, By ~ D,lton
met for
Waynesville'. piCturesque, New Englandiah looking Fir.t Church of Christ' disdnpiihed ita congregation, this year at a ~pry 100. The handsome edifice, a~ . , focal point .of South High Street, will resound centennial acti~ties throughout ·the enswng months. . An ac#ve congregation will retrace a century of progre.* that began in the ipring of . 1869 when Knowles Shaw, the ".inging preacher" came to Waynesville to organize an evangelistic mee' g. 'Rev. Shaw directed the ' organization of th~ ch~ch on June ,22, 1869 aided by 36 followers. ' C. M. Robertson ,a nd William Carman were seleCted, church elders. Five ,d~cons completed the administrative body., lltese inc;luded George 1\ E. $Mifb, Aaron Doll, J. MU· ton '11tPlJ\pson, John Stansberry and William King. r . Church records sho~ that the. group organized under th~ name, "Church ot Christ," which grew to ' more than 100 members within five years. ,The Pint €burch, of , Quiat I
ouaide th~ corporate ,iim~i~~" aQ~ "who wo~ld oWD,~ tht'
, Vi II age attorney-lOl'idtor, N~l ' SuW~an, ~fficW1y I~irecl Monday night, will 'u siat couaciLnea hi fiDding ,til an; awera ,before any tia.tety lOVes ,couDcil ' to w.tuu " the ~iU but . ,are made coD.cetniD, me iuue. ~I } " failed to show~ , ' Council mmberl adopt4id' an WaynesVille ' Mayor Dexter emer,enq ordinl'1cff fOlr im· Martin announced' that the mediate.treet re~. C:. W.. , vnlage.' has ~~ au~ori~ to " Walker of lqveWid ",as lbired! , ptend water ,linea to Carter to' maItq the ~proveme.l~a~ ,'! 'Drive, one . d '. half mUea ,The ordinance set a ~orth 01 the. viUa,e. P~i.. " plction date'· ~f S'ept.1 ,ion Eor the ptdj~ was grant- . ' .tipUlated , th~t the eel ,by' Warren County Com- ". ~u not to exceed die ad.lioaen. toW of' 48 homea would CoWldlmen a,'r e e , he involved m the pmject. At erec:t a number of 0 leut 36 aareeiD. property sips alOftI the wt owners would be 'needed tl) Dayton Road to curb ~~... l~ ..... ~ the pro.am ~euible. problem. ~fter beiDa ~~i.tiOlrl· o.uad1 Will __ tile..... eel by five Pm.perty ftWIIli!!n I
_ea. '
~.~ofo~~" I!~Md'
1IO_ ..... iI . .
orgaaizatioaaJ ~uriJlg and worship in the General Army of the Repu~lic Hall, now Wayaeaville Plumb· ing located on the northwest corner .of 2' Main and Miami StreetJ. ita
, McKay Han was purchased, by the c;ongreption on Sept. 26, 1870. Jim Lamb'. Auto
Sales on IOUth North strut was the site of McKay Hall. , McKay , Hall, a two story frame building, was used for church meetiDp . until > the present ' structure was completed during.August, 1877. The e~tire construction in· eluding lot cq,at · Chu,cb of , Christ members $1,62' • . A house which doubled for par- " onage and Sunday School rooms was bought Jan. 20, 1945, It is located on the corq.er of High and Main Streett adjaC!~t the church. Pastor Rev. ]. Thomas ~tevens and family moved to the, present parsonage on the 'f!ast side ,or the, church in February, 1966~ The ' former parsonage now serves the church's ' junior Church and in.cludes Sunday School rooms and' putol'. I
August 6, 1969 '!'he IILUII GAZETTE Phptll~
P.o. Box 78 -
Published each Wedneeday at Waynesville, Ohio. SubllCription prioe $3.00 per year. Newatand price lOe per copy: Dennis Dalton ... . . . ... . .... . .. . .. .. .. • ... , . . .. F..ditnr David EdsaU . . ..... : . .. ... .... .. .. .. . . . . .... . .... . . .. . ·General Manager ~nald O. Hill •.... ... . . .. .. .. .. . . . . ........ . ... . Advertising MaDag~r Charmaine Banaa .... ... .. . ... ... .. .... ... . . . .... • . . . .• .AftSociate Editor Reginohl O. Hill, HAVill F.lb~11I .. : .. .• . .... . . . . . . . . . : ... '.. . ... . 1I'lIhli:-llI'r" j
By Dennis Dalton
•••• •
•• •
T,he second wedc of tle'V growth for Waynesville is being piped this weelc on '1rtle ter Drive subdivision one and extending water .lines from Road northwest. ~f the village a half miles no~th of Waynes. existant village lines at . olel to' the tune of a ne,w 500,~OO ville on State Route 73 have State Route 73 (Jlranklin gallon water ~toragc; standshown , incerest . in . linking to Road) and Dayton Road. pi§. . . " . Additional costs for running Waynesville watet lines. : Wayn~sviUe's :jll1,OOO W'ater A 1968 feasibility study of lines from Carter Drive en· project will solve water plrpb. the program showed a .. cost trance to individual homes lems .in the area ·situated west of $36,000 Eot. the proposed would be expended by the and nOl'th of ,Fourth ' ~tlteet. . project, A fraction of the cost pot~ntial wer. , ., This exp~nsion will also :nipThere are 48 homes in the would be absorbed by Carter ply water to the new Way es- ' Carter , Drive platt. ~t least Drive property owners, accor· ville High School. ding to Way.nesville Mayor ' 35.36 property owners would Standpipe construetiol;ists Dexter M~n, who has been ~ be needed to insure feaaibUity from the Continental ~ . Freeof the village move. ' spearheading tb~ progr~. mont, Inc. at .Freemont. 4rt: A date il currently being The project. ~ 0 u I d be working toward: the next six achieved . through the eorpor,. discussed for village officWs of an eight week construe ion to meet wi~ ~ tetested Car~ ation·s regular tap-on fee or ' coll1pl~tion date. ter Drive residents. a flat rate that would involve The 100 fopt IUgh w'ater storage tower will be construet.ed of ' 13 riD.. of four ",000 pound ~.hUt steel panela~ The ~ftt water' pr~a~e IftYicing. UI~~'in thil art:a :is only eig'ht Po.uDcU ,per ~~e , inch. The new ' ltanclpipe will . '.' A 'long ROw" Candl es boolt lime . to' !l '40 .: .Th_ C~aplain·· ~f Bourbon '. "'--~"'--~111!1111""~"'~""'~""""~--"" 4;' ', PoimcU per' ~~ " Street . by } Harrlngton iDch. ~,. ~ : . The Andromeda Strain ~by Cri~hton . Regulalor win ' bc= ill- . ~ Missouri Bi'ttersNeet' . ·by .Kantor' . I
to preY~ , O"a' . 1~~ IUriatioA of c1o~ llMasi-
ne..a. Wacer:praaure heN is ' ~, . 100 .' ~~ iach~ ,
.po....d. .i*.
The oew atandpipe, ...~ , ',"
jom. the village'. single 11900
t: : '" :. , ART EXI1IBIT 8Y; •
...... ' "
• . .' '1' '.'; •. , ..
. . . . ,., !
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Witage,standpipe, will in,ci~eaR ~....- -.....""-~~~~~ 'Watel' ttorage 'enoup ithait-the .-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...._ _ _ _~-~~-___--IIIiIIi-.~,
viDa. "ill .be . . to~ ~...ut outlyifta commllnitiei. . " Home ownen of the Cu- ~
This week ~ur savers are buried under , an 'avalanche of bank. guaranteed interest that we. pay. like clockwork. . ' , Isn't it" time ,t hat some of it was beaded your way? I
TELEPHONE 897-2065
Waynavil1ia.,. cU Itart watching for the viliaie'I' firlt business directory to be I~aised by the Waynesville' Arr.a Chamber of Commerce. A location for the early ' American designed lip i. CUI'rentl; bein. sought Ol~ the east side of Ohio 42 a.t the foot of North Street. ' Proposed directory 'plans call for erecting three poles with 2 feet by 12 fee.: sign ' boards between them. nle en· tirity would be capped Iby an ornamental sip s h 0 'W in g Chamber sponsorship. ~~ of the 12 foot l i p ' would be a.vailable for purchue'b,t mer~ chana. "Design, .color allld lettuing wo~ld ' be uniforRllly exe~ut~d thro...ghout. Sponsorship and IUpport . of proposed lighting fc.r ~he directory sign will 'be . e Aezt Itep fm Chamber ~ff.icials . .~ Chamber Board of jDire~·' tOri men'ibers will 1I1ee1t at 7 ,p.m. Thursday at the W _,nelville National The ·b oard will nonal directory lip oJto'lll'rll then and determine and meetiAg type for a 1' ~lm' her mem&enhip for Sept. 7.
16-Pc. starter set ihcluc;les four dinner plates, 7" plates, cups and saucers..
*1'.00 .
45-Pc. set service for eight .includes eight .each dinner plates, 7" plates, cups, saucers, cereal/salad bowls; one each vegetable bowl, 14" . platter an_d covered sugar allq' creamer. $46.00 Yorktowne Stoneware ... ,Ea:rly American Heritage for today's c~ual living.
August 6, 1969
FRI,ENDS HOME NEWS By Nellie Bonn~1I ,
.' - 'Three 'rrliree Bean''- .ized 'DlilolUevoUl,"
nul,: bO,yi were
.pottccl .l'eeclldy "'Hom ' .~-
LiIliaD U . ,IW' ~'- ~IO '
pordl" •• they plal,fid wid ih~ Kdr " , , ", , fireaa~. in. ftqAt ~f '. che · Hom~ . .Muy L. Coole I.~~ : " •. '. ;, '", ",'". ' 1Aey let offi oli ' l~ack.. ' , ,M r.:' ~d' Mr•. Reyra- ' . u ill .~ro.u'., ~', tb~ ' buildiA,. " ' oJc:b : ;E.i WilminstOIl vwted , Th~,, 'drd~ ':~~Ct- ~to : .~. ¥~. :~~e','Wa~d ,
..l.._ .:I!LI'''-.r.. L __ L~_ ~, .. ·.IID " ,.. j ~~OP
l, _ ~':.~_ " to .. " .. 1"L_ .I.!J.C . . C?1I ~ ~y."") . ~~ . ~ ",!,,"'~: ...... ,.-. .one ,aoi.tecl .. into, .e ~cL;oPr' . _. Glady.' t{1a~. ; ~nJo;e~ £izzled., . 8c>oka ~ . ¥de th~J ' ~ ri~~ widt~r ·... istel' ddring' ~drop, . co~4 , have ' been . h~. I'jatel". viti~~S!oIIl~y.
\. " , #-~1~4. We ,
l?4ve, a~'l£iD~' \:"....~~~~~ . ~~....,...~~~~~~~~~~~~!-~~~~~-~~~~~~i!I!!-.~~~~-.~~~~~ ' ,' pUblic library bo)'•• It'. th-~ I'll' y~~ eclucatioAal-: ~
" \;.: , ~en~ adv.....: 14 ~.Jlot~&h"" -it.. : ' .. ;
,, ~
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1IIlcf. ,~ ~ . Bwl ':smi~
viaited wi~ Catrj~ R~l1 Gai,"
,,,Monday , ,
Emma Raper . r~curJlecl to the Hoine on MonClay- ev~~ " ing after short !lith her , . • i.ter who ~as ill in ~,iNin~ I
She repo~ti4 r~ha .jater was better, >,-
Nettie Palmer llad for her
dim:aer ,~ta'
July , 30, IOn, Rof"ert -and Deborah and Brian Palmer; ber FaDd children. ,
, ';
TY" e ,~ ~ " ,j~ ,
I'II.... _~ ,
..u..... .. ..,
.~~ • ....-r~• .~:-" ,~ will ,&e F.n.&,,- ~ " a:·at 7~O poID. lThe f.--ed,
_ .... wil1 be,the Lamb Pam':, , il,SiDpniD ' a"ditiOo ~ to the '···· "''''..·''''· Starlfte Trio an 'many omen. <
Mil. CbriItine H is Ie, , daupur of Mt:~ del Mra, Boyd Hiale aDd Darrell Van- , over, Ion of Mr. and f.irs. Jack Vanover of Bethel, Ky., were married onWedneaclay, July 30 in Bethel, Ky. Mr.. V anov~r is a 1969 graduate of Waynesville High: School. Mr. V.nover ' is a , 1969 graduate of Bethel High School. They will · be living in , WaynelviUe< f~llowing their \ honeymoon in the South. Q)uiIdl "'ttOtney Jack Hedges .,.d Corwin S. Hedl~ were the .peaken concerning the park proarea during the July 28 meetiAg of the Corwin Village Couacil.
Flyinl off the handle cau- hlJlllllen IIId human& to 1011 their heidi. ,
'80(1 are inachinh washable. Availabl.~ in
.. S, M, >
L, ' XL~
H~ S.:U:f :1'.:1) ~"'n.:....
.toVe. BOil to at;out :,8 degtee. (10ft ball) JUid add marshmallows. Beat d pc:-ut;' , into beaten egg wh'lte very slowly. Add vanilla pd beat until thick ancl creamy. Vcry IJOO4 on moat kinda of calce. Holley Dew Bilcuill "After you've r~bbed your bride 'recei~ ",any l~vely Mr. and Mr.. ROil n~ bee tree an' kind, sock entertained their gifts. children at a dinner p ty ~n , over yOre sdnp ...... tty dUs Monday, July 28, at their HONEY RBCIPES recipe wi~ . . . of yore home in the country. raent I am ~ery luappy to repott hoDcy." were Debbie and 8rian Palm- ' that I havr ~ard r l ront s"v- ,I cup iresJt butter er of New York Oly N.Y. eral of Qur Miam~ Ga.tte 1 cup .trained hopef and Stuart and Tun ~cCu1,eaders aDd they have kibd. 2 cups flo r lbeli ~f Wa",esville. 1 cup sugar ty offer~ me lOme of their out 1 cup lOur cream. honey recipes to add Mr.. and Mrs. Leroy. Corby collection to help promote the' 1 teup,ooll soda . . of Utica, N.Y. ~ I-U ' ta talC Qhi9 Honey Pestival which is t teupoon salt .eelt at tJac,Ju:tmc ~r.ir IO~ fa.t" approachillg. , 1 ega and d ..ugliter-jn.\~w' 1\1 rand. , I do regret that J will be Mix well all inp'edieDp toMn. . Carl~ft ~t&1. : Mrs. unable to put aU 'o f the teci. gether and bakc in peaaeCl Corby'••ister, Catlierin Hunpea in ~e paper at one time, and floured, muffiR pans. " ~ atad,. abar~ ,wi~ th~" ~ ton but every recipe l do receiv! "Want . IODlethia' -to ..eaIly .' Corby'., ' ~ . en~ini~~ their wiD Ge IeDtered at some rl:me set yore p~ ~, wJfles brother ud ', 'amily, tv.lr. · and in the near future. ~ff ail' make ~em ~pia'? Mrs. Winfield Kellt· c,f Lud· A gerl~ral rule for llIing Try this H 0 n C! y Bu~ low, Ky. ' ~ honey to replace sugar in Whip!" Combine F~. _ cake. and cookies, is to reo together 1/" poWld butter Mi•• Beth E~art; daugh. duce the amount of liquid and 1/2 cup ho~. AcId 1/2 . .... J . ,. tel' of ,Mr . 'Mn~..-Lamar_ --..J / ... ~... lor -eac~ cup ,.Df , h~~ey.li cup whippmg cream. w:mp till Earnhart of I t Nor ' , Third to · replace '~8at. '- ~. .fluffy. . us Stree.t i. the recipie I of 11 Mr•. "rom ,Q ..sidy found a Remember if -you ,-haw: . y , $4'0 Ohio State Uilliversity delightful recipe book called honey recipes you would like Centennial Scholarshil'. This "Ma'. Cookin'" a, the home to .hare pl~ .eJ¥l them to wu ••arded 011 the hasis ,of of her mother, Mrs. MaJ,el Pa~ Vair, Box 121, WaynClscholastic standing. Mi II Baril' Stiles. J"hia recipe book is ville 4~068 01' call 897-6826. ,-hart will .1Qe it to further Iter filled with "Mountain Reci· Mr•., D.l~ Dumford from s~dy 'ill Social SCieitc.~. pea" and features quite a few Dayton 'and Mias Dorothy honey recipes. Two .tach' r'ed. '\ViUianu ,', fro m GlendorlA, miscellaneous ~ rid a 1 pes follow: Calif. and Mrs. Ray Coder, .howe~ for Mias Sanch'a Puck,. Honey ~ Idna from Harlinger, . T-ex. had ett of Bellbrook was I~ven by ·'Now this here ia a mi~ty lunch with Mrs. Edaa St. John ' Mrs. Tom ,Cassidy at Il,u home tasty kin', an' a. real handy on Tuelclay~ on Robindale Ddve, Friday, one to uae afeer you've robbed, August 1. Mias Puc':ett will Luvenia CAok is cqnfilted a bee tree ~' got sum fresh. be the bdde of MJ~. LatTY to Ketterina Memorial H~ h,oney. Bee, 'hore an·, .train Stiles of Bellbrook in 1i:he near ' th' comb oui'a it', 'tho, ~ thet pital following surgery Tues, future. ' day ",~r:ning. c~mb jeat don't go very weU Tho.e .in · at"en,dallce in icin'." , were: M~~. George Stiles, J~ ,~ Venida Coli .1 ,cup ''''$1l1' Mias Teresa Stiles ' and and D.,my Makolai ..-d 3/4 cup mar.hmallow (Andy Harts9ck atteaded the ' , Brookville; Mr•• C. 'It Stiles, chopped I ~.. carl StilCl, ,alad Mn. Oayten Hone Show July 31. 1 ~aI white - stiffly beateil Charles Stiles all of 'Waynes1/2 teaspoon vanilla ' .' " ville; M",. Carl ~ardlow, 1/2 ~p honey Mr•• ShirleY GrOll, altld-Sandy 1/3 cup water, '. GrOll all of LebanDn; and • 1/8 te8:"poon salt . Mrs. Homer Nicely 'lild Mr;. ". Combine · together ,ugar, Lrad Scott of "'et~eting. The , water, salt and 'honey - place Mrs. J~ H&1I....H .advia. er of the op Notcher....H 'Quh taU rCpo~ that seven! ciub member. reCeivW a.a,da for: ' their "eEEona in !4-H .. !l~, ~e CountY, Fair., Patti Hall received a second for het ,formal ~ Loree ~ and CoDDie ~~olda ftceiveci, a (irat in their. demollmation Oil Junior Host ud "Ho.tclling. Loree aiU:l Connie will De;.. com~ at the' Ohio ~tatc .Fair at Columa,u.. ~ Top Notch"" have a membenhip;.oE -to'.Pta, ~llo " meet' each Thunda, at 7 p.Gl', Oil
Mr. ancl Mrs. Kenneth E. Williamson are announcing the
gagementof ' their daughter, Sharon Kay, to Byron, Smith Bolejadt II. Mr. Bolejadt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron'S Bolejadt of ' Rural Hall: N,C. ·The br.de , elect is a ' graduate' of Sprin~ro High School.. She is currently majoring in elementary education at Milligan College, Milligan College, Tenn., where she is a junior. Mr. Bolejadt is a grad~ate of Forsythe County High School and a junior at Mi,lligan College where be ' ~ a psychology ~ajor. ~e is allO alumni .ecretary of the college'. Sipa Delta P.i Fraternity. A Sept. 13 wedding' is , ,pt.nned ' at ch~ Bellb~ook Church of Christ. ' /
'Cheese blends more readily with other 'ingredients and melts more
quickly 'if )'ou shred or dice it first. ' One-half P9und of cheesd yields about 2 cups of shred4ed cheese,
. ana:oJ
Because a w~man 'i s cltanJeable 'we 'think she should ' be 'able to suit her look as often as she changes her mood .•• with a 'wig or fall.
Church met Sunday evening linger, of near Lebanon at the church anA made plan. spent the p;ast week here for several outings in the neal' itil\g her parents and future. grandmother Mrs . Hc~len Mrs. Mary Ellen Fannin Robertson. While here she and Mrs. Grar.~ Russell of Ride: Dell returned home . near Lebanon were Thursday also visited friends at WHIIO• ,Thursday from Community TV where she had been emevening guests of Mr. and Hospital in Springfield where ployed before going to Wl~sh. Mrs. Clarence Price. he hlld be~n taken , following 'ington D.C. Linda and sister Jon Stuehling 'o f ,Aliquippa, a freak mowing accident at , Pa. has been a bouseguest tbis Cathy · a,n d Billie PaJimer Beayer Lake near Springfield spent F rid a y with !~rs. : week nf his cou J;n Mrs. Sue on Saturday. Robertson. Carm"n and ~.. may , Mrs. Floycl. Palmer attell-ded ,Mr.' and Mrs. Lewis He,ag. Larry Chril£tmall returned Pam(,)."a Grange Saturday eve, land and f~mUy ,attended ,he home Friday from Clinton ning at Maineville whUe the Shanks family , reunion . at Memorial Hospital where he Hamilton ' Township Grange Xenia Park Sunday. had been a patient since early was host for the meeting. , ' Mis. Fred Morningmaker· o( ,\ Monday " morning following Mrs. and Mrs. William Dos· Santa Rosai' California ~,~ a an auto acdden't ' on S. R. 73: ter and family attended the LarrY suffered .. ' fractured " weekend guests of Mrs. Mabel Underwood reunion at the arm and head injuries whic~ , Terry. '.. Friends Reel Brick Building in Your writer is VHf h,nppy required some 40 ' stitches. In Waynesville Sunday. the car with Larry at the time ,to report that' Jane Ell,en , Fite Robert L. Ferril of Maple 'SUltained only very minOl, in· of the accident w~ Don Kee~ Street is confined in Greene juries in an auto a'cadet'l!t at ler who ,suffered only minor Memorial Hospitall. with bron· SR 73 and. Interstate 71 last ' injuries. Thursday' evening, wbilc' en· . chial pneumonia. Mr. 'and Mis. Lewis Hoag· Mrs. Bob Newsome of route ' ,to Wilmington. AI. The Mas.ie Towlllhip Fire land have received word from Xenia vilitecl her grandpar· though , MilS Fite was witlltout , Department responded to a their Ion L/Cpl Donald ents Mr. and Mr•• Cliac Tay· call Friday afternoon at the Hoagland, who ,is confined. in blame her car unfo~'ltely lor Tueaclay. home ot "the . Mike George • ho.pital in Japan following ",as a total. loss. , Jim McCarren, Ion of Mr. . combat injuries that he ex· family on Main St. On arrival On behalf of the entire ad Nr•• Louil McCarren left community we extend our I at the scene smoke was Pour. pects to be, home in a few Saturday for a two week ser· 'heartfelt wishes fotspeedy . ing out of aU the 2nd .tory weeb. vice tour of duty in ,S avannah, windows a. weU as ·the chim· recoveries to Louis McCarren, Lori C a rm a n returned Ga. . ney and the safety of the two L~wrence S t a ~ ~ , ~lo~~ence , home Saturday after .pend. The c hoi r memb'!rs of closely adjoifting' homes was Osborn and Bertha }(nowlton inS 'two weeks at Sto"ybtook Jonah'. Run Church enjoyed feared. In· yiew of this the all of whom are confinc:d to Giri , Scout ,c;amp. ' home made ice cream in the Waynesville Fire Department Clinton Memorial Hospiltal. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Taylor social room following prac· was summoned. attended the Bowman family tice Thur.day evening. . get.together Saturday ~vening Mr. 'and Mrs. Jo~ M~a· at the home of Mr. and Mrs. dows, of B~rmuda announced Raymond Adams near . Fort' the birth of their ,daughter Ancient. Odler. in attendance Angela Marie "on lJ.ul1e 20th. were: Mr. 'and,' Mr•• Dennis Mra. Meadows was ' the for·" Co~ and fa~ily '~f Lebanon, mer Mary 'Annette George, ' Mrs. Fred Wolfe and daugh. daughter of Mr. :1nd Mrs. ·ter Dora Mae, Mrs, Stella Everett George and the pa· Florea , ~f Blanchester, Mr. ternal' grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Hamson of and Mrs. Cecil Meadows of Lebanon, Mr. ~d Mrs. Lewis Wilmington. Bowman of Kings Mills, Mr. Rita 'Willis of ~eeanon via· 'and Mrs. Willard Taylor of ited· '.ever. davs Jilt ~eelc: Xenia . an4 \ Mr. ancl Mrs. ' with 'h er granclp~ent!- Mr. :md Wayne, Florea of ' Blanchester. Mrs. Bdb Willis, ' Sr. Miss Linda Bollinger of The BYF ..of Jo~h'" Run Washington D~C., daugh~ of ': . ~
HoWever, wbaa they were able to enter the, hoUie ,
'they found the fire confined to one bed Uid, manrell and Acting Fire Chief We,. Smith assisted by .everal local rai· dents was able to extinpilh the fire. It is believed ' that it may have been~ ,staned by a .hort in an .exhaust fan wliicb wu running and located neat the bed which was aflame.
B,y DeadU' J)a1toa Downtown WayneaviJle it due ,f ora change the way a Commi~ of village retail merdtanu .ee· it. '" '. ' Committees w~e named W edn~day Jiipt at a meeting of retail. merchanu to promote and dir'ect the fint .tages' of aD improvement progr~ projected at dressing up' Waynesville" cIauic; hiItoFY book.. business diatrict. ., Waynesville businessmen are makiDI a cooperative effort fM painting and. fixing up Main Street'. handsome archi~a1 conglomeration. ' , ' ., . ~" GI~ Smith, Do~town ' Improvement Committee~ Cl~. man, hal ~~dy lC9uted various exterior' c:olqr , paint ,chllttl: . Several COIM C()ordinata for . walh and ahUttcl'" hav~ b~ lel~ upon ,the i,~~ . ~{ arai!abi1i~ ' ~ro,.gh local .etc~t.. . . Mr•. Smith and her committeemen,' Bill Nell of Nell ~urance . and Miami Gazette Editor Dermis Dalton are ,..Icing thaf aU busi·neu improver cooperate m boo.tmg the progrun by buying uppliea locally. . It Wat .uggested ,that Waynaville merchanes e': advantage of local hiatory and through the program intelllify ~e bUlin~ , appeal of ' building exteriors by repldnting with yesteryear colpr. ~d decorative antique ~ appomunents. Shopper.' intereats wru be m~pi.fiec:l with a ."i~ of signa marking hiatoric downtown villa,e .q~e. and '.ighes.' George Stroop local .ign painter-designer ii, currently .tudying the feaaibility of hiatoric ligns to be uniEQrmly painted and lettered. He ·will .ub hj. COlt estimates to ,.retail merchants at a m.eetina ~ug. 6. . The historiC:: ' sign marker. that woUld serye as an interest guide to .hoppers could possibly be co-.ponaored by the Waynesville ~ea Chamber of. Comnterce, according .. to Bill ~eU, pre.ident• I
Sdudl'. Villap Antiques Shop owar ita IdIcodcal ~ to former owncn Mr.
PMfo " DUI.I and Mra. William ~ Itl COKhllllOUlle it alated for ~estondoD for primiti.".
Regulu" ..treet cl~" decorative , plaDw. "and ,~tiatic:ally painted , litter rec:eptic:al. were amon, ' other ~ulI~ted . eye appeal · impr0'r_~ta.
" "
" "W.e reaIiu that exteiUive revamping of our ' buameu district
wow4- involve long fanle pta.a. 'ov~ a period of yean," ·commented Mn. Glen Smith. . "But there are .imp1er paintinl and repairinl unprovements that we c:an make now." ''This is your toWD ~d we want you to be·. proud of it. We're fizinl it up for Wayneaville.'t ' , , . "We-woula lilce to worlt toptber w.th any community orl~i~ _tiOIll that"would like to 'lend dieir. aid . to ~eau~Y',. their toWD. ' Tbeit··· ...iitalu:e ~oUld b: , iteaHy ' apptec:uited. ~ "Now ,'the time .... b...w .. 't ' , , . ' ,. . , ,~ -.-. . A Waynesville au~ festival of bargains featuriftg, 'RevolUto tionary' buya haa been planlled in conjunc:tio,:, to culminate iAitW improvemen~ montha. '" . All retail merc:haniJ·will work on this project guided by an advertising, c:om~~ttee c:h.~ed by Miami G~ . co-publisher.. o~er
• 'd C'lt u'11'. . 'lI.~ . ~~ o · n R~IDU .~, Hill uaiseed by Mr•. Ste,ve Fielda, Ray Wallace and Bob Town:, '. end have already ori~ted ~li4ewalJc ,ale plan that ~oula include '0(.
a tobacc9 ipitting contest, pie eatinlc:ontat for younpten, wa1ltinl , ' race, an show and vocal entertainment. . Waynesville citizelll will b~ ,cast in an important part of the improvement drama. Their ~UggestiOIll for de~toWll are solicited by the Improvement Coaunittee. ~er.orui who lIlight have- beautification improvements in mind can mail them to .M r•. Glen Smith, at Waynesville Furniture or drop 'them off at the store.· '
'a.. 8
.tate repre.entative Corwin Nixon, who talked _bout many thing. t~e legislatUre i. chirlking about, things like taxes and A PAltM Dl/IR.~ trying to get the elate for the by D. J. FR ZlbK end of daylight saving time changed from October 31 to Auguat 1, 1969. Sweet cor1\ September 31. I, for one, Summer'a great American delwould throw it out entirely. icacy'. season has beaun. How The committees ave to go aoocI it is, fresh from the garthrough th9usan of bills that are presented to eatablith priorities and to throw out tho~f'! that they do not consider Dalton with the latest news broadca~t from the offices of important; like the one to malee it necessarY to get a The MIAMI GAZEITE. ·on WHBM-WE~X every Wed~esday at 10 A.'M. permit to shoot foxes. I sup~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~. .~. .~~~~~~~. . . .~. . . . . .~~~ poseifyousawafpzwithone dea, cooked 011 the cob, apread with butter - what a delight! Foraet the Calories and ' enjoy younelf. We are enjoying the ' fint from our garden. I boulht the seed for Golden Bantum , but this is not what came up. This i. a goo~ small, early, sweet variety bu~ not the old eight
rowed kind that alway. by that name, However aweet, tettder and so we do not comp ain. planted sOlUe at the en of the corn r~w. in one field '0 I must go and see if it is r~ady. Our guest and speake at Pomona Grange last SatuJ~day night at Maineville
can Redi-Weave Fence Panelingw~ll beautifully fence int your lot, patio or swimming pool. Makes attractive Siding f()~ carport or porch. A s~gle , panel installed as a background screen, ~nhances the beauty Of treasured plants or shrubs. Redi-Weave Paneling answers the popular demand fOll" beautiful ,fencing that can be erected without fuss.
of your hen. over hi.: .Iioulder you wo",ld have to p . lor a permit inatead of a sun. I. the sponlOr the Conaervation Dept. or the fox chasers club? ~ey do not ~ll loxes they ~nly sit around a camp fire and drink, bee~ wbile they listen to the music of their dog. who chase the loxes. We still have foxes in our neighborhood. We lost all our duck. and seese last utter to fose&. One pair of d luted until the pond froze and then they were lone too. TIle more .erious problem is how , ~o- relieve . the burden of th~ increuinl itchOQl need. from the bach ~f the lu,downers while 10 many othera. go untaxed .. Another tax problem is that of thOle of us w.ho .till farm our land but are loc:ated near new development projects. Our land g now apo praiaecl at what it would, sell for not what we.,clln make off of it farming. Aa firm land ita ,v alue is not half what it is if we seU. Thea the capital gains will catch us~ but n,)w we would like to go 011 living in our homes and hope to make more ' than enough. to pay tho.e taxa. It .;.. nice last Sunday to ' see Sam ~d Virginia Keys in Church. They said that they had been gone ~tt'Veft years. It was due to S, u's , faith and hard wode that St. Mary. wu ab~e to bui:d the Parish House that is still so useful. Nq olle else believed , . that we could ' do jt, Auguat always seem, .{ike' a ', hort month ev~n though it has t1,e -.me Ilumber' of days .. July. Labor Day comes . ~h :too , ~, schools op~n and ~caaoft u over. ao make the mq.t o~ i~ especially' the good fr~m the gardea, a~lly iweet , com and pUt .' lOIIle ,away in the freezer for
- . Mr. and Mr~. Fred · Webala' bve retUrned hoine to
SUa An~nio, Te~. ' af~ ~isit ma a EeW day. with Mr.. Web_.la,' paraa~, Mr. ....d;,· Mn. '..,
VicClor Laird, ·~.
"'.ten" '
. 'Whil~ ' here, ~ abO viJited Mn. WeI,IcWa
brother ai.ter.in-law~ Mr. , and Mr.. DoD Laird aa4 aistep, Mr.. ,.G. D. ' Ruali t and Mr.. Cltatles Van Nuya. Mr.. Don Laira entertained \ at dina~ __ ~uescJay e.9.u. 'the folio a ~ta ~ honor
Ph. 897-2966
oE dle W.ten:' Mr. and Mn. Victor 1Mrcl, sr. Mr, aDd MrS.' Charla Van, Nu)'l, Mr! and ~. G. D. ' Rush, Pam; Mike,. Jennie and 'Gte· lOry, .11 of LYde~ Mr. and liln. J_a SchUrynan, Anaie, ShieJa aDd Br~t ' of . Ketter",g and' Mr.. Gary Van 'N uy. and Cathie of .. ' '. " , ,Mr. and Ma. c.al~ Lon.acre were eYe$l"'. puta anel were entertau.ecl .with '. movie;
'Wa~ Ville ,.
and .tidea ' Mr. -·Webs. hoW .d of Viet N. . _d- H' waii• .. Mr. " ••eer ... . invilve4 in Civil ~ 1Nfk ;. Viet
__~__""~"~""""~I~....~~.............~t·~· N.m (f
The Indians were ",_.t"'!ltj"", Team I two of die WaYl1:es• by the Royal~ 16 . 6 in .min~r ville Softball League downed league baseball. It was ~l tense team '·1 during a game game until the last inning July ' 27>. . when the Royals scored 9 . This was the only ,.e runs. played .that ~y. All other . Wayne.ville Softball Le~glle ha;'e , I)e~h anpounced. These . . The Padres won ,0Vler ,the ,ames can~elled due to' rain. , ' Leaders have been announced indude~ ", " . Expos by a ~core of 10 . 2 in for ~August 3. They incluae: ' . Julr'27 r~sults: team 2 beat , tht second game. The' IPa~re5 (20) at Bats te;lm 3, '·L ' have played some eilCclting , Play~ Tm AD Hits Ave ' Aug. 2 resuits-: team 4 beat games where the winniJlg run '0. Simpson 3 3~ 18 .'29 team 3, tI.8; te;tQ\ , be:lt ' was~1t made 'until the fina'. ...- -. . . . !IiIIII~~...~~....~~IIiIiiii~...~~ S. Stiles 4 ,.28 14 .'00 teant '1, 18-1'1; team 'hu! inni....g. , L. Sharp, ,~, 1 29 . 1~ : .483 teant 2, 3.2; tea~ 3 beat t~am In the re-match -b,etween Ji. Miller '\.~ ~ 1 ., 32 l' .469 ' 4, J1-4J te~ 4 beat team ,\1, . the Padres and dle .Indians, D. Ceas~~,.'; ~, ~28 , 1'3 '.464 the Padres held the lucUans • • ;,t- " '" T. RobijUOil, ~ .. ' 3 ", ~, ,·rll .' ~f' ~. Aug. 3 results: teatn 3, beat' ,to no 's~ote winning 9 ;. '0. K.::, ~ini : t· ' : i ;; ~' b·. ·. .444 team '4, 9.';' team " b~t tea.m ' In 't he final standiri,g ," the T. Ha~n .:, .~.~!. 136.) .1; ; .+M 4, 10.9;' teant 1 bea~ team 2, Royals' re~ain in first 'place '. T. Florence'" ': " ....: 34 " ., .441 11.. 10; team. 2 ' beat team 4, witli 7 win~, ·1 lose; the .; " ; '-:M. Pu~ill ' " 2. 26 ,11 .423 10-6;' team 1 beat team 5, 12- Tigers in second ~lace. ...it~ 6 . :... ""': "..". ,,,. . ,·S: eo~ > · • 1 34 ' 14 .412 ' 7; team 5. beat team' 3, 9-6. ' win~, .2 IOlses t third piice, In- ' .•. ":, J.. Sani.tff ~; ;:~' 5' 32 13 ...06 Sc"ec;lble~ pm~ for ~ug~ . diana w.id," ~ ~i~s~ e' .- . "lcSsses;, ,If :]" L~yq~ 5 35 ,.1.4 .400 ' 10 are: ':30 p.m.: ,team ·2 vs. , fourtJt p1ace, Padres" 31, wins, '. The tolloWi~a ·leagut. :atandings .4; 6:4' ~p.m.; .'tell~. 3 'va. '; 8 " losses;' ·.nd" fifih , plalte, th'ei 'were ,al~o riported" for the .i8f1e .p.m.; te4m 3 VI. 1. Expos ~ith '110' 'Y~~ \8 'loSses. period. Teapt -, won 9 lost ' 2; ..,_ _ _ _ _ _..;.'_ _-------.......;---:.....;..------. ~ 1 woit. 7. I~st 4; t~am 2, wop' . "Loth r: "I .keep my , lost. 6; team'·... wo';' 4 lost ; : - . money in a ~ar box undc;r
~ .# ..
.., t
i4-,. · ~
" ,
team 3 won 2 IOlt 8.
the 15ed." I , Zeke; "But look at the
o{M',.: '"'~ ~..s1via . .
•"D.I. . The ··impt'O~ptu: .life savina:
TuacIa,. . Mrs. Et.ie ~stonJ MrS. Joan Swafford and Mrs. Char- .'
sq..-d pi~ up the : ~PII .. p'a, body. . ~d ~ it, f'J' die' ErOllt poreh o'f~ .e Il-earb~'
~e local ROIarf
,r~ '
PH. 897-7931
and Mr. CrUs hia ~,.
~Ued. Oft·
Mrs; ' Hiley Gihaon: , Mr aDd Mr,. Morris Lewis . • ueaded .. tile fair- at. Xenia
Club «:n·
tertained ih Ro.t ary-Anna at dinner Tuesday, July 29 ' at Charlie'I Steak. House. The speaker for the evlming was O. F. Arma~ost, Unit Supervisor, State of Ohio, Parole Authority. Armacost gave his views on th~ adva.nt. age of incorporating th~ P'l!il'O' lees in today'. society .iJllce they can be a valuable aI~et both to b~sines. and the c ~m· munity . . Rotary President, ' 'Rot ert Otannell, during other inea, welcomed pesta cOngratulated ~. and Eldon Rerallick on their veney
PHon 862-1601
lotte ,' Reeve 'of Jldiamuburg
- a department stor~ of arts, accessories and supplies used by farmers, dmchers and their .families, In his diverse inventories ar8: .• Tra~tor pair parts • Nuts, bolts, screws' • Accessories • Garden tools . • Auto _paint
• Garage- -stands .
• Rand ' tools • Hydraulic cylinders
'. Sma" ·gasoline engine parts • Welding outfits
Augus t 6 , 1969
For Sale
SWEET ~rn. 'Pick your own. 350 dOlen. Delivered ae much ae 6 dOlen,
1969 CHEVROLET 2·dr. hardtop, white, air ' conditioned, deluxe eeata. perfect eondition. Ta~e over pay· mente. Being inducted 'into armed lQcl eervicee. Ph. 897·311.1.
'00 dOlen. 932·9131 or 897·2204.10c1 REDUCE 'safe and fast with Gobe.e &ablete and E·Vap water pilla. Waynesville Drug. ' , 3c8
1964 OORVAIR. Very good condi·
1958 FORD 2-dr. hardtop. A·.1 con· clition. Ph. 897·2422. lOci
tion. Very oleall. Approximately 2it . miles per gaDon:. Ph. 897-«66. 1002
DANIElH Modern chair, IOfa, occa· sional living room chair, table lamp. lOci
196' PLYMOUTH Barracuda. Small V·8, 2·barreU carb." 3.speed auto· matic, bucket Ie.toe, red iude and Qut, 38,000 actual mUes, ".·1 ehaptl. Call 897·5001: WayneeviUe. Aak for Dennie. . lOtt
\ A Good buy . • • give it a try. Blue Luatre, America'e favorjte carpet Ihampoo. WaynesviUe Furniture Co.
'. "
FOR SAI$: '67 CHEVY Chevelle,
896, 325 H.P., white, black vinyl ~p, good, tireS. 11600. Ph. 8M·7M3: lOel
"SCRATCll pads for eale at ' The Miami daae~te. 105 8. Main St. Waynesville. 16netf
part , Beagle. Ph .. . lOci
condition. Ph. 1133·2266' after
~'p..JI1. .
home for
there __ tomethina liked about me." . She: "Yea, but you it·d ." .
EueIlent '.opportunity for JOUDg ,
·1l9DEL tOOO Kultilith .offlet print· them. Ph. 897 ·5921~ 150cd ing prea 1dth ' automWc ,blanket 'Services · ;- · ~aiher. Gelltet.m.r Model ,: "l durU'. . . ~r wit.h 'Oestefu Electronic 8ten. NOW in your area, cUltom uphol· , ~il .8canJlC!r and cabinet. All eeel. . " . 8hop. Free pick·up • deUvery. ~t:' eondicioa. Phone The ' Miami Call 891-6871. tOc' Ouette -897·l9It. -l'DC;tf TOY · Poodle 8tud Service, AXC . tXl:t ·0Vil. braided NIt b,.,...; BCA Jtepteftid. White or Apricot. MO. BuIy' A:merican :.1'V~ euellRi COD' :Appointment · Orily. PhoDe 817-41l1. ~--. .. • • 15ctf '.' '. ', ...- , .. . ~ ~ P--' . , eM pOt.;' .. . .. ~h 8t7~1t. tJ8ED 'CJD1!ID11- ~ ! , .', :'; : '. ~ 'lOot -Skirte-lDtelilee.ad Sweaten lOe " ~ . P.aie. Pboae ' ueh___ t, J>iabee-:.1.aDape. JlaQ" _-67". '. ":' .' ·lOi1tf ' ,..n&her ode• .and . . -BraaclTa -ocw. ~ ~ t;"..' ~ . ", ... :aote: . . ..Jl 8&• ~. lOet Hen..,..". ' Ofaio. 'I . . .
'.'.-..: "."' It&T _""18.......«
.. .. 911-ma. . " nn QaIIie .....,...: ~: .7~"" ~·>r,~~ . ~~ ~~: "
lOeI ' ,, ~, .. ~tmeDta
. CIfBIWR~ · ~~--"""""'-"'-.--_- -·-. wiIIt""""":'=I·
Shop: ~
;:' .eWn;' f~ ..,. ftoae .-1110.' .. .i,umrS B e a .. t, . Shop, 9ItO . . .,' " . lOCI ," WaynenriJle Bellbrook M - Sum· '/ ' " , mer .Hour.£, W~ Than... 'J'ri. I
()nil'B, .ApPointment. Pb. 848·mi .
,.: Baal'ltate WHEN buyinc or . . . real . .tte why not Call . . We, have oaptbIe . . . .. penDDi in your ,ana to help ..tiafy your ,.......
'.Iern Hoffmann 897-4258 . ~tt 1tem1et 897·2530 Berman Weaver 897·7818
Notices . lITTLI: RED SHED '. A~tiqui Sbop , Behind Rt-tibbi F,'uneral Home. Spe· Claliainl in IIUlWan. · WajnelVille.
For 'Bent UNFURNISHED 2·bedroom apart· 'Dlent with nice yanl. Jluet make 170 , deposit. WayneaviUe · Phone
Oam of 'Thanks WE wieh to thank aU of the friend!!, ' neighbon. Rev., M~rkIe aDd , ~er Funeral Home for all tbe ny acts , of kindqe811 and' prayers at the' time of the 1(8 of our loved one. The family 0( Leota L. PeDclry 10DCl
-. CAMPING . Jt~Q(lIP"Ef\T ClUlll~r
CallalUtlf( 'TraiIe • 13 "'IN1..... hI cla'MM ' fnmL AIHri W II)'hft CUnlllftf ;J't.VIII Tna~ .at To.... And ,N1HtrttilUtUl'" Dream
, Truck
Rltule G .....
l.neutecl un Rniat.. 42. 1 of Rout .. ;3,
~ Opportunity
Fenced·in yard aDd watchful eyes to keep on
(,buckle-A-Day, "Lut ni8bt y~ 1IicI'
Biameee Seal Point cat. De·clawed, pedigree, 3 )'I'll. old. Ph. 897 -6~21. 1001 LET me baP), sit in m)' home for
SEAR8 ~·inch cut. Ridlng mower,
1957 CHEVROLET' 2·door, V·8, 3· speed. 897·6821 lOci . FREE puppiee 897 ·2319.
Mr. and Mr.. E~oJlt Snider of 'Roc:he.ter, N.y. ~ Fern Duvall of Springboro were recent caller. at th, home of Mrs. J. R. Wade, Main St. Mr., Harley M.thew. of , Bellbrook A-i,e. is recuperatinl at home after IUfpry ill Green Metnorial. Ho.pital. Mr. an,d Mr., Ray Balle of , . Main St. have, 'receDdy retumed home after a two atay at The M~~t Cb~ , cam'p.
