& ••0B~ . "
WAYIUWtL£;. 0 ...0 , '
L.·. .
, _H.ai' OKIO-~.j· "~;'
, .;,...
~'. LEGAL ·,,.0:rICE ·, . '. . 'N~(ice iA ,hei'eby gi,ven to the elec·
{;NFl il~NISHEP d Iwn 8t:li~s 2·be!!· r lmm. Wavntl'fwille. Ph. 897 ·6876.· . •
Card of Thanks
Want.ed WANTED: . BabysittiDl. 897·5921.' Ask for Jean.
Ph0 n
LADY wanta ride · from Centerville Rd. (between Ferry & Waynesville R&.) to Dayton·Xenia Rd. (Beaver· creek High ' School). Approx. 7 a·,m.· Phooe 848·2f70. 20c2 3 :30
. Gestetn~r Model 451 dupli. - entor witb Gestefax Electronic Stene oil" Scannar utul cabinet; AU excel. It'nk : condition. Phone ,the Miami , . LET me baby sit· for you ill. Ga&ette '897·5921. '..'1lnctf .. . borne. By bour or Day. Ph. 897·5921 ,1'IIRElll ,women's coats, excellent. Ask for Joao. 13netf condition. Phone s85"S73a. · 2001
WA'fKINS' pr~uct8. Eldon Shutt!! 600 N. West ,. Lebanon. Phone 9~2.3691. 18.2002
SU,J>ER Flame oil heat.er, used 6 months, 1150. Phone - 897·5170 <in IInytime aftemOon!, ',' .' 20cl·
. Services
WE are meeting more and more nice people in Waynesville who are letting us get their fu.rniture· and carpets cleaner. Call today and find Qut "'hy. Pauls' Expert Carpet Cleanjng 932-7876. . 20c3
'FARM fencing, barn painting nod ~air. . Free estimates. Phone Mid. f dletown ~23.14~4 or 422-7494. 17ct - --' , rooDLE gt'OQuUng, 15. and up. Toy «;\,9.J4.IE·'ehephard . pups, verygoocl '. Poodle Stud service 135.00 or pick with ('hildren. GoOd watclt . rlo"..· of litter~ Poodle pupa 125 and up. 897··7~1. , .: 20Ct ~8.4463 or ,862-419.0. 1ge4
.' Gu,tI:.'S wint.er . coat, $10.00. Boy's topcoat ' With removable liJii"g, 110, Boy'. suit. 110. ,All 10. 897·5122. Abo, i<tng hair~ kii~DI. 2.&1 ,
'I,'OY Poodle Stud Service, AKC . ~iat.ered . . White or Apricot. 150. Appointment oplr: Phone 891-U'8. . . . ' 15ctf " "
row Sp~DP
, '-
. , WISH to .thank all my' friendE, n'!!igJiboJ"8 and relatives for the Inn.ny l(.vely cards, flowers and all ' the "kind acta 'did for Ole and ' my family w'hilt' j~ 'ho8);yjtai and since my rfO· •.urn home., I also want to thank Rev. Young for his visits and pray · er~. ' The Stulbbs Funeral hO~le for their prompt ambulance service. Sin· Clnre!:! Walter' .H. Whitaker 20c'
THE family of Brian Fox wish t" theil, deepest appreciatio:l and thanks tn all of our dear friends, neighbor" and relatives, for all their many acts of kindness shown us ' during the 10188 of our loved one. We thank each one for the beautiful flowers: for the food and visits but most of all for your prayers. May God BleSI! and guide you aU. 2001
The ~ young attorney was cross th~ elderly , exanunmg witness to .a n accident. "YoUi say you were about 3S feet from the scene of the accident? Let me see, you're 85 y~an old, isn't that right. Just how far can you see clearly?" Elde:rly gentleman: ''Well, .when I wake up I see the sun and they tell me that's about 93 million miles away."
.. ,HelD Wanted Truck dtiver .for
oil 18ctf
I "WAN'PED:' Married.· or middle apJ . ' wo'man for baby aittiD« and 'house- .
k~p.l~~. ftU~ .'G ~~. ':"?
worfc:mg .~y. ~~'s ,way through colleg !U .
Chuckle-A-Day "Just think,". the man said, "it says here that over 5,000 camels are used each ye ar to make paint bruShes. " "GoodnesS," answered the woman impressed; "isn't it amazing what they can ·teach animals to do these days?"_......._ _-..__
qtuckle-A-Day " Shop Fore~n: "Pat, your nose is suspiciously rosy this morning, What makes it so led?" Pat: "Sure tiS the reflection of me - soul, blushing with pride at me ability to mind me own business. "
"I would like to 'marry your daughter," said the YQung bank employee to the president, "that is, if you have one."
buy around-2 bedroom houae located on wooded . lot. Wall-to-wall carpet 1ft every room. modem kitchen. WUl F.H.A. or G.I. ~all Peg
32 acre farm in country setting. BarnS, 4 wells. Middletown Rd. $35,000.
Leisz 746-8870.
Attention Auto Mechanics or body and fender men! We have ideal location for .hop and residence in Mt. Holly. Owner will help finance. DAVE SARBER
Beauty . Shop: WiD. tlke ' appOintment. . anytime~ ~: Ph. . 897 ..'3{1g. . (Setf
. ) ors of ,h,e ViUage of Wayneaville, , ' Warren cOunty, Ohio, thl&t a public . ht'aring will be held at the Mayor's office ' in Waynesville, Novemtier · 18. ,1009, at 7 :30 p.m., to oonsider an app.lic~tion I~r a change in IOning of property in the- Village. Said ~hange being to relOne Lot No. 15 of the Evans adrlition to the Village of WayneAville, located on the North side, of Chapman Street anrt the West side of an alley bordering on ~id lot, from residence R·a to business B·3, Item 14.00 of t~e Village of WE.ynes· viJ1! Zoning Code ; said lot owned by Homer G. Ramby. By Waynesville Village Council Mary Stansberry, Clerk .
New 3 bedroom bride ranch, family room with fireplace, .larg~ b u i I t in kitchen, 1-1/2 baths, 2 car garage, 1/2 acre lot. ~ Jent buy. Call Peg Leiaz ·
.'~. ~. 897~52M 1getf
Beasley Realty 885-'1831
p.m::".' :':• "
JL •• ·
7.a. . . . . .
Store Fixtures, Harclware Supplies a Antique F~~ BBG~G AT 12:30 P.M. ' •
I'en ' Radi~,()
'SlturdlyDeteber .1 " LOCATED: The former Stewarts General Store on Main St. in Clarksville. Ohio. .STORE FIXTURES:,'' '' 8-ft. glass show easel; 10' 4~.: jrep .helves made of .3/4" plywood; 'several diapl.ay ~bl'-; . garden leed rack; scates; rope measure & cutter; sCreen wire tade; glass bralcer'; window blind cutter; several old · 'bens; several ft.· of wall shelving; lots of odd I~ber; 3" , ben glus & brackets. . '. HARD..ARB SUPPLIES: Several boxes of new ~aow. jlau;'tovepipe;.· V~belti;, ditch grader; , .~.' aU" .iza of ftaila~, .taples· ...... r' ft"~~'~"I; . , Screws· . , bola· . t . cotter L ~-'-J ~ppUe.; . roll door .boca; . ,J,oota; ha~; . 1iO~; j \ ~-~OOIM; . 'to~e f '. ', 'filea; >~-:"a' '~ .:.l -. ','.ub! ,~ChaJoger;qoeape. .,.~;Cbris~ dC4~ri.~)~·; ~;~
.w; .
, ~_~. . .ants'. & . ~P"'; ' miJk;,lilter pa4a.)
'.·ear· .
. "oil
--~ .... .a _·•
s,:1QIiJ8S: ~M.rble
.A,::"' '':'L: /. ., ~;',;',
'Wldi. ~Id·;, are ·' "eJ~;;.:roc~~,;'i
" ing evening.., . Sing , Outers were over· whelmingly received ,when th~y lQ.ade a ' su~prise appear·
...._, . . ..
" ' 1"
I '-
SI •
v n ·, '
891-5966 _~
PH. 897-7931 or 897-2241 BOB
TDUS Predslon Work Is a "Must" Here We woUld I:ike to introduce eo you our "NEW high quality ~intinl'" Much effort has lone ineo, 1M. PROVING our quality .tandarda. 11te lateat in .type. setting equipment brings to you I\hia qWdity at lower prices. -FORIIS .NCR FORM. ·T1CKETS • HANDBILLS ' • MAILERS • NEWSLETTERS • NEWSPAPERS • PAII'HLm • 'IOOKLETS • BOOKS
SPECIALTIES lOCh. baD paiD, peas. fluhlichta, peDen., 'uh wa,., eipnHe Jiahun, wi....ield _aper., litter hap, key chaiDl, co."" .,. 1IorM, po& holden, tbermome&en, aewdriven, JUd .ticb. MI· IooaI, etc. AD wlda JOUI' Dame or b_ _ lmprbated.
Stop in and see the prlntera ~J in the
of Siatoric DowD.tcni'a. W&yn~t:i11e. ,
at the offices. : of . •
.eatt .'
of.. Season
The Waynesville American\. Legion" Auxiliary Unit 6U Is emphasizing the serviceman's Christmas by again, spoDJoring a Christmas gift box program for local servic.emen in Vietnam. Gift contribution boxes will be placed in Ellis' Supermark~t and Don's Market, cooperating merchants, this ,week. Lists of . suggested gift items will be ~sted " on the boxes. Some- g~ftsuggestions have beeri various 'packaged snacks, canned meats, and candy. All items, should be packaged in , cans to prevent spoilage. N~ shavin~ lotion Or perfumed ~i;>iletries 'o r artificially sw'!etened instaht drinks ~ill be ac~epted. Cash, contributions will also be accepted for purchasing gifts. Persons interested in don,aling cash should contac~ Mts~ Ea~l ' Tkoin'PSOD at 89"" 4876. Names, a"d ad~resses and ' b~rt~dates of , se~vicemen. in Vietn,am ~d other , foreign co~ntries should also , be dro~ ped in the contribution recep~ ticals.
soon as pouible ~ ~e (. Christmas p~clcage , mailing list and the arrival of birthday cards on the I~e men's birthdays. A .number of Auxili~ and: Junior Auxiliary m~mbers" have been corresponding with The' Vietnam serVicemen. serviceman's loneliness ' and apathy has' b ~.e n shared through the.~ letter•. An unidentified Vietnam soldier composed the folia,,lng poem entitled, ctyietnam.:" UAcross the Pacific Ocean Vietnam. is the spot . Ten th9usand ~iles from you The spo..t ~ that God. £orgcrt~" We 'York, we sweat
It's more than .you can stand We're not supposed to be convi~~
But defenders of our land.
eCofitin~ed on ~ge
It was a "very expensive second theft when they ar,trip;" a double barrelled robbe~y Sunday for Mr. and Mrs~ Dell~ Ponder of 7724 Carter Drive west of W ayn~svil1e. C;>ver lhe weelc,end ' 't he ~on ders and' their ' children ,ana some frie,nds~ J\!~~ and Mrs. David Bryant and youngsters Hilt' ~oad..' 'v~c:a(,f ',.Bunnell . , .' t tiotted in dle Smoky Moun-' rains. , l1te first •
" fIl~
tilrne fo, IhC)s~ and
Oq/ , ~f 'for '
home at 11 :30 p.m. Sun- , ' ciay. Their mailbox had be~n' broken into ' and a q~antity of mail stolen and multilated. A neighbor's, also away,' , ,newspapers ,h ad been sbredded and scatterM--over their , lawn. ' Both . robberies are under in' ,~tigation by the ·Kentucky . " State Police an~ ',u.S. POlta~ ,authorities. "
Vi~I. ThankJgiving'
;', goblinl~" hei~ and' W»~ ~:,ihe
, Sentiee, Slated', ' ,
, ,)
- an'nua,l
subs'c ri I?ti o'n
WaynesVille, .Ohio, R8 ,
I~ NAME ,~~--~-~---......:.:....--.::-:....-...:..;. h ,
I~ ADDRESS -----...,;.:;~~~--.:...~~---.;.-
I: CITY _ _ _ _--"'!"'_~, ·STATE
------->~~ti£,·+>----- I
I. DATE _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ -
~:--,~ ,
THI'· ':thLL. ~
• • • to
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,?~'~ ~,U.~IN·~SS IN~URA~~E ~ - ;,~ . •
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23 s.
""Of! . ";r
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Ph. ni·4956,· Niain .Waynes\fm~, o.
We are living in unusual -times .. Inflation is our national enemy. It has already mad~ serious inroads into the value of our dollar. It forces prices ever higher, threaten1l1g tne living standard of th~ American famIly. Everyone wonders "WHAT CAN I 00 TO HELP?" There IS som~thing. SAVE. Restraint in buyi'ng and spending, and added emphasis on saving, can help cool inflation.
Uke wood feeding a fire, excessive buYing' feeds the flames ~f ~nflation; ~oney set aside in the form of savings can not only he,lp revers~ the 'infla· tlonary trend; it may very well buy much more later on. One .thing is certain. The more you save now, the better you will be prepared fOT the challenges and opportunities of the future. By sav!ing you. serve yoursefl, your community, your country, your future . EVI~ry,thing and everybody benefits.
OUR REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS offer the ideal way to build are· serve fund through regular deposits. You have safety., convenience; interest and availability. ' ' -~
.,SAVINGS CERTJ.FICATES, ·,in \~ar.iou~fo~ :and,,~o~inat_i,?~, 'y,ff:F.r ~ , " afe ,form of. investment with safety and usuRcf'interest r~tesr~ . at ~u.rK(tive1 . ". ~ .~.
A big truck was stttck in
By:'~i) Pr~~it('~~' . version. Thi!rwas'; the last touch. . , The Springbo~h P.an~he~s, beat downqf,both,· teams. . .
e ",
'. .
. the, mud alnd th~ driver with shovel and swea't ~s 1rying to dig it Otlt. ··Stuck in the mud?" a . passing motorist shoUted .. TAe tnlck driver looked up. uNo,'" he snarled, "my truck died! and I'm burying it:"
the Wayne,~i~~ Sp'arta,ns.in a 14... .' W~yne~~ Ie's. Bo, Bradley I,ed :. 7Ie~f.1e: clash Fiiday night. . , ·the ··g~l1ie 'in. rushing ,with 142 · yar4s 'gained'in 20 carries. · , .'FIie Panthers .score" in . the' third" '~lay' o(the ';game as Ed ',' Wa~ne, sville. ,' ·with 'a' 4.3 rec', " , .: r:, ' , .' ' , \" " J' . ~~y ~pleted a 6~yard touch~ ord, :pb~.ys'. Clinton ',Massie on
• •
Y. . v...
w• • ~.....f.I"
.d9\vtt :pasSW.taY if:Jerry RaffeD.~eI"ball '"'P..t: ,~:~i::.r-,:hom='e:.:~fi=le:ld~F~r:id=a:¥.:ri::igh=t=..""""":-.:-.....:.....:.~--------==========:::::;::=====:::;===:==t;;;::; Wheq.,; oeSville·got 4rrY Nel~ Ita.nded, off 9 Do :
, :' 1
·Qradley.' arid, Bfadley'
ran.Jhe baD
" ,66·. ~~~ onty. 'to ~ .tjcideCi on' .
. . '" ."" th~',r~ y_rd line. ,·~ ,~the, next
~. ~ ,plaYj;wmajif ~id~~ lUllged over ' .. .'. ~,&~.,.i'Idley~~ ldcki was'good ,"" ana ~e~ '1~t ,P.9'~t,;.,;\V~mesvi1le ', .. '.8Cor~. the. whol~. pmef . : ,; :J~. ~~Iast. fiVe 'mlli'4t'~s '9ftlie " ,i,· .J\ritJu~f,· ~e. Pa'ntbcus :~fback,
"'L t
. . " '. ~rouglt, ~e. " ~~' . def~ , . : and ,~n. a2. y,~rcl, ',ie>. the' ",end "zone. ~ l4'wis~·':fI)~ed. the,:con- . J
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" '.'"
. ,,,
rA~~ITS for l!~ll ..Fashion puts on a shapely
c ' ,, ' .
......·:.l,~,~,;)I~~.~.dfl~~I\.lin~ ~uppl~·. ~rVe~, happy colots, . "' , . ' ' intereittng textures," ~', .'
:.'. ;:. MAKE Yo.UltMo.VE"~leci· O~g~~m~g ~fashi9ns
~ ::J::~ )"~1;~ ~~~ ~~l:~~E~$.ti.O~·whe~e ~~e 've~y':.b~.es!; .. ~ . :
I~ ;: 't, .:·:raSJUoJis.,at" aVailable ~ There is ·fashion excitement,' ::.'~ , ·,~I~ate$ntyJe$.~d fa,bpc~ for ·yput ..se~, ectio:1j at ~ynii's ,": ,; .' \" '~ ">'~ D.:'ea Sh.op.;w, . re\'valu~:aR,d ·tlitfil8~t fa:Shiorf go ""{: .,' . ' , ", ,'band 'in 'band. '
Pirst·.Baptist . Chur,c h 'North Ma~n Street , Jolui P: Osborne, Pastor 1O:~ a.m~, Sunday School. 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. 6:30 p.~., 'Training Union . . 7:30 p.m., ,Evening Worship. ' 7:30 p.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting. (Affiliateci' w ~ t It Southern Baptist Convention).
Pirst Church of Christ East High Street Thomas Stevens, Minister 9:30 a.m., Sunday Bible School. 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Worship and Communion. 6:00 p.m. Sunday Youth Meeting 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Christian Youth Hour. 7 :30 p.m., $unday Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m.- Wednesday, Bible Study.
FrienashiJ» Baptist .
Southern ' Baptist Convention Notman Meadows, Pastot , 9 :30 a.m., Sunday' School. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Morning Worship 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening servi(:e. 7:30 ·p.m., Wednesday, Mid~ week Prayer and Bible Study.
Run Baptist Church
j, - ,
Ohio 73 East Lester K-idd, Pastor 10:00 a.m., Sunday School. 10:00 & II :00 a.m., Sunday Wor.h'ip Service. 7:30 .p,.m., ,Sunday Evening Worship.
.U¢ted ,MethodiSt "
, "Oh....\iM'h
'. . .. ~
David" Hari*l'; Putor 9:30 . a.m., Sun(lay Church
service. ', I'rie~ds Keeting Fourth Street near High 10:30 a.m., S~clay School. 9:30 a.m." S~day ~hool. 11 ~ , a.m:,.. Su~d.y Worship 10:45 a.m., Sunday Meaing SerYice~ for Worship (unpro- . Youth Fellow.~ip and Bible d .. grammed). . ...... .. , StQ.y . ." " ,
st. JIaioy'. Episcopal Church Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11: 15 •.m., Morning Prayer lat, lrd & 5th SundaY5: Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sunday•.
United Methodist Church Third· & North Streets L. L. Young, Mini.ter 10:15 a.m., Church at Worship. 9:15 a.m., Sunday Chur-:h at Study. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth Fellowship.
,L n'LB United Ketbodiat Church David T. Willard, Minister 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship Service. 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 7':00 p.m., S~~y, avening Worship Services condt,lcted by youth.
KA""I B;", 1i B, C~ WAY.UVILLE, . OHIO. : .' : ' ~~,
. .II. . .l,,' . :
What comes to you'r ritbtd"j I God's k'l nd of a .world? when someone speaks ' oJ a God Is. with . Us always, an4 , "rich, full life?" What you think ~er. r~~" J,s:.n!?t l1fefUle4 is what you are. Wlth happiness ·and · with a Do youthhi'k I,of a /neW seIise.of ·purpose? . . hO\.lse? A ' De", ' car.?', Money 1n ' . Th~·~good things of life", as the bank enough to buy almost we ) call them,' 'make life any t h 'l n g.you might. 'desire'! '. ple~ant. . mo~ ea~ler,.to acc,!pt These.- must be c9ilsiderep.,part:, ·'1 on a ·4ay-tO:-dily ):)as18. But~ y/e' of a moaern~day; "tiqh: 'full ., 'c an t!Xlst without then).,Wecan,i, life. If' . , ' :. "1 • !'. . ' ·If'we mUlt, get by with the bare Yet,. Isn't there mO.r e? Is not neces~lti~~ ' ... ,:, '. . . The Deeds of, ,our,~ there a. kind of· richness lhat every man can a.fford? Does 'inor~ deJi1!n~~~ L'lf~Yll1ieth4!r.·· 1 not proper reWard await every one ,is .__ ~ch' or. pqor~ .....&.~ L_" man who ta'kes to tUne to do with ~hiU!en~·and t~p~tioJlf. so~etbing good, to . help a " whl,c,h :" m~t · ,be "' J)let :. with fellow ' ma~, JC}"aid a' just and :, s.t.re~gt~ 1;ilD~~:;deJt.hl~i&tl10nl, worthy cause? ,' . , ,1j}Very '~an ."'~~ Is - flot a full lite' that patti-' II, faltll. equ81 · Dei~. cular Ufe which: devotes' even , seeks; P9d.. " ..the sm.allest.. a¢Jj.on, ar deed to propel"meaaure. I
. ...
Ferry Churcl1 of Christ Wilmington , Pike '" Social Ro~ ~o.d , ' Bu. Wueman, Minister 9:00 a.m., Sunclay Bible . School. iO:15 a.m., Sunday Worship. 10:15 a.m., Sunday Youth Wor.hip. . 6:30 p.m., Sunday 'Evening Bible Study, all aget. 7:30 p.m., Evening Wor.h:'ip. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Midweek Prayer and Bible . Study.
High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, 7 a.m. & 11 •. m. MUles 8 •.m. & 8 p.m. ' Holy Days 7:30 p.m. Firat Friday 7:45 a.m. Daily Mau
St. Auguatines ' ~utch
MRS. GIBSON , ·:t-.ILEY . Mt. HoUy r. .
Ph. 891-6162
Mr. Jalck ' Ma'riatt of IF.tyton called on his aunt and uncle, Mr. and ~rs. Elvis Michael, Tuesday . afternoon!.
8B~'l'IO" TUX
" SERVICE 'MONE 741-8847 W• •c...~ ' Y.lJts, ~POolt, ...... .tlc, tanb, elate"''' dry WIlli Ind tOlttJi. F. Eithna1ll'Qlvtn On All' .I• .
. ,·24 . H9UR ~.tRVICE " . . IOR1)I.ItAIN' STREET, t:~"KLU" OMI, ·.
Fabrics (ialore ··With NEW SCOTC,HGARD
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and family ' of Springfield spent Sun- , . ,day with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis. Mrs. Addie Dill and Mr. and Mrs. Elvi~, Michael spent .Tuesday evening . witl{ Mr. a'nd Mrs . Walter Moore. M'i'S.1John
Smith and children spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.-,Lew~s Crawford and family . •
:' ;~GE ,.P.Asott:;':; .:: W8Yr1e Township Tr~stee '~ . ' ,
, ,-
.KnOII fUUDAY, NOV. '<Ii It. . Yew s..... WID .. A,~"d...tI
/ ._
I, ~ r
We aF the" home, wete, mOst",
,-:;================::===±±~~ , day pe4l~~tJy entertai'ged llil\its-'','~ ~~,'!{~ll.;:.:t.:;,~,,~:tii:~);: r ~Ievening ' ~hen,o'rt "Esther: J Mitchener 'o~'~he New
SALE! Playtex® 'Golden Girdles
SAVE '$2.00. NOW.! 8.95
lo011.eJ Panty •••••••• Reg. 11.95
, EvelYlil Crane came' and tooIC " a group of our ladies a ride on Sunday afternQon. Included' were , Rora Crane" ,' 'Miriam ioga~, Ber~ha Hess, Anlla Thackara ancr Jessie Robitzer. 'They ~alled on Sara Gebhardt. -- ......-
GinUe ••••••••••••••• Reg. 12.95
J.oaa Lea 'Panty
....... Reg. 13.95
NOW!~~.95 Sites XS, S, M" L (Extra large sizes $1 more) , , '
Ada Courtney, Jessie R~bitzer , and .Nettie Palmer" w~re 'Wednes': day everting 8u~ts cit Mrs. ,Sue ' ~=:==~~~~~::::;~~~~i~~~~5.~~ Turton when she entertained the ' "Past Matrons. '
Girdle ••••••••••••••• Reg. 10.95
'N OW!
Guests · oCNe'ttie ~P~irn~r' :one ' . even.ing Irecently wer~ her soris I ' Rob~rt of ~ayne~vm~ti,nd Cecil of Burningham, Mich.: , '
~~rfiri8t~p ,
: are~ came llnd' showed. slide~ of ' her recent · :Eur~pean ' 'tri~ she' ,took ,with "ber; ',; d~~ghter ' and fa'mily'. " .
'd~n H,..t?~ '~~" t e', county. t6 ', '~~p,';;'t~emA: ~il " c~nia,c't wiili ,I,' the .var.oqs regioli~l al)d . ;.1 ".
By , , W·~- .I97.a26 •
'stat~ ·, ~eetings . , and ',other ac~ tivities. , , ' " Ac~ordingly , the , club was told ' of ,the fall meeti,ng of -Region 16 thS:i: will-be held at ' Hi~sbqr~, r-,lo,v. 12 ~d the Spring Regional me~tin$ to be held" someWhere 'm arren County on April 22. Th~ ne1w and especially attractive , ' yearbooks of the Waynesville Club were ' presented at this time and gave the plan for the year whiCh , is, , ~ program chairman for each meeting. She will plan the pro- ' gram on ~ny appropriate topic and arrange for the exhibit. The program chairman for Octobet chose to read the charming account of Gardening given in Helen Hay's book, UA Gift...0f Joy." Mrs. Alice Morg~ chairman ,of the horticultural committee gave an interesting report of gardening activities in October 'and ~er sWilmer gar'd enmg expdieqces. The exhibits consiattd ' of a ,vase of chr1sati~em~ ''';'from • Mrs. M()rgan'.' '~a ~.: St~ John's garcl~ns. ,Xl( ' present went ,out to tour the~.
, Senior Citizens of,Waynesville met Oct. t 4 for a carry-i'n dinner with. - 3S Rilembers and guests present. The next meeting will be Tuesday, OCt. 28 at 1 p.m.
Brownie Troop 307 is going to tour the Miami Gazette on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 22. David Edsall, Publisher" will show the girls the interesting procedure of producing a newspaper. They will, later enjoy refreshments. , The Brownies will be accompanied by ~rs. Furnace, Mrs. Prewitt, and -Mrs. James Jones.
The Ohio Child Conservation League he:ld its 49.th Annual State C6~entjon at the StatlerHilton Ho:tel in Oeveland from Oct. 14 - Oct. 16. Those in attendance from this area were: Mrs. Walter Oark Jr., Mrs. Earl Knedler, Mrs. Steve Conner, and Mrs. Bernard Baughn. , The Cradles to College C.C.L will have a plastics party on Tuesday, November 4th at the home of Mrs. Steve Conner at 497 Franklin Rd.
Several ,members of Miami Cha'pter 107 O.E.S. met for ' a potluck ~inner meeting on Mo~: day, Oct. 13, at the Masonic ' Temple. Topping the order of business was election of officers for 1970 and ~xpressions of appreciation to the ' Waynesville Sing-Out group for the program they presented 'for Friendship Night. The next meeting will .be Mond.ay, Nov. 10 at 8 p.m.
Mr. Harrish Mosher of S. J,~. . North Street'-' is in ' Kefterib$ ,.' Memorial Hospital for ,o~fva· t,.' tion following a fall on Satilrday , at his home.
Twelve members and one guest were present at ~he Qctober meeting of Esther Circle of Past Matrons of Miami Chapter, O.E.S. The meeting was conducted at the home of Mrs. Roy Turton.
Spec. 4 Michael Wilson,of t~e , Army ,Signal Corp is home 'on " leave in route to Vietnam. Michael left Ft. Gordon,Ga. where he attended Electronics School and will report for- -duty at Oakland. Calif. Oct. 23. At Oakland, ' he will receive Ipi orders for duty in Vietnam:
pUmpki,n pie topped with pumpkin ice cream was enjoyed after the regular business meeting. The 'family of Lucile Armi-
HO- ARD ~B-i, lI· PI,RI-EI... JR "
', I:I~"li':"\'III'I ' I'I, Tr'llt:11 Wayne :ro~hip voters will go ·to ',the 'polls Nov. 4 t~ · fill 10 ·iOc81 'government. se~ts. ".
Two Wayne Township Trustees will l~e elected' ,.from five can'aid4te's' vieing for the ~ats. ' Trustee include: James W. Crane, George H. Hender~on, Edward ~ngr~, Howard 'Ptnkey, Jr; and Virgil Wilkerson.
, Wayne Local Board ,o f Education will see three new members. Those cornpeting· for, the ' positio-;s at~:." 'Ro~ett ' 1.. ~~nard"
~~:' ~~~~~~~i~~~lii~~~;'~~=~".
sock a~d 'fliijmis F. Hatton .
Juanita K.. Corby, David D. Hart-{
Three ' Waynesville Village Council candidates will ~reeze into ~~J.fi~I~. ~e~ will be elected ' and ' the.re will. ,be , fo~r , ~ts , , Va~t, , " ,', , ., candidates fOJ council illc~ude,
•j :
....ek ~ ',(;(9~~' Tom ._~., ~~ams
. iwd)~.-rl M. "WOo,lar,d= .' :," ":
:llutin 'udl". In .•• 1111 , •• r 'I . , , , r' ',II' ,., I lUI ' ,'I • . 1"r.c,il'l ~
'.'Jb91sd8y, _ Oct. 16, 1969.' , Fi1st.fr~st.a~ thes~ason, Tuesday :' nimt. , He[~ on high' gro.und it , f .- ~ 4idn't . <to any damag~ that I " ' ' ' could,s~e but I heard a man say ,,' that they had, had a killing frost. f1ower$ at the filling sta, '~ tion at' the comer were still as . . ,bright and beautiful as ever. Marigolds ' and zinnias petunias and cockscomb and all the other annuals, it has been a pleasure to look at all summer. So nice to see' a service station with a touch of beauty. St. Mary's Centennial celebra.tion Saturday night and Sunday, Oct. 11 and 12 was a great success. •At the Saturday night dinner, our Editor appeared as Mr. 1869. Beautifully gotten up, he could have been a character right out of one of Dicken's ".
. The
.1111 All 69 Models New and 'Used
The flowers were from ·Bob and Anne Hunter, Bob and Eunice Mehaffie and Ghartey Starr cam~ with a group from Wilmington and a nice ' group " from lebanon. I can't name ' them , all. Then our own from hereabouts and some of our friends filled the tables. The Parish house looked an · bright and' shining with our new paint and floor ' polish after ' being used by the Waynesville kinderprten for two years. The church ' was full for the eleven o'clock· service. All speeches and sermons were short and to the point. Jim Weltz played the organ atthe early service and' St. Patrick's cboir With 'Marge Donavan . at the organ were at the late service. The air was full of 'do-youreinembe~s? '31,ld tales of the ''Twenty-ThirtY;' club and hO\~ .they , broke the , hearts of the . older members by taking down ,the old ' chan~eliers altd other
Another bright, beautiful, cool day, down below .forty this , morning but no frost here. SOrry not to have been able to enjoy the Fall Festival but we were' busy. :Alll tHe,fresh. paint'.daes , lookni.ce .. .
. Prom
ADea:p.., ·WOrd.
, Pa.: -1 remember When' f .. seven Y',eal'J. ol.".e llvecl"ne8r Now Available ,a ~alty !~ Each nfgbt'my , renovatio~s. Winter Storage motht!!' wQuld lend lI)e,dq"n fOl!' a pall" of mllk.. Tbey had a Suddenly, after dinner, a big~ Por Your Campers \ group of., young people came .' large lawn -~ith bench~ IU1d, cha~s a,nd'; th,~. ~ld ~ wh~ stringing in ~nd when they got llv~ tbete alwa~sleaned 'on a Bottle Gas Por Sale in tume¢ and sang "Happy cane. ' ~ '" '" _ , Whenever I went ~' he , . Birthday ".St. Mary'S". Thank WQuld ask me to .sit with him ~.ted OD Route ~2. I mile 'Borth you, Sing~Out's. Another thing abd ·talK. ' ~.e was ·vUf lntelllof Route 73, WaYDtIJ,.me. to 'sl\ow, tJs that not ·all ,the- nice . ~nt ~~d ~~~. 9f ~,,:w~~"e~s " ~f, ~e, l~nlverse,1 aNre, ;ba~l thin~ happened in the past. nessgalned by honest" ,vork, PhoDe 897-7938 -- - - -- - - - -- - - -The new century has -begun and love and rell~ fOl: others; the mOQn and staI:i, sun ;~~cl ~aln, God!.. . creations. . He · 10 f~sclriated me; I woUid' JU8t~ sit and stlll~ In. ,his 'serious f~ Thla old man set ,defbPte . p~ ttern to ' my ' Ule. ,I 'h"ve " " always· ,tried. to Bve ,with ,that faith: :.,,' . . " I altilo r.etrieinber 'when I was a,kid E'g9t my flrIfJol>~' I viu paid .• ~ ... w~ A 1 wanted a ' Sunday, suit: 1-'went to a,store andfo1!lnd ~fwhat I wanted. I coulc:lD~t P.y' ~" o' I ~old·· . the ma:n I wanted,to. pay by the week. He uked what,l earned. I told tilm ·$5 a . . .· aiidr.be McCALL sa~ '~"au IIl4ke . ,5, ~_ " and 1l1we '01,·$5. a week. WheD::: you mIKe $1"'a'1'(eS, yoiiDve 011 $5'lil week; If >,o,u.m8k~ $IS a wee)c, you Bve . ,$ 5 a ,S ave the, ~erence , and you- . can pay .c~h. for anything ,you , .1.ou wllnt." . . ' . .I gtpt the 'suit aDd',fearned a WAYNEBVI'L LE .. good PH.B97-SD16 In,oll, all for $12~98~,
rlli EI~ Ilillllll' Whlll 1111111
III lildl I ih 111111 II rk'
,-,eu:. '
SR 78 , from , McCorinels~me otr the 'Muskingum River, southwest
St~t~ for,e.st~ ,In ,~,ddition; ~ikers
alo!1g. the hilly route io 'Glouster: nearby is , Burr , Oak Lodge; AMISH' 'COUNTRY, Rts. 97 and 39 between IM71 and Rt. 21 in
' 'rill enJ?y the rugged terrain Qf I
bridge, the interesting geological form~.t,ions ' at . Nelson.
Holmes County includes drives through Amish l~nd aild the Mo. hican Sitate Forest near Loudon. vHf'e' and ' PAINT CREEK VALLEY, U.S. Rt. 50 from Bainbridge to the wild and rugged Seven Caves region. , Man¥ 'c ommunities take ad. vantage of October's bright blue weather to stage harvest celebra. tions where the main street b ~omes a gathering place for reo union of friends and a showcase for displaying local harvest prod. ucts. Bringing to a close this . year's 'schedule of festivals and events will be the PUMPKIN SHOW at Circleville, ·Oct. 15-18. The village of Bainbridge in scenic Southern Ohio promotes the visit of thousands of people who motor to the area each October to admire the vivid fall colors which adorn the hills. This year's event, called the,
'K~nn¢dy Ledges near qarretts·
,fire and' ob·
ville and the : primeval fo,est ' preserve at Glim Helen at Yellow . Springs. Hike rs can also ta~e advan, t~ge of a' FALL H~KE ' AND CAMP·OUT on Dctober 24-26, sponsored by the Ohio Del,>artment of Natural ,Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation and the Portsmouth Area ' ,Chamber of Commeroe. Campers can set- up their gear at the Portsmouth State Park~ Rt. 125, west of Portsmouth ' on Friday evening , and be ready to start the 7-mile hike planned for Saturqay morning as w~1l as join in the nature hikes and evening campfire program scheduled ~uring the ,~e~~end. . Of course the most popular way to view, the Fall. foliage, is by taking a "Sunday, ,drive in the
.,family auto, guided ,I)y the official state ~. hi~>ivay map which has , scemc robtes . marked i~ ~een foi easy i<Jentification. Among .some of the m~st P()pU~ .Iar scenic drives 'are ,these suggestcct' 'b~fes~' ~'THE SWlTZERLAND·OF OHIO area, bounded '. the 'Oh ~ "~~"'·li : /. 'II J > . ' b)J IUt -.i " · '147" ' f'· . rpD)' . ' .0 Clj.;!"!'~'~~~s isfJl~~: ~ l.f§; ~!!lF 1'?~}~~ '·Riv~r·~ t.o 'B8rnesVille, south ~it ""I~U,.,..·~ ' ',areas' inclUde tli~l l!o((~- .' ,Rt. 8 to:: Woodsfi~ld ;md eljst on lS:'!· I~ea.;';~l,>ga:llJ" 1h~' 'Mohi:~1 .... "Rt:·,'78) contains rugged stenery; . Lo~do~., OF Tur. ,WORLD DRIvE,
FALL FEST IV AL OF THE LEAVES, will get underway on Friday, . October 17 and continue through Sunday, October 19. There will be a midway, arts and crafts exhibits, visits .to the Dental Muse\1m and tours of old homes to compete with Mother , Nat\1re:'s own show. " . ~."'" '. P.it~e~t,.:mf0tn1ati9n .:on the ') above mentioned Fall festivi'tie$ ,', may ' be obtained from ' tIJ~ Ohio , Department of Development, lit·
dofination, Central, :: Box , lOOi, , Columbus, Ohio,43~16.
• ... ,.? I ..t
. Editor's Note: Today The Mi· along the hillside ·whi'Ch. slo~": . ami Gazette takes great pleasure down to the millstream and river in introducing the literary work is a beautiful ,l ittle spot some· . of one of Waynesville's most ' times known as the tNaker Vil- ~ charming and most interesting lage," because of the / eady citizens. For the next several habitants, most of whom') wete weeks, Gazette readers will be Friends, whose efforts ' were untreated to the entirity of "The tiring in establishing .homes; . Village Yesterdays," a book by schools and places ,to worship Miss Katherine Prendergast. the God they adored. Th~ir ' Miss Prendergast, now a ,names go dow~ in history as the . youthful 86, became an author first citizens of the community. five years ago with this delightful, Hght hearted work dedicate~ HOME "To all the people who once livArriving on the morning train ed in a small town and loved it." the last week in Augu,s t, I c~e This charming Waynesvilleian home after 'a wonderful summer traces her literary beginnings to vacation with an aunt whose the days when she worked for pla~ was my second home. the .old Miami Gazette under the .While I ate and enjoyed delicious noted Miss Brown, Gazette Pub- food which was the result of lisher. and dat;aghter of the well an excellent cook's culinary ait. known Mr. and Mrs. Thomas , Art? IYes, it is even an ar.t to fry Rrown who distinguished them· po.t atoes so they are fit to eat~ I selves in Miami Gazette history. slept in my aunt's old fashioned , Miss Prendergast continued foyr poster bed made up with her newspaper career under Les- counterpane, shams and tester; . ter and Florence Crane, also worked, played and enjoyed noteworthy _Gazette publishers. every minute on the farm. ' " She admits that her career en:r,ta'( sprlng my parents moved compassed "any and everything" from setting 'type to job work. from the farm, on which they ''The Village Yesterdays,". a were Ii~g" into ~y ~ate grandbook about Miss ,Prendergast's ' mother shouse, prepanng to send childhood in WayneSVille, and its, me to the village school in Sep- : ' qu!lint illustrations by Richard tember. ,
by Katherine Prendergast
and old photos wilt' In those days, when the trains ' ,bring a cozy warmth and smiles stopped at every little town, Jhe ' to its' readers~ :Many wilt want to children got quite a thrill odinS
from ;.one' ~tati(m , to. ..the next. Shrimp lalad bowl Is ' a "At ~som~time in almost There was the old hack that met good:' one dish .a1a4 Cut 1 everyone's lifetime lllCa" ......_. cup rlPe oUvea in large pieces. all the trains, and waited to con· Bt e a k 2 . quarts erisp salad a yen to Writ~ 1 book. Well, here vey all the arrivals over the Avegreer18 Into bite size. Sprinkle goes my fust offense. Vou won't olives: over greens, add .J cup have to consult'your dictionaries nue to the village. eleallled shrimp, 1/2 Cl,lp cheese sllV~i•., Toss, Hg~t1y with' to read this ~ook. I am not . 'Next week "The Avenue" and ~enlch dres.~.~, ~dd salt ~d.. .Jamili~r wi91 many pleiosyllabic "Wat~r Street~" pepper to tas~ Garnlsh with·. words They' just don't seem to sll~ egss,.and toma,t~. '. . fit .my vocabull\ry. I have pur· "For ali u~expected treat, try clovelrJ't;n vegetables sueh all·' posely ommitted immaterial ver- ' 'C 8TO. 'squB,sh,' s~~: pot~toeat be.• ns · bl'a'ge ' . ' , . .f aDd 'beets; ' . . BOJD ,BUILD:!• . ' F4~r a ·. Norwa'y Sardine· ' The setting ,for this book is A '1"1' "'''P ' -B Sandwi~h, ·but(ef . required not in New York, but a little ~ .,. & &I . , il U m ,b e ~,: , ~f .\I!'hlte, san!iwleh place once known as a whistle , BBKODBLIHG bread sl1CCi:!\Add Norwaysliced Scar- , stop. It IS . not ev~n ' " a wlpstle . dines. 'T()R With one'I:ow stop . , _Bobert Oarter .. Son. , l hard: , c~k~d"~~egg. , aeasbn since the trama{Qn the old'Penn.. ' 21 N••" IT. lightly. " '. ' . ' ,'~ " '., , . ' - \Blbilel~8 roasts '-are m O're' sylvarua .~~,}lqJ: s~,o,p her~ ,any " ;WAY~U.;~,E. O~IO . co~pad : ·a rid .u.u~y ~ req~lre more. N~tl~d ~~8 ' tl}e tr~,es . ':. -:.; . ' . ...'.111__ ,.'lo!Jg~er eooldl,ig tlme ·~rpound... .~ .• , '';' .,,1 ill, r~' Other faetors whteh, 4etemii~ ......_ ....._~_ _ _ _~~.~....II!-~~~..~~ ne'ce •• ~r'y,' QOklM' time are ~biape of·;itJle 'c;Ut:;' raii'o: of lean ,to fat a~~;~e ' ~perature : of 'elthe ,Imeat , .;,.'wh~, . ','I plaCed, ~ \. '. ~ln. the ,
~':. ,.
~al. .(~;. ~•...wLe
, 'DOlrte(]t':..to
m .....',"n
~:~SIl9n:' ',t\rton,(I8~ " ~"~~g. ,,' ~" Weltonle ,Bible ' ~lasS
'met 'at.the OH,sWlmaJm . and Esther ;,;4'DIQItc,r. Fridilv evening OCt. 10. mi.;;DrOitrun lea~er not being "'pre~nt sent the pi~ Inii.k·l'e,"
~ble ' Teriy. SM'enl ~':¥~!tiful : . wems " ~ere "" .•~.'" :.front" ,the .October IdeMs' !"'fNrnllliDJ'rle, JOel,. th~ reading of the ,~n , fiom 'Matthew 5-9.
."._ .....",.·'by .':Mts.
'1he",: MiIsion~'· · Circle " Of ' . Jonah'. Run Dlet at the church I
.:! \Yedaea~y t ' for 8Jl
aU ~y meet-
::,..!. . ',mg, ~g aDd filling,the 'white •
. ". . VISitors ' '~t Jonah's Run ·€b,llm. ,Sunday, were Mr. i ~ul Ande~n and' their three I
,'Cr()l$ q1,1ota.
and Mr.
, ~ .1VIIDAY; .OV. '." :" ' " " ; " ... ....
.•"_ .. '.~..~.~." . ~
y-' ",~
TIl:US .
Pte,clshlltf.:. .· ~." . ~
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• 'AIIIIOIlIICfMEJn:s.:.··,,·,·' ~' ~ •. '.ADa ~~7:
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:,. , ~,'. . . .c:~\-:
. • PeItEJII'.
'Ja\ ...... ',_.tiIIiiIL"'II......~_~....-;'_i~_"' ;.-Aifj!i:I~~l:·'" ... 'I I 1 ¥ _. . .h.s;'", . ......... ~~· '''.• '''t,i_ ')..' ..t. ............. . .. -"___ . ; •••• h' k ~··~ ... ",','. . . " ""',-. _~"""" "'}~"' ';''
.• ~~~~,~ . ;, LOeated at -the. offiCes. . ,
,0'.. '. .
~ ... .
~8ntf! '. ricle
from CtanterviUp.
ltd. (bet.ween FetrY , & Waynesvill ..I' \ ",,"'. . ' 1'. , R(fFl.) toO Da~!fon-Xenia Rd. (Bea"erc:reck:- Hi«b SChool)., ApprOx. 1 a.m .'
a. :30 ' :p.m . .P~~~ ' 8f8'2470. J '
,W'ALLP~PEIRING 897·6J86. '~:' ,,' ,
don e. ' Phone ! " _ 21c2
HO}fE repait! "and ' Dlaintenanee' ear, ,penter:, eo~cltete,.: sheet ,metaJ.:paint. ' ing. , roofing and ,electrical. P.hone 74tJ:2982. ' " ' 210tf, _ i
15c8 1
are mcetin« more and more , I~ice Pt:op)e in Waynesville who are lett.ing ' U8 'f~t their furhiturt! antl cRrreb clu!let'. Call ' today and find ~ut \\·h~. Pa1I1J8: ..ExpertCarpet Clean: IDg . 932·~~?i/j' J t; : 2Oc3 FARM fenc,ing, barn painting 1m'! ,repair. Freel e8timates. Phone Mid· d1etown ' 423:1424 or 422·7494. I1d
OOVBLE.. burner fuel oil·' heater
an~',, 275 pI; , tan~. l' Bin«le burner ~,ater ,and , 50 «a1,: tank, G.E. N ·
frigerator, I .Chain saw, pr.aetically ncw .nd chain. , 89.50 Wilaon Rd. " . 2tel
FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator f r.08 t ' proof will trade for smaller, or •wi11 0' ,. ~.. , 6ell: ' PIi'. 897·6114 after 5 :30 p.m . 21cl' , •
. - G....' etllflr Milfli':. 451 dupli. rlltnr wj l,h G~t.t'rux EleCtronic Sten· , nil ~/ln"l .. r ,unci ~l1binflt.. All ese_I· Il'nt ' jloodition. Phone The Miami Gllsette 897 ·5921. Ilnetf
.'. ..
Lost II'·Found
, ruODLE, gr'ooming, $5. and , up. Toy Poodtt'! Stud · service 135.00 or pick IIf liuer. Poodle pUP8 125 Rnd up. ~48 : 4-163 OI~ 8~2.4190. 19c4
LOST: 75OxI7' truck tire mounted' on ~ellow wheel. If found please call 897·7931 or 397,,2241. Reward. 21el
'rOY Pootil'.' ~tUlt Service, AKC , Rf'fti,.'tf'rell. White or Apricot, I,'iO, Appointment, only. Phone 81$7·4148, " 15ctf
LOST: Sears Chain Saw between Dodds and DaytOn. Reward~ Call
' 426.832.. .
' 21c1
.. Wanted
r.OT.D ~prin~ Bf'n\lt~' Rhop: Will
WANTED: Babysittins. . P h 0 n f , .. 897·5921 .. Ask fo.r ~Jean; : (, 18ncf~ WANTED to - buy-l>O
' 'tYri~ &9~' 642;
, pital. 11 -n':m;' ti} i~ i':M ~ un: -shift. " Ph. ' 885~282~h .!Vr;<'lir -. -:>2Ietf " ,:.L
Ph, 4Setf
Heln Wanted
pianoS; ;Wihniq~pn, : Ohio. :' ", 21ctf H08'
W:~NTED';" riati :io 'j(;tte :i~ ;;..
take , anpointment8 ~!l7 ·43!lS.
WANTED': ' Truck dri,ver for oil truck: Ph., 891·4983. 18cH
WANTEJ;>: Married or middle aged woma~ for ,baby :Bitting and ,-ho~~. keeping. Top salary. Ph. '897-5264 nfter 6 p.m. ' ,
U"3.9· . '
. . . . . . . POI' eo. . . . .a 7
.J ~ 'T
tIaey'nvery"""- . I
SOme mfght co~sider it unusual 'to .finl good artwork. o~ -·the. . back of a, truck but in Waynesville ,jt's the J n-thing for Ray Lamb's ~ter service 'truck. Talented, ' yo~ng~ :, &,rea artist ~rl ' ~cs 'is shown above w~e he pairt~ a colorful mOYh~n l;mdsc~pe on the. back of lamb's truck .. Isaacs, a modest, outstandi~g artist, has a, \ ' most unique one' man show.
. ,
will lbe, cJouClyr-and"cOOl' ' W"'~~4 with 'a" cJUm~ of" It
W~,~~ miinbers' o£ th~ . ~ea
"shoWer&, ,, ~ . wea~ in~ ' : says. '
1'cml8bt the temperature' wlq drop fntO the lni~. dllance. of · shOWerS' Wedpesday WJU rise from ,near , The
, ,~ , ~~~ to "30"P.er 'cen~" JiJIh .. tem " ,Penitui'e' " In' tile , 'nile!- t
. ., Is lome•• , The, OUtl';"~y is'lor
daUdY. COC)I ; weather. t
I :
Th!'c:ity ~y" w,~ ,yiSi~$ ,
'his unc1«,'s. faim ·for die flOt
tinle. ~fOI1," 'he said,;as some
c81ves ' sqampere4 across u.e -ineado~~' ""hat · Ima1I
cute little cowlets.!" '.
Kathy Van Nuys, 1J month"old daughter of Mr. and· Mrs. Gary, Van Nuys of Waynesville, found ~hat toys 'o f yesteryear are just as much fun as something new. She ,i( shoW,O aboVe \Vith an antiq~e wooden, rocking horse- at Stubbs' Little Red Shed ~tique Shop. ,
hisbuJ1'~~l~, ":b~~ . ,those 8r~ .
ets. ", . '.
LA ;<
OLDFAS'H1.0 N.E.Dt '" T
, "rm soriy; lon," .rq;lied
." '
-~~ ~
tober 29, 1969
s vi 11 e,, Ohi 0
I. township in Warren County." Wayne Township voters will elect I0 when they go to the he commented. "The township trustees have polls Tuesday, Nov. 4. Two Wayne Township Trus- had the cooperation.' of the tees will be elected from five county and also the village of candidates, James W. Crane, Waynesville. We are free of George H. Henderson, Edward debt." . Edward Ingram, Waynesville Ingram, Howard Purkey, J r. and Road, Oregonia Route 1 is a Virgil Wilkerson. James W. Crane, a native of newcomer to the local political the Waynesville area, served scene. Waynesville as mayor during "I feei at the present time that people need to move for1966 and 1967. He is Assistant Cashier at the ward," he remarked. "We've been Waynesville National Bank. He, at a standstill too long." his wife, Judy, and their three "I believe the village and children live at 267 South Third township should work closer 't~ Street. gether. By working closer ' toCrane, a former area police gether, I think we can offer the officer, has been a member of things the people need s~ch as the Wayne Township Fire De- recreation for young people and partment for the past number of a police· departmen.t." years. , , . "1 ,think it's time' ·to make a . He is a 'Charter' member 'and step. forward. I think ' people Pelst ", Presioent of the Waynes- should get something new..voting ville lions Club and is ourrently for me." ' serving The Waynesville Area of ' Howard (Bill) Purkey, Jr. will Commerce as Executive Vice- be a familiar face to township President and Secretary. .voters. He has taken an active part . Purkey, ' one of the · ~ea 's in several local ' programs con- foremost, young businessmen, is cerning the future growth and . a native of the' township. 'progtess of the Waynesville area. ,The 27-Year.old Wllyne Town, Crane feels that sound plan- ship Trustee candidate is cUrrentning for the Waynesville and ly .a member of the Board of Wayne Township area are vital Directors of the Waynesville Area Chamber of Commerce. to its 'residents now. George H. Henderson, ana:He has held a seat on. the tjve ' Waynesvillian, has served Co~win Village Coun~i1 for the . , Wayne Township as trustee for past six years and owned and it?;' Not: tlie ,. oldtimers. It's eight years. He is a member of ' ope'r~ted Purkey's Hardware for ~Pi>ar~~d~;, 1 t~~~e:: t9(>.'~ar~ :stingy the Waynesville ~ilited Metho- the past nine years. to haul ,t heiro'*n tr$~h:~' dist Church. "I am very much 'interested·in "Wayne , Township in my ' Mts~" E(jmiston~s 'scenic, tree . the problems and sound growth ',' .' lined lane, once the bed fot a " , opi,nion has as good township ~oads if not better, than any Continued On Page 4 ' . single gunge railroad track, has suffered ,the:.fllthy habits of the' , , litterb~g for several years. . she has' also been ~repu)sed by . .~t 't~~" 4linip toilet ·amf other, unsanitary ·leav".Mrs. Ed- ' ings. A former Miami Gazette ' :~':\;)w.s:ton ~ontinued. ' '. , joutt;talist on.ce ~ov'ered her situa~ for The Community Chorus will the ow.hole bit:' I ' tiOIL by writing' '''How can you also present. a few numbers of a . cJte,wing", ~in ' hOld y?u'r .n,o~, a~d a shotgun at . ligh~~r' . !lature Th.ey will ' be . else!s » tll~:~~h~:. " -". jOined by the Wayn~e ' High . ' <I, . ·-tI i\ . \~ ~ , . ' ~ ... '·'t.~t;~ '.~,.' \", " S¢hool Chorus Wh1CIi'~wijJ: ,aiso .' : ) PAR.EN1S NIGHT \ present a Christ~ mUlic p~~ . ., ", ,'~ . 'i· .:' I~" oeclole:':'do,jD2 gra~. . .. : .,' .....
· 1 : ~ . ~ , ~ln,· ity Char.ul PIIII PrO·IIII.l fa~ Chr.iltlill ,
. Sun ' ), ,,,'a ~arid Mts . .~.'~hOCKre'r~ 01
.,Cl{c , ...'·"···;~· ...
th, of "Hlarvev.s:t1ul~2:alflEm~aDel'
I~~th of'lt ' "
i~. W:l~·llrl'\· itI~
t' --- ,I
I' I
, I
The MIAMl GAZETTE .P.o. Box 78
p, I'
annual subscription
WaynesVille, Ohio 45068
NAME ____________________________
ADDRESS __________________ STATE _ _ _ _ __ --------------DATE _ _ _ _ _ __ PHONE ______
r I I
The Truth About Witchcraft An Un.finished Woman The Godfather Flotsam, Jetsam, and Lagan
Holzer Hellman Puzo Han
4th STREET WAYNESVILLE, dtHo ·PH. ' 897-4826
The Waynesville Lions Club has introduced a tasty fund raiser to sweeten the till for continued community projects. Membe.rs are currently selling Benson's fmit cakes, a scrumptious seasonal confection. The fru ~ t cake sale sloganed "Buy a Good Cake for a' Good Cause" produces a third of the . funds used by the club for community benefit. Proceeds from it and the annual Waynesville Country Fair and the sale of light bulbs provide workirlg capital for projects such as the recent historic village square signs that now enhance Waynesville and denote a part of its rich history. Lions expended $13 t for the sign project which included construction and painting of the handsome markers and purchase\ of the colonial turned posts and wrought iron hangers. Tom Robinson ,. a Lions member, contrihuted his time in designing the hangers, suggesting post type, erecting them and hanging the signs.
visitor on Tuesday. Nellie Bunnell, spent Friday ' with the RJ. Ousl~ys 'at Moun~ Farm on RR 3. Mrs. Dqrtliy Evan.s ofYoutigs. town was a guest of her moth.er, Anna Thackara, on Saturday night: Nettie Palmer, was a Sunday evening guest of her son, Robert, of R.R. 2 Visitors of Berth~ Hess on
. '. e~vil, . .. CIOc~ are all turned ba~Jt . w~: .hop~' ' we, ·are ~'I)- the righ't time again. . Mar,ia Elban attended' ~e~ . Cen1u~y Club Friday' at' Mrs. Lon A1lford's ·home. . . ... .. . • > . ',Tsuchino K~kaha·sh.le " visi(e~ .· ,. '. her s.on, George, and famiiy "atYetrow Springs on 'Friday~ ' . Mr. and Mrs. Delm~r Chaney and': mother of Leb.anon were "Home" visitors oil Saturday. " .. Emma Raper was a Wednes- . .day visitor of Nettie Rye. . .
.I·IIIEY .8RIII CALL COLLECT Spring Valley, ,0.
This year Waynesville Lions have shown hundreds ' of dollars worth of i nt~rest in their community and its citizens. Other · projects have been: Boosters Club, $300; eye exam, inations and gfasses,,"S180;i Boy Scouts, $225; "Sing Ouf Waynesville." $100; Schol~rsttip. .fu"d, $200; a lawn bulletin board at Waynesville High School, $731 and miscellaneous, $282.
HOW· ABOUT I'lB.!!'! ··· ·
, "
NEED WE TELL YOU? Personal money management is more important than ever nowl That's why ~'ou should have the quickrecord, automatic-receipt, and other advantages of having a Checking Account here. at our full-service, every-service ' bank. ' Open one nowl Our Service Claga Is C;>nly $.50 Per Month
'he Waynesville lalillal Bank ·
Not one of t~e more than 1,200 Ameri~n Companies making tlrescription drugs accounts for as much as 10% of the tlOtal sales. . King lLouis XIV of France . used alcohol with sugar to promote amorous feelings. Peanut butter was invented in 1890 by a St. Louis Doctor nee king an ~i1y digested high protein fQ.od.
Sweden's laplanders sell reindeer horns to South Korea for use in making aphrodisiac soup for men. .
X·'. ''11,1·111 {~f.I ~)<:'_IIE'; ~.~ ~~ , =
W:ay~~ ··Township.. :Tr~ste8; ... .,
aICIIOII tUaoAY, NOV.... " . .
Y•• h,... •
.,'v..."'-" '.
' Mr. Elvis Michael'and Mr .. and Mrs. Floyd F~rman, spent .111ursday evenin~: wifh fri~ri~s 'in Hills-
I,.t'f. 1.8.I.b be r CI'inlu-. ISsie
';"'~=-::::':::~~~~:;':': f.f&'-?T;qk~I?~~~~~i~
. "Mrs: Addie Dill and 'Mrs. 'Hiley. , JIo "boro. then tQssed a:27 yard touchdown Gibson spent Tuesday afternoon strike to Tony Meadows. The with Mr. Earl 'Sowders o'r. n~ar run :f6r;:· the conversion failed , xeriia.I " '- ': . • :,~ • • '.:: , " ' : ' I . ., '" and the halftime score saw Mr. and 'Mrs. 10110 Hall and By Dan Prewitt. Waynesville lt~ading 14-12. fanuly ' dir Springfield" Mr. The mighty Waynesville SpartWaynesville continued to roll Kenneth ·l.ewis and daughte!. ans conquered the Clin~on-Massie in the third, quarter as I!erdue Tina, .of Xe'Jiia spent Sunday Falcons here Friday ni~t with a scored his ~ond touchdown with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis 21-18 score. of the night on 'a three yard "run. family. ' Waynesville received the ball Bradley , then l,ticked his third Mrs. Elsie Herrington of first and moved it 77 yards in 14 c~nsecutiv~ field goal of the Miamisburg : spent Thursday plays to let Do Bradley do the night to wrap up the scoring , afternoon with her mother, Mrs. scoring. eary Peters came right for' the Spartans. Clinton-Massie Hiley Gibson. back and scored for Qinton' scored once more as George Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Michael Massie in the second quarter on a Davis sprin"te4 l,3 yards to the ' spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs'. 47 yard run. end zone. Ronald' Ke!nnell and daughter, . Willard Perdue then scored Waynesville with a 3-2 league Un, in ·Dayton. the first of his two touchdowps record ·and a 5-3 overall record . .Reverend Leonard Baxter and ., . on a,-yard plunge gIving WaynesMrs. Hiley Gibson called Sunday ville the lead 14-6. ' plays little Miami Friday for on Mrs ..loUie Reed and Mr. and fuel! last game of the season. Quarterback, Gary' Peters, Mrs. Ernest Earnheart. Mr. Bud Stafford and son , RE-ELECT Cltristy of Xenia called on Mrs. ... . Hiley Gibs:on Thursd\lY afternoon. Mr. and M(s. Ray SaiJo'r a'nd · ~ family returned ' ho~e Sunday . after spending ~ week in Mi~hi- . gan. I
EiitnoN '''ES,DAY, NOV• .4, 196"
" Yo.,,'Sup'';'' WII( .• • Appr.cl~'••F
• A'I A,t ,R.Or...·, -
. . .-.:, t'
" '. ' -. .. PH... . '..
Stenographer to ~e~ employe: . ''They no! only give 'you ,a ' pension m litis
.'. •
897-}946 .,
o,ffi~ . \ ~ut"tyo~,. ,.ge h..e~e more, 'auiiO~.'" .'~ . ,.. f' 'I ; t
,. >..
9 Iii,s . Oct. 38· 31, 101_:. -)
"We have better roads than
Continued From Page I of Wayne To","ship, because uno, like most, I make my living here " 81 well as my ~ home," he commented. Vugil W"dkenon is a veteran trustee of 16 years. He has six grandchildren in the Waynesville School System. , "As a trustee of Wayne Township, the board of trustees has had excellent cooperation with the village of Waynesville and our class A fire department and school Board of Education," he said.
... AND SAVEl.
.. ,
free Shoulder Patch . and a free bar' decal" in matched kit · paCkage.
part in what's goi,ng on' in the , ICi:hools," :she remarked. ,. "I have had children in tr.hnnl '.and I know , :t,h~ problems dren have in ' As I ;k~o'Y' th~~ :p(p'.,)!,~~~\
is. getting ,clo'ser '~nd . - season ·~ is not' far ." .... >, <. behin"d and tHis I ~eek' the Miami united ,in' ~arri~~::cb~, ~e~e'r~nd , Gazette begins a C~ristlPas ColorI ,~~ed Mcq~sk~y .~t ?h~ . Fust . .ing ton~est for its young readers. , .Ba,.tist',,<;:.~ur~~: ,'at "'Wtl,~~l1~~ton" .:. A Ch~S!mas,<drawi~~ \vill a~, , ,".~~rday ~,evem~g at ~." .~O'. m a p~ar, in, the ,Gaze~te fr~m now 'j 'J" ·~o¥~le .:, nng,:~, ca.ntlleb$h! cere.. :: \ifiiif"' .th~,t' week' of that1 ,'extra '" ~ ~ ~ '~, "f' ~ " '\ , ",:' ~o.ny. '.. ' ...: .' .' " . sp,ecial day,.r,." .. . ~s: l{en~e~f1 M06? ~~s,solo. , You~~ ,·a.t~8' ~~t~sts are en~' l$t " nd ~ss"~"'ene ~1~~~ p~e~ courage~ to .colO! the ,~r~wing sented,'" a' ~:pr,ogram' of,>m,.pbal . and mail it-to the'Mianti Gazette music precedipg the cerem_ony. ' The reception was held in the Chuckle-A-Day s~ja"'rooin 'of the church. A group' of Vermonters linda is a Senior at Morehead were sitting around the cracker barrel in the Staie university, Morehead, Ky., country store discussing arl~JMr. HUliud is associated with politics and the world . tire)'Economy-loan Company of situation when the '.Ahderspn, Ind: where 'they will conversation turned to the 'make their residence after repopulation explosion. They talked about what would iisinirig from theif honeymoon happen if something wasn't -top '. done pretty soon about the " "', ---..-~--~ problem. ,ChuckletA-J>ay - "I read recently," one "), ' Oran4ma sent her fellow reported, "that in so . ,.' .. &tandson' a new shirt for his many years there would be , .' birthday ~ Unfortunately, it standing-loom-only here on , ...•: t~ .dJa _e 14 collar, and the earth." . '. bOy hid a sjze 16 ne~~. An older Vermonter, who had said nothing up to He dutifuDy wrote. lier: this point, scratched his '.'Dear ~ Granny: Thanks head and' observed; "Well, " bea~s. wri~ '!lore .. but· that oughta Slow them , . , r1Jl. an dlOked ,~ ~ " ~up/' down.SQme." I
A psyctliatrist received the follo,Wing pestc'ard from a former patient: "Hav,jng a wtmd"rf~1 tim". W.hy?'"
.. . "
7LdaY' - 24-hr. service
:I.,•• 'i.y I I•• Water Service Truck with Hoist . Phone 897·7026 P~O.
..(. { .
~~~------~~------~ ~I ,.: y nesVill 'i ,
I ·,. t , r S"r vic.
• I;
... I
'WEATHIER' e'~ObFS , _ to: ,
t . ,
'- .BaItoh~h ~of Christ , Higk Street
, .
,nomu 'Stevelu, ~~iater' 9:~0 -a.m., Sunday Bible '
Sdlool. "
, ·r
1 0 . R1m . Bap~t , .,' Church ~
10:00 " 11:00 a.m., SUnday Worship ,Service. '" 7:30 p.m., " Sunday, Evening WOfl~ip~- ""~ ,., ' . ':','. ' it~' .,'
." "'~p.
" .. '
. , Ohio 73'&t Lester IGdd, :p'a'~r' 10:qG a.m.', Sunday Sc,hoot,:
10:3'0 a.m., Sunday Worship , .and·.CotrtmUnion. 6:00, ~y ' Youth . M' . . ~8 . . 6;~0 p.m. .~day: ,~ ~ri.tian Youth Hour. ~ ··.. 7.;30 p~.: Suftday . Evening '
., i:.
Wtdnaday~ . Bible
., :Siudy.,
. --Pnenda Meeting 'Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m., .Sunday School. 10:'. ' a.m., Sunday MUting
,,'; If,)r' Wor.rup.."" (unpro. . Jl'..n~ed)....
.:' .
St. lIary'a
.\'/7 :
. Church
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11:15 a.m., Morning Prayet 1st, 3rd' & 5th Sundays; Holy Communion 2nd &. 4th S~day,.
United Kethodiat Church
.LYTLE United Xethom.t
Third & North Streets L. L. Young, Mini.ter ' 10:15 ~~.~-Church at Worship. 9:15 a.m., Sunday Oturch at Study. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth Fel• low.hip.
LzIU.Y~8 B·, "~~.';O~.,.: ' WAYlUVILLI, OHIO , '. ...... .
David· T. Willard, .Mini,ter 9:30 a.m., Sundayl. Wor,hip Service. 10:30 a.m., Sunday School. 7:00 p.m., Sunday, Evening Worship Servic;eacondUeled by youth.
. r
". iucnO!l tuUOAY, NOV. '" ..... , . y.., . ...,.... - '.. AH' . , ...... '
tlluckJe--A-Day ' The butc:her confronted his cus t omer with embairassmt~nt. "I'm sorry
Same brand we ,been carrying for the past' 9 years. ,
ma~ but, I ,c an't give you' further credit. Your bill is bisger now than it should
. ....:" ..,.,.,. .
Mary Bellman Mother ofP.F.C. ·· .. : Edward L BeJ!JnaJ}
~Serviiig 41 Yietn~ . ,
k now
!loman replied "Make it ' out for what it ·should be and rn pay it."
PH. 897-2060 ,
~• •@j
to .
• Tell :City F.urnitU~•. • La-Z-Boy Chair ~ * ~yhill. ..
. • canoy. Chair . ,
Note:. The uA\ten1:1e~' is the, Franklin-Harveysburg' ,'Road which~ linkS ' WaYrtesvil1e ", with , CotWin. ~. " ~ " , The , trees were beautiful ~ , forming a green canopy over the Avenue. On this thoroughfare one saw the fimiliar express wagon and the driver hauling all the boxes and crates, express and ' freight shipments, over to the village; the the stotes' faithful mail carrier trundling his cart piled high with l'Ilail: sacks, wending his way over to the village post offi~e. One crossed the river through the old covered bridge. TheSe bridges were known as '~Kissin' bridges" Once conurion in these parts. At one time there were , 2,500 of these 'bridges in Ohio. In 1954, 349 were ' recorded. Doomed by fate they are fast disappearing. Much of the hew- , ing of the timbers of the early covered bridges was done by ha,nd with a broadax. A carpenter's ,adz was used for ,trim~ : ~ ining them to fit. All' covered bridges were built entirely of wood. Even the nails were wooden tunnels nicked , to ancho'r them into the · thick
over to .J)e;a"titul tery to their
ranks t.tfllli~il'l
" , On Memorial ' Day a parade headed by the village' band :, ' .. the veterans of the Civil and ' It takes all kinds to make up Spapish Ainerican Wars - carried a world and we .s~relY had our baskets of flowers - peonies~ share. , snowballs, lilacs and roses to On Water Street was the old decorate their comrades' graves. furniture store. Here was a comI can still hear the funeral dirge plete stock ,o f funliture. In addi~ and taps the band always played. tion, th~ere was a eOplplete stock Later a Kid Band was organof shingles, lath," rough and ized in ,the village. They did their dressed lumber and ' building first marchlng one Memorial Day materia1ls of all kinds; a welland their new , white uniforms equipped planing mill and a took quite a ., beating because of lumber and co~ yard. a rain that left the unpaved We u~d to piay in the lumber streets a sea of mud and slush. , yard. " , This ' Kid Band preceded , the The. owner of the, store used '; school bands which came later. to help the boys wi~h th~ir , What a day for the "1dds when manual training. One time ,they an Italian with a monkey and all, tumed _Qut fancy tabourets hand organ or a cinnamon bear which,were"quite a fad - and gave arrived by train and came across , them to their .mdtheis ..: In ,~' , the Avenue to the village! In the shop, the ,dealer 'iJ}ended, the west many black bears' , fur ' b~y,f ~e~;", turns a reddish brown and they " , are . ~asf."ciru'tamolt tieaq;. ~ All' the children hurried to grab some pennies and followed the organ grinder ,all OYCi'r· town. For a few ~nnies.~ tli~: ;or red ~ frame~ ,~frocked monkey wouUi perform; ~. Whey were they :povered? dance, a~d catcitperm.ies in a tin Some 'say it was to "protect the cup while the organ grinder under-pinning". Others say slow would play · "Sweet Rosie travel and long distances beO'Grady", ''Two Uttle Girls in tween stopping places made the Blue", etc. protection' of the coverid bridge WATER: STREET Editor's Note: Readers will a comfort as well as a necessity. \, Another reason given was that want to . know that old Water S~reet longer exists in animals fear running water at ler, a 'water UU'I:~~lno'IA!c~Af~m ' Waynesville. Water Street vanheights, and thus passing through wagon with a · spray , -" a covered bridge the driver was ished with the introduction of back. The' barefoot kids romped able to cross the stream without the new Ohio 42 which covers along the unpaved ,str~t squirtany trouble from his horses. it from the Waynesville-Corwin ing mud th~~~gh ~~jr;Joes and Many cattle, sheep and swine Avenue to Mill View Park. The washing it off in U¢ ' ~ay . ' were driven on foot in those furniture makers shop (still in ,On,e ~y., al~ ' t~ "boys and existance during my childhood) days and it was easier to get gjrls Idecid~d:,t~ ' ha~~ ';"a show. them across the stream through was located on the northeast They got -Pcr'ntissioll ,:from the ' a covered bridge. corner of the "Avenue" at the shop ,keeper ~o ' hold it in the On entering the village from foot of North Street. IUlJlbE~ryard on Water Street. The the east one crossed the river Some people, who thought girls dressed up in long dresses, and the millrace so there was the they were uppercrust, said "No big hats and high heel\.and went old race bridge, with a sidewalk one ever amounted to anything on one side for pedestrians. Most who lived on Water Street, just riffraff." Most of the youngsters people walked acr~ss the avenue on this street grew up with the in those days. On Sunday mornHOm: BUIJ,DBB ing in summer, one sa'Y the east urge to get away from their AXaL4IfYPBS village girls wearing their pretty , environment and with the hay UKODILIN(J , ruffled dresses, carrying parain their hair, they went to the Carter'. "SOIi':, city where the industrial progress sols to match their dresses, wear21 IT. \'t.-:~;, .1 '_. 'ing new hats - large "merry enabled them to better their widoes. " Remember 'them? living conditions: Affer all, sOme - They were immense ~tions. lived to p~ove ,t hey amounted-to 1be girls~re on their ':Yay over more than some of the' dissito sing in the- village choir in the - pated, neurotic derel~cts in other church of their choke. ',~ . parts of the village. On.' sUnday ,-ifterndons, the . Them alw~ys were the im~ scene c~.d, ~ girls ( .;.' pression~ who_ were al~ys ' , .~ ~ctiDl'-al~. ;!'ith t,h ejr ~,~.ready ~o .nalyze everyo~e~s ~ '\ ,inru,)~ "~~d re~l .·, ,~hpt" 1an~, shOi'J , :;C,Q{nip),.
. Bobert
, . ',.4' ,the 'Y~,
Cbil(Ifenl'_, ,CoW
be" .
pecWly ,LQ ~ ~ ·.'bUl¥b(j~ell'~
be!seerl ~j"".
~~P!~",,,,~~ot ~'.Deli:· ~ t .. t
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, iIJlpa~
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~(.// /
. ~'. manured grotin<t:' i someone to ,'.h clean 'our cow barn. t' . Smce tlie coming of tl!~ corn. pick~r" less 'ariiI :Ie s corn':fodder has 'b~en' fed an4 more ' 's'tat.ks ' chopped up 'and left . on the gro'uri<l ,but they are finding corn and soybean ' trash.has teal feed. int value; 18ut instead of {urni,ng tfl(~'; cows into it they finCt it more e~onomica. to chop it and haul it ;'to tlie ' ICOWS or make it into ens~age. It aU deperids on having the right equipment. We will still have to let ,the c~ws do the harvesting and run the risk of their foundering the fust few days and wasting a lot and later not getting enough. So many new things or new ways of doing old things. but they all amount up to more and . better equipment. Not many at the sale today and not many calves. Everyone at home was working combining soybeans, picking corn and planting wheat. Not many calves but I got the last one, a large bony red and white one, which" may tum out be Ada, the Arysl)jre. She is·the cartoon cow in the, Farm .louhal who is always , getting her owner mto trouble. I had her in the trunk and l 'backed up to the bam door very carefully. A right neat job this · " titrte. I the trunk and I...
i~h"' '',i·'' "'could ,'i get ~.
ELE€ T '
JAMES W.. CRANE Wayne To~nship 'Trustee ELECTION TUESDAY, HOV. 4, 1969
s,,',.... Wilt I. A,,,.clat.d
Over 10 Yr. Service Wayne Twp. Fire Dept.
Mayor of Waynesville 1965 to 1967 5 Yr. Local Law Enforcement Exp.
Active in Area·Service Organizations and Community Improvement Programs
Concerned about Wayne Twp. Future Development and Sound Planning
Iftterested in Your Opinions on Local Problems
I .
ICIIIEI Iitl 1111 1.1111111
Z ' Ii~
Jim Skinner from W,..OH Radio , will be on Our lot 3-6 p.m. Sat., Nay. 1
. l:ti11"1' ' ".:" luttlrs Pantll",
D _ _ ...I t:_ , aanuue.....
RoUte 2 Pekin Road WayaaviUe, Ohio
Day or
A_......-, ... _ ._ .................. ........... toaft . ... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ..... to
,.... ... ... -.twlIr7..... titan..
...................... ," .............. -==-=-a... .....................
Everything cooks perf~tly, aerves gracefUlly ' In EI(CO " SI.te Fal, " ,ange-tOotable cookwate. Cholc:a 01 four ·.redon ceramic 'ashion co-ordlnatecl colo,s. lined \!11th coif.. colo,ed ",atch 'eslstant, non·stick ha,dllote Tellon ]I • Open Stock Includes; I,Qt. Seucepan . . .• L. 2·Qt. Sauc.pan . . .. 3-Ot. Saucepan .... .·111.. SoOt. Dutch Oven . 11.", 2·Ot. C....rol • ... . . "0. • 3-Ot. C....ro .. . .... .111." II" Skil ..t. . ... . . .. .. 10· Skil..t. . .. . . . . .. 112..
Sets Avallab.. A", ; 6-PIec:e Set . . . . . . . .. 121... . 7·Piec:e Set. .. . .. . .. ..... 9-Piece Set. .. . . . ... .......
All open .tock piecH halle' cover. with TeflOn II Interiof• .
HOME "rep.b~ . and .nainte~aDC~ c.r~ncllete, ",eet , met'at paint: . in!.,' roofh)g and 'eleCtrical. Phont, , 74CS·2982. , 21ctf "
" .perit~r,
~, -- - ~-------------------
thuc1de-A-Day A minister wu taJkina to • notorioUI cInmk who wu alIo IOme~ of,' fHrt. "You ouaht to taper off
a little Sam," said ' the liUnJater. UWhicli woulcl you
. rather ;,ve up, wine or women?' The cInank thousht .• mOment. "WeU,'" he said,' "it would depend on the I
roLD Spriln p Bel'.lty Shop: WiD ¥Pointmenti anytime. Ph. 89'i_8. ' 480tf
The littl~ nea leapS 100 times its own~hejght when it hops Oitto the family dog. So~e jump! Some itch.
Of all druminera, the death~tch IH.-etle appears to be the "differelllt" one. He hits his head on wood to beat a t~e.
, FRANKLIN Country liVing % acre, 1~' story frame 3-bedroom, built- '. in kitch~n, full , basement, 2-' car garalge. Excelle{lt buy.
a. "
R." 74NJ11 \fade ., _BeIltr ._
REAL ESTATE I. Most ' attractive 2-bedroom frame home in Waynesville, . Built in range, fireplace, 52xIO family room with jalousie' windows and barbeque pit. 2-car Clq)Ort. Vacant. SI9~500. 2. 4-bedroom deluxe home. Two story -eady American design. 2~ car garage. Central air conditioning. This one is a beauty. 538,000. TOM FLORENCE REALTY "'~ 897-5000
l'I_lllr I iI
1u~lr , f 11111 III
P'iJ'~ .:1· 'f.iJiill,i
.H AFt.DWA'R .•. · 897-2951 ',
BUSINESSMEN - Merchants, ,Electriciana,. Plumbers, C...,enteri, IDt~or and Exterior Decorato~, -- uyone in business, large or small.
~Mt:, Hopy'
,' .. ' 150m: , ~ '~~A~i><'''''''~'
. Oct. ,
i at Grandview' aospit~. at •
Da.ytQn,.. ~e: weighed 7 .1bs. an~
13 oz.'
' ".
Gr&ndpareitts inci~de Mr~ ~d :-:,." :,:" 1 ' ~' ,Lawrence ~bng of oart~,' ,' Mrs. ,Jennie w.~g of :"'sppng I" ....
, .
V~ey ~d MI, 'and-,Mi$. ~
' GtUshon. '
FOODiIP ,~u~t b,, {ore , serving f~cg:.cried potat~1, toss ' ,: ..nUy With &ra~~_riCail , ~; sprinkle' With c;elery ' or QIlion lilt; ~d lU~r
<" ..wI)'
or baail if....d.
RaIloweeb CardsbewitCh your friends on ·
Friday, Q,c t.
IIIIIIIll·t,E f1111.'1111 897-4971
Sever;" Where" IS ft,? ~ans iden~fied th~ dat~ ~I,l . ~~ '~deWalk : .' . at the comer' of. So~th and MaiD Street:s. · They ~re ,V;messa " '''~~~~~~~~~~~[!iiiii~~~~P~~ L1mbert,~ c6nnie Fliis, .the - Ora 'Jones ' Se~~ ' ~tation '~~" { ~f Da>:,,_Sue Fe~guson, Greg Blythe.".~a ~ry Van . N~y.s;·, . Take a guess .at this week's picture, · then : cl\ll the \':Milmi Gazette. at 897-5921.
Edlicati()J) . was fairly close for the .four cand.4dates vieing for the offlces.
before presstime today due to the numbers written-in on the, ballot but Ro~rt Townsend headed the list with 46 votes. . Four vacancies on council and three candidates for election made easy rum;ting for Jack R Gross, 285; Tom G. William 260 and Earl M. WooUard.282. One position open on the Waynesville Board of Public Mfairs' was automatically fiUed by voters. Harry A. Styers was the sole .candidate for election.
Elected were· Thomas F. Hatton, 808 votes; David D. Hartsock, 742 votes and Robert U. Bernard, 729' vote$. Mrs. . . Juanita K. Corby received ~ total S'15 votes. . Waynesville voters apparently went wild at the polls with write-in votes for an unsought . fourth' seat on Waynesville Village COUlrlCil. No official write-in count was available
Wondering Thro~.gh
G.G.l.1 Form .f 8d8rI t'i on·
Worlderful Ohio ',Once upon a time the arrival of Labor Day meant finale to the tourist business . .Parents of school age children had to confme their traveling to the summer months and other people who 90uld vacation ~t any time of ·.year chose the customary June to ''September perio(i out of habit. But in reten't years there has been a tendency for families to use weekends and holiday vacations to take short tops (continued, on page 8) .
'The' newly organized Warren County Fed(~ration of the Ohio Child Conservation League will cOnduct its first meeting Tues~ day, Nov. 1.1 at the Lebanon &esbyterian Church. I,.. 'John Beasley, who . heads , Wa~ieri " COllI.nty's Community Attion C.ommittee, will be t.he :- 'guest speaker. A dessert smorgas:~or~ will f<;>Ulow the meeting. , ' '\:' Way~esville's th~ee Child ConI'~rvation Leagues recently joined ,Lehm on, Franklin and CarliSle . , ,'!~agues for th~ ~rganizat~on ofa . ' . ' Warren County C.C.L. · F~d~ra" "f\ bon. ,;.... ., " , .for " " The federation was formed,in I"
~i~l:~!~li(~~~~~~~~~{~'~~}~d~~i ~~-r ~ r~t:IS ~:l"e as.¢ast ;'1 ~ Qr4er ~t .the ,group~s , efforts ~ any':n7splume~ui; eJi~ i~e : . might .have more far~re~ching ill~iiniJrtatl~d 'by \ a~ g{een ,,: I,' effects throughout the c~uqty, .t-:' :,.t.:., I
':.f~: ~ctor4iJlg to ;a .C.C.L: spok~sman; •
DETERMINED VO)'ERS-There apparently weren't any fair weather . vo't~'rS" in . WayneS"rine Tuesday. CroWdS tur:ned ~ut at., the • poUs despite the ~~wers.
, I.
." Wayqe' Retail Merchants Association haS. begun initial plans for' a "Dickens" of a Christmas .lighting ' program for downtown ,Waynesville. . , Apfogram lbeflle hasn't y~t offic,iilly been seiected but ' "A , ChristmaS Carol'" immortalized by ~~e eminent ,Charles Diclcens will possibly be the key. i:>icken~ visited Waynesville during his tour of .the ·United . States 1843. The.. renowned English author lodged at an early stagecoach inn now the home of , , Mr. .8Q1l' '~. Finley Brown of, third and High Stre~tS,. . . ." Retail ' rtlercharits plan 'to 'in' ,' .,yolve the ,~n~~e ~~~munity in 'by Soli~itlng the; ai~ of all in-
.: :~e"es,~a: m.diyidu~·~,
: ~...grQup'.;l1lur~ organizations and: nVic ~IU~~ " , . ':"'. ~.'
I ~";) \" ~ ,Y'4lI!
"."'/ ,,'lh~. cq¥.'niu~ty~s ~ ~."
WayChristmas ",
~,,"~.s :~CO.nrtlUll\ltY ~1~:atC:Q, ' m L . . . .,., _ _
the Way· .~. parkihg . :~-rtAPJI_i;·;~_'~'liIa;' ~~&2~t~:,",,,.~ . . ~,,,,,,
UUI.(':'~". "".rN 'al!l4\~c)llj~Ci8Jly 1i8tU~~ ~.' \~~,t.\O~~~j"'"
"Subject:' Open Letter t6 Corwin Nixon on Special Elections. ,The problem o( expensive repetitious special elections, that" in 'effect defeat the will of the . ~oters, has reached a proportion requiring ~ffirmative action. We m~st realistically recognize that only at ~he level of lQcal money issues d~ the voters have a d.rect voice in matters of taxatio'n. It j's a he~thy situation that the electorate does have an opportunity tQ ,direc~ly relate, through the banqt~ ' its ,vieWs to its elected "
We are cognizant that at times the ,vote may have implications beyond the local issue at hand. For ' e~mple" this year many money issues are believed to have been defeated, not so much on their own merits~ but as a cry of protest against the too rapidly, upwardly, spiraling taxes at all levels. If the taxpayer p~otest had
NOTICE For the Convenience of our customers our Drive-In Window will , be open on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. beginning Nov. 7th The Waynesville Nat'l Bank
Your~ ,T~ly; John ~. Quiflo
give' them all the facts involved in" a money issue but to hold back part for other elections. I am aware ' of one Situation where a school board asked for a bond issue to build a new high school. The voters passed it. The board came back at the next election and said it wasn't enough ~oney and they knew all the time that if the new school Was to be completed then th~ voters would have to vote for another bond issue. It didn't set well but the voters approved the second bond issue. Two elections occurred to accomplish . what could have been done in one.
Right in tile Nitk .1 Time Santa's mailing ChristmQs Club checks from our bank, to happy members of our ~69
Christmas Club. Now is' the time to
ioin our 1970 Christmas Club and start your next year's Christmas "check on its way, for a merrier holiday season.
Wiynaville - 897.a26 NOTE OF INTEREST , : Does your dog chase cars? Well don't be dismayed! Maybe that very dog will become one of the , highest paid dogs in the future. , ,' As I was b~owsing , th~ou8h " seve~al articles of inte~est, I spied . 'this particular story. It· seems Ulssie once, chased cars. Lassie's fi~st owner waS" so disco\lrage4 .by this particular collie ,and 'its habit of chasing cars that when he' took lassie to Rudd Weather· Wax's kennel in Los Angelos to have him cured he deci~ed ,tQ. ,P.lst leave him at the kennels. Later when MGM filmed . "Lassie, Come 'Home" ~ novel written by Eric Knight, they chose this particular collie to be the 'star. So' you see you never know what the future. holds' for your , ,"fender-chaslng canine." The members of the ~ayne 4-Leaf Oovers 4-H Oub voted at the OCt. 21 meeting to have ~uniOi' Host and ,HoStesS as their cl~b proje~t during the wiJiter months. " 'Money raising'.jdeas were dis· J c~~4;" {~ :~~)piDg :~,~ ' ~e ' club"s '·'sHate\' 6f ' the : SI00,ooo pl~dged by Ohio for the expan· , sion p~ogram of the National Center in Chevy Chase, M,d; . J()f Qr~i~ brO\lght ~ this informa· tion to 'the club" fiom the Octo.,' ber !y'nior'iA~ds.hip.Meeting. : .' Oub' . -. m~ipbers welcomed , , ' ~ 8a~bllI:~ , '. Vincent " .and Karen O'DeU The . as' new 'members. . , n~xt in~et~g will be conducte~ .' at Ka(!,n and Bar~ara' ,vincent's " . ljom~.:~n NQv~ ~ 11, from 7 p.m. , .
!I ~
,< . ,"
to ,9 p.m. according to' club .reporter .Dorthea Shutts. This will ,be aliquid 'embroidery party , demonstrated' by ' Mrs. Raymond ,FJliott., The Green Thumb Garden Oub met at 11 a.m. last Wednes. day at the home of Mrs. Opal Stubbs. , Members lunched ' near Mon· 'roe. Plans were made for the next two meetings during a,brief business ~eeting. . The group , " included Mrs. .Stubbs, Mrs. Lorena Marlatt, Mrs. Bess Tinney, Mrs. Lucille Stoneburner, Mrs. Goldie Surface, Mrs. Dorothy Styers, Mrs. Lura Werntz and Mrs. Jerry Simison.
BY CAlllOL SCHUSTER Pha.. ' a97.~
The B.Y.F. members and friends enjoyed a hay ride fol· lowed by a weiner roast at the church Saturday evening. Games . were enjoyed in the social rooms 'of the church. Present were 18 members. ' Chaplain Richard Parks of the Nike Base near Wilmington
MRS. til LEY GIBSON Mt. H~liY . - Ph. 897-6162
,Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and family of Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis and daughter of Xenia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis. Mrs. Ed~:ar Poff of Centerville spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Hiley Gibson . . Callers at the 'Elvis Michael horne Thurs;day included Mr. and Mrs. Le Thurman of Bellbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kennell and daughter, Lynn, of Dayton, Mr. and . . Mrs. Walter Moore of near New Burlington, Mrs. Sam ,Halt· . om and daughter, Gail, Mrs. Hiley Gibson, Mrs. Morris 'Lewis ,
~beth cpandler and Marie Sayre celebrat~d their birthdays ;Wedne~day:eyelqng"Oct. 29 with Gertrude ChaDdler and Lucile ' Armitage at 23~ Chapman Street. The occasion was highlighted with a ,birthday dinner including b~rt~day ;·cake. Both also received giff;s.
, Miami ~apter 107, O;E.S. will Pleet Monday, Nov. 10, at
8 p.m. at Waynesville in the Masonic Temple. All Eastern Stars are cordially invited to at, tend.
Mrs. Marie Martin of 'near {own has returned home" from
Ketterin'g Hospital at Daytori~ Mrs. Judy (Hough) ' McCO~ naha is a patient at , Docto~ Hospital, Columbus _folloWing , major surgery. Mrs. Jennie Osborn attend~ the wedding of her grandson'Del ' Ernie Lee Cain Of the U.S. NaVy, , and Miss Gail Owens of Morrow. ,,' They were married Satutday:, Oct. 25, at the Baptist chur~b.at: Morrow. The reception foJ)owing the ceremony was held at tHe Captain's Room at the Howard and Mrs. Addie Dill. Johnson's Restaurant in SharonMr. and Mrs. John Smith and ville. Mr. Cain is the son of Mr. family of near Harveysburg calied and Mrs. Ted Cain, and MiSs, on Mr. and Mrs. Lewis' Crawford Owens is the daughter of Mr. and Sunday. Mrs. Lewis,Owens, all of Morrow, Mr. Charles Sunnell Spent Ohio. ,Other relatives froin town' ,Wedne$day evening with Mr. Ted attending were his aunt a... d uncle · McCorkel in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald aark, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Filer, Sr. Mrs. Martha Plummer. of near Alpha visited Mr.' and Mable Terry called on Mrs. Mrs. Tom Runyon Sunday , Virginia McCoy and Mrs. Marie afternoon. Martin, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Hiley Gibson spent a few Mr. Ed Schuster' and his days with her daughter and mother, Mrs. Kathleen Schuster" family, Mr. and Mrs. Christy celebrated their birthdays, Oct. Wallace of Xenia. 23, with a dinner given to them Mr. Earl Soward of near by Mrs. Magdalena (Gram) SchuXenia called on his sister, Mrs. ster of Dayton. Addie Dill, Thursday evening.
IUlsfa; Visitl Wrll.thl Holly
The Waynesville Senior Citi· zens met Tuesday for an after· noon of. fellowship . . ": ' " ~nuts and, cider were served by th~ committee of the ~onth. Senior Citizens will meet next at 12 p.m. Nov. 11 for a carry-in dinner. '
and his family were guests of the B.Y.F. of Jonah's Run Church -Sunday evening~ He in· stalled, the officers of the' new year and preached at the even· ' ing service . The Girl Scouts enjoyed a cook-out last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher of Henpeck. Their meet· ing will be held at the same time next week on Nov. 7th .
Sportswear Classics Every lassie loves her plaid ,and no wonder, when there are so many great styles I
Two-piece plaid vest and skirt
Large selection of slacks Available in red, white, blue, toast and plaid
First Baptist . Church North Main Street John P. Osborne, Pastor , 1~:OO a.m., Sunday Sch~l. 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m., Training Union. 7 :30 p.m., Evening Worship. 7,:30 p.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting. (Affiliated· w ~ t h Southern Baptist Convention).
First Church of Christ East High Street Thomas Sl'evens, Minister 9:30 a.m., Sunday Bible School. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship and Communion. 6:00 p.m. Sunday Youth Meeting , 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Christian Youth Hour. 7 :30 p.m., Sunday Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Bible Study.
Friends M:eetag Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 10:4' a.m., Sunday Me~ting for Wor.hip (unprogrammed).
St. Augustinea Church ,Higb
BABVEYSBVRG . Friendship Baptist Ohurch Southern Baptist 'Convention Norman Meadows, Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. . 10:30 a.m., Sunday Morning' Worship 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening , Service. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Midweek Prayer and Bible Study.
Jonabs Bun Baptist Church Ohio 73 East Lester Kidd, Pastor 10:00 a.m., Sunday School. 10:00 & 11:00 a.m., Sunday Worship Service. 7:30 p.m.,. Sunday Evening Worship.
United Methodist Church
. Church·'
Walnut-Vine . Rev. Leonard Baxter' Robet"lt R. Meredith, 'Pastor 9:~,O a.m., SWlday ' Sch~l. 10:30 a.m., Sunday School. 11:00 a.m., Sunday Worship 9:~O ' a.m. SUnday ' SchOC?l 11:CK! a.m.,. SuD.y, ,W onhip Service. 10:'30 ~i.m. Morrl~8 Wor.hip , ~~" ~ 1,1'. i 1\ ' -, 6:30-p.m. Youth FellowshipYouth Fellowship and Bible ~:~O ~p,m', "'JdDaday, 'Pra~ .. • " j • Jr. IUgh & hip ,. '" '. ~ice~ ':.~1":~1 ,;;; l-J f,i" ~ Study , )!:.4'.p.m•. W~~y..!-Choir ~",:--,-,
Harveysburg Full Gospel
. "....
Church E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor , 7 :30 p.m. Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young People's Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening
It. Mary's Episcopal Church
Third & North Streets L. L. Young, Minister , 10:1' a.m., Church at Worship. 9:1' a.m." Sunday Church at Study. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth Fel, lowship.
lIT., HOLLY , Uni~ 'Methodist.
United Methodist Church
SPRING VAI.T.R): Ullited 'Methodist Church
David Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church
Rev. J.oseph H. ,Lutmer, 7 a.m. & 11 a.m. Massa 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Holy Days 7:30 p.m. Fir.t Friday 7:4' a.m. Daily M...
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11 : l' a.m., Moriling Prayer 1st, 3rd & ,th Sundays: Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sunday•.
To the terror-ridden heart ·hear.f, peace of c'onscience. Out comes His voice. I will give you of this peace you can work for peace, my peace. It is a free gift. peace in your family and ultiIf you win believe in Me, I win mately in the ,whole world. This lead you thrO\lgh. the Red Sea of , is the. peace that comes from violence, anger; frustration and sharing the 'Cross with Me. Tofear. I will love you even in your gether we will, reign vicioQously , root fear. And in that love you , over evil. Tl\is is the"power and can love your brothe,r, even in his joy of life in my Spirit. But this fear. This is peace, peace of peace is hard work.
FBRRY Ferry qhurch of 'C hrist Wilmington Pike & Social Row Road Bus Wiseman, Minister 9:00 a.m., Sunday Bible School. 10: 15 a.m., Sunday Worship. 10:15 a.m., Sunday Youth Worship. 6:30 p.m., Sunday 'Evening Bible Study, all ages. 7:30 p.m., Evening Worship. 7:3P p.m., Wednesday, Midweek Prayer and Bible Study.
- ':
SprUag ~allei:)lliurcm , .:.,;,~ni~:C~~ " . ot.Clhri8t".' ' David 'T~ 'WUtUd, Mmi.ter .00" .. G~M , ~,::.,eet'IVI"": 'h i '· '9:30 ' ••m., ' ~y/ f'Won$p 10
• , ~. o. g ~v~ p., Service~ , , "' "7:00 , ..m. Evenmg Wonhip 10'30 ' ' , ' , .,; ,8:,'QO p.mWednesday Evening • . a.~., ~#~ ~oo~· , W orsh·lp 7.00. p.m., :Sunda ' .. y, Evemng " Worship Services cO~'ducted by youth. I ",
SpriDg Valley
Friends Church Mound Street
Couser, Putor
9-:30 .,.m. · Sunday school 10:30 a.m: Morning Wonhip '
Christiian BaP,tist Mission
MainSt~ Mrs. Lois Dunaway - Pastor Sunday School - 10 a.m. ' Morning Worship - 11 a.m. Evening Worship - 7 :30 p.m. Prayer-Meeting, Wednesday 7:30 p.m. ' Prayer Meeting, Thursday 7:10 p.m. Song-f(~st - Last Saturday each month - 7:30 p.m.
park wa~
given~ o,ve/ , '
a', .
