$,24 million ih ' !
Vint, Chairman-Director, was among a board of four officers unanimously elected to head the new organization. Other officers included Secretary , Mrs. " Betty Vinson"; Treasurer, Nancy Mar- tino and .Publicity, Dennis Dalton, . Initial fund raising plans were jelled with a blind auction, pro-
page 2
SANT A CLAU SMA KES VISIT SA TUR DA V Santa Claus will visit Waynesville stores from I 2 pm noon to 4 pm Sat.urday, ~c. 19. Durif!g hi~ stroll through town he ~n d\lstribute candy treats t~ al~ '¼,o4n$stets. '" &ntli'! will 'Clbo" Vl5ft¡, Corwin
ye'u'ngst't,s t,bat aftcrn"oon and
are "' will\ be at Purkey's Hardw . ".", . Store, Santa"s visit will be sponsored by the: Wayne Retail Merchants "AssociatioDf
The December meeting of the Cr~dles to ,College ' peCL w~s held at the home oJ Mrs. Wanda WooUard. Mr;. Mary Joan (Tom) Cassidy read' the devotiqns. Thc
Rotary ,,' Christmas Trees NOW ON SALE
$5, 00
Located between Ellis' and Waynesvill~ r:~r~iture
. .' :: .
• ••
Justify their faith in you by sho ...., ping your home town first.' Help keep our community a good place in which to live and do business.
r '
:-, '. , -,' >in. Noth~ilg:vY3~ ;fci ~~~,: .'-;'
Hardest hit were thi:Welt:l's ~ ', re's' dcnc;e .. w"'cf.c ,~,ppr'o'xil1;la.tety· , $800 -worth, of silvcr, :and 'iur- ,' . antiquc . fireaqn ,~ere'~~t~!cn an,d '>':", , the ,Lamb hom( whcle ~n 'lnti· /' , - que clock ,and firearm were re· ~ · ; • ." '~. pOrtcd ~issirg. '" , 'if'" t'The A'l.tD' Roark ,l,omc ,.ili ' . :.. r~ral Way.~'esy,i~e.W~s~l!I~p , br,~~e.\ ,
' , 1\ :' .:
This y.r our merchants are counting on your support like never before. Their shelves are brimful of all the things that make Christmas ,a delightful time of year with' fun·fun·fun for everyone.
olJJd~d , the ~rtcs'denc~
of, James,' ,clarence a.IJ'd Lamb. Lpwis Welt'!.: c;~ r~sidcn r f~)rIJ1C Ain burgy. 'The also of Mrs. J,udy Wilcrs~m ·.\~as broken -into. 'New owners of trhC" house discovlercd that :doms ba'd ' , been brGkcf...ll; : 'llie bou'so con. " 'S _"~'", tained a ( qual~tity ,of-paint.,being, I . used by " th.~ "leW., oy(flcrs Jor ' '. " redecoi'~riQn ', befo[~ ~ ht:y ;~ove," :~. i,
- -,
.. -#
'" ',;"r. ~
£{~K 'S'
" The deadline for entry is Monday, Dec. 21,. J~dging will be done on TuesI , . day, Dec. 22. by en'lployees of Dayton Power .& Light·Co. Riboons will be a~rd.ed in each category and all entries' will be considered for the grand aWard which will be a gift donated by Dayton Power & Light. The decision of, the. judges will be final.
' NAME__
, I
'. J
:,' I
" Friday Dec. -I8 is for Gentlemen "
j.... . .:.,-
puIr C'·h:8S'~-8 d ( -
_ ___ ___ ____________
Entries Limited to Wayne TQwnship
oJ· •
EVERYONE wEl¢ qM,e ,
L--_ ___~____--------~~~~--.------~~10.
kin 1:118 II' Cust'om CI. ·1 Set ~
. CI aI to I
o j
' .
18 .88 ,
IIotwIt:tt ,',
" ,
~ ~
. '
aJfr":.~:?h,:, -: ! . ~ , ' ~ofRQL~ , . , 'EADER..35T, CII" l;ft'wrap 'papet:,U ~alltYl rOils .' TRIPLE 'H ' B ' " 6roll~ 26".7.it ·Or ji1totat of,444't'~Std,.· , _' ae . a: . ,_ deslgn$.~p/HP2660 f. 'I·
.,' ;
Shaves 2 out of 3 as close or ~Ioser than a blade, Microgroove floffi,. head follows contours for faster, closer, more
f t ':' ," 'Cle'
comfortable shaves. Flip-top cleaninlfJ ' . pop-out side trimmer.
for 'Spri Il.f'" AIr •• ~ -HOlE HU MID IFI,• •'. Olin. Piralill
Alta.. .
F'A IR L,& 'Y,'
HARDW 'A·RE;··~ ,
::' ."-:~:
PH,• . 897 :295,i .
Gi,ant Saviqgs 'On To¥,s' Gifts For Entire Famil., lim ex .Watches Boo,ts
CHROMACOLOR 100 P.ICTURE TUBE Featured in 'the totally advanced Zen iii'l Chrompcolor 100 systerri'wjtj1 the .Titan 100 chassis for greater picture b ightness and more .dependable set, perfo,:r;nanc.e,
A full rec(angular '2S" viewa~!e diagonal TV p" lu re! It lets you see more of the picture because it's as rectangular as a TV so reen . can be .
~t'A giJt fa, cherish for yeats.! :"': I"2:3~~.Z~NITfi C:'HROMACOLOR ,'.. '.:' .
• Super Gold Video Guard Tuning System • New Zenith Autom:ltic Tint Guard • ExclUSIve Ztlnith Chromatic Brai n • Zenith Patente d AFC. Automatic Fine-tu ning Control
• Color Commander Control • Gyro-Drive'UHF ClTannel Selector • VHF /UHF Deluxe Spot/ite Panels • 5" Round Twin-Cone Speaker
You really have to see it .. .to see it! NEW CHROMACOLOR IOO!
,:. Th" .OSLO ·-B4513W '. IModerh styled compact console. Titan 80 _'\, 'HandCrafted 8hassis. Chromacolor Picture Tube . .1 J , ' • .$vp~r: Yide(}Bange Tuner. AF.C .
:i#~t ,.. 0,.0 .~ ,;J"_ ~I . (i~' "
.••• jr:."..
~ t
'.' "
,. I
.... ,
1 : ,4(d ~stir) 'c,ti\je gift of quality . ~'Z' E ' NIJ:HjGH 'ROMAGOLOR ' ,
' ~,
;·SC;OF.IEl:O, . S4514M
. :7'';'
' ~tyied <;JorhpaCt console .,Titan 80
r."'"C"'· Cha~s jS. Chromacolo( Picture Tube,
Rand~ Tuner,;,AFC·.· . " , . .. --
526995 ,
reg. $299.
The GERSHWIN. B914M Cha rmin g Ea rly American styl ed cabinet. Zen ith 40 -w att ·peak music power solid -sta te amplifi er and FM/AM/Stereo FM tuner. Stereo ~recision record changer with Micro -Tou ch® 2G ton e arm . Six Zenith .quality speakers. including 2 exponential horns.
reg. $729.
.up'...... ~·lbE · 11
¢ / '-
Qf 'Chris t
;Third & Mianii ,SI'r ets' {;hatJes Pik~. Evi'ngelis't.'"', 10:00 a.Ill:'· SUnaay Mot~ing . 6-:30 p.m .. Sund~y,:, Even~ng . 6:30 p.m ... Wedne~da(Evching · . atior ' Phone 891-4462 for rnform ..;':'. . .. ~
first ~ptist Churc h . North Main Street . John P, Osborne, P-dstor 10 :00 If .m .. Sunday. School 11 :00 a.m.,M9rnin~''Y()rship 6:30 p.m.,Training tJnion 7:30 p.m.,Evening Worship 7:30p.m :.Wedncsday Prayer Meeting (Affiliated witH Southern Bap' ' t ist Convent ion). .
I(f;oq iI .l;l .. SlIl1da\' Sdwol ' 10:00 & II :()O :I ,n;'.. SlIlld;IV . ' WIH~hip SNvil:~ ". 7:3() P,IlI .. SIIltJa~ Evcning
First Church-of Christ 152 High Street
~6rs hip
SIeve Tigner, Minister . Unit; i'Met hodis t 8:30 a.m. The Christians Hour Church (WCKY radio, Cinty) D.av.i,J Harper. Pastor 9 :30 a.m. Bible School (classes 1) :30a.l1l.. SUllda y rhurd l for all) St,'I'Vin' 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship :1.111,. Sunday School 10:30 10:30 a.m. Junior Church II :00 a.I11 ,. SlinJay Wl,rslup Revival Fires . 12 noon Scrvic.:e 5 :30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice YtlUth Fcllowship and Bible 6:00 p.m. Jet·Cadets SluJy Alpha Teens Harveysburg Full Gospel 7:00 p.m. Evening Vespers
Friends Meeting
E. SOllih Street Rev. Jack Hamilton . Pastor 7:30 p.m. Tucsday 7:30 p.lll . Friday - Young Pcoplc's Servit.:c 10 :00 a.l11 . Sunday School 7:00 p.m. St'nday Evcning
hllHlh Slll'~t Il~ar lIigh 1) :30 a.I11 ., SUlHby &hool 10:45. ;1':'111. Sunuay M~Clin!! tor W( ~r~ hip (unprogrammed)
St. Augustine Churc h lIi!!h St ree I II. LuI Iller. Pastor nh Jose . Rcv 7 a . l11 . & I I :1.111 . Masscs X a.l11 . & X P m. Iioly Days 7:30 fUll. FirSI FriJay . 7:45 ~I. I!) . i}.1ily Mass 5:30 p .lII . Saturday Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal Church TIlird & Main Strccts Rev . Harold Decth. Rector II : 15 a.IlI ., Morning I)rayer 1st. 3rd & Slh Sundays : Iiol y Comlllunion 2nd & 4th Sunday s
SPRI Ne VALLEY Unite d Methodist Churc h Walnut-Vine '.
Meredit~ ,
Third & North Slreets ", L. Yuung. Minisl~r 9 :00 a.m. Church School 10 : 15 a.m. Church at Worship 6:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowship
Spring Valley Churc h of Christ . Glady Street 10:00 a.l11 . Morning Wurship 7:00 p.m . Evcning Worship H:OO p,m. Wedncsday Evening Worship
Spring Valley FrieQds Churc h Mound Street . E. Fricnd Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday Sch ool 10:30 a.m'. Morning Wurship
Waynesville Rescue Mission Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd . Rev . Sherman Cook. Pastor 10:30 :1 .111 .. SUllday &:llllol 7:00 p.IlI .. Sunday hl'. Scrvic.:e 7 :30 p .ll1 .. W~Jnl'sday Eve . ScrvJl'~
7 :30 p.l1l .. Sal. Ew . Sl'lvi~~ FI RST CHURCH OF GOD 4C) S. Main Street 9 :30 a.lll. . Sunday School 10:30 a .lll . - Morning Worship 7 :00 p.m. . Sunday evening
Christian 'Baptist Mission Main Strecl Mrs. Lois Dunaway. Pastor 10 a.lll. Sunday &:hool II a.m. Mornil1g Worship 7:30. p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Pra y(' r Meclillg, Wedncsda y & Thursday 7:30 p.IlI .-Son g-fest. Last ?aturt.!ay ~jc.:h ilion tho
This Churc h Page Is ~onsoreo ..or YouR VALU ELLIS SUPE SVIL~E, OHIO WAYNE
Aey Lamh. I.Jaslur ~ 0 :00 a.IIl . , 'Sunday Sdwol 7 :30 p.m.. SlI11(luy. Wedncsday and Satur~a'Y, EvelJing Wurship ScrlJit.:es 7:30 p.IlI ., WedilCsda'y You'lh Service
~.Y Slt'l
RIDGEVltlEE ,('.1
' '....
Ridgeville ComnlUnity:"', Churrlh ,. " 81. RtA'X. & l!'OWl'r'. . , . Spril~goorp l{u~ld Ray L 'Shdt'oi1.. Paslvr l;:30 a . I1I .~Suh~ay :&:h()(~'1 10:45 a.l11. Morning Worsh ip . g ~ 7:3.0 ;P.lll . .SundaY, Evenin '.' to , ~•.;.' ;' " ~rVicc . . '; .'. 7:30 p.n): \Vcdncsduy. 1;:~~l\i.l,lg ~ "' '.' SC'rvke 5:30 p.iil. ,Sulldu y 'Sr: ,Y()lJlh .', . . . Recreation': ' YmHlr r: , 6 ;3~ . p:~n. , S.Un,day ,S ;., " ' ;. , ~rvices '_
R~v . Leonard Baxt'~r
9 :30 ;t ,I1I .. Sunday Sdwol II :00 a.m .. Sunday. Worship Scrvkr 7 :.~O p.Ill ,. Wedncsday. Praycr Scrvi(c
U~ited 'Methodist
Church \ /.,
~ Minfs't er ' . John K. SlTiith .... ,c,'
D90D$ .,;."<~
9:30 a.m., Sunday &;~ooJ 10:30 ~.m .• SUnday W,<*ship . . SeryJice 8:00- 9:00 p.m:, Wedqesday. ev(min~, Bible Stu(ty
•• ' .' - '
Fr~. P-~ntec;o~l: elt~rc" ., I'
,of God ' . ":
'- '. ':
~.' 'R ,R.. 122· ~dJs :' Ohi~' ~, '~stbt t JUIl'lC'S' C'.ilITnhin ' ,
"""'1 f" \" ", . SCho'bl day m"S~ll JO:30 ,~
. ,C,hurch·-of. Ch,ist' '. . ,
Fe~ry ,.
'k(I:. ":1<1111"
'. () ,30 a.·;n :' \\VfsliiP ' ~'I~;i.:l' 10:30 ~und:l\-: (,hurd . ' .',, '" ,~ .... , SdHIHI .' , ,: ., Yuill" .. 5:DO p.lIt . SlIIillay • ~ ~_ .., p shi Fcllnw
MT. HOLLY Unite d Metho dist , Church ,
'V, : ~ ' ·FERR . '
.. \,,',
. ,; 7:00 p.I11.·Sullday Evangclis'lil!'"
. : SClvicc
'i:3(rp ..I1~ ••Wc~ncsday .Prayc.f :... '
. ,"
~ryjcc ",.> '.;')"
' .• ,....
7:30 p.n):,& fu'rdaY -Evcr' ing ..: WihlH!lgHlIl Pikc & '. Worship 'Servicc ' . Social Row Roat.! _. . ' , .~' ,~t. 3 . ' .. • . Bus WiSClll ail. Minisl~r .• : '~ .' C.ENTERVHi L-£·'·,', " , ' t) :OO a.Ill .. SlIlI't!av' Bihlt! Sc:hm:1 · i=·ifSt,'::. ,:. "'UI· Ce~lar Tt)e .' ' p 1-0: I 5 a'.Ill. , SllIHJ~IY. Worshi ... li(rbtf t C' ' : o,ial ,:' Pent~ 10: 15 a.III., SunJ:iy Youth: •. I"" ~<;tr~~ fl "';';;'lkii ' . :· :n r~ . . Worship 1~~y ~wvL·I. I :: 1~:ISIlII:- ' ". '.:. h :JO I·Ull .. SlIlluay Fv~lIih~ ,- , 'Uid,lil!'.Il.. Ass't;. "' ' .(-;dll'~ , • ,. BihIL- Stuuy. all Uj.!~I). 7:.~0 p .lI1 .. J\o~ning W\I;sh.ir~ ': ,,~. 1 0:'f)~) :!'.II1.. :S~!Jl~;'I 'Y ·~ !ll;.~;I < \" , 7 ..,0 p .lll .. W\:dlll' ~d:l)'. M,dwl' ~k/ ' 7,:00 jUl1" SU illlaV F\i~n'iJrg 1 Prilly~r :1I.1J Blh.l~ 5nl~y : ':':': " .7~;"'O p.ll1.. SVI;.~n~~~'ay· tY~ llill~"'+; ..
wlng A~e8· · · IVIA~bh~g1\.J., . Fp~to Ihrough The Court&.sy ' ~f rfie tf.. _ '
Robert R. 9 :30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.l11. Morning Worship 6 :30 p.m. Youth f'ellowship -· jr. high .& sr. high 7:45 p.li1. Wednesday chOir ' re hea r~; .."
United Metho dist Church
CORWIN. . Pentecostal Holiness , Churc h
,~: "
~'I;'~ <"1-,
' ~wai Home', I , Away Home Away , Home, ,
. ,"
Away Away "way Away ,' Home Away
maintenance tar'.
sheet ' meta', palQt-
and electrical: Phone ,,' 21ctf.
Home , \ 'Away Home 路
. . . ..........;
, , H,S
----~i~ . ~,
, MARCUS SCOTT ROARK Marcus , Scott: ~o~rk, the~~f!.: fant son of Mr. and Mrs. SCott W. Roark of 68~ Joycie Lane, W~ynesville died Dec. 10 at/Clinton Memorial Hospital. He was survived by a sister Angela ' liene of Waynesville~ maternal grandpa'rents, Mr. and' and Mrs. LDwell Roa.rk of Blan, v'me i paternal grandparents, Mr. ' and Mrs. lowell. RQark of Blzn 'chester; malternal grea t grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Hkkey of Wa~nesvilte ;. paternal grandmothC:T, Mrs. Pearl Pennington of Dayton; paternal grand-father. Sherdian Roark of Payton, Services iwill 路be ~ Satl:lr-day at Stubbs-Conner Puneral Home. Internment will ' be at Mia~li' Valley ~emoTY Gardens with Reverand, john O~born o ffi cia t,ing.
The ~oly Family h~..,behold,
" .~ t,
,As" long ap, the Bible told.
rI I I I I
annual subscription
- - :'l '
"The gift that lasts all year:'
~ 7"
ADDRESS '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
STATE DATE ___________ PHONE ____________
___ J
, .
---.......~ BOB McBRIDE'S ", ...w
. \\
....,..........- ....~~....
," . 11& I.fhin St. 'I' . hrinl VaIlIY. I h i l l ' , 848-4261 , 862-4182
Ml'IiaP' OIl " ,',~Carda
路lR'U:C路1 TIRE SPECIAl PrlID i um I'xt r I , r8 I d 1000x20 $90. plus tax of $10.~
NAME ____________________________________
1000x20 100px20 920x20 825x20
$10.63 $10.63 $ 8.60 $ 7.41
U-lug Premium $92. U-lug Premium $71. U-lug Premium $59.
TRACTION HIGHWAY $22.86 $25.88 , $24:18' $28.01 $37.~
r. \. ,,)
., '. 'h.e'~nual ,cOmm~~ityiCtftl~~;:: ",~d.llm!O:
" mas ' ca~dlelighl service Will. ' be at' fDnahi Run CIi~rcb Suri~ ;,' ' . d' ... ..: ..'~ II.+.:. , ; . even~g ' Decem~~ t '~Ot~{ at,: .' ~ 7 :30 .PM! Th~ <l.p~blic ,is urged~ .and Jnyite~ to ,at,e~d· .~o see :tnd, , ' ~m!~ ". "'JOb' hear the",¥ auttful Ctylstmas ser· ,,!'I,e:~..V:SE)~.I.neqilOa.'son '" f X ' United the ,of Harper Rev. 'V\ce. ,.. >~.1J~. ; ~~ 'Methodl~t Church-will deliver t he ' v" . , ' '. :". . me~e • ..~\ :': '. .,••1))1• • ~e , ~e~~rp1~nthly' m~tins ..~
~ . ~;'•.#.,~_n. __"~
VJf"'~ ""
~~.the 'P.T~O" ,!i!I. ~;!e~es~y . DeG; 16 .at. -wljlch .J~e '<St,~d.ents j
...:...r,. .>-
will . pre~nt'i. c;~sf~~s,progta"!; .... ,. I, FARM ' fiRE is Tailor-ed In- . .Santa wil.l 1» there with 'lfeat~ . .' ·t~e pu~lic- is inyited ."t~ at- . ' Protect . '. and' tion. ProteC , ' I tend ' . " , .... : . ~ ' iI' & d eo ~w;' Mr d . Mr' v it's . .all ,for fim' .. businesS yourrthl .rsum "" ,'. ,an ., ., S.,. "llor ofCenterbutg spent the w.ee~end .. :... :".1111&'' '''"' wo . .' at the homtj .of, Mrs. ~ut~. ~s.< o:-.aIMUI;t~ " ter recently , " ~ . ~. . '." ;. and . ·Mrs.;' -'i, Williain . ~ , ... ,. .... • 'f, MI:. ! ~ '" Mc~~thy $,~'a .son of ~ill#l~i: . ton '~~pent ' fast. Sunda'y: ~Hi )lei, ',,., . and,l,,,,r~·, ',,"'· .. father ·& lnibe Shumaker.
.:,., ., .
T he , ·N el l
l;illl;;llill. il '~ ;~ ~~ ~' ii ~i · ~ I A' ~~ ~~ ~& ~~ Ii ette, ,t.a!ay West of familY and "
Indiana spent last Wednes4ay at ; the home Of his Parent( Mr. and ; INSURANCE 'AGENCY , Mrs. William Doster. '. Ph897-4~ . Following a po~uck SUPJ?ef ' or 897-6011 in the Social Rabm:' at Joriahs ' 23 S. Mah~ Run chUrch last Sunday ev~njn ~' ~ Waynesville, Ohio Mr~ ,and Mrs. Wilbam '~tnbaugl{ . -CASUALTY -FIRE. AUTO ,of .XeOia sIlowed the last ' of ,d~r;,itg~ti~ir" piCtures ~ken their ,, '
WAll ·. PANELING wAYN'ES~ l·l.:lE · ,.....
LUMBER and ~SljJ?J?I·l~ ' •
Li ve W re at hs t
Po in se t t as & C'h.r i. $.t Iit··a :s':" ;~
, ... ')
,~ ~-"
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.:::,,'~.e'rnJi:ef8· cO)llbin¢ tlliii! m·
formll disoussion ,w ith group . :- singing t'" .a~. .~ dramatic ' s~t --and .~ . pray.er. , " ~ They also sponsOr 8!0UP,actl· vities' such as the hay,i(fe.· which W4s .·t~eir · first and. Christmas carroling which was, on the -1:
. '"".
'DeY!~l~; "
.' ''':.'' . th,e tcor, Ja..r pPSSI ,~ .Y;,r ., re. would: :. ~1~pJrig-;
2, "..,
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.': ,
[;) 'is .
', riNG: . .. . ' ,
8711 20
tQ'G- , n1u~h
TAt<E A TI~ : .•
J.,o-Oumm FARM FIRE ;s Tailored Insura. Protection. Protect your finn business for all it's worth I
,. k
Ph 8974", or 897-6011 23 S. Mai ..... Waynesville, Ohio
,\ l\qWfoan ,YoM.win t~~\lghtfuJ ~plp
.are . and $C.ntimerital. ~eir SenSe of bUmor Would be brought ' out oy ' an old Hoover ~u~ton but g.! e the girl in' your life somethirig . that smells of lavender and oid .Lace.
, PESCES February I 9 ·to March 20 Teal and sea green are Piscean colors and a musical or artistic gift suits them perfectly. But here again the woman is very romantic and your gift should . . _be for her hoPe chest. Whatever 'your birth Sign happay gifC giving. Next week the column will be about-Capricorn.
biB, role ~ , ·HIs day }.18. tradltfu~y, Dece,lJ.lm:r ~th, and . European ChUdfen await bJm'. on St. NiCholas EVe, Decem- ~ ber 5th. , " 4 gray horse and a whlte ; donkey have ,each been crec:t- ". ' lted with the honor of trans- . port1n~ him on 'his gift-glv- ' lng Journeys. ~
• • •
:. In every ' country where _ Chrlstmasiscelebrated;'car91s .' are a part at the celebration, " •
October 23 to November 22 Give the Scorpion something uSeful and it needn't be expensive since they will ' appreciate any, thing that is practical. 'These people love to give presents and actually believe that ~t is Jllore blessed to give than to receive, ,so if your giift isn't received with , a gush of enthusiasm, don't be hurt. The c;olors 'associated with Scorpio are crimson, deep purple and black.
. tlteS' ~fe ilJordUlitely sen iunen taL' .' ,," ~,eRICOR~ , '
", : ',,~cember '22' t,o)ah~ 19' . 'tOpaz , ~ 'the . colo~ ;v'J~d the, <",stone ?, ~~lCiated with : ~ CaR'; _ ,,:,! ricomian. Give tbeo'" adinettUng "': tbat IPpEia1s to '.the"practiCil side "
q,,-~ ".J. "~.-""
t-- ... "
':Jar a Christmas sparkling 'bright, lruh .
and merry, we uteiJeI o"r ..'aiDcer. to you. W.'Il' do ,our be.", always, . 10 dffServe your. valued. grJOd. ,rill ·
.: of 't~if iWtur-es: bUt',inOit:'of au ,", .. ~pv~ them your,>resp,a, for' they
,'r ",'
1',' , .~ •
'Vaiuc':this aOb~ aM else. ,," ,
.J~' '....
" ..
~ ..~
.. t ·":
! , {..
. ~.
;-,:: ' , .' ITBII:-!,A study' 'eoncJ'4eied by ,tbtt ~~{ D~~n~' iJf I~i~ reveals ;that ~M 'Of , all are lelS'. ""pl'Oduetive 'weli ' sltip'-lJrei~Ut, ~r..e8t,~ " .
: ~_lna
,November 2310 December 21 The 'Sigittarian color is royal ,purple. A gift that is practical and expensive and appeals to. his ~ great ,'se'nse' of humor will serve - . " here SPti3~' if that .~. a C9P o~t , ',' really ,yoil c~n get through to the~ with , any "little thina, for
• "'.
. ollis gltt-
"WISHES ·Jt.,.nrelt
,. th.~k.
yOur loyahy ' ~d
" , " ',r.' ' , ' , I
- :'
:' You wilr flild , l. ,,;' 'Vtt€o wilfafip:~ciatb any giff \ . tful peQpJ~ • but-woWcl:enJoy-mos t s0ritething , are-. i~~alist1c and sentimental. , Theusenie' of hUmor would be' that 'will, help them tq organize b~ought out 'by an old Hoover , t~if liVe;!' 'or" beautify 'it, 'Give button but "g;ve the girl in your / the Virgo' Ruin, and ' wOmari the life , so~e~hifig , that smells of gift he or she wQn't pUrchase for and old lace.. lavender , ~"'mSelves, ,an expensive exotic " f!ESCES , ~logne or pE:rfume. Their cOlor February 19 'to March 20 is blue. ., , " Teal and sea green jlre Piscean LIBRA ' -, colors and a musical or artistic September' 24 to October 23 gift suits them perfectly. But ' The Ubran can always Use here ~gain the woman is very bookends for you will fptd books romantic and your gift should in anY Ubralf home. The Libran ~be .for her hoPe chest. woman will be convinced that Whatever your: birth sign hapyou think her iotellectUal if you pay gift , giving. Next week the , buy her a ~)()ok. The favorite ,column will be about Capricorn. color of the Libran is rose or medium blu~.. ' l
...ft!UJlna co~t~les, ~t. Nlcfi: : ' his role aa ' .Ku~-Qeal~er..~is ~y Ja., 'tra-
dltllOrudly. Deeember'6t1i"and
Eur~~o chlldfen :await,JUm : ' ~' o~, St. ~bola:s De~- ""
,l;»er 5th. . , ,~ ,. ,A borse and a w,htte .
":\ . . mofh....;UII~'·4
-c:l~nkey h~ve :ea.ch 'been CJ;~- '
lted with the nonor of'tranS- . portbig him on ,h~ g~t-giv- ' lng Journeys.
. . .'.
countrY '
In every wliere ChristmaS ,is celebratedj'c arols " are a part . of . the... celebratIQl1 ~ : ' ~,
I '
SCORPIO October 23 to November 22 Give the Scorpion something uSeful and it needn't be expensive since they will appreciate any.. thing that is practical. These people love to give presents and actually believe that ,it is J1lore blessed to give than to receive, so if your gift isn't received wIth ', a gush of enthusiasm, don't be hurt. The colors associated with Scorpio are Icrimson, deep purple "and black. : SA~i ITTAR I US November 23 to December 21 The 'Sagittarian cO'lor is royal purpl~. A gift that is practical and expensive and appeals to his , great sense of humor will serve ,, '.. here. Sonyi( that's. a cop out " reilly you, can get thrQugh to , ':. Utem With ,any little thi!t for " " ~ \,' tbe-g are inc.t~teJy S4'ritun~'ia~ CI~RR,t(:C)R ,.... ,oect;mbe~r '~ fo"ah~~ . 10pai is th~ coior ~'
" '....
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, .' .
\,9 the .
_.,d' ·t..e
, . ; stone :~associated With" cap-: . " ':,;, ricomian. Give- them ' .ometbillg -
, ' '. thafap~ls to t~ ;Pract~ ~ide of' 1heir natures
but· inOst-of all 1iY~ ~them ' :yoUr:respe~ for they ~.. " " Valu~',t~ i60~ aU.:eI~. ' ",10
- .',
; .
q"••~ ~' ''<7IM~ 9(0. ... "
,',' ,
.. il.,.
~r a Chrisfmqs spar~g 'bripbt, Iresh ' , and merry, we ezleiKI- our,:.mcenr. wishes to you. We~lI :do our best, always. to deserve your v_a.1VAd, go¢ wfll. . "
.. ",,\,'.
.,". .'
.....:~ A study. ' tond,q~ 'by
the ~.s.: ~!"t:tme..t , Of ,~ 'of , au , ates ' !IJ'e-- Jeas , pi'Od.t~ .beD' , 'tbey. skip, ~akfut .~·e8t-J~ pPot _ )' "* ro'
tlU,e 'revem that, ~ ~
,H eartfelt
'th""or '. ' your
loyahy ' ~d i
WAVNUViu.L OHlc). . '.7,:7~
' S7.~
Elec. Cntl': 6 ,cindte Arms
pro del .
, $42.50 dIIlvered
... ...
2905 Fec:torv Ad;. R. R. 1
~ like finish
, Fiwtkiln: OhiO 4Iio06
~"'d mad8 COIOn~-'
. '$15.00 Dell. . . .
Frank G. Hart 290& FKtory AcJ;~ R. R. 1 .
â&#x20AC;¢ . ' Filftidln, 0ha0'GoO&
6%% 7%
71h% 8% .
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8111 20 F
Reedy .,
, . MERRY CHR ISTMAS 1." , .
8 'M.I.TH
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LY &lV1(;Uf of all men. He is the
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fot iofo{J1latio,,: '.'
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t! •
FirSt aaptist ChurcH . , NO{lh Maiil Street .: .John P. ~bornc, P-dSlor " lp:09It ~m·.,Sun¢1y School 11 :QO ~ ·m.,Motni,ng' Wt>rship 6,:30 p trl.',Traihing. Vnion 7:30. p: m.,Eveni,ng Worship . 7:3o.p.~:,WQdnesd~y Prayci . 'Meeting '. ' (Affjl~alcd wi!h' Southern' Baptist Convention). . •
First Churchoof Chri's t 152 ~gb. Street Steve· Tigner;Mi~ster .
; 8:30 a.m. 'the Christians. HOur
,. '.
(WCKY racl1ot Cinty) Bible School (classes
. ·9:30 a.m. . ' ~0:30 a.m. 19:30 a.m. 12 noon 5 :30 p.m.
for,all) , Mo~ning
Worship Junior Church Re.Vival Fires '. Juni6r Choir Practice 6:00 p.m. Jet·Cadets . ' ''~pha Teens · 7:00 pm. :~veru,tg' Ve~pers ·Friends Meeting , fourth Shoet ,ncur l.Iigh . . 9:30.a.m., Sunday Sc,h()(;1 ,10:15 a.l·n.~n~y ~cctjng fpr Wo,ship (unprograanOlctl) '. ~guriine; ~rch ' ~
. "st.
...·; lJi!d.l,Sticc'
Rev. ~uscDh ·1 i. (ii, mc{i•.Paslor .7 a.hl.•.1.1.~ ;~':,:M~es ': , .' _ g a.m. &. K P:-"l:.':Ic~y :nt.ys. . '. 7.~p; m ~ Fir~tffiday . . . 7:~~ .i~l: . Daily Mass . S:JO'P..~l. 'SS(urday ,1tI.a
, ~'~'s~~ . .
; Chlift:h",
. 'Thi~d A' Main St~ts ' " Rev. Har~~ld' pCe&h; Reclor . II : l S :r.t1'.';:· Mor~ing 'PrJ),cr . . 1st. 3rd &: 5th Sunday~: Holy Cummunion 2nd ~ '411\ SuJl~Ys <
United MethodiSt
Church '
.. l. -Young. Minister 9:00 a.m. Chmcb Scb()el ' . 10:15 a.m. Church at Wo~hip 6;00 p.m. Jr. It Sr. Youth Fellowship '
7:00 p.m. Evcn.ing'WOrship :' 8:00 p.m. \Vedl1cs.day Evening . Worship j • ....., . : . , • 1
Corner of 7] & Corwin Rd.
Rev. Sherman Cook. Pastor 10:30 a.m .. Sunday &huol 7:00 p.m .. Sunday he. Scrvil:c 7:30 p.m .. Wednesday Eve. Scrvi~c
7:30 p.m .• Sat. Eve, Service
FIRSTtHURCH OF GOD 49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School
> --
- ~ii1g V.,I-w Friends .ChUrch .'
Christi~n .B aptist Mission Main Street '.'
Mrs. Luis' Duna~ay ,- Pastor 10 a.m. Sunday &:hool ) 1 a.m. Morning Worship 7:3~ ,p .m. Evening Wor.$hip 7:30 p.m. Prayrr Meeting; Wednesday ~ Thursday
7:30 p.,n. Sons-fest, .last .'
. '
Mound Street··.· E. Fric~d Couser, Pastor '>:30 a.m. Sunday SchooJ _' 1.0:30 a.m: Morning Worship
Waynesviile Rescue Mission
10:00 a.m.
Third & North' Streets
. . ~ ~epper' P,rk' ChoPs' ,4 &*Ork chops (about 1 pound),
nuli" pepper
4onloDsDees' : 4 green pepper:rings
1 Clln (~O% ounces) condense~ ~m.to
Bllown chpps on both sides in .ovenproof skillet; sprinkle wi~h , pep,pel? Place ' a slice of omon and a ·green pepper .ring or, e.ach chop; pour soup ·over; in a 350° F. oven
Fi~ BaptiSf Church'. NOftl",. Main Street
: :John' P: Osbo~n~, P.cl~lOr
10·:OO ·... m.,SUhdUy 1"1:00 'a,in"jMomlng Worship
6!jb' ~·' in:,Train'ing.' Un'on '
\ 7:30 p.m.;.Evening ~()rship , . 7 :30p.m..,Wed'.'''lsd~y· Pray'er Meeting, ' . (Affil.iatcd with SouthcrnBap- . tist Convention). . First Church-of Christ · . 152 High Street 'Steve Tigner, Minister . 8:3U a.m. 'the· Christians HOur (WCKY radio;·Cjnty) ·9:30 a.m. Bible School (classes for all) , 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Junior Church 12 noon Revival Fires . 5:30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice 6:00 p.m. Jet-cadets Alpha Teens 7:00 p.m. Evening Vespers friends Meeting , F()~rth Street ncur Iligh
I}Jvid J brpcl'. PoSIt)"
9 :30 a.lll .. Sunday C'hun:-h ScrviCl' 10:JO a.Ill .. Sunday Schoul II :00 a.m .. Sunday Worship Scrvkc Yuuth Felluwship and Bible . Study
. St, Augustine; Church , , ..Iigl, Street ~.' Rev. J(;scPh, I•. LUtll)ei. P-Jslor 7 a.m. '& II a;n\. MotS.liCS ~ a.m! & 'K p·.m:·HuIY ,n..ys 7:30 p~m. , First t'iiday , 7:45 a.m. Daily ~ss. 5.30 p'.;'i~ satur~y MIss •
ChUrch " ,
~irJ &'Main Streets ReV. Ua,mld Deeth. R,,'Clor: II :.5 a.m .• Morning Pr.lyer lsi. 3rd & 51h Sundays: Holy Cummunion 2nd & ~th Sun.ys ' United: Methodist:
sPRt,.,VAlLE'Y' ' .. ' , . . i" . . , United Methodist '
~ , Walnut-ViR. . . ,...... ' . ' ~bert R. ~r~cfith .. pas.pr . 9:30 iI.m. SundDy Scbool ' ~ -) O:3Q ...;m~ ~{Il.in&'Wo~ip. . . . 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship--;-" ·. . jr. hi~ .& sr. high • ' 7:45,p.m.·V(c""csdaY.. chOtr: rchcar~al '
, ChUrch
nlird & Nt)rlh Streets .. l. Young. Minisler
9:00 a.m. Church School 10:15 a.m. Church at WOJship 6:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowship
Spring Valley Church " .
of'CIuist . Glady St.reel 10:00 a.m. Morning Wot:ship: 7:00 p.m. Even.ing Worship' 8:00 p.m,. Wednesday ~vening Worship '. .
Spring -Valley Friends Church Mound Streel . E. Frie~d Couser, Paslor
Waynesviile Rescue Mission . Corner of 7J & Corwin Rd. Rev. Sherman Cuok. Pastor 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 7:00 p.m.. Sunday Eve. Service 7:30 p.l11 .. Wednesda.y Eve. Service 7:30 p.m.. Sal. Eve,. &rvice FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 1O:30a.m . . Morning Wprship , 7:00 p.m. - Sunday evening ..
, a,'ndSa'turd;a-y, :t.:vcfling • " . ·Wurship Scrvil!.cs : ~.' . 7:30 ;'.111.. WccJa.csiiaY YnuI'h ' . Service " .:
, st..MarY-, EPiScCJpaI
7;.l~ p.lll.,,, st,nd~y .;)Vr.dncsU~y
Rev. Jack Han;ilton, Pastor , " 7 :30 p.m. Tuesday '.,. 7:30 p.m. Friday·- Young People's Scl'¥icC' .. 1 " 10,00,' )111; ~ndaYi School 1 :O?;.~~!. ~~~~y. :Evening ,
9:30 a.m. Sunday School . 10:30 ... Morni,ng Worship
Christian Baptist-Miaion . Main Streel Mrs. luis Dunaway ,' P.clStor
10 a.m. Sunday Schoul II a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.nl. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Wednesday ~ Thurs<\ay 7:30 p.m. Song-fest, last
-. tiaturday ,'~".clf n',o'M.h.
This Church Page Is ::iPonsoreti tor You· ,,,,0..1' Th8 rlU, ............ i.,• I~'
rLYNN-S DR~HOP ... ""WAYNESVILLE. ottlOof· , •
. :. .
Acy c.iim'h. Pastor 10:00 a.m .. Sutid~'y SchUt)l · .
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church 1:. Spulh Street
9:30.a.m., Sunday ~I~()(jl 10:45 a.m. Sun~y Meeting for ,~ W~~rshi~ (un,prugrammed) •
,<> , •
8711 20
several surnames, No olle yet The story of, Yoronos~y's .... onosky was ill F"ra discovery , in 1919 on the sidein 1919 or what lia~d 1'~11I\p.1tleo: , waJks of Frnaklin had lost conhfm to cause his tinuity and become distor.ted One journalist' the,o ' over the 51 years he lived a the man may I~a~lgorc ', down'.. ' . ' ..~.;,.<:.:" ward of Warren County not able town for a oottJe ,ofr" t11m~,' c;>r :: to communicate with anyone , somc '., other oidiJ:lary itel} and " 'A story that Yoronos,ky had ' been physica11y abused, Not' be.~, been founa beaten and r'obbed ing able t€?- speak 0( ) ~n4ersl-and . in an alley at Dayton was the English he may'· hav~ 'bcl;lome, legend that 'nearly shroude'd him fright~n~ d 'aT\ ~'l:pn'fuse(t. to the grave. There was a - tirnc follo.wing , Three weeks ago Walter World War I ,that~all ali~ns w.ete, ' t •. O'Bryant of the Warren County shunned 'oy , Americans:' d!le,' ,t o Sheriffs Department began an the wid,e-spre~d mistru'St ,Qf , a~y. intense inve.stigation of Yoro~and all foreigners. . ' . '' t .. Warrert G'GuntY. :law enfc;>rce;; osky. ,~~ After, thumbing'lhrough old'. meot offie1als " a~d .inteieste.d ,",' unt rec,ords f(0n;t tpc ~ar.r~n y _ ne~s1?aper:m~~ .: and _I' ~o,me~f :, -' Home,:' O'~[yitlt (h!;e,o\'~r~d that ,' haven 't, ho-we~~r, le~ tile case of:·, ' or.(mQsKY bad' been' foun'd' in a , August ,Yoronosky die. .. " ,~~l\"Il''''''' on'lh~ sj~pWa1k" ", '~tensive" investigalion is.no.w . , in ' pr6~esS to ,( my~tery ,} ~l ~ a~clof:·a.", ttl
{ . .1
several surnames. The story of Yoronosky's, , discovery in 1919 on t~e sidewalks of ' Frnaklin had lost con-. tinuity and become distorted over the 51 years he lived a ward ol.Warren County not able to communicate with anyone. 'A story that YoronosJ<y had been found beaten and robbed in an alley at Dayton w~s the legend that nearly shrouded him to the grave. Three wee ks ago Wal ter QIBryant of. the Warren County Sheriffs Department began an intense investigation of Yoronosky. ' , . . After 'thumbing ' through old reco{ds from '.the Warren. ~ounty :,j Home, d"BrY~tlt' dj~c.overed .that Yoronosky hip, been. (ound in a wlzed cooclition;'dn t~c sidewat'k 9.i9. . "' , , at' F , . tQ "--I .,
I' •
No one yet Jcnows why YOl~ onosky was- ill ~ran~lin lha~ Clay , in 19.J 9 or what mid h;tppeJ1e~ (0'" ':U<'~1W(rr.""~ hi'm to 'cause his dazeth:6ndition. One jour'nali'st tli'c'odzed tfiat' the man 'may ,hav '.'gone down-, ", town for a bottle of, milk 'or ' some other 'or·dinar.y Henl' and been phy.sically abused. Nof' b,t;;ing' able to sp~~ k or -understand English lie may .have become: frightened and:cpl fuse'dr '! . There was a ' time, ~olloWing . ' World War I d)aCall aliens were ,. shunned by - Americ41n~ :4duc, the widespread mistrust .qf a~y and all fore1gOen:-' ,; , , " Warren <;.'ountY i~ 'e nforcement· ,offiejals "a,n :. in.t'erestc;.d . news1?apenrieJ\ . · ap.~ ,:,·wome.n. I -;haven 'to howe~er. r~ ., t 8, caSe'or. ' YOTono~ky, die. . ;, ....x1teh~:iVe· jovestigatiorl is n~\v I.
to ,
.);~nc~l m,;y.~u;t:y
Charriere Adoff McGuff
Papillan . Brothers & Sisters Winning It All
. Mandala
die New Year wiD enable peace to prey.u, help people co-exist ........OIIIo. .y, aDd let every .... Dve in freedom ••• lor these ·ideals ~ mOe for a IIappy year!
.'heWaynesvUle,. .--,~.-~ lationall"· . ':.
The J 970 CtUig.maJ .cOncert by the Waynes~ille I b,tld; . and ll chorus was:' an e~l:iilar~ting' $'u~ ....'·r cess. ". :" . ' , The chorus ~aJ)g '·Po.vou '~~'r ' What I Head" , ' "~rok9f the Bells" and "let 'fl)em 'Shout", ' . The Cadet : Band played .. "Christmas . r Song"~ ~ "'Vuleti~ Sketches", " Christmas in Eng! ' land" and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". Duri~g the last. Se~ ' ection Santa and an elf arr'ved ' . and passed out' candy to ', t~ children. . ' . . :,'-'1.,...... :",,_ . The senior ban'd played "QJd • &lint Nick Takes a Rocking Trip" and "The Night before <!.lu:istmas". During "The Night before Christmas", mernbers of the speech class ~ve a reading' of .'~ the popular Christmas Story. . Throughout the program memo . bers of the art class drew seasonal pictures with the inusic. ~c. 21 the annual Waynes· . ville Elementary School Christ.mas progr~m was presented under the direction of Mrs. James Weltz, Elementary School music teacher. The theme of the program was Christmas in m.any lands. . Some of the countries portrayed were England, France, Holland and· Me~c.o.• . Skits were performed ·to illustrate . Christmas in fairyland, Disneyland and : in the future. . The' skit for ' Christmas:in fairy.llitut: Was'~ "The' :Elves . and ' the . ~oe~r", ',Jgt , J),sne~•.. laIiCf "wj ., Jungle Tree"":)', .....,' The special sixth grade choir sang a few selections includinR "Silver Bells" and ''It's '8 Small World." -
.anon. Isaacs, 27, of apartment 4, Fairfield Drive lost control of his auto at 1: 15 am on the wet road sliding broadside off the east edge of Route 48 and striking a tree just a few fe~t south of the Ohio 122 intersection . . Isaacs, who was alone at the time of the accident, was pronounced dead -at the scene. The fatality was investigated by p~trolmen from the Lebanon Post of the Ohio Highway Patrol. Isaacs is survived by his widow, Connie Jo; three daughters Deborah Lee, Usa Renee and Geneva and a son, Delmer Eugene, all at home; hi~ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Isaacs; hine sisters, Mrs. Lillie Isaacs, Mrs. Edna Alexander and Mrs. ~dalene Alexander. all of Kentucky ; Mrs. Anna ISaacs, Mrs. i Hulda Uvingston and Mrs; Alice Coff~an and Mrs. Ma~tha 'Boggs, .. all of Way~c~ville; Mrs. Chlna '. , Upton .of J..ebimon, Mrs: Faye ' . Ban of '1n4iana ~ f.our \, brothers. 10hrlh}1"arid JGe boih,o(:tebdnobt r and Charles and Hernian both of K~n~ucky;' matern~l grandmother, Mrs. Hulda Lamb ofWaynes- ' ,ville aqd several neices and ,nepI
"" . \ (Capricoro,:Dec. 22-Jan. 20) Capricornians, .blessed with a built-In appreciation of labor, . ... \ wolk hard ' if it is going to get .them somiewhere. They bear with. limitations and frustra" tions since their very nature is -C'onditioneld to them. It is . throu'gh th~! ,ealization that suc~ '/ cesa ' is. acbieved ,by the' accept~ ~ce . 'of ·nec~tf that they win .., ~·tbt6ug'l.~~sRite alJ o~stacles. : .'~ . Oversft~ or misuse of these ... capacrties 'c an mean . utilitAriaQ. an- attitude towards life, ~7 .. ·t.O«> stern ,Il ~h~vior to y~ung '.' · lM!9ple. .- . .
. Visitation' was ' Thursday and Friday at the Penteoostal Church at Doc\9s. Funeral services were conducted at 2 pm at the church on Saturday. lnterement was in Miami Cemetery at Corwin. ' Funeral arrangements were handled by the Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home \at Waynesville .
Invile someone who is alone to share holidays with your ·faniiiy.
Jln.i.'s 1', 'luty 'Sh ap 3 miles north 0' Waynesville WED. THURS. FRI. BY APPOINTMENT
. ~
. ,. ... -,No ......,.'··.! ,., ...._........... -. ~,.
'. Cap,,,"~."U'''Uilllaa.
Tradition is t~t ~ e~t· sauerkraut on New Year's Day will bring you goO~ luck and a prosperous new year~ 'n additioh to our Holiday ·Special, 20% ~ff on 'all OUf pizzas·, we will include a sample size of our .nevvest pizza (~uerkraut & Sausage) with every order for large .. or ki"~ pizza FREE.
·NeW Y",r's~. 4 PI1l ~ 28m . New Year's Diy 4'pm ~ 12 pm ,
~ I~~L. FRR,} fOUR
. - ,NOTE.: ~ ~'~e Iff t." •
ON·" L1;. JAN: ~, "19~1 ' . '"
I I ' "
, \?
complaints over dress codes and -other rules have been resolved through UberaliziJig school MIles and forming faculty-student committees. "But disciplinary problems will always plague the teacher who expectS every student to sit placidly in his seat .quiet, .docile and unquestioning - while he lectures at them for 25 minutes," "s aid Trump. "Such
a teacher, and
bably the school in which be teaches, fails to understand
CHICKEN . 1. ca~. (tOJ,2 ' 01.) ~~~~ q'eam'of mnshr~1Il IOUP·· . ~ ~mllk \ "" . .~ tablespoon"_ty eho ped onion - 1 tablespoon thoP~ ·MflleY. Z ponnds thleken ,...ta, f~ , , or 'rOIIen (tawed) . . -. 1 tap finely cralhe4 _erl»IeUODed Itatllq • .' 2 tabIelpoODI ..e~ blltter " or IIIU'III'Iae '" Mix ¥.s , tUp· soup, 14 cup .. : milk. oni~n; arid pll'8Jey: 'Dip ~
cliic~en in so~pmlxtUre; ~n • roll in .stuflng. Flaeein : .~ low baking d'-Jl (12 x"S·s ~ ) • . ~ Pour »utter on . chieten. ,SU,./ '~ .• at 4OO·F. for 1 bour.: lIean:,'. '-1 while combine remaining IIOUP ," . ~..- ' and .~iIk. Ileat; ·sUr -DqW · and., : then. Serve ove.r chicken. '<.
Makes 4 to .8
"i ,
'. ~
children ' ;lnd'l o~hers :,ij~s in 'QIld the procedUre that" Will 'be'v" household; , ,", ';" '." , followed wile", a decision is' ap.·, ' , • ., •" . , , ' For each: ,additional fanilly , pealed' are on file in the Local '~y " metnber i a4d,,~~5(} tO I8t1~~ in- ' . Super~tendent·s Office aQd'i:nay t4rs. co mel . , Ull'., ,,,~. ,, o.[ ,:'." 'p' '" " !", ';, , ' : 6e reViewed by any interested .Joseph ~U o~e ~pon ' *Chiidren, ;fl'om a' , f~Mi1y ,0(' 3 ' ~rson. Nellie to,i!itU~1Im1il!.W1\OI~~l'f1tt~~IQe,![~;iit;1l:ie .cdmpte,te 'apPlica~, (tWo aduU's ', and one schild or We hll"I!I'i~lhR t1 ca"'Ql~fti~f'011J.\l.:.~t·::ii:ii~11{h~ an ad~t inem~r ,c;>o,e 'adu!t :a~c:i' J~'; chil 4reil) Bethany, W."n~·~il , should be sent to ,. would ' be ,j3ligible for 'a free places to 'm. olil~N'iI~.as ~hwaril'be'rger. Administra~ ' lunch: :,:' :"",' most joyous Qrte. " ". ,Off!~." Such " applicat,ions ' Any \lnu~~J .circumstllI,lc~s or was a gift of 'the HUin~~"'-ll!!lellS' " ~ ~r r~vie\\,'ed ' pt;oroptly anp, , ~ hards~ps' vyhi~h a!fe ~t, the ' famClub was a very. '~( withirt S "'Y$ :tb:~ :fa.rpily Witl ,~e ily's ability ,tp 'pay "~ for school when deco~ated "!efY " ,,~~, ,l, :n oJ~ if)e d in , writing.' as to tlte luit'thes, 'such a~ prolonged' llimposing picture, -' :. t , . "": ~I\" ~~i~ion.;, ~,~. All ipformation " lne~ in the.-r~mij)f, .-une~pected Bessie ' Chaney·,~ .s~nl,: .. the '017';. " Pi-~~d.ed o~ the a'gpljcation ;will.· expen'ses due:,Jo;fjre flood o~ any Christmas hoJi~y'$, With ' f .. son .,"'1, < ':; ,be "belch n',confide'nce~ Decisions~, other diSast.er ' of . thi, nature ; Delmar and "wife ' at ~ lelt.tnon . . ':' ,: "'for."apptoval will be'b~aed on the "seasonal unemployment and simJessie R6bitzer was guest' i ]oUo~gJncome:Sc8les.:. ' " . Har emergency situations, will of the Everett ' ~rlaus on ", i ~' FfI~ V.:J~CH SCALE also be cQhsidered ' Christmas Eve. ".., The Off The Top Players have R~~~~~~~~:.;...\,.'\~itnp,IY:..Size Ann~l Mohih)y , If ,a, famjly not satisfied J think each one in t~' house ' found a tentative home for its ~ l ' ' $1920' $160 · with the decision made· .on its had guests <from . $Om~~here - . adult community theatre proJtiJCJ;~C~IM1~;~IM~ .: lf~, ~·~:,~l'...I:~ .~'~ ':~520 ~ 2.1.0" " applicatipn, it may, reqy.aest a ductions thanks to Waynesville Nellie . BUQ!lell ~~ ~i son ,'M"',' :.,>. '~:' A,~ ,' 31'2Q ,. 260_: " ~~ring to"alpP,e~1 the .decisi?n. Rhodes from Wiltriing,f;jn also American Legion Post 615. :"'~ ~" ',,:.il!i "'.::~, "- ... :37,l ,O ~10 ,This request ~y be made orally Rhoda BWlnell frolll{.SloomingPlayers members have already lUi! ',' ~ , .",4270 : . 356 ~r in writing to Paul SChwamto~ Indiana and 'Mr. and Mrs. begun plans for general clean up ~~ . 4820 ,,402 berger, Superintendent who will and repair of the former old George Bunnell from troy, Ohio \~s ~320 :., ~~ \.; review,the application with them on Friday. ' ' Waynesville School auditorium y 5820 , ' 485' to $ee if ~ffer~nt arrangements on the second floor of the AmerRue Dinwiddie and sister An6270 : 522 - , can be made. ican Legion Building which also t 1a made their usual visit on 67.20 : ...560 The schoor district's approved Aunt Sarah Burnett' on S~nday. houses Mary L Cook Public .pJr~nts, Free Lunch Policy statement Ubrary. Florence Grane visited with her sOn the Carmen Cranes during The troupe oj theatre en· ' , ' thusiasts" plan to construct a the hblidays. stage 'in the north end of ,t¥ Mrs. Aileen Stump, her father and brother · Ralph visite4 [~.la spacious room which origianUy in '1891 accomodat~d the school tives in Detroit, Mi~bigap" during stage ;~ , " the holidays. ' ". , Flma BaUeys ~ests from DayOff. 11:ie Top, Players . will ton , w~re Charles" ~d: i&thrYiP , , ,tai~!~1~ds ; £~~ tp'~r ihl~:. ~- ' Timmbna ·(and. 't1ai1~'htetJ"· .. "\a . , , , ' 'foV~ments .of ,~~~r.~~eadquatt~~s '; ~'Th~" Jack 'Atkj;:··1;aW;~:;;f .. 1/ 1Ilit~~'t;~1 ~lirt~'1 j~U~~iOn, ;J~n. ~ •., 1 Washington c.. H~ '~fe ~sts'of 1he -group Wiu ·j}S() .- entert,m Aunt Elma Bailey ' Sunday after., au~Uo6 .,8Qers , 'w~th''' their first noon and Atha Furnas was also · theatrical , production, ,a parody gue'st. , a on .womep·s liberation, cur[entl~ Lillian Schroeder visited her }:>emg written: by Mike Powell daughter ,and family on Christand Players DirectOI-Ch~man, mas day. . Tony Viot. Cecil . Palmer arid family of - WaynesVille's Off The Top Buimingham, Michigan spent FriPlayers will meet next at 7:30 ,day afternoon with his mother pm Thursday, Jan. 7, at the home Nettie Palmer. Nettie Palmer spof Dennis Dalton, 452 North Sixth Street. ent Saturday afternoon with her son Robert and wife and the AGEE BIRTH Baker family 'In Miamisburg. Mr,. and Mrs. Robert Palmer spent ANNOUNCED Mr. ~d., Mrs. Douglas Agee Thursday evening with his mo,(Pat Lu~,,), Il1lQounce the birth ther here at the home. .. of ,3 eJ,aughter, lisa MicheUe, ~~ Dec.~' ;HI~3t ;Kettering MemTINNEYS VISIT ~rial ~HQsp,~~ . , U~ weighe~ ,6 pounds, arrd 12 ounces. She has Dr. and Mr~. Leonard Tinney of Lockport, N. Y. spent the 1 brot~it ~y~, at home. Grandpm:nts-include Mr. and Christmas holidays with their Mrs. ' Heber 'l.ucas of Waynes- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berry Rat.., ~e and Mr. and Mrs. Roy , liff of Waynesville and Mrs. and Mr. William Tmney of Leesburg. • of "'yto,.. .... "'''' , ; ~1
,Players lind Home
.... "'
", t thu~h of Christ
)' . Charles Pike: Evangelist _ l. O~O~j"a,.m~'~ Sunday Mornin·g •. ~\:~O p:in. - Sunday Evening 6:3,0 p.~.- Wednesdiiy Evening Phone 897-4462 for informat.ior"
.'. Third & Miarrii StTeets
First Ba pti st Ch-..rtb
. North Main Street John p,: Osborne, Pastor 10:00 a.m.. Sul1d~y Schnul I ~ :OO -a.m.,Morning W~)fship 6:3 0 p.m.,Training Union 7:3 0.p.m.,Evcning ~()rship 7 :30p.ni.. Wedncsday Prayer Meeting with Southern Bap· tcd IIlia (Af tist Convention ,.
First Churc.... of Christ
Jon ahs ~,un Ba pti st Ch urc h (')hiIlT~ b~I ' LIJSler KithL Pa~tor
10:0 0 a'. lll. . ~t1I1UU\' Sdi l)ul I o :O() & II :00 ;"'Il~ .. Sl·in~ .. y. . ' Won.hip Sl.'rvicc g .. nin Ev~ 1da~ 7':3 0 p.m .. S~lI rshi p
Wo 152 High Street United Me~hodist ' Steve Tigner, Minister r Hou ns Church 8:3 0 a.m. 'lhe Christia f)avid~ lIarpcl:' Pas tor' (WCKY radio, Cinty) 9:3 0 a.m. Bible School (classes l) :3U a.lll .. SUllli:IY Church for all) Sc'rviCl' p rshi Wo ,g rnin Mo . 10: 30 a.m 1'O :3Q a.1Il .• Sllll(.lay Schoul CORWIN rch Chu 10: 30 a.m. Junior II :00 ".111 .• Sunday Worship Pen tec ost al Holiness' Service 12 noon ·Revival Fires ' Ch urc h 5:3 0 p.m. Junior Choir Prl ctice Youth ....ellowship and Bible Study 6:0 0 p.m. Jet-Cadets 'Aty. LaI,lb. ~)astur Alpha Teens _ r s~ G~ l Ful rg sbU Harvey " . " J0:0 0 a.ll'l.. Sunday Sch6uL 7:00 p.m. Evening Vespers Church ' , .lay 7:3 0 p..IlI .• Sunduy. WC~lIest ' : Fri end s !\1eeting E. South' S1 reet and satu rda y. EV~l1illg Fourth Stleet ncar lIigh Rev. Jack Halllilt()n. P.astor . Wur~l1iIp Scrvi 'cs 9 :30 ~.m_, Sunday Schuul ()iJlh Y , y y s()h dnc sda Wc T~e " ' : , . 7:30' p.(ll .7 :30 p.m . . ' v. ~ . ' ng . 1'0:45 a.m. Sun'w,y Meeting for Yuu ice ay Serv "to 7:30 p.m. Frid ,. , ' Worship (unpmgramrncd) , ice People's Serv . St. Augusti~ ~hu"c,h 'lp: O(h .m .. Sbmtay School . " 'ligl) ~Strec;,' ,'" 1:00 p.n,:' Si'nday ~yc,n'ing " : " lur , Rcv ..Josc~h It: u'-I ,tiier, P-dS
t "
7 a.ll1. &,11 a.m;· Maslies X a.m. & X p.m. floly (}dYS 7:3 0 p.m. first Friday 7:45 a.m. l>dily Mass 5:30 p:;n. Saturd~y Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Third & Main Streets Rev. flaruld Deeth, RCcl<>r II: IS a.m ., Morning Prayer . 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays: Holy Cummunion 2nd & 4th Sundays
SP~IN8 VALL:EY f Un ited Methodist'> Ch urc h ' · ' .
Walnut. Vine "Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9:3 0 ':1.01. Sunday SchOQI' 10:30 a.llI. Morni,ng Wor~hip 6:3 0 p.m. Youtll ·Fel1owship jr: high & sr. high 7:45 p.m. Wednesday chOir rehean;:.ll
United Methodist· Church
Third & North Streets l. Yuung. Ministcr 9:0 0 a.m. Church School 10: 15 a.m. Church at Worship 6:0 0 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Yo uth Fellows~ip
Waynesville Rescue Mission
Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd . Rev . Sherman Cook. Pastor 10:.10 a . Ill .• Sunday Sd III 0 I 7:0 0 p.m .. Sunday he. Scrv.kc 7:JO p.m .. Wednesday Eve . Scrvil.:c
7:3 0 p.m .. Sa\. Eve. &-rvkc FIR STt HU RC H OF GOD 49 S. Main Street 9:3 0 a.m : · Sunday School . 10:30 a.m . • Morning Worship 7:00 p.m .. Sunday evening
Spring Valley Ch urc hof Christ Glady Street 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship R:OO p.,m. Wednesday Evening Worship
Spring Valley Friends Church Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m . Morning Worship
. t Mission - Baptis
Main Street Mrs. lois Dunaway. Pastor 10 a.llI. Sunday School II a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.nl, Evening.Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayrf Meeting, Wednesday & Thursday 7:30 p.m. Song·fest. bst . ~turday eael1 1ll0jllh.
You .I hro u'" , The ·r~.lIrtIMv This Ch urc h Page Is :;p ons ore a ~or '. " ELLIS SUPER VALU ,
WA YNE SVI L ... ·~. OHIC?
~ . " . en· , small ,I)ath~ ' fim 8'ric;l S" .!ROg~ 4 • Ptidne ~" clo.5ed ibac~ por,ch, la rg~ ' bat:lkyard, to '" 8.9.7mlddlea aed ' couple only. Phone ,! :SO·ctf . , ,...."'".c " 7756 affe~ 6 pm: ~~~~:--:i~~""'7"""-::;-~,t
. ,
ni~ hejlrt ,Or.) ~~~jltness m~kes .riowaQn,ledi '" ,' ,
ache ~,:. ~fpr.thlngsJt's: Ilk~ ~oldlng you to :my ;bosom , , . 'or, your pr.ot ectlo'n while .· lnSlde , • f wlsll, I hppe, I wish " k.new ; .' . , you • •• KNOW ·• • ',our love ~ , , 'If '--~-~'~--'" 7''7:::'-'~~ , ..-;........,.,.;+. C\~d how' we ' hat~' to glv,e you uP,. , • ' G'od ' ~Ilove' •• "Into ~ur ·....~~--iiiiliii"!!!"""......~-~-;--- ' ..to 'even , hearts ••• you, made It • , ,I nslde our hearts ••• you live. , .and part of us Is . • with ·You ••• the love we tiad to give. ' by _M rs. ' il..lnda Roar k 'n Mervor y 'of our Infant son '~~~~~*~+-::---:~~:'""!"i Marculf Scott.' Roark ,r: \ Love Momm y and Daddy
, ut~ drlV.ers, 2,1 on ly - I-~b~n~.n • '. Ca ll . Mt, He'!9- , lIect, '., . 5'2c1'-
SERT A MATTRESS (Shop Wher~ You Save)
.Springboro 746-6261
'" ~ '"
a shopping/car,~ If you from the store to y()ur car. .' ret¥.~n the cart:.wh~el
~'* , *
16. - DOWN of 1. Ship accom 1. Slush Man modati onS 5. Fixes 20. Bibli«al 2. Sad 9. In dancer 3. J»repos ition accord 22. 4.,Hebr ew (2 wds.) Lippo letter ' to.-- car Lippi '. 5.-Railr Oad' 12. Mend , '. 21, lnnall. ' '13. F11g)\~ pMh " 'sanei '1 4. Pronou n ' - 6. Blunde r )~;" 2~.Sky 7. oraUl' 15. Candle .,' .. 'sight , Wilder cord . :8, OsCillate " 26. Unity 17. Bill '- "-" of 9.Smq kers' humor ist purpos e access ory 18. Terbiu m, 28. Wine 11. Soap(sym.) 30." -makin g 19. FUrnac e Blame ingred ient residue Me'; 1;J. Dull 21. Lotter y 32. Late pair. 23. Cartrid ges 34. Norse 15. Thin , (sl.) :god cookie s 2i. Consent. 28. Ordina ry 29. Fiscal
! '
ULDN'T 5I-tO '. '
35. Young
demon s 36. Ifalling out .f0. Miscel lany
' J;lefore '43. Holy one (abbr.) .I,. Conjun ction .f1~ Pr~fix:
30. Scribbl e 31~ Rage ' 33. Genna n coins (abbr.) 34. Poetic contra ction 37.Pok~r
stake 38. Old .- EngUs h article ~,.TeU , ' 41. Captqre~
soldiers ' (abbr.)
42. - ,
"", I
around (2wds. ) 4S.Ma nh birds
.e.Play IDg
card '
annual 5ubsa:iption
"P.O. BOX 78 , , , 'J'~ '~
WAV,NESVllI-E,i' Q~IO , 45068'
.' "~ "".HAPP'Y NEW..VEAR , ,
, :
'. '
of Christ :
'; Thlrd & Miami
. )" I _ , C.h8i,le s P.i~e~ Er4~g~list ' . ~ \ P~s.tUl' . w:i ~1~auo " . lO:90:a.m • Sun'day Mor.ning r .t. • ' , ~(mna 6 ,30 p.m. - Sunday Ev~ning . : . ', 9:30 a'mi .. ~undas', ~hht ~\ 6jO,l p1~' - Wedne~dJy Evening , J():30.a.Ill .• Slllfll~y ·~h)nl.ing . ..!,: . W( ; r~ hir I ~onc 897-4462 for inforr:rtatior" 1:30,. p:m;\ SUllduy Evc~ling .
~irSt Baptist Churt h ' , "Nort.h Main 'Street Johl1 P. Osborn'e, P-clsior 19:00 a.m:.SUnday Schno\ 11 :00 a.m.,Morning Worship 6;,J0 p.m.,Training Union 7:30 p.lil.,Evenin'g Worship 7:JOp.fn ..Wcdilesday I~dycr ',1 Mecting (Afnlia tl!d with S()~thern Baptist Conv~ nti()n) ..
Srrvi ~ c
'. '
7:JO r.m .. \\;,~lIn~sd,.. y. \1idwcck . . Prayer and ~ih\cI Siuuy '! .
First Church-of Christ
1-52 High Street Steve Tigner,.Minister 8:30 a.m. lhe Christians Hour (WCKY radio, Cinty) 9:30 a.m. Bible SchQol (classes for all), 10:30 a.m. Morni,(lg Worship 10:30 a.m. Junior 'Church 12 noon ·Revival Fires . 5 :30 p.m. Junior Choir Pr! ctice 6:00 p.m.,J et-Cad ets . Alpha' Teens ' ,. 7:00 p.m. Evening Vespe~s
Jonahs Run Baptist . Church . ' , . Ohio 'n j·.a:'lt Kid'd. P.. ~tor
U1 :00 :1.111 . • ~lIllday
~h iH )1
I CU,!) & II :of) " .111 .. Stllday ' Wllr~hip
7 : . ~O p.m .. S\"ll.la~ Evcnill·g. Wllrship
United Methodist Church I)ilvr~ ffa)'pcr.
'Friends Meeting
Fuurth Stlcet ncar lIigh . 9:30 ~.tn ., Su,idilY ,Sch()ul 10:45 u.m. Sun'dCJY Meeting fur W()rshipJunpr(Jgnl'lnmed) ,
st. Augu~ti"e
, lli'gh1Sircc1 ' Rev.j()~ph I,t LAft.•1 er, ·P.d~tor
7 a.nt & I I ~·.~1'- MUsse~ ' ~ a.m. & '~ p.n\. Huly (}dYS 7:30 p.m. Fitst Friday 7:45 a.m . .l}Jily Mass 5:30 p: in. Saturd~~ Mass
. St. 'Maa:y's Episcopal ~ Church Third & Main Streets Rev. Haruld Deeth, Rcct6r II: 15 a.IlI., Morning Prayer . 1st, 3rd & Sth Sundays: , Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays
United Methodist· Church Third & North Strects L. Young , Minister 9 :00 a.m. Church School 10: 15 a.m. Church at Worship 6:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellows!tip
,,United Methodist Church Walnut-Vine ' 'Robert R. Meredith, Pastor: i' 9:30 a.lll . . Sunday .School . . 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth ·Fellowship- . . jr ..high ~ sr. high 7:45 ·p.m. Wednesday choIr . rellCar!; :!\ ..
Spring Valley Church of Christ Gludy Street 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship R:OO p..m. Wednesday Evening Worship
Waynesville Rescue Mission Cornl!r uf 73 & Curwin Rd . Rev. Sherman Cook, Pastor 10:30 ;1.111 .• Sunday &huol 7:00 p.I11 .• Sunday Eve. Scrvkc 7 :]0 p.I11 .• Wl!dncsday Evc. Scrvkc Ew. ~rvkc 7:30 p.m .. FIRST 'CHURCH OF GOD 49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m: - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. - Sunday evening
Spring Valley Friends Church Mound Street .' E. Friend Couser, Pastqr 9:30 a.m. Sunday School I 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
ChriStian Baptist Mission , . Main Street Mrs. lois Ouna.way. Pastor 10 a.m. SUnday School II a.m. Morning Worship , 7:30 p.ni. Evening Worship , 7:30 p.m. PraYN Meeting, Wedne~day & Thursday 7:3Q p.m. Song-fest. last : :;aturdayeacl1 1110 nth.
This Church Page Is ::ipOnsorea
t-or You I hrOUF ~ ....
r ,~
~f ~
'ZZ_L_E~r ,U_ ~I,--~.C'R_O_S_SWr~O_R_D_P_ DOWN
ACROSS 1. ,Slush 5. F.xes 9. In , " . . accord
1. Ship accom~Odatlons
. 2. Sad ' 3. Prepos ition .' '4. Hebrew '
(2 wds.)
'~ letter '" 12. Mend, " ' ,/ " 5. Radro ad· ~
16. - of t;t!~1 Man ~~~lJitIl~ 2Q. Biblical P~ dancer 22. - - '
LJPIlo Lippi
\, 10. - . car
' l~. Fl~t, ~~ 'y'" • ~t 1;.1 " II. Pronou n ..· -6. Slunde r .~' !.1> :O.-m - '- '- , ;" 15: Candle .' j . . ,Wilder cord , ' 1'1: Bll1 :..J-;_. " ' ,'3;Oiciilate . . hUl1lor~t · , 9: Smoke rs' access ory 18. ~erbium , 11. Soap(sym.) ,. ' ,makin g 19/ Fumac e ingred ient residue 1~. Dull '21'. Lotter.y " ., pair, 23. Cartrid ges 15. Thln · (s1.)" cookies ' 27'. Consent. 28.0rd~rY 29. F;iscal ,. I
~•• In-, '
25. Sky
35. Young
26. Unity
of purpose 28. Wine 30. " - -
Blame · :
32. Late 34. Norse·
30. Scrlbble 31,. Ri ge ' 33. Genna n coins '
(ab1;»r.) 34. Poetic
contra ction . . stake
38. Old .- EngUsh
:to.TeU . 41. Captur ed
: soldiers.. (abbr.') 42. - · aro~a
, (2wds.)
43. Marah' .~, birds " .5.ReM~ . 46, ~laylDg ' ' , cardr. . '
i~' ~ . -
- .- '- .~
annUal 5ulJsaiption
- \
. demons , 36. Fallmg ou~ 40. Miscellany 41~ Pr4!fix: ':, , . J;»efore ( , 43. Holy one (abbr.) 44. Conjunc, tion
ma~. i.'
sauce~1 ;te i.......
·.IIi~'t~j~~:}~~~ P"~o'il<
ld , . ~ (ff,I~ .~. . fUl1t ,1", wieD:~ .... AlDitria!iijf'-~ ' mitk; MoIlday,o- sandwic~'; pbtato cbips~ sunsltine ' . salad, frUit ' ~e, ch~colate and , , -;e( .white rilil~,; ·-.~es.~!, Jan. 12, , co~. because atie"iI',wo ta?¥r hambUrger ~pdW1Ch" tator to~s, aln .f aftCitd 'fOod ,that (t'Rn white and apricots, chocolate ble "me' tp enjay.: . ena' · will pea-_ . milk; Wednesday, Jan. 13, ~ complained 10 ," diet?") l rUma nut butter sandhych, bowl of that-promile. COUDCU hotpemade chili, crackers; carrot- ' tit city ~ social ae~ ~ _0tbi!r ' , sticks, apple, choco latean d w!Ute CQIDIJlWjty ,_benefltl had " ~ot . . milk ~ Thursday, Jan. 14, beef and : . . been -kept noodles) mashed potatoes. roll it:\~~S., ~ and butter , fruit~ , chocolate an~. ~ttr.Ctive · commun~ white milk; Friday, Jan. 15, weU-kept. boUses an:l InIU\V carrot , butter and pizza, bread citrus groves, , ~d problemS of _ sticks, apple sauce, peanu,t but,ter '. " milk. white cookie , chocolate and .
I ,
-- ~"
C!!' JiC
All Christmas Decorations 1/·2' P.rice ,
'".ih ' ",
Second-class post,age paid at Waynesville, 'Ohio January 6, ,f97-1 - Waynesville, Ohio:-------" --' ... - ...- ---- ---..- .-.. --..----.-.. -.. - -.. ---'--------------:--~:"'; -"'-~ --r-~
_ __ • ....
1Oc . Single Copy 4 _
._ .. ___
a the original combined fee and services of a Board Certified or ologist Gynec ied charge quoted on the telephone. Board Qualif jf From arrival at a New York with less than 48 hours notice a open 7 days City airport to departure, the necessary. It ·is 8 am to 9 from ays woman is urged to rely com· week ; weekd 9 pm, week-ends from am to 5 pl~tely upon WRS . . pm. Umousin~ service is supplied WRS regard~ every woman to and from the New York City ' New York for a airports, the hospital, and WRS who comes to pregnancy as one facilities in the mod,ern Jackson terminia~ion of the utmost iil to d entitle is Heights Medical Building, where who the finest in medical the client may await her return comfort, care, and as one in need of com· flight in utmost comfort and passion and understanding. relaxation while enjoying music, WRS has sought to reduce the television, and refreshments. factors which make for emotional WRS .arranges immediate reg- stress; the frantic phone calls istration into' a fully-accredited trying' to secure a doctor, the hospital or cI.inic utilizing the unfamiliarity With transportat-
ion in a big city, the lack of availability of hospital space. and ". . arrangements for any medication contingencies that might run into extra money. All these ' have be~n provided for with one. servic!! where the combined charges for I)ledication are fixed and not one cent more is reqruired. WRS believes .a woman who has made the difficult decision to have her pregnancy terminated should have everything possible on her side: They have obviously backed up their bel· ief. in a way that counts, by ex. tending themselves in a way that Conti nued to page 8 -
Clnt.st Plans Iited: 'I 1••_ lical Evelt
nge ,lewinl &~a . ,
1i8ffiDe"'focal 'ent'fies ~and IS lookat teast live contestants, ,fug a goa! set for Gr~ges throughout Ohio by the State Grange Women's Activities. Contestants need ·nOl be Grange members since they may be sponSored by a Granger, according to .Mrs. Furnas. The COOlest 15 onJy open to amateur sewers and is not a professional competition. EntrY blanks and official Entry blanks and official rules will be available from Mrs. Furnas or Mrs. .Jesse Prendergast by ·mid-January. Interested persons may contact Mrs. I'urnas at at 897-5559. All entries must be submitted to Mrs. ' Furnas DY
April 30. . 1nis year tne National Grange Sewing Contest is open to garments of all fabrics. For entries to be eligible, the following contest co-sponsors prOQucts must be used: A., Ned must be used: A., McCan's patterns; B., O:>ats aDO Clark's,1i·hr ems; 8., Ulats and l,;larx's Tnr- t!ads (u.N:". or ~. a~d P. Coa.tsd eads (O.N. T. or J. and P. COats), if. the pattern reqwres a zipper, it must be Coats and Clark; C., if Cover-Your:Own Buttons and Buckles and Buttonsnapps are reqUired, they must be Prym's Continu~d on Pl~ 8 ;
' Editor Dalton Mana,e r Sing Adverti Hili Reginal d O~ Mana" r , .lnil Adv,rtl Asst. Phillip Mor.. n Mena,. , General __ David Edllil PubU....,. . Reginal d O. HilI, David Edsall . 45068 Ohio ville, Waynes 78, Box P.O. Membe r of the Ohio Newspa per Aisocla tlon Den~11
The Order of the Purple Heart was established, August· 7, 1782. The U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis W'lS established, August 7, 1845, The Davis Cup tennis matches were established, August 8, 1900. Russia declared war on Japan, August 8, 1945. The Social Security · Act was signed, August 9, 1935. America's first legill electrocution took place, August 9, 1890. Alexander Graham lieU used the telephone to span a dis· tance of 8 miles between Brantford and Paris, Ontario, August '
Animated motion picture cartoons were introduced, August
Lec'tie Kerr Williams Ferro
American and Catholic Penny Candy Jazz Masters in Transition 1957- 69, Atlan tis
Good atrE~ndance and good ' grades go toge:ther'. For your own good, make it a' rule to be in school every day. · When a st.udent' has Deen absent from schopl, parents or ' ,guardian must phone in an excuse prior to his return. (This is not a new rule or policy, but has been in effect since the student Handbook was printed in 1967).
The student must also bring a written excuse stating the reason for his absence and signed by a parent or guardian. Immediately upon return to school the student must report to the principal to olbtain his permit to return to classes. A student. may be excused for the following reason~: illness, necessary help at home (a parent or guardian must make prior arrangement with the principal), death in the family, and doctor or dental appointments. Awhite excuse Slip will be issued. The absence pe:rmit mu~t be signed by the home room teacher and every teacher with whom the , student ha.S'" a class. The teacher in the last period class. will
tuin the permit to the' princi, ). pal's office. EXCUSED ABSENCE '. Art excused abseo.ce entitles the student to make up the work missed clrtd to receive cre ~it. It is ' the responsibility ' of the stud'net to contact the teacher for makeup assignments: A limit of three school days will be given to.Jnake up on the _ day designated by the teacher (if the student is absent on the des_ ginated day. he will receive zerQ). -, UN EXCUSED ABSt:NCE A student who -has receiv~ d an unexcused absence will receive zero on' all work, J1)issedI .
--- -.~
Launching of a new radiO series was . announced today 'by' ' James P. GU,rncy the Christian Science Committee , on<PUblica- ' tion for Ohio: , Spr~y Guns One of, the easiest ways to ap"Inspirational in . purpQ~, .'_.' , ply paint is by using a spray gun, 'The Truth That. HeaJs' Ser,ies," ": But it's important to keep ~pray Gurney said" "is deisgned,1o be guns clean to assure best results. clean g spr,ayin by This 'is done" of help to ~ople of all fpith~: solvent ' through the gun 'and The fifteen "minute btoadcasts ' ,iT washing off the outside with have a fresh, qocumentar.y' ton.~. ' more pf: the clean solvent. A diS, a neous , con~" " ed ' sponta In record torted sP.ray _usually indicates • \ k be , should which cap, air dirty versation, people frQm' ~ariy taken off and washed carefully ,la'~ds share ,firsthand e.xpe~ienoes :" in clean solvent. If the' air' holes are plugged up . with dry paint, - which show the televimce "of ream them with a matcif stick or spiritUal power to tqaay's !leedS,: broom thistle -,never a metal in"Beginning . Sunday, Jan. 3~ ;~ . . strume nt that,'s hard or sha~:' , Mr~ Gurney said, "rie~rly .}',OOO, radio' stations; 'inclu'ding '33 :'ifi '- Ohio, will broadcast' 'The Trutli ,-That Heals! every .week in the' , <
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sa~p ,;ti~~ 'Pe,~ioas ' au~j,e,~; ffi
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E--. AT 'fH E END. OF TH '. ....
broadcasts Jo' th~ P.1e\!iQ~,s ~t· . ' , ian Science series, "lbe "Bible' " Speaks to Yo ' Which ~ ~e,1) , ~."..," , on the ' air for~ more '"than eiiJtt. .", • ' , " ..I' . . ~""''>'''''''.'\''..., ' . 'years. oth~r and . The drug Scene timely topiC$ will be e!,'p.I~~t' .,: , in the'Series. Portiaf1S"S}{ the 'new n' " broadcasts are ,recorded :o'n IQCa· ,. tion: "The, progralllj are pro~ ',: by .the re~ntly:established ;:Fl1m ' . , ,and Broadcasting Depar~piei)t :0£ '. ~ . pte' 'Mother , Qturch, ,The' Filst' · ~ Church of ' Christ, Scientist, il:l ' "" . ' Boston: : " Hosto f . ~he series is- ,~lpJ\", ' MOSie ..cis . _<'J Camar"go of New York. -".. , an , ' ,Groce , provide~ by,' larry internationally-known .sihger- of" " CQnt~ritpoiary¥ religiQ.u( 1)all~ds. . I:tis",albu~; "P~c~ a,lul J6~ ~._ Power" IS currently o~ ,djsplay ", " '~. Christi in lo¢al . . ' an,., Science ,Read~ . ,' ' Wal)ied fig RoQlllSi Gi'o~ ~ accQ.t! ' ,< " of' o~gan ' by}oh n Near ' on the the "Original ', F4ifice , 0(,- Th~ ~ " I' ¥o~et ctl\~rch. " ., j . , .. ' ',~ . ." '.' ' ,Featured in the J~~uatY. ;'-' .broadcasts of "The Tr,uth rut ; ~ ", a. 'b'y '" :). ,Heals" are insights 'QUal '., -:,' . Dall8s; 'of Ss Dougla Inman Alton of Bo~io~, y6shilalzu. , '- ·'.~1 ,tbshim i of tokyd , Cl~ ,S~~ ,0' . 5.~~ ,<-
in our care. Add this to in~rance for your Right now, your money earns more than ever before when placed the market today. . savings up to $20,00 0 and you have one of the finest investments on and greater earnings than ev..~ before. Right now .. _open or add to your accoun t and enjoy greater safety ,
". 'AfN~VlLLE IATIONAL IjNi~, "~::
,. , . . ' DEPOSIT I'NSURANC . E CO ...',. . •• ... ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $20,OOO'B Y THE FEDE RAL'. ' ,;:-, ,f~, " ":' '., ..... BER: FEDE RAL, R,ESERV.rE SYSTEM MEM , . .
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Pr~~~p~ 'Co.lege; ~se ~(l.~te.l;',,'
Hellmker-Heaton', of Boston, Ni- ,' ' "~ th8tliF1 ~t~" o,f Ne~·~etse.Yf·and" : Jackll . "1auf·" . . .ubbeU 'of- Palo AltO"c I ......, • • '
J '
can p'foduce, sickness By REV. LEE TRUMAN Copley Newl serVice
. Once when I was pastor of The . Chapel ' of the Hill in the mountains east of San Qiego, Calif., Jim Anderson called me to drive him to the hospitaL He was violently ill. . ' I had to carry· Jim to the car because he could not walk. He was too weak, and ' shak.. ing too much, to stand. He was vomiting, his heart was raCing, and he couldn't control his bowels. He stayed in that condition iri the .hospital for some weeks. - The day I took ' Jim down the mountain to San Diego, he tiad, done .a full day's hard, physical .work . . That evening he came home and found that his wife had killed their only Son and then had committed . suicide. , A . few minutes ' after he , ma~e. .his grim discovery, Jim was a very sick man. He 'dicJ -Dot- have tuberculosis, ' cancer · or a ' virus. He was 'm .beca~e 'of a powerful, . unpleasant set of devastating emotions which had assaulted his, physical system. ,'J: I . co~t Jim as a friend. ~t· ,me, s~y Ui~t. any of us Witll ·the 'same backgro\llld as .' ~ Jim'§; .0) :' hi liiS Sittultioh: ' ;\\r (Jid~, face' tlTe /;same (ViQlent I • .r ~l1)ntJons ; which he did. ' Most ' .' of.. -. Us: do not have that ~me huge, catastrophic emotion hit .uS ' like a bomb, but rather we experience ·the monotonous drip-drip of minor unpleasant : emotions. They come from the everyday anxieties ; discouragements, , fear o( discovery of a hidden past , mistake, or just tension which ,..
,Consumer gets fraud 'protection
repetition. Every dog that was subjected to this treatment fell ill. 'Ibey lost weight and would have died if the experiment was not stopped. The experiment was stopped and soon the dogs returned to normal. Many of us do not ever have the criSis and the emotional experience that Jim had to face. ' But we do face the constant rep e tit ion of unpleasant emotions, with a great deal of anxiety, and it results in our emotional dis turbance. If your emotions are becoming apprehensive or destructive in your life, you need to find out what the bells are that are triggering these kinds of emotions. The point is that your emotions can make you sick or well, depending on your attitudes. All of us take the daily bwnps and knocks of life. They don't bother some people while thE!Y destroy others. The shock did not bother the ~ogs ,until thelre was something that told them they were going to be shocked. The apprehension of waiting. and the repetition of this' emotion triggered the destructive power in the dogs' emotions. It can happen to all of· us if we are not aware of what is taking placje. If you would like some facts about the physical symptoms of negative emotion and further basic information concerning your emotions, write to Rev. Lee Truman, · Copley News Service, P.O. Box 199, San Diego, Calif. 92112. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
is the price men pay for living in a highly systematized culture. It happens to all of us, but it is a fact we seldom consider in our daily lives . . Jim demonstrates what a blast of devastating emotions can do to a person, but what about all of the nagging disagreeable emotions we experience daily? Medical science is prone to believe only what can be proved in animals. Two outstanding · experimental psychologists, Dr. E. Little _ and Dr. L. R. Morris, demonstrated this in dogs. They tied a . light wire around one of the legs of a number of collie dogs. This wire was so .light that it would riot interfere with the dogs wandering about their closed pen. After four or five days the. dogs paid little or no attention to the wire and were healthy and normal. After ,this, ' very light electrical shocks were given ' to the dogs at staggered . intervals. The dogs twitched but went right on eating or playing in the pen in a normal fashion. No change occurred in their health. The doctOrs added two more elements to the light shock. i By this they produced severe ': emotional illness in the dOgs which could have killed : them. The first was the element of apprebension. They rang a doorbell a few minutes before the shock. The shock was the same voltage as before ,-but now the dogs heard the bell and waited for the shock. The second was regu,lar
By E. J. DEMSON, J. D. Copley News Service
Q. A dealer sold my newly married daughter, living in Arizona, a defective washing machine. He disappeared. A finance company by assignment from the dealer holds the . in$tallment contract she signed. Does she have to pay this company for a worthless washer? Mrs. K.L.B. A. If she bought the washer after Sept. 25, 1970, the dealer haVing. helped her to finance the purchase by the assignment, she is protected by an Arizona consumer protection law called Home Solicitation Act which became effective on that date. The law says : " .. . any transfer of a note, contract or evidence of indebtedness shall be subject to all claims and defenses . . . " a buyer has against the dealer and the assignee (finance company) . Her defense is fra~d . (ARS 44-5005) If she bought the washer before Sept. 25, and the finance company can prove it had no notice of the seller's your m i s rep resentation, daughter would be required to pay. By tile·way I :'tinder .the Home ' Solici~tion~ Act' a "buyer may cancel the purchase contract by mail until midnight of the second calendar day after the day on which the buyer signed the contract. He must have a receipt from the U.S. Post Office to prove he mailed the
,FLY ·
On~ . me~1 a
with John & Joanne
is luxury fQr some one
BY,JnJTII~N Copley NeWl'8 emce·,
"hunger is not f1 them." She S4lid that New York . hunger problems lUre those of alcoholics, narcotics ,delicta, mi' the seqoualy and mentally ill. . New health food stores are ope~, in New York~.;,on a regular basis, S\U'Prisingly in poorer areas. People are seeklng out organic;, ne.lth food, 'vitamins and paDiphleta on nutriUon. . But the problems of New
li knowledge about nutrition. Most people in New York , interviewed say that poor NEWORK - 'A little old JIltrition is a matter of not · lady in her 80s stopped this being educated to know wtuch reporter at a traffic , light on foods are the most nutritious. Upper Broad"ay ilnct'~ed, in -With little money to spend, a weak, lOW voice: "00' ,you many m9t~ers choose the have any ~ change?" ',:' cheapest', foods ..:.. which a~ , loaded wjth starches and She 8ee~e.d well.dr4!s,e~, carbohydrates. They eat too wen«tueated. But she·was old. .' little' meat and fish. Since the Her arms ",re .verY thin: and. yoU could "lee the boQes.- She · . 'poor . are. the I~Jt ~ucated, they , lmQW th~ least t about " accepted some , .:·.m~ney nUtrition. tea.rfUllY, aaI was 'a $ed why , . . did not go to, a db' 8id " . It{atalie Jaffe say., however, " center lrb,tch " Jr.ould< pi:OVid~ .. that moat studies shOw there is wiekIy' belp. ' . -" mole hunger ' In 'l'Ufal' areas , tban in clUes. I
cancellation within the time required (ARS 5002) Arizona's new consumers' protection is a forerunner; Congress and 17 other states are conSidering s i mil a r laws. .Q. My husband passed away three months ago. His creditors are threatening to get at the life insurance proceeds he I~ft me. My lawyer says " they are bluffing" and not to worry. I do need. to be more assured. It's all I'll have. Mrs. C.T.R. A. I agree with-your lawyer. The law says : Life insurance for the benefit of a wife " . . . shall be payable to the person (you) free from all claims 0'( creditors . . . " (Sec. 24.12207 Mich. statute) Q. My company is about to move me and my family to New York City. I have a complicated will which was drafted by a careful lawyer. Our investments are all in savings and stock. Will I need a new will to comply with the law of New York? T.L. A. The New York law says that if .vour will is valid in California, it will be valid in New York, provided its execution also complies with the law of New York (41 N.Y. S 2d 416) . HaVe 'a New York lawyer :' e x a 'p l i n e your California will. For answers to legal questions, write to E. ' J. Demson, Copley News Service, P.O. Box 190, San Diego, Calif. 92112, and enclose self~ad dressed stamped envelope.
York City _We are ~nse,
and no oile pretendit. ~veryone gets tbe f~be ~ ,
.~ f4tr ~ ~~ 'vorke~ whO 10lrtg ban given up ,th8 fight, ~ repreaenteci by a' man on a park bench on
l'I'I.I'S lllll'OI II·a'- IIRI'ICI
122ftd Street _
:Harlem, wbo was asked wbltl,ler ~ ,.,.,. ' be wasgetUDg a Wlltblti.ne.ed .- .: .'~ ~t, )aut oDce a . (
.,~.l " "~,'t
Lebanon-Warren COuntY AirpOrt . ~ Greentree Road 932-7968 .. FLIGHT TRAINING .. AIR-TAKI 8t.CHA~TER · 'GI SI,L l SCHOOL: ' . "
,..'i,..l.sJOf3.,.·~....... ~
t., ...
If you have a meeting YOU~d like to have listed in DATE~()(lk -Calendar, phone THE MIAMI GA.. ZETTE at 897.. 5921.
Jan. 6 Wayne Retail Merchants As. sociation, 7:30 pm (today), Fireside Inn. Waynesville Area Chamber Qf Commerce, 7:30 pm (today), Waynesville Council Chambers. Jan. 7 Off The Top Players, 7:30 pm, home of Mrs. Jarred Vinson of Red Oak Road. Jan. 7 Off The Top Players, 7:30 pm., home of Dennis Dalton, 452 North Sixth Street.
AnirI MARI LYN DAVIS C....., News '-r:vlce Dear Pit and Marilyn:
My daughter is a s~t, understanding girl. She helps me more than most girls ber age and has always gotten above-average grades" in· . school. There is, however •.,one area that re~Uy concerns me. She is always arguing . with the boy she dates. They hav~ gone together for two years ' and are practically engaged. I think a great deal '01' .. ' .,.'\', (young man. It doesn't seem to mader Jan. 9 much he, does for · .her . how sHarvey , Dance, Fire House nice he is, she 'alWiXS how or burg, 7 pm to 11 pm. finds something to bioker and complain about. I have menJan. 11 tioned this to my daughter, Community Aid Council, 7::30 but she just mumbles pm, Waynesville United Methosomething and walks away . dist Church, election of officers. What can 1 do? Worried Mom Dear Mom: . Jan. 19 It may be that your game between Basketb~ll ter wants to break off daugh WING Highflighers and Waynesboyfriend. She ..may her with ·ville faculty, 8 pm, Waynesville feel that coming right out and
. ',Ho~ever, ,I . tion. Why' ar¢, you . tellltlg, hip1 ' is td"Q , cruel,' but .' . solids? ·, perllaps-·, .·o 'SIDOUICJ cutting ' . bff the r~l,atioll$hip· - eliminate ope: 'Some of, ; sooner 'r,thet than later· is ~aders may have an "ansWer~" I I~ painJ£ul. Both goarig pea:. to your,:.problem. · Lefs hear pie must be miserable in the '. from them. '):. slt:uation you describe.l~Ifr your n: MatUY :Pat and: daughter is 8$' sweet and ~ , a rumor B()ing te ~ ~· ~ ~erstarKling as you say; she iDe that IS" un· about" around shOuld undersrtand ' w.hat you true. I had , ~ . ~. 9~~' ~~ have ttfed to ten 'ber. school last 'year .'. beCause I ~ar .Pat and Marilyn: hlc5nonuc'leosiS:· A . girl .in I tbirut that ho~ework is · . had o~ 9f my classes ,' Ikl: unfair. My teachers elch everyone thtt :1 had., a bltby. at leas~ one hour · ~ign wi re , of "bo-.w ork eacb. niPt. 1This is' ·'just' not tt\l~. NO!f ' . ,nell H".of"G banoli , '., ': ,t, i. \y,ete / ,mo , gir~s" ,th~ f :o. so~e ,am" taking five ·solidS SO" you : ly': ~~l,lndj ~ q" om~ . t{:e '~ .form~r . ~jen~.J rav.oict 'n:'" ....... .,'--" " '~an"' add Up what J am doing' Rose . M(s.; I '.; .. _ Ik~ .. &4v.e , . several , bOys for :; reluation~ e~ch evening. e:,Ql[;;~l¥t(~1'! ~ .M8rY a"d . WOQ~ " i · out fOI" 'all ,the, wrong reasO~ .. ->" !"~:.• 'ftlese instructors mUst' each Sllra.h , visited _ they, ·that rne m~··· They ·infor lhlnk' th.at their c\ass is the t!lo~gbt f ,~~~ , ai.~ , ~. ., ,F. R :: omy o~ · given on campus. .' Margiiret' tIa anythtng _~ause . Of , !D1 Why do ~~hers " want net t caUesi"on ' ~putation. ,It lS really ge~ students to spend their entire 'I' do1l an Wbatlc .. down me ~ .. ~ ,,,,,.,,., life with bOoks? Q~t'ln.ursin.gllllotr.!le)~,:" - -Lyim · g, readin ' of I am sick Dear LYnD.: .. preparing, repbrts and stu..y ~Ur behaVior will indicate that think the ..real :':10U, an,d ~ple wb9 dYini 'fe)r a quiz. I 16;0 active an to, - ate : true friends will " form it ' is ·unfair ~ boy. Uteir oWn oRiJiions &rid": not . l ear,old .Robert listeh':to:waggrng ton "; .'I'ry
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near ' ,the "erut ,of , ~y' stol':)' · before I noticed ·the kids, work· " . ing togetrier Cliligentl~ to' get ,, ' - " . ,' ,, the joS~.dorie. ' When your ' . was er fast , ~l so ' went They .. at , look breaks· down, don't lipt. ~ '" , time,'to have' didn't . , .~t ' It as a . catastrophe, ,look l~ ~\,~ wasbec ter, daugh ' my -, , jt as an opportunity, ,'dishes that "we~n't; evep cIlr.~ How else are., you gOIng to . ',c ' . ty . ... ' , ' find out y?Ur ,l4-year-otd c3.n~d I '"Wait''' ~augl1ter ~an t wash a forlt? . Or that ' your children .get two as well · as along about . cougan? The impasse _of" the Paris . .-., peace talks is n~t nearly the mystery to me ~ow that I've .watcllled my two kids" w}lo' ~ejf but lose have notbiilgto allowance, fail · to' a~_ on ' who's 10 . wash and whots ·~ to ". : wi"~ BUt'l solved it. "What · is needed here, t. I said to ,my ~ugbter as I handed . her ,·.1 ~ouring pad, "ia a sense of .commitmeDt to the job at hanel." . Tbis open!ng stateinent aUowecl me to launcb into a Monologue about total my oWn you.th ' - ba~k · in the days when .kids 'were IUds ancI-1be Andrews sisters roam~ eel U.e·ran;e, These little 'talks 01 mine always activate my elilldre.. .. ~ into unbelievable lea " .J~' .', -
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Once, · w~ I was telling them how ,. I used ~ walk three miles to . scbool every moraiDg wearing ~my sister's outgrown" .gal~hes; , they ,.not opJV ~ad~ their beds a.-4 pIck.. edt·up , th~ir roo~S". but pac~ .' their own lunches in an· effort ,'. ,., : '. . -' 'me. from away g~t to M . ', i ... to they call mom na uo..·ln ~~ t . QUl v~, mler their shoulders as .~ .. ,. ran ,oUt the front"dpor. "Wt ~ :. don't .ant ,to ' be r, Ule ;;fPr: ~,.' ,school "'~ -' '., .,' , I
For A Party Uniquely Epicurian Phone 897-6021
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~ r. ~ . ~ ~.~ ·:ali(t Mrs. Lewis ~~~' ',;,
:~. ;: ~ ~.: " .Q( lqngs Mills were ~~~f<i4Y; . .... .·,evening guests of the ClinfTay·lor's . I"' , '1:, '. . . .' Mrs. Charles Farrington (J!lne ~r;::::~i"'''.'';:~' -.'. : .LiikENS Doster) Silent Christmas at thel . ,AMe.RicA:S..yOUTH: ' zeJ)l~ ~d +sbo~ld ~Q~ b~' ·consi- beries. According to' t,heir tes~j . . ' home of her parents Mr.-and Mrs. I~'r..,;;.~ ~ ,MON EST:',C lENS . f deie:a ~ radicals because I of a small mony . such' actiVities bring in WifUam Doster. , Mrs. Margery McCarthy and 1,.re'~l,: the "majority. of Ameri- ' ',. 'vbcal' maj9tltY. A. national~survey $50,000 to ~l 00:000 a month children of Wilmington were ca's v;bijt~ ,!lre .. tesOectable, citi- ... ) ~nducted,.Jor the ~~e fJ<?use ' to the Oakl~nd headquarters. Further ir)formation. supplied to Christmas Day guests of her . . ~ , . , .... Con(tren'ce ~~. Childrell;. "and Gi~~(l~D Il)iT£N:t1 .. : Youth stated that · America's me by the F.B.I., shows that father Romine Shumaker. Mr . and Mrs . . Clint Taylor . , . .' ENqUGH . . nOll·-student. YOl~th~ ,have a much ,the Panthers are receiving in· '~ ~ul~r. ~jd, ,."F9J· we, ~l1~t all . more realisti¢ .vi~ w of how they spent Christmas~ Eve at the home structions on the manufacture stand on ' co"troversial issues appeai be~~)fe. the Judgment $Cat of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Stanley. ' and use of Molotov cocktails. ~f .~ist;~ tha~: every on~ ma~ Utan do college students. The estahlisnment of guerrilla Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bra 1dre~~IVe;. Hie thiilgs don~ In· hiS The survey showed that Rqnwarfare schools in California en burg visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilboa~> ~9"c.ording to that he h~th siudents (about 65% of the total liam Boggs of Eno.n Tuesday has also been reported. It is apdqne,~~~ther it be good or bad" 18-24 year old population) were night. . ~rent thatt the people feel that (l~ Cor. 5 :.10)., , ' predictably • mOre ' conservatiVe Christmas Eve guests of Mr. any Individual or organization :jU(1g~me~t will n?t be accordon many 'issues than -their college and Mrs. Raymond Eakins were which takes .an action like this ."r-,...,<.-, \vhat' '"he hath intended to counterpart's. 7 i % thought more Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Eakihs and should be dealt with swiftly . b~,t according to what "he respect should be shown toward and firmly. Everything within daughters of Franklin, Mr. and DONE." God do~s not reo the flag while only 37% of the our power as· citizens should be Mrs. Fred Eakins and Kevin of ,il Olan on his good intencOllege students agreed; 27% done to insure the safety of our Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. Roger ,were for legaliring marijuana ' families and friends. Dodds and daughters and Jean while 49%of .thc ·colle·ge students Eakins. . concurred. ' ,--' . HARVEYSBURG The Young People of · the tit Ohio. approximately 300, Bv ~nariean Price Sllaron Methodist Church spon000 persons . a~e · between 'ages Come one _ come all To The sored the New Year's Eve Walch of 1CJ ·anc;l- 21. They are treated I)ance to be held at the Fire at the chun.:h which started at as 'adults ~xcept · for . Voting House Saturday. Jan. <)th from lOPM. rights. Approximately 75% hold 7 to 11 PM. Ages 8 to 80 invited. The New Year's Eve watch at jobs~ sign wills. etc. They are Modern music and refreshments Jonahs Run church started at 9 PM. at the church . recogni~d before the courts as available. $.35 per person $.50 adults; Many of them serve in per couple: a<tmiSsion. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Taylor our 'armed ·forces. The majority Sponsored by the,· Massle ·Townshlp of Xenia and Mr, and Mrs. Bpo .' ' . ~f "our youth tosJay are r~spec- Fire Department. pd. adv. Newsome and son Jeffrey of , 'o f ~l}e~'p~ison.._was'~n " tabl~ all-d- gpod citizens; The Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Gibson Xenia were Christmas Day guests um)ell€~~et :..~ul. t91d him the, -,. peo'ple of Ohi~ should t:'ot be and family spent Sunday with of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Taylor , tbat be ;·~us~ do in . ~ 'taken in ~y- the vocal minority ,., his parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mrs. Frank (Ruth Ann) Neill saved; "Belieye',on -.' 'of radical -students who try to "Gibson of Lees Cree~. was taken to Clinton Memorial ehtist, and thou - act 'as spokesmen for the mo~e Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke and Hospital, treated and releaseJi arid thy _houSe." responsible· majority. ' -. children of Lebanon were SunSaturday night following an auto Jn~~aiIOSl!le did not s~pp , . ALGERIA: . ~ d3y visitors of Mr. aJld Mrs. Clint accident on Harveysburg Road. . ,1; , t · .•: ,.. . ' . , . \ ' , , . ' ." . No other vehicle was involved in ~~~i>~""~;: -~Y..lL"':'~~' _~I~~~~f! , ~ ~o .... " •.. ' . ' .._ . '",-_• ...- ,,'&,~:II:~oC't . TheCoinmunityucandle light. the accident and Frank was not services held Sunday Dec. 20th injured. a~ Jonahs ~un Church were very 151 children were treated well attended. when they visited Santa Claus,at Mr. and M~s. George Wall the Massie Township Fire Departspent Christmas Eve and Christment on Saturday, Dec. 19th. mas·Day with fheir son Fred and The Fire Department would family in'cSpringfield . . like to thank everyone for Christma~ Day guests of Mrs. making the party a success. De· Sue Carman and Lori and Jim partment members at the party were Mr. lilnd,Mrs. Dave ,.Carman were Lester Schoonover, Howard and Mrs. tonnie Carman. Wheelen, Wilbur Lewis, TheoMrs. Ste've (Ruby) Reynolds dore George, Cecil Howard. and 'daughters ~.ere Christmas Frank Neill; Robert Albertson Day dinner guests of her parents and Robert Cavanaugh. Mr. and Mrs. 'Qaude Ball and SCHOOL MENU family. Monday, Jan. 11; Barbecue Christmas .Day guests of Mr. on bun, buttered peas, celery and and Mrs~ leWis· Hoagland were -carrot strips and peach cobbler. Mr: and Mrs. Dave Martin and Tuesday, Jan. 1~; beans with Sean; ,Mr . and Mrs. William Reham, buttered broccoli. fruit, ·eves and Teresa', Mr. and Mrs .. hot biscuit and butter and jelly. , Donald Hoagland and Mr, and Wednesday, Jan. 13; meat salad Mrs. Frank ~ Turner and Patti. sandwich, escalloped potatoes Christ~s Day guests of Mr . . with cheese sauce, buttered carand Mrs. - Robert Brandenburg rots, jello cubes and cookie, Caribbean . neighbors. The .pan- -. \Wre 'Ralpb Brandep6urg of Let,., Thursday, ' Jan. 14; . pizza, ~ . ,. . , thers also see,n- to be ,.· more at ' . -anon, Mrs. ' Melva Tew~t of Mid· . buttered greep beans, slaw and ~J..OOd )'rit~j~j9.~~, ~9teQ; Q~ hpme in .Algeria. wh~r.e _the dletowil~ Mr •. and' ~s.- Charles fruit cup; Friday, Jan. 15; Span. : whl1t: t~ey~~~~. wll~ l/rlg1J,~" fot .· ,Gr~;nch were, wo~n down .by tac- Voiers and Mrs: . ~d Mrs. Danny ish rice, buttered corn. apple .. the~ . to dq{a~d.;~i(i .. ~witJl9ut :'. ti~ of., str~et ' f1ght~g ~nd tor~ Pen~ipgt()n a~c;l s,?.n Mark. sauce and peanut butter sand' .4elayl ·~· '7"':' .~.~"'._ , ' ' ,':"" t~r-e " .,:. . ; ." " c .---. .' Mr: ariidMl:s" 'W~1tetMcCarren wich. The ~eqUi, ~in~pt'· for - tal"a~. -, :'~ ''''e open arm~ ~ccep!an'~ e Qf and family , attended the annual - -----.--- , ti~{fro.m' ·siif-!tf_~;:si~pl~. a;na- -:,rtjem~~s o~ : ~la9~ and ~J:lite Qmstn:utS get together of the . . easily'~ up.~er,~f904. · r,erffill?S .' . ,~ v~l,~honanes ~by ' t~e . ~Ig~rlans Shrack family held Sunday at World Scanner "deBt ,, '.. lOst \n:,sin: ':: , h(h~~ .;~ he. ~ international ,scope t~ Sportsmen's aub near WiISPACETRACK is a world-wide " "f ', y~u . .!:. :' .. f· S?~ of th~ 4!sr~t»tion in mington.. . ; , system of radar and space cam·IH. i to -·~O? bU .' O~ 4" COl\ntr.y. ~e :Black Girl Sco~t . Troop .No. 114 era's operated by the ' Aerospace Defense Command. More · than ~!!·. l tO ';l aO ' ' , , d a~, a tool of held .their Christma~ Party Mon400 Aerospace Defense Com- • • '1 moveme~t .'. by , : day at the home of Mrs. Roger mand units are stationed ,through- . Se~~te f~~ttee ; · ec~dds. Ice- cream, ~alte, ~ut the Ur;lited. States as well as Iceland, Canada and Greenland. Un~'.I\JJleJ:l'cau AC~lV:lt.l~S,~ ~ . coolqes. and pun~h were enJoye4 Vnited .~~t~s ~ . b}/ a4. . . . ~~ . , 'I'L</~ ".ft..."';""·. " o(·these.:.. ;1 ' : Mrs•. Sue-Ste~le of South I:.ebr , . ,vtsite,d '~t~ Mrs. eIaudia ' Mr. and ·Mrs. James L Gantt, Focke of Kette.ring, ' Ml4~~!Ilwel>,ahd Douglas ~c~y ;
. :.'
Daniel W·, Wa ·pt . Wayne'sville ' Rout", . died Monday at..: St: Eiizibeth ';ijo!Y pi tal at £.>aytOl!. " ~" Wampler ,Qwned die W~¥lJes·. ville Plumbing anj, S1}ppIY':('om- ,. pany. He was a member of the Brandt Street Missioll!lry Baptist Church. ' .. ' He is survived by ' hi~ wido~ Dona Mae; five sons~ " Robert. Herald and qyde all of Waynesville; Roy of Bellbr09k and Cecil of California; two "" daughters • . Mrs. Geraline Genette of'Dayton and Mrs. Pauline Covey ' of Waynesville; two sisters, 'Mrs. Carry Lee Lawson of Tennessee and Mrs. laura Keeter of North. Carolina; 11 grandchildren: eight great-grandchildren and several neices and nephews. The family will receive friends from 3 p.m.-S p.m. and 7 p. 1)1.-9 p.m. Wednesday (today) at the Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home. at Waynesville. Rev. Farris Sparks will officiate at funeral services. at the funeral home at 2 p.m. Thursday. Interement will be in Miami Valley Memory Gardens .
CLEVER CLOVERS ATTEND MOVIE Waynesville's Oever Oovers 4-H club saw the movie, "Scrooge", Dec. 31, at Cinema East., ' The group enjoyed a snack at a drive-in restuarant before re' turning home, according to Sandy Sheehan, club reporter.
eAut,o-Oumen FARM FiR~ ;s Tailored Insurance Protection. Protect your farm busiriess for all it's
The ·lIell
I NSURANCE-'AGENC;Y '~ -897-4968
. or 897-6011 ,
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~~~~;~~;',",'\I;,, , . erH~~~t.~.Y~:;;.'~1~~iilllll;1 ,I
WAY NESV ILLE Churc h of Chris t rhjrd & Miami Streets Charles Pike. Evangelist 10:00 a.m . . Sunday Morning 6:30 p.m.. Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m .. Wednesday Evening Phonc 897·4462 for informatior '
HARV EYSB URG Friend ship Ba~tist . . . Churc h ion t ("ullv'cn t SlIlItJlt!rtl Ba pi i' \orlll:11l \1e~J(I\\,,, . Past(H ~) : 30 a .lll .. SlInd;J~ ~I",ol ~ 0 :30 a.Ill .. SUllda\ \ll1rnill"
:. Worship 7:30 p.Ill .. SUllday henin g. Ser ke 7 :30 p.I11 .. Wedne sda y. \lidwcl.'k Pr:l. l'r :md ~ihlc Study
First Baptis t ChiJrch North Main Strcct John P. Oshorne , Pastor 10 :00 a.m.,SulldaySchClol Jonah s Run Bapti st II :00 a.m., Mortllng Wor ship . Churc h 6:30 p.m.,Training Union ()hio 7 3 La ~ t 7:30 p.rn ., Evenin g Worship Ll"t l' r Kldd . P:I,>lor 7:30p.Il1 ..W.cdne sda y Prayer IO :{J() ;1.111 . Sllllda~ School Mce ting 10 :00 &.. II :()() a.II1 .. SUllday (Affiliated With SouJ\) crn Bap· 'Wur,hip Sl.'rvu.: e . tist Con vent ion). .111 .. SUllda y l:vl' ll illl;. 7:301' First Churc tl-of Christ hi p . r~ Wll 152 High Street Steve Tigner, Minister Unite d Metho dist :30 a.m. The Christians Hour Ct urc" (WCKY radio, Cinty) I '\-' . ,l ~IUI 9:30 a.m. Bihle School (classes , 1.1I; 1}' Chu rLI, ', :30 a.I, fOl all) ' St'rvll'l 10:30 a,m. Morning Worship \{):30 ;J .1l1.. SUlluay Schoo l 10:30 a.m. Junior Church II :00 a.lI l., SUllda y Worship Revival Fires 12 noon Service 5 :30 p.m. lunior Choir Practice Y()utl! rellow ship allu Bihlc 6:00 p.m. let-Cadets Study Alpha Teens Harve ysburg Full Gospe l 7:00 p.m. Evening Vespers Churc h Friend s Meeti ng Street South 1::. Fourth Stleet near lIi gh on. Pastur Hamilt Jack Rev . 9 :30 a.I11 .. Sunday School 7:30 p.m . Tucsday 10:45 a.lll. Sund"y Mel!ling for 7:30 p.m. Friday '· Young W(~rs hip (unprogrammcd) People's Service St. Augus tine Churc h 10:00 a.m. Sllllday &hool · lIigh Street 7:00 p.m . Sllnday Evcning ,,, Rev . Josenh II : Lutlller , Pastor SPRI N6 VALL EY 7 a.lll . & II a.lIl . Masscs H a.m. & ·X p Ill. lIol y Days Unite d Metho dist 7:30 p.lll. First Friday Churc h 7:45 a.l!l. Oaily Mass Walnut·Vine Mass ay Saturd 5:30 p.lll. ~obcrt R. Meredith, Pastur St. Mary' s Episco pal 9:30 a,m. Sunday &hool Churc h 10:30 a.lll. Morning Worship lllird & Main Streets 6:30 p.m. Youtll FelJo.wship Rev . Harold Deeth. Redor jr. high & Sf. high 7:45 p.m. Wednesday chUfr II : I 5 a.Ill ., Morning Prayer rchear!:..! 1st. 3rLl & 5th Sundays : 4th & Hol y COllllllunion 2nd Spring Valley Churc h SUlldays of Christ Unite d Metho dist· Glady Strect Churc h 10:00 a.lll . Morning Worship Third & North Streets p.m. Evcning Worship 7:00 " L. Young. Millistl' r H:OO p.m. Wcdnesday Evcning . 9:00 a.m. Church School Worship 10 : 15 a. m. Church at Worship Spring Valley 6:00 p.m. Jr. & Sf. Youth Friend s Churc h Fellowship Mound Strcet Couser, Pastor Fricnd E. Waynesville Rescu e CJ :30 a.lll . Sunday &hool Mission 10 :30 a.lll . !v1orning Worship . RLI C'lIr1ll'r IIf 73 & Corwin Pastor Rcv . Shcrl11<l1l ClIok. Christ ian Baptis t Miss,'on S I O:.''0 a .I11 .. , lInda y SLhllUI Main Strcct 7:00 p.I11 .. SUIlLIay hc . Sl'rviLc Mrs. Lois Dunaway. Pastor 7 :30 p.I11 .. Wl'lillcsday I:v,' 10 a.lll. Sunday School Sl'rvICl' II a.m. Morning Worshl'p 7 :.~O p.I11 .. Sat. I'·.Vl' . Sl'rVll'C 7:30 p.m . Evcning Worship FI RST CHURCH OF GOD 7:30 p.lII. Prayer Meeting, 49 S. Main Street Wednesday & Thursd ay 9:30 a.Ill.· Sunda y School 7:30 p.lll. Song·fest, Last. 10:30 a .1Il . . Morning Worship . :;aturday eat:ll mOllth. 7:00 p.m . . Sunday evening
Joy an'cl " i~v'e '~e;" to overllolt Y the , heart of' man. ' Despite this evidenc e" , there Is deep In .the "earts of m"nV; J . an 'uneasY,' .anxlet~ . Wlill~ the, sou(ca . of anxiety' IS traced to many,. ca~~s, ; a baSic ·source lies In the t!,!r.eat'· lhat we may,' become nothing . The nOll" religiou s person who does not bell"ve In God or Immort ality . knaws ·that when he Is dead . his body IN~I be returne d to the' elemen ts/' Tha~ Is all there 15 to It. l1e IS nothing• •Tht! love · of God meaos nothing . 'Chrlstl a'n,lty . has an answer- to this , fundam ental anxiety about being nothing . Because God Is my creafor and t am His crea· ture t know that '1 cannot,contro l the future by myself. But I have fatth . and hope that God can do, what man cannot do. When we accept God as creator : Eternal , all powerf ul and loving, we have the means for Qver.· coming anxiety . When we accept that God Is love we are united wi t h t-tlm In ' a personal relation ship. Any l anxlety of separat ion from Him Is overcom e because we have e~perlenced re.unlon with Him. Tnls divine love of God In coming among men through Jesus Christ 15 the ultimat e answer to rell· glous anxiety : and therefo re to all otlier persona l," natural and social ~t all anxietie s, U~t our though ts i=~~ iiiiii iiiiii ~~~~~:';~~~i times, concen trate on the words of ~.,.._ Il ' St. Paul: ' The Lord Is near, Have no .... anxiety . but In everytn ing make your requests known to G6d In. prayer .and petitl9n with thanksg iving. Then the peace of God wh.l ch Is beyond our utmost underst and.ing will keep guard over your hearts and thought s In CriristJ esu,s." Phil ippia ns 4;6.7. ,... H. R. Deeth
CORW IN -- .--Pente costal Holine ss Churc, h '. ,. " Aqr\Lllflh. Pi'ilor , , 10:00 a.m. , Sunday SLhoof . 7 :30 p.m .. SUllda·}'. W"dnesd.ay anti Saturd~IY, Evening Worship Scrvices. . 7:30 p.llI .. Wednesday Youth Service
. GENN TOWN ' Genn town Un-ited Churc h , of ,Chris t ~ ~out~- 4.2 ai. Gl.'l1lit IIWIl ~.
.... '.
...R.IY "Storm,l'r. j'a""" 1,.,.., '. .9 :30 a:m. Worship &'I~· i.:l' 10:.lO Slllldav Chllfd, &:hllol 5,:00 p.m: Su'mbv Youth .' . t.ff'II~)w s hip';'
LYTLIE Unite d Metho dist Chu~ch
John K. Smith, Minister ' 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Sun,day Worship . Service 8:00-9 :00 p.m., Wednesday evening, Bible Study
MT. HOtl Y' .' Unite d Metho dist Churc h Rev. Lconard -Baxter 9:30 a.Ill .. Sunday &hool . II :00 " .111 ., Sunday, Worship . ServiLe 7 :30 p.m .. Wedne . day. Praycr Scrv'h:e
j \.
t,. s
,.. -;. '
10:30 a.m.-Sunday School 7:00 p.m.·Sunday Evangelistic: Servicc .'
Ferry Churc h of-Ch rist
7:30 p.m. Saturd ay Evcning Willllington Pike & Wwship Service .' SOl'iar Row Roatl Bus WiSCIll:1IJ. Ministcr CENT ERVI LLE \ SdiootBihk () :()O a.III .. Sunday The Cente rville First 1·0 : 15 a.III .• SUI1t1ay Worship :,. Pente costal Churc h 10: 15 a.111 .. Sunday Youth 173 Worship S I r. Fr:tnkJin 'Street ~() tJy 1'\orwll. "astor p.I11.. unday 1·.Yl'l1in ~ Cl :. (;enc Bit-kncll. AsS'I: Bihle Study. all a~l'S. 10 :00 'I.nl.. SunLiay SdlOol 7:30 p .IlI .. Lvl'nin~ Worship :00 p.I11 .: Sund.ay h~'lIill!! 7 7 :30 p .IlI .. Wednl'sday. Mid ....wk 7:30 p.m...Wedllesd~IY Ev-cning Prayer anti Brhlc Study
Graveside ' ~tvi~~s fQr Jon ' · David ~Up ( ;Were ' con4uc'~d .' 'a t 2 pm Wednesday (today) at . .Mi.~mi "~~me~er~~ at '~~W!n .~y . Rev. lames Cofftilan;, ! ' ~., " ':.~ Qf. Mr. and , . Jon: the inf~p~ Mrs. Dentlis ':W" ' Phil~ps,,,:of~l~: .. •North · West" .Street,.:. Apartp1~t '{O/ r.ebano'l1~ 'died ' Sat~d&y"·· at . , Qinto n_ Mem6r~1 Hospi~' ·at ·, Wilmi,ngton •.~ , ' r - ' , . , ' , .S\1iv~vor.s .iriC1~de. a , sis~r~ ~- ." 'home; maternal moila Sue. g(andp~ents, ~-¥ 'a'nd Mrs. !Leo- · nard Pet~'rs of,eor ida"artd rater- ·; , , nal grandparep ts .Mr. ·attd Mrs.· . · Wardie PIiilUps :of FaY~tteville: ., ," Funeral ari~gem~~ts were · " l}andled by the , Stubbs·~nner , Funeral "Home at ~ Wa:ynesville.
"" "
I .. ~
7:30 p.Ill.;Wcdnesday Prayer Service
in ' MiflqU' . Cemetery aeCor·win. " .' ,.' .. I
9:30 U.Ill. Sund;.ty Sd II 1.01 10:45 a.ll1. MOTiling Worsliip . 7:30 p.m. Su Ud~IY Evcning , .'~ Service 7:30 p.m. Wcdnesday Ev~!lillg Service 5:30 p:til. Sunday Sr. Youth Recreatioll 6:30 p:m. Sunduy Sr. Ymllh Serviccs DODD S Free Pente costal 'Chur ch .~ of God R.R. In - Dodds, Ohio P.dstnr. James Coffman
R, .,.t, y nuOlt 'Comi e vii ." Ridge" ·Churc h. S!. Rt. 4~ &- !-ower Sprrnghoro Road Ray .L. Shciton ·. Pastor " • ~'''.A.
Of The Foliow ing,A rei : MArchant$~ :;__ , ~'I This Churc h Page Is :spon sorea ... or You Ihrou gh The Court esy ·GOSPEL ,.,USI C R~~NCE ELLIS SUPE R VALU BRAD DOCK INE.U wayne lvllei 01110 OHIO OHIO WAYN ESVIL ... C:.
., 1'
. Mrs..~ Charl otte Mote ~ . , Funeral ' ser,vices . 'fqr M~s> Charlotte . 'R. .Mote of t.16;2) Pl,easant Vie'w ,Road , Richn10nd. , , i. Ind. ,~ were cOI)~lictcd By'. Evatlg~.. · • list Bus Wi~eman at:2 ,pnl Sunda¥ ' ,'at , the . Stubbs-('pn'n'er Funeral , · H?me at WaY!lesyil1e. ;" .. '.' Mrs.' Mote, 45 ,. the. former ' Charlotte f~ye of W~ynesvill~t '. died .. Fri4ay ' ~t . .Jler ~ re~'c:I~nc;e, .: ~'""-<;;t,._ The .. late Mrs. ' Mote "': is . sur- . vive. .~, ~by her ,widower, ' H~nry; ., . a . daughter ;, Cafol Stewart of Richmon<i;· Ind.;·two sonS', Roger '.) lee ' Stewart apd Timothy ';RV~~i . Stewart ~ both . <:>f Unjot) ', 'City, ' " . Ind.; .her met.he,r1 Mrs• .Mary ·'S". ' . t ;Rye of · ~aynesYill~; a ~ro't~er"•• , DoI1; ~ -J.,{y'e·;.pf ~aYl1esvipe and;. ~::>;;:·,I·ilt·. • several nieces and nephews. ' :.
" ~.
CENT-ER';:/ . ~.
. Robert' McMillan, 78, died , . Dec: ~ at ;~~e h9~~J){~'~y . daughter.,~s. Martha To~efsom .. " lMcMilla'n WclS born -in Clinfon . County:'"' H~t ~~ toe' ~i~' 0(j6~~ .,: eph and Enutia McMillan, who ~ lived ~e,ar Wa~.nesvilI~. ~; .:-~ ,_.' ", ' Oth~r SUVIiv.ott:jn&udC'.~ iQn, ':
~ex' orGratl~~ .~~;~~; ra\~
, .' bto1h~r~~ ;.Willis · ~f ~! Ciri~ti, ,
•.t,f~lfk. 'Qf
New· Mexico,
;'Kentucky, A~· ~t)t~£l'eliMI~;t
1,•• ••
see ,~d HelPert ()f
.thr~e Sisters 'Mr's. ;~j~~wof.~~~~~&m:~i~~~~
• ..-"'
' , - I t..
.,'., Our separatness ma ke ~ my hear1 ache , • •for. things It's now den ied, ••• ,o~ne like hOldln'g you to my bosom •. '. a n-e-'5'0-0---2-d·-r~-).OO~d-F-al""7r'17 protect ion while Inside . •. ' owner • A·l 'tQnd • eco nomic tp " 'oJ vour .) hope, , wish I knew .• . ,wish, I Tom call •• $19~5 price,' • J. operate If you ••• KNOW .. . . our love . •. Florens;e ·897·5 000 .(letf) and how we h'ate to give you up •.• to .even God above • • • Into our , hearts ••• you made It ••• Inslde our 1962 CHEV ,SS 283 .- auto - new . • .and part of us 15 paint - call before nooli or Sat •• 932-, ~. hearts •.• you live love we had to give. .' . with y.ou ••• the 9132 (lc2) by~ Mrs. Linda Roark In Memor y of our Infant son ''' Marcus Scott Rpark Love MOmm y and Daddy WAN TED ' . Feeder calves - Jess Pennin gton 897.' ,59ctf : ' 5180
NEWSP APER motor-r ou te dr ivers, hours Sunday AM only. ·Lebano n • HarveY ~burg area • call Mr. f-tend'S2cl collect. 0 428 rlck$' .372·. 'r •
,. . SERV Ic.eS I
BABYS ITTING In my hom; by h~ur ' dlJoiY or Week, fenced In yard. Ask fOr' 39etf nn. Phone 897·6~2l.
4" ROOMS _nd . fuJ) bath, small en.
tlo..~ back porch, large backya rd, to mlddlea ged couple only. Phone 897; . 50'ctf '7 756' af,ter 6 pm! .
NKS OF Tt7tA CARD , i We wish to expres~ our deep a,po preclat:lon to all the kind people who rememb ered us In so many ways during the time of our sorrow, the loSS of my V'11fe, and our sister Mrs. Doroth y J. Terrell In DeC. 23, 1970. Our sincere thanks to mercha nts and tiuslness people for ' the 110r al ar· rangem ents. The remaln der of ' th~ money donated has been given to the Heart Fund In her memor y. A warm thanks to the donater s 01 food. time' and the many beautif ul cards we received, Russell Terrell, Mary' LeMay Charles Burton, James Burton . (lcl) I wish to- sincere ly thank my many friends and neighbOrs who remembered me with car~s, flowers and prayers during my Illness and- convalescence. As of this week I will be In the office dally and am returnin g to limited service, so If I can be of 'help to any·one • feel free to call. (lcl) Charles W. LeMay
Full Sky . . 1!for e than 20,000 observations of ~bj'ects orbiting tlte earth are - reported each day to the Space , Deferise ~nter operated by the . ·U. S. Air Force Aerospace De(ens~ Command. .~
; ... f;HAPM".. ·ITUaT ' ""VNUVI~. OHIO. ,'.
[ Tasty -To pic
. ' '·. ~· ~$ERBUY ONA , •
.. . . .
• •
The Japanese .spaniel is one of the oldest and rarest breeds of toy dogs. Believed to be of Chinese origin, these silky-haired little and beauties were developed as We wish to thank our friends neighbOrs; the Stubbs ·Conne r Funera l " pets for Japanese royalty and Home, and the Americ an Legion for nobility~ Some were presented the many acts of kindnes s shown at loved to our of lost the of time the as "gifts of sta~" one. The family of Lawren ce Fealy. tant impor and ats diplom ' (lcl) visitors. One S1llCb visitor was Com-' modore \ Matthew C. Perry who, in 1853, opened Japan to Western trade As tokens cauU8~r '" Cheese Sauee their esteem. his hosts of d eaall80wer ll111aU presented him with several 1 un (10~ ouiaeet) Japanese spaniels. .. . . eonde~, Ch"'d~, ~beQe . IOUp Accounts claim he gave two I/, .eop milk to Queen Victor.ia o( England. Dash nutmeg And soon popularity of the II, eo, ~dt&ered bread erum•• thrcughout spread breed Cook c.uliftower in boiling $tates . United the and e Europ salted water for 15 'minutes or d, deman great the fiJI To until tend~r; drain. Me~wbile. ent preval e becam ing dognap and ' milk in . .stir soup; 'blend in Japan. , nutmeg. Place cauliflower in But as interest zoomed in Shall.ow . baking dish; , pour with . ~ le SJjrink over. sauce\ the .' Pekingese...,. which they , tombs. Bake at 350 0 F for 15 resemble. the .rage for ',mhiutes or until hot. 4 serv' Japanese spaniels 'subsided. ings. Even ill Japan not· milny wer.e bred. But. . through the years. a .few dedicated breeders' in . NG SITTI , Europe and America have BABY kept the strain going and WAN TED ' preserved its original quality and cliarm . . Among these are Mr. and ySpecial weeldy rates Qr Mrs. (Leland ' and Vera) Schenc,k of Long Beach. Calif.. .-will sit,by hour o~. doY. whose names are - closely Const~n1' 'care in a good asscciated with Japanese Christi~n home . spaniels . •. ! Winners of n u mer 0 u s s and championships at trophie Phone 897,5921 Kennel Club dog can Ameri Ask ror Jean HiJ~ shows, their dogs have also been displayed at the Long Beach Hobby Show and have !IIIIII" ~IIIIIII! ......~.........~........ appear'ed on television and in several motion ·pictures . Veral Schenck .has writte~ a paperback book. "Japanese Spaniels, .. which is sold at pet stores. PH. 897-1946 In . her book· she describes OIL.CHANGES \ them .,as "beautiful IiUle dogs
lemon through deep red: 'They carry their heavily plumed tails proudly over their backs. ' Their gall. has been described as "high·stepping." Their height may be up to 10 inches at shoulder, weight from six to 10· pounds . As with most toy breeds, the · smaller the size. the greater ' the value They're er.tremely bright, easily trained and very affectionate , Mrs . Schenck c;ays. And while not noisy they 'have big barks for such small' dogs and are good protectors. , They require yery litUe exercise and can be "the merriest. liveliest and sauciest litUe creatures in the world, hut with quiet pOise they know
w.~t!n to restrain their enthusiasm." Fairly easy to care for they don't require clipping or plucking, but should be combed daily. first with coarse, then fine-toothed comb and thoroughly brushed to clean the hair and make it glisten.
Japanese names such as Shiro (whi te ). Yosei (fairy) , Takara (treasure), are often selected for them. There's a long list of such names in Mrs. Schenck's boot. There's also· a national breed club - the Japanese Spaniel Club of America. 'Ibe secretary is Mrs. Herman H. Tietjen, 153 E. Market St., Rhinebeck, N.Y. 12572.
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Located ~ti ~qute ~2; ' 1
mile not1lh of Route 7·3, WaynesVille
/ -: ..P~n~ 897-7936" ...
82 $Plir H MAI.~ . ST.
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ENEMY CACHE . . . M/Sgt. Ricbar d Land invento ries part by Company B, 1st Battali on, 8th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division . of a North Vietna mese arms cache discove red north of Song Be Land Is from Carters ville. Ga.
with lovely manners aristocratic appearance. Their eyes are dark and lustrous; V-.shaped ears p'~ high on . tHe " h~ead fall forward . . . .the muzzle is broad, full imd . : short: body squar.e aDd compact:. legs'"'straigbt . .. fiDely .
- - - - " - - - - - - -1' D NEW D RENEW ' , annual subscription
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Astros , , - Cliff Meag~r I ', l Schoo High sville Wayne The the beat Varsity basketball team East Clinton Astros '67 to 46, ' Jan. 2. first the ', scored Steve Jones baske.t for the Spartans as Spartan 'scoring doubled the Astros' . in the first period. Spartan, Ron Sackett scored first in the second 'period when' the Spartans almost doubled the Astros: scoring. The score at the end of the first half was Waynesville 34, East Clin ton, 16. In the third period, the Spartans scored 14 points and• the '
sco~e(l,'J.3 points. '
, Paradisl
Ito pic 'aI f ish 11 E. Main St. Lebanon, O~io Open 4:30 - 9 P.M. Weekdays Saturday 9 A.M, - 9 P. M. Sunday 12:00 Noon - 6 P.M. ,
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pa!,el~t ~''''iJY OWmel"2 'on SUnday;' Jant .t9. at' 9:'30~Will include:"Dr. ~r~ " . C. PeterSon, for~r ,edi~af;)?~ :" CUll, ct,tJOn JUs f,ir"ilt~~,P.liIIrJ".rPsalm
W ' would like to iDuocluce' to you our "NEW hiah .:uty printing." Much ,effort hU goDe , ~ JM.' PROVING our quality acaad.rcIs. 11le latat ID typetetIiDa equipmeat &.in. to )'OU this quality at lower
; . , , " ·,4 .eetts ' ,Methodis~ Ch~!ffi~; i,~d, p:~~nt
dilldr en', publications for '·' ,~e
lIQIig l. ' W" United mal~Q ;;m .delegate to the recent 1970 wt"te ~ "W F~' "", i._
nee. o'n.,Childr , ~~ 'Mf , ~81e. pi1) ' ,", ~e ,King" 'iA'U5e ',/. ' ," b"" uff'u, of Pa~,or ck P~den Rev. u.. '
:U-vt.bein• the Bean Located at the offic~s' of
Stop in aDd see the prin~ra of Historic Downtown W~J'D
GA921ZETIE AMI897-6 The 'MI PH on : ~' 105 'e.,' 'M ajD_ . . . .. .. . . . ,
Wa~~e, Ohi~ , .: ,
ce!em~ny. ,~~.,
James United Methoid~t ," Church in Miamisburg and\ ,Mrs~ ,. n>nna tittetin gton, a lay, mem,-, ber of that church and a ' p~ti'" cipant in one of ~ev. ting's " ,
"Personal Discovery~', small groups.. They will discuss with the regular program hostess, ,Mrs. Robert C. Roderick, the topic, "Personal Discovery." "OPEN BRIDGES" is 'broadcast weekly at the same -half hour, by the Commu~ity. ' Services Department ofW. L W.-D. to serve the interests and concerns of the interdenominational church community and the concerned ~c ular community.-
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_a'd's·, Hom'8 S·aU·s : 8onds ·"NuIsi 'ng Caia Cent ai 'reti.l:ement and nursing home, fac· ility has now reached $l25;0 00: A giant ther mometer at the WaynesvHle 'National Bank reo cords bond sales in the 'i6bqy wnere Thomas Cooper, Friends
" "f
Home Administrator , has s~t up sho p.' Waynesville Nnticmal Bank officia ls have given the program their full coopcra tion and en· dorsement. The goal for the sale of bond ~ has been set at $300,000, The , bonds can be purcha sed at $ ~OO each and dUlc in 1990. A Pros· pectus outlining the program is also available at the bank. , 'The friends Hom e plans to cons~ruct a 58 bed, single story nursing and r,e.tirement home on a four acre tract located between Fourth Street and Dayton Road just behind . Nicksite Friends Meet,jng House. The csti~;nated total cost cif the . proposed new facility including ,land and equipmerit will be, "$562,000. according to the bond rroseectus. ~ ·.t~ ntative constr uctioll date ,Qf p .iL ,b!\S ~e ,-8 ~ I d. ~~ :Friends l Home officials. he can:open to all denomt,et 'will , inations. ' ."Subscribers to the Bonds will have.' priorit,y on the list,~' commented Home Administrator, ·Thomas Cooper. . . The' GJ ,and M. Cor.poration at $ioujt 'dty, Iowa will (set the " entire .p~ra,tion working' Cqope,r
, .
ted States. If by some quirk of fate the F(ien ds wouldn '( fin. ancially be able to operatc 'the new home , C. and M. would assume full opera tion of the fac· ility , according to Cooper. The proposed retirement nur.
,,:.~ 411~" ~',
- --- .-~. -
Wayne Retail Merchants began primin'g themselves Wednesday night for' the second aimuaJ Anthony Wayne- Muzzle Loading Rifle Shoot to be sponsored by them at the Waynesville Country -Fair in June.
,---- ".--:..-----,~~,.>
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Re'fa:'i '-I '81-C"h,antl - Prll'-I~ far MUIZII Rifll Shaat
C. I and. M. - has' constructed "36 homes, in the-Uni· more ,ttiih "
minil11um of 60 Il ur-
sing and (;are cen ter beds. Of the villagc's 1,900 persons, 143 are 65 ' years old or older. It also showed that there were 552 persons of the same age category in the outlying area. The Friends Home, a not-forsing care facility at Waynesville profit coporation, originally The would employ a staff of 35 perFriends Boarding Home, was orsons. All p.ersonnel ' wouid be ganized June 17, 1904. A two hired 'locally. story retirement residence Home A C. and M; _analysis or'popwas constructed on Fourth Street ulation, figures have shown that 1905. in Waynesville could immediately .- .._-- ... - . - .-.. -,- ---- -
su pport a
The group is currently seeking financial aid for presentation ' of the primitive shoot which last year attracted 68 Natian&1 Muzzle Loa~g Rifle A$sociation members and their families 'from Contined page 2
" ,.
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precediI1g ye{U'. This is - 1h " " t~nty- ir!th 'year that olilo)tas' . , ' f;~'tor 1~ceived ~he awar'4;'iri)Jicating the 1 .,. , A~v~llIn, Mana,er . conhrn!ou!s" interestl on the :pah ." " , Aut) Advertl"n, Mana,er '" " ., ' 7 )' , /' D,n,ld EdSlll ' ,} ,Gen'r.I";.~I'" of baokS lin a/sound '~gricultur'al b.\',....'(,nt\.,.:.:;,'l Reginald O. HilI, Davl~ Ed...... " . " ,..,' " "~blls"'rs " econom(' '~ ,' '\. , , . P.O•. ~JC 11. Waynesville. Ohio 45018 ,.' ;1: " . '. ,,: ' Member of the Ohio Newspaper Allocla~lon . • T.he awarare,cogfiizes the wide range' of p,rojects' carried on as a ". means of lbringing gr.e,ater·undei~ ' .Ohio Bankers Association The A; : B. A.'s,··Agriculturat . standing a~ld cooperat~on bet'ween Receiv,es National AWatd and Rural Affairs Committee 'has the faim @Jnd ffuancial 'commun- ' The outstanding ~rvice which announced,that the Ohio Bankers ities, Agricultural and Rural the : Ohio ,Bankers ' 'Assodation' Association has be.enawarded th~ Affairs Committee " CP Ps'id~red, has, given, the state's agriculture, committee's annual Agricultural such activi!'ies as ' ,C9mmulliW both througb e~ucatib!1al prq- . - Award on behalf of the ba'nkers service programs, contributions grams for better ba.nking services of Ohio. to the . oVt~r-all fi.!lan~ial .secul'ity' and through ~ special .a~ctiv.jties in TIle Agr ic1,lltura'l A~ard is preof agnculture, pro,moting "cprhthe ag.n~ultu~al :fi~ld~ h~srecei.ved ' sent~d e~ch year to the state plete and profit,ahle financial ser· specia.J , ·, re.oo,grriiiPi'( , frQm bankers , asso~iations of .t~ose vice to farm faQlilies. and {nformAmerican" &nl<ers; ASSOci!ltior}, : -states ' ~hose programs :ana actiing banking changes .in agrithe national organization of the vities have been of notable serculture an d agriculturally'related bankin'g industry. . vic,e to agriculture duri~g the bUsinesses and hoW t~e~e changes: I,
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However, our pollee depart· ment and all fJnanclal Institutions hope to protect · un· suspecting ,people from being swindled out of a life's savings by smooth talking men and women known i~ Ycon,fldence
15 yoin' business; Where you keep It, save It 'or how you manage It 15 entirely up to you.
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A frien~ly ' stranger mak.es ~your a'cqliaintanee and shows you' a bundle of cash ne has just "found". He yvQuld like to divide it with you, but first, to show your "good' faith'~, yo" must put up a substantial amou,nt of youL own ,funds. ~ III the P(Oc~SS of, handli ng your money the straRger excuses himself for a 'moment and you are left holdi.ng a pac~age of worthless paper.
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A~ 'a~tta~tive st(anger offers to "bless" your money, rempve a '
, curse ,·Oli ,perfonn some tYI)e ,of . ritual..which wilt iocrease.. its . value. After withdrawing your money, the confjdence rnan van- . ishes with .your funds. ,;-
You ~eceive a telephonle, call 'from: ~m~~ ~~~o '~YsYhe is.a'. "~ank 0., :~.' ,"~, • .exa'm mer" ,a~d re~uests your·: ~~t~ ,~ .'!~app.mg a !~ller:~I1,.,heved;;~~,' ; . " ~, " to be tamp~mg With your aq:0l!ot ~.:vg4! are aSke!l. lo '\l~Jt~draw'-::>~r~" ~'1''': your savings to help in the ~ capluFe:;.a'n(t'~in '~ thlp'PrQcess th~ ~ -. , . ~ ~;~ "examiner" disappears with your money.