. ·Route 2 Pekin· Road Waynesville, Ohio
· Initial plana for a commu- Waynesville H i g h School . ait}' , bulletin board to be ~ere activated Monday night erec:ud in front of the new , ,'the W ayn~le Lions Club. ., ' Liona diacuaaed CODltrucOlJ'WlOII JU.l)1:. tion ot, the sign during their D:&APDIES" .,. regular meedng at Charlie'. Steak Houae. , Memben 'Mid that they hoped fa have the bulletin board completed before the opening ~f ~ool. ' Eel' Girlgerich, a new. m~ber installed ' Monday, wat Ilandle . the cOlU~CtiOll opu-
Chapman Str~~t northward to Franklin Road in front of th~ Aquatic SeIlool for the . new Waynesville High Sehool. ~y Scoue. and Cub Sc0tU la Parking on, both aidea of the will be,m Mond.y, AU8~st street during sChool activitier. 1J at Camp Hook near Cl:atwas faracen the problem. lill~. Council mqved to pay aUk- . ~ A adtedule, for thel . noy iliary policemen HOp:let RamJAMBS B. ' 1VILD~ by and Floyd. Lusch $7' each Funeral, .erviees were con5(oUti ,will include the fOU1 DWfor the tWo weeks they worked ducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at ing aedvitiea; 9 a.m.-lO a ..m., during Police OtieE Charles , the CUwoo({ PUlleral Home rowing and canoeing; 10 a"JD.Lefday'a vacation. at Middleboro, Ky. for James 11 a.m., .wimming and life A sewag~ problem ~omplawt ~. ,W~der of Waynesville. laving and 'tl a.m~-12 nClIOD~ on' the property 'IOf. Harold, ;' Wilder, 34, died Wedna , ~c?rk on lit: c....~ ,~~immLing , 'Earnhart of' notth High S,treet ' , .~y .'·mo~~g '" route to the . " and all nature .u6J~. .;, forwarded ' to di~ village . hosp~taI. , , qhe' ~y ScoUIl " " sc~lo()l' ; anita'tion" comqUtt~e ~d th~ ~.' .S\U'Yivota include hil wi. will be a twG-week Ich.ool ;and ' l~cal Board of Public Affairs: ' Clow, .Elsie Mae; a IOn, Jam. ' there ~ be a , ap:lall fee., ' T h: e SUitation Committee D. Wilder; three .ilter., Mo. ' The Cu& Scout ach~l . will wh~h indudea ' Richarel Irons., Bffi~ Roger. , of Waynavill~ be conc:lueted for a week be'Warren Sheehan and Earl Mt•• Marie Wheeler of Love- ' ~g on Mo~c:tat, AUjpst Woql1ard .will investigate- and land and ,M r•• Corie Cupp 01 11 and it will also ~v:e a ' discuaa the .ituadon with the Hal'rigate, T CJUl. and' three walt fee. Th~e ~edull~ is Public: Affma B~ard .t ~cs brothen, Joe and Andrew of as follows: 1 p.m~-2 11'·m., next 'meeting. ~ .' Lov~land and Willianl of .wimming; 2 p.m.-3 p,,?,, inCOuncilmen voted unabi. ICings Min.. troductory nature studiesl; 1, moualy to expend no bond Funer" manlemeau were p.m." p.m., .wO:nming and funda to 10M contractor•• dehandled by:' the Stubb. Pun· 4 p.m.-' p.m., introductory ' velopet Dale Dakin, for comera! Home at Wayn.esville~ nature .tudia. plction of .treets and aideBurial was in Lee 'County, walb in section three of the Vil'pia. Far 'Hilla Village. _ _.......;;...;.:..;...;;;.;...~l The ~.uc;, diacuaaed.,.everai minutes in executive .euion, ro.e to • refusal wh~ Dakin yked that funda be released " . for section .four 9f the housing development. Mr: and Mrs. R. Klein I(nee Warren County Bpiac:opaliCouncil said it would refuse Pat Davia) are announcing ' any expenditut~ of funds un.... will •wor.hip in the out the artival "of a ., lb. ; 9 oz. til the aec;tiOll three work (weat ~ d09R Sunday .t Fort ~n, Douglas ' Randall, on md ,of Robindale Dr.) was ' Ancic;nt state P~rk near .LeI>: Saturday, July 19 at Alh·on. , comttl eted .0 ita utilfaedon. . ,an~ni I , ' , DOuglas' ia ·the first grallliisoD Villal~ offic:iala : met ~ith Morning Prayer be of ·Mr. and Mra. Jim' Davis Howard' E. Bonham, repre- conducted at 9: 15 ~.n)• • the. of Waynesville Rout~ 3) . sentative for the engineering park aheltJr ho\UC by the ", firm of Bo~, Grant, and vo~g neople of St. Mary'8~ Mr. and Mrs Ernest l.amb ~. . Bnmclage of. CO~umbUl~ and St. R~tri~'s pariali~. mnounce the " pirth of • ! The m e,e tin g ' centered No aervices will' be condaughtert C;::harlerie Michelle, ' l~ eli'li around ~ ,' ~io~ concerQ- . ~ucted at St. MarY's . Olul'd1, . ,6 Ib. 10oz., at. nto. ~.IIlg an '~pp~catlpJl' . '1: " I! ' ~ ille ok:( S t.,l Patr.c..1-'s , .-or a Fed- . ,wayna,'!:' ·M qnorial , , oapital on ~~cd· l ~al' grant of, ' 3Q percent of · nesday, July 30. the funda to build a ~ndary , , Charlene has one ' sISter. sewage 'trea~ent ~t. Pauline Kay. Grandparenl,ts inSeveral 'min"'teJ w~e .~t clude: Mr. anc;l Mrs. O«:"dus in .mous . of pros Lp"b and Mrs. Lafe Hellldel'~ ; . "':~==:"':==:L-=...e=.....:~:!:..~ -.!"IIiI!""'!!~~~""~
.... •
Ban.... S1ool)' .
CHEVROLET 6 eyt., AWo~ M~ '-c:Ir. , 'W . I.l296. NOW •••• ; .••••.••• ~ •. •... •••••••••• \ 0 ' . ) .
Postage Paid Waynesville Ohio Pend t =i 4
, Summer Reading aub pAr, Downtown, Waynavill~ 1mty ,plana,' are buzzing at the ! " 9rove~e~t got into full .wi~g Mary L. Cook Library ~ at o\per the weekend with ~ Waynesville. . . Stre~t merc~ts and residents Summer reader. who bve manning pa~tbruahes and lit, been r~ding ~der th~ th~e , te:~ I?ags. ,Th~ im'p tovement of ',: "Be All You Can Bee ". " . ' . ' . . , ' .' WaynesVille" historic busin~ Read" will lWarm a J the Ii· ' district received ' bigger sigbrary at 10' a.m. Tkw.sday. nif~~aDceFriday morning The program and plethods when Mrs. Charles , [;eMay of of recognition for readers Band R Cleaners and Miami who have ' read the largest Gautte 'Editor Dennis Dalton number of books in the dub's, powered their own , Main age divisions will remain a Street clean-up drive. The ~o 'bee-g' secr~t until Thursday cleoined-up every 'litter' bit , of mo~ning. trash btl Main Street between All reading club partlcl- , Miami and N~rth Streets. The pants will receive a 'Honeybee idea was well received by StWSpecial; gjft certificate re, ' eral ind':lding ' Mrs. Ruth. deemable at The Bright Spot. Reader and Paul •Schear, Sr. Certificates must 'bee' reo who assjated pulling and cutdeem~d before the opening of ting we~ds in front of thett> school, according to Librarian residences. A group of uniMrs. George Current. dentified youngsters a Iso Mrs. Current announced helped by pulling weeds and that children and adults are replanting the plant~r at the reading more this season than entrance to the village shop. ' they have in pre'Vious sum· ping ' plaza. Paintbrush tj'rimers. g~des )Vere formed at W 'aynes. Over 4,000 books are ,be. ville Drug. and Townsend TV ,ing read ea~h. month at the and Moor,e 's Stores. 'Both ~ Mary L. Cook Libr~ry. About businesses now boast fresb 140 youngsters participate~ in new facades. " . this ,ummer's '" reading club
' , Waynesvilie's Bits and Spurs .4-H Saqdie Oub Tues~ , clay galloped into plans for its .ec:ond annual All Youth Ho~.~ 'Show Aug. 31. ' ;0
I '
" The sho , 'now an annual event, will be sponsored ' at "p the Warren 'COWl'ty " Fair , grouncu at ' , t.e~anon , begin, ning at 12 p.m'. noon~ club' o~iicial~ ~y that the' slia';' w l.,lI , be ' conducte4 or, shine". ne noted will judge tile The . "~ho~ has grammed HQul\d 22 dassl!'s for all ~ses to 9 years. 'there will , be a _pedal ' class for youth ' under nine y~~rs of ,age. High point t~ophies will ~e : presented , this year to the' top ~oring 'boy and girl., OtJter" awarda will include cash. , tropliies; tibbOns and ' door ' prizes. " , Bits and Spurs +Hers pIau to fea~re It chidcenbarbequ,on' theit refreshmen't biU. There will be a ominal gate adtniuion by the car and a .mall dats eIltry fee. Show conteltants will lubmit ~eil'
e~tries at the judge's booth t, the day ,o f the show. ,' Over 400 youth particip~'t ed in last y~ar's .how. P,roI
RICHARD ROBINSON Richard Robinaon, a former WaynesviUe residen~ has been awarded the Ph.D. degree in liigher education (c 0 II e g e administration). . Robin~on received the' de~ (~ontinued
on page 8)
ceeds 'rere use.d , to ' putc~ . a ~lor television for the Green I('n ool School For The , Reta~ded at Lebanon.
P g8 2
'!'he IIIAIII GAZETTE P.O. Box 78 -
Phone 897·5921
Publilhed each Wedneeday at Waynesville, Ohio. S~bscription price $3.00 per year. Newttand price lOe per copy. _~ J>enDia Dalton .•...... • .•... . .... .. . • ...... .... .. .. . . ... ....... F..ditt)r David J!:dsall •••• . .••...•.•..•...•..•• . •: •.•.•.....•..• . General Manager RePtaid O. H,m ...... ... ... .. ... ....... ..... . ..... Advertising MaDagflr Charmaine Banas .. -........ ..... ~ .... .. . ............. " Al\.'1ociate Editor ResiDllld O. Hill, Dnill Ellsull .. . ......... •.. , .,. - . .. . . ' , , . .. .. l'II"li :- 'lf'r ~
.Harveysburg villagl~ counvisit G;ary L. Williams who i~ ,.' afternoon at the United Meth i cilmen have hired t;wQ new P.O. Box 7~ , Waynl'l\\'i11I'~ Ohi" 4r,Hfi~ stationed: there. odist Church. deputy , pol i c ~. Theodor~ MI'. and Mrs. Charles Pri~e Mr. and Mrs. James Ralls brother-in-law of Don and were Tuesday evening dinner . ot Xenia ' were Sund,y :suests George ' and James Smith w~re Glenna Lawson of Xenia and guests of Mrs. Florenc~ Miller of Mr and Mrs. Clarles Price. swo~n.in Monday night durson-in.law of Mrs. B. K. Wade and Mrs. Howard Lane of , ing a regular meeting •.,f coqn· ' of Spring Valley. near New Lebanon. cil. , Mr. and Mra. James Smitl, ,E thel Johnson _d Lucille Friday evening pleats of and daughters spent Sunday Mrs. Mabel Terry w,ere Mr. Bennington called on Lillie at LeSourdsville Lake. and Mrs. aarence Nielson of Turner an~ Hattie Thorne on Mr. and Mrs. John Depp· Largo, Fla. Sunday. Her Wedn~day n«;r, ' daughter, Linda and son, Sunday guests of ' Mrs. guest . wu , Nellie Powers of Charles of Satellite, Fla. have Thelma Barton wetle Don Plans ~e progressing for Jamestown. been Koqseguests of Mrs. Barton, and family of , Spring':' the dedication of the new Deppner's mother, Mrs. Ruth Pearl Smith - of Bellbrook Waynesvil1~ High School. boro, Mr. and Mrs. , Donnie Shadley of Wilmingr,on, Mr. Doster. Ave. is visiting ber \son, Ken· The new building,: will be Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dodds and Mrs. John Barton and neth, and family in Lamosa, ' officially dedicated during a daughter and Mr. ar.d Mrs. Mich. and family returned hom~ program at 2 p.m. ' Sunday, ' Larry Barton of Will1nington. , Sa~rday from a du;ee week Aug. .24. Excellent ' opportunity for young Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ball Mr.. Margaret H~mmer motor trip which took them man interested in learning print. meister and son and daughter and family spent s~~eJraJ days ~ough the Badlands of ing trade and linotype opera.· at Cowan ,L ake'. this week of Beavercteek called on Mrs. Dakota, Wyoming, I d a h 0, ,. Mrs. Marjorie McOuthy o,f Gertrude Burns on Tuesday. tion. ~urae runs 12 weeks. Tui· Utah, Yellowstone National , Wilmington visited h~l. fa~her, Park and several other ,pla~es. , tion may be worked out. Employ· Vacation Bible School has Word was received this Romine Shumaker, Sunday Mrs. Harold Parker . and. ment available on completion of , afternoon. week of the death of Charlie been scheduled for Aug. 18daughter of Pataskala were 22 a~ the Friendship Baptist eourae. Apply at Miami Guette Mr. and Mrs. Teel Miller Rh~des former Spring Valley Tuesday ev~ning din n e r and family returned home resident, ' busband of DoriS Oturch ~t Har~eysburg. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roben office, 105 S. Main, Waynesville, The program will be sponthis week after spending sevWade Rbodes. 13randenburg. eral days at Bataste LaJce, OnMr. ' Rhodes died at Los sored for . all youngsters WSCS will meet Thursday Vagas, Nevada. H", is the through 15 years of age. tario, Canada. . Mr. and Mrs. Ed IBrothers returned home Friday from General Butler State Park at Carrollton, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Arnclld Wil· Iiams and Mr. and Mrs. VirCline motored to' F'ort Dix, Summer Reading C1~b Party North Carolina ~ece:ntly
Bible School Inniu'nced '
:Yk JlWJll/; !f. CC~ [JjJ,~lte -:!I1J~
At 10 .A.,M.
Thurs'day, Aug. 14 ART EXHIBIT
Yep, ifs slartin' lime ... right now!.
Time to stop talking about saving and r~ally stetrt saving . .. here .. , at this full-service bank where n0t only does your Savings Account earn good bank interest, 'but also you find every other bankif"!g seryice you ne_ed ... un~er the very same roofl
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. Compounded Quarterly
5~In~erest '.
Pal ~ o.n . 0 .Certificates One Year
lhe Waynesville -·-·~. National Bank TELEPHONE
Frill Th I p, rch ~RJENDS
HOME NEWS By Nellie Bunn~lI
] osephlne Earnhart was a Monday visitor of Ada COlJ1'tney. Mrs. Margaret Koonce of Lebanon and Mrs. E~ton' Rich of Southgate, Calif. visited Florence ~rane on Monday.
house which adds to the looks as well as the comfort. Mr. Howard recently derwent surgery and is velesing at the present. Esther Workman, Bertha Hess and Mrs. Cartwright ' called on seyeral residents at the "Home" recently. Ada Kelley ,was a guest of Ethel' South near Lebanon on Tuesday and had a nke long country ride. ,
, Opal Tressler, Nettie 'Pal~ mer, Emma Raper and Nellie BWU\eU visited the White Nursing ~ome, and the G~Â ... Gladys Hartl1).an' attended ner Howards of Harveysburg , the wedding of her grand~on on Wednesday. at Wilmington on Friday The Howards have lately done some remodeling to their . evening.
The Wards attended d~e Wilmingt~'~ F~i~, on Saturd;-~ evebing. ' The Friends Homecoming Day service was well attende.d. Persons traveling the lc;)ftgest distance were the John Depp. ner family of Satellite Beach, 'Fla. Ada Kelley was a Sunday din,ner, guest of her daughter, Ethel South of near Leb:1I1on.
Mi ch.lls CIII br. tl , Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael will be given by their claugh, will observe their golden wed- ter"Mrs. Dale C. Fair of Warding anniversary at their ner Robm., Ga." at her par- ' home ,in Mt. Holly, on Sun- enta home immediately folday, August 17. lowing the ceremony. The couple will renew their Mr. Michael and the former marriage vows at -the Mt. MISS Lena Marlatt were unite Holly U n ~ ted Methodist in marriage at Lebanon, Aug. Church at 1 p.m. . 16, 1919. In addition to Mrs. Friend, and relatives are Fair the Michaels have seven '~nvited to att~nd the cer~ony grandchildren and three greatat the church. An open house grandchildren.
Rue ,' and Antha Dinwiddie of Dayton and Miss Arline Ebenback of the German Village at Columbus '. and Lillie Fulton also of Columbus were Sunday 'visitors of S a r a Burnet.
pearls, and .buds w~s attached to length' 'bouffaftt silk • • veil. Sh~ <=arried a 8y PAT VAIR bouquet of daisy WaynesviUe - 891-6826 sweetheart roses, and baby's , breath compli~ented by long Orndorff with his Mrs. Qorothy Day velvet streamers. Iiams ~f Glendora, Calif. man's Bible. Miss Janie, Elaine IIick atspent several days during the rhe Re·v. Mr. Tom Stevens tended her 'sis't et as laia 'of past w~ele ,at, the home of he: and Mr. anel Mrs. Paul Winn, honor in a flo~r 'lenl~th~ Aniece a~d her husband, Mr. ,\Sr. were chaperones for the ' line gown of mint gre:en, or· and Mrs., Bill Moran of evening. • gandy, dotted swiss, designed Rohincale Drive. with an empire waistlulle, lace A toW 14 girls of Girl trimmed slee~es anel high Scout Troop 1107 recently Club News scoop necleline. The' hade of . O~ August 5, 38 members t90k a . bike hike to Peggy' the gown' was accenteld by a' and their pest_ of the Senior Griel!hop's home wHere . ~ey wide satin sash , witi~ long Citizens Club of Waynesville then enjoyed a coole.out, .treamers. Miss Clickl's , ~oio· games, and . reviewed their , mf;~ ,for a "carry. in" dinner at , ,nial bOuquet'Wa. Cbm osed of' the United Methodi.t Church ,bike hand sign~.. The girlJ daisy pomp~ and, baby'n breath social' roo~. After th~ dinner, were aGCOmpanied by Vesta tied with mint green lribbons. Ca.thy Crane and Suzie Work- Dellard, ~r•. Janette Maloy. The bridesmaids, MillS Carol man, students at Wayn~sville and Mrs. Carol Hatton. A~ Jones of Miami Univer. High School, entertained the ServicemM News sity and Miss Betty Lo,u Jones group ·by singing folk' songs. Russell t Orndorff and John of Eaton ' w 0 r e 'Dluching One of which ' C athy' composed. Morgan left Monday, Aug. gowns. Miss Jones was soloist "I:he next meeting will be II, to report for duty with the f,?r the ceremony. , held. on August 19 at 1 p.m: United States Marine' . Corp. , ALso attired in a green' orat the churc'h. ~ San Diego, Calif. gandy, dotted swi'Ss fl~oclc waS the flower girl, 1. ~i'fer Gail The You t h Fellowship THE MIAMI GAZETTE Meece of Cincinnati. · Her Group of , t he First Church of BRINGS ITS READERS blonde locks wt're caught on Christ met recently at ~e ,HOMETOWN NEWS top of her head by a 'bow and home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles ,short bouffant vejl. She carOrndorff for its regu4r week- ' ried a bask~t arrange~~nt of Iy meeting. daisy pomps tied wi~:h green A total 18 senior youths ribbons. ' prese~t , 'for the "pie were Junior ushers, Keith Sharp , party." . and Robert Sharp canied the ,Mrs. Eddie L: Sharp Special guests present were bride's train in the Tec:essional. . Paul Winn, Jr. who b home The best man wan Lonnie and Mrs. Charlie $harp of Miss Linda Jean Click, on vacation from IntermounSharp, brother of the bride63P Robindale Drive, Wayftesdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. tain Bible College and Cliff groom. Ushers were! Wayne ville. John E. Click of 5661 Jaqui Meager. T aylot anc;l' ~ennethl Garrett 'The wedding ' too~ place at Lane, Franlclin, became the Paul ,.eel the gt'oup, in devQof WaynesviUe. ' Altar boys 7: 30 0'clocle ill the evening .bride of Eddie Leon Sharp .in hollS and presented Russell were Daniel .click anc;ll Richard at the Middletown Gospel a candlelight ceremony perSharp. Church, where the Reverend formed August 2 by the The mothet of tllte bride Clarles Jones is ,the pastor. bride'. uncle. wore a JK'wder blue suit with A rec~ption was held at the Mr. Shop is the son of Mr. ,a blu~ hat and blue: accesso· Amanda United Methodist ries. She wore ' a cOlrsage of Church dining room immediwhite ,orchids ately ,following the 'ceremony. The groom's motllter wore Given in marriage ' by her • PARty PLAN a soft, pinle A.line d.ress wlth , father, . the bride wore 'a foro . Now to Dee. w~ite ac~essories. Her corsage • ~ CommiI!IsioDs mal gown of chantill~ lace feaNO 0Mh lnvestmeDt was identical to that. worn by 'turing a' , fitted bodice, scal.Ho~ the bride's mother. '. • Ho~ loped, scooped 'neclcline en" ' • N~ IlIpei'ieDce , Miss Carol ShlJrp" Mis. hanced with tiDy pearls, long :.::. Nee IE ry ~athy Robinson, MIl'S. Karen lace sleeves ending in bridal " • !AIle BOI"" Lamb, Mrs. Debbil~ Dav;n. ' 'RIm,- - ...., CbaDfe! points nod a bouffant redinport, ,Mrs. Mary Ch,aney and .LAYHOUSE TOY gote sleirt of lace. A detachMrs. Christi Wise 'tvere hos- ' COMPANY able train fell to chapel tesses at the receptio!h. ' Call ,Mrs. Minton ' length. A profile veil of The couple plan to make , 932-8906 Venice lace highlighted with their home at 119 Sleole.aan in Franklin. )he bride, ' an ~llumni of Franklin Hjgh School~ is em(If We Do The W,dding)' ployed at Crystal" nQ~e Com- , pany and the ~oom~ an alumOOLOR OR ' BLACK & WHITE ni of t Waynesvilh~ , H i g fl' 280 CHAPMAN ST. School, is an e1nlploy~e ~t ' WAYNESVILLE. O. DaytOn Steel, MoraJine Manu· . , PH. 897·7586 facturing 'Division. '
*, EarD'1111:' ,
. Y
, . 'MILLERS ' DEPT. STORE P". 897- 4946
. The Warren County Society for crippled children and the county health ~epart ment have receivd ClD 'invita, tion for the crippled children of Wanen County to attend . the Ohio State F'air on crip. pled Children's Day, Friday, August 22_ The Ohio State Fair ' man· agement has, planned a fine day's outing on €rippled Chilo dren7 s pay, sponsored by. tht: crippled children's entertainment association. A grandstand attraction of high interest and geared for crippled children will be featured as it has been in the past. Free admittance for the children and their ,escorts will be provided~ in addition to 'transportation by shuttle bus, on the grounds; and free rides on the midwa'y. Meals will be furnished. Facilities for rest and medical care will also be provided. Any ' crippled child und,e r 18 years of age who wishes fO
I .
Chess Tournament conducted ·at the Central YMCA at Cincinnati. Mtlce Cornette won first J'lace in his clasS in the 66' player tournament. ' , , Other players included: Chris Awns; 'Mack Howard and John Barney, advisor for the three youths. Cornette, Atkins and Howard are aU ' members of the Waynes,ville Hi g h Sch~l chess team. Wayn~ville's· promising cheal enthusiasts will partici-
take advantage of this wideopen opportuqity for a day of fun 'and thtills at the Ohio State Fair should contact Miss Marian Willoughby, 932-4495, or Mrs. Mildred Williams, 932.7661, before August II. All persons expecting trans· portation and reservations should contact the local Euter Seal Soci~ty.
C,\~WI :\(; EQ' III'''I-:I'\'' \\,,1\1.,·1 (':IIIII"'r GUlli pi IIg l'raill'l'l4, 1:1 1lI11r1,'I~ I" "111111"" frllll!. AI~, Way!.,. ('allllu'r Tra\'u\ Traill'fS & 1'111':< , .\1,,1 Spurl " "l:1II',, HI1!apa Tr.III'k (::aIlI.J"·r,,, w,· !-i,'11 14111/1,· , (;a:f.
I.!a- :It,·"
. Phone
1II:! " Crusber Run . , 3/4" Crusher Run . Sand & Pea Gravel Mixed 2" Base Stone
42 . 1 lillie I\urth
Fill Dirt
Top Soil Pit Run Pit Run Crush
pate in the Ohio Chess Cham· . pionship T ourna~ent :slated for the Labor Day we,ekend at Columbus. CAL~ SPRING VALL tv 862-4211 CO'LLECT ' Iii,. the adjacent photo are CHARLES top left to right Chris Atlcins MUH&AN and, Ma~ Howard andl bot- . ....--~.~~~--.......-~~-'!I'"-----tom lef~ to right John ,Etarney and Mike Cornette. ,
Up from Texas ;18 ' a
report about a man on Il bus '; asking a woman se!ated beside him if , his ' cigar smoking woUld· bother her. "No,'? she replied, "if my ,getting sick doesn't b()ther "
AUgust 13. 1969
idea but 10 good., then the pup' make up t~ Sandy and next winter they aU died. Thi. try to pia, with him and he had been a fruit farm a. mo.t . tolerate. them except over of e farma along here had food when they have to move. TOY Poodle Btud Service, Maybe the young generation been. ~. White or Apricot. , Appointment only. Phone 897 will succeed where their eldThe deep valley back of u. provides the kind of ail' ers fail. UBED OLOTHES - Bbil'te-·Blo'llII!. State Highway 73 grows drainage , that protects from -8kirte-Dreaea and Sweaten frosts butl like ' many other more crowded every day, as • __- - . , DiahU-Un'lll. thinp, fruit ' farming has more and more great trucks other odd, and enda. Brandy" .nd Enda Store 29G E. Hun grown ha,der with the many we it to crall over from 1·71 HU\'eyahurg, Ohio. kinds of .prays needed for to 1·75. More a d more comOOLD Sprinp Beauty Shop: the many kind of bugs and muters to Frigidaire and other take appointmenta anytime. Pb. blights that grow worse and factories at the change of 897 -489S. 48cl~' worse. It is a .pecialized 'thing shifts and now the' vacation· JANIE'S Be aut,. Bhop, _0 and needs skilled workers but ers with all sotts a~d kinds of Waynesvill,e Bellbrook Rd:...:.. BUllla· mer, Rou... : Wed., Tb"...., • Fri. they are .carce and the high trailers, great hOQ.se wideOnly By Appointment. Ph. 848-7351 wages make the prices high. load trailers, small ho~e trail, lScU That is what is back of aU .ers, campers of all lCinds es------~--------------" , Notices these Pick-it-yourself , opera. pecially the new kind built LITTLE RED SHED tions. The pea~hes are so pick-up trucks, then just comAntlqu. Shop good an~ this, year the- frost mon trailers loaded with tents Behind Stubbe Funeral Rome. Spel' did not get them, like ' last and camp gear, ahd boat trailcjalisin~ in K!uswue. Wa,.neavill.l, year, but the high cost pf ers with every kind of boat, Ollio. labor w'iIl keep the prices up all' headed for good vacation so do not blame the growers. spots. We wish them happy Go pick them yourself and eat , days. ,This is the traditional vayour fill. There was a gOQd editorial cation time for farmer,but not in the last ' Ohio Far~er on for us this yea.r. Everything A FARM D~Y the bad effects of some good is behind.. The oats are comby D. J. FRAZIER laws. .The child-laborl laws bined and the stubble cut and August 9, 1969. Peaches-were passed to protect chil- raked all ready to be baled they are next in line in the dren from exploitation and and yesterday~orning the order of good summer eat• there is .till .ome need for rain came, a thunder .torm at ing., Thi. ,year the fro.t did them but that p.d the mini- five a.m. That it the only I not get them 10 there ..~e mum wage, he cites as one ch~ge in the week-end patplenty in the local orchar~l. thiDg contributing in .om~ tern. On the hay, the r~ They eVeD have pick-the~n case. to juvenile delinquency. came in the late afternoon., yourself ones. Farmer.! and house owners Ye.tereJay and ~y'. itorm. When we fidt bought this ~ not afford to pay high came in the early morning, ' place there were .everal old. wap to UDI~U~ boy. and but the atraw it 'getting just peach trees up by the bu'n girt. 10 many Job. are left a wet. Maybe we can get the th~t had the mo!t delicious undone an,d ' children go un- ~econd cutting of alfalfa peaches I ever ate, areat biig trained to work. which is almost ready ~ One ones. Wbat variety I have lIiO w.. this- a' race rio~? The forcat said the last two weeks Scotch Borcf,er- Collie. do not of August would be very hot like the Scotch terrien.. La.t and dry. May ,be. maybe too night Robie (Border Collie) hot but the farmer l always jumped on Dirk (Scottie) and hopes and look. forward ~ the battle was on. Moss (Bor- good weadier , for Jhe pext dr.e r Collie) cameto Robie'. aid crop~ ~ and if we had not been riiht there serious damage' might, . CJ!uckJe..:t\:.oay' ' -A 1it~ girl an~ ' her -, have been dOJle ' ''' it. it brother were watching their . . ' ' wa ·J)jrk'a ,' ~ ,that' . remother and father get r~ . ceived th~ most damage. He to go to ~ p,uty. Daddy is wed to ,being top dog. He helped Mominy strop and Sandy, my collie , have with the zipper ofherlbea, · then Mommy tied Qaddy's long carried a ' feud. We had, bow tie md adjuited lUI to chain. Sandy becau~ 'be coat. AI Daddy futeaed would like to - ,kill Dirk, who Mommy'. ~CIdaCe. thO lovel to w~ PIP and do n, tittle bOy saic1~cIIy to his sister: just out of'~dy'a reach and "I wonder why they growl insults. The Scottie
NOW in your area, cuatom · ltery Shop. Free pick.up '" ...Ii.......:, Oall 897-6871.
I'or Bale
Hel'D Wanted
HOllE crown cora, extra sweet, to-
NEED 1 woman for • plant. Btarting Sept. 2. Dunha", Hatchery. Lower Bpringboro Rd. Wayn~ville ..
matoea, Clucumben. peppen, potatoe., eaJ»b...~ L. J(eethler, Hain8J ~ l1c1
WAYNE Local ~hoola. Wanted Full time and wbstit.ute echool bu .. driven. Must be 21 yea... of age and PaM physical requirements. Call 897-6971 or 897-2776. llel
19M OORVAIR. Very pod coDdiUon. Very clean. Approximately 2;) mil. per pilon. Ph. 897""66.1002 ADJUSTABLE ProIIthelia for riPt With foot attachment in pod condition. PurCbued for 1255. Will be aold very cheap. AI80 2 brand new (BUtrite) Mene shoes both for left foot. Sise 10. Will be 80ld for price ,lUfficient to pay for ad. Ph. 897-5235 01' write Eva ' Rhodes R. 3 ilc1 Luken Rd. Wayneevi1le.
ATl'ENTION 1970 SENIORS Would like to do part·time clerical work in your home' U eO, call col· lect to Peg O',Brien A 10 513·· 223-9945 from , to 6 p.m. weekdaYB and 10 a,m. to 3 p.m. Sat. lld
Card of Thanks
BIlETLAND Ponies for sale. Phone 897""73 01' 897-5746. l00tf
'I WOULD like to
NEW Green tweed hide·a·bed. Never U8ed, .n reasonable. Ph. 897-4801. llcl MODEL 1000 Multilitti offeet print· ins press wit,h automatic blanket washer. ,Ge1!tetner Model 451 dupli· cator with Geetefax Electronic Sten· cil Scanner and cabine~. All excel· Itnt condition. Phone The Miami Guette 897-5921. l6netf
ALUlUNtJ)( and Vinyl sidinJt. Free ....im.tee. Ph. 982-1225. llc~ I
RCRATCH pa,I .. for" ialf! at The Miami Guette. 105 'B. Main St. WaynP.llvill.,. t6nctf
terrier puppies. ilt!«iltered
WANTED: GOod home for Male Siamese Seal Point cat. De·olawed, pedigree, 3 yre. old. Ph. 897-6621. 1001
Beal Estate
FREE Border Qollie puppiee. Ph. 932-6100; Pekin Rd'. lid
Ph. 938-2273.
Wanted WANTED - Ilide to D.E.S.C. 7:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ph. 897-4584. lid
LET me baby sit in my home for IOU. Laqe FeDced·iD yard aDd man,. watchful eyea to . keep on them. Ph. 897·5921. 16not'
. DANISH Modern chair, eofa, occa· sional livins room chair; table lamp. Ph. 897-6111. llBCl
than~ everybody for the many CardB and vi$itofR while I wu in the hospital. Willard llel Furnas.
llc t
FREE Collie Puppiee. Ph. 897-2260. 11 Dell
273 FRANKIJN Street, beautiful, 3 bedroom, brick r.nch, hardwood floon, larp 1i ~!)I "room, modern James Wiae· kitchen. Priced to man, 885-6680. WHEN bu,Jing or .Iling real eetate why not call U8. We have capable .... penIOne in your area to help ..Uafy ,.our neecIa. .
. . 1.
'NEW 60 . . ineub.tor .nd quart GalpJing j ..... ,Phone 897-5418 net
.Ierry Hoffmann , 81)7-4268 ScoU, Remley 81)7-2530 HermaD Weaver 897·7856
CO • .
- PREDDY L. STOUT Representative
Fr_ldln, O.aI. 4SOOS Pb_ '1.....313
1)\~ Ri~ge
make UI cbe~ ou~Ivea."
·PH. ' S97-7931 or 897-2241
lu.,.n... ,Cellln.. ',Gutt.,.
'an.lln. ' nYE'S 'OOlfmCTnfG I
FREE EITIIlATP . , ' , Route 2 Pekin Road Waynemue, Ohio
Call Collect
PHon 882-1001 ·
COMPOST-------TOP SOil RICHARD AA~LIF:'F Ph. 897-2726 Spring Valley '862-4211
Prints and 3:5mm color ,
sl~~es from , pidures tait.n ,
by our
These prints hold detail well in aces. of anything : seen. on TV screen or mag~zine reprociuctjons. nley are printed on professional t)'p,e Ektacolor (2~ .lides " oft Ektacolor print film) for 'optimum \colo,:, fidelity and performance.' NASA just happena to use the aame , Dallas color lab " t our diatributor does, hence this opportunity for our subacribea's .for ,originals. We think that these sets of pictures will be as unique, historical and "direct" AI you can get without flying to the Moon yourself. Supply is limi~, 10 we are offering them to Miami Gazette subscribers only. Profit margin is v.ery slim on this offer, 10 ~e must _ ' paymt!Dt ~hen ordered ,with money refunded if not entirely satisfied. , Photographs are on display at Miami Gazette office. ,
10& 8. llalB W'~ Ohio MOIl "
hIII •_IIII h·II' ' CInc IIIII n
mel and the winner will Ted Beckowski in the finala. In the bottom half the flight George Smith, play. Marrid t'lefE, and Smith play. Zane Guy• . In ,t he l .econd flight a1t . Hol~y ~i1ls, J9M Savely an4 Ken ~erry tansle in top olF the fliabt and the winne" win pl~r Jerry D""ier lor til . Seini-finala~ In the bottom 0 the fli.ht, Ron Heatoo Wte!. on Ed Eppennan and '· Chudt . I McBride tansies with Ch~lell ~ I W'lkinson, with the .. winnerlls • playinS for the semi.fin __J
Funeral services were con· ducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday .It tfle Stubbs Funeral t'lome at The Annual Holly Hilla • ,.. WaynesviUe for Mrs. Eva Go I f C 1u b championship ". Jacbon, 71,' of Lebanon moves along ,as 22 , matches' Rowe 1. were played in the last few Mr.. Jacbon died Saturdav days. " , Aua. 9, at GrUldvi~ HOIpi~ I:n. the c~pio~.bip fliaht. at Daytbn. . ROil Apple las,t year's Club She i. survived by thl'er.. , Ch~pi?D•. t~~t lasted . Harry , ,.oDS; ~es of Waynesville: • Str~Ij, . ~ Halnmel won . Robett ilf Fnnldill and Wil. ov~ feas S mit h , Dusty ~ of I.;ebaaoll, nine sran~. . Rhodes beat Gtfte Sengi and ch~ and. aix peat-grand- ' , then Ut a second round match .pot. ' ~hil.~. . " " . RIlodes lo,t to Ted Becko.,. In the seColid flipt, ROI:l iBuriaI. was in the SprinS ' ,.aiel. . Becko~sIci had , beaten Sackett play. 'Robert Bowe.l MRS. ~LBr GIBSON &orO 'Cemetery. )ohll Smith in the first round with the winnq playing th, Mt. HoUr - Ph: 897-6182 . / play. ~. wjnne~ of ~e _bott~ half o,F Viaiton at the!' hOme (If . \' DON B. THOMAS . Matche:. pl~yed in the botthe .fligLt for th~ flight chamMr. and Mh. Thomas Rwl,. Don B. trhomas,. 74, of to.m half of ~e championship , pion • In the bottom half 0 t on Sunday, July 27, were Mn. HendersonviUe, ,N.C., died ~t flaght found Georse Smith. the flisht Gene Stevens plays Runyoll'. brother, EUBene Dehi, -home there Aug. '1 0: Jr. winning over Marty Wilthe winner of the ltuss BaH Laney and wife from Cincin· Iiams, Mudd Neff fought off . Surviv~rs include his widow, versus William Hart match t l) nati. They were also ' visited Ada; a 5011, Don E. of Dayton Al Brast 2 and ~, Bob Smith see who playa in the fina". by their niece Kathleen Black Mid two grandchildren. beat Bob Plummer and the With the lteavy 'rains thiS and hUiband and family inFuneral se~vices will be con. last match in the champion- , year, the golf course is ' in th e 1 duding Steve D,eLany and ducted Wednesday (today) 'a~ ship flight at Hollv Hills best shape ever for this tim~ Pattie Btacle and K are the Stubbs Funeral Home at Zane Guy over Bob of year. It looks more lilee Jacobs. Waynesville. and this match 'went 20 holes early June than August. It iis . Mr. and Mrs. Eugene DeBurial will be in Miami before the victory went Guy. really a good time for the Lalley remained With the RunCemetery. This year Holly Hills has golfe,n to set out in the freslh an A flight, which is made up yons 'for a week'. vacation. air and enjoy their favorite of all the first round losers On Saturday, Auguat 2, sport. BEEGLE INFANT in the championship flight. they were visited' by th~ir Holly Hills Golf CI~b is in Funeral services were conThe first round matches in n e plh e w, George DeLaney the process of building a IIC1W ducted at the Stubbs Funerctl the A flight are Harrv Stauch and family' f Madisonville. club bOUle which ' nUsbt tile Home at Wayn~svme at 10:30 versus Jess Smith, John Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ready for occupancy yet thiis a.m. Wednesday hoday) , for will take on Dusty Rhodes, Lewis and daughter spent year; if not it w!ll be, 'open the infant daughter of Mr .. Marty Williams plays Al Thur.day with . their patents, at the start of the 1970 seasoll. and Mrs. Claudje Beegle of Brant and Bob Plummer tanMr. and Mrs. Morri. Lewis Bellbrook. gles with Bob Peters. , Mr. and ~rs. Fred Nie;e , Survivors include the parIn matches pla'yed .in the , and family of ~ew Paris spent ents, two brothers, 'R obert and first flig~t at Holly Hills, ' the weekend with Mr. and Steven, and grandparents, ·Mr. John Savely beat Ken Lacy, Mrs. Pat Hopkins and family,. and Mrs. Albert Bowel's of Ken Terry won over John Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell Dayton and Mr. ~d Mrs. Fillmore, Roger Bailey beat and Mr. and Mr~. Pat HopWesley Beegle of Franklin. out Carl Collingworth and kina ,attended the baseball . Burial was In Bellbrook Jerry Dirriler outlasted 'Mack game at Cincinnati Tuesdav Cemetery. Johnston in the top half of evening. ' The Waynesville Hi g h the B~acket. In the b~ttom ,M r. Charies Bunnell called Sc~~ol varsity fdotball at d half of the first flight Ron on Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lewis hasketball chterleaders ~lt· Heaton ~on over Ted Hey, of near, Waynesville Thull'tended the che~rleader Clillkic (continue~ from page I), Ed Epperman outlast~d Dick day afternoon at the University of Kentuclky L I a, Due cBride beat the noon hour and the 'excel· . H II C k M ' , Mr. and Mr;. John Hall of at Lexington July 27-31. T li)e 'Denny Stanif~r , and in the lent program of the afternoon. clinic is sponsored each year The program consisted of I ast mateh Ch arIes Wilkinson , by the National Cheerleader's historical reminisc:enses and an beat Larry Roush. Association. . Matches played .in the secinteresting and informative After each day of clinic, l~!:cond fliSht were Ernie ~gland , ture, an" recreation, an evaluaddress o~ 'projects and progtess of the Amer'ican Friends over Don Sprague and then ation was conducted 3n4 t!he Service Committee by WitEng Ia nd Iost to R0 b ert Bowen girls were' ~ated on what they liam Hayden of the Dayton in the second round. Gene had leatned. ' Office. Stevens won from Ralph HobThe football squad brought 's en and in the second .round back a red excellent ribhon, a Mr. and Mrs. BiU McCathy Stevens beat Calvin Blount white out\ta.nding ribbon, 8lftd ~f Bowersville called on Mr. William Hart' won ove~ Don: a peen honorable mentionl. and ,Mia. Morris Lewis Wednie Smith in the last,' m.atch \ The basketball cheerlead.ers nesday_ of the sec!ond ,flight. returned with two red ' ex1c:eiMr. ~d Mrs: Harry · Sha~ Matches left ~ be pl~y'ed in ' t~nt\ ,ribbons. Both squ:ads and family of Xenia called on the championship flisllt are rated. a red ribbon in the final Mrs. Hiley Gibson on Tuesaon Apple versus Larry Hamevaluation. clay evening. Football cheerleaders are La Verne Caudill. captlain, . Charmaine Banas. ,Pltm' Hav ;Lavi~ Kail and Gail John!lo~: Basketball cheerleader!; ar~ • . ~.,e 'Toolev, captain, Br-.trv Bryant, Christy Rickev. IJ)eb. bie W ~tlcin" and Su.ie ·HartlOck. . The girls were accompa~,ied hv their spoosor. Mrs. Wilma Watson and Mrs. Phyllis Hart ~ock. ,
,I t.. Holly' ":: ."
Bloo-.aingtoll .pent the week.. end with Mr. ~lIJld .Mr.. Morris LewiJ. ' .
~. . Blsie Herrm"'· ~I I
Miamisburs ~1l~ 4n her mother, Mr.. Hiley GibsOlI, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis. Mr. and Mr" Earl Lucas of . Xenia called 011 friends here last Sunday afternoon.
'1 Richard
'Ha.Ica.ing ...
PH. 897-2951
(continued from page 1) gree at Wayne Statt Univer.ity at Detroit, Mich. July 28. He is ~ldrendy an. aasoci· ate professor and director of athletics at Oakland Community Colle.e nor~ of Detroit. Robinson, who has re.ided at Rochester, Mich. for the past six years, is the son of Mr. and Mn. Charles LeMay of ' Waynesville. ..The 1 9 5 8 WaYliesville High School graduate rec:elved his A.B. , degree 4lt Morebqd State College at Morehead., Ky. i~ 1962. His Master; de~ee was awarded at Morehead in 1963. , Robinsoll is married to the former Chl'~tie Eepper of Newpor~' ,ICy. ey have tWo daughters, Tracey, thr~ ud Vic:lci, one and a half. I
By Dennis Dalton Waynesville's ageless Maip Street face is currently ,bluflhipg , ntw , youth under t. e painter's brush beld "by villa~,e businessfIlen. 'Three ~eelcs ago a group c)£ determin~d retail merchants , I activated a gigantiCi ' ,campaiitri 't o clean-up and refurbMl Waynesville's h~toric business complex. ' , ' They elected Mrs. Gl !m Smith~ Downtown ' Way\u!s, ville Improvement ColJlmittee , Chairman. Since then, Ml~'. Smi~h and her committeem~cn , Bill Nell and Dennis Daltl)n have been collecting a~d sh~.~ , ing ideas for rejuvenatiirlg Waynesyille's ea,rly AmericJan appeal. An adyertising comm~tt:ee ruu~ed at the same ·time, is emphasizing .t he program wiith , platl~ for 'a Fall Fun Festiul J)eing organized to eulmin~lte the prqjeClt Oct. 11. The committee ' h.eaded bv
University in 196'.: , ~t the '\ wUvenity, he eamed a Bache. lor Qf I Scienee degree 'j,n Radio-TeleviJion.' , ,
, , :'
~"ton ' repl~eI
' I
Herbert who accepted a Director 0 E, Com.unicati;~ poaitioD with Wdght ,I' Stat~ U.rlvenity a~ .. Day,ton. ' .. . ' .