: )~p tn~eting:)~Or d~n '~,yeryoile releaSed their pent-up sittiing im'pu)se~" going arouo4 stoging, . "Give'Ge d the -Glory ~ Glofy .," ' , ,Often II tent show' would come through and stay for a day in . ''',th~ pa!k. Many" of the cti!ldren would ,go and help until ' ~hey , .Spotts by Dan Prewitt earned a ti(:ket for the show:' In the park was a race track ful in this region at that early a merry-go-round and baseball Littl7 Miami ' Panthers dedate; When we· 'lived dn , the diamortd where some of the f9'lted the Spartans Friday night far~, the frame ' of our barn frrst baseball was 'played. 32-8 in the last game of the was walnut. The doors, window Fourth of July _ early in the season for Waynesville . frames, baseboards and chair rails morning of ,the Fourth, The The Panthers got off to a of the house were walnut. The older man of the family would roaring start as Kip Thomas comfloors were ash. All the lumber slip out the back door and pleted a 58-yard touchdown pass in the house was cut and sawed fire off 1the old blunderbuss. to Herb Waldeitner. Little Miami STEPPING DOWN in a sawmill on the fann. At One blast and all the neighborcontinued to roll in the second Some of the streets in Mexico some time it must have been hood was awake. The kids would quarter as Thomas completed City are sinking at the rate of. 12 to 14 inches a year. . beautiful,but when we went pile out the front doors and another TO pass to Keith hopthere the woodwork in the rooms the celebr~on began. It lasted kins. Kim Larson kicked the eXwas covered with many coats of all day, a continuous biff, boom, tr~ poin~ ' a~d ' at t~e halftime paint - the dirty pink color all bang until all the fireworks were little Mianu was 10 the lead the People used when they first exhausted at about mid-night.~ . comme~ced to paint everything. A lot of powder burns on hands ~ttle Miami's Panthers again We soon got that off. and feet were the result of these came on strong in the third :One in every Wood has been supplanted by demonstrations, to, say nothing quarter racking up 19 big points. 200 Americans other materials, but the pioneers of mother's jangled nerves. '. The first and second was scored a memberef had many uses for wood; they On the Fourth there would be by Mark Henry, one on a I-yard ,U. S. Army ~e54~.:1'i~1 a celebration in the park, run and the other on a pass used it for fuel, barns; houses, ,and fqrniture. sp<;lnsored . by the ', busin~, men interception of which ~e ran , Walnut; elm, maple, ' oak, of the viilage. There would be a 6S yards. hickory, aSh, sycamore.and cedat ball game, band concert, sack Waldeitner scored the next were plentiful in this area. races, clhnbirig a greaSed pole, watermelon race and tub races . location. It has a swimming pool, carnival carousal, picnic grounds In Win~er harvesting of I)atur81 '. 'on the water and a balloon asand fishing spot. It is now known '.: .i~, p,ve employment ,tO::,~ve~al , c,ensi~~, ~~hi~h created' quite an men and boys., ijuge .,rues ; ~f ' excitement. as Old Mill Stream Park as the old. Ihill' is still standing. , ' .ice \vere ~ cut; l'~d stored in· tn~ ';' . Ther~ is stm a park "at this , , icehouses along ,the~t.rtt.U! rac~ to : v~ ,~~ .. 'l! ~I be Used fdnbwing . ,rnnt~i ' , _ , 1 in people's iceboxes:.D ie ipentan came ~ 81.ound .eve1o/~·.f~w ': d8ys 'iIi . su~~r t~ fllJ~ the.ic~bOx. ,~- ' 4ren : fonow~ , the '~ce: YlBIon! ~lf1~ring'up t»i~s t!l ,take'1\ome 'and ~e lemonad~.. ! '." ' ! ." " : Shinny; ~: a ' pme the, boys " " pt'Ye~ ' on:' ice~ They' 'Used clubs 'or sticks that :resembled TOP PRICES lioeker clubs ,and,:J in fo~ NO WAITING balls. It a gime and quite fteq~~tly. :some one .' go~ hit ,on·the head'~f:h:a'~:,~' of I"
, . by Katherihe Prendergast ~,
THE MILL.RACE IOn 'a hot day, men and boys from .all over town. would walk down ' Water Stre~t to the mill. race to ~ve a' cool swim. Finally 'an ordinance was passed', that prohibited swimming in the nude ,,' Wlt,un ' the corporation. Disre" ~rdlng' this ordinance, a crowd boys, ,went swimming one morning' and were arrested by , ,t he town marshal, who marched th eq) ' up ' Main', 'Street to the • mayor's :office where they listened to a slightly inebriated mayor read the law to them. THE MILL Almost every smaIl town had ,', Ii flour nUll. The fanners hauled . their wheat to the flour mill. , ,The, "kids drifted in when the , ,gillle,r. was not too bu~y to a,sk ' ~Q be weighed on the' seales. , There was 'the sweet, grairiy smell '~nd the hum' of 't he machinery. ' .The ~er gave the little girls ' s~ ' tliiinDle~ and miniature
" pf,
.: ~d~! i~k pb{~us~ons . ~ih ~he'l I
'W"·'·"' .•~'.I'
.name ' of , th~ , flo!Jr he sold ; ~~~<l,.~~re?n:.. 11te ~er. ~o!e it White~cap andaprpn With'a'big;
, ~a~~'men~'or,~lspecia1 b.rand~ , 6f flour.embl~oned Qn the front. ; """',,,c,,"'''.'''' '''\ ·iht~~er ~d t~' say, '!That- ';
.~;f,l~ur" 'c~f9.~, m~al : 8I\~
w;am '
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" to~R-WltJijlha radius, 0( . ,,'I)
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fe~~' wer~ ha~ed by wago~ and '
ho~ (AA'~e'. qr .t4e~) to
•• (·1
was" rough
'~I'I .III ,
., •J
'I ,EI',I'I I'
. Thursaay~.· oet9~r,;~·9.~ 1969. AIlOther ~utifUl dly>No.fiost .. iast rniJ.it buf ~ fteeZe Tues!"
day . and .. Wednesday' ~gh~$. Heayy ·frost· on the windShie~cb in :·the · mo~g. Most of the tteei haVe lost th~ leaves or ~e freeze · turned them dry and broWn bUt ' hcire -and tliere ·a '..iF. 'maple stands out bright . Fld aPmst · the graYS , and .l·browns. ~r,. . Night " tonight in , Waynesville, last night in ~pqngbOro, and 'last Sunday in Dayton. ·An enterprising youth with a car could go from place to pl8C?e and .~~llect quite a ~t ....every , night · far .a week. It is'·. o~e of thoSe thin~ which to my '~d hal ~tten out of hand. Ca{loads from Centerville or even Dayton jo~ . the local lads..Some ~ople get more than a' hundred beisers. We live too far off the road to be bothered. It had not 'become popular in my day, per'haps that is why I clisapprove. , The little , kids in costume are cut~ and funny but too much is too much. They say ·~f you can't fight them Join them" so perhaps I may go ''trick or treat" next year. We did have fun 9ne
IE'I I-ml I FUR I:ITURE ,' Chu.~
81m. South of WapenPle On V~8.
To the la.dy who said she had Some little gripes". this j.~ tile pl~~ for th~. ·SenCl th~in : in, Peth3ps ,we can do so~~g , about them. We are ,glad het sOD ' ,lik~ the.~~r. ~e ~e r~st ~r.our spldiers gle.t~g , it? Greet~ , ~o them. We tho~8ht ' thai the ,Imps were too small to do any ~e but four i n a pack (Puffies, the fifth a Ilady and on'ly 190kS on from. 'the \-hou ' ,at .'the pack) chased the she,~p got one ewe doWJl and, chewed a-Jiole. in her neck 'and 'che:w.ed thle~rs " ~f another. n~t gpt ' the , dog .pen fixed in a hUrry. We have tried all ~mme,r to ge,t the~ to fix the gate. Now the short legged dogs are shut on orie side and the long legge4- .lJorde~.. Colli~ .who .,~j~Pr, ~e six.Ioot Je~~' are !i~d:()~rtbt~~er. That make~ it: .,~bte f,qf diem ~tQ bar~ a~ each other~. ~d ..girt through the· ,ftnCe, but'not:c1;We slieep; ::-, .~ ;,~.;t~~~;U ~jane.~ p~~t ~d \V8irMr lthis moming:.,b\1tr , it. ,is .; .... ' li t·' . . clou'CtiDg,up.now ,but tho~. not for wet weekend. wi- never did get that hay in and ' n~w the beans," arld com ar.e · ready.~ {9r. tWvest, if it doesn't get too wet. , And so it goes...i)eadlirte. ,
a .
~ .~ f " "
.~, t, ..
Ph. 988·1ill '
11111& IIII fllllTllE sPANISH - MAPLE - MODERN .~
111111 ' IEflllllllll1 11,11 "'111,11 .111" 1'1
Ir~ '
tll"_'ch '1,I ,kIi"" I i.p ••r••c. Another chance to 'hear Dr. Frank C., Laubach will be offered by <llannel 2-WLW-D TV ' Sunday morning Nov.. 9, at 11 , . a.m. Dr. Laubach will include in the discussion, ta1e~ of his 1~68 service tour in 'r~l1 'Philippines, Japan~ Vietnam and Hong Kong. , Two books published when he was 80 were ''War of Amaz- " ing Love" and "How to Teach One and Win One for Christ." , Currently, Dr~ Laubach is revlsmg his best-seller auto. biograpby, ' 'thirty .Years with the Silent BiIliOl(, to "Forty . Years With 'the SUent Billion' ~, for publication.in J 970, his 85th ' . , year. .' Nationwide news commenta,
Mts. Wayne Watkins w8s .' re~ ,cently' eiected a membe~ ()( the" ' 48 County Committee. .
We ' will 'TURKEYS •
'BERP4ARDS ~FiESH Biw' _iKlv'" ·this y,.r. These are· co,nsidered
handle again .~
~~ ~rke,p~:.vail~blej ,:OrdirS' are no~
;:io.plac8 it '~rly'~8s ·_ibl. to lle sUre ,o f size. ' "of
.:beiilt.,takllri~ •
.' ~ ,Setnces .
HO~ r~;~j,r ' and ' ,~~~~enance ~.r penter, con(:rete, sheet metal paint. ing. roofinl!: and e'l~trical. Phone 74tS·29S2. ' '2lctf
J06 Polaroid Camera ' $25.. Belt· l'1Ja888,ger . :.25: Both ,like new. Phone 897:tJ~76: . , , 23c2
FARM fenc:ing, barn painting and repair. Fret! estimates, Phone' Mid·
APPl;ES .ud cider. Lumpkjn's Fruit F~nn. 2 ..iiles South of Ce~terviUe 48, to 'Nutt Rd., one·half .rille. '21ctf
'per cprd, free 2() miles. Call 't:erry ...V1'...... at 862-4155. 23cl
(\n .
OLEARANCE on' Rummage " Sale. Jordan's residence, last ' boUle 'N. Maiil Street. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. ~(ou8eho)d ite~ and rup. 23el
Greek monacho8) ', first meant
TOY Poodlle Stud Service. AKC Rtgi ..tered. White or Apricot. 160. AppOintment only. Phone 81741'8. llotf
one who lived alone. but in the course of time it came to mean a member of a religious community.
COLD .Spriinp Beauty Shop: WII appointments anytime. PIa.
8t7 ·f3{1S.
2 BEDROOM unfurnished apt. in Woynesvilltl. Phone 897 -6876. ~1
Good home for pedigreed Point . SiaD;1ele male.' Ph.
Phone 897-7028 'p.O. Box 162 Waynesville, O. ,
Ro,:,te ,2 Pekin Road Wa,a,avillt, Ohio ,
Call Collect Day or Nicht
shoes, 'ana"
REFRIGERATION " AIR CONDITIONING 8E'R VIOE , . "Comm.efCi&l'· Besiden~ia1 - A utomobile 'Units '
FOR -Sale; : 1'hUra~ Fri .• Sat.- G1... ~\, wate,toya, 19ta of diihea 'and :. . .; also 6-1 Ford~PiCkup 'l"rUck at sa60.' :: ~)~~ .,';. t~ 7 p,~., }'l(t.:~!-
, '1!OJ'ijiirJij ..~fj
A ~ ;;' ~"~::2202~':
I~ HarI~ , Rd. ~.R~ . ~
. Oard of Tll'auka" r ~ '. ,'
I WiAh to thank tienda ands J; bon for, ee:t1 ' :.: ""'-' ;' .' , 10..:;:::', kindne.a&e!l '" ': . w · :It ..g.-: Memorial Hoapital. Mrs. , Ilarie:' t lIartin. ,J.:'!l ,•.! ,'; lijcjl !;
IIIftJ.lf tWl... F.... Pati..
, - G~etner ~oclel 451 d"~li. - cut.or widi Geatetax Electronic Sten· cil Scunner anclcabinet. All ~ceJ: lent , condition. l'hon" The ~~i Galet~~ . ~~7-5921. " 1,_&1 • Gmis'·'$.tride:Rlte size 7.1/2·~ i·, ~,~ tWibtii' ~ coat ~ 'jll~Peii: :..sise. ... ~2. 'Don ~Ugy a~~ _ bunk . ~. , Ph: ; 886·3070 . 23eI' .'
Truck with Hoist
Bel-Oak Realty Inc. 897~
I!I' 'I T?
. '. FREE:
IN Waynet!lViIle, • room upetairs fur· nished ' apll1'tment, private entrance and bath, adults. DO pet~. Call 897·2716 .~ter 6 p.m. 23el
ENGLifSl(- 'Pointer pups for sale Good .BUd : Dop or pets. Call 88&. 31114 - Of" _ thein at 9685 Gebh~rt . Rd.~ · .L"ytle·! · . ' 22c2
house:. ,th3t large , . place, . . ~ge; 'Re~'~ cently rede~orated md·,· ill a very. fine residenti~ nei8!tbOt~ ,hood. It's vacant. .; you could be mov~d ~ my Th3nksfwl"
7-day - 24-hr. service
I'or Bent '
ZEN1'1'Q: black and 'white television, good condition, 150. Phone 897·2120 or 89~ 4187. 23el
Th'Q word "monk" (from the
dle~o~n 4~~I.142. , OF,422.74~. ~1c~f
WE have ·a spinet piano,,to be picked area soon,. Low monthly , up in ~ this "1<' ,., . paymeuta can be 8ecUred. If lin· 'cerel, intereekd write ' Box: 542, Wilmington, Ohio. 20d
.See , thi$ .,~lrYYr'Q~Y"Vjl
!I&Yf!I'VJ.~~, .Ohio
'Witch~f:it '~tlle ~i:::::::::;;;i::::i=~C=C='~"::':' ::.= . ;:.
"The"HiIlofien ( I Foote" 'home'.' on'" State ~ .-l c. • ~ " '~.1-: :'. ~;: . ....f. ~ . ';.,..··...b·· ,', ROute 7.3 ',near' SprfugSoro~ tnatle : '~';"", "-". ED'S ! I ~A'I 'A :,T' H 0-1 a seasonal ' Where' Is It? 'for .the ; 82 SOUTH MAIN, ST . . PH. 891-7946 , , , . .....( :1. 1~\~',' ;' ~ " ~~{t , Miami ' Gazette. The follOwing : W , 811~ . ~ ,., ,,~ . GREASE ,JO~S OIL CHANGES BA~Y aitt~ ' iii~ m,y ~hO~': } inyf: ideritified the , lawn , decoratioli: '. FLAT TIRES REPAIRED Gladys "; Muiray,-~'Johe:s ' Sin~lair . hO~II' In OOJlWinI Ph. 5~~1.~,14~ '2~c2:~: l:. .' TIRES-TUBES-BATTERIES 'WAN';l'ED: ~Y '~ Situ£, . ~. ~rDi:' gang, Joe; Kraba~her, Wllina 14~r· ; : FAN BELTS-~pSES : " home. Ph. 897-~111 ,.. ;" '", ~tf: ' in, Tamc,ra EaWarcb;·lln,d8~ ~· ' spach, Kat~na Hogan,' ibn ~. ' i" • • ' _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ "'_~ )VANTED: ~~~~ 'J " ~.,·: ~p;':if'o'"!n,,:, 8G7-/j921. ,. :;,B . wr..;, f'~ "8~~tt;'~: ., -1 ' dolph, ;,Jeff " iJoJm!~>n.; DpIina i"·----------IIIII!IIIII!!!III-----IIiIII!II--~ WANTED to buy~O '~ " pianO., , Johnsori;, 'Sarah W"tich"er;;'Fiy~'s write Box 512;, WU#.aiDPo~ , ~o. ~ 1,' 2"1 f ' Contracting, Mrs. Andee Con'" ',~"\/ ',('.- . '- . ' '2 _ ~t lMIUlA.HI. ley, Sue FergUson~' Martha W A..~TED: \ ride jib Ketterml JIoe.. Sauter, 'Tho~ COffman,. Rod· ~W~" pitl'l. 11 p.m. to, 7 :30 -tID. tbift. Ph: 88&.3282. ' 21ctf ney' Coffman, Mrs. Jimmy Coff· ' . ',j . '. . , AMBUL.ANCE SERVICE ..... S I • v,' <. l man,' Ri1t~l' Wilcher, Curtis Russo, , }~·.~TiID : ride to ){ette~ ~•. " ' .f~:· 7a.m~ to' 3 :3,0 p.m: shift., '. Ph. 897-5966 Cindy ' and Juli~ ' Ki~r, '(lll,lfCh .-1 .. ss6·'328~. ,,'" 21qt( Ward· aIlld Tommy Walters. To .. :.. ' .Semces ', identify tbW, .:week's ' . photo, " .R .Y . Pt~b~For your COlD' phone ~lbe · Miami Gazette at plete . plwubi:nl,' ,inatallation &i,ld reo ~~ . PH. 897-7931 or ·897-2241 897·5921. .
",~ .
ttf ,
•• •
! . .. ..
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pain. , C~ · 891·66~, . Waynesville. .r..
N • Y
. r'
' .
'HAvE:y~ut 'c~ ' IOok
",~ '''I' ..~
like new ,for '
. . ~.~~ :CMl :;Paur,," a.peR~ar. . pet < c1~IDi"" today~ ,1
Ph. 9S2·787~. '
CA:l!tIPEBS, UfO. E11d of Season
811E .
~. ~.,(,.r d
Winter js:,:g~tti"g'-~19ser, a!1 d (n~e ,'Iudy .w.~u~a) , ' ~" . of , ~,,pcl1le$t~J:.~ the Yuletide $elsah is 'not far m,mee, Fla:,have a new . ; , ,nouncirlg'the, i..':hind a'nd thi''s "';eek "the'" MI'a'nu' ' ',:An,.n ~ne.e." , ~tn, Oct. 27. ~,e H~idi~ born ~ " Weighed 6 Ibs~' atl4.d U~, ' ·:I',J~";-y1!'~·lt;r~r GaZ~tte , b<~:n~s a Christmas Col~r- , weighed 6 Ib; 9 oz. , . D" . \ ' I Si'steis, ~c.ey , an, ~ trig Cortte~t for its .yo~,Og reajders. --" .,1<' ,tern8J. grandp,rents A Christmas drawing Will',apSp/S an'd~. Vmcel)t rroffit ' U:';" Cl , 1.,;. nf)!lNel1mcii't ,. ' . MJlS. aytQn\, IiRpper (lind Pringt) , ~r in the ,G~zette ,fr~11! now . ' ~ ,. e " ,~e ,~qunClllg Ky~ .and pate!fial "Itr~dp~~ell.,'i 1Jnti) the week of that extra the blf~1i jOf ~ , ~C!n" ~ : :Alan; , Mr. 'and"Mrs~ _ .......:"'!' &.A1"aa.y special'day. 'born ~t. '31, at Kettering~ Me~· , WaynesVll\e~' " orial Hospi~" Gary' weighed 4 ' '---,,;.; ' ,,"-!'"!i'O"','__~.....~ : "Young, ~rea artists are en. c()Uraged to c'plor the drawing · lb, 8 QZ. and mail it to the P4iami ·Gazette ~Grandparents include Mr. ~d Box: 78, Waynesvill~ to' be ' eli: Mrs. Estey Pljngle of ,Way,nes-' gible .for"pri~es., All entries m~st ville, Mes, David Furnace of . be sent to the Gazette by ScHur· , JCen\a, Mr, and Mrs,JRaymond d~y following the contest draw Holling.,head ofBlanc~ester 'and ing's publication. ) Mr. and Mrs. Ra~ Proffit of Chrishnas Coloring Contest Dayton and a .great-grandmother 'rules ' also include: 1. Contest. Proffit. open to' children in age divisions 5-7 .Bnd 7-9, 2. Paillt; water'color' ot· crayoq-,{may be used and 3., Decision of the judges will be final. , ,First" second and third place, winners will be selected weekly and' names will be listed, in the folJowing Gazette edition. ' 1 grand prize winner will _be chosen from all first plac~ winNames ' and ' addresses of ners ~nd anno~nced in the Waynesville ' s~ivicemeri irt Vi~t. Gazette's Christmas edition. The . nam and othtr countries over· p~iz~ will be a $5 gjfi certi· ' seaS are still needed by American '. . . ficate, . Legion Auxiliary ' :pni! 6 f 5 'for its Christmas ¢!1tJi,i1S,program: . ,-----~":"',' The information , may be WONDER'FUL OH10 " . : phorie<t' to' ttfrS. Marilyn thomp(continued from page' I) , , son at 8974876 or dtopped.into' the gift cQntribution ', boxes at throughout the year; for comDon '$ , Mark~t ,apd , EUis~s "Super- , panies to hold conventions at off ~ar~e~" . , seasQns,; and for workers and '" Unit 61S lIletn~ers place~ the •
,. I.
S·ervi ·ce me'n,
AddleSSeS leeded
Angels . .ice, the sky is bright. Color all happy on Christmas night.
ADDRESS,___________________ AGE~_________~----.
1-21 E. MAIN ST. X£tUA. ;.OHIO RES .. PH.•897-S87l
=======================:: . PRUDENTIAL XENIA Ph.' 372-3553
un IlfSURANCE COMPANY Life - Health - ReUrement Plan
Hunting Sup.plies Ih~tlun
PH. 897-2951
IIll lUll REG. $2.98 I '
51 98 PlilT IC 54,, ·3 9 c
boxes, including, ~ft , suggestions retirees 'alike to follow the sun in the winter months. Now many owners of tourist attractions are fmding i1t profitable to stay open on a year'round basis while'help- ' ing to satisfy the insatiable curioSity and desire for adventure inherent in the tourist. ,A case in point is Stan Hywet Hall in Akron, Ohio which is operated, on a year'round basis. One of ,America's most unusual homes, this 16th Century Eng· lish Tudlor Manor was built by a 20th Century ~erican industrial Pioneer named Frank A Seiberling. ~. Seiberling, founder' of the ,Gq,gdyear Tire and Rubber Company and the Seiberling Rubber Company, beASSETS '. ' , Cash .nd due from b.nks Clncludlng,none unpost~ debits)", . '. " gan the creation of Stan Hywet ~~u~:=~?0=~r8!:~ Gove;,;m.';i agenc'lei and c~;pci;atlbn'iI' " J!~jr;:i,3i'3&:!W~:1~11 in 191 I . Four yean and three Obligations of States and ' pqll,tl~ISUbdlv.lslons , •• "."' .~ •• ,.,;" Other securities (Including $none cqrpor.te stock)., ' ,' •••• , ., . • million dollars later, he and his F,e de,al fundssold .• nd securities purch.sed under .gr..~en~s to , .,esell •.••••• ...OJUa'UUI/,UV family moved into the 3,()()().acre Lo.ns ••••. , , • , .•.••• ' •• .••. " ••.• , • , ' . ' •• , ,'. ',,~02,'IJ46;Ol: Bank premises, furniture .nd fixture .. and other ....ts rep...". 'estate. Considered by many to be ...,tlng bank, pr,mlses • '. • , • , • • • • , • ' .' • • • " , ' , ~ ,f ' as..t~ (lnc:ludl~g $none direct I~... fln.nclng) •. ;; • . ' "", 1 the fmest American example of . Other TOTAL ASSETS •..•••• " ••• , ', •••• " ••• ,$ . LIABILITIES ',' . Tudor architecture in existence Dem.n~ depOSits of IndMdual .. p.rtnerstilps.nd corporltl~l)s l' .~':III''','''.v~,,.~,,,,. Time .nd savings depbslts of Indlvld.,..ls, partnerships. .nd ' . r today, 'the house contains fur• corporations ••••, • , " • ' ,' .""" . ,••• " .• ~ •• ".~ ' )'~ • ... 'i of United St.tes Government ••• ' .. , .. . J"', nishings acquired from a dozen , Deposits DepoSits of States .nd pollt,c;J1 subdivisions. • , • • , , , • •• , Certified and officers' Checks, etc, ., ••••• , ,- : ' ••• , J ,' 1,~ castles in Engiand and Europe, TOT AL DEPOSITS .. • . • I' '" ,' , . • . . . . , . $6,822,100.53 ;~ Ca) Total demand depos ts •• , , ' ...... , '2,3'5.lS~~8o- ', , priceless paintings and sculpture, Cb) Total time•• and depolft*. Other-liabilities , • "sayings, , , • ',' , • , • , ,:, ,••• " • ,$~,*27.l~~:~a";J •••• ~. ,, ~;" 0 , i·;11'.:'H~~.~: antique silver' and fine linen, as TOTAL LIABILITIES ! :, : : . ,' , ..... , ...... .. .. , , ~ ,.' RESERVES ON LO~NS' AND SECURI~I~ , well as such modem innovations , .Reserve for bad-d.bt IOIMS 0.n1oans 'C_,t up', purlluint to IR~ . " r,ulln.).. ..~ ." : ,, •.••••• ~; ~,f!1llff'fI"~_~':!~ as an :indoor Swimming pool, Other r...rves·on loanl ' 0 ; •• ~ •• ~ . . . .. .... ..~t. ' '.o. ' ~ ' .. • ...~'Ii{ , R~ on sec:ur'ta.t: ~' . "..r.' • , • • J," • • • i" ,.r. • '.~ . '\.... . gymnasium, bowling alley and " TOTAL RESERVEs ,O",: L&ANS:'~I9'p,.s~c..q~I''rI,~"" .' "\ ' . "Cp'-Plt ~L: ~CC9tJ':t]$ . ,: ...:. . . i; billiard room. . Equity •• 0' ••• "' •• 1--, • • • •' ' ..f. •• .~ •• , '- . '",;1 , 1 Four United States presi~ents ' were entertained in this hqu$e, as well as such .notables as Will Ro~n, Thomas Edisol), Helen .' .. K~ller imd Pa~,r~Wlki, ' Now"tlie 65~room o~e-blqc"'~lc~)fi,g lnansion , is Ope,l to .anyone who ~ould ,~ . 'w~f!.i~~t.~~~~!,91I" '~~i~~~;16 : like t(]1 ',. ' way -of li~e > ..' ':~tt~=:lf~.~~~~';i=ift~=='~,that ,', it' ! ••••••••••••••••••••••• . • "
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paid at , "Wayne,sville, Ohio
1'2, 1969 --- Wayhesvi.lle, Ohio J ' ':
~YI O&r:.nis, Dalton.
A record, 'double ~elivery , "Just nineteen minute) old from a Wayliesville ' mother and , ','and" an uncle'" was the con· daughter, Mrs. oarl ' Talbert of o. "I: ~enatio~ that gleefully swept the Harlan Road and'Mrs. 'Bob Bunch maternitY ward of Dayton's, .'of. 143 South Third Street Grandview HoSPital ThUl$day hatched the excitement. Qigh~. , , Mrs. TaltH;tt and ~rs. Bunch, (
:';. . <::;::. ./'
mother and daughter respectively, became mothers nearly in unison. At 11 :30 p.m., Mrs. Talbert gave birth to an 8 lb., , 11 oz. boy named Sean Casey. Nineteen rninutes later at 11 :49 p.m. Debra Lynn Bunch entered the picture. The ,6,lb., 12 oz. girl and her uncle Sean made Grandvie:w history. Dr. William J. Seifer, who delivered both babies, said that if'the mothers, had had separate physicians there would have been a chance that both would have
delivered at the same time. Mrs. Talbert ' and Mrs. Bunch not only shared the same obstetrician bU,t the same Jabor, delivery and hospital 'rooms. Both realized that their babies were due at nearly the same time. Mrs. T~bert was admitted to Grandview Wednesday. Thursday, Mrs. Bunch went to her mother's home to babysit but shortly after arriving had to phone her husband to take her to the hospital. Mrs. Bunch and Debra came
He art Association Chanles "
10 '"Sa,uftl'.ern ·Ohi'o wasC tar . . .1
. The ' He~lr't "'&soc'iati9I\ .· of Southwestern 9hio h8s :~h.anged its,,.n',r,nn,ratllt
CinCinnati. ' The nam~ changed to, the Heart' AssOCiation
home Monday. MrS. ' Til~ert an$l ' :;O"U""'lITJ),L-, {, Sean were expected ' to arriV~' /' home Tuesday. , 'I~ , Both babies' grandpare~,~_.iJ!:· ' elude Mr. and Mrs. Everett '~;!·;:Y<J:.:!;Z'''li~U::;' Bunch of 143 South Third St ~ W~ynesville; Mrs. Arti~ Bunch'.of:', Wofford, Ky,; Mr. and MQ. car-, son Baldwin of Sar'3S0ta, Fl~~l' and Mr. and Mn. JameS McDo!lald of Mt. Holly. It was "nip and tuck" for awhile at the hospit~ as both, fathers , paced the floor with other.' relatives. Anxiety wu such that number of hospital'patients . . purposely remained awake , (~r birth results. Nature's timer was set for 19 minutes and during its lapse all were reminded that.. ~birth' can be a 'mni" splendored thing. f'
. ~f' ','
.op:t ir ' ;
v~,~ated , , by ,. this cQnllllunity, uttcllded the ·' MeJampys. " . , Grand ,Chapter of the 'Eastern John , Doster of ,SpringfjeJd , Star' Ilcid at Conv(mtio.n Hall, spent the weekend ' theli\~tne :'!.Cincinnati. Mrs. Francis Plymire ' 'of his parents" Mr .. and "Mrs, , r~." attend,ed on Tue'sday. 'Mr's. William Do~ter. , _ • Charles 'WiIliams and " Hernard " JQhn ' Hahn of Inglew@od ar: ', ,,' , .Haines otCh~ster ;'ttended Tues· rived home , M.6od~y~ ni~~t' after, , " .'" 'day. 'Mr; Haines ~Iater suffer.ed a spending two::'!hoOths wit~\, hi~' ' l , ' heart attack. ~ ~ister, Mrs. Fred ~oneY!nakerr Mrs. Steven t~we or near of San~a }~osa; Calif. ,,'He al~,~ town is a patient at. Clinton~1 Yisited with ~ his: brother; Sam, Memorial Hospital follo'wing . who lives at R,eedley, Calif. ", major surgery: " Mrs. Clint Taylor caUed on ,J:>onnie.' Hoaglan~ .is h~~ne on her sister, Mrs:'1 ~red\ Wolfe, of a 3()'day' furlough from Jjethesda Lebanon, Safurruty ~OJpfu~·' l'IavafHospital; betltesda'~ Md , Mrs. . Freda ~oige, imtt'her . Mrs. Kenneth grothers, and sons, Rober't and..J~, hQSt~d Mr. daugh.t~f,~in.law~ ', Mrs. ''Eddie and Mrs. Edward ·jDtother! and · Brothers, vis.ite,d Mrs.~rothers' their, two children, Eddie Wayne father, Hurnie llravard, who is a and Cathy, tQ ~ SUhday.dinner. patient ,at St.Elizabeth ~ospital at Covington, Ky. ' .' Qtuckle-A-Diy ": " The Franeis Mills h'8Ve m~ve.d A .'(liberman' ient; ''his . into the George Wall ren~. 'oil catch from Florida to his S ate' Route 73. The home was home in sOuth Caronna. He wrote the' box: "If not delivered in ' three; 4ays, forget it."
1\, npmher of.' people . frOlTl ' .!eceriti¥
. . . .. . ..
' - .\
Wi 14 Flowers ,,o f Ameri ca" The House on the ' Strand The Crime Confederati'on The Peter Rrlncip1e
Rickett duMaurier Salerno Peter
. ,. --
both' of. .H.arveysburg
4th STREET WA'YN~ESVI~LE: ! ,pHiQ' ~H ;':,897-4826
FIll your home with .
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.Let ,'Lawrence Welk, Bing Crosby, Roger Williams and other great stars, tiU YQur ' ,,' ," home wit~ ' the songs of CHRISTM~S THROIUGH TH~ YEA.RS. R~~e~v! t~i~ '1" '~:' ;. : record, a $4.95 value, for just $1.00 When opening your Christmas Ch.,b Account. .. ,1', 'j ~ ','
. ? -,'
'.r,;.••. >iiCi.\U
Get.the lump on next y~ar's ~ills .. And let this beautiful fleeca LP fill your,home '~', ~ ,"" , with'th~ music ,of Christmas.. Come, in and see us today! ' , .,.-'·\'~"""'.,f>;. ,
of ~O~, 'fodder . fie1ds. _ ;>.'I~ ,("- l~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~ a fellew " fro.m 'ar19tlie~ . ~ calling " on QJ)e' of 'the YQung:ladies and . Turkey Dinner when"he started home, found his ' Spo~sored by , . hor~e p~inteid with strip~s like a ! zebra and the wheels of hi~ OLIVE BRANCH AND CLARKSVILLE , CHORCHES ~ buggy reversed. " at ~, ' Along with other pranks, they ADULT $1.75 The Ointon-Massie Schoo .- 5-12 YEARS' took ,an old man's spring wagon serving from ~ , a.m,' on . $1.00' : .. ftlled with corn fodder up the street, parked it on a prom~ inent corner, on the pavement Congratulations'to'the new . in .front of the post office door. Wayne Local School ~oard Next morning, Sunday, the , ' members and " / owner known as "Wink" came ' loping up t:h~ street, mumbling curses and threats at every step. When he found his wagon, he reached in under the seat and pulled out a jug. Utterly oblivious of the wagon, "Wink" sauntered back down the street, happy that he had found his jug and its contents intact. n .... rnv
by, Katherine Prendergast ':' \.- " \litt~e Mi~mi Rjver Pearls , , Nat~tal pearls are found ip; side the !!hell of the 'fresh water nu/ssels. Men dive down and gatHer the mussels'into a net bag 'of some sort. VerY few contain , - , pearls 'o f any value. Not all pearls , - Ilfe perfeotly round; some are , irregular in, shape and are called b.aroque pearls. ,These oddly shaped pearls are often ~de into . ~utiful , pendants, brooches, . rinS" and other jewelry, but they '$Ie n-ot as vaiuable as the perfectly round pearls. Pearl~ cQme in many different colQrs, but the most vaiuable are rose, cream, white -and black. The coloring, '_ size 'and shape of the pearl determines its value. It was not an uncommon sight to se~ little piles of opened mussel 'shells along the ~ of ' the' river or millrace. My father fou~d so~e beautiful pearls and , a lot of imperfect ones. The mussels in the river are not so Ptei#iful 'today as they were in , ~ose ' &ys.' Pearling is ,almost a !:tobby ,o fthe, past'in this area.' . '".~ - ""', North Sbeet ' " ~;...~ ~r or,' ' ; •• ~':t· UV~~ st.ble , where ane 'could rent -horses~' ' - "buggies, s~rr~ys or a cab. Al~ys , a cab was chosen for funerals, ,( " ; ~~ \' weddinS"i and P,ll~des. :00 'this : , sfl'e(e t was ,U:ae Cotnnlercial-HQ~se , ,r. ) ' Wh~r~ ~1ie " s8r~rq~"'(d1ummeri) . t: like4' stay "While in town. .\ " ,~ ~re ' they'- enjoyed good home, r" 'c~o~ed fo~~ ~~ c~~an ~eds.)IJ:\~ " _~ ~~,' ~ ~i,~in~.-,b~~~ , tean;l,s ~~,d ~o" '1< . ,; ~t tlie~~~ t~o. ',' '. :' ;"l, . i i ' , ~, 'Across the street from the :- " ,\. Co:mmerciat' House ' wa$', 'the old . ;,', ,~' caiTiage S40Pi y!e Used to' pause ' , ~ft.he,'cioo,. of the old blaclcsriliili ' 0/ '. ,'; , .,. snPP )and Watch the ,. "siriitliy'~ . , 1,' " ~e¥~ga 1)ig,leather apro~~ as,he '~\ '~ . " pli~~ )ps p'ade, , H~ " kep.t'l busy ,.~ L: ,'\I)e~ting' metal m:al",rp8nng,' .fiery , ":,. r ' ,: ; fQrge "a,nd ' banging tlte ' {ed, liot ' : : './ tn~~JlJ. ~n .t~e ~~ w!th;~ h~~e . ": ";~, ~~~.r, Jriaking. sb9,e~ to ~' ,m~ "tt' , horses: 'In the ' spong, faro"ers' ' t·..... , . brought 'theIr hor~es 'to '~ shod j ~ ;', ·l.pl,oW$ tQ, be ~Iiarpened and, . . ,: pointe.'d arid ' the "sMithy." ' w~ a \ • , . f busy ~n. ' , , ' .~ " ge~eia«~ns r~~einberl'. ' :''I. ." ':. lh.e, quinces.:that',gt:ew ai.ong ,th~, \.~:,/'. f4.'o~e, ,Qo,',North. ,Street~ ~et"'eet;l . .. ,Maio' and 'T:liird·Stree't, :'lhe tiQys' . •
the entrance of the National Bank;,another on the main street corner with a big sign across the front, "Voting Precinct," Hallowe~n coming just a few ' days previous to election day. The little bridge on the Avenue often
Enjoy panty girdle comfort and freedom but. ..
..... --,
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tight pantyleg!; can hinder normal circulation. cause unslllh~lly and uncomfortJble marking and swelling olf the legs and feet. Take the time to be expertly fitted. and to be SUnt •••
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Cross of Color. '"ua:oqulel was held in' tile" United Methodist Chl1rctaaocial room on. Saturday, Nov. 8 6:30 p.m. There were . over '7S persons presen~:including G~d Officer,s . Carla sawyer, Grand Represen~ti've io 'New H4lmpshire; Beth Evans, " Grand Musician; and Kathy ~aylor, Grand ,Lecturer of DistllCt ~o. 30, "Mom" Beanie Egelstqn, Grand Depu~y of Di~ . 'trict No: 20 and ."tdom': Marlo Hassler, Grand Deputy of District No. 30 were in attendance. ' . Waynesville girls participa,ting in the' program were Carla Sawyer, , Acting President; Penni l..owery, attendant; and Pam Young,:attendant. , EleCtions were held and the : follo~g girls were 'elected to'" offlce~ President, linda Tucker of Mason; Vice President, Mariann Lambert, of Oxford; Secretary, Karen Cornelius of Hamilton, and Representatives,
near 'Xenia 1. S\ip~r' guests 'Sattir,day' ev~n Two ,very ,happy and, reliJ'ved ing 'of Mr. alrtd Mrs. Elvis ~~cha~1 parents are Mr. and Mrs. Billy , , wer~ 'Mr.' and 'M'rs. Walter' ,Mabre VanderpQol' "of 661 Robin daJ e ~f near ,Ne,w' ),lUrlingto,n, ~~. ,and Dr. Their son Jeff was released Mrs. Lewis Michael.. Mrs~ ijiley from Kettering Memorial Hos-, Gibs~n" Mrl~.· Addie Dill. ~nd Mrs. pital Sunday and ' is making satStella Lewis. isfactory progress ~owa[d, getting , Mr. and Mrs. Jerry "Uwis of ,. well. near Wayn~~svple, Mi. ,;1n4 ¥~,s. .The Wayne$ViUe Uons Club Christy W~lllace'~ ail4 ' 4'augh~er, will meet," ih regular sessioQ at · Scheral, 3n<l Tony $taffo!d' G.a11ed 7 p.m. ''Mon'day at Waynesvill~ , on : Mrs. illiley,t hb'sop' S~h~ay High SchooL Light refreshments evening.. Will be served following the meet,Mrs. Sam Haltom entertained ing. Monday evening to supper, Mrs. Addie Dill:! Mrs. Hiley Gibson, Mrs. Stelbt leWis, Mrs. Elvis Thought for the Day Michael, ',Mrs. Roy ~Uor aQd "Material things are shortdaughter, MiUissa, Mrs. , l-at:etto lived. It is the ideas <;>f which the Davis ,o( Ciy~ Road ~~ ~. things hint that live on." Stella Benbow' and '~aughtet of
THANKYO.tJ . . '.'. faR ,r l. '''Ill . "
- ---
will hand. BERNARDS FRESH 'Slue ':IRibbon ', . TU\lKEYS again , this year. ~ ~ the ~ tUrkeys ••ilable. Orders . . now being takeia 10 ~8C8 it early • possible to be sure of lize.' , . .
. . . .......
.a.id ;,
Grbun'd Beef leiners
.KAJ·ltfr' S .
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;," ,
Mt. and- Mrs> Ray 'Slouffman r.ecently r~turned .fro~·· Ft. Mead, Md., where they Visited their son, DclVi.d·, who is stationed .there . .
IOn 'the Famous Counter That Cooks . Orig. .$34995 NOW $ 95 .
Earl Ot;teary of Mound St. is a patient at Greene Memorial ~ospital following surgery. ReV. and Mrs. .Robert Meredith celebrated their 25th Wedding anniversaty on Nov~ 9.
.' Airman Michael Richardson ftnished his basic training at AFB, Texas. He has . .. lackland , been assigned to Chanute AFB . in;1 :Illlinois for'· traming in fuel' .
, ..
. , 'Airman Richardson is the son . 'of Mt. and Mrs.,Jess Richardson ' o~ Schnebly Rd. lie is a 1968 . 'graduate of Xenia, High School. Mr: and Mrs. H.oward Schrack ... of .W~nut St. recently returned, 1 I>;.o,,'i''')tI~''If' }' fi~~ ~ trip to New York where , t~eyvi~lt~d their sons and daughMr: . and Mrs'. John
Barbara ·Dill will be one of 2 girls representing Xenia High School Field House. Barbara is active in boosters, Americari Field service, 'Campus life, and senior' choir. She plans to attend the University of Cincinnati Conservatory of music and pursue a career in music. Barbara is tbe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dill of Main St. CORRECTION: last week's column carried an item about the Win-Mor Class having a Halloween Party at the United Methodist Church. The item was erroneous since it was the Methodist Youth . F~llowShlp ' which sponsored.the part. •
The most r~oluti~nary advance In cooking in the past 100 years• ,.
_____:c • .
~·){tt \, a. '\
" . Ceuntar Cooks De.llned to ba built Into your kjlchM eounter. And you won't
."......-., ·,AND L£AV£
· . Th~ Couiiter T~at Cooks- by COrnl.~g. No coila, DO burners, no arcase traps. Instead, you cook on a beautifuL ~ a
clean Pyroc:eram i~., Becallse it's aeaIed, JIUIC and spiU~ have no Phide. You just Wipe it ~, ...th . ,damp cloth. ' : ~'. '.. ~, )1 ~ , • I This is Counterspace,CoOkin,. Hidden ~th the lUrface are four , ~ ~ iIl;r elements. When tho lieat is on, tilt baDdsome sunburst desip '&lows yellow. ~, others not iil use stay cool and safe. ADa. for the tint timo,.)'OU have tbermoItatic ~ , "'~:of TNUI· .riAl .GUMAN.J II· , ','\, . . . all,four cooking areas.
., ......
VA~UE S88.9~
\' C~~~\ln' ~d ' lq it ~d! ~ve~ how nleel' it em:fit 'your budJet.. .' , ·'C~"'~S.ti'foction . ~v~"~I. ,lf y~ IMI, Th .. '~~N"'iU~~
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,EXTRA BONUS: Sel' 'of Cookmates . FREE·~
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&, . ·· ~eets 10:4" a.~., Sunday ~ible , Study. 10:4' a.m., SJUtday Worship and 'Communion. 6:30 .p.m. Wednesday Evening ~Sible Study and Song
Baptist . Ohurch
. .·North Main Street John P. Osborne, Pastor 10:00 a.m:., Sunday School. ll:QO a.m., Moming Worship. 6:30 p.m., Training Union. 7:30 p.m., Evening Worship. 7:30 · ,p.m., Wednesday Prayer .Meeting. (A~filiat~d, ,w ~ t h Southern Bap~t Convention).
Fint Church of Ohrist ""-i~'
East High· Street . . 'thomas Steven.a, Minister 9:30 a.m.', Sun.day Bible
.Preilderp sf .. was a Weooe$day di.nner guest of Anna Tb3ckara. .' . ·Mrs. Bessi~ Chimey ! ~f Lebanon is now a Ilresident of the horne. She has 'betn' here , since last Wednesday. A guest of Florence Cran,e on Friday was her son, RoberL Ruth Reeder was a Sunday . caller of Bertha Hess. . Nettie Palmer was the 'guest' of her son, Robert, on ,'Sunday afternoon. Bessie Chaney was ~n Lebanqn on Saturday attending to a sale of her household goods and was a dinner guest of her son,.Delmar on Thursday. Margaret Koonce of I..eban~n · visited with her mpther, Florence Crane on Monday afternoon. , I
.' ·ServiCe.
BABVEYSBUBG Friendship Baptist Church Southern Baptist Convention Norman Meadows, Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Mortling Wor.hip 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Service. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Midweelc Prayer and Bible Study.
Jonahs Run Baptist . Church
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only ' begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son ' into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." John 3:16,17
· To our Sick and Shut-iris
A prayer for you while you are Ob'io 73 East ill10:30. a.~., Sun~y Worship Lester Kidd, Pastor That God may bless you now, and Communion. . 10:00 a.m., Sunday School. . until 6:00 p.m. Sunday Youth 10:00 & ' 11:00 a.m., Sunday · The best · health returns anew, ~eeting . Worship Service. Bringing happiness to you. . . p.m. Sunday, Christian. '7:30 p.m., ' Sunday Evening ,- '::'Y outh Hour. Wonhip. 7 :30 p\.m., Sun.d ay Evening I wish to thank the ' . _, . . I ~ Wol'ship. United Iiethod1at voteri of Wayne" TownVAllelY 1I'l'. BOLLY ~p p.m. Wednesday, Bible Church ship for their support in. : j::' Study. David Harper, Pastor lJnited :MethodiSt United 'MethocU8t the election Nov. 4. 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church Church Church Priends Meetiq Service. Walnut-Vine Rev. Leonard Bute" Fourth Street near High llH30 a.m., Sunday School. Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9:30 a.m., ~unday. School. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 11:00 a.m., Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m., Sunday, Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m., Sunday Me~g '10:30 a.m. Morning Wor.hip 'Service. Service. . for Worship (unproY oum Fellowship. a,nd Bibl~ .... .. 6;~0·~!1D. YQu~ F.~UoWJ~ip- ':30· p~m., '\V~~y, PraJer .. grammed). • ' jr. high & sr. high ~e. · ',' Study " ':4' p.m. Wednesday 'choir .,. St. Augustines Ohurch rehearsal L YTLB Harveysburg Full Gospel High Street Church Rev. Jo.eph H. Lutmer, SpriDg Valley Church Uni~d IIethodiat '7 a.m. & 11 a.m. Masses of Christ . D 'd T OhWtlrCU· ... _dh M' . E. South Street 8 •.m. & 8 p.m. Holy Days Glady Street . aVI • .UU' . , ~~ . Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 10'00 M mln VI h' '9:30 a.m., ~~y,I ' Worship .,·d O p.m. Fir.t Friday . a.m. 0 g ors lp Service. ' . , ' 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 1:~ a.m. Daily Mass '7:00 p.m. Evening Wor.•hip 10'30 .~'S " ~~ iO:.i L' : 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young 8 00 W dnesda E ' . a.m.,. UDWlY iXDOO People's Service : I~·m h' e . y venang 7:00 p.m., Sunday, Evening Mary's Episcopal 10:00 a.m. Sunday School ors Ip . W~r.hip Service. con. Ohurch 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening dueled by youth. Third & Main Streets
.. '_ Scbopl . .
Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11 : 15 a.m., Morning Prayer 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays; tJQly Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays.
FERRY Ferry Church of Ohrist Wilmington Pilce & Social Row Road Bu~ 'Wiseman, Minister 9 :00 a.m., Sunday Bible ·School. iO:15 a.m., Sunday Worship. 10:15 a.m., Sunday Youth Worship. 6:30 p.m., Sunday 'Evening Bible Study, all ages. 7:30 . p.m., Evening Worship. 7:30 .. -p.m., Wednesday, Mid- week Prayer and Bible Study.
United Methodist Church Thi,rd & North Streeu L. L. Young, Minister 10:15 ,a.m.,. Church at Worship. 9: 15 a.m., Sunday Churr.h at S~dy.·
6:00 p.",'.:. SJUlday, Youth FelJaw.hip.
Christian Baptist Mission Main Street Mrs. lois Dunaway - Pastor Sunday School - 10 a.m. Morning Worship - 11 a.nn. Evening Worship - 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 7:30 p.m. PraY4er Meeting, Thursday: 7:30 p.m. Song-fest - Last Saturday each month -7:30 p.m.
Genntown United Church of Christ R01,lte 42 at Genntowll Ftay.Stornner,Pastor 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10: 30 Sunday Church School 5:00 p.m. Sunday Youth Fellowship
, SODY'S DBIVI:-IR WAYNEI~.LLE, 01:110 : .:
\ .
10 . ;" , .,'.
, -." l,t
Mound Street E . . Friend Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday school 10:30 a.m. ~~ing .W orship
Spl'iDi V&1ley FriendS Ohurch
\\'A¥NE.VI ___.,:.,... .._~, : •
pickup. Bee at .. 137 S. Main. .' 24c1 1966 'LaSabre 400 Buick, P.B., P.B., R&H. 2·dr hardtop. PhOlie 897·6676 Rober't Planck. 23c2 1
2 SNOW tires almost new, mount ~11 on rim . 7i5x14. S15.00 for pair. Ph . 897-2165. 24cl 1963 OLDS Stution Wagon, 9-pa"senger, ranio, heater, power steering, power brakes, S600 or trade for gooc1 pick up t.ruck. 897·4467., 24c2
FREE: A folding highchair, blond double bed with box springs and mattress, matching vanity dresser with mirror, 2 year baby crib and ~att.ress also assorted little boy's clothes from 6 mo.·3 yrs. Phone 897·2378. 24c1
FOR Sale: .Thurs., Fri.. Sat . Glassware, t,oys, lots of dishes ann misc., IIL:!O 61 Ford Pickup Truck at $350. Gpen 10 a:m. till 7 p.m. at the Mt . Holly Market. 22c4
HEATING Stove for sale. 75,000
KEEP carpets beautiful des:lite foot · steps of a busy family . Buy Blu>;:' Lustre. Rent electric shampooer 81. Wayncsville Furniture Co. 24cl
·BTU with blower. $50.00. Phone 897 ·4350.
TAYLOR·TOT stroller, S10, and boy's 26" bicycle, $15. Phone 897· 2378. 24c1
Services HAVE your carpet look like new for Thanksgiving. Call Paul'" expert car· pet cleaning today. Ph. 932·7876.
Polaroid Camera S25. Beltmassager $25. Both like new. Phonc 397·6876. 23c2
. ONE wheel utility trailer, $40.00. Human hair faU $20.00 Ph. 897~~
MADAME Arlene, gifted reader and adviser tells past, present and future Four miles north of Lebanon, Rt. 48. Look for sign. 24cl
APPLES and cider. Lumpkin's Fruit Farm. 2 miles South of Centervillc on 48 to · Nutt Rd., East one-half mile. 21ctf
REEDY Plumbing-For your complete plumbing iDBtallation and reo pairs. Call 897-6629, Waynesville. ' 2~1
House For Sale
HOME repair and maintenance car· penter, concrete, sheet metal painting, roofing and e1ectric~. Phone 74a-2982. 21ctf
695 Franklin Rd. Waynesville,· j rooms, kitchen, and bath downstairs, 2 rooms up_Gas, ' furnace and water I:teater in cellar, attached garage_ Clean needs no repair. Immediate possession.
Charles T. Ellis
CONSTRUCTION work, eaves sport· ing, roofing, cement work, storm windows, aluminum Biding and general repair. CaU Edward Reeder. Ph. 382-3690 W"Jlmington or contact Tbr Waynesville Lumber Co. 2~'3
R.R.2 Waynesville, Ohio ., Ph. 897~6"53
FARM fencing, barn painting ' and repair. Free estimates. Phone MiddletoWn 423-1424 or 422·7494. 17ctf TOY Poodle Stud Service, AXe Regifttered. White or Apricot. ISO. Appointment only. Phone 89741'8.
NEW ~ng8lement ring, 14K yeUow '.' ··gold, I diamond, still i~ caire, ;- ;-sise, ' 5.1/~ '· i125. P~one 9~2-1217. ,
/'4 ' K
'.' ,'f.' ,.~ ~.~
. , ",. .
"~ .- ,.... ~ 'Ii"
, 110U
' U~6~'"
CHRYBLER Newport 4·dr. hardtO~. P.Sr"R&H, Air. 11,000. ~e 8t'.15 ,S. 3rd. W~yn~viJle. 24cl
.,. roa:
SALE: Chrome dinette set, pitcher seta, hot ~h~!)late sets, : cof. ,. ,¥,. fee ' tables. 897·6611. 2~1
HelD Wanted OIVE your family a Chri~tlllas to Hemember-enrn good money selling AVON Cosme!ics ann gift itrllls ill your spare timr. St~rt now. Call 426-0309 or write A\'on- 322!) Bayfh·ld Dr. Dayton, Ohio 24c3 PART·TIME Income for perRon with drivers IisceD!1e for intown Wayne/;· ville motor Itt. Contact Charlt's L. Fry. Jou:-nal Heraln Rep. Call col · lect. 223·1111 ext. 278 24cl RTORE clerk. exprrience not nece~· f.ury. Apply in person et Waynrs\'Ille Farmers Exchange. 24ct' EXPERIENCED 897-6165
P h0ne 24cl
MAN with chain sew to cut fire· rillce wood. Phone 8fl7 -4277. 24c 1
, Real The former Tom Norris home in Waynesville. Featuring 2 or 3 bedrooms, fireplace, 45 x 15· foot family room, 2-car garage, built-in, stove. Vacant. Price $19,500. ' The Bob Townsend Home. This bea1l1tiful home has' 4 bedrooms, fireplace, 2~ bath~, full basement, 2~ car garage, central air conditioning. Brick and framle construction, early American design. Price $38,000.
. ""
, AMiu., ~"I.l
FUNERAl: H'OM'E ."ww'
. ...
;,P,~ ,. '8~-7~j9,31 or. 89T-2241 . ' ' .gOB SMIl"H . . . . "'J·} BA€KHOE,;-.£-icAVAlJNG 'SEPTlC ·.SV~TEMSt
.' ' CULVER,fs':~tN$rALl:>ED '·'.tR(NCHING GRAVEt!,~ ~ top . ,SOIL t ' COMPO.ST t F~LL OIRT~
FAIR~'i' ~L~~bi(: ..,
House for Sale 222 South 3rd Street, Waynesville, 4 rooms and bath, base· ment, ~ acre lot, wall-to-wall carpeting, new furnace, other , new interior if!lproyements.· $~,500. Edward Lamb. .
Bottle Gas For Loeated on Route '2, I ·
of Route 73; . W~ynn\.me.
, ,1 , '
Phone 89'1-V988 - -- - - -_._--
' PR ,U DENT A.t...'{:\ . LD'E INSURANOE OOItlPAlfY " _I
Life - Health . Retirement Plan . .
933·2182 RanocIeIina '
Guttl" Panlling
• :
Rllfint .. 'SWint
Route 2 Pekin Road WayneivUle, Ohio ,
. Call
'11111 I.E11,11
885·311' . AGENTS FOR ,THIS AREA: Betty
ill.t ·
:II I" R'1,' ,
-1 ".
-', ·897-5966·
Now Ava.ila.ble Winter Storage For Your O~mpere
'Il ,
' . .'......,
All 69 ModelS , New and. Used
WANTEJ;l: ride t.o Kettering Hospi. tal. 7a.m. to 3 :30 p.m. sJtirt. Ph. 8S5·3282. . 21ctf
Phone 9JU309 '
:.' ',"', 8·~.tJbbs.
. A~~: '
WANTED: Donation of push lawn 1II0wel'll. Any condition. For use in Special Education class in Way'lt' Local Junior High ~hool. Call 89724cl 8706.
,l21 ,f> MAIN ST, X£KIA. ;.OHIO
WA~TED: ride to Kettering HOIpital. • 11 p.m. to 7 :30 a.m. shift. Ph. 885-3282. ' 21citf
Ph 897·5000
WANTED to buy-50 WIed pianoll, writE' Box 542, Wilmington, Ohio. 21ctf
Tom Florence Realty
', RaGER . ,D . ARnfUR
' .
P hOD e· 18nctf
CANVA8 Repair: Tt'nts, campe~s & hOl'lt tops will r<'place all types of zippers. Contact .the residence of .Tf'l'se E . Smith, Jr. Miami St. WIlYn~!I\'ilIe. 24ct f
FOUND: 1 ' yr; old German Shepherd, male, ' black and tan. Phone ~97 7761. 24c1
WAN'rnD: Babysitting. 8G7-5D21. Ask for , Jean.
WANTED to buy: Trapped furs of all types. Loc.at.ed at Cornstalk Rd., 24c2 Spring Valle~,., Ohio.
. LoAt· &. Pobnd
homt'o Ph: 897-2177.
,S07 ·6876.
""row ' gpnnii:- ~uty dRli~;" w.. . take appointmen&l anytime. PIa. 897.'3,9S. ' ,Bet'
n' ~ !. l ~ ~
WANTED: Baby ~itting in my
a tilirtme~t.
1,1t ,'r 'II r,i CI
(1900 plfoli ' ~)
Ttuck I~ ',~
II J-4111
82 SOUTH MAIN ST. ". PH. 897-7946 GR'EASE JOBS , all 'C~~ES . . FLAT TIRES REPA'IRED , TIRES- TU8ES-BAtTERl.£;~ ' ·I~ .~ FAN BEL TS'",!HOS£S ", ", '.'; t
.,h ~
': ~
Cleat .~rY.lt·al-Uke
'~te.l ~>, :2';P,:m. \Mpn_y .at;~e
~ StUbbs "'~tmd Home for Stan-
ley L Andenon~ 86. : ' 'Andenon died Friday mom- , ig ~~~, resi.e pn I;aat ~ytle , , "Five POiJit Rbad near Dayton. Sumvon include his widow" Dorothy; ' a daughter, Shirley ; , sCheid of Spring.val1ey; ·a, grand~ son and a sister, Mo. Nanny McConajhy of Norwood. , ~ Burial was in Miami Valley . r Memory Gardens. " ,
appearance When ' a' beaten Whole lraw, • is added to the boiliDl Jjquid just before aerving. The "II aettles unwanted puticles to the bottom.
Where Is It11' f~ weren;t :fooled
'by the angular shot of the Pur·' key apartrRent hOQSe adjacent the Corwin ,Market. 1bose ·who " , . " :' : " ' identified the 'buUdmg:included I'i HEART ASSOCIATION.~,••.•••, Debbie, Thompspn, Gla/dys ~rray, Dale ' . Thom~n, Shirley (continued from page '1) McKeever, . G~~g ~d, Rhon4a , StU~ents,,:'~ ~ appr:oved and,' 11 Smith ,(Minmi Gu,~tte re~ets' " :, -heait-screening program for in~ ,excluding the nan,es 'a~~enta1ly r' school testing of children in some frOlJ1' last week's ' Where , Is' Ittl) 20 area schools will be con· Tom and Rodney Coffman, tinued this yeu. Audrey Arthur, .Bruce Hogan, " Billy'Morgan, Richar(J 'Peak, Slle, Ferguson, ,Rimdy Sauter, Julian Farley, Debbie and Jimmy Coff~, Cora Randolph, CollJ)ie and Tmll~ ' .Ef.18i.ngton "',and Danny \ HolliJidS~~. · ]be Wliere Is It? may be id~i1t1· tied . by plwning The ~ Gazette at 897·5921. I"
, I
consummes gain
STANLEY ' L ·ANDERSON .:: , - , / ' : --meta we,re ','con. -
1::,-. ,, ,·'B.iJ.1 " :, 18,1':
. t· . ·
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If '"
Mr~ and ,Mts. ~~hiel ffia~bell, .. ". .~~~~~~~ of 160" SOuth. 1liiia· /Str«!elJ. Waynesville '.I 8J~'" arin'~cin. ~
.hirf:h' .~f; • ~n,/~s,~l ,;~Jt~ ", '" HubbeU; nt, NoV.~'i 4~ at '{~feen~" ': , ' . 'A I
/II. ~"'1
I 6
• ""
filii Y'.' ~,_ Q-.I,","~ 'I I E'I 2,,I ,....~ IIII , :flf~.~
Bazaar Houn . 11:00 8.m. to 9:00 p.m.
12, oz.
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New.mai..~~""""_"""bullO~",,,,,,,·,,,,,_ ia ........ "Y-. acpubIic" JMaa - . ..... - . f..u, _ .... ~ ~ lady ~ rodras. ~ " - i a .
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Grandp8Ilenu;1tlelude.Mt. 'an ;'
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B~own ,and ' Mr.
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K~ner,: }lou, all
o(. ·W'aynesvillll, , and Mr. , 8Iild MrS. Ead 'Hubbell i " and"Mn.~ Pred C."; HublJell. all'" ~f." ~~; Ferry. " ". " " ••
'~~oSpitai" i"
" Y.. - ,
Evening 'Meal Adults $1.50 , ' ,;l:hifdren $.75
'at ' Xe~1 ' Michael 'II ' weiJh~d 7 l~s. and' '
MemoIjal .'
. -
•• j '
' \.
at I Wayne,sville, Ohio
9-':'-'- Waynesville, Ohio
Em:&rgency lerve Cenftrlnclude"s:,
1¡1 . Polic e' Oepartment 'Facility
.. ~
By Dennis ,Dalton later this week a new early However; Chief leMay said The remodeling ,and consoliAmerican wood ' sign will com- that he would welcome II)Y.one . ' dation of Waynesville's , emer- . plete exterior identification. interested in viewmg Waynes::~\ gency nerve: communications The entirity of the lawen- ville's most modem police. ",~, center is nearing completion forcement complex won't be emergency comm~nicati.ons facilthis week in the southwest corcompleted for a few week's yet, ities. The center may be toured ner of leMay's Band R Oeaners. according to Police Chief Cflarles at the convenience of the ~tor. ,A remodeled and redecorated leMay . storage' room has been nearly .....~-------------------------------------------------- , converted for compact centralization of village communications and phone answering and re: Editor!s Note: Our Vietnam and market, ask where they are. ceiving and dispatchi~g for the other servicemen are protecting Waynesville American ~. WaynesYille ' Police Department, ' their nation in order that its Unit 615 members, and Vietnam , Wayne Township Fire Departcitizens might have continued servicemen's mothers will collect . ment and C. B. React. ' Merry Christmases. We can all Servicemen Gift Contribution .The new facilitv includes an bOxes Saturday. make a small cash or gift conentry-waiting area, communicatribution to give them a big tiO,l1$ room and a room for files, Gift items drop~d into ,the Christmas. Wi, t hout them, wou.ld tec,o~ds anl~ c~n~uUation area. boxes will be pac~ed in Chtistwe have Christmas? We cared "'. , All ,are handsomely complim~nted by antique gold .carpet, 'melenough to send them there. Do m~ boxes and mailed to servicemen in Viet~am and other_ low wood, wall panel,ing, early w~ ca~e enough to send them a pa~terned wallpa~r Merry Christmas? If you don't c.ountries. Post office deadliiles ancl. ml<XI'~n tile ce'iling , and light- - ,\-., s~~ the contribution boxes in for mailing packages air, mail overse~'" is Dec. ' 1O. " 'Do~ 's '~ar"'et ~nd Ellis' Supe'r-
'ittl.. Illdl.I", Chrill.. I. "
. sub.s cri.Pti'on. '." ..... , ". ~.
, .
..'. f-
The MIAMI, .GAZETTE ." P. 0.' (,
ilo~ 18~;
Ohio 4~· . '..
. :., '1' " feel it's a lV,1P.!k.~~~~t~Jr.,Jt5e',:p.lrOI
· W . .
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:I ADDRESS -' - - : - - - - - - -...,.'~-_.:..:..:.._:.,;..'_'.-..:....:..'_\~ , I· ~.
·1 Cl!y-t--.,;...:...--_ · '_' _ _ _ _ STATE I
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of. They in some kina ·of Well, we've .' been .. ' trouble b(~fo ...e and we ........,'" "'."....... ,. ways managed to get' alit . . and I beHeve we ·can. get ~·~t~9!·:f.~i:~~i.iil~r~iij~g\jt&,ifi~r..siiae
" J'
it this time. ' I for on.e don't want to see : ' .~J' our place given to Landmark. and I'm sure all of y,ou feel the same ·way. I think it's 'time each town; ,two sisterS; ' Mrs. ' O~al ' . O'Neill o'f Jacksohvtlle, FIa. '-ani' of us cal](~d the Board of Directdrs.Na6rrii Russell of Lantana, . tors and ll~t them know that we Ra., iwo' ~rothers, Ori.n of Day.' '. aren't in favor of the B~~rd . of ton and Hayes Qf Arkansas' and' . Directors giving away our t.1il1, a number of grahdchildren. · ' ; after working so long to bUild it Funeral servfces were con-" up. I get pretty mad when, I think dueted 'at the Earl Smith and of ' some. on Ie stea,l~ng my 'p'ro~~~iY : Sob ' HJneral .Home at' 1; Wbrt~; 'fla': BUfiat was ih' pHie-:' and that is what Landmark '.is crest Ceme.te(y at Lak~ Wdrtt(: ;~ ;1 . trying to' do,. and it look~ like Jr' "".f . i, -~ r ~ I no one is ~:oing ~o· stop tl:\em .., . 'ot' If you people fe~l the ..:sarile· as I do, e~ill ·t.~e ~(i)ar4. 9rDirec., Sfl tors and let them .! know: your , feelings. '.' " .'; , ",,:. ~e~ ypu, ha~e t~~ Chan'ce' : ,.' - " .... .... < " ' . !. , • - .; '. ' :. .>
I DATE --------.:.... PHONE - - - - - - I
---:-:'" -:-- -.- . .......
_ __ _ _.
~ ,.
HOMER Ii. 'l{AM'BY Homer JI. 'Ram~y, ' 84, of l.an~an~, ·Ra. died .Friday. ' H~ ~_~. f~rl11er resident of Wayne'sville. . • Survisors:inel\lde a son, Edwin .. of Way.n~svuie-; a d3~ghtei; Mrs. ' . Charlotte lbinnes .of Middle•
. 'j,.
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.I '. y·n. 11·11 :. :' .:· ' :.-·t',r' ~ .S:. r i i C.t " •
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100(i900':, ~~~.I,; ~;.k:). :: 1,\', ., ",7,·B~~~~~.JY-~ ). ,.~ ,1',: ;
'pHONE 1·1 7• 4 0·l8·
: ' j:Ndc. Widi' .~ . . '.' ,Co tilt .~t.,Dk ~' .
' "'..
$k Jla1ll/; !f. ~~ f!JuJlic ~"6~ NOVEMBER 15, 1969 Lofts The King's Pleasure Braun Here's Bob . ·Godden In This House of Brede Westcott The White Rose ART EXHIBIT BY: MRS. HELEN KOBERTSON & MR. GEOt{GE WALL .both •of Harveys.burg 4th STREET WAYNESVILLE, OHIO PH. 897-4826
.' .. '
- EIeven" .',
Ten Radio .
To the people of Warren County and the surrounding area and to my many friends and former customen. I have m.:ided to return to the auction profession in . which I have been licensed, bonded, and a graduate 9f the iieisch American School of I-\uctioneering for the past 14 yean. Although I have been temporarily inaCtive, many of you know that I am qualified and have over 10 yean experience handling tlVery type of auction sale. . Th.efore, if you plan to have an auction in the.future, I would appreciate your considering me as your
auctioneer. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank once· again the many people that I have served i'n the past and hope that you will remember me in the future.
GIIIII,Y 111111:. fOI ,
lulalida· By Dennis Dalton
light and laughter will fiX the scene at Waynesville this holiday beginning Nov. 26. That day will be decorating day in the business district, according to plans made by the Wayne Retail Merchants Association. Merchants will Christmastize downtown Waynesville with a community Christmas tree and Yule street lighting. Tree lights and street units contributed last year by the Waynesville Area Chamber of Commerce and local merchants and citizens will be traditionally loc~ited under an old fashioned theme, "Christmas 1791" (Waynesville's natiVity). 'The "Spirit of Christmas past" will be instilled in the community with a careful harmonization of the' Holy Nativity and modern Christmas' custom to the tune of " ~ Christmas Carol." Charles Dickens immortal Christmas story will set an appropriate mood since the noted ,. ". ~glish a~thor visited Waynes, .~~ ~e in 1~~ durin;8 his ,t~~r of \ t~ Unit~d ,Stat~. Jie lo~,ed at '-'~~~~~~~';-;'~~A-.~~~~';'::':'~~4.:-~-;;.;.-~.!--:---~.....:.;~-.-~~.~~~-~~ . all early s(ageeoaclllian,' now the , '. hQme of Mr. ~d M~s. · Finley - . BrQWD at Third and High, S~reets. Wayne Retail Merchants are in~olving the entire community 'I" in "Christmas 1797" by solicit'. ing . the help of all persons or Christ~
Decorating Tree.
" ., "
To .Spread Lear,upg; .: 'j'1. j,. "
I "'.'
The ·coming. 01 Olirlatlan- ' 'itY "brought. q; !conttnulng ' concern- with reUgtous . sub- , Jects, as the text for Jllumln_a~ maJ;l~npts. ~onas~r~ , . l~' ~ JlOP~'iand Syria were "euIy deQIcated to ,t he cr~a the development l~arn-
.' TreiJ$*,re,J Today In t~~ pre~B:~t1~)D ,of mu~ ~ated ~ll1Scrlpts, a mas-
ter art1s~ lo ften set tJle style for copylS,t s nnd assistants to follow, Since even the decoration of an lnltlal letter could be a m.aj9r. >~~Jec't. , , A single letter'mlght occuiPY an entire PJLge, and a • ; complete SCEtne 'o r ,mhilature ~,~.:. ~paintlng might be contained .• __,. ___ the boundaries of, for '~Imitarlce. . ~Il : I~~w.l ' '~C" " or
, The.gaily decorated tree so , much a part of Christmas has its counterpart in trees adorned with colorful trinkets during the ancient feasts 'of ,the winter equinox. This pagan ,custom of decot~tJng evergreens became associated ' with ChristJD~ observances, and legends link I~ to the birth of Jesus. One such story says that on the nlght of the Nativity, all the woodland 'trees burst into . bloom and bore fruit.
. 'SiRgirig•c:,~,;,.
groups interested in ' making Christmas tree ornaments or carolling. Mis. Glen Smith, Retail Met· chants Chairman, is acting 'Is coilsultant for handcrafted 'tree ornaments. , Rev. LL Youn's of the. Waynesville United Methodist Church is organizing choral groups for a "Christmas 1797" . opening Nov. 28 and weekend carolling. "Christmas 1797" will offl.' cialIy get underway at 7 p.m. . Nov. 28 when Santa Oatis ar· rives by antique ' sleigh to visit . area youngst~r$ and light Waynesville's community tree at the Waynesville National Bank Pa~~g I.ot on North and Main Streets. Traditional Christmas music, both choral and instrumental. will background opening 'ceremonies. Visits from Santa and street. carolling will continue on week~ ends until <;brist~:',Waynesville . shops will feature ext.ended hoon for the comfort and convenience . of49~Rtq~ ~o[J~rs. . ,~, ~ .~' .. 11ie''tmamJ,'l:iatettel' .ur... .·,v " Waynesvilie's big Cliristma~ ~~.;" -, bration with extended cir~ulation ~ of the Valley shopper -Christll\&S' supplement. . " . The ' Christmas Shopper supplement will ' reach every Miami GaZette subscriber Nov. 19' in the Gazette. On N~v: 24, The Shooper alone will be mailed to all residents of the Waynesville, Harveysburg, Spring Valley and Bellbrook areas. Both editions will entreat area citizens to ''Come to Waynesville and get into 'the Christmas spirit." AS, one Retail Merchant &Sociation spokesman put it ... "You can find it here."
Vester'year , '8 CustolD8~ve
At' "ole'tl-de
,With voices lifted: In hartnPDY for "Silent Nlght,l"'The , . ,·I : ", ' - ' FIrst Noel"'and other'beloved Candies and ,- ~rols, trees SO~gsr. today's carolers carry a~4 treats, gifts and greens OD a -Christmas custom that ~, an~ ~aJita ClallS, of course. ~ J: : ;~ ' :: ~ originated centur.1es ago. Wherever Christmas ls -celeimlnl\JscrlptS;' hi fact, In , t he fow;thcen~~~' 4D., "brated, these symbols' ··seem 8~,.~."''''.a6·'. ' tbe work ,.·n ot only st. BaSU was 'pr,,1sed with 'a ,to appear. " ,than, ' ~I]P ' ;.rt\st but , ~~sl~al '~in In~onar , otthe . 'In the modern era of rapid : th~lrl~~ ge.~l"atlort communication, there ' is -a fight, 1 0r . ~~~tl~p1ty over ~·4' ~ !\~ " tl\.'e B~ntlile ~I;)eror JUlgrowing unUormity in the , ~~ ~~r. .iIl,'O~e, legep~ . - . ways that people,everYwhere " ~~S~. ~,~l~,~~re ,~t ~o lD\lSlc ', chOQse to mark the holiday. and ~1tng.: at-ChrIStmas and . Yesteryear's customs how, ~ ~.~e ·Ne.~ ~~~. ,;: ~,' , , ·,:'eyer, ,stlll h~ve their pI~c,e in " .. " " t;,.tn\ncls!~ :~$lsl.l~.~h,e ", ' modernceJebratlOrl$.'·· I~'8 'a li.t.lilintltlrobillit;:~Ln:~f!lltJl'i: 'n.~lm"'n ...' ' ; , :'!Dage s of ~Q1110 lp smg:-.: case 9f · "the' more things t;iea~t);ir;tj~~Sj[ii"lb)!.,.~ :, 1.\Jijg "bY.~hs ~t\~~~,~· #» . ~Jle , . ',change; the. : theJ , ~ '. wu!:m-' ~r ~ .C~~lst GJt"d wijen in the '~3tll .· .} same,'· as coin~ ' /:::i;<jl;:~W>;~:f~If:t~ " h~ c~atecl a ~N\PJ't ' ' tl1ls,ltaUa , . ~ -. town. ," , " • r
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rl~~ . . 'ofouid , ~ragrances o!i5;~ :"" Far ' Her ~ ,
iSaturday, .Nov. "22, AT 1 P.M. AT THE OFFICES OF r,HE ~I~I t;;Az~TTE, CORNER .OF MAIN AND ' MIAMI ~SJREETS, . WAY,NESV~ LLE. v, • ,: .'
, ,. P.r!w·.·~ Gallery 'I
in .
~ hlstQric Wa~ Square, Wa~nesv~le is named ..rio~ed journllliit', Drew Sweet, 1l native. of England, who " . ;fint Miami 'Gazette news~per :· in February !" . . •
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Hubbell's, Warren County's Newest Barber Shop located In Historic ,Waynesville. Next to Fairley's ~ Hardware Store. Open fp r ' Yo,Ur ~onyenlence Mon. - We.d. 8:'3 0 - 6:0Q, Thurs',F ;'. 8: 30 ,- 8:00, and Sat. 8:00 - 5:00.
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It's time ,to think of Christmas .. '~ . and we're,"rolling out the,'red carp¥t" " to invite 'you 10 ~ome iii ana see ' wond eriul.,, s.lect 'on of 'gift ·id~s for , the Holidays. ",
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Your accou nt is Paid-Up 'pi,d we ~a~t you to Icno,w that your nori( i$' ~n' 9ur list of Prefe;red', Credit c."iI' 't oin• ."•. &.OUI'to , account is -alw ays. n .'~b·')ftf ~;aay .: .~ '¥t. . use.
There's no bette r time to Ose your Account thao',~ righf" now ~ when selec- . ,.,est. So pleas e tions are at' theit ve~i 'r come in soon and II,Cha~ge it". "
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Sweaters look bette r thq ~,@,C!f.~ , says Santa, and he's 8Coj))~ ' up a grou p for the sweater~ git18 on his list. Take a smar t tip, , do your shop ping early"toQ. ' The styles are just gr~~i:" We gift wrap. ,f <li!~I' ;':
:For YQur lady ,
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" ~ff' ~Hll8 ,and :lace.,to:~~am' 'in."" ~OO8e her ·J'sl~py..~·' ,. t~~ , giftS
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of' holid ay topp ings sure to ' ple·ase the .gals on your list. .'
NEW HOURS 9-8 Sat. 9-8
4'x 7' CORAL .
And Up
. PI'easing Pattern of Small. A,c~~st~1 Perfora,ions. ..
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;';:, ~) G:~e.st~leltidn of ic~:li:~~~ in ~~" .~'" . ~ . ~.
pla,n', decorator. and acoustical. Select ;E your favorrite from our large display of Armstrong Ceilings.
• Easy to ins'tall • Washable • Perfect for any room
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1111111 IIPI. IIIII _...-...-'-PH.-, 89 7
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BE SMART ••• JOI" ~I;f! ° 1
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Under controll • ~ ' . That's the •
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feeling our ,h qppy 'Chrii,.,,'b s , . '..
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, Club members have about hol~ iday expenses. Be smart. ;,, . '
under ~ontrol ••. ioin ·nowl' ;
\ As a full service bank, we offer you a , variety of opportunities ~ make ,money, save money, save time, I?orrow wisely: protect cash and po$8e88ions• .-Here's ~:l ': ' ,,' ,'" :" '\.- ~~ Partia1list . .: . . ' t...
Checking AccOunt
A~· -, t~ftI
Savings 'Account
Self. Deposit Trav.lers~"'eclcl BanlCing-by-Mail
Penonal Loans Butin_ Loans Drive-Ia .... , inl ,
Certificate of~III-" percent "
For your coav,miente
HcMpital Care
W.tea- It, sewer ~~ Po.t!{~ Ie Light
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I i f t I fir , hi. htin f ••H, I~~, Ilrly
~e ~~, ~ccept paymehb of: .
~ ,y.ller_ ~n ,Sanitary Yo.. '~' may ,Iso,' lip up for lUVice. of. Power aDd ~t.
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Come. Chrtst.mas, an~ ~lt~es eve~l:ier(' ' ~~~w', ~, tradition of setting up a' co~unlt1 ChrJst;uiaa.:~--<· Ii custom whicb Qegan. elP'ly ~ thta, Century: ": In 1909, citizens of Pasadena, CaUf., dec~~t:ed ',an . evergreen on Mount Wilson as the tree of the city. _T he year 1912 saw community Christmas treea'eRCted ,\ In Madison Square, New 'York, N. Y., and on the COm- ; mon in Boston, Mass. Independence Square in PhUadelphia, P.a., showed otllts first community tree in 19~~; President · Calvin CooUdge inaugurated the cuStom of a national communlty Christmas tree in WaShlngton, D.C., when he was presented with a large evergreen by the University ~f Vermon~, in 1923. 'r • I' ,
BY .. ...,..,• • •9 ' lion lor th~se a~liated' With,the , 1II.rtiJI~' :- ',' .chUrch. Special music and read : . ,h '.,~. ' '. , ir,t~ a4d~d to ~e progr;8m.
~~" and Mrs. uwis Hoagland entertained at their home Sunday afternoon 'honoring their daughter Caroi with ,a surprise birthday party in honor of her 21st bir1th:day. . The ,BYF of Jonahs Run Church met in the social room Sun~y evening and made plans for fall ·activi'ties. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brothers entertained Wednesday evening in honolr of Eddie Wayne's. fifth birthday. Guests were Mrs. Sue Ann Caiman, grandmother, and Jim, Dav'id and Lorie Caiman. Mrs. Judy McConnaha is home follOwing surgery at Doctor's Hospital in Columbus. Her condition ~~ reported to be satisfactory. . Mr. ~!lDd ~s., . Willard Taylor of Xeoin were Saturday. evtning ~ests of the aint Taylors'
. , Betty Hoagland has accepted emp-l?~. ~nt~nea~ ~enteiVi1le. . . . ;,'yo"r", YR.i~er o'\ ba~k aft,er an msehce1• of:' seVeral ',w~eks , and Charlotte Anderson returned , sincerely' wants to thank Carol home Satura3Y from Grandv'iew f~r . ~ ~c~ ~~J>, she did ~e 1 . e~pi~ ~~r~' she' had u~derwas away. go~e ~ tonsillt=Ctomy. Massie Grange m~f in r~gular Mr. and MIS. Donald Grismer returned home Saturday after session Monday everung With spendblg 1S ,delightful days in Wotthy Master Floyd Jialmer. The Warren County ,~g beautiful uaWaii. team made "up. of members of ·Mr.· arid ':Mrs. Harold Gillam the six Granges in th~ county were 'Sunday guests of Mr. and was present at:ld in.uinea ~th~ -MIS. William Doster. officers for the coming yem. Mrs. as. rucker and Mrs. Rpss Villars was made' the Robett Brandenburg were Master. hostesses for the WSCS meeting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price . held Thursday afternoon at the 'were ,in ~l)arge 'of a program pre.. 'church. Mrs. Helen RobertSon :sent~~ ,.Sun<J8.y. m~niirig at: ~~ Mrs. Marth3 Morrow'~,ere in ' Jonahs Run :Church· honoring,all, . charge of the program. men that have served in the Bill Willis is home -folloWing surgery at Qinton Memorial HosHow Many 'Holiday.? Armed Forces. with special menpitat. ' . Mrs. Ra.e Thornbury' an _ d Mrs. Traditionally, Belgians ~elebrate three holldays at the Woods of Lebanon, attended , Christmas season - beg1nservices 'at )ol'ahs Run .Church rung 'with st. Nicholas Day, ," '~ .- ~ '. December 6~, ~hen the'gpod Sunday. " b" d- Co ,-·, ·~ ~, saint .brings gifts fa-r " Chil" PI ans are . emg rna e ')or'~ll dl:en. '· ..... ,~ ., ..~ ': '; .:~ '. ... . commuOltf Thanksgivin~! pro;:·:' : Then 'comes - St': ' Thomas ~ r~, ..~". ' , .,' 9. Day; 'Jjece~ber ' 21st~ It's a gram to '1)e 'he d at the Woited sort of "trtck, Qr : tre~t~~' _day for ,schOOl childre~ who ,try Methodist ChureJl , 'J'hankSgiving eve~g" Nov. ~6: ' ' -. '" ~.pl_y tricks on ,their teach, carol Schuster is currently e~~he third holiday, of -,employed in·Waynesville. . is Chrlstmas. '. .
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Senior Citizens of Wa)'neaYille enjoyed. "carry-in" ~er ii1 the . United Methodist Social Room on November 11. A short busiJiess meeting was cOnducted. Following dinner, Mrs. iutie Irelan introduced one of .her kinderga~en classes and an Armistice Day prog,am was presented ,by them. The next meeting will be November 25 at 1 p..m. The members of the Day Missionary Group of the First Church of Christ had a "carry.in" lunch November 12. Eleven members attended this meeting. The lesson included the booklet, "The HalVest is Plentiful," This booklet covers some of the work done by Dr. James Frasure and the work he has done in Mrice. Mrs. Ruth Shoup, Mrs. Artie . Edwards, Mrs. Mabel Davis, Mrs. Alice Morgan, Mrs. Nellie Charlton, and Miss FJizabeth Chandler attended the meeting of Region 16 of the Ohio Association of
Garden Cubs on Wedne~day, Nov. 12 at HillsbOro. .
The : New' Cen~ry Cub will meet on the ,Friday after Thanksgiving, Nov~ 28, instead of Nov. 21 as written' in the Year Book. Th~ mee~ will take place the Fireside lim at .. :30 p.m.
The Waynesville Garden Qub met. on Thun~y, No~. 13 at the, . home of Mrs. Margaret Hadley with Vice President Mrs. Carolyn Retallick conducting the meeting. call was answered With Thanksgiving sentiment by 18 members. An interesting report of Region 16 was given by the six members who attended. An earnest and urgent plea was made to preserve the last thirteen miles of the Little Miami River and members were urged to write to their Congressman and other influential persons by January II when the Ohio Legilature convenes. . Mrs. Margaret Hadley added to the horicultural report by explainiilg how to protect roses for the winter. Mrs. Glenna Conner was in charge of the program and presented good material on ~he making of a terrarium as a winter plant project using moss, Africat:t
The Wes1t Wayne DiscusSion Gro...p met at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. ' Harold Whitaker on Friday, Nov. 14. ThO$e in attendance were: Dr. ~d Mrll. lfarlan. Dye,,·Mn. , Katherine Fulkerson, Mr. and Mrs. Keller Hoak, Mo. Grace ,prown, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hartsock, Mrs. Mary Rye, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye, Mrs. Dick Irelan and Mr. and , Mrs. Don Workman. A tour fue Whitake~'s newly decorated home was enjoyed after the meeting. Later refreshments were selVed. ~arni Chapter,. O.E.S. met fn ' regular form Monday, Nov. 10 at 8 p.m. . nt the Waynesville Masonic Temple. The new officers for 1970, both elected and appointed, were announced by the Worthy Ma, tron. The next meeting will be ' , Installation of Officers ' on Monday, Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. in the Masonic
A eomn;unity 'Ihari1CsgiVihg Service .for the ·WaytiesVnIe ·&tea will be conddcted Tuesday~ .N9v" 25 at 1:3(r'p.m. 'at the CorWiD Pentecostal HoliIiess -ChUrch. 'nle Rev. Mr. 'H.R. Deeth, Rector of the Episcopal Churches of Warren Colinty ,will deliver the Thanksgiving messag~. . Special mUSic ' wUI ' be pre-
~nte.d by the COrwin PebtecOita( ··Oolitiess Church. Chyr<;h. p~to~: "" ~e' Rev; ~MI. .AI.;y "~in~,WilJ :~' " in c~gtfbfthe Se~c~. ; . it.: The public is invited ,to, at- " . tend thiS Communitr Thanks-:,' giving Service. The offe~g will~ b~ divided between C.R..O..P. and· The ~F~en«:ts Home. t,~
Bakjng Cake. MRS. MCMILLAN SURPRISED Mrs. Herbert McMillan of 210 North Sixth Stree~, ' Waynesville was honored with a surprise birthday party by a group of frien4s Saturday. , , . Mrs. McMillan, who decorates cakes, was cleverly tricked into baking and decorating her own birthday cake by one of .the group. The person phoned her and placed the order as if it were for someone else. Guests included: Mr. and Mrs. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs; William ,Downey, Sr. of Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. William ~wney, Jr. and son of Lebanon; John Downey and sons of Xenia and . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Downey ,and
If the weather on'st. Nich- ~ olas Day, DeCeinber 6th, is ~i mlSty#·, a ,~ Dutch legend can . explain it. st. Nicholas is baking his cakes. TraditIonal' cakes' - Zelten . or tposse ~ are adorned with . different figures. These, chU- ;... dren are' told, are the marks made by St. Nicholas' ~onkey as he steps over the cakes on . his way through the mist.
. . .'
Driving Yule Out .
. The Fireside Inn, WayneArille, East Miami St., % block off Ohio 42. •
HOURS - 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tues. - Sun~, closed Monday MRS. HELEN PRESTON, Public Relations.Director NOW ACCEPTING THANKSGIVING RESER.v~1:IONS PERMIT US TO HANDLE YOUR
Phone 897-7046 Candlelight dining at colonially modest prices is now available at the Fireside Inn in historic Washington Square at Waynesville. Heritage cuisine and extraordinary service and hospitality now ' await you in the direct restaurant lineage established during the village's early history. Inn ·redecoration and refurbishment have also been worked for your comfort and dining pleasure. Pennit ' innkeeper-maitre d' S.R. Wallace and Chef William Hooks, formerly of the. Golden Lamb Inn,. to pamper your palate. Your trip to the Fireside may be made faster and more conveniently than by stagecoach. The eminent English author Cha.rles Dickens.and famed United States statesman, Henry Oay, found Waynesville inn bill of fare superb. You will, too, at the Fireside Inn, ·where the hall· mark is on fine cuisine amidst traditional dining. .
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st. Knut's Day, January 13th, Is the traditional time '. tor ' taking down Christmas : greens in Sweden. According .,~ to custom, as the tree is dls- ~ mantled, 'young tolk dance " whlle their elders sing, ~.~ "Twentieth day Knut driveth '. Yule out." This custom is believed to be derived from the laws of King Canute, written in the early 11th. c~ntury;
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IM-FM RADID $189.95
DJ.7ers ............_ ..Fast dry clothes at
C.AR~'E' Tit E .:150
low temperatures
Martal Halo-o1·Heat' Dryers Surround clothes with ~ntle, r - - - - - ---:----1I even heat. No hot spots, no --.--------11 overdrying!
• Permanent Press Cycle. Full Opening ..safety Door • Fine Mesh Lint Filter • Large Capa· city Snag Free Porcelain Enameled Drum
Ir.will1 'lbe
_llii dillefl.ei!* .
'PLAmc t+t-rHl OR
New.est .~ 'of the world's fastest
"seUing-·cha.in saws . The TRENT. 231M ' , . Custom Compilet Per,sonel -' ~ortebl". Cplor 'tV feeturlnl.'l Og ~q. . . . In. r,ctilnlule~ plc:tur",. ~u new.. .h-.nl:lsome,y deiisned vrnyl cl,t ld ' . metet~blnetJn
C....r~oel ·r.te'-lUc '·
. • coIOf:(Z3504C); or In Sliver· Brown'cofO"CZ3504L):· ...., " . ~ .{I
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wXUIJY CON~ENIE ~-ii!:i':l~mJ.f,~~ttt±1 NOW ATl~PfftCI'TT'r "".......-
.Ihe spIce-saling' , ~olor
Bil Rid Btockinl
Corporal Dennis Jordan, son· of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jordan of Walnut Street' is stationed 'a t ., ,:' Ft. Benning; Ga. . i Pvt. Robert Burns, sori of Mr.. " r t William Burns of Belltirook Av.e. ' 'and brother of Mr. aarenc~ . y Burns of Main St. is home for short leave before leaviilg for Vietnam. (. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jordan of Race St. are the parents of a baby son, born Nov. 7 at Greene Memorial Hospital. They are the parents of four other children. Brett,. Bart, Debbie and Brad. Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins of Franklin Furnace, OhiQ '~ere recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall of Vine St. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Butts, have former . Xenia residents, . moved to the Spring Valley.' Trailer Ranch .Dn .Spting· .¥alley~ Rd. CORRECTION: Barbara Dill w~ one · of two contestants from' , Xenia High School for the Junior Miss Pageant at' Beaver;_ creek Field House.
.. Easy ~o start, e.sy to rLln, . . easy.tcrhandle ' . r • , • Cuts 8~ hardwoqd log in 6 seconds; an 8" softwood .. ,',Io'g,in ~nly 3lh ~condi. . , T~_ke$ ,!p t~ 29" bar; fells '; trees to feet·in dlame"~r
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Pa •• ,Fire
Levy Renewal Spring Valley voters passed" the village's fire levy renewal , during the recent election. A ", total 310 votes were cast for ~ the issue and 81 against~ . . Township Trustee incumben~ " Haines Craig and Harvey Huf(~ won seats over two other candidates. Huff 'Ied the vote with.271. Craig ran a close secondl with 269 votes. Roy Stoneo-; burner and James M. Ragen:. ,! received 138 and 93 votes: ',~r·' ;' respectively. " , .: . James S. Morgan and,incum{ ~"i·.J bent Phillip P. Shade ~r¢ ' £:,. i. elected to Spring Valley viUag~I:' ~ council. They " were' the oIil~i ~ ~ candidates ,for four seats on J'';'" council. Morgan re_c~ed 1~8' \· ' votes and Shade tallied 133. ':.' .' . ~1 Gene F. Reeves, whose··, ~- \Y .'i .W8$ expiring,.received 34 writ~ , ~.. votes. Jack ,R. HOIller, . . . . . /,~ 'finistWig _. tenn, total~d\. 3' .,:' " wr1t~m· voles'. Both had dn~ , .,,,,
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, API, Limb, Pai~r 10:00 .~m.; Sunday SChool~' . " 1:30 p.m.., ,'Sunday, W~a- 1
day and Sattir4ay, , Eve~, W orlhip Services. 7:30 p.m'., WedneSday Youth
: ft.It 'Baptist, Church , .'
North Main Street Jolm~: Oabome, Putor' 'IO~~ a.in., &.Dday School. ' 11:00 a.m., Morainl Wonhip. 6:30 p4D."Tr~1 Ullion. 7:30 p.ID., Evening Wonmp. , 7:30 p.m., Wec:lDesday Praytt , , Meetinl· (Affiliated, w ~.t h Soumem Bapciat CcmVeiltioft). J
, Priendship Baptist Qhurch
Southem Baptist Con~tioft Norman Meadows, Putor 9:30 a.m., Swadaj School 10:30 a.m., Sunday Nomina Wonhip 7:30 p.ID., Sunday Eveninl
Service. ' 7:30 p.m., Wec:lDeaday, Mid-
week Prayer and Bible Study.
PInt Ohurch of Ohriat , But Hip Street Thomu Steveu, MinUter ':30 LDl., Sunday Bible School. . 10:30 a.m~, Sunday WOflmp and CommwUoa. 6:CM) p.lll. "S.,nd., Y Meetia• . 6:30 p .... Suaday, Cuistian Youth Hoar. 7:30 p.aa., Sunda, Even.S , Wonhip. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Bible ' . Scudy. ,
·Pr1ellda Keetilll Fourth Street Bear High 9:30 Lm., Sunday School. 10:4' a.m., Suaday Muting for Worship (Ullpro,,&mmed).
Jo...u Bun Bapt1at Cla1ll'Ch " Ohio 73 But Lester Kidd, Putor 10:00 a.lll., s..cIay School. 10:00 " I i:CJo ,La., sUda,. Worship Service. 7:30 'p..., Suacla,. Eveaia. Wonhip.
OIlurch David Harper, Putw ':30 UIl., Sunday , Clurch ': Service. 10:30 a.lll., Sunday SchoOl. 11:00 a.m., Swtday Wonhip , Semee. . Youth FeUowahip and Bible Study
Harveysburg Fuli GOSpel Church
Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, 7 a.lD. & 11 a.m. Massa 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Holy Day. 7:30 p.m. Firlt Friday 7 :4' a.m. Daily Mus
E. South Street Rev. Jack ~ton, Pastor 7.:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young People's Service 10:00 a'.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening
Church Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11 : l' a.ID., MorDinI Prayer 1st, 3rd & 'th SundaY5; Holy Communion 2nd & 4th SundAYI.
PBRRY Perry Church of Ohriat Wilminaroll Pike & Social Row Road Bus Wiseman, Minister
UDited Kethodilt Church Third & North Streets L. L. Young, Minister 10:15 a.m., Church at , Worship. 9: l' a.m., Sunday Oturch at Study. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth Fel, lowship.
9:00 a.m., Sunday Bible School. 10: 15 a.m., Sunday Worship. 10:15 a.m., Sunday Youth Worship. 6:30 p.lb., Sunday ·Ev~aU..g Bibl~ Study, all ague 7:30 p.m., Evening Wonhip. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Midweek Prayer and Bible Study. ",
"Be Sitill, and know tMt I exalted 'MIOng the held..., the .rth."-Psalm 46:10.
U'aiMd IieUlodiat
St. AupatiDea Church Hip Street
at. Kary'.
_~.ftft•• y
" ~,,~,,~,nL.'.t.. OHIQ
SpriJr.r Valley' :mendS Church Mound Street E. Friend. Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.lD. Sunday achool
. 10:30 a.m. Morainl Wonhip ":' "
Christian Baptist Mission Main Street,
Mrs. Lois Dunaway· Pastor ' Sunday School- 10 a.m. Morrting Worship - 11 a.m. Evening Worship - 7 :30 p.m. Prayer :Meeting, Wednesday '7:30p.m. Prayer Meeting, Thur,sday ~ , ' 7:30p.m. Song-fesit • last Saturday each month - 7 :30 p.m.
~ : ' The .'Hon()r ' Roll . for Wayne Elementary SChool has ;~~~~~~;~I~ 'I:. !, •1..QC~ . ~e.etl'1ltlnounced .by school offi~ l~IP~~ &: .. .• , ~l~ :: (t , inclbdes ,the following: " '(;'fad6 i ~';, MrlS. Davis: Sherry Atbf . : Of •.Jdn~~ . J)9n'3ld Johnson, Cynthia cbro &. wltec;Is; i"iJ:unt \ el, !eflleryPVandeJ rpool Ad ~j.~' _.....ii~~ 897'a 18.. -Aak ' for 'Brulle, ,.' . k Mr ~ .M, '. , ' . s. erry: ames .w..,.fl -Stove for sale. .~ .\If~~ \ ~, '. '. ,' 76,000 HE.(ur cG tt, Colleen BroBenne s;.Noia d::':kiq . Do -"2: BTq , "itJl ,~\b!q~er ., ~o-~oo ', J!hoii~ Mike PatLamb, e Shayn' mag n, 2.tetf , . 897~~ Q./. _ii' ' II> '... . . ,,'{ ,,' 2~r;t(,'.i" " ',, ~.~!J.. . ' ton, Margare:t Peters, Billy Price, " , , ' APP~ ,~~ ~~~ . 1I':1~pk~'A F'l:ujt ~, : , f Paul Scherer., Chr.istine Sheehan, , Services F~. ~ p~il84 /.SO~t~ , '?J ~~t~v.~U~ ", } Wical. Karen for your carpet look like new 00 48 -00' Hutt . Ra,, " 'E~" one·lisf t' -' DAVE 2, Mr!i. Cook: Susan HuffGrade ear· ~pert .Paul'. CaIl living. :r#anJca 21etf , Jmil~: . 6, cl.,.~ ,today. Ph. 932·7872303 .$
.'il_ ,JGe8'~fJei"'MOdei f5i'~duPl{ Cllto~ 1n,lal Oeatef!'X,I Electro ric -Stet;. ',
.car· . re~ and maintenance t ~AJJ(~ceH :. HQME r ._~~d:;~ ~~e ' . cil t . •. ihabinC!. TI. d' . l metti-' paint" en,., ,~~ I~: , ~~~e .\t.,.e .~p1j ('f'.. ~~, rc~ncrete, meet electrical. Phone I
re~t' J~
Ga.~~ 897-1~1..