A ~range~ offe~s to give you mo~ey on some pretext but reqUires ,you to put up some of your own funds to show "good faith". Again, after you have withdrawn ' your "saVings he she disappears with you.r money .
or {
• The '-variations of these swindles are endless and limited only by hurriari' - , . ~ . j .. imagination. Your suspicions should be aroused .whenever a stranger . . asks you to withdraw savings for any purpose. If ' this hapPens y6u~ban ' ,~, play safe by checking either with the police or someone in your sav~o~ , , ~nstitution. And don't delay. The mon~y you save could be yO'ur 'own~' ~
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for a week as a sociology class e~perjmeqt. "I thi~k it was. .especially hard ' for me because I just love to talk, " said Debbie. "For me not to utter a sound for . seven long days ' i~ jlist
LOCKPORT, Ill. - "It was pure hell," were the - first words spoken 'by 17-year-old Debbie Hoefling after a week of complete sUence : A 'bign school semor, Debbie decided ' to become a mute
unheard of." . Debbie 'laughingly "" admits she hasn!t been 'able to ,stop talking ' since the expeJlitnent . ended, . logy o ,s,oci, her said She' tea c her gave qer a note to show ner other teachers explaining that this . was an experiment. He explained that 'she 'was to do all the \I,-ork "assigned but was not to participate in . class discussion unless she could co~municate by writing . her answers ) "The teachers were great," said Debbie. She said at first some of them seemed a little skeetical but when they realized she was SIncere, they cooperated and encouraged her and were very interested . "PUR R-FE CTIO N" in her reactions. She said her friends and The newest crop of Chinchilla Silver' Persian kittens from The Cedar the other students were great City Cattery, 723 Southline Drive, Lebanon were photographed as , ~. they pussy-footed around Dale Hair Fashions. The qUintet , Baron , At first th,ey treated it as furry, froliking five will make a big joke but toward the , Prince, Duke, Duchess and Maria. The . end the.y WerE! really cheering , their formal show debut will be in March at Lexington, Ky. With said. me on," she the latest arrivals owners, Mrs. Grace Patrick and son. Charles say Debbie said the first day . their cattery, the first in Warren County , is growing by "Leaps and of the experiment she went bounds". - Dennis Dalton Photo shopping after school with her . mother. . . She said_ she noticed two the top of my lungs but girls watching her in amusepond with sign language. without my wice I couldn 't ment as a saleswoman .strugOne girl said to the other, unicate. I felt that a she comm gled to understand what "Look at that damn' mute." part of me was missresvital to wanted, and she tried and as they passed by her, ing." they deliberately bumped into What was the most imher and ' almost knocked her t thing she learned. from portan down. ment? experi the and g "They went off laughin was her prompt nce," "Patie said g," I stood there thinkin reply. "I have renewed Debbie . "This is the way it respect for anyone who can feels when you're different. overcome a handicap and This is the way you are learn to lead a normal happy hurt. " life. "1 felt so out of everything.." . "Becoming a mute for a said Debbie . "It seemed I URht me not to avoid weekta . ~' 'was '; left out )s(-school and : thOSe . tess fortunate pity ' :.0( .. I'. at home: ·' . to' accept them as :but I than "1 missed the give and take are. they around the supper table each "I'm so happy and ' grateful night ' when my family comto be able to speak, " said pared events of the day." Debbie with a radiant smile. . She said her younger 13. year-old sister at first teased her , and . tried to trick her ITEM: Although the nation's . into speaking but as the week stores ·ting up more $lies grocery wore on. she too. began to y~r, the increase in ~nd each ~ help and encourage her. ing fo( nbn~food items .Is; greate r . One of her worst .exthan the increase fot fOOd. Thus an ever-smaller :petten! of the periences, she said, was going family "grocery'" bill is for edito a pep rally and football bles. Recent leading non-food gar:1e and not being able to gainers are clothiJig, . pllotograparticipate. phy equipment ~a garden ~~ "Our team won," said Debplles. bie. "and I wanted to jump up and down and cheer to U
My Fello w Americana Melbury Square Of A Fire On Th. Moon American Journey; The Times of , Robert Kennedy
-, Boyd Eden
Mailer Stein
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.:;. · 4th STREET WAYNE.sVI~LE, OHIO PH. 897-4826 t'
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&tNC H
WJnter Houts ~ Sunday thru' ThUf$. . 4 P.M. - 1Q. P.M. Fri. Sat. .: 4 P.M. - 12 Midn ite
No stud,ent may leave the school ground duiing .school hours without a permit from th~ principal. This permit should be shown
to the homer oom·teacher before ,
the 'school day anq ~ . studen t.
equipment' which help turn a mounta'in t91 '. 't Each of us contr ibute s to the prob lem-. trash intb a m01ehill, of inert landfill/ mate- : ' , :. " the tons and tons of garbage, pape'r, cans, il •./,,' ,;," ",:' (.' of clean, ' whit~'; ~6dor-: _t" I, bottles and. all manner of solid wastes that -. rial.- a'i1d a plume 'j,"" .; ,~. many s make y energ ic EI.~ctr • , ,ste~m free must be disposed of, • The modern waste gQod ,thing s happen'-in Qur homes and ' ,.l~'f~" ~"):e 1 reduc tion plant is a prom ising soluti orf. ~, throu ghou t the comm unity ...·. P~QduGing. .:,., Montgomery County has two such ~tant$ supply these needs does pro- ': north ~nd south of the city of Day ton- . _electriCity to t .• ::. J"\" duce some air pollu tion. We'fe w.o,rkh)g ~.. ~ handling 260 heaping truckloads a day•• halrd to make it less. In prote ctingJ h'e en.... ~ ..,." ", '. , . Elect ric powe r plays a big part in t~_e 'vironment, we want to be a small er 'p,a rt ''-:',', ' " ,., operation, In each plant. some 2000 horseof the prob lem- and a big part of t.~~ .' power of electric energy is used to drive . solution. the pumps, conveyors, blowers and other "
o f the ..
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Ori .,Trueblood is the esteemed reputation of this distinguished philosopher theologian and 'author of many timely and timeless books - a reconciling force in lhe interdenominational church commun·
Interview Scheduled On nOpen Bridges" Dr. Elton . Trueblood has- the knack of putting his finger on the pulse of society and coming up with the right temperature'''This ,
Mrs. Jenny Lee Runyon was host to a ,New Year's Eve Party which included Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Oark ' arid faQlily._ Mr. and Mrs. Ed aurton and Mark: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cain and fam, ' ily of Morrow and Mrs. Jennie OsbQrn. Mrs. OSbprn a lifelong resident of 'n or near Harveysburg about midnight .asked for a piece of paper and wrote the fQllowing lovely poem':'~' We are all gathered here To welcome in the New Year Mayall our. trouble of the past . Be pleasures that will always
Isle off Cannes hides -mystery CANNES, France - Take boat trip from here. across tJ:le bay to 'lie Sainte Marguerite. largest of the two Lerins Islands. and you'll land right in the middle of a '300-year-old mystery. This island , was the home of the "Man in "the Iron Mask" during the latlter part of the 17th Century. The mystery? Who was the "Man in the Iron Mask? " His Identity has never been established.
a 1S-minute
Now as, the old year is going oot . We have no fear or doubt A happy one f?r you'al)d me. So now all of us together Share.all kinds of weather . Pray for a helping hand . To keep our precious land. ~ e 0 pIe h a v e bee n . Your writer personally felt speculating about it since 1687, that there ' was little else here on and the mystery is still the Mrs. Charles .Farrington. (nee earth to be said. We thank you chief topic of conversation t" • 'I?Os~er) wno ~me to spend Jenny and may God Bless You, among the tho1lJsands of peop!e 1r:r:!Ji!?~:'Cbifi$tJ~ w.ith' 'her. parents · Mr. whO visit the island every for th~ lovely thOUghts. William .,Doster will year. It has been announced by Black sheelP nob iii t:y , 'January then fly Principal Dale- Cahill that .there politics, illegitima~y and inme. in Medical ' 'Lake, . will be no PTO meeting ~n Jan. trigue are the ingredients 01 , . ·Mr. Cahill also announced th~t , this fascinatinlg 'mystery. ther~ will be Extra Spelling As far as I coul,d determine . StUdy every Wed. and Thurs. in a one-d.a¥, visit ~o the island! , 'afternoons immediately follow·onlY.0rte point h~pet:~ agr~~ up~ ~, ,~t?u~~).o~r d~: ~ ipg reguJar school sessions rtot:.wear aJ) iroo"mask: -, Th~ Boosters, ,Benefit Night It waS . ra._ "simple \'~·I'.;ft will be held Sat., January 30, at mask. ' Clinton , Massie High . Sc~ool There wiifbe a variety of basketThe "Man" was imprisoned t. tiall games', ~d all proceeds go on the island in 1687 and r~· to the Boosters;""Qub. You 'all mained there' until 1698 when he was removeq by his gu~rd .AndersSrl:;;:~re . rome!! , . who had' been named governor vi~~~~s of 'tW· ·. .,.,·The sc~ool welc~jp.es back of The BastU!le. The m)ster;.; ;~'K~.. :~ ~dd,s and . . Mr~; .I ~thleen Bec,k whq ha~. or man died in ·11~3. . . ~tl ~0nfined to .her home for ',..... . .' . ~'~1t,eejl:~:~'P~n(),u~~e many" days with ··Shingles lHl.d TouriSts· w~o ,~lslt the .Is~and r~ ·, . r today c~ go - ul~ ~e , dar~ ~u. . .. dungeon :'.()r-' 'the old · fortress. .~, The followmg..~asketbaU s~hwh~re the' mystery prisoner edule has been announced .by was' held. By today's stan,r• •""_M_8~~~~_ school Pr'inci~l lnale Cahil for d~s, it must have · been a 'the 5th and 6~h 'grades: ' pretty mise~able 11 years for J~JlUary .. the m~sterlOus o~e. because . 26 Oarksville at Harveysburg the cell has none of the com"'l 2~ Har~eysburg " . . at a ar~~ille . . he forts of home. ·(Except that finally was provided . with . F~~ruary - ' a woman 'companion. The ,~" 2 ' !G n glJ)8n ~t Harv~ys~urg ' story , has it that a son. born 16 . Harveysburg at Kingn)Wl to the ' pair, was the greatAll ' games start at ~: 1~ PM.. grandfather of Napoleon.) , The old fortress, built by Richelieu, is perched on a .·AAMBY. . rocky cliff which drops precipitously to the water t .' <W~". .several hundred feet below, , .0 C~~'A..... Tilq.r . making escape by this route !
a seeming impossIbility. However. one story says that a prisoner, Marsr :l\ Bazaine. did escape down the sheer cliffs with the aid of a rope in 1874: . Actually. hist.orians report, the prisoner was too fat to risk escaping in this manner. The accepted story is that he bribed his guards and walked out the front door dressed as a fat tradeswoman. The hea vily wooded island, twv miles long and about 1,000 yards wide, is laced ' with rocky pa ths through banks of flowers. stands of pine and eucalyptus trees. A good view of the coast is available from the terrace of the fortress . The open-air, thatched-roof terrac'e of Lescale Re~taurant, perched on a cliff overlookin~ the water and cooled by gentle breezes whispering in from the . sea, is a delightful place for lunch. Two strolling guitarists serve up a program " qI., ~exican and request music. ".<·~'·F.9r~:~mething-.Jighter, there . a · snack bar near the boat
WAV..uvI4,L ~o.
~I ••
' 1"-7HI ,_
There are no permanent residents on Jle Ste. Marguerite and visitors are not permitted to remain on the island overnight. . The island was named for Ste, Marguerit'e (St. Margaret) who headed a community of nuns there in the 5th Century. nte other island in the Lerins duo. st. Honorat, lies only a few minutes away across a narrow channel. It was named for Ste , Marguerite's brother, St. Honorat, .. who founded a monaster.Y there around the end of the 4th Century. Thirty - s eve n Cistercian monks from all over the world live at the monastery and no one else is permitted to remain on the jsland overnight. The monks do a thriving business selling Leri~a, a liqueur made from monasterygrown grapes, pic t u r e postcards a'nd curios to the visitors.
Q..,ality-Safety First !# Pays To Buy .The . 8esll
. ~ " .aepartment store of parts, accessories and supplies used by farmers, ranc~ers alnd their families. In his diverse inventories are: ~ ,~. Tr.a~1I' 'I
repair parts
'. • Gardlif tools . .. Garage: stands
;) ' • . AcCessories • Auto paint : • ",'nd tools
• ~lIpsOline engine parts
.'.ft "ttydraeiic cylindert .
• Nuts,
Weltlll.nl outfits
it'y 'and the conc,imied ,I. secul!!r community. Dr. Trueblood wiil be interviewed in depth by' progr~m. hostess Mrs, Robert C ~ Roderick, on Channel 2 WLWD "Open Bridges" Sunday , . Jan . 17, at 9:30 AM. Induded among this Quaker Christian's books are "The Incendiary Fellowship".; HA Place to Stand"; "Tl)e Company of the Committed"; "The New Man for Our Time'~: and "The Recovery of Family life: " 0
ITEM: Meat is a good protein food and thus an excellent basis, for planning meals. An adequate diet calls for two or more servings of protein foocts each day. In red meats, poultry, or fish, one serving would be two or three ounces. In other protein foods, one serving would be two eggs, a cup of cooked dry beans . or peas, or four tablespoons of _ peanut butter. ITEM: It is believed that 75 to 80 per cent of all women in urban areas own some type of hair piece or wig, with a smaller percentage of women in rural areas joining the fashion trend. ITEM: A new fortified instant milk mixes quickly and easily with water, and tastes better, .n ore like fresh milk than ' the non-instant nonfat dry milk previously distributed.
WHEN JESUS 'COMES The Christian religion is unique in that. its great Founder promised, to return to the people of the earth. Let us notice some characteristics of His coming. 1. IT WILL BE MAJESTIC. "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory. " (Matt. 25: 30). 2 IT WILL BE SUDDEN. "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. U (Matt. 25: 13). "Theref~re, be .ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." (Matt. 24:44). 3. .IT WILL BE THE END OF PREPARATION. "And before him shall be gathered all nations; and he shall .separate · them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats." (Matt. 25:32). "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment; but the righteous into life eternal. " (Matt. 25:46). 4. IT WILL BE THE BEGINNING OF SUPREME JOY FOR SOME. "Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit · the kingdom ' prepared for you from the foundation ,o f the world." (Matt. 25:34). 5. IT WILL BE THE BEG INNING OF GREAT SORROW FOR OTHERS. "Then shall he say unto them on the left-han~ Depart from me, ye cursed unto ,e~r'astiOg fU'eprepared for t~ ·devil ,~d , his angels." (Matt. ' 25:41). Remember if you would like ~ .to see the 'film strip and/or take the Correspondence ., Course ' please Phone 897-4462. Worship» ,services at -the 'VII ....~.II of-
6:30\ PM · o;JUl!IWI" ': ~,,"'dIIU ,
•,PM .~'W.ed~SClI8Yi~l:~~~~'~"~:$.Ii
The SkepticS ·. c· .' 'Iq these modern tiDies; there " are ~ottos that many' live by. You~ve heard them ' in many ex·" pressions: Never .trust a stranger~ Always count your change . .Do unto someone else before they · do unto you. Never give a' sucker an even break. W~ are, as adults, skeptics. We are, perhaps, sometimes overly cautious. We think there's alway's a "catch" when we see ' something that outwardly appears to be of real value. When som'(~one ,is friendly', or does an un~uested favor or act 'of kindness, we' suspect they have an · "aJ)gle" or will ask for something in return. Because we hold this ittitud e, we 110 not always participate ' fully. in the game 9f life.' We sit back, waiting and watching until the very end of a parade before we try to catch up with the bandwagon. It must cel't;ainly be a more pleasurable life for those vdto have, not necessarily the innlrcence of youth but, at least, · enough faith in hum~ nature to ~ meet life with 'an open heart and a friendly attitude.
HARVEYSBURG Churc h of Chris t Third & Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evangelist 10:00 a.m. - Sunday Morning 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Phonc 897-4462 for informatior'
Frien. dship Bapti st . Ch.urc h SOllthern l3;,trtl \ t Cllnv'cntiull \ orlll:tIl \kj dllw~. P;,t~t\lI ~) : J() a.lll .. Sllnd~l~ S,: hcH)1 .H) :30 ;,t .I1I .. Sunt];]\ ' \lurnilH.( , W()r~hip " . 7:30 p.lll .. Sunda y Evening S('rvi(l' 7 :.10 p . n~ .. \\'edne ~ da y. Midwcek ' '. Pra yeranu l3ihlc Stuuy
First Bapti st Churc h North Main Street John P. Osborne, Pastor 10 :00 a.m.,Sunday School II :00 a.m .,Morning Worship '6:30 p.m.,Training Union 7:30 p.m.,Evening Worship 7:30p.m .,Wednesday Prayer Meeting (Affiliatcd with Sou thern Baptist Convent ion). First Churc t..of Christ 152 High Street Steve Tigner, Minister . 8:3U a.m. 'lhe Christians Hour (WCKY radio, Cinty) 9 :30 a.m. Bible School (classes for all) 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Junior Church Revival Fires . 12 noon 5 :30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice 6:00 p.m. let-Cadets Alpha Teens 7:00 p.m. Evening Vespers Friend s Meeti ng Fourth Stlcct ncar lIigh 9 :30 a.Ill ., Sunday School 10:45 a.lI1 . Sunday Mccting for W(~r~hip (unprugramllled) St. Augus tine Churc h IIi ~h St rcc I Rev. Joseph II. lUlmer, Pastor 7 a·.Ill. & ! I a.lll. Masses X a.l11. & X p.lll . lIoly Days 7:30 p,lll. (-''irs I Friday 7:45 a.I!1. l}Jily Mass 5:30 p.m . Saturday Mass St. Mary' s Episco pal Churc h 111'ird & Main Streets Rev. Harold Decth, RCl:tur II : I 5 a.Ill .. Mortling Prayer
lSI, Jrd & 5th Sundays : Holy COlllmunion 2nd &-4th Sundays Unite d Metho dist· Churc h ll1ird & North Strects .. l. Young. Minister 9:00 a.m. Church School 10 : 15 a,m. Church at Worship 6:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowship
Jonah s Run Bapti st Churc h Ohio D I ·.a~ I Ll'~tcr Kidd _ Pa~lor I () :{)() a . lll .. Sunda\ School IO :{JU & II :00 a . I1~ .. SUllday . ' Wur~hir Servicc . Evcning 7:30 p.lll .. Sunday Worship Unite d Metho dist Churc h I}Jvid lIarpcr. Paslor () :JU a.Ill ., Sunday Church Scrviec 10:30 a.Ill ., SUlld~iy School 11':00 a.Ill .. SUlluay Worship Scrvil:e Youth Fcllowship and Bible Study Harve ysburg Full Gospe l Churc h E. South Strcet Rev . .Jal:k Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Tucsday 7:.'l0 p.m. Friday· Young People's Scrvke 10:00 a.l11 . Sunday School 7:00 p.m . Sunday Evening
Wayn esville Rescu e Mission Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd . Rev . Sherman Cook, Pastor 10:30 a.I11 ., Sunday &:hool 7 :00 p.m., Sunday he . Service 7 :30 p.I11 .. Wedncsday Eve . Service 7:30 p.I11 .. Sal. Eve . Sl'rvicc FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 49 S. Main Street 9:30a .I11.' Sunday School 10:30 a.m . ' Morning Worship 7:00 p.m .. Sunday evening
CORW IN Pente costal Holin ess Churc h Acy lcJmh. Pastor 10:00 a.m.. Sunday Sdwol 7 :JP p.m .. Sunday. Wdncsday and Saturuay, Evening WIJrship Scrvil:es 7:30 p.Il1., Wedncsd;ty Youth Service
Spring Valley Friend s Churc h Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9:30 a:l11. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Christ ian Bapti st Missip n Main SUeet Mrs. lois Dunaway. Pastor 10 a.m . Sunday School II a.m. Mornin 'g Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday & Thursday .1 :30 p.Il1. Song-fcst, Last :;alurday cae11 month.
R4Jy Sturm"· ... Pa'illll" '· 930 a.I11.. Worship &'I\'i,,'l' I~ : JO Sunday ('hurd) Sdl!lul , 5:00 p.m. S'"Il.l:lV Youth Fcllowship .;.
Unite d Metho dist ~ ehurc h', Rev . lconard Ba.xter 9:30 a.m., Sunday . Scht)ol II :00 'I.In .• Sunday , Worship . Scrv.ice 7 :30 p.m .. Wcdnesday. I)raycr Scrvict~
LVT,",-E Unite d Metho dist Churc h , John K. Smith, Minister . 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a,m., Sunday Worship · Servicc
8:00-9 :00 p.m., Wednesday eveni.ng, Bible Study
FERR Y Fer'r y Churc h of Christ Wilmington I)ike & Sodal Row Road Bus W'iscm:IIJ, Minister .. Sunday Billie School a.m 9 :00 \.0: 15 a.Ill •. Sund;IY Worship 10: 15 a.IlI .. Sunday Youth Wm ship ' (, :.10 p'.Il1 .. Sun<Jay henln~ . Bill'le Study. ;111 agcs. p Worshi g !-:vcllin .. 'l0 p.m 77:.10 :. p.ll1 .. Wednesday. Midweek Prayer. and Bible Study
This Churc h Page Is :;ponsorea toor You I hroug h The Courtesy ;
GENN TOWN Genn town Unite d Churc h . of Christ RI)utc 42 at (;ellnluwn
9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. You til Fellowship -· jr. high & Sf. high 7 :45 p.m. Wednesday chou rehean .,1 Sprin g Valley Chur.c:h ..... ' of Chris t Glady Street 10:00 a.m. Mvrning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship R:OO p.m. Wedncsday Evening Worship
. By
1I Nouie U~mni~ .
i>ennis ' Dalton took ' time from the editing ctUiir to call on his friends at the "Home" .this . past "week. . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palm~i . c3.ued on -IUs mothe r, Nettie · .j'; , Pal,Il\er, Sunday. .' - ' "'''''''''''.''", Center of Turton Sue Mrs. vilie called on Mrs. Nettie Palmer ' . ' . /' Sunday. ,h~" -Lillian Schroe'(ter visited daughter and f~mi1y of ieb~n6lr ~ Jan. 9' and also went to a Rai'n~; ~" bow Installa~iQn. Robert Crane called on" his , mother, ~rs . . Florence ' Crane . ' on Monday. /
Ridge ville ~mmunity . ' -. Churc h .' .;: 'Luwct & 4X t sr..Rt. • Sp .. ingh(")r~ ) Ruacl Rav ·l. Shelton. Pastor ., , I
- '
9:30 a.m. Sunday Schonl 10:45 :i:1!1. Morning Worship . 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Wcdnesday 'Evening . , . SerVice . ?:30 p.n.l. SuIH,Iay Sr. Y()uth ' _ .:.,.. Recreation 6:30 p.m.· Sunday Sr. Ymuh ' Setvices '
- -
DODD S . i=ree ·Pinte costal Churc h .. of .G od . R.R. 122· Dodds. Ohio . Pdslm. Jai~~s Cuftman10:30 a.m.-Sunday Scho(')1 7:00 p.m.-Sunday Evangelistic . .. . Servicc 7:30 p.m.-Wedncsday Praycr Service 7:30 p.m. Saturday Evcning Worship Service CENT ERVI l-lE' The ~ntervi"e first Pente costal Churc h 17] I': . Franktin Stfc'~,t Ray !';urvdl. I';ISW~ . (;ene Bidmd l.l\ss·L .. ' 1·, ·":~"I 10 :()() a.Ill .•.·.S:UJ lua~' .~ 7:00 p.ll) .. Stin~itly-I:~~jling ' 1:.10 p.m .. ~edncsd:tY I.:wtling · 1
Of The FollOWing Arei' MArchl.nts. . ~
RIOG EVlll E -
If you have a 'rnaetiIMI'':you'd like to have listed in \',.. :' our DATEBOOK calendar, ,', . phone THE MIAMI GAi ' ZEn e at 897-592;" .. f
SPR,I Ne VAll EY UnitS d Methodisl~ Churc h Walnut-Vina Robcrt R. Meredith, Pastor
Jan. 13 Merchants '~ Wayne ' Retail ,. ' p~m., 7:30 atton, Associ Room of The Fireside Inn. ":, .Jan. 19 , Waynesville . ~nior . Citizens" , Cub, 1 p.in' 1 Waynesville. United· • , Metho~diSt Churdi,general n1e~i-
, ' The WING ID8hflyers-W.ay· '; ,nesville .lIigb SChoo) facUlty,..' bask~~ bal! , .ganf~ , has : r , " canceled. •
~ a weekly messa·g e relating the world of today
to the lessons of Faith and <;:hurch ... FOR SALE
Feeder calves· Jess Pennington 897· 5180 , 50ctf
3ABYSITTING In my home· by day )r hour ' reasonable rates· Phone !J97·5921 . ask for Jean HIli
1969 FORD Falrlane 500-2 dr •• one owner ' - A-I cond • economic to operate ' , call Tom Florence· 897-500P (1 ctf) 1962 CHEV , SS 283 • auto· new ' paint· call before noon or Sat •• 9329132 (lc2) SUPER 8 ProJector • Argus • Call 897-2437 2c2
LOFTY PI LE ' free from soli Is the carpet cleaned with Blue Luster· rel')t electric shampooer $1. Waynesville Furniture 2c1
CARD OF . THANKS We wish to thank friends and neigh· bors anci Stubb5-Conner Funeral Home for the many acts of klndnes! shown at the time of ~t\e loss of our loved one. The family of Clarence Price; 2c1
1955 CHEV. Carry·all . new motor & 1)(les have 41,000 mi. ,Tires· clutch· & shocks less 1,000 miles - gd body '500. Phone 897-5569 2c2 PANASONIC R.,adlo • Recorder . . Alii! FM radio w/cassette recorder , plays on batteries or ho use current· also has , bracket' for use In car or boat w/6 or 1~ . volt system · $75. Phone 897-556~ 2c2
I wish to express my thanks and sincere appreciation to all m,Y relatives and friends for the flGwers and cards sent me at the hospital ahd since my return home. Florence Moran 2c1
, P,IG~9NS
- ~II ~Iors : ,Swiss Mon· aim'S & fan ti!lIs ' · Rhone 897, 5347 . 201 .;
REFRIGERATOR· freezer· duplex Ilete', by side • j arge, 1'910 Admiral • avocado ' too large for my kitchen . lIike, smaller refrigerator ' In trade ' ,~oJle 8,97-4871 2c1 •.' ·'1
4 ROOMS Including 2 bedrooms, $110. monthly plus security deJ)oslt . Phone 932·6129 . before noon 897· 2474 2c1
"Y,~;th my whole heart I seek thee; let me not wander from thy
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_ _. .
Mens ' & Womens Clothing
The course of life constantly presents to every man the opportunity to make a choice. Life, iri its most casual sense, can never be free from the necessity of decision . . ~ While it is difficult to always walk the straight and narrow path, there must be some effort for any wrong-doing. One does not wander away from truth; the step is premeditated. Remember God;' live by the commandments and your pathway will lead only to the rewards of a fruitful life.
IN WAYNESVILLE· 4 bdrm • 11/2 bjlths • dining, room· large country . kitchen • living room wlflreplace . utility room· part basement· separate garage • corner lot . Call · 932-6561 .2c2
i • f' I~ . By Week, Day.or Hou:r , I R~sonabl~ 'Rates '
I ' , ,"
Your Health . The total amount , spent for health care in the Uniied States bas rncreased approximately four ' times since 1950.
By GERAlD ANDREWS - Retirement Adviser
Body & Fender 'Repair ' ,.,'
; Tou~~,up & 9v~,~il Paintin~ " 'Tune,ups & .MeCHanical. 'Worl< " , ..~
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(Shop Where You Save i 'I
t "
EYllR8 .; (
. PH~ 897·7946 OI,L CHANG~S
." i=~T ~.~. ES R~PAIReD
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7'l 'IRr;s. TYBES-BATTERIES· ,',;: ~ f~~ B~LtS'HOSE$ . '
retire and we're looking · for cheaper living. What area do you advise? My wife enjoys a 'smaller town with nearby shopping and medical facilities (for me) . What· ever she wants suits me fine." Dear Edward: "I sent you a list of helpful retirement book· lets, with my sompliments. But make no decision until you in· spect carefully, first: Never buy blind from a brochure. I don't like the two. communities you singled out. They're so buried in wilderness only an Olympic pole· vaulting carrier pigeon could ever find them!" The second letter is from -Eva. She writes: "Several times you mentioned senior centers and their social oppoI1uniijes , .for lonely people. Who starts SUch centers? Are 'they like a club with dues? Who pays upkeep - the city? If so, we'd never g~t one
Dear Frielids:'l've been "getting so many le1~\el'S ·from you that I'm mak~J.1' a . '~r!lP~ swi\~h. in this column today, and answermg a couple ,of .your .questions .right · here. , . sOtD·e · foUts even, phoned me last week '- as if long-distance is only two or three nickels down the slot! 11he first letter is from a reader in Pennsyl"aqia. I didn't have time to ask if I could use his real name, llO let~s settle on ·'·Ed· ward." He writes: "My wife and I like ' your sincerity. Ten years ago I became an invalid and my wife we~t t~ \Y9rk. S~~n we'll
• J •
Springb9fc:>. ~46-o261 '
PHONE ":J·5~'6 '
LOST, children's pet· fluffy· long hair grey cat w/plnk collar· vaclnlty Elbon Rd. Reward • Call collect Cln<:lnnat·1 825·9505 ' 2c1 . ~ ' ." ' ptRSIAN CAT ,' grey & tan - name P~lncess ' ~o5t state, rd. 7.3 f"lear Way, nlJsvllie • Reward· 891-4634 . 2c1
Ask for Joann Phone 897,6021
-Psalms 219: 10
Jln i.'s B,'lut y Sh Op .
, WED. THURS. FRI • ., BY A.PPOINTMENT 3 mil.. north of Waynesville
.190 BELL.BROOK ROAD "41·7351
here on a squeezed budget . . , If all we need is loneliness to start one, my hometown would have the biggest senior center in the world." . Dear Eva: "Six years ago a lady just like you asked the same questions. She'd heard about a senior center in Carmel, Calif., and it sounded great. She wrote them. Today, the Senior Citizens' Center of Plymouth, Wis. performs such important services that it gets $10,000 a year from the city, plus federal funds. Nope, no dues, although it's "clubby" in every way being introduced to new friends (by staff hostesses), and activities from oil painting to ham· mered aluminum work to finding you a job, ' apartment, or health program. "But listen, Eva,. why not write straight to the gal who got the '" center off the ground, and sent it sailing·? She says she'll be glad , to hear from you. She'~ Mrs. Mildred M. Krez, Senior Citizens' center, Plymouth; or City Hall, Plymouth; Wisc. 55073. How do you ljke. ~hat · - l ~~wembered the zip.h
r- - - ,-
NEED HELP ON A PROBLEM? Write to Gerald Andrews in care of this newspaper. Or ask for the free list 'of 'helpful booklets on retirefnenthousing, health, spare· time income, protection against medical frauds and quack;s, etc.
- - - - - ---l' annual subscription
Til' MIIII. 8IZI"1
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l ·.,~~; 'ilATE _:
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PHONE ____---.___~
I i
Ofa -CUff Meager
the Varisty game was Jim Benton; 'The seoond and' thirdlligh scorers were Ron 'Sackett and Jeff'Bo urne, respecHve)y. JaiL .8 the WayneSVille Spar.: tans Reseryc . tea m beat the Springpoi·o Pant1}ers . 44 - 42. The Spal'tans and Panthe rs were -tied at' the - ~nd or' th-e seco,nd p lriod but Wa ynesvi!·!e . . 39. ,' , ~ . ,,·'''·.~'.;JIIIl~.:i..:: . 'J an; ~ " Again. in the Varsity , game as , pus~~d ahe~:d ih ~ he ~ I~rd. pel'io4· {tl'~':IlG~~SF. s·-')'<e~ 'F eb. DUrJl1g thf fourt~ penod,,, a~~ in~ the re~erve gami.!,th~:;Panthe[s .·'r~~·, • bo~Q . F~h , '6 spri~~ though lh~ Panthers' scored more . cored more points bu.f -cquldn ·t points, the Spartans were far ·',' . Feb'.12 Blanctie~ter ~~ " Score nearly enough to pOl11eF~b. 13; enough ahead to prevent thenl . closc to the Spartans. . . f'eb . .19 ""L. L~ _ Mafisie: ., from catching up. . This is the second ,vjct~)Jy for Feb. 20 . .' the high scq.ring player was thc Spartans of.the season. ';';"';'~~~::;-''''';'~''''''~:;'. ..-...!--ts. in po 25' Dave Dick .~ith The high scoring player of
The Waynesvi!Ie Spartan Var. :sity forced the Springboro Panthers.into submissid'!1 ~an :-8 with a score of 74 to 52. ,-" The SparHtns led tllfoughout the game, starting' wit~ the-first period score of 34 J -29. 1ne score at the end of th.e third period was Waynesville SO, §pringboro
Jan. 9 the Waynesvjlle Spar- . tan Varsity was defeated" by. the. Blanchester Wildcats. 65 ·to '77. Steve JmlCS score.d- first for Waynesville then a lea3t..~a's · bu~t and held· for most of the period until the last 10 seconds. Blanchester scored first in the second period then Jim Benton of Waynesville scored. Although WaynesyilJe battled ' furiously , '
Both Waynesville High School Varsity .and Reserve Basketball Teams caged the Springboro Panthers. - Cliff .Meager Photo -
The Erie Canal between Utica and Rome; New Yo;" opened for navipt lon, Oc:tober 12, 1819; Britiih forces broke . the Axil Hne at El Aiamein, Oc:tober 23, 1942. A naUonwide fe-hour wage law became effective, October ce, Oc:. 24, 1938. Benjamin Franklin advocated crop insuran _ tober 24, 1788. The fint trademark WIS registered in the U.S., October . ittndol ph Field, Tens, opened; Oc:tober 25, 1931. 1810. 25, A washing ~hbae with rotary motion wu patente d by . B. W. Smith, October 26, l.858.
-. mE WEEK'S Lb'tE a: "~ am not yet a teenag er, tiut I have a problem. 1"11 try ·to make It short. O~e day, while on ·the .chool bu, a boy told . me . he . liked me. I liked hirb too. l "ltill.l lke .him, bJit he doesn't like nfi' ~'at lent, so he says. Th1J oUl,!1' girl at 1C~901 lU~~.s him. I 'thliik she-tol d .h im things that were,..'t tnre. She . ~is' .very jealous. I would do a'ny. tbiqg to win him back. That is why I a~I' your belp. Whafi hould ·1 do?" " .OUR . REPLY : You should n't get excited just becaUse' a boy says that lJe likes you. If i boy really likes you, his actions will prove tbat he does - not his words. Also, if he likes fOU, aDd gets to know you, be isn't goIng to bellev~ untruth s a~ut you unless you give him' some reason to believe them. Be yourself, be good, be friendly, and don't let your head be turne~ by 'ever-y boy who does nothing more than says that he' likes yOll. Remember, too, that' a boy may ,say that he likes you when he has' no intention of .wanting to go "steady " and is not really "smitte n" by
wit h John & Jo an ne
Ema Bam Homemakers .tQday purchase pork from leaner ' bOil. Tbe" amoWilt of ham and loin in 'bop ,_ bu. iIlcreased ~ 23.5 .per, cent, . the equiY~t 'of an extra ham ' '" lor every. hoI- Then' . '.• 1; in· .. ~A .
Lebanon-Warren Coun ty Airpo rt Green tree Road 932-7966 * FUGHT TRAINING
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"0111 about Gift . c.tif.i~"
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_0111 1. year-~"t:'~ ' IU~~ uv',<. eaUie with better' IMdJgj~t,iOD .:
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·to 'tblae .to ; pt~ H_ ·it taka-1 leIi .' m:arket." ".... ~ .. ......~ II
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a t Waynesville• . Ohio Secon'd·class post-agJe• paid • •• January 20. ,1971 ' Waynesville, Ohio E
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Single Copy
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Mrs. George S. Waltet:s is shown above with the christening's prindpal speake r, The HonoI~ bl e Charles W. Whalen , Jr., United States silver tray Congfes~ina n , . Ohip, Mrs, W~ lter's image is reflected in the , aSsion ., ' reSen te'd' fo ~ ''fhe'-occ .-----
~"'''''"'IM ''''''-'''''
improvised aircraft-t ype weapon . The Medal of Honor recipient gallantly, singlc han dedl y charge d enemy pillboxes one by one when his fellow Marin es were halted by a machine gun aud . mortar barrage.' Stein ill Heroically ' Corpor made eight tri ps' to the beach for more ammu nition under, in-, tense fire, Each time he carried back or assisted <l w~unded man. He was credited with causing the final destruction of -the JaIh anese fortification on Iwo Jima.
Corporal Ton}\ Stein of launching. The ' Stein has been designed . anti-submarine warfare, for search patrol ,and surveillance missions. Her equipment includes long range bow-mounted sonar, anti-submarine rocket launcher (ASROC), four torpedo tubes and a .single 5"/54 caliber gun. , She is' 438 feet in len~h, has a beam of 46 feet nine illches and has a displacement of 3,87? tons. Corporal Tony Stein was post.humously awarded the Medal of Honor' for "conspicuous gallantry in ,repeated singlehanded assualts a~inst the enemy and outstandiDg valor. in aiding wounded Marines during tbe initial assualt on Feb.' 19. 1945. Iwo lima. ,
It has been reported that later tilat day Corporal Stein covered his platoon '~ wjthdrawal to the company post ion despite that his weapon was twice shot from his handS. He was killed in combat March 1, 1945 during a mission in which he and a group of comrades had volunteered to locate enemy machine gun emplacements which 'were stalemating the advance of Corporal Stein's entir.e company. -. Corporal Tony Stein was born at Dayton' in 1921. He served the Marine Corps valliantly after enlisting , in September, 1942. , Before being stationed in the Pacific, he was married' to Miss Joan Stominger- in July, 1944 at , San Diego, Calif. Corporal Stein's father, Steve Stein, is a long time resident of Harveysburg. .'.
, '
THE MIAM I GAZETTE P.o. Box 71· Phone
Editor Dennis Dalton Adverti sing Manalle r Reginal d 0: HUI Asst. ,Advert l.lnll Marialler 'Phillip Morlln General Manalle r David Ed.... Publish ers Edsall David HilI. O. d Reginal 450'1 Ohio ville, waynes 71, Box P.O. , Membe r of the Ohio Newspa per Associa tion
CRASH . HOSPITALIZ~S TWO - The auto of Larry D.
Hatmaker '20 of 7698· Carter Drive, Waynesville flipped over on its top ,in' a ,dit¢h along State Route 73 Thursday ,after cOUi<li~g with the rear of an auto driven by Dale A. Wood, 18, of Frankhn. TIle accident occurred ~t 5:35 p.m. about three miles West of Waynesville. Both Hatmaker and Wood were westbound on Route 73. Wood was stopped in the road and was strucK. by Hatmaker as he drove ' over the crest of the hill. Wood was arrested for driving while intoxicated by investigating patrolman, Richard Donley of the Lebanon Post of the Ohio Highway Patrol Both drivers were taken to the hospital by Clearcreek Life Squad. -Denn is Dalton Pho~o-
Dayt 00 'p0 we '1'A'o ~d ~[lgh f" Be 'iJ iiI 9 Millio 0 Pro gre S'S Prog-,a m ' To Cootrol Sialio'os Poiiu,fioo A $9 million program to eliminate 99.5 per cent of the soot and fly ash from the ~tacks of its generating stations in Montgomery county was announced today. by Dayton Power and Light Company (D. P; and L.) "This program will not only bring the company into compliance with existing regulations but will eliminate more soot and fly ash tnan is callecl for by present standards," says Robert B. KIllen, ,D. P. and L president. D. P. and L. is completing final negotiations with potential suppliers for the required equipment. The design, fabrication and construction will proceed imlnediately after the completion of the contracts. Installation will have 'to be timed' to 'fit per- ' iods when units can be taken off the Une' without interfering with the electric power supply. Nearly , $5.5 million will be spent tor new electrostatic precipitators on the ~ix boilers and three stacks of the O. H. Hutchings station near Miamisburg. They will take the place of the present mechanicaL dust collec· tors installed in the late 1940's and ·early 1950's. Completion of the, installations at , Hutchings station ~ will occur:, in \October; " !.
"t ...
All. of .our boilers have dU8t ·
November and December of 197 ~ andApril. May ang June of 1973. Nearly $3.5 million has been earmarked for the work at lait stat:on at the south edge of Day: ton. ·This involves six boilers and f0ur stacks and is scheduled to be completed by the summer of i974. •
collectillgequipmcnt out we have found that these Qlder 'tlllits do not ~ompl y with existing reglila t iOlls. For exist ing equipment. we have invested appruxima,tely S8.5 million and this prograhl will essentiully double that illvestment. The total exp~ lIditur('s for ¥ir and 'water quality through 1976 I.:ould be over S35 tIIilli·)t\. I am sorry to say that these expenditures wHl probably lead to an elcctril: ra te il1l:rease ."
Killen, in announcing the progr~m, said : "This is another major expenditure to control pollution. We started in 1937.
ship. '" would like to have everyone represented in the Chal~lbcr and at its meetings," Hawke commellted. "First you've got t() heIr. the Chamber before i,t can help Y9U.:' A membership committee has been appointed wit1l William Nell first Chamber pr~sident, at its head, All presons interest'~d , in Chamber membership shoul,d .. call Nell at 897~4956. , for plans ed disclos has Hawke will three dinner meetings which feature speakers with tQpics cono.e~ning the 'aims of the Chamber ' . \ . /~ of Commerce, . '- ; QJher . !n~~, ..CI:lflmb,~~ . of~~~~~ . . include " Mrs. LY.DI) · ·.(St:(:'{e:J; , , Fields;' ~cretarY' a~d MiS. DOria " (~dgar) Smith, Treasurer. New directors. are; ~ Don ' Hawke, William Nell, Dick Irelan, Stan Kleski, . David- Basall, J~m ,Crane, 'Bill Purkey , ~d> ~~Sj .. -i, . . <' ,~ Fields. oL,' " g ",eeti~ ' . The~ next ge'~eral the Chamber will tie ' Feb.', 3. ' I
t '
Now That You've Earned It
GET · ·AWAY' Keep it· i~ the best' and
safest of 8111 investments . . . a savings.. account. The return is excellent.
% 53/ 4 %
II ,1'11.1111
IMniw, . .'..o.rrI"""COIIIC y;nt.· .L.". .IIPW , 8IIIDIM PlO•"", "~U """ ALL .. . . 1'fI' 111: • • ' ' .aW_J___"••_ _
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Cornrilerce activities this year. , ·Hawke ~&.:'aRpOinted Cham· ' ber Presideht . duringI i reCenf " meeting of the or8anizati0h~s -"' . . : bOard of directors. ,. - The Chamber's new president said that he planned to '~change the complexion» of the group: ; Membership fee structure ~s already been rebiliit ancfiOwered . ~ according. to hi~. The h~vie.si · .~,..: wo~~ ~f :pre. '. ,' concenfrjltioll.: 'on mem, sent will be" Pla.ced . . 6er-. ',... . . .
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, Don . Haw~e . of. Robipw.«;l Dr,ive, Wa~nesvjll~ w.iU .h~~d' W.aYnesvil~e , ~e3 >,Ch8mber ·:of.
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, GI.ze r : American' Junior COI.... ,Black . BIack's"Law:DictionetV, ., .' , ., ..:',. .. ~. __ Pore n Political & Civil RWtt l in the. Un _~~y.'i ,Scott Catil $tamp e Scott 's'stan dard Postag . ,: ',' , , ':_,, ' ' , ' . '. _.. . :?J " ,
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01 Hu I es De fin ed SKIPPING CLASSES, SCHOOL Skipping has been defined at Waynesville High School as any intentional mis'sing of any part of the school day. (8 to 2:20). A student will be suspended three (3) days if he or she is found guilty of skipping as defined above. No exceptions. SU ~ DENSION
A student may be suspended
from sehoul , including school activities, by the prin .:ipal. Reasonable effort will be made to provide verbal notification to parent s. Written notification will ' follow.
SMOKING ' The use of tobacco in any form during school hours on school property'is absolutely forbidden and ;s a cause for automatic dismissal from school.
EXPULSION In general . the act of expulsion or exclusion may be taken against a st udent in th e foll owing circumstances: continued will ful disobedience , open and persist ent defianc e of the author ity of the teacher or other school personnel habitual or extreme acts of misconduct , failure to be diligent in studies or failure to compl y with the duties a student is required to perform.
More Than 15,100 Persons Used C0unt y Mus eum FaciI i tie s In191 0 aeology, honey and honey pro- music on the Phil Donahue Show The W~rren County Historin February and Shaker music ducts, cookies and candy. A tew ical Society reports t.hat more for d donate also were on the Franklin Area Historical antiques than 15,700 guests were regisfruit glass as Society program in December. this purpose, such tered ,at its Museum at Lebanon : sale jars, which find a ready in ) 970. Among these, were 103 These gen~rous donations Two antique shows, the firsf different schools with 5,500 of cost the -meet to helped have in February, the second in Septchifdren who used the tours and book r's directo The' operation. ember , at the Lebanon armory exhibits, as a part of their Ohio Architecture and the flea market at the WarCounty Warren on history clasSes. is sold at the Museum and has ren County Fairgrounds in July. In additi9n to many valuable several hundred dollars to added were sponsored by the Society and desirable books and manu- ' to benefit the Museum. Other the income. scripts that have been added to activities, including the bus tour Volunteers have given hundthe archives of the Museum tim , (to Shakertown, Kentucky, this ~eds of hours to t~ various pro. ,: . year, there have been 'dozen~ <Jf jects and as guides for the'school year) and visitso f oth.er historical . , books and magazines donated to associations to our museum the and adult tours. . , '.. ~ '~'the sales department. These have s . Several major,sh0:-V were h~~d annual . bariquet and picni~ in . been offered from time to time , ,. calendar with , 10 .the museum. this yea~: :The: '\ August , filled the al~~i~ wiV~' , ''P'umerp_us' ot~-er members_ first,' ~s the , ~hckensdetfe i'- l\rt , varie.ty.apdj nJerestJoI i\e n~s, .sue.h 'as' maps, more trulJ~ ' . friends and ·a by ed -show 10 April~ Follow , i OO' bopf ma.rks, nurherpus spe~ Honey and Bee's exhibit for the ar.chand "mens of paleon ~ology_ , local Ohio ' Honey Festival, in The present project to record addition to a booth on the street. every burial in Warren County in held ' ~as show quilt fine A continues daily. Microfilms are and Currier large a Oct'ober and made wherever'records are availber. Novem , Ives " Print Show in able. T.ombstone inscriptions are All ,were well attended by out of copied where no records exist. town visitors and were successful These records bring many people shows, . keeping the staff and who are doing family,: research to ' ., busy. .our community. ' assistants partirs . membe . and , Officers }1ade. at bein~"f ~re ilms, MicrQf cipated in many ·outis.de actiaper newsp this time to- bring the vities with Shaker history and some add to and files up to date church records now availabl~ . activities made our archivles one of the finest col- ' lections in the country. Thl~se
An editor in a national publication reported to genealogists recently "that if the Warren Society Historical ~.ounty doesn't have much help, you are really in trouble. because they have one ' of the, mo~t thorough ' is "8· very .:-T.:h~s plastic • " indexles for a C"ounty, to be found :c,ompact TV antenna, ~.' .,. anywhere." All microfilms and PrQvide~ exce.tle·rt . rec~ption for, VHf/UHF black. add white, additi.ons to research materials ami col.or. The '3.60~Qegtee re. are puid for by memorial fun(ts . c~ptio~ eliminptes" practic~lly donated to the societ y. , all ghost' and shadows. Hi Co Th '" Ybu can install the 18*- by · e "arren unty 'storical 8*-inch dOfue on , the r.oof .or . in the attic in a few ,minutes; , SOciety- with Miss Edna Bowyer, ' Presidlent, and Mrs. Hazel S. Al,l parts are sealed , in , the Phillips, Museum Director, ended weatl)erproof' dome f.or, pro ection ' frotD 'wind, .ice, .snow, ,and ' t,he year with 514 plid members daniaging atmospheric .corrosive , 'ana 316 honorary and memorial ' -,.. \ : members. . " {elements.. ,, ' ' . Als.o ideal ' f.or use on boa~ ' f' !- ADyone interested rn~y jo'in e,and ·travel trltilea:s. and ,attend , the m.onthly. meetRed LIOn ..... . . " ... . ' P. '0. IIO~ 1 ~p with programs and ' ~tiIpr1ntlb oio!. OhIO ~'O',' I ~pate in -(he many activities of ,t:I:Volr tll.M8I"' , I ~nt"'''to' ~ ", this cultural and educati.onal ·.f . . • - . tfIt , • .....lOn ~I
$~~~~~~r".:: J; .; gtQUP~ ,;"
TO PERFORM·Dkk and The Huoos : \\-ill aplll'a'r at thl: TII\\,11 11:111 Theater at Lebanon Jan . 23 . Th~ Urbal1a cOlll1tr y,rock Illllsic ~1'I)lIP will give pcrforman l:es at the thcal~r at -l A S p.m. and 9 :4) p.lil. 1\ female vocalist will al:wmpall Y thelll. Benll Y Gaffil1 l~ f ('urwil1 is promotion manager fo r theband . Members of the group shoWI1 above are from left to right Gale Perdue. Dick Dunham and ,Dak Perdue. Other members indude Jim Hess and Frail Dunham . Thl' rLebanon performan l:e will be the ban'd's hrst appl'aran ce in the Wa ' ren County area .
IS CHR ISTIA N ITY A DIVIN E RELIG ION? JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF built (or established) the dllll'l'h , He said, "upon this ruck I will build my dlllrl:h : and the gal\.'~ of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matt. 16 : 18). This churdl ' was born on the day ofPenl cl:OSI'. in Acts the se cond chapter. when the Hol y Spirit fell on the apostles. After that, "the Lord added to, Ule cllU-rcl~ {)aily such as should be saved." (Acts 2:47). JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF is "the author and finisher of our faith ," (Hebrews 12 :2). The early Christians were told to "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints," (Jude 3). The Lord Jesus gave ~s this religion - Christianity ~ and He did not give any .ether: The DAVI D AKER S " Bible say~ there is ·'~ci'ne Lord, Funeral serv.ices for David one faith, one baptism . . ." Akers were conducted at to am ' (Eph.4 :4). Saturday' at the Stubbs-Conner JEWISH LEADERS GAVE Funeral Home at Waynesville by UP JUDAISM in ordeJ to become Rev. Acy Lamb. ' ans. The Bible says that Christi Akers, 50, of 1320 Reynolds company' of the priests great "a Street, Middletown died Wedwere obedient to the faith," nesday at Middletown Hospital. (Acts 6:7). The author ~ty of Survivors include : two daughJesus Christ was greater than any ters, Sue Harvey of Dayton and authority. His religion was-: other Jane Hazel of Miamisburg; three is and finer than all others, an.d sisters, Mrs. Alma Blair of Gratis, Jesus himself said, "I am the Mrs. Annas Emerick of MiddleWdy, the truth, and the life: no town and Mrs. Jessie Lane of man cometh Unto the Father, Germa'nto WIl;. f.our brothers, but by me." . fallon of Waynesvill~, Finley of IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to follow Dayo)n . any other religion and please James of Kentucky; two grandChrist. His g6spel is better than " children and several nieces and any other doctti~e. His ch~rch is .. nephews. ~ finer than any ' other k~nd Q.f , The body was inte~red in the church . . His way. is better than Akers 'Cemetery at Beattyville', any other "way '· God the Father Ky. testified to Christ' at the M.ount r of Transfiguration when He said, . How often do you allow God to "This is .'my ,beloved Son, in come into your life? Once a week? whom I am well 'pleased; hear' yo . Once a day? There ,is one God. ,And, there is him," (Matt. 17:3). We must one you. It is ' not possibl e for you • Christ or perish. hear unless to live a life pleasing to God Christ .of Church .The Visi.t ... y) a d. q~ is ~ of that ute. ~ay~to-: TIn d d Mia 1111,-' t ~tU' · whi h' . suDiile- , to .~..nset tWUlp r an C, ,,~ets at . '4aYt~: .lJeli~. in GOd' is ~ constaDl. . y at 10 A.M. .Sun<:,& ea~h t~e~ts S , , the in God a!)Qut You c~nQot f~rget ,~~~~y aria· P.td-. ' 6:30 ahd ' ' ~il1 a~d : ~~ ,.,u~t. ~t ~ut ~; the" ,~'1'~ evening ~t 6 ;~~P~M life, ' six 'Clays ' Of , el cb wee~ ' and six ~. . Ice M anA trifiil an toIl~ ~at ~ve~1h. d~y pver m s ps ~J~'. ............ aware~~ - that 'GOd eXilta and to lesson corr~JkSJ)de!fCt. ...c~ , ' the ~le ~aUty · of Yiaitinl please phOne 89744 62. ~;.dW . :t 9Dd" :~~_- ' "
PAUL S. BROWER AWARDED' MASTERS OF ART Paul S. Brower of Wayne swile was awarded a Masters of Art , majoring in English. deBf'CC recently ,during the Universit y of Dayton's 121st Commencement. Brower , the son of Rev , and Mrs. Frank Brower of I 1140 29-Mile Road , Route 1, Albion , Mich., received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Cedarville Col. . .. , fege in t 965. He will be employed on the teaching staff of Waynesville High School.
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" Mrs: Nelhe _' ~., ' rteln Price ., ' and . ' ~$Si '. Gr.ange met in, regular .' tQ ma~~' her hQme ~i~h ~r, ksar.Clar e n' of ~.ssi.(jp Mo-nday. evening, Jan 11, Mrs. Gene, Smith , ". Wi!b Wor, l1y Ma~ter < Ross Villars - v,jlle.. . ~ ined enterta Dodds Pat ·Mrs. ," t presiding. Mr. ,and Mrs. 'Rober ' 'Birtha to . Ro~er, ~erigen of Lebanon 'Grange her h~sband, ay night held at .were present and gave their re- -day Party Sa~urd were·Mr. and GUests home. their port of the State Grange session : Doug and EaJqns nd Raymo Mrs. they ,attended as delegates from s Debbie, Jean 'Eakin and RichWarren County at Akron . re; cently. ' Refreshments were ser-a rd Cavanaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Charle's Williams ved. I and Patti have . returned home The WSCS of the United after spendihg two'weeks in FlorMethodist Church -met at the church Thursday afternoon: Mrs,- ida. ¥~. and Mrs. Willard Taylor ieanette Campbell and Mrs. ClaXenia were ,Sunday afternoon of udia Branden,brug were program leaders while Mrs. Ernestine visitors of tl~e Clint . Taylor's. . Vcter~ns of World . War I Moore and' Mrs. Dorothy Ellis AssociatJon met at tile home of were hostesses for the meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gillam Sa.tThe Warren County Tr~stee's urday , Jan. 9. A drry-in dinner dinner meeting was held ..Tuesday and social hour was enjoyed, by evening at Duffs Smorgasborg all and a business meeting fol- . at South Lebanon. All of the lowed in the afternoon. Massie Township Trustees and Mrs. Lucille Warner, Mrs. their ·wives were in attendam:e. Mabel Hawke , Mrs, Florence Mr. and Mrs. W. O. M(CI~llal\d of Clarksvilk \Vcr~ Ml)nda\' :tfli~r.- Ml)lll'c and Mrs. Harriet McMillan or Wayncsville were Frid,IY noon callers ,on Mrs. c1arenct' Illllrlling visitorl\,nf Mrs. Clarence Price. . Pricc. The PTO Ways and Means -The dance held Saturday night Commi ~e met Thursday night at the Fire House ,.was very weH and made pla·ns for events to attended and the Massie Town . . take place in the ncar future. ship Volunteer Firemen who Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith of near Harveysburg, having sold 'sponsored it wish to thank ' all who attended. Since it was sucb. their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Phil a success they plan to hold more in the future ,' Massie" -TOwnship Volunteer WED. THURS . FRI. Firemen responded to three calls BY APPOI NTMEN T Saturday night ' and one early 3 mll.s north of ~aynesvi"e Sunday morning. All fir~s, bel, 9990 BELLB ROOK ROAD of an ar.'I ieved to be the work 848-735 1 '. ' I
Janie's Beailty Shop
. Evq~ef . P179fge ·11 ' p.~~~~~M a~.:. Brown Vete~~ n jiospit~t in. ~Y-. to~ iSlfeporte'dto be recu~r~!it:lg
. '. from ·reoent s~rgery·. .joan (q~~., Mrs. . Johl1 ~rign ' k1an . r0:~7""~~~--4~~A'~~f~~·f~~~=~====~~ Walk~O ' of .n~~r 9a, d. j~ .a . ' : . , ....,. .patient in. Uni"ersity ~Ho~pn~l in . : ALTERATIONS Col~mbus (olloyjjng 'surgery~n to Tuesday. Ou't get well ·wishes bo.th. , · . ," .' - ' _VADA SNODD Y ,
.'PH·q~E '~7.2437 :•.
ITPI: Durlng the ' hot ,s ummer ' monills, it'~' a good idea' to gIve your larger 'pot-.plants the "total . immer sion" treAtmen~' ev.e ry two ~ecks ..or so. Simply 'dunk them, clay pot and . all, in a bucket of water until ,bubbles rISe ' to the -:. surface. Th~n ,place them in clay . _.. ," sa!-,cers for ,draina ge. . _
_ ITEMOt~Si a' goocridea cli~~1r " • childre n's - pockets before lauD-·· . ijering tb.,eir clo.thes. , Some.. pocket items . tak~ no toll,'.ot hcrs tqm out "to be ,culprits. ~ .Amo~g . the culprit s are~ paper, sharp:e dged ' objects and ,-. , , crayons.
BAB'V,""'Sb1TII\JG WA~tED· ~ ..
• Speciaf.' ~~eeldY·
"rates 'o"r
, will sit bV' hour o~· day. : Const(!nt Citre "ill a' good . . ctlri~tian home ~ :,1 ~~'., l'll: I'hll . ' 'I '7 .';;'I 1.J , .-\;- ~ ~'t .\I· .h ';l 1I !,jill· ·. . . . . . . .WIlI i".W...iJI/IJ..........~
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No layaways or Returns on
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. EdltOr.~S., -Note": __ '.i ~ tHe folI
Dear Editor.,
01 ~ll these the HMOs ap- , pear to have the bes~ cliance of greatly altering the way medical service i~ provided ' .in America. ,Stated bl'iefl,y an HMO is an organization formed by a group of doctors, a medical society, or an!' otlter medical grouping that wants to enter into such an llrrangement. The group would agree, for a prepaid , sum, to provide a broad rC1l1ge of medical S~ r v i (' e s, inc Iud i n g hospitalization, to tho s e persons who want to subscribe to their plan. In this sense it would work much like health insurance - but only in this way. It would be to the advantage of HMO doctors not to hospitalize a patient unnecessarily. According to the HMO theory, such ' doctors would
as : I '~n make. it is a reply to the
, '. Iowin g,lette r cOncert:ling 'leg. Qf'J '~rtion' was •• > • ' ~I;z.ati~n "
problelJl of abortion. Abortion,. 'the murderer of n ~. ~ ~orip : ' wit~ j!, '~':" . : wr'~I helpless ,human lives, is an outo,t cy delica to-the ~r~, .~~~ d~e, rag~ ~d' should be of great con.:r';;,'· tJI8 s~b_,ct and ,the many ce~ to every citizen regardless of ~~s . , ~t 'i~" I would ~~Ireligion., ~i:\' ~",,- , ):w\~n~ I~rs ~,on the There must be a better way . .' ,,,,trJ8Ct~ of, legalizing a~r- , If we become complacent to. the "~tion. ' .i~ · Ohio; L~s .: may killing of ~nborn babies, the ., Il"!1>',"" """ be :,~jl8d to Lette ti 'To The next step is-'!relieving'; of sufferte, , ing of lonely, elderly people, H\Jf;'j:-;rti'l: Edito,r,<The , Mial1li Gazet esville Wayn P.:;, ,O. r Box ,78, wh?~ usefulness 'is over, Where . ~t;",!"c, Ohio ,.45068. ·. will it end? We all get old. " De3r,Edit~r • ' , As' for those who profit finanlegal on ~l r! Reg~lr(iing'". ~rticle Cially from the misfortune's of , \ abe~tioqs! Bra\IO! .Now the,girls , ,others are satanic leeches. , " Cs(i: ~t- rid .<?f the'resfd~e of a big . I'm convinced there are still lim~~ pl~ne , trip and " : a majority of morally sensible tlick q ' A Clinic! ' to:Jhe ti~rl ;;t~<l~sm' citizens left in the world if we I,q;,i~~i~:;; d this'lm of twis( a t only take ' time to speak out. and swish. ~yerything goes Mrs. Peter Vint ' ,,;.,,,",.\\iin , Ehe dra in ~. .R No.1 'bother a' few moral, , Waynesville; Ohio 45068 of 'most, solves ' ists~ r it r{ally I t:5J'.:;!",our pre.blel1l~. If the ,d9CS would , "Cpntents.lll a covered e' be .col· , ;.:, ·;, a;t. cU,rb d in speciall~nd ' '~_
YOlJa~:success ,!
d" t '. t E e ne ,:. ··X· ,r. 'm' IS .5 fo answer ·why·'t
I, wOuld like to sit down with ' I ', ·anyone of any rac arut tUDe, who ha:'thS:~-:Oa~~~ , ,ty to hate an indiv~ual " 'becaU$e of color. o~ ltfy:_'f int .queSti to him will', .lower th~ taxes
', j 1~!'t#:~~;iIQ~~.~lIW l>llib;_ 9Lqa!?i~s , _~o~J! ~:' ·:Why'?'.~ _,1ld ,oJfer ~g~vernment , supPQ!ted ,:, I" ..,~e,blacJt.peoPIe.sbOJ
next .eight'een years.' It , ~smcere "thank you" to the 'doWn the pOJmlat~on / :m~y, man~ , ~hite Americans , assISting, us and who ."obteh1: and mal<e the oxygen .' Who are ': " have asal~~ us an our quest ' . r r, f~r,tt1~· " F~nally , the aborted ,for recognition. I think the aJ!.~: ptfier 'of.fal~ wi1l.f~r7 J:-resi~ent also is concerned , ~~r ~inerl}~ ppor ~r~uhd at . a~;, I\lS black brothers and '.' , . '!jr.;l.."s"~"':I ,a,n...~:~fillF'" an<!. we WIll so?n ,~~~. ,teQ the white to like , ,~OUl~ J :' -will ml1~q; {jell soil, Th~n we ~Iack men ~bou~ ~~ i~to" pI6w stia~es , co~ ' 1{Q;;:,f,~;rfJJeltt price for ~ p8id hive W.h lush ' vegetables ,with siyibg ·ate who and ' ess ",succ :, 1 · ' .. ' b , must uYotr : blacks other ~' . ~ tu, J':t"'';~[~,t;~ealp~I~S a~ 19 .;as was~ tt price. the pay ilso ' s ~rden ~(~' hoemg th~ .BJack people Hke ,the Rev. ,..wd" .; ~. o-I. patked " thus Victor HUI of 110X~OUS fumes ou~ Edward Houston, Tex .•, now,/. residing .'In Los Angeles" who was
ro ..
have an iilcel1tive" t"~.""iI" patients healthy. Ift.ipit~ib'I them ,uld take ' of the the p " '·" tion. At the same tinie..,tbey woUld/' also want to make certaIn a patient received the full amount of care neeaed ~ even 10 'n g involv~ if this the ise hospitalization, otherw back .tight be patient might " in the hospital again. an be w.ould m premiu The mainhe~lth and ncy efficie tenance, rather than on a system that is geared to a fee for ever,y office. visit, and very high set fees for every phase of service provided in a hospital - many of which can be proVided outside , a hospital. The idea is not entirely new. At least 5 million people are now receiving care under HMO arrangements.
.. :.~ .;<.
ral~ an ~ segregated en· vironn:tent in a v.ery mixed-up
and difficult s~lety , Through . all of ~at, this man has no ,capaci~ ha~. '
: • •oV'
: ~'ll~ S8*~!!I~~ b~o~ght /1' , : " g ~ In: the~ ~ " _, Texas to the ~01J1 M 0 n u men,t in abington, D.C. It was. Hill who was the host of the July 4, 1970, celebration along with Billy Graham. ' I \1~d like to tell white AmerICa" about a.U 0 r n e y Charles. ,Lloyd ' whC) .came to ~ 'Angeles from MJssissippi With 12 cents in bls pocket. Now his life b SurTOUI)~cl:by . the splendOJl' and' glory ' that success brings. I also want to meet the black 'ei:tremist groUPs' such' as the Black Panthers. i want them to tell me what Is wrong with our American system, because if it weren't for our $)'Stem, they would 'not have the opportunity Jo be heard. I ,vant Huey Newton of the Panther party to teU me, if white folks are so bad and difficult, why he is able, thi'olllgh white folks, to be a free man at this time? This is not the time for black extremists like the Panther.s or white extremists like the Ku Klux Klan or White Citizens Councils. If our country is tom between "black, white" problems, and the smoke from "black, white" fires make it difficult for us to breathe, -what really have we accorrapHsbed?
b~ck"'oods of
'" " "
On ly! Route 42
Way. -ville , Ot
' ,-/
WAY NESV ILLE Churc h of Christ Third & Miami Streets Charl es Pike, Evangeli st 10:00 a .m. - Sunday Morn ing 6 :30 p.m. - Sunday [venin !! 6 :30 p.m. - Wedne sda y Eve-nin g Phone x97-4462 for info rm ati fw
First Baptis t Ch.\.lrch ~orth \1aill St ree t John P. O~ borne, Pa~t or 10 :00 a. m .. SUII U<.J Y S<.: hllol II :00 a.m.,Mornm g W<H , hl p 0 :30 p.m.,Trainin g Unio Jl \Z: 30 p.m.,Lvenin g Wor~h i p 7 : 3Up . m . ,Wedn e~ ua y Pra yer ~ e etin'g
(Affilia tl:u with Southl:rn l.i<Jp' ti,t Convention) .
First Churc~of Christ 1S2 High Street Steve Tigner, Minister 8:3U a.m. ..he Christians Hour (WCKY radio, Cillty) 9:30 a_m. Bible School (classes for all) 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Junior Church Revival Fires 12 noon . 5:30 p.m Junior Choir Practi ce 6 :00 p.m . Jet-Cadets Alpha Teens 7:00 p.m. Evening Vespers
Friend s Meeting I'olllih SIIlT t Ilear "i).!h 1) :30 a.lll. . SUllu<J Y &hool 10 :4S :1.111 . SUllu<JY Ml'l:tlll g Illr Wtll :-. IIlP (ullprugrammed) ~
St. Augus tine Churc h 1I1).!1t St rce I Hev . JUSl'oh II . Lu tiller. Pa <; tor
HARVEYC)BURG Fri£>ndship Baptis t Churc h ~ \ 1111111.'11 1 Ii.,!) I1,1 ( IIm·I.I III·,I)! \ ltlll!:111 \"-- ..IJ,,\,., . I'J\t'lI () ~ () . I III . )Ulld.l \ '), 11' " ,I I () :.; I) :J .!1l . SUl ll!.l\ \1 ,,, 11111" ~ . Wlthllll) 7 3fJ r i l l . SUII ~ ;J~ 1\ ,' IlllIg I.., vn k l.· 7 .~ I) p.II1.. \\ l·Jl lI.' '' J.t~. \I IJ\\ I.' l'!Pi:I\ I.·1 :111\1 Blh k SluJ ~
Jonah s Run Baptis t . Churc h (JI ll" 7 -' I.;" I 11.' , ll' l " Idd . 1':1,l lIr 1/1 ()l I :1 III . S llJl d :l ~ S... 1111111 I f) (;I) &. I I f)f) :1 11 1 . SUIIJ a ~ WIII , IIIP SL'IVIl.l· 7:31J p.lI l. . SlIlIda~ hl:l1))l ~ \ \V()l\llIp
•• ad ,our IIBLE claU, and · I"
United Metho dist Churc h f);lvid lIaJpl:l. Paslll) 1) :30 ;1.111 . . SUliday ('hurl'll ServI Ll' 10:30 a.lIl. . SUllday Sch()ol II :00 a.II1.. SUllua y Worship Scrvil'C Y()ulh I'clluwship Jnd Bible Slud y
Harveysburg Full Gospe l Churc h E. South Street Rev . Jack Hamilton. Pastur 7 :30 p.llI . Tuesday 7:30 p.l11 . Friday - Young People's Service 10 :00 a.l11 . SUlluay School 7 :00 p.llI . SlInday Eyening
7 a.1l1. & II ;1.111 . M<Js~es X a.lIl . & X pili . IIlIly Days 7:30 p.lI1. hrst hju,IY 7:4S a.I!!. Dail y M'~ ~s 5:30 p.lII . Saturuay Mass
St_ Mary' s Episcopal , Churc h 'Illiru & Maill Streets Hl.'v . llarolu Deeth. Kl:ctor II : IS a . III . • Murning I'rayer lSI. 3ru & SIlt SUlldays : IItll v ('lllIllllllliioll 21ld & 4th SUlida y~
United Metho dist Churc h IIl1ld & Ntlrlh Slreels . L.. YtlUIIl!. Millisll' r 1) .00 a.lll . Church School 10 : 15 a.lll. Churl'll at Worship (1 :00 p.ll1. Jr. & Sr. Youth Fl:llow ship
SPRIN G VAll EY United Metho dist Churc h Walnut-Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9 :30 a.l11 . Sunday School 10:30 a.l11 . MOrtling Worship 6 :30 p.m . Y.outh ....ellowship -. jr. high & Sf. high 7:45 p.m. Wednesday chOir
Glady Street 10 :00 a.l11 . Morning Worship 7:00 p.l11 . Evening Worship ~ : OO p.m. Weunl'sday Evcning Worship
Spring Valley Friend s Churc h Mound Street f-:. Friend Couser, Pastor 1) :30 a.lll . Sunday School 10:30 J .Ill . Morning Worship
Waynesville Rescue Mission Clll1ll'l III 7 . ~ & ('ll1W1I1 Rd . Kl·V. Slll'rlllall ('111110; . Paslor 10 :.'() .1.111. . SUl1d;1\ Sdllllli 7 :001' .111 .. SlIllda\ I-vl' . s... rvil.·l· 7·.Hl p.111 .. Wl'dlll' SllJ~ h 'l' . s...·rVI(l· 7:.,0 p.l11 .. SJI. hl· . Sl'IVI(l' FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 4q S. M41in Street .. Sunda y School a.l11 9:30 10:30 a.l11 . - Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. - Sunday evening
Christ ian Baptis t Mission Main Street Mrs . Lois Dunaway. Pastur 10 a.lll . Sunday Schuol II a.lll. Morning Worship 7:30 p.lll. Evcning Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday & Thursday 7:30 p.lll . Sung-fest. Last ,Saturdav CJch Illonth.
GENNTOWN Gennt own United Churc h of Christ
Route 42 al (;1.'1111111\\'11 Acy Lamh . Pastor
· 9 :30 a.lll. Worship S!.'I·;j'l' 1'0 :30 Sunday Churl'h Sdlool 5:00 p.m . Sundav Youth Fcllow~hip .;. .
RIDG EVill E Ridgeville Comm~u nity Churc h SI. Rt. 4X & Lower
MT. HOll Y Unite d Metho dist Churc h
Springboro Road Ray L. Shelt,$n. "astor 1.) :30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship . 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Wedncsday Evening
. Rc:v . Leonard Baxler 9 :.10 a.m .• Sunday School II :00 a.m., Sunday. Worship Serviec ~ 7:.~0 p.Ill ., Wednesday. Prayer Servi~e
LYTl .1E
5:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth Recreation 6:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. ¥mtth Services
Unite d Metho dist Churc h John K. Smith, Minister 9 :30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 31.m., Sunday Worship Service 8:00- 9:00 p.m., Wednesday evening, Bible Study
DODD S Free Pentec ostal Churc h of God R.R. 112- Dodds. Ohio ·P.dstor. James Cuffman 10:30 a.m.-Sunday School 7:00 p.m.-Sunday Evangelistic
7:30 p.m .• Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Saturday Evening Worship Service
gton Pike & Wilmin I . SOLI aI Row Road Bus W'iscmaIJ. Minister 1) :00 ;1.111 .. Sunday Dihk School 1·0 : 15 ;1111., SUllday Worship 10 : 15 a.I1I .. Sunuay YI;uth Worship 1I :30 p.m .. Sunday I·. vellin!! Dihll.' Sluuy. all a~cs . 7:30 p.I1I .. h 'Io'lIin!! Worship 7:30 p.m .. WI.'dnl.·sday. Midweek Prayer ;1I1d Bfhk Sludy
CENT ERVi llE The Cente rville First Pentec ostal Churc h I7.3L .. rr:I II\.;lin Street Itl\ \orvdl . Paslor . '('~e;;I.· Bil.· \.;n~·I I. A~s·t. 10:00 ,..hI.. SUllua~ School 7 :0.0 1).'111 .• Sunday I·.vl:nin!! 7 :30 p.m .. ,Wednl'suay Lvl'lIillg
Wayn ••vllle, 01110
~;;y Churc h of Christ
Of The Follow ing This Churc h Page Is ~nsOreo ~or You I hroug h The Court esy ELLIS SUPE R:. VAlU OHIO
Jan. ~ I Ofr The Top Player s. home 01 Tony Vint. Franklin Rnad. 7 :Jtl p.l11. .
Jan. ~~
Club. home ul '
Mrs. Andrew Chllrkll. t:.~0 . Jan. ~5 Way nesville High SdlllUll1l~n House : 6,:_':;0 p.m. - 7:30 ~f.in ,. .. P. T.O .. Wa ynesville I-li~h &:holll ' gymnasium. 7:30 p.n1. Jan. 27 WaYllc Retail Mel'dla nts Association, 7:30 p.m .. TIll' :Firl" side Inn. Jan. 28 · Warren County United Appc'ul . Board of Dire~tors meet ing and ' Annual Meet ing_ 7 :30 p.m.. Peu· pies Building Loan and Savings. Mason.
R.IY Storllll'r. 1):1\111)
10:00 a.lll .. Sunday School 7' ~O p.m .. Sunday ~ \V;.' dnesliay and Saturday, Evening "W(lrshir Serviccs 7:30 p.lll., Wcdnesd;IY Youth Service
rehcar~ : .11
Spring Valley Churc h of Christ
Text - I, Cqr. 10:12 .. t..et anyone wtto thinks he .tands tlke hee'd lest he '. fall. W.hat. should be fO~9Iven . In our lives? We usulllY t hll1k only of our ·slns, the bad thing., but whit about our virtue.? The things we have eKalted as virtue •• We are often the weakest at our stronge st point and do not know ' It. Too often our virtues are filled with selUshn eu and prieM. . Our virtues .lIp our ielf J4dgme nt ana ' . give rise to uninten ded evil. Tile ... "arisees had a religion .I>f , virtues. They were religIou s because they did not do certain things. You know , wihat Jesus thought of their religion . It is because of the goodne u we think we have· or maybe the flattery our friends pile upon us, that we think we are somebo dy In this world. PaUl gives 'us fair warning not to throw our weight around and get fOOlish. So called frIends, who feed us to get along with us, have ruined many good honest people by their flattery , for with It If we climb to the plnlcle; we will fl'lI because of of our foolishn ess and prObab ly nev· . er recpver . Let us in all humilit y and sin· cere.v pray to GOd. Forgive us our ~ vIrtues an~our ~ins that we .might not . d fall over our own self ~fumble , r ~htepus . St. L. ' L. Young ~
Feb. I Tt"ldll'r: Count y Warren rs. I ' ~ , Illl'lllhc Assod ation. ~hartcr p.l1l ~ 110011. Duff's Slllorgash(ll d. South Lebanon. Feb. 2 . Waynesville Senior Club. carry-in dinner , 11 · p.m, noon. Waynesville United Mcth· ' ,..' odist Church . Feb. 6 Farmers Grange no. 13, Friehd\s Social Room. ,
fr am Th-e , FRIEN DS HOM~ i"·EWS . By.N')lIie Bunna ll. ~ Ruth Reeaer and Mrs:' Art : . Schuler were : Thur~day ~v~~~g . . ~. callers at the Hom~. l , bunnel s Rhode Mrs. Mr. and d Il Q ' ll Bunne visited with Nellie . .:". ! .""., Wednesday evening. Robert -Palmer was a caller' ,', y ,ev~ . onms mothe r. on Satllr.a& , ..,' . .~, ning. . Mr •. and ¥rs. George' . ~nfi~Jr I of Troy were visitors· of , NeUie: •. , Bunnell on Satur~y: at:l(l:'~r ',. showing slides of the Rose .QC?~' f:& ) ' Parade. Mr. and Mrs. Kellar '~ I:!oJk and Sarah Burnet called'on t.1i,ry. • -:. . Cahpman on Thursd ay. . Ruth ,Smith -repOrts .that· . daught er Mrs. $bern" .>~_'.~-';''''''
~ .,
.~ ~
Augsbery., Germany
mothe r 'of a 7 lb. J S." ,boy making her.a grandJn9t:IIOIJ~;;::W-di
4 • 825x14 DUNLO P gold seal· 4 ply rayon tubeles s. white wall· about 3,000 miles • $60 • call 897·481 1 (3cl)
BA BY SITTIN G In my home . by hour· day or week · fenced In yard· ask for JoAnn Edsall . Phone 897· (3cTF) 6021
CLEAN INGES T Carpet Cleaner you ever. used • so easy too ' · get Blue Lustre • rent electric shampo oer $1 Waynes ville Furnitu re (3cl)
3ABY5 1TTING In, my home by day Jr hour • reasona ble rates - Phone 997·592 1 • ask for Jean Hili
Boeing man cites 'sinking feeling'
who once worked for me. " ,' Aller. worked on the interior , desigrt of Boeing's 747 jlimbo jet, bein~ assembled' at Boe~ng's Everett plant. His crew concentrated on the stereo and movie multiplexers and the plane's galleys . "It's really a short distance from the interior design of this $23 million airplane to the food stamp line." Allen says,
But" when the "ri~ht people" SEATTLE, Wash. - "Being time first lost their jobs. so did Allen. the for unemployed like Allen's layoff co\,;ld not have it's well, life, in your at a worse time, He smok· come street a down g walkin ITEM: Proper care of wash ground ent COMM ERCIA L & Instrum had recently purchased a and seeing tte cigare a ing dry durabl e press garmen ts and adult usable at 25 FREE · we have good school starting Monday Jan. savhis ed absorb ng which 'smoki home. reads which the to sign a launde ring preven ts wrinkdonated while and Children clothing 7 p.m. Lane Lebano n Air Service ings, and he was settling up cancer,' ling, Warm or cool water for Americ an Legion · anyone Interest ed cause can Greentr ee Rd., Lebano n 932-79 66 (3c2) In this clothing may call 897·42 29 both the wash and rinse cycles hospital and doctors' bills in· about talking "They'rE~ (3c2) his of gives the least amoun t of wrink· birth the curred during somebody else. Use medium heat if you ling. wi ' e Machin Sewing child, BLE second PORTA you. to hap~en 't & sofa COUldn "It have a durable-press or ranean don't Mediter • SALE table • $25 two have REAL ESTATE Aliens The r setting on your nd-wea chair· new· $250 • Phone 897·738 6 wash-a "But suddenly it has. You, just turn· who boy a n. childre (3cl) drying durableline If years' dryer. 13 are laid off after 11 months, girl. and two ed IN WAYN ESVIL LE· 4 bdrm - }liz hang them ts, garmen press 897· service . Feeder calvas • Jess Penning ton baths· dining room· large country work of out been has Allen Using a gar· line, the on t straigh 50ctf 5180 kltchell i • living room w/flrepl ace "And you have a sinking there and s also reduce month will ee thr hanger for ment separate nt· baseme utility 'r oom - part feeling. " 1969 FORD Falrlane 500·2 dr, '. one • Call 932·65 61 lot find ng. corner he'll • wrinkli garage chance little is to ic econom owner • A·l cond • These are the reactions of 2c2 • call Tom operate • another job soon. Richard Allen, one of more Floren ce·897 ·5000 (lctt) In his 13 years at Boeing, es employ Boeing 50,000 than :'10 WHERE Call Ailen worked his way up to SUPER 8 ProJect or • Argus • now out of a job at the giant ~Y ' 2c2 ment depart 897-24 37 a of WILL YOU FIND supervisor ft manufacturing ' firm aircra tt Evere in plant 747 in the ,A BETTER BUY 1955 CHEV. Carry·a ll . new motor & here. The unemployment rate north of here. miles 30 axles have 41,000 ml, Tires· clutch· ON A in Seattle already is double & sWocks less 1,000 miles· gd body ' were under men 60 Nearly 2c2 ' 69 $500, Phone 897-55 the national average, Further his supervision, He was earncutbacks by Boeing range SERT A MATT RESS ing $12.000 a year, by 10,000 nal additio an from WANTEI~l Now he stands in a line spellt? year's end to 15,000 by the all is (Shop Where You Save,) youth my week to receive a $72 that each know I do How WANT ED· Ironing & Sewing · 897· 1971, of end "It's unemployment check. , Well, my get-up- and-go has got up and 5634 (3cl) Richard Allen worries about went, really quite embarrassing," he nt. payme house 's month next grin to able am I all it of Btlt in spite says. mortgage Wilen I think of the places my get-up He has stalled the "There a:e half·a-<lozen peoSpring boro 746-6~61 company for two months with week has been. each line that in ple BABY SITTI NG partial payments. But he faces , --I foreclosure because FHAsaid; heard WANTED Old age is golden, so I've acnot 1 , Bu.t someti mes! wondcr, as 1 get ilito lJcd" guaranh~d loans do nts. payme partial cept al in teeth my RENEW , drawer a In NEW ears Itll my annual an not is n I situatio Allen's , cup, subscr iption Seattle :-~cial weekly rates or nd my eyes on the table tiU 1 wake Ul) ,1 uncommon one ' in the ';·will sit by hour o~· day; nies are Ere sleep dims my eyes, I say to myself, : ~rea, Mortgage compa ~:·eonstant 'c are ,in, a good to what on r.y quanda 'Is there anythin g else I can lay on the In a r num~e ing mQ.unt the , w~th Christian home. Jlr. ,: . do ~ shelf?' ," " , " whIch ~omes ~ess~d s rep~' ~f cloor, ~nd I'm hapP!! to say, as I close the loyP.O. BOX 78 My friends are the same, perhaps even IS growmg WIth the ' U,nemp l'tll)ll~ X97· St.) 21 , ment rolls. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 45068 morel' Allen. 34, is one of the 50.000 Ask r~\r .Ieall Hill of a job. When I was a young thing, my slippers 1Boeing workers out __ Allen ty. majori the Unlike I NAME ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ were red, 11 could kick up my heels as high as my isn't bitter. "Boeing has been ~oOd to ADDRESS ____ ____ ____- - - - - -___ ____ ____ ___ hood; says he Then when I was older, my slippers were me for 13 years," STATE CITY ng the sweepi eyes his y, wearil bl~e, . . ed furnish rtab]y comfo DATE ____ ____ ____ ____ PHON E ____ ____ ____ But st..U I could walk th13 whole day .modest, north home LLE style $25,000 ranch· , 'WAY~ESVI through. of Seattle. , .CAMPEAS,,1N(:.: Now I'm still older, my slippers are:b~ck; w 0 r ked never urve 3' I walk to the nOTe, and puff. my way back. anywhere else. I grew up with The reason I know my youth-18-aU spent, Boeing,. They did what they LEGAL NOTIC E CAM~rI'lG EQUIPMENT Nationa l Bank Region No.4 My get-up- and-go ,~s got up and went. had to do and I believe that Charter No. 2220 Call No. 476 TION CONSO LIDATE D REPOR T OF CONDI .T', Nationa l Bank of Waynesessen· were ng domest ic subSidiaries, of the Waynes ville layoffs Incluae muss the think I when mind mber 31, 1970Du hdon't I onDece 5 But, reaUy, ville In the state of Ohio. at the close of buslneSoller of the currenc y, unCier,. ~I;'" " " .•.:..' -:- ., . '.. . ~ tia] WI the survival of the e to the call made by comptr respons In a'-grin with IIshed 161. , Wheel camPer'Can)ping Trailers title 12. United States Code, Section ASSET S aU the grand:., places my get-up 1uJs company. I hope the company Of rruck : d debits) ~ $ 961,69 3.82 , ,, ;:~aynltid8mPer: 'Tops, survives today's trends. I Cash and due from banks (Includi ng $none unposte been; 1,537,2 45.29 .•..• _ •.•• _ . • . • . • • • . • • • .•.... es securiti y Treasur U.S. 97,033. 61 corpora tions could find a job at Lockheed ./!.Campet's and Travel Trailers' Securiti es of other U.S. Govern ment agencies and Slnc~ I've retired t;om Ufe's competition. 68.75 and politica l subdivis ions ••••.. • _ . . .. 1,274,5 States of comions ft Obligat (aircra s Dougla or : \ We ~II bOt~le,gas ~ on. 10,000 .00 repetiti "'.:r.iTo••' ...., ,' ... ' stock~ •.•••• .• _ I b.~ myself with comple te Other securiti es (Includ ing SI,OOO .orporat e under to ents agreem ed with Federal funds sold and securiti es purchas 300,00 0.00 •..•. ~'·~IIIIS.·.,... Rentals'",:, Su pplies '" I get up each mornin g 400 dust off my panies). They need men resell .••••. . __ .•••.• .•.... _ . _ . _ . _ ••••. _ . _•• • . • . . 4,961,3 04.39 __ . • . • . _ •• _ . _ dge. • • • . knowle interior design Loans • . • . • . . • . • • assets reprewits. Bank premise s, furnlt 'e and fixtures , and other 179 786 43 • . • • "BIlt I was born and grew senting bank premise s _. _ • • • • • . _ • • • •g)• . •••. 10'54i 75 up the paper and read the "Obits,' Pick _. financin lease direct $none ing wife," (Includ My . assets Seattle Other of up south '17504 'j,;L.('C81tedon ,Route 42, 1 mile ' • . . . . • . . _ . • . • • • . • . . • . . • $9332 S If my name, ls missing, I know I'm not ASSET TOTAL • , ' ca, Rebec to LIABIL ITIES g noddin , said, he , ville Wayn~S 73, dead, ,139.62 of .Ro,ut.e $2,344 tions corpora and ships partner als, DeI manddd eposits of Individu tt girl . . ships. and So I eat a good,br.ookftJ8t ahd go back tC1 "is ,an an Evere T me an savings depOSits of Individu als, partner rie", 897- 79~6 5,327,8 56.24 • • . • • • • .. grow to kids our want corpora tions • • • • • • • . • • • . • - • . • • • I . , :" 56,324 .86 bed. .•...... \ . • . DepOSits of United States Govern ment . , 711,63 1.36 • • • . •. Deposit s of States ,and politica l subdivi sions. •• •. •. •• • -Autho r unknow n up hl!re." 53,099 .60 ••.•. .•..• Certifie d and officers ' checks, etc. Hi!~ notice of termination ,051.68 $8,493 . . . . • . • . . • • • • • • • • ITS DEPOS TOTAL had been expected for months. '(a) Total demand deposit s • • • • • • . • . • $2,598 ,195.44 •.•• $5894 856 24 (b) Total time and savl'19S depOSits one department d 192,60 4.87 watche .Allen • • . • • • • • • • ' •• : •. '. • • . • • • • . • • • s liabilitie Other 241 897~2 r 56 SO: " 'PH." 897-7" 931 ,:o . . . . . . . .. 86856 . . . . . . . . SECUR TOTAL LI~;3ILIT'ES t : : : LOANS dwindle from 1,700 employes • , ' ITIES AND RESER VES ON , of IRS to pursuan t four during the course to Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up 66,148 .92 •.•. ••••••••••...•••• ' •••••••• ' BD a SM ITH:' rulings) week. "Knowing some of 45,OOo.OC • • • • • Other reserves on loans • • _.. . _ .' . _ . • • • . • . • • • 10,000 .00 said, he ," people es •• A •• ' , • • • • • • • • • '• • • • • • • $ 121,14 right securiti on Ute R~M EMs~ 8.92 SY.ST C ••• ~tKHOE EXCAVATING SEPTJ , "OTAL RESER VES O",'(OA NS Arlit> S'E CURIT' IES l payrol the on him kept -. , had NTS ACCOU L: A ' ,CAPIT " ' 1Op 525,36 9.57 • • • • ..........,. ·INSTAJ,.lEO ' TRENCHING GRAVEL. Equity capital- total • • • • • • • . '. • • . . • • • • • • • • lon~er than he had expected. 75,000 .00 ••• '•.•
Get Up,And Go Has Got Up And Went
S30 0
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COMPO$T ,'; F..LL DIRT. .... ,.
Commo n Stock-t otal par value No. IMres authori zed 1000 No. Ihares outstan ding 1000
.•••• •••••
. 'fit' • . • . • . . . . " . . ...•.•'•.•.•. •. •. .• •: •••.•.•. AL 'ACCO UNTS • • b~prT n tOTA~ ITIES' RESER V,E S AND cAPri-AL. ',' . LIABIL TOTAL • • • • • ••
By Week, Day or Hour . .RaasoQable Rates
.aoao~ , ',,:-Pt1one 897~21 ."" ' Aijc for
J.. - • •
225.00 0.00 225,36 9.57 525,36 9.57
$g,332 ,175.04 CAPIT AL AC~OUNTS •• ,., •••• " . MEMO RANDA r ending ar days Average of total depOSits for)ihe 15 ,calend • .... • • • . $8,452 ,816.,5 7 with CJII . date • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _ • • • enu,ng ~ Average of total loans for the 15 calenda r days ~.923.!244.83 • • , •• ," with calf date • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •of do Dank ttte ab.Qve nameG !L~arl W. Conner , Exec. Vice Pres. & Cashier corr.c~ to the best of , her~ .I!lre t~~ this _r~rt of conditi on II tl'\4tf and my,kno wlellge. ,and 'hallef,·' _ EARL W. CON~E~ -'I , ~ ' "' report of condl, fned'Cf flecto'B attest thecorr ilctnltss onhls '. ,wa;' tlM' untlerll the best of our knowl· to and UI by ed examin been has It that , decla,. .aAd tlon ,.' ', . . edge.anU ,belief ,II true and corr-ect ROSS H. HARTS OCK '" ,. " ", THOMA S:FLOR ENCE Directo rs OWEN, F. HARTS OCJ<
By ~ CI~
After . battling furiously . the Waynesville Spartan Varsity bas· ketball team was defeated 74 to 63 by the Ginton-Massie Falcons. Jan., S. After .the Falcons scored , in the first period, Jeff Bourne was the first .to score for the Spartans arid to even the score. Jim Benton 'brought the Spartans ahead only a minute later, only to fall behind and stay behind the reo ~ainder of the period. During the second period the -Spartans battled furiously. only to close the scoring gap by only a point. In the third period the Spar· tans stiJI couldn 't seem to "get it tog~ther" and fell further be· hind, The fourth period scoring sta rted with a basket by Spartan Jeff Bourne and continued as the
Spartans scored 12 poin ts in the 'first three minutes while allowing / Clinton·Massie orlly three points. This type ' of scoring continued through the period but it was not enough to pull the Spcrtans out from behind and the game ' ended with a score of 74, to 63. Ron Sat;kett was ~igh scorer for the Spartans with' 22 pOints. The Falcon Reserve team also defeated th~ Spartans, 43 to 41 , The fir'st period ended in '3 tie at ten poirrts each , Dick Q'Banion brought the Spartan Re!)erve team out in front with only two minutes ' left in the first half and helped kee p them I here, After only about a minut e and a half at the third, period, the Falcons copped the lead from the Spartans and refused to let them score. In the fourth period the point
where the scores were' closest WaS when Bob R!!ggles san,~ two ' foul "shots to make the score r Waynesville 39, Clinton-Massie ' 40. ~ The high scorer of tlle °reserve game was Doug Q'Banion with II points.
The Giants, ' quite .,' satisfied with existing cap~clty and seeing no need .. f~r ~dditional vacant seats,_-are ' adamantly . . _ opposed. The Giants get" blue ,in tbe , face when ,' they contemplate ~e proposal that their (and ' the ,4gers) ticket 'prices be subject to ,a '5O-cent surcharge to go toward amorti~.ng the cost Of the extra seat.s. "We do not feel we shoUld pay one cent ' of . this , ~st," , said Charles B. Rupert, the ' Giants' h~rd:,nos.~d .:;c,9J'ltroller '" _ domin~nt n,.ri~tZ"liIl!f, ..:. and the man"Horae~ SlOneham", ",," t, The .,.-4 ....~..1!I ~ulmij,~~t'g!~: 'uses when ,Giants- must '. '"." Oakland, ~ - present , a to\igh eZterior , 'The ," straight . sellQUlts baseballers thte~teh"to sue: -'- '" ~\_!:l ~~paclty " iill . ~ell It is at this~ point that ,-<the rest of :tHe ' i, :' th~ee Giants ' hint broadly of raps ·it~'ill~i L: n,IIO.r.cIl'.:, jIU old ' can' they ' e wller, other locations g k~pin " ' t r 0 -,F s a 11 a D ',move, After Niners , count .. 10 hard is it Worth, ,..to ~'.' ,~lnQiliel~i 3, · up_ to -two But tne threat " aU tick:'c Can~es ~' 1s ne'verthtless ,there:- _ -seats" in:, 19'1'>~t, , \ \~ '~U,cl\ ' for the drama in . ~e¥r, .'l'he .~~D~!,~ 'than . give tile \ 'S1'tua"ti9~' \ N:~w. _We,;' ' stadium:. Wi.th ,~:nM~~~~,..m:iJL you the' comedy ,rehe~, : Which is furnished by Charlie 0 ..", . ,be ready ' Under rinley across the Bay' in Oakland. On -a still 'oiglit, you can -hear his, laQghte'~ ,aU tne way to 'East Sa~n~a.njlto l IIHaw," JUtf.ws ' F~ey, .., . • locale. :rhe a('guments are haldJ.y !" : .---~~-.~~~~==;=,..;.,.==.......~......;;:o;.o.o:;;.;;;...~~ • dignifiEd. Spadia was . reflecting the civic 'attachmeht( of Ringling Brothers CircuS. low "" the s~()kesmen for StoW ..n ' " sound like Foley " Butte., ' , Both factions shoUld"·ih1,ft , up. There- are a iot of householders in San FranciSco', burdened with tax bUJ" and with little in~res~ -in eIther football or baseball, who stand ' ready 'to teU both: " "See you later. ~t 'out C-'of town, y~ leeches, and :good riddance. " ~nc.tJestick Park (a ' name
When build pub I j c ~a)'ers fac~tles for the -operation of priv~tely own~ " sports -tenterprises, they are borrowing 0 f terms In trQuble. Ileadaches, the rates are , ,'usurious . It goes against natural -economic law for ,taxpayers to s~bsidize profit-making sporting activities, and, the mixup , in the case of San Francisco's Candlestick Park bas crea ted a pretty fettle , - of kisb. How Knows That .- The City is finding out that, architectural concepts to the contrary, there is no practi~ality in an aJl-purpos~ stadium. The confUSion at Candles:tick reveals Horace Stoneham's basebalB interests diametrically opposed .to, president Lou Spadia and the 4get' footbail \ ' " ,, partner:ship. At one point during the last summer. Spadia was threatening to move the Niners out of San Francisco. Now comes the Giants' turn ' to huff and puff. They ar~ threatening "to ' transfer the National' I.e.gu~ , baseballl franchise to another SAN FRANCISCO' -
TO US Precision Wo rk Is a "Must" Her e We would liJce to introd uce to you our uNEW high quality printin g." Much effort has gone into IM~ PROV ING our quality standa rds. The lat~t in type_ setting equipm ent brings to you this. quality at lower prices. • • • • • • • -
iD~"in the Beart . Stop in ~ see the Pr .. Wa n ntcni Dow nc 01 Biato Located at the offices of .
GAZETTE IAMI89'1-6 .The 'MPHO 921 n 105 .~l. Main
Wa~esville~ Ohio
it -is destined ' to, retain since voters have rejected ' Lefty O'Doul Stadium) was ,finished a ,decade ago., For baseball it has a capacity o( 42,500. ' tbe · football Meanwhil~, Gers have wearied of Kezar Stadium which is located', adjacent ,to the Haigbt-~~""!r' has acute parking problems, and is ' mo~9usly .~ comfortable. But ~ does accOmniodate 9;500 " for ' foolban. ~t a C08~ , of·, ,16 ~ to ' $2O millionj it has been proposed!' tba* cbilly; Candlestick ' be: rebUilt so that it trQIUd' 'lilve ' a footb8lrcapacltY ;ot.~._ ..:~ . ~ ' Nlners ~ all, fOr- It
GRADE A"; LARGE,~ ,":,
Se~ond-c1ass postage paid ~i't Waynesville,'Ohio January 27, '1971 - Waynesville, Ohio
Single Copy 10c
M-ory. B'enman Acce pt s -Gaz'ette Social News Job resigned after nearly two years Editor's Note: Contrary to witl( the Gazette staff. , locai rUlmor Mary Bellman ' Mary will also handle all has n(llt terminated her women's news inCluding births, Work wjlt h the Dayton Da.ily, News to accept a position e(lgagements and weddings. News 'on the staff of the Miami items, may ,Be phoned to her at ' Gazette. Mary has been - 897-5826. hired by the Gazette to She will accept all club, church and other civic organ; write its social news. She will maintain her usual ization news and activities listnewspal_ duties in · the ings.
area. Mrs. Mary (Herman) Bellman of. North Fifth Street, Waynesville has be~n employed by The Miami' Gazette to handle Waynesville and ~orwin social news. Mrs. Bellman, 'succee4s Mrs. Pat (John) Vair who recently
Home Front", an organization she originated a year ago to send gift · food packages to'area servicemen in Vietnam. She is a member of Wayne Retail Merchants Association and the Waynesville Community Aid Council. The long time WayneSVille resident has been active in local and area civic and charitable activities for several years. She is a past chairman of the WayneSVille Branch of The Warren County Helping Hand Club and former member of the Warren County Council for Retarded children. She has also done volunteer work for the Warren County Cancer Unit.
Mary has been associated with news reporting for a number of area newspapers for the past five years. She is currently United Service Organization Chairman for the Waynesville are,a. Mary also heads "Operation
Gouncil Reads 'Ordinance 884: lat~r HouseeSquare Footage Reduced ~:4
Lebanon"s Lit~le Miami Inc::! Executive Committee's plans to ~top " all building at Waynesville were temporarily darned last Tu,e'sday when its representative failed to show at a meeting of village ,council: Robert Mor~n, Chairman of tittle Miami , Inc,. 's Middle Council, who ' failed to meet with councilmen, has suggested that Littlle Miami Inc. 's Executive Committee seek a state levied buildling freeze for Waynesville !lntH the village completes its secondary sewage treatment operatlon. Uttle Miami, Inc.'s pollution fighting executive committee be-
Village Ordinance 334 officially approved by council and passed by a 5 to ] vote was read at Tuesday night's meeting. The ordinance allows for the reduction of lot sizes from 90 feet to 80 feet frontage and hornes from 1,200 square feet of living area to ] ,000 square feet. However; it adds the require!TIent for an attached garage. Several residents are against the ordinance and are planning to take action by haVing the issue put to a ballot vote, They feel it will result in chea per homes for the village but according to village officials Continued to Page 2
came alarmed at recent housing development plans at Waynesville. It feels that the addition of new homes to the village at this time would worsen pollution before the village can install secondary sewage treatment. WayneSVille is currently under state order to set into operation ' secondary sewage treatment facilities by Dec. 15. The village at present is serviced by a 1Q-year-old primary treatnlent plant. The village will seek Federal assistance for finanCing the conversion, according to Mayor Dexter Martin.
Grange letillative Conference SaturdlY , a Draw 16 Counties , Plans are reaching finalization at Harv€:ysburg for an Ohio State Grange District 48islative ce Jan. 30 at Harve'ysConferen< burg Flementary School. Granges from 16 surrounding counties will participate in tfte program which is slated to get underway at 7 p.m.
nty Grange legislative meetin~. , The District Legislative Conference at Harveysburg will complete six such Grange conferences which have involved every county throughout Ohio, accor, ding to Campbell Lewis, Warren . County Deputy of the Ohio State Grange.
son will head a panel discussion directed at getting better acquainted WIth guest state legislative officials.
The discussion will better ,acquaint Grangers ~ith visiting officials and will inform them that "the 'Grange of Ohio is a vital force in forplulating. shaping, and , advocating wholesome, ~ ~un_ies include; Adams. Drbenefici811egislation". It will ai.' rOvffl"BUltl~r, ~mpagne. o-rk, §9,:~ge s~te legislatoD' plans '~iirtqQJ; tCtiQ~9.!l" Darke~,.!~'Y " "for;'"legislation. .
.' ~Gi~~n~!.~~d, Ml:f;'iion,
;;pajr¥e~rsb"r~~t":' M~atn~t":' NoR.gc)m~ : PrebJe and
;.!I~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~''1i''.IT.~n' ~ I
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'Ail 'Ohio ~to~ ~d Repre.,n,W j. ' baye tieen invited fo . . coli.rereJtl(it.~ ,(PJAeI
'-:~~"'~) firlt· .fc;t:~:W.nen
eo.", .
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,',- - ',
- , I'N MY I:fOME "' ,By Week-, Day or Hour
Reasbnable RateS Ask 'for ,loan,
Phone 897-6021
t .,
, ,Drill T~m ' Page from ued , Contil1
tax :ref9!,;;a~jn Jbe:sta}~
Th~ '1970 ~~ual 'Meet~g-Qf ,
9f ~hiQt '
The seven ~jot' pq'int~ pres~nted the Ohio F:Ilfm ·a,.reau is "histQ'ry ' . .;, and now it is time,to 'go to work ".at the meeting''''were ;''{l) ,A tax change 'is ne,eded 'to ,fake pr'~sbegin at ,1 p~m. in the high sch- , for the program that," was o~t- , . "sure off pro per.ty , as tJte major. :-,.., ,:, ~ed 'by the dele'ga~s ;~' <;>01' gymnasium. . A firsfstep,was 'made iecentl'y ',' s®r'ce of r~.ven~~, ~ioperty tax, First, second and third place sliould be' adjusted , downward ttophies will be 'awar.ded to' Win- when' ,memberS of tIi~ ~co~nty ~ere' exceSsive~. (2) ~e.k to enoiganp.atton met with legislators ners. Trophies will a,Lso ~' given a state income ~a'x on person,al act nd, CorWin 'Ntion a'nd for best drill ,teafl1 acc~mpaiii Joe 'Hiesta and corporate. net ' income ,tQ.l Max Dennis at the llen\!er House ment, best uniformed drill team, at Wilthington. 'Those repre'sent. supply "eeded ' revenues for, best ;lnd team best spir!ted, drill ing tQe 10gaL organization . were ·, ,,' schools aqd 'local . goverpmen t, drill team, ~ptain. ' Willia~' Swaitzel, Frank , Swar~zel " . (3) Have far~ iaitd appraise~:as fer , led ,farm land riot 'at , specidative' High schools ~hedu Elwood ' Earnhart" Roger Hart~ -values, (4) Miiintain direct use competition ~nc1llde ':',Wilbur, Wr- 'sock and Earl Gorsuch.' " ,exemption in qhio sales tax law ight ·at Dayton, Frank1in~ Mason, The~ loc~l farf!1ers p u;tlined for items uS;ed in production, Kings, Qintoi1:Massie and Xenia. ' the Farm Bureau's' program: for
~ " r ' ~ · o r' s '" e 'e L tt · . · Th,e EdI· to· r
, , ~'
' ,
WAY NESV ILLE PEOPLE , Sincore thanks fro:m usa to Stream the in s y Island ngwa , Hemi Hon. Dexter E. Martin Honorary The Crusader Gerson Chafrman , , Mrs. Ma;y Bellman eling Enam of t r A' uJ ,Beautif Campaing Chairman and the Dutto n people of Waynesville for their Folk & Festival Costume of the World W,ilcox wonderful sup'port of the 1970 USO campaign. Your concern makes it possible for usa to ' maintain the '4th STREET WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ~H. ,897-4826 tute ....._ - - - - -..... ...-I!I many services which consti .i
" ../
,'-- ",'
(and tax deductible items)
YOUR "ti,me and temp er saverH.YOUR CHECKII~G ACCOUNT AT THIS BANK! /
station ,
Er~kssof1 , · ~~n~~ ~~i~g". En~~~~.ell
for the ' EfiRssort Engiiu~ ering}i~ ' ' • r'm of Columbus. ,I ErikssQn came befere council ~ , ' to discuss the North Street pro~ T~m~.i~son s _' aut~ < fmally" .".. ject concern,ing .ssue· I, funds: / stop~a ' ltself on ·the back lawn, The funds would come, from the ' Mike Osborn resitlence. - ,.',,' .,. or , the $5 auto license fee ~ that • is , used -for Village ' pr~jects" ' afte~ crossing Wall 'r Street: ·, ii" ~~:f1: , ' " Waynesville has accul1}ulatea. , were'·r Minee ' artd 11 so approximately S12.ooo for the , Tomlin . Me~~ tak~n to Clinton "eoun'~y ~ogram already', The Ohio orial .HQspital at-Wilm ifi'gtori wtt.: , Highway I)e'partment muSt rust' ere both , wer~ re'por~ed 'iilsatJI.,! , ; ~' . app~ove ,the project. factdry condifion" at presstilne . Eriksson was asked.to -draw Monday. . up a proposal to be presen~ed , " , to council at a later date. ' The sion concus a d Mineer suffere work,Joc'the project will be on a other injuiies;,' ano • ' -~ I , bid Oasis., , In other' council action, the ' re~gnation of Richard [roris. was .accepted, lrorts is moving fro"m the village. " Cou.ncil must appoint a' suc~ essor in 30 'days to' fiU I!ons' " / , ~~ncy. .Irons has held a seat on council since ,1964 "'and, has' 'served during ~ the administ~~tion of .
YOU R record of expenses ,
Continued'from Page 1the ot.dinanFe ~iIl benefit t,he IVowth and 'betterment of Way· nesville . Council also met with'Carl E.
YOUR proo f of payment
.. t
.,.. 1J
Sincere,11 .YOUrS I
, J. r, " i I
a home . away from home , for I ' I yoUr young Ol~n and_women -iQued from Contin ' . Page...-1 . ' the Armed ' Porces aU 'over"the world. On their behalf, we take this, means to convey to all of you ' our de~pest appreciation. , usa is there because YDU care. Thomas J. ~unz Regional E~ecutiye '
4· )
Ctarence Price, Jr. and EV,e- ' sticks, 'cheny cobbler. :peal1ut. Bruce Os· ,·, butter ''San'dwicJl ; :Fi~daY'; ·~~n..,1r9 ,. :., born 'of Lebanon .and Mr'. and pO,rk & potato hash. cole :slaw, , Mrs. Nevin 'Weidlt: and fami!y of jello w/t~pping, 'bread 'and.liuttet ~llbrook. Monday ~ 'Feb. :1., ~hamburg~r on ' The Missionary Circle of Jon- buh/pickle, bulterc'd coin; tossed ahs Run Church met Wednesday salad, c~okie; Tuesday, Feb. 2, afternoon at the home ~f ~rs. 9hicken & rioddLCs: glazed' sweet . Karen Miller of near Waynespotatoes~ 'ch'iIIed apple sauce~ : ' ville. , bread & butter ; Wednesday, Feb. Mrs. Oaudia Brandenb~rg was 3, chili/crackers, celery & carrot sticks. wheat cake with coconut host to an Artex Party Monday topping, br~ad' alldbuUer: Tbur. morning where Mrs. Lucille Pennington was demonstrator. sday , Feb. 4. hot pork sandWi:ch, . Others in attendance were Mrs. oven br.o,wn potatoes. , c'abbage., H.S. Tucker, Mrs. Erenistine carrot ~ raisin salad , donut ; FriMoore, Mrs.' Lucy McCarren, day , Feb. 5: fish sandWich/tartar Mrs. Margaret Pennington, Mrs. sauce. butte'red gr~en beans. vanRita Dick of Lebanon, Mrs. Elilia riCe pudding. :sliced peaches, berta Davis of Lebanon and Mrs. z ., Jean Johnston of near Harveysl VTLE ' burg. R,~berta \' J.i IS;J11 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dodds Ph: 89i ,4246 attended the installation cereMiss Lorna ROll t7..a hn was , monies at the Franklin Masonic guest of honor at a miscellaneous lodge Hal1 y,;here Miss Ramona bridal shower held last Thursday Eakins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, evening at the church. She reCecil Eakins, W'd S installed as a ceived man y lovely gir ts. The Rainbow member : shower was given by the Night Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Hoagland , Circle of the church. proprietors of Harveysburg ReServiceman's ' birthday and creation have announced that new address: Amn. Neil E. Wilall card playing or rather the liams. F. R. 266-44-971I,P.S.C. card ' room has been moved to Box 2518, 305th Supply Sq. the smal1 building next door, Grissom A,F.B.. Indiana 46970. which for many years was the Starting this Thursday evenBarber shop, as operated by Mr. ing right after Junior Choir pracMacDonald. tice, there will be Junior M.Y.F. Mr. and Mrs. W.O. McClelland at 7 p.m. Rev. John Smith will of Clarksville were Thursday afbe in 'charge. ternoon visitors of Mrs, Clarence Practice will be, starting soon Price. for the Community Choir's EasWe are happy to welcome ter Cantala. It had a wonderful home Bob Albertson who return-out at Christmas and we cently underwent eye surgery at hope to see new faces for the Veterans ,Hospital in Cincinnati. Easter program. Also our get well wishes to Get weB wishes are sent to Joan Bright a surgical patient at Calvin Longacre who suffered a University Hospital in Columbus stroke Sunday. JIe is in Kettering and Mrs. Carleton Sherwood a Rm. 550. Also to RichHospital, patient in Ginton Memorial Hosard Whita:~e.r ! J(ettering Hospital. pital in Wi ~l1ington and Mrs. William Zurface (my own and 'so dearly' loved uncle) in Grant AL TERATIONS Hospital in Columbus. Men ... wo~.n. ClothIng SCHOOL MENU Thursday Jan. 28, vegetable VADASNODDV soup/crackers, celery & carrot
" MrSI
"~~"," ~yn. Jean ; ~f-, Leba~o!;l,
" /' The pnomotlon · of.' Ruth ~, born' 'to Service Representative has been announced by Don Shoemak~r ; Leb~'non , Qistrict Manager 'Of United Telephone Comp'any of Ohio.
.' ,;," BY ,ERVIN B.' PACK Ruth joined United in Dec, at the table. : --."' .. P~'NCIPAL " ember of 1953 as an operator 4. 'Talk in low tones :, wait " The 'cafeteria is' und~r the and was later promoted to plant , IPanagement (' of the Board of ' yO\~r turn, to sPeak. clerk. In her new position as S. Tak~ your ti~e while eating " ~9caiion. ,The'l. purpose of the Service Re'presentative, Ruth will and spt pr~perlY. : cafeter~ 'is ,to a balanced _ serve United's customers in the . serve . 6. Keep the table clean ; place, Waynesvme J!xchange. ':l:. . m.~~ at a minimum price to your lunch wra ppirigs and waste , student's".. teachers, and employ- A graduate of Lebanon High in the waste containers. ~eturn f.e~ t~e school. A student may /.caii'y, his , lUJ}.~h and buy ' milk Y0!lr t~ay with dishes ~o the pro· School, she resides in Waynes'-i' " per places. ville with her husband. only. ,: , 'SfudentswhoJind it necessary to . .go Jjom~ ,' for lunch must _ ' , .. ~ve ~ lunch pass. All other stud~hts must remain ' in the asI 5, 0 pIC ,signed areas. Request fOflns for ' .l~Jl~h ,.pas~e~ 'may ' be obtained 0 QCI ~Jrem the principal's offie-e. _Upon ,.r~oeipt ,of this complet~_ form, Mrs, Adams was visited by sevMRS. MARY BELLMAN / sjgrlF~' by, ,the, 'p~lrent, the prineral relatives and friends. 897-5826 cipal will i$,sue a lunch pass. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams Mr. and Mrs. Robert May, The 'lunch pass must be carbury, of 234 South , Main St., of Church Hill, Tenn, were weekried' by the: student and be preWaynesville ' are announcing the end house:gucsts of Miami Cem'sented for ' identification upon, birth ' of a daughter, Me~anie EI- etery Superintendent and Mrs, Raymond Adams' of Corwin. Mr. " reqyest. This.form may be taken' ' len. Melanie Wiis born Jan, 11 at and Mrs. AdamS also visited ,away by the principal at any Middletown ' flospital and ~ " other relatives and friends in the tll]1e. ..:.. ' weighed 6 po.unds and 8 ounces. area. , , All high' school students and Grandparents are 'Mr. and Mrs. teachers are allowed 30 minutes Ralph Belcher of Waynesville each day fo'r lUli~h. ' The fourth Route 2 and Mr. and Mrs. AnHARVEYSBURG p~ri04 is div,ided into three 0) drew Maybury of Hamilton, Bv Mariean Price I thirty ini~u'te ,lunell sessions: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Simpson First ' Session 10:5's ;n :15, secMembers of Jonahs' RUIl announce the birth of a son, . ond ~ session 11 :25-11 :5,5, Third Church met Friday night at the Dean Wesley born at Kettering ,~ istQn ,J\i ?S.l ~(i5 ., Each stuChurch for thc annual business Men~oriar 1J0s.~ital Jan./l O. " , ,aent"is allowed five"minH1es after .. , meeting and election, of officers. ',' -the 'h.~ricJ1 sessio~, is ~ver hefore Dean, who weighed 7 pounds There was little ' change in of, returning to 'class, T.his provides 4 ounces, has two brothers and ficers except that David Kidd ample time for 'students to get a two sisters. Grandparents include was elect~d Superintendent for ' drink, go to their lockers, 'Or use ' Howard A. Brown of Lebanon, Sunday School 'for the year.' A the test-room-Jacilities. Students ' Mrs. Emma Belle Si~pson of social hour followed the business , ' m~st be"in ,their classroom when Waynesville and Vern L. Simpmeeting. ~'the "tardy: beli ,:dngs, The tar'dy . son of Lebanon . ' ' Mrs. Mary Shanholtz of Wil: ~)1 rings, fiVe' rnmutes afJer the mington spent the weekend at .', ~n(fQf' each unch sessiQo', ' Mayor and Mrs. Bill Purkey the home of her sister Miss Fran~.' l UNCHROdM MANNERS of €orwin are announci.~g the ces Hinkins. ~J)qe' of the traitS ',of a ina~ure birt!) o~ son, Perry Clay, born SunailY ' afternoon visitors of . Pe~~(>n' is "good table manl)~rs. ' j~n;" 11 at Kettering, Me,morial . .' Mrs. Qarence Price were Mr. and t.hese rulesrwill help you conduct Hospi~l. Perry ' weighe~ '9 ll>s. ' . .yourseif in~an acceptable manner and 3 ozs. The ~urkeys alsp have "/,, 1. Wait your ' ~urn 'i~,':!he an oldeTsO,n,.Will. lunch lln~ . ' Have, your'~ money .' - Grandparents are Mr,. and Mrs. , ready. OO"no1' cut into !h.e line, Perry Mayo of Waynesville and : 1aheaa~Qf otKer, Beople. ·Mr. and Mrs: Howard, Purkey of . " .', ~" 2,: Swailow ' yo'ur food before,' Corwin. ~ ' ~ J" • ."" s~aki"tig. 'i:""\ ? , " ., 1" ., 3, 'Fatk. abOut g\easanf ,tlungs t \ Y": THIS COUPON AND ANY $20.00 PURCJiASE ~
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Coupons used for will be eligible ;!~~, }5.00 Gift Certificate
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Ahuns,t ~v~I'Y duy in "lOU! the latc afternoon ",,,. drnve nut tililll;:
fro'll} town uut on to 'the .plains and, came back just in time to
wat,~ h the sun set behind the
B O.J. Frazi.8r
Y Friday, January ,22, 1911. Home again after more than a , month in colorful Colorado 'as they like to call it, "where , the sun shines every day throug hout the year" as the heading to tile weather' report in one of the Denver papers says. From the time I got there until New Year's we had lovely weather, snow in t~,mountains for the skiers and fait on the plains for 'us. We took one lovely drive to South Park and back one day and had a wonderful view of the white, snowy, high peaks and snow in the pine forests of the lower
mountains. There were some days when the clouds and , the smog shut down so that we could , not -see the mountains. They 'do have smog in Denver which is . too bed but they are trying to do something about it. . -' One day we ~ove to BOulder which is usually a lovely dr~ve with wonderful views of Longs Peak and the high mountains north west of Denver but ' the curtain . . was down and we never caught a glimpse of them but we went on up Boulder Canyon and caught sight of them fro'm the top of the canyon and beyond the smog. Coming down looking out the plains is like looking out
ADVERTISING · could ring the bell
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OVC!' thl'
, . .-
, thl'H the' ooy. arie ... New Y~ar's tlie cold weather ajld SIIOW Illt
and we had six inches of snow and , zero weather b~t thaf only lasted 'a few d21YS until 'the Chin~ ook wind blew up from the"so uth and melted most of the snow 'and brought us warr~ we~tli~r. It went up, to seventy-nrne offlca1ly the day ,before I 'eame " - :. ,.," " home. " it was a lovely f/tmily visje ' But then my sistei" ninety-one and very deaf wa~ taken ill and after a few , days ' sank. into ' i " coma ' and, died on Jaauar y 15th, withou t .regaining consciousness, ' she died gently in her own 'holne, withou t having the-d'readful tJ ip ',' " to the hospItal which she fea~e~d, , , , taken care of by the ones tha~ ' ,Give me,g~od dlg~}tio h, Lord, loved her Qnd ,a ' visiting ' nurse '" , And also .something to. digest, . orlce a ,..,day which ,wQuld haye ... '"': !
· Substjtute furs
I m,Q.·k tn·g.. .-.... SeVen years ago Sl;lrgeon General Luther L. Terry released a. report called "Smokin'g and Healtn," compiled by an advisory committee of public health experts. In his own words, the report "stated conclusively and unequivocably that Cigarette smoking is a hazard to health and a problem of,sufficient concern to call for remedial action.'J Today, Dr. Terry, who is now professor of medicine and community medicine at the University of .Pennsylvania, and James V. DeFranco M.Di' president of the local Interagency Council, are launching 'a National Education Week on Smoking (NEW on S) sponsored January 11-16 by the National Interagency .Council on Smoking and Health. The last seven years have been marked by both an increased output of information on the ~ealth effects of smoking and in~reased cooperation between organizations interested in the subject. Membership of the National Interagency Council includes the nationwide Heart, Cancer and Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases ¥sociation, the U.S. Public Health Servi.ce and 29 other agencies. . 'Most dramatic evidence of the health agencies' fight against Cigarettes is the broa~ast of anti-smoking TV spots, on ' time donated by the broadcastt!rs. in accordance with the FCC's "fairness doctrine." Wi t the departure from the airwaves 'this "month of cigarette commercials; the effectiveness of the broadcast anti-smoking messages is in dOUbt. : That's one reason. for the National Education Week on SII)Okin.g. . The interagency council considers it ttie first st~p in an intenSified, coope~ative effort to kee p Ameri~J)s ~ \,Wre of · the
dangers of cigarettes ail~ to help them to kick the habit. Those of ' us who are still smoking might pause before we light - up and ask ourselves how much attention we have paid to the message Of the last seven years.
spare big cats:Copycat furs - the great fakes - will be stalking the streets this year while nearextinct cats are left to stalk the jungles.
Real leopard. tiger, cheetah and ocelot are near-extinct cats that are .off the . list. But look again. There are- substitutes.' Like monkey fur . And if thaj's not your status bag, how about wolverine, antelope . fur-trim· med python. gorilla, lynx, skunk, opossum or elephant hide~
And there are the classics - beaver, seal. fox , muskrat. raccoon. calfskin, mole and the old standby - mink. For those who prefer the spotted furs there's a wav to have them, too. and stiil keep the skin on the cat. Man\' furriers are taking those furs in plentiful supply. fike mink. and stenciling them to look like sp ~ tted cats . Mink circa '70 is not ogly stenciled, it is colored. cheHoned. mitered, mixed and cut into patchwork. It is done a hundred new wavs In "little furs ." coats and 5porty jackets and separates - e\' er~,thing but the stole . Like your minis, you can wrap up that little mink stole and 5hip it off to the Salvation Arrr.y The mink stole ·'uniform " like mother used to wear is as extinct as the micro. DeSigners. looking into the decade and anticipating the :no~s of fashion . are creating 70s furs for the indh·idualist. The bush jacket and the battle jacket are "indi\'idualist" furs Oscar de La Renta, in his' first full-fledged fur collectiori, does them in mink or calf.
He likes ponchos in sable or fox, fringed with matching ' tails, American broadtail in . pants ensemtiles and sporty coats and capes in beaver, muskrat and raccoon.
Unique in de La Renta's collection are a 10ng,Jean coat of shaggy monkey fur. and capes, coats and jackets in intricate mitered, chevron or checkered 'patterns made by working small stripes or rectangles of fox. mink or sable together. For daytime wear, de La Renta likes elephant hide dyed in brilliant colors including deep rose red. and bordered with black fox.
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But · it doesn't mean a girl can't ' wear something really out of the. wild on het back as well. There are still furs a woman can ' buy without risking the !Vrath of conservationists . .
' .
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The put-together look - fur skirts and pants with matcning tops and tunics - is a favorite for '70s' furs. Fredrica puts a stenciled calf top with a solid black doubled button calf slort. for instance. Or a midi mink skirt with matching mink bolero. and for real impact - gal;lchopants in red hair seal with matching. bolero. , Fur coats are full or fitted and fall everywhere from the . . 'knee down ..-They come. pat-.. . ~rned, pleated or , ~one in. p.a~- ·
,~chwork. • 1'\
WAYNESVILLE Churc h of Christ Jltjrd & Miami Streets Charles ' Pike. Evangelist 10:00 a.m . - Sunday Mornin g 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Phone 897-4462 for informatioP'
First Bapti st Churc h North Main Street" John P. Osbornc, Pastor . 10 :00 a.m. ,Sunday School II :00 a.m. ,Morning Worship 6:30 p.m.,Training Union 7:30 p.m.,Evening Wor~ hip 7:30p.m.,Wednesday Prayer Meeting with Southern Bap. ated (Affili ntion). ti ~ t Convc
First Churc h-of Christ 152 High Street Steve Tigner, Minister . 8:30 a.m. 'the Christians Hour (WCKY radio, Cinty) 9:30 a.m. Bible School (classes for all) 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Junior Church Revival Fires . 12 noon 5:30 p.m. Junior Chou Practice 6:00 p.m. let-Cadets Alpha Teens 7:00 p.m. Evening Vespers
Friend s Meeting Fourth Stleet ncar lIigh 9:30 a.m ., Sunday Sdwol 10:45 a.m. Sunday Meeting 11'lr Worship (unprogrammed)
St. Augustine Church IIi gh St ree I Rev . Joseoh II. Lu tiller, Pastur 7 a.m, & I I a.m, Masses H a.m. & X p.m. lIoly Days 7:30 p.lII. First Friday 7:45 a.I!" . l)Jily Mass 5:30 P: Ill. Saturday Mass
URG HARVEYSB ... , ; Friend ship Bapti st Churc h . . Sou them Ba pt iSI' ('onv'~n t i:1I1
Jonah s Run Baptis t Church ()hiCl73I'.a~1
Kidd , "a ~ l()f I C1 :0Cl a . lIl .. Sunday &h()()1 ICI :C10 & II :()O ;1.111 .. Sunday' .Wll r,hip Sl'rVll.:l· 7:3() Jl .III .. SUllda;.- hL'nill !! Wllrshi p L~" lcr
-• •ad ,our
GENNTOWN Genn town Unite d Churc h of Christ
,. Pente costal Holiness Churc h
Harveysburg Full Gospel Chu~h
E. South Street Rev , Jal'k Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young People 's Servke 10:00 a,m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. SlIl1day Evening
Spring Valley Churc h of Christ Glady Street 10:00 a,m . Murning Wurship 7:00 p.m. Evening Wmship R:OO p.m. Wednesday Evening . Worship
of 73 & ('orwin Rd . Rev . Sherman (,ook , Pastor 10:30 a.l1I .. Sunda y St: hool 7:00 p.l11 .. SUllday ".ve . Scrvil.:e 7:30 r·l11 .. Wednesday Eve . Scrvil.:e ('orner
7:30 p.lll .. Sal. he . SL' rviCl' FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.l11. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. - Sunday evenIng
This Churc h 'Page Is ~nsor:eo t"or you WAYN ESVIL
S saop ~. LVNN' S DA~S i!:. OHIO
R.R( ll1- Dodds . Ohio p.Jst()~, ' !alne~ Co'ffm:;n 10:30 a.m.-Stmday School 7:00 p.I1I.-SlIIiday Ev~ ngelistic .' Service 7:30 p.m.·Wednesday Prayer ' .. Service g Evenin ay Saturd 7:30 p.m. .-Service p Wurshi
C~"'TERVll~E ' The Centerville' First Pentecostal Churc h 17 .~
il) 'StTC'et II n I) F. "'.Fr:lllkl "ay 1~.orVl' :,,;lslt)r / (;el.ll' ~id\l;clI : A~s" , . 1O:0() a.Ill .. Sllild:I\ ' ,& h()ol-" .~ 7:()0 'Jl. II~,. Slln~a~: I:v~hii)~ '\,' 7:J() p. lh. ~ .Wedlh~s~aY "Evenirlg/ . :,,~,
.', ....~ .;: ". I hfotig h The Court8S'V Uf The Fol,lowing Ar8i "MRrt:tlants:" .' ..... t
'of God,
Wilmington Pike & Stll.:ial Row Road Bus WiSel11:1IJ. Minister 1) :00 :1 ,111 .. Sttnda\' Bible School 1·0: I S a.II1 ., SUl1d~,y Worship 10:15 a.Ill .. Sund;l.v Y()uth Worship S.I (~O ):, p.m,. unuay h~nin!! Binle Study. all ages. 7:30 p.nl.. XWllillg Worshii) . 7:30 p.I11., \Yedne so;l),. Midweek Praye~ and Bfhl~ Study
Free t:t~ntecostal 'Church
Fer;; Church of Chtist
W~VNEIV' L.&'I. O"' C»
:" '.
,,,. •
G';>SP~~MUSIC.CE~TER;I,.<\ ,:. ,~,
9 :30 a.m .'Sunda\· &:h\\(11 10:45 a.;11. Mun{ing \\'U;shil' . 7:30 p.m. Sund:IY Evening . / Service 7:30 p,m! ~VednesJay Ev~ning ~" . Servi~e 5:30 p.11I. Sunday Sr, Youth Recreation 6 :30 p.m. Sunday Sf'. Yuuth Servic cs---:. "
8:00- 9:00 p.m., Wednesday evening,. BibJe Study
Main Street s Dunaway. Pastor Loi Mrs. c" 1100 I 10 a.m. Sun day ox: I I a.l11. Morning Wor~hip 7:30 p.m. Evenin g Wurship 7:30 ·p.l1l . Prayer Meeting, Wed,ne sday & Th ~.Hsday 7 :30 p.m. Song:fest, Last ~lUrday each 11l0nth .
Oub, carry-in dinper, . 12 p·.m. : nOon ,. Waynesville United 'Metfi, . . . odi'$t' .. Church. ,
S1. RI. 4X & lu\\'\.' r . Springhonr RO;IU' Ray l. Sheltllll. P:lstllr
John K ..Smith, Minister ' 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship ' .' Service
Christian Baptis t Mission
Feb. 2
. Ridgevjl'~ Comm unityp" . Church
LYTLE Unite d Metho dist Churc h
Mound Sireet E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.lll. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
Rev . Leonard 8axter 9 : ,~0 a.m .. SUlHlay'Schoul I I :00 a.I11 .• Sunday. Worship . Scrvit.:e .. i>ra¥er sday. Wednc .. p.m 7:30 Servit.:c
Spring Valley Friends Churc h
Waynesville Rescue Mission
Ray Simme r. I\''i tllf '. 9 :JO ·:I.Ill. Worship St' I','i':L' 10:30 Sunday (,hurl.:h 'S,:"""I 5:00 p.m, Stlll'day YOlltli Fell()w shi p .""
Walnu t-Vine Robert R. Meredith , Pastur 9:30 a.m. Sunday Schoul 1030 a.m . Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Yuuth F-'elJowship -· jr. high & sr. high 7:45 p:m. Wednesday chOir . rchear~: ..1
Acy· l....amb. Pastor 10:00 a.m,. Sunday SdlOUI 7:.l0 p.m.• Sunday. W:.' dncsday an'd Saturday, Evcning Worship Scrvke.s . 7:30 p.I11 .• Wednesday Youth Servicc
M'f: HOLLY Unite d Metho dist Churc h
SPRING VALLEY Unite d Metho dist Church
Feb. ) Warren Count y ': Teac~r~ . Association , charte r mem~rs, .12 noon, ~frs :Sm~·r &a~b/oid,. . ' South Lebanon.
Roule 42 at Gcnillllwn
9 :00 a.m . Church School 10: 15 a.m. Church at Worship 6:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowship
David Ibrpl'l . Pastor l) :30 a . IlI . • Sunday ('hurl'll Scrvkl' 10:30 a , IlI . , SUIll.iay School I I :00 a.Ill ., Sunday Worship Scrvil't: Youth Fell()w ship and Bible
Third & North Streets L. L. Young, Minister
. and
Unite d Metho dist Church
United Metho dist Church.
~ '
9:30 a.lll .. Sundar s..:hl)·ul :W :J O a.lll .. Sund~y \1mning W()r~hi p 7:30 P,Il).: SUllday Evening Srrvi l.:.c 7:30 p.l1l .. Wedne sda y, Midweek . PraYl'r and Billie Study .
Third & Main Streets Rev . Itarold Deeth, Redor I I : 15 a.III .• Morning I)rayer 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday s: floly COllllllunion 2nd & 4th Sundays
\orman \1e~ul)\\,~ . Pa ~ t() r
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
" Too Righteous '. one is \hnel'lt l'·comp dcscrvc~ A e .can gilts1·w , ing· ,reward most the , can pr.esent to 'our · fellow man. Since tltere i~ no cost {a~,tor involved, it is difficult to OnderstaQd wJiy man y .of' are ' so hes,itant to give someone else ~ 'his due." , The problem . inay well be that . some of us are the rjgbt~oQSj too .' self-pleased. We have . the very , strange idea that we can build ' ourself up by running someone else down. Such is' not th~ case. ..,When we,.. unthinkingly copdemn others, ~hen we .ridicule our fellow ' man, we' only bring our contem: poraries to 'take a ~loser look ,tp see ,if ~hey rna)' determine the qualiflcations we feel entitle us to speak out in such a manner. The Christian ,way is not to sit ourizefellow upon in judgem 'that recogn should We ent 'I1~~J.~;====~~ man, which is ,good, as well as that many instances. which is bad. g good, to say, ' nothin is there when silence can be a most important virtue.
If "the ~ coiJege ' yO.U r ~ '!be price " of . a cap and : ~is by 'the c~st multiplier youngsters .WiIF attend l iI.· gown may ' double in the next . 'times the number· of children . average" multiply $1.,000 ' by .. . .. involved. 10,years. . 2 and mulUply again. by 2.5, ParentS of the aver~,~ colFor a postgraduate course, Alf total a YQU giyeS day This by 3ABYS ITTING In' my home· , lege graduate, 'by I.,' .. you will have to make . a • Phone $70,000 : This is the size of the for $28;000 out 1'· ~leea.r ~lvel ·Jess Penh!n gton 897·, , . lr hbur • reasOnable' rates shelled .have :- separate computation. !9~.592~ ; .aSk fbr Jean "1111. - . ' 50ctf needed to . send both ; fund . wearer have each mortarboard For example. if you n ·through college, leav- . childre und board ellt.gro the . 2, Instrum ' Rubin, & girl L. Maxwell CO~ME~CI~L a boy 4 and a at 25 Jan, Monday schOOl starting ing it up to them to fend chairman. of the Zenith funaverage distance to college 7 P.!TI. ~n" Le.,.'n on AI" ServiCe ' for themselves.·if they go to s advise who cost .. Your C()rp., 66 ding is 15 , years. Green tf" Rd., LebilnOn 932.79 • graduate school. (3~2) ' '. parents of the '. college class multiplier, ~en, is 2.5. now, . ' saving begin to 1980 of • ,!,II,.L do ~bY sitting In my home .. call €a~hY ~.w!tt 897.49 36 notes that more th"n four-fif" ths of the 1,200 colleges an4 .., universities reported·increases OOG LOST . in chargeS'in 1969. LI.::E d VI climbe YNES have WA ' costs, e . NEAR Coll~g more cent per 10 . Utan ' more prices in general i~ the than CerA three year old male last live years, Rubin says. ' nl+1Il shephcrd dog' W:IS lost SUII: parents should con· 10 And as . such . items , dlY ' bpt<VCCIT Towlt'ship Line sider ,; t ran s 'p 0 r t a (, 0 n , books, Road and Utica . . RENT FOR clothing, .. anowanc~s, sorority ( J . respoilQs to . which pet The . rent. for ' land ~5 Q. ACRES · of crop 'and fraternity dues and all name· Schultz has a brown the for cash· near Leban on· Teply to: the extra personal 'costs of Bo~holder P.O. Box 78, Wayne5back. his on · .black and face college life," he adds . , ville, .OhlC? . -=ee' .. ),A , ation The average cost now is Anyone .having' jnform of ' family e' $14,000 to put a youngster {'., ITEM:, The averag fOod in .a as to ' the whereabQuts of this ' .four eats 21h tons of through college. 03 ,., yea~. Of this, nearl}' three·fourths , animal should phone 897·22 At Harvard, for example, , of ' a ton' are dairy prod·ucts. 897-2741. or aDtlual costs for tuition, the ''''''''',......... ,., ~bout half 11 ton is meat, poultry room and board is about fees, and ,fish; another half ton, fruits At the University of $3,900. . and vegetables. The rest is made Southern California, it is $3,150 ~ up of misoellanetlus food items. . ITEM: Smart travelers know and at Dlinois Institute of that an iinpoI:tant part of vaea· Technology, $2,975. tio~ . luggage is a cQmpact first aid Rubin offers the following kit-esp ecially if there are chil· dren along. . Lightweight, eom~ mathematical formula for plete and unobtrusive in a suit· estimating the amount needed case or tote bag, a kit' provides , " for college expenses: immediate and proper first aid r of numbe the with Start . for~inevifable minor misiJaps that below family the in n childre . , n would otherwise mar .vacatio .age 18. Add . the difference f~i between their present ages ~ ·t and ,18. Divide ~he .. ~op~: ._ "Yes she's in . .. gosh, I almost forgot .. .iTEM!I' If '~-ylitl're '~ ~lttbntilg- a figure by the first to get the' what a clean cut _\merican boy looks like!" new, bathroom ~or powder room, . colto average years distance . take a look' a't ott-tha-noor water lege ;age when ' money must final your makirig closets before be a~ajlabl~ to pay for their cb·oice. Such' fixtures have been Phone 897:59 ~ I . (or oms education. use'd in . public washro . Ask'r(:ir Jr~;I: tJil ( .: years because , they m.ake floor - -. "If the averag(! distance is maintenance. easier. . 10·,years, this means you must •double ,p~esent costs to arrive at a fair estimate of what future!, CO$ts will ·.be, and therefore the 'cost multiplier' will be two," Rubin says. _For each, year ,or .fraction . that 'the average distance to college is more than 10 years, add on .10 to the cost multiplier. For each year it is less, subtra~t .10. Using today's Cotlt figure for WANTED the college you select - and $14,GOq is anave rale figure . BABYSITTING now I£or .four. ~ ~ multiply ' IN ,~Y HOME i 900d. .Ula f3t. adult ·· ~ lo t~. . ~o.o.ate, !\~.rn"'I~lrt~~,'KJIll)n I,ng - ,,)Yon~ I~er.sted ' .1': • ~.y ~II ,1197-4,229
BABY SiTT ;NG In OW home ~ ' by ., hour, - Clay br ,Week. - fenc~~ In. yard _ ask for JoAnn .,E.dsali '. Phone 897. . . (3cTF) 602~ .'
' . 1<;'
... ,,1
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By Week, Day or;.H·our
,. ~ . . Reaso'nable-Rates. ,
. '
'- ~~~~ for ·~nn
'. Phone ~7·60-21
.' ~ . ..
hom Charlie S&arllll. London, Kentucky: ~ was bom J;>ecember 20, 1884. and I remember wear· ing dresses. I was four years .old IPld all ehUdren 'wore dresses at · that time. I remember ihe first" . schoolhouse I attend ed-a ona,··room .' log ho'use with punchion , . floor :and one blackboard. made' were clothes my of . "" All .' by ' Iled. ' Th~ "sa.~' I wore·· ,were . carded aJid spun ~n Ule .splnD'iD' ' wli~l and. bitted by' .·haDel.·.The. flr!st spellin g boot I \ the. blue.~ speller, used McGd e; Reader. .~ .WIle .we COuld " i 8 eeQtI D" Coffee .' bu~w!~A;rbll4we the old
"You for,ot the coffee ..• "
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IVlIFFLERS, PIPES, MIl ACCESSORIES From pIck-upa 10 over·1hH oIct trKtOrI end " ' - . Soundm nw twa . 'rugged eIIheuIt lyat8m •
IPKiflal ly dMloned Mel consvuct ed for _ _ Icatlon • 0 - eoo Irudt angIne modItl ere c:owred. IW twa ..wv.u\. Soundme mufflers for _ _ _
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Kil)gs tied the soore at t~e beginning of the third ,period . The Waynesville Spartan Var- then less than a half minute later sity" basketball team came, 'saw Do Bradley PlAt the Spar,tahs and ' conquered the Kings' ahead ' again. With only 3 minKnights at Kings Mills Jan. 23 . utes 40 seconds left in the perwith a score of S8 to 54. iod the Knights, took the lea'! s Knight the WaynesVille held and held it until the last three scoreless for the first three min· seconds of the period when Ron utes of the fust period and only Sackett scored for ' Waynesville then the points were made on making the score Waynesville foul shots. During the period, 42, Kings 40. At the ,beginning of the final the lead by either team was nev· • 'The . pOints two period, Kings again took the ver more than period ended in a 11 aU tie. lead and held it for but a minute Mark Aorence broke the tie when Bo Bradley scored to tie with a foul shot at the begin- and Jeff Bourne scored to again ning of the second period. The t~ke the lead for the Spartans. The high scoring Spartan var~, scofing by both teams was equal 'of s minute three fmal sity players were Bo Bradley with until the pul21 points and Ron sackett with the half when the Spartans led ahead for a score of 23 to 21 , 20 points.
S-pa rt an s lose To one minute 30 seconds, left.. in~_ period , the first after four minless second the and the period. utes of' play Mason 'was ,the first to scorethan two minutes later, Doug O'Banion made the only Spartan in the overtime p eriod before . period first the Doug O'ibnion' scorJd 'for Way-, foul shot in the q After trailing throughout nesville. 68. perfourth the The high scoring reserve in drive During the first period , the game, a ' them t brough ns players for Waynesville were Comets and Spartans kept the iod by the Sparta Harrange and Phil Phil Harmon adn Dick O'Banion, score within three points of each within tieing score 44 all with each~with ten pain ts, other with the Spartans ending mon tied the up on top at the end of the period haVing te n pain ts to the Comets nine. Mason scored first in the sec. by Mart)~ Mayo; 14-3. ond period to take the lead away The WayneSVille Athletic The l:lawks, coached by, Jeff from the Spartans. After a few Boosters Club basketball game Jeff ,Bourne, was defeated by the Mason baskets, Spartan, with the Waynesville High School Bucks, coached by Bo ,Bra"dley ,' Bourne, was finally able to score , faculty was won by the faculty ' 6-8. Try -as , they might the Spartans with a score of 53 to 54. The ILakers, coached by J~on couldn't recapture the lead and During the first half of the Sackett, defeated the Royals, the period ended with Mason game the faculty created a subcoached by Mike Hartsock and having 31 points and Waynesville stantial lead but the setond half Ron James. 14-8. , 26. saw the boosters catch and pass During the third period , the the faculty for a short time, scoring wa s about even between The players for the 'boosters sville Wayne the two teams, were: Gary Van Nuys, Skip CHEER FIRST scored 10 points and Mason 16. Styles, Mike Palmer, Bob RatAWAROED The high scoring players for liff, John Sackett, Jim Purkey, TO BELLBROOK WayneSVille were Bo Bradley with Dan Simpson, Steve Conner" 16 points and Jim Benton with Randy Dunlap and Jim !.eyes. The cheerleader, competjtion 15 points. The players for the faculty held at Waynesville High School In the reserve game with Maswere: ' Mitchell Smith, James by the Spartan cheerleaders was on, WayneSVille was defeated , Rowlands, Bob Seigal, Gale Gira big success with nine schools but only in overtime, The final ard, Vernon Hooper, i).lvid Cesparticipating. score was Mason 51 , Waynesville sna, Lucian Hatfield, Dave Hart" 48. sock, D.lve Barton, Paul Brower, The high schools represented only Dick O'Banion made the John Harvey, Paul Schwamberger ,included Yellow Springs, Carlisle Spartan field goals in the first and O'Dell Pursifull. lakota , Preble Shawnee, MidThe game between the women 'r----------~-=~~----~ dletown Madison, Colonel White, staff and the Girls Athletic AsWAYNESVILLE <;linton·Massie, Mason and 'BellHIGHSCHOOL brook. sociation was one-sided with a 117.71 BASKETBALL final score of GAA, three, women The over-all winner was Bell· -, SCHEDULE 23. brook. Bellbrook's partiCipatmg , Away Nov. 25 Lebano n g players for the startin The cheerleaders were Joy Tritelba\ln Home Dec.4 Mason Cathy ns, Hawki GAA were: Gail Pam Stahl, Sue Nelson, Christy .: Away Dec,5 Carlisle Judy Baily, ne Jeanni , Patton Home Jordan, ·Tom Fackler :.nd Val" Dec. 11 Kings , Anita , Powell Cheryl en, McFad Away Hamoll. The team from Lakota Dec. 18 Little Miami , nd. Diamo Debbie and Lavan Ibne high school took ~cond place. amton Jan,2 East the for team g Home startin The Jan. 8 SpriD&boro Away Two trophies Were -tiIcen women was: Mary Hartsock • Jan. I Blancb elter Away Mary Jones, by -the c~l'le.derl "of" ; M',e Pdt home <liDton Hisey, Jan. 11 Diane Away, Preble Shawnee, one for tluid . Jan.D MuaD Mitchell, Connie Hooper and, Away ... 11 Kidp place 'and "~ne for..the best un. ' Pam Pursifull. IIame IIIaJDl ' Ja.. UUIe iformed squ.a. The participating sjxth stade Away Bpoblp Yellow .... 1 Since W8)'n eJl.' ,hoited ~ys were divided into .ix teams A'ftJ .... t l p ..... . for the three pmes. The Celtic:a, N.lI . . .da ..a.. Awl coached by Rex Lutes ..,d_4rYY re. . . . ..., NelIOII, beat U-Beniuts, ~d , M.iI -cp I M The WayneSVille High School Varsity basketball team was de· feated by the Mason Comets in an exciting game . at Mason Jan. 22 with a final score of 50 to
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VA LENTINE , He froze :all flood 'controlrecreation projects last December after earlier in the year submitting his ar!nual construction budget to. Q:mgrelS which appropiTated additional funds for a large ~number of pro..grams. The Oarence 1. Brown Ddm a'nd Reservoir budget request has been set at $4,505,000 by Mr. ·Nixon. Last summer ground was .brokcn for construction of East Fork Lake -which 'will require $3,715,~ in building funds.