. . ~e ,26-year.old , Wayne.ville ~elor will be ~pon• • i&le lor all public aervice.pro- . " .........in. forWLWD in addition to the .~on', involve- ' ment in commwU*, activities. t
') Hia previoUl' .P9IitioDi with the televi.ion ~tatio~ inCluded both Community Sirvica AI· .iataDt aacl Cotraai~ty ~ ica ~~. \
Cols'q ,n '
served ' iA
Tim Miller had a big smile for everyone Thursday night at ' ~ytle Boy Scout Troop 30's t~iggest yet' Court of Honor. Tim had a good reason~ He was awarded Life SCout' honor•. More/ 2. pictures and la story appear on' page ,
Re,g inald O. ~ill , mc~udes Mrs. Steve Fields, Bob Town- , send and &»nny Wallace. This 'self termed "group of doer." have ' already realized
downtown 'improvement ' divideneb. ' , The Ett.e .tap of 10q range plana, wu' 're11 met by " (continued OD page 8)
'!'he 'MIAID GAZJI'iAiJ]5 P.O. '&os '11 - PlIo... 897-501 PubIWt. ucla Wed ....., .t WaJDeIviUe, Ohio. Subecriptic,ft price 13.00, . I • , . ~. ~8WI&aDd price tOe per eop)'.· ~ JlIDDIe
D.1ton .•............ . .......•.... • ........ .. ........... Editor
EdaIl ............................................ General Manqer "nald O. HiD •.••••. •.•.....•....•.•..•....... • . AdveltiaiDl M.n., ~1iDe Ban.. •..•........•.. . .......•.... . ....... . . AlIIIOCi.te Editor Resinald o. Hill, David EdliaU . '.' . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ......• I'ulilil'\"'rs
Lytle Assistant Scou~aster Bob Stansberry, left, above 15 merit badges to Kim Meadows. ..
Honor Lytle Boy Scout T 'oop 30 set a ,precedent Thurse! ~y night at the Lytle United Mbthodist Oturch with the. large t Court of Honol' on its recorc;ls in recent month•. Assistant Scoutmas !erl Bob Stansberry, an energetic new personality on the Troo'p front, diatributed 7~~1 m~rit badges to 13 Scouts. Kim Meadow., son of Mrs. ' Oliver C. Smallwood of Mi- , amisburg, received 1~ merit badges,1 the largest number awarded to ~ individ,ual that night. The highest rank lldvancement we~t to Tim Mi ller, who was awarded Life Scc~ut honors. Tim is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Merill Iv. ill~t of Township Line Road.. Dave Ohler and Pa.ul Elder were advanced to Star Scout rank. They are the sons of Mrs. Velma Ohler .o f Lytle and Mr. and Mrs. GLlY Elder of Gebhart Road.
Silver . Mo'ccasin a War d 5 were presented to those who participated in the Silver Moccasin Trail hike May 23 and ~... Medals and patches were awarded to Paul Elder, Dave Ohlcr, J e rlr y Helterbridle, Tim Miller, Jerry Maloolm and John Moseman. '\ ' An election conducted prior .to ' Court of Honor ceremonies brought the following re.ults: Senior Patrol Leader, Steve
Jerry Helterbridle and FlyinS Eagle scribe, Killl Meadow.; Frontiersman patrol leader, John Moseman; Frontiersman assistant patrol leader, Da.ve Ohler, Frontiersman sa.be, Paul Elder. Tim Miller was · also :elected Troop secre~ry. Miami Gazette Editor Dennis Dalton closed the program with a Crow I\medcan ' In· dian story based on the ~ise ness of, youth. The concluding prayer' .was given by Steve Elder. A pu'nCh bowl reception for Elder; Flying Eagle Senior patrolleader, Ray Brown; Flying Scouts followed in the church Eagle assis~ant patrol leader, basement.
II f~8tlu I.t F.r "'1'1' 11111t' 21 Th
league champiolU, the 1l0yal., ched b D--d Donia coa y AaII Y P uled for Saturday, Auanat 23, d W T' Pia 0an arren mney. yen 'a t, p.m. include: Greg Smallwood, Jeff The ' All-Star. will play the .H L!__ Sh Mal aw~, awn oney, -..:...------~--~- Jamie Bauer, Mike Rush, Lee I Stamper, RoSt. John, Da. D-F irst Class a d vaJ~cemen,ts i R d vid England, Mike SimplOll, incIu d.ed Kim Mead ows, 0 ney Brown, Gary ~~pton Andy Maloy, ~uck ¥o11l, I b 'd' Davy PriDlle and Ruuel and J erry H e ter n ~e. There is ,tat a need for Five second cJ.a.... . ranks Lamb. were also awarded. nlese went school bus drivers' at. Waynes. The All-Star. will be to John Mo.eman" Harry ville High School, according coached by H. Anderton, H. L J ~ d 0 ": '1 to an announcement made by Snoddy, and J. Miller. The Craotree, r., .10 0iI1 ey, P ul Sch ' L • ' 'HeI terorl L'dle (delayed ' ' a. d players' selected fr~in . ~e ~ J erry ' w&moerser, Superur.. advancement). tell ent. ' 'Padres are: T'am Liunb, Dale Mothers of the S~uts reApplications for full time Conley, Edgar Griffith 'and ceived duplicatel Iminiature and part tiine bus drivers are touis .Lander. , a.arda of their sons" Scouting I»eing tak at the .uperin. 1fte Bxpoa wat include: tendents o(fice. Application Randy Hill, Tom BiG'-. Daoeaccompliahm . ents. may be made by 'phoning vid Stuhb" Jim Wendling 897-6971 or 897-2776. and FranJc Robinson; from the Bu. dri~er applican~ must In~s Dale Miller, Carl .be 21 years of · .ge and ~ Copas, Buster H~tb and Brie aoocl physical health. whitmer; from the Tipn: Jimmie Blam, Mike Banaa ' At a circus, a man stood ' lC~in Cales, Fr~ looking thoughtfully at the, and Brent Crane. '. camels. Then he picked up a It pom~ to straw, carefuBy placed it on' a camel's back and waited. baH pme. The Nothing happened. urps evetyone to "Wrong straw,'~ he and IUpport them. , muttered and walked away! e
'Star. game baa been ached-
I r ,-v. r
I r• I •• d,. d
by O'Hara ' The O'Hara Generation It's a Wise Woodsman Who by Frisbie Knows What's Biting Him And the Bullets Were Made by Wh~eler . of Lead Between Parent. and Teenager by Ginott ART EXHIBIT BY: . HOMER RAMBY' S PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTS DISPLAY 4th ,STREET . WAYN,ESVILLE, OHIO PH. 897-4826
Mow can we eNef' 'affowi to send ,SiIiV
colleqe ? ' .
We cant u"l,ess we ~ve some"money. ,... But our barlk has
a plan, anti' 1M suilq A~:~;~~;~:j ihent soon!
Doctors, tired of treathig obese patients who don't get thinner, h~ve fOJ'JDed an organization called. the Research Ins'i~itute of Metabo1i~ ~nd Nutrit on. • We have our tranqui1i~ers,and the Tongas of East Africa have medications, too. , They use the root of a plant called anno7l4 8tmflga~ to indu forget.fulness. ¥aybe things are not so tranquil "in the bush" 'e~ther?
Indeed ,we do. Let us show you how a small amount saved regularly plus th!J Power of com, pound int.-est can reduce or eliminate your college mo~ problem. Talk to us." '.
The ,Waynesville , k~ ' ~ lational Bank
~ --_.-
Most snake-bitten ma ~ in the world Is WilU .... E. Hast, 57,. year-old director of tti,e Miami 8erpeatariam. Be's ~m bitt-n 10'- times, twlee by 1lhe kin,
. TELEPHONE 897-2065
.The Miami Gazette bad ita Where L It faau up ••teeple laIt week. The Where Is It photo was .of the miniature church at the Mill View Park miniatute SOlE c:oune. Those who fied the 'conpptionleu' church iDducled Mike Rye, T ......y Cooper and Sue Ferpeoo. Where Is It .may be ideDdfiCc:l by phoDinI the Miami Goette at 897·'921.
August 20, 1969 Bunnell and his wife are ..esiding at 3040 AloJlla Ave.; Winter Park, Fla. Mr•• Bun~ . nell, who plana· to teach in Florida, served for the put 12 ye~s in the Wilmington City Schoo" Sy.tem. Other education activItIes included being . a comultant for Southwestern Ohio Educational Research Council, Research Educational Laboratory and School .Management Institute. Bunnell received his B.s. in
The BuD.aeUa ha"e two cIUl· ~ 'l1tey are Dr. Lanv L. BwuieU of Piqua and Ma. ICarm NoEtapr, who eeacbes in K .... City, 1Caa.
education degree at WittC!:nberg University and M.A. alrld Educational Specialist degre,e~ at Miami Univer.ity at Oxford. His doctoral work was completed at the Universilty of Cincinnati and Ohio St.llte University at Columbus.
GEORGE BUNNELL Form e r Waynesvillian George L. Bunnell has been named Adminiat~ative ' Dean of Jones College at Orlando, Fla. Bunnell uSWned his duties at Jones College, a junior college of around 600 students, recendy after 11 years as Director of Curriculum and Supervisor of Instruction in the Wilmington City School System
Jones College administrative officials have anticipated the school's enrollment d01.Jb~ ling in. the next three years. ' Bunnell is the son of Miami Gazette . news representative Mr• .' . ~ellie B~ell, u~roin ' nie Porch"', columnist for the Friends Boarding . Home at Waynesville. The veteran teacher is a graduate of the Warren ~ty Nqrmal University at Waynesville and :waynesvilllt> 'High"
He began his teaching_ear~ at age 18 at a one room school ~ the village of Wellman (Henpeck) eut of Way. Ilesville. Bunnell taught fifth grade . for three years at the old WaynesYille . Eleme-Iltary . ,School. He a~ spent seven . yea r s in the eenterville School System. ' Prior to his Wilm.ington ' tefture, his school admiaistra· tive· du:ties include six years Principal of the St. Bernard Elementary School Deal' Cincinnati, Superintendent 0 f , SCh~1s at New Lexington an4 Northeaster High School near Sprmafield. ' , Bunnell alao taught for a half year at the State 'reach.. en Co~eae at West Liberty, W.V. after resigning his posi,rion in the Wilmin~ City. ~hool Syatel!'.' He was ~tru.ental in the initiation of several education programi that earned state and national recognition while at Wilminpn. 1ft programs ihc:lu In-service Education, SPecial EdUcation, Ac:IuIt 1Wucaeioa. Sum~er
School, ~ntinuoUi Pl..... T.aa. ADd Guid.. ance. Bacl, M8D••r.~ ~ ftCiahIIa dIiD8I Siiff Hull·
was ·
Once upon a time, you knew exactly where it was and that . tha~. Then suddenly, all ,that nice comfortable conformity ended and the hemline was all ov(j~r the pl~ce. It went up to mini and ' down to,maxi. And often it }wasn't even ·a hemline at all - it was pants A girl· had c-h"o-i-c-e.. Which while 'it scared a lot of girls 'others found challenging, rcl(~·asing. Our view? We think the whol~ dev.c1opment 'is.. ~reat. w"e IiIke individuality. But we think age is b~Sl~ to ~he dcclSlon-makmg process. With ,few exceptions, we think mIDIS sliould stop at 30. ~1a.xis at 40. Beyond that, the skirt can '~e anywh~re frort;I ,just c1caritlg'to 3 inc~cs above the knee, depend109 on heIght· and figure and personahty. As for pants, we think they're abs~lutcly age·-Ie~. ' U you'd li"e a store (finally.!) that doesn't hem .and haw about: the whole hemline' business see us'. 'Ve'l'e not o~ly 'chic, we're honest. ' , . 1
Dipta but wbat comiaa _eekeaul?
Latt weeb ad, the weekend Cmcinnati tornad o, s~ with a .,h...p thund er stOrm at , a.m. and hit the nund ay, Aupa t 14, 1969. electri c pole at Tandy Newrued cut, ia e stubbl , The oatJ lands and put •out all the and baled. Now ' what? Our telephones on oUl' lUle. An· ill ' it g puttin on helpe n count other one on SawrcLw nlQrn· 011 SaNl'd ay but what about iIlg and then, the big glow just after the Reds ganle had weck-elld weath!tr-? Will thi:5 lovely .Dry Ridge weatb ei . starte d at Crosley Field. . Out atorm with much thunhold over. It. h.. Leenl ovely der and lightening -a nd five .all w~ Wal'tn daY' and cool inchea of rain was just over . and I was- watching the c:lou4to the south. The ale,. ' was blade but on thi. si~e of th~ Madt there was a s~ing of fluffy little whi e douds move CAMPING Jo:Qtlll'MmliT _ins along very fast from. east Whf't'l Camt)f' r Campin K Trailfll'l4, to west. It ':must have been the 1:J ill/HII'll! til dllNl!If! £nllll. AlkCt bade side of the tornad o. The Waynfl CUlllile r Truvill Traijl'l'II .\ clouds overh ead were moving TOJl!!. And ~tHlrhulllill'14 Dl?ltm from west to east as usual. Truck Cumpp.rH. WP. ,Ht-ll Hlltt If: Galt. Sunda y morni ng at - Ft. SALES RENTALS SUPPLIES Ande nt the congregatioftl of St. Mary's, Waynesville St. Patrick's, and Lebanon met for I.orated on Rllut(' 42. 1 mile 'n urth an outdo or .eryice and breakRllut" 73, Wuync:;dlle. fast. . It was ' still foggy, wet and cold from the night be. Pho.n e 897 -~1936 fore but dlere " were about of the
I niuDlMn cauae we have _ faMily friend received two named ~e, who ... a lit- today. It may "'"e just beeit joyed it even if' we cIid wish tJe boted with the idea of , his' tile caller 6ut perhap a It •• we had wom warmer ' the line. ft....eaalce. Then too, did you The' aervice ... co*,d\lICt~!!d just wd report . r ' A w~the ever- m~t a goat named som.e of the young DeClIJ:jile fair and wartn tonigh t I)ut .i t Geora e? the conp .ation•. The tilvrnlU The, I do., have now ac- 't'ained • little while .go~, W.. ac~ompanied by a pleasa nt chUl, e. ' cepted him. The first morn· it enoug h to wet ... those Wedn esday night .lien it ' ing 1 \went o~t and found hala of .craw? I hope not. ~turda'y momi n.. But it pPof . Georg e lyillg on the was bedtime for the ~cottie his clid--d.iclc fog, everything porch aU tangled up pupa, we can,d them bu~~ onLy chain with five bark~g Scot· tnclud ing straw, wet and soggy foul' came in. We c.U~1 ...d , hunte d off and on .ll night tiet at"Ound hlm JUSt ready ~o -:-10 it pes. old dogs .leap to the kill but that was r. J,ut no' pup. The -quickly stopped. went out but no pup. Geora e was un~gled ' and AU day Thurs day nell pup look· we the pups soon learne d ' that but Friday aftern oon ed out and ~e prodig 1 bad "Geo r,e '. .. not for dogs." r, He loves Iris bo~e and l\;IJlch.. returnecl~ dil'ty, ".ired, blmgn es in I»etw~ on the bushe l in ', thirsty and- full of btl~.. He hoat of the house. He must h~d .. cut on his hea~:l and The Rain~w I' G h h ~£ i wiD have no .tay tied many .mall snags ,o,n hUI body esville . ho.. F...~lin flowers. If goats could onl, Wayn as if some big dog had slialt· • !\Jacm!;ly and Mason Aa~ ~!--:...... . . mmate QJKE'a _ en hint but .still alive . 11 H,e eaday eYeD" They could bave the weeds Sembly on Wecln could say: was a ..weak little friendahip 7 niPt. in my rose bed but tltey love in. {or their moan. After food~ a bath and Guests for the evening in.. fresh young rose buds . Uld a trip to the vet he seel1rlS bet· eluded Mia Jaile Graue l, The tel' and we hope will lie ~n· can ~e tltem d~ &Cr0l8 the Grand Worth y Adviaer of the tent to' stay at home her'e alter. y,ard. Then anothe r ro.e bud State of , Ohio, of Fmdley,. We have a new memb er oE , faUs in its lif~ purpo se of . and .her mothe r, Mrs. Gra. the farm family. , ~meone 'beautifying the world. ut:l; C~rla Sawy u, ,G rand gave the Mac Innises 12 little Friday• Yesterday ' tltey fin. Representative' to the ~te billy goat which they CJlljoyed ;ally came and fixed the teleof New Hamp shire; Nancy for some time but bottl ~ feedphone . They h.d nevet' heard ~paeth, Put Grand Lectu rer ing gets tiresome aftet while. that Newl8 nd'. wires had ~en of DiscriC:l 'No. to; Lynn They were going away' for a atruCJc by lightening last FriMottk, Worth y Adviser of few days so now 'We h.a~ve the day but we I'eported it MonMaso n; Mrs. Phylli s Snell, ' day morning. goat ~ hie h '!Ne promp tly Moth~ Adviser of Muon As· liamed Georg e after tI~e one I report ed to Leban on and sembly and Mr.. Po{t , we haa last spr-ing. iGeorge Roy Newla nd to Waynesville. Mother Adviser of F~anklin wears a neat little harnj~ss and I heard him. I hope that the Assembly; Mias Pam Young , lives tied to the porch. ~ervice will be' improved. We P a • t Worth y Ad'visot of George I was so nalned by . , Wayn aville Assembly; five the friend s who keF't him Put . Mot,b en Ad~~s of while we were away o,,'e~ Eas-, \Vayn~viUe, Mr•• B. A. H~. ' ter. The name pleased us ,be• . . du.on , Mr.. Lyle Snyde r, Mrs. Willia m SawyCl', Mrs. Mr. 8!'d Mrs. v...Pe y Cas. Dick helan , ...d Mr.. John sidy, Mr.. Lu Wa~ ud ' Vair'j 1aftd the Worth y Matro n Mrs. Tate Wamp ler and and, wOrth y Pa~o.. of ~ daugb ter ru.ve just retum ed Chapt er 0 E,S. SpeciAl guesta f~om an extend ed two·week 'for the evening .were Mr. uc;t vacation in the Wat. . ~.. Lyle Snyd~ who Includ ed in, theif>itin,e,rary ' moVing :TUICOft, Aria. were the fonowing' placa of Mond ay, Aug. 18. , interest: Las Vegas, Grand tQ be drive IADother paper yland, the Cat.. Canyo n, Diane . I, future was la~ad ,Cave mi and a short held in the near ~ during 1& buaines ' ,'trip to ~,xico~ 'rhe group a~ ' . visited ' meetiag. Mr. ' Cassid y'. sUiter, Mrs. A. .ocw hour u.cludin. • Los of, dridge 'Wool n Golde and refr'el hment l follow. : . Ange la, Calif. ed the buaill aa meeting. '
. aixty
cia.. aad
,FRIENDS HOME NEWS By .Nellie Bu..n~1I \
Mr. and Mr.. Ral ill HutingS of :)97 North Street had Sara Burnett w.. 8 W~ea. Wa,..viUe - '~'-6826 AI recent houle guelltl their day viaitOr of Edna Burnett at , .on · Robert, hil wife, anel 8ethuda Ho.pital at Cincin- Mr. and Mn. · Her.chel and Mr.. Andy HenderlOn lI~ti. Sara reported .~t Edna their three children, Robert, . Robliilll and. family, Mr. and . . ancilOn~ Tim. . Mr ' and Mr.. Barl Wollud TImmy, and Joaeph it irnprovina· Mh. 'JiMmie ~urkey ~d . The Firat Church 'of Chri.t '(tf, 800 D~yio~ Road visited White . here, ' MH. Rob~rt Robert Cran~ called on his ' their 1011 eel daupter-in-law, and family, and the Max Hay · Day Mwion~ Group enjoy-' ed a 1I00n pitnic lunc:h at the Hutinp vilited her puenu , mother · F1o~e C&-ane on f . .ily recently enjoy~ a Mr. and Mr.. Jerry Wollard Mr. and Mn. Scott :Mcaure ,. Fri.,. Ilom~ of Mr.. Mary Snook, camping vacation at , Gatlin· ~d IODI, Jeffrey and Steven, We are in~ted to Farmer. of Lebanon and. he:r .ilter, Wednesday, Aug. 13. burg, T CIUl. They' 8li'o joined daU put wedt in Sch.um&ur. Grange No,. U for a lovely, The group mcluded ' 10 ;. Mr.. Charla Perrine also of Mr. and Mr.~ Benny Purkey basket of flowen and .ome Lebanon. One week , w.. .also membera three childrell', and , and family" Mr:' and Mr~. "On their trip ,home, they .pent visiting with . title Gord- deliciou. home baked cakes one peat. Conrad Purkey, and Mr. and vi.ited Mr. and ,Mr.. ~avid Oft Saturday evening and tQ on Milia family of ' W~terTh.e "next m~eting will be Mr.. Gene 1homptOn and Roadcup and their daughter, 1 • ' iI, ~ Harold Whitaker . for lOme dauahtitr at! ' Lake Dale. Hoi. . at the Comer Houae and Mr•. , ville. Meliaa~ of ~na, .~vely tomatoea. Tim~y Hatem.. ,o b.erved Walter' Fruure will b~ the low, Tenn. , " Robert Palmer "lied OA hia his .ix. bir:thday w1u.le viaitho.teli. Min ' Linda Kin ~ d I, r., ing his graJidpuenti .and ~is mother, . Nettie P.tmer Sun. It will feature '~.cIt - to dauihter of Mt. and Mr•. grandmother, Mn. Ralph day 'evening: the - pot - l';lde: - ~er". Earl Knedler of Waynesville , Hutin.., dDter~e~ him T.uchino Kakahuhie visit, Route 2 particiPated in a ' with a birthday ~.tY,. The ed her IOIJ George at Yenow piano recital at the lCettering gue.ts · included Sc:ott · and Springa on Wedneaday. Pir.t Baptist Church on Sunkelly Gray, and T'tm1IDy'. two Gaylene Harris 'o f ' Wilmingday~ Aug. l~. , "btothet. Robert (Pepjpet') ancl ton ,.pent the weekend with Linda'. .election wu TaraJo.eph. Rise Ward. teUe.Op 8' arranged by Step, The Ralph Hutingaare Serda CliffQrd and baby, ben Heller. Min Kned1er w.. 35 memben and. peats ..now experiencing ,. quite Clark, were hom~ 'visitor. reone of ' 40 INdenti jJresellted ae~bled at the Friencla Social househ.old .ince the deputcently. at th~ recital given by Misl Room Sunday,Aug. 17 for the Ul'e of their , ehildtren and Ruth Smith and daughter of Di,ane ' Fuller. , ~ua1 M~latt reunion. A grandchildren fo..r th~~ir home Germantown were caUer. at Miss Lana DUnlap hu rebulcet dinner wu aerved and in Glendora, Calif. A mo.t the home the put weelc~ celltiy accepted 8 teaching· foUowed ,by a bUlineaa .ee~ wonderful and m4emotable ,po.ition in Hollywood;' Fla. in•. " five weeks. wu ex ~rienced She will be teaching the firlt New officer. for the enauby dte lamily. grade. . ing year were elected by un; A weekend ,wu '.pent boatanimoUi vote. They include: ing on LaIc~ Herrinaton at Preaident, 98-year-old ,O. B. Danville, Ky. hy Mr.. and Mrs. Marlatt; Vice Pre.ident, Hat· Leo Perry and daulh~, ~ld B. Earnhart , and Secre'Shet'ri, Mr. 'a nd Mr.. ICCSJdp" tary - Treaaurer,' Josephine , . , 'Stiles and ,IOn, Sco.tt, Mr. and I \1 ,Harlan Eamhatt. Mfa: Gorcloll Hatton ~t.Mr. A ~ hour and p~ogram t~ Mr. and Mrs.. C. E. FrYe followed with interestiQg facts of ColumbUi and Mli n Kar~ . concerning the Marlatt 'e n Weik~l of ShamCl.kin, Pa. f.may. Those member. who were hOUie pests t:his past were absent misled an anportweek of · Mrs. Min e r v a ant occaaion. Ii iI .mcet:ely HO~lh. hoped that th~ will attend On Friday, Aug. 15 they .ad 'Mr.. Ho~g~ w,ere d~, ner guests ,at . the Golden Lamb ' Inn of D.1'. atid Mrs. Stauffer of Wilmingtpn" Del. Mr. Stauffer hend. the Reading Study Centej~ of the . College 01 Educatio~L' at the r Univenity of Del;aw.ue. He ' ia also the author of the ~in Iton .eriea of Reade~l. 8y PAT VAI,R
' "
~~~~~"'iIIoIIIJlllilr.-~~:~,t. ~~
Augus t 20. 19S9
Mr. and Mrs. Gene 1ftomp-
at the Ponde rosa IOn have return ed from a ~a K COO LLE LUCI By evemn l· cation in Tenneuee. Phone 897"" 46 The BYF of Jonah '. A weddi ng .howe r for Mr. Bapti. t Churc h enjoyed • MRS. HILE Y GIBS ON an Mrs. Darry l VanO ver was .teak coole out at the Daviso l Mt. HoUy 7' Ph. 897-6182 par. Over' Van •. a" Mr by Saturd nd siven home ' in Oakla Mr. . and Mr.. KellDeth enti, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd evening. The pup later wenl ' and daugh ter, Tina, of Hi.le, on Friday , Aui n, ~t . Lewis BY ,JlAl UB.A lf 'PRICK I, Ph. 897·53'12 swimming at Camp Kirkwooel. Xenia, Mr. Charles Bu.:.oell Schu,tel~ Ed Friend s social room. the Mrs. and Mr. at air F ' y Count n rite Warre and Mrs. Chdst y tlTony ..... Lucky.'; Tony Mr. and Mrs. V an O~er re- and Mr. and family return ed Fridaj, ' lecy Worth The on. Leban called on CApes suffer ed only minor in'weeks at many useful gifb from Walla ce of Xenia two ing ceived .pend after sting intere an turer prelfn tid Mr. and Mrs. Morri ; Lewi. juries when he roc:le ru. bicy. several friend . and relatives. We.tr ee, Ontar iq, Canada. .ide ual Spirit the on m progra Friday evening_ , cle into QIl auto driven by Mr. and Mrs. Charles bill. ' of a Caller . at Mr. and Mr•. Mr•. Gloria Moster. The ac· Rev. Phillip Berry of We.t Price plan to .pend some time home .Friday ciden.t occurr ed at the corne r ,Milto n was the guest speaker Elvis Micha el', tb,is w~ with Ioe DevetlJ, t Mrs. visiW Terry ~bel Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. of Cro.. and South Streets cousin, who liS at the Corwin Pentecostal evening were Price's Mrs. ay. Mond Bogan en Kathle Waltel' Moore , 'Mr. Jeas Thura day evenin ,. ' Churc h Aug. 16. shooti ng at the Grand th,ls Gib.o n Frank Mrs. and Mr. Earl All bicycle riders .hould let Garre tt has return ed Michael, 'Mr. and Mo. ames J andalia~ V at week at weele lut spent famay Dill, thia serve. as a wamin g of the', and home from &and view 'Hos- Mc:Gt:ew, Mr.. Addie Joe grew up in Dayto n b'lt Gap Hi.tor ical erland Cumb Mr. 'and Mrs. Dale Fair and Feat dange r in diaobeying pital following surgery. of his .hooti ng :It much did Pule. Mrs. Lewis traffic sips. ,Maya ll parents Mrs. Howa rd Purleey, Sr. family, . Mr. and the old home farm in Clinto,n Taylo r Clint •. Mr and Mr. Miss Schart:l stras 'to their childr ea the spent Thurs day, Aug. 14, at Michael .and Count y, si.th annua l the ed attend impor bnce of bicycle riding the Pentecostal camp groun ds, Walla ce. He has made his home fc)r Bowman reunio n held Sunda y Mr. and Mrs. Herbe rt Hodsafety! located approximately 9 miles .evera l years .in Ren.o and at the home of Mr. and Mr•• son of Xenia called on Mr. s Club" .Waynesv~lle. She was arold from fo'l--"H .hoots of family and Hill y Stanle Michael Your writer removed ' to plann ing the menu for the and Mrs. · Elvis where he is floor manager. heste r. -sranc near Clinto n Memorial Hospi tal camp meeting that is being Wedn esday aftern oon. "Joc:le" as the family call.~ r family met at Doste The Mrs. John M~ndenall of 'nlura day, Danny W. Booker held from Mond ay, Aug. 18. ' him grew up shooting. At tlfle Willia m Dosthe of home the nayto n and Mrs. Kent Hoi· of Hyde Puk, Cincinnati, fol. , to Friday , Aug. 23. age of five he wu .hootHllg 'ten Saturd ay evening followlowing a chain ..w acCident in Mr. . and Mrs. Max Hay land of Xenia called on Mo. birds in the barns (heavlen th~ Collett-McKay reing y afterwhich the patien t .uffe~ed a and family have rerurn ed Hiley Gibson Sunda help the bole. in the rooflJ ),. an School Kingm the at U:Jlion . severl ; cut right, legHi. fa~her and grand fadler from their vacation in Tenne - noon. na· Buildi Mr. and Mrs: 'W alter The auiden .t occurr ed on ssee. were great gun men and J~j, ,ent Char~es resid Loc~ and Broob -Carro U Road where Mrs. Benny Purleey spent , Moor e called on Mrdaugh ter who is now five is .pent .evera l days Beck (Pete) ay Tuesd el the Town and Coun~ Tree her vacation in Arkansas vis- Mr•. Lewis Micha a dead .hot at anythi ng mc)vtourna PGA the at week this evening. ' Experta, his employer, were iting friend s and relatives. ing or .tiU. Gooc:l Luck, Jo«;! 'in Daycourse NCR at ment, trimming trees for the teleton. phone company. It wu reo Mr: and Mrs. Floyd Palme r ported that the saw ricocheted .pent several days in Wash WED nSD AY, A,UGl1ST ?:I, 1969 off • fence causing the aCCl' ington, D.C. and visited their ",IMl n, at 12 Noon lrS BUB dent. RA FLO . MB.B who F~x, d Ronal ,lOn-in-Iaw, lOOA' l'ED-- a FuI~.. Street, :Wi1miD~~ Ohio. Dix.' Fort at wu 190 ,862-4 Ph. , BOU SBS OLD GOODS Massie Grang e met in reguand JohnTerry Mabel Mn. ic 'POrtable BotpOint relripra tor.free ser; Hotpoi at electric stove: Domelt da Pondf~ r, Bren lar aeuion Mond ay evening Miss t drop banque oy mlhop ie: roti.er electric aewiq maclUDe: Black ADIUS· Hahn were Friday evening ~ beds: od hoUywo 8 of ~. and Mlrs. .eta: ter with Mute r Floyd Palme r dinette daugh ohrome 2 chain; four aDd leaf table guests of Mr. and Mra. Clint chati: u , . ~eIt of dra~tIrI: cm.en; bloDde matchiDK nlaht .&Dds &ad ehairi ng the meeting. Routine Iaclt Ponde r of Sniblcy ReI ad oVUltUffed r. ~ WIth marble top; walnut deIk; a Riece aecdoo a!' ,tique Taylo , chain' ~Jdu MemO li" '&nd Green Wk:ker meeting was conducted with at t lawu. . patien a foldio« is nal. occasio chair and ottoma n; . Mr. and Mn. James Ralls table; cedar cheIt·' OWn. ~boaJ'd' _ ,card. Itand; oe telepho. ; . . tab d ' ... wu It ized. recoan l tal. Hospi one appea ean' , utility' ' iampe tb,r' and table clock; aeu: and radio; Mr.tray.; ained lDack entert 1&001; of Xenia report ed that Ma..ie won .ec· tiou: cW. cte:.t and Mr. and Mr.. Bob Sin.,lef~i I~: hall tree: ari¥: CJmatmu decora Charl es Price to dinne r Mn. tooJi - 1iDeU. PMitUftl" .ardeu and .hand eel: appUan lIIIlaU s; eablDet at utility plUbooth the ond place ~~~ toD of Glady St. ue ~: : uteJuWa cooldq : (chiDa ;~ria, Bavolb enb of a baby boy born Aug. ' E~ Exec utrix JlAB JllA N G. PBlO 10 at Kettering " .Mempdat. , DIe.... . ' PtlMiry L IMta Of Of The Estate Hospi tal. , 22 ....n ItnIt. HarveyaDUfI, 0lIl. Mr. and Mo. Williiam .... CoII4ucttd By last spent St. Leshe r of Main ,\. . I '.: i • '. I .. ' " , • F' , r:.-, t , r f. weekend at the lodge at Hus... ,.Jr. '. , ~' I: r:' I ton Wood s. , 0 I H 0 ./ ') rn I It •. Ill , ' ~ ,. Mr. and Mrs. ,.Willi am Haine s of Terrac e A~e. reo tendy return ed from a vacation in Florid a•. Mr•. Elmer ea.lvm , Mr. formerly from Xenia ; have moved to Spring Valley TrailBIG, FAMI LY CAPA CITY ,e~ er Ranch on Route 7-2'.. I 18 E. FRANKLIN Mrs. Joe Barna rd of ,.,fain , BELLB ROOK ., St. recend y return ed (rolm a trip to Seven ' Sprin p Sid · May tags Lodge in Chaf;llpion, Pa. wash big loads,Mr. and Mrs. Clal~ence Burns ' of Main Sc. and Mis, ' Rebec~ and Kathy Morg'lD of ~ettering, have return ed from • vacadon 't rip to WubU lgton
Accidents ,Spotlilht Harveys burg lews ,
t ~
M A Y 'rl lG
Automatics _.~II Low cost
• Safety lid • Choice of Water
Temps • Fabric Softener Dispenser • Adjustable Leveling Lees • Self-eleani~ wash Ba~ ket • Many others plus Maytag Dependability
I'OR SALE: 1/2 mile ~ of
LET me baby lit in
Por Sale
Por Sale 00 KART for ..te. Good conditioD. Ph. 897·2120. 1201 GARAGE we. To). and hoUiehoId ~ Aucut 29, 30, 31. lin. JOD ~l'Iea, 7800 DaytoD LebaDon Pike. north on Rt. '8 off of Bt. 13. 1201 SALE or trade to corn, bay or ave· stock, 2 piece eectionaJ. 3 'cbain, wood dinette set, blond coffee table. bide·a·bed and Ian. ~one 897 ·M68 . . 1201
SHETLAND Ponies for sale. Phone 897-"73 or 897·57f6. lOetf
'·dr.. lItandUd ebift Dodge, NO; boat, motor and , trailer, 160; INS,
1 DINETTE eet, maple drop leaf table '9" loor, optlDl to 36" wide. 2 chaira and 1 bench. 170.00,-1 old ICbool deek, 15.00-1 p .. top cai· fee f&hle 36" x 18" 15.00-1 bicycle eqrciler, 812.00. Phone 422·52.17. 6401 HendricUon Rd.. Franklin, O.
FREE kitteN. Female.
IH8 MERCURY Station WlIIOn. Power ateerlnJ, power brakes. auro· matic. Pay balance due. WaynelSville National Bank. Ph. 897·2065. 12cl
,.ou. Larp Veneed·in yard aact many wauhful e,.. to keep OD diem. Ph. 897·5921. uinctf
Services NOW in your area, cUltom ul~bol· stery Shop. Free pick·up • deli'very. Call 897-6871. lCW TOY Poodle Stud Service, ,AxC lWsittt,ered. White or Appcot. 150, Appointment only. Phone 897 ~ 148. '. 15ctf
LAWN Pder, JOOd condition; bee· hivee, honey extractor. U2 , M.ill S~. ,lb. 897·2696. 1201 897 ·(allS. (Setf 1900 CHEVY. 6 cyllnder, 2-tir .• 8CRATOR .,.f,ls for sale at The ------------~~~ ' r~ _ JANIE'S B e aut y. Shop, 9990 Miami QaHtte. 105 S. ' Main St. ' ltandud lhift. Good cotldition. Pb. Waynf'.:Sville Bellbrook Rd. Sum· Waynesville. 16nctf 1201 932.1208 mer Hours: Wed., Thun., I'. Fri. 1963 DELUXE VW station wagon. 1955 MARLETTE mobile home. Only By Appointment. Ph. 84~i.7351 Split front teat, ,uoline heated, 50 SsM. 2.bedroom. · New carpet and 16ctf horaepower. ensine . .1600 or best of· furniture. ' Excellent condition '1,000 --~~~.~~~--~ ler. Al80 26" boys bicycle 3530 lirm. 897·2143. , 1201 ~Ie Rd. 897·2378. 1201 . I wiSH to thank all my ft:iende, ALUMINUM and Vinyl siding. Free BE pntte, be kind, to that expenrelatives and neishbon for the Ilovely _im.tes. Ph. 932·1225. llc3 ave carpet, elean with Blue Lustre. ,flowers. ' carda ' and · Jilts I ~:eived 1968 YAXAHA 805, blue and whit.e. .. 'Rent electric ehampooer $1. Way· while in Kettering Memorial H08' 1500 or will trade for a sood car. neaviDe 'Furniture Co. 12d pit.1 ; aleo the minister8 for their Ph. 897·0580. 121~1 prayers and visits. Rev. T. M:elsoni HOMEGROWN veptablea. corn, po. ANTIQUE Sale: Saturday, Aupat of Miami Shores Baptist CI~urch, plant, cabbap. tomato'3!l, tatoea, • 23. 9:30 tU 5. Everythinl priced. ReV. nom .. Stevena of Fim Church peppen and cucumbers. Lawrence Grandfather clock, Havlaad china, , of ' C hrist, Waynesvi1le, Rev. Acy 1201 mJec. I... ·and china, primitives, . Keethler, Haines Rd. Lamb of Pentecolt_l Church, Cor· ~R SALE: Gu stove, bed, \lVater iron kettle, pewter. 5th hOUle wetlt win. Janet II. Breeee. Waynt18ville, pumP and 63 Ford. 897 -G61. 12c1 eff 42 n 122. 1201 Ohio. ' 12d
1 wheel utility trailer, 130. Coli '897:6806 after , p.m.
Card of ThaDks __
BeJIbrook Boad, 2· I&ory, 3·b,droom, lI)Odero, _hiY Ira.me, iQ excellent condition, 20ear &anp, barn, 8·1/2 IICfeI. 120,000. Call 897·2113. 1202 273 FRANKUN Street, beautiful,
bedroom, brick ranch, hardwood floors. larp livinc room" modern kiUbeD. Priced to ·lell. Jame. W'1Ie' . man, 885-5680. WHEN buyinl or lellinl real .ate wby Dot call ~~ We have capable ..lea' persons in your area to belp aa'lIIfy your needs.
block caD hoiDI WIth •
dilpatecl look 011 ... r-. Natunlly, 1M . . . . . . tba trouble. "r. ba¥iiIa trouble with tile . . . ." the child IIid. . '. . "The naJes1" her mother
queatioMd. ' . "You know," said the; girL "Two plus' two e.... four. 1bree plus three eta1e. six." ,
R. E. WADE -REALTY .16-1440
USED CLO'rIIDJ - Shirta-BIIDWII!!a '-Skirta-Dreaeea and Sweatml lOe each-atao, Dishes-Lam . lllany other odds and enda. Brandy'. Odell and Enda Store 200 E. Main St. Harveyl!hurl, Ohio. 'Sctf COLD Sprin,. Beauty Shop: WiD take appo~ntment. anytime. Ph.
.Ierry I10ffmann 897-4258 Scott Remley ' 897.2530 Herman Weaver 897·7860
Excellent opportunity for YOUDJ man interested in learninJ print·
Botices liTTLE RED SHED Antiqu. S~o,
trade and linotype opera-
tion. Courae
Behinll St ubbe Funeral Home. Spe· c:ialiain!r' in cl";ware. Wayn.vine, Ohio.
12' weeb. Tui·
tion m~y be worked out. Eblploy. ment available OD compledon of .
courae. Apply
Miami Guette
OIrlC8, 105 8. JIain, WQDflI'riile,
pm Dirt
1112" Crusher Run
3/4" Crusher Bun Sand & Pea Gravel Mixed 2" Base Stone
Top Soil ' Pit; Bun ' Pit Bun Crush
ROXANNA GRI , '11 lie. CAl~ SPR.NQ VAlltV 882-4211 COLLECT
Lost & Found LOS T: Miniature Daachund. If found please contact Maynard lBandy on R.R. 1. Wdaon Rd. or phono 488·2892. Reward 12cl
Helu Wanted NEED 1 woman for egg plant.. Starting Sept: 2. Dunham ' Hat.chery. Lower Springboro Rd. Wa:v.nesvUle..
. _"",n." Celli",........
Gutters Pan,lInl
..."'Fences n,
)1mB .
Route 2 PekiD Road WayneaviUe, Ohio , Ph. 891-6536
., RICHARD RATLIFF', Ph. 897-2726 Spri n9 Valley 862-42U
Franklin, Ohio 45005 Ph_ 1148-9313
~ CIULD CARE (1:11 ....
PH. 897.-7931 or
1% • • ,.......
• B01JB8: . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . &lin I'd.
• TtJITION: til. "ekb' filet ....., • LOCA'ftON: UDGBVILLII COIIJI1JNJTY CBtJBaI state at. HI ... Lo.............. ... (M .... 1mb ........ - 1..... I·'.)
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(continued f~om pa.~ W.y~e.ville
' Several Main Street mCn;IlLaDI~~ have already proved their thuaium and , interest by ganizing a coloual Antiqu,e abades of p'eeD and 'yellow have into ' vi~ , OIl aev~a1 , fronts and 1leW', early nDI'CJ:." can .igna ~I Ihow. A aumber of Main Street prpper~ owner. and Down.town Waynesville Improver. have pledged their lupport. "Our merchants on Miailll Street are to be com'plimentC1 .on their efforts jp cooperatio Il ' with' doWntown Wayt)esv;lle Improvement," comli,lentetd Reginald O. Hill, Miami Ga,Rete publisher. ttl taW two others out OIB Main Street paintina today," interject«;d buainesa~an Bob To~eDd. "It really made .e for a number 'of 8 or 10 feet" feel good 'to lee people work,by 2 feet signs to ' b~ fasteneding together out on Main between tliree 40-45 feet poles. Street." " A 16 feet by 2 feet panel \ Waynesville retail mel: .. aerosl the top would ~icate f~ants are prom.oting the P.'~)Waynesville and Corwin Business districts. J"be sign would be lighted obtain a copy of the qrclinan ee arid Chamber of Commerce ofwhich would aid preservati.n fic'ials have ~Iready COlllulted of historic .' aan~.phere aI1ld the Dayton Power- and Light adopt the same. Company. ' Council also agree4 to obtain a cPpy of Lebanon's city ordin~e that ltipulates that any new buildina development ' mult conform , to the city's . A list of streets to' be early American .tyle archipair~4 'was I~bmittea by Str,bet tectut:e. Superintendent Willialn &lW· . A delegation from Waynesville's Downtown Improve- .- yer. , It , includes Church• Franklin Road, Joyce Lane, ' m 'e nt " program committee Miami west, North" Dayton ' made the request that ' council RO;ld,·High, So1,lm, ~d Third in tha~ ~rder.
Waynesville counci'lmen passed a , resolution Tuesday nfght endorsing the insta!lalion of a Waynesville-Corwin business directory in the area , of the intersection of Ohio 42 , "and North Street. The directory which will not obstruct motorist 'visibility will be constructed and ~ain. tained, by the Waynesville Area Chamber of Commerce. The sign proposal was brought to council's attention by Bill Nell, chamber presi,dent and ~ember ' Ja~es Crane. Crane said that the Chambel' would also ~onJaet the 'State Highway Department .since the sign might h~ve to be set on state property. Business call
im· ptew.... IUpplicl l~ly. Exterior paiDt color ~ WI impzovemel'lt .u. .ea~na- ~e avai.l.able from all cqmmittee.. m~, who in addition Are ;;orltlng u volwiteer painter. aIld conaultants. DownfOWIl Wapesville 1m.. • , provement hat heeD endorsed, by the \Vayaesville Area Chambr of COmmerce and dte Wayaesvi1le' Liona Oub. Program lpoke&lilen ', ay they can mu..~r~ from cornthey will accept all the help ' munity organizationS pd individual citizena. Plana wen mendy begun to have ' W~ynepnte's historic town ' squares marked with ' early ' American signa. ' Local lip painter-designer George Str~op has -been commissioned to COllltruClt and paint 14 ligns at an ex~se of abput $133.