,~,pll:.':1 7.'.298~. ~, ,,;( .~ iilj, ' roofing and
'( ,~,~"",,,--:--:--------.!----"':-'~~ .,:-;:,:--- "7"--:;
·8'0'':Ck' '8Y'.,'- '11" d' ·'H' D"D,t '·I"n I ; ~ ,. , D , " ' . . . ' . ' n 0 's a 8 p8ns ,~I!e~r"Co.1leen, ~onl~y, Je~~mv ~ : 7'"
, ,::-:
Jones, man, Dale Hughes, 'TeresaCather Scott Lamb Greg Poliy, S II S'" ,~. re :P, ?~e ,.'!~ wn parks .. Grade' ! , Mrs;' flodson: BeVerlY l
'Colvin, Donna leMaster, Rebecca &al, ' Chfis ..1,SiDlPso!i·:. ,' {{at-Ia obbin~ ,. ..MeHnela .Conl~y ~ .Jay , - r~ard: 8e'th ~endlihg, ~Jld.,r.e-'J". ~ . ~noddy, Allen Hannah" Melissa ' . "." ,'. . . . . . y Br~~e ~ :SkaW, Cynt~ ' Watso.n: Cindy .Grade 6, Mr. ' - ., . , 'l~e~a,nde~, ~urt. t\ndres,. Mary , :ttildebrickt, Jua~'ta: ' O'Dell, ~Car~~~ Potte~e~~ ~ndr S~eehan . .~Greg Smallwood, Jackie Smith, , '
":'. , \ Ci'ndy Dakin','" Carolyn,r"Elhott: ,eay". sport'.;, . ~.f' ~io, '1iea~t;i J>Ower ~ri~~, , ooNSTRuqnOI~pwo,tlt. " . tr6ss~ 'flitlllefa- ' 1bties,·..!Tlirf Os- ( · storm work, t" LOeeme~ , . Ikuaht w~ · .... · typts po! ef ~rak... :l6o&:'o r trade ,fot" lOOdl.~ 'in& roof6;g November marks' the opening ' 0'[ cover . ;"~Vint. ' ~ .;.:', f: " ~Marfta bbrne! genand siding ' m nluminu s, window ' , ~ ~c~ .1 . f, ~. l,891~ ,, .. ' piC~' f~ ~k. ' ~ o( , the 'Ohio ,hunters' hoUday. ' grasslandandWai1'toNlther:food ~ lillian d: Hatfiel Mrs. 2, Grade Ph. Reed,er: Edward all C ' J rep~" eril . '' -r' ,fOR;,8~: ..,:n-QrJ!!I·. :.I \i. , )8ak ;Gl. As wl'th other outdoor: re"c'rea-' d" 1 t hb' h ' Wh hi Ch SI Cart The It an qU~1 ,lia easan '.' ~-8690 W"dmington or contact p en ., mes, 0 erry _are, ~y., Iota of .dishes and ~;. lara er. 24c3 tionai,-, actiVitiest .'there ·are eer- ~' I&bo 61 .FQrd ~ck~p ' ~k. at ~Q. ' ~ !"JlYDesvilJ.e Lumber Co, . n, ,Paula ;, sejlSOn opened ·on·Nov. -14, more Karma ~ry :JalI" I ' Debra d t' . b le--~-I t r U .'\'h r '. h taO F,kRII . . Kt. . , lie i at ' y clothed , ,Open~ 10. a.m. 'tnf'7. r"p.m'•.. . • . ..... k 'i' tha n 600,000 bngbtl Ies Ove~ b.e~e'...lYliIr ("10 ru es 0.0 oW 'w en on t e t pam 10« an ' LJ. ~ tl eon:. • 1IU&II6, ' ~ ar .. , Kid. Phone ;' :_I"" ~ ' _ c' 22C4:1 ;:- ~. I'I,e _~~te.. HoU,:~et; ," hunters a~dtheir, eager hounds hunt. MO'st important - ' always,', ! : I , : "~-:; tb1~Sn» $w~: . C~, ;~ ,. l7etf!\. , : 'UM.. OI'~.QJ. -1~: r!.t28 ~'dIf!! "iI J . '. ,-:Ir. ' 'For.:.Bentt ··, ,., took .t<> .tlte ' Delat far,·theit Ibig obtain permission before e'nter,; ;~~!~~~lyl~k~ : , ~ y Spg~~ , Julie ;;." ~c.. . 8tud,,~ . l~ Joo.d ~ :'. ~ l l uplt.~ "roOIJB~ IN.. :waiD~iii~>1" .: ing any 'p!operty. Remember that ;'1" ', prize. ~ 'T.etlf- Mfll:' ft:f ~ ~ : i,..-MIi! Grade ~; .. :: ~~:>UO or)Jl 'Whi~ ~ !1f" !,'J.{ 1 ;'. prohibited',' ~u,rnithed ' apartment, . pnvatf men' regard Sunday ' hunting Whether : sl'1Clrts J'''''f. , PM t ..-~ope yr""~ ~''';'~. ; ' old '~1:f ,llIIu.ut .....,.~i ~ !~!~qJ'~ -\o ~' y~_ J. ~, WI , . AatPoi . .~ .0.1001._ ~ I~~,l.. ~ ' 1~ are pro~-I!I'W;,~ ,i..,.~r ~r" pistols ,hunting.lls enjayment, relaxation . and rifles and gpi~oPDer ,Leyes, ch, Gorsu " . $! or diversion from the llectic hibited on .public huntinJ ~eas , .Deborah tdatter;<Kiffl~erly' rurwor~.a-day· wOjld; ,they· are sure ' during rabbit season ind 'at ,ill • !". . t' ;~t keYt;Sh.erryJ RUark~ :R~tiefj.~e~ ; -." < . to~ fjnd "the istage set ,(or their times on state 'parks. . ......~~-~-, j ' ~radQ3 ;- Mr'.~oile i 'Da~d iBi1th, -"!-~~~/. \ : ... ~ pursuit in Ohio's SOO,OO(t acres Ohio ' offers' TQnt ·~fffl!&l).; '~n l1ritts ~l4ri rapp ing' ." , . •. , of..P.l~lio ~d.~ _, - ' . "':'ol ' • f .... ' ~q .' ~aJ). ':iir.(l1tl~I1> . .' Marri.9tt.).;. ·~·; .,....,.;:' , ," Though many h~nter~ ,wait Hunti ng Prese rv" ., . ''', '.' P.~~·i~ Grade 3~~~Mrs : ..ciurti)ey: ~.Jody ,.,~~~~jIiij~IiiiiI!.IiiiiI_ , " -; , foijOWed'gli~~~ For those sportsmen who preuntil the pheasant . and rabbit CortieU,; M~Mi ' tt,JfIlro~s-: but- comp llcate d " seasQ~ l.:~~~q~!.' J~~, t ~<r~<?ns. :f~)f fer :10' liiiiit ()~ : 'stCfc1C~( iuni~" ~' ..1' ~.r . • ~ Foley, Pamela Ftirtia§, . "Wexis ,'. • , prey ... : . ..... ; ~as lln Ohio" es, preserv _ other game llave already' beg "Y K , : S'L.· 11 Mal 11141.11 u ... 'ki : One gUt may have 'many evl~ o~ey, _ y oonse~g~ve:'Wl'apjlng8i~ each , I'WW ns~ , 'lie ,~hioans are now hunting ruffed serves open different tiines bt -MeraIida;~;J~hillip' (Morris;' Oim~y , . Wl~, a " cqtfe~pt, n~e on It, grouse, raccoon, opossum and the year. Seven of these Ohio .~' sind the ~nal ,::wrapptng may , _, Robbins, NeWt Siriipson, Dennis squirrel, whose season ended preserves include: Bob Williams ,' '.-: : West ' ~ ' " ~vear not a gift, but a card' ' N . . '. ' ,. ~, telU'ng-~1iere,\ th8! ,glft js. hid- - ~; ov. 8 on private lands a~d Dec. Shooting Presetves; 8527 Fmest- ' , eth Elizab -t1idc: Mrs~ ' ~ rS, G~de: . . ,... .' , 0> '; den. 27 on State Pu~iic Hunting Areas. view Dr., ' Mentor;' ~ Tallmadge -", " Atldtis , IGri"en .Brunton / Shetty"4.\. : 9ther ~u:ds In. ~th~rhldl11g . Pheasant Farm & Shooting Pre- ' Iiilii . l'G'lib S,. J 0 Alin". Most seasons End Jan. 31. a .... treasure'" Clinehens,'PP " ~la~es ~~"d ·to:·:t'~tlie il L . dlscov'-' \ : hUDt,; eniHng. 111 serve; ~D: " _ 2~ JetomesVille, ,~ .<' Hatton, Tracy Lamb, Christine ery ,9f the' gift. :, ' Cherrybend Pheasant :Farm, R-R.' Montag, Robert Rickey, Matthew • ' " .' . ,- ,.4, Wilmington; Valley View 'Hunt Rye, Mike Spencer'. · " :" aub; ' P.O. -Box '22S, Usbol'l; ~ A fourth:lrader, when' Grade 4; .. MB, SawYer: ; Mike Dray's Sbooting:Preserve, Rll-:l, . 'askeel by Jlis . t~r if he ·Diane Begley, Alan ~n" Anders ~ ,t -Englisl ,)knewr ~ }'where ,the' Bluffton; ~dar Valley, RD. 6, Scott, :Di:ane Littler" Kenneth was~ ' replied, ' ~'I , c~el Wooster; ·and Prairie Land . Seidl. . ' don't know: We 'can't get it' Shooting'Preserve, -RD. 4', Prairie ' Grade ' 4,-Mrs. Wa-rdlciw: Darren ' , . on our set.'~. .,", ".' Lane Rd., Wooster. Specific in'Ballard, T1erri FranCisco, 'Michele formation 'abput these prese'rves ' . ~ones; -\' :'f1lilie ' rGet, Charlotte . \, can be obtained by'~ Writing the Andrea Deyes, Karen ' O'Dell, . ' liouse ,For Sale '';'' Ohio Department of Develop- . Vaught. Kathy Sharp, t Rober " ~ ~~~ 'R(rWa m Ftimki ",695 ,!, . ... ment, Information Central, Box Tim' Bargo, 3 roOms; .kit~~~n:and ' bath' ' Grade 4, Mrs. Palko: 1001, Columbus, Ohio 43216. ' - . . , ". t tt. 'Vaugj Donna ~o~l4irs. ~ , rooms up_Gas, Wherever the hunter travels ' Mrs~ Pack,: Oauda! , '4: Grade " in heater \v.tet . fiajnace an.d in Ohio to bag his,prize pheasa~t,And,~ ,: .Charl~s Irons; Loretta Penar J attached garage. Clean rabbit or quail, he is sure -to nie Stepha ter, LeMas Dana Rush, ate ~edi . : ~eeds , no repair. fmd adventure in his huntinj. , 'Hel~erbri~e; Ri~.kie Littleton. .~on_ holiday played against the spec-, . ,Grade S; ~rs, 'VanderPoOl: Loq tacular .background of .painted Ellis ,Oha rl. ~. Autumn Ohio. " ' ~R.,.2 ·' ~ '1963 OLDB '
Station .:..Waaon.
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.obert Oarter 41
21 I. 'ini IT. WAYIDVI~~E. OHIO .....
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'lill I 'FIICY, 111, 1 11 . at -
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'flill', 11111111 , 21 ; ' 1111' LUNCH SE'RVED
, ,EVening Meal ' , , _
. . . ·Houn ..
, $1.50~: ~
OIildren $:75 ; .
11:00 Lin. to 9:00 p'.m.
~ .
LIn lJ'SUBAlfCB COMPUY ' Life . Health· Retirement Plan , Oall
ROLAND H.·DILt" 933-2162 "\.-.
885-3164 AGENTS
., ,
-Glady. .Fi&t~I~.a-8~!21,84"
-Betty Martin-l97-t736 VOUD~l-Mn,
Rita EJdl,-.aW1M
, "
H Pays To Buy The Bestl - a department store of par.ts, accessories and supplies used by farme_rs, ranchers and their families. In his diverse inventories are: • Tractor repair parts
- Nuts, bolts, screws -Garden tools - Garage stands ,
• Small gasoline engine parts _ WtldilJl' outfits J
The sounds of Christmas will t,lSher the yuletide season, at . 'Waynesville Friday when citizens gather at' the Waynesville Nationat Bank parking'lot for lighting the community tree. ' . Santa Qaus, who will arrive at 7 p.m. via antique sleigh, ,Will be the official master ' of ceremonies. "Christmas 1797", a theme chosen by Wayne Retail Merchants for lighting dowritown WlJ-yrtesville, will get underway with instrumental musica and group carollfug An old fashioned theme is expressed by the ,Christmas program title which carries Waynesville's birthdate, ) 797. Old fashioned store hours will be another feature of the program. Waynesville merchants will extend shop hours for t,he comfort and convenience of downtown shoppers. ' Visits from Santa Oaus and stree.t carolling will continue Ion · ' weekends until Christmas. " ,
Juveniles Vandalize Center Road HOIRI ,
Three Harveysburg area juveniles are tieinB investigated by th~ Warren County Sheriffs Department in connectio~ with a $3,59<) vandalism Friday at the Russell Wjlson home on Center RQad near,Harveysburg. , , The suspects neady ~e.rp()l-
~o4,,~ the .nt~r'~r: ~of a~i,-:()f : resi~ence
tau!' fi'~~
of used motor oil stored in tile barn were empti~d on the floor: and the containers left b~hind. Wilson S;3i4 that a refrigerator, table an~ w~~g ~achine were thrown in,t o . the basement. Fixture~ ' and :a,.si~k', ~ere to~n from th~ ~~Il ' ~l) . i~e bathroom, whete
" ~Jle {1laOl~a~J_ hail al~)dck,a '
adnt" .:t,wo >~t6ry- ., ,dr~ , , w~l .. fr0ip, ~e ~s'. ~~ hefweert I)OOh ' arid ' I>uftchefi 'holes ' in it: , ,t,tbl~gs- , t p.m., according , to, Wilson, were ripped , frQm flround, the ' who was at' work ,in Xenia at the batmoom ' tloor and' the "door ·;, removed from its hinges. ' time. The hhm~'s windows had been , .. ' '''I couldn't believe my eye's broken o~t. telcwision stand : " when I walked in, tt Wilson was':apparently tossed th1~~ a , s~ted. "1 usuall~ check the house every day ,or 'every, other window onto ' the' ,lawn; 1\ two . day." , Continued to page 2 A- number of ;fiVe gallon cans " •
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subscri pti on
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1 ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .I
WaJ1l8IVille, , O~' 4I506a ,
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STATE _ _ _ _ _ ~
IDATE------ PHONE _ _ _ _ _ i I ~J'
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b, ~NNIS D~m
Your Main Street columnist gives thanks this w~ek by contemplating infmite blessings en~ compassed by an extra special family headed by super wonderful, loving parents, sister, neices and grandmother; top notch bosses and their ·families; a hard
.' f!r'~',.. ~~ /.:.~ ..: ~t ~,
~,'. ~
working staff and multi hometown friends and business associates. Ranking just as high w.ith a ' different · kind of specialness are those hearty Pilgrim fathers who , gave me a free family and free friends in a free country and LARRY W. JAMES JUVENI LES. VANOALI·ZE those mod:ern pilgrims ' in ·.mil;- . Larry Walter James" two tary service who insure and main·month old son of-. Mr.,·and Mrs. Continued from page '1 tain them. In ' addition . to life's big , larry ,' James of Wa~esvme Route, 3:, died Sunday morning treasures,health, vitality, security at home. ' and many general 'thankf",lnesSes'. I am extreinely thankful Funeral sertjc,es were· con.for the many simple hap'pinesses ducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at created by: the Open Bible rChurch of GQd at Harveysburg. Funeral aminge~ ments were han~~d by "the Stubbs Funeral Ho~e afWajines- . t
, SEND SERVICEMEN' GIFTS,Ameftcan Legion AuxiliarY ,Unit ·6is saw that. '15 Waynesville serVicemen t;lverseas will b~ ·a, lit~e , l18p~e.r this Christmas by directing 'a:Sift box progl8ni for them. U.uf members placed gift contribution ~ox~"ui. l~ grocery·stores; ~~day , the containers were collected and readi~d for ,r~packagi}1g Sunday at the' home of Mr: and' Mr$. He~. Bellnjan, Sr•.Of. the total gift , b9xes pac~ed, II wenJ.to :Vietnam, j to' Germany aild 1 to, Puerto ,'. Rico. lterns donated' by' tli~ ~bljc included variotia,pac~g~~rsnaC\cs. ' . candies and,canned meats .. SIloWn above during ,box mi!fiihg prep; ~ations are from left to .iight ~ie. Dakin, ,Marilyn Th~mPson and Sara Wilcher. Dennis Dalton.Photo. . l ' -q ,
"sp~cies .. amidst a c()nve(~tion about zodiac birth signs. , These are just a ' few of the uncountable things that makes "this 'thanking' man's life full and indeed unique. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL.
. ,
, .
Creative Film Making The Realm of the Submarine Ambassador's Journal The Human Zoo
ville. Burial was in Miami Cemetery at Corwin. ' Survivors include the parents and gr.andparents, Mr. !lIld Mrs. C9urtney ~ipper of,. Hamilton tourity~ _ Mr. .and ·~Mrs·. leSs Howard.ofWayriesville·and Th~o dore lathes of. California: ' .
Smallman Cohen Galbraith Morri~
t• .
. j
lovember 25 Our Drive In Window's First Birthda.y
' .. AT T.-.e OFFICES OF THE , , ..
20,837 customers have used our window this first year. Since you have accepted it so well we now have extended houn on Friday (9 a.m. to 8 p.m.) , for your convenience. .
. :
The Waynesville lational Bank ,
'MIAMI ' ~.. . '
, ',
Daily Houn: Mondily to FriClay, i 6' p:",. ". 'a".P.m••;$I.....day. and Sunday, 1 p.m.· 7 p.m.. . I
' : .
OJice a $lave station: This WilS on the ' corOler: of Main and North . Streetsl ' . The viiUage was lighted with ';coal 011 s:treeHamps; one at the corner ·of every block. The ' village marshal made the, rounds . eve'ry day with his cart and ladder to ' fill and light the 'by' t<atherihe Pre,ndergast street lamps. . . ' Main' 'on Main Street it was not an ,and a uncommon sight to see a drove paper ,worth reading. We used to . Every little town had ,its Main of hogs rooting along the .uncall it the "Try-Weeldy" and Street ,Most .the houses were olef dwellings' huggirig the pave-- other names not so nice, but . paved street on their way to market. They were herded by a how we miss it! ' ~~~t front, same as the buslType for the paper was set .couple of.boys, who were eager n~~ ' pl~ces: .Here were.millinery to earn a few dimes, and stor.es, sometimes . tbl'ee of them. by h~nd. The compositor at the followed by the owner in a They "had th~r fall " lfild spring . type ca$e 'mled th~ "stick" with horse drawn buggy or wagon separate letters. These handset 9penings, when · all the latest drawn by plodding farm horses. 'styles in hats were displayed. single letters were inked and One saw horses and "surreys .At the .dentist's office, we had ' printed on the old power driven with the fringe on top" hitched our first , tooth pull~d fot a ' cylinder press. Each sheet was to fancy iron posts, 'the posts quarter..... don't recall any general fed by ha~d. Some of these had a horse's he·ad .on top and a presses are still in use. stoies in the village, like ' some ring in the horse's mouth to Then there was the National · pla~es had in those days, where which to. ' tie the hitch-strap. they sold .everything - horse and the Citizens Banks where we Usually the posts were in front c~hed our first check, made our eollars, rubber boots" washof residences. first bank deposit and started boards, groceries~ plug tobacco, The filrst picture shows were our first savings account. bar soap, candy, notions, corsets something! ,We used to go t~ the On South Main Street there .. and dry oP.ds. · old silent ' movies in the Old . Ther~ ," were 'the doctor's was the old Red Bud saloon, Town Hall or in the building shoe stores, poolroom, jewelry office. These were the '· horsestores and ' bakery. At the , across tfi~~ street on the corner a,n4~p~ggy docto,rs, who answe~tid all c~s, any tim;~ of· day or bakery for a dime we could buy of Main and Miami Streets. A girl played the piano or there cookies·as big as a plate. We g<?t ,night, whatever the case might was the scratchy music from a .baker's do~en, thirteen, but ~~,' ~ regardleSs' of the p~tient's the phonograph with the big red ·. circums~nces. ' T he mud roads were only strange . to say, iltere . t t " ..... twelve by the time we got hom·e. morning glory horn. This could , were Iloor arid' many were' the . trials' ..... these- poor ..doctors , e.n- Jak~ was a: good old Germ'an , r~le~ 'a 181$e vol~me of sound, ~du[~dl r0P'-: ,\~k,. . S~9l';1Il>! I.~i~ts. . ,· ,b.a~er .and , the.·,arQma." of fresh ,,: .alw~ys . \en~i~g ",:i~h "Edison ;d" . BUt ..tb* fl1s~y.)~ m~ge.\ l to ~." bf<ead; '·as. one pass~d the bakery, -r. Do 4-tw ..G~~ .I· t~ 'J !-. . 1 • ,.~. 1! tC .,rri8keJ~tnes~ 'ttips in · spite. ' of was enough to whet ' anyone's truck farmers brought their vegetables: to town in " springI.' ~,s~bw, ~~et ~~~ ~gh' water. appetite. wagons and sold them from door SOtitetiJ1le~ ,they ' went on horseWe used to barge in home '. . .. to door." bacJ.{, boat orsl~igb. , from school in September.'and, A milkman drove his wagon , 'There were 'the barber shops; .oh, the heavenly smell of \ along the~ ' street ' mling orders , where the boys r~a4 the latest mother's homemade bread;newly by dipping milk from a large , 'edition .of the Pollce' ' G azette; made catsup and grape jelly! ." can into a measure and then 'there were -tin ~nd stove shops The farmers' wives came to pouring it into the customer's .ilO«,l d~g stores where ,!e ' used town on Saturday·· afternoons conti,liner, a bucket or a pitcher. to buy. asafetida. Our mothers ' , , cQpgr~gated .at the loc~l drywould rilake .' little muslin ' bags g~ds stores ~o eXchange gossip The sciissor grinder visited the . and pui the asafetida iJ,l ~em ·and to visi~. · Som~ bougb new village annually;·Singing out his 'and .fa~tep the bags aro1,lJld our hat~ on ,' opening d~y at the trade in the familiar words. necks' with a piece of tape. iiilllinery ·stores and what a t~e "Scissors to Grind, Scissors to · ' Weanng them wasl suppOsed to ): they had trying on each other's Grind. " .He w~ked up the street, -. ~d ~,n.:c.o~tagiOus: (li~s~'- , ,~ , ba~IJ: ' ", , :. pushing hiis cart which held the' ; , ~~ r~t~$ offi~e. ,wer~ ,~e , . ' To~ Pump and Ho~e Trough ; contrap*io,n he used for grinding. of ·the 'Enterprize 'anCI "1. " " The gld briok • and flagstone ' " . •home· ~ :.. :MiaPlC' G~~tte~· iIDl~,..' Gn elte,,; :,: p.vejnel,lt~ ,I have i 'a'most . 'dis:iQiQwn ~ ' the home pa~J' was ' . appeared '· as .well the', town' . . : putilish~d '.f6r' over a ll~~di~d .~. "pumps with wat~ring tro~~ :fo(~ ' y.ears~ In ,-its ~jpagC$ one ; rea4- ' .' the, horses. Us~ally .'there was ' a " ' . ~ abQUt th,e'. ,ddinp,'I',"'a<)ci8I 't~ent8~, " tilt ",'f"':oh ;..•Ute ,~puinp: t:SQrne . ", ."ttt., .' . ":aea.~j-'~ fllgil~ ' ~\ 0 . ., ..... tobj~o~heWj~g~'or;a Ii~bo ; ': , · t ~~d former :reSiderit's Je~ters~' , would "come along. ·and· drink , . ,'.,:)ch~ol, church ~~ lodg~, :news, ~ f~otfi th~ .,cup" 'n'ext a little boy , " cou~ty cpurt ~ne~s,.,~';,adVe~t~... ,::.Qr Sirl. ','w.ou)4 run ' HP drink our ' of the .san1~ . . . annou'ricements 'o( ,sales
Gypsies! About once a year a caravlin of Gypsies would arrive in the village. These gypsies made their ho~e' in wagons with painted bright colors and had curtains, of vivid,~ painted cotton material. '. They .traveled from place to place making encampments in' some clearing along the roadside. When they arrived in the village, the women, wearing gay ' red dresses with volu~inous skirts, used to go to all the houses and business places begging for food, or more often, just taking it. It was said that gypsies believe it is not stealing if they help themselves to things that do not belong to them when the owner is watch· ing them. They were always asking to tell one's fortune. All the village was in an uproar for an hour or so, until the village marshal ordered ,them out of the corporation, .1 recall one winter when the snow was piled high on either side of the street and packed through the center. Some of the men, , who owned horses and sleighs, had sleigh races through the streets for several days. The Street Show - The medicine man came into to~n ., al)d .
.. ...
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All of, us 'here wish our
night. They were about the siZe of a quarter and looked lik~ horse medicine. The next ,moining my aunt, who lived witli' u~, went in to make his ·bed. H~ on his hands and knees crawling all over the bed. She asked' him what in the world he' was.dQiO~~ He said, "Looking for wortiis.;" ·:
Chuckle-A-Day you n g b rid e complained to her friend: "My husband and '( are ' getting along together fairly ' well, but he simply can't bear children." "Oh, well," the friend consoled her, "you can't expect men to do ' , ev~rr.t~·,I~l." A
. _ • ••
~ I"
fri~~d8 ~n~ c~~. ~iids:t - ~L--W
tomers a merry day, and we say "Thank . You" to all.
~ightiirig the W~ ·
LIght and Christinas go togeth er,' for' the d.~epest mea$ g of the hollday represents ChrIst, the Light of the· world. From the bonftres . And candle s ot. yesteryear 'to the tW1.nkllng electrlc ornaD)en~ ot today; llght symbol' ' ~ Chl~1stm'as. , legend ; . Ac~oi-ding to ' Irl$ be s alway shQuld a candle placed in the window on Christ mas EVe. Each Chris t-' mas, it was sald, Christ WAn·, ders th~ earth In search ot welcome, and '8, -candle-should . light the way.
Indigestion: Adjustment
of square meal to', rOurut· ~. stomach .
TD ·US Precision
Wo rk Is a "M ust " Her e you our uNEW high . We would like to introd uce qualit y printin g." Much effort has gone into IMPROV ING our quality standa rds. ne latest in typesetting equip~ent brings to you this qualit y at lower prices. to
• • • • • • • •
baD point peaa, 0ublichtl, peoeu., lib aye, ....u. JiPten. windehield 8U1peq , Jitter ~ key chaiaa, oombII, baI. . . ~ pol ho1dera, &bermomeIen, ICfft'driven, 7ud eticb, ed. impriDt _ _ b or Dame ,our with AD 100M, tie.
8toIJ in' and see the printers toda y;in 'the Hear t of :8iatoric DcrtrIltoWJI; WaJD.~'. ' .' Located at the' ~ffice8 of '.
103.9 fM IEIII·I I III I
,w,?n't -be 'preparing Thanks-' , onion-celery ' mixtUre t~ dr~ined -giVhlg' di!1~~r :~~s yeaf because we : ~ushr~oms, ' pread crumbs and l.i.~uor. .~I be g~ing' to Grandma Vaif's, . ~ ,'pa~ley Add mushloom Toss lightly .~ith a fork tilt well ting :. :Th~ WaynesVille PrdgiesslVe " but I {ound ,SoJIle ,interes . mixed : '" recipes that might, be .of interest .' ' 'W~iq~n(' 'C ub .juld their guests a 3. Stuff t':lrke), with light ',;:/ . " "~. '. wiI ' m~e~ We,~ne~~y, Dec. 3 'lit, to you.t we star,t.with' th,e turkey han<k , 'Firs, for ': '0' '.iff!" th~lpl'\l,~,ed Metl!:oalSt,Qlurchp.m. '~: ,: a ajnqer" meeting at 6:jO Ie everYbody has ql(~st sur~' L~m and, , ( '"., ';'"1be :progr.m \\iU ,be ,,'Christmas For a little. different potato the '.~: !J.ec~~ti~ll;Sl! :by, l':"l~, Irrick.s,~, t.h~, ow,r;t ~a~~r~~e,r.eceipe,for j~, twice-bake it., , ting , : ,:' .' ' 11Pq,te ~~~mi$t Co " ~crDayto~ ' ' bir(J but I ~d spy an interes es , in half . potato \laked Cut g. 'stuffin ., y.. 11.mpan , ~wer~d' ~ghtJ' lengthwise Scoop.. ~ut . potato; rine or ,plarga ,~cup'"butter ~;,..;ft"'r;! '. ,;+; d ' -:e'-~~ :·r., Browru , • ' " . 1: - ., .. '1" J.1\;IUy '''& DU'f ' VIS ...e whip until fluffy with butter, : tHe' Forti::Aticient 'lndian .Muaeum.,:' ,, ~ cup c~~pped dniolf milk~ salt, and pepper. Mound .')a,~t ~t~~~rs '!~ ,.' >rkef./ '::! , 'J ~~up ~~~. ce'~ry ~'th~l~aves back i~to shells. 'Sprinkle with .:t.\~'''' Bl,D1et ,. . PoweU, }4rs. ",I>ort\- ; '2 J~as~~s sal'~· ' I . ' paprika or grated oheese. Heat ' ~ teaspoon pepper " for;~,). an". ~s~ Warren ~eehan in 350 d~gree oven 30 min. or in teaspoon poultry seasoning ac~mP,8J:U~~ the Br~WlUes on ) (8 ' , , this excursIOn. \ 400 degre.e oven 20 to 25 min., l .'can ?z. mushrooms ,~; On ·Dec. ~, Tr.DOp , 307 will until golden brown . 12 cups bghtly packed bread ,yisi~ the K~n and Don, Show ,on .crumbs or cubes , And-fo r.des$ert - Applesaucerelev\Sic;m. Mter the show they parsley ed chopp oons tablesp 2 Pumpkin,Pie: WilJ ~.!lut for dil)ner. , ;, 1,(
p ,
• J'
" Ano~her Brownie Troop ' has now , been ', organized'. Anyone wishing. :to have their duaghter enrolled·be'at the United Methodist ' Church Tu'esday, Nov. 25 froOl, 3:30,· p.ih . .until 4:30 p.m. or contact Mrs. Helen Gtoss at ' , ': '897~5746. Registration Will again , .' .: ." "'be limi~ed.f "
---- -
. ,~t,taririe 'Private ~ussel OrndorfE returned last Friday on T ,- furloughfrom Camp Pen~etown. 'i He·.will repott ,td Memphis; Tenn. 'on. Dec. 5 f6t ~furtJler 'ttainins iri ' .. ' ~ '.', .. " . the ,Marine ,COJ;p .. • J"
L Melt butter in' a large skillet or saucepan. Add onion, celery, salt, pepper and poultry seasoning. Cook till onion and celery are tender. 2. Drain mushrooms. Reserve liqUid and heat it to boiling. Add
1 c. canfled pumpkin 1 c. c~nned applesauce
c~ light
brown sugar
Cchitbine, pumpkin, apple~ ' I'm glad that I 'live, that I'labor .. ~. -and strive, Sauce, sugar, salt ,and spices. Beat eggs; add to applesauce mixture. For the place that I know I must " ~~~!4li~1 ftJl; Scald milkand .~ ,cup cream . Add slowly to applesaUce mixture. I'm thankful for'sorrows - 111 . meet with a grin mi:x well. flout into pastry shell. Bake at 425 degrees 'for 45 What forJ,une may bring, gOod or ill. rhinutes or until inserted knife comes out clean; cooJ.. Whip remaining ~ cup ' cream; spoon in I may not have wealth, I m~y '~f~ < , mounds on' top of pie. Yield: be great, But I know ( shall always be true; , , 6-S .sen:ings . This rec;ipe re~ains that old F~~ I have in my heart the ' , courage you gave time sugar 'n' spice,. honest-togoodness pumpkin taste', but adds When once I touched shoulders ' with you. new lightness and delicacy with canned applesauce. Ed Greenstein is in intensive There's a comforting thought at care at Grandview Hospital at tire end of the day, Dayton' following a heart attack When I'm weary and lonely and at his home Friday. , sad; That sort of takes hold of my Mr. and Mrs. RUssell Wilson and hungry heart, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McMillan And bits it be merry and glad. and linda spent Saturday evening with Miss Eva McMillan at Dayton. I
'.;-<e'. ".......,"' ;',. "
JD)~~~~~~ .•. iv(.. th,tligesfu,t ,
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, NeW'sy knit ~resse.s, brea1r. onto the scen e .. '. ~ong leaD. lines, bod , mov ing comfort and ,go qny whe re-a nyti me prac tical ity. Knits 'imp orta nt ,p:ddition .to you r war d, are·Idn t', ou.t our selection! " ~be " . "
goo d dtile Cas ual, vers , •.. lookS 8ucl; 'a s thes e .-
,Oh~ot.,~ ,
" Thira ac Miami Sttceu ' , t'. ' 10:4' a.m., sUnday 8ible ' StUdy. ' ' : . ·10:~,. • ~., ' ~unday , Worship ' and Communion. 6:30 p.m. W~~y Evemng Bible Study and Song .1\j'"
Mt.' ~I' :-·Ph.197:-611i , , Mrz and Mrs. William t.iueller 0' mCincinnati ~ed on Mr. Morris ...
lewis Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. ,and Mrs.
Lewis Michael
have returned home from a two weeks' vacation \n Florida. ,
Mr. and 'MiS.
Christy Wa4ace
o~ 'lks-.' )fney . Gibso~ Wedii'eslJay"eveJ:iiri~:~' . o ' Xenia '
--~ .
Mr~ and Mis. FJvis Michael called , ~ri Mr. and Mrs. Handson Jackson and Mr. and MIs. Jennin~ ' 'Simison of Xenia Su,!day afternoon. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Runyon called on friends in Cincinnati Sunday afternoon. ' Mrs. Morris Lewis is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Brenda Hall, in Springfield. Mr. Earl Soward and friend, Mrs. Nettie Johnson of Spring Valley, called on Mr. Soward's sister, Mrs. Addie Dill Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis were dinner guests Wednes4ay of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis and daughter, Tina, of Xenia.
Service. '
Pirst Baptist, Ohurch North Main Street John P. Osborne, P~tor to:oo a.m., 'Sunday School. 11:00 a.m., Mor,ning W Qnbip. 6:30 p.m., Training Union. 7:30 p.m., Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m., W~neaday Prayer Meeting. '( Affiliated· w ~ t b Southern Baptist Convention).
First Church of Christ East High Street Thomas Stevens, Minister 9:30 a.m., Sunday Bible School. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship and Communion. 6:00 p.m. Sunday Youth Meeting , 6:30 P.fIl. Sunday, Christian Youth Hour. 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Worship. i :30 ' p.m. Weclnesday" Bible , Study.
Friends Meeting
BABVBYSBUBG , Priendship Baptist , Church Southern Baptist Convention Norman M~.dows, Pastor 9:30 'a.m., Sunday School. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Morning , Won~llp Sun~y
7:30 p.m.,
7:30 p.m." Wednesday, Mid- , week Prayer and Bible Study.
Il'r~ HOI.I·Y
Jonahs Bun Baptist Church
Ohio 73 liaat Leater Kidd, Pastor 10:00 a.m .• Sun'Ciay School. 10:00 ac n1:00 a.m., Sunday Worahip Service. 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Wonbip.
United liethodist 'Church David Harper, Pastor ' 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church
LftLB "~
, Rev. Leonard 8.~er 9 :30 a.In., Swtday School. 11:00 a.m., Sunday, Worship Service. 7:30 p.m., Wedne.clay, ~rayer Service.
. On this day we extend good wishes and thanks to all our patrons.
10:30 a.m., Sunday
~ ~
OHIO :'. . )
. ' ; 1
POWBLIlS 'B AltB.a"SHOP , , ,
, ~:' WAY·UVUJ.~
Sdiooi. '
7:00 p.m., Sunday, Evening ' Worship, ~ryice'-- con- ~ ducl'ed, y~uth. .
, )Wa'lnut-Vine Fourth Street near High 10:30 a.tn.., Sunday &:hool. Robert R. :,Meredith, Pastor' 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 11 :00 a.m., ,: Sunday ~orslUp 9:30 a.m. ' SUnday Scbool 10:45 a.m., Sunday Meeting Service., . ." 10:30~: M~~g Wonhip for Worship (~pro YoLJm I ,I:~l ~w.hip, ..:@pd, J)ibJ~ ."" 6:30 ip~~; ~!:!~: ,~el1CSw.liiPT-i' grammed) •. ,;'" . '" bi-L 1 ~ - Study ~:- " l' ~ ... ... -. - 11'. P. J•r..... : ' ~U' • • t'' 7:4' p.m •.; Wedn~y choir : , St. Augustin~ 'Church reheinal, _.' Harveysburg ~u~1 Gospel ~, High Street . Church Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, "Sprmg ' VaUey dh~h ' 7 •.m. '" 11 a.m. Masses .' of, Christ " E. South Street 8 a.m. '" 8 p.m. Holy .Oays Gtady. Street Rev. Jack Hamilton" Pastor 7:30 p.m. First Friday 10:00 a;an. ,MonUitg Wonhip 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:4' a.m. Daily Mall 7:00 p~m. Eftiling Worabip 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young p.ol WedneSday Evening 8:00 People's Service St. Mary's Bpiscopal Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Church 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Third '" Ma~ Streets SpriD.R , vaUe~ Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector FriendS Church 11 : 15 a.m., Morning Prayer Mound Street 1st, 3rd '" 5th Sundays: S. Friend. Couser,. Putor .Ferry ~OhUi"Ch of Christ Holy Communion 2nd & 9:30 a.m. Sunday schoOl Willnington Pike '''' ' 4th Sunday•. Social Row Road 10,:30 ~.m~ Morning Worship Bus Wiseman, Minister Christian Baptist Mission United Methodist 9:00 a.m., Sunday Bible Church Main Street , School. Third '" North Streets Mrs. Lois tJunaway - Pastor io: 15 a.IIIl., Sunday Wor.hip. L. L. Young, Minister ~nday Schoo)-.lO a.m. 10: 15 a.m., S'unday Youth 10: 15 a.m., Church at ~ming Worship - 11 a.m. Worship. Worship. -. : "Ev~'Wonflip :0 7,:3UI ~m." 6:30 p.m., Swaclay 'BveIlma: 9:15 a.m., Sunday Church at Bible Study, all ages. Prayer Meeting, Wedn~day - . Study. '7:30p.m. 7:30 p.m., Evening Worship. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth FelPrayer Meeting, Thursday 7:30 p.Dl., Wednesday, Midlow.hip. wedc: Prayer and ' Bible • 7:30'p.m. Study. Song-fest - l.8st Saturday each mon.th,-7;30 """
It' I EI , III I :11'1 I , 1'0.
David T. Willard" Ministe~ .9:30 a.m., SUndayl :Wor.bip: Ser~ice. ' ,,
,' , ' Church
SPRIjf9,YA!·T.IY United Methodist
Uni~d Iletbo~t " .
United Methodist ,Church
Florist: "So you want to say it with flowers. How about a dozen roses?" Suitor: "Make it a half-dozen. I'm a man of few words."
ay, ,
... •
Ridgeville Community Church , . ".. St. 'Rt. 48 & LOwer Springboro Road ' , Ray L She!ton, Past-or ," ,,I \. 9:30 A. M. Sunday School ' 10:45 AM,:' Mornipg \V9rshiP .' 7:30"p.m. 'Sunday Everling t ,-»)
~~I'e! ~A"'."'''G'..
' ..or'" -l ~"
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7:jd'p.m~e esaay venmg ,
, Service " ,"' ; ""t, ' ;, j' 5:3Q p.m. SuJ:l4ay -Sr:. yo~~ ~ Rec~eatioQ ' , . '., ~ , ~' 6:30 p.m. Sund~y Sr. Youth" Services " ,, "f
Genntown United Church· , ' of Christ '. , . \. Route 42 at-GentilotvD ~:J,j. Ray StoQlJer, PaSt OJ " 9:30 a.m. Worsliip,SelVic~ . 10: 30 Sunday Ptu.rch School' 5:00 p.m. Sunday Youth Fellowship
Free Pentacostel Church of God . '. , R.R 1'22 -1>od~, 'OhiQ ,", 10:30 a~,m. ,~ Suqday ~li.OOl ' 7 p.m. - Sunday Evangelistic '. Service " '~ ~. '~ \ 7:30 p.m. - We~esday Prayer Servic~ ;'
7:~~ ,p.~,~Sa~day.;~e~g . worship service
WANTED to buy-50 ' ueed , piiulo.l;-' . mitt' nox M~, ' WUminst(>o; Ohio. 2.ctf •
, J.
NEW · home for 8ale" 3 bedroom, family room, fire'place, 2 car larag~. Located on O'Neall B4. 10% down ' will buy. For ' more information "eall Charles ' H. Welch' '897 ·6556~ 26~t" FOR .RENT : ~·l /2 room un·fur· uished apartment~ Bmall family. Ph .. 897-4831. 26cl
. DOWNSTAIRS apartment, heat anll water furnisbed. Phone 897-5936. 26c1
.WE;wal,1~ 'to e~p~ o~~ , t.h~.,,~ , to our many frie.ndll and relative,! fot' I ':.1_ • \ "aDd . n~wers w~ ~e- . I,hp. '-e_rUB; gifts ,t,eiv~ durilll (our .I.t~, I't Ke!terin~ ,Memorial, . especially to Rt;v. You~g. Tammy 'Pringle, Linda. Pringle Prof' f It.
I ' WISH· to thank ' 'everyone' who l!en~ Oowers and 'get well and birth, day cards . to ~e wlille ... was in the hoepit~l and sinee my re.turn h~lIle. · S~i.l . thankS to all my family, friends • neighbors who have helped me with my children while the~ were ill. Ruth Whittamore 26cl
Papa Bear, Mama Bear , and Baby Bear came in from a walk in the woods. Papa Bear inspected the dinner table and growled, "Somebody's been . eating my porridge!" Baby Bear cried, "And somebody's been eating my porridge!" Mama Bear snarled, "Gripe, gripe, gripe is all I hear. I haven't cooked the' darned stuff yet!"
Services meet
HOME repaiJr and maintenance carpenter, concrete, metal paiDt- . ing, ' robfins and electrical. Phon~ . 746-2982. 21cU
Be'' inyour new home by Christmas .
. ,End
ot Season
l_year old brick ranch, 3 bedrooms, ftlmily' room, paneled dining area, city' utilities. What a buy!! $19,OOQ. Older home ready for your family. You .must see to appreciate the many features of this versatile residence. . ~ge rq,o.ms, full basement, garage. ~n~t w~t" call now. $19,000., ~ "
- Jean Younce ' 897 c.... ~., "
~;' ; , ,ELDER .REAtTY '
' , ~.'~ ~
' ....
CONBTRUC'lrION work, eav~ spouting, roofint. ~ent .work, storm windows, "aluminum siding and general repair. Call' Edward Reeder, Ph. 382·3690 W'tIlmiDgton or contact Th· Waynesville, Lumber Co. 24c3
FARM leneBng, paintinl and , repm. Free estimates. Phone Mid-' dletown 423-14U or 422-7494. 17etf
Bus. O'D'Dortunities NICE littll" business, I peed BO,me· one in this .area that would be hiter. . . eited in their oWn 1Ub·~hole8nlilll:
·8uperviaiJi1.' -retail sales \ peop'~.C'1l 01·376·1536. . 26ctf
:;' '&00.
.', ,'ALL 4JYPES
" .I.ODEUH,G "Boberi, carter ,II"$On 21 N. ,IN' It.
Real Estate ,: The former Tom Norris home ill Waynesville. Fea,turing 2 or 3 bedrooms, fire~ 'plfCe, 45 x 15 f~t "family room, 2-car garage,. built-in stove. Vacant. Price $19..500. , Bob Townsend :HoDie. ' This beautiful hoDte'''has 4 bedrooms, flteplace~ 2~ Ijaths, full basement, 2~ car garage, cent{al air conditioning. Brick and frame construction,.early American " design. ' Pric~ $38,000. . .
, .The
WAYN-ESV"Li..E~· OHIO . . . . .
The rust thing ' a child learns, when he gets a drum is that he's never going to get another one.
TOY Poodle Stud Service, AXe Rqi.et«ed. White or Aprieot. 160. Appointmen1~ only. Phone 807-4148.
OOLD Bpriap hut1 Shop: Wi! take . appo~ntlnent. anytime. Ph. 807 -4at's. '8cU
26cl . .
In Denmark and NorwaY the legendary good .spktt of ·the ." house Is NIsse, . who watches over home and farm and is sometimes said. to be the · gift-bringer, too. . His Christmas treat, the rice pudding traditional ' at Scandinavian holiday feasts, ' is plac~~ . ~~I~e the kitchen dooi'or, on farms, in the hay1oft. , :' , ,~
Tom Flor8nce Reilty Ph 897-5000 •
The Miami Gazette didn't in- ' , ten,tionally camouflage last weelCs Where Is It? Over developfug of page negatives caused'the lack of black and white contrast that baffled Where Is It? fans. lIowever; Ronnie Sacket't, Thomas Coffman and the ' Way~e " Drug S.tore gang did identify the steeple on WayneSville's First Oturch of Christ. The Where Is It? may be identified by phorung the Miami·G~tte at ~97,.5921 .
: .
PHONE ... ,."",' DT-62S0 1101 Harlan Rd. ' R.R. 2 ,
, ...
'Waynelvllit•. Ohio
WI .y.1 • ,
~ .1'1., : ':,
, . (1900 pilon amk) , 24-HR 7~DAV DELIVERY
. ':~ T~"''''' •
. mUft_ ",
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the ani~
that Mlft.cle ," ~ .... true. ~~.'~~~~~~~~-.' . - " .. Adi . &"n•• 88, . . _ . ___.-...--.-.;.:,;"l'~-~ .,;""";"__ ~--I .
~~ ~
Winners of last week~s' PreCious ' T{~~ 'colP,riDg .coni,st' in. elude: age division 5-1, first, Sheila McFarland; second, Ann Wardlow, third, Patrick Casidy and age division 1-9; flISt, Mike Rush second, Colleen Conley an~ . third, lWn~rly Ramsey. Cont~t entries·'muSt be ~'~eceived by lJte MIami Gazette b)' Saturday -following publication.' ~ ~ ,
"'1'I ••. .... 1:·. ......
................... ··OPEN 7,DAYS A ~EEK ..
"I.rUiI. 01d0
' ' •
drivew~y ap'p~oaohes, ~urb,~,' ~.n4
Die 0rI fin I CO" f'l .t il l ~ •• ~ I, l i I ...I :
,gutters.. ,:' 1\ " , ' t d '1IIl I I': ~ ""A decorating proIt a.Iso (1 Irec e VI ge soJCJ- .. , " Chri~tmas , . .gram begun five years ago by the tor NoeI Su'II'Ivan t0 d raw' up an W svitI U a b got d ay~e h e. ilIons MU da un .erordinance for the program from , ' d a' b I' d way 10 t e v age on y. enganeermg ta to e supp Ie Th Yul bea ' 'fi ' , " e . e utI Icatmn proby vIllage enganeer Manon Pen, 'II ffi 'all 'thin ,k gram WI 0 ICI Y open WI . nlC , . 'h' entry 10rms e , lI' t he next week WIt WayneSVi e councilmen plan h ill " 'th Mi ' 't ' ' t " h ' t" t at w appear 10 e anti , .0 mvestlga e teen Ire .sltuaG '" ,'- d' .. ·0 azette, tIon surroun 109 a complal t W 'II ' U ill ", d PI ayneSVJ eons w . recogIeVle by Daryl ummer who " fi d ' d hi " d 1 . Otze Irst, secon an t r pace has apparently purchased a home , 'di ' , ' I 'd' D d wmners an ViSions mc u 109 an d proPer ty on 8ellb rOQ k ~oa , 'II daorway, house, lawn and busla t the nor th edge 0 f th e VI age. Plummer, who is ready to ness. move into his new home conDayton Power and Ught Representatives will judge contest enstni(....ed by rocal developer Dale Ddkin, was "misinformed .by tries Monday,. Dec. 22. Only someone" that he had-'lo ' con- those who enter an official form struct. . side.wal~ ~utbs ' and will be judged, according t9 a . gutte,is on ~' p~rty ,,' .efore lions spokesman. I
he woul~ be allowed 40 , tap-m GRANGE MEE.TS to villag~ water and sewer~'1' · ~.~ . -Waynesville Farmers Grange . A ,number ~f mon~ ago, No. 13 will c~nduct its re~ council took action to enforce ~~ at the Friends 'Social' . tile. construction ' of sidewalks, Room at 8 p.m. on Saturday. ~i.lfbs and gutters on any new There will be a Christrnas 'J. r,': ,~rO~r~y, wit~in the ~orpor~tion. party and contributions ~ be ,.., ~ "~' . Ou(:mg othe~ busmess, coun- coU~ted for Boy.s V...... at ::~ tbe.: d~' , cil moved to accept a zoning ~th~Ue in place oLthe iCguIar '. , ' . \I request~d by. Homer G. 'gifrexohange , . ' ,'ChapmaJtr;Street. ~. :~ ~i!~qi!i.m~·,;t.'fll,(!qjf~g~!;it·[)3r~~ " , r :tt-·.W~1)&' : . ..... 'd!" ~~. d!:j~eUil).g :J)IIlQtC"I)hi(:c
Box 18, ~ ',,"
'M1iIhed ~1ICh Wedile.day, ~t' WaYDeavill~
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l~ .per coPy. '
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Ohio. Stibeeription " I" _ ,
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pr.~~' $3.00.'
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loo~i~g; . due,. ,
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hi ' ' m~4~t o('~ dese~t t , 'I e " , qUil)ine' a.r,~ ~~_tcl~ . ha,~~J. M,'''''''''''::., ,'."."',,,,."~,: from 1'r\0' (Jcm : ,~~tie§ ". 9~: '~~~ns, )st.s " na,,~.. y,et to .~~.l~~ovef:; ,. . '!)aWl i~ • ••••••••••••• ~.: ~::: ••• : . . . . . . . . . .... . - '•• -General Mlnager thai ,might offer jobs; e,duc~tiori : '490 year.s/)my mMic~nal .lie!:~' ,', :," a.ia.w o. ~~..::::::....:..:. : -.................. ' .. ~dv.ertiai~, M'D~f1; a~d' means to a better life. tlia't ' waS .not ' used , by - the l~- , l-" Ir'&. • -D__ ............ - ..... ' , • •••.••• _••. _• _" • , • '. . Al!8OClate Editor , The Navajo ' 'tribe' is doing dian.' Tha(s ,wnat t~ey gave ,us." . . +D....: ....i·d 0 H'II ........... I .. David EMail ,. - . . - . , ..... .. , .. - . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1'II"h~llI'rs their best to curb this situation '''Here's what we have given _,' P.O. Dnx 7~,' Waynl'lwillf'" Ohin 4!if1fiH Now that poverty has us in considering that ,their people are them: inf~mt mortauty,.~;,"/:~,· its grip (accoFding· tp the con. ........ spread over hun~reds of thou- r~te. Short life expectancy. ~~.' .. :" ...-... stant haranguing of an area sands of desolate. un-life-giving pendency on handouts. Loss of " . ' annual daily)and our charitable thoughts I. I desert. pride. Much illness. Unemploy- "'~~ subscri pti on turn to the needy with seasonal I Tribe of. Monta~a ment as high as 80 percent in I piety (willen most of us aren't alsoThehasCroW i' t s poverty and vermin some tribes. The 600.000 re- , I conc.erned about them the reridden squalor. Crow tribal offi- m.a~ning American Iqdians ~e mainder of the year) my 1 cials are tomahawki~g poverty strUggJing to hang on to . the .. .' . P.o. Box 78 thoughts turn to one semi-nonI' by coaxing industry on to their lowest heatth. education and eC9- ' WaynesVille, Ohio 45068 demonstrating poverty' stricken reservation and buildirig small nomic rungs 'in Ame,tican Lif~.'" , ethnic group •... the American Infactories (which hire mostly HSomebody better do so(ne.dian. NAM~ . Crow) from tribal resource funds. thing before those rungs ' colI was familiarized with the Progress in , diminishing pov- lapse. Remember, you're up there Navajo portion of Ameri£an InADDRESS erty is slow 'cor these people somewhere on that ladder yourdian poverty a few years ago J like everyone else due to sparce self. " , . when I was a staffer at St. J I CITY numbers of de~ermined, dediSTATE Christopher's Mission at Bluff, cated persons who ,are willing to I I Utah. PHONE DATE do witho~t and on volunteer LIONS-FIREMEN . After vacating my job at the salaries ,·wrestle with cultural MEETING SET . ". mission. I lived for a time with perils. .,' my belm(ed Navajo family. Mrs. Although ftghting poverty is The, W«ynesVille Uons Qub Sadie Benally and children. The Warriors scored 24 baskets and an inftnite, tedious, unrelenting and ' Wayne ToWnship Fir~ DeBenallys were a little better off in the fourth 32. The Spartans chore. we can ftght it together partmerit ·will conduct a ' joint , than most because they lived scored 47 points in the third by' forming ' a closer brother- meeting' at th~ WaynesV~e ,ftr.e- . near a white man's town where and fourth quarters. The rehood, ' teamwork and giving of house at 7 p.m,_''I1)ursday. serves were ~so defeate4 by they could get government welour time, profeSsional abilities. Waynesville~s ' annu~ CQuritry , ' :: fare. which meagerly kept them Lebanon 74-38. by DAN PREWIIT ourselves and our ·pocketbooks. Fair, spOnsored by both .8l:0ups, ,_;:.;~ Waynesville plays two home alive .and discouraged heritage Waynesville Spartans were deNews~eek summed ,it up this will subject the meeting. .,I~ast ~ .. 7 4 cultural artcrafts such as rug games this weekend. Friday night feated 90-73 Wednesday night way: "More than 50 percent of Country , Fairs WUi he reviewed , . '. " weaving and silversmithing. they play Blanchester. the first by Lebanon Warriors in the During trips into remote parts . America's farm products to<Jay from phot~~,phic slid~s. ! > ', .' .:. ~ league game, and Saturday they first game of the season. consists of plants used by' the Initial plans for W~Y.Qt;~~ s . ' _~ of the Navajo reservation I met battle with Carlisle. The Spartan varsity got off Indians before Columbus planted 1970 fair will ' be begUn. N~?'t others lof this beautiful race, to a hot start leading in the his flag. They include beans, year's Country F~ p~ogia:ni will ' living i~1 their traditional mud ftrst quarter 16-12. _In the second chocolate, corn, cotton,- peanuts, be headed by Allie c.rter; .rr., hogans without running water. -' SAVE THE CAN .< quarter, Lebanon racked up 22 potatoesrpumpkins, tobacco and chairman and Harold Anderso~; toilet fadlities and electricity and AND KEEP points to Waynesville's 10, maktomatoes. To combat illness, the vice-chairman. existing sometimes on nothing t AMERICA ing the halftime score 34-26 more than fried bread and BEAUTI FP,lL with Lebanon in the lead. watered down SOllp. In the third quarter. the •
- - - - - -- -'
'--- - -
Splrtlns lefelted In First Game If S.lson
Begin nOl!
The Seven -Minutes Wallace .The Seekers ,. . , .,Stearn Pupp~t Oh a Cha in ', , McLean , Tod Rug Weaving for Everyone .
"Sock" a little away w,ith a
CHRISTMAS CLUB account each week. We have a Club Membership to fit every pocketbook!
e '
The Waynesville lafianal Bank ••
White .Wall Plu~ .Re-capable Tire
897-4826 , . '.' .
. ....
Ont Week Only
r ,
Wed. to Thurs. Dec. 3-11
~~ . .
.. .' "
Nte..d flew, exciting
- .;r' -
. ) ",+,(jeinfJ Out
..... ;. . 4.
.. ' :
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~~,: 8ru? Whether you~re~ , entertaining at 'home or attending, very special Holiday events, you'll look you, 'very, best in' ' lov~lY: holiday fashions from ~ our glamorous , , ;'. new collection.
,:I "la "·'1
, , -~
, sh.~el Jttoi~ o,f~citdf":
C~~ OWl" s.~iDt.
We are! We've picked the cream of the new holiday fashions 'a nd' a wonderful selection of gift ideas for Christmas giving. Do stop in while selections are at their best!
; J ,
Orist. . IsMemw t.er• ., •
, ..
: I"PAUI . ~,·,' l:r{)I)o.~~S.B II ~
The steep' lilll up High Street gave it this ,nam~; , ~~ Katherine ,Prendergast This' has been 1he locatio!) M .'the Christian Church~ now caQed l":r:'-, THIRD StRBET ,tulve been: on; this 'street.. They the First Church ,of Christ. From ' ~y of, ~e, families proIll- ; :are no~,i'eb~~t, redeclJrated and time to time, this church has inoit I n ': t~ ~torY , C!f the .Vill~ " .mQ~rnized' lD 'fljany ,;~ays. ' been repairedl, redecorated and age live on ' l1~Hf Street and .,~" bJt~" staielY Te$i'4,e~~e " waS an, addition built to acconutJn~ fadJ1ei up the hill. The sunsets-at ' ' buiji o~ th.ls 'stre~f. ~11le" ga,~deil ' date their large Sunday.SChool. the:~south 'end of this street are ~xtehded along 11iir~: Street to On the corner of High' and as be~utiful . as' any . painting: ~ North : Street. . GrQ~ps of> fine M.'\in across the street from t'he MaDy trees', line :'thc Sidewalks, .trees were : Scattered "over the church, the fir~t h()u~e in the and in October are gorgeous sPacious lawn, interspersed with ~illage W;lS b\Jlilt. This house was color. There is nothing more beds of flowers in everY form gone before my time and re- ' picturesque. and c~lor for aU seasons. There plac,~d With' a 'lovely ' o~ tio,me, ' _ Two old stepping stones, or was the perpe~UaI, spray of .the . the 'scene of many gay social upping blocks for the carriages, fountain. A stone basin 'caught affairs. On thiS' spacious lawn are still on this street. the overflow and' when the sun the village ~eld '~utdoor dances, • Through many ·years the shown~ gQldfi$~ ,glis~erwd 'in the ,band concerts, arid lawn fetes. ~tboaistand Episcopal churches water. It was the show place of 'This house has ' recently ,been through a restoration period. re- ,7-day - 2~hr. service ,,' ," .. : painted, redecorated and fas~on~'I' I' :'ed into a coIonial style and will ;,SOon be a show place' again.,' , Water 'Serv ice -~ i. St. Augp,stine's Catholic Truck with Hoist !,Church , is ~ ilIso 10,cated on' .this '. ,.
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Paul"Todd, Sr;, 49. 'ville Route 1 died suooonlY ,_ ~
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peace and beauty of Christmas are- yours with 8' ~ivity Scene that will exhibit your Christmas
thoughts. ,
ROlary ~ Club
> I,
l i-ANDERSON • . ,. , , .' " ' •
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' CAR ,,'
c;nte $&
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~ay we,' hav~ to ~~rk 'theSe
days1" .' ' Fun~ral , ser\1~es ." ~ere co~"Fierce isn't the ,!ord. ducted ~t 'I0 ~.m. Tu~~d{ly, at ~~e,.' , Why I typed so many -letters " , St~bbs FunetaJ:Hom~.m ,~aynes: ' yesterday that la$t night r .!, ville for Carl E. 'Anderson of fmished , my ,pray.ers witl;1i' .. ': 'f .:. Mc1teynold St., DaYton. , ' 'VOllrs ~ly',," Anderson, 57, died ~ltUr'laV 'c'
BflACH'$ .
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.Cb.r:is:tl .;.:, '
,C·b'IHla't)e:s' '5, lb~'~
of the popul~ion was made up of retired farmers, men who worked for them or lived 'on rented farms; 'For a few years some retired farmers moved into
of some of the Friends who first came lto claim tbe village JS their ,home:. Villagers are justly proud of the Friends' Home on the cotner ' of Fourtli"alia Miami Streets"a more recent building.' , , .' This was $iinple,' -largely'.
agri~ulturan commu~ty aild'~~~t
, " : ' :-'
On the corner ~f High and
.enroute fiom lCOlumbils to CUi.: Cinnati. ': FOUR'FH STREET '" ~ He~e ' is ::tOcated' the.!, Bid ', Fpends' Meetjng H~use' built ' in 1,11 ,"wh~i-e, ~ny ~ro~~ giaqd-,' r. pUent~ worshiped. "'ACross stieet on High Street is .the ~ho~1.~ouse wh~re th,ey ~attende,d schOQI, and the little ,graveyard ~ere some are buried.- . ' '~ The village is sOmetime&' ca1Ied the '''Quaker Village." AI- ' most every native is ~ descend3~t
Jrurd is a ,house where Henry
. - ~, .., -
' L ,l
\ "'~S.:lM~RV ~PRIS~~ , ""~ '/ BettY;, '~eVep" cfillcken, .Ruby,", Mf;F '~,r.~ . ;~:liza~~th 'p?ser" l' , Rebecca, ~Q"'l; !lnd~ ~renda~\" , , , 85,: ~.rW~;r;J~e.,dled Sun~y , John'il , ~nd PaQt,',flr~, JriS"'(~,~et, ..,;, ,\ ." eve~g at 1\1 qt~~mg MemortaI Johti ' 'Todd of Lel)sinbn" fou l': ": 1 Hospital' at oavto~: -, \,,' ,~,:i"lf '''~h '~ ....:. , 0..' er 1"i!'il..lurv ' e~y.~ bv, her,.' _0 brothers and" thi,, ee'~ISt-ers. ~ ,, "1" 1\> ':I ' I'V ~ Mls. ,\~ .tS /1 " ~ widq~el, JI~rrt V~itaiio~' ~s , Flll~eral , ~~~~~s ~ ,be con~\,' . ': been'. 'schedUled . at ;t~e Stu~b~ ;' d~~ed WeaDesC:tay , no~r) a~ , FUlletar ,HQ~e at " Wa~esYiUe , 2' p~m~.' ~t. t~e Stubbs F9~e[al Wedft~day:.(~o~Y)..frqm.4. p~m., tlome ahWa~~~~~.r ~~ i)' J, 9 p.m. ' ", :,' "". be .in South Lebanon Getnetety. .': "'.- .' I· Funeral,'Jervices~will be ~Qn" , " : )',: .', ' ~I~ i ducted" ae , the , ·-Stu1>bs· funer~~~ , T'" h a [ d' - wo.Grki~nfle . :" " P!" ,,~'( "1,",:(' , ' - ' " ~, 'W 0 \ Home at 2 p.~. on, Thu, rs~y. ' i t jere ri·u';'g"'hom'e . ., f' '~'i' . I will ' b ,-: .....: . ' secre aues w , UUI ' , ";'1" Buna , r, e m uy.uaqu' 'fjrom " wo . rk on ,the .n~ , .. ,r , .. ' , bu's' """~¥ .' , ;~ Cemetery.. """ ' ' . ~ ":, ," id ' 'Ishit it fi~rCe die ' .. ,..:, ,::('
~~=====::=:===::=~==;::======t ~aay used to stay ' over night <~. When passing through tlie village .'
Y' JI~S WI ,?W
Phone 897-7026 P.O. Box ·152 " Waynisville, O.
"lti"T,:1' ~\( :(. ':~':"::', ~;~'~d"~'~~ro,~~!:~:~:,~~~;:, ' W I d , "'k b' , 'd'
.......... ~
For Decora~ion*' ' For ~ockini. _ffers,' , . . . . . .~r:
For gifts
Cln "Y fillld,'
, II,ve!s 1'91
Mrs. Jennie Osborn has been Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hoagland -:--a housegues.t recently of Mr, and were Sunda,y guests of Mr: and The BYF of Jonahs Run Mrs. Ted Cain of Morrow. Mrs. fred Hoagiand ' of Ashland, - , ~uJch met in the social room of Ohio. the churcll Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Price , -....:~Owen Bogan attends the Prayer Jr. -and da1l1ghter Evelyn Jean, Satur~y ~s ,w~rk day at Breakfast held each Tuesday Bruce Osborn, all of Lebanon, Jonahs RUn Church. Those in morning at the Church of Christ and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price (Christian) on Locust Street in were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. attendance' '~njoyed a potluck dilU)er ' at noon. The work inWilmington. There we're 80 inan4 Mrs. Clarence Price, Sr. ' cluded:cleaning the yard, putting atten'dance this week and all storm wUtdows in and cleariing high school students are wel"Three cousins, Angie Clark, the kitche~. come. Jennifer Runyon and Heather . ---Plummer b~came 5th and 6th '~d' Mrs. ' Fra~k Gibson grade basketball cheerleaders for and fa-niily sp~nt ~'ilday in DayBill Willis accompanied Harveysburg schooL Also Sandy ton With Mrs. Gibson's family, Ronnie Clark on a trip to PhilaHoward and alternate _Donna • the ~urphy" s. delphia, Pa. this week . , Gough.
Mrs~ ," H.S.
Tucker spent ' ThankSgtvjng with Mr. and Mrs. J~es Patk·of Maderia, Ohio.
' Mrs. Martha Nill took MIs. Blan,che cart from the Hall Manor Nursins Home Sunday to 'her
Scouts Have Big Weekend With Dads At Cam p
home in Bellbrook for the day. --Mr. and Mrs. Howard Doster ~d family of West Lafayette, ln4iana were Tha,nksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. William' Doster. ---The Welcome Bible Class met Friday everung '. It the hom~ 'of Mr,. and Mrs. Clint Taylor. Mrs. ~ean Price presented an insP.iriqgprogr~m on Thanksgiving. ' PI8niwere made for the 'l:\ollday -' activities. -
It - was fun and fellowship vices were conducted for Troops with dad last weekend at Boy 30 and 111 by Rev. Robert Sc'o ut Camp Hook near CarBrown. lisle for Troop 30 Scouts and Tr~op 30 will sponsor an . their fathers during a father-son, important meeting for parents campaut. Dec. 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the ~e weekend was big one Lytle United Methodist Church. for -the Scouts with 90 percent Mothers and fathers are especially participation ' of the ' Troop. urged to attend this meeting. Supervision was handled by Assistant Scoutmaster ,Robert THOMAS B. KI RBY Stansberiy" Troop COmmittee , ELECTED TO COUNCIL ~Q Jesse Malcolm, Com- ' Thomas B! ~, Kirby,_ Jr. of mittee.M~. FOr~st ' Helterbridle Springboro has been elected to , j ' ,,:' " . ~--- , ._ ,~ ~ and ,' guest · fat4er., Richard Rat- ' the' Governing Council of the d ':;':Ji:~nald ,Hoagia.6 ~etUt~d ': ilff ~~Jio 6rotiglit 'h}s sorr, f)oug. , Warre~ County Branc~ ~f t~e ;'Sqnciay tQ Bethesda Naval HosA chili- supper' hosted by Amencan Heart Assoclata~n, It '. . ' . " d -- , f Mi -'ddl fi' Was announced by DaVl~ K. , , pttal 10 Marylan . ,Troop,lll 0 , etown oueIi p' 'd "t 'f the local ' 0 f Troop carter h high- bBatsc he' reSl en 0 \. . ; ---newal
. '-. ,
NEW BULLETIN BOARD-Phil Morgan, above, sets a new sign.in,· place at Waynesville Drugs. The sign identifies the location of ' Waynesville's first Community Bulletins posting spot. Harry Rouch, drugstQre owner-operator, has given one of his store windows to the public for its use. Dennis Dalton Photo.
" ~,
89'1-2988 '.
1,'1 I ' •. f. . . . ~ ....
lighted the three day event. A ra~b a Franklin Attorney, is total 95 persons assembled for a mem~r of ,the American Bar tori and son Mark '. ere Thursday evening dinner gu~sts of Mr. and theJeStive program. , Association and the Ohio State -' Mi:s. Robert BrandeQ~urg. Opening ceremonies wefea~- . and Warren ,County Bar. He is a --untuated by dual friendship graduate of the University of , . Mrs~" Helen Robertson spent awards honOljng Troop 30's Dayton. ' ,' . Assistailt 'Scoutmaster Robert ' Kirby will represent the ' Thanksgiving with, her daum~er. Stansberry. Franklin-Springboro 'area on the and', -son-i~-law Mi. and~. RiQ.b ard ~llingel' and family of ' :,~ Troop ' ill Scoutmaster Ken Heart board. . , . " .'banon ., ' - -)' ' -S b .h He and. his' Wife, Patncla, re. , ' , ,-'" , handpresented ' ' d .' G " t . ,W alelt '" Slde at 14,5 Red Bud' Drive and , "t" - .-~ ' " a A~' ~e cam. ues spef her , 'have five children. Mi. ! and. I Mrs. ,Clint . Taylor FJu.,, ,Abraham, holder 0 t e ..!=~::==~~ ";;;;;;;;"_~ . t'" .. ,sppnt·.t:Thanksgiving at t~e ,1l~IIle '. Silver Beaver ~ward, gave, ~tansl .t " • t· . Qf '~'. ~~~; '~e~ i~~~y: ~ :" : bel'!Y. ,(. ~ _~~d letter ~P':her. ~~: ~M.y~d ~ ISt~~y ' ~ ' . 'Il,te'~e~ wood c8J¥er:hils"~e~n home' {iot~ ,t~e: \yeelt frpnt S(m , ' a~tiviiA ,Scouting for 44 years,; I ' ,_ JOse,. , t.:'Qilifoi1lia whel'e he ! ,...ha~t• ' .."'., --.' Troop -30, was also visite(i ., ' 1-; .. .... " • " • bee~ ,.working oil' 'the ~poUo ,;}'2 ' .,~Wlng - the ', weekend by Mrs. '~gtii: ·lIe stales the jne~ ~P'-'~'11:1~jc~~rd Ratliff and family, Paul ih~~e',are ' safer 1ba¥ :th~',~~~ ()~ ,I, ~~J,li~n" an~ daughter, Mrs. · OUE,JughwayS. :', ' !;', <,,1., l:",'.I.j," ~ ,: St8nsb~rry~ ~ Lillian , " • ( . • ",... .",,1 • • , ."j' \}".. " ' . ," • . - ' , , ,'- ' '--~ \. r~ ';. i.I;" _,/Jlr 'StaP~tty , · Mr'~ .' Arthur ,Brown Mr. and Mrs.~ ~Wis' ft~~4,"', ,,'ltnd ~~5. Rob~rt Brown. and fa~y_ -spent \~m~g '" ', ~h~)":" ~~Jlrch worship ser-' - I;
'Mr: and Mrs. 'DlUmy Peoning- '
n~r 4
,~ns e~
' _"
, ' -_~OJdo , -' . .
___ ___ C stolllDraperies For ' C' hristm' a~'
.................... " ,OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK
11111!1_ _ _ _""_ _ _ _~~~~"
'j" ~
Sill Up .T. 21%111'
, ~I:r-:;;' : . ~J' _ ,.
* snEeT FRO"foVER 1(io COLORS Of .
, *-MADE IN OUR owN SHoP. . . .:... ~
.\. . ·:QiJICK .6~LiV.eBV-':" \'
"'. I
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'1 11',1. ~
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Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith of Waynesville Route 2 are announcing the engagement ~nd approaching marriage ot their da~8ht~r, Lor~tta -Kay Smith~'left > t9 Ainnat:l' son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rayburn of Lebanon. Miss Smith a,Uended WlIynes.ville High SChool. Mr. ~bin is a, 1~968 &I:aduat~ pf I,..e~~on·:ffigh· SCh~o1. A .Dec~mber planned at the West .Side Church of Christ at Lebanon. The engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Debor3h,Gibson, center~ ,to .Ronald CrQC\CetQl~sbeert antlo~il,cl'd'j bride elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H, Gibson of 71 North Main Street, Waynesville. Her fiance is th.~ · son of Mr. an4 Mfs ..J~~lph 'Crockett of;W~yn~~e: are seniors at Waynesville High School. The' wedding will be an event of Dec. 13 at the- Waynesville United Methadist 'Church:' Mr. ahd ~rs. Albert Patton,of WayneMUe ing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Sheryl Elaine Price, right, to Hen:n!lIi Ev~rel~ ~-~ll~n, lr~, Son of 'Mr. and.Mrs. Hen;rt~p: E:-Bellriiap., Fifth Street, Waynesville. Miss Price is a senior at Waynesville High School and elJlployed at the Fireside Inn~ Mr~ Bellman attended 'Waynesville Hight School and :~ ployed at the Kimberly Clark Corporation .at West Carrolton. The couple plan a Dec. 20 wedding afth~, First Church of.Ch!isf ~t WayneSVille. . '\,' '. >;. .. ~.
, ,
RECEIPIES AND SUCH BY ADELINE Pumpkin Pie 1 large can 2* pum'pkin
4 teaspoons cinnamon I teaspoon nutfitg';' t, 3 eggs, slightly ·~aten ... 1 ~
I cups sugar 1 hellping tablespoon flour
1 teasppon salt .
Ih:ugi . hi.iIlUln? . -IE II.I'T ,THill II .
Com I I·n. And Pfc k' Fr 0 m Our rarge Di i PIay:. '~' ',. . . ~~\ I
~ Are in Speidel's calendar watchband. Make it your Christmas gift to him. And with every day that goes by, he'll'remember you for being so thoughtful. Available in Stainless Steel at $8.95 and Gold Filled at $12.95.
Si. . peidR!
. ~.
Idlll far .Chri II'ID II
master charge lHf
I N ~F P H""4~
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. By PA"r: VAIR \IVa)'llelv ille - 891-6826 ' The Seni~r Cjtizens Club of ~ayne~viile Ipet T~esday, Nov.. ~5 with 20 members present for an afterno<?n of games and visiting. The next meeting will be held at the ,-Fireside fun' on Dec. 9 at 12:30· p,m. for the quistm as dinner; There. will be i $1 gift exchange~' ~rvation$ ,must be to the Fireside ' hm or either o~e of the following: Ruth Shoup -
897-2596 ,or Lucile , Armitage; 897-2651 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vinson of Red Oak Road had as their guests for Thanksgiving Mrs. . '" Mildred Surface, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Coyan and family of Lebanon, rease. Imes -of c.ente,r,~ ville and' ,Miss linda: Ibdley of Cincinnati. ' Miss Elizabeth Ch~,ndler was the hostess for the ~ew tentur y Qub which met on Friday, Nov. 28 at the Fireside I~n.
Bu~zi Qg A~oun d " '
The WayneSville A,ea Ci)inm· unity Chorus and the-' Wayne ____ Chorus. Will Mr. and Mrs. Steve ' Fields of Local High School combine forces on Sunday, nee.. Cahall Place were Thanksgiving t Day dinner guests of Mr. Field's ember 7 at 7:45,p.m. to pre$en ,High The m. progra as Christm a mother, Mrs. Ela Murphy of School Chorus, under the direcGlencoe, Ky. pre, Mrs. Henry Moore and daugh- tion of William Biven, will sent a program of miscellaneous ' ter, Mary Etta, wer~ 4inner guests Christmas music. 's Moore Thanksgi~hg;Day of Mrs. The Community Chorus, parents,Mr.and.Mrs. Louis Lamb Mr. Sherri Fields, daughter of of Robindale Drive. Other guests under the direction of Virginia and Mrs. Steve Fields of Cahall irtcluded Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hardi,~' wi~ p~~sent portions of Place, was guest of honor' at a Lamb and son, Mr. and Mrs. ' the MeSSIah, by George F. numbers of a Handel, plus a few Earl Lamb all 0 f WaynesviII' birthday party given Nov. 25 . " "MeSSlah Th ligh e, , , e . nature ter d t P Mrs. ' and Mr. of home the at . Mr . an d Mrs. WillIe res on an have orchestral- accompaniwill l' E ' f:arnil y of Day ton; MISS ¥e me and Miss Luti Lamb of Lebanon; ment. Members of:he orchestra are from · Waynesville and from Mrs. Elsie Stevenson and famit pf Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. JOhnn~ neighboring communitie,s. Some . ' of them are High School StuIsaacs an d f am it y 0 f Leb anon, Boyd Lamb of Waynesville; Mr. dents and some are adults. Ch~rus The Community and Mrs. Harold Lamb and famjIy of Lytle and Miss , Anna Mae started its rehearsals in early September, and in addition to Jones of,Lebanon. the singing, they have beeQ en~ a fine fellowship together. joying of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore cult enough being a POW withenterStreet 57 North Main These groups have worked out having someone over in the tained their children to Thanksand feel that they have a hard, U.S. put the finger on you. m for the muSical progra fine inGuests . giving Day supper In . asking him ' why the comeluded ~ry Etta Moore, Mr. ~n~ . enjoyment of all. They cordially munists do not permit corresMrs. William M~or~ of Lebanon, invite everyone to attend thiS pondence with families, Major high sch001 Dick ..,tackman and Mrs.. and ' Mr. . progra m tathe new . Rowe replied that to do so . ' g. ' family of FaIrborn and Milo audit on Sunday evenm onum m vacum news the y would destro Mo~re 0 f Waynesville. that the communists keep the POW's in., "If a POW has any kind or co.irespOndtmce or link with the outside; it destroys the tight little world of n~ws Jhat th~ oommunists keep , ·ilie . (1900 - gaBon taIlk) POW's in/' :'the:Maj~r 'cOntinued. . "They' maiiitain this 'news vacHR 7·DAV DELI VERY The . uum for thtHr own people Truck with haiR ng' Vietco 'the t~t is' ~hln~ 'seconii. Co lift .... are respons.ive 't o ,world -opinion. , So once they got "an American world knows it . 'POW' and 'the . and they ' kill him or he dies, they af~ responsible for him. Thus, they keep no records. If a 'man dies, they get rid of the .body and say they've never seen
dessert course ,was enjoyed by 19 members and two guests, Mrs. Harvey Burnett ~nd Mrs.' Don Wodey of Lebanon. Mrs. Worle}' WliS the guest speaker and 'spoke on "Thanksgiving Notes." . The next meeting will be Friday, Dec. 1.9 at 1 :30 Pr.;ffi. at the nome of Mrs. Gilbert Frye. ' ~
The Cop-itol
;Vj"tco ng · ,I ic,t,im 'ell s It As It Is "'-
members of' our government -stand up and '~y that 'we are 'tiere because .we cherish our flag,' was dis~ouraging. The only thing I could think of Was what flag do'you cherish? ' "Pictures of the Vietcong flag around ' the W~Shington Monu, m~nt and 'in f~ont of the Justice
'Iy nls vil le ", W_-I It . Ie rv i c.
, PEA fe GROOPS , We the ~jor w~s not able
his death. T6
Celery Coconuts 'Ianozg.',e. ,ri' ne,s 'P'epsi Cola round "Bee'
,LB. '
m Ha ed nn Ca UMBO
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Anna E. Buirley, .'SO~'. of . Beavercreek and Fian~' Mfuor; , '56, of Columbus ~dinitied ~ , in fair c4:»ndition to 'Gt~ne M~ . morial' )tfOSP..tal at Xehla'list ' WednesdaY1Jlo1'iling following an , auto-truck at .the inter•
J' •
T.. Ho., Faml., ..... behold, As, long agD, 1M .... told.
.~._m. : ~8~~~·.'-,------~--Mm-----
Winners have been selected in the "animals in the manget" coloring 'contest. They include: age division 5-7, flOt, Robbie Karman and ',second, Jeffrey Watkins and age di.on 7-9, fust, Kiritberiy Ramrtf, second, Colleen Conley and third, Mike Rush. Coloring contest entries must be received by the Miami Gautt., by Saturday follOwing publication of the entry. ."
s1l00p SIGNS. \~ -: ,
GKO. . . . .TROOP . 7 . HIGH aT.
WAv....v. ....... QHlO
MIAMI GAZEnE, CORNER OF MAIN AND 'MIAMI STREETS, WAYNESVI LL-E. . IlIIi1y Houn: Monday to Friday, 8 p.m. - 8 p.m., Setur.' , . .
.... Su..." 1 p.m. • 7 p.m.
Drew Art GaUery in
Wabash Square. WaynelYlle is named . in honor of noted journalist, .~~w Sweet, a native 'or who ~ .: orilinated Way~e" fant ~ Gazette newspaper iil. Febnaary ", 1850 . it ~ appropriate that. a':~On o f .'oO Pim.~,~: ~eriecI"'" the orrlCCl of,'~ ,~ Miami..~uncIet· tb.~ · Of ,QDe of OhiO" . ·fO{. . . . '~~ .~ .~ lot~,.• , <·ill~:~~B!~~~'1;~~tl I
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It was , the last ten minules of 'school. I, , ~ " II 'I I' .: • ',,' The teacher graded IPllpers and ,I " To .our Community; '. ,:' '" ,I have ju'st come away from ' the chiidren talk~~ ' to one an. "'. " one bf the mdst; beartwanning other but no one listened to the i'," '., ex~tiences r 'h8vef elt in my program or evell ,had the cour. tesy to sta,nd 'during our National ., ' Ouistian 'llie. . tha~ t was anthem. "" 'I The .fellowship , " ' ' She was "sO' up~t -when she ' ,,J Ilfivileged to share 'with ·tlie 'congte~tion of our" ~~ethern came lloUle.· from· school ' and churches. It was a ptomise come tol~ me about ~~. Is trus ' the best We ~n ·,,(lo to' say "Thank true, all inen can -arid in this case You'~ . to ~ .Qur ' veterans who . " did worship tog~ther~ Our I'host ' cilur61i ·'was ' like se~ed their' country and to the eager " ¥PP)\ c~,dr~n~ 40ltljng thousands still in hospitals .al\d , , out theii IlancM and theiJl hearts ' who may n~ver return to a \ ,to: us inl~elcomt "They literally' normal life. What about those ," glowed .With'th~ friend~p ~nd ' who never returned and many . ' " like t~e I pUisti~$, ' they shared who may never return 'I , \ Can't , we at least, bnng a ' their all' with us. 1'Pey gave their , ij),ant(S, their praise, gave of ~eir littl~ bit of ,home to a lonely. 'many talents" ~nd in all ~e us serviceman at Christmas? Happi.4 't~:!the, d:~pths Qf~ 01,1r . n~ 'is just 'being rememb.ered ,..' 'beiri'gS fo'! let 'us tmow' we' were ' and knOwing someone cares. ',: ,Iihdeed w~~Gtfme. ' . <.. 1 ~ I: , Well~ I.,~,~, doesn't-anyone '" , ,. '." ~t ,~ , ~~~one in ,'OUf' oc31 ' else? ' . -j) j . , '$incerely, ': :-(', , . ~[~gf~~ . lif~~~t ~e~de~~ o~ ~ Mrs. Earl Thompso~ f81th did ,! Clenoll)it1ati~l1S.J .'and . ' ~i.; ",,' , ' .,," 'l, ~Ua11y~s~ ·tlu; pulpit and 'ex· l'
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let ,: us,. not ", F~IENbS HOME 'NSWS ~II . a~t~r deed •. ,... . ' ' .-' . , ~ . ..',,,.,lcUm,r" i'.UIl1.., " unt6\ "att()tne~r. Wear e 'au ' . . , , ' etiildren, ChrlStillns, and ;, , .. ~th Bar· '~A·',)W'.I;II. I .,"~ : ~.~P~~ ,,·we ~~ .all , :':'~ ~t~ ~~~6s ;Jlde~~Yi callers ~ . '. ' '. '," ', . "'. qum were last Wedit . , . _ , ,;, " • \ , " ~t ·t~e·. hot:Jle;. , 1 , 'I
*""Nellie .
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Bessle , Chaney~oil" Sijnday even~ ,
'The Kindergarten,; viSited us last Friday :and , entertained us Wiib ~heir·. ~~g ' ,"d ~xerciaes. tw<;l w~llThey ;ieft '8ifis . , ~ff~d: . ,~\lfJcey~ fOf our table
MIS. HILEY G~ Nt. HOD, - ',Ph.,..,,-6111
Mrs. Hiley Gibson s~nt 2 few :days last week . wi~ her daughter ·and family, .Mr. and Mrs. Christy WaUace in Xenia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ro~ald Kennell and Daughter, Lynn, .of Dayton Sunday guests of Bertha Hess spent a few days with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Simison were Elder Robert Shockley of .. : l. Michae Elvis' Mrs. . of Xenia called oil Mr. and Mis. Camde~, FJder Hugh Motsinger FJvis Michael Wednesday afterof Middletown 1• Mr. and Mrs. uwis Morris Mrs. and Mr. noon. Vemon Napier and Mrs. Grace spent Gibson Hiley Mrs. and FJlis of. Waynesville. Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs. POST '615 SLAT'ES of family and e Wallac Christy CHRISZ~AS DRIVE Mrs. George Kakhashie of Xenia. y Monda a Yellow Springs was Waynesville American legion, morning caller of Tsuchino Kaka· 615 and Auxiliary Unit is dinner . Post a was Dill Addie Mrs. hashie. again sponsoring a drive for donaguest Thanksgiving day with her tions of reparable clothing and Mrs. and Mr. . family and son lima Sctunallen berger of toys for both groups' annual . yalley Spring of Dill Ralph uach ine. Joseph Kettering and atristmas program for needy' of Springboro were Thursday families. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sailor and visitors of Sarah Burnett. ItetnS may be left at the family i~ spending a ' f~w days American ugion bui1~g at ky. in Kentu~ with friends .',. . Fourth and Miami Streets. The American ugion may al50 be WAYNI=SVII.LE Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and phoned for pick-up service or HIGH SCHOOL family of near Harvey~burg spent articles may be left at any ugion . BASKETBALL Thursday with Mr. ~ and Mrs, Member's home. SCtiEDULE Nov. 25-ub anon- Home Dec. 'S~Blanchester.Home Dec. 6'-Carlish~·Home Dec. 12-cU~ton~Massie-Home Dec. l~:~Ubro.ok-Home Dec.. 19-Mason-Away . Dec. '2b~~p~~way . "(:. Jan. 2-Gree.n'~ew-Away Jan. 3-Utt le "\~..,..~~e .' . " Jan 9-Yellovv Springs~Hoine .IJan:· 'tojspdri~t{or~.~~{; ',',(, Jan. i6~Blanchester~Aw.ay. . . w;iy' b~:~sie::,,~ ''''1 Camt ~ ~ -.o;.· r~.· ·4' ~~ "ian. 24~EaS~ Clint.o~~.Away ·';'an~·" 30":::Mas()~:':lJ.~me,.. . ~ . Feb. 6,-Kin~:-Home ' .Miam 7-Liti ,Feb. . i-Away - . . .le . Ho~e bororiing ,. Feb. 20-Sp . t' . . t;
The Waynesville Irea Community Chorul
. ' ' ,-
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Will Present A
Pr,ogrlll .If .' ,11111111 IUlic Including Portions of Har:t,deI,~s "Messiah" Sunday, December 7th, at 7:45 p.m.
"ltIJ .,,..~At ·the Way~ilte 'High"6chOGI
~ f~ l"
'Admission Is Free:
,' ,,\ , ::-:::7-;'-= ':: ' HouseCleaning is in full Swing just now with Bonnie Carnes in ' charge.
, 'warmed
;pre~" ui:· ~ ~~ .~f "Thanp- ' . . .... ".: . - . ' ,·~· ,T~· hi"" /'.f!!r.~, 'f~ III . Ii8ve, .,C(o~~.:;~ ,I Siflhg. " I.l. nds 'With · · . • '
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',,':'Ch,filliR ,i l lif l IUII.lllilns fr III WlynllyUI • .'umilun . <. :,: - .. ' . '
IllY ' ·1f , ·1, EI S I IIEII ' "
SALE PRICE YOUR CHOICE Reg. $21.95 - "$23.96 '
Limit One
,CHRISTMAS HQiJRS Mcin;& Wed.' Till 6 Tue. rhu.-s. Fri. Till 9 <-,
SUN; .1·5 p.m.
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.;-Not e: The . MiaDp )' "Gazette doesn?t ordmarily,' ~cc,ept a partial s~b$Cription but , 4~e to the unu~ness of. th~ fon~wing" " ~ letter if iS,'making exception. The pubiish~t~ .and ,. editor 0.(;the ' ,r, " " Miami Gazette were ' '~Imost ..~. ' touch~d by ~e words of this , ".: devoted' reader. " , ,', Mianii Gazette': ," .;, MiSs Henrietta : McKinsey of , " Asl\t8bula, Ohio sent ~e a copy , ' ' of the Gazette' and I was so glad', t~ know it was being publlshed
PInt Baptist. Church North Main Street Jolm P. ~~, :.~utor Jt!~~~..t:=l: ~i--l ' 10:00 ..m.~y; .xnuo .
11:0000 "':i' ~~8 Wonrup. .
6,:3~.ib., 'T~ainiil. yni~~
, 7;30·'p.m., Eve~g WonlUp.
RABVBYBBUBG Prfendabip Bapt ist n1.1U'Ch V",._
So~tlaem ,Bipd jt Convention
No~ 'N~do"~ ' Putor
9:30 ... .m.,. Sunday~oo1. ' 10:3ct... .m., ~~y Momina. , .~.()fthi~.:' l"~~' ' 7~0" 'p.m~;:" ~Widay Eveni n,
7:30 p.m., Wednesclay ,~~~ytt . ". ~, . , ,Mee(ia,. (Affiliated· , w~.tb_ :. SOutk~ ,. -~,. ~>;:: ': . .,- , Bapda c Col1ftfttibill· :,,' .:,.- , ", ,, ' 'd9', ,~:~ , WecL;~y, Mid:. ", ," ;, :. ': ~:. ' - :~ '"eeJt-r. ~.yJ - and Bibie ,...' . ','.~.;" " . Study. I'Uit -Ohurch of Chri st . But High Street Thom a Stevena, . Minister 101ULha Bun Baptist OIiurch, , " 9:30 a.m., Sunday Bible School. ' O~73" 10:30 ' • .m., Sunday Worship , t.a~ '~Kicrci, PUlOr . , and Commwaion. ' 10:00 ~Iil •• .' SUnday School. Youth y Sunda p.m. 6:Qq io:60 ~ 1'1:00 a.m., Sunday , Wonhip Service. Meetin" ian Christ y, Sunda 6:30 p.m. 7.:3~ , p.m., Sunday Eveni n, You . Hour. \V6.nrup. , 7:30 p.m., Sunday Eveni n, Wonh ip. UDited liethodist 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Bible Chur ch Study. David 'Har~, Pator " 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church.
Then Jesus said to him, ' "Begone, Satan! for it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only-sIJillfyou serve.' "
EdltQ( S• .
-Matthew 4:10 ,
K'1'~ JlOT,I,Y
Priencia Keating
Fourth Street near High 10;;0 a.m., Su~ay School. " l Schoo a, Sund a.m., 9:30 11;00 ..'IIi~, Sunday Wonh ip " 10:45 a.m., Sunday M~g ~ " ',' Service. . (unpro ip ' for Worsh J'" , ~y~uth FeUoWship ~~J B~l, , , ' L'd Study • :,:: 'C'u:n'ihed). • '.
St. AuguatiDea "Chu rch
High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, 7 •.m. & ,II a.~. MUla 8 • .in. a' 8 'p.m. 'Holy Day. 7 :30' -p.m. Fint Friday a.m. Daily" ~
,.- ':4'
st. 1Iary'. Bpiacopal Chur ch
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harol d Deeth, Rector 11:15 a.m., Morning Prayer 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday,: . Holy Commwaion 2nd & 4th Sundays.
United Keth odilt Church
Third & North Streets L. L. Young, Minuter 10:15 a.m., Ch~ch at _ Worship. 9: 15 a.m., Sunday Oaurch at Study. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth Fellowship.
. ~ ~ E. So~ Str~t Rev. J,ck Hcpnjlton, Past9r ~ ~ . ~ ~': ~ ·7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30' p~nr" friday - Young " ' Pe~<ple's Service . 10 ~OO'a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. 'Sunday Evening
nu y Perr y Chur ch of Christ WilminaroD Pike & 'Social Row Road
Bu Wiseman, Minister 9:00 a.m., Sunday Bible School. 10:15 a.m., Sunday Wor.h ip. 10: 15 a.m., Sunday Youm Worahip. 6:30 p.dl., Sunday 'Evening , Bible ' Study, aU .... 7:30 p.m., Eveni n, Wor.h ip. 7:30 p.m., Wedne.day, Midweek Prayer and Bible Study.
. f
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Spm . V&1ley Prie nu Ohur ch
Mound Street , E. Friend. Couaer, PastOr 9:30 ~. &ada, Khool 10:30 a.m. Mofnin, Wonb ip - ,
'j .
Christian"Baptist Mission Main Stre8t
Mn. Lois DunaWay -Pastor Sunday SchOQl - 10 a.m. Morning Wonhip - II a.m. Eveni!lg Wonb:iP"~ 7:39 ~.m~ , PrayeJr Meeting, Wednesday - , -7:30 p;m. : Prayer MeetiJli,-Thursday: 7:30p .m. .
Song-fest - I.8st Saturday·each month - 7 :30 p.m.
, ' ; - , ., ~tf :~
...,..' __
Free p~ ChurCh , , of GOd ' RR. 122 - ~ds" Ohio I 0:30 a.m. -Sul)day:-$chooJ~ , 7 p.m. - Sunday ~gelist!c . ' . '" ' Service 7:30 p.m. ~- Wednesday Prayer Semce , . 7:30 p~m ' Siiturday ~nini . ". wofsiup~e
Si~tini in my .
, C8:rld 'of ThaJ.l~_
THE ' C9rwin .Pentecostal ' Church, .. home. 'Ph. 8~?~2IJ7': ~ ~3c.tf host ·to ·the T"~~k8givipg fellowsl,lip, WANTED: Babysitting~ P.l~ 0 ~ ' wit:h~ to exprelJ8, heartfelt appreeia· 8{;7-5921 .. Ask for olean: ' I~nctf tion ' to' ~ those who made this 8Cr~" llEArlNG Stove for sale. 75,000 CANVAS .Renalr. · Tents, campers &: iec a gr~at, success. To ench local BTU with blower. 150.00. Phone .bollt ,t~ps will replaee all types of Pastor, espE.~iallY Rev. L. L. Young 897 ·4350. . ' "22Ctf ziJl~rs. Cont~t t~e re8iden~e .of and the United Met,hodist Church. " , j .' ., APPLES aDd frem ,cider; Golden . J~,": E. 'Smit~, Jr. ~ i,,' St. 'Wa~; . Re.v. 1JtOlllas • Ste"~'DI! , and . the Delicious,. BI~k TWig, Bt~yman & neRVdle. .: . 24ctf '. phur.ch of Chr18t, Rev. Joseph Lut· old fashioned Wfneeap, Jonathon,. :.::-::-:::==:-;--=-:---....:.:.~--'""":""":f':"-.-.-i~' . , 'mer and . Bi. Augustine Catholic WANTED to buy'~P UIIed 'pianos,' . Church" ~ri88 Elizabeth Chandler' ~m,e Beaut'~'" and ~J1land, Lumpwritt" B~x 542, w1lmin~on, Ohio. representing the Friends' Church, kins Fruit' F~rm! . ~ PlileS South of ~ntervil1e · .on Route 48, East on __...-::=---"-=--=____2_1c_tf Bro. Meltin witb Bro. McCloud rep· Nutt .Road' 3/4 ,mile. 270tf Beal Estate resentatives of the First Baptist Church. Also, Rev. Harold Deeth, CRIB, 6 year aise, Storkline, excel. the evenin.g speaker and the St. leDt c~ndi'tiOt;',. '17.00 897-2422 27cl Marys Episcopal Church. Indeed our . PLAYHOUSE' Toys; 30 percent off hearts ·hav4e known a greater llruiEe . OD all ttiat are left. All still like of . Love Ilnd thanksgiving t.OW8,·c! " new. Phone 897-$12. 'Get now for Almighty God with t.he wonderful ~m... 2701 community fellowship. Rev. Aey Semces , ' 1966 OHEVROLET Impala, radio, Lamb-Pastor Corwin Pentecostal HOME repair and maintenance carheater, automatic, A-I shape, '1200 Church. 27 c1 penter, concrete, sheet metal paint, cash. Phone 891-6204 after 6 p.rn;. ing, roofing and electrical. Phone THE family of JI!8Ile Smith. Sr., . . 26c2 74"-2982. 21ctf wish to thank all of our friends FIREPLACE wood. 'Phone 897-4170, and neighbors for their acts of kind· LOOK your ~ for the Holidays, . . 27~2 ness during the 1088 of our loved . have a sparkling clean carpet. Oall one. Wife, Mrs. Della Mae Smith . Geatetner Model 451 dupli~ Paul's Expert Carpet Cleaning. Ph. 27el and childr4en. . cntor wit.h Ge&tefax Electronic' Sten· 932-7876. 27c3 cil Se~lIner unci cabinet. AU excel· I wish. to thank my friends for the FARM fencing, 'barn painting and lent· co'ndition. Phone The Miami ' many ' cardia and flowers I received repair. Free estimates. 'Phone Mid· Gillette 897·5921. 16nctf during my recent stay in t~! hospi· <lletown "23-~424 or 422-7494. i7ctf tal and lince my return home. TOY Poodle Stud Service, AKC Fred Grauman. 27el Regilltered. White or Apricot. 150. I wish to 'express my appreciation t-Year old brick ranch, 3 bedAppointmont only. Phone 897·4148. and tharuta for the kindness and lieU {ooms, family room, paneled sympathy extended to me during dining area, city utilities. COLO Spring. ' Beauty Shop: WI. the loa of ~y brother, Horace What a' buy!! '$1.9,000. take appointments anytime. Ph. Turner. Alao .' deeply appreciated 1r.1'1 : 1 ~ 897-430S. ... .Setf were the cards and flowers. Alma ;,Qder ho~e ready fOJ your • Skinner. 27c1 OO'Dortunities ' fiRiilY. You · ~ust see ' to NIOEUttif' buaina. I need some· , appreciate th~ , many feat1}res one in this area'that would ·be interof. :/thiS versatile residence. ested in thar own' 'sub-wholesnling $HOf~: AND SAVE ·~ie · rOomS, full basement, buaina a\apervisiDi ' retail salea - ~aBe.: 'rj9n't wait,<;all n~w. ~ple. Call 01-316-1&36:-:· 26ctf
0, :: . >
Dayton artist Daniel Cummins.
Where Is It? foUowers apparently found the top of the bam behind the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore of 57 North Main Str.eet, Waynesville a tough one. Those who did correctly '. identify the Where Is It? include Mrs. ' Henry Moore, Winifred Morgan, Mary Etta Moore and Dale Thompson. This week the Miami Gazette will test its readers' historical 'knowledge with a Where Was It? The aboye Where Was It? may be identified by phoning the Gazette at 897·5921.
'SI'9,000. ' : .
" .. ', ~ L~~h
-. pried It . . . Ianaer'. feMe po.&.. ' .
· : ,.:J:,moDBLIRa. ;:Bo68it Oarter '. -~n
~ .-fi •
, . 2. N.3'" IT. ' VlAVNElVILLE,., OHIO . . ..
Itlll IElll'
AIENn FOR THIS AREA: . ,ri' . ' . '
'1 Itty 1IartIn-817-17S1
.' :t.n- y
",' "
" Rita _
. ..., ' ''~2J'4 '
....... '
lMIUU"< I •• . <:".,,, .
' ~~.
PH. 897-7931 or. 897-2241
>: ..BOB
. ~ .I~~ '
I : .
. .
ran IC. nWe, ptvite old, fpepds an.d~J!ew to compare our values' on top ,~!~y, . originaf gift , and art creat1ol\s.... Even on a smaQ. pur- , , .~ chase yoti'l save ' P,l(:>~e 'than~ it costs'to drive :to:LebaJlon." "
C,IIII CITY liT I IIPIIT HOllE Corner Mulberry & Mechanic Sts., lebanon, Ohio. New one-stop gift 'shop for Southwes.ern Ohio. More than 3500 original hand-crafted creations from 43 countries around the world. We are ~ importers and wholesale distributors, so we save you the middleman's profit. Hundreds of oil paintings, each one different, each handsomely frame.!. In- , .eluding the new "mini" paintings, exquisite tiny masterpie'ces, some not much' larger than a postage stamp, that are now the r~ge with art collectors. Intri()ate, meticulous wood carvings. Oriental paintings on s,ilk. Our exhibit is an 'art collector's dream. And everything at only a fraction 0'[ the price you'd pay for it downtown; .
THE STORE 11 East Main St. 6ifts, china, glassware, more than 600 new items at real discount prices. Many same items as shown in fanciest m.etropolitan gift shops, and in the b,ig department stores. Shop and compare, 'and you 11 appreciate the big saVings for a plc~asan~ drive to lebanon. Many new items never be,fore see~ in, this,area. ,,;
THE II,II-YIII .111' SHIP 'our
Yes, we even pave a wig and hairpiece division. A smart, stytWt ' shop qn property at 7601 State Route 48" Maineville, Ohio: only eight miles south of tebanan. You'il fmd 'exactly the"wig you need, in a style to' complement your . ' own perional beauty" at a savings you never dreamed possible~ We'import these hairpieces, both synthetic and ~ 00% hU~ ,hair, direct from Kor~a and .rli~: , Because of our direct-import arrangement, excl\1ding the middleman, ~nd our runt! no-rent location, we sell our wip as low as one-half the going pricC!S. You can't buy better wigs, and you won't believe the savings. You'D save the &st of. the drive to Maineville many times over. Just tum right (south) on Route 48. , We're only two miles south of Route 22 and J, a few hundred yards beyond the ' Bi$ Four plant. I
ONLY The Bible Masterpiece of our time. The new clarified reference Bible. Equal to a com· . plete library of 12 votumes previously sold for $119.95. 9" by
10" and 5" thick ••
bound In goId·tooled white
buckram leather. Pages edges In 24K bright gold. Faithful reproductions of original 011 paintings of famous Biblical scenes. Color photographs of the Holy Land. Maps In full color. Over 35,000 clarifications show· Ing where the King James version differs from other leading translatlon.s. Printed on
, finest white Imperial non-glare paper. made exclusively CJtholic
for this Bible. Pr()testant or versions.
ordered by coupon to Show you the amazing
values available from our Shops.