" 'iml~ : 'f~vei< I~ ili~lby," id'; hc" fi~~L t. 1~III.:cn'll t~e ,Wart Fund in
CONTESI INNOUNCED The Waynesville National Bank will sponsor a homemade valentine 'contest in conjunction with ,ilS annual Customer Appreciation Month observance., It has been the bank's poiicy for the past few years to set asiqe the month of February to express a special thank you to all of it's faithful customers, The local financial institution was founded in February 1875, The members of the Board of Directors, officers and employees are expecting an enthuiastic response to the contest , "We have }nany talented people in the Waynesville area and the valentine display should prove to be interesting to all members of the comnwnity." said a bank spokesman, ,I , '1l1cr.e · will-be two classes for erttrants, age 14 and uhdei and . age 15 to 100. Entrants should bring their valentines to the bank to be displayed as soon as' possible. Elitries will be judged Feb, 16th and a $25 United States &lVings Bond will be awarded to the winner in each class. Entrants should be sure ·to place their name, address, and age tite back of their valentine.
against hear. diseases. "Support fQ,r ,heart research from all sour~es has not kept pace with the need," Cartcr pointed out. "Every year there have been more excelh~nt and needed .research projects which died for lack . of 'funding, ' inoluding five projects in Cincinna~i. The pfO~ bletn i.s even more servere than it " -~ay 'appear because experienced , ' ~e~arch tea,ms have .been disbanded and even more iinportan. t1y~ in entire generation 61' poten,tial youl1lg re'searchers have .tt,U'ne.i a'way from research." he declared. . ~'I ,u'Be a~1 citizens of SouthThe Waynesville Education ,West Ohio., to join ' in the fight . Association will within the next ~gainst 'hearl' disease·by 'support-, '. -few days ,engage in negotiations 'ing the 1971 Heart Fund 'Camp- , With Wayne l.o~l, Poard of Ed-' . aign. to uc3tion concerning ptogram pri'", ~' ~ , . ' Carter is a graduate of Princeorities arid,policy agreements for Ailtefican ·" CU- ; ". toil Onjver-sity a~d was treasurer the 1971-1972 school term. .\ of tbe 10c8J. Princeton Club. He These negotiat~ons will be ·arid- hi" wife and their three conducted within the context of &:.1I."~U' , ~, 'd ' : '.! children resi~e Drewry F~m "the negotiation agreement adop.t-.... rute . ' 1.aJi ' , ted by the board and the teach. - : 1'£'- ..' ers~ assOciation, which is the recognized negotiat;ing group•. Several committees from the _
.......... 1
Scou t S,und'ay Servic.e.s
Set "On my honor 1 will do my duty to God . , ," signifies that ecology is a part of the Boy Scout promise, . This year Scouts. other young people and adults are being moved to a conscious effort in gaining answers to the problems of their environment. They are doing so through Save Our American Resources (SOAR) and Boy Scouts are taking an intrigal and effective lead. Save Our American Resources will be the theme of BOy Scout Sunday services Feb. 7 at St, Mary's Episcopal Church at Waynesville. All Boy Scouts are invited to attend in ilniform, accordiri'g to St. Mary's Rector, The Rev. Mr. Harold Deeth! Boy Scout Sunday services will begin at St. Mary 's at 11 :15 a.m. 'r
OFF THE TOP TO CAST PLAY The Off The Top Players will meet for a workshop ' and cas,ing of their first theatrical performance at 7:30 p.m. on ,Thursday, Feb, 4, at the players theatre in the Waynesville American Legion Building.
._------_ .
I a-, ne . ,Edue 'I tar I 8 association have bben .111.g'0 ti ate Wi ·' hteachers'
','.' "TO COUNCI L
working to supply the ile~t~t ing team with the date necessary to carry out the discussions in preparation for the negotiatiOns, which have been submitted to Paul SchWlmberger, superinten. dent of Wayne ' Local Schools• It is the hope of the teachers' asSociation that decisions reached through the negotiations procedures. will provide a sound and wbolesome program for the students of the Wayne Local School District.
Co}lJlcilmen accepted IrQils' reSi~tion last ' weekl Ir-o05 vnn:.~ ~ving from the \iIlage. •
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._ staff-'- of. tile l. W;lyn~e:,. ' . 'nWinillh·i .. ~ Voluntte~' , is a~~~"in' .oo~n1tU'litV' ,,Qe?~~ ·tJ· q~;;;:'&~f.l~d sori.
Delinli Dalto'" R...... I~ O. Hill
'Phmap 'M o,gan Dayld Ed .. " . Retl.ld P. Hilt o.vld Ed.... .. ,, P.O. BOx 71" w.yn.'vll", O.hlo 41011 , ~ M.ma.. of t.l" O~~ I N.,VIf~pe, ~aoo"tlon
G.n.,.1 M• •, • PUb_, • ..-" ,'
GAZET:TE DEADt:lNES EditoriatNews - 12 p.m. noon Monday Social News - 12 p. m. noon SatUrday •
Advertising ' Classified - 12 p.m. noon Monday Display . 5 p. in. Monday -
LOCAL MERCHANTS SPEND $1,879.06 ' ON WAYNESVIL.LE The Wayne Retail Merchants Association spent $1,879.06 on Waynesvme improvements in 19· 70; according to figures released by the organization this week.
Two major tourist ,events we~ re included amqng' the group's year of activities. -These were the first Anthony Wayne Muzzle Loading Rifle Shoot, a match that drew Na~ional Muzzle Load· ing Rifle Association members from six sta,tes and the Ohio Sauerkraut Festival, another fir· st.
' -'~
WITH AN OLD-FASHIONED THANK YOU FOR BANKING WITH US to all our customers f)nd ,friends for allowing us to"serVe their banking needs. We deeply appreciate being "the bank" to so many people in our commu nity. We re'gard your confidence and trust in us as our m'ost important psset... and we set aside Appreciation Time to say so. _ We thank you va-y much and fnvite you to Emter our Homemade Valentine Contest.
ALL ACCOUN'tIINIUR,ED UP 10_,-,8)' THE .EDERAL o&oenr....uwlce ~TicM' .
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BIRTHS .'" Waynesville has .several. shut.' . Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lander of ms.in iowp alui in area nursing Cincinnati-Columbus Road, Wayhomes~ ~U"', would ' 'appreciate' nesville announce the birth of a bearing frori} .. ,home ' folks and da~ter, Mary Elizabeth, born friends. A card or a letter would at 1 :11 p.m. Jan . 26 a,t Fort 1'. '.... "'.... :1 'che'e t these ho'me towners Hamilton Hospital, Hamilton. . and r~-associate. them With village , Mary, who weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces, has three brothers n,e Miami Gazette begins this and two sisters at home. They 'week a news 'corner especially include Pat, LoUie, Scottie, Dawn 'for shut-ins withln Talk Of The and Ramona. Town<social n~tes. . Grandparents are Mrs. RusNames 'and· addresses of local sell Lander of Hamilton and Mrs., ,and ~~a shut-ins should be phonand Mrs. William Fisher of Bloed to Talle Of The Town Repreomington, III. . " seiltative" Mary Bellman, or Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hodson 1. MRS. HA,GEMEYER' . mailed to the Ga~tte, P.O. Box are announcing the birth of a son " 'IS' NAMED .' 78, Waynesville, 45068. Shawn Way-Ire, born Jan. 30 at Kettering Memorial Hospital. . R'EPUBLlCA'U HEAD Cards ·an.(r·Yisi~s are requested Ill, this week for Mr. Heber- JackShawn weighed 5 pounds and 7 .~ FRANKLIN:Pra11klin Perry, Gna-'" so~"'~'he Ointon County' Home, ounces. Mrs. Hodson is the form. .. f \11 C r { ··&. WdmmgtQn, 45177 ang ..Mrs. , er Candy Lamb . , Wn'ght's Nursmg . -. 'uman 0 .narren ' , . · ounty , ".'""epuu- . Ma ude. Ada' InS, Grnadparents are Mr. and Mrs. . licans Jan. ~6 named Mrs. May:' Home, MaJon, 45040. Both Mr. Wilbur Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. nat~t(SteUa) Hage~eyer,ofRou- Jackson and Mr£~ . Adams are Harold Hodson. Great-grandparte ';l~ WlImington, Ro~d, aar~~ blind tbowever ·there are persons ents includE~ Mrs. Mildred Worth·Vine; Warren County Republic;m,; available to read cards and letters ington of Miami, Fla., Mr.. and Chairwol1l8fl. , " to them. Mrs. Sit Lamb of Waynesville and . Mrs. Ha.,me),er suc~edS -_"";"--'!o---'--~";';"__'--_ _--'I...-_':'-_ _,;;,-._ _ __ Mrs. :Janet Whitaker of Lebanon. . Mrs.' Wrutilker res'ign~d the ~s~ SLIDE PROGRAM , " " , READY IFOR USE ition in' DecembeJ . Mrs~ , Hageme)'er's ~usband is FRI:ENDS'HQMEioJEWS Vice'-c~itman of the Warren CoBy Nollie Bunnell A color slide program of unty' Republic~n E~ecutive Com"Historic Waynesville" has .mitte'e and , is ' a , Washington . George BUnnell of Troy was been maoe available for civic, . :"" 1~wqsbi~ . '!!recinc . Committe.e.,brief visitor of liis mother 1. church or: school prow.ams by :'. ·~ man.·-, ,. Nellie Bunnell) on Saturday . . , "'-Wayne Retail Merchant~ . . , . ' . The 20 minute slide progHowar:d, Eleanor, Janet, and ram also includes histo~ic cover. LOri Jones went to the Pond~r age of nearby Corwin. .. .osa ';n', Da~tori to· heip 'Ullian The slide program can be . -Schroeder celebrate her birthday. obtained .' .callers. on Ne'ttie Pa1~er Sat-, '.:' urda}!' were Ro~rt Palmer 'of " Mianusburg and : Mr. and Mrs .. obtained from Retail M~rchants at a $10 rental, $5 of which . William Palmer of Kettering. . Mrs: Robert WJlson Vi~te'd .wili he refunded when the slides ; her .mother, . Mr~. Pe'fisho, ~Slm- _ are returned' in good condition. The , program may be reser. ~y afternoon. ' , , ., .' ~ ~I".. " ~ ved \?y contacting Peter Current Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Cooper .. Were 'Cente ville v.isitors one day who expelrtly executed the p~o tographs; past week: .
Mrs. Gertrude Scott of FrankWaynesville Girl Scout Troop 1142 attended an ice skating
party at the home of Mrs, Jane Waltz on Jan. 19. John Hawke and family of Springfield were Sunday guests of Mrs. Edith Hawke , Mrs. Hawke's Wednesday guests included Mrs. Mary Chapman, Mrs. Helen Preston and Mr. Charles Ellis. Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Butterworth were unable to attend due to illness.
lin .
Mr . and Mrs. AI Stapleton and son, Stacy, of San Antonio, Tex., Mrs. Naomi Gray of Waynesville and Mrs. Dale Linebaugh were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, William Sawyer. Stacy was in the recent plane crash in Anchorage, Alaska.
Qvality-Safety First It Pays To Buy ·The Bestl a department store of parts, accessories and supplies used by farmers, ranchers and their families. In his diverse inventories are:
.. -
• Auto paint
• Garage stands
• Hand tools
• Small gasoline engine parts
• Hydraulic cylinders
• Welding outfits
:-:';':-:':';-:-:-:"':-:-:':-:':':-:-:-:-:':-:':-'-:':<':- ', :. :-:':-'';', : ;.: :-.';'.':-:-:-:';','»>:':-........ -:.:.
Co. . rJOR
PH. 897-2931
In The Waynesville Area OilY
18l8:i.;ElfiilI3GlFT toY0 ."
...':.•.. ;a;.!tl. 1DI1'U.
• Garden tools
• .
• Accessories
LEnJ~\l\}ON ,
• Nuts, bolts, screws
• Hydraulic hose • OUtdoor items In fact he carrie-s up to 84,000 different items in his inventorY.
Porch '
• Tractor repair parts
" By Ervin B. Pack,
Principal "Compulsory school age" (Sec. 7762) is from six years to eighteen years unleSs the board of eduGation by resolution est· ablished the entrance age at sev· en. _ Every child- of compulsory school age who is not employed on an age and schooling' certifi· cate (a work permit) or who has not been determined to be incapable of profiting substantially by further instruction shall at· tend a public, private, or parochial school. Parent's, guardians, or other persons having charge of children of compulsory school age must assume the responsibility of their regular attendance for the full time during which the school is in session." "Regular certificates" may be issued to children who are at - least sixteen years of age and who have completed the work of the seventh grade, for the purpose of engaging in regular employment. -When changing employment the child must secure ' a new work permit. If a boy or girl 'becomes unemployed ~fore age 18 he or she must return to
school. During 'the school year the application form ' may be obtained at the principal's office <;>r the Wairen County Board of Education. ' These forms must be properly complete-d, signed, and reo turned to the- Warren County Superintendent's office iIi person with bir.th ce,rtificate, at which time the work, permit will be mailed to the employer.
Any bpy or girl 16 to 18 yrs. who is working and has not se- Feb. 3 ' cured a working certificate is Cllamber of Commerce Gen-" illegally employed. . " eral Meeting 7:30PM at Fire'si~ _ No chlidren under 16 years Inn.' Public invited. ~, of age shall be engaged in sehoul -, I ' and employed more than nine Feb. 4 , hours together in anyone day., , Orf The T~;p Players, '1:30 p.m., and no child under 14 years of. Wayn~svillc 'J\nierjcan lcgibn : Bu~: age shall be employed more than:.:' ilding. ' :~. ~..'.' ',- .....~.....;,~~---"'"""~~..........atl' ""~iiIjII~IIII!I"'~~.lI!IItI!!!'*iJ.~J four hours a day. This related to parental reo sponsibility for the delinquent \ acts of children. When a cou · .- .' nnds a child delinquent an,c;l'" orders the parent to post a bond :in the sum of $100, if the cliild thereafter cQmmits a second act , upon which delinquency -is based t-he....court may order any part
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10'M'S IOU I TR'Y II' CH.EI, Friday & Saturday Night Special
lou ntry Fr i ed C,hJ ck'80 '"
Hot Bilcuitl Hot AppI I Pi'l Located U.s. 42 Spring Valley,O.
FARMER CHEMICAt MEETING ·, Monday, February 8 8: 0O'P• I. AT lANDMAl1 Trained chemical specialists from LANDMARK. will con· duct this meeting. If is designed to help bring you up to date on the newest chemical practices and prodUcts which can be used by Warren Cpunty Farmers today. Meeting will be held at the
LANDMARK STORE 220 S. Sycamore St.. Lebanon, Ohio~, -
;ali;olililii~<~ .: ", .:>' :\. ;, \:'. ~<:'<j'. ~. ~: ?:~.> '~I .; ;;~,
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di~pean, ICQU~r,. '~g ~d a~1. 1 " wonder, is, that What ~ppeiled' By .Marjeafl Price to the other' do'p too. It mirdly , Ph.: 897.:5372 . '~UarY'29, 1971 seems likely as they were good, Snow. It is snowing righ~ this pure·breds and ~rth good . ITiinute quite hard, a fme wet money~ ' .i</i,..,-',,';i,,",l '.1', No w t he question ' lSI . ,IS It ' 'Have they had m'ore burglarl'es ProfessOr Max carr, head of ~~w. ' '. Je~ting ' warmer' or colaer7 Is it' 'in Waynesville? Haven't they the Music Department of WH, ': go~g ~o turn into ice or just pile caught the guil~y ones' yet? We mington College, recently dirup. Of course by the time you nee~ra Perry Mason on the'for-ee~ ected t~e group iil "Pirates of get this it will be past history. Funny how the sales of Vita~nznacJ'" an operetta by Gills the salt on the road going to min C have stepped up since Dr. d rtghan Sfullivan. G~en Bogan, I. " . 'U' be .' Pauling's book came out. They au ter ',o Mr, and Mrs. Maurice A.eep 'lt open or.wl It so 1CY Bogan, was one of the soloist that.. l can not get to Waynesville say that it has happened all over of the 'presentation. .. by) he deadline? the country yet it isn't any difMrs. ChJules Farrington (nee Home again, the hogs have ferent from what authorities Jane Doster) left by plane Tuescleaned out the corn field and . have been saying for years. A~elle day for hE~r home in Medical the cows have the other one Davis in her first book and again Lake, Wash., Her husband Char, almost~ bare but they still spend ' in the one so many Waynesville les, now stationed in Samoa, will t~me up there when the wind is people read, kept saying that the be home in May. not, too cQld. ordinary amount of C might be Mr Speaking of wind. It took the enough for good health but to . s. Mary Boerstler and son, Don, Mrs. Jennie Runyon and roofing off one , of my, sheds keep off colds or to cure . them . daughter , Jennifer, Mrs. Anna in ,Lebanon but not much damage · the amount should b_e greatly inneUe Oark and sons, Ritchie, 'here. . creased, a whacking oig dose at ,Bert and Bart w.ere Sunday even, Vester-day I went to the AFC the first sniffle and then keep it office and they were urGing me . up .till . . cured and then it will ing din.ner @~ests of the Kenneth cPlummer's who now reside at to sign up for the new corn work: Vitamin C wiD act)is an -the former Wayne Farms. program even if we ,didn't plan antibiotic but not in fifty mg. to stay with i~ as it woult\ affect doses, or even one hundreds. Mr. -and Mrs. George Wall our corn baSe if we didn't. I do No comtesy mail box yet. I entertained their bridge club Sat. . ,not undersl,na,d much .about it . took my letters. to Lebanon yes- evening at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson ~ilt they said; that the new pro- terday. but even ' it is not much of Lees Cre(~k~ ~. and Mrs. Rus, 8i:~tn , Was -different. Wfiat about good:. It is tot) hard.to reach sell Miars-' and children, Pam, 'it'? '. ' 1 . . fr.om the driver's seat; You have , Rusty and IDeAnn, Mr. and Mrs. , ~:r';:.~~ · dp~ se.e~ to ~ve lotten to ~qve 'o~er ' ..<?.·the · ~t~er wi~- ' Donald Smedley and son, Rickie ';,"ong .all : ught , m the "dog pens- dow ' Iy aII 0f near .' -. .,T-he . .one ,- at SprmgboroJs . '. .h an d M'ISS Mlary Fea . "'''~.'' while " we were ~.~Y ' and only good .. .You ~n ', ge.t to. It ,elt er Wilmington were Sunday guests ~..~.: ..~ ·-o.~'~ll~rn ~.re \>~.ck , in ~~e.. ~y . ~~d W~ynesvll1e CQ~ld. be ..0f 'Mr. and Mr$ ' Frank Gibson . ,; b.o~. :~int aJ1~ Buffy. " Po~r:' J~st ~ ~~d:lf th~,y ,g~t t~~· n~t. • and family....... '01.~~~stige,..;Butt!lns has to stay kind of bO~, and moved It ab,O\~t ., Wallel\..c~~~te' r 424 'O~der of it ,. . . ' ~cau.~ , he(q «rct~hes -th~.. rthr~~ .f~~t tt ~oo1.di.be fme;.., ~:a-nr-.r. i, . ' 'l ' 4 " ':'\t.' , , .'( '\) OU .g' .~Op 'Jo··: h\mt. ~ ~~ it ~is / not" th~ on~y ' dne~l who 'thinks ;~ ~ MEAlT .E,SSEN'fIAL . J' ,I. " ' no~;:'tHey stay ar.ound th~~house", ,ab9 ut .It. , Whom do we have to . ~eat supplies a l~rgc ,pl,opor· . wU·. : c: ' ."." .. : , 'pe titio'n to get one or what do we tJ(~n of scv(~ral c~sentlal nut.l'lCn.ts, . y ~ F sue ,starts out every morn~g , , Based on the daily recommended , '190 king fo~. rab~its and goes the ' ,have .tp, d~, .wrlte to: congress? allowances for a 4?·year.old man, , ro~.rrc;ls; .she has e'{e.il been report"Stili snQW1~g -but It looks as a 3 th! ·oun~c serving, of cooked ' ed in'" oUF'.• neigh 'O(S f'elds and though ·the. sun' , was trying to meat .provldes 42 pel cent of the , •1 _. " • protem, 8 per cent of the calor· " ,.Wf! do IIOt: "w"t .that. 'SOmeone - come o,~t. Here·s hopmg. Snow ies, 35 per cent' of the iron, 30 ~ .'" 'told us'that they saw-Fat Albert · lQdj(s pretty and T like tp ·watch : pm: cent of the thiamin, 14 per , in t~, dog,~un,d an¢. a~ked ,the i~ cQ,~lng doWJl' ~ut driV4pg,.even ' cent: of the rib.ofi~vin and 27 per cent of the m.a,eln nee~ed each "'" ; .' ,,-L':.'i!' .., 'l' , h" ...... / .. " '1' . with' snow ' t re . ' 't '1, . ' 0 d Ido$'f~r~~. ."'l " P~O.. l L~,; ~U I , S<.l,sn ()<?, g 0 day. we ".~'6 .ttl;. be, Ao,tifie~:~biit( .he , and '-even sJlH .'!~rHl · sand do n9 t .,,' WOul~r)!t. '1Ib:;j, :.and serft ' ' : ,ma~~ it," gQ9d Oqly,,)~"'little llett~r '. ACOURACY More ,accui-"te than a 'sextant, , "',' 1'; -:14. ,+._ . . I;, ~~ • .' ,~'tban With0ut H: nose' h'ills in : a compute!f 'oil the bridge of a WayneSVille "can She , vefY ' bad. • ship tdday can r.eceive signals' ~c.¢ I, trie~~for ~_n . ,trour '10 get . from oroiti'l1g satellites and com· up' .~ fir,st oile'_ ~iJ1 aJ;ld~ ,then an- . pute ·the vessel's position to with· in 300 feet, o.thet- and· fipalLy mld: t9'·go an~ have,. ~he cJlaim Pl;1,t on befo-re r • ~alie~i~>,:tiuf~o~ tire~ .do \' "Wilen the wind is in the east, ~~~=~~~~~~~~~:'iu;~P., . ,.' " Ws fit for nei!her man nor l>east" ~=~~~~~~~~~ ...;..--.....,~~~~~ , ~, ;It< loo."~ alS, tjibugh it was swing' ,.: 1n!g around that way now. Is it or • .,'.: .) lot? Go6d luck to everyone.
. .,A 'FAR·M DIARY " By O:J. Frazi.er '
2 track stereo and played 7 records, HO'!lemade ' fudge, cup cakes, ice cream and milk was · served to all of the tirst grade who enjoyed the party. Our get well wishes to Paul Tomlinson ' in Clinton Memorial Hospital following his . unfortunate acciden.t and to Mrs. Sue Carman who has been confined to her home this week.
Eastern Star were hosts for a district meeting held Thursday afternoon and evening at ClintonMassie High School. The open meeting was held at 4 with dinner served at 5 :30 and the school instruction course was held follOwing dinner. Mrs. Alma Plummer, Distirct 21 Presiden t presided. The Harveysburg Book Review Circle Club met at the home of Mrs, Helen Wall Tuesday night. Mrs, Avanelle Williams reviewed a most interesting book, the story of a child born unwanted. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cain of Atlantic City, N.J. wer.e Thurs· day afternoon viistors of the Ronald Clark family. Mrs, Shirley Thompson, mother and Mrs. Amelia Gordon, grandmother, entertained Bern'adine Gordon, for her 8th birth· day with a party at school Friday. She was presen ted with a
,---I S300
Reasonable 'Rates
Ask for ,Joan - Phone 897 -6021
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P.O. BOX 78 . WAYNESVillE, OHIO 45068
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-:,. iCilurct,:.of 'C~rist '
Third & M ia mi Streets • Charles Pike, Evangelist 10:00 e.m•• Sunday Morning 6:30 r p.m.. Sunday Evening 6: 30 p. m •• Wednesday Ev~nlr\g Phone 897·4462 for Information
First Baptist Church
North Main Street John P. Osborne,. Pastor 10:00 a. m • • Sunday School 11:00 a.m .• Mornln\! Worship 6:30 p.m.· Training Un ion ' 7:30 p.m.· Evening Worship 7 : 30 p. m •• Wednesday Prayer Meeting (Affiliated with Southern Baptist Convention).
,'Now faith is the sU!;S1~ance of things hoped for, th~ evidence of things not seen." , -Hebl',-ws 1-1 :., .
Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:45 a.m.· Sunday Meeting for Worship (unprogramed)
St. Augustine Church High Street Rev. JosePh H. Lutmer, P.astor 7 a.m. & 11 a.m. - Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. - HOly Days 7:30 p.m. - First Friday 7:45 a.m. - Daily Mass 5: 30 p. m .. Saturday Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal Church Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11:15 a.m. - Morning Prayer 1st. 3rd & 5th Sunday~; Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays
Third & North Streets L. Young, Minister 9 : 00 a.m. - Church School 10.15 a.m. - Church st Worship 6:00 p.m; • Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowship
Waynesville Rescue Mission Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd. Rev. Sherman Cook, Pastor 10: 30 a. m •. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. - Sunday Eve. Service 7 : 30 p.m. - Wednesday Eve. Service 7: 30 P. m. - Sat. Eve. Service
Friendship 'Baptist Church Southern Baptist COrTventlon Norman Meadows, Pastor 9 : 30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m.· Sunday Morning Worship 7 : 30 p.m, · Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p,m. - Wednesday Midweek Prayer and Bible Stud~'
Jonahs Run Baptist Church Ohio 73 East Lester Kidd, Pastor ,10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 10: 00 & 11: 00 a. m, • Sunday WorShip Service 7 : 30 p.m, - Sun~ - y Evening Worship
First Church of God .
49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10: 30 a.m, - Morlling Worsh i p 7 : 00 p.m. - Sunday evening
CORWIN Pentecostal Holiness Church Acy Lamb, Pastor 10:00 a.m . . Sunday School 7:30 p.m . . Sunday, wednesday and Saturday Evening Worship Services 7:30 p.m. - We d ne sday Youth Serv ice
E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7: 30 p, m . - Tue.sday 7:·30 p.m, - Friday· Young People's Service 10: 00 a. m .. Sunday School 7:00 p, m. - Sunday Evening
SPRING VALLEY United Methodist Church Walnut· Vin e Robert R. Meredit h. Pa stor 9:30 a,m, . Sunday School 10:"30 a.m .. Morning Worsh i p 6 : 30 P. m, . Yo uth FellOwship Jr, Hi9h & Sr. High 7 : 45 p,m. - Wednesday Cho ir Rehearsal
Sp.ring Valley Church of Christ Glady Street 10:00 a.m .. Morning Worsh i p 7:00 p.m, . Evening Worship 8 :00 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Worship
MT. HOLLY United Methodist Church Rev. Leonard Baxter 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m .. Sunday Worship Service 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday, Prayer Service
Spring Valley Friends Church
Mound Street E·. Friend Couser, Pastor 9: 30 a.m•• Sunday School 10: 30 a.m, - Morning Worship
Christian Baptist Mission
United Methodist Church
John K. Smith, Minister 9:30 a. m •• Sunday School 10:30a.m.· Sunday Worship Service 8:0D-9:00 p.m•• Wednesday Ever:-Ing, Bible Study
Free Pente'costal Church 'of God . R.R. 122 - DOdds, Ohio Pastor r ,J.ames Coffman 10:30 a.m .• Sunday SChool , 7: 00 p.m•• Sunday Evangelistic Service - • 7:30 p.m•• Wednesday Prayer
, ·ANNETTE·W. . ., Mrs~
Annette W. AndeHe, 75, .: of Wayncsvill~T-Route .1,die'd 'Sat, urday, Jan~ 30,- ~t · h~ r residence. . She was'~ a ~member ' of 81. Mary's ", Epis~.o pa) Ch I}rGh , at Waynesville ,.. St. Maris Sewing Gro.up 'and' 'Waynesville ~s., Amer· ,~ ic~n Legion AUxiti.ary 'Unit 61'S. , Survivors .incJude a dau,ghter, MiSs: F:rances E~: '~derte of. WaynesvHle\. Reute- l; ,a· ,son, .. Ro~rt . , "A, ;, An~~le,~ '. tw',) it,~ices'; and"
Free Pentecostal Ch~rch of God
R.R. 12:2 - Dodd$, Ohio Pastor, James Coffma(1 , 10: 30 a. m . .. Sunday, ~choo-, 7:00 p.rn. - Sunday, Evangelistic Serv i ce 7: '3 0 p. rn •• Wedne.sday P"ayer· 'service "'< 7: 30 p.rT) •• Saturday Evening Worlnlp Se ~ "lce-'
Main Street Mrs.' Lols Dunaway, Pastor 10 a.m. • Sunday School 1-1 a.m•• Morning WorShip 7:30 p.m, • Evening Worship 7:30 Pom. • Prayer M ..tlng Wednesday .. Thursday 7:30 p.m. - Song-f••t. Ult s.turday euh month.
The C4mterviit~ first Pentetc)stal 'Cflurch',173 E. FrarJklln Street Ray Norvell, Pastor ' • Gene 'Ulcknell,' Ass't. Jo • 1 0:00 a.m.· Sunday S.ohool ' 7:00 p'. m. - Sunday Evening 7:30 p'.m.· Wednesday Ev~ning
Genrltown United 'Church
Of Christ
.Route 42 at GenntOlN" ,~ Ray Stormer . Pastor 9:30 ~I.m. - Worshlp ·Servlce 1 0: 30 - Sunday Church School 5: 00 J). m •• Sunday Youth .. Fellowship
FERRY Ferry Church of Christ
_' Wilm ington Pike & . Social Row Road Bus VI/iseman, Minister 9:00' a.m.· Sunday Bible School . 10:!!; ~m Sunday Worship lo:i:; a.m•• Sunday Y04th Worship , 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening a l ble Study. all'ages 7:30 p.m.· Wednesday· M I'd week , Pl'ayer and .Blble Study
RIDGEVILlE Ridgeville Community Church
St. Rt. 48 & ·Lower Springboro Road Ray L. Shelton, Pastor ~ 9:30 •• m •• Sunday SChoOl 10:4~j a.m - ~or.nlng Worship 7:30 p.m.. • SiI'nday. Evening Service ,. ,'-:,,_ 7130 p.m. • Wedne~y Evenlf)O ;', ,"
..rvlce '.
&:30 Po.m, - SUnday Sr....,.O'UIIlL~.··.'··~· ""''''' . Rt8Cr84j,lon '. ,,' 6130 PoI'nI- Sunday ,Sr; VOtJth".
S41rvlcle. , . . ~v', '...,:.
•• - ' ',
., This Church Page Is Sponsored For You Through The Courtesy Of The FolI~w'in9' Ar;i ""d)an~i~,.-'~.:':O'.;JI'!•• ·. "O::!J••; • -', " /', ;.t. ELLIS SUPER VALU BRADDOCK INSURANCE ' . , '. r ' " .;~'-.' , . , ' J,..
.s .
~"NH'S. DRESS SHOP - ~v....q~.~, OHIO "J
David Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m .. Sunday Church Service 10: 30 a. m, - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Sunday Worship Service Youth Fellowship and Bible Study
Harveysburg Full Church
The former .Pennsylvania Railroad employe' was a 150 year member and Past Master ·of E~st' Funeral Gate Masonic Lodge at ColuinHome at Waynesville handled bus. He was also a member of funeral arrangements. , the Scottish _Rite ,an,d Shr1ne at _ Fort Wa¥ne , Ind.
United 'Methodist Church
United Methodist Church
Charles A. Taylor. 83\ form· erly of WaynesviUe', died Tuesday. ) Jan. ' 26, at Lutheran Senior City Hom~ at Columbus. ,
152 High Street Steve' Tigner, Minister 8: 30 a. m. - The Christians Hour (WCKY radio, Clnty) 9 :3 0 a,m •. Bible School (classes for all) 10: 30 a. m. - Morning Worshl p 10!30 a.m. - Junior Church 12 noon· Revival Fires 5:30 p.m. - Junior Choir Practice 6: 00 - Jet-Cadets Alpha Teens 7:00 p.m.· Evening Vespers
Friends Meetinq
First Church of Christ
Survivors include , a b~other , Clarence ,of ~ytolJ and several neic:es anc!' nephews.
. Funeral' services were· condo ucted at 2'''p.m. Jan , ~9 at 'the " ' Stubbs~Conner Fu~eral Hoine, at ·WaYJ1Csville. Re.v. LLVoung . officiated. , Interment was ,in Miami Cemetery at~C6rwin. , .
" 11fE.M:. >~rh~ "~J1)ost
• , ... .
practjc'ai ,
UTC.H FA fitl'A6 ' WEPt r<. WOO"bEN , sliO£S ~EC..AU~E
aaxe_lng ~nat~tials: tor :freezing vegetables ,are plastic'" bags' . or speclaI' bl{gll ' rnade of two ' difter~ ent. wi'apping materialS ... Single thick,~~ss bags need an 'outs~de covel', usually ii, car~board box, to giye them a uniform shape and to prevent t~aring,
Emerson B'/W :T.V •. Radlo·Phono comb. $35. GOOd cond 891·2896
1964 Ooc;lge con~erllble 897·261)7 . . 11:'·-1-'·---.,.......,,.....------FeeCter CII~f#5 ~ J~ Pennington : ~97. 5180' , 50ctf . 1969 FORD Falrlane !;iOo'. 2 dr,'- one' ow,,~r' - 'A -l cond r. economic ,to operate • ' . - call, Tom FI~rence '. 8!p·5000 (lett)
UPMOl.STERING" Machl~e. Ph. 893. WAYNESVILLE - 4"bdrm home· for sale' by owner ; 1IIz bath· d,l nlng rm • ' kitchen • living rm w/flreplace • utll· I,V rm ,- Pll:tlai basement· separate IMrage • corne, lot • call 932-656t ,
Reg ster,~ NurSe :for ' 11-7 sfllft & licensed practlcal " nur"s for ~~ 11 shift, p,..a~ call' 93~·0015 ' or come to OtterP;8lf) Home' for In~ervl'W ~
, <try ,a little ·
_ Let y ou,r neighbol' p.uk hi~ parkin!,! problem in your drive'
way , When he'!:; planning a party and you're not using Y<JUI' cur, offN th( spacp ~()r ' compuny , )
*** ' Se,ntt'.cookies I,Ind book s 10 " r1ei'ghbOl" !j son i~ ' lh e sEII'vic!:'
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. 'QueStion:' (s bread "dry" without I butter? A~swer: No, About 35, percent of the weight of fresh bread is
... ~ >
, 8etweea, one, p.ercent ,and ' two percent of ,the weight· of the cOffee ooan i,s pure caf· feine:-
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... · bUl~o ·)- lhut. sit~'s, ', "ll'Y "ii littl ... kindlleM" !lend
U fl'Ul'
,,·UUI' nllme \a.. ~ 'addre~ 'to COil' • ;s.lIin~I' R~lullullll' De&>t., Glail'ol, • 'I.j 5." ~urkAv,ellu(1. ·Ne\\":Y 0'1'1(.
.' N,Y.
IOU22. ~
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• ' '
' About 70- percent Qf all "Americans :have had :,chicken , PQx by the tim~ . they are 15 . yean old. , , o
Wheel·CarT)per Ca~pYng 1raile~s ~mpellops, Truck. : ~Campe..s:~"d :travel,Tr~ilers': ;,\ " We sell bottle gas ,
-Woyne ~~
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.: &Ies ·~ aen~ls".::-- .SU~plie~ ,.
~f ~.
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.. Some -: 5.000 c~an,e. ~il~
' 4-/ d ,
are ~cOrCleil i~ }J··.
' each ' e'dition ,of , tbe / D9J1 Ii, ' , Brad8treet ';Ref",nce: 'BOo'lt " • which comes' dut"eveiy '6P . ,,' day~ and c~ntaiha 2Oo.,QPO· new items of ir:a'fQf,rriation!
.. ',.
PH. 897-7931
J. . ; C'QMMtJ~ITY ~ '''"
,~ ,
·Visit the "ChUrch
at 'Third'", and Miami" Streets. "Ser· , 'are',' ;lO~. ~~.d .6 : 3~Ptd ', . 'at ,6:30PM . , TQ ,se'e .the· . take ' -If.'; siX
~l'r:espoii~,~ce ~: .'
If a child of God cannot fall, why 'did Paul warn the Connth·' ians against falling? "Wherefore, let hi'm that thinketh he standeth, take hee d. lest he fall." (I Cor 10: 12). ' If ~ child of God cannot fall, what is .1rhe meaning of the followirig statement? "Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace." (Gal. 5:4). If a child of God cannot fall, what about those who depart from God? "Take heed, brethren lest there be in any of you an evil heart of ~nbelief, in departing from the living God." (Heb. 3 :12). . If a child of God cannot fall, what about those who eat and drink damnation to themselves? "But let a man examine himself. and so let him. eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he ~that eatc!th a.od drinketh unwor· thily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body!' (ICor. 11 :28· 29). If a child of God cannot fall. why ctid,Paul bring his' body into subjection;lest he be acast-away?' "But I keep under I1.lY body, and bring it il)to subjection: les~ by any means, 'when J tUtve preached to othelrs: I\myself shoud be a castaway," ,11,9Jr. 9:27). If a child of God cannot fall, why ~idl Paql labor to be accepted Qf the lord in the day of judgment? "Wherefore we labour that whether pr~nt or absent w~ may be accepted of him. For "We mw;t all ,ap~r before the judgmint ' sl at · of Christ; that every oneinay' receive t~ .thil,lg done, in, hiS.' body. ' accordiJig to t'hat he 'fiBih .dol)e, whe~her it be ~)od ~or tj'ad: Knowing therefore ~he ' terror of the 1-9rd, we persuade men ; but ' we . are m~de manifest unto God; and I trust also ¥~ made manife~t in your' consciences. " '(2,Cor. ' 5:9·11). I If a child ,o f God cannot faU, w~y . were ~: lhe ' sa\nt ' in Christ 19sUS ~ t' PHUippi .adm~nishe.d to :work out their own ' salvation?' ':~'Wherefore.' my .,beloved,.,aS ye have al'Ways" o~ed, not in my prese'npe \.only, ' but now much mQre jr{ my' "8bsence. work out your-own saly8~,iqn' with fear and ';ef\l~ling." ~PWI. ~ ;l2). ..
585.5 (4ctf)
t,A $ T L.O N G I J:+Ol"(,,4~ 0 '5 DA.MP F-I £L.O 5,
LUMBER 'and ,S'UPPL Y 897-2966
TO US Preasion i
Work Is a "Must" 'Here We would like to introduce to you our "NEW higb quality 'printing." Much effort baa gOlle into IM~ PROVING our quality ataDdai-da. The latest in typeletting equipment brinp 10 you this quality at lower prices.
-FOil. ,
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..,., tD. &lid ..-tIle ~ ~ bathe B..n. , Of :Biatodo DcnnI.tioWD. w. - ,
LOeated at the offices of
Little Miami's Varsity basketball team ~at the Waynesville Spartans 69 . 64 after a close game Saturday. Little Miami started the first period scoring within seconds of the tip-off. About mid-period, Spartan, Marty Mayo, tied the score five all and scored again to put the Spartans in the lead for the first time in the game. After ,a few plays, the Panthers again 'took the lead and held it until there Was only 30 seconds left in ' the period when Waynesville scored to tie the score 20 all. , The Spartans kept up with the Panthers during the second period and with only eight sec· onds left Spart,an, Larry Nelson, tied the score and Ron Sackett made the score Waynesville 34 to Little Miami's 32. The half-time entertainment,
was , provided by the , Spartan majoretts accom'panied by, the Waynesville High School Pep
The third period Was begun by little Miami making twO foul ' shots and again tieing the score. Scoring Wise it was ... the Spartans would make a basket the Panthers would also make one. The score at the end of the period was Waynesville 51, Little Miami 50. 1be Spartan Reserve basketbail team beat the Little Miami Panthers in a close game 36 to 34.
The Spartans were the first to score in the first period and kept the Panthers from scoring until only three minutes remained in the ¢riod and then the points carne from a foul shot. The only other Panther points carne, fr?~ ~ ,
field goal 1 minute .. 22 secQnds . : before the , end , 6(~~ht periQd ~'" Scoring 14 Point~ . and' alldw~ . ing·Little Miami ~nly .f'hree ~fDi's ' '.~ in the first peiiod" the Spartans or. ,scored ' ortly six points and at·" lowed the Panthers to sc~{e 11 points in .the second ~riQ~. The third. period Wayne~ille scored only two point's and Little. " Miami score~ sey.en. " Only 3 minutes 40 seconds: were left in' the last period wh~n . Little Miami tied 'the SCOre -at " ',' Bob ties, 18 - 28. Arter several ; Ruggles scorled the winning point i." . the left'in s second 12 with only ~\: .", 'I:: .... ' .,' ,game, • ,< '. ;:~:~, " ' . ' The WayneSVille Reserve~ high . ',~ .•... '. ',~" " .' . . . ' / '. sc~rin,g players were Jim Go~de ' n.s, ,~p~~ta ~e on m~tks ,paw their with eight points, Dave Dick and 'Little Miami High'SChool $ Panthers left ,~ , = Ptw HarTil~, n both with sixpoints.,,' -Cliff Meager Photo- ' ,'' ' ' . ... t' ,. each. j
f re shm& n Downed B~ Cent er Vi 1I',e Elks By Mollie Hatton
TIle Spartans took the lead at , WayneSVille High School's the beginning of the game When Spartan freshman basketball Uoyd Crump made the first basteam was defeated Thursday at ket for Waynesville. A foul for Centerville next Waynesville by the Centerville tied the score making it 'a two Freshman Elks 42·32.
points score · tor both teams:
'MARATHOI OIl' COI.PII¥·;</ . . IsH appy T0 A,n n 0 unee
IIRI THO :IE·IIER II 1111111 ,1111 ,.
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lune-up SPECIAl
8 cylinder
6 cylinder
Offer Expires Feb. 16,1971
postage paid at, Wayne" sville, ohio â&#x20AC;˘ February 10, 1971 - Waynesville, Ohio ""dSS
n'~~ol '
3 No.6 \
" I~wo , : :'11'
Single C'..opy lOc
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Re88:ivI -Ca:odidata NimioatioDS ,1-8:1 P'oln',l,"M'iIi taJ'y Acad amy mined best qualified for West Waynesville Hi~ 'School senjors Larry Nelson and John Engel Point appointment, based on composite scores of written and , will be among competitive canphysical examinations given by 'Ciidates for appointments to the the military academies and acadUnited States .Military Academy emic and extr.acurricular activiat West Point. ties of the candidate, will receive Announcement- of (bese noman appointment in May. inations 'was made Feb. 3 at Nelson, the son of Mr. and Washingto'l1', D.C. by -RepresentMrs. Clark Nelson of State Route ative Walter E. Powell of the 24th 73, WayneSVille, is president of Congressional District. NI nominations from the 24th WayneSVille High School's student council. He is also a member District for the] 971 West Point of tl1e high school's yearbook dass were made on the .comstaff. , geHtive basis with the Academy larry 9u~rently plays varsity ' deter" ,officials l1'Ulking the fi!la: b~s~t~ ~ ,for the school and is a , . ~ation. ' , ' 's Candidates who. are deter- . ~~t i'~~'ell)l?¢r of the ..school . ' - - - . - -- ----... - - - ... - _..:._:.i.:.. !1.::..._r:o ~ . . ....
_..... ... _
varsity football team. He also holds memberhsip in Waynesville's adult theatre guild, The Off The Top Players. Engel, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Engel of Oregonia Route ], is president df Waynesville High School's Honor Soceity and a membeJ of the student council. He received the school Drama Club's Best Supporting Actor award for his role in "Harvey" 'presented furing his junior year last May. An Eagle Scout, he is also active in rifle and shotgun shooting with the WRA.
John spent his freshman and sophmore school years at Colonel White High School at DdYton. As a sophomore at Colonel White, he was a member of the student council and president of the Gennan Club. Young men between the ages of 17 and 22 who are legal residents of Congressman Powell's 24th District and whe wish to be considered for nomination fQr , the 1972 class of the military academies may now contac~ the Congressman for making appli- . cation. The Educational Advisory Committee will"select and recommend as many as ] 0 moninees for each vacancy at the academies from the applications reo, ceived by Congressman Powell.
R 'J
It Harveysburg
,Clerm(,:mt, Clinton, Darke, Fay-
',~tte, fu~e,ne, Hi~lld,. Madison,
'Mi~~~ Montgomery j Preble and
Invocation was given by Senator DOnald E. (Buz) Lukens,
:oUowetl by salUte to the flag, led by Deputy Master Campbell . uwis. . , Following the conference the ladies of Massie Grange ~,"'ed tight refreshments.
. ' 1~1 tl'd'( ili'~I :'I(i~idl \ ( iVI~' '1/1 h lltil.lJ,\ -
. "UN'fT,ED., '
D:l lo Ilair ht,.;1 i()I;~ e iCIII ~I (; " ,' ' Olle ' , put r,t'lIl who Iwd ' lIot '
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Dennis Dalton Editor Reginald O. HIli Advertiling t.4anager Phillip Morgan ASS,t . AdvertiSing Manager David Edsall General Manager Reginald O. HilI, David Edsall Publlshen P.O. Bo)( 78, Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Member of the Ohio Newspaper Association
By Dennis Dalton, Editor
, Mainstreet comes out of long hibernation this week to tell all his readers about his new resur~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ /' ~~~~~~~~' ,fucing by ~~ H~r Fa~onsat . i'j Lebanon. GAZETTE DEADLINES "It has made a ,new man out of you," "It's great",":really Editorial News - 12 p.m. noon Monday hands0'!le", "it's taken 10 years Social News - 12 p. m. noon Satur.day off your age and improved your
a ppearallce 100 per cen t," have been just a few of the myriad compliments I have enjoyed during the first weeks of -the man 's wig promo tion I am handling for Dale Ni cholas, Dale Hair Fashion ,owner , Two weeks ago a dangerously recceding hairline (that was giving me wha L appeared to be a une foot forehead) and an ever thinin g lOp cover (I cunt inually diet and oill y Illy hair gets thin) · convinced me in addition to Dale's expert consultation lead 'me to a new well groomed look and the enactment of my own version of "Hair", I had expert critics, Mrs, Corwin Fred of Fred's Mushroom Company; Mrs, Mark Fred of Fredl's Department Stor'e and' Mrs, Raleigh Poppe (I ~a lue " these ladies' opinIons and goo~ taste highly). They aU , loved ' it
Classified - 12 p. m. noon Monday Display - 5 p.m. Monday
Anthony Berne Davies Diekman
The Organization Sex in Human Loving I Knew Daisy Smuten The Angelica
previously seen . 'mc , mi'n us' ,mY new head,."gear" aske,d .t hat [ re,move it. fo'r a , compatis n. I obligea and the immediate response was "oh put It back on' .' My new hard to tell its a wig top is a ~ynthetic and is manu· factured by Venture under the name, EI Toro. It didn't steer me into purchasing a red cape but it did direct me to new self confiden,ce ,a handsome outward and inward 'feeling and a security that Mt. 'Hairy" would never become Mt. ' Baldy', The new' line of men's wigs, now being handled by Dale Hair Fashions cover the head co mpletely and comfortably, can be washed in cold water ana can be cut in any style including a man's regular short haircut. ill additiun 10 a ' new lease on life, my new 1:1 Toro has given me recourse to Women 's Lib, Now) can sa y "Onl y my hairdrcs er knows",
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1~(H1ul , Vucal iUllai and ci\llrac~e,'
pl'ugi'u ms uf the , , Buys Clubs of Ampl'icu ' 3H 1 FOllrth Av.cnu(l \ New .. , Y(wk , N, Y. 10016, Enllsi "OUl' t illlC' ' , _ arrort, 'unci funds it; ' aCliv illic ' \ .. - , , tu pl'omol,c llwse, pl'U~rn ll1s. " ,~ ,
Members f ,aynesviile s~ fJ'ar- ;, , mer Orange No. '1:3 ~I)rcsente.d an exchange ,prograrh ' .ollrmg..: if..r ~ , meeting of Lebano~l Gr,ange ~o/ 146_ Thursday night >:" ",' •., . . .
. . 0-
12 '
Other niembers of7F.armefs Grange particjpat~ng ih the pro~' gram were Mrs, Atha Fum'as, ~ Mrs, ' Mar. . Mic lenee. Mf.~. ·' Dc)\"(?th) Frazier an d .' EFne"\ ' "
"".. . . • "
d (lveluPI~ll'lIt
":,' " . .,;;..; ' ~",~'~""'UPnS _ _ IYMhDMAL""T""""COAraIaA~"" "" FEDIRAL........ ,:;:7. -·i' . : " .. .':,. .. . '. . ~'. ..' ,:, . t'I""1 '\ , ~ - . . : . . . 10 :( _.. ),,;: i 4\.>o:': .. ..r,;..{"-,,,,,,, "' ....,.
"I . . .
from tht' 11('111 th soc ial educu·
Dear Editor: ~...,. ~ -lav~ typed off a little article -.' wIUch'r 'eaq in .a new paper,. and I \VQ~rci 1cifldly appreCiate, your printing it in the,VaHey Shopper. Recently I ,read 'qUite an in~ teresting articfe tha( had been v,ritten by a :reKan ' Nu~rition , ,Expert, whi,ch read as follows: .... "Commercially '\Eqrich~c\:~ , bread is so low ~in Inutrjents . t~at not even a rat, can ~ve on it, a sCiehtist who' re.porte~ h~ starved rodents to death by stuffiitg them 'with the "Staff Of Ufe~' ~id r~~ntly" ", ~ ~' " " '" This 'Nlltr~tion expert stated: Tqat he ,experimentally. fed 64 ,laboratory rats on . _no~hing but bread . calle4- '~'Enriched',' by eorrimercii( Bakerie~. Within 90 days, h~ 'sajd;'40'of tl)e ro,4ent~ ' had died of ·'malnutrition. The survivors "w~re'$everly stunned'" - ~~ said" ~nd<~ of ,quota~iOIl'. , But Hqw, ailc)Ut . this making
,_W, ., " " . . , ,,".U: TIIYIII
,On e million, b()~' ~ Ihr()lI",hou~ ,
Lefiers To The E-ditor
, Findley F. 'Brqwn Wayne_sVille, .9hio ,
._ :-..- ~~, : .J~ .
you.. ch.ildren .. 'Stronge~ ways?
We -at WaynesVille' National Bank feel that the Valentine Season is an especially apprO~iate " time to let -all '01I' customers know that VIle sincerely apprecia_ the opportunity to serve~ir " ', ' banking needs. And to all our neighbors and friends in the community, m.,y we extend,. Cordial " : and friendly Valentine greeting from all of us at Waynesville National Barik.- , ~' , " .... : ~ -;'" . '<1 '
6.C . O~;'E.',
, The·' LcOI.tAiHi I Mit'scm"" and, 7 I,,'ii! :r.~~I Waynes~i1Jo businc.$s ()fflces of} United : Tclcphtme- ·Compa'ny , ' Ohio wi ll be closed Friday' Feb: , ' 12, for 'training purpos,es. " Don Shoemaker,' District Man~ anger (pr United, said the closing wilt permit the Service Rep- ' resefltatives to ' receive, sp~cjaJ . training in customer bilfing. . "', "' The regular busmess ' office , ' hours of 8:30 a.m. to ' 5 ~.nt' .: '~ ;' will resume on Mo~day t'FebJ 5: ,' "
P.O. Box 78· Phone 897·$9.21
Cook. '
The Town
Mrs. Mary Bellman 897,· 5826 Girl Scout Troop No. 1142 met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Furans. Mrs. Furnas served refreshments to the troop. Mr. Furnas presented each member with a piggy bank. Mrs. Jane Waltz and Mrs. Carolyn Purkey are the troop leaders. Terri Arnold is news reporter. Mrs. Edith Hawke was taken to Kettering Memoria'i Hospital on Tuesday. ~he died on Thursday, Feb. 4. Mr. Richard Cam pbell will enter Grandview Hospital this wee k to undeJrgo tests. Mrs. Rose Stokes the oldest member of the First Church of 'Christ is a patient at Clinton Memorial Hospital in Wilming· ton.
Miss Carla Elaine Sawyer
The neighborhood meeting will be held Feb. 12, at the United Methodist Church in Waynesville. The Junior Troops will be hostesses. Girl Scout Troop No. 1469 attended the Holiday on Ice show at Cincinnati Gardens Feb. 9. Troop No. 11'42 went ice skating at the home of Mrs. Jane \Yaltz. _' May 18 has' been , scheduled " for the Fly-Up cer~monies '~{ Troop No. 1~69. This will be nard 'Melloh.' h~ld, ~ ,- the , Social Hal~' at the - The bride's mother chose fo£.' United 'Methodist Chutch of ~e pccassion a rib~d' kitlt suit Waynesville. ' , of navy blue and a cYJObidium Troop No.: t 469 will tour orchid corsage. . Lynn's Dre.ss Shop Feb. 17. , The bridegroom's mother wasMr,s. Paul .shinkle, a nurse, attired ' ~n . ~ ; blaclc ~n'~ "white en:, visited Troop No. 1469 and gave , , " ~lJ!ble '~is~' !=oP1plime1)te9.. <\,y a the girls a, pr~gr~m' on personal the "maniage ; ,cer~rnony. ", cymbidium orchid' cor$3ge. ' , \ grooming an(! h~alth"aid. "':' ' '" The bride is the,' ·dal.@i.t~r .. : " \. , " , . ,pf _', Mi. and, Mrs. ,' ,Lor~n' ":Rout" i ,',~- zaful~of ~ytle. She is ~ gTad~ate;', " .~" t" ~ of., W~yn~sviUe ~gh ~ho~t a~d , " I~ is' e~cPloyed at W~T TeleY,ision - , . ' . " . "' . ~ ~ Jf , YQuhave a 'meeting , S\uaio~ - :. ,- " lPli1mel1lU_~,a . ~ ~A gr~.du~te , of C910riet ~te YQU'd ' like 'to have listed in ,~ .,", ~a~a. '~~e .edge~ sa~in ', . ~~ ,~~oo~,~ Dayt9Jl,}~ :bna. .DATEDMK '. tram; ' ~e-:' ~r~e(l"' ~ , bou9uet of: , egJ;o~m]S:the,so~:oflMr.~~~Mrs. , ~ calendar, " c~rn.tion~:~ arid ,red ,~ aO'(t ,'" J9~:H:;~~1~s'Y0rthpfDaYto,~., "ZE'nne !~IE . ~IA~I GA· "'o" •• tIIo . ."" roses. " ~ HeJatt,en~d .WngJlt:~t~te Univp :" ' at ,cI97",59~1 •.. , ' Appiopi~ate ~,musical selec.. · ' ersitY~'~lld :is ' 3 grad~te' 'of RETS 'Fe'b.-10 . ': '(ions 'were ptQ~)~d' Qy 'organist; Jle9~Qnic SchonL'/ H~7'iS ,e!llpl~ ' W~#~ Re.taU :Merchants, AsSpc~ Pfe~ff~i,,., CQU~;n ~, Q,f t'h , ~ .~ 'Qye.c! i$t )VHJO Televisip~ ~udio. ,iation ,:' 7: 30; p.m.) ,The' Fire"si~ . ~
Miss Carla Elaine Sawyer , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sawyer, of 215 Fifth Street , Waynesville, will be a spring bride, according to a recent engagement announcement by her parents, Miss Sawyer is eh gaged to Dale Edward Linebaugh, Jr., of Waynesville, son of Dale E. Linebaugh, Sf. of Mt. Sterling, Ky. and the late Mrs. Ethel Linebaugh. A 1969 graduate of Waynesville High School. the brideelect attended Wilmington College and is a graduate of the Dayton School of Practical Nursing. She is employed by Dr. Robert Simmons of Lebanon. Mr . Linebaugh, a 1967 graduate of Lebanon High School , attended the University of Dayton and is currently employed at Miami - Carey Corporation at Monroe,
Jan ie's Be aut y Shop WED. THURS. FR!. BY APPOINTMENT
3 mites north of WaynelYllle
9990 BELLBROOK ROAI"' 848·7351
AL TERATIONS Mens & women. Clothing VADASNODDY PHONE 897·2437
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Beb. v:i;or '
Make Good Impression
February' 5, 1971. The, Moon. It is a little hard to' -type on the Moon but \\Ie l)ope' to be able . to make 'our report. TIle space By Ervin B. Pack, suits are very hard to manage . . Principal but we ar~ ' getti,ng ' somewhat better t but even so' I am afrai d 3. Sharpen pencils before final you to d Has it ever occure if this is to ~~t in any where near bell, unless given permission by that you are , in your apJ?Crance the dead Iin~: , I ,~m going to have the teacher. g walkin a do, you what in and to return to earth and finish it 4. Be sure you have all neces· of kind the of t advertisemen up. If I miss any of it some one sary materials · such as books, person you are? will tell me aU about it and have paper, pencils, ' etc. Your manner of dress reflects pictures aU about it. Good bye 5. Be courteous at all times. to tend People your character. Moon. Hello earth. Talk only when directed to do , on g here judge you by the, way you look. blowiri is wind The so by the teacher. Do not inter· , flying are clouds Mthough a person may not be the earth, and rupt the teacher or another of r numbe great a afford shine able to and the sU'n is trying to student when he is talking. clothes or even eKpensive ones, Forty by , the thermometer an appearance of being well Quite a difflerence between here Manners, Attitudes with d : attaine be may ed groom and the moo n.' t studen a If a little effort. Last week, Saturday night we Substitutes are teafhers who ,chooses good basic clothes, keeps wen t to Harveysburg to the take the place of your regular them clean and well pressed , Grange legislative Conference _ ' teachers when they are absent. taste, good with and wears them where we discussed some of the TIley should be given the same he will find that he is as well legislation 'with -members 'from respect and courtesy as would , dressed as his fellow students. other counties that they should be given your regularly-assign~d pass and as usual much of it rs. teache Classroom Manners turned on taxation, The cild Your cooperation will enable problem what system would be the substitute teacher to conbetter than Ithe old property tax? tinue your classroom work until 1. Go at once to your seats can we 'get 01...,. farm land How your regular teacher returns. , when you enter the c1assrooill. taxed as farm land not as ,sub· Substitute teachers visit many: 2. Be orderly even if the urban developement ,land. If we schools. Our school is judged by teacher is not immediately pre· stop taxing land for schools how' the impression you make. sent. can we get more money. Frankly - _._ ._--_._- I do not know. I ' found this' for' the Lytle Cub Scouts. All iq.te[ested m~n and wom~n LYTL E are invited to attend whether or 60berta Wilson not you have a son'in Cub 'SCouts. Ph. 897~4246 Representative from MiddleCongratulations to Lorna town District will be there. Get 'well wishes are, sent to~ Routzahn and John Charlesworth re and Dick Whitwho were united in marriage Calvin Longac rial HosSaturday evening, Jan. 30 at ,aker, in Kettering Memo pital. the church. Some of our servicemen are "BIGG EST HEA RT" " ' " Pet~ n Captai leave. home on 'PROGRAM .SrAR TS ' Vermillion and Sp. 4 Ronald W.S.A.I. Radio began the 6th Pennington are on leave from annual "School With the Biggest Vietnam and Steve Woods is on Heart" contest on Monday, Feb., leave from the Navy. 1. 'Each penny donated ' counts Practice has started for the as one vote for the school, with Easter Community Choir Can- all the proceeds going to heart tata. The Senior Choir will prac- . research through the Southwesttice on Wed. 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. ern Ohio Chapter of the AmerThe Junior Choir will practice on ican Heart Association. Monday from 4 p.m. to 4:30 Three prize~ are being offered p.m. Everyone is welcome. this year with the ' top school " Next Thursday , Feb. 11, at having first choice. The prizes open 7:30 p.m. at the church, an SEWINO are being announced on W.S.A.I. meeting will be held for the The contest will close at 5 organizing of a P"ck Committee p.m. on Monday t Feb. 15. Monday t~ female faction of Wayn4mille's Farmers' Gra~ge No. 13 stitched . the Natio'naF
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Grange seWing ,Con'test .intt, :its . " agenda. . The contest which began '
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Mts~ Lawr~nce ~Furn;' o~: ~,
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With Coupon '
contestants" a g9al "scw for' '.n " " -e bY Oh," au,o 'Gran ~te ~, 10 ,- ' Q6. . ".... ·t" Grange : , WOmeri ., . . '~' ·\~Cttv .,
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at the museum on Rombach Ave. in Wilmjngton.· Mr.. & Mrs. William Doster presented ~he program OR "Hogs, H<mtiny and History". Mrs. Opal Kidd of Xenia and Mrs. Virginia Mlinor of near Spring Valley were .-Thursday afternoon callers on Mrs. Marjean Price.
·,nll'''" , n ..
mee' tjng·W~~e.s. :lJt. /', ~e' Frle,nA " ' _
' ·Wilnungton.
Bulldogs Bite Spartans
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Schoonover and family have moved from the rental Propel ty at the corner of Maple ·St. and Clark Ave. to the house on S. R. 73 forinerly known as the Cook tenant house, . Mr. & Mrs. Michael ReiSinger of near Good Hope have an·· nounced the birth of their 3rd child! a daughter Melissa Dawn born January . 29th. Mrs. Reisinger - is the former Sharon
In a fast paced game the Yellow Springs Bulldog Varsity basketball , team beat the WaY7 nesville Spartans 86 to 59. The Sp~rtuns trailed all the game losing ground with each
Gor4bh;'''dau~hte't f of Mr: & Mrs. Everett · Gor(ion the ' maternal·
' grandpiutmts.
. .
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.'" .:' -cJ ~'RENEV'I .' . Y01ll'" n.-me alSo. 'f:;. :,~,~W>"I.'I" .:j'~:.' ., . ~ar MJrs. Tobin:
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Dear Mrs. Tobin: We are older peopi,e ana iny husband is to be the best man for a close friend our age .... gr.oup. It is a second marriage for both the bride and groom. Will II\)' husband have any special ~uties to perform? Dunsmuir Reader Dear Reader: Of course, the ceremony will be performed before only relatives and - possibly a few close friends. . Your husband will simply enter with thE~ gr~m and present ..the ring at the proper time. n tbe wedding is to be in 'a church, he will exit with · the bride's attendant. At the reception .be will act as sort of major-domo; greeting the guests and ' directing them to .the receiving line. He should . .also pres~nt the ne~lyw~ wiUl aof ra~r. speCIal gift, . _t..t~L -urse would carry wlllCJl ,-,v
. ' ••• :, ;0'1
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When my ' h usb a III d and I are I tr.anSgorting,lady guests in our I. ear" 'Who sits in · the front .', :'SUJllpOse our passenger is o~e of Our ' D)otheri? :MJ:s.
'.' 1 MiL.B" ,. . : ,. :.' " Dear MrS: M.~B.: The wife
.,·:' .·...a)'l iUs in the f.rc)~t ,seat " . .leW ~ IMr ' husband '. and • ". ,." , sit beb1nd. Of
.·N~~i~E<~~~~~~~~~~~~7-:::;;tj ;"
:. , .... :.., riders loin: .
ODe " 0 .
lI'),iiflt1rn~;~J~'I!':tJfliJ~ ,shoul~ o,ffer
Dec.4 Mason Dec. 5 Carlisle Dec. 11' Kings . . Dec,18 UtUe'Mianil Jan. 2 East ~ton
Jan.8 Springboro
Jan.9 Blanchester Jan. 15 "1inton ~ie Jan. 22 Mason
have two passengers, put both of them in' the back. · Dear Mrs. Tobin: We already have the preadoption papers for a baby who will be born in early January. May we announce the birth in tbe newspapers? Pr~ spective parents. Dear Parents: No. The baby's birth will probably not even appear in the vital statistics column and adoptions are not announced in the llewspapers. Send out personal notices after the fact and after all the legal matters are completed. One example is: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kind are happy to announce the adoption of . Philip born January 3, 1971 , Dear Mrs. Tobin: Shoulcln t a finger bowl be pr.esented before an· entree of frogs' legs? Myrtle P. Dear- Myrtle: Yes . Dear Mrs. Tobin: At what age does a yourig man take the title of "Mister?" Holyoke .Reader. Dear Reader: In the United States, a yOung man over the . age. of '12 ~y receives mall addresseclto "Mr." However, 80rbe ~ple -feel the age of .a1 is ,' the "F9per _ tlme ' to '. IftAftlv title. '-.01J ¥,Sum :"I....the ~~,~.' ,. ,prefer.~,. tti8 t."t7Nlftsar ' ~aa AU-' .J""'''e~ "'~d'" _. . ' ~ t ·" 17" e"'~1 '" _ ~---: . ..... ;;;.......!' , ,i i-rna ' . ~ "81111'1." · to • -."'0l1l5I- ' •
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Home Away Home Away Home
Home Away Away Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Home
Jan.23 Kings Jan.29 LitUe-Miami Feb. 5 Yellow Springs Feb.6 Springboro Feb. 12 Blanchester Feb.13 Bellbrook Feb.19 Clinton Massie Feb. 20 _ Greenview_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _11
period. The Spartans just could not catch the wind of the game. Ron Sackett scored 18 pon and Jeff Bourne scored 12 points for the Spartans. . The Spartan Reserve beat the Bulldogs 56 to 54 in a fast moving game. Although the Spartans led most of the game, the game was tied just seconds before the final buzzer. With only three seconds to go in the game, Doug O'BaniGn scored the winning bas· ket. Spartan Jim Goode scored t.en.. t>q~,n.ts ~~.~ : Mike Hartsock scored eight points.
• "r,
Nov. 25 Lebanon'
.a few duties
'returned ' to·' -her home from Clintoh~Meni~ri~i 'H6pital where lIAC,nlaV ',.' ' :~~ ; has been ,3: ~tjeJltJQr some ....."'CIIO"'UV , .' .' time.": ':~ , 'r" .•.• .,' . ; , "(,'i ¥rio :~Wi~ ~()ag{and has been .' . con,flrled t~. jUs ~00le.1his wee~ iritcjn1~[1;mult\iv,!HliStt~r:ical, . With " . , "'_
. ~
Best man has
·.- '.·f,.,.--".,. ~fld·.Angie. 'Kleinbe ., of :
' • HIGH 8CHOO~ ' . . 1910-71 BASKETBAlL' SCHEDULE
Mrs; Marjean Price was a
ct,np'II"'·-~f!tihg ·\vaS conducted Fr.iday luncheon guest of her flfst', plans for th~ World : aunt and uncle Mr. & Mrs, of ,'~a}ler were di~cuss,ed " Wmiam .Zurface of Wilmington. 'Carm~n, :;: Kenny ' Alex· .:. .~ .Mrsl, Carleton ' Sherwood has '
The Spartan Victory Barrel, -- W~ynesville ~P!lftan high s~or· the winoe('s token of Waynes- ing players were Ron : Sackett with 23 poinfs and Jeff Bourne ville, Springboro ball games, now with 13 points. rests in the hands of . \\dynes. The Spartan Reserves also ville Spartans after. a 63 . · S9 treed the Springboro Panthers Victory over the Springboro Pan· with a close score of 46 to 47. thers Feb. 6. The Spartan Varsity came The Spartan Reserves are rea· from behind in the last minute lIy on the right track with two upset wins in a row. Two vistor· of the game after recovering ies before last week brings the from .the third and early fourth total to four straight wins. periods. The Spartans lead throughout Victory was within reach of the game only letting the Pan. either team as late as 24 seconds t.hers ahead for short times and in the last period. few points. The Spartans were on top at The high scoting players for the end of thl~ first period but Waynesville were Jim Goode, fell behind near the beginning of with 16 points and Ron James the second period and stayed with eight points, there until the fourth period.
1:he Church Board of the United Methodist Church met Thursday night at the church, . Robert C. Rich, son of Mr. & Mrs. ' Raymond Rich of near here will be married March 19th, in the Unite·d ,Brethren Church in Gre~rifield to Miss Judith Ann Raike of Sabina. She is a graduate nurse employed at Community Hospital in Springfield and he is employed at the' Ford Motor Co. in SharonVille.
tended'the.Church ~'''_''·rf't\I.,.n
.I 'a,:de"s'vltfe~ Spa~.ta··n's: . Cage ' Panthers ·8:'3: ··5~8
..IViUage' Cpuncil ,met in regular " ~~~ipn ; Mbbday ' night and Roy was· sWorn in as a new mem~ 'All other business was , ,r('utine. " ." ,W. & Mrs. Wiliam Doster, 'Mis. Frank Gibson, Mrs. Ted - MilIer) Mrs. Maurice Bogan and '" daughter -G~en attended the all ,· chairmen of Church Divisions of .' ~he Clinton Baptist Association at , the First, Baptist Church in . \ WashingtonC. H. Tuesday night. '. ' , .Massie Grange was host to the , -Ohio State Grange District legis· '~tive meeting Saturday evening. " ' Sixteen counties were represent. r' ',' an4 each state representative • aod' state senator were invited' to , . atten.d. John E. Henderson, State ~J~1Jang~ legislative.. representative, . helJded a p~nel discussion on the "Putpose of Grange and upeom'ing ,legislative ' plans. Coffee and cookies were Serve,d. Mrs. Phyilis Williams entertain· ed with a shower for Miss. Shirley Satterthwaite Sunday afternoon . " iii the social rooms of Jonahs Run .. ' thurch. · ,She is the bride elect, 'of Bill 'HickS of tumberton. ....,. ··~Mrs. Margery McCarthy of "Wilmington s~nt Sunday after· - .. ., with her, father Romine " ...,,..,.. Shumaker .. ,;o''"''''H''«.; \ ' Mt. ~ Mrs. 'Wiijard Taylor' of .. .~unday afternoon at ' ho~e:(o~ 'his parents' Mr. & ··,'(Jliht ',Taylor,.. " n:~?:~l~::!l~.ii;;·r.1 ~!s:. ~U,C)L ~_cC.arren and ~s. .~
IS THE BIBLE A MYSTERY? The ve'ry fact that the says. "God hath spoken unto by His son" implied that the communication is in la that man can grasp. A second important cons-ideration is stated in Acts 3: 23, "every soul that will not HEAR that prophet (Christ) ' shall be destroyed from among the people. But there are many who say 'The Bible is : mystery; we can't understand it. ,. Cruden defines the MYSTERY: something that kept sacred from understanding until it .. is rev.eale.d . .Thus, in John 7: 17 our Lord declare "If ANY man will do his will, he shall KNOW the' doctrine ... " Paul wrote, "Whereby when ye READ, ye may UNDERST my knowledge in the mystery Christ. 'j , (Eph. 3: 5). To th~ Ro· mans, the same Paul spoke of a mystery whiell' had been kept secret since the foundation the world, but NOW is KNOWN to ALL nations for the obedience of faith (Rom. 16:2527). . Rather than being a my~tery, the Bible is a REVELATION. The failure of man to understan the Bible and obey its precepts is not through any neglect or I carelessness on the part of but because of man's un ness to accept that upon which his salvation depends. In II Thes· salonians, chapter 2, Paul speaks ~f some that received not love of the truth that they might be saved" (v. 10). Because such, God shall send them a strong delusion that they might believe a lie; That all might be damned who lieved not the truth but pleasure in unrighteoJ.t$fless" (vs. 11-12). The Bible is God's to man. Man can imderstand it! Man must understand the love the. truth, and obey .truth or be condemned to .endless hell! . Visit the. ChUrch ' of -.- ~"r that meets it ''Third and M1i1.UU1 'Streets. ServlceS are at 10 and 6:30 PM,on' ~rd's ' at 6 :30. PM 'WfI!,1 tnfl!!lda . .If ~u WolllU:t 6 . . . . . . . . . ._
Churc h ef Christ
First Bapti st Churc h
2 J~eter 3:9 '~tm 14:6 B. G()d's way John n' C. God's , comma ' 3:3 The Power of Salva~iOrl . , II . A. Power to save - .Roman s 10:13 ~ B. Pc",Iver to c hange - 2 Cor. C. Power to ,k eep .... 2 Tim. 1 :12 III. The Price of Salv ation A. Jesus ':"" His life John 3; 16, Acts 4:12. B. You - Luk~ 9 :2.3 C. H ,o ly Sf'r't - Jo hn 6:44 The Plan 0 Salvatio n I V. A . R ,epent - Luke 13:3 B. B4~ lIeve - Acts 16:31 Rom. 10:9-10 C. Confess The Peace of Salvatio n V. A. PElace of heart "':' John 14: 21 B. Peace of mind - Phil . 4:7" VI . , The Patienc e of Salvatio n A. F lalthfuln ess - Rev. 2:10 B. Endur.a nce - 2 Tim. 2!3 The Pay of Salvatio n VII . A. E,n joyable life - John 10: 10 B. A full and overflo wing life John 10:10 C. Eternal and everlas ting life John 11:25 Rev. John Osborn e First Baptist Church
world of today to the lessons
First Churc h of Christ
of Faith and Church ...
152 Hi gh Street Steve Tigner, Ministe r 8: 30 a. m . - The Christia ns Hour (WCKY radio , Clnty) 9:30 a.m. - Bible School (classes f or ali) 1.D: 30 a. m. - Morn ing Wo r sh i p , 1 0!30 a. m. - Junior Church 12 noon· Revival F ires 5:30 p.m. - Junior Cho ir Practice 6: 00 - Jet-Cad ets Alpha Teens 7:00 p.m. - Even i ng Vespers
- 30-
High Street Rev. Jose ph H . Lutmer , Pastor 7 a.m. & 11 a.m. - Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. - Holy Days 7 :3 0 p.m. - First Friday 7:45 a.m. - Dally Mass 5 : 30 p. m •. Saturda y Mass
Waynesville Rescue Mission
Harveysburg Full Churc h
Cor ner of 73 & Co rwin Rd. Rev. Sherma n Cook. Pastor 10:30 a.m.' Sunday Schoo l 7 : 00 p.m . . Sunday E ve. Ser v ice 7 : 30 p.m. - Wedn esday Eve. Ser v ice 7 : 30 p.m .. Sat. Eve. Service
173 E. Frankli n Stree t Ray Norvell , Pastor ' Gene Bickne ll, Ass't. 10: 00 a. m. - Sunday School 7: 00 p.lTl. - Sunday Eve'nll1g 7:30 P.m . . Wedne,Sc;!}JY Even i ng
E. South Street Rev, Jack Hamilto n , Pastor 7 : 30 p.m. - Tuesda y 7 : 30 p.m .• -Friday · Young People' s Service 10:00 a.m .• Sunday School 7 : 00 p.m .• Sunday Evening
First Churc h of God
49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10: 30 a.m.' Morn ing Worshi p 7 : 00 p.m •. Sunday evening
Genn town' Unite d Churc h Of. Chris t Route 42 at Gennto wn Ray St lormer, Pastor 9 : 30 a.m, - Worshi p Service 10:30 .. Sunday Chut ch School . 5:00 p .. m. - Sunday Youth ....-F el lowshl p.
SPRING VALLEY Unite d Metho dist Churc h
Acy Lamb, Pastor 10:00 a.m .. Sunday ,School 7 : 30 p.m.' Sunday , Wednes day and Saturda y Even Ing Worshi p Services 7:30 p.m . . Wednes day Youth Serv ice
Walnut · Vine Robert R . Meredlt h, Pastor 9 : 30 a.m.· Sunday School 10: 30 a. m. - Mornin g Worship 6:30 p.m. -, Youth Fellows hip Jr. High & Sr. H igh 7:45 p.m .• Wednes day Choir Rehears al
Ferry Churc h of 'C hritt "
. Wilmin gton Pike & Social Row Road , Bus Wisema n, Ministe r 9:00 a.m,· Sunday Bible Sct'!ool 10:15 a.m. - Sunday WorShi p ' 10:15 a.m•• Sunday Youth Worshi p 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening ~ r Bible Study, all ages 7:30 p.m. - Wednes'd ay - MldWe, \< Prayer and Bible Study ,
Spring Valley Churc h of Chris t
Glady Street 10:00 a.m. - Mornin g WO! Ship 7 : 00 p.m. - Evening Worship , 8 : 00 p.m . • Wednes day Evening Worshi p
Spring Valley Frien ds Churc h
Ridgeville Comm unity Churc h .
Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9 : 30 a.m•• Sunday SChool 10: 30 a. m. - Mornin g Worshi p
St. Rt. 48 & Lower Springb oro Road Ray L. Shelton , Pastor 9:3~a.m. - Sunday School 10:45, a.m. - Mornin g Worshi p 7:30 II).m. - Sunday Evening . ' Service 7:30 p.m. - ,Wednescs..y Evening \ leI'vlce 5:30 p.m. - Sunday Sr. Youth ' I R~. .tlon 6:,30 11).m. - Sunday Sr. Youth Service s
Chris tian Bapti st M-ission Main Street Mrs. Lois Dunawa y, Pastor lOa. m. - Sunday School 11 a.m•• Mornin g Worshi p Evening Worshi p 7:30 7:30 P.rn. - Prayer Meeting Wednes day & ThurscY Y 7: 30 p. rn. - Song-fe st. Last Saturda y each 'm onth.
p.m. -
Following Area ThiS Church Page Is Spons ored .For You Through The Courtesy Of The •
sn years
o~ ~ge, A h~iving
546 ' North Street WayneSVille died Thursday Feb. 4' at Kettering Memorial Hospital. The Rev. Mr. Harold R. Deeth officiated at funeral services COttducted .-a t 2 p.m. Monday at St. Mary's Episcqpal Church. Mrs. Hawke was a lw~mber of St. Mary 's Episcopal Church. She also held membership in the WayneSVille Senior Citizens Club. She was prec;ee ded in death by ~ her husband Ronald. Survivors include a' son, Frank R. or' Fort Worth 'Tex,' a brother Harris Mosher of Waynesville i two grandsons, John of Springfield and James of Texas; a granddaughter, Jeanne of the Peace Corps; a niece and nep· hew. Funeral arrangements Were han died by the Stub.bs-Conne r Funeral Home at Wayne svi lle. Interment was in Miami ('emetery at Crowin.
:just ~cross tl,1.e river frOl:n 'St,..;'o- seph, Missouri,' so ,I -REMEMB&R . • many things tha have o~c urred . during these 97 years. Fir.st, 1 think it would 'be interesting -to .recall some history.,ttiat ' my fattler gave me a.nd v,:hich 'is borne ' aut . by records in WaShington, D,C., and that is that my gl'anufather sel1ved in tbe Civil War (NOT 'my father, BUT my grandfather. ) H,is name was James Garvin Hooten, al'ld he served in Company G, 18t11 , ~egi ment of l'4issouri llU'mtry Veter_ an Volunteers. , He entered , the service when oe was 38 l',ears of age, on Dece.mber 8, 1864, f,or. ope year or duratio n of war, 'anq, wS\s . discharged op July 18, 1865: lIls ' records show that he wa,s ,born • in Howard' County. MissoUri, .~d. ·, r . was ~9 a~ date of discha~ge; ~.~~t his actual pirth date is not.known ' to me. 'Not many people can say they are the son or daughter of .. Civil War veieran, and surely 1 must;. be about the only Qne now ., who can say he is ~be gra~dson of a.~ ".~ I Civil War vet~ran. oMy father, Marion Hooten ; the '" eldest of JameS GaliVin Hooten- ' and wife, Martba Elliott Hootep, . was bprp January 14, 1~9. My . grandfather died June 10, 1000. .. I
TheC.enterville ,First Pente costal Churc h
1· am
oeen born -on " J aou~ 18, ' 1~73; MR.S. EO'ITH 'M. H-AWkE in the little' town of 'Lyndon (no~ Mrs, · Edit h M. Hawke, '84, of . extinct), Qsage ' CouRty 'Kal}sas,
Dav id Harper,-Pa stor 9 : 30 a.m.' Sunday Church Serv ice 10: 30 a.m. - Sunday School 1 1: 00 a.m . • Sunda y Worshi p Serv ice Youth Fellows h i p and Bible Study
Third & North Streets L. Young, Min ister 9:00 a.m . - Church School 10 :15 a.m. - Church st Worshi p 6:00 p.m. - Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellows h i p
R.R. 122 - Dodds, Ohio Pastor, James Coffma n 10: 30 a.m•. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. - Sunday Evange listic Servicle 7:30 p.m •• Wednes day Prayer 'Ser vi ce 7 : 30 p.m. - Saturda y Evening Worhlp Service
United Meth odist. Churc h
Unite d Metho dist Churc h
John K. Smith, Ministe r 9: 30 a. m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Sunday Worship service 8:00-9: 00 p.m. - Wednes day Evening , Bible Study
Free Pente costa! Churc h of God
Ohio 73 East Lester K i dd, Pastor 10:00 a.m • • Sunday School 10: 00 & 11 : 00 a. m .. Sunday Wor sh l p Serv ice 7 :3 0 p.m . • Sunday Even i ng Worsh i p
Third & Main St reets Rev. Harol d Dee th, Rector 11: 15 a. m. - Morn ing Prayer 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday s; Holy Commu nion 2nd & 4th Sunday S
Unite d Metho dist Churc h
Jonah s Run Bapti st Churc h
St. Mary~ Episcopal Churc h
R.R . 122· DOdds, Ohio Pastor, James Coffma n 10:30 a.m •. Sunday School 7: 00 p.m. . Sunday Evange list ic Service 7:30 p.m .• WedneS day Prayer
Southe rn B-aptist Conven Norman Meadow s, Pastor 9:30 a.m .. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Sunday Morn in g Worshi p 7 : 30 ,p.m. - Sunday Evening Service 7:3 0 p.m. - Wednes day M idweek Prayer and B i ble Study
St. Augu stine Churc h
Rev. Leonar d Baxter 9 : 30 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m.· Sunday Worshi p Service 7: 30 p. m. - Wednes day, Prayer ' , Service
Free Pente costal Churc h of God ·
Frien dship Baptist Churc h tion
Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Sunday Meeting for Worship (unprog ramed )
Unite d Meth odist Churc h
Friends MeetinQ
A. God'S will -
a week ly message re lating the
No rth Main Street John P. Osborn e, Pastor 10:00 a.m•• Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Mornin g Wor ship 6:30 p.m. - Trainin g Union 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worshi p 7: 3 0 p.m. - wednes day Prayer Meeting (Affilia ted with Southe rn Baptist Conven tion).
Pente costal Holiness Church
rhe Purpose Of Salvatio n
Third & Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evange list 10:00 a.m •• Sunday Mornm g 6:30 p.m.' Sunday Evenltlg 6:30 p.m.· wednes day Eve n ing Phone 897-44 62 for Informa tion
Mar;chants ),.'
. t.
1968 CAMERO convt,' 396 • 4 spd· blue w/blK Interior· excel cond • PH. 93 2-8430 ( 6cl)
4 - 825x14 DUNLOP gold seal· 4 ply
~ rayon tubeless - white wa ll · about
3,000 miles· $60- call 897-4811 (TF) Feeder ca lve s· Jess Pennington 897 5180 50ctf 1969 FORD Falrlane 5 00 - 2 dr. • one owner - A-I cond - economic to operate • - cal l Tom Florence· 897-5000 (1 ctf)
BABY S ITT IN G In my home· by . hour . day or wee K • fen ced in yard· asK for JoAnn Edsall . Phone 89 7· 6021 (.3cTF) REGISTERED Quarter Horse stud service· Star T. Cody· Sire of pleasure champion Candy P. Cody· fee $100 special reduced fee to 4-H project mares • Encino Farm • K i ngs Mills Phone·l·398·2192 ' (6c3 )
'- - -
3ABYSITTING In my home · by day Jr hou r . reasonable ra·tes . Phon e 39 7· 5921- asK for Jean H il i
UPHOLSTERING Machine· Ph. 8935855 (4ctf) 1964 Dodge convert Ible 897·2607
FOR RENT FOR Rent· 2 tm r'm apt· carpeti ng· stove & refrlg • 1-879-2906 ( 6 TF) HOUSE For Rent· }1/2 miles from . Waynesville· 3 l arge rooms & bath· $75 per month piuS neat & e lect. Phone 89~-2502 (6ctf )
HELP WANTED Registered Nurse for 11- 7 shift & licensed practical nurses for 3-11 shift, please call 933- 001 5 or com e to atte'rOOln Home for Interl/lew
WE the family of. Delmer L ee Isaacs wish to extend our gr'lteful apprecia· · tlon to our many relatives and f riend s who brought food il'). to Rev. Ra l ph Smith, all the beau tif ul ~l nger s . to all who sent lovely flowers. the Stubbs· Conner Funeral ~ome. and the Free Pentecostal Holin ess Church where the Rev. James Coffman is Pastl, r. For the many acts of Kindness Shown ' to u s during t ne lose of ou r most lo ved one. Delr .l er Lee Isaacs. Wife. Children, and his fami/y . ( 6cl)
- "FOT with Cod nothing shall be impossible."
- Ltlke 1 :37
In these modern times, ma.n y of us have Ixcome so accustomed to progr~s a nd change th at we a rc difficult to impress. At least, we try to give this impression . Behind our dark glasses isn ' t true, of course. There is always something new under God's sun . It is not all good a nd it is not all perfect. But, much of it is wonderful and worth seeing . The important thing is th at we should all be a wa re of th.e fa ct that all which is not perfect or wonderful can be made better. It shall not be madr better because God, to whom nothing is impossible, worked a miracl e-but because we ra is('d our dark glasses a nd liftf'd our eyes to see somrthi ng that needed to be done . . . and did it.
.----~~ .
- - - ----- -
--_._ -
ITen-nis elbow called a Common condition l
."Tennis elbow" doesn't only from playing tennis. It is a common condition , " more painful ~han serious, . .which may develop in anyone " ' 0 use ... liis·" lower ;arm in :'" a'.'twistinp.. motion often. C0mt
, 'Mechanics and carpenters , who' use the screwdriver are eSpeci~lly lik~Jy , tQ deve!op tennis elbQw. But the condihon may also loccur in hpusewives Who ·twist bottie caps to open · or · close ~erji frequently. SO "for the growing ,nUIl)ber · of . tennis players \ as ~ell as
· the, many_' who work or -play . with their han~t tenpis el~w · is a"constant threat. . , " It is 'much e~sier. to deScribe ··this condition than to un, derst8na~t. , 'l' I
\<' 'Tennis
elbow is kno~ to "radio-humeral , burSitis,'" an irritation of th~ 'butsil" '::the covering of the :. :elbow':joint. At' the e~bowi tbe \, .1:1.'-. tiOne, 'of 'the upPer arm, the ·'t~. ~,~, m~ts .the t~o long . • :tiones: of.. ~ lower arm, the 'r .dius and th~ uma.
: doctOrs
J ••
ping, to make the diagnosis of tennils elbow.
That's where the trouble starts in tennis elbow. When the tennis player grips his. racquet.. when the mechaniC twists his tool or the housewife twists ·her bottle top, the wrist extensor ' muscles become taut. As they do, the muscle fibers passing over the elbow joint irritate the bursa.
Treatment is not quite as · simple. The first · suggestion is for rest. Since repeated use of the a'rm brought on the condition, rest may take it away. Heat and aspirin m~y help, too. But even after· much rest, USing ·the elbow again in -the manner which caused the in,jury, will bring ' back the pain.
Af~er many ' years of griPping and twisting, ijJere has beenenough irritation to cause pain. The pain begins mildly but gradually becomes worse as the irritating ' action is repea~ over and over again.
Precision Wor,k Is a
, And what tennis player can be asked to gi* up tennis ' forever?
"Must" Here We would like to introduce to you our "NEW high quality printing." Much effort has gone into IMPROVING our quality sundarcla. The latest in typeletting equipment brings ·to .you this quality at lower prices.
More importantly, what worker can afford to give up his livelihood because of elbow
Fin~ly th~re is a ac~e at the ' upper
lingering part of the forearm, on the outer side, just below :the elbow"at the point where tile' muscle 'fiberi irritate. the' jOint." Tbe . ,ache ' becorri~s persistent, ' but .. is · always made worse' by , the grasping or .twi&tlDg motiop which caused it initially. , .
:)() on to more advanced treatni'ent, the use of cortisone drugs. These medicines, taken by mouth or injected mto the .painfull area, relieve the in, fiamm.ation and stop the pain, . 'permitting use of the arm in the . meantime. They are · best uSed by injection into · ~ S(]lre 'spot and give good relief - at least the rarst time (llr two. After a few such treatments, even wonder drugs may not be helpful.
'Sometimes the ache· is so
s~vere . and so perSiStent tbat
'. • • • • • • •
· •_When you, look at lour a~m it interferes with sleep. There with the ~Im .up, tlie radiUS can be marked tendemess on . 'is the long bOn«! 'on the outside the" ~u~ide 0(' the' arm, . iust ,': 'oJ,' the arm below ·the el1>t!w. below the elbow, too. It -]s " .'l)e humerus and the r.adlus about this time · that · medical ' . . ... meet at the elbow where ~eir.. . help 'is sought. . . jOint is cove~d t;y a fluid-filled 'sac; the bursa. On',' th~ ' • ':1 The . ~tor · . ~~ ,a; : simp~e , So it is on to the final oUter s!de of the ann ~~ , . • test for tennis elbow. He asks ... stage of the trelt.Qlent; strands of the 'm~les. -,!"hlc}J ;00. the Patien~ to 'slraighk!n ' \hi's ' . ~ surgeJry. The Qbject 9f surlery· .. : ~ all the" .wa~ _~O~I(..to, the " " is to disconnect tIie wrist exwn, : arm... · tensol~ from · ~if .' .·: at:;, 1ftiS\" .m.~les which pull ~ • _.to' to ~;. ' • ':; flst·... t t .d ,cock .the .wnst maneuver . , tachments above the elbow. ~ . uP.,the.Wtilt extensm:s. .... I . . Since this can be done Without ~ serious ,; ~ effects", It ft· ~ · final treatineat .Of cboiCSe. At
'/. surpry.. ?,~. wrist, . . . . . '·Rv'ettid· 'fiO.Qi.." t(ieji -.-. ,. taeMientS aDd·aUowea to float
the' e H, op, pe~~I\"l". re~YiJlg ~ pIlft
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8top . ~ ~' _ ~ ~..,=.in ~ BIII'I; 01 DowD&cnia W _'_, " '
Located' at the OffiCe8Df ,
Thew :. t~'Y 'a~' 'i .'
UleIDl8IIVeS, ;ftO·~ ·thi, · bOne': at.:a ""
• BOOI(I .
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VEClALTlD . . . . bill pabd ..... 0 .............. ilia ".,., Ii&ter blip, u, ...... .......
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A new, series pf ,firstQY co~rs ) is " now offe,recl to Ametican stamp collectors. The ne~ ~sue ma4e an auspicious debut recently with a cover bearing a ,replica 01' the, One Penny BlaCK from Britain, the ,world's first , postage stamp. The off~g w#S formany announced to ~lateUats attt:ndiilg the openmg of Philympia, the intez:national ., stamp ~it1on held in London. The One "'e~y Black.. a British ' s-.mp ~t issued ~f 6, 1840, in the reign of ~n Victoria and 'beating the queen's likeness, was··reissued to commemorate the openmg , .of, "
. ~n . "
reserved' t;5OO Penny Blacks
theat, were canceled on cOvers with a cachet embossed .in gold f~U and .in)'printed in black and , gray. In a~tion to the,Penny ·'slack, the' cover
tbt Maltese,,Cr.~ , canceU,tionS, .tlle ",iirll" ~2\tion uied'pn '~'jl~P: ' , , , In' ,thiS limj~ 8ditib~ ~of ~n " Hedge$: 100'-8 PelWY Black r~tll~Y covers, . b , COVer will , be'ar 8n':' edition , PlIgIber.o~ its reverse sic;ie.' " , ~produces.
~ p.n,nYt,.J~I~k ~c9~e.r: ~~ ,-. b '• ..bY-Jt/maU " oPtlAr f~'; 1i~
.' ' . , . , or 'Jf1gJ ' ,kftttonil ~ :.t~'· ~~llt~III~~~ ;~ n:vrn t il l ,,' , . . lOO!": 8' n"1"."ar• •-/'es wo " ~. n ~k8l ..,.",,;nlfl" ..·t 'P.O. ';' ,_. " cig~ fi.: Box· '1971 ' BliI.hMll '. ,10 ' " I, 'ttdleif'''tI~~1t; '.:''''i''~ .,. 61• . ,'
~G .
D ry e rs· Fast dry cl6t;hes at low temps.
soft means- free ev~n, y wrinkle virtuallheat
clofhes in minimum time. Saves Ironing.
. REVOLVING LINT FilTER is highly,efficient. Filters 100% of ex.~.''''''''''' haust air. Snaps in. Snaps out. Cleans easily'. .. ,
• Full Opening Safety Door • Large Capacity Drum. Snag. Free Porce-Iain Enamele(l Drum • Convection 'Cooled' 3-Way Venting ,.
AnnOJU,leements , ~f Jthe·p~ .",' ny ~Black, off,ring ' have' been ' made In ~~r, u.s. ' daily
neW$papers: 'and' f~ $taDip publ~ations ....... StaMP,s ~gizine, . ", LIM/a :
Weeldy .-
Weekly t'le' s c·H·e ~ News, Stamp Weekly , Stamp New..' ,8nd Western Stamp COUe'c'tbr.:" . ' Queen Elizabeth ;u"was the patron of the Philympla 8J1CI exhibited a ~rUon of 'the royal stamp collection in 'ute , ,
,0':. ,','
~.. ~ ~ , ~.:. ,
PERM,ANENT PRESS CYCLE prov ides wrinkle -femoving conditioning period after ' dothes are dried - ' ~~iI means less.ironing. a gentle circle of low,
Special weekly- rates "or , sit by 'hour ~Y. ' ill' a good Constant
Christ jan hnme. ·· " . ~ Phone 897,5911< Ask for Jean Hill ·
tlcndcrson was ca,sbicr upon 'his dcath iff was' it &lnd, I t)J8 that Har,tsock moved into that positi9n .. liar,tsock WdS finally s~ate, d in. t~c . president's chair in F,ebtuary t 944, following All~n 's d~ath. Over the year.s through his sturd), expert guidance Hartsock directed bank progress watching it grow into a 16 member personnel staff serving 4,000 customers with assets of nearly $19,000,000 via several remodelings an,l two major e,x~an.sion programs inclu'd'ing a driv~in
war-()\ld v~'tcmn. husincsslll;1It wi1l ~et.aiO his bank vlTicr It) "go and as I please with hupe thai conle for ~ '~I've_ ·worked like heck ody will stop and sec me someb .~ rIior~ 'than 'siXty years- and now ime." 'I'Pl ,going to rest," was RQSS R somet ,Reared on-'a farm, where he , ~,~~~k's farewell statement to, , , WQr1¢:·ait~ his duties as president began his·· work career ,at age 14 ',{()ft~:W~)'1l~iIle National Bank,. with a team of hdrses, Hartsock ',", i pOsition he has held for the entered -bank employemont at ~ay~esville in 1937 , ~s assistant " pa,~~7 re~. . ,a m,an ~f 1~lsur~ ,cashie r. ' , . ,..,.ua~tso~~.J syille 'National ; sm~. M9~~Y, readily ' ~4mjrs ' . . The : Wayrre th8.t he· ~a~.b!!, ~<?ff4~ial retire¢ept • -Ba'l1k ·theil1:J<r.istcd ~ st,aif o£fdur ,.~ ,p~~s ; ex~~pt plenty, of rest. wi,th equally ,divided among ~he sexes ~~t~e ti,P,'le Oll't: f0~ his registered ,directed' by>WtIl H. AIl~ri, pre~j': dent, blan qotses, b~s muin hobby Miss Mary " Stansberry 'and '" ~in,c.e ~J 9.~~. He ~n't,' sever i ll,ll ~ss~"'ia,ti0h . ,~rs. Max Hartsook, formerly Miss: ,lnei James, were tellers " Wa~esYille-' Nat.ipl,lal
" .,' .' ": ,:. .
" ..fi":.....
. : 'Hartsock' reflects his bankj,rrg ,career at nome :from his easy,chair sh~red by his' pet, Doll¥, . dachshund.:-Dennis Dalton Phto-
on page 2)
,E.aJlC 'nner Ham edBank Pres'- in l .
" rs:I' ~~ ~e~~ ~~~ 7~' ~iln~ 1h... ~ ~ vpr'"~ ~";.;;;;;,~
•.• " , 'I~, _\ .,
'w. ;
~lected included ~oss Ii. HartConner has been " . . ' Ea~1 , , 'rlamed' preSideni' of the Waynes- -- r soc ,c irman, Hartley R. Mo~s, Seth E. furnas, Earl W. Conner, viUe' National Bank and assumed OW~n Hartsock and Thomas ttle ":work of his promotion Feb. 9' after an appointment by the ' ' Florence. A slate of new bank officers bank's lJoard of Directors. appointed by the board were in .' Conner, the fifth president to addition to Conner and Hartsock: serve the bank since its estabHartley R. Moss, Vice-Presiden t; : , . "lishn'lent: in 1875, suceeds , Ross Walter D. Compton, Cashier ; :' '-, It ,Hartsock who officially reJames W. Crane, Assistant Vicetired Monday. President anc;l Loan Office~ and The Waynesville native joined Eleanor L Freeland, AsslStant tne staff of the WayneSVille Natr " __ Conne_ Earl---:-_ Vice-President. ional Bank as cashier Feb. 16, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was }'9,55. Four years ago, he t
When. 0ut y' Ca·II s 'e' SWI·" Ches R0I,es' : H
also promoted to Executive Vi~elocal achievements . .. :~include' 13 years on the Wayn~
tion,w of £duqa ' Board .....~ .".LOcal ~a . nt hl.ch: 3S presid~ served . h~ also .. current cbairman .of the~ ~dw,in- ,. . " iStrative Board ,of th~ Unit~ :<,Waynesville Funeral Director, t ~eve COllller, owner-operator of . 'Methodist Church at Wayne~ijle·. the , Stubbs-€onner Funeral , ,~' .~ (,~ .also hol~s me~be.r~ps. ' H~me did' a quick professional ' in the Waynesville,Ma$onic Lodge ' sWitch Monday after delivering a ,:-..., NQ:J63, WayPesville' Ar~a Cham~ bab bo ~~ee, ,~~ ..-:be.t,·' ~f,J!o~erc Y. y. W d N. Conner deliver~d Waynesville's at" te'r~ar d 0f ~..,~~ctorsofanMenta l :. , "ten 'Cbunty ,. BOard neweat . CiUzeJ). Mark Edward . . ion. I:t&Ith an'd:R etar"t Heinlein, , (yet Wlofficlal name) ' . ,6 :30 ,8.m. after, a ru~ ambuat 4uring made c~.~ '.. ~ '/ . ,', Oth.er, ~ re's k Ban, I t1 'Nit' . " w:" _':1':" , . lance service request phoned by . . .:~'I.- . ..¥~ell~~ . '. 10. a. g mcluded, a· ,. Ri chard He'mIe'In, th() l':la. ther, at Jltion me¢,tm or.rii:, .' , ' . ~'!lT '. 6: 1S a.m. ne.~..~~~ of. Dir~ctot~ 'J1:lose The young Waynesville businessman, who customar.ily meets . his clientele going, met this custK~¥S FO~ND , .:,,~ ': ~~~f:IRESJ~E , I~~ ~' '. " ,~o~r ashe was makiJlghis M)rld ';' ,A ~ '~f, Gt,~eral!4?~~rt a~~~ .. , ~.~~t ~n , «opner arrived at on WaynesbY.I !-,re.' r~~~ ,.aJi~ut , SO \~t·=. , ,:, ~e . HeW~in ,home ' .:" 1. ~ute ' • . , . ~. , ,·~he ;.. ~ir~i'''~/lnn_ ,. ,: ttae\ and CQnn~r ~ . waS' a· first'for, r.J-".-~-a~~I~t Mbnday>by Virgil ttr for'·){rs.· EUa Heinlein l}e.'~ngb t t . . ',-, ,. ' '.Wi1~rj$OJl,~ l WiJl!lCel'son' I~eft..:t~~~~y,s,-··at ." -tta ' :; tUrned ~t b.ecb;o6iTa 'into ICleJive'fy roQm. IiP"~;~'lIU Ga:zet1te' Pi Qrm;r ~l1at ' ..
) I ..
'. '
fl8l inll111nl'!l '
'-'them ' ~ \ ' \ '
ner remarked. "His head was already out when I got there. 1 saw that the cord ~as Wfapped around him, 1 unwound it and the rest was easy. Out he came." "I lifted him up and he took ~ rust breath. It was really thrillin g. " "Conner then phoned Wayn~ville's Dr. Edwin JQnes who finished the job. Next he drove mothe~ and 5 ~~nd 15 ounce son to Clin- ton "'MemoQal Hospital at Wilmington. . His closest previQus brush with midwivery. was when he drove Mrs. Deborah (GibSon)!' 'Crockett to the hospital where she delivered five minutes after the ambulance arrived. Conner's fmai .camment on, ' . his baby deliverY ;,:-Monday. . . .; ~'I'll know ·~w ·:'io,~d(1) it ,the' ..
~xl ume.~' , ;. ~ ~ "'1~.. , J~
A FARM DIARY ' By O.J. Frazier ,
Febniary 12, 1971 The birthday of Abraham Lincoln. My 'calender ' say~ that 1 thjs year We will celebrate Wash', ington's birthday on Feb. IS, ,Monday, according to the new schedule of national holidays as passed by CongreSS' last sunlrner. I had forgotten all about it so ~ was much confused by it. Then when I saw tlfe dates. of today I wondered whether the bank would be open and also about the mail. So I called up . the ban~ ~n4 found it open and that they had also ~d their mail today. Vf;ry confusing. Did they cliange the
Ha~lng troubl~s with ~our furnaCe'?:'
. Before you p04r,more dolla'r slnto iervlce'; , ' and repairs" find out how lIute it takes , to switch to tHe clean, quiet, day-Ih /day-o ut dependability of electri c heat. . ' ' , You can make the switch, right noiN~ , in the middle of winter. It only takes a few days. . and you wori't be cold' or uncomfortable while It's belng 'done: . There are a number of differe nt electri c heating systems to choose from, lnclud lng baseboard, electri c furnace, electri c bol'er. And each Is'S()dependabie. ' . . syale", ard basebo r Take the popula It has no moving .parts. No'1an. No motor. There just isn't much that can ever go ' wrong with it. And that's why "it's 80 quiet. It's convenient, too. You can have Individual temperature controls in every ,room. " -, Why wait? Call your local DP&L office today, Find out more abOut electri c heat, and how 'lIttle ' . . it costs to enjOY It In your home. '
" 1"' .. "
uun ......
, :, ;tile: ait~ ·, taxied ,< :HiS ·,s~k' , pl~ne~fo ,',tbe. west' . ", alrstr.;p, ,tevvM ·up Pte ,engine ... 'lJancI ~.,lbo't ' dbwD the'" nmwly
I ~ '8 slick . ~k~ofL ' , , ..' , . ' Ro.... tm~ stuff:' " - . . . .' , .' '~verythlng was going just fin&.r-until he reve~ 'c;ourse and~," ,l;lea4OO, back . to, ,the iirpott: $jaddenly, the' pilot became disoriented: '> , , .' The 'fat81 flaw 1 : , , .I~ ~ ~_ l1ash ~e." plane had ~'. , pl'Plg~ to ,the earth and , .. I : .brol(en into ' mm,lmerable bits of..~maShed ruclders, el.evators, .'flaps a' n d ' misCellaneous j~. , < , ,.'l\ll :this , pr~mpted, ~e piqued . cap~ tQ moan, "18,000 hOQl'S " , ' in the aii' and . I sWI can't . ~' of , th~ , 'damn ,
.81Jjpl811es;"' . .
.• •
The, first Churcll of Cnrist Crusaders Cla~ will have a tneeting at the home of Ernie and Eaith ~mitn on Feb. 20.
' i~ u~ " i'trght;'~".Y.~'d" have ' to '
. BecaUse tOday's R..t ' pl~s ~e , 'pi'ec~seIY . cteSi~:, .8
gadget to receive radio beams from the ' hand-held digital 're{)l:i'~n'~~v~:--~~ 'Pl~~: computer. The receiver ,tells , ~~m "'~ to tl~OOO "f~r tbe sensitiv~ ,l(ll: night conditi~. ; ',' '. wI1iCh· flaps move w~re . Ttii c~)' model. .. ' I , .~ the), will crash ,in about , " compu',ter ,has the standard The plane itself ·is Ute Jeast ," "" t', ' . • cOQ.ci.rn, c08ting '1r,Qpl t?9. to '.'I. se,eon~:wi~ ~o gwdaDce &om "joy" stick which represents .~ ,; "aboot" '.
" . 'fo
I . . " ' ' ' ' ' ' '''' . •
For a free buLton that says, "try a little kindness, It send '. your name a nd address to Con- · . sumer Relations Dept.,Clairol, 345 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y ,lQ022 .
==" :lffo~e~ ~~:~~: ' .'~' ,~. ~t~t; ~; '~:e~u{!
. putet 'Which, .alQng with. .your , . 400 ~r . 500 }eet higb-o, ~~t ' and .~: ''''br.ai,Jis,.,: iuides" ~'the ' ·aIrborne ~ tHe b~ ,get.?ut of,sigbt..
::t~~:::s' :=:~ . ;::troU:~'
. single;stloke engin~ , feeL with up to " minutes ·of. fue......a ' mixture Qf alcohol. castor oU , and mtr9m.etliaM.
. Peter said, :",holy 'men spoke
~itn:X :eJett~v~~I~,~~gs~:.
taiQing ~nt~ life and godliness" have been given(2 Peler 1:21, C)UlIersl ..~ . . . .I;:::~ille ., deats. Tcr. ' c.-aft·from terra finna. Prices ':. '}be~ ijpic:al R.c' plane has 23} , Paul said all scripture is start .f-BboUt," ,and exceed a ., .mall :-· (10 to 12-ouDee) . . ~'gi~en by iJisp'ir,ti~h of God" .... .- '::•" ~'~:~I ". ~,~';"~.I~:~ ..,' ~'~" . ." . , .. .' ~ ~::'~ =:~'~', ~__~l'~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~~:' ~~~~s~~~~~~,;t~q~ .iJ....:8.we ~I ' to
-:'· o.~\t.'~ne;""~'.~I~t·~berI,·'siis 'tor'Of: (~ , ·Bteakup nee4~it be traumatic::!tl~;:;;~:~;' __ ftl.
' .. seII:
.~t~ ."(bT !ODe dlglta1 " ~'::'~'~ ar:eakdoWn after ~bre8tup ...;.. .":, ,.-: ~~al " com~~r-..;;or ~ Diet", DOt ..........CUII_! 'If &be . fun ,of
courtesy ' can .: Mary was 'one With a romantbrou .... · , carry youfic and disastrous approacb ~~ ~aifio '~~bDtrOl · tJiat.!.'.se~ ;" up: ." ,o!ril~" is over but F~' J~t's' take a long, IulFd ,, ~:, going ste~da~ : , " s~ , fiG.. .:' ~'; on UJt,," "' tri,·catlpg ., " Y~U fr.om ' 'the " look "at just why so many' "I dated ~m for a Ye3I',u ~Ift)f to 6I'v ........ ' I h 'd "Alte h d '~' ~~ :~\1Lt~~" ..~~ ,t;:, "':ft" )I.n;.~" '5 tbatibO . P~tsf" w~t ~ ap- . yoan, .~lle in today's socies e S8l , r we a g~ ' ,,,' , ~ 'J~ :,~ \ ...~7r." ~ ;: ' ~'.to ~ ~. UDsolvabJ,e.. P-:o- ' ,. ty }~.l-:~8~ ' g9ing steady. is steady for two months, ' be W, a,~~ .Yo~ ~J,~J9,;.,\~~ . .,: ,_. ~~~,:, ~b~r»! ,ctQn't, Ck!s~.~" ~(lC , ,t' ~:" .' advanta• • . Here are 'a .few , .: ,' convincect me that going ,aU l. ,_ . ' of tbi,. •~~nts ' m.cse; ~bf '· . the way ' was not so wrq-. .....~.......'!"'"-~~~~~~""'!--.....~---~~-----.......,;,-. boyi~ ':', ',.. ':' After all, we belonged to eaCh " .: "1- 'go.~ lIteadY ;' beeause,it is :other. Everything was fiDe ... . ~eapet ·t~an go to ...y 'gid ~til.I 'got' pre~l Now; T~m , , '~el¥l's ,' home ·on saturday pas-, me in the hall and " night" f~r f~ lJOPC~ 'and' doesn't ,even speak. -He just · • mOvie en TV. If 1 dated turns ~s bead the other way. · around" , thi$ .,' wou1~ cos~, ,at What am. 1- going to. tell ~y : least-$5~ I a't mean,,1 never paren,ts? This will kill , Iake.,my .. gil"l . .out, but 1 flgpfe"., Ulem." •, ' , . it costs· ~t half. as' mUch ; '," Mary~s eoncem is a ·ntUe ', to date. if · you go. with ~ one '. late. However,.statistic:s ~ve, owI"I.',!. ",:, :" . • : , . . ., ' . '... ·t.'· most. parents, help, tbeif .au ~ Kel4b,: -a shy, senior. said, ' .d;augbters thr~gh such a . ... , "Befo~ I : s~ goini with . . crJsis; Me.; l ,was a neJ'\;ous:~k . . " What Mary failed to realize on evify:., ~te: lwa 'afraid .was that by giving in to Tom, I'd say or-;'do ~ wrOna thing. ' ~ made him feel guilty. He I wei · e\reu afraid ' to kiss , was aware that such, a rela.. a girl, I~ J)ighL, Well. Madge tionsbip was wrong. Now. be isn't illy lio ~I guess we comwants to avoid the cause . of pJement, ~ach ~ther. Our going ,his. guilt - ",ary. ' steacl.y, " . j\l ,' jusf ' a .' ,con. 'lbere are many re8S.ODS. for venii~:~~ , - , ' r . : ' ",\Vantine to "break up with a ~( I~ ~' , ~ said, ' . Whatever tlIe~, "I've,,~ "J,tb ,~~a f~r_ six : . to db it ,~mpuy. .IQontbt",':8ItIcl ' ~~I , ..-tti.~~ ' IQliger you ~~ QY , she .,~ :~ task the more ·cllf· , ,my .~,.:t :.trying , to it,becoInes. " ' ~ · tbplk ~ t6~ i.I,,·· ,_~'" , ,Up ·.rtb ~ if . steady : of " :s~ ,,~. a traUplatic~. .•'to . I:' ~W89~ '" . ) . ~ . :person, ,Ul~ '1-,0 0 1'l)Ot let him Do 8~ , ,": !!!.:.... .4it~., ·:,:.<.-: from:'bosoymeosh_UU1U .~"I" e'lse ,--y' ;.~ nie .._...... p1 dncUfN!d.. ~ . ,part an,d let ' -·rOlmal!1UC .,VleW the fact.that feIi'IU,QllISbill). longe; '" a ,
....,1- .
ex. "'
01 ,
~Tenm-tl.~·' a ·.close ~
difeicUlt; bUt if both, .
,word Some two thousand times the Bible afflrms, ' "Thus saith the ~'r<L,"
Some.havesuggestedtbe Bible canno. t be "O¥(, ,: so,.1,e. '"-lide in , 1;'religious matters. They have ,pointed to ,the divisions aRIong me~ 'who profess to foUoW. i~ Is proof ·of ~he inadeClU'cy 'of,. the . Bible. 'Yet this does not follow. Paul 'said "Go,6 • not'the-'iluthor .of confu'sion'''' (I. Cor. 14:33) Yet God Is 'the authOr. of the . Bible. The de4'ds,' of rebellion and division have 'alWays been even before the ,Bible. '. Why. have those Who ,claiin to follow, the Bible not found reIigioU$ unity? Men have rejected it while claiming to follow it. Many, seeking to follow it per.. mit themselves to be guided by ' vari~us sets of wrong rules of intetpretation and still other$ re~Ft the word for the traditiolls of men. How could any book or any voice~ bring about unity when men ~ject all parts f 't? Th B'bl will b bo 0 1. e I e ring a ut 'unity just as 'surely as anything else_ if men will heed it. The fault . is not in God's word bitt in men. Read your Bible, Study and learn it. It is God's word to every man. , Visit the Church of 'CbJist ha Thir ~. t t· meets.t and'PreachMiami streets and hear the. ,dBible ed ' Servic~ ar~, at. 10 ,AM; ~d , 6:30 PM on Lord's Day' . aij~ :at '6:30 PM Wedn~s~ayeven.mp; '" YOU woUld'· Jite:'1e, take '; a' ".' lesson ' . ~)ueistx!ncJeIOC~ ,..
.ee ihe oS
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By Ervin B. Pack, . , Principal ' so it extends out of the window.. • 11. All parts of pupils~ bodies assume that ' school bus transbe kept inside the school the shall portation is a privilege to bus at all times. student, not a right-. 12. Pupils shall, be. waiting d assigne on ride will 2. Pupils buses. Parents must request in and ready at the designated stop writing to permit deviation from to board the bus when it stc?ps this rule. Requests shall be made in the morning. Driver shaU.suggest stops that seem Safe a'nd,_ to the administration. 3. Pupils will ride their a$- responsible. 13. Pupils shall sit three to a signed \ bus both to and from ~me to school unless a written ' seat if necessary , and practical'i~ "reque$t asking permission to 'be and no standers shan ,be allowed , let :off bus' at ' some by parents, as long ' as ,scats are a~ilable. Parents wjll assume respolisibility St!ats Illay be ,assigned by, driver , of child when su~h a rt'qu~st is ' tll maintain cutler and fur cvac-,' ; made and grant~d. , ' 4•. Parents are r,,-sponsibk fllr the safety of pupils \Vhil~ gllill~ to and from pid~-~p ptlints 'and for their meeting t~ bus llll' ' schedule. 5. Buses ,operate' on a time schedule as o~t-linea by the transportation administrator. 6_ Parents win 'be responsible for allY damage to the bus by tht ir children. 7. Eating and littering are not permitted on bUIeS. bus shall be 8. Noise on um kept to a miniQl .at all times to aSsure safely , of.opefation. 9. AtiIolUte ';4tiiet muSt k maintained'a t 'rail.r~d crossings ' or other danger areas. 10. Nothing shall be thrown ' out of the bus or anything held 1. P',uents ' and pupils must
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T he N el l
INSURANCE 'AGENCY Ph 897-4956 or 897-6011 ' -23 S. Mai" , Wayne.ville, Ohio
' The wscs , ~f\. tilt - United ~' Methodist- Church held 'its reg- " ular monthly meetjng 1hursday afternoon at the church. An' all
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';:~';I ':, l\er'~ ~;~ di~iRe~t fe~l~l·g~~$t "J"; ':Po''' het :elbows on \~~ ba,thro~>tn ', :~ ~ c e' • 'I ~P~~ gripP.l~g a :'8i~~ :a~~:'.t()n4C " . , ' " in ', one hand and mop In th¢
1'''0n,i'l h,l ~, ';'\?th;r~mY' took 'his wi~g~d " WOI~7 ' ,.' I t ·,8C'h0' oil "
program was enMr. and Mrs, Robert Brand" .~; , ' . der hQme to the Van , P,utten's Editor en burg, , Mr,s. Helen RobertsQn By MarJ~n' Price three, acres on Fredel'ick: Pike. and Mrs. Sue Wyatt attended Ph. 897-5372 ,'Putt~I) be.. ,Day- . Then . he pUI:cttased '," arin,na the 25th Wed~ing Anniversary a 'tpig\~na Chrjst.mas,afe w rnore ' playiit~fes r::~,~.o;\tlO(l;.•~~~ :['~aCtl celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Earl The regular monthly p~T.·b ~ for . cJliG~i~ ,C ('irortically.. :~.d ac- , ~u~r~aut Davis at their home on Stubb be h~ld 'Wedne~day ~le last" O~t- .. cide~:~ l.ly~~t ~~ns) 'hc;>.ij!hlg-~hem .. m~etin,~ ,will Mill Road near Lebanon Sunday schoolhouse. ~~n, Jimmy }.p.,t~e gar~g~ .an.d·M~t$i~ sw~peed r", Eeb. 17, at t.he afternoon. The s~th allld ' :fifth . gtad~ will t e hand ' scrappin,g snow · o,f ,' Ule,' ,famIly Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Adams the wordl . <,autos'Jor sq~ub~\hg .~orc ,{>~~nic ' <.. playa "ball game ,prior to a of near Fort Ancient visited busine~ njeetin g. There will be ptecjpitatic>n'. - : r ' ~" ' bJ,lsh if its a Saturd~y afternoon with Mr. and cake walk at half-time of the Christl11as: ar1wed ~nd , op~ lead t~ a Mrs. Clint Taylor. is invited Putten a~l'd ', "house,"guests ~re' ~t~rt,led,. ~a:1d . , ball game. The public Mr. and Mrs. ~orge Ingram been , kept"'" amustd to"find t~e ;Van .'p,pt~~·fl ~,and urged to attend. s Haendel Portsmouth were weekend of their ~ f19Cl' t90sHng 'in' Ii'~ l~rge Chi1st~ -- ,'. Mr. and Mrs. Thoma ·1j..n\"f.·....."iI,i'n. guests of Mr. and Mrs. James g atter ' . ' <~s tree .put up:fol Uie oJrC,!lsi.o'n ;"~ returned Sunday mornin ~,,~t~.(eij(tic~f~;re· Smith and family, :srn~ ,he breez~y" just likt~ ','Par"t: ~ . . ~swnding a week in Miami, Flor: . Loc'al Girl Scout leaders Mrs. /~ the longe~ ot":~flc1gesl ii:ta p!~r. fte~~" :"': ;<~.:.' ..... 'd.\l. '. to " Mrs" Ctuirles Price enter.tained , Pat ~dds, Mrs. Kay Schoenherr .~jt.~I)O,j:~':: ~wilaeririg' senten~ ~ "'~u~(lhe; ~alt<loesQ~, end.here;,~,. and Mrs. Norma Gough attended Jeff Haendel, wh9 ut ' ~i inakes .sense , i~ ·' '~1en ;r. he.:rtrst: ;d8Y ,~ot,:Cktis(mas, \, Tommy and the Girl Scouts International t:heir ,houseguests this t~e Van ~ttens lik~ 1\ .' y~ ~tten's ~mp)oyees at 1he - have been Leaders Dinner held Monday week, with a "Fritt et" 'Breakfast .: ~', · pain~ s,tore he J!uU1ajes pve him " , . evening at the Sharonville comparty Friday fllOming. ~hers a Christm~ presel'lf. a m,ale l>ig . ~ tale:of Dtlt,ch city slickers munity Center. The dinner was a presnet were Brian and Teddy (in s' Dingu 'Dirty d dubbe Ijlter " ' :, start~d all s farmer on :.Dayt ":' ~( 4.,!~d carry-in type with each dish reGeorge, Kimbel' and Kevin Pay" ~~.~",.~,.t '·t,lle . nnl ~n~~I : Ohio .Sauer- .. n~ 'waY, associated,w~~h the movpresenting a different country. ~on, Earl, and William Sanders ;" ki1'iit F:~tjyll ,~t .WaY'les~lIe I~~t<' " ie :.~~I8~ac·t,~r>, ~ingu~ ,being :the Films were shown folloWing dinan~ .J,ame~ Wa,tleins. '. . "'.immy. Y~n , rl;lt~t(fI "I ~t~,~ .~.~~ (?f. ~ '~~~Jlg, ~"~, tl,c " ~t. 3 nero W~rd ~s 'been receIved here ,~'u~tc~" , ~ ':'9.~ ~,UvA. ~h,c~9,f a~ ,~ , f~~t ~~C ;. ;~r!~~'), (~q~lv~l~,~t t~f:re~tl. Mt. and Mrs. frank , Gibson been ' ~ t Abbot ' Donna :"t,hat u,t< ' cJi4 in ·~~i~t , " , mJ'~~ booth/ Betty a~ci JaRed ' !'la-callit, and family spent . Sunday at the , ' dismissed ' froin' Ketten'ng 'Mem, .," : ~.on ~'were ' offering some extra- " ch'hat and biitclles~ ,1 . , . \ . /", .orial Hospiltatwhere she had'been ' home of ' Mrs. Gibson's parents , ,~'d~ckl ' an(. chicbiiS at two"1iiij,:" .~ .. Tfie'V ilt 'PUttens rilaiJe Dirty- ' ~ ~fined d':'C tQ' a heart., con- , ~' the Murphy's in Dayton. . :,..t~ prize:..-.:,..the . ~g~ co,mfortl\J,1e in.. t~ ~~k Massie Grange . did not meet ': ; _ ',f. ' . of t~,r Y-~Qcswagon ,bUs Untlt'iI, ', :,ditlon. .' .: {;¢tiltt~rt,(oi!n_d ' . has ~n 'd!5- :: Monday night due to illness and , . ~nt ~t.ia .:,(~i... ' pig' pad' ~U1~~ConltrdPted in' " ,;, ~l- tomlinllOn snow weather. missed from Ointon MemorIal the backyard. , was ~nter· Atford, Mr. and Mrs. W.O. McClelland ~eanwhile chickie . has reach- ' Hospi 'a! where he..t18d been conYa,ii fmed ' sev'eral Clays ' fQllowing a ·, , were Friday visitors of Mrs. of-f.,: 'ecf,the' ,peak 'of r womanliood. : , ", (all unate ,a\lto ,accideQt. . , <Clarence Price. ."r3llollllricl-America'lri ' .' ;~t ,F,pr -weeb ~tdri an~ Mat.gie " . most unfort chris George daughter of Mrs. Fumeis Plymire is a patmade a .neip80rhood garbage· Mr. and Mrs: Theodore George, is '~~~pi~~J canVIJ, ~,~-e.v"~cfy'.jriql~iJ)I ",.. :4 ient".~... ·~,J!I1.. Y:aI!e'y. confUi'ed to ~r 'h'6me With'shinthe Alfor., "at '''''ayne.tril~. we~e. " I') wh~~" ..,h~ JU.s un.der~" eye .. · , gles. ·tdting' ~l1e~ lit~ bundles to< the' , , ' sur..,ry. has Smith ) (Doris James Mrs. ' only to ' Van Put,tens., Finally Maria AI- " sevbeen confined 'to her home _ ~f()f~ ' conle ho~e: ,", ford was able tO,lOlVe the dining days following ,a bad fall. eral sing comI'r'Glf'1!.. '''~r · • , r~lt. I~brealt (ro.m ..frying ' prob~ms , by . purcha l students are reported Severa 'nesville Farmers Excha~g~, ' '- at -...._.. ~~~tri~s:, ~t " t~' tesi)val, ~o "" p-lerciJI pig ~4 'later hOg fare to be out of school with the Corwin. .......... . .._ ho-.fu ll ~f peopl~ .1. and : Agri·Vrban.,. f~rmerly , the Way-, mumps. Our get well wishes to Meanwhile chickie reached the ~ 1~" all. . , peak ~f t~r po~ltry wOffi!lnhood ~~~~~';'''''''~1· ,'and t~~e' ~r~ ' fresh egg, daily. , 'Ole result . ~ .fOOte c~rusion '- since'M-.!Ji! ~r~fii~rateci .t~ ,";n Treat you~lf to ~me time,lruit :..,~dy "..assuming;'. ~ing a klndne a. Make ' apron. savin, city gal".' that eggs and chicks and kitchen tableclotha out of , ~re produced differently and at terry cloth. Euy to wah and ironinl no times. te separa patter the was , Suddenly there of five sets of new little feet around the household, the brood se,!~~ly deliver~d by friends one rught. Again, Maria Alford ', to , -the ~scue with a quick t~ , op tlte birth of chicks s4rprisin8ly not like puppies as Margie . Van Putten assumed. _ The five chicks were added , " to a' growing managerie 'that also includes a cat and dog, all but the dog acquired at Waynesville. ~ ~ny has become the next p,urchase in sight. The Van PUttens , suburban 'version of ''The ,Egg and r" 'has , . most recently go~e l.l little be", setk all1d. giv~n .rise to some , 89Xi.~tx'- , 14ar~in ,and, Margie have ,~bt~'n 'Vpr~ying about Way~esvill~ ~s vitamin ,intake"" wifh due . cbicki '-':1''' ''' her noW come C9Q~rp '.... ,'an'd " sometimes ,'
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Picture me taking it easy at home. First I spread a heavy blanke t on the floor of my study. and place a flat pillow at one end. Then I remove my coat end. Then I 'remove my coat, tie, and shoes; Finally, I lie down at full length , with my arms along my sides, No, I'm not about to take a snoo~e . In fact, I'm very wide awake, My eyes may be dosed, my breathing regular, my body as limp as a rag· doll, But I'm concentrating hard. My attention begins with my toes, and moves up my body until I can feel the tin-' gling of my scalp, If I'm strecessful. I'll gradually feel my entire body rela~ peacefully. I rem~in in that positio~ for. perhaps half-an-hour. Wheri I go back to my ordinary routin~, I feel completely refreshed. This is ,only a simple deserip- ' tion of deep relaxation. Any psychologist or how-to.guide book could fill in a multitude of details ~~r those whlJ want to go into the method more thoroughly. I stick to the simplest part because it seems to give me the " pickup I nee~. At any rale, deep relaxation Js becomin~ more popula r 'everyclly. There's nothing fancy about it~ no ~'oga mystification or OCC",l t spells. It's within reach of ev~. one who feels the normal need tc. relax and who is willing to be a little disciplined about relaxing. What does it do? Well, for me it gets rid of tensions and worries for that half-hour - no small thing in our frene~c days. And it 1eM'e5 me feeling pbysically ~ vigont ed for the rest 'of the day. We've got to deal with lbe noise, the turmoil, the hUllle aDd buatle around ' us alI the time. I fi~d that half-an-hour of deep relaxation II well worth planal .., for in my timetable. When it come. to ao-iP, Collow the rule of .tore detectivea: ult Y9U didn't lee it, it didn't ,~"",~·"":'i:-!
'• • •
beat p~ for 'c ookies i. in .the cupboa rd eapeeial1y wben a' dietin, friend .topI by. . Jut watch approv intly u ' the weiaht watche r watchea her weitht .
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ChurCh .qt·Christ
. Third ... Miami Stt:..tl . . Char'" Ptk..._~va"gellst " OaOOe.m. ~ Sunday Mornhi g Su,,~y Evening • &:30 6:30, p;m. ·~ Wednes day Evening Phone 897~.462 (9r Inform itlon
First Ba~iSt Churc h
North M,ln Street JOhn !'.OSbOr.ne, ·Pastor · l.O:OO a:m •• S.unday School . 11:00 a.rn. • Mornin g Worshl,p 6: SO· p. rn. • Train Ing Union 7:30 p.m. · Evening Worshi p 7:30 p.m..• Wednes day,Pra y.er Meeting (Affilia ted with Southe rn Bap. tlst Conven tion).
First Churc h of Christ
152 High Street Steve Tigner, Ministe r 8:30 a.m. - The Christia ns Hour (WCKY radio, Clnty) 9 :30 a.m. - Bible School (classes for all) '10:30 a.m. - Mornin g Worshi p 10!30 a.m. ' Junior ChUJ.Ch 12 noon· Revival Fires 5:30 p.m. - Junior Choir Practice 6: 00 · Jet·Cad ets Alpha Teens 7:00 p.m. - Evening Vespers
Friends Meetina
Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:45 a.m. · Sunday Meeting for Worshi p (unprog ramed)
St. Augustine Churc h
High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer , Pastor 7 a. m. & 11 a. m. - Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m., HOly Days 7:30 p.m. - First Friday 7:45 a.m. ' Dally Mass. 5:30 p.m. · Saturda y Mass
St. Mary's EpiscoPal · 'Church
Thlr.d & Ma i n Streets Rev. Harol d Deeth. Rector 11:15 a.m.· Mornin g Prayer 1st. 3rd & 5th Sunday s; Holy Commu n ion 2nd & 4t h Sunday s
Unite d Methodist Churc h
Third & North Streets L. Young, Ministe r 9:00 a.m. - Church School 10:15 a.m. , Church st Worship 6:00 p.m•• Jr. & Sr. Youth Fello~hlp
Waynesville Rescue Mission
Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd. Rev. Sherma n Cook, Pastor 10: 30 a.m. ,Sunda y School 7:00 p.m. ' Sunday E'!8. Service 7: 30 p.m. - Wednes day Eve. Service 7:30 p.m., Sat. Eve. Service
First Churc h of God
49 S. Main Street 9 :30 a.m•• Sunday School 10:30 a.m.· Mornin g Worship 7:00 p.m. - 'Sunday eVening
CORWIN Pentecostal Holiness Churc h
Acy Lamb, Pastor 10:00 a.m • • Sunday School 7:30 p.m • . Sunday , Wednes day and Saturda y Evening Worship Services 7 : 30 p.m•. Wednes day Youth Service
MT. HOLLY Unite d Methodist Churc h
Rev. Leonar d Baxter 9: 30 a. m • . Sunday School 11 : 00 a.m.' Sunday Worship Service 7:30 p.m. - Wednes day, Prayer Service
LYTLE Unite d Methodist Churc h
John K. Smith, Ministe r 9 : 30 a. m •• Sunday School 10: 30 a. m•. Sunday Worship Service 8:0G-9: 00 p. m •• Wednesday Evening . Bible Study
. a week.-.ly mess age relati . ng the' I.
world ,of to.day
.. to the ·Iessons of Faith and Church ...
HARVEYSBURG Friendship Baptist Churc h tion
Southe rn Baptist Conven Norman Meadow s, Pastor 9 t30 a. m •. Sunday School 10:3,0 a.m. ·· Sunday Mornin g Worshi p 7:30 p.m.· Sunday Evening . Service 7:30 p.m. · Wednes day Midwee k Prayer and Bible Study
DODDS .Ft'ee Pente costal Churc h ',,' of,Gq d ' .
· R.R ;-122· D6 dCfs, Ohio ' .' Pastor, James Coffma n " Sun~ay ScHOdl 10i 30 7: 00 p. rn. • Sunday Evan~lIstlc ' . Servlc'l 7 : 30' p.m.: · W8'dneSday 'pra¥er
Sarv lCiO
Free 'Pente costal CJ;urch
of GOd. .'
. :. '
Jonah s Ru'll Baptist Churc h
R; R. 122 Ooddsj ·Ohlo . .'-' . ~PastC?r,~ J"meJ ~o.~"man •... . 10:30 a.m•• Sunda ~ SchOOI" '.' 7!00 P. rn. • Sunday Ev.nge llst lc . ' . ',' .' '.; Servlc4" .;:.. 7 :30 p: m.' · ·Wedne sday Prayer " ~ . :;'. ': .. 'Service . I, f 7: 30 p.m•• ~ti:"i'da v. ~venln.g ·, ,·· . ,. .~. .,-, Worhlp Service " • 1 .1
Unite d Methodist-Churc h
. CENT ERV, t:.t:E'
Ohio 73 East Lester Kldd. Pastor 10: 00' a. m •• Sunday. School 10:00 & l1:OO'a. m •• Sunday Worshl p' Service . 7 : 30 p.m•• 'S unday Evening Worship
David Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m.' Sunday Church Service 10:30 a.m•• Sunday School 11':00 a.m.· Sunday Worship Service Youth Fellows hip and BIble ' 'Study
Harveysburg Full Gospel Churc h
.The Centerville FirSt _Pente costal 'Churc h..: .~ .. 1-73 ~ l~rlnklln Street', ~""'., RlY. Norvell ':Plstor " I Gen"~lcIcfleU, A.,'t,-. '. 10:00 a.m.·· Sunda~ SctWot' 1:00 p.m•• Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m• . We ditesda y Evening .'!I...
E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilto n, Pastor 7 :30 p.m.· Tuesda y 7 : 30 p.m.· Friday - Youn(J FWople's Service 10: 00 a. m. - Sunday School 7:00 p.m•• Sunday Evening
SPR ING VALLEY United Methodist Church
Walnut · Vine Robert R. 'Meredi th, Putor 9 :30 a.m.· Sunday School 10:30 a.m.· Mornin g Worshi p 6:30 p.m. - Youth Fellows hip Jr. High & Sr. High 7:45 p.m•• Wednes day Choir Rehears al
Spring Valley Churc h . of'Ch rist
Glady Street . 10:00 a.m•• Mornin g Worshi p 7 ~ 00 p.m. - Evening Worshi p 8:00 p.m• . Wednesday Evening Worship
Spring Valley Friends Churc h
Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9: 30 a.m. - Sunday School 10: 30 a.m•• Mornin g Worship
Christian Baptist Mission Main Street Mrs. Lois Dunawa y, Pastor 10 a.m.· Sunday School 11 a.m•• Mornin g Worshi p 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worshi p . 7:30 p.rn. • Prayer Meeting Wednes day & Thursd ay 7: 30 p. m •• Song-fe st. Last Saturda yeach .month .
" "_
F"'; .Qi~rCh pf.:.c~;d·" '"
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• "r" \ Wilmin gton -.' . Socii' Row Road '., Mlnlste r Bus y,j'I.. ShOO Lin. ·· SunCiay Bib.. ScboOl . 10:15 ~.m. ·-Sun~y.Wor'hlp ! ' 10:15 I.m.· S"nclay Vo~h '/ ". '. -' , WIC)rlhlp \ 6:30 'p .m. • Sunday Evenl" , -,' .. ' . Blbfe.S tudY. a"lgel ' 7:30 p.m. • Wednesday· Midwee k Prlyer a",d Bib" Stu~y ' .
RIDGEVILLE Ridgeville Comm unity
Churc h
St. R't. 48 . ,Lower , Springb oro ROld Ray II.. She Ito,.. Pastor 9:30 I.rn. • Suhday SChool 10:415 a.m. • Mornin g Worshi p 7: 30 p.m..• Sunday 'Evenln g
'. ,
7:30 p.m.. W..-dneSdlly Evening .. ' ..., .. ' '. service. Youth 5:30 p.m•• Sun~y . ... ~ Recrea tion . Vouth t ~ 6:30 p.in, • Sundly ' . ' '. . Serv.Jcel -
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ResponslblUty Some educators believe that parents are neglecting F~R. 'Rent; - '2 'b/~ .~;t\ ~~j)e~~~~. .- modern most important ,f\elds the of one ~6TF,) 9qf" J.8~?";2 ._. stove , .~ ; ref,rl~, ce - religious guidan child of g. It has 'beim charged that trainin LOST ,, , i j C ,S the lack' of ·spit·~tuat leadership in LOST ~ Pair of gla'ise. .. bIItween the hom~:, is partly responsible t)lrut .& -po;st. oftlc.e -. cIII' 897-26 52 for that segment of the new gen· , (~cl.) ~.~" 1, which appear,S to believe eration ,., . that ·."~oing l'o~ thing", what- . ever your "thing", is the only "'z: ' ..,- , way to go, , , ' T~TORIN~ , , ' truth, the fact is the " ver Whate , All Academ ic Areas ,. s who fail to parent that certain Gr.des through High School , give their children the proper PhOlle 897065 54 . WJ LL do baby, sitting In my ho;me .• religious and moral guidance fail .c,r~I1.~~ " ,I ~ ~fer 11'\"'.11 chlrdren - call . 897-66 23 meet their responsibility to the to (7c1, : .nvt 1me, child, and to society. As we come to the season of . REc:jIS TEREP Quart., " Hor.,' stUd as, let the birth of the Christm e .ple.sUr ot sir. , ..rv1c:e- ,tar T. Cody· remind us of the Jesus ,fl00 Child fee , c~(mplo.n candy P. Cody. at Bethlehem and Family Holy .pecl.1 reduce'd , ~" to 4-H proJect .... ,- , ." fter.• , ~r.. • Encino . Farm - Kings Mill. therea 'years the in sville'
.. t. ."
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P!,one ~ 1-39a.2~92 .
.SITTIN G In my home • by hour -. day or week ~ fenced In y.ard ••k for joAnn 'Edsall - Phone ,91· , (3cTF) 6021 I
~ \j 9ABV's tT,TtNG 'In my 'home. by 'day )r hour - reasonable r.tes • Phone 597-11921 ~ isk for Jean Hili
9. portlc;n .~; ' .....Earth ~" goddeu . 10. Alpha and 5: CoI;npoled ' ·12. Telephone'. 8. Indeter" mlnate wire degree 13. DeceIve 7. Sewing (2wda. ) party 14. Footed vue 8. SUr up 15. Shed 9. Strike futhen 11. Some Cobb 18. 13. Bloomi ng 1'7. School red marka 15. Super19. Period market 21. Item )(J1tand, 18. Hot rocIdera actor
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'0 V. BOOHER 897-6119 ' , LUBOW REALTV CO.
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45. ThoUla llds
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We woUld li1t~ to introduce to you our ''NEW ' lUsb quality printin s." Much effort bas gone mtO IMPROVING our quality .tandarcb. Th~ latat in IettinS equipment brinp co you this qu.~ty at lowel' .• prica•., '
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Located ,at the olfiees of
The Waynesville Spartan Varsity basketball team severly trounced the Blanchester W~d cats 78 to 47 Feb. 12.
Spartan Jeff Bourne made the first basket of the , game. Mter a fast-paced period, ' the score was Waynesville , 24 and Dian. che~ter nine. The second period brought a
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one point by the ,end of. the haif ; rary. -.;...--~~~~~ff;~:ff~m~~ . for a score 'o flWaynesville 19 and Blanche'ster' l!. ' During tIle Wfd ~ period, the Sparta.,s ....:pfed: 2i' potnts ' while ;: ~owing :'Jaq~ester ortly' ,,10. ' Iii ,the fourth period the 'Spar-'" '.~9 ' w~W' '" ~ns OilJY. scor~d · 13 pOints and let the -Wild~ ts,sCore 11 : ' ., Waynesville '" reserve :bigJi - , ~corers ' were 'jim G(jO'de witlt 15 ~ ~d ~I:~od s.oo~~f~r 'iua!l~ "" '~ints . ~d ntve 'DicIDWiu), }'3 . .-' chester waSi 3S' ".,.,', pro~ro ,'" , , .' 1i' ,' T:'~k' ' . da $howe 'period 1C elS. ·fourth Th~ . . ' _. " ~ "', from sCodtS for tfie ,:. 'lIflnn :,WAYNESvtI.L8.· ~. t~ or ~Il~. scormg m~rgin for initt~e"~q~rding to ",.,."1ftITiIi.4I'ti ".BIGHICIIOQLI'~, the Sp~tans. The S~8!fans,scored , ' ./' :.; i.,..."1 'fsAsKETBAt.L ~:, \ 25 PPtOts', '~hile :-the Blan~hes,ter , , : 8cuE' VI.S jl Wila<;8ts score'd only t2 poin'ts., ' . ~ Bo 'were scorers high n Sparfa Bra,dleY , with"16 ~pin~ and Jeff Bourn~ and Ron Sacketnvith 1S poin!s e,ch. ' , The Speir tan Reserve team did almost as well with a 53 ~ to 39 ' . win over .the Wilacats. _.,) Phil 'karmon eS,tablishe(l the Spartan lead, e~ly in the' game WhiCJl ~el(1 t~Ol.lghoULthe, game. The fust period score, was Wayne~ville , ) 1', 'Bianclie&~r eight. ,he... h..~"nilig. of ' the + ',; 'Near ~ '1' , . ~ • _' second ..period Blancli~ster:, with three fouJ. :'shots tied. tile. 'score 11 all. 'As soon ,'as Wayne~ville got the ball ., Jim 'Goode scored " to pu~ th(~ Spartans a~h in the lead .~t lead dwind)~d to orily
scoring thrust ,by Blanchester to close the ,gap betWeen the scores slightl}j. The Spartans ,still ,le4 with 32 points to the Wildc~ts 20. .. .Jbe.. third, ~riod brQ\lght a ' renewe4 fllJlq-y gfscorm8,.6y· the Spartans. The WildcatS ~njoyed some "nergetic scoring activity , 'also. ,still i~:; the l~~, ' he .S~-" ~scok: w:as ta~d at 53" ~in~ .
Both Waynesville High School Spartan basketball teams treed Blanchester's Wildcats. -Cliff Meager
WIlli o.r CUUln'... Tray Hu lItronr Ylnyl eoven.-d tubuJu atMI handle that will ."pport welpt of fully loaded box, Draw bolt hasp lind .taple can be 10d'~tI wlth·padJ l.:k . Corner lrona pr0tect en4II and bottom. Full Iencth pl. "no ty~ continuou s blnp.