Heighway, ita founder, and Dr. Evan Banea. It was designed liIce- an English village to include par.k. Aild Iqu.ares .till existant on old village maps. , Initial squar~ to be marked include Sciota, Miami, Waah~ ington: Ohio, Wabash, Frank· and Harrison. ,
Any remaining ·funcla ,' ~f~ter ' I these street rep.. will be ' used for work on Chapaum , Stree~ according to Sawye~. " Workmen will 'work, towarda , completion dat~ ' set' ' a ~pt. ~ by the emerg~cy ,tre~t . ord'mailce. '" 'I .. ,p au
free Shoulder Patch and a free car c;jecal in matched' kit
w. 'r.
WILJCB~N ' William, T. WilkerSon,. formeily ,~f \Vayne.ville, c:lied '
Monday at Oearwatej , rta.' Wilkerson, 61, is ,urvi~~'d , by three d~u8hten and ' two " SOIll, all of FIori4;la arid I~X ~" br~ther., Ed 'of Oregc~nia, Weblter 'oE Spring V:.lley" ~en and ~I bOth of I)~y ton, Virgil of ' w.ayne~vme 'and Hubert of ,Bcllbroolr::. ViJitatioft has been 'scl\ed- . tded' from 6 p.m. to ' 9 ~ p.m. "'echt~ay .t , the SCW»b. ' 'FUneral Home at 'W.1mea~ ville. Funeral servica conduct;cd at the fUlIteral home at % p.m. n 11turllc:laY,_ Burial will ~ in ' .."'I.u....~: c.etery at Corwin.
·. CRAYOIS REG. $1.49 ' , PAllY·°HOSE $1.i9 '
',' Jo~ , D~er~' uB" tractor' arid -culti,v ator.; ., £t. , tractol' disc; clUC:; .!We) wheel utility ,ttailer; ~Itipack,,; ~ ~; ' anvil; bladwnith £01;8e; t9nSI; ancl c many oth~ , Ul tools. , L*rae ' ,aaiodot , of le"oned lumber, chetry, ' walnut. ,I
' I
Friaiwe refriaerator; fri~e electde: , . .e; Kat· more auto~ .ashe.r, ancl dryer; c'heat type del~eeze; old .alnu. lingle bed' and double bed; old high ir; dinin. room .uite: teWin. rocket: old roacl- mapl; old auto &r... QfpD reeds; II'lilk caQI; "SOD jack and many oth.. illllDl DOt ,lUted.
1949 ~aduate of Waynesville High School. , , , ,An. A~elicaft Flag md an ' Ohio Pennant ,were~ also presented'. by Warren ll1Ulty, ' American Legion post 6,1" ,'r. gynulas'ium. '. an~ . Tortl ] ames', Student "" TIi~ dedication portion of Council Pr~ideia~ respective~ the program was 'handled by l}'$ The flag and pennant will' Waynesv'ille Board of Educa · be exhibited in the Kh001 W. Conner. gymnasium. tion, member Earl , A plaque presented by C~n. Lagedrost and 'Vi a 1 t e r s ner dedicated the school to Arc::wtects of Dayton daigned Raymon.· Hatfield, 1 92 4 the uhra modern structure. _ r , Waynesville Hi g h School The new s~hool wliich will graduate and fotmer W ~rren , facilitate 500 students was I County Superintendent ' 0 f completed in the early .spring · ~hools. by the Peterson Construction G"est sp.ealeer, 24th Gon- , Company ~t Wapokoneta. ' gressic;>nal District Represen· , 'Illteriol! work was clone by the Tibbets Heating and tative Donald E "Buz" Lu, kens gave an American Flag Plumbing Company, Dayton; that had flown over the na- . Chapel Electri4=al : Company, Dayton' ~nd Gardner Equiption's Capitol, ment Company, FrUlclin. Congress~an buleensis :l .
, , earimated- 200 persoDS ' ..,.tour,ed Wayne.ville'. \ new High ~h~ol · Sunday . a:f~ noon follow~8 dedication ceremon'i~ in th~ scHOol
~ .
Waynesv~lle "Baptists a ,r e realizing , tije results of thei.r own labor this weele at the west end of 'Church Str~et where the last stages of a $50,000 expansion-(enovation program are in sight. The Fikst Baptist Church, a Southern Baptist affiliate, begcU1 expanding and reno~ vating several weelcs ago whe-n construction and masonry contracts were awarded to the. Pugh Construction' Compan}' ,at Bellhrook. I
A congregation of 200 voted to supply the volunteer , l.bor necessary' to finish the inside of tlie new 75 foot, by 32 foot educational depatt, anent added to the south enol ~ of the .praeat church. . Pugh Co.utruction , Company handled all. new construction and jns~llation of golden~ buff brick veneer for , the entire exterior of the now T shaped edifice. "
by Mrs. Virgil Counts of Carter Drive. The new educational depatt- , . ment will serve both educa· .: tional, reaeation and assembly .purposes. \ GroUnd floor facilities will include' , 1 0 Sunday School . rooms, ' office space and kitchen. second floor will house seven Sunday School rooDll, rest rooms anel a temporary ofEi~. ,. , A Dew 150, ~ capacity parkini 'lot will ~ aiuround ,the newly expanded facility. ' ,: Waynesvil1e~. Firat Baptist Church w~ established 1956 in • atorerooni': in ' the vii.. lage business ~trict. Initial serviceS arew from a previoUs cottage pray~ met;ang. '"
Worship servi~ : ~ere C~D- r duded ' fo~ ' dte first time in, the auditorium of the new Chur~ buiJding on <;hurch ,Street: in 19.59. Sunday SchoOl . room. optned comple., . tio" in 1961.
Fint Baptist Cburch'. ' ren-
ft. m'XI GAI"~iB
P.O. Ba 78 - Pboae 1t7-H21 ........ eich WedD~ at WayaaviUe. Ohio. 8ubeeription price
, ,.,...••....&aacI
price 10e per eopy.
ject lOme extenaive thouihc. Wayne.ville'. Main Street ha_ Waynesville Asci Chain. huUdinp that -are architec· of Commerce memben wilt turally handsome and hist~ri. tneet Thursday, Sept. 4 at cally rich. Charlie'. SteaJt HOUle. Nealect ~ jade '" du.ie- , The 6:30 p.m. cliamer meetreUc'. appearance and itj ing will be EoI' the chamber'. afchitectural an Cl intrinsic general membership. value•.
.00' .
I)eaDiI »-1toD ••.•••••..••.••••.....••.••..••.••..........•.•.. Eclat"r De...:&IIa11 •.•••••.•.....•......•..•..•.••.••..••.•... GeBf>rU Mao apr
O. Hill •.•••.....••.... ~ . . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . ••
Adver:tiai~ Mao~:
OaumaiDe Ban.. . ................'..................... AlI80Clate Editor: l\esioald O. Hill, Da\'itl FA"_U .:-· ...... : ...... :,' .. . .. . . ... .....
'P.O. Do" 714. WlIynf'lwjIJr: 'Ohio 4IiOOK '
s390 . subscription annua 1
_---o:~~~~_ 'STATE ---:,;:.~~..;...;..~~: PHONE~_~~~
i "
EditorS' Note - 'Main S eet . returns to the Miami ~~e . this week after ae\'eral FeJes qn ,the copy hook. Ita co ~m. ni.t relinquished ~i. apace for the .,ast aev.e ral w~ fo~ . ' more newsworthy material
A squint at Main Street this . week brings into · view a blush of ":p~ide alo~g fronts. The antiq~e blues, ~ M and yelloWs are all a par of Downtown Waynesville Improvement initiated t h r e e weeks ago 'by a group o£ de- . termined retail ,~erchan Cooperating busiaeumea should be highly comma,dec! for their efforts in upgrc ~g Main Street's architee: ral respectability and busincslF ap- ' pea~_
The Builders by by A Place in the Country the last of the Mountain Men by The Right Time by
Woolfolk Ga i nham . Peterson Golden
They . are improving downtown Waynesville for YO.1, its citizeris. They want you / be proud of your town an a. be aware of its needs. . Won't you join in this eom' munity effort to ,ave your town's f~ce, preserve ' i his. toric building. and make it I an attraction to be envi td by others? , Conscientious W .. u ........;1 .citizens should give
Law~n'. Fruit Drilib ...~ ........ ; . • 1/~. QaL
Wieners . .. .......... , ........ : '.. , 69c Lb. 8·Pak Sandwich" Wiener BUDS ..• ,290 Pkg. Chip Dip .. ·..... ~ .. ;.,'. , . ,~! •• .•• , • • • • • • I9cP~.
Lawson's ,Potato Chips . ~ ........ ~ I9c ' .B ulk Potato Salad ...... " ........ ~ . ~ Lb. Campfire llarahmallowl ... :....... ". u,. Lee .Oube.. i-lb. : .'..... ~ . . . . . . . . .. aoc . IO-lb. Charcoal ................... ?Ie Uwson's ·1·f"/21b. Btak-Pak Patties '1'.~~
Memben of Waynesville's Green Thumber. 4-H , Club have again been bringm'g home 'the prizea this week duriD.I puticipatioa ~ -the activitia of the 'Ohio .State , Fair at Columbw. Milton Cook, Ion of Mr. and' Mrl. Ernest Cook, rep,~CICIlteel War r c; n County ,Thurlday in the dairy judg7 ' , ilig Co,D~t. . In the general livestock judg'ing conceal, "in which ~o.t counties of Ohio participated, Warren County'l team placed eighth in the ltate. Two Green "numbers memb~, David .Greenbol'll 1lftd Glenda Mil. ler, were Oil this team. Glen. da, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meri1l Miller . of , Townahip Line. Road, .p~ec:t high among I
placecl lecond in a ,class of eiahteen entries. Dick later .!.owed his heifer with one owned by Stev~ Dea~, ' a'. mel\lher of tIte Warren. Coun· ty Beef 4·H Club. ' 'I . " . This pair of beef animals rec~~ed .econd place in die ' .~te hehi~" Highland CountY. wmnifta ,entry.I,Bach Ohio County was ~owed ~n~ pair. To be called b~ .
Ihowmanship competitiOn the Stace Pair is an honor in itself. All O'Banion brother. were en to participate in the sho,wmanship conte.t. DlI~vid O'Banion earned foum pi aGe' over the nearly (ifty part~ci pants. Monc:lay'l
tions 'included Warr~ County The di1aiu11e4 ,..... demonstrarion. winner. Doug cIecI40d to tab O'Banion. ("Fitting a Heifer to a plychiatrilt. He ' complaJaed to the cfocier for Show") and Jim Keethlft that his l1lilII0I)' IeeID8cI to -("Building a Sheep Feeder"). be fdina him. . Both , are member. 01 the . ., _. I The doctor in~ -local c:1ub~ Results were un"How Joaa haft you been available at press time. bot'hered with tbil trouble?" And he 1IIIWefeCI, ~ trouble?"
the contatalltl. Slle is under consideration for the state judgin, team, accordina ,to advisor Charla SdIes. A market pig, owne~ by. tile 'Club and raised by ~at Grie·· shop, was shown Friday by Gle,da MiI1~ and Cheryl Hart. The ~oject 'received :a red ribbon. ' ' The pia was sOld Friday evening at auction at the fair. Proceeds will go into the club'. treasury• . On Saturday, 9ick Doug, ..,.d Dave aBwon, the son,& of Mr. and Mrs. Lee O'BanioJ of . Wayneavilte Route 1 exhibited 'their Hereford heifers in the Junior Fair', Beef Show. ' DicW, Mmor yearliaa heifer I
School d~ys are .
. ,.
bou~d to
1 ' ,
be a daze of fashion '<
,. 'We've. g~,t the 1~J's, ': . plus .,value. Come 'save. ' .-
fre.h countr y ail' .0 they tried kicked even her own ~ hil pa8tul 'e, even a b ck the one on the lant notth of We left them in all ,day calf with a white fact. We us. There are ~nly cow. there Lee got the kickers on were down dlere looking at so it i. not so bad. Sleep ins this evening and that was Dolly t. three day old calf, a bags are a wonderful invenA FARM DIAR Y end of that, no Ihor~ Itic:ltil1l,t 'aiee bwky little white face rion, . the instant bed. It until morning. "then can by D. J. FRA~IER 'bull. It was a lively baby but make. "spen ding the night" put the kickers on without hy the the the boy. got there very .imple . One advantage geHins ,kicked? FndaYt AUJUlt 22~ 1969. A to drive them to the barn of the barn , over a tent, it ,is Saturd ay, AUgUst 23, 196 'lovely IDOOll looked down on Dolly had hidde n it asaill drier in ca.e of rain. The boy., ours and a coupl us this eveniD., looked just . and thous h they hunte d quite Setur .y, Augus t 23. A perof neighbor boy., could n't I' t the IUlC . . it alway. does a while by the light of the feet .umm er clay, the kind Wf' the .umm er , 0 by withou,t thou . about a month m~, we had t~ wait till IOIIlC tima; peak . of .. 1 one of thcir favnritc advc. 1'aao lIleD walked Oil ita ~r morai ng. moun taia clay 01' a Mich ip. turca" .Ieepi na 0& thc b l. face, call it ever be just a Therl _ the morni D, we or Caaadiaia clay. Hot lUll Othet yeaI'I they had "ept . '" . lipt fiJ:ture ill . thc . " fOl' UI , fo~d it aad brought, them the barn .e.... Illy ,h~se b.i t . IMat a Cool Maze , ' a clear , apia? up without much trouble, but thi8 year we had thc . 8;S EYeD 10 it Was aot li,ht Dolly did ' not wi,h to teed Toda,... in _ ..... to fiDel .a black calf Holsl eiu _el . daere aacl that spoiled tlae nice ~~-"!!I11!1!1'1-'~""""''''~~~~~~~_~~' ~~~~~ P~;"III!III!II~~~I!1'!!'1~~~~~-'~~_"'_~____~~"""
and .. . with 50 Btown .. ma..y ..lei there ... the touch 01 .adne.., a FOcl cid.2~ . gone, a family broken. I was intend ktg eo 10, in fact, I .did go by to look at the parkin g .ituati on. It w a I quite. good on a dry day, a nice hay field witit the can , parke d in Ilut roWi but the ca~h was ~at . ~e ~e by .h.eb we came 1ft d.d not ~Ion, 10 that house aael there wal no pte into the yard 10 you hael eo w,alk' ba~k out to the road and in apm. MCII .te~ easily ov~ the felICe but I cOuIcIa't do sltat 10, as the ..te was balf over-,
__• ..... I
. . DOt pIU .. , hu, ..,.. , I west . . . . . The ....mer _uaI a ill all . tile , __ aad
~rdeaJ aN i~
.. . . L~ . UlCII'
Zi ~n...,
Marip WS, Snapd ra...., Pal.. tuaiu ...d' nil the rat; a aice "laze of color. AJ.c,nS ~.e rOlla the .OIt ".nell ome WeHa an the bi, " Scotch ~ n.cy Uc YUJ tall this y~_; ~ full .ef their puple bloo~. Th~t1a aad the ~ purple Iro~eed, make a Dicc flower arr~i~ ment;· . I ' iik~ alf the op~ 1 did once. There are a ' lot of . lovely . ycllow c,Cllu,g ~~. ro~ along our ~ f~, biSler. and preuic r than aJly I ever ..., before• . Here is hopiDa that they . aet those bale, of .traw .in ,this Rathe r I \ a dull time, wouldD'e it be nice if 1\' were haY~8 th~J~~~ Fair DOW~.
'llmy '~dOCtor" wu' .. ~,
examiiUnJ • a pl'OlpeCttv8_
serviceman. "8it down ' in that chair," ordered the docto, very sternly. ~ .' . The rehictant prospect
obiyed. "A-'l," exclaimed the doctor. "Next ." "Why you haven't eYen . looked at me.'" r docto 'uWeU ,'" the . me explained, . "you heard , ten ' you to sit 4qwn, yoUr saw the chair. and,You had
enoup intelli8ence to caIry
out . then order.' Move. on,
By PAT VAIR \Vaynesville - 897·6826 Mr. and Mrs. Alton EarnLuvenia Coole at 278 S. Main hart and children, Ryan and St. in WaynesvUle. ' Ruth, of ,Chestertol\, Ind. , Those sharing the' 9ccasion were . recent visitors of M~. with. her were ' Steve and Ride Earnhart's parents, Mr. 'and Cole:;-2indy SulliV'an; Barbara Mrs. A. H. Btrnhart. The Bradley, Pamela Cliclc, Gail f~mily .also visited other relaHawkins, Laveta Kail, Liz and tives ill the area. 'S ue Bryant, Gayle Johnson, Mrs." Edna St. John enterTammy Pringle, ROhnie Sacle. tained Mr. and Mri. Ernest ett, Marty Mayo" Jim Heff- " Earnhart or' Carlisle 'on Sunner, Dale 'Coole and Jay . day afternoon and Mr. and Buckle. Mr•. J aclt Kin.worthy of Lebanon on Thursday. Glenila Marsh of ' Dayton .pent last week ",ith Elizabeth Chandtft and Lucille Armitage. Cueing her .tay, Glenna . . .: ., .:!\ Mr~' and \ Mr.. Berry Rat"l ,._ , , '. ebjoyed visiting many of h~ . 'liff of North Street aad Mr. r '~ ':':;t friends. . , and tdrs. Job Ratliff 'of Cor- The Iweetes( Summer. Readjing tln1), in MarY .'1:' - Spe¢ial'.. certificate tucked in,jde novelty nap- ' SteVe and P.ul Elder, Gaty Cook Library history 'bee-limed' to St. Mary's kins imprinted with cartoon bees. The certifi· 'w~ re~efttly returned from ~ HamptOa, and Tim Miller Parish H()UIe Thursday m~ornihg for a party cates were legal tendar for ice cream ~t Waynuth;"e~ WHIe. fishing tr~p to Spellt .the weekend in Coloni,Stoney Lake near Burleigh that' concluded a summer of reading under the. ville's n~ "Bright Spot!' Shown above are dub bus touring the , capital aDd theme, "Bee- All You Can I~ee , . '. . Read." This . re4der$ who read the most booles in their' age 'Palla, Ontario~ Canada. , , •state . fair with Robert Staru- . . Tbq vacationed a~ the sum- .ummer 140 younpter. pu·ticipated in the pro- divisions. In the front row from left to right are berrY dd DdUl~ Dalton. D~vis, Frances mer home of Mrs. Job Rat- r' sram and 83 arrived. fo~ ClutoOns and refresh- Julie ICier, Cindy Kje~ A sioup of 21 members of tiEr. sister, MH. N. A_ Bab- , meats. Winnlng readen t'cceived big, ~risht, Pe~s and Tina EdgingtoD. In the back row , the W.yn~ville senior Citicock of. Toronto. ' colored bees as awards for the program that ,f rom lefi to right are Rod St. J oha., Sandy zeas Qub met for aa after~ FulUag. ... esce1lent, ac- promoted reading and th4~ Ohio Honey Fes- Gross and Dawa Runake. nooa of sames and fellow.llip bval. All club members received a "Honcyb~e ' cordinj to the Tu-.y. Mr. ~d Mrs. calvin Loagacre ~d Mr. and Mn. Jim Wical were responsible for the refreshments .. The aeat meetiag will be a cliaaa meeting on Tuesday, ~ Z at 12:00 p.m. DOOD. A rMueIt .... been made .. for • ."'/ .., _ "I r· "The Buckeye Farm New.," leader, but also an autbo r of thole WKO attend 'iO pfaue I" • mon~f publication of the ' . a coUectioa of her own poi~ms. bring a photograph o~ tMml self p.. younpta'. Ohio Farm Bureau Federa, "Bent Wood Farm~' was tiOn, iacluded.· in itS August published ta 1958 and , acPamela Hay was the guest edition .an article about -Mr.: . Of honor, Friday, Au.. 22, at cording to "Buckeye Erarm DonaJd Dalla of Wilmington News" reflects "the fun, f:aith, a sweet satem birthday PartY Route I. and 'philosophy ,of f.rm f(,IIe." , aad Wimet: ro..t aiVeil br As author illustr:ator, Mrs. DaIIu. Q9W' at BlaIlchester High ~ool, - taught .he is mucl~ in demand as an home economics at Wayne.after-dinn~ "pealce~' for area ville High School , for three . activities, o(ten, ,giving I'udyear. .Ua the mid-.ixties. f r . her ' book. A family re~on was held She is Dot o"nly a ~er, on Friday, Aupt 15, at the farm ' wife alael ~ther, active home of Mr. aad Mrs. Jolm' club member and comm.mity Hawke and their lOa, Jeremy. , The pats inclUded Mt'. . C.uckle-A-Day .. and Mr•. David Hartsock and The customer returned ' .lOlli, David and Stev-, of his monthly payment card o~ the bank,'s chaqe with Brookfield, Wis.; Mr. and his check. The' card was not MH. F"* Hawke -of Fort stapled, folded .or C{eaaed in ' Worth, Tex. and Mrs Edith , , any ,way . . It did bear a , Hawke anel MH. Winifred correction in 'the tpeWng of Hartsock of Wa,..c.viUe. Ute man's ,name and' this neatly' penned meaap: " "Dear Machine: You · have Lady of the hou..,: spelled my name wrong don't need none."· apiD~ Pleale correct ' and SaleIllWl: &-,.ow 40 you acknowledge. It not ' know? I· DJilbt be . . . corrected by next month I ......... bookI... ' . .J'.ro\'lda lav~.~nJ ,,·ma ,opportun1b 10 own a~ !ntert'st ia prime real ,e stale. prln.. IhaU bend your cri" . 't\lpall, studenl hcfuslnK at l\lIaml tJnivenl&y; ...-..day Inns at Fair""... ad l'tan.II('ld; aD' f'll(h&·a&c~ olliC'e buUdln. In CinC'lnnaU; Itosela... Center. eo.isUDa' '01 oflk-to bulf.U"; Pln& ollke. shoppml. center. ClndnaaU; ....nuf~tUriDc .... offtt!e 'a('IIIUn. LiDia; IIII(-,t manar.eturt.... &ad warehou.lnl laelliU" Ciae~&I; I~ ~ last food outel., C;lndnnati. aDdI • ,l ar.e aurslne 'and coavaleaecnl ...... ~tetI. _
.... 'r'
.. .
..1 _
..... )..
'.. Cfnrlnaall.
Altn,,,U"el~ p'r k"
at II I per share to rei...... a .e......, ' " ~leld. 01 ..... .'. app"roxlmatel, 91,% :,,'as frH fr~. ~f!dera' iDceme lax as a retuna of capital d_ Ie " '••pftri.tloa allo, ~alK'CS for the 'ea.J' 1968. . " . ...
. A biator, of I'l'O\nb In ....... UHts Do,\' to.... over III 1DJ1ll0D. . ". PeteDtlal iDeOllDe and eqult~ .rowIia throu.." DC* aecalsl&loD8 aDd ......... ..,.. en.eDL ' I ' I ' " , • , , rrtJae pro~les ' wltla mOd tenaals on loq-lena ....... Be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tr • .,.. wlUa ..~t.&aIadi. . recordS ot ....... , ., I ',' ."... II Del.... aft off~ to bu or ..11 'trust eerunc.... ".....,..... .
...... . . JII'OIIDfttua on•• to a..kIft\ta of ......... ., 0bI0.
Wayncaville, Ohio
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • ... • • • • • • • • • PIMiIIe •••• ·. ........ • '. ,.
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• e . • • • • • • • •
} T~
Softba ll , Way ne. ville League final .tandi ngs were annou nced this week by league officia ls. Sta4d ings inc:lude: te~m 5 won 9, lost 3; team 1, won 8, lost 4; ' team 2, won 6 lost 6; team 4, won 4, lost 8 'a nd team 3, won 3, lost 9. ,Final Leagu e Leade n (Based ' on 24 at Bats) were als~ listed. These indud e the follow ing Team AS Hits Ave , Name D. Slmps on 3 42 · 24 .57~ 4 28 14 .500 S. Stiles 32 15 .469 H. Miller ' I
U. K.
Floren ce 1 38 1 n Sharp 1 II Cessn a 4 34 Ealcina
J. Leyes
14 .467 17 14 13 14
.-447 .424 .419 .412 ' .410 :405 .400. .400 .400 .400 .394 " .390 .388 .38R .375 370 :368 .350 .344 .344
.) 42 17 S. Copas 5 40 16 T. Hatto n M. P~mmiU ,2 30 12 4 '30 12 B. ~atliff C. Talbe rt 2 30 12 5 :B 13 G. Hatto n ., 41 ,16 ]. Purke y 2 36 14 5, Fede~le 36 14 .2 r Pnltl1c M. J 32, 12 T. Barton 1 27 ~O. , R. Sharp 5 38 14 ]. Smith 3 40, 14 y W. Tinne 1 32 11 G. D:lVis 32 11 3 H. Sf..\~ley 4 36 12 .~.33 J. JOhes The follow ing results wert; ' ;eportc :d for Aug. 10 'games : team 2 beat team 4 9 to 8, team 3 beat team 5, 12 to 4 and team J beat . team 3, 9" to 6. o
Chuckle-A-Day He calls his wjfe Angel because she's always up in the air. alway!! harping Oil something and never has ~ything to wear.
Th. Royal . were vic rious agains t the All-St ars i the recent final .atIle of the Min· or Leagu e season . The Royal s starte d vith 5 runs in the first i.,nin and 'kept going. Nothi ng could ,stop them. 16-t.1 The game ended in victor y. The game COnc1Ud(ld an outsta nding baseba ll .se aaon. ~inor Leagu e ' offici . s said they greatl y apprec iat ~c:;l the of assista nce and Sl,lp parent s ..
ilbau 'h Mrs. Heil r Recei ve·s H0 n In Nebraska Mrs. Melvi n . Hein1 bauch , the forme r Miriam· Wil, on, of Gerin g, Neb. was one of 11 person s honor ed for I lacing ln the top 10 per ctnt of hel" , dass , at the ' recent ~dhadron State Colleg e Summ e Com-
Wayn esville Hip Schoo l'. n~ lootba ll coach in, staff have been busy this summe~, kickin g aroun d plana for the appr~. ing leaaon . From ieft' to ript above· are Dave Parld wqt, 1969 Indian a Unive rsity grad te; He,nry (Huk ) SchDeid"" ~ni. • versity of Cincin nati gradu ate and forme r head ~ at I)ay ..ton's Cham made Hijb Schoo l and Jim Rowla nda, Wr'ip c State Unive rsity. gradu ate and forme r caachin, staff ~ember Colon el White High Schoo l at Dayto n.
. "Johnn y Berna rd Orego nia Qoute 1 is still 1n K~tt~ring Memo rial ~o pital after a one car aedele nt at ~ 4:~O a.m. S~nday at tllle intersectio n of F;ank lin Rcrad and , Ohio 42 at WaynesviU~. sa redcle w1 Kidd was e~ted for operat ion by J::»olic:e Chief Cbule s LeMa y after Kidci' . .• tation wagon struCk a pole i,n the merid ian at the; foot of Frank lin' Road. ' The crash . broke off ,' the ry' I pole and .toppl ed two '.fnlercu .~ap~r lights into Oh.io 42. ~idd was treated : alt ~etter Ing Meanorial for a bro~en nose and jaw, multip,le fadal lacera tiorls and unde't ermin ed 'ih~ernal 'injurI es.
pC. ' .....
ThW Imo,9th top Sert.-o rthol'ul C tile crown n:tattresa Is IrntSlltlble et.,.... price. With it, you . . ~ lut , In beauty plua health ful. over... . s~p~rt from famous ,Serta-OrthofiPC
firm Inner conltructJdh. .
lUlU II. 2.,11" Nt, .•..•••, . . . II~ I " 3-pleet Nt ••• ':'A ."....
A quilted beIIut1 ttiat·taiVtll you both the unique In"" comfort ·Ind IUJ)o port of the Serhl-o rtholulC C.prl mett ..... plus the outet...I"'~ of " ·th. $79.so Perfect SI~r.. I.UWlI lIE 2.,I!IQ~ At ..•.••. $1 ..... illM 111I3.pleceaet :',. . . . . . . . .. .
-- -'-'--_.
Alar m• .ThWartS Burg lary Atte mltt· ., ' Wayn esville , PoUc~: ' Chief Charle s LeMa y inVI~stig;ated an 'atfem pted b~rllary at 12: 15 a.m. Tuescf ay at Town send's Moo.J'e's and 1V Stalre, we r e . Bt:eak-in auem pr, "rs !burgl th,.art ed when I the trippe d the store's burgla r alarm , •
to Sm~U fry "How .come soda , spoil my martinis give appeti te?"
THe se""-OrthoIUX CllMlc ~,.
com"'CO-COrner•......, ..... ~
Inl QOmrort · piUs the firm ~ doctMs ........ ..... A ...1 b..utr ~ with comfclrt.;quUted 1IDkI ' end white pltnt caver. '
UIIIIII Zl2.,le ce ..t •••.••.
!!!!-! .
II... 1"3i1l ece,•..•• " ...........
fRIENDS HOME By' NeUi~ 8unn~1I In looking tCFrom Porch" this week we aee .tII at Charla Downing'. fence is in the process of being painted and ,i. llmolt all white again. IThc Window boxes .ac. tbe MarY ,L. Cook Library are f,l111 of bloom - and the SWilllgS are very busy. Wjth the opening of schCl'ol and living across from t~,. "old" scho~l 'building, we alt'c reminc;led by an older ~adlu. ate of the school, " that the 11 l' .first . giaduating class of "'W.H.S~ wa~ in 1872•.
Friday petra her ci&upta', Mrs. JohftlOD and childr~n.. Caller.. at the uHome" the put. weelC included: Hel~n a~d Jame. O'Dell; Rue and Antha pinwiddie, ~ a t h f : Baird and Lima Smallenberger of Dayton, Elsie Watkins and Guilda .Brunk of Sprinsboro, Nellie Fitta of Chilli~ cothe and Catharine Whitacker of Waynesville. M~s. Mildred Johnson of Columbus and Mr•. Leah Kerr of Wilmington were Sunday guest.$ of Ada Courm~y. Gladys Hartman visited her
Robert Carter &5 21 N. S", ST.
" I
Members ' of the class w~re Hprace M. Allen and J. Bd· win J;mn·ey. i
After a short visit with h 'er ,d aughter, Mrs. Oorochy Eval~s of· Y 9ung~town, Anna Thaelkara returned to the tCH~mc~" .on Monday.
Waynesville Bits and Spur. 4-HSaddle Club membera are neum, conclusion, of ' hone ahow plan.. Mecnber Mark Rye ' Birthdays celebrated here and club advisor Mr•• Foy Borton exam~e L~y Fox on~ of this week were Nettie Palmf':r the Ry 'handsome AppaloOiaa. Bica ,and. Spurs 4-Hers have on Wednesday and Opal set their all youlL hone .how for Aug. 31 at the Warren . Tressler on Thursday. County~PairFOUIlcla~ I}a:f£ie J1ubb was a aue.t. ,~f .Mat:ie < Ward on F~iday. ., J ~sephinC! , Earnhart a III d grandchildren called on A~tla Co~tney the past week. Dennis Dalton wu ar"fhwt's.
clay luncheo~ guest of . Anna Thackara. Gladys ~ Hartman had •
i· ,
.DOTS .... CAltlPJ)"S ·NOTES
REG. $2 .• 98
REG. 45¢
PreParing atuclenta for fu·
municative sleills and mathethe methods and reward~ of matics; sound economic planning. &Uic objective of a new 4. to - Itimulat~ critical thinkO.W.E. will be ' offe~ecl' to schola.tic prc:iiraa;a" to be in· ing that the student may ~c stud~nts' 16-years-old 9r older troduced at Wayneaville High qpire the ~aedcal sleiil ,:1nd who have been screened by , Sch~l this fall. proper m~tal ·att~tude to guidance counaelors on the :,OC:cupatiohal Work ,E~.i· ."ucc~fully reaolye hjs own " baaia of the youth's abiHl]Y to ' problems; , CIlCe , (O.W::E.) will direct succeec:l in vocati9nal cduca-.tudenbl ~ ~ hi,g'her achowdc ,. to e,peci_lly emphasize boa. aehieyement. It ~U1 also offer individualiZ;C<l instruction and , Eligibility will also de!i,end o.-the:.j~b employtttcnt exper-. coUllleling''! ~ that the stuon approval b~ high. aclltool i~e in addition ' to '.pecial dent may improve has ~~vi~ principal, . 'O.W E. Coordlinaacad~ and related work. ' cJual level of achievemebt, Ili. tor and parenta. Wayaeavate Hi.h School's Sense of PFSOnal ,vo.rth. hil ~urae afforela the stu" OWE program will be hans~dy habits and his employadent a ~ull high school I~du bility; dled by former superintencation. The teaching acheaule 6. to ...iat the atudent to . indudea a hall day _ill th~ dent' William D. Mye r s, O.W.E. Coordinator recOgnize, develop and utiJl~ c1wroom and a half day on. The new course wat be prohi. .~al 'iabilitie. and ' .pd. . the-job. ,; , ' ,. , r; ~'j" ,. ar~ed around the followtudes 10 tLat Ile may better . CI...room' stUdy · will cen· ing 10 objec:tivea: realize hiS poteDJiA!; ter around rtW'o ~r mor~! re- i 7. to establish. respect for quir«l aca~~ic subjects (for' I. develop ilabia, attitudes, legal, sociat, and '-av~ reaponwhich the atuClent will rec~eive and com~e. that", are .militia throu~ , .ludent. credit) ,and iDatruction rellated ' aecaaary for .ucceaafui., job to oll.the.job experience. centered acU!itia ,deaigned to adjUltlftent and occupational Cooperating Cmplofera proreaclineu through actual oil'; ' develop an appreciation for vide th~ other half of thr righa of otherS; the the-job and related in-achool 0 ' training by hiring tb .fUclents . 8. encourage th~ 'tuaen~ ,upenenca; through the O.W.E. <:dordi· to . realize a , need for educa· 2. build better pupil telf- _ natoI'. tion and leaming by .pedfi. concepts and aelf-undentandWork pennita are iaa~.!d to cally ,relating IIdtool experi-, . iDg in relation to realiatie all .tudents ander 18 yean enea lID life experiences; '8OaIs; of age. , 9. establiah the basic ~e·' . J. improve baic _illa by O.W.E. allo ' provjdesl for lpeer and aUeJian« necesauy pro~cliag ~edial opportunifull time employmeat. TIllis 'is reladonahipa for IOlid family tiea' OD an individual and 'and ' achieved ~ :through m u t u ~ I pup bUia in such ate.. .. 10. create a .realization .,f _greem~~ amo~. , ~tellta, reaclin,. .pe~liag, the comNl'e etnployability will J,e the
em.ployer, school officials and the student. In the cas~ of full time work, the . studebt would complete hi. edacatio~. duryag. evening high schOol clanes.
-_ . . . . . . . . -
.. =............-....... ~J.-...... ' __ .... ~."
' --'i -, -
1'............. :
........... M . . .·
.. 3' ..... .,... -
• Barb Bradley,' dauahtei of Mr. and Mr.. Kenneth Bradley of', WayneaYille Route 3 and .T om Jama," lOa o~, Mr. and MrS.. Charlea O. James of ' 161 North·· <MaUi Streer~ Wayaeaville 'r e pre. it'li't e',~ Wayne Local Hill' School at the Thirteenth AAnUal Leadeniup Trainiag Worbhop at Ohio No1'theni Universi'Y at
Ad•. The worbhop proaram wu spouorecl by Ohio Aaao. ciation of Student Councila, from July 27.Aua. 1 untler.the awpic:ea of the Ohio ~. nOll of Secondary School Prinnpal.. The lummer br~upt topther • t u den t~/ cO'uOcil .tepreaentacivea fr9fD
tlirouahout Ohio. Durin, the five day. 9n the Ohio North· CI~ ca~p,:,., the ltudcnta dia. CUlled problema common to their schoola and developed solutions using improved leaderahip and group procell techni.ques. rhtough allociatioQ with other students, mode council aneetings, lectures, and mEor. mal diicwaions, the delegatea explored the application of democratic prillCiples at" the high school level • " This year rie.rty 900 , stu- - . dents participated ift five • worbhopi under the' ~itec tion of. the OASC Executive Secretary, Dale Rich,nolld. Richmond co-orcl4t8ted four regUlar 'worbhopi aDd all advwe'd worbhop, which ,Of,. ganized a mode ~ty . and 'al· lowed the •.tudents to uperi~ eDCe the ICOPe and, dytWnica of e 0 III III a a it y , problema thro"gh ach,lal participation.
, A candidate for sheriff , ~ed on I ; minister tQ uk for hit at' Ute cominl'
66Before I deCide to &iVe you my .pport," said the minister,··"1 would like to ,Ilk you • question." " -00 riaht ahead,"' said thecan_te. , . "Do you ever partake of • intoxicating bcve...eJ'l" mquired the clergyman. , "Before I answer that, I WOuld like to ilk, YOU I queltion," laid the WOUl~
sheriff c:autioualy.
"Is this an inquiry or an, ,"
~"7;~ " It will be My plea.ure ~o take over ~e wriu.al of the 'village aewa while Mr.. Price ha. othcr duties to aneed to ~d wh~' .he. &eavea for a . ~ welcomc 'vacatioa in Septem~ to
her Iitdc c.hin _ the co~try ~ .~~tiful
. Ocil,
A profellOr from the Harvard Business School was teUing his six-year-oid son the story of CindereD.. The ~Y paid flattering attention - . pa~ticularly when his father came to the part where 'the pumpkin turns into a' gol.o ooath. H;e ,interrupted only lonl .cnoup to ask, "Hey, Pop, did Cinderella bll\fe te repor,t that ai itniaht ~me;' or ,did th" let her eIl1 it a c.ltital ."in?"
ers have moved back into their callers , of Mr. home wliich Wa' badly bur"ed . Charles Price. in May. ' ( . Greg Wil1i~rns of i:.ebRftol1~ Mr.. Helen Robertson and spent last week-end with hil' her daughter and family, Mr. grandparenu, Mr. aftd Mr•• , and Mn. Richard ~llinler, P.uI Melampy. Mr. aad ~•. Fraak Gih· . ha~e retUrned f'ror,l a two .on '. altd family attended thle week'. ·visit ·· with Rftother daugtiter and f~ily, the Brown family reun,on at Da),'- , Glcp ' Frotts, of Phoenix, Suada,. 1
Ariz. ( . At.. . . '. f
foe -
, ... Wc ·r....,.·.rc. ._i. &om . • ~f!W C ••• ~a, . ~ .. • few .ita . ! M'Rlia" .c' 1M Ralph f.-y ... ~ '- wed:aftCl f~ M.:a. 'JttKa'• .act ~Cl'IY f.it). wIdcIa Ipeet its lit' the ...me eI. , the Waltt:r 'yuatiala tl'l~ctial the NeC.rreu. " it .at • ~ t the Mao•• SC•• .n J,!an.- (Lois f . . . . . .w ha+c"" " • lit:. o~.. Mt;....d Mr., Bob Dodd., ,Gillam) &lid c:hildren of At· tie better and a' littlc lea. of :. ~ aacl ' .....· ~ • few ,da,. with, Mr•. . laata, Ga.·...,at sometime at
I"" in,...w.e .
50 .:....... ., tlac Shrael
. " 1be'.. ~t .Qub niet . , at" thc .heilae 'of M:n. Oliver , Jecoba ill ~ctt~ 1ftunday. . Mr. ~ ~•,.~ Ba-oth·' I •
, Dectcl'i
pareats iA
Oia T-.aday, ,Mr. William Kia, from A~da1ct Fla• and Nn. P...... .Mill«, ftOlll bayeee w.ited with M",. Mabel Tm.y. . .~ Mr. .ad .Mr•• 'Charlca Price f
TnI'll. ' AJIII
Trui!k Oa'III"'I'K. We !Y1l Hllttlfl eLL'" ) SALES R~NTALS SUPPLIES , I
h :rlltt'C1 em ,·Rnlltr 42. 1 ~c MfHl I
me J.otilc of her fathel' M il'. aad Mr.. Harold Gillam. n.e BU had • pizza party .t the hOMe of Maurice 80" ' ._ Tua4ay e~.
Louie McCarren has .~e· turn'ea home from .. the' huspital after,a ' brief illness . . atten~ the A.,...~. (Ameli'W ee~-end pests of Mr.. and I ~ ~r.p Sh,oot) .. at Vatl~lia4, ' 'they expected to ace Mr•. Mr.. Lewis Hoagland wf~r~ Pric~" l.coUlin compete, but he Mrs. J ane~ .Gwenl~g . and , had already participated: ~d eL.ilclren · of' Dayton, Mrs;> Mary Martin and son of Q ily· left. ' . ton _d 8~11 ~ee"«:s, daugll~tcr, . Wecb;te.day. ev~g Mr. Kay, ', a It pand-dAughlter, Hp~ard Wilaon of Pataskala, ud Mr. and Mr•• Robert Zel· .Teresa of' Ashland. Ian and their ~o ch,ilclren of , : The far~i gradc?rs liste~ed ColumbUl, Ga; were pesta of as their te,ach~r on a fie:ld ~. Mabel Tefry~ ,: trip pointed to a flock r (~. ~K .~AA, ) o~ ..)Va, ~·i birds abo f '"' Jo mlgrate: ,'they' were noisy ~nd rolto.. ,wa. ~ ' dinD~ ~t of ': excited before, their lo;ng Cui ... ~.~ TheJiu ~arto~. , top., . , ,' ,,' . ~~ aild Mr'4 WilIWn ZulJ. . "What· do you sup~se lace' . were Tliurac:lay ~ey are saying?" ,she ·.:ed one tot. , " He replied, "I" imagine ' the mother birds ~e t~ning their children they better go to the' b~thtoo fust. 'r , ,
\\'111'1'1 (itlllllll'r CahlJlinK. 'f~ltilel'K, 1:J' '\lIIdp~ II. t'hc~I"itl frolll. AllIO Way,\e eUIIII'l'r Trin'el Tr~ilel'K &
~ . Ky.
· The bod of of Otristine Wells of Middlethe WafteD CoUlll)' Society town; for .tuffiDl die envet. for Crippled Cbildrai (The Opel, Mn. John Leuzinaer, Ea,..., Seal Socict,) IW aD.. Mr. ' aDd Mn. E1 Daugherty, ·aOUllCed that the.' . .eroua Mr•• C. H. YQUIll," Miai Alma people of WarreJi CoUlll)' Montaomer,:, Min Eva Banta, have made 1969 the bamaer Mr. and Mrs. .Neel Rou" Mrs. year with total , teceipa of Lilla Sbeeu~ Mr.. Jack Panf6,232.17. · , .inl, Mn. Harold Kin" Mr.. . C~iQtes of merit were ' . J. Gr~1 Walker, Mias M~ ' mailed to: · Mrs: · Hencbel .Willoulhby, Mia Mary Car\... Ihown, Publicity' u«toi-, who . roll, and .Mn. Mildred, Wil~' . did an outs~~, job; for liam.; Henchel Kendri~ typinl the 19,628, envelopa, moyen, for h.uling the let. Mr.. Georle Kelly, Mia Marfer. to Oreaonia ' without ian 'Willouahl)y, Mila Mary charge; Earl Conner of Way· Carroll, Mf•• Dallaa' Williams, "; aeaville for liviaa UI hia 1Up" Mia ~ List Carey, Mrs. port by being .ponaor of, our Job Leuzinger, Mn. ~an e!fOft8; and to David Wool. Rou, Mrs" ~oma.·, Dejer, 11m , for being the "Eater Lily. Mr.. ~dred William. ancl . CIiild" and givinl ~ir.tion , ' Mn~ Janet Perkin. and Mn. to othen. .' Director. wa~ mOlt .ppreI
d.tive of newa cov~~..e indudin, The Miami Gazette, WafteD 'County ~~eporter,
PranIdia ~, ' 'Wea1enl . . Star, Loveland Herlilc:l; and Middletown JoumaL March is th~ u~ldiaonal monJll·of the Ea~fer Sea" and leuen are mailed out :Marc:h I '~ of each year. A1tho'l~ah the ' public is appro.Cb~ · at ao other time,"molliy it J ived all year. Many ' penon. prefer to preaeat memonata. to the Society in memoQ' of a loved o~
year. ~Iao, four chU~ and the~ acorta partWpaied hi • .pedal ·day at the Obio State Fair. This wu done, free of charle, due to the leneroaity of the people of Warren Q,UIlty. Othen are urled to apply for this Progr.. .inc:e , the Society cannot learn W~Q' can Well it is Conta~ and nama are p18cecl 'oa file. Anyone wiahinl to learn about WCSCC .ervica .hould coatac:t W~ B. Chesney of Muon or Howard Bern. inger, Mias. Marian WUloughLy and Mr.. Mildred Wil. Hama of Le~anoJl• . . .