Second-class pos~age paid at Wayn e.sville, Ohio = - - - - - -.- ...!,.: ==:-:-.-=_:-7,.:-:.- - - ;,--:-.-:=== -~ -7 , -:!'==--:., - -.... , --::, ~------'-.------~-----~.:-.----~..~ W~ynesville,
'" ..
1969 , ~~-
. -
10 'cen, . ts '.
linllrS lound Off About Chr'istDlII
Friday night the first of Waynesville's carol-ins was performed by representatives of the First Baptist Church after an official village Christmas proThe traditional sights of gram got underway a week ago. Christmas will background the More carolers and visits from stage Dec. 15 at the old WaynesSanta Claus will contin ue ea~h ville High School audito rium for weekend until Christmas under a youthf ul sounding of the Yulethe theme, "Chris tmas 1797". tide. Wayne Retail Merchants As&Approximately 200 studen ts ociatio n, which is sponsoring the from Wayne Local Elementary program, wanted to promo te a~ School will present a Christmas old fashioned Christmas and in program at 7:30 p.m. They will so doing decided that the theme . be under the direction of Mrs. should carry Waynesville's birthJames Weltz, school music didate. rector. The Waynesville Comm unity blend will ts studen grade First Chorus will carol Friday night their voices for a presen tation of downt own. It will be followed "Jingle Bell Rock." by the First Church of Christ Studen ts from the second Dec. 19 and a local Girl Scout grade will vocally assist the fifth group on Dec. 20 . grade during its program opening which will include lighting a Chamber To Meet Christmas tree to the tune or' "Let's Ught the Christmas Tree." The WayneSVille Area Chamber of Commerce will meet MonThird. and fourth grade perat 8 p.m. at the former , s will combine their carol- day, Dec. 15 Fireside Inn. ing talents. . This will not be ' a dinner sing' The sixth grade choir will meeting. Drummer Boy" an~ ",The• • •Uttle f '''n'~ Beginning To Look a Lo . Uke Christmas." This group of youngsters is selected from all the classes of the sixth grade. There will be no admission charge for the program and the public is invited to attend this promising evening of Christmas ' enterta inmen t.
i;d:e., Inn '0:f,18rl CandlaUght Dining by DENNI S DALTO N
Waynesville's most promin ent restau rant a~in has its culinary feet on the ground to the pleasure and gastronomical delight of ~. its citil~ens. .The "Firesi~I.e Inn owes its new in~aJ1'd~t~rwr " .~legance, hall ' e;·:..fJ)le :.;s~rvice and mark ·GtJisitl ~," l " . friendty, h<?~pit!lJit~·· to ~ group of a dining homet owner s :Wtto f~111 d :saved-.it poten1liaf~~ri . res" "t' tauran t limbo~ ,' " ' t~' Forme rly Chadi~s , '.St1eak House and originaliy M~rylns, The Fireside Inn was ignited from the ideas al')d pooled investiments of a group. of, interes ted resi~ dt;n~s a.nd businessmen bent on havii'ig a hgo~d eating house. " '.,.' , ·.~ lo~al (urniture dealers, Mr. " ':~bs: GI~n Smith, spar,ked ' . ,r~~ ~l~aging the " " the, origi!lally J
tion of the Waynesville National Bank. The only group dividends established were those privileges and -b~tief"s. , wed from the availability of a fine eatery . Some of the save Waynesville's di'~ing heritage group rol1ed up their sleeves and went , to work cleaning~ 'wallpapering . and painting. Others loaned their moral suppo rt and pledged their patronage. Every comm unity and area professibnal resource was ' dra,wn upoo to make the Fireside , lpn the best. Mrs. lieleo Preston of WaynesViUe came ouf of retirem ent for ' tt\e ,second time bringing with ~er !nfl'n ite ,gobd taste and ex~ . pert business knowledge to handIe F.iteside·' ~blic relations. " ·.lQoe of Waynesville's foremost . ' eSSJnen .Soppy WallY~'Jng ~'b&lISin OC4S:. next ~_ ~ 1
. ,
. ~'. , V . . . . . HV .
groaned new vitality and u~ful ness under the auspices of volunteer and salaried workers. An executive chef, William Hooks, former chef for 14 years at the renow ned Golden Lamb Inn at Lebanon, was coaxed from recent termin ation of professional cooking. Hooks, backed by 29 years of ,experience, ·set cuisine charac ter and tastiness. Hooks, who rigidly sticks to h~me preparation type of foods, with good, wholesome, first quifity meats and fresh produc e ill season, flXed cuisine charac ter , . and tastiness. His 29 years with Contine~ta1 and American cooke ry set' a table bill-o{-fare accent ed by'~ a" variety, of foods includ ing, "some ';' ~ that ~.'t bt; gotten jU$t ·everY- '" ':where '" 'such" ~S . TOast diic1ciill8 l~ . ',Iand W.n.d . nc~.:. t.
bbI,_' '
," ';'. tutil)2lrY 'd'~'Jlj(':tc;»",'isl)~;f()(tt.epf~,m
ftelllUa 'GADm'. ' :~""""'),'."1lC'l~
,POi.1k;Z 78 ..... '"PhODt 89,7-5921 'a Ohio:,
~<..e. ~';~~, '~aiDeiVm~1
,.... 'M~ ~ tOe
Su,becri~ti"n p'iC~ ..,..00 ,'
per copr,. '.,
. ' ",
.' ..
~c~hniqu~~: ma~y :
ci~ic Ball.~i::.Mr. Ma4~n\~s~'
Echt"r , , The Jrenowned } .' wdrld i " l>U8 IlIrtid BdIaIl' " , . . ~ ·-·General Man.,er' ~let Co,mpcHlY 'wllJ'perform 'the , ,artists' have If bee~ . brou8h,t : tOI currently ohairman ?,f ~e ~~c~ " "MId· 00 ~ ~::~::.::::.::: .... .. ... . .. ... ... ~ ....::: . Advel:\iain.« )laEdi~~t..r' : ,Nutcracker ""Suite' at ~~jO\~· p.n~ ..: Cinci"nnatl:,: to ~~pe~r whtt "the ". "'Department .'at , the tJni\'~~sjt,Y. " B '. ASsociate or ' .___. . . . . . ._
ft..k_ ' ~MlD
•••••••••• ••
' •••••• 0
. P.O. Bo~ 714,
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I·.. hli:<'";~,;
,1 1
annual subscri):>tion
P.O. Box 78 WaynesVille, Ohio, 45068
Loco . Your Veteran's Beneflts Espr . Especially at Chrlstmas The Sand Rose
Hoffman Friedman
' ,'
"', ' ''Y4
Only abank offers both
' ~, 0 U ,re ' Lynn 's s~ar't ShOP; t~tefuijy , ~ ': twenty-two crammed ' with ' quility" vogUe',' and,.a bout to fashions, shows s\lcce.ss to date. " d' It was expanded 'a nd redec~ntt- '" be marrie . ' ~1 ed last July and agajn jhst re-~' ' cently. ' ., :' , WI-II Comfortable, rur81 tyPe" ear- ' 'L • ly American ~~or backgro~nd, anytnlng fashlons and accesSories at'trac- ' r,e ally ~o~t tively displayed for a luge and ·' ' stUl.gTQWing clientele.'. " \", Y OU less?
Yes. your Meridian Ii •
Auto '
' . lD,,,, · .,' Come
',,'and we'll'·, explain,.
future needs. The perfect services for budgeting, record of payments and provision for future expenses.
Thl IlyoI.vilie Illi.oll 'BIIII. ,
Sibley SUlTJ11erton
r 'l l
1,.-' ""
Dec: 13 at lebanon High SCh~ol Cpinpany, .' 0 choreoBI'aph . new of Cincinnati CoUege.Co~s~rva-... , . alJditorium. ' works . for.' thc3 ttpertoire or to tory of Music and holds vatlo~S, <, Thc" much' 'acclairiled lJto.up'e .. ~onduct ' ,master :, class,es,. 'Otese . distingUished positions ,through. .will , be slPonsored a~ Lebanon soIQist~; , \choreographe,ts ' and out th~ ·count~. ':. > :-'; ~>.'.t , I " " , Ullder' th,e au~pices of. the' Leb,a- , teachers incl~de Jacques d' ~" " , l ..;,':: ..< non. Rotary Club; ' bqise, Meli~a Hayden, Andrea , "" . .' . ;",' Cincinnati Ballet Comp~ny, Prokov,sky,. Vi~lette. V~rdy , an~ beginning its sevehth season, is 'Edward , Villela from the New r • Cincinnati>s ' resident ~epertory . Vork City Ballet' Co~pany; . " " I ',:, ,, ' : • 0' ( ballet company, wttich presents SuzannCf Farrell, ;" Iv~n..' Allen, : "/ " ~ ,I, •• '.: " ballets "iri contempotary' ~nd Metropolitan Opera ,Company.; .' classical dyles. ~spite its brief Frederick , . ,Fran~in. National . . . '.,' existence, the Company not-only ' ' Ball~i:' Corttpaqy; Timia Grant- ' ~eva, BaU~t ~ussb " de Mdnt~ holds an 'imp()ftant position in the city's cuit~ral circles, but it ,Carlo; Tania . ~rina ,and. Oleg also has re(!,eived,~ational acclaim. Sabline, Marquis de Cuevas; Coral In reviewing ,the , 1969 Spring alhan, Norman Walker C~mpany Season perform'ances, Walter . Enrique Martinez, Ballet Master, Terry in Dance Magazine stated 'American Ballet Theatre;, Lucas .... .it is rare to see such totaJ Hoving; ' Anna Sokolow; and Last Thursday: was second ' Robert Joffrey. ' professionalism in matters of anniversary d~y for Mrs. S!eve dancing, music selection; decor, David Mclain, the Company's (Lynn) FieJ,ds,. s~op ~wn~r~~~ , costuming;, direction, and staging Artistic llirector, is considered erator. centered upon students... ato be a brilliant, imaginative choreographer as well as a skille~ Lynn is a ~ar friend and,b~s~ mazing." P.W. Manchest~r in Dance News applauds "the stan- and sensitive teacher. He trained iness associate , of mi(le ~nd ,I dard of dance would have been at the School , of American rulve e~jQyed wat~hing the 'raphighly creditable for any proBallet, Ballet ' Ru$Se .de . Monte idity of her business .achleyem~nt. . ,',,' . fessional company. For student Carlo and ,Se"ero School. Mr. dancers it was altogether Mclain holds a Bachelor of , ," /_, phenomenal." . Music d~~ee from ~e ~ni~er- ' 1 sincerely , a~~ .~~- ".~n< The Company is composed of ,sity of Arkansas and a Master of ' " faltering spirit and , solid detetdance majors at 'the U:niv~rsity Fine, Arts from ' Wayne State. ,. ininatf~~' with ~hich, LY~'.~~; . . " of Cincinnati's College-Conserva-' He has heldpositlons with the les the businesS world. : ~ese ;', ,. .' r tory of Music, the officiahchool , Joffrey Balle(and the Am~iican plus hi$h ~thics, viva~itY'aild;~ :, .."" } of the BaUet, with the exception Ballet ,Center in New York City, dies ' of energy and pe~9.n3l1ty ,' . : of three very gifted dancers still " was Ballet MUter for the Dayliken Lynn and h~r' sh:op ,to . a 'in ,high SAchoo~: Al~. a~~ seeking :" ton CiVi~i Ballet and s~rved 'as breath of (resh ~r' amohg ;ttr~ , '.; . someti~es st81e cuiren~ of Mai~ - .. performing careers·!n ' ~~~. ', , .' Artistic' Director of 'the Colum, To ex'pOse the Company to " " . .' ': Street:- AIl"bespeik:,tHe' ~~~~at the best in dance and ali'~' • 1 f' t~;s' -26-:r.ear~ia~~I. r . c uel;' 0 ru . ", 1 , "T"
Waynesville's female popul~tion should feel lucky to tie able' to avail ih~~lv~ or' ",yim '$ much, sought' after fasJlions (alSo , found in the city at higher prices) which now include ~e' ',I exclusive Nal;'dis of Ilillas.
f. f ',1
~4'pARM. DIARY '
" ." p,. J ~'F~~7.IE~ "f
'Like hony; ivY awl' -m lstle-
, Thurs~r; De~~~b~,~ .4; '19,69. Only tw~nty ,days, including nonsh~pPih& d,ys' til ' Chlistmas. It is- bad that way when, 'I'hari'ksgi~g t;omes so late. I·was. soroto mi~ the Advent, ~$J,9L eIVic~ at St ~~t'~c"'s,, ~banon:" lt/is st¢~', _ ';'. ~ " tifw "c~dle. ~8!tt. se~:-Witjr:the boys',choff.and the adult .choir tbo- 'and the be'-"ll;~td;' sQlemn AdVent 'hY.lllDS'
,,\ligmgJl~', tq p(~~,e _ Q~rs~lves, ~or the· coiIUhg ot, the MeSSiah WIth
the readings' from the Ptophets foretelling his coming, a truly different kind of preparation than the'modem eominercial' one with "Jingl~ Bctlls" ~d "Santa Qaus is, Coming to Town" all mixed in with Holy N~gnt. ' , We had a good -trip to Hendersonville, N.€. and a happy family visit. Turkey Qinner and football games in~erspersed, and home again on' Monday after the traffic jams were over. 175 goes all the 'way to KnoxvUle now with only a few detrours and bad places especially around London, Ky. but the trip is shortened by at least 'two hours. At Knoxville we tu n 'ort' '140 and' then dn seVerall' short- cuts that take us , to ;Hendersonville without going to Asheville. It is a beautiful ,ri4e across the blue grass region of Kentucky and through the inountams of Tennessee and North Carolina. It is still beautiful 'with the, green pines against the gray of. the le_af~ess aspe~s. COJ1rse, if. you ',a~e interested , ~ : ~fied:. quUts in bright ,colo,s ana cHina ' dlshes1 it skips those . tdo~ . \ . ,.' ,,;,,10 rspite of alL our. , ef(o.rts~
of .love." A red roSebud told
toe, n'qwers sbaie ln"the leg- ' .a lady that she W8.s,~,·,pute and
end and lore,of .C~t,~~$. In , te~ . qf thp :Vi~~riait' 'er~
, the ftorlil ' legend' ls '~n 'esp:e, clally ..neal1lngtUl one. " k ' Njctotlan lady whQ .. recelved a bouquet from her 'admirer could either smell it or read Jt as'if it were a let" ter. Qftt;n, Jt.wil3. a~ letter. ... Young engaged couples, strictly ·ehaperoried;' found ' a way to' communicate words 9f !l.aectio~ via flowers. E~ch ftower h~d a special'meaning. . Flowers in sequence could be uSed to spell out a,fervent pledge of 19ve'i To , heJp' in composing ' - and tranSIating' - these messages, there wel'e numerous tiny dlctionaries listing flowers and their meanings. , The flowering honeysuckle, for instance, spoke of "bonds
lovely." Red:, ,d!>ubl~ ' pinJt Il!-eant '''~oman's love.'~ And h~l1otropEr carJ:l~,d a bold message,-' "l love-,yod:" 'l'h1s Victorian language of flowers greatly .nftue~ced ' the design e)f Cl)rlstmas cards of the time - w1tne~ the , card illustrated here, fro~ the Norcross lllstorlcal Collection of :a ntique cards. ' The lush summer blooms are typical of the Victorian admiration of ftowers, regardless olf the season. Though sentiments may be expressed differently, flowers stlll bloom on modern Chrlstmas cards. A current card offers one example. Poinsettlas ftoweI~ on a background of mistletoe, and the message reads~ "Just for you, honey, all my love ai Christmas."
Cuttet~ Box . ,
Gregg Petersmeyer '.mllt
Mike Brandeberry
' Donald Barrett
David Miller
Tom Workman
~dfo()i t?J"-~~~b~ JJP4t~,~~J <RUgs ate' u~~y' tiffie-np~t 'Dqt j.rJi~e
are 1I1ey1 W~" liope for her"male pij-k's: b\1t could they be collies cWthef'Basset,r hounm'n'ext-door? W,e 'viait i,n lfear an(t-trem~ling to 19Qk fer family ,resemblances." ,~' ,Tv.!o,~9,f. o,U;f 's(>~ ,~htp!ised us by (aP'i)winga 'lit~le sooner th' were' J,tepared for, no-t larii~or·ail.YUUngr One,had thret.
. ~d'jhel' otheL fourt'~~,Je.ast< that
was !ill .we fouhd. 'Not s~ 11UUlY trucks. at the sale ci~day >,but'''more peOpI~' 'on die' inside ' at least for the-stack cattl~,; sa!e,'\mpst ' of Utem went ou ,,,for,, lu,nchl while . the, "eat c~VC4:, .,old. The prices ~eni to extremes ;' both ways' on bdth head, CaIv.es and ve~,.. ,I,<did very , well!: on ·, thepwhite:'faeed..ve81'<-I sent- but ' I, ~e~ ge~ id~ead calf. 8$: there· w~,e " only five 'or , siJ' "i~ere , ~~',. ~e,~' p'f tl\em ~_weD.-:.smal1< ~d;, ~y: 'Th~ ,tOll" . ; .2'· m:~ ,fifQ• •:bu ..~ ... ,. . rines:.·;th4.tt~·t ' '' f- .~ f~ ~ J~"
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Girls 8 to 14
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR to the boys in Lowell House, Harvard University Howard Burnett
Reg. ,$.98
F~ncis' E; smitt\" FN " JUl)ning '. o~J for 443 . ' :,'. ,I' ',' 844-1 1:leImf;l1bbe;rii 'i ti · sepicelllen .... with ,. ':~~~JtD:tas . :pac~~s, 'cards and ".' ,· USS J;{obert H. McC~rd i , , ". . (PP822 , " " ," ' ,.;:1~11t.e~'~lJeC.• ' ~QI!JS .t~~ dejldline 09501 N.Y. FPO New York, ~iliilgpa~k3ges.overseas. ' , :,,' 't. sen:~ce The fol.lowing list 'of ·"Ii .. " Sherer .. 'men ,has ,been compiled fGr ,the , SP/4 Richard A. Gazette' 275-38·3289 of convenience 0 Co. Troop Comm. ie-tiers: USA OLD ". \ ,....., ' rson. Hepde A s Charle long Binh, Vietnam., . . USS Tho~s J~ GaFY APO San Francisco, Calif 96332 I
FPO New 'Y~rk, N.Y. 09501 Before Jan. 15th Paul J. Crane BU3 151 Ocean Road Narragansett, R.J. 02882 After Jan. 15th Paul J. Crane BU3 USN MCB40 Co. uC" FPO, New N. Y. 09501
., ,
Pvt. Gaii R. Cook 278-48-7818 B Btry. 1st Bn: 3~th Arty. APO Ne~ York, N.Y. 09178 Gary E. Staniey 840-38·28 USN AU ,Rad. ST A-Isabella (T) APO 9845, New Yo;k, N.Y. Box 7i
Pvt. E2 Kenneth M,. Chamblin '. 272-48-01506 Co. A 2nd Battali<?n 6,th '.nf. APO NeW York, N.X. 09742
RECIRES.N;.8lJCH ' By Adeli ne : " It's -c:aridy-making time. You SP/4 Gerald Coffman 268-44-4485 readers just might like to try Co A, 26th Engr; BN this delicious and very rich candy APO San Francisco, Calif 96256 Sgt. James P. Current called BiHternut Crunch. : ' -0277 280-40 Combine 1 cup granulated P.F.C. Donald S. Coilins HHC lst Bn, 7th Cav. sugar~ ' Y.l teaspoQn , salt~ ' ~ :cup' ' 287-46-8822 APO SF 96490 water, ~l cup butter (or oleo) HNC 3/23 Inf. Comm. San Francisco, California Bring ,10 boil and cook until APO San Francisco, Calif 96224 a light crack stage (285 degrees). Warren J. Wolfe ,. ---Remove 'from heat~ add ~ cup ' Sgt. Howard K. Carr 44 Craig Drive, Apt. K·2 r'meeting of the Mason:Regula ' ' nu t meats. ·48·8372 277 1089 0 Mass. field, West Spring ' ,~dg~ was held Wedfles¥y Pour "onto greasted cookie ~gh Box 1867 819th CES (Red Horse) , ___ _ sheet; allow to' cool. APO San Francisco, Clif. 962.95 David S. Tooley E03 8441920 Mr. and MrS~ Ted Miller ~d Melt ,a 6 oz. package of semi. , " , A Company spent Sunday e~ening With · 'family L/cpt Dennis L Mea(fows 245-6864 . sweet c.~ocolate chips, cover the USN MCBl Mr~ and Mrs. Morris Fox. , ','. top wi'tlit mel,ted chocolate and Recon H (j So. Co. Bit 1/.76 SPO New York, N.Y. 09501 . ': ~ •.:: d Mr---W-ill' " d' C sprinkle ' with. chopped"' nuts: 1st Marine Div. (Rein) 'FMF ossum lor s. 'an lYII. ' J'd b k'" t . Wh C J'f 96602 . .F ".?~Cent~r1)\1rg' wer~,, ~ests several FPO " ~n C~I , ,rea I.~ ,~_ plece~. .' . Sa n ranCISCO, a I SP/4 Michael N. Wilson '~l~?~ ,;: ' " '\ ,,' ' ~ys ,~l",tlle"'home:lof ~s. Rqth . -' 268·46·9446 Spt4 Edward Bellman 268-46·7750 , QOster.., They ei1~ert.alDed, IMJ:S. ' S· · / ;'" P.A(~K' 40 MEE"'T PHV· LAM Signal Battalion Co. B o Co. 3rd Bn 8th Inf. 4th Inf. Div. " . Doster and'> Mr 1ieiljeit DOSter . -. . , ';., APO San Francisco, Calif 96243 Waym~sville 'Cu~ Scout Pack " to'" dinper Sunday . . ' APO San Francisco, Calif. 96265 \
lHaWk~,7~'f'~~a~ '-~--~-¥-·-M-~-1'-~------------' :~~~~ ~:etw~~:S:iIe atZ~!~ . '~. Mr~~'~~y;~i< r---~-W--~--~-~-~. , non ,visited the Clint T~ylbrs I
Methodist Church. . " . Tuesday. , . '.... • ____ , ' ,. :;.;.'. ' . ~ Scouts will decorate ;i' Pack Mrs. Thc;>mas (Minnie) ,,)Velch Christmals tree with ornaments_ ' handcrafted by them . The tre~ " ,remains in Clinton MeI1)oQ~.J{o's itat where .~he unde~~n~ su~-, will be eKhibited at the offices at , ," ,pery Tuesday. "e,r. ·condiW)~ !IS 'g " .. _ ~d. satiSfactory._ ~.\~ ", ., report , e. Gazett The Miami i?'
Poinsettias starting at $2.00 and up.
Christmas flowers now available
IIY llll ill1 ,FI·lr·1 ,Ph,ma Bartaock
Daily Hours: Monday to Friday, 6 p.m. • 8 p.m., Sat1Jrday and Sunday, 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. Drew Art Gallery in historic Wabash-Square, Waynesville is named in honor of noted journalist, Drew Sweet, a native of England, who . ,y Originated Waynesville's first Miami Gazette newspaper in Februa ; ' , ' . 1850. Thus it is approp~iate that ~" c()lIecu.on of original oil paint,ings be "galleried" in the offices of the'; leCorid,--Miami Gazette under-the nalne of one of Ohio's foremost newspapermen. The uniq~ess 101 till) " ,t i.:'" , . miniature art gallery lies' therein. . ' . THERE IS N,OTHING AS Dlsr~;N~IV~ ,AS AN QRJ,GINAL 'ANY· WORK OF ART FOR GIVINC; ,AT: CHRISTMAS OR \ . ,. : . TIME
,Mr.~ apd Mrs. F;ank Gibsp~ spent SUnday at ,the home rof Mr. ,. Gibson's brpther, Donald Gibs.Qh of Seaman' and attended." QRen house at their, florist shop.' r
Ilhave co:sponsore<l a bill that would prohibit demonstrators and marchers from using the names of deceased .seO'~cePlen without permission of their next. ' of-kin. It is sad testimony that legis, , la1ion of tIlls kind-must be intro. duced". Generally there has always been ,respect for our boys who have sacrificed their lives in war, 'BuC'the new. breed of anti-war ; de~o~strators in 'atte~pting to , "dramatize their cause have re·sorted to. carrying placards of servicemen's names who .have died in ' Vietnam. , Certainiy , the carrying of the na11les in a hight long vigil from Arlington National ..Cemetery to , the White House, as occurred in 'the .' NEW MOBE's "March 1
Agaii1.st Death," dramatized the war :.casu~lties and. caught the news : media's ,attention, It ,also caught , the attention of many disturbed, an<;l of widows who · saw parents the names their . . deceased son or husban4 being used to aid the en,emy that took their . lives. I have received letters from irate parents that their son's name was , used to p!omote the anti-war cause. A , deceased serviceman's . name should not be a piece of public prol>erty fha.t can be used in any 1)Y3rt~.~t p~opl~t S!~ .',fit. M~!s time <11"r'stOp i tlUsi deSeQ"l'3ti'o»,:,ahd ex. ploltadoJ;l or' our war d~aa and " the inyasioQ"upon their families' privacy. ; SST-IMPACT' FOR OHIO The House voted. this ,week to continye the development of the : 18~ mn~~per~hol:lr, JO() passen-ger 'Supersonic transport plane (SST). This is of direct interest to the ,24th District. ' Aeroncat" Inc., with' approximately 1.500 employees in the Midd:1etown area is a subcontractor who ' will be furnishing struchmiI -'comport'ents - 'for ' this ;'" . aircraft. Certain p~epliatQry com~ Ponents ".Will .undOubtedlY oonsist .~f sta.iD!ess ~ieel ; n;taterials'
developed and furnished by Armco. The Evimdale plant of General Electric is also a sub. contractor and many of their personnel involved in this project reside in the 24th District. 'The decision to go ahead with the SST would not have been more timely and ' wise. The Russians have already produced such an aircraft and the Bri,t ish and French are testjng one, Serious consideration ¥tad to be . taken as to the {>otentlal cost of . not going ahead with the development of the SST. American ' commercial aircraft has enjoyed a commanding lead over all its foreign competitors, It has been one of the greatest export industries, contributin'g favorably to our balance ' of payments. ApproXimately 85% of the commercial jet aircraft flying in the world today were manufactured in this country, bringing about $4 billion to the United States
$1.7 billion worth of aircraft was exported, making it the nation's largest single item of capital goods export. Between 1975-1990 the SST's successful production should result in a favorable balance of payments impact of $17 billion based on a market of 500 aircraft. AMMUNITION REGISTRATION REPEALED The House thiS week agreed to an amendment that would repeal the 1968 Gun Control Act section that' required the registrat10n of sales of shotgun and rifle ammunition. I voted for the long overdue exemption of this section of the Gun Law, But it is only a step in the right direction, The entire Gun Control Law should be repealed because so far it is only penalizing the sportsman and the gun collector, failing, as expected to attack the problem of the nlanufact~red
Only two Gazette readers were able to identify last week's Where Is It?, the apartment building next to the Gazette offices. They were Raymond Walters and Lois Berry, When you nnd this week's Where Is It? call the Miami Gazette a't 897-5921.
--.!;;;;;:::::::::::==;::===i XENIA
.~in:,:fo:r:ei:gn:.;e:x:cha~n:g:e.~La:s~t~y~e:ar~~.a~r:m:e!d~c:r~im:j;n:al~. • • •
", I
3ge I Wlet Pic kIe . Chi PI 4ge 21t CJ in g Paach8 S FraliD Va ga·ta'·blll 5i Slo 0 White Villa
frying Chicken"
White Villa
White Villa
Sliced Yellow
THE LAN.G CHEVROLET CO. 1-21 E. MAIN ST. X£NIA,:,OHIO Ph " 372-3553 RES .. PH..897-5 71-
White Villa
1 Ib loaves
, abll Ilpkina ~
20 Ib ,White
:' ~!tlflli ,
. ,
200 count
· •
.' committees ~e[e appoin ted with ,
the chai(~en as foJ19WS: invitations, Cindy' Watkins ~ decprations ~r(jle Brooks; recreation" Anne Shutts and refres~ments, Joy
· Waye aviUe - 1"-61 26'
~ney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S~ H. Rainey "of Drais. ' Miss, Penni Harlan : Rd., ' and, -r hi There will be a 25. cent. gift and Mr. of Lowery, . daughter' M,rs. Gerald Lowery have both exchange ' with the' same 'amou nt 'pledged to PIii Mu Sorority , brought for ' flie Ruth Lyons Ing to at Transylvania t.)niversity 10. . Christmas Fund, accord DOrthea Shutts, atib News Recated at Lexington, Ky. porter. The Wayne Four Leaf Clover The ' Major and Minors Child 4-H Cub had fUn doing liquid' Conservation League (CCL) will embroidery at the November meet , at 7 :30 p.m. on Dec': 18' meeting held at Karen and at the home of Mrs. Craig Barbara Vincent's home. Mrs. Francisco with Mrs. Lonzo Gi~bs Raymond ~liott showed them co-hostess. Each member i~ to ' different items that she had done bring a homemade Christmas in this medium. ,decoration to be auctioned off. The club members decided to have a christmas party on Dec. Brow~ie Troop : numb~r 301 ' 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the home will have a, C~ristmas ,party on ofJuan ita and Karen O'dell. Four
, Miss Pat
•• '
Dec, 17. Refreshmen ts 'will' 'be , " " serVedby,'Mlis.. Go'rsuch 3!1rl"tn e,!e :" , wiIJ be "!l 51} c~nt:'gift ',ex~ha~ gt' for those who w.ish tb'partigipate. I
_ _ ...-.1_
M A ft a G-· utomatics -; Acost /
,. WI1.~
Maytags' wash big loada~
Family Size Tub - Built for big load r,!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~_ cleaning. Great' for growing families. , Two speed Opetation - No nons~nse cleaning , power for normal washing. ~_...:/=====~==~......;.;..~ Gentle Wash, rinse and'spin for garments and f~brics.
Auto.atic Water Level Control-
lets 'you m~tch wat~r level 'to size of load. Saves Water - d~tergent ;... money • Power Fin Agitator • Safety lid • Choice of Water Temps. Fabric Softener Qispenser.
Drie~STe "~
Fast dry clothes at lowr temps. "
~I!lIII!!I_. '
Martal Halo-of-Hear Dryers - Surround dothes with gentle, even heat. No hot spots, no overdrying. • Permanent Press Cycle ,. Full Opening Safety ·Door. Fjne Mesh Lint Filte r. Convection Cooled Cabin , . , et- , , Many others ..-. \ ,
DOhald Noble of Walnut Street is a patient at Kettering Memorial Hiospital where he had surgery,
A new police cruiser (1970 ,: chevrolet) has been ordered. This will be in addition ' to the ' cruiser that the village has. Chief . Paul Cross is now on a fulltime basis, as he has retired from the Frigidaire plant.
George Henry, Bellbrook Avenue, is a patient at Kettering Memorial Hospital Where he was ta~en ,by' Spring Valley ambu· lande following a heart a~tack. 'j
alumni dance was quite an event days. All anticipated '. AJl- four grades of hlgh,schooL inttte those thrill of 'meeting old friends. were in one room:· On the first The village was running over .l ~y, in high school. the giris' with former residents for about wore a v.est, corset cover, bustle, ,I a , week previous to this event. tw.o, .. starched ruffled petticoats, One of the boys who graduated yo1umi.nous umbrella panties, from the village high school- was colore4 shirtwius~, ~hite skirts, one of the founders of the black~ ,patent . leatller ox~ords ' AhllDni Secretaries Associatioh,. , la9~d Wit~ colored' shoestrings to now the ~eri~n Alumni Coun'dtatcli'itlle blouse and black' lice lisle hoSEi,. The hair was combed cil. The old schoolhouse was sold in \~ , higli '[pompadour combed to the Am'erican Legio~ and is over a rat, made of one's Qwn also the location of a splendid . hair" ,combings. . There was a Towns~p Li~rary founded by a Psyqhe knot or a braided ,k not woman d~ctor of the hors~-ai1d _with a ·seven looped velvet rib· buggy days. This is now called bon bow. Each loop was wired the M~.ry L Coqk Public library" ' sp it WO\l.ld stand up. ' in her hpnor. . Comme~cement - All the This school has been replaced -boys. and':, gids were . ~ated ' on ' ',Vith a beautiful, , the, stage .in ,the "auditorium of ,"the '"idld 'schoolhouse: The girls on Dayton R~ad. This modern ~. . ) . ' building is sit~ated on a 37 acre :-wo(e 'l),ea\lUful white, dressesldetr~Ct ~t the north edge of the .\ ' :Sig.ted and..mad~ by th~ir m~thers , vill~ge. All the grades ~nd high fl... ' . , ' , whotA ~were painstaking, r" s<;~hol, a township school of ...........U\' .. \ I:. seams~resses. ' The ,\ of " I .over 1,300 studertts, attend here. ' .... I •• h ".... ~_ sent , pres~ , ~e;e ' are ' now 56 teache{S. .In'''i.. i.......l ....... ,..... I"Jlrnpn"....:',' ~hi~rka,:teh\' ~s::7fi~~t~ta~ght lin " 1' . (' qris spJj()~hn'19~~. 'lbe.'grounds ' . . The ',:,~e' at~r~,ctivelr .la·n~,c~pe~ with , ' little ,.:'" ..tf~e~ ' an~, ,~bs',;~ f(ont and j;'Hwl1t;JUUler: ~__ :,',.,,_,~! .. 'seeme.a: " Wh~n fumis~d .. ~t~, _all :th~ . ~~Y a~f~r..t~·J~~ :~~~ .back.: Ten bu~s ,\ ' ~,rtf~~tt ·~t~~ ~~lfUen fr~m all ovet,the township. ,:.. _" 1
ROlary Club
00 .,"
new ' buil~ng .~_•.B...E.TW_E.E.N_EL.L.'I.S.S.U.P.E.R.M.A.R.K.E.T_A.N.D_W.A.V.N.E.S..V.I.L.L.E.F.U.R.N.I.T.U.R.E_ _....
~1~VE' TfI~ C~N
,for more
, "(~A-ROCKER) .. by LA-Z-BOY
W~nl to rock, look at TV. or just nap awa>: the cates of ~ tiring d!lY? 4-·Z.'l)oy's ,RecJina·Roc'ker satisfjC!s' your 'every reo laxing mood. .Stop in and Jee"The AII.in.One:Magical Chair" with its many beautiful slyl~. , ) ,
' . ~.
I ....
Don Work~n, at the rigftt, is shown at ~ recent auctiori 'with 'wrench' a bid from the sa!e crowd. Dennis DaU~m Pboto-
~OCiate :Rhlph Belcher as both ~rthem' -"
II t.r
.' ',A',clos,e-out ~e4f a womens' . clothing store at rilkwood netted Workman hi.S ~ost ~n~su~ ,~uctioneering job. 'Il1at tim~ he . ,.au " cQ.oned 3,000 w , om.ens's bras:. sieres and hQse. v ," " A five~day sellqut ~f a drug
. ....-,-;"'.
~ ,.':~9J~ BUIXJ)ER ',
, :.?"·;" ALL "YPES :;:~ ',; "U.ODEm·G t~ · , ' Robel~ Carter &I Sti
The auctioneer today'ilas been required to, acrce~t his 'tole by 'becoinjrig' afientertaiiter,'. a~::W~ll, , according to.~orkmall. ':,' ,/ . "Everybody, likes ,an ,'auc-tian .
'sale~'.' ·he , ;ema~ked'. ' "I,lhink-"ZS ' percent 6r p~ople com.~ '·tb
com.,any w~nt o~ recor~ as t~e_:.. <~S!~, ~d ~Sr.e!ce?tjto bU~;:!~'~~, ...21 N. IN ST. • longest auctIon. BIggest m doll~ .~ 'J'he_e" IS ' 8lso ,aJ)Qther tsiCle~ to .~AYN\QvILLE, OHIO 45011 ' ' ·... ·;value: ~es ~e during the,,~~s.: ~",~i-Qdi\J': ~ .W~I1~.nl:;.t~e . cre~tive '.~~ ' .~.~'1Ji.UIW.L......;...Jj , when area .farmers raised,,:large . ~~s' 'Of t~e. wo~~Y{brk~~.)yp.~.. ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' i_ _ _ _I111!"'!111_ _ _ _ _ _. . . .. num!!ers of livestock and ' an , . ,in~ri:S !, gr)lfidfath~r ~ alwaYl ,told r. "- • ,'. .... . During moments,- Don· ... him' 'dlaf' a :pljn;'sliould, be :able " trad~s Jhe· wod~ f9~,:;·'-tQ" d9 ·~~~et~ji.~ifl ~'~hands ,'" BOB tkBRIOE'S of his work- ' 'aJi.dl's 'p.tompted Dbn's " \vooa~ : . • . ~J. ~" , , .'~r .; ' b ~ . o f tc? acco. ' : I :War . ~ weihs;' '. ' or;. . . /-' . •
116 W. Main St.. Spring, Valley. Ohio
.Instant Credlt-A~I Major 011 Credit Cards
848 - 4261
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$9.95 , WHITE
$10.95 Add $3.50 For SAFTY SPIKES PLUS 75c
FULL 4 Ply'-
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B lack Wall '
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Additional '$2.00 for JWh,l ti.• ai.,1
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PURIEY'S ,.11.
Ie If '
I i II
beauty _....,) salon hair drying with "see-thru" hood
~~-... ,
L..,.;;.~~~ ., SIG BIGI 27% x' 51·%", EXPENSIVE LOqKING
, F8,'I ,MtD
7 '$ 6 SO
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r "
.REG.. $15.90 The' center of atteiltion ... beautiful. sease'apes ' , ~,' ;Ian.dsoapeS' ~Jld still tifes Wit~ ,straight walnut, ,or' curv.ed maple f~ames. GOld l~es, ~nd 2W' ONLY . · ~, . " frime' ~oldings. 27~, ?t 5B~n si,zes. . ,
S 95
.~~ , ~~GE sE'LeCtfoN- OVER 200 I~ ~T~~K " R'EG~
$140.95' , ' ,.
19 99
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lenneoy', TOOL BOX
*A_ ", *:
A IIII~.OOO cu:1n.
heevr gauge 11M'
Maple Finish WaU' File '$ L,e tter ,Caddy
INIk~ ~ decorat ive place to store I,tters. ~11Is.memoi. 'Handy f~r phon'll' nU,:"bers lind scratch pad next: to telepho ne too. Rich maple ~rilSh wood with metal emblem . Eight ' separate , co!!!p~rtm~nts. emboSse~ metal labels. Hangs easily on ' , wall or d90-r; .
's29 9
PRIC SALE . ,ED . . Pepper Mill. . Deco . '. . - rator ~
& Salt Set
. adds charm and warmth to any tabie 'setting. Each Is 711t.. High. Genuin e WOOd, carved and polishe d to lustrous walnut finISh. I n attracti ve gift box.
· .· ONL:39~
,., '19 95
45-pc•. SJ;T
,; OO I"m, ,j
, '...
. . . . . . ,.
'I "..
" ·.~~~ .'~o~iU . •
.,:·]Jh imh . '\_
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, " Act LaJIlb" Pastor .
.'. · Study. iO:4' a.m. ~...day ';Won l\ip ~ ~_.J ;':~':~q
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..;,. '. ' , .. .
10:00 ...m..,s.m~.Y' ~!)ol. i':3~ 'p.m., , Sunda~t,t ..~~~ ~ ' . an! , 5ahirClauT ; S,;,e,;' .. .davi" ,. ,. _ .
, ., ~~. ~or.hip ~rvi~. ~ . 6:)0 'P.Jft. W~)! S! aUnl ' d ~' Song · ":30, ~.m:~ -Weclnad.~ Youth ,. !'::: Bible . . '.
studY ' ...
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~"ft. Baptbt~ Otiurch
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·iWt~Y8Bll:a~ ,
.. Prien dship Bapt ist North ~, S~ Church John .P. OabO~, Pastor ' 1.0:00 a.m., ~y SchooL. .-'·r Sduth em Baptiat Convention ' , . .'n ~oo ':~., ¥,omiDs Worship. .' _ Norm q Meadows, PastQr l. Schoo day .m'l"·~ • .9:30. ,". , 6:3,0 p.m:, Tr.ini ng Union Shem•. "~ and Japhet" acng Morni ~day a~;' nhi ' .10:30 coMing to the edit~rs of~The p. g.W9 EveniD . ~ 1:)0 p.m., .. ~'\f . . ' . , New BQOk of Knowledge. - .Wo~~ 7:30 p.m., WeclD.esday Prayet' ' Earty ttadlti ons men~on,' a 1OIl"1s · ,Ji~ ,~to ~ ·. ·sOn is bo~, 1:30, p:aq., Sunday Evening , Meeting. va~ylng numb ers ot wise : '. gh";n, (ancl~ the government shall ~" upon' his' . Service. (JJfili ated· w ~ t h South ern mep.. Twelve was the num" er his name shall be called· WonClerf~~ -, and er; should Mid~ nes~y 'Wecl traditi orial , in tJle Easter n 1:30 'p.~., Baptist Conven#on). ellOt ~ -, the mightY God, the everl_ ins,. . Copna ~hUrCh; ''W}1Ue: in the W~st, · weelc' Pr,. yer and Bible (Isaiah ~;6) :" Peace. of Prince ··Father.,.the mosai cs 'arid p9.tnting~ shpW. Study. Pint Chur ch of Chri st ed sOmetimes two, sometlm~s East . High' Street three; four or more 'Wise ~en: . LYTLE ' J, . ' LY BOL Durin g the sixth centur y, . Thomas SteveDS, Minister ist Joila hs Bun Bapt Idea th'at there were , the 9:30 a.m., Sunday Bible Unit ed Meth odist Chur ch Unit ed il8th odis t three came tQ be genera lly . ch School. Ohio 73 East Ohur accep tea. In legends, the wise Chur ch ter Minis d, Willar T. David 10:30 •.m., Sund~y 'Wors hip men were given names : Mel. Lester Kidd, Pastor . Rev. Leonard Baxter Gaspe r, Baltas ar. hlor, ! ip Wonh yl 9:30 a.m., Sunda and Communion. 10:00 •.m., Sunday School. 9:30 •.m., Sunday School. ", Service. ' 6:Gq p.m. Sunday Youth ": Alth~U&h st. MatheW. d\d ' 10:00 & 11:~ a.m., Sunday 11:00 a.m., Sunday, Worship not use.the name "Magi," he . Meeting . . 10:30 a.m., Sunday Schooi. ' . Worsh ip Service. Serviice. lmplle d it when he wrote of " . 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Christ ian ':30 p.m., Sunday Evening ':'0 p.m. , Wednesday, Prayer 7:00 p.m., Sunday, Evening "wise men," for "magi " was . es conServic ip Wor.h ip. Worsh Youth • tour. ' comm only used in Palestlb'e e. Servi~ . g to mean "great , .tllust~~!?~.'· . ducted by youth. ':3'0 p.m., ~:..mday Evenin ~oday, Nativ ity ~c.e~es Worship. Unit ed lieth odia t ·- . three wise men or 'Magi .~.';: show Chur ch " ': . . ! 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Bible presen t at the mang er'alo ng' Ridgeville.Community ; t w1,\.h t~e sl)~'phe~d8, ' who . Odis P~tor ' r, . , Study liDited Meth David Harpe Church hasten ed to Be~~nem! . pn ' St. Rt. 48 & Lower Church 9:30 a.m., Sunday Ch~rch 'W91: the night Christ ' , . Springboro Road , Wa1nut·v.~e . er., Service. howev , blen ds Meet ing i~ns, histor Some ' Pastor n Ray L Shelto , ' tl;le Pp~r of· ith, v.!slt· the Mered . R. th,at t· e. Roba' High beqev , near .'. " Fourth Street ;., 10:30 ~., . Sunday School. ~l, .~" , plJ~"'. 1aJ;e:' ~dldn~t ¥agt ; ~ ': . • I Sch~ ~~~y .,~. 9.~O~ '-9:~0 a:~~ ~ SUnda~ : ~ool . 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. , l~ 11:00 Lm., Sunaa y Worship ear" a~s·al -perh later muCh. ' M,.Mom,mgW~rshi, ,. , .' , ~vU:e: t1 10:30 a.m. Mom jnl' WOl',bip 710~~~ the after · 'yea~8. t~ e.Wi; ' 1'0:4' a.in., Sunday Me~ting r o \ . .3q;P,~~. ~n~y Evemng ! \' shiPr ,. Fell6w ~t of. 'f¥o'U ; ~lb1rth p.m' ·6:3.0. ' , -: . (unpro . for Worship ~lV1ce Youth Fellowship ~d , Bible " ' " ::. . ' , . g Evenm 1·30'p.m. Wedrtesday gtami ned). . : ' . 1 ' . ' jr.. high '" Ir. hi' ... :.~. ~' Study Service :} ./ .\, •., . : 7:4' pl.m. Wednesc:la ... ..,~},h\; s~...Youth $.:jOP,m: ~diy ...•. ~~ ..~}r~ sal . \' . rehear " :} ion ecreat R , . St. .A.~ ~urch Gospel F.ull ysburg Harve -' . .High ,Street 6:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth': , h Churc Chur ch .. Services ..", SFiD g · Rev. Josep h H. Lutmer, '. ' of ,Chri st , a.m. & 11 a.m. Masses E. South Street . ~ , Genntow,. Un.ited .Church . Glad:" Street 8 •.m. &' 8 p.m. Holy Days Rev. Jack Hamiltoq ,l ~or _ ' 10:00 ' a.m. MOmlng Worsk jp 'o f Christ _, ':30 p~m. Fint Friday , y Tuesda ' p.m, 7:30 ':00 p.m. Evening Wonh ip·· . ' Route '42 at Genntown ' . 7:4' a.m. Daily Mass 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young Ray, Sto1lJ1er, Pastor 8:00 p.m Wedn aday Evening ! Service '5 People 9:30·a.m. WOrship Service Worsh ip It. 1Iar y'. Episc opal 10: 30 Sunday Church 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Church School g Evenin y 7:00 p.m. Sunda SpriJUl V&1ley Third & MaiD Streecs 5:00 p.m. SUliday Youth ch , Chur Rector , ndi I'rie Fellowship Rev. Harol d Deeth Y PEU Screet Moun d 11 : 15 ••m., Morning Prayet' Couser, Pastor ' ys: Friend Sunda B. 5th & . 1st, 3rd . Free Pentacostel Church ..Perr y Church of Chri st l schoo y Sunda a.m. 9:30 & & 2nd Pike union ngton . , Wilmi Holy Comm of God ip Wonh g Momm a.m. . 10:30 Social Row Road 4th Sundays. R R. 122 - Dodds, Ohio" '::-. ter Bus Wiseman, Minis 10:30 a.m~ - Sunday $Ch06L . n Missio st Bapti tian Chris Bible y Sunda 9:00 a.m~, 7 p.m. " SUnd~y Eyangelistic -;. Unit ed Meth odist t Stree Main 'School. ' . ":" , ' Service Church Pastor ay Dunaw Lois Mrs. ip. s Worsh iO:l" a.m., Su-.day Third & North Street 7:30 p.m. - Wednes.day .Braym: a.m. 10 School y Sunda Youth y m Sunda Mini. , a.m., Young 10:U L. L. Service .Morning Wo~p · ·U a.m. ip. Worsh saturday' everibll" . at . 7:-30 Ch~ch a.~., 10:15 p'.m•. :30 7 , . ' ip Worsh g Evenin :,.' na 'Bveni y. p. Sunda worshi service:: '. 6:30 p.dl., Worship. sday Wedne g, Meetin Prayer Bible . Study, all .... 9: 15 a.m., Sunday Clwrc h at ~7:30p.m. , . ip. Study. 7:3.0 p.m., ~veniai Worsh Meeting~ Thursday: . Prayer 7:30 p.m;; ':Wedn .day, Mid6:00 p.m., Sunday, Yout" Fel.. 7:30 p.m. ' week Prayer .d Bible ' low.hip. Sont·fest - last Saturday each : month -·7 :30V.m. ,
splUJG,'. PI·T ilI' .,
i' •
. \. 1
, .
~I "'
•.'SHOP,· ·, , S BAlt B• IO · ~ POWBUl . WAVIElVlu.:E/OIf. ' . " < ".
;, .
, f.
BRIG RT SPO T ~.' UVILLE, OHIO -:'" WAVI {' ,,,:},~]
,,,: -, , ;. ,
~ .
Sal~ _ __ solid body gui· electric HARMONY r $50 for amplifie ' 750 Kay tar with both . . Will sell separately. Phone 28~2 897 ·2'13'6. '\'OU saved 4: slaved for wall to wall carpet. Keep it' new with Blue Lustre'. Rent electi:ic shampooer $1. 28cl Wayn~vllle Furni~ure~ SCRATCH , I'uds , for sale at The Miami Gazette. 105 S. "Main St. 16nctf WUYllellVll1~. 50 GAL. electric water heater. Good 2&1 condition. Call 897·4490.
W ANTEP : ,Baby
my 23etf
h,orne. Ph, SIl7 ,2177. WANTED: Babysitting. P h 0 n f , 18nctf 8m ·5921. Ask for .rea~, CANVAS Repair. Tents, campers & bORt tops will replace all typeil of zippers. Contact the residence of Je,;ge E. Smith; Jr. 'Miami St. Way· 24ctf ' , "eRvilte. WANTED to buy-5 0 used pianoe. write , Box 642, Wilmington, Ohio.
'Real Esta te
HEATING Stove for sale. 76,000 BTU with blower. $50.00. Phone 22ctf 897 ·4360. FOR SALE, 4 month old English Pointer pup. Good markings. Call 885·3164 or see at 9666 , Gebhart, 28c2 'Road (Lytle) .
NEW home for sale, 3 bedrooms, family room, fireplace, 2 car garage. Located on O'Neall Rd. 10% down will buy. For more information call cDa,rles H. Welch 897·6556. 26ctf
Services HOME repair and maintenance car·
APPLES and fresh cider; Golden penter, concrete, sheet metal paint· Delicious, Black Twig, Stayma n & ' ing, roofing and electrical. Phone old fashioned Winesap, Jonathon, Rome Beauty and Cortland, L'Ump' kins Fruit Farm, 2 miles South of Centerville ,oli Route 48, East on 27ctf Nutt Road 3/4 mile. FREE: Adorable puppy 6 weeks old, free to good home. Phone 897·2449. , 2Scl
LOOK your best for the Holidays, have a sparkling clean carpet. Call Paul's Expert Carpet Cleaning. Ph. 27c3 932·7876.
HUFFY 20" boys bicycle. Good con· ~1 dition. Call 897467 5. GP.I¢et.ner Moclel 451 dupJi· nntor wit.1t Gelltefax Elect,ronie Bten· cil Saanner allll cabinet.. All excel, 'Itnt condit,ion. Phone The ,Miami 18nctf Gnzert., 897·5921.
Card of Thanks
r::===':'=======iI' ' BABY Sill-TING
WANfEb':" "
J. '. :
, 1105 'Harlan Rd. R.R. 2
.. '; I'
Wayneavlllt, Ohio I,'
RBP RIG E,RATION. ,~ , Am OOli:QITIONING SER VIO E ,' ", , ''''oOmtnerciaJ - Resid8D~ - Automobile Units ' PHO"t 817.N50
, Tom Florence Realty , Ph897·~
IlII'1 If'l l'l '.
Jean Younce 897-4433 ELDER REALTY
r"'. '
Older home ready for your family. You must se,e to appreciate the many features of this versatile residence. ' large rooms, full basement, garage. Don't ,wait, call now. $19,000.
The former Tom Norris home in Waynesville. Featuring 2 or 3 bedrooms, fireplace, 45 x 15 foot family room, 2~ar garage, built-in stove. Vacant.. Price $19,500. The Bob Townsend Home. This beautiful home has 4 bedrooms, fueplace, 2~ baths, full basement, 2~ car garage, central air conditioning. Brick and frame construction, early Price American design. $38,000.
NEW 2·bedroom apartm ent, '100 secure deposit and $100 month. Call 2Scl 932·6129~
Phone 897-5921 " Ask ,"'for, Jean Hill
I-year old brick ranch, 3 bedrooms, family room, paneled dining area, city utilities.' What a buy!! $19,000.
UNFURNIBHE~ apartm ent; • rooms and garage, ' 4th St., WaYnesville. 28cl Phone 897·6821.
in a good
I wish to thank my friends for the cards and flowers I received during my recent · stay in the hospital and since my return hOme. A special thanks to Mrs. Billie James, Mrs. Carole Hatton and Mrs. Caroline' Purkey for keeping ' the , children. ' > • • 2&1 Jane Bauer.
Real Estate
For Rent
$p8cial ,weekly rates or !viii sit by ~ur or day.
' Christian
YOUNGSTER IDENTIFIED The unidentified little girl shown with Santa Claus on the front page of last week's edition of the Miami Gazette was Merralee Retallick. Merralee is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. larry Retallick of Perry. Mrs. Retallick is the former Judy Wright"" "
COLD Springs Beauty Shop: WiR take appointments anytime. Ph, 4Sctf 8,97 ·43DS.
,' ~nStant ~re
They are from left to 1969-70 sophomore class officers of Peebles High School are shown above. Shoemaker, secretary and Don right, David lee, vice president; Charles Schoonover, president; Valerie Schoonover, is a former Waynesville Wallace~ treasurer. Charles Schoonover, son of Mr. and Mrs. George High School student.
FARM fencing, barn painting ~p8ir. Free etltimatet\. Phone' Mid· dletown 423·1424 or 422·7494. 17ctf TOY PoocUe Stud Service, AKC Regiftt.ered. White or Apricot. 150. Appoint.ment only. Phone 897-4148. lieU
FIREPL ACE wood. Phone 897·4170. 27c2
, ~--~--~---~ .. ,-~ ',~----~--~,~
Eleven Ten ,Radio IIIIIIY 1I'I e
Gladys IIcFu ti. 8'~:2184 '
Rita EWtr-8IWIM
...... - V...CI au..4SS·
NOTICE Price Reduction
-I Son Ii t-er -Serviel:'
WATER WILL BE fiVE $&.0 06R l.OAD for""~",(~,, , " '" and ..rriMlndi~""'\,'. .' ,';'" {
' '",
The I~ children kneel to PftIJ, And soon it will be Christmas ~.
ADDRESS__________AGE,_ _ _ __ The Miami Gazette had only two winners this week in its Christmas Coloring Contest. Colleen Conley and Jeffrey Watkins were automatically named flf~t place winners in the "Holy Family" coloring contest. They won in the 7-9 years and 5·7 years age divisions, respec~ively. There were no other entries. Coloring contest entries must be received by the Miami Gazette no later than Saturday following publication.
" 114 , North St. and Rt. 42 'For 'ali,your GosPel-nee.ds - and sttmg ·instruments _. 'I.. ,
-OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK .. ..... Barbara Bpllah I.r'Ie. Oldo r. '
' .
( ,
.. "
. '
.. l
FRESIHMAN Nov. ~O- Yellow Springs-Home Dec. 2-Wilmington-Away Dec. 1:8-Springboro-Home Jan 6.-l..ebanon-Home Jan. 8--Blanchester- "orne Jan. 15-Mason~ Away Jan. 22-Kings-Away Feb. 5-Springboro-Away Feb. to-Yellow Springs-Away Feb. 12-ainton-Massie-Home Feb. l'9- Little Miami-Home.
omrroVUJ'''.OBIO FOB LOW, LOW PRICES SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY I 1967 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door hardtop, Auto. P.S., P.B., Extra sharp.....................................
1967 RAMBLER Ambassador Station W~gon, Auto. P.S., P.B., R&H' ................................................
1966 CHEVROLET Belair Station Wagon, v-s, R&H Clean ............................................................... .. 1965 CORVAI R Monza, 4-speed, R&H ..................... .
$1195 $ 895
1966 FORD, 4-door sedan galaxie, R&H, P.S ............. .
1965 MUSTANG, 6-Cyl. Auto., R&H ........................ .
1966 FORD LTD 4-door hardtop, Auto. P.S., P.B., '=l&H ..................................................................... .
1965 CHEVROLET 6-cyl. Belair Station Wagon, 9passenger, R&H .................................. :................. .
$ 995
1967 FORD Fairlane 500, 6-Cyl., Auto., 4-door R&H ........................................................... .
1966 PONTIAC convertible, Auto., R&H., P.S.,
P.B. """ ........... . ........................ .................. .
8TH GRADE Nov. 2:5-Sabina-Away Dec . .I-Wilmington-Away Dec. 4--Kings-Home Dec. 9--Springboro-Home ,Dec. 16-Kings- Away Jan. 8- Bellbrook-Home Jan. 131-carlisle- Home Jan. 20-Mason Cenlral.:..Away. Jan. 27....:Sabina-Home . Jan. 29-BellbrQok- Away Feb.3-South ·l..ebi non":"Away Feb. 110- Uttle Miami-Home . Feb. 17-Sp'1ngb~ro-Away
Just receiv~ ,ar:-oth,. tI1J~c~r~.<1. import hou$8 'Com'. see~ " '. ' . 'L •.• -' " .i
1964 CHRYSLER, 4-door "sedan, Clean
1961 CHEVROLET, 2-door sedan
Nov. 2s -Sa6j~ ..,.Away
l. ~
Dec. ~-Kinp-Hc? . e
Oec. ,91-:-,Spri~gb~ro-HoPle •.
. '
l. r-~
Dee.-16 Dec. 16 --:Kin~ ;-Away ; Jan. 8 .... Bel,~r~k.:::Home . Jan. t..3-c.tlisle:LHom~ _'. '. . Jan. 20-MasOn Away,' Ian,. 27- Slirliin:a;;:':'·ll:Ion1e , ' "
Ph. 897-7056 - Open 9 a~m: - 9 p.m.
Nov. 25- l..ebanon- Home. Dec. 5--Blanchester-Home Dec. 6:'-Carlisle-Home Dec. 12-Ointon-Massie- Horne Dec. 13-Bellbrook-Horne Dec. 19- Mason-Away Dec. 20-Kings-Away Jan. 2--Greenview~Away Jan. 3--Little Miami-Home _ Jan. 9-:.Yellow ,Springs.-Home Jan. 1O-Springboro-Aw.ay Jan. 16-Wanchester-Away Jan. 23-ainton-Massie-Away Jan. 24-East ainton-Away Jan. 30-Mason-Horne - Feb. 6-Kings-Home Feb. 7-Uttle Miami-Away Feb. 20-Springboro-Horne
G'ospel Music Center
1,·11 I-III. II 11':11
'The Cotintry ' Q91~, ~ir.\
Kenneth Justice, 17 of Waynesville died .early Friday morning at J(ettering Memorial Hospital at Dayton.
~oftd-ci.u~.tale ,paid .~ W.ya~ville. Ohio
10 Cents
December 31', 1969 ··--Waynesvi.lle, Ohio
Is ,Do ]stimated
·;:l:o."":', ,'ollroyal llem,entarySchool . ,
," .
p.m. and ~:i5·' a.m. as shown by clocks which were smashed. ; , ~arien County slteriers , Damage was concentrated in 'titles' 'snowplowed their way to hallways: Dollar loss was highest ,,\Nnnyroyal FJementflry ' School at a s~t~hboafd that had ~ep . ".' on Pennyroyal Road at Franktom apart. . . lin , Thesday to investigate an es,finger paints were splattered tim8ted $8,000 vandalism. .. on walls and floors and · adminThe vandals, suspected juvenistrators', aIid students' desks iles; ~htered: the' year-old school ' were toppled and file cabinets ,by ~reakirig fl Window at the rear _ dumped. of\ the .building. They apparently Glass enclosed fire extinguish'did their damage between 1:30 er racks were smashed and ex': ~y ciE~"'IS DALTON' -
tinguishers lemptied on the gym chemistry lab torch to burn open .JlQo~~Vandals pushed over sup. the lock on a walk-in freezer in ply room bookshelves and paint. the kitchen. They took time out cans in the c:ustodial room. to prepare themselves some food. Quantities of student pictures· Remnants of baked beans and were strewJl on the floor and noodles were found. walked over. Someone took There was evidence that vanbroom handles and pushed holes dals had attempted to set fire to in the acustical tile ceilings. A some papers but finger paint quantity of ink was splashed squelched the attempt, accor<Ung around and six large potted to Deputy William Drake who inplants smashed. vestigated the case with Richard Vandals also u.sed a propane Kemp.
'::" tions Christmas Decorating Contest 'Purr-feet' JudgingWea ther ,
.,The Waynesville Lion's Cub's .' 'fifth annual ' Christmas ,Decor' ating ," Cohte~t judging weatiier the contjrlue,d Jail sop~l white stuff. LOcal. and area rtesses and lawns with Christmas ',PfeciQll.s j~wels by : a . reoQi'd ' Christmas".
The most impressive of the Christmas sights was Vi's Antiques Shop at 296 South Main Street, Waynesville.
and first place winner in the business di'vision . More than 1,000 colored lights had been used in recent
master Electric Broiler Oven grand prize from the Dayton Power and ught Company. Other winners included: Bus-
What to do with this year's discarded Christmas trees has been solved at 'Waynesville with plans for a Twelfth-Night fire Jan. 6. Modified ceremonies of the feast of the Epiphany will begin at 7 p.m. at the local high school grounds. Traditional caro~ will set the mood for the Twelfth-Night' tree burning. Residents are urged to bring their trees and join the fun. Ratliff, 126 Main Street, Corwin, Jay Lynch, Corwin Road and Charles James, 161 North Main Street. WaynesVille. Entrance, first, ~n Hadley:. 374 Miami Street, Waynesville, second, Bill Madison, 630 Joycie Lane, Waynesville, third, Fred Wolfe, 9100 Bellbrook 'Road and honorable mention, Howard Purkey, Sr., 910 CounsIe, Waynd, RusJad, and ~890 Ly:cognized Waynes-
I, y i n.1 r
ended IS Color)f color
~ .~
, Colleen of 2850 ::ted the lSjudged ize from. : named will Ieertifate
-at place vision of r '· '1lrusweelCS1iiilifjSOlc)riJ,tl contest, ''Color .The Family". . Other winnen this week included Ritchie Catk of Hamysburg, ~onil, · 7~9 ' iild &let <lark , of umeyi~'~ fiD(.S:' ~d ''',.. "'.~ ' (]adt ,;o~~~~~- ,,',
". -
.~ .n~l
" -,
,_ EditO(
'''~ of'; '~ .
'. .
The little chl~ IcneeI to
Kenneth Justice, 17 of Waynesville died .early '{?riday morning at Kettering Me.p1orial Hospital at Dayton. ,
AncIIOOI'I it will be Christmas clay.
NAAE______________________~--ADDRESS----------------AGE-----------The Miami Gazette hid only two winners this week in its Christmas Coloring Contest. Colleen Conley and Jeffrey Watkins were 'automatically named first place winners in the ."Holy Family" co'oring contest. They won- in the 7·9 years and 5-7 years age. divisions, respectively. There were no other entries. Coloring contest entries must be received by the Miami Gazette no later than Saturday following publication.
1,,11 ,I · III. II 11':11
-OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK . . . . . . Barbara Bauab LrUe. Oldo
1967 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door hardtop, Auto. P.S., P.B., Extra sharp.....................................
1967 RAMBLER Ambassador Station Wagon, Auto. P.S., P.B., R&H ................................................
1966 CHEVROLET Belair Station Wagon, V-8, R&H Clean ................................................................ . 1965 CORVAIR Monza, 4-speed, R&H .................... ..
$1195 $ 895
Ph. ,897·7056 - Open~ \a.~:. - 9 p.m..' "
, .
Nov. 25-l..ebanon-Home Dec. 5-Blanchester-Home Dec., 6::'Carlisle-Home . .Dec. ' 12--Clinion-Massie-Home Dec. 13.. BeUbrook-Home Dec. 19-Mason-AWaY Dec. 20-Kiilgs-Away Jan. 2-Greenview-Away, Jan. 3-little Miami.:..Home _ Jan. 9..:.. Y~~ow.. Springs-Home! Jan. 1O,-Sprin~oro-Away , Jan. 16-Blanchtster-Away Jan. 23-Clinton-Massie..:...,Away Jan. 24-East Qioton 'Away Jan. 30-'M ason-Home · Feb. 6--Kings-Home Feb. 7--Little' Miami--Away Feb. 20..:Spnngboro-Home
1966 FORD, 4·door sedan galaxie, R&H, P.S ............ ..
1965 MUSTANG, 6·Cyl. Auto., R&H ....................... ..
1966 FORD LTD 4-door hardtop, Auto. P.S., P.B., '~&H ...................................................................... .
1965 CHEVROLET 6-cyl. Belair Station Wagon, 9· passenger, R&H .................................. :................ ..
$ 995
1967 FORD Fairlane 500, 6-Cyl., Auto., 4-door R&H .......................................••..••.•.....••.••.•.
1966 PONTIAC convertible, Auto., R&H., P.S.,
P.B. """ .................................... .................. .
Nov. 20-Yellow Springs-Home Dec. 2-·WilmiQgton-Away Dec. 18:-Springboro·Home Jan 6.-Lebanon-Home Jan. 8-,Blanchester-Home Jan. 15-Mason-Away Jan. 22-Kings-Away Feb. 5--Springboro-Away Feb. 10-Yellow Springs-Away Feb. 12-Qinton-Massie-Hoine Feb. 1~I-Uttle Mianii-Home
Dec . .I-Wilmington-Away Dec. 4-Kings-Home Dec. 9--Springboro-Home Dec. 16":"'Kings-Away Jan. 8-Bellbrook-Home Jan. 13,-Carlisle-Home Jan. 20-Mason Central..:.Away Jan. 27-Sabina-Home ~ Jan. 29-8ellb~ook-Away Feb. 3-Soutb, J..A,banon":"'Away Feb. to-little Miami-Home · Feb. 17 -Spt~n8bQro-:-Away :
7TH GRADE Nov. 2!)-Sa~jna:-A'Yay '
1964 CHRYSLER, 4-door sedan, Clean 1961 CHEVROLET, 2-door sedan
114 North S~. and Rt. 42 ,F or 'all your Gospel nee4s . and string ~nstruments ,
.~ CountrY GbSJ* Aires. Gospel Music Center'
Dec. 4'-Kirip':"Ho~e , Pee . 9--Spring~oro:"Hon\~ ,
Dec.-l'6 Dec. , 16-Ki~RS~Aw~y
Jan. 8-8ellbrook-Hofue , Jan. 13~-Cadi&te"';Hi>ffl~ ,: , " Jan. ~O-~~n CeQ~r;ti':"'A~y , . · Ian. 27 . ' ." , ... '
Second-cl... ' po.ta.e ~d at
Oece~b,er 31, ',1969 ---, Waynesvl lle, Ohio ,
10 Cents
TwELFTH-NIGHT FIRE SLATED FOR JAN. 6 What to do with this year's discarded Christmas trees has p~m. ,a nd 5:15a.m. as shown by clocks which were smashed. ' Waqen County Sherifrs , Damage was concentrated in uti~ snoWplowed their way to hallways.; Dollar loss was highest ~bnyroYal;"- FJ~mentary School at a switchboard that had been torn aPart. . ' "oh Pennyroyil Road at Frank,,lib Tuesday to investigate an es,finger paint,s were splattered :,tima,ted $8,OOO,vandalism. ' on walls and floors and admin,'Ott; vandals, suspected juvenistrators', ~d students' desks i1es, entered', the' year-old school ' were toppled and ftIe cabinets 6y ~reakirig a ~dow at the rear ~_ dumped. Glass enclosed fire extinguish, ' of'the",buil~g. They apparently er racks were smashed and ex',did th~ir damage between 1:30
tinguishers emptied on the gym floo~Vandals pushed over supply room bookshelves and paint. cans in the custodial room. Quantitiles of student pictures' were strewn on the floor and walked over. Someone took broom handles and pushed holes , in the acustical tile ceilings. A quantity of ink was splashed around and six large potted plants sma-med. Vandals, also used a propane
chemistry lab torch to burn open the lock on a walk-in freezer in the kitchen, They took time out to prepare themselves some food. Remnants of baked beims and noodles were found, There was evidence that vandals had attempted to set fire to some papers but finger paint squelched the attempt, according to Deputy William Drake who investigated the case ,with Richard Kemp.
The ' Waynesville Lion's Club's '.' ';fifth ~ an,nual ' Chris~rnils . Decor~J , . .
, . !.
l.t! ,\
'f ~
~, ~ ~~~~ ~:,~~n~~~ ~~. 'r.~~:~~~C
, judging . wtSatlier Dec: 23 with the ' continued fan of that sea- , ,.1 sonar white stuff. ' , "' kcal "and "area homes, busi'n~es ' ~d lawk w~re' radtant .. ~th C~~tmas ~ghts which like' ).,J'
,~.~~F.!p~;s ,J~~e~~ :were ; ~Iicr,u$~~d "~Y : a: re~ord breaking "White Chrlstmil$~'. "'
and first place winner in the business division~ ' More than 1,000 colored lights had been us~d in recent years.....Ihe.Jo~ses -t,!egan their unique Cluistmas . lighting e~ght years 'ago ..Their home' ha(f continued to aUract a pilgramage of Christmas visitors bringing Waynesville much festive acclaim . . Mrs. , Jones will re~ejve first place recognition from Waynesville Lions Qub and a Toast,
master Electric Broiler Oven grand prize from the Dayton Power and Light Company. Other winners included: Business, second WayneSVille Furniture, and third, ,Lyn.n's Dress Shop, WayneSVille, House, first, Ray Miller, 341 North Street, WayneSVille, sec, ond, Russell Rogers, Corwin Road, and third, John Vair, 586 Robindale Drive" . Waynesville, and honorable mentions, John
Modified ceremonies of the feast of the Epiphany will begin at 7 p.m. at the local high school grounds. Traditional caro~ will set the mood for the Twelfth-Night' tree burning. Residen ts are urged to bring their trees and join the fun. Ratliff, 126 Main Street, Corwin, Jay Lynch, Corwin Road and Cha~les James, 161 North Main Street, Waynesville.
tions Christmas Decorating Contest 'Purr-feet' Judging Wea t her The most impressive of the, Christmas sights was Vi's Antiques Shop at 296 South Main Street, WayriesvUle. -A ,feast of ,Jo'lights,at •. th,e , shop, ... also the reslderice of"Mr. "and Mrs. Ora Jones, featured a house trim of. 267 ' cdlOt:ed lights centrally illuminated by a gigantic star of 44 white lights. Violet Jones, shop pwner, ~and husb'an:d " Plodified 'their: Christmas ' deSi~' : this year: f9r , ~- overa)Cgrattd- pI:1ze ~nner: " :. "'." .
been solved at Waynesville with plans for a Twelfth-Night fire ' Jan. 6.
Entrance, first, D<:>n Hadley:, 374 Miami 'Street, WaynesviUe, second, Bill Madison, 630 ' Joycie Lane, WayneSVille, third, Fred Wolfe, 9100 Bellbrook Road and honorable mention, Howard Purkey, Sr., 910 County Road, Corwin and Lawn, first, Boyd Hisle, Waynesville Route 3, ' second, Rus-
sell Rogers, Corwin Road, and third, Jerry Malcolm, 8890 Lytle Road. All winners were recognized with ribbons from the Waynesville lions Club.
Coil een' Con ley lamed Top I ,inller Of Contest
Vi's AntiqUeS Shop !It 296 sOuth Main Street, Waynesville captured ,the lrand prize and a business rust. Dennis Dalton Photo.
The Miami Gazette ended its first annual Christmas Coloring Contest in a flurry of color and talent. The crayon work of CoHeen Conley, eight years old of 2850 Harlan Road was selected the grand prize winner. CoHeen's artwork was judged to receive the grand prize from, all first place winnen nam~ during the contest. She will receive a five dollar, aift cert.ificiate r,om tho Miami Gazette. CoBeen also won' fint place in the 7·9 yean ." diVision of this weeks final coloring contest, '-COlorJhe F~y". . Other winnen thil week in· cluded Ritchie Cark of Harve)T'" burg, sec.ona, 7.9,'fIld ~t Cark of Harveysburg, ' fin~ 5-7 and Bart 'Cark of lfa(Veysb1,arP'C·
ond 5~7. ~,:,::" ~ITO~'S N~' ~ ,Edit~{' , , '_ and Publishers the
' Glzelt~· ex .. . end,. .their~9q,.adai ~
, ·/
, S3po" . , a~nu~l
.. I
...--. -
. . s,ubscription .
. ".
."~~ " . . .. '. II,
'.' ~'IThe 'MIAM1,·GAZETrE p"'
, Oo" you eat' '~er~ut on " New Yeatts I>ay;' lo"insure,gOod ' ...... :4&, luc~ ~~' prosPe~ty fo~ the ~~~t '. .. . ,-," 365 diys? ' If yo,~ , ~o; ' you · ate
... c
,the "1a~k·. cat .~a_ tching, · or 9,
P.o. Boz78
Wapu:nue, Ohio Ms
I .I
ADDRESS ......;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
f CITY _ _ _~_ __
I . I D A T E - - - - - - - PHONE
----. .. I
Our ancient ancestors 'were ' far from stupid an<J m~re acut: ly, ubservailt than we today. '. They' had .nc) kn_owl.e_rgge of the laws of nature or of 'man.· So
STATE _ _ _ __
- .~J
. -_-
,~~ , Z~ (JJuJiuJ ,~
. Mr.. "~
,, '
aiid MQ. J. r B: "Q,oltn9tt .
'.', ~ "" of near ~rveysbu1g , are "still looking fpr 'a home·-for a lar.ge, ' white. female dog which adopted them a week ago. _ . ,~ ,
they relied on their own obseT- . vances, Their daily liv,es were a,pplied
man, . The horse . chestn~t ~ecame the "'buckeye" m ' Ohio 51'nce
to the ,happenings 9f the moment.. ·When they ~oticed that some animals hear sounds beyond the ears of man, the be~ lief in unsecm spiritsand ghosts ar~se: _ ~. . letic ·ma·mc, '(maDic Symri!lth
early settlers noticed that its partiatly opened pods resembled a deer's ey«:s..: _, Salt like sauerkraut was believed to ~ontain powers to insure health, I,o ng li~e ~~ prospen'ty "
~e yet .unclaimed c~ne is. " , . apparently a 'short 1;laired shepherd-colli~-Newfoundland mixed breed. She is obedient and friendly according to' 'B9itn~tt, Queenie, as ·she been, named by ' ihe" co~e, . ~tr~y~4 '. For you, our customers, and your f~lies, .. ' , we wish the best of health, -happlOe~s r" ~ ~ '. • . . . 'to the Boitnott home and itas-Ao, and success in the New Year ahead. then lield· and Still holds with , ~.tiv~ m~~~~. . ~~i~~y . 'id~ntifi~tion..but..al'liin~eath-' It's given us great pleasure to serve you. some pe,opleS religious, si8ruf.ca~ . disc.overed it from observing an- er collar. . . ". . , " " nee) was a ''like ,brinlX .like" , imal Salt-licks: It increased -the n "':" t"" tt' ," " ,.:.. 't' •...~ ....~ .,\. January 3, 1-5 p.m. C" ; . •" . Dtll no 15 aruuous . 0 t:e,um Holiday From Fines. belief. Good d~ds' :'" 'were , ' 'flavor ,of ~ood .a~d alSa:helP.e~ the~ pet to'~r 'ciWJl~r" QCs~ine:. . '",~ thought · to· bringgood~~devi1 .. , preserve it..:~~ to l}$ .. it ~ . , ~ne 'Wiit only.; i~e~~iy b~r.Jti~. " 4th STREET 'WAYNESVILLE, OHiO PH. :897-4826 ev;il. ". ,. " ' ,. c~~ a sour~~ -Of pro~~ty and " o~e :~laims the ~uria}:' he,plai1S' , W~ ' ONc;lIa.u have indiVid- ev~n· prot~t1on .. ' ", :' '.;. " , ' ~.o,..Bive" ~er .to. the ,firSt ~person' ~-----~---------~--~~-~~-~~~~~, · ~~awe~~d~~ " ~ ' ~p~~~~ : t~ J, - ' .. '. ' . ' .. . ~ts ,vaIliable pfoperties were eca- ,they ~wfu give ,her.' g~d~~~.i: , ," .. .:. .,,;. .' nomi~ ,~ well'i,81 ,sp~~ }f .. ~ lhe lost 'dogt~;~~r*i:m~d~: :_ ... , one, spilled hiS saftt it'.-Was'.,~ot :· '~~n ph~~ng &itiioU ~ t ' ~ ~ ..,. . nl . " ~ l" " ; . loss but an , .",., ' .' .. ~ : . . '0.Y' . ~:, 11.'9ne~1' ~,;;, " ·" "" , . ' ~9,1~'249~71; ~:"j~:-:~:,,'!·~'~'I';-.,. . " . omen · ofl.,·b ad/ lUck. 10 counter .. ' ...' " ' . ( .' '''.,. . . .. •.. " ' ~~.{~e r~~r~~ ~vi1.~p~~t~ t~e ~:, :~.i~·(~~:·~.-'~Y'U ~ ~i spille : threw aJ~ridful over;.JiiS ' , 25':eelltl <for··..WiiIC·.~_Ud .JJi:. '" ", :left , shoufcw:,tf:t·p)!ca~e._the de- to uldtwo,\le.~., ~~~ . . ~~ L" sb0 , " . ' " . ", .'~. " ' uc e &or,,,, ......... . -and .·iY.itt!piqtt:~#lC~ugh,t to the board iDto four..J.-.u..? '
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Our officers and staff extend their sincere best · wishes for the New Year. We hope we will have many opportunities to prove how much we value good -wll.t
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fare paym~nts ~wPich varY Widel) . fr~m state tQ s.tate and city to . city, . the President called fQr a new Federally-supported floor under the inc4~mes of American 'families wherever~ ·in America they live. In place of a system which 'provides a disincentive for recepients to go to work, par-
. j
, '. '."We intend;" said Presid~nt , that thC(y w.ill be ru:af ted' and 'can , NixQn last Octobef,. ''to begin a plan. accprdingly; Draft ~dal1s for 'decade of government. · reform ,Nevember and :December were ;, such 'as, this .nation has not w.iteliminated entirely and the Jan, , ness~d , jn .half ,a' centul))"'~ " The uary .1970;call -is' sharply reduced~ first .. ~ear under J:Us . leaclership . givesl..•solid· , su~tance .te . this . . There"bas 'been ' a .responsible .reform in' .l,he JlIea '.:o~ defense pr~mis:e, :.for-..it: waS a ye~r . of spending. . Fiscal rest.!'aint has-re1 'iefonn(· that setl'a"new direction 'for 'America 'in' both' forei'gn :and . sulted 'in' budgered guidelines for planning the defense force : There , domestic ·p6licy. , .New ~re~ti,oQs i;l forei~ pol- has been a reduction and stabilization of defense spending. We ·icy ' s~t; forth ' at the' ou tscH of his rQul}d-tl\e-world tour, c.alle<t for . h.a.ve passed a safe-guard antiballistice missile system to pro': ; -- new kirid of ,partnership for tect and to defend the Amer'peace a.nd sec1:lrity. There is a ican people against accidental i;9sture' toward the co~n·'pew: , , or planned nuclear attacks. tri~s of , Ea~te(n Europe, symThe concept of Federalism ~olized by the visit to Romania. has been given a shot of life. the 'first by any President to a communist country. There is a , For the first time in history, the President has proposed the sharcontinuil1g series of initiatives' ing of Federal revenues with the to probe the possibilities of States and localities. In addition, moving toward a political setthe administration of manpower tlement of the cinflict in the training has been turned over to Middl~ East. Along with the State and local governments. contil}ued efforts to end the .tragedy of starvation in Biafra WELFARE there has been a significant per"Nowhere has the failure of sonnel reduction overS'eas, to cut government been more apparent back the American presence and than its efforts to help the poor, to stieamline operations. especially in its systemo NEW"DIREeTION welfare,." llie President said in .- IN VIETNAM .' his speech to t4e natio~.in i .. ,<,A f-tel' :1 y.ears iil'wnich AiReti~ : ~gu$t~ , ~us ,a. ~raIijatic ...new can : itlVolvemen't M.B' constantly p.rogram was iristituted for helpincreilsed, '.6 0,900 troops were ing . the disadvantaged. It was ~withdt:aWn. -casualties fell to a t;the first major reform ni welthr~e y~r low: The continued 'fcir~ in over gen~ration. A n.e w prpgle~_ ifl ,the Presi~enCs Vietfamily assistance plan for help· narni~tion progIam ~nabled ' ing people' move ; fror:n welfare .:' hilll' to ·pu~' intQ. eff,ct orderrolls' to payrolls was instituted. ly;-.tim:e~a.ble ..fQt .the' withdrawal A new manpower training proof . American. forces. .. gram to prepare workers for , . Attoth~r' ·mai~t· tefoRll in ,t~e , new jobs and. th~ first compre~lt:lctive·· ~m~e te,sulted: in t~; hensive unemployment insurance . first draft lottery since }"942. in the history of that program .were included in the welfare re, 111e period ' of draft vuln~rabilha$ now been, .r~duced 'fr9m .form...In addition; taxes we~e 'Ie. . ye~~ Young ' "~";auc~4~ for: ~~~e 1'7 itilllion -low _ ...._.,.... .: • .h~ri1tJ!~~:;:~ afa~ ·Jbine" . 'income '~r~dns. '·'.' . ' ·l
.1· .. •
time ot low-paying, the President pl'esented a scale of benefits under which it would always pay a .welfare ~ecipient to take employment. The goal is to move the needy from w.el- ' fare rolls to payrolls.
(lelilre~·_~f; .liICeliJioo4 .....
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,tet's 011 proy In our own woy thot the next yeor will . truly be 0 hoppy ond peo(eful one, 0 ·yeor whi(h will .further the prospeds of peo(e, ond the ideols ond opportunity of 011.
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THAT ·SPARK... .~.
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&ene •Stealers
Pretty as a picture . . . you in our gala dresses! Choose the length·you
want, in mar)y flaHering styles, from our
In place of a: syste~. of' wel-
'. ity'
day." "Well," replied the boyfriend, uthat makes four of us;" .
;.- ,," • .! ~ .I\
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bOyfriend, "but I'm feelinC a ..1 itt Ie, schizophrenie '.to-
A I'D~
• J .., •
"I BOP'E you won't . mind,'" said a girl
party group.
We ,have collected the holiday . season's most beautiful dresses and costumes fQr . YQU to wear with charm and grace,
MOn., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat. •
. ._ .
• od .'.
$-6.. ." .. ,~ _.. ......._,'
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By MARJEAN PRICE Ph. 897-5372
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brandenburg.
There was a fine attendance at the community Christmas GaIldlelight service held Sunday at th . evening at Jonahs Run Church with all churches participating. Mr. and Mrs. William Boggs of Enon we're Christmas Day
Mr . . and Mrs. Frank Gibson and family attended the annual family get-together held quistmas Eve at the home ' of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibson of near Oakland. As is their custom, there was a gift exchange and a potluck supper.
,. .
/({lIg III a
New Ye~t
Here's wishing that the New Yellr brings you greatest fulfillment. Thanks for your patrollage!'
jt'~ time once more to greet friend~ old and new with ~incere thank~ lor the many joys of serving you. Here's to happiness in ' the New Year.
Miss Barbar~' Burden of. Guerneyville Road was a' we~kend 'guest of Debbie Davidson. Willard patient at Columbus. ported to
Bogan is a surgical University Hospital His condition is rebe satisfactory.
Mrs. Mabel Terry spent Christmas Eve in Dayton. She was a guest of John Hahn's ~hild reno
many ya~rs. . many years. The postmaster she worked under here was Sam Stoo'ps, Dr. Randall's 'father·in· taw. She . lived and worked in Los Angeles for several years before h~r death at the age of '91 and had lived a 'very useful and . . h~lpful life. '
Mr: and Mrs. ~nny Pennington and son, Mark,. were Christ· mas Eve g~ests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brandenburg. " Christmas Day guests of Mrs. H. S. Tucker were Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams and family ofWil· mington, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wil· liams and ,family of Wilmington, Mrs. John Syferd and son, Ken· ny, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Park and Peggy of Cincinnati, Cordell Griffiths of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Womack of Cincin· niti, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Riley of Westland, Mich. and John Murphy. lawrence (Rabbit) Fealy entered Kettering Memorial Ho~ pita! Christmas Day to unqergo surgery.
guests Me. aiuf M;rs.,. C. 'M\ ·p~t~,.;, sOl1and Mi'. arid Mrs. RObert ' Hackney , of' Chesler.
The Clark Kelleys were Saturday callers on Ada Kelley. ,
A$ the- clock
Jess 'Pelilnington was installed as ·Master of Harveysburg Masonic Lodge here Tuesday night.
~~§~l;:S ;" a''.!ifs;n ~ New Year, we wish our customers much
happiness. Many thanks to 'Iou 01/1
..:,1 ,
Mr. an,d MRs. 'Arthur Gibson moved recentlu to a newly purchased horne in 'the Lees Creek community. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Clark visited E'~erett George Sunday at Vetrans Hospital at Dayton where he has been a patient for some .time. Mrs. Jeanette Camaretta of Miami, Fla. is here for an indef. inite stay with her mother, Mrs. Lydia Murphy and sister Mrs. Nellie M()rgan.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ingram
of Portsmouth were Christmas Day guests of Mr. .,and Mrs. Ja.mes Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barton ' and famiily' of Spring V~ey Christrna:s Day guests of Mr~ and Mrs. Romild oar-k and fa~. ily. . ~
aRI,G :
Mr. an d Mrs. Willard Taylor and Mr. and ~s. Bob Newsome and son, Jeffery, were Christmas night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Taylor . .'
Floramond Reed is now a I resident of the ' Home. ' Frieiuls ' calling ' on 'her ~ere ' Raymon(l
Akins,Esther Doster,'Elva , Srni~h Christmas Day c,allers on Nel- Deimis Dalto~,Evelyn ~rane,an~ ' Ruth Pidgeon. ,~ , tle Bunnell were Rhoda Bunnell of BlOOmington, Ind., Rhodas Bunnell of near Wilmington and A lovely poin~etta · was the ' the Ousleys of Waynesville Route gift 'o f tne, Charles 'Qar:veY$ to ' 3. ,Gladxy ' ~ Gladys Hartman., Christnias guests away from Carrie Russel the Home were Flo,ra Crane at her son ~obert's of ' Lebanon, Gladys Har.tman with relitives at WilmingtQn, Nettie Palmer,
Mr. and Mrs, Clint Taylor spent Christmas Eve at the Wil· lard Taylor's.. in Xenia. They attended the .S~fY family gettogether'.
·'H.E llJ TlE ri E I SH' E D . ANTIQUE 'SHOP
" -~-- ~~-
FRIENDS HOME NEWS 8)' Nellie Bun.11
Wayaavil1e - .,,"".
. . The
As I was preparing a program for a meeting I will soon attend, I found some very interesting "thought" material and since the New Year is (ast approach ,ing I decided to share the follOwing with you.
New CentUJY Club met . ~~~ntly at the home of Mrs. • ' , GAP'~~,t , Frye. Eighteen mem. t ,. ~~, one honorary member, .. ,~, ,··'M!,s. Ralpli .:\sbury, and two .gu~sts, ~. Earnest ,Butterwor!h 3J1d Mrs. flarry BUrnett were pre$ent. .I ~' Tb:e speaker f9r the program 1\. ,~ foijce Chief, Charles leMay who presellted a very ihformative police ~port. . '. . Thct next :meeting ,will be Fri~y, January at th~ home '
Is anybody happier because ~
you pass~d his way? , Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today? ' The day is almost over and its toiling time is through; Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?
of. Mrs. Max Hartsock. The Progressive Women's Cub of Waynesville will meet ,at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, ,', January 7 in the United Methodist Church social room. The program will consist of a discussion on crafts and hobbies by, Grace Louer from Ye Ol~e Craft Shoppe in Lebanon.
Did you give a cheerful greeting t~ the friend who came along? Or a churlish sort of "howdy" and then vanish in the throng? Were you selfish, pure and simple, as you rushed along your way? Or someone mighty grateful Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?
. The Senior Citizens will meet on Tuesd8y, January 6 at 12:00 noon with a "catry-in" dinner in the United. Methodist Church. social JOOlll.
heart rejOicing over what you did or 'wd? Does a man ' whose hopes were fadin'g now with ,courage look ahead? ' Did you waste the day or use it; was it well or poorly spent? ' Did you leave a trail of kindness o:r a scar of discontent? As you dose your eyes in slumbf~r do ,you think that God would say You have earned one more . tomofl('ow by the work you did today?
Chuckle-A-Uay The c:ustomer beckoned !to the wluter in a restaurant on Canal Street. "Wait~er, I haven't eaten here in quite awhile but I I notice the portions have gotten a lot smaller lately!" "Impossible!" snapped the waiter. "Since you were here last, we enlarged the rest~urantt so the portions just look smaller, that's all.'"
. Famed pianist Ignace Paderewski became the first premier of.• the Republic of Poland after World War I. .
10-T.IC'1 Price Reduction ,
Sasaway I Son Water Service .
for all customers in Waynesville and surrounding area 7-0AY 24 HR. DELIVERY 1900 GALLON TANK-TRUCK WITH HOIST TO LIFT TANK ALL BUSINESS SINCERELY APPRECIATED Ph. 897-7026 ·
IT'9 TIME to thank you for your
loyal patronag~, ana. 'extend best wishes for a Happy
"'NEW ,YEAR,~ ~ "
A young lady walked , into a music store and asked for a Gilbert and Sullivan album. The young clerk behind the counter asked, "Is that a new group.?"
~~TDUS .
103.9 FM SlflVll1 TIE 'IIEI
Precision Work Is a "Must" Here We would lilce to introduce to you our UNEW high , quality printing." Much .effort has gone into IMPROVING our quality standards. The latest in typeequipment brings to you this quality at lower prices.
Oh--'1. \iII . . ..
. ."
Acy, l-.~;.iPastor, '., . 10:00 a,m., Sunda y SChool. 7:30 p.m., 'Sund ay, Wedn es. day and Saturd ay, Eve. ning 'Wors hip services. 7:30 p.m., Wedn esday Youth I
1(}.a.m. - &mday: MOrning
6:39 p.m. -.Sunday Evenirig 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening
"".,. The Warren County D.eqi. ·Ce.n~tal ,Commiftee ,at its regul~r mq~thly·. meeting ~~olv.
ed'..to eri40(se J he
VBY IBU BG BAB \ -l'rieD~hip Bapt ist . Chur ch \
PirSt Bapt ist'. Chur ch
North Main· ·Street Jolm :P . Osborne, Pastor 1~:00 a.m., Sunda y School. 11:00 a.m., Mor:ning Wo~hip. 6:30 p.m., Tr~g Union . 7:30 p.m., Evening Worsh ip. 7:30 p.m., Wedn esday Praye r Meeting. (Affil iated, w ~ t h Southern. Baptist Conve ntion) .
South em Baptist Convention Norm an 'Meadows, Pastor Sunda y School. 9:30 10:30 'a.m., Sunda y Morni ng ( Wonh ip . ·7:30. p~m., Sunda y Evening Service. 7:30 p.m., Wedn esday , Mid· week Praye r and Bible Study .
Pint Church of' Christ
East High Street Thom as Stevens, Minister 9:30 a.m., Sunda y Bible School. 10:30 a.m., Sunda y Worsh ip and Communion. 6:00 p.m. Sunda y Youth Meeting . 6:30 p.m. Sunda y, Christian Youth Hour. 7:30 p.m., Sunda y Evening Worsh ip. 7:30 p.m.. Wedn esday , Bible . Study .
Prien ds Meeting
Fourt h Street near High 9:30 a.m., Sunda y School. 10:45 a.m., Sunda y Me.eting for Worsh ip (unpro - . gramm ed).
Jona hs Run Bapt ist Church
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harol d Deeth , Rector 11 : 15 a.m., Morni ng Praye r 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays: Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays.
David Harpe r, Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunda y Churc h Service. 10:30 a.m., Sunda y School. 11:00 a.m., Sunda y Worsh ip Servi~.
Y oum Fellowship an<J Bible " . Study
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church E. South Street Rev. J ac~ Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young People's Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Sunday ,Evening
Unit ed Meth odist Church
Third & North Streets L. L. Young , Minister 10: 15 8:~., Ch~rch at Worsh ip. 9: 15 a.m., Sunda y Churc h at Study . 6:00 p.m., Sunda y, Youth Fel· . lo.,.hip .
nu y Perry Church of Christ
Wilmi ngton Pilce «Social Row Road Bus' Wiseman, Minister ·9:00 a.m., Sunda y Bible ' School. 10:15 a.m., Sunda y Worsh ip. 10:15 a.m., Sunda y Youth Worsh ip. 6:30 p.Ih., Sunda y 'Evening Bible Study , all ages. 7:30 p.m., Evening Worsh ip. 7:30 p.m., Wednac:lay, Mid· week Praye r and' Bible Study , .
Rev. Leonar~ B.axter 9:30 .a.m., Sunda y School. 11:00 a.m." Sunda y, Worsh ip ~rv~~l~.
7:30 p.m., Wedn esday , Praye r Servi~e.
unltea Methodist Church
Walnu t-Vine Robert R. Mered ith, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunda y School 10:30 a.m~: ' Morni ng Wo~ship ~ 6:30-p.ttt: Y"o'u d( Fellowshi~ jr. ~.: ~(sr. ~ah ' , 7:4' p.nr.--" ednes 4ay choir , rehearsal' -,
Sprin g
LAM B'S .&.U'l0 'B'I· BB . wAYIEIVliL£. OHIO
'8 B • B 0I.BA1fBIt8 LBIlAY -'WAY"qViU£, otIip"·". , I "~ , ' .:::
' ~ '..LJ.t II/:"~
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'Ohurch .
of 0hriSt-
Gl~dy.. Street '. ' . ' 10:00 a.m. ,Mo~n'ing Worsh ip
7:00 p.m. 'Evening Wor.h ip . 8:00 p.m Wedn esday Evening " Worsh ip .
. SPrlDg, Valle y Frien ds ChurCh Moun d Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunda y school , 10:30 n.m. Morni ng Worsh ip
. Christian Baptist Mission Main Stree t Mrs. Lois Dunaw ay· Pastor Sunday Schoo l· 10 a.m . .Morning Worship· 11 a.m. Evening Worship· 7 :30 p:m. Prayer Meeting,' Wednesday . . -7,:30 p.rn> Prayer Meeting~ Thurs day· .7:30p .m. Song-fest • last Saturday eaCh " month · 7:30 p~m.
.' .
. -:-: •• ..'-
.~. ,'. ;~ . .'. ;:" . - ~
Ridgeville Community Church St. Rt. 48 & Lower Springboro Road Ray L Shelton, Pastor 9:30 A. M. Sunda y School lQ:~5 AM. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Sun~y EVening . . . , .- . - (!""rvi~'''.' - ; .. , .. '~'''''''''''
· It
7:30 p.m. Wednes day Evening ~rvice
5:30 p.. m. Sunday Sr. 'Youth . Recreation '; ,. '. ~ Youth 6:30 p.m'. Sunday Sr. Services
Genntown United Church of Christ Route 42 at Genntown Ray Stormer, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10: 30 Sunday Church School 5:00 p.m. Sunday Youth Fellowship
Free PentacosteJ Church of God RR 122- Dodds, Ohio Pastor. James Coffman . 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School 7 p.m. " Suinlay Evangelist,i~, . Service . 7:30p .m.• Wednesday Prayer • " t .~ , Service g:' , ennin ay 7:30 p.m. Saturd . worship service - ':' 1.
BlU GlIT SP~T" . '1m; WAY.UVIL1.£. OHIO
~_SDJ) .OOU" ·;'T6BB.~ '. ", .
of ·~,ac.t of; giQ~~~ inul!ediat!y adjac~nt to .~hc:" Y.illage " Qf-South· Lebanon. The , TK~c,t con~ a . n,ewly co~struc~~9 Ci1\Cin ~t\li Milling Machine Company.~ ;,:, .rl The .' matte~ was bro!1gpt ,tp the floor by ,Franklin Cit}! ,Pre· cU;ct Co~tte'~man: Jac~· Tra~y, President ot: ~ WaIiren 'Q:mnty Bar . A$sociatiop, After l~n~bY discussion of the issue and ,upo~ motion by former City Procesu- . . tor, Stanly Kolb, it was unam· ou~y resolved to endo~se annexation- of the 806.64, acre tract of . the Village of South Lebanon. , . Central Committee Chairman Scott H. Ray, J r., directed the Committee Secretary, Sondra Bays, to prepare a resolution and transmit the same to Warren County Commissioners and to the village officials of South , Lebanon. Earlier in the month annexa· tion petitions were submi tted to county cOmmissi(;mers. The pet· itions were signed by 82 resident freeholders of 'the South Leb~ anon. tract.
tPe '
David T. Willar d, MinisteJ' 9:30 a.m., Sundayl Wor~~ip' Service. 10:30 a.m., Sunda y SchooL ' . 7:00 p.m., Sunda y, Evening Worsh ip Services conduc~d by youth.
.. ,.. ..
B'J, IS sup n V ALU
ana neighbors :'
LYTLE Unit ed Methodist . Chur ch
l1niteid Methodist Church
B:aADDOCl[ Ilf81 JllAl fOK
'our .friends
lIary 's Bpiscopal Chur ch
commuidiy, country. ' .
Unit ed Meth odist Chur ch
High Street Rev. Josep h H. Lutmer, 7 a.m. & 11 a.m. Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Holy Days 7:30 p.m. First Friday 7:45 a.m. Daily Mass
: ,.'~ur in y~;' in a praye r lor peace ior the Ne~
Ohio 73 East Lester Kidd, . Pastor 10:00 a.m., Sunda y School. 10:00 & 11 :00 a.m., Sunda y Worsh ip Service. 7:30 p.m., Sunda y Evening Worsh ip.
St. Augu stine s Chur ch
WAYIUVItL£. OHIO'" ,','.:,
'. . . .