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l~t 'Ohlo Second-class postage paid ilt Waynesvii Ohio Feb rua ry 24, ·1 971 - Waynesville,
Single Copy 10c
ft e L 0 T k n o B r e V i R rn u :~'i;:~;l ud.e nt s Art i st.s T w ie V l il M t A Q in h tc e k S st te ~n ~ :,~;~ r 'i-ng (o
written and is in the making. Its antique, general store type A troupe of 70' Waynesville iP. counters will be stocked with ~)' ~gh School ar~ students equ oid fashioned peddlar's variety -ped Wth sketch pads arid pencils of food and gift ·items. . : t1;I~ne4 the right .bank of the -utThe .food focal point will be : . ;tie Miami River to an aesthetic on Trail bologna and wheels of :~; ~ris ' l~ft Tuesday at Wayoescheeses including Ohio made ville's historic Mill Vjew Piuk. ! _.'~ Swiss import.~d from America's .~ !, ... \ . 'Dtese artists colonized them Paul 'Little Switzerland' in the heart ' ~lves at, the 146-year-old of the Amish country upstate. " "Lewis grist milJ, for an initial ' A smorgasbord of gift goodies ske tch-in to capture the true will 11oss' up one corner of the , spirit 'of Mill View. n) store with homespun charm. Its H~aded by, Mrs. Diane (Be . jnven tory wi.ll offer handmade, HiSey, ':h.igh 'school art teacher, colonial tinware crafted in the . -; ,; ,- t!le group s~nned the ' par k for area, candles, soaps and old fashtWO,. :litlurs with 'their a!t · radar ioned penny candies and.assorted , , {Of ,. the exa.ct. feeling that portrinkets among others. A sas· . traY$_, Mill Vi~ws' ground and ' " .. ~ par ilia bar and 1911 vintage , bulldings. rove an on e tak will w Vie l Mil pop.com vending machine, that " ~ The" art · ~on~est, origifiated' · sum this k loo new res i- all old but still works, will be found in the ,'~ by t4ill ' View '. o~et and 'p 90's;' y "Ga l orfu col a , h wit to mer eral -s-cv W . same area. , Ron Hal.l dr~ ~,' e. them tury cen the <;>f to turn ~'.JI!,l' y ,.St~re. Near ' the center of the store for coss plan ed' clos <ijs re H~1l whe • .1t ~.j'p ·::J1jl9~~~'~ i·:m ,ttl .. 'ftlM just inside the entrance the mill's the park's entire pering tum hot ' enclosed, water :~i!;i~!!,,;;:;r,":!,i1'~";;:;'':':;'''; "Gay '90's" -period , musicobx, glass in f staf , nel wn : ~i~I'oI10,colate powered turbines that once gai-h, l ground corn in to meal, will .clunk w's Vie l Mil of , r erio ext The , .it .~e:aso.n ' . ic{< out another summer 's melody. get the equivnaDDllCm · tij,war~ , ,pizza parlor ·..yiH ' Mill View's history of milling fa"will ' ~lent t~eatrnent with a new bega&:, in 1806 when John Haines .whose' , , cade' of the same era. a Virginian, built a frame grist on the life of e leas new ~ sing erti adv an' a$ wUherye mill a short distance behind the light era oil l coa w's Vie '" Mill ch whi , ~JI Vie~ and present brick structure. Store has already been. ry unt Co ad ive ens ~xt an , ip : r ' "''''''''!l Haines became involved in a lengthy 4tw suit due til an overfor several generations. nings who built it for , ,~EREA'U Jen n Joh g inin adjo the o ont er Around 1906 the mill was .flow of wat is, Sr., an early Qua.ker Lew l Pau ter· Sat l DRiVe.. GOtNG .WEl;~~ Abe by , land owned operated under the ownerShip of .' '. '. ler. sett ' ,.'. . ed ::.:" troy des 9 "· which in 180 ~t'J· thwaite and in l in 1832 , the Robitzer family mil the indic~t~d:. that with the' l}~' sold irt gs 'cha nin Jen 1 C c~I. ~or ~ was e .s~e. .. r .. ~.....·__ snow, the water Power. His mill 1931' constructed and opened ns rkers, Eva wo n aU Jaso 'Qf rt and k effo Coo n ned phe inbi Ste ,?-o , to , e,s \WIUru~f. have kept local ~~k destroyed by fire in later years. , the park's swimming pool under t soon; the sole owner ame bec r late who ' nes Hai fa,mets an4, se- , . the:,gQal 'will- be me' ght bou John Jennings the name Old Mill Stream which mills, rt" ,· Chairman the nha E8r sold oo'd 0 El'w 184 in , iand ~ppf p. shi race 'in~ 'mbef mill in 11310 and had the remained the park's monicker , t~~ Wit ml~ to ( gs ~~;p. llin uPW dwe c.Q : rig and YOu lots hei, s, o(t ":,~ land .. ~ ~he ' ' Far ,~ B,ure~ by David Brown for for over 30 years. ant of New ~ersey for ounced - a';; I diJ)ner , fOTI-, extended. iph ,Ol liam ing full a,nd ll OWllllbJfP .' wo rbr s " has" aqn -mi The mill had previously been ples ,to be held ,~ $300, A saw cou farm $ )-9U11 .. :: 0. ,00 SI4 e _.. W\\mtcl..·t' .u- ..·.. equipped by Wright with roller -milt were located on the sam Oliphant's sons sold the mills .. ~fch ~,,.7:00p~~a(~he ' U\)an91l :·.f property at an early date and machinery which replaced its eteda. E1~d rdon Wright Go to ty per pro and ,memDers:~ - , ..Htgh ~hoO[ C3f e ther e original stone 'buhrs,' Flour mil!:~';., 'Car~g and fulling don upon the . previous owner's death , ;~~:~. ~~a~:e ,~ tbat .'i~'~ihe ~ur.~~' ~(t~.. , u~tll around 1850. ling operations were phased out res lS;,:t~, ~~ ,,;;~ min ",', ee! The . cLm fter :an rea r the tUte rtly '.,'(ti sho I~ ' . '''I ." ~ WIU, y, brick . in 1911. o . ~': ·, " The p,resent tqree stor mained ul)der Wright ewnership . qu~ta yoUng -farmers :.~ cfulJl~.,:t h '., mill was constructed in 1825 by -O-P-'E-'N-H-O-U-S-E------. tome bet,ter acquamtl~ ', Wit -~ ---~re:~~tit,. .. ---------AY ~~~-.!-'Ri;",,;L"'·S~' ~' . and al~ to' find out vettising and promotional pro, gram: be a choice wUI e priz . second d of any two kjng size pizzas and two packs of soft drinks from the park's pizza parlor. A king sized pizza and a six pack of soft drinks, will go to the third prize win'ner. All participants will receive their choice of a one day complimentary ticket to the park's swimming pool or fishing facilities. Contest entries will be judged by the Halls and contest winner will be announced within the next few days.
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Christian f h n, Sc 001 0 ' Route 2, Lebano the of one Ohio is a member of most rapidly growing school As$ocUltions in America," reports Tom ' Mockabee Jr., Principal.
1:'Pi'~rit." of..~ , "'Th'e Ridgeville
schoo~ located iiI 40 states and
' 35 countrtes. Winois 'recorded the greatest per cent of increase in member schools. 1be largest number of schOOl~·,are, listed in' CalifOrnia. 1,;... tht h n'u!,i an'f tl1lia Twenty-two other , states report. &0 ,~. .' !lu ed increases in member schools, "Increases of fifteen percent Indi~a, Ohio _and Michigan jam schools ~d trifl~lt'"n.. , .. '/, ~ ,bo th number of 1 , Ulin9,is in .. m~g· ..t~~ .Mid-west .. ·:,.;plJpU ,' e,nroUment have been· re,first in regional flowtb statjstics. corded, for the third consecutive ;~ "r~y" ,:New "' York Pen. the 'N~tional ~tion : New.ani ,~ {~arid MAryland combine l!>Dl71stllan" Schools. SIXty-two :'- ·nsylv on in .~. ., to, ~ .th~~Jtid: AtJa!.!.ic, regi ~y" '. .d:f"~cq ~4 ,most, ~~t;<.i~..;.:.t-ip Chr..is-
. ',.,' b...~" "F ", " ,D~ eau 1tIl- · .,art~ ",beef , , :~4% of
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An open house is planned for daanydaMit
~arnhe l~rSietnredsetsHohmeree
in Waynesville. The general public is invited . this open house beto attend tween the hours of 1:()()'5:00 and 6:30-8:30 p.m. This open house affords an excellent opportunity to visit this retirement home_ wth. Forty states tian 'school groente d on the mem-
are now re.p'res bership roster. The ' eXp$lldmg ~terest 9f overseas schools for . missionilty . children in ' NACS fellowship" is «(h~tinue~ on, page:6 ) ,,..:" ' .. r ~~ -
,. •
, Wayne.sville ' .. o~flla~~l ct· , 'I • ,', ", ", , " . ' , 'ion win get ullder~,y, on ' MJ~cfi . thi~ h~us,e I -,have ~ot f~und ~ .~~d p~ce to ~t , !.t'. I bke, the , , 3 at Indian Hill 'H~b . . ctiool \8t~ . . p.pl. ' Sp~tf.ns ,~j1l'\' '\ie lf~~ , ' su~tbetter~~nblnlseedbec!l~ er-sviHe. 'l)1~' winner df the Hamni the spa?,o~, do rt9t ,~9m~ ,t~ .~t. .~, - on Mar~tt •6 .... sparrows a~d , game YVI)1 play aallin There are so many, ' Ir.. d seeds , . at T .m. to de,te{mme 'a' sectib.,.al t he~~ ,are so many wee . ~'! win:er. tt.tat.1 feel the~ should. do 'us !l 7:30 p.m: the . $e~vlce. by eatJ~g ~~~~ PUt ",,:,:,< ~ , 0'; March 12:'at ' "'wl ·' ' ..J ' ,tnn"-. . ~;, ll nleet in the . 't 10n,ll.w de.es.,' ,$ec I do "like 'the dlitde -~ •.,.~. " 0octucK( . , ;;'ff· ~ • ' and htnuce an : w. ,:\ P'!" ~~~~ . fiI~a I ':p f~iry· v ~ · and a 'few others that'come for' ." ,,', , the suet. , How , many birds, db ~ WHS ~ach To Talk you see? Send us Jeport : 'Tourney Talk'
diagQoal ()r:~paund ,~he end P.o••ox 7 •• PhoM 117·1t 11 - of the stem Sc) tHat ~ it Will' take up as much. water 'as possible, Editor Dennll Dalto,n then wait and watch as the 'buds , Advert l"n, Mana.e r ' Reginal d O. Hili r Aut. Advert 'llng Mana.e Phillip Morgan begin to swell. 'In a couple ~f 'G.nera l Mana.e r David Edsall Pubilih ers weeks -Of less they will ~gin to . Reginal d O. HilI, David Edsall 41011 Ohio llie. .. Wayne P.O. ilox 71. show color and spring will be Membe r of the Ohio Newlpa per Auocla tlon right there in your house. '" . The almanack says that Marcht this region . but we often have will come in like a lion, that the on and ry Februa in r zero weathe first week in March, we are due have to have blizzard we,ather. Ugh. the other hand we often WPFB . crocuses in bloom at this time. Cold, snow, ice wmd, so now I and that to this d like forwar day Another you ,can look A FARM DIARY ~ Waynesville Hig~l School 'Bas- , very us the tell of can some stars have the if should see and ketball Goach wilt talk wit,h War·' By D~J. Frazier early ones right outside my windanything about the coming ren Jolm,son Thursday J;light., on " ow also another day like this weather. How about that Mrs. G. February 19, 1971. February, . ,·to~rneY~ ,Talk' over Middle;town and the frost should be coming Sometimes dogs are amusing the month of extremes. Today If you have '. a ,~ll'g . " rad~o':stl}lipns WPFB .and ,W~FS; out of the ground and the lane and a pleasure to have around the thermometer is up to fifty ,7 p.m. you'd like to have listed in . . FM a,\ will be just like soup and you and sometimes their coming in five at ten in the morning and I will need your snow tites to pull our DATE BOO K. calenda~.,. " is something else. Last night can remember long, long ago, ;:'~IiJAM&Y' PHOTOS a mud. GAfor ' the out of AMI i out ;"' been : you ha,d THE' two our phone to going was I way back when Now is the time to cut your run and as ,usual asked to come ZETT E at 897: 5921 •. central District School in [}Jyton thcm stink bring of and ~ wave a willow pussy in, but what they sent us home and closed 1T1l~ alO In ias. , forsyth WAVN DVILL a. OHIO your also Feb. 24 and in wil[h them Skun~ is in came twenty was it school because Ash Wednes<Jay Holy Com'17~7'" fact almost any flowcring shrubs bad cnough and pig pen is, bad two below zerp on the twenty's Patrick St. p.m., 7 n, sIems meet Ihe munio ever Cut you forced. did bc can enough but first of February. That is the 011 thcm on buds Episcopal Church" Lebanon'. flower with Ihe combination? Out again they in ber remem coldest I can ever had to go but the smelrtingered AL TERA TION S , Wayne RctaitMerchant~, 7:30 on, not cv{m Lysol Spray was Men .. " ~ Wom.n. Clothin g " p.m., Fireside l!ln.' strong enough to kill it. I could :' , VAbA SNODD Y. smell ' it this morning. One of . "'," _ . Feb. 25 , the first things they taught us s , orf The Top 'Players', Play\!r in psychology was that the cells theater, 7: 30 R.m., ~qtetit~n . of our ,noses that do the smell:: . . ._ _ _. . . . . . . . . . .. : Legion Buirdi~g. •. " ing get tired after while ,and the smell is no longer noticed but I it i§ there air fresh little a after , 26 Feb. ' West ' Crimson Ramblers of the World, Farevvell again. They are out now but Club, ) :30 p~., ry Centu New Schoendoerffer Farewell to the King MinerVa Hough where I do not know I hope not Mrs. Inn, e Firesid Greenberg In This Sign getting a fresh installment of hostess. Gann The An~gon ists the same. I got a nice large piece of Feb. 28 ay yesterd t Marke Don's at suet -- 'United Holy Communion, J)U~ 10: 15 a.m., St. Patri'!k's Episbut I haven't , ~d tim~, to 1. ;some of it out yet for the budS. ., copal Church, Lebanon, fotlowe'd :';' out some have 826 alWays to 897-4 I used by ' Lenten "Feed. the : Hu.ngt:y.~: 4th STREET WAYNESVILLE. OHIO ·PH. the all' it for and they ca'me luncheon. time but since I have been in . March 2 Combined Pot Luck Dinner for St. Mary's and St. ' Patrick's ' ' Episcopal Qlurches, 6 p.m., fol· lowed by showing .of th.e q~ . "His Land." t~
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March 3 Clever Clovers 4-ll ' Club~' Mothers' Tea, 7 p,m.' Wayne$-' ville United Methodist Church, . all new members should attend this meeting.
,By We8k, ~.~; _~"'"' .a___.bIe R~ :
" A*fo rJo. , Phone 887.;8021
Actually it was Ben Franklin who said .. A penny saved etc.". But it's the idea that counts. Eevry dollar stored in your Savinp Account is something you lin. - to keep - to earn interest for you - to merp with other saved dollars in a fund that can mean so many thlnp to you.
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/:" FIRE i 'Have Tailored I~.' - ~' . ;'-"""",. ~' . Yo~'r~ . C!J~"'~ ,
anci ,PrOteCtion.
P'orch '~R~E:I~DS HOME I\JEWS By Nellie Bunnell .Mrs. Edith Davis and Mrs. . Marjorie Stan of Wilmington were Monday callers on Nelli~ . Bunnell. t Mrs. Rober Wilson called on her mother, Mrs. Ethel Perischo on Saturday. Robert Crane called on his
a b'. o, uet: ectllc 'home "lI e a tl n, • What advantages does modern electric heat have ~ye~ older Jiome heating .,rt'Ii·,6f!II"U'\,1'1 s1 ~~~;ii1-::;:t~i¥~~ ' "'s electric ~heat mQre ",,,,.,,,,~,.\rY,.. ble? More :co'riven'Cleoner? Quieter? • Does electric heat ~ost more than other -hea~i'ng m~t}lods? ,. Can you install electric heat 'in yOllr present home? This . ." ',week? :' - , It ..,"
, _ t o;
! DQes it make :sense to:in .. , ".' dud~' ~r~Ctric:;."heatin you~ : 'pla'ns ~. .: , , ,~ , ·"t~mo,(J~I~A9 ,. .' ...
mother, Florence Crane~ on Wed. nesday. Delma( Chany called on his mother, ~ssie Chany Thursday. Rhodes Bunnell of Wilmington paid a brief visit to his mother, Nellie Bunnell, on Monday. Eleanor Jones of Lebanon visited her mother, Lillian Se9roeder, Feb. 18. Nettie Palmer attended a house warming in Dayton Saturday afternoon for her grand· daughter, Shirley and husband Denny Shilt. at their home on Sutton Ave. Master Jay Cooker spent Friday and Saturday at Grand· view Hospital having his ton· sils removed, Marilyn 1l1Ompson is sub· stituting as cook for Hazel Dakin this week since she is on the sick list. Mrs. Ethel Perischo an d Robert Wilson of R.R. I attend· ed Friends meeting at Xenia on Sunday.
!f 'S'j' A S.HII.£ A sniilc is someth ing unusua l. It is difficul t to give a smile, even to n total stran ger. withou t gett· ing it ri ght back in return , You . ' can li g ht up a room with a smile, T r~ ' It sJ ll1etime. It usually works. It 's easy of course , to smile when you 're happy , It isn't diffi· . cult to be gen'c rous with the world \\'hen th e sun shines on l'vl' rything you do , The s mile comes harder when ~' oll're down and out. when you 've los t til(' game 01' the race , But. \ ' 011 can tlll'l1 it on if \ ' OU trya nd you'l1 fe('1 Illuch 'bett e r if \ ' OU make the e lTort. , It takes coura g(' to make the S ill i Ie a perman e nt part of your person ality . You can 't always be ha ppy. You \\'il1 not a lways win, Pl'opl c arc cNtnin to disappo int yo u from tim l' t o time. But. if yo u (' an fo l'(,(, th at s mile. if you ('a n ma ke it I'Nl l. you 're bounci n g back for a noth c l' look at the s uns hin e .
IS THE CHURCH A DENO MINA TION ? No, the church of the Lord, established in the first century, is not a denomination! It has none of the characteristics of a sectarian body. According to the New Testament we read that the church "is the fullness of Christ" (Eph. I :23) and not a segment or part' of Him. The term denomination means "the number of times the unit is divided." In the first century, after the be~~nning of the church RALP H V. SMIT H in Jerusalem, division was con· 980 WILMIN GTON AVE. , APT. #734 demned and never condoned. DAYTO N , OHIO 45430 ,Read I Corinthians 1: 10-13: PHONE ' 15' 3 I 256-5!5 68 where followers of Christ were REPRE SENTIN G exhorted to "be of the same BIRKM EIER MONU MENT S mind and the same judgment," £-___ _____ _____ __D_E_L_P_H_O_S_, OHIO~4=!5~8~33~----------------to "all speak the same things that there be no divisions among you." Yes, the church of Jesus Christ was to strive for the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph . 4:3). . And, yet today, we hear preachers and church leaders thank God for r1eligious divisions. In every form of communication we hear the plea: "Go to the church of your choice .., This sincere, but mistaken idea makes havoc of the prayer of our Saviour uttered in John 17:2()'~1 when he prayed for unity and not division! No. Christ did not shed his precioUS blood to pnrchase a · denomination! The apostles did not set up sectarian groups as . ·theYl>reached the gospel. They simply established ' the church. Christ's church has none of the earmarks of a denomination. Notice these important points: 1. The church of Christ has no earthly· headq~arters. 2. The Lord's church does not have a_human head. 3. The church does not have a council, convention, or synod to decide its Procedures. 4. The New Testament Church does not have a creed book, discipline, catechism, manual, prayer book, etc. 5. .Its preachers are not ordained by men but by God! Yes, the chllrch of Christ What does il mean fO you? With every iuue we Thanks to IocaJ advmise n, this nC!W1paper brinp , has headquarters in heaven where p,ubli.h, this newspaper celebrales. 200 ye8fS of you the freedom to compare and choose from adfreedom you right 's offering -by Father (~press the a (or at sits freedom venised values , . , n-erything you neecho wear, hrist 'C yours is the columns, editorial our In choice, 01 decorate: }'OW' home and keep il in shape, to 10 tion conven " hand Instead of a 10 foJJow. die news, ro form and l'huolo: (~ your family, find mrenainm cnt : , . and much feed t<? dictate her policies, the church b~ on all . tIM: fuu. ro opinions, from our duaified ada you'ft free to own more, your ·of our . Lord is guided by the (boOse whal inlt:~ you from news abouI choose a hofnt" buy a l'ar, renl a roo!, Bet ;a job, , ll>rd's will revealed in His word. sports. society. local buJinns al"liviries, local sc:II, hir". ","h2n8e . . , and much ,1JIOft. II', your No, friends , the church of Christ freedom .. . (boose irl evmu , .. and ,mud! more, is not a denQmint ., visit the Church of Christ that "meets at Third and Miami · ~tr~ets :-- Services are at lOAM The M...... ·Qazett . - Prlnt.rs - Publl."•• · and 6:30 ,PM on lprd's Day and . P. O. Box,,78 'at ' ~7:39 ~ \Ytr~es~~}'. ~ening. to 'Ja~e a s~· ., If' ';l't aWn: Wa11lemJli, ,.Ohio,.. . "
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to bed
......, 1eaJIId. MIIIIeee
wm .... fnID
, Ileal. . IIeJ do . . Un aile rtpt ...... 01 feed til _to TIle paIIDe wUI ,., aile bIl for abe
........... mewteDy retarded ddId call DeftI' faIIdbi
......, lalOCletJ. 'DIJI II abe . . of .... u1IeIeI aboat ..... Ia AmerIca, tile . . . .. tile AIDerIeaD dnua, ad wIIat eaa be .... abold It. '~ urgency of the hUlller problem ii, in our view, panmount The problem baa been caused primarily by
mustve economic dialocatioJl
brought about by the meehantpUon of rural aDd urban America. We have . .edy aaugbt tbe beDefUs rl that autamatioD; we are DOW morally bound to bear Its burdens. ... To Willlton Churchlll, aeldom in, the history of social reform ccaald 10 much be done for so many with so little. Testimony by Army Capta. Terrence P. Gouin and Cllffo~ Hendrix, spe~tal Investigators on a White Houae team· investigating hunger in America, before the U. S. Selate Select Committee on
para.,....., II
NutritiOil and Human Needs.
There are 14 million Americana at the bottom of the income scale who do not have an adequate daily diet, said Sen. George McGovern, DS. D., the committee cbairman. PresIdent Nixon empMsir.ea that "the time baa come to put an end to mmger in America." All the public statements, surveys and interminable public hearings agree that the time has 'come to act But it's too late for Alfredo R. His malnutrition was so acute that he cwld not benefit from food when it finally became available to him at the Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Tex. A shocking photo was made showing the tot screaming in anguish with eyes pleading for help. Alfredo's case was extreme, but there are at least a dozen of the same type at the hospital
i~ providing an ad~quate each year. And there ere thouaand~ of additional _ rwtriUonal Prolram," he said in an iiltel~iew. "There is ' childfen who are victims rl erwgh data now. to introduce malnutrition that slows 'growth, action PI'OII''8IDI.'' , retardl mental development, Both NichOla and ~cGanity an.d IlJltences the victim by the strelled nutritional education, age of sb: montbl to a Ufe fl ai a major step toward solving use_ness In a h~plta1 or the .Problem~ . institution, too physically feeble or 1mbecillc to make a But to till! we1J.fed, IllPtly living. Such a chUd is little overweiP,t. AlMrican whole J more tban a vegetable. He is a JD&Jor 1!orriel are tickets for a . burden on the taxpayer until he bUebaU game or the u.ter, dies. the poor aDd undel'fed' are Still, the poor ani bunirY, invisible. although Juat around the corner HIt's this way,"" said a Taas ,in almostevel')' clty. are ~ of IIItritloDiat.. HU ,a , ~_ ~ a an "invisible" minority that maid or: a prdener, he takes rarely , evokes public ~ can ci them ~n they compuaion. Some shrUg and are ,in' rim1e flnaDCiaUy, or' say the hungry are products of need food or.medical help. But a welfare system that destroys be daean't 1..uy-1ee the rest of initiative and invites tile ~." , proJJliIcuity• ' Many elderly p60ple are But Dr. Buford L. Nichols, struggUnl alone Oil So.c .al Security, fo~ stamps, ,and "Ilatant profeaaor ~ pediatrics at Baylor and an aurP-,COIDIIlOdJtiiL aDd advocate ~ more and beUer or, 1Ir. , . .Mrs. At"" .&&5 research for the underpriviDinsmore _ St', Pe_~, " leged. sa,s society sbouJdn't Fla., lOllI- favorite re~meDt .' . condemn helpless childre~ citY, ,llIe la a clAy-to-day " Itr\IUle to ' make ends meet. "A child can't pull himlelf up , Both are 10. 'l);ey bave a by his own bootstraps," said ~tbly income rl '~13.20, or Nichola. $2,311 pel' y.r. Tbey What frustrates Nichola and oaly S32 ar' mo~. for !oocl. ~ . , many of his coU.gues is tbe 'tWe look fOf , barlai~; · J ·, ,..; fact that tbe means are at haDd Dinsmore -Jd. . to solve the problem. ~rica "We can't ' -afford to buy ' , cannot afford huDler. he feels, beef.... added his wife; "but but this ricb naUon can afford we've fOUJDd roait beef in a can the food to give everyone a for 59 cellta and we make two rwtriUous diet meals of it." The cwple gl'Ve . Nichols argues ibat it would • 'up milk as too e*Penlive" but be possible to provide all babieS began buying caDned cream for born to the indigent poor in 14 cents "beeauae the doctor Texas - famWes "averaging said my Ii~nd abOukJ bave' four perSons with incomes of . ,
"It would cpst $1 million in Texas but in the lo~ run it would save much more in money spent on chUdren afflicted with ,diseases from J1'l8lnubition," bP. said. Dr. William ' J. McGanity, chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of . Texas, is codirector of a Teus nutrition survey which provided massive detail on a cross-section of the hunger-nutrition blight. He is just as emphatic as Nichols about the, urgency of action to help the helpless. "We should not delay action
. ..
A threadbare New Yor.ker, one of the' mUllons floundering . along Uae 'nation's p~verty . rows, was : asked if ~ bas' rttitritious' mea'ls. ' "What' do you mean, nutritious?" be asked. ~'Lady•. . I'm happy if ,I get one m.-l a • day." " But mQlt of all it is ,the 'r'" children ,wbo suffer. c
Jln i.'s
,; 2 -
Be.~,t y"th GP ~' "
3 mile. north of Wayne.vllle "'0 BELLBROOK ROAQ 141-7311
WRAP & BAG OBGANIZRB Stores bag and wrap items in one 'Con'~~IlJ.t~t.1M~:~" partments hold all sizes of boxed .o. .a-~! rate place for grocery bap.. OW',' , '~.j)Jiz space now going unused.' ~
----...:.---pr~e~~ , llion ~,
" .. To
!~ heckered as, it i~ witb nbu8~s~ , 't.be' _world is inde~ted' fQr llll ~:"
b~y ~ ~<;
t3,400 or less - with UfNaving pre-prepared formulas at birth.
. J:
.'. j
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Order WP·316 9·1/2 x 4·1/8 Inches
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'07 10. CHEaTE""IELO "D. OU"DIT .... ICHIQAN 4.221
, t! NOTEHEAOS - Order PE·114- ·6~ ·8~ Inch.. ; , - ~.',t.!~TSHING ENVELOP,E ." IIWP·215 " . \' " ,.
Colonial Custom ('Draperies _ _ DnoraUnp
Con ..." anl. - ' - - -
22'7.0 LAKE IIT1:U:ET I
ADCKF'a"D. ILLINOI. 61'108
Order WP·215 6·1/2 x 3·5/8 Inches
'. t'
n~ 'VA"".n SHOPPER,' Inc. lam. Quett. Pult ..." •• 1~:·$.:. -.in, -; Phone ·89'1.,6921 Tile ..
PrInt. . -
' ''apeeVlni, ' O~
l.<' •
. Church of Christ
Third .. Miami streets Charles Pike, .E vangell st 10:00 Lm. - Sunday Mornin g 6130 p. m. - Sunday Evenin g 6:30 p.m. - Wednes day Evening Phone 897-44 6210r Informa tion
Firs,t Baptist Church
North Main Street John P. OsbOrne, -Pastor 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Mornin g Worshi p 6:30 p.m. - Trainin g Union 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worshi p 7:30 p.m. - Wednes day Prayer Meeting (Affilia ted with Southe rn Bap. tlst Conven tion).
First Church of 'christ
152 High Street Steve Tigner, Ministe r 8: 30 a. m. - The Christia ns Hour (WCKY radio, Clnty) ' 9:30 a.m.· Bible School (classes for all) '10: 30 a.m•• Mornin g Worshi p 10!30 a.m.' Junior Church 12 noon· Revival Fires 5:30 p.m•• Junior Choir Practice 6: 00· Jet-Cad ets Alpha Teens 7:00 p.m•. Evening Vespers
Friends Meetina .
Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m.· Sunday School 10:45 a.m.' Sunday Meeting for Worshi p (un program ed)
St. Augustine Church
High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer , Pastor 7 a.m. & 11 a.m.· Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m.· Holy Days 7:30 p.m.· First Friday 7:45 a.m•• Daily Mass 5: 30 p. m•• Saturda y Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal . Church
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth. Rector 11: 15 a. m•• Mornin g Prayer 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday s; Holy Commu nion 2nd & 4th Sunday s
United Methodist Church
Third & North Streets L. Young, Ministe r 9: 00 a.m•• Church School 10:15 a.m•• Church st Worshi p 6:00 p.m•• Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellows hip
Waynesville Rescue Mission Rd.
Corner of 73 & Corwin Rev. Sherma n Cook. Pastor 10:30 a.m•• Sunday School 7:00 p.m•. Sunday Eve. Service 7: 30 p.m •• Wednes day Eve. Service 7 : 30 p. m •• Sat. Eve. Service
First Church of God
49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m.' Sunday School 10: 30 a.m•. Mornin g Worshi p 7: 00 p.m •. sunday evenJng
CORWIN Pentecostal Holiness Church
Acy Lamb, Pastor 10:00 a.m •. Sunday School 7:30 p.m •. Sunday , Wednes day and Saturda y Evening Worship Services 7:30 p.m •. Wednes day Youth Service
MT.HOLLY United Methodist Church
Rev. Leonar d Baxter 9:30 a.m•. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. · Sunday Worship Service 7:30 p.m.' wednes day. Prayer Service
crisp. "
a weekly mess age relating the world 'of today
John K. Smith. 9: 30 a. m •. Sunday School 10:30 a.m.' Sunday WorShi p Service 8:00-9: 00 p.m •. wedneS day Evening , Bible StUdy
. (Continued from page .})
of Faith and Church ...
HARVEYSBURG Friendship Baptist Church
Southe rn Baptist Conven tion Norman Meadow s, Pastor 9:30 a.m•• Sunday SchoOl 10:30 a.m •• Sunday Mornin g Worshi p 7:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m.' Wednes day Midwee k Prayer and Bible Study
Jonahs Run Baptist Church
Ohio 73 East Lester Kldd, Pastor 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 10:00 & 11:00 a.m •• Sunday Worshl p Service 7:30 p.m •• Sunday Evening Worshi p
United Methodis~ Church
David Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m.· Sunday Church ServiCe 10: 30 a.m •• Sun-tay School 11:00 a.m.' Sunday Worshi p Service Youth Fellows hip and Bible Study
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilto n, Pastor 7:30 p.m .• Tuesda y 7:30 p.m. - Friday · Young People' s Service 10:00 a.m•• Sunday School 7:00 p.m. - Sunday Evening
SPRING VALLEY United Methodist Church
Walnut · Vine Robert R. Meredi th, Pastor 9:30 a.m •• Sunday SchoOl 10:30 a.m•• Mornin g Worshi p 6:30 p.m.· Youth Fellows hip Jr. High & Sr. High 7:45 p.m•. Wednes day Choir Rehears al
Free Pentecostal Church . of God
Free Pentecostal Church of God
R; R. 12.2 - DoddS. Ohio Pastor, James Coffma n 10:30 a.m•• Sunday School 7:00 p.m•• Sunday Evange listic . Serv ice ' 7:30 p.m.· Wednes day Prayer , 'Serylce 7: 30 p,'rn•• Sa'turda y Evening Worhlp Servl~e
The Centerville First - Pentecostal C"~rch. .:. ., 173 E. Fr~nkill'! Street Ra~ NOrVei l, Plstor' ': ' Gene I3lckn811, , ~ss't. 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School · ; 7:00 p.m•• Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m. - Wednes daY ' Eve!"I!'9
GENNTOWN . ·Genntown United.Church , Of Christ , ,R oute 42 at Gennto wn Ray Storme r. Pistor 9:30 I.m. - Worshi p service. ' 10:'341)· Sunday Church School 5:00 p.""•• Sund~y Vout~ , _ PlioW Shlp
. , Ferry ~Ct:lurch of, ' Chti~ :,., .
WILmin gton P.lke" . Sodal Row Road :, Bu.s Wisema n, Ministe r 9:00 a.m. - sunday -Sible School ..10:15 a.m. - Su"dly 'Woflhl p . loin a~m. - Sun~'y 'Youth . . Worshi p , , 6:30 p.-m. - Sunday Evening ,', Bible Study~ ' anlges 7:30 p.m. - Wednes cs.y' .. M,ld~k Prayer and Slb,e Study ,'
Glady Street 10:00 a.m •. Mornin g Worshi p 7:00 p.m •. Evening Worshi p 8:00 p.m • • Wednes day Evening . Worshi p
:spring Valley Friends'Church
R.R. 122 - Dodds, Ohio · Pastor, James Coffma n 10:30 a. m •• Sunday School 7: 00 p. rn. - S'unday Evange listiC ' ' Servll ce 7:30 p.rn, . Wednes day Prayer Sarvlcs
Spring Valley Church ' of Christ
RIDGEVILLE Ridgeville COmmunity ' .. Church
Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9: 30 a. m •• Sunday School 10:'30 a. m •. Mornin g Worshl' p
St. Rt. 48 & Lower,
Sprl ngOO,o Road RIY L. Shelton ., Pastor 9:30 I.m.; Sunday School .. 10:451 .m.· Morr:'ln g worshiP ; 7:.30 p."", - Sunday Ellenlrig . . • . Servlc:e 7:31Q P.m. - Wednes day E~er\lng ' $8f'vlce 5:310 p.m: . Sunday Sr. Youth ' Recr.ea tlon ' 6;30 p.m. - Sunday Sr.,.You th " ' service s
Main Str.eet Mrs. Lois Dunawa y. Pastor l Oa. m .• Sunday School 11 a.m•. Mornin g Worshi p 7 : 30 p.m •• Evening Worshi p 7':30 p.m.· Prayer Meeting Wednes day & Thursd ay, 7 :30 p.m. J Song-fe st. Last Saturda y e4ch month.
~ The Follow ing Area Me.r~,,"~.:' J~',. it.;' This Churc h Page Is Spons ored For You Throu gh The Courte sy Of , •
I, 'I .
. When .. 'asked , fer' an' ' CXpl~lI "'" '~ . atiori of thiS unusually Vita,' Rliir ,, ' ' vate school organiza'tion ;.' Dr. i • . 'John Blanchard. Executive Ofrector, -observed, , As the' only national non-sectarian ass6cia: tion of its ;'kind; Ithe NACS tracts schools Jh~t are s,trongly "- , commited fa Biblical values and , continusing edu.catiortal irnj)h>ve· mc!1..ts" Qur. school~ ,elDpkasi~ .' " spirituak ~ il,llpact .and ....:'cadejnjc, ' ' cornent l ~nd OUf" effo~ts ~ to deal ,,' with ,Biblical,. disc~J)1men h.. ~y ' '1/' this' balance ;0(:' ",
"b I"
indicated by .the 45 ~chools)n ;' '.~ 35 overseas locations. ·In' recent · months ' members qf t,he NACS '~! 8oa·rd have travelled to the C~lF: - ~ I ' ibbe~n, South A01~rica . aDa j be" .• i' I Orient to strengthen the ' ~du· ' ~ nary ' children, v missio 'o f , catia , oversQ.as.
came and sought fn.ut thereon, .and found none. -'Then said he un~o ~he dresser of his ' vineY!ltd, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit 0!1, this fig tree, and find ~one: cut It down; why cumbereth it'the ground? . And he alllS'wering said unto him, Lord let it alone this year also, ''fill I sh~l1 dig about it, and dung it: and if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou' shalt cut' it . -LId,. U:6·9. down :. ,
Christian Baptist Missio.n
United Methodist Church Ministe r
'RidgeVilie eh~:ilti8n C"'t.lr~h· \
PARABLE OF T~E FIG TREE Cl CERTAIN man bad a fig tree
c/1 planted in:his v!neyard;. and he
to the lessons
• 'I
.. GI HOAGi .A'ND Restau rant ·& Groceri es 52 Main St· Houri: 6AM to 7:30PM , Monda y thru Saturda y '- closed Sunday - home made fOu ps • Hoagla nd Recrea tion - pool and card - 48 Main St. - Hours: 9: 30AM to 10:30P M Monda y thru Thursd ay - 9130AM to 12PM Friday 'and Saturd ay· lOAM (8cl) to 4PM Sunday
FOR SALE ,- Tecum .h Inow blower ,one I wJnter $1(10 - 897-73 86 (8cl) , ' "
19j4''I I-T ON Ford Pick-up - gd cond (8c2) ". P;h. a9~~61u~ ' AUTOM OBILE 1967 Ford Falrlane 500 - .uto trans - 2 door· $950· 897. ('8cl) ~33
BABV SITTIN G In my home • by hour. day or week • fenced In yard· ask for JoAnn Edsall • Ph,?ne 897· (3cTF) 6021
SEARS Utility traIler w/racks • $80 (8cl) 897-4;4 33
REGIS TERED Quarte r Horse stud service · Star· P Cody· sire of pleasure champi on Candy P Cody· fee $100 s~ola.1 r~duoed fee to 4-H project mares • Encino Farm - Kings Mills (8c3) Ph. 398-21 91
- half German Shepf!erd - 2 mos old ". used to outside , (8cl) Ph. 897-56 96
.' Feeder calves· J,ess Pennin gton 897· SOctf ' 5180
-'" will put my trust in him." - Isaiah 8:17
WI LL do baby sitting In my home prefer sma" chIldren - call 897-66 23 (7cU anytim e
• I
1~69 FORO Falrlane 500·2 dr•• one
owner - A-I cond - econom ic to - call Tom , oper.,e .Floren ce - 897-50 00 (lctf)
Some of us just don't trust anybody. We lock our cars and our with a homes. We put our tools and our valua bles in a storag e shed padlo ck and we carry the keys where ver we go. We even forget, s0n:tetimes, t~at we can place our trust in God. nts We lock God out.o f our lIves and hide away the key. Then , in mome in this of troub le and distress we search our heart and seek guida nce hme of need. Place your trust in God, all ways, always.
HELP WANTED PART TIME delivery man - must have or be willing to obtain chauffe rs license • Inquire at Miami Gazette 105 South Main St. Waynes ville (8ctf)
-1. --...--------home in good Ol.d ", 2· - story
condition. Large lot. Walking distance' to bUsiness district and churches. Low taxes. '
WANTED Jobs In and around Waynes ville painting - yard work - etc - 897·46 18 ( Sc1 1
. Only $12,500.
l .!~
f '
... '.....
,>,WJ1sel saf11'pef; · ~mping.T~.ailers '. WaYOe ,lCamper Top$, "Tru~k
' ? We 'Sell' bottle'Uas ' '"
·~. Carh.s ana;fravel'Trailers ":'
'w Rentals .-~SUppli. ' " SlieS. .' ;-" COcated o~, Route 42~ 1 mile '. .north of Route 73, Wayneiville .
"'::'.' -' 'e hone 897·7 936 -
For And About
WE want to thank .everyone fo~ their kind ex·presslons of sympat hy in the loss of our husban d and father, Jesse Earl Tresslar Feb. 5, 1971. All those who called, sent beautif ul cards or flo~rs, · money or food or in 'any w.ay, h!1P,ed ' us thrqugh this time of Sorrow. ' We esPeciall y wish to thank iiii::h o-nll at :Whlte.s Nur;slng Home at -' ~aynesv.I,'e a.pd y~hirans Hosplt. 1' at Dayton whO so patient ly and klndl)! took such exCe.llent care of him so many years, Our heartfe lt thanks also to Rev. Norma n Meadow s for his ""onde rful message to Mrs. ' Stephen Conner _for her organ music, to the pallbearers, to Raymo nd ACiams and his staff at Miami cemete ry · and to 'Stubbs -Conne r' Funera l Home for . 'their' kind and efficien t' servlces. Opal Tresslar . Anna May webb Ro'bert E; TnSllar (8cl)
1., . -!i-o'"
All Academ ic Areas' . Grades through Hlgh'$' chool PhQne 897-65 $:4 , Certifie d '>'" :-,
THE WEEK'S LETTER: "I have a problem with a young man that greatly trouble s me. Re is in love\ with me. I am not in love."w ith him.' The problem is that everyti me I am around him and talk with him I feel guilty, because I know that I am putting him 011. I lie more and more 'about my feelings for him. I'm not serious about him at all, but I feel that lowe this boy a lot of my time. When he calls me, I seer:n to find an elCUBe to get off the phone. Everyt ime I get involved with him, I become in· tere,s ted in someone else. I'm confused, 'because I don't want to hurt him any more, but I feel I am wastin g his time and my own. 1 have to find some differe nt way to tell him, because he seems to keep c'o ming back again. luiways accept l1im. I feel guUty if I do not. How do I handle the 1- ' situatio n withou t hurting him? Each day I am around him I feel . guilty. " 'OUlt' REPLY : There is no way to huadle the situa,tion proper ly than to be,Hon est-wi th him, and 'With yourSelf. It you do not like the young-man, don~t U~ to hi.m and tell him ~t..you do. He will be as confUHCI" as you and will have Ii difficult time .u ndenta ndlng your "hot and cold" attitUde. , hJm that.· you Uke someone ' Tell . else. Say that you want to remain "frien.d s" but you are unable to preten d that yOu like him ~ of I all when it ian't so. He may apburt, but he will not be as hurt as when he is really lure that lfOu have been putting him . . ~ on.
RELAX AND LfAV£_.--..... THE
TO usPre dsio n Wo rk Is a ' "Must" Her e We would like to inuocluce to you our "NEW hip qualitY prilltina." Much effort baa lODe iato IM~' PROVING our quality awadarcla. The ....c ia c,pe. eeuia , equipmeDc brinp .., you this quality at ~ prica. • lUI• • • CA... • WlGD IN IIVITAn. .1 • A••OU.CEllEI1I • LEnD HIAD I
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PIt . . . . . . , . . , ''It' ..... ..... -..... II' ..... . + " ' ' ' ....11$ ...... ... .., . . . . . ...... .... ~ ,.. • I' 4 OWl' 1 b MuM ,_ JIlt ......
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- I
.'~I " a"'_"'''''''~'''_ . -
Located at the ·om.. of
e~ce .. "
Spiftan, Jeff ik>urne, ,' sco.r~d the rust pointS of. tM game~aild .
Mter a fast moving game the Greenview Rams,basketball team defeated the Waynesviile' Spar. tans varsity '}00 to 'S.5. ' During the early part of the first · p.~riod, the Spa.rtans seemed surprised by. the; Ra~s.· speed. After the initial surprise.wore ~ff, the Spartans got ,"going and brought th"eir score to 21 ~hiIe "'" ·allowing Greenview to sco're 25 : points in the first period . . Near t he middle of · f\1e see; . ond P,irio!d .~on Sack~t t tied the .... score at 37 ·all only. before ' 'ttie . ". "' half waS over the Rains .. ~in had " , :' a ten- point lead'. The half-ti01~ ' ente,r{ammen.t " was pro~'ided 'by .Way.nesVUle ~rr.otteer 'Drilr T~~ltn. I~ · ~ :: the team'"s wforr ilan.ee ;-of the· seaso~ '3Qd a' goo'd,. one f :ijiQ;', .. During tlw third ' ~riod, :ih{ _' Spartans, ~ld-' their gtOUn( t but I ' were not able -to c.lose. ~he . gap ':"''< between the scores. ;,..ln lt~ fmsl,. i miOutes Qf .the , g~me th~ Spar· tans, showe~ ;t sUIi~e' :~f ~ffor.t 'in . ~~~~~~~~~ a laSt · diJtcJt~ effod :'to ' tlttch up. .~:~~!"'"-~~~~~~~~~ At the 'elfd; -'t hey " wer~'. . stilf " 5 .- .-. ' . . '. · points' behifilJ. - High sCpi~r,s~fort,' tlie;S~f~·. Varsity .·wer., ROil:' S..c btt with 36 Po!nt~and B9~aaley ;With l~ >
WATER S.ERVICE Phone 897-7026
s· ; ,'
10 OSTER'S 1ASKETIlll DATI: MilCH 11,1811
oIr NAT 'I 0 ·1 :' 50c CHILDREN
. PO~· ·I""
', .. '\.;',
Between t!l~' 'Sames tlte
p8!ents.of the plaY~,rs; l.cheer1~a~rs
and managers ,Were .introduced d,..:iil gPare nts Night activities.. " The ,S~n Reserve defeated the ' Gr,ee~Vlew Rams by- five points With ·a' score of 64 to 59. - The Spartans ·took. the lead early 'in the 'fi st period 3r:td held .. it throughout the pme.' "~d tbe The fIve poiDt 'lead at of the flrst pt:li()(f~c;une ,. $ .by tbe end of t¥ ,~cond , per.o~~ , The Spartans .refuted, to let Gr4'enview sco~~;ofOf tfM,' fllst part,of ' the period. . ·,tjle peijod . ' During the tt.l44.
~ms ,score e""d -clbser" . SpartalllS by .only Again ip tJi~ ·.uu....... 1H,.10Itl., the Raw ing ·the'· until .f
An open house held at The Friends Home Sunday W'JS deemed a success by Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Cooper. The purpose of t he open house WelS to acquaint the public with the home. to state that he has probably . j~tration and promotion of ed· It was announced that w rk done as much or more than any ,lkation services programs .at all was to start soon on the new ~ne individual in the Air Force ~ Force Logistics Command 'nursing home slated. to o'perate to further the education and US. the hout installation.s throug in conjunction with the resident potential of military personnel." pro· es . Base Education -servic home" grams ~si1Jlated to up-grade.the The resident home no'w boasts George Current is listed in tcompe and ; level tion, educa 17 ladies ranging in ages from 73 Marquis-Who's Who in the Mid. pery ency. of all base- militar to 101. west, Vol 9', as an educator, sonnet ' a Mrs. Ada Kelly , 10] , is .prelambd Tau l, government officia sently in the Kettering Memorial Kappa, Episcop3lian ; Mason As: ,t~,ommand Dependents' Hospital. (Shriner), .Rotarian and brings . School 'Officer Current WelS reproby "Guests attended ,. the open lIage vi the honor to ~ft ~\s~nsbte. ;for . the over-all s~fsville, house from Xenia. lebanon. West c1a~ ming "Home: Wayne "' , ~Ssful ,()Iper~tion of. the two de0hi~. ,• Carrollton Dayton' and Wayne s-: : . " ~~,,nt$' schools on Rol)i~s _ _ _ _ __ ~_'_''''''i'__ __ _.....,..___ __v:.:.;ilIe.
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with estab.Jias t Ctirren ·~Mr. WPAFB lish~ d:3J~~/or impJemente~ many '-. program~·. , . QUtstanding ,among . _. these piqga:a~ are:' first' .Coni:,: ' ~~~:;;:~~~ ti<?n ~rvices Dir- . eet,O! to recognize r th~ .requiretli~t 'f«r ' p~ofessionany: trained ~.; --co.unse.lo,r,s'; in · base~ed-.cation ser- , ' first to e~tablish .... r
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Wofue b'United Win"tie '~eparing ' ~~ble tlteir ,!writy ,in Christ and g .that win '.tr~,«ti;.;d:• • ~(."~ , ~, . .foi"; . '.~ .. '~,~~ " 1of sliaie ·'~ an .offerin tm.nJ;~pe $114 ~d !~, t~ousands ~M-.te~'l&)d .~ P~'IQt<jjna~""I~_;~;"'·~~~l¥)'l!~: .~ :ije,14;Ui, Wfc~~,:, t: .ai~d ,tbe' s!0be, ; '-~' :', . ',' ~~~s"-JrC!m;" '~ ,h~2r.~S. :~ .. ';~ Wo~d Dey 'of Prayer provides ~jn1)lY is: beiD8,:cal~tl. t<»i C9l1~ :':'1S[~!" MRln'" ..UOl! '~ a .... , "Y-"I"""'~.. , ':,:·Si(l~~.'t~'J~19$,ofG04,'fb~ak~~'; ~ ~oec:asiot:' for partici ,/ .m- ~"' . tbr:o\lgbiQ, hiStory 'in tetation '~O ',\, nationwide offe~ing committed :...ClllU((,;U' , to '~elping others tbrou~" Intef,the: ~~ -"'.'\ the~" i emet:'dpUs ,I poi~ritu'r for ~J..~~!5.()()O~comnlunities co~f;inent~ Mission on ~ conprayers "~ Wltn . ~ bOth good ana, ilL that, $ocial tin;fib . Sopre of ,~~people who S oountiies,.~~ ,six ""';. an4l JecbDolQgicil .breaktbroughs be touched by these contin· '-" " , '~\, , , faith,"'iope ~"i ~pe'n bpfQr'~tlie future .' progra~ . t~s .'yeat are: ., ' .. ,'~"';UIK is~uesthe';; 1 ~ 1971' Will,be ',OJi· .(;a~qn and' 91der jJt~· ;l '
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The Waynellyille- National Bank announced winners of their new V'ilentme contest this past week. At top Jessie Ma)'nar'dis pictured ~~th ban1q~te~ident Earl Coimer,as she ~cei~s a S25 Savings bOnd for fust : prize in the IS-l()() yearS age group~ Jessie 18, i,s the ~ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curt ~ Maynard, ,Rt. 1, Waynesv:me.' sUsan )()hnso~, ,age 11 proudly accepts h~r $25, bond. fl1'~t prize . frQm Assitant' Vice President JameS Crane. Susan won ",in the -1...14 age' 8r9~P' She is the <laughter, of ~. ,and ~s~ Ja~'eS. John· ~ Were ,on, , 'of"_~e.:W _,~1ington· Rq~~~<' WayrlesVillc;~ ,. 1 contest whicl\ w:a" ...y at. ,~Jte " ~ 19~
·T N.S MfAM I'" GAZ Er:TEr ,
David Ed ..11 ; " .. Inald 0" HilL
Philip Morp*
" P,O, :aox 7.· Phone "7·512 1 " . ' , . . . . .' ' . , ' \ • t . ~N,l'p Edlt~' .'
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--publl.".... R .. lnald O. Hilt, David Ed..... , , • , • . •'. ', ' ." . P,O. Box 71, Wayne.vUIe, 0"10 .410" Membe r of the .ohio New'Pl per Anoclatlon
Pr i Re i pa l's Co rn er
PhiloSlphy In 1IIIwlrk evenings preceding a school day. Students ~orking , at ' part·time jobs also contribute greatly ' to the number who fail classroom '
' M,..
av 'Ervin B. Peck.
, All students in t,he senior high school should expect to do ~me wUlk. In these days of increased homework study regularly. Most of the failures in school work emphasis on training of all kinds, the teachers and administration are traceable to irregularity in bel· study or attendance. Students ot' Waynesville ,High School par· their and ts should forego social activities on . ieve that s.tuden ents are entitled to a statement ing 'the school's philos,: rr===::=====~ explain n ophyo home study. Some wide· ~pread ' confusion on home study requirements, or lack of them, WANTED has existed. Consequently, the BABYSITTING following suggestions are made in IN MY HOME the in terests of better learning. 1. Every student should do .By Week, Day or Hour some horrie study in subjects Reasonable Rates requiring preparations outside of Ask for .Joan dass. This extra work, in most . Phone ,f9 7·6021 ~ases a continuation of a study j I task begun in ' the classroom, rily includes drill, reading ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ordina in the textbook,..outside reading, o
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'R EA T, CO N V EN I:E N CE Our Drive-In Banking Service 8~ your bank transactions ... protects you :from the weather ... solves your parJring problems. Tum in at our Drive-In Window to make your next deposit, cash a check, make a payment. You'll be delighted with the fast and friendly service. NEW DRIV E-IN BANK ING HOURS MON · TUES -THU RS· SAT 8:30 A.M. TO 2:30 P.'M. FRID AY 8:30 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M•
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By ·O.J. Frazier
February 26, 1971. February almoSt gone. By *e time you read this March .will be in and .. we will know whether it came in Jike a lion as forecast~lunny thi~g, 'last week I mentioned the cold spell in February .189~. I said 22 below on Feb. 22. In .~he Feb. 22 I>dily NeWs Talk to . the ' Daily Nn,,1S someone asked ed"date for the coldest . record ,. , • J':'" •
. as- ·1 was n~t s~re_.of t~ . date-. "except that It was . .m Febr~ry. That Dayton , ~ly News ·quest· ion and ' answer page is very interesting. 1 have not asked any questions but I have fo~nd many . of them·interestmg. ~ Rain today and mud. If any people who have called up the of about our dog, ~d try to c0n:'e and see them today .they ~ll need boots as ~ter IS flowmg between the house and t.he dog pens. I hope some ' come to buy. We had a 'new litter. of five yesterday. I wish. . they were as easy to sell as pigs. We 'do not knC'lw of any place where you t can take them ' and get marke price like yqu can cattle, hogs and sheep. You may not always get what you want for them but you get it cash in hand. Another myth exploded, at least we didn't find that tomato juice removed the skunk odor as we had been told .. When they are damp we can still smeU it. Is anyo ne rna'king maple year? This is the syr~p . -time when you see the buckets hanging out only now they use plastic bags. No one seems to wQrk the Stoney .Brook. Girls Scout sugar bush. It woi1ld be .'nice if some Qoe took it over ~pd made syrup there .so thac We could all go' ,and 'see it. Of course it is rup-d ,wor~, f~!ty' gallons sap for .one gallotl syrup, wood to cut and fires to tend and careful w..tching to make sure it 'doesn't b~Jrn .. We made
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~ . '8 Nellie Burmall y
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Mr. and Mrs, George Bun!1ell of Troy visitc~d with Nellie Bun. nell on Saturday morning. 'Sunday morning the sun was up to greet we folks at the Friends Home with the break of day. Our open house was well attended by our friends and neighbors which was shown by the number who were present. . Mr: and Mrs. Howard Jones and daughter Jessie visited with lillian Schroeder. ' Mrs. Rachel Banta and her sister visited LiIHan Schroeder and several other ladies.
The Mi~mi Gazette announces three new columns this week. The columns are geared to in· creasing the effectiveness and service to the community .and area. The first 'column will be headed "Sell-It" and will be made up of items and phone numbe.rs of area readers with something they would like to sell. The column is limited to non·commercial items for sale by private inidviduals only. A blank isfurnished On page 7 for readers to fj~1 out and mail in. The column IS ~b solutely free to it's users and the only requirement is t~t ea.ch item have the selling PTlce With it.
at the 'Gazet'te office':·, , Area readers may 'al~ ' ex:peet .~". to see the "Schooi' Men~"~' ~n_ a regular basis starting thiS. week. Deadlines for all copy to the Miami Gazette will be .Saturday noon. ... . . \
Datebook If you have a meeting you'd ·,.ike to ~e liste4 -in our -DATEBOOK calendar, phone THE MIAM I. GA· ZeTT E at 897·5921.
GOD ~l-eSS AME'FUCA! March 3 D .~'.BI~ssed is t~~ nation ,,:hose Clever Clovers 4-H Club . God is the wrd. Mothers' Tea, 7 p.m. Waynes-' to be ville United Methodist .Church · "When America ceases good, it . wi,l cease to be gr~at ,. all new members should attend Two more columns headed Said Alexis de Tocqueville. And this meeting. days" and "Anniversaries" "Birth V R · retnjrtd are we .. in this statement ss of a nation will be initiated this week. Any' ., .ed that the greatne .. Mar~h 3 one having either a birthday or . does not rest in its military power, KueFirst Lieutenant Daniel Chamber of Commer~c Mcel ~ anniversary may call in the dat~s . . .iechnological advance~nts~ polof the U.S. Air Force and bler their and e ing. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. at to The Miami Gazett ilical acumen .or its natlOnal of r Kueble J. Lee son of Mrs. The Fireside Inn. names will be added to this col, ~~lt~. ';A . I}&tion~s ~relltl}ess. is svilie, has received the Air Wayne umn. . f0\1n4 .: ~.n . t~e quoh~llt .' ,?f. lts Medal at Phan Rang AB, Viet· . - goOdness. 'Righteousness 1S the nam. RAMBY PHOTOS The Gazette also intends to determining factor in the (uture d assigne r, Ueutenant Kueble increase the use of its "Births" of a coulltry .. SoI9~0"', the · wi~'· §t <W~. Phan Rang with a unit of the at . "Club News" , "Dateline" col-est of. men, ~id: '~Ri&hteousness ted decora was , or Forces news Air a1' with Petcific umns. Anyone au cHAN"NITU OHIO. . exalteth . a nation: but sin is a DYiLu WAYN under ement for his aerial achiev dates for these headings are asked .17~71" reproach of any pe9..pl~" '{Proextremely hazardous conditions. to call them in or drop them off . ' . 14:34) verbs The . Lieutenant attended ~ .. Theodore .. Ro.oseve~tJ warned, Miami Jackson High School In (. ~'Tbe: things that WI~ destrQY 'Miami and Sycamore High School .; . ~eriCa are '. prospenty-at,·anyin Sycamore, Ill., received his -. 'price, safety.-first jnst~'a~' p'f dutyB.S. degree in electrical engin'fust , the love' of sOft hv~g. and eering in :1~68 from the Univer~re we ·;"'n.'e -;"Jlon.thttfif~t.y'.ear, . ,': li~e o~ t~epry "i~k '"&e.\t~ri~fi~q . ~ r?' IS' sity ~f liIIinois ~Jere he ~s ... ,~ bIe ' ttta("tms ~y. ' out here .. We cooked -it down on It . posS1, ~ , " commissioned thro'Ugh the Air the kitchen ·stove. Many people ·~ra~ng ~ea~? To a great e~t~nt Fprce Res.erve Officers Training "our,. objecti~s have b~'come: suc· .:'try "i~ o!lce ,.bu. t we pop~ sonte Corps program. . Simak Best Science Fictio n Stotie s . ' status. an.d security~ These · one 'with the..~ prQ~r equIpment of Clifford D. Simak HGiven a ~ee press, we may for IUS this year . ·are folloWed_'closely , by: . se'lf~, ...does ithave ene' us defy ':op~~n or insidio Making love Bogner . just ,be.en. rereading . I 'indulgen~, pl~asure and ·comfQf.l ts instru~ It . liberty of mies. ie Epic Joy Marjor An "···..by Braider O~r ~rini.ssive ~ciet~ turns .free- "The .Yearling tes anima and min~ public the Townsend ~el. of EagleS . don into . license; lights - lOtO . 'Rawlings:' It 'js,: the story of a It~ ism. patriot of spirit the what small, a on 'livmg family riots; and pOrnography irito.proIf loud voifce suppresses every~ . ' a su bsistanc e they. might ~! call l'I~ ,fit. Concerne d .ab0 ut 'a hI'""er thing wt.lich wo~Id .raise itse . . Th.ey had :' ~tandard of living, w~ fa.iI ~o' lj,ve f:a'rm.~ now,of. inco.''·Florida i agai.nst t:he publIc hberty, and rn, cowpe.as." hay . hes are. our a tch a standa. rd. Ric n. I ensh t h . e causes dng rebuk . Its blasti. ' d garden, ,.~ne ii.o.r syrup, a an 4th STREET WAYNESVILLE, ';PJi.IO PH. 897-4826 . l SQVIOW We ~bandoil t e. mo~a 0 p ~m e~pq~ t :. : '~ud. cipien Dan.le _ . iIi ' the ' .· few, ho~, a Cow ~nd sQp1~ chick· . ' theJ1 ·,fut.~tl;·o~~ he~d~ .!J1 '" er. ' Webst ;· but u) plentjf ~" ~ Game' _ _- , . ime,i.n<;reas!s.)..o.ok ~::,.. ~:::_ _ _~~....;_ _~_ _ _ _ _.:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ ·......'r.,. .. · . · Rep1~IIl~J· . : the ', <~Iso . ~eJ~ va~mblit.s/. ·,tp; .pena & :o{ ,WjII ' . t:: ~'~Q gr ..a~ . their ·stoclc, . bear~, ~ld ~tS, . I-natiC')'r"l',~', tuls 'ever OO.en OVCfC:0m.e . wolves and foxes~ 'We see ·j . all ', , it. 'bQ~' ~' desiroye<l . it~lf·" . . throu~ the eyes , of ' ~he .poY',~ '. -"'~~ .. ,. .' ~ ;,If~o.u" really . desire.. to , ~ . a . The times of plenty the , lean end of the winter w~en supplies . ..!~iot, .> ~f Y9U , are .' trulr conran low, his .loneliness,. his_l~~ . .cerried c about ~~n~; .If . you his ~ea'rn~~tly ,~nt GQd to bless h~r .'. for his pet fau~, his'·' love fQrand flQO.d ~d ~torm. the ' then: ~v,e a Iife-~lh~'har.mony .Wlth ! f~ther, pet. ·t'~. will of. E;Joti"OnJy then d~$ .. the trage.dy of the l~" of his inter~sting contr~t With It' is 4ne h~ve ' a right 'I*P ~ruthf~~ly .' the poor of the_modern slum. .' .' siJ\~' " The. pride and , ~4 Wo!~ and ,. Q,d ·bl~ss. Am~rica.' lan~!~,~t ... m~pendenCe and the-cbailce ·. Jq ~ ...~.- 4" <~" ~ I love' , - '. . . ,. S{affd' beside ne . . ;~an~ ~uide . dQ ~hin&, fpr J,hc!m;. ; lv~ ~~ of,(nJj.'inodcmiPoPr\vere;po~bIY _ . . -' ' . ;": -: .' her , · .~. tt.:o'iigh ,. t~e nigh~,: Wilh' the .' raised' in some such life~ or their pirents were, but in the 'city .'. ~' light from aoo.ve~ is not 'much that can .be there . from the ·mountains, ,',to the praries, done. for oDeS self. Rent and f':l~d with ,To the and everything must .be bought with ntQney and moh~y rneU,ls a job ,or we~are.· 1f tbey ~e o"t of , rnea~ tbeY"can~t go out "and shoot . a deer and they co~ldn 't take did an~ so there " care ofjt ~f problem to be . if is. ' . ,
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By Marjean Price
Ph. 897·5372 All of the churches in the community and surrounding area will hold their World Day of Prayer Services at the Sharron Friday, Church, Methodist March 5th at 1:30 PM. Everyone is invited to attend:The Harveysburg Book Review Circle Club, met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Stephen Pidgeon. 'Mrs. Edith Lukens presented a, very interesting review on the life of Herbert Hoover. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Turner of Dayton were Thursday visitors of her parents Mr. & Mrs. Lewis \ Hoagland. Mrs. Kathleen Bogan and Miss Kathleen Graham represented Jonahs Run Baptist Church at the Association Trustees meeting of the Clinton Baptist Association in the First Baptist Church of Hillsboro Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Lehman Walker of Oakl~rid ' sPent Sunday afternoon with her sister Mrs. ,Lawrence ' Fealy. Mr. & Mrs. James Smith and 'daughters Martha Jo and Georgianna spent , the weekend in Portsmaouth visiting with her mother Mr. & Mrs. George , , Ingram. and ger Reisin' , Mrs. Sharon children Mike, Bradley and Melissa of near Good Hope, Mrs. Shirjey Ann McElfresh and children Janina and Mickey of , Troy and Mrs. Ida Frimces Mobley of Wilmington spent Saturday with their parents and grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Everett Gordon and son Don. Mr. & Mrs. W. O. McClelland of Clarksville spent Tuesday with Mrs. Clarence Price. Mrs. Raymond Co~ (nee ~artha Stevens) and son Mark of
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. -' . ' .~ Je$po~sil)le'1' ~~f. ihe:~~ ~~t~~~ ,:" sday bc~n WcdJ~e' hits '-' spent T~cker S. erry F ' H. . Mr~. near " all StateI Ulgl;l\llaY$ an t~ ance' of '. evening at :the ~lint Tayl,ors. confined ' tb, her home 'With the " . Couqty .••" , .' ' " . Paul TomHnsort visited with " h ' ' flu. Prior to his appointment .,!ie Our get Well wishes to all w ' 0 ' Romine Shumaker Monday morwas aS$QCiated , with ~he ,WilHam. \ , ning. are ill!!! G. Overbey Realty C6mpaQy:and ' David and Mrs. Reed and has been in -the excavating., busiSchool Menu: daughter Hollie, son of Mr. & for maJ)Y'. years i~ the Mrs. Earl R~d , of near town Monday - Ma~ch '8 ' - :~eiIier ness banon afl.~a: He :alsg held ,~ the sandwich, tator' gems, Celery & Le are visiting With his parents. position of Hi~way ~ajnte(l~nce carrot sticks, sliced peaches. He is with the Marine Corps, Superin.tendent iit 'I ?5,8. stationed' at San Diego, Calif. Tuesday - March 9 ,7 Vegetable ·He resjdes . 'With Qis wife, The Missionary , Circle Qf beef stew,. c.ole slaw, perky ~pple Gloria and Five childre'n ~t 2J 1 Jenahs Run Church met Wednes--sauce; Hot bisouit ,(s~hool made), , Frank Street j~ Mason. ' day afternoon at the home of butter & jelly. Wednesday , The a,Ppointinen.t is effective raham G , en Kathle and Jennie Mrs. March 10 - Chicken 8l. Noodles, March 1, 1971. _ , in Wilmington. glazed sweet potatoes, Jello Mr. & Mrs. William Zurface of with whipped t-opping, Bread & . RIOOEVILLE ~tmL Wilmington were Thurs~y evenbutter. Thursday - March II - , TO (PEN 'hDL5E , Price's s Charle the of ing visitors Tuna sala<:1 sandwich, buttered Ridgeville-- ChrisfHli'l Sch~ol f of callers Thursday after.noon green beans, Potat~ cb.ips, Fruit Route 4~, and LOwer.Springbor?, the Clint Taylor's were Mr. & cup. Friday - March ] 2 - flot Lebabon, Ohio, Will be pb~serTting Mrs; J. Albert Reynolds of near pork . sandwich/ptckle, oven a special program and, open .- house Franklin. brown potatoes, Tossed sala,d, on Sunday: afternoon, March 7 at . No one was jnjured and the Fruit. 3:00 P.M. two autos were not heavily The program will' feature 4!JJ damaged when one being driven E JAM:S BARNES school puplis; ages .2~ . throu~h by Bill Sanders and the other RECEives APPOINTMENT Speake.r for the evenMr. Ro'bert F. Bevis, Deputy first grade. by Herschel Hildebrecht collided be Dr. John F. Blanchar,d, on South Street Saturday afterDirector of Highways, Division ing will ive Director. of the noon. Eight announces the appoint- Jr., Execut Associ!ltion of Christian Miss Betty Walker of Oaldand ment of E. James Barnes of National s. The public is cordially called at the Clint Taylor home Mason as the new Superintendent School to attend -the program invited Sunday afternoon. of Highway Maintenance f~r and hear this Qutstarlding authorMrs. Cheryl Brofhers, newly Warren County. ity on Christian Educati,on. --, Jim Will have 57 employees appointed Deputy Registrar in Harveysburg has announced that under his supervision and Will at her office will be located Lewis Sunoc(l Service Station and her hours will be from , 9:30 - 11 :30 AM and 1 :00·6 :00 PM daily the first three Weeks. On the finat' w~ek the office will remain open until 9:00 PM. Plates ~y also be obtained at her residence at 90 W. ~in St. when the office is closed. Aut~ :.1 . tags will be on· sale .from, ; March J:6 thr<lugh April 16. . Mrs. Kathleen Beck returned to her teach1~g 'duties Thursday after being confined to her home , several days with the flu. (Opal) Herschel Mrs. Hildebrecht is a surgical' patient in Miami Valley Hospital.
TV Sales And Service
Getting the Pic ll'.? If Not, Lei U. , • • Look
Grandma's room can be a snug 78°, baby's room 7S~1 while down in the- family. . , room where th~ kids are .. ,
• "Ji.
Ame'ricari Red C'ross
The press must be free; it has always been so and much evil has been corrected by .it. If government finds itself annoy ed by it, let if examine its own <;onduct and it will find the " cause. - Thomas Erskine.
living Ird I'n South
Fifty Arrterican Red Cross shelters in Indianola, Miss. Red . disaster workers are aiding the Cross disaster vans are enroute to otornad in injure'd and ss homele Rome, Greenwood- and little and ipi divastated areas of Mississ Yazoo, Mississippi, and Mobile, wusisana today as other ameriAlabama, to give aid tQ tornado eer volunt r disaste Cross Red can victims and rescue workers. The to help rushed workers and staff ARC Blood Center has supplied flood victi ms in 11 lin ois an d the hospitals in the striken , Nebraska, and blizzard victims areas with biood. in Texas. Flooding of the Elkhorn and The ARC is sheltering, feed: Platte Rivers ' in Nebraska has ing, and caring for 250 tornad o' forced 500 persons from their Workman, Way.. sufferers in Moorehe~d, Miss .. homes. Of these, the Red Cross nesville, Ohio, is on the Dean's - 100 in Rollipg Rock, and an is sheltering 200 and feeding undetermined number. jn three Ii.st in -Group , One, with all A's, 300 others who are being housed at ijarvard Univ£!.sity Cambridge King Lake, At private Iy . . Massachusetts. He is the son of ANERICAN CANCER &>CIElY Nebraska, 75 disaster workers Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Workman. SET APRI ~ THEME are being fed by Red Cross, with English junior a t' presen at Tom, "We want to wipe out cancer disaster vans from Omaha and . .. major, has future plans to enter in your lifetime." Lincoln enroute with blankets, of the the·medical field. theme the is That cots and additional disaster , In April, as assistant Director American Cancer Society's April workers. At. Dixon, Illinois , 200 . of the Krokoqiloes, an underCrusade. persons evacuated from their graduat~ .singing grou p, Tom will There are volumes behind homes . in parts of Stevenson, spend a' \veek in_Key Bis~aYllc. those nine words. The trend in Ogle and Lee Counties, because Flori'da pn a ~o l~ert tour. " the medical attack on· cancer of · rising waters of Rock . River, , Married to the former .Sa ndy gives reason for "hope. are being sheltered by the ARC ,Ffeese. Mr. and Mrs. Workman In t,he late thirties, for exin the Armory there. reside at Peabody Terrace in all{plc, fewer than one in five In Amarillo, Texas, on Sunday Cambridge, Mrs. \.Vorkman is t'1ll~all\.:er patients was being saved. evening, the ARC housed and , ':'';~l'' ployed at Harvard Credit Uilion The following decade it was one ~al1lon dasses s att.enp fed many motorists marooned ,~" and also of four. And today one of three p~s. by the severe blizzard, with fif..}; hit by cancer is saved. teen of these families still being With knowledge now availcared for there on Monday . able, sober medical and scientific " The'jo b of~e newsp aper is In addition to these relief opinion .holds one of two cancer · •11, to' ,comfo rt the aftlict ed. and ope~ati~ns, ~ed Cros~ di~aster i~g ....... ".~ ..,.. \" Mflict .t he ,~mfortaJ>le. ;- rF. ~p. . pa!ieri~s could be ~ved provid -,~J;t. the Job I~ ~he 'ote'~l ~ ., 'i' , . ~(, a. '~~~. lpn~l}d tre,~me~t ~om.~ III .,' Y{pr~~~~s r,~P.UJ~ . .' 'Dunn'e ( .' olvmg ke area , c\bn"if m~'e3l '~lifo ,--' • ..,':t· ~ hi; ,r-... ''l\r '1.,.. . .~. ••f!"'l" ..,.~ • "!?-' ''''\ ~.~ ,'!i •lS;. to aid other and , food, shelter "".~' The'a:dv.ances in .the treattnent . victims there. ....--...; ......- - - - - - - - - , of cancer ' have come from reof t search and imp.r~)Vemen Area residents who wish to surgical and radiation ther~py. assist with these Red Cross DisIn some instance's, drugs have certain t agains aster reUef operations may send ~en effectiVe· ~~·, ·S' '. . types of cancer their contribution of funds marked ':'for disaster relief to the But · there can be ' little '1' what ' about n opinio of Dayton Area Chapter, American difference st National Red Cross, 370 West M~t ~Id For H~me' Free~ers is needed for: the fin.al conque "First Street, ' Dayton, Ohio of this 'ancient enemy of man. -' 45402. SOch funds ' will be forkin.d. the scientific battles have We are the only State . up. d steppe warded .to the disaster area to be ~roadened and -' for immediate)y. ", a~'prov!d plant in 'this,area . -11tis means more ' 'money . , ~.., ~ brain power and manp'ower, more ' ~ney for ' egujpmen~ and facH. .. 'We are 105"Bourbon St.; ..' ities. When an ~CSvolunteer comes · .~ to your home in April; rememb,er . the go~l: "We- want to wipe QUt" .~ . !1~~~1J:';;:leli"~""""'~--~~-'-~~-" cancer in your lifetim~. ;'
, of ' . "Free dom of con~(:j~ as, education, of spe~.¢h , v~ry : the sembly are among rclcy funda menta ls of demo« and all of them would be' nul- . Iified should freedom of the press ever be sllcce ssfhll y challe nged." - Franklin D. Ro()sevt' It.
Ph. ;1 17' " 23S. MIIIn W~il". o.
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_Church of Cl1riSt' ,'.
Third & Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evangelist 10:00 .. m. • Sunday Morning 6:30 p.m.. Sunday Evening 6:30 p:m.· WednesdaY EvenlAg Phone 897·4462 for \nforrra tion
First Ba~i~ Church
a 'weekly message relating the,
North Main Street • John P. OSbOrne, Pastor 10:00 a. m.· Sunday School 11:00 Lm.· Morning Worship 6:30 p.m.· Training Union 7:30 p.m.' . Evening Worship 7i 30 p. m. : WedneSday Prayer Meeting , (Aftlllated with Southern Baptist Convention).
of Faith and Church ...
152 High Street Steve Tigner, Minister 8:30 a.m.· The Christians Hour (WCKY radio, ClnW) , 9:30 a.m. - Bible School (classes for all) 10:30 a.m. ,Morning Worship 10!30 a.m. • Junior Church 12 noon - Revival Fires 5:30 p.m. ' Junior Choir Practice 6: 00 - Jet,cadets Alpha Teens 7:00 p.m. - Evening Vespers
H.A. Deelth
Friends Meeting
High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, Pastor 7 a.m. & 11 a.m•• Masses 8 a. m. & 8 p. m. ' HoW Days 7:30 p.m.' First F~lday 7:45 a. m. - Dally Mass 5:30 p.m.' Saturday Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Third & "Main Streets Rev. Harold O;e8th, Rector 11:15 a.m. - Morning Prayer 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays; HOly Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays
Waynesville Rescue Mission .
Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd. Rev. Sherman Cook. Pastor 10: 30 a. m. ' Sunday School 7:00 p.m. . Sunday Eve. service 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Eve. Service 7:30 p.m.· Sat. Eve. service
First Church of God
49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m.' Sunday School 10:30 a.m.' Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. - Sunday evening
The Centerville First PentecOstal· Church
173 e:, F.ranklln Street Ray IIroryj ll, Pastor' : • Gene 'B icknell, Ass't. 10:0(]1 a.m•• Sunday School , ' 7 :00 lp.m; ",Sunday ~vel'ung 7:30 IP.m.· we~.~y Eve~lng
HarveysiMgFull Gospel , Church E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m. ,Tuesday 7:30 p.m. - Friday· Young People's service 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 7:00 p.m. ,Sunday Evening
United Methodist Church
Acy Lamb, Pastor 10:00 a.m •. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. ' Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Evening Worship Services 7:30 p.m.' Wednesday Youth Service ' ,
Walnut - Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9: 30 a. m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m.' Morning Worship ' 6: 30 p.m. ' Youth Fellowship Jr. High & Sr. High 7:45 p.m. - Wednesday Choir Rehearsal
;, .. -
Mound Street E. Friend Couser. Pastor 9: 30 a.m•. Sunday SchOol 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship
Christian Baptist Mission
.~ of:~
'." . '-
--~--~ .~ : ~~-
Genntown United /Church 'of Christ . Rout,e 42 at Genntown .. Ray Stormer, PistOl' 9:30 a.m.: • Wor~hlp , ~r~lce 10:311) ", Sunday Ch~rch ' SChool , 5:00 p.m•• SundllY"·Vouth , F,allowshlp , ' __ .' , , :{
j;.erry Chu;~I{Of' Cbdst,'> ..
• Wilmington Pike' ''' i .,('1.':, ..! SoC;lal Ao~ Roa~ , ) '.' ., '' Bus WI"~n, Mlnllte, " 'f 9:00 Lm. • Sunday Bible i¢hOOI ' 10:15 a.m; , 'Sunday Worship ' 10:U a.m. ~ Su~day '¥~l4th ',. .' Worship "" . " r . 6:3ClI p.rn. • Sun·~y. Evening . '.\, ' Etlble study,alf ages. ' .' ' ; , 7:3CI p.m. • Wectnes.y t MldWM.k ,~ Prayer and Brb" Study ',' , .
Glady Street 10:00 a.m. - Morning Worship 7:00 p.m •. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m •• Wednesday Evening Worship .
Spring Valley Friends Church
Spring Valley Church of Christ
Main Street Mrs. Lois Dunaway, Pastor lOa. m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. - Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. ,Evening Worship 7:30 P.m. - Prayer Meeting Wednesday & Thur-sday 7: 30 p. m. - Son~fe5t. Last Saturday each month.
Pastor, James Coffman ' 10:30 'I.m. · 'Sunday SC,hOo,l 7:00 p.m•• Sunday Evan~lIstlc Ser~llce ' 1:30 p.m •• WednesdaY Prayer 'Service ", 7:30 p.m.' Saturday Evening , worhlp Service
John K. Smith. Minister 9:30 a.m. - Sunday SchOol 10:30 a.m. - Sunday Worship service 8:0()'9:00 p.m. - Wednesday 'Evening, Bible Study
Free Pentecostal Chut~h of God . '"--R.R.-122· DOdds, Ohio
Ohio 73 East Lester Kldd, Pastor 10: 00 a. m. - Sunday School 10: 00 & 11; 00 a. m •• Sunday Worship Service 7:30 p.m. ' Sunday Evening Worship
David Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m. - Sunday Church service 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m •• Sunday Worship Service Youth Fellowship and Bible Study
Third & North Streets L. Young, Minister 9:00 a.m. - Church School 10:15 a.m. - Church st Worship 6:00 p.m. ' Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowship
United Methodist Church
United Methodist Church
Uni-ted Methodist Church
R,R ~ ~ i:!2' D9dds, Ohio ~ Pastor, iames Coffman • 10:30 II.m•• Sunday School 7: 00 p.. m. ' Sunday Evangelistic Ser"lee 7:30 p;,m. Wednesday Prayer Service
Jonahs Run Baptist Church
Rev. Leonard Baxter 9:30 a.m. ' Sunday School 11:00 n.m. - Sunday Worship Service 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday. Prayer Service
Fret Pentecostal Church. of Gelid '
Southern Baptist Convention Norman Meadows, Pastor 9:30 a.m•• Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Sunctay Morning Worship 7:30 p.m•• Sunday Evening service 7: 30 p. m •• Wednesday Midweek Prayer and Bible Study
St. Augustine Church
United Methodist Church
Friendship Baptist Church
Fourth Street near I1lgh 9:30 !rom. - Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Sunday Meeting for Worship (unprogramed)
.mal, ... k ,to political _cau. p~ to come , to 1m. Loye I. t ,,,e In.trument of Christianity. ,A. a Christian community enla..,.s the Individual memba,i of' thit community llrow Mcad.. theN exists ' more a"CJlI more of reolprqcathi, 'lOve. The chur.:h exist. fo, tlie 'pr.9pi,atIClln of IOYe lin world bicault It Ii through k,~e that meri'anel womenClln hOpe to lund up Qefo,.· God fONY,r. ,
to the lessons
'First Church of Christ ,
Pentecostal Holiness Church
world of today
~ ,,~' ,
' ...
., -':;r'--! "(''',
Ridlgaville ~mJnunity Church , , St. fU. 48 & Lower SprllllJboro Road Ray L. Shelton, Pastqr 9:3(]1 a.m. • Sunday School 10:45 a.m. • Morning Worship 7130 p.m. ·Sunday ·EvenlniJ' , Service 7:30 p.rn. • Wednesday Evening • _vice ' / 5:30 p.m•• Sunday Sr. Youth ' Recreation 6:30 P.m.' Sunday Sr. Youth !"....vlces
This Church Page Is Sponsored For You Through The Courtesy Of The Follo\lVing Area M,. -chaJltl ,''''''
WAYN. .VIL..... OHIO .
n .M .'To . .
Among the Young At Hearl What WllS a gray·haired fellow doing at a rock festival? BABY SITTING In my home - by Having a great time, that's hour - day or week - fenced In yard'what! Surprised? Well, so was I ask for JoAnn Ed~1I - Phone 897- . -especially since I happened to 6021 (3eTF) be that codger perched among shaggy·haired boys and miniREGISTERED Q~art.r Horse stud skirted girls' clapping and sway.rvlce ~ St., P Cody.." sire of pl,.asure ing to strange, penetrating music. c~mplori Candy P Cody - fee SlOO I was. the~ as a guest of my special reduced fee , to ~H proJ.ct mares - Encino Farm - KIngs , Mills 18·year-olel granddaughter, Me· Ph. 398-2191 (8e3) lanie, who, for no reason that I can imagine, likes to think of me R.glster.d Quarter horM stud s.. vlce as a "swinging grandpa." My curStar ' p ' COdY! sire of Pleasur. ChamPion CInoy P. COdy, Fee $100 iosity, though, is what brought special reduced fe. to 4-H project me to accept the invitation. And mareS, "EncU'\o Farm,. Kings Mills, it turned out to be, as Melanie ph. 1-398-2191 . would say, "a dynamite experi3ABYSITTING in my home· by day ence." , )r hOllr - reasonable rates . 'Phone The solIlDd, I must ad~it, w:as ~97·5921 - ask for Jean HIli ' dynamite - it shattered the countryside with more force and With newspapers; there is ~ electricit:~ than a thunder 'n s()metimes disorder; without lightning storm. But listening to thelil, there is always slavery.--the bright or dark (with many shades in between) songs that .-. Benjamiri COQstant. echoed with themes of peace, love, freedom, happiness did something to me. I needed an occasional trans" .'. BABY 'slr~iNG lation: Melanie would then ex- plain th~lt tbe "fool on the hill" j l' " _.' ' :. , .., ' they were singing about was symbolic of man's rejection of God , . and brotherhood. Special weekly , rates or But' for the most part, the music's message was clear _ sketch· : ~iII sit by hour or',day ~ ing sometimes hopeful ("We can Constant care in a good build the dream with love ... "), Christian home~ sometim~~s haunting ("Still a man hears what 'he wants to hear and . disregards the rest ... ") pictures of American living. Phone 897·59.21
UPHOLSTERING Machine - Ph, 893585~(~)
voiue stltel') .••• cmc sewing machine with built-In light and carrying case plus' actessarl.s $20. Snow blade, cHain, and grass catcher for Huffy or RU.I II Tractor. $35. Black Seal Fur cape good ~ndltlon $25 "885-7259 " , 10' x 55' Knox Mobile Home - gd furnlt",re ('- 3 ' bedroo.m - 11(, bath , Must, Set ' - $1750 firm - ready to move Inl.· · 132-2212 , Mushroom Compost - excellent for gardens; flower~ sctlrubery Mulching "and g;ound .C'oi1dlUoner • Call Fred'sl · ." Mushroom Go,.South L.bano n.... Ohio • 494-1000 ' from 8 AM to 4' t"M or call . Clnclnniltl 883~6491 all ' flours 1968-Dodge charger - excellel't condo ,1800 .932:-7203 . 64 COnvertible ·Ph. 897... 2607
Watkin s' -R.'p re.-ntatlve , needed for Waynesville and vicinity. , Write 'WltJdns Qualtty PrOduet .. lJg E. -MAIn, W/lmlngtan.·Ohlo. 382-44~2 .
, .' . "WAI,i""reb .,
'~ TUTORINQ 1'4. 1
" • All Academlc.Areas . Gr.des through High Se'ho'o l • -: Phone.897-6554 Certified
for Je<lll Hill
Fill in blank below with copy as you would like to 'see it appear in the "Sell-It" Column. This column is reserved for non-commercial, private indiciduals only. All items must be priced. This service is FREE from the Gazette, COpy : ________________________________
PHONE NUMBER __________________
r V\.
Of THE WEEK 9 ~J.~'~..j
songs ("Letting my-
self wander through the world in-
I ·Loci_~fori ROUte 42, 1 mile __ .
-nofih.o("-o~t' 'l3,LWa. .ille.· .' ',~ ," Phone ,897-7936 ,r
side ~ou.r. eyes . . .") hardly reminded me of tunes l crooned. Yet thE! words and ' melodies ~ reaehed even , ~, ,~ld~m.er , ~e ~ me. ... , 'i Why ,hadn't I ever ,listened ,to ~ese songs before? True, theY're in ...a ,style and _', spirit entirely , _·youth!s own - ~ut the. songs call ; across time to young and old ' alUte. My few hours in this world of youth's entertainment lightened Nice older hOme. large' lot' 88 x my soul for the moment. And it gave me a much better, deeper 220. Low taxes. Possible investundersta~nding . of my grandchil(zor;.ed 'bu.sj'ne~~ Better d~n'\ ~~ every¥cty ~lse's. see this ~ne, $14;000. ' ,', Actually, you don't have to go Jean Younce 897-4433 , to · a, toc:k festival to gain, as I did, appreci~tion for our young.,sters and their music. It only tJkes, ljatenmg . '. . if, as the old . song says, "you are among the " v~ry YPUlng at heartl"
ment .
. t.,.
... ;
Don't ICllok back , )\ussBoyle, my track coach in high scbool, had a maxim which he never, tired giving to his runners: "Don't look back!" That may seem an uniinportant princi7 . pIe, but if you've ever done any competitive running you. know that.giving in to that urge to look back can cost you the race: The :act of turning one's ·head, evell ever so slightly, can throw the i-unn~r's body off-balance,may break his stride and lose a valu'a ble sec:ond that may win or lose the race. The momentary diversion mlly also cause a runner to stumble or waver. "Don't look back" is a vital instruction ' for the athletic runner. , It is also important for this race we call , ulife." Paul knew this: u... forgetting what lies behind, and , straining forward to what U~ ah~adj I preu oD to'. ward Qle goal' , . .". F-aUure to , ' emulate this can cost us the race. . .We ~:, ~m-~, .i~~ed · o~ :tJie : r' . forever ' ,looking" over :·~our ' . . .'-01111.01 ...._
to' what we- have left
"Bow'. &be wife aDd kids, Beane&!"
.. .
Above t.s pictured the winning results of an art contest originiated by Ron Hall, owner ' of ·the Mill View Park for 70 Waynesville High School art students. The theme of the "contest .was' centered around "capturing the true spirit of Mill 'View. First went to' ieamue
, S300
. ~
.I I I ~
annual subsaiption
-- - - - -
-- -
lo~g; high" SC9rmg i gameAfterthe aBell~r.o0k Eagl~~·,Var
By: Cliff.
__ J
sity defc,ated the Waynesville Spartans 8S to · 67 Fe~. 26; The Eagles scored first but a basket by Steve Jones and a fdul shot by Jim Benton put t~ ~r tans · ahead. By mid-p,'riod the Eagles 'were again in the te~d by four points. The score at ·the.end of the first period·. was· ~llbrook 21, Waynesville 17. .... The second period was fast paced with the scoring of the two, teallRS about 'even The score at the half was ' Bellbr~k 42, . Waynesville 33. , During the second half even .scoring prevaile~ ~ntn the last , Throwingl away something valuable
4NAPA~ _l7l!gntlm~Sll!r ~
built stronger to last longer.
lEBlill PARTI CD. ..Waynesville' , Lebanon
Morrow ,
At last. however, we found the money, cJiUmpled. up in its little white envelope in the bottom of' the wastebasket. Ever since that day I alw,ays look carefully at the wastebasket before I burn it so that I don't Ulrow away something valuable. ' The story above. I think, is a parable. :for in a like manner we . are constantly in danger, of throwing away the ~ost pre~iou8 ChrlstmslS gift oftall. 'som~~here in the midst of the, mountains of " , wrapPin.~,' paper. the. bl'ilf~.e', ~he;"';', tinsel" ~lJte gay 'd~qr8tion." there ", _ is waitint for,.. uS.t,'the. "gHt- "01 ", abpli,~t .~f~ ~ C~~'J~~~t.:, - ' us maker IUre-:o~, ~ sur~t we c!.0 :not , thr.o.,v.', .~;y t~is '·moSt". " . '!.../,
pre~lo~: ~ ~ , ~;" g~:., : " . ",' !f~~:m.~~~~~~It~i!~
, f
Walt~t. ,But-dine ~ . R • .3 '
4505.'l.!~ ,
. .;1),4~ sviile, Ohio
Single Copy 10c
March 10, 1971 - Waynesville:, Ohio
Emergency and RIICUI Coursl Tolegin for Emergency Squad
I~()~d (left) a.long withUilian Fields of Lynn IS Dress Shop display one of the fabulous fashions.to at the "Step Into Spring" IUl1cheon fashiollllhow b~nefit to be held for the Stillwater Hospital. h:JIl. ~b , read. her specially ~writtcn Qoem for the ,event will be Mrs. Foy Nicholas pictured at the
" · ; ,~, ",, c
:lvaibbk tll till.' illSlrU(llH :llld III l.':lc l1 Sqll:ldlll:lli h\ Ihl.' \)i visil1ll l) f Vll(:dillilal h lul·atilll1. Till' WaYlle T.W S. S(lllhl l ))i'slril'l is cooperat illg. ill IIII.' pr l1~r:lI ll Till' (lHlrSL' is llllL' ll III hl1 llt 1llL'1l :llld Wl1 l111.' 11 :llld :111 arl' illvil ed In :llll' lld. f-or fun ltl'l" ill\'ur ll\ati()\l arl'a rl.' SiUClll S III a \ .;unt:lcl Willi :llli S;lwYl'r.
The 22 members of t he Wa ynesvi lle Emergency Squad Jre beginnin g an organized co urse of instruction to imp rove local squad work. Through tile effort s of Chief Sawy er, an emerge ncy squad training instructor has been obtained to give 30 dock hours of instruction to loca l squadmen and ot her residents. The instructor Phil Berne l, wi ll conduct wee kly sessions for the local squad starting March 10. Certificates will be awarded to the men or women who successfully complete the course of instniction . The 'services of the instructor are made available by the Trade and Industrial Vocational Education Service of the state Department of Education as a part of the public service training ' program. The training is offered to -improve squad protection and
Cou nei I Reject $ Cit i 1 ens Pet i t ion Wayne sv ille CO lllh:i lllll.'ll. llil the advice of tlte Villa ge So li citor reject ed a petitioll tltat was presen ted to thclll at tlte bst council meet in g. TIle pet it iOIl ruled out of ordcr called for a referendum on a recen tly JPproved zonin g ordinance. Council approved t he ordinance on Jal'luary 1'9th making it an emergency measure. The ordinance provides for a reduct iOIl in lot' sizes throughout the village. A group of citizens, lead by Mr. James Martino, presented the petition to council asking for a vote on the measure. They feel the ordinance will result in chepaer housing in the village. Ohio law "prohibits a refer(Continued on page 8)
I ShI W~i~~~~~~:~~~:i~~eins~~t~~m~~ ~~ ~ I ~I'~f~!
Auxiliary for
Ii;' iltt . 'StillW'~ t~~ HoSo: .u.•'· .....:l03 l)~~njled ,1
a.. luncheoh
'w.it!j . tlio,
nesvillc resIdent since Sept. of 1970 organized the 75 member aUxiliary. There are 42 children ranging' in age fr.om 4' months ro 16 yea ~s aU india pers,
.; ,
Thorobred Company Waynesville Drug Store, Red Shed Antiques, Firesi de Inn, Mr. Michael Mill View Park, and the Waynesville Area Chamber o( Commerce.
value of the training is recognized and recommended by the Division of State Fire Marshal, the Ohio Inspection Bl!reau, and representatives of state fire-fighting organizations and a State Medical Advisory Committee. The training will consist of instruction in: Emergency rescue and ambulance service. Written instructional materials are made
Waynesy·ille Students Selected ~utstanding 'eenagersof America
Our local poet Mrs. .Foy E. has .written' a poem . about ret~r.ded, chjldr~n especially for the lidies auxiliary. She will read the poem durmg the style show. Nicl10la~
Wayn~sville . area merchants giving gifts as a public relations gesture for the benefit shoW, are nle Waynesville National Bank, Lynn's Dress Shop, .Waynesville Furniture, The Miami Gazette,
Three Waynesville High School students have been se)ected as Outstanding Teenagers of America for 1971, according -to Ervin·B. Pack, principal.
standing Teenager Awards Selection Committee, in cooperation with the Board of Advisors.
From among the 50 state winners, one boy and one girl Timothy A. .Lee Sel~ctiolR for the Outstanding will be chosen for the 'national Receives Promotion . Teenagers awards program autoscholarship prize of $1,000 to .. , " mati cally qualifies these students ' attend the college or university Tirhothy A ue, son of~. . for fUrther state and national of their choice. and Mrs. Orville C. Lee ,o f Wayscholarships' and honors. Local In . . ', :gesviJle RQute. 1, ha~ be~.n, pron.omine~s are Rex Lutes, Debbie recogrtiz1Og the spec~l talmoted to staff s.ergeant in the .. . ents of these Outstanding Teen'. '. Watkins, Scott Powell. agers, Astronaut Neil Armstrong U.S, Ai r Force. hs 'd h Se~geanl :an' .adminis- . Nominate4 by their principals sat t ese yout "Jhavethe abUtrafive spe~list at Wrjght Pat. the Outstanding Teenagers of. . ity to face the diffi~ult p~o, . . .' h f . d' blems ' of our times and the ab. ....,., (erson. AF~< Ohi<?,. ~s ·assiglie.dto· America are c :O~n rom 10 I'for' 55·" ~ u~it. of. th~ · Air:, Force' Corovidual schotOls across the country ligation to accept the Clla.llenge .." " " m,!Oi~tions ! ·serVjc~. ,:~~~, ~s f~r, ~x~ell~!~~.e, i~ ~~~hit~.~!~ . T~e~ Outstan~g Teenager:s ''':7'~'Y~,i'll\.''''j~ ~/ :~': cO~el~.te~':.a. ~.~~ h.o(;iservi~ in ' ,,<;e ~~d ,a~~Pl~c l~~.hie~~o~. . al$o !taV¢ the "opportuni~y t9 t>e~ -, !;V~et~an". 1hel(~!gean~',,~t~~ded .'Q;te .lo~l st,ud~nts Wlll· pow VIe· " . come .s.;eat·n~tionalr lea"ders raf1.d ...,.......".. wayn~sy:ill~ '" High ' ,&:hooL',,:His "'.' fQI tb,e: sUiie~s ,~v.~mor. . doers/~ ..f.reside ni .Njxon ~d' in a f;:~il"!~~~" clon,i~j9~](]I~~:v~t:~ttimltf ' . j~e.;rpa.~gb~r. of . ,'" . . Will J ~ . • congratulatory· ,m~$3ge to .the DI..:';'.. ' . .' UlC'Wloe', " . notilinees. .:.. ' "
Board of AdVisors, the Outstanding Teenagers of America program was created in 1967 to encourage young people to take full ldvantage of the opportunities in \merica. The awards are pre)Cnted annually, and biographies .f all those honored are recorded in the ann ual volume,
·QUEEN LOWERY Penelope Ann Lowery of Waynesville is a sophomore at Tra~ylvania Univer~iy and was
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recently named ~omecomin& queen at her school. She. is the . .daughter of Mr. and ·Mr~ Gerald:· . G'~ Lowery, ~t1ia Roaa".Jle~e ~ i'Qpe ,is a .in¢mbe'r 'o( fJU. nat" ~ :t ": ioruH s()9iaJ sorontY!ind 'is ~~~i~ . ':" . . if1 the sUldehl ',go~tP~11t'~~~1,,~:-'iatton . .'" .' ,-' .:.:.f
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THE MIAMI GAZETT£ P.o. Box 7. ~ Phone 197.5921 Dnld Edsa ll. •• . Managing Editor Reginald O. Hill. • . • • ' . • . . • • Advertising Manager Philip Morgan • . . . . . . • . • 'Asst. Advertising Manager Reginald O. Hili, David Edsall. . . . • • • • . • PubliShers P.O. Box 78, Waynesville, Ohio 450 68 Member of the Ohio ~ewspaper Association
Senior Citizens Change Meeting Date
.-=!!S . _. __Z . _
ROY F. NEWLAND Roy F. Newland, age 73, of R.R. 2 Waynesville, died ScH urday at his resi dence . He retired from Frigi daire eleven years ago after 33 years service. He was a member of St . Augustine Cat holi c Church in Wa ynesville. Kni ght s of Co lumbu s C()ullcil 500 in DdytOl1 , h 'lgidaire 25 Yt.:ar Club and W:I\ 11 t.: 'l vill<: SclllOf Cit I/.ens Club . l it: I ~ ~ lIrvive tl by t W() SOil S, Talld y H. III Wa 'Ill!. vilk. JCL' lll 1: . Ill' Mi a11li~hll lg. :.Intl . lli nl.: gl alluclld Llr t.: ll .
\1.1'0'0 0 1 111,,' Re~ urr cct Ion was 11l' 1.: .11 I I :I.i ll., TlIe ~Jay at St. /\ 1I ~1I 'l1111 l'
Ca th()li c Church .' Fa illel .I {)~l' ph LlItll1er ofl'icia lctl . 1II IL'rillCili al MI. Ziun Par k Cemetery . Stubbs-Cu nner Funera l 1 1~1111l' was ill char ge or arrangeIllell ts.
ORA B. MARLATT Ora 13. Marlatt of 62 S. TIlird St. Waynesville , died Monday at the ClilllOn Memorial Hospital. Survivors include one son, Hamill E., seven grandchildren 12 grca tgrandchildren and scvcraillicces and nephews. Arrangements are pending by the St ubbs-Conner Funeral Ho me.
Senior Citizens will hold their regularly scheduled monthly meeting ·at an irregularly sch· eduled'time. The meeting will be .on March 23 at 1 p.m. in the MUltipurpose Roo m at the Methodist Church. The regular meeting date on the 16th WdS cancelled becaus~ of the vocational ~choo l votin g scheduled for that time and placr A free press ca ll of CUll rse h e g()od or had , bllt lI10st certailll y without fre e dom it will m' vc r hl' ( lIl~thi llg 1)l lt h,ld .. . Fn-'( ' t\ OIll i., liCIt hi 11 )..( e I 't. bill , I " ha ll l.'(' to hl' lH' tt('r, Whl'n · 'l~ e /l ~ l ilV ( ' Il IL' nt i~ a ce rt.ullh Ill'
th e worSt' : -
AJi wrt Camll~.
SCHOOL MENU Monday March 15th,' pork sandwich on bun, pickles, tator tots, fruit, butter c09kie with milk; Tuesday, fish sandwich, I pork nad beans, peach cobbler milk; Wednesday, meat loaf Meat Sold For Home Freezers with With potato~ and gravy , cabbage salad, a sUl'price, and milk; ThursWe are the only State day , ham sandwich on bun with lettuce, potato chips, buttered approved plant in this area spinach, apricots, chocolate or white milk; F~iday, pizza, bread We are 105 Bourbon St.. with butter" finger salad, apple, fruit cookie, white' mille "
Wilson's Meats
BI.a nc h est er 188-2541
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Smith of 552 Nortll St., Waynesville 'urc .; announcing the engagement and ~ pproachlng marriage of their daughter, Trecia' Lynn to Gary Wayne JohnsoJ.1, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Dean E. Johns~n of 193 North 5th. Street, WayneSVille. Miss Smith is a 1969 graudate of Waynesville High School a'nd is employed at the Waynesville National Bank. Her finace is.-also· a 1969 graduate .of Waynesville Hjgh- SchooI.~I1~ iSi.emplpye<!,at ' - tqp1berJy q~~~, We.st , qtrrom~~: The .wed4ing ~ll.. ~~ "place'ori--' ~::rday, May 29th a ~. Frarr~~. Street Bap~sr 9~4/h ~!~nt.er-.. :.
I af I EIIC, .rll·ic ~ 'TlclL 1Ipt~ '. . RIe aivil t8J,811 1"1 rd ~
An updating on sophisticated equipment, teaching methodology andl knowledge will be tpe theme of the institute conducted by the University df Dayton's Electronic Engineering Technology Department, June· ~21 to July 30. The National Science· Foundation has awarded the university $37,360 as part of its $3,600,01()0 summer program for college te:achers. Profes,sor Richard R. Hazen Ferry Road, Waynesville, is chairman of UD's Electronic Engineering Technology Department, and director of the institute. He says the rapid change in equip.ment and methods necessitates constant updating on the part of men anc1 women who teach in the technical and scientific disciplines. "You just can't sit back
10' ICE Fill EIS
Car. I,'ride
r •
even tor one year and exPect to stay knowledgeable in our academic field," he explains. "All of!' this change must Ibe learned now." . Professor Hazen, who h1ls receiv~d applicatiops fro~ as far as Maine, california, and Canada says the institute 'will accept 30~ college teachers. . ," "OUt program,"-he say~, -"will fanliliarize cuUege, junior C911ege. and technical institute instrrictors with the current methodology in Electronic Engineering Technology, Microelectronics, advanvanced sol~d-state electronics, adv ced solid-state electronics, advancomputer analysis and applications. tt
",. :'j
Outdoor lover? Our SPORTSMAN' :'p'OIU .~Y· g.ives you .Tailored Insurance ! . Protection ag.i,n~ihe'~"ras · of o~oor activity..":", :--.: ~:::.
", • •
,J-. ~ .,' . . . '~.. '1.
,'C'ha:mber 'Of Comm8r~c • . To .Hold Dinner M 'eeting . Waynesville Area Chamber of Commerce will hdld a dinner and bu.siness meeting on April the 14th at the Holly Hill's Golf Club. After. dinner Dick Ireland give a report to ,the Cilarrlber ~ n the Career Night to be held at the Waynesville High School. The meeting is for member 's and prospective ."embers only. Three dinner meetings are planned for the coming year .
!t Was suggested by Chamber member Dick Ireland that a lettcr be sent to new member's to welcome them into·the Chamber and the community. The Chamber se'cretary Lynn ~ields reported she sent out 113 membc(shipcards and newsletters' to prospective members last week. . '.: Mr .-Marion Snydcr is doing a survey on Waynesville and the 1-~~~~---:'--"""'--
The Way.nesviJIe O.W.E. Voccational Industrial "Club delegates accompanied by their club advisors studied first hand, the operation of. State Government on Tuesday, Marvh 2, in Columbus . A highlight of the day was a presentation given by Governor John Gilligan, State Officials were on hand to explain the function and the operation of the oflfices of Sec retary of State, State Treasurer, State Auditor, and Attorney Gen- . I,eral. the cha~bers of the Sup..: reme Court -and the House and . Senate chambers were also vis!ited. from the .local hiM
Resta~rant & Groceries ~2
lllC Caesars Creek ReservQir :' project is to receive its first Icon: struction money. The mon~ y rdl'ased. less than $.1 million . \\~I S (onsidl.'r:ibly less than expe~· tcd for this year. Bid let ting plans was (enter~'d :lwund rl.'(l'iving S7 million flH I hi s yc;trS wlHk. \Vit 11 till' Jl'(rl'aSl' in funds l'n gilll'crs will pwbably be seeking bids rllr ~' Ullst ru(t iUII l)f fnur di kl.'s. Till' l'artlJfilled dik~' s will lk' rrUl1l 3 Il) b 7 rC~'t high :Jlld (1.100 fee t IUllg.. Till' di kl'S \wrl' tn hl' iIl( hllkd ill till' llri gill;1I pal'k:tgl' l'tllllr:J~' 1 1\) h~' let tlli s n1\)lItll. A~' (\Hdill~ tl):J (;;Ill't ll' SlHlr(l' the bids rllr this war l'lluld bl' adwrti sl' d ill ~lay and llpelll'd in JUIIl', with (llllstrU(tion ttl hq!in ill August .
Pictured is the end relust of automobile vs. Locust tree . Palll Trimble , Rt. 3, driver and passenger Michael S. Peck . 88 S. 3rd. both of WayneSVille came to an abrupt halt when their autl) smashed into a Locust tree in the barnyard of Loren Huff on old 73 west of town. Both were taken to the hospital by the StubbsConner ambulance scrvice.- Cliff Meager Photo
D.W.E. Studies Sfa f e Government In Columbus
Fu nds Re1,1ased .,
surroundIng area for the Olamber . The Chamber 'is havin g brochures prin~ed to point out the different places of interest in Waynesville and the ' surrounding community. Mr. Stan Kluski another member presenl1.ed a map that will designate all recreation facilities in the area.
Main St. HarveySburg "
t-:iomemade Soups
~ours 6 a.m. to 7 : 30 p.n'h Mon. thru Sat. Closed Sunday "
Cae sar s' C're'e-k:":
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school club, under the sup~r vision of Mr. William D. Myers, include: JI::ff Ramsey, Clinton Elam, Bob Ruggles, Ron Roark, David Me~lIdor, James Linville, Dorsey Whittamore, Ron Osborne, James Cornett, Jesse Copas, Ga.ry Hatfield, Denvill Wood, Darrell Coffman, James Lee Randolph, Aaron Shaw, Garry Cook, Dale Cook and Tom Prickett. The day 's activities were under the d~irection of the Ohio Association of the Vocational Industrial Clubs of America, of which the local organization is an active member. The program was arranged to . offer an opportunity for each delegate to receive an insight into the function of State Government and to have personal questions answered. Mr. Charles B. Dygert, State Association Director for the Ohio VICA Association, was in charge of llhe meeting with Rick Price, Ohilo VICA State President, presiding for the day .
Carwin larket HII lei DWllr by Mary BeHmann Mr. Ed Randolph , former owner o( Ed's Marathon in Waynesville, has acquired the historical Corwin Market from Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Morgan. It was built in I 866 by Civil War veteran Hiram Kilbon, and .now 105 years later it is being operated by a Korean veteran Ed Randolph. Randolph had to give up his other business, due to ill healt h, but he didn 't give up for long. He is being assisted by his wife Cora and two sons. He purchased the store the 26th of February from the Morgan's. He has resided in the area
since I \)53 . Mr. alld Mrs. Rand· olph arc the parl'llts or riw hllVS aIld two girls. The Ralldnlphs haw Iwell busy helpillg saw dgarct tl' pal'ks to purdlase an iroll lUll!! for a child Ihat. lives Ill'ar Rllcky hnk L.lke . He will still be clllkctill~ them at the store so ir :lllylllll' wants to make usc \lr tlll'ir packs. all they have 10 do is deop tlll'1l1 off at t he store. He is aCl'epl ill~ brands of all kinds. Randolph and the Kinsel ramily are the second owners In operate the store which was ill tile Purkey family for over 45 years. It has always been operated by the Lamb or Purkey famil y during this time. The Purkey family still owns the building which is the original one built in 1866. Ed will be glad to have his many friends drop in and p.ay him a visit.
. RECREATION - POOL & CARDS " U 48 Main St. Harveysburg ..,.~~t ~ 9 .: ~0 a.m. to 1 O:3a p.m. Mon. thru Thurs. · 'r". 1 .. ,~ ,~·i.~~·o. 9: 30 a. m. to 12 p.m. Frl. & Sat. '/"', ."::.,'. ~ f 0 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday I'
• '.l ", / ~
luta Tag Ille ____ Itarts Ilrch II Ohio's black-on-yellow 1971 moto r ve hic le li cense plates wi ll be on s::l1e at leMay's B & R \ Clea ners in Wayn eSVille, starting March 16. TIle ta gs wi \I cost $ 1 5.50 per set in Warrell Co unt y and must be displayed by 12:0 1 A.M. Thursday April 15. Loca l Deputy Registrar , Mrs. Cluides leMay has set the hours to purchase the new 'plates fro m 9-1 2 A.M. and 1-6 P,M. dai ly . During March 16 until April 16, Friday night hours are planned from 7-9. The Wayn~sville bran'ch can conduct the sale of autQ tags, transfers, house . trailer tags, motorcych~ ' tags and No.1 trailer ·(ags. Applicaltions for fatm truck, commercial truck and c~mmer cial trallei' .tags · ~U be aGcepted . ' until March' 2v: .After that date . . these':tags may . l5e ~pufchased at . ,.'~h~ ~~in effi~ o(.t~~,Registiar .. ' .W~: •. ' .•• ' t. Lebanon . . '1 -,: "
. 'i
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The~ \N'~v' npC!Vtl 'ljiI
Didion Graham Reeman Stevenson
Play It As It Lays The Garden of Allah The Greenest Enemy The House of the Deer
On All Hiti'r Piec'es .& 'Wigs 1 ./2· Pr.ic·e I
Ilu,dnl s Ta lell I••·. "r ll ... . To Puuha .. PII"n and E,ulpl .. . ' By Marjean Price Ph. 897-5372
by the Amana Company. M{. Francis Plymire has re-turned home from Miami Valley Hospital where he recently undcrwen t eye surgery. Dr. Joseph I. Chapman, a member of the staff at Granville in the Mission Departmen t. spoke ' at Jonahs Run Church Sunday morning and told of his experiences while traveling in India, Thailand and the Holy Land on Mission Trips and was part of the program of the Church at their mortgage burning ceremony. Jon Carman, son of Mrs. Sue Carman, arrived here Tuesday for two weeks. When Jon reports back to duty aboard the USS Meredith at Jacksonville, Fla. 'he wi 1\ be accompanied by his wife Connie and daughter who have been visiting here for some tillie. Rev. and Mrs. Lester Kidd of Jonahs Run Church are vacat-
Students from the school will be selling SI boxes of candy for the PTO from March 18th through March 19th. Your support is urgently needed for the projel.:t as proceeds. will be used to purl.:hase new pla~ground equipment for the school. Marl.:h 5th was World Day of Prayer at Sharon United MethDdisl Church. Churches in the loca l area participated in the , program, The regular monthly meeting or t he Church Board of the United Methodist Church was hel d Thursday night at the c1ll1rdl. Mrs. Sue Carman, IOl.:al postIllistress, returned &iturJay after a tt cndi n ~ a Postmasters. In st itute ill Cincinnati, It was a Jistrict meet ill!; which induded Ohio, Kentucky allu IiIJiana . '\ herc wa s a surprise birthday part y lIelJ.Tucsday ni ght in hm,lIll' or Mrs, Lelia lIoaglanJ at their On the evening of March 6, in liol1l c. Those ill attendance 1971 Farmers Grange Number Julll t lOll t() tile 110 nor gues t and l3.--had the honor of presenting and Mr. were llJ 'Lewis Hoagla a 60 year pin to Mrs. Rachel Mr~ . \)ave Martin and Scan of Earnhart. Marvin Mrs. anJ . Mr 1. lJaV\OI She joined Farmers Grange Gor· Gail Pr~wi \1. Mr, and Mrs. nUlnber 13 on Nov. 19, 19,)0. dOll. Mrs Jane Perki ns and Joh~Others joining the same even, II\, Hoagland. ing were Edna Janney, Ada Michof thy . Mrs. Margery McCar ener, Blanche Sheehan, Ralph Wllmingtun spent Saturday af· Sheehan, Edith Sheehan, Mage Romin father her with 1 ternoul gie B~rnett, Lura Burnett, Kath, Shumaker. eryll Gibbons and Lloyd Davis. of Ayers Marvin Mrs. Mr. alld At this time F. A. .Hartsock Cilll.:illnati called on Mrs. Clar- was -Master and Mary Silver WdS el1l.:C Price Sunday. Secretary. Mrs. Judy McConnaha and Mrs. Earnhart is the only one J;lughters or ncar Columbus of those joining that evening who. spelll Ihe weekend with her parCllts Mr. <lIlJ Mrs. Robert Hough. Mr. anJ Mrs. Elliott Rogers Elaine Taylo r returned home Tuesd:ty night Named To Dean's List from AI11~\Ila , Iowa where they Miss Elaine Taylor, a gradhad at tended a school sponsored uate of the class of '68 from SVille High School, has '.I Wayne RAM BV PHOTOS been named to the Dean's List at Cumberland College. Miss Taylor is the daughter of 210 CHAPM AN STRU 'I' Mr. and Mrs. Elza Taylor of WAVN ESVIL LE. OHIO. WayneSVille.
ioning in Fort Lauderdale, Fla , Mrs. Florence Stegmoller a'nd son Kenneth of neal: Lebanon and Mr. and Mr's. W. O. McClelland of Clarksville spent Tuesday with Mrs. ' Clarence Pril:e . The WSCS ofhte United Methodist Church will meet llmrsday at I p.m. at the Church . The meeting is being called at I p.m. ihstead of :2 p.m. the regular meeting time' as Mrs. Alma Plummer will present a program on candle making. Mrs. it.S. Tucker and Mrs. Jenny Lee Runyon will be in charge of the devotional , program. Mr. and Mrs. Larry 'Satterthwaite and daughter of Waynesville attended services at Jonahs Run Church Sunday. Mrs. Arnold (Louise) Williams has been' ill and staying ,at the home of her sisler Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and fa'mily.
BOX 78
WAY NESV I LLE, OttlO 4506 8 " ,
NAME ____ ____ ____ __~____ ____~~~~~ ADDRESS ___ __-'--__ ___~-~_;__~~~:....:..-~ CITY '_ _ _ _ _ _ _-:--_ STAT.E ~
DATE ____ ____ ___-r~ PHON E -:";;---'-_
Grange Presents 60 Year plin
is still a member of Farmers Grange. .Mrs. Earnhart and ..thet hus.band Alvin have always lived in _ the WayneSVille area.
MI LLER 'S BEAU TY WINS DOU BLE BEST Teatle ,Miller of W4(y.rfesYil~e , took best in class and"-: b~st in : competition with his "Miller's Beauty" at the Cincinnad.. Cat ' Craft Show on Feb. 21. 5 5 19' ~ js ·~Miller.·s Qeauty!' Chevy with 302 engine, first ', shown at a Toys for Tots b~nefit for crippled children at Stengers. Miller ' plans to buil~ a trailer to haul his:valuable winner; busy· ing himself for the up-coming drag racing season. Bob es 'Miller's pit crew includ Fredericks, Paul Ronney, Martin Pummill and Everett Miller.
-itcan~ ~
perry & derrick
J'D Ufw Oi:l dI
Color your world beautif ul with Climeo Latex. EaSier to,..pply, .asier to keep cle~ln. Guaranteed one coat coverag e,drie. in 30 minutes with no unpleas ant paint odor. Rollers , brushe s cl .. n quickly with _pap and water. Cameo Latex ... the modern acrylic wall finish for today's home. Stop in today.
Special weekly rates or 'V,ViII sit by hour of: day; Constant care in a good Christi;Jin home. Phone 897-5921, Ask for Jean Hill
Reg, $8.19
In Ih•••,.. to IfIIIn ..
" l
Mrs. Rachel 'Earnhart receiws her 60
Prendergast, ,Setretary ,Qf ,~' Fa~mer~~ Gi'ana~ ~r~r~ has "been a ContiJ1Uo~ metT!tier:~f '· . since 1910. -Erne st COOk Photo-;-
them tp keep th1~gs,J ~ balance. Without foxes ev'~ri the rabbit hunters could not keep Us ':f~om having . too many rabbits and ground hogs arid field mice and wood rats. I doubt if they bother skunks. They 'have good de· fence not only against -man but against dogs and foxes too. Ground hogs or woodchucks, whichever you call them in your neighborhood are a nuisance to the farmer with their many holes and their appetite for young corn but I suppose they help feed the faxes and keep up the balance. The seed catalogues are all in by now, not so many advertised:} in the last Farm Journal and the sacks full of seeds are out in all the stores. Seeds are something that have gone up in price in the last few years. Packages that ' ",,~~d. to GQ~t five and ten cents are , twenty-five and even fifty cents now. It has become profitable again to save your seeds but not many of ud do it. Each year. there are new varieti~s and new hybrids and the same with field seeds. There have been many interesting articles about ~ the work that is being done on
fr om: 'he
, ByO.J. Frazier " 'March 5, i 971 March fooled us, it came in like the best of lambs and the , next day it turned around and, snowed and blew all day. There is still snow in patches and drifts but the highways are clear again ' 'and the sun is trying to shine. My poor little crocuses were huri~d i'n the snow but it didn't seem to hurt them. They just ' shUf"upand wail~d for the sun to shine again. I need some early YQI.t~w , oncs and some lavender ones, the white ones do n.0t show ' up.~pit.in the'snow. The littlc pigs arc doing fif!c ' but lt, all the 'little p.uppies died. No 'bne knows why. There were fox' trucks around the barn yes" , tc~t1ay but a,s 'far as we know no . '. pigs ' disapPeared this time. Per· haps:~t~~9 arc g~lting too big to be :Carrlcd easily. We hope so. dur " neighbors shot a fox the othol day not very far below our " h(')U'sc" ~uch a pretty. red fox. .. ' , :Wht>n <lAP is "shot my feelings improving varietie:s of corn and ... Y , . arc m'ix'cd. I do not like to have' wheat. The work that has been , done on wheat for Mexico.and , ~. ' .my :stock worr·ied ·or carried oft Indi,a; is remarkable. Where they ~ yet "I, am sorry to see . a wild once were able , only ' to raise a , thing ' killcid., Ii: is surpr-isin'g tHat few bushels to the acre they are _:,' ,"so '.nla;",y\ ...Wild things still live in " ' to· now able to raise more than 1l1",;~l ous;.;:del1sely~ tc'C(' 'country.' some ' of our varieties and the ~lj1Jl~ ylaim ' we ne,ed . same with rice but some of them "~~~~..;,,-.---~"""':'!'~-, ,·ciaim that the new rice hasn't :. as ,~pch- flavor a,~ 'j1j ~'I~l~. Q,»,r ·.!.nYlni' t'~' i ":'5,': ' ~tlett;n~rdqr ~m..~~~~~~~~~~~~7.1~7. tharl the old corn thai' s()~e say ieligi~n,.,tath- , the st~ck does not eat 'it as: well. the' 'Bib'le 'says~ They, are also trying to iricr-eas : weJt~,t6', consider the ~!le .proportion of protein in the st9TY, JJ>l!Jclima n who lost dun. , Science ' is a great thin2 if ;~ttl~ b?y'\, ln Cincinnati. H~ oniy' t~ey ~ co'uld - increase the lClIs-<'n :I's s!Qr.y . in the foUowi~~ price to the .farmer and de~rease IIF.!>!...'I".",. t l " I · "",.;c it ':(0" the consumer. Will they :~II day fpr my~bOy , e '~r do that? I doubt it, hQW I:, apd' about·, night, Lfound " ,about you? , ," .r sift,inS": in'- the' "'mud by "t~e' "'~;Jiow about sending in items . canal. He WdS l11utldy all over. about' people for the social col" , Whc~ , I 'f~~nd iny b~y, he uinn. People, like to know what :,' ,: '~r'ied l and .1 cri~d. I hugged other people are doing. , ' " .my ,boy ali'd , he ,hugged me: . . '. ' k'issc~ my bQy and he kissed t)1e. ' I took my boy over t9 tb~nal and washed his face, curd he was' not - my boy! ,;::J.\Z;Of~~n '~re '!Ie, so blin~e~ Atten tion: Brownies, Junior, bY"'qur .enlot'ions that we can t and Girl Scouts, bring .$ec' ,tfiihgs for what they really ' your Cadet parents to see' film and ilre?;" ,I,n tifl1~ of great anxiety receive information on . registrawe tetld to ideilNfy things as we tion for day camp. This event ~o d~.sperately wdnt the.m to 'be, will be held ,at the ' Waynesville especially 'iri tlie field of religion. United Methodist Church March Sincere' people wtw ate despera20, 1971 time 11 a.m. The girls , see~ng t~le right way may should 'contact leaders if they a,,\ !faY.' they fee~ is right. to attend. " _ ' , ',' S' embrace it and 'i t embraces plan , Troop Number 56 under tfte th~m.· They are overjoyed and leadership- of Mrs. Mar-cella Pott, . in their dis~overy. But if -inger will have an lnterrlational ever·,manage to ,bring their Dinner March 12, 1971 at 6:30 entofions under control long .p',pt. Wayn~sVille Unit~d, MethMlOUlln 't o take a good clo$C 10Qk,' ·. bdist '.. Church. ThiS is for th~ 1ll8Y fin4 theiiTeelings have Girls SCouts' and 'invited 'teachers. I·Qe~cel've"~Q them. Truly, the ' pro-, Junio:r Troops.Nulnbe~~ llQ7, "1,,D1flIL':I,---IIlIlS 'Sai,d" "There is a Wa:y· ,1141" " 1469 ' .and their leaders " ~emeth ' right un't o a "~:~. attended S~. " ~ry's' '.Epi.scopal, .end ;!her~of are·the ,ay;s ~ai~ llOr.-.sc:.~ '(Prov. :r~:~jl:.2)." "i '( :. '~,~, ;.CnUr~~ on· ~I ~~'!t . ~nday : .:tlie- diurcl1:' df' ,,~ist 1\' March , 1, .1 97h;.' 'Rev~ ,:. ~old " ~th ~Jl ' ~diJr~SI to' '-mc~gt at :Thh:d and '
FRI:ENDS HoME i~EV'JS By Nellie Gunnell Master Kent Ousley spent the ,nowy day with his grandmother Nellie Bunnell at the Friends Home. Rhoda Bunnell of Bloomington Indiana is sp~nding the weekend with the Rhodes Bunnells' of Wilmington and also at the Friends Home with her grandmother NeHie Bunnell. We are glad to have our cook Hazel Dakin back with us again, after a shorlt illness. And again we are having a shower of that white stuff covering the ground. Mrs. William Smith of R.R. 1 was a visitor of her Aunt Nelle Bunnell one evening this past week. Mrs. Lillian Schroder was the guest of the Howard Jones' of Lebanon on Sunday at the Ponderosa in Dayton. They were celebrating Mr. Jone's Birthday by making tape recordings to Send to a grandson a t Newport Rhode ' Islland, Mrs. Schroder lives at the Friends Home and made her recording by telling lbout the residents of the Friends Home. Mr;. Jessie Robitzer was a dinner guest of the Robert Chap· mans' on Tuesday evening.
' ~ri Rei pal's By Ervin B. Pack,
Principal A student must have a total of three or more ~redits to be· come a sophomore. seven or more to become a junior. and eleven or more credits to be~(lIllC 'a senior. In order to graduate. a student must have a tOlal of seventeen ~redits. Seventeen units of satisfa~· tory work are required to grad· uate from our high s~hool. Three credits in English, two in social studies, (Ameril.:an History & govern men tare requ ire d). I in math and I in science. 1 unit in phys. ed·health are required by all students as a part of the seventeen units. The remaining are to be chosen as 'electives. The guida nce de pa rt men t ex· ists for the purpose of counse ling with students and consulting with parents and teachers. There are also many other related ser· vices, Administering test , recording scores, lind the interpretation , of the results to studen ts. par· ents, and teachers are other ser· vices to help guide students in their choice of a college, job opportunities, special trainillg schools and similar matters. You
Co rner . also will be advised in selecting the courses for your partieu'lar. high school program. You are to feel free ,to arrange for individual ~ounselil1g to talk over any important problems or needs whkh you ~llnsider im· portant. It is su~estl'd thaI you arrange for a ppl)in I men t s during study hall periods, PROMINENT WARREN COUNTY NEWSMAN DIES MaJisnn Hut(hinson Vl'll'I'an newspapt'rman dies of heart attach in his parked (ar lllitsiJe the Franklin Chronide. Mr. Hut~hinson was a nat iVl' of Ll'hatHlIl and alone tillle was associatl'J with the Wl'stern Star. He was Ihe editorof the Franklin C1uon-1 iele i.llld in Januar y was named boss of tlw year by the Franklin Jaycees be-:ause of his relationship with his 24 cmpillyel's. He quietly worked for his l'\lIHIllunity and wus called the tllosl :involved ma l in town . He is sur' vived by his widow S~lr;1I1.a SUit. and daughter and three ~raIlJ· children. Visiting holll's Wl're frol11 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesda y l'WI1· ing at the Ungksh y FUIll'r:i\ Home in Fran klin ,
Another Great Name In -Appliances Has Been Added at Purkey's
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:H..tJN.GER- iN " Alv\ER' ICA ~.: Church of Christ
Third & Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evange list 10:00 a. m. · 'Sunday Mornin g 6:30 p.m.' Sunday Evening 6: 30 p. m . . Wednes day Evening Phone 897·44 62 for i nforma tiol')
First Baptist Church
North Main St reet John P. Osborn e. Pasto r 10:00 a.m. - Sunda y School 11: 00 a. m. - Morn ing Worsh i p 6:30 p.m. - Trainin g U nion 7:30 p.m .. Evening Worshi p 7: 30 p. m . - Wednes day Prayer Meeting (Affilia ted with Southe rn Bapt ist Conven tion) .
WA YNESVILLE If Thou hadst known ••• the things which belon~1 to thy pea~e Luke 19:
'Doc:f'or-f11 in i'ster
,We are fnlc.lIlled to,rft.y those who have been deprive d 0 thelt, eyeslgh t . and are fOrC4!d to move In total dark· ness withou t being abl'e to see the th~ face of lovel~ ones nor any of beauty about them. In spite of thiS are people afflictio n many blind happy and live full and' useful lives. In this world there are also those who shut th~!lr eye$ to the truth and refuse to accept the Saviour that are In a far more deplora ble conditi on than the physica lly blind. Jesus loe,ked upon the city of Jerusal em and shed tears of· pity as he pronou nced its doom. These people had not known the day of divine highlY favor,e d with the preachi ng of the !:I,adl !rOPhe ts. Some of them ~:isag~.lIe rather than heed their Jesus had called them to repen· tanee, but ther. refused to come. They closed the r eyes and would not see and beli~!ve. Who is so blind as he who ' wlll not see and believe the trut h of Geld? We live In a da y of Intellec tua I en IIghte nment, but too many of us are spiritua lly blind, only because we have closed our eyes to the truth of God. L.L. Young
. a weekly mess age relating the
First Church of Christ
152 High Street Steve Tigner. Ministe r 8: 30 a.m. - The Christia ns Hour (WCK Y radio. Cinty) 9: 30 a.m .. Bible School (classes for all) 10:3 0 a.m. - Morn i ng Worshi p 10!30 a.m. - Junior Church 12 noon - Revival Fires 5 : 30 p.m. - Junior Choir Practice 6 : 00 - Jet-Cad ets Alpha Teens 7 : 00 p.m. · Evening Vesper s
world of today to the lessons of Faith and Chur ch. . .
Friends Meeting
Fourth Street near High 9 : 30 a.m. - Sunday School 10: 45 a. m. - Sunday Meeting for Worshi p (unprog ramed)
St. Augustine Church
High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer , Pastor 7 a. m. & 11 a. r'n. - Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m.· Holy Days 7:30 p.m. - First Friday 7 : 45 a. m. - Daily Mass 5 :3 0 p.m.· Saturda y Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Third &. Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11 : 15 a. m. - Mornin g Prayer 1st. 3rd & 5th Sunday s; Holy Co mmu nion 2nd & 4th Sunday s
United Methodist Church ts
Third & North Stree L. Young. Ministe r 9:00 a.m. - Church School 10 : 15 a.m. - Church st Worshi p 6 : 00 p. m. - Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellows hip
Waynesville Rescue Mission Corwin Rd.
Corner of 73 & Rev. Sherma n Cook. Pastor 10: 30 a. m. - Sun day School 7: 00 p.m. - Sunday Eve. Service 7:3 0 p.m. - W ednesd ay Eve. Ser vice 7:30 p.m. - Sat. Eve . Service
First Church of God
49 S. Malll Stree t 9:30 a. m . . Sunday Sc hool 10 : 30 a.m . - Mornin g Worshi p 7:00 p . m. - Sunday e vening
CORWIN Pentecostal Holiness Church
A cy La mb . PJslor 10 : 0 0 a . m . . SundilV Schoo l 7:) 0 p.m . . SlInday . Wedn esd JY :f1 d SJ r Urd,l Y vell lll q 'N oI SI1IP S" 'V IC('~ : 30 P. ill . . We dl H'Sa,l Y YOU! 11 Sl'r \ 'C L'
United Methodist Ch urch
Rrv. Le on", d BJ x:c, Sunday SC' )(H.! <) JO a.m. ! I 00 a.p, . SlI nddv W o,s 'IJ So rv tce 7·30 p. m . - Wednes da y , p' Jyel Ser v ICC
Free Pentecostal Church of God
Friendship Baptist Church tion
R.R. 122· Do'dds, Ohio Pastor, James Coffma n 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School 7: 00 p. m" - Sunday Evange listic Service 7:30 p.m .• Wednes day Prayer
Southe rn Baptist Conven Norman Meadow s, Pastor 9:30 a.m •• Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Sunday Mornin g Worshi p 7:30 p.m.' Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m.· Wednes day Midwee k Prayer and Bible Study
Free Pelntecosta! Church of God
Jonahs Run Baptist Church
R.R. 122· Dodds, Ohio Pastor, James Coffma n 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School 7:00 p.m. ' Sunday Evange listic Service 7 : 30 p.m ... Wednes day Prayer 'Service 7:30 p.m.· Saturda y Evening Worhlp Service
Ohio 73 East . Lester Kldd, Pastor 10:00 a.m .• Sunday School 10:00 & 11:00 a.m . • Sunday Worshi p Service 7:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening Worshi p
United Methodist Church
CENTERVILLE The Centerville First PentecOstal ChUrch
David Harper, Pastor 9 : 30 a. m •. Sunday Church servke 10: 30 a. m .• Sunday School 11 : 00 a.m. - Sunday Worshi p Service Youth Fellows hip and Bible Study
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church E. South Street Rev. Jack Ham i lton. Pastor 7: 30 p.m. · Tuesda y 7:30 p.J11 . - Friday - Y oung People' s Service 10: 00 a. m .. Sunday SCllool 7 : 00 p.m. - Sunday Evening
173 E. Frankli n Stre~t Ray Norvell , Pastor ', Gene B i cknell, Ass't, 10:00 a.m • • Sunday School 7 : 00 p.m •• Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m.' Wednes day Evening
GENNTOWN Genntown United Church Of Christ Route 42 at Gennto wn Ray Storme r, Pastor 9:30 a. m. - Worshi p Service 10: 30 - Sunda y C hurch SchOO l 5:00 p, m. - Sunday Youth FellOWS h i p
SPRING VALLEY United Methodist Church
Walnut - Vine Robert R. M ered it h. Pastor 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10: 30 a. m . . M o rnmg Worship 6 : 3 0 p.m. - You t h Fellows hip Jr. High & Sr . HI!fh 7: 45 p.m. - Wedn esday ChOir R e hearsal
Ferry Church.of Christ
Wilm i(1gton Pike & Social Row Road Bus Wisema n , M in ister 9 : 0 0 a.m. - Sunday Bible School 10:1 !; a.m. - Sunday WorS hip 1 0 : 15 a.m, - Sunday Youth Worshi p 6 : 30 p.m . . Sunday Evenin g B i bl e Study. all ages WedneS day - MI dweek 7 ;.30 P. Prayer an d Bible Study
Spring Valley Church of Christ
m. -
Gla d y Streer 10: 00 a.m . . Mornin g Worsh i p 7'0 0 p.m . . ~_ v e n i ng Wo r sh i p 8 : 00 p.m. · Wednes da y E ven, ng Wor sh i p
:::>pnng Valley Friends Church
Ridgeville Community Church
M ou nd St le et E . Ffl cnd Cou se r, Pa sto r 9: 30 a. m . . Su nday SchOOl 10 : 30 a. m .. M or ning Worship
St. RI. 48 & Lower Springb oro R oa d Ray 1_. ·Shelton . Pastor 9: 30 a. m. - Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Morn'in g WorShi p 7:30 p.m.' Sunday Evening Slarvlce 7:3 0 p.m • . Wednes day Evening service 5:30 p.m. - Sunday Sr. Youth Recrea tion 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Sr. Youth
Christian Baptist Mission
United Methodist Church
John K, Smith, Ministe r 9 : 30 a, m, - Su nday Schoo l 10: 30 a.m. - Sunday Wo rsh.p Service 8 : 00-9 : 00 p.m . . Wedn esday Everting . Bible Study
Ma in Street Mrs. Lois Dunawa y, Pastor 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a. m . - Morn ing Worshl p 7 : 30 p.m. - Evenin9 Worshi p 7 : 30 p.m.· Prayer Meeting Wednes day & ThurSd ay 7 : 30 p.rn. - Song.fe st. Last Saturda y each month .
sy Of The Follow ing Area Merchants This Churc h Page Is Sponsored For You Throug h The Courte ,-
~eplores '" neglect ·
of children head of the divisio n of Dr. Buford Nichols of the \ endocrinology at the Scripps Texas Children's Hospital and Resea rch Clinic - and Baylo r College of Medicire is a Foundation 'in La Jolla, Calif.; an pedia trician , skille d agrees that something has to be autho rity on nutrit ion and done to make the majority of malnu tri tion, and is - an Amer icans realiz e what is ordained minister. . going on. He is also an aroused man "They must realiz e the when he talks ~bout millions of al cost they will have. to eventu AinericarE going hungry in a children who suffer for pay nation of wealth where crops now . mal nut I' i t ion are pennit ted to wither and rot in an said rLaan Vande to mamta in price stability. interview. "Ecology is the thing now," What everyone interyiewed iew. interv an in said he agreed on was that a child "Ever yone wants to stop retard ed either because 'he or wasting our national resw.rces. his mother in pregnancy lacked "What about our children? proper food - and there is a Don't they figure in the ecology conjecture the latter is a factor precio us as ' our most in retardation - will be a resour ce?" the community. , burden He conceded the failure to the s tresse d Nicho ls care · for- t1Je Poor and hungry g treatin of economic bu.,'den was nothin g new, quotin g from ing chlldr en suffer Socrates who admonished the malnu trition , which result s of s citizen Greek s: "You from hunger. "The em is the Athens develop the wealth of same, " he ·said of hu~er , and your city, but you do nothing malnutrition. "The doctor has for your children." to treat the end ' proQu~t. . is ~ So far as nutrit ion "Prev ention "should be , a s ,concemed in America, Nichol y," he said. ':Now the priont noted that as long ago as the ies are set by political priorit tUm of the century New York forces. It is political." City was pro~iding free milk Reynal5io de .la Cruz, fighting ' fer the indig~nt poor. ~e l5a.ttl~ for!more' 'food for the · .' . Yet he cited a recent survey migra tory indige nt and in a section of Teus ' Rio Tex., in .. . en,. laborers at McAll Gran:le Valley farm cwntr y " the Rio Grande ·Valley agreed ',. . 'where ' Mexican migrants are with those who say iocaL . . , riot eligible for a~ ; of the officia ls manipul~te food.;· " assistance that filters down to distribution ' to the poor 'lhore . poor Amer ican citiz~ns according to social cOJld~ct, arK! showing ctilldren who had not poli~ics than to hwriall n"e~. ' OlE s. , "had ,milk for six month "I can't get ,a job, rve been ia 'infant was drinking a fonnU alled ' because of what I blackb of rice and water. ' to. do," he said 'in trying am There were 300 persons Uving II It is po,Utics." ' :. ew intervi in one of the labor ' camps. y for the United .', at~rne An There were four toilets, 'two Farm Work ers Organ izing " of ' which worked. A survey Committee testified recently I team found but two working -befo-r'~ '.. C!-: .(... PQng're~sional {'" showers. There was no hot subco mmi ttee explo ring '· water, just tepid water ~hich rn.lgratory labor problemS' that ' .'; to the women someh.ow used' powerful farWJie$: ip .,TexaS ,had' ~ wash their clothes . built a po1it\Cal , ~tru<!~r\-~! !-hat .~ For years, said Nicho ls, ~g~~pd. migran ~ ~or~~r;s:,!~ ·~he~ ,;~!.'. people have been holdin g hearings, conducting surveys' But hunger ,and "'po\i'erfy, ·a re } aoo citing statistics to show not, of course , ..confined to " that hunger and nutrition are t Texas. . problems. " ,Seri. In testimony ~efore. "It just hasn't gotten the e McGover.~'s Sdec f Georg it If said. he message aoross ," Committee on Nuir~ion am takes blunt facts, am pictures, Hwnan" Needs, , w'it9~SS: ~ti!r : _ it to tell the story, he ~ all for witness - 'from 1';10 \p'ai- to. the a am he brushes off as oilly District of' CQlum~~ ~ T , .:told seman tic 'differ ence, ,the storie s. of d~,,,~~r<: ,a~d . distinction between hunger.apj , .l'1:.elS1- J ". frustratlOrt nutrition. " It is like counting d ~tifi~ : Ar,,~n. , ~rs. Marty the number of angels daocing abou t schqG!-! }fJ~qch~s , i~ on the head of a pin." , " Washington, ·D. C. Child ren 's Texas The some "In , t.:·,.". ,-1: " .. ~ has , catalog~d Hospi tal gJ~lpg. ,"4i!~e?n~ hundreds ¢ . photpgraRhs ;of tiA.:kets, lo{V ~~"!I'It,ir,,"'~"'}~. _ ~s . ·dise children afflicte,d with .IT1!IlI"'~. in lW¥:hes .• tion-:' i tr. malhu with ated associ gei' in,~o . : .. , ' r)cket s, deform ed infant s, said. . .Is 1t any wondt!r. l .growt h retard ation, menta retardatiC!n alii other ~i4?~~ts.:, ',s- ; ...~ c¥~e~ :~~~l~ ';:-:-'I"·-~&II~,4!:~~.zti Most ha've b.e en , , u~eq tD i'fl ,1~i~P..~ )~.n tnd~i cno~l s ' illustrate medical j(ju~lS ' in · parents ,can't . ". · limited cirCUlation. ' . ''But ·Nichols, p'e~eyes ;~.i ', if~' ;':': . ~eh .' in genet~l ~. ~~QtU' . .. ¥.&..... ""'. '. · the ., p:qotos . ~JI'!Km~a " . ci~ns . circulation
, dernan~,
M.!~MJ. .GA~T.T.E ,
SEA-VICES ,,'UPHOLSTERING Ma c hine - Ph. 8935855 (4ctf)
~ I-~
.I '; ; ; i l r..,J .,....
... .r) "~
t ~I 7 . 5 ,~. 2 •
LAYING Hens on f o ot - for roasting or stewing - 10 for $ 3,50 - 50c each Harold Allen - co rn er Haines and Middle Run Roads - March 14 and 21st - 12:00 noon until dark (10c2) Mushrt:lOm Compo st ' excell e nt f o r gardl! ns, flowers. sC h rubery, Mul c h in g and ground co nditi o ner , Ca ll F red' s Mushr o om Co, So u th Leban o nJ. O hiO 494- 1000 frn m 8 AM t o 4 I-'M 0 r
~:~_!L f.~!:!.£!,~,_'~!lll- ~~ ~~ _ ~!l_h~~~
..... ,/ .- " ........ ':.. C, 'Jd : ' t; . 13: . .:: . . :> .... c, ... ". J t;: 3 ~ ~ .
r r: a 5~ "ab
:, :. v .' . ,
REGISTERED Quarter Horse stud service - Star P Cody - Sire of pleasure champion Candy P Cody - fee $100 speCial reduced fee to 4-H project rnares - Encino Farm - ' Kings Mills Ph, 398-2191 (8c3) BABY SITTING in my home - by hour - day or week - fenced in yard ask for JoAnn Edsall - Phone 897 6021 (3cTF)
Wheel Camper Camping Trailer s I Wayne Ca'01P.er Tops, Tru ck Caf~'~ers and. ,T r a)l ~I .Tra ilers ' • 4 • ,- IWe sell bottle gas , ~
5cIGS<' - " R '_'nt~ ls ' - Supplies
.j. ; ,
Loca'ted Rout e 42, 1 mile .1orth of Route 73, Waynesville
Phone 897·7936
Wat kin s R e pr e se ntat Iv e, n eede d r'1~~ Wayn e svill e and VICinity , W Wilt kins Qualit y Prodllrt < ?9 E. Main, Wilmington, Ohio 382-4422 ,_ __ PAR T T IM E boy t o c lean up ant: str a Ig llt en up w ee kly - a ppl y at T he Miami G ale t te o ffi ce - 10 5 5 , M a in St. . W ay ne SVi ll e (10 c tf) WOME N f or ga th erin g an d gradin g egg s, ap pl y in per son - mor ning s onl y , - Dunham Hat c ll er y - 4 7 5 0 , (10c1) L ow er Spri ng boro Rd .
Items under this heading are run free and may run up to 4 weeks unless cancelled, See ad blank on this page.
1961 FORD Econoline Van excel ti,res w/snow studs on back needs work - $50 - Ph. 897-
_------------ro 6021
" ' =:Tr
1. I
from pagl?(1)
special , White House aides, Capts. Terrence P. Goggin and Clifford HerXirix of the U. S. Military Academy, described an interview with the head of the welfare department in ' !'latchez, ~iss. "She emphasized her be~volent a ttitude toward the 'poor colored, the two officers stated, "but indicated her belief that ' they generally want everything given to them,' that they lead morally disgusting lives and that her primary concern is to 'educate' them to ,proper forms of behavior. The local food stamp recipients and members of the local Community Action Agency told us that she attempted to enforce her ' morali ty educa tion' by removing newly pregnant women from the welfare rolls for a month or so. " They SBlid that in other areas, including Mendocino and Fresno counties in California, 'there were " flagrant violations of welfare am food distribution laws and ~idelines." This is in a sta te where officials say. there are generally far better working conditiom and housing than in Texas, Florida or any other agricultural state .
Fill ill hbl l K h~' I \l \\ \\ illl ~' ll l ' ~ ~I S
ynll \\( luld IiK\.' to sec it " S,' II-II " (\l ll1ti li l. Tili s ~' ll IUlllll is I~'s~'rwd for 11l)11-~' n llll l h'I ' I , 1 1. 1'l i\ J I,' i ! l dl ,' l dll : l l~ \ l il l~ , ,-\1\ il,'I1I S must bl' plk'l' J , Titi , ~ l'I \ lc' l' IS FRFL 1'1\1 111 I Ill' <' ; ~ l/l'II I'
;Jpp~' ~1 1 ill I l h,'
COPY : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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PHO i\ I"
Nli~ l
HI , R
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PH. 897-7931 or 897-2241 BOB
What If He Doesn't
Precision Work;'.s a . '" Must':' ., Here
- '-j i
"We would like to' inttPCluce to you our "NEW higb
, vq..at;ty.:- pri~ting."
Much effort has, lone in~ IM~ PROVI,NG , o"r quality standards. The latest 1ft typeRttin. 'equipment brinp CO you this quality at lower prices.
C~lIege? WIll RAPPaS
to the young man or woman in Warren County who wants a skilled trade rather than a college education? to the man or woman who wants to better himself by leornlng a new occupation or mOre about his present one?
,- ,,-
to,the young man or woman who wants to college with 'a high school diploma' and some practlca~ experience?
GIV:EJHEf,\ A CHANCE " ,;.¥:ES March 16
•• "
Spa rfa ns LI Y Cia.i m' Sect i 0 na I CI ~ ssA l r0 ph y The W~ynesvill e Spartans defeated St. Bernard March 6 in the sectional fina Is wi t h a score of 54 tc> 48 to take home the Class A Sec tional trophy . Waynesvill e trailed for most of
BOOSTERS BASK ETBA LL DATE CHANGE The date for the Booster's basketball game~ has been changell from March 10 as advertised last week ill the Miami Gaatt e , to March 17 a t Waynesvi lle High Sclwol gy mn asiu m, 6:30 p.m . The publi c I ~ invited to at telld thi <; worbhy anll fUll filled even t Il!<lturin g four g:t llles ; 5than d 6th o"ralles , Womell's game, Boosters vs. Faculty , and the Drill Team. DOI1<l tioll s arc 75c fur adults alld SOc fur children.
(Continued from page 1)
the first half but caught up and gained the. lead in the early part of the second half. 'The scoring of most of the rest of the ha If was whe~ WayneSVille kept widening the gap between the scores . Earlier , Waynesville defeated Hamm ersvi lle 78 to 60 in their first game of the tournament. Looking ahead, Waynesville Lockland High School at yes pia 7:30 March 13 at Indian Hill High School. The game should be quite exciting. Lockland is quite fast and sco res high 'but Waynesville should come out victorious if they can set the pace. Also playing tllis week is Clinton Massie and Bethel Tate High Schools. The winners of ' this weeks game will meet each other next week in the finals.
endum vote on emergency measures passed by a village c·ound l." The ordinance was first proposed last summer and- a public hearing was held at that time.