Geraldiae Woodi ii' CODfined to GrandView Hospital ill Dayum. . A birthday party was liVeD on Saturday, AUI. · 23, for Patton by Ilia parent- ' Mr. and MtI. ~ ',Pat, .
:troy IOD.
The &belts were Pauline Lamb, Anthony ' and Bobby
Davia, Robbie ' ~Uc:oat, Don· aa and Mary Chatin, Ray· mond aad Dana Waleen, -Teresa and Rol1in . Lamb, 'T ere I a PattenOll, JauuEer ~b and) Todd and BrYan .' am~A·D.y . A group of Vennonten .' Patton. Cake, ice Cl'eaJIl aad sama were sitting around the cracker barrel in the were enjoyed by all o~ than. country store cliJcuaing politics and the wadd
WDo baa died.
The work c:onaiata olF .pecial
braces and c:orrectivle .hoa for cbildfta and the toan of . hospital equipment. The . . . project 'of the SoCiet ia the .ummer speech dinic ~)£ which Mia Kathy Covert olF Zanaville was the inItruc:tor thia year. .t a COlt of '_1.,000 for the whole period. It allO .hara In tie coat of the '1c:ouaty epilepay clinic: which U held in altemate lOc:atio~ TIle . ety ~ !IIOUIlc:e4t "that two c:bilcben .hlu:ed . the fun at Camp. Pittelllger . thia .
when· the
conwrDtion. turned to the population explosion. They .. ~ed about what would · . happen' if.lOmethina wun't : done pretty lOOn about the problem. . "I ield. TeCently" t , . one
feDow repqrted, ~~t in 10 many y~ there would be standinl"l'OOIIH)fIIy here 011 earth." An '· older. Vermonter, who had·...4 nothlng up to tbiI point, ICratched his head and oblervecl, '-WeD, that oughta alow them down some."
a.u~A·P.J A motoriI1 WII ~ til
the country whIa mcldlDly lOt .,.at
.IUI cu and
diiddoa the IpII'k
pilip whell an, old hone :::II1II trottiq up 1111 tOld. , "aeu.r dIec:t the . . tine" IBd , the hone Iai4 . ttottedoa. The motodatiaD to the . neuelt fumh01lle and told the ' far,m er what ' had
. "WU it an old hone with a floppina ea.r, ukecI the
farmer. "Yest
cried the
man. ,
"WeD ,Dr," llid the
fumer, . "don't pay
. atteiltipn to him. He dbeID t
know much about carL" 'I) ,,(' 'f
:' ~Iues waiting for you and· you; , , _taqtily right ,here, cit 'home. Outftt -the kids for school, repleni~ their supplies and ~. ,"re fun while youtre doi~· it•.wher. local ~ing : ~ youtr. among ',a ll y~r trill·mcIlS. Find ' ev.rythi.' y~ need at ,riceS ~-, as low or lowe, ........Jsewher., too. •
sor~s DJUVB.IN· Waynllvw.. O~. l
waY....vl.... Ohio
earl" at. home.
Waynllvllll, ...... .
waYMlVi11t. Ohio
.. I'or Sale
Beal .state
GARAGE SALE OD Haines Rd. Boow tinI, wi&. etc. Ph. ,886-&569. 1301
REDUCE .fe and f&lt with Gobette ,ableta and E-Vap w. t e r pU~. '.
Wa)rneevitle DrUa. . ,SIIE'I'L&ND Ponies for Phone 887-"73 or 891-6716. lOotf FARMALL B witb cultivators. 1300, Samuel C. Haltom. )ft. Holly.. ~i. Nortb,r Waynfl8Ville on ()ld Route '2. 130t SCRATCH palla for pie a' n, Miami Gdette. lOS S. Main St. · WaynesyiUe. llndf , REHOVE '~ body nuj~ with Fluida Tabl., 'onlY 11.'9 at Wayntl.vWe Druc: ., 130' s
ALUIIINUK aod Vinyl eidins. Fne Ph. 982·1225. 1103
1"9 OBEV. Impala, 2-door white, , air condition, 360 eqine, automatic, , blue interior, , . over pa~entll. Balance '136M. includee aD carryinl at GDO. Mo"tbly parmeate Il26.2'4l The retIIOn, eervice. Ph. 897-6ill 1801
ORBl'I;'ER Floor Cleo,,", heavy duty - bra"d new, never bee" UII!d. ~ v~uum ' neeper, uPnlht; ~ttle uaed. Pb. 897~2876 'lacl
MODEL 1000 MuJtilith oUset pr:nt· in, Pfeil with automatic blanket . waaher. Geetetner Yodel '51 dupli· catot witb Geltefax Electronic Stell· . cil Beanne" .nd cabiDet. All tuel· lent coDdition. PhoDe 'the Miami Odette 897 -6921. ~,\. Ilnctf
FREE Doc to ' ~ bome. 1 >1'ar old, very pntle. Ph. 886·2609 1301 POOL table with ace_riee., lAke new. '100. Ph. 886·2809 1301 TOMATOES lOe lb. or 13.00 buah...t. after 5 p.m. andweekendl. . Comer of Lytte.Ferry Road. Gene
Wanted DO you have pod clbthing tbot your ~ have ou~wn? ' I will take uaed childftlD8 clotbin, on colUlignment. Qotbing', m' u 8t be cleaned, in good repair and si&es marked. Pb,one after 5 p.~: 897-2232 1~01
WANTED TO BUY: Outfide front door 'with door frame, 34" wide X · 79" high. (Wiil. consider larger door . that can be (IUt down). Aiso want a amaH batbroom flink and faucets. Call The Miami Guette 897-5921-uk for Mr. Edsall 13net(
LET me baby sit for you in mr home. By hour or Day. Ph. .897-5921 · 13nctf
Semces' PLUKBING, L. , A. Louie' Beedy. Bee WI for your inataUation of water j
hea&ep,' IOftnen, fixtureIt, pner-' repain, remodelinc and 'new conIIh'uotion. Ph. 887-6129 J:3c2 NOW in your ~ cpatom uphol. aterr Shop. Free p~k-up " delivery. Call 897"'1. ' 1000&
TOlf Poodle Stud 8enioe, AXe White or Apricot. 110. Appointment onb'. Pbo... _-'la. J.Wl
POll SALE: 1/2 mile nortb of W.ynesville '00 Bellbrook 'Road, 2Itory, 3-beclroom, modern. white ' frame, in exeeUent ~ndition, 2-car ,arap. ~rD, 8.1/2 acr•. 120,000. 897·2113. 1202
WA¥NESVILLE LiViD. With CIt, ;ear old. brick raDeb, I becIroomI. family room, attached ......., ~ acre • •000.
QlnvealeDce . .
braces, special shoes; loan of 'The Haste( Seal Socie~r -hospital equipment, summer Nation's first major volspeech therapy clinic, share in un~ty effort to provide care , ~ilepsy clinic" summer campS bedroom bam. CII IIJtD a., and treatment for the crippled Lar.. rOOml, bardwood ,ing, attendance at state fair - is celebrating its golden anDoorl, pl.lter ~aUI, ·full and (omplete co-operation niversary this y~ar. . ..... t. ..,OOO. with all other health agencies A number of events are in Wa~re~ County. For futplUmed nationwide ,t o InarL:: R. E. WAD~ REALTY ther information, ,conc:actM.,1 the anniversary. Among ' them,. "~I440 Willoughby,• • 9 3 2- .49', or i _ .~re a golden anniversary flag .. Jerty Hoffmann 8974248 BeoU Rem1ey 89t-'2GaO raismg ceremony and the ,oth SuiJ.ndtd ] Berma" Wea~r ,897-7858 Remodeliaa ", '. anniversary convention olf 'the Ceillnl' NOTICE-;;:FOR BIDS Gutt.rs Easter Seal Society tO~ be held BidI wiD ' be ' received by thl! RYE'S aO.TB.A.~mG 'an.llnt in Col~mbus, Nov. 19·~2., The WqDe Twp. Board of Truatee'a ,FREE ESTIIlAT~S • ' Oh.io Historical ~ciety' and WaperiiIle. Ohio, until Sept. ii, ~e Ohio and N ,a tional' Eyter on the followia«: ' ' Route 2 Pr~ Road Waynaville, Ohio Two hUDCfred 4: ninety feet of Seal Societies will d,e dicate a standard field fence .t7" bich with historical mat:~ at th~: sit,. No. , toP ct bOttom wire" 8 in. Stay of the. hospital in 'Elyria ~here , wireI, two end pte ct line poet" DO' eueediQK ten ,feet ap.r&. One ,the founding ' ~eeting was top bub wile. , ' 'held. PoIte .may be either treated wood ~lso, to marL:: the occasion, SA-NO , or 1IteeI. , the Post Office Department AD materials 4: labor furniIbed .t pmperI:y ini&aIled within 16 cIa)'l of haa announced plan~ to issue COMPOST ---- .! -.-JOP SOIL ' II elosiaa bid date. a commemorative stam), en· Located on Twp. tiDe ltd. in RIC'~ARb .RATL.IFF ~ . co~raging rehabUita~oll~ 0 f Wvne Twp, 'Warren eo: Ohio. , Ph. 897-2726 crippled children and ;~d"lts , WayM TWp. Bo.,...t of TruIteN Spring Valley 862~4211 James E. Davia, 0erIt 18c2 during the Novemb~ cdtnven· tion. Special first clay c.achets " ' Chuckle-A-Day .'" are being prep~ed by a num. HOP 'K' I "N ~ring the fire drill on ber of philatelic compulies. the cruise liner ,a number of ~ X T E R MIN A T ' I N G CO. ' . According to Miss l\-brian 'p.ssengers crowded around ; PREDDY L. STOUT Willoughby, presidelit of' the it lifeboat. From the R............tiv. foredeck, an officer called Warren County Society tor out, "Women, children and "OUR HELLO MEANS ' ,crippled children, an Easter "those on the !-cJo Now, Pay . GOODBYE TO HOUSEHOLD INSECTS" Seal affiliate, the move to pro· ~ter Plan' please ,go firs!; 260 .A1I... s,. · vide ser~ic~s for the crippled 'Franklin, Oblo 45005 Pbo_ '148-9,13 began' in April, 1919 with the for mation of the Sod- ,. ety for ~Cript:lled Children in Elyria. 273 FRANKLIN Street, beautiful, 3 bedroom, bricik ranch. fl.rdY/ood noon. la. livioe room, modern ,kitcben. Priced to .U, Jam" Wi.· man, 885-6680. WIlEN buyinr or ..moe real ettate ., why not ,caU UI. We bave capable ..... perlOns in your area to help ..tilly your needa.·
' ~RAVE~~
,The Warren County· Socifor Crippled Children, , to day, provides ' , ' ety
, Excellent . opportuni~ for Jroung , man interested in lel»'Jling ,print· '
ing trade ,
linotype c;pera' /. . 'r-
tion. Course runs 12 wee~. Tui·
tion 'maY b4' worked- out,
' ment avaiJable ~n complfitic n or:
Apply a~
GlaSette ,
;, .;.~~
PH ~ 897-7931 or
hitch Certificate acc:ompdied h, a dOctOr'. recordl of baaic . immUDiatioD. Fint Fad~ pupa. must be lix yean ola by Sept. 30. KmclerprteDeta must be five New ltudents ud those Ly the 'aam~ date. ' who have Glade °a l'elidential , Morning kinderpr~ ' class- move may phone the school ea wiI1be taught from 8:,0 , for bus ' ~edulea. a.m.~ 11 :30 a,1Il. Afternoon A new ",*dmg ~od wilt . kindergarten has been IChedbe 9baerved thiS year. Report uled &0. 12:30 p.m.-3:1' carda 'will be diltrihuted ~t , p.m. Puene. ar~ ' urged to .be ~e week Wtrv~. lUl'e which' leaIiOD ' their children attend. Blemen~ cluaes , will ~ cOnducted from 8:~0 a.M.-
3:20 p.~ High school claas· ea will ltaft at 7:50 a.m. aad dOle at ,2:39 p.m. The school wiD operate on • new seven day schedule.
CluUtDlU vaCation lull been '
from Dec. 2Z-Jan... with Dec. 19 the lut day of. atbool prior to vacatiOD.
, let
of new cour~. will be offered ,high aool
etUfD~ to the lumt thia ' Week with minimum ~. old, fuhiolled carrl.ge 'u~1 block lb froDt of the Antiq.- Shop ... lOcated by the , following: the Whhmer Darold, Juani... Lila, B& del Darold, Jr., Tom Jam,e., Phil Mol' , Jhrt ; ~, Grea Blythe, Sue FerguJOD, RicIl ard Peak and Opal L. RCUOD.
,MidU 'Gazette Where L
'I Ndents thil year. Theae mclude advanced biology, ~' drama ud ~ofolY. The 1Ch001 'cafeteria will be School princi.palI ,ud office , 'Oper&an, opening day. penonnel will be available ,at Gncla o~ tbroup liz will / Waynaville youth Step" the .mool ~ "lilt with rep- ' 'R. Roller wu accidental y be charpcl 3' and 40 tration. ceDe. will be charpd .tudenta killed by a dynamite bLut Aug. 18 while helping ' d . tree .twnps at th~ hGllle of his b~ther, Bobbie of '/ Chetwrnc:l,' Btidlh Col~~~, Canada. Roller, 23, ~d his brotl er were dynamiting .tump' Ii ~ Dawson Creek, Canada wtiLen
EnIry eOuPOIll wiD .. a..nable at ada of our fift ClDUDIIy wiele, locatiolll - DO limit to the .,...... of ~ ,eni caa eaiet. You wiIJ 'reaiye ODe ada yOu vilit ODe of our CODftaiadl, tocalell .,.,........ Pew ~ fiaat, moet up-to-cbte ~ ia
tecti6il behiDd a a.my ' tree ltump af~ settinl a dyna· alile charge 'a t mother. Stephen Wu fatally injured
Burial , wu Cemetery.
By ~ D~ltoD' COrwial, \V~y.nesvi1le'. sit· , ter- village aero.. ~, Little Miami River, is beml upFade« thanh to villaae council and interested citizens. :rite princi~ pb,rbon of the town'. fic:st 'curb. and gut. s are being completed alonl the r.st .ide 'of Main Street. A tQtal 300 feet from Franklin.}UrVoeys"urg Road to ' the WayneaviU~ ,Fanners S¥change will , cost property owneta an overall ~'O. , ExcavaiiQn is beinl hal1dJ,ed DY Howard (Red) Cirnea ,of Wayneaville. Curbs and gqttera _re und~ conattuction by the firm of H~bert Smith ~d ~II: of W~yneJvmeRoute 2. The .ectio~ of M~ Street flanking the project will also be widened 20 'feet and re~ surfaced with about three . inches of aspltalt lacktop at 8:° eXpellIe of ~2,OOO. "~~..wia COJ,lllcilmen have mtfie - village improvement deal with'residefttJ. Village' olfiam will resurface streets cqrbecl and guttered by the JW,Operty oWllns liviDl on •
additional t~w of maplq to with stone from nearhy Cae. ' he plante~ on , the west ' side 's ar's Creek. A wishing weU effect was of Main Stre~~. , and comp,linilented created Other impl:ovemeilt m",- , 'I,. -. (continued on page :Z) , Urea wilt include a parking lot to be conattucted on the site of the Bill PurkeY !lpartm~nts _djacrnt the Corwin" Grocery', The 'two story building has already been marked for d~ moUdon. Apartment hOUie ,owner an4 l'
Spring ,Valley councilmen adopted a liquor ordinance for the village during reguldf, session Aug. Z5. The ordinance prohibits in· " toxication within the corporate limits of the Green County vill;lge. '
It also' prohibits the con- ,n sumption of intoxicating bev- ' ' erages 'in motor vehicles within the corporation and the poss~ssion of ,an open container 'of intoxica~g liquor ,i~ a public place within the corpor-
businessm&Jl - improver Bill Purleer said that h~ had plans in mind ror beautifying the lot. Purkey, who keeps his h~nd, on the co~ity pulse, stimulated Corwin's primary hnprovement program in 196? wh~n he and volunteer WO~k' eta enclosed tbe village pump'
.interest, we are proud to base The opening of a nlew eri. - i~ this, field., our operation in one of the terprise, to engage .in what Out enterprise is ,an extenmast histori~;l-' buildings ,in many consider' a hoblby but sion of my own private cot. one of the nations 'most his. what is actually becoming lection, assembled over abo~t more and mor~ a .eriolils busi· torical towna,: Lebanon, .. th~ ten years and' stored away Cedar City from which our ness for long-term investors, safely in a bank vault, wh"ich has been announced by Arch business takes its nam.e." I am proud to say is one of Hildebrant 0 f' Maiineville. Appointment ,of William J. ~e most complete I in the ' Hildebrant,. a principal for Peterson ' of Ft. Thomas, Ky. coUntry. twe~ty five years of Big Four as General :M anager of the OUr store will maintain an Industries, Mainevill~~, and new Cedar City Coin Center extensive inventory of all tbe was also announced by Arch " for mo.t of his tenure as ~ec· I' leey material, including aU ,t he ,. " retary and general tnanager Hildebrant, P:'esident. t.:J .S. datea and types, as well Pe~erson was formerly getawill head the yenture. as a complete line ;f ~uipA new deadline for Gazette , His ,new bUlin~s, t~,e Ce~r . elit. We have also gatheted , eral man~ger an~ profe~.i~Dd new. goea into , efE~ th:is CitY Coin, Cep~er, \Viltt ~2i.,. -a' complete and , authoii~~ve appraiser for numismatic fi- . na~ciets, Meldon, lbc., CmJ\ 11 " cotrespoo.dants tain a retail store at:' 9 East ,~braty · of ' eJirectori,es .wh'i!eh I ' weeJC. Petetson was educated 1: , must have dleit news iq by -Main" St., Lehanb~t lPut will we bffet for ftee use by anycinnau. 12 ' noon Frid~y. :" Women's ' ~lso market and tra~k coins one at aftytime. Campbell € 0 u n t y , High ne~s must be 'in by 12 JlOon, nationally, advertisin,: in na· "We are in a unique posi. Monday. ,No social news w'n tional magazines. , don to adVise self-employed Sc11001, Ft. Tbemas, Ky., .and thp. af the Univtl'Sity of Philli.,' be :accepted at · the Miami " A grand opening of, the, new people ' on investment in coins CoUftCil has a1r~dy appropines, where he WltS $tatione~ priated fundt· for 'tit, ',rq~- . Gazette office after noon ' ~ coin ce~ter will be hl~ld Scpo , for a retirement program ulifor tWo years ef his four.year t~mber 6·13 eoUid'dentally der HR-I0; the Keogh hill. facml of P:~~', ~~ji;~; ~tI~ "Mon4ay. ,with the Ohio Hon~:y Festi· We"lhave conferred at length hitch in the Army as' a surElimiaatiqn of .hade trees - , The deaclllile for sports with governm~nt offi,cials ~n gical technician. . , news is 17 ~Oon MonClaf. • val at Lebanon. along me' initial curb and sutchis $ubject an~i' ,are fui,ly in· He, as well as Hildebrant, No classified ads ,will be ac. c'W~ can offer a n'l!mber of ter project- ' ~o weeki ago cepted after , p.m. ',Monday, special serVices," co~nmen~ed ," formed on ho~ the plan c~ is informed ~nd equipped to . o~ed a. ,vista of ' village worle ~ith coi~s. ' , advis~ ' on appliC'ation of a' com and no Cliaplay 'ada wlll be Mr. Hil~ebrtU1t. «'to p~pte &eautification. , "Since this bUsiness is es· progr~m' under HR.IO, or the accepted, after 12 nOC?D Mon. intere.~ in coin coUecring or T aatative plana DOW call for trading, bOth ' to ' , !lobbyists sentially one of collecting al\· Keogh bill, for retirement fat replaCing the ',t ree. with an ' da ~ . and to .,rofe.sional it~m~ of historical self.employed persons. (
--1 annual subscription
with a w~ll~d. . miniature village green. , Recent community im.prov ments have grown from. th,~ refurbishing of me COfwill council hou,se. . Village officials made couq,cil h~adquarters an impt )v'~' me-nt ' exampl~ by addin,!.t curbs, gutters and sidewaJI<.. _ _ _ _ _.........;_ _ __ The council hCluse was painte~~ a soft~· antique gold and ,ae:cented with blade shuttelis . I altd window £lower boxes. ,PHONE · _.;;;....._ _ _~ , Historic sign markers a ,e next for the viUage ~ettled iln - , ,'1844 and named fOf't.h e emiOhio statesm~-Govel:.
I I.
" ' J'
The IIIAIII GAZETTE P.o. Bolt 78 -
Phone 897-5921
PublUhed each Wedne8day at WayneSVille, Ohio. Subscription price $3.00 per year. NeWltaDd price tOe per , copy. . , DenDis Dalton · .•. , ....•....................... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. Editf)r David EdeaU ...•...•.....•..•.............•......•.•... General Maoager Re,ibald O. Hill ................................... AdvertiainK MaOSK"r Charmaioe Baoas •.....•.........................•..•. , Associate Editor' ReKinal~ O. Hill, Da\'i,1 F..rIMull ............... . ................ I'II"Ji:,llI'r.~· , ' . P.O. Uox 714, Wnynrlwillrr Ohi!l 4lif16H
nor Thomas Corw'in. Council headquarters and the tOl-year-old Hiram Kilbon General St.Ore (now rAt· , win Grocery) will be fil'lt to receiv~ this tr~atnlent.
Mrs. ' Patt~ Brig,s, a Home , Service representative for Dayton power and . Light , Company, will demo~trate electric cooking utensils ' with preparation of B,!blical ,foeds. Grangers and guests will be able to taste ~he foods to be cooked by Mrs. Briggs. . .
The ~.prep~ation' of foods ~f the New Testamel)t will high~ light an opel\ meeting of the Waynesville Farmers Grange ' No.. 13 at 8 p.m. Sept. 6. .
The' meeting is being 'ar.r~ged by the local Women's Activities " p'rogram , for . the Grange lecture. .
After all, women do most of the ,grocery shopping. . . and make pur~ chases in stores ... and' often pay the monthly bills. It's mighty inconvenient to do all that with Cll.~" ••• and, it's hard to remember where the mon~y "went. That's why so many women have a Special Checki~ AccQunt with us . . It makes shopping and bill-paying so OilS,V and tloasa"t. Helps you keep an accurate record of the way you spend your money, too. Best' of all, your m~ney is .~tlf('-protected until you alone are r~~dy to spend i~.
Every woman needs ' one - a Special Checking Account of her own ! .
Catch Me a Spy " Ordeal of Dudley Dean T~e Mendelov Consp;ricy Tropical Frontier
by, Morton by Snowcroft by Caiaen by Record I
, Sep te.e r 3. 1969 born, br~ther of Mrs. Steele of Peniwit Rd. wounded in action in VietNam. Pfc. Getter had only been in Viet·N am four week•. PEe. Getter is in the: ho.~ pital in Japan and ~ji ll be return ed to the states a ; soon, Mrs. Vickie Jones and Miss as possible to 'a hospit~ll fO,r Marya nn Malloy attend ed the recovery. Ohio State Fair last weekend the' at 'night the Mr. Hy Scitel local busi- ' and spe~t Holid ay Inn in Columbus. , nessman has return ed f rom a trip to ' Florid a and t~le BaPomts of interest wete The , hama's. Ponde rosa house of th~ Bo.' Mcl Miltol: & Mrs. r" . Mr. and .nanza 'IV .how., Sanclle TV Mu~ic of Dayto n, WCfe r,ecen"t Kraft Ca,ve of g Youn visitors of Mrs. Anna Krug• • how, an~ Gentle Ben. Mrs. Daisy H~rtsockl' and Word . has been received that Pfc. Ron Gette r 9f Fair- ' Mrs. Bert~a Hartsock.
· Mad,rn P~US
reforJ1)ation. , Mr: and Mrs. Eyere tt Moore a~d family of Main . .st. have return ed from a va· cation ~ipthrough the south. Th~y toured pJaces of intere st in Chero kee Valley and Gat" linburg" rre~n. Boy Scout Troop 1,38 Ita." return ed from a trip to Dearrn, . Mic;h. and ' Wind sot. .f'-'t~o= Canad a. The group includ ed Scout muter , De~ ' Hurle y • . Assistant Sco~tmuter..- ,~ J~el Miller and scauu , Audie Fal- , lis, Rick 'Pallis, Robert Bergen, 'Harle y Lee, and Dann ial,
The~ cir~ t~e
idea s' . ,• e the big' tliat mak • \'
Bach ~ year over 20,000 A~eri~ans die of, injuries from accid~tal ,falls. 1n the Middle- Age" peo,pit thoug ht if they' didn't C1)v~ .•theit mouth i when yawh tg they , w~uld lose their breaths and (!ie , ~fr~
----- rly.,
Eotn1e Burna with a,hes JUde, ot lod bOQu.
the Drugs introd uced i 19'0·, have added five yeu. to the life of the avera . patien t "rith high blood prellure~
. o"" ", twee n " so-s and "wo w'! " ,
so come in'!
, By PAT VAIR Waynesville":" 897-6826 "old ire first meeting WednesMrs. Ed Pottenge~ will day, Sept. 10 at 7 p.m, hostess the Girl: Scout Pan-ol' The Court of Honor is Leader Trainif\g Program' on BY CAROL ,SCHUSTER Willie Wood was home on, planned for Wednesday,' Sept. ~turday,: SC1Pt.' 6 from 9 a.m. Phone 89~.Z486 leave after spending .time ·3 p,m. This includes ·a.ll giTls . 17. Relief is hue for area pa ~· Viet N~. Willie leaves fot Mis s Cynthia Hartsock, of .Troop 1469 who will 'he Ge,many AUIJ. 31 to ,complete ents. School opened at Hal daughter of Mr. and Mrs. entering the sixth grade this veysburg today. The aumme:r his tpur of. duty. Max Hartsock tof 242 N. 5th year. Wednesday evening dinner doesn't seem so long no , Street is currently in EEG , Radena Saylor, San d r a ~eats Of Mr. ~d Mr.. T.. doe~ it? Training at · , Miami ,VaHey Sheehan, and Carol Sue Potand Mrs. Charl •. s , Mr. George were Willie, Roy, and Hospital at Dayton. tenger h~e already received Charlotte Anderson., Mr. ' Oa~ Beck hosted Mis. Elaine Be ·k their: ' training -and will help , Mr. ,and Mrs. Guy Elder of vid Wallingford of Ctar~ , and ' Miss DeclCy Linville I train the new girls. G,bhart Road hosted a pool ville was also in. attendence. weekend guests. Miss Lin l:t Girl ~out Troop 1469 will party Wednesday fot I.yde Mr. and Mr•. ' Bud BrandenOayborn of Bellbrook, anct have its first meeting of this Boy Scout Troop 30. burg have returned from ..: Dick Bowen, Mike Browlll. year Wednesday, Sept~ 10 at Guests included Assistant . week's vacation. and Don Dawkins all of f rt. St. Mary's Chutch. ' Scoutmaster .Boo, Stansberry, Mabel Terry ' visited Joan Bragg, North ~arolina welrf! Boy Scout Troop 40 will Tim Miller, Gary Hampton, Bright· of Oalcland. Joan has' the guests in ,:ttt~ndel)ce. Jerry Helterbridle, Harry Mrs. Madeleine Brown 'al1~4-t been ill. C'rabtree~ Jr., Dave Ohler, Fr~d B. Murphy, Jr. of daughters, C..ystal alid Lesl' e, Rodney Brow~ Steve and FRIENDS HOME NEWS of West Carrol ton were guests, California was a gueat at the Paul Elder ~nd , R~in LamBy N~Uie 8unr.~I" of Mrs. Brown's parenes, tlt~ home of his sister, Mts. Frank hart. Charles Beck's, this week. GibsolJ, 011 Aug. 19. Mrs. Luther Hartsoc~ was afternoon Mr. ami Sunday a dinner guest of Anna Mrs, Charles .Beck drove ,'to Thackera on Wednesday. Columbus with Mr and MI"s. Lucille Armitage called on , Richard Brown and daughte! $, different ones at the ttHome'~ who are hou$eJhunting pdor . on Wednesday morning. ' to Mr. Brown's transfer to tUte Mr. and Mrs. Marion Rus· Mr. Walter A. Denney of Columbus area. sell of Lebanon visited with San Francisco, Calif. has been Bill ' Anderson, son of IV r. Mr. Ru~sell'; mother, Carrie the houseguest of Mr. ilnd and Mrs. C. Andel1son, has Russell, on Wednesday eve· Mrs. Don Workman of north been promoted to Corpor,aI, ning. Main Street, Waynesville. Mr. his third promotion within a Nellie Bunnell celebrated Denney is Mrs. Worlcman's year. Corporal Anderson 31nd h~r 87th birthday Friday. He·: . brother. i companion were home II.st day included a ' hair style at Other out of town guests week and ~tayed with Billl's Leeada' s Bea~ty Salon at 9 have incl~ded - Mr. aDd Mrs. partnts. a.m. and lundl at the "Home" AI Novalc and family, ' Mr. An.other home at noon. 'In the evening. Mrs. and Mrs. Larry Gt-iffith and R. J. Ousley, Nellie'~ gralld. family and Mrs. Sue Griffith daughter, was hostess for cl all of Royal Oale, Michigan family birthday dinner hon· and Mr. James H. Denney of ' oring , Nellie at the home ~f her son, Rhodes Bunnell, of Sylacauga, Ala. Williams ~oad near Wilming.
Frill .Th I PI rc~ I
Mrs. Ethel South ~f. Lebanon called on Ada Kelley' on , Friday,' morning.
Betty Martin-897-t736
Glady. McFadden4,7-4241
Rita Eld.r~WIi4
Jean Martin-897-44l3
T.V.-'Marilyn Jones " Golf Cart ,& Clubs-Jean Younce " Paint-Suzanne Moore ' ' Motorola. Radio 4:M-'.-Cathy BUMell $5 Merchandise Certifica.te-Scott Stiles
'lie " idl'lckl Ichlll IUI,lill ' TOWN,S END ~v'& ,MOORIE"S STOR. 71
PH. 897-4896
Charles Price anend.ed' tbe wedding of Angel Carey and . Gale Gerrard of Wilmington Sun y eve nina. The r~ep. non was held at the Amer;can " Lesion. Hall. ' Mr. Bob Newsome anel JeE- '. Eery were l\tr. and Ma. aint T,ylor'. afternoon · I U e'~ t.' . Tueac!.y. They reiidc" in Xenia.
Chuckte-A-Day -, Don't think that every
sad-eyed woman has loved and lost - she may ha.ve gott~n him.
r.,\MJ»IN(; Jo:(~t '1.,~mNT WllI...1 CallIlwr C:UllllinK Trllile"", 1:1 - IIIIKlpl.c tn uhu(1'I4\ frlllll. ~l'lCl . W",YIII! eumppr T-:UVfll Tr:llil"nj " Tnp!!. A 1111 ~IHlrIHIII~IL'H' Dl'f!ltm 'l'nlrk UI,IIIf'!I'II. " , w" ~u Ruttl" 0""... SALES RENTALS ' suPPLiES
J.()('utrcl 1m Ru'Uff' .42. 1 mile. Jlorlh . " nf Rmatr i:J, Wu~·nr:l\'iIIe.
Chuckle-A-Day Dutch Elm diseas~ and I;\ave be Jo~g now, though the 'alOne of the ,first memory ,picA smart man nev.er .kept on d}'ing ever since but manac lists September till the tures I have i:- -of going up' his wife a secret. He just this seems to he another bad Equinox as a summer month. stairs at Un de Cops with a thinks he does. year not only for the few ' Most .of us think of I.abor A FARM DIARY t'lll woman with a lamp and OUftOK ' remaining big elms but, for riay ~s' the end of summe~ hearing the lonesome sount! by D. J. FRAZIER many other trees too. BOKBBVILDBB and the· beginning of fall n\l the crickets were making and There ,is " a blight that atFriday, August Z9, 1969. 41,'[· ,.iP.S matter how hot its gets. How feeling lonesotne and ' a little ,acks the mapJ('s especially . the Katy-did. Katy-didn't. , She- . scateel, a city child's first do you feel about i,? .BMODBmIfG soft maples. If you 'see one ' . did. 'S he didn't, She did. And ' night in th~ country. ' Bobert Carter II Son with sickly yellowish green I . , so' it goes, Joined , in by aU Actually we' have had a 21 I,'" IT. THE MIAMI GAZETTE ' leaves and many dead branchthe test- of die late summer ,week of dry we~dler and the ,WAYlavlLLE, OHIO . . \ IS YOUR PAPER es at the top, the blisht is chorus. 9nly we haven't 'had straw is in. \V~ are making a SUPPORT IT any K~ty-dids yet this sumstraw house o~t of some of it ' working. mer. Other p~ople have heard 'for the hogs. Remetnber 'how The locusts do not seem til them . but ,that voice i, mia:!the hogs , and cattle used to have a blight this year ,b ut " , ins from our chol:us. love ~he straw ,st~ck when we many of them died OVer the ', T~~y th'reshed. Bales do not mak~ , .' winter and many other kinds ,J... ' used. " 0 say ma,t a cri~ket ! n "the he~~ ~as , ~ , quite as good a one but with L.ve' !~methUig. Of course ' sip 'of •good luCk I)ut I , hav.e ' poles' to hold up a tOQf- th,.y . the l~te , summer 'sun has ' never foun~ ,it so. All they. make a pretty ~ ~ouse; . itarted many trees to 10le that did for me ' wu to' cqt three , and I think they will enjoy it. lush green summer look and corner' hol~s in dothe6. George , is ' running' loose start a fall loolc; It will no~. ' Yesterday he got stuck in. a nuicl hole the h.ogs had . made but he managed to get o~t '~d found his way back to ~e house arid baa-aa-ed £4.)r his bottle. He met the two nannies, Lav tndar and Delphinium, who laoked him over but didn't daim him. He hasn't found the roses o~ the weeping cherry y.et, perhaps he will be satisfied with. plenty 'of dover. "J1tey are cutting the second cutting of ~lfalfa now. In a normal year, it should be the third., Do those cloud!S $1'9~9i that have come up mean any· thlng fQf the weekend? The . WAS, \SI39,,9§ forecast is' fair:T e most notice@le road~ side flowers .no~;. if you go , the right roads, are the Jeru. salem , ArtichokeS, tall <.tems with • bunch of bright yel, low daisy like flowers at th~ top. WhiJp. grarerul i'n design, reflects the ultimate in enfl(ineering There Ilave been some other technology a~ well. The most riP luxe expression . of the lawn flowers just as tall with ~ather storaf{t" 'concept ever manufaf.tured. Th'f' all-white side-walls and an ugly blossom at the top but door dt"sign are a~rled touches. 'Manufactured of rolletl-forme d Electrli-Ronrl pllime . hl"'Ilvy plate steel fOr maximum strength aSld the Artichoes ate very pretty, weather resislftnt~e. Complete with " rige-in ramp, ri~id inter' a dean yellow ~t is very lockin~ panel construction, jam-proof doors and reinfOrced roof ' and 1I0masotf> floor. Green roof, white sides. . showy. ' -Yardley-lOs8-10 ft. longx8 ft. wide x6 ft. I .in. inside dimenIf you crash down 'in :1 sionl'>. 47 in. rloor openi.n g, 520 cu. ft., 37~ Ihs. shipping' wilderness with nothing to eat, there are tubers on the Art'idloke roots that some people thinle: are very tasty. Thr only tUne I ever coolced any I thought they tasted like rather poot:, watery potatoes, but they would keep you· from starving. . Have you noticed how I -:nany dead. trees there are ' everywh~re? Of. course we rt!membe.r ,the year ~hat J ,all big lartqt;.tar1c elms 4ied pf the
• . 1'ry on a wig, here. Ii. , loob 10 great you'll never want tQ take it oW.
ann' Pur~ey
By Denni. rialton Wayn~$vi11e heritage
i5 rapidly emerging from .. od'ern 'architectural disguise un· der the guidance of the new Wayne Retail Merchants As. sociatic.ln ,and its Downtown Improvement Committee. Wayne Retail Merc~fants rec~ntly organized t to out , the first of long r ge plans , to retUrn Waynes ;.llc's early American look. " Prior to organi~~on the association was an info,r mal group of businessmen with an internal Downtown Wa!fnesville Improve~ent Committee. Retail merchants me bership elected ta be heade:Cl by Mrs. Glen Smith, Dowlntown Waynesville 1m pro v e D1 e n t Chairman. Other officel~s / in· dude Mrs. Steve fields, treasurer and Dennis Dalton, sec- . retary-public relations ,direc· tor . . It , ·has stimulated rected a record improv~ment campaign ,in Waynesville's kerosene ' light era bUlsjne:ls district. Antique exterior paintf have 'already beautified the flicades of Mil~er's Departm~nt Store. Hubbell's Barber Sho~l' Nell Insurance, The Club, 'Town~end T.V. Company and Moore's Store and the Waynesvme Drug Store. ' _ One of Waynesvillel's ' lar, gest improvements ha!l been perpe~ted at the Townsend T.V. Company ,and ~Ioore's Store. It began with a new 'antique blue iront and has nc)w de' velqped into ,a six Itnon~s project. The stor~s Hue gWI' front has been removed anJ, is being replaced with '2 wood shake awning. Construction of
Phil No!'pn, above, brushea on ' a new face fol' the W.yncml1e Drug Store. The fl'ODt and
overhang was begun the past ' week after a section of alass )Vas loosened by Smith Electric during building rewiring. The glass, which hat been shiEtin, fot y~ar., was th~ completely removed by store owner Bob TOWDIend. " Townsend. plans to add a new early Ametican sign~ shu~ ter. to the upstairs windows and new roof lightini. Wayne' R!wl ' Merchants have set an Oct. 11 completion date f-or all initial Downtown Waynesville Improvemenu. They are Il~king the cooperation of all downtown property owners and are asking all improvers to purchase their , supplie~ locally.
The gtoup will soon place 1Z litter barrels along both sides of th~ Main Street business district and adjoining shopping plaza. Thorobred Company Inc. at Corwin contributed enough. 55 gallon drums for dte ptogram directed" at maintaining clean, litter free village streets, 'nte barrel~ will ,be pa~nted white and a decorating contest will be sponsored with a prize for the brightest artwork. Individual ' merchanu will purchase galvanized flip tops ' for the containers. Waynesville Mayor Dexter . Martin was given the go ahead for ,o rdering the lOpS.
Popular WPFB RadiO perWayne R~tail ' Merchants sonality ,'Jerry Hart will be will culminate the first stage of its Downtown Waynesville the master of ceremonies fC;;r Improvement with a Fall Fun the beauty pageant which will feature a Miss WaynesvUle F~stival Oct. 1 ( The all day eve~1t will be Fall Fun Festival. sponsored in order that the Area artists are being public might view local im- IOUPt· to compete for ribbons provements. during the festival's sidewalk Waynesville's Fall Fun Fes- art .how. Application may t:'e tival will incl~d~ a ,pie eating mad~ by 'writing the Miami contest for youngsters, a to ... Gazette. ' bacco spitting contest, a wheel.. W ayne$ville's three antique barrow race, a beauty pageant, ' sidewalk art 'show, a lawn an- dealers "ill team to sponsor a tiques show, an outdoor dance lawn antiques sho.w at the Viland entertainment featuring lage Antiques shop. "Sing Out, 'WaYJ?esville." . . Mrs. Frank Sliull of the .,ie eatmg; ~bacco spi'tt,ing ' . Village Antiques has'. conand wheelbarrow race cont~st. tacted andquedealer. in Dayants may reg~ter for, c,?m~- . .tOn, Middletown, an4 ·Mi~is. tition me day of the festival. ' .burg. She is being ....isted by An entry blank and rules Albert (Cap) StUbbs of .~e for the beauty pageant for all Little Red Sh~d Antiques and women Z1 yea(~ old 'and over Mr•. Ora ]on~s of Vi'. "Anwill appear 1n ilext week's tiques and Gift Shop. . Miami Gazette. I
Mt. Boll y: . MRS. HILB Y GIBS bN Mr. Holly -
Ph. 897-6182
Wan ted
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mar· latt and Mr. O. B. Marla tt 1966 T :Bird, air, full power, good 14d of Waynesville called , on Mr. rubber. Ph. 897~891. i , and Mrs. Elvis Michael Fri. REDUC E safe and fast with GObellC tablets and E·Vap wa tel' pill!!. day evel\ing. 13,c4 W.yneeville Dnlg. Mr.. Hiley Gibson was "' SHETL AND Poniee (or eale. Phone LET me baby sit- for you in my dinner guest of Mrs. Theltt la lOotf . home. By hdur or Day. Ph. 897·5921 897 -'473 or 897·&746. n Tuesd ay 13nct.f Nutte r of Dayto FARH AU B with culhvat ota. 1300, Mrs. Jerry on and also called Samllel C. Haltom , Mt. HoUy-ices Serv Bringehan and ' family ot 4 mi. North of Warnee ville on old PLmm ING, L. A. ~uie Reedy 13c4 . ' .2. Route See ue for your installation of water Dayto n. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Craw. SCRA'l'CH IlaWe for sale at The heate~ 'lIOftnera, fiXtures, I8nerlAl connew and Mi.mi . Guetto . 105 S. Main St. inK remodel repairs. ford a"d family spent Sunda y The Miami Gazette didn't puzzle too many Wher e I. Ie lighte r. 16netf 13e~ Waynenille. structio n. '·Ph. 897 ·6629 with Mr~ and Mrs. Bud Parlcer . last w~elc. The following identified the belfry od. top of the TOY 'Poodle ' Stud Service, AKC REMOV E OXceel body fluid· with old village firehouse 'and jail: Kelly and Tamm y Marti n, Greg Ibogilltered. White 'or Apricot. ISO. of Leban on• . Fluidex Tablet., only 11 .•9 at. ' Past Philip Mr., and Mrs. 1~4 Blythe, ' Keith Harrison,' Thom as and Ronnie cOffm an; Ron Wapae.YiUe nru,. ' Appoin tment only. Phone 897·41.8. nd _ _ _ _ _ _ _---._...,......"Ii_c_tf of Millfo rd spent the weeke James, TOM James, Jim H~rtsock, Phil Morga n, Harry Rauch, HODEL 1000 Multilith offeet ' print. Lewis Mrs. ' and blanket tic Mr. wi/,h l1utoma iJlg USED CL(YJ.'HES - Shirt.-S loWMl l with DeeD ee Stewart, J ean~e Runyan, J enniie r Runyan" Dale and . dupli· . family 451 and , wMber. Gcstetn er Model -Skirh t-DreM e8 Anu Sweate... 100 Michael Jeff Thom pson, Ri,se Wa~d, Earl SizemQr~, Pop S~ore, ' M Geetefax Electronic Sten. c"~r w' each-A lIO, . Diahe.-LaDa~. )(a1l7 rs: , Gus Lew is, Mrs. David Mer~er and Sue Ferguson. Wher e Is It this week? other odda And enda. Btllndy's Odda cil Scl1nner and cabinet . All excel· daugh- , .' Pho,Qe the Miami Gazette. at 897-'9 21. and Enda Store 200 E. Main St, Christ y Wallace and lent condition. Phone The Jliami Mrs. , Xenia . of t6nctf 4Setf . ter SCheral, Guette 8?7 ·6921: Harveyahur" Ohio. MiamisCOLD Sprinp Beauty Shop: WiD Elsie Herr.i ngton of FREE PICK UP of Hall as Thom Mr. take appoint ments anytime . ph. hurg, &DELIVERY tSetf West Carro llton and Charl~s 897.f3{lS. Bunnell ' called on Mrs. Hiley Beal Estate Gibson Tuesd ay evening. a·BEDROOM houee for sale. Dinin, John Smith and ' family. room, kitchen, Dew eleetric water conheater, , .. furnace. Will eeU or 1~1 spent Saturd ay with Lewis , tract. 897-2766. Crawf ord ~nd f;lmily. Ph. 897-6871 ' 273 FRANK LIN Street, beautiful, 3 . and Mrs. Walte r Mr. bedroom, brick ranch. hardwood Moote were dinne r gue'Sts floors, ,Iarp liviD« room, modern 'Thurs day of Mr. and Mrs. kitchen . Priced to .n. James wiseman, 885~80. Elvis Michael. WHEN buying or telling real eatate Mr. and M~s. Roy ' Sailor PH. 897-7·946 82 SOUTH MAIN ST. wh; not call ua. We have capable nd. weeke the sp~nt t family and wee perlOns in your area to help OIL CHANGES ,GREASE JOBS with friends jn Kentucky. satisfy your needs. FLAT TIRES REPAIRED R. E. WADE R~LTV Those who tttend ed a cook·· 888-1A40 TIRES-TUBES-BATTERIES Thurs day evening at Mr. out 8 .'erry DoUma nn 897-425 FAN BELT , ES , . S-HOS and Mrs. Morris Lewis hom4~ ScuU Remley 89'1-2530 includ ed Mrs. Christ y WalHerman Weav,er 897·7856 lace and daugh ter, Scheral., Notices 'M r. and Mr., Sid Pemingtol~ LITTLE RED SHED . Antique Shop and -Mrs. Ronal d Staffo rd ami Spe' Home. l lMaind St ubbe Funera Ion Tony of Xenia, Mrs. EIs~e COMPOST,-":--.- --TOP SOIL einliliJlR ill ,IUllwa re. Wa)'Jl~vUle, gto-" Mr. Thom as Halll Herrm OIaio. t:Jf West Carru llton, Mrs. A~l t'ctf RIC HAR D RA TLI FF lTh01l1 Mrs. and Mr. Dill, die doled he JANIE 'S Beauty Shop will Ph. 897-2726 lk2 u Runyon, Mrs. Hiley Gi t, UDtil further noUee. Spring Valley 862·4211 .on, Mr. and Mr.. Elviis Oard of Thanks Michael and Mr. and Mrs. THANK S to my men" and neigh· ,. IUlp.nlltd bon for their carda and pta dur~ Kenneth ,Lewis and daught.~r Cellin•• inc my iIIneeI and stay in the hoe- Tina of Xen'ia. , . ( . ' lfel ~ .ptal. Ru~ Reeler Mrs. Gus Lr.wis and clau~l '.ntlln . PBY E'S' COBTBACTmG BIDS FOR E NOTtC ter, Rohill and son, Gus, Jr. ,FREE ESTIMAT~ Bids will be received by the on Mrs. called Xenia ,of Wayne Twp. Board of Truatee'3 Route 2 Pekin Road Waynesville, Ohio ey Gihson ' Thur. day 'alte:rWaynesville. Ohio, uutil Sept. 27, noon. 1969 on the foUowm,: of Miss K~thy , and CytMna feet Two hundre d • ninety with high 47" fence standar d ' fUlId Buimell ' of Wayn elville ;~e iioiioiI__......__. : : - -........ 1'10. , 'top & bOttom wire, 6 iD. BtBY ,. ing a ' few days wJfth, ...........___ _......~--.....~__ _--__ spend wine, two end posts • line po.¢A Mr. and Mr.. Charl es aUDIILell . not. A1ceedina: ten feet apart. One . top barb m. and family.