. .'" ..' . . ~. ..i
.' . • ,
. SHOP AND · sAVE ,;AT: JHOMEII- ;... ,r l _
.' 11iere .. seems to be no way " lJampto~ "and Robin Lainhart; " . but up . f~)[ 1 Lytle , Boy Scout three years, Harry Crabstree, Paul ,' Troop 30 as reflected by its re FJder1llld ,Rodney 'Brown and c~nt Court 'Of Honor~at - Lyt1e ' four years, TIm Miller;' John United Methodist Church. Moseman -aR~ : Ray Brown. , It ~.iow~' ~(~~' watched' ~.. The Court was ceremonially ·18 ·as ' .sO merit badges and -16 highlighted with the presentation :,rank"acivancements were bestow- 9f' new Tropp scarves of offied upon 18 Scouts'bY. Scoutmas- cia), 're~, ,white al)d ~blue , to all . . _. . ter . Robert ~tansberr; who wa~ ,I • ~ ·~~uls. .:me .~me I scarveS: were assisted .by noted 44 year Scout- pfesented in .friendship and honing enthuSiast; Elza Abraham, orary' TiPop 30 , m,eOll>ership to 'holder .o,f the distinguished Sil- 'special gU~t} Etta Abra~ and ver Bea~er Award. Ray Dtiim, Scoutmaster for .~emonie~ . were .he~d~d wit}:l Troop 111 at Middletown. _ th<, presentation of Ufe Scout awards ' to "Pauf -Elder and' Divi(i Abraham, guest speaker, re<?hler and Star awa,rds to Rodney Viewed ~outing laws and the ' ·BroWn, Gary Hampton and Jerry, 'meaning of Boy ~outing for Helterbridle. .seven Tenderfoot 'Scolits accept. Jerry Malcolm, John Moseed into the Troop, duriJ.tg the ' ,man and Harry Crabtree were evening. advanced to First Class Scouts, "The noted Scout leader, who -lias ·i;een turning out :expert Robin lainhart received Second Class ·rank. woodcarvings sin~e 1926, alSo John Moseman was spotlightentertained the crowd with carv~ ed during merit badge distrib~- ' ing demonstrations backgroundtion with 11 badges to his credit. '. ed by the exhibition of several The . total represer;tted seyeral of his works. He honored each hours . of wor~ and ernest , adult Committeeman with a 'g ift achievement. . . ·of. ~ hailtlSome, 'handcarved letJerry- Malcolm also gained exteI:' opener. .tra merit badge ' recOgniti6n. He ..Sant~ Qaus . appropriately was the first of the Troop to concluded the Court witha. ~ur, .. dis b f earn the photography badge. _' pnse VISIt . t<:>. tri ute gi ts to A si,gnal honor went to Jes ~rq~p members and candy for Malcolm, Troop adult Gommit- , '\ visiting youngsters. .. tee Chairman. Malcolm was preScouts were received by parsented a pin co~em.orating his ,~nts and .visj~~rs followin~ ~~~ . continuous serV:tce:· to· .Troop' :30 ,' .. Court; •Refres~ents were seiv· since its. formatio~ . 1·8 years ago. He also received~3 ..fi. . veu nino " t
. .;.' " ' ,
'ed :style from an 'attractlve Christmas pian~h> table sei'>l~ p in the chu{~h ba~qlent~ . · . The~ . and t~ek "guests ,were seate~ _~t t~les s~asQ.~ally._ ~orated and uniquely lighted by strands oif ChristmaS liShts·of~terJ)ate .TrooP 30 colors; .
0178.,0.', · . .': 'BOJD ·BUUibb . , ALL 'rIPBS.
aBltoDELmG '
Bobert Cuter " Son .
REEDY Plumb~or 70~ com· pIe&e plwnbu., iDItaIIatioD i.Dd re·· pain. c.n 807....20 Wa~JlH HOLIDAY aeoident. di8ippear qUietly when 70U caD Paul'• .X-Pert. Cerpet aeuui.c. Ph. 882.7876: 31c2 HOME repair aod mainteDaDoe car'peD&er, CODente, ibeet ~ p.a-
NEW home 'for '.ue, 3 ~ family room, firepleee, 2 ear p"ap. Located on O»NeaIl .lId. : 10" don .1riU buy. For more information caD CIwIee H. Welch m.e6H. 2ectf
2... FARKfeDClDr. bam paiDtm, aad ...,..,. lP'ree IItboa_ Phone )lid. dIetown f28-lm or ~2-7'N. '17ed TOY PGGdIe Stud 8enIM, AKC JtePtered. White or Apricot. 110. AppointlQ8llt oDIJ. Phou 8t7-"a.
lW GOLD 8priDp Beaut1 Aop: WII ft-
Real Eitate The foimer ' Tom
Norris . home in Waynesville. Fea!mAL NancE , turing 2 or 3 bediooms, fireNonCE OF DISSOJAJTlON .place, 45 x 15 foot family 'Notice II hereby liven that the room, 2-car garage, built-in . partnenhip heretofore esilltinc under stove. Vacant. Price $1.9,500. the fmn name of Bill-DaD Flower The Bob Townsend Home. Shop conductiq bulin_ at a2 . This beautiful home has 4 South Main Street, Franklin, Ohio. h... beeD m.otveci by reUDn of the bedrooms, fireplace, 2~ baths, unauthorised ablenee or DanIel full basement, 2~ car garage, Jeob • and from the IJidh day of central air conditioning. Brick Deeember, 1960. and frame construction, ~arly W'dliam Kindred, Jr.. iI authorised Ameri~an design. Price to adjUIt aad' aettle aD debt. due to $38,000. or 0'IrinI 'by tald partnenhip, De-
... roofiDa ad eIeetrioal. ....
tab appointment. 187-dDl.
21 N. SNIT. '
. 'Tom Florence Realty
eemher " 1960. ' , " WiDiam Kindred, Jr.
-BeID -Wanted
WANTED. : Fun moe. y --'-. with typioa aperieDoe. IIUI& ~~ to 1eam ~ procIIi and work in aD eompoaiDc departmeDtL Apply" '!'be JIiaml Guett.e, WapaeniDe. tlDOtf
.o&ra Of naDka
. Other year pins . awarded in. WANTED eluded.:. o~e year, adult CommitSpecial weekly rates or teemen, Dennis Dalton, Editor wil" sit by hour or day. of The Miiuni Gazette and Ebbie Consta . nt care in a good Ga dd" Waynesville High 'School ', ~istian home. sciel1ce leach~r, Scputmaster R~~~,!.; ~,~:i, :;':, •. , Phoile, ,897J.S921 ~rt Sta,.sbetry and-Scout., Jerry ~ ... ; '/ '2.. As)(" .Jea~ Hill Helter-bric;lle; two. , . " . .">4- ... .,' ...'
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EmbolMd textuNd ....et with neutral beige tonet.
aeialmolll for ' oudI, ..... and , - - . . of kilad_ at the pIIIIiq. , of our brudler Bam .Stubbe. A very lIJIIOial tbaDk· JOU to Bn. L. L. ",iYoWII for ~ hie ICheduIe to be .ftiJabIe duriac our abeeooe. 81ei
BLUE w.tre not oDly ride o~ ,of lOil but leavee pile 10ft aod lofty. · ' ~lJt lililotric ahampooer II. Wayne8'-::'ville FUrnitUre. 31el
. = WI , 'i'll , nI.•.·
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WIt ·, , '11" , i C' I
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{or wie Ilt 'J:hl! Miumi! G"..,Ue. 100 S. II..aD ~t., \\'a.)lI~yilic.
(1900 '.pIlon 1aDk) .:. R 7·DAY DELI VERY 'Track with . .
.-_._ . .,. ... --- -- ,- '2-DOOR 18· cu. ft. FriPIain cheat " ,or ....
:===!=!======::=aiii=a=:it?;~lIE,\1m(G. ma. ,."~~ .' . .NE'W · && USE:O CARS CHECk OUT OUR ·TRANsPORTATION Ilvarun. ·.,, .. , ,ONE OF THE LARGEST. 'I,. :T"£-AREA,. ., . CO. A. ;.oFtlo ., '
MY ..... -tIaaab to III frieDdI and
. ' , ......,..u.... freaer; Ph. 897-2668. 81el
~?-~~~~-><-~m,-- @"mstrong
r,::Z;::::;::;:=====iI, GiiBH to thaDk. aD' lD7 frieDdI aad
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r'91- 4 0II' ..
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'..le. 76, • .;:===::;:=====~:::;::;;~~~==::;== '. "BTU wi&II blOwer•for . 150.00. fIaoDe 1963 mRD.
&n' pleat
interior, ·£-
~T.BinleDcme·:W·of~. Street or 1U'ip; 807-'488 8101 APPLES .aod &.h cider; GOlden De1icioUl, Black Twig, Stayman 'ct
11·"II'I'~'· f
.-:'-: " , ~'~' ;.' ',~':'., -
U 'I 'BIGE:aA.flON" .A IB, , . CONDM.()lfD "6 ", " ~ . tl ' .... \ ·BE·RVICE ... . . Oummercial ~ BttSiden~' ~ ,A.\l~IJlObi~ 'U'l'!'t¥ : 1 • . • . .' ,.. ) , ;.
old fashioned W"me&ap, Jonathon, · Romo Beauty and Cortland, Lump>", .... , • - ' : "".' '" ... _ kina Fruit Farm. ·2 ~ South of ' .•: ' .. " pHONE "7~N50 " ,. ~', Centervi1le on ' Route 48, East on .' ; Rd • .R!It;,- ~ 7 •• "~lVlI"~,'~ Nu." Road 3/' mile, . 270tf 1!I.__...IIIIIiiII........__..........--~~_..........~~IIIi'!::·; liI........ . FOmLAcE wood for We'h ' ' ...........-~--~.......- -...~-......~i!II'!~ .. ...... :. cIeltr.er. Ph. '897-4170. 81C!2 I
, ' , "
Oestetner Model 451
aator witb Electronic StR, oil Eloanner' and . cabinet. All _eel: IeDt : condition~:, Pbo.nJ Tia~ ~ . Oue:t te: 8~7.anI.:' " ~4" .lM2 PONTIAO Grand 'Pm, 2-door " :whi~ . iDwor" bucket .ata. . . me. "ad I'8M' I)rabe. MIG in ' .
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At VIII'8Y' ...... I
ee it,·· W iil= le i ' r0P .
f®2ew ~eaf ~ides the happy celebration of another
New Year, we're making some quiet wishes. One is that the brand new year ahead wlll be, for all our customers, a happy and a healthy one. We thank you for your loyal patronage.
A Center is being' opened at Spring Valley by "Project REACH", 'the Community AJ:,. tion Economic Opportunties Program in Gre«(ne County, it was announced ,..by Director Paul' " M. Helmer today'. , The center will be in Seite~s Store and will ' be: open from ' 9 a.m. to noon on Thursdays. 1bjs will give the people of the community a Place to go to "" reqUest assist~~ce; .· "This center grew out of our fitst city·wi4e -blitz, "said- Hel· mer ~ ''We got our , whole staff to go down and ·(iild low·income people door to door in Sp~g Valley, We all went one day and handed out brochures and many elderly people were fQqnd who needed aaiItanCe; but who have bc:em unable ' 'to travel to Xenia for help, Mr. Seitel .offercd his store and we ue very grateful." "Thi. is only the. fint of thae projected blitzeS whereby we hope to make ' our Jel. vices even more available- to the whole ,county"" :,Continued Helme~. ·"We ue cioin8 this even though Congeal ' is ~ vb~g on whether to cooQpUe'tht ,anti- .. -~t' ~ pewerty program ~ pired lIast JlIne.'.We ' "'d' ~ faith to"help peQpI~ ;~ , Helmer was niQst" . ' , the 'ml[)rate of,his seMce~ ' "E~~ tr'~lOU]JI ~ be check; . '~ \e'~~~;I~"i'iJ ~ ~~ ~~
m:,. n.,. of ."
~nning .at :fO-~30 .;
10 Cenu
By DENNIS DALTON ' History ;buffs with a taste for the unique'~will more than likely gobble Wayne ,'Retail M,erchants plans for dramatizing Waynes'" historY ' in' late spring or ville ~~y. summer. , ..' , .1 Initial pl'ar)s~ have been begun to, "give Wayne~e ~ack to the Indians" for a weekend during an histori~ homes tour and aNa, tional Mlizzl~ iDading AssOCiation (N:,M.LRA) meet: There · ,be no shooting or scalp liftiqg t~t~ the two, however, since ootl1 American In- ' di~ns and N.~L.R.A, members will powwow .~~ ,Waynesville to help vilI3g~ 'mercha,nts , . stage the fust of ,histol'it celebrations in view ofWay,~~~,~ 17Sth birthday in two . ,A tne National
Muzzle Loading . Rifle Association to hold a shootin' match at Waynesville for a foc. on history ~~cently brought cannonsized results. "I am sure that the members of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association will be glad to help with the celebration at your city," read a reply from Bob Brant, N.M.L:.RA. member, of Shelbyville, Ind. An invitation was extended To National Muzzle Loaders reo cently through Brant. His letter further stated in part: "I have talked to the Editor of our publication, Muzzle Blasts! and we' will be glad to help with publicity. "It is hard, to say at this time just how much space would be needed for shooting and camp=
ing but this could snowball into ,something fai beyond your expectations. "Worfhwhille prizes for matches and costumes will bring fans from far and wide; "Keep me informed and I will try and help out a5 much as I can. I have a great deal of interest in Warren County as my family came there in ,1814 from New Jersey. "I have my Warren County history out and it looks like Waynesville has a great background for an historical pagent." The program would entail pre· sentingkeys to Waynesville's her· itage hospitali1ty to Indian representatives and national Muzzle Loading Riflemen. Several of Waynesville's historic restored and maintained
homes and public buildings would be opened to visitors. Local citizenry and tour hosts and hostesses would appear in period costume that weekend and the p?ssibility exists that visitors would be transported to historic sights in horse-drawn vehicles; . Free camping would be offered as an enducement to visitors and would be available to all who might wish to visit Waynesville during the yet uncal en dared weekend. •
. · trn
A number of festive extras have been added,to the proposed , historic weekend activiti~ Among them are an early American style shbw, to be ch~ed by Mrs. Steve Fields of Lynn's Dress Shop, an early American or fron(Continued on page 8)
NOTICE Waynesville Police Chief Charles leMay reminds all villege residents that there is an ordinance requiring that all vehicles parked in the village streets must be licensed, in operational condition, and must be moved at leait once every 72 hours. Due to the number of complajnts received, it will be necessary to tow away all carS found in violation of any section of this ordinance.
P '"
Miami Gazette Publisher, David Edsall, presents coloring contest win- , ner Colleen Conl~y with a five dollar gift certificate from the Miami Gazette. CoUeen's artwork was judged grand prize winner from all first place winners named during the Gazette's first annual Christmas Coloring Contest. Colleen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Conley of 2850 Harlan Road, Waynesville.
The Waynesville Area Chamber of. Commerce got a . nPoW start Dec.' 30 when its Board of Directors elect~d officers and appointed two new members. Elected were 'Howard Purkey, Jr. President; James Crane,
Community Aid Council Sets Meeting Date
Ellcts Dfficlr. Executive Secretary and Mrs. Edgar Smith, Treasurer. Donald Hawke and Mrs. Steve Fields were appointed Directors ,and both accepted the Positions. They join other Boar~ members, Edgar Smith, S. ' Ray Wallace, Dick Irelan, David Edsall, William Nell. General Chamber Membership will meet during a coffee hour Jan. 8 at 7:30 pm at The Frreside Inn.
The Community Aid· Council will . meet Monday" Jan. 12, at Purkey Appointed 7:30 pm at the Waynesville Deputy Registrir United Methodist Church. Each ,. civi~ or religious ~~gani~tion in the community 'is aSked, to. send two ,!reptesentatlves to the meetingi The ,Co~unity Aid Council., , ,
Second-cl... pottap .paid at W.~lte, January 7, 1970 ... WayneSYilte, OhM>
Vol. 2-No. 1
10 Cents
By DENNI$tDALTON History ~u'ff$ ,with a taste for the ~ri.ique . will 'more than likely gob,ble Wayne ·Retail ,Merchan.ts pl~s for dramatizing. Waynesville , history in late spring or e~dy su~mer.
. . Initial plan~ ·, ~ave been begun to "give Wayn~yille b,ack to the Indians" fora weekend during an historic homes tout and -a National Muzzl, Loading Association (N;,M.LItA) meet~ There Win' b~' no shooting or scalp lifting twixt"the two, however, sinoe bOtb American Indians and N:M.'i. .·RA. members wUJ powwow "a~ .Waynesville to help village merc~a.nts stage the . first of histp~~ c:,eleb~ations in ,view ofWaynetvU1e~s 17Sthbirthday in two'yea~J I
A lett~f'
&u.&I0&& ....
Muzzle loading _Rifle Association to hold a shootin' match at Waynesville for a foc. on history recently brought cannonsized results. "I am sure that the members of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association will be glad to help with the celebration at your . city," read a reply from Bob Brant, N.M.L:.RA. member, of Shelbyville, Ind. An invitation was extended To National Muzzle Loaders ' reo cently through Brant. His letter further stated in part: "I have talked to the Editor of our publication, Muzzle Blasts, and we will be glad to help with publicity . ."It i~ hard to say at this time just how mu~h space would be needed for shooting and cam~
ing but this could snowball into something far beyond your expectations. "Wortbwhile prizes ·for matches and costumes will bring fans from far and wide ; "Keep me informed and I will try and help out as much as I can. I have a great deal of interest in Warren County as my family came therle in 1814 from New Jersey. "I have my Warren County history out and it looks like Waynesville has a great background for an historical pagent." The program would entail pre· senting keys to Waynesville's heritage hospitality to Indian representatives and national Muzzle wading Riflemen . Several of Waynesville's historic restored and maintained
homes and public buildings would be opened to visitors. Local citizenry and tour hosts and hostesses would appear in period costume that weekend and the p?ssibility exists that visitors would be transported to historic sights in horse-drawn vehicles; . Free camping would be offered as an enducement to visitors and would be available to all who might wish to visit Waynesville during the yet uncalendared weekend. .,
A number of festive extras have been added to the proposed historic weekend activities. Among them are an early American style shbw, to be chaired by Mrs. Steve Fields of Lynn's Dress Shop, an early American or fron(Continued on page..8)
NOTICE WayneSVille Police Chief Charles LeMay reminds all ,viilege residents that there is an ordinance requiring that all vehicles parked in the village streets must be licensed, in operational condition, ana must be moved at leait once every 72 hours. Due to the number of complajnts received, it will be nee.. essary to tow away all carS found in violation of any section of this ordinance.
. Miami Gazette Publisher, David Edsall, presents coloring contest winner Colleen Conley with a five dollar gift certificate from the Miami . Gazette. Colleen's artwork was judged grand prize winner from all first place winners named during the Gazette's first annual Christmas Coloring Contest . .CoHeen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Conley of 2850 Harlan Road, Waynesville.
B0 I rd
Illcts Iffic.r.
Executive Secretary and Mrs. The Waynesville Area Chamber of. Commerce got a . Edgar Smith, Treasurer. "Pow start Dec.~ 30 when its Donald Hawke and Mrs. Steve Board of Directors elected Fields were appointed Directors officers and appointed two new .and both accepted the Positions. They join other Boar~ members, members. Edgar Smith, S.· Ray Wallace, Elected'were ·Howard Purkey, Jr. President; James Crane, Dick Irelan, David Edsall, William Nell. General Chamber MemberCommunity Aid CQuncil $hip. ·will meet du"'ng a coffee Sets Meeting Date hour Jan. 8 at 7:30 pm at The Fireside Inn. The Community Aid. Council t will · meet Monday, "Jan. 12, at Purkey 'A ppointed . 7:30 p~ at the Waynesville Deputy Registrar , United Methodist Church. Each· , ciVi~ ,
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P.O. Bos 78 - , Phone 897~5921 .' f . . , , PubIiIhecI ,ach ,Wedlu,"ay at WayneaviUe; OhiQ. Subscription price '13.00 pel' ,..,.. Netri4and price lOe' per copy. DeDnie Dalton ••.....• , . ... .. . ........................ . .. .. ... . Editor Da\'id Edaall •. : ....,...• ~ ...•..... . .. ..... •... .. . " ..• ·OenM'al Manager ~ald O. Hill • .•... . .... ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. AdvertiaiDg M~Dagl\r Charmaine Banaa .. ... . ........ . . . . . . .. .. . . . . ... . . ... .. AlISociate Editor Reginald O. Hill, Davirl Erl!!all . . ... . . .. ..... .. . , . . ". ,,' . . . . . , . 1'1It.li l' llI'r ~ i
... ;'"
.:' "', "I.
The Buckeye State has a true link with th.e past in an age when tangible history is' not always easy to find outside of mu~e ums. Ohio travelers who happen off the main highways are likely to come upon one of these links: covered bridges from Historic Ohio. These old spans, remisincent of an era when the pace was less hectic, have a country charm that soothes the traveler 'bent on a' little fis:l:ng" a picnic, a we'ekend campoul or some leisure photography. The covered bridge is not a heritage unique to Ohio, but for many years the Bucheye State had more such structures than any other state in the nation. In 1969, Ohio dropped to second place with Pennsylvania having more covered bridges.
' P.O. Box 7~, WayripKvill~ Ohi" 4iillliK
-' annual subscription .
-, ,
P.O. Box 78 WaynesVille, Ohio 45068
;1 NAME __- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
,I .I
ADDRESS "'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
CITY _ _ _ _ _ __
STATE _ _ _ _ __
PHONE _ _ _ _ __
1_ _ -
Holt Kovel Wells
The Shivering Sand , Know Your Antiques The Owl pen ,Reade, The French Lieutenant's Woman
NO'IL~ No Fines Wednesday January 7 through Saturday January 10. No More Fine Free ,Holidays.
4th STREET WAYNESVlLlE, OHJ(1' PH., 897;';482~.",',·
of the bridges by, and the elements are doing their share of destroying th!s link with yesteryear. REASONS FOR ROOF Probably the main 'question of coyered bridge exper~s IS "Why a roor?" And "~manY reasons have been advanced. Most of the e~perts claim that the roofs were to keep the bridges dry and prote'c t the beams and
S,8 WYe~ . II'ec'f ed He I,d ,'Fi 'r" me,n'
Waynesville. Fire ~ef William Sawyer was elected, presid~m~ ~f. the Warren CounW Firemen's Association , Monday night at Hunter Fire Dep!lrtment. Other officers also elected to two year terIns included: Richard Berger, ' Franklin I:'ire Chief, vice-presideh~ ; ' .110'Yard Harville, Franklin AsSistarlt 'Pire Chief, treasurer and 'Tom Burke,' ., f secretary. Monday night's meeting was for election of officers and regular business of the aSsociation which encompasses , 13 . depart· ments in the county. Warren County' Firern~m's Association which cmcQmpasses 13 tri-monthly meets'in regular. Warren County Firemen's Association meets in regular session tri-monthly. The association will meet next in March. •..•
protect the beams and arches from the elements. Others say that the roof was to give the bridge a tarm-like appearance so that the. farm animals would be more apt to walk across them calmly. Others say that the bridges we,re canopied to provide shelter for the traveler. Whatever the reason, travelers flock to these bridges yearly-particularly in the winter when the 'old spans are covered with snow. A unique part of the history of covered bridges is th~ir use by young sweethearts. With its dark, murky p~age, the rural covered bridge 'served as a tunnel of love · and hence vecame known as a kiSSing bii~ge ~
The history of Ohio covered bridges shows a marked decline in number. in 1941, Ohio had 609 covered bridges. By 1949, only 580 remained, and in 1959 there were only about 250 remaining examples of these wooden hunks of history. / . In 42 Ohio counties, there MANY HAVE BEEN MOVED exist somc~ 200 covered bridges. Fairfield County boasts the most A number of elderly bridges covered bridles in on~ county . have been moved to public centotaling 19. The' number is conters. One shed that crossed little stantly fluctuat~g due to' r.estor. Suga~Creek southea# of Day top ns and de.t~riqiati9n." , , hasbeen shifted to Dayton's Car, oble, Wa~hgion :. and! Ash:-';' , illon fark~, Anoth,er: is on display tobula Counties share with Fair-' ' in the fairgrounds at' McConnells. field County iIi haVing, almost . ville·;-sou'theastofzanesvllie. half of the state's existing For a directory of Ohio's covbridges, blllt life has passed most ered bridges, anyone ,can send
, SMILE ..4 WBILE ' " ,
Speaking on inflation, ,t 'h e' Rev. Paul C. Remert, 'pres4ieht ' of St. LOuis, University, li~d. this to s~y: '''Among' tile. things mOl)ey can't. buy, are,the tlUng~ , it used to." . " \ , "
~'Birds of cI
flathef.'. ,', flock tog,~~ , 15:a sayingthQt"., " I've heard.':' "
Thl 'aynl.vi III , .~ ... -Iafilnal' Bant. TELEPHONE 897-2065
.. , f
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Your MOBILE HOME Insura nce is important. Be sure your protection matches . your investment. You n§ed Tailored Insurance Prote.clion.
T-h :e Nell
INSURANCE AGE$C.v Ph 897..4956 ;~'<, or 897-601'1 ~: .', '.' , . '
23 S. MaW ', :
,ay"esVille" , O~i~., t., ,'._-'
.. v;.
~ f;
I'll show you a,tric~·' '" for ext(a· ~sIi : '.' . , That's•.really. pretty.. , .' ... :;1:;; '. nice. ". ., (:t., \ ~'" ~'.
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Just bundle up thOle . ~ ,'" odd. Gnd _nds ~ And put' thim in ", ; . 'Qpi~~, ::: ',' .',,:,' .:
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1 num.~r y~ among . 'my friends I.... (, And offer you ~IS advice: ., . "J:
(And tho..gh.'1~1I~t.:·.. to say it, . I'm a.pretty .m..rt· old bird!) ,
We are pleased to advise that all accounts are now insured up to 520,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a per:manent agency of the U. S. Government. New legislation, recently passed and effective immediately, increases the insurance ceiling on all accounts from 515,000 to 520,000, providing you with additional protection. We appreciate your patronage and look forward to continued service. Remember - in addition to sound management and substantial reserves, you now have this added protection I
. '
/' : " Mrs,' ' W..h,e,r 'r' ~mutHsor) 'of Oakwood , and, Pastor, and Mrs. Rich3rd "~ WhQsetler .. ,of '. loUisville, Ky. Rick and lisa Hazen's guests included J;an,e, Amy and David Root, Lynn and John Samuelson., and Lisa and Scot Whonsetler.
By PAT VAIR WaynaviUe -
The Christmas season this year was qUite an exciting time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Current of 460 Miami Street. They had as their house guests for the Holidays Mr. and Mrs. To~ Current of Olney, lllinois and Mrs. Inez Alcorn, house mother of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity at the University of Cinc.innati'. On Christmas morning following the Christmas Eve services at St. Mary's ' Episcopal Church many members of the congregation enjoyed themselves at the Current's annual Christmas Eve Open House. Mr. and Mrs. Current have entertained in this manner since 1951 and many, many of their friends have partaken of their generous hospitality. ' Saturday, December 27th found a family dinner being held in that very busy house at 460 Miami St. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Current; Mrs. Inez Alcorn~ Dr. and Mrs. James Current of ' Tell City, Indiana; and Mr. an,4 Mrs. Ray Julian of Centerville. Now,that the hu'stle and bustle of the s~as~>n has 'slowed down the' Current's still have, one big ~exciteIilent yet to come. They ! are artxi~psly' .~waiting the day they will :agam ~ see ' their son Peter ;Wh~" l is now serving in \lVietnam..: ' Mr. Ross' Hartsock. of R. R., 2 retl,lrned '~' home New Year's Ev~ after', it five week stay at Kettering Memorial· Hospital. He is progressing very nicely and is very happy to be home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lacy of 361 North Street flew to California to be with their son over the Holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conner attended the wedding of Miss Donna Marie D'Angelo and Mr. Larry Lyn.n Fox at 2:30 Saturday afternoon, December 27th in Hollywood F1ori~. 'Mrs. Conner remarked that the lawn wedding was , most impressive and was an event at the home of a friend. The Arthur Benfer's of 515 , Franklin Rd.. sp.end their holiday vacation flying to Texas to be with their son. , Rotary Members entert$ed their Rotary-anns at the Fireside h)n MondayJ?ecember 29th. New members, Mr. Joseph W. Hatfield and Mr. Sonny Wallace were officially welcomed by Mr. Craig ,Fransico who,also gave a very jnt.eresting 'history of Rotary. The program of the evening was a delightful trip through Europe . via the slides and talk of Mr. and Mrs. KeMeth , Retallick. . , ,~: SeVe~ ot th\,guests, present, were', Mr,~ . ,and' MriJ. Wagner of .ett4'rin2~ -- friends of Mr. and fl41tli~;Id!Alnd ~r. ,and Mrs. friepd:s
at her mother's in Florida while recuperating and they were joined by Mr. Hodson on Christmas Eve. Mr. Hodson has since returned to their home. Thought for the Day
:'mEJ! had"to shoot poor
1 do por~ed.
Charlie re-
"Was he mad?" asked Dan. "Well, he wasn ' t too pleased!"
.; ';:,' D..~~.d. VI... ' An· opt~t and a peliurust
. into ' bUliness ' together. Businelts was, very good. . "Well," said the optimist "we've had a wonderful month: There has been a constant run of customers."
, SERVroE . , OoDllllercial - Residential - - .A utomobile Units .I PHONE 897·5250
1705 Harlan Rd. R.R. 2
Yh.ynelvUIt.. Ohl. .. . , ,
A few words, well and tr~ly
said, . Will greater good impart, Than hosts of words that reach the head, But never touch the heart , Guests at the New Year's Eve party and buffet supper given by Mr. and Mrs. Richard R Hazen of Ferry Foad, were Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Root, Jr. and Dr. and Mrs. T. R. Huter of Centerville; Mr and
BASKETBALL GAM ES Way nes v iI ,l e Faculty
vs ' Booster Club
ON'T give up the' 8/1ip! • (Long the battle CTY 0/ the United State! N ovy).
January 21, 1970
'lIoa -1IW1I1 'd,. llSPPII ~ paft'aa aJIWadaal1lO alg dJql IJq"aaqa 'z.t. ,0 nAIl alg .apap 'aaaa.l -a~ launt '.Iaa•• )WA.... 'In:) -paUlY pap1l1l0a .t1JW1.l01ll aID
,0 aa.la ·tlJ1(
pawanaoa au
11[11111111111111 III
8:45 p.m.
Seventh Grade IntersqiJad Game Eighth Grade Intersquad Game Girls Athletic Association Game $.75 Adult $.50 Student ROOSTER FUND
6:30 7: 15
IF your phone is gathering dust .-.'.
could ring the bell
Dust off ,your selling worries
along with the dust on that phone. ' We'll show you that successful selling begins right here in the pages of this newspaper. Whatever your service; you'll sell it best to more users when you adve~ise' here. Let our ~kiUed ad men show you how to put newspaper advertising to work for you. Call for details.
.' The MIAMI:,GAZETTE Waynesville; 'Ohio, 4GG68. p~ 0:'. 110::1:''''
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.., Phone' SW-691i .',· .,:, ':
~. "
MisS .SherYl
Flaine Price and . sweetheart ;, roses: ' l'h,e' bride -is the daughter of ., Mr·. and Mrs. Aloert Patten urut~d . in matnage at the Waynesville' First Church of of WayneSVille. The groom is Ouist . Saturday, December 20 the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman at seven-thirty o.clock in the E. Bellman, Sr. also of . evening. The ,Rev. Thomas Way~esville. Miss Kathy Lewis attended Stevens afficated at the single ' ring ceremony at half past seven the' bride as Mai<\ of Honor. in the evening. She wore a floor length gown of yellow chiffon with short, The "bride was given in Sleeves and carried a single ruffled marria~ by Mr. S. Ray Wallace. lont"Stemmed red rose. ~ wore a fUll-skirted, floor Bridesmaids were Miss Sharon length IOwn of layered, white lace accented by ICQUins and MIloney, Mis5 Belinda Shaw, and Carried a colonial bouquet of , Miss Marilyn Gordon. white. chrysanthemums an,d red 1bey wore gown styled the • p.ESeIPPftON8 • IlIUfte as the Maid of Honor's in complimentory pastel shades of blue, pink, and turquoise chiffon. Bridesmaid! also carried single long-stemmed red rOleS. The flower 'Girl, Holly Frye, DlEIOU"'V .,~. . wore a pale green dress accented FREE PICK UP by ,white deeves and carried It DELIVERY ' a basket of rose petals. The ~111laIl Everett Bellmen, Jr. were,
.. Appr~pria.te music for the , ceremony 'was provided 'by Mrs. ,.,. Ruth Whittamore: The mother of the bride chose a green knit dress and white carnation, c:arsage. The mother of the groom was also attired ' , in a green knit dress. She too wore a corsaF. of white carnations'. A reception ¥ill hc1d at the Fireside Inn following ~ ceremony. A hOliday motif 'liU carried throughout. . The bride is a senior at WayneSVille High School. The ' groom attended Waynesville High School ~ is currently employed by Kimberly Oark, West CaroUton Corporation. t(
II' 111'1111 IIII 1.T111
Materials that tend to cake placed in gJass jars In your cleaning closet. ~hould be
Ple.tt6.ing You. I~ OWl Ple.tt6Wlt .
BABY SITTING WANTED Special weekly rates or ~II sit by hour or day. Constant care in a good
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a.ristian home.
you w.ith yoUll de.c.oJt.a.ti.ng"
Phone 891-5921 Ask for Jean Hill
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PH. 897-4971
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S.. MAIN ST. WAYNESVILLE, O. PH. 897-.. n~"D ,
ent,:lrtaine9 the ,adult ~ible Qass " PfI.·,897·5372 of the United Methodist Church to' ~ .NewYeat;s ,Eve, party. . We urg~ all H8~eysburg resi, Mr. .and ~r~, Dale 'Hillard ', 4etlfs and cordially , inVi$e all of Bowling Green :were 'weekend township residents to atterld a nousegueals of Mr. Mrs. meetmg 'to be held at the school Earl Hook, Mrs. Hillard's parents. houJe on January , 14 at 7, pOI. ' "Rusty" Clark accompanied , 1be purpose of ,the meetiJlg his ·Catber, Ronnie, 01) a trip witt be to ~' with State this week tluoup a gid!" p.rt Officials the posIibillty 'of bringof the aoutk with stops in Alaial1l'Iter ud sewer into Hu:veys- bama ud Georgia. bu~ N!': IIId Mn. Kenneth Stocker ',llI1lea Curtis, of the office' and funity of Bellbrook were 0( Hoosing ·and . Urban DeYelopsuests recently of Mr. and Mrs. IDIRt of Natunl Resources. Mr. Arthur Martin. Utz of the Columbus offICe of We are happy to report that Urban Development and Mr. Willard IJogan was able to ret1:lm Roshon of the Department of home Saturday from University Urban Affain wHl be among HOIpital at Coiumbus where he thote in attendance. We feel had undergone eye surgery, one this m~ting could be vital for of the rewlts of the au to accident the future of Harveysburg in which he and Mrs. Bogan were view of the Caesars Creek project . in recently. and again urge all residents to Bob Rich of Texas visited attend. his pare~ts, Mr. and Mrs. RayMr. and Mrs. Charles Voiers mond Rich, for a Christmas vacation. My book of poem~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price IIRHVMES AND REASONSII spent N~ w Years Day at the ' home of Mrs. Price's uncle and is now on sale. " For " -ch CoPY -fc.r,'YOurself or for aunt Mr. and Mrs. William Zur. gift., lend $1.25 to the luthor, Mrs. face of Wilmington. Floy E. NichOlas, Waynesville, Ohio Mr. and Mn. Frank Gibson 45,O~. and children attended a family Book. will be mailed It once.
get-together Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gar(ett of Ke~tering. Th~ occasion was a surpris~e bir~hday party for I'aul.
Oark and children spent New Years Eve at the ' home of Mrs. Jennie Lee Runyon. 1be Wal~er McCarrents were hosti Sunday for a family potluck dmner. Mo. S..e Ann Cannan and daughter, Lorie, 8Ild son, Jim, have retur'ned home after visiting anodier son and dauther-ul-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jon Cannan, who are stationed in Jacksonville, Fla. Gaur Williams, stationed at Fort nix,. N. ' J., arrived home Tuesday night to spend Quistmas with his jparents, Mr. ..d Mrs. Arnold Wiilliams. However! Gary became ill and is now confined to Wright Patterson Air Force Base Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Ralls of Xenia and Mr. and Mrs. Cabrles Price enjoyed a .delicious dinner in Dayton Tuesday night. The occ31lion was in honor of Mrs. Price~'s birthday. We extend our most heatfelt get well and speedy recovery , wishes to Elmer Dodds who's
I , 1111 Water'Service I'
. 116·W. Main St.
'. Phone,897.7026 P.O. Box 152 Waynesville, O. i
, ' Spring Valley, Ohio . lnS·t4~nt
• • . . . is there su~h' a .great reliance: for shopping and buying infol'D!,-tion. ODIy In the newspaper does advertising. share this reliance. Dozel)8 of independent surve~ show ~t customers rely on newspapers ,five~ ten and even .20 times more ,. tlian on ~y other media. . .Aitd . 'in tJiis . 'market, more ~ami1ie8' rely on this newspaper for sJ1opping information than on , ,aU other f or'ms ". o,f ' ~o~unitatiQ~,' combined. ' .'
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."An You'" YiIl Wat to H .... II' lIedkaJ HiItoIy, ' DocW1 II, Priladl.... ~ IWatiwa Rllli WIleD '
1I, ,~w:I' -
There wu a Community ''Watch Nir.ht" held at Jonahs Run Chruch New Years ' Eve form 9 pm to 12 am. Group singing, fllms and refreshments were enjoyed by all.
7-day - 24-hr. 181'V~
". -
. Mrs.
I, '.
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Credit'- - .A II MajOr '011
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Cred1t Cards
PREMlU-M----------------------iEW--FIR:ST CLASS. MUD
&. SNOW ' .
FIRST "UNf .. FULl- 4 Ply ,
... '~' It
. . 10 SUnday Moriling . 6~30 p.m. - &lnday £veiling .. 6:3~ .p.m.' - Wednesday Evening
,. ,
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l( .not "B;lW~~8 ,~J.Y · fo:. live' with conscience. To :do ..; . so, w,e ' must sqmetimes g,ve ' Editpr'$' ~ Note: . WELCOME " secon~~ought . ~o our ~U~i;' BACK TO ,THE' BEAT D;' J~ ( . . ne.s activities and to. our re-' , wE. VB MISSED YOU A HECK . lations with' our ;feUow man. Conscience ,oneb . caust$·us OF /t. LOT:. <;As ihwys, 'no~g ' l' . to ·rememb'e~ ·.the things .we .~eeps ' ,8 ~ami Gazette· st$'f(er" J • would like ,to · fO,rget. POhdownland espe,cially D.'J,. F1azier, S<;ienc~ wUI' .o~etlp1es. ·urge. , who ttiis week writes her pop~~r , tliat we take ail action or 'Dry Ridge" column from ·'her· make -'some sort ' 'of amends " ,' new set of 'wheels' ,a t 7the hospit:. that Is difficult because ; of al. WithJypical Di¥ Ridge.spuDk, .' . , .natural se1ftshness or .prl4e. Mrs: ,Flazier (who w,ote multi '. " On the other ,hand, Just . . veal'S for. the old Miami Quette)· 1••eI ,our I.ILI dall, . think . how satisfying ·m ust has bounced back to bring q~.b e to feel, 8S 41d the Apostle . anel zette r~~ders the best of Doroth( Paul, that "we h'llve done, our and more happenings ·fr<?m. Dty GO 10 CHURCH best ',fto . have always. a ' conscience void of offense toward Ridge. D. J. 'yoUr C9lumn is SUNDAY God, and toward man. " especially missed by Mrs." Ray(
Pint Baptlst.Ohurch North Main Street John .P. Osbome, Pastor 10:00 a.m., Sunday School. 1i:oo a.m., Morning Wonhip. 6:30 p.m., Training Union. 7:30 p.m., Bvening Won'tUp. 7:30 p.m~, Wednesday Prayer
(Affiliated' w ~ t h Southern Baptist Convention).
C~t East High Street Thomas Steveru, Miniater 9:30 a.m., Sunday Bible School. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship and Communion. 6:Gq p~m. Sunday Youth Meeting , 6:30 p.m. sUnday, Christian . Youth Hour. 7:30 p.m., Sunday Eveaaing Worship. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Bible . Study.
Pint Church of
mends Keeting
Baptilit .
Church SOuthern Baptist Convention N~rman Meadows, Putor 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Morning ' W~nhip
7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening
Service. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Midweek Pr~yer and Bible Study.
Jonaha Run Baptist Church Ohio 73 Eut Le.ter IGdd, Pastor 10:00 a.m., Sunday School. 10:00 & 11:00 a.m., Sunday Wonhip Service. . 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evenini Wonhip.
United JietbCMtiat Church David Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday ' Church
f t f t. . . .W' •
'lliOp, "
'.. .. ,
~eM on~ljlik~) .~gp;1~~!)8 ,~!
" . J. / . h umap ,'j, '~ , ".' , T~e warning ' and wear YQ.Ut ,· seat belt. 'The brakes '19cked' " and. · W~ sJddded' into a l' ditch. , 1"' ' . but ~~ucki1y.. di~ 't .bit anyone-. . Wind 'shields are ' vetr ), ,hatd. . '~: ' i ' When I ' fust : came 'in this,:~ : hall, w~s ' full of' Warren cO~nti patients. My roommate was f;o~ " Harveysburg arid ' next d09f was ~dha McDonald' Lutz,.who waS . ; born',. in ,. the " old,; Kirby"'{arm next . to . u~ before . . . ·bou~ . it. Th~re, were Qne·or·two others ",. ' , but ~~y ~ '.l w~n~ home before • ~ ,
Christ11laS.. ,l t' i· ' ~~ ,... , \": . ,< ' . ~ , . . ,Such, w~the( aJ ..~they,~ ~nw',~ ",.'. I
me, '.we,· have be'en . havfug. . '.~ l. I ,can't' fmd ..any,.. windows ' ,-';j;' 't hat look a.t anythQlg but another . ,. . :' ., ' ":t'-. " brick Waft. ," , , .·MY f~y. c~ged their plB;Iis . catt(e"qp 'for ~isfuil;S': ' N:~ .. thi9g like . a trailer 'h~use .to :' '; take' with, you. .':1' . , . Sn1}ffy's ,pups ,ar~ ~al:'tifu1: and evidently ,the .. righ~ -pal!" " , . but they ' wo~'t 'let them. collie I"'.
iD -to see Die.
..; I have had 'su~h :a ' ,jot 'of ,. . Jlea\ltifUl flp~~::, and·.cards·an'd.., ~~. ,lotS of .. People hav~ :teen iii ' " " fp '~me. · Ii ......pd ' tc)':· ~e. ' ~ · .pepp~,e. ~an~ when.r~i mY 'ty,pe,: ,-
' writet,'1 ~ ,write" ·more ... ·With .all · belt . ,~es 'Jor· ~ l~ppy · ·. New Year. DfF .
:. splm:~YAIJ"X
. .'.
'.. . WAV.miLLE, OHIO
Grover, Associate Editor of the Oxford , Press. Mrs. Grover, an avid fan of yours, .said to LYTLE lIT. BOLLY send her get well greetings to you and to tell you ,she sure United JlethocUst . Uni1ted -Methodist , Ohtircil .' misses. 'Dry' Ridge'. The Edit~i~ . Church ,. Publishers and, staff of the MianU1 '. David T. Willard, ' Minister Rev• . Leonard Buter Gazette Wish D. J. a SPEEDY 9:30 a.m., Sund,ay\ Wonhi~' 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. RECOVERY' , ' service. ,. 11:.00 a.m., Sunday, Wor;hip . Wednesday, Dec. 31, 19:6 9. ~iCe! _ __ 10:30 a.m., Sunday Schooi. The last day of the year and .7:30 p.m., Wedneaday, Prayer 7:00 p.m., Sunday, Evening w.hat ~ place to. start · a 'ne~ Worship Se~ices , con- · . Service. · year. ducted by youth~ ' I am iri~;. w~eelchair out in the 'hall watching. the people , " _.. .....:.·th ·' "odist :'- , • ~ Ridgeville CommunitY ,. go . ·by. My left· is a' U-;":I,tedIIA .IIW Church ' " , long. cast up abOve JllY ' mee. ; . ChurCh ' ·St. Rt. 48 & Lower Walnut-Vine Springboro Road ' . The ankle waS br,oken. My row~r j' Robert R. Meredith Pailor . Ray L Shelton, Pastor jaw is .w~ed to. my lq.~er• . .4eri~llf~ ,. • ' t , -." I 9:30 A ' M. Sunday School" ' many c_olo~ 9:30 L,m. Sunday ~oo1- " . Worship , fo~ a s.p~~t. :..- "10'45 . AM . . Morl\1A8 are f!1ding" from my" fac.e ~d '. 10:30 a.m. Morning ,Wonhip :' 7:30 p.m. sUndayJEvening
ma~ '
I '
hish . ;
4 ·
. '
Fourth Street near High 10:30 a.m., . Sunday School. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 11:00 a.m., Sunday ' Wonhip 10:4' a.m., Sunday Me~ting Service. for Worship (unpro- '. :' Youth Fellowship aild Bible ~ :;z;6:301'.m. ¥outlr FeUewlkitht- ~, .:SeMcen' ; 'l'. '. j t ' " grammed). jr. high &' ,r. ~ ~ 7:30 t>:rrt. ~ediiesijay '~venmg Study 7:45 p . m. WedneadaYt~ir . ' . Semce . .. ' ai ' " '. '\'~. " 5.30 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth St. Augustinea Qhurch r ehear, . '", .", Recreation Harveysburg Full Gospel Higb .Street 6:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth·· Church Rev. Jo.eph H. Lutmer, Services Spring VallelChurch.· 7 a.m. & . 11 a.m. Muses of Christ. E. South Street 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. h . ,ly Days . Glady Screet , Genntown United Church Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m. First Friday of Christ . " 10~OO a.m. Morning Worship 7 :30 p.m: Tuesday 7:45 a.m. Daily Mus 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship , Route 42 at Genntown .7:30 p.m. Friday - Young Ray Stormer, Pastor 8:00 p.m ' Wednesday Evening People's Service a.~. Worship Service 9:30 St. Mary's Episcopal Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10: 30 Sunday Church Church 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening School ' Third & Main Streets . ISpriu.R V&1ley 5:00 p.m. Sunday Youth Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector l'Tiendi ChtirCh . Fellowship . FERRY 11: 15 a.m., Morning Prayer ~ound Sti;eet " 1st, 3rd & 5th SUndaY5: E. Friend. Couser, Pastor Perry Church .of ~t Holy Communion 2nd & 9:)0 ,a.m. Sunday achool· ' Free :RentaCOstel:c;ha,,,,tt:1 I~\~: WilmingtOIl Pike " 4th Sundays. GCK...·; ./ .\.',' '. , 10:30 ·a.m. ~miD.g Wonhip Social Row Road - . -- .Bus Wiseman, 'Minister R. R. 122 ~ DoddS, Ohio . Christian· Baptist Mission UniWd MethOdist 9:00 a.m., Sunday Bible Pastor. James Coffman ' . " . ~in Street ' Church School. 10:30 a.m. - Stina.y School Thiid & North Streets , Mrs. I..ois Dunaway - Pastor 10:15 a.m., . Sunday Worship. 7. p.m. - Sunday Evangelistic " L. L. Y o~g, Mini.ter Sunday School - 10 a.m. 10:15 a.m., . Sunday Youth Service Mornilllg Wqrsbip - 11 a.m. . 1_0: 15 a.m .• ~urch at . Wor.hip. 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Prayer Evening Worship - 7 :30 p.m. Worship. 6:30 p.Ih., .Sunday 'EvenmS . . Service . 9:15 a.m., Sunday <llurch at Prayer Meeting, Wednesday -' Bible Study, all asa. 7:30 p.m. Satutda~ eyening . -7:30p.m. . Study. 7:30 p.m., Bvenill, Worship. , worship service . . . 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth FelPrayer Meeting,-Thursday: 7:30 p.m., Wedn:aday, ' Mid~ow.hip. week Prayer and Bible }:30p.m. .. Study. Song-fest - last .Saturday each month - 7:30 p.m.
Beal Estate
,8OI\ATCB pada for tale Tbt Miami ' GUette. 105 S. 'MaiD St. W~7D.vWe., ItDdl '63 "qHEvRoIm Impala. '200.00 Ph. 897·2168 . 32cl
BEATING S~ve . for ale:. 76,000 ~irt1 ,nth bloWer. $60.00. PhODe 0897-4360. • 22ctl SEARS Space Hea~8uble trim. 60jOOO BTU, 16.0.00 'Ph. 897·2627 8lel FIREPLACE wood for sale. We'll del1m-. Ph. 8974170. 31c2 1 BLACK leather - infant.' . car leat, sa; 1 baby's jump lleat, sa; 1 baby walker, sa; 1 stroller with canopy top, JI0; 1 maple baby bed, 120. Phon. 897-7716. lel G~Der Kodel
451 dupl-
e,ator with GClltefu Electronio 8ta· cO Scanoer and cabinet. All ___ ieDt CO~tiOD. . PtioDe The' JIlami Guette 897 -69.~1.
Wanted WANTED : Baby litter in my home iD' Lytle. Ph. 897.aM eveninp. lett WANTED:
'897·6921. AlIt for Jean.
Ph 0
Real EState
"'Th~ (ormer Tom Norris home in Waynesville. Fea· 'tUripg 2' or 3 ,bediOoms, fue-. p~e, 45 x.l 5 foot family . ; • J :rqq,p\. 2-car garage; built·iri , ' "stove.'Vacant. Price.519,500. · ; ' t The 'Bob Townsend Home. · . This." beautiful home has 4 Mdrooms, fireplaee, baths," ' , full basement, 2~ car garage, , , pe~tr8I ~r. conditioning. Brick . and frame construction, early ·Pri~e · American design. I
, 518:000.
' Tom Florence Realty Ph , 897·~ ·
NEW home for sale, 8 family room, fmplace, 2 car pnp. Located on O'Neall ltd; 10" will buy. 'For more informatioD call Chatl.. "H. Welch 897-1656. 26ctf
Servicea LIGHT haulin,. Lester Rasnakt. Ph. ,897-6806. " lei REEDY Plumbing-For your complete plumbing installation and reo pairs. Call 897.66~ Waynesville 31d HOLIDAY accidents disappear quick. ly when you call Paul'. X-Pert Carpet Cleaning. Ph. 932 ·7876. 3102 HOME repair and maintenance ear· peDter, cODcrete, sheet metal paiD.. inl, roolin, , and electrical. Phone 746·2982.
21ctf FARM feDcing, barn paintiq and repilr. Free estimate.. Phone Mid· dletown 423-If24 or 'm-74M. 17etf TOY Poodle Stud Service, AXe Reptered. White or Apricot. 160. Ap~iDtmeDt onlJ. PhODe 8t741&L llc" OOLD Sprioil Beautl Shop: WII take appoiDtmenti anytime. , PIl. 897-43": .....
Has your gas 'mileage taken a bad beating smce winter ardved? If SIO, then either you or your car must shoulder the, blame-Perhaps' both are gas ,wasters. You ~e , guilty when : you overpump the, pedal ,to start, gun the . engin~ sev'er81 times ' 'to keep it revving, then let it idle for 10 or 15 minJltes before ' getting under way. You also:' hurt mileage when you interfere with warmup 'by turning on the car heater before the engine has ~ long enough to reach a hot, econorn,ical temperature. 'Most drivers are unaware of this, it seems. Your ca:r is to ,blame if the choke, thermostat, or manifold heat :valve 'isn't wor~g prop- .Where Is It? fans were on the ball this week. Those correctly id~ti~ erly or if the carburetor is too fying the tree top at the Mary L. Cook Public library were: Kara ~, richly adjusted. Clouds of black smoke sp~wing from the exFricke, Lorie Bixby, David Melton, Greg Blythe, Regina WQlfe, haust pipe! are indicative of the Charlls Melton, David Stubbs, Jack Stubbs, and Eric Whitmer. To latter condition. And, of course, identify this week's picture call the Miami Gazette at 897·5921 , if the battery is .weak, the' hard . starting, stalling, and missing that will result tan really take a bite out of your gas budget. '
alltl damage the rear axle? It can cause the housing to sag, which can mean costly ~ placement. One symptom of this condition is ' abnormal rear tire
BelD Wanted LPN needed at once. Small , home. Ph. 897·7961
L. W. aab: Will overloading a .uttion wagon eventu- '
Durain& Icl
G. F. ulea: A friend toho drove mil car laIt,week'I4t/. there', too much pl4l1 in the Iteering toheel. How mueh U too 1n.uch?
Oarel' .of ThaDka I WISH to thaDk my frieDda, ,neiP-, bora and relatives for the earda, flowers and many ' kindn_ durio, my stay in the boIpita!. Be.
.,More than three inches Can indicate · 8eri~us wear ·or looie-
Tinney 32el r-__~~~~~~__.... neu.
0118'1'011 .. BOlD: B11ILDER AJ;L,.YPEB a2~ODELING ,Bobert, Oarter. '-21 I. IN ,IT. .
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Y'I~'IIIC '\::.
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Predslon Work Is a "Must" Here
' 0
We would like to introduce to ;ou,. Out' , "NEW ' high , quality priDting." Much ,effort has gone into 1M.' PROVING our quality standards. 'nte latest ill typesetting equipment brings to you this quality at lower prices. • BUSINESS CARDS • WEDDINQ INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • . LETTERHEADS • ENVELOPES • BROCHURES - POSTERI • LABEU • CALENDARS • STATEMENTS
II 'baII'- 'poiat .... 'fI"""Chw, paaiIII, 'uh '~ . . . . . . ~tA ·wiJMWaWd ,."..,." litter hIp. ..., oJaaiDi,' ~ . , .. ..... ~ Wde, thennoJmeten, IIIlWdri..., ,.s .......... 100M, ..... AD, with JOUr ~e ~ ,b_ _ . . . .~ ",
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' , ~~EFU~AS: ". " HelenPresio~"1tbe, fu~"", "" ~~Ce :' ~~, " g'8, \:'of" , anda;c~e' street~danc;e ". ." , w.jDestil1e: ,RoUt.' f died ~t. ',:, Wayne- letail Merchantl:'wiJI ·urdaY~. )m~~ ;J 'at ~ . resi· .ednesdiy,: Jan. 7, at =7.;~O .... .~ ,He was ' a , mem~r of p.m ..~t .The ,Fireside Inn to form die ' ~y of~ FpendS church cOOUl)i~te.fOl .the histo~c ,week· of W'~ ;, aftd of Fanners ~Cl, prOlfam. . ", , Granee 13. ' .: They are asking ,tlJ,at aU mter· ested individ~ at~end_ ,~ Furnace is survived by his wife, Atha, '!Wo sons~ Willard mee,ting and whet their civic apIIld FJi; all WayneSVille, twO petites on a hunk ofhistory~'. ;' gr,~dchildren ,and several nie· . ces and nePhews. THE PBT FORmt SerYices 'M re 'held Tuesday at,2 p.m. at hte Stubbs·Conner QII. . . . . : . ..~ . . ' ~ e............ IQ JIU- -Hellum wu foUDd, iDna~al . ~er8l Home. Burial was at .... ta,., ,as in 1CJmau in 1103.· Moat' of ' MIimi Cemetery. Answer: It' circula~ ' air the helium today come. from . ' litta feathen even a BtUe, the K~ T~a, Coloradg, : and , bird. can die of cbW. Teat for OJdahomil fti1da containin, .,,air movement with smoke of ooo,ooo,tiOo C1.itiic feet. ' DOROTHY STONE HEATON an incense burner. ' . Dorothy Stone ~aton, 61, Qf Long Beach, Calif.~ formerly of Waynesville died Saturday, . For Completel January 3 in' California. She was AUCTION SERVICE preceeded in death by her hus· Call band, ·Or. A .E. Stout of Waynesville. RALPH D. BELCHIER She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. F. J. Martin, one brother, Lebanon, Ohio 1Pb. 932-6101 George Beyer of Xenia and two
J.,.,'. c..
Graveside services were held Wednesday at '2 p.m. at Miami Cemetery. Funeral arrangements by Stubbs·Conner Funeral Home.
GOWEN ROBINSON Golden Robinson, of Waynesville, died New Years Day. Burial and services were held Jan. 3 at Bethel Cemetery.
I Eleven Ten
Radio .
Pllitl IIChil'1 •••• lil:_ Reg. $30 - $50 29 "
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Illulllilllll Reg. $30 - $45
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"C-I ,I,Cldl'l '. ,' . .'.R.~ ~ ~ ' , •
Lebanon, Ohi~
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January \14. 1970'.:. Wayn~ville, Ohi'o
Vol. 2 No.2 : •
·ChIRl blr 0:1·081h1Irl:l Holdl Bard Ileels David HartsGck. Fl 'rI f"181 floU' Of , hi Y81 r ~:!\e:a~~e an~~~ re!=~ ~¥~~~s;: ;t:E:~' I
By Barbara L Irons
zatton meetmg for 1970 on Jan. ,
Miami Gazette Gains
i !
' ,
ONA Membership
,..ein1:ters of the revit8llzed Ar~ Chamber of CQmmerce ingo~ed the sub-~ro' wea~er ,and came out in full for~~ for 'their rust meeting of , the year at the Fkeside Imi-'Th.tusday nigbt, Jan. 7, ,970. William Nell, last y~r's " Cluimber President, installed Bill .Pqrkey as Pfesident and commented "I have enjoyed the past two years. Chamber , has had its ups and downs but I'Il\ a finil believer in the Chamber and I will continue to s~pport' and work for it." Also' heading up-this year's slate. of officers are Jim ' Crane,
l ~, ""
hardware, printing, insurance, etc. . Memhen of the Chamber are to receive copies of the organizatic)n's proposed constituti()n a~d by-laws for review during the month of Jan. so they may be comment~d on at the next meeting to be held Feb. 5 at the Fireside Inn. All persons interested in the de'lelopm~mt and progress of the Waynesville are invited and urged to attend the Chamber meetings which are held the fIrst Thrusday of each month at the Fireside Inn.
The ' Miami Gazette has received notice of their approval as the newest member of the Ohio Newspaper Association by their Board of Trustees in Columbus. Your newspaper will now be listed in the National Directory of Weekly Newspapers issued by American Newspaper Representatives. This is one more of the many steps the Gazette is taking to provide you with an informative, up-to-date weekly newspaper that you can call a part of your community.
Waynesville, was elected , Pressdent and Robert Bernard of Sixth Street will ser:ve the Board as Vice President. , At the regularly scheduled Board meeting held on Jan. 12, 1970, President, Dave Hartsoclt completed the organization of , the Board with the follQwing assignments: Earl Conner, At~letics; Kenneth Bradley, Tran~portation; Robert Bernard, Cafeteria; newcomer to the Board, Tom Hatton was assigned to Buildings , and Grounds. The appropriations fm the coming school year were also approved. In other board business, a (Continued on page 8)
E~~?~:~:;:":~eu~ ~~~~=;:;h:e::~ -1-o.•. . .R1---W--i-I-I~·:-i-a--R1--8---I-I-e--c-t-e-d---:P-r-e-s--i-d-e--n-"t---"'" d9ne' a. good job in the past 'two y~rs as ' President of the
The motion was made by Bill
=~;:~h:;:~:d E=:i~h~~~~ ~~; 'Of ,. ,, ~ y:~es Vi II e CounciL. ~
',. , .... -,- -_Trustee _t!nlisting their, aid fQt proved-: .J.'
~: ~
'. ':'
Jijr Barbara
,projeCt. ,It ' w¥. J(irther X"lmc ssi6n IfoU(jw~d on the approved to aSk ,for their help estab1ishrRen~ i>f ,,du¢S fgr the in erecting warning light or ne~ y~~ ·,'It~.:Yt:A.s.,approved by reflector devjce for the benefit , , .the m~.~"~$hip;~o ll\aintain dues of'mototists, eitteriJl8:n~w rQute ,it. the ~e y~rly ta~e' as ' i,n 73 off old route 73:~ " .,' ' the ~t wlii~h ·is '20" for . .Other' n~w businesS included " bldiVid(Jals, '$2,5for QrgaruZatioris ,', the formation of a committee and ,SS().for businesses. to draft 8' co~unity calender The , Chamber discussed the to be placed in the window possible ,lighting of the "Ave~ue" of the Miami Gazette for \the benefit of area organizatiOns. Mrs. Dorothy ttawke, David . Edsall , and Reginald Hill are membeR of this committee and , they ,are ,~r~g all organizations , t(,apllOint ,on~ " mem~er ,to keep ' ~eii \ special activities current on' ,the CaI';iidai. Dick . "Irelan ,~ appointed . 'Ev~n would-be. ' Iawbieak~n ' --to an Education Committee and did bravev , ~ . 'frigid' '" he" will formulaie ' plans for , a ' te~~ratutes of ~ J,ast, ~k , "Career D.y'''fof the WaY.nesville in our area. Po~ce ~ef;~es" are- you.h~ Tent~~i~e ~lans' call ,uMay .r~ported ~. , nQti~~able for area busiriess men ,to conduct in ' the , 1l\Unber ' of . ' a ~ries 6f leCtUres covering. " , diff~,ent ca.:e,er ' field such, ~ ".
- .' The firs,t ' order of busil\es: for Waynesville Council at their first meeting', of the year OJ Jan. 5,.1~970 Was the orglnizatioJ of,cominittees arid election ' 0 a new President Pro Tern. New comer to the council, Tom Williams, was unanimously ' elected by the ,members to serve as headl man of the councif during the cotiling year Committee chairman wert appointed as folloWs: , Finance
not "
r:; lrOI\S" ..... "
COrWin CoUnCil Holds Fjrst Meeting of Year The Corwin Village Council met on Monday, Jan 3, 1970 for their first meeting of the Bill Purkey, w8:S elected Presiden~ of the council and he will serve with James Garrett, Wilbur lamb, Max Hay, Eugene aark allld Marcus Ramsey. The Corwin Council meets on the first Monday night on ,'each morith at 7 :30 p. m.
. County Board of Education. Prior t.> ,that she served four~~n years with , the , Federal .'GovernmeQt~ ', Her :I~test ~ . :astiRDm, e nts with, t~e 'gov"er:ruDe-nt ;' ~": ~~r ., ' ,'as; :',8Q. . ' ::~~Im~~~.~ti, oJ,
J~ck CrOss; Streets, aOUding ancl
Sailitation, Richard Irons; and Police, Lonzo Gibbs. This i!, a change from last year wher there were four committees however, there are four memben on each ,committee this yeal as opposed to three memben last year and the chairman , ot aU committees will serve on the finance committee. Newly· elected council president Tom Williams was appointed by Mayor Martin as a member to the 'Waynesville Planning Committee. In other council action, approval was made on an application presented by representatives of the Friends
'sC''hO·'0.''I,. 0 -H'aI.tI 0rkS·h. . 0P
Home for a zoning change from Residential 1 to Residential 3: An ordinance will be prepared to be voted on by council giving , -- .. - them the go-ahead for construction of ,a $450,000 nursing home on the corner of High Street and Dayton .Road.
., ,':
I hope, with this On saturday, Jan. 10,,1970, : , w it\l;' the ,help . of Coun,cilman \, be ' abJ'e : to column., I might Editors Note: This ' is the first k~pyou infQrmed on things . Gross Williams an~ Gibbs, this ,.' of Mayor Martin's colt.unns to taking p18ce in the village, why :d90r-to-doolr canvas was appear in ·the Miarni Gazette they were done a certain W!ly accomplishe:d and 31 concerning it~ms we hope are or why ·they couldn't be done homeownel'lS ,have indicated 8!l of interest . to our readers. We initial desirl~ and need, for this a certain way. welcome , your comments and service. I , believe that return ~8FStions about items that One item that seems to be visits to residents not at home would be. of interest to our , of general ' ihterest right now is the. proposed action t9 .run will push this·,' ' numb~r. even subscribers. . water lines to Carter Plat off higher,. It lis ' required tJutt 36 , I have been approached many times by citizens with comments of the 48 homeowners in that new route 73. Plans were made about village action on certain at the first council m~ting, of . area make application for the service before it ~. ' be suppl1~d projects, asking ' for clarification the year to make a door-toA . cost ' sheet has 'been. door canvas af those residents -of ~ous 9r~nances and just to determine how many were prepared, based on 36 general coltiments that might interested in this project. subscribers, showing ' '8 total be of interest" to all the. village
P.o. Box 78, Wayne"lIIe, QhlO 450ii ' Melnber of the Ohio Newspaper Aaoclatlon '
----'- ... .-
expense of $32,104.77. Each BOOSTER~FACULT'Y subsctiber would . pay a ~p-O~' GAME SCHEDULED fee of $500 for a' toqd of ';" $18,000 bringing. the b8ia#ce .·' AT .~CH~L' , . down to $14,104.17. It woUld"" ~~eWaynesyill~'Boostersa~b cost $'5,400 in.int~rest .#>.,Jinanae: ~ .p~ed a fun~n,uea . e~~ this balance' for tell;,::y~ '~r ' -. :~~ S~~ti,~~ ell~t~8i~\e~~ for a total UI\~"aid. , b~~•..:- ot-'. "!he ~ntire . f~y. -on Jan. ' ~1, S19~S04.77:. · . ~ch·;.·:~~~ri~rli,,;)p'9· ~. ;'tbe; ~w hip sch~l would', paY'<" S's~~S:'·:~[':!'.it()ridi'~·\~'t~~!,,~~v. prQ~ <,is for' -die !firlf '.3~006~' 8all~ris";'bf ' :;,"Ii~$lled/1J ~giJ~ ~t, 6~~~ P~J.Il1 ' w.atet .<uSed 'pUS'<$f for '. each .Witltccontests~b~twee~ '1di,sr_~: . additi9nil 1 060 8ailhns.~ ~. , .J~!.ersquads an~ will ,'~~n~ue " The ,'~v~i~it;~ ~J.1f:j\:~g~(:' f~r ~}~~~~~ \~~ ,8th t ~AdeS each'· su~ti~';'.~f, J'f"')e~,-~' ~~.~.~ t~f.:~~4t~ '~I~~:' ,~ .h1eti~' .Associa, \.("'''.,. - ~ • ., .• j ':;':n~l"t· ,,0' ~ / -. " : ' ' ' ' ' ' ... at 52,000' gallons fot ;l' ywiy: .. \<'I':~. '~':"'~~" . '''',::,: ~.,; ~~ rgani ' ,cost of S79.OQ. $54.17 of thiS ~. ''''~'~ sp<Sfi:~man ' ,o~'~~le 0 ,'" arnount would go into 'debt zation reports, the bIg contest retirement and the remainin of the ev.eiling .~ pit the $24.83 wou1~' be ' ~d fo~ Wayn,esville Boosters against th~ Mens Faculty~ The ' Boostets '" ;!t·.. ~;."~ opera tion an d ,malO ~JlWlce. " ., /' " Qub lineup will include. ,ormet " ' . .. " . I want to make ,It clear ~hat University' of Dayton stats Tom absolutely no village funds will Hatton Gordie Hatton and, &tnt be use~ for t~s project. It will Anders~n along with J~ Pur- . be entirely p81d for by Car.ter key, JoOO : Perry Sac~ett ~d Plat homeow~ers who subscnbe Skip Styles. Playingfor the Mens' Faculty will be Paul Schwamfor the semce. I also v.:ant to make it. clear . that if !lny berger, Local Superintendent~ homeowner : :decides -to make . Coach GitY Davis; football cpach application, for the water service Hank Schneider; track ' coach, after this project has been Dave Parkhurst; ,Mitchell Smith, Dave Cessna; Lucian Ha.tfield; completed, they will be ' requi~ed Ebbie Gadd and Jim Conway. to pay the $500 , ~al?~n : fee plus front footage ' ~rges~ 'on These line-qps:,are not ~o~plete. their property. All local sports fa~s';and' any- ' I personany think the one w~o enjoys ~ good ,time are, urged to tum J)U t and Join :.the : .pro~pects of. this.. project beiJlg corffpleted-' very favorable · jun. .. <,;:\ ,r'~ . ..' I . and our local bank has indicated Admisst ¥ ,~!:i. ' ~~' O:t. .5 se~~iity- e , ,- ,hey :wqulq .: pl!?v!"e )iecessary five cents Olts" an<rfifty ~ , 'financingfot lts ~onipl~ti6n: Th,is cents for stu'dents~ '~e:~gate re- · would be a big step forward ' ceipts ' will .: be used for' the in Waynesville and athletic pro&r~{tL~wl!!~g i!1c~udes: . ': . iv?~p- ~. need for the_ summer athletic', program'at
'H I'
UP '" D
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:::-: ::.:::: : : :':, " Behind a'good bank stand many organizations and facilities, all , heJping to round out and
ee'rl~~: !b~)nsti~!ittorf.s ~e.rvjce
f ' 'NiW."-f j--" ..
":'")VbilS;:b'1':6rgaril~ttoIls; 'of ..".. •,.' . . .,.... ', 'banks gathered together to We are a accomplish worthy objectives. FULL SERVICE BANK ~ -', :One.gioup is devpt~d tQ: ' ....Sables ·likeSotirs serve the comre~~r:~~~ :fi~a~ng. ~w aP4 ~.~~ .~: : ~ : >:' >ple~ '~~J;t~ needs of business ~ways to ·SerVe;. Ai1otJie;r: ~Oc'uses '.. :. :' ~ :·~~~ms-,. ::atid individuals. See on safety cjf de~osits.· Ano.ther : : :: .'. : ba~k PIlF.: "',.' is cOncerned wlt~ · adequacy . :.. ~ : . ' . . . ". ", : ..:> ' of s~ryiCe: ~~l ~~ther deal~, ~ : : ., i ;.. -- .: :.. .. with the)lexibilityqf currency' . : ...: -: :-, !...:.~ . : :oi:~If' . :' ~'-+:;-i.:~--------.-------and credit. ' " ~ dh ' t th •• I ' We. are . involvea . . ''-..: : .. 'W ~' a er.e 0 e prlnclp es 0 f . with many,gf.O.ups, many . , ' ... programs, too numerous10 .' - ': ~ t:;JTt' H hIN·i.E NDINbG ' .. . . '. '. : q,o....es y as·· aIways een our ~entIon here. ~e Imp~rtant . ' ' loa., ~,policy. yv~. ~onform to tJle pomt we want to convey IS that '. : '. . Fe:de.ral 4w r~ql!iring full data ou.r bank is a great deal more . ' .. ,. ..': dis:elosure. . . . ,"'. than structures and staff.. :. : .. '. .
. .. it ---"-'~:·I"ii':,, : ..... ::-i .. i..... . The eye ~~s the visible ' . " "i'_"",~~~ portion. But uo,derneath it all . . . . . are these othe'i' aspects that .'. ~ We are a mem~.~ ·ft.f the AMERICAN BANKERS ' mean so much in the total , . . service equation. We explain . ~ '.": : . ASSbc~ATIO,N: " : a few here. There are . - . This national .: Or8~tion enmany others. .,, ',gages in re~~i '; i4eas, information, and .' 'ed~Ca~ing bank officers and staff; "
' . . '.
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885-7659 '
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wa's attend'ed ,Michael .A~ilO' ~h~an ., We~~'j ~,.Mlss M~dean Bristow who sefved ." , a,~~, wool. ~o~~e~'s w.ore'l joined in m~rri~age Sunday ~ . :'a ' S .....a'l·d of' hon Mi"· , B'" t ' .c' ( )rsages _~f, s~, • , ' , .f 111 • or. s n~ ow, ' , ' /' , ,. e ~th;~;ut , ,. rgses:' ," Dec~m~e~ 21 at '3:30 o'clock - siSteI of ' the gr<.>om, wore 'an . '/'t. ,~~~~~~lO~I:'~' ~onor of tli~" in the afternoon at Breyfogel emerald ' green, ve1ve, t " empue : ' 'newlY couple .was held;'" .. F '~rI1ed u~· ~pel United , Theologic~ gew,n accented with white lace. ' at .out ~~ .. n. th~', cam~~~ J', ': ~ Seminary 'in DaYto~. The ' Dr., ' lhe flower girl? Miss/,Melissa . ~ ~, . Th~~ , ~~ted nie?~oglC:aI .\\ Kenneth Pohley offiCIated at the Benner, sister of the bride, wore" ,mm~ •. ' . ''; ., ,h - ' ,' ,double ring ceremony. an emerald green, velvet dreS$ Mrs. ~tnc~a ,Alt~~bQrg ~u,nt The bride, d;lughter of M~. to that of , the' maid ot of .the J>nde, ,of Detr~it, ~ch;" i and Mrs. Howard F. Benner Jr., ~onor. Both,'gids ,-dresses were creat,e,d. t~e ~n~u~ ~" .flo~~, ,of ~~ynesville, was given in , handsewn' by),ti$. '<;:eciLWilliams d~~orations for . .the ~d\. of marnage by her mQther and , and; MrS~ " Dick Banrlah' 'o f . hono,r ~ flo~er ·ptl, cJ1a~1 ,4Uld . father~ She wore a floor length ., Kettering; , ' '.', {~ption., , ,,',: go~ of .~VOry silk an~ .. wool " Mr. Hartrium, son ofM!. '.and· Mrs. ; ffa~~""' . ~ and a ,bndal cap and v.eil of ,',Mrs .: ,Donald ', It, Bristow of r~de jI m , ro~en~,r·. O~O", Where candlelight illUsion. ~oth the cap", Ketterb)g, ' WaS, ,'attended . by Mr., ,na,t~BJl', ,J$ , se,~g ", ~ a and.,· gown!. a· creation of the Ronald Scharer. Mr. Schafer th . s~~,nt pasto~: ~t p;oweU :U~ted bride's grea'~ Aung, Mary ~garet best .man, is .from Marton. ~Bo:' Methodist ,~ulch. '{I~ is "scnoit , Wolf of. Mi~dle~~wn, . were r ~nson of ~bu~g, and ~t ~terbein ' , ~~ne~e. .' in accented by pink nbbons and Jeffrey Benne~: tir6ther of the " Wes!~~~~ ~ ,~d ,'fI~~'., 'I;~t~nd. lace crocheted by the bride's ' bride, served' 'as ush~rs.' <;, semiliary I.m :t.be fall. , Mother. The bride carried a . The MiSses" Pamela ' Yat~. nosegay of gardenia, pink Susan Wright and linda Knobel sweetheart roses, and baby's of Ketterin~: ' and Miss Elaine breath. ,
TOfU LOUisa Berln<er an( ':, ': The
' . "'WbdPl by ' ~'~e~t~
md , !'h'
Mrs. Michael Hartman
Christi .an
, Call No. 412
Sch0 0 I'
starting Jan.
3 Year old claSs
* day class $25 per month
All day class $15 per week '
member of National Association of Christian
Phone 933-5766 or 933-2551
corner of Route 48 a'n d Lower
LEGAL: NOTICE . Charter No. 2220 . National Bal)k Region No.4 CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION -. . ", InclUGeng 4tiOmestk: SUbSidiaries, of the Waynesville Nld,lonal Sank .of WaYn. ville In (he state of 0-"10, at the c l . of business onoec:ember-31', 1969 pub. IIShed In resPOnse ·to the call made :bY comptroller of the currency, under' tltl" 12, Ull'llt.d States .Code, seetlori 161. ', . ASSETS.. .· CaSh Ind due from banks (lncludl"'g .non. unposted debits) • $ 867,695.69 U.s; Trelsllu')' securities ••• ~ ••••••••••••••• '••• ~ ... • • • • . 1.483,497.72 securities 'o f other,U.S. Gov.rnme~t agencies and corporations ' . 50,000.•00 Obligations of States Ind polltlcatSUbdlvlslons •••••••••••• 573,956.70 Other . ~urltles (Including $l,OOQ.OQ corporate ~ock) • • • • • • 10,000.00 Federal, J,uln ds sold and securities purchased under agreem.ntl to retell •••••• f • • • " • • • • ; '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 450,000.00 Loans. • • • ~ • ' ,' • • • ' . ' • • • • •• '. • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • 4,262,257.17 Bank pr.ml .... furniture and fixtures, and oth.r assetll'.pr. sentlngl bank premises ••••••••••••••••••••.• . 190931 58 Other alse'ls (Including .non. Cllrect ,I~ flnanclng1 . . . .' . . 8;532:33 TOTAL ASSETS •••••••••••• . ••• , •••••• ~ ·7 896 77119 , . .. LIABILITIES . ' .". Demand d,. poslts of In(jlvldulli, part~.rshipi and corporations $2 064 782 09 Time anet savings d.polltl ~f Indlvld~al .. partnerlhlps,·.and ' , ' ·1 corpo".tlons .' • • • • • '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ., .. 4,590,841.48 DepoSits o,l United States Gov.rnment . ' • • • • • • • • . • • • 44 443 34 DepoSits o,f SUtes an~ political SUJ)dlvISIO~S. • • • • • • • • • • 312:36S:67 Certlfl.d Ind offlce..s c~k,s'. etc. ' . . . . . . . . _ • • r. • ~ -," Jj6,609.82 TOTAL DEPOSiTS. • •• ~ •••.••••••• $7 129045140 j a) Total demand ,d.poslts . " •• "•••••• $2'424'474'"89 ' r . _ b) To~al tl~ Ind savings d.poslts ••••• 4:704:570:51 , Other liabilities ••••••• ',' •••••••••••••• '. • • • 19211141 TOTAL LIABILITIES : : : : •••••••••• ". '••• ' . . '7' 321'~56'81 RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES , ' , • , Reserv. for bad debt I~~ on loa~s (':9~ up p""suanVo~1 RS , rulings) ••• ~ r •••••••••••••• ' •• ' " •• ' J . . •. $ , 154,713.14 ' Other r...rves on loans • • ... • . • • • .' • • . :'" }\ . :~. ~. ~ '. • • • ' 45;QOO.OO f,(eterYe, on securltlts •••••••••• • J • • • • i.' ..... 1000000 . TOT AIL RESERVES ON LOANS 'A~D S'EClh~ITIES. • •• $ 109:7 , 13:14 ' C~PltAL- ACCOUNTS ' , - , , EqUJtoYm~~~aSI-ttocot:lto't'a,' p'a'r v'a'l '.' , •.••••••••••••• $ 465,901.24 ' u , • ... . • . . • • • • • • • 75. ,000.00 No,. shares authorlz.d,1000 No. shares outstanding 1000 Surplul • • • • • . • • . • • . • • '• • . • • • • . • • • • • • 22'S', 000 UndlvldtHil••r '. fit .00 TOTA~c~prTA.L'ACCOUN;-S ••••.••• ' .' •.•••• ' 165,901.24 TOTAL LIABILITIES' RESERVES CAPITAL' •• $ 465,901:2'4 Cj~PITAL ACCOUNTS •••••••• ; •••• , •••• $7,896,771.19
Brian F16rance, "son of Mr:, , \ and Mrs. Tom,' 'Florence of ·266 " ' Av.rage of total deposits for t~:tt~~:n~:' 'days end Ill' " S. 'FourtJt stl~et, W~Y.n'esville~ " with c:all dat., • .••••••• '. • • • • • • • '. • • • • • • •. • ' $7,138,548.00· , Averl" of total loans for the 15 calendar days .ndl ...., · was graduated from Ohio' : State ,~ ~ COMPLETE FAMiLY with call date •••••••••• • ••••••••• '~ • • • . ' 4,237,920.'00 Dec ' " " , I Earll W. Corm.r, Ex.c. Vice Pres. & Cishler,of theabOY. namlCl .".nk,do on · . 19 with a ·B. S. ii{ OR BUSINESS .INSURANCE hereby ~.lClar. that this r.port of condition Is true apet .correCt t~"the beSt of· ,,,,Busi ' A..I"'::_:... : mY~[lowledge, arid b"lIef; . :,r ,'" ' ... ' , ,t. ness wlwlmtratloo. . ~,. . , " . . EA'fU~ W. CO... NE'R . ,. , ,~" I' .,' " ' \ ./ l 1: We; tt.e undersigned directors .ttest the correctn..s of this report of cOndl-, .' . Briao, well~krtown to esidents.: j • tlon and declare that It t:tas been .xamlned ·by I,IS I,;d to the beSt' of 6~r. t<~owl'. f ", his" ',' ,,' . : Y.: f ' ,'il'" , , edge Ind belief Is true and correct. . , . , 0 t , ' , ar,ea,' has '. beeJl '" . Ph. 897-4956 ROSS H. HARTSOCK . " ,,,' 23 S. Main Waynesville, O. O~EN F! ~AR'FSOC~\ " • . .;. . ~1'~0rs. ~c~()ne4 ;a.s . -8 I Sec,ond r.' ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiii~iii_iiiiiiiiiiiiii_~~___ ~HI'~,R~rr~.L;E~.y~~~.~;OSS;..' ..~"~"~:~.:I~C'~ ' , • Ueutehanti n'::the Arined:'For~~ ';,' :,,'. J • " and: Will r~pprt to ~orl ~g"., .. . . Ii ~ ~', ~ J , "Ga. ,on Jan . .~s.. ~ .~·, ~ :gradUa*e.;\t ~ ·of Wa neavi1le Hift';' co..:....',' 1 ,," ,r 'J {Y,\. Y 6U~I~OOI. . .,. I
. 1,
,.1 J
" .
', " ;'
", : Area, 'Q,~pI; "obsarve~ '" ' 63rd 'weddin At,lilY ',,; ", :., .. ~
Now Offers TV Sales And Servi"c'e "
In our continuing effort to offer YO" 'a more thorough service W!t have exp8~ .
to include a complete TV Sal. and repair center. We 'l'ecelrity,pUrChaSed Tc.wn.,nci' ,. TV Sal. and Service and, hav.· moved the, openltion. ~ QUr CorWin location~ , We will continue to proYi~ , the ~ prompt .' and ~~,: ...-va _ ,",YOUj have received in the pasi yOur TV~s will 'be WffiCiently .."ictCI ' at PU",ey'l TV Sal. and Service in Corwin. -, . . ' , ": ' '
' ',
TO 5:30
Mon. Tu•• -- - --, T~n. Fri. Sat. .. -
,~. ,
OPEN 9 A. M.
,.. ,
"''Y ,
"'..~. an~ ·~. Howard ~~yt '.
S6 ~ . , N. ' .Main ' Stteet" .' ~a~~e~:: observe~ ~~< S~~d~{
of -,
" ~din. ·-..w.v,~ qn '~'lnClllY~(;; 11 . •
. '~ '~ .... .
~ i
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J "
~e tytl~.: ~e.th?lijSt;· ;Ch~r~h 'f'" :'" Mis~; GpJQde WaS;att~,nded by' ....:~.)1a.~ter Er.i~ .~t~~r, brother
~:s the settll}~ ,for: ~~e '~tu~g~ • Mrs:. D'4l~ ,Dalt6rl (the fc}'rmer ~f the grOQm, Itt th~ candles Miss DebQ~ah ..1..ee ···· 9~.ode. 'tQ 'Vi(:k! ~w) as Matr.on' .of H.on.or. In . the ·ch.urch which was W. Darold E. .~tm.er~ Jr. .on ' Herbrldesrrtaids 'were Miss Elaine beautifully dec.orated with Dec. 30 at 7 p.. m. M~s GQ.ode, Bagf.ord, Miss Lisa W.\titmer candl~labra with bayberry (sister .of the grQQm) and Mrs. candles, white chrysanthemems the daught~r " Q! Mrs. James ~QPe and t~e late James G.o.ode, DOnald H.odge · (the fQrmer and h.olly. H.olly alSQ dec.orated ·.of Lytle, w~s given in marriage Saundra Mas~man). The the recelPti.on table which attendants w.ore white crepe featured a' beautifly wedding , by . h~r un~le.' Mr. Paul CQzatt. The grQ.o~ IS the s.on ~f Mr. ruffled blQuses, with l.ong crepe '. cake . made· by the gr.o.om's an~ Mrs. Dar~~d . E. . Whitmer, avacQIQ skirts, als.o 'made by mother, Mrs. Whitmer. Miss Sr. .of WaynesVille.,' the bride with wide satin r.oselinda ,Rout74lhn prQvided music . The bride's gQwn, which she cQIQred c~mberbund-type' belts. for the ceremony. They each .carried a single rQse The bride's mQther WQre light made, was a full len~ white crepe with shQrt .1:rairl, 'BiShQP's .of the same cQIQr as the belts. green and. the grQQm's mQther s1e~ves, weddin~. ~g cQllar and Mr. Donald H~dge served the WQre rQyal blue. BQth WQre ~-line panel ,qf'white. lace edged groom beSt man and his .orchid cQrsages. ·m pl.eated ruffles dQwn the ti:Qnt. ushers were JQhn Smith, TQny Mr. and Mrs. ' Whitmer. are The ~ack .of th~ gQwn. had a. Vmt and David Goode (brQther bQth · 1968 graduates .of deep mverted pleat, ,raJsQ edged .of the bride). Miss 'Carolyn WaynesvilJle High SchQQI. The with pleated rum.es. She carried GoQde, sister .of the bride, and bride, wh.Q attended MQrehead it bouquet .of white eamatiQns State University in Ken~cky centered' with .orchids. and Miami University at Oxford, is emplQyed by Rikes at the DaytQn MalllocatiQn. The grQQm BABY SITTING • .R ESCRIPTION8. . ;', WANTED attended the University .of Oncinnati and is emplQyed as c. i . Special weekly rates or wiil sit by' hour or day. . . , manager trainee fQr the KresgeConstant care in a good K-Mart CQrp. Mer a shQrt 'HOI' ..j . . .. Christian home. wedding trip, the bride and EIIERU'.IICY: ..,.:.,.... PhQne 897-5921 grQQm will be at hQme at 515 FREE PICK UP Ask fQr Jean Hill E. linden - Ave., Apartment 2 It· DELiVERY in Miamisburg.
1 ' 1','1'II' Ill' ·1111 ' l,rlQ' - -
BI SI EJ' Bill GAMES W'a', ~ ," V i II it fa ,cu.lty \.8J'O,S Clu b
II .t .,1Iii "" .
.. .
Mr. ~d Mrs. Pat HQpkins entertained with .a supper and January 21, 1970 , 8:45 p.m. a New Year's Eve party, Sev~nt~. gl'ade Ir)tersquad Game 6:30 Wednesday evening. Guests "Eighth.Grade Inters:quad Gam& : '1': 16. included Mrs. Addie Dill, Mr. : '" . " ,Girls '~tJlletj 'Association Gam~ 8~OO "Pr" $ 76 'Adult ".,...·." ~.~ .. -and Mnl. ·Frahk· PQwell, Mr. , PRICE: . ';"" '. $~50 ; StudJnt , ROOSTeR FUND RAISING PROJECT Louie Michael and Mr. and Mrs. Flyis Michael. Mrs. Gus Lewis~and daughter, ~~ . . RQbin, and' Mrs, 'Chri~ty Wallace of Xenia (:~ed .on Mrs. Hily Hibson Sunday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. RQn Kennel' . (I,". and daUlght'er, Un, .of DaytQn called .on Mi.an:d Mrs. FJvis Michael, Saturctay. ~ :~ Michael Powell imd his sister, Pat, spent the HQlidays ~* th~jr parents Mr. and Mrs. Fr~ Powell. 1liey bQth attend OhiQ Stalte University. Mr. aa1:d Mrs. JQhn Hall and fainily of. ' SPri#gfield, 'Mr. and Mrs. .' KenneOl !:ewis and . da~gtiter, Tilia, and 'Mrs. Hily ,~. Gi~OJl were ' ~4'i guests Sunday .of Mr. and Mrs. MQrris leWis. ' " Mrs. 'Addie Dill· and :Mrs:' .' SteDa spent :\We~esday ; aftemooln ~ih Mrs. Hily GibsOn, '. Mf.:. Jero/ u~, Called in ,the " ~. ~'" ~ ftg. 'f-.. .-~ ~.\~; j..~ .. '\ .... 'I.:I~~~"Ii~I!IIi.~(~ ~ I~'.....l--:. ,,& !:·~f .. ,,~, :,! .,,~a&&& or ,~. 1.~·1 •., ~Z" ~ to"; '; r.:J'i ' ' : " ,... . . " V ' • ' .. ••• ,.',,' '\. ..' I"" • j
., ., J/hI:~ I
. MRS. MiLBY GIBSON c,M~ HoUy:~ ,Ph. .,7-6181
Darold Whitmer. Jr.
... .
All license plates that are to be reserved must be in. February
Because this is our first year handling
please come in. early.
1: " . ) * i
, '"
,;. r·
I~.u·nd ~ 'B~i;t 1~5. 9i ~.
, _
~ 'j
. .
" '\ .
'BoliDeu . . ", 'OhVCli '. "
. '., ,/ley tamb, ' P~~~ ~': .
:}O.a.m.· Sunday MOrning " 6:30 p.m.• Sunday Eve~g . 6:30 p.m. • Wednesday Evening
Fir8.t Bapti~t Churcli,' North Main Street. John ,Po O'~!iie, PallOr l~:o.o a.m.: ~n~y" Sdt~l. 11:00 a.m., M~~iqg Wo~shlp,. "
IO'rOO a.m., SJ.nday SdloQI. 7 :3'0 ' .p.m~, Sunday, 'WeClnea. , ' , day ahd ' Saturday,. .~ve. rimg \Worsnip Services. 7:30 p.m., W~esday:' Youtb Service. "
i:UaVEYsBUBG ' ' Friendship Baptist ' Church SO"the't1;I ~aptist Conftntion
••ael ',oua:. I.IL. clall,
\' No~an Meadows, Pastor ,-6:3~ r...~~" T~ain!~J 'y~i,~n : ~ 1,>' , , ;3,'0 a.m., ~unday School. 7:l~ 'Y·~;t .~y~~~~:,~?l'sb~p: " _ ~0:30 a.~.,. ~nd~y ,Morning
&jmat ~~ention).
Pirat Church of Christ
and, " ~
,':Jtl, p.~. '/ , ~etaaY ' ~ay,et" "~W~~shlp ,.,' " ~ ',l",~',~e~'~'~. :'::' " -p7:10'· :·.~~:,' :S~day' Evening
,-~~. "'''~ t,h
: ' Service. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Midweek Prayer and Bible Study.
But Higb Street Thomas Stevena, Minuter
9:30 •.m., Sunday Bible School 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship and Communion. 6:Gq' p.m. Sunday Youth Meeting. ' ' 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Christian Youth Hour. 7.:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Worahip. ':30 p.m. Wednesday, Bible
. Scudy. .
PrieDda Keetiug . };
Fourth Screet near High ,9:30 .~m., ~jlday School 10:45~.,
,Sund.y Muting for Vlor.rup (unproaramaied).
,II ____ T.....=H--.,OLLY United lIethodist
. JOQhs Bun Baptist " Church ' , Ohio 73 East Lester IGdd, Pastor
, United Methodist Church
,Utrlted ,lIetbodiat, ,
'C hurch
.7:JO p.m., W~eaday, Prayer Servic , ,e.
David Harper, Putor 9:30· a.m., Sunday Church
,Rllli'7.~... -.YAIJ.lX . ,', : ....
.&J. ....
:I • .
.' Batted Methodist , ~ , ·,OJmrch
Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, 7 ..m. " II •. m. Maaaa a Lm. " 8 p.m. Holy Days 7:30 p.m. Firat Friday 7:45 ..m. Daily Maa
SerVice. 10:30, ~.m., Sund.y School. 11:00 : ..m., '_ Sunday Wonhip ServKe~"
Youth Fellow.rup and Bible Study
.. 1IarJ". Bp1acopal Church
_ Third " Main ~edI Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11:.' a.m., Mornin, Pray~ lit, 3rcl " ,th Sund.Y': J-L,ly Communi~ 2nd " 4th Sunday••
United llethodiat
Third " North Streett L. L. Youna, Miniacer , JO:15~m." Qiurch at . Wonhip. 9:15 a.m., Sunday Olurc:h at
Scudy. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth Fel-
HarveysiJunl Full Gospel , ,Church E. South Street ' Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m! Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday· Young People" Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening
" SpriDg, Vaner Church . " of. Ohrist ' Glady Street 10:00 &.1m. Morning Worahip , 7:00 p.Dll. BftIlin, Wonhip : 1:00 ',p.all WeclnadayBvenina ~OI~ah.ip
nUT . Perry Qh.,m of: '~ . ,Wilminpn p~ " ~ Row,"Ro.cl ' ,Bus Wiaemany ,Miaiater .... 9:00 ••m.~ S....d.y Bible
School. 10:15 • .m., , Sunday Wonhip. 10:1' • .m., Sunday Youth Wonhip. ' 6:30 ' p••., Su"'y ' "BveniD& Bible Study, ~ .... 7:30 p.m., Evenins \Vonhip. 7:30 p.m., Wedn,a ciay, Mid·
week Pra,. uacl Bible Study.
. , RidgevUle CommuniW, :,
at. ,.&uguatiDea
David T. Willard, Minister,9:30 a.m., Sunday Wonhil'i , Service. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Schooi. 7:00 p.m., Sunday, Eveamg, , Wonhip Services con- , dUeled by youth:
Rev. Leonarcl Baxter 9:3() a.m., Swiday School. 11:00 LIIl., Sunday, Wonbip
10:00 •.m., Sunday School. 10:00 " 11:00 •. m., Sunday Wonhip Service. 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Wonhip. - 't· _
, '
Church ." , St. 'Rt. 48 & Lower ' ", .
S~RATCt1 .PI.\dS' for sale at T·htf Mlami
Gazette. 105·.S. Main St. WllIyoeSv'lIe •. , 16nctf
HEATING Stove for sale; 75:000 BTU with ' blower. $50.00 Phqne 897.4350. . 31ctf
REEDY Plumblng-F~ryou camp.l ete . plUmbing Inst.llatlon and repairs. "Call 897-6629 W~ynesvllle . 31c4
GESTETNER Modej 451 duplicator with · · Gestefax , Electronic ' Stencil Scanner and cabinet. All exeellent condition. Phone The Miami Guette 1897-5921. 16nctf
HOME repair and malnten.nce carpenter, concrete, sheet metal painting, roofing and electrical. Phone 746-2982. . 21ctf
WANTEQ: Baby sitter In my home In Lytle. Ph. 897--4364 evenings. letf WANTED: Babysitting. PhOn.. . 891: ' 5921. Ask for Jean. 18nct'f CANVAS Repair. Tents, campen and boat' tops will replace all types of zippers. Contact the :' r.sldence, ,of Jess E. Smith Jr., Miami ' &t. Wilyne-svllle. 24ctf
~~,~:t~Q t!>_ buy-50 used pianos, write' Box 542. Wilmington, Ohio. . 21ctf I
band, Mr. Hilley GIbsOn, who p.ssed . away J.nuary 14, 1968. Two yealrl have pa~ since tM't sad day. The one we loved was. allied aw.y . God tool< him home It w.. H II , will. But In our hearts He liveth ·stlil. Sadly missl8d by wife. R ...... dIlughten E~"'. Stet la, Paull~ .nd , grandchildren.
. COLD, Springs Beaut'y Shop: Will u!<e appointments anytime. Ph. 8974398. 48ctf
WE WISH .. :... We wish to express our sincere thanks to 1:~~ !~i,nds of <;i9lden Robinson for their acts of kindness at the time of her passing. Special thanks , for flowers to Mis Lewis, Mrs. Mullot, Dr. Leon Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marlatte. The Hall Manor Nursing HomE The Mi.rJmi Gazett, due to changes in personnel, wishes to apologize for the delay in reporting the death of Golden Robinson .
J.a NUARV cleaning special. ,F urniture
.20% off, 9xU 'fo
bx12-.8.95~ ' CaIl
us today for other low prlc:e-s. Paul's X-pert Carpet Cleaning 932-7876 2c2
REAL ESTATE NEW home for ' sale,·,.3 'b&CIrooms, family room, fireplace, 2 car garage. Located on O'Neall Rd. 10% down will buy. For more Information call Charles H. W.elch 897-6556. 26ctf T
Reijl E' te
TOY Poodle Stud Service, AKC Reglltered. White or Apricot. $50 Appointment only. Phone 897-4148 15ct1
:a: .
LARGE .Hotpolnt refrlger.tor-freezer combination. EXcellent condition $60. e.il 8.5·3~48 2ci
CONCORD SQUARE Apartments, Lebanon. Beautiful new unfurnished 1 & 2 b&droom apartments, equipped 'kltchen, carpeting. AIC, pool, $125 up. Cincinnati 793-0322. Lebanon 932-9801. 2c4
The former Tom Norris home in Waynesville. Featuring 2 or 3 bediooms, fireplace, 45 x 15 foot family room', 2-car garage, built-ill stove. Vacant. Price $19,500. The Bob Townsend Home. This beautiful home has 4 bedrooms, fireplace, 2~ baths, full basement, 2~ car garage, central air conditioning. Brick and frame construction, early American design. Price $38,000.
Cllt.lr " !' ;"~
11'·II·~1 ~..
~!I"II7~.:_H_artan_.R.d_.' .R_.R_._~_".., ....~~'. '_,. _.. .i-....;_.,w. .. . .;.,PiI,;., ' , .11;.;. . J~'It_~~ :~~hi.ili. ~ ';"1 fr Jl4.yton~ ·NIt~ arid'Mrs.. ::Jack Issac, ,."iiI'.. ' iII ~~~~ _I)II!II'.'- . '..._ ..~ . and 'Mr. land .Mrs. 'Don White ,;.;a :
_ _ _ _. . . . . . . . . . .
where they visited Mr. Jenkins, parents. Mr. Aoyd Wallen has been !illr'at ~-his home-' odfi ' Mairi "Sifeet. Mrs. Louise Angnor of Clay Street is' a patient at Kettering Memorial Hospital in Kettering. Miss Sarah Watkins ef Simison Road came home · over the ' ~aramount holidays from Beau,ty School . in Portsmouth.
. . . . .
8elIbrook;' Mr.,~ .and Mr's~ :t-~ '~d~.' '. .', RoC~y Mi(l(lletO\1lrtl and: Mr~ ~u Mrs.
of-:Mii'n •'
u '
l "
PH', 897-7931 or 897-2241
F.or Complete!
Mrs. Frazier, who writes the Farm Diary column for oui paper, is now re~uperating at the GardeR ' Manor Rest 'Home at 6898 Hamilton-Middletowii' Road, Middletown, Ohio. ' Cards may : be ; sent ~ .t0~err· .at thai address. Mrs. Ffazier :fs~:withouf. a typewriter at the present time, but plans are underway to get one to her since she has indicated she wants to cO'n tinue her colullUi from J1iere. That's what we call stamina. ,
,Flora Burns
Ph. 862-41.90 .