.1 1 ' .
. , ' '.
' _I
of the month to" dis~uss all~ pro.~ blems concerning the. v'illage. TItis would not be a regular ~QUilCii ' meetillJ!. Any prp blems that arise would thell be brought lip at the regular council meetings h~ld on th~ first .Monda~· and the thi~d . Tuesday of each mon t h.
Council was asked by Little Miami Inc. to ptovide a truck for the groups clean up project to be in May. ' All villages and towns in the VIcinity of the, Little Miami River ' have been asked to provide a truck for the clean up campaign. Council president Tom WjlIiams suggested t~ council that they meet with other village of-
,.,,,tiOn,ti;o',,,,, :Y.Iaf i,,,, . ,all 'rr~sJ . nleetings .' plIbl'k.
. and966 SUPP·L.Y LUMBER . 897-2
Reasonable Rates Ask for ,Joan, Phone 897 -6021
fi 0
BOlOGI 'A $1°.° ®
Grade A
doZ.$ 00 ,
(FOC KE'S ), .
....;~~~+.-~r.:-i,," . . ."'." .'
orl4-,r-;-~r-?/. ':;~..J1II ~--I_O__
TI1e public was well informed At the beginning of the I.n~et of the action and zoning ordin- , ina Ma\'or Dex'ter Martin, asal. e ances were posted at the Waynesville post office, Townsend'~ TV, Walker's Drug Store, Dan's Market, and Fairley's Hardware.
fic~ls" on .. th~ ')ltird ;,\W~lle~ day:
COU NtI'- 'REJE C.tS., ..
2 lb. FOR
3 lb.
- Second class postage paid at Waynesville, Qhio March 17, 1971 - Waynesville,Ohlo , .'~4-
,Athor of "Dr', Ridll'lf ,',I~fJllilr Succumbs •
I '
~ b.y David Edsall
felt a deep loss , wec,k ,~hcn . it learned of the tho~f DOrothy Jewett FI:az' Ga ~cttc
some items about people for the social column. People like to know what other people are doing." Mrs. Frazier died suddenly last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith while attending a meeting of the St. Mary's Episcopal Church Sewing Circle. She and her late husband purchased their "Dry Ridge" farm in the spring of 1934 where they resided when Mr. Frazier passed away 4 yeaJs later. ' A retired school teacher and nurse ,. she was a graduate of Antioch College, She had worked at the Veteran Administration ' Hospital in Dayton as an occupational therapist. Mrs. Frazier was a member , of St. Mary's EI?,iscopal Church
of , Waynesville and the Christ Episcopal Church of Ddyton, She was also a member of Four Season 's Garden Club, the Pamona Grange, and the Farmer's Grange: since 1940. Memorial services were held here Monday at 1:30 p.m. at the St. Mary"s Episcopal Church with the Reverend Harold Deeth offi'ciatiQg. There was no visitation. In lieu of no~ers the family suggested contributions be made to the Children's Hospital in Cincinnati , Ohio. The arrangements were by the Boyer Funeral Home of Ddyton. llilterment: was at the Woodlawn Cemtery in Dayton . She is- survived by a grand neice Mrs. Harriet (Happy) Sotolongo of WayneSVille.
IIr i i ore'. t ,'I d'D.P11-" B,y Sc·hOD I BDI rd
,itle "f 10'ii' ,
. ..... ~
ifn g-•.81rt' ~?l O :~' 0 ntu £ t 'ra,. e-r t tlVt-' Members of Sing Out Waynesville will be conducting a p,aper drive Saturday ~o raise money for their organization. If anyone has papers they are asked to place them at the curb if possible, in bundles. The group was organized in June of 1968 and has 25 membersa t the present time. The Waynesville Police department has been a very strong supporter of the group. When they first started they met at the Fire Department. The group now me-ets at the Jr. High School building, every Mon. day night. , The age requirement to join
should create a new ctirection or a drastic change in school, district structures, some _items could be renegotiated before the ternl of the agree men t is up. Mrs. Mary Ellen Lacy is president of the group. during negotiations between the two parties, and stipulates that Powell Backs if new monies become available, or if th,e Ohio General Assembly ~~I Prayer Bill The ' Board officially recogni, .Washington - u.s. Represen:: zed the no~;certihed...employ,ees tat.ive W,Jtet 'E. Powell ha,$' sponwhich recently for~'d OAPSE soted a bill ,to -allow nondenom" (OhiO AssQciation ~f Puplic inat)on~t ..prayer ,in.. the !l3.tion's' DARR ELL COUCH School Employees) chapter 534 publi~ schools. RECEIVES PROM OTIO N ~'l feel it is time, that Congress and will offer an agreement negThe promotion of Darrell clar.ify this iS$ue aod. [~ffirm otiatin.g with the organization. in Couch to C.O.E. Maintenance the important piivilege-on ~hich the near futufe_ Mrs. Mildred the ed," man has been' announced by this nation :was fowid ," , ~eehan. is president of the local . said essman COngr Don ~oemaker, Lebanon IJis. Witer 'Safety ' 24th . District chapteir, that to 1 ea, ,roenti "The "bin ds trict Manager of United TetegJJ'QCiJto.ri"\t;;Ourse~ open to any,,:, " Board members have given ,of !s s'O$aiot s, pteviOU to ed phone Company of Ohio. ~ho .holds.a c~r-' ' ,offer . their npproval to • proposal by , eR~fot S ' i~te ,the , y b · Darrell joined United in April al~;~~~L;J~lSi': Se~~or ,LifesaV- " ~ngress superintendent Paul Schwambur,'b¢I"who , n ·Everett, M: Dube of) 969 as a lin~inan and was ~«p~,~. ,· ~,rte~ '1)iC$day ger for a request to the state for later promoted to working line ' a~1he Dayt oRtev ed' as I do'; i~t ~ptta~joil'bf' a high, school speda l education to meant was, foreman in , November or 1969_, church and ,state unit. Their is presently a special In his new position as C.O.E. protect ;th-'es~te, fr~m ~datory . education unit in the e~mentary Riaintenance man, Darrell will re~gion,.~9t ft~m' voluntarY worschool only. entRep'es be r~sponsible for the maintenship," . ~h~ fairfie1.4 The distr~ct is planning to ', ' ative 58ta. ance of the central office equipapply to the state for permiSSion ment in the leban on district_ ~As,;' ., lformer 'teacher to develop .a class fo.. new-olog' A graduate of Ezel High schoo}, Pl:1I1~CtPU, ically bandicapp'd children. ,',(be l, £zeIt Kentucky, 'Darrell t u Schoo JUd.th'·11l, oe.rt:Y:folr;~*iing:-(~, venture wOuld include ~bildren Cl!jOys ~wUng an(f.CaPl~I, as froPl Oar~ ~d Springboro Is ~ hobb~s. a, resided' .tn ·LeI); , " Mll u :'~.Y"~' ,Jia.l4iN ,tb,e ',with" hi, ,Wife., Joyce, and . "ari~n, · ts.' ,diltric "'~ppr~ViI- of', ~ ' three chil,~~~ 1h~~" ." •• r'lt and 'tinued ~ ~ '.: .'8) (cOAt ' . ", ~,.6. , r-F At their March 8th meeting the ' Way'ne$iriUe School Boa'rd unanimou~ly a(lopted a revised negotiation agreement to be used by . the 'Education Association and the Board of Education. It ou~lines steps to be followed
' c'
' , , 'i
the group is from 13 years to college age. ,Since it orignated in 1968 two of the members have lost their lives. Next month the group has a show scheduled according to an announcement from Alan Bernard Sing Oui member. FUTU RE RAIL PASSENGER SERV ICE
When the Miami Valley Congressional Council was formed one of its purposes was combined action on issues of mutual concern. Its first and most immediate joint venture is now in progress - trying to secure direct connection for the region with the new National Rail Passenger :network., better known as "RAIL PAX" The system is a nationwide connection of passenger trains designed to restore rail travel to its former status. The 'system will not be an adding on of trains to, an inadeqUate schedule, but complete resc~du1ing to a~coinmo date as many passenp,rs as possible.:
The belief that national rail· raod, pasienser service is in ,the coWltry~s best 'interest.. waa the reason for forming RAUPAX nt,. J»eHet that our Districts 'de" aPJPi of , ~~e , to -' system Pl'Climillted t~,~e4;~~~~~~~~~ t.
,ion.. (;,:OUI~Cil7.) ","'Hfti"~
,' a~tr q:i~\~",,~r.maljt~ ""
. (.,!; .. 1'\ :
A check for 'SS7,62S.97 WdS presented to Russell Dumford (left) Warren County Treasurer by Robert Kyvik, the Dayton Powcr and Light Company's Xenia District manager. This is DP&L's six-month tax payment and the company will pay a tutal of SI15,~51.94 for the year. DP&L payspropertv tax on its fadtlites just as a homeowner does. A total of $24 million in taxes is paid cach year to 633 different taxing entities by DP&L
An .under iting 'gro~p jointly managedi ..by' Morgan Stanley and Co., In<!; and W.E. Hutto'n ' and Co. alll~ourrc~s t he public offering today of 200,000 shares of the Dayton Power arid Light Company's c~mlative preferred . : stock, 7.70 per ~en( Series E; a,t $100 per share. ~ The new preferred stock is not redeemable prior, to April 1, 1978 through refun~ing operations having an 'effective i.Qterest cost to the Company of less than 7.70 per c.ent· annually. Otherwise, they are redeemable at the .option of the Company at $108 per ' snare It redeemed prior to April, 1978, at $106 per share thereafter ' to April I, 198) at $103 per share thereafter to April I, 1986', and at $101 per share thereafter, plus accured dividends, Proceeds to the C9mpany from the sale of the new preferred stock will be added to its general funds and used to reduce short-term indebtedness, the proceeds of which were used for the Company's construction program, The Company provides electricity and natural gas in West Central Ohio: 'In additions, the Company supplies steam heating
en --
• ..
in downtown ~yton. Company's , service , area is .approximatelY 0,041 square 'miles and has an .estimated, po~ , ulati9-P of 1,300,000. . ' ~ The
CongreSsman Walter E, PoweU announced today that he will meet on Wednesday morning with Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird to discuss the Wilmington Air Force Base dosing. Prior to the meeting with Secretary laird, the Congressman will discuss the proposed eliminatl6n of the base with Assistant Secretary . of Defense, Birry J. Shillito. Accompanying the Congressman will be 'a delegation from Clinton County headed by State Senatpr Max Dennis and Thomas J. Hunter. The delegation will include members from a local citizens group that has been preparing material\ for the Congressman in anticipa'tion ,o f the meeting with Se~retary Laird. The Committee includes Wilmington Mayor IAlle Minto; Ann Reinke, D.M.· Fife, William Evans, Arthur Borton, Donald Babb, James Morris, Walter ' l'n~hol~, Dr. 'fl\ep40r~ , " ~i~hql~.n; ... StM),ley Dorsey" 1,{0~ft laQ~8op"..'a.nd, Charles:Grah;lffi. Previously" the Congressman had called upon Pre~ident Nix!>n :
AT -8:30 A.M. '.
,~E. 8,9!=- ~9,~~ '. ' ~ . ~£.~~O~~ . J
•. t
If all printers · were ' de~er-' ',:" ' .~ mined not print anything' till . 1-' '" they were . sure it would of- " ':, . fend nobody, ther,e wO,u ldye .' i.' . very little ' printed., - '6en~ , ", I . jamiti Franklin. ' .
'0 Mee I. .. :
'Po VI III,, -t" 'it d· W·iIm'iog t~on If
Monday - Tuesday - Thurs~y_- Saturday 8:30 A.M.lt> 2:30 P.M.' ' . Friday 8:30 A..M. to 8.:00 P.M.
A check for 518,116.80 Was presented by United Telephone Company of Ohip district p13nager, Do~ Shoem~ke~, to th~ , Warren County ' treasllrer as ~ firm's fi'~st l\alf 'taX ' payfu~n~ fo~ ~ the year." ' .: I ,. , . . , '. Shoemaker' said .this 'year's ' first ' half 'Payme'n t w~s ,' a 21 % . increase 'over the 514,932.00 paid during the first ~lf of 1970. This tax payment makes.Uni- ' ted Telephone Company of. Ohio one of the county~s Jarger tax payers, Shoemaker said. . . . United serves' the Lebanon, . 'M . Mas South Le~~n?n, orrow" , , on ~d Way~sydt~' ~~C~a!1ges ~thin Warren County. •
And .for your protection a~ income tax time, be sure you have paid every bilLand. donation by ·check. 'Then' yb~u Viil( have :thekind of evidence Internal Revenue likes t~ . see for ~acking 'up .: yo.ur deductions.
~B lSI
• 't.;", t f
TO'pi c·
and Secretary Lair~ t9 h~ld the proposed clo'sing pending deCisions , on three . 'que~tions . ',: raised by the 24th District ,Representative, , I. TIle economic· impact of ., the closing on Wilmington,. CHnton County · and sUfT(lunditlg areas. .1",. 2.. A more detailed' expl,anation and inv~stigation of th~ deficiencies reported by the Secretary of the Air Force at Clinton County Air Force Base. . .- 3. The possibiliti~s of' SO":' : verting the base from its present Air Force uses to other govern" 1 ment and civilian applications. Congressman Powell has al-,. , ready met with' members' of the President's White House staff in ' connection With the base.closing decision. .
up :
Pays 1970 Taxes '
A cancelled check has never lost a dispute yet over a payment.
.-.; rh:::;e·t.:=.i;'tlin . ,.Oe svi U~ ,:.- ,:" af:. -Bank;:··' .'
United Telephone
"Sta r .·Witness I
.. '
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. ~. .and !lJltrammeled! ttIt:,.ql~4J1~ ,It' ~ 't;.,. .. is shackled'or ma(ie .im~nt~ . ~~>: " thl'~ugh' feai',':~t,. ~~~:~~\~if, .' ference . u.~def",~hlit fo~,.. i.. ,.government you lir~!, ~<:ltr~. ;, ;: a subject and not.a c~~.,~ .;. . ._ . U. S. Senat6r '··WifIiam E. ',~. i ~ Borah. ., ..... "', ';,: . ~ , ,. ~. I ,
on ' LSD treatment 'and Mr. were Mr. Ed Lampt, on .,.., use drug Tim ApoHt spoke on \., . among teens. There was a drug dispJay ' s~t up on the stage of the auditorium . All students were to attend., The objectives for the pro· gram were the awareness of the increased drug epidemic and i,ts close proximity 10 all stratums of society: concern for drugs can strike anywhere at anytime; know~edge which will inform the student, teacher and parent of the many, many drug 'problems and their ramifications; symptoms, to inform the community 'Of the basic symptoms relatIng; to drug misuse; help, the students nced to understand that help is there if they need it - that people do care, Sp~akers
,-- by Mary Bellrnan The entire school day last Wednesday was devoted to a drug abuse program, It was called Cal.'-ifornia Free Day and the students , . were the co-ordinaters for the entire program. The entire student body was free to attend the class of their choice, The music room was devoted to the county drug problem and the co-ordina ' ' was Col. WaIter O'Bryant of the Warren County sherriff's office. The library . was devoted to a discussion with fOllr former addicts from the Bureau of Drug Ab~se plus one member from the Dayton Free ,' CounCil and Resources, In the (')ther rooms' there were discussions held on LSD . and marijuana. Films were also shown ill two differen I rooms, In room 101 the subject was fact and disllcssion. ho~oin , Room 104 was devoted to stim,ulants and rool11 106 to deprc,' s'sallts. The"chemistry rOum 'Presen ted symptoms of and help for drug abusers. Room 1 I I household drug abuse t he biology 1'09111 was for the identification " of drugs. In room I 07 the dis.cuss ion was teells and drugs; 109 ;- was for alcholoism and the home c~onomics room was for drugs in athletics.
• 'r
Caesar's Creek Topic For Boosters' Club Meeting Caesar's Cree k project, specificaily parks and recreational facilities will be the program topic at the March mceting of Clinfon-Massie Boosters' Clu'b 011 Tuesday evenihg, M~Hl'h 13. al R p,m. at Clinton-Massie High School. The spca kers will.be Mr, Norville Hall of Columbus and Mr. Will Brewer of Cincinnati. Mr. Hall is Chief of Parks and Recreation of the Department of Natural Resources for the State of Ohio. Mr. Brewer was formerly an enginee,rwit h , the 'U,S. , :~A!IJ\Y ,: ~oips'·'{)f ··~ginaers! ,etllcin'llati DiVisi'on, and",ts n~~:Wa\" ter Management Sections" Dis- ' t{ict Manager for Southwest , Ohio, Department of N~tural Resources; State, of Ohio:, Mr. Max Dennis and Mr. J.R. , Williams have been instrumeQtal in secur,ing these speakers. Clinton Massie Boosters' Club feels this is a' timely subject and affe.cts many pe9ple ,'in' t~e area: Mr. Robert' Haines ' of Ha'rveys~utg ~s p~esident of. the Ofg;m.' ization. The public is' iri"it~d . to att~nd this open meeting. ' ,
. E.protects in'
or !'a'Way 'from YOUf
"'8rbnI8' ~It' Tailor.,d Insurance 1:,{Plr.otec:tlon ,
st udies on drug ' abu~ at'lllt Chris Campbell. Jr. (left) and Ron Sackett Sr., conduct one of several ' ' SeisrelBob Photo Wayncsvillte High School's "California Free Day" last Wednesday
-Ieturnl · .prI ·PI red," ......
R II MI C,H'Ell· .. '19 1· 4.1,18· .
. '
it left to me to decide should have govwe er wheth ut newsp apers witho nt ernme witho ut govapers or newsp not hesishould ernme nt, I nt tate for a mome to prefer the latter. But I should mean , that every man should receiv e . those papers and be capab le Thom as : of readin g tl'tem. Jefferson.
Brochure giving deteil'
$7.00 ' pr. del.
-2&c Elee. Cntr. 6 'Candle Arms , $42.50 delivered
, THE LAMP LiGHTER . =-. 2IOS Feetory ,fW .• R_ '.,.1 ' . ", . ,~
reprocllctlons , pewter like flnllh
Frank G. Hart
. . '" -
Hand made Colonial "
Fnnkfin, ohiO 45006
'15.00 DeliVWld ' .
L un ch eo n
St yl e Ma rch 30
11 A.M.
H en rI ci '8 -D ay to n
BABY SI1~rl, NCi , "
of drug abuse across. -Phot o Many posters, filnts and discUsiiofts ·'.;..ere pre~n·te~ .to help 'get the' ~ge . Bob Sei~el-
R,e t ar de d Ch ild ren of Sti llw ate r Ho sp ita l TiCKETS $6.00
e:,r"cws : 'FRtENQ'S,.iO.M By Nellie OU ~tl~~II "" ,'.
. ~ ,ErVin"S.' Pack~ • . ..
. '~IMiPiI . Guest. of .Mitja:n,t. L.o~n on ~ attend. to Invited lie ISurged.and By Marjean Price °A stude·ilt) violatjng school ' Thu.rsd~y ,~Qm <;inRinn~ti"was a Mrs. , Brewer cn Kathle Mrs. pal ' ~. ,~7-5312 minISter fr.elm .. the. ,Episco policies ~ and regUlations will, be ' . · Gi~ Dolly Mrs. . , en . • . McC~rr ' Lucy Chuich. , ~ven a minim~m of thirty mine. of Kerils ''Mearle May we ·again remind Y0I.l Qf son an~ Mrs. Marjean Price aUenMrs. : and . Mr.. utes detention 011 the day 1'011- . School Bible on Vacati the ded 'tt(e by red sponso 'sale 'ly svflle (,lII the W,yne Cleveland were , in owing the violation. TIlis dcten-' aiterPTO which begins March 1'8th Workshop held Monday for the funeral of Ora M~rla1tt. tio'n " will be served I aftcr .school s Friend the of and will be ' llid through Mmd1 noon in Xenia at the Northside gu~sts were They . in, the r'oom- .designated by the r. u 29th. The proceeds to be used to Church of Christ. Robit 'Jessie Home and principal. · . Mrs. Roger (Pad) Dodds enpurchase "playground equipment Sarah Burnett attended a It is the ' studeiiCs responsitcrtained in honor of Shelly's and supplies for the school. meeting of tier club on Wedne's. . biJi,ty ' to notify "his parents ef . The WSCS 1I1Cl Thursda} at birthday recently. In addition day. the ' detention.. The detaine d stuRobaod Dodds Mrs. and Mr. to l. Chuld dist' n Metho Lebano d of Unitt! the Nina Sf. John dent will' be dismissed. no later Mrs. A:llla Plummer presente(::1 yn others present were' Mr. ' and was a Friday afternoon caller at th~n, one · hour"after the end of ~ . . nice program on making candlv ". Mrs. Cecil Eakins and daughters the Home. the regular :sch09b day. '111e Friday a was e .Younc . Mrs. H.S. Tuc~er a~d. M [~. Jl ,. ' , of F.ranklin , ) Cfl n Eakins , and Mrs. schoel is' not ~obligat'cd >to furnish . Eakins Debbie and Doug : ) till Raper. intcrcs 311 Emma hold on n ny Runyo afternoon caller transportation for a sludcnt who Mr. and Mrs. Willard Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Geor~e L BunprescntatioJl the theme being is detained. of near Xenia spent Saturday "s\. Patrick 's [)JY ." Mrs. Runyon nell of Troy made a brief visit Detention takes precedence his of home the at on afterno that l J"IOCITI Bunnel nice very Nellie a r also read with his mothe (lVer · aiL extracurricular activj· parents Mr. and Mrs. Clint Tay· on Suncb.y afternopn. Aiso Rhoshe had written. tjes ~ amJ oyer makc-~p work : If TIlc Wckom e Bible Class meet , lor. des Bunnell of Wihnington callthe/student is assigned detention on called son Tomlin Paul which Church Run hs Joni.l of illg ed later. on the 4ay he is to niakc up wa s 10 hc held al thc home of Romine Shumaker Tuesday morThe Alton F.arnharts and work he Will receivc zero. \ling. Mr . and Mrs. Charle s Price I-'ri· Ethan Lewis were Sunday afterTIle Committee for the Har· d" y lIi!!lit was call~c1lcd. noon caners, at the Home. veysburg Community of ~hurctfes Mr . M, Durnhau!!h or Xenia Gladys Hartmap was a guest g United the evenin at y night Sunda y he I Monda ll'tI : ' mel (olldlh of her son Conard ' of Wilming· Methodist Church for the plan· Blhle S llld~1 hour at J()lIah s Run ton on Sunday. afternoon . Chur~h ill t 11l' ah scn~c or Rev. . ning of Easter Sunrise Services. Mr. .and Mrs. Robert P-.lImer L~ s ler KllIJ . Mrs. Helen Robertson had it of Miamisburg calIe,d ' on . his Mr . ;1I1d Mr '. Lewi s Hlla~lalid . birthday dinner Wednesday fo t mother N(~ttie Palmer Sunday Donald. lkllY. and Johnn y w~rc her son-in-law Richard 'Sollinger ~tjoQnil l meetii1g of orgalli TIle Sunda~ v i .,il or~ Ill' Mr. and Mr!'o . of new Lebanon . the Warren County"Mcntal:Health ylon. Da uf lin Mar Dave Mrs, Emma Swindler, a form~ Ma ssie ' Gran ge III I'l:gul:t r sc s· . er Harveysburg resident , more re, jllll MonJa \' cvcnill !! wi lh Ma sler ct'ntly of Spring Valley is a patR( ; ~:\ Villa r~ pre ·,lIill g. Lch:tlltIll iell I ill Kettering Memorial HosWorc Ih d :1I1 1I1 ( , r J II ~l' W:J:-. prl'~L' pital sufferin g from a fractured ex· Ill y Ll~ l'IUr el j)rec;enll'll Ihe hip . . ..:h :1I1 ge pr()"ra lll. Mrs. Jenny Graham is oa meq· t Jjrcs~rr wIII' ~ t ~ Seo irl G . '11,e 'k al panent in .tJint~n Memori~l l>TO Hospital and Willard Bogan is a . I he prngl" 11\ aI I hl!. regular surgical patient in Clinton Mem· 1" ('L' llIl g (lmin h\. Therc will hI.' a movement inOJiio. . .~ ,_ .' 'he in lilHlS prnlllo orial Hospital. Our get well wishes ( .:crcllloll Y o TIle 'Warren Co~nfy" '''Merlral ~ ; '.."" to all. V:II'IUli S S(OIiI in g kvels. The pub· .. Health ;, A~ciatioh is' ; ~il!g'r Ot.:... · l r " ",'"'~i"'jF·'H~" SCHOOL MEN U ~nl'~ ~ , .to (pr~vide an P.ppot- .,tal • L'; •. : . ham22nd, March . y Monda MEN NEEDED t~nity fOf ci.tizen: illVolveme' f in ' The W;~ync 4' leaf. Clover~ burger on bun with pickle - butIn thil area to train .. understanding tile proble'im;',of' 4-H Clu D met · March 9th ' at tered corn , vanilla rice pudding, Karen /!G Juan ita O'Den's ·~ith ~ ) hc mentally .iii "in our ' fresh apple; Tuesday, beans with .a,nd ·to Serv~ ~ ~n effec.tiv~ voice. , bons. Anne Shuns presiding. Tuesday ham , tossed salad, fruit cup and ill helping to. provide the n'i.e~~d .. ' • night Arlne Shutts gave .a demT corn bread and butter; Wednes-, I 'le..ntal .}l~altl}"'serv.i¢es in Warren' onstration .. on proper eating. day , chicken and noodles, honey , ., ' .. ' €ouhty ·~l'l.': Susan Shutts demonstrated on LEARN TO BUY CATTLE, glazed sweet potatoes, lime jello I the to open is ng HOGS AND SHEEP .photography an<J Ka.ren O'Dell " . 1)t~ "mOO,ti butand biscuit hot pears, with ' h~ at .al. barn.. ,.. d lots and public . Any,orie jnterestedj~; War-. ' on the sewing of-darts. ter ; Thursday, oyster cracke r ranch.s. W. pre'.r to train COu~ty"s, mehta i health prOr, . (. , e.· re~ livestock with men 21 to 55 was a decision 'made on There sticks, carrot and celery , , int.rvI.w packet local For . pnience '. bJep1s~ ar'ld who wi~h· to promote' write age, phon. , addra.. 'and a money making project :and· on bread and butter; Friday, fish backgro und to: ear b · · ' ~ , V adequate- edu~a!jon a~d.; se~jce dues. sandwich with taTtar sauce, butPI~.io~ '.. NATIONAL MEAT PACKERS .. ··· to for this rounty. is wejcome Th('r~re fm..r·teen members tered potatoes, crispy cole slaw, TRAINING .tba.n:sk ., , : .. . "L '/ ~tt~nd. .. 'present. 238 E. Town, dept. BB-1 S3 . cookie and Columbus, Ohio 43215 _ .Mr: Young is presently ,em- : pede~tr Project. boo ks were received sUp'~rt " .... 'J! at Tuesday night's meeting. Next meeting will be held at CAM A STOPS 'DOD " ,', Beth Snoody's -on April 13th Long distance calis were in, memclub The p.m. 9 at 7 to terrupted and,h~ld to !t. minimum ~ bers who will take part in the Wednesday, March 2nd it .8 .a.m. & lgmeeti! next the for m progra with l beautifu world Color your due to a brcakdown in the '~AMA , Cameo Latex. Ealler to.jlpply , .asSnoddy, Beth Smith, JacJde are switching equipment' accordin'g " h .. " ier to 1ceep clean. Guaranteed on. Kay Shutts, and Susan Dellard. .coat covera p,dries In 30 minutes 'to Don Shoemaker, Lebanon Dj" •... I' e p, us with no unpl....nt paint odor. ~J1e:bt."ji:Y i .trict Mal'llger fo'f United T41e- .. . Rollers , brushe s clean quickly WaI1e;c f.olllr:a phQne. Company of ..pli~Q~ ,,':' with S9IIP and water. cameo Latex ng i m' Swim Adult finllh wall ••• the mod.rn acrylic CAMA is a term ' referring t~ ' for today'. hom•• Stop in today. Course 'to' Begin . The next Red Cross Swirnrn: -Centrjllized Auto~~iic . ~e~ge ", Re,. $lU9 Accountingequipl~:u~n~ that'~imqS ,t'J ers Aide Course will' 'start' on long .distance caUs t~~ are pl~'c!~~~' Wednesday morning, Marcb 24~ IALE NICE .ed by djrec~ , ~~ance ·di~IiOg :> , \knOW !' 9: 15-11: 15 .a.m., -at the YWCft., !, :··'::the ' ",~'...riIr'I" ; "';._.·, ~;":,, 141 W~t 1)i~d SJreet, myton. "'.;~AMA. all9._ ..pr~yJdes ' the ne~ atl~n lO(oon No S~lI1lIping -ability · is nece~ '. .e~y ary ,t o ·ulke part this IG:.ek.·· ,per billinJ. of; r • ~~~~m,~: .: ...:.....-: CQurse ~ch is open to adults \,' S1t~n.:aakel : :r J1l~Pt' was .ICIW'I U",U only. Th~ cour~ has a tw~part 2![Kbj~haf"alle.lrdoon; function" to learn how .to sM'in" 'j.: t'iJ~J!fJ.:r~~ : 6e~BiliPer ~ i' ~nd 'abOl ~QW, teach' ~ne~~ ' .. ,. swirnmu,lg. .tlle ._~ To ' 'egister.i Gr ' fotr'f~thef ' .:: ...~I'f ~ 'A.~R s ' Pr9'et)' f e:Sa. ilUorma~io~\,- call· t ii "'. . .~ ,piaC:i.ng,;Jloog 'CliItan..co gJ:.ams de'~~~t ~~ "~~ . : e,91~2961 '1./'
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""'' ' ' ' ,_ ['r ll II r MI i I' II rVi C'I has proven that 'the present limit of 60 inches is inadequate with relation to the weight limitation, " the Representative added. uln the same legislation I am proposing that free mail service be provided for United 'States servicemen on . overseas assignments. Present law permits free mail service only for servicemen assigned ·to combat areas. This mailing privilege would extend not only to letters, but also to sound-recorded communications a currcntly popular method for servicemen to communicate with their families," ~owell explained.
" ' Wa'shington - Congressman , Walter E. Powell, (R·Ohio), jOin· e"d in introducing legislation to " extend the authority for ' air· ,;-;:Iifting Rarcels to servicemen sta· ,tioned outside the 48 contiguous , . ,State·s. The present law involving par,eel airlift expires on July I, )971 and rio provision was made for . its extension iQ the Postal Re, form Act last year. ' Airlift of , ". pAL mail is on a spacc.Jlvailable , basis. '; _ Hln re-wrjting the postal laws .' .IS part of the poshll reform leg, Islation last year, the Congre~ overlooked the forthcoming expiration of fhe PAL mail provision," Powell said. ~'Present ' law provides a maximum of 30 ,'! • -I ~.. " pounds weight and size of one , " ' cubic foot (60 inches, girth and length combined.) "III proposing an extension ',.,' ./, ~)f this law. I am .. Iso proposing ", ''',~- -:tJwt til\"\ , sil.c· limitation bl: ' in'!'.c;lscd: tt; 72 ilkhcs : Expcrici1c'C . t ••
.~ .
"It seems to mc that our servicemen wherever they arc assigned outside the 48 contiguous states are entitled to priority mail Service. Servicemen have no choice on their assignments," he stated. "My bill also is proposing airUft for secon<l dass news publid ~itms : f;n air ~rvice 'mc':ii on u 'VCJ'SC(IS assignments. These pub' Ijc'ltiolls a~e wortl~lc.ss 011 receipt . 'if they omst depend 'lipon routinemail transJ:!0rtation:' Powell who is a member of the HOllse Post Office and Civil Scrvic;e (011l111 iHee, conclude d.
', <W~ "•• CHANit"...T".... . .
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"Nqth ing <-'Ould be more irrational than to, give t.~e peo: pie powet , ',. atid 'to withhold from them inform ation w.ith~ out which power is 'abuse d. A people who mean to be their own gover nors must arm th~mselves with power which knowledge gives. A popular government witho ut popular information or the means of acquiring it is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both." - James Madison.
Mrs. Glendon Lamb of Lytle Rd. Wayne$viUe gave a party Friday night in honor of her son Randy's 16th birthday. Those present were Pam Barrett, Sharon Hickey, Mike Garrett, Diane Wiest, Oonna Robinson, Tony Marriott, Denise HiI· lman, Randy Hillman and John Lewis, all of Waynesville; Martha Wiser, James Wiser, Shelia Taylor, and Roger Palmer of Franklin; Rick Lamb and Zondra Bush of Lebanon, and Jam, es Grushon of Centerville. Randy received lots of nice gifts and !he 'group enjoyed lots of games and music. Refreshments were served by Randy's mother and (harol ett Wiser of ~, Franklin.
50th Inniversa :y I eel ebr It io Ii PI'an ne ~ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Sma 11- I wood, WayneSVille, formerly of West Liberty, Ky .• are observing I their 50th Wedding Anniversary. The family will be honoring them with open house for friends and relatives on Sunday, March 28th, from 2 p.m, to 5 p.m. at their home, lSI Fifth Street. WayneSVille. The Smaltwoods have four living children, I I grand children, and four great grand children .
~": .Io.
BABYSITTING ' IN MY HOME- . .By Week. ,Day or Hour Reasonable Rates Ask for ,loan Phone 897-6021
-- -- -- -- .-- -- -1
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'Y.'~ ~
WANTED "~' . ~~, '
annual subscription
NAME ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ ADDRESS ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ~
The View From Tower Hill Braine The Friendly Air Cadell Trails of a Wilderness,Wanderer·· .. ll .• Russe Farmer To Your Scattered Bodies Go ' ,I
3·9' BREAD ,5 for
way on
51 ,00
3 Ib!
The new Kitch enAid Hot-water Dispenser. . It gives your pl;Jstomers 190 water on tap.- For tea, instant Coffee. Hot soup. To warm baby bottles. Make . bouillon and gelatin. And a lot of ott:le rjJses any woman can name. 0
Cornmo" :tuicf
, " ' .. .'
. Jesus' v~a's certainlY 'weitaware
,Church of Christ
of this factor a d, resorte~ , to a particulaJr,ly , effective " m~tho~ pf teaching in order to commUDlcate, his good ,ne~s, .We ca~ this"metpad "teaching In parables. What is a parabl~? William , Barclay the well-kriown British a weekly message relating the writer, b,as said: 'It is 'an , story with a heavenlr fmeanl!'g.'-' Something on earth IS compared with something in heaven l that world of today the neavenly truth may be better grasped in light of the e.ar,thly . illustration" (Barclay; Wilham, to the lessons THE GOSPEL OF MARK, Westminster, 1954). Another explanation has 'of Faith and Church. . . offered by William Hamilton, "In essence ,a , parable is a ~_ .....,__ son, usulllly of God or the dom of God to some event or thing" \n.C""I"~''''', liam. THE MODERN RE GUIDE' TO MARK, Press, 1959}.
'Third & Miami S't ieets Charles Pike, Evangelist 10:00 a.m. - Sunday Morning 6:~ p.m •• Sunday Evening 6: 30 p. m •• Wednesday Evening Phone 897-4462 for Information
First Baptist ,Church
Nort h Main Street John P. Osborne, Pastor 10:00 a.m •• Sunday School 11:00 a.m.' Morning Worship 6:30 p.m.· Training Union 7:3 0 p.m .. Evening Worship 7: 30 p. m . . Wednesday Prayer Meeting (Affiliated with Southern Bap. tlst Convention).
First Church of Christ
152 High Street Steve Tigner. Minister 8:30 a.m.· The Christians Hour (WCKY radio. Clnty) 9 :3 0 a.m • . Bible School (classes for all) 10: 30 a. m . . Morning Worshl p 1 Ol30 a. m .. Junior Church 12 noon· Revival Fires 5 :3 0 p.m .. Junior Cho ir Practice 6: 00· Jet·Cadets Alpha Teens 7:00 p,m, . Evening Vespers
.J;)reak out of
poverty." I Sen. GeQrge McGovern, 1)., S. D., ichairman of 8 Select , Committee on , Nutrition a~ " ' Human Needs, told Copley, " U" '~"""':" " News Service: . "The No. 1 'priorltyin ' the ' fight against hunger is to ma~e sure ~t e,very needy cl~n has a decent daily diet We,,' have a' minimum target ri 14' million AmE,.;cans, those at the ' . bottom'of the ",come scale. We ". ',';.!':~'f~: ·have to make sure that our-food " ~< programs, at least r~ach""! .,r tbe~" " 14' , McGbvern's figur~ miliion differs with the administra'tion's , 'budget proposal of $1.25 million f9l' ~ food stamp program to cover 10 ' I""
Friends Meetinq
Friendship Baptist Church
Fourth Street near High 9 :3 0 a.m .. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. , Sunday Meeting for Worshi p (un progra med)
Southern Baptist Convention Norman Meadows, Pastor 9: 30 a. m .. Sunday, Schoql 10:30 a.m.' Sunday Morning Worship 7 : 30 P. m. ' Sunday Evening Service 7: 30 p. m. ' Wednesday Midwe~k Prayer and Bible Study
St. Augustine Church
High Street Rev , JOseph H. Lutmer. Pasto r 7 a.m. & 11 a. m. ; Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m.' Hol y Days 7:3(}'o.r11. ' F irst Friday 7 : 45 a.m. ' Da i ly Mass 5: 30 0.111. ' SaturOay Mass
Jonahs Run Baptist Church
St. Mary's Episcopal
Oh io 73 East Lester Kidd, Pastor 10: 00 a. m. ' Sunday School 10:00 & 11:00 a.m. - Sunday Worshi p Serv ice 7 : 30 p.m. ' Sun,day Evening Worship
T li ird & MaIn Streets Rev . HarOld Deeth, Rector 11 : 15 a.m. ' Morning PrJye r 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays; HOly Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays
United Methodist Church
United Methodist Church
Free Pentecostal Church of God R.R. 122· Dodds, Ghlo Pastor, .James Coffman 10:30 a"m •• Sunday School 7: 00 p. m •• Sunday Evangelistic Serv ~ ce
Waynesville Rescue Mission
Harveysburg Full Church
Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd. Rev; Sherman Coo.k, Pastor 10: 30 a. m •• Sunday School 7:00 p.m. • Sunday Eve. Service 7:30 p.m •• Wednesday Eve. Service 7:30 P.'ITl •• Sat. Eve. Service
Free Pentecostal Church of God R.R. 12:~· Dodds, Ohio Pastor. James Coffman 10:30 a.m•• Sunda.y School 7:00 p.nn. - Sunday Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Prayer 'Servlce' 7: 30 p. m .• Saturday Evening Wortllp Service
First Church of God
49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m•• Sunday School 10:30 a.m •. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m •• Sunday evening
The Geriterville First
r.~!!~~~~I~ ~~~.r.~,
.' ~; .J rI;' Gene BIc~nell, Ass't, " , lO:OO,a.m•• Stmday :SchoOI' r. 7:00 p.m. - Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m. - WedneSday Evening "
-AaY · ~~.I~eJII PastQt.'
GENNTOWN Genntown United Church
Of Christ Route 42 at Gennt9WO
Ray Stormer, Pastor " 9:30 iII.m.· Worship service 10:30 - Sunday Church School 5:00 J).m. : Sunday Youth 'Fellowship
SPRING VALLEY United Methodist Church
Walnut - Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9: 30 a. m •• Sunday School 10:30 a.m.' Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. - Youth Fellowship Jr. High & Sr. High 7:45 P.m. • Wednesday Choir Rehearsal
Pentecostal Holiness Church
Acy Lamb, Pastor 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 7:30 p.m.' Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Even Ing Worship Services 7:30 p.m•• Wednesday Youth Service
Ferrv ' Chur~h, of Christ
Wilmington Pike & . . SoCial Row Road Bus Wiseman, Minister " 9:00 ,~m. - Sunday Bible S~hool 10:1~~ a.m•• Sunct.y WorshIp : 10:15 a.m. - Sunday YO,u th Worship , 6130 p.m. - SUnday Even'!ng B i ble Study, all .ages · _ 7:30 p.m.. Wednesday - MidweeK p,.ayer and Bible Study .
Spring Valley Church of 'Christ Glady Street 10:00 a.m. - Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. - Evening Worship 8:00 p.m.' Wednesday' Evening Worship
MT. HOLLY United Methodist Church
Rev. Leonard Baxter 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m.' Sunday Worship Service 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday, Prayer Service
Spring Valley Friends Church'
RIQ,GEVI LLE Ridgeville Community Church
Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9: 30 a. m. - Sunct.y School 10:30 a.m. - MornIng WorshIp
St. Rt. 48 & L.ower SprlngbO,o Road Ray L. Shelton, Pastor 9130 •• m.. Sunday School 1014~5 a.m. - Morning WorshIp 7:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening
Christian Baptist Mission Main Str. .t . Mrs. Lois Dunaway, Pastor 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m.. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. ·.Evenlng Worship 7:30 p.m. - Pray., Meeting • Weclnesct.y .. Thursday 7:30 p.m. • Sone-fest. Last , Saturday each month.
United Methodist Church
John K. Smith, Minister 9: 30 a. m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Sunday WOrship Service 8:00.9:00 p.m. - Wednesday Evening, Bible Study
7:30 p.m. • Wednesday Evening
5:30 p.m•• SUnct.y Sr. Youth ' R,acreatton ' : 6:30 P.m. • Sunday Sr. Youth
This Church Page Is Sponsored For You Through The Courtesy Of The Follow1ing A~ Merchants·
GRAY·'S BAftBER~ D.....'r:."
WAVNUYIu.&.OIfIO,,: ;.. ".... ;:r.~'!1'_ -., .
aietJt'~y ,
FQblems .~ the Poor ~~e~,
Also ,there is consicl~r. b..e· , coftfuslon and 18ck ' of .' information among ~ · .-at as "to wbe~:· theY go to get' .
,food- sWn~' Qr
, and wliBt to,'(10 wlth~·the, fOOd when they. get It 1~" ,
, , Jess . . ' Carlo. ' on .
E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m •• 'Tuesday 7:30 p.m•• Friday· Young People's Service 10:00 a.m.· Sunday School 7:00 p.m • • Sunday Evening
mea~.g1~, a~..any~ne ~.-:..~
Zar-.; :ce
to 1.1 mWion persoqa.
- But lltatistics on hqer .~
7: 30 p. rn •• Wednesday Prayer
David Harper, Pastor 9: 30 a.m •. Sunday Church Service 10: 30 a, m .. Sunday School 11:00.a. m. Sunday Worship S.ervlce ' Youth Fellowship and Bible Study
Third & North Streets L. Young, Minister 9 : 00 a.m, ' Church School 10:15 a.m, "Ctwrch st Worship 6:00 p m.· Jr. ' & Sr. Youth FellOwship
Fill in blank', ,below with copy as you would like to ~e it
Keep your eye'on the goal!
FO,R SALE TRUCK FOR SALE - 1959 Ford pick-Up - gd cond - $300 .' Jim (UeI) Crane· phone 897-47 U 1955 CHEVY set Of' drum.s - 897. (11c~) 2168
BABV SITTIN G In my home - by • '. , hour - day or week· fenced In yard aSk .for JoAnn Edsall • Phone 897. j t! (3eTF) . .: 6021
1 FRIGID AIRE Window Air Condo 8,000 BTU· A-l cond • 897-48 96 (lId) . LAVIN G Hens on foot· for roasting or stewin g· 10 for $3.50 - 50c each Harold Allen - corner Haines and Middle Run Roads • March 21 and 28th· 12:00 noon until dark (Ucl)
UPHOL STERIN G Machin e· Ph. 893· 5855 (4ctf)
Wheel Camper Camping Trailers , ,Wayne Camper Tops, ,Truck Campers and Travel Trailers , We sell bottle gas ' .'
Items under this heading are run free and may run up to 4 weeks unless cancelled. See ad blank on this page.
r- . •
? '"
1961 FORD Econoline Van excel tires w/snow studs on back needs work . $50 - Ph. 8976021
Sales - Renta ls .- Supplies
'. Located on Route 42, 1 mile " 'north of Route 73, Waynesville
WOLL ENSA K 5710 monophon· ic tape recorder . excel cond . __ .. ____ ____ __~____ __~_$9_5_._8_97_.2_3_0_6____ ____ ~.._
" .- .._....... Phone 897,- 7936
Not only 'must we not look back, we must keep our eye on the goal. There .are times in a race when the body says "I'm exhausted; let's quit," Ofteh the only thing that keeps us from giving·in is the lure of the goal before us., We put up with the pain and exertion of the moment for the sake of· what we will reo ceive when we finish . So it is with life: if we keep our eye on the goal we can keep going even though the body, mind, or spirit counsels quitting. Life need not be either a "rat race" or a "wild goosechase," If, like Paul, we remember to look ahead instead of behind and keep our eyes on the prize, it can be "the great race." "A free press is not a privilege but an organi c necess ity in a great society . Witho ut critici sm and reliab le and intellige nt report ing, the governme nt Icannot govern . For there is no adequ ate way in which it can keep itself informe d about what the people ' of the countr y are thinki ng and doing and wantin g." Walte r Lippm ann.
appear in the "Sell-It" Column. This column is reserved for· non-commercial, p'rivate , lndiciduals only. All items muSt t>e price.~. Thi$ service is FREE from the Gazette.
COpy: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____
PHONE NUMBER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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A hippie can be described in many ways. For instance, when [ was a boy we called them bums, tramps and freeloaders. Usually, they were considered illiterate and inferior. But they teU us tha t hi"ppies generally have tugh 'I.Q;~s". Now; 'thcit do'esn't prove that bums are becoming smarter, it just proves that . smarter people are . becoming bums! , A hippie might also be described as a · society .drop-out. They have dropped out of society's working forc~, moral standard and! educational process. They have dropped out of socfety to teU us what is wrong With society. They have become teal philosophers, like Karl Marx, who crawle4 back into · a- r~tinfeste(l ')rt'ovel ·arid wrote books on how society should share ·its wealth with the likes of him. Like the hippies, he dido 't con~ tribute anything ~o society's , wealth but ·he though t he should share. in it. . A hippie caD be described ~ a person who knows every '~our-Ietter" word in the langUage but "soap" ..·a nq '~Wotk.~' A hippie is a p~~J(~1:1c( Of~paT ents who did ' riot "bring: their ~hildren up in .t he ~urture '~nd admonitiion of the,· Lord,"· 'Epb. ~t~d practjced '6 :4, but: perrnissi1~e psychology, which Says "giive the Child everything it wants ' and · restrain hiqi.' in nothing he deiiresito .dO.~' There' is an oJd philC?~pP.y' ;Which s~ys, pig and a ' child ·every'·Give thing they want, and you will have a gOod ¢g and'a badch ild." An,d so" tliit"s' What 'a /tupp~ 1$! ;. VJSit. the church of Christ that meets at Third and Miarilf
"There'll never be,another stock b~y like you ..• ~ " ~1I see to that!" . . .
~ . are '~ee4' .~ ~,.~,
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, and 6:30 ~~;,D~.~ra evensd8y Wedne p.m; . ,7:30 , ,If yo . )'IOUld:Uke to t~~ a .lesacilIl ·oot:~e~hcfence c~rs~ 'ple~se consee t:he.fdffi
, Samual N. Ross, age 4 months. of 7747 Oyo Rd., Centerville, died Satu~,day at the Kettering Memorial Hospital; Young Ross was survived by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Samual J. Ross, paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ross of Centerville, and maternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beyers of Xenia. He was also survived by several cou'sins, aunts. and uncles. Services were held on Tuesday at the Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home. Interment is at the Woodlawn Cemetery at Bowersville. -
ORA B. MARLATT ' Ora B. Marlatt, 99, of the Hall Manor Nursing Home, died Monday Mar ch 8 at the Ciriton Memorial Hospital. • mrlatt was retired as a farmer and a member of the Mt. Holly Me thodist Church. He was preceeded in death by his wife, three sons and three daughters. Surviving his death are one son , Harold E. of WayneSVille, seven grandchildren , several grea t grandchil dren and several neices and ne phews. Services were held last Friday at the Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home. Rev. Lee Reavenrich officiated and interment was at the Middle Run Cemetery.
• ..
-,our Newton began Federal service wifh the Signal Corps in Dayton in May, 1942. He went on active duty with the Army in December, 1943, and served un-
~rHt: MIAMI GAZETTE at 897-5921.
March 23 Senior Citizens Will 'meet at 1. p.m. in the M~ltipurl><?se Roo~ . of the Methodist Churcl).. · -.
II CIP Tires
(Contin~ed from page 1) The _proposal would be !9 re~ · quest a Iteacher co-ordinator to . handle the unit. An area must have at least eight students in need of ' it. The combined district would . probably come up with approximately 16 students according to Joe Smallwood Warren County School PsycholOgist. If the uniLis approved by the state it ~uld be supported almost netirely by state funds under TItle VI of the Education and ~~ ondary Ecudation Act. It would be for ellementary level students. '"
Plus Recapable Casmg
t 12.00
For one week Or:lly! ·
8 Pepsi
The monthly meeting of the . American Legion Auxiliary will be held: Thursday night March 18 at tlte Legion Building. This is Community service month and all m~mbers are Ul'ged to attend. The special guest for the prolgrani will be Mayor Dexter Martin who will be conducting a que.stion and anl'!'Cr !eSBon. The meeting will start at 7:30 and the public is in· vited t(ll attend "
Congres~ shall make no·law respe(.-ting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridning the .~dom ,of . speech or of the press; or th~ . right'·o( the people peaceab.IY . . to alsemble, and t~ petition . " the ~,()'yet:D~ent .fOr a ,~I ... ' "Of giiv~. ~F~ ~nd~,. f' ment, United StateS CGnati::
. Plus Deposit
JONES SERVICE. .:Ph. •_--IIIiII..---_--.. . :1
William G. Newton of th~ . ., til Oct.ober:194S UntU di/ICharp Defense EI~ctronics Supply Cenhe·joined ~e DESC inStallation. '~ . ter in Dayton, Ohio ,- tQ~y was During 196()'61, Newton was . . deputy dire,ctor of Maint~nante '/' awarded the Defense Supply for DESC~s predecessor,' Dayton · Agency's Meritorious Civilian Air Force Depot. Service Award for his direct contribution to improved supply A former employee of Good- _ effi"ciency at DESC and to the year Tire and Rubber in Lebanon successful establishment of a new Newton W~lS bo.rn January 1.0,. Federal supply class-at the Cen. 1916, in Lebanon, and·isa 193~ ter. grad~te of _ Lebanon Hi~ The award is the secon"d' highSchool. An amateur radio opest citation granted within the erator and former deputy' dirDefense Supply Agency, DESC's ector of the Military Affiliate ' parent command. " Radio System at DESt for eigh,t years, NeW1ton has also attended A resident of Route 1, Leb" the University of Cincinriati. anon ; Newton is assistant chief of the Semiconductor a·nd CapThe DESC execu tive is marr.acitor Branch in DESC's Diried to·the former lona Crane of ectorate of Supply Operations. ~banon, daughter of Mrs. Flor· Since March, 1969, he has made ence Crane·, a Waynesville respositive contributions toward imident. The Newtons have three provin~ supply support to DESC children: Mrs. Kay Green of Far customers and for achieving a View Ave., Lebanon; and Sue and supply effectiveness rate which Robert - residing at home. exceeded the DSA standard. Newton also assisted in the esta1:>lishment of a new supply class fc,r microelectronics devices at DESC, sUmulating growth within thl: class and assuring ·that it If you have . 8 ~ting received proper supply manage· ment attention once in operation . . you'd -like to ha,ve liste4 i~
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'til 'Stt's HeariDI Foar Be-Zoninl Chanle Pinewaad Derby Winners Announced
third place was Matt Rye, At the annual Pinewood Best of show (design) 1st place Derby at the Waynesville School was Robert Rye, 2nd pia<;e WdS Saturday afternoon the following Kevin Miranda, and 3rd place winners were announced. Pack was taken by Eddie Lamb. 40 consists fa the following dens. Winners in the pack comDen I winners were J st place petition were awarded trophies Matt Rye, 2nd place Steve Anas were winners of the best of derson and 3rd place Robert show. Den winners received ribKronenberger. bons. Den 2 winners were, 1st place Robert Rye son of Mr. and Robert Rye, 2nd place Daryll : Uf\ .tO j·r.~t., lit p..c,e winner Robert Rye, ~~~ plaCe winner Mrs. Charles Rye walked off with Sizelove, and 3rd place was Jeff .n1fiJl Sizelo'Ve, and 3r~ place winner Jef( McDonald are Ben. 2 · the most awards. He received SCollt winners of tlJ,e .pinewood Derby held at the Waynesville McDonald. both of the trophies as well as a , . ,Sthool Satur(Jay. . t '".. . , place st I were s winner 3 Den ribbon. ~evin Miranda, 2nd place was There were 35 boys competRoddy St. John, 3rd place was; ing for th~ awards. The derby n. Johnso ~nni'e is a Father and Son project and _ the caJ must have ,been b, . .. ·.W.ebelo~ , WiRJ)e.rs· wer~ 1st . . uilt with place ~pd, s, b Cqni, , . ~.iy Father p~e t~ of .. lp , . the"he .~ i Paok will the t projec and. TIle next, ~l~~ .' thi~, .i ' • Wfl ~.; :'~'" '. d·K1: n ~~8e* ~ ... an 3i:a;t.:pljc, ';~s .~I~~ . Cdffn, Re"doing-is to 'll3ve 'a pop bot~le ". . -":,.. ',1 _ ,1' • ' Pa'o~ 4<rs fastest car-s' -we;e~' drive..;on ·-~t,urday mornitig April -, : ' . ':is in no :way cori· The . 3rd and all Scouts should meet -,: \ J st place Robert Rye; 2nd place tainiIla ted ahd according to Sawat the School at 9:30 a.m. Was Richard Kronenoerger, and yer; "The water is safe to use --------------------.--~ and .will Clear up in a few hours." "
, :•., 'n• Ii.Vin.,-, Ie H'.D01 .'.' Sets Tast Data
Ervin B. P-c!ck, Principal has atmounced the test dates for the . On . :D!e: 'rust deposits in the line,S third nine-weeks of schop\ March 25, the first , third, and break a~ay as the pressur.e varfifth' periods 'Will have their ninei~s ,Cluring the flushing operation. the . 'weeks tests. On March 26, the If~ 't~s"dents notice ;.: rllSt s ~~er.' it ,,is,.,re<;~unmen~ d,4hey '. s~~of\d, fourth, and sixth I?eriod tes~s. eeks rrlne-w their ~ave. will. . rtul the"water Jor a few ininutes " '.. 5: The te$t~"' are . given pn a~ternate ,'" ,"', .'- '.)~ ' ll.i;-DtCAIED aUAK.ER .: ~",-days to ,keep the st_udents from tw.ving i 0 stUdy for all tests _on SeRVING "At day. ohe .~, The r~port Cards ~11 be given Betty ~that~on 'Nute, ~ at the end ,de~cated·- Quabr, Who ha.s serv- " out to . the ,student's , ~(Fin, JWlny parts of ;i he v./orld, . 'of !'th~ $cbOo}. day on . April 2, .. ~Jlow ., workiOg'.fronf hlr ,baseat · 1.97L - ',',; ,,' ~ster v3cat~Qi1 will begin this ,', , . .,~~~ l O~~'" hea~qu~~~~rs; . ~e close ,iwi\l ·-be -'Co~s~~tea ~M ' two ,1iisl!. y~t ·for the stude~~ atthe ,. ),! on April ' 2. ~~~~ ~f.U:~~~~,~ ~ ~~ " '9~n ,~id~ ~ : of .the. sch~~~ :,day IIlIWtlR"tRn' . Aegiitrati~n ~:to school return tsWlll St,uden .,.. ~ch g, 'r:noQlm y SUdctt Jes~' 01)" : ..~., \< -.' . on';' WLwQ :' at the' regular; time on April 12. :nAfjj!n tlt 'o f" ch!1.dr~tl t~ . \ ' 28~ l7at,~ 9:'~(),;.:a"m . , .......:,_. _ " _ _ __ " •' : ' ' ' ' . . .=I!~~ "'l ') . ;o1C!,tAr~.~~I:l~·1 the coming :"o ~~~u,le " ~"', S-t. ~~ Ce*~"'. ,-rlllClpal Bryon . ',' ,."-~,t~w. Ge~re ~ ~ ~~m is a" - Gr.a'· ~ :~~ . ~~ t studeri lge e~fiaJ ' hlgfiseljQbi' Ia:W'.:< IMtlr VitWY · _ i Att~, 'from_. I?~h~pJ.. wtK),:iS living with ~ · ·Grange No~· m6 1Jt.,~,ctl!~~;:~~I~~~ -sqnl~I.~ ' . .,~ J4~'. ~~~n. familY J.-'Bil1.:c,:., :, Co.m.n ~iiity Annivetsary 50th. U's will . '. :~llItil~.,te.. shot )~J~[e JS p~.d~Jlt.) ~: '~~ter ., 1. ' ''April. . .~ Ju~~ ~oun- , .. V!lle :iil 1921, tbe'a . ~ "rlin'ill~. ~CII&lK"i' , i"JIrii:.an e,v~'ing ;',4Sn"Jrli~r.·· ~tll ~~g/,<t;nner.
U.N. -:,',
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258 iecendy '" a.o. '$Chool as top iri his class of 42 studen!s. Gross,.a very
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-,"- 'ci~b min4ed person, .~'Yes with his wife, Helen, and their two ,daUghten 'at 41~ North Main Street. He is employed as.an elect, romcs, engineer- at NCR, is an active member of the Wayne TownSbip. Fire Department' and holds the thankless ,job of Gbair.man . ~f~Jiina~e .committee ofthe Village Council. Gross . shou~d be' ., :' , <tOIl1fi1e~4 : :fo( liis. achi~vement and for .all the , time ' he has' ;!- '. Qt,y.oo·' ", ~. of: the vilJage. ' We :re -.11' proUd -' de~ied to. aa.:be' t~r~ I~.tt\. · : \.
~~ Mi.:esen·· · m· ,- :'and -;;'f~{(e.I~ I ' r :
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P~O. Box 7a • Phone' '1 97-5921 . ' . • • . • • • • • • •
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R ......1d O. Hili. • • ' • • • . ' . • • . • Ad~l ..iti MlU,ei ",Ulp Mo.... n • • • • • ' , ' • • • Alit. Ad~"'lIl." M.....er Retlnald O. Hili, o.vld Edsall. • .• ' • • . • • • .' Pubiliherl P.O. Box 71, W.Y~lvll", Ohio 450', Member of the Ohio Hewspap. AllOclatlon
- - -- - -- - ----1'
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annual 5ubsaiption
$30 0
llE-- 11111 IIZ'I "I
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P.O. BOX 78 WA VNESVlllE, OHIO 45068
Volunt~rS bav~'; p,(e.pared
THE CHURCH DOES NOT SAVE Men 'are often heard to say, "the church does not save!" Indeed such a statement is true! The Bible 'plainly declares that Jesus Christ is the saviour of mankind (Matt. 1 :21; Jno. 14:6; lsa. 53: 1-8). It is His blood that cleanses man of his sins when man obeys heaven's will (1 John 1 :6-9 ; Heb. 5:8-9 ; I Peter 1 :2123 ; Rom. 6:16-21). As the "pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Tim. 3 : 14-15) the church has ever had a contributory part in the salvation of men : (1) by proclaiming the gospel of Christ (Rom. 1: 16-1 7; 2 :1-5, II Tim. 2:2), and (2) by examples of godliness (Matt. 5: 13-16, I Peter 2:9; Phil. 1 :27; 2: 14-16). But when one says, "you ' don't have to be a master of any church to be saved, "we must at once disagree . Man cannot possibly be saved outside the church which Jesus built (Matt. 16: 18) that for which he shed his own blood (Acts 20:28). Consider : (1 ) the CHURCH is Christ's Body (Eph. 1:19-23; I Cor. 12: 27), (2) there is ONE body. (Eph. 2: 13716; 19-21 ), (3) Christ is the SAVIOUR of the body (Eph. 5: 23-25; Acts 2:47 - hence (4) only members of that ONE body will be saved. IF man could be saved outside the church of the New Testament he could be saved (1) apart from the blood of Christ (Acts 20:28), (2) without being reconciled to God (Eph. 2: 1321), (3) in disobedience to the Son of God (Heb. 5: 8-9 ; Acts 3:22-23), (4) without being presented to Christ Jesus (Eph. 5:26-27; John 14:6). Of course we must add that not all of that body will be saved - some cannot cease from sin (Matt. 13 :4142; II Peter 2:9-22; Rev. 3:5 22:18-19). Visit the church of Christ that meets at Third and Miami Streets. Services are at 10 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. on Lord's Day and at 7:30 P.M. Wednesday eve- ' nings. If you would like to take a six lesson correspondence course or see the film strips ple,ase contact us or call 8974462:
-- - '-
I I ___ J
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT GUARANTEES Gu arantees are offered on a wide range of products and yet few people understand wh at a guarantee is, what to look for when offered one, what type of guarantees there are and how to evaluate one. Essentially a guarantee is an agreement of assurance between the manufacturer and the purchaser as to the quality of the product. In looking at a guarantee, there are four main questions to be answered: 1. What has to happen? 2. During what inte..rval of time after purchase? 3. Who will make good? 4. In what wav ? There are two basic types ~f guarantees. Most guarantees promise that the guarantor will make good if the purchaser discovers that a mechanical defect existed in the product at the time it was purchased. Us ually the malfunctioning part is replaced although at times the product is replaced. The second type of guarantee promises to make good if the product stops working. Although extremely rare a third type of guarantee' is sometimes offered to a purchaser. This guarantee promises to make good, if you are not satisfied even when the product is working perfectly. General Electric, for example, offers a " 30-day satisfaction guaranteed ". on the p icture quality of its color television sets. If you buy one from' a participating dealer, give th e set normal care, and are not completely satisfied with the color picture, you can get your money back anytime within 30 day s of purchase . The offer ends December 3 1, 1970 and is not available in the fair trade areas of New York, New Jersey and Connecticu t. In your own evaluation of guarantees, you may find that you can get better value, and perhaps avoid mistakes, by observing six rules. 1. Don 't rely on a guarantee-even a written one-unless you know you can trust the guarantor. 2. Understand what has to happen before the guarantor , must make good. 3. Be sure you know for what length of time the guaran· tee will be good. 4 . See what you are entitled to if something does go wrong. 5. Remember that ' a guarantee you h~ve in writing is less subject to misinterpretation than oral assurances. ' 6. If you don't get what you are supposed to, report the incident to the Better Business Bureau.
, Soc~;ty'
. of
t~,~r' . ~~- " 'lDdSc'=I1'tIOtiOe:l~NlilrSE':'wa
, and' , or ' 'fu, sent out 21 ,000 " Eas,t~ seal lett.otmatit>n 'should ,ciU<'Mlss Will. ,. ers soliciting fun~s'\ for tM 1~'1 1 ; , duihb9~ 93~~932·7}'0( ~>~j Wjl~ , , campai~ of the Warren CoUnty , liatjis; 9.32-7661.• ' ,{7 ',,". -,:.;' ,', Society "for CripP,led Chlldteii:' , The . SQCie~y hol>es~;tJjat.~y,6 u " The, and Adu~ts. '' ~H answer: :y:our -\~stet ,'~l ' I/ff', , m()nl.nl ,...ApU.olt 't : ' ,-' "d' d' b "th' ,~ _ . " letter .today '\' ." .' , , ' , 4 . , . : .. ... "...;." ' ..,UL:","". Se ,VIces proVl e, ', y e uSter ~al So,ciety includes th~-op eration of ~ summer speech clinic; donation of fun4s to ' the district Epilepsy clinic; furnishing of special shoes, braces" et~., , any items for the rehabilitation of 'children; donation of polio " vac cine foil' the free county clinWastUngton p.C. ,- COngr'essics; donation to Doty House in man Walter E. Powell, of Ohio's proportion to the number of War24th District, today announced a ren County children being reWashing~on stunme~' intern"pro}labilited there, sending children gram. The program be ope,n to Camp Pittenger; and the' loan to all 24th District students who of hospita.l beds, wheel chairs, have reached their eighteenth commodes, etc. Those involved birthday by June 30, 1971. The in the programs do not pay for program will be eight weeks in the services. length ,starting June 21 and imding August 13. ''Pay Will be ,at a Last ye:ar, 37 persons attended rate of $75 per week, the tra'dthe summer speech clinic and ,itional intern w~ge on 'CaPitol two children took the opporHill" Powell stated. tunity to ,go to Camp Pittenger. "We will begin the program , In all, the Society handled 1 20 with, a total of three interns for cases last year. Health Depart1971 .'" the Fairfield Represen. ment and school nurses refer tative said, "And I hope w~ have' many to the Society. at' least ' one young ,lady ,chosen Approximately $7400 was reth~ rust year:" Assis'tfpg the p>nceived in contributions last year. ' gressm:an in the':selection process Seventy four percent of the conwill be ,Ns- §<i!1catiQflal Ad~i~ory tributions remain 'in this county ,CQmmitt~e formed -eiirliel' , this ' and the other 26% is used by the year ,: of District ;leaders to assist Ohi"o Society for their program's . in acad'e my anQjnt~rt, ~l 'd iOOS. ;: I r.·' "' ," ~ . ' "~_~"'''iIiIIIliIi_'''!IIIIiI_1Iii and assistance to the cripple~. None ot t~e personnel of the Compietes 'Nursi!,,9 Course soceity for Crippled Children and Adults are salaried. Mrs. Dolores Anne Marriott of 5800 Etbon Road, Way.}\esville ' Officers of the Warren County is a recent .graduate of 'l)ay- ' Society are as follows: Miss __ tori School of 'Practical ' ~J1(sing. Marian Willoughby. president; She is 'associated With , her·;. par.. Dr. Howard Bernjger, Vice-Pres- ' ents Louis and Ruby Heffner in ident; Mrs. Mildred Stye Williams , operating ' the . White" ' ~ursing secretary; Mrs. Sondra Gordon Home on Elbon Road.. She has Days, publicity director ; and two sons, Dwight and Tony, and ' W. E. Chesney, treasurer. -~ two daughters, Lori and Lisa, all Anyone having needs tl¥!t can at home. . be met , by the Warren Cou'nty ,I
The Differenceaetween aeing Open ' f~r , ...iln..s
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" Newspqper odvert!$ing '(On '" make abig diffe,rence. ~ '~sk ' 'any,suaessful: ,businessm'on: e~"'r~J'-,; ' He's leo'me~. through .. ,' , . enee that the"be~t way -to ", 'f,eaci)- plop.le: a,.d " bri~9' i" . " ,cus,omers 'is ; thro.u9~ n~w~- , ,paper advertising. ' , . - ,:. ... 'See for YQur$'elf':"ne~spa~r ~ ,. , advertising ': pays " f~~: 'its~lf s in 'ncreased 'soles, 'i~t~s.d" profits. Get ,!he fa~., .. ifl tou~ with us., '' ,
1730 MAR'69
And Doing Business ~ ~ •Could . . . ., "
The MIAM'l· ' ~~Z~T'E.', W~~~" O~O..~ P~. O.
Bar-'ft ,.'
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, J~~·the ~ organtzation ' of 'our
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Takes;' 1st 'f'ls' C8i. , ..., , In Spelling 'B' Terry Irons an 8th, grade student ' at Waynesville took '1st place in the Warren County Junior High Spelling Bee held at Little Miami Upper Elementary Schaollast ~rhursday', , Terry _won the spelling ~ee after successfully spelling crim"
;By 'E~~;B. ~, ,
t. •
I, •
Prlnd..' .¥
surance; The athletic department offers thish insurance' each year. .. . If the athlete's ,parent$ has protective coverage in a family' policy, the " school ' polioy js not made compUlsory. Cheer leading is open to all girls in grades 9.12. Girls interested must acquire, a.nd maintain an average of 75 or above. Cheerleaders ar~ required to furnish their own uniforms. Other rules are ,set up by the sponsor administration as needed. lllere are three (3) cheer· leading squads open to 9-1 2. Freshman, Reserve and Varsity for both football and basketball. The Freshman squad is elected by grades 9. The Reserve squad is elected 'by gr!\des 10-11. Only girls in these classes are eligible for Reserve and 'Freshman. Varsity cheerleaders are elected by grades 11-12. Only girls in these classes are eligible for tryouts. Tryouts are held in , April of May of every year. Six girls are elected for the varsity, five for Freshman, and five girls 'for the Reserve.
Th~ 'athletic' progrl\t11 of Way-
,:' ne~v)tle High' 'Sch~iol ,Consists ,of, .' sev~O' r~cognized sporting events: , ' b':;ketbaU, football, track, ,golf, , arid baseball and cross-country. , ~I ' are under the supervision of the athletic director. Athletics in the seven mentioned spottS r ,-- under the druo High 'SChool Athletic Association rules and must llllJintain these requiiem~nts to. remain elgible to participate, in Waynesville High , School athletic program. : The athletic program is open', t9 any .boy who is interested. He be given an opportunity . tQ make any team. The coach , of th~ respe'ctive sport will deter, mine ' the number of boys to 'be ,retained as ' t~e Varsity team. } arad he ' too 'will determine the 'b.asjs on which a letrer is earned. Any senior who has participated ' in a sport d~ring the previous , season shall he awarded a letter. , " ~ Sp,ort seasons ,are: ~pring '" spo ts - ' baseball, golf, track, "tennis; "Fall ~ports ' - ' football, oross~courttry, basketball. , Eyer'y boy who participates in a" spr~ng or fa.1f ~port ,is ''f~quire,d " 'If ' b OHSAA to ,b,e-- exal1Jin~d .?y • physlc~a~,a~n.d ~;~!~~~ d e ' t? P.a[~iC~pat.. :
L ' . IJ.J.! .!. ,
TIle student body wilJ pick twelve Varsity' girls, ten Reserve, and ten ,~,Fr~s,\lmen. These girls ,will th~n , try ", O~lt ip front of a panel, ,ef judges ;whp \v,ill deter~t1ci1'ch~erle~~~r~,;,~ (ri0.i{~~e ''fln1l1 ~qu~ds. Each girl
... . . .....
Miss Carol Cotten:n8ll :a ,g.:a~ uate of Waynesville High. Schaal " class of 1967, has been nained 'to the Dean's 'List at lake, Erie, -, College, Painesville, Ohio, wh~re ' she will be a JUf\e Graduate. Miss Cotterman is the daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cotterman of West Palm Beach, Florida, formerly of Waynesville.
Time Out for Happiness Unsafe at Any Height All the Best People Wild Animals As Pets
de , 3r~ihl~bl~ , ' 'good' jvmp!- 'and ,8I>.lits";J4 of the
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,,~~y ~e'~ore they 'are , ~ligible to
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have some in....
: ' .
-tryout . j..~-
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Cleans Shag Rugs
Cleans Patio ,Earpets
a vehiCle in an enclosed building. .' i J al~ . r~.questing- anyone ll.1 viblatloof Of ' the above within . ,of dina nee numb~rv" thb ' Village' of Waynesville to ~,n '::cn~c:,<:P.tt .Ap~il ' 4th , ~t 9q6'" tf ,'.~ take . pr9P~t· a~tion , within this , ' the. Chief of 'Poll~e ; canting, we:ek 'Cls a complete surlllJlJV~'~'J ~. ' ,velri~je ai;.a'(;jte;the v"ey'"oLthe' Villag~.' win be made 'lntu 'cfi)brt. on 'an y: vehicle':, • 'nexr weekand oitatiot)s issued t<;l >.
~'ulr.c,tel:",the rollo~jn~ .'.' 'lill!Vi~~tprt~ '<"~'
~1:a'I!.()fJe~'S-~,; ~~"'~~.+' ...~' "
. :"'!';oY"~~lililnd",
• Brilliant Headlight Spot:lights The Dirt! • Hygienically-Treated Disposable Dust Bag. Vinyl Dust Bag Cover
'\ -,', '
'OMr Drlv.n "Dlnarll.lat,r" CI.aning Actioa
r.lilinkin.g'ev.e!y<it1C~ in ;advanc~
{vehiple '\,ail~weci " to ' , for youi:~o?peration: . uj>or( ny p~blic streeti ' CharIe~ tW. LeMay' . : Chief oC-Police' . c': grounds fo'r 'a ,,0£ 72 consecu be~ deemed abin.' ,'-, .;. . , ~
Gilbreth Godson Wilson Mathews
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fueston, proud parlents of a boy, Gary lee, March 1 at Middletown Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell proud parents of a boy, March 17.
~a, la~~ ;~~~ ~tu-" , ~~sJ ~.~ ,,~q!. ~tP .sJ,~" .~ .cat~»'~~1~'
I;lS .:,ana che~r1~a<iers 'IO
inology. Waynesviille School took their fair share of the honors with 3rd place 'goin~~ to Jeff Livingston, another 8th grade student at WaynesVille, Mrs, Cherly Hartsock was spelling coach for the Waynesville students.
Miss carol CotterrrialJ ' . Named to 'bea'n's ~id .,
pres~ has truly been a success. Our law cQnceming the press is such thl:lt diVf~rgencies of opinion between members of the government are no longer an occasion for public exhibitions, which are not the newspapers' business. We've eliminated that conception of poiitical freedom which holds that everybody has the right to say whatever comes into his head." - Adolf Hitler.
• Adjustable 3-Position Handle, Motor Hood Only 6" High • Protective Vinyl Bumper, Rolls On Four Wheels • All Metal ,Construction, Baked Enamel Finish, lifetime lubricated Motor
$59.95 reg. $79.95
Above-the-floor cleaning tools optional
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,.tl't: '
tlubl,. i rt. d'a , hi • • 11 "In Dld···iIY'ln ,·OUI.I By Marjean Price Ph. 897-5372 The home of Bill Sanders WetS the scene of a lovely birthday party Sunday in honor of his Mother Mrs. Ophelia Sanders who was celebrating her 89th Birthday , and also for Mike who was celebrating his 16th. There were 37 friends and relatives in attendance from Cincinnati , I}ayton and Hamilton as weH as local residents. Mrs. Sanders expressed · her sincere thanks for the many lovely gifts she received. Mrs. Charles (Kathleen) Beck entertained Sunday in ho·nor of Mr. Beck's birthday the foHowing: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brown of Columbus, Mr. & Mrs. Joyce Weiland of Dayton , Elaine Beck and Becky Linville of ~yton. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Price entertained Mr. & Mrs. William Surface of Wilmington Sunday for both their Birthday's. Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Rogers and Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Haendel spent Saturday evening in Cincinnati. Mr. & Mrs. Jon Carman spent Thursday with his mother Mrs. Sue Carman. Mr. & Mrs. William Doster have returned from a vacation spent at Buckeye, Arizona. Mr. & Mrs. George Wall reo turned Friday from a vacation in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Stalker of Middletown spoke at Jonah's Run Church Sunday on Physical and Health Conditions of the people of South India. ML Stalker is the chief Engineer at the Vellore Christian Medical College Hospital at Vellores, South India and Mrs. Stalker is engaged in Public Relations there. Word has been received here from Sp. 4 Leroy Sanders, son of William Sanders, stationed in Vietnam that he is well and is in charge of a mess hall. Warren Chapter 224 OES will host the Grand Inspection to be held Friday night at 7:30 PM at the schoolhouse. Mr. & Mrs. W. O. McClelland of Clarksville, George Hormell of Lebanon, Mrs. Mabel Ha wke and Mrs. Lucile Warner of WayneSVille were all Sunday vi· sitors of Mrs. Clarence Price. Harveysburg elementary school won the Spelling Bee held this week at Kingman in which Kingman,' Harveysburg and Clarksville schools, grades 5, 6, 7 & 8 participated. Miss Rhonda McKeever, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smith won 1st place. Our congratulations to Rhonda and to Harveysburg!! Rick McCarren, son of Mr & Mrs. Walter M.cCarren, spent ttus wee k with his parents as he is on spr ing break from Eastern Kentucky State University . The community Easter sunrise services will be held this year at the United Methodist Church. Mr. & Mrs. Jon Carman left Sunday for Jacksonville , Florida where Jon 's ship the USS Meredith is in port . ' The ceremony of promotions
presented by the Scouts at the PTO meeting Wednesday night was a most interesting and impressive one. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Haendel and sons Tommy and Jeff were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Price.
. Mi8mi ':p~p~et~~'N~b" O.E,S. wjU hold- its '., ~pectionl' i.i. S· p,m. ·at ,the' WIi}lJ1esVille "&~"VIII " pIe. . ,-, ., ~ , Inspectln$-l?fficer ~il1 be Mr~:' .' B~tty F.e~heiqt ,Depu~y ·;'Gra.n' .:;;. Matron . oft Martinsville . Ohio;, '/- . ~', :~\ ..•..:.~ Reservations" for ' the' 'inst\P~i\, yw ,., i~n ~Inner to be . held.,. at. t~~~~r~··;",.."',,,.;I~;\I ~lreSl~e .Inn.' at 6' p.n;. pre~~:d; ~ :1. . 109 .the m:etmg ~y be ma~.e by ! ' calhng Barbara Irons' at 89'J . 5881. . ': .!' I
Robert Rich, son of Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rich and Judith Ann Raike, da.ughter of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Raike of Greenfield were united in marriage Friday night at the United Brethern Church in Greenfiel d. Mr. Joseph George and Miss Ihnna Charlton were united in marriage Monday night by Rev. John Osborn at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Douglas George, who were also the attendants for the ceremony. The newlyweds will reside in a mobiJe home locateq on Collett Road. Mr. George is employed by Mechaneer, Inc. of Dayton. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Price were Tuesday evening guests of Mr. & Mrs. James Ralls of Xenia. Our get well wishes to Willard Taylor a patient in Grandview Hospital in intensive care following a heart attack. He is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Clint Taylor. SCHOOL MENU: Monday - Mar. 29t,h - Spaghetti & ham1?~ger in t~mato ~u~e -
, Buttered peas, apple tsauce Bread ' & butter. Tuesday - Mar. 30th Barbecue on bun/pickle, Buttered corn, Celery & carrot sticks, Spicy fruit cake. Wednesday Mar. 31st - Escalloped potatoes/ cheese sauce, Buttered broccoli, Fruit cup, Peanut butter sandwich. Thursday - April 1st . Weiner sandwich/catsup, Tatar gems, Tossed salad, Cookie. Friday - April 2nd - Salmon load, Buttered green beans, Sliced peaches, Bread & butter.
Since it takes 1,00"0 millions to make ·one billion, don't get the idea that one million must be a measly amoun,t. Only about three-quarters of a million days have passed since Julius Caesar ruled ' the Roman Empire. L
(b- problem is gettingyou
to meet-andknow one.
Contrary to what many People think, you can put an electriC' furnace in alm~t any house-regardless of age or' size. . - , .. 'Installation is relatively simple. lrist;lll it where your old furnace ' was. (You tin often usc existing ~u:c.twork i) Or, put _ it in an attic, closet, or Some 'other outo'£~the'-way pla~e.. . You don!t need a ~him,ney, flue ,. or : fuel tin~. You don't ~~ed .1 fu~l tank. And you neV ~ T have ·to worry about· ordering fuel agajn. . How about it. Like to get to ktlow a clean, quiet, odorless, trouble-free, quick,.~cating electric ·furnace? , They 'come ; iO:-:.u .izd,"I shapes and' b(an~ nam~,s •.. :. Call DP&L. Wem·,arraqgc;.,a-love-at-fust-~ig~t ~~~~~~:~ :, '. :i,1 "',
. :f.r'om 'hl~' P'or'ch " .'FRiENDS HOME NEWS '. GIRL SCOUT NEWS ' 'of ell atea Bunn n -Canto Nellie Bv ,Akron . The Akron , leave should one No .. n~j Mrs/wUiiatn PenningWanda Lambe rt 891-4270 he has visited Stan 'Hywet ' . northeastern Ohio offers many until honor in inner d . ,~::'I.'~lIfl'l' Burnett was a dinn er Sarah hejirth leaving for ments induce Hall, one of America's gre~t ,. RQ{laJd, who left gu.est of Mary Chapman one day Brownie Troop No. 307 will and home to journey forth on a " March 5th. Those Wsrofic house museums, at. 714 . week. this visit the Lebanon I.)airy Queen winter's tour, including some North Portage Path. Built by ':nt'.~~rfJ"· w~r~:Mr: and Mts. WHwere s Hadley Donald The Wednesday March 24, 1971. The one·of-a-kind.attractions. Akron, Frank A. Seiberling, founder of , ieks .and son, William .. Sunday on visitors bus Colum manager will take ' them 01} a county seat of Summit County, ing God' ,fiancee, Dol)na, of Rich- the Goodyear andtheSeiberl of Church The Corwin tour through the I.)airy Queen may be reached via the Ohio 6S-room Rubber Companies, the of ·.;~ ... I>""mi\nd, ~e'ntucky~ Mr. and Mrs. visitors were Singers and show them how those delTurnpike whiqh interseets with this g Pt:nningt.on of Lebanon; mansion is considered to be the evenin one . Home s Friend icious treats are made. north of Akron as well as ted a very Ap'd Mrs: Ralph Younker and finest example of Tudor Revival J- 71 Rt. presen . They week. past Senior Scouts No, 1491 had county , 80S. Canton via architecture in the U. S. Other m. . ~ f~m~ly " of Xenia ~ Mr" and Mrs. progra ining enterta the Grace at the International seat ot' Stark County, is about ~~:. Richard 'Markland and family tif . house mu,seums include the PerDinner Feb. 22 at Sharonville 16 miles southeast of Akron- via 550 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hodson .~". . " Ket~er1ng~ ~ .. and Mrs. Frank ltins Sfone ~ansion a~ Community Center. Scouts parI- 77. and Mrs. Mary Smith of Xenia Copley Road, f~e old reslde~ce ;!~j ,(Sonny)" Pennington .and family ticipating were Phyllis Carter, Akron, known as "The were guests of Mrs. Bessie Chany of one of Akron s founders With :'- ;~ of Iibanon; Mr. and Mrs. RichDebbie Diamond, Judy McFadRubber Capital of the World" one day this week. ts .of the ~um~ ..'tl'~ Ijar? P~qnington and family of in~eresting eXhi.bi den, Sue Harmon, Liz Shelf, and because of ilts concentration of R,obert Crane and his mother Franklin: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil mIt County Hi.stoncal Soctety, ,! Nancy Thill with their leaders plants, is equally well Florence were I.)ayton visitors ":~:' " S~_~~ l!-n'd family of. Sharonville; and the Jo~ Brown Home Mus- rubber Phyllis Slattery, Genesse Brad· known as the home of the All· on Monday and Carmen Crane cum, 514 Diag~nal ~oa~, where '\ al)~~ Mrs, Joe Wallace and ,~, ley , and Mary Wilkerson. American- Soapbox Derby, greatwas also a visitor of his mother the noted abohtfofilst.. hve~ for ,·falnily .of FrlUlklin; Mr. and.Mrs. Troop No. 1491 and No. 56 st est amateur racing event (Augu at on Thursday . .;., " 'M~Yrulfd Stamper and family of some rears befor~ ~~ ratd will have a day outing April 5th 14, 1971) in the World. Mr. and Mrs. Howarp Jones Harper s Ferry, VIrginia. All of .), .' Waynesville ; Mr. and Mrs. Donat Stoneybrooke for camp con· As one would expect, tours took Lillian Schroder to lebtheSe house museu~s. are closed '.~;~.- aid Fu~ston . of Qregonia; and are s proces servation work. Rain date is of the tire-making anon to the parade on Sunday on Monday. In addition, Akron ~,' ,-: Miss Carol Bourman Ronnie's are April 7th. popular with tourists and honoring Gordon Roberts who Qffers fine 'exhibits at the Art " ~ \ - fuincee " rubber Akron Senior Troop No. 1491 next 'three by of nt offered recepie last week was the .~ :. ,; '.:': M~. ~nd .Mrs. Donald Fueston Institute, .69 East Market St. and meeting is March 30th at Waycompanies. At Goodyear, the the Medal of Honor. ~~!~i,. ·~eCatJle the . proud parents of a the Museum 'of Na~~ral History nesville United Methodist Church World's largest rubber company, Nettie Palmer was the guest ,: . ·:riew son born March 1 at Mid- at 500 Edgewood Ave. at 7 p.m. They are looking for· a Plant Tours Program is operated of her son Robert Palmer and The more active. me~bers of :';'" ;,~~~t~ wn ' Hospital. . He weighed ward to their guest speaker. in conjunction with a Rubber family on Sunday. y~ur tour group. '."~I enJoy. the 'I'. ; si?' pou,nds and r4~ ounces and h throug Exhibit. The daily tour The sudden death of Gerald Winter sports faeihtles prOVIded , • II has 6een named Gary Lee. He es faciliti ring ufactu n mSl tire the Wilson of Dayton was received at Virginia Kendall Park, a 1575" "00$ t~o brothers and a sister. years 2 I s person are limited to on Saturday evening. He was the acre trac,t 10 ~les n.~rth of THE WA YNES VI LLE PTO j~t ..:'~~:'. ~p~[e~ts are Mr . .a nd Mrs. te origina and . older or ly age former of . Wilson ton skimg, Weldo , of son Akron.. Ice .skat~g Wilham PeJ1nington of Lytle and HOLD MEET ING r Exhibit at Rubbe the from as of R.R. 1 WayneSville. His mowell as g sleddin tg, bo~rur of n 'Fuesto and Mrs .. Henry 1 P.M. Everyone is welcome The March PTO meeting was winter hiKing and picnicking are ther Lelah Wilson lives in Spring . , .., on t Exhibi r Rubbe the to visit held on Monday rught at 7:30 Valley. availa,ble to- the outdoor ' enthuear Goody of floor fourth the p.m: The Junior High School ' ., siast. le Glenda from callers y Sunda headate corpor the of art ~ . Hall, was in charge of the program. .;. .' ~~~h,i, tl}('bir.thpla~ ~f 'or~ n Lebano of Marie Sister East were 1144 at ex quarte.ts compl 'The new stage curtains which ·. gant~d ptQ~SSi9.n~l ifoQtball an4 Mc of e 'Evelyn Mary Sr.' h Penn!. were recently purchased will be " .thC.' fbrme, "~on\e 9f ia U-~S: 'Pr~s- 7"."" MaJJre~,':Street, Monday throug ]beo,' Sr rt, Pt1iSSio Kinney texa§ 'up for this me.eting. :~ rtia,i:. frc)m . 8:30 ·a.m. to ~:30 'j~!l~-)~·s ' 1~:~~ ~t~!0,~ ' . Pam~s .HQme n's h JO, St. of dora ted simula a ~ u " t~~ . /', . iii~ Yip\~!'hlDf.fa t$ 0;" p:riL' Exhibits iocl_ ville Ohio. Mrs. MacGill drove witH' ~uita. 1e"'~lWnes, ~,' Pr:Q- ' rubber plantation, a re'product, '. also ',at ear's them over from the Sister~s .Jessiomu Footb altQal l of ~ame, . . ion of Charles Goody Mt',lirir 'd rl~c.over'ing from injur. Association meeting in Glendale, " kitchen workshop and displays ·AAMBY. PHo"tOS . .. 'in ~ an auto-,', '. jus't n,o rth o_f ,,,~awc~~t · Sta:~um. nati Cincin in here group the y-step and step-b the ict , '!' alongside [-71;.' is ' open daily , which de'p area for the Consecration of the , <WuLh"9~ ptoduction of synthetic rubl>er ffom '9 a'.m..· Jo.: 5' p.rn. (l~ring a~~ompanied pal Episco the in Bishop the New of ght Highli tires. and ~ter ' months ~nd closes at . . CMAlllAIi. ~ iqniver~ty bas. These visitors surprised Church , ear Goody s Charle -YNav~Wi. ....0 . the is t ~hibi s., Visitor t. sU'~t:ne . 4u~ing 8 Q~l~iU(,;/teaIJll,·'to Tampa, Floiida . Home. the ,'.. at Logan ly Miriam former '17~7SH 'Memorial Collection, to the slUine' atjd museum will ,· .. u ....... ' iraiiUng; Exhibition in the Smithsonian Institution, see Jim Thorpe's Canton Bulldog' scheduled ·at Dade .blanket an~ Kfiut~ :Rockne's. hel. , which inclu<les paintings and ¥Iolrt',13 and also',in Georgia. personal mementos of the famed met; listen'to tape recorded mesSton~ Wilson, Mrs. Celia discoverer of the vulcanization as Harold . MrS. DavId Wilson and ~FS from such greats Gr!lJlg~; · watch hourly " . process which made rubber a ;Mir(4lm WilSon attended a "Red"~bout proctical item for many uses. the football world; fllms . ' snower in honor of Mr·s. H'igh Styling Done on Mondays Directioflli to 'other points of of '·"..... ··;,;,·... ·;(tr~er)· StiPek Sunday af· . and stroll ' along the ' Haller is interest in Akron and informatFame wher~ each memb ·r~rt'~OljOOn· ~ri .Daytpn. , Call for Appointments ion on the area's many fme honored by a }>ronze bust and on rllI""·•• , .... ,·""v • Jofiq. &pith 'has been restauran1ts may be obtained lifelii,(e s,k~~~h, ~howin~ what ·he with'~he United · Seminary while you are at the Rubber did during his profootbaU career. . ._.,...... ' n ~v~r~i ·East~rn stajes. ' __ Exhibit. - ·,The final ' r~ting place of Wife, , Pat, .apent the time ' nal additio on Information President William .McKinley is in be .. &tOI!'._. ...... with' her family in Penn- · may points of interest in Ohio , a,.~agniijcent memorial tomb in "''''.f' ·,O"·'._"'C' __ 'obtained by writing to the Ohio Canton~ . McK4tley's 4om.~. during ;":";1'4~--'."'Y the' C:i8 e, April 4rd, in Development,. htfoi'mation Cenmuch of his adult .life. Located' . llie 'bytl~ Community tral, Box 1001, Columbus, Ohio l( at 7th Street, N. W., the . 97·ft. and"\ Junior Choir will be 43216. er~ct~d at was . leum mauso . high & 'their" Easter Cantatas Color your world beautifu l with -----half mil. . a cost of more ' than a cameo Latex. EaSier to .-pply, ..s~;'i;'\I'!:i(,W1a:t e'venm2' ~i the church. doUars and was dedicated lion ier to keep clean. Guarantetld one not is sher publi "The . ~rnd.· Mrs. Robert Campcoverage,dries in 30 minutes coat been has it 1943, in 190:]. Since inof ge privile the d grante no unpl....nt paint octor. with son, a of s parent Ilell;;becanil·e. the Memorial : administered 'State , brushe s clean quickly a Rollers proto ' depen dence simply , He weighed 8 pounds, with .pap and water. cameo Latex The Oruo Historical 5<?ciety by pod vide him with' a favore .•• the mOdern acrylic wall finish J.)PJJ~:S. 9ra~l(;tp~rents are Mr ~ than .and is open . ~ree to ~he public for today's home. Stop in today. unity comm the in sition CaIY,W ' Longacre and daily e~bept Monday's from 9 is acco:rded to Qther citizens. j" R\Jssell Campbell. Il; ~:"f() 5 p,.m. . . . . He enJoys an explicitly debrothers and 'a sister A-djacent to the McI,Gnle,y \: .fined indep enden ce becau se it is the only condit ion .under Monume~t, '8.t 749 Hazl~tt Ave., which he cal) fulfill his role, .. N~W" is the Stark J:oun ty IDs. which is to infont:J fully, fa~r)y. · ~0[4cal . ·Qen~~ . :.tCompleted ill' arid compr ehensi vely. The .J 963, 1~e muse!J1l} 'hpu~es an' crux is not the publis her's ,;.ex.Nbit hall . 9f. science and in\col- . .'freedom.. to print': it is n~ther. nt, Pre~d¢ . ! , . . the: cltiizen ~s -right to knoW.' .. historicaL ......... UIUi ·, .:....Atthl1f· l-la:ys.- Suliherge~.
n"'I' ' .
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Illuly Ihlp
perry dernck
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2 Waynesville, die .. , Fri~y ' ,at -' .her ie$Ulence. ,· -. . ') .. ,<it .. " Sh~ :wa'S ~~ tnember ·9.f Frie~dS: 'L' ~' . """'.,~~~" . d\\·t'itQ lrll;:OJ:,,.Heb~e:W!i,lw~[)uld ,.. ~~yhesvill~ ',' Farmer;s qtap~~ ~ ~~ ~ .. ".'.: . ~ Nun1ber 1-3., . ' "ar,.: She ~s ~~ryive:d. 'by:one'da\1g~~ ' , nPI,'.!IA\ I'I'I'l"nel ' " ," ter Mrs., Catherine ',. Whitaker; , l.'. 'Waynesville; on~ si,sier; !d1ss ,l.au'-"ra E. Rps~gIe, Cinc~nati, one . 'brother Dr: F:, Ernest Rosnagle, . London, '~o" thi:ee '8r~il.dchild 'ren ; four 8reatgian~hildren, and Several nieces and nephe~. ' Services ,were at- 1 ~p~m. M~ day at the ' Friends , Meeting
a. . weekly mess age relating ' t~e
First Baptist Churcfl
wQrld of today ' ,
North Main Street John P. Osborn e, Pastor 10:00 a.m.' Sunday Schoo.1 11 : 00 a.m.· Mornin g Worshi p 6:30 p.m.· Trainin g Union 7:30 p.m •• Evening Worshi p 7: 30 p. m • • Wednes day Prayer Meeting (Affilia ted with Southe rn Baptist Conven tion).
of Faith and Church ...
First Church of Christ
House , Wa:Ynes~~e.. . .... ' , Inteim~nt was at Miaml,Cem-
152 H igh Street 897· 4786 Steve Tigner, Ministe r 8 : 30·9:3 0 a.m. Worship Hour 9:45·1 0:30 a.m.' Sunday School 10:45· 11 :45 a.m. Worshi p Hour 5: 00 p.m. Youth Recrea tion 6:00 p.m. Jr. High Youth 6: 30 p.m. Jr. Youth 7 : 00 p.m. Evening Worshi p 8:30 p.m. Sen. Youth
Southe rn Baptist Conven tlQn ' Norman Meadow s, Pastor 9: 30 a. m •• Sunday School 10:30 a.m•• Sunday Mornin g Worshi p 7:30 p.m. ~ Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p. m. ' Wednes day Midwee k Prayer and Bible Study
Friends Meetina
Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m. ' Sunday School 10: 45 a. m •• Sunday Meeting for Worsh l p (un program ed)
St. Augustine Church
High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer , Pastor 7 a.m. & 11 a.m. · Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m.' Holy D ays 7 : 30 p.m.' First Friday 7,:45 a.m . • Dally Mass 5 : 30 p. m • • Saturda y M ass
Jonahs. Run Baptist Church
Ohio 73 East Lester K i dS', Pastor 10: 00 a. m • • Sunda y School 1 0:00 & 11:00 a.m. ' Sunday Wor shl p Service 7 :3 0 p.m.· Su nda y E venin g , Wor sh i p
St. Mary's Episcopal Church s
T h ir d ~ M ain Street Rev, H arol d D eet h, R e ~tor 11 :1 5 a.m. ' Morni ng Pr ayer 1st, 3' d & 5th Su n da y s; H OI \ :omm uni o n 2nd & 4t h Sur ' s
United Methodist Church
D avi d Harper, Pastor 9: 30 a. m . • Su n day Churc h Se rv ice 1 0:3 0 a.m . ' S.\:! nd ay Schoo l 11: 00 a,m. · SUlloa Wor sh i p ~ 'I. Serv ice Y o u th F ell owship an d Bible Stu d y
Unitel ,~ethodi st Church et s
Thi r d & No rth Stre L Y oung, M in ist er 9 : 00 a.m • • Churc h School 10 : 15 a. m . ' C h ur ch st Worship 6 : 00 p.m . • Jr . & Sr . Y out h , Fe l lowsh i p
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church E . So u t h St r eet Rev. Jacl< 'H amilton . Pa st or 7: 30 p, m .. T uesda y 7 : 30 p. m . . F riday · Y o u ng People 's Service 10 : 00 a. m, - Sunday Schoo l 7 : 00 P. m . . Su n day Even Inll
Waynesville Rescue Mission
Cor ner of 7 3 & Corwi n R d. R ev. Sherma n Co ok, Past or 10:3 0 a. m . - Su nday Sc ho ol 7 : 00 p. m . - Su nday E ve. Ser v ice 7 : 30 p.m . . Wednesda y Eve . Ser vi ce 7: 30 p. m. ' Sa t. Eve. Ser vi ce
SPRIN G V~lLE Y Unjted Metho dist Church
Waln u . Vi n e R ober t R. Me.-ed i t . Past o r 9 : 30 a. m, . Sunda y Sc ho o l 10: 30 a. m. · M or n in g Wo rs hi p 6: 30 p. m. ' You th F Ilowsil i p Jr. H ig h & Sr. H igh 7 : 4 5 p.m. ' Wed ne ~ a a y ChOir Re hea r sal
First Churc h of God
4 9 S. Mai n St ree t 9 : 30 a.m • . Sunday School 10: 30 a. m. ' M orn i ng W o rshi p 7: 00 p. m .. Sunda y ev eni n g
Pentecosta l Holiness Church
Acy Lamb, Pa stor 10: 00 a.m . . Sun day Sch oo l 7: 30 p.m . . Sun da y . Wednesda y and Saturda y E v en ing Wor sh i p Serv ices 7:3 0 p.m . . Wednesday Y o u t h Serv ice
G lad y 5 1reet 10 :00 a. m • • Morning Wo r sh ip 7 : 00 o. m .. Evening WorSh ip 8: 00 p. m . . Wedn esda y Even ing Wor Sh ip
Spring Valley Fr iends Churc h
R.R. 122· Dodds, Ohio Pastor, James Coffma n 10:30 a.m", Sunday School 7: 00 p. m •• S~nday Evange listic Service, 7:30 p.m•• Wednes day Prayer Sarvlce
LYTLE United Methodist Church
Rev. Leon ar d Bax t er 9 : 30 a.m . . Su n da y Sc hoo l l l : OO a. m. ' Sunda y Wo rship Service 7: 30 P. m •. Wednes day, Prayer Ser vi ce
As Perry Como sang the song," it all sounded very 'beautiful, but when you begin to consid er the words by themselves, there , is . nothing 'be~utiful about the e,x, perience "of which ~l)ey ICspea~; Life says, the song, 1S 'a race, a "~ild goosechase" of,. chasing one "rainb ow" after anothe r . I
1 73 E.. F'r anklln Stree ~ Ra y N orvf;lll, Pasto ' ,. G ene B icknell , Ass't . i O: OO 'a. m. - Sunday School l: OO .p. m • • Sunday Even in g 7:30 p.m. · We dnesd~~Eve ni ng
.--~- -
G~ontown United Church
Of Christ
R out e,4-2 at"Genn to wn' Ray Storr'me r , Pastor 9 130 a,m .. Wor'sh lp Ser vi ce 1 0: 30 · Su nda y C li'urch Scho o l 5: 0 0 p. lm • . Su nday You t h • Fell c) wS hl p
'~Must" . Her e
FER RY F.erry Churc h of Christ
W il mingt o n Pike & Social Ro w R o ad B us W ise man , M in ister 9 : 0 0 a. m.· Su nday B i ble SC,hool 1 0 : 1 5 a. m . ' Su nday Wor Shi p 10 : 1 5 a. m.· Sunday Yout h· , r Wor sh i p 6 : 30 p.m• . Su nday E vening Bible St udy, ali ages 7 :30 p'. m • • Wednes day · Mi d wee k Prayer and Bible St u d y I
RI DGEVILLE Ridgeville Community Church
St . R t .. 4 8 & Lower S pr i n gb oro Road Ray L. Shelton , Past or 9: 30 al. r:n .. Sunday School 10:45 a. m. ' ,Mornln g Worship 7: 30 p. ni• . Sunday Evening I Service 7 : 30 p.m• . Wednes day Evening servi ce 5 :30 p.m. ' Sunday Sr. Youth ' R ecreat ion 6 : 30 p.m • • Sunday Sr. Youth Serv ices
The Celnterville First · Penteoostal Churc·. h;
M ai r: St reet M rs. LOis D unaway , Pastor lO a. m . . Su n da y School 11 a. m . . M or n Ing Worsh l p 7 : 3 0 p.m • . E ven ing Worsh ip 7: 3 0 p. m . . Pra yer M eetin g Wedn esday & Thursd ay 7 : 3 0 p. m • . So ng-fest. Last Sat ur day each month.
goosechase' ~
Mo u nd Str eet E. Fri en d Cou ser . Pastor 9 : 30 a. rn . • Su n day Schoo l 10: 3 0 a. m • . Morn in g Wor sh i p
Jo hn K. Smith, Ministe r 9 : 30 a. m • • Sunday School . 1 0:30 a. m • • Sunday 'Wo rshi p , Serv iCE; 8,:00·9: 00 p. m. ' Wednesday Even in g, B i ble St'udy
The Follow ing Area Me~chants This Church Page Is Spons ored For You Throug h The Courte sy Of
. A "wiid
angem ents.
Free Pentecostal Church of God
Christian Baptist Mission
United Methodist Church
etery with. ,t~e.;', St~bbs-eonner Funeral Home ui chalige : of 'arr-
Spring Valley Churc h of Christ
.'Edrul 'it.. S:urh~t!1g~ ~S; '9.f"lt , ...
Church of Christ
Third & Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evange list 10: 00 .. m. • Sunday Mornln' g 6:30 p.m• • SundllY Evening 6:30 p.m., Wednes day Evening Phone 897·44 62 for Informa tion
WA 'fNEsy n. LE, OHIO /
priceJ.', ).
• POmU'.'
' • .LAI£
~. QLE~DAlI .
• fT~T£MI~
............' '1,...,..1 .. ...
vEQALnU ' ••••' 'tlIa' ...
.we ..... .. 11- ." AI. .... . -.• ..
_~_~:·i._IIIm_ "I';j_',~.
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54 ,
Fill in blank below with copy as you would like to see it '; appear in the "Sell-It" Column. This column is reservt;d for , non-commercial, private indiciduals onlY I All items must be priced. This service is FREE from the Gazette.
1957 ,C'HEV.V. Set of drums ; 897 ' , . _ - (l'~hc-i) 2168 . ' , . .
. ..
l ' FRIGID AIRE Window Air CQnd. ,8,O~Q BTU ' - ' ~~ ! , c~nd - 8~7·4896 ,-' , (Uel) ~ ,
G ' Macl'll~e - Ph. 893-
HUTCH - distressed cherry ~d after'- ' gd conc;t - $15 - can be noon or ev~ning ~ ~97.2206 12
1968 R'EBEL - gOld 2 door HTR/H ..' '$1050 - call 897-23 04 12 after 4:30 "1971 VEGA - $2150 - 897-6618 12 1 SUNBEAM "Fast Back" Shaver electric - in new cond - paid $25 plus tax - asking price $12 - 89712 2576
~,~c~r;;.~l>J~ictC~t '''.... .,''~ '~ tarts,' place-
in bottom 'of,
, ,,,.,,,,",,. ' Fill with a ' French vanil-: , with toasted
1 - 73%,'x27%" - 42" tall - glass front showcase - $30 - 01-8851~ 7364 call after 5 p_m. COLO RFUL WELCO ME, TO SPRIN G is unmist akably offered by' crocus planted at random. The wild "natura lized" look is part of the charm that can be had next March by plantin g these Dutch bulbs now. These little flowers are econQmical too, as they multi' ply from y~ar to year.
A 5 Speed Bicycle for sale - 1 year old - Sears make - excel cond - with t\NO working speed' omete rs - price $60 - at 723 Miami St. Waynesville, call anytime Qetween 7 and 11 p.m. 12 Vl/eekdays only - B97-7751
PHONE NUMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Punch Line of the Week
'61 COR'VAIR - gd second car gd running cond - $60 - 89712 7891
must Sprii\g ~ .. Lilrgec ,.;. I ,~al_ t~e ~iJ .~.. ~e ~:au bliltis su(!h all tulip.s, daffddi ls . , and' hya:<;lnths ahould be plaht; ed, 6 jnch~ deep and 6 inches ' apart. , The smaller Specie s tulips .should. be p)~nted 4 ' inche deep, while' minor bulbs such - as Cfocus, hyacin ths and musc8fi, et(:., are ~lan'ted 3 inches deep and 3 inches apart. , pnly use b.ul~s that are plump an(l free ' from 'blem. ' ishes. •
Good decorat ing is of inspira tion plus know-how. The former is an illusiv e quality \)ut the latter can be quali · J\ed 'as decorat ing , know-hoy; _' anyone can learn and apply .. This ~Ilow- how can btl applied to evel'Y room in the hou se. TO RAISE A CEILIN G , 1. KE~ ep it light. Pale co,lors, either . texture s or small pattel'lls, will , make a ceiling recede. 2. U6e stl'()ng verticals 011 the walls. Stripes , 01' any pattem s I.hat dE!finitely thrust upwal'ds will carry the eye' with them. 3. Place low rurnitu re strate- , ~ically so' tha l ' Lhe space betwecn it lind tlH' cl'i1illl! will 1I1)pl'ur grcal('r. TO L.OWER A l!E1LIN<.;. I. Call allf'nlio ll 10 il. All eye-cat ching pal,l 1'1'11 , wheUwl' II It dark Ol' bl'ighl, in color, 11I'inl!s (:eiling nearer. 2. Usc horizont.al pattcl'lls on the walls. Murals often sel'vc the sarl'w PUI·pose. . 3. BI'el:lk the height 01' the \\"lttl with a dado or a chair rail, down, below; and a moldin g 01' , border' up above. TO MAKE SMAL L ROOMS SEEM SPACI OUS. L Use cool, recedin g cnlon; in open pattern s 011 light ground s. Textur es alone won 't do the trick., Pel'spective must ,be cl'eated by suggesting depth. 2. Combi ne two or more wallcoverings. A mUI'al 01" pat: tern on one wall, and texture on Illloth~r, will 'give the effect - ol' .diflferent pla'nes. to MAKE BARE ROOMS SEEM FURNI SHED. l : lDon't be afraid to use big, bQid pat:terns. · These may ue pattell'lls , : from any , ~ategOl'y ; arid the motlrs' c~n be 'as pright; th~" ground!i as ,da t k, as 'desired . 'walls into ("~ ~; , ' Bre;~" ~p " panels. Archite ctural trlcke,r y, "-,!etll1an(ll~d, is t..h~ cla8!lic suhi· . , ~ JO!' ',ILt) a~lY' w.nll d,,·uhl('Ul. ~U~()W NA, '/\ . Wlln;N ' TP . '. ..... ,'. . ' , ,RO,OM l!' • , -r liorizun wl pattern, - J-: , """" '''I(~''''-' _llllllrok-erj 'wail, .... ,"' ....... oC I
TO TJ-lf:
ToMORROw' -mE '/ MAo" CAtJ~ L yoUR
• Ii
.Baltimore gheHo chi'lar~h worse off than Pakistanis By EDWARD NEILAN
Copley Newt Service
with severe anemia thaD the ghetto children of Baltimore. Dr. Hepner baa made use ci these dramatic compartsOJ1!l that point up the shocking
William Sawyer, Village ~ler and sewer superintendent met in Columbus with state officals' concerning Waynesville's appli- " cation for a $93,600 ' federai grant and $227,400 loan frorp the state. The money would enable the village to builsl a seco1)~r.y sewage treatment plant. Results of tM ~ applica~o~ should be known within the ~ext three weeks, accordm-g to 'Sup~r int~odent sawyer. Most of' 'the state r~quifemen'ts h8ye been met' with details of- the ~ernajn· ing requirements p.rese~tJy in the workS. "
"Do you know who provided the real : (:loot to 'get the politiCians moving?" There he,
March 29 " , Eiementary , 7:30:p.lt\. ~, '
was, askimg the questU)J~s again. ' ' BALTIMORE The interview was supposed to situation of malnutrition in "It was a ,committee from the begin with the reporter asking , Baltimore - and other big League ci Women Voters called the que"tions. But Dr. Ray American cities - to try alii FOOD - Feed Our , Own Hepner, professor of "get some clout" into efforts to Deprived" pediatrics, fired the first one as . COlTect the situation. or., Hep.l~r says the main soon as his secretary brought He seems to be succeeding, ' problem in getting this done .is cups ci steaming ccifee. or at least, in his words, "We're "relating society wi~h "Have yOu ever been to movq in the right direction." science," and when you Lahore, Pakistan?" he asked. By zeroing in on an expanled achieve this - ' like getting the He seemed pleased to learn free school meals program in League o,f Womell 'V otel'S that I had been there several Baltimore anemia levels aroused - "then you start to times. among five-year-olds studied, see some nction:" "Then you will be able to for example, have dropped The reC<rd of Dr. Hepner's SCHOOL MENU grasp the full significao:e ci ootably. University of Maryland this comparison: children The progress bas been Communit,y Pediatric Center, Elementary ~usjc observed there in Labore in a spurred, Dr, Hepner noted, by located in a grlmy-wtBlde, controlled inner city Program Planned , ,, a series of community alii sparklin,g-inslde ghetto speritnenta few years ago are federal actions that have builclilll, is an eumple in There will be elementary generany healthy than succeeded in cuuq through miCrocOSDl of the IIltrition musIc program Monday Marc9kids observed in our Baltimore politics ani bureaucracy alii problems many American 29th , at' 7:30 · p ,m. MJ;s. James inner city experiment." "getting something done for citie&- face and what can be- , Weltz is planning t~e prQgram It was quite a comparison. the kids." done abou,t them. but 'it does not 'include ,an of the Labcre's old clty center II When Dr. Hepner first The center serves 9,822 demely populated, dirty. There elemeptary st\ld~n~ There ~ publicized the pathetic plight of children of a possib1e 11,173 are garbaie and sewage in the Baltimore's gbetto cblldren ~ be an admissiOn p-ice of-,2S qedts. rangiJ)g from babies to age streets, fUes are everywbere back in 1968, the city mayer for ",students -and ~ SO " ~iits: fd~ _ in the' wesfem portion of the alii open food stalla lack ~ respooded by fenning a -l uk -.ad\dts: ~ ~n~y' wi~ be i,,~4: , imler clty. "Six~ cent of the most basic sanitation force. Then newlpaper ~ p"urchase ~neVf., ,t nateria1s .. or:' ': ,....tu•.., target, popuIaUon is ....blte t ,.:jl JDeBSUreI•. publicity goaded the City ani 40 pelr cent is white: '.. the mUSic tlasses. . ;" . ' "" , , The cOlllitioJll bAve bardly Council into making _ . Per capUa,income !1 fam lli• , . ~~n~.'~~Ie ' .j~."~~~ improved sin~e Rudyard epprop.iattoJII. 'The ~Uzatton ' .. aI thole t,)eq se"~ave~. ' KipliDl Wrote about the fUtb fl., 'g reit need .nowballed and ' abou~.a~ . ,,:,,;" IDd dlleue when be edited the federal subsidies were ,, . Studies bYe '; ~ ,~nter.s "" ~ , fortbcolDq. ' , ClvU and Military Goette iI) showD taIIlt _hire,..-mutt!U",~ Labore a century Blo. ~st year a governor's ,is 'ldenHIfM "~lt lji C~ ",8Dd ~. . ,...110.11';' "SpecifiaiUy," Dr. Hepner col'I'imlasion was IcniiICl, with ~ ,c7'ai~Vidual's-lII"l ,,' "I .. ~ " ~~t~~~m~ said, "our studies showed tbe Dr. . Hepner as ' cbatrpian " Irrp . ... i";'~ .., .~. H ' t, Iie:~; ", ~t~~~~~~ ~ ~llmj ~ ~[~~II; " ~~1r '"'!i'!-!'~ "r " ,i vitamin A status aI children In resulting in a state iabaldY. By . said,' "we~re' ultlu.atelY " ~ the Baltimore poverty ..belt to · the time free ~b distribuU,on' • , "to make: ttl., "" kids . -better be below that of Ethiopia and facWties were completed in achievers. We have found th8t Pakiltan and only sligbtly May m thilyftBr, almost 4Ol QOO DQtrttiOn, is part ~ 'no(an, ~'~, better than Swth Vietllun and fI. 50,000 neMy cblldren were the arisWer. Wetv~ got to '~ ThailalJl." receiving IIltrittous, luncbeI. them out of the ~erty cycle' or ' He said even the poorest And ' the case. of' , iron they're I~ - to {D8r&ma1. children studied in West deficiency ani anemia dropped liviJlg for the rest of, their, Pakistan had leas problems accordingly. liVeS." , Of. Hepner; a member of the White House Confereo:e on it. " NutritiOll~ says the problem ,is much more corripla than just '''filling up a kid's lunc~ Ql' making food , stamps available." The need for matemal care, tile willingMtl of the ' poor to cooperate In weHare programs, emoUona ALLf~VORS' ' stability . as well a. physiological factors are an part.cl tne problem. "The ' poorly understood ,relatiorulhips between emotion, ~nYironment, growth, . intellectual development 'alii ~ JOW HAVE MODELS OPEN FOR YOUR INefficien,t utilization of ~ . _· TlON. STOP IN AND INVESTIGATE THE foodstuffs in fun or sbcrt supply demand clarification,'" Dr. r~ II ~, \ j Y ADVANTAGES OF MOBILE HOME LlVHepner told the Semte Select II\:C IN ONE OF WARREN COUNTIES NEWEST Commit~. M t} ,-~ l LE HOME PARKS. IINelther enrichment of environment alone, nor BANK FINANCING proviaiCIiD of food alo.. bas been enough to prevent IntelJectual perfCJl'jD8JlCt! differe....." he said. . Dr. Hepner IBid his .tudleI Located on Waynesville Rd." 8/10 mile south of show that ~lnutrltion'. Waynesville, just off U.S. 42 implication. in rupect public educatloD probleml, to dellnqueDC)', to lebool ~t, to UDIIDp~ aDd to till weJfaret cycle "are ftfJ., ftI)' , HOURS: SUN: 12-6 clllr." MON-FRI : 9-6 ulD __ ell!' qI BaiIUDMn j
Da Kin Mobile Ho me Sales
...I. .. InnD
811- 7111 . '" . ~ .. ~ ". "
ob~ ,
cited In aar 1IadI!I, ' ddJdreD are at rtIk fllfellaDjj:;;
' .....
r\ '1,
Second claSs pOstage lJai~ at Waynesville, Ohio March ' 31, -197'1 ...:! Waynesville, 0hio
Singh~ Copy
A.ll the \>Emefit received from
the mone~ tl1le ' firemen~~arn goes ' to help make this fire deJlartment , ~i1e of th~ ~est volunte'er depar,tmen.ts in ttie state: and' the Work to 'earn the 'money is voluntee·r. This is money spent that was NOT received from (h~ tax payt!r,s, g"itea b~(gairi for Waynes~ " " . vi 114'.
,Sa~t ofday 'th~ W~yne
': This
V.ealft.>I·lle tnct,nu
'. I
fjireDlen 'I~lecte d '. ,
~own~.i:~., rj[e :. ~~r:tmcmf~ will . hold Its .s~m, ~-ahJl~ J .fish fi~" at t~~}~i~~ .~ta~t~~~~;,p,.a~p Ayril fish fry IS ~Q-s~m,or.e~ by a Waynes-
,vi1l~ ' ~outll" gro~p'f'~Thitye~ll:~ b~ ' .
. ~f.n~9w . ~(Hrl~: :were':,ohg~¢~ ~~o . :~I'f. ,:' . . : ..~ I'·., sor. , . co;sp~m , ~~, T .tI." ":1:' ~ , ~ s'- . ; .~'·,,~jqkel$. arebe.iif$ ~~(t'I~a .i~d w~1l .7be held'r . nIght, '''U\JIIDDIe(J . ~ ' , " ,. of, •
. ..
, ~w
Fair , ~~e.' i9:70 · "'(;' !:~r ·fire :departjnejlt. Mounted in ,t9.. . '... ·,o~~ fP.~'" :1he; ..n(~~1ii~h~ '.' . . ~~t}9()S ttwnpet ~d her~ tn Wa.yn~viUe. b: ~y.~'~4!t~d, r t~' .fl1e tna!ltmI!,a~ ·tfiat tj~e. In th~ .f~Ie~i)~nd ~~sJ~e ~~est' fue ae!litine~~. ma~it, lISed't o hold ~ri~Y · c)uirge'd .~~' ~r~~ ,'~~ a ~n~ it ~ ~s not~d ,~o be "', 1 ., . iDt~ fun • ., . .,
I 8:bn el,a Par k 'Firstliu.', I'ynllvUII
. by Mary Bellman The latest venture for builder and developer Dale Dakin is the Dakin Mobile Estates located on Waynesville Rd., 8/10 c;>f a mile '. south of Wayne... '1lle, just off U.S. 42. Dakin has been in the construction business for the past ten years. The park is still under construction but there are lots now ready for occuPancy. Four famil. ies have akeady moved to the park. When the park is ~mpleted it will consiSt of 116 homes. There' is off street parking for every home with spaces for two cars. The minimum size home being SO'. They .also · ~me in sizes to 70' in length. The standard size for ' lIlost people would be 't~e 60 'or 6S foot h~~.e. There ~', ~, ~' ~.' PJayJt.()~~ fOJ t.he ' &tih~, '~IJ·,"~cl Jli iIso, a plClUC!uea Wlth Cb,il~~ . • t~,~' e 'bar-b-q'J t . \ " : r i In:· the :near future pJana also
Iii.Me-" .
f~~~;.i.]'"~fl.JJf.!.tt1~~OIe;i,. enliirie. l1l.Cr.~o:~t.; 'nilO1l1nte,hbove :t1uo tn' Jl:90~;,\.I::~~:~~::'d"at'
". '.:~:. ' ,~~;~d
~n~ '
call for a .swimming pool. Other future plans for the park will be a recreation buildin~ for the families. The par k has it's own primary and secondary treat. ment plant with chlorina tion and .it's own water supply with a dual system. and an auxiliary standby. . It alSo has a large modern building used for offices, laundry fa~ilities, and for storing supplies needed for the park. The park is in a beantiful . setting overlooking the little Miami River. It is an ideal place for people who want to enjoy country living with all the modern conveniences of city living. It is ideal for people of all ages. For people who can't afford the price of a new home here is a chance for them to own something less expensive. In the history of the village . . . 'this is :' tbe rmt ,time a &nQbue; .' . bas.·ewl been . " .,..... ': ~ ,~ here.
bo~e par.~.
l~~;~' :;~:,.t
P.O, '80X 71· P"one 197·59 21
Manatl ng Edl\.O; ' Da"ld Ed .. lI. • .i'ng Mana.e r Ailvertl : , . .. • Reginal d O. Hili • l.lnl Mana,e r Ad"ert t AI • ~dl'" M o r p n . . ' PU'bll." er. . R.glnal d O •.HIII, David Ed~1I • . ' .• P.O. BOX"7I : w~yn~IV',i~I~, 'o~;o iso~, ,. Membe r of the Ohio Newspa per ASSOCiation
...,... _
S30 0
" 11
THE 11,111 GAZEtlE
annual subscription
Skating ~rly ' April . 1, 6:30 - to 9:3.0 p.~ . .~ponspred?by~irl ~o~t Troops Numbet i469 and \ LO? at l~banon ROller Rink~ ' ' Prjce will be SOc. Troop No. 1469' met at the 'high school Ii~hlry Wednesday March 24. ~e . librarian, Mrs Robins0rI expl,ained the.' system/' ' on which the library worked and read the scouts a story, Elizabeth Chandler visited with Troo'p No. 1469 March t? and talked with the scouts ~tiout the history of WaYl\e~viUe" to 'help them ,with the folklorebad~' ge.
NAME __________________________________~~------------_________________________________ __ ~
STATE DATE ____________________ PHONE _ _ _ _ _
_ _' _ j QO YOU MAI(E
THESE BLUNDERS? " . IQ1i~tion, child psYChQlo. glSt,s agree, is the royal road to
'II nd • 'I rI' ,I -,' Fill Ii rt, '. fap 1·lil .
Jearning Jfor tbe young. That meanS your 'children tend to be innuenc~d more by what you do than by what you say. , 'Take truth·telling. It '6' all ;v.ery weU to ' extol the virtues ~f truth. jJJ~lIt.rated by a bedtllne stOI~~ of George Washinl{' ton and the cherry tree. But do you let your actions underm ine all verbal lessons? For instance, "on a train dQ. you inst,ruc t your 7 -year-old tc! tell the conduc tor he'8 I) so he can ride free? If you ' do you mny be ', putti"l.i'~ hi~ ' ,..
. ,,-
'II (} . '.) ,
seeds ot Se\t-confidence
The i 971 fund appeal ' w"I'II ' , 'o n ' the "rack . to lifelong t ,' ,: March 14-2,1',:~ cond~cted ' be ' prevaricatioh. inclusive. .' Your !!o'nl.rib,,'~iQrUI' ~ , Or maybe you lecture with can be sent to ),'o~r l)e~re.J the best of intenti ons on the .C~tho1ic church or to Gf,ttho\ic, brothe rhood of man ', and ' Over~as Aid. Epipire Stat~ ' you if racial equatit y:" But B~ildihg, New ' York, N:Y, .. "jokes ethnic cruel io indulge " I , "(' 1000,1': who can blame your child ,f~r out : ti~c take yea;: this But lifelong a , th i w. growing up h.~t: w . t'~r' younifll 'your ),'how to " streak of bigotry?' , it all means, ~ You' might w~ke'* -In teaching courtes y to the the p,o inl 'that, Oath., ic R.fliej" . young, parental examp le , is Services gives-heip: withou t re/ " worth more than all the age-of· gard to r~igiQ!l . by , ~a~inr im I , ear'n"s~ or. chivalry Ji~rature ( a 'toyr ' o( c~'urch,~8 qf ·on of rules, the of recitations urious de~ ,~in~tions ~~d :etique tte. Do you ;sit glued to ~ a ' wher,e , pOSSIble hlle , gri~ly ,to Your b,us seaLw a T o~ e mosqu ;a gue, SYl\llgo . : " . stands er: passeng an elderly ~ "" , . temple ist ,Buddh ,push" ahead of your 'plac~ in TQ . i(lstrilte what. Catholic the superm a,r,k et line., .. ·d opti. ' .&!rvice'Il' means 'by ReUer' . ' .nate _1 he' dinner .table conve...a: the (or.tpnat~ r'eg~rdleas lielp-ing ed surpris be dbn't . tion? ' If so, of pation alitv if ~our ' k~rily observant, du~e ' YOUf . imiiatea youngster .. from OU1ler,pla'c.,., ; .,~" b9"orisn ~e avior. • , ,I For/'eliatnplle • O~ . co~rse, ! ; those , ' aatJle ' ,f~rt~~rs ::W." f~J~U'i nOIIl1"'IL'~OIl ... ' lilii'" be : ' can' . ..... ' mlitative powers as"nntil\;t 9~ . , ter.' 'charac e PQsitiv ~ to , 'nessed , I>uil_~ing. : ,r~~:' in8ta,nc~, i't you ".', .. l!prd'rliln8t~ bpl"r'a1rJed ea " you~1f dlspla)' a gel\uine and ,:' '!, un~~itiet!,tT~:,, ~urc.h .. !~~.ein""qrl·nizpti9na. .',.' aCLion: ari,e nted concer n'for the " ( Of~en:, Toreigrier~ w~Q. · ' " , the ,-tt;, ,fprtuDA world's l~ss 'w ork , to 't~11 lesson , almos~ ! ~ftalnLy will', , h~U~g study I" " ' ' rub off on :y'our child. If ;there Th~re', 'no ~tte~' plac~ bo start th~n.,,?y gu'iding him step ' by,.sf~p. ttlrough Y9u', ?l!artici: ' , _ ( llatl~n Ill) a progra m:1()(' over· , ,,- seaa relter t.o· the needy. ' And ' . , tber~ ' is no be~tennQdel tban ' , Cit~h,olic Iteliet Senici~/ . ,For ', o~er ~6 yean; . ~t ' haa aeried,:: more ,,~'p'oy~lI~~ed ,people' in more cpuntr les' fov.~r 70 in aU) t~an any Qther ,agency' jfl the ' ~l8tory of, Americ an ,vol\l~tary "", : overseas ald., '
.,. ' . eo.
", '"
,~....,.. ....
~ ' :'~"
:'.:: ~ ~.f~ <~
': : :,.
, ~ a~c'~ ag(fd" wi;l; th~ so.coll'd ~C'mestc~. gntdc: Bhth. scmestct 'gradcs arc ,'avcraged tdt Inake the final gradc. , 'fllese report cards iue to be taken home for parental· signature and promptly returned to your home room Iteacher. A student must have a B average in each subject for a nine wee ks period to- be on the Honor Roll for that period. .'
B "
.,"Part notc of,' t hc' Icttcr . iculur ' "." .should bc taken . .If an incompJete is ,received : the work mUst b~ made up to satisfaction of . the' teacher or an . "F' ~ is automatically received. The school year 'is divided 'into four nine weeks grading periods. The two nine weeks periods and the semester grade are averaged for the . first s emester ,grade. The secoiid s~mester ' is averaged .the same The final exam is
I ' '.
,.r ""
Share pick-up' choreS'-plck "up you r friends' ldds as well !,S your o wn at school.
~h~;on Wientjes
Hea(J$ .
Perfect Student List One hundred and sixteen s~u dents with a perfect 4.0 standing 'head the Dean's List 'at Eastern Kentucky for the fall semester. The entire list totals 648 students who made 'a scholastic average of 3.5 or better while attempting 14 or more semester hours. Among those students with a perfect 4.0 stan,ding is listed
.- -
Special· weekly ~.ate~-~ will sit by hour or d~y. Constant core in a good Christian home. PIHlll~ :\1>7_ ~ 1 /21
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Clean water c;toesn't just happen
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It takes lot of energy - to bring you a drink Qf water - and to make sure it is clean and pure. Electric mOllors are on the job,~,hours aday - every,day - to pump the- water 'from wells and reservoirs, ,"through: treatment plants, Sind distribution : mains·and service lines - to you. . ~re elec~rical energy is needed to keep Sanitary ~wer.. systems operati"g. Waste .w.r must ~ pumped to tre~tment plants where mor,e electric motors ,assist the . Cherrtica'l ; biofogicalllnd fntration pro-
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cesses that allow the water to be returned safely to rivers and streams. ' Here in West Central Ohio - and throughout the nafion-more effective'wafer purification and sewage treatment systems are being put into service. It's another example of how ~Iectrical energy helps make our communities better places in which to work and live. In protecting the_environment, we are working to be a ~maller part of theproblem and a bigger part of the solutiOn.
By'Marjean Price
daughter Mr.s. ,. l.a~ra Ei'len Price and Evelyn Jean to Covington, All of Harveysburg, ClarkS- Kentucky, Tuesday. ville lGngman and Clinton Mass- . Mrs. Ru~h Wolfe ! ntertained ie Schools are busy preparing a group of ladies to lunch and a the Educational Fair Sunday Euchre part'y 'at her home on St. 4th from 12 :30 p,m. to Patrick's Day: 'Mrs. Margery McCarthy of 30 p.m, to be held at Clinton . High School. Meals will be' Wilmington spent Friday ' afterserved by the Boosters ,Club from noon with her Father, Romine Shuma'ker. 11 :30 a.m. on. Tom Haendel return~d ·,wedReBook The Harveysburg view Circle meeting whcih was ·nesday night from a fishing trip to be held Tuesday night .at the . at 'Dale Hollow, Tennessee~ Sunday ' afternoon visitors of ' home of Mrs. Esther Doster was the Oint Taylor's were Mr. ·'and ' postponed. Mrs. Ruth Sullivan .has return- Mrs. Rayrilon<J ~~am~ ~of 'near ed ~.ome after spending three Fort' .Ancient and Mr. and Mrs. weeks with her son Charles and Lewis Bowman, 'of Kings Mills. Rev. a'nit Mrs. Lester Kidd" family in Ap~che Junction, A{i· p~stor of ,Jonahs Run "Ou,Irch zona. . Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Brand- have returned Trom a two ,week enburg were Sunday dinner vacation in 'florida. .Mrs. Fra'ncis 'Parker of Patasguests of Mr. and Mrs. William kala andMrs. Sue,Steele of South Bogs of Enon. , Mrs. Lucy 'Price accompanied Lebanon wer't Wed~esday lu~ch- . her dau~hter in law and grand- eon guests of Mrs. Claudia'BrandenbuJg. Mrs. Blanche Carr has' returnCE THERE'S A DIFFEREN ed to' f:laU Manor NUfjing Home What are the characteristics in Waynesville. of Christ's church? Mrs. Evelyn ·BaU has been cop(1) It accepts the Bible as fined to her home this .week with furnishing all instructions need- the flu. ed or allowed, (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Monday 'April S, ,~a b~oue :Rev.\ 21: 18-19); hence, rejects on bun - buttered ¢tn; {ina-cheall human creeds and names. rry cobbler; Tuesday, creamed , (2) It accepts the apostolic chicken on biscuit, glazed sweet teaching that people should bel- potatoes, apple' sauCe, and bread ieve, repent, confess and be bap· and butter; Wednesday, baked tized to become Christians. (Acts ham on bun, pickle, baked beans, 16:31 ; 2:38). celery and ,carrot sticks and jello Scripthe that s teache It (3) with topping... tures thoroughly furnish the man Show a little kindne ss to of God "unto all good works." babysi tter. Make sure you your (2 Tim. 3: 16-17). a numbe r where you can leave Hence, it rejects all human be reache d conven iently by. the. aids to the worship and work, _telepho ne. suppGhurch organ, the as such **• ers and societies. Can anyon e Even a little litter can look like a lot. Leave youn in a show where the apostolic church trash basket where it belon,s . ever wore a human name, made •• • a human creed, gave a church ental instrum When your child and a neighentertainment, used have a ser:ious quarrel , bor'lI music in worship, formed socieber that the neighb or remem ties, taught sprinkling or pouring also ~hinks his child is ri,ht. to be baptism, or that people were saved without baptism? It cannot be done, and very few will undertake the task, Will anyone! here try? In the apostolic church, no preacher was ever called "Reverend" or "the Pastor". Every scholar who has carefully investigated knows that the words "elders." "pastors," a nd "bishops" all refer to the same class "CLE OPA TRA 'S coneach of (elders ers overse the ite NEEDLE': gregation, Acts 20: 17, 28) - and , not to the preachers as a class. in 1600 B.C. was .~. the James, "D~. Paul." "Rev. moved from pastor of our church," is not the Egypt to New language of God's book. Peter YOrk's Cootral of oracles the as "Speak says, Park in \882 . . God." (I Pet , 4 : 11), Why disobey Ph. 897-5372
CHEet( THESE' ·H.ME ~,8UYlN Are you ' a ,' wJlI"kp,()C~elt?1 That', : the te~' soin~, cre..l :'e8- . tate salIeamen :aPRJy'. tA ... 8h~· , pen; wtuo th\f}D.," th~'.w:lls,;.,ot, ' house, . stamp'"" on, tfte,' :,QQP"", . ~niff hE~re and there-:-'but fait ,to
r-- --- --- --- --.
Visit the Church of Christ that meets at Third and Miami streets. Services are at 10 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. on Lord's Day and at 7:30 Wednesday evening. If you would like to take a six lesson correspondence course or see the film strips, please contact us or call 897-4462. pd. adv.
:$':. . 88 YEARS of ,'.;. poll..,ted air Of e)C~to
New York did
the obeIisk-eatin goff ' heirogtyphics on
one sfde ..·tha n . was done in the
a5OOVEMS.it '. stood in,E~ ~ ' .
... 'FtHE NDS HOM E. NEWS By Ni'!Ilie Bunnell
. . . I.:,"'
.. "y.,,,,,,,"," i~ed" toda,y
mink. the ~ l:i~s..be~,ll: in cans'tapt use '1'830 ..{t' v<as' once the cenreligious' on the ! 'Morm , .t~t , of;: "... . "-,!. . were 'they' , com'n'iun~ty , -(lotil , tQOm:'; /. f", ' '~ari,v~n ' frorrr ~ Jh~ :ite~ ' because of .their religious b~liefs, ~:tlt;"mjl,;:!tf'.wn of· B4rtoo, one;of 1=r,aveling 'north _p'nce" again, s 'in the We t~rn'" "'n:l~~.i'r·'N'''';'''''\J'' )s' l~~ hU~':6r ~~6ke.ye- ' " W',i~~ in~~M~ot<?!. a'nd visit LawnlaoJle-[]ltoaUclng ':area. A ' field, tne. primary hotTie of PreC~~.in' Maple sid~n't :.:(~me~ · A. , Gllrfteld. ,GarfieJd A :siborn in Orange ,Townc~htril l par,K .-.first place you shl·p . i'n Cu~ahpga ', Co.unty but lired,. a great J,:uin,ber of years ,:th~ '~whoJ~ , family,. in Mentor. The: house is ' open + "tI,O~ ""lri"'''''''';'' , m~p\.esap,~ ' (0 . t.h~ ·.pt!~IJc and many of the ' al)~tl the . . l<!~~ :,preside.nt1s belongings may t 'hC'f ;'e1I1llnGrllrti ' , . treflm, b . ·,vie~e~. nS]lt!~~fn-e.':t~llm'-D _ ' putdia~e " "'," ' Th~re CU' ~ many Ohi~ trips ~1i~(C;~s, rn.apl~ " t~~i; can be ta~~n lin just' a $ ,y, ~ weeken~ ;~ pr lQ~get. For more i.nap~ 'syrup, 'i'nformat.ibn on these trips, . '<., < Y w.ite to the'0llio I.?epartmeht. pf ~ve16pm'ent" Information Cen- ' nii.~~~ and . trat, Box 1001, Columbus, Ohio . 43216 . ,·l " .-". " Store. "' IAPRIL '~' ·HAPPEtiUNG~ .. ,IN YQ~r f~riican4~ '. -~ OH.!(): ·; ,~pril l-~;, ~i9~S' ,Min.,Sit' .' streJ Show~JBeHv~lIe,; Apr-it 16·1 8,. , '. ; ~eau~ 'l.C()ilJlty:·'Mapl~' Festiyal,
of Kett ering were Sunday aftcrnoon t:allcrs 0 11 Nettie Palmer . Mrs. Bcssie ChaLley spent the wecke nd with her so n Delrqar at· Lebanon . Lilli<Jn Schrodcr's daught er, Eleanor Jone and gra lldaught er Ja nice of Leba !lOll. were her guests on SUllda y. Mrs, R.J . Ousley of R.R. J and son Kenl were Sunday guests .or Nelli e BUllllel1. Mr. itlll.l Mr!'l . Thoma s Cooper called nn Bcrlll<l Hc 's who is ill the Hca I her Green Nursing Home at Xenia. and Bernadine Barn· hardt al th e Wh ite Nursing Home.
Mr. an d Mrs. William, Palmer
rpP", ·.TI",T
·~~·";I. ~ _.4 €"a';~b~,~ ,~ptil.:2 1tf4 "Optj.mi~t ~s ' ·-'''''''I. 1 .~.·ffli'~ "de-~. '~A"~all~1.:Io·m b ' Stow, ,Uma; ARrii ~3-i5tPQgwocid Festival, ~1l1111IJn. sal~pJes J~$t (<ir .a " 'P!l<e;ton ~ Apiil-24:~." Mj'ss ClaylaRd, I
llcmhisotl t "'prlt: 1.4-25, .Trout
". ~by. /! .P<?I:tSn\o~t~. St~te. ~rk
',~pOits~outtj;·:. April: 29-M~y 2, I'Spfing i~ ;Antique_ . Show-Sale; . , Cohitnbtis.' ·: "/}"" ., ,',
I'bou't T-eena-gers
I~"d JI,/ ...; :/~~f'" ~, ·Fo'~r ·· ftII. ~Eftif~~~~l~h;{ 'L~': I;,.~f;~~t ~' ;.~l~'; :~~, .:-)J,:'. ~~"..~'. t...~.-;,/'.: ,..,.(, -~ l!tl,PJ .,' .. , .:,l .... \.-.t~t'~"'*t ~ }.. ~ ,.~, ..
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THE WlmK 'S LETI'ER: You may say that my pl'oblem isn't seriOUs, but I think it is. Please give nw an answer. I am 14 years '''f' your ~ee(l8: :, arid throug~ .the past year I :old ~'hich ' : 100('jq' ~ ~!,y ~. bontr!b'Utio'ri' "to' aid ' in ,th~ bat- . , .. have heen, fighting with my girl'. friend because every time we talk I ' tI~ apia\lt 'tJtis dr«!ad'. (lisease 'eacb-.oUicr.' we find out that we 'to .I .. t I I ~. .. t:. I~*"' . ').11, )"I~.; ~;r === ''''r-;I= II~ ~III . '* " ~ '1~.1 ~~~i~ . .. .', ~/ the sa,me' boys. like the boys like ':' It~ l~ street~all -four of ' them. our", on' '. '0; .• ~ b,\idon·· tha~ says. ~ W~ have always told one anothe r ii*'Y ' 8 'rJ'ittie: lCiltdnesa,l.' send our ' secrets'; put when ~t comes CQr": /1.• .' 'ain'e~ 'rido&ci...',lo talki,ng about th'e boys on OUI' 'to , ~ ~Iaia:bl ; !-DePt. . 'p~nte ~iY,ic. we begin to fight. Could Street, . 3'5'. rark ~v~!"nqe, ' N~w."'York, . ;" nte witb my problem?" help )'0\1' " . ~N.Y~ 10022.. : You are both be· .... ' I REPLY OUR ~ .. ,.. . ;:'\I-.;~::~i:( "! _• . ' ipg. ven foolish if you thiJ:tk you . 'r can' pick a boy from the crowd .and sily, "'1 like ,him, ~obody ~lse can like bim:" Life ..doesn't work I.
' ..... "',
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of .:
,'/·;'Le.u~emi, .. • nei reJ'llted·. dis"eUe. -wiJi".trik e.• 4 1.i;OOO~ :Ameri .~ ~ this 'yeQr, accord ing to the LeuKemia ·Soci&LY. grAme rica; ", ~7 .~w.miam Stl.'ee.,,; ~e.w. York;
• • '::"
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald lake of Springboro are announcing the engagemcnt and approaching marriage of their daughter , Patricia -Ann Lakes to ,Lance C(lrporal john Charles Morgan. son of Mr. and, M·rs. Char.les R. M~rgan of 587 Franklin Rd., Waynesville. Miss Lakes is presently attending Springboro High School. Her . finace is a 1969 graduate of Waynesville High School and is pre· , seritly serving in the Marine Corp whcre he recently completed a , tour of duty in Viet Nani.
,,,_,. ',...v. ;~soutf1
' .
that way. Yo u are both a bit conceited , .You have picked out four boys-n ot one. Life doesn't work that way, either. You girls are friends . What is surprising about th~ fact 'you like the same boys, or the same people in general? Your friendship would be equally strained if you could not like the . same people. Share your friend: ships. And, be prepar ed sometimes for disappointments. Each of you, sooner or later, will like someone who doesn't appear to like you in return. Life is like that, too . If you are average, your brain weighs 31h t.o 4 pounds. If you are more than 20 years old, your brain is gradually losing weight. (So never let any-
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Jllio-Oumers SO?>OV DRESS }(vR WAY
AND ztt.. DI?£SS lA/N Fl ·
Tailored Insurance Protection COLLISION COVERAGE may eliminate the deductible.
N el
INSURANCE AGENCY Ph 897-4956 or 897-6011 Main
" . .w,ll
RE5PONSI81~"rV ~
·r~.'re .r.mal~et. h .,e"~ much, "h1'n.ci ' yet
. ,
'essage relat'lng a weekly m
First Baptist Church
worl'd of today
North Main Street John P. Osborne, Pastor 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. - Training Union 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship 7: 30 p. m. - Wednesday Prayer Meeting (Affiliated with SO'-!thern Baptist Convention).
of Faith and Church ...
First Church of Ctlrist
152 High Street 897~ 4786 Steve Tigner ,. Minister 8:30 - 9 i 30 a.m. Wp[Ship Hour 9:45· 10:30 a.m.' Sunday School
10:45-11 : 45Lm : Wor~hlpHo~
5:00 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:30
p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
youth Recreation Jr. High Youth Jr. Youth Evening Wprship Sen. Youth
Fourth Street nur- .-l\9h 9:30 a.m. - SundaY School 10: 45 a. m. - suncM.y Meeting for . Worship (un~$'gr.tned) p.
St. Augustine Church
High Street . Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer. Pastor 7 a. m. & 11 a. Masses 8 m. & 8 p, m •• HO'Iy Days 7:30 p.m .. First Friday 7:45 a.m, - Dally Mass 5: 30 P. m •. Satur~y Mass
m. '.