For Sale
WANT ED TO BUY: ~t8ide front doqr witb door frame, 34" wide X 79" high. -(Will consider larger door that CBB . be cut do.w n). Call The Miami Gazette 897·59~113ncd ask for Mr. Edsall
'POIt8 may be either treated
wOf.. 1
; or... . . At d furniehe 'AD materia ls " labor
. p~ _ailed within U;' ~y., o.f e~ bid date. Located on Twp. Line Rd. in Wayne Twp, Warren ·Co. Ohio. Wayne Twp. ,Board of TrusteH
~;::;;~====:;=;:=!;~~J~am~.:.a. na,·.,
13e2 .
, 0p1'!?ItUD it, Excelle nt' opporiuiUty for
. ~~
,~/~ , ..at ...... ..
oompil doa
..... AppIJ at IIiami OU_te
..., 1. & . . .
PH. 8 i~7931 or 8~7-2241 , ITH BOB SM .
. . .• BACKHOE
NBW ONE STOP SHO P for coin collector•. IIIld trader. in Southwest .Ohio. On~ of the .nation '. most eztelUive iIlvel1toties of r~e . coins, all the key material" the tfpcs and clata in current deinand. including all U.s. .eries. A complete library of directories, fre~ for yo~ 'UJe lilly time. Plus complimel1tary and authoritative advice from avo foremost num~matic professionala, Arch Hildebrllllt a~d' Bill Peter~on.
SPBCIAL ADVICE ON HR.I0 RBTIRBMBNT PRo.. . 1G.ItAMS IN COIN S. We have "conferred at leD'p With gov-
ernme nt authorities and are fully informed IIIld able to live . ~ou competent advice 'on retirement propa .... Eor the ~{. employed, UIlder the ·HR.to Keogh Bill,. using inftltmeQC in coma. This type <of progra m offers many fea. a , inter~1 . •. to coin collec:to~. ad bot ~~aUable in ~oDvetldo.. typa of investments. Every le(f.empl yed penon inc.es t.ed, in co"" ..,..,",._ . .hould look into it!
Mar~m HQIlUiphead, 'pres-
ident of' the board of directors oE the Warren Count Unit of the American 'Cancer Society at Lebanon has ' almo~cl ~he .election of Mr.. PIIyllia Wyatt a. Executive Director , of the local unit tq replace Mr.. Doaald . Camp who ".igned thiJ QEfice AUI. 1. . , Mr.. Wyatt baa heeD ein. ployed u • secretary ' of ' ~ Any mother 'interested in", Muennich Motor. at Lebaaon re,islet-iua a Bl'o~e Scou,t Oti for the ~t, 1J She iA workiag with' ikownie T~ may .c Oatact Delort!' OI::ndor£E , an adiv, IIlftftLer of the Ralph P. SeooIc poet Aiaericaa , at 191·4676. LegiOft Auxiliary, h a • i It a , Iftformatioft may abo Iw served aU the offices of that , ~btaiacd at the WayneaviUe UDit iacludilitt two yean .u . United Methodist Chur~h at president, and two ~ as 1 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. II. child ,w elfare chainnan. Mn. Wyatt i. now aenriaa as tee hahilitatiotl chairman for the ' \ Au.iliary. She •• a P.ast Fourth District Comll\un~ty $ e I' vic e ebairmsn 9f tile' Americaa .. ' f, •• ,
daughter of ~e' CURent Miami hi"ited in aeve~al areas. chief, wu authorized to acIt will fejlture .uch items as eept the painting _for the tribe hane! woven 'wall hangin"s. .in~, .he it . ' direct dac:enBatik hanaina, a ~er , a~~d c:IeDt of Little Turtle. roaewooci hollow ware conShe will visit the honey ' , 'uiaer. ,pottery, jewelry aJ:ad E..a~ craie. .&ow with her ",Metal acu1pture. 1mI&~ ed, family ' aDd ~. The Society of ~naec;~ .. aaci Nn. HGWuci LaHurreau. cut Crafamcn'. travelina Ihc:nv " LaHurrcau, a Miami.Pogi. being handled' dlis year ,'by ~i ' ..eclidaemari, it ' fCC. MI•• Guy Willi. of \VappUl" opiped .,., the Spa";'" aov. COIlft. and Mr.. James E. _ _. t for IU,t rcscard 06 JUro, of Glaatoebury, Conl!l. , COfIl cleftlopmcac. He .... reo EJDtraordiiaary fiDe porccl,ain I
cloDs will IW exhiltit~d hy it ... fint cL:.eIopecI ttOM DaytIia 'doll acu1pter Ruth 'M. twe . . . . by dae AMuic:aa " Hopple, who ha jtut ret\lulf'.d lDdi.... . ' .no. • cWI exhibitioa at ~cw 'Ole Mi.mideleptio. wiU o..leau, La. iR ~Saaarday'. W Hem. Mn. Ho~ ICUlpca each of appear I L _ ""':-:".1 ' • • d C'f Pacini pgade at 7:JO p.m. ilia' Cl'eMtOM 18 !lYe Lytle '1l,Gy Scotac Troop 30 wilt It is ,~t re~ in the pro.id~ , ......er IctterecI Mi. finest im~ por~Claia. '.~ , _i ' Heri'" ancl • colOI' , ~.O • ~eacl caruea ~ fOw ' cbe~. ~ Mrs. Ho..I~~' ., IIIt;ne and '
com flOM
...... . . . - dcdt: h••4P,1.&". I»y Iter.
'...._~aada ....•
Full c;oior ,lpo~n pictUres ate her o£ Sat. t l' AmaiCM p..... t/HIO Tel~_ ' now available at the Micmi Legion Auaili.-ry of Hamiltoe ~ Ilea. ~ Irill ~ Gazette- office. These arc di- , 'County. joia Mn. Sara Iluto. *tEe of reet color p-inta made from Mrs. Wyatt alao served two , The .. . ·.. all eel........ , WHIO affiliate V~ ' E. first seneration inter.neaa- '\ ~n' .... 'board member of ptojccr 'lpDII8Ored ", , ~, So- R..." aad. Mar Ro&cn L~ucr tive. of picu.res raken by the the Le":-011 'parenti' r~· deW: 1M' .... Nu. ' o( the .~OD Craft 'S'lop astro~aub 011 the moon. They ;tion,' pro~am. Helen Huel~ , . a fonDer art ':" etA the- ,;.t..... panel , \ " arc 'In'inted on profe..ional , , L&ft year she wu .... adult , --. .. " I ~ begin at " 10 , ' type Ektacolor papc~.. f; ,'!0P- ~dvuer to the senior youth . . . ., of , Weat Hartfqrd, d ' ri&&o ill 'J, , , perCorm. packed aeverat worb a~ aD as . w e ~ timum color fidelity fellow.hip 'G! ' the ~ awarded for fint, second IUld ' formance. " . United' Methodist, ~~ J' hy Coaaccticut crafllmea in ' , third plac:es in cralt dlivi.' ,, The M.ami G~ette is able 'Where she is a meinbet '. , , a trunk' aDd ~ them ex-' to offer thbe unique pictures hal ~ug~t .Sun~y School fM as long' ~ the limited supply , four 'ye~n. The aew', Caacer
lasts becausc NASA ysn the Unit Directot is· " .me Dallas color lab that our as • member of ~c , I.c&anoa Cit y " Recreatioa ' distributor ' d~s.· ' Orders pr,:viously placed Board and ia treasurer for the witli The' Mialt.i Gazette may' Leban~n ~arrior. " Boot_ be pic"ed' up at any time..; , Club of the , ~ip School. Mn. Wyatt' aad ~cr' hu- 1 To eaet' person purchasing a subscription to 'the" Miami ' band, FranJc, reside at 3lJ t Street, Lebanoll, ~th , Gazette the Gazette· is siviDg Surnt~d' I .Away ' ( ' free color m~on ,. pic~ " their, tW'0 dUldreb t Mib, 17, whG is a ..uor at 1cbanoa' L" Hi,&. School 1Crilta;;7, ill , I. C," I .' .' .' the ~ncl' arade at ' .~ , .
~ ,,-abt by ~ Police chi e f 'Charla LeMa, wb~ wiD im· meeliace1, beaih ,trict ' eaf~_t of' the 20 .ile per hoUr -Peed &.it ia :he W.y. ,
.Doton.ta • .
S '..,
aaicI· l"UacIa, then ta.d .... .0 Dear . . . . lea alccady duriaa his Be Of IIIOtIDI'iat .~ ia the achoo.l lODe.
,miDadaa the
LeMay ' will ,.,~rak
raaar , ~JI.!oat
the JC
" C
cia, ~JO*t., , 7 ~.:.4 p... in Ifl). of, die 1chOo1a. Violators will be m.d~ , ~very mile coua ift ,..v. Uva," ' he com_eated.
t "~ f'11 ~.i I" , ,~~ 'rl4 '. , Ho~~ EfctDea~ I~,:t ~ ,
ia, "e,dOD't
want yOUI' ..olney, t' ,just ~ lCOOP,tQPcm."
I' ·
POtclltial Cub "diOle'- already reptcred wi~l' meet at '1 p.m. ,_ Thunday, Sept.' 1.1 at ' the WayneavUle United Mcthodijt Church.' The meeUna witt _be for
reptratioa .ad aelcc~ doa of C\Ih.Utef, A,• CuJ,;"utet, De. Modlen, P/u. ~t Dca M~then and Com·
'fte KI.UII P.o. Box 78 -
G~TTE Phone 897·5921
Pabtished each Wedneeday at Waynesville, Obio, SubllCripti1m price $3.00 per ,ear. NeWltaDd price tOe per copy. .
Dalton •• , •.. .. , .•... " .•. " ... ".""." ... . .. , ... '. . . .. F..ditor
David Edeall ., . • , ...•..• ,., .. ~ •. .. , .• ... , ..•. .. , , , . , . , ·Gentrsl ManaJl:er ReciDaid O. Hill ..... .. . " .... , ~ ... , ...... , . - .. , , .. AdverlillinR Maaagllr Charmaine BUl" ........ , . . ,",." .. ' : ..... . . , ... . ... . A~iste Editor RePnaid O. Hill. Da~'irl EdRall ......... '.' . . . . . .. . .... ..... . . , . .'·lIltli", ... r" P.O. Bolt 7il. Waynrl",iIlr~ Ohill 4i'iClliX
'- annual subscription
'The 'MIAMI GAZETTE NAME __~~~~~~~____~~~__~ ADDRESS --.;~..;..----.,;;.;.;.;.;;...._ _..::.-_ _ _ __ CITV _ _ _ _ _~- STATE _ _~.;..,--_____ " PHONE ~';""::':~;"""';;~_' READ THE ADS
HUBBBLL'S BARBER SHOP I '· Barbers to Serve You on Saturday Not to Flirters HiNwan
The goldfiRh is a minnow originally found in the fl'('!;h waters of eaRtern Asia. 'It has been widely introduced elsewhere, Women's work? Male sunfish build the nest, guard it. fertiHze the eggs and defend, the young . that ha~h among the pebbles,
Making of the President,1968 . by Th~e Daughters of Madame Li an"g by Potions, Remedies, '~"d Old ' Wives Tales . by Bullet Park ." , .by
White Buck Bauer
Cheever ~. ·",
~~ .
Your modem, all steel BILCO Door is the natural link between inside and outside recreation areas, Pe~
nent and wate.rtight~ it opens the way to better 1~viDg fpr the entire ,.. ' - ' . ' 'f 'f t-ily Ask US about BILCO Stair ·~trmger8 They complete the perfect basement entrance! ~----~----------•
\ , "
Stop in. and see our display, or call us for free literature.
I,. r I II •
MBS. PLOBA ·BUDS Ph.__ -'lSO Mrs. Owen McGowan of · " Vine Sueet haa been. a ~t patient"at Grandview H"'pital
hives of bees. " Before th.em~ der the
gardeQ. . wa, ~ . • Forward and ba~le, .. th Went dr eari1y .mps: e chore-girl small, Draping each hive with a .shred ,of plack.. I
Trembling, I . listene~: the .summer 's un Had the chill .of' SIl,OW;
You could say that 1: got a bee stUck in my ty~writ'er this week after a telephor e buZo from Floramond Ree.~, my qu~en of conversation alt· Hatveysbutg. , Floramond said that she'd been re~ding abo~t th,: Ohio Honey Festival which I~rts Thursday at LebanoJIl and wanted to remind nt tl~at the noted po~t John Qr,benleaf Whittier had penned .m ode to the honeybee e~tided: "Telling The Bees." , Thi. stimulated my curio,- ' tty about the bee's in:f1uencc on literature and I p~~ed .up a copy of the uCompl ete Po~ti.cal Works Of Whi tier" at the ~ary L. Cook l ..ibrary. Ironically the"boole feili ' op!n to page 71 and fCTellililg The Bees." The poe m romanticizes death and -even the I,ees 1.ment since everyth~llg r.emains unchanged Ubut the hives of bees." The last few ltanzu go: "J~1t the .ame aa a montb before,The houle and the trees, ,T he barn'. brown laI~le, the vine by the door l, . Nothing changed but the ,
Mistre.s Mary is dead and gone!" The "Furst EdituR of th Secund Ponetic Redur" pubfished in uSinsinati" in .1852 . a presents ud"e H unl. Be" an lighter sense. The uLesun" goes: uDe huni 'be romz from flour tuu flour, sipin dar swets a,z se goz; U wil se , hur bizi for meni. an or, on de hunisuc~l or r,oz. Hwen lad'n wid huni, tuu de hiv se fli; tuu carfuli la bi hur stor, ' and den tuu de garden agen h,e hiz, ' aacl wurca a. . for mor. ' I luv tuu go tuu de huni bez . hom, . "" tuu se hut acilfuli bild, " wid 'us netnes and car. de waa'n com hwic iz .uun wid Iwet huni fild. I luv tUU find hur amung de brit flou~, ,hil 'yet d. glis'n wid du, and ae ho Ie la&urz de Ion sumut or~ ~ for hutself ' and for u~ tuu. Hwen temted tuu id'l de on awa, I tine 'o ve de hqni be, "0, n~ neglect ur wurc for ur pla," u de lesun Ie techez me.
. in Dayton. Mrl. Alice Roeder' has re. all cendy moved to Spring. V ~ from Lynchburg. '
Irl JJRJENDS HOME NEWS . By Nellie Bunn~1I Tsuchino Kaleahashie was a guest of het son, G eorge, and family at Yellow Sprinp' on Friday. Bertha Hess is now a mem~ ber of our "Home" family. Rachel Earnhart and Mr•. Null were Satu,day afternoon visitors of Anna nackara. Nina St. John and Jessie ~obit%Cr of Lebanon . were Tuesday caners;at the 'Flome.' . Thursday was Opal Tre.slali day off frc;!m~ her .work. at the "Home." As she often does. \ .he asked thole that wanted to to take a ride. Tho.e that Accepted we"e Bertha Hess, Nettie l>almer, , Ada Courtney, Florence Hoilinpworth and Nellie BwmeU. A. usual; when these ridea are planned, there is aomething 110 see. We left town around 2 p.m. going by way of Pekin Ro.d over to Route 48. PecIc'a Dahlia Farm, which just now is at its prime, Wu the firlt thing of beauty. Then on thru Lebanon out to Stubbs Mill ROad, pat those ' hUle piles of dirt, the result of th'e new by pus at Lehanon. The Irons Apple Orcharcl with the rowe of apple laden trees was next. A visit there. Then it was on to the Balcer Orchard whose trees were also ' loaded with fruit.' Opal housht " some candied apples there. " B--'- throuSb '-Lanftll .Flor/ ..,.... -rr aat enc;e got her 'gl.... '8fd Net.rie Palmer her shoes which Iiacl been previously left to be m--~-~ A littl shopniftg and CllQcu., rbick "Home" in time for .upper. '
Luria Wade aDd Bessie &aer of Springboro called on Sarah Burnet Wednesday morning.
For I knew she waa tellling the - . .'~_S_U_P_P_O_~_T~IT~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~:-.... bees of one '. Gon~ on the journey we all must. go! Then I sai~ to l:Ilyself,. "My Mary weeps . . For the dead to-cLi • Haply her ~lind old 8~andlire sleeps ... The fret and. the pain .-of · age away." h.. But her dog whiDed l~w; on the doorway ,.ill, , With his cane to ~iJl chip, The- old man sat, clnd the chore-girl .titl . Sung to bees Itealling and in. ' And the song she ~r"' ., sUsging ever ..ince In my ear sounds on."Stay at home, pr~t:ty bee., fly not hence!
M~' . aad of Alas .,
terworth located in , Middle· Hawke Tex. visited , the town during .the'\ past ~eekend. Mn. L. C. st. John recent· ftAAt -.' ~.iiaYd . this " r .~.--~ fftn--:"': ty entertained with ' a lamil,. week=-- . Mr•...;. .t !Mrs. JoI.. Wl'dlday party "~m.. Hawke aa.d __ lOll, JCl'elfty; bir-dtd.,. 01 Lucile Bland of Hawke ad Mfa. Nn. ' . Le&incm •. her dau.b_,B~. '. Winif red . HatUock. Lara ~" Williams ~f Timo .' The yowaa ~ are bMh aiUIft, Mel. and Mr. and Mrs. npatued at Teua 'U aiycn ity .• William .Settlemyre of Orf'· " " in Aua~. . Mr. and Nn. S. Keet Lind. . .,... ", Oth~ .l Ueia Ulcludecl Jci:M ~ 1 ~ L)'DDe.·I!.... ) . a~ childrwD Jeanif~ ,~.\ jeftre, · -and Li-: $ettlemyr~, Glen: BIa.d.. Mildred Menale of of ~dtporft Ill, arrived in Wa,- viUe , ThunClay,i ->ept. 'LeMaoe, Mr. ,and Mrs. Dale .. fOf: a 'visit 'with Mr.: tiod· . . . . . of Da~ and Mr. ~, aq". fami lyaa to ' atteaii the aacl ~ri. Joe Lanell of D~y. , '. ' •• weddiag of her sister, MIlS ' Nn. Lee ' J. Kuehler 'of Mar, Bith . IrellUL 'Waya aville reCClldy flew to . Mr: ' Glenn Bland of Leb". Reae AU: ~orc:c Buc, TeL to nOD Rdute 2 h.d an oPeration on "ia~ knee Tuesday, Sept. 2 . attend' the padua lion of her son Lt. Daniel E. Kuehler: and ~ convalescing at MiaMi Lr.' Kuebler Will be .ta· Vall" Hospital. tioned at Luke Air Force Bue, . CLUB NEW S Tex. . . aft F.IOO Jet fiahter The Senior Cirizcns ' of " pilot. · · Waynesville met on Tuesday; , Mr. and Mr•. Leonard M. Sept. 2 with '41 member. and Tinney of Columbua have guests present. retUrned from a week's vaca. After dinner, the group wu tion at Norfo lk L~e, Arkan. efttertai..~d with a. progr3m . sa•. There they participated ' and cards.. in ~out fi.~ing, .wimming and ne . next meeting will be skiing. Tuad ay, September'" 16th at The Tinneys ' also viaited 1 p.m. in the 'Methodist So· ttMy Old Kentu dty Home " cial Room. where they attended die out, Cadet Troop '56 went Girl of the at Camp , ButScout
,Mr•• 'Jim
·'Step hen Foster Story. " "" ....nPY' hiatorical sit e s Mammotb Cave were \1Ji:ted. Mrs. John Even of view, Ma.. and a XVC:'~ll Barhora Manin o 01 Datt mouth, Mass. la.t week were houaegtaelta of Mr.. =vers' parents, Mr. and ·Mrs. Georl e Ou... - t.
JIoth Mn.E ven aad M ...
Martino are members e the te.ehi nc · iraff at HelL'oIee Hi'" Sehool,. Holyoke, . Mr. ad Mn:"Madc IJI~Mil. of Dexter, N.M. haY. been viairina the W.~emlle area ' for the put f~ ,weeb. .ray~. ,at their cabia . ; Cold ~n.,. pn Sa• • y JA~tt J1 .. the foltowinlJ ' f ....i1y ,....... , lin for heQ pther ecl at the a reunion, Mr. and Mn J. A. 'MeM,lIaiI of Clevelaacl, Mr~ abd Mn. Jerry, KarF and dauah ren, Kathy and Jodi. abo of at!Ve~ ~. aacl Fal· Mfa. Dill"n ,McMillan' mouih, Ky., Mi.. Eva ~MiI. lan, Da}'tOn;Mr. and MI'I. RUs· sell Wil.on, Dayton, NIl'. and " Mfa. Willa rd Pumas al~d IOn uad' Mn,. Her· Kenneth. ' ughter ben Mc:Mil1an and Mark Mn,. Linda' and Mr. alid McMilla,n. . Mr. and Mrs. -'lVilUam Downey, Janice and Bo&by Downey ad Mr. anel Mrs. Herbe rt Mc~illan and. Linda McMillan atteiuled thle Ohio ' Stat;e Fair in Colum~IUI wt,
Mr. aad Mfl. Robert Monce of Dayton invited NIr. and '-Mrs: "K~ McMlUJ.... and
L~da ~MiUd ~ ' am
. dinner suetts .;on SeP,!t. 2 to celehrate the,hil1hday :~~f Mila
Reg~ 11 10" Pl ,a te, 7 SaJad Plat e, goz. Cup ' & 'Sauc er .·Open Sto.ck'••••• ~ccessories Avai lab le
Big 2' x 4' pane.. •....t In
.uape"'~ .~...m.
faat ••conomlcal way to ,C OY,.r an old ceiling o~'t:.;;, •
one. Dlatlnc1iiW-s.-
hera deaJan '....ures, nubbly
directional pettem III ....... ·t1NO-tone on-neutral effect. W. . . . . . . .&y·to In-
(coati nued T"UMH Ta, ·
pap 8)
TIMNII .... ~ ;.' •
""_NeH "O,,~•..~"ITON'" ~
One of several bridal .how, en enj~yed by Mila Mary Beth Irelan was a m'iaeella· n'eous show.er given Tuaday e!~ning by Mrs. Dika S~art· . zel' (nee Dika Irelan) and , Mill ,Loella Hume at the home of Mr. Del Mrs. Frank M. Irebn of Fairho.lme Farm.,
of Belho ..; ,... DeItoa-ait
. .au "
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedl' Hma of. Xenia .are aJUlOUllCthe engaaemmt of their daughter Saadra 'to Jerry Lee Summa..,...on of Mn. Madge Sumine~ 'ana the late MayDUd Summers of Race Street. Spring ValIey. _ Mia ,HiDe:- 'it' employed ·by \ . ephone the Obit». ~ Coml'df. ' ~m~ta is
.'~. '. -Mr. ~en it a -Iraciuate
. , " , of XeDia High SChool and , . - Miami Jacobs J~OI' BuaiDeu Coli. at Dayton. ' The Hilla, $ummen wed· eliDa ~ &e aD weat of Feb.
Ne.clow, P.....
I/I:po •••., 'Suday,
week Prayer ,.... ; IiIltJe ' , ,: "
But High - Sueet Thoma Stevens, MiDiater , ,9:JO. •.IIl., Sunday 'Bible &hooL,
Ohio 73 But
1Cidcl. Putor
'aD~ ' Comm':UliOll., ~ 6:oq p.m. Sunday Youth 1" Meetin, . 6:30 "p.m. Sunday, <lIristian Youth Hour. " 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evenlnl
10:00 •.m., &u.day Schoot . 10:00 " "11:00 a.m., sUn.lay, ,Wotahip Service. 7:30 p.m., Sund.y Eveninl Wonllip.' ____
Wor.rup., 7:30 - p.m. Wednaclay, 'Bible
O'Dtt;ed. Kethodlat
. PrienQ
Pounh . Street Deal' Hiih' 9:30 a.m:;-!u..d., School. 1~:4' uD., ·Sel.~~y', M.mg for W-:,,-,: l~rr;
10:30 • ..., Sund.y SchooL 11:00 a.m., Selnd.y WonJhip ' ~Semce. i' , ' •
•. ~~:S_Oh~ Re.. J~ H. Lutm~, , , ~ " II a.m. Mutes 8 • .m. 8 p.m~~ Holy 0.,-
*' p.m.
, Sai4,, ~
",1 '
~ 1. ,
' ~.
.n aRT," Ferry Church ~f obliiat "ilminstOD 'R ike"
11:.' a.m..,.
,. Oh" . "~odtat
Third " North ,Streeu . L. L. Y Ol.lDg, MiDiater 8:1' .. 10:Ua.m., a d at Wonhip. 9:1' a.m•• SUnday O1urch . Study. 6;00~, Sunday" Youth Pel.
ReV. L. L. Young , WayaaviUe
BIih~ _,
Row Road But Witemaa, Miniateir " :30 Firat Friday 9:00 'a.m., Suaday Bible ':4' 'a.m. Paily Ma.u , " , ~I. 'a.m., SunCl.y \v~hip. ~~ . 10:1' 10:1' a.m., Sunday Ytputh . Wonhip. Third « MaUl Screea . ,,6 :30. p.m." Swaday "Eve_• Rev. Harold Deeth, _. Reccor Bible Study, t, all AF." Motaiq Prayu , 7:30 p.m., B~a Wonhip~ lit, kcI " , . Suacla,-: p.m., WcClnaday, :J~ Hoty Conununioa 1Zod " 7:30~ Prayer aDd Bible ..fth Stlad.,.. , Study•
.. U'Dited
We dare not aUow an eardlly aettina separate ... from ' foUoml our God. Looking to h'im we can ~~UDt any of eardu diEEicu1tiet but when our -vet ue lOIIlewhere ..be, we like the Psalmist ,ink in dispak without hope~ ~t UI allO aee what tile wonlUp service -c8D do fo~ UI.
Sunday Olull'ch '
;.. 'X'P'~ '.Fdlcp-JUp ._
co...: .
In altonishment he .aid, How co",d I have ,been 10 naive, aI not to have looked at the whole picture? How , . often have we done' this same thinS? Did we' .~ to God? ·· Were we lifted up above it aU where. we co~ld He aU , around UI?
OhQl'Ch Davi4 -HUI*, Pu_
a.m." .9:30Semce.
: !
<J:olI&h8 a1lD _:aaptlat~ L.ater
n. I'l'obl~
pew un~l it bl~~ecl out hit LOrd~ ,. Ju.ed ~d bewild~resl he went into me ~. While he ' .at there ,meditating the lisht of God began. to e.hine , on his -problem. He laW the ,pl'o~perity of the wicbcl to . be lived. God had aet them in .lippery placa. .
MIS. HIUIY GIBsoN ,M~ Holl, - Ph. .,-45182
,Suaday SchooL. ~l'aiajJ... , p.m., W-.ad., Prayer :, ,Upion., , ' Meetdna· . , 7:30 p.m," , SundA)' EYaUn. ; (~f'dia_· ~ ~ t h : Southern. Ser.ic:e. Bapdat o..YeIl~t;l). . '~J,O ~ WedD~y, Jdid. 10:00
Eveaia, Wonllip.
~ . ro:30 a.m~ 'Sunday Wor.llip
, -p~ at iIle' Gtilerat Etec. tric, Cndit Corporation at
I'lnt".Ohurclt. of Ohriat
:rrteadahlp . ,.~.
wereUaable to attclld. Re· fftllun.....· ,~ucIiaa · ~ made ice a:eaIIl w.ere ~joy~ - MiN Il'elan·, wedding an eV~t of' Saturday, Septem· . . 6th• .
., .,r.
. , 0Ilwc1l " , , 59uthera ~aptiat eon.cU)n ,
p•••, TI'~' Oaioft.
'1:)0, p.m., 7:30
, , lUi, aDd MrS. Patricia Vair of' ,
Nonh itaia Street Jolm P. ~• .p...tor 10:10 a.1ft., Saacla, SChool. 11::00 ......, MoraiD. Wonhip. ,,:~o
. : ' low of Ceatervillej Mn. ,:.Dome HAwk. Ma. ,Lude ' I~e.:
, in;
RoUn. . "
Acy Lamb, Pator 10:00 a.m., Sunday School. 7:30' p.m., SUaday, Wedn•• ' day and Saturday, E,,'e, nina Wonhip Semea. 7:10 · p.ift., Weclaaclay YOUltil ,-
5emce , .' . •
' PeD~
PInt; :la1ttin, Ohareh
c.o __ .JI
v ~f.
GU~ iDc1udecl .,Mn. 8ar~1'.' lN"a. Mill Kim Irelan. aftd Nn. Beuie, Day of ' lC~t. r,trt. Pell)' HOwllaacl
10:4' a.m., Sunday Wor.hip , an4 Conununion. , 6£10 p.m. Wedaaclay EvaUaa 8i&le StUy .... Soea
ClarbviUe. "
Third e-Miami Streets 10;", •.•~, Sunday Bible
, Ln'LJ: . United 'KeUtodil1t ChUrch .
VDitecllWhodiat Ohurch ' Rev. Leoaard ~. 9:30 • .m., Sun4ay SCh~1. ' 11:00 Lm., Selnday, Wonhip Service. 7:00 pA, Suacl&y, Wonhip'
. SemCe. 7:00 p.m., Salid.y !Sible "
-,.. C!-.~
".ada." .
7;JO p.m., .~ .
DaVid 'T. ' \V~. Minia~ '
10:00 ••m., Sun.y WOil'lhip ' . "
Seivice. 11:00 Lm., Sunday Scho.,l• 7:00 p.m., SuDday. BV."a Wol'ihip' Semca COIlduceecl, ,'" ~~.
'Page , 6
. said this wu the driest August ~ since ' ~·thirty.two." We were ~ able to get the rest of ~e .'Cr"" in and the secolld cu~ ting of alfalfa. Mo.t yeus that would have been the
th~: :.:m~y, ~ne
Friclay, September " 1969. Squirrel Seuon beJina today. , is inter. ' A warm, damp day like this , ated, George got the ro.es should be good for squirrel .oon after my i.a.t report, hunting since the leaves are just before I got some pro damp that the hunter can tectors around them. Some walk. more quiedy.. . kid.......that goat. Squirrel. ,are ~ery , wary .of NQ more .hots .0 the hunt· the least rustle of leaves or ers must have gone home ~d anapping of twigs. They come all the .quirrels are , safely In OUt .t cl8wn and l~ 8J'ound their holes. The deaCl~ine fO.r . hut at the fkst Ihot, they' dive copy has been moved to Frl, for 'their hol~ ~d come out day so I can't give any reports "ery c.utiously if at all. of Saturday and Sunday. That' Many hunterS jutt find a will "have to wait till next comfortable" place, ~ sit and week. then .pend the day resting Lots of people at ~e 5ale . Thursday with prices holding and .atching the likely den trees for a chance to shoot. held up 'higher this year than When I bought the old Farabo'u t the same. Prices have ris fa~ on MiddJeboro Road,' u.ual. Now' that so few ~ople I found ~t ,they had alway. have, a family cow or a smali charged a dollar, a day for herd it is pos,sible that Ptere hunting permits so I followed are fewer calves to come to their example and it was quite ' the sale, only those fro~ the profitable UIltil the Salvation , big . dairies, more H~lsuins 'Army bought the best squirrel and a few Jerseys,. and lome wood. and did not allow buntgood black white fa~es. mg. Those are usually from a We .ti1C1014 permits but ' Hereford bull with a Hol.tein with only the woods on the ' cow. Many dairy men now east lide of the road not 10 &reed there leut pod cows many come. Then there ,are to a Hereford bull if they are other things that make huntnot keep-lIlg their heifers for ing leu popular. The price of replacements. Any calf with ammunitioll makes squirrel • white face brings a better meat very expensive, apeci. .,nee. aUy if you are no better, .h~t than the one I jwt heard fire five or six .hots in rapid sue· ' casion. I wonder if he got the sqUIrrel. There 'are those wbo wOuld like to uae a twentytwo rifle but diat ia too clan~ Workman .u among gerous. A twenty-two short , several "Sing Out Waynes_Det fired into the .ir at ,th~ ville" IOlo&.c. who performed riPt, angle can .kiIl 'at ~ mile with -the ' "Sing-Oue" Ohio cliatance. 'VaI1ey (,Q VAC) durin, Its Several yean ago there appearane, .t the Ohio State . were a number of peoplt; rePair Aug. , 31. portccl killed hY .ttaY twenty',Susan and ·othet W.ynestwo huIlets. $eturday, will ville "SinS-Out" members parprobely he the Jjig day, ticipated ,ia the proaram ,with High .... have made it too . a cut of 2,000 youn, people. expeDIiYe to layoff to ao the The two hour program includfint clay of thf' seuoa. ed j4 vocals' and numerous Funny how ' havill, ' !:.abor "Speak-Outs". self ' expression Day the fint of Sepcember hu sessions. . . pushed ev~s a few' clays The OVAC i4, comPrised of early. School hepn Se~tem "Sin,.Out" grou~ from. all her 3 and now the squirrel over Ohio and parts of New .eason which usually Openl York, Kentucky, Michigan, ·about the 9th or 10th c~es P~.yh,...ia, West Virginia on the fifth~ and ,Indiana. It baa 'been a warm, humid, Susan is the daughter of showery week with foggy Mr ~ Ma. Don Worlcman momin.. aEeu lOme good h:ay , of •north Main Street, Way~ westhet. A report on-the ,radio Ilelville.
Patrie Ii 0 S,t S Of l he •
.. A new composition entlltled "The World . . . The ''War be pre. . . • The Poet" sented at St. Patriclc'. 13pia· copal Churcb at Lebanon ~tluring a serviCe of choral Evensong on Sunday at 7 :30 'p .m. The poetry, and music ' ere.' composed by David D~nCl van, son of Leban.,!)n High Scbool band director William Donovan and Mrs. Wilham Donovan, a music teacher in the Lebano ' Elementary SC:hool System. Music \:()JJlposition isn't new to David, During ~he ' past several years he has ompose4 a lArge number of sIongs with guitar accompanime'nt. One of IUs recently 'mOl't recognizeq, •"Footprints On The M~on," will be uSf~d in the fund drive for the Neil Armstrong Mu~eum at Vl7apakoneta. David and Mike OsBorne, son of former Lebanon Junior High School Principal Albert O.borne, recently pettCl,rmed this song on the Bob J~raun TV show" , UThe World •.• The Wa~ • . The' Poet," David's molt ~mbitious compoaitiol! to date, is scored fW IOl0iab, l:uicar,
chorus, drums,' cvmbal, gong, wind chimes and organ. David .ill play the ~ital' ~nd sing the part of the "Poet" during the debut of hiS' newest compo_ition Sunday. St. Patrick's adlllt choir will .be assiated J,y drummers Dennis ,Dramer and JQe Kersey during the perfo·rmance.
Mn. Alma LeOnarei has
moved 'to COI'WiD. The Paul Brothers have ' moved from the Jean EUina rental on IOUth Croll St. to the hOJlle of the late Mr. Tompkins at' Oakland! Mr. and Mr•• BrotherJ purchued the small farm lut week and .moved to it on Labor Day. Mr. and Mr.. Kenneth Brothers and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Brothers and family spent Labor Day wee -end in . Broo1caville, Ky. viaidng the , elder Brothers' parents, Mrs. Anna Brothers and Mr. and Jut a reminder to thoie Mrs. Bernie &ravard. in' town and to ' , The . conditi"n of Mitch who , are thOle who may not be rep:' Lamb who suffered a heart tered. y ~u will be .ble to attack a couple of weeks ago regiater Sept. 24 at the ' city is Ili~hdy improved. Hia room building. You must be regia- number at Grandview Hospitered .be eligiJ,le to vote. tal at Dayton ia 415. He it alThe only ~equirement' ia that IQwed visitors now and would you live in the district you' will welcome cards too. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilvote in for 40 days, and of course you must h-ave Uved Iiams and Patti spent the m t_ d'.WIt - h , M rs. Will-lama• · the state ' of Ohio for a weeK-en year. So ,everyone be sure and cousin at New Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Willa d Tayregister and then vote in lor of Xenia were hOlt to the November. ' , Mr. abd Mrs. Charle_ Price Bowman family regular set co,went to the Cincinnati Reds gether at their home Saturday ball-game Friday nisht. They evening. Guesta wer~ Mr. and enjoyed it, more beea'ute it Mrs. Wayne ' Florea of BIan, was a winning game for the' chester and Mr. and Mrs. Don Reds. Snider and daughter, 'K ara, of A baby shower wu held Sun Praire, Wia. Othen presWednesday evening Aug. 20 ent' wer~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred , for Mr.. Irvin Wallingford. Wolfe ,and da~ihter, Mr. and (Vicki George). Those pres- Ma. Harren Harriacm and ent were:' Mrs. Bud PI~er daughter of Lebanon, Mr. of Lebanon, Mias Connie and Mrs. Raymond Adams of Honaker , of . Waynesville" Ilear Fort Anci~c, Ma. Stella Mrs: RoDald ,:G~~., Mn. PL.rea of Blaachestel', Mr. Dick Garrison of Waynesville . and Mrs LewU Bowman of Route 3, Mn. Ed Schuster, Kin.. Mi1~ and Mr. and Mn. Mrs. Teddy ' George, Mr.. \ Boh New.ome and 'lOll, JeffMike George, and Ma. Paul· rey,' and Mr. , and Mn. Clint . ine Trivett of Harveysburl, Taylor of Harveyaburg~ Mrs. James Broth~ of OreMr. and Mrs. Ralph Qark p'~ Mr~ William Suttles. ' of Ple...Dt Rid., wue cal~ Mn.- Bill Carr, Mrs. Roy WaI- leri in HuVepbur. Tuaday Iinsford and Darlene , of af&erDoOn. Oarbville and e b~teII Mr John ' HahD of BnaleMrl. 'Freda George of Way- wood· left by .plaiae friday to naville RoUte 3, " ' I~ ~eral _ _ With hit Mrs. H. S. T~er - .~- _ _ - aDd hrorher ill SaDta eel a faillily dinner helel at her. Rosa, Calif. daughtel"., Mn. Evelyn ,$y- ' • I, ferd, of Dqtc)n. ' Mr. ancl ·:Mn. CUnt Taylor ' Mr. and MrJ. Bud Bran- were pesta of Mia Susy Cienbur. speot Labor o.y Baldwin of Ilear Middleboro ' week-end with Mr. Branden- Sunday afcemooll and eveburg'1 lister ... husband, Mr. Ding. Other ....ta iaclucle aDd Ma. Harold Parker of Ma. Gola JOD.el ~d iIOn P..... of ' q;,lumbua ad Mr. .. ' Jim Cannan and Roger and Ma. Clem Baldwin bf McKinney It. v e , r~ near Middlehoro. from a " day fialUn, trip at The Sweet Ad~ Ch.pSugar ~~ ~da. Bruce tel' of. DaytOn of whicb Nancy , D.wson formerly , of Taylor NewIOIDe is • . lDemburg now liViD. in Liberty bet will lin, the Ohio Hon-, , Center, acc~.,.niecl thClll. ey Festival.t Lebaaon, ThunMr. and Mn. Ropr DocIds day evaUnl, . Sept. 11 .t 9 Celebra. their 7th aDDiYer- p~.n.\ aary Au,. They dined .t _ ' _ '_ _ _ _ _ __ Dom~" in ,Dayton •
....... ul~ . . . . .
,••, I."II.rt1",.ellt.1 ,. tl I.~
Itll , .......... .,.... ad . . . .; . . . . . . . . pool tIYI, lID
... INa ....... IUD7 ........... ....
-- - - - -
Fo.1" Sale
For Sale
OORN, beana, tomatoel, potatoea, canota, okrA. L. H;eetbler, HaiDee Rd. l6cl
FRANC~ AndPorle wishes to thank e\'eryone ror all the concern ror her during her · ilIoel48. She wilh'es to thank ~veryone ror the carda they IIC!nt and ror the telephone metlllap8. J)an i. out 'or aJl danpr but it wiD take a long time fnr thet heart til· ClUe to heal and ' !'!!build. We would ap~reejate very mucb if people would not visit or make telephone calla between tbe bours from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. Thill tim~ ia oeee.ary fpr eomplete reate Many .hanb again to aU ror tbe praye.. and Conc:ern and belpfulneae duri~ .hia ordeal. Mrs. Annette ADderift l&eI
Thutsday, Sept. 11 "·K pooy, 10 ynt. old, .eadd)e , aod Wiener . lIsndwich, potato . bridle, I9b. Ph. 88&·3257. l6cl , chips, finger salad, apple crisp 69 RAMBLER. Roup, 6 oyl., Auto., an(l white milk. UII, Deluxe Model, 2 door ha,dtop. Ph. 897-6181. 1602 . Friday, Sept. 12 REDUCE _e add fa-. with GobeIe Half and half sandwiches, &abletl and E·Vap w ate r pilla. haJll salad-peanut buctet:, butWayneeville Drq. 18c' tered potatoes, fruit jeUo, HI neipborl Tned Blue Luatre fo, cookie and white milk. ...una carpetl tIt'. .uper tRent ' Monday, Sept. electric Ihampooer tl. W&),neaville Furniture Co. t6o1 Submarlne ' saadwich" home AVACAOO ,PI ranp and nfripr. baked beans, peaches for desator. 1969 model. Phone 89'1-4881 sert and chocolate and white momiDp. . 1&:1 millt. FARIIALL B ,nth oultivaton. 1300, Tuaday, Sept. 16 Samuel C. Haltom, lit. BoByBeef, potatoea and ' gravy, , mi. North of WayoenWe on old and butter, cube of Route .2. 13c' cheese, apple sauce and rice OVBTOK cream. . . Wednesday, Sept. 11 BOMB BUILDEB Sloppy joe sandwich, green ~~tPES beam, celery chunb and large a.KODELXBG , fruit bar. '
FORD G"hutie 390, " uto., Power Steering, Red, A·I condlltioD. . Mwt Sell Ph. 932·9251. 16cl SeltATetl JI",I" ror ..Ie at -;;;; Minnli Gasette. · 105 S. Mai.. St. \V "Yllf'fIvillr. , II~net~ WALL-'J.'O.WALL Carpet. 2.I'1;;;s and hall. 11.9.95 complete. Sunples without obligation•. ' Ph. I·W·78St; 16c8
REMOVE exeeae ' body Ruid-;u. Ituid,. Tablet., ooly IUlif lit Waynee\ilI~ Druc. . I&t
. CLARINET, Bundy, like new. Prieed . reuonable. Phone 897·&9&1 nr'
897·7731. . tiel MOORI, liMN) Multilith offeet 'p rint. jn!: I'''''''' with DlItnm"tic blankflt wMher. Gr.tItetnflr MrMlel "'1 Idupli. f!:atur with a.....fu F.leet.rnnio &en. rit ~n:mn(lr an,I cabi!1C1t. All aco1.