I 'A'.R
Cheif Paul Cross said in his r,eport .at.. the :Ilecember <cotmcll meeting ' that the police department had 212 complaints, 114.NORTH ST. RT.42' made 45 arrests and had driven .Stereo Ta~ Drums Religious Books 22,000 miles in 1969. Guitars . Microphones 'Bible ' in, : Pictures Cheif t8ross.~ stated, that' in Banjos .Radios · ,-' 'Stands ' his years as a law offic'er it Bandolins OPEN 10 A.M.-9 P.M. was the fiir st time, he had ever SAT. 9 A.M.-SP.M • . had ·to rleport a suicide and homicide .both. Councilmen also inspected the ED'·• AT 0 N " new policel cruiser that has been purchased and were pleased with 82 SOUTH MAIN .· ST. PH. 897-7946 the ·cruise:r. 'lJte new cruiser I '. GREASE JOBS ,aI 1.:' CHANGES ' is in use now. Councilmen passed a FLAT TIRES REPAIRED resolution rehiring Je'rome G. TIRES-TUBES-BATTERI~S ' .' , Menz ~ vQ}age solicitor for FAN BELTS~HOSES ~~~_.•.~,,,,,,,,,~,,~,,~. ~ , ,,~ . ~"~,~,..~.........'..I ' the new year, - ,.. _ . Four councilmen were sworn 7-day ~ 24-hr. servi'ce in. Taking . the oath were incumbents ,James ,W. Morgan and Gene F. Reeves; Phil Shade . and Jack R. Homer · were , water·&,rvice reelected' Nov. 4, 1.969. . ' Truck with Hoist Mr. Glenn Hall of Race Street Pho"e 897·7026 is a medical patient at St. FJizabeth lHospitial.in Dayton. P.O. Box 1§2 W.vnesville, O. .Mr. and, Mrs. Williain B}.lthS of BellbJrOok Avenue were honored on Sunday evening with a celebratilon ,h eld in honor of . " theif· 'se1renty-sixth bi,rthdays UPlUGERATIOlf -. AlB CONDlTION1l{G . , which are four days. ,apart. .. " . ' SEBVlOE' , ,' . . Guests :included Mr. and Mrs. Oolim.lercial .- . R~den~ Automobile· v.. n j.ts ; . J~eS ~niS~'Mr. and Mr$. Harold • -. \'0' 4,' PHONE ' '\ , ' ., " " 'Bui ris, :'Mr'. Ralph , Bums all of . . 817·5>250 ,
Greg Blythe and Sue Fer~n have b.een pretty consistent with . correctly identifying the Where· Is-It? pictures. Take a good look at this one and if you think ' you know where it is give us a call at 897-5921 .
Mr. And Mrs. Burns Obs'elrve Bi r'th days
Ph 897-5000
Photo by Reginald O. Hill Those fans correctly identifying the window in the Waynesville Masonic Temple .are l}.Ue Thompson, Jami Wampler, l)avid Milton, Ronda Smith, and Lonnie 'and Gregg Blythe. A' pick chec_~ of past issues reveals that Jeff and Dale Thompson,
Tom Florence"Realty
,,'IN LOVING. MEMORY of my hu..
FARM fencing, tNirn .p alntlng and repair. Free estimates. Phone ' f.1lddletown 423-1424 or 422-7494. 17ctf
. CLEAN expenSIve carpets with the belt. . Btu., Lustr. II Amerlca's favorite. Rent IlNImpooer $1. , W.ynesvllle Fu,~lture Co. 2c1
Willard F!:i·r n., .nd Family, , ; Mr•.arid Mr~~IChard F'tIrn~" 12cl
'. ~
, . .. "
RALPH D. QEtCHl:R" Pb.· 932-610l~ ~
, Lebanon" Ohio
: ," oALi, ','
;BU·YING ,; . " ~
ElIEI . UllTl ,
~le"TS:;FOR"'T,t(i" A"EA.:~ .o#(~~
: . ~' MartI......7~lSf
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':<i li.d1s'lillCFUden-'·s, _ita, '
Mrs. , ~char~ HUdebrecht ptou~y announce the birth of an _8 lb. 12' OZ,' baby bOy name~ Dam~ ,. Mark on J~,. 4 at Grandview'Hospital. Qmiel has 'an older brother Jeffrey and two listers' .:t4arY and Judy..,JlnNd' Graiid~nts'
Mr. " ' and
• . '"
.HAByg-URO' ,
I'wo'fin ·hi '-'ARj~
Ph. 897-&372
Mr. George Current was a,
and other little niceties. This , thoughtfulness was much appreciated by Janna.
patient at Ohio State University Hospital ,where he recently underwent eye surgery. Mr. Current was due to return home Monday, Jan. 12 an'd he and his wife,will welcome visitors toward the end'of the week. " t---If you~ the ;~aders, have ,had : I.
" ."
f )1
VilligeCouncil met in regular session Monday night with two new members being sworn into office, nanlely George Wall and Kenneth Brothers. Two old. members also being sworn back into ' office: were Ted Miller and Chades ' (Pete) Beck. Mr. Beck was . elect4~d "President of ,the Council for ~e' year · 197.0 'and the following appointments ,were ma~:. ,Charl,es'<' 10hnston, aQd George W'~ t9 serve pn the. finanCe 3Jild Water Cominittee,
TedMni.e ~faDd ~nneth Bro~~rs
EimboeHd ...tured ....ot
with neutral beige to.... · ', , '. ti
\or: . . I ~
: ~'-
to serve' on Street Conmlittee and ~d~~ I , ~~e) ., ~~.,~d
~~~~ ~~(t~I!~~~ t~ ~~
on the " BWl9ing C9~ttee~ Busineii ~ ve~ rou~e ~~ep~
for ' th4~ discUSsion and ex8minatlon of . ' the Annu;"
APprci~tion~'~o ~~ m~d ,~n. '
' ~'
Ronald Gibson, son of Mr'. , and Mrs. FraDk Gibson returned 'to ' F~rt ~ Oklaho~ after spending the JIolic;1ays with. his .parents. Po ~day before his departur4e the Frank GibsOns hoste'd some fo{ty family , members to ', a potluck' dinn~r held in , honor. . ' . Romdd's' ,. John Doster has returned to his ,home in , si>f41gfie~d after spending the ' -holidays . at Buckeye, Arizona as gueSts of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Doster. J
t ,
first " Pays To Buy The
Bestt - a ~epartment s~~e of parts, accessories and supplies used by farmers, ranchers and their families. In his diverse inventories are: , • Tractor repair parts
• Nuts, bolts, screws
• Accessories . , Auto paint
• Garden tools
• Hand tools • Hydraulic cylinders
• Garage stands • Small gasoline engine parts • Welding outfits
• Hydraulic hose • Outdoor items 'In fact ,be carries up to 84,000 different items in his invent~~. '
'l'l:l. 897-293l ,
Mrs. Dorothy FJIis and Mrs. " Erneatirite Moo[e were:,hosts to ', the' \VoIMo's' SOciety'which'met at the United Methodist Church , ,ThunwlY , ~te~oon, Mrs. Imogen~ VQ,ie,~ was in c;:harge of Devotions and Mrs. Oaudia Brandel1bu!B Was ~in \ c~rge of ~e
Furnace Filters
Paint 1/3.ff
Mrs.'RUth DOster has returned
home aifter lpe~dmg the,holiday~ , with -ber daughter and sOn in law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack D;epprier of Satteijte Beach, A,odda.. l,. Op ,our lick list is still ~r Dodds and la~ence Eea1y ~o~h confmed in Kettering Meinori~ Hospitlal~ ~., Mi;ldre!l.,.Jo~~ Clinton' Memo~ ~~pita1. ~~ " Mrs. "ArnOld (l.Dwae) . ~~I cont"med 'to:,b et .liome. ()qr well 'widtes '{-o ~ur! f ~ , DoIi1~t ,o£oi"( the",./ ' !;p9" ,p;.'m.' "", " . .I) (tpnilbt) , ';sCft'oOtr_trdiJ1Ii~.
r. -'"
·water ~
.. 'all.,. ;F,.tteJ)Cl~
,S CHOOl TO HQST.~. (~n~~ed .fro~,l'~ge' '1 >-
~ary mcrease ! was , app~oved
'Vo' ~.
2 No.3
Sgt. Peter Current, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Current; Waynesville, \ arrived home Sunday morning after a nine-month tour in Vietn~: " r Pete also spent nine montbs of his two year tour in Germany. 'He was ,:i, assigned to Radio Communications with the lst Air Cavalry. pe'te : received the Bronze Star while in Vietnam but he didn't tell' lUs parents a thing about it until he arrived home Sunday. We pray, ~fuit';, we can soon be welcoming back more of our boys from Vietnam.' '~
Waynesville WelcolDes S·teve Conner Aboard By Barbara L. Irons A new face has appeared on the WayneSVille business scene. Mr. Stephen Conner recently acquired the Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home and business from Mr. Albert H. Stubbs. Steve's presence ,has not only r~sulted in new leadership for an existing area business but it allows 'Cap' Stubbs to devote full attention to his Red Shed Antique Shop. Well, almost full time. Both Conner and Stubbs have stated "t~~t 'Qap' ,;w.ill ,eQh,~ip4~' to' a~sjst :~''4tJi'some~ selVice's''at the fune(ai It' '-, .-!! . " " ho e. " " , .~ ,Conner, a 1961 graduate of Waynesville High School took o~er the business , on Jan. 1 of this year., Steve is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conner of Franklin Road in Waynesville. ,He attended Morehead State University in Kentucky and was graduated from the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science in J964. ,After serving two years in the service, he became associated with the Schlientz and Moore Funeral Home in Dayton until he took cha'rge of the Funeral Home in WayneSVille. •
By."B;lrbiua L. Irons several months. The~renewal will The :(, MiaIni Gaz,ette, and be noted ' on, Y9\Jr existing sub, ' scription and 'you receive W'~$.ville area Sing~OP/t' , gr,()~P ' ., N ' , u~irtterrUpted ' delivery of the ate launching an area subscripGazette for on.e· year after extion drive to add t<;J funds aIpiration of . your' present sub,~adyin ' the Kenny .'" J~stice ScholarShip :.Fund: Mr::; PaVid,Edscrjption. ' Waynesville Sing-OUt uU, one .o(the- publishers qf the ' ,' haS been jiven four weeks for Mia'mi' Gazette, met With'. Mr. ;, their drive so if you do not fan)eatrane artd' mem~b~ri·of.the ' presently sUbscribe ;ta the Ga,, ," ' '. •' . . Zette, n,Qw is your chance to get ~ 'Sin'-~t group MOll~)" ~e~B' . ,';ill " th " e 'looal news and 'help the, .Jan. 19;'1970 ~nd e"pressed tlie" . Gaiette's' WillingnesS 'i nd desire ',' '''gr~p hi' 'the~t .most wo.r~hy ~nhelp ~ group in their effotts deavor. If .you,,'ptesently subSCribe to the .. pl)per t get y.6Uf to r.-ise . additional mani~ ; for " . .. '!I" , I.. d Th ' ren~~ .now , s,o~ th~~, may ~etJte 4"'~ ~ ; ~ 8f~"'''','''as e~\, 'ceiVeadditiprial credit;for·it. '''~ thuuutlc ' in the 'acc~ptan~e of " , e protect. .' outlined': by ,Mr. , r M~mbers -Qf' th~ ,group will th, Basin ' :I , " be, krlocki~8, Qh y.our,dOO,~s frqw , ,." ' ~. ,;now., un1i1I~'~elii 2,i'~ and you will me~bers are, being ~'gIv~h th~'~~p(>':tun'i'ty to'stiQ~ . ' the' oppo ' rtunitY to sell " .' - ., .... ,,, , ,..,', ",' ,. ' ..... .' 0' ~ ,' yoo~ ' H~P.9~~·'!O the :gro~p arie! "Ih~rliritilnn~ ,to i 73 ~' ?c,a~se~~ Iii' the ~9rds' '~i ~' , '
" .. Sar,,.dpt
;J; " , ,
· ~ ! $l}i,', ,.., ',i
.. "
single person can become involved in this ' idealogy - it isn't the exclusive property of a few. It isn't ,everybody's property. The question is how effectively it is initiated and how massively , It gives one the experience' of an accelerati()n of hope; a gulp of fresh' air in a world often darkened by cynicism. With it we~ will :spark leadership, . pro(Continued'on ~ge 8) ,
Village C.ouncil Pa. . ' . '-Appropriiation Resolutio,", "
' Wa~esville . Vil~a~~ \;.?~ncil ..l\~ld Its ~Iecond m~etlng of ~ t~,e ,
J~~:.' 20, 1970· prove"d th'" annual "';I)fO~~rUlti{lin . ' ... QI resolu,tiQ,n. , YeU on
d~nner, hb attr~ctive: wife;'~ •
Libby t, and thi~r activ~ ,eighteen, month old daughter; J'onya, have taken up residence ~n the Funer~ Horne at 185 No Main' Street in Waynesvipe. They have already acquired some antique furnishin~ for the home, including a beautiful cherry dropleaf table: Both Steve and Libby are becoming a part of the civic as well as the business scene. He is a member of the Lyons Q\lb and his wife will serve the Wart~n , (Col1tinuea o~ Page 2)
Corwin- aYO.ls'villa ay 'G8t Lightio'g Wilker$on was not able to attend the meeting. cOunCilman Bill Purkey said that 'he "auld have a 'Dayton Power and Light representative at ' the next Township ", Trustee meeting , to make a tmal ~etermination on just how many lights would be n~~d and what the y~uly. c~t· , , wotlld ·be. Present estimated COlt ~ld' be approxbnatdy nOQI'" , to· 'the ~ownship '
,came ' ,'~o <,: ' .':, '~
Way~esvi1le , lq 1932 from ' Lewisburg, 'OWe ,fl,rst set .\J,p, ¥s ',.' . buSiness in ' what is now, "an ~partment house .Main Stre'et., ' , " ) .. Three years late" in 1935" he, 'purcha~ed' the - pr~sent site ~f the,Stubbs-Conner Funeral Hptne ' fJ;~m John ' Cartwright who. ~~s then'an pfficei' the Wayne~.ille : Bank which Steve 's fatl),~rl' 'Earl ' Q,nner, now.; serves"" a~ 'Y';?ePresi4ent. 'Recor.dS"on the J:llst?~C building, which once housed a Girls' Academy, can be traced , back ' to 1837. There are ' no records available prior to that date. Improvements have bee~ made to the, structu~e 'including ,the replacement ' of a· woodenfloor front porch about 'twenty· who weren't sure about dru~ five years ago. 'cap' noted thai came away with a clearer picture of the horrors, cruelties and , the 'umbrella' tree that graces 'the front lawn of the ,Funeral and heartaches that go hand-inhand with drug addition; at least Home was there before he I hope so. purchased it. " Sgt. Haller said he was actually ~tubbs, and ,his graciO\~s wife, inspired by a dlug addict he who have always been picked up who told him, "he, active leaders in ,area . civ:ic wished he had had someone who orgaIlizations Want to express 'their mapy thanks 'to all , who cared enough to warn him." wished us well ,and we tru~t yO~f g90dwill 'to ' corltinu~. Many ' '. , thanks. to 'r~k Arthur ~enf~r, who ' \ ',' has beep ,'~(miated , with~lus,' 'for ~ , BOIIE BUILD_• .
1 I
' {
. "'" (
• I
I , I
',",.., ALL ',,'
We extend to you a cordial invitation to come in and start any kind of account you wish. You will find our staff very friendly and helpfut If, you want to transfer an account that you have elsewhere, we'll be happy to show you how this can be done velry simply and easily. We'll give you forms for Banking by - Mail if desired, so that you can make deposits the convenient mail - way. It will be a pleasure to serve y()U in added ways, and we look forward to the opportunity. . Please drop in - soon! ,
, T
tt~e '
'and '. '
· JtJa~ =t~ aw.J.,/iiG
A well-ordered"financial plan calls for 'both a Che~kint Acc'o unt and a Savings Ace,o unt. The Checking Account is,. essential ,f or paying obligations safely, convenietltly, and efficiendy. The Savings Acco~nt is needed for building. a cash reser've and a fund for achieving various goals in life. Quite often,peopl.~' find', that they have t;he two accounts in two different institutioJ~s, with' the result that much time and effort is lost going j:rom , one place to the other to handle deposits, withdrawaln, and other matters. We suggest that you centralize your accoullts, and all of your banking business, ·at our Full-Service Ban:k. It will be much more convenient. It will en~ance your credit standing at this bank, enabling us to serve you with maximum effectiveness when you need financial help ' and service of any sort. We invite you to centralize your aCCOllnts here.
, II I
All ,
, "j
"AYIFBflUl JATtOln <1111
TELtPHONE 897-.5·'
Mansfield Girdner ~k
4th. STREET WAYNESVILLE, OHIO PH. ,897-'4826;': . . '
.~ .
Waynesville, East Miami.St., ~ block off Ohio 42.' ••
. ::
HOURS ;. 1·1 a.~ •• 9 p.m; Tues. '. Sun;; closeCI Mc)n~ , 'For, an e~joy~le :~v~n~ng ~ith fr.ie~d8, :;~~~. a leisurely dinner here. We're fiunou~,for .. superb food~ service and atihosphere. ~
By' &rbara L. Irons The Waynesville High School University on Oct. 9, 1969 to Debate Team has quite a record attend a Debate Clinic. There going for them this year. Their they were instructed by different professors on the art of debating. record, to date is seven wins and Mrs. Hartsock stated that "the one loss. They have had four meets, consisting of two debates thing that is nice about debates each with little Miami, is that the students have to Springboro, Kings High School, do their own research. The coach and Carlisle. Their only loss was can only give them help in telling them where to find the material to Kings High School. Serving on Waynesville's but the students have to do debate team ate seniors Jill Ecker their own research." She added and Cathy Coffman for the "speaking is not the only affirmative; Darryl Edward, a requirement, they have to use sophomore and DWight Marriot, logic and reaoning in their a Junior, handle the negative. debates." From their superior Each debator is rated I-poor to record, it seems the Waynesville 5-superior on five points team has done their research, and organization, refutation, used their logic and reasoning in delivery, logic and reasoning, and debating the subject "Resolved: evidence for a possible 30 points. 'That Congress Should Prohibit Waynesville's team has had a Unilateral United States Military rating of excellent the majority Intervention in Foreign of their debates. Countries" which has been Each debate, which is a chosen not only for the state but planned form of argumentation, the national topic of debate. lasts for 60 minutes and each The Waynesville Debate team team member has the will travel to Princeton High opportunity t.o speak twice. Their School to participate in an first, or constructive speech, is invitational tournament on Jan. ten minu tes and this is where they 16 and 17. They will also lay' the basic lines for ·argument. participate in the Warren COUl~ty They ' ,are each allo~ed five Tournament ' :. Which will be minutes for · their second, or scheduled for sometime in refutation, speech where they FebIUa{Y.... , , attempf'to build up or teal down " • : ~, ',. .. . ' evidence :' '. offered , by the '. Uons'4yI~ 'at .... .'~pposition !in their..constiuctive···.~ ~~. Sch~r ' , : .
..... •
.' . ~~h. ·... ""
'{ :-. "'., t
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. I , . .,
Meqtbers· .of t~e .Waynesville4
". :
7'}..';~;\,€Ii~rylHit~"; ErlgUth r ,'rUpDS, Clyp'. ~et'~onday' eve.Q~g:
spepeli ~ti~:l>hIma te~c~~,.serves ~.1an: '19, i9.7Q ai .ih~; ~gh .&hool'
as coach for the WayneSville.'team To vie,- ,SlideS of last year's which trayele'd . to' .'Ohio. State~>~ Country F~r. Lebanon lions
. ,~. [,pR.s'CBl~ · . . . , ' , I~
' Michael e~t to, .enlist sup~rt for ~r. the upcommg electton 10
for Jr. Deputy District Governor of District 13-8. .
Use an empty ~ carton . for watering houseplants. The spout is perfect for drip-free . watering.
.,.f.>'1''. S.: . · ~.:.\
. "~I·
ljivtf16r1r Wardrobe...andc;y,ur Budget..•;FL;tt
Yla'il 1111 t~1 I1IIII 11'11 lill I~I II'wlllll
Our entire stock of ...-c..nclite. Reduced 2O'Kt for .,eat New Va _inga. Pick . ....m _ection from our collection of skirts, slacks, eII_, and ott. fine clothing and acc •• ories. Many colors, sizes, and styles ~ choole from. Hurry in and snap uP . . . .i.. while tt.v lastl S. you lit Lynn's.
,:LUMB'ER'·'b.od·' S"llPPl Y eri~2968.
Ta.wIIII·d. .
If' ....
,~....,: (
lat.a.raJI 11,1·' 1 I' 1·;l f.vicl ' ,I I;,'ir ,',., :All'TFiA~S;~I)R' \
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Plywaod ·
Aeeessori es Better Iresses
!diphael~\ Dick :~mith, J. Vail
)a~es and Jerry:Baird were pres~
Ii,.', 'I 'EI'.'. l·llE 11 III I .1..11 'HON£ .v...
Mon., Tu.., Wed.·, Thurs.,
- M
_ . "I
;.,' '
, A'mQst exciting Holi~ay trip ",*, 'PATVAI:a ~ enjoyed:" ~y , Mr., ail<l :M,rs. , u . . ...;..".a2lI , K~rieth .' C. Dayenport. TIley Mr. and' Mrs. Ralph HaStings , spent their 'holidays witft 'their o( 391 NQrth Street Ihave just son , Gregory at Sheport AFB in Texas. re'tumed from a won4er(ul trip to Glendora, .California -where After being caught in a severe they ,visited their son R.Q~rt, his snowStorm creating quite a wife, and t~eir three sons. ' hazardous trip down to Texas; ' High-lights of-the trip, other they had a very pleasant stay. thin visiting their three On Christmas Eve they grandchildren, consisted of a visit attended the C~ndlelight Choral to Universal Studios ' and Services at tJte Base given , by attending the Rose Parade. Chaplain Knippers. The honored guest for the services was General Mr. and Mrs. Hastings were Paige. quite thrilled with the recent Christmas Day found Mr. and promotion of their son Robert Mrs. Davenport eating Christmas in the Taylor Publishing dinner with the military Company. He and his family personnel. ' Mrs. Davenport felt are in the process of moving this was a great treat to be to Dallas, Texas where the main able to join these young men office of the company is located.
Get Your law n Mower I n Co ndition For Summ er Now! tsLADES SHARPEi\lED AND 01 L CHANGED SAW FILING OF ALL TYPES
Harold Bauer
897-2193 Intersection of Old and New Route 73 West
were ,al'I " t .. -.: )" . Rainbow '& ard 'rh~fitbers, thpse ~,o~le \ who, dey~te ' their, ~~~ . - - -and ~ti~h ' servi~e 'to h,eJping Mr. Jesse Prendergast· of 146 S. -3rd St. is ~esiding in K~itering · y~J.lng "'girls " dur~rig. , thbs~ impressive , y,ears. of.- tMjr. ',4 liye's. Memorial Hospi,tal in Kettering. . One ' very special' -, p~rS91J. - -----' Mrs. Gra~~ , ' The meeting of ,the New honored was Century Qul:> will ' be held at Prendergast wh<? h~ s.erved as the Fireside Inn on Jan. 23 the <;hairman of the Rainbow at 2 p. t:J1. Mrs. ,Inez Hartsock Board .for to ye~rs. A beautiful will serv~ as hostess for this green orchid was presente~ t~ her and she was given a v.e~'I meeting. warm welcome from the The January meeting of membership and guests. Mter the meeting, , Cradles '. to College 0; C. C. L was ' held in the home of refreshments were served in the Mrs . .Ebbie Gadd on Jan. 13. dining room by Mrs. Grover Bus Wiseman, Evangelist from Brunton, Mrs. Dick Irons, and Ferry Church of Christ was their Mrs. Seldon Heath. The next meeting will be speaker. He talked about Monday everiing, Feb. 9· at 8 , parent,hood and disicpline. p. m. in the Masonic Temple. , Members of Cra<l1es tq College will entertain their husbands next It will be it combinedmonth. They will attend the Va\entine-Christmas party a~d Cincinnati Royals Game on Feb. the membershjp is asked to bring 6 and meet afterwards for a ' $1 ~ft (women bring a woman's gift and men bring refreshments. a man's gift) for this meeting._ I
,0peili1nl SAT. JAI. 24
Thl Backdaar Antiquls 109 S. MAIN ST. v~AVNESVILLE:
OHIO ANTIQUES, COLLECTORS ITEMS, PRIMITIVES Open Daily 1 :00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Anytime by Appointment Carolyn Hatton 897-4691
Wednesday, Jan. 14 at the Masonic Temple the Order of the Rainbow for Girls had their the
1',.I :8ffers.. ,
. ,
. "
Sales And Service
Police Activity "
In our continuing effort to offer you a more thorough service we have expanded to include a complete TV sales and ...,.'lair center. We recently purchased Townsend's TV Sales and Service and have moved the operation, to our ,Corwin location. We will continue to provide the same prompt and courte<ltUS service as you have received in the past. Your TV's will be efficiently sen,iced at Purkey's TV Sales and Service in Corwin.
• ',Ph. ,817-211'1
Police Chief Charles I..eM8Y has reported that for the' year 1969, his department made 195 arrests including 157 adults and 38 juveniles. The department ' inve,stigated , 52 ,~utomobile accidents outside t,hecorporation limits. In addition, the police telephone line handled 3;810 caUs including' 1,8~5 cQmplaints. . The .department traveled a iotal of 39,471 ntjl~ on patrol ~d , investagatio'ns ' ~d , added that they stm have two homebreaking , ," and ' entering ' : ' ,One '" .
... . ""
Approximately 50 persons were present at the meeting at the school house Wednesday night which was held regarding getting water and sewer in Harveysburg. As advised by the state officials present, namely James Curtis, Regional Advisor of the Department of Urban Mfairs; Herbert H. Utz, Public Facility Specialist of the Urban Development Division of the ~partment of Natural Resources, our first move should be to get water. As expected, nothing . concrete was accomplished; however, we felt there had been a good foundation laid. The Department of Urb~ Mfairs is a department created only three years ago and Village officials feel that is the department through which we should work. Thanks to all who attended and · your comments would be appreciated.
Caroline Hoagland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hoagland was married Jan. 9 to Frank Turner •.son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner of Dayton. The Frank
Dayton. , . Mrs. Martha Cox of Ferry Road visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Clint Taylor. The Welcome Bible Class of Jonahs Run Church meeting to be. held at the home of ·Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price, Jan. 9 was postponed and is to be Jan. I
23, 1970. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolfe of Lebanon celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary, Sunday. Their children, Mrs. Harold Shutts, Robert Wolfe and Dora Mae Wolfe all of Lebanon, Earl Wolfe of Haddon Township, New Jersey and Harold. Wolfe of Morrow hosted the Open House held at their home. Elmer Dodds is reported to be improved in Kettering Memorial Hospital at Dayton. Mrs. Arnold (Louise) Williams . is still confined to her home and her condition is reported' to be slightly improved. Our prayers and get well wishes to all. Master Ross Villars presided Monday nlght when Massie Grange met . in regular session.
lewis ·
,- --, Mr. Earl So.wards of Spring Valley , called on his sister, Mrs. Addi.~ Dill, Monday mOrning.
Mrs. Stella Lewis is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. 10hn Hall and family in Springfield.
'"A , FAl.... DIMY '~ br . D. J. '~RA7.IER Wednes~y,Jan. 7,1970: LOn' Slow hospi1tal days drag by. Routine takes up most of the morning, starting when a nurse sticks a thermometer in your mouth and the day h~ begun. You have heard the expression "hospital c:lean." I often · use it as opposed to ordinary or . household clean. They certainly work at it every minute, day and night. So many different kinds of implements. The woman in blue comes around with an ordinary cleaning outfit on a fancy stand on wheels, dustmops the the floor, empties wastebaskets. and some days dusts the 1venetian blinds. Out in the hall, the man comes along with a mop with a fancy bucket andl wringer on wheels. He swings it with a righthanded swing from side to side - then he comes along with a whirling brush that buffs and polishes. When a patient moves out, another crew mov,es in' aria-the endless cycle goes on, someone always cleaning somewhere to keep the hospital clean. Saturday - I have been moved. The hospital decided they have done what they can for me and time and nature must do the rest. Incidentally, doctors and others are discovering that new bones and new tissue need the . right foods to grow. But apparently they haven't found o~~< t~.t C~eam of ~eat and sucb- things . have 10 : all imwrtan~ ' . , el~ments ;'.~ except staich/~y not 'use wh~ie wheat cereals with some flavor. I am now at the Garden Manor Nursing Horne in Middletown, a very beautiful new place-but not as lively as the hospi1taL Many thanks for greetings.
Barbara L. Irons .
. Between five and six hundred citizens .assembled in the Waynesville High School gymnasium on Sunday, Jan. 18, 197~ to hear "Sing-Out" Waynesville deliver an enthusiastic performance and to pay tribute to · Kenny Justi~e, Kenny, who was a member of Waynesville Sing-Out was fatally injured in an automobile accident while traveling to a performance in Dayton, Ohio. Sing-out members put their whole heart, as they always do, into the performance which was staged to aid the scholarship fund recently extablished in Kenny's memory. The generosity of the audience , by free-will offering, swelled the fund by $950. Highlights of the performance included the reading of "Drummer Boy", a poem written by a sing-out member in memory of Kenny ; and Mr. Lucian Hatfield's smgmg of "This World", a song written and arranged by him . Mr. Hatfield has been the Director of WayneSVille Sing-Out since its inception and has earned a spot in the hearts of all area residents for his untiring and unselfish efforts, as have all members of the group. Tears could be seen in the I'eyes of many members of tht J audience as the group expressed'.: in words and !9ng ~heir fee~., about our nation and its youth;:' including such selections as the beautiful "Morning of Time (Dawing)", "Which Way America?", and "Freedom Isn't Free.~' The humorous spot in the performance was the of 'Zeke and appearance Lulubelle' who wanted to
perform for ' the .'/ w'~aedlaJ .J'" .f • audience. . . ..' . .. ). So .enthusiastic , ·waS ~ the~ ~.' n".l'~'"1il .. ,I1: audience.'s r~sponiit . t~t · d~riilg:'e \ .. the last five minutes the .2-hour, perforrilance, tbey were on their feet, clapping and $ging as about 25 former members of Waynesville Sing-Out rushed onto the s!~ge. to join in die chorus 'Up With People.' •
J",o-Oumers FIRE I Have Tailored Insurance Protection. You're COV8Ied.
The Nell
Rue and Antha Uinwiddie were guests of Sarah Burnet on Sunday afternoon. Bertha Hess was a dinner guest of the Irwin Ellis' on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mcaellan and son of Xenia called on Bessie Chaney Sunday .
Mr. Ward was kept quite busy Sunday clearing paths. Rhodes Bunnell called on his mother Nellie Bunnell Saturday afternoon and was later joined by Jean. Florence Crane's JUest thiS week was her son Robert. No matter what the weather tile ~braJY has its quota of;
callers. A Monday' caller on Nelli~' Bunnell was her granddaughter Mrs. R J. Oeisley of R R 3. .
Ann Mason of Harveysburg was a visitor of Florarnond Reed , on Wednesday.
The social room of the Waynesville United Methodist Church was taken back in history and invaded by about two dozen Knights of Yorke and their parents on Thursday, Jan. 15,
Romp in HiStory
nille robes make fine dust and polishing mitts that are easy to wash and dry.
Pack 40 Cubs Take
Mrs. aara Head of Line wastebaskets with plasWaynesville, and Mrs. Hiley tic bags that · dry cleaning Gibson called on Mr. and Mrs. comes in. It keeps baskets Christy Wallace and daughi~r, .. clean and trash removal "is easy. Sheral, of Xenia Thursday Good parts of worn che- ' afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis
., By
The invaders were the cub scouts· of Pack 40 under the leadership of assistant leader Harold Anderson. Festivities for the evening included a Knight parade, short skit by Den 4, and Teeter Board Joust. The hero knights of the duels who received ribbons included Dennis West, ' first place, Den 3; Jaritie Bauer, second place, Wueblos; Jimmie Mallot, third place, Den 1; and Tommy Mitchell, fourth place Den 4.
. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hodgson of Xenia were recent visitors of Mrs. Bessie Cheney. Robert Palmer called on hi$ mother Nettie Palmer on Friday evening. Paul Tomlinson called on Floramond Reed one day 'this week. It's not seemed to be visiting weather this week. Nellie Bunnell's callers were Rhodes and Jean Bunnells on Sunday afternoon. . Mrs. Carl Samker of Mason, Irene Baird of Lebanon and Evelyn Crane were callers on Floramond Reed on Wednesday.
THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.o. Box 71 - Pilon•• 97·5921
Published eaell W.dnuclay at Waynasvlll., OhIO. SublCrlptlOn price $3.00
par y ..r. Newstandprlc. 1be. par copy.
..~ ...'
, . ,1 What shali we say then7 'Shall we; contln",e In -sin, that Irace "may' -abOund? ' ..... '. ,2 ~dd fOrbid, HoW shall we,. t~.'t are dead : , to sin, ' live any longer:' thereln1- ' 3 Know! ye not, that 10' many :'of ' us as" w.re baptized . Into Jesus .Christ were ba~ . ',I tlzed Into his daath? 4 Therefllre we are . burled with him by baptism Into' death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the alory of the Father, even so we also' should walk In new. . ness of life.
Rotrlan. , 1.,104
ChlU'Ch l)t ' ~i Third
'Miami Sr:r~s
Acy La.:nb, Pastor . 10':00' a.m., S\1nday School. 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Wed,nes· . day and Saturday, E~e. ning Worship Services. 7:30 p.m., ,Wednesday Youth Service.
It> a;m. " &mday Mornil\g 6:30 p.m. ." Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m." Wednesday EverWlg
Pirst Bapt ist. Ohurch
North Main Street Joha P. O.bom e, Pastor 10:00 •.m., Sunday School. 11:00 a.m., Moming Worship. 6:30 p.m., Training Union. 7:10 p.m., Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting. (Affiliated' w ~ t h Southern Baptist Convention).
HAlt VEY SBU BG Frien dship Bapt ist Ohurch
First Church of Ohrist
East High Street Thomas Stevens, Minister 9:30 a.m., Sunday Bible Schoot. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship and Communion. 6:00 p.m. Sunday Y~uth Meeting . 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Christian Youth Hour. 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Wor.hip. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Bible . Study.
Prienda Keeting
. ):~ . Street near High .9:30' l.m., 'Sunda, School. . 10:4' • .m., Sunday M~g fOr . Worship .(unpro-
Southern Baptist Convention Norman Meadows, Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 10:30 a.m., Sunda y Morning Worship 7:30 p:~.~ Sunday Evening Service. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Mid· weelc Prayer and Bible Study.
Jona hs Bun Bapt ist Chur ch
Ohio 73 East Leiter IGdd, Pastor 10:00 a.m., Sunday School. 10:00 & 11:00 a.m., Sunday Worship Service. 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening WonlUp.
11nited Methodist Chur ch
David Harper, Putor 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church Service. 10:30 • .m., Sunday Schoo t . 11:00 a.m., Sunday, Wonh ip Service. ~ibl«; Youth Fellowship
StudY' .'
.~e4-). .
8l AugaatineI .Ohurch
Street Rev. Joeeph. H. Lutmer, .
7 LID. • 11 ••m. M...e. I • .m• • I p.m. Holy D.Y' 7:30 p.~. ~int. Friday 7:4' Lm. Daily Mea
. . Kary 's BplacopaJ Chur ch
Third • Main Sueea Rev. Harol d Deeth, Rector 11 : l' • .m., Morning Pr.ye r . 1st, 3rd & ,th Sunday,; Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sunday•.
Unit ed Methodist Church
-nu;d & North Streets L. L. Young, MinUter 10:15 ~.IJl., Ch~ch at . Wor.hip. 9: l' •.m., Sunday Cllurch at Study. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth Fellow.hip.
... Of , , . .
' .l,
E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young People's Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School . 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening
FBU Y ' Perr y Ohurch of Ohriat
WilmmgtoD Pike & Social Row Road Bus Wiseman, MinUter 9:00 .a.m., Sunday Bible School. iO:15 a.m., Sunday Worship. 10:15 a.m., Sunday Youth Wor.hip. 6:30 p.Ih., Sunday 'Bvening Bible Study, aU .... 7:30 p.m., EveniDg Wor.hip. 7:30 p.m., Wedn aday, Midweek Pr.ye r and Bible
Sprbur VaJley
Priendi Church
Mound Street E. FrieDd. Couser, Putor Fr., Pentacostel Church ' . 9:30 a.m. SUDday school . 10:30 a.m. Morning WorJhip q,~~ R.R. 122 - Dod.d$, Qhio -
. .' ,
-~ "" "
; 'I.
wATHa DBVIm: '
P BARBE. SHQ :(... :
p~.tr~I' - WAYNESVILLE, OHIO' , '
Pastor. James Coffman ;' . ..' .. 10:30 a.m~ - ~'nd3y sChool 7 p.m. - Sunday, Evangelistic .'. . SerVice 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Saturday evening wonbip serv.ice
Mrs. Lois Dunaway - Pastor Sunday School - J0 a.m. Morning Worship· 11 a.m. Evening Worship· 7 :30 .p.m. :-. , Prayer Meeting, Wednesday -' . -7:30p.m. day: Thurs g, Prayer Meetin 7:30p.m. Song-fest. Last Saturday each mlDnth - 7:30 p.J1l.
Christian Baptist Mission Mann Street
\(' • •
',:, If·· you, hear ·Way',n~ RaPib, .don't .rel~ ,too just might, not "be schools that,: are closing b~cause .' of bad weather. Waynesville sChool . officials, thinking ahead, notifie,d parents - back in November about the plans 'for announcing sch()ol if ro~d condi~ons ~losings warranted it. At that ' time, parents and students were adv:i:sed that the school would be identified as Waynesville : Qr a.ad ,our I. ILl clair, Wayne Local in Warren County in radio announcements. They have and now decided to avoid confusion GO 10 CHURCH with Wayne Township, the IUND AY announcement will identify the school as WAYNESVILLE. School closings, or delays in beginning school, are usually announced on the 11 p. m. and/or 6' a. m. newscasts on WHIO and WING in Dayton and WPFB in LYTLE MT~ HO:LLY Middletown. The announcement odist Meth Unit ed will be made only when the Unij ed Meth odist " ch . Ohur . school will be closed or if there is, Chur ch ~r· Minist rd, Willa T. to be a delay in beginning schoo}. Rev. l.eonard Baxter . , David ip Worsh yl Sunda a.m., . :30 9 If you do not hear an 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. • Service. announcement, there will be 11:00 a.m., Sunday, Wor_hip · ..... L Schoo ~ 10:30 a.m., simda y school. . ServiCe. g Ev~m ' , Sun~y p.m., 7:00 r Area residents have been asked , 7~30 p.m., WedDeaday, Praye ~Ib Worship Serv~~ea . not to.: call the radio stations, . e. Servic . '. duc:ted by' youth . school offices or school officjals ~. . 'at home:. Such ' calls only tie ,up . telephone lines that should be left . open to deal with.the emergency. ,
Harveysburg Full Gop•. Church
Study .
ent 'o f ·Announcem I ClOS,iritl$ .". ,
. '. »&11G: STO Q ' .'
LLt ,OHIO' . . ' . ,: ,'."
'_BARB ,
' .. Ten ,·
SERVICES WANTED: B~bY sitter In my t'lome In Lytle.-:-ph: B97 ~43,64' e)/iull'ngs. lctt
.AP'PLE$ and fresh clder~ ' c Ide r Fruit Farm, 2 miles ' South of Centerville of) route 48, East on Nutt Road ~/4 mile. 27ctf.
Babysitting. ' Phone 897for Jean. 1Bnctf
5921 • . Ask
SCRATCH pads for ~Ie at The' Miami Gazette. 105 S. Main St. Waynesvl"e. 16nctf
CANVAS Repair. Tents, campers and boat tops will replace all types of zippers. Contact the residence of Jess E. Smith Jr., Miami St. Waynesville. 24ctf
HEATING Stove for sale, 75,000 BTU with blower. $50.00 Phone 891. 4350. 31ctf
t() _ buy-50 used pianos, write Box 542. Wllmln,gton, Ohio. 21ctf
GESTETNER Model 451 duplIcator With Gestefax Electronic Stencil Scanner and cabinet. All excellent condition. Phone The Miami Ga.z eUe :897-5921. 16nctf
HELP WANTED CLEANING lady, 1 day a week,car. Call 897-2413 3c2
GERMAN Shephard puppies, AKC, 6 weeks old. Ph. 897-5941 3cl
BEDROOM, dining room and dinette suites, freezer chest, washer and dryer, and 67 Chevy I mpala. Call 897-4736. 3c1
LOST dogs. Reward. 4 German Shephards. 3 females, 1 male. Male Is very large. Last seen In Waynesville area. Call 488-2483 collect. 3cl
FI REPLACE wood. Will deliver. Ph. 897-4170 3c4
.~- "
THE proven carpet cleaner Blue Lustre Is easy on the budget. Restores forgotten colors. Rent electric shampooer $1. Waynesville Furniture Co. 3cl
Real Estate
Phone 897-5921 Ask for Jean Hill
Tom Florence Realty Ph 897-5000
CONCORD SQUARE Apartments, Lebanon. Beautiful new unfurnished 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, eaulpped 'kitchen, carpeting. AIC, pool, $125 up. Cincinnati 793-0322. l.ebanon 932-9801. 2c4
. ""':
1. • "',
~,,~~~ ~~~D·~ ',~·.· '·.· At· ·H ! ~ .. ~~
J ....f.
WE wish to thank all our relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness shown us during the death of our husband and brother. A $plIClal thalnks to Dr.. J. H. Arnold Rev. Il..:o L. YounQ and the Stubbs'Conner Funeral Homil for thel" kind and ~efflclent "rviCeS.·AII were greatly appreciated. Mrs. Glenn Borden and Harold borden and famIly. ' 3cl
14.. - ..
, ••
"" I I·! ,; ', ,/}I'
~ ':< ..~;
Do you have an electric skillet you'd like to swap for a deep fryer? Or maybe a size 12 scout uniform for a size 8 brownie uniform? You might be able to conjure up a swap for those . .unused items. i~ your garage or .' attic for something you coull really use. The answer is th~ 'Swap Column' in the Miami Gazette. look arould and decide what you would be willing to
swap and what you would be willing to swap it for. Then fill out the entry blank below and mail it to The Swap Column, Miami Gazette, P. O. Box 78, Waynesville, Ohio 45068. We" see that your item is listed. There will be a charge · of Sl:.for thiS service. But then just think of all those unused items you can get rid of and what you can get in return!
114. N(j~TH ST. RT.4Z·
Stereo Tapes Gui~rs : . . Banjos Bandolins
Drums Microphones Sta~ds OPEHl10 A.M.-' P.M. .'
, A.M.-SP.M.
:t: ~ ~': : 'I:lIE
Religious Books Bible in Pictures Radios
I ~ ·IE II
I' ...
Iitty Martln-lt7-me
Gladys lieF..... 8~~:.21i4 · EI"~I84
.fl·. JI i I VII.' I i ,
PHON_E____________ ADDRESS: City _ _ _ _ _ _ > _ _ __ zip _ __ Item You Want To SWAP
103.9 FM
'IUI,i~_ CInllr
"'21 E. MAIH ST. XENIA. ;.OHIO " XENIA ,Ph" 372-3553 RES .. PH.• M·7.. 71'
SWAP Column
,. " . . .
Photo by Rl:lJinald O. Hill Where Is It? fans were not fooled by our picture in last week's Miami Gazette. As a matter of fact, Richard Furnas even told' us who lielped build the silo, now torn do~, on t~e .."Avenue" connecting Corwin and WayneSVille. Other fans correctly identifying the Where Is It? picture include Darryl Ridinger, Vi~ki Ri.dinger, Debbie Thompson, Mark Rye, Davi~ Mercer, Lonnie Blyth, Bobbie Abney, Greg and Blake Smallwood, Dennis Brown, Davie Pringle, Harold Stanley, Ora Jones, Sarah Wilcher, Ed Michener, Bill Moore, Sandy Sheehan, Joe Gasaway, Randy Hill, Coye Ferguson, and the gang at WayneSVille Farmers Exchange.
~ .
COLD Sprlnl~s Beauty Shop: Will take appOintments anytime. Ph. 8974398. 48ctf
NEW home for sale, ,43 bedrooms, family room, fireplace, 2 car garage. Located on O'Neall Rd. 10% down will buy. For more Information call Charles H. 'Welch 897-6556. 26ctt
Phone 891·7026 I' : Box 152. aV~lYitle, :0•. n . J
TOY Poodle Stud Service, AKC Registered. White or Apricot. $50 Appointment only. Phone 897-4148 15ctf
UNFURNISHED apt., Waynesville. 1 bedroom apt .. , stove, refrigerator and air conditioner, half square from shopping cel~ter. Ideal for couple. Available February 1. Call Dayton 275-5877 after six or Waynesville 897-2594. 3ctt
Truck with Hoist .
FARM fenCing, barn painting and repair. Free estimates. Phone Middletown 423-1424 or 422-7494. 17ctf
MODERN 3-bedroom house In Lytle. 3070 Lytle Rid. 3el
Water:service .
HOME repahr and maintenance carpenter, concrete, sheet metal painting, roofing and electrical. Phone 746-2982. 21ctf
.&881 WIY~~__ ,80 n •
REEDY Plumbl,ng--For you complete plumbing Installation and repal'rs. Call 897-6629 Wavnesville 31c4
JANUARY cleaning special. Furniture 20% off, 9x 12 to 12x 12-$8.95. Call us today for other low prices. Paul's X-pert Carpet Cleaning 932-7876 2c2
7-day - 24-hr. service
CHILDREN B()ARDED-Board and child care. 897-4634 after 4:45. 3c1
The former Tom Norris home in ' Waynesville. Fea. turing 2 or 3 bediooms, fireplace, 45 x 15 foot family room, ' 2-car garage, built-in stove. Vacant. Price $19,500. The Bob Townsend Home. This beautiful home has 4 bedrooms, fireplace, 2~ baths, full basement, 2~ car garage, central air conditioning. Brick and frame construction, early American design. Price $38,000.
BABY SITTING WANTED Special weekly rates or will sit by hour or day. Constant care in a good Christian home.
FOR Slim-Gym d"monstratlon, call Mrs. J. L. Fisher 897·2232 after 4:30 3c2
Item You Want To SWAP For
The MIAMI GAZETTE P:O. Box 78 Waynesville, Ohio 45068
PH. ,897-7931 or 897-2241
S 'M I
TH '
F.o r ~mpletel AUCTION SERVICE
.. call RALPH D. 8ELCHDl
Perdue ' Styers ." Bogen, ~ to 6 pOints and , game. Pierce in'the nce differe was the, 3 Jones 'BOgen av~rage~ close to 20 points 5 Florence a ~game. The Spartan team has come 34 a long way since ' the begiruiing By Harold Stanley BLANCHESTER of the current "season and if Blanchester. ran head on iDto Points ' they continue , the g~d ~(rort , a determihed t)and of Spa~ , 10 Penny , ,could surprise a few teams the and came out ort the short 4 Ackels remai\lder of the 'season and in end of a 51-47 decision on 3 Huber District upcoming the the loser's floor FridaY, night, tournament. , 7 Fiscus Jan. 16, 1970. 7 Compton SCORES BOX the paced, tt Corne Mike 6 Snyder WAYNESVILLE Spartans' attack with 18 PQints, , 2 F. G. F. S. Pomts Bails and along with Ron sackett ' 18 2 Cornett 8 taller the out-rebounded 39 2 0 1 Mayo Wildcats. 9 3 Sackett 3 Waynesville seventh ~nd The game was close during 8 0 4 Benton eighth grade basketball teams the first half with Waynesville 5 1 2 e Bourn played Bellbrook on the IQcal on top 28-25 at the half. The 9 1 41 y Bradle , floor last Thursday , Jan. 15, Spartans led by ten at the end 1970 and s,plit a pair of games. of the third quarter and then 51 7 Totals 22 The seven1th grade te.am lost went into a slowed down offense BLANCHESTER to a strong Bellbrook team 54-26. in the last quarter forcing the ' F. G. F. S. Points ns Sparta Mark Cornett, paced the Spartan Wildcats to foul. The 6 0 Bogan , 3 attack with 10 points. were unable to cash in on the 6 0 3 Proud could The eighth grade fared much 1 and 1, but Blanchester 8 2 3 Conners better and walked ',off the floor not take advantage of this and 17 3 7 Oliver with a 58-41 victory. Mark came no closer than the final 6 4 1 Dun Stanley paced the local attack 4 point margin. 4 0 2 McKinnis with 17 pOints. lloyd Crump The Spartans played a superb :chipped in with 10 points. ,defensive game in holding Blan's 47 9 19 Totals Bruce leading scorer, 6' :, 7" Waynesvilh~ 7th grade scoring: Jones, 6; Tooley, 2; Cornett, 10; BOS ~BRIDE'S"'--'" 's. Stanley, 2; Rickey, 7; Reed~, 2. Bellbrook '7th grade seonn~:
Ip'l rll ll C_-Ie:k'
III,"I h1,11'lf "
Members of the Southwestern Ohio Rural Ubr~ians met for th~ir regular meeting at the Mary L. Cook Public Library on Jan. 16, 1970. They recessed for lunch at The Fireside 1.on. Shown le.ft to right are, Mrs. Faith S~oughton, State Ubrary Consultant; Don~d Wright, Director of the Evanston Public Ubraty, Evanston, Ill.; ~ss . Doris Wood, Chairmart of SWORL; Jon Kelton, Wilmington .Public library; and Miss Barbara Micheel; Childrens' Ubr~ian Consul~~t , of the SWORL Office. SWORL, an organization of libraries in Ada,ms Brown, Clermont, Clinton, Fayette, Higwand and Warren Counties , was formed ' to study library' development in southwestern Ohio, evaluating present service and determining library needs for the, purpose of preparing a plan for the future development of library
Waynesville Country Fair Plan -s .Underw" ." By Barbara L. Irons
, 'Pl~s are well· underway ~md, ': ~tll~ ~<~~an.,~ni, F;W~~~, heal, 13; ®ul~, '6; , 10' t McMic if enthusiasm any iqdi(:~tion, ' lijUnn~:a1 ml'Dec~: . :t~' ' (. . , Scblate ' -1 2;' Sp¢ncer, r. ~.~ l' :J)" " " Wayne~e , ' should; .' ~ve 1" its l ...to~:;e~.,nI~lfjjr"Qrfi ~:e '(~~: ~J~~'~';:t~~k~ , I Wayn"esVwe ~ 8t~ ;: gr!~~ : .' ooog:' ,::" biggest and'best COuhtiY'Falr; y~t; ~' to: .....;;. ......,"'..'.. 17; y, Tom Shoup, 4; M. Stahle The, Faif1 ~sponsored" a~U!illY by lpi~'~de 1he ' . . Buxton, 6; Ctunip, 10;'ll.'Jdrtes, . .the Fire- Depa,rtment~8nd, Lyoris .plans 'ifl 2; Bowman, 4; Crabtree, :~; Ward, Qub will be expandea ,tIps'ye~ , eontinlulnce ,pf'Th e PutstantUrig.' " 4. Haz~n, 4; 2 ·, Akers " 3' Dewin . e with the addition ' of ~he ' Citizen"award initiated last yeat, .' Btllbrook 8th grade scoring: , Waynesville Retail MeicJumiS', : by the gro~p; Guidlines are beinf 6; over Whitby, 12; Allen,S; Knese, Association. 'Derinis Dalton, ' ~ -. set tip and will be turned 3; de, McBrj 2; to the ' Miliisteri81 A$SacUiti6n Mothersole, that of representative Tomsich" 5; Penick, 2; Critz, 2: organization, att~nded a joint who will handle this aw~d. ,-I", The Country. Fair gro\lP will Dawson, 4. Lyons-Fire Department meeting atthe fire house on Jan. 15, 1970 continue to hold monthly" meetings up to ' the time of the and explained their tentative plans to add to the' festivities. event and- their next one is, ' In , the plaruling stage , are a sched~led for Feb. 11, 1970 ~t~' I..oad:ing the Fire House. PATTIE A. MENDENHALL Muzzle National by;: visits meet, Association \ of 26 nhall, Pattie A. Mende Americ~ Indian~ and an historic Lytle, Ohio passed ~way homes toUr. ' A delegation, 'Sing Out, Launch, ~ . ~ .•, " ; <P7>:l• " . \ . , " at :-: -..... : :-:-:':-:-:-;-: '.-:':':-:-:':- :-:':Saturday, Jan. 17, ' 1970· including r~i)fesentatives from ,au : (Continued from 1), Kettering Memorial Hospital. She three Waynesville 'orP,ization,s ' i was a member of the Lytle will travel to Friendship, Ind. in vided an ideal, encourage exand , Methodist Church. Survivors the near future to meet with cellence, inspire greatness; , include her mother, Mrs. Geneva officials to see what facilities will give , minds a far:-reaching BJack nll WIdtn aIl ' MendemhaU of Lytle, her have , to be made necessary to challeQge. " These youths ,iulve than ,you ' maternal grandparents, Mr. and accommodate their camping in expressed it far better , ad;v.an,; ' take' all or I' could; let '8 Mrs. Guy Routzahn of Lytle, this ,area. , ' Us14 ' " "s)iow and her - paternal grandmother, Allie Carter, Jr. of the Fire tage of this opportUnity to ·them that we subscribe to~'and ' Mrs. Kathryn Herbert of supPort their idealS.' " "'\.' ': Phoenix, Ariz. Private funeral services will be conducted Wednesday (today), Jan. 21 with , Township Ttust~ :-' --: ..: :-:-:-.'.-:<' . :-:-:.:-:-:-:-:< :-: .-:-: :---: . ,', : the Reverend David Willard offiCiating. Interment will be in Maple Hill Cemetery, Tipp City, Ohio. Arrangements by 'Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home. -
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Vol. 2No. 4
AI'8a lanB8c8iv8s Acclaim F_or Hydraulic . ¡08Bign By Barbara L. Irons the Design Engineering Show to Don't be too surprised if you be held in Chi~ago in May of begin to see the name Larry this year. Potential system application would be for sophisticated Karman in National Engineering programming of hydraulic Publication. "Could be conpresses and rotary drives such as sidered one of 'the top ten hythose used on machine tools. draulic men in the nation," from Additionally, it is designed to be a colleague. "He's on his way up, I just hope we can keep compatible with manual, him" from the wife ,o f the punched card or tape, numerical President. of Scott Equipment control, or computer input Company. This is just a sampling command and control information. of the comments I heard at the first public showing of the ScotBecause of the unique comtrol System on Jan. 21 and 22, pactness, reliability and produc1970. tion effectiveness the system has , Karman of Route 2, Waynesunlimited market potential. ville came to Ohio in 1963 as a , Karman noted, "you can go as Contract Representative to far with this system as your Wright Patterson AFB on the imagination will let you go. " 8-52 program and has been in Larry's previous 5 years with . the local area since October, of the Scott Company was as a 1965. He has been Chief EngiSales Application Engineer in "eer at Scott Equipment in Daythe territory covering ,the Daytan since February of 1969. ton, Middletown and Hamilton area. 'In . that short time he has been the driving force ' in the The product showing was development of the concept and sponsored by the Scott Equipment Company in conjunction design of a solid state electronics with their .$300,000 expansion serval-hydraulic system. This syprogram which tripled their floor stem will be marketed to industry under the trade name of space; The company is engaged primarily in the engineering and Scot-tro1. First exposure on the distribution of fluid power and na,tionalmarket will be through
10 Cents
Jahuary 28, 1970 --- Waynesville, Ohio
material handling equipment serving an area covering the southern two-thirds of the state of Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana. An additional feature at the product showing was a display OIf hydraulic manifolds and associated hardware manufactured for them by Main Machine in Dayton. Karman, a graduate of Wisconsin State University with a degree in Physics, pursues real estate investment and development in the local area as a sideline.
THAT'S ,A LOT OF SALT Waynesville streets have been "seasoned" with about 80 tons of salt this winter. Bill Sawyer, Superintendent of Water, Streets and Sewer took a tally from. his calendar and reported the streets had ~e.~.n salted at least 16 times this 'season (1969-70). Digging in~ to records would probably have produced more trips out by the salt crew. Surprisingly enough, the Village used 50 tons ' of salt last winter (1968-69). Although there wasn't any of the white fluffy male rial around, we were pestered with some icy streets during the season. -
National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association to Present Program Feb. 2 Members of the Wayne Retail Merchants Association have programmed a blast to the past for Waynesville Country Fair Specta tors June 11-14 with an historic homes tour to be backgrounded by National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association shooting matches. A preview of the historic shoot-in will be presented at the Fireside Inn at 7 :30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 2.
National Muzzle Loading Rifle , Association Public , Relations Chairman Merrill P. Deer and P.R Committeeman Robert Bran t will narra te 100 color slides of Friendship, Ind., the home and national meeting site of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. Wayne Retail Merchants are inviting the public to attend this program to acquaint themselves with the projected program and the skilled riflemen who will meet here in June to compete ¡for prizes.
Mr.s.Floy Nicholas Joins Growi~ Ust of Area Authors, Artists By Barbara L. Irons Mrs. Floy C. Nicholas of 485 Franklin Road in Waynesville has been planning her book, 'Rhymes and Reasons' for several years. This past saw her long~awaited dream come true with the publication of poetry she has written during her lifetime. Mrs. Nicholas has composed some 300 poems bu t she noted thiH only a portion of them were included in her recent book. She went on to explain she had received inspirations for some of her works through sermons she had heard and incidents that had occurred in her life. She has been asked to compose poetry on several occasions for church events such as dedications, homecomings and welcomes to new
ministers. One of her sonnets which entailed the use of three words in a four-line jingle, won her a new wrist watch on the Ruth Lyons 50-50 Club. Mrs. Nicholas was reared in Wisconsin but she made her home in Ohio during part of her earlier years. Her father, the late Reverend Rollin O. Moon, served as the superintendent of t~e Otterbein School for three years during the early twenties. It was there she met her husband" the late Orion Nicholas. Her book is forwarded with a touching dedication to her parents and happy memories of Otterbein Home. The gracious lady prepares devotions for the Martha Circle of the Waynesville United Methodist Church. She commented, 12) .
'. ' , !
. .
. ~~1IMcI ..0". W~Mtday at Wayneswllle, 0"10'. SublOrlptlon price $3;00 per yM,. Ne. .,.nd price 1bci per oopy. .' . .. " . ....... ra W_ IrOns ............................................................................... ' . .. , . '. . .Editor ' ~ _ '•••••••• ~~ R\ Stanl.y••••••••••••••••••••••••_::::: ••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••• ~.... ................. .(' POrt ' s Eloltor oa ld,eIsa ;a .. 1.
II •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••; •••••••••• ~ ••• Genenl . , ~:na.I::. Hili ... ~ .......... ,~.; ..................................... .......... Advertilin. M. na.... mit Bal\\ll ....................................................... ............... Auoclat.· Editor ,Rtllnald~. HIli, David Edull ..................... ;..................................... Publllh.rl P.O. Box 78, Waynesville, Ohio 450&8 Member of the Ohio Newlpaper ASSOCiation .V
---( S3PO subscription annual -. -
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- -JI_t_'aur lawn In Co nditian for
.. ~~~
Harold BIUlr
897-2193 Intersection of Old and New Route 73 West
Proof positive when you need it! Your
A visit to " ,the Ridgeville ', Christian School allows' you to enter a world' of 3, 4, and 'S . year-olds. playing and working' together in a spiiit of love and res~ct thalt could well serve as an example for the whole world. The Ridgeville Christian School was established in January, 1969 as the result of the Ridgeville Community Church and Christian Churches throughout the country asking themselves "What can we do to meet the needs .of the people in our community?" The Reverend 111tomas J. Moc~abee, who serves as Administrator for the school" stated "we felt this would be' a great service to working families. We really feel this is a way of meeting the needs of the people in our community. TIlere are no other facilities in our area. What started as a dream with ten students now has grown to a reality with 37 students from the MiddletoW!n, Franklin, Lebanon, Springboro and Waynesville area. The school has four full-time teachers and one aide in addition
t •
to Reverepd Mockabee and there . Knowledge of French and, more to the ' facF' that . is a registered nurse on call at all . important, there are peoples and countrie's " tim~s. ' beyond our ,own. . . 1he :schoo~ is a member of the Reverend Mockal>ee :made it National ksociation of Christian , / clear there was no pressure on . Schools which has more than 300 member schools throughout any of the chil4ren to meet any academic goals but the opporthe country. Reverend Mockabee tunity was there jf they wanted noted that "Christian education is growing by leap8' and bounds it. The school str~sSes social from kindergarte~ through high adjustment fo~ the chil4 and self~ school." He added, "it is more discipline by the child through than· jusl a Sunday School, Christian love. He noted that academic excellence is our.goal. " area· schools were quite please'd The interdenominational school with the children entering first teaches Christian concepts but grade who had attended the school . and added that several no doctrine is introduced. A tour of the school and an educators in the 'area had chil. . inspection of the work of the dren enrolled. What started as a · ~eam is children was truly an education in 'what a group of 3 ta 5 year- still expanding. The school bas olds, under dedicated teacherS, plans to add a first grade in could accomplish. Three year~ September, i 970 and long range olds were familiar with the alpha- planning calls ' for one grade a bet; numbers, weather charts and year ther.eafter. It will be lidifferent shapes. Patriotism is an censed .by the state and will integral . part of the daily curri- have certified teachers. One of culum which includes the pledge the teachers, Miss Thomas.son, of allegiance and the teaching of was employed by the Mason Schools last year. Reverend . respect and love for our country Mockabee noted '~their salaries and . its flag. Four and five-year ~re': not huge but they get great olds are actually taught French. satisfaction from w~rkiIig with Miss Carla Packard, forRier printhese children. " , cipal of the Xenia Christian The'school operates five days Schooi, holds a Master's .Degree a week, year-round, from 6 a.m. from ' Ohio State University in to 6 p.m. and ' babysit.t en .stay Foreign Languages. ' She. works with the children until classes with the children daily and is . start. Many students attend the.' introducing them t9 a speaking school on' a half-day basis. ~
at this bank wi II provide proof of payment of your bills. Just ONE of the many advantages of having your checking Solvi~g the problem of where the states go in a p~zzle ~p of
account here!
the Uruted States; are left to right: S' year old Terry COi)ner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Conner, Lebanon; 6' year old andy Douglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James DougIas,.l:.ebarion; and 5 year old Mike Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. louiS Edward Franklin, Ohio ' .
INSURANCE FOR YOUR SAYINGS INCREASED TO $20,000 That's good news. Through an Act of Congress, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of which we are a member has increased the insur, ance on fNery account up to $20,000.
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The hist.oric Golden lamb in Lebanon, Ohio, which , in its ilJustrious past, has played host to great statesmen, politicians and other notables , is about to add another famous name to its guest ledger. On Friday, Feb. 6" Col. John Glenn, our fi rst man in space, will be the hpnored guest and I
The fIlms strive to include the viewer as an active partiCipant, help him or her to analyze smoking habits, and teach how to unlearn a conditioned it. behavior. Each program ,leads to another step toward withdrawel. The Heart Associ~tionhas been conducting an anti-cigar- ' The pocket-sized leaflet deette, educational campaign for . veloped by the Heart Assocyears, based on scientific evi- . iation covers the same instrucdence that cigarette smoking tion as the film series. The leaflet explains how to build mospeeds the development of cortivation for withdrawel, ways of onory artery diseases and , incutting down the number of creases the risk of heart attack. cigarettes smoked and how to That evidence is stronger than finally overcome the habit. ever, according to the 1969 Report to Congress by the Public Other anti-cigarette materials Health Service, citing studies aVailable from, Heart Assiciaover the past year. tions include such films as "Smoking -and Hear-t Diseases", Now, a "How to Stop Smok"Smoking And You", and Baring' program has been built a. ney Butt". Pilmplets include round five half hour films de"Cigarette Smoking and Cardioveloped by WOR-TV in New vascular Diseases". "Cigarette York, and a similarly-titled eight Quiz, And Waht Everyone page leaflet produced , by the Should Know about Smoking AHA These are being made aAnd Heart Disease. vailable to nationwide affIliates of the Heart Association. the American Cancer Society and the National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association to augment current educa~ional and informational programs in their .own areas. Plans are now Mr. Robert Logsdon of being formulated to show this Lebanon, has accepted the fIlm in the Southwestern Ohio chairmanship for the 1970 Heart area. Sunday campaign in Warren The fIlm series features Dr. County Branch of the American " Donald T. Fredrickson, a naHeart Association. tionally known figure' on smokHeart S",nday will be observed ing with~awel, a panel of 23 here as the high point of a smokers and' former smoking week long house-to-house withdrawel clinic participants solicitation. Volunteers will caU who have told. audiences how on . their neighbors between they stopped smoking. The leafFebruary 15 and 22, seeking , ,-let may be' used, 'independently contributions and leaving of by ,. viewers as a step-by-step educational information on heart , guideline in' conjuction with the , . diseasp. . seri~. · , . Mr. Logsdon is employed by , The wit,hdrawel program has Logsdon Dry Qeaners, Inc. He sp,ecific .. ru~es to folloW, in.. and his wife Robin and their chiding, a cigarette test to help two sons reside at 452 Eastview id~ntify the type of smoker a Drive: persQ~ is, ins'tructions for keepProceeds of the heart drive ing a cigarette tally, means of support research, education ~nd eValua't ing smoki~g behavior and community service ~ctivities of measures to take toward a patthe Heart Association. ' tern of' The American Heart ASsociation is 'accelerating its campaign to encourage Americans to quit smoking - -this time by showing and telling them how to do
Bird's Wings Move Fast The rapid motion of its wings when it flies produces the sound that gives the hummingbird its name. The hummingbird is capable of flying forward, backward, sideway~, or of remaining stationary in the air.
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basis. sPeaker at a $50.00 plate dinner at the Black Horse Tavern. Tickets or information may be obtained from Judge Robert Assisting in arrangements for G. Ray, Ticket Chairman, at 12 the affair are John Stibbs, reS.Cherry Street, Lebanon, Ohio. tired Lebanon executive, and at• torneys Merly B. Gray and . Phone - 933-3821. Robert G. Ray of Lebanon, , PRESIDENT PRECEDENT Ohio. Only one hundred tickets Andrew Johnson was the will be sold and these are avail· nation's only ex-President to be elected to the Senate. able on a first come first serve
Step forward, and briskly in this Nardis costume of 100% Dacron polyester double knit, The light cricket stripe coat, with a fantastic deep pleat in the back over rides the lifted waist Cricket stripe ~Ieeveless dress. Colors of White/Brown; White/ ~Iaci<; \lvhite/Blue. Sizes 6 to 16.
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i* ~• .,. Newstand price 1be per copy. ' t .
' .
, ~r..~nl ....................... ~!!!!...........t ...............................~.............. Editor Harold ' I Editor ,o a"ld ER\ ....Itan ••v•••••• _••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :. •••••••••••••• :.................... Sport , . , I ~•• - •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• Gen.,.•• Mlnager R......ld O. HIli ............................................................... Advertiling Manager . . Chinnal,M Banal .................................................................... Alloclate Editor R......ld O. HIli, o."ld Edsall .......................................................... Publlshe,. P.O. Box 78, Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Member of the Ohio Newlpaper ASlOclatloll...
1:-- ..:... . ~ - ~ ~ -
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Your ll. n In f 0-ii diii 0 n for
Hlrold Bluer ·
897-2193 Intersection of Old and New Route 73 West
A ,visit to , the . Ridgeville Christian School allows you to enter a world of 3, 4, and 5 year-olds playing and working' together in a spirit of love and respect that, could well serve as an example for the whole world. The Ridgeville Christian School was established in January, 1969 as the result of the Ridgeville Community Church and Christian Churches throughout the country asking themselves "What can we do to meet the needs .of the people in our community?" The Reverend Thomas J. Mockabee, who selVes as Administrator for the school, stated ''we felt this would be' a great service to working families. We really feel this is a way of meeting the needs of th.e people in our community. There are no other facilities in our area. What started as a dream with ten students now has grown to a reality with 37 students from the Middletown, Franklin, Lebanon, Springboro and Waynesville area. The s hool has four full-time teachers and one aide in addition
Proof positive when you need it!
to Reverend Mockabee and there ,knowledge of French and, more . important, to the fact that is a registered nurse on call at all there are peoples and countries times. beyond our own. . The school is a member of the Reverend Mockabee made it National Association of Christian crear there was no pressure on sChools which has more than any of the chil4ren to meet any 300 member schools throughout academic goals but the opporthe country. Reverend Mockabee tunity was' there if they wanted noted, that "Christian education it. The school stresses social. is growing by leaps' and bounds, . from kindergarten through high adjustment for the child and selfdiscipline by the child through school." He added, "it is more Christian love. He noted thai than just a Sunday · School, academic excellence is our goal." area schools were qUite pleased The interdenominational school with the children entering first teaches Christian concepts but grade who had attended the school . and added that several no doctrine is introduced. A tour of the school and an educators in the 'area had chil. . inspection 'of the work of the dren enroll~d. What started as a dream is children was truly an education in what a group of 3 to 5 year- still expanding. The school has olds, under dedicated teachers, plans to add ' a first grade in September, 1970 and long range could accomplish. Three ' yearplanning calls for one grade a olds were familiar with the alphayear thereafter. It will be li- . bet, numbers, weather charts and different shapes. Patriotism is an censed . by the state and will integral part of the daily curri- have certified teachers. One of culum which includes the pledge the teachers, Miss Thoma~on, was employed by the Mason of allegiance and the teaching of Schools last year. Reverend respect and love for our country Mockabee noted "their salaries .and its flag. ~our and five-year are ' not huge but they get great olds are actually taught French. satisfaction from workirig with Miss Carla Packard, former printhese children." cipal of the Xenia Christian The school operates five days School, holds a ~ster's Degree a week, year-round, from 6 a.m. from Ohio State University in to 6 p.m. and babysiUers stay Foreign Languages. She works with the children until classes with the children daily and is introducing them to a speaking ' start. M~lOY students attend the school on' a half-day basis. ,
' :.
a ~}, ;::;.{
. . v ............ : \
at this bank wi II provide proof
l .".....
of payment of your bills. Just ONE of the many advantages of . having your checking
. Solving the problem of where the states go in a puzzle map ·of the United States, are left to right: S' year old Teuy Conner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Conner, Lebanon' 6- year old andy Douglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Dou~s, Lebanon; and 5 year old Mike Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Edward Franklin, Ohio '
account here! INSURANCE fOR YOUR SAVINGS INCREASED TO 520,000 That's good news. Through an Act of Congress. the Federal Deposit I nsurance Corporation of which we are a member has increased the insur· ance on fNery account up to $20,000. Now . . . with greater safety than ever before plus an excellent rate of interest, our Bank can offer you a haven of safety for your hard-earned dollars that is unsurpassed on the market today, In any amount, your account is welcome.
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The American Heart Association is accelerating its campaign to encourage Americans to quit smoking - - this time by showing and telling them how to do it. The Heart Association has been condu cting an anti-cigarette, educational campaign for , years, based on scientific evidence that cigarette smoldng speeds the develo pment of 'coronory artery diseases and , increases the risk of heart attack . That evidence is stronger than ever, according to the 1969 Report to Congress by the Public Health Service, citing studies over the past year. Now, a "How to Stop Smoking' program has 'been built around five half hour films developed by WOR- TV in New York, and a similarly-titled eight page leaflet produc ed , by the AHA These are being made available to nation wide afmiat es of the Heart Association. the American Cancer Society and the National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association to augment curren t educa~ional and inform ationa l programs in their own areas. Plans are now being formu lated to show this mm i'n the Southw estern Ohio area. The mm series features Dr. ' Donald T. Fredrickson, a nationally known figure' on smoking with~awel, a panel of 23 smokers and' former 'smoking withdrawel clinic partici pants who have told ' audiences how they 'st?pp ed smoking. The leaflet may. be used indepe ndentl y of by viewers as a step-by-step , guideline 'in "conjuc tion with the 'm,m series. ' The withdrawel program has specific , rules to follow, in· cluding a cigarette test to help id~ntify th~ type of smoke r a persQn is, instruc tions for keeping a cigarette tally, means of evaluating' smoki ng behaVlor and measures ,fo take toward a pat,' tern
The historic Golden Lamb in Lebanon , Ohio, which, I in its illustrious past, has played host to great statesmen, politicians and other notables, is abou t to add anothe r famou s name to its gu est ledger. On Friday , Feb, 6" Col. John Glenn , our first man in space , wiu be the honore d gue'st and
The mms strive to include the viewer as an active partiCipant, help him or her to analyze smoking habits, and teach how to unlearn a condit ioned be~avior. Each program leads to anothe r step toward withdrawel. The pocket-sized leaflet de- ' veloped by the 'Heart Association covers the same instruction as the film series. The leaflet explains how to build motivation for withdrawel, ways of cutting down the numbe r of cigarettes smoke d and how to finally overcome the habit. , Other anti-cigarette materials available from Heart Assiciations include such HilllS as "Smok ing -and Heart Diseases", "Smok ing And You", and Bar'ney Butt". Pamplets include "Cigarette Smoking and Cardiovascular Diseases", "Cigarette Quiz, And Waht Everyone Should Know about Smoking And Heart Disease.
sPeaker at a $50.00 plate dinner at the Black Horse T~vern. Assisting in arrangements for the affair are John Stibbs " retired Lebanon executive, an? atMerly B. Gray and torney s Robert G. Ray of Lebanon, Ohio. Only one hundre d tickets will be sold and these are available on a first come first serve ,
lOlsdloTo Chair Hla rtF und D,r i v• Rober t Logsdon of Lebanon, has accept ed the chairmanship for the 1970 Heart Sunday campaign in Warren County Branch of the American Heart AsSOciation. Heart S~nday will be observed here as the high point of a house-to-house long week solicitation. Volunteers will call . on their neighbors between February 15 and 22, seeking contrib utions and leaving educat ional inform ation on heart diseasp.. Mr. Logsdon is emplo yed by Logsdon Dry Cleaners, Inc. He and his wife Robin and their two sons reside at, 452 Eastview Drive. Proceeds of the heart drive suppo rt research, educat ion ' ~nd comm unity servic'e ~ctivities of the Heart Association.
Episcopal Church Waynesville, Ohio
Step forward, and briskly in this Nardis costu me of 100% Dacron polyester double knit, The light cricke t stripe coat, with a fantastic deep pleat in the back, over rides the lifted waist Cricket stripe sleeveless dress. Colors of White/Brown; White/ ~Iack; White/Blue. Sizes a to 16.
Mon., T,*-. Wed.., Thurs., 8M. N Fridly 9-9 ,
CE '8el,lllllHIP fBl,1 . 'IElIY ·'.' JUITI ,. ,
II. unlil March 21 .
"·" :~~.:::?~U~~~~i!:~:~tB:R ' I
~, _ ,~ . ~'"9U
Andrew Johnso n was the nation's only ex-Pre sident to be elected to the Senate ,
6 WEEK SERIES January 29 through March 5
Bird 's Wing s Move Fast The rapid motio n of its wings when it flies produ ces the sound that gives the humm ingbir d its name. The humm ingbir d is capable of flying forwa rd, backward, sidew ays, or of remai ning statio nary in the air.
basis. " TIckets or inform ation' may be obtain ed from Judge Rober t G. Ray, Ticket Chairman, at 12 S. Cherry Street, Leban on, 'Ohio; • Phone - 933-3821.
Ph. 897-2374
~ af~er~
"'·-"····'~""·'~:ret~~ed li~lP~ ~ .
" ':ailip ":ftte ' '.~~nded ,to' • ~'f, '. '> :,n60n tt 3,:00 'pfm. f . . l ~' l' ~H , MIJ;':, Pottenger and , Mis: ' , ',' m ens ,,,'farm was ' ~ stampe,r, : leaders "of the ' ." '·~ Harv~ysbui8· ut,wbIch tJlree " rujused Troop, wiSh, 'to _,,,Mis.~ , ,,: ~ttoye4 th8t.' , cowi' ~c(a',ftoeki of'priie sh.eep; Lewi. Brown, Mis. The' bu~ding 'was c6J11pletely ,en- ' der, Mrs. Richa~d Ratliff, and ' 'gulfed in tWne when the deputMrs. Don Vaught for all of ments were: summoned. The their assistance for this big cause of the fire is un deterevent. mined as is' the loss. ' One of the highlights of ~-~- ' the excursion was the camp'Mrs. Clarence Price and Mr. fire which was enjoyed by the ke supPer" at "panca a d enjoye campers as well as twenty the Chailes Price's Wednesday visitors, palrents of the girls. eve~g , On Sunday, Rev~rend L Baughn visited the camp and gavc an impressive segnon. All-in-all a most wanderful experience was enjoyed by ."IEN ilS HOME NEWS all who ,aUend~d; especially . , ~ellie ..... . , . winter , S:iD(~e " the ca~ ~ , y: ~turda a was Crane t Rober , 'ized: visitor ofhis.-mother, Flora Cran~. "I
oot Pon- ' ,
VAlR ,
W.,. mDe -I97.... a moSt enjoya~le afternoon. The Order of the Rainbow The committee served oysfor Girls, Waynesville Assemter stew; the oysters being bly No. 140 held their instalfurnished by Mr. and Mrs. Allation of Officers on Saturbert Stubbs. day, lan. 24 at 2 p.m. in the The afternoon was spent Masonic Temple. g cards ~nd "isiting. playin A very impressive cereFeb. 3 at 12:00 noon at the mony was observed by all of United' Methodist . Soci31 those'in attendance. Room is the time and place Miss laVerne Caudill was the next meeting. A for installed as Worthy Advisor "carry-in" dinner will be feafor the enSuing term. Those tured. girls installed as ,her various were: Sherry c~workers Past Matron's Circle of Jsaacs~ Tammy Pringle, Karen Miami tbapte r 107 met with Stiver, Cheryl Hart, Mary Mrs. ,lucile ArmitaRe WednesLynn Davis, Pringle, Rae day evening, Jan 21. An· en- , Dane West, Cindy Sullivan, joyable evening was spent Debbie Campbell, Virlene with the,hostess. Coun,ts, Susie -Johnson, Janet , The next meeting will be Crutchfield, Teri Hartsock~' at t4e Fireside Inn on WedPatti Hall, , Marlene Rice, neSday .evening, ' Feb. 18 at Cathy Sullivan, liz Self, and 6:30 p.m. Members of the 'Teresa Mayo. circle are urged to 'be present The Installing Officer, Miss and to bring a guest. ReserCarla Sawyer, Grand Reprevations must be sent to Mrs. sentati~e to New Hampshire, Edna Hartsock. did a most commendable job. Waynesville girls who assisted Carla were Miss Susie HartThe Progressive Women's r, sock, Jr. Past Worthy AdViso Qub will meet Wednesday, as Installing Second Marshal -FeD. 4 at 6:30 p.m: 'at "the and Miss FlIen Henderson, United Methodist Church. Flag Past Grand American The speaker for the evenBearer, serving as Insta11llQ ing will be Judge Bowers. Musician. Honored guests . were: Mrs. Lanna Hart of R R "Mom" BeanIe Egelston, DisNo. I is a patient of Grandtrict Deputy of District 20; view Hospital in Dayton. "Mom" Hassler, District Deputy of District 30; "Mom" SCOUT NEWS Callahan, Mother Advisor of Frailklrn; "Mom" Snell, Advisor of Mason; Mother A "get-acquainted" meet"Mom" Niles, Mother Adviing for Waynesville Brownie sor of Washington; Nancy er Lectur Grand Past , and Girl Scout leaders was Spaeth y Worth held at the Fireside Inn on of District 20; several Monday, Jan. 19. A4visors; Mr. and Mrs. Cau- : and l, Caudil y The next meeting of these Samm . diU, , of family l, fine people is planned for Olarlene Caudil r; Feb. 19 at the ' Fireside Inn. the new Worthy Adviso Mike Mansfield, Tim Henderson, Steve Kaiser, and Dan Troops 1107 and 1469 will Behymer, all ~Molay boys; be hosting a skating party on Willard Purdue, and Marty Feb. 5 at the Lebanon Roller Mayo, serving as ushers for Rink from 6:30 p.m. until the afternoon. 9:30 p.m. Everyone'ls invited . After the ceremony reo to come and have "lots of freshments were served in the fun", dining room in which laVerne's theme of PatrioGirl Scout Troop 1469 tism and her colors of red, .went camping at Camp Midwhite, and blue were exdlemoor in Middletown this hibited. past weekend. Forty-six parof s Citizen tiCipants left the school FriThe Senior for 20 day evening at 7: 30 p.m. and Waynesville met Jan.
. I
w.aynesv ilie, East Miami St., % block off Ohio 42. HOURS - 11 ,a.m. - 9 p.m. Tues. - Sun., closed Monday
:Here 's where to bring the family when you . want the best in fine food and service ilt reasonable priees. P.cRM IT US TO ,H ANDL E YOUR PARTIES, BANQUETS,_CLUBS, WEDDING RECEPTIONS, ANNI VERS ARI-ES ~ND MEETINGS.
Fr'l' II' 'T I" ,- I" r C'..
Officers EI ec-t'ed At Jon oh's Run ,"
BY KA'IUBAlf,P:BIOB Baneyaburg Ph. _897-5312
Guest of Nellie Bunnell on ' her son, George ' "n. luesday was Bunn 11 f Pi 'Jia On Sunda :y, q. _ e. 0 _., J~ and ~de.s h~r, guesta wereRh ngton. BunneD of RRJ, Wilm, Robert Palmer called on his mother on 'J1tursd:aY evening.
. " J . D Ru ppert, Prose- , ,ame s. cutmg A~torne,y , of. Warren Co~nty ~iid . s,enior, partner of the law"firm of Ruppert, Kirby and PoweD, Franklin " Ohio an, nounted his candidacy for Representative from the 24th DiS'trict at a press conference held Jan. 19, 1970,8t the Holiday Inn, east of Middletown. Ruppert will be a contender on the Demoncratic tioket in the May Primary. A "Draft Ruppert for Congress" headquatters was opened last week, at S04~ S. Main St., Franklin, Ohio. Supporters Surprised him with· c~mbination birthday, .'and draft movement ' p,arty at the ' headquarters , last r ,,' Thursday everiing, the eve of his ' ' 34th birthday.
The annum election of offiThursday evening caller of cers for the year was held Friday night at Jonahs Run Baptist , Bessie Chaney was her son Delmar of Lebanon. Church, with the following offiChurch cers beirng elected : Eather Doster visited FloraOerk, Mrs. Kathleen Bogan;. Church Tre:asurer, Frank Gibson; mond Reed one day this week. Church Organist, Mrs. Karen Miller; Sunday School Supt., Sunday guests of Nellie Mrs. Marj1ean' Price; Sunday Bunnell were Druand and Mrs. School Secretary. Debbie GibLL. Bunnell, Brent and Me&5a son; Sunday School Pianist, of Piqua, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Gwen Bogan; Music Director Bunnell of Wilmington and Miss and Chorister, Mrs. Kathleen Jill Ousley of RR3. Bogan; senior Hi. Baptist Youth Fellowship, Mr. and Mrs. Oint Taylow; and , Assista,,~, Mrs. Bertha Hess was a Sunday " ' . 'Bogan Kathleen dinner guest of the· Irwin' 'Ellis'. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams and daughter Patti have returned . Miss Gertrude Olandler called home from a Florida vacation. briefty on Maria Elbon on Sunday evening. Mrs. P-.lUline _Miller of Dayton was a weekend .guest of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Turk' fost~r of' Mabel Terry. Xenia ' and Rutb Reeder of rehas Doster Mrs. !Ruth Waynesville were Sunday callers ' the turned home after spending of the Home and Bertha lfess. holidays at Buckeye, Ariz. as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conard ' Hartman, son of Doster. While in Arizona she also Glad~ Hartman, was a guest of visited Mrs. Helen Hill of Mesa, ,his mother ,Sunday and brought Arizona and Mr. and Mrs. her a Philco TV. Charles EllisOn of Apache Junction, Aru~. , floramond Reed visited with Evelyn Crane on Sunday. Mrs. Karen Miller was.hostess for the Missionary Circle of Sarah Burnet's Sunday pests Jonabs Run tllurch Wednesday afternoon. were Rue ,and Antha Dinwiddie of Dayton. . The Arthur Gibsons of Lees were guests Saturday Creek Dennis Dalton called on Mrs. evening at the Frank Gibsons in Anna Thackara one day this honor of Mrs. Frank (Dolly) week. Gibson's birthday. Ivan Smith returned home Monday following Oral Surgery at Miami Valley Hospital where he had been admitted early SundAy morning. Lawrence (Rabbit) Pealy returned home Wednesday from Kettering Memorial Hospital in Dayton. Steve Reynolds was treated and released from Clinton Memorial HoSpital early Su~day , MOrning following a tnic,k acci- ' ·dent when he ·hit- a tree~on ~ Street. 'No other ,persom ;'were nt'. ' ,"; aCCide , involvod ' in ttle_ "' ~ ~. .~ ,
Phone 897-7046
, I .;'
,:. I
'.; ~ The.' Way~e ' .T(riVJlS1lUp', "''Department ! ,
Nettie Palmer was a Centerville visitor on Saturday.
Women who ' shop BDd read labels carefu lly shQuld
,', h~ ,tbe:.,~QI:d "p~~hl'9l)k" , on clijthiDg and mater ial · labels . Just the word "preshrun k" does not tell ' you how much shrink age is still ,left in the fa'bric. If~ " on the 0 the r haIid~ , the label aay. "one perce nt
shrb)k ag,,f' or IOmethiDI simila r. , tfien it' ..ould' be sta~ , .".. ,actual ' --..IIU '.. ' ..;:,. J'~:- ," " . ':I._rial..';vaau OJl' ~a. ~, qla~ , . ,; ". 1'" . Manu factur erS WJi<jime~;
a~ that, a
".ti*!a.,pte. /
1,.."If shrunI t ate .'attem ptbia, , to '. 'IIilalead you • ~i-wlae~ " " they would s87 ' hOW muCh ' 8luink a1. you ~ e~.
109·S.' MAIN -ST. ' :·',:" ILLE-, ~ ·, OHIO 'WAYNESV .' . ,
Open .1)8i1.Y 1,:00 p.~.
, . to '8:00 .p.m.'
..Ar.~.' '''.
by' 'A Daoii nflnei ,t
oftwelve'. VisItOrS \f'ere retU~i)mg' ~, to th~i~ homes, work and SChoblS' . ,,in th city.
bY, ' Katherine
THANKSGIVING Not rriany people took time out t~ . attend, .c~urc~ on Thanksgiving, but the mothers breaihed prayers from grateful
. hearts while busily engaged in preparing the family feast. And what a feast-there was the traditional turkey, oysters, home-made rolls and fresh
Living near a big woods , we always had hunters on Thanksgiving day. One of our dogs was gun-shy ; how she hated them. One sniff of a gun and she slinked into the kitchen and lay. back of the big old ra~ge uIlltil eve~ one ~f th~m was gonle. We couldn"t coax her out to eat. Jane was a beautiful big collie. She was a smart dog; carried the mail from the mai1b~x into the house, carried notes to the men out in the fi4~lds or woods, brought the cows in at ,milking time, ,
down the street at night without fear. Facing Congress when it . The Administration h~ reassembles is a lengthy legisl~tive agenda. One of the started to tackle ~e problem of crime. Propo.ats are before major orders of business on the asenda.-is anti-crime legislation. Congress now that are aimed Throughout America we are at improving the court system experiencing a rising crime rate. and . correctional system. The increase in ' crime is even' Administration proposals include outstripping . the population ' the right ' of a Judge to detain growth 01 the cOlin try by 11 an arrested criminal' if he feels to 1 and the FBI has w.arned that his rele8$e would pose . that one out of every 50 will dangers to society .. become a victim of crime. It is necessa~y to establish CrJrninal action has been successful programs for e~cused by many as 'a product rehabi1ita~on~ ., t1~~~y~~, these . };of ,\ thif l . enVifoinnenf:" Their programs must be -handled reasohing is that poor living inainly at tlie State and local conditions breed crime. To a level. We have seen . a high . degree this is true. Certainly repetatition of crimes committed , better educational and by .those who have .been .: employment .opp~rtunities, pardoned or released from housing conditi9ns and access prison. This is .a general conditio~g recrea ion are indictment of ,the rehabilitation factors in a 'child's attitude system. t9ward society and ' its laws. The. Adminis.tration proposals Partly as a result of · this kind lie strmied before Congressional ofl reasoning there is a general Committees. I have introduced pernijssiveoess al'\d lazity toward a bill that would increase the meting out ' punishment to ,penalty for a crime committed . criminals . and juVenile wi~h a firearm. This bill suffers . delinquents. " -~ilistirnent:' has . the same fate as the , 'been:;\~oWrfplay~d for .corrective Ad~tration 's b.ills. The and often ~ostly 'sociarpro~ams. A~minisuation asked Congress loopholes "exist _'wblch enable last year to, act on anti-crime· cririlin:~;and his ia\v}ter to aVQid measures. It failed to do so. justice., . Hopefully the Majority . It ~~ms tba~ there .is more Leadership Will permit the House sympathy for t~e criminal todily to act on this proposal early than the Victim.·1 ask now about this year. the pgh~ of those who "live The Ad1llinistration is to be within the law? The time has . co~e~ded 01) the action taken . conie to remove the 6riminal with respect to organized crime. from ' the s.tr~et so a citizen At the base of crimes I
1 . _
related to larcency and drugs lay the Costra Nostra, Mafia and organized crime. The Administration through Attorney General John Mitchell has declare.d . an all out war against organized crime. The most noted cases are the indictments of public officials of New Jersey. Similar actions may soon take place in Baltimore, Maryland, where one County COmmissioner has 3lready been indicted.
- GOLD ON THE MOON Scientists studying samples of . rock ' brought back from the Moon have found traces of gold. The amounts are described as trivial, but no wonder NASA and the Astronauts are raring to get back to the Moon.
CALENDARS . We have copi~s of the 1970 pictorial calendar of the Nation's Capitol anilable for distribution. Your re1quests will be honored as long as the supply .lasts. Please send your requests to my Washington Office, 1338 l.on.gworth House Office Bldg., Washington, D. C. 20515.
SUMMER Each summer , the Federal Government offers a limited number . of . jobs to ' college studen~s arid other, who are at least 18' years of ' age. The qualifications for each job vary from a~~ncY' to ·agency. Those Who desire more information may write the Washington office for a ' booklet, "Summer Jobs ' in Federal Agencies ...
CLEIRIICE ,SILEDI " i.t;~'IIIUI ' can .~
., .
, CHRISTMAS How we listened for the whistle, yes whistle, before the diesel horn of- the train that brought members of the family, relatives and ' friends h,?me for Chiistmas. The stores took on the holiday look with their red and green decorations Most families had a Christmas ttee trimmed with the traditional angel and star. The kids were busy making popcorn and cranberry garlands for the '· tree. A crowd of carolers went to those who were shut-ins or invalids, and standi rig out in the snow in the street, sang ' carols. Baskets or' food were distributed to the needy ~amilies. As always there were those who just had to celebrate with a brawl . .Mter the usual feast on Christmas day the visiting began in earneSt. All .the usual holiday
Gloomy ou ~ sid.e ? Bad weather? Shelves , illed with indoor games' to pray in poor weather are gifts of sunahine k enjoy year ·,r ound·! ActiVE games Qr table top .q"ie~ ones, all types b,~ ~he ice when , cousins arrive 10 a atom and need to thaw'out. On~' .ure way to take the. chill o~t of the bones for both adulta aDfJ· yo~gaters is "Limbo tep."
_._,, ' \.l
~ ~ 1\ ' l ~~i~
:' .....II!~:iiiiiii; ~ . J •,' .I~
I.: pes 1 10 . . . .t UMBO LEGS 'AD, D~ .... pia, SbDple to . t up, the limbo machine can be set fast or slow, hich or low, ~ leba everyone jumpiDc! Turn on the muaic, and the chUled feelinl diappf.rs wben .u the family and lUeeta take a tum, at jumpm, over the limbo rod. If you au.. and touch the rod, you're eliminated.. Last one in the IbDbo circle wina.
Graund Beef
Pork Cho ps Pork Roast BologRa
1% LB.
Milk Ch.olale Uri nk ,Pai. Crisco "
2-~AL. CARTONS .2%
3 LB.
Salad dressrng
'0' •
Reg. $1.19 NOW
.l f the snow continued all day ~ the sleighs and sleigh bells were brought out in the evening.
U~nll planta in red clay pota do double decorative duty indoore. and out. . . Container I:ard~ning in clay pots is the ..afl~est way to achieve thiB portable beauty all year round. Califo( niana. toPs .i n pot plant l(a"leni"I". achieve their dp.oorative But'Ct'88 with clay ,M,ls. ' '. H(lUte plant._~ tb,at can do dutv indoore and out iooJll1~le. sucih roli~e ,)1anta 811· u'o tte d It-rns, ' J)hilodendron. ,.;,;: ,.:.;.. :; ..', >.',.......... hr and such
ApD'e Bult. ', .'n ·'" DoI ,Chi I WHiTe VILLA
. DaN~.·
59c, 97c 69c 49c 99c 79c 25C 29c ,
39c 37c 2Sc
AY'M '.E :S 'V 'I :L ,' W '" ' 'A RltE: T '" ....
J ••
. . ;" -:-
. ..... ,,,..,
-. Wonder if the floor is any ·har4er than when they ·~ere :in school?
The referee couldn't quite decide whether he wanted to watch this tip off or not. '
Fllll IEEI
Playtex Jan. SAlE SlOO off
No, that wasn 't halftime entertainment you saw at 'the ·Booster's basketball game last Wednesday. Wayne T9wnship Fire Chief Bill· Sawyer w~s called to ~he high school to '~vestig3te a, definite burning aroma iri the air. What could have been Jar more serious turned out !o be dirt burning off a heater in the ceiling of the gymnasium. Holding the ladder for Sawyer's ascent ate Dorsey Benton, High School Principal and Craig: .Francisco, Jt. High Principal . .
2~ ' ''.
Ini ,ST.
Saturday 5 to' 11 . FebruarY land~, 1970 ISunday 12 to .10 . Dinner - Served ·Noon Sunday· Chuck - A - Luck · . Fish Pond . Beat the Dealer . dingo Refreshments ST. JOSEPH'S COMMERCIAL HIGH SCHOOL
Special wee.kly ra~es or . wil' sit ·by hour or. !day: , COnstant care." in a good '.. Christian home. Phone 8~n·5921 '
Corner of Second and Madison Streets Dayton, Ohio
PH. 897-4946 .
Ol1STOII . · ~ · BOIIE BUILJ)EB . ;. - ALL tt':YPES.. :a~.O:DELING , Bobert .Carter 'Son ,
ASk' for Jean Hill "',
. ~~ .
~~ .
Waynesville PH. 897-4971
Irsl nnlvers'
LIVING ROOM REG. '241.00 3'4.00 271.00 341.00 45'.00 331.50 3'4.00 311.00 141.00 1 " •• 5 311.00
SALE Av.cado Eagle Print Sofa .............................................. 200.00 Gold Floral Print 50f................................................... 325.00 Early American Brown Tw..d...................................... 229.00 Early American Gold Tw..d........................................ 241.00 Red Sofa and Chair...................................................... 321.00 Conover Gr.. n Tr.d. 50f............................................ 211.00 Conover Gold Tweed................................................... 325.00 Tradltlon.1 Sof............................................................ 150.00 Lov. 5.at, Gold or PI.ld ea. ........................................ '1.00 Rocking Lov. 5 ••t........................................................ 1'9.15 Loose Cushion SOfa ...............:...................................... 310.00
9:30 -'6:00 - Tues. - ~~ed. - Sat. '9:30 - 9:00 Thurs. lSI Fri.
All Tell' C,ty
t.~I.. j·ch.ln.
hutches........:.....................:.!"' off ' .',
$1.00-2.00-3.00 and up
1/2 off
175.00 ".00 12'.00
,33'.00 Medlt.rranean O. Dr....... mirror, o:hest, b~ .............. ,1".On 24'.00 Jotlns6n-C.rper ~ Dresser. mirror. che.t, bed............. 13'.00 331.00 White o. or....... mlrror,ch.st, bed............................. 2".00 1~.50 Mapt. ' or• ..., with mlf1Or.......................................... .111.00 ••••0 M .......... Chest...................... ................................... ".11 477010 C:lllmnfY Cor,.. M.pI. cannon Bali Bed. 0 ; or....r • ..... toh Mirror. Cliett, St~nd •••••'. ............... ~........ :.. ~........ 377.10
.10% to 75%
, -
'.~,;.~ ~
, •.. ( • •' ,
12'.11 ~ E!~t DaC~';1 __ nch wlt~ ~',?,on: •.•~ ••! ....;~ .•.. ,.;;./"~ ..... ~ . 57.00 Hltc.hCOCk Black ·. nd Autumn ~Ookeu•. ~~~':, ....; ..... ;•• \
OCCASIONAL TABL'ES ~ 40.00 75.00 ".00 ".00
.. \ , f
• ".00 M.pae Cedar Chest•••••••••••••• ,. .....................................;••• ~ 'I~OOI .:: 1" . 1.24.00 M..... ·Bookca.. CIOCk ..........·•••••••~ ............... _............... '00.00 .<' '. 4. •5'0 PI ne ~· ~&. ~ .'," 'J". ~ ••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• !o. f •••••••• , . .......'•••••••••• ~."p ..... 10 .. '
c................................................................ . .
La-Z·Boy .nd Broyhill Recliners................................................. 20% off 214.95 Plaid Chair .nd Ottom.n............................................... 141.00 Kenmar Green Recliner................................................. 221.00 Black Vinyl' Chair .nd Ottom.n....................................
~EG: , 5A...E Pine T.bllt with th.... ,..;'ei .......................................... " ' .11 '1.21•." 140.00 Modern, Oinett•• f~u' Cha-'rL................~ .........._.. ~... . II.'.~ 27." ,1.11 ,. ~.pI~ IIIIIt..
CHAIRS • I~.II~' •• OO Group of Chal·rs .................................................. $ ".00-139.00 Group 0' Ch.lrs.................................................. 1'1.00 CI.sslc QUilted Chairs.................................................... 11.00 Ollv. Vinyl Recliner......................................................