St. Mary's Episcopal "'. Church
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deetl:l. Re'c tor 11 : 15 a. m •. Morning Prayer 1st, 3- d & 5th Sundays; HOi' ~ommunlon 2nd & 4th Sur '5
Unttel l~ethQdi~ church -'
Third & North Stf~~ L. Voung, Minister 9:00 •• m.' Chur~h ~,hoQI 10:15 a.m.' Church st Worship 6: .0 0 p.m. • Jr. " sr:·Vouth Fellowship , ; ,
Waynesville 't:t"'eue Mission '.' '.-
Corner of 73 " Co",,-In Rd. Rev. Sherman CoOk, Pastor 1 0: ~o a. m •• sunday School 7:00 P.m. • SUnday E .... Service 7:30 p.m•• Wednesday E .... S.vlce 7:30 p.m. • sat. E.... Service
Fint Church of God
49 S. Main Street 9: 30 a. m•• Sunday School 10:30 a.m. • Morning Worship 7:00 p.m•• Sunday .venlng
Pentecostal Holiness Church
Acy Lamb, Pastor , 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 7:30 p.m•• Sunday, Wednesday and saturday Evening Worship S.vlces 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Youth II Service
MT. HOLLY United Methodist Church
Rev. Leonard Baxter 9:30 a.m•• Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Sunday Worship Service 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday, Prayer S.vlc:e '
HARVEYSBURG Friendship Baptist Church
Southern Baptist COnvention ' Norman Meadows, Pa.stor 9:30 a.m•• Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Sunday Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.· Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m.' Wednesday Midweek Prayer and Bible Study
Jonahs Run Baptist Church
Ohio 73 ,East Lester Kldd, Pastor 10: 00 a.m. - Sunday School 10:00 & 11:00 a.m.' ~unday Worship Service 7~30 p.m. - Sunday Evening Worship
United Methodist Church
David Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m.' Sunday Church Service 10: 30 a. m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m.· Sunday Worship Service Vouth Fellowship and Bible Study
Harveysbur.g Full Gospel Church E. South Street Rey. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m.. Tuesday 7:30 p.m•• Friday - Voung Atop"'s Service 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 7:00 p.m. • Sunday Evening
DODDS ,Free Pentecostal of God
~" 2(1 1
Will the man of tomorroVl live. as a matter of course, lo the age.> of 100 ... 12;' .. . even 150 years'! Sober scicntists act' convinced of th~L possibilily. For meQical prolZress is steadily boosting ' the proportion of senior citizens among the general population: One result has been an increasing Cohcern with th£' special problems of tht- aging. Solu'tions vary ·' with lhe national level ,of social advancement, for "old agti" m~ans diffe,r ent things in different. regions. The mosl
. r 'cent worldwidE' figures show lhlll the American man attains the IlVC",\~e agf' of 6q and lhe AmE'rican wo':nrm. 7·"2. The . highest li~~ cxpeflllncy ,f?r ," males (71.6 y£'~rs) is found an Sweden , and thE" highetif for'';'':' ft.·males (76.2 yetir!!) ' in , , Iceland. , , .By . 'uppa\lill'~ ·contrast. ~he '. low('sl lif" (>xpE'chlllcir.ti ,,occur ... , in ulldE'rde.vclop£'d c()ul}lrill"s: 25 yearN for mules I*, Gabon ~, and 2M 'years for rl·~ul.£'s ill ' , Guinea. Thtlt's why Clitl)olic Rehel' Sj?rvicl's, which (unc-;'· lions jn ' over 70 und ... rdev'el· oped cO~ll t,. ies, (oc~lIeS' o,n such· eletilcntnl chull£,l}gl'ti "" seeing thai ~ilIjons ot ,· povei-'ished 'elderly ' p.er.s,ons .. ,: receive, Ildequatc ' food ,' cl~Lh r:" :" 'ing; housing..~nd ~edi~ cate. " h " TlioS(' are the 'top prlorjUcsJn " - allocating funds raise,d tha;~ugh ' "",n """"'M
,nn- .-:-
' yqlir '-con~ribl\tjl?n8 ,~e,nt
United Methodist Church
John K. Smith, Minister " 9: 30 a. m. ,- Sunday SchoOl ; 10:30'a.m. - Sunday Worship' • Service , 8:00-9:00 p. m •• Wednesday Evening, Bible StUdy .
-M~lDY peopl~ have ih~jdea< thatChristianity' ,is '"suppo$ed to be a " kind o£,'guarantee ~gain~t J110st forms of sufferipg arid opposition. . That is ·Jtard~y the idea that ,~n~ gets. from the ~ New r~#itament. for exal,llpl~,
CENTERVI LLE Ttae Centerville First . Pentecostal Church Ray' Norvelll, Pastar..,
arrQr~ (p )~Okf ,bey.~ri,d : me~e " survival. Ttlus", reti.:emenkcomm~hiti~8 hav~ beCorpe ~:p~.lar '
as place~' i~:' whic~ ~~e efci~~ly; ? can mami.8m thelr :' mdep!nCl'e nce ' apd ,grow 'o ld gracefill1y , Iurrdundi!d ~y cUher.;IQf.their '
warns ,'his ,.' g~neratiori a~id s~fi.~" .m~,:,~
edi:SC1PIE!I:'",::,cIf ,tile '. .'!ies
173 E; Franklin Street
Gen~ ~lckn.II, · ASs \.
to t'h'~ ':'
nearest Cathol.ic chu~ch pr lo',- ~ Catholic, Over'lIell1l Aid" :Empire . S~ate BUil'd ing, New york, 'N.v.. , 10001, dui'i.ng this ., yea:r 's ; .~rch 'N~21 campaign. ' , " In -- the ', U.S,:, 'spedalil!t.s i(l .. problems ' of. the,"" ~giri,;, can, .
, .,
" " ;, ' 10100 a. m. '. Sunday School ' " 7:00 p.m•• sunday Evening 1:30 Wednesday Evenln,' \ '
P.fn. -
----!'"' ,-Gennto'Nh .united Chut~ " ,~ ~
" ,.
, Rout.e 42 .It GenntoWn R.y Stormer; Pa'ItO~ 9:30 &om. •. Worlf'IP5erv1Ce , _ 10:30'· SUn'.y Church School 5:00·Porn. • Sunday Vouth " F.IIOWlhlp
geared t~L '~elr ' IY,l!• • '
Uni18d Methodist Church
Walnut - Vine Robert R. Meredith. Pastor 9: 30 a. m. - Sunday School 10: 30 •• m. - Morning Worship 6: 30 p.m. • Vouth FeHoWlhlp Jr. HloJ'l " Sr. High 7:45 p.m. ~ Wednesday ChOir Rehearsal
"before rampl'iljaijad'Qf, Itain, ipterior If they .' , dalen tf)_t e'imi!tat~~'~I:\~itJg,
'tmrsetCtilted "in e ~
· ~~ling an~ ventW,tion:. ·· ' And
one ,
~xp,rt ;",
Spring Valley Church of Christ
Glady Street 10:00 a.m. ~ Morning Worship 7:00 p.m•• Evening Worship. 8:00 p.rn. - Wednesday Evening Worship
Spring Valley
Friends Church
MoundStrHt E. Friend Cauter, Pastor 9:30a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship
Christian Baptist Mission Maln Str,et Mrs. Lois D~way, Pastor 10 a.m. - Sunday SchOOl 11 a.m. • Morning Worship 7:30 P.m. - Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. - Prayer Meeting Wednesday It Thursday 7:30 p.m. • Son9'fest. ust Saturday each month.
Ferry C.'hurch of Christ
Socia' Row Road Bus WI.~nan, _Mlnrater 9:00 10m. - Sundey Bible SchoOl ' 10:15 a.Il'•• Sunday, Worship 10:15a.m.· SUndQ Youth ' ,
~ ",
6:30 p.rn. - SuncUly Evening · , Blbie-lStudy, a" ,aget'·" . 7:30 .p.m. - wednesday,· Midweek Prayelr ..,ct B ' . 'Study
RIDGEVILLE Ridgevme Community Ch...ch
St. Rt, 48 • Lower Springbolto Road Ray L. 51_Item. Pastor 9:30a.m. - SUnday School 10:45 .. rn. '. Mornln9 Wgrlhfp 7:30 p.m. - Sunday Evenln9
7:30 p.rn. - Wednesday Evenln9 .rvtce . 5:30 p.m. - SUnday Sr. Youth Reere'a llan 6:30 p.m.,- Sunday Sr. Vouth Seryrc:e,
- .......
'. _~
Itreaes . ,J~"' Qeed I I.OJ ·' _tlV"":"'·~.' aeeeia · to ' parks, .. ,arClens
. commu~ity cen~r., . 'Iii ,tJ:l_eSe " .sJlrt.o undin,., -the.', ,~detl~ f'-,: tblQlip ~ with C)ttie( ." o.d4Iten ~.: ~n k~p ' allYe ;Aoi "', 'only pbyaieally but . ~~.Yt" .
'cantle .'
. intellectually and
FERRY Wllm~cln Pike "
"l"<-lII:.:~,~~t y:~, :'~~ '~l~i t~~ta:~")~ A';,e::;:~'
' I'
R. R. 122· Oodds, Ohio Pastor, Jamels Coffman 1'0:30 a.m•• Sunday School 7:00 p.m. · ,Sunday Evangelistic Service , 7 ~30 p.m. - Wednesday Prayer '
This Church Page Is Sponsored For You Through The Courtesy Of The Fotlowing Area MerChints ,
'I~ '
Friends Meetin«a"
t'o ·be po$selsed. JO~h~ 13:1', ,;:" ' '. :111_ .hl.t,u'y qf t'he Ch.'I.tI~n Cllurc" 15 recc)gnlzed ill 0"., ....at story 'of conquelt and ylCtory/ How.vf/r, the Chrilitian Churctt'" II 110t flnlshed with Itl wo'rk. There ar.e mlr,y wlt.,hi Qur rankl 'who mad,' a profession of Chrllt but , who L !lve .1 t!tOUlh God and Chrllt do. nOI e'xllt, the ~lI.nelS . Do we of really belley. In,ttll wort~ the Klng~on, of Gotil The ScrlrJture tell. that', ~t.11 the molt worth while treasure we can PO..,I•• How dliligently.re"we Heklng Itl We are like the Children of I ...,el. We are satllfled to dwell In the well watered yalley of Jordon. Thll part of our Inheritance II easy and .proflt· able. But God gaye UI the highlands. This land we must POIMIS. Israel did not POIM" It a"" were const.ntly trolubled by Ita hostile trlb". The Chrlltlan wno will not banISh evil frP lm the hlghlan.dl of hll $Qui , will find hlmHIf contl!'lUally broug"t to l'lef b.cause of 1\. Our Imurne., an lailneu mult go ,nd we mUI go out and poIHU . whiteYer GOd his for us. Then .nd then only can wt go to work for the C.hurch and Chrllt, t ... chlng, preaChing a fld · rNklng dlsclplll li of all men. Jhe lun II stili .hlnlng on the day of ~ppor. tu'nlty for you, possel. wttetev.r GOd II ctiall.nglng you with. ' L. L. ~oung
, MARY' E.;ENNY-~ ·
' SERVI,CE, S:' ;
.'''. f
Fill in blank below with copy as' 'y ou , w~uld like t~ .see it appear in the "Sell-It'· Column. This coluI111l is r'escrverl ·.for non-commercial , priv~te indiciduals only. AU items must be priced. This service is FREE from the Gazette .
. -
!!JAeVSI,TJI.NG I,n OW home : /ly dat \ or ' hour ,: .re~sonable , rates - 'Phone 897-~9?1 '- ,aSK for J,!~n Hili ' ,
" •
CL.:EANING Lady - 1 day per week dependablo - references - own transportatl')n to' Kettering area - Phone Dayton 293-0800 (13c3)
home, - by . BABV' SITTING hour - day or week - fenced In yard. ~ .:. ask for JOA{ln Edsall - Phone 897- . DOMESTIC HELp· Wanted - house cleaning - 1 day week - call 885- 7204 .··. 6021 , : (.acTF) after 12 noon (l ,3 nc1) B~BV- SITTING' . I will take care of your child In my home - days - please call Ance Coatney - Phone 897- 7491 FOR (13ctf) <
r--.:.------------ ----------.------------\ UPHOLSTERING Machine - Ph. 893· 5855 (4ctf) .
Wheel Camper Camping Trailers Wayne Camper Tops, Truck . C8mpet:'s and "f~avel Trailer'S We sell bottle gas
FIVE Room house - 21/2 car garage· 1 ac~e Jot - phone 932-8157 (13ctf)
GARAGE SALE - right next door to Ellis Mar ket - little bit of everything Fri. - Sat. - Sun. - 9·5 (13c1) ?GARDENING? FOR More natlAral vitamins use or· ganlc mertter - use mushroom compote excellent mulch & ground conditioner piCk up or delivery - call Fred'S Mushroom Co •. South Lebanon Ohio· 494-1000 - 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. - 6836491 all hours (l3ctf)
, -Sal,es - Rentals -- Supplies ,
0' -
Lb~~ed.on Route 42( 1 nii'e .' l1~rnl of, Route 7~, Wayn.esvill'e . " - ' P.ho~e 897-7936: , , .
WAVNESVILLE - I/Z acre lot - 3 bdrms - 2 bath - 1112 car garage - patiO wall to wall carpet - built In kitchen Frank ~n,echtlY 1-885-,2902 - Cam· flel~ ~ Sarber Realt'y 1-885-5806 r (13c2) -p~- -~~-
. _ --.=.-_ ' - - - -
, ft ~oit a~d the neighbor's dog are on ( 90d terms, orier to "pet sit" 'when his master goes away.
RElAX AND ~~V£~~~~ THE '~,-~
HUTCH .-- distressed therry wood
COpy: ______________________________
gd oond - $75 - can· be seen after-
noon ·or evening - 897-2206
1971 VEGA - $2150·897-6618 r 12 1 SUNBEAM "Fast Back" Shaver electric - in new cond - paid $25 plus tax - asking price $12 - 897· 2576 12 1 - 73W'x27Ya" - 42" tall· glass front showcase . $30 . 01-885· 7364 call after 5 p.m. 1~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -----PHONE NUMBER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
A 5 Speed Bicycle for sale - 1 year old . Sears make· excel rond - with two working speed· ometers - price $60 - at 723 Miami St. Waynesville, call any· time between 7 and ' 11 p.m. 12 weekdays only - 897·7751
'61 CORVAIR . gd second car gd running cond . $60 . 897· 7891 12
66 PLYMOUTH - fair - pay balance due or takE~ over payments 897-4173
..to be"
21.Rematn 22.Iar . .
resldue 22. Egg
expert 23. Wine
bottles 24. Jour- .
5. Spotless
neys 25. Son of'
21, Carbon
4. Dexterity
6. P088essive
2O.Part .o f
7. Metal·
27. Indian bearing l'tA:k greet8. Fastened ing 9. Donnitory 29. Vacaneed Uon 11. Preuure bowie 15. - - fever 30. Wamlng 19; B\lddy "pal 20. Cobbler ~1. Founda· ' tOoia tlon
33. "--ot Bright Water" 35.Totbe
llhet'tered a4e
3T. Girl'. name 38.Sutflx: - condition
obUpl.)d .23.KlDdof pIpoD
U.l1'onna •. Support
pUnter 28. Baltic: ' Itate . (abbr.)
CUTE" Bi Y Easter bunnias - white or Jblack .- $2 'ea aj)7-5428 ' . ~
dad (abbr.) 18. Reach ac:rou
~ENMOR'E ' Sewirig : Machine Mediterranean style cabinet - $35 897·6619 d
1. Breed of dog 2, Interjection 3. Fence behind
ment 15. Poaaeases 16. Biblical city 17. Junior's
14' FIBERGLASS Glastrom boat 40 HP Mercury - convertable top mooring cover , .. Gates trailer elect . start - windshield - comp 4t • • ~uipped for fishing Qr skiing -$,850 - 897-236G ) ,,;":~: .\ . ' . , ."
ACROSS I.-au rhum 5. Murmurs 9. Like soft clay 10. Balts 12_ Precise 13. Upright 14. Appoint-
MAR E Pony w/saddle & bridle· etc - $25 - 2 atmost new tires 7.75x15 - $24· a197-5122
2t.Cruy , .
(Sp.) IO.JewIah IIlOIlth
J2.RcInWl .
33. Quarrel M. FflItlve
38. "-.,- .. ,. , MarDer'"
·•. DaM.
~~ ,
'-=. ~
tributary .1.Le..,.s
d ·BrUch -·
;( ,1
' --~>~"" ' . ·,PH. ~897-793l or 897~2241
~ I
.i~ .'
• •• • •
~ , . :'
: . ' ' -~ '. FAiRfIELD' DR. ·: WAYNESV'ILt:E{·O. '.'~~ ••
'/ ;.,
-: . " ~ ~.
> •
, ~. 0
. ",
• YQU" are in~ome' ta)jt
Orleans Total Community Action, the Louisiana city bad 21,O()O .flllDiliea-recel\1D8 fOC)d
ORLEANS NEW Americanl in Louisiana, Mislilli~pi and Alabama suffer fro~ bunger and ftIItrition'al defleiencies Just as do their fellow citizens in Baltimore, Rlverside, CaUl., aDd a U.,Mm other cities and
, Tbil is tbe " larles t distribution of an)' city in the Soutb eut section of the United States, be said, but be Itreueci in an inte"i ew that tbis progra m reacbee Onlyone-balf ' of tIloee actually qua1if~d to • receive stamps. Unlike some cities In whicb
hamlets. "
But wtiO suffers the IDOIt
deprivaUon ADd wbere? That is a question on whicb health officilJa differ.
Orleans bal neighborbood center:s that make it pouible fer more pel'80118 to acquire the
Cqter : ",' UO~'_ telts in Louiliana, ~ppi aDd Alabama show ~Ct', f ~,"~ticlnany speaking. _~~ areas are mucb - woi'le .ofJ,~~ rural areas." Ni.·' "Y. ~rk City officials apr,_ :;u.e opposite view. "I'm ~ loUlI to teD )'OU tbat tbeN ...~ .....Uon In New Or~~' ' 8ilicl Jcmea. "I've never .... by reports to tbat I will.sa , tbere is a 8ffeot. Jot of maJputrtUon." specific One ; :~ finds
def~ if DOt starvatlol'l. "We 'Mve evideoce that if .~ are not fed properly,"
JGDeI .• ~ "their IQ den .
We "'ven 't yet analy led can be tbil
through proper
fMdInJ.'We want to find out 'If
tbe dagWge is irreversible ~ if DOt. to wbat at.ent we caa iIDproft It with proper diet. is currently be1nc '!bat evaluated. "Malnutrition is one reuon 10 mIny of tbeIe kids don't do weB in aebool It is kIDd of stupid, wben you think about it, to go on spending IDGney ell education while allowinl malnutrition to run fIImplD t." At the end of July, said Dan Vincent, director of New
Itamp I than be 'tbe cue.
otberWtae would
Vtntent IUIp8CtI
poor nutrition GIl all economlc levels, but also ..,. ....t if you bave .1IIffi$nt 'lunda you can geta balanced diet bj aeddelit. U you are UmltM In "bat you am IPInd. bonver, nutrltlonal education is a definite factGr. '
ordina rii,; ·t~)lir~ · :proof o~ : " your ~on'tributi~n, ..An ofli,,_!. r~jpt iii th,~ - be~t evi~en~, altbo\ lp yO\At cance,i ed c~~~,; is uaual,l~' accepta~le. " 't : , ..,;.-. ' .", , It is ,pouib le' 'to rec.i~ c~it (or. ca~ donatl~na · unSupport~d h~ ~~eip~ ~9r' , c!ln~lIecli c~ec~. ..n9W mUc~ in ;lll1prove~ to"\tib~~ion,~;x.~~ . will be' allowe cUnde duc( II .U p ,to'~ tb~ i~S ' re'lona l ooniiol s· &joners and , di/Ji~Jci , di!~ct.br ana \her,e fore variel ftom p'lac;e~ '.l'i " W .place., ';oof thbut'p l -w, io '. the deduct conce. .i6n .' ig rn~epded to fer": lieve you 'of , .the :'I)urd~!i"' 9( , keepin g ', ~eco'rda .·, l()r . the '.odd dollar ' 'or 1001~ ,c.ba.-age! i"t , · you may ,J~op.' ~Iady 'in{6~ the 'coU.actfon. p"te or a -~.Ta tio~ Army- ket~l~ ~ot ev8tY; ' body ~*1 ~e": t;!loee to ~ tl}e lal'Plt " bequ~~~ln ,tb" hist'?~ of p~lan_thropY.~ ,~Qun~ i))t the ' Ford'· , FOUndation " on Dec. 12 f9W~. BiJ1nlrk~ fot
. 'J'bere have be. c:Uffereilt
telt;I in ICIUtbem ,.teI ~ evaluate nU~tIo-.l ccnlttlOlla
aJDOIII U. dtladyanill. But bued aq World 'B.lth Or.an ila lion . • tanclarda, . a IUmty fi cbUdrIn-' to,' yea'r i of age, moat (#. _ _ black aaa Statt ,nlag ed ill . ' ,~.. , ptogra ma, 57.3 ..r ceDt In New .boWed , irOll Orleans
cleflclenciel. Tbe · ~', .,... ' al , .a atatnl de Alabam y in Jara~J, ipPl_ .... f« Mi.tll .tbe nnl cout ... - it· WIt - -
. Statlltlcl are 1DcmrImdft-1n
aIIDoI .' , t every inItaDee.
But. as JOIIeI ..,., there II -
evidlnce of malnutrition In tile Deep South a. there 11
4,l61 ~du~~iO~!r;a.nd~r:
~. How eDeaI lye -It may be -Iince 10 IDaIIJ peaple
tax.dedl1cUbifi" .jaiti'....tiobSl tij'e . . 60~"MiUiOn!' ." gift,t0t8lea ' . . --,~ , .J', !
are Dcluded from the aurvey ~ the empb uiI 11 011 ~n - perhaps can never be truly evaluated.
Locate d ' Three miles north of Waynesville, off Waynesville-Ferry Rd. on Hd Ines Rd.
I', I priI I, '1111 . I
. Gibson refrigerator (like new) electd c range, - 40 cup peroolator, • fan, w windo large . auto mati c electric dryer, - table and 4 chairs, . s, 9 x 12 bra ided rug, . ~Iectric heater, - 4 pair drapes and curtain . bedroo m suite, - step stool, - hall tree, . 9 x 12 shag rugs (2)' rugs,· throw set, chair box, electr ic sweepe r, - dishwasher, - sewing . oil space heate r· night stand, - chest of drawers, • small chest, c electri . , child' s wagon , . lamps, . Christmas deoorations, . cOoler heater, - lawn and garden tools, . wool blanke ts, . bedding, • table · linens, . childrens clothe s, - ladies dresses (good) , . uphols tered chair, items other and ls glass jars, - childrens toys, . dishes, . cooking 'Utensi not listed.
'IY lll lll
"'_.1,1·,,11 .•
STANLEY a WORKMAN, AUCTIONEERS 7~21M8 · , Xenia 372-3172'"~iII
of maq)' kinds captur ed ~ the imalina tionli oC the Vlkinp . " Displa ying "l't'lIt' "Norse pOWl"', .. thelle bearty peopte , parti~ipated In a ball 18f,pe , in which a hard ball, Imotlr, and a bat, 'mollre, were, like ~r ball. part of a pitched battle. The games were played either on ground or on ite. Wrestling and fencing were popula r sports. Northm en eo'm· peted on skates made of the bone" oC animals. Many other Norse lames and sports were limitllr to OUI' - own, but they had some about which mod· erns know lit.tle. Norwe gian tlistori ans tell of a sport in which a man ~ould walk Oil oar blad. . .hUe a b,oa~ was being rowed_ 1'hia oarinspiring feat require d much . pracitiee. Then there was a game in which players ' -leaped ,i"to ar· m or ... anothe r p .. time where two or · thl't'e swords were thrown In' ' tbe air' and Cellt:uril'S ago, ";'ine~
THERE'S ~~:.O"D IN YOU,'" FUlU.RE, ,...
S': YERR ' 80 " " "
tbere is only one '~ter for dJatribuUon of stamps, New
Said ,Dr. Sbulle Jones, ~ Of Tulane University Early 'CJlildhoocl Relea rcb
"be"".. ·~cted
, 're.tigio'tis, ' hropie phi~aht ther o , and ' · tional orgahiiatioills wh.ose tax.·dedUc· ' t!ble 'statu~ has be~Jl apPt~.je" the ' U.S: ", Tre~~ry" ti~ , "" Depart ment. The Uilt of alieh drgar,iza· -: tiQOI! is long. It incl~des ev~'rY· thing from hospita ls, .rio.np*,ofi~ cemeta (ies and '!.p'ive~iti~s; · *~ fire depart ments and ttie , Boy . "". Scouts . ' 'not . But dOltn~tiC '~ gifts ~on:, Uctible tax·4ed only the trlbutio na. You c.-n', fQi' ex- . ample, .dedu(l t: donati on. tnaete to . 'some. Americ an pfg'ani~· tions for use overseas. , ~A cue in .P9int is. ' Catho~ic Relief Sew:viceiJ. wl1ich carries , Oil lDassive. JiCesavingr~lief ' operational' in mo~ than 70 countr ies' in Asia', Afr.ica aod Latin Arrlerica. Thus, your gift -:- 's ent to the nearestcathol ic church ' or io ~thQlIC; Ove~JII Aid, ~(ppire S~~ Building, New York, N.Y. 1,0001, during the 197 r fund campai gn March 1.4·21 quaJifies as taX-deduct1ble · un· del' U.S.. lotern8 1 Revenu e _..,.. , Serv~ce re~I.~ioJU; . , But wJhate've"'~y'odr.~ravQiite · -charity , I'i!membe~r .~h.t the law.
Seoot'ui 'c~~ post~ge pai~ at Waynesville, Ohio
Single 'Q)py.lOc ,
,7, l.9?1 -- Waynesville, Ohio .
>,: i:~la,e
Officials .$ummoned to Court
,1]ld Vi1l8ge officials were ser, ~th sununons to appear in f~!~i;'~~~i\'\Q)~non .Pleas Court on May " ,9:30,'a.m. ~t is a petition Writ bf Mandamus. It was ':'Mar,tio.o, 485 .'t: fij~~lin '
' ,.
Fish Fry Suee esslul EDITO RS NOTE: Th.e followi ng II
reprint from a circular that wal . . . .d out by the wayne TOWMhlp Fir. D... rtm.nt at the Fllh Fry thll set urday. Th. 0.2ett • • oonll. ,. It • good uooun t of the fir. d.partments actlyltl.. oy. the past 6 y ••rL
This is a little note to bring
a long hard winter. spring is ' heJ:~ iil~ ·with it is the evidenceandofcrevass es throughout
, Trash , ~ · ~ccU"9m.~ed ~ many corners . Wi~ ' Ea.~er upon us and an honest desire to dress, , ~,r~ EaI~,er best, ~he member~, of the Junior High Q\urch, each donned a large 'IIl~i_lilift \Jr\ited ~ ,their home town. Shown ~)mi~~~~~~)ib.fu~g'M'~~~~~'l" k~,'.1
you up to date on your Fire Department and a few of the things 'that are being done to provide better service to the public, other than fighting fires in the last six years. J'he Department has attended 24 weeks or 72 hrs. of advanced fire fighting; 20 hrs. of advanced first aid. Along with this, we have ' a few men who have took it upon \ themselves to attend an additional 8 to 60 hours of specialized schooling. We are required by "the State of Ohio to attend 32 hours of fue school and·l0 ~Ur ~::::., ap.d eve~ 3' years.
-glid'W.f.M!li~~I~~IJjl!;~~i~~~=I~~_:; ::~~ftt.t: t~" p -
pt time,
we ¥e ,tt-
freeze $240.00, radios $2161.00, 500 G.P.M. deluge gun $950.40, Fire Queen - 6 years $840.00, Total $5254.23. The newest bay in the Firehouse (your dining room) was built by Fire Department personnel and h~cal contractors. Alli labor was donated by these two sources. Materials only were paid for by the Township. Each June we invite the Junior and Senior high school girls of the Waynesville school to enter a Fire Queen contest. These girls are taken to dinner, then each girl is interviewed and a ' queen is chosen. The winner receives II wrist watch and a dozen red roses. The runner-up reCeives a gift certificate. Later in the JIM:;)nth, the Queen is taken to the Central-Western Fire Conventf<?~.
. -fh.e year's projects is
Dg' room.11fe'''Will' out ne.w gency victim care and -reScue. Itt new .members more adding be the near future, we will be taking 'now because of the ambulance o~r ..all emergency ambulance WHS calls. Consequently, we have out· calls. An no unC:ed grown the old meeting room. At We also provide our own fue the present time, there are 25 The Waynesville High School training. Whenever we · can get n. We also are adding a cfireme cheerleaders have been announ an old building to bttm, we use pool table, table tennis and a 1V ed for the coming year 9f 1971this as a training program. We ' . so that any member who wishes 197~. r , ', l o . have several feet of training fIlm •. . b~Com~ ! siC~ !'J')oqgh:,to.·need ,hQ,pitahza The Varsity cheerleaders will and also 35mm slides of the ' to spend his on-duty time here . . . ' ; .. ue~ ~n~in h~ ~ will have something to do. This include &lrb Bradley, Gail HawDepartment's activities enabling ,lMa1iiMtiif".r ... llo. '.c.......... rather thin , ~tion~~ · that said eier Bome~ will give you faster service be,tlle past" the' Pre~ , ~ctor kins, Pam Oick, Pam Helterus to conduct a program from 30 pracinto cause he ' will 'already 'be at the Anleri~ Medical .' yo~g;,"d9ctors soin~ ' bridle, Cathy Patton, and Debbie minutes to 2 hours. Any club or station. The portable TV and Diamond. group interested, is urged to get SSbl:tatiioil" .ae~~ed,,' here this " ti~~. can..looK·' to the AMA for table tennis were donated. 'of the " aSSlstanC4'· Debbie Grim, Vicki Lainhart, in touch with Allie Carter, Jr. before a sera e ,provid Everything in this room was ' . l1,.~ !~~ Could ; 4\ . 'Medical Linda .bhnson, Susie Johnson (phone 897-4395) or any other g bringin by vice to. the:"cotintry . paid for from the Country Fair :At:lcfres1~in~! ' and Mary' Pringle win make up membef. of the Fire Departand one Fish Fry. (No tax mon' ' Edu~- . ~tQ -~~n& :those me:di~ s~c- . ,u.. ~m.cu the reserve cheerleader squad. ment. d, roduce ey was spent on this room.) Freshmen cheerleaders for the ' 197J ,~' ;~Waiter ,' ... ialiti~f~hj.cJi l~r~; 'o~erp A few yea~s ago, we were '. ',. ·,t:'. . The men of the Wayriesville M.D. of Chicago' . he satd. .·' coming year are Charlene Caulooking for a money-making profire Dep'!rtment thank you for ' nlust.ac~pt'; ie:; ~ Dr. BO~p~me.er::p~oposed that dill, Teresa Helterbridle, July ,'.......10:.•,..... <:z1to"U~ ject. We started by removing a suric period e',a: k m~' patronage at the Fish Fires AMA ' your "the :' ion f0[" the" !~w.pta,t Mosher, Sh~rry Raines and ChrIS fence for a farmer. Then we itt needs 0~er Walters. ;~Ul,,).:tUWlY , ,health . ~e delivery vey of. the J1la9P started a paper drive, followed and Country Fair. Without your y. countr each ~~cialty acro~ . t~ by our Fish, Fry. Then, a very ' help, we could not accomplish : iYilemf1fo. tQU1orroYl~s ~eeds. C1octor .:~upplf" Th~ ~esults of t~ s~y would fine group of men from the , these projects. l medica senior each' to se~ be , ~yon 's Oub asked us to join ;;"')Cl('r,~ .'JIQJi~~pleielt:'· sai{1, .'W~ :a' go~l ..the grad- student, assurin8 him that whatthem in putting on. the Country chose The Fair has turned into a ~~,t,tc)n!'«)t~~W~{JOO dottors annual-' e.ver ty,pe of service he, CII ' Fair. d. deman in be 'would lot of hard work, but from the "I believe tiUlt if we leave it proceeds of the Fair and'the Fish people 400 ly uni xiplate Appro tY c9,mm l medica 'each up to Fry, we bought a lot of eqUipattended the fashion 'show spoq,to ,act in its own way, medi~e ment for tl)e Department. sored by the Auxiliary for St.illCommunity ~de Good Fri.. ~ defa~lt to h~pitals, governEach April Fish Fry, we invite the of ers Memb al. Hospit wa.ter .nell:t an51 social service agencie~ a local group to be a co-sponsor. day services will be held this year and group C.C.L. sville Wayne which .e\'ell now , vie for the So far, our co-sponsors have at .the St. Augustine's Roman the were ers memb ry Auxilia which njsms conttoi. of the mecha been Rainbow Girls, Waynesville Cathohc l.1lurch. Services are to event. the for s model AMA deliwr 'nte~ca1 cUe,'~ the Sing-Out, Girl Scout Cadetts and: begin ·at 7:30 p.m. on Good, Frisevby d donate . Prizes were ' . pteSi"e~t"said ;" Waynesville Reatil Merchants. We day. and nts merchA ~' n Way: e~a1 AMA the Arrangements for the services that tedSuges ' ,, ~ are:' pl~d to give these groups area. n DaYto the fro~ also !pro~' i J ' ent'. were made . by ' the Waynesville , , roriilUlat~.' jmplem ~n opportunity to earn money . . )Jford 'Marie to, in~ " Acoord . ~hc MiIl1!~e~a1 Association. ~l'~a,y" ,tQ, ' for their own projects. bene'the ry .. f~c-' " , . ~ 'AlPCiJlia ,', Listed below arc; some of the · . nesvllie mi,niStc;rs' will palticijlate · ' netted ' ue1tne~it.a:lrld '~; ':': fi~' the'/' 'irt t'he serVices: ' ". ( . ' -' 'we;_ha~, "b~ught for . ,.,.""•••10-"-'•m[l :",;~n';r' . t~ li.l' : . ~~m::yo\ne: J~, ~,jtf~.~~co'rtm:uniit) Ir:~4i~,JJ~lrU1nel'lln 20 \&.b.l~ :..$6253 !l~~ ~9·ad~ '$43~;'sp, deep " IS tn~~tt . ,-, ,~t.~'~~iilner ,. l'AVlI!!I:,AIIC: \: . ' .....
< "
," It.p Int. Sprinl' I tylllh.w Illc
CI II II Ulily· Ilf li.e ll ,lit '
, l
• - •
• ; •
• • :
David Edlill • ' . Reginal d O. Hili. Philip Mo..... n ' .'
." . • •
Mln.gl n, Editor •.• Advertl llh9 Mlna,. r • Alit, Advertl .lng Mlna,e r . • • •• Publl.h ers Reginal d O. Hili, David Edlill . , . ,. . • . • . • • • ' 45061 P.O. Box 71, Waynes ville, Ohio Membe r of the Ohio NewIP lP" A.socla tlon ;
Stihl'1Ie1l & The American Experience in China
Stegner Uris
Angle of Repose
Coffee Table Book of Astro logy
UPPLY LUMBER and966 S, , 897-2
P.o. ~.x 71· Phone ~'7.5,82'
' OFF'leERS ','" •·.'1'1 ! It 11"
-, \"',
inuea fronfPag~ .. " ','Cont ,'~
' Feter DiSalvo', president 0'1', Woolard. ~md ~~zo Gibb,s, did ' .the. ~ytqh CY~ling" CL.ub;' I~c .• , " annou!1ced ~hl\ fmal. p.reparat~ not rec..~Hve , tneu sUlJlmons: ' ipns',are u,nder-. way', for .an ,oi}(. A letter received by. the :Miami rhpic Qeyelopmerit ,Bicy'cle Race.· Ga~ette from 'Mr. Martino ex· which his club will sponsor on . ing plal~s , much of the re~son Sunday, May .2, '1.971. The race, ,behmd the action against the wl)ich will start at 7:30 a.m. at Village OffiCials. A reprint of the eorner of Waynesvilie Rd. the letter is as fo1l9ws: and Middletown Rd. in Warren County, will be-called the."Tour The Miami Gazette of Oregonia." The' race will tra· 105 S'. Main St. verse ' ~ 21.5 miles IbOp on the WaynesviUe, Ohio country roads '4 times, for a tot· Gentlemen: al of 86 miles, and,will take betble regreta it , Our r,roup finds ween 3 and 4 hours to complete. that we must take this legal Some 70, to 80 cyclists are expected to enter, hailing from action requesting the courts to order Council to file our petition , as far away as St: louis" Chicago, for a referendum on Ordinance and De~tOit.' This race has been . 412. desig~ated as an offici~1 "Oly· mpic Dev~lopment Eie'n ," lSy ,Howev1er, this ordinance the All1atuer BicyCle League of would effectively reduce our America's Olympic' Committee; highest residential zoning classi· which means that amateur. riders fication which now only calls who. compete in this event win for a 12jpO sq. ft. house on a have the chan~e-. to score ,poi~ts 14,500 sq. ft. Ipt · to an even which could earn thema 'possible lower reqUirement of a 10QO sq. selection to the Uhited 'SHues' ft. house on a 10,000 sq. ft. lot. OIYJ11P1C' Cycling Team. We deem t11is lowering of our ,1972' are only s'\x" such events 111cre highest classifiCation important designated per year ' in , th ~ Mid· enough that' tlie voters should west· area, and ,these are noted have the opportunity to m~ke for ~eir 'gruelling an"a challeng· the decision' at the November ing ch~racteristips, aspects which ' election this rate, to be hel,a in the. famous Oregonia hills, i's ih no way Sincerely, . lackin$' .This-, year ' tr~se,\, ~ peci~l . ' . ,. . James M. Martino ,events WIll also serye ~he purp<?se , .~12' on ,Rt. 42 of:he~p'ing'to select ri4ers ,eligible . rrulr north, of for the 1911 tJnited . Stltes ·PaJi~ ,
Affieri~n , tyc:lit:lg~Team,~ 'w~Ch ;'v~ m'.-ti:;"i~~• •,
- 'J
At Easter we take the opportunity to exten d sincere good wishes to you and your family. Our thoug hts are with you throu ghou t this glorious season, 8S you share Easte rtime joys with loved ones. Happ y Easter.
'II 1'11111111 IIIUL I.
•• ,
I...,"""",,,,:,-,,,: ,,_,_ •. • ~
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The Ctiurch BoaJ;d met in , N~w ~qU'ipm~r't fe8V1at:: ses~on ThUf~'da~ riight Marjean ,Price' ' Don ShQemakor, LebanQn Disat the UIiited 'MethQdist Church. , trict Manager Qf United TelePK. 897-6172 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kidd Qf phQne 'CQmpany Qf Ohip, stated The schQQI Caii<ly Sale Wets Columbus were visitQrs at JQtitQday, that the New UN-I crQSS " . c~nsidered to' be very suc~essful ahs Run Sunday mQrning. Mr. bar telephQne switching equip. fc~ which the PTO expresses Kidd is a SeniQr at OhiO' State , ment; including twenty tQII ser, ,their gratitude, and cQngratu- University studying Architecture. vice desks and six special service , lations to Catherine Williams whO' Mr~. Esther Doster called at desks, which CQst in excess Qf . ,;sQld 114 bQxes and to' James the Clint TaylQr hQme Wed$3,014,900" has started to' ar"',Lakes 'whO' SQld 80 bQxc's. They ,nesday afternQQn. rive. :,sQld-the mQst bQxes fQr the bQys Mr. and MI'§. [)avid Car~n In Qrder to' meet the increased .( ,~r1d the iPrls, respectively and annQunce the birth Qf their first demands fQr service by the res.were awarded HelbrQss, Wettches. child bQin March 28th. The child idents in the ' Lebanon district, :=,i1l)e Harveysburg BoQk Re- was named [)avid Wayne and ShQemaker PQinted Qut, United weighed 7 ,pounds 10 Qunces. , view Ckcle Club met Tuesday Telephone CQmpany is currently :- night at' the home Qf Mrs. Es- Mrs. Sue Carman is the parental engaged~'a large-scale program grandmQther. ~ ther Doster. Mrs. EleanQr Beam fQr impr 'ng and expanding its Mr. and Mrs. Clint TaylQr ~'eYie,wed '~Sorry, I Have Kept facilit.ies. . e cQmpany's aim, he attended the funeral Qf her brQ}:YQU Waiting Madam" by Vividal eXplained" IS to' meet fully such SassQQn. It Wets a mQst- interest- therein-law Harrell HarrisQn at demands, hQW and in the future. :ing _reView, the authQ,r being a the Oswald Funeral HQme Tues'.. :famQus hair stylist and in the day afternQon. ShQemaker stated that the , The cQmmunity Easter Sun1940's very active in the Jewish UNo} crQSS bar telephQne switchrise services will be held at the UndergrQund mQvement. ing equipment and tQlI service , Mts. Fran'k GibsQn and dau- United MethQdist Church at 7:30 desks are the most mQdern eqUipgnters Peggy and Debbie attendedj A.M. The. public js invited and ment available Qn the market urged to' attend. "8 :layette shQwer fQr her neice tQday, RQundup will be April 15th , 'Mts~ James McClary at the hQme , 'Qf' ,her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ar- at the Harveysburg schQQl cafRAMBY 'HOTOS , :. 'ibur GibsQn, JI. and daughter teria frQm .1 to' 3 p.m. Parents Qf , Vicky in ,wilmingtQn. all Kindergarten and first grade <W~~ ~' Mrs. Verna Shanks Qf Xenia students are requested to' enrQll • 1 CHAPMAN STRUT ',:,(W.as Sunday' dinner guest Qf her their children at that time and WAVNESVILL.a. OHIO &ughter and son-in-law Mr. and , must have birth certificate (Qr 117",7111 Mrs/.LeWis -HQagland and family . equivalent) and recQrds' Qf all , l1'lie ~Qnary Circle, Qf JQn- shQts the ' students have had. , Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank GibsQn '~':,&,~u'u " ChUrch 'met Wednesday and SQns spent Sunday at the '~tiij;'I:at:ter:n~(J.n at the hQme of Mrs. , Kathleen home Qf her parents the Mur• >, phys' in DaytQn. . "~';""~~~~"""'__iiiiioiII"""__' " Our get well wishes to' Mrs. Uaude (Evelyn) Ball a surgical patient ' at GrandView HQspital.
" By
1,1 din
Id:drill ' R'II EI ~t. t. . special cQmmittee Qf the AssociatiQn. . DecisiQns Qn matters affecting the AssQciatiQn will be made by the Board Qf Trustees at their meeting immediately preceding adjQurnment Qn Wednesday' afternOQn.
Dr. Maury Seldin, PrQfessQr and DirectQr, Program in Real Estate and Urban DevelQpment Planning, The Arri'erican University, Washington, D.C., will present the annual Beyer-NelsQn Real Estate Lecture during the April Administrative Meetings Qf the OhiO' AssQciatiQn Qf Real Estate Boards. The meetings will be ,help April 19, 20, and 21, at the SheratQn HQtel, CQlumbus. Dr. Seldin's lecture will be given at 7 p.m., April 20. RealtQr Chester C. Sudbrack, Cincinnati, President Qf the 23,000 member assQciatiQn, annQunced that the first day will feature meetings and programs Qf the affiliated Institutes, CQuncils and Chapters. The remaining two days will be devQted to' business meetings Qf the standing ani!
WANTED BABYSITTING IN MY HOME By Week, Day O'r Hour Reasonable Rates
Ask for Joan Phone 897-6021
LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING The Village Qf Waynesville OhiO' will hQld a public hearing at the Fire HQuse Qn Miami Street in the Village of Waynesville on the 20th day Qf April, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. to' oonsider the fQIIQwing: RezQning Qf approximately 65 Acres frQm R·1 to' R-1 A, belonging to' Mrs. Helen PrestQn . Village Qf Waynesville Mary Stansberry, Clerk
electric heating
, :'BABY.S!TTt NG ,
. ",' WAN'Fi:O
~ial ,
weekly rates or witl'sit by hOur or day. COnstant ,care ,in a good
:Christian home. PhQne 897-5911 Ask for: jc~", Hill
1ft '
nMabU.ilona.;'St les ...
!, U;~fed O'~ Waynesville Rd., ~10 mUe ~uth Qf ,,' ,:, ,
Wily.n~m8, ju~ off U.S..~2
having a 'party, the control liependable electric heat We call electric baseboard is set way down. Everybody's just goes on performing heating The Peacemaker, day-in, day-out. because: you can have individ- happy-and comfortable., ual room temperature conKind of like having the his 'n Best of all, you can conv~rt trQls th"'t end arguing about ' hers controls on y~ur electric to electric heat in just a few who's too hot ~nd who's blc1nketonawall-to-wallbasi,s. days. And you'll be.snug as too cold. Each member of the Electric heat is so quiet, a bug all the while. familY ,dials the degree of for a fre.e estimate, indudtoo. Some systems have no comfort' he wants in his room. . blowers or fans. No moving ing information about various electric heating systems- . Grandma's room can be a ~ parts either. Hardly anything snug 781°; 'f,4by's room 75°; that can, go wrong. Hardly such as baseboard, the' electric any reas,on for repair or fum-ace, the electric boilerwh,ile dlown. in th~ family service 'ever. tlean, quiet, call your local DPal office. ~~om w' h~re, the ,k~ds are ,
Page 4 Mr. an~ Mrs. Delmar Chany ' in
Talk Of The Town by Mary Bellman
897-5826 EDITO RS NOTE: The Talk of the Town column 15 being written by Mary Sellman . Any persona l Items such as guests In your home or vilits you've made or any news Item should be directed to the above phone number. The Gazette always appreci ates your co-oper atlon.
Mr . and Mrs. Robert Shutts entertained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Adams of Elesmere . Kentucky at the Land K at Wilmington for Sunday dinner then motored to Washjngton C.H., Sabrina and Staunton, Ohio to visit friends and relatives.
From The Porch FRIENDS HOME NEWS By Nellie Bunne ll Florence Crane was a guest at a birthday party at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cranes on Sunday . Mrs. Florence ('rane spellt Monday with her daughter Mrs. Margaret Koonce in Lebanon . Mrs. Bessie Chany spent the weekend with her son and wife
.'. Lebanon. Miss Rhoda Bunnell of Bloomington Indiana was a dinner guest at the Friends Home on Sunday. George Bunnell of Troy Ohio made a brief visit with his mot· her Nellie Bunnell on Sunday. nte high light of our "meals" the past week was our supper on Saturday evenillJ~. Ou~ suppers were all ordered from the fireman's "fish fry" which they brought up to us. We aU enjoyed them to the fullest extent. Nellie Bunnell received notice of the birth of a new great grandson to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Noftsger at Cincinnati on Monday March 29. He has been named Jeffrey Alan and his weight was 8 pounds, "3 ounces. Mrs. Dorothy Evans of Youngstown was a weekend guest of her daughter Anna Thack;na at the Home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer and JOl' S.tker ~erc callers on Nl'lIil' ~tlll1cr Friday evening. Mrs. Gcrt rudl' Burns was ta kl'1l to Gn'cne Memorial Hospital last wcek \\'hcrl' sltc passcd away. Sl'rvil"l's were hl'ld on Friday at Ihc Md'ollahs in Xcnia. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones and daugliters Jan and Lori or Lebanon were Sunday visitors of IJllian Schroeder.
, I
When the Arkansas Lassies visit Waynes1rule High School Gym on April. 17, Saturday night area: fans will have an opportunity to see basketball's all time great female dribbler and ball handler. Hailing from Eden
Decorate Your Home With SPRING FLOWERS & CENTER PIE-CES From Our
PH. 897-4971.
Paul Markle Appo inted As .Sidney Division Manager The United Telephone C.ompany of Ohio has appointed Paul Markle as Sidney Division Commercial Manager, it was announced by J.W. Gardner, Sidney Division Manager. Paul joined Unitcd in January of I <)70 as Special Service Representative for Ihe Genenel Offices in Mansfield. Ohin. the slale office location. ~Ie was lalCI" promoted to Directory Supervisor herore heing advanced 10 Sidncy Division Commercial Manage:... In his new position. Paul will hc responsible ror Ihe commercial operalions and puhlil.: relations in the Sidncy divisionl which consists of the Bellefontaine, Greenville. Leba non. Sidney. and MI.:Con nelsville districts. Paul's telephonc experi~nce before joining United consisted of being a pla·nt management trainee. plant 1nanagell1cI1t traincc. rinstruct.ion, com,mer9ii\1 .fep~ sentatlve and business office supervisor. A graduate of Wiley High School, Terre Haute, Indiana, Paul received his Bachelor of Science degree in speech. radio and television trom Indiana State . University.. a home in shing establi After Sidney ; Paul's wife, Roberta, and two sons, DclVid, age 7. and Garry age 9 wil'l join him. He enjoys music and electronics as his hobbies.
Valley, Minn .., this 5'6" basketball ball 'o f fire .also is one of gir~ .basketball all time great shooters and score.-s. Having a career high of 86 points in a single game and a season. Average of 41 pOints per game she' leads. the Lassies ' in scoring. Shooting from any spot of the floor she amazes the fans and . oRPosition night after night with her shooting. She could easily make any girls team in existence on her dribbling and ball ha~dl ing. She is rated number one in this category. This 8 year veteran is without a doubt one of the all time greats in the history of girls pro basketball. She has plenty of supporting talent in her team mates. 14 year vet Linda Yearby, 6 year vet Linda Fancett, 3 year vets Marli Witt and Judy Oelrich, and 6 year vet Betty JQ Johnson round out the team. The Las.c;ies arc the number one rated girls pro team and it is easy to see why when you look at the roster. Experience, speed, and excellent shooters rna ke them the most feared of all girls teams. On a given night any girl on the team can throw in 30 or, more. The Waynesville Men Faculty . will provide. ,. the Lassies with o~posj t1\:)n' wlien't hey,.viSit WaynesviiIe .Hi8h r SChool under the ' sponsorship of Waynesville High
0-'L---·--[)---F---[J-----~--T~I AUTO THEA TRE u.s.
Lebano n, Ohio
Fri-r.at-Sun Apr-8-9-10-1
REVIVAL APRil 11-25 1:30 P.M.
First Baptist Church lIth RIV. 1·1. . . Ilitticllll;
r ," , ::,
I ur- II • t. r Hi t • Come see how. the vampires do it. plcsenl ,
A DanCurli s ProductIo n
School ,. Jionor Socie t y. ~d~ince'. ;t~j~, • tickets are available' 'at: Wayne's' l. . ~: ville ~igh School. G~nt~ /tirrt'e '~ , :,.:. . ' 8 _p.m. Tickets will a'so be avai~- pt;" \, able at the door.
WIDda Lambert 8t'1·42'10
, By Enln B. PIck, Prinei..' 1. Notify the school by phone This is the last in a series of when the student is going to be articles concernmg the rules, reg- late, absent, or needs to leave ulations, and policies of Waynes- the school for any reason during ~e High School. 1 hope each the school day. ' parent has read and kept the 2. Encourage students to at· information to help keep them tend school regularly and do all wormed of what is required of assigned classwork and home· their child during 'Ilis. 9r her high work. ;' school.days. . 3. Check students progress at listed below are items of the end of -each nine weeks impor.tanCe for the parent, chil~, grading period. Please note grades , and school,to help promote good and attendance. relationship, better understandThe student should do the ing" and good communications following: between the home-end school. 1. Be on time to begin the _ 'Qle ' parents should do the school day and be on time for , following: each class. 2. Do all assigned work to the best of his or her ability. BIBLE ONLy MAKES 3. Obey the rules, regulation~ CHRISTIANS ONLY policies, and safety requirements of Waynesville High School. The school should provide Have you ever wondered, the follOwing: ,'-Why are not all the religiOUS people in the world who claim to 1. To give each child the beliew the Bible" the same rel- , opportunity to learn and excell in all academic subjects. igiously: just Ouistians?" The answer is obvious. Something be· 2. To give' each child a chance ust sideJ . i the Bible has been to participate in all extracurricutaught, heard" believed and ob- lar activities, such as, clubs, athletic teams, cheerleading squads, eyed! For, t~, Bible only makes Otrlitians only! One of God's band,chorus,assemblyprograms. T h h t b ha 'immutable artdUnalterable iaws . ' ewry seed will bring 3 .... aO teac t em 0 e ve is that and act like a young lady or 'forth after, its kind. In creation, gentleman at all times. ' iaid, " ~'Let the earth bring _ 4., To teach respect for fel. grass, the , herb , yielding seeeli and. the- fruit .tre~ yielding , low inan and loyalty for our cou· J~VJlfte yhiS:kind, ~~08e ,seed ntry. 'is:;... itte~ 1 1~~n' the earth: and it S: fl" give them' training here , ~I, "':'ffl;,u~ '"~ , " in school that they can transfer ~ sO."' ,'(Gen. 11: 11). When a to adult life for a more,product:'p each' seed -is sown, it win proive, richer, and fuller life ,i n a .a,t;.,~" " duce' a" peach tree; never an Ofdemocratic ~ciety,. ' tree.'1f you want an orange PJ.~ase feel free ' to call the " ~cip;'Diust sow the ,orange school or come to school if Can never tbereis a problem of any type. ~ ..." ,.•'.tiI kind~" ,f' Th~ sehopl numbers are 897',"The seed is 2176' 0£ 897-7011.
-- :: '-:---.-~
or' God. n
(Lk. 8: 11 ).
~'N"rnelfl.: the word of , Gltris ·sown I~J'.lreac~ne.laJ 'it Wi~ : proQuce the
tl\ing every time! (Of cour.'~'." ,•• ~,. word, in addition to being "-~IUJCjl1,,, .•mtist be heard, believed
In apOstolic times, ' gospel was 'preached, not produce various kinds But, just Christ--.. ,-"",._- OQly, ~>nly Cl,ttist-
Any Girl Scout leader, (Brownie, Junior, Cadet, or Senior) that peeds their basic training Nominations are now being conta(Ct Marcella Pottinger 885select this years recipient. The received for the George Arnold . 7364., award will be presented-on SatAward, presented annually to an Troop No. n107, will have urday, June 12th during the outstanding citizen of the Waytheir bridge-up in the Junior High annual Waynesville Country Fair. nesville area. Nominees for the Gym, April 27 at 7 p.m. Mrs. All nominations must contain award (man or woman) must be Genessa Bradley's Cadet Troop a written explanation of why at least 25 years of age and have and Mrs. Petit's Brownie Troop the person should be considered lived in the Waynesville area for will-have their advancement cerfor the award and the signature at least one year. Persons nommonies at this time also. of the person submitting the inated for the award will be conThe Girl Scouts of Troop No. name. Nominations may be desidered on the basis of their cur1.107 are looking forward to posited at the Waynesville Furnrent or past leadership in 'youth\ touring the Whit.e Nursing Home iture and Gift Shoppec. The civic or volunt~er groups, polApril 24. The girls have been deadline for submittting is April itical or religious activities, combusy making a gift for each of 30th. munity development, educationthe occupants there. al activities and citizenship. The Mrs. Hisey the high school art PRINGLES local Ministerial Association will teacher, will visit Troop No. 1469 Drain Cleaner Service review all names submitted and on April 14. Is Now In Operation Again To do our part for Earth Week The first amendment 897-5721 Brownie Troops 580; 307, and ". . . presupposes that right 431 are collecting throw-awa) conclusions are more likely bottles and jars. (Soft drink, to be gathered out of a multiketchup, fruit drink, baby food, tude of tongues, than through mouthwash, etc.) The bottles any kind of authoritative seshould be relatively' clean, aH'metlection. To many this is, and ,al removed, you don't have to always will be, folly; but we remove the labels. have staked upon it our all." ~ We will couect bottles on - Justice John Marshall Har- , April 24, May 8 and May 22 in Ian. the morning in the parking lot 'a t Mill View Park. Then the botThere are 17 golf courses tles will be taken to Dayton within a radius of six rnUea where the Dayton City Beautiful in the Plneburst-~rn Pines area of North Carollna. Council, radio station WING and Enroll In a FREE undenominat,Fiori Mill Supply Company will _ - - - . . ; , ' - - - - - - - _ . , . ional Home Bible Study Course. pay a penny a pound for the For complete details and a free Merle Norman Cosmetics bottles. , sample lesson send your name Now Open in Colony Square and address to: The money will be divided Tues-Wed-Thur..Sat 10 Im·5:30 pm Know Your Bible Campi.iign Frl10 1m·' pm betweeh' , tiie "three troops' and Closed Sun .. Mon Box 1969 each troop will use it for some Centerville, O. 45459 933-7826 kind of entertainment for their girls. If you have any questions or ANNUAL bottles you want picked up please call one of the leaders: Jackie Pettit 885-2192, Libby Conner~ 897-7386, Marie Alford 897-4656, Sarldy Jones 932Uf. I f 2161, Jean Prewitt 897-4232, 7:30 P.M. Helen Gross 897-5746, and Sara Fox 897-5449.
Sprinl Fine Irtl Fllti'll , h d y, I P i I 22
High School
'111II.illlllll law Illrll IrRIId IWlrd .
Activities fo.· Apri I 12
Return to school afte! Easter Vacation. 14 _ SenioJrS receiVe gradua· tion ilnvitations 8 a.m. (cafe) 16 Assembly in the gym Air Force Logistics Command Band I: 15 17 Arkansas lassies vs. Fac· ulty 8 p.m. 20 Depru1mental meetin~ at 2 :,30 in the Biology Room. 21 Faculty meeting at 2:30 in the Home Be. Room 22 Special Progress Reports (~i1i4()rt oilly). , due in the office ll:OO 22 8pr-in,g Con~t~) (MUSic . ~.) 7:30 High - School Gym. 23 , Special Progress ~ports (senion) , ~d ~~
.......,. . . a~ .·~~DiC~
PARTICIPATING Senior High Band, Chorus, Cadet Band, Solos, Ensemble, Art Exhibition by The J uniot and Senior High School Class
perry & derrick
Color your world bNutiful with Cameo utex. Ea.ter tOJiPPly, .... ier to k..p clean. Gu.ranteed one co.t coveraee.drl.. in 30 minutes with no unp'....nt paint 'odor. Roll.,.., brush.s c' •• n quickly with ~p .nd wat.r. Cam_ utex ••• the modern acryliC w.n finish for today'. home. stop in today. ,
Page 6 "
rg e relating the a weekly .... messo . world of to.d ay of Faith and! Church ..• \
WA YNESVI LLE Church of Christ
Third & Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evange list 10:00 •• m•• Sunday Mornln'g 6:30 p.m.. Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m.' Wednes day Evening Phone 897·446 2 for Informa tion
HOW TO BE SAVED AND KNOW IT Text: Roman s 1:1-14 To let the answer , th.... are SIX questlo nl you lhould alk yourlel f: I. Do I ' belleye . 11\ JesUI as my WSO . . I Saviou r, • Do I bellltve Jesus Christ Is the only Saviou r' Acts 4:12 ' Do I beneve He died for "2. my sin.. Plying the full price on the eroa? II. Have I 'recelve d Christ In my heart a, my own Saviour ? I I John 5:11-12 Rom 10:9.10 1. Have I ever taken Jesus to be my Saviour ? 2. Have I alked Him to come Into my tIeIrt? 3. Am I trusting Him to save me from my Ilns? III. Am I walking In, 'darknes s, 01' light? I John 1:1 1. Am I really trying to do the things that I know to be rllhU ·Rom.1 2:1-3
First Baptist Church
North Main Street John P. Osborn e, Pastor 10:00 a.m.· Sunday School ;11:00 a.m.' Mornin g Worship 6:30 p.m.' Trainin g Union 7:30 p.m•• Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. . Wednes day Prayer Meeting (Affiliat ed with Southe rn Bap. tlst Conven tion).
First Church of Christ
2. Am I carl.lll y, dOlnl thlnis tt..t are wrong? IV. Do I love my brother and othe.r Chrlltla nl? 1. III there one I cannot for· liver 2. III there a Chrbtla n that I do not love? V. Do I love the thlnl' of th" world? I John 2:5. 1. Am I lovw . of pleasure . n~re than God? 2. Do I love .. rthly things . n10re than Godly' 3. Do I love the p ... su~e of ' . ""en? VI. What about the Lord', Day? 1. lIS It a burden for you to arl .. on Sunday r 2. 00 you bring to stor. house of Lord that which God hal pro,,,,r ed you vwlthP MaL. 3:1 3. Do you give freely or tlfudlln glyr CO.r . 9:7 Rev. John Osborn First aaptlilt Church
152 High Street 897·47 86 Steve Tigner, Ministe r 8: 30·9:3 0 a.m. Worship Hour 9:45.·1 0:30 a.m.' Sunday Schpol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10:45· 11:45a .m. Worshi p Hour. ~~~~~~~~~ tion Recrea 5:00 p.m. Youth 6:00 p.m. Jr. High Youth 6: 30 p.m. Jr. Youth 7:00 p.m. Evening WorShip 8:30 p.m. Sen. Youth
Free Pentecostal Church of God
Friendship Baptist Church tion '
Friends Meetina
Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m • • Sunday School 10:45 a.m.' Sunday Meeting for Worship (unprog ramed)
St. Augustine Church
High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer , Pastor 7 a. m. & 11 a. m. • Masses 8 a. m. & 8 p.m •• Holy Days 7:30 p.m.· First Friday 7:45 a.m•• Dally Mass 5:30 p.m. · Saturda y Mass
Unitec. 4V1ethodist Church
Third & North Streets L. Young, Ministe r 9:00 a.m.' Church School 10:15 a.m.· Church st Worship 6:00 p.m•• Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellows hip
Methodist . CKur'ch
John t<. Smith, 'MIniste r 9: 30 a. m •• SJ.lnday School 10:30 a.m. .. Sunday Worship . ' Service 8:00·9: 00 p.m•• Wednes day Evening , Bible Study
United Methodist Church
David Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m.' Sunday Church Service 10: 30 a.m•• Sunday. SchoOl ll:OO a.m.' Sunday Worship Service . Youth Fltllows hlp and Bible Study
The Centerville First Pentecos~ Church
173 E. Frankll p Street Ray Norvell , Pastor' , Gene Bicknel l, Ass't. 10:00 a.m.· Sunday School 7:00 p.m •• Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m.· Wednes day Evening
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church
E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilto n, Pastor 7:30 p.m.• Ttlesda y 7:30 p.m •• Friday · Young People' s Service 10:00 a.m•• Sunday School 7:00 p.m•• Sunday Evening
Waynesville Rescue Mission
Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd. Rev. Sherma n Cook, Pastor 10:30 a.m.' Sunday School 7:00 p.m • • Sunday Eve. Service 7:30 p.m.· Wednes day Eve. Service 7:30 p.m.' Sat. Eve. Service
Route 42 at Ge,n ntown Ray Storme r, Pastor , 9:30 a, m •• Worship strvlce 10:30· Sunday Church SchOOl 5:00 p.m.· Sunday Youth FellOws hip
Walnut · Vine Robert R. Meredl th,Past or 9:30 a.m.' SundaY 'School 10:30 a.m.· Mornin g VVorshlp 6: 30 p.m•• Youth Fellows hip Jr. High & Sr. High 7:45 p.m. • VVednesday Choir Rehearsal
49 S. Main Street 9: 30 a.m•• Sunday School 10:30 a.m.' Mornin g Worship 7:00 p.m •• Sunday evening
Ferry Church of Christ
Wilmin gton Pike & Social Row Road Bus; Wisema n, Ministe r 9:00 a.m.· Sunday Bible School 10:15 a.m.· Sunday Worship 10:15 a.m.' Sunday Youth . . Worsnlp 6:30 p.m•• Sunday EvenIng Bible Study, all ages 7:30 p.m.· Wedne sday, Midwee k Prayer and Bible Study
Spring Valley Church of Christ
CORWIN Pentecostal Holiness Church
. Acy Lamb, Pastor 10:00 a.m•• Sunday School 7:30 p.m •• Sunday , Wednes day and Saturda y Evening VVorshlp Services 7:30 p.m•• Wednes day youth Service
Glady Street 10:00 a.m •• Morning Worship 7:00 p.m•• Evening VVorshlp 8:00 p.m•• Wetlnes day Evening Worship
. Rev. Leonar d Baxter 9:30 a.m.· Sunday Schooi 11:00 a.m.' Sunday Worship Service 7:30 p.m•• VVednesday, Prayer Service
Ridgeville Community Church
Mound Street Eo Friend Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m.· Sunday School 10:30 a.m.' Mornin g Worship
st. Rt. 48 & Lower
SPI'lngb o,o Road Ray .... Shelton , Pastor 9:3Q a.m•• Sunday School 10: 45 I.m. • Mornin g Worship 7:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m. - Wednes day Evening service 5:30 p.m. ' Sunday Sr. Youth Recr..tton 6:30 p.m.. Sunday Sr. Youth Services
Main Street Mrl..Lo ls Dunawa y, Past6r 10 a.m. • Sunday Sc:hool 11 a.m., Mornin g Worshi p 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. • Prayer M ..tlng Wednes day & Thursd ay 7:30 p.m. - Song-f e'" Last Saturda y each month.
Following Area Mer~hants' This Church Page rs Sponsored For You Through The Courtesy Of The
'1Iyout" ~'lk '" ,
, ;
~. it ,mIetJ ", .' If you'd Iik~·~to1 "'• .Iitted in,' , " ,....i bftftK"·;C8·~ our OATE-~ ..,,~r,
' 1
April 13 Senior Citizens .of Waynesthodist Me' at the vfile ' will ,meet . ,,-i Social Room for a carry-in 4inner at 12 o'clock noon. April 15 Meeting of Am~ri~n Legion Hall p.m. ,Legion .. Auxiliary,' 7:30 ..
Al>ril22 Thursday, Arinual Spring Fine Arts Festival 7:30 p.~. High School Auditorium. ,
Spring Valley Friends Church
Christian Baptist·. Mission
United Methodist Church
; · _~ ~~o--~--------~
Genntown United Church IIh9ne ,THE ,. ~IAMI . Z~TTE' at 8.97-6821. Of Christ
SPRING VALLEY United Methodist Church
First Church of God
Ohlu 73 East Lester Kldd, Pastor 10:00 a.m.' Sunday School 10:00 & ll:OO a.m.· Sunday Worship Servl.ce 7:30 p.m.· Sunday Evening Worship
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11:15 a.m.' Mornin g Prayer 1st, 3'd & 5th Sunday s; HOi' . ~ommunlon 2nd & 4th '5 Sur
Jonahs Run Baptist Church
St. Mary's Episcopal , 'Church
R.R. 122· DOdds, Ohio Pastor, James Coffma n 10:30 a.m•. Sunday SC'h ool 7:00 p.m•. Sunday Evange listic Service 7:30 Plm •• Wednes day Pr ayer Service
Southe rn Baptist Conven Norman Meadow s, Pastor 9:30 a.m.' Sunday School 10:30 a.m•. Sunday Mornin g Worship 7:30 p.m•• Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m.· Wednes day Midwee k Prayer and Bible Study
t· .~'.
Monday, April12, hamburger sandwich with pickles, baked beans, fruit, clio~lat~' ~d., ymite , milk; Tuesday, witmer sandwich Potato chips, buttered peas.i ~. ,ish -delight, and white fOilk; :Wed-' nesday, fried.chitken;sWeet -pot- , atoes, roll and butter, s1aw~ ,cook~ , ie and : white .milk; barbecue sandwich, buttere4 I'o.t. ".', . ~~ atoes, tOssecl'~d or ,:, . Friday '. cookie ·and' white " flsIJ S8J)dwi~~' 'bllttered com, . :Wife,r', and Wh}t~ '....
E '."q MOBIL , Your . . . Impo IS e c _ sura,n , ipreyour prQ$ctipn matlChas your tnv.~s~ant. You. ilored Insilrance PfO'teC1tion~1 .l
.. ..
Item. under t'hls heading are run free and may run..up to 4 weeks unle.. cancelle d. See ad blank on this page.
I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreci ation to all my friends and neighbo rs for all the cards and viSits while I was In the hospita l and after my return home. Also I want to thank everyon e for being so nice and helpful to my wife while I was In the hosl?lta l. Willard Bogan
1969 CHEVE LLE Super Sport 396 4 spd - 325 HP - just like new S300 and take over paymen ts 932-72 06 (i4c1 ) MUSHR OOM C9mpo st - attentio n " gardene rs, landscapers, and _green· " ,. houses - use organic matter for more natural vitamin s - excelle nt mulch & ground conditio ner • price for 9 cu. yd. load delivere d 0-15 miles S30. - 15-'30 miles $41.50 - 30-40 - mlles S46.5,O - S3 per cu. yel. at compost yard, - for Informa tion on dell, very call Fred's Mushro om CO. SOuth Lebi non, Ohio - 494-10 00 , 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or Cincinn ati 683(14c8) 6491 all hours
I Wish to thank ,all our friends and neighbo rs and especia lly the cook at , the Waynes ville High School for their card and flowers during my III· ' ness and stay at the hospita l. (14c1) Erllse Powell
VESI You can bUY a home - an older home with 4 large bdrms " all new '>ceram lc ' batli up - 15'x24 ' living rm with flrep,ac e " panehtd wall - dining rm - large country kitchen with cab• I nets - hardwo od floo(,5 - utility rm -new u.s not water heat - barn on " arge Io.t In Waynes ville - 'could be a 2 family - let's take a look - cail Tom ' Slbc~ collect '398-59 31 or 398-990 1 (14(;1) _.,;~qb'i rt , J~ 'Slbcy, ~ealtor
two Cemete ry lots at Miami Cemetery - half price -, 299-33 84 Dayton (14cl) GERMA N SHEPH ERD - female - 2 yrs old • black " sliver - S50 '- 897-
UPHOl .sTERi ;',jo Machin e - Ph. 8935855{~) ,
I want to thank our relative s and frlehds for the many prayers , cards, , flowers , gifts, and visits while I was In Ketterin g Memor ial Hospita l and since my return home. Also Rev. John K. Smith for his many prayers and viSits, and Steve Conner , for his Immedi ate and effectiv e ambula nce service. All the many kindnesses will never be forgotte n and I am sure they contrib uted much to my recov· ery. With deep gratitud e. (l4c1 ) Calvin Longac re
LOST BEAG LE· small - brown - blk - wht female - answer to Crise - 897-620 6 (l4c1 )
HELPWANT~D CLEAN ING Lady - '1 day per week . depend able • referenc es . own transportatio n to Ketterin g area· phone (13c3) Dayton ,293-08 00
WOLLENSAK 6710 monophonic tape recorder - excel cond 11 06 $95 - 897-23 , HUTC H- distressed cherry wood gd cond - $76 . can be seen afternoon or evening - 897·22 06 12
Fill in blank below with copy as you would li ke to see' it appear in the "Sell_It"r Column. This column is reserved for non-commercial, private indiciduals only. All items must be priced. This service is FREE from the Gazett e. COpy: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____
1971 VEGA : ~$2160 · 897-66 18 12 ." 1 SUNBEAM " Fast Back" Shaver electri c - in new cond . paid $26 plus tax· asking price $12 - 89712 2~6 1 ,- 73%"x27%" - 42" tall - glass front showcase - $30 - 01 -8851~ 7364 call after 5 p.m, A 5 Speed Bicycle for sale . 1 year old - Sears make . excel cond - with t"M> working speedomete rs . price $60 - at 723 Miami St. Waynesville, call anytime betwee n 7 and 11 p.m. 12 \Neekdays only - 897-7751 MAR E Pony w/saddle & bridle etc - $26 - 2 almost new tires 7.75x1 5 - $24 - 897-61 22 66 PLYMOUTH - fair - pay balance due or ta ke over payme nts 897-41 73 13
PHONE NUMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1911 Eas ter Seal Child Desires Nursing ocation
Eight-year-old Janene Riley, the 1971 Warren Count y Easter Seal Child, wants to be a nurse. BAB"'<S ITTING In my home - by dat boat m Phone Glastro rates LASS ble' G 14' FIBER or hour - reasona She has had plenty of oppor897·592 1 - ask for Jean HIli 40 HP Mercury - convertable top tunity to.observe nurses in action , BABV SITTIN G· I will take care of trailer Gates cover g moorin , for much of her last two years your child In my home - days - please comp . ield 1 windsh . 897-749 start Phone y elect call Alice Coatne has been spent in hospitals. She (l3ctf) , skiing or fishing for equipped has lost both legs and is now $860· 897-23 60 BABV SITTIN G In my home - by learning to maneuver on two 13 day or week - fenced In yard ,',.. , Old .Slalem, a' llved-1n re- o _ hour. artificial limbs, no small task " ask for JoAnn Edsall • Phone 897etorat lon Of ' mid-18th eebtury e . Machin (3cTF) Sewing ORE 6021 'KENM for an active youngster. . ~rtcID; ' .I. t,nalde tbe"elty Um-$35 t cabine Mediterranean style Janene , grandd aughte r of Mr . - Ita ', of...... .~Il'm. "., C. 13 and Mrs. Rober t Riley of love891-66 19 land Route One;-was struck by a bunEaster vehicle on Februa ry 22, 1968, --- .-- -" anel was taken first to Children's nies . white or black - $2 ea . NEW [j RENEW annual -' 13 Hospital and then, Good Smari'897-6 428 $~bsaiptiOn tan Hospital in Cincinnati. Nei1960 CH EVY Truck - 6 cyl . ther leg could be saved, but at radio & heater - runs gd - body , first, lanene did have her knee rusted in some places $350· 897of one leg. As her body started 14 . 6261 to grow, problems developed and . P.O. BOX 78 . J • ,', .,' Model PRIX D GRAN \'70 again, she had to be confin ed to air top· vinyl white . WA¥f 'lESV I LLE, OHIO 45068 with blue the hospit al, this time for five rond . low mileage - $3400 . . months. She had six operat ions 14 1897-2 685 after 6 p.m. during which attemp ts were made ' to move fat tissues down to WAYN ESVILL E cover the lower part of the l~g. -..:..'- - - - - - - - - - - - -t-', ADD~ESS - - -..;:: ALMO ST NEW ' During consul tation, doctor s deSTATE _ _ _ _ _ __ Brick ranch 1 'Iz years old with .coun· ~, .'cITY try kltcher1, 3 , bedroom s, 2 baths, cided that their attemp ts were attache d 2 car. ONLY S26-,500 PHONE -_ ____ ____ ___ not successful and they operat ed to cut the bone in the knee. ZONED BUSINESS / ~---Live In It now-se ll In future. Good When . it was decided that Investm ent on this 2-story older home. Huge kitchen , 3 bedroom s, Janene , should start using artilot, 88x220 . SI4,OOO. ficialli mbs, more prob\ems arose. 897~2241 PH~ 897-7931 She had to be hospitalized while JUST $12,500 For this 3·bedro om home. All rooms doctors decide d if the limbs fit SM ITH ' nice and large. Where else can you find sometlhing this reasonable? properly and while she learne d to walk on them. ' She has had QlII Jean Younce 897-4433 three sets of limbs. The first set ELDER REAL TY 885-5863 was stiff and was used to help her learn balance. The second set was fitted while she still had LLE I NESV WAY her one knee and if they had CAMP ERS, I,NC. "worked out", she would not have needed a cane to., walk., her grandm other said. She received CAMPING 'EQUIPMENT her thir,d set cf legs in Decem ber and spent five weeks i.n the hospital as she adjuste d '- to these. plus deposit" s Trailer ng Campi r Campe Wheel , ' ' f N9w; she can put them on and ",Wayne Cam~ T.o·ps, Truck off by herself, no easy task since Campers arid ,Tr~yel Trailers she'. has to first wrap her legs bo't tle gas and 'then, prope'rly place the legs so that the suction can work ,Sales ~- Rentals - Supplies ; ,properly. She uses a cane arid can ": alr~ady g~t around 'a'rpazingly
..... . . , FIVE Room house· 21fz car garage - ·phOne, 932·81 57 (la-ctf) 1, ad.- Iot " i WAV,N ES'(fIL. LE - Ih acre , lot : 3 -" 'bdrn1 l' 2 tMth - 1Ya,Clr garage - patio wall to wail Clroet· bUilt In-kitch en Price. r'ed",ced $21000 - owner wants .. actlon", Frank ,Knecht ly 1·885-2 9Q2 - <:.amfJ,IU (.. Sarber Realty_ 1-885·5 806' (Uc:2) ';, .~
, ·We-.n
At one time, her grandp arents relate, Janene and her friends zipped up and down the halls in what looked like a wheel chair brigade, lanene 's pleasin~ personality also won her adult friends who were always doing favors for her. The last time she was in the hospital, she had three separate birthd ay parties. A woman doctor , a plastic surgeon, also fell in love with Janene, bough t her toys, took her out to eat" and took her .to her _ home. . Janene 's grandp arents have also kept her life "~~ nearly normal as possible. They have taken her ort vacations even while they were yet teaching her to walk In the summer of 1969, they went to the Ozarks and devote d much time to Janene. "What a job it was," Mrs. Riley comm ented, "teach ing her to walk." While they were there, a man who owned ponies came around every evening and let Janene ride in ' a pony cart. He still writes to her. Janene also rides ponies herself and is lookin g,forward to having the pony on the Riley farm broke for riding. She seems to have no fear of this project . as she shows no fear of any new undert aking. Before she had her legs, Janene did not sit around 3,t home. Mrs. Riley says she could "scoot upstairs. faster than I could walk." She developed tremen dous strength in her arms. And all the while, she "nev~r complained U about 'anyth ing , accord ing · to ' her grandm other, who has reared six norma l youngsters. The:ex pense of hav;ing a child like Ja-"-ene is tremen dous. She recent ly had to have a new wheel dtai,r. and ,in the fut,we, the le~ Will have to be replac ed: ~ she~ , gr<?ws. They will cos~ ~ia~out< $1400 a pair. . The Rileys have ~, -received some ,help~ On~1..of :t'M:~ pair of legs JaOl~ne has ." boliglit by-·Boy. &o\1t :, . .. ,&". _'~ Despite, hedul . " nd!catf,;,;~ .~ "
; '
, fi).ritihUlQ' on,OIIi~'''',;:';
i DAYS THURS-FRI-SAT Truck loads Of Furniture Purch.a·sed For T'his·S'ule •
. .
Compllte · · lhtwr8J'm \:-~·8f SlllI.-
Complete line Of BARTELS
Kelvinator Refrigerators Side By Side ·
We have a complete line of furniture for your home to choose from 100 Recliners 25 Maple, Pecatn & Spanish
'~ltlt8d, .
"ladlr "1111111 'fll· .",.:1iD. ........
''1~• .'
~ ." '. r. ..: • \. :t " oj,
". . . . . . . . DIi~;(~.
\tJa l t c r ,Burd i n e J;:. R. 3
M Il [
Q ','
Second class postlage paid at Waynesville, Ohio \ ------- , --~~--~~~~~~~~--------------------- ------------ Single Copy 10c ' ------~Ohio sville, Wayne ~~~----------------------------~-~-----------1971 April 14,
: ":Re-Zoninllclion-Reaclion ,01 :'V e ry e ll Underslood ''A,
Better. Look - Into The Problem '
What 's Behind Coun cils' Actio n
sq. ft. is ;uO sq. ft . less than that called for under Rl. This 200 sq. ':,there seems to be much mis- veloped according to RI-A it ft. can be compared to about understanding in the area regard- would reduce the value of this the size of half of a 1 car garage . iRg the recent action of Village eXisting development. Also the 1,000 ft. required do The main objection to RI-A council to create as an. emernot include a garage. The ordin· gency measure a new residential is 'the reduction of house size ance requires living area on the from 1,200 sq. ft. to 1,000 and Z<JI1e known' as RI·A. first floor to be at least 1,000 sq. A 'petition was Circulated re- , lot size from 14,500 to 10,000 ft. Split I·evels and two storeis cently lUid acquired ,85 signatures sq. ft. must maintain at least I ,000 sq. For a true picture of this 6i1~ the petition was questioned on their first floor. Second ft. ary ',' by Ngel Sullivan as ~'eing out of "action-reaction" it is necessand floor or level would have to be to look closely at the facts ~~-Qtder according to Ohio State in addition to this 1,000 sq. ft . ~w: 'The petitioners were hoping reasons behind it being careful Another interesting point true. &~!~&; , '~~ ..t~~~~t ~hejr petition filed for a not to assume what is not about the new RI·A is its reo First of all the 65 acre tract . "zefe,rendum on the ordinance quirement for a garage (not car· ofland has not been zoned RI-A. 412). ; , ~rt). The old Rl does not reo " . ' \ refusal to comply Mrs. Preston has requested the quire ' a garage. Keep in mind, arommlted ~be group to go rezoning but it cannot be granted or denied until after a public ,this garag.e must be in addition 9~"illll;~~~~'~~"idi~~~common, pleas court. , to the 1,000 sq. ft. " llIUOI'ne'rs ' apparently .f~el 'bearing set for Tuesday at 7:30 not io~;is' reduct ft. sq. 200 A' O.f lot , p.m. ~terested ~,~rs9 ns should :;Ni.~~;a.;~cIJ~IUb' re re iQn : Compa a: a drlls~ic roq\lct ~"U' I,ll\' b.e ,1>e Rr.e~~~~ at. that .meetipg. l home' 33,x 33' being 1',089 sq. ft: ",Th~ Village ~~uncil did not .' gIf4~f)Y'W~\t'-'J;'~!lhf .' :'l'h~mt! ,.~,rXl3S ' :.havi...; ~ltfjDt~~tHe ,C01i1nClJ&>; .rea:son to adopt ' a sm!llet~t'? ' 'ana.:nb~~ : : ~ ;r.witJl:f 1,~2S ~~Q ,·ft: Also it ",auld ~ '~ . "·Si~'- .td 'crcl.te Rl ::A' or' he $dle 'imp~Si~le to, te'li It 1,200 sq. ft' ", any 'siljiite~ite(l -~!_pur~ ~ of. c~!lforaniti8" home frolJ1 a 1,oop sq. ft: home, .. . IUni house 'ho.using devel~pers ' specific Wishrilillim by just standing, outSide and ,~ .l '~l sq.f~: I ' es: ' ~t, .. growtn is importapt to looking at it. Many desirable ~ ,~Uage, ~nd ii ,cifter ext~nsive 1~"~r~.I~W,I[a1l1lg ~f " ~r families in :' ' ", .. ' ir.t~s~igati~n of, lo't; and house . ~omes housing 'fine ~j~lll~tt"'.(jtatd tJUs area are not o.ver 1,000 sq. to. be " d~~ '- siZb ; ~,n:i~u,ms jn other area viif1. A I ,O()O sq. ft. home' is not' 'RI-A !s.a "lages . it ~ ~$. ,'the councils' belief subs~ndard in moSt cities. that :the, ~bige s' Rl' 'si~s were' ~~. land .. ~elonging ' The woni' "emergency measto~ high.", ", " "';\"'t''''~''I.'it'J 1.U'.,l'... pteston. This 'land The, Rl·A size reduction ~lso , 'ure" has suggested some "pushadliacEjnt' ~o ~~m~s already ing through ',' by the village coun· TDlJlItil:!Under (R1 3on~ . Some feel has ' b~en badly mininterDreted. ' cil. rr time is taken it is found .pi~perty were de· "'The'hO(lse size reduction to 1,000 "~I:
that for ,many ordinances, declari~g them "emergency measures" is standard procedure. A great percentage of ordinances are passed as "emergency measures." But even as an emergency mea· sure it was necessary to post or Continued on Page 2
RETA IL MERCHANTS TO SELL TICKETS The Waynesville Area Merchants will be selling ti~kets for a $200.00 'shopping spree. TIckets will be sold for $1.00 and the drawing will be May 29th. The winner will be entitled to shop in any store in Wayqesville or Corwin . The money does not have to. be used all in one store. Tickets may be purchased from any retail member including "Cap" Stubbs, Lynn Fields, Sally Smith, Mary Bellman, Don Hockett, Ora Jones, Waynesville Drugs, and the Miami Gazette.
',:, !
I ..
l!'t -
Ili ll 'I lcl iri d
The ' ,month of May will be paint up, 'Clean up, and fix up for the residents of Waynesville. .. i Mayor Dexter Martin announced th8t the village truck would haul will be ' exhilerating and frolicJtA'r.f 1'our plans for Sat)1rtrash each Saturday in the 80m - an evening . of fun and [1IA);1~¥It;' ~I"~~~a.. : 1bere is a better show month. Should it rain the trash laughter a way from home will '1~I.JIli.lg to th~, area ,tliat ,night would '~e picked up on the folbe in store for' all those attend , '~tars 0/' ~Is' baske,tball, . , lowing Saturday. If necessary ing this zany show. All members "of. (alent ancr bea'uty - the the campaign would extend intoof tJ:le "Lassies" encourage and .,,,. Mld 'r enowned "Arkansas Lass' Th. famous ' girls will participate in the fun-rna·king. June. ts are urged to residen , All Whether faking passes to a tea~ to th'e , Waynesville HiSh help. All trash should be placed :tScIIOOI Gym ,to oppOse the men, ' rnate, doing the twist with the at 'the curb. No garbage rnay be ....,..'II.U .mem~rs at 8 p.m.,in a ' referee, or·flirting with the fans an these ' comical ihcidents ' or included. ·:ril!~'._ftll" for thtben efit of the Way~ Let "s make our town a nice "'."11'" Olapter'.of the National - jests' will be a cOnstant delight . So~etY. t;ntertainmen~ , 'to the attending children of all place to be from not away from. ages from 2 yeJ rs, old to 99 . start before the opening hout years young.. throug ~' ~~,.~niin SiOI .Out Pa"" Drive Do not miss this extravangaza Sing Out is conducting a papa~ti~g ,.' Sa!ur<bly." April , 17, when ' the the' er drive Saturday April 17th. men faculty.' members meet .-will ~ ,flirt Alf'W.tynesviUe residents are urg· "l..assie~ " ~Wo'riwen faculty mem~.-Mth":i1IUio(l.Ollij)olrielllts , and fan!! as ,cd to hQlp; , bers , witt::. parttcipat,c as <;hetr· p..apcrs should be placed on iead~;~, Orr!! .~"d, for 'each t~m. the" curb in bundles if possible. TlckOts; ~Jf · ~ .,oo ~Ie ·if,:· the ;:ibey '. wiiI be starting ttie driVe game i~. _n:tai: adwoCi'fi9tn ' any .~~~ ~C;ftr :t.f~ber. ':-- ,:' ;'~~~~O ~~~ . ;
Uetrecht on Clarksville Rd. The Waynesville Frre Department Was l. . . . 'Edsal called\. 't~ assist the Harveysburg unit. - Photo' Dlvjd
Clean Up Campaign For~y
au:rung trash resulted in a garage rue at the residence of Vuicent -
Family Practice Scholarship SubApplications ' for the Ohio committee the program .pciys. State Medical Association's two each reCipient $500 annually durannual family practice sc~olar ing each of his four years in the ships are ,now being received, Dr. medical college of his choice . ' Richard L Fulton, 'C(>lumbus, The award is paid directly to the OSMA President, annQUDced towinners. , ~ day. Application forms rnay be are "The $2,000 schol8(ships ed from the' Family Prac· ating, obtain for the purpose ot' stimul tice Scholarship Subcommittee ~. among medical students, interest Ohio State Medical Association~ in practicilig family medicine 'in 17 South High Street, cOlumClUo," Dr. fulton said. bus, Ohio 43215. Completed Candidates are required to be applications must be in the , Ohio residents, to have comple' O~MA o~~ no later than 'JWil: ted their , pre-medical education, ' ';: 11, Unl. and to have been accepted by a 's' .' schol. 1~.70 Recipients of the medical school. Application must E. Pappas 'o "'~,!,, _ ', arshipS g enterin of be made in the year , , ~ oga Cuyoh medical school - but prior to bemall ,in ,' the .....----.- ti~~;';;i~ ginning medical studies. C.andidates are judged on the ' Co~ege ,Qf ' Me(lieinle. f-k :phia, an~ hasis of integrity, 'interest ·, in .Youngs~0~ 7 ~~el)'ly con~mllnity activities and organ, IiY.criltV St. ' Wllli$r.:tJn ilations, leadership, intelligence, , man .:,in maturity, scholastic abiUty, and - School ~ need. QSMA tbe ~ministered by
:. :':fH E,'MIAI'-1I GAZETTE
/rt,morro~" s , Hottsekee,p ing
P.O. Bo~ 71: Phone '897-5921 David Ed~1I • I. . • • • ; • • • • • • • Man.,ln, Edttol' ~ .. Inald O. Hili. • . .. ' . ~ • • .' • • Advertising Mana,e, Philip Mor,an . • . • • • • • • • Aslt. AdVertlsln, Mana,e, Reginald O. Hili, David Edsall. • • • • • . ' • . • PJJbllshers P.O. Box 78, Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Member of the Ohio Newspaper Association .
Reich Khrushchev
This is that time of year when seed catalogues and vacation literature vie for equal attention in a great number of ' househOlds. An interest in ba,*yard gardening could very well be a determining factor in choosing !l farm as the ideal place to spend this year's family vacation. "Ohio farmers are cashing in on the crop ef city slickers who are trekking to the country in ever increasing numbers to enjoy a brief respite from the fast tempo of urban life. A vacation ."down-on-the-farm" can be a rewarding experience for children as they learn about farm life through helping 'their country cousins with a variety of chores. It's also an ideal place for adults to get away from work and household responsibilities and unwind in the relaxing atn1Osphere of country living.
The Greening of America Khrushchev Remembers Sandwich Glass Yo~r Income Tax
Lee Lasser
FIEI'I IEPII'I IE'I'VICE Heating & Air Conditioning Refrigerators, Washers, & Dryers And all other home appliances ALL PARTS IN STOCK
933-8866 18 North Mulberry St., Lebanon, Ohio
WI , I'
Qualify-Safety first " Poys To Buy Th.
. Bestl
..... . .... ,.
. !~
PARTS :"~CO. PH.• 897-2931
1 V Repair 1nniv erllri Ip, rlci Itill Ipacill
Service Call
$ Regularly $9.95
From April 14th thru 30th
1 ~m not a nag. When I wallt my hUliband to do. IiOmething: I use the m~ical mystery girl approach, offering my own occult , solutions to things he says are impo~ible. Like when he says he'd rather buy a new barbecue than clean the old ~ri11, 1 tell him how to 4? it with practically Q,o scru bbl~g. Or when he says he can't pamt the screen door because he 'forgot to clean that old paint brush, I tell him how to make it soft and flexible as new. Little' things like that. 'In fact, 1 have a whole bag of magical summer , cleaning tricks which I am ' happy to ' divulge to him, one by one, as the opportune moments arrive ; I'll pass them on to you, so that you too can leave off the nllggirig, and still get the dirty work done.
publish the ' hilve · a pubUc. -'--·~r ·'",' measures were Council did not r~,!~" ,.~!!",UW petition 'presented .to·,.,... ." .. file for referendum. and ordinance decided at th.,?"polJ$ November because ac<;ot(Jing .•~ ..,~." , ..: their interp~etation~ of ,~heda'w is ill~gal to file 'for tef~r~nd~m after an ordinance has beeq de~ ' '. c1ared an ,emergency measure. This. _interpretation is 'Yl\ill . ,~. will have to be decided court. ~ t If the court sho~I~Jlnd ag~ipst ,', the count ils' 'interpretat~on tJ1e~l;:;',; village offici~ls will be required.. to file the,referendum., ,, ', •.:' If " the' court finds ~hi ' '~. ~ councils' actipns in order then·-~· . RI-A will remain ,in effect. ' .' l . In eithe,r case Rl-~ dqes riot .: make it possible to build tiny:'.:, homes. It does, in fact, raise the I' ), housing standard in some ,areas:; ~ , It does' make I t possible to ~p!,l~ 'I,. ' }:tomes in the ' $20,OOP Jary~~...: Unless hous~ng is,~vailable for, as' " little as $iO,OOO'then ne'V 'llorn~s rin. the area would become (jut" p~i~~d to most of ,the new ' lio~e' ~ buye,.rs. ' ; ' ~ .! Growth should be~ a ' concern in this area. N~w pelt)Pledt . will help offset a 10% mc.re&ll& in sewe'r rates that 8re,a r,,",sjden, must expect after' ttie..n~w stat~' required secondary sewage , ment system is installed. .',' 1TI
• • •
When you're pruning your last year's liummer clothes, make the following firm rule: "If I haven't used this irresi/ltible rag in two years, jt goes ()ul7'4lnd tlOW to thf.! Salvation Army. Makeli you feel ultrafashionable, ultra-neat, ultra. benevolent-and you know iwhat, yuu arc!
• • •
The shopping bag ploY is great for the garden clean·up. Take two. One little ' one to tote around the trowel, spade, pruning she.rs, plant food (an.d the other garden glove); a big one for weeds.
• • •
When the bilge water sloshes over onto his whiLe sailing pants, ,YOll call get the stains out. Just pre·soak· them ~or an hour' with 1/2 cuP ' of ypur g I'e a lie-and-lltain,- removing , " ,cleunel·. .(Thro,w , in ,his ,,,¥hi~i sneak'el's while .you 're " at . ~~. ,. ,,: <' Also , gras!; and grease JlibiWed.:.· , kiddit' .· clothes.) ,Drain and put through Ii wash cycle with your' . - regulll\' detergen t.
Accommodations vary with the individual' farm families participating in the vacation program. Some farms offer a choice of living in cabins or cottages or in separate farm houses where guests have complete privacy,and do their own cooking'. The other plan involves "living in" with the farm family where.bountiful .. meals are furnished and eaten with the family. Economy is one of the best ,features of a farm vacation. I Weekly rates average around $50 for adults and $30 for children in most homes with a few charg;ing slightly more. Ohio farm families who open their homes to vacationers have organized associations to better serve the families wh& want to know wh'llt to expcet "down-on the-farm." Descriptive material concerning member 'farms ~ available free of charge by writing to: Ohio Farm & Rural Vacation Association, Rt. I, Quaker City, Ohio 43773 and "DownOn- The-Farm" Vacations, 1828 Westwood Dr., Springfield, Ohio 45504. Additional travel liter',ature is available from: Ohio Departl1l4ent of l)evel0p,went.:ln-
: ~~~b~t ~~4~~~ : .:.....', ~~~P~b~Q~o!e~8~9~7~-2~O~6~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ,. ~.:-.eCloJllII!.'tol:I_ . ....
Your teen~~~e:r, may ,know about atotnic-pPWer,
hydi'o~er, manpoWer. He~~
.is aware 'that 'many' other' .; things are refe~ !.to. as," . ~~. Power. But Is he ~waf!tCl of "I'
REG. $76,4
·$5'5 ,. .
• Quick....yone-co.t
• Completety w..hiIbIe. • TooII eIMn up wtth • •,
th" greatest poWer in ,he :. . .?, uOlve,...
. ... ..".... "'~,
• • , "
"" ' '
le"arning about.~,~ . ~W~
• Melching colora .v.neble In
. ',' .- /",. '.
Will give your child . ",~ }. ' cO{lfldence t~ tack~ ; lhe' "'~.' " o~tacles we all, f~ 1'1 ,IIf,.:,. "
:fotmati9JI~ Cen~ral" ~~ , j~,l,
The country-fresh air and outdoor "doin's" help to work up an appetite for won~erful fresh farm food - garden vegetables and fruits , fresh eggs, farm meats, homemade icc creanl , and breads, cakes and pastries baked daily by. the farmer 's wife.
4IAP~~ ..
Recreational activities center in the simpl.e pleasures of playing with farm pets, swimming and fishing in the farm pond, hiking and horsebalck riding along woodland trails, pitching horseshoes, . going on hayrides, ·golfing at nearby courses, or ju~t plain loafing In a hammock, under the ':' trees . . "Goi,ng . to to,\VO ;' to. ,a· " country a\~ctiOll,. antique. shop, . local factory. ~i~torical museu.m, bowling ailley or movie theatre , are additional activities available to guests .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'C,:t'.li:~!\-:e'''! :~
Hot Waier l-nRiver UnharlR ful to Fish God Says Versus ~'lNI~a't Man says
2. Tests conducted above and A six month research study below each plant did not show a released today indicates that .; Man says: "The important shift from the desirable diatom heated water discharged from thmg is whether or not one electril.:al type of algae to the less desirpower generating statlove God, not the keeping of able green or bl ue-green groups ions on the Ohi - river has no commandments. " associated with thermal pollutdiscernible harmful effect on the ..~d says: "For this is the , ion. The zooplankton population aquatiC life of the river or the lov~ of God that we keep His ~as similar in qUlantity and qualrifer ecology gencrally. QOlllmandments and His comity above and below discharge The findings are contained in ~ndments are not grievous." points. the report of a study covering I Joo. 5:3. the period from July through 3. Dissovled oxygen in the . fdan says: "Thank (bd for December. 1970, bas'ed on actriver was generally higher below the' many churches so that man ual field investigations conductplants than above . . .a benemay find the one that is best ed for ten electric utility comficial effect atnrihuted to tursuited for him." panies -in Ohio, Kentucky and bulenl.:e. aeated by woling wat, ~ God says: There is one body." West Virginia. The study is hel, \' ~Ph,. 4:4. "He is the head of the eved er disl.:harges. While the tempto be the first of its kind body, the church." Col. 1: 18. erature was slightly higher at ever made on the Ohio river. Man says: "Join the church t he surface near Ihe discharge The study was made by "'of ' your choice, but _ join a WAPORA, Inc., a Washington repoints, there was no indication . church." search and consulting firm. l1\e of excessive h~~at or "thermal . God says: "And the Lord utility companies have contractblockage" which could affecl . fldded to the church daily such ed to spend $180,000 to finance migration of fish. as. should be saved" Acts 2:47. the study over a fifteen-month From the stand~oint 01 'sports5 . "~very Pl~t (religious) which period ending next September fishmg it i desirable to have as :·my hea:venly Father planteth in order to study river condit~ , :sball be rooted up." Matt. high a proportion of game to ions during all seasonal periods. 5:13. "let there be no divisions "rough" fish as possible . Some The consulting firm is headed j~rylOllg·yOU." I Cor. 1: 10. of the factors influencing the .I" Man . says: "Each person by Dr. Jacob .I. Bregman, former prevalence of game fish include deputy assistant of the Interior '~h()~ld follow the way that seems Water Quality and Research. for a healthy population of bottom 'right ·to 'him and that honesty The Ohio river study is being . organisms and an adequate numconscjen~ direct." carried out by a research tcam ber of shallow, quiet areas for says: "There is a way under the direction of Dr. Gerspawning and nesting. l1\e seemeth ri~t unto a man: ald Lauer, assistant director of WAPORA studies indicated a thereof are the ways .Prov. 14: 12. . "0 the Institute of Environmental very low bo.ttom (benthic) orMedicine, New York University . . kjiQ.w th~t ·th~ ~y ~1nism t:OUIH, high turbidity. ...:.....""'..;,">E! ~ , .fio iIi himself, it ·is· , Medical Center·. probably due to scouring of Ihe The WAPORA research in,walket h to dir~ river bottom by barge traffic, volved a thorough population ~~~t:~ IijS-i10PS .,; JeT. 10: 23. . and few suitable nesting areas. analysis of the aquatic "food '~nly is a The report by WAPORA wn.oleSO.1ne.~_ doctf~e and chain" at various points along The Water Quality poin ted out t ha t furt her investhe river. tOirilf()(t" . "Ye see ·, tigation of fish spawni~\g, ben,o~ly.. ·~ is ,jus-' . Offic~ of the U.S. Environmen,...... .' tal Protection Agency, which thic populatiob of the river and ".' ,:.. . has been conducting fish pop~ uH ' photosynt,hetic productivity of say~/;" e se~ that by ulati9n studies in the Ohio riv~ algae is proceeding in order to wodel' ,a ·::.O'iftIJ _. isjustiriea and er since 1957,: cooperated wit h ~~t:;.by . f~itb~JllY :" James 2:24, reach more defi nite wnclusions. WAPORA during the study. : .~ O(~",;4Wist Jesus nei~her cirResearch involved detailed For example, a numbcr of tests c"m~$' .' availeth anythiJ)g, nor sampling · and analysis at various showed population mcreases of ,uqcircumc~ion -but faith work- sites above and below intake and bottom organisms below power : mg through love.'? Gal. 5:6.' discharge Qoints ·of four power plant dist:harges. Since the Ohio 1 :Man says ; "Baptism is not pIants on the river.: Sammis Stat- . river has an e)<tremely low botil~ceSJ.ary ' to one's salvation." ion of Oh.io Edison Company, at tom population , an increase in .God says: ~~He that believeth this importan1t source of food is, . b:ap~iz~.d shall be .sayed" Stratton, Ohio; 'Beckjord Station of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric for game fish would be favorable. ·H): ·~6. "Repent ye, and be Company, near New Richmond, However , much more field re·~lpl1?ea ~ ey~ryone , of you in Ohio; Kyger Creek Station of :· name of :Tesus ' Christ unto the Ohio Valley Electric Corp. , . search is required to Jdermine reriti~iOll of your sins." Acts near Gallipolis, Ohio, and Cane possible beneficial effects of Run StatiQn of . the Louisville heated diSCharges. ",'. Ma~ says: "JJ8ptism is an Gas and Electric Company, Inc., The power companies, in In r ,.. n<.nee that can be administernear Louisville, Kentucky. sponsoring continued by . the sprinkling or pouring Population counts of aquatic WAPORA in this increasingly :~ter as well as by imlife ranged from single celled important field of river ecology, 11"'•."."'11 in water." hORe that results will not only S&ys: ' ~'We were 'buried' plants (phytoplankton,) tiny floating animal life (zooplankton), throw more light on the relllt~ 'a:thef-eJfore with him through bapionship of he<lted discharge and .,. •._... ....."'into ~·~eath/-· . RQm. 6:4. river bottom species (benthic WOFms, laraquatic bioloby, but may reveal ,organisms includihg . :came "unto Ii certain vae, clams, crayflsb, etc), all a the possibilities 'o f positive pro"'''c ,,~~ c . . . ' .and 'they both went .p3l!t of the food chain for the in,to:-lhe water, both Phil- fish population, to various types grams which may have broad ih'e-EWluch; an~ he bap- of fish. These counts were corpublic service implications in ~1.u~:.tI[1~\ him. And ..when they came with physical and chemmanagement of the environof--tfre water, the Spirit related ical conditions in the river. ment. . . ~~ght ·away . Phillnterim c.onclusions of the . Assisting Dr. Lauer in the re8;36-39: WAPORA study indicate tliat: scjlrch project are A. anistoare :invited to attend the I. Fish population of ttie Ohio ..fiber Gross, rcscarch ecologist, ....'liil'll.. · 'the 'churcb of Christ' river has not changed sigpigicantWAPORA's project leader. a'nd ·;.,JI'U~UI~at Third and Miami IlIvid B. 8()i(~s, WAPoRA's dir. ·it 10 a.m. and Iy between 1,9S7 and 1970 even though the power cal*c~ty has' . Day and ~t increased greatly.- The low ratio' ector. of rC$culfch. . ~W.'4neld.aY~... ~veriing. We ll1e cOlllpunics sp«)l1soring 9f game ·fish to ~ough~" fish~ lo take, I. \Ill! ' t ftPCt h ~ -. . the reseu'rch arc _he. eigllt . mem'"~>:r.nge~ :.Yr"'· sue " . carp, . . .b,fJalo:.ltri4 sucker~lhas . . . ~rt ~)irip'-r(~. ()r'thcH)hi~) ~ec~ . .. , ....
Letters To
" ..... AI.." U
,. '
soring companies are; The Cincinnati Gas and Electrk Company; the Cleveland Electric illuminating Company; Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric; the Dayton Power and Ught Company ; Ohio Edison Company , Akron; Ohio Power Company , Canton ; the Toledo Edison Coinpany; Monongahela Power Company; Kentucky Utilities Company, and Louisville Gas and Electric Company, Inc.
' \
The Editor Gentlemen: The ladies Auxilary for the children of Stillwater Hospital thank you for a years subscription to your newspaper , for our recent Fashion Show. Thank you, Mrs. Norbert J. Norvat:k Social Secretary
RALPH HUDGEl PROMOTED TO TEST BOARD The promotion of Ralph Hudgel to Testboard Man has been announced by Don Shoerna ker, Lebanon District Manager of United Telephone Company of Ohio. Ralph started with United in December of 1955 as an Installation and Repairman and· maintained that position until his recent promotion. In his new position as Testboard Man. his duties will consist of dispatching troul?le reports to . Installation and Repairmen and testing lines to determine the cuases of difficulties reported in the Lebanon district. The Lebanon district is comprised of the Lebanon, Mason, Waynesvill~ , Morrow, South lebanon and Mt. Sterling exchanges. Ralph attended Lebanon High School and lists his recreational ' pastimes as swimming, fishing and travel. He resides in Lebanon with his wife, Mary, and three of his five ' children . Two of his children are presently serving with the U.S. Army; a SOl1_ in Viet Nam, and a daughter .stationed in Massachusetts.
ST·UBBS-CONNE·R FUNERAL HOME .. OUR 01£ AMBIlIO. . T. PnvNe I killl,. SJII,.aetic .. jpHie~ sinict ,. tH . . If ...d It I cat 'wialt tU reac~ If ...,.... " SERVING ~ ALL: FAITHS
Reasonable Rates Ask for Joan
Phone 897-6021
E. Stephen Conner - Director
'OPEN Dakin Mobile lOIRe Sales
. . _.,w. .
..... '. U L l I '
~d ~nt.ialb" eomtil!~'" ~~~--..-!";" :~~~" ,i1!1~~~1: f~t ~. :.~., ,-:
i. \
Located on Waynesville Rd., 8/10 mile .sc.,uth of Waynesville, just off U.S. 42
HOURS: SUN: 12-6 MaN-FRI .: 9-6
· "i~YUtiU)y ·'~~.qlt'i.U~~i':·and· ,~ ~ ~Ph·-· II'I ·. 11'1'~~ :~;: ~~,~~~~~ :~'~r~~~~ '~ t~)~-t:.l':- :~~!!!i~~~"'~!I!I"~~"iIII!""'!iP.i.~~~"'•
.~ ~ , HARV~V.UR(;
by Mary Bellman 897-5826
EDJTO RS NOTE : The Talk of tIM Town column II beln, written by Mary Bellman . Arty persona l Iteml luch as guestl In your home or vlsltl you've made or any newl Item IhOuld be directe d to the above phone numb •• The Guette alwaYI appreCiates your co-op. . tlon.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Earnhart, son and daughter of Chesterton, Indiana were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Earnhart.
B ir th s Mr. and Mrs. John Hawke announce the birth of a son, Jesse Harris on April 7, at the Springfield Community Hospital. Young Je~se's great grandmother is Mrs. Winifred Hartsock of Waynesville.
Special weekl y rates or will sit by hour or day. ~nstant care in a good
Merle Norman Cosmetics Now Open in Colony Square
Christidn home.
Tue50Wed-Thur50sat 10 am-5:3 0 pm Fr. 10 am-I pm Closed Sun a. Mon
Phone 897-59.:! I Ask for Jean Hill
933-7 826
I pr inI fin 8 I rII f1:1f" "11 • :t
, hur. dI y, I pr i I 22 7:30 P.M.
am High Schoal ludit,dri ", ' PARTICIPATING Senior High Band, Chorus , Cadet Band, , Solos, Ensemble, by tion Exhibi , Art ~e Junior and Senior High School Class
j'DU Fwr Ji:Id!
perry & derrick
Color your world beautifu l with cameo Latex. Easle.r to~pply, .... ler to keep clean. Guaranteed one cOlit cov8raa e,dries In 30 minutes with no unpleas ant paint odor. Rollers , brulh •• cle.n quickly with S9aP .nd water. cameo Latex •.. the modern .crylic wall finish for today's home. 'Stop in today.
Reg. $8.19 SALE PRICE
thday dimiers at' , the !dr. ana M~~. Charles Price, , day ,evening. Mi. and Mrs:' ' 3hce.~ del were, 'also . in attelid Word has been' received·here' • . of the death of Kenpeth SYfre:(if'~; , ~n of the, late John and" Mri~· ' Syfred an~_ grandson of" Mr$..:I, H.S. 'f1:tcker. He Was a '~.studen ( . a! Ohio Sta'te ,University ,an4 'auto .'" died as the result , of aceidnet at Bfa denton , Ftol'i~I' where he wa,s on vacation> ',':: ,i Our , get well ' wishes , ~p Mrs: ,:;' Evelyn Ball,a surgical petient 'af ,.:rP.l".."":rI7··~J 9randview Hospital and 'to Vesta., :' 'FJlis Ewing who has ~n :~n.\\:"
The WsCS met Thurs4ay afternoon at. the United Methodist can help lower,chole$terol blood Church. In' the absenCe of Mrs. levels. :J~net ,Wyatt Mrs. Heltm Rober- · 3. Ask your watiress to load' , tson presided. The program lead, up the appetizer tray. You'l reers were Mrs. Ruth Wolfe and Ush nibbling all you want' on celMrs. BeSs Ellis, with Lucy Mc ery, carrots" Iradishes; scallions, Carren in charge of deVotions. ' pickle~.and thf' like. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Taylor 4. You also can have yo~r spent Monday afternoon with fill of salads, providing you use their son Willard who had just oil and vinegar.' dressing. It's tasty returned home from GrandView and your salad will haveneiUter , Hospital. Willard had sUffered a saturated fat nor cholesterol. , - heart attack re<;ently but 'is 'get,5. For the main course, conting along ~ry well. centrate 9n lean meats, fish and Mrs. ~rgery McCarthy of Wilpoultry, baked, broiled or roastmington sP.'nt Sunday afternoon ed: If a sauce is servec;l 'on your with her father ROmine' Shumeat, scrap it off. Remove the ,maker. skin from the turkey and chickMr. and Mrs. Emerson ~' en, to avoid most of ,the fowl ters and 'son TODi of, Myrtle fat. Beach, South Carolina,. former . 6. If you Uke milk, try skim Harveysb~rg residents are visitmilk or buttermilk and yogurt ing here and are staying with made from skim milk. You can Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Adams have cocoa made with low-fat of Corwin. They were Sunday milk. callers on Mr .• and Mrs. Eve(ett 7. Naturally, you should aGordon. void or eat sparingly of rich Mrs. John Bright of near Wildesserts. What't left? A large mington spent Wednesday with variety of fres,h fruit or canned her aunt Mrs. ,ViQla Fealy: fruit witho\U added sugar, gelMrs. Raymond Cox and sOn atin fruit whip, puddings if made spent J'hurs4ay eveni~g Mark with 'low-fat milk, ice cream and with Mr., an,d Mrs. Clint T~ylor. sherbert in moderation. Mr. Arthur Gibson, Sr. of ~, ~---.........~~",;",,---~~~, !,~.~ Di~t alone wotl 't reduce the Lees Creek, father of FraQk Gib- " J.:..::.:.:..~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~ risk of ~eart at'tack, or of stroke, son is a petient in Holmes Hoswhich follows tile fat-clOgging pital, Cincinnati fono~ng , of an artery to' the brain . Other ' ." surgery. important risk factors to' con~ Otapter 224 DES 'Will 'me~f:" It' trol includ'e higll blbotl pressure ; b Thursday night 'at 'the Masbm . . , ~ .~. Hall. . cigarette smoking, sedentary living, excess weight arId other 'disMrs. Viola Fealy ~ ~ " a ,Sun., !ase states such as diabetes. day dinner guest of Mr. and ' , ' • Mrs, Charles 'Price. " Mr. H()~rd Dost~r 3nd'chiidren of West I..3fayette :~ fudi8ri.a .~ attended church at-Jonahs Rii:~ DP& L Offers Book let Sunday. Illvi4 'and oa~iel OqsHow (0 increase the, value of ter are spending ,t,heir ;' Easter :. • your property with trees is set forth in a little booklet published by Th,e [}Jyton Power and Light Company. It is called "The Right Tre:c in the' Right Place ' for lasting Beauty ." It is free at DP&L's Xenia office , 65 S. Detroit St. According to Robert Kyvik, Xenia District manager for DP&L many people plant trees without proper spacing and regard for future 'appearance . bggestions for selecting the right trees for the right places, and maintaining them after they are planted, are outlined in this booklet. It also Usts some typical trees which grow best in West Central Ohio.
Ill lll ' Ill ll filhinl ,ll kl Former ty
Walout lill l Bait Shop & Restaw~~
Ha~ndel ~njoyed"'th.iu.
tain polyunsatw,ated"fats, which
Now stocke d wjth 17 types of fist'l
and , ,!: Ma~t~rs' , ' TQmmy
The bachelor who can't or won.'t cook, and the traveling salesman who eats most of his meals on the road may be headed for heart trouble, says,the Southwestern Ohio Heart Chapter. A diet emphaSizing foods rich in sat~rated fats and cholesterol the bacon and eggs, hamburger and French fries, meat with gravy and coffee with cream route followed by so many who constantly eat out; can speed the development of hardening of 'the arteries. Usually the items mentioned above are loaded with animal (saturated) fats and/or cholesterol, which influence coronary disease, the forerunner of ,heart attack. Clearly, the bachelor or salesman is on a spot. HoWever, moderate changes in eating habits may get him off it. The Southwestern Ohio Heart Association, therefore, offers this heart-helping advise, which applies to anyone who eats out often: 1. Go easy on the roll and biscuit basket . Commercial types usually are \ made with butter, eggs, whole milk, cream or other saturated fats. 2. Ask your waitress for margarine instead of butter. Margar'ine and most vegetable oils con-
By Marjean Price, " Ph. 891..6172 ' ,
Talk Of The Town
t~eiil~t:r~,~t'~~i'1~i~~~: V8eatioo ·with "'MrS:',
€hoI8ster~I,~ .N.iii"'t'l~I:: ;,: \ . "
GooCl Not
•• ,
,. j. ~
'fr ani The PI-rch Cla~ ';:\.
,(lobster, shrimIl, crabs, clams, anll '·oysters) 'and organ meats (brains, sweetbrc~ads, kidiiey' arid liver) are particularly rich in cholesterol. The body also makes cholesterol and the amount made apparently depends on the kinds of fat we eat. Animal or saturated fats tend to inc:rease cholesterol levels in the blood. Presumably they spur the liver to manufacture more of it. Polyunsaturated fats (such as those found in corn oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil and sunflower oil) tend to decrease cholesterol levels. Knowing that cholesterol -
, Many AmericanS are aware that if they eat foods low in cholesterol they may retard the process of ~rdening 9f the artLD;tes, son of Mrs. eries and re)iuce ~tl1eir risk , of . Lutes, Route 3, Waynes, heart attack and stroke. But few has earned academic disknow whit. chOlesterol is and on the Dean's Ust at what it does. Cholesterol is not 'University, where he is ' all bad. ,In proper amounts, it is $ ju'~ior. in fact involved in a number of " \' ': The scholastic recognition is functions vital to body health, :.•~ :extended,to those students who says th~ Heart Assoication of ~~;~'earl\ ,a '3.5 (A-) or better grade Southwestern Ohio. . ' aYerage out of a possible 4.0. A fat-like chemical substance .. .k' During, the first semester, for cholesterol is {oun~ in every liv,~l' ,Which ,the honor was' accorded, ing cell, reaching' its highest con'/'398 of Del-auw's 2,360 under- centration in the cells of the fatty in feel and pearly in color 8faduates - or less than 17% of central nervous system. Not all is neither all good nor all bad, , ,' the student body - won Dean's of 'its roles are clear, but this but somewhere in between ,,' list distinction. chemical is known to be essenshould encourage Americans to ,,'" Lutes is a graduate of Waytial to the proper architecture modify their diets so that intake ' (lesville High School and is majof the cell membrane. As such it , of cholesterol is kept within due ,PTing' in, premedical science at presumably plays a key role in bounds, the Southwestern Ohio private liberal arts college. regulatillg what gets' in and out Cahpter of the::: American Heart , of the cell. It is also the foreAssociation concludes. runner of a number of other agents including the ' sex and adrenal hormones. "Outlaw the Outlaws" What makes cholesterol such a potential ~iological bugaboo, Paul R. Schlegel, Toledo, says the Heart Association, is president of the Ohio Motorthat an excess amount of it in cycle Dealers; Association, rethe blood may increase suscepported that the 130 member tiability to heart attack. There's group passed a resolution at its a lot of evidence that when there monthly meeting last night, deis an exeess of cholesterol it ploring the violent activity, of piles up i~ the coronary arteries ~otorcycle gangs, such as those , (along with other fatty subwhose members were indicted in ,;~~' ::~' stances.) an,d can reduce or shut Cleveland this month . ,'., ;',-off blood flow to the heart He said that the Association Result: h~art attack. has pledged"unlimite,d, ti11\~.. enMlRii~1lfu~lti~.Y· . .,., I' is,;'pre§ent ,In varyergy and all ills available funds to ling .'amounts in foods of animal help end outlaw motorcycle origin' (eggs, meats, poultry and gaJ)gs, arid is anxious to cooper- ' ~.·r(j."J'ib~~"'~ ~L"' __" ~' ''~~''~ '''''I,..\ to ." " d~ify.' produ~ts) and in sea food; ate with any citizen groups, or "-', ' , Egg yolks, ,fish roe, shellfish legisla tive bodies to "outlaw the outlaws. " &:hlegel said that in 1970 the Associat ion attempted to take action that would legally stop or minimize motorcycle- '" .~ure giVirig details .' ''f~'" .' '. • gang activity. To this end, the $7.00 Association met with represenpr. cIII. tatives of the Ohio Department " HarleJ,""'CoIo",iai of Highway Safety ~ the Buckeye . , fapr~tions ' State Sheriff's 'Association, and ~ 11~.·flnl~ . City Attorneys in several Ohio .. · ~~~~petiWred cities. ,!, ,:, ' ;t- " , These efforts proved fruitless,
News '
We were visited by the ladies The Clever Clovers 4H aub and children of the First Ba,pmet April 7 at the home of tist Church with their lovely Kathy Madison witt). Connie Easter baskets on Friday. They Ellis presiding. were very much appreciated by The club members decided , all. on a new date to meet. They Dinner guest of Nellie Bunnell will now meet every rrrst and on Saturday was her sister Edith third Monday of each month. , Davis of Wilmington. There was an election held Robert Crane ~lled on his to elect the officers for this year. mother Florence Crane on FriThey are as follows : President day. Judy McFadden, Vice President Bessie Chaney was a weekend Andrea Bernard, Secretary Kathy guest of her son Delmar and wife Madison, Treasurer Teri Sackett, of Lebanon. News Reporter Connie Ellis, Sara Burnett visited Mary Safety Estelle Mcinnis, and EcoChapman one day last week. logy chairman Deanne Hawkins Sunday guests of Nellie Bunand Vicki Richards. nell were her granddaughter While waiting for 'a movie to Rhoda Bunnell of Bloomington, be set up they were entertained Ind. as a dinner guest. Other by an excellent report on a day guests, were Mr. R.J. Ousley, at college from Teri Arnolds. Ginger, Jill and Kent of R.R. 3 After that they watched the in the afternoon. movie Swing to Spring, and saw later in the afternoon other some of the latest and coming callers were Mr. and Mrs. George fashions for this spring and sumBunnell of Troy Ohio and Dr. mer. and Mrs. Larry Bunnell of Piqua Refreshn:tents were served and also Brent and Melissa Bunnell. the meeting was over., Easter Sunday , Mr. and Mrs. Next meeting will be held at Howard Jones and daughters Lori the home of Teri Sackett on and Janice from ubanon visited April 19th at 7:30 to 9:00. lillian Schroeder. The club members who will take Nettie Palmer was the guest part in the program for the next of the Robert Palmers on Easter meeting are: Teri Arnold, Estelle Sunday. Mcinnis, and Andrea Bernard. Gladys Hartman spent Easter Sunday with the Conard Hart- r------------~ ~rt1ans at Wilmington: JACK'S Mrs. Roy Johnston of New Repair Shop York City has been the guest of Tractor & Farm Equipment her ' mother Jessie Robitzer the Repair past week. R.R. 1'\10. 2 Way., O. 897-7521
Sc~pl" said,~~wet~A.
:, ociation was advised that invasion ~f privacy liUgation might ensue. Schlegel pOinted out that there are , 160,000 motorcycles, ,registered in Ohio, that. the percemtage of riders belonging to outlaw gangs is very small, and the damage they do to the image of respectable riders is enormous. He further stated that "the Association's investigation and experience have shown that a maj'ori~y of the members of 'motor. cycl~ gangs~' do 'not even own ~, motorcycl~, but join, the ,'gangs' for kicks'."
" (5AR.~;APARlllA ~' WA~S ONe. t V$Ej) A5 A
CJomplete LIDe
~ LaW1l II
In 8&oat
• THE ,E~E.MY ~ "Furn on the' t."vfllon dur'",a ne~ . ' cast or pick 'up,a neWl;pa.r. T hat,ll about an you need t o ' do· to · ... 0", hhr lomethln, about war. I,f you will turn to:the Ilx h Chaptllf of Ephellan. . and read ' V.....I 10·1. you will ... , ,that the statu. qUo for Christiana hili alway. b ..n WARIThl. pa ...,e • talkl of putt In, on a"mor and ,olng Into battle. The Chrlltlan, If he realty II one, oppose. lin and II dalty In battle a .. rnlt the Devil. I was recently In a cOlJver.. tlo~ with a man and the topiC of the Devil carlle up. He a,,· mltted to me that It hid been years IInce he had laat thought of Satan. Satan I. our ENEMY. We mUlt ack· nOwledge him al i r"llIty and stlnCi firm agalnlt his fore... The Devil I. an artllt - he paint. sin In .,.ry attractive colors. When he tempted Eve he cau"d the fruit to look "good" and .. pl.... nt .. to her. When he doel that In our lives he causel us ' to surrender our commitment to JesUI Chrllt and our activities In HII church. Don't let him deceive you with ratlo.allim. Put on the whole armor of Cod and ..and firm. Be at war with the enemy. Steve Tigner, Mlnllter First Church of Christ
WA YNESVI LLE Church of Christ
Third & Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evangelist 1~00 a. m • • Sund~ y Mornln'g 6:30 p.m•• Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m.· Wednesday Evening Phone 897·4462 for Information
First Baptist Church North Main Street John P. Osborne, Pastor 10:00 a.m . • Sunday School 1 1: 00 a.m.· Morn ing Worship 6:30 p.m.· Training Union 7:30 p.m•• Evening Worship 7: 30 p.m •. Wednesday Prayer Meeting , (Affiliated with Southern Baptist Convention).
First Church of Christ 152 High Street 897·4786 Steve Tigner, Min Ister 8: 30·9 : 30 a.m. Worship Hour 9:45·10:30 a.m .• Sunday School 10:45 · 11l45a. m. Worship Hour 5: 00 p.m. Youth Recreation 6: 00 p.m. Jr. High Youth 6: 30 p.m. Jr. Youth 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 1i': 30 p.m. Sen. youth
Friends MeetinQ
St. Augustine Church
High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, Pastor 7 a.m. & 11 a.m • • Masses 8 a. m. & 8 p. m • • Holy Days 7 : 30 p.m.' First Friday 7 : 45 a.m • • Dally Mass 5: 30 p.m•• Saturday Mass
Friendship Baptist Church
Free Pentecostal Church of God -
Southern Baptist Convention Norman Meadows, Pastor 9:30 a.m. . Sunday School 10:30 a.m•• Sunday Morning Worship 7 : 30 p.m • • Sunday Evening Service 7: 30 p. m • • Wednesday Midweek Prayer and Bible Study '
S2"\l lca
LYTLE United Methodist Church
' Ohio 73 East Lester Kldd, Pastor 10: 00 a. m •• Sunday School 10:00 & 11:00 a.m•• Sunday Worshl p Service 7: 30 p.m •. Sunday Evening Worship
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11:15 a.m.' Morning Prayer lst,, 3rd & 5th Sundays; Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays
United Methodist Church
Third & North Streets L Young, Minister 9:00 a.m, • Church School 10:15 a.m.' Church st Worship 6:00 p.m.· Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowship
John K. Sm ith, Minister 9: 30 a. m • • Sunday School 10: 30 a. rn •. Sunday Worshl p Service . 8:00·9:00 p.m •• Wednesday Evenin g, Bible Study
United Methodist Church
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church
E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7 : 30 p.m. - Tuesday 7 : 30 p.m • • Friday ; Young People's Servlce.1 10: OQ a. m. - 'Sunda.y School 7:00 p.m•• Sunday Evening
Waynesville Rescue Mission
Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd. Rev. Sherman Cook, Pastor 10: 30 a.m•• Sunday School 7:00 p. m •• Sunday Eve.' Service 7 : 30 p.m •• Wednesday Eve. Service 7:30 p.m.· Sat. Eve. Service
Genn1town United .Church Of ChriSt Route 'i~2 at Gennt own Ray Stormer . Pastor 9 : 30 a.m .• Worship Service 10: 30- Sunday Church School 5 : 00 p.m •. Sunday Youth Fellc:>wsh i p
SPRING VALLEY United Methodist Church
Walnut· Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9 : 30 a.m • • Sunday School 10: 30 a.m. ' Morning Worship 6:30 p.m.· Youth Fellowsh.lp Jr. High & Sr. High 7:45 p.m .. Wednesday Choir Rehearsal
First Church of God
49 S. Main Street 9: 30 a.m•• Sunday School 10:30 a.m.' Morning Worship 7: 00 p.m.· Sunday evening
Ferry Church of Christ
Wilmington Pike & Social Row Road Bus Wiseman, Minister 9 : 00 a.m.· Sunday Bible School 10:15 a.m.' Sunday Worship 10:15 a.m.· Sunday Youth 'WOirShlp 6:30 p" m.· Sunday Evening Bible Study, all ages 7:30 p,. m•• We<fnes'd ay· Midweek Prayer and Bible Study
Spring Valley Church of Christ
CORWIN Pentecostal Holiness Church
Acy Lamb, Pastor 10:00 a.m•. Sunday School 7:30 p.m •• Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Even Ing Worship Services 7 : 30 p.m•• Wednesday youth Service
Giady Street 10:00 a.m •. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.· Evening Worship 8:00 p.m •• Wednesday Evening Worship
St. Rt. 48 & Lower Springboro Road Ray L. Shelton, Pastor 9:30 a. m •. Sunday School 10:45 a.m•• Morning Worship 7:30 p'. m.· Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m•• Wednesday Evening service 5:30 pl,'m •. Sunday Sr. Youth Recreation 6: 30 p.rn. • Sunday Sr. Youth Services
Rev. Leonard ' Baxter 9 : 30 a.m•• Sunday School 11:00 a.m.· Sunday Worship Service 7:30 p.m.' Wednesday. Prayer Service
Main Street Mrs. Lois Dunaway, Pastor 10 a.m•• Sunday School 11 a.m•• Morning W~)fShlp 7:30 p.m•• Evening Worship 7:30 p.m•• Prayer Meeting Wednesday & Thursday 7:30 p.rn. • Song-fest. Last Saturday each month.
This Church Page Is Sponsored For You Through The Courtesy Of The Following Area Mer~hants '
. April 17 . , ' Arkansas Lassies , vs. ·Wayi1~~. " ville Men ~~ Faculty 8 p.m. Ad- l ~ ..".,",."'.:.< vance,: ticke'ts ,now on sale. ." ~ytle Community Choir ,at. Lytle United Methodist' diur~h . will perform a Cantata at' ? j 'O;: April 22 . Spring Concert, Music' Depart,: ment, 7:30 in High School . Gym' ... ,, April 23 '~ _Special, Progress Reports seniors mailed to parents- . April 24 , Junior and Senior Banqu~t Prom. Banquet 6:30"8:30, Prom ' ""/ 9:00·1 :00. April 26 . ~. P.;:r,O., 7:30Junior High::Oy ~
Rid9!'ville Community Church
Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9: 30 a. m •• Sunday SchOol 10: 30 a.m.· Morning Worship
Congressman Walter. E. Powell plans a full schedule of ~cti vities in the 24th District' durin ~ the ' 10·day -'Congressional Easter recess. ' 10 addition to, various appear· , "nces throughout the District; he plans to personally hold office ' hours anhree locations. Congressman Powell was in Trenton Monday ~ ,April 12 ,and in Oxfor'd on Wednesday for a short while before going to, Fer~ nald, Ohio on the fact·finding trip at the AEC Facility. The Trenton and Oxford hours will be held In the MUnicipal Buildings. On Thursdily, April "'I 5, he will be at Hop~ey Elem~nt~ry &hool from 4 to 5,:30 p~m. for "office hours."
Spring Valley Friends Church
Christian Baptist Mission
United Methodist Church
Icha dull' Inn 0 UIi·c" d··
The Centerville First Pente(:ostal Church 173 E. Franklin Street Ray Norvell, Pastor ' Gene Bi c knell, Ass't. 10:00 a.m .. Sun'day School 7 : 00 p.m .• Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m .• Wednesday Evening
David Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m. · Sunday Church Service 10: 30 a.m •• Sunday School 11:00 a. m.' Sunday Worship Service Youth Fellowship and Bible Study·
" ' '3e''.~r.~",·.· .i.i>,'~
What ;s love? This is pro,b· ably one o( the most basic qqestions of human existence. Love is extolled 'by poets, de· scribed by novelists, drama· tized , by playwrights, analyzed by psychologists, advocated by theologians, profaned by por· nographers, and sought' by all . But in the eno, it remains as mysterious as . Iigl)tening. We can observe the effects of love, yet cannot grasp its essence.
R.R. 122 - Dodds, Ohio Pastor, Jaimes Coffman 10:30 a.m •• Sunday School 7: 00 p. m • • Sunday Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m .. . Wednesday Prayer
Jonahs Run Baptist Church
St. Mary's Episcopal
Reverend ' Kenneth Slagle will be in a Reviv8I at the First Bap· tist Church in 'Waynesville, April . 1l-~5, 7:30 nightly. Reverend Shfgle . is Pastor 'of - a weekly message relating'the world of today'" the Baptist Church at Rector's to the lessons of Faith alnd Church .•. Flat, Ky. He resides in Monti· cello, Ky. and recently returned ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from a ,most inspiring trip of the HARVEYSBURG, DODDS Holy Land.
Fourth Street near High 9 : 30 a.m .• Sunday School 10: 45 a.m. · Sunday Meeting for Worship (un programed)
April l 5 ~ ... Track meet at Yellow sPringl ~
lovar?: . ::';~":. ..
. '" , but .SPoRJS~~rf ~ -. gives you r.ilorad; lnitlllrAi'lfiA.
Mrs. !'1~le , Hisle., age. 62,. of : . Protection e,ullft.wft'''M.,.,'II.'' 271 N. Mam St., Waynesville oUtdoor Al!I'llVnv died April 3rd at St. 'Elizabf3th's ' ,'" , it>spitat Dayton. Mrs. Hisle was a member of ~awlian Rd. Free Pentecostal it>liness Church. 9te is survived by her husband Dewey, one daughter, Mrs. Opal Humer, Wayne~e, two sons, Boyd, Waynesvjlle, han of Waynesville, 10 sisten, 2 bro- -. thers, 8 grand children 'ana 1 '. great grandchild. 'Services were at I p.m. TUeI'.. ' ' ' . day at ,Red ~n Free Pen~e- ', . CQlt8i Q",u:dl.. ' R~.. Bill, ~ ; t . officiated•. "Interment - I t' al, "..
MiamiCeme~ery. ' '! '..
'i I'IIIiiii____---""--"----~"'~~~~~~~~"""~"!" I~.,~,~)o. ,"
;...., ".
'~;"':'~" ;J~~1ril~I~II~III~~ ~)
" I't ems under 't his h.eadlng are run free an" ma)' run up to 4 weeks unless cancel",d. See ad blank on this page.
HE LP WANTED .YARD SALE Sah,lrday star,tlng at 9 'a.m • • 41 M~ ple St • • chlfdrens' & WOmeil S' cloth Ing - all sizes · very gd "Ond ' Harveysburg " U5cl) FAMI L Y Milk Cow· gentle - gives 5 gal. ' milk a day • Maynard Hackney Orego'n la Rd. Waynesville - 897-41'11 (l5c1) ~PHO~TERING Machine · Ph. 893· 5855 (4tff)
Compost • attention gardeners, ' landscapers and green· houses - use organic matter for more natural vitamins • excellent mulch' & , grou'hd conditioner • price for 9 " cu. yd. load delivered 0-15 miles ' $ 30 •• 15·30 miles $41.50 - 30-40 . , ' mll~s $46.50 - $3 per cu. yd. at com· t , post yard • for Information on delivery call fred'S Mushroom , Co. • South Lebanon, Ohio • 494-1000 8 a.m .. to 4 p.m. or Cincinnati 6'83· 6491 all hours , (14c8) WE STI LL have a supply of Oekallf seed (forn available - 897-4161 George Wall· HarveySburg U5cl)
HOUSES FOR SALE :w . FIVE Room house - 21/2 car garage 1 acre, lot • phone 932-8157 (13ctf) 3 aDR M brick - 2 car garage .- elect heat • bullt·ln kJtchen • wall-to·wall ~rpet • tile bath · about 1 mile from Waynesville 897·6313 (l5c2)
ropy : __________________________________
1 SUNBEAM ' 'Fast Back" Shaver
electri~ . in new condo- paid $25
plus tax - ask ing price $12 . 897 2576 12
FRED'S ' Repair ServIce - heating & arr conditioning - refrigerators , wash ers - dryers - & all home appliances all parts in stock- all work guaranteed 933·8866 (15c2) SA VE 15% on rug cleaning If you move all your furniture - call 9327876 tOday - Paul's Xpert Carpet Cleaning (15c})
1 - 73%"x2'lY2" - 42" tall - glass front showcase . $30 - 01 -8857364 call aft:er 5 p,m, 1~ A ' 5 Speed Bicycle for sale · 1 year old - Sears make . excel cond . with tlNO working speedometers . price $60 . at 723 Miami St, Waynesville, call any· time between 7 and 11 p.m . vveekdays only· 897· 7751 12
GARDEN PLOWING - Printeas Lamb 897- 5434 U5cl) BABY SITTING - I w ill take ca re of your child In my home - days - please call Alice Coatney· Phone 897· 7491 (Uctf) BABY SITTING In my home • by hour ~ day or week · fenced in yar,d ask for JoAnn Edsall . Phone 897· 6021 (3cTF)
MAR E Ponv w/saddle & bridle · etc - $25 - 2 almost new tires 7.75x15 - $24 - 897-5122 1:l
BABYSITTING In my home· by dat or hour • reasonab.le rates· Phone 897·5921 - ask for Jean HIli
66 PLYMOUTH· fair - pay bal· ance due or ta ke over payments 897-4173 , '3
Ever Ready Pnt of the U.S. Air Force Aerospac~ Defense Co~mand fighter· interceptor force 1S on five.minute alert every hour of every day.
1960 CHEVY Truck - 6 cyl radio & heater '. runs gd - body rusted in some places $350 - 897· 6261 14
Live in It now-sell in future. Good 'Investment , on this 2·story older home. HUg'e kitChen, 3 bedrooms, lot 88X220. $14,000 . -
For this 3-bedroom home, All rooms nice and large. Where else can you find something thi~ reasonable?
Call Jean Younce 897-4433 ELDeR REALTY-885-5863
1-970 AMCO IVbdel No . 2164 ' Deluxe 8" , tilt arbor power saw two mitre gauge slots . 27"x24" saw table built on floor cabinet w/out motor - $30 . 897 -5307 15
~~~fi~~;;;:m;~r!o.. -'-·=~"'.tron9 CONESTOGA
1960 RAMBLER American sm. station wa~Jon - run!" - needs ex haust pipe :$25 - 897 5307 15
. Emboned textured '''eet , with neutral beige tonel. .
Uun't lakl' up t.wo parking spact·s .
( Tasty -To~lc )
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annual subScription
RENEW, " f ·'
11111 1IZE"1 j'
Bite-Size PiZza 1 can (4 ounces) Vienna saus81ge G smaU English muffins or 12 2-inch circles of.bread, toasted on both sides 1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce1 teaspoon salt 1,J.,! teaspoon 'g round oregano o/.t cup ~frated Mozzarella 'chee!ie
Split muffins and toast on cut sidc. Combinc tomato 'saucc. salt and ground oregano. Spread mixturc on toast- t , cd English muffin or toast circ1~s. Slice cach Vienna sausage I , in (oUl·ths, Place 1 to 3 slices " Qf sausage' top of each .muf- ' . . I' , fin 01' toast circle, Sprinkle, each with Mm·.znrella cheesc. Uroil 3 tq 4', In~~f.s fro~ the ,r • ~. hellt for' 4"to, 5 mnrutcs. Yield: ' 7 • '6 piZ1.nS.. , .!, , ,
~1i-~~....l------ STATE
TO US .,
Predslon , Work,.s a "Must" Here We would like to introduce to you our "NEW high quality priaM,." Much , effort hu lODe iato IMPROVING our quality ataDdarc:b. latat in typeaeaiD, ,equipment brin" 10 you thia quality at lower
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P.O. BOX:78 ' WAVNESVILt,E,OHIQ ,45068 .
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'70 GRAND PRIX' - Model J . blue with white vinyl top ' air cond . low mileage - ' $3400 , ' 14 897·2685 after 6 p.m.
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CUTE '& CUDDLY Easter bunnies - whitle or black - $2 ea . 897 ·5428 13
Brick ranch 11/2 years old with country kltchep. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, at tached 2 'car. ON L Y $26, 500
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KENMORE Sewing Machine -' Mediterranean style cabinet · $35 ·, 897-6619 , 13
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14' FIBERG LASS Glastrom boat 40 HP Mercury - convertable top mooring cover . Gates trailer . elect start .. windshield . comp equipped for fishing or skiing $850 - 897-2360
Uneven spUt The uneven halves of Pakistan lie sep~rated from each other ~y nea);ly 1,000 miles across Ind1a. West Pakistan has' 85 per cent of the nation's land, only 45 per , cent of its people.
1971 VEGA · $2150 - 897-6618 12
- - - - - - - -- _._----
appc<Jr j l1 the "Sell-It " Colullll1 . T hi " -t.:OIUIllI1 is rese rve d f or non-t.:ollllllert.:il.l l, priVl.ll C indi t.: iduab o nl y . A ll i tcm s must be pri cc d. Thi s ser vice is FRl-.E fr oll1 the Ga l.cll e,
CLEANI~~ d l..adY • 1. d; y per week dependable · 'refereQces . own trans. ~r.t~tlo" to, .t<e~terlng area· phone Dayton 293-0800, (13c3)
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,; N,URSI,,!G . AIDE for Nursing Home near Waynesville - call 933-5866 (l5Cl)
fill in hl:ink helm\o with t.:op y ,, \ ytHI wlIuld li ke t o sec i t ':
HUTCJ:t - distressed cherry lNOod get cond . $75 - can be seen 'after·. noon or evening· 897-2206 12
I :" .~ ," ,; . '1
+;.;.!.~~-....;...:.--~~~: PM9NE: ~";"'1'--'--'","""",~_-,-::-, '~:...~:y;!..~~~:'"-~,,:-
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,Located at the offices of
.'.TIae MIAMI GAZEm n_..,-0111 '
., ~,~vilJe. , Obi~~ ,i,
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I ,rll, .• ,lflll, E '".il:l' III I pin 00' I 'h _ P~I bII•c '
Spring is here and so are the spring sports_ Baseball, track, tennis and golf are in full swing. The baseball team has played four games, the tennis team three, and the golf team has had three matches. The track team has not yet had a meet. This spring is full of meets, games and matches, all of them are open to the public. Following is a sports calendar for the month of April. 14 ' Baseball at Springboro 4:30 and golf at Miamisburg 4 :00. 15 Golf with Springboro and Bethel-Tate at Holly Hills 4:00 and track at Yellow Springs 4:00 16 Baseball at Clinton-Massie 4:00, golf with Anna at Holly Hills 4:00, Tennis with Springboro, here 4:30.
",,:- '
. '..
af -Su.fPr °Vallot:y 4°:(ii; , Junior High track at-: .Mas()l1 Central 4:00. . -27 Baseball at Cedarville 4:00 af.\d o·goff ,:BlilJlchest~r:' . Fair Acres 4':00. ,,'0_, Baseball with" Walley 28 View, here, 4':00. ~ 29 Baseball at Yellow Spiri.(lgs, 4:00 golf'with Mason and "' Kings at "(lolly Hills, 4:00, and O tenriis with Yellow. Springs, 4 :,00 30 B1seball with Springboro, here 4:00, and golf with Centerville at Holly Hills 4:00.
.. ,.
19 Baseball with Blanchester, here 4 :00, golf with ValleyView and Fenwick at Holly Hills 4:00, tennis with Mason, here 4:00, and Junior High Track at Carlisle,4:oo ; . 20 Golf with Yellow Springs at Xenia Country Club 4:00 and tennis at Blanchester 4:00. 21 Base1fall at little Miami 4:00, and golf with Southeastern at locust Hills, 4:00. 22 Golf with Clinton-Massie and Belmont O at Holly Hills 4:00, tennis with Carlisle here 4:00. Junior High Track at Lebanon-Berry, 4:00. 23 Baseball with Kings here 4:00, golf with Miamisburg and Hillsboro, here 4:00, and track at Blan~hester Invitational 4:00: 26 Baseball with Mason, here. 4:00. golf with Bellbrook
" A'
SCHOOL MENU Monday, April 19, glass of tomato juice, cube st~ak, creamed corn, whole wheat bread and butter, donut, and white milk; Thesday, spagheUi with meat and toma.to sauce, roll and butter, green beans with bacon, pineapple, and white milk; WednesduO y, hamburger sandwich tutor tots, fruit, and white milk; lllUrsday, Manhattan saildwich with mushed potatoes and gravy, cubbage salad, cookie, chocolate <111 d white milk, Friday, fish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ndwich, buttered mixed ~~ tables, strawberry shortcake, and LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING white milk. The Village of Waynesville Ohio will hold a public hearing at the Fire House on Miami Street in the Village of Wa l!nesville on the 20th d ----------~>--~· day of April, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. to oonsider the f.ollowing: The Highland Games and Rezoning of approximately 65 Acres from R-l to R-1A, belongGathering of Scottish Clans ing to Mrs. Helen Preston. Is pre·sented each July on Village of Waynesville oGramfatbero Mountaln In Mary Stansberry, Clerk western North Carolina. o
CO,mplete Sho,.toom Of ..
SMITH - 111 0
R,efri ge rata rs
We have a complete line of furniture for your home to choOse from 100 Recliners 25 Maple, Pecalrl & Spanish Hutch. MAPLE TABLES - CHAIRS - CURIO CABINETS - BEDROOM SETS
O!-,ring- its first c~ntury, it has grown from a smitll IrouP o'r " National Guard officers to the largest sporting orgahlzation ip America. Its more than one million members come from- all . walks of tife, y~t .they all hav~ a common ,b 'lnd ... -the spooting sporL'!. These million strong sporLo;men (and women) belong to,a ' uniqu.e "union" called the National Rifle Assop,"ia,t1on , of , Amenca. For 100 ye.afJi' the NRA h~s dediclltcd itself to pro~o~~nJl theo' safe and effiCient use of firearms for sport and ' recreation . . 'rytrough il'l programs, millions or young men and women ' ha~~I. dlscov«:red the pleasures of competitive shooting, hunting recreational marksmans.hip. o~- -. , T~d.ay, shootin~-in its various aspects-is the second .1~ree8t ,: participant sport In the world. And, through the purchases' of", firear!f1s °and amqlqnition, the shooting sports ~ S'o-iTUljOt' ,", contributor of funds to America's wildlife cOnaervatlgno' programs. " '\.' lo ,:rrr In this age of vanishing animal spe(:ies, those cOhtributiDP~ hav~ more 8i~nificance than ever before. 0
/ :
\il~it~r" Bu~-aine'
. ~
.lh · 'R • .:3 , . . ~ aynes"l;1!le:, Ohio '45'O ,6~ .:
Second class
.paid at Waynesville, Ohio
.. .... . .. ...