Bobert Carter " Son
21 1.1" IT. WAYiUVIL~ OHIO . .
MRS. RICHTER TO TEACH . Mr.. Gary Richter (nee Sally Worlanan) · will teaeh thU fall at aD Epilcopal Church IChool at Clearwater, PIa. Mr. Richter u an executive Vift-.Prelident for the West~ Raerve Life ' Aaurance Co.paDy. __ •
.. "'"
.. .-'
.. '
4 .o\Jt
"Lady,~' said
die drunk,
,"you're the ....st wmnaP I
everaw'" , . "A';d : , 'o u' re . the clrunbtt man I've ever ~" the uiaweled. ,~ . &&1 know 1a4y:~ the, drunk repue~ "but rn be tlQlJer in the momini-" , ,
SACRAFICE IonS 'Satalite cc)nver· table. " 00 the Roor. CnU Swlr·2St6 weekda,. after • :30 p.m. W8I!tkende · anytime. ' . . ~ .
COW Spriap Beaut, Ahop: WiI take appointment. anytime. PIa. 8974399. «Sed
7. .27" or ....1_ .
,!ii!iiiiiiii!i, C"\MPI~O
Trur.k C.1ll11f11'11.
J.:QtTU'Mft:NT -
Wht'f'1 Cam,,..r Call1ftinl{ Tn&iten.. Il mud..", hI,' c:hllcllIP. fnlPl. AlMn Wayn.. eURlIM!r TrawN ' Tr:aiIMl & TOIIIC. And !\1"'rl",~utn'M Dream
ftlln' .. 42. I mile. north
i:J. Waynr:l\·iIIe.
U .... WI... C1lJ CGu. . . . . _ ;.r ald. ...cIt ........ ~ faJDUi' ...... - ,aU. ........ . \11 . . . ., ... . . ·.bIdi............... ~. LuI- roOiu. .......ood fI.........teI' ~..... ·faIl ,' . . I . . . . . . . . .
ICE Cream Socialt United MClI~odiat Church, Springboro, Sept. 13" .:30 .
p.m. to 7 :30 pm.. ,lUDC~ IterVed. IrIi1k: compliments 'of San Ji.~ Gal . Dairy
. Ro..te 2 P~kin. 'Road Waynavill" .O hio
Call Collect Day
Beauty Shop will be cto.d
. until fur&ber ,' DOtiM.
COMPOST -.:.-----TOP SOIL Ph. 897-2726 ' Sp,in.g Va. 11ey 862-4211
R I CHA RD .: RAT t.:.IF F ~~~~~_ _. . ._ _ _ _ _. . ._ _........._
Antique Shop
Behiml 8t~bba Funeral Hom.I. ,Spe· eialiainK in " . .ware." Wayne-ville,
GRAV~ L, ':, ~.. . .
USED · CLOrIIE8 - Shirte-Bao-8kirt,-nr-. and Sweat-. 10. eaeh-alM, Diahee-tan........, o&ber nete" arid enda. BrMel,.. 0cIde .hd Enda Store 29G K. llain Sl. Harve,.tl..1'10 Ohio. . f8ed
WANTED TO BUY: 0utaII1 fIoa" door Wi&b door frame, M" .ride X 79" hiP, (WiD ooDlider larpr door tha.t oan be e..t Call 'l1le Miami Ouette 807·15921uk for 1Ir: EdeaIl lanetf
Jtny Hoff..... .7-4211
1M2 IIodeI 7~' Ph.
good bar~ and fenced lot. A SGOd. invelUIlent.
Jt.ci.terect. White nr Apricot. ISO. Appointment only. Phone 807-4"8.
FRIDAY 9 a.m. at 2145 JlarJ~ ' Road. .Sale includ.. e~tric 'OIIan, t.icycle Gens_, diDiac room , suite:, 4acIe bed willa ... IPriql .. mattrea pu' and other- iteau.. llel
1 acre, 2 .tory, 2 unit apartment, 2 bedrooDll, livingroom, ~itcheD and 1 bath each unit. Abo hal ' ..
It. B. Wade Bealty
Louie Reedy
See us ror.,rtnera, )'Our installation water heaten, tu.. orPDer" repain, ftmndeliq nd new con· etruction. Ph. 897 29. Ik2 TOY .Poodle Stud Service, AXe
I.nt condition. rhqne, The ll1iaad Ilanetr
Services PLUllBING, 1. A.
Olllfltte 897·5921.
"My wife has the wont memory I ever heud of." "F orgets everything. eh?tt "No. remembers'
Oard of Thanks
, ' ~kU
LOst" Found
~: A 'pearl broach pin 2'" lOBI,
ran moped, keepeake of a lov.set one;' on Main a~ Hiab Streett Waynes· ville. Phone 897·7786. 16c1
LOST: Red and white Be,"te in
~. . . . . . :1 Waynesville. , Ohio. Ph. ' 89'1~i7.lt
F or 'D-nt AU
& ROOM hou..oe and garalKe, not modern. ~8.00 · per mont". Adul~
oo\y-oo pet.. Depoeit ,.,quiJred. Ph. 885.7161. 'Iktf
Real :lAtate, I.BEDRooM home, for sale. FU!1 . buement• . I-ear garap, on 3 acres. Ph. 897-4350. ' Ile1
PH. 897-2.530
PH. 197-4ZJ1 .PH. ..,.,,..,
~1 ..... HeIt Ja ........... ~iae ' ~... JJPtI, pue i.oft aupr, . .pt, DUlmea ' iDa ...... DMcIe CblUlied aacI hoaey; cOOk to bud crack . douP iBlIO ) ~• .... _ aI»out 290 ~ p. Out ~I'" OD • uptl, tlaulPoo GIl caaulY thermoaaee.. DIOJt - eel boucI. RoU 1/4 m pieces of babel cloup into <:.:at mlO . . .1 hoa., aaixturej adr aad cook PI..ce OR pnpared kiDa Uah fiv~ miaatel 10llp'. AcLi pe_ ah~ ~ith ~ • c:aaaj Itir aacl cook aD adcli. a, pamt dell... OD 'a iional ,., ' minutea. Tum mix. with ea yolk paiat. . tuft out OR a wet .urface ....d Bake 1-10 miau.. For IaIIow 10 cool uatil eaay to Clear colon, do DOt let coc~a haDelle. With moiate-eel haacla ~ J:n'owa. Let cookia cool .; t final, pftu inlO ball. eouf ~ -miDuta Wore lettial cool
.pu , ,..t '1
Uha, pUce heavy-duty metal 2 iadaea in c:liameter . foil ~ ~ o! pill. Lay h~ AppIe-Hoaey Dr:.. iDI oaf . flft; ~il OR 041" aide . (For fruit. salad plate) ~ 20 ~utea. Tum ham; . ' , 1/3 c. IUpI' _' ', arill 1~ 't1lUlUl~ . ~.... 114 tap. 4rY mustard enuaI, Widl aloe pd "roil 1/2 tap. 'paprika uati! ham Ioob abia~. 1/4 tap. 'ail~ , . ~ aIue-~ 1/2 , lt2 cup Imoom applcaaucc cup hoaey 1/4 c••traiaed hoDe)' ,J 12 cap ~..... 'f. . j mlap. lemoa juice .% flour. ~ , , . I tWap. . . . , ~ ~. tUlup a•• -.~ ' 114 tap. paced leaaoa rincl ~ ..........~ _ apncot 1 tip. cel~ teed __~ .., . . . _ac6 -pule. . 2 c. oil
on wire rack.
BII Yolk Paia~lmd ,eU I ea yolk
~/•• ~ wa~
Div.cl lDiZtUl'e Ulloa. ..". . era! cuatard cup' aaad a ~.
fUeDt food ~a 10 cup 10 make .~ercal
Ion' . Th... cooIda are eapec;WJy fun for c:hiJdraa 10 malte. ' . Pleue cIoa't ~oqet 10 :l ead LUi week'. Wh..eL It proved a bit tau. . . . . Uaual. ' ~ !~ hoaq rect· iii. M . . . Wayaeaville Bd• • MiD ... kleecifiell . pel to Miami ~... , omby fOur caIJen'. aDa the ... dow. at ahe' WaJM.".!~t~ . , 11 ea'., BcIitDI' PM V., a.. 121, DNa. ~e • .c.tIen WKe Sue Fer. . . . Mike RJe, MAidie,; , 1'1~. + ~ • • ~e aU iapeclieata g_ Wayaemu. ~ caD." 26. &ad Cyathia POIl_. Tab a .... ., chi. ".... ~ . Z.1/4a,. ~ ~ cept oil ia Mwl. Mia...u. ~,.~ .... .., .... Rye, . . caI1 the ~ Guette a, 897·"21. I.I/Z L ~. AcIcl ~ aIowly, -daa Ohio H.-e1 P..... at , hU" , I L ..It . . . OuPIy. OWl. Sh.Ite -.d beat ' . . ~~ ~ 11.I!t. . l/4 ~ coW.... eiI well "fore .m.C. M.lHa ~ ._ . , I-I/Z cup. '/4 Co liraly .,.... lipt Nwat. St,li. _ - . "...."... I.I/Z ~ ....r ' . 1/2 c. chappell ' .,..... t I~ ~ ••• • . . 1/2 c. cIaoppecl pecaN . ~.11J .cut- ~~,. .. JV) 1/2 c. niIiM ' . . ~ , . " 1(2 Co hoo., Z ~ ........ , w ole aacI white brae! efta: no clc.... F. Mia DUta raiaiaa &Dd L _ _ ' ..:_,~ _L__ ' , r--: ~t 2 cIo.a , Spread OR buttered Ia •• . . . . . Mwl, com· . piece of whole wheat Iweacl. w.e 'flour, wa.. pawdat', Complete...dwicla with a ' ... lAIc; .u. ~ INnerecI dice of white brad. ~If ~. A.W oil .......; Cut ....wich· is triaaaJa aad ., . . . • . toft cIouP. ' eerve with a ~ erdapple. , ;'" 'WlLLIAM MvI.iJNs -, f.Jr. aDd~. Lith,Fruure . . . . pieca .f . . . . illco chia ...........: ~ . ,,>, " , of Wa---:lL t- are ._ ....., ' at r..-Y'........,.Puaer tel'VlCea .-were COD~ ..... I'. . . . ill eliaMia chorouPly dW:tecl at 2 p.m. 'Friday at the . .iallOUDdal the arrival of a . . . . C. t .n.,. 1/3 cup IUpI' . . ' .. ~bb. PUDer~ Home at daupter, Heather Jean ae lato ~-iach ...... .~ Oft . 1/3 cup .oft aIumeaia. " . Way.eaville for 'wiillam F. .W4eClDada,... Sept. J, at Greea .......... bekiD, ...... (pcef. ' 12'/3 cup ' ~ , M~ttiaa- of"Wa,;e.vill~Rouw Memorial ~ at x.ua. 'auly With Iida) aacl bake .I . ', .... ' 1 ca 2 ' H~ Jean weiped 6 1&.. ' for a&oUt ~~ miauta 01' _til I t yaaiIJa , - . M~lliaa, 23, ~ , ~uac:la, 10 oa., ~ is ~. aDd Mn. ,...~~~_~...;.~____ ' Scir ia ~ howh . evmba. at Dralte ; Ho.pital at .Fruure I Earn chiIcL 2-314 cupe flour c·· . .
.......,MV'.....,... .
I' ......)
. ...
I , ,t.
, ~tI.
I:fe ia IUrVived _b, hia par• entl, Mr. aDd Mn. , Luther , Mullins of Wayacaville -Route 2; fQur ,.isten, Mr.. Alma O'/er6ee of W ~yila9ille, ' &h,. .
' Itaa1t
Mi. dry .iapeclieatl inlO Ihone.i, aUzture. ChIlli
£morioaall, upKt or CItRIC .people are more libll' to pt ' Colda . ~ , , , 'l
.otIlcr... . ,
u.s. Dr¥i ,
, ., OoJDl8erc1al- Beiidential ~ Automobile Untta
ta .8. MaiD St. . ' Wapeavi11e. Ohio
IhcI tsuY
baa produced 12 of the=." '1, 4 mOlt .ipificantDrup' in· troduced .in the past Iclcc· ade. ,
Photo ~y DE.... " · DA.L
Purk«w of . Waynesville R~ute 3. 'R honda is sho~ . with Kelly Brown, 'second runner-up,' of Franklin, leE" AIpl .Fields, first ~Uf!J'er.,up, .f ~bUlOn. . Kelly is the dap~tet' of ~~,. ' ' Yvonlle Sr tPUl 13m ' the daughter of ,Mr. and Mn. Robert F~lda.
Several Waynesville councilmen who are Wayne Township , Fiftmen were sent scrambling .for ,their fire equipment as vile lage counca meeting adj~urnecl Tu~sday night at about ~:3' p.m. Fire gutted the two room home "of Chesney Burgess. neu the dead end of South $econd Street ' ,a t nearby c;o~in. Mn~ . Car~IJ'll .W'instead of 4cj.~/2 S~)U~h Main Street r~rted the . lire to, W:'yne ~.own'~ip Piremen when she ~pq.tted the flamee. It The modest reaidence was owned by Hal'old Shackelford, ac- I cording to deparClllei1t officials. Wayne T ownahip Fire Chief ",,' William Sawyer said that he received repor:a' that the . . . was caused by J man smoking in a ,chair. No 'furdler deWJa · were known to the Miami Gazette at press time. . I
The first mee.ting of Way• •nesville Pack 40 Cub Scouts will be conducted at 7 ,p.m. Thutlcl~y at the Waynesville United Methodi9t Churc;h. betW4;~ ' eight and ' , eleven ye~rs "old who wish to . join Cub ScoutS are urged to at~end this meeting with their parents. , Ron K~one~b~rger has been named· the new 'Cubmaster for :.. Pack 49.
Would be ' burglars found, again Sur;tday that JlO mon~y ...is ever "left a~ the' Waynesville '
" ,ne MlAJ[[ g.AUftB
" P.O. BOa 78 - PhoDe 897-6121 , ' N ...... 1ICh ',WedDelda, at Waynesville, Obio. SUbacriptiOD price 13.00 I I
::=J)a'tid =;,.:,.~ .~.~~. ~. ~: ...... .. .. .. ........... FAlil~rII BdIaIl ..••••••••• '•.. ,., .••..••...••.•..•..•.•.... Geft'eraJ Mao.r ·. . . .aId O~ HiD • .. •· .. ·• .. ··· .. ··:· ·· .. ·0.. •• .. •••• Advel1iaiDi MaDapr ~1iDe ltaD" .... : •................................ ~iate !iUtor, l,leIiDaId O. Hill, David Edsall ..................... ," . . .. .. ... ""hlil<'... rs'1
P.O. Box7f4, Wayn""viltc-: Ohio 450014
, _. ;
. ._ - ____ -... _-,.1 _ '~ , S3P~ . annual ,
Thursday, ' Sept. 18 Salitb'Jl'Y lteak. IDUDClII tatoes and aravy, roll ter, fruit cocktall and miUc. Friday, ~ptember 19 Fish sandwich, tartar aauce, macaroni and cheese, carrot sticks, fruit and white' Lillc. Monday, Sept. 22 Spaghetti with ~ea ' and ttomato sauce, French ' read and butter, to$Hd wac!, ice cream and white miUc. Tue.sday, Sept. 23 H_mburger Ian d rich, pi~les, masheq potat~. and sravy, ~t and white milk WeClneaday, Sept. 24 Wiener UIldwich, ' tato:r toea: c~lery chum, fruit and chocolate and white milk.
The National Council of the Junior Order of American Mechanics Walter Coptey No. 89 hODored
Scott of Bellbrook Road near
Waynesville at ita meetiDa ' at SpriDa Valley' Saturday Diaht. H. W. Leaddy and CWence , ~owell of ' the DaytoD Council, wer~ at SpriDa Valley to ' present Scott with p award for aD incteue in membership for the put year. How- , ell, left, an'd Scott are ,Ihown above dUrin. the
Chuckle-A.:o.y A bore AI a feDo" can be read like a book! but not th~t up is eaily. '
Mr. and Mr..
Michia1 of Sprina Valley spent Sun· day evening with Mr. , and
Mr.. Elvia Michia1. Mr. and Mrs. Elvia Michial and Mrs. . Hiley Gibson were dinner guestl of Mr. and
lpent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Morria· Lewis Mr. Ervin Gibson and IOn, Stanly of ' BeUbrooit lpet.lt Sunday evening with Mr..
Hiley GibIOD. ,
When he fint nil for ' , Mrs. Ron KetmeU Friday. oftlce, he appealed to ' the They a1ao .uited Mr. aDd voters: HI never ItoIe Mrs. aarl fdcGr~. , .' JIl)1hJnI in my life. AD I Mr. and Job Hall lIkil*chance." '
,FDIC is aD indepmdeDt ' agenqr of the United Staw "Government created by ,k .i of .CoDgress in 1933 to give depositors m" insured banks protectioD against loIS within lpecified legal Iimiu.
, FDIC, insurance ,protection
to $15,000 it automatica11y in effect on your. dtposiu , here and appliel' ,to both ,neW 'and , old
~urance preaUlIIIlI are Dot .charled ~t) our depo.itor" bu~ are paid to the Federal De-
polit , Insurance CorporatioD each yall' by insured banks like oun. ~ . A small, family can have a lizable tol:a1 of depoaitl, all m.ur~, by ' aettiDa up pro t*'ly. " F,epared . indiviaual, joint aIad '
"I J
'Devi l' s Daughter All Believers ' Are Brothers , Twelve Cities Cul tureGul ch .
by Lipsky ,by Gal1ll1On by Gunther by Canaday ,-
$eptellber17. 190 . ..- ~~
Initial plans for Lebanon's Semi-Annual Antiques Show, .ale have , been releaaed , by Jean C:utcher, manager, of New Carlisle. , The autuDUl .how will be sponsored oy the Warren County Historical Society at the Lebanon Armory, East ,M ain Stredt at Taylor, Sept. 26·28. ' A total 28 popular ' area . dealers wUl sllow and sell an· 'uques of distinction from 11 a.m.-l0 p.m. Friday and SatSUSIE HAR-r;soCK urday. The show will ~ con- " Mis. Susie J-Iartsock, dalughd1.Jcted between 11 a.m. and tel' of ' Mr. and Mrs. I)avid D EDSALL 6 p.m. on Sunday•. Hartsock, will be in~~alled l1.arveysburg residents 'should Worthy Advisor of the Order have identified last week's 'Waynesvj]le's of die Rainbow for Girls, Where Is It, the Zion BapWaynesvllle Assembly lOon tist Ch\Udt in that ,villaic,. WC)rst Coffee SatUrday, Sept; 20 at 7:30 The foll~ did identify the Y~u thinlc your wife;. cof- . p.m. at the Waynesville ,Junchurch: The Waynesville Drug Store Gang, Mr.. Mary 'lee is bad? Rumor haa it that i~ HiP' School Gym. Sm{th, Henry McFarland, ' Hub~U's Barbel' Shop ser~es . \' Other elected ud app,ointits free Saturday coffee so' eel of~icers of the Assemhi}' Opal T~eaaler, Dorin Howard'~ Sue FergulQn and ,Stanley thide it can float a horseshoe. will be, 'iDataUed oft this ,' ame ~arley. The Where Is It can ,Even Mrs. Olson Is 'ready to date. , ' The elected ,officers inc:lude be ,'identified ,by phoning the , ~ in her coffee ~t! Wort~y .Ad~i.ot, SUlie Hart_ -paid 'ad Miami Gazette '.t 8~7-'921. ..
~~~-----...ii"'_"'''·iii '
lOCk; Worthy Asaodate Adviaor~ LaVerne Caudill; Char. ity, 'Sh~ Is~; Hope, ~ra~ ~y Pringle and Faith, I<:arcn Stiftt'. .
~L.~noN _IUISDAY, NOY••,~ tt~.
Y•• s....... WI" I. A,...........
Remodeliaa ' .
~~te 2 PeIda Road ~~~e,
ohio ;.
'. '23: S. J1aill St.
Waynesville, Ohio " '~ 'Complete Insur~ce se~ce' Home ~ BuSiness PH. 19'458
clauptu - of ~. &ad ~ A. Ire.... of NftP.h
kcame the Terry L. Wilton, aoIl of LiI, Wiboa ... the late Mr. \
Ralph WillOa 01 ~, Oft Satu1'day. Sept. 4: . Reveread L. L Youn. . formed the double riD, ~e. 1II000Y at half '~ four 0' ~ock ill the aEteptoOa at the ., ayaaville United Meth4 . t 'Cilurm. Altar decoradona iDd,aded a double arrUttJmleDt oC taper. with double b IS oC ..:used flowen in ~lue and .urro~cIed by lD~ts of fern.
The Miele, pea ia uby h~ father, "wo.:e a flowiD. ~ae aowa oE . ;hite, Iilk orpua. The - ealpire 'I.oc:lice of imponed ' V~mice . lace Ul\deflaicl with 1lZUl'e LIU'e, ..dar ,n"bboa. N rrow strips of riltboa aDd • dorned tile which . 'to chapel Imath. Her MaId-
-He took ber to the JOIf
coune tbjnkq Ibe bew. "~t the ..... AS 1IIIIIl,
hi ttiCed the flllt bel into . the roup.
er length ~ , ... caual.t ~ an arr......eat of ~~, atephaaatia, &ad tiny , _lUte aadturiwa. She caft'ied 8l~ inf~a1 bouquet of ~!ftiaa.
.teph ' tia, heather and day .eaf'oam green eoaemble With blue .Rowen accented by white matehina acceaoriea. She wore ltreaIDera. . a prdeaia conap. Mn. Deborah J. Harlow, ,. A ~n wu held ill the iiitel' of the tx,Cle, ... matron WayneaYille United Methodiat of h08OI'. She .oR a aleeve. Cturcla Social Room munedileu pawn of 10ft blue 8iIk ately foUowin. the ceremony. ,OI:~ Banda of p-oIp'&iD SayiDg ' .. hOiceaea were n&boa and aWiu emhroidery Miues Kim lrelaa, Jill !reformed the maadariae collar, lan, Penni Bayes, Mr•. ~DW.a acc:eated the hiP..em~ waist S~l~ aDd Mn. 'P eg)' H~l. line, ~pcl the hemUne land. .- of the .1Ua tkirt. ~ TIDY ."wte Miss Vicki Vair. Mia -J~roae INcIa and wen HI' - ftifer tiadaey, Mo_ 'Vana ranged in her hair which... Vair a.tad Muter ~ry Harrtyled wim large curia. She low were Junior hOlts and carried aD informal arrange. hosteaaea and diatributed day Dlent of ' flowen, ', limilar to packets of rice. the bri~'. &C:(eDted widt blue 1fte 'bride, an 'alumni oE , ~en. Wayne Local High School, ia ' Mn. Lymae M~ u.ue, aDd "AtteDcliq Ohio Uaivenity at , Mrs. Pauic:ia A. 'lair, aileen AthenS and wiU receive her of the bride web: Lric:leamaidt. Bachelor of Science iD Bclu....... . ' __ ....I fI . " -cation clearee in March. &.1Ieu' JOWDI l1li& ower. were The ~ ___ ~_..1 f ..1'.. f ...L groom, ara~~ r~m idcptical to wOle 0 we IDA- : AJcro.,-North Hiab S c i a tron of hoaQr. AbOa aDd ia abo attendi". .Mr.lC'eaaeth W"JItoa, ~rved UJdvenity. He .m abo , lUI ~ther .. hest ~ ,~ah- rec:eiYe hia 8acJaelor Of Scieace . en were Bob McLaupu.. ~ ill Marc:h. ~ PCM)le, both fraternity ' .& L......1... -=p Lrothen of -'the . IVIIIIZ' a DoaeyBlOOIl .. • •~ .&_~_ ~~ , to Caned_, Mr.. aocl Mn. w"J1. ~ l'UAUf'ew '-oD~ntO, or. . will raacle at 7 But Sec•• al.t, accomPII-.ed Mr. ~' Strect, Apt.' auIlieathe, . Corle .Gillilaad. ' ne bride'. , aotJ.er'. ... T .. u .. ~n•. 11IOM~N" aecnJ:,1e 'coatiaueci the blue .....HeM ,"",N• • UIlITON. . . Ai.~ theme. A molded .heath draa of .aiUt lame to~ b, ,. ..~ TlpAI"~ .....~..
Brass .' Gral't '
..&.ck ~ 0 • t
her .ciN. She ·wore IIlaCIChial acceaoriea, a hat of rosa and ,a of ..,deniu. ''J'ie Foom'. mother wore. .
' , . PrIIii
Eugene Welcher ' of
neal; Waylt~IVUle ~led 'IOn
Mrs. Hiley Gibson and Mr• . and Mrs. Elvis Midtiat Fr~ day evening. ·' Mr. I Howard . Crage of Wayn~ville I
and Mr.. Lewis Crawford and
family Satul'day. ' " Mi. and Mr•. <Sarles Bunnell and IOU Spellt Friday I
eVeNn, with Mr . -and Mrs. Dtin.k.an . f ' Loftlalld~- 'r ' .. 'Mr. arid Mr•..Elvia Michial iuld '1'&1: ljiIey.GiDioA ,were - aul'1*' .peats .saturday eve;. , hiIlg of ~. 'and Mr•. 1. Simi· 1011 of Xenia. ' . Mr.. Addie Dru~, Mrs. Chris~ Wallace, ' ~. ,Do~d Stafford pd ~n, :TOIl~, Mrl. Modi. ~ and Mr. ·'.Jerry ,Let4.ia wet'e guests of Mrs. fliJ.ey Gi610D Tue..c:tay eve~
nin,. '.
.: :Pirst Baptist Church ~,'
North Main Street . , Priendship. Baptilt , 1oht,s P. Otl)ome, Pastor . " Church " " 10:00 a.m., Sunday Sc;hoal. ~them Baptiat ~nven,tion . 11:00 a;m., ,Morning .W onhip. , N,orm. Me.ct,ow" pa.rc,r ,,6:30 p. '., Tl'amin. · Unio~. ' I~O~'OOO a.m.~ " S~day 5choc,1. ",', 7.;30 p.ih~" ,Eveninit':Wor.hip• . 11:00 a.m.,. su,ftday" TraiJlliJag , .. '" ' 7:30 p.m., Wednesday Pr.y~ . Union., , ' , Meeting. ' 7:30 ' p.m., Sunday , Ev~llin~ . (Affiliated, ~ it h: Southern '" Service. '( Baptist Collvellrioll). . ' ' ~:30 p.m., Wedfteaday, Il.4id-
week Prayer and Elible Study. ' '
, It "" not' 8bray. ~J llVe .ath conaeleDce. .To
, Jonahs Bun 8aptUlt },,' , ..' Charch ,.' , !.....
\ .
'1vet'e .upper JUats Thur.day eyenUtg Mr. and Mr•. KenIleth Lewia IIld daupter, Tina
lationa With our·feIlOw Ill....'· Conscience often cauaea .. .. to reiDember the tbIga "we· wo~ct . like ·to· forpt; , ~. .clence WIll· ~metbDea urp'
10:00 & 11:00 a.~., Swulay Worahip .Service. , 7:30 'p.m,, ' Sunday B~Dina
0.1 Xenia. '
. Worth-
.Mt. ~Ol1y ~cCoaW,tg wUl be Oct. ,.
that' ,.. . take an, adiOD maki! 'aome .ort of amenda '.. ..
'1 t.,.
. u:oo ,L m., SuDd,y WOI~P I I
to' .
mUit 10. . . . . . . . . " . . ., Hcond-thoulbt to our ,.bud, ne.. aetlvlties and to our , .
"10, ;we
Ohi&))3 ,Eat . . \ " Lester KiCld, Pastor 10:00 a"';., Sunday School. "
. "
, Me. aftcl Mr., Mom. Lewis
that ." cWrIcuIt McauM 01 . Datur" .......n. or pride. .
Oft the other h&Dd.. Jut. thl" Jaow ,. aUlfytnc It"lIlal : be t9 Ieel, a. dlcl tIae ~ ')' Paul; that we ba.e doae Our ~ Met . ~to have alway. a · CQDo . ac:ieDCe 'voW 01 a8e. . towanl God, aDd toward 1IlU;~
. Sa-vice. ' YOuth PeUoWahip aacl .Jible! ......~--...........~~~~~~~!!!iiIiiii~~...........~~' 'r s.d." .,j, .., ,. . . . . , -1j{. . '
Bcbul sL J~ od Mary The nat meetill. will , Moaclay, Oct. U at i at the Muollic Temple. order of hOlin. . will be tiOD of Ilew officers.
COUe.e Child ColllCrValioa Lea.- (C.C.L.) to
The New Century Mrs. Mary Rye, Mn. Katbe- . will ,.meet on:. Friday, 5epm • , rme FuUcerlOll,and' Mrs. Barbara Workinan. New officer. ~ere elected and they .;II ~ aDIloUllCeci at the Ilt;zt l.eet1nS'
her 26th at .~ p.m. a~ the ho e of ,' Mrs. Edna Hartaodc.
met Sept. 9 at the home of Mr.. Mary lOaD Cauidy. Nn. Betty QuIt, State 'Vice ' There will be a meeUnS .a t, President of " CCL, wu the 3:3~ p.m. Tliuraclay, Sept. 18 , ' ,.peaker. She ' taUteel with the at St. Mary's Church f,or ,MiaMi ·Ctapter 107 of ,m emben . and their gu~tI Junior Girl Scouts, Troc)p Ord~ of the EaatcrD Sw -net aI)Out wbat CCL really is. , 1107,. ,The Ilext meetiJls will be , 011 Monday, .Sept. 8 at the , A leadet and ~ ~is~ t MuoDic Temple. heid October 7 at the home lead,r ' are needect. Please lbe HOllored for the eve, of Mrs. Carol HaUOIl. The there or contact Mn. . Valta n,iIl, were Sister Marye Burtopic will be "PJ;eparUlg Your , Pel1ard at 897-'12~. Aett, who haa been a memChild for Sdt~l." ber of Euterll ' Star for .' yean, and Siaterl j~ McThere will he a meetins: at Majon and Minora Child CUlloch, lean Palmer, Elinor tile United Methodist Chu~ch , Colllervatioll League will meet Allford and Lutie Irelan., ~ho Th~aclay, September 18 at Thursday, Se~. I~ . at 6:30 have ~' members, for '2' ,' p.m.. at the ,ho~e of Mrs. 3 :30 p.m. for Browme' ,o ut ,yean. Harold Stanley. Each memregistratioll. ber will );trillg' a favorite diah Since there is a leader .for -- Buaiaeaa for the meems only ODe of the . troopS, the 'with • copy , bf ltheJ r~ipe iIlclaaded cliacuUiOIl 011 " ·the UJe,cl. upcom.illS Friendalilp'i'(' Nigh~ . pia that were resistered l ast Nn. Glen Smith, chair· ~ool year will be re-resi5with Lebanoll 'Chapter. The mall of th.e 'Waynesville , Friendabip ~ish,t will he held tered firat. 1)optowD Improvement Com· Girls who have mothen tthat on ,Tuesday, Sept. ,0 at 6:30 Will l'C~er for as cOmjmit.. ,wttee, will. be the pert , p.m. at the Masonic T~ple. speaker. ~ mothers, or leader.', or asMemben of Miami c,hapter are bemg _eel " to dODat~ , - sista.Dt leaden of , the olther troop will be the "eKt 4:otl' The West Wayne Farm ~metbillg ior the "pot-luck" , Bureau Diac:uuion Group mtt sideration and if any 1I10re at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ~:cw hour Wal ,enjoyed room ia available in the tr4)c)P, fu.t reptraciolll of neW ,prls Dick A. Irelan Friday" Sept. after thae meeting and I re_ 12. 11101C in attendance were: up to a certain num.&er will freshmentl were lCf!ed. ServMr. and Mrs. H~ld Whita. be reJiatered. " .. iJaS Oil the refraluDell~ ('o~Anyone interClted p\~e Iter, Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Dye, ' mittee were Sister. LuciJl~ contact Mr.. Charla 'Omd~rff t ,M r. and , Mrs. ~eUer Hqalc , ~iuJC, " Marydell Bur.k~, Mr. Frye, ,, " , , : of 898 DaytoD Road or !tele, :ph~e ,897·4676 or be.:at the meetiftg .on Thunday. . Resia~ation for die IFu . wi'l be .1.'0 per girl. I~ues for the year wiD be _, ""hich . may he paid in full at repltra. t cion time or 10 CeIlti a 111 edt. " The Youth Group ~f lFir.t Church of airilt had a "so-
... frill I L-I ·', .Ir.. NOS HOME NEWS '
froiD r~.. of Ric:halondt Calif. o~ Friday. They were Mr. and Mr.. Charles Schatz.
By Nellie Bunnell Robert palmer Wu a FriWe dOll't live on Maia St. day evening guat of hia mobut we have People who try ther, Nettie Palmer. to improve the loob of their Carrie RuaaeU's peatl on property. We see all this Friday were her ....andaoll, "from the Porch." Terry Rus"ll, and sid Erimd Mr. Sizelove: " who livCl in of Lebanon. Terry is lOOn to the Bpiscopal Rectory, Don leave for Viet Nam. Hadley and Mr. Ward of the Lucille Armitase was a "Home" are always busy in Saturday call e r ' at the the "!clean-up" deparmient. "Home." Mr. Bauer who Iceeps the Gladys Harttnaq. was the "Library and, Lesion grounds ' guest of fielaaves at Wilmi,nstrim is another improver. . ' t~n on Sunday evenins· The Home resi~ents were ' Callers on I essie ~obitzer highly entertained on Satur- Sunday evellills ' w.ere her day ' evening when Homer cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Everett ,Ramby showed ,his alides ol Marlatt aIao Lucy Lutti· and events during "Our Country Mr. and Mr,. lade Wilt. of Fair" and the drill work Lebanon. which our firemen So through Mrs. Ethel Prewitt, form.'Ct' in their training. . It was all ...istallt to Mrs. Ward hut . educaUoUt and interesang ~ ,now 1iVUlS a Me. Sterling, Ky., all of us. Thanb Homel< and . ' was a viaitor ' and c:linner guest come again. . at the "Home" 011 Monday. Jessie Robitzer is now a We all enjoyed 'thiS visit with member of our "Home" :ethel fat!lily. She ~aa form,erly of Martha. Bell of Wilmington ,Waynesville but recendy of wu a visitor of Marie Ward Lebanon. on Monday evClling~ 'Nettie Palmer ,with h~ ~n, (~obert, attended a birthday dinner at the home of William. Palmers on Sunday. It was their lOa Romrle's birthday. , Florence Crane was a Leba' '. Ilon visitor ODe day this week. Mr. and Mn: \v"dIiain , T, Mr. aDd Mrs. Heber Ruaaell Ca~ ol- t.3 t N. '4th Street ,were Saturday vi41to~ of Cat- "are' aDIlou'Bc:uaa 4e ardval of rie Ruuell. ' .~ " ~ "·Ih. , . oz:"a&1t Do~ ' ~ Saturday callen OIl Bertha 110m at lCeamng M~oda1 ' Heu , were Goldie 'Surface" , Hospital o~ : Monday, $eJi a. Grace Schuler and Ruth Reed- I '. l;)omaa Lee ia, ~ IeCOIId , ere . child ~ ' ~t aDd she Bertha·,Heal' wu a Sunday will joill an ' older brothet at ',: guat of the Irwin EllU'i. . home• ·Mn. . ~ Bvans and daughter, Bdaa Marie, of KetterinS were guesta' of Ada. Courtney Sunday. Mary Carroll , of Lebanon ' :ailed Oil' ~rrie . Rusaell re·c:endy. ' ' . Sara Burn. (~~ her dub meetins 011 Wednea4ay ,at ~e hOme of. Bl8ie Watl9l14 I
ins-away" Pat1f for D,"y Laaca who is enterins th ,AU. Force on WecLiesday. Mrs, Grace BrOwn rectmdy wellt to Cincinnati to visi.~ her ~ushter Bileen' and kr 'jfam. oLSprinsboro. . /. ily. , Mrs. George JObn:soll and Recent JUCltI of Mr. and ~ushier, ' Mn._'Bir0ll Dakin ~n. Dick, Irelan Weft Mrs. and Mr•• Lucy '.Luti , of, Leb~ Lily W~n" Mr. Bob 'Mc~... were guests of Jessie' Laughlin, Mr. -and Mr•. G. While and Mrs. p. WhiJ:e of ~hitzer on Wednesday eveAboOIl; M~. and Mrs. . :Ken- Dins· Nellie BUDIleU a Wilneth Wils~n' of' Buffalo, I~.Y; mington. viaitoi OD Monday. ' Mr. Ga~ Poole of Toledd,· and Mo.' Mildred Johaiaotl of MUaPCIlIli Bayes of AdlCDI. Columbus and ~rs. Leah Kerr AU attended th~ weddiftil of ~ Beth Ire~ and 1~erry , of Wilmington were guatI of Ada Cof,lrtDey on Sunday. J~ Wilson. ',~ Emma had
Paieumonia wu once treated by tying GAiolll to the, victims lOla and feeding him whiakey from dropper. , Perfumes originated as trihutes to the goda.,
Hell) Wanted REcEIVE beautiful jewelry free.
~ve ~arah Coventry Jewelry party. . . 1602
Can Middletown 42-'·3338.
BEAUTIFUL dol'. Part Grellt Dane . part ? F~male. -About 6 mOl~ N~ sood home and room run. 116. Call 8974361. After 4. All day SaturdlU' and Sunday. 1601
69 CHEVBOLET. White. 850 en· gine, air cond., blue interior. Bal due inofudinS carryins char~ 12950. PaymeJlt nothlns down 1103. . .' . ~ month. Ph. 897·lilll. 16cl 'TwO Warm Morni.ti . &.. coal stoves. Ph . 897-4206. 16c1
FIREPLACE wood for aale. Phone 932·9137. . . , 1603
NORGE wriDser washer only ueed 6 mon" W'ill take pod offer. A1Io 1967 General Fleotric TV
UHF·VHF. 160, Ph. 897-4596. 16Cl OK G~. School', started and times a·wuting. Now's the time -to eort through your oloth~ I'n take your c~dren's olothing ~o sell on oon· Slpment. lin. Jack F'uher. 897-2232 after .& p.m. '1601
MAKE beat~n down carpet nap ut do.0rwnY8 bright and fluffy again "':th Blue, Ll18tre. Waynesville Fur. ,Dlture. 16el 1987 Chevel Malibu, 283 automati; Ike new i 3 piece bedroom suite' good condition. fhone 933·3126. ' 1601 69 RAMBLER R(n~go. 6 oyl Auto . ReiH. Deluxe Model, 2 door hardto~: Ph. 897.6181'1 . 15c2
spreads 110t ollly from .eed ' but every 'bit of root that is plowed lOOle Itarta a Dew plant. I don't bow wh~e giant .fox. tail came from but it hu spread widely into a real peat...
. DING·DONGt Cbnlltmas ' sellins starts earl, "with
AVON-earn IU for YQur ~lIillt. mas in fPare .t ime near your hlme. Elt,l1rt now. Call 426·0309 or Writf. Ml'8. Shank 3229 Bayfield Dr. Dayton, Ohio 46430. 16c3
For Rant ,
Friday, September 12, 1969. We have lODle new flowen ,T he. g~ldelU'Qd . -4 yellow. too. I fiat laW ' Tezaa SUD. The corn is ~g brown. flowen in some. yards, .then I ,The trees in apple orchards found it in Diy puture. It difREDUCE lIafe and fast with Gobe,..., With fruit are >bending . fen from other sunflowen in tablets and ,E.Vap wa t e r '11 W '0 ' PI II. down. '" that tile flowers grow up alon, ayn88VJ e Drug. . • 13~4 By aU these lovely tokens ' the ~tem like hollyhock. inFARMALL B with cultivatOl't. 1300. DAYTON in Bellmont. Half d(J:uble stead pf in bunches at the ~d September 'days are ~here Sam~el C. HaltOl!1, Mt. Holly":and garap. Adults only. '1100 per 4 mI. NQrth of , Wayne.mne on old With summer. best of weather of stems. One driving month, deposit, DO pete. PI~one Route 42. 13c4 'And ~utumn's bat of cheer. from Colorado in September 886·7161. ll~tr ~r:RA TOR PRIIII , for lIale at Tho -Helen Hunt J awon we saw fi~lcla of it in Eastern Q'N~QDi) apt., Wayn.;rue MIami GAI8tte. 105 S. Main Bt ' t bedroo . ' . m ~~t., stove, mri«e1tator We alwaya quote that be. tcansu and Miaouri. WR~J\eevillf!. 16not; and .~r condItIoner, half aquare lrrom c~~ it is .uch, a nice des~ip. Another yello~ ·flower hal' . WAlLT().WALL , Carpet. 2'rGOlllJI eh0'!P ng center. Ideal for eOluple. tton of this time of year. , taken, over fields so"th· of and haD. ~U9.95 complete. Samples Available Oc~ 1. Call DaytoD shown .Wlthout obligationa. Ph. . I .uppo.e , school chil- Orego~ ud )the Lebanon·27&-5877 ~r mt or Waynel!MUe 1·885,7884. . 1508 . 897~26M. . . .'lt6ctf ,dren do not learD it any more Wilmington p~. The floivc~. REMOVE exc. body ftuid with Th~ are two more ver.UI b~; look much like our common Ftuida Tablets, only 11.49 at .1 couldn't remelktber them g~~eel\ coreoposis but ' the WayneeVille Drus. IW We have heen b.ving som; ' plant is about a foot high and Wanted lovely days and c4ild nights. bushy. Very pretty but I . WANTED: Ride to Miami of Ox· We. got. the . auaw in but we haven't been able to find out f~ Mary Ann Hebel. 897-MM. 'its name. h aven'tbeen able to cut , 1601 that field of clover again yet: If we T~y, is 'a ,lovely day and WANTED: Need football ·.shOes lise 9.1/2. Ph, 8974301. , 1601 ' . , W ter Tho..... Workllllan, do not get it in we will not . the 'S cottie pups are ' having WANTED TO BUY: Outale fIoU ,s on Mr. and Mr•. ,Don have enoup hay for the win- a 'ovely time outside. They door with door &ame, 14" wide 'X Workman of north I~ ter. are growing ; very fast but 79" hiP. (W'ill conaider wier door Street. Waynaville, has been ' Golden rod is beautiful and haven't quite caupt up to that caD be cut down). grant~ a _30,400 schoLu~.hip is our .. national flower. It their ean y~ The ears .tand ,Call The Mi-.o,i Guette 89'7-5921uk for 1Ir. lrAIIaU l3Dcd &om Harvard College to con.. . grows evuy 'where in ~ up and .till l~ tOO big (or tinue his study there. .country but sad to lay is' also the dog. But looking at mam3 'LET' me'· ,haby· lit for JQU in m,. h~me. B,. hour ,!r Day. Ph. 8&'1-1921 ~ total of . _J,830 ofl the a. bad weed. Nothing wlll eat and .papa we see that some Iloct! schol~.hip will come Ifrom it ~t ev~ sheep. It is a per_ day they. will ,be just ·,right. I Notices ~ , Irene Murr Jacoba a~d '~and very hard to get won~~ . if George will ,ever' lInLE RED SHED . the Irene ' MUr'r 1acobs ~,fein. ' nd of and will take flVer go to the bam with the other . , Antlqu. ShOp !; orial Scholarship Funds.' . whole fields. It un't quite th~ goats. and sheep. Just now he Behind Btubb. Funeral Homo. sp.. . The scholusliip funds were . hay f~ver' villian that it was s~ems to thinle he is a dog Ci..uaDI( in IIUlWare. Wa,..eniUo, Ohio. established in 1961 byMrs~ once 'thought to be. They say an~ .~eeps on the porch curled" Jac~~s' h~band, Victor' Ja- the poUen is heavy and up WIth d y, the young BorServices doesn't £1y through the air the der CoI~. cobs, a Dayton attorney _and PLmlBING, ~L. A. Louie Reedy by her friends. ' I way rag weed pollen does. We haven't been to the ' Bee us for yo~ installation of water Bot h scholarships ;iWist But even if it has all these Honey Festival yet but I ~ hea~ra, aoft~en, fix~ur~ pan " ' replUl'I. remodeq and new eon· f resh tnen from MontgoJlnerv ' £aults we enjoy it. There is a ,. ave to meet that dead line so struction. Ph. 897·6629. 1602 and surr,?unding cou:Oties lovely clump of it just outside that ~illhave to wait till next 1'01:' Poodle ~tud Servioe, ' AKe where Irene Jacobs npen;: ' my bedroom window that I ,week: Re~. l,Vhite or Apricot. 150. most ,o f her Ijfe. enjoy. ----~~-~ Appomtment . only. Phone 897-4168. . Workman also holels InemThe 'weed sprayer had been . GOLD Springs Beauty Shop: Will the tCKtokodiloes,'; a~ong the Oregonia Road the berships in , take appointmeDts anytime. Ph. a, s~all . singing gr:oup !Iponlast time I went clown that 897 ·-l3PS. <l8otf ~ored by the Hasty Puqtding ' way leaving an' ugly' strip of qub and in the ' Harvard Glee dead shrubbery, but not reach· StiOP AND SAVE. Oub.. bg aU , the artichokes and READ THE ADS acre, 2 Tom will leave for C-Olilnec. golden rod. I could not tell apartment, dcut Se~t. 7 fo~ . a 10 ,days reo whether it had killed the livingroOm, kitchen and 1 hearsal with the. cCKroks." H~ . Johnson grass and giant fo ...· bath eaCh , unit. Also _ a will ,return in mid Septe.mber «ail or not. Those are two good .b arn and fenced lot. ' to :~arvaid . at ~br'idget ' weed grasses that have movCd': Mus. wherp , ~e will be in in 'recent year•. ' Johnson ' A good in~a"ent. . . .Itrry Hoffman 117-4211' ':~~-~-~II!JII!!~.J~';' Igr'" is th~t tall ~ane , with ' b ¥ ' ~ lieada that It Wade Bealtt 741-2711 ........ moved i1t ..,from the lOuth where i~,' "is a bad It , DOWNSTAIRS-unfurnished aplt., 2 bedrooms in WaynesViIle, walll·to. ~an carpet;' drapes fuhiished, built· m ~ve and cabinets, prefer 84iults only, but no more than Qne c lld. ].1/2 bath, 1 car sa~age;Cilll 932·81t3. '" .' 1601
"ad ..