:J .,
: ... '. ;. J~
.. . St••I :
" ',-: •
' .•
'. The Booster'~ ' Club ' n,ght . at Waynesville High School. on. Jan. 21; 1970; ' swelled their treasury by $210.50, less some veri minor expenses, to be use~ for the year-round athletic program at the local sChool. Th.e family night. of sporting entertainment · included basketball with seventh and eighth graders, the Girls' Athletic Association against the Womens' Faculty and members of the Booster Club against the Mens' FacUlty. The .first game of the night saw the 7th grade gold team defeat the 7th grade white team by a score of 17:13. Tom Rickey led the gold team in
,{ I
scoring' i With :' ', terti· .pomt$,. " ',! .Scoring for the tWQ ,teams follows: White: S. S~nley, 7; Cor~ett, 6, paid: .Rickey, 10; Jones, 5; Reed, 2. ,The eighth grade game resulted in 8' 3.4-17 victory for ~he gold with. Dewine leading the victors WIth eleven pOints. Scoring in the game is as follows: White: Bowman, 2; Jones,' I; Ackers, 5: Ward. 7: Nelson, 2. Gold: Dewine II; Crump, 7; M. Stanley, 10; Shoup, 6. It's really difficult to say who led who in the GAA-faculty game. The score-keepers became so engrossed in the fun on the court they didn't keep tally. It's .probably safe to say Tom and Gordie Hatton both
Radio Station WSAI will kick ~ff the,5th .Annual "School With the Biggest Heart" (.',ontest on Saturday, Jan. . 31~ 1970, it was Correction of Police RePort announced today. . The Police Report for 1969 Each penny received in the issued in last week's issue errc- . contest counts as ' one vote for neously reported the Police Department had investigated 52 that school, and all proceeds go to the Heart Fund campaign, to automobile accidents outside the be used for heart r~search. corporation ,limits. The article WSAI will sponsor a dance at . should have read the department the winning scho,pl with "big investigated 52 automobile acciname" entertainment, as well as dents inside the corporation and some of the station's "Good either investigated or aided Guys" in attendance. The Heart another agency in the investigaFund will present a trophy to tion of 27 accidents outside the the winning sch091. corporation. The Miami Gazette The four previous contests apologizes for this mistake. have resulted in over $48,000
Tom Hatton, former Uni,versity star, led the Boosters to a 87-67 victory · over the Mens' Faculty. Tom scored 15 points foHowed by Ratliff. with 13 points for the victors. Ageless Dlive Hartsock rifled through 10 quick points in a· matchless display of shooting in the second quarter to give the' Boosters , a cbmfortable lead over the faculty. Coach Gary Davis and Mitchell Smith chipped in 14 pOints apiece for the Faculty. Boosters: Hatton, 15; Rickey, 3;
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . being donated to the Southwestern Ohio Chapter of the American Heart Association. The winners were, Fairfield High School, Reading High School, Wm. Henry Harrison High School and last year, Indian Hill Junior High' School. The contest will close at 5 p.m. on Mo~day, Feb. 16, Students are encouraged to earn money contributed ' to the contest.
. .,
. ,
.. REIUUR .PA_OO.I 1_ _
E.lective Immediately .,
' "
.... 1-1111l1li .OERTlFl8ITU. OF DEPOSIT (MblbDam 'l,OOO~OO)
-.ONE·YEIR DERnFiGATES OF DEPOSIT . ' (Minimum $1,000.0(»
. .(MiDim1llD .~,ooo.OO)
11TIlli'", 'IAU
.' .
. .
'RESEF~~~ SYS:r:E:~> .:~ . I i 'f"
Pre-registration, campaign speeches, secret balloting-these are all terms Waynesville Junior High students are becoming increasingly familiar with as they conduct their class elections in much the same manner as pub- . lic officials campaigning for of- : fice. To insure every student the opportunity to hold a class office, the seventh and eighth grade students hold class elections every one-and-a-half to two months with no student being permitted to hold an office twice. The campaigns are complete to the point of having campaign speeches and secret balloting. Pre-registration is also required of the students before they are permitted to vote. Craig Francisco, Junior High School Principal, reported that some improvements have come about as the result of his meetin~ with elected class presidents and suggestions made by them.
It Pa,1 To
Jr. High Classes Hold Frequent Elections
} •• ,-, " ,
' . ' '; . '..
Spruce . Up If you've noticed that Junior High student Q.f yours taking extra pains with his or her appearance lately, there'~ a good reason behind it. Craig Francisco, Junior High School Principal, reported that during one of his regular meetings with .seventh and eighth grade class presidents; they suggested a weekly ~ooming contest for students. The idea was quickly adopted by Craig, who added the incentive of a pri,ze .for the winner. The well-spr:uced ,~dent, who is selected weekly, ~eives a fr~ pass to all basketball gimes play~ on the ' Waynesville court during. the week. , ,~
l ... ; ~
,Spartans . ;' "FG 'ES 'Total
Cornett Mayo Sackett Benton Howard Bourne Bradley
,I:p.rl ... 'Iown ,CUnhn- IlIlil Harold R.' StaBley . Spo:r:ts ~tor ,
' 1"2' ' 7
4 3
2. ' 1.
10 "'''7
paced the Spartan attack'with 22 pomts. Ron Sackett backed Bo with 20 points and Led by the scoring -of Do Jeff BOurne chipped in with Bradley an.d Ron Sackett, the East Ointon 12 paints. The Spartans, led .. WaynesviUe Spirtana defeated . by Ron Sackett and Mike , th" Clinton-Massie Falcons ': FS , Total ' FG . last Friday 11-67 on th~ Fal- " Cornett, out-rebounded the Falcons. ' 2' .Kramer 9 IS .con's home floot. This is the BeVens and Meadows West 3 4 10 ,',econd Friday in a row that 1. 4 paced the Falcon ·attack with PoOle ' the Spartans have defeated a 6 27 poin~ and .14,. points ,re' S ' 14 team, that had beafen them Streber 30 spectively~ 'rhe SpaJ1ans held ,earlier. :,' . ·S ' 3' Rutisill 13 the Falcon's · high ~.ring. Wy ,The pme .was a real thril-, Terrell 1 3 5 'SOng to 12,poi'nis. . 'ler .all .the way, as no more Carnahan 1 2 4 than·, 7 points ever sepe~ted Mindrell 1 4 6 the two teama.. Qinton-Massie '2 Ouuice 0 2 East Clinton,Defeats owned i '1'1-)5 ,e.<fat·,the.'end Foul-Pla9u8d'Sparta"'l O.f the .. f1l1'l'.quarter. The Spar. tans owned a one point 34-33 East Clinton ' defeated the 7th and 8th Gradi ,lead at tuM·, time, thanks to Teams lose to·Mason Spartans SatUrcl8y, Jan. '24, the good shooting Ron Sackett. . ,~,. -, " , '. 1970, 94-19 ' in~ a '~e' which . saw. the ~rtans\vith" Q~y. fgur; 1. • The Waynes~e s~en~ and . 1he FllcOOJ C8JPe out stiong th9ugb iu the'~ third play,en ott ·\~~e fl<tQ~ ' t r·the"" finII "~lo~lght~ gra~e tealJ1s -didn t ~~fe quarter '.'altd Opened .( up buzzer. ,'Die Spartans ~a 'five . : . ~e~ m their .games With seven-poullt lead midway playen leave the game,with.,l)ve., '. , ~o~ . 011 Thursday, Jan. 22, ,-.' 1970. ' , . "' through the quarter. Bradley fow.. The ',.~P'"U... managed a., '; ~'~The "",eqtb: ~ grad.Ot,,· _ dethen got hot -and hit three 5~-46 halftime I~. d a?d w~~e f.a~e4 49-36. Jones led the W~y-, straiJilt jumpen and the Spars~ up by o~e, ~t. W,ltb t~e~ . n~e :sc0r!ng with .14 points. tans were. able to manage a nunut~ left 18 the third qlJ8rter. . OUter,scoring for 'Waynesville in49-49 ' tie at the end of the The, game quickly' "got ' o~t of ~luded ~rnett, 10; Lutes, 2; quarter. hand at this point when Spartan Stanley,4;and!Rickey,6. The l.~ad changed hands after Spartan went to the' bench , ' The' '. ejghth :grade' team sufseveral times in the! fourth with, )Uf ~,~h fo~" .:',' . " fered, a 45-17."setback from tJ.1e quarter until the spartans . ~ '~p8rt8ns outgoaled East Mason team. Bo~~ and Stangrabbed the - _ead' 'for goQd, Ointoil 32:29 PUlled ,down ,ley, each; scored 4 points for .the . with'three minutes left in ,the 52 reboundS to Ointon's .41 ~ayne~e team. Other scoong: ' game. The Spartans managed to ope.. , up' a six-point lead 'b\1¥t'Ointon ' went tb'" 'the' ' ," ul' .sho~'p.t 3.; Jon~s, 2; Crabtree, 2; . . ' 10 . amd,War4 '2":'" ';•. 1 : I.'· and held on for the fmal fourline 46 times and made good on ' , . , . ,. point margin. ' BQ .Bradley 36. This was 'the difference in ~.' ...: the ·pme.' All together, Waynesville was ' Called ' 30 times f~r RESERVES LOSE TWO . ' fouling, while EaSt Clliito~ "was .. " called for only 17. Mai\y of these The ~~e team lost were called in' the last miiwtes of both their games over the the game when the outcome was weekend.·, Friday, they were already settled. dpWned by Ointon-Massie 62How often ' have - ~OU' beogun ' a .tatmnent with, "11. I "'ve. to , . The Spartan attack was led by Dick O'Banion paced~~he be 100 .. .I" At the,rate thr ex. ' yaUpg Spartans with" 13their fine center" Mike Cornett, pec:ted life "~n 'hAl . inrr~ . pmnb. . who scored 31' pOints. 'This is in recent years, it might be a . ~ common occqrren(of' f9r Mbil'M • On Saturday, Jan. '24, Mike's penonal high for one now bor~, I~ i900. ftcror~iJ.lJ( J.. 1970, the reserves were jdegame. Mike was also hit in 'the . t~' l_~orld Almanac, tbe feated by East Clinton 55~5. 'face (ljlrulg amelee that «curred . .- e'~pected life-span for boy ba~ietl;: ~ '-IG.. years; ,(emal". The Spa~1ans w.~te' led in '.the ' in the" third qUarter. The blow 48; In 1966, it incrf1lw t9 66 ~o~~ ;i-.cOlunpt _',. by Alan, for inil~ .nd 73;'for females! .W8s struck by' a so' called Eaij Pierce" with 15 -'POints. .Al,' 'Oint-on ''fan.' ,It is hard to though the Reserves have what or who really started this· been bogged ' down with a fight. During the beat ora ganie, losing .~on," there are these things ~p~~ . ~d will eral fine prospects that should help the Varsity in, .the next - c~tinue to ~ppcm. 'BYen .wi~ few yean~= such hilppeniitp,. there' is' abso- 1 -,~-~--lutely n~ e . fQr any ~n . i to come out of the stands and attack ,a .player~ 11iii is one > , reasonthe,re are sO ~y games now ' ~eiJlg .,..yed around the I
II , II '. , 11'1,I , II t I,r 'II r i I c',' ,
"IS ''7'. 4III
(1900 pilon taik)
Ttuck with baile' tID lift tIIIIk
R£lAX AND ,1£AV£
44-: t.,
Work Is a "Must" Here , 1
_'"'~, W~.~d.,~~ ~
iIltrocluce to you ~m,' "~~ ~p' , quality prllltulg. Much ,effort baa 'gone iIltO 1M;; <,~, PROVING our quality .tandarcl.. The latest ill type- J. letting equipment ,b rill. CD you this "ciualitt at lower f ~ pncea. I:,
• '. • -
, of
I" 'r't.ii I'~II
r ,
The" ·Spartans ·~m host the Mason Co~ts and their fine
. 8to1t~
the'prlnfien:Ii 1D th8 Heart
,c Do1rntowa W&JD '
. Located at
the offices 'of
';The' 'MIAMI GAZETTE . , PHon 897-O9'll1 ., . .
, W:.~es~~~ :~hio
scorer, F~ .~Uy" Fridiy, ~an. 30, 1970, .so' come out ind watch ,8 800d 'ball~. The rebounding Spartans ' should prove t? 'be-a "l00~ match for . the CO~ti. Mason is ,cur- : \ rentJy leadlng , the Fort An- ~ dent VIlIl!y, ~#...~. . '" t. i Halftinie ~nte"'''';fttfi .... ~ & .,........"1rn or the game will be provided by •, ~ W~yn~e , ' <lIaii~teetl t drill, t~ -under th~ direction .
of MrJ·: PAmela , punifuf ,
stat~ ~~out any spec~':jta:J:'o~n~:'~!!'~"~;;;;:~~~!!!~~2fJ !Iii
r _"
:B.UV I~
~ ~
A .:
CO)!1~LEtE -,KIT' "
New Mn. .FIOra.Burns
Ph. 882-4190 . '
' on Vine Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dill of Xenia are the proud parents of a baby girl born on Friday at Greene Memorial Hospital. The new baby has been named Dianna Kimberly. The grandparents of the new baby are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dill of Main Street. Mrs. Lucille Compton of Bellbrook Avenue is the great-grandmother.
Sheriff Bradley gave a talk on drugs at the Spring Valley United Methodist Church on Sunday evening. The program was sponsored by the Win-Mer Class. Hosts and hostesses were Mr. arid Mrs. Don Queary and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Green.
-- ~ -
Mrs. Jack Issac of Old Xenia Road was given a W~tlding Shower on Saturday evening at the home of James Burns of Dayton, Ohio. 'Hostess was Mrs. James Burns. Mrs. 'Issac is the former Jean White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .. Don White of Bellbrook, Ohio.
. Mi. Kenneth Winters has been ill for several weeks at his home
It. Hall, MRS. HILEY GIBSON Mt. Holly -
Ph. 897-6162 .
The Mary Martha Circle met at the home of Mrs. Don Jordan on 'fuesday. Mrs. Dan Huff was Program uader and Mrs. James Stroup was ' cp-hostess at the meeting. . Mr. and Mrs. John Stamper of Hill Street have recently returned from Irwin, Ky. where they visited their relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Vaught of' 644 Peach Orchard Drive, West Carrollton, Ohio will celebrate 1~heir fiftieth wedditlg anniversary on Sunday. Their children ~Ul hold an open house from 1:30 . until 5 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Vaught, 33 West Blossom Hill Road, West Carrollton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Vaught 'were married Feb. 1.1920 in Somerset, Kentucky. Mo. Vaught is the former Susie Hargis of that city. Mr. Vaught is retired from McCalls.
Mr. an,1 Mo. Vaught are the parents of three children, Rodney C. of New Jersey, Gordon L. of West Carrollton, and William Donald of Lytle, Ohio. They have eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Friends. relatives, and neighbors are cordially invited to attend the open house Sunday afternoon .
'Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Vaught . . '
Cold Weather Fun ·In Ohio
Mrs. FJSie Herrington of Miamisburg spent Saturday night with her Mother, Mrs. Hiley Gibson.
Cold winter weather is no deterrant to outdoor fun in Ohio. The state's hilly areas lend themselves to skiing, sl~dding and tobogganing. Lakes, rivers Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael and bays when frozen solid with and' Mrs. Addie Dill were supper ~ests of Mr. and Mrs. ice become a floor for fishing Wa~ter Moore .of near New shanties, ice boats and skaters. Burlington, Monday evening. Camping and hiking are additional activities enjoyed Mr. and' Mrs. Robin of d\1,ring the win,t«1[ ro01)~. Mich. are spending a few days . Ohlo's state parks remain with their daughter and famopen during the winter months ily, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sailor. so that visitors may enjoy the hiking trails and (when weather Mr. and Mrs. John Hall -and ice skating, permits) sons, Tony '· and Joe from tobogganing, ice skating and even ....Spdngfield, called on Mr. and . MrS • . Morris uwis Monday. picnicking. Many parks provide trained naturalists who give Mrs';' John Smith and chillectures and conduct field trips dren spent Thursday with her for city folks who have never parents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis gotten acquainted with the sights . Crawford. and sounds ot the great outdoors during cold weather. To insure '. Mrs. Hiley Gibson called . the safety of visitors to the · on Mr. and Mrs. Harold parks, signs are posted at ice ~geri . of West Carroll.ton. skating areas and sledding hills She also called on Mr. Tom •. U~1t • t tb Miami Valley Hosto indicate when it is "safe" . .,.....,...... . ~'" pitat Sunday afternoon. or "unsafe" to use these facilities. FJgbt commercial Mr: Earl Soward of Spring establishments offer skiing in Valley c~ed ' on his .sister, Ohio from December to mid~: Addie 'Dill, Thunday. March with snow machines operating when Mother Nature OUR TtiANKS fails to provide enough of the real "stuff. " A few areas in I want. to thank the nort~eastem Ohio have and "WaYne Town- especially designed ice chutes ~'ship Fire Departments for for tobogganing, a thrilling and th8ir, auistan«;e during the exhilarating winter sport enjoyed fire that 'c:leJtroyed the barn by the entire family. " 011' 'my· property Mar ~rSnowmobiling, the latest .craze yaysburg , . , . ·I&it Week~ to overtake the outdoorsman, is available at several· places in
~~S~fi~=~~~ .. ~ @~.tr~~g .CONESTOGA TEM~OK.
Eimboeled _t&nd effect wttlt neutral beige' to,,",
the "snowbelt" of northeastern Ohio where the g(ound covering of snow is deep enough to lend itself to snowmobling. As a rule the - trails are located in areas where there is enough acreage tlO avoid overcrowding of snowmobiles and where forest trees and ravines make it interesting and challenging. .The , less hardy soul whQ
hibernates the minute he sees should discover what · he has been missing in the way of wintertime fun and frolic. For information on Ohio's winter
'!be Long SUm ~ ia what eve1'Y,~ w.aatl now·: it'. undoubtedly the beat pantamate ever invented; Tunlca are feminine--long enoUlh to Qaftr . any figure problema-loDl : enough to make every wearer ' look taller and dimmer. Do try , on theae marveloUi tuniC. with the new pantl.
sports facilities write to: Development Department, Information Central, Box 1001, Columbus, Ohio 43216.
, -
PH. 897-7931 or 897-2241 BOB
ON£:.OF THE LARGEST I,. , . MfA.. . . THE LANG CHEVROLET cO;. 1--21 E. , MAIIt "ST. XENIA..,;.~OHIO ' .XENIA ,Ph.' 372-3553 RES. 'PIt••7-
Eleven Ten Radio . .
RALPH D. 6ELCHER ubanon, Ohio
t • _,
, -+
t. .
.II.'C ·,f. 'lilT
Ph. 932-6101
'. iBBVIOB . ,. Automobi1e VDfta ' Oommercial'- BeB1denUal-' -., -;- ' . ., , PHO.E . . . .
._1M ....... IN. I.R.2_
1,11·, '11 llille CI:nllr' _
. .
OPEN 10 A.M.-' P.M,, " .' SAy. ' f!;~~P.M.
. , RIIigious BOc.1: DrUn.; . , in MicroPhones . . Bible ~ < ,,~:
saa,. 'J'
. ,• :}
'.~" •
• l._"'~!III ;-.eIWIrt:
"'MattllMr tat~11 I ';,,' '. • U NOW when Jesu. 'hl.d he.rd 'thlt JoM , wal ca't In't o prlsoh, dep.rted Into Gal- '
11M, , ", " ,, ' ";13 'And leavln, Naiareth. I;e ~m. and
,sa. ,cq.st,
dWelt In Capernaum, which Is upon the In the bord.... of Zabulon 'and I N• .,hthallm: 14 That It might be fulfilled whlc,!) wa$ spoken by Eulas the prophet, saying; 15 The land of Zab~lon, and the I.-nd of Nephthallm, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the ' Gentiles; 1& The people which sat In darkness saw great light: and to them which Slit In the' region and, Shadow of death lIiht Is sprung up, 17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven Is at 'hand.
,< 10 ~~m. - Sllliday Morning " 6:30 p~. - Sunday Evening ~ , 6:3Q 'p.m., - Wednes¢lr Evening ,
, 'Pint Baptist. Church North Main Street J OM P. Osborne, Pastor 10:00 a.m., Sunday School. , 1'1;00 'a.m., Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m., Training Union~ 7:30 p.m., Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting. (Affiliated' w ~ t h Southern Baptist Convention).
Friendship Baptist . Church Southern Baptist Convention Norman Meadows, Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 10:30 a.m., Sunday., Morning Worship ., :3,0 p:~., Sunday Ev~g Service. " 7:30 p.m., ' W~ea~y, Midweek' Prayer and Bible Study.
Pint Church of Ohrist ,But High Street Thomas Stevem, Minister 9:30 a.m., ' Sunday Bible School. 10:30 a.m., Sunc:i"y Worship aDd Communion. 6:~ p.m. Sunday Youth . Meeting . '6:30 p.m. Sunday, Christian Youth Hour. 7 :30 p.m., Sunday Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Bible . Study.
a.ad ,our IIILI dall, ' anel GO TO CHURCH
' -
Jonahs Bun BaptiSt Church Ohio 73 East Lester IGdd, Pastor 10:00 a.m., ,Sunday School. 10:00 & 11:00 a.m., Sunday Worship Service. 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Wor.hip.
United Methodist Church Rev. Leonard Baxter 9:30 a;m., Sunday 'School. 11:00 a.m., Sunday, 'Worship Servi~e. ._ ,7:30 p.m., Wedneaday, Prayer Service.
United Jiethod1st' Church David Harper, Putor 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church Service. 10:30 a.m., Sunday School. 11:00 a.m., Sunday Worship Service. Youth Fellowahi,p and Bible , ' Study
Friends Meeting Fourth Street near High . 9:3Q a.m., Sunday School 10:45 a.m., Sunday Me.eting for Worship (unprogrammed) ..
St. Augustines Ohurch
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church
High Street Rev. Joaeph H. Lutmer, 7 a.m. & 11 a.m. Muses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Holy Days 7:30 p.m. First Friday 7:45 a.m. Daily Mass
E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor , 7 :30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young People's Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday Schopl 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening
St. lIary's Bpiscopal Church Third & Main Streeu Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11 : 15 a.m., Morning Prayer 1st, 3rd & 5th SundaY5: Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays.
nuy Perry Church of Ohrist
United Methodist Church Th'ird & North Streets L. L. Young, Minister 10:15 a.m., qturch at .WOI'.hio. 9:00 ...., Sunday Olurch at 'Study. 6:00 p.m.., Sunday, Youth FelIOWlhip.
Wilmington Pike & Social Row Road' Bus Wiseman, Minister 9:00 a.m., Sunday Bible School. 10:15 a.m., Sunday Worship. 10:15 a.m., Sunday Youth Wor.hip. 6:30 p.Ih., Sunday 'SveniDg Bible Study, aU asa. 7:30 p.m., Evenina Worship. 7:30 p.m., Wecfn:esclay, Midweelc Prayer aDd Bible Study.
ltI'l'. HOTJ.Y
IPBQlG VATJ,'I~ , uDiied Methodist Church Walnut-Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9~30 a.01. , sUnday School ' 10:30 a.,m. Morning Worship 6:30-p.m. Youth Fellowshipjr. high '& ir. high' 7:4' p.m. Wednesday choir,' reh,t arsal
Sp~g Valley 'Churcb
, of Ohrist
Glady iStreet 10:00 a,.m. LMoriUng Worihip 7:00 p .•D. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m We4neaday' Evening Worship Sp~
I'riendi Church Mound Street '
E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m.. Sunday school ' , 10:30 a.m. Morning Wonhip
Christiisn BaptiSt Mission, ' , ~ain Street . , Mrs. Lois Dunaway - PaStor Sunday School - 10 a.m. Morning W~rship - 11 a.m. Evening.~oIShip ,- 7':30 p.. m. ' Prayer Meeting, Wednesday.' "':30,p.m. " , , Prayer lteeting~ 'Thursday" 7:30 p.m.
LY'l'LE United Methodist ChUrch David T. Willard, MinitteJ' , 9:30 a.m., SundayI Wor.hi,p t Service. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Schooi. ' . 7:00 p.m., Sunday, Evening Worship SerVice. condu~d by youth.
As a spectator at the ball game , Saturday night (Jan. 24), I was appolled at the unsportsman like action , that took plac'e by some of the playe(s and fans aUke. This seemed to me like a very poor example of the reasons for snorts. ' Such behavior does cause a loss of team spirit and defeats the purpose of team work. When a team gets a reputation of being a sore loser the officials tend to ' overwatch that team and not the , opposing team. I feel the coach, supported by 'school officials and school board alike, shouid without question bench any player that causes unnecessary personal conflicts and bodi~y harm to other team mates.
Juanita Corby
NOTE: The following letter was received too late to include Mr. Davidson's name in our list of readers ' correctly identifying the Where Is It? photo last week. We Ridgeville Commuhity 'are always happy to hear from . Church ' our area ,and out-of-state sub- , St. Rt. 48 & 'Lower scribers and continue to· be . ,Spdngboro Road amazed at the enthusiasm for ' Ray L ,Shelton, Pastor the Where Is It? articles. 9:30 A M. Sunday School 10:45 AM. Morning Worship Dear Mrs. Irons: . 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening As one of your West Coast Service 7:30 ~:JJi1.Wednesday Eve'Ding • subscribers, 'please' ',allow me to Service participate in your , wee,kly 5:,3 0 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth ''Where Is It? photo identifioaRecreation tion contest. I realize my entry 6:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth will probably , reach you' some- • Services what tardy; nevertheless, an ' ~ar-, lier answer is 'difficult· since the Genntown United Church efficiency of the ,.u.S. Mail doe,S ~ of Christ ' ' r .. not allow for . an earli~r deliv.~ry ' " Route 42 at Genntown of The Miami Ga2;ette in the-San Ray Stormer, Pastor Francisco area than the Monday , ' ~, 9:30 a.m. Worship Service , following publication. , ' 10: 30 Sunday Church It 'has been a few years since I ~hool have taken gun in hand , ~d , 5:00 p.m. Sunday Youth hunted the fields ,between W'.y:Fellowship nesville and Corwi'n; ' howev~r, ' I am still able to identify ,ate.well :. type ~tnict':1re- East of' the, ~~~ve- ' Free' Pentac.ostel Church' " nue" and' just beyond the,. .first ' of'God bridge on the wa'y-,!O COrwil)-~\.· ~ : \ " I mu~t say it is' a pleasqre to ' It R. i 22 - Dodds, Ohio . .- "'. read your paper as it keeps me, ' ,: Pastor. James Coffman " , posted on ' t~e'hometowi1 ne~~'. , I , 10:30 a.m. - Sunday sChooi , , am grateful to my (ather, MU,rray' 7 p.m. - Sunday Evang4'listic Davidson, ' for entering a subService, scription it), my name. 7:30 p.m. ," Wednesday Prayer Many thanks, ' ' Service ·Michael Davidson 7:30 p.m. Saturday everti.ng , . .. worship servic~ , Q¢
Local Legion POst aRet Auxiliary Un~ . Rapo~ , . " po Chri.tmM ~etI ' ,
Song-fest" Last Saturday each, , month· 7 :30 p.m.
WA11lBSViu.,tWA.UK aanOl:
, '
,-OHIO , ~
"AYlOSVnd~1! ,na~G ' ;r~. , WAVNPVU.:1i.t, ,OHIO ' " lIrA,!:n:8Vn~I:I ' .A';IO.~BAlfK . ,,
_ , ,WAVNEIVIU:~J'tfIO, " "
.: • .
': .
WA~.B8vn'I•• :~u'iU:
The :' American Legion, POst." ,and thut ' 615' ~r~nted Ciitist·' , , mis baSkets to 40 families ill the ;" WayneiVrne, and aurioun.~g ,
' ,
ifo. :,'
noBDOB ,U AJ;n ~ """'~""""'I~i"~~~~~·1 WAYtiUVIU.~
, """"",,"'i'o:-:W,.,...,
'-I . '
HELP WANTED ' ... :, "
APPLES anc! fresh cider. I c I ~ ti r Fruit , Farm, 2 miles ' South or CenterVille on' route' 48. East on Nun ' Road 3/4 mile. , ... 27cU
wOMAN to' wdrk 'In small car'r y.out. " Evenings ,nd, weekendS. Must be 21. PI'!. 885-5580. 4<:1 . ;
WANTED: Baby Sitter, top salary. Call 897-5204 after six ~.m. . 4cl
SCRATCH pads for sale at The Miami Gazette. 105 S. Main St. Waynesville. , 16nctf
HEATING Stove for sale, .75,000 BTU with blower. $50.00 Phone . 897.4350. 31df ,
UNFURNISHED apt., Waynesville, 1 bedroom apt., stove, refrigerator, air conditioner and wall-to-wall carpet. Half square from shopping center. Ideal for couple. AV,alla~le February 1. Call DaytQn 275-5877 after six or Waynesville 897-2594 3cU
GESTETNER Model 451 duplicator with Gestefax Electronic Stencil Scanner and cabinet. All excellent condition. Phone The Miami Gazette 1897-5921. 16nctf
FI REPLACE wood. Will deliver. Ph. 897-4170 3c4 '
FOR Slim-Gym demonstration, call Mrs. J. L. Fisher 897-2232 after 4:30 3c2 POODLE Grooming by appOintment. AKC Toy POQdle s.t ud service In exchange for pick of litter. Call 86;,!4190 anytime. 4ncl ,
HOME repl.lr and maintenance carpenter, concrete, sheet metal painting, roofing and electrical. Phone 746-2982. 21ctf FARM fencing, barn painting and repall'. Free estimates. Phone Middletown 423-1424 or 422·7494. 17ctf
WANTED WANTED: Baby sitter In my home In Lytle.- Ph. 897-4364 evenings. lctf
TOY Poodle Stud Service, AKC Registered. White or Apricot. $50 AppOintment only. Phone 897-4148 15ctf
WANTED: Babysitting. Phon,e 8975921. Ask for Jean. 18nctf WANTED to buy-50 used pianos, ~~Ite . B~X '542. Wilmington, Ohio. 2lctt
COLD Springs Beauty shop: Will take appointments anytime. Ph. 8974398. 48ctf
WI LL pay cash for past Issues of Readers Digest condensed bookS , In good condition. Ph. 897.2796 ~1 WANTEDi , 897-5921.
'S .AP'
wardrobe. Ph. 4nc
WANTED: Lady ,to share a ho",e with 'another lady. Ph. 897-5634 or 897-7812. 4cl
REAL ESTATE NEW home for sale, ' 3 bedroomS, ' family 'room, fireplace, 2 car garage. Located on ' O'Neali Rd. ~O% down wlli buy. For. more Information call Char,es' H. W.,ch 897-6556. ~6ctf ,
CONCp,fUl SQUARE APartme.,i s, Lebanon. B.."tlful n~w unfurn'lshed 1 a.,2 bedroom apartments, ~Qulpped kitChen carpeting. A/C, pool, .12~ up. ClnCll)nati 7.93-0322., Lebanon 932-9801. ',' 2c4
Swap power ' mower, needs . repairs, for anything of equal . value. 897·5696 after 5,p.m.
o YOU know .words better-
by sound or by sight? Here D are some pairs that sound alike
HELP'\fVANTED CLEANING lady, 1 day a ,week,car. ~Call , 897.2413 3c2
but look and mean difterent. Example: Iligh-pricec! venison would be udear deer." See how many"you can· "Write right.'" 1. A' rabbit's fur. 2. A hairless bruin. 3. ill-humored bearing. 4. The proper ceremony.
Real Estate '.' The former 'To~ Norris
, '.
,home In Waynesville. Fea. 'turing 2 or. 3 bediooms, fireplaoe, 45 xiS foot ~~~y room~ 20car garage, bu~t-m stove. Vacant. Price $19,:'00. The Bob Townsend Home. ,This beautiful home has 4 bedrool1)S,.~replace, 2~ baths, full ,basement, ~~ car garage, central air conditioning. Brick and,:"frame const~ction, early Anlerican desiSn. Pric" $38:000. ' , . '.
" Tom Florence,Realty I,
Ph, 897.~ ".
DELAYED TOO, LONG A fellow rihet a friend who was pretty ·badly beaten up. "What happened to you?" he asked. "How did you get that black. eye arad ' cut lip?" "Aw,"his friend said, "just because I ki8sed the bride after the ceremony, this fellow took a poke at, me... , "Why, that·s' a reaRedabIe custom around here," the man said. "Why I!lhould he object to that?" , "I don't know," said his 'friend, "un1t!1I8 because it was three yean after the ceremony." defendant notlUut7. " Judge:, U'What pouible rea,son can this jury have for such an a~niahing verdict?" J u r y Foreman: uInsanity, your Honor,. " Judge: UWhat! All 12 of you?"
ADDREsS: City _ _ _ _ _ _.,..,_ _ __ 'zip '_ __
Item You Want To SWAP
Item You Want To SWAP For
Waynesville, Ohio 45088
I'IBST 1Duck: '''That waS, a new twin-englne jet that just· went by.. Don't you wish you co u I d fty that fast?" . Second. Duck: "Listen, if I had two tails and they were bot h on fire, you wouldn't even see me!" .
PL~EB (arriving late): uH~Dw. have you managed?" . ' , , Householder: "Not badly -whUe w'e were waitm, for you to arrive, I taught the children how to swim'." . EveQ Slqle ODe! Jury Foreman: "We ttnd the
, '''So your' .ughter now diives a car. How long did it take ' her t.o leun?" asked the frielld. "About 2 cars and a half;'; ,replied the . father sadly.
L...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.;.._ _ _-:-_ _ _ _" , ... ... , ~
"Dad, wal'D you
bow I made a lot mob room
yoar . . . . .'·
5. .A vety large fra:mework of iron bars. ' \ 6. An excluded poet. 7. .A nocturnal chevalier. 8. Scorched garden greens., t. Course followed by underg~UDd parts of a 'tree. . '10.' R.,uonable railroad rate. ~ '01 'ep\QI ~
·s ..,mp pai.mp ..
•,~ ,. -... .£ 'p.nq puaq .......
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O~ THE Pr2.I~C'PL£ OF' A
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Jj.C.K-I~·TH~ -IJOX!
IITI . ,~ ';HE LATE~T~\JlJ~PIN(lr1\ , :rOY,: CONIiJ,ItIE'S' THE ,' .
OF~A 1J~E 8oM[:J. WITH , A tilt:W J;O)(ftJ.OS1VE KINt;> Of fUN ~ •• , I
Lukens ~ope,rt)' ,at the. north~ast " edge of Harveysbu~g~ Massie Township . volunteer Fire 'Chief W.E. ' Smith re- . , fi~men were rou$ed from their ported the fire. w~ ~<?9 ,f~~ along beds at 3 'a.m. We'dnesday mornto offer any hope of sa~g th~ '. ing, Jan. 21 ; 1970, to battle a _ barn and their maiil effortS were "raging fire which completely desdirected ~t preventing the flames ... !troyed the barn on' the Bill from . spreadi,ng to m~arby' bu~d~ ','>
" • f,
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- $l:59
Your. 95 CL.OlOO • •• ,t I , wr
·WesleY'. A. St8Pl~to~~.',.i~f,nt . ~ ,son' of tdr. and ,MrS. James ~ta- .
. "
Massie Township volunteer . fi~emen .. r were roused from their ',beds·at 3 a.m. Wednesday momin~ Jan. 21, 1970, to battle a . ~~ging fire which completely des'. ~royed the bam on the Bill .. ::;,,;.... . .. ..
blkens prop?rty al the i\ortheast edge of HaIVey'sburg~ . ",, . Fire . Qrief W.E. _Smith reported the fire was too (ar,along . to offer any hope 'of sa~ing the barn and their main efforts were directed at preventing the·flames from spreading to nearby' build.
' .
t •
mgs. .•{Ihe <~ayne Township -Fire Depa~'tment ';.~ called ·:in . at about 3:30 a.m. arid the' two r' ~ ~ fue ,departptents battled the in'Cerno '. for~ '8160~t' four ho'urS: The , ruins .continued ·to $'mouJder for about another five hours. . . Accor.ding tq Fire Chief ~mith !
' f
IYIESVlll I·'H .
Ptlll TILl
WESLEY A.. STAPLETON , . Wesley ' A Stapleto~, inf~nt son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stapleton' of O'Neall Road,'Waynesviil~ ~passed awav ' Jan. 21. 1970 at Kettering Memorial. 'HospitaL Other sUIVivors illclude one ,sister ~ - lJ,leinai, -,two "'bfothers, .' ~
and· Mrs.' Freeman c Watson 0' of . Waynesville" ,.~Mcts:· w~e :cpndueted at. lQ:~O : a.m. ~tuiday. at the 'Stubbs-Conner Funeral: Home with Reverend ·John 'Os~ome . 9m~ating. ~~ennerit w~ . in Miami cemetery: - . .' "
~ .
95 '559 Choice...
~ ,••t\o
• 1WIN HIGH • AUTOMATIC fIlE WNtG (An,) ;.-( • 295SQ.IN.COLOR·~ ',
CUInIa~fCWI' ~TH"' " '~ .,,\":;, -.
pI ..
, Second-cl... poIta,e paid at W.,..~iII" Ohio Vol. 2 No.5
February 4, 1970 - Waynesville, Ohio 5
.. , . . .
Richard A. Scherer of Main Street, Waynesville has returned home after a one-year tour of duty in Vietnam. Richard was assigned Long Binh U.S. Army Headquarten in Vietnam. He received his training at Ft. Benning, Ga., Ft. Eustis, Va., and Ft. PQik" la. The welcome ~ay be ~ l~~Ue belated but it is just as sincere. , ~ .. ~ ~
• • •
Mrs. Flo)' Nicholas is di$cussing her book, Rhymes and Reasons with Mrs. Lynn Fields. The book is a collection of -poetry 'Writ~""M~ -Nicholas throughout the years,..oI'She:"petSenally' , autographed all the books purchased by fans and friends ~r' autographing party held last Saturday at Townsend's Moo;es Store. S
4 'Edwa~d BeU~"is shown openiilg his Ctmstmas'Package frpm his'palrents, Mr. a~d.Mrs.
'~,H~m'lIIri ",-.LUIUlL4AC}f'Fifth Str~t in.- Waynesville. Pictured,in the foreground are his Christmas tree and copy 1~~(" '."I~< nQl[Jlel:QWrn pa~~, ' Th~ ~~rni
Gazette; When you~re ~pending Christmas 10,000 :miles away in Viet- , nIUlI1U1QlIle[(,wn :news means. a lot. Ed entered the service in January of 1969 and has been serving in Viet" ,~ receive4 t~e , Comba~ Infantry B~dge for sustained ground con.act against the en, - It. ~n1Y,,' sO 'many ' oth~f servicemen in 'Vietnam, he didn't'think it was "important" enough to tell his \ ," ,pareil,ts and thoy \1earnec;l it fr,om another source. Hope we can welcome you home soon~ Ed!.
might be used ,for real estate development to create "~een space~" The land is mined according to the developm~nt plan for the land. Mr. Bernhardt has , been working with the County EnBineers on initial ste-ps for this development. 1ltey are thinking in the terms, of "cluster homes". 3 or 4 homes built fairly close on an a«re and a half, rather than one home on a' half acre, which would' allow _a larger lawn and recreational area round the
Iln',ti;~ ~tb
-ph~nne~l~,; ~:n~tl~ :phaSe or",~,
.rea. "
M~: ' , Bet!~
Mrs. lamb Cel ebrate s ,
Mrs. Hilda Lamb was 90 years young last Friday and despite a fall at her home a few days before, she observed it with ice of.eam and cake and visits from her fainily. Evidence of" Mrs. Lamb's ,ability is quite apparent in that she continues to maintain her own home and attends ' church regularly. Sh~ attends the Corwin Pentecostal ' Churc~ ,
-the oper~tl~I"', c~~~ong, pr~t, ::;: ently estimat~d a~ 8.,to 10 yean; : _ it wilfbecome necessary 'to ~uild ', ~, stwage tre!atmeQt pla,nt~o serv.~', ' t~e
where her ' son, ' Reverend Acy Lamb, serves as he'r'PaStor. Mrs. Lamb has been ~ eSident of this area for 44 yearS. She and the late Mr. Lamb obseJ!v.ed their 68th wedding anniversary before he passed away in 1964. Mrs. tamb has 13 children, 11 of whom are Jiving, 94' grandchildren, 284 great grandchildren. and 73 great-great grandchildren. ,
23 So Main Waynesville, O~ I:. .
, ",
pe,ople . An Educational Council made . in their oomments. Maily th~ni, need' we up' of interested area citizens .and don't know that 'at ~hat they school officials has been organ- ' we can't guess want." ized' by Mr. DOrsie Benton, Prin, 'Interested citizens-are 'invited cipal of Waynesville High Sch091. ' the Educational Coun, , Mr. Benton ' explained the pIj- to attend "at held are which gs meetin cil mary purpose of the council was '1bl;lrsecond s , 'the on . p.m to, establish bette! communica- 7:30 day of each month 'in room 102 tion between the school ,and peonew h:igh ~hqol ~' Member." ple of the community. ~y draw- of the not limited to ·representais ing members from area organiza- ship of area organiz~iions. Any·, .tions and churches, the council . ~ves to help' 'is' wel- , will reach into virtually 'every person, t~t wants' come. area of the school district. As the council develops, plans will be , r.;::========~~=iI' made to include members in cur- , BABY 'SITTING ' riculum planning. WANTED " ,: -' Mr. Benton noted that school personnel would attemp t to an-' '. special weekly rates .Qr'. " swer any questions ' concerning ~ill sit by hour or daV. m the present educationaI progra Constant, ~re in a 'gQod ~ ,'. . . and would listen to any ideas : Christ,ian. hQme. , profuture for tionS and sugges Ph9ne 897-59.21 '. grams. He added ''we w~t peoAsk for Jean ' HilI" ple on this committee to be free l '
Ph.' 897-4956
;/ \
Bolo 9na _hortening Ground Beef Bologna Flour Jelly
We wouldn't be where we are today with out you. That's why we've chosen this month ..• the month of friendship ••. to tell you personally how much we appreciate serving you • . • And how important. you've been to our growth. Thank you ..• for helping us grow!
Joi~ Us OnValenfine's Day For Coffee,· Punch, And ··Cookies .,J_ ~. lt De IAI_WI IAow"tl . , _,
TEi.'EPttOIIE ·, .'~~5
.... ,
~'i .',
'Febiu~ 4, 1970 •
' . '
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. . ·~~'.yn:.~ II.,':_J~I. :,." ~ .• mlinl ,I , I,;." "". .
Harold R. Stanley Sports Editor
~ . Reserves lose to l'!O'mets
Comets 'Down _~p ~L!. nJ_
The Spartan Reserve Team lost a high scoring game to the Comet Reserves 76 to 60. The Mason Comets, with Ed This was a wierd game in Kelly scoring 36 points, defeated which Waynesville was charged the Spartans last Friday 82-66. . with 7 technical fouls early in The win left Mason in first place the first quarter. Mason conin the FAVL with a 9-1 record. verted 6 of the foul shots and The Comets, with Kelly hit- shot into a 10 point lead. ting shots from all angles,jumped This proved to be too much to a 13 point lead midw~y for the young Spartans to overthrough the first quarter. At this come and they plunged to their point, the Spartans began to rally eleventh defeat. and trailed 24-15 at the end of Styers and Pierce paced the the quarter. Spartan attack with 15 and 10 The Spartans paced by the points respectively. scoring of Jeff Bourne, managed to cut the lead to 6 points in the Spartans to Play 2 Games second quarter. With Sackett and Cornett setting the scoring pace, the SparOn Frida'y, Feb. 6, the Spartans came within 3 points of t~e tans will host the Kings Mills Comets early in the third quarter. Knights, They will be trying to The Spartans at this time beeame avenge an earlier defeat by the plagued by sloppy ball handling Knights. and couldn't come any closer. On Saturday, Feb. 7, the With Kelly hitting his jump will travel to Little Spartans shot and S. Meibers .slipping beMiami. They will be looking for hind Waynesville's defense for their second decision of the year easy layups, the Comets rebuilt over the host Panthers. their lead to 8 points, 58-50 at the end of the third quarter. Early in the fourth quarter, 7th and 8th grade teams Jeff .Bourne went to the bench lose two games with..an eye-injury. and whatever chance the Spartans had of winning went with him. The Waynesville seventh and . -The Comets quickly built eighth grade teams each suffered ' their lead into double figures antl two defeat~ last we~k. The seven; the last -part of the. gam,~ was th graders lost to Sabina 67-39 . ' turned over to the Reserves. with Steve Stanley leading the ) Kelly is a fine shooter and not team with 18 pOints. On Thurs, even· three early fouls slowed day, they again lost to Bellbrook him down. He was ably sup40-23 with Steve Stanley scoring ported by s. Meibers who clipped 13 pOints for Waynesville. The i}l with 23 points. local team, despite its losses, is , The Spartan attack was paced showing great potential and with by Mike' Cornett with 18 points. a little growth should prove to be Jeff and Ron Sackett fola good competitor. Scoring in lowed with 15 and 14 pOints retheir games went as follows: pectively. Sabina game: Jones, 11; Tooley, 1; Cornett, 4; Lutes, 1; Stanley, 18; Reed, 3. Bellbrook game: Waynesville to Participate Jones, 2; Cornett, 5; Lutes, 1; in 8th Grade Invitational Stanley 13; Reed, 2. Tournament a~ Cedarville Sabina and Bellbrook proved The Waynesville eighth grade too much for the eighth grade team haS been invited to particiteam and they went .down to a pate in the Cedarville Eighth 75-45 defeat to Sabina and a Grade invitational tournament 44-29 loss to Bellbrook. Crump Feb. 7~14. Waynesville drew a led the WayneSVille team with bye. and a victory in their first 14 pOints against Sabina and pme w~ automatically advance Mark Stanley scored 9 points then1 to the finals. fot high man. against . Benbrook. The first game will pit WaynesThe majority of the Waynesville ville against . Yellow Springs, players have had little previous Saturday, Feb. 7, ·at 12 noon. team experience but withtn ' the The second game will see 'Cedarnext year or two, tliey should be ,ville going agains~ Bellbrook the 'stepping out ,with their ' share same day ' ~t 1 :30 p.m. The lof the victories. Scoring for the winner of that game will battle two games follows: Sabina game: Greenview on Thursday, Feb. Stanley, 10; Crump, 14; Qewine, 12 at 4,=15 p.~. The ch~pion . 11; Ake.-s, 3; Jones: ~; Bowman, ship game will be played on 2. Bellbrook game: - "Shoup, 3; . j_ Saturday, Feb. 14 at. 2 p.m. Stanley, 9; Crump,S; Dewine, Doon will open approximately 2; Ward, 1; Jones,S; Crabtree, ' 45 minutes befor~ .p metime.
With. the ex~eption of1ellpw Springs, Wayne.sville will be the . " o~y Class "An team .in the. im- ' Under the abli' Cut~tion rnedi~te ar~a. .' ,,' .r _ TO!D Hatt9n, former Spartan 104 . It IS not known yet ~:here tlie · -basketball' star the 5th:and other teams will . co~e (rom to " .6th gade ' boys are 'learning ~ , make up the District To~rnafundamentals of basketball. . . \ ment, but it is thought that most This 'is a program that Can't' of the teams will come from Cler- help but benefit future S~ mont, Brown, and Adams CounTeams. Other schools have Iiad this type of programs for ~y ty. It is also possible for some teams .from Darke County · to years. participate in this tournaments. Tom has assembled a very efThis could prove to be' a good .ficiel)t staff to assist hi:m ' inbreak for the Spartans next sea- cluding Dan Simpson, Dave Hartson as they will put a seasoned sock, John Sackett, Bill Rickey, team on the floor. They will also Tom Florence and, Ken Bradley. be playing against schools their Hatton, Simpson, and Florence own size for the first time in · are former Spartan Coaches. many years. Approximately 80 boys attend the session from 10 a.m. to 12 noon every Saturday mornThe late Walter Camp was called the "father of Amering.
In a recent poll taken by the ' Ohio High.Schoo}, Athletic Association, the schools have decided ' to split into 3 classifications fQr t~urnament play. This will go into effect for tournament play in the 1970-1971 school year. The three classes will be "AU, "AA", and "AAA", As a result of this decision, Waynesville will participate in the Class "A" tournament, for probably the last time in 1971. The cut off point between class A and AA is 162 boys in the top 3 grades. ' According to Mr. Benton~ local high school principal, Waynesville has 156 boys enrolled now. The followyear, the llocal enrollment will go up to 175 boys.
ican football" and is creditE'd with doing more for the intercollegiate game than any other man,
There's no one nicer ~than she is - , and there's .no . ~I~r way to tell her than with a gift from LYNN'S. Choose from out: large selection of gift ite~' :sure · to please your Valentine. Smooth the way to her heart with a selection from LYNN'S. Our styles will truly please and flatter her.
I'ow A.nd ,
",t,',' .
Id·Ilnl.I II ' ~I..:f _ lur ,,
Mon.., Tues.. W..... Thurs.. s.t. .
: Fiw.y .-
9-, ........
." .'
lrtt ManllW ....... Id O. Hili •••••••••••••••••••••• "••••••••••••~._ ••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••• ~d".rtll te Editor Allocla Channa lne Banal ••••••• ........... ........... ..... Publl• ...,. R~nald O. Hili, David Edllil ••••••••••••••••••, ........... P.O. Box 71, Waynes ville, Ohio 450.1 Membe r of the Ohio Ne'w sPipet' AlIOcla tlon .. M ..............................
III III I 111111'S 6 WEEK SERIES January 29 through March . 5
.I,pi lea PII Church Ph. 897-2374
Waynesville, Ohio
waY~lle, o"k.. SUblC~IPtlOn ...,. '$3.09 ;"
. , ." , .. 1be ~oopy. · "') dlt~ •• ~ •..••. ' ••••...• :~._ .....,I! •.• _•••••... _..•..•••••• , . . . . . . .~..! tronl \•• ;.'......:••••;••• ~ ........... ~ ''''t· "',=.~......... . :.......... Edlt,r S,po~q ~ .. , ' ... ~ 'I 5." Id Lla ....... _ ....... , ........ ~ ........ R t .. n .v...... ....,. . , . ..-:.ero. .... I.-......... . ~ bavld Ediall ........... '!........... ....~••••••••••• • , •••••••••• _ ,•• _ •••• _~ •••••••• ~. ,0.n . ,.. y.r. N~tand prIM
, Spring ~V~lle'y cOunpil h~ or- , dered Safety dividers· for both Polic~. cruise~)" as a prott ction , for ',~e policem~n when p1aoing . someone in the back seat who . has been pi~ked up: Clerk, Mrs . Hollaii d, Said the "dividers a~e a p . rotective plastic covering that separates' the front< seat an~ the , " rear seat. Donald Ray Corroll was appointed to fill a vacancy on the zoning board. Reappointed were Victor Darnell, Chairman. 'Reappointed were Ray Eagle,. Don Finley , and Morris Sherwood. . Mayor Spahr also reappointed Allen Wheeler as zoning inspector.
Mrs. Ca~~ie pa'wson, ,r age .?q, a former resident ,of Warren Count y passed a\v~y at I)er 'h~me ' in Mason, Aliz. rece.ntty: ~e the aunt' of Mrs. J. R.. Wade of Spring Valley ;· DeQmaris' Funer8t Home in Silverton, Ohio was in' charge of the services. BUrial was at Rose Hill Cemetary, Mason,
--.- -
, ~y ' ~p~ ~ed Oil " sarah BurneH and' ()ther' Friends (" , at the 'iiom~ on Wedn~Sday ., . ':.'
...:. - ~ --
- --=--.. . ,.
Mrs. .Ernes.t .' Butterworth waS a '~riday 8u'est.·o(.~rth~ Hess.' ,
FOR ' ;YOURSIVI'II': :~"; ,
EHective Feb'ruag'l ~
,i" ol Ul lil. s .
Effective Immediately '· !.
- 8-1011ha CERDFICITES . OF DEPOSIT (Minimum $l,OOOJ)O)
- ONE·YEAR CiERnFlGITES" OF ·.IEPaSIT " (Minimum $1,000.0(»
ot \ 3 , 7. -" o
: '"·
(MiDIJiI1IJII .,1,000.00)
, '1;..1
·t ~I
, . ,
,.., .
R~~ERVE ~¥~T~M' "ii<.,: ~'~,.;" ir~1~I'~Ji~~~I!~l~~~~.~~~J.~H~
Mrs. Kathleen' Beck" and MiL ' Sue Ann Carman are~ botJi CQn-, . fined to their homes.with the' flu. '
Miss Donna York and Bill
Scout News Tro'ops 11.07 and 1469 will be hosting.a skating ,pa~ty on Feb.5 at the. ~b~on Roller l~~nk from 6:30 ,p.nt.·until9:30 p.m. Every~ one'd inVited to come and have "lots of fun" . \
Cub ~out Pack 40 will have ,a pop bottle collection on Saturday, , Feb.. 1. The boys Will meet at the ' school. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Jam~s Nevil are - aimouncing the ' birth of a son, Daniel Lee, 'at Greene Memorial Hospital on Ian. 26. Daniel, Who has one older borther, Kevin. weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Dakin of Waynesville and Mr. Frank McGrew of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. William S. ' Nevil of 'Sinking Sprin~ ' are 'paternal grandparents and 'paternal great grandparents are Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Shennan Trent of Bainbridge • ... 'l'~.!.'
Have you ever had a day when the children seemed to be taking over and you seem to be just "dragging?" Well, I have! That is when I read the following to myself. Children Learn What they Live by Dorothy law Nolte If a child lives with criticism, , He learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, He learns to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, He learns to be shy .. If a child lives with shame, He le~rns to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, He learns to be patient. Ifa child lives with encouragement He learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, He learns to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, He learns justice. If a child lives with security, He learns to have faith. If a child lives with approval, , He learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, He learns to fmd love in the world. "
My motlier gave, 'a copy' of the above to all ,four of ,we girls and i thought ' you readers might enjoy it· also.
Rev. Harper was among those 'in a~tendance at the annual election of officers held Thursday night at the United Methodist Church. The following were elected to s(~rve for the year: Secretary, Mrs Helen Robertson, Treasurer, Mrs. Lucy McCarren; Ghairman of the Board, Bob Haines; Financial Secretary, Mrs. H. S. Tucker; and Sunday School Superintendent; Bob Haines. The Welcome Bible Qass of Jonah's Run Church met Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles PJrice. Mrs. Margery McCarthy and daughter, of Wilmington, visited Sunday with Romine Shumaker, Mrs. McCarthy's father. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saterthwaite cel,ebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary Feb.l with an open house at the Home Federal & Loan Building. Mr. and Mrs. John Kammer of Englewood showed movies and pict:ures Sunday night at Jonah'sR.un Church. The pictures wer4~ taken' on their recent· trip to the Holy Land and in Greece 3lIld Italy. Mrs. Kammer is John Hahn's daughter.
'. .
Mrs. Dewey Simpson visited with Mrs. Doris" Smith Thursday afternooln.~i<, .
\ I
, ' ,. , .A~ 'VAIR , , '. ~';n! " • .-.,.aM
York both returned to Ohio University at Athens Monday ,after spending the weekend at home with Mr. and Mrs. Jess Pennington. Mrs. Amelia Gordon visited her daughter, Mrs Ida Frances Mobley, in Wilmington Thursday afternoon.
~ 4':
The Chers ,Pantry salesman entertained the Iread c,Oqks for all four Clinton Massie SFhools, Harveysburg, Kingman, Clarksville and Clinton MaSsie High' School with a very interesting meat demonstration, on buying, preparing, serving etc. in schools. The meeting was held in the kitchen at the high school.
WAYNESVILLE CUSTOM CUTTING £ WRAPPING .Have , a Beef Or Hog You Would like.Cut. And Wrapped?
Saturdav nitdlt dinner ~ests of Mrs~ Claudia Brandenburg were
Mrs. Earl Davis, and daughter Earlene, of Lebanon. --- " ••
Mr. William Doster has been confined to his home with iIliness.
~Mr. Sermon
50 ' Best Plays of the American Theatre After Dinner Gardening
Robert Brandenburg, Jess Pennington and Earl Davis went to Qa'rk:sville Saturday night for Masonic Inspection.
Valley of the Shadow
4t~". STREET'. WAYN~ViLLE. .
OHIO PH. 897-4826
. . ' .' "' 0
Martha Jo Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith has been confined to her home this week with measles Mr. and :~~~9;ry Fisher and family have moved to Oark Avenue.
We Have Over 12 Years Experience PHIIE
Getting the Picture? If Not, Let Us ' Take a Look
~ ·N.lCS. Helen Robertson and Mrs.
· H: S. Tucker were luncheon
guests Thursday of Mrs. Oaudia Brandenburg. Mrs. William Dewey of Blanchester, who is District Vice~President of the WSCS, called in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. AmoldWilliams and family have been house guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith. Mrs. Williams, who has , been ill, is reported to be s1ightl~r. improved. Mrs. Charles PJrice visited her , aunt" t,trs. William Zurface, in " Wilinington Friday. . -, - -'"'7"'" -
TV lale. -I nd'.II". ri,ce .,
, ..
PenteCOJW 'HoliDe88
. , OhurCh
• Sunday Morning 6:30 p.m.• Sunday Evening '6:30 p.m.• Wednesday Evening ~O a.m.
Pint ·Baptist. Church
North Main Street John P.O.b orne, PaStor 10:00 a.m., Sunda y School. 1i:oo a.m., Morni ng Wor.h ip. 6:30 p.m.,. Traini ng Union. .7:30 p: : ' Eveni ng Wor~bip. 7:30 p.m~, Wectneaclay Prayer Meeting. (Affiliated' w ~ t h South ern Baptist Convention). "
Pint Church of Chri st
&.t High Street Thom as Stevena, Minister 9:30 a.m., Sunda y Bible School. 10:30 a.m., Sunda y Worsh ip and Communion. 6:00 p.m. Sunda y Youth Meeting . 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Christian Youth Hour. 7:30 p.m., Sunda y Evening Wor.h ip. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, BibJe . Study.
Prien ds Meeting
Pastor : 10:00 a.m., Sunda y School.. 7:30 · p.m., Sunday, Wedn e.· day .8!ld Saturclay, Eve. ning Wor.h ip Ser.vicea. . 7:30 p.m., Wedneaclay Youth Service.
FoW'th Street near High 9:30 a.m., Sunda y School. 10:45 a.m., Sunday Me~ing for Worsh ip (unpro . ~ammed).
St. Augustines Church
High Street h H. Lutmer, Josep Rev. 7 a.m. & 11 a.m. Mas.es 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Holy Days 7:30 p.m. First Friday 7:45 a.m. Daily Mass
St. Mary 's Episcopal
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harol d Deeth, Rector 11 : 15 a.m., Morning Prayet' lat, 3rd 8£ 5th Sundays; Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays.
Unit ed Methodist Church
Third & North Streets L. L. Young, Minister 10:15 · a~m., ~h~r.cl} .at _. Worship. .9:00 a.m., Sunday Church at Study. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth Fellowship.
,.'IO"Ji. 4dwe
> .• ;'
I. ILl clall,
SUNDAY Mr. Arch Hildebrant, Warren
Ohio 73 East . Lester Kidd, Pastor 19:00 a.m., Sunda y School. 10:00 & 11:00 a.m., Sunday Wor.h1P Service. 7:30 p.m., Sunda y Evening Worship.
Unit ed liethodist' . Chur ch
lIT. HOLLY Unit ed Methodist Chur ch
LYT LE Unit ed Methodist Church
David T. Willar d, Minister 9 :30 a.m., Sundayl Wor.h ip Service. ' 10:30 a.m., ' Sunda y Sc:booi. ~rvke,g .7:30 p.m., Wednesday, P,ayu 7:00 p.~., Sunday, Evenin con· es Worsh ip Servic .~ice. ducted ~y youth. Rev. J:"eonard Baxter 9:30 a.m., Sunda y School. 11:00 a.m., Sunday, Worsh ip
liDiiecf Methodist David Harpe r, Pastor Church 9:30 a.m., Sunda y Churc h t·Vine Walnu Service. RObert R. Meredith, Pastor 10:30 a.m., Sunday sChool. 9:30 a.m. Sunda y School 11:00 a.m., Sunda y Worsh ip 10:30 a.•m. MOl'ning Wor.h ip Service. 'Youm Fellow.hip and Bible . . 6:30 -p.rn. Youth Fello w.hip jr.hig h & It. high Study 7:45 p.m. Wedn esday choir rehearsal Harveysburg Full Gospel . Church E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Yourig People's Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening
FEBBY Perr y Church of Christ
Wilmington Pike & Social Row Road Bus Wiseman, Minister 9:0(\ a.m., Sunda y Bible School. 10: 15 a.m., Sunda y Worship. 10: 15 a.m., Sunda y Youth Worship. 6:30 p.m., Sunda y 'Evenmg Bible Study, all ages. 7:30 p.m., Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Mid· weelc Prayer and Bible Study.
Spri ng Valley Chur ch of Chri st
Ridgeville Comm unity Church St. Rt. 48 & lower Springboro Road Ray L Shelton, Pastor 9:30 A. M. Sunday School 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship 7130 p.m. Sunday Evening
'7:30 p.m .. Wednesday Evening 5:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth . Recreation. Sr. Youth y Sunda p.m. 6:30 Services
Glady Street . Genn town United Church ip of Christ Worsh ng 10:00 a.m. Momi Route 42 at Genntown ' 7 :00 p ..m. Evening Worsh ip . Ray Stormer, Pastor 8:00 p.m Wedn elday Evening a.m. Worship Service. 9:30 Worsh ip 10: 30 Sunday Church ' School SpriJrg Valley 5:00 p.m. Sunday Youth Frien ds Church Fellowship Moun d Str~t E. Friend Couser, Pastor Free' Pentacostel Church 9:30 a.m. Sunda y school ip Worsh 9f God . 10:30 a.m. Morni ng RR 122· Dodds, Ohio
Christian Baptist Mission Main Stree t
. Mrs. Lois Dunaway - Pastor Sunday Schoo l· 10 a.m. Morning Worship - 11 a.m. Eve~ng Worship -7:30 ~.m. ,Prayer Meeting, Wednesday- ' '·7:30 p.m. Prayer Jieetiilg,-Thursday • 7:30p .m. -w-_ . each ay Saturd Last • est Song·f month · 7:30 p.m.
Pastor. James Coffman . 10:30 a.m. - Sunday SChool 7 p.m. - Sunday Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m.• Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30p .m. Saturday evening worship service
. 'H", ••7-401. ~ WAYIEIVILLE, OHio '
DL L IR8U lUBO E . . r-'
por iLt 's BAltB•• SJiop- '. .
I Eleven Ten Radio , .
County business man, has de· clared himself a candidate for Warren County Commissioner. Hildebrant, who owns the Ce· dar City Coin Center in Lebanon, was Secretary and General Man· ager of the Big Four Industries located in Maineville, Ohio for 14 years until 1966. He has served as Chairman of the Finan· cial Committee, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Official Board of the Maineville Methodist Church. In addition, he has been a member of the Board of Education of the little Miami local School Dis· trict for 12 years and has served for five years on the local Draft Board. Hildebrant and his ·wife, Mar· tha, recently opened three shops in the Lebanon area including. The Cedar City Art and Import · Shop, The Store and the Side Yard Wig Shop.
..... ,.U,
South em Baptist Convention Norm an Meadow., Pastor 9:30 LIIl., Sunda y School. 10:30 a.m., Sunda y Morning
Jonahs Bun Baptist
. .\
IlAB VBY BBU BG Frien dship Bapt ist . ChUrch
7:30 p.m., Sunda y Evening Service. 7:30 p.m., Wedn eiday, Mid· week Prayer and Bible Study.
- .'
OOB'Wnl . I
29 And GOd laVI sOlomon ' w'sdorn .nd . , un~eratlndlnl IXcMd lnl mIlCh, ·.nd :. n... · of h•• rt, even a. thi and that Is 01} I , ·the ... shore, 30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of an .the children of. the .ast coun. . try, and all the wlldom' of E8YPt. ' I Kin.. 4i3l44 32 And he spake th .... thousand proverbs, : and his sonlS were a thousand and five. 33 And he spake of trees, from t~e cedar t .... that , Is In Lebanon even unto ·the hys.· sop that aprlnp th .out of the wall: he sp.ke c....plnl fowl, and also of beasts, .nd fishes. thlnp, and· all people to hear 34 And there came the wisdom of Solomon, from all kin,. his wisdom. the earth, which had heard
111.1 ~. III·
.. (
FOR· SALE CARPETS and life to can be beautlfl,ll If you use Blue Lustre. Rent el. ctrlc shampooer $1. Waynesville Furniture Co. SCI FOR SALE: 6 week old Poodle crossed puppies. 897-7593. 5cl SLIM GYM the world's easiest method of active exercise. Also some size 20 dresses. 897-2232 evenings and weekends. 5c2 SCOTCH Terrier puppies. AKC. Ph. 897-2359 5c2 BUILT-IN dishwasher, counter top stove, upright plano, needs tuning. $20 each. Call 897-6736. 5cl FI REWOOD for sale. Will deliver or haul your own. Reasonable. Call anytim e. 862-4190 Spring Valley. 5ncl .APPLESand fresh Cider. 1 c.lder Fruit Farm, 2 miles South of Centerville on route 48 ; East on Nutt Road 3/4 mile. 27ctf SCRATCH pads for sale at The MIami Gazette. 105 S. Main St. Wayne sville. 16nctf HEATING Stove for sale, ' 75,000 BTU with blower. $50.00 Phone , 897.4350. . . 31ctf GESTETNER Model 451 duplicator with Gestefax Electronic Stencil Scanner and cabinet. All excellent condition. Phone The Miami Gazette ~974921. 16nctf
FI REPLACE wood. Will deliver. Ph. 897-4170 3c4
WANTED WANTED: Babysitting. Phon.e 8975921. Ask for Jean. 18nctf
- - _. -
- -------
~~.~._r:~Q t9 . buy-50 used pianos,
write Box 54'2. Wilmington, Ohio. 2ictf WANTED: Clothes 897-5921. '
Waynesville ~Iementary tllonor Roll
SERVICES FEBRUARY Cleaning special. Furniture 20% off, 9x12 to 12)(12-$8.95. Call us' today for other low prices. Paul's X-per. Carpet Cleanln'g Phone 932-7876 5c4 REEDY PLUMBING-For your com· plete plumbing Installation and repairs. Call 897-6629 Waynesville. 4ctf
POODLE Grooming by appointment. AKC Toy Poodle stud service In ex· change for pick of litter. Call 8624190 anytime. 4nc2 HOME repair and maintenance carpenter, concrete, sheet metal painting, roofing and electrical. Phone 746-2982. 21ctf FARM fencing, barn painting and repair. Free estimate:;. Phone Middletown 423-1424 or 422-7494. l7ctf TOY Poodle Stud Service, AKC Registered. White or Apricot. $50 AppOintment only. Phone 897-4148 15ctf COLD Springs Beauty Shop: Will take appOintments anytime. Ph. 8974398. 48ctf
REAL ESTATE CONCORD SQUARE Apartments. Lebanon. Beautiful new unfurnished 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, eQuipped kitchen, carpeting. AIC, pool, $1~5 . up. Cincinnati ?93-0322. Lebanon 932-9801 . 2c4
Grade 3; Mrs. Click: Elizabeth Atkins, Karen Brunton, Sherry Oinehens, Philip Gibbs, Jo Ann Halton, Tracy Lamb, Christine Montag, Robert Rickey, Barry Robbins, Matthew Rye, Michael Spencer, Cheryl Waltz, Mrs. Slone: Teui Bennett, David Bixby, Jeff Campbell, Tom Coffman, Cathy Esselman, Susan Fritts, Lori Marriott, Darla Morgan, Jeni Vinson, Mrs. Benfer: Terri Arnold, Richard Buckland, Kim Cox, Hope Gorsuch, Diane Harmon, Chris Leyes, Deborah Matter, Cathy Montag, Kim Purkey, Sherry Roark, Robert Rye, Joan Wendling, Mrs. Courtney: Marcus' lElliott, Pam Furnas, Alexis Hawkins, Phillip Morris, Dennis West.
,:.- '
Real ' Eftate
. The former Tom NorriS" hom" in ' Waynesville. Featuring 2 or 3 bediooms, fue' place, 4S xIS foot family room, : 20Car .garage, built-in st.ove. Vacant. Price S19,SOO. .::: The Bob Townsend Home. This beautiful home. has 4 bedrooms, fueplace, 2~ baths, full basement, 2~ car garage, J .central air conditioning. Brick J and frarne construction, early ! American ' design. Price 1 S38,000. ( ....., Tom Florence Realty • Ph 897-6000
Open Daily 1 :00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Anytime by Appointment Carolyn Hatton
... , CUS'fOll.,
, .BOllE BuILDBif. ,! ALL 1',YPES.. ' ." REKODELIN(I Bobert Carter &I Son 21 N.lnt ST.
-11111'1 UPlUGE:aA.TION .. AlB aONDrfIOlftNG
SERVICE Oolll1llercial - Besidenti&l - ' A. utomobile 'Units . -... . . •
103.9 FM
1111 Harlan 14. R.R. 2_
1--2t, E•. MAIN ST. XfMIA .. ;.OKIO
Where Is It? fans did not have any trouble identifying the water fountain in front of the bank in Waynesville this week. Those correctly identifying the thirst quencher include Ellis Welch, Keith Lamb, Regina Wolfe, Jones Sinclair Station personnel, Don Head, Robin Morgan, Winnie Morgan, Barbara Boggs, Jimmy Coffman, Brent Morgan, Gary Bellman, Lonnie Blythe, Greg Smallwood, Aaron Crane, Susan Dellard, Terry Gadd, Terry Irons, Chuck Irons, Betty Morgan, Jerry Doyle, Randy Hill, Robin and Jeremy Dakin, Tammy Cooper;Cathy Porterfield, Judy Hildebrecht, Alan Morgan, Jennifer Brown, Brent Clane, Kara Fricke, Chris Campbell and Cindy Hatton. We think we have a little more difficult Where Is It? this week. Test your recall and call us ; at 897-5921. Grade 4; Mrs. Pack: Oaudia Andres, Paul Banas; Brenda Barrett, Dottie Hannah, Carla Hansard, Charles .Irons, Dana leMaster, Rickie littleton, Loretta Rush, James Wendling, Mrs. Sawyer: Mike Anderson, Ken Colvin, Alan Scott, Kenneth Seidl, Mike Simpson. Mrs. Wardlow: Valerie Campbell, Terri Francisco, Michele Jones, Julie Kier, Andrea Leyes, Mrs. Palko: Amy Boal, Donna Vaught.
Shawn Maloney, Dennis Merris, Dale Miller, Barbara Nell, Kim Payton. Grade 6; Mrs. Flzey: David 0' Banion, David Sharp, I}dvid Stubbs, Don Smith, :Tom Hillman, Cindy Kinsel, Brenda Couch, Kim Brunton, Miss Waldroup: Andrea Bernard, Rebecca Boal, Cynthia Bradley, Patsy Colvin, Melinda Conley, Sharon Elder, Allen Hannah, Donna Lemaster, Martha Peters, Chris Simpson, Missy Ska~, Beth Snoddy, Jay Wendling, Mr. Watson: Cindy Alexander, Kurt Andres, Denise Christian, Randy Hill, Carole Pottenger, Sandy Sheehan, Greg Smallwood, Jackie Smith, Susan Wientjes. Mr. Hatfield: Merrylyn Foster, Patti Barney, Deve1a Robinson, Teresa Lamb,:,Bubara Vmcent, Robin Dakin, David Vint, Tarncie 'Rose, Larry Click, Debra Neeley, Kenny Dunaway, Ricky Frye, Doug livingstoQ.
Grade 5; Mrs. Gadd: Mike Banas, Richard Casebalt, Jenny Hillman, Pam Jones, Cindy Kier, Carolyn McFadden, Cindy Ponder, Pam Rush, Louann Self, Jonni Wampier, Ronnie Williams, Mrs. Lacy: Douglas Vinson, Jack Stubbs, Kitty Simpson, Tammy Reynolds, Frances Peters, Andy Maloy, Jeff Jones, Leslie Horseman, Diane Garrett, Jody Amburgy, Mrs. Vanderpool: Lori Bixby, Jennifer Brown, Jennifer Hawkins, Susan Johnson, Vanessa" Lambert, Cheryl Spencer, Marla Walters, Mrs. Francisco: Laura Bromagen, Anita Brown, .Mike Couch, Starla Crider, Kara Fricke, Terry Gadd, Donna Johnson, Terri Lundy, Gail Malicote,
A tuning fork that eucute. 261 vibrations a aecoDd produces a. midclle-C note. But 10 does a buD saw if run at a.peed . where 261 teeth cut into the . wood every aecond.
. . 1_'~p'.I ••lic C!~!~..t .....
1.1 4.NORTH ST. RT.42'
Stereo Tapes
fi~' ~.
SAT.' ~.M~"P.M:
ReligiouS' Books .
Drums Microphones Stands
·.qT,i~DRi·: ::·
Grade 2; Mrs. Cook: Brooks ~orseman, Susan 'Huffman, Dale Hughes, David Johnson, Teresa Jones, Greg Polly, Catherine Powell, Tammie Prewith, Rhonda Purkey, Mrs. Hodson : Beverly Barber, Colleen Conley, Jeremy Dakin, Cindy Gross ', Tamara Jones, Tim Osborne, Maria Vint, Mrs. Davis: Sherry Atkins, Ray Harmon, Donald Johnson, Joe Jones, Vincent Leyes, Cynthia Schlegel, Jeffery Vanderpool, Mrs. Perry: James Adkins, Nola . Bennett, Colleen Bromagen, Shayne Lamb, Jeff Patton, Mich- ',' ael Payton, Margaret Peters, Paul Scherer, Christine Sheehan, Karen Wical , Mrs. Hatfield : Shara Cherryholmes, Debra Hall, Larry Kell~r, Paula littleton, Charles Overbee, Mark Seidl, Chris Smead, Julie Snoddy, Vickie Wampler
Ihl 'Backdllr Antiquls
wardrobe. Ph. 4nc
Bible in Pictures . Radios.
p;'~~~': 8u •• 89'7-7056 - Ru. 932-7203
PH. 897-7931 1)r . ~97-22.41 BOB SMITH ,
. ,
. BACKHOE'· 'EX-6AVAf.ING~ 'SEPTIC- '~'Y6iE~'L~~ '; r · ..CULV, ~~TS· INSrA~LED':TRENCHI~§iGRAV ':' fOP,.,':' .
~ ~.~.', So-U~" , ' COMPOST:.~' ~,ll~·'. DiRT_. '"
DR.·: wA'(NESYIL ·
~o 8.m.
- &mday MOrning
6:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening
. Acy Lam~, ~astor . 10:00 •.m., Sunda y SChool. 7:30·. p.m., Sunda y, Wednesday' . and ~turday, Bvening Worsh ip Ser:vices. 7:30 p.in., Wedn esday Youth Service.
Pint Baptist. Chur ch
I'irB t Church of Christ s..t High Street Thom as SteveDl, Minister 9:30 a.m., Sunda y Bible School. 10:30 a.m., Sunda y Worsh ip and Communion. 6:00 p.m. Sunda y Youth Meeting. 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Christian Youth Hour. 7 :30 p.m., Sunday Evening Wor.h ip. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Bible . Study .
Prien ds Meetiing
Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m., Sunda y School. 10:4' a.m., Sunday Me~ting for Worsh ip (unpro~ammed).
St. Augustines Church
High Street Rev. Josep h H. Lutmer, 7 a.m. & 11 a.m. Maase. 8 •.m. & 8 p.m. Holy Days 7:30 p.m. First Friday 7:4' a.m. Daily Man
St. Mary 's Episcopal
Main Streets Third Rev. Harol d Deeth, Rector a.m., Morning Prayer 1"1 : ht, 3rd & 5th Sundays; Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays. &
Unit ed Methodist Church
Third & North Streets L. L. Y olmg, Minister 10:15 ·a!!Jl., Ch~.~~ .at _, Worship. .9:00 a..., Sunday Churc h at . Study. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth Fellowship..
";" .
and lave. SOlomon ,wlaC10m mUch' _nd la,...
. ness ~f. heart, even ai the ,hind that . II 01) .. . the ·... shore. d the ,axe_lie wlldom n'l 30 And Solomo wlsdo," of all the children of the ...t coun' try, a'nd all thJ wlsdorn Of .~:
I KIn .. 4.U.,..
And he spake three thoul$8nd proverbi: his sonp "Ye,.. a thou"" d and five, And he spake of trees, from the cedar that , Is In Lebanon even unto · the hYI.· sop that Iprlnp th .out ~ the walll he spake' also of beasts, and of fowl, and of cnMtPlna thlnp, and of fishes. 34 And there came cif all people to hear the wlldom of Solomon, from all klnp ' of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.
32 : and 33 tree
North Main Street John P. O.bor ne, Pastor 1.~:00 a.m., Sunda y School. 11:00 a.m., Morni ng Worship. 6:30 p.m.,.Traini ng Union. 7:30 p.~ ~veniDg Worship. 7:30 p.m., We(n esday Prayet' Meeting. (AffUiAted· w ~ t h South ern Baptist Convention).
.'un~e...tindln. I
. ' OhjJrCh
I Kin.. 4a1H1 ·
. 29 'And GoCI'
"PenteCQatjI BoliDess
.;, ".
Priendship Baptist ChUrch . South ern Baptiat Convention Norm an Meadow., Paator 9:30 a.m., Sunda y School. 10:30 a.m., Sunda y Morni ng
...eI, ,our I. ILl . "all, anel
7:30 p.m., Sunda y Evening
Service. 7:30 p.m., Weclneaday, Mid· weelc Praye r and Bible Study. -
J onahs Run Bapt ist Church . Ohio 73 Baat Lester IGdd, Pastor 10:00 •. m., Sunda y School. 10:00 & 11:00 a.m., Sunday Worah~p Service. 7 :30 p.m., Sunda y Evening Wor.h ip.
Unit ed lieihodiat' . Chur ch
lttT. HOL LY Unit ed Meth odist Church
Unit ed Meth odist Ohurch
David T. Willar d, Minister 9:30 a.m., Sundayl Worsh ip .Service. ' 10:30 a.m., Sunda y SchooL ~rvice!.Evening .7:30 p.m., Wednesday, P,ayu 7:00 p.~., Sunday, Worsh ip Services con·Servi .' ce ducted .by youth.
David Harpe r, Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunda y Churc h
Rev. Leona rd Baxter 9:30 a.m., Sunda y School. 11:00 a.Ul., Sunda y, Worsh ip
,Rim A: VAI"rI~
Uldte(f Methodlai Church '
W aInut-Vine Service. Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 10:30 a.m., Sunda y School. Sunda y Schoo l 9:30 11:00 a.m., Sunda y Worsh ip 10:30 a.m. Morni ng Worsh ip Service. Y oum Fellowship and Bible , . 6:30-p.m. Youth Fello wship jr. 'high & sr. high Study 7:45 p ..m. Wedn esday choir rehear sal
Harveysburg Full Gospel . Church E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Yourig People's Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening
Sprimg Valle y Chur ch of Chri st
Ridgeville Comm... nity Chu ..ch
St. Rt. 48 & LOwer Springboro Road Ray L Shelton, Pastor 9:30 A M. Sunday School 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening . Service 7:30 p.m.-·WednesdaY Evening Service 5:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth Recreation. 6:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth Services
" School Youth y Sunda 5:00 p.m. Fellowship
SpriDg Valle y
Frien ds Chur ch
FERay Perr y Church of Christ
Wilmington Pike & Sodal Row Road Bus Wiseman, Minister 9:00 a.m., Sunda y Bible School. 10:15 a.m., Sunda y Worship. 10:15 a.m., Sunda y Youth Worship. 6:30 p.Ih., Sunda y 'Evening Bible Study , all ages. 7:30 p.m., Evening Worsh ip. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Midweek Praye r and Bible Study.
Glady Street . Genntown United Church 10:00 a.m. MOmlng Worsh ip of Christ Route 42 at Genntown . 7:00 p.m. Evening Worsh ip . Ray Stormer, Pastor 8:00 p.m Wedn esday Evening 9:30 a.m. Worship Service Worsh ip 10: 30 Sunday Church
Moun d Str~t . E. Frien d Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunda y ac:hool , 10:30 a.m. Morni ng Worsh ip
Christian Baptist Mission Main Street . Mrs. loiS 'Dunaway - Pastor Sunday School - 10 a.m. Morning Worship - 11 a.m. Eve~ng Worship - 7:30 ~.m. ,Prayer Meeting, Wednesday· ' . _ -7:30 p.m. Prayer "MeetiDg,Thursday ~ 7:30p.m. . . Song-fest - Last Saturday each month - 7:30 p.m.
Free' Pentacostel Church 9,f God R.R 122 - Dodds, Ohio
Pastor. James Coffman '. . 10:30 a.m. - SUnday SChool 7 p.m. - Sunday Evangelistic : Service 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Saturday evening worship service
WA ft. aB: vlO I ' ., wA n.lv a.I.•WAVlE " " IV~LL£. OMtO '
· PH~'.7"1f~
nL L msmuBoE
r- :"'-"-- ~~Y~~-~ OHI'-
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·WAY.BSVIt,TJi!LE, OtllO,' "WAVIIEIVIL .. . . ... ... ,.-
,WAYIOlSVU.JcB DRUG "0 '" . .,': . .
Eleven Ten .Radio '-. .
It'" I
Mr. Arch Hildebrant, 'Warren County business man, lias declared himself a candidate for Warren County . Commissioner. Hildebrant, who owns the Cedar .City Coin Center in Lebanon, was Secretary and General Man-' ager of the Big Four Industries located in Maineville, Ohio for 14 years until 1966. ' He has served as Chairman of the.financial Committee, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Official Board of the Maineville Methodist Church. In addition, he. has been a member of the 'Board of Education of the little Miami Local School District for 12 years ;tpd has served for five years on the local Draft ·Board. Hildebrant and his ·wife, Martha, recently opened three shops in the Lebanon area including The Cedar City Art and Import Shop, The Store and the Siite . Yar<JWig Shop.
. WAYllu.v.IL~ - OHIO.\, .' '_
<" "
·TIOItA,t·lli BK •
i t,
SERVICES' , CARPETS and IIf. to can be beautl· ful If you use Blue LUstre. 'Rent ttl. ctrlc shampooer $1. Waynesville Fur· nlture Co. 5cl FOR SALE: 6 week old Poodle crossed pupples. ,897-7593. 5cl SL.IM GYM - the world's easiest method of active exercise. Also some size 20 dresses. 897-2232 evenings and ,weekends. 5c2 SCOTCH Terrier puppies. AKC. Ph. 897-2359 5c2 BUILT·IN dishwasher, counter top stove, upright plano, needs tuning. $20 each. Call 897-6736. 5c1 FI REWOOD for sale. Will deliver or haul your own. Reasonable. Call any· time. 862-4190 Spring Valley. 5nc1 ,AWLESandfresh Cider.' , ~I~er Fruit Farm, 2 miles South of Cent,lIrvllle on route 48, East on Nutt Road 3/4 mile. 27ctf SCRATCH pads for sale at The Miami 105 S. Main St. Waynesville. 16nctf
HEATING Stove for sale, '75000 BTU with blower. $50.00 Phone I 897.4350. 31ctf GESTETNER Model 451 duplicator with Gestefax Electronic Stencil Scanner and cabinet. All excellent condition. Phone The Miami Gazette 1897-5921. 16nctf ~
FI REPLACE wood. Will deliver. Ph. 89.7-4170 3c4
Babysitting. Phon.e 897· for Jean. 18netf
~~!.'I:t:t;.Q t9 . buy-50 used pianos,
write Box 542. Wilmington, Ohio. 21ctf WANTED: 897-5921.
wardrobe. Ph. 4nc
" Honor Roll'
FEBRUARY CIMn,ng sP~lal. Furnl· ture 20% off, 9)(12 to 12xl2-$I.95. Call us today for other low prices. Paul's X-perf Carpet Cleaning Phone 932-7876 5c4 '
Grade 2; Mrs. Cook: Brooks Horseman, Susan Huffman, Dale , Hughes, David Johnson, Teresa Jones, Greg Polly, Catherine Powell, Tammie Prewith, Rhonda Purkey, Mrs. Hodson: Beverly Barber" Colleen Conley, Jeremy Dakin" Cindy Gross ', Tamara Jones, 'TIm Osborne, Maria Vint, Mrs. Davis: Sherry Atkins, Ray Harmon, Donald Johnson, 10e Jones, Vincent Leyes, Cynthia Schlegel, Jeffery Vanderpool, Mrs. Per~y: James Adkins, Nola ' Bennett, Colleen Bromagen, Shayne lanib, Jeff Patton, Mich-:' ael Payton, Margaret Peters, Paul Scherelf" Christine Sheehan, Karen Wical, Mrs. Hatfield: Shara Cherryholmes, Debra Hall, Larry Keller, Paula littleton, Charles Overbee, Mark Seidl, Chris Smead, Julie Snoddy, Vickie Wampler
REEDY PLUMBING-For your com· plete plumbing Installation and r. pairs. Call 897-6629 Waynesville. 4ctf POODLE Grooming by appOintment. AKC Toy Poodle s.tud service In exchange for pick of litter. Call 8624190 anytime. 4nc2 HOME repair and maintenance carpenter, concrete, sheet metal painting, roofing and electrical. Phone 746-2982. 21ctf FARM fenCing, barn painting and repair. Free estimates. Phone Middletown 423-1424 or 422-7494. 17ctf TOY Poodle Stud Service, AKC Registered. White or Apricot. $50 Appointment only. Phone 897-4148 15ctf COLD Springs Beauty Shop: Will take appOintments anytime. Ph. 8974398. 48ctf
REAL ESTATE CONCORD SQUARE Apartments, Lebanon. Beautiful new unfurnished 1 8< 2 bedroom apartments, equipped 'kitchen, carpeting, AIC, pool, $1~5 up. Cincinnati ~93-0322. Lebanon 932-9801 . 2c4
Grade 3; Mrs: Click: Elizabeth Atkins, Karen Brunton, Sherry Clinehens, Philip Gibbs, Jo Ann Halton, Tracy Lamb, Christine Montag, Robert Rickey, Barry Robbins, Matthew Rye, Michael Spenc~lr, Cheryl Waltz, Mrs. Slone: Terri Bennett, David Bixby, Je~ff Campbell, Tom Coffman, Cathy Esselman, Susan Fritts, Lori Marriott, Darla Morgan, Jeni Vinson, Mrs. Benfer: Terri Arnold, Richard Buckland, 'Kim Cox, Hope Gorsuch,Diane Harmon, Chris Leyes, Deborah Mattelr, Cathy Montag, Kim Purkey, Sherry Roark, Robert Rye, Joan Wendling, Mrs. Courtney: MarcUis' 'Elliott, Pam Furnas, AlexiS Hawkins, Phillip Morris, Dennis West.
, ;,~ '. Reel ' Estate ,; 'The former Tom NorriS" hom" in ' Waynesville. Featuring 2 or: 3 bediOoms, fue! place, . 4S xiS foot family room, : 2-car .garage, built-in stove. Vacant. Price $19,s06. ,:,~' 'The ~b Townsend Home. I Thd, ~utiftd home, hu 4 bedrooms, fll'eplace, 2~ baths, full ~ment, 2~· car garage, ~ , ,c entral ail conditiOning. ',Brick " and ,frame construction, early American' design. Price 1
i "\' Tom Florence Realty •
Ph ,897-6000'
Open Daily 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 'p.m. ,
Anytime by Appointment Carolyn Hatton
., .. CUS'lQII',' ~ ,BOllE
REMODELING. Bobert C&rter " Son 21 N.
ST. '
H ·B M
,. ,( SERVIOB ' OolDlU.ercial - Residential 'UDita .. - '..Automobile . .
,via,...,. . .
103.9 FM
Ohl' '
1711 Hulan IN. R.R. 2 ~
I .
.. . .
.. .
. 1'2~ E. , MAIH' ST. X£MIA.. "
'EDt:. I 'A·'I"T '. 'OI 82. SOUTH MAIN ST.
PH. 897-7946
Where Is It? fans did not have any trouble identifying the water fountain in front of the bank in Waynesville this week. Those correctly identifying the thirst quencher include Ellis Welch, Keith Lamb, Regina Wolfe, Jones Sinclair Station personnel, Don Head, Robin Morgan, Winnie Morgan, Barbara 80~, Jimmy Coffman, Brent Morgan, Gary Bellman, Lonnie Blythe, Greg Smallwood, Aaron Crane, Susan Dellard, Terry Gadd, Terry hons, Chuck Irons, Betty Morgan, Jerry Doyle, Ro. 1dy Hill, Robin and Jeremy Dakin, Tammy Cooper,. Cathy Porterfield, Judy Hildebrecht, Alan Morgan, Jennifer Brown, Brent Clane, Kara Fricke, Chris Campbell and Cindy Hatton. We think we have a little more difficult Where Is It? this week. Test your recall and call us I at 897-5921. I Grade 4; Mrs. Pack: Claudia An· dres, Paul Banas; Bt:enda Barrett, Dottie Hannah, Carla Hansard, Charles hons, Dana leMaster, Rickie littleton, Loretta Rush, James Wendling, Mrs. Sawyer: Mike Anderson, Ken Colvin, Alan Scott, Kenneth Seidl, Mike Simpson. Mrs. Wardlow: Valerie Campbell, Terri Francisco, Michele Jones, Julie Kier, Andrea Leyes, Mrs. Palko: Amy Boal, Donna Vaught. Grade 5; Mrs. Gadd: Mike Banas, Richard Casebalt, Jenny Hillman, Pam Jones, Cindy Kier, Carolyn McFadden, Cindy Ponder, Pam Rush, Louann Self, Jonni Wampler, Ronnie Williams, Mrs. Lacy: Douglas Vinson, Jack Stubbs, Kitty Simpson, Tammy Reynolds, Frances Peters, Andy Maloy, Jeff Jones, Leslie Horseman, Diane Garrett, lody Amburgy, Mrs. Vanderpool: Lori Bixby, Jennifer Brown, Jennifer Hawkins, Susan Johnson, Vanessa" lambert, Cheryl Spencer, Marla Walters, Mrs. Francisco: Laura Bromagen, Anita · Brown, Mike Couch, Starla Crider, Kara Fricke, Terry Gadd, Donna lohnson, Terri Lundy, Gail Malicote,
Shawn Maloney; Dennis Merris, Dale Miller, Barbara Nell, Kim Payton. Grade 6; Mrs. Bzey: David 0' Banion, David Sharp, David Stubbs, Don Smith: 'Tom Hillman, Cindy Kinsel, Brenda Couch, Kim Brunton, Miss Waldroup: Andrea Bernard, Rebecca Boal, Cynthia Bradley, Patsy Colvin, Melinda Conley, Sharon Elder, Allen Hannah, Donna Lemaster, Martha Peters, Chris Simpson, Missy SkaW, Beth Snoddy, Jay Wendling, Mr. Wat· son: Cindy Alexander, Kurt Andres, Denise Christian, Randy Hill, Carole Pottenger, Sandy Sheehan, .Greg Smallwood, Jackie Smith, Susan Wientjes. Mr. Hatfield: Merrylyn Foster, Patti Barney, Devela Robinson, Teresa Lamb,/ Bubara Vmcent, Robin Dakin, David Vint, Tamcie 'Rose, larry ruck, Debn Neeley, Kenny Dunaway, Ricky Frye, Doug livingston. I
A tuning fork that 8UCIltei 261 vibrations 'a IeCOM produces •• middle-C DOte. But 10 does a buD ..w if run at alpeed . where 261 teeth cu~ . into the ' wood every MCOncI..
..•• ~.,.I ,1I.lle C!~~r".~.
1,14:NORTH ST. RT.42' . Stereo Tapes Drums Gui1Bn Microphones Banjos Stands Banclolina r
SAT•• ~.M~"P.... -
R.ngioUa- Books. ", Bibl~ in ~,. " RaCiioi.
• \ Jr-
tion the ~. · .re.m~rit pperation. Students ar Tho ~'veni6ed Cooperati~~ ' l nnil"P.d to \VOl-k a miJiim .' ~ 'l S' , . um 01" 1 ' .,,~'":. Trainib• . {Uqr) 'RropaM. ,is 'now w~eldy, excluding · SatUrin its third year In the Wayne 1.0- , hours r~. ' : :".,' .; : I ·~"·~ . . :lY oriented mathe- . spiritual ;st.nda • cal , Schools. This program ;.en". r' d:t.ys.· ~~!aI al' statistics " .' naubn , and State' and technic " . s ~1iYSic ., ~tics, . le;,·....II......UI :.IInAIU instruc ne.yn abIes stude'nts to receive ed in relat ' , slto~ · tha~ .6()%;'0~ t~~,"s~denis : I ," ' . ' ~ '. . , . ~ I" Way inclUd ate i~: JI1lph tion on the job in a slcille~ ~de hi iddition, special in~ enrolled m tirades and industry .:' ! ,; . ' g. trainin reto n additio in ion or ~upat ~l'Qctiona1 ;units related to the . programs thrl~U,ghOUt , ~e- CO,U~.. . ceivirlg . occupational related try stay on ~e job. ilfter grad- . VJrious ski1l ateas are included. training in ,high school leading to relation- ' uation. Mr. 'churko noted that Fmp1oy~Hmploy.er grad\18tion. , ADDRESS'--:I~,.~~_-.;...~~~~~~~~~~, aft~~ ' ~Pice eilt~r, l.b9Y~ severa . Mr. ~drew Churko, coordi~ " . graduation and lWP'riage taka shi~" s~ ·~ttitudes on the job, _'__-.~__~_.;;..... nator for the program, spends his CITY ' , emthe ; $Orne of1he girls qut"of experiences n'll vocatio ' l 'specia mornings ,in the classroom with '. .. ,I ployme.nt picture:· and individual assistanc.e ue also stu~ents and afternoons find him DATE·~~........~__;;....;..........:-.. innow 8r~ s tudent s : Tho lo¢ 1his for s eration consid prime and traveling between the school .. . the midsto(planning ajpint Em- ' class. Mr. Churko. who is still in -.~-.' ~ . ..:...- . ,_..'..~\ ~-. ..~ -~ ~ ~ ~training stations where the stuet Banqu ployers Appreciation the program with year first his Waynesville Villa... . dents are employed. The 21 stuwith the aOcal .occu~tional happy with the very 'I'm noted cil .,... ,Ordinances Coun ncr the up REED •. G make dents who CHARLOTTE Work-Experience class. The banstudents a gives It m.' progra wide Rl, Oulrlotte G. Reed, 87,R class are employed over a quet is being planned for someW~yn~e ~ill~je ... <;'9U~~ · ~hance to rub elbows with the sville, .paSsed away ThursWayne territory ~cluding Waynesville, , outsi4e world." time,in April. In .regular session Monday met She. ce. residen Dayton, . Kettering, ' Centerville her at 29 Jan. day, nigl;lt B:Ild passed two ordinances. The locifocr class is a.mem.. and lebanon. They are engaged ber of both the state ' and ita. , was preceded in death by ,her ,one of the ordinances approved in a variety of skilled occupa: husb'and, Thomas J. Reed; her the annexation of land,. oWned tional Vocational Industrial Bar- by' the village, around" the new. aara ger, Kessin Kate tions including banking, presisters, aubs of America (VICA) which nursing, food service, fann machber, Ida Hess, and Nellie Walker; stand pipe on Lytle Road; the 'Preparin~ for motto it$ as bas mill , inery repair, meat cutting her brothers1 Charles and Earl ot~~r ordinance w~ the rez,oning ~adership in .the Worl4 of ' Gifford. She is survived by one work, machinist and heavy equipof territory at Dclyton Road and son, Warren G. Reed of Morrow; LI LllAN Lr:WIS High Street from R-l to R~3 to' grandchildren ~ Thomas J. two allO\\r const~ctlon of· nursing Miss lillian Lewis, 90, of Reed of the U:S Air Force and y Sunda home on that site. In other 'away Wayrte~ville .passed Reed of Morrow Alice en Kathle . is village business, Councilman Jack at Hall's Nursing Home. She and nephews. nieces severill , and intr9duced ·a resolution to survived by her Sister, Miss VETR INAR IAN cted at 2 p.m. Gross condu swere Service get tile Police Levy renewal :on Emma Lou lewis of Waynesville the Stubb-Conner at ay Saturd s. nephew y ballot in May. The and several nieces and sville with the primar Wayne in Home l Funera present levy 'o f three mills exPrivate gra'~eside services were Inting. officia s Teeter O. John . pire~ in 1970. Tuesday in lJomer, m. Stubbsery. Cemet Run Middle ent ternjl1 charge in Home l Conner Funera t " of arrangements. REMOVAL OF HIS OFFICE FROM HIS HOME ON PEKIN ROAD TO, THE CORNER OF MIAMI . STREET AND MARVIN LANE. .
. o.
"';; '.":.,'.
..,. ,
Dr. H. F. ,lye -
· Y~terday . Be-~·i ' 8it.e d'..
Raymond Williamson, 81,Jor\ apassed sville, Wayne of merly te.: Bi~~~d Pieces~of Ne~ ·froin YesterdaY!s Mi·aml"Odet . . ~)... way MonwlY, Dec. 22, 1969 in a rest home in Bradenton, Ela. Mr. Feb. 1935 - The 'le~ seemed welL.delivere.d and the -entertain"·,.·",,u,.. Williamson, who. graduated from to play ~te a bit.be,tter iii the,ir ' ment:.yJ~. Ii s\lccess i~ l~v~rVway), '~,... Waynesville High School in '1908, " game ~th. -I.~,banon 'Yedrt~sdaYI th~· ne~ proe~~~ ,amou~ting to: was the President of the Elyria February 6, than they did with aboll\' eighty dQllars'. t ,,' } , . I .. ' . -:;": ~;'; .' ' In any ,Coca-Cola Bottling' 'Comp Massie. The half e.ilded with a .... Elyria, Ohio. 1nternment was in .' score of 7 tp i O,lebanon, and Lakewood, Ohio. the last ' half was .really a fast '. . . Feb. 1928 - :A.cheVr~letic ci3ch game. Haditnotb~en for a coup- driven by J()e ~'HQ,rmell r~f Way• . ,le·of.bad passes in tbe l~st couple nesville, and .,~ , Ford. ~.ou~ · ~"'_ ;-- of mmutes, ~he game would have ven .by, pOy'd Shaffer, collided.-at , gope over time .. The final score the in.ers~tion or' ,hJShways ,3 ,~, and 73, corner of M8in ,street iU)d . was 18 to 16 WIth Lebanon on HarveysburgpiJee, Tue.sday, morn~ , top". ing. Mrs. gorm'ell was,cut on tile ' Feb. 1928 - "The Deacon's lip by flying glass and'was take~ Second Wife", the ' play given at to Hale Hospital, where the iijP t~e gym last Friday ~ght by the JUry IW~. dressed. The-~~vrole.i ladies Aid 'and "Brotherhood of was, only slightly damaged, but the M.E. church, afford~d the Ford was ' " . the front wheel o~ ..the· '"t.... .~arge audie~ce present an evening broken and other ~mages done of pleasure ' and laughter from " to the front of it. start to finish. The parts were ,
..\ .
.59c 89.e
Brach's $33,9 Schrafft's Valentines For "10 " % LB. VALENTINE HEART
1 LB. $3.60 Valentine ·Heart . SATIN RIBBON & FLOWERS
525 0
$ 5~ 0 -6 75
1% LB. to 2 LB.