_ ~ _ 4 ""
p '
Single Copy 10c
April 21, 1971 - Waynesville, Ohio
.' Vol. 3 No. 16
-local Citi lin's Clmmittl8 Irchlgainst Polici Forc8 The demonstration Friday WdS tion. However, members of the ar airing of aU of these pro· A protest against police bru· club disagree, Saying that :the blems. But, the trouble in Har· tality was scribbled· on the Har~ members accused of this vio.veysburg doesn't seem to be the lation "treat their cycles with veysburg community bulletin fault of either group. It all de· board'sometime Fri'day' during a respect." pends on how you look at it. - Another point of difference demonstration march by some of recently has been the radar equip· - the Harveysburg citizens. This ment owned and operated by action was triggered by the ar· the Harveysburg police depart· rest of George Clark, 40, of Arkansas .u ssies Professional Basketball Team, left to right: ment. The equipment is set up Harveysburg. Marti Witt, Olvera Neuman, Judy Oelrich, Betty Jo Johnson, either on State Rt. 73 within lind..1 Yearby, and linda Fancett. the Harveysburg Corp. limits or in Harveysburg itself. The rev· . ArtThe Contest in theentries Wayne of Town· winning the I I enue received through the traffic ship elementary School are now tickets is placed in the village on exhibit in the Mary L. Cook II general fund, Public Ubrary of Waynesville, Commenting on the radar and will remain there until April equtpment "Red" said that the police depart. operated it with 30' The theme this year was, The faculty was uniformed . filled evening of entertainment in old T·shirts with appropriate the fans expected. no real pattern or consistency. "Spring Time·U.S.A." and the numbers marked on the back. "You haw to remember," the regulations the same as in former The numbers were usually in chief state~, "we all are working years. on ~ part _time ··~~," U ~ U$~d A very large number of entr· fractions! Members of the woo I' i~s wt;re sltbmhted. by e~c~ grllde ;. . ~eD' .,r,~\I'ty prov~ded the ~heerI 1,1 .ip ;' ''' ~tte,ll)pt ,~ ~~IH~",.P,eed,'iIl,,8' vJIaU9A . . '; n .' . ·~4p·pvc,,afefu .C00t-7 r,..' :l~~~~J JQr '~~.p1' ;'" ~L~ . '' .. ~. ~~., ..' '... 't' " . :'~"'mmitt"v,:, · I.:: ' '~! I~ I ~~i~:.~ .~'•.~.';: II,? .....ver:., ' . sitleT8tiQn tiDt'tie 'selection of the ' Mrs. ~rtzog, ¥rs. ilma ~a •. .;. feelS 'th8t:'ji1le~ is ~\lSed ' to son, Mrs. "~Jt~JlJa Watson, MJ:s. ribbon wirin~r;.' They were quite He ber R. lewis, age 47, of {.' ':"fiiI ·IfH": ;th~.tecenf addition of ilaf• .th~~. 'oone . of 'the citizens concerned with the lack of grow. Hisey and MISS',Jones dressed m 643 Robindale Dr. passed away 1\·~·tti". ~t ~~(OthelS~ Ron . conm,iertted, "We have a stapdth from grade to grade. matching slacks and shi~s and Wednesday in Centerville. He ·.&!td·, DOn' ;" to-' tfie i ~~ys~urg ~g..joke;. If we see that..the-radar The members of the Art Com. were a source of entertamment was formerly employed at Ben;" ,poJlce·,Ue;artment. -OJu,e£<:.$l!arle$ · 15 set 'up, we say, the town needs for the crowd. mittee of l:he Garden Club are dix Corp. for 20 years and was · "~cl'~ .Price deaqibes 'tfie Haeo- money. . . Carolyn Retallic:k, Artie Edpresently employed at Industrial _~l's . , "Good,boys." He stated wards, and Elizabeth Chandler Service Corp. ust Saturday night the Way· ,that Tom Haen"~l, arresting ofLocaJ·Graduate to·Work and the award winners in each He was a member of Hillsbore nesville male faculty members , fi~r in tJle ThurSday Right ingrade are as follows: United Methodist Church, Waytested their basketball skill With AfJro Space Command · OIdent ~With George 'auk had, Kindergarten, 1st, Phillip Sim· nesville American Legion post against the Arkansas lassies, proAirman Kenny I..ee Mcaoud, ~~~, polite, ke1,>t cool." The 615, and Waynesville Water mons, 2nd Christine Rathweg, fessional women's basketball son· of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. citizen's committee sees it difBoard and I..ebanon VFW. He 3rd, Rodney Robbins, honorable team. Although the evening ferently, saying that the Haen· McQoud, Rt. 1 Waynesville, has had been a member of the Legion -mention, DmaAlbaughand Rod· promised to be an enjoyable del's have been harassing them. just Il'aduated from Lowry Air for the past eighteen years. He ney Robbins. one, the crowd was small and .' A ' ~cond cause of friction Froce Base in Colorado . served as the Post Commander First grade, 1st, Robert Nea· seemed less than enthusiastic bas been the recently fonned The 1970 -Waynesville grad- . ce, 2nd, Bruce Hogan, 3rd, Bob· twice and Adjutant twice serving after the game was underway. uate recently completed a course CyCle ' Club which was meeting in that capacity at the time of ie Jo leyes, honorable men· at the Clark residence last Thurs- .' with the Technical Training his death. He had also held the tion, Lori and Pamela Shutts '; ';, day 'night. ":Th~. ~f fee.1s that Corp. 'in Air Force Inventory post of County Commander. Secend· grade, 1st, Illvid Cor· The best part of the evening , tlidy .- .ve not kept ,their agreemanagement. The management Lewis had been elected to the nett, 2nd, Patricia Garrett, 3rd, came when three of the male ., , ~ny with }mil to "~ep the . specialist "is now on leave, but Board of Public Mfairs in 1968. Jenifer. Rush, honorable men· students arrived to cheer on the .' oycles . cool in 'town. " He ha!l has been assigned to Tyndale . Due to his unexpired term of tion Vicki Wood Arkansas Lassies, Whittaker, Mar· : ~oUgbt · this to 'the -€1u~'satten~ AFB in Florida. He has been office, Mayor Dexter Martin will Third gra~, 1st, Scott Lamb, iott and Powell borrowed unitraine4 in jnventory control by have to appoint someone to fill 2nd, Jenny Brown 3rd, Greg forms from the Spartan Cheer· u:se of ~lectronic data processing Miller, honorable' mention, Jeff .,,'PStrollJovs to V~w Reds leaders and wore .wi~ and used the vacancy on the advice of the .machines and will serve with a umb and ~Colleen Bromagen board members. balloons as padding. Their antics . -:~ 1.1i~ Patrol. Boys are tQ attend unit of the Aero Space Defense Fourth grade, no first prize He is survived by his Wife, and cheers were a high point in tfte .':baaebafl game in Cin~nnati Command. awarded, 2nd, Carol Walters, Hilda 0., two daughters, Mrs. the evening of activity. ~,·~~turd8y Aprir24,' The boys are Constance Hart, Carlisle, Mrs. honorable mention Kathy Grice , ~ih the m.h'gfade.. Also at*end- School ao.d Meeti.1II and Randy Rindinger Diane Heckman, West Carrollton. The game itself dragged as .iD& willbe boys.from the sewnth Two sons, Thomas of Ft. Hood Wayne Local Board of Fifth gt'8de, 1st, Mike Rush, the official time clock mounted ,"de who did not get to attend Texas, William R., Waynesville. Education with regret has aeeep2nd, Kenneth Seidl, 3rd, Darren in the figh School gym failed to ! liSf,year: Two sisters, Mrs. Auta Jane Ballard, hOlnorable mention Debted the 'resignation of Mrs. Vera operate. The final score had the ;;'::- An the. boys and pIs who Foulk, and Mrs. Ruth Faris, both Benfer. She . has requested rebie Coffman~ and Anna Usa Arkansas Lassies in the lead, ;'. to attend, are asked to be . . of Hillsboro, four brothers, Joe, tirement. The 'Board expressed. Ames, also after consulatiO'n, but not by much. All during the ..the 'school Il'0unds at 11:30 Arizona, James, I..ebanon, Char· their appre' c iation for the fine with the teacher, Mrs. Irving fint quarter the Waynesville facboaI:4 the 1;jus. . A permission les, Wilmington, and Ralph of faithful service to the local Pack, a first was awarded to ulty were in the lead and several , ,.., .been $ent home for the ,,-,......... Hillsboro, four grandchildren, school system., Wenda Barrett and a 2nd to WOwere heard to comment after :; mt,ientl siJl' gi~ing your c~i1cl sewra} nieces and nephews. ' Mrs. Ruth Bdwards.expressed 'Rie Alford . the game that they had ~'given *IR)II1~lOn 10 go and mUlt. ·be rade Services were at 2 p.m. Monher t_lis ·to :the Board for her · Sixth 81 , 2nd . Tun Pierce, it away.'" the-school by Tuesday at Stubbs.conner ,Funeral With the ~Head~ , 3rd, Johnson, honorable expetiellce., ,. ,n ., 'bus will .retui'R Home. Rev. John Osborne offiAll in .all, the ~ven.in8 of Pt~~;; ;.~ f td: 'the!" uSe f!( ·the men~io~ Terri Lundy and,' Jer, ;'1C1lCM)) .batwe · 'en S':30'anel basbtball with the Arkansas" ciated. Interment was in Auburn ~Jiffi~~~1it;; ~ ~I ,1 tbar ·soho.Of (aa.uttel; 1bo, ~in emy Hi,lman, no first award was La~ies was' less, than the fun Cemetery; ~ew ' Vienna, Ohio. . 'will be·· OrItmr.ed ~t ij . giveD-. 1'I~11O;;;'" ;. I1iliII U ' 60Mb >,1 ,;, .. '.," . l. 'r1'J1'l'"" «i '. , . ~ .~:~; .,- ~ .... :'Co~tin\l~'()n Pile 2 ,-: by Bonnie ;igner
Glrden Clilb Irl Co nilS I
C · h' rI' d'rs Ant -I CsAd d P8p t0 "l ass -I8 S GaDli '°11
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Portsm.Q.utth·, 'State ~, Park", l~ted \ ,' .just West of the ci~y ' o~( ~ate ~ ,':.~ ,,~ It~:f'B~M~~7f ~ David Ed .. 11 '. ~ • • • • , M.na,ln, Editor , Route .t 25. It is jointly sponsor~ Reginald O. HIli . • • • • . . ' " • . " Ad~I"'" 1III....'.r " ed each year by the Portsmouth ' Philip MOII.n . • • • • . • . • • Ai... Adl(ertlllnl' M.....er Area Otamber of-CommerCe' and ' '. 'Reglnald O. HilI. D.vld Ed..... • • . • • . • . Publishers . the Ohio ~De'partment of'Natutal P.O. Box 71, Waynesville, Ohio 450.1 ' Resources. ' ,,' '. M.mber of the ~hlo Newspaper ASSOciation' , . On Friday evening before t~e ' 'de'rby, 2;000 rainbow trout ,will be trucked ' from Castalia and esteem as famil¥ advisers. rel~ased ~n : the park's Thrkey ' ~rlicipate~ in the , My· children ,DO longer need,", " Creek ' TIle fUn begi'ns. at dayrecent il~tion~l health. tests me and i prefer living ,alo.ile and Were diUppoirited m our weather fishing season in the break ,Saturday' as ' an'glers of 'all I am financially and. With warm we'athet and sunny Buckeye State. Coho and chip 0 0 r . knowledge , and ' unages ' try to catch the "big one " phYSically able ' "to mail!l;ain dentariding' of-the ' questions. skies rapidly approaching, thou- ~ook ,salmon , bl~e , pike, S,auger, that goraway last year." , my own hOlJS4!hold. I am QO~ inStance. if it is ,impO~tant For, sands of OIiip fishermen, young stu~geon, ,walleyes, white and , Excellent'entertainment and a , interested 'in '~xplc)ri'ng" the 'life' .. for people, to know 'Peir ,blood and old alike', will soon begin to striped b8$S and a large number delicious barbecued chicken dmin a retirement COmrtl_upity. , type where, can they go ', to ~lean up their 01' tackle boxes, of forage fish abound iI~ the Do these communities ' tend ' . nerO awaits everyo~e ' Saturday find 'out? '~. Mrs. G.Q. struggle With impossibly tangled state's many lakes, streams and to narrow or broaden-tile-Jives evening a.s · the- anglers reel in , A. £verY~ne" shouJd know line and hurry to add the latest rivers. of the el~erly?: :..:. ~;.c. " ~I his blood type. particuJarly if their lines and plan their sira,tegy -A. Most of these retirement lure to their already ,sizable col-, it is 'a ' rare ' type, as well , One of the. best' ways to kick for the m~xt day. At noon Sun- ' communities pf9vide ' .r~re.a· lection ; as other personal emergency off your fishjng ~ctivities, is to day, the derby begirts again,'and tional, ~ultural and socialt Be,: ' me'dical information' that Could The reason for all ,this acti- attend the , Portsmouth Trout the ; chicken ' dinl'ier inakes tlvitles ' fot the elderly ' an~ 'save ,his ,life in; aJl e,merg~nvity is the beginning.of what pro- Derby to be held April, 24th and 'encore for aU not eating enough for the retited. They ',give, f:Y ' " " ", mises to be another fine warmthem access to "new' intere$ts, 'the' night , before. :Trophies: are . if 'you 4' r 2 not G , v er ' a, g e 25th. The derby 'wiU 'be held 'in .' companionship and enc()ur~g~ 00 you maY donate blood ' to awarded later in the day for each , far more activities than , is your local blood bank. , ~Y man, woman, boy and girl catUsually avai.la~le in ,their ,o!CI ' will type your blood and, give ching the 'largest trout. " . communities. ' These general ~ you 'a copy. ,If-you are betw~n , ' There is ,a $1 trout fishing fee benefits ""will broade'n th~ir ' 60 and•. 6S you must have , i , for the e1vcnt, and all fishermen liv~~. . " ' ,written . ~~qsent , ~,n , your over 16 Y1ears of age must have a doctor ,,before, you ~an m~ current Ohio fishing 'license·. ,a ~blOO4' dO,natiQrl. , 1;1iose 'o,ver If you ,are unaware of the 65 are not acCeptable. ' • Otherwise; yOu.f doctor can regulation~ governing fishing in : give' 'you' ali. order ' directed the state, a check With the Ohio ' to a medical,laboratory where Department of Natural ResourDavis you may ' have ' your blood Touchin!J ces, Division of Wildlife, in ,Coltyped for a reasonab~~ , fee. , , What ~vcry Veteran Should, umbus ,may be in order. A fishBy Alvin W. Long . ,Emerge,K:y , rQedi9al : :in~ Know , . . ing .ltceose is required to · tak~ .' . '" President , forrmation miy ' ,ave ,'your. .1~re. • ~r" .. v···., _', Serven ~ · ~ "¥'r!can '.Llnd J,I.tI.i A"~C:!1 1 o ? ' .' The Colletcinp of ~uns ' , , fish. · frQ~~, turtles or mus~els . There , are . "Qv~r' , ~. ~1~~on Roberts from lake Erie or any other • 1'91;' - vd'" t o ' Buy, Muzzle Loading Cap Lock Rifle Am~rica~s s~!erlll~ · ~~~" .a hidden' medical .problem; 'an body of ,water ih Ohio if you <~oriomic Jore~~~ eerieral· .',:' . Iy point. to subst'ant,i,ilI inc~~s , ,acute' allergy :to certain ·drugs, are over i1te age of 16, The licin new" housl'ne starts imd the ,: even bee stings. ' . ense muslt be shown t.o any peravailability of mortga'g~ money ', " The American Medical son upon request while fishing. in 1971. Thi.~ encouraging: out- f· Association, recommends that 4th STREET WAYNESVILLE, OHIO PH. 897-4826 ' and a new license ,is ,reqUired - ' emarvone look means that 1 97 1'~'.may " ' ...ith , a ~fjQ,US .weil be:, i"e,: >,(t;a!.~~o· ,~t j)~r' .:" ' .• .~ ~r -, ~~1 1 ~~ ' h0Ul4 .ear· each March' I st ~ , . .. -:' .... chase of 'a ,home, you -Ie' be~n , " , , :~~!1~~'pl.\~de~m ,s ettiC'Al.i'ln.l , ' postponing ~C.a~ Jot-unfavol' · , -==:;:::::.:.::=-...___::..;;._...;..,;;.~ ..--~~~.~~~~_:_~~ ~ ell~ ir.,rge • r. ,,1.:...... ,h'''' ... . . " " . , I; ' _ ' ' /I'(A~t1' ·eri\ble;rLat~ ,~: able -eohdltl()ili,biWthe; ....tiot\it ' i' Deck or WJis( " ," " ' , ;;, : "'... v.",. •.• ~ : .. ;, ·'Mo.i~ e~Perts ', i Q. I am almost 80 years, still ' conaid,r . a -.' , ' old and - retired- 'from the bome an ex~l'· " Chicago Sanitar,y DistJ:ic~ lent. long~rilnge. i,n' ". ,,"1 m-ent .in 'a ma"J . where I w~rk~ . for ne~.y jority' of . situa: 50 years-::" l "'nave a ~lal tions - even' with , Security. . n~r , !»ut h,ye' never'· r.eceived -any : ~Ial : ' t'od~y's rising i,ea( , (!itate~coati." . TIll! nation a'" hlSusing sbortage Security benefits. What Sh~lcl and increasingly eXile naive land,' - I do '10- find . out why?- aner -m'alerials 'mi ke ' it " .. • "tabor . E.L.B. -.. ~ , .. advis~ble to plan 'the ' pureb.e.:" A. It may 'be possible your of a home as soon as possible: Waiting for interest rates to work was not covered ,under come down further could cost_ Social Security_ However, as you more as other cosla conYQu have a ~oci~l Security tinue to climb, number ' and 10 view of the When buying a , home, Ws reCent changes in ~e Social an excellent idea to become .' .
..,: ., · .
• I,
. :' .'
.,,~;MsGliaai' data I
..,called' vifal '
Wonderful . Ohio
Q: we
: =--......;.____ ,
"I'm sure I.paid that bi II, Dear -but I can't find the receipt. ',' ,
-'" •
It happens all the time when you pay by cash- never when you pay by check. Your check is the best possible aid for business and personal accounting, and for keeping tax records, too! Come in and open your account now.
., IID.llll ' ALL ACCOWITI • . . . . , . . to _ _ ~ THE traIML. . . . .T •....,... COIWOIIATaI , , ' • • 11t PlDlMLRIIEIIVIIVS1"ft .
well informed - in advance-security Act, you should call on important aspects . of pur., at' your local Social Security chasing real estate. Carefully , ' office 'for information and :ad~ consider home design, location, vice. 'and structural condition. Look into financing that is available Q. When I reaeh age , 62 ~nd calculate the impact : of I intend to start collecting ownership on your budget. Social Security retirem~t ' Ask local government officials ' benefits which will be quite , about the planning and zoning ' small. My husband, although ,prospects for the neighbor65, is not plaMing to retire hood. , '.t Before you buy, look into at this time. the closing coats ,you will need When my husband does to pay. And - whether you 're ~ retire later, can I change over purchasing a single home;towtf , ., to a wife's benefits under his house, condomim!~,n, coopera: ~ account or will I have to contive unit, or other tYPf;! of ~ tinue collecting benefits uncter residence - do not overlook ' " my own account? - Mrs. the -importance of Ii land title W.M.R. ' searth and owner's title in· , surance. This kind of prot~' ~ A. When you start receiving tion will result in a maximum '" ,~ benefitS, under your own acfinah cial safeguard , against· :. ) count and later quailly for loa from defects i~ possible , a wife's benefit ~r, your , the title to your home. " husband's account, yoU ~ll , be eligible for the larger of . the two benefits. ' stROOL BOARD MEeT.lN'O Q. Both my , grandparent$ ~ Pa .' were considered old in : their Continued Ir~m . ge I , " ' .. early 60s. When I Jook *k to their way of living, as at other 10caU'ons' in tile fp"u~~. ' compared to mine 'iat' '76, I ,'-Mi. ' Pa'ul Schwamber'ger, was note ao a18rmlng difference. grant~d . permission to ,'~H'c'ild" Ttl," .,,~e . ~6nteJl~ . to .. sit :' siU ~minar io' CdrUJllb~ls;,"Ma,,~ by tile fl~Dl~ea,~ ~ ,were , .,: il1{uin &:hool Fina cfng'~ ' is: the: ~legated ~ ,to · " phYSi~ar , in- ' :' "'. , '.' ' ,', ~ - ~. actiVity; . b\iin'f' "With ' : 'th~it '. ' .~OpIC. '. '. , : ,::. , ,. ~ . . children ·,~ y.~l. , ~~ .: itL~~~gh ... '.;::;.' .:~' ", .,'.. ,
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~.~ , "t~li~,~II~r ~WCtlI~~ ~~~.: . V!eh.Hc·, tt, ,~~C...~':genera 1hP.vlllPgc~g,Ci.c,[I riill~ :bs( l 0100110.11. nr Iht:' . ~( II c \ nexl,' 'l.J'
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'\ ""u' d' rI,Clls l~'i'hc C '. '." •• .pr9V10 . , , '. f I., I '1 .' . .. us,J~ c:- ' •. , '. abov~ ':~ iliage services ' pcr ho'usc ., ~~.n r'e ~sll1gt Ie ~tltlon, ~unil . . cjl ,j~dicat4e.d ' . ', ' ' . . is ~pp"o~imat~ly ;.~. ,: ~.e :,dif-
, ne.r .Sir:
'., .
C.C.L. OffiCers Elected.".' ';j'
13 th~ t.radles 'l ~ COllege G! OUP . .... ' '.. , . I·I:d~.:t,I~ .•, ,,'n ..:, '" ele~ted their . offic~rs .for, .~ ~~. : '. . I'n C·.' coming ye~r. The officer ~ are; ~as
., . f~'renct ,wir .v~ to,be made ..up . . secau~e ·this. .-nat~er IS so Ill),Witli :th~ "renewed ~scUssjon .. Witan t to . .the order lr g.~wt~ , 'o n sta~e ma.nda ted school disby'rein ' ting ' the , 3~~1~ pobee . of' ..,~a~nesvdle, a p~ht~Oh ' wa,s . trict consolidation as ,proposed levy a t- Ute next- ~~ectlon ~~ ,ws~ . ~bl~ ~ tn:cr, asihg ,it as !eques\~~ ,'subm itted to th~ vdlage.-coun~ by .Gov. John ,· 1. GilJigan, Ohio )~rm~tte~ t~
follows: Mrs; Kathy:. A~~rson. President, Mrs. Ubby ~nner Vice President, Mrs. ; ~~th.:;Ratliff SecretafY, and ~rs. Wanda ~ Woolla[d the Treasurer. ' . '. Mrs. Wilma ' Watson th~ p~y. sical educat ion ins~ructor. at Wayne Local Schools was the guest speaker for the. evening. Her subject was 'physical fitness. She also played a ' record on exercises and showed the meQ1bers how to do them. The members are planning a garage sale for . May and there will be more details on the sale next wee k. After their regular meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. Sylvia Wardlow.
~~h would ~alve.l SChool Boards AsspciatioQ exPllblic to vote . on .t hl.s vl~al .l~ue ' ecutive director' states ' that he at the ne"t gener~l. ~le.~tlon~ . cannot suppo rt forced consol· When refusing the petitio n, counidation. cil indicated tJ:1ey would ~ke to . Dr. Willard Fox, in all ~ditorhave' the ,. people ~ote on It, but 'appearing in' the April Ohio ial felt they cou\d not lepUy file School Board's Association Jourt~e petitio~ since ,the¥ had decnal, proposed school district con~red .it an .emergency ~~s~~ solidation on ' a functional basis, which took away the pu~lic s rather than geographic reorganr~ght to' vote on th~ issue. . ization with punitive overtones. We bav~. now a~e~ , the According to ' the governor's court fQr. an order reqwr~ngJhe , . proposal in his budget message clerk arid coun~il to certify the to the 109th General Assembly, referendum petlton to th~ Board along with ,increased state supof Election: for a vo.te thiS Novport of educat ion, Gilligan has ember. . The co~ncd can . now called for the establishment of decide not to ~Ight the ~.urt area service ' centers which would SCHOOL MENU order and can fde the pet!tlon eliminate county school offices without spendi~g any vJllage and force con~olidation through . Monday , April 26. ham sandcourt or. fees ey funds for attorn a graduated reduction of state potato chips. hutter cd vegcosts. suppo rt each year to school di~- . wich, etables. frllit I:ookie . :.t IH] white The Committee , tricts with less than 2,000 stumiik : Tuesday. toasled cheese dents. Currently there are 293 sandwich : tomato soup. celery school districts in the state with and carrots. peanut hut tel' cookless than 2,000 studen t populaie, and white milk : Wedne sday , tion out of 631 districts, said beef. potatoes. and gra vy. lossed Dr. Fox. In order t.o inform all .inter. salad or applc sauce . Spanish estcd' parties of the recommc?delight. and white milk: Thursdations -' of the nation'al sceOlc SUNDAr~ ·day. hamburger sandwich with river study on thc Jjttle Miami pickles. mashed . potatues and River and as provided in Section . gravy. fruit salad, chocolate and YOUR WORL D 5(a) of the Wild an d-Scenic Riv- . white milk; Friday , fish sandwich live you do wofld a of kind What ' obtain and ) ers Act (P.L 90-542 with tartar sauce , buttered corn , ings happen at r shudde you Do in'! ,tWO ned, comments of all concer apple crisp, and white milk. in your city, state and count rypubll'c information meetings have and the. world -as you .read the "Whe never, y.ou stal1 ~.pi\;lheadlines of your newspaper? Do . , : s, been scheduled as follow aw.ay at freedo m.of the 61'ng. ~"'_ r April 20. 1971, 8 ·p.0'l. EST I . O~UY..beHe'#e•. as-. §oUle~9.,!,· tt. it's hard to know when priess, Ie ' ad apart 'js_"falUng ,':'''l ~ .w.orld orjum, M ,ti'Qctl , ~ was AntjQch .,'Alldit seams" that old and treasure va' Ohio II . s· · c.<>l)ncil to stop .. , We've got to have a College, . Ye ow pnn~'ues a~d traditions have been cast ....I U _.... ... free pre'ss, wheth er it's repeoasjde by J:TIany .of the April 21, ,1971, 8 pm the spons ible or not .. ." _ Berpie? Do you, mdeed, as~" What Lebanon High School Auditornard Kilgore. . world the to ed happen has State Route '48 (just. south . you when ned, concer RAMSY, PHOtOS " are you If !Urn, , have set your paper aside, take '8 of Lebanon) Lebanon, OhiO. closer look: at "your world." Relax. '<If'.~ Parties interes ted in the pro.in~o consideration only t~~t 'fa~e or t sal lire in'vited to be presen . . eN. . .Alln.... the world you can see With of pal't the of e'ther t d po WA~IL&.L OHIO eye. What is going on naked 'the . ~ a ente be repres is right and wr~ng ' .,,~, What you. about WANTED above meetings. As time. permits, ? What. relabon· yours, and you with all persons will be afforded an BABYSlnlNG sh.ips do you . hhabve ?WltwhhaYtO~~ oppor tunity to express their fnends and nelg ors . ~ent and . . INMVHOME wrong \\ith local govern views. A copy of mformatJon or what is being done about It? What views presented should be sub. By Week, Day or Hour the needs of the church to are mitted to the chairman at the R8IIIOt'l8b1e Rates you belong, the schoo~s which g. meetin which are attended by your chilAsk for Joan ., dren. 897-6021 Phone TouriJm Projed CItizen, e averag an If you are The Mexican resort of Zihauaisn't too much you can do there tanejo, on the Pacific coast 1~ about "the" world, unless you .bemiles nOrlth of Acapulco, 18 come concerned and do somethmg slated to be a pilot project in a about "your" world. tourism development pro j e Ct which is a joint project ,of Mexico's federal government and the Internatiolllal Reconstruction and / W 0 rid Ban k High-rise apartments, vacation facilities, and improvement of beaches are part of & the program. Mexico has borrowColor your world beautifu l with JOIN OUR NEW CLASS IN World the from illion $987-m ed Cameo Latex. Easier to .-pply, easBank agenlcy"in the past 20 years. ier to keep clean. Guaranteed on.
'in~- tlie la'st, ·gener~d. :~lection.,. As 'Since "this down-zoning :and . you:·a r~ . awa!e, t.~is re'9\i~st ~s· it's effects on the taxpay er·are . denied ' 'by'l the . voting PQbb~ : ." "somewhat iilVOlv~d, we ~ve pre~ . - Each hou~ '· WiD- ,pa}" approx~ let~~i anying ~ccomp \ !~e' . .: · We~ i~tely · ··$22.0 '; i~ ,:~~~l ' :.axes. " (or , diStributi,o n to help clar)fy With'. tlte natlon,l 'averfl~ of-over , . ", ifle ~ matter ' and better .exptain tWo :chlldten 'per: fami1y"i~. wiU , ."~.: ~U.r" po~~ion. ~e . colnm'i~tee . . take hundr ed;' of . dollars, rilor~ ': ' ,~i1id appreciate you~ printing tlian {his to_~dup'~e ,t~ ~hiJ.dren ~ ~~ ii. }~ . . "'. . from eacH homc; ..~c:a~ ,~\ir school . ~ . '. Cordially, . . sy's tem affoid ,to ' add .l~ to .20 :..',':.....1.. ~'('James. M. Martino more, teac~ers and: ~bsorb 300 ' . to 500 inor.e :children without. a '.,. .'·, De~.TA~AYING VOTER: ' lnajor- ~~ll~in'g' progrltm'l ·Many to pay higher , :~:-~::.,.·....AreyOU'willing . School .syste.rriS' in the state -are , -'.:. taxest o>'just :maintain"these pi'e~ 00 th¢ verge, of closing because Sent serviceS? J the_r .t8.x· ba~ h8s been ~hus ... ~~ ' . '(a)Your' presen f police ' pro.'. weakerie.d. . ~ . .,' :" teetion . These facts ·are,· wh;lt your (b )yo~r presei'lt street main- fellow taxpayers . are· concerped . tenance -abo'ut. Most' of · tbem live in (c)You i present street-. light1200 square fbot ·homes. · They . ' ing ,~ . ," h3ve' n<?f cal1e~ ~OOO sq~ar.e .foot (d)"ou r 'present scho~I , syshomes sUb-~~.n~r!i; ,ApP!lrer'ltly / . tem these commeht's cam.e from par,The fOtir houses per acre protie~ favoring . tl)i~ down-ioning , pos~d in the cuuen t ~own-zo~ in . an effort to create public 'ing:' applic8t~on will only co~tn opinion against the people work· 'b\1t:e '~pproximately $40' each to ing to save yeu tax dollars. ,Some Of' thOse favoring the dpwn-~on irig ,'; $ian~ ' t~ $aUt ·.a ~ndSome . pr,?, u from. ~~~s , 3 ~milll.~n d~nar ·· pro~£t. Yqu·a nd.yoyr fel~ow~ax Payer8's~nd to Poin ~oth~ng; you will have a ~et loss !..We are "trying -to -minn:nize . this ~et l~ss. Because this· matter IS so Im'.
18 ~. S.I·~ . I :- .IJ r.'I'C't: e·,. ~.'\. "~'., At thci~" m~ii~g h"Id:~ , A~r.il .}I. <.
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coat covera... drl.s in 30 minutes with no unpleas ant paint odor• . ROllers , brush. s cl.an quickly with spap and wat.r, Cameo Latex ... the modern acrylic wan finish for toc:Iay's hom•. Stop in today,
Page 4 •
• '1"
didn't he first obtain a licens e News paper jounm lism began years 280 hefore puttin g out the 'newsin this countr y just pape r as requir ed under the ago. Act? , But there were no ceJebra~ Harris, of cours e, really tions, spee<:hes, . proclama~ could n't answe r the questi o'n. ' tions, or any sl>ecial o(.'<:asions He knew very w.ell, howev er, to mark the auspic ious event. that a licens e meant prior apAs a matter of fact ~hen proval by the govem ment of CES RREN PUBL ICK OCCU conten ts and that '.mean t the DO~ BOTH FORE IGN AND uninte restin g, 'not-toodull, a MEST ICK, the nation 's first ' public ation. That ative infonn newsp aper, "hit the streets " Harris had in 'what not is in the town of BQston on the mind. morni ng of Septe mber 25, The fact that ftarris put out 1690, there was consid erable intere sting newsp aper that .m appreh ension and a feelin g of extrem ely popula r, probwas foreboding. ably saved him from a'jail sen~ To be sure, the little four~ tence. The law was violate d, page newsp aper was eagerl y of course , but even the stem ' accep ted by the local resiColon ial ,~uthorities were dents. As a matte r of fact, loath to press too far agains t · every copy was snatch ed up. the new popula rity of editor The deman d far excee ded the Harris. supply . Harris was not jailed. He And the little paper carrie d preve nted from ever pub~ was a wide v<lriety of news stories again in the American lishing never before produ ced in ·the His one issue of ies. Colon Colon ies. There were stories OCCU RREN CES ICK PUBL about a smallpox epidem ic in that the Gover nor the was all Boston , a kidnap ping of two il and Counc would tolerat e. childr en by Indian s, a suicid e In the procla mation issued by depre ssed old man, who by the Gover nor and Counc il, recent ly lost his wife, a big the official positio n about fire that destro yed 20 homes , publis hing newsp apers with~ a report of the l<\bor shorta ge out a licens e was made very and the difficulty of har~ clear in the following words': nt vestin g the crops, an accou ', the "The Gover nor and Counc il of skirm ishes amon g ' oJ ~l ( \, Frenc h, IndUQs, and£ ngl1~lt. : having had 'the perilsal of:~"e .! finarnJ and let, .. said pamph troop s, ilp(f ' even < . stOrY, that that therei n is contai ned re~ shock ed some .conce rning :the' flections of a very high nature: amour s of King XIV of Franc e. As also sundry dpubtf ul and There was no doubt about uncert ain report s, do hereby it, editor Benjami" Harris had manif est and declar e their publis hed an excitin g little high resenb nent and disal paper. lowan ce of said pamph let, But the troubl e was he had order that the same be and pubby comm itted II crime ssed ' and called in; suppre it And lishing his newsp aper. forbidrting any per~ strictly was a seriou s crime at th.lt. s for the future person or son It could mean ajail senten ce. ng in print anythi forth set to The law of that time, f. - Ben obtain ed first se Licen ut witho Harris knew very well, was or shall are that from those that a licens e must be ob~ ~ Govern the by be appoin ted tained before any printin g " ment to grant the saille. was done, and most certai nly The point W~\s made and pubned contai g printin if the lic inform ation or inform ation the lesson was learne d about about govern menta l activit ies. publis hing newsp apers with~ But Harris took a long out permi ssion. chanc e and waited . He didn't It took . 14 years before have to wait very long. someo ne else was able to muste r enoug h courag e to try He was summ oned before again. In 1704, Boston Post~ the Colon ial Gover nor and maste r John Camp bell did Counc il to explai n why he try again, but he first made had violate d the Regul,a tion sure he had a licens e to pubof Printin g and Licen sing Act Iish. ' He publis hed his safe of 1662. Why, he was asked,
, V'Repair Ip Ie ill
Since the church was the one power block that the Gover nor and Counc il feared, the govern menta l author ities were happy to have Frank lin oppos e the church as much as possi ble. The longe'r this went on, the more popul ar and power ful the New Eng~ land Coura nt becam e. It wasn't until James Franklin decide d to critici ze govemme nbll autho rities (for laxity of law enforc ement ) did the Cover nor begin to oh-
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but dull ne'Wsi>~per "by Authority " for th¢ h'e xt 2(fYearS. Anoth er S"mo~to'tlian in A,l- ~ gust of 1721 deciae d to ' pub- ' Iish ' a ilewspa~t ' witho ut a Iice'n se. , He '.tried" it and he got away with it despit e 'the Regul ation of · Printin g and Licen sing ,Act still very much ' "on the books ". His. ~name was James Frank 7 , lin;' bIder: hrothe r gf Benja min,. _ Frank lin. Broth er James FranKlin was . most unlike ' young er brothe r Ben in tempe ll\men t ahd personali ty. Ben , had, all the qualit ies ne(.'Cssalry to get along very well with people . Throu ghout his lif~ he was consid ered diph:>matic and person able. James was an opposite . . One thing James Frank lin did posses s, howev er, was a talent to publis h a very interesti ng and readab le llews~ paper. Right from the beginning his unlice n sed news ~ paper,' The New. Engla nd Coura ilt, '''('~lUght on". Every -' one in Boston seeme d ttl rend it. The reputa tion of the newsp aper spread throug hout the coloni es, Why W~1lS he nllowe d to ' . print witho ut a licens e ? For one thing, the autl:t~ri ties wert. <lulek to ,'t~cobriti~e ' - , that' 'tll~ Ne~ Engl.l nd : CoiilJ,..: •• ', ant · was' e xtre mely p()l>lilar. And who enjo ys , opp()s ing popul arity? For mh)the r th'ing the C()ur~ ant esclw wed goven unent '" IH,· WS., Instea d, the Counl nt <:o!lcen tratect, in the hegin~ !ling at least, on items ahmit people , ~fitty and-entertain~ iug essays, poems , letterl", and <:ritit'isms of the establ ished {.' hurch .
'Li8~tingHas B~igh.t id~s "
T#! Better Living/or All ' "Home improvement" means to most people new appl1an~es for the kitchen,. new wall-to-wall carpeting tor the living room, a second bathroom, or a tamlly room added to the house. · . More homeowners might keep in mind the one way in which they can improve every room in the house by adding a single ingredient -improved lighting. When par~nts realize that in their child's schoolroom or a modern, business · omce, there is probably 15-30 times as much light as in the home llving room. for instance, and that outdoors on a sunny day the light level may be 500 times ~pat in the home, homeowners can see why it's a safe guess that more light is needed - in every rOOln of the house .. How about a really. good study lamp for the teen-age ' student's room? How about fastening some simple fluorescent fixtures to the underside of the kitchen wall cabmets to give better llght on countertops? Why not make TV viewing more comfortable by fastening a tubular or regular light bulb, about 25-60 watts, to the back of the TV set to provide necessary "surround" lighting? . ~ouldn't' it be easier to put on· make-up in the bathroom (or for the man of the house to ~have) if there were lights on, each side of the mirror and a ce1l1ng fixture directly over,.:the front edge of the slilk? '"~nti, ,'ih 'tbe Hving room' the~Tl~ IMSl6f Ifttfe1Ightlilg. .~~ "tdcks" .that: can make ' a great big difference in the _ over-all·attractiveness of the .·room, say General Electric Ughting specialiSts. Lighted valances over windows wnl' "wash" draperies witb l1ght,accenting material pat~m and color :and ·texture. decorative A
LIGHTED SHELVES dramatize colleetions of booke, art objects. Here, 13-watt fluorescent bulbs are tucked awax at the back of every other shelf, and recessed so that lamps are completely out of view. Sugge8ted by General Eleetric.
lighting fixture w1l1 create an unusual point of interest in Ii comer area. Art objects and paintings can be highlighted with celling":mounted fixtures or port- . able high intensity lamps. A fluor~scent tube fastened to the back of a wide piece of furniture will "UR-light" the .wall behind it. And lighted cabinets w1l1 ma!t~. 911~ct1EmB"o~,b.90~. and·, ,(,'". spe~1i1 "~~-~cks.': dramatic conve~satton pieces. o
/n 01H' rec"nt. year, sum" / ,600,000 pel'sun!; were und",'
- care in public and priva tt~ men· tal i nstiLu Li'on ~ accordin~ to the National Asgocilltion for Mental Health, Why nut utili",c your SPal'C time by volu ntecr· ing to help hO/;piull. pcrsonnel in their care'!
Daytightp' your .
Missionaries risk . lives to educate DA NANG, South Vietnam - Neither men nor Americans have a monopoly on heroics here. Women have proven that they too can help in the overaU effort to improve that lot of the people and they have come from many countries to help. Mostly miSSionaries, several of them have been killed and two captured. Still, many are here, carrying on their work in spite of the war, Australian Nancy Costello spent the last summer anxiously following the battle reports coming from the Thuong Duc district camp 40 miles east of Da Nang. She had been working as a Bible translator with the Katu tribe o~ . Montagnard people for eight years and now the area had experienced almost daily rocket and mortar attacks. "Her" village of just 60 Katu people was located near the camp there and she felt that she should be doing something to help her people. But the few helicopters going there were loaded and the roads were closed. When a few days went by and the attalcks had let up she finally managed to find a seat on a helicopter. She was relieved to find that the people , had suffered , no casualties ' and were ,simply hungry from being forced to stay away from their fields, Just 20 minutes after she had landed in the heli.copter, 10 big 121O-millimeter Viet Cong rockets landed withL1 100 yards of the village. Un-
You can make homemade ice cream for weight watchers. Sub· stitute chilled evaporated milk, not diluted, flOr light cream. It contains about 140 calories per serving. Frozen orange juice usually costs less than buying oranges and squeezing fresh juice, Graham cracker crumbs are about the same price as rolling your OWIl . But if you buy a gra· ham cracker Icrust in a pie pan, it's about dou hle the price of the crackers alone. Here's a salad dressing to glamorize a fresh fruit salad to compliment the chef's outdoor cookery. Foldl into 1 cup dairy sour cream, 1 teaspoon ' grated orange r ind, 2 tablespoons orange juice, 1 tablespoon honey, 112 teaspoon dry mustard and season with salt and! pepper. Chill lMt fore serving (In fruit salad.
daunted, she stayed for five days doing what she could to help, the people, Mrs. Simone Haywood came from Switzei'Jand as the fiancee of an English missionary already in Vietnam. She and John Haywood were married at a miSSionary compound here in May, 1964, Just 19 months later John was killed in a savage Viet Cong ambush on the road to Hue as he was trying to deliver some urgently needed food to leprosy patients. Four days after John's funeral their daughter, Jac;queline, was born. Simone was determined that she would carry on John's efforts as much as she could. She is still here, one of two women on the staff of the China Beach Orphanage. a project of the United World Mission. Now, not only Jacqueline, but 340 Vietnamese orphans look to her for love, None is neglected. Simone's "partner" at the orphanage is young, vivacious Diana Reed from England. A relative newcomer to Vietnam, Diana is still intensely studying the language. But, she has found that love is a universal language and the children respond to a . tender touch in the same way as a kind word in their own tongue.
Pass, Please Five hundred million pounds of popcorn·on·the-cob is· the cur:- . rent yearly dem and in this coun.,: try. Popped, it would be enough to supply a quart a year for everyone. Fattening In ear ly Egyptain, Roman and Greek times, fruit pies and tarts were the finale to long, drawn-out banquets that included every food known to man. Wooden Shoes Backless wooden clogs are good for feet, in the opinion of some medical experts. An item in a recent issue of FamUy Practice explains that the new shoe fashion exercises feet, supports arches, aids circulation, and profices foot comfort for those who must stand for long periods. However, a Danish pediatrician warns that the clogs are not suitable for the feet of growing children. Easy Rider An expert horseman, Ulysses S. Grant, during graduation exercises at West Point, set a jumping record that endured for 25 years.
"ebanon. Ohio
FUNERAL HOME OUR OtIE ADITION T. Pmid. a ..." syapatUtic ad dipift.d servIcI i. tH h... If .eed
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New low cost for decorator panels!
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Bubbling Chicken Bake 1 can (10% ounces). con· densed cream of chicken soup 1f.J ·to If.! cup milk 1 cup diced cooked clllclten 2 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 1. cup cooked pea . 1 cup sIIghtl¥ CI'PIIlbled potato ehips ' . . . In l ..all1t eaueroJe, ..... . • 1iP and ....; sUr .. ddckea, . BUe .. a 311- eveD SI· . . . ega; ............ .,.. cIaI... ·
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Wayn~syilletampers, "
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Rt. 42~ 1 mite north 6f Way..."ille •
TI i
fast In we II"., If ;we sbnd , . Lord. , Theil, 3:1_ A few weel(s alO, :'we'. ...... d , . thr0uth the 'most WQn;tetful ...'on the of the ~ear whe".we remem bered O,u. r Christ · that shed his b'o~d In st.ad, that our palt could be b'ojt~d out and we could rec"'" the power to "ecome a son of the IlIvln, God. If we, b~ hll help, will 'Chl~'. our wa~ and· directio n of nife" we will be found urn Christ" hlVlnt IJ"n' been· ",rafte d Into" Him. we hi". told . to "put on" the ILord Je.uI 111m. upon" Christ and to be "built Now we CIIn live, If YN Will mnd fa.t In the Lord. Thll n"ln, willt brln, about a conll.tenc~ of conduc .. ch and "Owlh In "ace, for which of UI must Itrr". If ' we ,are to hear Him .. ~, well dOne. There are som. den, •• thlt con.tantly threate n our IIvl"l for God. of fOIiOwr One of th. "eat..t I. thlt who know In, fal .. teache, .. Peopl.1 havln, .. teaclll ~et way not the authori ty. The~ alwa~. seek to divide n.v.. unite. We face hOltlllt~ from til. world a.tura and about u... "". In our OWlI . temptatIOn from satan. 1'he rell,lou we cour.. hal many obstacl e. UWltthlt must fac. a nd win o v., • Bewar. .top Impatience dOe. not caUIII UI to alon, the ' way. If the ,olnl I, ...y beWare of your IplrlhUlI pr~d'. To really live now we mUlt a." dlvln. guidance anell maintai n constan t zeal for the honor of Chrl.t lind the. ·.oull of oth.rl. L L. Young For
, WAYNESVILLE Churc h of Chris t
Third & Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evange list 10:00 e.m. ' SundaY Mornin g 6:30 p.m. ' Sunday Evening 6: 30 p. m. ' Wednes day Evening Phone 897,44 62 for Informa tion
. First Bapti st Churc h
North Main Street John P. OsbOrn e, Pastor 10:00 a.m. ' Sunday School 11:00 a.m. ' Mornin g Worshi p 6:30 p.m. ', Trainin g Union 7:30 p.m. ' Evening Worship 7: 30 p.m. ' Wednes day Prayer Meeting (Affilia ted with southe rn Baptist C1)nven tlon).
First Churc h of Chris t
'ScriDtur.1 Joh~ 111",1': ; .' D.".tI.... l· • .,.~I".: liGlah '12·7.
Somewhere I read of a tombstone that . reads: .laOrn 1810. Died 1890. Lived 50 · years",' . It .' It doesn' t take higher " mathmatl~s to ,figure out ~hat. ~here' is something radica lly wI:0ng· wUh thlt Eitber the ' stQnecutt~r made a gross miS, take or else someone' was saY,ing that: tbe man bad . bad , a very life during bis eigbty ·years, <;;eorge BeJ'J,lard Sllaw
152 High Street 897-47 86 Steve Tigner, Ministe r , 8:30·9 :30 a.m. Worshi p Hour " 9:45 - 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10:45- 11:45~ln.WorshlpHour ~~~~~~~~~ 5:00 p.m. Youth Recrea tion 6:00 p.m. Jr. High Youth 6:30 p. m. Jr. Youth 7:00 p.m. Evening worShi p 8: 30 p.m. Sen. Youth
Frien dship Baptist Churc h
Southe rn Baptist C"nven tlon Nor man Meadow s, Pastor 9:30 a.m•. Sunday SchOol 10:30 a. m. - Sunday Mornin g Worshi p 7:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening Service 7: 30 p. m, - Wednes day Midwee k Prayer and Bible Study
Friends MeetinQ
Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:45 a.m.' Sunday Meeting for Worshi p (unprog ramed)
St. Augu stine Churc h
High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer , Pastor 7 a.m. & 11 a.m. ' Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. - Holy Days 7:30 p.m. - First Friday 7:45 a.m. - Daily Mass 5:30 p.m. - Saturda y Mass
Jonah s Run Bapti st Churc h
Ohio 73 East Lester Kidd, Pastor 10: 00 a. m. ' Sunday School 10:00 & 11:00 a.m. ,- Sunday Worshi p Service 7:30 p,m. - Sunday Evening Worshi p
St. Mary's Episcopal Churc h
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector 11:15 a.m, , Mornin g Prayer 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday s; Holy Commu nion 2nd & 4th Sunday s
Unite d Meth odist Churc h
David Harper, Pastor 9: 30 a. m. - sunday Church Service ' lO:30 ,.. m. - Sunday School 11 ~ 00 .• m. - SU"IHY Worship ' Ser vice Youth FellOWS hip and Bible Study
Unite d Metoo'dist Churc h
Thir.d & North Streets L Young, Ministe r 9:00 a.m. - Church School 10:15 a.m. - Church st Worship 6:00 p,m. - Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellows hip
Harveysburg Full Gospel Churc h E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilto n, Pastor 7:30 p.m .• Tuesda y 7:30 p.m. - Friday - Young People' s Service 10:00 a.m. --Sunda y School 7:00 p.m . • Sunday Evening
Waynesville Rescue Mission
Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd. Rev. Sherma n Cook. Pastor 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School 7:00 p.m •. Sunday Eve. Service 7 : 30 p.m •• Wednes day Eve. Service 7:30 p.m. · Sat. Eve. Service
SPRING VALLEY Unite d Methodist Churc h
Walnut · Vine Robert R . Meredit h. Pastor g: 30 a. m. - Sunday School 10: 30 a. m . . Mornin g Worship 6: 30 p. m , . Youth Fellows hip Jr. High & Sr. High 7:45 p.m .. Wednes day Choir Rehears al
First Churc h of God
49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m . . Sunday School 10:30 a.m.' Mornin g Worship 7:00 p.m . . Sunday even ing
Free Pente costal Churc h . of God R.R. 122 - DOdds, Ohio Pastor, James Coffma n 10:30 a.m. - Sunday SChool 7: 00 p.m •. Sunday Evange listic Service: 7:30 p.m. ' Wednes day Prayer
LYTLE Unite d M~hodist Churc h
John K. Smith, Ministe r 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Sunday Worshi p Servlc.~
8:00·9: 00 p.m, - Wednes day Evening , B i ble Study
CENTERVI LLE The Centerville First Pente costal Churc h.' '. 1'73 'E. FranklT n Street·
R.a¥ Norvell , P...astor . Gene Bl c knelt; A'Ss't. ". 10:00 a.m•• Sunday Sc'h ool 7 : 00 p.m. - Sunday Evening 7 : 30 p.m." Wednes day Evening
--Genn--town- United Church Of Chris t
FERR Y Ferry Churc h of Chris t
Wilmin gton Pike & Social tRow Road Bus Wi:s eman, Ministe r 9:00 a.m.' Sunday Bible School 10:15 a.m. - .Sunday Worshi p 10:15 ,a.m. - Sunday Youth Worshi p 6 : 30 P.. m .• Sunday Evening Blb,le Study, all ages 7 : 30 p.m. - Wedne sday· Midwee k Prayer and Bible Study
Spring Valley Church of Christ
CORWIN Pente costal Holiness Churc h
Acy Lamb. Pastor 10: 00 a.m . . Sunday School 7:30 p.m.' Sunday . Wednes day and Saturda y Even Ing Worshi p Services 7 : 30 p.m • . Wednes day Youth Service
Glady Street 10:00 a.m .. Mornin g Worship 7 : 00 p.m. - Even i ng Worship 8:00 p.m .. Wednes day Evening Worshi p
Spring Valley Friends Churc h
RIDG EVIL LE Ridgeville Comm unity Churc h
Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9 : 30 a. m. - Sunday School 10: 30 a. m .. Mornin g Worshi p
St. Rt. 48 & Lower Spring.b oro Road Ray L. Shelton , Pastor 9:30 a . m. - Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Mornin g Worshi p 7:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening Sel'vice 7:30 ~).m. - Wednes day Evening service 5:30 p.m. - Sunday Sr. Youth Recrea tion 6:30 ,).m. - Sunday Sr. Youth Service s
Christian Bapti st Mission
Unite d Metho dist Churc h
Rev. Leonar d Baxter 9: 30 a.m .. Sunday School 11 : 00 a. m .. Sunday Worshl p Service 7: 30 p. m. - Wednes day. Prayer Service
Route 4·2 at Gennto wn Ray Storme r. Pastor 9:30 a.m, - Worshi p Service 10: 30 . Sunday Church School 5: 00 p.m. - Sunday Youth Fell()ws hi p
Main Street Mrs. LOis Dunawa y, Pastor lOa. m •• Sunda~' School 11 a.m. - Mornin g Worship 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship 7:30 p.m•• Prayer Meeting Wednes day & Thursd ay 7:30 p.m. - Song-fe st. Last Saturda y each month.
The Following Area Merchants This Church Page Is Spons ored For You Throu gh The Courtesy Of
'1'IWf(! 1\1'('
aJI kind,. "I' kind·
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. ed . With 20 th(!r~~)!I~lticlllly' cOJlLrollcd rc),lerH, each with its....
uwn heal~i"~ P(~H~"an(f.r~ut"urcK' rollerK i,l UU'OO H,iZ(iK-rHiX jum.~ . -. '.'. bo, tcillarg c Ilnd ruur iimall. .... .
suigeste;~ ; very ' J
nearll ,the , same thing ' when ' he Rev. .Althoa se said that an appropri ate · epitap~ for. many p~o plc might be thiS: "DI~d at thirty: buried at sixty."
For It free buLLon thllt sayk, "try a little kindness," Rend youi' name and addreHS t~ ,Oorporate · Services' Dept., ' ClairQl, 346 Park A"enue,. ,N~w York, N. Y.. 1'0022 .
Life before death Shaw's observatio~ is both true
' .'1" I': ~ .~ .,' I' It' l sugJesus l, I think. Biblica and to more is much that there gcsted life than the mere activity of a .. . living. human · organism. He in- ' ' . ... . . yoU , If some-is dicated ' that eterna l life you~d '.'lik. to. .... lilted in thing. that one can experien~e on 1____ .: . . .. . earth as well as in heaven. Peo, our , D~TEBOOK C8,~~ ~~ , pic debate wheth er there is a life ~ -MIAMI ' G~ ~ .~ ~, . aft(,I' death. but verh~ps equall y E t8t,:897.&921.... ",.• . ~"f' '; import ant is th~ questl ?n of .life ZETT . .,' , drlver racmg hrfore death. When
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.Jinl Pascha l was listed·. . ,by the
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""':: ···Mrs..i.eM~1Mat lM!ch'ael, '71, , .~,.~ ~~<II'I.•:tJI,an~~4 . . of "Mt: "Holly Ot.'i! p~ssed (' aWaY " AP,ril ~4 Y ". .... " :' ~ ~or
'; :1." .
8an~'r'~ . JU~Ol., and, ~OlJl. ~nq.~et. 6.:39-~8.:.3~J PI:C?tn 9.00-l.QO. ,
Wednesday at 'Grandview Hos' pita. in Dayton. of the,Mt.. er -memb a was She Holly United Methodist Church and the WSCS. She is sqrvived by her husI band Elvis M. Michael, one daughter, Mrs. Dale Fair of Warner Robins, ,Ga., one brother Edmond Marlatt of Kentucky, 7 grandchildren, and 4 greaf grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday at Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home. Rev. Leonard Baxter officiated. Interment was in the Middle Run Cemetery.
'From Minnie "Sor.reU: Owilig. :~ ville, Ky.: Oh , lily, am t II. -real' a peao~ful little val, · old-timet'! ley n~ar 'Harpe rs; Ky. , where.,' I .' spent most of",iJ\Y life, I c~~ ~ re- ,"'. memb~l' wben· my family .Q~ught ·", only ' the. things we .coul,d ~; lJot . raise on our farm~offe~,. '~.a .• ". sugar. sod.a. Wheat ,was thres~ed, ;. taken. to the mih and , l}lad~ .)pt<i ·. flour. The straw was USed ),~ '!ft, ticks, to _. be placed under our ;'
BLANCHE F. PATR ICK . . , '. " :feathct beds. Mrs. Blanche Fairchild PatWe han a mill that· gl(ounll ' rick, age 60, PortsmQuth, Ohio corn into meal, also ,a mill that Sciota at Friday a.m. ground sorghum to make,:._·modied at 6 lasses. Mom I!l~dc olar, soap' by: Memorial Hospital. drippin g and , lye, So~e g.'ease She is survived by her husof it was hard soap and· some was . band Frank of Portsmouth, two thin brown soap which, litle' p~t and t, into a jar to be used .fo~ wQbin j·,. Rober sons, Michael and hair. Mom gathered ' h~rhs . our three daughters, Unda Neuman, and dried· them to use as Jrie(l£" ~' . 8ero,ice Diddle and Shirley ci.n~~ few ~ere ' . . catnip, -, int, s~outh spearm ofPort aU Gahn, bonset and fever(ew. Also surviving Mrs. Patric k We raised ~ansj Po.tat~sj are two brothers and six sisters. cabbag~, turnips, -,pa~sf!ips, Herbert Fairchild, Rt. 3, Waytard greens and' beets. 'The tOes, tUl1)ips, c~bbale anel"". Daynesville, Fred Fair.child Jr., ~: P1!ced in · pi~ dQ. · -,were ~.I' lDu·Mrs. ton Mrs. Such Eakin. 'garden and lined· wi~b .1"'1.::-' . '0.:, -:- . -snips . ' .and' salsify were lSe Jacobs, tdrs. "'~lIlStlDe pilr~ig 81 ·we 'Deeoea to row, _ Mrs. vey, aU of Waynesville, and beans ; ,Green , Vienna Susan Grooms, New ,_ ,~~~ Mrs. Ulliam Ellis, Wilmington . -.eau; Com ' "New olds, n Rey· and Mrs. Gean anCl ~ried, ' Carlisle. tji"ei!('mjtll"Iri.d..'! ~.Clj!jj~ t;~dV::: ' Ser~ces .. werehe~~ ,~onday, at \Vmdel-~~d Fune~t :'",;, "'inaker ab~ll!lUade ' 1'>..n4j):!if'i!cOlrd)~'IM.a;ff!r.': .hail li>me, ,Portsm Outh. Burial war at the Gr~C!;lia!n' e.em~~ryJ the.:.. ,;,PcJlolnf\- ~",,"'~_' Rev~ Wm- likina offictatec1 '. :~'t.
. -' .
• . ~ ..
"-" .• ,\'\ 1:,;':,
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Ite.ms uncler thl. ....dln t .re run free and mIIY run up to 4 week. unlets cancelled. SM .d be-ok on thl......
I wish ,to express my thankS to every· one who .nt c.rds .nd flower. while I wu In the,hoS p,t., .nd .'so to Rev. Young for his vlilts; Vlst. Dellard (16cl) ,
, 25 CHINC HILLAS & equipm ent _ .. •
897-53 25
• 'I'
~ 'l
', 2 LIME GREEN Barrel blck ch.irs • A-I . cond • $50 ",'r - twin beds • ",J comp - Includin g dbl headbCMrds • (16cl) 140 - cl.. n - 932-12 13
UPHOL STERIN G Machin e. Ph. 893. 5855 (4ctf) ;
MU$HR OOM Compo st • attentio n g.rdene rs, I.ndsca pers .nd green· houses · U$4I or~nlc matter for more , . ~aturaj vitamin s • excelle nt mulch & ground conditio ner • price for 9 cu. Yd. I~d delivere d 0·15 miles $30•• 15·'3 0 miles $41.50 - 30-40 miles $46.50 • $3 per cu. yd. at compost ,yard - for Inform .tlon on dell· verv call Fred'S Mushro om Co. • South LetMno n, Ohio - 494-10 00 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or Clnclnn .tI 683(14c8) 6491 .11 hours
SERVICES LOOK HOW little It costs to' keep your c.rpets ctean • av•• ge size living room & ha" (27 sq. yds.) $23.37. e.li '932- 7876 - Paul's Xp.t CJrpet (16cl) , Clea.,ln g
KENMORE Sewing Machine . Mediterranean style cabinet - $35 13 897·66 19
Repair Service • heating & .Ir COndit ioning· refriger ators - wash· ers • dryers • & al t home applian ces all parts In stock· all work guarant eed (15c2) 933-88 66 ' FRED~
ALL KINDS of gardens : cabbages, mIIngoes, & tom.toe s • will h.v, petut:ll.s In stOC.1< Ij)on - Smith's Green House on South St. In ~rveysburg .croll fr,om Smith's Grocer y (16d,.
BABYS ITTING In my home· by dat or hour - reasonable rates· Phone 897·592 1 • ask for Jean HIli
BABV SITTIN G In my home - by hour - day or week • fenced In yard· ask for JoAnn Edsall • Phone 897(3cTF) 6021
HOUSES FOR 'SALE 3 'BDRM brick - 2 c.r garage - elect heat - bullt·ln kitchen - wall·to- wall b.th • about 1 mile from r.-~~-...poO'-,----------. , carpet - tile (15c2) , Waynes ville 897-63 13
--~~-VII"LE ---IUES ------a;; . ." . ,:',WAY CAMPERS, INC.
FIVE Room house· 21h car garage , 1 acre lot· ,p hone 932-81 57 (13ctf)
PHONE NUMBER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
CUTE & CUDDLY Easter bun· nies . white or black - $2 . ea ' 13 897-64 28
BABY SITTIN G· I will take care of , your child In my home· days· pl,ase c.lI Alice Coatne y· Phone 897·749 1 (13ctf)
STEWI NG HENS · $.50 ,. 897·22 44 (16c2)
14' FIBER GLAS SGlas tromb oat 40 HP Mercury - convertable top mOoring cover '. Gates trailer . elect start - , windshield - comp equipped for fishing or skiing $850 - 897·23 60 13
2 x 4 and wide WANT ED· boards' - phone 897-60 21 (TF)
appear in the "Sell-It .. Column. This column is reserved (or: non-commercial, private indiciduals only. All items must be priced. This servia: is FREE from the Gazette. COpy : ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _
66 PL YMOUTti . fair . pay bal· ance due or take over payments 13 897·41 73
'ATHR OOM SINK· comp w/f.uc8 ts , Chrome towel blrs - ~p • gl.s~ _ paper holder - medicin e c.blnet - .11 excel cond - comp· $50 -"932-1 213 (16c1)
Fill in blank below with copy as YOll would like to see it
MAR E Pony w/saddle & bridle · etc - $25 . 2 :alm()st new tires 1~ 7.75x 16·$2 4·897 -6122
FOR RENT - 1 bdrm furnlsh ed.pt , upltJlrs • •Ir cond - $85 per mo. $85 deposit require d· 897-48 21 -(16c1) , ~ ,
. ~ ~ ,M(,r"\tiwM,.O(l.botela,;mo- '.
"Why should freedo m of speech and freedo m of the press be allow ed? Why should a gover nment which is doing what it beJiev es to be right allow itself to be criticized ? It would not allow oppositio n by lethal weapo ns.
1960 CHEVY Truck . 6 cyl radio & heate r· runs gd . body rusted in some places $350 ' 897· 14 6261 '70 GRAND PR I X . Model J blue with white vinyl top . air cond . low mileage - $3400 .. 14 897-2685 after 6 p.m. 1970 AMCO 'M>del No. 2164 Deluxe 8" tilt arbor power saw two mitre galuge slots, 27"x2 4" saw table built on floor cabinet wiout motor . $30 . 897 -5307 15
Ideas are much more -fatal things than guns. Why should any man be allowe d to buy a printin g press and dissem inate pernic ious opinio n calculate d to embar rass the governme nt?" , - Nikola i Lenin .
RElAX AND LEAVE-----....
1960 RAMBLER American sm. station wagc:m • runs - needs ex, 15 haust ,pip~ $25 ~. 897-5307
FORM ALS· 1 pink sleeveless . t~ls ~ lnn~. are In operat ion ~ size 12 . 1_aqua long sl~eve - size iii North CUOll na, the 12thla - ' rpst total of any state. 13 - \NOrn ()nce . $16 ea • 897· 16 ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ~67
------------------i---HORSE - small - 3 yr old mare·
Repair Shop
Located ,o n Route 42, 1 mil~ north of Route 73, Waynesville
Tractor & Farm Equipment "Repair
P.hone 897.7936
R.R. No.2 W.y.,
PH. 897-7931
~ :
BO a
197-75 21'
~IX1®~[pnrn® mf£®
933·88 66 18 North Mulberry St., Lebanon, Ohio
- - - - - - - - - - - '1' 0
I '
CAL li",
,. irA''''''''
ITEM: Food shop wisely. Study food ads in local media, ' plan menus in advance to avoid waste and prevent extra trips to the store, ,observe which days are best fOlr shopping, make a list to save steps and time - and be flexible enough to consider quality and' available alternates.
. '1..... ..... ...... .IIIA LTla K . . . . . , . .... • . . .... .., ...... ...... ...... , __ " +'1' 'a ilk' 'It ....
............... _. ,I'.• I,d.,. ....
r products currently on supermark·
- l"'U la - fOI'I'I lI • LUlU
-ITEM : A recent survey showed that 52 per cent of the food
P.o. BOX 78
sidered the main product for using deboned poultry m~at, ~ut Pennsylvania State Umverslty and other research centers are analyzinl~ chicken and turkey for use in s1llch products as bolo~na, luncheon loaf, a "sloppy Joe" mix, and meat patties of various types. Some of the new products' could feature 100 per cent deboned turkey and chicken.
Conditioning Heating & Refriger,ators, Washers, & Dryers , And all other home applian~
We would like to introd uce to you OW' "NEW hip quality prill_a." Much effort bu pDe into IM· PROVING Our qu81ity ataDdarcia. n.e latat in type,eeaia . equipm alC brinp to you chis quality at lower
ITEM: Frankfurters are con-
annual subSO'iption
"Mu st" Her e
ITEM: An hour's work today buys 25 per cent more pork, 20 per cent more beef, 13 per cent more potatoes, 20 pel' cent more milk, 25 !per cent more peas an~ 40 per c,ent more eggs than It did in the late 1950's,
Predslon Wo rk Is a
, t'
$250 - 897·44 67
et- shelves were ' not ~ere ten yean ago.: they' are new products.
MCS .Ie_ , . . ..... ....
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. ~.;.:sba - -ta ad . . .idutt a Wi It~. . Duw
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Loeated at the ofii. . of
J'I'B1II: .As a general, rule, prodf,lcts lIiuch a8 ean~ed gOods which supennarketa carry under their 0,,.1' l1I.m~ .~re, ~ '~~ ~ nation" , _allylid vertiJe d brands. ' Prlva~ _orr pack~ lly genera -.re' labels '" , ' ", ' , .. '. , .,' .,' ~,' : under contract' by a_ . , , ' p,todUleed ' :. ' , , •' .. I; ' '<""..... . ,',,;, : " PHON ' , ' ..-e,:SUp_il :,' i' " ~ ,l <~1;i,' 't 1,." ~t " . :._ " ;,~ '--'...... , er. , , ~' ----': " ', ••-, ,-. II_~"""' ~ ...... .I!iIIi..IIJ!I~--iIIJ!I~~~~,.. f.... -, '';'' 4~'" . . \., r . ~. ~t~·· ' ~ "t"'Ia . • . , \ ~.... t of'Jll 'ti. . ' . i ' ~ !' ~ . . . .~ '." ... ,. .:I ~ ~ --~ ,- '
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,"ca.~ ..... g~ing s~~liiy 'with 'moi'~~,.~ on~
you pleas~ · give me a ·;·solution -. gU'1 at · a ti.!l1e. ,Mayb~, the. oth!e~. .tQ this , ppo)il~m? / 1' )Vas 'da~rng ,: a _ ".) girl he llates .' ~lso beheves, 10 ~ "rcert~ijt gIrl, 'whom ~. ~ ,:"'thought ' . go ng steady With more' th~n ~Oe .'. liked n~e verY ,much. A ,few wieks boy. Try .:£or a (latc -, If you '::; agl}: while we were togeth ,r, we like' her; 'J)U~ " n~t because her ' ran in.to q~e, of my gOOd. !~tepds., boyfriend moved Ih on you. After 'that day, he started"calliJ:lg my girf and · then began dating her OIl ·ii igQt~ ' I -h~d ' to work late. ,GOSPE L PR EAC,KING The thing that annoys me is ,that I do not believe in going steady,' AND FAITH H~Al'ING but- he does, and has a girlfriend The relationship between preof his own. Now, why should he s.tart dating ', mine? He must be . aching tt~e gospel and healing still having gOod time with hlli the sick is established beyond girlfriend, becaUse he dates his aoubt ih Acts 4 :19-30: girl one night and mine the fol7 ..... And grant unto thy serlowing. What · should I do? After meeting my friend , my girl vants to speak thy word with doesn 't act the same anymore, all boldness. while thou stretcheven though she knows there is est forth thy hand to heaL" another girl in his life. Should I
'1h I' WIIl'd < w"n' ~po k"11 II\' ."' ~1I< wh"11 dlllllllin;: I'h:l .. i ~, ... ~ ;Iskl'll for a ~ig ll.rl'lllll III ' a ~' .' 11 ~1.1I1\' Chri<IIIl.I' Il'll.l' ;1... · lik, · Ih, '';' ' I'h,lri ~I'I''; III' IIld . \ V,· 1';111 ,;,',' II ... a l!I)"";ldllll).! slunll III Ih, ' hLlI·kll, ·" ,.1' Ih ,' ~k,' , III' .l nl i,·ill.llt' ,I \\',,"dnflll d .l\ ill IIII' 1.... 11I1\, III' .1 I'l SlIl ,-! <1I11 a lld \'1'1 h, ' 1I1l.1"';lI'I' III' II .. · ill'lh'l'l.lIl1 ,hill g,; ).: 0111).: "" , ill II ... wllrld il ~ which "', ' IiI" ." . \V" Ii\'( , ill ,I ","r1d III' ,ig ll s. E \,,,,,\,\\'1 " ...,' w, ' IIII'll . 1111'1'1 ' a ... · <lgllS III 1"11111 II ... \\';1)' , S I !~ Il S 10 .l d\" · l'Ii~, ·, sil! lI '; ". i ll ~II' Il"' . ,i l! Il " It . (,.rhid ' , ' sig ll ~ It . W.II'II III' d,lIl ).: ' ''' al ... ad , · . .h WI ' 11'.1\'t") Ih,' hi l! hw.l\ "I' Iii'" "III' ,'" '' ,h,,"ld 111 '\','" I... ,Ih\ .l\ " 1I1' ~ ... al"';l\'s dU\yI~ . ~" sh o llld. ... ·.Id Ih ,' ~ig n ,< .t1"Il !.! Ih, ' \\' . 1\ , \\' h .1I is h .I)IIh'lI ill !.! ill II ... ",,,rid . III II ... ,'UIlIIIIIIIlIl\, III whirh w, ' Ii\"· ' d, 'I"l'lllill, '" Ih,' 1"" IIlIT,'''' Ih ,lI ,',Ii'll "I' Il~ 11l1lS! ~ h . II" ' ,
Read before you ride
-Buy the right ~ machine, for the right reason.
The SPORTSMAN@line. Three models with rear engines. The 5 H,P. unit shown. and two 7's. one with electric starting. 4-cycle egnines. positive chain drive. 3 speeds forward plus reverse. and cutting widths of 26 or 31 inches. Optional bagging attachment ,
The Tractor Line. Five tractors. like the 5 H.P. unit above, . Electric starting optional. Mansized seat and controls, new. large capacity. mufflers, and easy flip up hoods. Also 7, . 8, 10 or 12 horse power models with an automatic transmission on the 8.
Let's talk it over
We Take Care T M
,'l -
, ~. 11'1-2'111 .,
OUR REPI.V: If you don't beJil've in going steady, you should he accustomed to seeing your girlfriends having dates with others. You should also be no stranger to comp.ctition, Your friend apparently believes in
Carin., ,J;o,r Y. our f,aV~fn~' P.~tl.fDt , . Nurses us-e a ' cloCk, a caleqdar, .. When' someone- iii ; j oW" H'6me ··· ··, newspapers,o magaZmes; ' -b'61IClay' is ill, or mSlybe it's a neightior decorations. You can do ·the same or 'family friend, do you wonder to emphasize the time of day .. . what ypu c~m do to lift their an event . . . a holiday a spirits? Aftelr you've sent a getfestive ,occasion. well card, flowers, or a special treat from your kitchen what else can you do to brighten their monotonous weeks or months ahead? Professionclll geriatric ' nurses, who follow standards for care develbped by the Standards Committee of th.~ American Nurses' Association face this situation all ,the time in hospitals and private homes. So I've borrowed some tips from them to show how you, too, can offer physicaj comfot:t and psychological cheer to anybody confined to a long stay in bed. From her medical ' knowledge and training, a nurse knows that many ' conditions, such as the effect of medications, can slow down a patient - both physically and mentally. If your patient is drowsy, albsent-minded, irritable or depr(~ssed, don't take it personally, When you ask a TAKE A TIP ... question or make a statement, FROM don 't hurry him for a reply give him time to respond while he's thinking over what you said. Any patient wants to follow his usual life-style and maintain inFIRE I Have Tailored Insurdependence :as much as possible. ance Protection. So you wouldn~t want to offend them by offering childish games You're covered. or trivial wClys to pass the time. Instead, you'll want to maintain their usual contacts . . . by encouraging visits from friends, the . presence of radio and television, the sending and reading of cards and letters, having a phone accessible. l
No one m~es to feel hemmed in by four wulls. Why not place your patient's bed near the window and introduce variety with plants, flowers, pets or fish? Even through such a small gesture as chaillging the pictures on the walls, and bringing in outdoor scenes, you'll help pep up your patient's I~undinp. and keep them more ifttereatlq aDd pleasant.
just start looking aro~nd again, or should I try to make the same move - to his girl, just like he llid to mine?"
YOu'll , WIlDt' to aUmuJate ;o.po patient's, IttenuYe~ too .
The ·Nell
The brethren in Jerusalem prayed that God would give them sufficient ' courage to speak His . word with bol<:iness, while He, Himself nealed the bodIes 9t the diseased and infirm: ~any good people tod~y cannot" make thi;s distinction. They need to realize two things: 1. God doe's not command Us to heal the sick; ~ather I we are commanded to preach the gospel (Matt. 28: 19-20). 2. While we are preaching the .gospel Go~ ,reserves for Himself the. right to heal the sick. If He cho'oses not to heat then we must submit to His deeision, .for GOd ' alone can decide what He will Of will not do. You may aks~ uWilI a merciful God withhold ~he blessing .~raculous healing?" 'Pte ~answer ,ls U¥es !' ~ lie,j c,oUld - and! does' withhold :'itt ~veri tHe ,4pQ$tle Paul ·suffered froll) ali irurrmity of the flesh. God1JSed'his'jnfirmity to reach hundreds of ]08t souls with the gospel. , Read 2 Cor. 12:7-10 and Galatians. 4: ' '131 4 . Today God WIt~hofds this gift 'from all men. TIlere hasn't been a bo afide . case of mjraculous healing in hundreds of years, yet many . 'hones~ly mistaken individuals will stili spend fortunes in an attempt . to buy this kind of cure. When will they learn that the true servant of God will ,be found preaching the gospel of Christ, not healing the -sick? Many will actually lose their sould while they cast about for someone who can miraculously heal their bodies. Even if they could be healed, what good would it do if they failed· to obey the gospel? The Bible ~ys, H • • • Preach the gospel ... He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." (Mk. 16:15-16). It also says, H • • .It is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed. rather than having two ~nds or two feet to .be cast into everlasting fire." (Matt. 18 ~ 8). The lesson is clear. We need, to obey the gospel. then sp~nd our lives teaching it to others, while leaving the ' question j)f divine healing in the hands of God. Visit the church of Christ that meets at Third and Miami streets. Services afe at 10, a.m. and 6:3.0 p.m. on Lord's Pay and at . 7:30 ', p.m. We~ne~f J
'.evenjngs. <
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Yoq a~4' enco~ged ~~ _~ke
lix'lesson, OI''' . tee.
•'Way ne ,Smith and·ROn smith u QyliSts and Owners
IIIA~J.II ~D',T.,!a alc;:nON CO~VIIIO"TlD 1870.V DENNIS M. MAaUI\4 , .. IIlltAIIEO BV COMMUNITV Nlwa .. A.. e" A. . OCIATEI
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':..tl. -: ~', . - ',.: ,You 'n I
Marine· President"
"see the Ught
when Stop in soon and see the Pinto .' \" . . you s~op , in at the Bill 'Marine which is Anlerican made and " .' 'Ford Jiic.~ In Wilmington located impOrt priced. "/'"'( _a~ ; 1182 W. · Main phone 382· , ' :,,:' 38~8 .:for a iook' at tbe "Better From the Mercury uncoln ." . idea,' Cars From Ford". Your Division of Ford the ' Marquis, , choice"can be made fro\1l; Mav~nterery, COugar, Montego, ~rick, Torino (the 1970 Motor Cyclone, and the all new C~met. Trend Car ' of the 'year): the f\!ll Test drive the luxurious uncoLn ~i.e4 Fords, Mustang, or stylish ,Continental, or Continental 'Thunde'rbJrdawilable in 48 mod- . ' Mtrk III. If there is a new car els ~ one suited to your desires. , for you, yncoln-Mercury will If,it.':s a truck you need, their make it. selectio~ ,!)as never beeri greater: Their "Quality Car Care" and
Autotite pall'ts will give your car that new car feeling for years to come. Their trained servicemen offer this area one of the most expert repai.r centers around. In this t 971 Review we, the editors, offer our praise to this well-like de:aler who has served this area honestly and faithfully an'd suggesll to our readers that they make the Bill Marine Ford Inc. their headquarters for new and used car purchases. ''Take a quiet break in a Ford."
n '
."William J.
Wilson· Vice Presiderit" ... , selves. I! saves time and energy struction and give you rapid deland in the long run is much more ivery service. economical. . This rapid ready-mixed con .. . The Clinton Construction Co. crete delivety ~rvice has been '" features 'brick and bloclC and a comp1trte selection of ,~eptic tan ks.J.nVc~tj~t.e, : the adva'iltages,. this firm: (:an offer you the very next time you need concrete or ' concrete products. The editors of this 1971 Review recommend that you do. '
Th~ Smith's Barber Sh6p is located at 'to W. Locust in Wilmington. Phone 382.of61 for an appointment. They specialize in razor cutting, hair styling 'and regular haircuts: Hair styliqg is . an art and must be considered as such. Barbers must go through a series of instructions to be able to handle razor cutting and styling. You can be sure the barbers here are well trained and able to advise you on all forms of hairstyling. Wayne and Ron, the owners of this fioe shop, invite men in this section to stop in anytime or phone for an appointment. A woman expects a man to
look .his best. So give your 'hair: that natural look; stop tOday, we Ialow you'll be-pLeased with the results. The Smith's Barber Shop invites you to ' make an appointment with them for a taste of the best in hairstyling.
In regards to any 100% human hair piece sale or servicing be sure to consult them f()r they have the knowledge, to advise in these matters. They also carry a stock of mod wigs for your convenience . ~, the writers, are happy to rmke particular men tion of this excellent shop in this 1971 Town and Country Review .
·FIRST IITlllll BilK OLDESf BANK IN CLINTON COUNTY uR. H. Olinger - President" and women, ranchers, laborers, This prominent bank is loand all jpeople who desire procated at 13 N. South in Wilfitable service with a modern mington, phone 382-2511. banking institution. The First National Bank is an At this bank you will fmd institution of financial strength strength, seasoned judgement, and safety and may well be termdependability, accuracy in handled the "Friendly Bank". It was founded by men of ' ing details and breadth of vision all to be applied to the managecharacter and integrity who were ment of your personal commervery prominent in business and cial affairs. commercial activities and ha.s In making this 1971 Review, progressed as this section itself _we, the writers, wish to ma.ke has grown and progressed. the statement that at the First Under the management of National Bank in Wilmington you efficient and capable men, they may at all times bank with safety. invite accounts of business men
.HElllll IE I'S SHOP UHugh Heiland· Owner"
'''David H.
OIanev - President"
of these tires. You 11 be surYpur Pirelli, Goodyear and _prised at how econOmically they Multi-Mile. brand tire specialists can be purchased and the terms -in , ttus·.area is the' Dave Chaney which can be arranged. Tire ·'lnc. located at 1131 W. When you..buy tires from this ~ '.in Wdmmgton phone 382dealer, -th~y will check your car 2539. ' for misalignment, and balance -This dealer baa. 'a- fme repu~he ii~es .so that y~u can enjoy tati& .Jor~· their 'fme service' and Its b~alt m long wear'and safety: • fair Prieis. They feature radio dispatched . ' ~ :1'Iley carry- it full line of trucks for road or on the farm ::- - cautomotive, truck, farm and in- service also brake ·and front end 'L,': " . 4luStri8l ' 'tii~ for all types of alignment for automobiles and ~~/"':.' " ~s. Regardless ' of , your tire trucks. r ·' , Qeeds,:' you'll' fmd that rthis dealThe compilers Qf this 1971 : er can sene you With tires that Town and CQuntry Review give : offer long mile;.age, safety and our wholehearted endorsement .strength. DOn't kid yourself to the fme business poliCies of • " when it coines fo.tires, there is a this dealer. We' recommend the 'I'. ''':.. ~~ .. ''dirference. Let these experts Dave Chaney Tire Inc. for the I' show you t~ many advantages best tire buy in town. r
~·'~"··~·· II·I· II'IE"I "
. "Fr" E. Daughtl'8¥'S • OWn.."
Batteo's Automotive Electrical Service "Noell Batten· awn. u
The Batten's Automotive Electrical Service is located in Wilmington at 1-27 W. Sugartree phone, 382-2277. This shop renders a complete motor ~une-up, electrical" alternator, generator, starter, and magneto service on all. auto, truck, farm and industrial equipment. No automobile adjustment or repair is more delicate or requires more . careful technical skill than adjustment and repailr of the electrical and ignition system. Noel Batten'$ trained to handle in an expert manner just such delicate work. They hold the policy that no piece' of work leaves the shop without a guarantee of satisfaction.
~ -lbe Daughtrey'. Electric Ser- bearinp, and seals. Industrial and It is a tribute to them that car-owners in this area have made . WiltiUrigton is located at ~ farm. motors are a specialty with ~Ieaorir,'" They lie experts . this fp'm. this establishment the official "c'I:O. r_ ..," · 'eleCtric' .'>mofor, pump, arid , Remember, no job i, too large electri~1 and ignition service pro ¥1fIlIIJlfonner repair. . Or too imaU to ie~~ thejr ex· . for. their cars. . ' ,the' , pert Se[,vi~:~'~' ~n, tl)~ J?a,~gll. , . . .' ·'+,*~"",,,:i.p~IJ~,""~. to ' trey', ~"!,Ic~mcefora·~m.". '. :- ' ~ . i1J~ :" wll! .be_ ~~~~ .by . piete, lin~ ,r ,9()O' " .' 'UIe~ ' ::t,;"!. ~~tnjI,:"t only~ ~ ph,one 382·
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If you are going to purchase The Heiland Men's Shop is clothing, you c'ertainly cannot located at 22 N. South in Wilmington, phone 382-2392. afford to overlook the outstandHere they are headquarters ing values now being offered at for complete formal rental for the Heiland Men's Shop. Their high s,chool occasions, proms, stock includes both the latest and also weddings. styles and the more conservative Men and young men who are patterns. seeking up-to-date styles and fabIn this 1971 Review, we, the rics in suits will also fmd exactly , writers, wish to point out the what they are needing ,at this Heiland Men's ~op to the men popular men's store. In making and young men of this district. their bid for the trade of the If you are economy and value wise, you'l let them serve· you well-dressed man, this store has for all your clothing needs. They selected a wide range of fabrics, feature such famous brand names styles and patterns - clothing that as V~sity Town, Jantzen, lonis styled for this season and don Fog, VanHeusen shirts and priced for your season's clothing McGregor sportswear. budget
, he eli 0 too Cau0 t Y BI nk I 0d 'r usteo. UM. H. Dlvids • President" In reviewing the various leagers of this trade area, we are proud to include 'I1\e Clinton County Bank and Trust Company serving Eastern Warren County. '
Through this bank, which in. sures ,all cteposits through the ' Federal Deposit Insurance Corp'.oratiOn, !JIIIlY people ha~ found of desired
IllllY 1,.PtEIEllll.
.,John G~
Gum'iy'~ '~" 4',
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• ,.
This well known firm, located ', nishing just the ~ight ,: Jna~hine in Wilmington at 220 E. , Sugar- for the job. . tree, phone .382-2591, is the When you buy farm~ equi'pdealer for the popular John Deere nlePl, you want to kno~ that and Ford line of farm equip- you are getting machines' that inent. Also Bolens lawn and gar- will stand up to the jOb. This. den eqUipment. Be sure you see eqUipment has st~ the test for. this firm before you purchase years. It can be depended "'Pon your farm eqUipment. They have (0 give the maXimum service per had years of experience in fur- dollar invested. J ')
We, tbe' compilers '9f " th.i~ ~.. 19,71 To,~m:.nd , Country ' Review, , wish: to. I)Oi~t out the fin~ ' ,epo . utation the ',OunlJey Impl,etnent Co. has built. They are ,note.d ' for square dealings'and Will stand behind every p~tchase. Dro~ in ' and 'see the new inodeJs the next time you larein the area.
IElIY It UT'IIC CI. "Robert Lafreniere - Owner 41
The commercial and residential experts in this locale for all electric contracting v.urk is the Reddy Electric Company located at '1570 W. Main' in Wilmington phone 382-3868. For those located closer to Bellbrook; phone 848-2650 also located in Washington Court House, phone 335-6004. This company has proved its professional abilities in this field through the many varied' electric contracting jobs they have suc-
. cessfully completed to the satisfaction of the customer. They are fully licensed and insured , by the state and can hahdle ·a ny wiring job from remodeling to new c.onstruction and are mOre than 'glad to give you complete inspection and recommendation as well as accurate cost estimates at any time. . The electricians in their em· . ,ploy are fuRy qualified to handle any job and complete it in ' the . shortest time possible.
The Reddy Electric Co. also features complete insulation contmcting for residential, ~ comt ' mercial and industria,l. .. ,
The designers of this) 971 .
ToWn and Country ReView, without hesitation, recommend.' this reputable contract,?r to anyone
"George Clouser - Owner" Roofs are very important in the preservation, the beauty, and durability ' of your home or business. Don't delay having your roof repaired, Qouser's Roofing & Building Co. at 711 W. Locust in Wilmington phone 382-3390 can repair or re-roof your home or business at prices to suit your pocketbook.
Many people do not know just what type of roof they should have on their home to add to its beauty and durability. This firm will explain the various roofing materials and their ad· vantages to you. They have a varied selection of materials and color from which you may choose. These workmen have had
years of experience and they give'.. personal attention to every job, If you arle in need of services of t,his kind, call them or stop by . their office and they will gladly give you estimates. The writers of this 1971 Town and Country Review wish to recommend this prominent firm to all of our readers for all roofing work.
Whill's labill laml 'Irk Ind ,S1111 FIOIER IIOP "Delmas and Vernon White - Owners" L.
Enjoy the spacious luxury of mobile home living from White's Mobile Home Park and Sales at State Route 68 . 2 Mi. So. of Wilmington phone 382-9807. They feature the beautiful Hillcrest mobile homes, known for their quality and value. (In the near future look for this fine firm to offer the best in travel trailers) From their large selection,in stock, you'll be-'able to find just the home tailor~ to your desires. They offer many floor plan arrangements designed to fit your family . This dealer has a fine reputation for fair dealin& and you can be assured that .they will make an honest deal With you It your at the terms you need budget, and after the sale is fin-',
ai, you can know that they will stand behind their sale agree· ments and their products with the highest of integrity. The next time you are in town, take the time to 'l ook through their many beaUJiful models on display . If you have not looked at mobile homes for several years, believe their spacious you wo elegance, convenience, and practicality at prices far below what you would have expected. The writers of this 1971 Town and Country Review suggest to our readers that they visit this reputable dealer and investigate the many money saving advantages of owning a mobile home. You'l like the friendly way you are treated at . White's Mobile Home ~rk and sales, whether you are just looking, or want' to buy. .
"Blanche Davis .. Owner"
_Since 1949, when the fin! two Volkswagens appeired J oil the scene in America until the present', the "Bug" bas gained so much popularity that now it Sell$ as the number one import with over one half a million in 'sales . every year, The dealer to see is Da~t DepDis Volkswagen Inc. at 20()0 Romback in Wilmington phone 382-1656 for any of the 19}1 Volkswagens including the Ty~ Ill, Squareback, I<harmann Ghia, V. W. ,buSes, vans, .and~ campers. And don't- forget th'e "~g's" Big Brother, the 411 Four-Door. This dealer is well known in
This firm, located at 26 S. Mulberry in Wilmington, phone 382-2379, is the place to go when you need flowers for any occasiOl1l, Specializing in funeral designs and wedding bouquets, this modern floral establishment will help you to select just the right flowers to make a fitting impression. For years, flowers have been symbolic of the more delicate phases of human nature. It is both fitting and proper to "Say it with flowers", When you need flowers, be sure to consult this prominent florist for all types of flowers. TIme and service have honored the name - The Flower .Shop. The planneR of , this 1971 To~ and Country. Review su~ Fit YOIlI contact themGlJt wbeft~ ~~r yOlp plaJi tQ,.buY ,flpWen .Of ~ ,
,". '''1m *"t ~ .are.
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U~cf< ' Dixion ,
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''Phis w"U lfuowrt firm lo'eate'd- I{ight~litachine· fot the-job. at .1096 Wayne Rd. in Wilming'.' The'y 'also' have oh., of the tor:', phone 382.;()924 is the dealfinest ~ repair 'shops in . tbi~ secer f or the MasSey Ferguson 'and - tion for fixiilg any part of your ·. New Ide.a farm implements. . . trac~or ~or: farm eqUipment. They . " Be sure you see this firm ' have men in their 'employ who first when you buy farm equip- ,are experts in '· machinery ·~epair ment. Tiley have had years of wor~ These men ,have·had ·years experience in furnishing just the . experience in this line. Whenever
you have a breakdown' with your farm machinery, or are in need ot. parts, see them first. We, the authors of this 1971 Town 'and CountrY 'Review, wish to point out the fine reputation the Central Implement Company has built. Trade with a firm you . can depend on.
JICK'·S·.P:IIIT 1·1·0 IODY SlIP "J. W. Mockabee - Owner" Jack's Paint and Body 'Shop, . well known firm is famous for lOcated at 2177 W. Main in WHexpert work in rebuilding wreckmipgto~ phone 382-3925,' ren- ed~rs and repairing damaged dCrs' ~ complete auto .body and cars. Whether it is just a scratch, fender. repair. $erVice, including bent fender or a ,cr.ushed body, they can fix your car up like new auto '. painting. You always get in short order. the ,best in quality work for less. Their service is known far Not only in' the city, but in all and wide not only for their . the ' surrounding territory, . this
ability to render expert repair work, but also for their fair and honest dealings with their customers. Let 'them handle your insurance work. We, the drafters of this 1971 Town and Country Review, are most happy to recomrrend Jack's Paint and Body Shop to all our many readers .
"Don ·Peterson - Manager" The International Harvester Sales and Service at 1187 W. Main in Wilmihgton, phone 3820941 does its .part to further the agricultural interests of the community by supplying the well~ known International Harvester line of farm machinery at the low~t prevailing prices, They endeavor to ·see that you 'receive satisfactory service' from items which you purchase by rendering an exceptional repair service to their customers. The great International Harvester line did a great deal to develop the United States and has always provided the latest
Mu.rphy-Ilnhlm I mlricln Hlrdwlrl
, ., "
"Darrell French - Owner" "Jack French - Manager"
"Yic Miller. - Gen.I Manager" -, ., The mod.ern hostess WI'I"1 fl'nd " 'becoming a headquarters for the ~his a pleasant place to hold her tourist, the bUSinessman, and is glining in ' popwarity with every luncheon and bridge parties. . year. ' Prices' are always right and her orders are always carried out to . .. They, also operate one of the . '. _, . ,·pen!"r··..f ij~use, 10,cated . flOe~~ a~ing. roo~s and cocktail the letter by the efficient per'h a :-,8'1 W:' M.8~ iii WllJDl " . 1~~~~,l~t!Us . s ect~q~ . a ~d~ople . , sonnel of the catering departon : r( ., ~ - !_ .• \."'< . ' . ." .' -. diiVe tn , fronl eVerywhere' to enment, .. , ~ pe ./382-~~I' lJS .Qrw. .o l~he -J.,'''. ,,~~ ",i.1Ai ' ~ ··~5a 1::1. h ,'I ·; . ,ri : .. a.:,' 'f "'hi ~ ' ~":I Cl *~f'ffi'.~~vie~~&)ish- ' ':~~~1' ',~ , ~l !{i'~~~"u , ·~.( . t ei!... ~. . ,:~~~ al:ltillors 0 t 's 1971 :~f (~Wf~/.n.~~ ~Qes.erVin8 '0'(' the ~ !~J.' ~J~fCSI!, ~ey ~ter', (~ latge and TOwn and 'C:Ountry ~eview recommend tillS establishment , to , . 'large ,patrom ge .It 'receive's' from . s~ll. parhes, weddlOgs, and banand the surrounding quetS and ' t.he tables are always . our readers as deserving of our laid with the greatest of care. support. . 'J1lis. establishment is
~t" is lJi~ie . 4,npor,t~~! to . the P1Qgress :and· developl!le~t ~ :any city than a, modern and . ~ "up-to-a&fe ho~el. . .J • •
-' "",'9"
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II• •
The Murphy-Benham American Hardware located at 66 N. South in Wilmington, offers the people of this community a complete line of quality household and hardware equipment. Whatever your needs may be, you will find just what you want at this well-known firm. They feature hardware , kitchenware, 11 1:__ . 'f . . ·.,l._$.ma . , app.wul~s,!. g1ts, . spottlOg . go8fts, metal tools, garden equipment, glassware, and much more aU priced very reasonably. Sooner or later, all of us need to patronize a hardware store
"James Barlow - Manager"
will be ph~ased to discuss your Ex~iting', ' unusual custom made- draperies await you at The" . ·.color and texture needs at your home or in their shop. Decorative Stitching Post, at 30 N. South in and fabrics are also avail. hardy ,. Wilmington. Phone'382-2402 for -able lt~re for , use. in businesses , . esti~t'es. . •\ and stores. . The s~ff will be poe of ' the . largest .selection glad to advise you on draperie~ of drapery and upholstering fabfor businesses .and institutions. . . -rics' in thls area can be found at Yo~'ll save by shopping here this fine" establishment. EXten: "ecause this · firm J>uys direct sive selections" of solids, prints and passes the savings on to and drapery murals for every you.. There is' always a large 'decorating scheme are featured. The decorator trained staff " assortment o~ fm,e fabric samples ' .'
': i
. ~ (~m ~~ch. a~ this is always welcome in any community and in this 1971 Town and Country Review we, the authors, would like. to commend them on their sq~re business dealings.
II Will , II I lie.
"Paul McClellan - Owner"
for something we need . To get the best in quality go to the Murphy-Benham American Hardware. I You are invited to come in and see their merchandise any time for they are happy to have you and will advise you on anything you care to ask about in their line. .
'1"1 ·11'11 CHilI PDS'
improved farm machinery that will do the work in the least time, at the lowest cost. lbey have invented more labor saving farm machinery than any other company, and . have always been in advance of competi tion . . This leading manufacturer is well represented by the Inter. national Harvester Sales and Service who spares no pains to serve you to the best advantag~ with the latest in <Jependable farm machinery. Recommending them to all our readers of this 1971 Review, we the writers, feel it is indeed a pleasure.
and hardware. Their custom drapery work is well known in this area. The Stit~hing Post is the home of the Sin:ger Sewing Machine and featurE~s at home shopping for your cOJrlvenience, Prices an~ reason;tble and budget terms are ~va·ilable. This 1971 Town and Country Review and its editors, suggest that you do business with The Stitching Post today.
PIZZI ' '1111
The name the Bowman Tire Inc. in Wilmington located at 830 S. South phone 382-0958 has become a popular byword in the area for farmers, businessmen and drivers in general for their friendly service and excellept line of the popular hi$h quality Firestone tires. We all know that worn tires can be extremely dangerous, but sometimes the cost of b'uying new tires can make us put off taking the steps of retiring our car or truck. Don't let tha t factor bother you anymore. The management at this well liked tire store has made arrangements for easy budget terms for tire purchases.
Along with their fine tide of reasonably priced tires, they feature on the farm service and you'll not find a more fri~ndly and honest firm to do bll$iness. Everyone in their employ is fully trained in selecting just the right tire to do the job and they also make' sure that when it is mounted it ' will be in perfect balance. In .this 1971 Town and Country Review, we, the authors, are pleased to recommend this tire dealer to aU of our readers, and commend the management for continued efforts to serve the people of this section to the best of their ability_ Remember the name, the Bowman Tire Inc. for all your tire needs.
"Dick Waag • Own." . } Don't ' let anyone kid you , about who has the. best pizza in , .t~~. People around t.hese parts 'mow ffom experien~ '~that the ~ -~st piZZI .. is, serVed ti'y the Cls.. sa,to :"Pizza JCing ·loaded in ,WiI-. , mi~gton .,Plaza Shopping 'Center . _plt9n~ 382-3845. , 't., Thro~ . the use 9f their r~ipes and fmest 'qual- . ,. tnat'edit,nts this pizza parlor
otTers this area authentic old , your favorite domest!9 or imworld pizza in · many delicious pOrted beer. If you like, they flawra that ' you can either eat also have rmmy soft drinks. For delit:ious pizza you'll rehere in the quaint atmosphere O{ take o~t to. go. turn for again and again, the The, .mana8em~nt here has . compilers of this 1971 · Town IJ)8de ., jt a point .to hire people . and . Country ,,' Review 'heartily he inisfto' pvtf yo\1 friendly 'SUggest ·the OlSsano Pizza ' King. ~.pi~' ~;'d }~~ p~~es. ~are very .. We cOmptiment 'them for their r~so~ble. _. . ' .. ' food"·nnd Ifrieildly serVice. Wha*~ woulcl. pl,ZZi be 'without . ' _;"'~ i' ,.;~r _-", "" :·ti.",
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"George aoo Birch Rice - Ready to Setve '(oU" Doubtless you plan some improvements in your home this season. ' If so, think of the G.M. Rice Furniture, at 64 W. Main in Wilmington, phone 382-2206, where new and beautiful styles and patterns of suites, occasional pieces, appliances, lamps, carpets and rugs await your inspection. TItis furniture company spec-
ializes in natio,nally advertised lines of furniture with complete delivery. and installation facilities. In short, this progressive store offers the maximum of customer satisfaction at a minimum price with, easy terms to fit your budget. Since 1909, they have served the people of this entire area reliably and weD. By stocking
only items 'manufactured by well established and' duly reix>gnized home furnishing conc«ns, they have won and held the confi·' dence of their ~any patrons. They now serve an ever growing clientele of satisfied customers. No pmgress report would be complete~ without recommendation to 1the people of this area, and we, the writers, do so in our 1971 Town and Country Revie'w.
hlliand Drgn Ind Pil.1 Itudin Dt liI.-inltol "Harry Bring the appreciation and true enjoyment of music into your home with a new piano or organ from the Hammond Organ and Piano Studios of Wilmington, located at 74 N. South in Wilmington, phone 382-3707. From their, fine selection of new and uSE:d pianos, and organs let them help you choose one that will fit your decor and your budget. They are authorized dealers
Clint I n Coin -0 -II tic llun~ry "Will Curtis - Owm.. " The Clinton Coin-O-Matic Laundry at 622 S. South in Wilmington, phone 382-9284 provides excellent laundry services for families in this section. This· self service laundry is fully equipped to give you the very best of service which includes machines in good repair, , drying service and supplies. The attendants are courteous and very helpful. Present customers of this laundry always return because they appreciate all the conveniences offered here . Their list of regulars is steadily increasing due to their business policy of treating their customers well under all circumstances. For your added convenience, they offer the latest in modern coin operated dry cleaning units. Your delicate clothes will come out clean and odorless, and they only cost a few pennies a pound to run. Once you visit this popular self service laundry you will readily see why their patrons from this entire trade'section are steadily increasing in number. In this 1971 Town and Country Review we, the compilers highly recommend the Ointon Coin-O-Matic Laundry.
The University of North Carolina opened Its doorsto students In 1785 and Is the oldest state university In the
United states•
• ••• to
The three "T'II" --- textnes, tourism and tobaCCO-are North Carolina's leadJnr industries.
- Owner"
for the famous Hammond organs and pianos. Whether you want to trade your present instrume~t in on a new one, or want to introduce your family to a new model, you will like the helpful assistance that this concern offers to you. They offer pianos and <?rgans on a low payment purchase or rental plan, and can arrange for music instructiop for one or all
of your family . Youll find that through the, years, this will be one of the most pleasurable investments you can make. In this 1971 ToWn and Country Review.. we, the authors, 'are pleased to recommend this fme, establisl~ed dealer 'to our readers, Remember the name, the Ham~ mond Organ and Piano Studios of Wilmington: They are widely respected .for their sincere and honest business dealings.
',' " ' -
Elll,l fEICE CI. J..OOK AT THEM supplies that you need, be sure to see the Ellis Fence Co. on Williams Ave. in Wilmington or phone 382-3992. Their work has that special touch of many years of experience. It's quality is the highest available. They will be glad to give estimates with no obligation. Whether you want fencing supplies for your business, farm, home, or industry, be sure to contact this reputable fencing firm first. This fum throughout years of honest, faithful and high qual-
~ \::::I
alld growth ' an,d are reCo8!"~d by both the businessman and the homeo;~er ~s an , inse.,erable entity <llf our commuruty. " When ne~de~-in an emer.sency, special help in community pro-' jects, or Ju~t everyday bUsiness, The Dayton Power and \.ight Company located in Xenia at 65 S. Detroit phone 372-3-5'21 and . in Wilmington at 68 N. South phone 382-0911 is always there ready to be of assistance. The writers of this 1971 Town and COuntry Review herein announce our complete endorsement and commendation to the management and individuals of this community-minded utility company.
ity service, has built a reputation envied by all. Their work is fast, efficient, and well done and you will be ahead when you do business with their trained erection crews. Th.ey do either residential, farm, or commercial fencing with the same high standards. They carry only the finest in fencing materials. When you need fencing of any kind, the writers of this 1971 Town and Country Review suggest you contact the FJlis PenCE' Co.
"Xenia - Robert Kyvik, Manager" ''Wilmington - Dick Baldwin -,Me ....."
If it's fencing materials and
The Ameilcare of wtJ.~gfon. '4O }~di~l.,a~t~?r~l'~ , ','. ':' is lo~t~d at 75'Hale in WJI,nifng. .- " ~ rooms are Ught a~a :~~e~ ~. ton phone 38~-1621.' tI~re tlley ,\ t~ly de~arted, ~~ I ~ve, t~t ".,"'11<,,' offer complete' ca're of~ tti~ a~d; , ho~e atmosphere, ~hlCh ~s,_ , gOQd, psycholo$i!-~;d effecL .... ,:- {":r sick, and cOnvalescent. , ' , ., ~ ,:~. 'Theit food is prepared by.. a . , The.y ~~e certified fo~ Jtl~~,. speci~list 011 diets .unde.r, tile ".: care and feat~re 24 ~our, nur~~ng _ ,most sanitary 'condi~ibns, giVjng , the guests well' balanced ,m~b~ , care a~d phy~ca.1 therapy.. • TIllS nursmg home IS well nourishing and appeti~ng, for , located, has ,plent~ of sunshine, rebuilding the hea~th and stren:never enough nOIse to bother gth so necessary for the inactive' person. " the sick, yet near enough to This and the sU{[9UI)4illg f town 'So friends, ,a~~ relali~es' of guestS' can ~Il WIthout IOcon- 'territpry is very fortu.nate: in ". venience. having a nursing home, ('Sq like " a home", The authors of this " Heating, v~ntilation and san~ 1971 Re~ew 'a t.e_proud 't 0111ake itary arr~ngements are most comparticular mention of this wellpletely planite~ for the comfort run nursing ' home who. open of each guest and ~ll methods are approved by the supervising their doors to all.
THE OI'TOI PIIER 1111111" CIIPj'-I' When we consider the area around us including all ' of the businesses and the fefent types of enterprizes, i~ is hard to forget one prominent name. That is The Dayton Power and Ught Company. Through their efforts to provide the best of service and growth to the area, they have come to be known as part of the backbone in the structure of this area. From their beginning they have strived to provide the most up-to-date utility service, with friendly conscientious efforts at the most modest price. They employ many local people throughout the area, thus aiding in the fma~cial strength
.,e .~, . ~ .
second class ·postage paid·at WaYMsv;U~, Ohio 1971 - Wayne~ille, OHio
Single Copy 10c
Bottles For Brownies ~cision.
and the noor was open for" questions. When asked why she.- Was selling her property,
&o1mies and helpers collect bottles under the supervision of . JacJtie Petti~, Scout Leader, second from right.
Chi:a' BaSil a
H!lrvey~~urg :- Police ernef local citizens for some months#~ stigation, it was discovered '" Ctmrks Ptice and,pattolmen Tom now Ovel' various incidents. . . that the automobile was pur· ~~.~~"'~~Ia ~ , ~e9."'J' ll~cJ.'Jit!t ~ith hBve .re- . .fir~t majo~ incideflt ¢ame on chased by Haendel and placed ~~......;:;~--~~....,..~: ,~l'le4, ~d reai~tior,lS.(rom· the ~w Year's ~ve '" n. itaendel in the name of the village for i12~~m~.!i~~:'~~:.1.1 '~ ~:~'~t~J~~ r~~. ' pa~oi :.. ···:~mestc~d, ~~o'~iO(~IC:ls. foJ ' f~l- . pQli~ use. TI}.e vlllage treasurer ~~li!i tl::...~~'..6.;'~'1l~oo.,"~~~ '• .•~~ , ~~ . : / ,,(~~t " .~ ?niq~: ~~~' ,~th. ~ ,~tor >v~!l- . CfOnfumed~ t~1 the ~Uige had 0
~11ID~I~~~ I)4~O""~i·: ··~(lil~un~t·('~dellt ~~1..4or~;. ; . ::Since~~jIithaty~7~.~.t;l ·'-·:~r. ~ has no~.!:'~:~ CbaH~ tune the loeal ferred back to Haendel.
ne '
Thursda)l, , April 22.
iens :have 'found various reasons to ,protlest police action. The pr.oblems. recently came to.a chmax ~th !he arrest of R~me C1arkwliuch wasprotestedagamst by a citizens march on April 16. Although all patrolmen have had to deal with harassment from local residents, Tom Haen· del has received the largest por· tion of the . complaints. He told Mayor WaU and Johnston that his sons were being "verbally assualted" ~y local children 'and adults. Haendel himself has been questioned concerning his use of an a,,..tomobile bearing gratus l;3gs from 'the village. Upon in·
MIi1tJ01Jl~~_n.t ,the club ~'. ·poU~ force has been ;:a ;." ·.nteiesii~: · .s!b,1ecte~ hiriassment from . S\l~ject ,of -,,1£, it;s . ,,,....eAI!.,...,.w .tbe year. it haS been Ambulance Service "
.,ave a talk Be and his
are the new owners 'He announced that ,be '"a new park pollcy .It wi\l be ope.n to the ;.,DW[JH&;. New facilities will include ibicycle "race.s · and, , t~~ :y'o,~n• .r 'children. o:be. ~wbJlm~g l~~' ~R~o~,m.i" y~.ar ,as
in t\1e
:~~:~~~~~,fl~,~~~' t~e.~ Aniedcan .Rid ,said , ~e . hoped' tQ Wee ' Golf CQOt1e' ~jJ:l51~"~~tj~ ;!! tbis .u~. 'J1iere ~ 'a " lace ,for :, Plar ,foi the ,.mole
Waynesville, has .recently appli~d for Federa,l Funds to be
use~ in starting a Village Imb"l· anee service. 1be new service would be an extension of the 'Fire Department and drivers would be graduates of the present Life Squad ,training course. Bids will be sent out with specificatio{l .sheets within the 'next few weeks in an effort to obtain t~ ambulance. "
Village officials have already received one application for the chiefs job, and council may appoint someone at the May 3 meeting. -------
Local Man On Standard Register Board
Brownie Troops 580, 307, and 431 were doing their share fOi . Earth , Week by collecting throwaway bottles. Saturday when the group left Waynesville they had 1,711 pounds of !>Qt· ties. They were paid a penny for every pound and received a check for $1 7.11 for their efforts. They will also be on han d at Mill View Park on May the 8th to collect more bottles, and also on May the 22nd. They took the bottles to Wei· come Stadium where the Dayton City Beautiful Council, Radio Station WING and the Fiori Mill Supply paid them for their bot· ties. The time for the coUection is between 9 and 11 a.m. at the Mi~ View Park on the above da tes mentio~d. ' J\ll persons wishing to donate bottles are asked to please remove the caps or any rings from the bottles. Helen Gross Brownie Leader asked that they be clean, and to sep81ate the different colored 'boltles or jars. ' That makes lM job a lot eaSier on the persons invOlved iit the work. The money that is i'aised Will be divided bet, ween the three Brownie Troops. Mrs. Gross' said they were very pJeased with the results but would like to do even better on their next trip.
Treatment Plant .
The village of Waynesville has been ordered to have a second· ary treat~t p~t in operation . b.y De~ber I 5 of this year. Councibnan Sawyer reports that construction is underway.
o¥e on call at all Jimes. They . _~ out in__ y way possible in ~ , 011' e.gency or disaster. 'Ibet .1110 lietVe at other times 'w .. they • be of assistance. ,'qaey.\~~ CMlfjed to work with .,.tr~ , . in ,cruisen or can be '-iP deA duty. Pa _ Greenwood rec:ei\lo ed the' ward for the 1970 ,.... II
by h", .. eervecI
at IeaIt 1,200
houn 'imd accumulated '1,290 merit plintl in the line O.f "'ty. The Lebanon ~ 1.qion Post has 20 of ,t~ 6000, Patrol Auxiliuyme(l in the state. Greenw,oocl emphiazed the wOr-
'01 ~ Propn,
. but a4ded, '''I especiilly' ~nt to .s~.· the trenaenclo.a .job th8t Stat" Patrol cIoeI."
his Far
COdtinuation of t~ present Fifth street. This would be unde( R-I zoning claaifation. .>
THE MIAMI·GAZET..:rE P.o. Box 71· Phone 197-5921 David Ed... • •. • Ma~.lnl Edlt,or Regln.ld O. Hili. • • • . • . ' . • • • Advertl.lnt M.....er Phlll~ Mort.n • • . • . • . • • • Aut. Advertlilnl M.nager Reginald O. Hili, David Edsall. • • . • • • • . • Publll"er. P.O. Box 71, W.ynelvllle, Ohio 45061 Member of the Ohio NewIPlP. Auoclatlo'n
\·By'IMar.jean Price ' Ph~ 897-6172
mQrnirig Was the daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs •...- Car.l ,Williams.- Mrs. :' ','WilliilRi.s · ~s " t~C,j" $Peci~1 ~dass Tea~~et at Harveysburg.
APril 30th has becm decreed . ~s Arbor Day at Harv~Ysburg School. As is the usual custom tree donated by. Tani~rden Farms will be planted. This year the 3rd grade will be c~rge of the ceremony. At the rjegular monthly ' PTO meeting W~~dnesday hight they voted to purchase a lawn mower and Standards for the Volley Ball nets at the school yard. ~erifr Donald ~born also showed very interesting films on drUJi. Mrs. St~~11a Florea ·Qf Blanchester spent . Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Clint Taylor. Rev. ' u~ter lGdd resigned Easter Sunday as Pastor of Jonahs Run Olurch. Mr.: ames Puz of Mt. Healthy filled ' the pulpit Sunday. . The next planning meeting for Vacation Bible School will be held Moilday, May 3rd at the ,United Methodist Church at 8 p.m. All volunteers are urged to attend. Saturday was a real "clean-up" day at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett ~ Gordon . with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mobley of Wil~ mington, Robert Moran Kevin and Ronnj~~ of Xenia and James Carter and )[(eith; Kent and Kelly assisting. The yard looks wonderful folks! s. Judy McConnah and daughter~ of Columbus spent Easter Witb her parents Mr, and Mrs. Rober ~Hough. ,.. - ., . , , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price "'., "sPent Sunday afternoon and ' evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Zurface of Wilmington. John' Doster of near Springfield spent the weekend at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. William DOSter. Tommy and Jeff Haendel spent Friday night and Saturday with ' their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Martiin Billing, of Odyton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haendel and family entertained 'Gary' Young and Phyllis Myers Sat1 urday evening and Mr. and Mrs. James Keltner Sunday. I 1 Miss Carolyn Williams, 25 who I was killed in au auto-tractor accident on S.R. 134 Wednesday \
Reinfeld Disney
How to be a Winner at Chess Three's a Crowd Club Handybook 101 Ideas
for Clubs . Passions of the Mind
CAR WASH la1llrdlY MAY
Jo nI I ' Sir ... i CIS tit i In ... . t
I '
: -,f,;'.. ,I ••.
1\11 Proceeds Will Go To The COrwin -Pentecostal Church SPONCERED BY THE
All Donations Appreciated
- 'lRM.IJI_S"~
Schoot Menu· ,
Mqnday, ~y 3rd, hamb~rger on bun with pickl~, btittered corn, cole ila w, arid cookie; Tues(Jay', toasted che'ese" sand~ch, buttered · green ~ans, potilto chiPs, and' _o~ange' juice; Wednesday, chicken and noodles, -honey glazed sweet ' potatoes, apple sauce, and bread and butter; Thursday, pizza, baked beans celery and carrot..: strips, fruit cup, and' bre.ad and butter; Friday, tuna salad sandwich, oven brown potatoes, tossed salad, and cookie. ' . '.
Tractor & Farm Equipment Repair
perry & derrick
Color YO,ur world .utlful with cameo LAt.x. Easl.r to ,.pply, ler to keep clean. Gu.ranteed on. C9.t cov.r.p,c(rles In 30 minutes with no unpl .... nt p.lnt odor. Roller., brushes cle.n quickly with spap .nd w.ter, cameo Latex . '" the mod.rn .crylic w.il finis" for tOd.y'. hOMe. StOp In today.
wilJ~~r ,~t~~~ir ~·~~~r. ~s.
'Aprif 13 - 19 Mr. Cooper has been very busy at installing our ' "Chair lift" the past,week. Jessie Robitzer bad the misfor~~e to (all and injure he-r sholJlder on Sund'ay afternoon. Sunday evening guests of ~s. Bessie lbaney were Mr. and Mrs. Robert,Rittenhouse of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Palmer of BirmingIBm, Michigan spent Fii~ dayaftem~on with his mother Nettie Palmer. M1: an~ ' Mrs. 'Howard J.Ones Qf f;.ebanon . Visited, .her. mother Lillian , Schtoeder 'on sUnday af- ' ternonn. Mrs. Allce Hood librarian at the Art Museum Cincinnati and her guest Mrs. Viola Faucett of Washington D.C. librarian visited Miriam Logan, Saturday afternoon at the Friends Home. Mrs. Marian Cole and Mrs. Mary Bailey were visitors, Sunday afternoon of their aunt Elma Bailey. JACK'S
897-5826' ',','
Approxi~tely SO" ,person attended a picnic at ,the !lome' ., of Mr. and Mrs. Richard R; F~rry Road, on' Saturday., April 17. The group was oomprised 'of the student chapter of th~ .1tI$ti- ' . tute of Electrical and Elecfr.()nic . Fngineers ' of. University pf .DAy: ton; faculty of the ,::E[~~troitic'. ,Engineering: TechnQlagy' depart ! " '. . . . ,meAt; familie's and-friends. ' " , Foll()win~ the PicniC the group " .,' had ·a '·" 'faculty..,tudent" b8$~F. ball game an4 played volleyball.~' Mr. and ·Mrs. Thorruls Runyon have returned to ' their- bdm.e a~ Mt. "oily af e~ spen~.ng ' ~he
FR.l E~.oSHOM e: NEWS BV Nelii~ BUI1I1ell '" ,
Repair Shop
" by Mar'liBeliman .. '
Walter ta~lanan at '. MiB.ru; Flor, .. ida. . . ·Mr. imd Mrs. --Raymond Run+ ', yon of .Hillsboro, Ohi04.~slted, their uqcle ' and .atpit ~.r B!l.d Mrs. Thomas Runyon ' of Mt: .- Holly'Monday. .. , ". ; - i ... . " , Miss· ~~e" Sille~ and Mlq Beth F..ar!thart 9hi~~ State.. Wfi'~, tbe .S':lnd~~ ·.guests of .~,. ' U14 -.~s. A.H. &rnhar~, gr~nclpi!eitj of Beth. '..., I
Ij -
Waynesville MusiC} ~. The ·Wa.VIlf!!Villle '.'~""_"'" " ;;'~I~iltM~· ~1 .planliingj'~imnittee mittee's purPose 'is. to 'sch~4~~e performances of the bi$h scllbol chorus, senior band, 'andb~d. Solo aqd eil~nible :' formances 'can alsQ~ be Performances will be schekltil: ed over a 6 month peOod;, in~ing JuneJ f ,19,71 'fnd en December 31, 19"'1. ~lSeQ1llell't \:1 schedules will be' .I'lllanloea published every 6 mo~ths: " . We solicit yo~t help in " ning the schedul~ by .seni'm l,,1 in your requests location, date,. and time organization deSir"s .· a mance to' the cilriuttittee man, Mr. Williamj~i~rt at Waynesville .1;Ii8tl sChool. ...".ll. .•• also indicate an alternate case tbe date you desire available. Rrequest must· be in writing, no later Sufficient f'texibilitf . allowed to take care of unc"ttJi~ct· ed events and changes'of scl1ita,n. ed dates. . "
1 iatiofi ; ~ hiS"
Re,. $8;19 _ IALE.PIlICE
$5Q~ ,
PH. 897-2951
. ~_.-.-.-._-.-_-.-.-.-.---_~~-~~~~..~_~_.~.~.~.-89'1-2968 . ~.. ~.-.-._-.-.~.~.,.~,~,.~... 7.=.~~~• .~.•~..~<~~,.~,.~~~~~ ~.•.::~~~=:::::::::::::r~-~-=.===-=.-::- :-:.-::::~:::::!:r~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .'
". r.,""
i·:'•• ~:·:
:'1~ ~..~, ,~
:'. :m~::,:., O~Q!t'Il8,.'. .t\J4t'n"~s ,
all ,
ac~vfld ,~~I 9f 'I' Qr 'a~ve for' this 'tlUict nirie-w~k grading
" '" , ;. ,:. s.ev. W. ROllerl, JuniOr ,at : " od '. _ " ." .'. .' ~ ~ pen. '." \:," '. , \;~rit '- i'!'~e ~gti " SC~091 ~nd " ·Seni~s:. uthY·' fADe«". ·Trish -:.-on-- o, ·~Mf.~~d Mfsdm~t Rogers Bartett,. .im~Bmtoll;:Jane CIlurJro ~~'~~S· .~olas~iC me!~t~ . ' , J~~~Y . ~~ri;~ :~~ »ar~n, { : ~'lOOr!~.t:3'2on ,tbe ·Natl9Da1 · BlrJ;ara ,Hartman, Bbllita' porse" : ' f.4~~~SdlOl*rshlp qualifying t~sts . _ m\in;(;aiI ,Jo",~~:~ ' ~d8 .Kingan , \ ~cing~~ .tI)e\ top'8%~t10~- :·. Re~ '. lbt~s; ·; ~rft. " MarriOtt, .'i Wide. ::' '. -, I .,". .' SUzanne Moore Batbata .Peters . 1: ,.;: $t.~~. ~~ ~so 'been ~lec~ed ' .Cbr.!~ -. 'RIckey:, ~~,I{ ,.'Slcket.: , f(or iD1 ·' ilbt, Weflk- ,:Iass·.at 'Ohia" Karen -Sheehan Debbie Wadcins ....
"' . . . . . . .
TIE 11111 'IIlE'fIE
Country F:air Pla", ~de
Plans art' .Under 'way for the annual "',.ynesville Country ADDRESS ----------~--~--Fair" to·be' held here' on June" 0, CITY STATE _ - - - - ~ ~ ~ier"ty.~Y,~s - .~er~ ', SaUyWierit)e" ~d Jii*ce-W-tkon~' 11, 12, and · 13. The . Fair cOmDATE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PHONE _ _ _~__ 1, ... 11P.i'. ~~ i(ipotlsore~ l)ythe:, . ' "Juruoii' '-&eve' " Bider DeloreS' midees are all up. Mr. Harold 'Nltionat ~I, ~n~'. Fou.n atiail,.' .HoSltiDl~ jicldlf Morp.;, Wanda Anderson is the Fair Chiiitnan, . , ',)Wit ' ~Y·..33Y .s~udents. . ~l~ct~d Peak, and' &asan 'Thill. " . 'and AI~ Carter Jr. is the PBrack , ~'~rom" ~ ,e,~~ .. ~~,~e ,~o•.~ ,' .' , Sop~p~r~~' ieann,~t Baney,' . Manhall I" burger sandwich wit~ pickles, Current will act as Range Master , nus yea~r'$ theme is "Summer ,: ~;~"l;i,~·, $)ffe.r~~~ ,~~~.e ;~ngr.t- ,' PhvtnS:.' 'CMtet; : ".Ter.e~ . ',Ilrais, baked beans with bits of wieneo, again this year. rgtions" , o / vou , . ~Ye : lftCI .want , . hal,:.' ' m-..;.. ' De ' ' n l. Hll ' I iit , p ro_s to be just Fun" and, jeUo with topping, chocolat~ and ..'~ "~ 't,. "(1: ".. ;; . , • ·::~ryJ "'IIU~J, · .~ n:aan, The Miniballs and Tomahawks t4~~' ~~r, ~~t:.~t .~ )'ety . .tjfY~8,:. lJndaJohnlOn, Stuirt 'McCuUoch that for petople·of all ages. There white milk; Wednesday~ barbecue . will be flying at the "shootin", ' t..~.see u.I~DtS p~~ t~ ~~~lyel ... OIerin~ ~yna~(l, .Harless May"win be rides and entertainment sandwich oil bun, buttered peas ground behind the ball diamond q~~ ,.,- and tunes,. nard DavhfMelton ' Debbie Pur- , including t~ thrilling.Sky Divers, 'on June.l2 and 13. or tossed salad, peach .cobbler, . proes, and -~o the good food :10.:' " __,,),,; ~flent'~, ~~ ~ " )cey,' yz .self; ,;~~~ci ~rp, and milk; Thursday, Manhattan The Fair' committee will meet prepared by the UonsOub memsandwich with mashed potatoes ,>.: '. ,"<: :"; ".' . ": aIi4 " ~Y Van HOrn: . ' ~very' Tuesday evening at 7:30 I~rs and. the Wayne Township gravy, celery chunks, choice and p.m. at the Fire House'from now $J :~:, .•~>t;"' , ;i;':' ._:':" ~;·:; · " :."~\'<; : Fire Department. of fruit, and milk; Friday, fish until the Fair. ' , "; .... '. ' ,~ ', :/"'" . ~ MIIIt' r There 'W~U also be the Citizen sandwich with tartar sauce, pot'..··ij~:~~·· ~~·(; ':;;'~ .. ' .--~ . '~ . ,. "" or tbe Yealr. Award in honor of 1j. . . . ,.We lie'-fcOndu#'mg ~~ gosP,fl· ato chips, fmger sal~d, strawberry SCHOOL'M.ENU . .' " ;' l . ',~ :~1-.",.r·., ':!, '.I i~-': ' '. '; me~tinl" ~ 9. thrO.· May ,16tb; . 'George AI~old. The award i~ shortcake, and milk . made each ,year at the Country Monday, May 3, spaghetti . :jani., ~Ssion , is ... ·new ' y~th · ,. "You may:ask, "\Vhy ..-e· you Fair. ' . , with meat and tomato sauce, '~progl'aln: for aU ht- ~hrQu8h ;6th .. . COIiduc'ting)bis'series of,services Tryon Palac& at New Bern, The ~aynesviUe Merchants peanut butter o~ bread or butter !alr~g p~iP the ~ommunify, spon-; 'in our community?~' , . N. C., Is often called "most are a~ sponsoring the return sandwich, lettuce, grapefruit or We ' are not '. attempting to , s~d bl- Fl1st Ohirch ,o f ~st' " beauUtul bulldlng 10 Colonial of. the Muzzle Loaders and Pete apple and milk, Tuesday, ham,,,:." ;\IhO qijt ~g Win' ~ SUn- .~·tt, anotb~r 4eit0minatio~, nor America." .... w~S" ';May 8; aU"·tlie . ar~ . w.e tr~g to proselytepeo. ·u'n''''lr.~h ' 154 "Higli 'si:,:at 6 p.m. ,-pl~ from o~e ~no~a~on to , , .first' Swiday _o( 'every . ~J!O,th~r~ '~',,'. "' ' . . we 'v9U have an activity '!',:' Paul "charFd Tjmot~y to ,pa,i:tf 'rather thail lhe regular , :'pi'each the word''., God"$ word ' , is the ~co"uptible .seed. (LIe. Jam J SeSsioll. · " "Jain Session begms this Fri- 8:1i; I Pet. 1': 23). :the Bible A-pil 30,:'Witli -a IsWimming " . con~ins all· of GQd~s . ~eyealed " ,Wtl£'' OJl~; CoUeg~ ~ to ~ '- :it ~s .shfficient. ~~ ,., ~ I ~mt.~ ' lti-J 16" 11 ' ~ n'Tc,· I 3 :!.t.., _'.~h&rcn ;at 7, (~ '. .. ~ ·:~UI~. ' ~';, : ,.~ :.;,~ , reJ. : ; '~f about·9.·45. The ' ~. J :fj~9) The ~pel ~(c;tuist 1jIgII1J;'11 2~~ ea~h. . ., free ' from denominational bias . and' sectarian cree~ .- will be preached with love and plainess. "The disciples were · called Olristians first at Antioch." (Acts 11 : 26.) Only in the name of Orrist is there ~lwtion. (Acts . 4:12.) You, too, can be ju~t a Ouisti8n. (Acts 26:28; I pet. ' :'4;16.) To this end we persuade you. God wants all sinners to be saved. (2 Pet. 3:9; Titus 2: 11.) All have sinned. (Rom. 3:23) . Jesus is the ~y of Salvation. (Jilo. .14:6) We', must hear, believe, and obey his conunands to be saved. (Matt. 28:18-20; Mk. .16: 15-16; Lk: 24 :~6-4 7.) . . We are conducting.this meet· RIGHT NOW, you can change over to i,ng . to edify the church too. electric heat at your convenience. InOlristians must "resist the devil" stalling crews are not as busy as they ' ·and draw nigh to God." Qas. 2: will be later.in the year. You can just 7, 8.) Wf! are to ~eep ':Unspotted" about name the day. from the world. (Jas. 1:27.) RIGHT NOW, chances are, you'll get Believers mould "maintain good the best price any installation contracworks.'·' (Tit. 3:8.) ''He that ~or can offer. endtireth to the end shall be ELECTRIC ... THE RIGHT NOW Sav¢d." (Matt. 1'0:22). HEAT. Most-wanted type of home Attend every , service and . heating ... by modern,homemakers. bring your Bible, pencil and The clean, quiet, worry-free heat of paper. Compare the things said I tomor-row. Available RIGHT NOW to· -and done with God's word. (Acts add value and comfort tq your home 17: 11.) If we are wrong please for years to come. call it 't o our attention. Only the . ............~~Call DP&L for all the fa:c;t;s~ .. ~.II truth Win I'make one free, (Jno. 8:12; 17~:17.) I.et us study With' open minds; ready to <Joan that God commands. The Church of Christ meets at Third and Miami streets each Lord's :Day at 1Q a.Q1.- and ~:30 p.m. and on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. vie invi!e you· ·to attend. You maY':take a six' le~n ~J, resp;>n~nee .' cour~~ and/or lee' , , 'sUip. .u~n request..! 66 'S:' DETROIT ~STREET-XENIA 372-3521
.0" .
:'.: ." ' . '."
. '-'com
, • 1971.
. ·AN EJaI'.BNT TDrI10 SWm;a 10 D.JCtiUC RlAr
r , "
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- ,- - - -
MUSHROOM Compost - atte"tlon gardener," landScapers. anel greenhouses - use organic matt. for more n.tural vitamins - excellent mulCh a. ground condltlo..,er - price for 9 cu. yeL 100d dellv.ed 0-15 miles 130. - 15-30 miles $41.50 • 30-40 miles $46.50 • $3 per cu. YeL at compost yard • for Information on dell· v.y call Fred', MUShroom South Lebanon. Ohio • 494-1000 880m. to 4 p.m. or Cincinnati 6836491 all hours (14c8,
BLACK HORSE • 197·~j6 (11c1,
co.. .'
UPHOLSTERING Machine· Ph. 1935855 (4Ctf, STEWING HENS - $.50 • 897-2244 (16c2, PLANTING Time Is h.e • Hook', Farm Marlcet • GreenhoUse Route No. 48 RldgeVII" • open dally 9 a.m.·8 p.m•• garden .ads • supplIeS Itra _ _ ry ,,&ants - creeping phlox vev-tab" plants - flower p&antl many var..,t..,s to choose from (17c4) FOR SALE - 5 room brick house air cond • 2 car garage - near school cali after 5 p.m. - 897· 7593 (17cl)
BABV. SITTING· I will ·talCll are of your th'~ In my horne : ~YI- Plea@ call Alice CoatnQy . , Phone' 8'7.7491 (Uctf,
'64 - 2 TON CHEVV truck· 14' flat . bed wlholst - gel ,cohd - 897-687e (17cl) ,
12" RADIAL tab.., .. w· , IIIC11 'new. 897-6176 (11tl" FtVE Room hOu'" "'2"" 'ca, .rage· , 1 acre *gt. - 'p~ne ~32·'157 (U~fJ ,..
ALL KINOS OF GARDENS - .cabbqes • .,...,.. - 'tomato.. - . Calif; Wonder Mangoes • hot pep.,.. and petunll. • Smith'. Gr-.n House ~n South St. In Harveylburl - aero. from Smith's Grocery (17d) .
MORNING STAR Middletown - Germantown Road
Pastor John Johnson
my st.y Inl ~tter'", Memoria.
nev.· T: MellOnr of Shor. Church, west Carrollton and' RfV~ Steve Tigner of '"
Ho.pltaL Alto Mia",.
First Ctiurc:h of Christ, Waynesville , for "the'r prayers. Janet ar_ (17c,1) , I
Self.i-. .
Items uncllf ' ttlll .... dl'" a"e run free and may Irun up to .4 ,week. un.... · cancel.. c( -5_ ad ' .,lan" on
WANTED TO RENT· 2 or . 3 room furnlSh-. apt· dOwnstairs- for elderly lady - call 897· 7991 (TF)
WAiTRESS WANTED - apply In person • Sunny's Drive In • Main St. WIIynesvllle (1 7d)
till. . ....
.1960 CHEVY. Truck - 6 cyl radio & heater - runs gd' - body rusted in same places $350· 8976261 14 '70 GRANO PR I X ~. Model J blue with whi1te vinyl ,top - air ,.' ~nd - low miileage • $3400. -
.. ................................
, orton PlantatIDn, ODe of U. beaut, spoita of tbe 8OUtb, abaadl db flowers cIarIac 8prIDc aDd summer near WI1- '
'61 PLVMOUTH • new tires - run. a. NlndleS good • $150 - Ford pick-up tractor - w/plows - new disc • cultlvators - phone 897·5434 Prentiss Lamb - Corwin Rd•• No. 73. (17d,
I W'SH to _pr. . ...my tNlnleS ;.nd appreclatfon to , a.. my frttndl and ne"~bOfi fot tt.. nice cat~ .Jlft~ ',owers.· and fru llt ' ballCllt I:
GAS FURNACE fot .... - $125 '. 897·5347 (17d',
Sat.Wed evenings 7:30 P.M. SundaY 10:30 A.M.
<w..u..,. a,,_'
CORN P.l.ANTER • Wheat for .... -can aft_ 5:00 - .'·4285 (17cU
HOUSE WANTED In Waynewille School·. District • with or without acr~. - price open· not a realtor phone 885-2192 (17c1~
Assoc: Loranzo Neace
WANTED • used 2 x 4 and wide 'boards - phone 897-6021 (TF)
Church of the Lord Jesus
897..2686 after .6·p.!!'.
FORMALS - 1 pin~ sleeveia • size 12 - 1 ..u.a long sleeve ~ size 13 - .worn .Of1C8 - $16 . ' -·8974467 . 16
mlDltDD, N. C.
HORSE· smat:t . 3 ~60 - 897-44«S7
. 1II N.or1tl Mulberry St"
yr 'old mare-. .
Helped P.l. Howland & Son to 204 % bu. per acre! BABY SITTING WJl~NTED
. Special ",reekly rates or
will sit ~y hour or day ~ . Constant care in a good Christian home. Phone H97~ 59:!1 ~k
for Jean Hill
FUN·ERAL HOME P. l. Howland and son, Merrill, used LANDMARK Crib Buster corn starter fertilizer last season and it helped them to a yiel~ of 204'~ bu. The hybrid . . . C830X from LANDMARK. Use 200 Ibs. of Crib Buster per acre you can be sure your corn is getting the right start, It has the right balance of major elements. Crib Buster has guaranteed amounts of micrOllutrients corn must have for high
yields. These deficiencies can cut yields as much d lack of major elements, 80 Crib Buster has ir:on, manga-' nese, calCium, sulphur, zinc and magnesium In the right amounts. Call us today, we have the right fertilizer program for you. .~. . . .
. . . lIt.. ·...'·......
It I ad , . till .....
SERVING .~ ALL,· FAITH, E, Stephen Conner .. Director '185 N. MAIN . WAYNUVlLLE
~.~ ~
~lIItI8· SERVI:C, E ·
" :rl-.
Waynesville, ju. off U;S. • •
• -4
'...~.:• • ,
Located on Waynesville Rd., '1J/10 mile $buth of:" .
,.,...,..._, .,.,..... ....... .11:£,111"• .
• ,. •
'I v Week, DIy or HoW' R.I.Dalbie Ritel
. HOURS: SUN: 12·& MON-FRI : ~"6· r
AlIt. for Join
Phone 887-eQ21 , ."
42 /
• ....
.... ~t,~... \~. ....
· I
Church of Christ
Third a. Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evangelist 10:00 e.m•• Sunday Mornln'g 6:30 p.m.' Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m.· Wednesday Evening P.hone 897·4462 for Information
• First Baptist Chur.ch I
\ , , •
f •
I '.
Seeing L:.It ~ot seeing It is as if ollr eyes and ears arc ·'tuned" to sce and hear only 'c ertain things. :\Iy grandmother may be walking over a thickly·carpetE~d lawn and suddenly ' stop, bellid dO\\'n, and come up with a fourleaf clover. I mny be walking right beside hel' and yet not see what she sees. In a sense it seems as if her eyes are "tuned" or, Ito lise a current term , "program· med" to find four-leaf clovers. Last spring our family took a long walk down a toad we often traverse. but always in the fame By car. We were amazed at all the sights on that raad we had . never seen hefore. There were even houses we discovered for the first time. We had seen these things, but we had Dot seen them.
North Main Street John P. OSborne, Pastor 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worsl1lp 6:30 p.m.· Training Union 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. - Wednesday Prayer Meeting ' (Affiliated with Southern Baptist Convention):
First Church of Christ .
152 High Street 897· 4786 Steve Tigner, Minister 8:30·9:30 a.m. WorShip Hour 9:45 - 10:30 a.m •• Sunday School 10:45· 11:45a.m. Worship Hour ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~ 5:00' p.m. Youth Red' satlOn ' 6:-00 'P'.m. Jr. High Youth 6: 30 p.m. Jr. YOuth . . r 1:00 p.m. Evenl-n g Worsh.p t 8:30 p.m. Sen. Youth
Friendship Baptist Church
Friends M"timl
Fourt.h Street near High 9:30'~a.m.· Sunday School 10:45 a,m.· Sunday Meeting for Worship (unprogtamed) •
~ ,f,
St. Augustine Church
High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, Pastor . 7 a. m. ·a. H a. m. - Masses 8 a.m. ' a, 8 .p.m. - Holy Days 7:30' p.m. - First Friday 7:45 a.m•• Dally Mass 5:30 p.m.· Saturday Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Southern Baptist Convention Nor man Meadows, Pastor 9:30 a,m, - Sunday School 10: 30 a.m •• Sunday Morning Worship 7 : 30 p.m, . Sunday Evening Service ' . 7:30 p.m, · Wednesday Midweek Prayer and Bible Study
Jonahs Run Baptist Church
R.R, 122· Dodds, Ohio Pastor, James Coffman 10:30 a,m, ' Sunday School 7: 00 p. m .. Sunday Evangelistic Service 7: 30 p, m. · Wednesday Prayer SClrv icQ
LYTLE United Methodist Church
Ohio 73 East Lester Kldd, Pastor 10:00 a.m •. Sunday School ': 0:00 & 11:00 a.m.' Sunday Worship Service 7,(30 p.m. - Sunday Evening Worship _
John K. Smith, Minister 9: 30 a, m .• Sunday S4:hoof 10: 30 a.m, . Sunday Worship Service 8:00·9:00 p,m, . Wednesday Evening, Bible Study
Third a. Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector I 11:15 a.m•• Morning Prayer 1st, 3rd a. 5th Sundays; Holy Communion 2nd a. 4th David Harper,Pastor Sundays . '9:30 a.m~ '. Su'n day Church ,in . '''. " ., · .·f.," . Service . 1 0: 30 a. m •• Sunday School • 1/'0; . "\1 . ' , i"-i'" 'i'> .. ) - " . " . r" ,.' " " ·; U:OO' a {tTh -; -San·dl~ .Wotshrp '.,~' ' . "r Service Youth -Fellowship and Bible :~ ~ ~ '" Study i- Third a. North Streets . ). 'L. Young, Minister 9: 00 a.m. - Church School • . 10:1 ~ a.m. "Church It ,Worship , 6:00 P.fT1. ,; Jr. a. Sr. Youth E. South Street , Fellowsh.,lp. · Rev. Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m. - Tuesday 7:30 p.m. · 'Frlday· Young People's Service 10: 00 a. m •• Sunday School Corner of 73 a. _Corwin RQ. 7:00 p.m•• Sunday Evening Rev. Sher;man Cook, Pastor 10:30 a.m.· Sunday School 7:00 p.m. -,SundaY Ev.e.• Service 7:30 Wednesday Eve. service 7:30 p.m. - sat. Eve. Service
United Methodist Church
Free Pentecostal Church of God
CENTERVI LLE The Centerville First Pentecostal Church
Ur.it8d MeihndlsL ";
.:" Churcti
\ '-'
173 E. Franklin Street Ray Norvell, Pastor ' Gene Bicknell, Ass't.. • 10:00 a. m. - Sunday School , 7:00 p.m.. Sunday IEvening 7 : 30 p.m.· Wednesd'ay Evening
... A.. ,_
Harveysburg Full GosJ:M!1 Church
GENNTOWN Genntown United Church Of Christ
, 'WavnesvilJe Rescu.e Mission
Route 42 at Genntown Ray Stormer, Pastor 9:30 a.m•• Worship Service 10: 30· Sunday Church School 5:00 p.m •. Sunday Youth Fellowship
SPRING VALLEY United Methodist Church '
P.m. -
Walnut - Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9:30 a,m. - Sunday School 10130a.m.· Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. - Youth F.ellowshlp Jr. High a. Sr. High 7:45 p.m. - Wednesday Choir Rehearsal
First Church of- God
49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m. - SunCiay Schpol 10: 30 a. rn. - Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. ,- ~undaY evening
Ferry Church of Christ
Wilmington Pike & Social Row Road Bus Wiseman, Minister 9:00 a,m,' Sunday Bible School 10:15 a.m.' Sunday Worship 10:15 a.m" Sunday Youth Worship 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening Bible Study, all ages 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday - Midweek Prayer and Blblo Study
Sprinq Valley Church of Christ PentecOstal Holiness Church
Acy Lamb, Pastor . 10:00 a.m, - Sunday School 7:30 p.rh.- Sunday, Wednesday and saturday Evening Worship Services .. ,7:30 p.rn. - Wednesday Youth Service
Glady Street 10:00 a.m. - Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. - Evening Worship 8:00 p.m•• Wednesday Evening Worship
9:30 a.m•• Sunday School 11:,00 a.m. - Sunday Worship Service . 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday, Prayer Servlee .
Durirtg.,. the spring months there are many sports to interest the public. Here is a run· down on the sports happening from the High SChool. Baseball this season: The Spartans baseball team is now 4-0 for the season. They opened the season against Lebanon and won 6-5. On the 14th they played Springboro and defeated them 14·11. On the 16th the Spartans ~ook a game from Clinton Massie, 13-12, They have also met Yellow Springs during the season and won _5-4, The Spartans have played a total of two league games and are now 2-0 in the league. Track this season: The Spar· tans track team has only parti· cipated in one league meet this spring, It was a tri-meet held at Carlisle with Carlisle and Springboro. Springboro was the winner of that meet, 73 points, The Spartans were second with 48 points and Carlisle scored 32 points. Golf this season : This past week the Spartans golf team met the Miamisburg golf team. They were defeated but Bob Smith shot two sensational games, a 3S and a 37. Tennis this season: The three meets that we have obtained
, Gra. Meeting May 1st The regular meeting of the Farmers Grange No. 13 will be held Saturday, May 1st. The meeting will be an inspection for the · opening and closing of the Gr~hge . It has been requested that all Grange officers be present at the meeting.
SCOUT If IS Wanda Lambert 89'1-4270
Junior Troop No. 1107, Cadet Troop No.4 7, and Senior Troop No. 1941 will have their Advancement Ceremonies April 27 at the Junior High Gym at 7:00 p.m. The parents are invited to attend.
Tractor & Implement Repair Satisfaction guaranteed
Mark Dale Anytime 897-4136
Quality-Safety First If Pays To Buy The !. ; .
_~ .. 8e'"
- a de'partment stote of part~, accessories and supplies used by farmers, ranchers and their families. In his diverse inventories are: • Tractor repair parts
• Nuts, bolts, screws
• Accessories .
• Garden tools
• Auto paint
• Garage stands
• Hand tools
• Small gasoline engine partS
• Hydraulic cylinders
• Welding outfits
• Hydraulic hoSe
• Outdoor items
PH. 897-2931
Spring Valley Friends Church '
Ridgeville Community Church
Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9: 30 a.m. - Sunday SchOol Uh30 a.m. - Morning Worship
St. Rt. 48 a. Lower -' Sprlngboro Road Ray L. Shelton, Pasitor 9:30 a.m, - Sunday School 10:45 a.m•• Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.· Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening service 5:30 p.m. - Sunday Sr. Youth Recreation 6:30 p.,m. - Sunday Sr. Youth Services
Christian B8ptist Mission
United Methodist Church Rev. L.eonard Baxter
April 13 -' 19
Main Street Mrs. LOis Dunaway, Pastor 10 a.m. - Sunday School lla.r:n, • Morning Worship 7:30 p.m•• Evening Worship 7:30 p.m•• Prayer Meeting Wednesday a. Thursday 7:30 ·p.rn. • Song-fest. Last Saturday each month.