\VAlltBSVILLB a~lCB8.mo, , f
" CAMPING EQUIPMENT .Wheel Can'llM' ~ CanlINns, TniilMH, 13' mOtWaa to ~ finnl. AIiio Waynlt'Camllflr Travel
'Ftailera •
1'OSIS. And AllOrtMlna,,'.. Dram
Can.pen. W. KeD Bottle Gu. IALEI RENTALS auPPUEI
tota.ecl on Route . ..2, 1 mile aOttla ReMlte 73. W.,~\'iUc • .
PIlonl 88'l.f188
...' .
dinner for him Saturday Sept. , 6, At.o a pest was Mrs. Janet GwendliD" and children. Mrs. Minnie Walters from,t, M.aaie Gran. met in re~ Phoeniz, . Ariz. spent two , 'Jar ieQioll MO~ay evening. ,EleCtion of o{ficers wu held weekS- with her ruece and and Ross Villan was elected nephew, Mae Lytle and eyerett SnelL . Muter for 1969-70. ' ~ias Vivian Hoole and Mr. The first P.T.O. ni~eting 'will ' be held next Wec:biaday Dale Hillard were married 'Saturday afternoon by Reyerat 8 p.m. -, , .end Lester Kidd at the SpringThe 'CotllmlPlity -Helpers field FriendS Church. A r~ Euchre party will be held Satception followed in ~e , Social urday, Sept. 20 .a t the school Room of the church. Miss cafeteria. Hook is a senior at .Bowling ,l:;Iarveysburg School welcomes two new teachers. Mrs. . Green University and Mr. Hillard is employed with a Charles BeclC, second grade 1.1l~c:kIe-A-D.y , Lum~er Company at Maumee. and Mrs. Harold Case, first . Realtor: --WOUld you Jb . Mabel T e,:ry recently spent tq:see a model home?'? , grade. Man: ' "Glad to. t The men's club entertained a ,few days with a friend Mrs. time dOeI sh~ quit ~ ~, their wiva at Duff's SmorgasPauline. Miller of Dayton. Mr.. Rosalie Gordon was bord at Wilmington" Wednesday evening. hostess ,to the Jolly Eight Euchre Cub at her home ,Sabe MC,D onald has be~n retumed to Clinton. Memorial Thisday with luncheon following' carel games. Hospital. Also in the 'hospital is Mrs. Opail Hildel'brecht Ronald GibsoD, son of Mr. who is- in Miami VaUey sufan~ Mrs_ Franlc ' GibsOn of fering from an acute ·' virus. n ear 'Harveysburg, arrived Jeff Johnston suffered , a home fro~ Viet Nam Tuesslight concpssio'n alier ' ~ ' f.Il day morning. & called oh from lite new monkey' bars at Mr. and Mrs. Clibt Taylor , school. He has r:eturned to in the afternoon. , dllaaa after a few Clays rest. 'Mr., Tom 'Day son of Mr" David Carman has return- ' and Mrs. Scott Day bu, ac-, ed home -af,er a trip through ,cepted, . a teaching. position the mid-west Itates with Ronwith 'the SCience c:Ie~ ald Clarle. at ~on School n 'e a I' Mr. and Mr•. Lewis Hoag-Springfield. land cekbrated - their son, Mr. Philip 'Meyers of DayEd'" birthday by ' having a ton entertained, a group of ning, , they enjoyed an old young people at IUs farm I\ear tacle:~ olee" and Ubeart town Sunday. During the eveWANTEO f:-,I!"hioned hay ride. .disease" .how up in the bitu, COOKS AND WAITRESSES, Mae Lytle and ,Everett Snell ary colUJlllU of newseapen. PREFE'RABL Y OLDER WO-' Here, -as eI.ewhere tbiOughout had • birthday dinner for their , brother, Charles Snell of Daythe nation, over ha1{ It>>l 'MEN. ton, Sunday. deaths are cau.ed by a diolApp ly in Person'. vascular _ elise • Cancer is' The wedding plana of Mr. Fred Hoagland and Mias Kay .e~nd, while accidet1Ci are third. Hoagland have been nounce4. ~. t:recl Hoagland Heart disease is not ~ sea'DRIVE-IN and Mias Pamela Spencer of sonal problem. The .)ou~ Waynesville, Ohio Ashland, will ~ wed ,this Sat" western ,Ohio Chapter worb on a year round basis sup_port vital ~ellearch and to in~ ' fprm ~d 'educate the lpubUc. Last year, _1'1,<i32! was ' seat on local -heart re~earch . at seven Cincinnati sc'ientific c;ente!:s to help discover the cauSe of !I,rteriosclerolsis. to .~dy heart transplal~tlition and the programiDg of perip~ era! arterial diSease Eo' computet analysis. 'l1leae ajre only three of the many I~ojects sponsored by the Heat1t ,Fund. In the field of CO~iIIl~ty .ervice projecu, 2,142 school I
mont and were acre~ed for lema. Tiaere were 2''1 ~IUU.ru~ ton trained in catlcliollRJ.IJlDOIllary reausdtation
free Shoulder Patch and a Ir" car decal
,t.teft at the Ch'. . .' • .......-..........u::
I'OItTIIAC«. .,... ~.NaT
OOccofJ ' eumined
. in matched kit package:-
Clinic UuI 247
. -'LEBA'NON'~: P ARTS ' CO'. I
11.1:£ -
diac nlaaWliradoD
.- .~. - -' ~ 1/..ID wa:e. IIIDUIIIIiUo
,. ,
.....~litali _
The "three sweetest d&y." in the year also Iiacl .a .weet hostess. Mis. Linda CleJldenm o£ Franlc1in was crowned 1969 Ohio Honey ,.Festival Queen during openin, festival ceremoniel ThUt.day. Above, center, Mias Clendenin accepts a bouquet-of rOles to begin her sweet reip.
. ID the public and lay edu- 246,100 picca of literature 011 cadon area, over beart heart diaeuea · wen diatrirelated filma were .hown to bu~ More. than '1,000 per. the public and 12' qualified sona .~ Kleadfic physicians spoke at varioUi dub. and ~rpnizatioDi. Ovet ,
sented ' in a special studen t class. Age divisions ind~e 6:9 years, 9-12 ,year. aad 12-18' yeats. WorJca can be in any m~ium.
Wayn esville 's Fall Fun Fes,,tival wilt alao includ e a . bea,u ry pagea at, craib e.tubi ts. pie
c:.atat, cO&a.cco
it.ag' tea s e phych edelic ' stripes . c.ontest, wheel barrow race aDd . W~aayale' Higlt ScIi[Ool and C'Siag Out Waya eaviB e!' ut stud_ u Cli~_ally' staged · Snoop y dogs, gay posia The festiva l c:oincicla .with « , pailtt-in Sa~r~y for the butt~lie. and bright ly hued al- the Wara e Town ship Fire De- , village's laten phue of DOlwn- litter ea~r. that resem ble, ligators. There were also partnt ent's popular" annua! towa Impro vemen t. fim fry and th~ ceatam ial: colorf al pictorializaUoJU of Wayn e Retail Mercll~mts ' show} and celebratiOll of St. ' Mary '. EpisAssociatic;>n, a by-pt'~4uci: of woodl and criuer s om. copal Churc h". These will be a Downtowft Improvenllent fruit, litter repres ent.-ti two big attract ions since both W ayneReta11 Merc~ants for Comm ittee, spons ored 'a litter have are among the villag e'I hi8barrel painti ng contes t among the past eight weelts t 's larges toric assets. local high schoo l art studen ts. guide d Wayn esville to ram ,'. Note: A Wayn esville g 0 r p, Edito ~ t First prjze, -a year's sUIPply ' improvem~n Fall Fun Festiv al contes t enclean- up and beauti fy the hisof fou~tain softdrink. from ook like, buildi ngs try blank apPea rs on dUe page the Wayn esville Drug S:tore, toric, storyb act business for the dnve nience of poten . went to Jessie Mayn ard and within its :comp tiaI participants. It CaD be . distric t. Gina Robinson. e, A Fan Fun Festiv al will b~ mailed to the Miami Goett These barrel painte rs piciUe, Ohio toriali zed the litterb ug in. pig ' spons ored all day Saturd ay, Box '8" W ayaav Oct. 11 to culmin ate the first 45068. form. Their prize winning: can of numer ous impro vemen ts to was cleverly decora ted 'with come. whimsical, pink pigs and the The festival will open at 9 statem ent, UDon't Be A Pig, a.lIl. with a lawn antiqu~s show 'Throw Your Trash Here,," to be hosted at the Villag e A hands ome . Egypt ian porAntiq ues Shop on east High trait wo" '~el1 Malic!>te: sec. Str~~ ond plac:~. Jewell 's brlishwodc , direct ed ~by the be It.. will showe d att~tic c nsjsl~r'ltion: ant Harris on Serge Villag e AntiqueS, the Liule It wo~ a mf.t cerdfic:~te .from more, son ,of Mrs., Ruth Whit· . Red Shed Antiq ues Shop and the Mi~mi ' Gazette. tamor e of.." 168 N:orth Main V~s Antiq ues and -Gift Shop . . Debbi e Shoup and Ann The show will featur e ex- ' Street , Wayn esville , has heeD. Toole y gave the ' third priz~ c«ed by the Unite d Sc:ata hibito rs .from Xenia , Coluftlwinne r a comic perSOlllality. Depart~ent of the ,Army for bus, Dayto n, M~amisburg, Beetle Baily and Peanu t:s ap"merit orious achiev ement " in Mid~letown, Hamil ton and pear on it in vivid colors :- Th~ Mason . A fan 'fun , theme will Vietna m. Brigh t Spot contribute~:l $2 Whiua m,ore ...aw arde d . he : carrie d out by croque t, eafh prize money. • the Air Me4a l by direct ion of tether ball , and a picnic for Liuer barrel l , at'ti~ts eJec,?tthe Pre.sident for di.tin p,iah. atecll O of 13 cans contri buted ~ . dealer s' enjoyment~ Artist s are still being sough t "ing, hUnself during an aerial Down town Waybc~ville ' to for , tile sid~walJc art show that comba t 'assau lt March 12 ~ into by Impro~ement .' progra m hostile territo ry of Ithe Rewill also begin at, 9 a.m. RibThoro bred·, Inc. at ·Oorwin. public of Vietna m. bons will be award ed in variBarrers were judge d by' Mrs.' The citatio n .tated : "Our· ous divisions with a cnest of , Dexte r Martin , Mrs. Ilober t Show' ribbo~ for the overal l ' . ing this operat ion he displa yT:ownsend and Denni s Dalto n, e4 the highes t order of air best artwo rk sh~wn. Miam i Gazeu e Editor . First, .secon d and third discipline and acted in acc:orOther barrel s featurc:d in' awards will be , given in the danc~ with 'the best traditi o... follow ing · adult classes:, Oil, of th~ service. By his deter, portra it, , landsc ape, ,still life ' minatio~ to accom plish his and o~r; Water color, - por- . mission in,. ,pite of the hazard s trait, landsc ape, still life and inllere nt ~n a ,h elibom e' com-· other: , Mode rn Oil; Put~l, bat assaul t int9 hostile; terri· Charc oal, Pencil and Cray,on. ' tory and by his ou~ding . Wayn esville Americ3i1l LeThe same award s includ ing degree of profes sional ilm ana . gion Auxili ary U~it 611' has , on_ to_ du.,!Y. ' devoti pre· be wili - '-1 .-- _ a _cBest_ of .Show' _ .-;a. _ _ _ .-.. ._ begun a .pt:ogram far sle nding birthd ay and Chri.9tmu. card~" ,' . . FUN FEST IVAL WAYNESVI'LLE to servic emen in, · Vietii1~m. < ' .CONT EST ENTRY IlLAN1C I Name s, correc t addres ses and birthd:ites ,may b!' 'sub" I., NAME mi.t;ted to Mr~. Ruth ~phitta- . i more of 168 North. Main t ADDRESS Bessie _ Street , 897-6866 or Mrs .I Thom pson, North MAjin. I ' The unit met recen Iy for I its Sept bet meetin g at the years ' 5i-l5' est. cont g eatin Pie WayneSville Amer idn Legion 1 ~.
I ."
I' 'I
Age. Adu 1t. 6,-9. 9-1,2.
Wheelbarrow Beauty
18 years &over
21 years "ove r ,
How to' Make Clothes 'That Fit ' an Flatter The Seneca Hostage Red River Maverick The R~d B4t'on ART EXHIBIT BY: MRS. PAUL (MOLLY) JOHNS OF LEBANON
Combines the good cheer of a fireplace with the warm comfort of a stove. You can put this authentic 'Ben Franklin fireplace almost anywhere. Install it easily,' either free standing or built-in,
Last week's Where Is It proved easy game for many observant people in 'W'aynesville. The signal box a':r Maill and Miami Stree~ ne~lr the . GAzette office was. id'~lntifi~d by: Vada Snoddy, Sue IFerguson, Greg Blyth~, KettllL Harrison, Mrs. Mary Smith, Jeff Thompson, Dan Koch, Hazel Dakin, Barney Graham, Rich, ard Peak, David Goode, Billy Bied, Sharon Blevins, Shirley Cl"azy, Dale, ~ompson, Mark Cornett, Tbm Coffman,. Rodney Coffman, Wayd,esville Farmers Exchange
IDlrDlUM A1ft'. $1000 Bauk And Save~t Bome,
Ph. 897-2065
$ 3P.O
annua 1
, subscription
FRIENDS HOME NEWS By Nellie Bunnell Gladys Hartman celeb~at. ed her 90th birthday on Tuesday. Her sons family er.· ~~ned for her at Sunday evening dinner. . . Then the \dual ".B irthday" cake on the Musical Cake Plate playing "Happy Birth.. day" was in evidence at her place at the table on Tues· day. Ahother nicely decor. ated cake from her family was sent that Tuesday e~ening. B~rtha He~. was a Tues· daydinnet guest of the Ernest . Butter~~rths of Main St. Robert Chapman was tJ. Thursday evening caller a·t: the "Home." Margaret Koonce of Lebanon visited with her mother . Florenc~ Crane on Friday.
Waynesville United Methodist Church SATURDAY, SBP,...MBBB, r'1 4:00 to 7:30
J CITY~~~....;....;;..~___ STATE
'I ~I
DATE _ _ _~__~,.;;.·
. ----~,--~~ "'" PltONE _ _ _ __
Nellie Bunnell a~nded furl. -eral services for her nephew, Raliegh Bogan, at the Ceasars C~elc Friends meeting house on '&ifW'day. r.uchino Kakahashi~ was 3 guest ~f her IOn~' George and . family oJ Yellow. Springsl on Saturday. , Mr, and Mrs . . Paul Kuhn and Mrs. Reba Romagle call· .ecJ on 1ulia Easton on Sunday. Jessie Robitzer was a dinner . gu~t of the Robert ChapmaN on Sunday eveni~g.
in the newest styles around. Spor.tR-
wear styles for
., to
pleaR~. ,
; * Cafeteria Supper " . * W.S.C.S. Produce Booth * Tupperware Booth .
little ones sold by the head) and I did not gftt one. There Were two or three good ones, two very small J ersers and one llU'ge Holstein that was blind-:- We need one since I sold a veal 'and noW' we will have too much milk this weele. I was tallcihg to a little, old man who ' often goes .to the sale and, as calf raisers do, we got on the topic of remedies for calf scours (cal( diarrhea for those who have not raised calves) and he told me of one ·that I had never heard. Just talce a handful 01 clay dire and give it . to the calf. He said it work. 'better than eggs, brown flour, 'pennicilin .hots. blackberry roots or vinegar. I . a~ked him what kind of clay, red or -blue but he said just clay dirt.
,39' A FARM DIAlt.Y .., D.
. September 19, 1969. Just think September, is almost gone, at least more than half. Summer is gone even by the almanac. nat is what all theae titde cold spells are ~ell ing us. Things . like get those atorm windows dean and painted ready to put in. Iii your h~ting pl~t in order? Get those spring bulbs in the ground. How about mum5? Hav~ you any planted? , I ~aven't seen any ads for dig-them-yourself mums this year. Now 'is the 'time to do it and enjoy tham until cold . weather comea to stay and hope that they 'Will live J"hen we went to a remedy through the winter f~ next for the human variety. Once y~ar. If you do dig them when he ' was working on the yourselves, pidc,. out the ones , railroad ~e had .. had attack, 'with bushy sprouts from the A Negro 'fellow-worker .aid roots. They ate more lik~ly to "¥ou;re sick, aren't you?" He Jive ever.· The Dahlia Far~ told him abo~t it and the man doea net have a field of them said "1'11 live you someming this year. I had a nurselY's to cure ,you." So he weilt ~d flyer but it only listed potted' dug up a ~oot of sille weed onea. The advantase of eet. and gave it to him. He .cut off ting them 80W rather than in a piece, che~ed it aacl it cured the spring is th~t you can set' him~ IIdo not know'' sillc. weed what you are geniag. , when ' I see it so he went and Yeaterday's sale was not a. tried to find ~ome to sho~ flU" large olle. There were onl" When he could not find any five or .six head of calves the
BY CAROL SCHUSTER Phone 89~.2486 ' The members ,0£ the choir of J onahs Run Church enjoy. ed a wiener roast on the church lawn before practice ,T hursday e~ening. They initiated the new: picnic tables made by John DOlter and his Va-Ag, boys at Keenon School for the B.Y,F. Welcome Bible Class " of J o~ahs' Run Church met ill the social t'oom of ·the church Friday evening. An all para. tipation ,program Was enjoyed ' with assorted goodies for re· fres~en,~ . The Miuionary Circle' of , Jonah'. Run Church :at the home of Mrs. Morris Fox, Wednesday ,aftemooll. , The _ fall meetinJJ, of .. the The Waynesville Lumber and Supply Co. rec:entiy, telected Cli.ton County Auociaudn' Mis. Myrna ,S. Elliott, ~f Waynesville Ro~te ) . .. willDft' in . 'm~t at the Pitat Baptist' the Georgia Pacific ,u([)ld World Sweepstake.!' Mis. Elliott ~~c~ at Wilmington ·saturis shown ab~v,e with 1im Ryan of Wayneavifle Lumher dur,. day afteraoon, Sept. 20. Th~ ipg Pr~.entation of a ,,'all of 'paneling, she' won m' the contest B.Y.F. rally wa• .held.t C~p ' .ponsored by Georaia Pacific and Waynesville' L~I;et. Kirkwood later in' th~ 'alterneon. The cftJling meal was for Satu~day. eva:u.ng .ad .erved at the camp with eoM., he .aid he would fin«l iom~ , and ~l'ing it to 1ft~. ' Ir>. )'0" - aervices for SUnday. T~ b.d . bin~d .ervices later. bow: silk weed? It .. ~ny have two thin,. .for the ~e date. ~ total 5~ ,member• . ~d The fre.h 'paUlt .nct. oth~r frtend.s of the ~mbi~lty other ' names. It is siHInething improvemeats loolc. fine and Helper. Club attended the like milk weea but grOIW. difare worth a celebration, but I '0·'0 Club with IJQb Braun 3't ferendy. ,",e sale ii .a sreat institution, socially as well as alway. said we .houl~ have WLW television ' at Cincinnati Ia.d that affair , ~ August Motlclay. , . economically. . hen th~e ~aa nothin, going The B.Y.F. of J o~ Run I see that they are , getting w , Chur~h m,et in the social ready for a Fall Festh,al Ocon. . room Sunday ' evening for Its tober 11. That 'i. the d ate that tint nieeting. ~r ~~ :~!;.W lIyear. d S~. , M1arYs d\~rcll is ~ prepar;' ell&ioti 'of ' offidt. held. ing to celebrate', its 1~Oth anretaining lut officer.. Given niversary. We hope ' t;o have Bogan,' President, Debbie Gibmany of our old frienlda here clOD, Vice President, Debbie for i-to - A di.,.ner ~ , l?tanned " Davison, secretary and 'Do~g las Davison, Treaaurer.
Rane4eq .'
c.iU",. Gutters 'aMlin,
" "!t"~1TfDT~
"' ,
Route 2 Mia Roe. '".)'netville.; Ohio .
C.ll Collect
Ph. 897-6536
Sun worshipers 'who
on medication \must take ~. Side reactions ,nclude severe, pain, fulsunbum, or>.n itchy ;czema. Photoaensjtivi~ 11187 be criated by Jaome diuretic.. , an~lbaete,: nals, '~ntibioties, tra!fquililera, coal tar' derivativeI, antiseptics, ' sunacreening or. h7P0glyeemic ag~nts, and antihiatamiJiei. Check with your doctor or your pharmacist. . U'&
Otololiao (ear __ peelaJleu) h.Y.,dhrcoYer" adlIaldealDea . reault"'g f~ tIae reek -.' ron '. 80IIIIQ ........ ,.... eJettrlcal ~pUlenJ Ordlaal'1 ' . .Y....... tioa·ta . . . . . . dedbelai .. ~
REG. $189.50
pia• • •aind ,_ .aw., U8;\'oek 'a' roll . . . ., lJi. e
Church of Christ The regular Installation of officer. of Waynesville As· sembly 140 f the Order" of the Rainbow for Girl. was held S~rday evening, September 20th at the Wayn~s. ville High School, . , A total of 20 girls were in· ltalled for the ensuing t~rm. They are as follow.: ..,orthy Advisor; S u • i e Hattabdc; W~l'thy' ' A.lOciate AdviSor, La\1cq". . Caudill; Charity, Sherry Isaacs; Hope, Tammy Pringle; Faith, Karen Stive.. ; Recorder, Gail Johnson; Tt'easUftt, There.a Mayo; Chapl~, Pam Click; Ddll Leader; Teri Hart.ock; Love, 'Susie Workman; Retigion, Cheryl, Hart; Na· , ture, Marlene .. Rice; Immortal·, " ity, ,Sule Johnson; Fide~ty, , Mary Pringle; ,Patriotism, Rae Lynn Davia; Sctvice;- DUne-. .West; Confidenti.l Obsel'VU ' ',~:p,P-tem, Debbie Cintpbell~ Mua~, Patti Hall; and Choir , ~ir~~, Cindy 'Sui· !iva. Sever.I ol the IllItaliiag Of:. fice,' fom the eveninl bad. to retum frOm vat'ioua ~neles to help eo~d~' the program. The InataHiag Officer. in· cluded Carl~ Sawyer, Gr~J Representative to New ,Hampshire; , Penni Lowery, 'Past Worthy Advisor, Waynayi1l~ Lntette . r I.; ~_ ~± '~t ~ -.I. Wilso~, ~...... -~" ~ ~fl'. P~t "" ....y I'UlVUOt, . .ville Auembty; Ellen Hen. deraOn;~P"t Grand American FLag Bear~ and Pam. YOUllI~ Pat Worthy Adviaor, Way. nesville Assembly. , The aoIoUt for the-,evening "Va 'Becky Conner ' accom~ ,hy Krisa ~~n.
L~ Sco~ ~tecl
, I
th.e ,W orthy AdvisOr with. .bel' flowers. TJ.. ....... wen Mike
Hanaoc:k and
ThirCl & Miami Street. 10:45 a.m., Sunday B,ble Study. ' 10:45 a.m., Sunday Wotship and Communion. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Bible : Study and Song Service~
COBWllf Pentecostal _V'_'IW!~ ChUrch ,
Acy Lamb,
10:00 a.m., Sunday Schoqt
7:30 p.m., Sunday, WeclneJ' clay and Saturday, Eve· ning Wo'rship ~tVic~~•• 7:30 p.m., WedneJday Ylputh . Service. .
SALES PIlCH FROM HELL ! ! ! Americans • . • Chrietiana iacluded • '. . have heC!' ~ld ' North Main Street the helief that if we po.sess an automatic washer and dryer, . John P.O.borne, Pastor a colored TV set, a cordless "electric razor, 'an el~ic blan· 10:00 a.m., Sunday School. . . "&uth~~n Baptilt Convention ket, a fr~sJree refrigerator, a souped.up automobile plus 11 :00 a.m., Morning Worship. Norman Meadow., 'Pu1tOr all the latest gadgets on th~' mar~et we will a\ltlOmaUcally 6:~0 p.m., Tt:aining Union. " ' 9:30 a.m., &,ulday Sch04jtl. have a happy, care-free, tr,ouble.free and abundaat 'Ufe. 7:30 p.m.,\; Evening -Worship. 10:30 a~m~, SunCl.y Morllina' So .we,,set, out by cash, credit, mortgagel' 'f or life to buy . 7:30 p.m., We$teaday Pray~~ . Wonhip " ourselves into happines.. Countless millioqa baw: .-apped Meeting. 7:30 p.m., Suncby Ev.~niJlg God f~r ga4gets. Con~equent1y, we have absolutely NOm. . Service. (AffiUated, wit h SOumern ING d~veloped inside ourselves. One day a criais comes ,BalVi-t 7..~2 0 p.~., Wed ~day, M'd r-- Convention),. I· ., and the "roof caves in." You juat meet a trapdy or week Prayer alid Bible a crisi~ with a Cadill~c or a On-it-craft boat. You can't ~t Church of Christ Study. ' heal a Crushed heart 'w~,:h a TV .et nor clean a guilty ' East High Street ' c~ience with ,the finest vacuum sweeper. When vast nWll" 'Th~m" Stevena, Minister bets of people come ' face to' faa 'with · REAL ' TROUBLE ' .! Jouha ItU: Baptl t ?:30 Lm.; Sunday Bihle . Chwch they bave nothing with which to cope with it. School. Ohio 73 But b our headlong and helJbent rush to get thiap money lCJ:3. .~., Sunday. Worship , Later- Kidd, PM.r call buy, we have fail~d to build withia our ' souls the thin. and 'Coftllau.uon. to:oo ....., Sunday , Sc:lK~l. mcmey can't ~y. The words of the Masur serw as the' 6:OQ p.m. &mUy Youth 10:00 " 11:00 . :••, S&ianday "eat advice and waraing for modcra mas, "F.r what ~ . • Nee. . Wonhip ~e. 'I' man profited,. if he shall lam the wh~le <world, ad Io.e 6:30 p.m. Salld." Christian 7:30 , ..., S.ad.y EVlmU. 'IUs own .oul? Or ~hat shall a man pve ·in exd.anae fer Youth Ho.r. . Wonhip~, . , his .oul?" (Matthew 16:26) '7:3' p.m., SUMay Hvam, J esUi , ~11O lives , the answer to the above CfU"tion, , , WorslUp. · , vatted llethodlat . "But lay up for yourselves treasures' iii heaven, where moth 7:30 p.m: Wedn. .y, B~le , Oharcll and r~st doth not corrupt, and where thieve. d. IlQC break Study. D.vid' Harper, Paatc)r throulb nor steal." (Matthew 6:20) 9:)0, a.IIl., SJ,Ulday CJJul1:cb First Church of CbrUt
First Baptiat Church
IlABVEYSBURG Friendship BaptilR ' Church
Prie.cU Meeting
Fourth Street Ileat High 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 10:4' a..m., Sunday M~ting for ~or.lUp (unprogrammed). ~," .1
St. Augastines Oh1U'Ch High Street Rev. Joseph H. Luuner, 7 a.m. " 11 a.m.' Maaaes _ 8 .;m. & 8 pm,' Holy Days 7:30 p.m. First Friday ':4' a.m. Daily ~U1
Rev. ~nard Baxter Wilmmgton Pike' a~ · :9 3 ~---day ,Sch001• . : o· •.m.~ ~ , Social Row ,Road . ' 'J1:'00 a.m.; Sunday, 'Wor.hip Bus ,Wiseman, M~ ~r ," ",', Service. " ,1 9:00 ':a.m., Sunday Bible , " - ,7:00 p ...,., $unciay, 'Wor.hip School. Service " iO:l' a.m.." Sunday WOJl:.hip. .7:00 p~~., Sun'day. Bible at. . Bpiaco~ . , Study. , Church , ' . 10:1" a.m., Sunday Youth . Worship. . . ' 1:30 p.m., Weclneaday, PrafC1!' . Third & Main -Streea .6, : 30 ,.p.m., Sunday ,E,'enmg . ' Service.' Rev. Harold ~ Rector Bible ~ Study, , all , ••tea. U:l,' a.m., :MoflliDa Pt• .,et.. 7,: 30 p.m., Bveni.nao WoliJlUp. lat, Jrd " 'th Sunclays:: , , 7:30 p.m.~ Woeclnesday, Mia· H~ly 'COmmunion 2Dd ~w~ Prayu and )~ibte 4th S~~ys. Study.
- Ferry Church of Clbri8t
\ . ", . •
. " ~ "
MRS. HILBY GIBSON Mt. Ho1I, '7 Ph. 897-6112 ' " . . Mr~ and Mr~. Elvia MIchial were dinner guesta WedneJday of Mr. and ~. Je$Ie , Michial of sminj VaQgr. ' Ca1ler. of Mrs. HUe.y Gibol ' IOn ;tIlis paSt week included ' Mr. and Mrs. Frankt .Bratton of' Winter Park, ' Fla.; Mr. Kennetb . Penewite of ' near X~, 'Mr.. Pauline Wallace, Mrs. Pamela, Stafford and IOn oJ Xenia, Mr•• Addie Dill, . Blvia 'M idiW, Mr. Jerry Lewis, Mr.. ~ Hernnpn, Mr. 1'hOIll~ Han ' QE ,Miamisburg , ad Mr. and Mia• . Morris
United Kethodilt Church
," DJiited KethodiBt ,Church, Third & North Streets L., L. Young" Minia~ 8:.1" &, io.:~~ •.m., Churcb' at WorabiJ( , ,' , . \" 9:~~ a.m~~ SuhClaY' Church at study. \ ,. 6:00 p,m., Suilday, Youth Fel· 'I~Wlbip. '
,' United·Methodist , . Church
David t. Willard, Mi~ter 9~30 a.m., 'SuncUy1 W'ors~p ,~ · , Servace, .' 10:30 a.m., Sunday Scl)1~L ,.' ' . ' 7:00p.m., Sunday, E·ven,ing ' Wor.hip Servicel, ducted by yo~.
• vilit 'With relatiVCI.
Sandwidla, coffee, bd iced ·tea were by the refresh'.. ment committee. The next mccan. will be aday, Sept. -at 1 p.m. on 30. \
acre, Z ltory, 2 unit ' apanment, 2 bedrooJ;Ds, liviDFoom, kitchen and 1 bath each unit. Also haa a ' .ooc;l barn and fenced ~ot. 'A rod inyeatment.
. , PATVAllt Way u,.:...."... Mias Toni Benner haa re- . ited, 'Mrs. Patricia Altenburg,
turned to '~ Riverside HOlpit:d in Detroit, Mich. for three ' The Esther Cltcle oE Past School o£ Nurain. at Colum- days. They did som~ sh pping M ttons met on Wednesday, bus, where she is a junior. She ' for Toni's ~dding tro~~sseau. sept. 11, at the home of Edna .pent, three weeks' at home The wccldmg will talc ~ place ' A delicioul "potSt. J ~bn_~ with brother J dfrey, sister D cc. 21. A surprise ,shower Jtny Hoffman "7~ luck" dinner waa enjoyed. A Melissa and parents Mr and was given for Toni, Sept,. 11 at :B. B. Wade Realty at the home jof Mr. ' Ihort business ~eetinl wu Kettering, Mrs. floward F. Benne;, Jr. 748-Z7. I f '''1440 conducted following dinner" Toni and her mother vis- and Mrs. Marshall 'Wright of Olson Ddve. , The next meeting will he Hostesses were: Misses SuWednesday, Oct., 15. ' san' Wrjgh~, Pamela ' Yates, Sandra' Lawson .nd Linda The ~..yne Four Leaf Clover 4-H Club wiO have a Knobel, classmates of 1~0.ni 1n High School. wiener rout at the Don WatOther guests attendin~~ were: kina home on Tueaday~ Sept. ~i"es Dianne Hen~ann, ~O from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Linda Klenk, Vicki 'wfartin. Each ,member is to bring their Vicki Bilek, Carol Johnson, own wiener. and bUIll. The marshmallows and drinb will , Cheryl McAtee, J ane ~ Lee, ,'Marlene Bristow lister 'Of the be furnished. groom, Mrs. Peggy fSrilto,f ", -Invited dinner gues~ of mother of tile groom" Mrs. ' Mrs. Edith Hawke on . Thurs· Maxine Wright, Mrs. l esS i! day, Sept. 18, were Mn. Mary Yates, Mrs. Dorothy LaWlOn, Chapman, Mrs. Edna Me. MrS,1 Mary Clure of -Franlclin, Mrs~ Win,i.' Mrs. Marie Knobel, WORK DoN. RIlA80NA8LK Burk, Mrs. Annalue Heath fred HaI'tIOck and' MarY Leah UTUT III'. .RIC8 aunt from Xenia, and, ,Mrs. Rheu. of Orlando, Fla. ' " '. ;t , Louise Benner, modiCl' from Waynesvine, Oliio. . . ' ' 'the ,John Hawke f~ily , has Tecently moved to Spring' " field and the Lee O'Banion The Senior CitUens Club family plan to move to the met September , 16 at I p.m. Fr~ Hawke farm. for an afternoon of ' lfellow-
They wer.. glad to
. 12aere will 'Girl Scout euh Wedn~day for noop 307 each Thursday for Troop '80 ill the Multi Purpose Room 2t the United Methbdi. Church. Regiltration will be limited ,to 16 girlt per ttoop. If you want to register, please con· tact these leaden: Troop 307, Sandra Jones 932 2161 and ~roop '80, Carote Carter 891"'152.
m.ea.. .
- - - -- ---Thursday, ,Sept. 25-porltie sandwich oft bun; mayonnaile ' ~d piclclea; buttered cqrn; warn- fruit cobbler a d white milk. F~iday, Sept. 26 .- FUh sandwich with tartar lauce, pocato chipl, .liced tomatoes, watermelon or fruit, white milk. ' Monday, Sept. 29-Hot batb~ci.aed sandwiches ~n bun, po. tato chips, buttered .ru.~ vegetables, j.ce cream, white ~ilk. ' Tuesday, Sept. 3o--chick· en Ala Mode, buttered peas, tolled aalad with French · d"e,ising, doughnut, wh ''1 ~ -
milk. '
Wednesday, October i touted cheese land~, horAe 'baked beau. 'apple, peanut.. butter cookie, chocolate ' and white ~iIk.
....-J·Ethel Prewitt who is h,~e on '
:Try .on a wig. here. It , loob eo great you'll MYer' want to take it· oft'. ,
, Stylist ,
,01 ann Pur~ey , , '
PERMANENT PRESS CYCLE provides wrinkle 'femoving ton· ditioning period after clothes are dried means less ironIng. I
a gentle circle of low, even- heat means soft'
virtually wrinkle· free
clothes in minimum time. Saves Ironing.
I0 I .
REVOLVING LINT Fll· TER is highly efficient. Filters 100% of ex.~.,""IiIIIiI"', haust air. 'Snaps in. , Snaps-out. Cleans easily.
• ' Full 'Opening Safety Door ,. .
• Ulrge capacity Drum • Snag,
helP needed. 1I\IIIt
be to leam new type!lettinJ pl'OCftL . Part .! " • to start; mUBt be available for Bale tim~ "'Ol'~ in .the ·future. Apply MIsCELLANEOUS living room -fur. ".' penon-no phone" c~ll.. The nUur•. Phone 89T.6UL 17ct Guette, 105 . S. Ha~n, '1111' • ., .....· "1,..
aoacI .' t)'piat aDd willi..
!el.!!l~uet apea~er
record player. ,97·W7. CI1Il
after ..'.
MECEIVE . beautiful .'jewelry free. Hav., S~ah Cove~try Jewelry party . . . 16c2 ', .. Call· lliddletown "24-3338. ... . CHRISTMAS tOys, sifts, ; decorations' now available at low-low. prieea. Oan 897-2612. .. 17ctf CLEAN .rup, like neW, 10. easy to de) ' with ' Blue Lustre. Rent electril,l ~ampooer 11. Waynesv.ple· F'urni· . ture. 17e! JmlEPLACE wood for sale. Phone 1603 · 932·9137. . . BABY crib and mattrese, 120. Pli. 897.~37. · . 17c1 DAVENFORT-clean excellent con· · ditlon · 140. Wooden storm door complete 32"x8O", 18. Can 897:6506 See at 397 North St. 17e1 SCRATOH 'l)uda for snle' at The Miami Oazette. 105 S. Main S~. Waynesville. 16nctf · 12' Aluminum fWUn~ boat. 5 h.p. motor~ Beout trailer and , accellllOries. 15 ft. ,TrotwOod travel trailer. ' Ph. 8~7-5120. . ~ • , 17ed WALL·TO·WA~
Oarpet. 2·rooma Jlall. $149.95 complete. Samples shown wi~hout obligations. Ph.
1-885·7@M. '.
__ J.6c8_
. WAYNESVIT.I,'I 1 yt. old bride: ranch on 1/2 acre lot. . 3 bedrooms, famlly room, large kitchen with panattached . 'p 'age, city gu. Ill,OOO.OO .
IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Lovely 3 bedroom home, 'formal clininl room, full buement. Pos.ible 4 or , bed1'00", garase. _20,000.00
1~ ·:-.. ~SS
3 bedroom ~bric:k ranch on Iarp COrDet' lot. Built-in kitchen, ceramic bath, hard~ wood £loon. _17,000.00 f
JEAN YOUNCB 897-"33 .
Clean ' Kallon gllLSll juga, 25c each. W.aynt!sville Dr"1 Store 17el
1961 roRn Ranc)lero, 3·speed, !'Iix cylinder, 176. Phone : 897·2120 .or 897~0&187. I1d DQWNSTAIRS-unfurnished apt., 2 bedtyoms in Way~esville, wall·to· wall carpet, drapes fumiahed r built· in stove and cabinets, prefer adults ' only, but ' no more than one child. J-l/2 bath, ' 1 car garage: o~n 932·8143. 17.'31 '
' JOB opening in WaYl)etlville ~rea iln near future. Requires ,Iomeone W 10 • can ' keep. confidential reports. )f~!t. be patient: and have a pleasing ~r· , sonality: Hours vary · daily and woul'd .. iti6lude tbr~ ' ,eveninge. ReferenClr3 required. Only written applicllfi01M . will be cor~dered. Applioations mUIlt. be received no later than Oct.. 1. Write P.O. Box 265, Waynesville. ' ' . , 17cl
DING·DONGI Christmas selling starts early with AVON-earn $$1 for your Chril~t. 0188 sPare time near your hoO'le. Wanted ~tnrt. '·'now. . Call 426·0309 ' or wrii~e WANTED To BUY: Outllide front Mrs. Shank 3229 Bayf~e'd .I)r:' d~r . with door f~ame, 3'" wide X. , Payton, Ohio 46430. , 16c3 79" high. (Will 'consider larger door Card of Thanks that can e cut ·,down). I WISH to tbank everyone for tbe Miami Galette 89'1-5921Calf cards, gifts and prayers during my . uk for Mr. Edsall 13~etf recent hospitalization and return LET m., baby . sit for ' you in my home, Special thanks to the Sit, f!r ' home. By hour or Day. Ph. 897·5921 Anniversary Circle of the Wilynefl" 13netf ville United Methodist Church IFor
nAIIP~IBa. . ,
.* iii ,,,,I
~ " ', '
13 mod.... tn · Ch.OOHe
7°11\4; Atwl ~11qft1lfl\.1l'" " ' Truck Catn'l lle"" , We KeU 80ttle G....
hw..emeet .n.Ih*_
LADI~: Earn your fall and winter wardrobe free by having a Queens· Way·to·Fashion Show now. For i.u. " formation oall Iva" Stout. 897·430.1. 17c2
PLUMBING, L. A. (Louie) Reedy.
See us for your installation of water heaters, 8Oftners, fixtures, gen· eraI ' repairs, remodeling and ne,! 1,702 construction. Ph. 897-6629. FARM fencing, bam paintjng BDd repair. Free estimates. Plione Mid· 17ctf dletown "23·1424 or 422-7494. • s COLD Sprinp Beauty Shop: WiD take appointments anytime. Ph. 897 ·43P~. ' (8c~f' ~..
TOY. Poodle 'Stud Se'tvice,' AXC ' ~giRtered. White or ' Apricot. 150. Appointment only. Phone 897·"0&1.
r "
PHON£ 74-8147
W. clean Valta, c..,ooIs, ...-tic tanks, claterns, dry 'weill Ind tolltta. FrIt EstJma... QIVIII On. All JObs 24 HOUR SERVICE 121 NO~TH MAtN &TREEl
IIan7 - -.., a.-ee! .LAYHO,USE TOY . COMPANY Call JIr8. Kinton
from .....
W:ay""· CIlRlIMlr Tr.vel ~_ "
~ Catnal",r.. Canal_. TnIIfiI,
.. ~
. lEIra • -. '8Ow .. DeC. , "Pi~Coma dahl
,"'UUM<I ••. '!".... . , ,
awn,.' , ...•
gifts of food .and Rev. L. ·L. Youlng for his visits. ,Jane W",ltz. n~l
. -AXeL fiPES REMODELING , Bobert Carter & S9n 1
21 N. Sni ST. '
OHIO , 4501.
·.l¥~3 ~~ ,
". PH.
897-7931. or 897-2241
Dan Prewitt
tended for Blan ae..'. t.Ui:y
The Wayn.eaville Sn.,'tji". conqu ered the 8lanch~ter Wildc ats Friday night in j e th first league clash for . . teaIRs. Fhe ~ scored 11t:e Wildcats first quarte r as Bob HUJ~e. broke throug h the line to the remaining 24 yaras of e field. . . The Spar-tans came .bac~ in · th~ secon d quarlU as ' 50 . Bradley •
Bradley aDd .uambled 3' yarcU. for the touchdown. The .core at the end of th.e firH . hidE was 6·6. The third quart ,r. was a ~e. rus~eJ;' in the game ~th . 83 fenaive batde with .neithe r ' yarda in 22 carries. Willa rd team gettin g wlthin 2' yards P~due,~ also fto'm \Vafl la. ,ville, was ~xt in line Moth ~ of the goal. To break the ice in the yards for l' carries. fourth quarte r, the Sparta ns' inner line opene d a hole to let Bradley gallop 22 yar~ to
Funeral ICr9icea Weft COD· d~ 'at 11 ...... &acuNaY ost the Muke r: ....eI Heller Fu.i. a! H~ at Da~ for Bail
- ..
iii~~~;;=~~::;;::;:;==:±:=== H. Omdorf .f Wayaeavi1le. 0
Ornclorf, 7', diCd W~ . . ~y, Sept. 17 at ~d~ . Hospica1 at Dayto n. . He · was born at Spring boro and moved to Waynesville in ~903 . . 1n 1930, he moved to Dayto n. Orndo rf retired in 1960 from Inland Manufacturing Company, a divisioD' of Gener al Moton.: Orndo rf is survived 6y hi. . wife, Marjo rie H. Omclo rf and a cl4uJf,.~, Mn. ,Doro thy Kovac. of Beverly Hilla, Calif• . Bu~ ... in Miami CAinetery at· COr,rio. 0
'. • 1 .O• .,S .'11 1