$'3 75
7ge 5 1-2 9
Page I Shaw Gi0 ft Hearts 1 LB.
1%l. B.to2 LB.
$2 75 -45 $5 00 -55 0-6 25
542 5
Second-cia •• pottale paid at W.YDe~,ville, OhiO Vol. 2 No.6 ,
10 Cents
February 11, 19170 --- Waynesville,9hio
ROil Raflloek Banker And Harleman By Barbara L. Irons '
I.ancester who expects to show the horse at the All Breed show in Colu'mbus ' on Mar. 21. Miss lifer is the owner of RoAnde, a registered Arabian gelding which' was purchased from the Hartsock Farms. RoAnde gained top notice at the Central States Horse Show in Dayton last fall. HartsOCk explained that the Arabian· horse is used primarily as a show and saddle horse in
the United States. They are a great trail horse and are used a great deal in the west for' trail ri~ng. He noted they could be ridden for ]0 or 40 miles a day on the trail. In Poland and Arabia, the horses are used for long distance racing. When · asked about the time involved in ,caring for the stock, Mr~ Hartsock noted just the ontinary c~e of feeding them re-
quired an average of 20 hours a week. Getting them ready for show and riding them everyday runs the time up to about 30 hours a week. The love for fine horses has been passed on to his son, Owen Hartsock, local, Postm~ter, who has been caring for the Arabians during his father's recent illness. Owen also owns and raises Arabian stock himself.
Be~ ·
have received word that !.their, son, Edward, has been wounded" in action in Vietnam and is enroute to the United States. The, extent of his injuries are not yet known but the Bellmans were able to talk to him by telephone in Japan where' he is awaiting . passage to the U.S.
lilli 11111·11
la 1IIInd I,hl 111·CanYlllian
The Miami Gazette will have its first representlltion at the annual Ohio Newspapers Associa-, tion convention since becoming a member early this year. The convention is scheduled for Feb. 12-14 at the Sheraton-Columbus Motor Hotel in Columbus. A complete schedule of the , convention program' has not been released but one known highlight will jnclude roul1dtable discussions , With Mt. :',Jtobert- M. Touchberry whose backgrouii<f includes the Los ~eles"' T~~es and Copley Newspap, on the West Coast. Another feature will be a peek into the coriununity newspaper of the future via a film showing of "The Community Newspaper - State of the Art. "
RossJ:lartsQck i~ SpoWJl' 9{ith ~ight year old. bay mare,. Rohara. Rohara is one of six Arabians that may, be seen 'i n the fields at the H,arts~k farm east of Waynesville. Hartsock received his first pony' at th~ , ~ge of 13, ,w~~t on to saddle horses"and fn'lally bought his first Arabian stock in 19'52. ~ '1' •
Crane Memorial .Funds 'Purchase Hospital Equipment
Attending the 37th annual convdntion on Friday, Feb. 13 will be Reginald Hill, David EdsaU" Barbara Irons and Dennis' .,. Dalton.
I shi~, s~,a~tudes on die job,
\ ij " ~---.;..--:..~~~~~._...._' >~
Ir. H. F. lye VETR INAR IAN '
,=_=~~~~~~-_- .PHONE , . ' ", " . Jl I
~ ~ .~ _ ;:=~_
._ ,_ .' _..
~ __ _ ' _ ._
~_ ~
.. . .
Waynesville VUla." '
Cou~il Passes ~rdi98nces . ' 'Waybesville Village Council met 'n regUlar session Monday night and passed two ordiJiances. , ,One of the ordinances approved the annexation of land~- owned by the village, around ,th~ new, 'stand' pipe on Lytle Road; the oth.~r ordinance w~ the rez9ning of territory at Dayton Road and High Street from R-l to R-3 to allow const~ction of a ~~rsing home on that site, In other village business, Councilman Jack Gross introduced a resolution to get the Police Levy renewal on the primary ballot in May. The present levy 'o f three mills ' expire~ in 1970.
CHARLOTTE G..REED CIulrlotte G. Reed, 87, RR.l, Waynesville, passed away thurSday, Jan. 29 at her residenc,e.She was preceded in death by, her husband, Thomas J. Reed; her sisters, Kate Kessinger, Oara Barber, Ida Hess, arid Nellie Walker; her brothers, ~rles and 'Earl Gifford. She. is survived by one sqn, Warren G. Reed of Morrow; two grandchildren, Thomas J. Reed of the US Air Force and Kathleen Alice Reed of Morrow and severitl nieces and nephews. Services were conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Stubb-Conner ' Funeral Home in Waynesville With . John O. Teeters officiating. InterllJllent Middle Run Cemetery.
C H O C O LA T,E S' ~
, 19 h's Brac $33 9 Schrafft's Va'"lentines For "10" % LB. VALE NTIN E HEART 1 LB. $3.60 Valentine fieart SATIN RIBBON & FLOWERS
$ 1.2 9
1% LB. to 2 LB.
1 LB. RED - GOL D-
$37 5 $39 5,
$25 0 1 LB. SATIN PACKAGE ' $42 5 $ 5~ 0 -6 75 SATIN - DECORATED
1% LB.t o2 LB.
$2 75 -45 $5 00 -5 50-6 25
~ . ... c;H . , ,,' {,J5 ASSORTMENT~ P'OR BOYS AND 'G I'R ,L S TO" SEND
% LB. HEARl"
: 1~ EI'lllEIRU '61101 897-~~56' "';';'~"'-''' .
. •.
PageS Shaw Gi0 ft Hearts 1 LB.
'. y~terda y 'R,e- Visite d·. j
Raymond Williamson, 81, forr·· merly of Waynesville, passed a8s', G~8tt : ' Miami rday's rom Yeste Bitsa~ct Pieces ,of N~~f. .)~.." 'If", 'T. • way Monday, Dec. 22, 1969 in a " , , ' { :' rest home in B{adenton, Fla. Mr. Feb. 1935 - The team seemed well.delivered an<J the ·entertBinWilliamson, w~o graduated from .. tQ. play quite a bit .be~erin thek ~eiit Vt'~ a s~cceS$ inr~eJY ' way, .. ' " Waynesville Higll'Scli60Fin' 1908, game ~ih-' Lebanon Wednesday, th~ ne~, proce.~ ~ ·.amo~nti.ng. to ' ~ ,':', '. II, was the President ~t: llie , FJyria ~ February 6,. than they did with a~out eighty dollars. , ,': . \~', .., .l Coca-p>l~ ' Bottling',Cdinpany in Massie. The h8lf ended with a . ~ ., ,,' . 'l I' Elyria, Ohio. InterQlI1ent was in '. score of,, 7. tp i O,Le~anon, and Lakewood, Ohio. Feb. 1928 -'A chevrolet coach . the last. IuJIf was , really a fast , game. Hadit not beelf for a coup- '. driven ' by: J o~ \'Hrirm~li Qf W~y:" ,:' ;'. 'f/,~' le of bad passes in the last couple nesville, and ' a . Ford: co~pe dri~ , \. " ;-- of minlltes; the game Would rotve ' ven 'by UoY4 Shaffer, 'collid~ d at., gope over time. Th~ final' sc~re " the illtersection. of highways ~ and' 73, corner of Main street. and was 18 to 16 with Lebanon on Harveysburg pike, ru'e,sday morn~ top,. Feb. 1928 _ "The Deacon's, ing. Mrs. Hor~Iiell was cut on the Second Wife", the play given at. lip by flying glass and was·t8ken i· the gym last Friday night by the to Hale Hospital, where the' H Ladies Aid 'and Brotherhood of jury was pressed. The Chevtol~t the M.E. church, afforded the . -was. only slightly damaged, b~t ,large audie~ce present a~ evening the front wheel o( the Fprd was: of pleasure and laughter from ' broken, and other ,~'inages' dope' start ,to fmish~ The .parts were to the front of it.
. OFF.ICE · HOURS: .........
.. , .. ,' II
LI LLiA N Lf:WIS Miss lillian Lewis, 90, of Waynesville ,passed away Sunday at Hall's Nursing Home. She is by her sister, Miss survived Emma Lou Lewis of Waynesville and several nieces ,and nephews. Private graveside services were Tuesday lin Homer, m. StubbsConner Funeral 'Home in charge . of arrangements.
.. " DATE'"~--.,=
, NAME ------...;..
special vocational experiences and individual ..mtane;e are also prime consideralions for ibis class. MI". Cuu:ko, who..is still in his first . year, with· tile program noted ·'I'm very ~ppy with the program. ~t giveS students a chance to rub elbows with the ' outside world.'" The 1&ai~DCT=.'-c"--la-ss-is- a member of both the state and national Voottional Industrial aubs of America (VICA) which ' has as its motto 'Preparing for the World of ' 4a~ership in
r \
"lalter Burdine R• 3. £\ . ' , .~ , . !aynesvil1e , Oh1<;, '45Q6r ' · "f l '
. ,
JAMIGA· Second-clas. po.tal.~ paid at W.yne.•ville. Ohio
Vol. 2 No.6
10 Cents
February 11, 1970 ... Waynesville, Ohio
Ross Hartsock .nkar And Horslman By Barbara L. Irons
Ross Hartsock, President of the Waynesville National Bank, . has successfully combined' horses and banking throughout the - years. He joined the bank as Assistant .Cashier in June, 1937 and became Cashier one year . later. In February, 1944, he was installed, 'as President of the 10cal .. banking institution and has served i~ that capacity ever . since. Dunng that time, he successfully launched another career ,~' the breeding and raising of (egistered Arabian ~orses. Ross rec~ived his first pony at the age of 13. That bronco pony led to saddle horses throughout the years ~d in 1952 he came into possession of 'Migeym, his first reJti,stered. Arabian whQ has, a "string of ribbons:" He began ' his present stoejt with tile pua:hase of two mares and the ' Qf ttiree ~res , from tile . Farms br~t).' . Arabian ,~~ti-
l.ancester who expects to show the horse at the All Breed show in Columbus ' on Mar. 2'1. Miss lifer is the owner of RoAnde, a registered Arabian gelding . which was purchased from the Hartsock Farms, RoAnde gained top notic~ at the Central States Horse Show in Dayton last fall. Hartsock explained that the Arabian horse is used primarily as a show and saddle horse in
the United States. They are a great trail horse and are used a great deal in the west for' trail riding. He noted they could be ridden for 30 or 40 miles a day on the trail. In Poland and Arabia, the horses are used for long distance racing. When asked abou t the time involved in caring for the stock, Mr. Hartsock noted just the ordinary care of feeding them re-
quired an average of 20 hours a week. Getting them ready for show and riding them everyday runs the time up to about 30 hours a week. The love for fine horses has been passed on to his son, Owen Hartsock, local Postmaster, who has been caring for the Arabians during his father's recent illness. Owen also owns and raises Arabian stock himself.
INJURIES IN VIETNAM Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bellman have received word that their son, Edward, has been wounded in action in Vietnam and is enroute to the United States. The. ' extent of his injuries are not yet known but the Bellmans were able to talk to him by telephone in Japan where he is awaiting . . passage to the U.S.
Iii mi 1IIItti Ta Ittlld. Thl
0.11' CaI vI ntil I The Miami Gazette will rulve its first represent~tion at the annual Ohio Newspapers Association convention since becoming a member early _this year. The convention is scheduled for Feb. 12-14 at the Sheraton-Columbus Motor Hotel in Columbus.
A complete schedule of the convention program has not been released but one known highlight will include roundtable discussions With Mr. Robert M. Touchberry whose baokgrouiid includes the Los Anjele~ ' TImes and Copley Newspape on the West Coast. Another feature will be a peek into the community newspaper of the future via a film showing of "The Community Newspaper - State of the Art. "
•ria st <fa- ' ,
'I~'"~~ A1I1tlU~;. J~ilU~l-;':!'Y" l ~
. ibis' ~areil' 'who
'tM1ibillhs'~ rrom his' retist~red ',',isi13CKI
F~ms ~ Ge~r- . , purchased :Jlorses
Ross '~ck is shown with his eight 'year old bay mare,. Rohara. Rohara is one of six Arabians that may, be seen 'm .the fields at the ~sock farm east of Waynesville. Hartsock rece,ived his first ponr at the age -of 13, went on to saddle horses, and finally bought I1ds first Arabian stock in ] 952.
Attending the 37th annual conv~ntion on Friday, Feb. 13 will be Reginald Hill, David EdsaU, Barbara Irons and Dennis Dalton. '
Crane Memorial Funds Purchase Hiospital Equipment The l.ancester-Fairfield County Hospital has been the recipient of two Bennett positive pressure machdnes. The machines were purchased by the Fairfield County Tuberculosis and Health Association with funds donated in memory of Mr. E. C. Crane. Mr. CraOle, a former editor' of the Miami GazeUe, passed away . in 1965. Mn. E. C. Crane, widow pf Mn Crane was present for the presentation ot' the machines which will he used in the treatment . of pat;ents suffering from Asthl't;la, empJ\ysema and other lung disorders. l
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.' Locil :8daFfl9f .,Edu~ic)n . ". ~. DrW"c~rje
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StanJ.y.......................................................................... Sport. EdItor
bavad Edial. •.•.•__ ...............................................................;;;"""Q.nera' M.na._ .
R...... ,d O. HIli ••• _ ............ ~............................................. 'Advertl,ln, M.n.,er Char.... lne ......, ............................. _ •••• ,............................... ! AlIOc.. te Editor R.., ... ,d O. Hili, o.vld Ed.. 11 .......................................................... Publl,he,. , P.O. IIOx 71, W.ynelVllle, Ohio 4soi, Member of the Ohio NeWl.,.per AlIOc .. tlon
11'11111 lE11111 6 WEEK SERIES January 29 through March 5
EJilclpl1 Church Waynesville, Ohio
Ph: 897-2374
, . Coricern over the groWing need for ~lualified libra'rians, in the rural areas of southwestern Ohio has led to a detailed stl,1dy of the situation. The report, prepared by Donald .E. Wright, Direct'or of the Evanston Public library, Evanston, m. encompasses libraries in Adams, Brown, Oermont, ' Ointon, Fayette, Highland and Warren Counties. The purpose of the study, now completed, was to evaluate library devel.opment since 1940 in those libraries comprising ' 'the Southwestern Ohio :Rural libraries (SWORL) and to prepare plans for future development of library service.
We wouldn't be , where-~w.e are today without you. That's why we've chosen this month . . . the month of ,,friendship . . . to tell you personally how much we appreciate serving you . . . And how important you've been to, our growth. Thank you . . . for helping us grow!
, Mrs; Mary cUrrent; 'Librarian for tl),e Mary L:r Cook ,Public Ubrary, has ' made pubfic that portion, of the-, study :reJatjng to Wayne Township facilities and Warren County as a whole. The study reports "No per~on entering this library can escape the spell or touch of books and peo11 pIe. nus is a very human place. The staff have been instructed in their training 'to remember that they are here in the library to help the borrower with a smile and a genuine i,nterest in their request-they are to extend to the borrower the privilege of using the library's facility to obtain information from other libraries if they wish it. In other words, we try to train our staff members to deliver the goods if at aU possible.' The library has several outstanding features: -the atmosphere; the promotion and the publicity; the service to children; the relationship with community groups; the many art displaY$; the division 'of the collections and its arrangements." There are four libraries in Warren County; Lebanon, Franklin, Salem Twp. in Morrow and Mary L. Cook Public library in WaynesVille. These four libraries are awarded the entire intangible , tax conection each year by the 'Budget Commission. Of the four libraries, Franklin,'only, is not'a . member 'of SWORL: Infractions noted in the operation of our local library could, be elitninated with the' additiQn of funds. Minor discrepancies noted include the referen~e cbUeetion not being complete'and up.~O-date, apd the olllission of bo'()ks on ' the shelves because' of need for repairs. The report noted, however, that it would be difficult to add new services and staff adding that this was unfortunate for the service return ,on, the donar at our library· was very ' good. The study further ' recommended th~ establishment of an Area library Service Organization (ALSO) for improving library service to the public. The local library would not lose its independence of control by joining such a system. It would con,tinue to remain an independent library serving the public with more insight and increased materials. Additional services made available by such an organization would include a central boo~ collection, reference service, a central periodical pool with printout service, an audio-visual collection, in-service training program, joint purchasing, and de, livery system. The'Mat)' L Cook Public library w.ith its present 20,467 volumes would be able ' . to ' draw-from-the 'Service organi-zation. ' " ," -
Join Us On Valentine's Day For Coffee, Punch, And- Cookies -
. ..
Boyd Anderson,
. Gerson
The Miami Gazette is really great, I twiddle my 'thumbs when it's a minute late, The paper is just full of news; It can really chase away the , ,blues, , The Where Is It? picture is a challenge for all, To figure it out each week is a ball, If I could express my feelings \tbout the Miami Gazette The Editor could fill a lot of pages I bet.
Junior High School Honor Roll' , 7 - Susan Maloy, Sharon Wallace, Debbie Aycock, , David Blair, Mona Combs, Melody Diamond, Terry Irons, Rosemary Keethler, Jeffery livin~ton, Sandra Meager, Julie Mosher, Tommy Rickey, Gregory SCott, Pam , Simpson, Patty Whitney, Kathle~n Banas, Richard Carter, Vicki Dakin, Raymond Lewis, 'ShefCY Rains, Jeffery Watkins, Althea Cook, . Michael' Jones, Barbara Koc~, Carolyn " Orndorf, Rheda Rigney, Stev~n Stanley, Cris Walters, lisa Whitmer. , .8 - Evely,n Qlmpb~R, ,JJ;ldi~~ Fricke., Forrest .Greenwood, Charles Heath, Judith Rye, Gary Welti: ':Ilenise ~Vis, ~~eq,' Vin cent, ~bbie Allen, ' ~rk Bled,so,e, ' Anthony peWi(l~, . Rqonda_ " EVans~' ~d
Hillnthb~' ~dra .
Morgan, ' '. n,!ug .,·Pa1~er;'. Tim . Shoup, Anmf BOeck;'l.eah . ~uck-, Ie, Debbie Grim, ',Rick H~en, Nancy McFadden, Krista Taylor,
EAqaarl..., Jan. II-Feb. 1.) The' blue ' caniation ial the flower for those born under': "the sign Aquarius, the .l8p- , " , " . p ,h ir e ,~h e,ir , . birthstone, and ' the ability ' to • harvest wildom from kn'o wl- , edge. their prin~ cipal , cluarader~ .. iatic. . Logical and inqui.itive, Aquarians love to' inVeltipte, and for that reason,make good acientilw. ·B ut although they are hu.~ m '8:,n i t a r i,< 8 n Z aad ' <concerned , about mankind ~ . 'WI . , in g. .ral, they;c . ' ,'.. are often .aloof' ,
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Murder ' .\ '
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, Parents Night ~o Ile : ObserVed Here Feb. '18 ,
The Waynesville Spartans will observe P'arents Night when they meet Springboro Feb. 18 on the home floor.
By Harold Stanley Sports Editor
I il 11'lli Ih II' 1111 ,11 PI rll II The Kings Knights ran rough shod over the Spartans last Friday as they blasted the Spartans 102 to 77. The Spartan defense was like a sieve as the Knights scored almost at will. The 102 points is a record for the new Waynesville Gym. With Grubbs and Thacker doing the early scoring, the Knights quickly overcame a 5 to 0 Spartan lead to take a 24-18 lead at the end of the first quarter. With Testerman joining the point parade, it was just a matter of how many, points the Knights would Win by. ' Testerman and Thacker led the Knights in scoring with 26 and' 25 points respectively. Bo Bradley paced the Spartan attack with 23 points.
l H'fll I i III i 1IIIItllplrlili , ':;}-If ln,~~Q~.~qlOtion :game, The
, little, ..Miami Panthers defeated , ,the Spartans 51 to 48 at 'tdorrow. ,~Oitce again it ' was matter of poor "defense and sloppy ball handling which hurt the Spartan 'Cause. , With Bo Bradley ' setting the scoring pace, the Spartans led at the ~nd of the frrst quarter 13 to 11. little Miami scored the first 2 baslcetsin the second stanza to take the lead and the Panthers held a 25 to 23 lead at halftime. The lead changed hands sev, eral times dudng the second half, but the Panthers, pl~YPlg a slowed down' offense, seemed to be more in control. ' They worked the ball until they could get the good percen~ tage shots, ,while the Spartans played a helter skelter g3me, throwing the, ball a.way or taking bad shots. , Bo Bradley pac~d the Spartan . aitack 'with"20 'pomts, but could get no ~orinB help ,from his ~;pJ8t~ • •'
II, II~' i III ,. ', Irlll ~,
Waynesville drew a bye in," first round. tournament action' , , in the Wilmington District. They ,,~ will play the winner of the Ce· ~ darville-East Qinton pme. The ,Spartans will go into ' action on ,' Friday, Feb. 27 at 7:,~9 . P'~7
,(- S390
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The Reserves lost twice last week, first to Kings 72 to 57 and to 'little Miami 67-47. Ruggles and Florence led the Waynesville team against Kings witlvPr and 12 points respectively. The lit· tle Miami game saw Pierce and Ruggles leading the local team with 10 and 9 respectively. The Reserves seem to be take ing lessons from the Varsity as they score a lot of points, but the opponent seems to score ale most at will.
", :-. ',' -
, WaynesVille, Ohio 46068
. ~~ '1\
Halftime entertainment at the varsity game will feature the Otaiioteers Drill Team under the direction of Mrs. Pamela Pursiful.
,!....,.~,' .,~"Ij
The MIAMI GAZEm:. ' ~ P. O. Box 78 " , ' '',,'
During the intermission between games, all of the varsity, t , reserve and freshman basketball :" players, managers, cheerleaders and their parents will be introduced to the fans.
"'f ' . " ,~ '/ i , -, ' .' I' • " "
REHierves lose 2 Games
""""'1 "
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7th and 8th Grade Teams lose to South lebanon The local 7th and 8th grade teams both went down in defeat last week to South Lebanon. The 7th grade team led by Tom RiCkey ' with 12 points refused to concede defeat until the end , of a double overtime which saw the final score at 34·30. Brown and Hurst led South Lebanon scoring with 16 and 9 points respectively. Scoring for Waynesville includes: Rickey, 12; Lutes, 2,; Cornett, 4; Hildebrecht, I; Stanley, 6; Jones, 5. The 8th grade team went down in defeat to the close score of 49-47. Stanely and DeWine led the team with 14 and 11 points respectively. Ramsey with 17 points and T. David with 10 pPints :~ed the South I.e,banon team to victory. Other scoring 'for Waynesville includes: Shoup, " 3; Jones, 4; Bowman, 8; Buxton, 2; Crabtree,S. , The ei8hth grade team also bowed out of the eighth grade Invitational Tournament at Cedarville when they were defeated 55·19 by Yellow Springs.
G()ing to the jungles ... or a shopping center ... on the trail of something big? Then go in our Nardis Safari 2-piece suit. Pockets galore ... brass ball buttons and belt calsp' - go after something big, you'll catch it. Taiilored of 100% Dacron polyester double knit. Willow green, Ratton beige. Sizes 8 to 18.
~1d(J·Oumen FARM FiRE ;s Tailored In-
liI...n~ ~te,ction. ' Protect your farm busi.,. for all it's · ...rthl :. ",
HOURS Mon.. T..................... ....
Fridly '
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:that I>.~''''
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'our '
BarbSriI Irohs
Lines It suddenly came to me why this white fluffy stuff (I refuse to call it by its proper name anymore) has been getting to me this ·season. Sitting at my desk one day last week, watching the steady accumulation slowly swallowing up my car and wondering how I could clear the windows in 30 seconds if some great news happening should require my presence elsewhere, it hit me like a bolt out of the blue-I meao s---. We don't have anyone to tell us what we have to look forward to by watching the woollv wonns, bark on the trees, fur on the animals or other indisputable scientific data. Why, it is unbelievable that we have ,been able to survive all these years without such a forecaster! If there is a soothe-sayer in our midst, he or she should step forward and· accept their just reward for what we'have endur~d this winter. How can you properly vent your rage on someone sitting in
'" time' :,~' ;;01£
, ~ truly 'lDd~arnestly '~elieve ' we need s~ch a' person and if-no one is , willing to step forward then a committee should be formed to drafi S()inedne., This , committee ,should be comprise~ of those individuals who have the best reason to be outraged .. A few who cOlme to mind are a representative from the Charioteers for having to cancel their ball game, the superintendent of streets for title extra work, school officials for having to keep an extra close watch on the wea· ' ther, I>clve Edsall with those 5 ' a.m. trips to Oxford, the list could go 011 and on. The person drafted for ibis enviable position would naturally have to come equipped with strong shoulders and a gentle disposition to han· dle all the abuse that would rightfully be heaped on him. This committee should get started at once so we can be ready when old man winter comes around again.
Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati or some other distant pOint if you don't even know his name? Ima~ gine what relief it would be, after stumbling to the window bleary-eyed at 5 :30 a.m. and discovering your car comoletelv and hopelessly covered with you know what, to have someone to ' register your rightful indignation with instead of mumbling to yourself. Think of the energy our local salt crew would have if they boarded their vehicles in com· plete anger at this person. Why, they could get those streets salted in nothing flat. Imagine yourself swinging 'that snow shovel with renewed vigor because you now have someone to blame for it and you're really swinging that shovel at him. This has unheard of possibilities. The doctors' offices are overflowing with snowbogged citizens suffer· ing from ulcers and frayed nero ves just because they don't have anyone to grumble to. oh, the
. ,.' .,
f~b., 1&88 - Fift'y~on~ of:o~~ Otld Ft;llow Citizens w~re in,ubanon last Wednesday at 'tije dedication of the new Odd Fellows' Hall., -E.. 'R. ). ,. .' Printz 'I.,se.ys at the great gathering Qf Odd' Fellows'in Lebanon last Wednesday, i! was r~marked that there I were ' no ., crowdS around tile saloons, and one Saloon keeper was heard tt? remark that it was h u poor day for bUsiness."
Feb. 1928 - Last Saturday night the 'local High ,School defeated Spring Valley Hi to the tune of 18 to 8. 'The loc~ five displaying the old ,fight, lead throughout the game. Sherwqod for the locals, lead the scoring with five baskets and two foul shots. All the boys played a very brilliant game. The defensive ' game played by Berryhill and Henkle, who were assisted by the rest of the team, held Spring Valley down to three baskets and two foul shots. The local second team lost to Spring Valley by the score of 6 to 10, while the Ten Tigers won from the Franklin Faculty and the Runts won from Harveysburg.
Feb. 1935 -Honoring his 76' years as a member of the Masonic fraternity, R A Cross, 94, one of Ohio's oldest Masons, Tuesday night ' was feted by Waynesville , Lodge No. 163 F&AM.
Mansfi eld Ski Country Hosts Winter Carni vaT
seven munjcipal ~tiDg rinks wilf ,be ~pen throughout the period of Feb. 715, with gi.ant bonfires ~d lill,hting fo~ night skating. ~ AU-Faiths Outdoor , Blazing torchlights and roarThere will be plenty of frost- .Church Service will be held on ing bon.firE!s will illuminate' the ing on the carnival cake in the the ski slopes at Oear Fork on sky over ~nsfield and surroun~: fonn of bikinied beauties partiSunday morning. ing ski country during the "Fun, cipating in ski events; competing Oear Fork will be the.site of Center Winter Carnival" during for the honor of being narned , the Senior Alpine Region 4 the week of February 7-15. the Ohio State Ski Queen, and Downhill , Race ~d the Giant Lavish preparations are being , ,some rather spectacular stuilts. Slalom on Sunday. Costume and made to entertain the 100,000 One bikini-clad girl will be sealed fun-cpuple, races will be held at Winter sports enthusiasts who in a 6,o,oo-pound block of ice ' 'Snow Trails. Prizes ' toiati~~· , annually visit the resorts 'o f ~a.t .' and displilyed for 48 hours in a $1!OOO will b~.,awatd~tt~.\90v'er,; region for s~ng,._ iceboatlng, .. ' ., shopping center. , ~pr~ 'Mpdes' _~ ' ~f~seht a ~~e~ snowmobile racing, tobogganil1g~...... ;~'\, '~n0w, Balls" wilJ. be held Fn· , Cial "Governor's" Tf0pny at the'" , , skating and the socia'. functio_nS ' day, Feb. 13, at seven area cen- end, of the Sunday S'ession of ski ' .. that are related to sports activiters including both ski resorts, competition. ' : . "e', ~ 897-2966 ties. the Blue ~lphin, Leland Motor Sponsoring the Winter-CamiHotel, Raqtada Inn and Ada'in's val will be the MansflelcC kea Rib, St*cial W~nter...~heme, dan~ Tpurist and Convention6ureau - ces will 'be feaJured. :Prizes' 'to· -and the JayCe~. ' t~ng '$2,000 will be awarded. Slopes and lodges at both Snow Trails and qear Fork areas will open at 9:00 a.m. arid close at 10 p.m. on Saturday and Sun· day. The famous bikini ' races will be held at. Snow Trails at 2 p.m~,Feb. 14. There will ~o be shov~l and canoe , races at the same location. Iceboat racing is set for Saturday 'and Sunday at Charles Mill Lake and snowmo% LB~ VALENTINE HEART ' bile activity will be at local golf ~ LB. VALENTINE HEART courses. Bands, floats, ' St. Bernards, 1 LB. $3.60 Valentine Heart queen contestants and celebrities SATIN RIBBON & FLOWERS . -. will be in the Winter Carnival Pa,-=~!tfii _ I rade ,at 7 :30 p.m., Saturday in QCR LETTlt.lc;. J.41's ' row'S HAliz GO downtown Mansfield. Both re· UtJTlltM-..el? FOR ~ ,(EArlS, A MAN •.., C.HA1l/A~ e;fIJ'LAWD WA/~ '" • I sorts will have torchlight parades . 1 LB. RED - GOLDj:t~'P ~a ....o! • , ,'"r • down the ,ski slopes at 10 p.m., % LB. CUPID RED - ORCHID
,' , "W'AYNESVILLE " ,' L-{J, MBER~' and SU'PPL Y-'
: .,
. , " .
Brach's' S339 Schr afft' s Va len tin es For "10" 7ge
1% LB. to 2 LB.
5129 S250
S375 S395 S425
Page & Shaw Gift Hearts 1 LB.
1% LB. to 2 LB.
5275-450 5500-550-625
S119 '
~ILlUI". ',.-...::1 nr.llrv
I' Pays To Buy The Besfl - a department store of parts, accessories and supplies uSed by ~armea:S;, ranchers and thejr families. In his diverse ilwentori'es a~e: I " ' • Tractor repair parts
• Nuts, bolts, 's'cr!ws
• Accessories • Auto paint,
'. a.rden tools " • Girage stands " aSoline p~lI'ts ,. ", •. Smail 'g. . ·engine -
. .. , '. Wel~l.ng , o~: ".. ,- "!lIil"~",:.-!;~.<!:, ~
Fro m Customers of the· Waynesville National Bank received a pleasant Valentine's greeting this past week. Effective Feb. 1, the bank increased their interest rates and Waynesville customers are now receivin~ the maximum rate authorized by Federal Banking laws. Customers holding savings certificates that have reached rna.. turity are being notified' by personal letter of the higher rates now available on new certificates. Earl W. Conner, Executive Vice President and Cashier of the Waynesville National Bank, noted that the higher interest rates was another of the bank's efforts to keep money at home and available for use by citizens in this ' area. .';;
CUS'1'OK . . " BOME BUILDBB . ALL ,.:YPES.. " '~ ' REMODELING . Robert Carter &' Son 21 II. Ini ST.
'hi Ilckdllr
Buzzing Around The Cop-itol
Intiqlli. 109 s. MAIN ST. v~AVNESVI LLE:
Due to hUtllll difficult... - 'w lll
"Ours is a society of large expectations- As a people, we had too many visions-too little vision -The time has c.ome for a new quest-ancl a' new qUality of life in . Nixon stated in .his State of th~ Union Message before Congress. . We emphasized two of the. major areas affecting 9ur .qualiW of life in America, crime and .pollu:tion. I am happy that the President ' followed my guidelines of establishing water and air pollution contr~l · as a national priority of the decad~. Previously, 1 asked the Presid~nt to esta~lish pollution control as a nat.,ional 'goal of the 1970's just·as the Moon shot
becoming an increasing phenomena. A particularly flagrant abuse of the credit card is the mass mailing of credit cards to thousands of unsusPecting persons. Unaware of a credit card being mailed to them, many persons suddenly find their credit ratings damaged or . a lawsuit facing them for unpaid bills. Thievery of credit (:ards has jumped to an all time high. ' Fraud losses are estimated at $20 million annually. There are even indications that the Mafia is involved in sab'otaging the printing and mailing of credit card.". The bbmket mailing of unsolicited credit cards is, I feel, an invasion OIf personal privacy and \ exposes thousands to potential financial ruin. Thus I have introduced a bill in the House that would res1trict the mailing of unsolicited credit cards. The ,bm provides that unsolicited credit cards be considered . 'non-mailalble matter and shall be withdri\wJ1\ fr.om the m~ls as prescribed by tile Postmaster .Gen: . ". ~ ... f. the mixed.blessings of ' , era,l. It "selems only logical that the p~ople who request credit
this week. I am confident that the Committee will conduct an exhaustive investigation into the practice of companies sending unsolicited credit cards through the mails.
be ·open by clUince or appointment throulh week until March
15. Open every Friday. Saturday. and Sunday 12 noon til 5 p_m. ANTIQUES' ~OLLECTORS ITEMS AND WHAT-NOTS
Carolyn Hatton
SIIG-OUT-IIAMIGAIIMl . luIIll'ipHl1 .Iriv'
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F• br UI r y ZI
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.' . Mr ~ and .~trs~ · l.eoO ar~. ri~n~y
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,Arid"as ~e gr~w old~r, The~ gav~ their ~ldikg hand ~.d a~swerea 'all'oui questio.ns '<>1Jr proble.rns tried to under- . stand. '
were hori~~ci~;J '~rr tli~i~'1 finy~ , The Methodist Youth Fellow·, fifth We~diJ\'8~~iy'~rSiliy'bpj~.nf/"',' ship class of the United Methoday, f~b ..:\' ~t lije.>Firesiae ~ lnh l:,.,: dist Church of Spring Valley at-· . by ~heir familY;r Fairtily m~mbers,'.I. Spring Valley Explorers will tended an outing at Ft. Anctent . preseot for the c~lebratjd~ in· be having a basketball tqurnaon Sunday afternoon. They 'tourment through the month of Febciuded Mr. ' and Mrs'" "William We were taught topray, Dear ruary on each Tuesday nightex- ' ed under the 'bridge at the out-. J in1\ey of J:ynchburg, M r. .3Jld God ' . " I' ing. :cept on Feb. 24. That game ,MB. HatO','Scher:tk, Mr. and Mrs: And to )qtow,Thy Way·oflife, · be on Feb. 25 with free admisSo that we vi9uld lmow rigbt ~:j. Gtrry Sherd tt ·~n~ daujh,ter, of Mr. and Mn. John Kyne, ownsion. ubanb. n , . M ' r . and Mrs. ' John from wa:ong ers of Kyne;s Restaurant, reThe E)tplorers also are having ' -. Taylor and children of Wtlrningcently were ill with that nasty' To help shieid us from life'~ , a bake q,le at the town hall on . Mr. and Mrs. 'George' BQnllell ' old flu bug and had to close the strife. · · · ' , / .. ton, Mr. and Mis. Thomas Greene Feb. '14 ' at 9 A.M. All profits '. of' Eiqua were' Saturday -callers restaurant for a few days to reof Ketterihg, Mrs; LUra Werntz will 8? to the outstanding citizen of Nellie B\.irmell. · :.. ' . cuperate. Hope you are both on of the year banquet to be held and Mrs. ' ueAda', Yeng~r .o f And as we married an4 grand,r the welltist now. in March. Don't forget-:-support children came Waynesville" Mr. and Mis. ,·uo Jessie Robitzer called on MrS. the local Explorers. lawson of Hebron, Kentucky, And Great grandchildren, too. Maud Johnson at. ·Washington . Mr. and , Mrs. Ralph Lohmall. There was tdWays.that special Food stamp signup was held . ~or Home neu" Centerville \' touch of love and Mrs. Frank ~ed :o~ CovihgTuesday at . Seitels Department on. SUnday. ton, . KentlJlcky.' t,fr. and MIs!' 1hit e~h and every loved one .Store for area residents who knew. Lyle TlnDE'y of Florida' were wanted- to apply but could not Robert ~er was' a Sunday ' unable to attend the ·cele~ration. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor get to Xenia to apply at the ev~riin$ guest of his mothe~ So her~ we' are today, Dear God of Delaware, Ohio are proud 'to CoUilty ,Welfaie Department to Mrs. TInney' wore a cor~ge ' Nettie . Palmer ~ So sratefw to.you,.y~u see announce 'the arrival of an 8 lb. do so. David Simmons, Welfare . of red and white carnations and Director, whose office admini- 8~ oz. baby boy on Jan. 27 at That we can all be together Mr. Tinney was presented wi,~ a Tsuchiuo Kakah8shie was a sterS the federal stamp program the Riverside Hospital'in ColumFor it ~ only by the Grace of " white carnation boutonlliere . .in the county, hoped that the bus. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor named SuncbY guest of her.son, George Thee. The same flower scheme was area people would apply for the the baby tbarles Stephen and he .Ka1Cah~e of ~enow SpringS. ' Amen. carried through to the tabl~, stamps.' An increase in the value joins a little sister Julie at home. $ ' Paternal grandparents are Mr. which was beautifully decorat~d of .s~~ and a cut in price is 'Saturday was regUlar meeting' takiilg place nationally and will and Mrs. Aoyd Taylor of Rd. 2 with a ce.nteqri,ece of .ted ' and' of the Board 6f.the Hd~e. " . become effective here on March and maternal grandparents are white carnations. 1. The food stamp program was Mr. and Mrs. James Whitney of , set up in cooperation with Reach RRI. ' Their daugbter:, \ Mrs. Ha, . ,.rbr , Project. Schenk, composed the· following prayer .and. PJ:esented it .to H<,r,. ,..----~----------..;.---.....- - - parents in honor of the ~asion. ' , . '[ . ..fl .
.... ·FIori· .... \ . Ph. 112"'.90 .:
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'Births -
I r·.· H. f. I, I
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As their daughtef, I woul~ like
. , ,to express , ' .IQ some small·little way My veIY "d,eep love and.apprecia. ijon '. I have for each of them this day. ..
.. !
When we were very small babies, And needl~d tender, lOving·care To'Soothe our cries or sing lullabies That true love was always there.
Flowers are 801 romantic. ' .• perfect l!~ift8 for ' your ' favorite Valentine. Send her a beautiful - bou4Juet of her . favorites or, select a.table arrangement for her home.. We'U design 'your :, dora} gift just" ', , ~~r her., . . ' •
..,..... .... !
,n, ';.,
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"., P~T ,V AQl ' . ~."
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Miss Loretta Kay Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs~ Hubert 'I Smith of Route ' 2, WayneSVille . was united in marriage With Mr. David Duane Philbin on Dec. 20 ~t the West Side Church of ChriSt in lebanon. ' The bride, given in riwriage by her father, wore a white floorlength sheath of chantilly lace and silk organ~ with .empire stf~g. The bandclipped lace bQdice was (lesi~ed' with a scalloped ' nec~e ~d brid8l point . sleeves. Her dloolder length veil was caught to .~.forward" plateau trimmed with brilliants. A detachable chapel fram of chantilly lace completed the picture. She ~ed a cascade bouquet of white cilrruitidns. ' ' ',' Miss Sl!lith Vias attended by Brenda Sue' SJnith, Matron of
Honor, her' bridesmaids were Pamela Ann Smith, Shelia Ann linville, Pauline Toler, 'Margrete Ann Toler and Sally Oldani. . Annette Smith served as flower girl. Mr. Richard Stratton served .as best man and other attendants were Ricky Schoonover" Albert Jeffries, William Smith, John NeeJey and l>aJ)iel Issacs. Mr. Hubert Smith, Jr. and Everett . Sams served as ushers. The wedding reception for the couple was held at the Friends' HaIl in Waynesville. The bride attended WaynesVille High School and Mr. Philbin attended lebanon High School. The couple will be residing at Scott Air Force Base, ID. where ~. Philbin will be serving with the . United States Air Force.
Karen Vincent was- elected President of the Wayne Four Leaf aoven 4-H Club at the Jan; 21 mec'ting hel~ in the home of luanita~ and Karen O'Dell. The tither officers elected were: Kay Shutts, Vice President; Sandy VanHorn, Secretary; Juanita O'Dell, Treas~er; Carol Brooks, Health Chairman; Bar,bara Vmcent, Safety awrman; 'Beth Snoody and Susan Shutts, Recreation 'leaders; and Karen O'Dell, [)e"otioQ leader. The club members will be selling flower and vegetable seeds so that they may be able,to contribute their , share of Warren County's $2000 ' pledge to the Natio~al 4·H Center's Mortar & Bric~ Fund. On Feb. 24, there will be a George WalShington Party in the basement j()f the Vernon Shutts home from 7 to 9 o'clock. Committee chuirmen for this event are: invitations, Jacki Smith; the spelling bee held at the ; decorations, Joy Drais; program . . , school house Tuesday at 2 PM BY' ~ P'RICE the winnerS were as follows: 1st Anne Shutts; recreation, Karen Vmcent; and refreshments, Carol ~ , place, Kevin George; .2nd, Mark , .' ,", Brooks. ·lIarvevabu1W Bu 3 d 'J- - a . rton; r, . Gayl~ , ~hoenherr;' ·~h. ,8~.&312 4th" l,Ulo~d~ M~KeO!er; alter~ nates 5fh: place" Angie 'Clark and \ '., Village couneD ' met,in tegular 6th ~ Payton. . " sesSioJl ft{onday night and due to , ..: .~ :,' " : '. .. the nume~ous, complaints of the ' . ~:~ ~r,~4 1 MiS. ~ades Price . , manx dol' ~8 .10os, in the . " ~~ .Wedriesday evening dinner VI)lage it ~ ,bec'9.m~ n~essary ~ ,guestS of' Mr. -and MrS. William for .the 'COuncil' ,tike .steps to ,'ZUrfice ofWllniington. . . .. coniett:.tht SltWlll0p"and ~dly , . , 522 ; An ,.,;I.';P'\~. :.Jl~(~~ .,<GICmna) Fur•
,'ViUag~':" Ordi'nance .to .Rigi'd) y "Enf a,rc ed " ~ .
The Major in Minois ·C.C.!.. · will 'meet Thursday, February 19 ,in the home of Ruth Bourne with Marta Sheehln assisting as . c~hostess. "HistorY_ of the Friend's Church" will be presented by Miss Flizabeth Chandler. Apologies from me are due concerning the following news item. I misplaced the item on my much used and very cluttered desk. I am sorry for this oversight , Mrs. Gordan Tooley has resiRned as a trustee of. u,~ li~rarv board. She has· been in charge of the monthly art exhibit, giving local artists an opportunity to show their works. The Art Exhibit has been well received and appreciated by the public. The board members have appointed Mrs. Doris Conner to fill the vacancy left by Mrs. Tooley and to carry on in the above capacity. The following officers were elected at the last meeting: President, Mrs. Mildred Sheehan; Vice President, Mrs, Sara Cook; Secretary, Mr. M. A. Chapman; Oerk-Treasurer, Mrs. Clara Graumail.
Mrs. Velma Owens of Springfield spent last Sunday with Miss Elizabeth Chandler and' Mrs. lucile Amritage; HOSPITAL NEWS Mrs. Beulah Taylor is residing in Room 517 at Kettering Memorial Hospital · for tests and observation. Also staying in Kettering Memorial Hospital are Mrs. Glayds Lynch, Mrs. Ralph Peters, and Mr. Sil Lamb.
.( C.~.~~ h:~~'~t~:na~; : .r:
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rwes~'arl4 ;l!~g(I]latll\llll · ,c,Q!!lCelmbllg . ~s ~d .(;tauglitei." . SliaIa and
. Glenda, . of ' near- Waynesville; ". 'Other' dinner gUests were Mr. ': Fairchild and daughter, Sharon, 'aiid .son' Joe, Mrs. Mary Boerstler be ;,l~)ci~gIif· and . 1 ahd 'son,. Don. Guests tater in the evening were lester Fairchild and son Brent. , . license flates will agaip be sola in ~eysburg by Marjean . Price. :Reservations 'are now being taken for numbers from 9401 Ulup .. ·
MrS. ' Sharon, Riosinger" and '
'. sons of ne.i' Good Mdpe' visited'"
Mark D. Frasure
tin N8p1~ Hospital . '( hef" puentiIMr~~ ~Ct :Mta. t~I;~tt : :~'~ .:~ ~,._:.-_ \. .:, , , Gordo!)" Sal.urday. M,.. Gordon . W9r4 has been recei,ed that ';1 and · ,MIs. RiesinRer la1So 'visited' Mar,k ,Frasure is ftreaentlv in the j ' . • t' , Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim Carter and Mr. , hospital in Naples, Italy. He anel Mis. Mike Wallace .o f near , wo111d appreciate cards and let.' «;lar~~. · ~rs ,rro~. his many friendS. Cor-' r
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, ~ WtI1\s tetum~t\' t~::'fork)
r.espPll~~ce may be addressed !o:: ~·'ils ,follOWS: Ensign Mark
'(," Mon~Y; ' ·aff.!,r, hein•. : ~~ll~ce: ". ,D..' :.:Frasu~e, U.S.N. Hospital . . .last ,JuI, d~e,\ !o;a ~eg :iflpa~ ~~f- .':, ..',.(Naples), Re~t Po,t Office, New .,......... _~.",'.- fere.d ~ a\l ~klacci4~ t;,.t'~~~ r'~';'t!X<rrk, N~w Yo~k 09S21. Hur9' .... "~~( L ;l¢'" ,',.;m~ ' SC7~ ' Ollt of ,there, Marl(:. time. '
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' and sheep. Our Holsie~n, heifer , A.A8I DIAaY 1 . ·' lost . her' ca1f one of those cold 31 services for non payment. ,~ J. ftA7.U~. )ni8hts wh~n it born 'with a Maintained in operating condi· , '. - - . ,t ~ "' ~ . - _ .- -; , .' cord around itS neck and no one tion, including repacking, greas· STREETS Wednes. ~ y, Feb~ry. ~,I9.?O ~ ~ .waS -there to help her b,u t she is ~g, changinB oil. etc. th~ fQ,~ow Used 178 tons of cQld mix to ing: 3 Well pumps; 3 chlorina~rden :Mano~, Mi~d1etown.. ~er~ quHe .hapPy with the G\lernsay patch holes. ' Mowed W~ds in tors; 3 chlOrinating pumpS; and time slides by wIth very little without ·.a tail that we' got last . 1 proportioner pump. Read daily alleys and ton .streets 4 times . to mark the eJays or the hours.. . week fron the sale. . , Oeaned6 st()rm sewers. ,Remove· : master meter and changed flow Outside the weather sends ·the We have a ~umber of new ed 2 trees that had blQwn down., charts on recorder weekly. mercury down to 'zero and up lambs but 'On the .first zero Painted all pump houses-all ex- I Removed 3 trees that were in again 'and we have more snow night we .lost four newborns. posed pipe, pumps, and controls. !the Way of new curbs and 8'lt· it rains and clears the Hamil· Thank you everybody for all or ters. Deaned all catch basins at Installed amp. electric service at ton·Middletown road which goes the good wishes and cards and control building at new stand ' le3$t 4 times. Removed 200 cu. " right ,past' my window. A bad visits that have been so nice, yds. Qf concrete and dirt for pipe. winter ,they all say but inside we I can't answer ·them all but I c~rbs a~d' ~tters. Used ' gal. , Total of 3791 hours on water. do n'o t know the difference. have enjoyep them. It is very spray weed killer. Salted streets .. SEWAGE 13 times, used 65 toriS "of salt, Reports from the. farm. The . comfortable here but dull com. Processed 51.716 MG raw 1969. Contracted to ·spend' dog pens .are· finished and the pared to life on the fatm. sewage. Drew 147,000 G raw $5000.00 for tar and chips. dogs are living in the dog houses. sludge. Dispo$ed of 19,600 cu. ' Total 1620 manhours. Robie can no longer jump the ft. dry sludge. Ran tests 73 GENERAL FtJND . six foot fence or the pups squeeze . times or ~very 5 days for aiopast the.gate. ' All they can do is .Oeaned street 40 times (Main logical '. Oxygen demand~.qs run up and down and try to St. from Franklin Rd. to SR 73). pended solids-sellable splids" BOYS' LONG HAIR CAN ' a nd buried 43 loads of Hauled' fight through the wire. , dissolved oxygen-PH, on raw AFFECT SKIN trash during spring clean up. Bad . news is that Fat Albert sewage- final effluent- down· 0 II 0 oo~o."o Buried 3 dogs aI\d 6 cats. Mowed has cPsappe~ted. For those who stream of plant-upstream of 10 0 and cleaned two lots. . l 'do not know· Fat Albert is our plant. Filed 13 Plant Op. reports i Total .560 manhours. to State Dept. of Health. Deaned unique .and best1?eloved ! long· and painted Disposal Plant and 'hai~ed beagl~. He may ~ye found all exposed pipes, motors, and a new lady friel\d and may come controls. Rebuilt 2 pumps. Re' b,ae". His_ !oYe._ ~(e ~ere ~ be'en '~ packed pumps 6 times. Rebuilt so frustrated. He has been spendwet well pump control. Connecting all his; time outside th'e pen ed chlorinator to' system and be· The concern over lorig ,h air where Ptlmes ahd Jo, the two gan to chlorinate sewage efflufor boys has led to the revelayoung .ScottieS' are shut in and ,tion that it can be a major ence. Read and recorded daily cause of problem skin. ' serenading · them' . with Piteous flows and changed charts on rePsychologists say that' be-. ho'wls. ' corder ..<leaned wet well 2 times. tween the ages of 11 ~ ,18 • . "The pe~ rsoD8 most difficult Oeaned 6 sewers in streets to re- . boy becomes hyper-sensitive. The Scotties' papers have fi· ·to convlnce.lhey're at retire· and hyper-aelf~ hyper-critical. move stoppage. Oeaned and nally c.~.me so that now ~ have conscioUs-it's called. the hyperflU$hed all manholes. Oeaned . ment age are children at bed· puppies ·.for sale: They brought phase and long ' h air' 'is just time." and flushed lift station. Ran 2 one of the many hyper.p~ one over to see me the other fads and noUons he may try in day~ They are so cu~e now ,that order to',. firid ' what is "right'; . they .s,hould sell wen if only - for him. . But while moat 'girls are used people could see them. ' .' to the' problema of controlling It has been wonderful to have IQng hair, a hoy is lea8 apt to keep his hair as,clean 88' be . !fappy's ~en'ts, tlte' Lq~no~ H. Should b8caUae' he and. t68i . 'lindsays of Hendersonville, N.C. the,oil th4lt develope on it bel.. . with us ' with their .'bouse tr8ller him to conbo. it. And it ia thia ~ula~on of,~C818 oik~ti8t . since the :day before Ctuutmas. . am Cl'Mte: and sp,Nad an ~cn. , 'Thanks to them ,a great ~y Jib:. Uin CoDdition.' . ' . ~ry things 'lOt done, that , -There is DO 'One p...cnbed we .had been talking ' about for ' eure ·for thia problem 'ildn, but atteU ~tha~ ~ . ' ages, in fact ten years of major . ~rn¥ltolq1ista rigoioua Njimm of cle8nsing and minor repairs. Today, Thurs~ is of the utmoat importan~ in day, they are on their way home. controlling its spread. Today they recommeDd a liquid clean· We are sorry that owing to . '·eer . with anti-bacterial 'a ction for ~th the ,face and the acalp. home conditions, our farmers ... ,
. The fonowing report of actio . vities for' Ule year 1969 has been submitted by W. H. Sawyer, Supt of Water, Streets and Sewer. The :department has three full time : ,employees and ' employs some 'part ~e 'help during ' the summer.
WATER Pumped and treated with ' . chlorine (residual chlorine ' .3/ ; ppm as pe,::. Ohio Dept. of Health Spec) 69.194 m.g. of water;,replaced 2 fire plugs; set 3 new fire plugs on dead end water mains; installed 14 water services to c:urb; replaced 8 water services; changed 32 bad meters; repaired 60 water meters; collected 24 water samples for State Bacteriology Test (none reported unsafe); repaired 2 water main breaks; .poured 210 yds. class A concrete;~ pulled, repaired, and replace~ 2. well pumps, cleaned, purged, ;I ~d acid treated one well. FIled 12 'water operator reports to State Dept. Installed 5300 ft. 10 in. water main-8 valves-2 tees~ vents-2 crosses. Installed 2700 ft. 6 in. water i main-4 valves-3 tees. Installed 200 ft. 8 in. water main. Poured 12x7x6 pit for booster pump; built and installed booster pump. ,Erected 200 amp. 3 ph. ,elect. service for booster pump. Read 2128 meters. Answered 30 com· plaints on high bills. Read out and transferred 40 water ac· counts. Collected $1773.9-5 from slow pay accounts. Disconnected
We know you have left-overs'
· .. 'and bills . .. and things that .don't· fit, · .. and bills . . . . and things that are·· .dup·licated · .. and bills ... and you'll need some ' new things, too . . .
.." '
• • • "l •
It doesn't maHer what the time Or what the season of the year, With our Family Want.adsection Extra cash is always near It's such a simple thing to do, Just lift the phone and dial, The ease with which you get results Is sure to make you smile So when you'd like some foIdin' money, Remember what Isay. The answer to your problem Is only a finger away!
I •
Phone 89'1-5921 J
WaJ11ea;rille. OhiO 4li088 · P.O. Box 18 . ,
• • F..... s....... t.ar.cIon IInIiI & .,;/", IIIIQ
. .
thing is that ,over 2.7 'DliUian' As the 1970 Heart Fund camAmericans are living with some " paign begins, Dr. Arnold Iglauer, form of c~rdiovasCular 4isease!" , president of the American Heart Dr. Iglauer said. "For example, Association, Southwestern Ohio, Chapter, announced that the . some. 3,650,000 people have: rheumatic heart disease and . death rate from heart disease, 1,570,000 have high blood pres:. among Americans under 65, had sure. , declined 20% since 1950. In an effort to find the causes . . ''These statistics .give persuaof these diseases, the Heart Asso- ' sive evidence that the expapded ciation has continually expanded " programs of the Heart Associaits research programs! ~ce tion~ research, education and 1950, over $17,000,000 hils been community service, are yieldiog spent on heart research throu,gha bountiful return." Dr. Iglauer out the nation. Over 51,200,000 stated. has been spent by the SouthComparing . the present-day western Ohio Chapter for recardiovascular death toll with that which would have occurred .search at six local research ceo- . ters." Dr. Iglauer added. if 1950 mortality rates had per''The reduction in the death . sisted, it is estimated that about rate is gratifying," Dr. Iglauer 51,000 persons are ali\'e today continued, "but we must c:ioi1- ' due to improved methods of tinue our research to find the preventive, diagnosis, treatment Causes of the diseases that cripand rehabilitation. . \ ple over 10% of our nation's "Even though there has been population. 'During February, the a decline in the death rate", Dr. He~t Association will conduct Iglauer noted, ''the heart and its annual Heart Fund drive for blood vessel diseases continue to Funds to support our continuing . be our number one health_menace." . programs. I urge everyone in Southwestern Ohio ~o be as genDuring 1968, cardiovascular deaths in the United States to- erous as they can when their Heart Fund volunteer calls on taled 1,002,111 (7,000 of these them. With a concentrated efin Southwestern Ohio) compared fort on the part of the public, to 310,983 due to cancer. Of the one million cardiovascular vic- the government and the Heart Association, the cardiovascular tims, 250,000 were under age 65. disease problem 'Can be con"As dreadful as the mortality trolled." are, the really appalling statistics '.
By Dexter ~ttin .
Village citizens making their. are loca. residents. Funds are daily trip to the post office ' on . processed through our local bank Saturw.y found their quarterly and in this era when we 'are all waste ' collection bills in the interested in keeping our money mail. I received ·many telephone at home for local use, this item calls from citizens who expressed should be of considerable importance . . an interest in a village-operated If the village were to enter waste collection. This is an item the waste collection business, that has' been discussed by vilthe first necessity would be a lage officials and i would like to ·truck. TIlis initial expenditure . use this column to advise you of the pro's and con's involved. would be in the neighborhood of Presently, villagers pay 53.50 $20,000. At least a three-man per month or,.$42 ann~ally for crew would be necessary to prothis service. An item that should . vide ' quality .services an~ funds be of interest to .citizens is would have to be allocated for their salaries. th~ fact that employees of the There would be the possipresent. waste collection system
bility of providing monthly billing combining water, sewer and waste collec~tion if such a service were initiaited by the village. I feel many resjdents would welcome 'this monthly billing rather than the p'resen~ separate quarterly billing$ for,the two services. The village would not be able to ' provide thi:s service for less than the '$3.50' monthly that you presently pay. This charge would have to be ,adjusted for local 'bus.inesses that: would naturally have a larger w;aste pickup than the average home. There are approximately 53«5 properties involved and the $3,.50 charge would provide an estimated annual income of 522,5'00 for operating costs. Many c:itizens have the idea that the 1rillage has a contract with the 'pJresent waste collection service. This is not the case. Each individual has an informal contract with the system simply by taking advantage of the service and pay~g the charge. Your contract is automatically terminated . . when you stop paying the bill. Another item that you will be confronted with in the near future is thc~ separation of waste. That is gaJrbage in one container and tin· (:ans in another container. This would be true even ·' bY.,·· ~ini ~ with villag~ collection. One benefit that could be detheif fIrst crocus. Really it seems rived from village collection, ,.' EASTE,R DAY , .. spring'has sprung. through long term planning, is 'one memorable qster, some EveryWhere I feel it, then the establishment of a land fill. all at once I hear a sudden The villa~~e presently owns botof the· women ',funished ' the flowers for . the serviceS at the rushing of water. The ice has· tom land at the southeast corp. ~~~~~~i I'. the Jlo~ers .. W~Je . ~pl!~,~ .~P qte ~reek.; ~~ rolls ; oration. ~lbis land, as it stands now, is not suitable for any eco, .', beautiful.. fthat· yea.:; , lilies for the mud colored water in ..waves, de:velop01~riL It d.oes at·nomic :' ~ . /' t~ j'aitar; ' ~nd on either . side ' With a roar that is de~fening; tract thO!le people who seem to , ":Of;b1e:chancel" ferns,ttilips.and the. fiist thaW. Even >the robin think theiy have a right to dis"' ..' lb~el}i pi~ and') T~~ 'gera~~ms. pauses in his singing of cheer, poSe of their junk cars, discarded , 'The~ fra8rapc~; w~'l~e jasmine cheer. How. loved living out furniture, etc. on the river bank. of censers wafted up .to. ,the or' dpQrs along ,the Ijver,. · and A land 1l1ll, properly operated .. ' ~I).~S' :lQle'eling"~ pFa;y~r. at the at the very edge of one of and 'maintained, licensed by the ;' , altar ' iail. There .also .were the big. woods' left . in this a state, would Pl,lt such litterbugs out·Q.f business and could, in fubl'a~che$. . 'Of large pink apple The Birds-The in4igo bunting blo~sdmS S'@lg the sides of the . nes~ed in. the bushes along the' ture years, provide space for development. The matter of prochan~el: steps. river. Their , feathers were so ,'. Ev~rytlUng was lovely until blue they just looked as though viding suitable land for expansion is cl~rtainly one item that the choir started down the steps it might rub off. In the lilac Waynesville will be cdnfronted " in- . the reces~ional. Someon~ '8 bushes, the onoles ' sang their with in tbe future and one that , ,' . vestment caught in the branches lovely song? in winter the should bE~ given serious thought '. dragging ,the,m down the ~teps, cardinals so red, perched in the now. upsetUrlg ~e corit'ainer~ and-the. snow-hiden trees; in late summer, I The matter ot a Vlllage-ope-: rated trash collection is one that water' streamed down the steps the yellow gol~mch feasted on village officials have not taken . all over the newslioes the 'girls the sunflower seed along the any action on because we fllSt were weatirig. B~t they went . garden path. Along .the 'roadside, wanted to get an idea of hoVf . on <?ut singing joyously "Easter brilliant blue and iridesce~t you felt about the subject. We , flowers are Blooming, Bright." bl,ltt~rtlies swayed on a stalk welcome your views and comWhy are', things. '1\~0 much of-mullen with its yellow flowers'. ments.nOtt only on this item but funnier 'Wheb ,they' ~happen in ·' At evening, the weird call of other villiage matters as well. church? :tll~ serdor 'Warden Sat ,. the .whip-poor-Will sounded ~dl Please address your comments to me at P.O. 'Box 512, Waynesville there with his head ·l'~fing. :dh .~ in<; the 'l1jght, the shriek of the so that we can be aware of your ,'" his hand and 'his elbow on: the: -. scmech owl, could be heard . feelinp and plan a course of ., ~w end. He dozed·, off, ' b~t ~~ lik~ ·.. the call of ~ woman ~ l" when the.)ni~teJ;:to~e,Q~d .: distress. , ' ' . " rJ action tel take on this matter, l/it ~_Ikin "b' , I t .,' . . , ; , . . . \~ his ' The . . Flowers-In the' \ g "8 ou ,mon~y, · ann . c '. , 'In UII 1 , . . . . . __ . . ~\ ~e do~ . ,wi~ a ·,t!t~4 ,and ; m09~ght, tJte white li\ies along" .;~ r'th 'a S~, I ll.!f ' ~' ·wide .aM ~ the fr~nt of the house, fille4 .' '~.. On~ ~~ .~l~l. l.ay, whq: ~~ ~e ' air with fragrance. In t4e :, ,5:' ahvays present and sat" in t~e '. W09~1. ~h~ yellQ,},': ~~r~~ arfci.-, ,.' front pew., ~~~. ~n~ Sunday "'buttercups ' pe.~ped out' among ' \ . . 'wiUi·:jtei ,gloves nea~y :. the fe~ ... 1'\)~re.· :were., th.~ , tlr~~.· the tQP , Qf her ·i: all~~on~, : 'an'~- o~~. -JWJ~~' '. ~' ;'1 " .IDI~,ugn th:~ whQ}e '~', ~d" white , W1~h ,.tt!lliu ..~~~g .' ; anoth.er ~~.·. ~l~e: .W!tq J;~~~ i ~::I' :.{ '. t:' ;~m'1 sij9~es -,', ' bluebells ' swe~t:' ,~p,, :> :TI li ' '"'i' ~;::: '~."-~~",,;of t . 'the v3ie JbeloW··ilon~ . th~~;c~e~j"·.l~. ~ u"",,,,,r"I!~', . ' ,.. ~" ~.. ~ 1 """"",,' . \ .;.sprjilg•. , beauties, d~9~on,~ , I;. ;t7 L.ater ·:tl\e,r~ _ ,\Vere r~ ~~O~O~{J' , .... u,LJu .... .. :" and ,. scarl~l, nQwe~'. ;'. '
The · Village ' Yes\.erdays
.RELAX AND L£AV£_~ ___
IJ ·llighb·afS ·
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Predslon Work Is a "Must" Here We would like to iIlU'Oduce to you our .~ hip quality printiD.." Much. effort bulO... ·iiato· 1M.' PROVING our quality .Cllad.rc;b. cat ·ill typeMUiDa equipmcac brill. co yo" . dUa q~ ~ lower
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.ar.e ' noJ
going *0 b~ able 0 : work for us this sjlQlIIie'r. We"
, hive ' settled ;up ' with the" hogs . ;:,'.9i"ilIF.>'t~ she~p. Our' Holstein ~ heifer , aIle of those cold . " lost. her , nights wheb ~ bom 'With a f .~. ... , .", -'-' .-; ,.: co~d around its neck and no one ,Wednes.~y, .Feb~ry. ~,19?OI ~ was .. there to help ,her but she is Garden 'Manor, Middletown. Her~ . quite happy with the Guernsay time slides by with very ~ttle with out',a tail that we got 1;8t t(r mark the 4!iYs or the hours. ,. week fron the sale. Outside ' the weather sends the We have a ' number of new mercury down to zero and up lambs but on the .first zero again and we have more snow night we .l~s,t four newborns. or ·it rains and clears the HamilThank you everybody for all . tQn-Middletown road which. goes the goo.d wishes and cards and ' right 'past my window.. A 'bad visits that have been' so nice. winter ,they all say but inside we .I can't answer them all but I do not know the difference. have enjoye.d them. It is verY Reports from the fanri. The comfortable here but dull comdog pens .are' finished and the pared to life on the farm. do~ are living in the dog houses. Robie can no longer jump the six foot fence or the pups squeeze past the gate. All they can do is run up and down and try to .' 'BOY$' LONG HAIR CAN fight through the wire. .AFFECT SKIN Bad news is that Fat Albert 0 II 0 oo~o",o has, 4i$8ppe~red . For those who 10 0 do not know-Fat Albert is our unique and best ~lov:ed" long· 'haired beagl~. He ~ay ~ye found ~.........::: a new·lady friend and may come 6" V , oo ." ' b.ac~. !ove_~t'e ~ere ~ ~'en '~ ~~~) so frustrated. He has been 'spend~~~ _ • 'l)~ ing all his· time outside the pen The concern over long hair where Pu'mes and Jo, the two for boys has led to the revelayo~ng .Sc·otties are shut in and .tion that it can' 'be a major cause of problem 8kin. serenading them with piteous Psychologi8ts say that ' behowls. tween the ages of 11 and .18 .,. boy beco~ee hyper-sensitive, The Scotties'papers have fiand hyper-selfhyper-critical, nally come so that now we have co.Dscious-it'8 called the hyperpuppies · for sale. They brought phase ,- and long hair 'is just one of .the many hyper-phase one over to. see me. the other fade and notions he may try in day. They are so cute now that order to firid what is "right" they should sell well if only - for him. . But while 'moat girls are used people ~ould see them. to the p'robleme of controlling ·It has been wonderful to have long hair, a boy. is lees,apt. to ~ppy's parents, the' ~rinQx' H. ~eep 'hie hair ... clean as' he should because· he &lde . that lindsays of Henderionville, N.C. the oil tb8t.'develop~..on it heips with us with their h0Use ,tniller him' to control it ADd it is this r . .acCumulation of exceu ou. that since' the day before Christmas. cim create ufiapread an acne- . Thanks to them a gre~t · niany like akin coUdillem.' . necessary things BOt done that THere is DO 'one pre8cribed cure 'for thUlproblem aJdn,.; but we,. had been talking ' about for dennatolociata atree8 that ' a ages, in fact ten years of major lj,oroQl ' repmen ' Of cl8anaing , and minor repain. Today, Thurs: is of the utmoet qn.,ortanc;e in day, they are on their way home. controlling ita spread. ~oday I they recommeDd • liquid cl_nWe are sorry that owing to ~r ~th anti-bacterial , action . for bO.~h the ,face and the ica1p. home conditions, our farmers
. The fonowing report of acti- . 37 services for non payment. Maintained in operating ~ondi vities for the year -1969 has been tion, inCluding repacking, greassubmitted by W. H. Sawyer, Supt of Water, Streets and Sewer. The .. ing, changing oil. etc. the fo~ow :department ·has three full time ing: 3 well pumps; 3 chlorina- . employees and ' employs some tors; 3 chlorinating pumpS; and . 1 proportioner pump. Read daily 'part ti~e help dUring the summaster meter and changed flow mer. charts on recorder weekly. WATER Painted all pump houses-all exPumped and treated with" posed pipe, pumps, and controls. chlorine (residual chlorine ' .3/ ' Installed amp. electric service at ppm as p('J. Ohio Dept. of Health control building at new stand Spec) 69.194 m.g. of water; re- pipe. placed 2 fire plu~; set 3 new Total of 3791 hours on water. fire plu~ on dead end water SEWAGE mains; installed 14 water services to curb; replaced 8 water Processed 51.716 MG raw services; changed 32 bad meters; sewage. Drew 147,000 G I raw repaired 60 water meters; col- sludge. DispOsed of 19,600 (fU. ' lected 24 water samples for State ft. dry sludge. Rari tests 73 Bacteriology Test (none reported times or ~very 5 days for Biounsafe); repaired 2 water main logical Oxygen demand~us breaks; poured 2~0 yds. class A pended solids-sellable solidsconcrete; pulled, repaired, and dissolved oxygen-PH, on raw replaced 2 well pumps, cleaned, sewage- final effluent- downpurged, ,;a.nd acid treated one stream of plant-upstream of well. Filed 12 'water operator re- plant. Ftled 13 Plant Op. reports ports to State Dept.· Installed to State Dept. of Health. Oeaned 5300 ft: 10 in. water main-8 and painted Disposal Plant and valves-2 tees-6 vents-2 crosses. all exposed pipes, motors, and Installed' 2700 ft. 6 in. water ; controls. Rebuilt 2 pumps. Remain-4 valves-3 tees. Installed packed pumps 6 times. Rebuilt 200 ft. 8 in. water main. Poured wet well pump control. Connect12x7x6 pit for booster pump; ed chlorinator to system and bebuilt and installed booster pump. gan to chlorinate sewage efflu.Erected 200 amp. 3 ph. elect. ence. Read and recorded daily service for booster pump. Read flows and changed charts on re2128 meters. Answered 30 com- corder..aeaned wet well 2 times: plaints on high bills. Read out aeaned 6 sewers in streets to reand transferred 40 water ac- move stoppage. Oeaned and counts. Collected SI773.9-5 from flushed all manholes. aeaned slow pay accounts. Disconnected and flushed lift station. Ran 2
STREETS Used 178 ions Qf cold mix to patch holes. Mowed weeds in alleys and on .streets 4 times. aeaned 6 stonn sewers.,Remo~e- : ed 2 trees that had blown down.". ,Removed 3 trees that were in : the way of new curbs and glitters. Oeaned all catch basins at 'least 4 timel;. Removed 2001cu. yds. of concrete and dirt for curbs and gutters. Used' 50 gal. spray weed killer. Salted streets)' 13 times, used 65 tons 'o f salt, 1969. CoJltracted to spend' $5000.00 for tar and chips. , Tota11620 manhours.
GENERAL FUND Oeaned street 40 times (Main St. fiom Franklin Rd. to SR 73). Hauled' 'and buried 43 loads of trash during spring clean up. Buried 3 .do~ and 6 cats. Mowed and cleaned two lots. Total.560 m!lJlhours.
1heIt:;>./.~:JJ Old 1h'HUt
"The' peJrsons most difficult to convlncle they're at retire-.. ment age are children at bedtime."
We know you have left-overs · .. and bills . •. . and things that -don't· fit.
• •
Phone 89'1·,&921 ,
~eaville ,
P.O. Box 78
Fill ':11.1' .F,III·I.II '111 WITH ' U.&D.A. BEEF'
It doesn't maHer what theti_ Or what the season of the year, With our Family W'ant..ad section Extra cash is always near It's such a simple thing toclo, Just lift the phone and dial, The ease with which you get results Is sure to make you smile So when you'd like some foIdin' money, Remember what Isay. The answer to your problem Is only a finger away!
I .'
' .. · .. and bills . . . and things that are"duplicated · .. and bills ... and you'll need' some ' new things, too . .
As the 1970 Heart Fund campaign begins, Dr. Arnold Iglauer,
By Dexter Martin ' Village citizens making their. daily trip to the post office on Saturday found their quarterly waste collection bills in the mail. I received many telephone calls from citizens who expressed an interest in a village-operated waste collection. TIlis is an item that has been discussed by vilbge officials and I would like to . use this column to advise you of the pro ~s and con's involved. Presently, villagers pay $3 .50 per month or $42 annually for this service. An item that should be of interest to ' all .citizens is the fact that employe~ of the present waste collection system
bUity of providin'g monthly billing combining water, sewer and waste oollection jf such a service were initiated by the village. I feel many residents would welcome 'thils monthly billing rather than tht:~ present separate quarterly bilUin~ for t~e two services. The villalge would not be able to . provide this service for less than the $3.50 monthly that you presently pay. TIlis charge would . ha:ve to be adjusted for local 'businesses that would naturally have a larger waste pickup than the average home. There are approximately 536 properties involved and the $3.50 charge would provide an estimated annual income of $22,500 for operating costs. Many citizens have the idea that thte village has a contract with th4:~ present waste collection service. 'This is not the case. Each individUial has an informal contract wilth the system simply by taking jildvantage of the service and paying the charge. Your contract is .automatically terminated when you stop paying the bill. Another item that you will be confronted with in the near future is the separation of waste. TIlat is garbage in one container and tin cans in another container. 'This would be true even with village collection. One benefit that could be detheif ftrst crocus. Really it seems rived from village collection, , EAStE~ DA V spring has sprung. through long term planning, is One memorable qster, some Everywhere I feel it, then the establishment of a land fill. The village presently owns botof the women funished the all at once I hear a sudden flowers fpr the serviceS at the rushing of water. The ice has· tom land at the southeast corp, ,. C~~!C~1 . ' ,The . AoweIs ' . were ~~l~~~ .~p the creek.. D<;>~ rolls oration. This land, as it stands the mud colored water in waves, , . now, is, not suitable for any eco:: , .,beautlful··,, 't hat .;year; . lilies for . . . :. tb~ ".~al~ 1. "and on ei~~r :. side with a roar that is deafeni~g; nomic develophlent. It does attract t1~ose people who seem to - ",.•."",v-·,,'~r;,·, Of i~~~ . o~ncel, ferns, t~~ps" arid . t4e..fii$t tha~. Ev~n the robin think .1they have a right to dis.~ <·lo'V6iy'"' pi.il k. arldr~~ get~umS. . ._ pauses in his singing of cheer, pose of their junk cars, discarded ,·>." ..'.... Their fragrance )V~~l~e jasririne cheer. How (. loved living out furniture, etc. on the river bank. , ' of, ' ce~se1'S wafte'cl :up .to, the .or' d9 0rs .along the river, and A land fill, properly operated oJ)~s' kneeling' in p,rayer at the at the v.erY edge of one of and maintained, licensed by the ~iar rail. . There .also .were the big woods left in this a state, would put such litterbugs out of business and could, in fubranche~ Of ·large pink apple The Birds- The in4igo bunting ture years, provide space ' for deblosso'~ s'1hg the sides of the nested in the bushes along the velopment. The matter of procbancet steps. river. Their feathers were so viding suitable land for eXp'anEverything was lovely until blue they just looked as though sion is certainly one item that the choir started down the steps it might rub off. In the lilac Wayne5,ville will be confronted in the recessional. Someone '8 bushes, the orioles sang their with inl the future and one that .:" vestni~nt 'caught in the branches lovely song? in' winter the should be given serious thought dragging them down the ~teps, cardfuaJs so red, perched in the now. upsetimg the containers and-the . snow-laden trees; in late summer, t The matter ot a Vlll:lge-ope- : rated tlrash collection is one that Wate'r~ streamed down the steps the yellow goldfinch feasted on village officials have not taken all over the new sJtoes the girls the sunflower seed along the any action on because we first were wearing. But they went . garden path. Along ,t he 'roadside, wanteol to get an idea of ho\\ . on out singmg joyously "Easter brilliant blue and iridescent you fe:lt about the subject. We .' . Flowers are Blooming, Bright;" butt~rf1ies ' swayed on a stalk welcome your views and com. Why ar~: .things ,~~o mufh of-mullen with its yellow flowers. ments not only on this item but , ~. '. funnier \'Vhen.,. they .ijappen ·in At evening, the weird call of other village matters as well. ~; church?,.,nte Sefiior 'Warden !at the whip-poor-will sounded andJ Please :address your comments to me at P.O. Box 512, Waynesville ... ~ " ~ere with his "head resting On in' the night, the shriek of the so that we can be aware ofyour ~i!.' hjs 'hand' and 'his elbo~ on..the sCreech owl, could be heard feeling~ and plan a course of '~. pew end. H~ dozed · off, but ."· like the call of a woman in action to take on this matter, '! .When thel~~ter Cf()mme~c~.~ ,l ~$1re$S. . , .~ talking ~Wi()riey'\,:~ his Ann '. ~e . Flowers-In the ~ are 10c31 -residents. Furids are processed through our local bank and in .this era when we are all interested in keeping our money at home for local use, this item should be of considerable imporI tance. If the village were to enter the waste collection business, the first necessity would be a ·truck. TIlis initial expenditure would' be in the neighborhood of $20,000. At least a three-man crew would be necessary to pro. vide 'quality services and funds wouid have to be allocated for their salaries. There would be the possi-
iO .. ••
president of the American Heart Association, Southwestern Ohio , Chapter, announced that the death rate from heart disease, among Americans under 65, had declined 20% since 1950. "These statistics give persuasive evidence that the expanded programs of the Heart Association, research, education and community service, are yielding a bountiful return." Dr. Iglauer stated. Comparing the present-day cardiovascular death toll with that which would have occurred if 1950 mortality rates had persisted, it is estimated that about 51 ,000 persons are ali~e today due to improved methods of preventive, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. "Even though there has been a decline in the death rate", Dr. Iglauer noted, ''the heart and blood vessel diseases continue to . be our number one health _menace." During 1968, cardiovascular deaths in the United States totaled 1,002,111 (7,000 of these in Southwestern Ohio) compared to 310,983 due to cancer. Of the one million cardiovascular victims, 250,000 were under age 65. "As dreadful as the mortality statistics are, the really appalling
thing is that '. over 'n1iUl~ Americans are living with some .~ form of c~rdiovascular disease", ' . Dr. Iglauer said. "For example, ". some 3,650,000 people have : rheumatic heart disease and . 1,570,000 have high blood pre,&sure. In an effort to find the causeS . of these diseases, the Heart Asso- . clation has continually expanded - ' its research programs. ' 1950, over $17,000,000 ~ been spent on heart research throughout the nation. Over 51,200,000 has been spent by the Southwestern Ohio Chapter for re. search at six local research centers." Dr. Iglauer added. "The reduction in the death rate is gratifying," Dr. Iglauer . continued, "but we must cioil-' tinue our research to find the causes of the diseases that cripple over 10% of our nation', population.·During February, the Heart Association will conduct its annual Heart Fund drive for Funds to support our continuing programs. I urge everyone in Southwestern Ohio ~o be as generous as they can when their Heart Fund volunteer calls on them. With a concentrated effort on the part of the public, the government and the Heart Association, the cardiovascular disease problem can be con. trolled. "
" ,
r-.~ ..
. 'l'~;'ciu;rie ~OWJl .with a . tliu~ ~d : m~nlight, the white lilies'along
: "'. -rI.
th '. '~I; : "" ?""" wide ,aWl" the . ~\ of the house, IiIJed .' 11 ~e:> one dOa:',bfa'~laay~ wll~, was ~ ~ 1m ' with fragrance . .In the abvays present- and sat; in the '. w09dJ~., ~e · yeU~w·. violets and; fio~t . pew, ., ~~ , one-. ,,sunday,· .but~~~C9.Ps peeped out amon,g ,morning rw;itlt, Ker' gloves' n~a4Y ~ the~ ~e'~;~ .n~r~ were .: the fir~t . ""........... , across. ~e 't9P' ..?f lJ~r ..'· ahe~~J1~, . iln~ o~e. -~9~ .~ . She tfu.fj)ugh. the 'whole ... , ~:. ~~'.::..white . W1~h trilliui1l; ,UII./;IWI ' rcu'·", ' •• of . atiyihilig '" ~ anod\erl.,an\ f?ue .' wiiA lJrkspu~~j .'~ ·m.ri~cJ:1es.¥,. bh,lebel&: ana ,sweet' William~ ~. 1Ullf·.4I;tI",··t ~itl!lJ:A' . I' 1'~! .'. th<?".Jate' bel~,! !I¥C?n8 t;he c,..¢~~; " , :~~ .; .sPpng., b~a~ties, descripti04J. ";, . : se~s ,.t~ :'~, . tat er . t«er~ , ,.\yerer . dci~,ood)" ',1 ' ~ , 0;>11'...... &, ,.the,; : half- .\ lfredt;ud., and. 'Scarlet \Jil - " . .), . '~.... J., • . II' " , : ~~t;~j~~ulll~~:.t .~M1ku~~!a~l~tn~.
' _V)
.f -
I, Neighbors
Predslon Work Is a "Must" Here'
' 0 m
We would like to introduce to you our ."NEW hip quality printiaa." Much .effort baa lODe · iD~'· 1M.' PROVING our quality 'C8ndar4a. The Iatac 'ia typeaettina equipment brinp to you tbU q~ ~ lowel' .;;. pnca. I;'
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~ dIys lrid 1Mn~ .~.. ~rtMn . .. . . .' • on the .~ dey he sent the people . - .JI.~ - ....... ....., bIeaed _ tile 'kln" liMI W'Mt . unto their tents ~I end IIad Of ...rt for . \ III the 1OOd.... .thll the Loftt Mel ~ for IJftId his . ~ lnet for larHl his. people. ~ dQL
. ...,1
BABVBYBBUBG· PInt B&l~ Ohurch North . &reet .
" Prieadahip : Baptist Church
John .P .. Oabome, Putor 10:00 a.m., Sunday .School. 1i:oo a·~., · t,fomiD, Wonhip. 6:30 p.m., Training Union. 7:3« p.m., ·Bveai.Dg Wonhip. 7:30' ~.JIl., Wednesday 'Prayef
.Meeting. . 1 •
h South~ Bapriac, Convention). l
Ohio 73 But Later ICidd, Pastor
7:30 p.m., Sunday i;veaing
David Harper, PUIOr 9:30 a.m., Suaday Church
Service. 10:30 a.m., Sunday School. 11:00 a.m., Sunday Wonhip
Service. Youth Fellowship and Bible Study
St. AuguatiDea Church
"7. (_-: ' :--,
HarveySburg Full Gospel . Church
Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, 7 a.m. '" 11 a.m. Maua I a.m. '" 8 p.m. Holy D~ya 7:30 p.m. Fint Friday 7:45 a.m. Dally Mus
E. South Street ·Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7 :30 p.m. TueSday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young People's Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening
Church Third '" Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11: 1.5 a.m., Morning Prayer lat, 3rd '" 5th Sunday,; ~Iy Communion 2nd '" 4th Sunday•.
nuy Perry Church of Chriat
United Kethodiat
, Church L
.'~ .."':' . Sunday Clturch at :
Scud,. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Youth FellowsIU . p.
UDltecl Jiethodlat .
arunmed ).
...iI ,.., 'I.~ H
•• .0 10 CHU.• CM ".
W~gtoa Pike '" Social Row Road BUI Wiseman, Minister 9:00 a.m., Sunday Bible . School. to:15 a.m., . Sunday Worship. 10:15 a.m., Sunday Youth Worship. 6:30 pAl., Sunday 'Bveai.Dg Bible 'Study, all .... 7:30 p.m., Evenin. Wonhip. 7:30 p.m., Weda.a d.y, Midweek Prayer and Bible
KT~ BOi,j.Y · United Kethodiat
LftLB . .. . .United . .tbodlat
" .
'" .-. '
. : --
Glady Street
• t .',
Christnan Baptist Million Main Street
. 7 p.m. - Sunday Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Prayer Service . 7:30 p.m..Saturday ~ening . worship service
' ,(
·10:30 a.m. - SUnday Sc~ool
. Sunday School - 10 a.m. Morning-Wonhip - 11 a.m . ·Evening Wo~p· 7:30 p.m. Meeting. Wedn~y ' - _. , '- .... -:. . . ~7:30p;lll.
Prayer '~g. 'lhunday • ..7:30 P'.D!'_ -=Song-feat -l.aat Saturday each, . . . m~~th - 7:30 p.m. '
"' "
_. .
rUUlTUBB '; .
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WAlltB8vri.'~.fDBUG 'irOQ . .
WA.I·...SVU •I ,'R .
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lfATlO1t4t !IU1tJr .
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PH,,.'. .I. ~ WAYIElYI~ OHIO
WAVNIlVlUoE. , .
'LBIUY'S B • • OLBAHBJUJ '!-.. .
!'OWlfUlfD MOOD,'S 8TO•• ," '.
-'Jen· .
·~t~;. i~s ~ff~~: . ..... ,._ .,"..: :.:
. ~. ' LoiS 'DUnaway -Pastor
.J •• • •
-: Genntown .United Church . 10;00 a.m. Morning Worihip .01_Christ . · 7:00 p.m. BWDing' Wonhip : Route ~2 at ~nntown llayStornner,Fastor · 8:00 p.m Wednaday Evening 9:30 a.m. Wonhip Service . Wor.hip 10: 30 Sunday .Church School Spm. VaJ1e, 5:00 p.m. SuQday Youth . l'riendi Church FelloWship Mound Street B. F'riencl Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday schOol. Fr.' Pentacostel Church ' · ~~:30 i.~ Morain, Wonhip . of, q~ . . R.R. 122 - Dodds, Ohio
LYD'8 DUBS saop'
~~d, Minis~
..._.. - .
of Ohriat .
Oh11l'ch · .
.' . David , T.
1Oth.Daryl .Bd~CIs; lmda· Kiled~
ler; Tun BIlmey; An~e Shutts; &san !'lbiIl; J.arrY BUgo; ' Barb, ara Bradley; Harry Dumford; KarHampton; Tere.. Hartsock; , Rod Richards; Jeff Benner; 'Matk florence; Walul• .Peal. ,."
12th-Diane ': Aken, Oumnaine Banas; Ronnie Bargo; Sue Bry9:30 •.m., Sunday School. 9:30 .~" '; SuDdayl W~pr ant;· Cathy Coffm~; Terry Cor- " 11:00 a.m., Sunday, Wonhip . ~ . . . -. . ....--. nett; Janet Counts; J",dy Cov~y . .. .~~. . . 10:30 ~.m.•,~.Su ..d~y SchooL • Ron Crockett;Jill Ecker; Tammy .7;30 p.m., Wecblaclay, Pnyer 7:00 p.m.~ . Sunday, Bvaung:' Edwards; Cathy. ~; Glenda -Service. Wo~ ~a . COD- ' Garrett; Sheila GOoch; ratty' · . .' " .' " . • ..1 •• ":"'_..1 'Ly _. u-L -.~ ~ D UL Grieshop; Susan Hartsock;Sherry. . ,, ~ ., . Isaacs;. Ramona Lamb; Kathy ,RBIIi Lewis; ~!i . ~dison; . Jewell . uJitW'li8thodist ...',"" R~~~ Commun.ltv Malicot4'; Sharon Maloney; Mary MeSser; Donna Morgan; Ully Os- . Church . St. Rt. 48·&: lDwer Walnut~Vine . Springboro Road . . , borne', Carol Sharp", Mark' Shaw' Robert: R. Meredith, Putor Ray L Shelton, ~stor Brenda .Si~mons; " CJy~~ :~~ ,.~O &om Sunday School' :" 9:30 A M. Sunday School . son; J{oger Stnttoil; 'Ahne Tool• • . . 10:45 AM. Morning Worship ey;' Teresa Vint; Lynette Wilson; 10:30 I~. Mommg W~p ·7:3Qp.m. SUnd;ay Evening judy Wood. . .. -.' ~ Service . . . 6:30."... Youth Fellowship. jr. hip .~ ~~, ~. 7:~~. W~~~y.; :E~ AW& 7:4' p.m. Wednaday Choar S'30 ' Sun"'~ v outh _I. _____ 1 • p.m. Uily Sr•• rCillcanaa Recreation . . . 6:.3 0 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth SerVices " . SpriDg Valle, Oh~
Rev. Leonard Baxter
. ,
11th-Kenneth B.fadl~y; John Engel;. 'BarlW'a, Pe~ers; Christi ~ckey; Oebbie Watkins; Sally Wientjes; Joyce Wilson; Jeff BOurne; Sue Harmon; Bonita "Horieman; .Rex Lutes; Kathleen Allen; Pat Barrett; Cathy Crane; &azanne Moore; Wilma Stevens; liz Bryant; Deborah Earnhart; Brent Measel; Rhonda . Murray; Scot Powell.
10:00 a.m., Sunday .School. 10:00 '" 11:00 a.m., Suaday Wonhip Service.
Prienu Keeting
ThUd '" North Streets L. L. Young, Minister . 10:i5 a.m." -Church . . -- - _at ..
Jonahs Bun Baptist Church
Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m., SUnday School. .10:45 a.m.~ Sunday Muting for Worship (unprq-
st. lIary'a
But High Street Thomu Stevau, Minister 9:JO_a.Dl.J ~y Bible . School. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship u.d Communion. 6:Gq p.m. Sunday Youth Meeting . 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Christian Youth Hour. 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Bible . Scudy.
~ih Street
j, ~
7:30 p.m., Wedneiday, Midweek Prayer and Bible
Pint Church of Christ·
Southern Baptist ConwutiOft Norm~ Meadowa, Putor. 9:30 a.m., Sunday SchOol. .10:30 a.m., Sunday Momina WonJup 7:30 p.m.; Sunday Evening
9t17-~Nonna Alexan8et'; Mike B9rgerdin; T~resa DJ8is; '~t~Jo)ui: . sOn; Carol Brooks; Denife .Hill-· man, 'Kenna .~ynard;U~beth . ~t: Panlet8' ~U; ~y~is Car~ ter;Vemon"Golllhugh; Stuart M~ Cullop; Judy Strouse; ' P8in: ' T~ylor. . , , '" .
. UAI,n.
--- ...
- --
WANTED to buy-50 used pl!lnos, write Bl)x 542: Wilmington, Ohio. 21ctf
MAYTAG automatic washer, $95. Modern Console TV '75. All perfect condition. phone 897-5287 6cl
IIfz year Beagle Hound, male. phone 897..6466 ' , 6cl
FEBRUARY Cleaning special. Furniture 20% off, 9x12 to 12xl2-$8.95. Call us today for other low prices. Paul's X-pert Carpet Cleaning Phone 932-7876 5c4
1966 PLYMOUTH 383, automattc, red, 'cragar mags, dual quads, Hedman Hedden, 391 gear. '1100. Phone 897-6716 ' 6c4
REEDY PLUMBING-For your complete plumbing Installation and repairs. Call 897-6629 Waynesville. 4ctf
1954 FORD Ifz ton pickup truck. Cleao, good mechan'l cal, new front fender. , goo,d snow. ttres, wired to pull trailer. $165. Spring Valley 862-4304 6el
HOME repair and maintenance carpenter, concrete, sheet metal painting, roofing and electrical. Phone 746·2982. 21ctf
1965 CHEV Impala Super Sport. 4-speed 327 engine, bucket seats, navy blue convertible, MAG wheel covers, no down payment, assume loan, $48 per month. ,897-4861 I , 6cl
,FARM ' fenCing, barn plllnting and repillr. Free estimates. Phone Middletown 423-1424 or 422·7494. 17ctf
EARLV f\MERICAN kitchen table and 4 chairs. Good condition. phone 897-6731 6nctf
·1 .IP
.APPLESand fresh ' c'l d;r. , -- c.ld e r Fruit Farm, 2 miles South of Centerville on route 48, East on Nutt Road 3/4 ' mite. 27ctf SCRATCH pads for sale at The Miami ,Gazette. 105 S. Main St. Waynesville. 16nctf
FI REPLACE wood. Will deliver. Ph. 897-4). 70 3c4 !
, HELP WANTED HIGH SCHbOL BOV to work lifter school 'and ' on ,.kends In prllge. call 933-2166 ' ,'• ,6bl TVPI'S T, part time, fasCinating newlpaper work, witting to lellrn new tYp.set procels:' 'Apply" In person at ~tNI ,"'I.ml ~~ett~. ' 6i;1ctf
A trip" t~ the drug stOre today may save you from a trip to the hospital in the months ahead-':if you make it a point to pick \lip whatever first aid supplies you really should have, yet lack. Man y good brands are available, and your pharmacist will be glad to help you choose the ones that will serve you best. No nultter whai other products you decide on, the ,fol. lowing-at the minimum-belong in every home. Check the ~r , ~
COLD Springs Beauty Shop: Will take IIppolntments anytime. Ph. 8974398. 48ctf
$COTCH Terrier puppies. AKC. Ph. ' 897-2359 5c2
GESTETNER Model 451 duplicator with G.stefax Electronic StenCil Scanner and cabinet. All excellent , condltton. Phone The Miami Gazette 1897-5921. 16nctf
TOY Poodle Stu.d Service, A'KC , Registered. White or Apricot. $50 AppOintment only. Phone 897-4148 15ctf
SLIM GYM ...:: the world's easiest method 'Of active exercise. Also some size 20 dresses. 897-2232 evenings lind weekends. 5c2
HEATING Stove for sale, 75,000 , BTU with blower. $50.00 Phone I ,897.4350. 31ctf
boxes of those products you have, and the blanks will tell you what; you need. o Adhesive bandages, includ-
ing large ones.. for abrasions.
o One pair of tweezers for remoViing splinters. o A unnrersal antidote, in case of poisoning. ' o Adult and children's ther'm ometet. o RhuUhist, good for poison ivy, non-poisonous insect bites and mild sunburn. o A stolll8ch upset remedy. o Sterli2:ed cotton and cottontipped sticks. o SterilE! dressinl5to cover up wounds. o Ointment or baking sodafor burns. o Olive oil or mineral oil-a single drop to take object~ o~t of the eye. '
Swap two 7x35 15 in. tires,
stereo console cabinet, for
things of equal value. Call 897·5122
, More than 6.000 business changes daily are recorded in each edition of ' Dun &: BraeJstreet's financial reference book. which com.. out :mrY 60 days with 209,000 neW' items of , information.
••••• "RIiII E te BetW~n the time Julius Caef ,. ,'The former ' Tom Norris sar introduced leap year in 45 B.C. ,to correct the calendar hom" WaYnemn~. Feaand the late 16th century, the , turing 2 or 3 bedrooms, fire. calendar gained about 10 days. plaCe,: 45 x 1'5 .foot famBy To rectify the error, Pope'Grt!g' room, : 2-car ,gaiage, ' built-in ory XIII decreed in 1582 that the day following October 4 stove. Vacant. Price $19,500. should be designated October : ~ 'The Bob Townsend Home. • , 15-instead of October 5. This beautiful home has 4 bedrooms, flfeplace, 2~ baths, , "Your hair needs cuumg full basem~nt, 2*, car garage, badJy," remarked the , .centraliaii coilClitionirig. Brick barber. ,and fr8m~ conStruction, early "It does not," exclaimed Ameri~an ' desif1~ Price ' the custonler in the ' chair. $38,000. , "It needs, cutting, ' nicely. ,. ':",,'Tom Florenc.e ~Realty You cut- it badly ' the last, ~ Ph. 897·5000 time I was in here!" .,
,.. • ~
I ;'
in :'.
', . ~'
;'/l~~'~ ~R ·-TRAJfSPoRT~rI~ ' :·.I:II'ftal'Wlt~". ,~ ,.
, '.' ", ,' , :' THE' LANG CHEVROLET
cO.,-'::. .', ','
' l21, E.., MAIN 'ST. XENt~ ...,
.,' ~:~
ADDRESS: City _____~
State _ _
zip '___
, Item You
Item You Want To
The MIAMI GAZETTE 11:0. Box 78 W.ynesvflle~
Ohio 45088
Phone 897- 5841.
103.9 FM
from 3% to 15 acres lOcated close to WayneSville. Some terms available. Discount for cash.
" ~I: , /~~
t~==;::;::=:::===== ' \t_ ":'::D. '; AR~UR ":'N,E;W , ai' 'U:SE'D' b,ARS ,
'IIC~' I
or 897-2241
SWAP Coilimn
. H
PH. 897-7931
-No. Dot • bit ~ troable • • • Bm, pt their ba.. I'eIUIy ••• ...... are ~ to eare for ••• am; beMa- pt tbeIr diaaer, , aDd BDI. dOll t forpt tbeIr nap. • _ , '
o A firslt aid cream or lotion
wili swap horse, one broke 4-year old and one yearling point filly for weaned pigs. call 897-4286 '
EN ERQ~:rtC Indl\ilduill ~or part tl~e 8dvWtlslng ales In Wilynesvllle, areli. , APply' In persO~ , lIt the to1laml G,zette ,'~ " " : " , , 6nctf
;..;..;.----~--_..:.'.;;. - -:-~ - .;. - ,,;.; -
Y,'ANTED: ' Bllbyslttlng. Phone. 8975921. Ask for , Jean. ' 18nctf
1966 CHEVEl:.L, phone 897-5686 6cl
-:-.,;-;.,-;,;;;..;;,------- ----.......-
:, Ht
114 NO. ST., RT. 42, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 45068. • , PHDN':: Bu •• B97-7056 - Ru. 932-7203
".' IIE
, ,Bu't lRe
IIEI 1111
a,lil~ .
-. .
~~TI FOR TH •• A~~: ,
MartI,_~7-me -
.....,. ..,..... '••I='......~.: Rita '.
, . . .tt
Mrs. CherYll 'Hartsock, cerite~, i~, displaying 'tn~' ~rop;h~;(." ·W, U,'detliJo 'County De~ate TC?~~ent. Debate tea~ mern~~, Ecker ~d Dwight Marriott, tied wi~h Mason Sc~ools fOf· individual speaker point$ enabling Mason to take fir$t p~ce. •
Our "brainstorm" idea of getting a side view of the new sign erected at the intersection of new route 42 and the 'Avenue' didn't fool our faithful Where Is ft? farts at all. Those correctly identifying the sign include Earl ' lamb, Mike Borgerding, linda Walters, Elizabeth Adams, Jones Service Station Gang, Minnie Davis, Henry McFarland, Alice Morgan, Richard Peak, Audrey Oary, Mike Rye, -Jimmy Coffman, Greg Blythe, Barbara Boggs, Robin Morgan, Walter Rathwet, Sara Fox, Sally lander, Tammy Pringle, Susie Pringle, Billy Pringle, Mary Pringle, Davy Pringle, Peggy Graham, Craig Campbell, Bobby Campbell, Valerie Campbell, Waynesville Farmers Exchange gang, Mr. Watscm's sixth grade class, I>clvid Mercer, Kara Fricke, Eric Whitmer, Brent Morgan, Susan Dellard, Randy Dellard, Aaron Crane, Jennifer Brown, Greg Smallwood, and Brent Crane. We really scratched our heads to come up with this one so try your luck and give us a call at 897-5921. .
. ".
WISH' I'D w ...D
ResiistratiOn, , , ~:Plans ;for
r ,
A CommunIst is a guy w~o wants to use your pot to cook your goose in 'it.-Louis , Graves, The Nashville (Ark;) News. Self-rilrhteouB people ' 'often owe theill· reputations to the lack of tE!mptation.-'M. Gene I)ow~ .The Van Born (Tex.)
' I
, ~ '..
E,Hective Immediately
5Ofo 5'12Ofo
-...... BTIFIIITD, OF IIPOIIT (MiBIaaa I1,800.00)
Waynesville Bank H,~lds Stockholders'M_ing,
-'OlE-YUH 1ERT1F11118 OF lINtin' "
(MbIIa. . ~)
... "JIIJIUI 14'11IR IAIl ,
• .,.11 Vii,
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