'This Church Page Is Sponsored For You Through The Courtesy Of The Following Area Mer~hants
Available in kit or pre-assembled
'Way nes vi,. II·e (amper.s, Inc'·. ~ on Rt. ~;: 1 mile' north 6f ~ille
. Ph_ .7.;7938
: .
~' ,
The: ~ple ~ of th~ "~.-eJ ale:.:.: 'of'. ~~u',
Y&'ut ·fabijai~ ~ri4~ yO'ur J
i'n4eed- foit~te to have in their;: " . peRonal prope~fy " . " '.,.. -" {'f .' .,u~ I'fr~: dJy mSUra~ce aftltCr:.: ,,'./ :~t· 0.. . ~ ,~t'.~9~' Wa~f ,t~ . ' ~t.~s b~t a nne, rep~~tlo~ by: . 'Jt;tk ~,~"t t~e ma~y' thingS t~~ '.
$eIVlng Jocal ~ needs thtougb. ..·... . 1~~~ld ·; 1iap~" ~ to. us; , 9r olaf ' • types. ~finsurariCe. includipg I,fe, . ';:>!Prppe(ty~ . ~d ~ tJiere: lJ'~ no: h~d ~- . f~e' ' a~d ' .~~lty . from, -_~1I, --, :~o~ '~f.. ~: ,h ~.~~·· ~:'~~~Piteiit . kilo~ ~,m~nies:_ ;- n~ . I)a~, " ." ~~?,~ ,ag~n.PY ~~~in.g.- f~fj'OW:.~~'..~ ';.: I . ~su~n~ ~nc~, I~. II . your tu~w:e: ae~uIlty. ~,·· ":'.1' , '. i:" Independent WUIJl1ce Agent,. For. ~urity and peace' 'of · '., :.'. and has..over ·9O years Qf service mind~ ~ re¢dmmend The nata... .'.... 1,'••• _ to the Warren County Commun.lnsurance Agency, . Inc., located '., .,.". ity. at 24 East Muiberry. in Lebanon~ " '~ There are a 10l of insurance phone 932-4010 fot information. ' .... agencies and agents in this com. or"' an appofutmenf. CaU' t~m i' \ .~. " munity. Ol~se one that takes .soon. We know you'll . be '8lId ' ~-" . personal intcre~ in the , welfare you did! '.' . :,:';' ".. J . . . .~~ .
,n:"':, . < ..'.
BERCAW CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH , "Ev.-ett Bercaw - Owner" It's said the "Plymouth Makes It", and you'l see why when you look over their many models for 1971 with such cars as the Satellite, Valiant, Barracuda, Sebring, Fury, GTX, Cricket, and Road Runner, availabl~ with options, accessories, and power plants in models that will dazzle anyone's desires. . "Your Next Car - Chrysler", you'll know why when you see the 71's. ,From the Newport, to the t1lrysler 300, to the New Yorker, you'll notice something new in their elegant, luxurious
styling and appointments, all with "Torsion Quiet Ride", and finally the "Incomparable 1971 Imperial" - en9ugh said. Here, too, you'll fmd a complete selection of "The Dependables from Dodge" for 1971 including the Dart, Coronet, Challenger, O1arser, DodBe' Polara, and Dodge Monaco,available in many models and one suited just for you. You'll also see a complete . line of Job-rated trucks, and don't forget the Demon, Dodge's answer to economy, styling and dependability. The compilers of this 1971
Review urge you to stop in at Bercaw Ouysler Plymouth,at 518 West Main in Lebanon, phone 932-5951, for a test drive in the model of your choice. 'I'hiS dealer is known far and wide for his reputable dealin~,
~ ...... , I.
' ::
and otTers l~OU "Custom Care' Red Carpet Treatment". You'll enjoy the ~eeling of knoWing that your purchase of either a new model or quality used car becomes a personal obligation of this dealer to always offer you the fairest and friendliest service possible', \VI:1enever you need it.
BURGER CHEF-KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN meal, available in buckets, barrels or boxes, is perfect .~of a picnic or party. They a~ feature fiSh; and chips and shrimp dinners. Ql the menu at the 80rFr Otef in Lebanon, 606 Columbus -Avenue, phone 933·3886, you Col. Sander's Kentucky Fried · will fmd the taste tempting Big OUcken is known as "North Olef, Super Chef, French fries, America's hospitality dish", and all types of cold drinks, and for good reason. It's just the some of the best desserts you've ideal meal when you're expect- ever tasted, and all prepared in ing guests with only a moment's the most sanitary conditions notice. This finger·lickin '·good with modern equipment..
Famous Kentucky Fried OUcun. featuring Col. :;an~r's renowned recipe, is available in this area at the Kentucky Fried OUcken of Lebanon, 576 Columbus Avenue in Lebanon, phone 933-7966.
Bring this ad to the BurB'-'f <:he~ ~f ~~tPc~ .~r_~~. ~~Jfen of Lebanon, .and receiye..a; ~ discount on a $3.00 purchase.
'The compilers of this 1971 • • • .J~ i ~,~ ~ Town and <:c,untry Review sugpt to our ·readers that the next C.EN;fE8S;~· IN~. '· .' time they are in toWll, they stop in at either the BurFr Olef .ALlENE BAKER ;" -MGR• . • \ ,1 or Kentucky Fried Clicken of . .. • ' •. 1 . Lebanon for a tasty, fdling meal Her~ they carry a complete variety and a I8r-. selectlOO from,', ,. at little cost. We compliment stock of notions, toilet articles, which !o choose. It saw. JOins ,i. ' them for their reputation of qual· , housewares, dips, hardware from store to ..tore. 1hiI con- I .-. "'.. _'tI.~ ity food alnd friendly service. items, stationery, in fact f1most 'venience is appreciated. ip this 1" ' any item ~ a _n..tOcbd~ Wriety . day when one's time is til i~;'~ '. store should carry aU at discoUnt portant item to consider. . ..' The merdlandiie ii of a ~ . . priceL' 'It is 'a 'p lWure '(0 shop quality, and ·is manFd 10 that ·· at Hi-Rite Diac:ount Center, lo- it is. easy to. fincJ j_t"'wtiat' yo~ cated at 1S Eo' Main -in uLanQn, want.' . • . ~ ~ '". phone 933-4941. ' The- customer . ',The wrjteri·ofthil·191. ' feels that be ' is " wet(:cjme and C<»witry '~w .re· *_Cb'l;';?~"l";;~~.' diatinguishe~l for their wery apbrowse around and lbot for to invite, aU-our· readerl.to shop;', . propriate aPl~arance. artides that be might need. at. t~ .Bi-Rite . DisOOunt· Cen~ ' , Remember that nothing bet11tey always have ~ . wide for .the. best in values. . ter expresses your thoughtfulnea than flowers. I
•• ;
. '. ,
• ,-,
" ,
- . '
• >{
• •'
.. " . , _
Located at 31 E. Mulberry in Lebanon, phone 932·2916. Here they carry an excellent selection of cut flowers that includes practically all varieties and no matter what your desires may be, they will see that your wishes are carried out. 'Their cut flowers are kept in the best of condition as they haw provided
all facilities neceaary to tmep the stock in prime bloom. For flotal decoration, for weddings or banquets, their service is unique. For funerals, their designs assure you this fmal trio bute has been most fitting and proper. You will, at all times, fmd a variety of beautiful leUonal flowers. Their desi... are
The Cedar City Florist is recommended to all our rea den in this edition of this 1971 Town and Countr~' Review.
HORN & JONES CONSTRUCTION CO. RUSSELL HORN, PRES. - EUGENE JONES, V.P. The Horn It Jones Con· struction Co. is located at 519 Mound Ct. in Lebanon, phone 932·5881. This firm is well known ill this section for their efficient business methods. Contracting is their business, and they have the experience and equipment to properly' proce~ any oo~t~ct
they make. The lowest bid is not always the cheapest. If the work you have done is not as you desired it and r.epairs must be made in a short wtUle, perhaps you called the . wrong contractors. You 1Ft the fmest work that can be had en you can Horn ct Jones. ·They mab',~ jth8t iUtti&·~de-
tails of the work are thorouahly checked and in accordance with the specifications desired before the work is started. This farm bas bopt an enviable reputation and the editon of this 1971 Town and Country .¥iew are happy 't o r.ecommend them to ..~ ·.eli . ·,.n"in'. •..... . .,.. • ,QJl _.a.... W.JlV .are,in' nud(.'O£ ·. ·comr.«or.: ,I I '
OWNER· · OPERAToR'r 'i,;· " '..r.I>:!'~jll
. . ....
, " :;: ..
!1$inee',1938,i ',
':'. ~ '~mit8se 'Sand &" ~av~l~ .lnc, " ~ '~n . . at. ,'63 ', in " Ubibon;' pl\J>ne ;" .~ 932-7984 tea.tu~es higti :q~~ty-! J,,' 'l~AOY-MIXED CONCRETE. , For ' quickJdeliveries a~d the best . in 'mittttiais you 'can·do 'no better , ' .". :, than call this firm. . . ',/'~ ". ", They can be .depe.l1ded·' upon ,:(,. to" have ryour "concrete on the ,
wtten il is needed as all trucks
.'ire.: ~adio ' ,dispatched. Their. cus· tomers ar,f nOt slowed down on
'Constt~c~ion jot)' through- fall· 'ure of tlUs firm to deliver prom. ptly; ·i>epe"dable service is 'as im~rtant' as maintaining a l)igh standard of quality. They reali~ this and make it a special poiilt
te:, fin your order p'lOmPt.ly, . Whatever you build,- be sure , to get concrete ti)at is mixed properly by,. (:Jllirig 'Armitage Sand & Gravel, ·tnc. in Lebanon. . In this 1971 Town and Coun· try Review we, the composers, feel we can highly recommend . this firm to our many readers;
RADER',S VILLAGE HONDA .'IPhIl & Molly Rader - Owners" "Heather· Scott - Kathy - Brett" 'Their motorcycles cannot be matched , for ' their fine perforand 1002 ,W. : ~~in Rt. 63,,'f.or mance, dependability, and, low servJ(:e in ' Lebanon, phone 933- operation expense. 2856 is your authorized sales and They also have first ctass mec.. servioe deaiet fot 'the' well 'lCnown hanics that give prompt and de, Honda - Triumph - Hu~~ma - ' pendable service for any make or Penton - OSSA' & Hodaka Race model at the most reasonable & !frail Bikes. .They carry a co~- . rates. plete'. s~ock , of acceasories and You are all invited to go in replacement parts and now also fe~ture thf: Honda Roto-11ller. and look over their assortment
, of motorcycles including trail bikes perfectly suited for farm and ranch work. If it's parts or acce~rie~s you . need; remember that this firm stands behind every · sale thel' make and that their standard of service is the best.
~der's Village Hon~ at 8'85 Chlumbus Ave Rt. 42 for sales
It is with pleasure that the compilers of this 1971 Review represent this firm as leaders in their field.
., .
:. "l '~~J
¥.~.Jalo,fm ' in this.area .
!I. ~~ ~e~h~r~ ,,~ "~mce . . ,~- ........ ~•.:.."" I_ .a._ . . r- ~)V· .. l~1 ~~RUq..",r".. ll~n .....~~ Ser~ce at ~ 6. . ' Maio, , phone- 932·3846 in
offer some'o'f the best trallers on .l,:.
tM'IIi:.~ nwklit~ ,.. : " ....r~ b"'.. t "
... '.):.; ,; ~I,~ . • "~I·~: rI"J
' -,,'"
pro~~ly have the ~rts in stock
:': ;~~ ,d~mJl!~~~~ ~~~;jo~, I~. th,e',s~o.rt-
est time .
- ~cOiiaPIe\ely conversant in every
4.:~. ';':".
.• ~
. ;- ,...A; J90d,.r~{ 4.-. an:aIL.unport-
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". IU,lt\
factor ', in the protection ·:of ''''~ 'J iti• .stmfnt arid a
'M~~rt':'l';'1'1" .", .,II'..' ~I~~ ~Qwn~f~r the jnstal~
~ atiO.n :ind' 'lnaintenanee:~ of' aH )*~ 9f'roefiis the:AIhOr Riktr. · '" ina' Co. in 'ubanon at'; soO . aoCinnau "'phone '93j~901 or ,899-335t.
~' Your ~~oof represents ' only
, about rfCr-98D;t', of;;y,our buUca. Yet, .
·~' ing ~h.1_tment'~ · it , . .
.,s VI~ue ,is.~ ?f al~ proPQrtion
be remedied, but wbich if neglected might soon dangerously' weaken your roof. Or again they may dilK:over that your roof is so badly worn that it needs a new covering to protect it and to prevent- a costly leak. ' This 1971 Review editilm and its compilers are pleased to recommend the Asher Roofing (h. ,to our readers 81 one firm who dOc:l the job right at an honest "rioo!!'
to its "cost; for 1 a roof acts ·as a p.r~ for y~q, home and ~n it~ ·Cqqte~". ., , . " . .. ,,' t IlISt .. · you ·take inventory of ·any possesiions periodicall~ 10 you _should check up O.l -your roof. Let these roof specialists examine your roof. They may find ~t it, ilJ~ gCK~ conditiOn, '~4y .(or ,.many yean of ICFWc:e. .They IIDY. find d~fec..1s tbat can I',
able .re,putatien in this community by .virtue of years of honest business dealings with the people. Their dealings are as substantial as the materials they sell. They maintain a service de. partment . whereby they do not only help with your plans, but wiU give the exact cosl of materials needed in your plans. This , service can be obtained upon request. The editors of t~ 1971 Review are proud to represent ...t'..~ ' l.flmbe~, ' 1i1.,,~ ~ this r~11 Town and CountlY ~view.
Brattain Lumber , Inc. located in Lebanon at 513 N. Broadway, phone 932-1841. This well-known lumber company is prepared to meet your needs in lumber, building materials, paints, aluminum storm doors, & windOws, overhead doors, etc. at the lowest prices. ;'ntefr stQck is kept in full assortment, so no matter what amount you desire~ it can be bought here. (They offer immediate delivery tervice.) ; ' . , ' This firm enjoys a~Jnost eOvi·
" ~
. Prompt ser,vice . at , the . most reasol18:ble pri~s pOSsible has been the guiding influence of the policies of this firm, ' and has brought trade for them from all the surrounding territory. Your home life will be happier and your business more profitable when you surround yourself in air-conditioned comfort from M.A. Stolz Heating \\ Cooling, featurmg the famous Fedders air conditioning. We, the writers of this 1971 Town and Country Review. highly recommend them.
The I~uuell Marine Service is one finn that the composers of this "'19'7.1 Town and Chuntry Review-would, like to endorse as a reputable ' company with the higheR 'business 'standards and suggest to our readers that they ' not fail to see them whenever boatin~ needs arise.
way with all products they rep. \,' , ~on. ~ _ resent and will gladly assist or ~~Y ar: . f~ur" a",hc?ri.4"" ,a4~ ~you in making , the right "J'..... ~ 4t4~[ GID*'-r· ' ! ,. l~ .. -:fQT ., :\;J(.o~. . . ~-" ~ " • 'cIiOicel :'.-:' Crestline ..• ts; Nymph ' 'their repair department , is 'canoeland.JoImson,inboard/outsecond , to none, with highly .lJoar~ drive~& out,boar4. mot.o n, trained _technicians thorou""y as WeD ~, a·, .host . ~f ~upplies, capable ~f handling 'any repair , ~q~p",erit }l~il acc:esso-ries, ~ftd . job ' tarse or small and they will 1 ,
M. A. Stolz .Heating & Cooling in Lebanon is located at 424 East · Main.,. phone , 932-6961. This compa~y supplies air conditioning for homes, stores, and industries. Now that it will soon be hot, . we think' of air conditioning, so , now is the time to call for estimates on your air conditioning needs. Whether it is a large or small home or office, these competent men can tell you what it will take to do your job properly, and they can guarantee your satisfaction in Cool comfort.
"JOMN M. BARNTHOUSE" tricts have been supplied with quality feeds and farm supplies at lower prices and have thus been enabled to operate more efficiently a~d at greater profit. The Lebanon Farmers Co-Op at 205 S. Sycamore in Lebanon is owned and controlled by the members who use its services. Through democratic processes the members meet each year to select their own choices for the Board of Directors. In this 1971 Review, we. the writers, are glad to call the attention to their very complete and comprehensive aervice. Phone 933-3926 for information.
It is a well known fact that there is no one institution in this community that has done more toward the development and progress of this section than has this reputable (.'(H)perative. They operate one of the finest establishments in the iarea, and it came into existance to fill the need for a place where farm.ers could go 'for their feed, seed and farm supply needs and be sure they were getting the best and most for their money. ' Through their service, many of the farmers ' in the surrounding communities and rural dis-
'w.,,-H, Millir·' ...·• a..r"
When the people or this area look to SOJ1lCOI1C to take care of any mec..mnical problclt~ they might have with their car or . . You'i11 aJso want to inquire ,.,. 1)ey ba.e. be~.i1 servinC 'this are" .tP~ lOme -li,me'ancl ",e ,built aboUt .~ &leaching. stripPin! ,truck. they. gcner.. Hy head and grlining ~~k done here to ¥ :~~,,~ti~ by·rclQins:only straiKht for Bostick's Auto mike o~[J wooden. items look like Servioo at 18 Cincinnati Avenue ~w. ·' ' ill'L.cbanon. Pht,ne 932-&HC,. : Inlu~anoc 'and moving c'aill1S ' Th~ well known shop special. a,i'C '~fi~dlcd _a rWaW.~WoC'CI Shop i~s in all. types of expert autocm~ecmtry Wi'h quality ,first: ' . Rlot.f.ve repair and service. lllcy ~ 'or' fumj,~re',rCRl("ling lIn d - ~M1'Y the late~t cquipl~1Cnt refi"i.hlt~ '~ .a~.npilOf ~()flhis and"~~ildlc any Sil~ ofjob in the ". '1 ~'7~~'TQ'~ ai~d ~.uun.ry R'evibw #~).r'~st .lime .possible. ,;(nd',at V " I . a·.1 . :~ .~ ~~:~~; ' !' .nr~l;~> .)"'.'; : .'~;. ' , . "~ r~1I1ablo , ra.~~i. ; 'r' . -' . , I..IM. ,_.' ....... ...... t · ' #4:' '' ', '~I . I. ' •• ,· ~ . 1 , ~(. ~ltI Y' ,1 ~, · !{~ ':ft. .·i :',,;,~ ' ; ~. ~ I .....n. t1 ' ., , ( .... . "
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plex.as it is today, you owe it your car to let these qu:alif.cd people take care uf the pr(mienl. In this 1<)71 Town and ("mntry Review. we the \.,\'lUpilc,fs. takc great pride, in prcsenting Ihis reliable shop to the readers of this Issue. When YOl' take your car 1\' the ,eX~r(5 \ at Bosti"k's Allto ~lVk~. 'y ou ~mhc a"tired- that ,file wt)rk ~~. d,'ne "C,:·ordi~li; . t \ ) , ,t tcchhiq~'S. and 'lI1:it "Qt h.. '''~~'' .' . ~
t ·
~ 11,~I~HP<r'lhr'..lIi:u, ltl
, - ',
:l-~'c'.lM,PERIAL: HOOS'E' f.URNITtlRE ' . . ,
I '.,.. '1' -
"Bob Stanton - Gen. Mgr."
ville, Bassett, Highland Ho~ of. Hickory - Sealy & Chiropractic ~ttresses along With many other lines includfug' Alexander-Sn\ith CarP.'ts at 'prices considerably below suggested mfg. suggested retail prices. Nothing " is more satisfyi~g than buying new furniture, ex~pt buying furniture at the Imperial House Furniture Co., for they· offer the utmost in satisfaction arid prestige for your home. Smart lines in furniture are almost as important as ultra
You'll be delighted with the 'huge.!varlety of furnishings" that me,e ts your eye when you shop at the Imperial House Furniture Co., located at '19 N. Mechanic (Across (rom New Tel. Co. Bldg.) in l.ebanon, phone 932-9886. Delighted, because when you look for furniture that's. just 'right , for your home, you know you're going to find it here. You:ll fiod the right design available in the style and color you desire at a price you can afford. Featuring such lines as Thomas-
:1, •
• •
Th~ J. L Clark Excavating Co., located at 529 S. East St. ~mfort and this fum will show you furnitfue that deSigned', . in l.ebanon, phone 932-4901 is
for both. Her«~ you can choose furniture for,'. :nuine living; , Go in' today and see,the furniture that's just rigfit for yOu( horne and family. Yo~'lllike the furniture you buy here and you'l like the budget: terms too. We, the copyists of this 19.71 Review, recoriimend this fine furniture store to ,aU of our readers. Open for your convenience Mon. thru Friday 9 to 9; Sat. 9 to 5 - Closedl Sunday.
.. ••
,J. :..
equipped for any job, large or small. ' , " They have ~ll,.the equipment necessary for ~,ac\dloelng" land leveling and all type~ 'Qf excavat:' ing work. . Their men ,are equipped with ' the knowle<\ge and mod~1n ma- . chinery to accomplish these jobs in the shortest time possible and'
'1£... . :
; ,
LEBANON LUMBER' CO. "Jim Haynie - Mgr." The people of this .territory, including contractors, builders, and do-it-yourself homeowners; have come to know that they can depend on this lumber yard for everything in building materials. It may be truly said that this firm is''a valued asset to the community. One of the essential features of any hQuse, store or other
\,I. ....
Conveniently located at 118 W. Main in Lebanon phone 9327065, this popular lumber yard carries a complete line of grade A building materials, supplies, and tools, and through their fair methods of doing business and the high quality and fair prices constantly oftered, they have won an enviable reputation throughout this section. .'
still gUatantee satisfactioii'; ' Air yo~ need do is phone them and , they will gladly cO(l1e '~lO'd , look . o~er "your locatio.., and give estimates: '. -, \\')len ' you contact ~he ; J.L ,CI8~k , ~'1'vatfn~ ~; ,un ' a job,,' .' you ,d upest assured,-tlia~ you get·, top guality work and, the best'; posSible matertabi. .' The e'd!tors of-this i 9'11 Re- , vi~w recomJ11end them for the '" poSition they hold. '
.' , , "
structure is that it will stand the wear of the yeins., The same ' is true of the reputation of any , business firm :and that i~ why the Lebanon Lumber Co. enjoys an ever increasing volume of business and popul~rity. The writers of this 1971 Review are happy to suggest' that our readers make this their lum,ber headquarters.
The Peoples Building Loan & Savings Co.
be ~ssured, rega,rdless of , YOUT : selection ,. i't will be one of the best meals yo~ ha~e eyer e~te~. The owners wish to t~an~ ~l~, the people , for.:", their , pat~onaF ,this past ,year, and want to ,ke~p serving you, as ,well as make new friends. In thi~ 1971 Review, we the editors, feel that We can highly recommend this excellent restaurant and offer our best Wishes for their continued success. The E1 Toro Restaurant ' welcomes you to pleasurable 'diriing. Try them, you'll be glad you did.
We all agree that a top rat(t9 restaurant has four main requisites; first, good food; 'second, faultless service; ' third, a ' good selection; and last, but not least, 'reasonable 'prices. When ~ find a restaurant that offers these four things it is indeed ~ .treat, and , this treat is yours at the EI Toro Restaurant, located at 742 Columbus Avenue in Lebanon , phone 932-5921. /' .' . This modern restaurant is well known for its' appetizing food. You may make your selection from a wide variety 'of foods and
"Charles A. ,Corwin-Secretary-Treasurer" Th~ , Pe~ples Building Loan & Savings Co. is located ilt 11 South Broadway in Lebanon, phone
932-3876. This institution is one of the cornerstones of the finan~ . cial structure of this co~unity.
offer you. It is well known in this territory for reliability, a~d ' many have found their desired method of savings through them. Save the convenient, profitable way at The Peoples Buildings Loan & Savings Co.
If you have money you'd like to save or invest, you should investigate the advantages this Savings and Loan Association can
They offer a way for reliable people to secure loans in a business-like manner, without being
imposed upon ,incan,¥ way. You will 'be" rnore 'fhan 'ple~se' a ';~ttt this efficient and modern establishment. The authors of this 19,71 Town and Country' Review are pleased to lendorse the poliCies of The Peoples Building Loan & Savings Co., and llrge Qur readers to take advantage of their professional fri(mdly services. .
Martha Hildebrant - Owner It seems like every year, more and more people fall into that category of persons who just seem to have everything and are very hard to buy for. If that person you are shopping for falls into that category why not stop in at the Cedar City Art & Import House in Lebanon located at 105 E. Mulberry phone 933-3961 for a selection of unusual gifts that are sure to please an yone. Such
items as imported jewelry, imported wigs, carved woods, crystal items and many many more. Gift wrapping for you is always available and wrapped to perfection. The management of this gift shop has taken much time and ~ffort in choosing just the right IIlventory of gifts , so that you can find something for a ha.rd to buy for person, and yet at a price you can afford.
The authors of this 1971 Town and Country Review suggest that the people of this area make ~he Cedar City Art & Import House their gift headquarters. We are pleased to have this opportunity io mention this friendly shop.
"Charles Elam - OWner"
.. - ' . '
lation. The workmen- will complete your job in a way that will make you want to recommend them to your friends. For all yout floor covering, furniture or applianC(~ needs" go to Elam's Furl'lliture Co. · or phone 4942102 for complete information. Open for your convenience Mon. - Fri. 9 - 9 -, Sat. 9 - 6. In this 1971, ReYM. edition we, ~ co~~ . . . . YOU
reigns and style is paramount. They feature distinctive quality products for the fashionable at reasonable prices with budget terms available. Since they have opened it has become known as the "ONE STOP" carpeting center. l.et them make estimates for you without obligation. When you have made your selectiOll, you l1IIy be asured of expert instal-
,ttJ •
t'J! ,
, I
'~ f ~
'. ' . ,
,Excellent service to,all and a full line of Parts is the by'w ord of Banta's Inc. IQcat~d, at" 7" mi. East of Town o,n Uberty-Keuter Rd. in Lebanon, "phone 933-
•• I
' .. ,
• •
• ', .. r'
MGR." , 1"
one .
Their servi~, .depaifme~t is of, the best in the area. ' They invite ~ farmers , of the ' surrounding commuruty to come iil_and look "over ' all th& latest in farm/implpment$ and ,tracton. >, The nar~ators of t~ ·1971 Review compliment Banta'sJric. on the ' fme service they render to this and surrowlding ities.
commw.- .
Hawke's Pharmacy is located or' drOp, sundries and toilet at 9 South Broadway in l.ebanon, articles, the best in cosmetics .' phone 932-7816. . an.d shaving accessories - in fi~ . . The brightest spot on any this store has, one of the molt .. ' street is the drug store, and if tc;)mple1e stocks, in ttus secUon. we would only I stop ' to think ~s IllOdem dtug s~Or~': '; IWO' how much it means to us'mo'Qr assures you or.~~ besi:pricea daily life we would appreciate it anywh~e, 'a long ' with tti, mott' tbat much more. C9urteo,us a~t~nt.ion. An t. :e.x~ They always ~ve an air of cellent service ,is the reaaon (<it ,cheery welcome at Hawke's Phar- the -success of alwI&'s. ~ macy. macy., ' ", They are specialists in filling I ' The compilers of this 1911 prescriptions, all work being in R~ew , recom.m~nd ,tp;it , :y~u ., charge of a registered pharmacist. make this well-known firm-yoUr . They carry a complete stock prescription hea:d,q~rters. ' .
. I;.
ca1l .~: ~~~.~~flnt.' ". : ' .
. .i ,
Their friendly saleshelp will gladly assuit you and seem to ~ve the knack for suggesting Just the right item.
Does your home or office have tired floor covering? Elam's FUf!1iture Co., located· at 363 W. Pike in So. Lebanon, has a wonderful selection of carpeting with designs and colors that are calculated to Hire you to an exciting new level in living. Trained personnel at Flam's Furniture can help , you roll out, a room full of beauty. This is of those places where quality .one' . ,. . , .
BANIA'S INt~:! .~":
They offer the best service in the way of a full line of parts for all implements and tractors. Parts are furnished on a minute's notice so that there is no delay for people with repair problems.
1 ...~
I' . :
nus efficient 'station -is ready
plants need haw .been acientjfi~ . . The writers Qfthi~ 1971 Town caU¥ developed by.. ~ F ,8, ,and and Country Review 'remind O&lr you can' be assured that . when readerS that when they .choose YOll them u specified they C F S brand fertilizers, they: are setting the best on the market. Will do th4~ job;"llf . There are many different We c.ammend them for their continued efforts to make farmtypes of fertiliZers, some are designed for specific ' crops and ing more profitable,~(ld through otheR for special soil problems, their rese~ch we t~k them for the many ways they help aU of and stiD another is the complete fertilizer. us in everyday life.
in'Cu#om f:arm'ServiCes. The ; byWord of ·this compiny :li ·the 'light fertilizer and the .rishif ainoUnt at the right time and at tho nght price is ·the, keY'to a p'oducti1e""llld profitable Yield. ·ne kind of fertilizers containins the element that your
"William A. & Luchia Coclnn & Mary T~...·Own.I"
,C04:WlU IU'UlU"1III:i andsnack.ba( are UbilIlOD Lan~ _ .....,~ .~ •••~\~ ....II find just' wha~ yOu
Lebanon NuraingHome .8a~Y yoUr · *birs~ ,or (for both .men .and women) is "loCated at 220, South Me~hanic in· Lebanon, phone 932-0841. 'J}le ,Westview Nuning &ine (for :1ad~'brily)is located in Lebanon at '31:5' West Silver, .phone 9326906. Here' t~y offer complete care of the aged, sick,.and con· valescemt . These nursing,homes are well located, .have plenty of sunshine, . , never.enQugti rio~ to bother; yett : Q~ar .enougll ~t9 to~ sO frtends I
;,#.... ,," -t;arry'l' 'Service ' Center~' 0 e' •
• ..
most sanitary conditions~ giving attd relatives of guests can can the guests well halanced meals, without inoonvenience• n.ourishing and appetizing, for . Heatingt, wntilation ~nd sanrebuilding the health and strength itary arran."ments ar~ most comso necessary for the inactive perpl~tely plalnned for the e:omfort · son. of 'the patiient, and all methods This and the surrounding area ~e, ~pprowd by the supervising is very fortunate in having nursmedical authorities. 'All rooms 'are light and cheering homes~ "So like a home." fully decorated, and have that . The authors of this 1971 Review home atmosphere which has a are proud to make particular J,>od psychological effect. mention of these well-run rest Their f()od is pre pared by a homes, Wh9 open their doors to spec~ist on diets under the aU. I
·, :best:equip"~ ~d'stocked .
"The Century Sign Co. in Leb,_ all work performed in their own , , shop. . . . State . anon 17 Oncinoati, phone A, beautiful and attractive sign t ..l.. ''''33-1846, ,933-1055 specialiusin the man..~"'anop, 1p1)on~ 7 , , ,": '18 ufacture" sales and service of is one of the best assets a~y ~ place to take your car to . atttactive exterior "and interior business can possess. .... ma~ lur,.·yo-.· are getting the _ neon and plastic signs for aU ,Spe(.ial .lettering, figures, '~lil.-I)t:"'\l· .",t .etvi.ce. ~. i . .t fb' " M 1 trademarks, script" and special "lit ·1he.y.prqVide~ hour wrecker ,YP.'l"o .USIileues. ost Wl~ua features, canopies and spectacu_~fIj"':'!'ml" "tvj~, .';'COtilPJe~i ;r;itb . Jt;'C~ and attractive '_gna' of aU types f 'eq " Uipme .. ,'n.·,ft"._~diQ ,.a:..ftaotched '. ",deiigned here t)y e~perts in beau- lar disp~JfS are artisti~lly work/' ."' , NIllr' :.. tiful cOlors and effects that will ed out. Orders are handled in .. ' for'qWck:response. ': ." . . d' '. 't ·... t'" . b Il"jU':·'!·':~·" '. 1,1 .m' ~;j. lit.o..r t £"'1 rtain · · ·,· COJllD18n a wn Ion on any USa ' any siu signs. A represent~tive .: ," .e' lW NO 0 I~ ce we · . ~' ..... ' of the company will be glad to _~::tl1:jlll,:""'~" '. •A'" _' \ 'bile .the ' ,meu street. , are'·f ~}II ~~to~c;» , ,: 1bis isa Complete sign service, submit sketches of proposed signs : ,. ~.........u •• ~.a&" 1ben~xt.~ you r~ -_ .. 'lOcallY-owned anCloperated, with . , created by professional artists IbClIPPlill..It dn~, your .' .-~ :"" or .del11JXe· lervic:e-station ;{(:Q.lmPlleW Mnlll'!lr'10 .~ YQ~ , . SMITH SON aftl!lndlnts~ ' . this f. • ,, ' • J " " .,.. ... ,.. ' • •1:MtQ "llnnut ....·,;"~~.oI1 ..:l'...:.:.·l::.;:...... ~ :, Y;: ·.··'1 .' .x. .:;:3, .;", "Ev"'~i", 'in Glass" tIP. ~'jl!lQIi ..ed,: ... " . "', ,/:.S!m' Smitb;"& So~ located at they, wUJl cut ·it to your exact specifications. . . Take an in~entory in your home· today atnd.:.ee ,what furniture' you' ha~ that ·needs a glass ·top, ·or· what broken wind9Ws need repblcing. the meuure· ments and on your next' tAP to town, .let , t~m ~ut . it to si~ . while-y01.1 wait. - . I·....• ·· •·..
~\l. .• t:atl!)n.· iD
:thia 'arel,.located at 123 J& '350 'in
Route .
_with a thorough understanding advertising. Their prices are reasonable and the service rendered is prompt, efficient and courteous. For signs, of any type, business concerns should not fail to get in touch with the Century Sign Co. The editors of this 1971 Review make no hesitation in urging our readers to let this fum handle their sign wotk.
• ,:
. '
truck glass for most makes and models and will install it while you wait. Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed'on all work and they specialize. in insurance claims. If you are considering some remodeling or building, let them .give you an estimate· on the job.
Sam &ruth -, . SOn
carri~: a
'complete . se~tlori· of auto ~d )
. ...
The Writers of this 1971 Re. view ,'reco_nd this concern. .
," Of
. ,
George Sims Greenhou.8I Landscape Service Th'e George Sims Greenhouse' & undsc.tpe Service at 326 E. Pleasant (rear) in lebanon phone 932-7926 is weU known for their integrity and high standard of operation. They are experts in all phases of,1andscaping, vAteth- . er it be residential or commercial. In addition to making your grounds beautiful with lawns, shrubbery and flowers, they will also mstaU a beautiful waterfall, a r~cf garden, or a patiO if you so desire . . They always have trees, shrubbery and plants in stock so that you do not have the inconvenience. of having to wait for delivery in getting your work completed. undscapingnot only adds to the beauty of your home, but it increases i.ts value as well. This 1971 Review and its writers wish to recommend this fme establishment to all of 'our readers. {?f.Hl..ADELPHIA
S ce"'c OF iH E OF Tt-41: Flr2sr
'~VE ~-"ON
~@~~ 'I",,~~g
and ,willing to iene you. They endeavor to care for your car in a manner, you ~. appreciate. For Honest to goocblesa senice, stop ~Iat Broadway SUnoco in l.ebarton at 'f22 North 'Broadway, phone 933·8881, featuring the fantous Sunoco 'products. The patroiu of this station ' never have to worry · whether or not their car is properly cared for. They know that this station employs only competent men. They excel in engine repain, tWle-ups, brake service and wheel balancing. and offer 24 hour road service. You may be usured that they carry only the best in gasoline, oils and other products. Remember their business is serving you, and they are glad to do" it. ' Visit this friendly station the next time you are in town. In this 1971 Town and Country Review, we the compilers, assure our readers the best in service if they stop at Broadway Sunoco while they are in lebanon . .
George Sims - Owner
"T~ l~' ~. . . Jqe I)qwns, Mgt',"
ArnOld Fee ~ 'Owner"
, "Ronl~ .. OWner". -'
At~ this ·,fjrill.~e lishtiJig and " - all without sacrifici~g quality. POw. ":IOcialis~ tIUlt',Will ~OW . ~w you-are recei~ the best how ' to . With" thta is'' offered a,nd caU 'the Lebi· •
"P.~~n :EIe~e . Se1vi~ the next . " tiQie you are .building, remodel". .'You have the
hive .
:Tt.t!-..4Dt>.t' ~~~~1~~t6~~~~~t.~~~~~
' e~~~'.,cOn-
, '
.'~ . ar~. yo~. 1.~~1 .au~~r- . jzed deale.r f()r Mercury 1notbrs, .. safety· ' equq,ment~·, \ radios, and can ~lp ypl. se~~t ~if~~t . ~ri~h~; .y~~~ win be able
In ~s aiea.your headquarters for &ai'-Craft, ' Glastron· and , MFG. boats and Starcra~t- ~mp
-P9~~, Cf9m.t;riniti.,ons
. eR.'; a ' trailers is Shaw's Marine
for: ·yo~ ., . ,,'
~Q fmd '~t' i. · nee~~
bOat p wen as s~88e*t the .proper . ., '1t\ .this 1~7J ''mew; ~_, the Gator trailer fo~ hauHng ,your,.' . edit~n., ··tilce ,\p~iSufe iii reco(n'P" : '93~-17~)-. boat. , . .: ". . n.~d1riB ,bis..wen~'libd ,deJ¥fto . . . "Ir:it is accessories Dr additional (\1lr readerllr You· Will ·find'. that . . :1bey carry.a Complete line of eq"i~nt that you need, l~Y ... Sbaw's~ Marln& .Sa~a ·off~ ~ou .' pleasure·bOats'frem r~nabouts (9 will be, .able to ·nu 1M' bill, ·. the · be,st, in ;-:.friemt1y. . expe,t ,cruisers in many ~zes. !nd ~ . ,. From the" .. comp~)e . line .of . ' service. : . :' . Witb ~rious power options.
, ,: . ~es at 511 No. Jkoadway phone
" .
', )
IICharles. RUth 'Srriith" OWners'" ,'. . '.' , ~r~ •.. ~. . " - ' 'Ii
The Genntown Furniture 'Co;, located 3 Mi, No. of Downto\w Lebanon on St. Rt. 42, phone 933-] 911 , enjoys an exte\\sive patronage 'from this section because of their fine business reputation. A la~ge stock of ·beau· tiful furniture for every type home can be found in this well managed furniture store. Articles are offered at prices you can afford, with terms to suit you.
". 'to
The ~~~emeRt otl~~: '1he _~t accof1l.ll1Q(iating semc:e and . . will be glad to assist anyone in the selection .of proper furniture. The idea that it takes a fortune to furnish home .is not' 'true!.. A man making an average salary can furnish a home comfortably and completely jf he: win co~ to tbis,"stor.e. and consult tliem. The Genntown Furniture'Co. ~ a prominent e~tablisbment and
• 1
MORIARTY POLE BUILDINGS Jack Hufford-~gr. The agricultural leaders of this section in the last few years have learned to recognize the many benefits of using the pole building. The Moriarty Pole Buildin~ in Lebanon located at 16 E. South phone 933-5276 is well recognize.d for their construction in ' this area and for erecting the pole building., available at reasonable costs.
This contractor is regarded
If you have contemplate4
well and is in high demand for his above board business practices and outstanding construction work. . One can be sure that a bid from him will be ac~urate and the materials used win be of high quality and that the job will be completed in the shortest time possible.
view recommend this contractor to anyone interested in building, we know the quality of his work.
LEBANON OFFICE SUPPLY . "Eric Ullum - Owner" The Lebanon Office Supply located at 27 W. Mulberry in Lebanon, phone 932-2881 , features a complete line of Qffice furniture and equipment. Your office Neat appearance is just as necessary as in the clothes you wear. Your business is judged by the appearance of your office. Here you will find everything in the line of excellent office furnishing. They also
:\ ..,n.c. ~,p.",. .: :'
~~:s.....I. ·.' R •<
carry a complete line of typewriters, both standard and portable, as well as the electric mod. els. This shop is under capable and experienced management and they carry a large stock of eqUipment and supplies at all times. They are prepared to serve you in the most satisfactgry manner, and we wish to suggest that the ' problem of what you need may be readily and satis-
factorily solved by a visit to this store of many suggestions. Always try the Lebanon Of· fice Supply when in need of anything in the line of offtce equipment and supplies. You will fmd it here in the highest quality and at the most attractive prices in town. The autho~ of this 1971 Town and Country Review highly recommend this office equipment denIer.
HOPKINS EXTERMINATING CO • HENRY HOPKINS - OWNER business and insists that courtesy 'and accommodation be ' a part of each transaction. So, if you are bothered with termites or pests and ~ve not as yet become acquainted with the thorough and modem methods· ..used by the Ho~I1dn1 Exter~ating Co., call them and . be assured of maximum ~tisfaction at a' minimum C.OISt~ Prompt ana thoJ:Ougb lRSpectlO1)I are· siyen and. terms f~r \\(O[lk ;qe artanFd f9r yOU(
We live in an age of specialization and of the different types of business that make up a complete and well rounded business community; perhaps none is more essential than a modern. termite and .pest control service.
.... It LAnny Reserve.
In this area, people have come to rely upon the Hopkins Exterminating' Co. at 765 Columbus Avenue in Lebanon, phone 9328886 to take care of all their termite and pest control. problems quickly and economically, The manage~nt is.thoroughall phuo of this ly familiar with . "
.Lc ' _~
convenU~nce. t't". '. •
" '
., •
We; ltlKf· wri,tell. reCo_n~ " t() · aJl 'our~:1.~a ' in. , '.~J .:1:: '\':r~~f~~'~:~i~~~~~;.; i'~rI~~~~~1 . :'.tbii' t iii :.rum '1rf~j~.,·,:~ . ~: }~'~J. 11 .
! ,.
Federal Land:SankAssociation of Lebanon JIM DIAL -'FRANK GOODSON PARTNERS \
aprofessionaJ manner. F & J Drywall has that experience. This , 'contractor 'makes it a practice to hire only competent assistants who he knows can handle the job pro~rly, and you can depend on him to give accurate bids and finish the job in the specified time limit. The writers of this 1971 Town and r.ountry Review are pleased
LOcated on Rt. .42 South of Lebanon phone 933-5916 is F & J DrYwall Contractors, a contr.ctor , well liked in this area for his fair dealings and . first rate work. . (
.' To handle dry wall installation properly; a contractqr .must have behind him experience and - training to complete ·the ,job in
to take tbis opportunity to commend this contractor for his ethical business practices and suggest to our readers who have dry wall \'Irork to be done that they contact F & J Drywall Contracting Co. for a first rate job carried out with high quality materials, by competent workmen .
The Federal Land .Bank Association of Lebanon is located at 420 East Main in Lebanon, phone 932-4866. Here you will find loans for agricultural purposes, including farm land,livestock and equipment, 9r improving your land. . Through this widely known institution, many people of this community have been enabled to own their own farms. This concern has probably contributed as much toward the development of this community as any other
institution. It's service is positively indespensable to the 'sue. cess and progress of this section. They offer a way for farmers to Secure loans in a business like manner. There can be no bettet way to secure funds for your agriculture needs than to visit the Federal Land Bank I\ssociation of Lebanon. The compilers of this 1971 Town and Country Review are proud to present this solid institution to our readers.
With this exceptional service they are rapidly building up a , tt;al ,bl,lSiness among the mer:Crulnts, : farmers and people generally who appreciate their .efforts to serve. when you call them, you know you are going to get dependable service. '" ' Ke~41"jcks Moving & Stota,ge '. In this ~y ' of Twentieth Century efficiency, nothing has . 9ffers palleQu(t- inbox - $torage. developed so rapidly as the . . This mefl(od store~ an small items :, ~mps-di~~s etc.) in ' boxes, method of -transportation of ,.pl8ced on pallets fOJ fork lift . household goods, furniture or merchandise. It's a' wonderful . truck handling. Safest &. cleanest' feeling to know we have a firm way for storag~. . .. They offer interstate moving as well as storage on St. Rt. 48 S Mi. Nqrth uf Le,b8~9Jl' p~~n~ . 932-9811 (JAyton ~ aiea .221> 8473, Middletown/Franklin area 423-9523). They 'are agents for Atlas Van · lines.
such as this in our oWn . community. The goods are carried from one point to another .quickly and with perfect safety, and thus the person who has anything to move is not subject to the delay and loss of time that he formerly was. The compilers of this 1971 Review recommend Kendrick Moving '& Storage Inc. to all our readen and friends for any moving or storage job you haVt moving or storage job you have.
Don Von Holle & SOns Feeds is located at 124 S. Cherry in Lebanon. Here they feature the complete line of Purina Chows . and Purina health aids for livestock and poUltry. If you are a farmer, no doubt you are always in need of feed for livestock or poultry. Tq get the desired results from feeding, you must first be sure you are feeding the right thing. Here you'l fmd men who are well qualified to advise you on the proper feeds you should use. It is not the amount given that
counts, instead it is the nutritive value. of the feed you're useing. You can save a lot of money on your feed bill if you use only those feeds that are high in proper nutritive content. For all your livestock feed as well as farm supplies go to Don Von Holle & Sons Feeds or phone 932-3871.
In this 1971 Town and Country Review, we, the developers, are happy to have such a fum as this to recommend to all our readers.
BIO &"BU'Y Al1CTIO.N·' .'
price is received for the seller. A ,modern auction service, so necessary to every community, If you decide you are leaving is handled in a friendly, efficient your home or farm ·and need to manner by BiO' & Buy 'Auction . dispose of everything, have him at. ,St. Rt. 122 - 4 miles North come out and look it over and \ of Downtown Leban.o n phone then give you his suggestions on 932-6107. Many folks in this setting up the auction. area .know his ability, having When you need an estate been to an auction" he has han' dled. Both the buyer and the settled in the most efficient way seller are well ..represented and contact him. He will sell the because of this the best po.ssible . entire stock and will assure you
Home Federal Savings and Loan Association
of the most money for your merchandise. 'This fine auction service is well known in this ' area and keeps aliv~e the old heritage of "Farm Auctioneering". Everyone likes to go to an auction held by Bid & Buy Auction . We the writers of this 1971 Revi~w give our wholehearted, recommendation to this fine auctioneer.
H Floors, located at 6SOColumbusin Lebanon,offers . you the best) n floor coverings. . They. handle -'a complete line of .,~!t,+'V., ..... ", nationallY '" bown brands of _".,~..>.",.,,,,':" ~~is, ,be·$~des· a ,vast selection _ .....'"- .••.-~'r.... ,. 'Qf~ P.n<~leuinS:: an4· :wrious flo<:>r , .tiles. ,r.. . '. '. ':. .. " . ., ,. ,'~... " ,.' .. If. yo\) need:new floor ,c,?ye,r, in.s· for, youri,tl4>me: or place. o{, "
~ 1:' r-~ ...I-~ ,
7' ...'5
-: ...
business,. call this reliable firm for an estimate. A friendly representative will call with samples and give you any advice you may need on floor covering problems, or 9Qme in yourself, and talk it over ,with t~e~. They will ~ more than wdling to help you m any way they' can, including ~udF,t prices with easy monthly PilyOlC!ltS. ,
This firm also furnishes expert installations that are guaranteed to please you . For information, phone 9329906, or stop by 650 Columbus and look over their beautiful displays. The editors of this 1971 ReView are pleased to present this reputable firm to our readers,
A great many of us have had a yearning to invest in a home of our own, but money problems seemed to make it impossible. This community is fortunate to have in its midst a firm which can make just such a thing possible. The Home Federal Savings and Loan Association is located at 36 South Broadway in lebanon, phone 932-2075. Come in or call and talk your problems over with them. The management has always had at heart the best interest of the community, and has done its best at all times to serve the people.
Jhey offer an excellent savings service. We have all promised ourselves again and again to start saving, but somehow we never quite get started. Don't wait any longer. Tomorrow morning go to the Home Federal Savings and wan Association and open your savings account with even the smallest amount. Then add to it regularly and watch it grow. The planners of this 1971 Town and Country Review take great pride in pointing out this foremost concern, and heartily recommend our readers discover for themselves the real satisfaction in their ~ervices.
This firm, located at 630 N. Broadway (Across from Fairgrounds)in Lebanon, phone '9320891, is, the place to go when you need flowers for any occasion. , '~cialjzing in fun~ra~ designs ~'d Wed~g ~uquets; this modern floral'establishment will help you . to ..select . just the right flowers to _make a fitting im. pressiQn. . " . , For years floWers have been of the , more delicate , symbolic .,
phases ' of human nature. It is' bot h fitting and proper to "Say it vvith flow~rs". When you need flowers, be '· sure to consult this . prominent \... " , florist for all types./of flowen:" ": . " 'c 'Tune and service have' honored'"" ~ . '1 ' , th~ name ,- ' the Fio~r Ba~~t ' . .';" .. Florist. ; ,~ "~ The. planners o£~lhis ' 19'~ " "w~. Town a~rd . Coun~y , ~, ~yi'''~ sug-' , ' " j. i gest you'c;;ontacl-tliem>.fir,st ' when-:I; 1 ever Y(n~·'p.I8n: ,t o ~~y'~rtowe(S ',er have tne'm 'sent,'by Wite. :!' ,t. :'~~,~ I
......... ,
. '
":,:", ' LAKE CONSTRUCTION·ce. 1
, JIM LAKE & ' JESsE ~KE'-awNERS ,
located at 454 E. Mulberry in Lebanon phone 932-5976 933-6881 is the lake Construction Co., a pain,ting and roofing contractor well known in this area for his ethical business dealings. Regardless of whether you need residential, industrial, or commercial interior or exterior paint contracting done, or roofing work of any type (new installation or repair) this is the firm to call. Their experience in this field has given them the know how to handle any size of job. Unlike so many painters, this
firm completely prepares the surface to be painted so that the job will be attractive and long lasting and all roofing work is preformed with the same professional care. You can also know that they will complete the job on schedule and at the lowest prices possible for quality work. For a first rate job in painting or roofing from a reliable firm, the narrators of this 1971 Town and Country Review suggest to our readers that they contact tne Lake Construction Co. We' know that you'll be more than pleased with the professional manner 0 f their wor k.
WHITE'S TOP & UPHOLSTERING CO. "CHUCK" WHITE - OWNER", White sTop & Upholstering Co. is located at 21 E. Main in Rear in lebanon , phone 9320926; They feature all types of auto and truck upholstery including door panels; headliners, custom convertible tops and seats. Much experience is needed to properly upholster a car and make it look neat, and Chuck White has over 25 yrs. experience. You can be assured that your job will have that professional look. They have successfully upholstered many cars in this territory and their work speaks for itself.
Here you' will find many fabric samples to choose from and you can be sure to find just the type and color you want. Good fabric. an honest effort to please, and experienced workmen are available to you at this first class shop. Stop at White's Top & Upholstering Co. for an estimate the next time you n~ed work of this type. The writers of this 1971 Review commends this extablishment on the quality of their ' workmanship and recommends them to all our readers.
. LEBANON ECON-O-WASH This well known laundry, leb-
anon Econ-o-WelSh, is located at 744 Columbus Avenue in lebanon, phone 932-6991. When you bring your clothes here to wash them, you can be assured they wiU be WelShed in soft water that will get them clean no matter how dirty they might be. You will not only find your washday much easier, but it will take less time as well. They have made it their business to make washing a pleasure where you can sit down, relax and read while you are waiting, if you care to.
Here you will find plenty of hot water, good machines, and supplies on hand if you run out. You will fmd it costs so little to do a week's washing that you cannot afford to do your laundry at home with inefficient met& ods. They are open 7 days a week from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., and an attendant is available to assist you. let the writers of this 1971 Review recommend Lebanon Econ-~Wash to you. If during bad weather you find drying clothes a problem, this modem laundry provides a drying service for your convenience.
The commercial and residential experts in this locale for aD electric contracting work is the CAW Electric Co. Inc. located at 8 DeSales Ave. in Lebanon, phone 933-2851. This company has proved its professional abilities in this field through the many varied electric contracting jobs they have successfully completed to the satisfaction of the customer. They are fully licensed and insured and can handle any wiring job from remodeling to new construction and are more than
glad to give you complete inspection and recommendation u well as accurate cost estimates at any time. The electricians in their employ are fully qualified to handle any job and complete it in the shortest time poaible . The designen of this 1971 Town and CoWltry Review, witbout hesitation, recommend this reputable contractor to anyone who IRisht need this type of service and commend the CAW FJectric Co. ,Inc. on the many fine busineu practicea. they adhere to.
In Cl{lrks'ville located 1 mi. West of Ma,ie~C~nton High
School phone 289-2560 is the Settlemyre Seed Co. .. .. This well knoWn seed dealer has been se,rving agriculture. for some time. They offer a complete line of seedS! to farmers over a large area with -their famous Pioneer brand of high quality seeds. \'
This popular seed manufact· urer is at aU times experimenting with different new strains of seeds and constantly improve the quality and productivity of their products to further aid agricultural interest . With the cooperat-
iOIl '~ of- gi~w~[S
through , the United States', 'they obtain seed' produQtion :and forage; -product-, ion. data. " :, . \ , You, be pleased ,with the profes~o~J manne.r , in which' this seed dealer "will serve you. He can IUist yC!u ~n i ~~ectins the proper. seed, fOJ highest ¥ield . i~~ Y0'F particula( locale. settlemyre's also offers full line Arcadian. ,Uquid Fertilizers. . The· authors of this 1971 Review are pleased to, reco~; mend the Settl~myre Seed Co. to our reader,,' -ana 'commend them for their effoJ;ts ·to build the asdcultural -strength of ,this ' area.
FOR~'ALL .fA~M ,CHEMICALS o C~inplete li'ne o-f spra~
equipment. avai lab.le.;, If and service ) acilities a.s, needed. .t ' .
o Parts
, For the ve'ry best in baked goo~, try the Cedar,City Bakery, located at 1134 ~t Mulberry in Lebanon, phone 932-2826. , At this fi ne bakery, you can .order beaut:ifully decorated cakes for any occasion. Their tasty pastries are made with a secret spice added to give them that "Old World" flavor, and have become the talk of the town. Once you lllave tried their pastries, you will want to tell all your friends about this bakery and the many delicious products they bake. They use only the 'highes~ quality of ingredients for their
baked goods, and keep the~r modern bake shop exceptionally Clean. '. Here you will find the nicest. and most polite people to ~erve. ' you and they are.~lways'happy tp ' . assist you in yoUr needs., This bakery specialiZes in ror. ,~ ~rs fOf partieSt:clu~. meet~8s, ' . weddings ' and other "oc~siC?~t and can haDdle any , ~ze j!rdei. . ' The composers of fhi~ i 9'71 : Town and CoWltry, ReView~ ire. proud. ~o' salute this tme ~)a;iy, and sUlBest. to 'Our {eaden, that they l«membet: to stop at the' eedit aty ~_ry fOJ;:jhe ve,~.y . best mbake~ goods. ",- ,
LEBANON MEMORIA~CO: INC. "JIM L"'& MIKE H. HEETHER • OWNERS" person or ever the telephone. Their reputation as hon~st and straight forward business people extends far and wide. The high quality of their merchandise, combined with moderate prices and t~ services they render have brought this firm' a vety lar&e patronage and the confidence of all the people in this section. Only through this knowleq~ are we, the writers of ttus·1971 Town and Country Reviewable to \Ulhesitatingly recommend highe~t ~Iuality. lebanon Memorill Co. Inc. to Special service and compreour readen. Remember _ inonuhensive information will be given . ment is purchased not because to prosFlCctive customen at all someone died, but beca,* sOntetimes, whether the request be in one' liwd.
Lebanon Memorial Co. Inc. js located at 19 North Sycaroore Street in Lebano~, phone 9325876, where they feature a complete stock of monuments. The high 'grade monuments sold herc~ have been recognized by the people of this area as the very best and most economicalto purcbase because they wiD last forever. It can be truly said that anything in the way of roonuments can be secured from them, and you may be assured that the product will be of the
"Adiess .,
let.IY·tO '
uOacUl'~ ' - LOS ANGELES
"The ' . , Be, N.... "amin' . .- performance is' brilliant!';', ,j'
MasOriic 'liodge'
To ' ~in OperatiQn.·' T~d new Masonic . Lodges will begin operation iI,I Ohio within the space of a week. QO~ ald M. Thomson, ' Grand Master':· of ftfasOn$ in Ohio, will present a Dispen~tion on May 6 to a ' .group . of eighty-six Mason..s .in Monroe, Butler County. to form High Point lodge. On May 10 a Dispensation will be' granted, to seventy Masons to forrn Knollwood lodge in Knoll~od, Gr'eene County. Merle Leeds, a 'Past Master of George M. verity l.Qdge No" 760. Middletown, be installed as the Master of High Point Lodge V.D. following the presentation of the Dispensation. William Sanders and William Hen. drickson, both of Monroe , will, serve the new lA,>dge C:lS Seni~r ' and Imior Wardens respectively. Gene D. Uttler, a. Past Master of Beaver Vaney ,Lodge No. 753, win be instailed following the present~tion of the Dispensation on May 10 \'as 'the Master. of
will '
beauty of the Uttle Miami River.
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-::U-O·~'.' v t',: ....;'~~.r '~j4ls~~~R ~~~~~ ( ,u(~{en~ly " , ,i~ ~nual ~eting of ~ollw~d ~ge~ U.~. K~nileth . ..f. . I~UF~ ~die~ ..f9t,.~ v." ~ ,.and ,J.t "W" 4' ,'~ .' . y , e " of . ":" A: ;V~~t~p, :~:: ;:al}d. _~4 ~f;;:'t ~~lrA ..t'l")j·lAIiQ ri\'I:~Ri~~~;~f1e~;lt~~f.!rif:; ' ~ ilpdafing. ". '."":.' ~. " • .' ,'the Ainer'ica'n Hearl "/( ciation; . . Mille, also"Past ''M8stets of 'Be8~tiUg~~llj~,,'~~~q(lrdi~t'~,iU~" ~'., I, ;,St~rY; ,:t.~l~,w~~,~s ,:tor. driveJ, ·~t.bt; heht ~ : ednesday I May ver. .Valley . lodg~ •.. will ~_rve as ;11'l1re~-;'J.'fiOliTd\~~I~lfn"i~t'iD
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1P.4111.fJ.;\t1~~;p•• p~. ~n.lnifi9: iJ ,. project of ~plorer Post 417, rO.J~"~tJbJt:¢itJiiel _.,l.·'I~e ~ . wj.~ .~~t ~'t0'!lrd a $rou~ cond~;'~MlJJm& to' com~t · "lemt,Oll ~dp. . . . : "
W. ThoD)llS Workman, Cam-
brid., ~sS." . WQn
recognition fo~ g~: .pqrt~hip ~ the ~etrQpolit;ad ~ Fishing Townment when he caUght an~ r~ie~d ' 2 ·sijlijsh. WaS out of Miam·· .. 'Qe ;wiU teceive a " t .SpQi1sma~~~ ~\VIf~. !UI.~ arm patch with a Year' BOok at the close of the' ,tOuminent . ...
. Thomas iJ :tl.JF. son· of Mr. and . M,s.,.J?O~ WQr~ of \Yay-. . nemne,: H6 ,ia.preM!n,ly student
at ~d , Oniversity. _.
e6ucatlbn ,~ lristructors- 'were ap1~;fat.'the congress-lim. prove~ as pre~l1Ited. . . 'llie Suest spe!licer will be A priority lilst of educational George Benzing III, M.D. Dr. materials ,andequip~ot was preBenzing is assoCiate professor of . se~ted t.o the boar4 for their co~PediatriCs, University of Cineinn~:sideration and 'information. The ati ar,d ' a~te director of 'list of materials is 'ih,e result of Cardil<]gy 'QePirtment, Oneinn'ti)e ' eval~tion of~. the school ati ChitClnn's Hospital. His topic will be 6 JHeart Performance." . prOgram by the~ staft . , . 1he .b oard also at this session Dinner will be served at 6:30 a~~ed ~~e resi&,nations of ~wo p.m. (A selected menu not to ~.gh ldtool t~che.n, William exceed $4.00 per person). The BIVen, music , Instructor and meeting will begin at approxlames, 'RowJanda, history and, gQve~ment tetacher; and Mrs. Continued on Page 2 Jane Vermil.Uolll, English teacher in.the Junio.r lfigh ~ool.. Know Your Public Officials
CLEAN 'UP ,MONTH . May ls clean~p inonth for the
Wl3ge~'1 Every SRtutday the weat~ permitting, you will see the Vill8ge truck InaJcing its rooods. , If )'OU have aoy trash on ,yo"r property ma~ sure you put it at the CUrb. Ut's all do our . &*t for this clean up campaign.
Do you know who your pubIfc officials are? In the next few weeks, you willleam more about them. Your mayor, council members, village clerk, and the village solicitor. Each week there win be an article starting with ' Mayor Dexter Martin. .
COUNCIL MEETING . .,.Sout.hwest District of Vocati.P~1 , Edu~tion for .the Sta~ Qept. of ~uca,tion. AlMlI inelu~d as spec, iaJ ~~es" were ' Mr. Rick Price,
Illvid Bixby of 190 North Six~h St. was appointed to tbe water I5oard. He was sworn in Monday night by Vtl)aF Solicitor Noel ·Sullivan. He will the unexpired term of Heber Lewis who . passed away last month. The term runs until December the 31 st. At tha~ time &xby could seek another term on the . Board. Bixby and his family have
on Page 2
SeOlot, and JUfnor Wardens of Ohio's newest Masonic LodB". Following a period of operation as a Lodge under Dispensation these two Lodges will be granted charters by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio at which time they will officially join with the other 678 Masonic Lodges in Ohio. . Organized Freemasonry m (JUo dates from the year 1808 when six existing Masonic lociFS located in. Marietta. Cincinnati, Wmen, Worthington, Zanesville and ChilJicothe joined themselves together to form the Grand Contimled on .Page 2
Vocational Education Night On May 12, 1971, the Way-' nesville High School Vocational Department win sponsor an open house and style show in the high school gymnasium. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. with the following departments participating: Intensive Office E(Jucation (IOE)J Occupa~ional Work Experience (OWE~ Di~~rsified Cooperative Training (DCT)~., and, Home Economics. The purpose of the meeting is to inform residents of the Wayne. Local School District of the vocational opportunities available at Waynesville High Sc;:hooJ. Refreshments will be served . immediately fonowing th~ program. Everyone interested in the Waynesville vocation~l program is cordiaHy inVited to attend.
P.o. 8Ox' ~1 - Phon. 197-51 21 . • • , MaNlln i Editor Da.ld Ed.... • . : A'd •• FtI ..", Mana'. r • • • • • • • R.. lnald O. Hili. • • Advert. llng "anal . Ant.' • • • • • . . . • • Phll'p MorlAn \ • • PUbll.h... . ' . • • • • Reginal d O. Hili. David Edsall. . 45011 Ohio ... P.o. Box 71, Wayn••• u M.mbe r of the Ohio New.pa per Al$Ocla tion
L0dg8s Begin Opera tion
M~ting Continued fro~ Page 1
Heart Fund
Continued from Page 1
imately 7:30. Anyone interested in attending the dinner and/or meeting may make their reservations by writing to the Warren County Heart Fund, P. O. Box 291, Lebanon, Ohio 45036 by May 17, 1971. Don't Shock Plants Tap water runs pretty cold during winter, so it's best to use water at room temper ature to avoid shocking your plant collection. Use enough water, at the same time each day, to leach harmful salt accumulations out throug h the porous sides of your clay pots,
Lodge of Ohio. sulce that time the Masonic Frater nity has spread the eighty-eight throughout counties of Ohio. At present the Grand Lodge of Ohio is the largest Masonic jurisdiction in the United States, numbering in excess of 263,00 0 members and ranking second in membership to the Grand Lodge of England in the world. Known throug hout the world for its acts of charity and benevolence, Freemasonry is found in Virtually every free country in the world and presently enjoys a world wide membership approaching five million members,
FRIENIqS HOM~ NEWS , By Nellie Bunnell Wi! h a woman as ~he leader arid a: h~lf. dozen , boys as"pick'er-uppers much Was ~Ccomplish- ed in ridding the Legion grounds of sticks and trash, rea~y for mowing this summer. I am sure who ever does the m~wing will appreciate this before' hand work done on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Allce Gons Vandervoort and a group of friends from Wilmington we're Saturday evening visitors of the Home. Mr. and Mrs. George Bunnell of Troy, Ohio visited with Nellie Bunnell on Saturday. William and Robert Palmer were guests of their mother Nettie Palmer on Friday evenings. Mrs., Emma Swindler came Sunday to make her home with us. Mrs. Williacre was a guest of Mrs. Nettie P-dlmer Sunday afternOOl1,
Paxto n Meyer Kefgen
Mr. and Mrs, W, Howard Jones and daughters Lori and Janice came Sunday to visit Lillian Schroeder.
The States man's Year Book 1970~71 Festivals U.S.A. & Canada Individuality in Clothing Selec tion Race and Races
Waynesville resident, Pd. Wil- -_ Bowli~g lanes ~re"ak-l~ i~t neJt: • liam Drake of the Bellbrook ' ed- bw:glars more th~ S1,b,0Q0. r-old Bell- , D1ak.e and a 14-yea \ 1 fto · ;" de' " gh 1. :- ' 'k -.11 . ' , Hi ,po li ce fiIShe d an AI my du Ie " .ptoo Boy Scout Troop 40, Wis~ . ~ere nt stu mor , Riv_ 'Miami bag out of the ,tittle bid I ' D" from ' bag the remove to ,.tile' " .' -' " ' '_ .' " ch Ixen ,Istnct, las een se ecte · ·' ..·.;·1 ' with the hel ofthe er last Tuesda . 11te bAo,.:co - -~ .. :.water as host troop of the •Mound ~ • • • ' : : ' , " "-: ' . • < , ,-«? ~., " " .p ~~gline ,~·~ . ~ :!.:tel~ e l. ~ Builders Council for their . F~IL , ,~~l?e_!E..r-~,an'y;:~n. ,otl~, ' ,~ . ~~." ~ ... II!V tlie~~ y'fr'om ~undi Camparce, This Council includes ' utken ' Warren and 'Butler Counties, Th is event should bring about Council Meeting 300 boys to this area for the Continued from Page I weekend of September 24, 25 been Waynesville r~sidents the and 26, , past five years. He is an employee The Camp-dree is scheduled of the Van Atta seed Co~ in to be held at the Kettering YMCA, Mill Run Park on Bellnati. Cincin his appoin tment he ~ I After brook Rd. congratulated by the Mayor and This will be the first time council members. Troop 40 has been honored to TIle village has a pigeon prohost a Camparee. blem and it has been decided that qualified shooters are going to reduce their numbers. A list For-"er ly SCHOOL MENU of names of the shooters, the',. Monday, May 10, ham sandsize Of ammunition, and the U.-t ", apple tots, tator bun, on wich hours must meet with ~ •" 1.. sauce" cookie; and milk; Tuesapproval. , " v.;t~ r stock~,c No~ day, half and half sandwich, ham Noel Sullivan suggested to , , 17 typ~ 91 J~~.: ~ salad or peanut butter, butter ed Council that they join the Warrant . Bait ShOP & Resta.u green beans with bacon, lettuce ren Count y Regional .. . . . ' r . ..,'" wedge, fruit cookie, chocolate Commission. He said he felt it '897';752f~ ",;,, '.... ,,~.~ and white milk; Wednesday, would be beneficial to the vil~ . : ~! .c , Sloppy 'Joe Sandwich, cabbage : bF· of piece a salad, apple crisp with May the 17th is the new da~j cheese, and milk; Thursday, hamfor the trail of James Martino , pickles with ich sandw burger (vs) the Village of Waynesv~le"~_~~~!IJI!I!~~~~~ bangravy, and es mashed potato anas and pineapple, and milk Friduy, fish sandwich with tartar sauce, butter ed corn, carrot sticks, chocolate pudding and milk.
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Even if you r trip is mo nth s away buy fro m us in May and save up to $48 !
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Where ver you travel .. '. or even if you keep money at home or at work ... the best way to protec t y~money is to use First Nation al City Travel ers Checks. If they're lost or stolen you can get an on-the-spot refund at over 30,00 0 refund points in the U.S. and overseas ... thousa nds more places than any other travele rs check. They'r e honore d worldwide in over a million places. Best time to buy them is during May. Offer ends May 31st.
Thl 1I,IISvilii
Special weekly' rates or will sit by hour or day. Const ant care in a good . Christian home.
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County , Treasurer , Russell . burg!: . . ; ' , ,DUmford reports an9t1ier record .We welcome to the' coinmun- , real estate tax' collection. The' with ,their sister Mrs;':Clint Tay- . ity Mr. ,and Mrs. Jerry Brown books have been deliverea to the .'Price , IQr. who have Auditor for distribution to the (ormerly of Columbus I'fi. 897-61 ~2 " " , The I\n~eysburg Book, 'Re: pur~hased and tnQved into the various taxing districts. In aecor. Dale Cahill, Principal has _re- .View Circle met Tuesday night Maple Street r~siden~prevtously dance with the law a 10% pen, " minded us that the students' are · ~ the 'ne\Y Qo~e df Mrs. Thelma owned imd oc,cupied by tile late , alty is now being added to all ' .•~ ~ i'l1 ' 'proceSs of ,condul;tirig ti)eir Settlemyre. Mt:s. Barbara Bay reHerbeJt Doster. Mrs. Brown is first half unpajd taxes. ,,' ;; M nual 'Magazine sal~. All ·sUb- viewed "The Vir.ginian." ·the ' 'daughter and Mr. Brown The current collection totaled ,~CtjRtions would be app{eciated. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolfe ~il- . son-in-law of Mr. and .. Mrs. Char· $4,165,481.55, an increase of -'4' Mis. bura Harri$On and Mrs. tertained' at thejr 'home a eucbre les·Beck. ..., ,$285,468,96 over last year's -V~ ~dams spent Wednesday par~y ,Saturday , evening, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Haendelof first half.' Of the above amount I, ,rf "s. ·tl~il' Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. $119,228.51 was special assessDayton were · Sun<!&y, guests of Rilymon4 Adarns,-Mr. and ,Mrs. Mr. arid Mrs. Tbomas, Haendel ment. This compares to I..ewis ; Bo~:' ~ Mr. and Mrs. ~d family. $124,698.27 last year. W~yne 'Florea, Mrs. Stella Florea, SCHOOL ,MENU The total charge, including Miss Janie Hatrison and Mrs. . ., delinquencies, was $8,347,720. laura Harrison. ',' _ Monday, May 10,,barbecue on of wliich $421,464.30 was del. Mrs:, NOrville Reeves and Mr. bun, t~tor gems, ,celery and cariquent. . Added to , this was and Mfs'. ', Willianr.Reeves of Ash· rot strips, and apple crisp; Tues.$1.9,061.78 in additons and , ia~d, Olda- '~ere wee~ends guests ,day, .chili with ,crackers, tossed $'19,376.43 in remitters after . 'Of:tlle J-eWis'lloaglah1ds: '. ' saiad, pineapple upside-down the -duplicates were delivered to : .~ : ~f8 , . Mar.gery.. ~ McCarthy of cake, and bread and butter; Wedthe Treasurer by the Auditor. '~W~\lJUriiton' spent Saturday af~er nesday" salisbury stea'k, mashed We urge property owners to . noon. with, } er Ja.ther Ronune potatoes with gravy, harvard take care of their deliquent taxes . Shu~ket. ' .' .' ~ . :/ beets, jello cubes, and bread and as soon as possible, as the Probutter; Thursday, fish sandwich secutor can foreclose, which in with. tartar s, a uee, buttered green many cases will cause the preRgBY"PHOTOS , . beans, fruit cup. and cookie; sent owner to lose his property. <W~ The law has now been changed Friday , meatt and potato hash, cabbage and carrot slaw. hot so that after property is delin. . CHAN"" WAV....V.u.a.'OHIO biscuit (school made), butter and quent only two years it must be "7~71" jelly and orange juice. certified to the courts for sale.
';).i'd'.~I'I:',d: .~" ~~~n •
I '
. ' . . 197J! . -._ .AN am,Dft'-~'JDIB TO IWtiQi TO DMCfiUC -AT RIGHT' NOW, you oan.chalilge over to electric ,heat at your convenience. Installing crews are not as busy ,as they wll[ be..later in the year.. Y9U< can just about nam~ th~ day. ' RIGHT NOW, chances are, you'll get the best price,any Installation contractor can offer. . ELECTRIC ... THE RIGHi NOW HEAT. Most-wanted type of home heating ... by modern homemak~rs. The clean, quiet, worry..free ,heat of tomorrow. Availabl«;t RIGHT NOW to add value ariQ 'comfort -to .'Your hornet for ' 'to come., ~ . ~'-rv'12 fQt aU the facbJ • ' .,;;. :,"~!~ ....."~~ I
......... '
The local Cradles to College members are spo,nsoring a ga,rage sale . ' . These mothers have a ' very special reason for having a sale. It is to raise money for th~iF adopted son who lives . in Taichung Taiwan. His name is Hsier Hsuan-Yu, and he just had a birthday April 3 and was 12 years old. He comes from apoverty stricken family . His father died sometime ago leaving his mother to provide for the family . She could no~ make it alone so had to ask for help. There cannot be any packages sent to Taiwan due to , the very strict postal regulations. The members did send him a birthday card aod he sent them a letter thanking ·' them for it. He said this was the first time he had gotten a birthday gift from others, and was very excited about it.
OVEC DIRECTOR Philip K. Pfanner, Group Vice President of the Dayton Power and Light Company , has been elected as a director of the Ohio Valley Electric Corporation. He suceeds Kenneth G. Oxley, DP&L Boa~d Chairman.
Farmers in the 24th District are eligible to participate in an OVEC was formed in 1952 . Agricultural Stablization and by- 15 investor·owned electric Conservation Service program to utility companies of the Ohio pto~e.ct . ~thei ~ ~ fee<\ c grain base, . valley \ region fOr the primary <fongressman Walter E. Powell, purPose of providing electric announced today. power reqUirements for the The five counties wholly or Atomic Energy Commission's partially 'within the 24th Disgaseous diffusion plant in Pike trict are Butler, Clinton, Warren, County. DP&L is a member of Montgomery, and lIamilton. OVEC. ' Farmers who are unable to obtain enough . blight-resistant seed corn to plant 45 per cent of their feed grain base may apply Tractor & Implement tor credit in their local county Repair ASCS office. Satisfaction guaranteed "As individual applications Mark Daley areapproved, each farmer's 'good Anytime 897-4136 standing' in the program will be protected," Powell said. "He will then be free to plant whatever non-quota crops he desires on the acreage." The Fairfield Congressman FRI-SAT-SUN MAY 8-9-10 pointed out the ASCS provision does not guarantee that a producer will be able to obtain blight-resistant corn seed, but is designed to ,allow the farmer to preserve his position in the program if the seed is in short supply.
The outdoor drama ''The Lost Colony" at Manteo, ~. C., tens of the first EngUsb, colony In America In 1585.
o Complete line of spray :. equipment available. o Parts and service ,facilities 'as needed. '
'- .Y~nlll., 0'. ~17-401S
--... ..m.sPlESBnS
P.O. BOX 78 .. , WA YNESVI LLE, OHIQ A~68 ,
NAME ________________
__------~--------~--------~ STATE DATE ____~---------- PHONE __________~
- - - 'LEGAL NOTICE 'Cail No~ 4'77 . Charter No. 2220 'Natlbnal Bank Region No.4 REPORT OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDA'TING . DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES, OF THE The W!1ynesville Natlona-l Ba~~ of, Box 345 In the stat4 of Ohio. ,at the close of business on April 20, 1971, published In response to call made by comptroller of the currency. under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. , ASSETS ' Cash and due from banks (Including $none unposted debits) • • 878,534.80 U.S. Treasury securities .•.•••.••••• ' . • • . • • • • • •• • • • ••• 1,347,652>07 Securities of other U.S. Government agencies a,nd cor.poratlons 97,033.61 Obligations of States and pOlitical subdivisions ••..•• ;..... 1 500 ' 534.72 Other securities (Includlng$I,OOO.corpprate stock~ • • . • • • • • . '1000000 Federal funds S91d al'!d securities purChased under agreements to ," • 100,000.00 resell ..•.••....••.••••.••..•..• , .. '. • • • • . • • • • • . . Lo,ans . • . . . • . • . • . . . • • • • • • • • . • • • ' . • • • • • . • • 5,179,144.92 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and otlier assets repre· 180,459.93 sentlng banI< premises •• ' • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . . • . , Other assets (Including $n~ne direct lease financing) . . . ,. 10,781.43 TOTAL ASSETS ' . . • • • ' , ' • . . • • • • • • . . . . • , . $9,304,141.48 , LIABILITIES Demand depOSits of Individuals, partnerships and corporations $2,275,437.26 Time and savings depOSits of Individuals, partnerships, and corporations . . • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • 5,340,329.32 DepOSits of United States Government .. , • • . . . • • • • • , 26,103..36 DepOSits of States and political subdivisions • . • . • • . •••• 716.890.00 Certified and officers' checks. etc. ,.............. , 45,258.14 TOTAL DEPOSITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,404,018.80 (a) Total demand depOSits • • • • • • . • • • $2,496,689.48 (b) Total time and savings depOSits • • . . $5 907 329 32 214,035.92 Other IIlbUltles • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • , .' •• '.•• ' •• TOTAL LIABJLlTIES ! ! ! ! . . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . $8,618,054.72 RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES Reserve for bad debt losses, on loans (set up pursuant to IRS 65,269.26 rulings) ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• 45,000.00 Other reserves on loans • • ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : • Ralllrve, on securitios .• A • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10,000.00 , TOTAL RESERVES ON 'LOANS ANt> SECURITIES . • • $ 120,269.26 . : , .cAPltAL.'- .ACCOUNT~ ' Equity capltal·total • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • •' • • . •• $ 565,817.50 Common Stock·total par value ................ 75,000.00 No. shares authorized 1000 No. shares outstanding 1000 Surplus • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • . . . . • • • . 225,000.00 Undivided profits • • • • • • • • •' . • • • . . • • . . . • • '. • • 265,817.50 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS . . • • • • . • • • • • 565,817.50 TOTAL LIABILITIES' RESERVES AND ' CAPITAL ACCOUNT$ • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • •- -: . . $9,304,141~ 48' MEMORANDA " , Average of total deposits f01 the 15 ,calenda, days endu,9 · with call date • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ••. :- • . . • • ". '$8,389,115.36 Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending , with calf' date • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • . • • . • • S5,184,~93.80 I, Walter D. Compton, Cashier, of the above-named bank do herebY, declare that this report of condition Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. WALTER D. COMPTON We.! the undersigned directors attest the correctness of thIs, report of condition ana declare that It has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief Is true and correct. ROSS H. HARTSOCK HARTLEY R. MOSS Qlrectqrs THOMAS FLORENCE
Start Beans Toward High Yields .•. Stop Need for Mid-Season Manganese
~~iscove:rinlf ~ n~\'{' , way~' 'fa ! stretch tJ~~H ho~aehoJd,.:;'budlet 'I has beCome a natiop pastime: . If you (!lln hOld y~t1r own:: you Ire , ahead' of 7th~ ' eame. That's a big if, since th~re.'s not much we can do atlout. funa· tion, as nndividuals, except to make our own purchasing pow· ~r count fol' more; That. means seekine not only the best. pr~~es. bLlt also t"~ Qes~. -valu in' purchase!) for the 'family , Clothing is a major expense' item, and Ilett.ing the .b'es~ ,.,.eat~ , ou t of (:Iothe!) clin help trim CO!)ts. That .include!) Qeing lIUI'~ ..... ~ that each garment iii cle-uiled' oi ' hiuridered properly, which is " not liS easy as it sounds .c0l,1- :: sidering the muny different combinat.ions of fiberll and nn' , ishes in today's apparel fabrics. When cUl'e instruction shec\.l; or tags . that come, with new cloth· ' ing are l:nislmd, the conllumt>r may be .It II 105oo;. to remember the righ t cleaning method. The resulting mistukeli in cart.> .c an reduce gnrmenl uS(' life. ,;,', Recognizing tht! consumer's ,.~ .. , problem , th... Federal Tt:ad~ Commil)fj;ion bUN begun looking into the idea of some kind or perma,',eltlt care lubelMg that clothing makers could employ -that i!), a label g,iving clclminl! , instruct.ion!) that. would be at· tached to the garment lind la:>T • througho",t/ ' ~h Ci garmcn "/I , noI1. , mal weal' life. , , So far this idea is Ktill-1n 'thc talking !l:tllgt>s. but al !t'llst HIlt' 1\
major dothing manuTact.urer has decided t.o do I)()mething . abou t. t.he problem now. Blue Bell. Inc. hus announced that it . is i ncurporating pl'rmaneil cltre labt!ls into its entire range of Wrangler and Maverick brand jt'illlS and sportswear, sold throughout the U.S. ' A sample label, which is sewn int.o Setllm!) wherever pOt;l;ible, or print-ed indelibly in lining!), "eads: "Permanent PreKoo;. Never Need!) Ironing. Avoid chlorint' bleach. Can be machine washed und tumble dried. Remove from dryer immediately nl end of cycli~. Wash reds llJld dark colors separately."
4%MANG.A NESE! Because soils in most Ohio's bean-growing areas are defiCient in manganese, LANDMARK has ·raised the content of this important trace element in Bean Bounty to 4%. ~ean Bounty as your starter fertilizer can eliminate the time and expense of midseason spray applications. Bean , Bounty also contains 3% starter nitrogen, to boost
the ,small plants"before they fix their own nitrogen. This also helps beans utilize the manganese more effiCiently, Optimum levels of 23% phosphate "and 23% potash ar,e contained in Bean Bounty . . . plus iron, calcium and sulphur, 200 'Ibs, per acre is enough to start beans right and eliminate deficiency.
.. ... .:.
. FE'R.IILllER ~--.e SERVtGl, ~;~- .. ' .
...... ,".
, ,
When money is rna,naged" Wi~Q~r!l ~famil~cs.",":-"_\,,,; more ,of the goOd thingS.lot ~#e . ' :"\,.. ,.~h$~ne$'S~s, .DrAI)B;j!;t.:.~ per '. . . the community JnovcS.~ahea,d'. ",-.. " ".' J~"
Women-we 'pay t~J>u.t~,~to Y~~tf &U"·"'''''''&A'''H'',~'''~'~''; of this bank ·'s financial ~ ~~rvj~~>' , ,:~
Church of Christ
Third & Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evangelist 10:00 a. m .• Sunday Mornln'g 6:30 p.m.· Sunday Evening 6: 30 p. m •• Wednesday Evening Phone 897-4462 for Information
Jolin 14:6 A min explorl.. In a llran.. city beelme lOll Ind could not find hi' WIY blck to hi' hotel. The cletliled direction. given him . , wed only to confu .. him 10 finally he I.ked I little urchlr, .. PIli...... In chlrleterlltlc .treet langua. . the bOY r. piled, "Mllte" do you • • them bright light, on thlt till tow.. r way ow. there? Well keep your 'lamPi' on them lights Ind to .trl.ltht .... d." C.n w:e do better Inl todly', confu .. d world thin keep our eve.. our Inward eye. fixed Ite.dlf.llly on Him whO uld "I .m the YAy, the Truth, and the LNe." "In .lmple faith like theirs who ....'d aes.... the Syrian S. The graclou. calling of the Lord Let, u. like them without. word RI. up .nd fOllow ... Im."
First Baptist Church
North Main Street John P. Osborne, Pastor 10: 00 a.m•• Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship 6:30 p.m.· Training Union 7:30 p.m.· Evening Worship 7: 30 p. m. - Wednesday Prayer Meeting (A~flilated with Southern Baptist Convention).
Elizabeth Chlnd . . Friend, Meeting
t=irst Church of Christ
152 High Street 897-4786 Steve Tigner. Minister 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Worship Hour 9:45 - 10: 30 a. m. - Sunday School 10:45- 11:45a.m. Wor.hlp Hour ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5; 00 p.m. Youth Recreation 6100 p.m. Jr. High Youth 6: 30 p.m. Jr. Youth 7100 p.m. Evening WorShip 8:30 p. m. Sen. youth
FriendShip Baptist Church
Southern Baptist Convention Norman Meadows, Pastor 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a. m. - Sunday Morning Worship 7: 30 p. m. - Sunday Evening Service 7: 30 p. m. - Wednesday Midweek Prayer and Bible Study
Friends Meetina
Fourth Street near High 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Sunday Meeting for Worship (unprogramed)
$to Augustine Church
High St .... t Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, Pastor 7 '8. m. & 11 a. m. - Mas.s 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. - Holy Days 7:30 p.m. - First Friday 7:45 a.m. - Dally Mass 5130 p.m. - saturday Mass
Jonahs Run Baptist Church
Third" Main Streets Rev. Harold Oeeth, Rector 11 : 15 a.rn. - Morning Prayer . ', lS.t, 3r,~, &' 5th Sundays; Holy COmmunion 2nd & 4th
United Methodist Church
M.rthodist ChUrch "
"hlr~ & 'North streets
L. Vo",n" Minister 9:00 a.m. - Church School 10:15 a.m. - Church st Worship 6 : 00 p.m. - Jr. & Sr: Vouth FellowihlP
R.R. 122 - Dodds. Ohio Pastor. James Coffman 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School 7:00 p.m. - Sunday Evangelistic Service 7: 30 p. m • . Wednesday Prayer San/ico
LYTLE United Methodist Church
CENTERVI LLE The Centerville First Pentecostal Church
173 E. Fran k lin Street Ray Norvell. Pastor Gene Blcknent. Ass't, 10: 00 a.m. - Sunday School 7 : 00 p.m . . Sunday Evening 7: 30 p.m. · Wednesday Evening
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church
E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamilton. Pastor 7:30 p,m. - Tuesday 7:30 p.m. - Friday - Young People's Service 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 7:00 p.m. - Sunday Evening
Cor",er of 73 & Corwin Rd; Rev. Sherman Cook, Pastor ' " 10130,a.m. - Sunday School 7:00 p.m. - Sunday .Eve. Service 7:30 p.m. - wednesday Eve. Set,vlce 7:30 p.m. - Sat: Eve. Service
John K . Smith. Minister 9: 30 a. m. - Sunday School 10: 30 a.m. - Sunday Worsh i p Serv ice 8 : 00-9:00 p. m. - Wednesday Evening. B i ble Study
David Harper, Pastor 9: 30 a. m. - Sunday Church Service 10130 a.. m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Su-;t day Worship Service , Youth Fellowship and Bible Stu<sy
0( :
Free Penteloostal Church of God
Ohio 73 East Lester Kldd, Pastor 10:00 a.m • • Sunday School 10:00 & 11:00 a.m•• Sunday Worshl p Service 7:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening Worship
St. Mary's Episcopal Church ,
Genntown United Church Of Christ Route 42 at Genntown Ray Stormel'. Pastor 9 : 30 a. m . . Worship Service 10:30 Sunc:lay Church School 5: 00 p.m. - Sunday Youth Fellowsh i p
SPRING VALLEY 'United Methodist Church
Walnut - Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship 6:30 p.m, - Youth Fellowship ;Jr. High & Sr. High 7:45 p.m. - Wednesday Choir Rehearsal
'First Church of God
49 S. Main Street 9:30 •• rn. - Sunday School 10130 a."" - Morning Worship 7100 p.m. - SundaY evening
Ferry Church of Christ
Wilmington Pike & Social Row Road Bus Wiseman, Minister 9:00 a.m. - Sunday Bible SchoOl 10: 15 a.m. - Sunday Worship 10:15 a.m. - Sunday Youth Worship , 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening . Bible Study. all ages 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday - Midweek Prayer and Bible Study
Spring Valley Church of Christ
Glady Street 10:00 a.m. - Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. - Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Worship ,
- '"Pent8costal Holiness Church Acy umb, Paltor 10100 .. m. ~ Sunday School
Spring Valley 'Friends Church
7130 p.rn. - Sun.y, Wednesday Ind SaturdaY' Evenlng Worship S.vlc:.i 7130 p.rn. - wedflesday Youth
Mound Street E. Friend Couser. Paltor 9:30 •• m. - Sunday SChool 10130 a.m. - Morning Worship
Christian Baptist Mi.ion
United Methodist
Main Str..t , Mr.. ,Lois Oun.way, Paltor 10 • • m. - Sunday SChool 11 .. ~ - Mornlr)tJ Worship 7130 Porn. - Evening Worship 7:30 p.rn. - Prayer Meeting Wednesday. Thursday 7:30 p.rn. - Son~feit. u.l S.turday ..ch month.
Rw, L.eonard Blxter 91 ~0 .. rn. - Su'nday SChool 11100 lorn. - Sunday Worship
7130 p.rn. - Wednesday,-Pr."Yer
If you have a meed.,. you'd like to have listed in Our DATEBOOK ca......., phone THE MIAMI GAZETTE at 897-5921.
Ridgeville Community Church
St. Rt. 48 & Low:er , Springboro Road Ray L. Shelton. Pastor 9:30 a. m. - Sunday School 10145 a.m. - Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening service 7: 30 p.rn. - Wednesday Evening
May 5
by the Amerkan Sorleb', of Cllart"'f' d Life Underw rite r•• thl' national . odet y 01 Iile 11I ~lIru/l(' e profe.. lonal. who hal'~ earned the C.L . V. de. llnation by m eetln, 111"1 edll('allollal. eth /(' al alld ex perlel1c f'
ANSWER: Ask him. People hesitate to ask lawyers about fees, but lawyers don't mind such questions in the least. On the insurance, which the company pays directly to your beneficiaries. the lawyer will probably expect nothing. For the rest of the estate, although some states have lJ legal ,s chedule of fees. the law yer may charge less if the etltate is settled easily. On the other hand, if someone puts up a fight. about. your will-or if liquidating your assets becomes very time-consuming, the probate court may approve .pecial fees about the schedule. If you naml' your lawyer executor, he's entitled to more than just attorney's fees. Talk it over with him. You're entitled to ask. and lawyers don', mind answerin~ .
U.s. CAMPAIGN TO KICK OFF SOON An announcement from Re-
gional Executive Thomas Kunz in Oeveland has again named Waynesville to head a U.S.O. campaign to raise money for OUF servicemen serving around the world. This will get underway at the Waynesville County Fair. There will be participation in the parade on Saturday June 12, with Vietnam veterans taking part in the activities. Mayor Dexter Martin will again serve as honoraJYchariman. Mary Bellman has been named campaign chairman for. the second year.
LOCAL STUDENT CITED Miss Carol Cotterman, a senior Lake Erie College in Painesville, Ohio, has received the faculty citation for scholarly distinction on the basis of her academic performance during the Winter Term of the current college year. Miss Cotterman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earle B. Cotterman, West Palm Beach, florida, formerly of Waynesville.
5:30 p.m. - Sunday Sr. Youth Recreation 6: 30 p.m. - Sunday Sr.. Youth services '
,,,. ,, Th~-church Pc.'ge Is Sponsored For You Throug~ The ~urtesy Qf The Following Area Mer~hants
WANTED BABYSlnlNG IN MY HOME By . . . . Day or HoUr
LAMB'S AUTO~ SALES ',~A"NUYI,","" 'O"'I~ , ;
• "
'r (
DEITII NANCY L DOUGHMAN Mrs. Nancy L. Doughman, age 30, of 7820 Cahall Pl. RR No. 2 Waynesville passed away Saturday p.m. at Miami Valley Hospital. She is survived by her hus. band, Walter , 1 son , Joseph at home, mother, Mrs. Mary Dieckman of Centerville, 4 brothers, Charles, St. Mary's, Ohio, Oliver, R. R. No. 2 Waynesville, Richard, Miamisburg, Steven of Centerville, 1 sister, Mrs. dhn Mclliniel of Miamisburg. Services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Gebhart and Schmidt Funeral Home in Miamisburg. Interment at Miami Valley Memory Gardens. No visitation.
JESSE J. PRENDERGAST 'Jesse J. Prendergast, age 76, of 146 S. Third St., Waynesville died Sunday at Kettering Memorial Hospital after an extended illness. He was a member of the Waynesville Society of Friends, past master and SO year member of the WayneSVille Masonic Lodge No. 163, a 25 year member and past patron of the Miami Cha ~ ter No. 107 of Ohio Eastern Star, a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of O<lyton, the Waynesville Farmers Grange, and the American Legion Post 61 5. He was a retired employee of Broadway Mold and Tool in Dayton. Prendergast is survived by his wife, Grace, two daughters, Mary Alice and Rebecca Ann, both at home, one sister, Miss Katherine Prendergast, who has made her home with the family. Funeral survices were at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Frienck Meeting House in Waynesville. Interment was in the Miami Cemetery. Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangments.
CHAR LES L TIGAR Charles L. T1pf, aF SO, of Hall Manor Nursing Home died
,.\C •••
Chamber of Commerce Meet'=' ing, Wednesday, May 5th. 7: 30 p.m. Council House .
~qlll~lIIent' .
QUESTION: About how much will my lawyer be likely to charge my (>State (which looks like it will be about $150f(00) for his services? Will he also get somethin, from the $80,000 in lire insurance that I have?
R. . . .bIIR.,.,. for JDIn .
Sunday, May 2. ." , He was a member of the Oriental No. 240 F&AM in Detroit Michigan. ngar was a vetran of World War I. He is survived by his foster son John T. Si~pson of Santee, Calif., 3 grand chlldren, several nieces and nephews. VISitation is at 7 -, 9 p.m. Wednesday with cremation to follow. The Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home is in cha. of_mng-
AKC REGISTERED Poodles - toys • miniatures - all colors ,- , ..sona"18 ~ 897-747f? (l8c:3) ,
Ig, m~ I\ome <; bV dat ' • ~o!"e
0{ '-h04'r '. ' ~"SO~~b!8 rate, 897.59~1 • ~~ fqr Jean Mill
L09K,..HOW ':~Itt" Jt", c:,'sts
PLANTING TIME Is h .... - HQok'S Farm Marlcet • Greenhouse - rout• • No. 48 at Ridgeville • ipeCial ThUrsday • Friday only· May 6 • 7 pansies - 3 trays for $1.00 - bloOming petunias - 3 t,aY' for $1.00 • • tso assorted pots • h.nglng bas. .ts " • planters - etc for Mother's Day • open dally 9 a.m. - 8 p.m •• garden seedS' . supplies - strawberry piants - creeping phlox - vegetable ' plants - flower plants - m.ny var ..... s to chOose from (18eU
t~ f(..~ ,
'HORSE ':~
you; C8rpeb c~n ••v.... ge sl. Ij;)'I~ room. h.1I (27 sq. ydS.) ,$23.37 --
$250· ,.
call 932-7876 • .,.ul's XJ*'t carpet Cleaning (l'8cl)
UPHOLSTERING Machine - Ph. 8935855 (4ctf)
1969 FORIIl
.c .~
'I ; '
CAMPER 1for ~ ,pick-up ' t~u~,I( , ~ . ;.: ",
,neludes built in 3,bur~r ,Stove. ,= , ' ,', '-' sink - ice box· etc ,: ~s ~ $200'" " ::'..... , Charles -Fneelalid - 8;25n Wiiso'n .,-( , ' Rd. - Rt. 'I Waynes . .' 488-2261 ..' after 6 ' 18 " .;'., '
1]Hf F;~jr AMflltlMl C; ~oqVf( C(.vB WA5 FO"~~SP Jf\I
6f.()O ttl 'I f.l}
r, ::::""\~I==~::l ~ - ." ,.,. ",
.t,. , \ J"
~ ""
- JACK'S TRACTOR Repa~r Shop Tr~~o.d~~ F,,rrn, ~q~ipment '
Wayne Camper Tops, ReVilla Truck and Travel Trailers, Sycamore Tuck Campers. We sen bottle gas
R.R. No.2 Way., O.
Ilk. ·,
No. 73
• ••
Sponsored by Items Accepted - call '897:253~
PH. 897-7931
or 897-2241
', .3
flEI'1 IIPIII IIIIICE & Heating A;r Conditioning Refrigerators, Washers, & Dryers And all ,o ther home appliances
18 North Mulberry St., Lebanon, Ohio
Wife tired of cooking? Sur·' prise her wit.h a complete din· ner delivered to her door,
'fry ill gift or iove .. ·to ,let < motlleJ , ~n'o~ ; what ..yDU :thln'k" ~"! IT> of her. Give her a "itft 'c'erti- :?i .' _ ricate" good ror your service" ,' .. whenevE!r needed for house: . hold chores.
&I rIgi
8/10 mile E. No. 48 on look for the Sign
located on Route 42, 1 mile north of Route 73, Waynesville
" .
Wheel Camper Camping Trailers
Phone 897·7936
a- Hr, ~ ,
fully e~ipped - $~5' · call 897.-, ' 7656 ", -,' 18 " '/ , ~~~~~:-.f9~~~~~~~~~~~~ff.:.i~~~i.~fS:1
MANY THANKS for the prayers, cards " flowers durln'o my recent stay In the hospital, Lynn Fields (l8cl)
,. .. ?
FIVE Room house - 21/Z car garage 1 acre ' lot - phone 932-8157 (13ctf)'
LTD . $2296':"4 ctr:,:
1969 FO~t? GT-XI~. · .2
Sales - Rentals
HT . fully equipped • aiil ' 897-, ';' 7656 18 I",
GARAGE SALE • some antiques games - toys - clothing - Avon bottles mise household Items - Frl 12 to 6 p.m • • all day Sat - 296 S. Main St. (l8cl) , Waynesville
1966 FORD Galaxie,· $896·2"
WANTED - used 2 x , 4 .nd wide boards • phone 897-6021 (TF)
GARAGE SALE - May lOth" 11th10 a.m. - 5 p.m. - household Items clothes - guns - mise • 897-6150 . 2145 Harlan Rd. (l8cl)
ci:tevy Im.,.~~,. '2 dr Hi: -';:"
dr HT - 1 Ctwner , ~' ';")1897:765& ,',
HOUSE WANTED In waynesville School District " with 0' without acreage - p'lce ope!" - not a r.ltor pho~ 88S-219~ ' (l8c:l)
MUSHROOM COmpost - attention gardeners, landScapers and greenhouses - use organic matter for moie natural vitamins - excellent mulct\' & ground conditioner - price for 9 cu. yd. load delivered 0-15 miles $30. - 15-30 miles $41.50 - 30-40 miles $46.50 - $3 per cu. yd. at compost yard - for info;ma't lon on dellvety call Fred's Mushroom Co. South Le~anon, Ohio - 494-1000 8 a.m. to 4 p.m: or Cincinnati 683-:: , 6491 all hours (14c8)
' 1 '
42,000 miles· 1 owner ~ ' $796' ~ .' call 897·7656 ~ '-18 ',' . I ' '
BABV SITTING- In my home, • by hour • or week • fenc::ed In yard-.sk for JoAnn ' Edsall • Phone 897· 6021 , 13cT F) ,
FOR SALE ~ RHUBARD - 897-2196 (l8c:l )
y ()lI ~~"n be kind for thc)II4:' who hll'Ve to look at you by using Glairol Kindness Compact Ins,tant Hainetter. It.s slim case inc'l udes 20 heated rollers wh ich take rrom 3 to 10 mi nlItell to curl the hair, Ideal fOI" travel. the hairsetter iii 1,1 inches long by 8 14 incheli wide.' by 21h inches deep.
••• KnittA!fS, help others mias the pointl~lace knitting needle points in a bottle cork when ' they're n~t in use (savell drop· ped stitc~ell. too).
'1?BtI[i~~ LR(2~25lfWl]lb'1? W/l.15 THE FI (l$f J~ M6R \(.AN
P~E"$I t7 € tJT 1'0 12.10E IN A~ Av'Tt>M 0 ~'LE ,f
. ,","II,. "'.,: wotk i• .~. •
, •
.' ~~~ - -
"Muit"" ~M'••;',
:"j ~ .
l' , ,
0 1 ' . 1 1 ..
IIMartY Watkins· Manager'" for use. If you are in ~he, market ,for a motorcycle be s~re ~o see in Xenia is located at Rt. 68 ' ' what they have to offer. They North at 235, phone 372-6621. are reliable and will giv~ ' you an They are' headquarters for the h~nest appraisal on yOiJr old ' popular Triumph and Yamaha machine. motorcyc1~ and , motorcycle · In this 1971 Town and Counparts. This store has made 'no , try Review,we the edit~rs, high, reservations in making available , , ly recommend Con;tpetition -to you a complete stock of parts Accessories to all our readers. and accessoi'ies. They can be depended upon to Be sure you stop here for give you first-class repai~ 'service fast, dependable repairs on your and the finest in new a.nc1 used . motorcycle. motorcycles, parts and accessorThey carry the full line of the ies. See them for trail bikes for . new models in many price ranges farm and ranch work. l'
This well liked establishment
' .,"
Road' in Their expe~ience in this field . pbQne,372-S871 is Carl G. . had given them the know how tp , .;~~'~•• jnn I,. Painting Contractor, a . handle any size' of job. '1 ::"r'~~11IlijltjtiK': cO!'tractor well' knc.hm . -Unlike so many painters, this . area for his ethical bus- fi~ coniph~tely prepares the r.:'I1I!1ea ~P " , sQiface. to be painted so that the ., of 'v.:hether you , jQb- 'Win be . ait-:actjve and l~rt$ ~1~~~:~~1~1!~n1\;aI, i irtd~trial, . or la-st~g. You.. ,ca~ al~'. kno~ that: .~ m[lemJI'" or' e~tetiof' " '~hey- wilrComple~e th( job on ' ' all!bf:,iiCo11tra:ctilul . c;lQn~, ,, thii -is .' :$ctie.d~e ~md , ~t the:.loWest prjces . ..,. posSible for q\Jality work. .•
, ' , . . . .
our (eaders that they contact Carl ', ' Sutton, Painting , Contractor.:. We know that you'll be mor~, t'~il pleased with the pro-
f •• ;
:1YR~!:a\~I~J~~~le.Ir;a ·i m · Xe~
"Ben Reynolds· Owner"
··L.t. ·
Reynold's Heating & Air Conditioning
fessiQl)al manner of their work.
, ......~I,>.:. ' .....
narrators of this 1971 Town and Country ReView suggest to
":! .
For a first lrate job in painting fJom' a reputable firm, the
"".. •
at 72 Wea- . ers. who
a.life study
ation ' b( many parents through the ·~x·cellent . work they do in making . pi~tures of children. Whether' it 'is an infant or an older .:chU'd , ~hey possess an unusual ability· to photogra ph them in the .~st nat.ural and engaging poses . For- po.r traiits of distinction, see Art' Cox Studios. ~ This '1-971 Town and Country . Review . and ' its compilers are proud to recommend them to all our readers.
(i\.t'J~~'I.... ,; 372 1241, th~ Art .. of' this i~teresting aQd artistic
'~""""~I"'~., ~ prepared tp serve '.' professiofl' " . _. , . ,, , the"'most efficient man.:,' ,. ' , . '. This ' stu~p is ou~tandi~g in • '.: ,1';11 '~; ••/ " • '. it '5 presentation of 'I'weddings, ' ph(,tOl~Ptt\Y:,"; . 'bOth ' bridal. for~) . and candid ~m~~~~~:~ "'~~~Auc~.q.rl: '~~:..~~1,J~,. rn' bea'utiful 'color or • ~~l~y!f,.~~lr~~V!J.o,~!c;1"'L"""~ ... ~ $8ctc.!rid~~t,e ', ". . . . ~ostuSeful tool to rndustry ""......"'-.. iPf;1!1~';I'~:toi!taPl~~]~!~·~uta ~~r~~l ~n ~ r~~n this ' . 'f~' aeQaL. 0 9J! ~ phQtos used
presentatio~ 'a~d ~J8nn~ng.
wOQ . tfle admir-
For ' your home, office or will clean everything, in~hiding business, Reynold's Heating & ,/ chimneys, pipes, registers, ducts, Air Conditioning, located at 67'1 etc. Call them collect at 372Lower Bellbrook in Xenia, phone 4471. ~ 72-4471, carries a full line of The men they hire for install· th~ popular Lennox brand furation work will handle the job naces, heating systems, and coolwith the utmost of competency, ing systems. and will complete it in the shortTheSe men are experts in the est time possible. You'll like heating field, and have had much the friendly, businesslike manner experience in all types of heatin which they handle each trans- . ing work. action. . Whether you need a new unit The editing staff of this 1971 fo,~ your hou~ : or a co~plete . Town and Country Review sugheating system:for your bUSiness, gest to the people of this section these men , will be more than wh~ have heating probl~rns, that .' r happy to look over your partthey let the experts at ,Reynolds Heating & Air Conditioning icular needs and design an economical syste-m that will save you handle the job. You will be pleased with the quality of their many dollars over the years. wor k and their reasonable prices . Their power cleaning truck
"Tom DeWine - Owner" Town and Country Review, wish to point out. the fioe- reputation . .
When you buy farm equipment, you want to know that you ~re getting machines that
Richards S4~rvice liarage has built, call 372-2866. They are
will stand up to the job. This . equipment has' stood the test for ' , years. it can be depeiJde,d upon ' to give.the maximum service ~r dollar invested.
noted for square dealings and will stand behind every~ purcJtase.
Drop in and see the new models the next time you are in the area.
We, the compilers of this 1971 , ,
DeWine Lumber Inc. located in Xenia at 103 Washington St., phone 372-4441, handles building materials, paints and lumber as well as many other related building supplies and tools. This well-known lumber company is prepared to meet your' needs in lumber, building materials, paints, etc., at the lowest prices. Their stock is kept in full assortment, so no matter what amount you desire, it can be bought here. (They offer immediate delivery service.) This fum enjoys a m~t en-
viable reputation in this community by virtue of years of honest business dealings with the people. Their dealin~ are as substantial as the materials they sell. They maintain a service department whereby they do not only help with your plans, but will give the exact cost of materials needed in your plans. This service , can be obtained upon request. The editors of this 1971 'Review are proud to represent DeWine Lumber Inc. in this 1971 Town and Country Review.
"Don Prindle· Owner"
".;. ii~.~9~·: Ca~.P.'r Sales, at Wlhningt0r:' ;lI:Illm" ,~:II~~~' are ,tak-,. Pike, ' I t,li. South on St.' Rt. 68 ¥.~~:~I:iI;, '. ' tQ ~~ye~ . I;D Xqaia,phon~ ~72-640~. Prices l'
. '
& Robert Ridgway· Owners" this fum to t:he woods, prairies, mountains or ,lakes. With a unit
streamS:;;Ql are" r~asonalJle IU\d termS c8~ be from this well known finn you'l 1~1'Il~~tl~IY ba~e. fouai'd', ". ~~d to', tif rOUf ;, mcome~ , satisfy yop[ restlessness for the ~1111"',}~~:t.'II~~ o~ , lJoY•.for ,Y()~ : ~nvel1;1,d~~ anL -:i' outdOo~s. il>iII...IIM<t•• 0b4.. tta~t'8Ptl'ailen' are ~ ,;..~ ~n •. - Thurs. ', ~ 2-9" ',Friday &.. , " s.ttitday 9-S, &,tnclayt.·i f,.weather' :,' For campers, camper supp1i~,
It is' absolutely essential that every community has at least one
modern and progressive sporting goods ho~ and in this part of ~he state, Famous Sporting Goods' at 64, E. Main, in Xenia, has come to be recognized as one ICCC)nun04:JatJI01l$ " :~~ts '~,'" '.'~ including ' f~ll line,.cu~tom made of the fo!emost athletic gooc.k , '.. .. .piek~up C9vers,. ~a~~ ~d a~chouscfs· ~ the cpmmunity. Call , .. ~I' ~Pd~s,./t:N.a . ~~7.1>T~yn, ~d: t~m a~ ,372:4071 or stop in. of ,: fl' q:,~~t~:~¥i.~f~~~~ ij$.pla~e~~ I" ".Spoit~g ;organizations fre1r,~~tl.~!i~J!9::'~;~I.!.C:qJl~Pl!ta.lJlle. '\"~" iU.~t ~t: ~~~~ ,~1itaql.,Ri,~ ';.,.' , ..que·otly ~b',this·'estabwhnient "ri'irllll·""_ ,.0 way. s, c.tif~~sa~8, '. ' ,their: ~~4qliftiers . and have 1~" . . . . ~.: • l\ ,.iJ' '", . ' " fo~4t~t .their every ne~d in
the way of sporting gooc.k can be found here. 1hey feature standard and nationally known lines of goods of higbest quality and carry a most complete stock ,in every department. Hshing, guns, and athletic equipment can be found here. In fact, everythirlg one would expect to find in any up; to-date store of this, kind: The co",pilers of this. 1'971 Review invite you to eJijoy .life. ,:' igain by sel~cting" yout sporting ' (\' gOOds frorn ~his.WeIJ-1i~4:l~aler . . "\ ~
, MI~~MI
-; ,
KEN COLE 'F ORD ciNe. ~,
.. Ken COle.; President"
"Steve Sekula and Frank Barberine - Owners"
Conveniently locate d at Kennedy Korne rs in Xenia, phone 372-06 83, this - firm bears the name which is both familiar and popula r with the people and is a place where you can feel at home while you are shopping. Its friendly atmosp here which predom inates at all times has placed this store in an individual class by itself and c.1n well be termed "Shop ping Headq uarters for this entire area". That much
discussed word, "SERV ICE", finds true expression in the friendly ahposp here that envelopes every custom er of this popular store. Each depart ment is superintended by well trained personnel and the merchandise is well handled so that all goOds will be the latest quality that th~ marke t affords in style-design, material and qu~lity.
• Here you will fmd the largest selection in the Miami Valley of , . fabrics, se:wing notion s and patterns. They also feature custom draperies and have over 600 fabric samph~!s by Decor ator industries and Trucra ft from which , you may <:hoose. its and ReView This 1971 do you that ts !,ugges , editors bUSiness with this reliable firm which has the interes t of ..every . custom er :a t heart.
You'll "See the Light" when you stop in at the Ken Coie Ford In". in Xenia locate d at lOS E. Market phone 372-69 78 for a look at the "Better- Idea Cars Fro~ Ford". Your choice can be made from; Maverick, Torino the full sized Fords. Mustang, or stylish Thund erbird . available in 48 model s - one suited to your desires. If it's a truck you need their selection has never bee~ greater. Stop in soon and see' the Pinto which is American made and impor t priced.
1lteir "Qual ity Car Care aO,(i Autolite parts ~ll give your .ca . that new car feeling for years't 0 :f come. Their trained serviCemen ,.. offer ~his area one of the mO$t expert repair center s around . .In this 1971 Review we. the' editors , offer our praise to this well-liked dealer who has served this area honest ly and faithfu lly' and suggest to our readers. that ' they make the Ken Cole Ford Inc. their headqu arters for 'n ew and used car purchases. "Take ~ tt quiet break in a Ford.
XEN IA DIS TRI BUT ING COMPANY '·8i11 Be.... - Owner"
"John Williams - Owner" has saved thousa nds of lives as well. No comm unity can progress withou t the services of the modern plumb er, who thorou ghly unders tands his business. These expert s are equipp ed to install steam and hot water systems. They will gladly give you details of the merits of the different systems, so that you may decide which metho d is
For expert plumb ing and heating installations and repairs, call John Williams Plumbing, Heating & Air Condit ioning on Lower Bellbrook Rd. in Xenia phone 372-64 20. In this day and age, our congested living condit ions will not permit us to live withou t plumbing and sanitat ion. Our modern sanitar y service has increased not only the length of our lives, but
. best for your ne.eds. If you are thinkin g of installing any kind of heatin g system , or need plumbing work, you will be more than repaid by consulting this firm . They also handle complete Chrysler Airtem p Heating and Air Conditioning Systems. The developers of this 1971 Town a nd Count ry Review make it a point to recom mend this contra ctor to our readers.
The Xenia Distrib uting Company locate d at 344 W. Church , in Xenia, phone 372-3571 are distrib utors in this area for the well known and popula r Carling's Black Label beer, and Red Cap
Ale. Call for an ice cold bottle when you want a real treat. The people of this area have preferr ed this beer for a long time. The brewers have done everyt hing in their power to provide you with the beer that you will like, and contin ue to drink. The brewers
"Will Goecke - PGA Professional"
'Garay Goecke and Paul Mille r - Ass't Instructors' Here is a phrase that is becoming , increasingly popula r today. This is unders tandab le when you consider the advantages of golf as a sport. The Xenia Golf Club and Restau rant, locate d at 944 Country Club Dr. in Xenia, phone 372-12 02 is known for congeniality of atmosp here . You will notice immed iately lhat there is prevalent a feeling of relaxation
This area is proud to feature the famou s Xenia Golf Club and Restau rant, all grass course . Golf lessons are given by competent P.G.A instructors. They have an excellent pro-shop where you can select golf equipm ent that will add to the enjoym ent of your game and will help get "the old golf score" down where you want it. "Let's have a game of golf'.
friendliness and pleasure that at once puts you at ease and prepar.es you for a pleasant game amId the most satisfa ctory surroundings. ~t . their restaur ant they have faclbhes for banqu ets, private parties and wedding receptions. We . the planners, are pleased to recom mend this comm unity minde d golf course to our readers of this 1971 Review.
ONE HOUR MAR TIN IZIN G The One Hour Martinizing, phone 376-2261 , at 168 W. Main, in Xenia is famous for quality of their work. People are often judged by their appear ance. Our clothes mean a great deal in making that first impression a good one. It is wise to keep them neat and clean. It is an established fact that fabrics that have been clean-
ed often wear a great deal longer . Be thrifty and have your clothes cleaned often by this One Hour Martinizing firm. Bring your next cleaning to the One Hour Martinizing where all the help is experi enced and their equipm ent is the best that is possible to secure. Your clothe s will be returned to you "Fresh as a Flow-
er in Just one Hour" from this fine One Hour Martinizer. They also offer the finest one day shirt service. We, the writers of this 1971 Town and Count ry Review, feel that we can highly recom mend this One Hour Martinizing Oeaners and refer them to all our readlers for the finest cleaning service available.
Dayton- Xenia Auto
itary arrangements are most completely planne d for the comfo rt of each guest and all metho ds are approv ed by the supervising medical author ities. All rooms are light and cheerfully decora ted, and haw that home atmosp here which bas a good psychological effect. Their food is prepar ed by a specialist on diets under the most the sanitar y condit ions,
From generators to altemator~ '\'.l With the price of auto parts to transmissions both standa rd as high as they are today, the and autom atic this fum can Bu'p-' , average person canno t afford to ply you with practic ally any part, keep his car in the best of repair. you might need. They never' sell unless he is a wise owner and parts they know are worn out or . saves his money by selecting his damaged withou t first telling parts from the Dayton-Xenia Rt. you ,the condit ion of what you Auto Wreckers locate d at buy. 42 South in Xenia phone 3725302. We., the writers ' of this 1971 These men are expert s in and Count ry Review; sugTown their field and can help you selgest to our readers that they ect just the right part to fit any save their money by selecting .particular project. They keep in good used parts from this' rei... · .~" stock a complete line of good ' used engines, and with their use , iable concer.n. Remember 'the ~. Auto -Xenm Dame. the Dlyton you can save many dollars over ' , ' Wreckers. overengine t having your presen hauled.
GIBSON NUR SIN G HOME The Gibson Nursing Home is located at 765 N. Detroi t in Xenia. Here they offer compl ete care of the aged, sick, and convalescent. This, nursing home is ,well locate d, has plenty of sunshine, never enoug h noise to bother the sick, yet near enoug h to town so' friends and relatives of guests can . call withou t inconvenience. Heating, ventilation and san-
of this popula r beer are leaders ,in their field and have discovered ' just the right process to place their beer in a class by itself. Try a bottle today or, better yet~ take a case home and treat your friends. We, the author s, of this 1971 rown and Count ry Review desire to point out the fine business reputa tion the Xenia Dlstrib uung Compa ny have built for them' selves. They are the leaders in . .... ants·; merch our to beer supplying . in this section .
guests well balanced meals, nourishing and appetizing, for rebuilding the health and streng th so necessary for the inactive penon . This and the surrou nding territo ry is very fortun ate in having a nursing horne, "So lib a home"_ The author s of this 1971 Review are proud to make particular mentio n of tbis weDrun nuni. . home who open , ttw:i~ doo~ to all. '
': i
·'Mr•• Mrs. Holley - Owners"
Conveniently locate d on per Rd. in Xenia phone 372897S, this popula r lumbe r yard carries a compl ete line of grade A building materia.., supplies~ and tools, and throug h tlieir fair metho ds of doing business and the high ' quality and fair. prices consta ntly offere d, they have won an e~viable reputa tion throug hout this section . . ~ pe~ple o( this .t~rritory, Including contra cton, buUde n, and do-j.t-yourself homeo wnen, haw come to thow tbat t~y can ""pend OR this lumbe r yard for ew~hinR i" ,b~ildiiII nilt-,
( '
erials. It may' be trull'.said t~t' ·. ' this firm is a valued asset to tIM; , . ' comm unity. 'j
p..e of the e~ntial featu r. ·
of any house, store or other" -'s tructu re is that it will stand the .', 'i ' :' wear of the ·yean. The true. of the reputa tion of' business firm and that ii , why,v the Holley I.11mber Co:. ~pjqjf ,.' an , ever increasing: . wlum e ':M ' bUsiness .and ,p opular it1. ,~'~ ~}\)
an)t '. ,
Miten 9f t~. 1.9~I " i'Ci.~; ,"
View are happy' .t~' . . . .i /. our rea" ma.• ·thil' tbelt
bet "dq.,~n'.. ' '~.. -, ..
l¥ . ,
LANG CHEVROLET ~IHarold (Stoney) Hedge~ - Owner l l .)
Body Shop, 10- for expert work ,iii: rebuilding 624 Trumbull St. in wrecked C41ts ~nd r~pairing dato- " 372-1681, renders . aged .cars. Whether· it is -just a . kl l';((QIDP:LeJe auto body a!ld feode.r scr~tch, bent fen~er or a crushed i!lcl1,lding auto ,.. bQdy, they can .fix your car,up , , I "I'aiWaYs get ·' the like ne~jn short order. quality work ·,tor less. Their sel'Yice is known far , in the ci,ty, but' in-. and wi(le not ' only' f~r their . ~urrounding , t~~ri~ory, abili~y fo render ,expert repair lml;j,~\1I/t=U' ktibwn -firm is famous ,,
, : .
work, but also for their· fair and honest dealings with their customers, and over 24 years of experience. Let them handle your insurance work. We, the 'drafters of this 1971 Town and, CQuntry Review, are most happy to recommeJld The Master Body, Shop to all our many readers.
IIRay 'Aubin - Owner" ment in fact ~ny engine that is, cooled' with the,radiator system. Thef 'have one of the most complete shops in this section specializing in repair at reasona\>le prices. From its beginning; this firm has been one of the leaders in this section. They are distributors
. for the Mark IV 31UtO ' ai~-condlt ioning units and feature sales and service. They are 'your local "AUTHORIZED" service station. So for the highest quality, best serv~ce and the most reasonable priceS-, we, the compilers, are happy to recommend io you the , Xenia Auto Radiator Service in this 1971 Town and Cou'ntry Review.
. SCOTTY'S REFRIGERATION IIScotty Bennett - Owner" "
wnetfier you neeel a minor or a major repair, these capable men can do the work for you. All you need tOI do is just telephone them and they will send a man as quickly as possible. Here you can also order a complete line of refrigeration equipment. They have on display, or available through them, : a complete !ine of coolers, dis-
play cases, water coolers, and many other types of refrigerator units. They do installation work on any of thes~! units, including mOVIng, engineering and store layout. In compiling this 1971 Town and Country Review Issue, we, the writers, feci that this firm deserves prominent mention.
, ',
-: DICK'S GLASS AND 'MIRROR CO. ,. . . '""
,lIDick Kn.,ley· O,w ner" an<lI:A\IJUfrC)r
' your exact ~cifica,tions.
Take, ~n inventory in your home tOdaYJand see what furnitUre ' you haVe that needs a .~ . ,;' . glass top, or what br~ken 'win.' ~ fun ~,~ .. of g1a~, for dows need replacing. Take the 1l(l('.M~"stote f~on~;: ~~sk:!~!( :'.:. f1'fe~su,(~~en,ts and, on your ~xt lCle.:l tJ.b,l s~, ~lct~~... ~,. " trip' to town, 'let them cut It to :~" ,~~!'SS of si~ ~hile, you wait. Or let them ·~}'ml',. hi~\ ~d '" !n~~ .. bring it' fo your home and install ~~:~!9~Il,lkl~O t~. ,, 0 ~ .-lre ' it . . ~tnI~'ltm_'dl~rits and give tb!'m Dick's :.Glass and' Mirror U;. tJtey ~ut it~to ,
carries a complete selection of -auto. and truck glass for ,most makes and models ~nd will install it while you wait. Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed on all work and they specialize in insurance claims.
From the Chevrolet Division of General Motors and the Lang Chevrolet located at 127 E. Main in Xenia phone 372-3553 there stands the exciting invitation to "Move Up to Chevy in 71 ", with over 20 models to choose from in many beautiful colors with a range of options that will please everyone. Stop in soon to see the Vega, America's all new economy car'. ' This dealership is regal ded by the people of this area as one that can be trusted to make fair and honest deals and who stands behind every sale they make with th&- -best service in town. Along with their" co-.:nplet~ sto~k of original equipment Del-
co ' parts and , accessories', this dealership employs highly skilled . automotive technicians ' who through using all the latest equipment can kee'P your car running and <,lriving like new for years to come. The writers of this 1971 .Town and Coun~ry Review would like to take this opportunity to commend the management of the Lang Chevrolet for their sincere efforts to bring to the people of this Jrea honest and fair deali,:!gs from their sel~ction of new Chevrolet cars and trucks as -.... well as their large inventory of good reconditioned "OK" used cars. We invite our readers to see them first. ,
DELABAR HARDWARE "Roger Delabar - Owner" Delabar Hardware located at 46 S. Detroit in Xenia phone 372-0581, is your "Do-it-Yourself" headquarters in this area. Be sure to visit this well known hardware store soon. They carry a complete stock of parts, tools, garden ' eqUipment, electrical supplies, and small appliances. These and many other types of merchandise are offered in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and·grades. Whether you're building a cabinet or laying' linoleum, these experienced men win help you choose the correct .tools and supplies. Their long experience
in this work has qualified them as t-he·"One-Stop" hardware sto're in this area'. The management is courteous and accommodating and believes that the best way to keep you coming back year after year is to give you highest quality merchandise at reasonable prices. This aim has developed for them a long and lasting friendship with the people in this entire trade territory. The compilers of this 1971 Review take pleasure -in referring our readers to Delabar Hardware as one of the friendliest stores in town.
Doubtless YO\J plan some 'improvements in your home this season. If so,I think of Adair's at 46 N. Detroit on the west side of the square in Xenia, phone 3726951, where new and beautiful styles and patterns of suites, occasional pieces, appliances, lamps, carpets, and rugs await your inspection. This furniture company specializes in nationally advertised lines of furniture with complete delivery and installation facilities_ In short, this progressive 'store offers the maximum of customer satisfaction at a min-
imum price with easy terms to fit your budget. For some time, they have served the people' of this area reliably and well. By stocking only items manufactured by well established and du~y recojllized home furnishing concerns, they have won. and held the confidence of their many patrons. They now serve an ever growing clientele of satisfied customers. No progress report would be complete without recommendation to the people of this area, and we, the writers, do so in our 1971 Town and Country Review.
le1 ,
wtn ..........
,.:.... :
.~; ~ .
If you are considering some remodeling or building, let them give you an estimate on the job. The wrtters of this 1971 Revie'Y reC9mmend this concern.
, "
The Cummings Water CondWater Conditioning ,Foundation itioning is located in Jame~town, of America:,and the Water Cond- ' phone 675-5911 or from toll itioning Foundation of Ohio. area call 376-1712. They offer at no obligation a Since th;e begil'ming o(-time, free analysis of your water, just MON:TGOM'ERY WARP CO. water has been as any other one . phone 376-1 712. substance. Our bodies carry a The wri~n of. this 1971 Rethe ~hi'dren: 'N~ntgomery W!lfd & Co: and browse through their higher per~~tage of water 'than view issue would like to take lafest-catalog. When you're ready all other elements combined. this opport~ity to stress the Needless to say, good wat~r is importance o( having a service to buy any thing from clothing and other riecessities, to a wide essential to good . health. Soft of this type available in" Our variety 'of luxUry items, simply water, free of minerals ,nd chem- community. They , win be glad ~~"'~72-~5.:5 a,nd, do Y9 ur shop. icals~ is th~ . s~rest way of know- to install and·service·a soft water pmg:by ·phbnte. ' in~ y~u are ~rinking ~od ~ter. system in yoJ.lf: home. We suggest ""'We,:tilt ,ilJaiulers of this 1971 'Thjs fum ~n be glad to exp~in you ., not wait- another day, but 'Iss •,.;If'"c)t'" ute: ' ' . ';d j-.>..,: , the, many . ,a,dvan ,' tages to your tele,phone them and" recelV~ ,com_~ ' 'I'l!'~ lIP ~~try .. :. ! ~~ , ,, w~," ~~~ ~great ~pl~~~e ~.' health" a_nd)-:tc:o~o.r~ by !ISing plet~, inforl1)ltip~ .. on the soft q .... ,.. &.~.u ...~~•• .r;,~••• ~ " {C , ~* ~ng', t~~.. ;,:fj"e _,'stote . soft'wat,¢r.. .... " . . , - , Welter servicQ~thisl f"m:e ' fitm 'cah' ~, aU~ur readers', . ,. ." "CUmriijfilS is amember of the offer yo~" O'
If,' ''
W~E$T Slj;)~ ~ ~EN.Q6 '09~AN¥:
.. ,.
'The finest in residential and, industrial fencing may be obtain. ed by contact~ng the West Side Fence Company located at 890 Parnell Drive in Xenia, phone 372-06 29.
1- .,:
This established fum has a reputation for fairness and honesty built by years of sound reliable business practice and efficient service by its many customers and patrons. Complete erection service is featured, also estimates without
(FHA terms are avail-· able with up to 5 years to pay.) If you want to dress up your home or business now, we recorrunend you look QYer their modern fencing products. Call for information or estimates, The compOsers of this 1971 Town and Country Re~ew, wish to commend this' reliable firm to our many readers and suggest they remember the West Side Fence Company for their fenee • products. '
, o~ligation.
",..:'rJ'he Ole~ry... Grove <;e~teJ.Y I' . 'j.s locatea, at ·~ Ol9." W. 2nd Str~eL . in Xenia, phone ~72-8921. 'J1ley " ' offer fantilies choice plt)ts.i n this
weU-ca~ed~tor m~l1}o~ial pr~~: The management will be glad·,to
have . you., Vii~f this . qteUlQJia) park and see . the ~autiful surround ingsth ey have I proVided. ' Beautifully lucated 'and 00- ' I proved lots a.re offered you at a surprisingIY: ~:Ow cost and most . liberal payment plan. Unfailing maintenance and ever-increasing" beautifi~tion has made this memorial park more attractive every year. If
Gra NEY 'S
AdvanCe Dr1y Wall
hensive information will be given Gibney's is located at 29 ,W. The inrtoduction of dry wall to prospective customers at aU in Xenia, phone ~72-6201. Mail! construction in 'building 'is 'one times whether the request be in Here tbey feature ~he latest style~ of the most important 'and timeperson, through your undertaker in modern dress design. They saving developments .since buildor over the telephone. Their .carry a complete line of ladies ing began .. In' this area, call the reputation as honest and straight ready-ta-wear suitable "for the Advance Dry Wall located at 456 forward business people extends college girl, business- woman, or Beatty Dr. in Xenia, phone 372far and wide. The high quality housewjfe.' Th~s ' shop caters to 2689. of their merchandise, combined the discriminating woman of Methods of building ' conwith modern prices and the serthe section. They have kept right struct,i on have been constahtly vices they render has b~ought ' 'in step with the tastes of the improved 'since the first crude this firm a very large patronage women in this area, and carry structures. The smooth, sturdy and the confidence of all the some of the finest brand names and adaptable dry wall construcpeople in this section. in women's: apparel. . tion has been ' a boom to the Only through this knowledge this shop you can find just m home building ' 'and remodeling are we, the writers of this 1971 the right accessories to complete business. Town and Country Reviey.r able your new outfit. Also they-e an Call them to learn about the to unhesitatingly recommend show you an array of sport reasonable rates for dry wall inthis monument company to our clothes, play suits, slacks, skirts stallation. Complete dry wall serreaders. and blous'es you will like. Device is offered here including inpend upon them to furnish the stallation, taping and J exturing. clothes you' will need. Whether Expert work is the standard it is a coat, SUit, bag Or dress, of this fine contracting, firm. No GOU RME T SHOP this is the shop where you always job is too large or too sma)) and will find an exciting selection. service is offered anywhere in "Jim Rigdon - Owne r" If you have not visite d Gibthis area. ney's you are cordially invifed to The compilers of this 1971 so. do Town and Country Review unyou want, they have a complete Re1971 this of editors The your for arters The headqu hesitatingly recommend the selection and are always glad to reto e pleasur Qur it make view Xenia favorite party beverages in Advance Dry Wall for dry wall suggest the suitable drink for all to store fine this end comm is the Gourmet Shop at I 82 contracting in this area. the occasion or meal. . rs. reade our 71. 372-55 phone Charles All of the popular brands of soft drinks are kept in stock, and Courteous and helpful service you 'll always find that favorite is , a hallmark of this establishbeer or malt liquor. ment, which has served this area Here you will find a fine sel, for some time. ection of snacks, luncheon meats Most of the beverage items and dairy items as well as crushyou'll need for that party your ed and cube ice. An evaluation study was reIn the educational opportun- , planning are sold, here. Make compilers of this 1971 The sville Wayn,e by eted c.ompl ng cently shoppi p one-sto ities which were rated greatly ' them your Town and Country Review are rs istrato admin and rs and teache deficient the reasons were ' beplace for party beverages ' happy to recommend this well. system school throughout the cause adequate financing ,not ' mixers . liked carry-out store to our readparResults were released to the available to support teachers, If it is wine or champagne ers. ents in a school paper called the facilities for pre-~chooler ed" "Informer. ucation, no summer school for , prethe at The school system children and adults who wish to sent time meets the minimum continue their educ.ation,- ne the by down set as rds standa J & S CAB INE T CO. State Department of Education. gram for children who desire or " The survey for the total system need remedial assistance, or en"Jim Shaw - Owne r" was rated from good, somewhat richment instruction·, ·~mit~.d deficient, adequate, greatly defcontinuing education program met with more success than this This reliable cabinet shop is icient to excellent. reliable firm. You can be'assured located at 575 Home Ave. in . ----that your measurements will be ----------------------------------------~-Xenia, phone 3 Tl.-5276. They specifi and ". to d adhere strictly aJso have a new show room at cations will be followed to the Rd. irfield 3027 Bellbrook-Fa letter. Only the best grade of (1287 N. Fairfield Rd.) phone materials go into the cabinet 426-88 10. Be sure to call them work here. Preside nt Roosevelt ordere d liquidation Of the WPA, if work t cabine of types all for They offer complete in-door ber 4, 1942. Gen. George Washington took leave of bII Decem you want the highest type workfinishing work for residential, officers in New York City, December 4,1'783. ' manship, The Russian congress approv ed a new Soviet eGDlUtUtlO.n, commeraal, and industrial buildDecember 5, 1936. Some 289 Uves were lolt In a Brookl yn ' ings. -, theater fire, December 5, 1816. A completely eqUipped cabry Count n4 a ' Town 1971 This Great Brltab l lDe~ . at and RUlsia, The 'United States, inet shop and the ability to han, State lVU "eaIed, Free pers Iri.h develo The its and 1943, 6, Issue ber Dec,em Review n, Tehera '".. , die all types of cabinet work is . . . 1921. 6, December recomto e pleasur a it er consid and rs very important to builde _ JapaJlete forces attacke d p.,arJ. Har~r, Deeeaaber 7. :1"~. mend the J. & S. Cabinet Com- ; The Unlte(t Statel dec!Jared a state of war WItII' 4~ : ~ : , home owners. In this :~ection, ' pany. cembe r 1, 191~, there is no cabinet shop that has
The Dodds Monument Com- , pany, serving the Miami Valley since 1864 is located at 123 West Main Street in Xenia, phone 372-44 08 where they feature a complete stock of monuments. The high grade monuments sold here have been recognized by the people of this area as the very best and most economical to purchase because they wil1 last forever. These monuments will last as long as the mountains around us. It can be ,truly said that anything in the way of monuments can be secured from them and you may be assured that the product will be of the highest quality. Special service and compre-
New York lea~ ' .t1ie ..nati9n .in, the' numbe r of IridePende~t .. manuf acturin , bua'ineuea ll.teet by Dun '" Bradltie;et'. ' pMl ,~ , market~nl inro~ati0'l aervice, , with 47,110 . Califorrua co!!,_ I, next with 35,576 . Little llhOde 1" Island, with 3,001 'Ii8tinp . ,~p'.... Wyom in,'s '318 hy almOit 10 ;~ . to I!
Ichaal Officilll I rII I,pI rid in I
"Vail James - Owne r"
conditioner, or electrical and ., ). 'I James' 'Service is located in ignition system. These men are Ub~rion at 20 East Silver, phone trained to handle in an expert . 932~i&56. This shop renders a manner just such delicate work . . c6mplete motor tune-up, elec, These experts hold the poltrical, alternator, gefterator, starticy that no piece of work leaves er and air conditioning unit serthe shop without a guarantee of " ~ice to motorists in this area. No sa tisfaction. automobile adjustment or reIt is a tribute to them that pair' is more delicate or requires . car-owners in this area have made 'more careful technical skill than this establishment the official air adjustment and repair of the air
conditioner, electrical and ignition service garage for their cars. Drive your car to James' Service for expert service .
Beautify your car ~s weU as materially increase its value by having it cleaned and reconditioned at Beni & Elsie's Car aean, at 300 New Street, in Lebanon, phone 933-5956. Your car deserves more than a lick and a promise. Here they wiU completely clean and recondition the exterior and interior. Then, except for occasional' washin~ to get rid of surface dirt, you can forget it for a whole year. Individual owners, garage and service men , and automobile dealers over a wide area avail
·As we , the writers of this 1971 Town and Country Edition review the area, we highly commend the business practices of this firm.
COATES SALES & SERVICE "Hen ry C. Gillen - Manager" customer his best advertisement urious Ambassador, with such through conscientiou s, courtappeal as air conditioning as eous treatment before and after standard eqUipment, priced bethe sale. low other luxury cars; the GremThe organizers of this 1971 lin; and the all new Matador, Review recommend this dealeravailable in three styles. for their quality products, ship The place. to go is Coates excellent service Sales & Service at 105 East ,. fair treatment, and repair department , and for a Main 'in Lebanon , phone 932good selecti on -of reconditioned 9010, a dealer known in this 'used cars. area as one who considers every
When Anlerican Motors display the words Red, White, and ,Blue, you can be sure that they mean dollar savings to you when you choose anyon e of the 21 ~dels they offer for 1971. First , Gomes the Hornet, America's most practical and economical compact; the Javelin, for the person who wants to ' ''T!irn On" in driving; the lux~
I ,
. '.
taking the steps of retiring our car or truck. Don't let that factor bother you anymore. The management at this well liked tire store has made arrangements tor easy budget terms for tire purchases. Along with their fine line of reasonably priced tires, you'll not f.ind a more friendly and honest firm to do business with. Bob Masters, Glen Davis, and Mike Luti ' are fully tramed in
selecting jus,t the right tire to do the job, and! th~y also make sure that when i.t is mounted it will be in perfect balance . In this 1971 Town and Country Review, we, the authors, are pleased to recommend this tire dealer to all of our readers. Remember the name, Walt· Luti TIre Co. for all your tire needs. Remember, they also provide muffler, brake, and shock repair and replacement, and do front end alignment.
themselves of this unique service, and speak most highly of it. Be sure to ask about their motor reconditioning service. Attendants here are courteous, and see that your car is handled as carefully as if it were their own. Your car's beauty and cleanliness are the business of this establishment. The management has built a fine reputation by serving the public honestly, and providing a fine service . The writers of this 1971 Town and Country Review recommend Beni & Elsie's Car Clean.
LOcated on Waynesville Rd., 8/10 mile south of Waynesville, just off U.S. 42
ning to build or remodel, give 1 them a call, they will gladly make an estimate for you. They specialize in insurance claim work. Service is one of the gUiding influences of this firm. The people and merchants alike have learned this and rely upon them for superior qualities in glass and supplies. In making this 1971 Review, we, the editors , wish to compliment Morning Star Glass Inc., phone 932-0941, and direct the attention of all our readers to them as one of the reliable business institutions of the community which has added to the development of this part of the They feature only thehighest quality products, If you are plan- state.
Lynn (Boz) Russell Marathon Distributor
deliveries and never walk over iveries, automatic fill service, to the" years many people terms. t flowers or delicate landscaping. their 'easy budge have come tQ realize that Marathon heating oiJis the best you The compilers of this 1971 It 'is easy to understand with can buy. ·They are well repretheir complete services why so Town and! Country Review take the made have ~' ..\',,',' ' sented~ this area by Lynn (Boz) people many pride in complimenting the man, utor Distrib on s. Marath 1 "patron . "," .~ussel change and become loyal :agement of Lynn (Boz) RusseU . rlocated, on· Route 42 South in Marathon Distributor for the fine The management bas wisely , ~~non.\, Jh~ne 932~ 1811 anyservice to the people of this cOmpetent men, .who only hired them let and t year the; ~f. t to all to enjoy time a friendly .}atea and sugges .With and U$ly courteo ete compl cost, '._'.':7,," . e,p~in ,their ,low the chanJ ' to the friendly service smile ~ncJle 'their a~unts : They ~ St;r~~ ra, "g .froin the best ,in ' . . this distributor. of are' carefuLnot to "~pil1',on ~heir' " 'heatin$ ~iJjfta~t depeildablcr del-
This firm , located at 558 West Main in Lebanon, carries every· thing in the way of auto glass, plate glass, wire glass, and window glass, including mirrors. You will find here the most up-to-date mirrors for console, buffet and many other uses ; store front glass either 40uble strength or plate. They will cut it to any desired size and fit it for you . They are equipped to cut glass most effiCiently and employ only skilled personnel. Have them install the glass in your truck or auto while you wait. Your complete satisfaction is g\larante~d.
"Boz Russell - Owne r"
WAL T LUT I TIRE CO. The name Walt Luti Tire Co. in Lebanon, located at 495 lakeside Drive (behind Frisch's), phone 933-2075, has become a popular byword in the area for farmers, businessmen and drivers in general for their friendly ser. vice, and excellent line of the popUlar, high quality Firestone, , Dunldp ~nd Michelin tires. We all know that worn tires " can be extremely dangerous, but sometimes the cost of buying , new tires can make us put off
Beni & Elsie Harrison - Owners"
HOURS: SUN: 12-6 MON-FRI : 9-6
The Main Auto Parts & Glass Co. at 409 North Broadway, in lebanon, phone 933-1015, has one of the largest stocks of auto and truck parts in this section, and is distributor for DuPont automotive paints and Quaker State Motor Oil. They also offer a complete automotive machine shop service. We wish to compliment the
c. & E. GARAGE '~Norman
In the past few years the automobile, industry has turned their once nut and bolt jalopy into a complex piece of precision engineered eqUipment, built for high speed and strenusous uses. No longer can just any mechanic properly repair your car today. That is why the people of this area have turned to the C. & E. Garage, located at 103 South
(,Curley) Lewis· Owner"
Cherry in Lebanon, phone ,9321856, for expert, profesSional repair work. They have taken the time to learn the proper procedure for repairing today's automobile, and iUse only the latest factory ap-i proved eqUipment. Once the job is finished, you can be sure that it is done right and you won't have to take it back to get th~ work completed.
The clOmpile-rs of this' 1.971 Town and Country. ~vley.":~e commend to our 'readers ~hat when they need expert repair work, they take their car to ,the friendly professionals at the C.-&' E. Garage. We know you'll t>e glad you did. They wish to thank all the folks for past patronage, and hope t~ continue to serve . you i,n the futwe.
J,I II'I '1111 I-II IIIY' IIIP "J. W. M()CkabIe • 0wIa''' Jack's Paint and Body 9top, located at 1277 W. Main in Wilmington phone 382-3925. renders a complete auto body and fender repair ,service. including auto painting. You always get the best in quality work for less. Not only in the city, but in all the surrounding territory, this
well known firm is famous for expert work in rebuilding wrecked cars and repairing dainaged cars. Whether it is just a scratch, bent fender or a crushed body, they can fIX yow car up like new in short order. Their service is known far and wide not only for ,their
ability to render eJpert repair work, but also for their fair and honest dealings with their customers. Let them handle your insur~ce work. We, the draft,ers of this 1971 Town and CoUntry Review, are most happy to recommend Jack's Paint and Body 9top to all our many readers.
Weight Watchers Founder In Area
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Mrs. Nidetch, dynamic leader of more than 2 million "Weight Watchers" members, will address a free meeting, open' to the public on Wednesday, May S, 8 p.m. at the Cincinnati Convention-Exposition Center. Admittance is by ticket only. Free tickets may be obtained by 'calling the "Weight Watchers" office 631-8000. ' Mrs. Nidetch will appear on the Bob Blaun 50- 50 Oub at Noon on Tuesday, May 4. She will conduct 'an Autograph Party at Pogue's Kenwood Store Tu~s day night, May 4 from 7:30 -
9 p.m. On May 5, she will appear at the Book Department at Pogue's Tri-County Store , from 10-11 :30 a.m. and at the Book Department of Pogue's Downtown Store from 2:30-4:30-p.m. Mrs. Nidetch is the authoress of the "Weight Watchers Cook Book", which has sold over 700,000 copies. She recently penned "The Story of Weight Wa t chers. " Over 120 "Weight Watchers" classes operate ' weekly in the Western and South Ohio and Northern Kentucky areas, under the leadership of Area Director,
Adrianne Levine. Members have lost over 230 tons of fat in the ' last 3 years. More than 40 area members have lost in excess of 100 lbs., and one local lecturer has dropped 200 lbs.
IL is ilmposaible to get anything colder than minus 459.6 degrees Fahrenheit! This temperature is called ablolute zero, and is the temperatu~ at which all molecular motion Htoptil completely. Since heat is molecular motion, objects at this temperature are heaUeu.